Check current progress in so that I can focus on a change in the master branch to add missing isbns to Editions

Raymond Yee 2012-02-15 16:06:40 -08:00
parent 8c397f4953
commit a8f1c157be
3 changed files with 34 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ from pprint import pprint
from itertools import islice, izip, repeat
import logging
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import random
import sys, os
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ RY_OLID = 'OL4264806A'
SURFACING_ISBN = '9780446311076'
@ -96,12 +98,17 @@ def lt_whatwork(isbn=None, title=None, author=None):
""""looking up at lt_whatwork (isbn, title, author): %s %s %s" ,isbn, title, author)
url = ""
url = "" % isbn
xml = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}).content
url = ""
params=dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in {'isbn':isbn, 'title':title, 'author':author}.items() if v is not None])
xml = requests.get(url, params=params, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}).content
doc = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
return [e.text for e in doc.findall('isbn')]
work = doc.find('work')
if work is not None:
return work.text
return None
def hathi_bib(id, id_type='isbn', detail_level='brief'):
url = "" % (id_type, id)
@ -763,21 +770,30 @@ class GoogleBooksTest(TestCase):
results = gb.volumeid(g_id, glossed=True)
print results
class thingISBNTest(TestCase):
class LibraryThingTest(TestCase):
def test_lt_isbn(self):
isbns = thingisbn(SURFACING_ISBN)
# convert to isbn-13
isbns = map(lambda x: isbn_mod.ISBN(x).to_string('13'), isbns)
print isbns
self.assertTrue(SURFACING_ISBN in isbns)
# grab a random ISBN from the list, issue another call and then check that the new list is the same
isbns1 = map(lambda x: isbn_mod.ISBN(x).to_string('13'), thingisbn(random.sample(isbns,1)[0]))
self.assertEqual(set(isbns), set(isbns1))
def test_whatwork(self):
work_id = lt_whatwork(isbn=SURFACING_ISBN)
self.assertEqual(work_id, SURFACING_LT_WORK_ID)
work_id = lt_whatwork(title='Hamlet', author='Shakespeare')
self.assertEqual(work_id, '2199')
def suite():
#testcases = [WorkMapperTest,FreebaseBooksTest, OpenLibraryTest,GoogleBooksTest]
testcases = []
suites = unittest.TestSuite([unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testcase) for testcase in testcases])
#suites.addTest(SettingsTest('test_dev_me_alignment')) # give option to test this alignment
return suites

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@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ def get_or_create(session, model, defaults=None, **kwargs):
Base = declarative_base()
class SeedISBN(Base):
__tablename__ = 'SeedISBN'

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@ -89,14 +89,19 @@ def cluster_status():
"""Look at the current Work, Edition instances to figure out what needs to be fixed"""
results = OrderedDict([
('number of Works', models.Work.objects.count()),
('number of Editions', models.Edition.objects.count())
('number of Edition that have both Google Books id and ISBNs',
('number of Editions with Google Books IDs but not ISBNs',
# Are there Edition without ISBNs? Are they all singletons?
# What needs to be done to recluster editions?
# Are there Edition without ISBNs? Look up the corresponding ISBNs from Google Books and Are they all singletons?
# identify Editions that should be merged (e.g., if one Edition has a Google Books ID and another Edition has one with
# an ISBN tied to that Google Books ID)
return results