import mechanize import requests import csv import httplib import HTMLParser import logging import re from datetime import datetime from regluit.core import models logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LibraryThingException(Exception): pass class LibraryThing(object): """ This class retrieves and parses the CSV representation of a LibraryThing user's library. """ url = "" csv_file_url = "" def __init__(self, username=None, password=None): self.username = username self.password = password self.csv_handle = None def retrieve_csv(self): br = mechanize.Browser() # select form#2 br.select_form(nr=1) br["formusername"] = self.username br["formpassword"] = self.password br.submit() self.csv_handle = return self.csv_handle def parse_csv(self): h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() reader = csv.DictReader(self.csv_handle) # There are more fields to be parsed out. Note that there is a second author column to handle for (i,row) in enumerate(reader): # ISBNs are written like '[123456789x]' in the CSV, suggesting possibility of a list m = re.match(r'^\[(.*)\]$', row["'ISBNs'"]) if m: isbn = else: isbn = [] yield {'title':h.unescape(row["'TITLE'"]), 'author':h.unescape(row["'AUTHOR (first, last)'"]), 'isbn':isbn, 'comment':row["'COMMENT'"], 'tags':row["'TAGS'"], 'collections':row["'COLLECTIONS'"], 'reviews':h.unescape(row["'REVIEWS'"])} def viewstyle_1(self, rows): for (i,row) in enumerate(rows): book_data = {} cols = row.xpath('td') # cover book_data["cover"] = {"cover_id":cols[0].attrib["id"], "image": {"width":cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['width'], "src": cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['src']} } # title book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], "title":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].text} # extract work_id and book_id from href try: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups() except: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None) # author -- what if there is more than 1? or none? try: book_data["author"] = {"display_name":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].text, "href":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], "name":cols[2].xpath('div')[0].text} except: book_data["author"] = None # date book_data["date"] = cols[3].xpath('span')[0].text # tags: grab tags that are not empty strings tag_links = cols[4].xpath('.//a') book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links]) # rating -- count # of stars book_data["rating"] = len(cols[5].xpath('.//img[@alt="*"]')) # entry date book_data["entry_date"] =[6].xpath('span')[0].text, "%b %d, %Y")) yield book_data def viewstyle_5(self, rows): # implement this view to get at the ISBNs for (i,row) in enumerate(rows): book_data = {} cols = row.xpath('td') # title book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[0].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], "title":cols[0].xpath('.//a')[0].text} # extract work_id and book_id from href try: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups() except: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None) # tags tag_links = cols[1].xpath('.//a') book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links]) # lc classification try: book_data["lc_call_number"] = cols[2].xpath('.//span')[0].text except Exception, e:"no lc call number for: %s %s", book_data["title"], e) book_data["lc_call_number"] = None # subject subjects = cols[3].xpath('.//div[@class="subjectLine"]') book_data["subjects"] = [{'href':s.xpath('a')[0].attrib['href'], 'text':s.xpath('a')[0].text} for s in subjects] # isbn try: book_data["isbn"] = cols[4].xpath('.//span')[0].text # check for   if book_data["isbn"] == u'\xA0': book_data["isbn"] = None except Exception, e: book_data["isbn"] = None yield book_data def parse_user_catalog(self, view_style=1): from lxml import html # we can vary viewstyle to get different info IMPLEMENTED_STYLES = [1,5] COLLECTION = 2 # set to get All Collections if view_style not in IMPLEMENTED_STYLES: raise NotImplementedError() style_parser = getattr(self,"viewstyle_%s" % view_style) next_page = True offset = 0 cookies = None while next_page: url = "" % (self.username, view_style, COLLECTION, offset)"url: %s", url) if cookies is None: r = requests.get(url) else: r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies) if r.status_code != httplib.OK: raise LibraryThingException("Error accessing %s: %s" % (url, e))"Error accessing %s: %s", url, e) etree = html.fromstring(r.content)"r.content %s", r.content) cookies = r.cookies # retain the cookies # look for a page bar # try to grab the total number of books # 1 - 50 of 82 try: count_text = etree.xpath('//td[@class="pbGroup"]')[0].text total = int('(\d+)$',count_text).group(1))'total: %d', total) except Exception, e: # assume for now that if we can't grab this text, there is no page bar and no books total = 0 # to do paging we can either look for a next link or just increase the offset by the number of rows. # Let's try the latter # possible_next_link = etree.xpath('//a[@class="pageShuttleButton"]')[0] rows_xpath = '//table[@id="lt_catalog_list"]/tbody/tr' # deal with page 1 first and then working on paging through the collection rows = etree.xpath(rows_xpath) i = -1 # have to account for the problem of style_parser(rows) returning nothing for (i,row) in enumerate(style_parser(rows)): yield row # page size = 50, first page offset = 0, second page offset = 50 -- if total = 50 no need to go offset += i + 1 if offset >= total: next_page = False def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, max_books=None): """ Load a specified LibraryThing shelf (by default: all the books from the LibraryThing account associated with user) """ from regluit.core import bookloader from regluit.core import tasks from itertools import islice"Entering into load_librarything_into_wishlist") lt = LibraryThing(lt_username) for (i,book) in enumerate(islice(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5),max_books)): isbn = book["isbn"] # grab the first one"%d %s %s", i, book["title"]["title"], isbn) try: if not isbn: continue edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn(isbn) if not edition: continue # add the librarything ids to the db since we know them now identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'thng', value = book['book_id'], edition = edition, work = identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'ltwk', value = book['work_id'], work = if book['lc_call_number']: identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'lccn', value = book['lc_call_number'], edition = edition, work = user.wishlist.add_work(, 'librarything') if tasks.populate_edition.delay(edition.isbn_13)"Work with isbn %s added to wishlist.", isbn) except Exception, e: ("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e)