import pymarc import logging from datetime import datetime from StringIO import StringIO from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import models from . import load # weak coupling EDITION_MODEL = "core.Edition" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) marc_rels = { 'aut': 'author', "adp": "adapter", "aft": "author_of_afterword", "ann": "annotator", "arr": "arranger", "art": "artist", "aui": "author_of_introduction", "clb": "collaborator", "cmm": "commentator", "cmp": "composer", "cnd": "conductor", "com": "compiler", "ctb": "contributor", "dub": "dubious_author", "edt": "editor", "egr": "engineer", "ill": "illustrator", "lbt": "librettist", "oth": "other_contributor", "pbl": "publisher_contributor", "pht": "photographer", "prf": "performer", "prt": "printer", "res": "researcher", "trc": "transcriber", "trl": "translator", "unk": "unknown_contributor", } inverse_marc_rels = {v:k for k,v in marc_rels.items()} class AbstractEdition: # define the methods and attributes an edition should have isbn_13 = '' oclc = '' license = None funding_info = '' description = '' publisher = '' title = '' publication_date = '' # the edition should be able to report ebook downloads, with should have format and url attributes def downloads(self): return [] # the edition should be able to report an "ebook via" url def download_via_url(self): return [] # these should be last name first def authnames(self): return [] # gets the right edition @staticmethod def get_by_isbn(isbn): return None def _xml(record): return pymarc.record_to_xml(record) def _mrc(record): mrc_file = StringIO() writer = pymarc.MARCWriter(mrc_file) writer.write(record) return class MARCRecord(models.Model): # the record goes here guts = models.TextField() #storage for parsed guts _the_record = None # note capitalization of related_name edition = models.ForeignKey(EDITION_MODEL, related_name="MARCRecords", null=True) user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="MARCRecords", null=True ) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): _the_record = kwargs.pop('the_record', None) super(MARCRecord, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs) edition = kwargs.pop('edition', None) guts = kwargs.pop('guts', None) if edition and not guts: #make a stub _the_record from the edition self._the_record = load.stub(edition) @property def accession(self): zeroes = 9 - len(str( return 'ung' + zeroes*'0' + str( def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if == None and self._the_record: # get the id first, add assession number self.guts = '' super(MARCRecord, self).save(*args, **kwargs) self.guts = _xml(self._the_record) try: field001 = self._the_record.get_fields('001')[0] if field001: self._the_record.remove_field(field001) except IndexError: pass field001 = pymarc.Field(tag='001', data=self.accession) self._the_record.add_ordered_field(field001) super(MARCRecord, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def load_from_file(self, source='raw'): #parse guts if isinstance(self.guts, str) or isinstance(self.guts, unicode): marcfile = StringIO(self.guts) else: marcfile = self.guts if source == 'loc': self._the_record = load.from_lc(marcfile, self.edition) else: self._the_record = load.raw(marcfile, self.edition) # the record without 856 def _record(self): if self._the_record: the_record = self._the_record else: the_record = pymarc.parse_xml_to_array(StringIO(self.guts))[0] for field in the_record.get_fields('856'): the_record.remove_field(field) self._the_record = the_record return the_record def direct_record(self): the_record = self._record() for book in self.edition.downloads(): field856 = pymarc.Field( tag='856', indicators = ['4', '0'], subfields = [ '3', book.format + ' version', 'q', settings.CONTENT_TYPES[book.format], 'u', book.url, ] ) the_record.add_ordered_field(field856) return the_record def direct_record_xml(self): return _xml(self.direct_record()) def direct_record_mrc(self): return _mrc(self.direct_record()) def via_record(self): the_record = self._record() field856_via = pymarc.Field( tag='856', indicators = ['4', '0'], subfields = [ 'u', self.edition.download_via_url(), ] ) the_record.add_ordered_field(field856_via) return the_record def via_record_xml(self): return _xml(self.via_record()) def via_record_mrc(self): return _mrc(self.via_record()) def record(self, link_target='via', format='xml'): if format == 'xml': if link_target == 'via': return self.via_record_xml() elif link_target == 'direct': return self.direct_record_xml() elif format == 'mrc': if link_target == 'via': return self.via_record_mrc() elif link_target == 'direct': return self.direct_record_mrc() #load a many records minimal change def import_records(marcfile): class RecordLoader(pymarc.XmlHandler): Edition = models.get_model(*EDITION_MODEL.split('.')) num_loaded=0 def process_record(self, record): try: field020 = record.get_fields('020')[0] isbn = field020.get_subfields('a')[0] edition = self.Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn) if edition: try: mr = MARCRecord.objects.get(edition=edition)'already have a record for %s' % isbn) except MARCRecord.DoesNotExist: mr = MARCRecord(edition=edition, the_record=record) self.num_loaded+=1 else:'no edition for %s' % isbn) except IndexError:'020 absent') handler = RecordLoader() pymarc.parse_xml(marcfile, handler) return handler.num_loaded