{% extends 'rh_tools.html' %} {% block toolcontent %} {% if campaigns %}

Campaigns You Manage

{% for campaign in campaigns %}
{{campaign.name }}
{% ifequal campaign.type 1 %} Pledge Campaign
Campaign status: {{ campaign.status }}
Created: {{ campaign.created }}
${{ campaign.current_total }} pledged of ${{ campaign.target }}, {{ campaign.supporters_count }} supporters {% endifequal %} {% ifequal campaign.type 2 %} Buy-to-Unglue Campaign
Campaign status: {{ campaign.status }}
Created: {{ campaign.created }}
${{ campaign.current_total }} sold. ${{ campaign.target }} to go. Ungluing Date: {{ campaign.cc_date }}
{% with campaign.work.preferred_edition as edition %} Edit the preferred edition
You can also Load a file for this edition.
{% endwith %} {% endifequal %} {% ifequal campaign.type 3 %} Thanks-for-Ungluing Campaign
Campaign status: {{ campaign.status }}
Created: {{ campaign.created }}
${{ campaign.current_total }} raised from {{ campaign.supporters_count }} ungluers, {{ campaign.anon_count }} others. {% with campaign.work.preferred_edition as edition %} Edit the preferred edition
You can also Load a file for this edition.
{% endwith %} {% endifequal %}
{% if campaign.status == 'ACTIVE' or campaign.status == 'INITIALIZED' %}
Manage This Campaign
{% endif %} {% if campaign.clone_form %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ campaign.clone_form }}{{ campaign.clone_form.errors }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}

You don't manage any campaigns yet.

{% if request.user.is_anonymous %} You need to log in. {% elif claims %} Create a campaign for one of your works. {% else %} You need to claim a work before you start a campaign to support it. {% endif %}

{% endif %} {% endblock %}