Merge branch 'master' of

Raymond Yee 2011-09-16 10:12:39 -07:00
commit f774d9d552
20 changed files with 437 additions and 24 deletions

View File

api/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import logging
from django.contrib import auth
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, AnonymousUser
from django.conf.urls.defaults import url
from django.db.models import Q
from tastypie import fields
from tastypie.constants import ALL, ALL_WITH_RELATIONS
from tastypie.resources import ModelResource, Resource, Bundle
from tastypie.utils import trailing_slash
from tastypie.authentication import ApiKeyAuthentication
from regluit.core import models
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UserResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = User.objects.all()
resource_name = 'user'
fields = ['username', 'first_name', 'last_name']
class EditionResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Edition.objects.all()
resource_name = 'edition'
filtering = {
"isbn_10": ALL,
class WorkResource(ModelResource):
editions = fields.ToManyField(EditionResource, 'editions')
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Work.objects.all()
resource_name = 'work'
filtering = {'editions': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS, 'id': ALL}
class CampaignResource(ModelResource):
work = fields.ToOneField(WorkResource, 'work')
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data):
annotate the list of campaigns with information from the logged in
user. note: this isn't the user identified by the api username/api_key
it's the the user that client might be logged into as.
u = auth.get_user(request)
if isinstance(u, User):
data['meta']['logged_in_username'] = u.username
wishlist_work_ids = [ for w in]
data['meta']['logged_in_username'] = None
wishlist_work_ids = []
for o in data['objects']:['in_wishlist'] = in wishlist_work_ids
# TODO: add pledging information
return data
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Campaign.objects.all()
resource_name = 'campaign'
excludes = ['amazon_receiver', 'paypal_receiver']
filtering = {
class AuthorResource(ModelResource):
works = fields.ToManyField(WorkResource, 'works')
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Author.objects.all()
resource_name = 'author'
class SubjectResource(ModelResource):
works = fields.ToManyField(WorkResource, 'works')
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Subject.objects.all()
resource_name = 'subject'
class EditionCoverResource(ModelResource):
edition = fields.ToManyField(EditionResource, 'editions')
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.EditionCover.objects.all()
resource_name = 'editioncover'
class WishlistResource(ModelResource):
user = fields.ToOneField(UserResource, 'user')
works = fields.ToManyField(WorkResource, 'works')
class Meta:
authentication = ApiKeyAuthentication()
queryset = models.Wishlist.objects.all()
resource_name = 'wishlist'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--- editions --->
{% if editions %}
{% for edition in editions %}
<li> <img src="{{edition.isbn_10}}-S.jpg" /> {{}} | {{edition.title}} |
<a href="{% url isbn isbn=edition.isbn_10 %}">{{edition.isbn_10}}</a> |
<a href="{% url isbn isbn=edition.isbn_13 %}">{{edition.isbn_13}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No editions are available.</p>
{% endif %}

api/templates/isbn.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>You entered isbn: {{isbn}}</p>
<!--- editions --->
{% if editions %}
{% for edition in editions %}
<li>{{}} | {{edition.title}}
<a href="{{edition.isbn_10}}"><img src="{{edition.isbn_10}}-M.jpg"/ width="120" height="182" ></a>
<!-- editioncovers for given edition -->
{% if edition.covers.all %}
<ul id="id">
{% for editioncover in edition.covers.all %}
<li>cover OL id: {{editioncover.openlibrary_id}}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p class="classname">No editioncover for this edition</p>
{% endif %}
<!-- related work -->
{% if %}
<p class="classname">Related work: {{}} | {{}} | first author: {{}} <br/>
All authors: {{}} </p>
{% endif %}
<!-- related campaigns -->
{% if %}
<ul id="id">
{% for campaign in %}
<li>Campaign: id:{{}} | name:{{}} | desc:{{campaign.description}} <br/>
target:{{}} created:{{campaign.created}} deadline:{{campaign.deadline}}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p class="classname">No associated campaigns</p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No editions are available.</p>
{% endif %}

View File

@ -1,23 +1,95 @@
""" import json
This file demonstrates two different styles of tests (one doctest and one import datetime
unittest). These will both pass when you run " test".
Replace these with more appropriate tests for your application.
from django.test import TestCase from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.client import Client
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class SimpleTest(TestCase): from regluit.core import bookloader, models
def test_basic_addition(self):
Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2.
self.failUnlessEqual(1 + 1, 2)
__test__ = {"doctest": """ class ApiTests(TestCase):
Another way to test that 1 + 1 is equal to 2.
>>> 1 + 1 == 2 def setUp(self):
True edition = bookloader.add_book(isbn='0441012035')
"""} campaign = models.Campaign.objects.create(,,
description='Test Campaign',,
self.user = User.objects.create_user('test', '', 'testpass')
self.client = Client()
def test_user(self):
self.assertEqual(User.objects.all().count(), 1)
def test_no_auth(self):
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/', data={'format': 'json'})
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 401)
def test_campaigns(self):
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/', data={
'format': 'json',
'username': self.user.username,
'api_key': self.user.api_key.key
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
j = json.loads(r.content)
self.assertEqual(len(j['objects']), 1)
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['name'], 'Neuromancer')
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['work'], '/api/v1/work/1/')
def test_campaign(self):
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/1/', data={
'format': 'json',
'username': self.user.username,
'api_key': self.user.api_key.key
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
j = json.loads(r.content)
self.assertEqual(j['name'], 'Neuromancer')
self.assertEqual(j['work'], '/api/v1/work/1/')
def test_campaign_lookup_by_isbn(self):
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/', data={
'format': 'json',
'work__editions__isbn_10': '0441012035',
'username': self.user.username,
'api_key': self.user.api_key.key
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200)
j = json.loads(r.content)
self.assertEqual(len(j['objects']), 1)
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['name'], 'Neuromancer')
self.assertEqual(j['meta']['logged_in_username'], None)
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['in_wishlist'], False)
def test_logged_in_user_info(self):
# login and see if adding a work to the users wishlist causes
# it to show up as in_wishlist in the campaign info
self.client.login(username='test', password='testpass')
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/', data={
'format': 'json',
'work__editions__isbn_10': '0441012035',
'username': self.user.username,
'api_key': self.user.api_key.key
j = json.loads(r.content)
self.assertEqual(j['meta']['logged_in_username'], 'test')
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['in_wishlist'], False)
w = models.Work.objects.get(editions__isbn_10='0441012035')
r = self.client.get('/api/v1/campaign/', data={
'format': 'json',
'work__editions__isbn_10': '0441012035',
'username': self.user.username,
'api_key': self.user.api_key.key
j = json.loads(r.content)
self.assertEqual(j['meta']['logged_in_username'], 'test')
self.assertEqual(j['objects'][0]['in_wishlist'], True)

api/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from tastypie.api import Api
from regluit.api import resources
v1_api = Api(api_name='v1')
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^', include(v1_api.urls)),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
from django.db.models import Q
from regluit.core import models
def isbn(request,isbn):
editions = models.Edition.objects.filter(Q(isbn_10 = isbn) | Q(isbn_13 = isbn))
# models.Campaign.objects.filter(work__editions__isbn_13='9780811216999')
return render_to_response('isbn.html',
{'isbn':isbn, 'editions':editions},
def editions(request):
editions = models.Edition.objects.all()
return render_to_response('editions.html',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# code modified from
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from import NoArgsCommand
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import models
from optparse import make_option
def model_name(model):
return '%s.%s' % (model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name)
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = '[-e|--exclude app_name.ModelName]'
help = 'Checks constraints in the database and reports violations on stdout'
option_list = NoArgsCommand.option_list + (
make_option('-e', '--exclude', action='append', type='string', dest='exclude'),
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# TODO once we're on Django 1.2, write to self.stdout and self.stderr instead of plain print
exclude = options.get('exclude', None) or []
failed_instance_count = 0
failed_model_count = 0
for app in models.get_apps():
for model in models.get_models(app):
if model_name(model) in exclude:
print 'Skipping model %s' % model_name(model)
fail_count = self.check_model(app, model)
if fail_count > 0:
failed_model_count += 1
failed_instance_count += fail_count
print 'Detected %d errors in %d models' % (failed_instance_count, failed_model_count)
def check_model(self, app, model):
meta = model._meta
if meta.proxy:
print 'WARNING: proxy models not currently supported; ignored'
# Define all the checks we can do; they return True if they are ok,
# False if not (and print a message to stdout)
def check_foreign_key(model, field):
foreign_model = field.related.parent_model
def check_instance(instance):
# name: name of the attribute containing the model instance (e.g. 'user')
# attname: name of the attribute containing the id (e.g. 'user_id')
return True
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
print '%s with pk %s refers via field %s to nonexistent %s with pk %s' % \
(model_name(model), str(,, model_name(foreign_model), getattr(instance, field.attname))
return check_instance
# Make a list of checks to run on each model instance
checks = []
for field in meta.local_fields + meta.local_many_to_many + meta.virtual_fields:
if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey):
checks.append(check_foreign_key(model, field))
# Run all checks
fail_count = 0
if checks:
for instance in model.objects.all():
print 'Checking model %s ...' % model_name(model)
for check in checks:
if not check(instance):
fail_count += 1
return fail_count

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from import BaseCommand
from regluit.core import models
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "list all editions in the database"
def handle(self, *args, **options):
editions = models.Edition.objects.all()
for edition in editions:
print, edition.title, edition.isbn_10, edition.isbn_13

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ class Campaign(models.Model):
created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=False) name = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=False)
description = models.CharField(max_length=10000, null=False) description = models.CharField(max_length=10000, null=False)
target = models.FloatField() target = models.FloatField(null=False)
deadline = models.DateTimeField() deadline = models.DateTimeField(null=False)
paypal_receiver = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True) paypal_receiver = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
amazon_receiver = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True) amazon_receiver = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)
work = models.ForeignKey("Work", related_name="campaigns") work = models.ForeignKey("Work", related_name="campaigns")

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from social_auth.signals import pre_update from social_auth.signals import pre_update
from social_auth.backends.facebook import FacebookBackend from social_auth.backends.facebook import FacebookBackend
from tastypie.models import create_api_key
def facebook_extra_values(sender, user, response, details, **kwargs): def facebook_extra_values(sender, user, response, details, **kwargs):
@ -17,14 +18,15 @@ pre_update.connect(facebook_extra_values, sender=FacebookBackend)
def create_wishlist(sender, created, instance, **kwargs): def create_wishlist(sender, created, instance, **kwargs):
# use get_model to avoid circular import problem with models # use get_model to avoid circular import problem with models
# this fails when a superuser is being created as part of a syncdb
# since the database table for wishlist doesn't exist yet
try: try:
Wishlist = get_model('core', 'Wishlist') Wishlist = get_model('core', 'Wishlist')
if created: if created:
Wishlist.objects.create(user=instance) Wishlist.objects.create(user=instance)
except DatabaseError: except DatabaseError:
# this can happen when creating superuser during syncdb since the
# core_wishlist table doesn't exist yet
return return
post_save.connect(create_wishlist, sender=User) post_save.connect(create_wishlist, sender=User)
post_save.connect(create_api_key, sender=User)

View File

@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
</div> </div>
<div id="footer">
<ul class="menu">
<li><a href="{% url privacy %}"><span>Privacy</span></a></li>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>

View File

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Gluejar Privacy Policy</h1> <h1>Gluejar Privacy Policy</h1>
Date of last revision: September 13, 2011 Date of last revision: September 13, 2011
@ -46,3 +50,6 @@ Date of last revision: September 13, 2011
<h2>Contact Us</h2> <h2>Contact Us</h2>
<p>If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you can contact us at <a href=""></a>, or using our contact page.</p> <p>If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you can contact us at <a href=""></a>, or using our contact page.</p>
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ urlpatterns = patterns(
"regluit.frontend.views", "regluit.frontend.views",
url(r"^$", "home", name="home"), url(r"^$", "home", name="home"),
url(r"^supporter/(?P<supporter_username>.+)/$", "supporter", name="supporter"), url(r"^supporter/(?P<supporter_username>.+)/$", "supporter", name="supporter"),
url(r"^privacy$", "textpage", {'page': 'privacy'}, name="privacy"),
) )

View File

@ -16,3 +16,9 @@ def supporter(request, supporter_username):
{"supporter": supporter}, {"supporter": supporter},
context_instance=RequestContext(request) context_instance=RequestContext(request)
) )
def textpage(request, page):
return render_to_response(page + '.html',

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
django django
south south
django-extensions django-extensions
requests requests
django-social-auth django-social-auth

View File

@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
'regluit.core', 'regluit.core',
'registration', 'registration',
'social_auth', 'social_auth',
) )
# A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging # A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ body{
#header{ height:90px;} #header{ height:90px;}
.logo{ float:left; padding-top:20px;} .logo{ float:left; padding-top:20px;}
.logo a img{border: none;}
.topmenu{ float:right; padding-top:25px;} .topmenu{ float:right; padding-top:25px;}
.topmenu ul li{ float:left; padding:0 10px;} .topmenu ul li{ float:left; padding:0 10px;}
.topmenu ul li a{ height:36px; line-height:36px; display:block; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; letter-spacing:1px; text-transform:capitalize;} .topmenu ul li a{ height:36px; line-height:36px; display:block; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; letter-spacing:1px; text-transform:capitalize;}
@ -132,3 +133,9 @@ a{ font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; text-decoration:none; cursor:pointer;}
padding-top: 5px; padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;
} }
border-top: 7px solid #edf3f4;
clear: both;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.3 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('', urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')), (r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')),
(r'^socialauth/', include('social_auth.urls')), (r'^socialauth/', include('social_auth.urls')),
(r'^api/', include('regluit.api.urls')),
(r'', include('regluit.frontend.urls')), (r'', include('regluit.frontend.urls')),
) )