var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j(document).ready(function() { $j(".add-wishlist").each(function (index, element) { $j(element).click(function() { var span = $j(element).find("span"); var gb_id = span.attr('id') if (!gb_id) return;'/wishlist/', {'googlebooks_id': gb_id}, function(data) { span.fadeOut(); var newSpan = $j('On Wishlist!').hide(); span.replaceWith(newSpan); newSpan.fadeIn('slow'); newSpan.removeAttr("id"); }); }); }); $j(".remove-wishlist").each(function (index, element) { $j(element).click(function() { var span = $j(element).find("span"); var work_id = span.attr('id')'/wishlist/', {'remove_work_id': work_id}, function(data) { var book = $j(element).closest('.thewholebook'); book.fadeOut(); }); }); }); $j(".create-account").each(function (index, element) { $j(element).click(function() { var span = $j(element).find("span"); var work_url = span.attr('title') window.location = "/accounts/login/?next=" + work_url; }); }); // in panel view on the supporter page we want to remove the entire book listing from view upon wishlist-remove // but on the work page, we only want to toggle the add/remove functionality // so: slightly different versions ahoy // note also that we don't have the Django ORM here so we can't readily get from to googlebooks_id // we're going to have to tell /wishlist/ that we're feeding it a different identifier $j(".remove-wishlist-workpage").each(function (index, element) { $j(element).click(function() { var span = $j(element).find("span"); var work_id = span.attr('id')'/wishlist/', {'remove_work_id': work_id}, function(data) { span.parent().fadeOut(); var newDiv = $j('
Add to Wishlist
').hide(); span.parent().replaceWith(newDiv); newDiv.fadeIn('slow'); }); }); }); }); var $k = jQuery.noConflict(); // can't bind this to document ready because the .add-wishlist-workpage div doesn't exist until remove-wishlist is executed // need to use delegate and listen for it // fyi delegate will be deprecated in favor of live() in jquery 1.7 (this was written for 1.6.3) $k(document).delegate(".add-wishlist-workpage span", "click", function() { var span = $k(this); var work_id = span.attr("class"); if (!work_id) return;'/wishlist/', {'add_work_id': work_id}, function(data) { span.fadeOut(); var newSpan = $k('On Wishlist!').hide(); span.replaceWith(newSpan); newSpan.fadeIn('slow'); newSpan.removeAttr("id"); }); });