from fabric.api import run, local, env, cd # allow us to use our ssh config files (e.g., ~/.ssh/config) env.use_ssh_config = True def rydev(): """An example of using a function to define a host and use that definition in a command to run: fab rydev list_dir """ env.hosts = [''] env.user = 'ubuntu' def update_prod(): """Updates the production serve by running /opt/regluit/deploy/update-prod""" with cd("/opt/regluit"): run("./deploy/update-prod") def get_dump(): """Dump the current db on remote server and scp it over to local machine. Note: web1 has been hardcoded here to represent the name of the server """ run("./ > ") run("gzip -f") local("scp web1:/home/ubuntu/ .") local("gunzip -f") def selenium(): """setting up selenium to run in the background on RY's laptop""" with cd('/Users/raymondyee/D/Document/Gluejar/Gluejar.github/regluit'): local("java -jar test/selenium-server-standalone-2.20.0.jar > selenium-rc.log 2>&1 &") def test(): """run regluit tests locally""" local(" test core api frontend payment") def list_dir(): """A simple command to do a ls on /home/ubuntu/regluit """ code_dir = '/home/ubuntu/regluit' with cd(code_dir): run("ls") def reboot(): """Reboot from the command line -- USE WITH CARE""" run("sudo shutdown -r now") def host_type(): run('uname -s')