import logging from decimal import Decimal as D from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.forms import Select from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST from django.views.generic.edit import FormView from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render, render_to_response, get_object_or_404 import oauth2 as oauth from itertools import islice from regluit.core import tasks from regluit.core import models, bookloader from import gluejar_search from regluit.core.goodreads import GoodreadsClient from regluit.frontend.forms import UserData, ProfileForm, CampaignPledgeForm, GoodreadsShelfLoadingForm from regluit.payment.manager import PaymentManager from regluit.payment.parameters import TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN from regluit.core import goodreads from tastypie.models import ApiKey logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from regluit.payment.models import Transaction def home(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('supporter', args=[request.user.username])) return render(request, 'home.html', {'suppress_search_box': True}) def stub(request): path = request.path[6:] return render(request,'stub.html', {'path': path}) def work(request, work_id): work = get_object_or_404(models.Work, id=work_id) editions = work.editions.all().order_by('-publication_date') supporters = User.objects.filter(wishlist__works__in=[work]) if not request.user.is_anonymous: supporters.remove(request.user) return render(request, 'work.html', { 'work': work, 'editions': editions, 'supporters': supporters }) def supporter(request, supporter_username, template_name): supporter = get_object_or_404(User, username=supporter_username) wishlist = supporter.wishlist backed = 0 backing = 0 transet = Transaction.objects.all().filter(user = supporter) for transaction in transet: try: if(transaction.campaign.status == 'SUCCESSFUL'): backed += 1 elif(transaction.campaign.status == 'ACTIVE'): backing += 1 except: continue wished = date = supporter.date_joined.strftime("%B %d, %Y") # figure out what works the users have in commmon if someone # is looking at someone else's supporter page if not request.user.is_anonymous and request.user != supporter: w1 = request.user.wishlist w2 = supporter.wishlist shared_works = models.Work.objects.filter(wishlists__in=[w1]) shared_works = list(shared_works.filter(wishlists__in=[w2])) else: shared_works = [] # following block to support profile admin form in supporter page if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.username == supporter_username: if request.method == 'POST': try: profile_obj=request.user.get_profile() except ObjectDoesNotExist: profile_obj= models.UserProfile() profile_obj.user=request.user profile_form = ProfileForm(data=request.POST,instance=profile_obj) if profile_form.is_valid(): else: profile_form = ProfileForm() else: profile_form = '' context = { "supporter": supporter, "wishlist": wishlist, "backed": backed, "backing": backing, "wished": wished, "date": date, "shared_works": shared_works, "profile_form": profile_form, } return render(request, template_name, context) def edit_user(request): form=UserData() if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('auth_login')) oldusername=request.user.username if request.method == 'POST': # surely there's a better way to add data to the POST data? postcopy=request.POST.copy() postcopy['oldusername']=oldusername form = UserData(postcopy) if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass, go and change the username request.user.username=form.cleaned_data['username'] return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home')) # Redirect after POST return render(request,'registration/user_change_form.html', {'form': form},) def search(request): q = request.GET.get('q', None) results = gluejar_search(q) # flag search result as on wishlist as appropriate if not request.user.is_anonymous(): # get a list of all the googlebooks_ids for works on the user's wishlist wishlist = request.user.wishlist editions = models.Edition.objects.filter(work__wishlists__in=[wishlist]) googlebooks_ids = [e['googlebooks_id'] for e in editions.values('googlebooks_id')] # if the results is on their wishlist flag it for result in results: if result['googlebooks_id'] in googlebooks_ids: result['on_wishlist'] = True else: result['on_wishlist'] = False context = { "q": q, "results": results, } return render(request, 'search.html', context) # TODO: perhaps this functionality belongs in the API? @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def wishlist(request): googlebooks_id = request.POST.get('googlebooks_id', None) remove_work_id = request.POST.get('remove_work_id', None) if googlebooks_id: edition = bookloader.add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id) # add related editions asynchronously tasks.add_related.delay(edition.isbn_10) # TODO: redirect to work page, when it exists return HttpResponseRedirect('/') elif remove_work_id: work = models.Work.objects.get(id=int(remove_work_id)) # TODO: where to redirect? return HttpResponseRedirect('/') class CampaignFormView(FormView): template_name="campaign_detail.html" form_class = CampaignPledgeForm def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): pk = self.kwargs["pk"] campaign = models.Campaign.objects.get(id=int(pk)) context = super(CampaignFormView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context.update({ 'campaign': campaign }) return context def form_valid(self,form): pk = self.kwargs["pk"] pledge_amount = form.cleaned_data["pledge_amount"] preapproval_amount = form.cleaned_data["preapproval_amount"] anonymous = form.cleaned_data["anonymous"] # right now, if there is a non-zero pledge amount, go with that. otherwise, do the pre_approval campaign = models.Campaign.objects.get(id=int(pk)) p = PaymentManager() # we should force login at this point -- or if no account, account creation, login, and return to this spot if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): user = self.request.user else: user = None if (preapproval_amount > D('0.00')): # handle preapproval: get preapproval to charge amount of money in preapproval_amount return_url = self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('campaign_by_id',kwargs={'pk': str(pk)})) t, url = p.authorize('USD', TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, preapproval_amount, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, anonymous=anonymous) else: # instant payment: send to the partnering RH # right now, all money going to Gluejar. receiver_list = [{'email':settings.PAYPAL_GLUEJAR_EMAIL, 'amount':pledge_amount}] # redirect the page back to campaign page on success #return_url = self.request.build_absolute_uri("/campaigns/%s" %(str(pk))) return_url = self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('campaign_by_id',kwargs={'pk': str(pk)})) t, url = p.pledge('USD', TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, receiver_list, campaign=campaign, list=None, user=user, return_url=return_url, anonymous=anonymous) if url:"CampaignFormView paypal: " + url) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: response = t.reference"CampaignFormView paypal: Error " + str(t.reference)) return HttpResponse(response) class GoodreadsDisplayView(TemplateView): template_name = "goodreads_display.html" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(GoodreadsDisplayView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) session = self.request.session gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) user = self.request.user if user.is_authenticated(): api_key = ApiKey.objects.filter(user=user)[0].key context['api_key'] = api_key if user.profile.goodreads_user_id is None: # calculate the Goodreads authorization URL (context["goodreads_auth_url"], request_token) = gr_client.begin_authorization(self.request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('goodreads_cb')))"goodreads_auth_url: %s" %(context["goodreads_auth_url"])) # store request token in session so that we can redeem it for auth_token if authorization works session['goodreads_request_token'] = request_token['oauth_token'] session['goodreads_request_secret'] = request_token['oauth_token_secret'] else: gr_shelves = gr_client.shelves_list(user_id=user.profile.goodreads_user_id) context["shelves_info"] = gr_shelves gr_shelf_load_form = GoodreadsShelfLoadingForm() # load the shelves into the form choices = [('all','all (%d)' % (gr_shelves["total_book_count"]))] + [(s["name"],"%s (%d)" % (s["name"],s["book_count"])) for s in gr_shelves["user_shelves"]] gr_shelf_load_form.fields['goodreads_shelf_name'].widget = Select(choices=tuple(choices)) context["gr_shelf_load_form"] = gr_shelf_load_form #context["reviews"] = list(islice(gr_client.review_list(user_id=user.profile.goodreads_user_id, per_page=50),50)) return context @login_required def goodreads_cb(request): """handle callback from Goodreads""" session = request.session authorized_flag = request.GET['authorize'] # is it '1'? request_oauth_token = request.GET['oauth_token'] if authorized_flag == '1': request_token = {'oauth_token': session.get('goodreads_request_token'), 'oauth_token_secret': session.get('goodreads_request_secret')} gr_client = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) access_token = gr_client.complete_authorization(request_token) # store the access token in the user profile profile = request.user.profile profile.goodreads_auth_token = access_token["oauth_token"] profile.goodreads_auth_secret = access_token["oauth_token_secret"] # let's get the userid, username user = gr_client.auth_user() profile.goodreads_user_id = user["userid"] profile.goodreads_user_name = user["name"] profile.goodreads_user_link = user["link"] # is this needed? # redirect to the Goodreads display page -- should observe some next later return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('goodreads_display')) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def goodreads_flush_assoc(request): user = request.user if user.is_authenticated(): profile = user.profile profile.goodreads_user_id = None profile.goodreads_user_name = None profile.goodreads_user_link = None profile.goodreads_auth_token = None profile.goodreads_auth_secret = None return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('goodreads_display')) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def goodreads_load_shelf(request): """ a view to allow user load goodreads shelf into her wishlist """ # Should be moved to the API goodreads_shelf_name = request.POST.get('goodreads_shelf_name', 'all') user = request.user try:'Adding task to load shelf %s to user %s', goodreads_shelf_name, user) tasks.load_goodreads_shelf_into_wishlist.delay(user, goodreads_shelf_name) return HttpResponse("Shelf loading placed on task queue.") except Exception,e: return HttpResponse("Error in loading shelf: %s " % (e))"Error in loading shelf: %s ", e) @require_POST @login_required @csrf_exempt def clear_wishlist(request): try: return HttpResponse('wishlist cleared') except Exception, e: return HttpResponse("Error in clearing wishlist: %s " % (e))"Error in clearing wishlist: %s ", e) def campaign(request, isbn): isbn = int(isbn) work = models.Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn).work return render(request, 'campaign.html', {'work': work})