{% extends "basedocumentation.html" %} {% block title %} FAQ {% endblock %} {% block topsection %} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %} {% if sublocation == 'all' %}
We strongly encourage you to include video that communicates directly with your supporters. To add a video:
You'll see an IFRAME code in the editor where your video will go. The video will display normally on your campaign page.
Prefer screencasts? Here you go: how to embed a video in your campaign page.
This assumes that you have a (free) Google account.
width="640"and change that to
You'll see an IFRAME code in the editor where your PDF will go. The PDF will display normally on your campaign page.
Prefer screencasts? Here: how to embed a PDF in your campaign page (screencast)
{% endif %} {% if sublocation == 'publicity' or sublocation == 'all' %}