{% extends 'registration/registration_base.html' %} {% block title %}Duplicate Gift Code{% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}


{% if form %} {% ifequal request.user.id gift.giver.id %}

It looks like you're trying to redeem a gift of "{{ work.title }}" that you sent to {{ gift.to }}. You probably clicked the redemption link by mistake. If it's not a mistake, you can redirect the gift by regifting it to someone else.

{% else %}

{{ gift.giver }} has sent you "{{ work.title }}" as a gift, however, it seems that you already own this work at unglue.it. Not to worry, you can Re-Gift it!

{% endifequal %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}
{% else %}

An email has been sent to {{ gift.acq.user.email }} with this message:

{{ gift.message|linebreaksbr }}

along with instructions for obtaining the ebook. Here's the URL that the recipient (and ONLY the recipient) should use to collect the book:

You can send the url yourself if there's been any problem with the email.

{% endif %}
{% endblock %}