{% extends 'notification/notice_template.html' %}
{% load humanize %}
{% block comments_book %}
{% endblock %}
{% block comments_graphical %}
Your pledge for the campaign to unglue {{ transaction.campaign.work.title }} has been {% if up_or_down == 'canceled'%}canceled{% else %}modified{% endif %}.
{% endblock %}
{% block comments_textual %}
{% if up_or_down == 'canceled' %}
Your canceled pledge was as follows:
Amount: ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
Premium: {% if transaction.premium %}{{ transaction.premium.description }}{% else %}None requested{% endif %}
{% else %}
Your new pledge is as follows:
Amount: ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }}
Premium: {% if transaction.premium %}{{ transaction.premium.description }}{% else %}None requested{% endif %}