remove ref to payment processor, add acknowledgements

Andromeda Yelton 2012-10-14 17:04:32 -04:00
parent 0ef5c112db
commit c15ecd7715
1 changed files with 33 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,43 @@
{% load humanize %}Congratulations!
Thanks to you and other ungluers, {{ }} will be released to the world in an unglued ebook edition. {{|capfirst }} will charge your credit card ${{ transaction.amount|intcomma }}.
Thanks to you and other ungluers, {{ }} will be released to the world in an unglued ebook edition. Your credit card will be charged ${{ transaction.amount|intcomma }}.
Pledge Summary
Amount pledged: ${{ transaction.amount|intcomma }}
Premium: {{ transaction.premium.description }}
{% ifequal transaction.tier 1 %}
{% if transaction.anonymous %}
You chose to pledge anonymously, so you will not be named in the acknowledgements section.
{% else %}
You will also be listed on the acknowledgements page as {{ transaction.ack_name }}.
{% endif %}
{% else %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 2 %}
{% if transaction.anonymous %}
You chose to pledge anonymously, so you will not be named in the acknowledgements section.
{% else %}
You will also be listed on the acknowledgements page as {{ transaction.ack_name }}, with a link to your profile page.
{% endif %}
{% else %}{% ifequal transaction.tier 3 %}
{% if transaction.anonymous %}
You chose to pledge anonymously, so you will not be named in the acknowledgements section.
{% if transaction.ack_dedication %}
However, the acknowledgements page will include the following dedication, attributed to Anonymous:
"{{ transaction.ack_dedication }}"
{% else %}
You are eligible to include a dedication, but did not opt to do so. If you'd like to, you can add one (attributed to Anonymous) at https://{{ site.domain }}{% url pledge_modify %}.
{% endif %}
{% else %}
You will also be listed on the acknowledgements page as {{ transaction.ack_name }}, with a link to your profile page.
{% if transaction.ack_dedication %}
Your acknowledgement will include the following dedication:
"{{ transaction.ack_dedication }}"
{% else %}
You are eligible to include a dedication, but did not opt to do so. If you'd like to, you can add one at https://{{ site.domain }}{% url pledge_modify %}.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endifequal %}{% endifequal %}{% endifequal %}
We will notify you when the unglued ebook is available for you to read. If you've requested special premiums, the rights holder, {{ transaction.campaign.rightsholder }}, will be in touch with you via email to request any information needed to deliver your premium.
If you'd like to visit the campaign page, click here: