{% extends 'notification/notice_template.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% block comments_graphical %} Your credit card is about to expire {% endblock %} {% block comments_textual %}

We want to give you advance notice that your {{ user.profile.account.card_type }} card ending in {{ user.profile.account.card_last4 }} will expire this month. When you receive your new card, simply go to Accounts & Pledges to enter your card information. Thank you!

If you have any questions, we are happy to help. Simply contact us.

{% if user.profile.account %}

The current card we have on file:

Card type: {{ user.profile.account.card_type }}
Number: ************{{ user.profile.account.card_last4 }}
Expiration date: {{ user.profile.account.card_exp_month }}/{{ user.profile.account.card_exp_year }}.

We use Stripe to keep your information secure.

{% endif %} {% endblock %}