# http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/cookbook/daemonizing.html#generic-initd-celerybeat-example # to be placed at /etc/defaults/celerybeat # Where to chdir at start. CELERYBEAT_CHDIR="/opt/regluit/" # Extra arguments to celerybeat #CELERYBEAT_OPTS="--schedule=/var/run/celerybeat-schedule" # Name of the celery config module.# CELERY_CONFIG_MODULE="celeryconfig" # Name of the projects settings module. export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="regluit.settings.prod" # Path to celerybeat CELERYBEAT="/opt/regluit/ENV/bin/django-admin.py celerybeat" # virtualenv to use VIRTUALENV="/opt/regluit/ENV" #Full path to the PID file. Default is /var/run/celeryd.pid CELERYBEAT_PIDFILE="/var/log/celerybeat/celerybeat.pid" #Full path to the celeryd log file. Default is /var/log/celeryd.log CELERYBEAT_LOGFILE="/var/log/celerybeat/celerybeat.log" #Log level to use for celeryd. Default is INFO. CELERYBEAT_LOG_LEVEL="INFO" #User to run celeryd as. Default is current user. #CELERYBEAT_USER #Group to run celeryd as. Default is current user. #CELERYBEAT_GROUP