PAYMENT_TYPE_NONE = 0 PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT = 1 PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION = 2 PAYMENT_HOST_NONE = "none" PAYMENT_HOST_PAYPAL = "paypal" PAYMENT_HOST_AMAZON = "amazon" EXECUTE_TYPE_NONE = 0 EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_INSTANT = 1 EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED = 2 EXECUTE_TYPE_PARALLEL = 3 TARGET_TYPE_NONE = 0 TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN = 1 TARGET_TYPE_LIST = 2 TARGET_TYPE_DONATION = 3 # The default status for a transaction that is newly created TRANSACTION_STATUS_NONE = 'None' # Indicates a transaction has been sent to the co-branded API TRANSACTION_STATUS_CREATED = 'Created' # A general complete code to indicate payment is comlete to all receivers TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE = 'Complete' # A general pending code that means in process TRANSACTION_STATUS_PENDING = 'Pending' # Indicates a preapproval is active TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE = 'Active' # Only used in paypal at the moment, indicates payment was made to only 1 of multiple receivers TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE = 'Incomplete' # A general error code, see provider specific info for more detils TRANSACTION_STATUS_ERROR = 'Error' # A preapproval was canceled TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED = 'Canceled' # Money that was transfered was refunded, either through a reversal or manual refund TRANSACTION_STATUS_REFUNDED = 'Refunded' # The transaction was refused/denied TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED = 'Failed' # these two following parameters are probably extraneous since I think we will compute dynamically where to return each time. COMPLETE_URL = '/paymentcomplete' NEVERMIND_URL = '/paymentnevermind'