{% extends 'basepledge.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}You Have Gift Credits{% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}

Gift Credited

{% if error %} Your gift credit of ${{ envelope.amount }}.{{ envelope.cents }} has already been registered! {% if work %} If you want to contribute more to {{ work.title }}, you can! {% endif %} {% else %} Congratulations, your gift credit of ${{ envelope.amount }}.{{ envelope.cents }} has been registered! {% if transaction.campaign %} ${{transaction.amount}} of that had been pledged to {{ transaction.campaign.name }}. If you want to contribute more to {{ work.title }}, you can! {% endif %} {% endif %}

Your gift credits

You have a balance of {{ request.user.credit.balance }} gift credits.
You have pledged {{ request.user.credit.pledged }} gift credits to ungluing campaigns.
You have {{ request.user.credit.available }} gift credits available to pledge or transfer.

{% endblock %}