from regluit.core.models import Campaign, Wishlist from regluit.payment.models import Transaction, Receiver, PaymentResponse from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings from regluit.payment.parameters import * from regluit.payment.paypal import IPN_SENDER_STATUS_COMPLETED from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged, pledge_modified, pledge_created if settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR == 'paypal': from regluit.payment.paypal import Pay, Finish, Preapproval, ProcessIPN, CancelPreapproval, PaymentDetails, PreapprovalDetails, RefundPayment from regluit.payment.paypal import Pay as Execute elif settings.PAYMENT_PROCESSOR == 'amazon': from import Pay, Execute, Finish, Preapproval, ProcessIPN, CancelPreapproval, PaymentDetails, PreapprovalDetails, RefundPayment import uuid import traceback from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta import logging from decimal import Decimal as D from xml.dom import minidom import urllib, urlparse from django.conf import settings logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def append_element(doc, parent, name, text): element = doc.createElement(name) parent.appendChild(element) text_node = doc.createTextNode(text) element.appendChild(text_node) return element # at this point, there is no internal context and therefore, the methods of PaymentManager can be recast into static methods class PaymentManager( object ): def __init__( self, embedded=False): self.embedded = embedded def processIPN(self, request, module): # Forward to our payment processor mod = __import__("regluit.payment." + module, fromlist=[str(module)]) method = getattr(mod, "ProcessIPN") return method(request) def update_preapproval(self, transaction): """Update a transaction to hold the data from a PreapprovalDetails on that transaction""" t = transaction method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "PreapprovalDetails") p = method(t) preapproval_status = {'id', 'key':t.preapproval_key} if p.error() or not p.success():"Error retrieving preapproval details for transaction %d" % preapproval_status["error"] = "An error occurred while verifying this transaction, see server logs for details" else: # Check the transaction status if t.status != p.status: preapproval_status["status"] = {'ours':t.status, 'theirs':p.status} t.status = p.status t.local_status = p.local_status # check the currency code if t.currency != p.currency: preapproval_status["currency"] = {'ours':t.currency, 'theirs':p.currency} t.currency = p.currency # Check the amount if t.max_amount != D(p.amount): preapproval_status["amount"] = {'ours':t.max_amount, 'theirs':p.amount} t.max_amount = p.amount # Check approved if t.approved != p.approved: preapproval_status["approved"] = {'ours':t.approved, 'theirs':p.approved} t.approved = p.approved # In amazon FPS, we may not have a pay_key via the return URL, update here try: if t.pay_key != p.pay_key: preapproval_status['pay_key'] = {'ours':t.pay_key, 'theirs':p.pay_key} t.pay_key = p.pay_key except: # No problem, p.pay_key is not defined for paypal function blah = "blah" return preapproval_status def update_payment(self, transaction): """Update a transaction to hold the data from a PaymentDetails on that transaction""" t = transaction payment_status = {'id'} method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "PaymentDetails") p = method(t) if p.error() or not p.success():"Error retrieving payment details for transaction %d" % payment_status['error'] = "An error occurred while verifying this transaction, see server logs for details" else: # Check the transaction status if t.status != p.status: payment_status['status'] = {'ours': t.status, 'theirs': p.status} t.status = p.status t.local_status = p.local_status receivers_status = [] for r in p.transactions: # This is only supported for paypal at this time try: receiver = Receiver.objects.get(transaction=t, email=r['email']) receiver_status = {'email':r['email']} # Check for updates on each receiver's status. Note that unprocessed delayed chained payments # will not have a status code or txn id code if receiver.status != r['status']: receiver_status['status'] = {'ours': receiver.status, 'theirs': r['status']} receiver.status = r['status'] if receiver.txn_id != r['txn_id']: receiver_status['txn_id'] = {'ours':receiver.txn_id, 'theirs':r['txn_id']} receiver.txn_id = r['txn_id'] except: traceback.print_exc() if not set(["status","txn_id"]).isdisjoint(receiver_status.keys()): receivers_status.append(receiver_status) if len(receivers_status): payment_status["receivers"] = receivers_status return payment_status def checkStatus(self, past_days=None, transactions=None): ''' Run through all pay transactions and verify that their current status is as we think. Allow for a list of transactions to be passed in or for the method to check on all transactions within the given past_days ''' DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_CHECK = 3 status = {'payments':[], 'preapprovals':[]} # look at all PAY transactions for stated number of past days; if past_days is not int, get all Transaction # only PAY transactions have date_payment not None if transactions is None: if past_days is None: past_days = DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_CHECK try: ref_date = now() - relativedelta(days=int(past_days)) payment_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_payment__gte=ref_date) except: ref_date = now() payment_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_payment__isnull=False) # Now look for preapprovals that have not been paid and check on their status preapproval_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(date_authorized__gte=ref_date, date_payment=None, type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION) transactions = payment_transactions | preapproval_transactions for t in transactions: # deal with preapprovals if t.date_payment is None: preapproval_status = self.update_preapproval(t)"transaction: {0}, preapproval_status: {1}".format(t, preapproval_status)) if not set(['status', 'currency', 'amount', 'approved']).isdisjoint(set(preapproval_status.keys())): status["preapprovals"].append(preapproval_status) # update payments else: payment_status = self.update_payment(t) if not set(["status", "receivers"]).isdisjoint(payment_status.keys()): status["payments"].append(payment_status) # Clear out older, duplicate preapproval transactions cleared_list = [] for p in transactions: # pick out only the preapprovals if p.date_payment is None and p.type == PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION and p.status == TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE and p not in cleared_list: # keep only the newest transaction for this user and campaign user_transactions_for_campaign = Transaction.objects.filter(user=p.user, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=p.campaign).order_by('-date_authorized') if len(user_transactions_for_campaign) > 1:"Found %d active transactions for campaign" % len(user_transactions_for_campaign)) self.cancel_related_transaction(user_transactions_for_campaign[0], status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=transactions[0].campaign) cleared_list.extend(user_transactions_for_campaign) # Note, we may need to call checkstatus again here return status def run_query(self, transaction_list, summary=True, campaign_total=False, pledged=False, authorized=False, incomplete=False, completed=False, pending=False, error=False, failed=False, **kwargs): ''' Generic query handler for returning summary and transaction info, see query_user and query_campaign campaign_total=True includes all payment types which should count towards campaign total ''' if campaign_total: # must double check when adding Paypal or other # return only ACTIVE transactions with approved=True list = transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, approved=True).exclude(status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED) list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) else: list = Transaction.objects.none() if pledged: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) if authorized: # return only ACTIVE transactions with approved=True list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, approved=True) if incomplete: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) if completed: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE) if pending: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_PENDING) if error: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ERROR) if failed: list = list | transaction_list.filter(type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED) if summary: amount = D('0.00') for t in list: if t.type==PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT: for r in t.receiver_set.all(): # # Currently receivers are only used for paypal, so keep the paypal status code here # if r.status == IPN_SENDER_STATUS_COMPLETED: # or IPN_SENDER_STATUS_COMPLETED # individual senders may not have been paid due to errors, and disputes/chargebacks only appear here amount += r.amount else: amount += t.amount return amount else: return list def query_user(self, user, **kwargs): ''' query_user Returns either an amount or list of transactions for a user summary: if true, return a float of the total, if false, return a list of transactions return value: either a float summary or a list of transactions Note: this method appears to be unused. ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(user=user) return self.run_query(transactions, **kwargs) def query_campaign(self, campaign, **kwargs ): ''' query_campaign Returns either an amount or list of transactions for a campaign summary: if true, return a float of the total, if false, return a list of transactions return value: either a float summary or a list of transactions ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign) return self.run_query(transactions, **kwargs) def execute_campaign(self, campaign): ''' execute_campaign attempts to execute all pending transactions for a campaign. return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' # only allow active transactions to go through again, if there is an error, intervention is needed transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) for t in transactions: # # Currently receivers are only used for paypal, so it is OK to leave the paypal info here # receiver_list = [{'email':settings.PAYPAL_GLUEJAR_EMAIL, 'amount':t.amount}, {'email':campaign.paypal_receiver, 'amount':D(t.amount) * (D('1.00') - D(str(settings.GLUEJAR_COMMISSION)))}] self.execute_transaction(t, receiver_list) # TO DO: update campaign status # Should this be done first before executing the transactions? # How does the success/failure of transactions affect states of campaigns return transactions def finish_campaign(self, campaign): ''' finish_campaign attempts to execute all remaining payment to non-primary receivers This is currently only supported for paypal return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' # QUESTION: to figure out which transactions are in a state in which the payment to the primary recipient is done but not to secondary recipient # Consider two possibilities: status=IPN_PAY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE or execution = EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED # which one? Let's try the second one # only allow incomplete transactions to go through again, if there is an error, intervention is needed transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, execution=EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED) for t in transactions: result = self.finish_transaction(t) # TO DO: update campaign status return transactions def cancel_campaign(self, campaign, reason="UNSUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN"): ''' cancel_campaign attempts to cancel active preapprovals related to the campaign return value: returns a list of transactions with the status of each receiver/transaction updated ''' transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(campaign=campaign, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE) for t in transactions: result = self.cancel_transaction(t) if result: t.reason = reason return transactions def finish_transaction(self, transaction): ''' finish_transaction calls the paypal API to execute payment to non-primary receivers transaction: the transaction we want to complete ''' if transaction.execution != EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED: logger.error("FinishTransaction called with invalid execution type") return False # mark this transaction as executed transaction.date_executed = now() method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "Finish") p = method(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error():"finish_transaction Success") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string()"finish_transaction error " + p.error_string()) return False def execute_transaction(self, transaction, receiver_list): ''' execute_transaction executes a single pending transaction. transaction: the transaction object to execute receiver_list: a list of receivers for the transaction, in this format: [ {'email':'email-1', 'amount':amount1}, {'email':'email-2', 'amount':amount2} ] return value: a bool indicating the success or failure of the process. Please check the transaction status after the IPN has completed for full information ''' if len(transaction.receiver_set.all()) > 0: # we are re-submitting a transaction, wipe the old receiver list transaction.receiver_set.all().delete() transaction.create_receivers(receiver_list) # Mark as payment attempted so we will poll this periodically for status changes transaction.date_payment = now() method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "Execute") p = method(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.api(), correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) # We will update our transaction status when we receive the IPN if p.success() and not p.error(): transaction.pay_key = p.key()"execute_transaction Success") transaction_charged.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction) return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string()"execute_transaction Error: " + p.error_string()) return False def cancel_transaction(self, transaction): ''' cancel cancels a pre-approved transaction return value: True if successful, false otherwise ''' method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "CancelPreapproval") p = method(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error():"Cancel Transaction " + str( + " Completed") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string()"Cancel Transaction " + str( + " Failed with error: " + p.error_string()) return False def authorize(self, currency, target, amount, expiry=None, campaign=None, list=None, user=None, return_url=None, nevermind_url=None, anonymous=False, premium=None, paymentReason=" Pledge", modification=False): ''' authorize authorizes a set amount of money to be collected at a later date currency: a 3-letter paypal currency code, i.e. USD target: a defined target type, i.e. TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, TARGET_TYPE_LIST, TARGET_TYPE_NONE amount: the amount to authorize campaign: optional campaign object(to be set with TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN) list: optional list object(to be set with TARGET_TYPE_LIST) user: optional user object return_url: url to redirect supporter to after a successful PayPal transaction nevermind_url: url to send supporter to if support hits cancel while in middle of PayPal transaction anonymous: whether this pledge is anonymous premium: the premium selected by the supporter for this transaction paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in the Payer's Amazon (and Paypal?) account modification: whether this authorize call is part of a modification of an existing pledge return value: a tuple of the new transaction object and a re-direct url. If the process fails, the redirect url will be None ''' t = Transaction.objects.create(amount=amount, max_amount=amount, type=PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION, execution = EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_DELAYED, target=target, currency=currency, status='NONE', campaign=campaign, list=list, user=user, anonymous=anonymous, premium=premium ) # we might want to not allow for a return_url or nevermind_url to be passed in but calculated # here because we have immediate access to the Transaction object. if nevermind_url is None: nevermind_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_nevermind'), urllib.urlencode({'tid'})) nevermind_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL, nevermind_path) if return_url is None: return_path = "{0}?{1}".format(reverse('pledge_complete'), urllib.urlencode({'tid'})) return_url = urlparse.urljoin(settings.BASE_URL, return_path) method = getattr(t.get_payment_class(), "Preapproval") p = method(t, amount, expiry, return_url=return_url, nevermind_url=nevermind_url, paymentReason=paymentReason) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = p.correlation_id(), timestamp = p.timestamp(), info = p.raw_response, transaction=t) if p.success() and not p.error(): t.preapproval_key = p.key() url = p.next_url()"Authorize Success: " + url) # modification and initial pledge use different notification templates -- # decide which to send # we need to fire notifications at the first point at which we are sure # that the transaction has successfully completed; triggering notifications # when the transaction is initiated risks sending notifications on transactions # that for whatever reason fail. will need other housekeeping to handle those. # sadly this point is not yet late enough in the process -- needs to be moved # until after we are certain. if not modification: # BUGBUG: # send the notice here for now # this is actually premature since we're only about to send the user off to the payment system to # authorize a charge pledge_created.send(sender=self, transaction=t) return t, url else: t.error = p.error_string()"Authorize Error: " + p.error_string()) return t, None def cancel_related_transaction(self, transaction, status=TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE, campaign=None): ''' Cancels any other similar status transactions for the same campaign. Used with modify code Returns the number of transactions successfully canceled ''' related_transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(status=status, user=transaction.user) if len(related_transactions) == 0: return 0 if campaign: related_transactions = related_transactions.filter(campaign=campaign) canceled = 0 for t in related_transactions: if == # keep our transaction continue if self.cancel_transaction(t): canceled = canceled + 1 # send notice about modification of transaction if transaction.amount > t.amount: # this should be the only one that happens up_or_down = "increased" elif transaction.amount < t.amount: # we shouldn't expect any case in which this happens up_or_down = "decreased" else: # we shouldn't expect any case in which this happens up_or_down = None pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction, up_or_down=up_or_down) else: logger.error("Failed to cancel transaction {0} for related transaction {1} ".format(t, transaction)) return canceled def modify_transaction(self, transaction, amount, expiry=None, anonymous=None, premium=None, return_url=None, nevermind_url=None, paymentReason=None): ''' modify Modifies a transaction. The only type of modification allowed is to the amount and expiration date amount: the new amount expiry: the new expiration date, or if none the current expiration date will be used anonymous: new anonymous value; if None, then keep old value premium: new premium selected; if None, then keep old value return_url: the return URL after the preapproval(if needed) nevermind_url: the cancel url after the preapproval(if needed) paymentReason: a memo line that will show up in the Payer's Amazon (and Paypal?) account return value: True if successful, False otherwise. An optional second parameter for the forward URL if a new authorhization is needed ''' # Can only modify the amount of a preapproval for now if transaction.type != PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION:"Error, attempt to modify an invalid transaction type") return False, None # Can only modify an active, pending transaction. If it is completed, we need to do a refund. If it is incomplete, # then an IPN may be pending and we cannot touch it if transaction.status != TRANSACTION_STATUS_ACTIVE:"Error, attempt to modify a transaction that is not active") return False, None # if any of expiry, anonymous, or premium is None, use the existing value if expiry is None: expiry = transaction.date_expired if anonymous is None: anonymous = transaction.anonymous if premium is None: premium = transaction.premium if amount > transaction.max_amount or expiry != transaction.date_expired: # Start a new authorization for the new amount t, url = self.authorize(transaction.currency,, amount, expiry, transaction.campaign, transaction.list, transaction.user, return_url, nevermind_url, transaction.anonymous, premium, paymentReason, True) if t and url: # Need to re-direct to approve the transaction"New authorization needed, redirection to url %s" % url) # Do not cancel the transaction here, wait until we get confirmation that the transaction is complete # then cancel all other active transactions for this campaign #self.cancel_transaction(transaction) # while it would seem to make sense to send a pledge notification change here # if we do, we will also send notifications when we initiate but do not # successfully complete a pledge modification return True, url else: # a problem in authorize"Error, unable to start a new authorization") # should we send a pledge_modified signal with state="failed" and a # corresponding notification to the user? that would go here. return False, None elif amount <= transaction.max_amount: # Update transaction but leave the preapproval alone transaction.amount = amount transaction.anonymous = anonymous transaction.premium = premium"Updated amount of transaction to %f" % amount) # since modifying pledges downwards happens immediately and only within our # db, we don't have to wait until we hear back from amazon to be assured of # success; send the notification immediately pledge_modified.send(sender=self, transaction=transaction, up_or_down="decreased") return True, None else: # this shouldn't happen return False, None def refund_transaction(self, transaction): ''' refund Refunds a transaction. The money for the transaction may have gone to a number of places. We can only refund money that is in our account return value: True if successful, false otherwise ''' # First check if a payment has been made. It is possible that some of the receivers may be incomplete # We need to verify that the refund API will cancel these if transaction.status != TRANSACTION_STATUS_COMPLETE:"Refund Transaction failed, invalid transaction status") return False method = getattr(transaction.get_payment_class(), "RefundPayment") p = method(transaction) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: correlation = p.correlation_id() timestamp = p.timestamp() r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.url, correlation_id = correlation, timestamp = timestamp, info = p.raw_response, transaction=transaction) if p.success() and not p.error():"Refund Transaction " + str( + " Completed") return True else: transaction.error = p.error_string()"Refund Transaction " + str( + " Failed with error: " + p.error_string()) return False def pledge(self, currency, target, receiver_list, campaign=None, list=None, user=None, return_url=None, nevermind_url=None, anonymous=False, premium=None): ''' pledge Performs an instant payment currency: a 3-letter paypal currency code, i.e. USD target: a defined target type, i.e. TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN, TARGET_TYPE_LIST, TARGET_TYPE_NONE receiver_list: a list of receivers for the transaction, in this format: [ {'email':'email-1', 'amount':amount1}, {'email':'email-2', 'amount':amount2} ] campaign: optional campaign object(to be set with TARGET_TYPE_CAMPAIGN) list: optional list object(to be set with TARGET_TYPE_LIST) user: optional user object return_url: url to redirect supporter to after a successful PayPal transaction nevermind_url: url to send supporter to if support hits cancel while in middle of PayPal transaction anonymous: whether this pledge is anonymous premium: the premium selected by the supporter for this transaction return value: a tuple of the new transaction object and a re-direct url. If the process fails, the redirect url will be None ''' amount = D('0.00') # for chained payments, first amount is the total amount amount = D(receiver_list[0]['amount']) t = Transaction.objects.create(amount=amount, max_amount=amount, type=PAYMENT_TYPE_INSTANT, execution=EXECUTE_TYPE_CHAINED_INSTANT, target=target, currency=currency, status='NONE', campaign=campaign, list=list, user=user, date_payment=now(), anonymous=anonymous, premium=premium ) t.create_receivers(receiver_list) method = getattr(t.get_payment_class(), "Pay") p = method(t,return_url=return_url, nevermind_url=nevermind_url) # Create a response for this envelope = p.envelope() if envelope: r = PaymentResponse.objects.create(api=p.api(), correlation_id = p.correlation_id(), timestamp = p.timestamp(), info = p.raw_response, transaction=t) if p.success() and not p.error(): t.pay_key = p.key() t.status = TRANSACTION_STATUS_CREATED if self.embedded: url = p.embedded_url() else: url = p.next_url()"Pledge Success: " + url) return t, url else: t.error = p.error_string()"Pledge Error: %s" % p.error_string()) return t, None