{% extends 'notification/notice_template.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block comments_book %} cover image for {{ transaction.campaign.work.title }} {% endblock %} {% block comments_graphical %} You've just pledged ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }} to {{ transaction.campaign.work.title }}. {% endblock %} {% block comments_textual %}

Thank you, {{ transaction.user.username }}!

You've just pledged ${{ transaction.amount|floatformat:2|intcomma }} to {{ transaction.campaign.work.title }}. If it reaches its goal of ${{ transaction.campaign.target|intcomma }} by {{ transaction.campaign.deadline|date:"M d Y"}}, it will be unglued for all to enjoy.

You can help even more by sharing this campaign with your friends!

{% url 'work' transaction.campaign.work_id as work_url %} {% include "notification/sharing_block.html" %}

Thanks for being part of Unglue.it.

The unglue.it team.

{% endblock %}