{% extends "notification/notice_template.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% block comments_book %} cover image for {{ campaign.work.title }} {% endblock %} {% block comments_graphical %} The rights holder, {{ campaign.rightsholder }}, has launched a campaign for {{ campaign.work.title }}! {% endblock %} {% block comments_textual %} {% ifequal campaign.type 1 %}
Congratulations! You wished for a campaign, and here it is. If ungluers like you pledge {{ campaign.target|intcomma }} by {{ campaign.deadline|date:"M d, Y" }}, {{ campaign.work.title }} will be released under a Creative Commons license for all to enjoy.
You can help! Pledge any amount, and use the sharing options on the campaign page to tell your friends.
{% endifequal %} {% ifequal campaign.type 2 %}
Great! You wished for a campaign, and here it is. Someday, the book will be released under a Creative Commons license for everyone to enjoy. Every copy purchased brings that day {{ campaign.days_per_copy|floatformat }} days sooner.
You can help! Purchase a copy, and use the sharing options on the campaign page to tell your friends.
{% endifequal %} {% ifequal campaign.type 3 %}
There is a new "Thanks for Ungluing" campaign for {{ campaign.work.title }} one of your Creative Commons license favorites.
Please join us! Download a copy, leave a contribution, and use the sharing options on the campaign page to tell your friends.
{% endifequal %} {% endblock %}