{% load humanize %}We tried to process your transaction for "{{ transaction.campaign.work.title }}". However, our attempt to charge your credit card in the amount of ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }} failed{% if transaction.error %} ({{transaction.error}}){% endif %}. {% ifequal transaction.campaign.type 1 %}Don't worry -- typically this means the card on file for you is expired, and once you update your card information we'll be able to collect your pledge on behalf of {{ transaction.campaign.rightsholder }}. Please update your credit card information at https://{{ current_site.domain }}{% url manage_account %} by {{ recharge_deadline }} so that you can fulfill your pledge. Thank you! Pledge summary {% else %}Don't worry -- typically this means the card on file for you is expired, and once you update your card information you'll be able to complete your purchase. Please update your credit card information at https://{{ current_site.domain }}{% url manage_account %}. Thank you! Transaction summary {% endifequal %} {% include "notification/pledge_summary.txt" %} If you'd like to visit the campaign page, click here: https://{{ current_site.domain }}{% url work transaction.campaign.work.id %} Thank you again for your support. {{ transaction.campaign.rightsholder }} and the Unglue.it team