import requests import urllib import httplib import json from pprint import pprint from itertools import islice, izip, repeat import logging import sys, os # a kludge to allow for to be imported # and not just in the context of the regluit Django app try: from regluit.core import isbn except: import isbn try: import unittest from unittest import TestCase except: from django.test import TestCase from django.utils import unittest import re import freebase import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_13 = '9781590598580' MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10 = '159059858X' MASHUPBOOK_OLID = 'OL13439114M' RY_OLID = 'OL4264806A' SURFACING_WORK_OLID = 'OL675829W' SURFACING_EDITION_OLID = 'OL8075248M' # def grouper(iterable, page_size): page= [] for item in iterable: page.append( item ) if len(page) == page_size: yield page page= [] yield page class FreebaseException(Exception): pass class OpenLibraryException(Exception): pass class HathiException(Exception): pass def filter_none(d): d2 = {} for (k,v) in d.iteritems(): if v is not None: d2[k] = v return d2 def to_list(s): """if input is not a list return a list with s""" if not isinstance(s,list): return [s] else: return s def hathi_bib(id, id_type='isbn', detail_level='brief'): url = "" % (id_type, id) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == httplib.OK: return r.content else: raise Exception("Hathi Bib API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) ) # class OpenLibrary(object): @classmethod def books(cls, id, id_type="isbn", format="json", callback=None, jscmd=None): # # bibkeys: one of isbn, oclc, lccn, olid # format: one of json, javascript # jscmd: one of viewapi, data, details (deprecated in favor of data) base_url = "" params = filter_none({'bibkeys':'%s:%s' % (id_type,id), 'format':format, 'callback':callback, 'jscmd':jscmd}) r = requests.get(base_url,params=params) if r.status_code == httplib.OK: return json.loads(r.content) else: raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) ) @classmethod def covers(cls, id, id_type='isbn', size='S'): # # id_type: one of 'id' (internal cover ID), olid (Open Library ID), isbn, oclc, lccn, goodreads, librarything # size: one of s, m, l #$key/$value-$size.jpg if id_type.lower() not in ['id','isbn','oclc','lccn','goodreads','librarything']: raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect id_type for covers" % (id_type)) if size.upper() not in ['S','M','L']: raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect size for covers" % (size)) return "" % (id_type.lower(),id,size.upper()) @classmethod def author_photos(cls, olid, size='S'): #$key/$value-$size.jpg if size.upper() not in ['S','M','L']: raise OpenLibraryException("%s is an incorrect size for author" % (size)) return "" % (olid,size.upper()) @classmethod def read(cls, queries): # -- most of its value to be used in browser JS? # can do single or multiple requests # example of a single request: # # multiple #;lccn:50006784|olid:OL6179000M;lccn:55011330 # the multiple format works, I think, for single requests #url = "" % (id_type, id) query_string = "|".join([ ";".join([ "%s:%s" % (id_type,id) for (id, id_type) in to_list(query)]) for query in to_list(queries)]) if query_string: url = "" % (query_string) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == httplib.OK: return json.loads(r.content) else: raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) ) else: return None @classmethod def lists(cls): # raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def query_iter(cls,**kwargs): # use limit for page size and offset as the starting point kwargs2 = kwargs.copy() kwargs2.setdefault('offset', 0) more_items = True while more_items: items = cls.query(**kwargs2) for item in items: yield item if len(items): kwargs2['offset'] += len(items) else: more_items = False @classmethod def query(cls, **kwargs): # limit and offset are special base_url = "" r = requests.get(base_url, params=kwargs) if r.status_code == httplib.OK: return json.loads(r.content) else: raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) ) @classmethod def editions(cls, work_olid): # for item in cls.query_iter(type='/type/edition',works='/works/%s'%(work_olid), limit=10): try: yield re.match(r'^/books/(.*)$',item['key']).group(1) except Exception, e: raise OpenLibraryException("problem in editions: %s " % e) @classmethod def works0(cls, id, id_type='isbn'): # # can there be more than 1 work for a given edition? # will return a list of works # there is a bug in OL in which we have workless editions response =,id_type)) # resp['olid:OL8075248M']['records']['/books/OL8075248M']["details"]["details"]["works"][0]["key"] # resp.values()[0]['records'].values()[0]["details"]["details"]["works"][0]["key"] try: works_key = response.values()[0]['records'].values()[0]["details"]["details"]["works"] if (len(response.values()) == 1 and len(response.values()[0]['records'].values()) == 1): return [re.match(r'^/works/(.*)$',work_key["key"]).group(1) for work_key in works_key] else: raise OpenLibraryException("Assumption of 1 key in response invalid in OpenLibrary.works0") except Exception, e: return [] @classmethod def works(cls, ids, page_size=10): """generalize to handle more than one set of id at a time -- ids is an iterable""" for (i, page) in enumerate(grouper(ids, page_size=page_size)): response = for (id, id_type) in page: key = "{1}:{0}".format(id, id_type) val = response.get(key) if val is not None: if (len(val['records'].values()) == 1): try: works_key = val['records'].values()[0]["details"]["details"]["works"] yield [re.match(r'^/works/(.*)$',work_key["key"]).group(1) for work_key in works_key] except Exception, e: pass else: raise OpenLibraryException("Assumption of 1 key in response invalid in") else: yield [] @classmethod def json_for_olid(cls, olid, follow_redirect=True): ol_types = {'M': 'books', 'W':'works', 'A':'authors'} id_type = ol_types.get(str(olid)[-1].upper(), None) if id_type is not None: url = "{0}/{1}.json".format(id_type, olid.upper()) r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == httplib.OK: # check to see whether type is redirect, retrieve that item it we are following redirects resp = json.loads(r.content) if resp["type"]["key"] == "/type/redirect" and follow_redirect: redir_olid = resp["location"].split("/")[-1] return OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(redir_olid) else: return resp else: raise OpenLibraryException("OpenLibrary API response: %s " % (httplib.responses[r.status_code]) ) else: return None class FreebaseBooks(object): def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, main_or_sandbox='main'): if main_or_sandbox == 'main': self.freebase = freebase else: self.freebase = freebase.sandbox if username is not None and password is not None: self.freebase.login(username,password) def books(self): MQL = u"""[{ "type": "/book/book", "id": null, "key": [{ "namespace": "/wikipedia/en", "value": null, "type": "/type/key" }] }] """.replace("\n"," ") query = json.loads(MQL) resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query) for r in resp: yield r def book_editions(self): MQL = u"""[{ "type": "/book/book_edition", "id": null, "isbn": [{}], "ISBN": [{}], "LCCN": [{}], "OCLC_number": [{}], "openlibrary_id": [{}], "book": { "id": null, "name": null } }]""".replace("\n"," ") query = json.loads(MQL) resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query) for r in resp: yield r def editions_for_book(self, book_id): MQL = u"""[{ "type": "/book/book_edition", "id": null, "isbn": [{}], "ISBN": [{}], "LCCN": [{}], "OCLC_number": [{}], "openlibrary_id": [{}], "book": { "id": null, "name": null } }]""".replace("\n"," ") query = json.loads(MQL) query[0]["book"]["id"] = book_id resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query) for r in resp: yield r def book_edition_by_id(self,id,id_type): MQL = u"""[{ "type": "/book/book_edition", "id": null, "isbn": [{}], "ISBN": [{}], "LCCN": [{}], "OCLC_number": [{}], "openlibrary_id": [{}], "book": { "id": null, "name": null } }]""".replace("\n"," ") query = json.loads(MQL) if id_type == 'isbn': query[0][id_type][0].setdefault('name', id) elif id_type in ['LCCN', 'OCLC_number', 'openlibrary_id']: query[0][id_type][0].setdefault('value', id) if id_type in ['isbn', 'LCCN', 'OCLC_number', 'openlibrary_id']: resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query) for r in resp: yield r else: raise FreebaseException('id_type must be one of ISBN, LCCN, OCLC_number or openlibrary_id, not %s' % (id_type)) def xisbn(self, isbn_val=None, book_id=None): """ pass in either isbn_val or book_id and xisbn returns related ISBNs in Freebase. Handles case in which either isbn or book_id is not None but not both """ if isbn_val is None and book_id is None: raise Exception("One of isbn or book_id must be specified") elif isbn_val is not None and book_id is not None: raise Exception("Only only of isbn or book_id can be specified") elif isbn_val is not None: isbn_val = isbn.ISBN(isbn_val).to_string('13') MQL = """[{ "type": "/book/book_edition", "isbn": { "name": null }, "book": { "editions": [{ "isbn": { "name": null } }] } }]""".replace("\n"," ") query = json.loads(MQL) query[0]["book"]["editions"][0]["isbn"]["name"] = isbn_val resp = self.freebase.mqlreaditer(query) for r in resp: yield r["isbn"]["name"] elif book_id is not None: for edition in self.editions_for_book(book_id=book_id): for i in edition["isbn"]: yield i["name"] class WorkMapper(object): @classmethod def freebase_book_to_openlibrary_work(cls, fb_id, complete_search=False): """ Try to map a Freebase ID by taking the ISBNs of associated editions and asking OpenLibrary for the work id""" print "fb_id: ", fb_id fb = FreebaseBooks() work_ids = set() # grab all ISBNs correponding to Freebase fb_id and comput the OpenLibrary work ID # if complete_search is False, stop at first work id for work_id_list in, repeat('isbn'))): for work_id in work_id_list: if work_id not in work_ids: work_ids.add(work_id) yield work_id if not complete_search: raise StopIteration() def look_up_my_zotero_books_in_hathi(): from regluit.experimental.zotero_books import MyZotero zot = MyZotero() for (i,b) in enumerate(zot.get_books(20)): try: print b, hathi_bib(b['isbn']) except Exception, e: print e def ol_practice(): print OpenLibrary.books(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10) pprint (OpenLibrary.books(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_13, jscmd='data')) print OpenLibrary.books('0385472579', jscmd='data') print (OpenLibrary.covers(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10, size='M')) print (OpenLibrary.author_photos(RY_OLID,'S')) # can we status of a pd book oclc:03544699 The Log of a Cowboy - Andy Adams, 1903 # -- not working? print OpenLibrary.books('OL7173600M' 'olid', jscmd='data') # works print OpenLibrary.books('1181252','oclc',jscmd='data') print[(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10,'isbn'),('1181252','oclc')]) # let's bring up the editions for Surfacing for (i,ed) in enumerate(islice(OpenLibrary.editions(SURFACING_WORK_OLID),100)): print i, ed # let's get the Work ID for one of the editions pprint(,id_type='olid')) class FreebaseBooksTest(TestCase): def test_books_iter(self): fb = FreebaseBooks() books = list(islice(fb.books(),4)) self.assertEqual(len(books),4) for book in books[0:1]: self.assertTrue(book["type"], "/book/book") def test_book_editions_iter(self): fb = FreebaseBooks() editions = list(islice(fb.book_editions(),4)) self.assertEqual(len(editions),4) for edition in editions[0:1]: self.assertTrue(edition["type"], "/book/book_edition") def test_book_edition_by_id(self): fb = FreebaseBooks() # edition = list(fb.book_edition_by_id('9780060196677','isbn')) self.assertEqual(edition[0]['type'],'/book/book_edition') self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['id'],'/m/0c1t1yk') self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['name'],'New and collected poems 1931-2001') edition = list(fb.book_edition_by_id('76074298', 'OCLC_number')) self.assertEqual(edition[0]['type'],'/book/book_edition') self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['id'],'/m/021yncj') self.assertEqual(edition[0]['book']['name'],'Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction') # test openlibary_id Moby Dick edition = list(fb.book_edition_by_id('9780486432151', 'isbn'))[0] self.assertEqual(edition['openlibrary_id'][0]['value'], 'OL3685847M') def test_editions_for_book(self): fb = FreebaseBooks() book_id = '/en/moby-dick' editions = fb.editions_for_book(book_id) for i, edition in enumerate(editions): pass def test_xisbn(self): isbn_val = '9780486432151' book_id = '/en/moby-dick' fb = FreebaseBooks() isbns = set(fb.xisbn(isbn_val)) isbns2 = set(fb.xisbn(book_id=book_id)) self.assertEqual(isbns, isbns2) class OpenLibraryTest(TestCase): def test_books(self): book = OpenLibrary.books(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10) self.assertEqual(book.values()[0]['info_url'], '') book_data = OpenLibrary.books('0385472579', jscmd='data') self.assertEqual(book_data.values()[0]['title'], 'Zen Speaks') self.assertEqual(book_data.values()[0]['identifiers']['openlibrary'][0], 'OL7440033M') def test_books_olid(self): # can we status of a pd book oclc:03544699 The Log of a Cowboy - Andy Adams, 1903 # book = OpenLibrary.books('OL7173600M', 'olid', jscmd='data') self.assertEqual(book.values()[0]['title'], 'The log of a cowboy') def test_books_oclc(self): # works book = OpenLibrary.books('1181252','oclc',jscmd='data') self.assertEqual(book.values()[0]['title'], 'The Montessori method') def test_read(self): results =[(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10,'isbn'),('1181252','oclc')]) self.assertEqual(results['oclc:1181252']['records'].values()[0]['data']['ebooks'][0]['formats']['epub']['url'], '') def test_covers(self): self.assertEqual(OpenLibrary.covers(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10, size='M'), '') def test_author_photos(self): self.assertEqual(OpenLibrary.author_photos(RY_OLID,'S'), '') def test_editions(self): # let's bring up the editions for Surfacing for (i,ed) in enumerate(islice(OpenLibrary.editions(SURFACING_WORK_OLID),100)): self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^OL(\d+)M$',ed)) def test_works0(self): self.assertEqual(OpenLibrary.works0(SURFACING_EDITION_OLID,id_type='olid')[0], 'OL675829W') def test_works(self): ids = [(MASHUPBOOK_ISBN_10, 'isbn'), (SURFACING_EDITION_OLID,'olid'), ('233434','isbn')] resp = list( self.assertEqual(resp, [['OL10306321W'], ['OL675829W'], []]) def test_json_for_olid(self): # manifestation # id = "OL13439114M" edition = OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(id) self.assertEqual(edition["title"], "Pro Web 2.0 Mashups") self.assertEqual(edition["identifiers"]["librarything"], ['2771144']) self.assertEqual(edition["subjects"], ['Mashups (World Wide Web)']) # work # id = "OL10306321W" work = OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(id) self.assertEqual(work["title"], "Pro Web 2.0 Mashups") self.assertEqual(work["type"]["key"], "/type/work") self.assertEqual(work["authors"][0]["type"]["key"], "/type/author_role") self.assertEqual(work["authors"][0]["author"]["key"], "/authors/OL4264806A") # author # id = "OL4264806A" author = OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(id) self.assertEqual(author["name"], "Raymond Yee") # redirect ok? # "OL14917149W" -> "OL362684W" id = "OL14917149W" work = OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(id,follow_redirect=True) self.assertEqual(work["title"], "King Richard III") self.assertEqual(work["key"], "/works/OL362684W") work = OpenLibrary.json_for_olid(id,follow_redirect=False) self.assertEqual(work["type"]["key"], "/type/redirect") class WorkMapperTest(TestCase): def test_freebase_book_to_openlibrary_work(self): id = '/en/moby-dick' id = '/en/wuthering_heights' work_ids = list(WorkMapper.freebase_book_to_openlibrary_work(id, complete_search=True)) print work_ids def test_work_info_from_openlibrary(self): editions = list(OpenLibrary.editions(SURFACING_WORK_OLID)) print editions, len(editions) def suite(): #testcases = [WorkMapperTest] testcases = [] suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases]) suites.addTest(OpenLibraryTest('test_json_for_olid')) #suites.addTest(SettingsTest('test_dev_me_alignment')) # give option to test this alignment return suites if __name__ == '__main__': #look_up_my_zotero_books_in_hathi() #ol_practice() #print len(list(islice(parse_project_gutenberg_catalog(),100000))) #unittest.main() suites = suite() #suites = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(__import__('__main__')) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suites)