{% extends "basepledge.html" %} {% load humanize %} {% load lib_acqs %} {% load purchased %} {% block title %}Pledge{% endblock %} {% block extra_extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block news %} {% endblock %} {% block doccontent %}
{{ work.title }}

{{ work.title }}

{{ work.authors_short }}

{{ work.publication_date_year }}

{{ work.percent_of_goal }}% of goal
current ungluing date:
{{ work.last_campaign.cc_date|date:"M j, Y" }} After {{ work.last_campaign.cc_date|date:"M j, Y" }} this book will be available for free to anyone, anywhere. Every purchase before then brings that date closer.
{% if work.last_campaign.supporters_count == 1 %} 1 ungluer {% else %} {{ work.last_campaign.supporters_count }} ungluers {% endif %}
${{ work.last_campaign.left|floatformat:0|intcomma }} to go ${{ work.last_campaign.left|floatformat:0|intcomma }} is the amount it would take to make this ebook free to the world tomorrow.

Available formats...

  • mobi (for Kindle)
  • epub (for iBooks, Readmill, Nook, Kobo)
{% ifequal work.last_campaign.status "ACTIVE" %} {% lib_acqs %}{% purchased %}
{% if borrowable %}
This ebook can be borrowed from your library.
Borrow Now
{% else %} {% if next_acq %}
This ebook can be reserved from your library.
{% if on_hold %}
You are on the {{ on_hold.library }} waiting list for this ebook. {% if on_hold.held %}There are {{on_hold.held}} ahead of you.{% else %}You are first on the list.{% endif %} You'll be notified when it's available, sometime after {{ next_acq.refreshes|date:"M j, Y"}}.
{% else %}
Available starting {{ next_acq.refreshes|date:"M j, Y"}} at {{ next_acq.user }}. {% if next_acq.holds.count == 1 %}There is {{ next_acq.holds.count }} person waiting.{% endif %} {% if next_acq.holds.count > 1 %}There are {{ next_acq.holds.count }} people waiting.{% endif %}
Reserve Now
{% endif %}
If you'd rather not wait, consider one of the purchase options.
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% csrf_token %} {{ form.non_field_errors }} {% if work.offers.all|length > 1 %}
Purchase Options: Individual or Library?
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ form.anonymous.label_tag }} {{ form.anonymous.errors }}{{ form.anonymous }}
{% if request.user.credit.available > 0 %}
You have an available gift credit of ${{ request.user.credit.available|intcomma }} which will be applied to your purchase.
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Campaign is not ACTIVE.
{% endifequal %} {% endblock %}