import re import sys import json import logging import urllib from datetime import timedelta from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today from random import randint from re import sub from itertools import islice from decimal import Decimal as D from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import requests import oauth2 as oauth from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.contrib import messages from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.comments import Comment from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.db.models import Q, Count, Sum from django.forms import Select from django.forms.models import modelformset_factory from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST from django.views.generic.edit import FormView from django.views.generic.list import ListView from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.shortcuts import render, render_to_response, get_object_or_404 from django.utils.http import urlencode from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from regluit.core import tasks from regluit.core.tasks import send_mail_task, emit_notifications from regluit.core import models, bookloader, librarything from regluit.core import userlists from import gluejar_search from regluit.core.goodreads import GoodreadsClient from regluit.frontend.forms import UserData, UserEmail, ProfileForm, CampaignPledgeForm, GoodreadsShelfLoadingForm from regluit.frontend.forms import RightsHolderForm, UserClaimForm, LibraryThingForm, OpenCampaignForm from regluit.frontend.forms import getManageCampaignForm, DonateForm, CampaignAdminForm, EmailShareForm, FeedbackForm from regluit.frontend.forms import EbookForm, CustomPremiumForm, EditManagersForm, EditionForm, PledgeCancelForm from regluit.payment.manager import PaymentManager from regluit.payment.models import Transaction from regluit.payment.parameters import TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, TARGET_TYPE_DONATION, PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION from regluit.payment.parameters import TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE, TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED, TRANSACTION_STATUS_ERROR, TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED, TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE from regluit.payment.paypal import Preapproval from regluit.core import goodreads from tastypie.models import ApiKey from regluit.payment.models import Transaction from notification import models as notification logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def static_redirect_view(request, file_name, dir=""): return HttpResponseRedirect('/static/'+dir+"/"+file_name) def slideshow(max): ending = models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').order_by('deadline') count = ending.count() j = 0 worklist = [] if max > count: # add all the works with active campaigns for campaign in ending: worklist.append( # then fill out the rest of the list with popular but inactive works remainder = max - count remainder_works = models.Work.objects.exclude(campaigns__status='ACTIVE').order_by('-num_wishes')[:remainder] worklist.extend(remainder_works) else: # if the active campaign list has more works than we can fit # in our slideshow, it's the only source we need to draw from while j < max: worklist.append(ending[j].work) j +=1 return worklist def next(request): if request.COOKIES.has_key('next'): response = HttpResponseRedirect(urllib.unquote(urllib.unquote(request.COOKIES['next']))) response.delete_cookie('next') return response else: return HttpResponseRedirect('/') def safe_get_work(work_id): """ use this rather than querying the db directly for a work by id """ try: work = models.Work.objects.get(id = work_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: try: work = models.WasWork.objects.get(was = work_id).work except models.WasWork.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 return work def home(request, landing=False): if request.user.is_authenticated() and landing == False: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('supporter', args=[request.user.username])) worklist = slideshow(12) works = worklist[:6] works2 = worklist[6:12] events = models.Wishes.objects.order_by('-created')[0:2] return render(request, 'home.html', {'suppress_search_box': True, 'works': works, 'works2': works2, 'events': events}) def stub(request): path = request.path[6:] # get rid of /stub/ return render(request,'stub.html', {'path': path}) def acks(request, work): return render(request,'front_matter.html', {'campaign': work.last_campaign()}) def work(request, work_id, action='display'): work = safe_get_work(work_id) if action == "acks": return acks( request, work) if request.method == 'POST' and not request.user.is_anonymous(): activetab = '4' else: alert='' try: activetab = request.GET['tab'] if activetab not in ['1', '2', '3', '4']: activetab = '1'; except: activetab = '1'; context = {} campaign = work.last_campaign() if campaign and campaign.edition and not request.user.is_staff: editions = [campaign.edition] else: editions = work.editions.all().order_by('-publication_date') try: pledged = campaign.transactions().filter(user=request.user, status="ACTIVE") except: pledged = None countdown = "" try: assert not (work.last_campaign_status() == 'ACTIVE' and work.first_ebook()) except: logger.warning("Campaign running for %s when ebooks are already available: why?" % work.title ) if work.last_campaign_status() == 'ACTIVE': from math import ceil time_remaining = campaign.deadline - now() ''' we want to round up on all of these; if it's the 3rd and the campaign ends the 8th, users expect to see 5 days remaining, not 4 (as an artifact of 4 days 11 hours or whatever) time_remaining.whatever is an int, so just adding 1 will do that for us (except in the case where .days exists and both other fields are 0, which is unlikely enough I'm not defending against it) ''' if time_remaining.days: countdown = "in %s days" % str(time_remaining.days + 1) elif time_remaining.seconds > 3600: countdown = "in %s hours" % str(time_remaining.seconds/3600 + 1) elif time_remaining.seconds > 60: countdown = "in %s minutes" % str(time_remaining.seconds/60 + 1) else: countdown = "right now" if action == 'preview': work.last_campaign_status = 'ACTIVE' try: pubdate = work.publication_date[:4] except IndexError: pubdate = 'unknown' if not request.user.is_anonymous(): claimform = UserClaimForm( request.user, data={'claim-work', 'claim-user':}, prefix = 'claim') for edition in editions: edition.hide_details = 1 if request.method == 'POST' and not request.user.is_anonymous(): if request.POST.has_key('ebook_%d-edition' % edition.ebook_form= EbookForm( data = request.POST, prefix = 'ebook_%d' if edition.ebook_form.is_valid(): alert = 'Thanks for adding an ebook to!' else: edition.hide_details = 0 alert = 'your submitted ebook had errors' else: #edition.ebook_form = EbookForm( data = {'user', 'edition' }) edition.ebook_form = EbookForm( instance= models.Ebook(user = request.user, edition = edition, provider = 'x' ), prefix = 'ebook_%d' else: claimform = None if campaign: # pull up premiums explicitly tied to the campaign or generic premiums premiums = campaign.effective_premiums() else: premiums = None wishers = work.num_wishes base_url = request.build_absolute_uri("/")[:-1] active_claims = work.claim.all().filter(status='active') if active_claims.count() == 1: claimstatus = 'one_active' rights_holder_name = active_claims[0].rights_holder.rights_holder_name else: rights_holder_name = None pending_claims = work.claim.all().filter(status='pending') pending_claims_count = pending_claims.count() if pending_claims_count > 1: claimstatus = 'disputed' elif pending_claims_count == 1: claimstatus = 'one_pending' rights_holder_name = pending_claims[0].rights_holder.rights_holder_name else: claimstatus = 'open' return render(request, 'work.html', { 'work': work, 'premiums': premiums, 'ungluers': userlists.supporting_users(work, 5), 'claimform': claimform, 'wishers': wishers, 'base_url': base_url, 'editions': editions, 'pubdate': pubdate, 'pledged': pledged, 'activetab': activetab, 'alert': alert, 'claimstatus': claimstatus, 'rights_holder_name': rights_holder_name, 'countdown': countdown, }) def new_edition(request, work_id, edition_id, by=None): if not request.user.is_authenticated() : return render(request, "admins_only.html") # if the work and edition are set, we save the edition and set the work language='en' description='' title='' if work_id: try: work = models.Work.objects.get(id = work_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: try: work = models.WasWork.objects.get(was = work_id).work except models.WasWork.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 language=work.language description=work.description title=work.title else: work=None if not request.user.is_staff : if by == 'rh' and work is not None: if not request.user in work.last_campaign().managers.all(): return render(request, "admins_only.html") else: return render(request, "admins_only.html") if edition_id: try: edition = models.Edition.objects.get(id = edition_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 if work: = work else: edition = models.Edition() if work: = work if request.method == 'POST' : edition.new_author_names=request.POST.getlist('new_author') edition.new_subjects=request.POST.getlist('new_subject') if request.POST.has_key('add_author_submit'): new_author_name = request.POST['add_author'].strip() try: author= models.Author.objects.get(name=new_author_name) except models.Author.DoesNotExist: author=models.Author.objects.create(name=new_author_name) edition.new_author_names.append(new_author_name) form = EditionForm(instance=edition, data=request.POST) elif request.POST.has_key('add_subject_submit'): new_subject = request.POST['add_subject'].strip() try: author= models.Subject.objects.get(name=new_subject) except models.Subject.DoesNotExist: author=models.Subject.objects.create(name=new_subject) edition.new_subjects.append(new_subject) form = EditionForm(instance=edition, data=request.POST) else: form = EditionForm(instance=edition, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): if not work: work= models.Work(title=form.cleaned_data['title'],language=form.cleaned_data['language'],description=form.cleaned_data['description']) else: work.description=form.cleaned_data['description'] work.title=form.cleaned_data['title'] models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='isbn', value=form.cleaned_data['isbn_13'], edition=edition, work=work) for author_name in edition.new_author_names: try: author= models.Author.objects.get(name=author_name) except models.Author.DoesNotExist: author=models.Author.objects.create(name=author_name) author.editions.add(edition) for subject_name in edition.new_subjects: try: subject= models.Subject.objects.get(name=subject_name) except models.Subject.DoesNotExist: subject=models.Subject.objects.create(name=subject_name) work_url = reverse('work', kwargs={'work_id':}) return HttpResponseRedirect(work_url) else: form = EditionForm(instance=edition, initial={ 'language':language, 'isbn_13':edition.isbn_13, 'description':description, 'title': title }) return render(request, 'new_edition.html', { 'form': form, 'edition': edition }) def manage_campaign(request, id): campaign = get_object_or_404(models.Campaign, id=id) campaign.not_manager=False campaign.problems=[] if (not request.user.is_authenticated) or (not request.user in campaign.managers.all() and not request.user.is_staff): campaign.not_manager=True return render(request, 'manage_campaign.html', {'campaign': campaign}) alerts = [] activetab = '#1' if request.method == 'POST' : if request.POST.has_key('add_premium') : postcopy=request.POST.copy() postcopy['type']='CU' new_premium_form = CustomPremiumForm(data=postcopy) if new_premium_form.is_valid(): alerts.append(_('New premium has been added')) new_premium_form = CustomPremiumForm(data={'campaign': campaign}) else: alerts.append(_('New premium has not been added')) form = getManageCampaignForm(instance=campaign) activetab = '#2' elif request.POST.has_key('save') or request.POST.has_key('launch') : form= getManageCampaignForm(instance=campaign, data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): campaign.update_left() alerts.append(_('Campaign data has been saved')) activetab = '#2' else: alerts.append(_('Campaign data has NOT been saved')) if 'launch' in request.POST.keys(): activetab = '#3' if (campaign.launchable and form.is_valid()): campaign.activate() alerts.append(_('Campaign has been launched')) else: alerts.append(_('Campaign has NOT been launched')) new_premium_form = CustomPremiumForm(data={'campaign': campaign}) elif request.POST.has_key('inactivate') : activetab = '#2' if request.POST.has_key('premium_id'): premiums_to_stop = request.POST.getlist('premium_id') for premium_to_stop in premiums_to_stop: selected_premium = models.Premium.objects.get(id=premium_to_stop) if selected_premium.type == 'CU': selected_premium.type = 'XX' alerts.append(_('Premium %s has been inactivated'% premium_to_stop)) form = getManageCampaignForm(instance=campaign) new_premium_form = CustomPremiumForm(data={'campaign': campaign}) else: form = getManageCampaignForm(instance=campaign) new_premium_form = CustomPremiumForm(data={'campaign': campaign}) work = try: pubdate = work.publication_date[:4] except IndexError: pubdate = 'unknown' return render(request, 'manage_campaign.html', { 'campaign': campaign, 'form':form, 'problems': campaign.problems, 'alerts': alerts, 'premiums' : campaign.effective_premiums(), 'premium_form' : new_premium_form, 'pubdate': pubdate, 'work': work, 'activetab': activetab, }) def googlebooks(request, googlebooks_id): try: edition = models.Identifier.objects.get(type='goog',value=googlebooks_id).edition except models.Identifier.DoesNotExist: try: edition = bookloader.add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id) if # add related editions asynchronously tasks.populate_edition.delay(edition.isbn_13) except bookloader.LookupFailure: logger.warning("failed to load googlebooks_id %s" % googlebooks_id) return HttpResponseNotFound("failed looking up googlebooks id %s" % googlebooks_id) if not edition: return HttpResponseNotFound("invalid googlebooks id") work_url = reverse('work', kwargs={'work_id':}) return HttpResponseRedirect(work_url) def subjects(request): order = request.GET.get('order') subjects = models.Subject.objects.all() subjects = subjects.annotate(Count('works')) if request.GET.get('order') == 'count': subjects = subjects.order_by('-works__count') else: subjects = subjects.order_by('name') return render(request, 'subjects.html', {'subjects': subjects}) class FilterableListView(ListView): def get_queryset(self): if self.request.GET.has_key('pub_lang'): if self.model is models.Campaign: return self.get_queryset_all().filter(work__language=self.request.GET['pub_lang']) else: return self.get_queryset_all().filter(language=self.request.GET['pub_lang']) else: return self.get_queryset_all() def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(FilterableListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) if self.request.GET.has_key('pub_lang'): context['pub_lang']=self.request.GET['pub_lang'] else: context['pub_lang']='' context['show_langs']=True context['WISHED_LANGS']=settings.WISHED_LANGS return context recommended_user = User.objects.filter( username=settings.UNGLUEIT_RECOMMENDED_USERNAME) class WorkListView(FilterableListView): template_name = "work_list.html" context_object_name = "work_list" def get_queryset_all(self): facet = self.kwargs['facet'] if (facet == 'popular'): return models.Work.objects.order_by('-num_wishes', 'id') elif (facet == 'recommended'): return models.Work.objects.filter(wishlists__user=recommended_user).order_by('-num_wishes') elif (facet == 'new'): return models.Work.objects.filter(num_wishes__gt=0).order_by('-created', '-num_wishes' ,'id') else: return models.Work.objects.all().order_by('-created', 'id') def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(WorkListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) qs=self.get_queryset() context['ungluers'] = userlists.work_list_users(qs,5) context['facet'] = self.kwargs['facet'] context['works_unglued'] = qs.filter(editions__ebooks__isnull=False).distinct()[:20] context['works_active'] = qs.exclude(editions__ebooks__isnull=False).filter(Q(campaigns__status='ACTIVE') | Q(campaigns__status='SUCCESSFUL')).distinct()[:20] context['works_wished'] = qs.exclude(editions__ebooks__isnull=False).exclude(campaigns__status='ACTIVE').exclude(campaigns__status='SUCCESSFUL').distinct()[:20] context['activetab'] = "#3" counts={} counts['unglued'] = context['works_unglued'].count() counts['unglueing'] = context['works_active'].count() counts['wished'] = context['works_wished'].count() context['counts'] = counts return context class UngluedListView(FilterableListView): template_name = "unglued_list.html" context_object_name = "work_list" def work_set_counts(self,work_set): counts={} counts['unglued'] = work_set.annotate(ebook_count=Count('editions__ebooks')).filter(ebook_count__gt=0).count() return counts def get_queryset_all(self): facet = self.kwargs['facet'] if (facet == 'popular'): return models.Work.objects.filter(editions__ebooks__isnull=False).distinct().order_by('-num_wishes') else: #return models.Work.objects.annotate(ebook_count=Count('editions__ebooks')).filter(ebook_count__gt=0).order_by('-created') return models.Work.objects.filter(editions__ebooks__isnull=False).distinct().order_by('-created') def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(UngluedListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) qs=self.get_queryset() context['counts'] = self.work_set_counts(qs) context['ungluers'] = userlists.work_list_users(qs,5) context['facet'] =self.kwargs['facet'] context['activetab'] = "#1" return context class CampaignListView(FilterableListView): template_name = "campaign_list.html" context_object_name = "campaign_list" model = models.Campaign def get_queryset_all(self): facet = self.kwargs['facet'] if (facet == 'newest'): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').order_by('-activated') elif (facet == 'pledged'): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').annotate(total_pledge=Sum('transaction__amount')).order_by('-total_pledge') elif (facet == 'pledges'): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').annotate(pledges=Count('transaction')).order_by('-pledges') elif (facet == 'almost'): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').all() # STUB: will need to make db changes to make this work elif (facet == 'ending'): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(status='ACTIVE').order_by('deadline') else: return models.Campaign.objects.all() def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CampaignListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) qs=self.get_queryset() context['ungluers'] = userlists.campaign_list_users(qs,5) context['facet'] =self.kwargs['facet'] return context class PledgeView(FormView): template_name="pledge.html" form_class = CampaignPledgeForm embedded = False def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # change the default behavior from # don't automatically bind the data to the form on GET, only on POST # compare with form_class = self.get_form_class() form = form_class() context_data = self.get_context_data(form=form) # if there is already an active campaign pledge for user, redirect to the pledge modify page if context_data.get('redirect_to_modify_pledge'): work = context_data['work'] return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('pledge_modify', args=[])) else: return self.render_to_response(context_data) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """set up the pledge page""" # the following should be true since PledgeModifyView.as_view is wrapped in login_required assert self.request.user.is_authenticated() user = self.request.user context = super(PledgeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=self.kwargs["work_id"]) campaign = work.last_campaign() # if there is no campaign or if campaign is not active, we should raise an error if campaign is None or campaign.status != 'ACTIVE': raise Http404 premiums = campaign.effective_premiums() premium_id = self.request.REQUEST.get('premium_id', None) preapproval_amount = self.request.REQUEST.get('preapproval_amount', None) if premium_id is not None and preapproval_amount is None: try: preapproval_amount = D(models.Premium.objects.get(id=premium_id).amount) except: preapproval_amount = None data = {'preapproval_amount':preapproval_amount, 'premium_id':premium_id} form_class = self.get_form_class() # no validation errors, please, when we're only doing a GET # to avoid validation errors, don't bind the form if preapproval_amount is not None: form = form_class(data) else: form = form_class() try: pubdate = work.publication_date[:4] except IndexError: pubdate = 'unknown' context.update({ 'redirect_to_modify_pledge':False, 'work':work,'campaign':campaign, 'premiums':premiums, 'form':form, 'premium_id':premium_id, 'faqmenu': 'pledge', 'pubdate':pubdate, 'payment_processor':settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR, }) # check whether the user already has an ACTIVE transaction for the given campaign. # if so, we should redirect the user to modify pledge page # BUGBUG: but what about Completed Transactions? transactions = campaign.transactions().filter(user=user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) if transactions.count() > 0: context.update({'redirect_to_modify_pledge':True}) else: context.update({'redirect_to_modify_pledge':False}) return context def form_valid(self, form): work_id = self.kwargs["work_id"] preapproval_amount = form.cleaned_data["preapproval_amount"] anonymous = form.cleaned_data["anonymous"] # right now, if there is a non-zero pledge amount, go with that. otherwise, do the pre_approval campaign = models.Work.objects.get(id=int(work_id)).last_campaign() premium_id = form.cleaned_data["premium_id"] # confirm that the premium_id is a valid one for the campaign in question try: premium = models.Premium.objects.get(id=premium_id) if not (premium.campaign is None or premium.campaign == campaign): premium = None except models.Premium.DoesNotExist, e: premium = None p = PaymentManager(embedded=self.embedded) # PledgeView is wrapped in login_required -- so in theory, user should never be None -- but I'll keep this logic here for now. if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: user = None if not self.embedded: return_url = None nevermind_url = None # the recipients of this authorization is not specified here but rather by the PaymentManager. # set the expiry date based on the campaign deadline expiry = campaign.deadline + timedelta( days=settings.PREAPPROVAL_PERIOD_AFTER_CAMPAIGN ) paymentReason = " Pledge for {0}".format( t, url = p.authorize('USD', TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, preapproval_amount, expiry=expiry, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, nevermind_url=nevermind_url, anonymous=anonymous, premium=premium, paymentReason=paymentReason) else: # embedded view -- which we're not actively using right now. # embedded view triggerws instant payment: send to the partnering RH receiver_list = [{'email':settings.PAYPAL_NONPROFIT_PARTNER_EMAIL, 'amount':preapproval_amount}] return_url = None nevermind_url = None t, url = p.pledge('USD', TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, receiver_list, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, nevermind_url=nevermind_url, anonymous=anonymous, premium=premium) if url:"PledgeView url: " + url) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: logger.error("Attempt to produce transaction id {0} failed".format( return HttpResponse("Our attempt to enable your transaction failed. We have logged this error.") class PledgeModifyView(FormView): """ A view to handle request to change an existing pledge """ template_name="pledge.html" form_class = CampaignPledgeForm embedded = False def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(PledgeModifyView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # the following should be true since PledgeModifyView.as_view is wrapped in login_required assert self.request.user.is_authenticated() user = self.request.user work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=self.kwargs["work_id"]) try: campaign = work.last_campaign() premiums = campaign.effective_premiums() # which combination of campaign and transaction status required? # Campaign must be ACTIVE assert campaign.status == 'ACTIVE' transactions = campaign.transactions().filter(user=user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) assert transactions.count() == 1 transaction = transactions[0] assert transaction.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and transaction.status == TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE except Exception, e: raise e # what stuff do we need to pull out to populate form? # preapproval_amount, premium_id (which we don't have stored yet) if transaction.premium is not None: premium_id = premium_description = transaction.premium.description else: premium_id = None premium_description = None # is there a Transaction for an ACTIVE campaign for this # should make sure Transaction is modifiable. preapproval_amount = transaction.amount data = {'preapproval_amount':preapproval_amount, 'premium_id':premium_id} # initialize form with the current state of the transaction if the current values empty form = kwargs['form'] if not(form.is_bound): form_class = self.get_form_class() form = form_class(initial=data) context.update({ 'work':work, 'campaign':campaign, 'premiums':premiums, 'form':form, 'preapproval_amount':preapproval_amount, 'premium_id':premium_id, 'premium_description': premium_description, 'faqmenu': 'modify', 'tid':, 'payment_processor':settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR, }) return context def form_invalid(self, form):"form.non_field_errors: {0}".format(form.non_field_errors())) response = self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(form=form)) return response def form_valid(self, form): # What are the situations we need to deal with? # 2 main situations: if the new amount is less than max_amount, no need to go out to PayPal again # if new amount is greater than max_amount...need to go out and get new approval. # to start with, we can use the standard pledge_complete, pledge_cancel machinery # might have to modify the pledge_complete, pledge_cancel because the messages are going to be # different because we're modifying a pledge rather than a new one. work_id = self.kwargs["work_id"] preapproval_amount = form.cleaned_data["preapproval_amount"] anonymous = form.cleaned_data["anonymous"] assert self.request.user.is_authenticated() user = self.request.user # right now, if there is a non-zero pledge amount, go with that. otherwise, do the pre_approval campaign = models.Work.objects.get(id=int(work_id)).last_campaign() assert campaign.status == 'ACTIVE' premium_id = form.cleaned_data["premium_id"] # confirm that the premium_id is a valid one for the campaign in question try: premium = models.Premium.objects.get(id=premium_id) if not (premium.campaign is None or premium.campaign == campaign): premium = None except models.Premium.DoesNotExist, e: premium = None transactions = campaign.transactions().filter(user=user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) assert transactions.count() == 1 transaction = transactions[0] assert transaction.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and transaction.status == TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE p = PaymentManager(embedded=self.embedded) paymentReason = " Pledge for {0}".format( status, url = p.modify_transaction(transaction=transaction, amount=preapproval_amount, premium=premium, paymentReason=paymentReason)"status: {0}, url:{1}".format(status, url)) if status and url is not None:"PledgeModifyView paypal: " + url) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) elif status and url is None: # let's use the pledge_complete template for now and maybe look into customizing it. return HttpResponseRedirect("{0}?tid={1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), else: return HttpResponse("No modification made") class PledgeRechargeView(TemplateView): """ a view to allow for recharge of a transaction for failed transactions or ones with errors """ template_name="pledge_recharge.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(PledgeRechargeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # the following should be true since PledgeModifyView.as_view is wrapped in login_required assert self.request.user.is_authenticated() user = self.request.user work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=self.kwargs["work_id"]) campaign = work.last_campaign() if campaign is None: return Http404 transaction = campaign.transaction_to_recharge(user) # calculate a URL to do a preapproval -- in the future, we may want to do a straight up payment return_url = None nevermind_url = None if transaction is not None: # the recipients of this authorization is not specified here but rather by the PaymentManager. # set the expiry date based on the campaign deadline expiry = campaign.deadline + timedelta( days=settings.PREAPPROVAL_PERIOD_AFTER_CAMPAIGN ) paymentReason = " Recharge for {0}".format( p = PaymentManager(embedded=False) t, url = p.authorize('USD', TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, transaction.amount, expiry=expiry, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, nevermind_url=nevermind_url, anonymous=transaction.anonymous, premium=transaction.premium, paymentReason=paymentReason)"Recharge url: {0}".format(url)) else: url = None context.update({ 'work':work, 'transaction':transaction, 'payment_processor' if transaction is not None else None, 'recharge_url': url }) return context class PledgeCompleteView(TemplateView): """A callback for PayPal to tell that a payment transaction has completed successfully. Possible things to implement: after pledging, supporter receives email including thanks, work pledged, amount, expiry date, any next steps they should expect; others? study other confirmation emails for their contents after pledging, supporters are returned to a thank-you screen should have prominent "thank you" or "congratulations" message should have prominent share options should suggest other works for supporters to explore (on what basis?) link to work page? or to page on which supporter entered the process? (if the latter, how does that work with widgets?) should note that a confirmation email has been sent to $email from $sender should briefly note next steps (e.g. if this campaign succeeds you will be emailed on date X) """ template_name="pledge_complete.html" def get_context_data(self): # pick up all get and post parameters and display context = super(PledgeCompleteView, self).get_context_data() output = "pledge complete" output += self.request.method + "\n" + str(self.request.REQUEST.items()) context["output"] = output if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: user = None # pull out the transaction id and try to get the corresponding Transaction transaction_id = self.request.REQUEST.get("tid") transaction = Transaction.objects.get(id=transaction_id) # work and campaign in question try: campaign = transaction.campaign work = except Exception, e: campaign = None work = None # we need to check whether the user tied to the transaction is indeed the authenticated user. correct_user = False try: if == correct_user = True else: # should be 403 -- but let's try 404 for now -- 403 exception coming in Django 1.4 raise Http404 except Exception, e: raise Http404 # check that the user had not already approved the transaction # do we need to first run PreapprovalDetails to check on the status # is it of type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and status is NONE or ACTIVE (but approved is false) if transaction.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION: correct_transaction_type = True else: correct_transaction_type = False # add the work corresponding to the Transaction on the user's wishlist if it's not already on the wishlist if user is not None and correct_user and correct_transaction_type and (campaign is not None) and (work is not None): # ok to overwrite Wishes.source? user.wishlist.add_work(work, 'pledging') worklist = slideshow(8) works = worklist[:4] works2 = worklist[4:8] context["transaction"] = transaction context["correct_user"] = correct_user context["correct_transaction_type"] = correct_transaction_type context["work"] = work context["campaign"] = campaign context["faqmenu"] = "complete" context["works"] = works context["works2"] = works2 context["site"] = Site.objects.get_current() return context class PledgeCancelView(FormView): """A view for allowing a user to cancel the active transaction for specified campaign""" template_name="pledge_cancel.html" form_class = PledgeCancelForm def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(PledgeCancelView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # initialize error to be None context["error"] = None # the following should be true since PledgeCancelView.as_view is wrapped in login_required if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: context["error"] = "You are not logged in." return context campaign = get_object_or_404(models.Campaign, id=self.kwargs["campaign_id"]) if campaign.status != 'ACTIVE': context["error"] = "{0} is not an active campaign".format(campaign) return context work = transactions = campaign.transactions().filter(user=user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) if transactions.count() < 1: context["error"] = "You don't have an active transaction for this campaign." return context elif transactions.count() > 1: logger.error("User {0} has {1} active transactions for campaign id {2}".format(user, transactions.count(), context["error"] = "You have {0} active transactions for this campaign".format(transactions.count()) return context transaction = transactions[0] if transaction.type != PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION: logger.error("Transaction id {0} transaction type, which should be {1}, is actually {2}".format(, PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, transaction.type)) context["error"] = "Your transaction type, which should be {0}, is actually {1}".format(PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, transaction.type) return context # we've located the transaction, work, and campaign referenced in the view context["transaction"] = transaction context["work"] = work context["campaign"] = campaign context["faqmenu"] = "cancel" return context def form_valid(self, form): # check that user does, in fact, have an active transaction for specified campaign"arrived at pledge_cancel form_valid") # pull campaign_id from form, not from URI as we do from GET campaign_id = self.request.REQUEST.get('campaign_id') # this following logic should be extraneous. if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: return HttpResponse("You need to be logged in.") try: # look up the specified campaign and attempt to pull up the appropriate transaction # i.e., the transaction actually belongs to user, that the transaction is active campaign = get_object_or_404(models.Campaign, id=self.kwargs["campaign_id"], status='ACTIVE') transaction = campaign.transaction_set.get(user=user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION) # attempt to cancel the transaction and redirect to the Work page if cancel is successful # here's a place that would be nice to use # to display the success or failure of the cancel operation as a popup in the context of the work page p = PaymentManager() result = p.cancel_transaction(transaction) # put a notification here for pledge cancellation? if result: # Now if we redirect the user to the Work page and the IPN hasn't arrived, the status of the # transaction might be out of date. Let's try an explicit polling of the transaction result before redirecting # We might want to remove this in a production system if settings.DEBUG: update_status = p.update_preapproval(transaction) # send a notice out that the transaction has been canceled -- leverage the pledge_modify notice for now # BUGBUG: should have a pledge cancel notice actually since I think it's different from regluit.payment.signals import pledge_modified pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction, up_or_down="canceled")"pledge_modified notice for cancellation: sender {0}, transaction {1}".format(self, transaction)) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('work', kwargs={'work_id':})) else: logger.error("Attempt to cancel transaction id {0} failed".format( return HttpResponse("Our attempt to cancel your transaction failed. We have logged this error.") except Exception, e: logger.error("Exception from attempt to cancel pledge for campaign id {0} for username {1}: {2}".format(campaign_id, user.username, e)) return HttpResponse("Sorry, something went wrong in canceling your campaign pledge. We have logged this error.") class PledgeNeverMindView(TemplateView): """A callback for PayPal to tell that a payment transaction has been canceled by the user""" template_name="pledge_nevermind.html" def get_context_data(self): context = super(PledgeNeverMindView, self).get_context_data() if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: user = None # pull out the transaction id and try to get the corresponding Transaction transaction_id = self.request.REQUEST.get("tid") transaction = Transaction.objects.get(id=transaction_id) # work and campaign in question try: campaign = transaction.campaign work = except Exception, e: campaign = None work = None # we need to check whether the user tied to the transaction is indeed the authenticated user. correct_user = False try: if == correct_user = True except Exception, e: pass # check that the user had not already approved the transaction # do we need to first run PreapprovalDetails to check on the status # is it of type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and status is NONE or ACTIVE (but approved is false) if transaction.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION: correct_transaction_type = True else: correct_transaction_type = False # status? # give the user an opportunity to approved the transaction again # provide a URL to click on. # try_again_url = '%s?cmd=_ap-preapproval&preapprovalkey=%s' % (settings.PAYPAL_PAYMENT_HOST, transaction.preapproval_key) context["transaction"] = transaction context["correct_user"] = correct_user context["correct_transaction_type"] = correct_transaction_type context["try_again_url"] = try_again_url context["work"] = work context["campaign"] = campaign context["faqmenu"] = "cancel" return context class DonateView(FormView): template_name="donate.html" form_class = DonateForm embedded = False #def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): # context = super(DonateView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # # form = CampaignPledgeForm(data) # # context.update({'work':work,'campaign':campaign, 'premiums':premiums, 'form':form, 'premium_id':premium_id}) # return context def form_valid(self, form): donation_amount = form.cleaned_data["donation_amount"] anonymous = form.cleaned_data["anonymous"] # right now, if there is a non-zero pledge amount, go with that. otherwise, do the pre_approval campaign = None p = PaymentManager(embedded=self.embedded) # we should force login at this point -- or if no account, account creation, login, and return to this spot if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: user = None # instant payment: send to the partnering RH receiver_list = [{'email':settings.PAYPAL_NONPROFIT_PARTNER_EMAIL, 'amount':donation_amount}] #redirect the page back to campaign page on success return_url = self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('donate')) t, url = p.pledge('USD', TARGET_TYPE_DONATION, receiver_list, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, anonymous=anonymous) if url: return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: response = t.reference"PledgeView paypal: Error " + str(t.reference)) return HttpResponse(response) def claim(request): if request.method == 'GET': data = request.GET else: data = request.POST form = UserClaimForm(request.user, data=data, prefix='claim') if form.is_valid(): # make sure we're not creating a duplicate claim if not models.Claim.objects.filter(work=data['claim-work'], rights_holder=data['claim-rights_holder'], status='pending').count(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('work', kwargs={'work_id': data['claim-work']})) else: work = models.Work.objects.get(id=data['claim-work']) rights_holder = models.RightsHolder.objects.get(id=data['claim-rights_holder']) active_claims = work.claim.exclude(status = 'release') context = {'form': form, 'work': work, 'rights_holder':rights_holder , 'active_claims':active_claims} return render(request, "claim.html", context) def rh_tools(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated() : return render(request, "rh_tools.html") claims = request.user.claim.filter(user=request.user) campaign_form = "xxx" if not claims: return render(request, "rh_tools.html") for claim in claims: if claim.status == 'active': claim.campaigns = else: claim.campaigns = [] claim.can_open_new=True for campaign in claim.campaigns: if campaign.status in ['ACTIVE','INITIALIZED']: claim.can_open_new=False if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.has_key('edit_managers_%s'% : campaign.edit_managers_form=EditManagersForm( instance=campaign, data=request.POST, if campaign.edit_managers_form.is_valid(): campaign.edit_managers_form = EditManagersForm(instance=campaign, else: campaign.edit_managers_form=EditManagersForm(instance=campaign, if claim.status == 'active' and claim.can_open_new: if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.has_key('work') and int(request.POST['work']) == : claim.campaign_form = OpenCampaignForm(request.POST) if claim.campaign_form.is_valid(): new_campaign = new_campaign.deadline = date_today() + timedelta(days=int(settings.UNGLUEIT_LONGEST_DEADLINE)) = D(settings.UNGLUEIT_MINIMUM_TARGET) claim.campaign_form.save_m2m() claim.can_open_new=False else: claim.campaign_form = OpenCampaignForm(data={'work':, 'name':, 'userid':, 'managers_1':}) else: claim.can_open_new=False return render(request, "rh_tools.html", {'claims': claims ,}) def rh_admin(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated() : return render(request, "admins_only.html") if not request.user.is_staff : return render(request, "admins_only.html") PendingFormSet = modelformset_factory(models.Claim, fields=['status'], extra=0) pending_data = models.Claim.objects.filter(status = 'pending') active_data = models.Claim.objects.filter(status = 'active') if request.method == 'POST': if 'create_rights_holder' in request.POST.keys(): form = RightsHolderForm(data=request.POST) pending_formset = PendingFormSet (queryset=pending_data) if form.is_valid(): form = RightsHolderForm() if 'set_claim_status' in request.POST.keys(): pending_formset = PendingFormSet (request.POST, request.FILES, queryset=pending_data) form = RightsHolderForm() if pending_formset.is_valid(): pending_formset = PendingFormSet(queryset=pending_data) else: form = RightsHolderForm() pending_formset = PendingFormSet(queryset=pending_data) rights_holders = models.RightsHolder.objects.all() context = { 'request': request, 'rights_holders': rights_holders, 'form': form, 'pending': zip(pending_data,pending_formset), 'pending_formset': pending_formset, 'active_data': active_data, } return render(request, "rights_holders.html", context) def campaign_admin(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated() : return render(request, "admins_only.html") if not request.user.is_staff : return render(request, "admins_only.html") context = {} def campaigns_types(): # pull out Campaigns with Transactions that are ACTIVE -- and hence can be executed # Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status='ACTIVE') campaigns_with_active_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) # pull out Campaigns with Transactions that are INCOMPLETE campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) # show all Campaigns with Transactions that are COMPLETED campaigns_with_completed_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) # show Campaigns with Transactions that are CANCELED campaigns_with_canceled_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED) return (campaigns_with_active_transactions, campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions, campaigns_with_completed_transactions, campaigns_with_canceled_transactions) form = CampaignAdminForm() pm = PaymentManager() check_status_results = None command_status = None if request.method == 'GET': pass elif request.method == 'POST': if 'campaign_checkstatus' in request.POST.keys(): # campaign_checkstatus try: status = pm.checkStatus() check_status_results = "" # parse the output to display chat transaction statuses have been updated if len(status["preapprovals"]): for t in status["preapprovals"]: check_status_results += "

Preapproval key: %s updated

" % (t["key"]) else: check_status_results += "

No preapprovals needed updating

" if len(status["payments"]): for t in status["payments"]: info = ", ".join(["%s:%s" % (k,v) for (k,v) in t.items()]) check_status_results += "

Payment updated: %s

" % (info) else: check_status_results += "

No payments needed updating

" command_status = _("Transactions updated based on PaymentDetails and PreapprovalDetails") except Exception, e: check_status_results = e elif 'execute_campaigns' in request.POST.keys(): c_id = request.POST.get('active_campaign', None) if c_id is not None: try: campaign = models.Campaign.objects.get(id=c_id) results = pm.execute_campaign(campaign) command_status = str(results) except Exception, e: command_status = "Error in executing transactions for campaign %s " % (str(e)) elif 'finish_campaigns' in request.POST.keys(): c_id = request.POST.get('incomplete_campaign', None) if c_id is not None: try: campaign = models.Campaign.objects.get(id=c_id) results = pm.finish_campaign(campaign) command_status = str(results) except Exception, e: command_status = "Error in finishing transactions for campaign %s " % (str(e)) elif 'cancel_campaigns' in request.POST.keys(): c_id = request.POST.get('active_campaign', None) if c_id is not None: try: campaign = models.Campaign.objects.get(id=c_id) results = pm.cancel_campaign(campaign) command_status = str(results) except Exception, e: command_status = "Error in canceling transactions for campaign %s " % (str(e)) (campaigns_with_active_transactions, campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions, campaigns_with_completed_transactions, campaigns_with_canceled_transactions) = campaigns_types() context.update({ 'form': form, 'check_status_results':check_status_results, 'campaigns_with_active_transactions': campaigns_with_active_transactions, 'campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions': campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions, 'campaigns_with_completed_transactions': campaigns_with_completed_transactions, 'campaigns_with_canceled_transactions': campaigns_with_canceled_transactions, 'command_status': command_status }) return render(request, "campaign_admin.html", context) def supporter(request, supporter_username, template_name): supporter = get_object_or_404(User, username=supporter_username) wishlist = supporter.wishlist works = [] works2 = [] works_unglued = [] works_active = [] works_wished = [] if ( # querysets for tabs # unglued tab is anything with an existing ebook ## .order_by() may clash with .distinct() and this should be fixed works_unglued ='-num_wishes') # take the set complement of the unglued tab and filter it for active works to get middle tab result ='pk', flat=True)) works_active = result.filter(Q(campaigns__status='ACTIVE') | Q(campaigns__status='SUCCESSFUL')).order_by('-campaigns__status', 'campaigns__deadline').distinct() # everything else goes in tab 3 works_wished = result.exclude(pk__in=works_active.values_list('pk', flat=True)).order_by('-num_wishes') # badge counts backed = works_unglued.count() backing = works_active.count() wished = works_wished.count() else: backed = 0 backing = 0 wished = 0 worklist = slideshow(8) works = worklist[:4] works2 = worklist[4:8] # default to showing the Active tab if there are active campaigns, else show Wishlist if backing > 0: activetab = "#2" else: activetab = "#3" date = supporter.date_joined.strftime("%B %d, %Y") # following block to support profile admin form in supporter page if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.username == supporter_username: try: profile_obj=request.user.get_profile() except ObjectDoesNotExist: profile_obj= models.UserProfile() profile_obj.user=request.user if request.method == 'POST': profile_form = ProfileForm(data=request.POST,instance=profile_obj) if profile_form.is_valid(): if profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_facebook'] or profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_twitter'] or profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_goodreads'] : if profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_facebook']: profile_obj.facebook_id=0 if profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_twitter']: profile_obj.twitter_id="" if profile_form.cleaned_data['clear_goodreads']: profile_obj.goodreads_user_id = None profile_obj.goodreads_user_name = None profile_obj.goodreads_user_link = None profile_obj.goodreads_auth_token = None profile_obj.goodreads_auth_secret = None else: profile_form= ProfileForm(instance=profile_obj) if request.user.profile.goodreads_user_id is not None: goodreads_id = request.user.profile.goodreads_user_id else: goodreads_id = None if request.user.profile.librarything_id is not None: librarything_id = request.user.profile.librarything_id else: librarything_id = None else: profile_form = '' goodreads_id = None librarything_id = None context = { "supporter": supporter, "wishlist": wishlist, "works_unglued": works_unglued, "works_active": works_active, "works_wished": works_wished, "works": works, "works2": works2, "backed": backed, "backing": backing, "wished": wished, "date": date, "profile_form": profile_form, "ungluers": userlists.other_users(supporter, 5 ), "goodreads_auth_url": reverse('goodreads_auth'), "goodreads_id": goodreads_id, "librarything_id": librarything_id, "activetab": activetab } return render(request, template_name, context) def edit_user(request): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('auth_login')) form=UserData() emailform = UserEmail() if request.method == 'POST': if 'change_username' in request.POST.keys(): form = UserData(request.POST) form.oldusername = request.user.username if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass, go and change the username request.user.username=form.cleaned_data['username'] return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home')) # Redirect after POST elif 'change_email' in request.POST.keys(): emailform = UserEmail(request.POST) emailform.oldemail = if emailform.is_valid():['email'] send_mail_task.delay( ' email changed', render_to_string('registration/email_changed.txt',{'oldemail':emailform.oldemail,'request':request}), None, [,emailform.oldemail] ) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home')) # Redirect after POST return render(request,'registration/user_change_form.html', {'form': form,'emailform': emailform}) def search(request): q = request.GET.get('q', None) page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1)) results = gluejar_search(q, user_ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], page=page) # flag search result as on wishlist as appropriate if not request.user.is_anonymous(): ungluers = userlists.other_users(request.user, 5) else: ungluers = userlists.other_users(None, 5) works=[] for result in results: try: work = models.Identifier.objects.get(type='goog',value=result['googlebooks_id']).work works.append(work) except models.Identifier.DoesNotExist: works.append(result) context = { "q": q, "results": works, "ungluers": ungluers } return render(request, 'search.html', context) # TODO: perhaps this functionality belongs in the API? @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def wishlist(request): googlebooks_id = request.POST.get('googlebooks_id', None) remove_work_id = request.POST.get('remove_work_id', None) add_work_id = request.POST.get('add_work_id', None) if googlebooks_id: try: edition = bookloader.add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id) if # add related editions asynchronously tasks.populate_edition.delay(edition.isbn_13) request.user.wishlist.add_work(,'user') except bookloader.LookupFailure: logger.warning("failed to load googlebooks_id %s" % googlebooks_id) except Exception, e: logger.warning("Error in wishlist adding %s" % (e)) # TODO: redirect to work page, when it exists return HttpResponseRedirect('/') elif remove_work_id: try: work = models.Work.objects.get(id=int(remove_work_id)) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: try: work = models.WasWork.objects.get(was = work_id).work except models.WasWork.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 request.user.wishlist.remove_work(work) # TODO: where to redirect? return HttpResponseRedirect('/') elif add_work_id: # if adding from work page, we have may, not googlebooks_id try: work = models.Work.objects.get(pk=add_work_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: try: work = models.WasWork.objects.get(was = work_id).work except models.WasWork.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 request.user.wishlist.add_work(work,'user') return HttpResponseRedirect('/') class InfoPageView(TemplateView): def get_template_names(self, **kwargs): if self.kwargs['template_name']: return (self.kwargs['template_name']) else: return ('metrics.html') def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): users = User.objects = users.filter(date_joined__range = (date_today(), now())) users.days7 = users.filter(date_joined__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=7), now())) users.year = users.filter(date_joined__year = date_today().year) users.month = users.year.filter(date_joined__month = date_today().month) users.yesterday = users.filter(date_joined__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=1), date_today())) = users.filter(profile__goodreads_user_id__isnull = False) = users.exclude(profile__librarything_id = '') users.fb = users.filter(profile__facebook_id__isnull = False) = users.exclude(profile__twitter_id = '') works = models.Work.objects = works.filter(created__range = (date_today(), now())) works.days7 = works.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=7), now())) works.year = works.filter(created__year = date_today().year) works.month = works.year.filter(created__month = date_today().month) works.yesterday = works.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=1), date_today())) works.wishedby2 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 2) works.wishedby20 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 20) works.wishedby5 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 5) works.wishedby50 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 50) works.wishedby10 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 10) works.wishedby100 = works.filter(num_wishes__gte = 100) ebooks = models.Ebook.objects = ebooks.filter(created__range = (date_today(), now())) ebooks.days7 = ebooks.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=7), now())) ebooks.year = ebooks.filter(created__year = date_today().year) ebooks.month = ebooks.year.filter(created__month = date_today().month) ebooks.yesterday = ebooks.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=1), date_today())) wishlists= models.Wishlist.objects.exclude(wishes__isnull=True) = wishlists.filter(created__range = (date_today(), now())) wishlists.days7 = wishlists.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=7), now())) wishlists.year = wishlists.filter(created__year = date_today().year) wishlists.month = wishlists.year.filter(created__month = date_today().month) if date_today().day==1: wishlists.yesterday = wishlists.filter(created__range = (date_today()-timedelta(days=1), date_today())) else: wishlists.yesterday = wishlists.month.filter(created__day = date_today().day-1) return { 'users': users, 'works': works, 'ebooks': ebooks, 'wishlists': wishlists, } class InfoLangView(TemplateView): def get_template_names(self, **kwargs): if self.kwargs['template_name']: return (self.kwargs['template_name']) else: return ('languages.html') def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): languages=models.Work.objects.filter(num_wishes__gte = 1).values('language').annotate(lang_count=Count('language')).order_by('-lang_count') return { 'wished_languages': languages, } class FAQView(TemplateView): template_name = "faq.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): location = self.kwargs["location"] sublocation = self.kwargs["sublocation"] return {'location': location, 'sublocation': sublocation} class GoodreadsDisplayView(TemplateView): template_name = "goodreads_display.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(GoodreadsDisplayView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) session = self.request.session gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) user = self.request.user if user.is_authenticated(): api_key = ApiKey.objects.filter(user=user)[0].key context['api_key'] = api_key if user.profile.goodreads_user_id is None: # calculate the Goodreads authorization URL (context["goodreads_auth_url"], request_token) = gr_client.begin_authorization(self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('goodreads_cb')))"goodreads_auth_url: %s" %(context["goodreads_auth_url"])) # store request token in session so that we can redeem it for auth_token if authorization works session['goodreads_request_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] session['goodreads_request_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] else: gr_shelves = gr_client.shelves_list(user_id=user.profile.goodreads_user_id) context["shelves_info"] = gr_shelves gr_shelf_load_form = GoodreadsShelfLoadingForm() # load the shelves into the form choices = [('all:%d' % (gr_shelves["total_book_count"]),'all (%d)' % (gr_shelves["total_book_count"]))] + \ [("%s:%d" % (s["name"], s["book_count"]) ,"%s (%d)" % (s["name"],s["book_count"])) for s in gr_shelves["user_shelves"]] gr_shelf_load_form.fields['goodreads_shelf_name_number'].widget = Select(choices=tuple(choices)) context["gr_shelf_load_form"] = gr_shelf_load_form # also load any CeleryTasks associated with the user context["celerytasks"] = models.CeleryTask.objects.filter(user=user) return context @login_required def goodreads_auth(request): # calculate the Goodreads authorization URL gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) (goodreads_auth_url, request_token) = gr_client.begin_authorization(request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('goodreads_cb')))"goodreads_auth_url: %s" %(goodreads_auth_url)) # store request token in session so that we can redeem it for auth_token if authorization works request.session['goodreads_request_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] request.session['goodreads_request_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] return HttpResponseRedirect(goodreads_auth_url) @login_required def goodreads_cb(request): """handle callback from Goodreads""" session = request.session authorized_flag = request.GET['authorize'] # is it '1'? request_oauth_token = request.GET['oauth_token'] if authorized_flag == '1': request_token = {'oauth_token': session.get('goodreads_request_token'), 'oauth_token_secret': session.get('goodreads_request_secret')} gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) access_token = gr_client.complete_authorization(request_token) # store the access token in the user profile profile = request.user.profile profile.goodreads_auth_token = access_token["oauth_token"] profile.goodreads_auth_secret = access_token["oauth_token_secret"] # let's get the userid, username user = gr_client.auth_user() profile.goodreads_user_id = user["userid"] profile.goodreads_user_name = user["name"] profile.goodreads_user_link = user["link"] # is this needed? # redirect to the Goodreads display page -- should observe some next later return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home')) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def goodreads_flush_assoc(request): user = request.user if user.is_authenticated(): profile = user.profile profile.goodreads_user_id = None profile.goodreads_user_name = None profile.goodreads_user_link = None profile.goodreads_auth_token = None profile.goodreads_auth_secret = None'Goodreads association flushed for user %s', user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('goodreads_display')) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def goodreads_load_shelf(request): """ a view to allow user load goodreads shelf into her wishlist """ # Should be moved to the API goodreads_shelf_name_number = request.POST.get('goodreads_shelf_name_number', 'all:0') user = request.user try: # parse out shelf name and expected number of books (shelf_name, expected_number_of_books) = re.match(r'^(.*):(\d+)$', goodreads_shelf_name_number).groups() expected_number_of_books = int(expected_number_of_books)'Adding task to load shelf %s to user %s with %d books', shelf_name, user, expected_number_of_books) load_task_name = "load_goodreads_shelf_into_wishlist" load_task = getattr(tasks, load_task_name) task_id = load_task.delay(, shelf_name, expected_number_of_books=expected_number_of_books) ct = models.CeleryTask() ct.task_id = task_id ct.function_name = load_task_name ct.user = user ct.description = "Loading Goodread shelf %s to user %s with %s books" % (shelf_name, user, expected_number_of_books) return HttpResponse("We're on it! Reload the page to see the books we've snagged so far.") except Exception,e: return HttpResponse("Error in loading shelf: %s " % (e))"Error in loading shelf for user %s: %s ", user, e) @login_required def goodreads_calc_shelves(request): # we should move towards calculating this only if needed (perhaps with Ajax), caching previous results, etc to speed up # performance if request.user.profile.goodreads_user_id is not None: gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) goodreads_shelves = gr_client.shelves_list(user_id=request.user.profile.goodreads_user_id) #goodreads_shelf_load_form = GoodreadsShelfLoadingForm() ## load the shelves into the form #choices = [('all:%d' % (goodreads_shelves["total_book_count"]),'all (%d)' % (goodreads_shelves["total_book_count"]))] + \ # [("%s:%d" % (s["name"], s["book_count"]) ,"%s (%d)" % (s["name"],s["book_count"])) for s in goodreads_shelves["user_shelves"]] #goodreads_shelf_load_form.fields['goodreads_shelf_name_number'].widget = Select(choices=tuple(choices)) else: goodreads_shelf_load_form = None return HttpResponse(json.dumps(goodreads_shelves), content_type="application/json") @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def librarything_load(request): """ a view to allow user load librarything library into her wishlist """ # Should be moved to the API user = request.user try: # figure out expected_number_of_books later lt_username = request.user.profile.librarything_id'Adding task to load librarything %s to user %s', lt_username, user ) load_task_name = "load_librarything_into_wishlist" load_task = getattr(tasks, load_task_name) task_id = load_task.delay(, lt_username, None) ct = models.CeleryTask() ct.task_id = task_id ct.function_name = load_task_name ct.user = user ct.description = "Loading LibraryThing collection of %s to user %s." % (lt_username, user) return HttpResponse("We're on it! Reload the page to see the books we've snagged so far.") except Exception,e: return HttpResponse("Error in loading LibraryThing library: %s " % (e))"Error in loading LibraryThing for user %s: %s ", user, e) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def clear_wishlist(request): try:"Wishlist for user %s cleared", request.user) return HttpResponse('wishlist cleared') except Exception, e: return HttpResponse("Error in clearing wishlist: %s " % (e))"Error in clearing wishlist for user %s: %s ", request.user, e) class LibraryThingView(FormView): template_name="librarything.html" form_class = LibraryThingForm def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(LibraryThingView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) form = kwargs['form'] # get the books for the lt_username in the form lt_username=self.request.GET.get("lt_username",None) if lt_username is not None: lt = librarything.LibraryThing(username=lt_username) context.update({'books':list(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5))}) else: context.update({'books':None}) # try picking up the LibraryThing api key -- and set to None if not available. Not being used for # anything crucial at this moment, so a None is ok here try: context.update({'lt_api_key':settings.LIBRARYTHING_API_KEY}) except: pass return context def form_valid(self,form): return super(LibraryThingView, self).form_valid(form) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def clear_celery_tasks(request): try: request.user.tasks.clear()"Celery tasks for user %s cleared", request.user) return HttpResponse('Celery Tasks List cleared') except Exception, e: return HttpResponse("Error in clearing Celery Tasks: %s " % (e))"Error in clearing Celery Tasks for user %s: %s ", request.user, e) def celery_test(request): return HttpResponse("celery_test") # routing views that try to redirect to the works page on a 3rd party site # # TODO: need to queue up a task to look up IDs if we have to fallback to # routing based on ISBN or search def work_librarything(request, work_id): work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=work_id) isbn = work.first_isbn_13() if work.librarything_id: url = work.librarything_url elif isbn: # TODO: do the redirect here and capture the work id? url = "" % isbn else: term = work.title + " " + q = urlencode({'searchtpe': 'work', 'term': term}) url = "" + q return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def work_openlibrary(request, work_id): work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=work_id) isbns = ["ISBN:" + i.value for i in work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn')] url = None if work.openlibrary_id: url = work.openlibrary_url elif len(isbns) > 0: isbns = ",".join(isbns) u = '' % isbns try: j = json.loads(requests.get(u).content) # as long as there were some matches get the first one and route to it if len(j.keys()) > 0: first = j.keys()[0] url = "" + j[first]['key'] except ValueError: # fail at openlibrary logger.warning("failed to get OpenLibrary json at %s" % u) # fall back to doing a search on openlibrary if not url: q = urlencode({'q': work.title + " " +}) url = "" + q return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def work_goodreads(request, work_id): work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=work_id) isbn = work.first_isbn_13() if work.goodreads_id: url = work.goodreads_url elif isbn: url = "" % isbn else: q = urlencode({'query': work.title + " " +}) url = "" + q return HttpResponseRedirect(url) @login_required def emailshare(request, action): if request.method == 'POST': form=EmailShareForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] message = form.cleaned_data['message'] sender = '%s via <%s>'%(request.user.username, recipient = form.cleaned_data['recipient'] send_mail_task.delay(subject, message, sender, [recipient]) try: next = form.cleaned_data['next'] except: next = '' return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: try: next = request.GET['next'] work_id = next.split('/')[-2] work_id = int(work_id) work = models.Work.objects.get(pk=work_id) if action == 'pledge': message = render_to_string('emails/i_just_pledged.txt',{'request':request,'work':work,'site': Site.objects.get_current()}) subject = "Help me unglue "+work.title else: try: status = work.last_campaign().status except: status = None # customize the call to action depending on campaign status if status == 'ACTIVE': message = render_to_string('emails/pledge_this.txt',{'request':request,'work':work,'site': Site.objects.get_current()}) else: message = render_to_string('emails/wish_this.txt',{'request':request,'work':work,'site': Site.objects.get_current()}) subject = 'Come see one of my favorite books on' form = EmailShareForm(initial={ 'next':next, 'subject': subject, 'message': message}) except: next = '' form = EmailShareForm(initial={'next':next, 'subject': 'Come join me on', 'message':render_to_string('emails/join_me.txt',{'request':request,'site': Site.objects.get_current()})}) return render(request, "emailshare.html", {'form':form}) def feedback(request): num1 = randint(0,10) num2 = randint(0,10) sum = num1 + num2 if request.method == 'POST': form=FeedbackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): subject = form.cleaned_data['subject'] message = form.cleaned_data['message'] sender = form.cleaned_data['sender'] recipient = '' page = form.cleaned_data['page'] useragent = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] if request.user.is_anonymous(): ungluer = "(not logged in)" else: ungluer = request.user.username message = "<<>>\n"+message send_mail_task.delay(subject, message, sender, [recipient]) return render(request, "thanks.html", {"page":page}) else: num1 = request.POST['num1'] num2 = request.POST['num2'] else: if request.user.is_authenticated():; else: sender='' try: page = request.GET['page'] except: page='/' form = FeedbackForm(initial={"sender":sender, "subject": "Feedback on page "+page, "page":page, "num1":num1, "num2":num2, "answer":sum}) return render(request, "feedback.html", {'form':form, 'num1':num1, 'num2':num2}) def comment(request): latest_comments = Comment.objects.all().order_by('-submit_date')[:20] return render(request, "comments.html", {'latest_comments': latest_comments}) def campaign_archive_js(request): """ proxy for mailchimp js""" response = HttpResponse() r = requests.get(settings.CAMPAIGN_ARCHIVE_JS) response.status_code = r.status_code response.content = r.content response["Content-Type"] = "text/javascript" return response def lockss(request, work_id): """ manifest pages for lockss harvester """ work = safe_get_work(work_id) try: ebook = work.ebooks().filter(unglued=True)[0] except: ebook = None authors = list(models.Author.objects.filter(editions__work=work).all()) return render(request, "lockss.html", {'work':work, 'ebook':ebook, 'authors':authors}) def download(request, work_id): context = {} work = safe_get_work(work_id) context.update({'work': work}) unglued_ebooks = work.ebooks().filter(edition__unglued=True) other_ebooks = work.ebooks().filter(edition__unglued=False) context.update({ 'unglued_ebooks': unglued_ebooks, 'other_ebooks': other_ebooks }) return render(request, "download.html", context) def about(request, facet): template = "about_" + facet + ".html" return render(request, template)