import datetime from itertools import islice import logging from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pytz from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.http import urlquote from regluit.core import models, facets import as cc licenses = cc.LICENSE_LIST logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) soup = None FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE = {'pdf':"application/pdf", 'epub':"application/epub+zip", 'mobi':"application/x-mobipocket-ebook", 'html':"text/html", 'text':"text/html"} UNGLUEIT_URL = '' ACQUISITION = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition" FACET_RELATION = "" old_facets = ["creative_commons", "active_campaigns"] def feeds(): for facet in old_facets: yield globals()[facet] for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Format'): yield get_facet_facet(facet_path) for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Keyword'): yield get_facet_facet(facet_path) def get_facet_class(name): if name in old_facets: return globals()[name] return get_facet_facet(name) def text_node(tag, text): node = soup.new_tag(tag) if text: node.string = text return node def html_node(tag, html): node = text_node(tag, html) node.attrs.update({"type":'html'}) return node def add_query_component(url, qc): """ add component qc to the querystring of url """ m = list(urlparse(url)) if m[4]: m[4] = "&".join([m[4], qc]) else: m[4] = qc return urlunparse(m) def isbn_node(isbn): node = soup.new_tag("dcterms:identifier") node.attrs.update({"xsi:type":'dcterms:URI'}) node.string = 'urn:ISBN:'+ isbn return node def work_node(work, facet=None): node = soup.new_tag("entry") # title node.append(text_node("title", work.title)) # id node.append(text_node( 'id', "{base}{url}".format( base=UNGLUEIT_URL, url=reverse('work_identifier', kwargs={'work_id':}) ) )) updated = None # links for all ebooks ebooks = facet.filter_model("Ebook", work.ebooks()) if facet else work.ebooks() versions = set() for ebook in ebooks: if updated is None: # most recent ebook, first ebook in loop updated = ebook.created.isoformat() node.append(text_node('updated', updated)) if not ebook.version_label in versions: versions.add(ebook.version_label) link_node = soup.new_tag("link") # ebook.download_url is an absolute URL with the protocol, domain, and path baked in link_rel = "" link_node.attrs.update({ "href":add_query_component(ebook.download_url, "feed=opds"), "rel":link_rel, "dcterms:rights": str(ebook.rights) }) if ebook.is_direct(): link_node["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "") else: # indirect acquisition, i.e. google books link_node["type"] = "text/html" indirect = soup.new_tag("opds:indirectAcquisition",) indirect["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "") link_node.append(indirect) if ebook.version_label: link_node.attrs.update({"schema:version": ebook.version_label}) node.append(link_node) # get the cover -- assume jpg? cover_node = soup.new_tag("link") cover_node.attrs.update({ "href": work.cover_image_small(), "type": "image/" + work.cover_filetype(), "rel": "" }) node.append(cover_node) cover_node = soup.new_tag("link") cover_node.attrs.update({ "href": work.cover_image_thumbnail(), "type": "image/" + work.cover_filetype(), "rel": "" }) node.append(cover_node) # 2012 node.append(text_node("dcterms:issued", work.publication_date)) # author # TO DO: include all authors? author_node = soup.new_tag("author") author_node.append(text_node("name", node.append(author_node) # publisher #Open Book Publishers if work.publishers().count(): for publisher in work.publishers(): node.append(text_node("dcterms:publisher", # language #en node.append(text_node("dcterms:language", work.language)) # description node.append(html_node("content", work.description)) # identifiers if work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn'): for isbn in work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn')[0:9]: #10 should be more than enough node.append(isbn_node(isbn.value)) # subject tags # [[ for subject in work.subjects.all()] for work in ccworks if work.subjects.all()] for subject in work.subjects.all(): if subject.is_visible: category_node = soup.new_tag("category") try: category_node["term"] = node.append(category_node) try:[1] # only show feed if there's another work in it node.append(navlink('related', 'kw.' +, 0, 'popular', except: pass except ValueError: # caused by control chars in logger.warning('Deleting subject: %s' % subject.delete() # age level # if work.age_level: category_node = soup.new_tag("category") category_node["scheme"] = '' category_node["term"] = work.age_level category_node["label"] = work.get_age_level_display() node.append(category_node) # rating rating_node = soup.new_tag("schema:Rating") rating_node.attrs.update({"schema:ratingValue":"{:}".format(work.priority())}) node.append(rating_node) return node class Facet: title = '' works = None feed_path = '' description = '' def feed(self, page=None, order_by='newest'): =*facets.get_order_by(order_by)) return opds_feed_for_works(self, page=page, order_by=order_by) def updated(self): # return the creation date for most recently added item if not return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat() return pytz.utc.localize([0].created).isoformat() def get_facet_facet(facet_path): class Facet_Facet(Facet): def __init__(self, facet_path=facet_path): self.feed_path = facet_path self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(facet_path) self.title = "" for facet in self.facet_object.facets(): self.title = self.title + " " + facet.title = self.facet_object.get_query_set().distinct() self.description = self.facet_object.description return Facet_Facet class creative_commons(Facet): def __init__(self): self.title = " Catalog: Creative Commons Books" self.feed_path = "creative_commons" = models.Work.objects.filter( editions__ebooks__isnull=False, editions__ebooks__rights__in=cc.LICENSE_LIST ).distinct() self.description = """These Creative Commons licensed ebooks are free to read - the people who created them want you to read and share them.""" self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(self.feed_path) class active_campaigns(Facet): """ return opds feed for works associated with active campaigns """ def __init__(self): self.title = " Catalog: Books under Active Campaign" self.feed_path = "active_campaigns" = models.Work.objects.filter(campaigns__status='ACTIVE', is_free=True) self.description = """With your help we're raising money to make these books free to the world.""" self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(self.feed_path) def opds_feed_for_work(work_id): class single_work_facet: def __init__(self, work_id): try: works = models.Work.objects.filter(id=work_id) except models.Work.DoesNotExist: works = models.Work.objects.none() except ValueError: # not a valid work_id works = models.Work.objects.none() = works self.title = ' work #%s' % work_id self.feed_path = '' self.facet_object = facets.BaseFacet(None) return opds_feed_for_works(single_work_facet(work_id)) def opds_feed_for_works(the_facet, page=None, order_by='newest'): global soup if not soup: soup = BeautifulSoup('', 'lxml') works = feed_path = the_facet.feed_path title = the_facet.title feed_header = """ """ yield feed_header # add title # TO DO: will need to calculate the number items and where in the feed we are yield text_node('title', title + ' - sorted by ' + order_by).prettify() # id feed = text_node( 'id', "{url}/api/opds/{feed_path}/?order_by={order_by}".format( url=UNGLUEIT_URL, feed_path=urlquote(feed_path), order_by=order_by, ), ) yield feed.prettify() # updated # TO DO: fix time zone? # also use our wrapped datetime code feed = text_node('updated', pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat()) yield feed.prettify() # author author_node = soup.new_tag("author") author_node.append(text_node('name', '')) author_node.append(text_node('uri', UNGLUEIT_URL)) yield author_node.prettify() # links: start, self, next/prev (depending what's necessary -- to start with put all CC books) # start link yield navlink('start', feed_path, None, order_by, title="First 10").prettify() # next link if not page: page = 0 else: try: page = int(page) except TypeError: page = 0 try: works[10 * page + 10] yield navlink('next', feed_path, page+1, order_by, title="Next 10").prettify() except IndexError: pass # sort facets yield navlink(FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'popular', group="Order", active=order_by == 'popular', title="Sorted by popularity").prettify() yield navlink(FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'newest', group="Order", active=order_by == 'newest', title="Sorted by newest").prettify() #other facets if feed_path not in old_facets: for other_group in the_facet.facet_object.get_other_groups(): for facet_object in other_group.get_facets(): yield navlink(FACET_RELATION, feed_path + '/' + facet_object.facet_name, None, order_by, group=other_group.title, title=facet_object.title).prettify() works = islice(works, 10 * page, 10 * page + 10) if page > 0: yield navlink('previous', feed_path, page-1, order_by, title="Previous 10").prettify() for work in works: yield work_node(work, facet=the_facet.facet_object).prettify() yield '' def navlink(rel, path, page, order_by, group=None, active=None, title=""): link = soup.new_tag("link") link.attrs.update({ "rel":rel, "href": UNGLUEIT_URL + "/api/opds/" + urlquote(path) + '/?order_by=' + order_by + ( '&page=' + str(page) if page is not None else '' ), "type": ACQUISITION, "title": title, }) if rel == FACET_RELATION: if group: link['opds:facetGroup'] = group if active: link['opds:activeFacet'] = 'true' return link