import requests from django.conf import settings mobigen_url = settings.MOBIGEN_URL mobigen_user_id = settings.MOBIGEN_USER_ID mobigen_password = settings.MOBIGEN_PASSWORD def convert_to_mobi(input_url, input_format="application/epub+zip"): """ return a string with the output of mobigen computation """ # using verify=False since at the moment, using a self-signed SSL cert. payload = requests.get(input_url).content headers = {'Content-Type': input_format} r =, auth=(mobigen_user_id, mobigen_password), data=payload, headers=headers) # if HTTP reponse code is ok, the output is the mobi file; else error message if r.status_code == 200: return r.content else: raise Exception("{0}: {1}".format(r.status_code, r.content))