from regluit.core import models from regluit.payment.models import Transaction, PaymentResponse, Receiver from regluit.payment.manager import PaymentManager from regluit.payment.paypal import IPN_PREAPPROVAL_STATUS_ACTIVE, IPN_PAY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE, IPN_PAY_STATUS_COMPLETED import django from django.conf import settings from selenium import selenium, webdriver from import WebDriverWait from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException import unittest, time, re import logging import os # PayPal developer sandbox from regluit.payment.tests import loginSandbox, paySandbox, payAmazonSandbox def setup_selenium(): # Set the display window for our xvfb os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':99' def set_test_logging(): # Setup debug logging to our console so we can watch defaultLogger = logging.getLogger('') defaultLogger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) defaultLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Set the selenium logger to info sel = logging.getLogger("selenium") sel.setLevel(logging.INFO) class GoogleWebDriverTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): setup_selenium() self.verificationErrors = [] # This is an empty array where we will store any verification errors # we find in our tests self.selenium = webdriver.Firefox() set_test_logging() def test_google_rc(self): sel = self.selenium sel.get("") search_box = sel.find_elements_by_xpath("//input[@type='text']") search_box[0].send_keys("Bach") search_box[0].submit() time.sleep(3) try: sel.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(@href,'wikipedia')]") except NoSuchElementException, e: self.verificationErrors.append(str(e)) def tearDown(self): self.selenium.quit() self.assertEqual([], self.verificationErrors) def run_google_rc(): """ """ from selenium import selenium import unittest, time, re class google_rc(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.verificationErrors = [] self.selenium = selenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "") self.selenium.start() def test_google_rc(self): sel = self.selenium"/") sel.type("//input[@type='text']", "Bach")"name=btnG") time.sleep(3) try: self.failUnless(sel.is_text_present("Wikipedia")) except AssertionError, e: self.verificationErrors.append(str(e)) def tearDown(self): self.selenium.stop() self.assertEqual([], self.verificationErrors) testcases = [google_rc] suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases]) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suites) def run_google_wd(): """ A google example using WebDriver """ testcases = [GoogleWebDriverTest] suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases]) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suites) # from selenium import webdriver # driver = webdriver.Remote(desired_capabilities=webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.HTMLUNITWITHJS) # driver.get("") pm = PaymentManager() def campaign_display(): campaigns_with_active_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PREAPPROVAL_STATUS_ACTIVE) campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) campaigns_with_completed_transactions = models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_COMPLETED) print "campaigns with active transactions", campaigns_with_active_transactions print "campaigns with incomplete transactions", campaigns_with_incomplete_transactions print "campaigns with completed transactions", campaigns_with_completed_transactions def campaigns_active(): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PREAPPROVAL_STATUS_ACTIVE) def campaigns_incomplete(): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) def campaigns_completed(): return models.Campaign.objects.filter(transaction__status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_COMPLETED) def execute_campaigns(clist): return [pm.execute_campaign(c) for c in clist] def finish_campaigns(clist): return [pm.finish_campaign(c) for c in clist] def drop_all_transactions(): PaymentResponse.objects.all().delete() Receiver.objects.all().delete() Transaction.objects.all().delete() # go through all Campaigns and set the self.left = for c in models.Campaign.objects.all(): c.left = def recipient_status(clist): return [[[(, r.txn_id, r.status, r.amount) for r in t.receiver_set.all()] for t in c.transaction_set.all()] for c in clist] # by the time we've executed a campaign, we should have r.status = 'COMPLETED' for primary but None for secondary # [[[r.status for r in t.receiver_set.all()] for t in c.transaction_set.all()] for c in campaigns_incomplete()] # [[[r.status for r in t.receiver_set.all()] for t in c.transaction_set.all()] for c in campaigns_completed()] # res = [pm.finish_campaign(c) for c in campaigns_incomplete()] def support_campaign(unglue_it_url = settings.LIVE_SERVER_TEST_URL, do_local=True, backend='amazon', browser='firefox'): """ programatically fire up selenium to make a Pledge do_local should be True only if you are running support_campaign on db tied to LIVE_SERVER_TEST_URL """ django.db.transaction.enter_transaction_management() UNGLUE_IT_URL = unglue_it_url USER = settings.UNGLUEIT_TEST_USER PASSWORD = settings.UNGLUEIT_TEST_PASSWORD setup_selenium() if browser == 'firefox': sel = webdriver.Firefox() elif browser == 'chrome': sel = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/raymondyee/C/src/Gluejar/regluit/test/chromedriver') elif browser == 'htmlunit': # HTMLUNIT with JS -- not successful sel = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.HTMLUNITWITHJS) else: sel = webdriver.Firefox() time.sleep(10) # find a campaign to pledge to if backend == 'paypal': loginSandbox(sel) time.sleep(2) print "now opening" #sel.get("") sel.get(UNGLUE_IT_URL) # long wait because sel is slow after PayPal sign_in_link = WebDriverWait(sel, 100).until(lambda d : d.find_element_by_xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Sign In')]/..")) # enter login info input_username = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d : d.find_element_by_css_selector("input#id_username")) input_username.send_keys(USER) sel.find_element_by_css_selector("input#id_password").send_keys(PASSWORD) sel.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='sign in']").click() # click on biggest campaign list # I have no idea why selenium thinks a is not that's why I'm going up one element. # biggest_campaign_link = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("li > a[href*='/campaigns/ending']")) time.sleep(1) # pull up one of the campaigns to pledge to # for now, take the first book and click on the link to get to the work page work_links = WebDriverWait(sel,10).until(lambda d: d.find_elements_by_css_selector(" div.title a")) work_links[0].click() support_button = WebDriverWait(sel,10).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Support']")) # just click Pledge button without filling out amount -- should have the form validation spot the error pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Pledge']")) # check to see whether there is an error error_messages = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_elements_by_css_selector("ul.errorlist")) if len(error_messages): print "yes: Error in just hitting pledge button as expected" else: print "ooops: there should be an error message when pledge button hit" # fill out a premium -- the first one for now premium_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type="radio"][value="1"]')) print "making $10 pledge" # now we have to replace the current preapproval amount with 10 sel.execute_script("""document.getElementById("id_preapproval_amount").value="10";""") # must also pick a premium level -- otherwise there will not be a pledge_button -- let's pick the first premium ($1) premium_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type="radio"][value="1"]')) pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Pledge']")) # grab the URL where sel is now? if backend == 'paypal': print "Now trying to pay PayPal", sel.current_url paySandbox(None, sel, sel.current_url, authorize=True, already_at_url=True, sleep_time=5) elif backend == 'amazon': payAmazonSandbox(sel) # should be back on a pledge complete page print sel.current_url,"/pledge/complete",sel.current_url) time.sleep(2) django.db.transaction.commit() # time out to simulate an IPN -- update all the transactions if do_local: django.db.transaction.enter_transaction_management() pm = PaymentManager() print pm.checkStatus() transaction0 = Transaction.objects.all()[0] print "transaction amount:{0}, transaction premium:{1}".format(transaction0.amount, django.db.transaction.commit() django.db.transaction.enter_transaction_management() # I have no idea what the a[href*="/work/"] is not that's why I'm going up one element. work_url = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('p > a[href*="/work/"]')) # change_pledge print "clicking Modify Pledge button" change_pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Modify Pledge']")) # enter a new pledge, which is less than the previous amount and therefore doesn't require a new PayPal transaction print "changing pledge to $5 -- should not need to go to PayPal" preapproval_amount_input = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input#id_preapproval_amount")) preapproval_amount_input.clear() # get rid of existing pledge preapproval_amount_input.send_keys("5") pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Modify Pledge']")) # return to the Work page again work_url = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('p > a[href*="/work/"]')) change_pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Modify Pledge']")) # enter a new pledge, which is more than the previous amount and therefore requires a new PayPal transaction preapproval_amount_input = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input#id_preapproval_amount")) preapproval_amount_input.clear() # get rid of existing pledge preapproval_amount_input.send_keys("25") pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Modify Pledge']")) if backend == 'paypal': paySandbox(None, sel, sel.current_url, authorize=True, already_at_url=True, sleep_time=5) elif backend == 'amazon': payAmazonSandbox(sel) # wait a bit to allow PayPal sandbox to be update the status of the Transaction time.sleep(10) django.db.transaction.commit() # time out to simulate an IPN -- update all the transactions if do_local: django.db.transaction.enter_transaction_management() pm = PaymentManager() print pm.checkStatus() django.db.transaction.commit() django.db.transaction.enter_transaction_management() # now go back to the work page, hit modify pledge, and then the cancel link work_url = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('p > a[href*="/work/"]')) change_pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Modify Pledge']")) cancel_url = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('a[href*="/pledge/cancel"]')) # hit the confirm cancellation button cancel_pledge_button = WebDriverWait(sel,20).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector("input[value*='Confirm Pledge Cancellation']")) django.db.transaction.commit() # Why is the status of the new transaction not being updated? # force a db lookup -- see whether there are 1 or 2 transactions # they should both be cancelled if do_local: transactions = list(Transaction.objects.all()) print "number of transactions", Transaction.objects.count() print "transactions before pm.checkStatus" print [(, t.type, t.preapproval_key, t.status, t.premium, t.amount) for t in Transaction.objects.all()] print "checkStatus:", pm.checkStatus(transactions=transactions) yield sel #sel.quit() def successful_campaign_signal(): """fire off a success_campaign signal and send notifications""" import regluit from notification.engine import send_all c = regluit.core.models.Campaign.objects.get(id=3) regluit.core.signals.successful_campaign.send(sender=None, campaign=c) send_all() def berkeley_search(): sel = webdriver.Firefox() sel.get("") search = WebDriverWait(sel,5).until(lambda d: d.find_element_by_css_selector('input[id="search_text"]')) search.send_keys("quantum computing") return sel # wait for a bit and then highlight the text and fill it out with "Bach" instead # I was looking at using XPath natively in Firefox.... # # document.evaluate('//input[@id="search_text"]', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ).snapshotItem(0); def suites(): testcases = [GoogleWebDriverTest] suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases])