Add a book to your wishlist to get started.
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{% endifequal %} {% else %} {% if request.user.is_anonymous %}
{% extends "base.html" %} {% load endless %} {% load truncatechars %} {% block title %} — {{ supporter.username }}{% endblock %} {% block extra_css %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_js %} {% ifequal supporter request.user %} {% endifequal %} {% if works %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% comment %} To do: create topsection file for inclusion in multiple contexts, if needed Goodreads be sure words display correctlydja do I need both add-wishlist and remove-wishlist classes? do they differ? better alignment on I am ungluing & badges make sure backed/backing/wishlist is the order we want the badges to be in test code with other campaign statuses -- random_campaigns needs to set a variety of statuses! why is there a status in regluit.payment.models.Transaction? does it duplicate the status in regluit.core.models.Campaign? there's no tab for seeing ALL my books, only the filters! huh. {% endcomment %} {% block topsection %}