""" external library imports """ import logging import traceback import urllib import urlparse import uuid from datetime import timedelta from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from decimal import Decimal as D from xml.dom import minidom """ django imports """ from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse """ regluit imports """ from regluit.payment import credit from regluit.payment.models import Transaction, Receiver, PaymentResponse, Account from regluit.payment.parameters import * from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged, pledge_modified, pledge_created from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def append_element(doc, parent, name, text): element = doc.createElement(name) parent.appendChild(element) text_node = doc.createTextNode(text) element.appendChild(text_node) return element # at this point, there is no internal context and therefore, the methods of PaymentManager can be recast into static methods class PaymentManager( object ): def processIPN(self, request, module): # Forward to our payment processor mod = __import__("regluit.payment." + module, fromlist=[str(module)]) return mod.Processor().ProcessIPN(request) def update_preapproval(self, transaction): """Update a transaction to hold the data from a PreapprovalDetails on that transaction""" t = transaction p = transaction.get_payment_class().PreapprovalDetails(t) preapproval_status = {'id':t.id, 'key':t.preapproval_key} if p.error() or not p.success(): logger.info("Error retrieving preapproval details for transaction %d" % t.id) preapproval_status["error"] = "An error occurred while verifying this transaction, see server logs for details" else: # Check the transaction status if t.status != p.status: preapproval_status["status"] = {'ours':t.status, 'theirs':p.status} t.status = p.status t.local_status = p.local_status t.save() # check the currency code if t.currency != p.currency: preapproval_status["currency"] = {'ours':t.currency, 'theirs':p.currency} t.currency = p.currency t.save() # Check the amount if t.max_amount != D(p.amount): preapproval_status["amount"] = {'ours':t.max_amount, 'theirs':p.amount} t.max_amount = p.amount t.save() # Check approved if t.approved != p.approved: preapproval_status["approved"] = {'ours':t.approved, 'theirs':p.approved} t.approved = p.approved t.save() # In amazon FPS, we may not have a pay_key via the return URL, update here try: if t.pay_key != p.pay_key: preapproval_status['pay_key'] = {'ours':t.pay_key, 'theirs':p.pay_key} t.pay_key = p.pay_key t.save() except: # No problem, p.pay_key is not defined for paypal function blah = "blah" return preapproval_status def update_payment(self, transaction): """Update a transaction to hold the data from a PaymentDetails on that transaction""" t = transaction payment_status = {'id':t.id} p = transaction.get_payment_class().PaymentDetails(t) if p.error() or not p.success(): logger.info("Error retrieving payment details for transaction %d" % t.id) payment_status['error'] = "An error occurred while verifying this transaction, see server logs for details" else: # Check the transaction status if t.status != p.status: payment_status['status'] = {'ours': t.status, 'theirs': p.status} t.status = p.status t.local_status = p.local_status t.save() receivers_status = [] for r in p.transactions: # This is only supported for paypal at this time try: receiver = Receiver.objects.get(transaction=t, email=r['email']) receiver_status = {'email':r['email']} logger.info(r) logger.info(receiver) # Check for updates on each receiver's status. Note that unprocessed delayed chained payments # will not have a status code or txn id code if receiver.status != r['status']: receiver_status['status'] = {'ours': receiver.status, 'theirs': r['status']} receiver.status = r['status'] receiver.save() if receiver.txn_id != r['txn_id']: receiver_status['txn_id'] = {'ours':receiver.txn_id, 'theirs':r['txn_id']} receiver.txn_id = r['txn_id'] receiver.save() except: traceback.print_exc() if not set(["status","txn_id"]).isdisjoint(receiver_status.keys()): receivers_status.append(receiver_status) if len(receivers_status): payment_status["receivers"] = receivers_status return payment_status def checkStatus(self, past_days=None, transactions=None): ''' Run through all pay transactions and verify that their current status is as we think. Allow for a list of transactions to be passed in or for the method to check on all transactions within the given past_days ''' DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_CHECK = 3 status = {'payments':[], 'preapprovals':[]} # look at all PAY transactions for stated number of past days; if past_days is not int, get all Transaction # only PAY transactions have date_payment not None if transactions is None: if past_days is None: past_days = DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_CHECK try: ref_date = now() - relativedelta(days=int(past_days)) payment_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_payment__gte=ref_date) except: ref_date = now() payment_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_payment__isnull=False) logger.info(payment_transactions) # Now look for preapprovals that have not been paid and check on their status preapproval_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_authorized__gte=ref_date, date_payment=None, type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION) logger.info(preapproval_transactions) transactions = payment_transactions | preapproval_transactions for t in transactions: # deal with preapprovals if t.date_payment is None: preapproval_status = self.update_preapproval(t) logger.info("transaction: {0}, preapproval_status: {1}".format(t, preapproval_status)) if not set(['status', 'currency', 'amount', 'approved']).isdisjoint(set(preapproval_status.keys())): status["preapprovals"].append(preapproval_status) # update payments else: payment_status = self.update_payment(t) if not set(["status", "receivers"]).isdisjoint(payment_status.keys()): status["payments"].append(payment_status) # Clear out older, duplicate preapproval transactions cleared_list = [] for p in transactions: # pick out only the preapprovals if p.date_payment is None and p.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and p.status == TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE and p not in cleared_list: # keep only the newest transaction for this user and campaign user_transactions_for_campaign = Transaction.objects.filter(user=p.user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=p.campaign).order_by('-date_authorized') if len(user_transactions_for_campaign) > 1: logger.info("Found %d active transactions for campaign" % len(user_transactions_for_campaign)) self.cancel_related_transaction(user_transactions_for_campaign[0], status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=transactions[0].campaign) cleared_list.extend(user_transactions_for_campaign) # Note, we may need to call checkstatus again here return status def run_query(self, transaction_list, summary=True, campaign_total=False, pledged=False, authorized=False, incomplete=False, completed=False, pending=False, error=False, failed=False, **kwargs): ''' Generic query handler for returning summary and transaction info, see query_user and query_campaign campaign_total=True includes all payment types which should count towards campaign total ''' if campaign_total: # must double check when adding Paypal or other # return only ACTIVE transactions with approved=True list = transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, approved=True).exclude(status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED) list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) else: list = Transaction.objects.none() if pledged: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) if authorized: # return only ACTIVE transactions with approved=True list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, approved=True) if incomplete: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) if completed: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) if pending: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_PENDING) if error: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ERROR) if failed: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED) if summary: amount = D('0.00') for t in list: if t.type==PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT: for r in t.receiver_set.all(): # # Currently receivers are only used for paypal, so keep the paypal status code here # if r.status == IPN_SENDER_STATUS_COMPLETED: # or IPN_SENDER_STATUS_COMPLETED # individual senders may not have been paid due to errors, and disputes/chargebacks only appear here amount += r.amount else: amount += t.amount return amount else: return list def query_user(self, user, **kwargs): ''' query_user Returns either an amount or list of transactions for a user summary: if true, return a float of the total, if false, return a list of transactions return value: either a float summary or a list of transactions Note: this method appears to be unused. ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(user=user) return self.run_query(transactions, **kwargs) def query_campaign(self, campaign, **kwargs ): ''' query_campaign Returns either an amount or list of transactions for a campaign summary: if true, return a float of the total, if false, return a list of transactions return value: either a float summary or a list of transactions ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign) return self.run_query(transactions, **kwargs) def execute_campaign(self, campaign): ''' execute_campaign attempts to execute all pending transactions for a campaign. return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' # only allow active transactions to go through again, if there is an error, intervention is needed transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) results = [] for t in transactions: # # Currently receivers are only used for paypal, so it is OK to leave the paypal info here # receiver_list = [{'email':settings.PAYPAL_GLUEJAR_EMAIL, 'amount':t.amount}, {'email':campaign.paypal_receiver, 'amount':D(t.amount) * (D('1.00') - D(str(settings.GLUEJAR_COMMISSION)))}] try: self.execute_transaction(t, receiver_list) except Exception as e: results.append((t, e)) else: results.append((t, None)) return results def finish_campaign(self, campaign): ''' finish_campaign attempts to execute all remaining payment to non-primary receivers This is currently only supported for paypal return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' # QUESTION: to figure out which transactions are in a state in which the payment to the primary recipient is done but not to secondary recipient # Consider two possibilities: status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE or execution = EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED # which one? Let's try the second one # only allow incomplete transactions to go through again, if there is an error, intervention is needed transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, execution=EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED) for t in transactions: result = self.finish_transaction(t) # TO DO: update campaign status return transactions def cancel_campaign(self, campaign, reason="UNSUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN"): ''' cancel_campaign attempts to cancel active preapprovals related to the campaign return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) for t in transactions: result = self.cancel_transaction(t) if result: t.reason = reason t.save() return transactions def finish_transaction(self, transaction): ''' finish_transaction calls the paypal API to execute payment to non-primary receivers transaction: the transaction we want to complete ''' if transaction.execution != EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED: logger.error("FinishTransaction called with invalid execution type") return False # mark this transaction as executed transaction.date_executed = now() transaction.save() p = transaction.get_payment_class().Finish(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error(): logger.info("finish_transaction Success") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("finish_transaction error " + p.error_string()) return False def execute_transaction(self, transaction, receiver_list): ''' execute_transaction executes a single pending transaction. transaction: the transaction object to execute receiver_list: a list of receivers for the transaction, in this format: [ {'email':'email-1', 'amount':amount1}, {'email':'email-2', 'amount':amount2} ] return value: a bool indicating the success or failure of the process. Please check the transaction status after the IPN has completed for full information ''' if len(transaction.receiver_set.all()) > 0: # we are re-submitting a transaction, wipe the old receiver list transaction.receiver_set.all().delete() transaction.create_receivers(receiver_list) # Mark as payment attempted so we will poll this periodically for status changes transaction.date_payment = now() transaction.save() p = transaction.get_payment_class().Execute(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.api(), correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) # We will update our transaction status when we receive the IPN if p.success() and not p.error(): transaction.pay_key = p.key() transaction.save() return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("execute_transaction Error: " + p.error_string()) return False def cancel_transaction(self, transaction): ''' cancel cancels a pre-approved transaction return value: True if successful, false otherwise ''' # does this transaction explicity require preapprovals? requires_explicit_preapprovals = transaction.get_payment_class().requires_explicit_preapprovals if requires_explicit_preapprovals: p = transaction.get_payment_class().CancelPreapproval(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error(): logger.info("Cancel Transaction " + str(transaction.id) + " Completed") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("Cancel Transaction " + str(transaction.id) + " Failed with error: " + p.error_string()) return False else: # if no explicit preapproval required, we just have to mark the transaction as cancelled. transaction.status = TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED transaction.save() return True def authorize(self, transaction, expiry= None, return_url=None, paymentReason="unglue.it Pledge", modification=False): ''' authorize authorizes a set amount of money to be collected at a later date return_url: url to redirect supporter to after a successful transaction paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in the unglue.it accounting modification: whether this authorize call is part of a modification of an existing pledge return value: a tuple of the new transaction object and a re-direct url. If the process fails, the redirect url will be None ''' if transaction.host == PAYMENT_HOST_NONE: #TODO send user to select a payment processor -- for now, set to a system setting transaction.host = settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR # we might want to not allow for a return_url to be passed in but calculated # here because we have immediate access to the Transaction object. if return_url is None: return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), urllib.urlencode({'tid':transaction.id})) return_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL_SECURE, return_path) p = transaction.get_payment_class().Preapproval(transaction, transaction.max_amount, expiry, return_url=return_url, paymentReason=paymentReason) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = p.correlation_id(), timestamp = p.timestamp(), info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error(): transaction.preapproval_key = p.key() transaction.save() # it make sense for the payment processor library to calculate next_url when # user is redirected there. But if no redirection is required, send user # straight on to the return_url url = p.next_url() if url is None: url = return_url logger.info("Authorize Success: " + url if url is not None else '') # modification and initial pledge use different notification templates -- # decide which to send # we need to fire notifications at the first point at which we are sure # that the transaction has successfully completed; triggering notifications # when the transaction is initiated risks sending notifications on transactions # that for whatever reason fail. will need other housekeeping to handle those. # sadly this point is not yet late enough in the process -- needs to be moved # until after we are certain. if not modification: # BUGBUG: # send the notice here for now # this is actually premature since we're only about to send the user off to the payment system to # authorize a charge pledge_created.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction) return transaction, url else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("Authorize Error: " + p.error_string()) return transaction, None def charge(self, transaction, return_url=None, paymentReason="unglue.it Purchase"): ''' charge immediately attempt to collect on transaction return_url: url to redirect supporter to after a successful transaction paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in our stripe accounting return value: a tuple of the new transaction object and a re-direct url. If the process fails, the redirect url will be None ''' if transaction.host == PAYMENT_HOST_NONE: #TODO send user to select a payment processor -- for now, set to a system setting transaction.host = settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR # we might want to not allow for a return_url to be passed in but calculated # here because we have immediate access to the Transaction object. #if return_url is None: # # #return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('charge_complete'), # # urllib.urlencode({'tid':transaction.id})) # return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), # urllib.urlencode({'tid':transaction.id})) # return_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL_SECURE, return_path) # Question: do I need to set transaction.amount = transaction.max_amount ? p = transaction.get_payment_class().Pay(transaction, amount=transaction.max_amount, return_url=return_url, paymentReason=paymentReason) # Create a response for this #envelope = p.envelope() # #if envelope: # r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, # correlation_id = p.correlation_id(), # timestamp = p.timestamp(), # info = p.raw_response, # transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error(): transaction.preapproval_key = p.key() transaction.save() # it make sense for the payment processor library to calculate next_url when # user is redirected there. But if no redirection is required, send user # straight on to the return_url url = p.next_url() if url is None: url = return_url logger.info("Pay Success: " + url if url is not None else '') return transaction, url else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("Pay Error: " + p.error_string()) return transaction, None def process_transaction(self, currency, amount, host=PAYMENT_HOST_NONE, campaign=None, user=None, return_url=None, paymentReason="unglue.it Pledge", pledge_extra=None, modification=False): ''' process saves and processes a proposed transaction; decides if the transaction should be processed immediately. currency: a 3-letter currency code, i.e. USD amount: the amount to authorize host: the name of the processing module; if none, send user back to decide! campaign: required campaign object user: optional user object return_url: url to redirect supporter to after a successful transaction paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in the Payer's Amazon (and Paypal?) account modification: whether this authorize call is part of a modification of an existing pledge pledge_extra: extra pledge stuff return value: a tuple of the new transaction object and a re-direct url. If the process fails, the redirect url will be None ''' # set the expiry date based on the campaign deadline expiry = campaign.deadline + timedelta( days=settings.PREAPPROVAL_PERIOD_AFTER_CAMPAIGN ) t = Transaction.create(amount=0, host = host, max_amount=amount, currency=currency, campaign=campaign, user=user, pledge_extra=pledge_extra ) t.save() # does user have enough credit to pledge now? if user.credit.available >= amount : # YES! credit.pledge_transaction(t,user,amount) return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), urllib.urlencode({'tid':t.id})) return_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL_SECURE, return_path) pledge_created.send(sender=self, transaction=t) return t, return_url else: # send user to choose payment path return t, reverse('fund_pledge', args=[t.id]) def cancel_related_transaction(self, transaction, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=None): ''' Cancels any other similar status transactions for the same campaign. Used with modify code Returns the number of transactions successfully canceled ''' related_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(status=status, user=transaction.user) if len(related_transactions) == 0: return 0 if campaign: related_transactions = related_transactions.filter(campaign=campaign) canceled = 0 for t in related_transactions: if t.id == transaction.id: # keep our transaction continue if self.cancel_transaction(t): canceled = canceled + 1 # send notice about modification of transaction if transaction.amount > t.amount: # this should be the only one that happens up_or_down = "increased" elif transaction.amount < t.amount: # we shouldn't expect any case in which this happens up_or_down = "decreased" else: # we shouldn't expect any case in which this happens up_or_down = None pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction, up_or_down=up_or_down) else: logger.error("Failed to cancel transaction {0} for related transaction {1} ".format(t, transaction)) return canceled def modify_transaction(self, transaction, amount, expiry=None, pledge_extra=None, return_url=None, nevermind_url=None, paymentReason=None): ''' modify Modifies a transaction. 2 main situations: if the new amount is less than max_amount, no need to go out to PayPal again if new amount is greater than max_amount...need to go out and get new approval. to start with, we can use the standard pledge_complete, pledge_cancel machinery might have to modify the pledge_complete, pledge_cancel because the messages are going to be different because we're modifying a pledge rather than a new one. amount: the new amount expiry: the new expiration date, or if none the current expiration date will be used return_url: the return URL after the preapproval(if needed) paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in the Payer's Amazon (and Paypal?) account return value: True if successful, False otherwise. An optional second parameter for the forward URL if a new authorhization is needed ''' logger.info("transaction.id: {0}, amount:{1}".format(transaction.id, amount)) if amount < transaction.amount: up_or_down = "decreased" elif amount > transaction.amount: up_or_down = "increased" else: up_or_down = "modified" # if expiry is None, use the existing value if expiry is None: expiry = transaction.date_expired # does this transaction explicity require preapprovals? requires_explicit_preapprovals = transaction.get_payment_class().requires_explicit_preapprovals if transaction.type != PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION: logger.info("Error, attempt to modify an invalid transaction type") return False, None # Can only modify an active, pending transaction. If it is completed, we need to do a refund. If it is incomplete, # then an IPN may be pending and we cannot touch it if transaction.status != TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE: logger.info("Error, attempt to modify a transaction that is not active") return False, None if transaction.host == PAYMENT_HOST_CREDIT: # does user have enough credit to pledge now? if transaction.user.credit.available >= amount-transaction.amount : # YES! transaction.set_pledge_extra(pledge_extra) credit.pledge_transaction(transaction,transaction.user,amount) return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), urllib.urlencode({'tid':transaction.id})) return_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL_SECURE, return_path) logger.info("Updated amount of transaction to %f" % amount) pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction,up_or_down=up_or_down) return transaction, return_url else: # cancel old transaction, send user to choose new payment path # set the expiry date based on the campaign deadline expiry = transaction.campaign.deadline + timedelta( days=settings.PREAPPROVAL_PERIOD_AFTER_CAMPAIGN ) t = Transaction.create(amount=0, max_amount=amount, currency=transaction.currency, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_MODIFIED, campaign=transaction.campaign, user=transaction.user, pledge_extra=pledge_extra ) t.save() credit.Processor.CancelPreapproval(transaction) return t, reverse('fund_pledge', args=[t.id]) elif requires_explicit_preapprovals and (amount > transaction.max_amount or expiry != transaction.date_expired): # set the expiry date based on the campaign deadline expiry = transaction.campaign.deadline + timedelta( days=settings.PREAPPROVAL_PERIOD_AFTER_CAMPAIGN ) # Start a new transaction for the new amount t = Transaction.create(amount=amount, max_amount=amount, host=transaction.host, currency=transaction.currency, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_CREATED, campaign=transaction.campaign, user=transaction.user, pledge_extra=pledge_extra ) t.save() t, url = self.authorize(transaction, expiry=expiry if expiry else transaction.date_expired, return_url=return_url, paymentReason=paymentReason, modification=True ) if t and url: # Need to re-direct to approve the transaction logger.info("New authorization needed, redirection to url %s" % url) # Do not cancel the transaction here, wait until we get confirmation that the transaction is complete # then cancel all other active transactions for this campaign #self.cancel_transaction(transaction) # while it would seem to make sense to send a pledge notification change here # if we do, we will also send notifications when we initiate but do not # successfully complete a pledge modification return True, url else: # a problem in authorize logger.info("Error, unable to start a new authorization") # should we send a pledge_modified signal with state="failed" and a # corresponding notification to the user? that would go here. return False, None elif (requires_explicit_preapprovals and amount <= transaction.max_amount) or (not requires_explicit_preapprovals): # Update transaction but leave the preapproval alone transaction.amount = amount transaction.set_pledge_extra(pledge_extra) transaction.save() logger.info("Updated amount of transaction to %f" % amount) # when modifying pledges happens immediately and only within our # db, we don't have to wait until we hear back to be assured of # success; send the notification immediately pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction, up_or_down=up_or_down) return True, None else: # this shouldn't happen return False, None def refund_transaction(self, transaction): ''' refund Refunds a transaction. The money for the transaction may have gone to a number of places. We can only refund money that is in our account return value: True if successful, false otherwise ''' # First check if a payment has been made. It is possible that some of the receivers may be incomplete # We need to verify that the refund API will cancel these if transaction.status != TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE: logger.info("Refund Transaction failed, invalid transaction status") return False p = transaction.get_payment_class().RefundPayment(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error(): logger.info("Refund Transaction " + str(transaction.id) + " Completed") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string() transaction.save() logger.info("Refund Transaction " + str(transaction.id) + " Failed with error: " + p.error_string()) return False def make_account(self, user, host, token=None): """delegate to a specific payment module the task of creating a payment account""" mod = __import__("regluit.payment." + host, fromlist=[host]) return mod.Processor().make_account(user=user, token=token) def retrieve_accounts(self, user, host, include_deactivated=False): """return any accounts that match user, host -- only active ones by default""" if include_deactivated: return Account.objects.filter(user=user, host=host) else: return Account.objects.filter(user=user, host=host, date_deactivated__isnull=True)