{% extends "base.html" %} {% load endless %} {% block title %} Active Campaigns {% endblock %} {% block extra_css %} {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block topsection %}
{{ facet|capfirst }}
With your help we're raising money to buy the right to give these books to the world.
We're ungluing {{ campaign_list.count }}
{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% include "explore.html" %}
{% ifequal campaign_list.count 0 %} There aren't any ungluing campaigns active. Poor Unglueman has nothing to do. {% else %} {% paginate 20 campaign_list %} {% for campaign in campaign_list %}
{% with campaign.status as status %} {% with campaign.deadline as deadline %} {% with campaign.work.editions.all.0.googlebooks_id as googlebooks_id %} {% with campaign.work as work %} {% include "book_panel.html" %} {% endwith %}{% endwith %}{% endwith %}{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endifequal %}
{% endblock %}