{% extends 'email_change/base.html' %} {% with request.user.profile.kindle_email as kindle_email %} {% block title %}Kindle email change successful{% endblock %} {% block extra_js %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block ce_content %}

Kindle email change successful

{% if ok_email %}Hooray! We can now send most unglued ebooks to you at {{ request.user.profile.kindle_email }}. Some ebooks are too big for us to send, though. {% else %}{{ request.user.profile.kindle_email }} is probably not the right email for your Kindle; most Kindles use an @kindle.com email address. You can change it, but we'll try sending it anyway. {% endif %}

{% if work %}

We're now emailing you the ebook you wanted, {{ work.title }}...

{% else %}

Why not start downloading free books?

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% endwith %}