@import "variables.less"; @import "learnmore.less"; .clickyarrows() { text-indent:-10000px; font-size:0; width:15px; height:22px; display:block; position:absolute; top:45%; } #expandable { display: none; } #main-container.main-container-fl .js-main { width:968px; background:#fff url("@{image-base}landingpage/container-top.png") top center no-repeat; } #js-maincol-fl, { padding:30px 30px 0 30px; overflow:hidden; .content-block { background:none; padding:0; } #js-main-container { float: left; width:672px; } .js-main-container-inner { padding-right:40px; } h2.page-heading { margin:0 0 20px 0; color:@text-blue; font-size:17px; font-weight: bold; } } .user-block { width:100%; clear:both; } .user-block1, .user-block2 { float:left; } .user-block1 { width:70%; .block-intro-text { float:left; width:70%; font-size:20px; } a.readon { float: left; margin-top:10px; } } .user-block2 { color:@medium-blue; font-size:11px; line-height:normal; width:30%; .block-inner { float:right; padding-right:0; } label { float:left; font-size:20px; .height(30px); color:@text-blue; padding-right:15px; } } #collapser { float: right; .height(24px); width: 24px; .one-border-radius(24px); -moz-box-shadow: -1px 1px @text-blue; -webkit-box-shadow: -1px 1px @text-blue; box-shadow: -1px 1px @text-blue; border: solid 3px white; text-align: center; color: white; background: @text-blue; font-size: 17px; z-index:5000; margin-top: -12px; margin-right:-22px; } #js-rightcol, #js-rightcol2 { float:right; width:230px; .jsmodule { float: left; width: 208px; background:@pale-blue; border:1px solid @blue-grey; .one-border-radius(12px); margin-bottom:10px; padding:0 10px 10px 10px; &.last { border-bottom:none; padding-bottom:10px; } input { .one-border-radius(32px); border: none; .height(36px); width:90%; outline: none; padding-left: 16px; } input.signup { background: url("@{image-base}landingpage/button.png") no-repeat 0 0; //the following are part of what we need to move this from graphics to css // which we will need if we institute a call-to-action color separately from green //.border-radius(32px, 0, 0, 32px); //background-color: @call-to-action; border: medium none; color: #FFF; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 31px 0 11px; width: 111px; } } div.button { padding-top:10px; } label { width:100%; display:block; clear:both; padding-top:10px; } } .js-rightcol-padd { padding:0; } h3.heading { color:@text-blue; font-weight:bold; } ul.ungluingwhat { list-style: none; padding:0; margin:0 -10px; li { margin-bottom:7px; background:#fff; padding: 10px; display:block; overflow:hidden; > div { float: left; } } div.user-avatar { width:43px; img { .one-border-radius(5px); } } .user-book-thumb { width:29px; } .user-book-info { width:135px; color:@text-blue; p { margin:0; padding:0 5px; font-size:11px; } a { display:block; padding:0; color:@text-blue; font-size:11px; text-decoration:underline; } a.user-book-name { padding: 0 5px; } } } div.typo2 { background:@pale-blue; .one-border-radius(12px); padding:10px; font-style:italic; } div.signup_btn { display:block; overflow:hidden; a { background: url("@{image-base}bg.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent; color: #fff; display: block; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; .height(36px); letter-spacing: 1px; text-decoration: none; text-transform: capitalize; float:left; span { background: url("@{image-base}bg.png") no-repeat scroll -770px -36px transparent; display: block; margin-right: 29px; padding: 0 5px 0 15px; } } } .have-content-right-module { .item-content { float:left; width:364px; font-size:14px; height: 132px; border-bottom:7px solid @bright-blue; p { margin-bottom:20px; line-height:135%; } h2.page-heading { padding-right:97px; line-height:43px; padding-bottom:4px; padding-top: 5px; } } .content-right-module { width:268px; float:right; h3 { color:@bright-blue; text-transform:uppercase; font-size:24px; font-weight:normal; padding:0; margin:0 0 16px 0; } } } h2.page-heading { color:#3c4e52; font-size:28px !important; font-style:italic; font-weight:normal !important; } #js-maincontainer-bot-block { width:100%; clear:both; overflow:hidden; margin-top:55px; #js-search { //background:url("@{image-base}andingpage/bg-search.png") 0 0 no-repeat; .one-border-radius(64px); background-color: @call-to-action; width:628px; height:80px; overflow:hidden; clear:both; color:#fff; label { line-height:80px; font-size:18px; float:left; padding:0; width:auto; padding:0 15px 0 30px; } form { float:left; width:210px; background:url("@{image-base}landingpage/search-box-two.png") 0 0 no-repeat; height:36px; display:block; overflow:hidden; margin-top:22px; } } } #js-search input { &.inputbox { border:none; color:#66942e; .height(26px); font-size:13px; float:left; padding:0; margin:5px 0 5px 20px; width: 149px; outline: none; } &.greenbutton { background:url("@{image-base}landingpage/search-button-two.png") 0 0 no-repeat; width:40px; height:40px; padding:0; margin:0; border:none; display:block; float: right; text-indent:-10000px; font-size:0; } } #js-maincontainer-faq { clear: both; overflow:hidden; margin:15px 0; width:100%; } .js-maincontainer-faq-inner { float:right; color:@text-blue; font-size:14px; padding-right:60px; a { font-weight:normal; color:@text-blue; text-decoration:underline; } } #js-slide .jsmodule > h3 { background:url("@{image-base}landingpage/bg-slide.png") bottom center no-repeat; padding-bottom:7px; padding-left:35px; span { background:@bright-blue; color:#fff; padding:10px 20px; .border-radius(10px, 10px, 0, 0); font-size:18px; overflow:hidden; display:inline-block; font-weight:normal; } } h3.module-title { padding: 14px 0; font-size:17px; font-weight: normal; } .google_signup { .google_signup_div; } #js-slideshow { padding:0 30px; position:relative; a.prev { .clickyarrows(); background:url("@{image-base}landingpage/arrow-left.png") 0 0 no-repeat; left: 0; } a.next { .clickyarrows(rt); background:url("@{image-base}landingpage/arrow-right.png") 0 0 no-repeat; right: 0; } } .spacer { float: left; margin: 0 4px; } .landingheader { border-bottom: solid 5px @medium-blue; float: left; height:134px; } #footer { clear: both; margin-top:30px; }