{% extends "registration/registration_base.html" %} {% block title %}Register for an account{% endblock %} {% block extra_js %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %} {% if not user.is_authenticated %}

Sign up for a Unglue.it account:

{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.username.label }}: {{ form.username.errors }}
{{ form.username }}
{{ form.email.label }}: {{ form.email.errors }}
{{ form.email }}
{{ form.password1.label }}: {{ form.password1.errors }}
{{ form.password1 }}
{{ form.password2.label }}: {{ form.password2.errors }}
{{ form.password2 }}


Sign in with Google Sign in with Yahoo!
{% else %}
You are already logged in as {{ user.username }}.
{% endif %} {% endblock %}