import json import logging from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from requests import request import oauth2 as oauth from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin from urllib import urlencode import httplib from itertools import islice from regluit.core import bookloader import regluit.core # import parse_qsl from cgi if it doesn't exist in urlparse try: from urlparse import parse_qsl except: from cgi import parse_qsl from django.conf import settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # QUESTION: should the request_token, access_token be part of the state of the client? # for simplicity for now, I will make them part of the state of GoodReadsClient class GoodreadsException(Exception): pass class GoodreadsAuthorizationRequired(GoodreadsException): pass def filter_none(d): d2 = {} for (k,v) in d.iteritems(): if v is not None: d2[k] = v return d2 class GoodreadsClient(object): url = '' request_token_url = urljoin(url,'oauth/request_token/') authorize_url = urljoin(url, '/oauth/authorize/') access_token_url = urljoin(url,'/oauth/access_token/') def __init__(self,key,secret,access_token=None): self.key = key self.secret = secret self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=self.key, secret=self.secret) self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer) self.unauth_client = None if access_token is not None: self.__load_access_token(access_token) else: self.access_token = None @property def is_authorized(self): return (self.access_token is not None) def begin_authorization (self, callback_url=None): # get request token response, content = self.client.request(GoodreadsClient.request_token_url, 'GET') if int(response['status']) != httplib.OK: raise Exception('Invalid response: %s' % response['status']) request_token = dict(parse_qsl(content)) q = {'oauth_token':request_token['oauth_token']} if callback_url is not None: q['oauth_callback'] = callback_url authorize_link = GoodreadsClient.authorize_url + '?' + urlencode(q) return (authorize_link, request_token) def complete_authorization(self, request_token): token = oauth.Token(request_token['oauth_token'], request_token['oauth_token_secret']) self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, token) response, content = self.client.request(GoodreadsClient.access_token_url, 'POST') if int(response['status']) != httplib.OK: raise Exception('Invalid response: %s' % response['status']) access_token_raw = dict(parse_qsl(content)) self.__load_access_token(access_token_raw) return access_token_raw def __load_access_token(self, access_token): token = oauth.Token(access_token['oauth_token'], access_token['oauth_token_secret']) self.access_token = token self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.access_token) def __clear_access_token(self): self.access_token = None self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=self.key, secret=self.secret) def auth_user(self): if self.is_authorized: response, content = self.client.request('%s/api/auth_user' % GoodreadsClient.url, 'GET') if int(response['status']) != httplib.OK: raise GoodreadsException('Error authenticating Goodreads user: %s ' % response) else: doc = ET.fromstring(content) user = doc.find('user') userid = user.get('id') name = user.find('name').text link = user.find('link').text return({'userid':userid, 'name':name, 'link':link}) else: raise GoodreadsAuthorizationRequired('Attempt to access auth_user without authorization.') def add_book(self, book_id=871441, shelf_name='to-read'): # the book is: "Moby-Dick: A Pop-Up Book" 871441 body = urlencode({'name': 'to-read', 'book_id': book_id}) headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} response, content = self.client.request('%s/shelf/add_to_shelf.xml' % GoodreadsClient.url, 'POST', body, headers) # check that the new resource has been created if int(response['status']) != httplib.CREATED: raise GoodreadsException('Cannot create resource: %s' % response['status'])'response,content: %s | %s ' % (response,content)) else: return True def review_list(self, user_id, shelf='all',page=1,sort=None,per_page=20,order='a',search=None,v=2): """have to account for situation in which we might need authorized access for now: assume no need for auth sort: available_for_swap, position, num_pages, votes, recommender, rating, shelves, format, avg_rating, date_pub, isbn, comments, author, title, notes, cover, isbn13, review, date_pub_edition, condition, asin, date_started, owned, random, date_read, year_pub, read_count, date_added, date_purchased, num_ratings, purchase_location, date_updated (optional) """ path="/review/list/" params = filter_none({'id':user_id,'shelf':shelf,'page':page,'sort':sort,'per_page':per_page,'order':order, 'search':search, 'v':2}) params["key"] = self.key method = "GET" request_url = urljoin(GoodreadsClient.url, path) # loop through all the pages starting with page more_pages = True while (more_pages):'request to review_list: %s %s', request_url, params) r = request(method,request_url,params=params) if r.status_code != httplib.OK: raise GoodreadsException('Error in review_list: %s %s ' % (r.headers, r.content)) else:'headers, content: %s | %s ' % (r.headers,r.content)) doc = ET.fromstring(r.content) # for the moment convert to a iterable of book data presented as dict -- one the way to paging through all results reviews = doc.findall('reviews/review') for review in reviews: yield ({'id':review.find('id').text, 'book': {'id': review.find('book/id').text.strip(), 'isbn10':review.find('book/isbn').text, 'isbn13':review.find('book/isbn13').text, 'title':review.find('book/title').text.strip(), 'text_reviews_count':review.find('book/text_reviews_count').text.strip(), 'link':review.find('book/link').text.strip(), 'small_image_url':review.find('book/small_image_url').text.strip(), 'ratings_count':review.find('book/ratings_count').text.strip(), 'description':review.find('book/description').text.strip()} }) if len(reviews) == 0: more_pages = False else: params["page"] += 1 def shelves_list(self,user_id,page=1): path = "/shelf/list.xml" params = {'user_id':user_id, 'page':page} params["key"] = self.key method = "GET" request_url = urljoin(GoodreadsClient.url, path) r = request(method,request_url,params=params) if r.status_code != httplib.OK:'headers, content: %s | %s ' % (r.headers,r.content)) raise GoodreadsException('Error in shelves_list: %s %s ' % (r.headers, r.content)) else:'headers, content: %s | %s ' % (r.headers,r.content)) doc = ET.fromstring(r.content) shelves = doc.find('shelves') # do a simple parsing to a dictionary d = dict( [ (k,int(shelves.attrib[k])) for k in shelves.attrib ] ) d["user_shelves"] = [{'name':shelf.find('name').text, 'book_count':int(shelf.find('book_count').text), 'description':shelf.find('description').text if shelf.find('description').attrib['nil'] != 'true' else None, 'exclusive_flag':shelf.find('exclusive_flag').text} \ for shelf in shelves.findall('user_shelf')] d["total_book_count"] = sum([shelf['book_count'] if shelf['exclusive_flag'] == 'true' else 0 for shelf in d["user_shelves"]]) return d def load_goodreads_shelf_into_wishlist(user, shelf_name='all', goodreads_user_id=None, max_books=None): """ Load a specified Goodreads shelf (by default: all the books from the Goodreads account associated with user) """ gc = GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) if goodreads_user_id is None: if user.profile.goodreads_user_id is not None: goodreads_user_id = user.profile.goodreads_user_id else: raise Exception("No Goodreads user_id is associated with user.") for (i, review) in enumerate(islice(gc.review_list(goodreads_user_id,shelf=shelf_name),max_books)): isbn = review["book"]["isbn10"] if review["book"]["isbn10"] is not None else review["book"]["isbn13"]"%d %s %s %s ", i, review["book"]["title"], isbn, review["book"]["small_image_url"]) try: edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn(isbn) # let's not trigger too much traffic to Google books for now # regluit.core.tasks.add_related.delay(isbn)"Work with isbn %s added to wishlist.", isbn) except Exception, e: ("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e)