{% extends "basedocumentation.html" %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {{ block.super }} {{ form.media.css }} {{ form.media.js }} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %} {% if admin %} {% if edition.pk %}

Edit Edition / Add Ebook Links for {{ edition.work }}

{% else %}

Create New Edition

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if edition.pk %}

Add Ebook Links for {{ edition.work }}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if admin %}

Title and ISBN 13 are required; the rest is optional, though a cover image link is strongly recommended.

{% csrf_token %} {{ form.work }} {{ form.non_field_errors }}

Title: {{ form.title.errors }}{{ form.title }}

Publisher Name : {{ form.publisher_name.errors }}{{ form.publisher_name }}
(If you change this, click another form element before submitting)

Authors: {% if edition.pk and edition.authors or edition.new_author_names %}

{% else %} (None listed) {% endif %}

Add an Author (Firstname Lastname): {{ form.add_author.errors }}{{ form.add_author }}

Language: {{ form.language.errors }}{{ form.language }}


{% if id_msg %} {{ id_msg }} {% endif %}

Enter 'delete' to remove the identifier.

ISBN-13: {{ form.isbn.errors }}{{ form.isbn }}

OCLC Number: {{ form.oclc.errors }}{{ form.oclc }}

Google Books ID: {{ form.goog.errors }}{{ form.goog }}

GoodReads ID: {{ form.gdrd.errors }}{{ form.gdrd }}

LibraryThing ID: {{ form.thng.errors }}{{ form.thng }}

{{ form.description.errors }}{{ form.description }}
(This will appear in the Description tab on the book page. If you create a campaign for this work, the campaign pitch will override this description)

(Unglue.it participating publishers only.)
Publisher: {{ form.publisher.errors }}{{ form.publisher }}

Publication Date (four-digit year): {{ form.publication_date.errors }}{{ form.publication_date }}

{% comment %} this has been removed since there's no point in exposing subject functionality when we're not doing anything with it -- will just confuse people.


Add a Subject: {{ form.add_subject.errors }}{{ form.add_subject }}

{% endcomment %}

Cover Image:
{% if edition.cover_image %}
{% else %} [ no cover specified for this edition ]
{% endif %} {{ form.cover_image.errors }}{{ form.cover_image }}{{ form.cover_image.help_text }} (Enter a URL for an image, ideally 120px wide. )
{{ form.coverfile.errors }}{{ form.coverfile }}{{ form.coverfile.help_text }} (upload a cover image file, ideally 120px wide. )

{% if edition.work %}

More Edition Management

Merge other works into this one
Remove editions from this work

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if edition.work %} {% include 'edition_display.html' %} {% else %} Sorry, there's no work specified. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% include 'edition_upload.html' %} {% endblock %}