import csv import logging import re import time import unicodedata import urlparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests from django.conf import settings from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from regluit.api.crosswalks import inv_relator_contrib from regluit.bisac.models import BisacHeading from regluit.core.bookloader import add_by_isbn_from_google, merge_works from regluit.core.isbn import ISBN from regluit.core.models import ( Ebook, EbookFile, Edition, Identifier, path_for_file, Subject, Work, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def UnicodeDictReader(utf8_data, **kwargs): csv_reader = csv.DictReader(utf8_data, **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: yield {key: unicode(value, 'utf-8') for key, value in row.iteritems()} def utf8_general_ci_norm(s): """ Normalize a la MySQL utf8_general_ci collation (As of 2016.05.24, we're using the utf8_general_ci collation for author names) * converts to Unicode normalization form D for canonical decomposition * removes any combining characters * converts to upper case """ s1 = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) return ''.join(c for c in s1 if not unicodedata.combining(c)).upper() def get_soup(url): response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) if response.status_code == 200: return BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') return None def get_authors(book): authors = [] if book.get('AuthorsList', ''): #UMich for i in range(1, 3): fname = u'Author{}First'.format(i) lname = u'Author{}Last'.format(i) role = u'Author{}Role'.format(i) authname = u'{} {}'.format(book[fname], book[lname]) if authname != u' ': role = book[role] if book[role].strip() else 'A01' authors.append((authname, role)) else: break authlist = book["AuthorsList"].replace(' and ', ', ').split(', ') if len(authlist) > 3: for authname in authlist[3:]: authors.append((authname, 'A01')) else: #OBP for i in range(1, 6): fname = book.get(u'Contributor {} first name'.format(i), '') lname = book.get(u'Contributor {} surname'.format(i), '') role = book.get(u'ONIX Role Code (List 17){}'.format(i), '') authname = u'{} {}'.format(fname, lname) if authname != u' ': role = role if role.strip() else 'A01' authors.append((authname, role)) else: break return authors def get_subjects(book): subjects = [] for i in range(1, 5): key = u'BISACCode{}'.format(i) #UMich dialect key2 = u'BISAC subject code {}'.format(i) #OBP dialect code = book.get(key, '') code = code if code else book.get(key2, '') if code != '': try: bisac = BisacHeading.objects.get(notation=code) subjects.append(bisac) except BisacHeading.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("Please add BISAC {}".format(code)) return subjects def add_subject(subject_name, work, authority=''): try: subject = Subject.objects.get(name=subject_name) except Subject.DoesNotExist: subject = Subject.objects.create(name=subject_name, authority=authority) def get_title(book): title = book.get('FullTitle', '') #UMICH if title: return title title = book.get('Title', '') #OBP sub = book.get('Subtitle', '') if sub: return u'{}: {}'.format(title, sub) return title def get_cover(book): cover_url = book.get('Cover URL', '') #OBP if cover_url: return cover_url url = book['URL'] if "10.3998" in url: # code for umich books; can generalize, of course! idmatch ='([^/]+)\.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', url) if idmatch: book_id = if == 'ohp': cover_url = "{}.jpg".format(book_id) elif == 'ump': cover_url = "{}.jpg".format(book_id) else: cover_url = "{}.jpg".format(book_id) cover = requests.head(cover_url) if cover.status_code < 400: return cover_url else: logger.warning("bad cover: {} for: {}".format(cover_url, url)) def get_isbns(book): isbns = [] edition = None #'ISBN 1' is OBP, others are UMICH for code in ['eISBN', 'ISBN 3', 'PaperISBN', 'ISBN 2', 'ClothISBN', 'ISBN 1', 'ISBN 4', 'ISBN 5' ]: if book.get(code, '') not in ('', 'N/A'): values = book[code].split(',') for value in values: isbn = ISBN(value).to_string() if isbn: isbns.append(isbn) for isbn in isbns: if not edition: edition = Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn) return (isbns, edition) def get_pubdate(book): value = book.get('CopyrightYear', '') #UMICH if value: return value value = book.get('publication year', '') #OBP sub = book.get('publication month', '') sub2 = book.get('publication day', '') if sub2: return u'{}-{}-{}'.format(value, sub, sub2) elif sub: return u'{}-{}'.format(value, sub, sub2) return value def get_publisher(book): value = book.get('Publisher', '') if value: return value if book.get('DOI prefix', '') == '10.11647': return "Open Book Publishers" def get_url(book): url = book.get('URL', '') url = url if url else u'{}/{}'.format( book.get('DOI prefix', ''), book.get('DOI suffix', '') ) return url def get_description(book): value = book.get('DescriptionBrief', '') value = value if value else book.get('Plain Text Blurb', '') return value def get_language(book): value = book.get('ISO Language Code', '') return value def load_from_books(books): ''' books is an iterator of book dicts. each book must have attributes (umich dialect) eISBN, ClothISBN, PaperISBN, Publisher, FullTitle, Title, Subtitle, AuthorsList, Author1Last, Author1First, Author1Role, Author2Last, Author2First, Author2Role, Author3Last, Author3First, Author3Role, AuthorBio, TableOfContents, Excerpt, DescriptionLong, DescriptionBrief, BISACCode1, BISACCode2, BISACCode3, CopyrightYear, ePublicationDate, eListPrice, ListPriceCurrencyType, List Price in USD (paper ISBN), eTerritoryRights, SubjectListMARC, , Book-level DOI, URL, License ''' # Goal: get or create an Edition and Work for each given book results = [] for (i, book) in enumerate(books): # try first to get an Edition already in DB with by one of the ISBNs in book (isbns, edition) = get_isbns(book) if not isbns: continue title = get_title(book) authors = get_authors(book) # if matching by ISBN doesn't work, then create a Work and Edition # with a title and the first ISBN if not edition: work = Work(title=title) edition = Edition(title=title, work=work) Identifier.set(type='isbn', value=isbns[0], edition=edition, work=work) work = # at this point, work and edition exist url = get_url(book) if url: Identifier.set(type='http', value=url, edition=edition, work=work) # make sure each isbn is represented by an Edition # also associate authors, publication date, cover, publisher for isbn in isbns: edition = add_by_isbn_from_google(isbn, work=work) if edition and != work: work = merge_works(work, if not edition: edition = Edition(title=title, work=work) Identifier.set(type='isbn', value=isbn, edition=edition, work=work) edition.authors.clear() for (author, role) in authors: edition.add_author(author, inv_relator_contrib.get(role, 'aut')) edition.publication_date = get_pubdate(book) edition.cover_image = get_cover(book) edition.set_publisher(get_publisher(book)) # possibly replace work.description description = get_description(book) if len(description) > len(work.description): work.description = description # set language lang = get_language(book) if lang: work.language = lang # add a bisac subject (and ancestors) to work for bisacsh in get_subjects(book): while bisacsh: add_subject(bisacsh.full_label, work, authority="bisacsh") bisacsh = bisacsh.parent'loaded work {}'.format(work.title)) loading_ok = loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition) results.append((book, work, edition)) try:"{} {} {}\n".format(i, title, loading_ok)) except Exception as e:"{} {} {}\n".format(i, title, str(e))) return results def loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition): isbns = get_isbns(book)[0] authors = get_authors(book) subjects = get_subjects(book) if (work is None) or (edition is None): return False try: url_id = Identifier.objects.get(type='http', value=get_url(book)) if url_id is None:"url_id problem: {}, url: {}".format(, get_url(book))) return False except Exception as e: return False # isbns for isbn in isbns: if Identifier.objects.filter(type='isbn', value=isbn).count() <> 1: # print ("isbn problem: {}, isbn: {}".format(, isbn)) return False else: try: edition_for_isbn = Identifier.objects.get(type='isbn', value=isbn).edition except Exception as e: return False # authors # print set([ for ed in edition_for_isbn.authors.all()]) if ( set([utf8_general_ci_norm(author[0]) for author in authors]) != set([utf8_general_ci_norm( for ed in edition_for_isbn.authors.all()]) ):"problem with authors") return False try: edition_for_isbn.publication_date = get_pubdate(book) edition_for_isbn.cover_image = get_cover(book) edition_for_isbn.set_publisher(get_publisher(book)) except: return False # work description description = get_description(book) if not ((work.description == description) or (len(description) < len(work.description))): return False # bisac for bisacsh in subjects: while bisacsh: try: subject = Subject.objects.get(name=bisacsh.full_label) except: return False if subject not in work.subjects.all(): return False bisacsh = bisacsh.parent return True ID_URLPATTERNS = { 'goog': re.compile(r'[\./]google\.com/books\?.*id=(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{12})'), 'olwk': re.compile(r'[\./]openlibrary\.org(?P/works/OL\d{1,8}W)'), 'doab': re.compile(r'([\./]doabooks\.org/doab\?.*rid:|=oai:doab-books:)(?P\d{1,8})'), 'gdrd': re.compile(r'[\./]goodreads\.com/book/show/(?P\d{1,8})'), 'ltwk': re.compile(r'[\./]librarything\.com/work/(?P\d{1,8})'), 'oclc': re.compile(r'\.worldcat\.org/.*oclc/(?P\d{8,12})'), 'doi': re.compile(r'[\./]doi\.org/(?P10\.\d+/\S+)'), 'gtbg': re.compile(r'[\./]gutenberg\.org/ebooks/(?P\d{1,6})'), 'glue': re.compile(r'[\./]unglue\.it/work/(?P\d{1,7})'), } def ids_from_urls(url): ids = {} for ident in ID_URLPATTERNS.keys(): id_match = ID_URLPATTERNS[ident].search(url) if id_match: ids[ident] ='id') return ids DROPBOX_DL = re.compile(r'"([^"]+)"') def dl_online(ebook): if ebook.format != 'online': pass elif ebook.url.find(u'') >= 0: response = requests.get(ebook.url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) if response.status_code == 200: match_dl = if match_dl: return make_dl_ebook(, ebook) else: logger.warning('couldn\'t get {}'.format(ebook.url)) else: logger.warning('couldn\'t get dl for {}'.format(ebook.url)) elif ebook.url.find(u'') >= 0: doc = get_soup(ebook.url) if doc: obj = doc.select_one('div.fulltexticoncontainer-PDF a') if obj: dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(ebook.url, obj['href']) return make_dl_ebook(dl_url, ebook) else: logger.warning('couldn\'t get dl_url for {}'.format(ebook.url)) else: logger.warning('couldn\'t get soup for {}'.format(ebook.url)) return None, False def make_dl_ebook(url, ebook): if EbookFile.objects.filter(source=ebook.url): return EbookFile.objects.filter(source=ebook.url)[0], False response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) if response.status_code == 200: filesize = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) filesize = filesize if filesize else None format = type_for_url(url, content_type=response.headers.get('content-type')) if format != 'online': new_ebf = EbookFile.objects.create( edition=ebook.edition, format=format, source=ebook.url, ), None), ContentFile(response.content)) new_ebook = Ebook.objects.create( edition=ebook.edition, format=format, provider='', url=new_ebf.file.url, rights=ebook.rights, filesize=filesize, version_label=ebook.version_label, version_iter=ebook.version_iter, ) new_ebf.ebook = new_ebook return new_ebf, True else: logger.warning('download format for {} is not ebook'.format(url)) else: logger.warning('couldn\'t get {}'.format(url)) return None, False def type_for_url(url, content_type=None): if not url: return '' if url.find('') >= 0: return 'online' if Ebook.objects.filter(url=url): return Ebook.objects.filter(url=url)[0].format ct = content_type if content_type else contenttyper.calc_type(url) if"pdf", ct): return "pdf" elif"octet-stream", ct) and"pdf", url, flags=re.I): return "pdf" elif"octet-stream", ct) and"epub", url, flags=re.I): return "epub" elif"text/plain", ct): return "text" elif"text/html", ct): if url.find('') >= 0: return "html" return "online" elif"epub", ct): return "epub" elif"mobi", ct): return "mobi" return "other" class ContentTyper(object): """ """ def __init__(self): self.last_call = dict() def content_type(self, url): try: r = requests.head(url) return r.headers.get('content-type', '') except: return '' def calc_type(self, url): delay = 1 # is there a delay associated with the url netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc # wait if necessary last_call = self.last_call.get(netloc) if last_call is not None: now = time.time() min_time_next_call = last_call + delay if min_time_next_call > now: time.sleep(min_time_next_call-now) self.last_call[netloc] = time.time() # compute the content-type return self.content_type(url) contenttyper = ContentTyper()