{% extends "basedocumentation.html" %} {% block title %}Add new MARC records{% endblock %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}
For unglued ebooks which have existing print editions cataloged in the Library of Congress, we can automatically convert those to unglued ebook MARC records, which will then be automatically affixed to the ebook edition in our database and provided to ungluers.
To get the XML record, search http://catalog.loc.gov/, select the print edition, and click on the permalink (will look something like http://lccn.loc.gov/63008219). This page has a MARCXML link.
The robot cataloger will automatically add links to all the unglued ebook files known to the Unglue.it database. Make sure you have added those links to the database before creating the record. Likewise, it will autofill the ISBN, and you should have already provided that.
If you want to add a MARC record for a non-unglued but publicly available book, create a MARCRecord instance in the admin interface and populate its fields there. (This assumes that the MARC record is for the freely available ebook version and exists in a linkable form. If it does not, upload it to S3 first, by analogy with the django-storages documentation, and use that link.)
{% endblock %}