{% comment %} django-notification {% with %} play poorly together. Don't use {% with %} in child templates. You can include notification/sharing_block.html into a notice.html to have tweet, FB, email sharing show up. Include a {% url work your.local.work.id as work_url %} immediately prior. {% endcomment %}
{% block comments_book %} {% comment %} Your cover image goes here. e.g.: cover image for {{ work.title }} modify as needed for your local context variables {% endcomment %} {% endblock %}
{% block comments_graphical %}{% comment %} This is where you put your headline. Brief text, graphics-oriented info like user avatars and campaign status icons. e.g.: {% if supporter.profile.pic_url %} Picture of {{ comment.user }} {% else %} Generic Ungluer Avatar {% endif %} {{ comment.user.username }} on {{ comment.content_object.title }}{% endcomment %}{% endblock %}
{% now "M d Y, h:i A"%}

{% block comments_textual %} {% comment %} This is where you put the textual part of your message. Examples include the text of comments, details about credit card charges, etc. {% endcomment %} {% endblock %}