var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function() { // hijack a link with class "hijax" to show its content in a lightbox instead // allows for ajaxy presentation of things like download links in a way that // degrades gracefully for non-js users $j("#js-page-wrap, #footer").on("click", "a.hijax", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var work_page = $j(this).attr("href").split("download")[0]; var isDownload =$j(this).attr("href").indexOf("download"); var vars = $j(this).attr("href").split("next="); $j("#lightbox").load($j(this).attr("href") + " #lightbox_content", function() { // centering divs of dynamic width: shockingly hard. make sure lightbox is centered on load. var hijaxWidth = $j('#about_expandable').width() + 28; var windowWidth = $j(document).width(); var marginWidth = (windowWidth - hijaxWidth)/2; $j('#about_expandable').css({'margin-left': marginWidth, 'margin-right': marginWidth}); // position div vertically relative to top of viewport, to ensure visibility // regardless of where on the page the user clicked to activate it var marginTop = window.pageYOffset; $j('#about_expandable').css({'margin-top': marginTop}); if (isDownload !== -1) { $j.getScript('/static/js/download_page.js'); if(typeof(Dropbox) != "undefined"){ Dropbox._dropinsjs_loaded=false; } $j.getScript(''); $j.cookie('next', work_page, {path: '/'}); } else { //need to push next cookie for sign-in links if (vars.length>1){ next=vars[1]; if(next!='') { next = next.replace(/[\x22\x27\x3c\x3e]/g,''); $j.cookie('next', next, {path: '/'}); } } } // fade-out rest of page elements on expand $j('#feedback, #js-page-wrap, #footer').css({"opacity": "0.07"}); $j('#about_expandable').css({'position': 'absolute'}); $j('#about_expandable').fadeTo("slow", 1); // if we're on a supporter page, personalize our about box // by writing the supporter's name in if ($j(location).attr('pathname').slice(0,11) == '/supporter/') { var ungluer = $j(location).attr('pathname').slice(11, -1); if (ungluer != null) { // span.ungluer doesn't exist until the ajax call so we // can't bind to the DOM on document ready; need to use // the ajaxComplete event $j('#lightbox').ajaxComplete(function() { $j('#lightbox span.ungluer').replaceWith(ungluer); }); } } }); }); // fade-in normal page elements on collapse $j('#about_collapser').on("click", function(){ $j('#js-topsection, .launch_top, .preview, #main-container, #js-rightcol, #js-header, #js-page-wrap, #footer, #feedback').fadeTo("slow", 1); $j('#js-header a').css({"cursor": "pointer"}); $j('#about_expandable').css({"display": "none"}); }); // make drop-down menu happen when they click on their name $j('#authenticated').click(function(){ $j('#user_menu').toggle(); $j(this).toggleClass('highlight'); $j('#welcome i').toggleClass('fa-chevron-down'); $j('#welcome i').toggleClass('fa-chevron-up'); }); // but suppress it if they're clicking on the badge link to the notifications page $j('#i_haz_notifications_badge').click(function() { event.stopPropagation(); }); });