diff --git a/api/opds_json.py b/api/opds_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3bd5843e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/opds_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+from itertools import islice
+import datetime
+import urlparse
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.utils.http import urlquote
+import json
+import pytz
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from regluit.core import models, facets
+import regluit.core.cc as cc
+from .opds import (
+ feeds,
+ get_facet_class,
+ add_query_component,
+ Facet,
+ get_facet_facet,
+ opds_feed_for_work,
+licenses = cc.LICENSE_LIST
+FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE = {'pdf':"application/pdf",
+ 'epub':"application/epub+zip",
+ 'mobi':"application/x-mobipocket-ebook",
+ 'html':"text/html",
+ 'text':"text/html"}
+UNGLUEIT_URL= 'https://unglue.it'
+ACQUISITION = "application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json"
+FACET_RELATION = "opds:facet"
+def feeds():
+ for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Format'):
+ yield get_facet_facet(facet_path)
+ for facet_path in facets.get_all_facets('Keyword'):
+ yield get_facet_facet(facet_path)
+def get_facet_class(name):
+ return get_facet_facet(name)
+def text_node(tag, text):
+ return {tag:text}
+def html_node(tag, html):
+ return {tag:html}
+def isbn_node(isbn):
+ return 'urn:ISBN:'+ isbn
+def work_node(work, facet=None):
+ content={}
+ # title
+ content["title"] = work.title
+ # id
+ content.update(text_node('id', "{base}{url}".format(base=UNGLUEIT_URL,url=reverse('work_identifier',kwargs={'work_id':work.id}))))
+ updated = None
+ # links for all ebooks
+ ebooks = facet.filter_model("Ebook",work.ebooks()) if facet else work.ebooks()
+ versions = set()
+ content['_links'] = links = {}
+ for ebook in ebooks:
+ if updated is None:
+ # most recent ebook, first ebook in loop
+ updated = ebook.created.isoformat()
+ content.update(text_node('updated', updated))
+ if not ebook.version_label in versions:
+ versions.add(ebook.version_label)
+ link_node_attrib = {}
+ ebookfiles = links.get("opds:acquisition:open-access",[])
+ ebookfiles.append(link_node_attrib)
+ # ebook.download_url is an absolute URL with the protocol, domain, and path baked in
+ link_node_attrib.update({"href":add_query_component(ebook.download_url, "feed=opds"),
+ "rights": str(ebook.rights)})
+ if ebook.is_direct():
+ link_node_attrib["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "")
+ else:
+ """ indirect acquisition, i.e. google books """
+ link_node_attrib["type"] = "text/html"
+ indirect_attrib = {}
+ indirect = {"indirectAcquisition":indirect_attrib}
+ indirect_attrib["type"] = FORMAT_TO_MIMETYPE.get(ebook.format, "")
+ link_node_attrib.update(indirect)
+ if ebook.version_label:
+ link_node_attrib.update({"version": ebook.version_label})
+ links["opds:acquisition:open-access"] = ebookfiles
+ # get the cover -- assume jpg?
+ if work.cover_image_small():
+ cover_node_attrib = {}
+ cover_node = {"opds:image:thumbnail": cover_node_attrib}
+ cover_node_attrib.update({"href":work.cover_image_small(),
+ "type":"image/"+work.cover_filetype(),
+ })
+ links.update(cover_node)
+ if work.cover_image_thumbnail():
+ cover_node2_attrib = {}
+ cover_node2 = {"opds:image": cover_node2_attrib}
+ cover_node2_attrib.update({"href":work.cover_image_thumbnail(),
+ "type":"image/"+work.cover_filetype(),
+ })
+ links.update(cover_node2)
+ # 2012
+ content.update({"issued": work.publication_date})
+ # author
+ # TO DO: include all authors?
+ content["contributor"] = {"name": work.author()}
+ # publisher
+ #Open Book Publishers
+ if len(work.publishers()):
+ content["publishers"] = [{"publisher": publisher.name.name}
+ for publisher in work.publishers()]
+ # language
+ content["language"] = work.language
+ # description
+ content["summary"] = work.description
+ # identifiers
+ if work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn'):
+ content['identifers'] = [isbn_node(isbn.value)
+ for isbn in work.identifiers.filter(type='isbn')[0:9]] #10 should be more than enough
+ # subject tags
+ subjects = [subject.name for subject in work.subjects.all()]
+ if subjects:
+ content["category"] = subjects
+ # age level
+ #
+ if work.age_level:
+ age_level_node_attrib = {}
+ age_level_node = {"category": age_level_node_attrib}
+ age_level_node_attrib["scheme"] = 'http://schema.org/typicalAgeRange'
+ age_level_node_attrib["term"] = work.age_level
+ age_level_node_attrib["label"] = work.get_age_level_display()
+ content.update(age_level_node)
+ # rating
+ content["Rating"] = {"ratingValue":"{:}".format(work.priority())}
+ return content
+class Facet:
+ title = ''
+ works = None
+ feed_path = ''
+ description = ''
+ def feed(self, page=None, order_by='newest'):
+ self.works = self.works.order_by(*facets.get_order_by(order_by))
+ return opds_feed_for_works(self, page=page, order_by=order_by)
+ def updated(self):
+ # return the creation date for most recently added item
+ if not self.works:
+ return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat()
+ else:
+ return pytz.utc.localize(self.works[0].created).isoformat()
+def get_facet_facet(facet_path):
+ class Facet_Facet(Facet):
+ def __init__(self, facet_path=facet_path):
+ self.feed_path = facet_path
+ self.facet_object = facets.get_facet_object(facet_path)
+ self.title = "Unglue.it"
+ for facet in self.facet_object.facets():
+ self.title = self.title + " " + facet.title
+ self.works = self.facet_object.get_query_set().distinct()
+ self.description = self.facet_object.description
+ return Facet_Facet
+def opds_feed_for_work(work_id):
+ class single_work_facet:
+ def __init__(self, work_id):
+ try:
+ works=models.Work.objects.filter(id=work_id)
+ except models.Work.DoesNotExist:
+ works=models.Work.objects.none()
+ except ValueError:
+ # not a valid work_id
+ works=models.Work.objects.none()
+ self.works=works
+ self.title='Unglue.it work #%s' % work_id
+ self.feed_path=''
+ self.facet_object= facets.BaseFacet(None)
+ return opds_feed_for_works( single_work_facet(work_id) )
+def opds_feed_for_works(the_facet, page=None, order_by='newest'):
+ books_per_page = 50
+ works = the_facet.works
+ feed_path = the_facet.feed_path
+ title = the_facet.title
+ feed = {'_type': ACQUISITION}
+ # add title
+ # TO DO: will need to calculate the number items and where in the feed we are
+ feed.update(text_node('title', title + ' - sorted by ' + order_by))
+ # id
+ feed.update(text_node('id', "{url}/api/opdsjson/{feed_path}/?order_by={order_by}".format(url=UNGLUEIT_URL,
+ feed_path=urlquote(feed_path), order_by=order_by)))
+ # updated
+ # TO DO: fix time zone?
+ # also use our wrapped datetime code
+ feed.update(text_node('updated',
+ pytz.utc.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).isoformat()))
+ # author
+ author_node = {"author":{'name': 'unglue.it','uri': UNGLUEIT_URL}}
+ feed.update(author_node)
+ # links: start, self, next/prev (depending what's necessary -- to start with put all CC books)
+ feed['_links'] = {}
+ # start link
+ append_navlink(feed, 'start', feed_path, None , order_by, title="First {}".format(books_per_page))
+ # next link
+ if not page:
+ page =0
+ else:
+ try:
+ page=int(page)
+ except TypeError:
+ page=0
+ try:
+ works[books_per_page * page + books_per_page]
+ append_navlink(feed, 'next', feed_path, page+1 , order_by, title="Next {}".format(books_per_page))
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ # sort facets
+ append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'popular', group="Order", active = order_by=='popular', title="Sorted by popularity")
+ append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path, None, 'newest', group="Order", active = order_by=='newest', title="Sorted by newest")
+ #other facets
+ for other_group in the_facet.facet_object.get_other_groups():
+ for facet_object in other_group.get_facets():
+ append_navlink(feed, FACET_RELATION, feed_path + '/' + facet_object.facet_name, None, order_by, group=other_group.title, title=facet_object.title)
+ works = islice(works, books_per_page * page, books_per_page * page + books_per_page)
+ if page > 0:
+ append_navlink(feed, 'previous', feed_path, page-1, order_by, title="Previous {}".format(books_per_page))
+ feedlist = []
+ feed['publications'] = feedlist
+ for work in works:
+ node = work_node(work, facet=the_facet.facet_object)
+ feedlist.append(node)
+ return json.dumps(feed,indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=False)
+def append_navlink(feed, rel, path, page, order_by, group=None, active=None , title=""):
+ if page==None:
+ return
+ link = {
+ "href": UNGLUEIT_URL + "/api/opdsjson/" + urlquote(path) + '/?order_by=' + order_by + ('&page=' + unicode(page) ),
+ "type": ACQUISITION,
+ "title": title,
+ }
+ if rel == FACET_RELATION:
+ if group:
+ link['facetGroup'] = group
+ if active:
+ link['activeFacet'] = 'true'
+ feed['_links'][rel] = link
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/templates/opds.json b/api/templates/opds.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85b33edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/templates/opds.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "_type": "application/vnd.opds.navigation+json",
+ "title": "Unglue.it Catalog",
+ "_links": {
+ "start": { "href": "https://unglue.it{% url 'opds' %}", "type": "application/vnd.opds.navigation+json" },
+ "opds:featured": {"href": "{{ feed.feed_path }}/?order_by=popular", "type": "application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json" }
+ },
+ "navigation": [{
+ "title": {{ feed.title }} - Popular,
+ "_links": {"opds:featured": { "href": "{{ feed.feed_path }}/?order_by=popular", "profile": "http://opds-spec.org/navigation", "type": "application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json"}}
+ },{
+ "title": "{{ feed.title }} - New",
+ "_links": {"opds:new": { "href": "{{ feed.feed_path }}/?order_by=newest", "profile": "http://opds-spec.org/navigation", "type": "application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json" }}
+ }
+ {% for feed in feeds %},{
+ "title": "{{ feed.title }}",
+ "_links": {"opds:new": { "href": "{{ feed.feed_path }}", "profile": "http://opds-spec.org/navigation", "type": "application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json" }}
+ }
+ {% endfor %}]
diff --git a/api/templates/opds.xml b/api/templates/opds.xml
index 57fde6a6..30cb0930 100644
--- a/api/templates/opds.xml
+++ b/api/templates/opds.xml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition" />
{{ feed.title }} - Popular
- https://unglue.it{% url 'opds_acqusition' feed.feed_path %}?order_by=popular
+ https://unglue.it{% url 'opds_acqusition' feed.feed_path %}/?order_by=popular
{{ feed.updated }}
{{ feed.title }} - New
- https://unglue.it{% url 'opds_acqusition' feed.feed_path %}?order_by=newest
+ https://unglue.it{% url 'opds_acqusition' feed.feed_path %}/?order_by=newest
{{ feed.updated }}
{{ feed.description }} - ordered by newest
diff --git a/api/urls.py b/api/urls.py
index be4aaff3..bd534ca6 100644
--- a/api/urls.py
+++ b/api/urls.py
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^featured_cover$', featured_cover, name="featured_cover"),
url(r'^featured_url$', featured_url, name="featured_url"),
url(r"^opds/$", OPDSNavigationView.as_view(template_name="opds.xml"), name="opds"),
+ url(r"^opdsjson/$", OPDSNavigationView.as_view(template_name="opds.json", json=True), name="opdsjson"),
url(r"^opds/(?P.*)/$", OPDSAcquisitionView.as_view(), name="opds_acqusition"),
+ url(r"^opdsjson/(?P.*)/$", OPDSAcquisitionView.as_view(json=True), name="opdsjson_acqusition"),
url(r"^onix/(?P.*)/$", OnixView.as_view(), name="onix"),
url(r"^onix/$", OnixView.as_view(), name="onix_all"),
url(r'^id/work/(?P\w+)/$', negotiate_content, name="work_identifier"),
diff --git a/api/views.py b/api/views.py
index 9e35a400..fc24d5e4 100755
--- a/api/views.py
+++ b/api/views.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from django.http import (
import regluit.core.isbn
from regluit.core.bookloader import load_from_yaml
-from regluit.api import opds, onix
+from regluit.api import opds, onix, opds_json
from regluit.api.models import repo_allowed
from regluit.core import models
@@ -166,26 +166,37 @@ class ApiHelpView(TemplateView):
return context
class OPDSNavigationView(TemplateView):
+ json=False
# http://stackoverflow.com/a/6867976: secret to how to change content-type
def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
- response_kwargs['content_type'] = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=navigation"
+ if json:
+ response_kwargs['content_type'] = "application/vnd.opds.navigation+json"
+ else:
+ response_kwargs['content_type'] = "application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=navigation"
return super(TemplateView, self).render_to_response(context, **response_kwargs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(OPDSNavigationView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
- context["feeds"] = opds.feeds()
- context["feed"] = opds.get_facet_facet('all')
+ if json:
+ context["feeds"] = opds_json.feeds()
+ context["feed"] = opds_json.get_facet_facet('all')
+ else:
+ context["feeds"] = opds.feeds()
+ context["feed"] = opds.get_facet_facet('all')
return context
class OPDSAcquisitionView(View):
+ json = False
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
work = request.GET.get('work', None)
if work:
- return HttpResponse(opds.opds_feed_for_work(work),
- content_type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition")
+ if self.json:
+ return HttpResponse(opds_json.opds_feed_for_work(work),
+ content_type="application/json;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition")
+ else:
+ return HttpResponse(opds.opds_feed_for_work(work),
+ content_type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition")
facet = kwargs.get('facet')
page = request.GET.get('page', None)
order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', 'newest')
@@ -193,9 +204,14 @@ class OPDSAcquisitionView(View):
page = int(page)
page = None
- facet_class = opds.get_facet_class(facet)()
- return HttpResponse(facet_class.feed(page,order_by),
- content_type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition")
+ if self.json:
+ facet_class = opds_json.get_facet_class(facet)()
+ return HttpResponse(facet_class.feed(page,order_by),
+ content_type="application/vnd.opds.acquisition+json")
+ else:
+ facet_class = opds.get_facet_class(facet)()
+ return HttpResponse(facet_class.feed(page,order_by),
+ content_type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition")
class OnixView(View):
diff --git a/core/facets.py b/core/facets.py
index bb959112..7096c447 100644
--- a/core/facets.py
+++ b/core/facets.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from django.apps import apps
+from django.db.models import Q
from regluit.core import cc
class BaseFacet(object):
facet_name = 'all'
@@ -236,7 +236,47 @@ class KeywordFacetGroup(FacetGroup):
def description(self):
return "%s eBooks" % self.keyword
return KeywordFacet
+class SearchFacetGroup(FacetGroup):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(FacetGroup,self).__init__()
+ self.title = 'Search Term'
+ # make facets in TOPKW available for display
+ self.facets = []
+ self.label = '{} is ...'.format(self.title)
+ def has_facet(self, facet_name):
+ # recognize any facet_name that starts with "s." as a valid facet name
+ return facet_name.startswith('s.')
+ def get_facet_class(self, facet_name):
+ class KeywordFacet(NamedFacet):
+ def set_name(self):
+ self.facet_name=facet_name
+ # facet_names of the form 's.SUBJECT' and SUBJECT is therefore the 3rd character on
+ self.term=self.facet_name[2:]
+ def get_query_set(self):
+ return self._get_query_set().filter(
+ Q(title__icontains=self.term) |
+ Q(editions__authors__name__icontains=self.term) |
+ Q(subjects__name__iexact=self.term)
+ )
+ def template(self):
+ return 'facets/search.html'
+ @property
+ def title(self):
+ return self.term
+ @property
+ def label(self):
+ return self.term
+ @property
+ def description(self):
+ return "eBooks for {}".format(self.term)
+ return KeywordFacet
class PublisherFacetGroup(FacetGroup):
def __init__(self):
@@ -285,7 +325,7 @@ class PublisherFacetGroup(FacetGroup):
return PublisherFacet
# order of groups in facet_groups determines order of display on /free/
-facet_groups = [KeywordFacetGroup(), FormatFacetGroup(), LicenseFacetGroup(), PublisherFacetGroup(), IdFacetGroup()]
+facet_groups = [KeywordFacetGroup(), FormatFacetGroup(), LicenseFacetGroup(), PublisherFacetGroup(), IdFacetGroup(), SearchFacetGroup()]
def get_facet(facet_name):
for facet_group in facet_groups: