{% load url from future %}{% load humanize %} {% ifequal transaction.campaign.type 1 %} Amount pledged: ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }} Premium: {{ transaction.premium.description }} You will also be acknowledged as follows: - The unglued ebook will be delivered to your inbox.{% if not transaction.anonymous %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 1 %} - You will be listed in the ebook as a Supporter using the name "{{ transaction.extra.ack_name }}".{% endifequal %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 2 %} - You will be listed in the ebook as a Benefactor using the name "{{ transaction.extra.ack_name }}" with a link to your Unglue.it supporter page.{% endifequal %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 3 %} - You will be listed in the ebook as a Bibliophile using the name "{{ transaction.extra.ack_name }}" with a link to your Unglue.it supporter page.{% endifequal %}{% endif %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 3 %}{% if transaction.extra.ack_dedication %} - The following dedication will be included in the ebook: {{ transaction.extra.ack_dedication }}{% else %} - You were eligible to include a dedication in the unglued ebook, but did not choose to do so. If you like, you can change this at https://{{ current_site.domain }}{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id=transaction.campaign.work.id %}. {% endif %}{% endifequal %}{% else %} Amount charged: ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }} {% endifequal %}