{% load url from future %}Alas. The campaign to unglue {{ campaign.work.title }} (https://{{current_site.domain}}{% url 'work' campaign.work.id %}) has not succeeded. If you pledged toward this work, your pledge will expire shortly and your credit card will not be charged, nor will you receive any premiums. Still want to give {{ campaign.work.title }} to the world? Don't despair. Keep it on your wishlist and tell everyone why you love this book. The rights holder, {{ campaign.rightsholder }}, may run a campaign with different terms in the future. With your help, we may yet be able to unglue {{ campaign.work.title }}. There are also other books with active campaigns that need your help: https://unglue.it/campaigns/ending . Thank you for your support. {{ campaign.rightsholder }} (rights holder for {{ campaign.work.title }}) and the Unglue.it team