{% extends "basedocumentation.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% block title %}Buy-to-Unglue Campaign Mechanics{% endblock %} {% block topsection %} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}

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Buy-to-Unglue Campaigns

What is Buy-to-Unglue?
Buy-to-Unglue is a program that uses sales revenue to push books into the public commons. Every book that gets purchased through Unglue.it brings the ungluing date closer to the present.
What is an Ungluing Date?
The ungluing date is the date a book gets released under a Creative Commons License. After the ungluing date, the ebook will be available for free at unglue.it, Internet Archive and any library, anywhere.
How does that work?
The rights holder for the book picks
  1. an initial ungluing date some time in the future, and
  2. a revenue goal
When an ebook license is purchased, the ungluing date is recalculated according to these formulae:
(days per dollar) = [(initial ungluing date) - (campaign launch date)] / (campaign goal)

(current ungluing date) = (initial ungluing date) - (gross revenue)*(days per dollar)
Here's a calculator you can use to see how this works:
{% csrf_token %}

Starting with an Initial Ungluing Date of {{ form.cc_date_initial.errors }}{{ form.cc_date_initial }}

and a revenue goal of {{ form.target.errors }}${{ form.target }},

{% if form.instance.dollar_per_day %}

When the Book has earned ${{ form.revenue.errors }}{{ form.revenue }}, the new Ungluing Date will be {{ form.instance.cc_date }} and every additional ${{ form.instance.dollar_per_day|floatformat:2|intcomma }} received will advance the Ungluing Date by one day.

another Ungluing Date

{% else %}

when the Book has earned ...
${{ form.revenue.errors }}{{ form.revenue }} a new Ungluing Date

{% endif %}
How do I tell what a book's ungluing date is?
The ungluing date is displayed on the campaign page for every Buy-to-Unglue book, and is printed inside every copy sold through Unglue.it on the license/copyright page. For ebooks sold anywhere else, you'll need to wait for the author(s) to die, and many decades after that, for the copyright to expire.
{% endblock %}