diff --git a/api/onix.py b/api/onix.py index 6506f936..c2c3eed4 100644 --- a/api/onix.py +++ b/api/onix.py @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def onix_feed(facet, max=None): editions = facet.facet_object.filter_model("Edition",editions).distinct() for edition in editions: edition_prod = product(edition, facet.facet_object) - if edition_prod: + if edition_prod is not None: feed.append(edition_prod) return etree.tostring(feed, pretty_print=True) @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def onix_feed_for_work(work): feed.append(header(work)) for edition in models.Edition.objects.filter(work=work,ebooks__isnull=False).distinct(): edition_prod = product(edition) - if edition_prod: + if edition_prod is not None: feed.append(product(edition)) return etree.tostring(feed, pretty_print=True) diff --git a/api/tests.py b/api/tests.py index 88581979..3e5e39f7 100755 --- a/api/tests.py +++ b/api/tests.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ django imports from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client +from django.utils.timezone import now """ regluit imports @@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ regluit imports import regluit.core.isbn from regluit.core import models -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now from regluit.api import models as apimodels class ApiTests(TestCase): diff --git a/api/urls.py b/api/urls.py index 4322651e..ec34a6a9 100644 --- a/api/urls.py +++ b/api/urls.py @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ urlpatterns = [ url(r"^onix/(?P.*)/$", OnixView.as_view(), name="onix"), url(r"^onix/$", OnixView.as_view(), name="onix_all"), url(r'^id/work/(?P\w+)/$', negotiate_content, name="work_identifier"), - url(r'^loader/yaml$',load_yaml, name="load_yaml"), - url(r'^travisci/webhook$',travisci_webhook, name="travisci_webhook"), + url(r'^loader/yaml$', load_yaml, name="load_yaml"), + url(r'^travisci/webhook$', travisci_webhook, name="travisci_webhook"), url(r'^', include(v1_api.urls)), ] diff --git a/bookdata/doab.json b/bookdata/doab.json deleted file mode 100644 index cebc5682..00000000 --- a/bookdata/doab.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -[[["description", "3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectivesEuropean COST Action TU0801R. Billen, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, O. Marina, J.-P. de Almeida, Caglioni M., G. Falquet, T. Leduc, C. M\u00e9tral, G. Moreau, J. Perret, G. Rabin, R. San Jose, I. Yatskiv and S. ZlatanovaConsidering sustainable development of cities implies investigating cities in a holistic way taking into account many interrelations between various urban or environmental issues. 3D city models are increasingly used in different cities and countries for an intended wide range of applications beyond mere visualization. Could these 3D City models be used to integrate urban and environmental knowledge? How could they be improved to fulfill such role? We believe that enriching the semantics of current 3D city models, would extend their functionality and usability; therefore, they could serve as integration platforms of the knowledge related to urban and environmental issues allowing a huge and significant improvement of city sustainable management and development. But which elements need to be added to 3D city models? What are the most efficient ways to realize such improvement / enrichment? How to evaluate the usability of these improved 3D city models?These were the questions tackled by the COST Action TU0801 \u201cSemantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development\u201d. This book gathers various materials developed all along the four year of the Action and the significant breakthroughs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "R. Billen; A.-F. Cutting-Decelle; O. Marina; J.-P. de Almeida; Caglioni M.; G. Falquet; T. Leduc; C. M\u00e9tral; G. Moreau; J. Perret; G. Rabin; R. San Jose; I. Yatskiv; S. Zlatanova"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://3u3d.edpsciences.org/articles/3u3d/pdf/2014/01/3u3d-cost2013.pdf"], ["title", " 3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives European COST Action TU0801"], ["doab_id", "16211"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759811533"]], ["provider", "3u3d.edpsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759811533 "]], [["description", "Discute os aspectos cruciais dos estudos sobre a sa\u00fade em nosso pa\u00eds, com um refinado tratamento n\u00e3o s\u00f3 dos aspectos cient\u00edficos, filos\u00f3ficos, \u00e9ticos e pol\u00edticos envolvidos nas pr\u00e1ticas m\u00e9dicas. Tamb\u00e9m das teorias e pesquisas deste dom\u00ednio sob a \u00f3tica de diferentes campos de saber, dentre os quais a antropologia do conhecimento cient\u00edfico, a filosofia da mente e as tecnobioci\u00eancias. Adotando uma perspectiva transdisciplinar, o autor nos faz encarar o fato de os insofism\u00e1veis progressos tecnol\u00f3gicos dos diagn\u00f3sticos e das terap\u00eauticas - de que muitas vezes nos orgulhamos - se fazerem acompanhar de s\u00e9rios ind\u00edcios de crise, tanto \u00e9tica, como pol\u00edtica e filos\u00f3fica, que n\u00e3o podemos desdenhar e que dizem respeito aos modelos te\u00f3ricos e epistemol\u00f3gicos das ci\u00eancias biom\u00e9dicas e epidemiol\u00f3gicas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castiel, Luis David"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Filosofia m\u00e9dica, Tecnologia m\u00e9dica - tend\u00eancias, Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, Fatores de risco"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ynw9g"], ["title", " A medida do poss\u00edvel: sa\u00fade, risco e tecnobioci\u00eancias "], ["doab_id", "16425"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412701"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412701"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Entomologia, D\u00edpteros, Hist\u00f3ria da medicina do s\u00e9culo 20"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8p5tq"], ["title", " Adolpho Lutz - Entomologia \u2013 Taban\u00eddeos - v. 2, Livro 2 "], ["doab_id", "16348"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414088"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414088"]], [["description", "O livro proporciona o conhecimento das t\u00e9cnicas e das necessidades b\u00e1sicas no manejo de animais de laborat\u00f3rio, enfocando, principalmente, a quest\u00e3o da \u00e9tica, do bem-estar do animal e da biosseguran\u00e7a. Dessa forma, o manual, resultado da compila\u00e7\u00e3o das aulas de 22 qualificados profissionais de diversas institui\u00e7\u00f5es brasileiras, oferece uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de grande relev\u00e2ncia, apresentando ao leitor os diversos aspectos do bioterismo no momento em que se verifica uma profunda mudan\u00e7a nos padr\u00f5es das pesquisas realizadas no Brasil. Literatura essencial para profissionais da \u00e1rea, incluindo os de n\u00edvel t\u00e9cnico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrade, Antenor (org.); Pinto, sergio Correia (org.); Oliveira, Rosilene Santos de (org.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Animais de laborat\u00f3rio, Manuais de laborat\u00f3rio [tipo de publica\u00e7\u00e3o]"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sfwtj"], ["title", " Animais de laborat\u00f3rio: cria\u00e7\u00e3o e experimenta\u00e7\u00e3o "], ["doab_id", "16389"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413869"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413869"]], [["description", "Vera Portocarrero prop\u00f5e-se a refletir at\u00e9 que ponto o novo modelo psiqui\u00e1trico trazido por Juliano Moreira e seus contempor\u00e2neos se constitui como uma ruptura do saber e da pr\u00e1tica psiqui\u00e1trica no Brasil. Dirigindo-se \u00e0 an\u00e1lise de arquivos, a autora procede a uma an\u00e1lise de discursos e de documentos, especialmente arquivos brasileiros encontrados na Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, nas bibliotecas de medicina, do Instituto Hist\u00f3rico e Geogr\u00e1fico Brasileiro, do Instituto de Psiquiatria da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, dentre outros. Os discursos encontrados nesses arquivos s\u00e3o analisados dentro de uma perspectiva foucaultiana, ultrapassando, desse modo, a simples ordena\u00e7\u00e3o memorial\u00edstica; deixando uma suspeita em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao discurso psiqui\u00e1trico dominante e apontando uma descontinuidade hist\u00f3rica no que diz respeito \u00e0 articula\u00e7\u00e3o do saber com as pr\u00e1ticas e seu car\u00e1ter estrat\u00e9gico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Portocarrero, Vera"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Psiquiatria - hist\u00f3ria - Brasil, Transtornos mentais, Pr\u00e1tica profissional"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p26q6"], ["title", " Arquivos da loucura: Juliano Moreira e a descontinuidade hist\u00f3rica da psiquiatria "], ["doab_id", "16393"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413883"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413883"]], [["description", "Essa publica\u00e7\u00e3o vem suprir a necessidade de materiais did\u00e1ticos espec\u00edficos sobre a aten\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 sa\u00fade de povos ind\u00edgenas que vivem na zona rural, isolados ou em \u00e1reas de dif\u00edcil acesso. Nessas circunst\u00e2ncias, a alta preval\u00eancia das doen\u00e7as de pele, com caracter\u00edsticas de baixa mortalidade, mas com impacto na qualidade de vida, tem feito parte da realidade dessas popula\u00e7\u00f5es e, em geral, \u00e9 um problema relegado a segundo plano.O objetivo deste livro \u00e9 colaborar com o dia a dia dos profissionais de sa\u00fade que trabalham na aten\u00e7\u00e3o b\u00e1sica, especialmente em regi\u00f5es em que a presen\u00e7a do dermatologista nem sempre \u00e9 poss\u00edvel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Douglas A.; Tomimori, Jane; Floriano, Marcos C.; Mendon\u00e7a, Sofia"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Atlas, Dermatopatias, \u00cdndios Sul Americanos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora Fap-Unifesp"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/23wpg"], ["title", " Atlas de dermatologia em povos ind\u00edgenas "], ["doab_id", "16631"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788561673680"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788561673680"]], [["description", "Nem sempre Marx escreve de pontos de vista convergentes, embora tenha sempre no horizonte a perspectiva da revolu\u00e7\u00e3o que, assim me parece, lhe permite captar, de forma inovadora, as rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais do sistema capitalista e as contradi\u00e7\u00f5es que as atravessam. Mas isso s\u00f3 lhe \u00e9 poss\u00edvel porque, em contrapartida, recorre a uma l\u00f3gica que, pretendendo inverter a l\u00f3gica hegeliana, sem, entretanto tratar das principais quest\u00f5es levantadas por essa invers\u00e3o, faz com que possa ir al\u00e9m dos limites postos por uma ci\u00eancia positiva, a despeito de estar a todo momento reiterando profiss\u00e3o de f\u00e9 nessa ci\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giannotti, Jos\u00e9 Arthur"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2trwj"], ["title", " Certa heran\u00e7a marxista "], ["doab_id", "16605"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820458"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820458"]], [["description", "Diversas partes deste livro apareceram anteriormente em artigos de revistas acad\u00eamicas ou jornais em vers\u00f5es distintas. Elas foram escritas visando p\u00fablicos e momentos distintos, e isso se reflete em certa diferen\u00e7a de estilos. No entanto, havia uma preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o e uma tem\u00e1tica comum a todas elas, que s\u00f3 agora, quando postas lado a lado, podem ser melhor compreendidas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schwartzman, Simon"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mny2p"], ["title", " Ci\u00eancia, universidade e ideologa: a pol\u00edtica do conhecimento "], ["doab_id", "16316"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662502"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662502"]], [["description", "Reliable access to water, managing the spatial and temporal variability of water availability, ensuring the quality of freshwater and responding to climatological changes in the hydrological cycle are prerequisites for the development of countries in Africa. Water being an essential input for biomass growth and for renewable energy production (e.g. biofuels and hydropower schemes) plays an integral part in ensuring food and energy security for any nation. Water, as a source of safe drinking water, is furthermore the basis for ensuring the health of citizens and plays an important role in urban sanitation.The concept of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is seen as an opportunity to help manage water variability and the wide spread water scarcity in Africa. One key component missing from IWRM in Africa is the limited knowledge of the available extent and quality of water resources at basin level. Earth Observation (EO) technology can help fill this information gap by assessing and monitoring water resources at adequate temporal and spatial scales. The goal of this Special Issue is to understand and demonstrate the contribution which satellite observations, consistent over space and time, can bring to improve water resource management in Africa. Possible EO products and applications range from catchment characterization, water quality monitoring, soil moisture assessment, water extent and level monitoring, irrigation services, urban and agricultural water demand modeling, evapotranspiration estimation, ground water management, to hydrological modeling and flood mapping/forecasting. Some of these EO applications have already been developed by African scientists within the 10 year lifetime of the TIGER initiative: Looking after Water in Africa (http://www.tiger.esa.int), whose contributions are intended to be the starting point of this Special Issue and is only one example of the wide range of activities in the field. Contributions from the entire African and international scientific community dealing with the challenges of water resource management in Africa are the target of the special issue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["water resource, management^, drought, precipitation, evapotranspiration, flood mapping, surface water hydrology, soil moisture, water quality, hydrological modeling"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/171"], ["title", " Earth Observation for Water Resource Management in Africa"], ["doab_id", "19040"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421535", "9783038421542"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421535 9783038421542"]], [["description", "Trata da eq\u00fcidade/iniq\u00fcidade e de seu duplo, a igualdade/desigualdade, tendo sempre como referencial a sa\u00fade das popula\u00e7\u00f5es, em textos que enfocam: a dimens\u00e3o pol\u00edtica das sociedades ocidentais na atualidade, fatores econ\u00f4micos ou de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o social e, ainda, aspectos como idade, g\u00eanero e etnia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barata, Rita Barradas (org.); Barreto, Maur\u00edcio Lima (org.); Almeida Filho, Naomar de (org.); Veras, Renato Peixoto (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Epidemiologia, Pol\u00edtica social, Mortalidade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3y5xk"], ["title", " Equidade e sa\u00fade: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da epidemiologia "], ["doab_id", "16414"], ["language_unmapped", "Pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575412640"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412640"]], [["description", "Er\u00e1rio Mineral, de Lu\u00eds Gomes Ferreira, foi editado pela primeira vez em Lisboa, em 1735, sendo um dos primeiros tratados de medicina brasileira escrito em l\u00edngua portuguesa. O livro re\u00fane as experi\u00eancias de pr\u00e1ticas m\u00e9dicas realizadas pelo cirurgi\u00e3o-barbeiro Lu\u00eds Gomes Ferreira na capitania de Minas Gerais. Al\u00e9m de uma descri\u00e7\u00e3o pormenorizada dos principais males ali freq\u00fcentes, o autor tamb\u00e9m descreve os meios mais eficazes de cura que experimentou e faz um importante invent\u00e1rio dos medicamentos utilizados na \u00e9poca com suas respectivas fun\u00e7\u00f5es. Nessa leitura, descobrimos que entre os rem\u00e9dios empregados encontravam-se v\u00e1rios utilizados pelos \u00edndios e incorporados pelos paulistas \u00e0 medicina colonial. Parte preciosa do relato \u00e9 constitu\u00edda pelas minuciosas informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre as duras condi\u00e7\u00f5es de vida e de trabalho a que os escravos estavam submetidos, o que facilitava a propaga\u00e7\u00e3o das doen\u00e7as. Dois gloss\u00e1rios completam e enriquecem ainda mais esta edi\u00e7\u00e3o, procedendo a um levantamento dos m\u00e9dicos e cirurgi\u00f5es citados pelo autor."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Furtado, J\u00fanior Ferreira (org.)"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Medicina - Minas Gerais - s\u00e9culo XVIII, Hist\u00f3ria econ\u00f4mica - Minas Gerais - s\u00e9culo XVIII, Condi\u00e7\u00f5es de vida - Minas Gerais - s\u00e9culo XVIII, Medicamento - Minas Gerais - s\u00e9culo XVIII, Doen\u00e7as - minas Gerais - s\u00e9culo XVIII"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ypf34"], ["title", " Er\u00e1rio Mineral - Vol. 1 e 2 "], ["doab_id", "16415"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412404"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412404"]], [["description", "Resgata a hist\u00f3ria da produ\u00e7\u00e3o da vacina contra a febre amarela, desde 1937, permitindo uma revis\u00e3o dos ensinamentos de Oswaldo Cruz. Esta obra interessa n\u00e3o s\u00f3 ao leitor estudioso da febre amarela, mas tamb\u00e9m aos que querem saber mais sobre o desenvolvimento da vacina e dos estudos e estrat\u00e9gias de imuniza\u00e7\u00e3o. Al\u00e9m de rever aspectos t\u00e9cnicos, o livro traz informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre os estudos realizados, colaborando com pesquisas futuras. Ao se associar \u00e0 Casa de Oswaldo Cruz e promover este trabalho, na celebra\u00e7\u00e3o de seus 25 anos, Bio-Manguinhos reconhece a import\u00e2ncia da pesquisa hist\u00f3rica, considerando-a como perspectiva para a compreens\u00e3o das institui\u00e7\u00f5es e seus atuais desafios. Pr\u00eamio Jabuti 2002: Men\u00e7\u00e3o Honrosa na Categoria Ci\u00eancias Naturais e Ci\u00eancias da Sa\u00fade"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (coord.)"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Vacina contra febre amarela-hist\u00f3ria, Febre amarela-hist\u00f3ria, febre amarela-preven\u00e7\u00e3o & controle"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4nktq"], ["title", " Febre amarela: a doen\u00e7a e a vacina, uma hist\u00f3ria inacabada"], ["doab_id", "16344"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413951"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413951"]], [["description", "Re\u00fane artigos que instigam e fundamentam o debate sobre a forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhadores de n\u00edvel m\u00e9dio para a sa\u00fade, campo em que estudos e publica\u00e7\u00f5es ainda s\u00e3o escassos. Abordando um leque abrangente de temas, a colet\u00e2nea discute a quest\u00e3o sob variados pontos de vista: hist\u00f3rico, sociol\u00f3gico, pedag\u00f3gico, t\u00e9cnico e metodol\u00f3gico. Resulta de an\u00e1lises de pr\u00e1ticas vivenciadas na EPSJV/Fiocruz, o que em muito confere aos ensaios originalidade e exemplaridade. Sem a pretens\u00e3o de apresentar respostas dogm\u00e1ticas, o livro \u00e9 uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a supera\u00e7\u00e3o de obst\u00e1culos e descompassos que v\u00eam caracterizando a trajet\u00f3ria da profissionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o na \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Escola Polit\u00e9cnica de Sa\u00fade Joaquim Ver\u00e2ncio"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Pessoal t\u00e9cnico de sa\u00fade-educa\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/dydn3"], ["title", " Forma\u00e7\u00e3o de pessoal de n\u00edvel m\u00e9dio para a sa\u00fade: desafios e perspectivas"], ["doab_id", "16421"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412671"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412671"]], [["description", "Si la tendance au regroupement des industries m\u00e9tallurgiques en p\u00f4les de taille mondiale para\u00eet in\u00e9luctable, il faut tout faire pour que cette \u00e9volution n'entra\u00eene pas un affaissement de la France dans ce domaine cl\u00e9. En effet, si les grands acteurs mondiaux de la M\u00e9tallurgie ne peuvent plus s'appuyer,comme encore r\u00e9cemment, sur une recherche et un enseignement publics fran\u00e7ais forts, l'ensemble de notre syst\u00e8me s'ass\u00e9chera et migrera ailleurs. Qui plus est, la perte de substance ira bien au-del\u00e0 de la R&D, frappant en particulier le tissu de nos PMI/PME.L'Acad\u00e9mie des technologies et l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences pr\u00e9sentent ici une analyse de la M\u00e9tallurgie fran\u00e7aise, \u00e9tablie par un groupe d'experts anim\u00e9 par Andr\u00e9 Pineau, de l'Acad\u00e9mie des technologies, et Yves Qu\u00e9r\u00e9, de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences.Cet ouvrage synth\u00e9tique, compl\u00e9t\u00e9 par des annexes num\u00e9ris\u00e9es, d\u00e9crit en premier lieu la M\u00e9tallurgie comme science, en tant que telle, en lien fort avec l'ing\u00e9nierie, ou g\u00e9nie m\u00e9tallurgique. Il \u00e9tablit ensuite un diagnostic de la situation pour les divers grands secteurs industriels ainsi que pour la recherche et l'enseignement.L'ambition est ici de montrer que la M\u00e9tallurgie constitue une discipline scientifique \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re, pr\u00e9sente dans des champs innombrables de l'industrie, o\u00f9 elle est source de progr\u00e8s et r\u00e9servoir d'emplois ; et de rappeler qu'il faut du temps pour construire des comp\u00e9tences indispensables, tant scientifi ques que techniques, qu'un rien suffi t \u00e0 d\u00e9truire. Le rapport montre \u00e9galement que la M\u00e9tallurgie a perdu, en France, une grande part de sa substance, en raison \u00e0 la fois de multiples r\u00e9organisations industrielles r\u00e9centes et d'un d\u00e9sengagement du monde acad\u00e9mique, largement d\u00fb aux effets de mode. C'est pourquoi des mesures urgentes, dans l'enseignement, la recherche universitaire et industrielle, l'information du public, la sensibilisation des d\u00e9cideurs et des acteurs\u2026 doivent \u00eatre imp\u00e9rativement prises.Devant la gravit\u00e9 des \u00e9volutions recens\u00e9es, qui rejaillissent notamment sur les emplois, les comp\u00e9tences, la R&D\u2026, les deux acad\u00e9mies proposent aux d\u00e9cideurs, publics et priv\u00e9s, une strat\u00e9gie d\u00e9clin\u00e9e en une s\u00e9rie de recommandations : dans chaque domaine est d\u00e9crit l'\u00e9tat actuel et sont propos\u00e9es des pistes de d\u00e9veloppement scientifi que et appliqu\u00e9. Perdre une position de p\u00f4le dans ces domaines est dangereux ; en prendre une de leader est un d\u00e9fi \u00e0 relever. Nous sommes actuellement \u00e0 ce tournant et, en cela, nous sommes sans doute condamn\u00e9s \u00e0 l'excellence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andr\u00e9 Pineau; Yves Qu\u00e9r\u00e9"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport11.pdf"], ["title", " La m\u00e9tallurgie"], ["doab_id", "16202"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759805389"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759805389"]], [["description", "Ce rapport propose une contribution au d\u00e9bat sur l\u2019\u00e9nergie, abord\u00e9 pour l\u2019essentiel sous l\u2019angle des recherches \u00e0 conduire pour relever les d\u00e9fis successifs qui se poseront dans les prochaines d\u00e9cennies.Le r\u00f4le de la science dans ce d\u00e9bat est d'identifier les voies de recherche qui permettront de faire face au besoin croissant d\u2019\u00e9nergie, en discernant \u00e0 l\u2019avance les probl\u00e8mes scientifiques majeurs qu'il faudra surmonter au prix d'un effort soutenu\u2026 "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Acad\u00e9mie des sciences"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport-defis-energie.pdf"], ["title", " La recherche face aux d\u00e9fis de l'\u00e9nergie"], ["doab_id", "16203"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759808267"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759808267"]], [["description", "Depuis deux si\u00e8cles, la pouss\u00e9e d\u00e9mographique et les d\u00e9veloppements industriels et agricoles provoquent un profond d\u00e9s\u00e9quilibre des cycles biog\u00e9ochimiques de la plan\u00e8te. La vie est d\u00e9pendante d'un grand nombre des \u00e9l\u00e9ments de la classification p\u00e9riodique. Certaines parties du cycle biog\u00e9ochimique de ces \u00e9l\u00e9ments ont \u00e9t\u00e9 explor\u00e9es et une connaissance approfondie des m\u00e9canismes qui les font intervenir dans certains processus biologiques a \u00e9t\u00e9 acquise : comprendre comment les \u00e9l\u00e9ments chimiques voyagent d'un r\u00e8gne \u00e0 un autre permettra de d\u00e9terminer une nouvelle approche de la nutrition, de la sant\u00e9, de l'environnement et du climat. L'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences a men\u00e9 une r\u00e9flexion multidisciplinaire pour \u00e9tablir l'\u00e9tat de l'art en ce domaine, tant du point de vue des connaissances fondamentales que de celui de la recherche et de ses structures.Ce rapport s'int\u00e9resse au comportement de diff\u00e9rents \u00e9l\u00e9ments chimiques de la biog\u00e9osph\u00e8re au cours de l'histoire de la plan\u00e8te, et plus particuli\u00e8rement depuis que se manifeste une anthropisation acc\u00e9l\u00e9r\u00e9e (d\u00e9veloppement de la civilisation industrielle).Cet ouvrage se pr\u00e9sente en quatre parties:- 1\u00e8re partie: approche par \u00e9l\u00e9ments: -carbone -nutriments -\u00e9l\u00e9ments majeurs de la lithosph\u00e8re -radionucl\u00e9ides- 2\u00e8me partie: approche par milieux: -\u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes peu anthropis\u00e9s -milieux \u00e0 pression anthropique accentu\u00e9e- 3\u00e8me partie: secteurs de recherche \u00e0 d\u00e9velopper: -les micro-organismes, cl\u00e9 des recyclages -nature, r\u00f4le et fonctions des mati\u00e8res organiques dans les sols -sp\u00e9cialisation des \u00e9l\u00e9ments chimiques- 4\u00e8me partie: n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de recourir \u00e0 des mod\u00e9lisations et \u00e0 des observatoires: -d\u00e9veloppement de la mod\u00e9lisation -mise en place et gestion de r\u00e9seaux d'observation de longue dur\u00e9e."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Georges Pedro"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport7.pdf"], ["title", " Les cycles biog\u00e9ochimiques et \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes continentaux"], ["doab_id", "16205"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868839381"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782868839381"]], [["description", "Contrairement \u00e0 ce que l'on pourrait penser, les maladies infectieuses ne sont pas en voie de disparition, bien au contraire. Apprendre \u00e0 mieux g\u00e9rer ce fl\u00e9au appara\u00eet essentiel \u00e0 une meilleure gestion des cas.Au cours d'une premi\u00e8re partie, l'ouvrage pr\u00e9sente la situation actuelle:- l'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie et la sant\u00e9 publique- les maladies infectieuses en m\u00e9decine humaine et v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire (passage des barri\u00e8res d'esp\u00e8ces)- concepts d'\u00e9mergence et de r\u00e9\u00e9mergence- pourquoi il y aura toujours des maladies infectieuses- dynamiques et limites des strat\u00e9gies de pr\u00e9vention- perception et gestion du risque- succ\u00e8s et \u00e9checs dans le contr\u00f4le d'une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie- l'homme en cause.Une deuxi\u00e8me partie donnera des \u00e9l\u00e9ments de r\u00e9ponse au d\u00e9fi:- la recherche fondamentale- l'enseignement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", " A.J. Valleron"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport3.pdf"], ["title", " L\u2019\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie humaine"], ["doab_id", "16208"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838889"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "286883888X"]], [["description", "O Brasil \u00e9 um pa\u00eds em mudan\u00e7a dentro de um mundo em mudan\u00e7a. Hoje n\u00f3s temos uma escolha a fazer. Podemos nos deixar levar pelas mudan\u00e7as como numa enxurrada. Ou podemos nos organizar melhor e confiar na nossa capacidade de construir o futuro com as pr\u00f3prias m\u00e3os."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cardoso, Fernando Henrique"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b27wf"], ["title", " M\u00e3os \u00e0 obra, Brasil: proposta de governo"], ["doab_id", "16275"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662663"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662663"]], [["description", "Sociedad Civil y Democracia en Am\u00e9rica Latina: crisis y reinvenci\u00f3n de la pol\u00edtica abre un debate urgente y necesa-rio sobre los desaf\u00edos que afectan a la gobernabilidad y la consolidaci\u00f3n de la democracia en nuestro continente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo (ed.); Oliveira, Miguel Darcy de (ed.)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rdvhy"], ["title", " Sociedad civil y democracia en Am\u00e9rica Latina: crisis y reinvenci\u00f3n de la pol\u00edtica "], ["doab_id", "16270"], ["language_unmapped", "ES"], ["isbns", ["9788599662205"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662205"]], [["description", "Parte do princ\u00edpio de que finalmente uma malaise epistemol\u00f3gica se instala na epidemiologia, determinada pela inc\u00f4moda posi\u00e7\u00e3o de principal respons\u00e1vel pelas contradi\u00e7\u00f5es da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica neste fim de mil\u00eanio. Assim, convoca estudiosos e profissionais a questionar fundamentos, explorar interfaces e formular discursos competentes indicadores de tend\u00eancias."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida Filho, Naomar de (org.); Barreto, Maur\u00edcio Lima (org.); Veras, Renato Peixoto (org.); Barata, Rita Barradas (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Epidemiologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5btwk"], ["title", " Teoria epidemiol\u00f3gica hoje: fundamentos, interfaces e tend\u00eancias"], ["doab_id", "16440"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412794"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412794"]], [["description", "Objetiva resgatar o valioso conhecimento produzido no campo espec\u00edfico da malacologia m\u00e9dica e conta com a contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de uma salutar diversidade de especialistas brasileiros que se encontram trabalhando em uma \u00e1rea de intersec\u00e7\u00e3o entre o que poderia se chamar de biologia pura e ecologia aplicada ao controle de planorb\u00eddeos. Indica caminhos atraentes para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas, principalmente na \u00e1rea b\u00e1sica: morfologia e sistem\u00e1tica, fisiologia, embriologia e rela\u00e7\u00f5es molusco/parasita. Destina-se n\u00e3o somente aos estudiosos em moluscos; tamb\u00e9m \u00e0queles interessados em parasitologia, ecologia de ambientes l\u00edmnicos, ecologia e controle de vetores, t\u00e9cnicos e epidemi\u00f3logos envolvidos em programas de controle da esquistossomose."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barbosa, Frederico Sim\u00f5es (org.)"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Moluscos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/npy7z"], ["title", " T\u00f3picos em malacologia m\u00e9dica "], ["doab_id", "16441"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414019"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414019"]], [["description", "As discuss\u00f5es sobre turismo e cultura t\u00eam suscitado crescente interesse pelas din\u00e2micas dos processos que afetam ao desenvolvimento de regi\u00f5es e lugares. O desafio posto pelos autores do livro \u00e9 contribuir no debate te\u00f3rico/conceitual para explica\u00e7\u00e3o do turismo e da cultura enquanto fen\u00f4meno e realidade emp\u00edrica de forma a promover o desenvolvimento voltado ao ser humano e o aprofundamento das pesquisas nos diversos estados do Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brasileiro, Maria Dilma Sim\u00f5es; Medina, Julio C\u00e9sar Cabrera; Coriolano, Luiza Neide"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Turismo, Desenvolvimento Regional, Desenvolvimento e cultura, Turismo e cultura"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7y7r5"], ["title", " Turismo, cultura e desenvolvimento "], ["doab_id", "16321"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791940"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791940"]], [["description", "When Austria was annexed by Hitler Germany in March 1938, the National Library in Vienna was not only the biggest scientific library in the country, it was now the third largest in the German Reich. Its status among and influence on the scholarly libraries in the Reich was considerably enhanced by one person during the Nazi period, namely the newly-appointed director-general Dr. Paul Heigl, a fervent National socialist, Acquisitions by the Library during the years 1938 to 1945 are a key focal point of this history, and Heigl played both an active and significant role in the process of book looting in the interest of the National Library.The Library may well have regarded itself in the inter-war years as being \u201eapolitical\u201c \u2013 and house historians have tended to reinforce this image \u2013 but this does not stand up to closer scrutiny even during the political period of the \u201eCorporate State\u201c und Dollfuss and Schuschnigg, let alone during the time of national socialist rule in Austria. The study breaks with the previos taboos and presents the essentially political role of the Library both before and after March 1938 by investigating its involvement in the crimes of the Nazi regime. But the study does not only concentrate on acquisitions made through improper means, it also attempts to capture some of the atmosphere of a major library under the NS-regime and in war-time.The examination also sees itself as a contribution to the hitherto neglected history of libraries in Austria in the Nazi period in general and of church and official libraries in particular. It might be noted that Paul Heigl was not only in charge of scholary libraries in south-eastern Europe following the German invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941, he was also a library consultant for local Nazi officials and had considerable sway in forging library policy. Our study discusses a number of chapters in the Library \u00b4s history during the Nazi period which have so far been absent from official histories, primarily those which implicate the Library and point to the vast and varied acquisitions. The main chapter focusses on the development and acquisitions of the Library\u00b4s many collections from 1938 o 1945, chiefly on the basis of library records and files, and attempts to describe not only the looting, but also fate of stolen books, libraries and collections immediately after World War Two and on up to the present day. And, as the case may be, their subsequent restitution over the past few years as a consequence of the Art Restitution Law of 1998. Name and subject indices are intended to make the information in thistory more easily accessible.

Die Nationalbibliothek in Wien war zum Zeitpunkt des \"Anschlusses\" \u00d6sterreichs an das Deutsche Reich im M\u00e4rz 1938 nicht die gr\u00f6\u00dfte wissenschaftliche Bibliothek im Lande, sondern nunmehr die drittgr\u00f6\u00dfte im Deutschen Reich. Ihre Stellung bzw. Ihr Einfluss als Institution in der Bibliothekslandschaft wurde durch die Person des neuen Generaldirektors Dr. Paul Heigl noch verst\u00e4rkt. Erwerbungen der Nationalbibliothek in den Jahren 1938 bis 1945 aus unterschiedlicher Provenienz und unter unterschiedlichsten Umst\u00e4nden sind ein Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Geschichte, durch die sich die Person und die T\u00e4tigkeit Heigls wie ein roter Faden zieht. Es ist n\u00e4mlich nicht schwierig, dessen pers\u00f6nliche Einflussnahme bei Enteignungen, die die Geschichte der Bibliothek in der NS-Zeit pr\u00e4gten, nachzuweisen.Nach ihrem Selbstbild mag die Nationalbibliothek stets \"unpolitisch\" gewesen sein, doch darf man nicht \u00fcbersehen bzw. untersch\u00e4tzen, dass sie im Zeitraum, der hier behandelt wird, drei verschiedenen Staatsformen diente. Da die Wirklichkeit von diesem Selbstbildnis so starkt abweicht, werden die bisherigen Selbstdarstellungen von Seiten der Bibliothek nicht nur Schlusswort stark in Zweifel gezogen, sondern im Laufe der Arbeit kontinuierlich hinterfragt. Die politische Instrumentalisierung der NB zeigt sich sp\u00e4testens in der Zeit des St\u00e4ndestaats in den 30er Jahren. Die vorliegende Arbeit r\u00e4umt mit der Tabuisierung der eigenen Geschichte der Nationalbibliothek bzw. dem Verschweigen der Verstrickung in NS-Verbrechen in offiziellen Publikationen seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf und schildert die aktive Rolle, die die Bibliothek bei Erwerbungen spielte. Diese Geschichte will nicht nur auf unrechtm\u00e4\u00dfige Erwerbungen fokussieren, sondern auch den Versuch unternehmen, den Alltag in der Bibliothek in der NS-Zeit einzufangen.Diese Geschichte versteht sich auch als Beitrag zur eher stiefm\u00fctterlich behandelten Geschichte des Bibliothekswesens ganz allgemein in \u00d6sterreich in den Jahren 1938 bis 1945. In einer seiner vielen Funktionen war Paul Heigl n\u00e4mlich bei der Aufl\u00f6sung von Amts- und Stiftsbibliotheken als Berater t\u00e4tig, und somit wird das Schicksal dieser B\u00fcchereien erstmals ausf\u00fchrlich beleuchtet. Nicht unwesentlich f\u00fcr die Geschichte der NB ist beispielsweise auch noch, dass Paul Heigl - nach dem \u00dcberfall auf Belgrad - f\u00fcr die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken in S\u00fcdosteuropa offiziell zust\u00e4ndig wurde. Auch diese Funktion n\u00fctzte die NB, insofern als sie zu neuen B\u00fccherzuw\u00e4chsen f\u00fchrte. Im umfangm\u00e4\u00dfig gesehenen Hauptkapitel (Die Sammlungen der NB) wird anhand von Archivunterlagen, die prim\u00e4r aus der Nationalbibliothek selber stammen, in Form von Falldarstellungen auf die einzelnen geraubten B\u00fccherbest\u00e4nde ausf\u00fchrlich eingegangen. Somit sind die Bem\u00fchungen der Nationalbibliothek - sowohl in den Nachkriegsjahren als auch in j\u00fcngster Zeit - um das Ausfindigmachen von geraubten B\u00fcchern in den eigenen Bibliotheksbest\u00e4nden und die Zuordnung zu Vorbesitzern ebenfalls ein wesenlicher Aspekt dieser Darstellung.Die Arbeit wird durch zwei Register -ein Namen- und ein Sachregister - erschlossen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hall ,Murray G.; K\u00f6stner ,Christa"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["National Library, Book Looting, Library History, National Socialism, 1938 - 1945"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437148"], ["title", "\"... allerlei f\u00fcr die Nationalbibliothek zu ergattern...\""], ["doab_id", "15273"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775041"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775041"]], [["description", "Arthur Schopenhauer studierte von 1809 bis 1811 in G\u00f6ttingen und besuchte vor allem historische und naturgeschichtliche Lehrveranstaltungen. Einer seiner wichtigsten Lehrer war dabei Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, der damals ber\u00fchmteste G\u00f6ttinger Naturforscher. Schopenhauer setzte die in G\u00f6ttingen begonnenen naturwissenschaftlichen Studien auch nach der Entscheidung f\u00fcr eine Laufbahn als Philosoph und dem Wechsel an die neugegr\u00fcndete Universit\u00e4t in Berlin fort. Sein Interesse und seine Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften und insbesondere der Physiologie sind ein wichtiger Schl\u00fcssel zum Verst\u00e4ndnis seiner Philosophie. Schopenhauers Mitschriften von Blumenbachs Vorlesungen zur Naturgeschichte, Mineralogie, Anatomie und Physiologie dokumentieren aber nicht nur Blumenbachs Einfluss auf die intellektuelle Entwicklung des Philosophen. Sie sind zugleich eine wertvolle und anschauliche Quelle f\u00fcr die T\u00e4tigkeit Blumenbachs als Hochschullehrer. Mit seinen \u00e4u\u00dferst popul\u00e4ren Vorlesungen pr\u00e4gte er mehrere Generationen von Studenten und hatte entscheidenden Anteil daran, den modernen Naturwissenschaften einen Platz im Geistesleben des 19. Jahrhunderts zu verschaffen.

Arthur Schopenhauer studierte von 1809 bis 1811 in G\u00f6ttingen und besuchte vor allem historische und naturgeschichtliche Lehrveranstaltungen. Einer seiner wichtigsten Lehrer war dabei Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, der damals ber\u00fchmteste G\u00f6ttinger Naturforscher. Schopenhauer setzte die in G\u00f6ttingen begonnenen naturwissenschaftlichen Studien auch nach der Entscheidung f\u00fcr eine Laufbahn als Philosoph und dem Wechsel an die neugegr\u00fcndete Universit\u00e4t in Berlin fort. Sein Interesse und seine Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften und insbesondere der Physiologie sind ein wichtiger Schl\u00fcssel zum Verst\u00e4ndnis seiner Philosophie. Schopenhauers Mitschriften von Blumenbachs Vorlesungen zur Naturgeschichte, Mineralogie, Anatomie und Physiologie dokumentieren aber nicht nur Blumenbachs Einfluss auf die intellektuelle Entwicklung des Philosophen. Sie sind zugleich eine wertvolle und anschauliche Quelle f\u00fcr die T\u00e4tigkeit Blumenbachs als Hochschullehrer. Mit seinen \u00e4u\u00dferst popul\u00e4ren Vorlesungen pr\u00e4gte er mehrere Generationen von Studenten und hatte entscheidenden Anteil daran, den modernen Naturwissenschaften einen Platz im Geistesleben des 19. Jahrhunderts zu verschaffen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schopenhauer, Arthur; Stollberg, Jochen; B\u00f6ker, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["History of the University", "Arthur Schopenhauer", "Johann Friedrich Blumenbach", "Lecture Notes", "G\u00f6ttingen", "Natural Sciences", "History of the University", "Arthur Schopenhauer", "Johann Friedrich Blumenbach", "Lecture Notes", "G\u00f6ttingen", "Natural Sciences"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610344"], ["title", "\"... die Kunst zu sehn\" - Arthur Schopenhauers Mitschriften der Vorlesungen Johann Friedrich Blumenbachs (1809-1811)"], ["doab_id", "15594"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951399"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951399"]], [["description", "A collection of papers, articles, and essays written in the past decade by the well-known German environmental historian.

Die hier zusammengestellten Aufs\u00e4tze verdanken sich letztlich s\u00e4mtlich der langj\u00e4hrigen Bem\u00fchung des Autors, der Umweltgeschichte im Wissenschaftsbetrieb ihren Platz als f\u00e4cher\u00fcbergreifendes Gespr\u00e4ch zu sichern. Als Querschnitt durch seine umwelthistorischen Arbeiten der letzten Jahre dokumentieren sie einen Teil der Publikationst\u00e4tigkeit des Autors. Sie hat naturgem\u00e4\u00df ihren Schwerpunkt in biologischer Thematik, von hier aus thematisiert sie aber immer auch eine allgemein umwelthistorische Perspektive."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["environmental history", "environmental history"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610341"], ["title", "\"... mein Acker ist die Zeit\": Aufs\u00e4tze zur Umweltgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "13363"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875999"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875999"]], [["description", "Franz Mayr was \"one of the most interesting of catholic missionaries in Southern Africa\" states Professor Joy Brain (\"University of Durban\") in the foreword she wrote for this first edition of his writings. Mayr was born in the Austrian province of Tyrol in 1865, educated as a priest in the diocese of Brixen and arrived in Natal (South Africa) at the beginning of May 1890, inspired by the work being done there by the Trappist-Monks led by Abbot Franz Pfanner. Mayr was physically handicapped and soon left the trappists but just to offer his services to the vicar apostolic of Natal, Bishop Charles Jolivet, who accepted him for work among the African population. He was sent to Pietermaritzburg then capital of the British colony to take over the care of the African parishioners to bring the \"good news\" to those who had never heard it. He founded several new mission-stations in Natal, Southern Rhodesia (present day Zimbabwe) and Swaziland where he was killed by a native robber in 1914. Mayr - a man of many talents - was a gifted linguist, studied and published books in several African languages. He was interested in cultural anthropology and collected information about African customs. It is now more than a hundred years since Franz Mayr began his work of evangelisation and scholarship in Southern Africa. Publishing his letters and articles - kept by several archives in Europe - should help to remember a man of the Habsburg-Monarchy who went to preach the gospel to the so called heathen of Africa. Although Austria or Austria-Hungary never owned colonies in Africa many of its inhabitants left their homes to work in catholic mission-stations around the continent. Several introductory chapters in this book explain the particular historical context which has to be put into consideration when reading Mayrs' writings. From there we learn about his life, his work, how he treated the native population, what he thought about other religious congregations around him, the colonialists and about troubles when trying to convince people to believe in the only - the \"European God\". The missionary deserves to be better known. The present edition of historical sources is to be seen as a most relevant step allowing us to interpret his personality adequately.

Als \"einen der interessantesten katholischen Missionare im S\u00fcdlichen Afrika\" bezeichnet die Historikerin Joy Brain den Tiroler Priester Franz Mayr in ihrem Vorwort zu dieser umfangreichen Quellenedition. Die gesammelten, aus zahlreichen Archiven im In- und Ausland stammenden Schriften Mayrs, umfassen Briefe, Tagebucheintr\u00e4ge, Ausz\u00fcge aus Chroniken, seine in Missions- und ethnologischen Zeitschriften und Tageszeitungen erschienenen Artikel sowie zahlreiche zeitgen\u00f6ssische Photographien. Obwohl unser Land bzw. die Habsburger-Monarchie selbst keine Kolonien auf diesem Kontinent besa\u00df, wirkte doch eine betr\u00e4chtliche Anzahl von ihnen u. a. in katholischen Stationen. Ihre Rolle in der Interaktion mit der einheimischen Bev\u00f6lkerung und die Wirkung ihrer Missionsartikel auf das Afrikabild ist bisher nahezu unerforscht geblieben. Mayr war nur einer jener \u00d6sterreicher und \u00d6sterreicherinnen, die im Zuge der katholischen Missionseuphorie des 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts ausreisten, um Afrikaner und Afrikanerinnen zum Christentum zu \"bekehren\". Er wurde 1865 in der Osttiroler Gemeinde Nussdorf geboren und verbrachte seine Gymnasialzeit in Brixen, wo er auch das Priesterseminar absolvierte. Ab 1890 wirkte er in der ehemaligen britischen Kolonie Natal (S\u00fcdafrika), in S\u00fcdrhodesien (heutiges Zimbabwe) und in Swaziland, wo er 1914 einem Mordanschlag zum Opfer fiel. Unter seiner Leitung entstanden mehrere Missionsstationen u. a. das Projekt \"Maryvale\", ein Dorf f\u00fcr die einheimischen katholischen Zulus, heute ein Stadtteil von Pietermaritzburg. \u00dcber die vorhandenen Quellen erh\u00e4lt man Einblick in den Alltag des Missionars, Informationen \u00fcber Hemmnisse seiner Arbeit und \u00fcber Erfolgserlebnisse, seine Einstellung zur afrikanischen Bev\u00f6lkerung, zur jeweiligen Kolonialregierung, zu anderen Religionsgemeinschaften oder \u00fcber seinen pers\u00f6nlichen Gem\u00fctszustand. F. Mayr schrieb mehrere B\u00fccher in afrikanischen Sprachen, hatte ein Faible f\u00fcr Musik und Photographie und sammelte leidenschaftlich ethnologische Gegenst\u00e4nde, die er teilweise afrikanischen Museen \u00fcberlie\u00df, teilweise f\u00fcr Ausstellungen nach Europa sandte. Erst k\u00fcrzlich entdeckte man im Herbarium der \"Universit\u00e4t von Natal\" eine Pflanzensammlung, die er angelegt hatte. Sie wird derzeit von einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern ausgewertet und stellt eine der fr\u00fchesten Dokumentationen \u00fcber den Gebrauch von Heilpflanzen der Zulus dar. Fast neunzig Jahre nach seinem Tod scheint nun also das Interesse am Leben des \u00d6sterreichers zuzunehmen.Der wichtigste Schritt f\u00fcr die wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung seiner Biographie ist mit der vorliegenden Herausgabe seiner Schriften getan. V\u00f6llig in Vergessenheit geraten, soll durch die chronologisch angeordnete Herausgabe dieser Dokumente Mayrs Leben und Werk in Erinnerung gerufen werden. Zu ihrer Interpretierbarkeit bzw. zum besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis sind den einzelnen Abschnitten Kapitel zum historischen Kontext vorangestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "G\u00fctl ,Clemens"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["cultural anthropology, Africa, catholic missionar, Franz Mayr"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437215"], ["title", "\"Adieu ihr lieben Schwarzen\""], ["doab_id", "15336"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205771449"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205771449"]], [["description", "Frankreich stand in der Zwischenkriegszeit nicht nur in Europa unter dem Druck expansiver Diktaturen, sondern auch in Asien. Die Bedrohung durch Japan wurde dr\u00e4ngend, als das Kaiserreich ab Juli 1937 China mit Krieg \u00fcberzog und auch vor der K\u00fcste der franz\u00f6sischen Kolonie Indochina seine Macht deutlich demonstrierte. Die Bonner Dissertation von Volker Nies untersucht erstmals, was Paris unternahm, um seine Gro\u00dfmachtposition in Ostasien zu behaupten. Frankreich suchte auf zuweilen doppelb\u00f6dige Art die N\u00e4he zu Japan. Paris ging dabei so weit, wie es die R\u00fccksicht auf die Beziehungen zu den USA und Gro\u00dfbritannien erlaubte, die Japans Aufstieg kritisch sahen. F\u00fcr Paris war der virtuose Einsatz diplomatischer und milit\u00e4rischer, wirtschaftlicher und geheimdienstlicher Instrumente im Fernen Osten am Ende erfolglos, denn fast zeitgleich mit dem Einmarsch deutscher und italienischer Truppen r\u00fcckte im Juni 1940 ein japanisches Vorauskommando in Indochina ein."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nies, Volker"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/228322"], ["title", "\"Apaisement\" in Asien. Frankreich und der Fernostkonflikt 1937-1940"], ["doab_id", "18126"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486850444", "9783486590128"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486850444, 9783486590128"]], [["description", "Modern medical technologies, especially the pre-implantation and prenatal diagnosis, have given the possibility of preventive dealing with the risks of physical or mental disabilities. On the other side there is the call for support and \u201cinclusion\u201d of people with disabilities. These opposing trends are critically analyzed and discussed in depth from a legally, genetic, as well as from a medical, social and ethical point of view.

Menschen mit genetischen Behinderungen k\u00f6rperlicher oder seelischer Art gibt es seit Anbeginn der Menschheit. Moderne medizinische Technologien, namentlich die der Pr\u00e4implantations- und Pr\u00e4nataldiagnostik, er\u00f6ffnen nicht nur der Medizin, sondern auch der Gesamtgesellschaft die M\u00f6glichkeit des pr\u00e4ventiven Umgangs mit genetisch bedingten Erkrankungsrisiken. Auf der anderen Seite besteht der gesellschaftliche Anspruch nach einer F\u00f6rderung und \u201eInklusion\u201c von Menschen mit Behinderung. Diese gegenl\u00e4ufigen Entwicklungen bed\u00fcrfen der n\u00e4heren Analyse und kritischen Diskussion. Der vorliegende Band ist aus Vortr\u00e4gen und Diskussionen eines Expertenworkshops, ausgerichtet vom Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik am Universit\u00e4tsklinikum G\u00f6ttingen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem G\u00f6ttinger Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht, hervorgegangen. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es, diese grundlegende Problematik insbesondere aus juristischer wie humangenetischer, aber ebenso aus medizin- wie sozialethischer Sicht vertiefend zu reflektieren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Engel, Wolfgang; Zoll, Barbara"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Disability", "Human Genetics", "Social Ethics", "Medical Law", "Disability", "Human Genetics", "Social Ethics", "Medical Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610176"], ["title", "\"Behinderung\" im Dialog zwischen Recht und Humangenetik"], ["doab_id", "15935"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951504"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951504"]], [["description", "The study examines Jorge Semprun\u00b4s literary reflections on his experiences made in the concentration camp of Buchenwald in \"Le grand voyage\" (1963), \"Quel beau dimanche!\" (1980), \"L\u00b4\u00e9criture ou la vie\" (1994) and \"Le mort qu\u00b4il faut\" (2001) with the aim to show the development in his retrospective treatment of the past. Therefore the texts are not considered as a unified \"ecriture\" but as a progressing approximation to his experiences in Buchenwald.The study deals in narratological and poetological terms with Semprun\u00b4s growing awareness of what Buchenwald means to him: While \"Le grand voyage\" is deeply influenced by the authors communistic view. \"Quel beau dimanche!\" reflects Sempruns disconcertion caused by his awareness of the parallel existence of concentration camps in Nazi-Germany and in the Soviet Union. \"L\u00b4ecriture ou la vie\" and \"Le mort qu\u00b4il faut\", for their part, are written by an author who considers himself as survivor and witness.This process is accompanied by Semprun\u00b4s shift to literature as a universe implying sense and creating identity. This becomes vitally important after his dissociation from communism and enables him to speak extensively about his experiences with death. Therefore Semprun\u00b4s conception of \"witnessship\" can be described as diametrically opposed to factual documentation. It is rather intended to function within a literary field: Only the intensive use of intertextuality allowes Semprun to comprehend Buchenwald finally as the centre of his life and as the origin of his own identity as well as to communicate his \"truth\" to the reader.

Die Studie untersucht Jorge Sempruns literarische Gestaltung seiner Erfahrungen des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald in \"Le grand voyage (1963), \"Quel beau dimanche!\" (1980), \"L\u00b4ecriture ou la vie\" (1994) und \"Le mort qu\u00b4il faut (2001). Ziel der Arbeit ist es, Entwicklungslinien und Tendenzen in der retrospektiven Auseinandersetzung und literarischen Bearbeitung des pers\u00f6nlich Erlebten aufzuzeigen. Demzufolge werden die Texte nicht als einheitliches Sprechen, sondern als fortschreitende erz\u00e4hlerische Ann\u00e4herung an den miterlebten Tod von Buchenwald betrachtet. Die narratologisch und poetologisch ausgerichtete Studie fokussiert den Bewusstwerdungsprozess, der in den Texten zum Ausdruck gelangt: W\u00e4hrend \"Le grand voyage\" noch deutlich vom kommunistischen Weltbild des Autors gepr\u00e4gt ist, spiegelt sich in \"Quel beau dimanche!\" - geschrieben im Bewusstsein \u00fcber die gleichzeitige Existenz nationalsozialistischer und stalinistischer Lager - die existentielle Verunsicherung Sempruns, wohingegen in \"L\u00b4ecriture ou la vie\" und \"Le mort qu\u00b4il faut\" die Selbstdefinierung als \u00dcberlebender und Zeuge dominiert.Paralell zu dieser Entwicklung vollzieht sich Sempruns Hinwendung zur Literatur als identit\u00e4ts- und sinnstiftendem Universum, das, insbesondere nach der Lossage vom Kommunismus, verst\u00e4rkt in den Vordergrund r\u00fcckt und erst die umfassende Sagbarkeit der Erfahrung erm\u00f6glicht. Sempruns Konzeption von Zeugenschaft steht folglich in direkter Opposition zu einem dokumentarischen Bezeugen und bewegt sich stattdessen innerhalb eines genuin literarischen Feldes. Nur durch den intensiven Einsatz intertextueller Bezugnahmen gelingt es dem Autor, die Erfahrung von Buchenwald als Zentrum seines Lebens sowie als Ursprung seines Ichs zu begreifen und diese \"Wahrheit\" dem Leser mitzuteilen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Neuhofer ,Monika"], ["date", "206"], ["subject", ["Jorge Semprun, Memory, Holocaust-Literature, Intertextuality, Buchenwald, Identity"]], ["publisher", "Vittorio Klostermann GmbH"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437211"], ["title", "\"\u00c9crire un seul livre, sans cesse renouvel\u00e9\""], ["doab_id", "15332"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783465035015"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783465035015"]], [["description", "Die Gr\u00fcndung der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen beruhte auf einem weitgehend neuen Konzept, das vom Geist der Aufkl\u00e4rung durchzogen auf Toleranz gr\u00fcndete und jeglichem Extremismus und Sekretierertum abhold war. Diesem Prinzip war auch die Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t von Anfang an verpflichtet. Durch das von ihr vertretene Ausbildungsmodell des praktisch-klinischen Unterrichts am Krankenbett gelang es bereits in der Aufbauphase entscheidende Impulse zu setzen, die f\u00fcr die medizinische Ausbildung \u00fcber G\u00f6ttingen hinaus richtungsweisend wurden. Damit trug die Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t wesentlich dazu bei, den internationalen Ruhm der Georgia-Augusta zu begr\u00fcnden. Der Abriss mit seiner vielschichtigen Realit\u00e4t vermittelt Einsichten in das Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis, die Selbstwahrnehmung und die Selbstdarstellung der Medizinischen Fakult\u00e4t in ihrer Geschichte.

Die Gr\u00fcndung der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen beruhte auf einem weitgehend neuen Konzept, das vom Geist der Aufkl\u00e4rung durchzogen auf Toleranz gr\u00fcndete und jeglichem Extremismus und Sekretierertum abhold war. Diesem Prinzip war auch die Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t von Anfang an verpflichtet. Durch das von ihr vertretene Ausbildungsmodell des praktisch-klinischen Unterrichts am Krankenbett gelang es bereits in der Aufbauphase entscheidende Impulse zu setzen, die f\u00fcr die medizinische Ausbildung \u00fcber G\u00f6ttingen hinaus richtungsweisend wurden. Damit trug die Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t wesentlich dazu bei, den internationalen Ruhm der Georgia-Augusta zu begr\u00fcnden. Der Abriss mit seiner vielschichtigen Realit\u00e4t vermittelt Einsichten in das Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis, die Selbstwahrnehmung und die Selbstdarstellung der Medizinischen Fakult\u00e4t in ihrer Geschichte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zimmermann, Volker"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History of the University Hospital Goettingen", "The Faculty of Medicine of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "History of the University Hospital Goettingen", "The Faculty of Medicine of the Georg-August-University Goettingen"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610346"], ["title", "\"Eine Medicinische Facult\u00e4t in Flor bringen\" - zur Geschichte der Medizinischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "14572"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344984"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344984"]], [["description", "Wie werden aus B\u00fcrgern einer Reichsstadt, Untertanen eines geistlichen F\u00fcrsten und Vasallen des Kaisers Untertanen des franz\u00f6sischen K\u00f6nigs, \"sujets du roi\"? Dieser Frage wird anhand der Ereignisse in Metz, Toul und Verdun nach der franz\u00f6sischen Besetzung im Jahr 1552 nachgegangen. Wie hat sich der Herrschaftswechsel konkret vollzogen? Wodurch wurde das \"Franz\u00f6sisch-Werden\" unterst\u00fctzt oder behindert? Die Untersuchung betrifft zentrale Themen der Fr\u00fchneuzeitforschung wie die Kommunikation zwischen Herrscher, Amtstr\u00e4gern und Untertanen, Fragen der Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t und Rechtm\u00e4\u00dfigkeit, Aspekte der Verrechtlichung und Gerichtsnutzung, aber auch die Frage nach dem Ende der gro\u00dfen lothringischen Hexenverfolgungen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Petry, Christine"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213988"], ["title", "\"Faire des sujets du roi\". Rechtspolitik in Metz, Toul und Verdun unter franz\u00f6sischer Herrschaft (1552-1648)"], ["doab_id", "18024"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486840148", "9783486579819"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486840148, 9783486579819"]], [["description", "Die Waldarbeit ist eine k\u00f6rperlich anspruchsvolle T\u00e4tigkeit und geht mit intensiven Belastungen des St\u00fctz- und Bewegungsapparates einher. Die Berufsgruppe der Forstwirte ist somit nicht vom, in der heutigen Gesellschaft weit verbreiteten, Risikofaktor Bewegungsmangel betroffen. Vielmehr sind stereotype Bewegungsmuster verantwortlich f\u00fcr die Auspr\u00e4gung muskul\u00e4rer Dysbalancen, die wiederum \u00e4tiologisch f\u00fcr R\u00fcckenbeschwerden sein k\u00f6nnen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden zun\u00e4chst die Bedingungen und Arbeitst\u00e4tigkeiten bei der Waldarbeit analysiert. Auf der Grundlage eines biopsychosozialen Ansatzes wurde darauf aufbauend eine bewegungsbezogene Intervention f\u00fcr Forstwirte konzipiert. Die Zielsetzung bestand darin, die berufsbedingten Belastungen im Sinne eines sportlichen Ausgleichstrainings zu reduzieren sowie spezifi sche Gesundheitsressourcen zu st\u00e4rken. Die Intervention wurde im betrieblichen Kontext f\u00fcr einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren implementiert. Die Evaluation erfolgte anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter motorischer und psychosozialer Parameter sowie einer Analyse des Krankenstandes. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit einer bewegungsbezogenen Intervention bei einem Berufsbild mit vergleichsweise hoher k\u00f6rperlicher Belastung und es wurde aufgezeigt, wie eine solche Ma\u00dfnahme im betrieblichen Kontext langfristig implementiert werden kann.

Die Waldarbeit ist eine k\u00f6rperlich anspruchsvolle T\u00e4tigkeit und geht mit intensiven Belastungen des St\u00fctz- und Bewegungsapparates einher. Die Berufsgruppe der Forstwirte ist somit nicht vom, in der heutigen Gesellschaft weit verbreiteten, Risikofaktor Bewegungsmangel betroffen. Vielmehr sind stereotype Bewegungsmuster verantwortlich f\u00fcr die Auspr\u00e4gung muskul\u00e4rer Dysbalancen, die wiederum \u00e4tiologisch f\u00fcr R\u00fcckenbeschwerden sein k\u00f6nnen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden zun\u00e4chst die Bedingungen und Arbeitst\u00e4tigkeiten bei der Waldarbeit analysiert. Auf der Grundlage eines biopsychosozialen Ansatzes wurde darauf aufbauend eine bewegungsbezogene Intervention f\u00fcr Forstwirte konzipiert. Die Zielsetzung bestand darin, die berufsbedingten Belastungen im Sinne eines sportlichen Ausgleichstrainings zu reduzieren sowie spezifi sche Gesundheitsressourcen zu st\u00e4rken. Die Intervention wurde im betrieblichen Kontext f\u00fcr einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren implementiert. Die Evaluation erfolgte anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter motorischer und psychosozialer Parameter sowie einer Analyse des Krankenstandes. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit einer bewegungsbezogenen Intervention bei einem Berufsbild mit vergleichsweise hoher k\u00f6rperlicher Belastung und es wurde aufgezeigt, wie eine solche Ma\u00dfnahme im betrieblichen Kontext langfristig implementiert werden kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rudolph, Sabrina"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Forest Work", "Back Pain", "Intervention", "Sports", "Balance Training", "Physical Stress", "Forest Work", "Back Pain", "Intervention", "Sports", "Balance Training", "Physical Stress"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610326"], ["title", "\"Fit im Forst\" - eine bewegungsbezogene Intervention f\u00fcr Forstwirte"], ["doab_id", "15369"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951047"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951047"]], [["description", "We cannot explain why people kill themselves. There are no necessary or sufficient causes for suicide, so rather than explaining suicide (looking for causes), perhaps we can understand suicide, at least in one individual, a phenomenological approach. This book begins by examining the diaries from eight individuals who killed themselves. Using qualitative analyses, supplemented in some cases by quantitative analyses, Lester seeks to uncover the unique thoughts and feelings that led these individuals to take their own lives. Lester has also studied suicide notes, the poems of those who died by suicide (both famous poets and unpublished poets), the letters written by suicides, blogs and twitter feeds, and one tape recording of a young man who killed himself just an hour or so after he recorded the tape. This book will give you insights into the \u201cI\u201d of the storm, the suicidal mind.David Lester has PhD\u2019s from Cambridge University (UK) and Brandeis University (USA). He is a former President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention and a leading scholar on suicide, murder, the fear of death and other topics and thanatology. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Lester"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Suicide", " diaries", " suicide notes"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/434163"], ["title", "The \"I\" of the Storm. Understanding the Suicidal Mind"], ["doab_id", "16492"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110374827"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110374827"]], [["description", "Il cosiddetto \u2018epistolario\u2019 manoscritto di Girolamo Borsieri \u00e8 la fonte privilegiata per accostarci dall\u2019interno a uno dei momenti pi\u00f9 entusiasmanti dell\u2019arte lombarda di et\u00e0 moderna, il primo Seicento dominato da pittori del calibro di Cerano, Procaccini e Morazzone."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paolo Vanoli"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Vanoli_web.pdf"], ["title", "Il \"Libro di lettere\" di Girolamo Borsieri"], ["doab_id", "17309"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867052899"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052899"]], [["description", "Bem mais que um relato sobre ultra-sonografia fetal em mulheres de camadas m\u00e9dias do Rio de Janeiro, a obra prop\u00f5e uma reflex\u00e3o refinada sobre o papel da tecnologia m\u00e9dica na (re)defini\u00e7\u00e3o do corpo e da pr\u00f3pria realidade em que vivemos. Os resultados, apresentados, contribuem para o debate sobre a constru\u00e7\u00e3o do feto como pessoa mediada pela tecnologia de imagem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chazan, Lilian Krakowski"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["JUVENILE NONFICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x78qr"], ["title", "\"Meio quilo de gente\": um estudo antropol\u00f3gico sobre ultra-som obst\u00e9trico"], ["doab_id", "19921"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413388"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413388"]], [["description", "Este estudo inves\u00adtigou o que os torcedores organizados teriam a dizer sobre a viol\u00eancia no futebol brasileiro, para depois inter\u00adpretar tais discursos \u00e0 luz do referencial te\u00f3rico de Johan Galtung. Visando contribuir com o debate sobre a viol\u00eancia no futebol, nesta abordagem, optamos pelo vi\u00e9s da compreens\u00e3o em lugar da vis\u00e3o estigmatizante e preconceituosa sobre o tema. Defendemos que reduzir a discuss\u00e3o da vio\u00adl\u00eancia no futebol meramente \u00e0 a\u00e7\u00e3o das torcidas organizadas frag\u00admenta a an\u00e1lise desse complexo fen\u00f4meno e se mostra improdutivo, pois\u00a0a viol\u00eancia no futebol perpassa a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o, gest\u00e3o e estrutura do futebol brasileiro, al\u00e9m dos epis\u00f3dios de viol\u00eancia f\u00edsica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Palhares, Marcelo Fadori Soares; Schwartz, Gisele Maria"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["SPORTS & RECREATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8zmft"], ["title", "\"N\u00e3o \u00e9 s\u00f3 a torcida organizada\": o que os torcedores organizados t\u00eam a dizer sobre a viol\u00eancia no futebol?"], ["doab_id", "19615"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579837425"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837425"]], [["description", "Gottfried Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854-1937) was one the foremost botanists and phycologists at the end of the 19th century. Born and educated in Westphalia, he enrolled at the Georgia Augusta to study plant sciences and focused on algae. After research stays at the Zoological Station at Naples he succeeded his mentor Johannes Reinke on his chair at the Institute of Plant Physiology at the Georgia Augusta G\u00f6ttingen until 1923. In this study we focus on the biography of Berthold, his private and scientific life, interaction with J. Reinke and other topics related to the life of Berthold. In a second part we highlight his research on algae at the Gulf of Naples. We conclude with an evaluation of his scientific work in the light of the different phases in his life including a full bibliography of his scientific publications. Our study contributes to history of science at the Georgia Augusta.

Der aus Westfalen stammende Gottfried Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854- 1937) ist als Botaniker des 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts eng mit der Geschichte der Georgia Augusta in G\u00f6ttingen verwoben. Er hatte sich bereits als Student an der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen mit Algen besch\u00e4ftigt und seine Dissertation dieser Thematik gewidmet. Nach Forschungsaufenthalten an der Zoologischen Station in Neapel, wo er intensiv Untersuchungen an Algen durchf\u00fchrte, habilitierte er sich 1881 in G\u00f6ttingen bei Johannes Reinke. Sp\u00e4ter \u00fcbernahm er dessen Professur f\u00fcr Botanik sowie dessen Direktorat am Pflanzenphysiologischen Institut und widmete sich entwicklungsmechanischen bzw. physiologischen Fragen bei h\u00f6heren Pflanzen. Die vorliegende Monografie untersucht erstmalig anhand der gegenw\u00e4rtigen Forschungslage Leben und Wirken Bertholds. Bertholds Lebensgeschichte wird chronologisch und in gr\u00f6\u00dftm\u00f6glicher Vollst\u00e4ndigkeit dargestellt. Bildungsgeschichtliche Akzente, der personelle Konnex zu Johannes Reinke und der Einfluss der Zoologischen Station Neapel finden hier ebenso Platz wie die Rekonstruktion der Lehr- und Forschungst\u00e4tigkeiten und der famili\u00e4ren Verh\u00e4ltnisse. Da Berthold vorrangig als Phykologe, also Algenkundler anzusehen ist, widmet sich der zweite Teil dem Forschungsschwerpunkt Algen. Dabei werden vor allem die meeresbiologischen Aspekte seiner Forschung am Golf von Neapel untersucht. Bertholds unterschiedliche Lebensstationen k\u00f6nnen in Zusammenhang mit seinen Publikationen betrachtet werden, dieser Teil untersucht daher das wissenschaftliche Wirken Bertholds. Anhand der aktuellen Quellenlage wird der Bestand seiner Werke aufgearbeitet und katalogisiert. Die vollst\u00e4ndige Bibliografie erm\u00f6glicht die Bestimmung von Schwerpunkten in Bertholds wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen. So bietet diese erste Monografie \u00fcber Gottfried D. W. Berthold ein Fundament f\u00fcr die Beurteilung seines OEuvres und seiner Wirkung auf die Phykologie bzw. die Botanik. Sie ist eine angemessene Erinnerung an ihn und erm\u00f6glicht eine geb\u00fchrende W\u00fcrdigung seines Wirkens. Die vorliegende Studie ist ein Beitrag zur Universit\u00e4ts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Georgia Augusta."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ruttig, Katharina; Friedl, Thomas; Wissemann, Volker"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Berthold", "history of science", "biology", "biographical works", "history of university institutions", "Berthold", "history of science", "biology", "biographical works", "history of university institutions"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610362"], ["title", "\"Ob Dir es sauer wird mit Deiner Nahrung und Ackerwerk, das la\u00df Dich nicht verdrie\u00dfen, denn Gott hat es also geschaffen\" - Gottfreid Dietrich Wilhelm Berthold (1854 - 1937) Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biologie an der Georgia Augusta G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "14589"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950224"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950224"]], [["description", "The gaseous molecule ethylene (C2H4), which is small in size and simple in structure, is a plant hormone most often associated with fruit ripening yet has a diversity of effects throughout the plant life cycle. While its agricultural effects were known even in ancient Egypt, the complexity of its mode of action and the broad spectrum of its effects and potential uses in plant physiology remain important scientific challenges today. In the last few decades, the biochemical pathway of ethylene production has been uncovered, ethylene perception and signaling have been molecularly dissected, ethylene-responsive transcription factors have been identified and numerous effects of ethylene have been described, ranging from water stress, development, senescence, reproduction plant-pathogen interactions, and of course, ripening. Thus ethylene is involved in plant development, in biotic and abiotic stress, and in reproduction. There is no stage in plant life that is not affected by ethylene, modulated by a complex and fascinating molecular machinery."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Domenico De Martinis; Tomotsugu Koyama; Caren Chang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ethylene", "C2H4", "Plant hormone", "Plant Biochemistry", "Plant molecular biology", "plant physiology", "Plant Pathology", "Plant Stress", "plant development", "plant reproduction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2319/one-rotten-apple-spoils-the-whole-barrel-the-plant-hormone-ethylene-the-small-molecule-and-its-compl"], ["title", "\"One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel\": The plant hormone ethylene, the small molecule and its complexity"], ["doab_id", "19530"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196234"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196234"]], [["description", "Am Beispiel der gescheiterten Bem\u00fchungen, in Europa einen einheitlichen Farbfernsehstandard auszuhandeln, thematisiert diese interdisziplin\u00e4r angelegte Studie die Komplexit\u00e4t internationaler Standardisierungsprozesse. Gleichzeitig leistet sie einen innovativen Beitrag zu einer politischen Kulturgeschichte der Technik. Technik wird als historisch gewachsene, sozial konstruierte und symbolisch aufgeladene Kulturleistung verstanden. Der historische Vergleich zwischen den beiden Hauptakteuren der Farbfernsehkontroverse Mitte der sechziger Jahre bietet einen erfrischenden Blick auf die Geschichte der deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Beziehungen im Kontext europ\u00e4ischer Technikentwicklung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fickers, Andreas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/223561"], ["title", "\"Politique de la grandeur\" versus \"Made in Germany\". Politische Kulturgeschichte der Technik am Beispiel der PAL-SECAM-Kontroverse"], ["doab_id", "18012"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486581782", "9783486842289"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486581782, 9783486842289"]], [["description", "\u201eMan schreit vor Angst und Entsetzen. Diese Bilder sind das Innerste, Ersch\u00fctterndste, Grandioseste, Unfa\u00dfbarste, das seit Menschengedenken gemacht worden ist.\u201c Der K\u00fcnstler Hugo Ball (1886\u20131927) zeigte sich 1913 nach seinem Besuch des Kunstsalons Emil Richter in Dresden wahrhaft \u00fcberw\u00e4ltigt angesichts der dort ausgestellten Gem\u00e4lde der Futuristen. Auch andernorts riefen die K\u00fcnstler Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carr\u00e0, Giacomo Balla, Luigi Russolo und Gino Severini teils heftige Reaktionen hervor. Gegr\u00fcndet wurde die italienische Avantgardebewegung 1909 mit der Ver\u00f6ffentlichung des Manifests Le Futurisme durch den Dichter Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. In der darin aufgestellten Behauptung \u201eSch\u00f6nheit gibt es nur noch im Kampf. Ein Werk ohne aggressiven Charakter kann kein Meisterwerk sein\u201c wird Gewalt als ideologische Basis der Bewegung bekundet. War die ganzheitliche Erneuerung der Kunst und Kultur Italiens das Ziel der Futuristen, so teilten sie die \u00dcberzeugung, dass diese nur auf der (ideellen) Zerst\u00f6rung tradierter kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Werte gr\u00fcnden k\u00f6nne. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht dem Ursprung des Themas der Gewalt in den futuristischen Manifesten aus der Geisteshaltung des sp\u00e4ten 19. Jahrhunderts nach und analysiert die Art und Weise, wie die futuristischen K\u00fcnstler das Thema der Gewalt auf ihre bildlichen Werke \u00fcbertrugen. Reaktionen von Betrachtern wie Hugo Ball werden herangezogen, um zu untersuchen, inwiefern die Kunst im Futurismus als Kommunikationsmittel gesellschaftlicher Forderungen und \u00e4sthetischer Inhalte der futuristischen Ideologie eingesetzt wurde.

\u201eMan schreit vor Angst und Entsetzen. Diese Bilder sind das Innerste, Ersch\u00fctterndste, Grandioseste, Unfa\u00dfbarste, das seit Menschengedenken gemacht worden ist.\u201c Der K\u00fcnstler Hugo Ball (1886\u20131927) zeigte sich 1913 nach seinem Besuch des Kunstsalons Emil Richter in Dresden wahrhaft \u00fcberw\u00e4ltigt angesichts der dort ausgestellten Gem\u00e4lde der Futuristen. Auch andernorts riefen die K\u00fcnstler Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carr\u00e0, Giacomo Balla, Luigi Russolo und Gino Severini teils heftige Reaktionen hervor. Gegr\u00fcndet wurde die italienische Avantgardebewegung 1909 mit der Ver\u00f6ffentlichung des Manifests Le Futurisme durch den Dichter Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. In der darin aufgestellten Behauptung \u201eSch\u00f6nheit gibt es nur noch im Kampf. Ein Werk ohne aggressiven Charakter kann kein Meisterwerk sein\u201c wird Gewalt als ideologische Basis der Bewegung bekundet. War die ganzheitliche Erneuerung der Kunst und Kultur Italiens das Ziel der Futuristen, so teilten sie die \u00dcberzeugung, dass diese nur auf der (ideellen) Zerst\u00f6rung tradierter kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Werte gr\u00fcnden k\u00f6nne. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht dem Ursprung des Themas der Gewalt in den futuristischen Manifesten aus der Geisteshaltung des sp\u00e4ten 19. Jahrhunderts nach und analysiert die Art und Weise, wie die futuristischen K\u00fcnstler das Thema der Gewalt auf ihre bildlichen Werke \u00fcbertrugen. Reaktionen von Betrachtern wie Hugo Ball werden herangezogen, um zu untersuchen, inwiefern die Kunst im Futurismus als Kommunikationsmittel gesellschaftlicher Forderungen und \u00e4sthetischer Inhalte der futuristischen Ideologie eingesetzt wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hans, Henrike"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Italian Futurism", "aesthetics", "painting", "Italian Futurism", "aesthetics", "painting"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610398"], ["title", "\"Sch\u00f6nheit gibt es nur noch im Kampf\" - Zum Verh\u00e4ltnis von Gewalt und \u00c4sthetik im italienischen Futurismus"], ["doab_id", "19202"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952426"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952426"]], [["description", "Wird der Begriff des \"K\u00f6nigs\" heute vorwiegend in einem engeren politischen Sinne verstanden und gebraucht, so war dies im ausgehenden Mittelalter anders. Denn neben den bekannten 'politischen' K\u00f6nigen existierten hier noch zahlreiche 'andere' K\u00f6nige. Sie standen Berufsgruppen vor, f\u00fchrten Genossenschaften an oder wurden im Rahmen wiederkehrender Zeremonien und Br\u00e4uche zu Festk\u00f6nigen gekr\u00f6nt. Spielleute und Herolde, Prostituierte und H\u00e4ndler hatten ebenso ihre K\u00f6nige wie Bogensch\u00fctzen oder Adelsgesellschaften. Dabei ging es jedoch nicht um Rituale der Verkehrung oder gar um Akte der Auflehnung und Rebellion. Auch diese K\u00f6nige besa\u00dfen klare Funktionen und Privilegien, eine handfeste Machtstellung innerhalb ihrer Gruppe und wurden darin von den Autorit\u00e4ten akzeptiert, ja teils erst eingesetzt. Der vorliegende Band h\u00e4lt erstmals eine systematische Zusammenschau dieses bisher unbeachtet gebliebenen Ph\u00e4nomens und fragt anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Beispiele nach der Funktion und der gesellschaftlichen Rolle dieser 'anderen' K\u00f6nige in ihrem jeweiligen Umfeld. Damit legt er die Grundlagen f\u00fcr ein neues, innovatives Forschungsfeld und bereichert die Auseinandersetzung mit dem K\u00f6nigtum um eine neue, unerwartete Perspektive."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hiltmann, Torsten"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/219838"], ["title", "Les 'autres' rois"], ["doab_id", "17995"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486591415", "9783486989304"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486591415, 9783486989304"]], [["description", "Endanger law ('Gef\u00e4hrdungsrecht') is a criminal law which is seeking security \u2013 and thereafter fighting \u2018risks\u2019 and \u2018dangers\u2019 \u2013 as its main objective and which is acting on the basis of risk patterns developed by this law itself. Individuals who fit these characteristics are being fought against as endangerers, that means, as high risky figures \u2013 and not as offenders. In this work it is presented this figure which has been constructed by the criminal policies and system in Germany during recent years, and has been co-constructed by the Constitutional Court in at least two cases: in the case of the acoustic home surveillance and in the case of the subsequent incapacitation order. Here is (critically) explained the internal logic and rationality which is leading this endanger law.

Die vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich mit neuen Adressaten des Strafrechts auseinander, deren Konstruktion im Strafrechtsdiskurs zun\u00e4chst an Transformationen des Rechtsstaatskonzeptes denken lassen k\u00f6nnte. Eine genauere Betrachtung enth\u00fcllt jedoch alt bekannte Komponenten des Strafrechtes, die diesen neuen Figuren, den \u201aGef\u00e4hrdern\u2018, innewohnen. Eine Analyse von Urteilen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zur nachtr\u00e4glichen Sicherungsverwahrung und zur akustischen Wohnraum\u00fcberwachung verdeutlicht, dass rechtsstaatliche Prinzipien und Mechanismen nicht etwa obsolet, sondern vielmehr umformuliert und praktiziert werden. Das Strafrecht agiert \u2013 rechtsstaatskonform \u2013 immer aggressiver und immer zerstreuter. Diesen Manifestationen des gegenw\u00e4rtigen Strafrechts, das sich gegen jegliche Gef\u00e4hrdung der Sicherheit richtet \u2013 und welches hier als \u201aGef\u00e4hrdungsrecht\u2018 bezeichnet wird \u2013, ist dezidiert entgegenzutreten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00f6hm, Mar\u00eda Laura"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["sociology of law", "criminal law", "prison regime", "basic right", "preventive detention", "sociology of law", "criminal law", "prison regime", "basic right", "preventive detention"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610192"], ["title", "Der 'Gef\u00e4hrder' und das 'Gef\u00e4hrdungsrecht' - eine rechtssoziologische Analyse am Beispiel der Urteile des Bundesverfassungsgerichts \u00fcber die nachtr\u00e4gliche Sicherungsverwahrung und die akustische Wohnraum\u00fcberwachung"], ["doab_id", "13350"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950040"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950040"]], [["description", "Sociology

Indische Nederlanders zijn de grootste immigrantengroep die zich ooit in Nederland heeft gevestigd. Er is niet veel over hen bekend en al helemaal niet over hun nazaten. Voelen die zich eigenlijk nog Indisch? In 'Indisch is een gevoel' vertellen de volwassen kinderen en kleinkinderen van de Indische immigranten, de tweede en derde generatie, over hun leven. Ze gaan vooral in op wat ze van huis uit aan Indische bagage hebben meegekregen en wat Indisch-zijn voor hen betekent. Het boek bevat veel inzichtgevende citaten uit hun openhartige verhalen \u00e9n een fotokatern in kleur door Fanny van der Linden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vries de ,Marlene"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340014"], ["title", "'Indisch is een gevoel' : De tweede en derde generatie Indische Nederlanders"], ["doab_id", "12739"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641250"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641250"]], [["description", "This book challenges every common presumption that exists about the trafficking of women for the sex trade. It is a detailed account of an entire population of trafficked Albanian women whose varied experiences, including selling sex on the streets of France, clearly demonstrate how much the present discourse about trafficked women is misplaced and inadequate. The heterogeneity of the women involved and their relationships with various men is clearly presented as is the way women actively created a panoptical surveillance of themselves as a means of self-policing. There is no artificial divide between women who were deceived and abused and those who \"choose\" sex work; in fact the book clearly shows how peripheral involvement in sex work was to the real agenda of the women involved. Most of the women described in this book were not making economic decisions to escape desperate poverty nor were they the uneducated na\u00efve entrapped into sexual slavery. The women's success in transiting trafficking to achieve their own goals without the assistance of any outside agency is a testimony to their resilience and resolve.

Dit boek is een gedetaillerd onderzoek naar een groep Albanese vrouwen werkzaam in de seksindustrie in Parijs. My Name is Not Natasha laat zien hoe deze vrouwen, gedwongen of bewust 'gekozen' voor het beroep, allerminst het slachtoffer zijn van een economisch uitzichtloze situatie. Ze zijn evenmin na\u00efve laagopgeleide vrouwen, onder valse voorwendselen de seksslavernij ingelokt. Dit boek laat zien dat ze zonder hulp van buitenaf weerbaar zijn en hun eigen doelen weten te bereiken. Het is een getuigenis van hun veerkracht en zelfredzaamheid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Davies ,John"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341452"], ["title", "'My Name Is Not Natasha' : How Albanian Women in France Use Trafficking to Overcome Social Exclusion (1998-2001)"], ["doab_id", "12618"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567074"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567074"]], [["description", "Drawing upon an extensive range of archival and secondary sources from both sides of the Atlantic, this pioneering book provides the first full-length study of the controversial personal relationship between Prime Minister Harold Wilson and President Lyndon B. Johnson, often drawing on material that has only recently been opened to the public. Whilst Wilson was a firm supporter of the idea of a 'special relationship' between Britain and the United States and wanted to use his dealings with the White House to strengthen his credentials as a world statesman, Johnson held the British leader in low esteem and disdained the idea of a 'special' Anglo-American relationship. Difficulties stemming from the Vietnam War, British economic weakness and the UK's abrogation of its world power status exacerbated the strain between Wilson and Johnson, leading to what was probably the most fractious and troubled of all the relationships between British prime ministers and American presidents. The work also explores the more general nature of Anglo-American bonds in this period, arguing that the impact of the substantive issues, along with the limitations of the relationship between Wilson and Johnson, led to a serious weakening of the high-level ties between Britain and the United States. This book will be of vital interest to students of British and US foreign policy, of Anglo-American relations, and summit diplomacy, as well as to those with an interest in Harold Wilson and Lyndon Johnson themselves."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Colman ,Jonathan"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["transatlantic", "diplomacy", "britain", "america", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341316"], ["title", "A 'special relationship'?: Harold Wilson, Lyndon B Johnson and Anglo-American relations 'at the summit', 1964-8"], ["doab_id", "12643"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719070105"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719070105"]], [["description", "Victorian literature is rife with scenes of madness, with mental disorder functioning as everything from a simple plot device to a commentary on the foundations of Victorian society. But while madness in Victorian fiction has been much studied, most scholarship has focused on the portrayal of madness in women; male mental disorder in the period has suffered comparative neglect. In \u2018The Most Dreadful Visitation\u2019, Valerie Pedlar redresses the balance. This extraordinary study explores a wide range of Victorian writings to consider the relationship between the portrayal of mental illness in literary works and the portrayal of similar disorders in the writings of doctors and psychologists. Pedlar presents in-depth studies of Dickens\u2019s Barnaby Rudge, Tennyson\u2019s Maud, Wilkie Collins\u2019s Basil and Trollope\u2019s He Knew He Was Right, considering each work in the context of Victorian understandings \u2013 and fears \u2013 of mental degeneracy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pedlar ,Valerie"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Victorian", "Madness", "Male", "Victoriaans", "Gekte", "Mannen"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=398847"], ["title", "'The Most Dreadful Visitation': Male Madness in Victorian Fiction"], ["doab_id", "14610"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780853238393"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780853238393"]], [["description", "This fascinating book explores the pervasive influence of pacifism on Victorian feminism. Drawing on previously unused source material, it provides an account of Victorian women who campaigned for peace and the many feminists who incorporated pacifist ideas into their writing on women and women's work. It explores feminists' ideas about the role of women within the empire, their eligibility for citizenship and their ability to act as moral guardians in public life. Brown shows that such ideas made use - in varying ways - of gendered understandings of the role of force and the relevance of arbitration and other pacifist strategies. 'The truest for of patriotism' examines the work of a wide range of individuals and organisations, from well-known feminists such as Lydia Becker, Josephine Butler and Millicent Garrett Fawcett, to lesser-known figures such as the Quaker pacifists Ellen Robinson and Priscilla Peckover. Women's work within male-dominated organisations, such as the Peace Society and the International Arbitration and Peace Association, is covered alongside single-sex organisations, such as the International Council of Women. Also reviewed are the arguments put forward in feminist journals like the Englishwoman's Review and the Women's Penny Paper. Brown uncovers a wide range of pacifist, internationalist and anti-imperialist strands in Victorian feminist thought, focusing on how these ideas developed within the political and organisational context of the time. This book will be of interest to anyone studying nineteenth-century social movements, and essential reading for those with an interest in the history of British feminism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brown ,Heloise"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["victorian", "feminism", "pacifism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341401"], ["title", "'The truest form of patriotism': Pacifist feminism in Britain, 1870-1902"], ["doab_id", "12596"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065309"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065309"]], [["description", "Die Bedeutung des K\u00f6rpers in der Kultur des Mittelalters ist in den letzten Jahren immer wieder ins Zentrum der Forschung ger\u00fcckt \u2014 ebenso wie Fragen nach dem Einfluss von Wahrnehmungsmechanismen und -vorg\u00e4ngen auf die Literatur und Kunst dieser Zeit. Dass beide Forschungsgebiete eng zusammen geh\u00f6ren, wird bereits durch die antiken Rhetoriken, in denen der deformierten K\u00f6rperlichkeit eine besondere wahrnehmungsstimulierende Funktion zugesprochen wird, gest\u00fctzt. Auch das komplizierte und immer wieder kontrovers diskutierte Wechselverh\u00e4ltnis von \u201aInnen\u2018 und \u201aAu\u00dfen\u2018, deutet darauf hin, dass insbesondere der deformierte K\u00f6rper bestimmte Erwartungen bez\u00fcglich des zugeh\u00f6rigen Inneren weckt, zugleich aber auch bei einem Betrachter dieses deformierten K\u00f6rpers sehr spezifische Wahrnehmungsvorg\u00e4nge ausl\u00f6st. Neben K\u00f6rper und Wahrnehmung wird so ein Drittes sichtbar \u2014 das Andere, einmal verstanden als das Fremde, das in der Betrachtung und Reflexion der halbvertrauten Deformation aufscheint, einmal als das Ur-Eigene, die Seele selbst, als das Komplement der korrumpierten H\u00fclle. Der Band (ebenso wie der Folgeband) vereint dabei nicht nur literaturwissenschaftliche und kunstgeschichtliche Beitr\u00e4ge, sondern schl\u00e4gt zugleich die Br\u00fccke zur Medizingeschichte, zu den Dis/ability Studies u. \u00e4., um so zu zeigen, dass nicht nur der k\u00fcnstlich-k\u00fcnstlerisch entworfene, sondern auch der \u201areale\u2018 deformierte K\u00f6rper erst in seinem Verh\u00e4ltnis zu den Wahrnehmungstheorien seiner Zeit zu verstehen ist.

Die Bedeutung des K\u00f6rpers in der Kultur des Mittelalters ist in den letzten Jahren immer wieder ins Zentrum der Forschung ger\u00fcckt \u2014 ebenso wie Fragen nach dem Einfluss von Wahrnehmungsmechanismen und -vorg\u00e4ngen auf die Literatur und Kunst dieser Zeit. Dass beide Forschungsgebiete eng zusammen geh\u00f6ren, wird bereits durch die antiken Rhetoriken, in denen der deformierten K\u00f6rperlichkeit eine besondere wahrnehmungsstimulierende Funktion zugesprochen wird, gest\u00fctzt. Auch das komplizierte und immer wieder kontrovers diskutierte Wechselverh\u00e4ltnis von \u201aInnen\u2018 und \u201aAu\u00dfen\u2018, deutet darauf hin, dass insbesondere der deformierte K\u00f6rper bestimmte Erwartungen bez\u00fcglich des zugeh\u00f6rigen Inneren weckt, zugleich aber auch bei einem Betrachter dieses deformierten K\u00f6rpers sehr spezifische Wahrnehmungsvorg\u00e4nge ausl\u00f6st. Neben K\u00f6rper und Wahrnehmung wird so ein Drittes sichtbar \u2014 das Andere, einmal verstanden als das Fremde, das in der Betrachtung und Reflexion der halbvertrauten Deformation aufscheint, einmal als das Ur-Eigene, die Seele selbst, als das Komplement der korrumpierten H\u00fclle. Der Band (ebenso wie der Folgeband) vereint dabei nicht nur literaturwissenschaftliche und kunstgeschichtliche Beitr\u00e4ge, sondern schl\u00e4gt zugleich die Br\u00fccke zur Medizingeschichte, zu den Dis/ability Studies u. \u00e4., um so zu zeigen, dass nicht nur der k\u00fcnstlich-k\u00fcnstlerisch entworfene, sondern auch der \u201areale\u2018 deformierte K\u00f6rper erst in seinem Verh\u00e4ltnis zu den Wahrnehmungstheorien seiner Zeit zu verstehen ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Antunes, Gabriela; Reich, Bj\u00f6rn"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["HB", "HB"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611229"], ["title", "(De)formierte K\u00f6rper - Die Wahrnehmung und das Andere im Mittelalter"], ["doab_id", "15372"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950248"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950248"]], [["description", "O livro convida o leitor a se aventurar no universo dos barrageiros por meio das narrativas de vida, desvelando que os empreendimentos hidrel\u00e9tricos brasileiros n\u00e3o geraram apenas impacto ambiental, mas um processo de desenraizamento e rupturas socioafetivas que produziram distintos modos de ser-trabalhar-viver. A desterritorializa\u00e7\u00e3o principiada por esses projetos integram um ide\u00e1rio desenvolvimentista e de progresso que ocultam o avesso dessa hist\u00f3ria. Na relatividade do dentro e fora do labor, verificou-se o tempo de trabalho e de vida capazes tanto de interditar a exist\u00eancia em sua pot\u00eancia criadora quanto de resistir, transformando a subjetividade e a viv\u00eancia familiar em uma insistente reinven\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Duarte, Daniele Almeida"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hhf6n"], ["title", "(Des)encontros trabalho-fam\u00edlia: narrativas de familiares de trabalhadores migrantes do setor de produ\u00e7\u00e3o de energia hidrel\u00e9trica"], ["doab_id", "19840"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788579837012"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837012"]], [["description", "O leitor encontrar\u00e1 neste livro o resultado de pesquisas cient\u00edficas sobre temas que fundam a educa\u00e7\u00e3o problematizam princ\u00edpios e pr\u00e1ticas atuais da educa\u00e7\u00e3o escolarizada. Sem abandonar as antigas concep\u00e7\u00f5es de educa\u00e7\u00e3o e tamb\u00e9m sem valorizar apenas as novidades te\u00f3ricas, os autores apostam numa s\u00f3lida uni\u00e3o entre Psique e Eros, inspirada nas concep\u00e7\u00f5es de Freud. A obra abrange estudos sobre o l\u00fadico na educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil, a \u00e9tica, os afetos, o valor da fantasia na aprendizagem e no desenvolvimento emocional, a constitui\u00e7\u00e3o profissional de docentes e pesquisadores, a orienta\u00e7\u00e3o sexual e a educa\u00e7\u00e3o escolar. Pertin\u00eancias e impertin\u00eancias da educa\u00e7\u00e3o s\u00e3o consideradas na medida em que produzem e reproduzem valores humanos na constru\u00e7\u00e3o de identidade pessoal e profissional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Maria L\u00facia de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vtzmp"], ["title", "(Im)pertin\u00eancias da educa\u00e7\u00e3o: o trabalho educativo em pesquisa"], ["doab_id", "16692"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830228"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830228"]], [["description", "This book is an introduction to the subjects of linked data, open data and open linked data, and to their specific relevance for libraries. It illustrates these concepts through detailed descriptions of actual data projects. The volume will be useful to individuals involved in library practice and those in library management who have not yet become familiarized with these important contemporary fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Danowski, Patrick; Pohl, Adrian"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Libraries, hyperlinks, Internet"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/181080"], ["title", "(Open) Linked Data in Bibliotheken"], ["doab_id", "18046"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110278736", "9783110276343"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110278736, 9783110276343"]], [["description", "Die Georgia Augusta feierte im September 1837 mit einem ganz G\u00f6ttingen zur B\u00fchne machenden Fest ihr Hundertjahrjubil\u00e4um. Die Feierlichkeiten dauerten drei Tage und waren glanzvoll. Um f\u00fcr eine breitere zeitgen\u00f6ssische \u00d6ffentlichkeit die Jubil\u00e4umsaktivit\u00e4ten zu dokumentieren und um den \u201eFestmarathon\u201c als einen der H\u00f6hepunkte der Universit\u00e4tsgeschichte f\u00fcr die Nachwelt festzuhalten, erschienen 1838 bei drei deutschen Verlegern in drei deutschen St\u00e4dten drei Festbeschreibungen. Zwei davon halten f\u00fcr den Leser \u00dcberraschungen bereit: Eduard Beurmanns Prosabericht ist in h\u00f6chstem Ma\u00dfe kritisch, ja zum Teil sogar sarkastisch, Christianus Juvenalis hat sich f\u00fcr eine hexametrische Satire (!) als \u201eGeburtstagsgeschenk\u201c entschieden, nur Friedrich Wilhelm Rettbergs Schilderung liegt auf der offiziellen (d.h. enkomiastischen) Linie. Das vorliegende B\u00e4ndchen bietet eine vergleichende Interpretation dieser drei kulturgeschichtlich und wissenschaftspolitisch aufschlussreichen Texte, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Satire liegt, die in faksimilierter Form hier erstmals einer breiteren \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht wird.

Die Georgia Augusta feierte im September 1837 mit einem ganz G\u00f6ttingen zur B\u00fchne machenden Fest ihr Hundertjahrjubil\u00e4um. Die Feierlichkeiten dauerten drei Tage und waren glanzvoll. Um f\u00fcr eine breitere zeitgen\u00f6ssische \u00d6ffentlichkeit die Jubil\u00e4umsaktivit\u00e4ten zu dokumentieren und um den \u201eFestmarathon\u201c als einen der H\u00f6hepunkte der Universit\u00e4tsgeschichte f\u00fcr die Nachwelt festzuhalten, erschienen 1838 bei drei deutschen Verlegern in drei deutschen St\u00e4dten drei Festbeschreibungen. Zwei davon halten f\u00fcr den Leser \u00dcberraschungen bereit: Eduard Beurmanns Prosabericht ist in h\u00f6chstem Ma\u00dfe kritisch, ja zum Teil sogar sarkastisch, Christianus Juvenalis hat sich f\u00fcr eine hexametrische Satire (!) als \u201eGeburtstagsgeschenk\u201c entschieden, nur Friedrich Wilhelm Rettbergs Schilderung liegt auf der offiziellen (d.h. enkomiastischen) Linie. Das vorliegende B\u00e4ndchen bietet eine vergleichende Interpretation dieser drei kulturgeschichtlich und wissenschaftspolitisch aufschlussreichen Texte, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Satire liegt, die in faksimilierter Form hier erstmals einer breiteren \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schreiner, Sonja"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "Literature", "History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "Literature"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610347"], ["title", "100 Jahre Georgia Augusta Gottingensis - (K)ein Grund zum Feiern - Prosa und Dichtung \u00fcber die S\u00e4kularfeier 1837"], ["doab_id", "14574"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875456"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875456"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/164"], ["title", "14th CIRIAF National Congress \u2013 Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development"], ["doab_id", "19047"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420972", "9783038420989"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420972 9783038420989"]], [["description", "Vom 19. Jahrhundert als einer Mediengesellschaft zu sprechen, erscheint als ein Anachronismus. Der Begriff sucht den Bedeutungsgewinn und die Diversifizierung der Medien in der Gegenwart zu erfassen und damit nicht zuletzt heutige von fr\u00fcheren Gesellschaften abzugrenzen. Die Annahme, dass Medien in fr\u00fcheren Gesellschaften nicht ebenfalls eine zentrale und spezifische Rolle zukam, w\u00e4re jedoch irrig. So war das 19. Jahrhundert nicht nur vom Aufstieg ein Vielzahl einstmals neuer Medien gepr\u00e4gt, sondern auch dadurch, dass sich die Gesellschaft \u00fcber \u00f6ffentliche und mediale Kommunikation erst konstituierte und ausdifferenzierte. Der Band macht es sich zur Aufgabe, ineinander greifende zentrale mediale und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen f\u00fcr Deutschland und f\u00fcr Frankreich in einer \u00fcbergreifenden wie vergleichenden Perspektive vorzustellen. Open Access: Dieser Titel steht Ihnen zum Download als PDF zur Verf\u00fcgung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Requate, J\u00f6rg"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/224699"], ["title", "Das 19. Jahrhundert als Mediengesellschaft"], ["doab_id", "18100"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486989298", "9783486591408"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486989298, 9783486591408"]], [["description", "Compiling dedicated to various aspects of the history of the Communist Party of Chile in its history in the 20th century"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Chilean Communism", "political history", "20th Century"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617554"], ["title", "1912-2012 El siglo de los comunistas chilenos"], ["doab_id", "19147"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789563031423"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789563031423"]], [["description", "Neste nosso atribulado e turbulento s\u00e9culo XX a cria\u00e7\u00e3o do Estado de Israel \u00e9 sem d\u00favida um acontecimento marcante. Com isso concretizou-se um sonho, um ideal, uma aspira\u00e7\u00e3o quase bimilenar. Foi precedido, por\u00e9m, por um per\u00edodo \u2013 poder\u00edamos cham\u00e1-lo de preparat\u00f3rio \u2013 longo e dif\u00edcil, repleto de obst\u00e1culos, desilus\u00f5es e sacrif\u00edcios. [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lissovsky, Alexandre"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tfhj9"], ["title", "2000 anos depois: o renascimento de Israel"], ["doab_id", "16647"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820038"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820038"]], [["description", "According to the World Health Organization, more than 40 million people in the world are affected with dementia. To date, 60-70% of the cases of dementia are attributed to the Alzheimer's disease (AD). This neurodegenerative disorder gradually takes place over a period of at least 20 years before the onset of symptoms, which are impaired memory, apathy and depression. The characteristics of AD consist in neurofibrillary tangles (intraneuronal aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins) and senile plaques (dense extraneuronal deposits composed of amyloid \u00df (A\u00df)). The other features linked to these two core pathological hallmarks of AD are inflammation, oxidative stress, progressive synaptic and neuronal loss. In past years, some of the emerging therapeutic strategies against AD were employed to deal with the pathological hallmarks of the disease. Science teams all over the world try to restore the tau phosphorylation equilibrium. Their purpose is to interfere with the aggregation of tau and decrease its amount of proteins per se as well. Furthermore, they are trying either to stimulate the elimination processes of the aggregated tau proteins or to stop the formation of A\u00df peptides. This could be reached by the stimulation of the classic techniques of protein degradation such as the autophagic pathway, or by the targeted immunotherapy. In this Research Topic, we wish to summarize and review the etiology of AD and the related therapeutic opportunities for the next decades. To fully understand the precise mechanisms underlying AD, research findings, reviews, new insights and new approaches include AD and related tauopathies, tau phosphorylation balance, pharmacological compounds against AD, neuroprotection strategies and new therapeutic ways but also risk factors for AD and AD genetic information are included in this issue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ludovic Martin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alzheimers disease", "tau", "Therapeutics", "A\u03b2 peptides", "TREM2", "microbiome", "kinase inhibitors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1283/2014-what-new-directions-for-alzheimers-disease"], ["title", "2015: Which new directions for Alzheimer's disease?"], ["doab_id", "18144"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195350"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195350"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vandenberghe, Christophe (ed.); Colinet, Gilles (ed.); Destain, Jean-Pierre (ed.); Marcoen, Jean Marie (ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/base/index.php/base/issue/view/414"], ["title", "2e Atelier nitrate-eau. Evaluation du Programme de gestion durable de l'azote. 28 mai-1er juin 2012, Peyresq, France"], ["doab_id", "16107"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870161241"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161241"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Delvigne, Frank (ed.); Thonart, Philippe (ed.); Crine, Michel (ed.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/base/index.php/base/issue/view/399"], ["title", "2e Journ\u00e9e de r\u00e9flexion de l'EDT GEPROC. G\u00e9nie des proc\u00e9d\u00e9s appliqu\u00e9 aux bio-industries, 16 d\u00e9cembre 2009, Facult\u00e9 universitaire des Sciences agronomiques, Gembloux (Belgique)"], ["doab_id", "16113"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870161074"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161074"]], [["description", "This book proposes theoretical reflections, tools and techniques for a business ethic that aims at the construction of social welfare. A correct connotation of business ethics is seen in its role of interface between the ontology of the \"enterprise phenomenon\" and the social ethics of its operation. The book upholds the theory that business development can be such only if it leads to the emancipation of the persons affected by the same. A development in which, that is, it is not only the economic results that have bearing, but above all the way in which they are obtained and exploited. In enterprise, too, priority should hence be given to a practice implemented in a conscientious manner which enhances the complete development of the persons involved, whether they are workers or consumers.

Il libro propone riflessioni teoriche, strumenti e tecniche per un'etica d'impresa che miri alla costruzione di un benessere sociale. Una corretta connotazione dell'etica d'impresa viene vista nel suo ruolo di interfaccia tra ontologia del \"fenomeno impresa\" e deontologia sociale del suo operare e si sostiene che lo sviluppo di impresa pu\u00f2 essere tale solo se induce l'emancipazione delle persone con cui viene a contatto. Uno sviluppo in cui, cio\u00e8, non pesano solo i risultati economici, ma soprattutto il modo di realizzali e di fruirli. Anche nell'impresa la priorit\u00e0 \u00e8 dunque colta nel senso di una prassi attuata con coscienza e che faciliti il pieno sviluppo delle persone, lavoratori o consumatori che siano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ciappei, Cristiano; Ninci, Debora"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Business & management", "Economia", "Imprese", "Gestione d'impresa"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356380"], ["title", "3.1 Etica di impresa"], ["doab_id", "13174"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534309", "9788884534316"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534305 8884534313"]], [["description", "By means of this \u2018Frontiers in Genetics\u2019 research topic, we are celebrating 30 years of the Comet Assay. The first paper on this single-cell gel electrophoresis assay was published in 1984 by O. Ostling and K.J. Johanson (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Vol.123: 291-298). The comet assay is a versatile and sensitive method for measuring single - and double-strand breaks in DNA. By including lesion-specific enzymes in the assay, its range and sensitivity are greatly increased, but it is important to bear in mind that their specificity is not absolute. The comet assay (with and without inclusion of lesion-specific enzymes) is widely used as a biomarker assay in human population studies - primarily to measure DNA damage, but increasingly also to assess the capacity of cells for DNA repair. Ostling and Johanson (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 1984) were also the first to report experiments to measure DNA repair, by simply following the decrease of DNA damage over time after challenging cells with ionising radiation. However, this approach is time-consuming and laborious as it requires an extended period of cell culture and is therefore not ideal for biomonitoring studies, which typically require high-throughput processing of many samples. As an alternative approach, the in vitro comet-based repair assay was developed: a cell extract is incubated with a DNA substrate containing specific lesions, and DNA incisions accumulate. The in vitro comet-based repair assay has been modified and improved over the past decade: it was first devised to measure base excision repair of oxidised purines in lymphocytes (Collins et al., Mutagenesis, 2001), but has since been adapted for other lesions and thus other repair pathways, as well as being applied to tissue samples in addition to cell suspensions. Even after 30 years, the comet assay is still in a growth phase, with many new users each year. Many questions are repeatedly raised, which may seem to have self-evident answers, but clearly, it is necessary to reiterate them for the benefit of the new audience, and sometimes being forced to think again about old topics can shed new light. Different applications of the comet assay are discussed in this special issue, including: genotoxicity testing in different organisms, human biomonitoring, DNA repair studies, environmental biomonitoring and clinical studies. Furthermore, we consider and where possible answer questions, including the ones raised by Raymond Tice at the 8th International Comet Assay Workshop in Perugia (Italy 2009): What is the spectrum of DNA damage detected by the various versions of the comet assay?; What are the limitations associated with each application?; What should be done to standardize the assay for biomonitoring studies?; Can the comet assay be used to monitor changes in global methylation status?; What cell types are suitable for detecting genotoxic substances and their effects in vivo and in vitro?; Can the assay be fully automated?; and more. So this \u2018Frontiers in Genetics\u2019 research topic is written for the beginner as well as for the experienced users of the comet assay."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amaya Azqueta; Sabine Langie; Andrew Collins"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alkaline comet assay", "DNA Damage", "DNA Repair", "Genotoxicity testing", "human biomonitoring", "Ecotoxicology", "nanotoxicology", "clinical applications", "Quality control", "high throughput"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1978/30-years-of-the-comet-assay-an-overview-with-some-new-insights"], ["title", "30 years of the Comet Assay: an overview with some new insights"], ["doab_id", "19552"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196494"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196494"]], [["description", "Hundreds post-translational modifications (PTM) were characterized among which a large variety of glycosylations including O-GlcNAcylation. Since its discovery, O-GlcNAcylation has emerged as an unavoidable PTM widespread in the living beings including animal and plant cells, protists, bacteria and viruses. In opposition to N- and O-glycosylations, O-GlcNAcylation only consists in the transfer of a single N-acetylglucosamine moiety through a beta-linkage onto serine and threonine residues of proteins confined within the cytosol, the nucleus and the mitochondria. The O-GlcNAc group is provided by UDP-GlcNAc, the end-product of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway located at the crossroad of cell metabolisms making O-GlcNAcylation a PTM which level tightly reflects nutritional status; therefore regulation of cell homeostasis should be intimately correlated to lifestyle and environment. Like phosphorylation, with which it can compete, O-GlcNAcylation is reversible. This versatility is managed by OGT (O-GlcNAc transferase) that transfers the GlcNAc group and OGA (O-GlcNAcase) that removes it. Also, like its unsweetened counterpart, O-GlcNAcylation controls fundamental processes, e.g. protein fate, chromatin topology, DNA demethylation and, as recently revealed, circadian clock. Deregulation of O-GlcNAc dynamism may be involved in the emergence of cancers, neuronal and metabolic disorders such as Alzheimer's or diabetes respectively. This Research Topic in Frontiers in Endocrinology is the opportunity to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the discovery of \"O-GlcNAc\" by Gerald W. Hart."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tony Lefebvre; Tarik Issad"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["O GlcNAcylation", "OGT", "OGA", "Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway", "Cell signaling", "Metabolism", "nutrition", "Cancer", "epigenetics", "Inflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2684/30-years-old-o-glcnac-reaches-age-of-reason---regulation-of-cell-signaling-and-metabolism-by-o-glcna"], ["title", "30 years old: O-GlcNAc Reaches Age of Reason - Regulation of Cell Signaling and Metabolism by O-GlcNAcylation"], ["doab_id", "18701"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195916"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195916"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bock, Laurent (ed.); Colinet, Gilles (ed.); Demarcin, Pierre (ed.); Legrain, Xavier (ed.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/base/index.php/base/issue/view/405"], ["title", "3e Journ\u00e9e d'\u00e9tude du Projet de Cartographie Num\u00e9rique des Sols de Wallonie. L'information p\u00e9dologique... comment mieux la valoriser : vers un syst\u00e8me d'information sur les sols ? 24 novembre 2010, Espace Senghor, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Belgique)"], ["doab_id", "16114"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870161166"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161166"]], [["description", "Like all the books in this series, this volume proposes wide-ranging reflections and cultural considerations pertinent to business management. Traditionally, realism is identified with a disenchanted approach to reality which is counterpoised to all forms of ideology or utopia. What is proposed here is a strategic realism which supports a humanist approach to enterprise, while steering clear of both cynicism and idealism. Seen from this angle, the crucial aspects of strategy are: the opportune selection of attainable advantages; interest as the spur to change; stratagem as a lever on the trend of events; the plan which traces the route of the opportunities called up, and the action that harvests the fruits.

Come tutti i volumi della collana il libro propone riflessioni ed approfondimenti culturali ad ampio raggio funzionali al governo d'impresa. Tradizionalmente il realismo viene identificato in un approccio disincantato alla realt\u00e0 che si contrappone ad ogni forma di ideologia o di utopia; qui si propone un realismo strategico che supporti un umanesimo imprenditoriale rifuggendo al contempo sia dal cinismo, sia dall'idealismo. In tal senso nella strategia: la convenienza seleziona i vantaggi perseguibili; l'interesse \u00e8 la spinta al cambiamento; lo stratagemma fa leva sulla propensione degli eventi; il piano traccia la rotta delle opportunit\u00e0 evocate; l'azione le raccoglie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ciappei, Cristiano"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Business & management", "Economia", "Gestione d'impresa"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356378"], ["title", "4.1 Il realismo strategico nel governo d'impresa"], ["doab_id", "13172"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884533043", "9788884533050"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "888453304X 8884533058"]], [["description", "This Research Topic aims to showcase the state of the art in language research while celebrating the 25th anniversary of the tremendously influential work of the PDP group, and the 50th anniversary of the perceptron. Although PDP models are often the gold standard to which new models are compared, the scope of this Research Topic is not constrained to connectionist models. Instead, we aimed to create a landmark forum in which experts in the field define the state of the art and future directions of the psychological processes underlying language learning and use, broadly defined. We thus called for papers involving computational modeling and original research as well as technical, philosophical, or historical discussions pertaining to models of cognition. We especially encouraged submissions aimed at contrasting different computational frameworks, and their relationship to imaging and behavioral data."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julien Mayor; Pablo Gomez; Franklin Chang; Gary Lupyan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["connectionism", "Recurrent networks", "interactive processing", "probabilistic cognition", "computational modeling", "language acquisition", "language processing", "Speech Perception", "word learning", "computational linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1287/50-years-after-the-perceptron-25-years-after-pdp-neural-computation-in-language-sciences"], ["title", "50 years after the perceptron, 25 years after PDP: Neural computation in language sciences"], ["doab_id", "17668"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192571"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192571"]], [["description", "The book is a compilation of the most important experimental results achieved during the past 60 years at CERN - from the mid-1950s to the latest discovery of the Higgs particle. Covering the results from the early accelerators at CERN to those most recent at the LHC, the contents provide an excellent review of the achievements of this outstanding laboratory. Not only presented is the impressive scientific progress achieved during the past six decades, but also demonstrated is the special way in which successful international collaboration exists at CERN.Contents:Foreword (R-D Heuer)Preface (L Di Lella and H Schopper)The Discovery of the Higgs Boson at the LHC (P Jenni and T S Virdee)Precision Physics with Heavy-Flavoured Hadrons (P Koppenburg and V Vagnoni)Toward the Limits of Matter: Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collisions at CERN (J Schukraft and R Stock)The Measurement of the Number of Light Neutrino Species at LEP (S Mele)Precision Experiments at LEP (W de Boer)The Discovery of the W and Z Particles (L Di Lella and C Rubbia)The Discovery of Weak Neutral Currents (D Haidt)Highlights from High Energy Neutrino Experiments at CERN (W-D Schlatter)The Discovery of Direct CP Violation (L Iconomidou-Fayard and D Fournier)Measurements of Discrete Symmetries in the Neutral Kaon System with the CPLEAR (PS195) Experiment (T Ruf)An ISR Discovery: The Rise of the Proton\u2013Proton Cross-Section (U Amaldi)Deep Inelastic Scattering with the SPS Muon Beam (G K Mallot and R Voss)Revealing Partons in Hadrons: From the ISR to the SPS Collider (P Darriulat and L Di Lella)Properties of Antiprotons and Antihydrogen, and the Study of Exotic Atoms (M Doser)Muon g\u20132 and Tests of Relativity (F J M Farley)The Discoveries of Rare Pion Decays at the CERN Synchrocyclotron (G Fidecaro)Highlights at ISOLDE (K Blaum, M J G Borge, B Jonson and P Van Duppen)Readership: Graduate students and researchers in elementary particle physics, and historians of science. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Herwig Schopper; Luigi Di Lella"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["CERN", " Particle Physics Experiments "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9441#t=aboutBook"], ["title", "60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries"], ["doab_id", "17928"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814644150"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814644150"]], [["description", "Enfoca a forma\u00e7\u00e3o das cidades paulistas criadas junto \u00e0 antiga Companhia Estrada de Ferro Noroeste do Brasil - atual Novoeste, do in\u00edcio da constru\u00e7\u00e3o da ferrovia, em 1905, at\u00e9 1914, data que marca o t\u00e9rmino da liga\u00e7\u00e3o entre Bauru (SP) e Porto Esperan\u00e7a, no atual Mato Grosso do Sul. Nesse per\u00edodo, surgem, a partir das esta\u00e7\u00f5es, povoados que apresentam certas constantes urban\u00edsticas. Cidades como Lins, Pen\u00e1polis e Ara\u00e7atuba merecem an\u00e1lise detalhada. O autor verifica que nelas predominou, desde a sua origem, a l\u00f3gica da especula\u00e7\u00e3o imobili\u00e1ria e do lucro como base para a vida urbana."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ghirardello, Nilson"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z3"], ["title", "\u00c0 beira da linha: forma\u00e7\u00f5es urbanas da Noroeste Paulista"], ["doab_id", "16782"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788539302420"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539302420"]], [["description", "Este livro traz aos leitores uma colet\u00e2nea de cinquenta textos que revelam epis\u00f3dios e personagens que fizeram parte da hist\u00f3ria da medicina. Em sua amplitude, s\u00e3o abordados diferentes temas, alguns sob a forma de narrativas destinadas \u00e0 difus\u00e3o de assuntos culturais da \u00e1rea m\u00e9dica; outros, por sua vez, exp\u00f5em o posicionamento do autor a partir de uma an\u00e1lise cuidadosa, como em \u201cO S\u00edmbolo da Medicina\u201d, \u201cO Juramento de Hip\u00f3crates\u201d, \u201cCurar Algumas Vezes, Aliviar Quase Sempre, Consolar Sempre\u201d, e \u201cQue Rela\u00e7\u00e3o Tem J\u00falio C\u00e9sar com a Opera\u00e7\u00e3o Cesariana?\u201d. O poder de crendices \u00e9 mostrado em textos como \u201c\u00dalcera P\u00e9ptica e a Ilus\u00e3o do Conhecimento\u201d, \u201cO Ato M\u00e9dico atrav\u00e9s da Hist\u00f3ria\u201d e \u201cModismos na Hist\u00f3ria da Medicina\u201d. O t\u00edtulo escolhido para obra tem forte rela\u00e7\u00e3o com o tema proposto, pois, segundo a tradi\u00e7\u00e3o, foi embaixo de um pl\u00e1tano, na ilha grega de C\u00f3s, que Hip\u00f3crates ensinou a seus disc\u00edpulos os preceitos da medicina."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rezende, Joffre Marcondes de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Hist\u00f3ria da medicina, Historia da educa\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica, Curiosidades "]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora Fap-Unifesp"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8kf92"], ["title", "\u00c0 sombra do Pl\u00e1tano: cr\u00f4nicas de hist\u00f3ria da medicina "], ["doab_id", "16632"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788561673635"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788561673635"]], [["description", "Also available in English \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789089643285\">Attached to the World Few other countries are so interrelated with the world around us in political, economic, and social respects as the Netherlands. This means that the Dutch government needs to be alert in its response to the risks and opportunities presented by a rapidly changing world. Addressing this issue, the Scientific Council for Government Policy (wrr) offers some reflections in this report, guided by the question how the Netherlands can develop a foreign policy strategy that matches the changing power relations in the world and the radically changed character of international relations. The answer to this question is a reorientation. This means making transparent choices, making smarter use of Europe as our dominant arena, and, finally, choosing an approach that makes better use of the growing role of non-state actors. The report's recommendations not only underline the necessity of reorientation but also show how this could be accomplished in practice.

Ook verschenen in het Engels \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789089643285\">Attached to the World De Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) bepleit in zijn rapport Aan het buitenland gehecht een nieuwe aanpak van het buitenlandbeleid. De wereld om ons heen is onderhevig aan veranderende machtsverhoudingen, wordt bevolkt door andere spelers dan in het verleden, en wordt gekenmerkt door een sterkere verknoping van nationale en internationale vraagstukken. Dit vraagt om nieuwe antwoorden, om een herori\u00ebntatie op het buitenlandbeleid. Het rapport wordt op 30 november namens de regering in ontvangst genomen door de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, dr. U. Rosenthal. Het rapport stelt vast dat de internationale betrekkingen radicaal van karakter zijn veranderd. De vertrouwde afbakening tussen binnen- en buitenland vervaagt steeds verder, met name in Europa. Een groot deel van de Nederlanders ervaart dit evenwel nog anders. Tegelijkertijd neemt hun onzekerheid over de positie van Nederland in de wereld toe, mede door de recente financi\u00eble crisis. Het WRR-rapport bepleit een strategischer aanpak van de buitenlandpolitiek en schetst daarvoor een afwegingskader. Hiermee kunnen duidelijke keuzes worden gemaakt. Bijvoorbeeld door de nadruk te leggen op beleidsterreinen waarop Nederland sterk is en zich langere tijd wil profileren, zoals water, voedsel, of internationaal recht. De keuzes moeten ertoe bijdragen dat het profiel, de zichtbaarheid en de invloed van Nederland worden vergroot. Door in het buitenlandbeleid de samenhang tussen nationale en internationale belangen sterker te benadrukken, zal dat beleid in eigen land op ruimere steun kunnen rekenen, verwacht de WRR. De nieuwe aanpak zal er volgens de WRR toe leiden dat de algemene buitenlandstrategie een zaak van de gehele ministerraad wordt. Deze aanpak impliceert geen herijking of ontkokering van het buitenlandbeleid. Het vraagt een andere benadering, een andere houding. De Europese Unie is en blijft voor Nederland de meest dominante arena voor internationale samenwerking. Wie zijn doelen in het buitenlandbeleid wil bereiken, moet juist hier invloed uitoefenen, juist hier excelleren om zijn nationale belangen te realiseren. Volgens de WRR vergt dit een antwoord op de vragen: in wat voor Europa willen wij leven en hoe kunnen we onze invloed aanwenden om dit Europa naar vermogen mee vorm geven? Daarbij zou het passen wanneer ons land de praktijk van de ons omringende landen volgt en de minister-president daadwerkelijk tot eerstverantwoordelijke voor het EU-beleid aanwijst, aan het hoofd van het 'ministerie van Algemene en Europese Zaken'. Een strategischer buitenlandbeleid vraagt om een adequate uitvoering. Naast organisatorische aanscherpingen, kunnen bestaande instrumenten beter worden benut. Zo meent de WRR dat het postennet van diplomatieke vertegenwoordigingen in de wereld niet gebaseerd moet zijn op vaste reflexen, maar een afgeleide dient te zijn van een heldere strategie. Tevens zijn nieuwe vormen van samenwerking met andere landen noodzakelijk, waarbij ook nadrukkelijk ruimte en erkenning ontstaan voor samenwerking met niet-statelijke actoren zoals bedrijven, ngo's en belangenorganisaties. Kortom: de WRR bepleit in de buitenlandse politiek strategisch-inhoudelijk scherp te kiezen, te streven naar excellentie binnen Europa en een faciliterend medespeler te worden in de wereld van niet-statelijke actoren. Tevens zijn in het kader van dit onderzoek gepubliceerd: \"http://www.wrr.nl/content.jsp?objectid=5464\">WRR-webpublicatie nr. 43, Internationalisering en Europeanisering van strafrechtelijke rechtshandhaving in Nederland, dr.mr. A. van den Brink \"http://www.wrr.nl/content.jsp?objectid=5302\">WRR-webpublicatie nr. 42, Het Nederlandse veiligheidsbeleid in een veranderende wereld, drs. M.H. Klem"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Knapen ,Ben; Arts ,Gera; Kleistra ,Yvonne; Klem ,Martijn; Rem ,Marijke"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=375127"], ["title", "Aan het buitenland gehecht : Over verankering en strategie van Nederlands buitenlandbeleid"], ["doab_id", "13329"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089643018"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643018"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Uhlenbeck ,E."], ["date", "1960"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613398"], ["title", "Aantekeningen bij Tjan Tjoe Siem's vertaling van de Lakon Kurupati Rabi"], ["doab_id", "18420"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285934", "9789004286535"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285934 9789004286535"]], [["description", "The ABCs of Human Survival examines the effect of militant nationalism and the lawlessness of powerful states on the well-being of individuals and local communities\u2015and the essential role of global citizenship within that dynamic. Based on the analysis of world events, Dr. Arthur Clark presents militant nationalism as a pathological pattern of thinking that threatens our security, while emphasizing effective democracy and international law as indispensable frameworks for human protection. Within the contexts of history, sociology, philosophy, and spirituality, The ABCs of Human Survival calls into question the assumptions of consumer culture and offers, as an alternative, strategies to improve overall well-being through the important choices we make as individuals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arthur Clark"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["global citizenship"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120173"], ["title", "The ABC's of Human Survival: A Paradigm for Global Citizenship"], ["doab_id", "14422"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425688", "9781897425695"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425688 9781897425695"]], [["description", "Abiotic stresses are the major cause that limits productivity of crop plants worldwide. Plants have developed intricate machinery to respond and adapt over these adverse environmental conditions both at physiological and molecular levels. Due to increasing problems of abiotic stresses, plant biotechnologists and breeders need to employ new approaches to improve abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Although current research has divulged several key genes, gene regulatory networks and quantitative trait loci that mediate plant responses to various abiotic stresses, the comprehensive understanding of this complex trait is still not available. This e-book is focused on molecular genetics and genomics approaches to understand the plant response/adaptation to various abiotic stresses. It includes different types of articles (original research, method, opinion and review) that provide current insights into different aspects of plant responses and adaptation to abiotic stresses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mukesh Jain; Rohini Garg; Rajeev K Varshney"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["abiotic stress", "molecular genetics", "functional genomics", "signal transduction", "transcriptional regulatory network", "virus-induced gene silencing"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1863/abiotic-stress-molecular-genetics-and-genomics"], ["title", "Abiotic Stress: Molecular Genetics and Genomics"], ["doab_id", "17687"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193592"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193592"]], [["description", "O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a observa\u00e7\u00e3o da influ\u00eancia de A Condi\u00e7\u00e3o P\u00f3s-Moderna sobre as abordagens do p\u00f3s-moderno em m\u00fasica realizadas ap\u00f3s a 1980. Para tal tarefa, ser\u00e1 utilizada a no\u00e7\u00e3o lyotardiana de p\u00f3s-moderno como incredulidade nas metanarrativas de legitima\u00e7\u00e3o do saber. Esta influ\u00eancia ser\u00e1 observada perante importantes textos relativos ao p\u00f3s-moderno musical e na maneira como algumas obras da m\u00fasica cl\u00e1ssica de concerto realizada na d\u00e9cada de 1990 e 2000 se relacionam com tal incredulidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nascimento, Jo\u00e3o Paulo Costa do"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gf5mh"], ["title", "Abordagens do p\u00f3s-moderno em m\u00fasica: a incredulidade nas metanarrativas e o saber musical contempor\u00e2neo"], ["doab_id", "16693"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830983"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830983"]], [["description", "Die Fr\u00fche Neuzeit kannte eine Vielzahl von Diskursen, Performanzen und Repr\u00e4sentationen, die auf eine \u00dcberh\u00f6hung des Monarchen abzielten, ohne sich jedoch zu einer koh\u00e4renten Gesamtheit zusammenzuf\u00fcgen. Ist das umfassende Forschungskonzept \"Absolutismus\" diesem heterogenen Befund angemessen? Die Beitr\u00e4ge gehen dieser Frage im Wesentlichen anhand von franz\u00f6sischen Beispielen nach. Sie sehen Absolutismus dabei im Sinne neuerer kulturhistorischer Ans\u00e4tze nicht als \"objektive\" Gegebenheit oder real existierende gesellschaftliche Struktur, sondern als fr\u00fchneuzeitliche Konstruktion, als sozial und kulturell konstruierte Vorstellungswelt, in der Einflussm\u00f6glichkeiten und Herrschaftsanspr\u00fcche zu allererst symbolisch repr\u00e4sentiert wurden."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schilling, Lothar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/230836"], ["title", "Absolutismus, ein unersetzliches Forschungskonzept? L'absolutisme, un concept irrempla\u00e7able? Eine deutsch-franz\u00f6sische Bilanz. Une mise au point franco-allemande"], ["doab_id", "18008"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486580952", "9783486841329"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486580952, 9783486841329"]], [["description", "Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von \u00a7 161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue und soll insbesondere zur Kl\u00e4rung der Rechtsnatur dieses aktiengesellschaftsrechtlichen Regulierungsinstruments, welches in unserer Rechtsordnung seinesgleichen sucht, beitragen. Aus strafrechtlicher Perspektive ganz in den Mittelpunkt ger\u00fcckt wird hierbei das Pflichtverletzungsmerkmal des \u00a7 266 StGB im Kontext der Organuntreue, welche Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft zunehmend besch\u00e4ftigt. Vertieft nachgegangen wird dabei der Frage, inwieweit der Untreuetatbestand zivilrechtsakzessorisch ist. Au\u00dferdem wird untersucht, ob jeder Versto\u00df gegen die aus \u00a7\u00a7 93 Abs. 1 S. 1, 116 S. 1 AktG folgende Legalit\u00e4tspflicht der Organmitglieder von Aktiengesellschaften auch eine Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue darstellt.

Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von \u00a7 161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue und soll insbesondere zur Kl\u00e4rung der Rechtsnatur dieses aktiengesellschaftsrechtlichen Regulierungsinstruments, welches in unserer Rechtsordnung seinesgleichen sucht, beitragen. Aus strafrechtlicher Perspektive ganz in den Mittelpunkt ger\u00fcckt wird hierbei das Pflichtverletzungsmerkmal des \u00a7 266 StGB im Kontext der Organuntreue, welche Rechtsprechung und Wissenschaft zunehmend besch\u00e4ftigt. Vertieft nachgegangen wird dabei der Frage, inwieweit der Untreuetatbestand zivilrechtsakzessorisch ist. Au\u00dferdem wird untersucht, ob jeder Versto\u00df gegen die aus \u00a7\u00a7 93 Abs. 1 S. 1, 116 S. 1 AktG folgende Legalit\u00e4tspflicht der Organmitglieder von Aktiengesellschaften auch eine Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue darstellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Michaelsen, Amir"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Embezzlement", "Embezzlement"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610193"], ["title", "Abweichungen vom Deutschen Corporate Governance Kodex und von \u00a7161 AktG als Pflichtverletzung im Sinne der Untreue"], ["doab_id", "15364"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950057"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950057"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC-BY licence. What makes a book 'academic'? What spaces, physical and digital, can they be found in? How are they made, bought, and read? These questions are tackled by a cross-section of thirteen experts from the fields of bookselling, publishing, university libraries, and academic research in this volume of essays, which was produced in conjunction with the team from the AHRC/British Library Academic Book of the Future Project as an accelerated publishing challenge for the first ever Academic Book Week. The topics include campus bookshops and bookselling, the role of national libraries, Open Access, the Research Excellence Framework, and publishing innovation. The approaches explore the realities of the present and venture all the way through to possible futures. There is something here for everyone who is connected to academic books \u2013 however these are defined, and whatever shape they are read in."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lyons, Rebecca E; Rayner, Samantha"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Literature, Pedagogy/Teaching, Education, Organisations and Institutions, General, Society, Culture and Education, Higher Education"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137595775"], ["title", "The Academic Book of the Future"], ["doab_id", "17901"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137595775"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137595775"]], [["description", "Access to Knowledge in Brazil addresses the issues currently facing intellectual property and innovation in the context of developing countries. This book explores how copyrights and patents have influenced the rapidly growing economy of Brazil. This volume contains grassroots perspective sand new research, which is not available anywhere else."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lea Shaver"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849660785"], ["title", "Access to Knowledge in Brazil"], ["doab_id", "14355"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849660785"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849660785"]], [["description", "This ground-breaking volume features chapters on current issues facing intellectual property, innovation and development policy from the Egyptian perspective. It is an essential overview of the key issues facing access to knowledge, intellectual property rights and development worldwide."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lea Shaver; Nagla Rizk"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849660792"], ["title", "Access to Knowledge in Egypt"], ["doab_id", "14354"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849660792"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849660792"]], [["description", "Access to Knowledge in India addresses the issues currently facing intellectual property and innovation in India. This book explores how copyrights and patents have influenced the rapidly growing economy of India."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ramesh Subramanian; Lea Shaver"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665568"], ["title", "Access to Knowledge in India"], ["doab_id", "14379"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665568"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665568"]], [["description", "Accessible Elements informs science educators about current practices in online and distance education: distance-delivered methods for laboratory coursework, the requisite administrative and institutional aspects of online and distance teaching, and the relevant educational theory. Delivery of university-level courses through online and distance education is a method of providing equal access to students seeking post-secondary education. Distance delivery offers practical alternatives to traditional on-campus education for students limited by barriers such as classroom scheduling, physical location, finances, or job and family commitments. The growing recognition and acceptance of distance education, coupled with the rapidly increasing demand for accessibility and flexible delivery of courses, has made distance education a viable and popular option for many people to meet their science educational goals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dietmar Kennepohl; Lawton Shaw"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["chemistry", "online education", "science education"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120162"], ["title", "Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance"], ["doab_id", "14423"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425473", "9781897425480"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425473 9781897425480"]], [["description", "\u00ab Le 11 mars 2011, le district Nord-Est du Japon a \u00e9t\u00e9 frapp\u00e9 par un tremblement de terre massif suivi d\u2019un tsunami majeur et d\u2019une s\u00e9rie d\u2019accidents \u00e0 la centrale nucl\u00e9aire de Fukushima avec fuites d\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ments radioactifs \u00bb. Tel est le message que le professeur Kanazawa, pr\u00e9sident du Science Council of Japan (SCJ) adressa quelques jours apr\u00e8s la catastrophe aux pr\u00e9sidents des acad\u00e9mies des sciences \u00e9trang\u00e8re \u2026"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alain Carpentier; \u00c9tienne-\u00c9mile Beaulieu; \u00c9douard Br\u00e9zin; Jacques Friedel"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/accident_majeur_de_Fukushima.pdf"], ["title", "L'accident majeur de Fukushima "], ["doab_id", "16200"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759807369"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759807369"]], [["description", "\"Public-private partnerships have become an important tool for delivering essential public goods, but critics fear that they erode public accountability. Making partnerships more accountable requires a clear understanding of what accountability means for partnerships and which mechanisms can be used to strengthen it.Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships develops a new model of accountability based on principal-agent theory. This model provides a firm normative foundation for accountability demands. At the same time, it shows which accountability standards apply to which kinds of partnerships. Norm-setting partnerships, for example, require strong mechanisms for participation, whereas implementation partnerships must focus on performance evaluation, competitive bidding and beneficiary feedback processes. The accountability model and standards developed in this book provide a guide for partnership practitioners who are developing the governance structures of their partnerships; they serve as benchmarks for evaluating partnerships; and they provide new inputs for the ongoing accountability debates in the public, the corporate and the civil society sectors. \""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steets ,Julia"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Principal-agent theory", "Accountability", "Public policy", "Principal-agent theorie", "Verantwoording", "Publieke zaken"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392745"], ["title", "Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships"], ["doab_id", "19136"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230238978"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230238978"]], [["description", "European integration represents a historically unprecedented and new form of a continent's peaceful unification. Therefore, historiography needs innovative theoretical concepts to illustrate this process appropriately; at the present moment, however, integration history is only characterized by an extensive 'theoretical deficit'. The book project 'Acht Geschichten \u00fcber die Integrationsgeschichte. Zur Grundlegung der Geschichte der europ\u00e4ischen Integration als ein episodisches historiographisches Erz\u00e4hlen' critically adopts this opinion and illuminates the theoretical principles of integration historiography. A proposal regarding the theoretical principles of unification historiography is compiled from an interdisciplinary perspective. The concept of the episodic historiographic narrative (Peter Pichler) understands the unification of Europe as a comprehensive cooperation and transformation process in which various historic strands (e.g. political, economic, cultural, social, legal, religious, etc.) interlink with each other. Therefore it would be most sensible to show their totality as an episodic historiographic network within the historiographic context. This theoretical proposal shall be provided for research as a new meta-perspective and methodical tool.In a first step, the hitherto existing research on integration history is critically reviewed. Furthermore, its discourse will be analysed. Particular attention is paid to include Eastern and Southern European as well as Turkish perspectives. Their synopsis shows the interplay between the Eastern and Southern European 'transition'-narrative and the Turkish perspective on the integration process as the driving force of the debate. Furthermore, 'post-modern' perspectives on integration history represent an important feature of the discourse's acceleration and renewal. The first step ends with the contributors being able to give a first innovative impulse to the discursive renewal of research concerning integration history; the neoterised term 'transnarrative competence' allows for correlation between 'transition'-narrative and Turkish perspectives on integration. In a second step, those theoretical features from recent developments in integration and historical theory are isolated that can contribute to a perspective renewal of research. The concept of the episodic historiographic narrative proposes an interdisciplinary theory based on those elements of political, social, legal and cultural sciences. The analytical narrative mindset of each element is determined and thus reconstructed as one episodic plot line, one episode of European integration history. The net of episodes eventually constitutes the proposed theory of an episodic historiographic narrative. Thus, the concept of the episodic historiographic narrative does not only enable histrorians to overcome the deficit in the theory of integration historiography but also enters new academic ground by uniting interdisciplinary elements to an episodic network.

Die europ\u00e4ische Integration stellt eine historisch pr\u00e4zedenzlose und neuartige Form der friedlichen Vereinigung eines Kontinents dar. Die Geschichtswissenschaft ben\u00f6tigt daher innovative theoretische Konzepte, um diesen Prozess angemessen erkl\u00e4ren zu k\u00f6nnen - zum gegenw\u00e4rtigen Zeitpunkt ist die Integrationsgeschichte jedoch durch ein weitgehendes \"Theoriedefizit\" gepr\u00e4gt. Das Buchprojekt \"Acht Geschichten \u00fcber die Integrationsgeschichte. Zur Grundlegung der Geschichte der europ\u00e4ischen Integration als ein episodisches historiographisches Erz\u00e4hlen\" nimmt diesen Befund kritisch auf und leuchtet die theoretischen Grundlagen der Integrationshistoriographie aus. In interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive wird ein Vorschlag zur theoretischen Grundlegung der Vereinigungshistoriographie erarbeitet. Das Konzept eines episodischen historiographischen Erz\u00e4hlens (Peter Pichler) begreift die Einigung Europas als einen umfassenden Kooperations- und Transformationsprozess. In diesem Prozess greifen verschiedenste geschichtliche Teilstr\u00e4nge (etwa politische, wirtschaftliche, kulturelle, soziale, rechtliche, religi\u00f6se usw.) netzwerkartig ineinander. Im historiographischen Text ist deren Gesamtes daher am sinnvollsten als ein episodisches historiographisches Netzwerk zu repr\u00e4sentieren. Dieser Theorievorschlag soll als neue Metaperspektive und methodisches Arbeitsinstrument zu Verf\u00fcgung gestellt werden.Ein erster Arbeitsschritt unterzieht die bisherige Forschung zur Integrationsgeschichte einer kritischen Bestandsaufnahme und Diskursanalyse. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt darauf, auch ost- und s\u00fcdosteurop\u00e4ische sowie t\u00fcrkische Perspektiven miteinzubeziehen. In der Synopsis zeigt sich das Zusammenspiel von ost- und s\u00fcdosteurop\u00e4ischem \"transition\"-Narrativ sowie der t\u00fcrkischen Perspektive auf den Integrationsprozess als Motor der Debatte. Weiters stellen \"postmoderne\" Perspektiven auf die Integrationsgeschichte ein wichtiges Element der Beschleunigung und Erneuerung des Diskurses dar. Der erste Arbeitsschritt endet damit, einen ersten Innovationsimpuls zur diskursiven Erneuerung der integrationsgeschichtlichen Forschung geben zu k\u00f6nnen: Der neu eingef\u00fchrte Begriff der \"transnarrativen Kompetenz\" erm\u00f6glicht es, \"transition\"-Narrativ und t\u00fcrkische Integrationsperspektiven aufeinander zu beziehen.In einem zweiten Arbeitsschritt werden aus der j\u00fcngsten Entwicklung in Integrations- und Geschichtstheorie jene theoretischen Elemente isoliert, die zu einer perspektivischen Erneuerung der Forschung beitragen k\u00f6nnen. Das Konzept des episodischen historiographischen Erz\u00e4hlens verbindet diese Bausteine aus Politik-, Sozial-, Rechts- und Kulturwissenschaften zu einem interdisziplin\u00e4ren Theorievorschlag. Die Bausteine werden in ihrer jeweiligen analytischen Erz\u00e4hlhaltung bestimmt und somit als jeweils ein episodischer Erz\u00e4hlstrang, als eine Episode der Geschichte der europ\u00e4ischen Integration rekonstruiert. Das Netzwerk dieser Episoden macht schlie\u00dflich den Theorievorschlag eines episodischen historiographischen Erz\u00e4hlens aus. Das Konzept des episodischen historiographischen Erz\u00e4hlens erm\u00f6glicht somit nicht nur die \u00dcberwindung des Theoriedefizits der Integrationsgeschichtsschreibung, sondern dringt mittels der Vereinigung interdisziplin\u00e4rer Bausteine zu einem episodischen Netzwerk tief in wissenschaftliches Neuland vor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pichler ,Peter"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["European integration, postmodernity, historical theory, cultural history"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437167"], ["title", "Acht Geschichten \u00fcber die Integrationsgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "15292"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706549448"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706549448"]], [["description", "It seems as if the fundamentals of how we produce vowels and how they are acoustically represented have been clarified: we phonate and articulate. Using our vocal chords, we produce a vocal sound or noise which is then shaped into a specific vowel sound by the resonances of the pharyngeal, oral, and nasal cavities, that is, the vocal tract. Accordingly, the acoustic description of vowels relates to vowel-specific patterns of relative energy maxima in the sound spectra, known as patterns of formants. The intellectual and empirical reasoning presented in this treatise, however, gives rise to scepticism with respect to this understanding of the sound of the vowel. The reflections and materials presented provide reason to argue that, up to now, a comprehensible theory of the acoustics of the voice and of voiced speech sounds is lacking, and consequently, no satisfying understanding of vowels as an achievement and particular formal accomplishment of the voice exists. Thus, the question of the acoustics of the vowel\u2014and with it the question of the acoustics of the voice itself\u2014proves to be an unresolved fundamental problem."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maurer ,Dieter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Phonetics", "Phonology", "Acoustics", "Vowel", "Language"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588650"], ["title", "Acoustics of the Vowel - Preliminaries"], ["doab_id", "17986"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783034320313"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034320313"]], [["description", "Nationality and citizenship have been subjects of stormy policy debates in many EU countries in recent years. Concerns over the integration of immigrants, but also attempts to forge links with emigrants, have led to changes in the laws regulating loss and acquisition of nationality and citizenship. This title outlines the research conducted by a team of 30 researchers into the nationality laws and their implementation in 15 EU member states. Acquisition and Loss of Nationality - Volume 1 presents the results of a systematic comparative analysis. It uses a novel methodology that permits a detailed comparison how nationality can be acquired or lost across all 15 countries. The results show divergent trends towards liberalization in some countries and new restrictions of access to nationality in others. The book examines the impact of international and European law, presents statistical data on naturalization and assesses administrative practices. Although the European Union has no formal competence in regulating nationality, the nationality laws of member states are linked to each other via the common citizenship of the Union. Member States should therefore agree on common norms for their nationality laws. The book contains detailed policy recommendations based on the idea that stakeholders in the political community should be given access to nationality. Studies of each country's nationality law are published separately in \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569214\"> Volume 2. Additional material including detailed statistics and further comparative analyses of legal regulations of nationality is available at \"http://www.imiscoe.org\">www.imiscoe.org. Volume 1 & 2 are also available as a set, \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569498&l=2\">click here for more information. This is the most comprehensive comparative study of the legal status of nationality so far and it will become an indispensable source of reference for further research. For more information see: \"http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/\">http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/

Nationaliteit en burgerschap zijn recent in verschillende Europese landen een omstreden beleidsveld geworden. Zorgen over de integratie van immigranten, maar ook pogingen om de banden met emigranten te verstevigen hebben geleid tot wetswijzigingen ten aanzien van het verkrijgen of verliezen van nationaliteit. Een team van 30 onderzoekers heeft de nationaliteitswetgeving en implementatie in de lidstaten (pr\u00e9 2004) onderzocht. In Volume 1 worden de resultaten van een systematisch vergelijkende analyse gepresenteerd. Er wordt een vernieuwende methodologie gebruikt die een gedetailleerde vergelijking van verwerving en verlies van nationaliteit mogelijk maakt. De resultaten laten zien dat er divergente trends richting liberalisering in sommige staten zichtbaar zijn en restrictieve trends in andere landen. Dit boek onderzoekt de invloed van internationale en Europese wetgeving, presenteert statistische gegevens over naturalisatie en beschrijft bureaucratische procedures. Ondanks het feit dat de EU geen formele competentie heeft in het reguleren van nationaliteitswetgeving zijn de lidstaten met elkaar verbonden door het burgerschap van de Europese Unie. Lidstaten zouden daarom overeenstemming dienen te bereiken over gedeelde normen voor hun nationaliteitswetgeving. Dit boek bevat gedetailleerde beleidsaanbevelingen gebaseerd op het idee dat betrokkenen in een politieke gemeenschap toegang tot de nationaliteit moeten hebben. Dit is de meest omvattende comparatieve studie naar de juridische status van nationaliteit tot nu toe en is daarmee een onmisbaar referentiekader voor toekomstig onderzoek. Studies van de afzonderlijke nationaliteitswetgevingen zijn gepubliceerd in \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569214\"> Volume 2. Aanvullend materiaal , inclusief gedetailleerde statistieken en verdere vergelijkende analyses van wettelijke regelingen is verkrijgbaar op \"http://www.imiscoe.org\">www.imiscoe.org.. Beide delen zijn ook als set beschikbaar. \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569498\">Klik hier voor meer informatie Kijk ook op: \"http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/\">http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baub\u00f6ck ,Rainer; Ersb\u00f8ll ,Eva; Groenendijk ,Kees; Waldrauch ,Harald"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340147"], ["title", "Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses : Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries"], ["doab_id", "12846"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569207"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569207"]], [["description", "Nationality and citizenship have been subjects of stormy policy debates in many EU countries in recent years. Concerns over the integration of immigrants, but also attempts to forge links with emigrants, have led to changes in the laws regulating loss and acquisition of nationality and citizenship. This title outlines the research conducted by a team of 30 researchers into the nationality laws and their implementation in 15 EU member states. \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569214&l=2\"> Volume 2 of this study presents detailed studies of each country's nationality laws, their historical background and current provisions. It is a companion to \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569207&l=2\">volume 1 which contains comparative analyses based on a novel methodology that permits a detailed comparison how nationality can be acquired or lost across all 15 countries. The results show divergent trends towards liberalization in some countries and new restrictions of access to nationality in others. \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569207&l=2\">Volume 1 also examines the impact of international and European law, presents statistical data on naturalisation and assesses administrative practices. Although the European Union has no formal competence in regulating nationality, the nationality laws of member states are linked to each other via the common citizenship of the Union. Member States should therefore agree on common norms for their nationality laws. Volume 1 contains detailed policy recommendations based on the idea that stakeholders in the political community should be given access to nationality. In addition to the two volumes, detailed statistics and further comparative analyses of legal regulations of nationality are available at \"http://www.imiscoe.org\">www.imiscoe.org. Volume 1 & 2 are also available as a set, \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569498&l=2\">click here form more information. This is the most comprehensive comparative study of the legal status of nationality so far and it will become an indispensable source of reference for further research. For more information see: \"http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/\">http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/

Nationaliteit en burgerschap zijn recent in verschillende Europese landen een omstreden beleidsveld geworden. Zorgen over de integratie van immigranten, maar ook pogingen om de banden met emigranten te verstevigen hebben geleid tot wetswijzigingen ten aanzien van het verkrijgen of verliezen van nationaliteit. Een team van 30 onderzoekers hebben de nationaliteitswetgeving en implementatie in de lidstaten (pr\u00e9 2004) onderzocht. Volume 2 van deze studie presenteert gedetailleerde studies de nationaliteitswetgeving van de verschillende landen, de historische achtergrond en de huidige regelingen. Het gaat vergezeld met \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569207\">Volume 1 dat vergelijkende analyses bevat van een nieuwe methodologie die een gedetailleerde beschrijving bevat over hoe nationaliteit kan worden verworven of verloren in alle 15 landen. De resultaten leggen divergerende trends bloot richting liberalisering in sommige landen en nieuwe restricties van toegang tot nationaliteit in andere landen. \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569207\">Volume 1 van deze studie onderzoekt de invloed van internationale en Europese wetgeving, presenteert statistische gegevens over naturalisatie en beschrijft bureaucratische procedures. Ondanks het feit dat de EU geen formele competentie heeft in het reguleren van nationaliteitswetgeving zijn de lidstaten met elkaar verbonden door het burgerschap van de Europese Unie. Lidstaten zouden daarom overeenstemming dienen te bereiken over gedeelde normen voor hun nationaliteitswetgeving. Dit boek bevat gedetailleerde beleidsaanbevelingen gebaseerd op het idee dat betrokkenen in een politieke gemeenschap toegang tot de nationaliteit moeten hebben. In aanvulling op de twee volumes zijn gedetailleerde statistieken en verdere vergelijkende analyses van wettelijke regelingen verkrijgbaar op \"http://www.imiscoe.org\">www.imiscoe.org. Beide delen zijn ook als set beschikbaar. \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789053569498\">Klik hier voor meer informatie Kijk ook op: \"http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/\">http://www.imiscoe.org/natac/"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baub\u00f6ck ,Rainer; Ersb\u00f8ll ,Eva; Groenendijk ,Kees; Waldrauch ,Harald"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340146"], ["title", "Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 2: Country Analyses : Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries"], ["doab_id", "12845"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569214"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569214"]], [["description", "Across the margins offers a comparative, theoretically informed analysis of the cultural formation of the Atlantic Archipelago. In its overall conception and in specific contributions (including an introductory essay), this collection demonstrates the benefits of working across the disciplines of history, geography, literature and cultural studies, but also presents new configurations of cultural forms hitherto associated with specifically national and sub-national literatures. The essays, from both established and new scholars working in the fields of British, Irish and comparative cultural studies, addresses broad questions raised by the interface between language, gender, sexuality and ethnicity in relation to marginal identities, but also includes specific genre-based case studies on contemporary poetry, fiction, drama, popular music and art. This format recognises the importance of specific concerns which emerge from different geographical locations, but also encourages movement beyond traditional formations of national cultures. Responding to recent constitutional developments in Great Britain and Ireland, it explores their implications both for the cultural negotiations of marginality and for established critical paradigms. It is therefore of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and academics working in the areas of comparative literature, postcolonial theory, Irish, Scottish and Welsh studies, and British political/cultural studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Norquay ,Glenda; Smyth ,Gerry"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["transatlantic", "culture", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341318"], ["title", "Across the margins: Cultural identity"], ["doab_id", "12645"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719057496"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719057496"]], [["description", "\"In the early 19th century, the only way to transmit information was to send letters across the oceans by sailing ships or across land by horse and coach. Growing world trade created a need and technological development introduced options to improve general information transmission. Starting in the 1830s, a network of steamships, railways, canals and telegraphs was gradually built to connect different parts of the world. The book explains how the rate of information circulation increased many times over as mail systems were developed. Nevertheless, regional differences were huge. While improvements on the most significant trade routes between Europe, the Americas and East India were considered crucial, distant places such as California or Australia had to wait for gold fever to become important enough for regular communications. The growth of passenger services, especially for emigrants, was a major factor increasing the number of mail sailings. The study covers the period from the Napoleonic wars to the foundation of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and includes the development of overseas business information transmission from the days of sailing ships to steamers and the telegraph.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Laakso ,Seija-Riitta"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Flow of information", "Communication", "Ship traffic", "Postal traffic", "Mail", "History"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617195"], ["title", "Across the Oceans: Development of the overseas business information transmission"], ["doab_id", "19769"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517469043", "9789522228086", "9789522228093"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789517469043 9789522228086 9789522228093"]], [["description", "Las Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Historia Reciente se encuadran en una persistente preocupaci\u00f3n por abordar tanto desde perspectivas te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas como hist\u00f3rico-concretas las problem\u00e1ticas que este fruct\u00edfero campo est\u00e1 generando. Las VII Jornadas [2014] aspiran a acrecentar y consolidar el amplio desarrollo que ha tenido este \u00e1mbito de estudios en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os.Para ello se proponen formas organizativas que propicien a\u00fan m\u00e1s el desarrollo de los debates e intercambios, as\u00ed como otras actividades para la difusi\u00f3n de las problem\u00e1ticas abordadas en nuevos formatos que alcancen \u00e1mbitos no estrictamente universitarios."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Flier, Patricia (coord.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["History ", " Historia ", " Jornada de trabajo sobre Historia Reciente"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/39 "], ["title", "Actas de las VII Jornadas de trabajo sobre Historia Reciente"], ["doab_id", "17446"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412329"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412329 "]], [["description", "Der Mittelmeerraum wies w\u00e4hrend des Mittelalters einen gro\u00dfen Reichtum an Transfer- und Austauschprozessen auf. Waren entsprechende Bedingungen (geographische Mobilit\u00e4t, eine kulturell grenz\u00fcberschreitende Lebenssituation oder ein entsprechendes Aktivit\u00e4tsfeld etc.) gegeben, konnten Menschen zu Vermittlern von Kulturg\u00fctern werden, darunter Gesandte, Pilger, Seeleute, H\u00e4ndler, Schmuggler, Kriegsgefangene, Geiseln, Missionare, \u00c4rzte, Gelehrte, \u00dcbersetzer, Dolmetscher, Bauleute, S\u00f6ldner und viele andere mehr. Der Band bietet einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber verschiedene Milieus, Gruppen und Individuen, die auf jeweils unterschiedlich Art die Mobilit\u00e4t von Kulturg\u00fctern im mittelalterlichen Mediterraneum bef\u00f6rderten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Abdellatif, Rania; Benhima, Yassir; K\u00f6nig, Daniel; Ruchaud, Elisabeth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/217372"], ["title", "Acteurs des transferts culturels en M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e m\u00e9di\u00e9vale"], ["doab_id", "18045"], ["language_unmapped", "English, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486989342", "9783486709414"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486989342, 9783486709414"]], [["description", "ACTION \u2014 as in begin, genesis, motion \u2014 is a collection of poems ultimately concerned with form, those lines drawn in the sand that give way to the profanity of the holy, the holiness of the profane. Throughout ACTION, Opal engages the constraints inherent to seemingly fixed forms. From living with rheumatoid arthritis, to feeling for the edges of a sonnet tradition, to wrestling with the tenets of historical theology, this collection demonstrates that the only way to honestly submit to a form is to rage against it. However, to assume that this rage is not a kind of explosive joy\u2014a Barthesian jouissance\u2014would be to miss the point of poems that Dean Young has described as \u201cradiant affirmations of life and art.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anthony Opal"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["poetry, sonnet, formalism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/x72obbonno09nxm/Opal_ACTION_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "ACTION [poems]"], ["doab_id", "17877"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692335543"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692335543"]], [["description", "SHARE is an international survey designed to answer the societal challenges that face us due to rapid population ageing. How do Europeans age? Under which circumstances do older people and their families live, how healthy and active are they, and how did the crisis affect them? The authors of this multidisciplinary book have taken a first step toward answering these questions based on the recent SHARE data including a new social networks module."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "B\u00f6rsch-Supan, Axel ; Brandt, Martina; Litwin, Howard; Weber, Guglielmo"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/185064"], ["title", "Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe. First results from SHARE after the economic crisis"], ["doab_id", "18049"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110295467", "9783110295450"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110295467, 9783110295450"]], [["description", "Active touch can be described as the control of the position and movement of tactile sensing systems to facilitate information gain. In other words, it is finding out about the world by reaching out and exploring - sensing by \u2018touching\u2019 as opposed to \u2018being touched\u2019. In this Research Topic (with cross-posting in both Behavioural Neuroscience and Neurorobotics) we welcomed articles from junior researchers on any aspect of active touch. We were especially interested in articles on the behavioral, physiological and neuronal underpinnings of active touch in a range of species (including humans) for submission to Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience. We also welcomed articles describing robotic systems with biomimetic or bio-inspired tactile sensing systems for publication in Frontiers in Neurorobotics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robyn Grant; Pavel M. Itskov; Blythe Towal; Tony J. Prescott"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sensorimotor", "Animal Models", "Sensation", "active sensing", "Touch"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/688/active-touch-sensing"], ["title", "Active Touch Sensing"], ["doab_id", "17659"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192489"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192489"]], [["description", "One wonders if there is any academic field that doesn't suffer from the way it is portrayed by the media, by politicians, by pundits and other publics. How well scholars in a discipline articulate their own definition can influence not only issues of image but the very success of the discipline in serving students and its other constituencies. The Activist WPA is an effort to address this range of issues for the field of English composition in the aftermath of No Child Left Behind and the Spellings Commission. Drawing on recent developments in framing theory and the resurgent traditions of progressive organizers, Linda Adler-Kassner calls upon composition teachers and administrators to develop strategic programs of collective action that do justice to composition's best principles. Adler-Kassner argues that the \"\"story\"\" of college composition can be changed only when writing scholars bring the wonders down, to articulate a theory framework that is pragmatic and intelligible to those outside the field--and then create messages that reference that framework. In The Activist WPA, she makes a case for developing a more integrated vision of outreach, English education, and writing program administration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adler-Kassner, Linda"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/29"], ["title", "The Activist WPA: Changing Stories about Writing and Writers"], ["doab_id", "14692"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216998"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216998"]], [["description", "Acting on stage is a mode of performing an action, in the context of which the bodily aspects implicitly at work in acting reveal their own significance and power. This event can actualize a wound incarnated in human beings, because the actor acts and does not act at the same time and hence the concept of being \u2018the doer\u2019 unmasks itself as being illusionary. One could call it a kind of \u2018symbolic death\u2019 (Mueller), an \u2018anthropological mutation\u2019 (Agamben)\u2013\u2013an event of great interest because of its highly ethical call.The book \u201cActors and the Art of Performance. Under Exposure\u201d opens with a cascade of contradictory motives for becoming an actor. But, if theatre is no longer understood as a theatre of representation, then what takes place on stage is a transformation at play with truth, in which ethics are realized by the aesthetic. Insofar the book summarizes the attempt to explore and map guidelines of acting as being under the perspective of be-coming. That may sound fairly harmless in theory, but it feels anything but harmless when you experience it on your own body. For example, for being physical under exposure actors have to learn that there exists no fundamental dualism between mind and matter. Furthermore, actors are espoused to a dynamic shifting ground in the name of creativity. They have to carry the burden that the self is no sovereign identity as we generally suppose, but rather a threshold of permanent be-coming. One could call it the outstanding gift of acting. In the German language, gift means \u201cpoison\u201d, in German ears the word has the double meaning of poison and present, thus expressing the fact that a gift is disturbing and blessing at the same time. Loaded with fear and joy as the crucial point of acting, which attacks and attracts actors and spectators most.

Wird Theater nicht mehr als Repr\u00e4sentation verstanden, werden im \u201eSpiel mit der Wahrheit\u201c eine F\u00fclle von Fragen \u00fcber den Vollzug und das Ereignis unseres Daseins provoziert, die in einem ethischen Anspruch im \u00c4sthetischen m\u00fcnden. Das klingt in der Theorie harmloser als es seinem physischen Ereignis nach ist. Denn der sch\u00f6pferische Akt katapultiert SchauspielerInnen in eine Zone zwischen aktiv und passiv, in der sie nicht mehr alleinige T\u00e4ter und souver\u00e4ne Subjekte ihres Spiels sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Granzer ,Susanne Valerie "], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Performing Arts, Theatre, Acting, Artistic Research, Arts-based-Philosophy, Philosophy On Stage, Performance Philosophy", "Schauspieler, Theater, Philosophie, Korporale Performanz, K\u00fcnstlerische Forschung, Theaterwissenschaft, Kunst"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612285"], ["title", "Actors and the Art of Performance"], ["doab_id", "19076"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137596338"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137596338"]], [["description", "The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner is based on in-depth interviews with twenty-six nurse practitioners working in acute-care settings within tertiary-care institutions all across Canada. Employing a hermeneutic approach, Rashotte explores the perspectives from which NPs view their reality as they undergo a transformational journey of becoming a journey that is directed both outward, into the world, and inward, into the self. We learn how, in their struggle to engage in a meaningful practice that fulfills their goals as nurses, their purpose was hindered or achieved. In large part, the story unfolds in the voices of the NPs themselves, but their words are complemented by descriptive passages and excerpts of poetry that construct an animated and powerful commentary on their journey. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Judy Rashotte"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["nursing", "interview", "role", "medical"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120221"], ["title", "The Acute-Care Nurse Practitioner: A Transformational Journey"], ["doab_id", "16232"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356265", "9781927356272", "9781927356289"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356265 9781927356272 9781927356289"]], [["description", "The brain of each animal shows specific traits that reflect its phylogenetic history and its particular lifestyle. Therefore, comparing brains is not just a mere intellectual exercise, but it helps understanding how the brain allows adaptive behavioural strategies to face an ever-changing world and how this complex organ has evolved during phylogeny, giving rise to complex mental processes in humans and other animals. These questions attracted scientists since the times of Santiago Ramon y Cajal one of the founders of comparative neurobiology. In the last decade, this discipline has undergone a true revolution due to the analysis of expression patterns of morphogenetic genes in embryos of different animals. The papers of this e-book are good examples of modern comparative neurobiology, which mainly focuses on the following four Grand Questions: a) How are different brains built during ontogeny?b) What is the anatomical organization of mature brains and how can they be compared?c) How do brains work to accomplish their function of ensuring survival and, ultimately, reproductive success?d) How have brains evolved during phylogeny? The title of this e-book, Adaptive Function and Brain Evolution, stresses the importance of comparative studies to understand brain function and, the reverse, of considering brain function to properly understand brain evolution. These issues should be taken into account when using animals in the research of mental function and dysfunction, and are fundamental to understand the origins of the human mind."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Agustin Gonzalez; Fernando Martinez-Garcia; Luis Puelles; Hans J Ten Donkelaar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["comparative neurobiology", "brain evolution", "ontogeny", "phylogeny"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/81/adaptive-function-and-brain-evolution"], ["title", "Adaptive Function and Brain Evolution"], ["doab_id", "18569"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193066"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193066"]], [["description", "A number of UN conventions and declarations (on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the World Heritage Conventions) can be understood as instruments of international governance to promote democracy and social justice worldwide. In Indonesia (as in many other countries), these international agreements have encouraged the self-assertion of communities that had been oppressed and deprived of their land, especially during the New Order regime (1966-1998). More than 2,000 communities in Indonesia who define themselves as masyarakat adat or \u201cindigenous peoples\u201d had already joined the Indigenous Peoples\u2019 Alliance of the Archipelago\u201d (AMAN) by 2013. In their efforts to gain recognition and selfdetermination, these communities are supported by international donors and international as well as national NGOs by means of development programmes. In the definition of masyarakat adat, \u201cculture\u201d or adat plays an important role in the communities\u2019 self-definition. Based on particular characteristics of their adat, the asset of their culture, they try to distinguish themselves from others in order to substantiate their claims for the restitution of their traditional rights and property (namely land and other natural resources) from the state. The authors of this volume investigate how differently structured communities - socially, politically and religiously - and associations reposition themselves vis-\u00e0-vis others, especially the state, not only by drawing on adat for achieving particular goals, but also dignity and a better future.

A number of UN conventions and declarations (on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the World Heritage Conventions) can be understood as instruments of international governance to promote democracy and social justice worldwide. In Indonesia (as in many other countries), these international agreements have encouraged the self-assertion of communities that had been oppressed and deprived of their land, especially during the New Order regime (1966-1998). More than 2,000 communities in Indonesia who define themselves as masyarakat adat or \u201cindigenous peoples\u201d had already joined the Indigenous Peoples\u2019 Alliance of the Archipelago\u201d (AMAN) by 2013. In their efforts to gain recognition and selfdetermination, these communities are supported by international donors and international as well as national NGOs by means of development programmes. In the definition of masyarakat adat, \u201cculture\u201d or adat plays an important role in the communities\u2019 self-definition. Based on particular characteristics of their adat, the asset of their culture, they try to distinguish themselves from others in order to substantiate their claims for the restitution of their traditional rights and property (namely land and other natural resources) from the state. The authors of this volume investigate how differently structured communities - socially, politically and religiously - and associations reposition themselves vis-\u00e0-vis others, especially the state, not only by drawing on adat for achieving particular goals, but also dignity and a better future."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin, Brigitta"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Ethnology", "Cultural Property", "Indigenous Peoples", "Ethnology", "Cultural Property", "Indigenous Peoples"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610301"], ["title", "Adat and Indigeneity in Indonesia - Culture and Entitlements between Heteronomy and Self-Ascription"], ["doab_id", "15579"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951320"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951320"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Voorhoeve ,P.; Drewes ,G."], ["date", "1958"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613313"], ["title", "Adat Atj\u00e8h"], ["doab_id", "18468"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285880", "9789004286467"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285880 9789004286467"]], [["description", "From the tentative beginnings of European settlement to today\u2019s flourishing writing scene, Adelaide has always been a literary city. Novelists, poets and playwrights have lived here; readers have pored over books, sharing them and discussing them; literary celebrities have visited and sometimes stayed; writers have encouraged each other and fought with each other. Adelaide is literary, too, in the sense of having been written about\u2014sometimes with love, sometimes with scorn. Literature has been important not only to the city\u2019s cultural life but to its identity, to the way it has been seen and, most importantly, to the way it has seen itself.Today, literary Adelaide is thriving. The \u2018printers, schoolmasters and schoolmistresses, booksellers, authors, publishers, and even reviewers\u2019 that Wakefield imagined more than 180 years ago have been augmented by other infrastructure such as the South Australian Writers\u2019 Centre, the University of Adelaide\u2019s creative writing program, by ArtsSA, by an online literary culture that connects the city to the rest of the world, and by countless reading groups and public readings. Adelaide is home to a vast array of interesting writers, such as Peter Goldsworthy, Sean Williams, Dylan Coleman, Vikki Wakefield, Jan Owen, Roseanne Hawke, Stephen Orr, Fiona McIntosh, Brian Castro, and many others. This flourishing literary life continues to be an important component of one of Adelaide\u2019s most significant identities\u2014as a city of creativity and culture. Adelaide: a literary city hopes to broaden and deepen our understanding of that long component of the city\u2019s life."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Butterss ,Philip"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Adelaide", "literary city"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560030"], ["title", "Adelaide: a literary city"], ["doab_id", "15591"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064646"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064646"]], [["description", "Trata-se, neste livro, do conjunto da obra de Adolfo Caminha - um pol\u00edgrafo na literatura brasileira do s\u00e9culo XIX - durante o per\u00edodo de 1885 a 1897. O estudo abrange n\u00e3o somente os seus textos ficcionais, mas tamb\u00e9m os seus escritos cr\u00edticos e jornal\u00edsticos. Considera-se, portanto, a atua\u00e7\u00e3o do escritor como pol\u00edtico, editor, leitor e cr\u00edtico liter\u00e1rio. Salienta-se que a escrita de Caminha se caracteriza por dois movimentos: um horizontal, que estende a sua obra, e outro vertical, que produz uma est\u00e9tica do aproveitamento, constitu\u00edda a partir dos di\u00e1logos existentes entre um e outro dos seus fazeres. A obra apresenta uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o original aos estudos sobre a literatura brasileira."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bezerra, Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wp4sh"], ["title", "Adolfo Caminha: um pol\u00edgrafo na literatura brasileira do s\u00e9culo XIX (1885-1897)"], ["doab_id", "16694"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830334"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830334"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Entomologia-hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6htpg"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Adolpho Lutz e a entomologia m\u00e9dica no Brasil - v.2, Livro 3 "], ["doab_id", "16346"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412299"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412299"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Dermatologia - hist\u00f3ria, Micologia - hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7qmnz"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Dermatologia e Micologia - v.1, Livro 3 "], ["doab_id", "16347"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412831"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412831"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Entomologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fmz33"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Entomologia - v.2, Livro 4 "], ["doab_id", "16349"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412305"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412305"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Febre amarela-hist\u00f3ria, Mal\u00e1ria-hist\u00f3ria, Protozo\u00e1rios"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pmpkw"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Febre amarela, mal\u00e1ria e protozoologia - v.2, Livro 1 "], ["doab_id", "16350"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414071"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414071"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica - hist\u00f3ria, Laborat\u00f3rios de sa\u00fade p\u00fablica - hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/74ph9"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Hansen\u00edase - v.1, Livro 2 "], ["doab_id", "16351"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412367"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412367"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Helmintos, Helmint\u00edase, Parasitologia-hist\u00f3ria, Moluscos-parasitologia, Caramujos, Helmint\u00edase animal"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sqn87"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Helmintologia - v.3, Livro 2"], ["doab_id", "16352"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412312"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412312"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Zoologia, Moluscos-anatomia & histologia, aracn\u00eddeos-anatomia & histologia, Crust\u00e1ceos-anatomia & histologia, R\u00e9pteis-anatomia & histologia, Anf\u00edbios-anatomia & histologia, Schistologia mansoni"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d4mmz"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Outros estudos em zoologia - v.3, Livro 4 "], ["doab_id", "16353"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414064"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414064"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Adolpho Lutz, Pessoas famosas, Obras de refer\u00eancia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/srchb"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Primeiros trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1883) - v.1, Livro 1 "], ["doab_id", "16354"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412381"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412381"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Adolpho Lutz, Pessoas famosas, Obras de refer\u00eancia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3yrrb"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Sum\u00e1rio \u2013 Gloss\u00e1rio \u2013 \u00cdndices - v.1, Suplemento "], ["doab_id", "16355"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412350"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412350"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Adolpho Lutz, Pessoas famosas, Obras de refer\u00eancia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5h8t8"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Sum\u00e1rio \u2013 \u00cdndices - v.2, Suplemento "], ["doab_id", "16356"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412329"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412329"]], [["description", "Organizada pelo historiador Jaime Benchimol e pela bi\u00f3loga e historiadora da ci\u00eancia Magali Romero S\u00e1, \u00e9 uma homenagem ao pesquisador e \u00e0 sua trajet\u00f3ria. Adolpho Lutz foi o precursor das modernas campanhas sanit\u00e1rias e dos estudos epidemiol\u00f3gicos envolvendo, sobretudo, o c\u00f3lera, a febre tif\u00f3ide, a peste bub\u00f4nica e a febre amarela. Os quatro primeiros volumes da obra - que consistir\u00e1, quando completa, numa cole\u00e7\u00e3o de 21 livros acondicionados em cinco caixas - trazem: Primeiros Trabalhos: Alemanha, Su\u00ed\u00e7a e Brasil (1878-1885); Hansen\u00edase; Dermatologia e Micologia e ainda um suplemento contendo sum\u00e1rio, gloss\u00e1rio e \u00edndices. Neles, os organizadores recuperaram o arquivo pessoal do cientista e de sua filha, a bi\u00f3loga Bertha Lutz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry (org.); S\u00e1, Magali Romero (org.)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Pessoas famosas, Adolpho Lutz, Helmintos, Esquistossomose, Osteoporose-veterin\u00e1ria, Expedi\u00e7\u00f5es"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/t6bcg"], ["title", "Adolpho Lutz - Viagens por terra de bichos e homens - v.3, Livro 3 "], ["doab_id", "16357"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414057"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414057"]], [["description", "It is well known that Theodor W. Adorno\u2019s aesthetic theory is grounded in his profound musical knowledge. The importance of music for Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lyotard, however, has not been adequately recognized until today; neither has the fact that Lyotard was strongly influenced by Adorno. Tracing back the development of Lyotard\u2019s thought from his \u201cpagan\u201d beginnings to his late conception of an informal art, the book intends to initiate an adequate reception of Lyotard\u2019s \u0153uvre from a musicological viewpoint. Moreover, as a first comprehensive comparison of Lyotard\u2018s and Adorno\u2019s theories on art, the study contributes to the exploration of Critical Theory\u2019s reception in France.

Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass Theodor W. Adorno seine \u00e4sthetische Theorie auf Basis profunder Musikkenntnisse entwickelte. Dass die Musik auch f\u00fcr Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lyotard von besonderer Wichtigkeit war und er stark von Adorno beeinflusst wurde, wurde bis heute allerdings kaum entsprechend wahrgenommen. Durch den Vergleich mit der Musikphilosophie Adornos intendiert dieses Buch eine ad\u00e4quate Rezeption des Werkes von Lyotard aus musikwissenschaftlicher Sicht zu initiieren, wobei es dessen Entwicklung von den \"heidnischen\" Anf\u00e4ngen bis zur sp\u00e4ten Konzeption einer \"informellen\" Kunst nachzeichnet. Als erster umfassender Vergleich der \u00c4sthetik beider Denker leistet es auch einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Rezeption der Kritischen Theorie in Frankreich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kogler ,Susanne"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Adorno, Lyotard, Aesthetics, Postmodernism, Modernism, Contemporary Music", "Adorno, Lyotard, \u00c4sthetik, Postmoderne, Moderne, zeitgen\u00f6ssische Musik"]], ["publisher", "Verlag Karl Alber"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496956"], ["title", "Adorno versus Lyotard"], ["doab_id", "16792"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783495485293"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783495485293"]], [["description", "The discovery that mammalian brains contain neural stem cells which perform adult neurogenesis - the production and integration of new neurons into mature neural circuits - has provided a fully new vision of neural plasticity. On a theoretical basis, this achievement opened new perspectives for therapeutic approaches in restorative and regenerative neurology. Nevertheless, in spite of striking advancement concerning the molecular and cellular mechanisms which allow and regulate the neurogenic process, its exploitation in mammals for brain repair strategies remains unsolved. In non-mammalian vertebrates, adult neurogenesis also contributes to brain repair/regeneration. In mammals, neural stem cells do respond to pathological conditions in the so called \"reactive neurogenesis\", yet without substantial regenerative outcome. Why, even in the presence of stem cells in the brain, we lack an effective reparative outcome in terms of regenerative neurology, and which factors hamper the attainment of this goal? Essentially, what remains unanswered is the question whether (and how) physiological functions of adult neurogenesis in mammals can be exploited for brain repair purposes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paolo Peretto; Luca Bonfanti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["brain repair", "Neurodegenerative Diseases", "Regenerative Medicine", "therapeutic approaches", "Neural Stem Cells", "cell therapy", "brain evolution", "Cell specification", "cell migration", "structural plasticity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1785/adult-neurogenesis-twenty-years-later-physiological-function-versus-brain-repair"], ["title", "Adult neurogenesis twenty years later: physiological function versus brain repair"], ["doab_id", "17682"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194940"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194940"]], [["description", "This book is intended to help students prepare for entrance examinations in mathematics and scientific subjects, including STEP (Sixth Term Examination Papers). STEP examinations are used by Cambridge colleges as the basis for conditional offers in mathematics and sometimes in other mathematics-related subjects. They are also used by Warwick University, and many other mathematics departments recommend that their applicants practice on past papers to become accustomed to university-style mathematics.Advanced Problems in Mathematics is recommended as preparation for any undergraduate mathematics course, even for students who do not plan to take the Sixth Term Examination Paper. The questions analysed in this book are all based on recent STEP questions selected to address the syllabus for Papers I and II, which is the A-level core (i.e. C1 to C4) with a few additions. Each question is followed by a comment and a full solution. The comments direct the reader\u2019s attention to key points and put the question in its true mathematical context. The solutions point students to the methodology required to address advanced mathematical problems critically and independently."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Siklos, Stephen (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Advanced mathematical problems, STEP examinations, undergraduate mathematics course, calculus, geometry, probability and statistics"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/342"], ["title", "Advanced Problems in Mathematics: Preparing for University"], ["doab_id", "18554"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741427", "9781783741441"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741427 9781783741441"]], [["description", "As the Century of Biology begins to bear fruit, through the translation of predictive biological understanding into applications that enhance the human condition and maintain biodiversity, the almost infinite potential of marine biological resources will be unlocked. Although Marine Biotechnology already has delivered products for medicine, food, bioenergy, nanomaterials, and bioremediation, less than 5% of our vast oceanic environment has been explored. Marine Biotechnology is a scientifically and economically expanding enterprise that is poised to harness the enormous but uncharted functional diversity of marine life, with its novel and rich array of biodesigns and biosynthetic capabilities. From this pursuit comes new genes, chemicals, materials, and inspirations for the benefit of industry, nutrition, and medicine, and which enable the sustainable use and management of the world\u2019s oceans. This Special Issue in Marine Drugs highlights the cutting-edge developments in Marine Biotechnology with a collection of papers written by authors who are leading experts in the field, including selected papers from the 10th International Marine Biotechnology Conference (IMBC-2013), the premier meeting in marine biotechnology, which is held under the auspices of the International Marine Biotechnology Association."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["marine biotechnology,marine microbiology, marine drugs, bioactive compounds and bioproducts, marine genomics, marine metagenomics, \u2018omics\u2019 in marine biotechnology, drug discovery and development, biomaterials and nanobiotechnology, biomineralization, biomineral and biomarker, marine venoms, toxins and enzyme inhibitors, drug design and synthesis based on marine natural products, structural and functional characterization of marine drugs"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/138"], ["title", "Advances and New Perspectives in Marine Biotechnology"], ["doab_id", "17521"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421061", "9783038421092"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421061/9783038421092"]], [["description", "As the Century of Biology begins to bear fruit, through the translation of predictive biological understanding into applications that enhance the human condition and maintain biodiversity, the almost infinite potential of marine biological resources will be unlocked. Although Marine Biotechnology already has delivered products for medicine, food, bioenergy, nanomaterials, and bioremediation, less than 5% of our vast oceanic environment has been explored. Marine Biotechnology is a scientifically and economically expanding enterprise that is poised to harness the enormous but uncharted functional diversity of marine life, with its novel and rich array of biodesigns and biosynthetic capabilities. From this pursuit comes new genes, chemicals, materials, and inspirations for the benefit of industry, nutrition, and medicine, and which enable the sustainable use and management of the world\u2019s oceans. This Special Issue in Marine Drugs highlights the cutting-edge developments in Marine Biotechnology with a collection of papers written by authors who are leading experts in the field, including selected papers from the 10th International Marine Biotechnology Conference (IMBC-2013), the premier meeting in marine biotechnology, which is held under the auspices of the International Marine Biotechnology Association."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["marine biotechnology,marine microbiology, marine drugs, bioactive compounds and bioproducts, marine genomics, marine metagenomics, \u2018omics\u2019 in marine biotechnology, drug discovery and development, biomaterials and nanobiotechnology, biomineralization, biomineral and biomarker, marine venoms, toxins and enzyme inhibitors, drug design and synthesis based on marine natural products, structural and functional characterization of marine drugs"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/139"], ["title", "Advances and New Perspectives in Marine Biotechnology"], ["doab_id", "17522"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421078", "9783038421108"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421078/9783038421108 "]], [["description", "Aspergillus fumigatus is a human fungal pathogen that causes invasive aspergillosis (IA), a major infectious cause of death in the expanding population of immunocompromised individuals such as cancer patients and transplant recipients. The mortality of IA remains high (30-70%) and emerging resistance to triazoles, the first-line antifungal drug class, is of particular concern. Second-line therapies for IA are limited by their toxicity (polyenes) or their lack of fungicidal activity (echinocandins). Identification of novel antifungal targets is an urgent need for improving the outcome of IA. A. fumigatus is a filamentous fungus exhibiting a complex developmental cycle and elaborated mechanisms of adaptation to allow the initiation and progression of infection in the human host. The fungal cell wall, with its unique and dynamic structure, is crucial for protecting cell integrity and evading the host immune system, also contributing to biofilm formation and virulence, and thus representing an ideal antifungal target. The emergence of azole resistance implies various and complex mechanisms that need to be further elucidated. Other important processes, such as biosynthetic pathways and toxin/metabolite production are important for fungal survival and propagation in the host environment, ultimately leading to disease. Moreover, the host immune response is a determinant factor in influencing the course of infection. The objective of this topic issue is to provide an overview of the recent advances in our understanding of A. fumigatus pathobiology and of IA pathogenesis to outline future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frederic Lamoth; Praveen R. Juvvadi; William J. Steinbach"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Aspergillus fumigatus", "invasive aspergillosis", "antifungal resistance", "Fungal Virulence", "Fungal cell wall"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3334/advances-in-aspergillus-fumigatus-pathobiology"], ["title", "Advances in Aspergillus fumigatus pathobiology"], ["doab_id", "18904"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197897"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197897"]], [["description", "Catalyst deactivation, the loss over time of catalytic activity and/or selectivity, is a problem of great and continuing concern in the practice of industrial catalytic processes. Costs to industry for catalyst replacement and process shutdown total tens of billions of dollars per year. While catalyst deactivation is inevitable for most processes, some of its immediate, drastic consequences may be avoided, postponed, or even reversed. Accordingly, there is considerable motivation to better understand catalyst decay and regeneration. Indeed, the science of catalyst deactivation and regeneration has been developing rapidly as evidenced by the considerable literature addressing this topic, including 21,000 journal articles, presentations, reports, reviews, and books; and more than 29,000 patents for the period of 1980 to 2012. This developing science provides the foundation for continuing, substantial improvements in the efficiency and economics of catalytic processes through development of catalyst deactivation models, more stable catalysts, and regeneration processes.This special issue focuses on recent advances in catalyst deactivation and regeneration, including advances in (1) scientific understanding of mechanisms; (2) development of improved methods and tools for investigation; and (3) more robust models of deactivation and regeneration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["catalyst deactivation, catalyst regeneration, deactivation and regeneration, catalyst, catalyst deactivation and regeneration in: mechanisms, models, methods of study, kinetics, poisoning, sintering, fouling, mechanical degradation, stability improvements, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Methanol synthesis, Hydrotreating, Selective catalytic reduction of NOx"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/203"], ["title", "Advances in Catalyst Deactivation"], ["doab_id", "19116"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421870", "9783038421887"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421870/9783038421887"]], [["description", "16th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 18\u201322, 1996, Proceedings"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Neal Koblitz"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["cryptoanalysis", " cryptographic protocols", " data encryption", " digital signatures", " quantum cryptography"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-540-68697-2"], ["title", "Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '96"], ["doab_id", "16193"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783540615125", "9783540686972"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783540615125 (Print) 9783540686972 (Online)"]], [["description", "This eBook provides a compendium of the current state-of-the-art in research tools for, and understanding of, the critical research areas in epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) with a strong emphasis on (HG-SOC). Research areas covered include therapy response and development, microenvironmental influences and the etiology and progression of EOC. Ten articles detail established and novel in vivo and in vitro model systems. These include primary and immortalized cell culture in 2D and 3D as well as genetically engineered, transgenic, spontaneous, syngeneic, classical xenograft and patient derived xenograft mouse models. The generation of genetically engineered mouse models of HG-SOC has been a major dilemma as models with the oncogenic aberrations common in the human malignancy do not accurately recapitulate HG-SOC. Conversely, commonly used HG-SOC cell lines have been found to not harbor the expected genetic changes. These issues as well as the rapid acceptance of patient derived xenograft models are reviewed. Five articles discuss different aspects of the tumor microenvironment including its role in therapy resistance, disease progression and metastasis. Mutation of BRCA1/2 continues to be the best defined risk factor for HG-SOC. Three articles discuss BRCA-loss in the context of disease development, targeted therapies and changes in preventative measures proposed for mutation carriers in light of the recent advances in knowledge regarding the origins of this malignancy. An image of HG-SOC with patchy BRCA1 expression is featured on the cover (image by VM Howell). A major clinical issue for patients with HG-SOC is the development of therapy resistance. Five articles focus on therapy resistance and different ways to overcome resistance. Overall, this eBook is an outstanding resource to aid researchers design their programs of research and determine the most appropriate and up-to-date EOC model systems to address their research questions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Viive Maarika Howell; Ben Davidson; Tian-Li Wang; Christina Annunziata"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["ovarian cancer", "mouse models of ovarian cancer", "patient derived xenografts", "tumour microenvironment", "Ascites", "3D-cell culture", "primary ovarian tumour cells", "fallopian tube", "chemoresistance", "BRCA", "Ovarian cancer stem cells", "tumor-associated macrophage"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1217/advances-in-epithelial-ovarian-cancer-model-systems-microenvironmental-influences-therapy-and-origin"], ["title", "Advances in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Model Systems, Microenvironmental Influences, Therapy, and Origins"], ["doab_id", "18888"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197699"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197699"]], [["description", "The history of livestock started with the domestication of their wild ancestors: a restricted number of species allowed to be tamed and entered a symbiotic relationship with humans. In exchange for food, shelter and protection, they provided us with meat, eggs, hides, wool and draught power, thus contributing considerably to our economic and cultural development. Depending on the species, domestication took place in different areas and periods. After domestication, livestock spread over all inhabited regions of the earth, accompanying human migrations and becoming also trade objects. This required an adaptation to different climates and varying styles of husbandry and resulted in an enormous phenotypic diversity. Approximately 200 years ago, the situation started to change with the rise of the concept of breed. Animals were selected for the same visible characteristics, and crossing with different phenotypes was reduced. This resulted in the formation of different breeds, mostly genetically isolated from other populations. A few decades ago, selection pressure was increased again with intensive production focusing on a limited range of types and a subsequent loss of genetic diversity. For short-term economic reasons, farmers have abandoned traditional breeds. As a consequence, during the 20th century, at least 28% of farm animal breeds became extinct, rare or endangered. The situation is alarming in developing countries, where native breeds adapted to local environments and diseases are being replaced by industrial breeds. In the most marginal areas, farm animals are considered to be essential for viable land use and, in the developing world, a major pathway out of poverty. Historic documentation from the period before the breed formation is scarce. Thus, reconstruction of the history of livestock populations depends on archaeological, archeo-zoological and DNA analysis of extant populations. Scientific research into genetic diversity takes advantage of the rapid advances in molecular genetics. Studies of mitochondrial DNA, microsatellite DNA profiling and Y-chromosomes have revealed details on the process of domestication, on the diversity retained by breeds and on relationships between breeds. However, we only see a small part of the genetic information and the advent of new technologies is most timely in order to answer many essential questions. High-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping is about to be available for all major farm animal species. The recent development of sequencing techniques calls for new methods of data management and analysis and for new ideas for the extraction of information. To make sense of this information in practical conditions, integration of geo-environmental and socio-economic data are key elements. The study and management of farm animal genomic resources (FAnGR) is indeed a major multidisciplinary issue. The goal of the present Research Topic was to collect contributions of high scientific quality relevant to biodiversity management, and applying new methods to either new genomic and bioinformatics approaches for characterization of FAnGR, to the development of FAnGR conservation methods applied ex-situ and in-situ, to socio-economic aspects of FAnGR conservation, to transfer of lessons between wildlife and livestock biodiversity conservation, and to the contribution of FAnGR to a transition in agriculture (FAnGR and agro-ecology)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stephane Joost; Michael W. Bruford; Ino Curik; Juha Kantanen; Johannes A. Lenstra; Johann Solkner; Goran Andersson; Philippe V. Baret; Nadine Buys; Jutta Roosen; Michele Tixier-Boichard; Paolo Ajmone Marsan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Farm animal genomic resources (FAnGR)", "conservation of genomic diversity", "data integration", "GIS", "next generation sequencing", "Social Sciences", "Disease Resistance", "sustainable breeding", "Decision Making", "Polygenic adaptive and economic traits"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2123/advances-in-farm-animal-genomic-resources"], ["title", "Advances in Farm Animal Genomic Resources"], ["doab_id", "18855"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197354"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197354"]], [["description", "Recently, biomass-based polymers from renewable resources have received increasing focus owing to the depletion of petroleum resources. Natural polysaccharides such as cellulose,hemicellulose, and starch are among the candidates from natural resources for biomass polysaccharide products including bioplastics. Although several kinds of neutral or anionicpolysaccharides such as chitin, alginic acid, hyaluronic acid, heparin, and chondroitin sulfate exist in nature, natural cationic polysaccharides are quite limited. Chitin is second only tocellulose as the most natural abundant polysaccharide in the world. Chitosan, the product from the N-deacetylatation of chitin, appears to be the only natural cationic polysaccharide.Therefore, chitin and chitosan due to their unique properties are expected to continue to offer a vast number of possible applications for not only chemical or industrial use, but alsobiomedicine. The research history on chitins, one of the most major and abundant natural polysaccharides on earth, started around 1970. Since the 1980s, chitin and chitosan research(including D-glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and their oligomers) has progressed significantly over several stages in both fundamental research and industrial fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["chitin, chitosan, chito-oligosaccharide, glucosamine, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, chemical modification, controlled drug delivery, hydrogels"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/172"], ["title", "Advances in Marine Chitin and Chitosan"], ["doab_id", "19044"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421306", "9783038421290"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421306/9783038421290"]], [["description", "Mental chronometry encompasses all aspects of time processing in the nervous system and constitutes a standard tool in many disciplines including theoretical and experimental psychology and human neuroscience. Mental chronometry has represented a fundamental approach to elucidate the time course of many cognitive phenomena and their underlying neural circuits over more than a century. Nowadays, mental chronometry continues evolving and expanding our knowledge, and our understanding of the temporal organization of the brain in combination with different neuroscience techniques and advanced methods in mathematical analysis. In research on mental chronometry, human reaction/responses times play a central role. Together with reaction times, other topics in mental chronometry include vocal, manual and saccadic latencies, subjective time, psychological time, interval timing, time perception, internal clock, time production, time representation, time discrimination, time illusion, temporal summation, temporal integration, temporal judgment, redundant signals effect, perceptual, decision and motor time, etc. The aim of this research topic is to provide an overview of the state of the art in this field?its relevance, recent findings, current challenges, perspectives and future directions. Thus, as a result, a collection of 14 original research and opinion papers from different experts have been gathered together in a single volume. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jose M Medina; Willy Wong; Jose A Diaz; Hans Colonius"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["mental chronometry", "Simple and choice reaction time", "Timing and Time perception", "Sensory Perception", "Cognition", "human performance", "variability", "power laws", "stochastic models", "Decision Making"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2046/advances-in-modern-mental-chronometry"], ["title", "Advances in Modern Mental Chronometry"], ["doab_id", "18555"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195664"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195664"]], [["description", "This edited volume contains the selected papers presented at the scientific board meeting of the German Cluster of Excellence on \u201cIntegrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries\u201d, held in November 2014. The topical structure of the book is clustered in six sessions: Integrative Production Technology, Individualised Production, Virtual Production Systems, Integrated Technologies, Self-Optimising Production Systems and Human Factors in Production Technology. The Aachen perspective on a holistic theory of production is complemented by conference papers from external leading researchers in the fields of production, materials science and bordering disciplines. The target audience primarily comprises research experts and practitioners in the field but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian Brecher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Manufacturing, Machines, Tools", " Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management", " Machinery and Machine Elements "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12304-2"], ["title", "Advances in Production Technology"], ["doab_id", "17319"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319123035", "9783319123042"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319123035 (Print) 9783319123042 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume is the first ever collection devoted to the field of proof-theoretic semantics. Contributions address topics including the systematics of introduction and elimination rules and proofs of normalization, the categorial characterization of deductions, the relation between Heyting's and Gentzen's approaches to meaning, knowability paradoxes, proof-theoretic foundations of set theory, Dummett's justification of logical laws, Kreisel's theory of constructions, paradoxical reasoning, and the defence of model theory.The field of proof-theoretic semantics has existed for almost 50 years, but the term itself was proposed by Schroeder-Heister in the 1980s. Proof-theoretic semantics explains the meaning of linguistic expressions in general and of logical constants in particular in terms of the notion of proof. This volume emerges from presentations at the Second International Conference on Proof-Theoretic Semantics in T\u00fcbingen in 2013, where contributing authors were asked to provide a self-contained description and analysis of a significant research question in this area. The contributions are representative of the field and should be of interest to logicians, philosophers, and mathematicians alike."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Piecha; Peter Schroeder-Heister"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["logic", " mathematics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-22686-6"], ["title", "Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics"], ["doab_id", "19128"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319226859", "9783319226866"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319226859 (Print) 9783319226866 (Online)"]], [["description", "The seed plays a fundamental role in plant reproduction as well as a key source of energy, nutrients and raw materials for developing and sustaining humanity. With an expanding and generally more affluent world population projected to reach nine billion by mid-century, coupled to diminishing availability of inputs, agriculture is facing increasing challenges to ensure sufficient grain production. A deeper understanding of seed development, evolution and physiology will undoubtedly provide a fundamental basis to improve plant breeding practices and ultimately crop yields. Recent advances in genetic, biochemical, molecular and physiological research, mostly brought about by the deployment of novel high-throughput and high-sensitivity technologies, have begun to uncover and connect the molecular networks that control and integrate different aspects of seed development and help determine the economic value of grain crops with unprecedented details. The objective of this e-book is to provide a compilation of original research articles, reviews, hypotheses and perspectives that have recently been published in Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Evolution and Development as part of the Research Topic entitled \"Advances in Seed Biology\". Editing this Research Topic has been an extremely interesting, educational and rewarding experience, and we sincerely thank all authors who contributed their expertise and in-depth knowledge of the different topics discussed. We hope that the information presented here will help to establish the state of the art of this field and will convey how exciting and important studying seeds is and hopefully will stimulate a new crop of scientists devoted to investigating the biology of seeds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paolo A. Sabelli; Brian A. Larkins"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["seed development", "Endosperm", "embryo", "seed coat", "dormancy", "Germination", "Storage proteins", "Seed Epigenetics", "seed metabolites", "Cell Cycle"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2221/advances-in-seed-biology"], ["title", "Advances in Seed Biology"], ["doab_id", "19573"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196753"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196753"]], [["description", "Aims and Scope: The Research Topic is designed to feature the latest innovative and leading-edge research, reviews and opinions on the study of complex and dynamic processes related to the mammalian immune system and cancer. All papers were meticulously selected to present our readers the multidisciplinary approach to tackle the existing challenges faced in these important fields. From high throughput experimental methodologies to computational and theoretical approaches, the articles are intended to introduce physicists, chemists, computer scientists, biologists and immunologists the idea of systems biology approach to the understanding of mammalian immune system and cancer processes. Attention was given to works that developed more effective approaches to the treatment of proinflammatory disease and cancer. The strong interdisciplinary focus will discuss biological systems at the level from a few molecules to the entire organism. Specific focus domain includes: Innate and adaptive immunity, cancer and cancer stem cell, genomic, proteomic and metabolic analysis, imaging, biophysics of immune and cancer response, computational modeling, non-linear analysis, statistical analysis, translational and disease models Types of articles: Viewpoint, commentaries, research letters, research articles, review and methodologies"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Masaru Tomita; Kumar Selvarajoo; Masa Tsuchiya"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Systems Biology", "High dimensional data", "immunology", "Cancer", "plasticity", "Computational Biology", "statistics", "Nonparametric"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/131/advances-in-systems-immunology-and-cancer"], ["title", "Advances in Systems Immunology and Cancer"], ["doab_id", "18575"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193134"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193134"]], [["description", "\" The Siouan family comprises some twenty languages, historically spoken across a broad swath of the central North American plains and woodlands, as well as in parts of the southeastern United States.In spite of its geographical extent and diversity, and the size and importance of several Siouan-speaking tribes, this family has received relatively little attention in the linguistic literature and many of the individual Siouan languages are severely understudied. This volume aims to make work on Siouan languages more broadly available and to encourage deeper investigation of the myriad typological, theoretical, descriptive, and pedagogical issues they raise.The 17 chapters in this volume present a broad range of current Siouan research, focusing on various Siouan languages, from a variety of linguistic perspectives: historical-genetic, philological, applied, descriptive, formal/generative, and comparative/typological. The editors' preface summarizes characteristic features of the Siouan family, including head-final and \"\"verb-centered\"\" syntax, a complex system of verbal affixes including applicatives and subject-possessives, head-internal relative clauses, gendered speech markers, stop-systems including ejectives, and a preference for certain prosodic and phonotactic patterns.The volume is dedicated to the memory of Professor Robert L. Rankin, a towering figure in Siouan linguistics throughout his long career, who passed away in February of 2014.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rudin ,Catherine (ed.); Gordon James ,Bryan (ed.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Siouan languages", "historical-genetic linguistics", "philological linguistics", "applied linguistics", "descriptive linguistics", "formal/generative linguistics", "comparative/typological linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611691"], ["title", "Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics"], ["doab_id", "19068"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234371", "9783946234388"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234371 9783946234388"]], [["description", "Advances in modern sciences occur thanks to within-fields discoveries as well as confrontation of concepts and methods from separated, sometimes distant, domains of knowledge. For instance, the fields of psychology and psychopathology benefited from accumulated contributions from cognitive neurosciences, which, in turn, received insights from molecular chemistry, cellular biology, physics (neuroimaging), statistics and computer sciences (data processing), etc. From the results of these researches, one can argue that among the numerous cognitive phenomena supposedly involved in the emergence the human intelligence and organized behavior, some of them are specific to the social nature of our phylogenetic order. Scientific reductionism allowed to divide the social cognitive system into several components, i.e. emotion processing and regulation, mental state inference (theory of mind), agency, etc. New paradigms were progressively designed to investigate these processes within highly-controlled laboratory settings. Moreover, the related constructs were successful at better understanding psychopathological conditions such as autism and schizophrenia, with partial relationships with illness outcomes. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eric Brunet-Gouet; Ali Oker; Jean-Claude Martin; Ouriel Grynszpan; Philip L. Jackson"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["social cognition", "virtual reality", "Affective Computing", "Avatar", "augmented reality", "cognitive training", "Schizophrenia", "autism", "Mental Disorders"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1850/advances-in-virtual-agents-and-affective-computing-for-the-understanding-and-remediation-of-social-c"], ["title", "Advances in Virtual Agents and Affective Computing for the Understanding and Remediation of Social Cognitive Disorders"], ["doab_id", "18902"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197873"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197873"]], [["description", "This proceedings is a collection of 46 selected papers that were presented at the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium (IWGS). Since the launch of the wheat genome sequencing project in 2005, the arrival of draft genome sequences has marked a new era in wheat genetics and genomics, catalyzing rapid advancement in the field. This book provides a comprehensive review of the forefront of wheat research, across various important topics such as germplasm and genetic diversity, cytogenetics and allopolyploid evolution, genome sequencing, structural and functional genomics, gene function and molecular biology, biotic stress, abiotic stress, grain quality, and classical and molecular breeding. Following an introduction, 9 parts of the book are dedicated to each of these topics. A final, 11th part entitled \u201cToward Sustainable Wheat Production\u201d contains 7 excellent papers that were presented in the 12th IWGS Special Session supported by the OECD. With rapid population growth and radical climate changes, the world faces a global food crisis and is in need of another Green Revolution to boost yields of wheat and other widely grown staple crops. Although this book focuses on wheat, many of the newly developed techniques and results presented here can be applied to other plant species with large and complex genomes. As such, this volume is highly recommended for all students and researchers in wheat sciences and related plant sciences and for those who are interested in stable food production and food security."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yasunari Ogihara; Shigeo Takumi; Hirokazu Handa"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["plant genetics", " plant genomics", " agriculture"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-4-431-55675-6"], ["title", "Advances in Wheat Genetics: From Genome to Field: Proceedings of the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium"], ["doab_id", "19233"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431556749", "9784431556756"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431556749 (Print) 9784431556756 (Online)"]], [["description", "This new, completely revised and re-written edition of aesthetics and subjectivity brings up to date the original book's account of the path of German philosophy from Kant, via Fichte and Holderlin, the early Romantis, Schelling, Hegel, Schleimacher, to Nietzsche, in view of recent historical research and contemporary arguments in philosophy and theory in the humanities. The original book helped make subjectivity, aesthetics, music and language a significant part of debate in the humanity. Bowie develops the approaches to these areas in relation to new theoretical advances which bridge the divide between the continental and analytical traditions of philosophy. In light of the huge growth of interest in German philosophy as a resource for re-thinking both literary and cultural theory, and contemporary philosophy, aesthetics and subjectivity will be indispensable reading for students and teachers in all humanities subjects, from literature, to philosophy, to music and beyond."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bowie ,Andrew"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["aesthetics", "philosophy", "germany"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341319"], ["title", "Aesthetics and subjectivity"], ["doab_id", "12646"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719024450"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719024450"]], [["description", "A forma\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica do portugu\u00eas brasileiro deu-se em complexo contexto decontato entre l\u00ednguas. Dentre as diversas situa\u00e7\u00f5es de contato havidas, a doportugu\u00eas com l\u00ednguas africanas assume maior relev\u00e2ncia por ter sido generalizadano tempo e no espa\u00e7o. Africanos e afro-descendentes, no per\u00edodo que se estende dos\u00e9culo XVII ao s\u00e9culo XIX, correspondem juntos a cerca de 60% da popula\u00e7\u00e3obrasileira (cf. MUSSA, 1991). Contudo, a escrita da hist\u00f3ria ling\u00fc\u00edstica deste que \u00e9 o mais expressivo segmento formador da popula\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira era tarefa que secolocava no plano de uma reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o quase que exclusivamente a partir de'ind\u00edcios', uma tarefa n\u00e3o para historiadores, mas para arque\u00f3logos da l\u00ednguaportuguesa (cf. MATTOS E SILVA, 2002) (trecho retirado da Introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lobo, T\u00e2nia; Oliveira, Klebson"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/48"], ["title", "\u00c1frica \u00e0 vista: dez estudos sobre o portugu\u00eas escrito por africanos no Brasil do s\u00e9culo XIX"], ["doab_id", "16838"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208882"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208882"]], [["description", "This book addresses the conceptual difficulties and political contestations surrounding the applicability of the term \"African-Canadian.\" In the midst of this contested terrain, the volume focuses on first-generation, black continental Africans who have immigrated to Canada in the last four decades, and have traceable genealogical links to the continent. The rationale behind highlighting the experiences of the first generation of African immigrants within Canadian society is to address the empirical, conceptual, and methodological gaps in the literature that tends to homogenize all black people and their experiences. The book, thus, seeks to highlight the peculiar characteristics of continental Africans which may not be shared by other blacks or non-black Africans. The chapters examine the social constructions of African-Canadians and their experiences within the political and educational systems, as well as in the labour market. They also explore the forms of cooperation and tensions that characterize the communities, and how they negotiate and adapt to the multiple transnational spaces that they occupy. The book also explores the circumstances of their children, as they try to define their identities vis-\u00e0-vis their parents and the larger Canadian society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wisdom J. Tettey (Editor); Korbla P. Puplampu (Editor)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48644/5/UofCPress_AfricanDiaspora_2005.pdf"], ["title", "The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging "], ["doab_id", "15160"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385630"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385630 "]], [["description", "While there have been a number of specialized books in the field of comparative philosophy, and many in the field of comparative religion, there are few scholars who can address both disciplines. Furthermore, when these disciplines are virtually mutually exclusive, as in Western academia, a full appreciation of non-Western approaches to either religion or philosophy is not easily attained, and distortions, such as appropriation, often occur. Within the last ten years, there has been a concerted effort on the part of a number of Western scholars to try to address these deficiencies.A unique workshop held at the University of Calgary in 2007 marked the beginning of an interdisciplinary project to bring together scholars from both fields for discussion on a regular basis. After Appropriation consists of thirteen essays stemming from the workshop, each of which addresses an issue or illustrates a problem in the interdisciplinary field of comparative religion and philosophy as it is presently conceived. Many misappropriations and exclusions have arisen from the Western tendency to reduce and manipulate the ideas and values of non-Western religions and philosophies to fit within Western concepts and categories. How might comparative philosophy and religion change if the concepts and categories of non-Western philosophies and religions were taken as primary? This book explores this question through analytic and phenomenological Western approaches, infused with fresh strategies and modalities derived from or inspired by non-Western traditions. In a world of increasing pluralism and continuing globalization, there is a growing need to elevate discussion of these issues to a more sophisticated level. A truly groundbreaking collection, After Appropriation inaugurates an entirely new integrative discipline of comparative religion and philosophy, and the exceptional calibre and wide spectrum of the books scholarship will stimulate and propel further interest in this pivotal and fruitful direction. Contributors: Tamara Albertini, Arindam Chakrabarti, Francis X. Clooney, Christopher G. Framarin, Katrin Froese, Morny Joy, Chen-kuo Lin, Dan Lusthaus, Michael McGhee, Michael Oppenheim, Tinu Ruparell, Vincent Shen, and Ahmad F. Yousif."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morny Joy (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48845/1/UofCPress_AfterAppropriation_2011.pdf"], ["title", "After Appropriation: Explorations in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion"], ["doab_id", "15153"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385845"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385845"]], [["description", "Television as we knew it is irrevocably changing. Some are gleefully announcing the death of television, others have been less sanguine but insist that television is radically changing underneath our eyes. Several excellent publications have dealt with television's uncertain condition, but few have taken the specific question of what television's transformations mean for the discipline of Television Studies as a starting point. The essays collected in this volume aim to fill this void. Two fundamental questions string the various contributions together. First, is television really in crisis or is the present not so extraordinary when revisiting television's development? Second, should we invent new theoretical concepts or are our old ones still perfectly relevant? To answer such questions the authors in this volume take up diverse case studies, ranging from the academic series Reading Contemporary Television to Flemish Fiction, from nostalgic programming on broadcast television to YouTube, from tell-sell television shows to public television art in the 1980s.

Over de onzekere toestand waarin het medium televisie zich bevindt zijn verschillende publicaties verschenen, slechts weinigen hebben zich de vraag gesteld wat deze veranderingen betekenen voor de televisiewetenschap. De auteurs van After the Break gaan in op de gevolgen voor dit vakgebied. Zit het medium echt in een crisis, of is de huidige situatie helemaal niet zo bijzonder als men naar de ontwikkeling kijkt die televisie door de jaren heen heeft ondergaan? En moeten er nieuwe theoretische kaders bedacht worden om het huidige medium te beoordelen, of zijn onze oude kaders nog relevant?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Valck ,Marijke de; Teurlings ,Jan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=445119"], ["title", "After the Break : Television Theory Today"], ["doab_id", "15377"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089645227"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645227"]], [["description", "Social democracy has made a political comeback in recent years, especially under the influence of the Third Way. Not everyone is convinced, however, that Third Way social democracy is the best means of reviving the Left's project. This book considers this dissent and offers an alternative approach. Bringing together a range of social and political theories, After the new social democracy engages with some of the most important contemporary debates regarding the present direction and future of the Left. Drawing upon egalitarian, feminist and environmental ideas it proposes that the social-democratic tradition can be renewed but only if the dominance of conservative ideas is challenged more effectively. It explores a number of issues with this aim in mind, including justice, the state, democracy, new technologies, future generations and the advances in genetics. Lively and authoritative, After the new social democracy offers a distinctive contribution to political ideas. It will appeal to all of those interested in politics, philosophy, social policy and social studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fitzpatrick ,Tony"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["welfare", "gender, democratisation", "globalisation"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341320"], ["title", "After the new social democracy: Social welfare for the 21st century"], ["doab_id", "12647"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064760"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064760"]], [["description", "Could there have been television without California? California without television? The one shows the other: the ostentatiously novel singularity of the place and the seemingly self-effacing transparency of the medium. Yet if television and California both promise again and again to offer us something new, young, immaculate in its transience \u2014 a pure surface that will never get caught in the ditch of time \u2014 they are also both haunted through and through: by the itinerant contents of the past that they cannot banish, by memories of the infantile-perverse utopian fantasies that taunt us in constant replay (\u201cIf you\u2019re going to San Francisco\u2026,\u201d \u201ctwo girls for every guy\u201d), by the contradiction played out in the very gesture of dismissing history and leaving the dead to bury the dead. California and television, as it were, conspire in a vampirologic: the forever-young is what has been there the longest, what really \u201ctakes us back.\u201d And so we also will take ourselves back: to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, already almost charmingly quaint, and Walter Benjamin\u2019s magnum opus The Origin of the German Mourning-Play. What can come of this improbable conjunction? It will not seem too strange that Benjamin, posthumous wanderer across the textures of Americana, should again take up lodging at the Hotel California. But more is at stake than just another hapless visitation from the on high of high theory: reading Buffy as the remediated afterlife of the dead-on-arrival genre of the baroque German mourning play, Adler\u2019s book records the first broken, awkward steps toward a project that, with the recent rise of \u201cquality television,\u201d seems more urgent than ever before: a political-theological characteristic of the television series."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anthony Curtis Adler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Buffy the Vampire Slayer, California, cultural studies, television, tragedy, trauerspiel, Walter Benjamin"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/afterlife-genre/"], ["title", "The Afterlife of Genre: Remnants of the Trauerspiel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer"], ["doab_id", "16061"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615955742"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615955742"]], [["description", "Aftershocks was written in the midst of the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Although it would be premature to presume to identify the repercussions of the crisis, it is clear that it will have profound aftershock effects in the political, economic, and social spheres. The book contains essays based on semi-structured interviews with leading scholars, European politicians and representatives from the world of business. They reflect on the origins of the crisis as well as the possible social, economic, and political transformations it may engender.

Aftershocks werd geschreven op het hoogtepunt van de grootste economische crisis sinds de grote depressie. Hoewel het voorbarig zou zijn aan te nemen dat de gevolgen van de crisis al in volle omvang duidelijk zijn, is het overduidelijk dat zij ingrijpende effecten zal hebben op politiek, economisch en sociaal gebied. Het boek bevat essays gebaseerd op interviews met vooraanstaande geleerden, Europese politici en vertegenwoordigers uit de wereld van het bedrijfsleven. Zij vertellen over de oorsprong van de crisis, maar ook over de mogelijke sociale, economische en politieke veranderingen die zij zal voortbrengen. Deze reflecties laten zien dat terugkeer naar de oplossingen voor de crisis van de jaren 1980 en 90, noch de herinrichting naar voorbeeld van de jaren 1950 en 60 de oplossingen bieden die wij nodig hebben om op binnenlands of mondiaal niveau deze crisis aan te pakken. Nodig blijkt namelijk dat de rol van de overheid en politieke soevereiniteit opnieuw uitgevonden moet worden om zo de crisis het hoofd te kunnen bieden. Een selectie uit de bijdragen: - Econoom Willem Buiter (LSE) spoort ons aan de unieke kansen die de crisis biedt om markten opnieuw te reguleren niet voorbij te laten gaan. Als nationale en internationale beleidsmakers niet nu handelen, bestaat het gevaar dat de instabiliteit van v\u00f3\u00f3r de crisis terugkeert. - Politieke wetenschapper Suzanne Berger (MIT) laat zien wat de nationale ruimte voor sociale en economische verandering is in een langere periode van lage groei. - Oud-voorzitter van de Europese Commissie Jacques Delors ziet in de crisis een verkapte zegen. Een periode van lage groei dwingt politici te zoeken naar andere succesindicatoren dan het bruto nationaal product, zoals op het gebied van milieu en welzijn. - Econoom Barry Eichengreen (Berkeley) zet de huidige crisis af tegen de Grote Depressie van de jaren dertig en de stagflatiecrisis van de jaren zeventig. Ook schetst hij de politieke en economische voorwaarden voor herstel. - Politieke wetenschapper Peter A. Hall (Harvard) stelt dat de crisis bij uitstek ook een politiek probleem is: de staat moet op zoek naar nieuwe legitimiteit. - Econoom Dani Rodrik (Harvard) pleit voor een 'kapitalisme 3.0' dat economische globalisering en nationale diversiteit met elkaar in balans brengt. - Socioloog Richard Sennett (LSE) vindt dat de crisis de morele superioriteit van het vrije-marktdenken heeft ondermijnd maar tegelijkertijd kansen biedt voor een betere verdeling van welvaart en welzijn. Deze, en nog veel meer kwesties komen aan bod in essays van Tony Atkinson, Nancy Birdsall, Amy Chua, Amitai Etzioni, Paul de Grauwe, Anthony Giddens, Andr\u00e9 Sapir, Mark Elchardus, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Charles Maier, Dominique Mo\u00efsi, Stephen Roach, Maria Jo\u00e3o Rodrigues, Helmut Schmidt, David Soskice, Fritz Scharpf en Loukas Tsoukalis. Aftershocks wordt ingeleid door Anton Hemerijck. Het boek sluit af met een beschouwing van Ben Knapen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hemerijck ,Anton; Knapen ,Ben; Doorne van ,Ellen"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Economie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341461"], ["title", "Aftershocks : Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice"], ["doab_id", "15186"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089641922"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641922"]], [["description", "SHARE is an international survey designed to answer the societal challenges that face us due to rapid population ageing. How do we Europeans age? How will we do economically, socially and healthwise? How are these domains interrelated? The authors of this multidisciplinary book have taken a further big step towards answering these questions based on the recent SHARE data in order to support policies for an inclusive society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "B\u00f6rsch-Supan, Axel; Kneip, Thorsten; Litwin, Howard; Myck, Michal; Weber, Guglielmo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Europe, Aging, Demography"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462442"], ["title", "Ageing in Europe. Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society"], ["doab_id", "17941"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110444124", "9783110444414", "9783110437041"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110444124, 9783110444414, 9783110437041"]], [["description", "Considering the abundant promises and euphoric expectations (as well as apocalyptic visions of technology) that still dominate discourses on media and technology my analysis focuses on their cultural and social condition, the specific moment of their emergence, their continuous persistence, their socio-symbolic function, and their implications for social contexts of thought and perception and for hegemonic relations. The techno-deterministic notion of a \u201aparadigm change', the proclamation of a \u201aradically new' definition of the subject and the idea of a technically conditioned abolition of traditional dichotomies is in fact contrasted by a striking adherence to conventional and dichotome models of thought and of representation, and to the idea of an autonomous and technologically perfectionable subject.My analysis will on the one hand focus on the function of exaggerated visions of technological development (predicating a dissolution of space, time, matter and identity) and the function of ideas of \u201aalternative', \u201avirtual' \u201aspaces' for establishing specific notions of \u201asociety' - indicating a specific relation of phantasm and symptom as I will show. On the other hand I will develop the definition of a political subject - not conceived as a sovereign actor, nor as an arbitrary variety, but rather as constituted on the basis of a structural impossibility inherent in language and which alone can be, due to this very impossibility or antagonism a subject of the political. In the course of this argument the notion of sexual difference will be critically revised. Furthermore I will develop a definition of agency adequate to provide the grounds and the argumentative tools for the contestability of cultural and social constructs. My emphasis will be on the interdependencies of these questions and I will base my arguments on a notion of Cyberspace that defines it as a socio-symbolic construct comprising both technical implementations as well as the respective discourses and which continuously has to be negotiated. My approach combines structural psychoanalytical theory, hegemony studies, art theory, film theory, media studies, gender studies and cultural studies. As a transdisciplinary critical theory of representation and considering its statement of problems, as well as its focus, it differs from predominant approaches to current developments of technology to create perspectives on current technological dispositives and media constellations beyond prevalent techno-euphoric or pessimistic views.

Ausgangspunkt meiner Analyse sind die mit der Idee eines Cyberspace nach wie vor verkn\u00fcpften utopisch wie auch dystopisch \u00fcberfrachteten Projektionen hinsichtlich ihrer kulturellen und ideologischen Beschaffenheit, des Zeitpunktes ihres Auftretens, ihrer anhaltenden Persistenz, ihrer sozio-symbolischen Funktion sowie ihrer Implikationen f\u00fcr gesellschaftliche Denk- und Wahrnehmungszusammenh\u00e4nge. Technikdeterministische Vorstellungen eines \u201aParadigmenwechsels', die Proklamierung einer technologisch bedingten \u201aNeudefinition' des Subjekts, die Idee einer Aufl\u00f6sung klassischer Dichotomien und einer Grenz\u00fcberschreitung von Raum, Zeit, Materie und Identit\u00e4t stehen in deutlichem Widerspruch zur tats\u00e4chlich beobachtbaren Reproduktion nicht nur konventioneller und dichotomer Denkmodelle und Repr\u00e4sentationsformen, sondern der Idee eines autonomen und technologisch perfektionierbaren Subjekts, die angesichts ihrer zentralen Rolle in aktuellen Mediendiskursen und der Vehemenz, mit der sie zu diesem spezifiaschen historischen Zeitpunkt vertreten wird, einer Erkl\u00e4rung bedarf.Meine Analyse fokussiert auf die Funktion derartiger Technologievisionen bzw. der Idee \u201aalternativer' virtueller \u201aR\u00e4ume' f\u00fcr die Etablierung bestimmter Konzeptionen von \u201aGesellschaft' und verweist auf eine f\u00fcr diesen Kontext spezifische Relation von Phantasma und Symptom. Auf der Basis einer Revision des Begriffs sexueller Differenz entwickle ich die Definition eines politischen Subjekts, das nicht einfach als souver\u00e4ner Akteur oder beliebige Vielfalt zu verstehen ist, sondern sich \u00fcber einen strukturellen Antagonismus konstituiert, sowie einen Begriff von Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit, der die Basis f\u00fcr eine Anfechtbarkeit sozio-kultureller Konstruktionen begr\u00fcnden kann. Meinen Ausf\u00fchrungen lege ich in der Folge einen Begriff von Cyberspace zugrunde, der diesen als sozio-symbolisches Konstrukt definiert, das sowohl technologische Implementierungen wie auch die damit verbundenen Diskurse umfa\u00dft und unausgesetzt neu zu verhandeln ist.Meine transdisziplin\u00e4re Herangehensweise im Sinn einer kritischen Repr\u00e4sentationstheorie verbindet Ans\u00e4tze strukturaler psychoanalytischer Theorie mit Ans\u00e4tzen neuerer Hegemonie- bzw. Demokratietheorie sowie der Film- und Medientheorie, der Gender- und der Cultural Studies, um Perspektiven auf aktuelle Medienkonstellationen zu er\u00f6ffnen, die sich jenseits technikdeterministischer oder kulturpessimistischer Einsch\u00e4tzungen bewegen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lummerding ,Susanne"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Action, cyberspace, political subject, gender, technology, media, critique of representation", "Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit, Cyberspace, politisches Subjekt, Gender, Technologie, Medien, Repr\u00e4sentationskritik"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477711"], ["title", "agency@?"], ["doab_id", "16513"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205773276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205773276"]], [["description", "The use of agent-based models (ABMs) and modelling for understanding landscape change and dynamics continues to grow. One reason for the popularity of ABMs is that they provide a framework to represent multiple, discrete, multi-faceted, heterogeneous actors (human or otherwise) and their relationships and interactions between one another and their environment, through time and across space. This collection showcases innovative uses of ABMs for investigating and explaining landscape change and dynamics and to explore and identify how researchers in different disciplines can learn from one another to further innovate. The diverse range of processes and landscapes that ABMs are currently used to examine is clearly demonstrated, including: land-use decision making in agricultural landscapes; soil erosion in semi-arid environments; forest change in mountainous landscapes; trade in 1st Century BC southern France; social adaptations of herders in northern Mongolia; and malaria epidemiology in Kenya. A range of agent-based representation is used from the implied presence of agents, through comparing heterogeneous vs. aggregated representation of human activity, to alternative means of parameterizing individual agent behaviour. The collection will be of interest to all interested in innovative agent-based modelling for understanding landscape change, its causes and consequences for sustainability in the Anthropocene. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["landscape change, agent-based models, simulation, modelling, spatial, interdisciplinary, innovation"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/225"], ["title", "Agent-Based Modelling and Landscape Change"], ["doab_id", "19818"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422808", "9783038422815"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422808/9783038422815"]], [["description", "Cynthia Skenazi explores in this book a shift in attitudes towards aging and provides a historical perspective on a crucial problem of our time.In Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance: Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne Cynthia Skenazi explores a shift in attitudes towards aging and provides a historical perspective on a crucial problem of our time.From the late fourteenth to the end of the sixteenth centuries, the elderly subject became a point of new social, medical, political, and literary attention on both sides of the Alps. A movement of secularization tended to dissociate old age from the Christian preparation for death, re-orienting the concept of aging around pragmatic matters such as health care, intergenerational relationships, and accrued insights one might wish to pass along. Such changes were accompanied by an increasing number of personal accounts of later life.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Skenazi ,Cynthia"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literature", "History", "Aging"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470831"], ["title", "Aging Gracefully in the Renaissance - Stories of Later Life from Petrarch to Montaigne"], ["doab_id", "15991"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004255722", "9789004254664"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004255722 9789004254664"]], [["description", "Worldwide, 278 million people are estimated to have moderate to profound hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbyacusis, affects approximately half of the population over 60 years old, making it the second most common cause of disability in older people. Hearing loss occurs when the sensory cells and neurons of the cochlea degenerate and die. The vestibular system, which holds the sense of balance, shares a common embryonic origin with the cochlea and together conform the inner ear. Balance problems are a trait of ageing to the point that balance ability is considered a sensor of physical decline and vestibular degeneration is the most common cause of falls in the elderly. Still the molecular bases of ageing in the vestibular system have not been studied in detail. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the progression of age-related hearing loss (ARHL). Being noise the main environmental noxious agent for human hearing in the industrialized societies. There is no restorative treatment for deafness but functional replacement by means of prosthesis. Therefore, prevention and treatment of hearing loss is an unmet medical need. To develop innovative medical strategies against hearing loss, it is critical to understand the causes of ARHL and the essential pathways responsible for the manifestation of this complex disease. In this research topic, experts will discuss the stages and molecular elements of the damage and repair processes involved in ARHL, from cellular processes to molecules involved in aging. Oxidative stress takes a central stage as an essential element in the progression of injury and cell loss, and a target for cell protection strategies. Finally, the mechanisms of action and the potential of novel therapies for hair cell repair and protection will be discussed along with drug delivery strategies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marta Magarinos; Marta Milo; Isabel Varela-Nieto"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ARHL", "Auditory Cortex", "Hair cells", "Inner ear", "Drug delivery", "Lipid homeostasis", "Noise", "redox balance", "spiral ganglion neurons", "TGF-beta"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2966/aging-neurogenesis-and-neuroinflammation-in-hearing-loss-and-protection"], ["title", "Aging, neurogenesis and neuroinflammation in hearing loss and protection"], ["doab_id", "19547"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196449"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196449"]], [["description", "Estudo te\u00f3rico, de natureza comparativo-contrastante, abordando a l\u00f3gica do planejamento estrat\u00e9gico no setor social e da sa\u00fade \u00e0 luz da teoria do agir comunicativo de J\u00fcrgen Habermas. Na verdade, trata-se de uma 'cr\u00edtica da cr\u00edtica', na medida em que s\u00e3o problematizados os enfoques metodol\u00f3gicos tomados, at\u00e9 o momento, como referencial te\u00f3rico alternativo ao planejamento normativo. A partir da teoria da a\u00e7\u00e3o habermasiana, o autor consegue indica\u00e7\u00f5es importantes para uma (re)leitura da teoria organizacional, na perspectiva de uma abordagem comunicativa entre todos os atores envolvidos nas organiza\u00e7\u00f5es de sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rivera, Francisco Javier Uribe"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Planejamento social, Planejamento em sa\u00fade, Estrat\u00e9gias, Planejamento socioecon\u00f4mico, Mudan\u00e7as sociais, Planejamento estrat\u00e9gico-m\u00e9todos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4ghgb"], ["title", "Agir comunicativo e planejamento social: uma cr\u00edtica ao enfoque estrat\u00e9gico "], ["doab_id", "16386"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412480"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412480"]], [["description", "Tendo como tema central o fato de que a fome cr\u00f4nica n\u00e3o se manifesta apenas como problema social ou biom\u00e9dico, esta obra se dedica ao estudo etnogr\u00e1fico da fome e sua relev\u00e2ncia hist\u00f3rica e cada vez mais atual no contexto nacional. Sob uma \u00f3tica diferenciada, a autora denuncia os modos extremos de viver e de morrer dos famintos em uma comunidade pobre de Salvador. Formulado a partir de pesquisa de campo, com narrativas reveladoras de um universo repleto de alegorias da mis\u00e9ria, constitui trabalho pioneiro no que tange \u00e0 fenomenologia da fome, onde se descortinam, minuciosamente, os diferentes significados atribu\u00eddos a ela por aqueles que vivem sob constante amea\u00e7a de n\u00e3o ter o que comer. Para al\u00e9m de um trabalho de simples den\u00fancia, este livro \u00e9 certamente uma importante contribui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 an\u00e1lise sociocultural do fen\u00f4meno da fome no Pa\u00eds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Freitas, Maria do Carmo soares de"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Fome - aspectos sociais - Salvador (BA), Bairro P\u00e9la (Salvador, BA) - Fome - Aspectos sociais, Antropologia urbana - Salvador (BA), Etnologia - Fome - Salvador (BA)"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/r9y7f"], ["title", "Agonia da fome "], ["doab_id", "16387"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412497"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412497"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fok, Michel; Ndoye, Ousmane; Kon\u00e9, Siaka"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/e-book/9782870161388.pdf"], ["title", "AGRAR-2013: 1st conference of African research on agriculture, food, and nutrition. Yamoussoukro, C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, June 4-6, 2013. Agriculture and the challenges of food and nutrition in Africa: the contributions of research in the cotton zone = AGRAR-2013 : 1re conf\u00e9rence de la recherche africaine sur l'agriculture, l'alimentation et la nutrition. Yamoussoukro, C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, 4-6 juin 2013. L'agriculture face aux d\u00e9fis de l'alimentation et de la nutrition en Afrique : quels apports de la recherche dans les pays cotonniers"], ["doab_id", "17709"], ["language_unmapped", "French ; English"], ["isbns", ["9782870161388"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161388"]], [["description", "Os textos que integram a I Parte deste livro prov\u00eam da pesquisa \u201cPerfis agraristas brasileiros\u201d ora em andamento no CPDA (Programa de P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade), da UFRRJ, e cujo objetivo consiste em comparar autores da ver tente comunista com a matriz representada por Jos\u00e9 de Souza Martins, soci\u00f3logo que tem na reflex\u00e3o de Florestan Fernandes sua refer\u00eancia b\u00e1sica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Raimundo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/59grm"], ["title", "Agraristas pol\u00edticos brasileiros "], ["doab_id", "16272"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662816"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662816"]], [["description", "Abordando aspectos diferentes, os dois estudos focalizam mecanismos de interpenetra\u00e7\u00e3o crescente entre o capital agroindustrial e os produtores rurais, as estrat\u00e9gias que os diversos agentes utilizam e o papel das cooperativas dentro desse complexo jogo de for\u00e7as. [...] [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Coradini, Odacir Luiz; Fredericq, Antoinette"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qqx82"], ["title", "Agricultura, cooperativas e multinacionais"], ["doab_id", "16650"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820090"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820090"]], [["description", "Following the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large volume of monitoring data has been collected about the soil, air, dust, and seawater, along with data about an immense number of foods supplied to the market. Little is known, however, about the effect of radioactive fallout on agriculture, information about which is vital. Although more than 80% of the damaged area is related to agriculture, in situ information specifically for agriculture is scarce. This book provides data about the actual movement and accumulation of radioactivity in the ecological system\u2014for example, whether debris deposited on mountains can be a cause of secondary contamination, under what conditions plants accumulate radioactive cesium in their edible parts, and how radioactivity is transferred from hay to milk. Because agriculture is so closely related to nature, many specialists with different areas of expertise must be involved in answering these questions. In the case of rice, researchers in rice cultivation as well as in soil, hydrology, and radioactivity measurement are working together to reveal the paths or accumulation of radioactivity in the field. For this purpose, the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of The University of Tokyo has diverse facilities available throughout Japan, including farmlands, forests, and meadowlands. Many academic staff members have formed groups to conduct on-site research, with more than 40 volunteers participating. This book presents the data collected from the only project being systematically carried out across Japan after the Fukushima accident."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tomoko M. Nakanishi; Keitaro Tanoi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Monitoring/Environmental Analysis", "Agriculture", "Food Science", "Plant Ecology", "Animal Ecology", "Marine & Freshwater Sciences"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-4-431-54327-5"], ["title", "Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident"], ["doab_id", "15479"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431543275", "9784431543282"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431543275 (Print) 9784431543282 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book reports the results from on-site research into radioactive cesium contamination in various agricultural systems affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident that occurred in March 2011. This is the second volume from the research groups formed in the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of The University of Tokyo who have published the initial data in their first volume. In this book, additional data collected in the subsequent years are presented to show how the radioactivity level in agricultural products and their growing environments have changed with time. The data clarify the route by which radioactive materials entered agricultural products and their movement among different components (e.g., soil, water, and trees) within an environmental system (e.g., forests). The book consists of various topics, including radioactivity inspection of food products; decontamination trials for rice and livestock production; the state of contamination in wild animals and birds, trees, mushrooms, and timber; the dynamics of radioactivity distribution in mountain and paddy fields; damage incurred by the forestry and fishery industries; and the change in consumers\u2019 minds. The last chapter introduces a real-time radioisotope imaging system, the forefront technique to visualize actual movement of cesium in soil and in plants. This is the only book to provide systematic data about the actual change of radioactivity, and thus is of great value for all researchers who wish to understand the effect of radioactive fallout on agriculture. The project is ongoing; the research groups continue their work in the field for further evaluation of the long-term effects."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tomoko M. Nakanishi; Keitaro Tanoi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["environmental monitoring", " agriculture", " plant sciences", " ecology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-4-431-55828-6"], ["title", "Agricultural Implications of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: The First Three Years"], ["doab_id", "19228"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431558262", "9784431558286"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431558262 (Print) 9784431558286 (Online)"]], [["description", "Agricultural input subsidies were a major feature of development policies in rural economies until the 1980s. Continuing rural poverty with low productivity and fertilizer use in smallholder staple crops has led to their resurgence in Africa. These subsidies are, however, controversial with claims of both large food security benefits and unsustainable, inefficient resource use. This book reviews current theory and evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of these programmes and the effects of programme context, design, and implementation. Theoretical arguments for agricultural subsidies are based on input promotion where farmers\u2019 private costs (benefits) are higher (lower) than wider economic costs (benefits). These arguments, and concerns about inefficiency and diversion, are reviewed and extended to consider input affordability constraints and \u2018smart\u2019 rationing and targeting. Recent programmes in Africa have a variety of generally producer-focused objectives, with varied implementation and programme outcomes. Most pay little attention to consumer interests and potential contributions to wider growth. A detailed examination of Malawi\u2019s controversial agricultural input subsidy programme follows. Drawing on a wide range of information sources, the political and agro-economic contexts of the programme are examined, with evidence on its implementation and impacts from 2005 to 2011. Positive impacts are recorded on beneficiaries\u2019 production, incomes, food consumption, school enrolment, child health, and reduced need for earnings from undertaking casual labour for others. There is evidence of indirect economy-wide impacts, but this is not as strong as might be expected. Targeting and graduation are identified as critically important issues requiring continuing attention."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chirwa ,Ephraim; Dorward ,Andrew"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["input subsidies", "agricultural development", "politics", "Malawi", "agricultural policy", "Africa", "fertilizers"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=455811"], ["title", "Agricultural Input Subsidies: The Recent Malawi Experience"], ["doab_id", "15554"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199683529"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199683529"]], [["description", "family farm \u2013 south countries \u2013 inheritance - Transformation

L\u2019agriculture est-elle toujours une affaire de famille ? Cet ouvrage analyse les transformations du caract\u00e8re familial de l\u2019agriculture en France, mises en perspective avec quelques \u00e9clairages de situations dans les pays du Sud.La premi\u00e8re partie de l\u2019ouvrage rend compte des recompositions de l\u2019exploitation agricole et de ses enjeux, exploitation qui est de moins en moins familiale, tout en le restant. Elle propose des cadres d\u2019analyse \u00e9largis pour les appr\u00e9hender. Les transformations des formes familiales d\u2019agriculture sont abord\u00e9es dans une deuxi\u00e8me partie par l\u2019\u00e9tude des mutations qui s\u2019op\u00e8rent dans le travail en agriculture. Ces mutations am\u00e8nent \u00e0 questionner le sens du travail et les interfaces avec le vivre en famille et les activit\u00e9s non-agricoles, au-del\u00e0 des seules probl\u00e9matiques d\u2019organisation et de performances technico-\u00e9conomiques. La troisi\u00e8me partie de l\u2019ouvrage montre que les cadres structurant l\u2019activit\u00e9 agricole d\u00e9passent le champ de la famille et se renouvellent, en particulier dans les formes d\u2019insertion territoriale, dans les modalit\u00e9s des processus d\u2019innovation et par des reconfigurations de l\u2019action collective de proximit\u00e9. Finalement, les transformations du caract\u00e8re familial, saisies dans le temps long des trajectoires d\u2019exploitations, sont aussi observ\u00e9es dans les formes et strat\u00e9gies de p\u00e9rennisation et de transmission, qu\u2019il s\u2019agisse de transmettre un statut, une activit\u00e9, une entreprise, un patrimoine, un outil de production ou encore des savoir-faire. Une synth\u00e8se conclusive propose un renouvellement des questions de recherche et plaide pour un d\u00e9cloisonnement des \u00e9tudes en agriculture.L\u2019ouvrage rassemble des travaux de recherche r\u00e9cents de chercheurs issus du d\u00e9partement Sciences pour l\u2019action et le d\u00e9veloppement (Sad) de l\u2019Inra et de ses partenaires scientifiques et professionnels. Il fait une large place \u00e0 des travaux de jeunes chercheurs et \u00e0 des th\u00e8ses r\u00e9cemment soutenues. D\u2019abord destin\u00e9 aux chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, il s\u2019adresse \u00e9galement aux organisations professionnelles (instituts techniques, r\u00e9seaux associatifs, syndicats, chambres d\u2019agriculture, etc.)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gasselin ,P.; Choisis ,J.-P.; Petit ,S.; Purseigle ,F.; Zasser ,S."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["family farm", "south countries", "inheritance", "Transformation"]], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=570410"], ["title", "L'agriculture en famille : travailler, r\u00e9inventer, transmettre"], ["doab_id", "16830"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782759811922"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759811922"]], [["description", "This book investigates recent policies introduced into Turkey which are designed to reduce state activities and open up the country to international investment and trade. This is done in the context of the UNs Millennium Development Goals continuing to stretch into the distant future amid the ongoing instability of the global financial system and economic pressures on the West. The focus is on agriculture and the major effects of a deliberate restructuring of an agrarian economy as seen through the lens of the peasant, the village and poverty. This unique socioeconomic review of Turkey, which is generally thought to be a contemporary success story of the neo-liberal paradigm, argues for a new understanding of the destructive effects of global capitalism. Some issues addressed are the effects on Turkey's countryside as its agricultural sector has been catapulted onto the world market, how farming has changed and what this has meant for small-scale enterprises. Also discussed is how rural communities have fared, capital relations have been transformed in the process and the impact this has had on the nation's poor. Finally, the ways in which neo-liberalism has guided government's response to the new social needs is discussed along with how Turkey's experience parallels similar developments worldwide. This serves as a window to the reality of development at a time when the philosophy for growth underpinning development is facing an increasingly profound crisis of confidence worldwide."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "\u00d6zt\u00fcrk ,Murat"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["agricultural and rural transformation", "peasantry", "migration", "poverty", "neo-liberalism"]], ["publisher", "Wageningen Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413361"], ["title", "Agriculture, peasantry and poverty in Turkey in the neo-liberal age"], ["doab_id", "14598"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789086861927", "9789086867486"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789086861927 9789086867486"]], [["description", "The broad host range pathogenic bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been widely studied as a model system to understand horizontal gene flow, secretion of effector proteins into host cells, and plant-pathogen interactions. Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation also is the major method for generating transgenic plants for research and biotechnology purposes. Agrobacterium species have the natural ability to conduct interkingdom genetic transfer from bacteria to eukaryotes, including most plant species, yeast, fungi, and even animal cells. In nature, A. tumefaciens causes crown gall disease resulting from expression in plants of auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis genes encoded by the transferred (T-) DNA. Gene transfer from A. tumefaciens to host cells requires virulence (vir) genes that reside on the resident tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid. In addition to T-DNA, several Virulence (Vir) effector proteins are also translocated to host cells through a bacterial type IV secretion system. These proteins aid in T-DNA trafficking through the host cell cytoplasm, nuclear targeting, and T-DNA integration. Genes within native T-DNAs can be replaced by any gene of interest, making Agrobacterium species important tools for plant research and genetic engineering. In this research topic, we provided updated information on several important areas of Agrobacterium biology and its use for biotechnology purposes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hau Hsuan Hwang; Erh Min Lai; Stanton B Gelvin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Agrobacterium", "genetic transformation", "T DNA", "crown gall", "Virulence", "Membrane lipid", "Attachment", "Biofilm", "Quorum Sensing", "plant defense"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1428/agrobacterium-biology-and-its-application-to-transgenic-plant-production"], ["title", "Agrobacterium biology and its application to transgenic plant production"], ["doab_id", "18562"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195749"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195749"]], [["description", "Este pequeno volume apresenta uma esp\u00e9cie de cronologia e \u2018balan\u00e7o\u2019 da doen\u00e7a nas tr\u00eas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas, observando ainda os aspectos sociais e culturais de um fen\u00f4meno mundial. Ao apreciar a leitura percebemos que a hist\u00f3ria da Aids compreende, infelizmente, relatos degradantes de estigmatiza\u00e7\u00e3o e marginaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de pessoas sob risco de contrair/transmitir o HIV ou j\u00e1 vivendo com a infec\u00e7\u00e3o. Felizmente, tamb\u00e9m existem hist\u00f3rias de solidariedade e altru\u00edsmo, mobiliza\u00e7\u00e3o social e os avan\u00e7os de uma ci\u00eancia praticada com \u00e9tica e qualidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bastos, Francisco In\u00e1cio"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ck2pg"], ["title", "Aids na terceira d\u00e9cada"], ["doab_id", "19299"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413012"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413012"]], [["description", "In 2003-2006, Patricia Henderson lived in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal where she recorded the experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS. In this illuminating study, she recounts the concerns of rural people and explores local repertoires through which illness was folded into everyday life. The book spans a period when antiretroviral medication was not available, and moves on to a time when the treatment became accessible. Hope gradually became manifest in the recovery of a number of people through antiretroviral therapies and 'the return' of bodies they could recognise as their own. This research implies that protracted interaction with people over time, offers insights into the unfolding textures of everyday life, in particular in its focus on suffering, social and structural inequality, illness, violence, mourning, sensibility, care and intimacy.

Dit boek beschrijft hoe hiv/aids onderdeel werd van het leven van de bevolking van het bergachtige Okhahlamba in de Zuid-Afrikaanse provincie KwaZulu-Natal. In deze verhelderende studie laat Henderson zien welke gevolgen de ziekte had - en nog steeds heeft - voor volwassenen en kinderen en op welke verschillende manieren men antwoord probeerde te geven op de verwoestende aanwezigheid van hiv/aids. Het boek onderzoekt een periode (tussen 2003 en 2006) waarin anti-retrovirale middelen niet beschikbaar waren, en beschrijft het moment waarop de behandeling toegankelijk werd. Henderson besteedt aandacht aan informele zorg door familieleden en vrijwilligers in een periode waarin hiv-remmers nog niet voorhanden waren. Langdurige interactie met mensen biedt inzicht in hun dagelijks leven: het lijden, de sociale en structurele ongelijkheden, ziekte, geweld, rouw, zorg en intimiteit. Henderson laat zien wat het betekende voor de gemeenschap toen medicijnen eenmaal beschikbaar kwamen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Henderson ,Patricia C."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Sociology", "Anthropologie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=408875"], ["title", "AIDS, Intimacy and Care in Rural KwaZulu-Natal : A Kinship of Bones"], ["doab_id", "14632"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643599"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643599"]], [["description", "Die Kunstsammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen ist vor allem f\u00fcr ihren Bestand an Niederl\u00e4ndischer Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts bekannt. Dass sie dar\u00fcber hinaus auch eine Kollektion von Gem\u00e4lden des 19. Jahrhunderts umfasst, die einige wirkliche Sch\u00e4tze enth\u00e4lt, gleicht einer Neuentdeckung. Diese Kollektion wird hier erstmals in einem eigenen Bestandskatalog vorgestellt. Obwohl es sich um eine eher kleine Sammlung handelt, erweist sich diese doch als erstaunlich repr\u00e4sentativ, um das Kunstverst\u00e4ndnis des 19. Jahrhunderts mit seinen wechselnden Pr\u00e4missen sowie kunsttheoretischen und k\u00fcnstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen an konkreten Kunstwerken aufzuzeigen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei die Gattungstheorie: Die seit der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit vertretene Ausdifferenzierung der Malerei in profane und religi\u00f6se Historie, Genre, Landschaft, Stillleben, Tierst\u00fcck und Portr\u00e4t wurde \u00fcber das gesamte 19. Jahrhundert hinweg kontrovers diskutiert, blieb aber als wertsetzendes System lange pr\u00e4sent. Der vorliegende, von Dozenten und Studierenden des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen gemeinsam erarbeitete Bestandskatalog nutzt die Gattungstheorie als \u201eroten Faden\u201c, um eine historische Perspektive auf den Bestand der Gem\u00e4lde des 19. Jahrhunderts in der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung anzubieten.

Die Kunstsammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen ist vor allem f\u00fcr ihren Bestand an Niederl\u00e4ndischer Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts bekannt. Dass sie dar\u00fcber hinaus auch eine Kollektion von Gem\u00e4lden des 19. Jahrhunderts umfasst, die einige wirkliche Sch\u00e4tze enth\u00e4lt, gleicht einer Neuentdeckung. Diese Kollektion wird hier erstmals in einem eigenen Bestandskatalog vorgestellt. Obwohl es sich um eine eher kleine Sammlung handelt, erweist sich diese doch als erstaunlich repr\u00e4sentativ, um das Kunstverst\u00e4ndnis des 19. Jahrhunderts mit seinen wechselnden Pr\u00e4missen sowie kunsttheoretischen und k\u00fcnstlerischen Auseinandersetzungen an konkreten Kunstwerken aufzuzeigen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei die Gattungstheorie: Die seit der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit vertretene Ausdifferenzierung der Malerei in profane und religi\u00f6se Historie, Genre, Landschaft, Stillleben, Tierst\u00fcck und Portr\u00e4t wurde \u00fcber das gesamte 19. Jahrhundert hinweg kontrovers diskutiert, blieb aber als wertsetzendes System lange pr\u00e4sent. Der vorliegende, von Dozenten und Studierenden des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen gemeinsam erarbeitete Bestandskatalog nutzt die Gattungstheorie als \u201eroten Faden\u201c, um eine historische Perspektive auf den Bestand der Gem\u00e4lde des 19. Jahrhunderts in der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung anzubieten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scholl, Christian; Sors, Anne-Katrin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Art Collection of the University of G\u00f6ttingen", "19th century", "genre theory", "inventory Catalogue", "art history", "Art Collection of the University of G\u00f6ttingen", "19th century", "genre theory", "inventory Catalogue", "art history"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610291"], ["title", "Akademische Strenge und k\u00fcnstlerische Freiheit - die Gem\u00e4lde des 19. Jahrhunderts in der Kunstsammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen ; Bestandskatalog"], ["doab_id", "15486"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951023"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951023"]], [["description", "Reading transliterated akkadian texts sometimes is rather difficult, if the akkadian equivalents of the logograms are not given. This first alphabetic index of akkadian logograms offers help now: it contains the akkadian readings of most logograms, so the time consuming detour through the indexes of sign lists can be avoided in most cases. The circa 5000 entries also record the principal meaning of the akkadian word as well as references to sign lists (Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon or Labat, Manuel d\u2019\u00e9pigraphie akkadienne) or to akkadian dictionaries. In this way the epigraphic as well as the lexical approach to the text is enhanced. The book (written in German) is designed for students who are interested in akkadian literature, but cannot read cuneiform writing or Sumerian. The 2nd edition was thoroughly revised. In particular, R. Borger\u2019s Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon is now quoted as the standard sign list for Akkadian.

Die Lekt\u00fcre transliterierter akkadischer Texte wird oft dadurch erschwert, da\u00df die akkadische Lesung der Logogramme nicht angegeben ist. Hier schafft dieses erste alphabetische Verzeichnis akkadischer Logogramme Abhilfe: es bietet die akkadischen Lesungen der meisten Logogramme, so da\u00df der zeitraubende Umweg \u00fcber die Indices der Zeichenlisten meistens entfallen kann. Die ca. 5000 Eintr\u00e4ge enthalten auch die Grundbedeutung des akkadischen Wortes sowie Verweise auf die Zeichenlisten (Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon oder Labat, Manuel d\u2019\u00e9pigraphie akkadienne) oder auch direkt auf die akkadischen W\u00f6rterb\u00fccher. Dadurch wird sowohl der epigraphische als auch der lexikalische Zugang zum Text erleichtert. Das Buch ist vor allem als Hilfsmittel f\u00fcr Studierende gedacht, die ein inhaltliches Interesse an der akkadischen Literatur haben, jedoch nicht \u00fcber Kenntnisse der Keilschrift oder des Sumerischen verf\u00fcgen. Die zweite Auflage wurde durchgesehen und \u00fcberarbeitet. Insbesondere wurde nun das Mesopotamische Zeichenlexikon von R. Borger als Standard-Zeichenliste f\u00fcr das Akkadische zitiert. Die Reihe \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Beitr\u00e4ge zun Alten Orient\u201d setzt die erfolgreichen \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Arbeitshefte zur Altorientalischen Literatur\u201d fort. Die Reihe wird vom Seminar f\u00fcr Altorientalistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen herausgegeben und behandelt die Erschlie\u00dfung und Deutung der reichhaltigen Schriftdenkm\u00e4ler in akkadischer oder sumerischer Sprache aus der Zeit von ca. 3100 - 500 v. Chr."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schramm, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Ancient History (Ancient history: to c 500 CE)", "Writing systems", "Arcadian Logograms", "Ancient History (Ancient history: to c 500 CE)", "Writing systems", "Arcadian Logograms"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610357"], ["title", "Akkadische Logogramme"], ["doab_id", "14606"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875654"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875654"]], [["description", "Wissenschaft meint seit jeher nicht nur theoretische Reflexion, sondern immer auch gesellschaftliche Praxis. Heute steht diese Praxis, die Welt der modernen Wissenschaften und ihrer institutionellen Formen mitten im Strom tiefgreifender Ver\u00e4nderungen \u2013 Exzellenzinitiativen und Clusterbildung, Studiengeb\u00fchrenfinanzierung und Bologna-Prozess, Wettbewerbsstrukturen, Globalhaushalte und externe Management-Ma\u00dfst\u00e4be sind hierf\u00fcr nur einige illustrierende Schlagworte. Den Handlungsdrang der deutschen Hochschulpolitik im Blick ger\u00e4t naturgem\u00e4\u00df auch das Wissenschaftsrecht in Bewegung. Fragen seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Grundierung und seiner verwaltungsrechtlichen Feinzeichnung sind so umstritten wie lange nicht. Das Leitmotiv, ob das heutige Wissenschaftsrecht in erster Linie dem Schutz der individuellen Forschungsleistungen einzelner Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dient oder ein Baukasten zur Modernisierung der Hochschulen ist, f\u00fchrt wiederkehrend zu den Grundfragen des modernen \u00d6ffentlichen Rechts. Diese Entwicklungen vor Augen beging das Institut f\u00fcr \u00d6ffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen seine Neugr\u00fcndung mit einer Arbeitstagung zum Thema \u201eAktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts\u201c. Die Beitr\u00e4ge der Tagung enth\u00e4lt dieser Band. Er ist der erste einer neuen Schriftenreihe zum \u00d6ffentlichen Recht.

Wissenschaft meint seit jeher nicht nur theoretische Reflexion, sondern immer auch gesellschaftliche Praxis. Heute steht diese Praxis, die Welt der modernen Wissenschaften und ihrer institutionellen Formen mitten im Strom tiefgreifender Ver\u00e4nderungen \u2013 Exzellenzinitiativen und Clusterbildung, Studiengeb\u00fchrenfinanzierung und Bologna-Prozess, Wettbewerbsstrukturen, Globalhaushalte und externe Management-Ma\u00dfst\u00e4be sind hierf\u00fcr nur einige illustrierende Schlagworte. Den Handlungsdrang der deutschen Hochschulpolitik im Blick ger\u00e4t naturgem\u00e4\u00df auch das Wissenschaftsrecht in Bewegung. Fragen seiner verfassungsrechtlichen Grundierung und seiner verwaltungsrechtlichen Feinzeichnung sind so umstritten wie lange nicht. Das Leitmotiv, ob das heutige Wissenschaftsrecht in erster Linie dem Schutz der individuellen Forschungsleistungen einzelner Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler dient oder ein Baukasten zur Modernisierung der Hochschulen ist, f\u00fchrt wiederkehrend zu den Grundfragen des modernen \u00d6ffentlichen Rechts. Diese Entwicklungen vor Augen beging das Institut f\u00fcr \u00d6ffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen seine Neugr\u00fcndung mit einer Arbeitstagung zum Thema \u201eAktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts\u201c. Die Beitr\u00e4ge der Tagung enth\u00e4lt dieser Band. Er ist der erste einer neuen Schriftenreihe zum \u00d6ffentlichen Recht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heinig, Hans Michael; Langenfeld, Christine; Mann, Thomas; M\u00f6llers, Christoph"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["public law", "public law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610237"], ["title", "Aktuelle Probleme des Wissenschaftsrechts - Arbeitstagung anl\u00e4sslich der Er\u00f6ffnung des Instituts f\u00fcr \u00d6ffentliches Recht an der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, 10. und 11. Juli 2008"], ["doab_id", "13349"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875777"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875777"]], [["description", "In the rational modern world, belief in the supernatural seemingly has been consigned to the worlds of entertainment and fantasy. Yet belief in other worldly phenomena, from poltergeists to telepathy, remains strong, as Gillian Bennett's research shows. Especially common is belief in continuing contact with, or the continuing presence of, dead family members. Bennett interviewed women in Manchester, England, asking them questions about ghosts and other aspects of the supernatural. (Her discussion of how her research methods and interview techniques evolved is in itself valuable.) She first published the results of the study in the well-received Traditions of Belief: Women and the Supernatural, which has been widely used in folklore and women's studies courses. \"\"Alas, Poor Ghost!\"\" extensively revises and expands that work. In addition to a fuller presentation and analysis of the original field research and other added material, the author, assisted by Kate Bennett, a gerontological psychologist, presents and discusses new research with a group of women in Leicester, England.Bennett is interested in more than measuring the extent of belief in other worldly manifestations. Her work explores the relationship between narrative and belief. She anticipated that her questions would elicit from her interviewees not just yes or no replies but stories about their experiences that confirmed or denied notions of the supernatural. The more controversial the subject matter, the more likely individuals were to tell stories, especially if their answers to questions of belief were positive. These were most commonly individualized narratives of personal experience, but they contained many of the traditional motifs and other content, including belief in the supernatural, of legends. Bennett calls them memorates and discusses the cultural processes, including ideas of what is a \"\"proper\"\" experience of the supernatural and a \"\"proper\"\" telling of the story, that make them communal as well as individual. These memorates provide direct and vivid examples of what the storytellers actually believe and disbelieve. In a final section, Bennett places her work in historical context through a discussion of case studies in the history of supernatural belief."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bennett, Gillian"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/72"], ["title", "Alas, Poor Ghost!"], ["doab_id", "14722"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212778"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212778"]], [["description", "Elizabeth B. Pinson shares with us her memories of Alaska's emergence into a new and modern era, bearing witness to history in the early twentieth century as she recalls it. She draws us into her world as a young girl of mixed ethnicity, with a mother whose Eskimo family had resided on the Seward Peninsula for generations and a father of German heritage. Growing up in and near the tiny village of Teller on the Bering Strait, Elizabeth at the age of six, despite a harrowing, long midwinter sled ride to rescue her, lost both her legs to frostbite when her grandparents, with whom she was spending the winter in their traditional Eskimo home, died in the 1918 influenza epidemic.Fitted with artificial legs financed by an eastern benefactor, Elizabeth kept journals of her struggles, triumphs, and adventures, recording her impressions of the changing world around her and experiences with the motley characters she met. These included Roald Amundsen, whose dirigible landed in Teller after crossing the Arctic Circle; the ill-fated 1921 British colonists of Wrangel Island in the Arctic; trading ship captains and crews; prospectors; doomed aviators; and native reindeer herders. Elizabeth moved on to boarding school, marriage, and the state of Washington, where she compiled her records into this memoir and where, now in her 90s, she lives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pinson, Elizabeth B."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/84"], ["title", "Alaska's Daughter"], ["doab_id", "14710"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215915"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215915"]], [["description", "Cet ouvrage pr\u00e9sente une analyse discursive des r\u00e9cits identitaires albertains d\u00e9velopp\u00e9s par rapport aux ressources p\u00e9troli\u00e8res de l'Alberta, au fil de l'histoire moderne de la province. Par le biais des th\u00e9ories d'analyse du discours, on examine comment les m\u00e9dias canadiens et albertains ont pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 les ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes historiques des booms et busts p\u00e9troliers, et plus particuli\u00e8rement comment l'industrie p\u00e9troli\u00e8re canadienne a su r\u00e9cup\u00e9rer les param\u00e8tres de l'identit\u00e9 albertaine pour sugg\u00e9rer une \u00e9troite association d'int\u00e9r\u00eat entre la communaut\u00e9 de l'Alberta et les divers groupes exploitant son p\u00e9trole. Pour ce faire, l'auteure \u00e9tablit des comparaisons entre les discours de l'\u00e9nergie issus du Qu\u00e9bec et ceux de l'Alberta, en faisant r\u00e9f\u00e9rence \u00e0 la culture populaire et \u00e0 la litt\u00e9rature classique."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dominique Perron"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49486/1/UofCPress_lAlbertaautophage_2013.pdf"], ["title", "L'Alberta Autophage : Identit\u00e9s, mythes et discours du p\u00e9trole dans l'Ouest canadien"], ["doab_id", "15410"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781552385777"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385777"]], [["description", "Prior to May 2015, the oil-rich jurisdiction of Alberta had, for over four decades, been a one-party state. During that time, the rule of the Progressive Conservatives essentially went unchallenged, with critiques of government policy falling on deaf ears and Alberta ranking behind other provinces in voter turnout. Given the province\u2019s economic reliance on oil revenues, a symbiotic relationship also developed between government and the oil industry. Cross-national studies have detected a correlation between oil-dependent economies and authoritarian rule, a pattern particularly evident in Africa and the Middle East. Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada sets out to test the \u201coil inhibits democracy\u201d hypothesis in the context of an industrialized nation in the Global North.In probing the impact of Alberta\u2019s powerful oil lobby on the health of democracy in the province, contributors to the volume engage with an ongoing discussion of the erosion of political liberalism in the West. In addition to examining energy policy and issues of government accountability in Alberta, they explore the ramifications of oil dependence in areas such as Aboriginal rights, environmental policy, labour law, women\u2019s equity, urban social policy, and the arts. If, as they argue, reliance on oil has weakened democratic structures in Alberta, then what of Canada as whole, where the short-term priorities of the oil industry continue to shape federal policy? In Alberta, the New Democratic Party is in a position to reverse the democratic deficit that is presently fuelling political and economic inequality. The findings in this book suggest that, to revitalize democracy, provincial and federal leaders alike must find the courage to curb the influence of the oil industry on governance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Meenal Shrivastava and Lorna Stefanick"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["C.B. Macpherson, resource-rich economies, oil, Progressive Conservatives, oil industry, climate change"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120251"], ["title", "Alberta Oil and the Decline of Democracy in Canada"], ["doab_id", "19414"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990295", "9781771990301", "9781771990325", "9781771990318"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990295 9781771990301 9781771990325 9781771990318"]], [["description", "Day care in Alberta has had a remarkably durable history as a controversial issue. Since the late 1950s, disputes over day care programs, policies, and funding have been a recurring feature of political life in the province. Alberta\u2019s Day Care Controversy traces the development of day care policies and programs in Alberta, with particular emphasis on policy decisions and program initiatives that have provoked considerable debate and struggle among citizens. For most of Alberta\u2019s first fifty years as a province, day care was treated as a private rather than a public issue. Beginning in the late 1950s, however, debates about day care began to appear regularly on the public record. Dr. Tom Langford brings to light the public controversies that occurred during the last four decades of the twentieth century and the first decade of the new millennium, placing contemporary issues in historical context and anticipating the elements of future policy struggles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tom Langford"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["day care", "daycare", "government policy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120182"], ["title", "Alberta's Day Care Controversy: From 1908 to 2009 and Beyond"], ["doab_id", "14424"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836027", "9781926836034", "9781926836317"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836027 9781926836034 9781926836317"]], [["description", "The twenty-tow contributions in this transnational and interdisciplinary volume delve into the material, symbolic and aesthetic dimensions of the album format using approaches from the fields of cultural studies, literary studies and media studies. This Publication unites perspectives from English, American, German, Romance, Slavic, archive and film studies, history, art history, musicology and philosophy to explore this culturally significant \u201anetworking\u2019 medium.The starting point for all of the contributions in the publication is the album format, which, with ist inscriptions and non-verbal semantics, can integrate, represent and symbolically reproduce all forms of media and culture. The volume\u2019s main interest is the interconnectedness: The album has the innate abily to unify the most diverse subject areas. Representation, mobility, migration and memory, multiculturalism and the formation of communities, materiality and the culture of things, the discourse of friendship, family history, generational narratives, and transmedia experimentation in remolding genres and art forms all have a place in the album, as it can transform anything into one coherent aesthetic system.

Die zweiundzwanzig Beitr\u00e4ge des interdisziplin\u00e4ren und transnationalen Bandes erforschen die materielle, symbolische und \u00e4sthetische Dimension von Alben unter kultur-, literatur- und medienwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Die Publikation vereinigt die Perspektiven aus Anglistik, Amerikanistik, Germanistik, Romanistik, Slawistik, Kunstgeschichte, Archivwesen, Filmwissenschat, Geschichtswissenschaft, Musikwissenschaft und Philosophie zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit einem Netzwerkmedium von hohem kultur-, literatur- und medienwissenschaftlichen Interesse."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kramer ,Anke; Pelz ,Annegret"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Transnational Contemporary Litera, Collecting Book, Communication Network, Portable Archive, Materiality, Spectrum of Narrative Strategies", "Albenhafte Verfahren in Wissenschaft und Kunst, Migration, Materialit\u00e4t und Ged\u00e4chtnis, Archiv, Gegenarchiv, Transformationen eines alten Mediums, kleine Formen, Schrift und Bild, Literatur- , Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "Wallstein Verlag"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439214"], ["title", "Album"], ["doab_id", "15358"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783835311749"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783835311749"]], [["description", "Discute o aprisionamento das subjetividades, os riscos e exageros do controle do conhecimento e da inform\u00e1tica de domina\u00e7\u00e3o. Alerta para o fato de que a tentativa de amplia\u00e7\u00e3o do compartilhamento \u00e9 combatida tanto pela expans\u00e3o da propriedade sobre a cultura quanto pela ideologia da neutralidade tecnol\u00f3gica. Mostra a contradi\u00e7\u00e3o entre as possibilidades de cria\u00e7\u00e3o e dissemina\u00e7\u00e3o cultural inerentes \u00e0s redes informacionais e as tentativas de manter a interatividade sob o controle do capitalismo industrial."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pretto, Nelson De Luca; Silveira, S\u00e9rgio Amadeu da"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["COMPUTERS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/22qtc"], ["title", "Al\u00e9m das redes de colabora\u00e7\u00e3o: internet, diversidade cultural e tecnologias do poder"], ["doab_id", "16837"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208899"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208899"]], [["description", "Come Adolfo Venturi e Corrado Ricci, Alessandro Baudi di Vesme (1854-1923) appartenne all\u2019ultima generazione di studiosi e funzionari autodidatti che lavor\u00f2, tra Otto e Novecento, al delicato processo di affermazione della disciplina storico-artistica in Italia. Storico direttore della Regia Pinacoteca di Torino e primo soprintendente alle gallerie e agli ggetti d\u2019arte del Piemonte e della Liguria, Vesme affianc\u00f2 ai propri impegni istituzionali un\u2019intensa attivit\u00e0 di studio della cultura figurativa locale con uno sguardo privilegiato sulle vicende della pittura del Quattro e Cinquecento, in pieno allineamento agli indirizzi del dibattito storiografico europeo di quegli anni. Sottese da una prospettiva di riabilitazione culturale volta a riscattare la regione subalpina dal novero delle periferie dell\u2019arte, quelle indagini diedero vita a un progetto di edizione filologica delle fonti che ancora oggi \u00e8 considerato il riferimento documentario per eccellenza nell\u2019ambito della storia delle arti in Piemonte: le Schede Vesme, pubblicate postume tra il 1963 e il 1982. Il volume ripercorre il profilo critico e professionale del loro estensore attraverso il filo dell\u2019interazione reciproca tra i piani di ricerca e le iniziative di tutela da lui promosse, rapportando e legittimando le sue esperienze individuali alla luce del confronto con gli interlocutori italiani e stranieri e le istanze, i metodi e le peculiarit\u00e0 del contesto piemontese."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alessandra Giovannini Luca"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["arte, piemonte"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/definitivo_x-stampa-ok_web.pdf"], ["title", "Alessandro Baudi di Vesme e la scoperta dell\u2019arte in Piemonte"], ["doab_id", "18967"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867053827"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053827"]], [["description", "Alexander Kluge is best known as a founding member of the New German Cinema. His work, however, spans a diverse range of fields and, over the last fifty years, he has been active as a filmmaker, writer and television producer. This book - the first of its kind in English - comprises a wide selection of texts, including articles and stories by Kluge, television transcripts, critical essays by renowned international scholars, and interviews with Kluge himself. It will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the fields of film, television, and literary studies, as well as those interested in exploring the intersections between art, politics, and social change.

Alexander Kluge is vooral bekend als een van de oprichters van de Nieuwe Duitse Cinema. In de afgelopen vijftig jaar was hij naast filmmaker ook schrijver en tv-producent. Dit boek biedt de lezer een uitgebreide inleiding tot de belangrijkste thema's, problemen en idee\u00ebn uit Kluges baanbrekende films, televisie- en literaire producties. Het brede overzicht van teksten in deze collectie - met inbegrip van artikelen en verhalen van Kluge, kritische essays door gerenommeerde internationale wetenschappers, televisietranscripten en interviews met Kluge zelf - is waardevol voor studenten en wetenschappers op het gebied van film-, televisie- en literatuurstudies, en voor diegenen die ge\u00efnteresseerd zijn in de raakvlakken tussen kunst, politiek en sociale verandering."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Forrest ,Tara"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=408878"], ["title", "Alexander Kluge : Raw Materials for the Imagination"], ["doab_id", "14633"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642721"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642721"]], [["description", "In the centre of this study stand some 154 letters exchanged between the Austrian writer Alexander Lernet-Holenia (1897-1976) and Maria Charlotte (\"Lotte\") Sweceny (n\u00e9e Stein, 1904-1956), the co-proprietor of the Viennese publishing house Manz, between 1938 and 1945. The transcripts are followed by a commentary that aims to elucidate the historical, individual and geographical references. A methodological note explains the corpus' provenance and method of transcribing and commenting on the letters adopted in the thesis. The last chapter of this study is devoted to Lotte Sweceny, the letters' addressee, and her family background. The letters' existence is due to the fact that the couple was separated by the outbreak of WW II and continued their relationship through correspondence. In September 1939 Lernet took part in the \"Wehrmacht's\" raid on Poland and was lightly wounded. As a result he spent the rest of the war on a leave of absence in his house in St. Wolfgang and, after September 1941, in Berlin. There, he worked as head of development of the \"Heeresfilmstelle\" (an office in charge of producing NS propaganda films), writing scripts himself and evaluating those by others. In these years, two of his most important novels, Mars im Widder (Mars in Aries) and Beide Sizilien (The Two Sicilies), were written - both are today considered as running counter to NS propaganda. Lotte Sweceny and her friends found their way into the set of characters and into the plot of Mars in Aries. The collection of poems Die Trophae (The Trophy) also originated from these years. When published in 1946, Lernet dedicated this work - which he considered to be his best - to Lotte Sweceny. The letters contain important background and numerous insights about the genesis and subsequent publication of these works. They also provide biographical details that shed light on the conditions of Lernet-Holenia's life and work during these years. Inter alia, they illuminate the circumstances surrounding Lernet-Holenia's posting to and role in the \"Heeresfilmstelle\". The writer considered his duties there dull and counterproductive to his actual work and unsurprisingly tried to escape from them as soon as possible. The thesis also addresses certain controversial issues in Lernet-Holenia's biography, in particular his involvement with the Nazi regime and his views on antisemitism: The way Lernet-Holenia writes about the regime and its protagonists in the letters suggests a clear political and intellectual distance to the \"Third Reich\" and thus reinforces scholarly voices that have, in this regard, already spoken in favor of the author. His use of a certain cipher in his letters even indicates that Lernet-Holenia was in touch with victims (or at least opponents) of the Nazi regime on behalf of Lotte Sweceny, the latter being half-Jewish herself. His personal and private dissociation from the Nazis did not, however, keep Lernet-Holenia from participating in their apparatus as long as he considered it beneficial for his career and/or his personal safety. Lotte Sweceny, who was married to an \"Aryan\" industrialist, came from the assimilated Jewish bourgeoisie of Vienna. The stimulating atmosphere of her parental home was, in part, the product of the commitment of the two preceding generations to assimilate. The chapter also deals with Lotte's marriage with Otto C. Sweceny - a marriage that was intended as a liberal experiment - and with the circle of friends consisting of architects, writers and others portrayed by the Austrian publicist Milan Dubrovic.

Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet die Edition des Briefwechsels zwischen dem \u00f6sterreichischen Schriftsteller Alexander Lernet-Holenia (1897-1976) und Maria Charlotte (\"Lotte\") Sweceny (geb. Stein, 1904-1956), Gesellschafterin des Wiener Verlags Manz, w\u00e4hrend der Jahre 1938 bis 1945. Ein einleitender Aufsatz bietet einen Forschungs\u00fcberblick, gibt den Inhalt der Briefe wieder und analysiert ihre Bedeutung f\u00fcr Biografie und Werk Alexander Lernet-Holenias. Auf die Transkripte der 154 Briefe folgt der Kommentar, der die in diesen vorhandenen Bez\u00fcge historischer, personeller, geografischer und sonstiger Art erl\u00e4utert. Ein editorischer Bericht gibt Aufschluss \u00fcber die Provenienz des Korpus' sowie die Methode von Transkription und Kommentierung. Das abschlie\u00dfende Kapitel widmet sich Lotte Sweceny, der Adressatin der Briefe, und ihrem famili\u00e4ren Hintergrund. Die Existenz der Briefe verdankt sich der Tatsache, dass das Paar durch den Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs getrennt wurde und seine Beziehung mit Hilfe von Briefen fortf\u00fchrte. Im September 1939 nahm der Wehrmachts-Offizier Alexander Lernet-Holenia am \u00dcberfall auf Polen teil, wurde verwundet und verbrachte den Rest des Krieges beurlaubt in seinem Haus in St. Wolfgang bzw. ab September 1941 \u00fcberwiegend in Berlin, wo er als Leiter des Entwicklungsstabs der Heeresfilmstelle Drehb\u00fccher beurteilte und auch selbst verfasste. Ebenfalls aus diesen Jahren datieren zwei seiner bedeutendsten Romane, Mars im Widder und Beide Sizilien, die beide der Propaganda, die er im Brotberuf generieren half, zuwiderlaufen. Lotte Sweceny und ihr Freundeskreis fanden in Figurengestaltung und Handlung des Mars im Widder Eingang. Auch die Gedichtsammlung Die Trophae entstand in diesen Jahren - bei ihrem Erscheinen 1946 widmete Lernet dieses ihm liebste seiner B\u00fccher seiner Gef\u00e4hrtin und Briefpartnerin dieser Zeit. Die Briefe enthalten zahlreiche Hinweise zur Entstehungs- und Publikationsgeschichte dieser Werke; sie liefern aber vor allem auch biografische Details, welche die Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen Lernets in diesen Jahren zu erhellen imstande sind. Unter anderem bringen die Briefe an Lotte Sweceny auch etwas mehr Licht in das diffuse Halbdunkel der Hintergr\u00fcnde von Lernet-Holenias Abkommandierung in die Heeresfilmstelle nach Berlin. Auch neuralgische Punkte in der Biografie Alexander Lernet-Holenias, die seines Verh\u00e4ltnisses zum nationalsozialistischen Regime und zum Antisemitismus, bleiben von den Briefen nicht unber\u00fchrt: Die Art und Weise, wie Lernet sich in ihnen zum Regime und seinen Protagonisten \u00e4u\u00dfert, verst\u00e4rken jene Stimmen, die dem Autor deutliche Distanz zum Nationalsozialismus bescheinigen. Die Verwendung einer Chiffre legt sogar den Schluss nahe, dass Lernet im Auftrag oder auf Vermittlung der \"Halbj\u00fcdin\" Lotte Sweceny mit Opfern bzw. Gegnern des Regimes in Kontakt stand. Diese Distanz zum System vermochte Lernet freilich nicht davon abzuhalten, es zu bedienen, wo es ihm im Interesse seines beruflichen Fortkommens und seiner pers\u00f6nlichen Sicherheit geboten schien. Lotte Sweceny, die Frau eines \"arischen\" Industriellen, stammte aus dem assimilierten j\u00fcdischen Wiener Gro\u00dfb\u00fcrgertum. Die befruchtende Atmosph\u00e4re ihres Elternhauses war auch das Resultat einer seit zwei Generationen andauernden - und in Lotte Steins Generation abgeschlossenen - Assimilationsleistung der beiden Vorg\u00e4ngergenerationen. Dieser Aspekt bildet ebenso Bestandteil der biografischen Skizze wie die Darstellung der liberalen Ehe mit Otto C. Sweceny sowie des \"oppositionell gesinnten Freundeskreis[es]\" aus Architekten, Schriftstellern und anderen, den der \u00f6sterreichische Publizist und enge Freund Lotte Swecenys, Milan Dubrovic, portr\u00e4tiert hat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dietz ,Christopher"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Letters, Judaism, World War II, Censorship"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574653"], ["title", "Alexander Lernet-Holenia und Maria Charlotte Sweceny"], ["doab_id", "17388"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788874"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788874"]], [["description", "Esta obra apresenta quest\u00f5es importantes e discute tabus sobre o desenvolvimento sexual de pessoas com defici\u00eancia intelectual. Acreditando na pr\u00e1tica interdisciplinar, busca contribuir para uma melhoria na preven\u00e7\u00e3o, qualidade de vida e adapta\u00e7\u00e3o social da pessoa com defici\u00eancia mental. Para sua elabora\u00e7\u00e3o, a autora contou com algumas refer\u00eancias bibliogr\u00e1ficas pertinentes ao tema, relatos de experi\u00eancias pedag\u00f3gicas diversas e a pr\u00f3pria experi\u00eancia adquirida ao longo de sua carreira acad\u00eamica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Moreira, L\u00edlia Maria de Azevedo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7z56d"], ["title", "Algumas abordagens da educa\u00e7\u00e3o sexual na defici\u00eancia intelectual"], ["doab_id", "17335"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211578"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211578"]], [["description", "Exciting new scholarship has been emerging as performance studies scholars begin to turn their attention to the performance of politics, nationhood, and jurisprudence. Branislav Jakovljevic\u2019s project on the history and eventual demise of the former Yugoslavia demonstrates how fruitful this approach can be. Jakovljevic considers the concept of theatricality as central to understanding the events that took place in Yugoslavia. He examines the country\u2019s trials, state ceremonies and festivals, army maneuvers, propaganda, and pop culture as \u201crehearsals and temporary enactments of an ideologically formulated future.\u201d His first chapter reveals the surrealist, avant-garde origins of key members of the Yugoslav bureaucracy after WWII, suggesting that those connections helped the culture of socialist Yugoslavia become a performance-centered culture. Continuing to explore the relationship between the political avant-garde and the artistic avant-garde, he looks at the spectacle of student demonstrations in Belgrade in 1968, and, in their aftermath, the rise of performance art in the country. The third chapter (included here) zeros in on the various political performances of Slobodan Milosevic, including his courtroom testimony at the ICTY, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The fourth chapter discusses the \u201cPeter Handke Affair,\u201d when the Austrian playwright had a major prize revoked after he attended Milosevic\u2019s funeral and recited a poem he had written in Milosevic\u2019s honor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jakovljevic ,Branislav"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Theater and Performance"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611258"], ["title", "Alienation Effects"], ["doab_id", "19235"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472073146"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472073146"]], [["description", "Il volume \u00e8 dedicato al rapporto tra alimentazione, cultura e societ\u00e0 nell\u2019Africa contemporanea. Ricercatori di diverse discipline (geografia, letteratura, antropologia, economia) si confrontano con operatori della cooperazione internazionale per approfondire le criticit\u00e0 nell\u2019accesso al cibo in Africa e analizzare le risorse materiali e immateriali che le societ\u00e0 africane attivano in questo settore. Una particolare attenzione \u00e8 dedicata alle strategie delle comunit\u00e0 locali in ambito agricolo e alimentare: in un contesto globale caratterizzato da forti squilibri, la dimensione locale costituisce un\u2019importante opportunit\u00e0 per garantire un\u2019alimentazione sufficiente e di qualit\u00e0, conservando e valorizzando l\u2019ambiente e le culture africane."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Valerio Bini; Martina Vitale Ney"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alimentazione, cultura, societ\u00e0, Africa"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Alimentazione_cultura_web.pdf"], ["title", "Alimentazione, cultura e societ\u00e0 in Africa. Crisi globali, risorse locali"], ["doab_id", "18646"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian "], ["isbns", ["9788867053872"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053872"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 4, with foreward by Maxine Kumin. Although the poems in this collection are not narrative, they do present a narrative, gradually unspooling the tale of the poet's rebel aunt, who left the family \"\"to marry a Chinaman\"\" in the 1930s. It's an old story, full of poignancy, mystery, family pride, and doubt. When the aunt returns to die, the poet, now grown, discovers in herself the need to reclaim the connections that her family had severed. She travels to China several times"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benedict, Elinor"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/1"], ["title", "All That Divides Us"], ["doab_id", "14761"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874213331"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874213331"]], [["description", "Twenty-five years of essays and reviews, linked loosely by three themes. First is the creative potential inherent in transposing classic literary texts into other genres of media (operatic, dramatic) and the responsibilities, if any, that govern the transposer, audience, and critic. The practice of transposition, however, gives rise to a creative conflict: is there a limit to the amount of ornamentation, pressure, or dilution to which the \u201cmediated\u201d word can be subject? Finally, the more polemical of the essays included here are structured on the Bakhtinian notion of co-existing \u201cplausibilities\u201d and points of view. What a carnival approach can uncover in Pushkin that might have surprised and even pleased the poet, what a libretto or play script brings out that the \u201ctrue original\u201d hides: here the work of the creator and the critic can overlap in thrilling ways that respect the competencies of each. The book includes an original preface written by David Bethea."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Caryl Emerson"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/5743196ff850821cc7414b2e/1464015216704/All+the+Same+the+Words+Don%27t+Go+Away.pdf"], ["title", "All the Same The Words Don't Go Away: Essays on Authors, Heroes, Aesthetics, and Stage Adaptations from the Russian Tradition"], ["doab_id", "19383"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781934843819"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781934843819"]], [["description", "The intention of this paper is to give a correct inside in the review of the discussed periods. It tries to achieve this by using the means of Art History and Political History to get an exact inside. The allegorical representation of the Austria in this case is the means to get it. It stands for the specific aspects of the time, so for instance the dynastic Austria with the crown of Emperor Rudolph II. meaning the predominance of the ruling Habsburgs, the civic Austria with the mural crown showing the ideas of the middle class, especially in the German speaking parts of the country, with the acceptance of the predominance of the state over the ruler, according to Hegel, or also the victorious Austria with the laurel wreath as a symbol of the conquest of the revolution of 1848. The Habsburg monarchy including many different nations was the proper breeding ground of dissatisfaction and diversified nationalistic ideas. So the representation of the Austria is an important means of showing these ideas. The periods the paper is working on are roughly speaking starting with the time of the beginning of the position of the monarchy as one of the ruling powers of Europe until her dissolution and the end of World War I. Different aspects of art history are also dealt with. So for example the 13 portraits of Habsburg rulers in the Museum Nordico at Linz, which are positioned in the time of Rudolph II. and mark the beginning of the representation of the allegory of the Austria, or the designs for monuments by Otto Wagner which are dealt with in the many books on this architect only as a side issue, whereas they are a very important part of wagners work and show his national feelings, towards his fatherland. It is furthermore interesting to look at the nationalistic problems shown in this paper and compare them with contemporary Europe and the overcoming of them. These ideas are not new, the date back to the 19th and especially the beginning of the 20th century when the Monarchy tried to overcome the problems with the slogan of Gro\u00df\u00f6sterreich (Greater Austria). During World War one followed the idea of Mitteleuropa (Central Europe) including Turkey and the institution of a Polish State to hold off revolutionary Russia

Diese Arbeit ist der Versuch, durch die Verbindung von kunsthistorischen und politikgeschichtlichen Erkenntnissen ein genaueres korrekteres Bild der behandelten Epochen zu erhalten. Die Allegorie der Austria ist dabei das Instrument zur genauen Evaluierung der jeweiligen nationalen und staatspolitischen Vorstellungen. Die Allegorie der Austria verk\u00f6rpert dabei sehr genau die jeweiligen politischen Konstellationen. Die dynamische Austria mit der rudolphinischen Hauskrone bedeutet die Pr\u00e4dominanz des Herrscherhauses, die b\u00fcrgerliche Austria mit der Mauerkrone die Vorstellungen dieser Bev\u00f6lkerungsschicht, vor allem im deutschsprachigen Teil von \u00d6sterreich, die Stellung des Staates \u00fcber dem Herrscher der Sinne Hegels, sowie auch die siegreiche Austria mit dem Lorbeerkranz als Zeichen der \u00dcberwindung der Revolution von 1848. Gerade im Vielv\u00f6lkerstaat der Habsburger, wo die divergierenden gesamtstaatlichen und nationalen Sichtweisen zu Konflikten f\u00fchren mu\u00dften, ist so die Allegorie der Austria ein wichtiger Hinweis auf die jeweilige Stellung der \u00d6ffentlichkeit zu der angedeuteten Problematik. Der in der Arbeit vorgegebene Zeitraum umfa\u00dft die Periode vom Beginn des Aufstiegs \u00d6sterreichs zur Gro\u00dfmacht bis zum Ende der Monarchie nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Dabei werden verschiedene k\u00fcnstlerische Aspekte in einer neueren und genaueren Betrachtungsweise angesprochen, wie zum Beispiel der Zyklus von 13 Portr\u00e4ts aus dem Umfeld von Rudolph II. im Linzer Museum Nordico, die in der gro\u00dfen Ausstellung \u00fcber diesen Herrscher \"Prag um 1600\" nicht repr\u00e4sentiert waren und die am Beginn der Austria-Allegorie in der bildenden Kunst stehen, oder die Denkmalsentw\u00fcrfe Otto Wagners, die im Gro\u00dfteil der Literatur \u00fcber diesen Architekten nur als Gelegenheitsentw\u00fcrfe bezeichnet werden, aber in Wahrheit ernstzunehmende Auseinandersetzungen Wagners mit der nationalen Kunst sind. Ein weiterer gedanklicher Ansatzpunkt ist der Vergleich des Ringens um einen modernen Gesamtstaat vor allem seit dem Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts im Verh\u00e4ltnis zum heutigen Europa mit seinen \u00fcberstaatlichen Strukturen. Dazu geh\u00f6rt die im Weltkrieg aufgekommene Idee von Mitteleuropa unter Einschlu\u00df der T\u00fcrkei und der Wiedererrichtung des K\u00f6nigreiches Polen als Pufferstaat gegen\u00fcber dem revolution\u00e4ren Russland. Hier ist schon lange vor der Gr\u00fcndung der europ\u00e4ischen Union der Versuch gemacht, den Kontinent friedlich zu einen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Krasa-Florian ,Selma"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["allegorical representation of Austria"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437140"], ["title", "Die Allegorie der Austria"], ["doab_id", "15266"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775805"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775805"]], [["description", "Die bei Plantin-Moretus um 1600 in Antwerpen gedruckten, von Jan David SJ verfassten und durch Theodoor Galle aufwendig illustrierten Andachtsb\u00fccher werden erstmals vollst\u00e4ndig und systematisch, unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung der Texte und zugeh\u00f6riger Bilder, vorgestellt und untersucht. Deren komplexe Kupfersticherfi ndungen sind nicht - wie bislang angenommen - Emblemvarianten, sondern stellen ein g\u00e4nzlich anders funktionierendes System der Text- und Bild-Synthese dar. Der jeweiligen Andachts-, Erbauungs- oder Lehrfunktion entsprechend verbildlichen die Kupferstiche Allegorisierungen moralischer und religi\u00f6ser Didaxe, bildinterne Lettern und beigef\u00fcgte Erl\u00e4uterungen erschlie\u00dfen Inhalte und stellen den Bezug zu den verbildlichten Texten her. Analyse der unterschiedlichen Text-Bild-Verschr\u00e4nkungen in den vier B\u00fcchern, Herleitung der Buchstabenverweissysteme, buchgeschichtliche Einordnung, Entstehungsumst\u00e4nde, Konzeptionsgeschichte, funktionale Bestimmungen und Rezeptionen der B\u00fccher und Bilder werden umfassend gekl\u00e4rt. Neben Veridicus Christianus (1601), Occasio Arrepta Neglecta (1605), Paradisus Sponsi et Sponsae (1607) und Duodecim Specula (1610) wurde auch das umfangreiche und viel rezipierte, von Boetius a Bolswert illustrierte Via Vitae Aeternae (1620) des Antoine Sucquet SJ ausf\u00fchrlich behandelt.

Die bei Plantin-Moretus um 1600 in Antwerpen gedruckten, von Jan David SJ verfassten und durch Theodoor Galle aufwendig illustrierten Andachtsb\u00fccher werden erstmals vollst\u00e4ndig und systematisch, unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung der Texte und zugeh\u00f6riger Bilder, vorgestellt und untersucht. Deren komplexe Kupfersticherfi ndungen sind nicht - wie bislang angenommen - Emblemvarianten, sondern stellen ein g\u00e4nzlich anders funktionierendes System der Text- und Bild-Synthese dar. Der jeweiligen Andachts-, Erbauungs- oder Lehrfunktion entsprechend verbildlichen die Kupferstiche Allegorisierungen moralischer und religi\u00f6ser Didaxe, bildinterne Lettern und beigef\u00fcgte Erl\u00e4uterungen erschlie\u00dfen Inhalte und stellen den Bezug zu den verbildlichten Texten her. Analyse der unterschiedlichen Text-Bild-Verschr\u00e4nkungen in den vier B\u00fcchern, Herleitung der Buchstabenverweissysteme, buchgeschichtliche Einordnung, Entstehungsumst\u00e4nde, Konzeptionsgeschichte, funktionale Bestimmungen und Rezeptionen der B\u00fccher und Bilder werden umfassend gekl\u00e4rt. Neben Veridicus Christianus (1601), Occasio Arrepta Neglecta (1605), Paradisus Sponsi et Sponsae (1607) und Duodecim Specula (1610) wurde auch das umfangreiche und viel rezipierte, von Boetius a Bolswert illustrierte Via Vitae Aeternae (1620) des Antoine Sucquet SJ ausf\u00fchrlich behandelt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sors, Anne-Katrin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["devotional books", "Catholicism", "allegory", "devotional books", "Catholicism", "allegory"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610388"], ["title", "Allegorische Andachtsb\u00fccher in Antwerpen - Jan Davids Texte und Theodoor Galles Illustrationen in den jesuitischen Buchprojekten der Plantiniana"], ["doab_id", "19192"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952341"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952341"]], [["description", "This book treats the spectacular rise in life expectancy during the last three centuries. It is the first study to bring together both published and unpublished material about the history of the health of Belgian men and women and to analyze it critically. Isabelle Devos studies the mechanisms of the historic fall in the death rate in an original manner and answers the question why research on the causes of this decline has not progressed faster. While the discipline of historical demography orients the first part of her book, the discipline of historical epidemiology provides the perspective taken in the second part, in which the role of insects as spreaders of disease is explored. Essential in her study is the importance of local medical practitioners who already at the end of the Ancien R\u00e9gime warned of the dangers present in the environment. Their \u2018ecological\u2019 thinking created a consciousness that was decisive for the further development of healthcare."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Devos ,Isabelle "], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Historical demography", "Historical epidemiology", "Life expectancy", "Healthcare", "Historische demografie", "Historische epidemiologie", "Levensverwachting", "Gezondheidszorg"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365396"], ["title", "Allemaal beestjes. Mortaliteit en morbiditeit in Vlaanderen, 18de-20ste eeuw"], ["doab_id", "13275"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038209043"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038209043"]], [["description", "This volume contains the lectures of the 2nd Family Law Forum in G\u00f6ttingen, July 2nd, 2011. Major topic is Child Safety Law and the threats of child's well-being.

Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des 2. Familienrechtlichen Forums G\u00f6ttingen vom 2. Juli 2011, welches aktuelle Problemstellungen des Kindschaftsrechts zum Gegenstand hatte. Vor dem Hintergrund j\u00fcngst abgeschlossener und bevorstehender Gesetzesnovellen er\u00f6rterten ausgew\u00e4hlte Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis verschiedene Problemschwerpunkte: Zum einen wurde die anstehende Novellierung des Sorgerechts nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern thematisiert und nach L\u00f6sungen f\u00fcr den Umgang mit dem Umgangsboykott gesucht. Dabei er\u00f6ffnete die interdisziplin\u00e4re und rechtsvergleichende Ann\u00e4hrung an die aufgeworfenen Probleme neue Perspektiven. Zum anderen wurden die nur wenige Tage nach der Veranstaltung abgeschlossene Vormundschaftsrechtsreform sowie das inzwischen ebenfalls in Kraft getretene Bundeskinderschutzgesetz einer kritischen W\u00fcrdigung unterzogen. Die Veranstaltung endete mit einer kritischen Zwischenbilanz zum kindschaftsrechtlichen Verfahren nach dem FamFG, das die Praxis vor zahlreiche Probleme stellt. Band 12 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Familiy Law", "Child Safety", "Rights situation of divorced parents", "divorced parenting", "child's well-being", "Family law", "Child welfare", "Child endangerment", "Children's law", "Speeches", "Familiy Law", "Child Safety", "Rights situation of divorced parents", "divorced parenting", "child's well-being", "Family law", "Child welfare", "Child endangerment", "Children's law", "Speeches"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610204"], ["title", "Alles zum Wohle des Kindes? - Aktuelle Probleme des Kindschaftsrechts 2. Familienrechtliches Forum G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "14806"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950538"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950538"]], [["description", "not yet available

Allgemeine Technologie, die Lehre von den grundlegenden Prinzipien der Technik, verbindet technik- und sozialwissenschaftliches Wissen mit philosophischen \u00dcberlegungen. Das Buch behandelt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele die vielf\u00e4ltigen Probleme und Facetten der Technisierung, in der sich menschliche Akteure und technische Artefakte zu soziotechnischen Systemen verbinden. Es analysiert die Bedingungen und Folgen der Technikverwendung ebenso wie die Verlaufsmuster der technischen Entwicklung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ropohl ,G\u00fcnter"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["history of technology", "interdisciplinarity", "Systemtheorie der Technologie", "Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422388"], ["title", "Allgemeine Technologie : eine Systemtheorie der Technik"], ["doab_id", "15084"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866443747"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866443747"]], [["description", "G\u00f6ttingen nach Kriegsende 1945 \u2013 Wie gestaltete sich der Nachkriegsalltag aus Sicht der Bev\u00f6lkerung und der alten und neuen Beh\u00f6rden? Welche Formen und Auswirkungen hatten die neuen politischen Verh\u00e4ltnisse, die Fl\u00fcchtlinge, die Mangelwirtschaft, die Wohnungsnot, die Umgestaltung des Bildungssektors und welche Neuordnungen des \u00f6ffentlichen und kulturellen Lebens stie\u00dfen auf Akzeptanz oder Ablehnung? Diesen und anderen Fragen geht der vorliegende Sammelband nach. Er beruht auf Beitr\u00e4gen eines Seminars im Fach Geschichte der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, die von den Herausgeberinnen redigiert und durch ein Vorwort erg\u00e4nzt wurden. In verschiedenen Archiven stie\u00dfen die Studierenden auf zahlreiche bislang unver\u00f6ffentlichte Quellen und analysierten diese mit Hilfe aktueller Forschungsans\u00e4tze zur Alltagsgeschichte.

G\u00f6ttingen nach Kriegsende 1945 \u2013 Wie gestaltete sich der Nachkriegsalltag aus Sicht der Bev\u00f6lkerung und der alten und neuen Beh\u00f6rden? Welche Formen und Auswirkungen hatten die neuen politischen Verh\u00e4ltnisse, die Fl\u00fcchtlinge, die Mangelwirtschaft, die Wohnungsnot, die Umgestaltung des Bildungssektors und welche Neuordnungen des \u00f6ffentlichen und kulturellen Lebens stie\u00dfen auf Akzeptanz oder Ablehnung? Diesen und anderen Fragen geht der vorliegende Sammelband nach. Er beruht auf Beitr\u00e4gen eines Seminars im Fach Geschichte der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, die von den Herausgeberinnen redigiert und durch ein Vorwort erg\u00e4nzt wurden. In verschiedenen Archiven stie\u00dfen die Studierenden auf zahlreiche bislang unver\u00f6ffentlichte Quellen und analysierten diese mit Hilfe aktueller Forschungsans\u00e4tze zur Alltagsgeschichte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00fcttner, Maren; Horn, Sabine"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History of Cities", "Postwar History", "History of Cities", "Postwar History"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610274"], ["title", "Alltagsleben nach 1945 - die Nachkriegszeit am Beispiel der Stadt G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "14570"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344816"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344816"]], [["description", "Will Evans's writings should find a special niche in the small but significant body of literature from and about traders to the Navajos. Evans was the proprietor of the Shiprock Trading Company. Probably more than most of his fellow traders, he had a strong interest in Navajo culture. The effort he made to record and share what he learned certainly was unusual. He published in the Farmington and New Mexico newspapers and other periodicals, compiling many of his pieces into a book manuscript. His subjects were Navajos he knew and traded with, their stories of historic events such as the Long Walk, and descriptions of their culture as he, an outsider without academic training, understood it. Evans's writings were colored by his fondness for, uncommon access to, and friendships with Navajos, and by who he was: a trader, folk artist, and Mormon. He accurately portrayed the operations of a trading post and knew both the material and artistic value of Navajo crafts. His art was mainly inspired by Navajo sandpainting. He appropriated and, no doubt, sometimes misappropriated that sacred art to paint surfaces and objects of all kinds. As a Mormon, he had particular views of who the Navajos were and what they believed and was representative of a large class of often-overlooked traders. Much of the Navajo trade in the Four Corners region and farther west was operated by Mormons. They had a significant historical role as intermediaries, or brokers, between Native and European American peoples in this part of the West. Well connected at the center of that world, Evans was a good spokesperson.Will Evans did not publish his book in his lifetime, but his granddaughter Susan Evans Woods reached that goal with the assistance of historian Robert McPherson, who has authored numerous books on Navajo and Four Corners history. Their edition is illustrated with an equally significant, rare selection of photos from the collections of Evans and his colleagues."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Evans, Will; Woods, Susan E.; McPherson, Robert"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/83"], ["title", "Along Navajo Trails: Recollections of a Trader, 1898-1948"], ["doab_id", "14711"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216066"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216066"]], [["description", "The Alor-Pantar family constitutes the westernmost outlier group of Papuan(Non-Austronesian) languages. Its twenty or so languages are spoken onthe islands of Alor and Pantar, located just north of Timor, in eastern In-donesia. Together with the Papuan languages of Timor, they make up theTimor-Alor-Pantar family. The languages average 5,000 speakers and areunder pressure from the local Malay variety as well as the national lan-guage, Indonesian.This volume studies the internal and external linguistic history of thisinteresting group, and showcases some of its unique typological features,such as the preference to index the transitive patient-like argument onthe verb but not the agent-like one; the extreme variety in morphologi-cal alignment patterns; the use of plural number words; the existence ofquinary numeral systems; the elaborate spatial deictic systems involvingan elevation component; and the great variation exhibited in their kinshipsystems.Unlike many other Papuan languages, Alor-Pantar languages do not ex-hibit clause-chaining, do not have switch reference systems, never suffixsubject indexes to verbs, do not mark gender, but do encode clusivity intheir pronominal systems. Indeed, apart from a broadly similar head-finalsyntactic profile, there is little else that the Alor-Pantar languages sharewith Papuan languages spoken in other regions. While all of them showsome traces of contact with Austronesian languages, in general, borrow-ing from Austronesian has not been intense, and contact with Malay andIndonesian is a relatively recent phenomenon in most of the Alor-Pantarregion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klamer ,Marian"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["linguistics", "typology", "Papuan languages", "Alor-Pantar languages", "numeral systems", "elevationals", "comparative linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533875"], ["title", "The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology"], ["doab_id", "16325"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783944675480"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675480"]], [["description", "This book follows a new path of describing the Alps from the years 500 to 800. Instead of running through this mountain range from east to west (or reverse) and writing one local history after the other, relevant patterns were captured: patterns of control, borders, communication routes, Christendom, settlement, economy, local methods to establish power and traces of local identity. Comparing theses structures on an interregional level made it possible to establish a new view on the early medieval alpine regions. By the year 500 the inhabitants of this central European mountain range were typically roman-provincial. Some regional differences existed, yet the main factors were quite similar: language, laws, religion (Christendom) and social structures. From the 6th c. on this changed. New political developments made a large part of the alpine provinces turn northwards to the Frankish realms. As a consequence borders were created within the Alps. Many hilltop settlements and strongholds in the valleys were built to guarantee the security both of population and borders. Militia was installed to control these boundaries; they were either recruited from the local population or got especially settled for these means. This change of view made some Roman topoi disappear: the Alps were no longer regarded as hostile and as the walls of Italy. The routes through the Alps changed. One reason for this was the growing number of pilgrims from the British Isles made the passage through Maurienne and over the Mont Cenis more important than the ancient route via Montgen\u00e8vre. The central Alps in Curia remained a highly important point to cross the mountains, whereas more eastwards the once important crossing points became mere backroads. Farther east the Avarian-Slavic conquest caused the sources to silence, nevertheless the communication routes remained visible through archaeological findings and place names. A big change for the alpine population was the transformations in settlement patterns, first of all the diminishing importance of Roman cities. Some of them disappeared completely, such as Teurnia, Aguntum and Octodurum. Nevertheless, the wider settlement areas around these former towns always remained important. New centres emerged. Some had roman roots, for example Iuvavum/Salzburg, others were new foundations, like the numerous cloisters from the 8th c. The church played a significant role in this transformation, as a bishop's see or the burial church of a saint constituted a point of attraction for the local population. The antique transalpine and alpine networks of trade underwent some transitions. Goods like olive oil, high quality pottery and sea salt were no longer brought over the Alps. The eastern alpine ore deposits were not exploited on a grand scale anymore. New natural resources became important, for example the salt deposits in the northern Alps. There are some traces of exported products. The vineyards of the Southern Alps produced vine for export to the north-alpine regions and the central alpine soapstone production supplied the population of the whole mountain range with high quality cookware. In addition to this, products like cheese, wool, honey and lumber might have been exported. Alpine agriculture did not change much. Farming was based on subsistence and the surplus was sold locally to travellers or given to the owners of the land. The use of alpine pastures roots in pre-roman times and was practised continually, although the intensity of the pastoralism is difficult to estimate. Local power structures emerged out of late antique roots. In the 8th and beginning of the 9th c. the population of these parts of the Alps still spoke a roman language, were Christian and lived in a very differentiated social structure whose legal habits were based on roman law. Contrary to that, the eastern Alps saw a major cultural shift that resulted in the Slavic reign of Carantania.

Diese Arbeit w\u00e4hlte einen neuen Ansatz, um die Alpen in den Jahren 500 bis 800 zu beschreiben: Anstatt die einzelnen Regionen von Ost nach West - oder umgekehrt - durchzugehen und eine Herrschaftsgeschichte nach der anderen zu schreiben, wurden die relevanten Strukturen erfasst - also Zugriff, Grenzen, Verkehrsrouten, Christentum, Besiedlung, Wirtschaft, regionale Methoden der Machtentfaltung und Identit\u00e4tsspuren der Bev\u00f6lkerung. Diese Strukturen wurden miteinander verglichen. Dadurch war es m\u00f6glich, einen neuen Zugang zu der Transformation der r\u00f6mischen Welt in eine fr\u00fchmittelalterliche auf alpinem Gebiet zu erlangen. Um das Jahr 500 war die Bev\u00f6lkerung der Alpen noch eine typisch provinzialr\u00f6mische, die zwar regionale Unterschiede aufwies, sich aber in wesentlichen Punkten \u00e4hnelte: Sprache, Recht, Religion (Christentum) und Sozialstruktur. Ab dem 6. Jh. \u00e4nderten sich diese Verh\u00e4ltnisse. Zun\u00e4chst schufen die neuen politischen Bedingungen neue Zugeh\u00f6rigkeiten, die die Alpenprovinzen ab dem 6. Jh. an den Norden, an die Reiche fr\u00e4nkischer Herrschaft angliederten. Es entstanden zahlreiche Grenzpunkte Richtung S\u00fcden und sp\u00e4ter auch Osten, wo sich ab etwa 600 das awarisch-slawische Reich erstreckte. Zeuge der nun entstandenen Grenzen sind zahlreiche H\u00f6henfestungen, eigens eingesetzte Grenztruppen und Talsperren zur Sicherung des Territoriums und der Bev\u00f6lkerung. Der ge\u00e4nderte Blick brachte auch einige r\u00f6mische Alpen-Topoi zum Verschwinden, etwa den Topos der lebensfeindlichen Alpen oder von dem Gebirge als Mauern Italiens. Weitere \u00c4nderungen betrafen die \u00dcberg\u00e4nge. Aus unterschiedlichsten Gr\u00fcnden entstanden neue Wege und alte verloren an Wichtigkeit. Ein Beispiel ist der Mont Cenis, der vor allem aufgrund der wachsenden Pilgerstr\u00f6me von den britischen Inseln den wichtigen r\u00f6mischen Alpen\u00fcbergang Montgen\u00e8vre ersetzte. In den zentralen Alpen erfreute sich Churr\u00e4tien, nicht zuletzt durch die stabilen politischen Verh\u00e4ltnisse, einer gro\u00dfen Beliebtheit, w\u00e4hrend \u00dcberg\u00e4nge \u00f6stlich davon lediglich als Nebenwege wahrgenommen wurden. Ein gro\u00dfer Bruch f\u00fcr die alpinen Menschen bedeuteten die sp\u00e4tantiken Ver\u00e4nderungen der Siedlungsstrukturen, die in allen Provinzen des ehemaligen r\u00f6mischen Reiches stattfanden und auch in den Alpen beobachtet werden k\u00f6nnen: die alten r\u00f6mischen St\u00e4dte verloren ihre Substanz und verschwanden teilweise ganz, w\u00e4hrenddessen neue Zentren erschaffen wurden, allen voran die Kl\u00f6ster. Einst weniger wichtige Siedlungen, wie das antike Iuvavum/Salzburg, gewannen massiv an Bedeutung, w\u00e4hrend andere r\u00f6mische St\u00e4dte wie Teurnia, Aguntum aber auch Octodurum vergingen. Allerdings blieben die jeweiligen Siedlungskammern stets bedeutend - es ging nur die antike Stadtstruktur unter. Eine gro\u00dfe Rolle in der Ver\u00e4nderung dieser Siedlungsmuster spielte die Kirche, da Bischofssitze und Kirchen von bedeutenderen Heiligen einen Anziehungspunkt f\u00fcr die lokale Bev\u00f6lkerung darstellten. Die gro\u00dfen Umw\u00e4lzungen der sp\u00e4tantiken Wirtschaft betrafen vor allem den transalpinen Handel, da viele Produkte, wie Oliven\u00f6l, hochwertige Keramik, Salz und Getreide kaum mehr \u00fcber die Alpen gebracht wurden. Die lokale Landwirtschaft hingegen, die nur wenig \u00dcberschuss f\u00fcr Grundbesitzer und Reisende produzierte, \u00e4nderte sich zun\u00e4chst noch wenig. Die Bewirtschaftung mehrerer H\u00f6henstufen bis hin zu den Almen oberhalb der Baumgrenze wurzelt in r\u00f6mischer und vorr\u00f6mischer Zeit und blieb auch im fr\u00fchen Mittelalter bestehen. Eine Spezialisierung betraf nur ganz wenige landwirtschaftliche Produkte, beispielsweise Wein und vielleicht K\u00e4se oder Wolle. Die lokalen Herrschaftsstrukturen konnten sich in den West- und Zentralalpen kontinuierlich aus ihren sp\u00e4tantiken Wurzeln weiterentwickeln. Im 8. und beginnenden 9. Jh. sprachen die Menschen aus diesem Teil der Alpen immer noch eine romanische Sprache, waren christlich und lebten in einer stark geschichteten Gesellschaftsstruktur, die sich laut Quellen nach sp\u00e4tantiken Rechtsgewohnheiten richtete. Im Gegensatz dazu erlebten die Bewohner der Ostalpen einen deutlichen Kultursprung, denn hier wechselten die Sprache, Religion und die Machtverh\u00e4ltnisse fast g\u00e4nzlich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Winckler ,Katharina"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Alps, Transformation of the Roman World, Early middle Ages, Culture, Economy, Power Structures"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437227"], ["title", "Die Alpen im Fr\u00fchmittelalter"], ["doab_id", "15348"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787693"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787693"]], [["description", "The Deutsche und \u00d6sterreichische Alpenverein resulted from a merger of the \u00d6sterreichischer Alpenverein founded in 1862 with the Deutsche Alpenverein in 1873. Both clubs had been initiated by urban circles in Vienna, Munich and other major cities in Germany and Austria. The Alpenverei soon became very popular and on the eve of World War I had more than 100.000 members. In the beginning, the Alpenverein concentrated its activities on the scientific exploration of the Alps, which was regularly reported upon in its periodicals. Subsequently, the Alpenverein established a regular service of well educated mountain guides as well as a net of thousands of kilometres of mountain routes and mountain huts to serve the needs of the growing number of Alpine tourists. Routes and huts were established by the numerous sections founded over the decades between the North Sea in the north and the Adriatic Sea in the south, between Strassbourg in the west and K\u00f6nigsberg in the east. Besides such practical goals, the Alpenverein also cherished ideal motives such as the intention of providing city dwellers by way of compensation with the chance of enjoying nature and finding physical recreation, which at the same were to foster qualities of character such as determination, daring and presence of mind. The sections - besides giving information on the Alps - also cherished the social life among their members, especially during the annual general meetings, which were organized alternately by various sections and which were to rank among the highlights of urban social life. The exploration and visits of the Alps were often related with a kind of colonial though well intended attempts to influence the alpine population, since the Alpenverein also considered itself a \"provider of culture\". The alpine population, however, had - at least in the beginning and with but few exceptions - only little understanding for the activities of the alpine tourists, although in the end and as a consequence of the emerging alpine tourism, which was strongly promoted by the Alpenverein, the benefits prevailed. After many years of peaceful development characterized by cooperation not only between the German and the Austrian sections of the club, but also between the Alpenverein and similar clubs in the neighbouring alpine countries, the political conflicts before and during World War I resulted in more radical attitudes within the Alpenverein, especially vis-a-vis the Italian side. Thanks to its knowledge and infrastructure in the Alps, the Alpenverein was able to support the Austrian army in its war in the mountains. All in all, however, it may be said without exaggeration that the Deutsche und \u00d6sterreichische Alpenverein contributed a great deal and substantially to the exploration, the knowledge and - by making them more easily accessible - the popularity of the Alps, to the expansion of the members horizons and perceptions as well as, finally, to the material and in many cases spiritual improvement of the alpine regions themselves.

Der Deutsche und \u00d6sterreichische Alpenverein entstand aus der Verbindung des 1862 gegr\u00fcndeten \u00d6sterreichischen Alpenvereins und dem wenige Jahre sp\u00e4ter gegr\u00fcndeten Deutschen Alpenverein im Jahre 1873. Beide Vereine waren auf Initiative b\u00fcrgerlicher Kreise in Wien, M\u00fcnchen und anderen gr\u00f6\u00dferen St\u00e4dten in Deutschland und \u00d6sterreich entstanden. Der Alpenverein erfreute sich schon bald gro\u00dfer Beliebtheit und z\u00e4hlte am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges \u00fcber 100.000 Mitglieder. Die anf\u00e4ngliche T\u00e4tigkeit des Alpenvereins war vornehmlich auf die wissenschaftliche Erkundung und die Erschlie\u00dfung der Alpen ausgerichtet, \u00fcber deren Ergebnisse in regelm\u00e4\u00dfig erscheinenden Publikationen berichtet wurde. In weiterer Folge nahm sich der Alpenverein der Ausbildung eines geregelten Bergf\u00fchrerwesens an und errichtete zum Zwecke der leichteren Begehbarkeit der Berge f\u00fcr immer mehr Alpinisten ein mehrere tausend Kilometer langes Netz von Wegen und eine F\u00fclle von Schutzh\u00fctten. Der Bau von Wegen und Schutzh\u00fctten lag in der Hand der im Laufe der Jahrzehnte in gro\u00dfer Zahl gebildeten Alpenvereinssektionen, die sich von der Nordsee im Norden bis zur Adria im S\u00fcden und von Strassburg im Westen bis K\u00f6nigsberg im Osten erstreckte. Mit den praktischen Zielen waren ideelle Motive verbunden, die darauf abzielten, den St\u00e4dtern einen kompensatorischen Naturgenuss samt k\u00f6rperlicher Erholung und Erfrischung zu erm\u00f6glichen, der auch Charaktereigenschaften wie Entschlossenheit, Wagemut und Geistesgegenwart f\u00f6rdern sollte. In den Sektionen wurden neben der laufenden Information \u00fcber die Alpen auch die Geselligkeit unter den Mitgliedern und das gesellschaftliche Leben, insbesondere im Rahmen der alternierend in verschiedenen St\u00e4dten stattfindenden Jahresversammlungen gepflegt, die jeweils zu einem gesellschaftlichen H\u00f6hepunkt im st\u00e4dtischen Leben wurden. Mit der Erschlie\u00dfung und Bereisung der Alpen war aber auch eine Art kolonialistischer, wenn auch gut gemeinter Beeinflussung der Alpenbev\u00f6lkerung selbst verbunden, da sich der Alpenverein vielfach als \"Kulturbringer\" verstand. Die alpine Bev\u00f6lkerung selbst brachte anfangs den Unternehmungen der St\u00e4dte - von Ausnahmen abgesehen - nur wenig Verst\u00e4ndnis entgegen, sollte jedoch in der Folge - insbesondere durch den allm\u00e4hlich entstehenden Alpentourismus, zu dessen Verbreitung der Alpenverein ganz wesentlich beitrug - davon in wachsendem Ma\u00dfe profitieren. Nach vielen Jahren einer friedlichen Entwicklung, die neben der grenz\u00fcberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen deutschen und \u00f6sterreichischen Sektionen auch durch eine gute und weitgehend konfliktfreie Kooperation mit \u00e4hnlichen Vereinen in den angrenzenden Alpenl\u00e4ndern gekennzeichnet war, brachten erst die politischen Auseinandersetzungen im Vorfeld des Weltkriegs und insbesondere dieser selbst eine Verh\u00e4rtung der Fronten und eine Radikalisierung der Standpunkte insbesondere gegen\u00fcber der italienischen Seite. Der Alpenverein unterst\u00fctzte mit seinem Wissen und der von ihm unterhaltenen Infrastruktur die milit\u00e4rischen Aktionen im Rahmen des Gebirgskrieges. Alles in allem trug der Deutsche und \u00d6sterreichische Alpenverein ganz wesentlich zur Erschlie\u00dfung, zur Kenntnis und zur leichteren Begehbarkeit der Alpen, zur Erweiterung des Lebenshorizontes seiner Mitglieder sowie zur materiellen und in mancherlei Hinsicht auch geistigen Verbesserung der alpinen Regionen selbst bei."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gidl ,Anneliese"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Alpine Club, Alpine Tourism, Alpine History, Urban History"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437147"], ["title", "Alpenverein"], ["doab_id", "15272"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205776680"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205776680"]], [["description", "Studies have shown that alterations of epigenetics and microRNAs (miRNAs) play critical roles in the initiation and progression of human cancer. Epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells is generally mediated by DNA hypermethylation of CpG island promoter and histone modification such as methylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) and tri-methylation of H3K27. MiRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate expression of various target genes. Specific miRNAs are aberrantly expressed and play roles as tumor suppressors or oncogenes during carcinogenesis. Important tumor suppressor miRNAs are silenced by epigenetic alterations, resulting in activation of target oncogenes in human malignancies. Stem cells have the ability to perpetuate themselves through self-renewal and to generate mature cells of various tissues through differentiation. Accumulating evidence suggests that a subpopulation of cancer cells with distinct stem-like properties is responsible for tumor initiation, invasive growth, and metastasis formation, which is defined as cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are considered to be resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy, suggesting that these cells are important targets of cancer therapy. DNA methylation, histone modification and miRNAs may be deeply involved in stem-like properties in cancer cells. Restoring the expression of tumor suppressor genes and miRNAs by chromatin modifying drugs may be a promising therapeutic approach for cancer stem cells. In this Research Topic, we discuss about alterations of epigenetics and miRNAs in cancer and cancer stem cell and understand the molecular mechanism underlying the formation of cancer stem cell, which may provide a novel insight for treatment of refractory cancer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yoshimasa Saito"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["epigenetics", "MicroRNAs", "Cancer", "cancer stem cells", "Methylation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1552/alterations-of-epigenetics-and-micrornas-in-cancer-and-cancer-stem-cell"], ["title", "Alterations of Epigenetics and MicroRNAs in Cancer and Cancer Stem Cell"], ["doab_id", "18675"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193455"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193455"]], [["description", "The Altering Eye covers a \"golden age\" of international cinema from the end of WWII through to the New German Cinema of the 1970s. Combining historical, political, and textual analysis, Kolker develops a pattern of cinematic invention and experimentation from neorealism through the modernist interventions of Jean-Luc Godard and Rainer Werner Fassbinder, focusing along the way on such major figures as Luis Bu\u00f1uel, Joseph Losey, the Brazilian director Glauber Rocha, and the work of major Cuban filmmakers.Kolker\u2019s book has become a much quoted classic in the field of film studies providing essential reading for anybody interested in understanding the history of European and international cinema. This new and revised edition includes a substantive new preface by the author and an updated bibliography. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kolker, Robert Phillip (Author)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Cinema", "film", "movies", "film studies", "Jean-Luc Godard", "Rainer Maria Fassbinder", "Glauber Rocha", "Joseph Losey", "New German Cinema", "European film"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/8"], ["title", "The Altering Eye: Contemporary International Cinema"], ["doab_id", "14480"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924041"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924041"]], [["description", "In this ground-breaking new book, Linda Jean Kenix shows how alternative and mainstream media exist on the same continuum, and where their points of convergence lie. She also demonstrates how alternative media creates 'alternative communications', and casts the whole media spectrum in a new light."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Linda Jean Kenix"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665421"], ["title", "Alternative and Mainstream Media"], ["doab_id", "14384"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665421"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665421"]], [["description", "Provides new ideas to address today's global development challenges, evaluating past experience and exploring answers for the future."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jose Antonio Alonso; Giovanni Andrea Cornia; Rob Vos"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593047"], ["title", "Alternative Development Strategies for the Post-2015 Era"], ["doab_id", "16294"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472593047"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472593047"]], [["description", "For much of the 20th century, theories of addictive behaviour and motivation were polarized between two models. The first model viewed addiction as a moral failure for which addicts are rightly held responsible and judged accordingly. The second model, in contrast, viewed addiction as a specific brain disease caused by neurobiological adaptations occurring in response to chronic drug or alcohol use, and over which addicts have no choice or control. As our capacity to observe neurobiological phenomena improved, the second model became scientific orthodoxy, increasingly dominating addiction research and informing public understandings of addiction. More recently, however, a dissenting view has emerged within addiction research, based partly on new scientific research and partly on progress in philosophical and psychological understandings of relevant mental phenomena. This view does not revert to treating addiction as a moral failure, but nonetheless holds that addictive behaviour is fundamentally motivated by choice and subject to at least a degree of voluntary control. On this alternative model of addiction, addictive behaviour is an instrumental means to ends that are desired by the individual, although much controversy exists with respect to the rationality or irrationality of these ends, the degree and nature of the voluntary control of addictive behaviour and motivation, the explanation of the difference between addictive and non-addictive behaviour and motivation, and, lastly, the extent to which addictive behaviour and motivation is correctly characterised as pathological or diseased. This research topic includes papers in the traditions of neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, law and social science that explore alternative understandings of addiction."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hanna Pickard; Serge H. Ahmed; Bennett Foddy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["drugs", "Addiction", "Disease", "choice", "compulsion", "Self-Control", "substance abuse", "substance dependence"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1036/alternative-models-of-addiction"], ["title", "Alternative Models of Addiction"], ["doab_id", "18846"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197132"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197132"]], [["description", "\"... habent sua fata libelli\": Nowadays this saying is usually used to state, that a text is only able to impart as much message, as the reader is willing to understand. However, we can make use of this saying in another sense too - for instance just as James Joyce used to say: to give a \"book in print a life of its own\"; meaning that the fate of a book is above all built on the fact, that it was put into the world. Of course there are papers, which never caught sight of the world, or which later got lost - for example due to a fire-disaster. On the 15th of July 1927, the most important files about the history of the making of Austria's General Civil Code sustained such a fate, due to the fire-disaster in the Viennese Palace of Justice, where these documents have been treasured at the Archive of the Ministry of Justice.This destruction, however, did not lead to the total loss of legal sources relevant to the legal history of Austria's General Civil Code. The most important documents regarding the beginning of the composition of the Austrian General Civil Code have been preserved by Harrasowksy in his edition of the Codex Theresianus in 1883/86. Nevertheless some of the eldest materials, that have been marking the very beginning of the composition of the Codex Theresianus in 1753, composed by the first law-making commission, the so called Compilating-Commission, remained disregarded and untouched in the archives: to begin with, this is a \"plan\", drawn up by Josef Azzoni in May 1753, containing not only a disposition of the content of the Codex Theresianus, but also a first description of it. Therefore this \"plan\" can be seen just as a preliminary draft of the project of the Codex Theresianus. Moreover this is a series of descriptions about civil laws, valid for different hereditary provinces of the Habsburg Monarchy, which should then serve as basic sources in regard of the project of an unified Civil Code, which was provided as a common law for the entire monarchy instead of particular laws in different provinces. In his edition of the Codex Theresianus Harrasowsky specified only the headlines of Azzonis \"plan\"; he also presented several descriptions of the Civil Law, valid for the particular hereditary provinces, namely in annotations to the content of the Codex; however only regarding details, and sporadically distributed within the three parts of the Codex.Since the times of Harrasowsky, legal historical research has not been interested in these eldest materials about the history of the Austrian General Civil Code. Only since World Word II literature in legal history is showing a few references to these materials, of course not in a comprehensive matter or in regard of specific questions dealing with certain contents of specific text modules. Among all these materials only the description of Holger remained entirely in the archive of the Ministry of Justice. About 75 % of these documents treasured in this archive, were completely destroyed due to the fire-disaster in 1927 - as just mentioned at the begin of this lecture.A considerable part of records and files of course was salvaged, but partly seriously damaged by fire and water. Among the eldest preparatory works on the Codex Theresianus - except of Holgers illustration of the contemporary Austrian law - furthermore only Azzonis preliminary draft was kept in existence. Not to mention that both documents are showing remarkable marks of the disaster of 1927, nevertheless these damages are not extensive, and this was leading to the allowance of Austrian Archive of Administration, where these documents are actually preserved, to use them for the purpose of an edition.

\"... habent sua fata libelli\"; dieser Satz wird gew\u00f6hnlich in dem Sinn gebraucht, dass ein Text nur so viel Aussage vermitteln kann, wie der individuelle Leser \u00fcberhaupt zu erfassen bereit ist. Man kann dieses Sprichwort aber auch so verstehen wie James Joyce: to give a \"book in print a life of its own\". Das Schicksal eines Buches h\u00e4ngt demnach vor allem davon ab, dass der Text \u00fcberhaupt in die Welt gelangt.Es gibt Texte, die in diesem Sinne nie das Licht der Welt erblickt haben oder die sp\u00e4ter verloren gegangen sind - etwa durch eine Brandkatastrophe, in welcher das einzige Exemplar eines Textes vernichtet wurde. Am 15. Juli 1927 haben die wichtigsten Akten zur Entstehungsgeschichte des \u00f6sterreichischen ABGB ein solches Schicksal erlitten, n\u00e4mlich beim Brand des Wiener Justizpalastes, wo sie im Archiv des Justizministeriums verwahrt waren. F\u00fcr die Gesetzgebungs- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte des \u00f6sterreichischen Zivilrechts hat diese Vernichtung zwar keinen Totalverlust der betreffenden rechtshistorischen Quellen nach sich gezogen, weil seit der Herausgabe des Codex Theresianus und seiner Umarbeitungen durch Harrasowsky 1883/86 die wichtigsten Materialien f\u00fcr den Beginn der Gesetzgebungsgeschichte des \u00f6sterreichischen ABGB nahezu vollst\u00e4ndig \u00fcberblickt werden konnten. Die \u00e4ltesten Materialien aber, welche 1753 am Beginn der Ausarbeitung des 1766 vollendeten Codex Theresianus durch die sogenannte Kompilationskommission standen, sind damals unbeachtet im Archiv verblieben: zum einen der von Josef Azzoni im Mai 1753 vorgelegte \"Plan\" f\u00fcr den \"Entwurf des Codex Theresianus\", der nicht nur ein formelles Gliederungskonzept f\u00fcr die Ausarbeitung dieses Projekts bot, sondern bereits eine erste Beschreibung des k\u00fcnftigen Inhalts enthielt, und somit als \"Vorentwurf\" zum Projekt des Codex Theresianus angesehen werden kann. Zum anderen sind es die von den Mitgliedern der Kompilationskommission als materielle Grundlage f\u00fcr die mit diesem Projekt initiierte Vereinheitlichung des Privatrechts in den deutschen Erbl\u00e4ndern der Habsburgermonarchie gelieferten Darstellungen der einzelnen L\u00e4nderrechte, aus denen ein allgemeines Recht abgeleitet werden sollte. Harrasowsky hat von diesen Materialien lediglich die Gliederungs\u00fcberschriften von Azzonis Vorentwurf wiedergegeben. Die Darstellungen der einzelnen L\u00e4nderrechte haben in seiner Edition des Codex Theresianus zwar auch Ber\u00fccksichtigung gefunden - allerdings nur punktuell und auch weit verstreut in den Anmerkungen zu den einzelnen Kapiteln des Codex. Die rechtshistorische Forschung hat sich seit Harrasowsky f\u00fcr diese \u00e4ltesten Materialien zur Gesetzgebungsgeschichte des ABGB nicht mehr interessiert. Erst seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sind in der Literatur vereinzelte Hinweise auf diese Materialien zu finden, freilich nicht im Sinne einer umfassenden oder in Bezug auf einzelne Fragen tiefgehenden inhaltlichen Befassung mit diesen Texten. Von diesen Berichten \u00fcber die L\u00e4nderrechte ist heute auch nur mehr jene von Holger in vollem Umfang im Justizarchiv erhalten. Etwa 75 % dieser Best\u00e4nde sind durch die eingangs erw\u00e4hnte Brandkatastrophe vom 15. Juli 1927 vernichtet worden. Von den \u00e4ltesten Materialien zum Codex Theresianus ist - au\u00dfer der Darstellung von Holger zum \u00f6sterreichischen Privatrecht seiner Zeit - nur noch der \"Vorentwurf\" von Azzoni nahezu vollst\u00e4ndig erhalten geblieben. Beide Texte weisen zwar deutliche Spuren der Katastrophe von 1927 auf, die Brandsch\u00e4den sind aber nicht umfassend, so dass sie im \u00d6sterreichischen Verwaltungsarchiv zur Ben\u00fctzung offenstanden und eine Transkription dieser Texte f\u00fcr die beabsichtigte Edition m\u00f6glich war."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Neschwara ,Christian"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Austrian General Civil Code / ABGB, Habsburg Monarchy, codification, Natural Law, legislation, unification of law"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437229"], ["title", "Die \u00e4ltesten Quellen zur Kodifikationsgeschichte des \u00f6sterreichischen ABGB"], ["doab_id", "15350"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788645"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788645"]], [["description", "This handbook of Old Germanic toponyms is a comprehen-sive collection of Germanic, possibly Germanic and non-Germanic geographical names of Magna Germania and the adjacent provinces. The selection of headwords is based on Hermann Reichert\u00b4s Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN). In the articles, the current state of research concer-ning the localization of the ancient places (, rivers, forests and mountains) and concerning the etymology and word for\u00acmation of the toponyms is documented and critically dis-cussed.

Die vorliegende Monographie behandelt systematisch die altgermanischen Orts-, Fluss-, Wald- und Bergnamen bis einschlie\u00dflich 600 n.Chr. sowie auch die ungermanischen Toponyme Germaniens; in den einzelnen Artikeln wird neben Lokalisierung und Kontext der mit den Toponymen bezeichneten \u00d6rtlichkeiten haupts\u00e4chlich die Etymologie der Toponyme selbst in Augenschein genommen und die verschiedenen Deutungsversuche der Namen kritisch beleuchtet. Dieser Band setzt somit die Reihe der Interpretationsb\u00e4nde zu Reichert\u00b4s Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (2 Bde.) fort (zuletzt erschienen: Sitzmann / Gr\u00fcnzweig 2008, Die altgermanischen Ethnonyme - ein Handbuch zu ihrer Etymologie).Der vorliegende Band ist ein umfassendes etymologisches Handbuch der altgermanischen Toponyme sowie der unger-manischen Toponyme Germaniens, wof\u00fcr als Grundlage das Lexikon der altgermanischen Namen (LaN) von Her-mann Reichert diente. Unter den alphabetisch angeordne-ten Lemmata werden die Belege mit Angabe der wichtigsten Lesarten sowie eine Kurzausf\u00fchrung zu Lokalisierung und Kontext gegeben. In den darauf folgenden etymologischen Kommentaren wurde versucht, einen forschungsgeschichtli-chen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Literatur zu den jeweiligen Namen durch ein kritisches Referat der bisher ge\u00e4u\u00dferten etymolo-gischen Deutungen mit Wertung nach Wahrscheinlichkeit zu geben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scheungraber ,Corinna; Gr\u00fcnzweig ,Friedrich E."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Toponomastics, Etymology, Onomastics, Old Germanic languages and culture, historical linguistics, Philology, Geography", "Toponomastik, Etymologie, Onomastik, Altgermanische Sprachen, Germanische Altertumskunde, Historische Sprachwissenschaft, Philologie, Geographie"]], ["publisher", "Fassbaender"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507993"], ["title", "Die altgermanischen Toponyme sowie die ungermanischen Toponyme Germaniens"], ["doab_id", "16788"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902575623"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902575623"]], [["description", "Hugh Dempsey has for decades been one of Alberta's most prolific and influential public historians. Author of more than twenty books, he has also been \"in on the ground floor\" of the development of many key Alberta institutions, including the Indian Association of Alberta, the Historical Society of Alberta, and most importantly, the Glenbow Museum. Now, in his own words, he recounts his interesting and varied careers as journalist, government publicity writer, popular historian, archivist and museum administrator, speaker, and lecturer. Beginning with a compelling account of his childhood in Edmonton in the 1930s when his family was for a time on relief during the Depression and his 1940s teenage escapades hitchhiking across the continent, Dempsey's narrative moves into the frenetic world of post-war urban journalism. A fateful chance assignment as a reporter for the Edmonton Bulletin in February 1950 led to his involvement with the fledgling Indian Association of Alberta, its secretary John Laurie, president James Gladstone, and Gladstone's daughter Pauline, whom Dempsey would eventually marry. This in turn led to a strong interest in First Nations culture and biography through which Dempsey was able to combine oral history with scholarly records to produce historical writing with a broad popular appeal. During the 1950s, Dempsey helped design early provincial historical recognition programs and began his lifelong involvement with the Historical Society of Alberta. In 1956 he joined the Glenbow Foundation (later Glenbow Museum), where for the next thirty-five years he would play a crucial part in its growth and reputation for excellence, designing and managing the Glenbow Archives and eventually serving as Acting Director of the Museum before retiring in 1991. Written with the trademark Hugh Dempsey eye for detail and lively anecdote, this memoir will be essential and enjoyable reading for anyone interested in western and First Nations history and the growth of key Alberta cultural institutions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hugh A. Dempsey "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48493/4/UofCPress_AlwaysAdventure_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Always an Adventure: An Autobiography"], ["doab_id", "15164"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385685"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385685"]], [["description", "Amamentar \u00e9 'da natureza da mulher'? Ent\u00e3o, por que profissionais de sa\u00fade, frequentemente, ouvem queixas como 'a mama empedrou', 'o leite secou'? Este livro tenta responder a todas estas perguntas. O autor vai buscar na hist\u00f3ria e na sociedade as origens para o paradigma atual da amamenta\u00e7\u00e3o. Ao considerar a amamenta\u00e7\u00e3o como um h\u00edbrido produzido pela natureza e pela cultura, sugere uma abordagem mais completa do fen\u00f4meno. Traz, ainda, um hist\u00f3rico dos bancos de leite humano, 'as amas-de-leite do s\u00e9culo XX', destacando sua import\u00e2ncia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida, Jo\u00e3o Aprigio Guerra de"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Aleitamento materno"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rdm32"], ["title", "Amamenta\u00e7\u00e3o: um h\u00edbrido natureza-cultura "], ["doab_id", "16388"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412503"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412503"]], [["description", "[Neste trabalho] Tenta-se mostrar as formas particulares que o desenvolvimento capitalista assume no devassamento da Amaz\u00f4nia. Analisa-se como o Estado interv\u00e9m para assegurar as condi\u00e7\u00f5es para a ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o e expans\u00e3o econ\u00f4mica por meio das empresas e como se d\u00e1 a explora\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalho na \u00e1rea [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cardoso, Fernando Henrique; M\u00fcller, Geraldo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mnx6g"], ["title", "Amaz\u00f4nia: expans\u00e3o do capitalismo "], ["doab_id", "16269"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662731"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662731"]], [["description", "O interesse sobre a regi\u00e3o andina tem crescido diante de sua complexa realidade sociocultural, da grande instabilidade pol\u00edtico-econ\u00f4mica, da controversa din\u00e2mica de suas rela\u00e7\u00f5es internacionais e das tens\u00f5es e alian\u00e7as formadas entre os pa\u00edses vizinhos. \u00c9 justamente por tratar-se de uma regi\u00e3o que passou por profundas transforma\u00e7\u00f5es, ao longo da \u00faltima d\u00e9cada, que os estudos sobre a regi\u00e3o andina ganham relev\u00e2ncia e merecem destaque. O livro Am\u00e9rica Andina: integra\u00e7\u00e3o regional, seguran\u00e7a e outros olhares se dedica \u00e0 an\u00e1lise dessa regi\u00e3o, a partir de um enfoque multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar, abordando temas como integra\u00e7\u00e3o regional, seguran\u00e7a, democracia e rela\u00e7\u00f5es internacionais. Simboliza, ainda, o esfor\u00e7o conjunto de pesquisadores de seis institui\u00e7\u00f5es diferentes pertencentes a tr\u00eas pa\u00edses - Brasil, Col\u00f4mbia e M\u00e9xico - que contribui com distintos olhares para a compreens\u00e3o dessa sub-regi\u00e3o americana."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Renata Peixoto de; Nogueira, Silvia Garcia; Melo, Filipe Reis"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Rela\u00e7\u00f5es Econ\u00f4micas Internacionais, Integra\u00e7\u00e3o Econ\u00f4mica - Am\u00e9rica do Sul, Economia Pol\u00edtica Internacional, Ci\u00eancia Pol\u00edtica e Sociologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7wnmw"], ["title", "Am\u00e9rica Andina: integra\u00e7\u00e3o regional, seguran\u00e7a e outros olhares"], ["doab_id", "16305"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791858"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791858"]], [["description", "Este livro deriva diretamente do amor de um brasileiro pelo Brasil, da solicitude de um americano pela Am\u00e9rica. Come\u00e7ou no momento indeterminado em que nasceram esses sentimentos; exprime um pouco o desejo de ver esta p\u00e1tria feliz, pr\u00f3spera, adiantada e livre. Foram esses sentimentos que me arrastaram o esp\u00edrito para refletir sobre essas coisas, e o fizeram trabalhar essas ideias \u2013 o desejo vivo de conhecer os motivos dos males de que nos queixamos todos. Desse modo, as nota\u00e7\u00f5es, as analogias, as observa\u00e7\u00f5es, as reflex\u00f5es se acumularam.[Trecho retirado da advert\u00eancia do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bomfim, Manoel"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zg8vf"], ["title", "A am\u00e9rica latina: males de origem"], ["doab_id", "16652"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662786"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662786"]], [["description", "Certain attributes of American life hold a special attraction to people all over the world, regardless of their social or political beliefs. Often those familiar features are simple banalities of that 'American way,' while more profound and remarkable traits of that complex nation seem to have gone almost unnoticed outside its borders, although their prevalent influence is evident. Current technology, business ways, commerce, culture, etc., are all deeply marked by that country 'ways.' Unquestionably, the American constitutional system is one of these hidden traits that, regardless of the circumstances, is present all over our \u2013so called\u2013 Western world. Nevertheless, it is, for most and to most, unknown. Responses to the previous works by this author \u2013Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano and Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos\u2013 hinted of a possible interest by law students at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid for an elective course on American constitutionalism. Thus, that was the reason behind El constitucionalismo americano, as a textbook for that course. Drafted around seven themes, they cover from the beginning of the seventeenth century and the fundamental laws that English settlers brought with them at their early landings on the American continent, to the constitutional Amendments and U.S. Supreme Court decisions of the second half of the twentieth century. Thus, the history of the United States has been divided into seven periods: the British colonial period; the American Revolution; the Federalist effort; the early Amendments and Supreme Court decisions; the Civil War and Reconstruction era; the Progressive era and the New Deal; and the Civil Rights period. For each period, some of the main relevant constitutional events get analyzed. Each theme includes a historical and legal presentation of the period, followed by the primary sources directly related to the events described. Assuming the targeted students may not be very familiar with the overall history of the United States, brief biographical notes are added for the most prominent personalities mentioned in the narrative. As a textbook, each theme includes a number of questions for the students to develop. (Incidentally, the course made it to OpenCourseWare, where its English version got a somewhat good response, receiving one of the organization's awards for 2013.). This work was part of the author's PhD effort. = Determinados aspectos de la sociedad norteamericana muestran tener una atracci\u00f3n especial para todo el mundo, al margen de creencias pol\u00edticas y sociales. A menudo esas caracter\u00edsticas tan familiares son las m\u00e1s fr\u00edvolas del 'American way', mientras que rasgos m\u00e1s profundos e importantes de esa compleja naci\u00f3n parecen pasar desapercibidos m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de sus fronteras, aunque su influencia sea manifiesta. La tecnolog\u00eda, negocios, comercio, cultura, etc., actuales est\u00e1n todos profundamente marcados por los 'ways' \u2013maneras\u2013 de ese pa\u00eds. Sin duda alguna el sistema constitucional norteamericano es uno de esos 'rasgos ocultos' que, al margen de circunstancias locales y peque\u00f1os detalles, es omnipresente en lo que llamamos 'el mundo occidental'. Las respuestas a anteriores trabajos del autor \u2013Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano and Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos\u2013hicieron entrever un posible inter\u00e9s por parte de los estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid hacia una asignatura optativa sobre el constitucionalismo norteamericano. De ah\u00ed surgi\u00f3, como manual para ese curso, El constitucionalismo americano. Redactado en siete temas, cubre desde los inicios del siglo XVII y las normas fundamentales que los colonos ingleses llevaron a sus primeros asentamientos, hasta las Enmiendas y decisiones del Tribunal Supremo norteamericano sobre derechos civiles en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. De esta forma, la historia de los Estados Unidos se ha dividido en siete periodos: el periodo colonial brit\u00e1nico, la revoluci\u00f3n americana, el proceso federalista, las primeras Enmiendas y decisiones del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos, la guerra civil y la Reconstrucci\u00f3n, la era progresista y el New Deal, y el periodo de los derechos civiles. En cada periodo se estudian algunos de los eventos constitucionales m\u00e1s relevantes y de car\u00e1cter universal. Cada tema incluye una presentaci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica y jur\u00eddica del periodo, seguida de las fuentes primarias relacionadas directamente con los eventos descritos. Suponiendo que los estudiantes a quienes va dirigido el manual podr\u00edan no estar muy familiarizados con la historia general de los Estados Unidos, se han a\u00f1adido unas breves notas biogr\u00e1ficas sobre los personajes mencionados en la narrativa. Al ser un manual de trabajo, se han incluido algunas cuestiones sobre los temas tratados para que los estudiantes pueden desarrollar los conocimientos aprendidos. (A t\u00edtulo anecd\u00f3tico, la versi\u00f3n on-line del manual en ingl\u00e9s recibi\u00f3 en 2013 uno de los premios de OpenCourseWare.) Este trabajo ha sido parte de los estudios doctorales del autor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grau, Luis"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Estados Unidos", "United States", "Constitucionalismo", "Law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/16023/american_grau_2012.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "An American Constitutional History Course for Non-American Students"], ["doab_id", "16137"], ["language_unmapped", "eng"], ["isbns", ["9788490312773"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490312773"]], [["description", "The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age, which features a wide range of practitioner-scholars, is the first of its kind: a gathering of people who are expert in American literary studies and in digital technologies, scholars uniquely able to draw from experience with building digital resources and to provide theoretical commentary on how the transformation to new technologies alters the way we think about and articulate scholarship in American literature. The volume collects articles from those who are involved in tool development, usability testing, editing and textual scholarship, digital librarianship, and issues of race and ethnicity in digital humanities, while also situating digital humanities work within the larger literary discipline. In addition, the volume examines the traditional structures of the fields, including tenure and promotion criteria, modes of scholarly production, the skill sets required for scholarship, and the training of new scholars. The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age will attract practitioners of digital humanities in multiple fields, Americanists who utilize digital materials, and those who are intellectually curious about the new movement and materials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amy E. Earhart and Andrew Jewell, Editors"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Literature and the Internet--United States", "American literature--Research--Methodology", "American literature--Research--Electronic information resources", "American literature--Study and teaching--Methodology", "American literature--Study and teaching--Electronic information resources", "American literature--History and criticism--Electronic information resources"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9362034.0001.001"], ["title", "The American Literature Scholar in the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "14523"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071197", "9780472051199"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071197 Paper: 9780472051199"]], [["description", "The authors of this book challenge the view that was current among many people in the Netherlands during the period 1945-1949 that the American government and its foreign policymakers unequivocally backed the Indonesian Republic's struggle for independence. The same myth of America's political endorsement of Indonesians' quest for independence continues to reverberate in the United States itself. In fact, ex-President Clinton repeated the story as recently as 1995 when he wrote to ex-President Suharto that in the post-World War II era, President Truman and the U.S. Congress had actively supported Indonesia 'as the nation was being born'. On the basis of research in American, Indonesian, Dutch, and Australian diplomatic records and in the archives of the United Nations, Gouda and Brocades Zaalberg describe and analyze American visions of the Dutch East Indies/Indonesia from the 1920s to December 1949, when the Kingdom of the Netherlands relinquished its sovereignty over the archipelago in southeast Asia to the United States fo Indonesia. Their historical analysis suggests that the American diplomatic establishment was not as ignorant of conditions in the Indonesian archipelago as many Dutch people assumed, both before and after World War II. They also chronicle the unfolding of America's steady but tactic backing of its faithful Dutch ally in northern Europe until early 1949, when U.S. assessments of the regions in the world where the Cold War might ignite into a 'Hot War' began to incorporate the anti-colonial, nationalist struggles in Indonesia and Vietnam.

De auteurs van 'American Visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia bestrijden de idee dat de Amerikaanse regering en haar buitenlandse beleidsmakers onvoorwaardelijk steun verleenden aan de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd van de Indonesische Republiek, zoals vele Nederlandse geloofden gedurende de periode 1945-1949. Ook in de Verenigde Staten zelf leeft de mythe over Amerika's politieke steun aan de vrijheidheidsstrijd in Indonesie voort. Nog in 1995 zelfs, herhaalde ex-president Clinton het verhaal toen hij ex-president Soeharto schreef dat president Truman en het Amerikaans Congres in de periode na WO II actief hun steun hadden betuigd aan Indonesi\u00eb als 'een natie die geboren werd'. Op basis van onderzoek in Amerikaanse, Indonesische, Nederlandse en Australische diplomatieke archieven, als ook in de archieven van de Verenigde Naties, beschrijven en analyseren Gouda en Brocades Zaalberg de Amerikaanse visies op Nederlands Indi\u00eb/Indonesi\u00eb vanaf de twintiger jaren van de vorige eeuw tot december 1949 toen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden haar gezag over de archipel in zuidoost Azi\u00eb overdroeg aan de Verenigde Republiek van Indonesi\u00eb. De historische analyse die hier gepresenteerd wordt, suggereert dat het Amerikaanse corps diplomatique niet zo onbekend was met de situatie op de Indonesische eilanden als vele Nederlanders zowel voor als na de Tweede Wereldoorlog veronderstelden. De auteurs boekstaven eveneens de ontwikkeling van Amerika's doorlopende maar stille steun aan de trouwe Hollandse bondgenoot in noord-Europa tot aan het begin van 1949 toen de Amerikaanse aandacht voor die gebieden in de wereld waar de Koude Oorlog zou kunnen uitmonden in een 'Hete Oorlog' zich verder uitbreidde naar de de anti-koloniale, nationalistische strijd in Indonesi\u00eb en Vietnam."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gouda ,Frances; Brocades Zaalberg ,Thijs"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Political science", "History of the United States", "Geschiedenis", "Politicologie", "Geschiedenis van de USA", "Peace operations", "Counterinsurgency", "Military occupation", "Civil-military cooperation (CIMIC)", "Civil Affairs", "Cambodia (UNTAC)", "Somalia (UNITAF)", "Bosnia (IFOR/SFOR)", "Kosovo (KFOR)", "World War II / Second World War"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340274"], ["title", "American Visions of the Netherlands East Indies/Indonesia : US Foreign Policy and Indonesian Nationalism, 1920-1949"], ["doab_id", "12953"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564790"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564790"]], [["description", "Das Imperium Romanum war kein \u201aStaat\u2018 im modernen Sinne, sondern ein diffuses Gebilde mit unterschiedlichen Substrukturen. Dazu z\u00e4hlten auch die amici et socii: K\u00f6nige, F\u00fcrsten, St\u00e4dte, nationes, gentes, die mit Rom engere oder weitere Bindungen eingingen. Diese \u201aKlientelstaaten\u2018 werden aus r\u00f6mischer wie regionaler Perspektive anhand von Fallbeispielen, aber auch anhand von inhaltlichen Aspekten in den Blick genommen. Es geht dabei nicht um eine abschlie\u00dfende Beantwortung moderner Fragestellungen, sondern um die F\u00f6rderung eines Dialoges unterschiedlicher Ans\u00e4tze und Blickwinkel zum Thema \u201aKlientelk\u00f6nigtum\u2018. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beitr\u00e4ge, die die generelle Tragf\u00e4higkeit des Klientel-Konzepts, Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen dem Osten und Westen des Imperiums und ihre Auswirkungen auf die lokalen Reiche und Gemeinden diskutieren und damit die Entwicklungen ebenso wie die Bandbreite des Instruments der abh\u00e4ngigen Herrschaft und ihrer modernen Deutung deutlich machen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ernst Baltrusch, Julia Wilker (eds.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Edition Topoi"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edition-topoi.org/books/details/amici-socii-clientes-abhaengige-herrschaft-im-imperium-romanum"], ["title", "Amici - socii - clientes? Abh\u00e4ngige Herrschaft im Imperium Romanum"], ["doab_id", "17898"], ["language_unmapped", "german, english"], ["isbns", ["9783981675115"]], ["provider", "www.edition-topoi.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9783981675115"]], [["description", "Gerar conhecimento estrat\u00e9gico sobre o tema da viol\u00eancia no namoro e no \u2018ficar\u2019 dos adolescentes brasileiros: este foi o objetivo de um estudo pioneiro realizado por pesquisadores de nove universidades p\u00fablicas e da Fiocruz. O trabalho, que teve in\u00edcio em 2007, coletou, produziu e analisou dados quantitativos e qualitativos de \u00e2mbito nacional. O estudo foi realizado com cerca de 3.200 jovens, de 15 a 19 anos, matriculados em escolas p\u00fablicas e particulares de dez cidades (Belo Horizonte, Bras\u00edlia, Cuiab\u00e1, Florian\u00f3polis, Manaus, Porto Alegre, Porto Velho, Rio de Janeiro, Recife e Teresina). Os resultados da investiga\u00e7\u00e3o deram origem a esta colet\u00e2nea, que faz uma s\u00edntese dos achados, mas tamb\u00e9m das interroga\u00e7\u00f5es do estudo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza; Assis, Simone Gon\u00e7alves de; Njaine, Kathie"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["JUVENILE NONFICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4c6bv"], ["title", "Amor e viol\u00eancia: um paradoxo das rela\u00e7\u00f5es de namoro e do \u2018ficar\u2019 entre jovens brasileiros"], ["doab_id", "19922"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413852"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413852"]], [["description", "Das Ph\u00e4nomen des Mi\u00dfbrauchs von Amtsbefugnissen ist in s\u00e4mtlichen Gesellschaften verbreitet. Im Gegensatz zum deutschen hat der italienische Gesetzgeber den Amtsmi\u00dfbrauch in Artikel 323 codice penale unter Strafe gestellt. Das Delikt hat durch die Anklage hochgestellter Politiker in Italien aktuell auch in Deutschland Bekanntheit erlangt. Die Bestimmung weist eine bewegte Geschichte auf und war in Italien Gegenstand heftiger wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Darauf geht die vorliegende Abhandlung anhand der Erl\u00e4uterung der Tatbestandsmerkmale ein. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird untersucht, worin die Gr\u00fcnde f\u00fcr das Fehlen einer entsprechenden Norm im deutschen Recht zu sehen sind und inwiefern eine Inkriminierung der Zweckentfremdung von Amtskompetenzen hierzulande unter den Gesichtspunkten der Strafw\u00fcrdigkeit und Strafbed\u00fcrftigkeit in Betracht k\u00e4me.

Das Ph\u00e4nomen des Mi\u00dfbrauchs von Amtsbefugnissen ist in s\u00e4mtlichen Gesellschaften verbreitet. Im Gegensatz zum deutschen hat der italienische Gesetzgeber den Amtsmi\u00dfbrauch in Artikel 323 codice penale unter Strafe gestellt. Das Delikt hat durch die Anklage hochgestellter Politiker in Italien aktuell auch in Deutschland Bekanntheit erlangt. Die Bestimmung weist eine bewegte Geschichte auf und war in Italien Gegenstand heftiger wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Darauf geht die vorliegende Abhandlung anhand der Erl\u00e4uterung der Tatbestandsmerkmale ein. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird untersucht, worin die Gr\u00fcnde f\u00fcr das Fehlen einer entsprechenden Norm im deutschen Recht zu sehen sind und inwiefern eine Inkriminierung der Zweckentfremdung von Amtskompetenzen hierzulande unter den Gesichtspunkten der Strafw\u00fcrdigkeit und Strafbed\u00fcrftigkeit in Betracht k\u00e4me."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alten, Klaus"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Abuse of One's Position", "Culpability", "Criminology", "Abuse of One's Position", "Culpability", "Criminology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610201"], ["title", "Amtsmi\u00dfbrauch - Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zu Artikel 323 des italienischen Strafgesetzbuchs"], ["doab_id", "15365"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950378"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950378"]], [["description", "Strong evidence continues to accumulate indicating that amyloid-beta (A\u00df) is a central part of Alzheimer\u2019s disease (AD) pathogenesis in spite of the negative evidence coming from failed clinical trials. Therefore, mechanisms of clearance of A\u00df are of great interest in understanding AD pathogenesis and the development of effective treatments. This topic focuses on the issues related to A\u00df clearance in AD. The topics covered include proteases that degrade A\u00df and their localization, regulation, and functions. This topic also covers issues related to clearance through uptake by glia and through low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor mediated mechanisms. Signal transduction related to AD pathology and clearance is also addressed. Finally, immunotherapy and other novel therapeutic approaches are discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Marr; Eliezer Masliah"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alzheimer's disease", "amyloid-beta", "Clearance", "Proteases", "LDL receptors", "Signal Transduction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2235/amyloid-beta-clearance-in-alzheimers-disease"], ["title", "Amyloid-beta clearance in Alzheimer's disease"], ["doab_id", "18589"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194438"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194438"]], [["description", "There is no doubt that the hydrogen bond is one of the most-often analyzed interactions, and there is also no doubt that experimental studies, especially those based on the determination of crystal structures are very important since they deliver valuable information on the nature of this interaction, on different types of the hydrogen bonds, and also on reactions where a hydrogen bond may be treated as the preliminary step.Since the role of the analysis of crystal structures for investigations concerning hydrogen-bonded systems is valuable, the Editorial Board of Crystals, thus, decided to devote a Special Issue of the journal to the analysis of hydrogen bonds in crystals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hydrogen bond, Crystal structure, Crystal engineering, Hydrogen bond motifs in crystal structures"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/220"], ["title", "Analysis of Hydrogen Bonds in Crystals"], ["doab_id", "19609"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422457", "9783038422464"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422457/9783038422464"]], [["description", "Uma problem\u00e1tica fundamental da m\u00fasica eletroac\u00fastica mista surge em situa\u00e7\u00f5es amb\u00edguas oriundas das mesclas entre a esfera instrumental e a eletroac\u00fastica, que podem colocar em d\u00favida n\u00e3o somente a origem das fontes sonoras, mas tamb\u00e9m os processos pelos quais os sons podem ter sido submetidos ao longo da composi\u00e7\u00e3o. Nesses casos, denominados anamorfoses, surgem desconex\u00f5es, desvios no desenrolar mais comum e esperado para certos gestos instrumentais. A presen\u00e7a humana na situa\u00e7\u00e3o da performance tende a polarizar as aten\u00e7\u00f5es e, portanto, acentuar essas eventuais distor\u00e7\u00f5es, uma vez que as anamorfoses atuam no limiar entre rela\u00e7\u00f5es audiovisuais mais diretas \u2013 o que \u00e9 visto em termos gestuais \u00e9 coerente com o que \u00e9 escutado \u2013 e rela\u00e7\u00f5es mais distantes \u2013 o que \u00e9 visto n\u00e3o apresenta conex\u00e3o imediata com o que \u00e9 escutado.Na introdu\u00e7\u00e3o e na primeira parte do livro \u00e9 apresentado um panorama hist\u00f3rico da m\u00fasica eletroac\u00fastica mista, al\u00e9m de conceitos que servir\u00e3o de base para fundamentar a problem\u00e1tica das anamorfoses e um mapeamento de exemplos considerados representativos desta problem\u00e1tica.J\u00e1 na segunda parte do livro o autor busca um aprofundamento da quest\u00e3o por meio da an\u00e1lise de duas obras eletroac\u00fasticas mistas: Parcours de l\u2019Entit\u00e9 (1994), de Flo Menezes, e Altra voce (1999), de Luciano Berio. Desse modo, as anamorfoses na m\u00fasica eletroac\u00fastica mista s\u00e3o apresentadas tanto do ponto de vista dos materiais musicais em si como da din\u00e2mica global da performance, j\u00e1 que elementos extramusicais s\u00e3o frequentemente previstos por compositores para enfatizar tais distor\u00e7\u00f5es."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gati, Tiago"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/37f2w"], ["title", "Anamorfoses na m\u00fasica eletroac\u00fastica mista"], ["doab_id", "19617"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579837074"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837074"]], [["description", "The book argues that anarchism should be considered the first \"\"postmodern\"\" philosophical and political movement and offers a revision of \"\"classical anarchism.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nathan Jun"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306785"], ["title", "Anarchism and Political Modernity"], ["doab_id", "17129"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306785"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306785"]], [["description", "Performance at all costs, productivity without regard to consequences, and a competitive work environment: these are the ethical factors discussed in The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership, which highlights issues in workplace culture while looking into a brighter future for labour ethics. Langlois maintains that an enhanced awareness of the process of ethical decision making in difficult situations will lead to the establishment of practices that encourage productive relationships between co-workers. Will the twenty-first century be marked as an era leading to a healthier work environment? The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership aims to serve those in human resource management and those concerned with practical work ethic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lyse Langlois"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["ethics", "work ethic", "leadership"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120184"], ["title", "The Anatomy of Ethical Leadership: To Lead Our Organizations in a Conscientious and Authentic Manner"], ["doab_id", "14464"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425749", "9781897425756", "9781926836355"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425749 9781897425756 9781926836355"]], [["description", "The book discusses traditional Lithuanian calendar festivals, their development, rituals, and customs. It also focuses on the ways rural communities celebrated Christmas, St John\u2019s Day, and St George\u2019s Day, paying special attention to ancient rituals that are still practiced today. The reader will also find answers to the following questions: What is the difference between Shrovetide and other calendar festivals? Why can Easter, which reached Lithuania with Christianity, reveal the customs of early Lithuanians no worse than other traditional rural festivals of pre-Christian origin? The book is dedicated to everyone interested in traditional Lithuanian culture and customs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vaicekauskas, Ar\u016bnas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Calendar", " Lithuanian culture", " Traditions", " Ancients rituals", " Customs"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/3713/9786094670176_2016.pdf"], ["title", "Ancient Lithuanian calendar festivals"], ["doab_id", "19955"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9786094670176"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094670176"]], [["description", "Provides an introduction to \"Ancrene Wisse\", one of the most important works in English of the thirteenth century. This book offers a fresh contextualisation which engages with the history of lay piety and vernacular spirituality in the Middle Ages.This book is innovative in that it provides an introduction to \"Ancrene Wisse\", one of the most important works in English of the thirteenth century. It offers a new contextualisation which engages with the history of lay piety and vernacular spirituality in the Middle Ages, thus extending analysis of the book beyond its original purpose as a guide for anchoresses. The placing of \"Ancrene Wisse\" within this context also allows comparisons to be made with other literature for semi-regular women, such as sermons preached to beguines - semi-religious women who formed communities in the Low Countries and France in the High Middle Ages."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gunn ,C."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Culture", "Middle Ages", "Religie", "Cultuur", "Middeleeuwen"]], ["publisher", "University of Wales Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=393076"], ["title", "Ancrene Wisse : From Pastoral Literature to Vernacular Spirituality"], ["doab_id", "13404"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780708320341"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780708320341"]], [["description", "The \u2018pictorial turn\u2019 has had significant impact on the human, cultural, religious and social sciences since the middle of the 1990s; theory construction has been primarily oriented towards the western world. This is why one of the primary aims of this volume is the enlargement of theory construction by a different point of view \u2013 the Balkan and the Near Eastern one. The central research question of the thesis is that photography opened the door to the visual culture of the West.

Der pictorial turn, der seit der Mitte der 1990er Jahre die Geistes-, Kultur-, Religions- und Sozialwissenschaften beeinflusst, hat in seiner Theoriebildung bislang eine prim\u00e4r auf die westliche Welt bezogene Perspektive eingenommen. Es ist eines der Ziele des Buchs, die Theoriebildung aus einem anderen Blickwinkel \u2013 dem des Balkans und des Nahen Ostens \u2013 zu erweitern. Eine zentrale These lautet, dass die Fotografie das Tor zur visuellen Kultur des Westens \u00f6ffnete."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaser ,Karl"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Balkans, Near East, Visual Culture, religion", "Balkan, Naher Osten, Visuelle Kultur, Religion"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453609"], ["title", "Andere Blicke"], ["doab_id", "15517"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205789529"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205789529"]], [["description", "Andr\u00e9 Fran\u00e7ois-Poncet war von 1931 bis 1938 als Botschafter Frankreichs in Berlin. Er sah nicht nur die Weimarer Republik untergehen, sondern auch das Dritte Reich heraufziehen. Der Diplomat war mit allen Fragen der internationalen Politik der Zwischenkriegszeit konfrontiert: Sollten Deutschland die Reparationen erlassen und eine Aufr\u00fcstung erlaubt werden? Wie sollte auf Reichskanzler Hitler reagiert werden? Sollte mit ihm die Zusammenarbeit oder die Auseinandersetzung gesucht werden? Sollten seine Vertragsbr\u00fcche mit politischen und/oder wirtschaftlichen Sanktionen beantwortet oder gar zu einer Intervention geschritten werden? Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt die unterschiedlichen Antworten, die Andr\u00e9 Fran\u00e7ois-Poncet auf diese Fragen gab. Sie waren keineswegs so eindeutig wie der Botschafter nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und auch die bisherige Forschung glauben machen wollten. Andr\u00e9 Fran\u00e7ois-Poncet schwankte bis zu seinem R\u00fccktritt nach der Konferenz von M\u00fcnchen zwischen Kooperation und Konfrontation mit Deutschland. Wann er warum wof\u00fcr pl\u00e4dierte, zeigt die Studie, die die erste Lebensh\u00e4lfte des legend\u00e4ren Botschafters aus dem Dunkel der Geschichte holt."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sch\u00e4fer, Claus W."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/230902"], ["title", "Andr\u00e9 Fran\u00e7ois-Poncet als Botschafter in Berlin (1931-1938)"], ["doab_id", "18388"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486835588", "9783486568448"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835588, 9783486568448"]], [["description", "As part of the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series, Angelic Troublemakers investigates religious and philosophical sources of modern American anarchism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A. Terrance Wiley"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306730"], ["title", "Angelic Troublemakers"], ["doab_id", "17130"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306730"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306730"]], [["description", "This is the first book to combine contemporary debates in ballad studies with the insights of modern textual scholarship. Just like canonical literature and music, the ballad should not be seen as a uniquely authentic item inextricably tied to a documented source, but rather as an unstable structure subject to the vagaries of production, reception, and editing. Among the matters addressed are topics central to the subject, including ballad origins, oral and printed transmission, sound and writing, agency and editing, and textual and melodic indeterminacy and instability. While drawing on the time-honoured materials of ballad studies, the book offers a theoretical framework for the discipline to complement the largely ethnographic approach that has dominated in recent decades. Primarily directed at the community of ballad and folk song scholars, the book will be of interest to researchers in several adjacent fields, including folklore, oral literature, ethnomusicology, and textual scholarship."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Atkinson, David (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ballads", "ballad studies", "folk songs", "oral transmission", "textual scholarship", "critique g"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/250"], ["title", "The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and its Imaginary Contexts"], ["doab_id", "15995"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740284"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740284"]], [["description", "After a career of working and living with Native Americans and studying their traditions, Barre Toelken has written this sweeping study of Native American folklore in the West. Within a framework of performance theory, cultural worldview, and collaborative research, he examines Native American visual arts, dance, oral tradition (story and song), humor, and patterns of thinking and discovery to demonstrate what can be gleaned from Indian traditions by Natives and non-Natives alike. In the process he considers popular distortions of Indian beliefs, demystifies many traditions by showing how they can be comprehended within their cultural contexts, considers why some aspects of Native American life are not meant to be understood by or shared with outsiders, and emphasizes how much can be learned through sensitivity to and awareness of cultural values."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Toelken, Barre"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/14"], ["title", "The Anguish of Snails: Native American Folklore in the West"], ["doab_id", "14677"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214758"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214758"]], [["description", "\"In this book, Jan Deckers addresses the most crucial question that people must deliberate in relation to how we should treat other animals: whether we should eat animal products.Many people object to the consumption of animal products from the conviction that it inflicts pain, suffering, and death upon animals. This book argues that a convincing ethical theory cannot be based on these important concerns: rather, it must focus on our interest in human health. Tending to this interest demands not only that we extend speciesism\u2014the attribution of special significance to members of our own species merely because they belong to the same species as ourself\u2014towards nonhuman animals, but also that we safeguard the integrity of nature.In this light, projects that aim to engineer the genetic material of animals to reduce their capacities to feel pain and to suffer are morally suspect. The same applies to projects that aim to develop in-vitro flesh, even if the production of such flesh should be welcomed on other grounds.The theory proposed in this book is accompanied by a political goal, the \u2018vegan project\u2019, which strives for a qualified ban on the consumption of animal products. Deckers also provides empirical evidence that some support for this goal exists already, and his analysis of the views of others\u2014including those of slaughterhouse workers\u2014reveals that the vegan project stands firm in spite of public opposition.Many charges have been pressed against vegan diets, including: that they alienate human beings from nature; that they increase human food security concerns; and that they are unsustainable. Deckers argues that these charges are legitimate in some cases, but that, in many situations, vegan diets are actually superior.For those who remain doubtful, the book also contains an appendix that considers whether vegan diets might actually be nutritionally adequate.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deckers ,Jan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Animals", "Veganism", "Genetic engineering", "Speciesism", "Holistic health", "Vegan agriculture"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613714"], ["title", "Animal (De)liberation: Should the Consumption of Animal Products Be Banned?"], ["doab_id", "19586"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188846", "9781909188839", "9781909188853", "9781909188860", "9781909188877"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188846 9781909188839 9781909188853 9781909188860 9781909188877"]], [["description", "Among the many molecules present in our environment, some have the property to induce allergic sensitization and IgE-mediated reactions. The analysis of known major animal allergens has shown that most belong to single protein families: lipocalins and serum albumins for inhalant allergens, EF-hand proteins, tropomyosins and caseins for the digestive allergens. The finding that allergens are often clustered in large families may be related to the fact that common structural, biochemical or functional features contribute to their allergenicity, in addition to external adjuvant factors. Currently, there is no curative treatment for animal allergy available. In order to lower allergic reactions to respiratory allergens in daily life and to food allergens upon accidental exposure, it is important to desensitize concerned patients. Tolerance induction by allergen-specific immunotherapy is in the current focus of an ambitious research. This Research Topic aims to provide a comprehensive view of the basic and recent insights on the allergenicity of animal allergens in view of their structural and functional aspects as well as allergen-specific immunotherapy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christiane Hilger; Annette Kuehn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Animal allergen", "allergen exposure", "Allergenicity", "allergy", "biological function", "cross-reactivity", "immune response", "isoallergens", "Immunotherapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1211/animal-allergens-common-protein-characteristics-featuring-their-allergenicity"], ["title", "Animal allergens: Common protein characteristics featuring their allergenicity"], ["doab_id", "19527"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196203"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196203"]], [["description", "Understanding viral replication and pathogenicity properties in infected individuals is a major mission of animal virology. Animal models are essential to analyze the in vivo viral characteristics and to develop countermeasures against viruses. To fight against a wide variety of viruses, basic studies with specific and/ or common approaches are required. This Research Topic collects articles that describe studies on numerous virus species at various stages toward animal experiments: (i) description/evaluation/ new challenges of animal model studies; (ii) experimental material/methods for animal model studies; (iii) observations for upcoming animal model studies.Numbers of DNA and RNA viruses such as HHV-6, HPV, Ebola virus, HCV, dengue virus, HTLV-1, HIV-1, SIV, and measles virus are covered by this special issue consisting of original research, methods, review, mini-review, and opinion articles. All readers would understand, we believe and hope, that animal model studies are critical for current virology as always."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Akio Adachi; Tomoyuki Miura"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["animal models", "viral infections", "viral replication", "viral pathogenicity", "anti-viral strategies"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1103/animal-model-studies-on-viral-infections"], ["title", "Animal model studies on viral infections"], ["doab_id", "18602"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194568"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194568"]], [["description", "Animal, Mineral, Vegetable examines what happens when we cease to assume that only humans exert agency. Through a careful examination of medieval, early modern and contemporary lifeworlds, these essays collectively argue against ecological anthropocentricity. Sheep, wolves, camels, flowers, chairs, magnets, landscapes, refuse and gems are more than mere objects. They act; they withdraw; they make demands; they connect within lively networks that might foster a new humanism, or that might proceed with indifference towards human affairs. Through what ethics do we respond to these activities and forces? To what futures do these creatures and objects invite us, especially when they appear within the texts and cultures of the \u201cdistant\u201d past?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (ed.); Karl Steel; Sharon Kinoshita; Peggy McCracken; Kellie Robertson; Valerie Allen; Eileen A. Joy; Julian Yates; Julia Reinhard Lupton; Jane Bennett; Lowell Duckert; Jonathan Gil Harris; Nedda Mehdizadeh"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["critical animal studies, ecotheory, Middle Ages, new materialisms, object-oriented studies, post-humanism, Renaissance, thing studies"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/animal-vegetable-mineral-ethics-and-objects/"], ["title", "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Ethics and Objects"], ["doab_id", "16005"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615625355"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615625355"]], [["description", "Animals and Medicine: The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease offers a detailed, scholarly historical review of the critical role animal experiments have played in advancing medical knowledge. Laboratory animals have been essential to this progress, and the knowledge gained has saved countless lives\u2014both human and animal. Unfortunately, those opposed to using animals in research have often employed doctored evidence to suggest that the practice has impeded medical progress. This volume presents the articles Jack Botting wrote for the Research Defence Society News from 1991 to 1996, papers which provided scientists with the information needed to rebut such claims. Collected, they can now reach a wider readership interested in understanding the part of animal experiments in the history of medicine\u2014from the discovery of key vaccines to the advancement of research on a range of diseases, among them hypertension, kidney failure and cancer.This book is essential reading for anyone curious about the role of animal experimentation in the history of science from the nineteenth century to the present."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Botting, Jack (Author); Botting, Regina (Editor); Morrison, Adrian R. (Foreword)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["animal experiments", "laboratory animals", "history of medicine", "vaccination", "surgery", "transplants", "cancer research"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/327"], ["title", "Animals and Medicine: The Contribution of Animal Experiments to the Control of Disease"], ["doab_id", "17193"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741182", "9781783741199"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741182 9781783741199"]], [["description", "This new volume in the acclaimed Amsterdam Archaeological Studies series explores the roles of animals in a rural community in the civitas Batavorum in the 1st to 3rd centuries ad. Large-scale excavations of two settlements and a cremation cemetery in Tiel-Passewaaij have yielded an animal bone assemblage of around 30,000 fragments. The study compares data from both the settlements and the cemetery, assessing the role of livestock in the local economy and the production of surplus products for the Roman market. The author also investigates the use of animals in funerary and other rituals. The inclusion of a catalogue of special animal deposits makes it a valuable reference work for animal bone specialists.

Voor de kleine plattelandsgemeenschappen in Romeins Nederland vormde vee de basis van de plaatselijke economie en het dagelijks bestaan. Vee leverde voedsel, maar ook mest en trekkracht die nodig was voor de akkerbouw. Een surplus aan dierlijke producten werd geproduceerd voor de Romeinse markt. Daarnaast speelden dieren ook een belangrijke rol in rituele praktijken. Deze studie, die is gebaseerd op een grote hoeveelheid dierlijk bot uit grootschalige archeologische opgravingen in Tiel-Passewaaij, heeft verrassende nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd in zowel de economische als de symbolische aspecten van dieren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groot ,Maaike"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Archeology", "Archeologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340083"], ["title", "Animals in Ritual and Economy in a Roman Frontier Community : Excavations in Tiel-Passewaaij"], ["doab_id", "12796"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640222"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640222"]], [["description", "Elizete Passos, identifica os valores que t\u00eam definido a enfermagem como uma pr\u00e1tica abnegada, de submiss\u00e3o e doa\u00e7\u00e3o. Para entender este ponto central, a autora retoma algumas quest\u00f5es cl\u00e1ssicas que perpassam a enfermagem em geral, focando em experi\u00eancias vividas na Escola de Enfermagem da UFBA (EEUFBA) ao longo de seus 50 anos de exist\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Passos, Elizete"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mnhy2"], ["title", "De anjos a mulheres: ideologias e valores na forma\u00e7\u00e3o de enfermeiras"], ["doab_id", "17380"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211752"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211752"]], [["description", "Brigitte Spreitzer makes Anna Freud\u2019s literary texts fully accessible in this book for the first time. The detailed preface contextualises Anna Freud\u2019s literary texts as paradigmatic sources, which are documenting the engagement of a young Austrian Jewish middle class woman with socio-historical and cultural conditions in Fin de si\u00e8cle Vienna.

Die Herausgeberin Brigitte Spreitzer macht die literarischen Texte von Sigmund Freuds j\u00fcngster Tochter Anna Freud zum ersten Mal vollst\u00e4ndig zug\u00e4nglich und liest sie in der Einf\u00fchrung zur Edition als paradigmatische Dokumente der Aus-einandersetzung einer jungen Frau aus dem assimilierten j\u00fcdischen B\u00fcrgertum mit den sozi\u00acalhistorischen und kulturellen Bedingungen im Wien der Jahrhundertwende. Damit werden sie als Teil eines historischen Prozesses begreifbar gemacht, der durch das Ringen von Frauen um Zutritt zu Kultur, Bildung und Wissen gekennzeichnet ist. So werden Verbindungslinien von Psychoanalyse, Konstruktionen von Weiblichkeit und individuellem Frau\u00acenleben nachvollziehbar."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spreitzer ,Brigitte"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Anna Freud, psychoanalysis, literature, women\u2019s history, Jewish history, Vienna around 1900", "Anna Freud, Psychoanalyse, Literatur, Frauengeschichte, Geschichte des Judentums, Wiener Moderne"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=479141"], ["title", "Anna Freud"], ["doab_id", "16502"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205794974"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794974"]], [["description", "The name DGGTB (Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie; German Society for the History and Theory of Biology) reflects recent history as well as German tradition. The Society is a relatively late addition to a series of German societies of science and medicine that began with the \u00bbDeutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften\u00ab, founded in 1910 by Leipzig University's Karl Sudhoff (1853-1938), who wrote: \u00bbWe want to establish a ,German' society in order to gather German-speaking historians together in our special disciplines so that they form the core of an international society...\u00ab. Yet Sudhoff, at this time of burgeoning academic internationalism, was \u00bbquite willing\u00ab to accommodate the wishes of a number of founding members and \u00bbdrop the word German in the title of the Society and have it merge with an international society\u00ab. The founding and naming of the Society at that time derived from a specific set of historical circumstances, and the same was true some 80 years later when in 1991, in the wake of German reunification, the \u00bbDeutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie\u00ab was founded. From the start, the Society has been committed to bringing studies in the history and philosophy of biology to a wide audience, using for this purpose its Jahrbuch f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. Parallel to the Jahrbuch, the Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie has become the by now traditional medium for the publication of papers delivered at the Society's annual meetings. In 2005 the Jahrbuch was renamed Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology, reflecting the Society's internationalist aspirations in addressing comparative biology as a subject of historical and philosophical studies.

The name DGGTB (Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie; German Society for the History and Theory of Biology) reflects recent history as well as German tradition. The Society is a relatively late addition to a series of German societies of science and medicine that began with the \u00bbDeutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften\u00ab, founded in 1910 by Leipzig University's Karl Sudhoff (1853-1938), who wrote: \u00bbWe want to establish a ,German' society in order to gather German-speaking historians together in our special disciplines so that they form the core of an international society...\u00ab. Yet Sudhoff, at this time of burgeoning academic internationalism, was \u00bbquite willing\u00ab to accommodate the wishes of a number of founding members and \u00bbdrop the word German in the title of the Society and have it merge with an international society\u00ab. The founding and naming of the Society at that time derived from a specific set of historical circumstances, and the same was true some 80 years later when in 1991, in the wake of German reunification, the \u00bbDeutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie\u00ab was founded. From the start, the Society has been committed to bringing studies in the history and philosophy of biology to a wide audience, using for this purpose its Jahrbuch f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie. Parallel to the Jahrbuch, the Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie has become the by now traditional medium for the publication of papers delivered at the Society's annual meetings. In 2005 the Jahrbuch was renamed Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology, reflecting the Society's internationalist aspirations in addressing comparative biology as a subject of historical and philosophical studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Br\u00f6mer, Rainer; Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Biology", "Historical studies", "Philosophical studies", "Biology", "Historical studies", "Philosophical studies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610363"], ["title", "Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology; 14/2009 - Plastidules to Humans Leopoldo Maggi (1840-1905) and Ernst Haeckel\u00b4s naturalist philosophy in the Kingdom of Italy"], ["doab_id", "16527"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875975"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875975"]], [["description", "Geoffrey Hill\u2019s Speech! Speech! (2000) encapsulates two thousand years\u2019 worth of utterances in a symbolic act of remembrance and expression of despair for the current age, in which we find \u201cour minds and ears fouled by degraded public speech\u2014by media hype, insipid sermons, hollow political rhetoric, and the ritual misuse of words.\u201d Through 120 densely allusive stanzas\u2014\u201cAs many as the days that were | of SODOM\u201d\u2014the poem wrestles this condition from within, fighting fire with fire in an alchemical symbolic labour that transmutes the dross of corrupt and clich\u00e9d idiom into a dynamic logopoeia which proves true Hill\u2019s persistent claim: \u201cgenuinely difficult art is truly democratic.\u201d Such is the weird, ambivalently hostile position of poetry in the present world and thus the space of our real connection to it: \u201cWhatever strange relationship we have with the poem, it is not one of enjoyment. It is more like being brushed past, or aside, by an alien being\u201d (Hill).Befriending this estrangement, embracing it as a more amicable brushing-up-against, Hassan\u2019s Annotations is a thorough and patient explication of Speech! Speech! that both clarifies and deepens the poem\u2019s difficulties, illuminating its polyphonic language and careening discursive movement. The author\u2019s method is at once commentarial, descriptive, and narratorial, staying faithfully with the poem and following its complex verbal and logical turns. The book generously provides, rather than direct interpretative incursion, a more durable and productive document of \u201cthe true nature / of this achievement\u201d (stanza 92), a capacious, open understanding of the text that will prove invaluable to its present and future readers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ann Hassan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["poetics, glossing, annotation, Geoffrey Hill, Speech! Speech!"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/annotations-to-geoffrey-hills-speech-speech/"], ["title", "Annotations to Geoffrey Hill\u2019s Speech! Speech!"], ["doab_id", "16014"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781468129847"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781468129847"]], [["description", "Transcribed from the original Nahuatl manuscript (written circa 1600) and translated into English for the first time, this epic chronicle tells the preconquest history of the Tlaxcalteca, who migrated into central Mexico from the northern frontier of the Toltec empire at its fall. By the time of Cort"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Crapo, Richley; Glass-Coffin, Bonnie"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/15"], ["title", "Anonimo Mexicano"], ["doab_id", "14678"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216233"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216230"]], [["description", "This book contains 20 articles published in Molecules that concern the color quality of food and wine, anthocyanin biosynthesis and regulation, anthocyanin composition and the biological properties of anthocyanin pigments. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["mechanisms for reducing risk of chronic diseases, anthocyanin pigments, color quality of foods, natural colorants, anthocyanin absorption and metabolism "]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/227"], ["title", "Anthocyanins"], ["doab_id", "19918"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422280", "9783038422297"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422280/9783038422297"]], [["description", "Cancer is a transnational condition involving the unprecedented flow of health information, technologies, and people across national borders. Such movement raises questions about the nature of therapeutic citizenship, how and where structurally vulnerable populations obtain care, and the political geography of blame associated with this disease. This volume brings together cutting-edge anthropological research carried out across North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia, representing low-, middle- and high-resource countries with a diversity of national health care systems. Contributors ethnographically map the varied nature of cancer experiences and articulate the multiplicity of meanings that survivorship, risk, charity and care entail. They explore institutional frameworks shaping local responses to cancer and underlying political forces and structural variables that frame individual experiences. Of particular concern is the need to interrogate underlying assumptions of research designs that may lead to the naturalizing of hidden agendas or intentions. Running throughout the chapters, moreover, are considerations of moral and ethical issues related to cancer treatment and research. Thematic emphases include the importance of local biologies in the framing of cancer diagnosis and treatment protocols, uncertainty and ambiguity in definitions of biosociality, shifting definitions of patienthood, and the sociality of care and support."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mathews F. ,Holly; Burke J. ,Nancy; Kampriani ,Eirini"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cancer", "health", "anthropological research", "anthropology"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=605678"], ["title", "Anthropologies of Cancer in Transnational Worlds"], ["doab_id", "18922"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781138776937"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138776937"]], [["description", "'The Bushman' is a perennial but changing image. The transformation of that image is important. It symbolizes the perception of Bushman or San society, of the ideas and values of ethnographers who have worked with Bushman peoples, and those of other anthropologists who use this work. Anthropology and the Bushman covers early travellers and settlers, classic nineteenth and twentieth-century ethnographers, North American and Japanese ecological traditions, the approaches of African ethnographers, and recent work on advocacy and social development. It reveals the impact of Bushman studies on anthropology and on the public. The book highlights how Bushman or San ethnography has contributed to anthropological controversy, for example in the debates on the degree of incorporation of San society within the wider political economy, and on the validity of the case for 'indigenous rights' as a special kind of human rights. Examining the changing image of the Bushman, Barnard provides a new contribution to an established anthropology debate.'The Bushman' is a perennial but changing image. It symbolizes the

perception of Bushman or San society, of the ideas and values of

ethnographers who have worked with Bushman peoples, and those of other

anthropologists who use this work. This book reveals the impact of

Bushman studies on anthropology and on the public.Alan Barnard is Professor of the Anthropology of Southern Africa at the University of Edinburgh."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barnard ,Alan"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "History", "Antropologie", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=390770"], ["title", "Anthropology and the Bushman"], ["doab_id", "12557"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847883308"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847883308"]], [["description", "This book introduces a novel approach to the design and operation of large ICT systems. It views the technical solutions and their stakeholders as complex adaptive systems and argues that traditional risk analyses cannot predict all future incidents with major impacts. To avoid unacceptable events, it is necessary to establish and operate anti-fragile ICT systems that limit the impact of all incidents, and which learn from small-impact incidents how to function increasingly well in changing environments.The book applies four design principles and one operational principle to achieve anti-fragility for different classes of incidents. It discusses how systems can achieve high availability, prevent malware epidemics, and detect anomalies. Analyses of Netflix\u2019s media streaming solution, Norwegian telecom infrastructures, e-government platforms, and Numenta\u2019s anomaly detection software show that cloud computing is essential to achieving anti-fragility for classes of events with negative impacts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kjell J\u00f8rgen Hole "], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["anomaly detection, anti-fragility, cloud computing, complex adaptive systems, DevOps (Development and Operation), diversity, loose coupling"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-30070-2"], ["title", "Anti-fragile ICT Systems"], ["doab_id", "18986"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319300689", "9783319300702"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319300689 (Print) 9783319300702 (Online)"]], [["description", "Urinary tract infections (UTI) are one of the most frequently occurring infections, not only community acquired, but also hospital acquired infections. An increase of resistant uropathogens against commonly used antibiotics can be observed worldwide, a subject of great concern.Several strategies are discussed how to cope with this problem:i) not to use antibiotics, when not indicated, e.g. asymptomatic bacteriuria, or when non-antimicrobial measures are available, e.g. for prophylaxis of recurrent UTI;ii) to prefer even old antibiotics, which still have preserved their antibacterial activity against uropathogens;iii) if broad spectrum antibiotics are needed for empiric therapy of severe infections, to use the right and high enough dosages to reduce selection of resistant pathogens, and to step down to a more tailored antibiotic therapy as soon as possible;iv) to control and try to avoid health care associated UTI by optimal hygienic and interventional strategies; and last but not leastv) to stimulate development of new antibiotics, especially when new bacterial targets can be approached"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["epidemiology, classification and risk factors of urinary tract infections (UTI), diagnostics, treatment and prevention of UTI, antibiotic resistance of uropathogens, suitable old and new antibiotics for treatment of UTI, non-antimicrobial management of UTI"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/130"], ["title", "Antibiotics and Urinary Tract Infections"], ["doab_id", "17510"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980799", "9783906980805"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980799/9783906980805 "]], [["description", "Increasingly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and a lack of new antibiotics to combat them are endangering the successful treatment of bacterial infections. This book describes the insufficient status quo of the development of new antibiotics and gives extensive recommendations for scientific, political and social solutions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Akademie der Wissenschaften Hamburg / Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/204117"], ["title", "Antibiotika-Forschung: Probleme und Perspektiven. Stellungnahme"], ["doab_id", "18052"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110306897", "9783110306675"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110306897, 9783110306675"]], [["description", "What does 'anticapitalism' really mean for the politics and culture of the twenty-first century?Anticapitalism is an idea which, despite going global, remains rooted in the local, persisting as a loose collection of grassroots movements and actions. Anticapitalism needs to develop a coherent and cohering philosophy, something which cultural theory and the intellectual legacy of the New Left can help to provide, notably through the work of key radical thinkers, such as Ernesto Laclau, Stuart Hall, Antonio Negri, Gilles Deleuze and Judith Butler.Anticapitalism and Culture argues that there is a strong relationship between the radical tradition of cultural studies and the new political movements which try to resist corporate globalization. Indeed, the two need each other: whilst theory can shape and direct the huge diversity of anticapitalist activism, the energy and sheer political engagement of the anticapitalist movement can breathe new life into cultural studies.Anticapitalism is an idea which, despite going global, remains rooted in the local, persisting as a loose collection ofgrassroots movements and actions. This work argues that there is a strong relationship between the radical tradition of cultural studies and the new political movements which try to resist corporate globalization.Introduction1. A political history of cultural studies, part one: The Post-War Years2. A political history of cultural studies, part two: The Politics of Defeat3. Another World is Possible: The Anti-Capitalist Movement 4. (Anti)Capitalism and Culture 5. Ideas in Action: Rhizomatics, Radical Democracy, and the Power of the Multitude6. Mapping the Territory: Prospects for Resistance in the Neoliberal Conjuncture7. Beyond the Activist Imaginary: Nomadic Strategies for the New PartisansConclusion - Liberating the CollectiveBibliographyIndex"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gilbert ,Jeremy"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Cultural Studies", "Sociology", "Culturele studies", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392115"], ["title", "Anticapitalism and Culture : Radical Theory and Popular Politics"], ["doab_id", "13393"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847884510"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847884510"]], [["description", "Most of the stone blocks left from roman time in the province of Noricum were initially part of funerary monuments. The aim of this book is to reconstruct the architectural form of these monumental tombs, to develope a typological classification and to draw conclusions concerning the history and the arts of the province.The shape of the blocks and the technical details to observe on the surfaces at the same time as the structure and the representations of the reliefs give us informations about the function of these blocks in an architectural context. By comparison to the well preserved monuments of Sempeter - whose reconstruction is critically reviewed - and to funerary monuments of Italy and other roman provinces, it is possible to propose a reconstruction of numerous monuments in Noricum. A classification of excavated funeral sites including workpieces of stone provides further information.Thus a survey of the different types of funerary monuments existing in roman Noricum is given and most of the recorded stone blocks may be typologically classified.A total of 227 workpieces or groups of workpieces are collected in catalogue L classified as parts of the monument types 'ae&cu1a', 'canopy', 'altar', 'pile', 'masonry construction', 'tumulus' or 'enclosure'. For some of them a theoretical reconstruction is proposed and they are mostly represented by drawings or photographs. The 414 pieces in catalogue 11 may not be determined typologically, but nevertheless allow a discussion of their initial architectural function. Catalogue III includes the evidence of 44 excavated monuments.The analysis of the presented material shows the chronological and regional evolution of the different types of funerary monuments. The evidence given by the inscriptions, the portraits and the reliefs allows to examine the correlation which is possibly existing between the type of monument chosen and the social position of its owner. Finally the geographical spreading and the variabel frequency of the different types in Noricum is shown and discussed.In appendix I some relevant measurements and proportions of architectural elements are listed- Appendix H gives a survey of the monuments with are typologically classified and whose owners are known at least partly.

Die meisten der aus der Provinz Noricum stammenden r\u00f6merzeitlichen Werkst\u00fccke aus Stein waren urspr\u00fcnglich Teile von Grabbauten. Im vorliegenden Manuskript wird der Versuch unternommen, die architektonische Form dieser Grabbauten zu rekonstruieren, eine Typologie zu erarbeiten und daraus historische sowie kunsthistorische Schussfolgerungen zu ziehen.Aus der Form der Werkst\u00fccke, den technischen Bearbeitungsspuren sowie der Struktur und dem Inhalt der plastischen Darstellungen und Reliefs k\u00f6nnen Informationen f\u00fcr die Verwendung dieser Bauteile im architektonischen Zusammenhang gewonnen werden. Anhand eines Vergleichs mit den ganz erhaltenen norischen Grabbauten aus Sempeter deren Rekonstruktion einer ausf\u00fchrlichen kritischen Beurteilung unterzogen wird - und mit Grabbauten Italiens sowie anderer r\u00f6mischer Provinzen ist es in vielen Fallen m\u00f6glich, einen Rekonstruktionsvorschlag zu erstellen. Zus\u00e4tzliche Anhaltspunkte werden aus einer Zusammenstellung aller Grabungsbefunde gewonnen, bei denen bearbeitetes Steinmaterial vorkommt.Auf diesem Weg wird erstmalig ein \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die in der Provinz Noricum vorhandenen Grabbautypen gewonnen. Die erstellte Typologie erlaubt auch eine Einordnung der meisten nicht rekonstruierbaren Einzelteile.Insgesamt werden 227 Werkst\u00fccke oder Werkst\u00fcckgruppen im Katalogteil I den Grabbautypen 'Aedicula', 'Baldachin', 'Altar', Weiler', 'Gemauerter Grabbau', 'Tumulus' oder 'Umfassung' zugewiesen, teilweise rekonstruiert und Gro\u00dfteils in zeichnerischen und fotografischen Abbildungen pr\u00e4sentiert. Die 414 Teile des Katalogteils II sind nicht eindeutig einem bestimmten Grabbautyp zuweisbar, doch kann in vielen Fallen ihre Position am Grabbau bestimmt werden. Katalogteil. III umfasst 44 Grabungsbefunde.Die Auswertung des im Katalogteil vorgelegten Materials geht auf die Einordnung der einzelnen Grabbautypen im architektur- und kunstgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang ein. Die chronologische Entwicklung und die spezifische norische Auspr\u00e4gung der einzelnen Typen wird besprochen. Anhand der Inschriften und der Reliefdarstellungen wird der etwaige Zusammenhang von Grabbautypus und gesellschaftlicher Stellung der Grabinhaber untersucht. Mit Hilfe von Verbreitungskarten wird schlie\u00dflich die unterschiedliche H\u00e4ufigkeit bestimmter Typen in den einzelnen Regionen der Provinz herausgearbeitet und hinterfragt.Im tabellarischen Anhang I sind aussagekr\u00e4ftige Ma\u00dfe und Proportionen bestimmter Architekturglieder aufgelistet. Anhang II f\u00e4hrt diejenigen Grabbauten oder Grabbauteile an, deren Typus bestimmt werden kann und deren Inhaber zumindest ansatzweise bekannt sind.Ein umfangreicher Abbildungsapparat verfolgt den Zweck, die vorgeschlagenen Rekonstruktionen und Einordnungen nachvollziehbar zu machen, indem auch die Sto\u00df- und Ladefl\u00e4chen samt ihrer technischen Details dokumentiert sind. Die rekonstruierten Grabbauten werden anschaulich dargestellt, jedoch ohne die Grenzen zwischen Originalbestand und Rekonstruktion zu verwischen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kremer ,Gabrielle"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Noricum, funerary monuments"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437190"], ["title", "Antike Grabbauten in Noricum"], ["doab_id", "15313"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305338"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305338"]], [["description", "Under the main theme \u201cAncient Painting between Local Style and Period Style\u201d, 150 specialists from 16 nations dedicated themselves in September 2010 in Ephesus to the characteristics of period and/or local styles in ancient painting and to the relationship and influence of local styles and traditions. The publication at hand presents the 45 lectures regarding the general topic as well as 17 further contributions on novitates and 40 posters.

Unter dem Generalthema \u201eAntike Wandmalerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil\u201c widmeten sich rund 150 Spezialisten aus 16 Nationen im September 2010 in Ephesos der Frage nach den Charakteristika von Zeit- und/oder Lokalstilen in der antiken Malerei und dem Verh\u00e4ltnis und Einfluss von lokalen Stilen und Traditionen. Der vorliegende Aktenband enth\u00e4lt die 45 Vortr\u00e4ge zum Generalthema sowie weitere 17 Beitr\u00e4ge zu novitates und 40 Poster."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zimmermann ,Norbert"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ancient wallpainting, Archaeology, Ancient art history", "Antike Wandmalerei, Arch\u00e4ologie, Antike Kunstgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en", "it", "fr", "es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574665"], ["title", "Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil, Tafelband"], ["doab_id", "17393"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English^it^fr^es"], ["isbns", ["9783700176589"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176589"]], [["description", "The nature is a generous source of a number of compounds with potential application for the treatment of several diseases including the infectious diseases, which is of utmost concern for the modern medicine due to the observed striding antimicrobial resistance. A number of sources of natural compounds with valuable and clinical antimicrobial activity can be listed, comprising medicinal plants, marine and terrestrial organisms, which includes fungi and bacteria. Nevertheless, there is still a vast fauna and flora that, once systematically explored, could provide additional antimicrobial leads and drugs. Investigators were invited to contribute with original research and/or review articles on this area, specifically with studies exploiting the mechanism of action and the structure-activity aspects of natural compounds with antimicrobial activity that provides insights on potential ways to overcome the antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, thanks to the contribution of active researchers in the field, several scientific studies mainly focused on natural products with antimicrobial activity are presented in this Research Topic Ebook."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mirian A. Hayashi; Fernando C. Bizerra; Pedro Ismael Da Silva Jr"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["antimicrobial", "Peptides", "natural compounds", "antiseptic", "preservation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/509/antimicrobial-compounds-from-natural-sources"], ["title", "Antimicrobial compounds from natural sources"], ["doab_id", "17768"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192595"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192595"]], [["description", "Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are gene-encoded, ancient (and important) mediators of innate host defense that exert direct or indirect antimicrobial action as well as possessing other important biologic activities (e.g., neutralization of endotoxin and anti-biofilm action) that help to protect vertebrates, invertebrates and plants from invading pathogens. While the emergence of multi-antibiotic resistant pathogens (and the desperate need to develop new anti-infectives) has been a recent force driving the field, interest in AMPs has an earlier origin in studies of how phagocytes kill bacteria by oxygen-independent processes. AMPs responsible for such killing of microbes by rabbit and human neutrophils were later purified by Ganz, Selsted and Lehrer, which they termed defensins; at the time of this writing, literally thousands of defensin-based publications can be found in the scientific literature! The initial reports on defensins and the earlier report by Boman\u2019s group on the purification and action of an insect AMP represented a historical and defining point for the AMP field as they, in hindsight, demanded the recognition of AMP research as a unique discipline that has important linkages to other important fields of medicine, especially those of microbiology, infectious diseases and immunology. On a personal note, I remember conferences on phagocytes and host defense in the early 1980s where the topic of AMPs was relegated to one short session in a five day period! Now, we have hundreds of international \u201cAMPologists\u201d with expertise in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular and structural biology, cell biology, microbiology, pharmacology, or medicine who have built their research careers around AMPs and can now attend international conferences dedicated to advances in AMP research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["antimicrobial peptides, evolution, molecular biology, regulation, synthesis, structure-function, host defense, bacterial diseases, immune-modulation, inflammation"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/140"], ["title", "Antimicrobial Peptides"], ["doab_id", "17523"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420729", "9783038420736"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420729/9783038420736 "]], [["description", "Antimicrobial peptides and complement are distinct components of the innate immune defence. While antimicrobial peptides, after cleavage of a preproprotein, have the ability to insert directly in non host membranes, complement requires a sequential enzymatic activation in the fluid phase in order to produce a transmembrane membrane attack complex. Its insertion is controlled by membrane bound regulators. Deficiencies are described for both effectors and relate to increased susceptibility of infection. In addition, however, antimicrobial peptides and complement each influence the activity of inflammatory cells as recent data in the respective research areas shows. This series of articles draws together for the entities of antimicrobial peptides and complement a balance of contributions in the areas of evolution, roles, functions and preclinical applications. By comparing and contrasting antimicrobial peptides and complement, greater cross-disciplinary appreciation will be derived for their individual and overlapping spectra of activity, circumstances of activation and their general ability to more completely inform the inflammatory and cellular response."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cordula M. Stover"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["antimicrobial peptides", "complement", "Health", "Disease", "system-specific", "regulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2912/antimicrobial-peptides-and-complement---maximising-the-inflammatory-response"], ["title", "Antimicrobial peptides and Complement - Maximising the inflammatory response"], ["doab_id", "18862"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197378"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197378"]], [["description", "En ninguna otra obra se recogen y teorizan tan cumplida y sistem\u00e1ticamente los motivos de la pol\u00e9mica humanista contra el derecho justinianeo. El Antitriboniano del jurista franc\u00e9s Fran\u00e7ois Hotman se\u00f1ala el v\u00e9rtice de un camino iniciado casi ciento cincuenta a\u00f1os antes que inaugur\u00f3 una nueva etapa de la cultura jur\u00eddica de occidente. Escrito en 1567, fue publicado por vez primera en 1603 en franc\u00e9s y, posteriormente, tuvo gran influencia en el \u00e1rea germ\u00e1nica gracias a su versi\u00f3n latina. La edici\u00f3n biling\u00fce que ahora ofrecemos es la primera que aparece en una lengua moderna. El estudio preliminar que la acompa\u00f1a, adem\u00e1s de contextualizarla, rastrea los distintos usos que este op\u00fasculo ha tenido a lo largo de los siglos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hotman, Fran\u00e7ois"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Derecho romano", "Law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["fr", "es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/17855/antitriboniano_hotman_2014_reim.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Antitriboniano, o discurso sobre el estudio de las leyes (edici\u00f3n biling\u00fce)"], ["doab_id", "16143"], ["language_unmapped", "fra;spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490316641"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490316641"]], [["description", "Escrito originalmente sob a forma de disserta\u00e7\u00e3o de mestrado, tendo como t\u00edtulo \"Movimento Armorial: o erudito e o popular na obra de Ant\u00f4nio Carlos N\u00f3brega\", orientada pelo professor S\u00e9bastien Joachim e aprovada com distin\u00e7\u00e3o pela banca examinadora do Mestrado em Literatura e Interculturalidade da universidade Estadual da Para\u00edba, a presente obra traz para o conhecimento p\u00fablico e debate acad\u00eamico mais um cap\u00edtulo da hist\u00f3ria do Movimento Armorial. Ant\u00f4nio Carlos N\u00f3brega em acordes e textos Armoriais se caracteriza como uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a amplia\u00e7\u00e3o do acervo e das pesquisas sobre o Movimento Armorial, atrav\u00e9s da m\u00fasica, atividade essa de maior repercuss\u00e3o nacional do Movimento, ainda em car\u00eancia no universo das pesquisas cient\u00edficas. Ampliam-se, dessa forma, as possibilidades de abordagens para com um cap\u00edtulo importante da cultura brasileira, que ainda carrega marcas e reflete o Movimento criado por Ariano Suassuna."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Costa, Lu\u00eds Adriano Mendes"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Cultura popular, cultura erudita nordestina, movimento armorial-m\u00fasica, arte memorial"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h4dh8"], ["title", "Antonio Carlos N\u00f3brega em acordes e textos armoriais "], ["doab_id", "16314"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791865"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791865"]], [["description", "Este livro apresenta reflex\u00f5es de pesquisadores brasileiros e argentinos sobre a comunica\u00e7\u00e3o de massa na perspectiva da antropologia. Nas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas tem crescido o interesse pela comunica\u00e7\u00e3o de massa dentro do campo da antropologia.\u00a0 Ela tem, cada vez mais, se voltado para temas contempor\u00e2neos buscando examin\u00e1-los \u00e0 luz de um novo enfoque, que percebe sua complexidade, sem preconceitos ou vis\u00f5es estereotipadas.\u00a0 O universo dos meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o com seus emissores, receptores e mensagens \u00e9 um f\u00e9rtil terreno de pesquisa e uma excelente porta de entrada para compreens\u00e3o da vida social no s\u00e9culo XXI."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Travancas, Isabel; Nogueira, Silvia Garcia"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fyks3"], ["title", "Antropologia da comunica\u00e7\u00e3o de massa"], ["doab_id", "19799"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793326"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793326"]], [["description", "Tem como objetivos definir, problematizar e explorar o potencial da abordagem antropol\u00f3gica \u00e0s quest\u00f5es relativas a sa\u00fade e doen\u00e7a. Ainda que todos os artigos tentem esclarecer e delimitar o campo de atua\u00e7\u00e3o da antropologia m\u00e9dica, n\u00e3o apresentam a mesma vis\u00e3o ao tratar das caracter\u00edsticas internas e das fronteiras deste saber. Em alguns, a busca \u00e9 por desconstruir dicotomias correntes, rumo aos fundamentos metate\u00f3ricos; em outros, nota-se uma vis\u00e3o complexa do campo a partir da discuss\u00e3o de trabalhos emp\u00edricos, etnogr\u00e1ficos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alves, Paulo C\u00e9sar B. (org.); Rabelo, Miriam Cristina (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Antropologia, Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/by55h"], ["title", "Antropologia da sa\u00fade: tra\u00e7ando identidade e explorando fronteiras "], ["doab_id", "16390"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414040"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414040"]], [["description", "O livro traz reflex\u00f5es unindo quest\u00f5es sociais, da sa\u00fade e da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o. Na primeira parte, apresenta uma ampla revis\u00e3o bibliogr\u00e1fica sobre a \u00e1rea da antropologia e da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o. Na segunda parte, abordam-se os paradoxos e repercuss\u00f5es das transforma\u00e7\u00f5es sociais e da internacionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da economia na cultura alimentar. A terceira parte dedica-se \u00e0 alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o tal como ela se configura hoje nos diferentes espa\u00e7os, privados e p\u00fablicos, dos contextos urbanos e diante das transforma\u00e7\u00f5es sociais ocorridas no pa\u00eds nos \u00faltimos 35 anos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Canesqui, Ana Maria (org.); Garcia, Rosa Wanda Diez (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Antropologia cultural, H\u00e1bitos alimentares"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/v6rkd"], ["title", "Antropologia e nutri\u00e7\u00e3o: um di\u00e1logo poss\u00edvel "], ["doab_id", "16342"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413876"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413876"]], [["description", "Colet\u00e2nea de artigos que se prop\u00f5e a desvendar os r\u00f3tulos impostos pela sociedade \u00e0 'terceira idade'. Dessa forma, poderemos acompanhar as transforma\u00e7\u00f5es ocorridas nessa faixa et\u00e1ria, como o crescimento demogr\u00e1fico, e refletir sobre o idoso do futuro. Analisa-se, na obra, o envelhecimento sob o ponto de vista dos pr\u00f3prios idosos e idosas, revelando o que significa ser saud\u00e1vel para eles e elas. Constr\u00f3i um idoso que protagoniza sua pr\u00f3pria hist\u00f3ria, em vez de se corroborar a id\u00e9ia estereotipada do velho como um fardo para a fam\u00edlia e para a sociedade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza; Coimbra Jr., Carlos E. A."], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d2frp"], ["title", "Antropologia, sa\u00fade e envelhecimento"], ["doab_id", "19300"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413043"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413043"]], [["description", "The Apartment of Tragic Appliances, named as a finalist for a 2013 Lambda Literary Award, is a literal place in which a hapless, portable dishwasher \u201cheats residue only to reimagine cleanliness as an art project,\u201d a recalcitrant microwave neglects to heat, and a refrigerator dies an inconvenient, bulky death. It is also that psychic space in which we consider our loneliness, our wandering hearts, our unpacked boxes, our vulgar desires.In Queer Optimism: Lyric Personhood and Other Felicitous Persuasions (Minnesota, 2007), Michael Snediker worked \u201cin the interests of felicity\u201d to undermine the ways in which queer theory customarily privileges shame and melancholy. Here, in his first full-length collection of poetry, he undertakes a similar upending of expectation, acknowledging \u201cgay sadness\u201d but refusing to fall fully under its sway. The demi-tragedies of daily life are recounted by a voice that is variously wistful, giddy, bawdy, silly, and tart.Along the way, Michael Snediker sets off an impressive pyrotechnic display of literary allusion, drawing on the superstars of the Western canon (think: Virgil, Racine, Proust, James, Wharton, Tennessee Williams) and of popular culture (Lucille Ball, John Travolta, Alex Trebek).Buyer beware: In these pages you will not find advice on how to feng shui your duplex or tame a Cuisinart run amok. Instead, you will find something far rarer: a book of poetic sustenance. As Daniel Tiffany observes, \u201cWe have been missing poems like these for a long time.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael D. Snediker"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Poetry"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-apartment-of-tragic-appliances/"], ["title", "The Apartment of Tragic Appliances"], ["doab_id", "16040"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615792484"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615792484"]], [["description", "This book argues that the pseudonym, Dionysius the Areopagite, and the influence of Paul together constitute the best interpretive lens for understanding the Corpus Dionysiacum [CD]. This book demonstrates how Paul in fact animates the entire corpus, that the influence of Paul illuminates such central themes of the CD as hierarchy, theurgy, deification, Christology, affirmation (kataphasis) and negation (apophasis), dissimilar similarities, and unknowing. Most importantly, Paul serves as a fulcrum for the expression of a new theological anthropology, an \u201capophatic anthropology.\u201d Dionysius figures Paul as the premier apostolic witness to this apophatic anthropology, as the ecstatic lover of the divine who confesses to the rupture of his self and the indwelling of the divine in Gal 2:20: \u201cit is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.\u201d Building on this notion of apophatic anthropology, the book forwards an explanation for why this sixth\u2010century author chose to write under an apostolic pseudonym. It argues that the very practice of pseudonymous writing itself serves as an ecstatic devotional exercise whereby the writer becomes split in two and thereby open to the indwelling of the divine. Pseudonymity is on this interpretation integral and internal to the aims of the wider mystical enterprise. Thus this book aims to question the distinction between \u201ctheory\u201d and \u201cpractice\u201d by demonstrating that negative theology\u2014often figured as a speculative and rarefied theory regarding the transcendence of God\u2014is in fact best understood as a kind of asceticism, a devotional practice aiming for the total transformation of the Christian subject."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stang M. ,Charles"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Dionysius the Areopagite", "Pseudo-Dionysius", "St. Paul", "Pseudonymity", "Apophasis", "Negative theology", "Mysticism", "Apophatic anthropology", "Corpus Dionysiacum"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453480"], ["title", "Apophasis and Pseudonymity in Dionysius the Areopagite"], ["doab_id", "15528"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199640423"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199640423"]], [["description", "This book examines the law, national and/or international, that arbitral tribunals apply on the merits to settle disputes between foreign investors and host states. In light of the freedom that the disputing parties and the arbitrators have when designating the applicable law, and because of the hybrid nature of legal relationship between investors and states, there is significant interplay between the national and the international legal order in investor-state arbitration. The book contains a comprehensive analysis of the relevant jurisprudence, legal instruments, and scholarship surrounding arbitral practice with respect to the application of national law and international law. It investigates the awards in which tribunals referred to consistency between the legal orders, and suggests alternatives to the traditional doctrines of monism and dualism to explain the relationship between the national and the international legal order. The book also addresses the territorialized or internationalized nature of the tribunals; relevant choice-of-law rules and methodologies; and the scope of the arbitration agreement, including the possibility of host states presenting counterclaims in investment treaty arbitration. Ultimately, it argues that in investor\u2013state arbitration, national and international law do not only coexist but may be applied simultaneously; they are also interdependent, each complementing and informing the other both indirectly and directly for a larger common good: enforcement of rights and obligations regardless of their national or international origin."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kjos Elisabeth ,Hege"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Arbitral tribunals", "Foreign investors", "Host states", "Investor-state arbitration", "National law", "International law", "Choice-of-law rules"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453473"], ["title", "Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration"], ["doab_id", "15524"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199656950"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199656950"]], [["description", "Genetically encoded indicators emerged as promising tools for cell type-specific and chronic recording of neuronal population activity. Since publication of the first prototypical genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (Cameleons) in 1997, we have witnessed remarkable evolution of the field, with rapid improvement of indicator performance as well as expanded application to many model organisms in the neuroscience community. Challenges still remain, however, concerning the mammalian central nervous system: limited sensitivity of indicators to subtle changes in activity, slow signal kinetics, cytotoxicity after a long-term and high-level expression of indicators, and variable performance across cell types. In addition to improvement of the indicators per se, development of strategies that allow combined use of the indicators and optogenetic tools is also desired. In this Research Topic, we recruited top researchers in the field and their young colleagues to present their cutting-edge research as well as insightful opinions on the following subtopics:1) Latest breakthroughs on development of genetically encoded indicators2) Novel scientific findings obtained with genetically encoded indicators3) Wishlist for the next-generation genetically encoded indicators4) Guideline for selecting an appropriate indicator5) Optimal methodology for indicator delivery to mammalian CNS"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yoshiyuki Yamada; Katsuhiko Mikoshiba"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["genetically encoded sensors", "Fluorescent protein sensors", "Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs)", "genetically encoded voltage sensor", "in vivo imaging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2025/application-of-genetically-encoded-indicators-to-mammalian-central-nervous-system"], ["title", "Application of genetically encoded indicators to mammalian central nervous system"], ["doab_id", "18913"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198047"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198047"]], [["description", "Since their re-popularisation in the mid-1980s, artificial neural networks have seen an explosion of research across a diverse spectrum of areas. While an immense amount of research has been undertaken in artificial neural networks themselves\u2014in terms of training, topologies, types, etc.\u2014a similar amount of work has examined their application to a whole host of real-world problems. Such problems are usually difficult to define and hard to solve using conventional techniques. Examples include computer vision, speech recognition, financial applications, medicine, meteorology, robotics, hydrology, etc.This Special Issue focuses on the second of these two research themes, that of the application of neural networks to a diverse range of fields and problems. It collates contributions concerning neural network applications in areas such as engineering, hydrology and medicine."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep learning, Data Mining"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/236"], ["title", "Applied Artificial Neural Networks"], ["doab_id", "19974"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422709", "9783038422716"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422709/9783038422716"]], [["description", "Foreword by Richard J. Stevenson, Macquarie University (Australia):It was long thought that the human nose might be able to discriminate somewhere in the order of 10,000 different odourants. The recent finding that the human nose can discriminate something like a trillion different smells serves as yet another reminder that we have again underestimated the capacity of our sense of smell (Bushdid, Magnasco, Vosshall & Keller, 2014). This volume serves as a further corrective for anyone who should hold the view that olfaction is unimportant in human affairs. The papers presented in this ebook, carefully collated and overseen by Aldo Zucco, Benoist Schaal, Mats Olsson and Ilona Croy, showcase a large number of quite different reasons for studying the applied side of olfaction, and indeed human olfaction in general. The 23 contributions presented here cover a broad range of topics, which illustrate contemporary interests in our field. Although with a strong applied focus, a noteworthy feature of this ebook is the richness of the theoretical perspectives that are developed. These range from considerations of olfactory perception, memory, expertise, and priming right the way through to receptor genetics. These contributions, from many leading experts in the field, will surely shape much of the applied work linking olfaction to disease, which is a further focus of this ebook. In respect to health and disease, the chapters on aging, pregnancy, depression, alcohol dependency and environmental odours, present overviews and rich new data on many contemporary problems, to which the study of olfaction is now contributing. A particularly notable aspect of olfactory experience is the affective impact that odours can have on people and their lives. The ebook covers some particularly intriguing aspects of work in this area, with empirical studies investigating dissociations between wanting and liking, stress reduction in the elderly, mother-infant bonding, and the emotions that different odourants can evoke. This affective line of work is nicely complemented by empirical studies on expertise, the effect of odours on visual attention, and the relationship between particular personality traits and interest in olfaction. The gradual appropriation of methods from cognitive neuroscience into olfaction is also nicely represented in this ebook, with at least three of the chapters reporting data using neuroimaging, including a particular intriguing study looking at recognition of odours in mixtures. Finally, the close links between olfactory perception and sensory evaluation are also reflected in a chapter on wine. I hope that readers of this e-book will be struck, as I have been in reading its various chapters, how much olfaction affects our lives, and how the study of this sense can enrich it. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gesualdo M Zucco; Benoist Schaal; Mats Olsson; Ilona Croy"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Applied olfaction", "Cognition", "Everyday Life", "Expertise", "Health", "Disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1176/applied-olfactory-cognition"], ["title", "Applied Olfactory Cognition"], ["doab_id", "18673"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193431"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193431"]], [["description", "Ontology is the philosophical discipline which aims to understand how things in the world are divided into categories and how these categories are related together. This is exactly what information scientists aim for in creating structured, automated representations, called \u2018ontologies,\u2019 for managing information in fields such as science, government, industry, and healthcare. Currently, these systems are designed in a variety of different ways, so they cannot share data with one another. They are often idiosyncratically structured, accessible only to those who created them, and unable to serve as inputs for automated reasoning. This volume shows, in a non-technical way and using examples from medicine and biology, how the rigorous application of theories and insights from philosophical ontology can improve the ontologies upon which information management depends."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Munn, Katherine ; Smith, Barry"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208894"], ["title", "Applied Ontology. An Introduction"], ["doab_id", "18112"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110324860", "9783110324501", "9783110324877"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110324860, 9783110324501, 9783110324877"]], [["description", "Neste livro o leitor poder\u00e1 compreender os processos de aprendizagem e comportamento na vertente pedag\u00f3gica e cl\u00ednica, considerando as diferentes pesquisas e reflex\u00f5es te\u00f3ricas apresentadas, sustentadas pelas contribui\u00e7\u00f5es dos estudos das Habilidades Sociais, dos pressuspostos te\u00f3ricos da Psicologia Hist\u00f3rico-Cultural e da An\u00e1lise do Comportamento tendo como pano de fundo a inclus\u00e3o social e escolar. O livro pode ser um material de consulta importante para pesquisadores e interessados no tema."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valle, T\u00e2nia Gracy Martins do; Maia, Ana Cl\u00e1udia Bortolozzi"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ybbg4"], ["title", "Aprendizagem e comportamento humano"], ["doab_id", "16695"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831225"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831225"]], [["description", "Os textos que comp\u00f5em esta obra analisam importantes temas na \u00e1rea da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem. Abordam diferentes aspectos e faixas et\u00e1rias, tais como: est\u00edmulos textuais e palavra digitada na inf\u00e2ncia; vari\u00e1veis demogr\u00e1ficas e desenvolvimento infantil de crian\u00e7as contaminadas por chumbo; treinamento de habilidades sociais em pr\u00e9-escolares; contato f\u00edsico em pr\u00e9-escolares nas intera\u00e7\u00f5es e rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais; percep\u00e7\u00f5es de m\u00e3es e crian\u00e7as sobre as rela\u00e7\u00f5es familiares permeadas por viol\u00eancia sexual do pai contra a filha; conceito de fam\u00edlia segundo adolescentes de zona rural e urbana; estere\u00f3tipos sexuais no discurso de m\u00e3es na educa\u00e7\u00e3o de seus filhos; a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre ex-c\u00f4njuges e entre pais e filhos ap\u00f3s a separa\u00e7\u00e3o conjugal; processos de ensino e de aprendizagem profissionais da doc\u00eancia nas s\u00e9ries iniciais; concep\u00e7\u00f5es dos professores do ensino fundamental sobre TDAH. Os estudos s\u00e3o embasados em tratamentos metodol\u00f3gicos atualizados e discutem quest\u00f5es relevantes sobre processos de desenvolvimento humano em face dos avan\u00e7os da pesquisa cientifica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valle, T\u00e2nia Gracy Martins do"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/krj5p"], ["title", "Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento humano: avalia\u00e7\u00f5es e interven\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "16696"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598605999"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598605999"]], [["description", "Da molti anni si sente parlare di software libero e di tecnologie aperte e dei vari aspetti etici, filosofici, giuridici ed economici connessi a questo particolare modo di approcciare l\u2019informatica. Spesso si \u00e8 sottolineata l\u2019importanza di poter disporre di strumenti software che fossero distribuiti in modalit\u00e0 libera dai tradizionali vincoli della propriet\u00e0 industriale e il messaggio sembra ormai arrivato anche ai grandi player del settore ICT. Quello che non tutti sanno (o che trovano pi\u00f9 comodo non sapere) \u00e8 invece che poco conta il poter disporre di software libero e open source se il mercato e con lui le prassi comuni degli utenti sono irrigiditi su meccanismi viziosi da cui \u00e8 sempre difficile allontanarsi. Quale magra consolazione \u00e8 usare software libero sul nostro computer se poi vediamo costantemente che la gran parte delle informazioni presenti in rete circolano in forme e modi del tutto chiusi, proprietari, non trasparenti!"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/9788895994345_content.pdf"], ["title", "Apriti standard!"], ["doab_id", "15539"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788895994871"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994871"]], [["description", "A ci\u00eancia e a tecnologia na contemporaneidade condicionam a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o social e as formas existentes e emergentes de desigualdade e exclus\u00e3o tanto em cada sociedade como entre sociedades e regi\u00f5es do mundo. Os contextos de acesso e apropria\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento cient\u00edfico e tecnol\u00f3gico s\u00e3o diversificados, como diferenciados s\u00e3o os p\u00fablicos que se constituem em rela\u00e7\u00e3o com esses contextos e modos de acesso e de apropria\u00e7\u00e3o. Os textos desta colet\u00e2nea problematizam sob diferentes aspectos as quest\u00f5es cr\u00edticas para a compreens\u00e3o e aplica\u00e7\u00e3o do conceito de apropria\u00e7\u00e3o social do conhecimento cient\u00edfico e tecnol\u00f3gico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hayashi, Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini; Sousa, Cidoval Morais de; Rothberg, Danilo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/j76hp"], ["title", "Apropria\u00e7\u00e3o social da ci\u00eancia e da tecnologia: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para uma agenda"], ["doab_id", "16330"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791872"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791872"]], [["description", "The book presents the first English edition of Hubertine Auclert's Arab Women in Algeria which offers a unique picture of Algerian society in late 19th century.Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914) was one of the foremost militants for women's political rights in France from the mid-1870s. She lived in Algeria from 1888 to 1892, where she investigated the customs and traditions that defined the condition of women. She witnessed both the exploitation of women and that of the colonized people; in doing so, she drew a picture of colonial Algerian society. While women were mistreated by men (sale of prepubescent girls into marriage, forced marriage, repudiation permitted only to men, polygamy), Arab men were mistreated by the colonial administration and excluded from the government of Algeria. She denounced the contradictions and hypocrisy of French justice, which often enforced, for their own interest, the \"anomalies\" of Muslim law in contradiction with French law.The last chapter of the book comprises of several striking anecdotes that illustrate the author's theoretical views.Jacqueline Grenez Brovender is a freelance translator and a former lecturer in French at Tufts University.Denise Brahimi-Chapuis taught in French and Algerian universities about the relationship between France and the Maghreb and its effect on women."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Auclert, Hubertine"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Feminism, Arab women, Arab customs, women's issue, Algerian history, French history, gender and society"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449661"], ["title", "Arab Women in Algeria"], ["doab_id", "16870"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110410228"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110410228"]], [["description", "Arbeit war ein zentraler Begriff des Nationalsozialismus. Innerhalb der herzustellenden \u201eVolksgemeinschaft\u201c diente \u201eArbeit\u201c als zentrales Praxisfeld von Inklusion der \u201eVolksgenossinnen und Volksgenossen\u201c. In den Konzentrationslagern der Vorkriegszeit bildete Arbeit das entscheidende Mittel der \u201eErziehung\u201c, um H\u00e4ftlinge in \u201eVolksgenossen\u201c zu verwandeln. Im Krieg wurde Zwangsarbeit zur entscheidenden Ressource f\u00fcr die Fortf\u00fchrung der R\u00fcstungsproduktion. Und schlie\u00dflich entschied \u201eArbeitsf\u00e4higkeit\u201c \u00fcber Leben und Tod von Juden, Roma und Sinti, sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen, KZ-H\u00e4ftlingen, Zwangsarbeitern. Dieser Vielschichtigkeit von Arbeit als sozialer, politischer, kultureller Praxis im Nationalsozialismus n\u00e4hern sich die Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven an, um Kontinuit\u00e4ten und Differenzen von \u201eArbeit im Nationalsozialismus\u201c kenntlich zu machen. Die Beitr\u00e4ger/innen des Bandes stellen sich vor der Buchpublikation einem \u00f6ffentlichen Reviewprozess: http://arbeit-im-nationalsozialismus.oldenbourg-verlag.de/"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marc Buggeln, Michael Wildt"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Open Peer Review", " Zeitgeschichte", " Sozialgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/220380"], ["title", "Arbeit im Nationalsozialismus"], ["doab_id", "17365"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783486765380", "9783486858846", "9783110399073"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486765380, 9783486858846, 9783110399073"]], [["description", "We may consider labour as boon or bane \u2012 man\u2019s existence is not conceivable without labour. The expulsion from the Garden of Eden can be understood as a punishment for the consumption of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge, but it can likewise be interpreted as the perfection of God\u2019s creation. Hence only beyond Eden, God\u2019s creature becomes man. He or she becomes human by cultivat-ing the earth, by working. Labour is not only a necessary evil in order to secure existence, nor does it serve as a means for self-preservation, but also for self-fulfillment. Labour is the epitome of the ability of self-being and thus of man\u2019s liberty.

M\u00f6gen wir Arbeit als Fluch betrachten oder als Segen \u2013 das Sein des Menschen ist ohne Arbeit nicht denkbar. Man kann die Vertreibung aus dem Garten Eden als Strafe f\u00fcr den unerlaubten Genuss der Frucht vom Baume der Erkenntnis ver-stehen, man kann sie aber auch als Vollendung der g\u00f6ttlichen Sch\u00f6pfung deuten. Denn erst jenseits von Eden wird das Gesch\u00f6pf Gottes Mensch. Er wird Mensch, indem er die Erde bebaut, indem er arbeitet. Arbeit ist nicht nur ein notwendiges \u00dcbel zur Sicherung der Existenz, sie dient nicht nur der Selbsterhaltung, sondern auch der Selbstentfaltung. Arbeit ist der Inbegriff des Selbstseink\u00f6nnens und damit der Freiheit des Menschen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baer ,Josette; Rother ,Wolfgang"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Labor", "Philosophy", "Political Science", "Law", "History", "History of Literature", "Arbeit", "Philosophie", "Politische Wissenschaft", "Rechtswissenschaft", "Geschichte", "Literaturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "Schwabe Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=587950"], ["title", "Arbeit. Philosophische, juristische und kulturwissenschaftliche Studien"], ["doab_id", "17915"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783796533365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783796533365"]], [["description", "This book illustrates how modern media and internet applications facilitate collaboration on the job and make work easier. After detailing the requirements of work organization, the book discusses easily implementable solution strategies and concrete programs. Chapter topics include: an introduction to Web 2.0, monitoring, time management, managing notes and bibliographies, mind maps, collaboration, and content sharing.; Julia Bergmann, Freiberufliche Trainerin f\u00fcr Informationskompetenz, Bremen und J\u00fcrgen Plieninger, Leiter der Bibliothek des Instituts f\u00fcr Politikwissenschaft, T\u00fcbingen"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bergmann, Julia; Plieninger, J"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Web 2.0", "Arbeitsorganisation", "Workplace Organization", "Web 2.0"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110269598&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Arbeitsorganisation 2.0 \u2013 Tools f\u00fcr den Arbeitsalltag in Kultur- und Bildungseinrichtungen"], ["doab_id", "15116"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110269598"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110269598"]], [["description", "La for\u00eat gabonaise comprend plusieurs centaines d\u2019esp\u00e8ces d\u2019arbres. Une poign\u00e9e est tr\u00e8s connue, beaucoup le sont nettement moins, et certaines sont encore anonymes. Ce guide vous emm\u00e8ne \u00e0 la d\u00e9couverte de 37 familles botaniques et de 225 esp\u00e8ces, dont plus de 140 sont illustr\u00e9es. Il vous permet de les identifier et de mieux les conna\u00eetre \u00e0 l\u2019aide de sch\u00e9mas simples et de pr\u00e8s de 1 000 photographies de d\u00e9tails botaniques en couleur. Pour les plus exp\u00e9riment\u00e9s, de nouvelles donn\u00e9es concernant l\u2019\u00e9cologie permettront de consolider leurs connaissances. L\u2019objectif de cet ouvrage est le partage et la vulgarisation des connaissances, afin que les agents des administrations en charge des for\u00eats, tout comme les exploitants forestiers ou encore les populations locales, puissent mieux comprendre et g\u00e9rer ces essences utiles. Il pourra aussi se glisser dans la poche des randonneurs et des naturalistes, qui seront en mesure de reconna\u00eetre et de nommer plus facilement ces arbres pr\u00e9cieux de la for\u00eat gabonaise."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Meunier, Quentin; Moumbogou, Carl; Doucet, Jean-Louis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Arbres utiles ", " Gabon ", " Projet DACEFI 2 ", " Flore ", " Syst\u00e9matique ", " Guide d'identification ", " Usage ", " Ecologie"]], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/183815"], ["title", "Les arbres utiles du Gabon"], ["doab_id", "17463"], ["language_unmapped", "fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161340"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161340"]], [["description", "Gretta Bitsilly, gin-steeped mother of two and self-proclaimed expert at standing outside the margins of ethnicity and peering in, has been all but eclipsed by the world that eludes her--as a wife, a writer, a skeptic in \"\"the other land of Zion,\"\" Utah. Gretta has set off to Fort Defiance, Arizona, where she hopes to convince her Navajo husband, who has escaped not from his family but from alcoholism, to come home.Over a sputtering two-steps-forward, one-step-back desert journey, Gretta is diverted by chance, seizures, an inconstant memory, and the disjointed character of her irresolute quest.She is fueled by a volatile mix of rage and curiosity and is rendered careless by ambivalence toward her marriage--she knows a welcome mat will not be waiting for her, \"\"that white girl\"\" who can't seem to get anything right. On route Gretta finds herself lost in the landscape, in strange company, or in her own convolution of language and inner space. With a dictionary and a laptop she attempts to write herself into a better existence--a hopeful existence--and to connect points of intellectual, physical, even spiritual reference.This tale, though dark and difficult, is infused with tart, twisted humor. Confused, disheveled, self-deprecating, and self-destructive, Gretta is also sharp and funny. Here, first-time novelist Christine Allen-Yazzie breaks apart her own narrative arc but with gritty reality seals it near-shut again, if in rearrangement, drawing us into Gretta's wrestling match with herself, her husband, her addiction, and the road."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Allen-Yazzie, Christine"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/90"], ["title", "The Arc and the Sediment"], ["doab_id", "14748"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216547"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216547"]], [["description", "Prokaryotes have a complex cell envelope which has several important functions, including providing a barrier that protects the cytoplasm from the environment. Along with its associated proteinaceous structures, it also ensures cell stability, facilitates motility, mediates adherence to biotic and abiotic surfaces, and facilitates communication with the extracellular environment. Viruses have evolved to take advantage of cell envelope constituents to gain access to the cellular interior as well as for egress from the cell. While many aspects of the biosynthesis and structure of the cell envelope are similar across domains, archaeal cell envelopes have several unique characteristics including, among others, an isoprenoid lipid bilayer, a non-murein-based cell wall, and a unique motility structure, (important features that give archaeal cell envelopes characteristics that are significantly different from those of bacterial cell envelopes \u2013 possibly out). Recent analyses have revealed that the cell envelopes of distantly related archaea also display an immense diversity of characteristics. For instance, while many archaea have an S-layer, the subunits of S-layers of various archaeal species, as well as their posttranslational modifications, vary significantly. Moreover, like gram-negative bacteria, recent studies have shown that some archaeal species also have an outer membrane. In this collection of articles, we include contributions that focus on research that has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the biogenesis and functions of archaeal cell envelopes and their constituent surface structures."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sonja-Verena Albers; Mecky Pohlschroder"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["pili", "Flagella", "archaella", "Archaea", "S-layer", "Cytochromes", "membrane", "hami", "Biofilms", "Surface structures"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2256/archaeal-cell-envelope-and-surface-structures"], ["title", "Archaeal Cell Envelope and Surface Structures"], ["doab_id", "18892"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197736"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197736"]], [["description", "This volume is dedicated to the historiography and analysis of the present state of Estonian archaeology. Part I (articles by Valter Lang and Marge Konsa) provides a review of the general development of archaeological research in Estonia from the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century, focusing on institutional changes and advances in theoretical thinking and approaches. Part II includes articles by Aivar Kriiska, V. Lang, Andres Tvauri, Heiki Valk, Ain M\u00e4esalu, Anton P\u00e4rn, Erki Russow and Arvi Haak on the previous research into the prehistoric and historical periods. In Part III, A. Tvauri and Mauri Kiudsoo discuss the formation and present situation of the archaeological and numismatic collections, and the establishment and development of archaeological heritage protection. Part IV discusses some more specific areas of research in Estonian archaeology, such as application of methods from the natural sciences in archaeology (A. Kriiska), settlement archaeology (V. Lang), underwater archaeology (Maili Roio), and connections between archaeology and oral tradition (H. Valk)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lang ,Valter ; Laneman ,Margot "], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Estonian archaeology", "history of archaeology"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=423937"], ["title", "Archaeological Research in Estonia 1865\u20132005"], ["doab_id", "15209"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949112333"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949112333"]], [["description", "This book, consisting of 12 contributions, amalgamates the most recent results from archaeological research in the Upper Mesopotamian piedmont. Under the growing influence of expanding territorial states which had become established during the 2nd millennium BC, this region experienced a substantial change in social and political life during that time. The discussion is centered around settlement shapes, developments in the material culture, as well as written documents that attest to this change. In summary, this book emphasizes the significant roll of archaeological research in the reconstruction of models concerning the formation and transformation of political space in the ancient world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonatz, Dominik"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Archaeology, Near East, Political Spaces, Upper Mesopotamia"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/177442"], ["title", "The Archaeology of Political Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BCE"], ["doab_id", "18042"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110266405", "9783110370348", "9783110265958"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266405, 9783110370348, 9783110265958"]], [["description", "The Claudian-era Municipium Teurnia, today's St. Peter in Holz, is situated four kilometers west of Spittal an der Drau (Carinthia, Austria). Along with Virunum, Celeia, luvavum and Aguntum, Teurnia counts as one of the oldest Roman cities in the province of Noricum. Due to its strategic location on the Drava River and at the intersection of two principal routes, namely the Drava Valley and the Tauern roads, Teurnia developed from a LaT\u00e8ne-period settlement to a Roman city, whose territory included large parts of Upper Carinthia and the Lungau in modern Salzburg.The assessment of La T\u00e8ne period settlement activity in Teurnia is based solely on the finds assigned to the La T\u00e8ne culture of Mokronog group centered in the south-east Alps. Continuous settlement in Teurnia can be proven from the late La T\u00e8ne until the early Imperial period. A comparable trend can be seen at Celeia-Celje, where the initial Celtic hill settlement eventually developed into a Roman vicus in the valley. In contrast to this, the oldest identifiable settlement activity at Aguntum, luvavum and the Flavian municipium of Solva dates to the Augustan period, while Virunum was created as a new, planned provincial capital during the reign of the emperor, Claudius.The first settlement expansion in Teurnia is identifiable as early as the 3rd and 2nd decades of the first century BCE, as the first turf and timber constructions originated east of the 620m-high Holzer Mountain where habitation areas were located, built on serveral terraces on the eastern slope of the hill. Through the combined analysis of finds and results from the 1971-1978 excavations as well as several series of aerial photographs, the expansion and resulting monumentality of Teurnia\u2019s cityscape, after being awarded municipal status, is understandable. In this regard discussion continues as to whether the forum of the imperial-era city was actually located up on the hill, as proposed by R. Egger at the beginning of the last century, or in the lower town situated east of Holzer Mountain, as the preliminary interpretation of recent aerial photographs suggests. After a catastrophic fire in the early 3rd century CE this habitation area, a neighborhood with several prestigious homes and a public thermal bath furnished with high quality fittings such as stucco decoration, marble-cladding, wall paintings, window glass, and hypocaust heating technology, was not reconstructed. The abandonment of this settlement area may already have occurred before the Germanic invasions in the late 3rd century CE, maybe as a result of the Severan prospription measures.

Das claudische Municipium Teurnia, das heutige St. Peter in Holz, vier Kilometer westlich von Spittal an der Drau gelegen, geh\u00f6rte mit Virunum, Celeia, luvavum und Aguntum zu den \u00e4ltesten r\u00f6mischen St\u00e4dten in der Provinz Noricum. Durch die g\u00fcnstige verkehrsgeographische Lage an der Drau bzw. am Schnittpunkt zweier Fernstra\u00dfen, n\u00e4mlich der Drautal- und der Tauernroute, entwickelte sich aus einer lat\u00e8nezeitlichen Siedlung am Holzer Berg die r\u00f6mische Stadt, zu deren Territorium weite Teile Oberk\u00e4rntens und der Lungau geh\u00f6rten.Die Bewertung der lat\u00e8nezeitlichen Siedlungst\u00e4tigkeit in Teurnia kann sich nur auf das Fundmaterial st\u00fctzen, das sich innerhalb der s\u00fcdostalpinen Lat\u00e8nekultur der Mokronog-Gruppe zuordnen l\u00e4\u00dft. W\u00e4hrend der Sp\u00e4tlat\u00e8nezeit scheint sich eine Verlagerung des zentral\u00f6rtlichen Siedlungsschwerpunkts in diesem Bereich des oberen Drautals von der G\u00f6rz, einer zweiperiodigen, 11ha gro\u00dfen Befestigungsanlage im Raum Feistritz/Drau, drauaufw\u00e4rts nach Teurnia abzuzeichnen.In Teurnia ist von einer Siedlungskontinuit\u00e4t \u00fcber die Sp\u00e4tlat\u00e8ne- bis in die fr\u00fche Kaiserzeit auszugehen. Eine vergleichbare Entwicklung hinsichtlich des Gr\u00fcndungsmusters der Siedlung liegt in Celeia-Celje vor, wo sich ebenfalls aus einer keltischen H\u00f6hensiedlung zun\u00e4chst ein r\u00f6mischer Vicus in Tallage entwickelt. Im Unterschied dazu kann in Aguntum, luvavum und im flavischem Municipium Solva eine \u00e4lteste Siedlungst\u00e4tigkeit erst in augusteischer Zeit beobachtet werden, w\u00e4hrend Virunum unter Kaiser Claudius als neu geplante Provinzhauptstadt angelegt wurde.Eine erste Siedlungsexpansion ist in Teurnia schon im 3./2. Jahrzehnt v. Chr. fa\u00dfbar, als erste Holz- und Lehmfachwerkbauten \u00f6stlich des 620m hohen Holzer Berges im Areal der sp\u00e4teren Wohnterrassen entstanden, Durch eine kombinierte Auswertung der Grabungsbefunde 1971-1978 und von mehreren Luftbildserien l\u00e4\u00dft sich der Ausbau und die Monumentalisierung des Stadtbildes nach der Verleihung des Municipalstatus nachvollziehen. Dabei wird auch die Frage diskutiert, ob sich das Forum der kaiserzeitlichen Stadt tats\u00e4chlich oben auf dem H\u00fcgel befand, wie es R. Egger zu Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts vorschlug, oder sich angesichts der neueren Luftbilder nicht doch in der Unterstadt \u00f6stlich des Holzer Berges ausdehnte.Nach einer Brandkatastrophe im fr\u00fcheren 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. kam es in den Wohnterrassen, einem Stadtviertel mit mehreren repr\u00e4sentativen Wohnh\u00e4usern und einer \u00f6ffentlichen Therme von besonderer Ausstattungsqualit\u00e4t (Stuckdekorationen, marmorne Innenarchitektur, Wandmalerei, Fensterglas, Hypokaustheizungen), zu keinem fl\u00e4chigen Wiederaufbau. Das Auflassen dieses Siedlungsareals erfolgte m\u00f6glicherweise schon in der Zeit vor den Germaneneinf\u00e4llen in den 70er Jahren dieses Jahrhunderts als Folge severischer Proskriptionsma\u00dfnahmen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gugl ,Christian"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Teurnia, Province of Noricum", "Teurnia, Provinz Noricum"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477715"], ["title", "Arch\u00e4ologische Forschungen in Teurnia"], ["doab_id", "16004"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305307"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3900305307"]], [["description", "How does one become a recognized architect? Where does the inspiration come from and how is it transformed into buildings, streets and cities? With his Architectural Journal Rob Krier takes the readers on a fascinating journey, guiding one through pivotal moments of early stages of his career as an architect. With a sense of humour, empathy and charm Krier tells a story of his professional path, starting with holidays spent with his grandparents, images, colors and smells that shaped his future choices. He talks about his triumphs and stumbles, giving an intimate insight into the architectural profession, deprived of any pretence to eternal greatness and heroic narrative. The journal encompasses 15 formative years of Krier\u2019s career, starting from architectural studies in Munich, through trips and temporary settlements in Luxemburg, Stuttgart and Lausanne. Krier\u2019s memories are accompanied by theoretical texts. Here he touches upon architect\u2019s responsibilities, importance of historical legacy and exhorts to boycott ugliness in the name of beauty. Striving for something else than pure functionality in architecture, Krier calls for poetical approach, so characteristic for his work, stating: Poetry is in the breath of the building, the aroma that exudes from all its nooks\u201d.Rob Krier is one of the most influential architects and urban planners of the second half of the 20th century. His theoretical writings deal with the idea of town planning informed by traditional notions of harmony, civic space and community. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Krier, Rob"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/457660"], ["title", "Architectural Journal 1960-1975"], ["doab_id", "17966"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110438284", "9783110438291", "9783110470567"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110438284, 9783110438291, 9783110470567"]], [["description", "Research regarding the significance and consequence of anthropogenic transformations of the earth\u2019s land, oceans, biosphere and climate have demonstrated that, from a wide variety of perspectives, it is very likely that humans have initiated a new geological epoch, their own. First labeled the Anthropocene by the chemist Paul Crutzen, the consideration of the merits of the Anthropocene thesis by the International Commission on Stratigraphy and the International Union of Geological Sciences has also garnered the attention of philosophers, historians, and legal scholars, as well as an increasing number of researchers from a range of scientific backgrounds. Architecture in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy intensifies the potential of this multidisciplinary discourse by bringing together essays, conversations, and design proposals that respond to the \u201cgeological imperative\u201d for contemporary architecture scholarship and practice. Contributors include Nabil Ahmed, Meghan Archer, Adam Bobbette, Emily Cheng, Heather Davis, Sara Dean, Seth Denizen, Mark Dorrian, Elizabeth Grosz, Lisa Hirmer, Jane Hutton, Eleanor Kaufman, Amy Catania Kulper, Clinton Langevin, Michael C.C. Lin, Amy Norris, John Palmesino, Chester Rennie, Fran\u00e7ois Roche, Ann-Sofi R\u00f6nnskog, Isabelle Stengers, Paulo Tavares, Etienne Turpin, Eyal Weizman, Jane Wolff, Guy Zimmerman."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Turpin ,Etienne"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Anthropocene", "geology", "architecture", "design", "philosophy", "science"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502351"], ["title", "Architecture in the Anthropocene : Encounters Among Design, Deep Time, Science and Philosophy"], ["doab_id", "16371"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853077"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853077"]], [["description", "This manuscript is based on the results of a research project (No. 7726), carried out at the Institute for the History of Art (University of Vienna) under the direction of Professor Dr. Peter Haiko, and sponsored by the Jubilee Funds of the Austrian National Bank.The artists Jacques Groag (b. Olomouc, February 5, 1892, d. London, January 26, 1962) and his wife Jacqueline (n\u00e9e Hilde Blumberger, b.Prague, April 6, 1903, d. London, January 13, 1986) belong to those representatives of the Viennese Modernists between the two World Wars who are now forgotten, due to the fact that, being Jews, they were forced to emigrate in 1938. In the early phase of his career Jacques Groag worked as an assistant and executing architect for Adolf Loos (Moller house, 1927) and Ludwig Wittgenstein (Wittgenstein house, 1928) and co-operated with the interior designers Friedl Dicker and Franz Singer (Heller tennis club house, 1928). After that, in independent practice he realized a considerable number of remarkable architectural projects in Vienna and native Moravia (now Czech Republic), among others a pair of semi-detached houses at the Werkbundsiedlung, a house for the actress Paula Wessely, a country house for the industrialist Otto Eisler, several houses for other private clients, but also industrial buildings. At this time he was regarded as one of the most important followers of Adolf Loos. He also enjoyed remarkable success as a designer of interiors, and was befriended to many Viennese artists such as the painters Sergius Pauser and Josef Dobrowsky, the sculptor Georg Ehrlich and the photographer Trude Fleischmann. His wife Jacqueline, a student of Franz Cizek and Josef Hoffmann at the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, between the wars was active as a designer of textiles for the Wiener Werkst\u00e4tte and for fashion houses in Paris. After the couple's emigration to England in 1939 Jacques Groag could only find commissions as a designer of interiors and furniture, but found no opportunity to realize architectural projects. As a team, Jacques and Jacqueline made important contributions to prominent exhibitions on British design in the post-war period. Jacqueline, who outlived her husband for more than twenty years, continued her career as a successful textile designer until her late age.

Diese Arbeit basiert auf dem vom Jubil\u00e4umsfond der \u00d6sterreichischen Nationalbank gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojekt Nr. 7726 des Institutes f\u00fcr Kunstgeschichte d. Universit\u00e4t/Wien, unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Peter HaikoDas K\u00fcnstlerehepaar Jacques ( *5.2.1892/Olm\u00fctz - \u2020 26.1.1962/London) und Jacqueline Groag (recte Hilde Blumberger, *6.4.1903/Prag - \u202013.1.1986/London) geh\u00f6rt aufgrund des Umstandes, da\u00df sie 1938 als Juden emigrieren mu\u00dften, heute zu den vergessenen Vertretern der Wiener Moderne der Zwischenkriegszeit. Der Architekt Jacques Groag, zu Beginn seiner Karriere Mitarbeiter von Adolf Loos (Villa Moller/1927) , Ludwig Wittgenstein (Haus Wittgenstein/1928) und den Innenarchitekten Friedl Dicker/Franz Singer (Clubhaus Heller/1928), realisierte zahlreiche bemerkenswerte Projekte in Wien und M\u00e4hren (u. a. ein Doppelhaus der Werkbundsiedlung, Villa Paula Wessely, Landhaus Eisler, diverse Einfamilienh\u00e4user und Industrieprojekte ) und galt seinerzeit als einer der bedeutendsten Sch\u00fcler von Adolf Loos. Groag war insbesondere auch auf dem Gebiet der Innenarchitektur sehr erfolgreich und war mit zahlreichen Wiener K\u00fcnstlern (Sergius Pauser, Josef Dobrowsky, Georg Ehrlich, Trude Fleischmann) befreundet. Seine Frau Jacqueline Groag, eine Sch\u00fclerin von Franz Cizek und Josef Hoffmann an der Kunstgewerbeschule/Wien, war in der Zwischenkriegszeit als Textildesignerin f\u00fcr die Wiener Werkst\u00e4tte und namhafte Pariser Modeh\u00e4user t\u00e4tig. Nach der Emigration nach England 1939 konnte Jacques Groag seinen Beruf jedoch nur mehr als Innenarchitekt und M\u00f6beldesigner aus\u00fcben, Architekturauftr\u00e4ge blieben aus. Dahingegen wurde Jacqueline Groag mit ihren auf der \u00c4sthetik der Wiener Werkst\u00e4tte basierenden Stoff - und Tapetenentw\u00fcrfen zu einer der f\u00fchrenden und einflu\u00dfreichsten Designerinnen der Nachkriegszeit in England (u. a. Modellkleid f\u00fcr Queen Elizabeth, Auftr\u00e4ge f\u00fcr Bahn - und Schiffahrtslinien). Das Ehepaar hatte als Designerteam auch an mehreren gro\u00dfen britischen Ausstellungen der Nachkriegszeit mitgewirkt. Jacqueline Groag, die ihren Mann um rund zwanzig Jahre \u00fcberlebte, war bis in ihr hohes Alter erfolgreich t\u00e4tig."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prokop ,Ursula"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Jacques Groag, Jacqueline Groag, Viennese Modernists", "Jacques Groag, Jacqueline Groag, Wiener Werkst\u00e4tte"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574824"], ["title", "Architekten- und Designer-Ehepaar Jacques und Jacqueline Groag"], ["doab_id", "17418"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205773009"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205773009"]], [["description", "The book takes up the (post-)operaist concept of immaterial labour (cf. Maurizio Lazzarato: 1998, Toni Negri, Michael Hardt: 2000) and relates it to spatial processes and architectural projects from the 1960s. The book\u2019s title is the hypotheses of its investigation. It allows to be exemplified with the following questions: Do we find, parallel to a dominant cultural practice of immaterial labour new forms and orders of architecture? Which forms does it take on? Or does workplace architecture disappear at all parallel to the blurring of the formerly clearly marked spaces of the factory?

Das Buch nimmt das (post-)operaistische Konzept der immateriellen Arbeit (Maurizio Lazzarato: 1998, Toni Negri, Michael Hardt: 2000) auf und setzt es mit r\u00e4umlichen Strukturierungsprozessen und Ph\u00e4nomenen der 1960er Jahre in Verbindung. So ist der Titel des vorliegenden Buches auch die Hypothese der Untersuchungen und l\u00e4sst sich durch folgende Leitfragen explizieren: Finden sich mit der heute in den westlichen Industrienationen dominierenden kulturellen Praxis der immateriellen Arbeit auch neue Formen und Ordnungen der Architektur? Oder verschwindet mit den klar definierten R\u00e4umen der Fabrik auch die Arbeitsarchitektur im Allgemeinen?Dabei wird Architektur als Mittel der Subjektivierung und als Teil der Organisation und Repr\u00e4sentation von Produktionsprozessen verstanden, die direkt an die disparaten Formen des Kapitalismus angeschlossen ist. In ihren herausragenden Beispielen kristallisieren sich die Vorstellungen, wie Menschen sich versammeln, wie Menschen produktiv gemacht werden k\u00f6nnen und wie man die Versammlung von Menschen kontrolliert und steuert. Im vorliegenden Buch bespreche ich signifikante Beispiele von Arbeitsarchitekturen der 1960er Jahre, die sich im gesellschaftlichen Diskursfeld rund um Automation und Freizeitgesellschaft aufspannen. Sie erlauben, die Konturen einer Architektur zu analysieren, die die Tendenz ver\u00e4nderter Produktionsmodi und Arbeitsbedingungen einer wertsch\u00f6pfenden, immateriellen T\u00e4tigkeit im Moment ihres Entstehens modellhaft sichtbar macht. Im ersten Teil gehe ich auf die Mobilisierung der vormals geschlossenen Produktionsr\u00e4ume ein. Anhand der weltweit ersten realisierten B\u00fcrolandschaft Buch und Ton f\u00fcr den Bertelsmann-Konzern, ihrer architektonischen Antithese, des B\u00fcrobaus f\u00fcr die niederl\u00e4ndische Versicherungsanstalt Centraal Beheer und des emanzipatorisch konzipierten Freizeitprojekts Fun Palace bespreche ich die Versuche, einer neuen gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Theorie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg \u2013 der Kybernetik \u2013 eine (architektonische) Form und Organisation zu geben und zeige die r\u00e4umlichen Konsequenzen dieser Bem\u00fchungen auf. Im zweiten Teil diskutiere ich Strategien des Einrichtens: Das experimentelle Architekturprojekt Mobile Office, die Performance Bed-In und das Freizeitprojekt Gelbes Herz stehen dabei f\u00fcr verschiedene Strategien, mit einer neuen Lebenskonzeption und ihren r\u00e4umlichen Bedingungen umzugehen. Zugleich formulieren die Projekte auf unterschiedliche Weise eine architektonische Praxis, die einem Konzept von Arbeit, die mit dem Leben konvergiert und sich in der Gesellschaft verteilt, Gen\u00fcge leistet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rumpfhuber ,Andreas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["immaterial labour, design theory, workplace architecture, 1960s", "Architektur, immaterielle Arbeit, Kybernetik, B\u00fcroarchitektur, Arbeitsplatzarchitektur"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=441449"], ["title", "Architektur immaterieller Arbeit"], ["doab_id", "15258"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851327052"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851327052"]], [["description", "Architectural drawings of the \u203aGerman Renaissance\u2039 have, with a few exceptions, remained unexplored objects. This is contrasted by the vast amount of surviving objects, of which roughly 8.000 drawings from the 16th to the early 17th century originate from the German territories. Despite being neglected for a long time, these drawings, however, convey a diverse picture of building in theory and practice, and are characterized by remarkable variations in their depiction of architecture.Aside from the various historical uses of the drawings, a closer examination can reveal the historical conditions for and the impacts of architectural drawing in general. The present study, therefore, aims to categorise the architectural drawings in order to extract their implied knowledge and to embed them in their respective historic discourses and epistemic systems.The main argument is that architectural drawings were not only tools for the design process of castles, gardens, civic buildings, or fortresses. Instead, they were part of complex communication processes, and were crucial objects of preserving architectural knowledge and invention. Architectural drawings should rather be understood as \u203asignificant objects\u2039 (\u00bbBedeutungstr\u00e4ger\u00ab) of cultural practices, conveying historic concepts of space and built environments.In order to determine the very diverse aspects of the architectural drawing in the Northern Renaissance, this study is based upon a select number of drawings from various regions of the German states and newly discovered written sources. Due to the lack of architectural drawings in the northern regions of Germany, the majority of the selected drawings are from the south and middle-east of Germany (e.g. in Dresden, Nuremberg, or Kassel).The lack of contemporary art historical studies on \u203aGerman Renaissance\u2039 architectural drawings has made it even more crucial to focus on historic material. Therefore, this study provides written sources dealing with concepts of \u203adrawing theories\u2039, as well as the thus far unknown concept of a treatise depicting design processes and functions of architectural drawings.In order to rethink the \u203avisual culture\u2039 of architectural drawings of the \u203aGerman Renaissance\u2039, this study relies on traditional art historical and historical methods (\u00bbQuellenkritik\u00ab) to evaluate the written and drawn sources, and on methods of media studies and visual studies (\u00bbBildwissenschaft\u00ab) to disclose pictorial strategies of visualization and communication.This book is structured in four main chapters dealing with theory and profession, function and impact, practice, and design techniques of architectural drawings between 1500 and 1650 in the German countries. While the first three chapters are concerned with the theory, design techniques, historic, and social context of the drawings, the fourth chapter presents case studies reflecting their function, use, and impact.Although this analysis is hugely concerned with objects originating from the Holy Roman Empire, it aims to reconstruct a general idea of the complex phenomena of production, visualization, communication, display, and collecting of knowledge by the means of architectural drawings, which can easily be applied to objects from any other \u203aregion\u2039 of that period.While being mainly used for common design processes, architectural drawings are defined by their wide-ranging utilisation, ranging from legal documents to material in the civic and princely education. It can be observed that draughtsmen of architectural drawings come from heterogeneous backgrounds to include not only architects, engineers, and town master masons, but also goldsmiths, structural draughtsmen, musicians, and even princes themselves. Accordingly, drawings could be plain administrative documents or, at times, valuable collection pieces, which is reflected in their depository \u2013 objects could be found at various places at the court or civic administration such as the registry, the library, and the armoury, but also in the Cabinet of Curiosities, or in the architect\u2019s personal archive.Even with only a small number of known approaches theorizing architectural drawings and design practices during the 16th century, it is possible to reveal a broad influence on drawing theories, especially by perspective treatises and the so-called \u00bbVisier- und Messkunst\u00ab (measuring).Reconstructing the various places of producing, collecting, displaying, and studying architectural drawings shows that architectural drawings were a crucial part in cultural processes of understanding, organizing, and dealing with the built environment.

Architekturzeichnungen sind nicht nur Medien zur Planung und Visualisierung von Architektur, sondern bedeutende Quellen historischer Entwurfstheorien, Entwurfspraktiken und Wissensproduktion. W\u00e4hrend italienische Architekturzeichnungen etablierte Quellen der Renaissanceforschung sind, wird hier erstmals der Blick auf bislang vernachl\u00e4ssigte Zeichnungen der \u203adeutschen Renaissance\u2039 gelegt. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht sowohl die zeichnerischen Darstellungstechniken und Theorien als auch ihre allgemeine Bedeutung als Form- und Wissensspeicher. Der Autor analysiert dabei etwa die variable Verwendung der Zeichnungen vom Entwurfsmedium \u00fcber das Rechtsdokument bis hin zur Prinzenerziehung und hebt den Stellenwert von Zeichnung und Zeichnungstheorie f\u00fcr verschiedene Professionen sowie das Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis der Architekten hervor. Zudem werden erste Einblicke in die f\u00fcrstliche und reichsst\u00e4dtische Sammlungsgeschichte von Architekturzeichnungen in Kunstkammern, Bibliotheken und Kanzleien gegeben. Anhand von exemplarischen Fallstudien und neu erschlossenem Quellenmaterial werden so nicht nur neue Einsichten in die Funktionen und Semantiken zeichnerischer Produktion er\u00f6ffnet, sondern auch \u00fcbergreifende Fragen der historischen Wahrnehmung von Architektur in der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit verhandelt.Sebastian Fitzner wurde 2013 im Fach Kunstgeschichte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t bei Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe promoviert und war wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut f\u00fcr Kunstgeschichte der LMU (2010\u20132014). Zuvor war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der S\u00e4chsischen Landesbibliothek \u2012 Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB) im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts \u00bbArchitektur- und Ingenieurzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance. Digitalisierung und wissenschaftliche Erschlie\u00dfung des Zeichnungsbestandes von 1500\u20121650\u00ab (2009\u20132010) und Mitglied des DFG-Forschungsnetzwerkes Schnittstelle Bild. Architekturgeschichte und Bildkritik im Dialog 1400\u20131800. Aktuell ist er Juniorprofessor f\u00fcr Architekturgeschichte und Architekturtheorie der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit in Europa und Amerika (1500\u20131800) am Kunsthistorischen Institut der Freien Universit\u00e4t Berlin.Beitr\u00e4ge zu seiner Forschung ver\u00f6ffentlicht er unter anderem in seinem Blog \u00bbArchitecturalDrawings \u2013 Images and Representations of Architecture in the Early Modern Period\u00ab.Webseite: http://fu-berlin.academia.edu/SebastianFitzner"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fitzner ,Sebastian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Architectural drawing", "Renaissance 1400-1600", "Visual Culture", "Education", "Architecture", "Architekturzeichnung", "Renaissance 1400\u20131600", "Visuelle Kultur", "Erziehung und Bildung", "Architektur"]], ["publisher", "Modern Academic Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608234"], ["title", "Architekturzeichnungen der deutschen Renaissance: Funktion und Bildlichkeit zeichnerischer Produktion 1500\u20131650"], ["doab_id", "19038"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783946198048", "9783946198079", "9783946198055", "9783946198062"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946198048 9783946198079 9783946198055 9783946198062"]], [["description", "Esta obra es resultado de las jornadas sobre Archivos e Historia de las Universidades organizadas en 2002 por el Instituto Antonio de Nebrija de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en la que se dieron cita representantes de los distintos colectivos profesionales que centran sus actividades en el \u00e1mbito de los archivos universitarios y de las historia de las universidades. Se trata de dos grupos profesionales: archiveros e investigadores, reunidos por primera vez para establecer las l\u00edneas respectivas de acci\u00f3n y el \u00e1mbito cient\u00edfico de confluencia. En el texto se trata con car\u00e1cter novedoso el estado de la gesti\u00f3n de los documentos, en especial de las universidades de reciente factura, lo que constituye la base para lo que en la actualidad y en el futuro ser\u00e1n las fuentes para el estudio de las universidades contempor\u00e1neas. Tambi\u00e9n se analizan las \u00faltimas tendencias en la materia y de manera se\u00f1alada cabe rese\u00f1ar la presentaci\u00f3n de los proyectos llevados a cabo por la Conferencia de Archiveros de Universidades orientados al servicio de los investigadores, y el an\u00e1lisis sobre el derecho de acceso y las implicaciones legales que comporta el uso de documentos contempor\u00e1neos. Todo ello, caracterizado por la relevancia cient\u00edfica, el relieve internacional y la acreditada experiencia profesional de los ponentes, que ofrecen lo mejor de su conocimiento y que, en buena medida, queda reflejado en estas p\u00e1ginas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cruz Mundet, Jos\u00e9 Ram\u00f3n (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Archivos", "Universities", "Archives", "History"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7882/09.archivos_universitarios.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Archivos universitarios e historia de las universidades"], ["doab_id", "16169"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481556414"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481556416"]], [["description", "After 20 years of democracy in South Africa, why has political freedom not been achieved for the majority of South Africans?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lawrence Hamilton"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593054"], ["title", "Are South Africans Free?"], ["doab_id", "16299"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472593054"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472593054"]], [["description", "O livro faz uma retrospectiva sobre o que se pensava das argamassas de cal e alguns de seus constituintes ao longo dos s\u00e9culos. Revela informa\u00e7\u00f5es \u00fateis tanto do ponto de vista hist\u00f3rico quanto para subsidiar obras de restaura\u00e7\u00e3o atrav\u00e9s da an\u00e1lise de textos italianos, franceses, portugueses, espanh\u00f3is e brasileiros. \u00c9 uma viagem no tempo, mostrando aspectos ligados \u00e0 composi\u00e7\u00e3o, ao preparo e \u00e0s propriedades das argamassas elaboradas com esse aglomerante comentados \u00e0 luz da ci\u00eancia contempor\u00e2nea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santiago, Cyb\u00e8le Celestino"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/w2"], ["title", "Argamassas tradicionais de cal"], ["doab_id", "17248"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208875"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208875"]], [["description", "The publication will reflect Lord Desai's work in diverse fields of the social sciences (economics, philosophy, political science) as well as his passionate commitment to the freedom and well-being of individuals, and his optimism about human progress and globalisation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Polly Vizard; Mary Kaldor"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665469"], ["title", "Arguing about the World"], ["doab_id", "14387"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665469"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665469"]], [["description", "The Arjunawiw\u0101ha is one of the best known of the Old Javanese classics. This volume presents a new text, based on Balinese manuscripts, with a complete translation, building on the work done by earlier writers. An introduction provides ample background information, as well as an original interpretation of the significance of the text, within its historical and cultural setting.This poem was written by Mpu Kanwa in around A.D. 1030 under King Airlangga, who ruled in East Java. It is Mpu Kanwa\u2019s only known work, and is the second oldest example in the genre of kakawin. The poem is a narrative, but also contains passages of description, philosophical or religious teaching of great interest, as well as remarkable erotic scenes. Parts of the tale have been depicted on early temple reliefs and in paintings, \u00ad\u00adand the text is still recited in Bali by literary clubs and in temple ceremonies.Stuart Robson, Associate Professor of Indonesian at Monash University from 1991 to 2001 and now retired, has been studying Old Javanese for more than forty years. He is interested in the problem of how to translate works of Old Javanese literature in such a way as to make these more accessible and better known to a wider audience of both scholars and general readers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robson ,Stuart"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Old literature", "Old Javanese language", "Manuscripts", "Kakawin", "Poetry", "Jawa Timur", "Indonesia", "Textual edition", "Translation", "Oude literatuur", "Oud Javaanse taal", "Manuscripten", "Kakawin", "Poezie", "Jawa Timur", "Indonesie", "Tekst editie", "Vertaling"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=376975"], ["title", "ARJUNAWIW\u0100HA : The marriage of Arjuna of Mpu Kanwa"], ["doab_id", "13326"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183215", "9789004253940"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183215 9789004253940"]], [["description", "This Research Topic is devoted to arm and hand movement in health as well as in several disease conditions. It is a collection of several original research papers and reviews, clinical case studies, hypothesis and theory articles, opinions, commentaries, and methods papers that cover some important aspects of the topic from distinct scientific perspectives. We invite the readers to appreciate the range in methodologies and experimental designs that together have led to widen our understanding of this especially broad field of research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Renee Morris; Ian Q Whishaw"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["reaching", "grasping", "arm and hand movement", "Neuromuscular dysfunction", "reach to grasp", "motor control of movement", "Forelimb", "dexterity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1353/arm-and-hand-movement-current-knowledge-and-future-perspective"], ["title", "Arm and Hand Movement: Current Knowledge and Future Perspective"], ["doab_id", "18689"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195770"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195770"]], [["description", "Der Zusammenhang von Armut und Krankheit, bzw. mangelnder Gesundheit, ist immer schon klar ersichtlich gewesen. In einer Vorlesungsreihe stellten Vertreter verschiedener Disziplinen, die sich im G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network (GIHN) zusammengeschlossen haben, ausgew\u00e4hlte Aspekte vor, die darstellen, wie Armut und Gesundheit miteinander verkn\u00fcpft sind. Die Fragen, Probleme, Erkl\u00e4rungs- und Interventionsmodelle beziehen sich besonders auf Afrika und Indien und Anrainerstaaten. Mit der Vorlesungsreihe stellten sich die Vertreter der verschiedenen F\u00e4cher bewusst einer allgemeineren \u00d6ffentlichkeit und bem\u00fchten sich, auch komplexe Themen verst\u00e4ndlich und doch auf neuestem Stand der Forschung darzustellen.

Der Zusammenhang von Armut und Krankheit, bzw. mangelnder Gesundheit, ist immer schon klar ersichtlich gewesen. In einer Vorlesungsreihe stellten Vertreter verschiedener Disziplinen, die sich im G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network (GIHN) zusammengeschlossen haben, ausgew\u00e4hlte Aspekte vor, die darstellen, wie Armut und Gesundheit miteinander verkn\u00fcpft sind. Die Fragen, Probleme, Erkl\u00e4rungs- und Interventionsmodelle beziehen sich besonders auf Afrika und Indien und Anrainerstaaten. Mit der Vorlesungsreihe stellten sich die Vertreter der verschiedenen F\u00e4cher bewusst einer allgemeineren \u00d6ffentlichkeit und bem\u00fchten sich, auch komplexe Themen verst\u00e4ndlich und doch auf neuestem Stand der Forschung darzustellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tamcke, Martin"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["poverty", "health", "G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network", "GIHN", "poverty", "health", "G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network", "GIHN"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610402"], ["title", "Armut und Gesundheit - \u00d6ffentliche Ringvorlesung Wintersemester 2013/2014"], ["doab_id", "19206"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952570"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952570"]], [["description", "\"Este livro \u00e9 indicado n\u00e3o apenas para estudantes, profissionais e pesquisadores que trabalhem com Ci\u00eancia da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o e Arquitetura da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o, mas tamb\u00e9m para todos que militem em \u00e1reas como a ci\u00eancia da computa\u00e7\u00e3o, comunica\u00e7\u00e3o, arquitetura, design gr\u00e1fico e outras. Os autores, primeiramente, contextualizam as din\u00e2micas sociotecnol\u00f3gicas pertinentes ao mundo contempor\u00e2neo; posteriormente, apresentam a Arquitetura da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o sob diversos aspectos \u2013 discutindo o tema por um vi\u00e9s epist\u00eamico \u2013 e discutem a Arquitetura da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o sob quatro diferentes abordagens \u2013 arquitetural, sist\u00eamica, informacional e pervasiva. Por fim, analisam o tema que \u00e9 objeto central da obra: a Arquitetura da informa\u00e7\u00e3o pervasiva.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Henry Poncio Cruz de; Vidotti, Silvana Ap. Borsetti Gregorio; Bentes, Virg\u00ednia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6cn9c"], ["title", "Arquitetura da informa\u00e7\u00e3o pervasiva"], ["doab_id", "19382"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836671"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836671"]], [["description", "O professor e arquiteto M\u00e1rio Mendon\u00e7a de Oliveira lan\u00e7ou em Salvador, por interm\u00e9dio da editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia, um tratado in\u00e9dito de Engenharia Militar, escrito em Pernambuco pelo Brigadeiro Diogo da Silveira Vellozo, e intitulado \"Arquitetura Militar ou Fortifica\u00e7\u00e3o Moderna\", um texto interessant\u00edssimo do s\u00e9culo XVIII, que consegue desvendar, para os n\u00e3o iniciados, os segredos da fortifica\u00e7\u00e3o abaluartada e da engenharia da \u00e9poca. Trata-se de texto obrigat\u00f3rio para historiadores, engenheiros, arquitetos e restauradores. O professor M\u00e1rio Mendon\u00e7a organizou e transcreveu o manuscrito, acrescentando abundantes notas explicativas que aclaram o texto original, que cont\u00e9m ainda 49 pranchas de desenhos que foram reproduzidos com sistema digital. \u00c9 um documento que permite ver a grande erudi\u00e7\u00e3o e conhecimento deste personagem da constru\u00e7\u00e3o do Brasil. Este livro vem se juntar a outra publica\u00e7\u00e3o recente do professor M\u00e1rio Mendon\u00e7a, \"As Fortifica\u00e7\u00f5es Portuguesas de Salvador\", ambas obras fundamentais para o conhecimento das fortifica\u00e7\u00f5es militares no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vellozo, Diogo da Sylveyra"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5r38c"], ["title", "Arquitetura militar ou fortifica\u00e7\u00e3o moderna"], ["doab_id", "17533"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208868"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208868"]], [["description", "O t\u00edtulo comp\u00f5e o projeto \u201cPatrim\u00f4nio Musical na Bahia\u201d, que compreende a arquivologia musical como um campo de conhecimento que re\u00fane conceitos e t\u00e9cnicas com o fim de atender as necessidades espec\u00edficas relativas \u00e0 organiza\u00e7\u00e3o de acervos ligados \u00e0 m\u00fasica, compreendendo manuscritos, impressos, discos e documentos tradicionais, como cartas e missivas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cotta, Andr\u00e9 Guerra; Blanco, Pablo Sotuyo"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bvc3g"], ["title", "Arquivologia e patrim\u00f4nio musical"], ["doab_id", "17249"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208844"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208844"]], [["description", "\u201eArranged Love\u201c deals with cross-cultural differences in understanding romantic love. All over the world we can find ideas of romantic love expressed by arts, poetry or material objects. The present publication attempts to show the varieties of romantic love exemplified by artifacts of Ethnographical collection of the G\u00f6ttingen University\u2019s Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology.

\u00dcberall auf der Welt tr\u00e4umen Menschen von der gro\u00dfen Liebe. Wie sie ihre Gef\u00fchle ausleben, ist von Kultur zu Kultur verschieden. Vorstellungen von Liebe und romantische Ideen werden vor allem durch Kunst, Literatur und Musik \u00fcberliefert. Sch\u00f6nheitsideale und Liebessymbole pr\u00e4gen unsere Wahrnehmung, und auch Gegenst\u00e4ndliches beeinfl usst unser Verhalten im Alltag. Anhand von ausgew\u00e4hlten Exponaten aus Asien, Afrika und Ozeanien, die aus der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen stammen, wird versucht, folgenden Fragen nachzugehen: Wie verh\u00e4lt es sich mit romantischer Liebe in Gesellschaften, in denen die Anbahnung von Beziehungen und schlie\u00dflich Ehen arrangiert werden? Wie dr\u00fcckt sich diese Liebe aus? Und welchem Wandel unterliegt sie?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Racz, Julia; Kr\u00fcger, Gundolf"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Romantic Love", "Marriage", "Ethnology", "Romantic Love", "Marriage", "Ethnology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610298"], ["title", "Arrangierte Liebe - Leitfaden zur Sonderausstellung in der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "15368"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950774"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950774"]], [["description", "Arrest chemokines are a small group of chemokines that promote leukocyte arrest from rolling by triggering rapid integrin activation. Arrest chemokines have been described for neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, na\u00efve lymphocytes and effector memory T cells. Most arrest chemokines are immobilized on the endothelial surface by binding to heparin sulfate proteoglycans. Whether soluble chemokines can promote integrin activation and arrest is controversial (Alon-Gerszten). Many aspects of the signaling pathway from the GPCR chemokine receptor to integrin activation are the subject of active investigation. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency III is a human disease in which chemokine-triggered integrin activation is defective because of a mutation in the cytoskeletal protein kindlin-3. About 10 different such mutations have been described. The defects seen in patients with LAD-III elucidate the importance of rapid integrin activation for host defense in humans. We welcome reports that help clarifying this crucial first step in the process of leukocyte transendothelial migration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Klaus Ley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["chemokine", "leukocyte adhesion", "integrin", "Talin", "Kindlin-3", "LFA-1", "VLA-4", "Signal Transduction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/684/arrest-chemokines"], ["title", "Arrest chemokines"], ["doab_id", "18185"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194308"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194308"]], [["description", "Buddhist rock sculpture of Swat/Uddiyana (7th-8th cent. CE): Analytical study of its aesthetic values, technical concept, historical background and cultural influence

Buddhistische Felsskulpturen von Swat / Uddiyana (7. bis 8. Jh n. Chr.): Analytische Studie zum \u00e4sthetischen Wert, technischen Konzept, historischen Hintergrund und kulturellen Einfluss"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Filigenzi ,Anna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Buddhist art and religion, Rock sculpture, Late Antique Uddiyana (Swat, Pakistan)", "Buddhistische Kunst und Religion, Felsenskulptur, Antike Uddiyana (Swat, Pakistan)"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574675"], ["title", "Art and Landscape"], ["doab_id", "17401"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783700172413"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700172413"]], [["description", "The subject of economic valorisation has become a current topic and the idea that culture can be considered a factor of economic production, able to generate wealth, appears to have been generally accepted. The book consists of a series of essays about the economic valorisation of the cultural, artistic and environmental heritage of the art city of Florence using a business economics approach and will appeal to scholars and researchers focusing on the cultural economics and managerial economics of art and to practitioners in the cultural sector and policy makers.

The subject of economic valorisation has become a current topic and the idea that culture can be considered a factor of economic production, able to generate wealth, appears to have been generally accepted. The book consists of a series of essays about the economic valorisation of the cultural, artistic and environmental heritage of the art city of Florence using a business economics approach and will appeal to scholars and researchers focusing on the cultural economics and managerial economics of art and to practitioners in the cultural sector and policy makers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lazzeretti, Luciana"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Artistic and Cultural Heritage", "Florence", "Economia", "Patrimonio artistico", "Beni culturali", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356366"], ["title", "Art Cities, Cultural Districts and Museums"], ["doab_id", "13160"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884531261", "9788884531254"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531268 888453125X"]], [["description", "Si la richesse des \u00e9changes entre le Br\u00e9sil et la France est bien connue dans diff\u00e9rentes sciences sociales comme la sociologie ou l\u2019anthropologie o\u00f9 la pr\u00e9sence fran\u00e7aise au Br\u00e9sil a suscit\u00e9 des \u00e9changes tr\u00e8s f\u00e9conds qui ont clairement profit\u00e9 aux deux traditions nationales, il en va tout autrement de la sociologie de l\u2019art, puisque les liens entre les deux pays restent encore largement \u00e0 explorer. Pourtant, il existe clairement deux traditions nationales toutes deux marqu\u00e9es par le fort d\u00e9v..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alain Quemin, Glaucia Villas B\u00f4as (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology, Art History, Sociology"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/475"], ["title", "Art et soci\u00e9t\u00e9"], ["doab_id", "18915"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821855847", "9782821855885"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855847 9782821855885"]], [["description", "In this challenging and erudite philosophical essay, the author argues that in art, belief in progress is still relevant, if not essential. The radical freedoms of postmodernism have had a crippling effect on art - more than ever before, art is in danger of becoming meaningless. Art can only acquire meaning through context, and the concept of progress is ideal as the primary criterion for establishing that context. History of art can be seen as a process of constant accumulation. Works of art comment on each other, enriching each other's meanings. These complex interrelationships lead to progress in both the sensibility of the observer and the significance of the works of art.

Alles in de kunst is in beweging. Tegelijkertijd lijkt met het eind van de avantgarde de grote stilstand te zijn ingetreden. Het veelbesproken einde van de kunst en het postmodernisme roepen veel twijfels op. In dit helder geschreven betoog onderzoekt de auteur een begrip dat door de tot cliche geworden afschaffing van de Grote Verhalen onzichtbaar is geworden: het vooruitgangsidee. Hij laat zien hoe dat idee in de achttiende eeuw opkomt, allesbepalend is tijdens de avantgarde en met het eind van de avantgarde ten onder gaat. Maarten Doorman pleit voor een kritische herwaardering van vooruitgangsbegrippen om de als zorgeloosheid vermomde vrijblijvendheid van het postmodernisme het hoofd te bieden. Arthur Danto: The end of art does not entail that there has not been genuine progress in the philosophy of art. Maarten Doorman's challenging and valuable study contributes to that progress, whether or not progress in art itself remains, as he argues, a tenable idea."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Doorman ,Maarten"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Historical treatment of fine and decorative arts", "Filosofie", "Kunst en kunstgeschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340231"], ["title", "Art in Progress : A Philosophical Response to the End of the Avant-Garde"], ["doab_id", "12914"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565858"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565858"]], [["description", "Taking as its premise that the proposed geologic epoch of the Anthropocene is necessarily an aesthetic event, this book explores the relationship between contemporary art and knowledge production in an era of ecological crisis, with contributions from artists, curators, theorists and activists. Contributors include Amy Balkin, Ursula Biemann, Amanda Boetzkes, Lindsay Bremner, Joshua Clover & Juliana Spahr, Heather Davis, Sara Dean, Elizabeth Ellsworth & Jamie Kruse (smudge studio), Irmgard Emmelhainz, Anselm Franke, Peter Galison, Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard, Laurent Gutierrez & Val\u00e9rie Portefaix (MAP Office), Terike Haapoja & Laura Gustafsson, Laura Hall, Ilana Halperin, Donna Haraway & Martha Kenney, Ho Tzu Nyen, Bruno Latour, Jeffrey Malecki, Mary Mattingly, Mixrice (Cho Jieun & Yang Chulmo), Natasha Myers, Jean-Luc Nancy & John Paul Ricco, Vincent Normand, Richard Pell & Emily Kutil, Tom\u00e1s Saraceno, Sasha Engelmann & Bronislaw Szerszynski, Ada Smailbegovic, Karolina Sobecka, Zoe Todd, Richard Streitmatter-Tran & Vi Le, Anna-Sophie Springer, Sylv\u00e8re Lotringer, Peter Sloterdijk, Etienne Turpin, Pinar Yoldas, and Una Chaudhuri, Fritz Ertl, Oliver Kellhammer & Marina Zurkow."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Davis ,Heather; Turpin ,Etienne"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Anthropocene", "contemporary art", "ecological crisis"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560010"], ["title", "Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies"], ["doab_id", "17290"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420054", "9781785420177"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420054 9781785420177"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brandon D. Lundy (Ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Art and anthropology--Congresses", " Ethnology--Congresses", " Art and society--Congresses"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=utk_sasproceed"], ["title", "The Art of Anthropology / The Anthropology of Art"], ["doab_id", "16896"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644568", "9780984644568"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644563; 9780984644568"]], [["description", "Accountability, good government and public trust are intricately linked. Supreme Audit Institutions fulfil an exceptional role in the public domain, checking if governments spend their money properly. They are like 'watchdogs' for citizens and parliaments with the purpose of auditing public expenditure and examining the effectiveness of policies. They aim to strengthen the trustworthiness of government institutions, all the more so in fragile democracies. They do so, for instance, in striving to disclose cases of corruption, not just in the highest echelons of government, but also in everyday petty bribery. And they can be found counting houses, roads and water taps, to see if government's promises are being kept.

On the occasion of the retirement of Saskia J. Stuiveling as the president of the Netherlands Court of Audit, eight (former) heads of audit institutions talk candidly about their work and innovations in the area of public auditing, about how the financial crisis affected their profession, about the advent of open data and about the need for new skills to audit the oil industry. Each of them - Faiza Kefi (Tunisia), Josef Moser (Austria), Terence Nombembe (South Africa), Heidi Mendoza (Philippines), Alar Karis (Estonia), David Walker (USA), John Muwanga (Uganda) and Abdulbasit Turki Saeed (Iraq) - has made a difference in his or her country, often under difficult, adverse and sometimes outright dangerous circumstances."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Janssen ,Roel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Economie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619590"], ["title", "The Art of Audit. Eight remarkable government auditors on stage"], ["doab_id", "19960"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462980914"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462980914"]], [["description", "New technologies are often implemented before their ethical consequences have been fully understood. In this volume, experts working in the sciences, arts, and philosophy of technology share novel perspectives on how we can"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Janssens ,Liisa "], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Philosophy of Technology", "Science", "Ethics", "Metaethics", "Information Technology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619809"], ["title", "The Art of Ethics in the Information Society. Mind you"], ["doab_id", "19986"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462984493"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462984493"]], [["description", "Fugue for J. S. Bach was a natural language; he wrote fugues in organ toccatas and voluntaries, in masses and motets, in orchestral and chamber music, and even in his sonatas for violin solo. The more intimate fugues he wrote for keyboard are among the greatest, most influential, and best-loved works in all of Western music. They have long been the foundation of the keyboard repertory, played by beginning students and world-famous virtuosi alike. In a series of elegantly written essays, eminent musicologist Joseph Kerman discusses his favorite Bach keyboard fugues\u2014some of them among the best-known fugues and others much less familiar. Kerman skillfully, at times playfully, reveals the inner workings of these pieces, linking the form of the fugues with their many different characters and expressive qualities, and illuminating what makes them particularly beautiful, powerful, and moving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kerman ,Joseph"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bach", "Fugue", "Keyboard", "Classical music", "Music theory"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602277"], ["title", "Art of Fugue: Bach Fugues for Keyboard, 1715\u20131750"], ["doab_id", "18612"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520962590", "9780520287631"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520962590 9780520287631"]], [["description", "Textiles, textile production and clothing were essentials of living in prehistory, locked into the system of society at every level \u2013 social, economic and even religious. Textile crafts not only produced essential goods for everyday use, most notably clothing, but also utilitarian objects as well as representative and luxury items.Prehistoric clothing and their role in identity creation for the individual and for the group are also addressed by means of archaeological finds from Stone the Iron Age in Central Europe.

Textilien, Textilhandwerk und Kleidung bilden wichtige Lebensgrundlagen des urgeschichtlichen Menschen, mit Auswirkungen auf viele Aspekte des Lebens, seien es soziale, wirtschaftliche oder religi\u00f6se. Mit diesem Handwerk wurden nicht nur wesentliche G\u00fcter des t\u00e4glichen Bedarfs - allen voran Kleidung - hergestellt, sondern auch Gebrauchswaren sowie repr\u00e4sentative Objekte bis hin zu Luxusartikeln.Urgeschichtliche Kleidung und ihre Rolle als Identit\u00e4tsmarker f\u00fcr die einzelnen Menschen, wie auch f\u00fcr Gruppen, werden mittels arch\u00e4ologischer Funde aus der Stein- bis Eisenzeit Mitteleuropas behandelt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gr\u00f6mer ,Karina"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Costume history, handcraft, prehistory, textiles, design, technology, spinning, weaving", "Kost\u00fcmgeschichte, Handwerk, Urgeschichte, Textilien, Design, Technologie, spinnen, weben"]], ["publisher", "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604250"], ["title", "The Art of Prehistoric Textile Making."], ["doab_id", "18765"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783902421944"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902421944"]], [["description", "The Art of Staying Neutral offers a fascinating insight into the problems and challenges associated with neutrality in an age of 'total war'. It explains how the Netherlands upheld and protected its non-belligerency during the First World War despite constant interference from its warring neighbours. Staying neutral was an artform that the Dutch managed to master through clever diplomacy, conscientious adherence to international laws, comprehensive mobilisation of its armed forces, regular patrols of its territorial boundaries, careful policing of its citizens, and a decisive measure of good fortune. The Art of Staying Neutral makes important contributions to the study of neutrality and the domestic history of the Netherlands in this seminal world event.

The Art of Staying Neutral geeft boeiende inzichten in de problemen en uitdagingen van neutraliteit in een tijdperk van 'totale oorlog'. Het boek zet uiteen hoe Nederland zijn neutrale status tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog wist te handhaven en beschermen, ondanks de constante druk van buren die w\u00e9l in oorlog waren. Neutraal blijven was een kunst die de Nederlanders beheersten door middel van uitgekiende diplomatie, zorgvuldige naleving van internationale wetten, uitgebreide mobilisatie van gewapende eenheden, regelmatige patrouillering langs de landsgrenzen en nauwgezette controle van de onderdanen, maar ook dankzij een flinke dosis geluk. The Art of Staying Neutral levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan de studie van neutraliteit en besteedt ook volop aandacht aan de nationale en internationale gevolgen van de opstelling van Nederland tijdens deze ingrijpende periode uit de wereldgeschiedenis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Abbenhuis ,Maartje"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340189"], ["title", "The Art of Staying Neutral : The Netherlands in the First World War, 1914-1918"], ["doab_id", "12878"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568187"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568187"]], [["description", "Until recently still a blank spot on the world map of art, China today occupies one of the top positions in the rankings of the global art market and has moved into the center of the speculations and the covetousness of its protagonists. But what is really happening on the spot, beyond the ethnocentric distortions of the Western viewpoint? What social representations and uses of art can be identified? A research team from the University of St. Gallen has taken up such questions in an ethnographical field research project which enables the actors in this emergent and nonetheless already market-dominated art field to have their say."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schultheis ,Franz; Single ,Erwin; K\u00f6feler ,Raphaela; Mazzurana ,Thomas"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Sociology of Art", "Art Market", "Globalization", "Ethnography", "China", "Art", "Theory of Art", "Sociology"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611313"], ["title", "Art Unlimited?.Dynamics and Paradoxes of a Globalizing Art World"], ["doab_id", "19258"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783837632965", "9783839432969"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837632965 9783839432969"]], [["description", " Este libro contiene el Arte breve de la invenci\u00f3n del derecho, la traducci\u00f3n al espa\u00f1ol de Ars brevis quae est de inventione iuris, la \u00faltima obra de Ramon Llull dedicada a la aplicaci\u00f3n de su Arte al derecho, escrita en 1308. En esta obra, tal y como sostiene Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 en el Estudio Preliminar a la misma, Llull intent\u00f3 transformar, hasta cierto punto, su Arte en una teor\u00eda de la argumentaci\u00f3n, adoptando tanto conceptos de la filosof\u00eda aristot\u00e9lica como algunos casos de derecho civil y can\u00f3nico procedentes del acervo del ius commune. El inter\u00e9s de este tratado luliano radica, entre otras muchas cosas, en la exposici\u00f3n de un m\u00e9todo jur\u00eddico radicalmente distinto del que cultivaban los legistas y canonistas de su \u00e9poca, y que era capaz de mostrar algunas de las debilidades epistemol\u00f3gicas y argumentativas del saber jur\u00eddico y de su ense\u00f1anza a comienzos del siglo XIV. = This book contains Arte breve de la invenci\u00f3n del derecho, the translation into Spanish of Ars brevis quae est inventione iuris, the last work written by Raimundus Lullus dedicated to the application of his Art to the Law (1308). In this work, according to the Preliminary Study written by Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, Llull sought to transform, to some extent, his Art on a theory of argumentation, using concepts from the Aristotelian philosophy as some cases of civil and canon law from the ius commune. The interest of this Lullian treatise is based, among other things, on the exhibition of a legal method radically different from the methodology of lawyers and canonists of his time. And Lullus\u2019 method was able to show some of the epistemological and argumentative weaknesses of legal knowledge and of teaching of Law in the early fourteenth century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Llull, Ramon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Derecho", "Historia", "Argumentaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica", "Ius commune", "Arist\u00f3teles", "Raimundus Lullus", "Law", "Art", "Legal argumentation", "Arte", "Aristotle"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/21406/arte_llull_hd37_2015.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Arte breve de la invenci\u00f3n del derecho"], ["doab_id", "17318"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490854679"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490854679"]], [["description", "This book includes the first translation of the treatise Ars de iure (1304) by Ramon Llull into a modern language. This translation into Spanish by Pedro Ramis Serra and Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, accompanied with notes trying to clarify the legal, conceptual and philosophical scope of the lullian conception of Law. The preliminary study by Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 is an introduction to the life, work and thought of Llull, who pays attention to the political and legal context of Llull and the main concepts of the work: general principles of law, theory of justice and natural law. This is one of the most important treatises of legal epistemology throughout the Middle Ages and an alternative vision to the ratio scripta model of ius commune in Montpellier and the Mediterranean Kingdoms. = Este libro incluye la primera traducci\u00f3n del tratado Ars de iure (1304) de Ramon Llull a un idioma moderno. Esta traducci\u00f3n al espa\u00f1ol, debida a Pedro Ramis Serra y a Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, se acompa\u00f1a con notas que intentan precisar el alcance jur\u00eddico, termonol\u00f3gico y filos\u00f3fico de la concepci\u00f3n del derecho de Ramon Llull. El largo estudio preliminar de Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 es una introducci\u00f3n a la vida, obra y pensamiento de Llull, que presta atenci\u00f3n al contexto pol\u00edtico-jur\u00eddico luliano, as\u00ed como a los conceptos principales de la obra: principios generales del derecho, teor\u00eda de la justicia y derecho natural. Se trata de uno de los tratados de epistemolog\u00eda jur\u00eddica m\u00e1s importantes de toda la Edad Media y una visi\u00f3n alternativa al modelo de la ratio scripta del ius commune en Montpellier y en los reinos del Mediterr\u00e1neo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Llull, Ramon"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Philosophy of law", "History of law", "Filosof\u00eda del derecho", "Historia del derecho", "Law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12762/arte_de_derecho.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Arte de derecho"], ["doab_id", "16128"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415454342"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415454342"]], [["description", "Se a riqueza das trocas entre o Brasil e a Fran\u00e7a \u00e9 bastante conhecida no \u00e2mbito das ci\u00eancias sociais como a sociologia ou a antropologia, campos em que a presen\u00e7a francesa no Brasil suscitou interc\u00e2mbios muito fecundos que beneficiaram as duas tradi\u00e7\u00f5es nacionais, o mesmo n\u00e3o acontece na sociologia da arte, \u00e1rea em que os la\u00e7os entre os dois pa\u00edses ainda permanecem em grande parte inexplorados. Por\u00e9m, existem claramente duas tradi\u00e7\u00f5es nacionais marcadas cada uma pelo forte desenvolvimento de..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alain Quemin, Glaucia Villas B\u00f4as (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology, Art History, Sociology"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/482"], ["title", "Arte e vida social"], ["doab_id", "18916"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9782821855854", "9782821855892"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855854 9782821855892"]], [["description", "\"Os nove artigos reunidos nesta obra apresentam, com abordagens plurais, uma vis\u00e3o multidisplicinar sobre arte, ci\u00eancia e processos criativos. A colet\u00e2nea engloba diversos trabalhos ligados ao \u00e2mbito das manifesta\u00e7\u00f5es art\u00edsticas, da arquitetura e do design contempor\u00e2neos, al\u00e9m dos processos criativos inerentes ao ensino dessas linguagens.A diversidade de enfoques aqui verificada demonstra que, independentemente da \u00e1rea em se procede a transforma\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento, h\u00e1 correla\u00e7\u00f5es poss\u00edveis de pensamentos e achados te\u00f3ricos, refletindo o sistema de rela\u00e7\u00e3o com o mundo e sua cria\u00e7\u00e3o, em todas as dire\u00e7\u00f5es.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fiorin, Evandro; Landim, Paula da Cruz; Leote, Rosangela da Silva"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jhfsj"], ["title", "Arte-ci\u00eancia: processos criativos"], ["doab_id", "19830"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836244"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836244"]], [["description", "\"ArteCi\u00eanciaArte prop\u00f5e uma inspiradora reflex\u00e3o sobre o encontro da arte com a tecnologia e os mais variados campos cient\u00edfi cos.A obra possui dois eixos centrais. O primeiro \u00e9 o uso das neuroci\u00eancias e dos sistemas complexos para o entendimento da percep\u00e7\u00e3o que \u00e9 localiz\u00e1vel em espa\u00e7os art\u00edsticos interativos e multimodais; e o segundo refere-se ao lugar do corpo no contexto do desenvolvimento e da frui\u00e7\u00e3o de obras com tecnologias emergentes. Os textos apresentam alguns resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida neste campo por Rosangella Leote, isoladamente e em seu grupo de arte contempor\u00e2nea, o SCIArts, do qual foi uma das fundadoras e participa at\u00e9 hoje\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leote, Rosangella"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mqfvk"], ["title", "ArteCi\u00eanciaArte"], ["doab_id", "19916"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334652"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334652"]], [["description", "Modern medicine is increasingly characterised by the division of labour. Therefore, this process as well as the concepts of delegation and substitution need to be clarified on a juridical basis. Accordingly, this dissertation is an approach to answer relevant questions of medical law, such as: Which concrete medical processes can be carried out based on the division of labour without risking legal steps regarding liability or pay to be taken? Based on distinct principles of medical law, the author thus develops a systematic framework for the division of medical labour. In this regard, an applicable and simultaneously docmatically substantiated method is focussed.

Die moderne Medizin ist zunehmend gepr\u00e4gt von arbeitsteiligen Prozessen. Was aber genau versteht das Arztrecht unter Arbeitsteilung, Delegation oder Substitution? Welche T\u00e4tigkeiten k\u00f6nnen im Einzelfall konkret arbeitsteilig durchgef\u00fchrt werden, ohne dass sich der Arzt verg\u00fctungs- und haftungsrechtlichen Risiken aussetzt? Diese Arbeit versucht auf diese dr\u00e4ngenden Fragen des Arztrechts Antworten zu geben. Dabei entwickelt der Autor basierend auf den von ihm herausgearbeiteten arztrechtlichen Prinzipien eine systematische Grenze der arbeitsteiligen Medizin. In diesem Grenzsystem liegt zugleich ein Beitrag zur aktuell im Zuge des Patientenrechtegesetzes fortschreitenden privatrechtsdogmatischen Integration des Arztrechts. Ferner wird dieses System anhand von ausgew\u00e4hlten Einzelfragen des Arztverg\u00fctungs- und Arzthaftungsrechts \u00fcberpr\u00fcft und weiterentwickelt. Auf diese Weise soll ein praxistauglicher und gleichzeitig dogmatisch abgesicherter L\u00f6sungsansatz f\u00fcr die Grenze der arbeitsteiligen Medizin pr\u00e4sentiert werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ballhausen, Benedikt"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Medical Law", "Medical Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610210"], ["title", "Das arztrechtliche System als Grenze der arbeitsteiligen Medizin - zugleich ein Beitrag zur privatrechtsdogmatischen Integration des Arztrechts"], ["doab_id", "15380"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950965"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950965"]], [["description", "Obra climatol\u00f3gica que oferece tratamento din\u00e2mico \u00e0s quest\u00f5es clim\u00e1ticas do Mato Grosso do Sul, principalmente \u00e0 circula\u00e7\u00e3o atmosf\u00e9rica regional e \u00e0s implica\u00e7\u00f5es pluviais. Considerando-se que tal regi\u00e3o, a exemplo do que ocorre com o territ\u00f3rio paulista, encontra-se na conflu\u00eancia dos principais sistemas atmosf\u00e9ricos da Am\u00e9rica do Sul, possuindo mais de um tipo de regime pluviom\u00e9trico (\u00e1reas com regime do tipo \"Brasil Central\" e outras com regime do tipo \"Brasil Meridional\"), o autor deste livro procura compreender a relev\u00e2ncia de estudos que privilegiam a distribui\u00e7\u00e3o das chuvas como um dos indicadores do seu \"mosaico\" clim\u00e1tico. Para tanto descreve as chuvas anuais, sazonais e mensais do per\u00edodo de 1966 a 1985 e, depois, as chuvas di\u00e1rias do tri\u00eanio 1983-1985, analisando-as do ponto de vista r\u00edtmico. Trata-se de um estudo original, uma vez que se fundamenta na din\u00e2mica das massas de ar, isto \u00e9, das cadeias fundamentais dos tipos de tempo, dos mecanismos frontol\u00f3gicos e dos ritmos pluviais, metodologia que possibilitou n\u00e3o apenas entrever as rela\u00e7\u00f5es atmosfera-territ\u00f3rio sulmatogrossense como, tamb\u00e9m, propor uma classifica\u00e7\u00e3o clim\u00e1tica de base gen\u00e9tica, ainda que sob a forma de \"tentativa\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zavattini, Jo\u00e3o Afonso"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qx8r5"], ["title", "As chuvas e as massas de ar no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul: estudo geogr\u00e1fico com vista \u00e0 regionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o clim\u00e1tica"], ["doab_id", "16703"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830020"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830020"]], [["description", "Daniela Mercury, Margareth Menezes e Ivete Sangalo. A publica\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 fruto de uma tese de doutorado e analisa a trajet\u00f3ria de cada uma dessas cantoras. O objetivo \u00e9 identificar elementos constitutivos do \u00eaxito na carreira de cada uma delas e da capacidade de cada uma enquanto autoras e gestoras de suas carreiras."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santanna, Marilda"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6q"], ["title", "As donas do canto: o sucesso das estrelas-int\u00e9rpretes no carnaval de Salvador"], ["doab_id", "17165"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208851"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208851"]], [["description", "O livro analisa o processo de moderniza\u00e7\u00e3o da gest\u00e3o das empresas familiares da cidade de Franca/SP, tendo em vista as mudan\u00e7as estruturais advindas e impostas pelo processo de reestrutura\u00e7\u00e3o produtiva a partir dos anos de 1990. As empresas familiares do munic\u00edpio foram criadas em per\u00edodos prop\u00edcios ao seu crescimento e desenvolvimento industrial. Na d\u00e9cada de 1990, elas foram afetadas pela abertura internacional dos mercados e pelas pol\u00edticas econ\u00f4micas voltadas \u00e0 estabiliza\u00e7\u00e3o da economia brasileira. Nesse contexto, tais empresas foram obrigadas a atender a realidade dos mercados, na expectativa de maior qualidade e menor pre\u00e7o. \u00c9 essa din\u00e2mica que a autora investiga, com base na pesquisa bibliogr\u00e1fica, documental e de campo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lima, Maria Jos\u00e9 de Oliveira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cbyx4"], ["title", "As empresas familiares da cidade de Franca: um estudo sob a vis\u00e3o do servi\u00e7o social"], ["doab_id", "16720"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830372"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830372"]], [["description", "Livro em que se trata das conex\u00f5es entre o direito \u00e0 alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o adequada, conhecido tamb\u00e9m por Seguran\u00e7a Alimentar, o Direito Agr\u00e1rio e os Direitos Humanos. Parte-se do princ\u00edpio de Justi\u00e7a Social do Direito Agr\u00e1rio, firmado na ideologia da fun\u00e7\u00e3o social da propriedade, buscando-se estabelecer na atividade agr\u00e1ria, exercida de forma sustent\u00e1vel, o fundamento para se promover a diminui\u00e7\u00e3o da fome e da mis\u00e9ria. Considera-se que o direito \u00e0 alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o adequada \u00e9 um direito humano fundamental e que o Estado, em parceria com a sociedade civil, deve promover as diferentes formas de apoio para proporcionar seguran\u00e7a alimentar e nutricional, sob pena de n\u00e3o se constituir em um Estado Democr\u00e1tico de Direito. Aponta-se que alguns pa\u00edses e blocos econ\u00f4micos fazem desta luta sua meta de assegurar a dignidade dos cidad\u00e3os, enquanto outros, como o Brasil, ainda direcionam mecanismos por meio de pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas e legisla\u00e7\u00f5es recentes para encaminhar o apoio aos que vivem em estado preocupante de inseguran\u00e7a alimentar, causado pela desigualdade social. Trata-se de uma obra de ineg\u00e1vel atualidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maniglia, Elisabete"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s3vn9"], ["title", "As interfaces do direito agr\u00e1rio e dos direitos humanos e a seguran\u00e7a alimentar"], ["doab_id", "16740"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830143"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830143"]], [["description", "O livro 'As Paix\u00f5es Humanas em Thomas Hobbes: entre a ci\u00eancia e a moral, o medo e a esperan\u00e7a' analisa a rela\u00e7\u00e3o existente entre a ci\u00eancia de matriz mecanicista e o projeto pol\u00edtico presente na obra desse autor ingl\u00eas do s\u00e9c. XVII. Defende a hip\u00f3tese de que Hobbes deve muito de sua concep\u00e7\u00e3o moral e pol\u00edtica aos seus estudos acerca da ci\u00eancia, que o orientam a pensar o homem e suas paix\u00f5es. Com esse pressuposto, s\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m discutidas no livro algumas interpreta\u00e7\u00f5es que criticam a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre filosofia natural (ci\u00eancia) e filosofia moral. Finalmente, investiga-se o papel que duas paix\u00f5es em especial, o medo e a esperan\u00e7a, desempenham no processo que afasta a guerra de todos e procura construir a paz pol\u00edtica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, H\u00e9lio Alexandre da"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/72gwc"], ["title", "As paix\u00f5es humanas em Thomas Hobbes: entre a ci\u00eancia e a moral, o medo e a esperan\u00e7a"], ["doab_id", "16755"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830242"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830242"]], [["description", "[...] me limitarei a tentar a justifica\u00e7\u00e3o do mais saliente, ali\u00e1s, talvez o menos importante deles \u2013 o abuso e a extens\u00e3o das cita\u00e7\u00f5es \u2013, pela necessidade de apoiar a contradita oferecida a doutrinas correntes e a opini\u00f5es de mestres justamente reputados as primeiras autoridades na mat\u00e9ria."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Raymundo Nina"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h53wj"], ["title", "As ra\u00e7as humanas e a responsabilidade penal no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17247"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820755"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820755"]], [["description", "Este livro analisa a racionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o das tradi\u00e7\u00f5es num contexto de modernidade tardia. A an\u00e1lise tem como ponto de partida as tradi\u00e7\u00f5es ga\u00fachas e sua manifesta\u00e7\u00e3o nos Centros de Tradi\u00e7\u00e3o Ga\u00facha (CTG). O estudo foi desenvolvido com base na bibliografia especializada sobre o tema e em uma pesquisa efetuada durante o ENART 2008 - Encontro de Arte e Tradi\u00e7\u00e3o Ga\u00facha, realizado em 2008 na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS. Os estudos apontam que a modernidade tardia traz \u00e0 tona a reflexividade e racionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o das rela\u00e7\u00f5es, experi\u00eancias e tradi\u00e7\u00f5es. Tradi\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o (re)inventadas e, neste caso, (re)inventadas tendo o CTG como cen\u00e1rio e esta (re)inven\u00e7\u00e3o permite manter os v\u00ednculos e a sociabilidade do grupo s\u00f3cio-cultural que se reconhece enquanto grupo e se diferencia dos demais por identificar-se em torno de s\u00edmbolos, pr\u00e1ticas, cren\u00e7as e rituais que os une, pois \u00e9 comum a todos eles, independente do espa\u00e7o geogr\u00e1fico que ocupem. Na modernidade tardia o car\u00e1ter de ludicidade atribu\u00eddo \u00e0s tradi\u00e7\u00f5es (re)inventadas no CTG \u00e9 o fio condutor para in\u00fameras rela\u00e7\u00f5es que se estabelecem nesse cen\u00e1rio e \u00e9 o combust\u00edvel de todas as pr\u00e1ticas e rituais vivenciados ali. A ludicidade das atividades d\u00e1 sentido \u00e0s pr\u00e1ticas tradicionalistas e \u00e0 toda tradi\u00e7\u00e3o que foi (re)inventada e que passa a ser racionalizada no contexto de modernidade reflexiva. Essa apropria\u00e7\u00e3o do car\u00e1ter l\u00fadico das tradi\u00e7\u00f5es e as rela\u00e7\u00f5es estabelecidas no CTG a partir dos s\u00edmbolos, pr\u00e1ticas e rituais sinalizam que estamos vivenciando no Brasil um contexto de modernidade tardia. No contexto da modernidade tardia, a tradi\u00e7\u00e3o racionalizada \u00e9 uma maneira de evitar choques entre diferentes valores e modos de vida, uma vez que age como articuladora de atores e grupos sociais, entre as diferentes inst\u00e2ncias do mundo social."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luvizotto, Caroline Kraus"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cq8kr"], ["title", "As tradi\u00e7\u00f5es ga\u00fachas e sua racionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o na modernidade tardia"], ["doab_id", "16779"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830884"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830884"]], [["description", "The Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 shook the foundations of the global economy. What began as a localised currency crisis soon engulfed the entire Asian region. What went wrong and how did the Asian economies, long considered 'miracles', respond? How did the United States, Japan and other G-7 countries react to the crisis? What role did the IMF play? Why did China, which suffers from many of the same structural problems responsible for the crisis, remain conspicuously insulated from the turmoil raging in its midst? What explains Asia's remarkable recovery just three years after the crisis? In what fundamental ways did the Asian crisis serve as a catalyst to the current thinking about the 'new international financial architecture'? What lessons can be learnt from the crisis by other emerging economies? This book provides answers to all the above questions and more. It gives a comprehensive account of how the international economic order operates, examines its strengths and weaknesses, and what needs to be done to fix it. The book will be vital to students of economics, international political economy, Asian and development studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sharma ,Shalendra D"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["asian", "G7", "G8", "financial", "finance"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341377"], ["title", "The Asian financial crisis New International Financial Architecture: Crisis, reform and recovery"], ["doab_id", "12576"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066023"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066023"]], [["description", "Written for a general audience, the essays collected here present refreshing and often humorous glimpses of various topics in Jewish history and traditional religious literature. Inspired by the diversity of Jewish thought, author and scholar Eliezer Segal sheds light on the social and political forces that have brought the Jewish community together in the past and still speak with familiarity to a modern western culture. Enlightening and entertaining, Professor Segal's writing is a rare blend of scholarship and wit, highlighting contemporary experiences that bring the rich heritage of Jewish civilization to life for the everyday reader. With an extensive and broad knowledge of ancient and medieval Jewish social and religious traditions, Segal deftly crafts anecdotes and explanations that address the tribulations of contemporary life. From topics as diverse as panhandling, tennis, vampires, and the history of the tomato to themes as universal as weddings, charity, and taxation, the essays presented here, some for the first time in English, all include detailed notes on sources for further reading. Equally suited to those after a light-hearted romp or those on a serious quest for knowledge, Ask Now of the Days that Are Past is sure to satisfy anyone who has ever wondered how the past still influences us today. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Eliezer Segal"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49318/1/UofCPress_Asknow_2005.pdf"], ["title", "Ask Now of the Days that are Past"], ["doab_id", "15389"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386736"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386736"]], [["description", "China's rise is one of the transformative events of our time. Aspects of Urbanization in China: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou examines some of the aspects of China's massive wave of urbanization - the largest the world has ever seen. The various papers in the book, written by academics from different disciplines, represent ongoing research and exploration and give a useful snapshot in a rapidly developing discourse. Their point of departure is the city - Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou - where the downside of China's miraculous economic growth is most painfully apparent. And it is concern for the citizens of these cities that unifies the papers in a book whose authors seek to understand what life is like for the people who call them home.

China's opkomst als wereldmacht is een van de ingrijpendste gebeurtenissen van deze tijd. Honderden miljoenen mensen zijn de armoede ontvlucht dankzij de snelle industrialisatie van het land. De wonderbaarlijke economische groei van China heeft zijn nadelen, iets wat vaak het meest pijnlijk duidelijk wordt in de steden. Deze studie is geschreven door wetenschappers uit verschillende disciplines, waaronder architectuur, stedenbouw, sociale wetenschappen, aardrijkskunde en antrolpologie. Een dee van de auteurs behandelt de mondiale ambities van de steden, terwijl andere hun culturele en architecturale uitingen onderzoeken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bracken ,Gregory"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie", "Verstedelijking, China"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418533"], ["title", "Aspects of Urbanization in China : Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou"], ["doab_id", "14809"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643988"]], [["description", "There is extensive evidence from animal models that gonadal steroids, produced in fetal and neonatal life, act on the developing organism to produce sex differences far beyond the reproductive system. That early gonadal steroid exposure also plays an important role in human development is supported by studies of individuals with disorders of sex determination and differentiation. It is much less clear whether normal variation in gonadal steroid exposure predicts sexually dimorphic health outcomes or within-sex variation. This is largely due to challenges related to the assessment of gonadal steroid exposure in the developing fetus and neonate. Regarding the prenatal period, serial measurements of serum hormone levels in the fetus, for use in studies of later development, are not possible for ethical reasons. Researchers have measured hormones in maternal blood, umbilical cord blood, and amniotic fluid; used putative anthropometric indices such as the relative lengths of the 2nd and 4th digits (2D:4D); evaluated common variants in genes related to hormone production, transport, and metabolism; and examined development in opposite sex twins and the offspring of mothers with hyperandrogeny. Each of these approaches has particular strengths and notable weaknesses. Regarding the neonatal period, serial measurements in serum are often impractical for studies of typical development. Salivary hormone assays, frequently used in studies of older children and adults, have not been extensively investigated in neonates. The most appropriate timing for testing is also open to debate. Early work suggested that testosterone levels in males begin to rise after the first postnatal week, peak around the 3rd to 4th months of life, and then drop back to very low levels by 1 year. However a more recent study of 138 infants did not demonstrate this pattern. Testosterone was highest on the day of birth and gradually dropped over the first 6 months. Even less is known about patterns of early estrogen exposure, though highly sensitive bioassays indicated that sex differences are present in early childhood. In addition, the design and interpretation of studies may be impacted by widespread acceptance of conceptual frameworks that are not well-supported empirically. For example, many researchers presume that the free hormone hypothesis, which states that unbound hormone is more readily diffusible into tissues and thus a better measure of actual exposure, is true. However this hypothesis has been challenged on multiple grounds. A second example: it is generally accepted that masculinization of the human brain is primarily mediated by the androgen receptor (in contrast to rodents where the estrogen receptor plays a major role), in part because chromosomal males with complete androgen insensitivity generally espouse a female gender identity. However this is not always the case, and other sexually dimorphic outcomes have not been carefully assessed in CAIS. The aim of this research topic is to gather together experimental and review papers which address the diverse challenges in assessing prenatal and neonatal gonadal steroid exposure for studies of human development with the expectation that this will allow more critical appraisal of existing studies, identify critical research gaps, and improve the design of future studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rebecca Christine Knickmeyer; Marsha L. Davenport; Bonnie Auyeung"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Testosterone", "androgen receptor", "digit ratio", "Hypogonadism", "minipuberty", "prenatal", "sexual differentiation", "Saliva", "umbilical cord blood", "Opposite-sex twins"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1389/assessing-prenatal-and-neonatal-gonadal-steroid-exposure-for-studies-of-human-development-methodolog"], ["title", "Assessing Prenatal and Neonatal Gonadal Steroid Exposure for Studies of Human Development: Methodological and Theoretical Challenges"], ["doab_id", "19515"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196074"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196074"]], [["description", "Endocrinological research early recognized the importance of intercellular interactions and realized the importance of glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling. In turn this signalling depends on elaborate interactions between astrocytes and neurons, without which neurons would be unable to produce, reuse and metabolize transmitter glutamate and GABA. Details of these subjects are described in this Research Topic by key investigators in this field. It focuses on the intricate and extremely swift pathway producing these amino acid transmitters from glucose in brain but also discusses difficulties in determining expression of some of the necessary genes in astrocytes and related processes in pancreatic islets. However, it does not discuss how closely associated astrocytes and neurons are anatomically, enabling these interactions. This is elegantly shown in this cover image, kindly provided by Professor Andreas Reichenbach (University of Leipzig, Germany)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leif Hertz; Tiago B. Rodrigues"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Appetite Regulation", "Astrocyte-oligdendrocyte interaction", "Astrocytic gene expression", "Brain ammonia", "Brain aspartate", "Brain glutamate", "Brain glutamine", "brain metabolism", "GABA", "pancreatic islets"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1016/astrocytic-neuronal-astrocytic-pathway-selection-for-formation-and-degradation-of-glutamategaba"], ["title", "Astrocytic-neuronal-astrocytic Pathway Selection for Formation and Degradation of Glutamate/GABA"], ["doab_id", "17654"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192434"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192434"]], [["description", "Correct word identification and processing is a prerequisite for accurate reading, and decades of psycholinguistic and neuroscientific research have shown that the magical moments of visual word recognition are short-lived and markedly fast. The time window in which a given letter string passes from being a mere sequence of printed curves and strokes to acquiring the word status takes around one third of a second. In a few hundred milliseconds, a skilled reader recognizes an isolated word and carries out a number of underlying processes, such as the encoding of letter position and letter identity, and lexico-semantic information retrieval. However, the precise manner (and order) in which these processes occur (or co-occur) is a matter of contention subject to empirical research. There's no agreement regarding the precise timing of some of the essential processes that guide visual word processing, such as precise letter identification, letter position assignment or sub-word unit processing (bigrams, trigrams, syllables, morphemes), among others. Which is the sequence of processes that lead to lexical access? How do these and other processes interact with each other during the early moments of word processing? Do these processes occur in a serial fashion or do they take place in parallel? Are these processes subject to mutual interaction principles? Is feedback allowed for within the earliest stages of word identification? And ultimately, when does the reader's brain effectively identify a given word? A vast number of questions remain open, and this Research Topic will cover some of them, giving the readership the opportunity to understand how the scientific community faces the problem of modeling the early stages of word identification according to the latest neuroscientific findings."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jon Andoni Dunabeitia; Nicola Molinaro"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["word recognition", "reading", "compound words", "Eye Movements", "word-initial letter constraint", "word frequency", "contextual predictability"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/485/at-the-doors-of-lexical-access-the-importance-of-the-first-250-milliseconds-in-reading"], ["title", "At the doors of lexical access: The importance of the first 250 milliseconds in reading"], ["doab_id", "17769"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192601"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192601"]], [["description", "Set in West Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, this study explores the shifting relationships between border communities and the state along the political border with East Malaysia. The book rests on the premises that remote border regions offer an exciting study arena that can tell us important things about how marginal citizens relate to their nation-state. The basic assumption is that central state authority in the Indonesian borderlands has never been absolute, but waxes and wanes, and state rules and laws are always up for local interpretation and negotiation. In its role as key symbol of state sovereignty, the borderland has become a place were central state authorities are often most eager to govern and exercise power. But as illustrated, the borderland is also a place were state authority is most likely to be challenged, questioned and manipulated as border communities often have multiple loyalties that transcend state borders and contradict imaginations of the state as guardians of national sovereignty and citizenship. (...)Michael Eilenberg (1975) is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Aarhus University. His research focuses on issues of state formation, sovereignty, and agrarian expansion in frontier regions of Southeast Asia.(...)\u201cEilenberg\u2019s rich insights could not have been achieved without years spent developing trust and experiencing firsthand the ambiguity of a border as a zone of opportunity as well as control. The analysis of the border elite who combine traditional authority with bureaucratic once, charisma with force, and legal practices with illegal ones throws into sharp relief a set of practices that are found not only on the fringes of the Indonesian nation, but on the fringes of its cities as well. Anyone interested in understanding how power works in Indonesia should read this book\u201d.Tania Murray Li, Toronto University(...)\u201cThis pioneering study of state formation \u2018at the margins\u2019 forms a perfect demonstration of the promise of borderland studies. Eilenberg argues convincingly that borderlands \u2013 and the international borders that run through them \u2013 are critical sites for understanding shifting state-society relations. His book provides a powerful analysis of the local historical contexts of resource struggles, state policies and social strategies in what many consider to be a remote and insignifcant Indonesian borderland. Eilenberg makes us realize how the unpredictable dynamics of such borderland societies affect entire nation-states\u201d.Willem van Schendel, Amsterdam University"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Eilenberg ,Michael"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "borderland studies", "local politics", "Kalimantan"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=411390"], ["title", "At the edges of states; Dynamics of state formation in the Indonesian borderlands"], ["doab_id", "14624"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183741", "9789004253469"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183741 9789004253469"]], [["description", "It is in general well appreciated that the cortical interneurons play various important roles in cortical neuronal networks both in normal and pathological states. Based on connectivity pattern, developmental, morphological and electrophysiological properties, distinct subgroups of GABAergic interneurons can be differentiated in the neocortex as well as in the hippocampal formation. In this E-Book, we are focusing our attention on inhibitory interneurons expressing calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR). The aim of the E-Book is to consolidate the knowledge about this interneuronal population and to inspire further research on the function and malfunction of these neurons, which \u2013 functionally \u2013 seem to stand \"at the top of the pyramid\" of cortical interneuronal types."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nada Zecevic; Zsofia Magloczky; Filip Barinka"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["calretinin", "Interneurons", "Cortical Circuits", "Cortical development", "GABA", "Calcium-Binding Proteins", "Epilepsy", "claustrum", "Hippocampus", "Neocortex"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1599/at-the-top-of-the-interneuronal-pyramid---calretinin-expressing-cortical-interneurons"], ["title", "At The Top of the Interneuronal Pyramid - Calretinin Expressing Cortical Interneurons"], ["doab_id", "18830"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197088"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197088"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vandenberghe, Christophe (ed.); Marcoen, Jean Marie (ed.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/base/index.php/base/issue/view/398"], ["title", "Atelier nitrate-eau. Evaluation du Programme de gestion durable de l'azote, 2-5 juin 2009, Peyresq, France"], ["doab_id", "16106"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870161036"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161036"]], [["description", "Atheism

Athe\u00efsme en religiositeit lijken elkaars absolute tegenpolen. Filosoof Wim Van Moer stelt deze intu\u00eftieve, ook onder athe\u00efsten wijdverspreide overtuiging ter discussie. Deze analyse onthult dat de religieuze ervaring niet verbonden hoeft te zijn met een geloof in een bovennatuurlijke entiteit of realiteit. Ge\u00efnspireerd door Leo Apostel en in de voetsporen van William James en Erich Fromm, betoogt de auteur dat deze tegenstrijdigheid, zelfs binnen een radicaal athe\u00efstisch vertoog, niet automatisch geldig is. Van Moer staaft deze stelling met een meeslepende fenomenologische analyse van de religieuze ervaring, die uitmondt in een theoretisch model waarmee hij religieuze ervaringen binnen een athe\u00efstische context kan onderzoeken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moer Van ,Wim"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Atheism", "Religie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439097"], ["title", "Athe\u00efstische religiositeit : Een pragmatische analyse in de geest van William James, Erich Fromm en Leo Apostel"], ["doab_id", "15234"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089644626"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644626"]], [["description", "This atlas provides a macro-regional overview of the areas that surround the European Union, from the Sahara to the Middle East, Western Balkans to European Russia, Turkey to the Arctic. Detailing key socio-economic data as well as developmental trends, the maps provide a comprehensive territorial analysis at a local scale and explore the potential for regional integration and cooperation.These pioneering maps examine challenges that threaten this wide, yet inter-connected, region, including environmental concerns in the North, political unrest in the East, social factors in the Western Balkans, and the upheaval in the Mediterranean since the Arab spring. Coverage investigates such key countries and areas as Libya, Israel, Palestine, Syria, and the Ukraine as well as explores such essential issues as Europe\u2019s energy procurement. In addition, it also presents a comparison with other world regions such as East Asia and North America.In the end, readers discover that territorial integration faces many shortcomings, but that deep regional cooperation would be a key driver for the EU\u2019s sustainable future. This atlas features the main results of the \u201cIntegrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighbourhoods\u201d research project undertaken by ESPON (The European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion). It provides scholars; local authorities and NGOs involved in cross-border cooperation; companies interested in energy, agriculture, water, transportation and communication; and interested readers with key insights into this important region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pierre Beckouche; Pierre Besnard; Hugues Pecout"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["human geography", " political science", " economics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-28521-4"], ["title", "Atlas of Challenges and Opportunities in European Neighbourhoods"], ["doab_id", "19072"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319285207", "9783319285214"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319285207 (Print) 9783319285214 (Online)"]], [["description", "The Atlas of North American English provides the first overall view of the pronunciation and vowel systems of the dialects of the U.S. and Canada. The Atlas re-defines the regional dialects of American English on the basis of sound changes active in the 1990s and draws new boundaries reflecting those changes. It is based on a telephone survey of 762 local speakers, representing all the urbanized areas of North America. It has been developed by Bill Labov, one of the leading sociolinguists of the world, together with his colleagues Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg. The Atlas consists of a printed volume accompanied by an interactive CD-ROM. The print and multimedia content is alsoavailable online. Combined Edition: Book and Multimedia CD-ROM The printed volume contains 23 chapters that re-define the geographic boundaries of North American dialects and trace the influence of gender, age, education, and city size on the progress of sound change; findings that show a dramatic and increasing divergence of English in North America; 139 four color maps that illustrate the regional distribution of phonological and phonetic variables across the North American continent; 120 four color vowel charts of individual speakers. The interactive multimedia CD-ROM supplements the printed articles and maps by providing a data base with measurements of more than 100,000 vowels and mean values for 439 speakers; the Plotnik program for mapping each of the individual vowel systems; extended sound samples of all North American dialects; interactive applications to enhance classroom presentations. Online only Version: Print and Multimedia Content The online only version offers simultaneous access to the print and multimedia content to all users in the university/library network; presents a wider selection of interactive data, maps, and audio samples that will be recurrently updated; provides students with concurrent access to research material for classroom assignments. Key Features: a multimedia reference tool, overthrows previously heldhypothesesin North American dialectology, sound samples on CD-ROM easily accessible through clearly designedinteractive maps. System Requirements for CD-ROM and Online only version: Windows PC: Pentium PC, Windows 9x, NT, or XP, at least 16MB RAM, CD-ROM Drive, 16 Bit Soundcard, SVGA (600 x 800 resolution). Apple MAC: OS 6 or higher, 16 Bit Soundcard, at least 16MB RAM. Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer, 5.5 or 6 (Mac OS: Internet Explorer 5.1)/Netscape 7.x or higher/Mozilla 1.0 or higher/Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or higher. PlugIns: Macromedia Flash Player 6/Acrobat Reader.; William Labov and Sharon Ash, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Charles Boberg, McGill University, Montr?al, Canada..; \"\"ANAE is very much a standalone piece. [...] But such splendid isolation is the privilege of the giants of a discipline, and giants in the world of scholarship is definitley what the authors of this volume are. This is a landmark study, a unique reference point of dialectological scholarship for decades to come and an inspiration for generations of linguistics.\"\"Edgar W. Schneider in: English World-Wide 1/2008 \"\"The ANAE is a massive collection of dialect data and an unprecedented accomplishment in North American English dialectology.\"\"Joshua Wilbur in: English Language and Linguistics 1/2007 \"\"ANAE is a landmark study that will shape research trends for years to come.\"\"Matthew J. Gordon in: Linguist List 17.2299 Coverage in the press: \"\"Talking the Tawk\"\" The New Yorker\"\"Sound Decision: New Atlas Divides the US by Dialect\"\" The Chicago Tribune and CubaNow.net\"\"Continental Drift\"\" The Pennsylvania Gazette\"\"Is there a Rocky Mountain Accent\"\" New West\"\"North American Dialects\"\" National Geographic\"\"Mayor's Accent Deserts Boston for New York\"\" New York Times\"\"It's not the Sights, it's the Sounds\"\" New York Times\"\"Mapping North American English\"\" Associated Press"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ash, Sharon; Boberg, Charles; Labov, William"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS and DISCIPLINES / Linguistics", "Englisch /Sprache", "English / language"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110206838&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "The Atlas of North American English. Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change"], ["doab_id", "15139"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110206838"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110206838"]], [["description", "The composition of the atmosphere is a critical factor in understanding the nature and magnitude of processes associated with the planet\u2019s energy balance, clouds and precipitation, biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, and public health and welfare. A detailed understanding of trace gases, aerosol particles, and hydrometeors is challenging due to the combination of their physicochemical complexity, variable lifetimes, and spatial inhomogeneity. Recent advances in instrumentation have resulted in improved measurements and an increased understanding of atmospheric composition. Laboratory and field in-situ measurement studies have benefited from such improvements, including improved spatial and temporal resolution, the ability to sample in challenging conditions (e.g., on airborne platforms, in clouds, at widely ranging pressure and temperature conditions), and the ability to measure a wider range of chemical species, and, in the case of aerosol particles, to detect smaller sizes. Remote sensing capabilities have increased in recent years, thus offering new views of atmospheric composition across broad spatiotemporal ranges. Manuscripts related to all aspects of atmospheric observations are included in this Special Issue, including advances in observational techniques and scientific insights into atmospheric composition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Source apportionment, aerosols, combustion, biogenic, biomass burning, trace metals, sulfate, nitrate, organic aerosol, land-use regression modeling"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/232"], ["title", "Atmospheric Composition Observations"], ["doab_id", "19940"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422846", "9783038422853"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422846/9783038422853"]], [["description", "Mercury is a serious environmental toxin that is distributed globally by large-scale atmospheric circulations. The chapters in this book cover measurements of speciated atmospheric mercury, regional modeling, continental-scale distributions across the U.S. and Canada, large-scale distributions in the free troposphere, and changes in wet deposition across the U.S. The diverse topics give snap-shots of current research areas in atmospheric mercury and some insight into policy issues in Europe. Together, the work demonstrates the complexity of atmospheric mercury and provides aspects on measuring and modeling it. Much work is needed in the future to unravel the chemical forms of oxidized atmospheric mercury and how it is intertwined in global cycling of mercury. The complexities of this work are extremely challenging for emerging atmospheric chemists. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/235"], ["title", "Atmospheric Mercury"], ["doab_id", "19973"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422907", "9783038422914"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422907/9783038422914"]], [["description", "Atopological Trilogy creates new concepts for Deleuze-Guattarian thought without any heed for sectarian, sermonising, or dutiful readings of the philosophers. In Part I of the trilogy, \u201cBecoming-Sexual of the Sexual,\u201d Aracag\u00f6k demonstrates the ways in which quantum theory and the concept of \u201ccomplementarity\u201d inform Deleuze and Guattari\u2019s thought, especially in relation to \u201cbecoming\u201d in general and \u201cbecoming-woman\u201d and \u201cbecoming-queer\u201d more particularly. Aracag\u00f6k argues that the ways in which the philosophers put forward a ban on \u201cbecoming-man\u201d with a certain degree of undecidability encapsulates (albeit in a cryptic form) other becomings, the most important of which is becoming-queer, or rather, the becoming-sexual of the sexual.In Part II: \u201cDeleuze on Sound, Music, and Schizo-Incest,\u201d Aracag\u00f6k puts into resonance the sound, noise, and music (and the question) of schizo-incest with the intention of deterritorialising a notion of the meta-audible. If Kafka\u2019s story, \u201cThe Investigations of a Dog\u201d leads us to a realm of the \u201cformless\u201d which cannot be heard without destroying what we know as \u201chearing,\u201d it also offers us a limit-experience of the meta-audible, which, when radicalised via the notions of \u201cschizo-incest\u201d and \u201cself-shattering,\u201d creates a line of flight that escapes even from the line of flight itself. All these maneuvers pose a serious challenge to Deleuze and Guattari, who claim that despite all his investigations, Kafka\u2019s investigator dog is re-Oedipalised in the end. Proposing in the end a limit experience which Aracag\u00f6k calls the \u201cmeta-audible,\u201d he shows that Kafka\u2019s more radical approach to sound creates a line of flight that escapes even from the line of flight itself.The final essay of the trilogy, \u201cClinical and Critical Perversion,\u201d begins with the 19th-century crisis of an abyss presumed to be yawning between mimesis and diegesis ever since Plato. According to Aracag\u00f6k, this takes the form of a crisis of the \u201cpolitical,\u201d the repression of which becomes the mission of psychoanalytical discourse towards the end of the 19th century. This crisis finds another form of expression in George B\u00fcchner\u2019s unfinished 1836 novella Lenz, relative to the audibility of a \u201cterrible voice which is usually called silence.\u201d If the disappearance of the \u201cpolitical\u201d is related to the rise of psychoanalysis on the protocols of, first, hypnosis, and then, the \u201ctalking cure,\u201d both of which privilege the presumed form of the voice of the analyst over the analysand\u2019s silence (a psycho-politics?), Aracag\u00f6k proposes re-distributing this process, calling renewed attention to the clinicalisation of perversion, along Deleuzian-Guattarian distinctions such as: surface and depth, critical and clinical, oedipal-incest and schizo-incest, leading to a re-evaluation of what Deleuze and Guattari might have meant by \u201chomosexual-effusion\u201d in their book Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature, all in order to deterritorialise the \u201cpolitical\u201d under a new concept \u2014 namely, critical perversion.Ultimately, Atopological Trilogy offers the reader no safe grounds for preserving not only a philosophical identity but also not any identity, if only to be able to let you float in the air without any guidance \u00e0 la Kafka\u2019s \u201cRed Indian.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manola Antonioli; Zafer Aracag\u00f6k"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["queer studies, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, sexuality, Gilles Deleuze, noise, gender, Felix Guattari, quantum theory, Franz Kafka, sound theory, perversion"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvw13hjdrly7daw/Aracogak_Atopological_Trilogy_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Atopological Trilogy: Deleuze and Guattari"], ["doab_id", "17876"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692403723"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692403723"]], [["description", "Extracellular ATP is currently recognized as one of the most widely distributed neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the peripheral and central nervous system. ATP-gated P2X receptors are expressed by neurons, glial and many other non-neuronal cells and represent an attractive target for therapeutic interventions. Diverse molecular and cellular mechanisms have been identified for P2X receptor functioning, including the ability to enlarge the size of the ion pore associated with the release of several key immune molecules. A major recent breakthrough was the determination of the X-ray crystal structures of zebrafish P2X4 receptor in ATP-bound and ATP-free states. The P2X receptor research field is rapidly growing, as evidenced by the almost 2000 papers published in the last 5 years. However, despite the fundamental signalling function of extracellular ATP in the nervous system, the widespread roles of P2X receptors have not been widely elucidated and presented in textbooks. In this volume of papers we aim to gather a collection of high quality papers, detailing the latest insights from the most accomplished international P2X receptor researchers. Importantly, basic research into P2X receptors has a strong translational impact and our collection of articles could be a valuable guide for the development of new pharmacological and biotechnological tools addressing the function of P2X receptors. Within this collection we plan to cover receptor structure-function relationships, receptors trafficking, to highlight the special properties of P2X receptors and their pharmacological profiles, and to describe the translational aspects of cellular ATP signaling in pain and in other neurological and vascular diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrea Nistri; Geoffrey Burnstock; Baljit S. Khakh; Rashid Giniatullin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ATP", "P2X receptor", "Ion Channels", "neurotransmitters", "Central Nervous System"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1642/atp-gated-p2x-receptors-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "ATP-gated P2X receptors in Health and Disease"], ["doab_id", "17798"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194056"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194056"]], [["description", "Attachment theory, assessment and research offers a broad, far-reaching view of human functioning, and it can enrich a psychologist's understanding of subjects and their relational adjustment, both in clinical and non-clinical settings. Ongoing research in attachment has led to a number of individual treatments and prevention and intervention programs. The assessment of an individual's attachment organization, can play a crucial role in explaining and previewing the unfolding treatment, the relational adjustments or concerns, and the psychological well-being. We hope to receive empirical papers that give evidence for the usefulness of attachment assessment in both clinical (e.g., patients with Eating Disorder; or Axis-II; psychotherapy patients\u2026) or not clinical population (e.g. Adoptive and/or foster families or couples, Mother-infant assessment in prevention field\u2026). These papers should include methodological issues and information about the participants, the methods used to assess attachment, the process of scorer training and the availability of the manual used to obtain inter-scorer reliability. Case studies may be of interest to the extent that they demonstrate the value of a systematic approach to attachment material. A range of theoretical perspectives is welcome as well presentation of new emergent tools on attachment. Because Frontiers in Psychology is an international journal, each empirical paper should comment on the international implications of the findings and discuss its cross-cultural use. Such comments may include, for example, its linguistic specificity, its robustness in translation, and the cross-cultural generalizability of the constructs and behaviors of the measure and its usual correlates. Cross-cultural generalizability is not, however, a requirement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silvia Salcuni"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Attachment", "Parenting", "Trauma", "Anorexia", "Addiction", "Obesity", "autism", "Adoption", "Treatment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2620/attachment-assessment-in-treatments-prevention-and-intervention-programs"], ["title", "Attachment Assessment in treatments, prevention and intervention programs"], ["doab_id", "17819"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195237"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195237"]], [["description", "In the burdened scenes of everyday life, our brains must select from among many competing inputs for perceptual synthesis - so that only the most relevant receive full attention and irrelevant (distracting) information is suppressed. At the same time, we must remain responsive to salient events outside our current focus of attention - and balancing these two processing modes is a fundamental task our brain constantly needs to solve. Both the physical saliency of a stimulus, as well as top-down predictions about imminent sensations crucially influence attentional selection and consequently the response to unexpected events. Research over recent decades has identified two separate brain networks involved in predictive top-down control and reorientation to unattended events (or oddball stimuli): the dorsal and ventral fronto-parietal attention systems of the human brain. Moreover, specific electrophysiological brain responses are known to characterize attentional orienting as well as the processing of deviant stimuli. However, many key questions are outstanding. What are the exact functional differences between these cortical attention systems? How are they lateralised in the two hemispheres? How do top-down and bottom-up signals interact to enable flexible attentional control? How does structural damage to one system affect the functionality of the other in brain damaged patients? Are there sensory-specific and supra-modal attentional systems in the brain? In addition to these questions, it is now accepted that brain responses are not only affected by the saliency of external stimuli, but also by our expectations about sensory inputs. How these two influences are balanced, and how predictions are formed in cortical networks, or generated on the basis of experience-dependent learning, are intriguing issues. In this Research Topic, we aim to collect innovative contributions that shed further light on the (cortical) mechanisms of attentional control in the human brain. In particular, we would like to encourage submissions that investigate the behavioural correlates, functional anatomy or electrophysiological markers of attentional selection and reorientation. Special emphasis will be given to studies investigating the context-sensitivity of these attentional processes in relation to prior expectations, trial history, contextual cues or physical saliency. We would like to encourage submissions employing different research methods (psychophysical recordings, neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, MEG, EEG or ECoG, as well as neurostimulation methods such as TMS or tDCS) in healthy volunteers or neurological patients. Computational models and animal studies are also welcome. Finally, we also welcome submission of meta-analyses and reviews articles that provide new insights into, or conclusions about recent work in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simone Vossel; Joy J. Geng; Karl J. Friston"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["attentional networks", "predictions", "trial history", "reward", "emotions", "neuroimaging", "TMS", "EEG"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1024/attention-predictions-and-expectations-and-their-violation-attentional-control-in-the-human-brain"], ["title", "Attention, predictions and expectations and their violation: attentional control in the human brain"], ["doab_id", "17696"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193677"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193677"]], [["description", "Since the 1970s, highly educated families in Austria have employed Au-pairs for taking care of their children. Why have these families preferred Au-pairs to kindergartens with qualified teachers? Were Au-pairs just a flexible substitute or did they have additional functions in the family? Which social and political climate has favoured this private form of childcare?The empirical basis of the work was the documentation of one of the major Austrian Au-pair agencies for the period 1978 - 2000, particularly 298 self-descriptions from guest families and the agency\u00b4s annual reports. The material was supplemented by interviews with ten guest families and by interviews with two experts. Thus is possible to analyze the socio-demographic characteristics of guest-families in Vienna and its suburbs, their motivations for taking Au-pairs, and their expectations.The findings indicate that Au-pairs usually serve several roles within the families: for instance, one very important role is to \"double\" mothers in order to free their minds to continue their social and work life. The pair system is also discussed in view of its two historic threads: one is a long European \"education abroad\" tradition for rather upper class children. The other thread is a \"work-migration\" tradition for lower class childs that had to go to cities to work as domestic servants. Which of the two traditions dominates the Au-pair market depends on the economic situation of the countries from which the Au-pairs come. Consequently, the economic and political changes around 1989 in Eastern Europe have had major impacts on the characteristics of Au-pair jobs in Austria

Meine zentrale Forschungsfrage ist, welche Familien aus welchen Gr\u00fcnden und mit welchen Erwartungen Au-Pairs f\u00fcr die Betreuung ihrer Kinder herangezogen haben statt au\u00dferh\u00e4usliche Betreuungsformen zu suchen. Waren es nur fehlende Alternativen oder gab es andere Gr\u00fcnde, warum diese Familien Au-Pairs aufgenommen haben? Warum haben diese Familien seit den 1970er Jahren eine Strategie zur Erf\u00fcllung ihrer an sich selbst gestellten Erwartungen und zur Bew\u00e4ltigung der vielf\u00e4ltigen Anforderungen an moderne st\u00e4dtische Familien aufgegriffen, die auf eine g\u00e4nzlich private L\u00f6sung der Vereinbarkeitsproblematik setzt? Warum wurde dieses Modell innerhalb eines Vierteljahrhunderts in ganz Europa so popul\u00e4r und politisch letzten Endes auch unterst\u00fctzt?In der Literatur wird von einem \"klassichen Au-Pair\" und einer \"neuen Au-Pair-Generation\" gesprochen, zwischen denen ein gro\u00dfer qualitativer und quantitativer Unterschied besteht. Die restliche Z\u00e4sur liegt mit dem neuen \"Au-Pair-Gesetz im Jahr 2001, die faktische, jedoch gleitende Z\u00e4surum 1995, dem EU-Beitritt von \u00d6sterreich, Finnland und Schweden und dem gro\u00dfen Interesse von jungen Frauen aus den ehemaligen Ostblockstaaten an einer Au-Pair Stelle im Westen.Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Grund der vorliegenden Quellen auf die \"traditionellen Au-Pairs\" im Zeitraum von 1980 - 2000 und das Untersuchungsgebiet auf Wien und Wien-Umgebung. Das Au-Pair Programm wird an den rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen im Untersuchungszeitraum und den Aktivit\u00e4ten des Auslandssozialdienstes des Katholischen Jugendwerkes (ASD) als Pionier in der (nicht-profitorientierten) Vermittlung von Au-Pairs in \u00d6sterreich beschrieben.Das Au-Pair Programm wird in einen historischen Rahmen als Entwicklungsstufe einerseits bezahlter h\u00e4uslicher Dienstleistungen und andererseits als M\u00f6glichkeit zur informellen Ausbildung gestellt. Dazu wird die Situation von Dienstm\u00e4dchen in Wien um 1900 in jenen Punkten beleuchtet, an denen sich Paralellen und Unterschiede der beiden Dienstverh\u00e4ltnisse zeigen lassen. Die Darstellung der \u00fcber die letzten beiden Jahrhunderte in Europa praktizierten Austauschbeziehungen zum Spracherwerb zeigt das Au-Pair-Programm in einem bildungsgeschichtlichen historischen Kontinuum.Nach einer institutionellen Verankerung des Untersuchungsgegenstandes gehe ich der Frage nach, wie viele Au-Pairs im Untersuchungszeitraum nach \u00d6sterreich gekommen sind, und wie sich die Nachfrage nach Au-Pairs entwickelt hat. Auch die Frage, woher die Au-Pairs gekommen sind und was ihre Motive waren, soll auf Grund der Aufzeichnungen in den ASD-Jahresberichten, meiner f\u00fcr den quantitativen Teil der Arbeit wichtigsten Quelle, beantwortet werden.Die \"Gastfamilien\" werden zuerst nach ihren soziogemographischen Merkmalen beschrieben, um dann zu der zentralen Frage dieser Arbeit zu kommen, was ihre Motive waren, ein Au-Pair zur Unterst\u00fctzung bei den famili\u00e4ren Aufgaben heranzuziehen und was sie daher von den Au-Pairs erwarteten, welche Funktionen ihnen zugedacht waren. Auch das Leben mit und als Au-Pair in \u00d6sterreich sowie die den Au-Pairs zugedachte Stellung im Familienverband und h\u00e4ufig wiederkehrende Probleme sind beschrieben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Orthofer ,Maria"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["au-pair, child-care, servants"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437161"], ["title", "Au-pair: Von der Kulturtr\u00e4gerin zum Dienstm\u00e4dchen"], ["doab_id", "15286"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205781820"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205781820"]], [["description", "This timely volume engages with one of the most important shifts in recent film studies: the turn away from text-based analysis towards the viewer. Historically, this marks a return to early interest in the effect of film on the audience by psychoanalysts and psychologists, which was overtaken by concern with the 'effects' of film, linked to calls for censorship and moral panics rather than to understanding the mental and behavioral world of the spectator. Early cinema history has revealed the diversity of film-viewing habits, while traditional 'box office' studies, which treated the audience initially as a homogeneous market, have been replaced by the study of individual consumers and their motivations. Latterly, there has been a marked turn towards more sophisticated economic and sociological analysis of attendance data. And as the film experience fragments across multiple formats, the perceptual and cognitive experience of the individual viewer (who is also an auditor) has become increasingly accessible. With contributions from Gregory Waller, John Sedgwick and Martin Barker, this work spans the spectrum of contemporary audience studies, revealing work being done on local, non-theatrical and live digital transmission audiences, and on the relative attraction of large-scale, domestic and mobile platforms."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christie ,Ian"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=433954"], ["title", "Audiences : Defining and Researching Screen Entertainment Reception"], ["doab_id", "15221"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643629"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643629"]], [["description", "Perceptual processes mediating recognition, including the recognition of objects and spoken words, is inherently multisensory. This is true in spite of the fact that sensory inputs are segregated in early stages of neuro-sensory encoding. In face-to-face communication, for example, auditory information is processed in the cochlea, encoded in auditory sensory nerve, and processed in lower cortical areas. Eventually, these \"sounds\" are processed in higher cortical pathways such as the auditory cortex where it is perceived as speech. Likewise, visual information obtained from observing a talker\u2019s articulators is encoded in lower visual pathways. Subsequently, this information undergoes processing in the visual cortex prior to the extraction of articulatory gestures in higher cortical areas associated with speech and language. As language perception unfolds, information garnered from visual articulators interacts with language processing in multiple brain regions. This occurs via visual projections to auditory, language, and multisensory brain regions. The association of auditory and visual speech signals makes the speech signal a highly \"configural\" percept. An important direction for the field is thus to provide ways to measure the extent to which visual speech information influences auditory processing, and likewise, assess how the unisensory components of the signal combine to form a configural/integrated percept. Numerous behavioral measures such as accuracy (e.g., percent correct, susceptibility to the \u201cMcGurk Effect\u201d) and reaction time (RT) have been employed to assess multisensory integration ability in speech perception. On the other hand, neural based measures such as fMRI, EEG and MEG have been employed to examine the locus and or time-course of integration. The purpose of this Research Topic is to find converging behavioral and neural based assessments of audiovisual integration in speech perception. A further aim is to investigate speech recognition ability in normal hearing, hearing-impaired, and aging populations. As such, the purpose is to obtain neural measures from EEG as well as fMRI that shed light on the neural bases of multisensory processes, while connecting them to model based measures of reaction time and accuracy in the behavioral domain. In doing so, we endeavor to gain a more thorough description of the neural bases and mechanisms underlying integration in higher order processes such as speech and language recognition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicholas Altieri"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Audiovisual integration", "Models of Integration", "imaging", "Integration Efficiency", "Audiovisual speech and aging", "Multisensory language development", "Visual prediction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1120/audiovisual-speech-recognition-correspondence-between-brain-and-behavior"], ["title", "Audiovisual Speech Recognition: Correspondence between Brain and Behavior"], ["doab_id", "17662"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192519"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192519"]], [["description", "Electricity generation from renewable sources of energy has had a long history in Germany and is highly topical. This paper deals with both aspects. A sociological analysis of technology shows how innovative technologies gradually emerged from the Utopian vision of 'velvet' energies, which became the basis of the rapidly growing regenerative electricity production. The second aspect of the paper is an analysis of the growing potential - as well as possible obstacles - of regenerative energies. The expansion of energy production from renewable sources and the tendency towards the concentration of such installations (e.g. large wind farms or solar parks) is increasingly met with opposition from the public. In addition, it is felt that considerable changes in the energy sector can only be successful if its promoters become more active.

Die Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland hat sowohl eine Jahrzehnte lange Geschichte als auch hohe Aktualit\u00e4t. Die vorliegende Untersuchung greift beide Aspekte auf. Zum einen wird im Rahmen einer soziologischen Technikanalyse herausgearbeitet, wie aus der utopischen Vision \u201esanfter\u201c Energien allm\u00e4hlich sich verfestigende und politisch gef\u00f6rderte Innovations- und Technikpfade hervorgingen und zur Grundlage des gegenw\u00e4rtig rapide wachsenden regenerativen Stromsektors wurden. Zum anderen liegt der Schwerpunkt der Studie auf der Analyse aktueller Entwicklungspotenziale der erneuerbaren Energien sowie m\u00f6glicher Hemmnisse und ambivalenter Folgen ihrer Expansion. So f\u00fchren die zunehmende Verbreitung regenerativer Stromproduktion sowie die Tendenz zur Zentralisierung bestimmter Erzeugungstechniken (zum Beispiel gro\u00dfe Wind- oder Solarparks) nicht selten zu Widerst\u00e4nden in der Bev\u00f6lkerung sowie zu Kontroversen innerhalb des \u00f6kologischen Lagers. Dar\u00fcber hinaus zeichnet sich ab, dass der durch die Expansion der erneuerbaren Energien eingeleitete Transformationsprozess des deutschen Stromsektors nur dann erfolgreich weitergef\u00fchrt werden kann, wenn die Akteure der Regenerativbranche mehr als bisher aktiv zur Netz- und Systemeinbindung erneuerbarer Stromquellen beitragen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mautz, R\u00fcdiger; Byzio, Andreas; Rosenbaum, Wolf"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["renewable energy", "environmental policy", "energy industry", "renewable energy", "environmental policy", "energy industry"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610261"], ["title", "Auf dem Weg zur Energiewende - die Entwicklung der Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland ; eine Studie aus dem Soziologischen Forschungsinstitut G\u00f6ttingen (SOFI)"], ["doab_id", "13110"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616987"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616987"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wittek, Thomas"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/229839"], ["title", "Auf ewig Feind? Das Deutschlandbild in den britischen Massenmedien nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg"], ["doab_id", "18137"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707663", "9783486578461"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707663, 9783486578461"]], [["description", "The book \u201cModern classrooms. New perspectives on the reform of secondary education at the time of the JAE\u201d aims to provide a renewed focus on the development of secondary education in Spanish society of the first third of the 20th century, focusing attention on reforms and innovations promoted by the Junta para Ampliaci\u00f3n de Estudios e Investigaciones cient\u00edficas (Board for Advanced Studies and Scientific Research) to improve the quality of that education level. The nine contributions in the work offer new knowledge about two important aspects of these reforms and innovations. On the one hand, new information about the renewing work of a large group of professors who introduced innovations in teaching practice of subjects such as natural history, geography, psychology, and language and literature. On the other hand, several case studies are presented to publicize the considerable effort made by the Spanish Second Republic to improve the quality of secondary education and increase decisively schooling rates by opening their classrooms to the women. In this multifaceted work have come together historians of science and education with the aim of helping better understand the Spanish public educational system and the history of their secondary education, which for too long has been the \"poor cousin\" of the historical-educational research. = El libro Aulas modernas. Nuevas perspectivas sobre las reformas de la ense\u00f1anza secundaria en la \u00e9poca de la JAE pretende ofrecer un renovado enfoque sobre el desarrollo de la ense\u00f1anza secundaria en la sociedad espa\u00f1ola del primer tercio del siglo XX, concentrando su atenci\u00f3n en las reformas e innovaciones promovidas por la Junta para Ampliaci\u00f3n de Estudios e Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas para mejorar la calidad de ese nivel educativo. Las nueve contribuciones de la obra aportan nuevos conocimientos sobre dos aspectos significativos de esas reformas e innovaciones. Por una parte se ofrece relevante informaci\u00f3n sobre la labor de un amplio grupo de profesores que introdujeron innovaciones en la pr\u00e1ctica docente de asignaturas como las ciencias naturales, la geograf\u00eda, la psicolog\u00eda, y la lengua y literatura. Por otro lado se presentan diversos an\u00e1lisis de casos para dar a conocer el considerable esfuerzo efectuado por la Segunda Rep\u00fablica para elevar la calidad de la ense\u00f1anza secundaria e incrementar las tasas de escolarizaci\u00f3n abriendo sus aulas a las mujeres de manera decidida. Esta obra poli\u00e9drica, donde han confluido historiadores de la ciencia y de la educaci\u00f3n, pretende por tanto ayudar a conocer mejor el sistema educativo p\u00fablico espa\u00f1ol y la historia de su educaci\u00f3n secundaria que durante largo tiempo ha sido el \u201cpariente pobre\u201d de la investigaci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rico-educativa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arag\u00f3n Albillos, Santiago; Araque Hontangas, Natividad; Casado de Otaola, Santos; Fern\u00e1ndez Burgue\u00f1o, Vicente Jos\u00e9; Gonz\u00e1lez Garc\u00eda, Juana Mar\u00eda; Guijarro Mora, V\u00edctor; Herrero S\u00e1enz, Rebeca; L\u00f3pez-Oc\u00f3n Cabrera, Leoncio; Pedrazuela Fuentes, Mario"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Historia de Espa\u00f1a contempor\u00e1nea", "Historia de la educaci\u00f3n secundaria", "Institutos", "JAE", "Profesores", "Ense\u00f1anza de las ciencias y de las humanidades", "History of contemporary Spain", "History of secondary education", "High-schools", "Teachers", "Teaching science and humanities", "Junta para Ampliaci\u00f3n de Estudios e Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19883/aulas_lopez_HU36_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Aulas modernas: Nuevas perspectivas sobre las reformas de la ense\u00f1anza secundaria en la \u00e9poca de la JAE (1907-1939)"], ["doab_id", "16642"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490852613"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", " 9788490852613"]], [["description", "The advent of industrial regulation by tribunal came close to the turn of the century. Wages boards began in Victoria in 1896 and courts of arbitration in 1900.The first day of the new century was also the first day of the Commonwealth of Australia, endowed with a Parliament that was empowered to institute its chosen models of conciliation and arbitration for the prevention and settlement of interstate industrial disputes.This book is a study of the operation of conciliation and arbitration, especially by the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, from the inception of the system until World War II. It is not, however, a general history of conciliation and arbitration.It does not, for example, deal with the successes and failures of the tribunals in preventing strikes and lockouts; or with the manifold legal issues to which the system gave rise, unless they affected significantly the tribunals\u2019 exercise of their power to fix wages and conditions.Rather, it is about fixing the terms of employment; and it attempts to set the tribunals\u2019 performance in an economic context. It is about \u2018wage policy\u2019, if the term is interpreted broadly enough to include both prescribed wages and other factors that affect the cost of labour, including working hours and leave."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hancock ,Keith"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["keith hancock", "wage policy", "basic wage", "harvester case", "depression", "wage regulation", "wage critique", "basic wage"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560090"], ["title", "Australian Wage Policy: Infancy and Adolescence"], ["doab_id", "15415"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064462"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064462"]], [["description", "The proceedings published here relate to a conference that was proposed to focus on a decisive aspect of cataloguing. Authority control is the process that ensures the formal uniformity of the options selected for access: author, title, institution, subject. Authority control is an operation that integrates the catalogue architecture, contributing to achieve its objectives by addressing the quality of the registration indices. In addition to offering an opportunity for exchange between the leading world experts in the sector, the conference was also designed to make a contribution to the debate on the review of the national cataloguing codes and their possible harmonisation.

Il convegno di cui si pubblicano gli Atti si \u00e8 proposto quale momento di riflessione su un aspetto decisivo della catalogazione. L'authority control \u00e8 il processo per assicurare l'omogeneit\u00e0 formale di ciascuna voce scelta come accesso: autore, titolo, ente, soggetto. L'authority control \u00e8 un'operazione integrante l'architettura del catalogo, contribuisce a realizzare i suoi obiettivi curando la qualit\u00e0 degli indici delle registrazioni. Oltre ad essere un'occasione di confronto teorico tra i maggiori esperti mondiali del settore, il convegno ha voluto anche apportare un contributo al dibattito sulla revisione dei codici di catalogazione nazionali e sulla loro possibile armonizzazione."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guerrini, Mauro; Tillet, Barbara B."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Inventories", "Libraries", "Conference proceedings", "Inventari", "Biblioteche pubbliche", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356365"], ["title", "Authority control"], ["doab_id", "13159"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884531100", "9788884531117"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531101 888453111X"]], [["description", "This Research Topic covers the pathogenetic processes in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that underpin the translation of genetic vulnerability to clinically significant symptoms. Available research data in ASD suggests that it is a neural connectivity disorder and that the social communication and related neurobehavioural symptoms result from reduced synchronization between key \"social brain\" regions. These interconnected neural systems can be understood through the relationship between functionally relevant anatomic areas and neurochemical pathways, the programming of which are genetically modulated during neurodevelopment and mediated through a range of epigenetic and environmental modulators. Elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms can provide an invaluable window for understanding the neural wiring that regulates higher brain functions and consequent clinical phenotypes. In keeping with the multi modal and diverse origins of ASD, this Research Topic explores the genetic underpinnings and environmental modulation in the aetiology; neural substrates, biomarkers and endophenotypes that underlie clinical characteristics; as well as neurochemical pathways and pathophysiological mechanisms that pave the way for therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, since genetically mediated deficits and consequent functional impairments involve activity-dependent synapse development that depends on postnatal learning and experience, the trajectory towards the final clinical expression could be modulated by early interventions that exploit the neuronal maturation and brain plasticity. However, identifying these diverse pathogenetic processes and tailoring interventions would require subtyping ASD into homogeneous subgroups. In this regard, this topic covers the current state of evidence in the literature through topic reviews as well as ongoing original work that provides tangible hypotheses and directions for future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valsamma Eapen; Andrew J. Whitehouse; Charles Claudianos; Rudi Crncec"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Autism Spectrum Disorder", "genotypes", "phenotypes", "neurodevelopment", "Early Intervention", "Neuroimaging", "Genetic Heterogeneity", "immune response", "subtypes", "brain plasticity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1093/autism-spectrum-disorders-from-genotypes-to-phenotypes"], ["title", "Autism Spectrum Disorders: From genotypes to phenotypes"], ["doab_id", "18810"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196807"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196807"]], [["description", "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is portrayed as cognitive and social disorders. Undoubtedly, impairments in communication and restricted-repetitive behaviors that now define the disorders have a profound impact on social interactions. But can we go beyond the descriptive, observational nature of this definition and objectively measure that amalgamate of motions and sensations that we call behavior?In this Research Topic we bring movement and its sensation to the forefront of autism research, diagnosis, and treatment. We gather researchers across disciplines with the unifying goal of recognizing movement and sensory disturbances as core symptoms of the disorder. We also hear confirmation from the perspective of autism self-advocates and parents. Those important sources of evidence along with the research presented in this topic demonstrate without a doubt that profound movement and sensory differences do exist in ASD and that they are quantifiable.The work presented in this Research Topic shows us that quantifiable differences in movements have a better chance than current observational techniques to help us uncover subtle solutions that the nervous system with autism has already spontaneously self-discovered and utilized in daily living. Where the naked eye would miss the unique subtleties that help each individual cope, instrumentation and fine kinematic analyses of motions help us uncover inherent capacities and predispositions of the person with autism. The work presented in this topic helps us better articulate through the voices of parents and self-advocates those sensory motor differences that current inventories could not possibly uncover. These differences are seldom perceived as they take place at timescales and frequencies that fall largely beneath our conscious awareness. To the person in the spectrum living with this disorder and to the caregiver creating accommodations to help the affected loved one, these subtleties are very familiar though. Indeed they are often used in clever ways to facilitate daily routines. We have waited much too long in science to listen to the very people that we are trying to define, understand and help.Being autism a social problem by definition, it is remarkable that not a single diagnosis inventory measures the dyadic social interaction that takes place between the examiner and the examinees. Indeed we have conceived the autistic person within a social context where we are incapable - by definition - of accepting those differences. The burden is rather placed on the affected person to whom much too often we refer to in the third person as \u201cnon-verbal, without intentionality, without empathy or emotions, without a theory of mind\u201d, among other purely psychological guesses. It is then too easy and shockingly allowed to \u201creshape\u201d that person, to mold that person to better conform to our social expectations and to extinguish \u201cbehaviors\u201d that are socially unacceptable, even through the use of aversive punishing reinforcement techniques if need be. And yet none of those techniques have had a single shred of objective scientific evidence of their effectiveness. We have not objectively measured once, nor have we physiologically characterized once any of those perceived features that we so often use to observationally define what we may think the autistic phenotype may be. We have not properly quantified, beyond paper-and-pencil methods, the effectiveness of interventions in autism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth B Torres; Anne M Donnellan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["autism", "sensory motor", "Movement Disorders", "outcome measures"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/801/autism-the-movement-perspective"], ["title", "Autism: The Movement Perspective"], ["doab_id", "17744"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195091"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195091"]], [["description", "The transformations of our society place the onus on the teaching professions to acquire new skills to enable them to respond to the needs of a complex reality in constant evolution. This is why the Degree Course for Professional Educator has gone through ongoing radical changes over recent years, designed to synthesise the theoretical and practical dimensions. This book is aimed at recording such changes in the attempt to provide a snapshot of the youth universe through the discussion of data emerging from a questionnaire, and the analysis of various scholastic autobiographies written by the students themselves. The objective of the publication is to understand the backgrounds of our students, what are their relations with the school and with the teachers, what expectations they have in relation to the academic world and their future in professional and personal terms. The book is therefore aimed at secondary school teachers, at University teachers and at the educators themselves, as well as at all those who are engaged with young people and adolescence in various capacities.

Le trasformazioni della nostra societ\u00e0 pongono le professioni educative di fronte all'esigenza di acquisire nuove competenze che permettano di rispondere ai bisogni di una realt\u00e0 complessa e in costante evoluzione. Per tale ragione il Corso di Laurea in Educatore Professionale in questi ultimi anni ha cambiato e sta cambiando volto, nell'intento di unire armonicamente in s\u00e9 dimensione teorica e pratica. Il volume cerca appunto di dar conto di tali cambiamenti nel tentativo di fornire una fotografia di questo universo giovanile tramite la discussione dei dati emersi da un questionario e l'analisi di alcune autobiografie scolastiche scritte dagli studenti stessi. Obiettivo della pubblicazione: capire quale sia la realt\u00e0 dalla quale i nostri iscritti provengono, quale il loro rapporto con la scuola e con i docenti, quali aspettative nutrano nei confronti del mondo accademico e del proprio futuro lavorativo e personale. Il testo si rivolge, dunque, agli insegnanti della scuola secondaria, ai docenti universitari, agli educatori stessi, nonch\u00e9 a tutti coloro che in veste diversa si occupano di adolescenza e di et\u00e0 giovanile."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Catarsi, Enzo"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Pedagogy", "Formation", "School", "University", "Pedagogia", "Formazione", "Scuola", "Universit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356352"], ["title", "Autobiografie scolastiche e scelta universitaria"], ["doab_id", "13141"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534491", "9788884534507"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534496 888453450X"]], [["description", "\u00abCaro amico, ti scrivo questa lettera di mia mano\u00bb: cos\u00ec affermano gli autori medievali le cui testimonianze sono qui raccolte e analizzate. In un mondo in cui la maggioranza degli intellettuali non scriveva di proprio pugno ma componeva dettando a un segretario, l\u2019ambito epistolare rappresenta uno dei contesti in cui la pratica dell\u2019autografia e la sua rinnovata valorizzazione si svilupparono, anticipando la loro diffusione in et\u00e0 moderna."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Micol Long"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Long_web.pdf"], ["title", "Autografia ed Epistolografia tra XI e XIII Secolo"], ["doab_id", "17308"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867052585"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052585"]], [["description", "Ist das voll automatisierte, autonom fahrende Auto zum Greifen nah? Testfahrzeuge und Zulassungen in den USA erwecken diesen Eindruck, werfen aber gleichzeitig viele neue Fragestellungen auf. Wie werden autonome Fahrzeuge in das aktuelle Verkehrssystem integriert? Wie erfolgt ihre rechtliche Einbettung? Welche Risiken bestehen und wie wird mit diesen umgegangen? Und welche Akzeptanz seitens der Gesellschaft sowie des Marktes kann hinsichtlich dieser Entwicklungen \u00fcberhaupt erwartet werden?Das vorliegende Buch gibt Antworten auf ein breites Spektrum dieser und weiterer Fragen. Expertinnen und Experten aus Deutschland und den USA beschreiben aus ingenieur- und gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht zentrale Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Automatisierung von Fahrzeugen im \u00f6ffentlichen Stra\u00dfenverkehr. Sie zeigen auf, welche \u201eEntscheidungen\u201c einem autonomen Fahrzeug abverlangt werden beziehungsweise welche \u201eEthik\u201c programmiert werden muss. Die Autorinnen und Autoren diskutieren Erwartungen und Bedenken, die die individuelle wie auch die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz des autonomen Fahrens kennzeichnen. Ein durch autonome Fahrzeuge erh\u00f6htes Sicherheitspotenzial wird den Herausforderungen und L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tzen, die bei der Absicherung des Sicherheitskonzeptes eine Rolle spielen, gegen\u00fcbergestellt. Zudem erl\u00e4utern sie, welche Ver\u00e4nderungsm\u00f6glichkeiten und Chancen sich f\u00fcr unsere Mobilit\u00e4t und die Neuorganisation des Verkehrsgeschehens ergeben, nicht zuletzt auch f\u00fcr den G\u00fcterverkehr. Das Buch bietet somit eine aktuelle, umfassende und wissenschaftlich fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema \u201eAutonomes Fahren\u201c."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Markus Maurer; J. Christian Gerdes; Barbara Lenz; Hermann Winner"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["technology", " engineering", " automation", " robotics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-45854-9"], ["title", "Autonomes Fahren: Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte"], ["doab_id", "18942"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783662458532", "9783662458549"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783662458532 (Print) 9783662458549 (Online)"]], [["description", "El modelo de universidad dise\u00f1ado en la primera mitad del siglo XIX se ajustaba a criterios de centralidad: era un instrumento al servicio del Estado, y estaba controlado y sostenido \u00edntegramente por \u00e9ste. Las universidades carec\u00edan de recursos propios y era patente el desinter\u00e9s general del Estado por el \u00e1mbito de la cultura. Esta situaci\u00f3n prolongada en el tiempo llev\u00f3 a una esclerotizaci\u00f3n de las universidades espa\u00f1olas a finales del siglo XIX. Entre los diversos intentos de regenerar el pa\u00eds, se pens\u00f3 que las universidades deb\u00edan convertirse en instrumentos \u00f3ptimos de renovaci\u00f3n cultural y de modernizaci\u00f3n de Espa\u00f1a. Por ello, frente al r\u00edgido centralismo que reg\u00eda buena parte del gobierno de la Administraci\u00f3n, se promovieron distintas formas de autonom\u00eda que permitieran una m\u00e1s din\u00e1mica gesti\u00f3n de lo p\u00fablico. Se habl\u00f3 mucho de autonom\u00eda pol\u00edtica y, en el \u00e1mbito de las universidades, se promovi\u00f3 la b\u00fasqueda de la autonom\u00eda universitaria. Entre los numerosos intentos de lograrla, este libro estudia el m\u00e1s ambicioso de todos: la conocida como Reforma Sili\u00f3, emprendida por el ministro de Instrucci\u00f3n P\u00fablica y Bellas Artes C\u00e9sar Sili\u00f3, entre 1919 y 1922. El autor estudia la situaci\u00f3n de la universidad espa\u00f1ola en 1919, la gestaci\u00f3n de aquella reforma y su acogida en la Universidad Central; los trabajos preparatorios de la comisi\u00f3n del estatuto y m\u00e1s tarde los del claustro, que sirvieron para preparar el primer estatuto de autonom\u00eda de la Universidad; y, m\u00e1s adelante, el desarrollo legislativo de la reforma y la aprobaci\u00f3n de los estatutos en la segunda etapa del ministerio de Sili\u00f3. A partir de abundante documentaci\u00f3n de archivo de aquella Universidad, se estudian todos los pasos que se dieron en la Universidad Central para constituirla en universidad aut\u00f3noma. Y la obra concluye con el estudio de la suspensi\u00f3n de aquella autonom\u00eda, decidida por el ministro de Instrucci\u00f3n P\u00fablica Tom\u00e1s Montejo. En un ap\u00e9ndice documental se recoge una valiosa relaci\u00f3n de documentos relacionados con la Reforma Sili\u00f3 y con su intento de implantaci\u00f3n en la Universidad Central."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puyol Montero, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Autonom\u00eda universitaria", "Madrid", "R\u00e9gimen jur\u00eddico", "University autonomy", "Legal regime"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12289/BIAN-27.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "La autonom\u00eda universitaria en Madrid (1919-1922). Estudio hist\u00f3rico-jur\u00eddico"], ["doab_id", "16150"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499829272"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499829272"]], [["description", "Los a\u00f1os que transcurren entre 1900 y 1922 definen la par\u00e1bola de la cuesti\u00f3n de la autonom\u00eda en la universidad espa\u00f1ola. Una primera realidad fue la creaci\u00f3n en 1900 del ministerio de instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica y la elaboraci\u00f3n por su ministro Garc\u00eda Alix de un decreto de autonom\u00eda universitaria. Sin embargo el camino de \u00e9sta no iba a ser f\u00e1cil, su sucesor el conde de Romanones hizo malograr la reforma. A pesar de ello los partidarios del cambio no perdieron la esperanza y en las asambleas de catedr\u00e1ticos de 1902 y 1905 continuaron reclamando la tan ansiada autonom\u00eda. Finalmente fue Sili\u00f3 en 1919 quien consigui\u00f3 incoar una ef\u00edmera experiencia de autonom\u00eda. Daniel Comas cuenta todo esto desde la atalaya de la Universidad de Valencia, una instituci\u00f3n que durante esos a\u00f1os se encontr\u00f3 en la vanguardia de la reforma. Para ello ha rastreado la prensa local, el archivo universitario, las publicaciones de la universidad\u2026 y de esa manera ha reproducido c\u00f3mo se vivi\u00f3 la cuesti\u00f3n de la autonom\u00eda en esa ciudad. Fue un enfrentamiento entre distintas ideolog\u00edas \u2014conservadores y liberales, mon\u00e1rquicos y republicanos\u2014 que se desarroll\u00f3 en los distintos cuerpos de la universidad \u2014estudiantes y profesores\u2014 y que en ocasiones consigui\u00f3 cruzar el umbral del recinto universitario para interesar a otros actores de la sociedad. En este entramado afloran la alternativa de Giner, las asambleas de catedr\u00e1ticos, los movimientos de estudiantes, etc."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Comas Caraballo, Daniel"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Autonom\u00eda universitaria", "History", "University autonomy", "Universidad de Valencia", "University of Valencia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7878/05_autonomia_y_reformas.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Autonom\u00eda y reformas en la Universidad de Valencia (1900-1922)"], ["doab_id", "16165"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481558210"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481558214"]], [["description", "This book is an ethnographic study of the internal dynamics of a subcultural community that defines itself as a social movement. While the majority of scholarly studies on this movement focus on its official face, on its front stage, this book concerns itself with the ideological and practical paradoxes at work within the micro-social dynamics of the backstage, an area that has so far been neglected in social movement studies. The central question is how hierarchy and authority function in a social movement subculture that disavows such concepts. The squatters\u2019 movement, which defines itself primarily as anti-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian, is profoundly structured by the unresolved and perpetual contradiction between both public disavowal and simultaneous maintenance of hierarchy and authority within the movement. This study analyzes how this contradiction is then reproduced in different micro-social interactions, examining the methods by which people negotiate minute details of their daily lives as squatter activists in the face of a funhouse mirror of ideological expectations reflecting values from within the squatter community, that, in turn, often refract mainstream, middle class norms."], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Kadir ,Nazima"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["anthropology", "ethnography", "participant observation", "squatters movement", "radical left"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/view?docId=608061.xhtml"], ["title", "The autonomous life?: Paradoxes of hierarchy and authority in the squatters movement in Amsterdam"], ["doab_id", "19034"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781784997564"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781784997564"]], [["description", "Autophagy (also known as macroautophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved process by which cytoplasmic components are nonselectively enclosed within a double-membrane vesicle known as the autophagosome and delivered to the vacuole for degradation of toxic components and recycling of needed nutrients. This catabolic process is required for the adequate adaptation and response of the cell, and correspondingly the whole organism, to different types of stress including nutrient starvation or oxidative damage. Autophagy has been extensively investigated in yeasts and mammals but the identification of autophagy-related (ATG) genes in plant and algal genomes together with the characterization of autophagy-deficient mutants in plants have revealed that this process is structurally and functionally conserved in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Recent studies have demonstrated that autophagy is active at a basal level under normal growth in plants and is upregulated during senescence and in response to nutrient limitation, oxidative stress, salt and drought conditions and pathogen attack. Autophagy was initially considered as a non-selective pathway, but numerous observations mainly obtained in yeasts revealed that autophagy can also selectively eliminate specific proteins, protein complexes and organelles. Interestingly, several types of selective autophagy appear to be also conserved in plants, and the degradation of protein aggregates through specific adaptors or the delivery of chloroplast material to the vacuole via autophagy has been reported. This research topic aims to gather recent progress on different aspects of autophagy in plants and algae. We welcome all types of articles including original research, methods, opinions and reviews that provide new insights about the autophagy process and its regulation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diane C. Bassham; Jose L. Crespo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["selective autophagy", "Lipid degradation", "Plants", "algae", "pexophagy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1638/autophagy-in-plants-and-algae"], ["title", "Autophagy in plants and algae"], ["doab_id", "18728"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194773"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194773"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cornette, Bruno; Lebailly, Philippe"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/e-book/2870160518.pdf"], ["title", "L'autruche. Elevage et rentabilit\u00e9"], ["doab_id", "16452"], ["language_unmapped", "Fr"], ["isbns", ["9782870160510"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "2870160518"]], [["description", "O livro \u00e9 uma colet\u00e2nea de artigos produzidos nos dois \u00faltimos anos pelo Grupo de Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o da FACED. S\u00e3o 11 artigos produzidos por 16 autores, imprimindo um car\u00e1ter multidisciplinar e interdisciplinar ao conjunto da obra."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ten\u00f3rio, Robinson Moreira; Vieira, Marcos Ant\u00f4nio"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3q"], ["title", "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o e sociedade: a negocia\u00e7\u00e3o como caminho"], ["doab_id", "16839"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209346"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209346"]], [["description", "A avalia\u00e7\u00e3o do contexto da institui\u00e7\u00e3o educacional pode ser vista de v\u00e1rios \u00e2ngulos, desde o ponto de vista estritamente did\u00e1tico e das estrat\u00e9gias de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o da aprendizagem escolar at\u00e9 quest\u00f5es epistemol\u00f3gicas, sociais e pol\u00edticas que est\u00e3o implicadas na institui\u00e7\u00e3o educacional e em outras institui\u00e7\u00f5es que envolvem rela\u00e7\u00f5es de saber-poder. Esse livro expressa um expl\u00edcito compromisso com a qualidade e democratiza\u00e7\u00e3o da educa\u00e7\u00e3o e praticando um di\u00e1logo que envolve muitas vozes. Esse compromisso ser\u00e1 compartilhado com o leitor, especialista ou n\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lord\u00ealo, Jos\u00e9 Albertino Carvalho; Dazzani, Maria Virg\u00ednia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wd"], ["title", "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o educacional: desatando e reatando n\u00f3s"], ["doab_id", "17250"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209315"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209315"]], [["description", "Emerge da convic\u00e7\u00e3o sobre a efetividade poss\u00edvel das a\u00e7\u00f5es program\u00e1ticas para evitar ou reduzir o sofrimento causado pelos problemas de sa\u00fade. Re\u00fane especialistas brasileiros e canadenses para discutir conceitos e m\u00e9todos da avalia\u00e7\u00e3o na sa\u00fade, valendo-se, como exemplo, de desenho metodol\u00f3gico na implanta\u00e7\u00e3o de um programa em sistemas locais de sa\u00fade no Nordeste brasileiro. Com texto fluente e atual, a colet\u00e2nea incita a transpor a \"tradi\u00e7\u00e3o\" do planejamento, diferenciando conceitos de avalia\u00e7\u00e3o normativa e pesquisa avaliativa, para favorecer o conhecimento das pr\u00e1ticas em sa\u00fade na pesquisa-a\u00e7\u00e3o sobre servi\u00e7os."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hartz, Zulmira Maria de Ara\u00fajo"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Sistema locais de sa\u00fade-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e administra\u00e7\u00e3o, Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de a\u00e7\u00f5es de sa\u00fade p\u00fablica (processo e resultado), Planos e programas de sa\u00fade, sa\u00fade materno-infantil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3zcft"], ["title", "Avalia\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade: dos modelos conceituais \u00e0 pr\u00e1tica na an\u00e1lise da implanta\u00e7\u00e3o de programas "], ["doab_id", "16358"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414033"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414033"]], [["description", "Este documento apresenta as diretrizes do programa de governo com as quais se compromete o presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, se reeleito para um novo mandato. S\u00e3o diretrizes e metas ao mesmo tempo consistentes e ambiciosas. Consistentes porque se baseiam numa vis\u00e3o realista das possibilidades do pa\u00eds. Ambiciosas porque apontam para uma virada hist\u00f3rica no desenvolvimento da sociedade brasileira. [trecho retirado do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cardoso, Fernando Henrique"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/62rp6"], ["title", "Avan\u00e7a, Brasil: proposta de Governo"], ["doab_id", "16651"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662687"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662687"]], [["description", "Avant et Apr\u00e8s La Prostatectomie Radicale is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada. Aimed at men with concerns about prostate surgery and their partners, this invaluable guide includes chapters on preparing for prostate surgery, the surgery itself, recovery in hospital and at home, a list of recommended resources, and special sections to record personal notes and important contact information."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Virginia Vandall-Walker; Katherine Moore; Diane Pyne"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["prostate surgery", "mens health"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120156"], ["title", "Avant et Apr\u00e8s La Prostatectomie Radicale: Guide d'information et de Ressources"], ["doab_id", "14425"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781897425626", "9781897425633"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425626 9781897425633"]], [["description", "What can Roger Rabbit tell us about the Second Gulf War? What can a woman married to the Berlin Wall tell us about posthumanism and inter-subjectivity? What can DJ Shadow tell us about the end of history? What can our local bus route tell us about the fortification of the West? What can Reality TV tell us about the crisis of contemporary community? And what can unauthorized pictures of Osama Bin Laden tell us about new methods of popular propaganda? These are only some of the thought-provoking questions raised in this lively and erudite collection of inter-related essays on the postmillennial mediascape. Students and teachers of visual culture, critical theory, cultural studies, film theory, and new media, will find a wealth of ideas and insights in this fresh approach to the electronic environment. Avoiding the Subject argues for a new sensitivity and empathy towards objects (including, and especially, human objects - such as refugees, \"enemy combatants,\" collateral damage, etc.). Whether the focus be on the specifically postcolonial trauma of Australian detention centers, or the viral mutations of propaganda in the age of the internet, each chapter attempts to \"avoid the subject\" in order to escape the egocentric confines of our own subjective perspectives.

Wat vertelt Roger Rabbit ons over de Tweede Golfoorlog? Wat vertelt DJ Shadow ons over het einde der tijden? Wat kan onze lokale busroute ons vertellen over de verovering van het Wilde Westen? Produceert reality tv een nieuw soort gemeenschap of toont Big Brother ons slechts een nieuwe vorm van samenleven? En wat vertellen ongeautoriseerde foto's van Bin Laden ons over de nieuwe methodes van de populaire propaganda? Deze en andere vragen komen aan de orde in deze collectie essays over het medialandschap in het post-millennium en haar objecten. Avoiding the Subject analyseert onze hedendaagse cultuur die zich langzamer ontwikkelt dan de technologie en waardoor 'the world turns to film', zoals Deleuze dit passend heeft verwoord."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Clemens ,Justin; Pettman ,Dominic"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340214"], ["title", "Avoiding the Subject : Media, Culture and the Object"], ["doab_id", "12897"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567166"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567166"]], [["description", "We intuitively believe that we are aware of the external world as it is. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. In fact, the capacity of our sensory system is too small to veridically perceive the world. To overcome this problem, the sensory system has to spatiotemporally integrate neural signals in order to interpret the external world. However, the spatiotemporal integration involves severe neural latencies. How does the sensory system keep up with the ever-changing external world? As later discussed, \u2018prediction\u2019 and \u2018postdiction\u2019 are essential keywords here. For example, the sensory system uses temporally preceding events to predict subsequent events (e.g., Nijhawan, 1994; Kerzel, 2003; Hubbard, 2005) even when the preceding event is subliminally presented (Schmidt, 2000). Moreover, internal prediction modulates the perception of action outcomes (Bays et al., 2005; Cardoso-Leite et al., 2010) and sense of agency (Wenke et al., 2010). Prediction is also an indispensable factor for movement planning and control (Kawato, 1999). On the other hand, the sensory system also makes use of subsequent events to postdictively interpret a preceding event (e.g. Eagleman & Sejnowski, 2000; Enns, 2002; Khuu et al., 2010; Kawabe, 2011, 2012; Miyazaki et al., 2010; Ono & Kitazawa, 2011) and it's much the same even for infancy (Newman et al., 2008). Moreover, it has also been proposed that sense of agency stems not only from predictive processing but also from postdictive inference (Ebert & Wegner, 2011). The existence of postdictive processing is also supported by several neuroscience studies (Kamitani & Shimojo, 1999; Lau et al., 2007). How prediction and postdiction shape awareness of the external world is an intriguing question. Prediction is involved with the encoding of incoming signals, whereas postdiction is related to a re-interpretation of already encoded signals. Given this perspective, prediction and postdiction may exist along a processing stream for a single external event. However, it is unclear whether, and if so how, prediction and postdiction interact with each other to shape awareness of the external world. Awareness of the external world may also shape prediction and/or postdiction. It is plausible that awareness of the external world drives the prediction and postdiction of future and past appearances of the world. However, the literature provides little information about the role of awareness of the external world in prediction and postdiction. This background propelled us to propose this research topic with the aim of offering a space for systematic discussion concerning the relationship between awareness, prediction and postdiction among researchers in broad research areas, such as psychology, psychophysics, neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy, and so forth. We encouraged papers that address one or more of the following questions: 1) How does prediction shape awareness of the external world? 2) How does postdiction shape awareness of the external world? 3) How do prediction and postdiction interact with each other in shaping awareness of the external world? 4) How does awareness of the external world shape prediction/postdiction?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yuki Yamada; Takahiro Kawabe; Makoto Miyazaki"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Consciousness", "Awareness", "prediction", "Postdiction", "Vision", "audition", "Touch", "motor control", "action", "Motion Perception"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/870/awareness-shaping-or-shaped-by-prediction-and-postdiction"], ["title", "Awareness shaping or shaped by prediction and postdiction"], ["doab_id", "17828"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195329"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195329"]], [["description", "Isaak Babel (1894\u20131940) is arguably one of the greatest modern short story writers of the early twentieth century. Yet his life and work are shrouded in the mystery of who Babel was\u2014an Odessa Jew who wrote in Russian, who came from one of the most vibrant centers of east European Jewish culture and all his life loved Yiddish and the stories of Sholom Aleichem.This is the first book in English to study the intertextuality of Babel\u2019s work. It looks at Babel\u2019s cultural identity as a case study in the contradictions and tensions of literary influence, personal loyalties, and ideological constraint. The complex and often ambivalent relations between the two cultures inevitably raise controversial issues that touch on the reception of Babel and other Jewish intellectuals in Russian literature, as well as the \u201cJewishness\u201d of their work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Efraim Sicher"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/579b7468f7e0ab143ff04b05/1469805684144/Babel+in+Context.pdf"], ["title", "Babel' in Context: A Study in Cultural Identity"], ["doab_id", "19386"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781936235957"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781936235957 "]], [["description", "In this collection of interdisciplinary papers, for the first time well-known scholars of Ancient Near Eastern Studies discuss Babylon from the point of view of the \"\"culture of knowledge\"\". The volume is the result of a conference that took place on the occasion of the exhibition Babylon ? Truth and Myth in Berlin. For the contemporary cultures of the Ancient World, Babylon was the epitome of learned scholarship. Yet in the processes of transformation of Late and post-Antiquity, to the same extent to which this culture of knowledge was forgotten after the collapse of the old oriental empires, Babylon became symbolic for the occult, for magic and esoteric knowledge. As the first joint pilot project by Topoi and the publisher De Gruyter for the simultaneous publication in print and open access, this volume will, on publication, also be available via www.reference-global.de as an eBook \"\"open access\"\".; Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Freie Universit"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva; Ess, Margarete; Marzahn, Joachim"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["History", "Babylon", "Wissenskultur", "Rezeptionsgeschichte", "Babylon", "Science culture"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110222128&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Babylon. Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident"], ["doab_id", "15120"], ["language_unmapped", "German; English"], ["isbns", ["9783110222128"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110222128"]], [["description", "The transmission route used by many bacterial pathogens of clinical importance includes a step outside the host; thereafter refer to as the non-clinical environment (NCE). Obvious examples include foodborne and waterborne pathogens and also pathogens that are transmitted by hands or aerosols. In the NCE, pathogens have to cope with the presence of toxic compounds, sub-optimal temperature, starvation, presence of competitors and predators. Adaptation of bacterial pathogens to such stresses affects their interaction with the host. This Research Topic presents important concept to understand the life of bacterial pathogens in the NCE and provides the reader with an overview of the strategies used by bacterial pathogens to survive and replicate outside the host."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sebastien P Faucher; Steve J Charette"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Biofilm", "Persistence", "Viable but non culturable", "protozoa", "packaging", "Listeria", "Legionella", "Escherichia coli", "Clostridium botulinum", "Pseudomonas"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1572/bacterial-pathogens-in-the-non-clinical-environment"], ["title", "Bacterial pathogens in the non-clinical environment"], ["doab_id", "18167"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195589"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195589"]], [["description", "A geographer with extensive research experience in the Canadian North, Jack D. Ives has written a lively and informative account of several expeditions to Baffin Island during the \"golden age\" of federal research. In the 1960s, scientists from the Geographical Branch of Canada's Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources travelled to Baffin to study glacial geomorphology and glaciology. Their fieldwork resulted in vastly increased knowledge of the Far North-from its ice caps and glaciers to its lichens and microfossils. Drawing from the recollections of his Baffin colleagues as well as from his own memories, Ives takes readers on a remarkable adventure, describing the day-to-day experiences of the field teams in the context of both contemporary Arctic research and bureaucratic decision making. Along the way, his narrative illustrates the role played by the Cold War-era Distant Early Warning Line and other northern infrastructure, the crucial importance of his pioneering aerial photography, the unpredictable nature of planes, helicopters, and radios in Arctic regions, and of course, the vast and breathtaking scenery of the North. Baffin Island encompasses both field research and High Arctic adventure. The research trips to Baffin between 1961 and 1967 also served as a vital training ground in polar studies for university students; further, they represented a breakthrough in gender equality in government-sponsored science, thanks to the author's persistence in having women permitted on the teams. The book contains a special section detailing the subsequent professional achievements of the many researchers involved (in addition to the later career moves of Ives himself) and a chapter that delves deeper into the science behind their fieldwork in the North. Readers need not be versed in glaciology, however. Ives has produced a highly readable book that seamlessly combines research and adventure."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jack D. Ives"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Earth sciences, Environment, Field research"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388297"], ["title", "Baffin Island: Field Research and High Arctic Adventure, 1961-67"], ["doab_id", "18652"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388303"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388303"]], [["description", "Um trabalho de m\u00e9rito, que tem o cond\u00e3o de revelar verdades desconhecidas para os que se interessam pelo conhecimento, nu e cru, dos bastidores da hist\u00f3ria. \u201cBahia: Inquisi\u00e7\u00e3o & Sociedade\u201d \u00e9 uma amostra selecionada do que representou a a\u00e7\u00e3o da Santa Inquisi\u00e7\u00e3o em Salvador e pelo interior da Capitania. S\u00e3o oito artigos reunidos, publicados entre 1986 e 1995, em diferentes revistas cient\u00edficas, apresentando um card\u00e1pio variado e amplo dos aspectos mais significativos do que representou esta institui\u00e7\u00e3o em terras baianenses, em seus quase trezentos anos de atua\u00e7\u00e3o entre n\u00f3s."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mott, Luiz"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yn"], ["title", "Bahia: inquisi\u00e7\u00e3o & sociedade"], ["doab_id", "17251"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208905"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208905"]], [["description", "Este livro agrega informa\u00e7\u00f5es que subsidiam o entendimento da oceanografia da Ba\u00eda de Todos os Santos. Propicia o embasamento cient\u00edfico para a interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o de sua situa\u00e7\u00e3o atual com vistas ao planejamento de futuros projetos de pesquisa e de a\u00e7\u00f5es gerenciais que venham a garantir a recupera\u00e7\u00e3o e a preserva\u00e7\u00e3o de sua riqueza natural, como recifes de corais, estu\u00e1rios, manguezais, bem como a promo\u00e7\u00e3o da qualidade de vida das popula\u00e7\u00f5es do Rec\u00f4ncavo Baiano."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hatje, Vanessa; Andrade, Jailson B. de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4szy8"], ["title", "Ba\u00eda de todos os santos: aspectos oceanogr\u00e1ficos"], ["doab_id", "17280"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209292"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209292"]], [["description", "\"Os ambientes litor\u00e2neos foram os primeiros ocupados pelo homem europeu no Brasil e apresentam, nos dias atuais, elevados \u00edndices de urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o.Tais ambientes possuem elevado grau de suscetibilidade ambiental devido as suas caracter\u00edsticas intr\u00ednsecas, tais como propriedades litol\u00f3gicas, hidrol\u00f3gicas, geomorfol\u00f3gicas, clim\u00e1ticas e biogeogr\u00e1ficas.\u00c9 neste contexto que se insere a regi\u00e3o litor\u00e2nea do estado de S\u00e3o Paulo, na qual a intensa atividade tur\u00edstica, os portos, as ind\u00fastrias e o desenvolvimento urbano, associados a sua fragilidade, geram um alto grau de altera\u00e7\u00e3o.Na Baixada Santista, localizada no setor central do litoral do estado, a problem\u00e1tica principal relaciona-se \u00e0 urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o sobre os terrenos planos e inconsistentes da plan\u00edcie quatern\u00e1ria e sobre as vertentes \u00edngremes dos Morros Isolados. Assim, t\u00eam-se problemas relacionados a enchentes, movimentos de massa nas encostas e instabilidade das funda\u00e7\u00f5es das constru\u00e7\u00f5es.Diante desse cen\u00e1rio, os projetos de planejamento devem considerar que a qualidade de vida de moradores e turistas depende de a\u00e7\u00f5es adequadas, fundamentadas em bases s\u00f3lidas de conhecimento, visando \u00e0 conserva\u00e7\u00e3o e manuten\u00e7\u00e3o das caracter\u00edsticas ambientais. Os estudos que integram esta obra investigam as intera\u00e7\u00f5es entre as caracter\u00edsticas f\u00edsicas da Baixada Santista e a ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o desses terrenos. Ao analisar tais intera\u00e7\u00f5es, busca-se realizar um diagn\u00f3stico das condi\u00e7\u00f5es ambientais da Baixada Santista, apontando problem\u00e1ticas ambientais municipais a serem gerenciadas pelo poder p\u00fablico nos processos de planejamento.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cunha, Cenira Maria Lupinacci da; Oliveira, Regina C\u00e9lia de"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wg6rs"], ["title", "Baixada Santista: uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 an\u00e1lise geoambiental"], ["doab_id", "20002"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334553"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334553"]], [["description", "This edited volume is the first scholarly tome exclusively dedicated to Mikhail Bakhtin\u2019s theory of the literary chronotope. This concept, initially developed in the 1930s and used as a frame of reference throughout Bakhtin\u2019s own writings, has been highly influential in literary studies. After an extensive introduction that serves as a \u2018state of the art\u2019, the volume is divided into four main parts: Philosophical Reflections, Relevance of the Chronotope for Literary History, Chronotopical Readings and Some Perspectives for Literary Theory. These thematic categories contain contributions by well-established Bakhtin specialists such as Gary Saul Morson and Michael Holquist, as well as a number of essays by scholars who have published on this subject before. Together the papers in this volume explore the implications of Bakhtin\u2019s concept of the chronotope for a variety of theoretical topics such as literary imagination, polysystem theory and literary adaptation; for modern views on literary history ranging from the hellenistic romance to nineteenth-century realism; and for analyses of well-known novelists and poets as diverse as Milton, Fielding, Dickinson, Dostoevsky, Papadiamandis and DeLillo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bemong ,Nele; Borghart ,Pieter; De Dobbeleer ,Michel; Demoen ,Kristoffel; De Temmerman ,Koen; Keunen ,Bart"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Literary theory", "Mikhail Bakhtin", "Chronotope", "Literaire theorie", "Mikhail Bakhtin", "Chronotope"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=377572"], ["title", "Bakhtin\u2019s Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "13338"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789038215631"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038215631"]], [["description", "The collective monograph Balkans and migration includes five chapters written by anthropologically oriented researchers (L. Budilov\u00e1, G. Fatkov\u00e1, L. Hanus, M. Jakoubek, M. Pavl\u00e1sek) practicing a long-term research in the Balkan territory. In addition to general parameters of anthropological optics and an anthropological field research in the Balkans those particular studies are connected by study transversal theme of migration. While, however, the Balkans and anthropology in the publication are invariant framework guaranteeing the unity of the whole volume, the migration represent in this respect the constant variable. The given phenomenon is studied in case of various groups (Bulgarian and Romanian Czechs, Karakachans), and we can observe some aspects of its heterogeneous nature (post-war migration within the re-emigrant interstate agreements, seasonal labor migration, migration of farmers for the land, leaving the homeland because of religious disputes, etc.). The ambition of the monograph is to justify the relevance to attend to the fieldwork based research in the Balkans, and show why the new generation of anthropologists and other social scientists, practitioners, should pay their professional attention to the Balkan peninsula. Although Western anthropologists have been already focused on the Balkans for few decades, in Czech environment was this theme ignored by anthropologists and ethnographers. They yielded this interest to the political scientists, historians, travelers, and television reporters. This monograph is going to rectify this situation by a series of analyses applying different perspectives of the research. Those analyses are based on the interpretation of ethnographic data collected during the long-term field research. The Balkan peninsula and this terrain inhabiting populations are presented as a stimulating field for Czech anthropological researchers. An attractive topic reflected in those five chapters is the Czech expatriate presence in the Balkans. Until the present time there live several enclaves of Czech compatriots, who actively claim their Czech origin. Those enclaves adapt dynamically to the global political and economic changes. Not only the authors of this monograph have noticed that the science paradigm in the second half of the twentieth century, which is based on a priori national categorization, is not able to capture new social and cultural formations of minority groups living outside their \u201ehomeland\u201c. An attempt to overcome the nationalistic classification of Czech (e) migration could be applied and grounded in many identification strategies taking place in the distant past. It seems that the time has come to revise the still dominant scientific approaches to expatriate minorities and expand their attention to the dimensions of collective life reflecting the changes in the last twenty years. The transformation of strategies of Czech expatriate minorities in topologically, economically and politically open Europe (hence the global environment) is a useful platform, where certain phenomena can be observed. Those phenomena produce inspiring issues of sustainability and transformation of collective identities in the contemporary world. Certain marginality of the region including more difficulties in accessibility of resources force the marginal populations to adapt to difficult conditions. These minorities are a good example for monitoring the development of organic solidarity patterns (in Durkheim sense) into more complex social structures, often \u201easide\u201c all scientific concepts of collective identification."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lenka J. Budilov\u00e1; Gabriela Fatkov\u00e1; Luk\u00e1\u0161 Hanus; Marek Jakoubek; Michal Pavl\u00e1sek"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["immigrants", " Czechs", " cultural anthropology", " Balcan", " Romania", " Bulgaria"]], ["publisher", "AntropoWeb"], ["language", ["cs"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://antropologie.zcu.cz/media/document/balkan_a_migrace_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Balk\u00e1n a migrace: Na k\u0159i\u017eovatce antropologick\u00fdch perspektiv"], ["doab_id", "15973"], ["language_unmapped", "Czech"], ["isbns", ["9788090509818"]], ["provider", "AntropoWeb"], ["isbns_raw", "9788090509818"]], [["description", "Balkan Holocausts compares and contrasts Serbian and Croatian propaganda from 1986 to 1999, analysing each group's contemporary interpretations of history and current events. It offers a detailed discussion of holocaust imagery and the history of victim-centred writing in nationalism theory, including the links between the comparative genocide debate, the so-called holocaust industry and Serbian and Croatian nationalism. No studies on Yugoslavia have thus far devoted significant space to such analysis. Offering a detailed analysis of Serbian and Croatian propaganda over the internet, the book discusses how and why the internet war was as important as the ground wars in Kosovo, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. No other study has fully examined the importance of the Internet as a propaganda tool in wartime. Finally, Balkan Holocausts offers a theme by theme analysis of Serbian and Croatian propaganda, using contemporary media sources, novels, academic works and journals. Many of the writers reviewed have not been studied in any depth elsewhere thus far, and there is a definite need to criticise and compare their works. The role of Slobodan Miloevic in the construction of Serbophobia is considered fully as is Tito's involvement in the war, and the important Moslem question. This study throws comparative light on the use and abuse of propaganda in other contemporary and recent conflicts around the world. It will cast a fascinating and illuminating light on the Balkan conflict, setting the conflict in its proper psychological and intellectual context, wherein war fever and paranoia led eventually to war crimes of the lowest possible nature."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Macdonald ,David Bruce"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Miloevic", "balkan", "holocaust"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341321"], ["title", "Balkan Holocausts?: Serbian and Croatian victim centred propaganda and the war in Yugoslavia"], ["doab_id", "12648"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064661"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064661"]], [["description", "The Balkans and the Near East share millennia of a shared history, which stretches from sedentarization in early history to the 20th century. In the Neolithic period, in Mesopotamia and in the Balkans basic techniques and skills were developed on which Europe and the Islamic world could be based later on. Thus, for example, in the centres of \"Ancient Europe\" - in the middle basin of the Danube River - already in the 5th millennium people experimented with early script systems, long before the first cuneiform texts in Mesopotamia and the hieroglyph texts in ancient Egypt became in use. The \"division of labour\" between the various scholarly disciplines in the fields of Balkan studies and Near (Middle) East studies resulted in the separation of a shared history into a Southeast European or Balkan history on the one hand and a history of the Near (Middle) East on the other hand. It is therefore the aim of the monograph to unite the separated histories to a joint one. Since this cannot be done by the simple operation of adding up two histories, the volume opens new perspectives. A comparable historiographical piece of work does not yet exist. The geographical space covered by the text extends between Bosnia in the west, the Iraq in the east and the Arabic Peninsula and Egypt in the south. The composition of the material is based on regional and temporal comparison. Specifically, temporal comparison constitutes a great challenge, because approximately 10,000 years are covered. The book is organized by topics and comprises 17 chapters, 455 manuscript pages and approximately 120 graphs and photographs. Conceptualized as an introductory text, the book may also interest a wider public. The style of writing is generally intelligible and addresses for instance the burning contemporary tensions between Islam and Europe. In addition, topics such as history of religion, historical-anthropological, economic, cultural as well as questions of gender relations are addressed on a principal basis.

Der Balkan und der Nahe Osten teilen eine Tausende von Jahren w\u00e4hrende gemeinsame Geschichte, die von der Sesshaftwerdung in der Fr\u00fchgeschichte bis in das 20. Jahrhundert reicht. In Mesopotamien und auf dem Balkan wurden in der Jungsteinzeit jene Techniken und Fertigkeiten entwickelt, auf denen sp\u00e4ter Europa und die islamische Welt aufbauen konnten. So wurde beispielsweise in den Zentren \"Alteuropas\" - entlang der mittleren Donau - ab dem 5. Jahrtausend bereits mit fr\u00fchen Schriftsystemen experimentiert, ehe die ersten Keilschrifttexte in Mesopotamien und die Hieroglyphenschrift \u00c4gyptens entwickelt werden sollte. Die \"Arbeitsteilung\" zwischen einzelnen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen hat es mit sich gebracht, dass diese gemeinsame Geschichte immer wieder aufs Neue gesondert geschrieben wurde: einerseits als Geschichte des Balkans oder des s\u00fcd\u00f6stlichen Europa, andererseits als Geschichte des Nahen Ostens. Das zur Publikation anstehende Buch hat das Ziel, diese gesondert betrachteten Geschichten zu einer gemeinsamen zusammenzuf\u00fchren und entwirft somit eine v\u00f6llig neue Perspektive. Eine vergleichbar konzipierte Darstellung wurde noch nicht unternommen. Geografisch gesehen erstreckt sich die Darstellung zwischen Bosnien im Westen, dem Irak im Osten und der Arabischen Halbinsel und \u00c4gypten im S\u00fcden. Die Darstellung des Stoffes ist auf regionalen und temporalen Vergleichen aufgebaut. Insbesondere der temporale Vergleich stellt eine Herausforderung dar, weil der Zeitraum ca. 10000 Jahre umfasst.Das nach Themenbereichen geordnete Buch ist in 17 Kapitel gegliedert und umfasst 455 Manuskriptseiten mit rund 120 Abbildungen. Als eine Einf\u00fchrung f\u00fcr Studierende konzipiert, kann das Werk auch ein allgemein interessiertes Publikum ansprechen. Der Text ist allgemein-verst\u00e4ndlich gehalten und geht insbesondere auch auf das gegenw\u00e4rtige Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen dem Islam und Europa ein. Des Weiteren werden religionsgeschichtliche, historisch-anthropologische, \u00f6konomische, kulturelle wie auch Fragen der Geschlechtergeschichte grunds\u00e4tzlich beleuchtet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaser ,Karl"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Balkans, History, Near East, Religion, Gender, Historical Anthrolpology"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437205"], ["title", "Balkan und Naher Osten"], ["doab_id", "15326"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786245"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786245"]], [["description", "In recent years, intracranial endovascular use of Balloon and Stent has grown significantly. This issue will focus primarily on recent advances in the use of these methods today. This discussion will also highlight our improvements in understanding the disease process, and not only relying on devices to treat a patient. Wide-necked intracranial aneurysms (IA) were originally thought to be either untreatable or, at the very least, significantly challenging to treat by endovascular means due to the risk of coil protrusion and possibly parent vessel occlusion. However, this view now outdated, today and we will discuss the significant advancment in different flow diverters. The treatment of post-sub arachnoid hemorrhage vasospasm is mature now, as this issue will highlight. In addition, Intracranial atherosclerosis is still a prominent cause of stroke in various populations worldwide. This issue will summarize the challenges of risk factor modification and secondary stroke prevention by defining optimal methods. We will try to outline a new approach for intracranial angioplasty and stenting for stroke prevention. Finally, despite recent impressive increase recanalization rates in acute ischemic stroke treatment, the clinical improvement rate has remained relatively stable. This article will discuss a new means of improving patient selections using the capillary index score (CIS). The future of our specialty relies heavily on better devices, and on a deeper understanding of the disease process. The future is bright and we have already taken the first successful steps."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Firas Al-Ali"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Acute ischemic stroke", "intracranial endovascular", "Subarachnoid Hemorrhage", "balloon remodeling technique (BRT)", "stent assisted coiling technique (SACT)", "percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting (PTAS)", "intracranial stenosis", "capillary index score (CIS)", "intracranial vasospasms", "Intracranial aneurysms"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1749/balloon-and-stent-for-ischemic-and-hemorrhagic-stroke-a-new-trend-for-stroke-prevention-and-manageme"], ["title", "Balloon and Stent for Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: A New Trend for Stroke Prevention and Management"], ["doab_id", "19578"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196944"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196944"]], [["description", "The honey bee waggle dance communication is a complex, unique, at times controversial, and ultimately fascinating behavior. In an elaborate figure-of-eight movement, a returning forager conveys the distance and direction from the hive to resources, usually the nectar and pollen that is their food, and it remains one of the most sophisticated, known forms of non-human communication. Not surprisingly, since its discovery more than 60 years ago by Karl von Frisch, the dance has been subject to investigations that span from basic biology through human culture and neurophysiology to landscape ecology. Here we collate recent advances in our understanding of the dance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Roger Schurch; Margaret J. Couvillon; Madeleine Beekman"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["waggle dance", "Honey bee", "Apis mellifera", "recruitment", "foraging", "social insects", "Communication", "observational learning"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3164/ballroom-biology-recent-insights-into-honey-bee-waggle-dance-communications"], ["title", "Ballroom Biology: Recent Insights into Honey Bee Waggle Dance Communications"], ["doab_id", "18884"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197651"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197651"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dormeier ,J."], ["date", "1947"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613402"], ["title", "Banggaisch adatrecht"], ["doab_id", "18424"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285699", "9789004286276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285699 9789004286276"]], [["description", "This book offers a detailed, balanced and comprehensive examination of the foreign policy of Barack Obama."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Singh"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780931111"], ["title", "Barack Obama's Post-American Foreign Policy"], ["doab_id", "15462"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780931111"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780931111"]], [["description", "The basal ganglia has received much attention over the last two decades, as it has been implicated in many neurological and psychiatric disorders. Most of this research - in both animals and humans - attempt to understand the neural and biochemical substrates of basic motor and learning processes, and how these are affected in human patients as well as animal models of brain disorders. The current volume contains research articles and reviews describing basic, pre-clinical and clinical neuroscience research of the basal ganglia written by attendees of the 11th Triennial Meeting of the International Basal Ganglia Society (IBAGS) that was held March 3-7th, 2013 at the Princess Hotel, Eilat, Israel and by researchers of the basal ganglia. Specifically, articles in this volume include research reports on the biochemistry, computational theory, anatomy and physiology of single neurons and functional circuitry of the basal ganglia networks as well as the latest data on animal models of basal ganglia dysfunction and clinical studies in human patients."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ahmed A. Moustafa; Alon Korngreen; Izhar Bar-Gad; Hagai Bergman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Basal Ganglia", "dopaime", "Parkinson's disease (PD)", "computational modeling", "animal studies", "Subthalamic Nucleus", "human imagine studies"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1764/basal-ganglia-xi---proceedings-of-the-11th-triennial-meeting-of-the-international-basal-ganglia-soci"], ["title", "Basal ganglia: physiological, behavioral, and computational studies"], ["doab_id", "17758"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193882"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193882"]], [["description", "Deception is a ubiquitous phenomenon in social interactions and has attracted a significant amount of research during the last decades. The majority of studies in this field focused on how deception modulates behavioral, autonomic, and brain responses and whether these changes can be used to validly identify lies. Especially the latter question, which historically gave rise to the development of psychophysiological \"lie detection\" techniques, has been driving research on deception and its detection until today. The detection of deception and concealed information in forensic examinations currently constitutes one of the most frequent applications of psychophysiological methods in the field. With the increasing use of such methods, the techniques for detecting deception have been controversially discussed in the scientific community. It has been proposed to shift from the original idea of detecting deception per se to a more indirect approach that allows for determining whether a suspect has specific knowledge of crime-related details. This so-called Concealed Information Test is strongly linked to basic psychological concepts concerning memory, attention, orienting, and response monitoring. Although research in this field has intensified with the advancement of neuroimaging techniques such as PET and fMRI in the last decade, basic questions on the psychological mechanisms underlying modulatory effects of deception and information concealment on behavioral, autonomic, and brain responses are still poorly understood. This Research Topic brings together contributions from researchers in experimental psychology, psychophysiology, and neuroscience focusing on the understanding of the broad concept of deception including the detection of concealed information, with respect to basic research questions as well as applied issues. This Research Topic is mainly composed of originalresearch articles but reviews and papers elaborating on novel methodological approaches have also been included. Experimental methods include, but are not limited to, behavioral, autonomic, electroencephalographic or brain imaging techniques that allow for revealing relevant facets of deception on a multimodal level. While this Research Topic primarily includes laboratory work, relevant issues for the field use of such methods are also discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wolfgang Ambach; Matthias Gamer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["deception", "Lie Detection", "Concealed Information Test", "Psychophysiology", "autonomic measures", "Behavior", "EEG", "fMRI", "application", "Theory"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/763/basic-and-applied-research-on-deception-and-its-detection"], ["title", "Basic and applied research on deception and its detection"], ["doab_id", "17665"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192540"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192540"]], [["description", "Would it be possible to provide people with a basic income as a right? This book draws on two pilot schemes conducted in the Indian State of Madhya Pradesh, in which thousands of men, women and children were provided with an unconditional monthly cash payment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sarath Davala; Renana Jhabvala; Guy Standing; Soumya Kapoor Mehta"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593061"], ["title", "Basic Income"], ["doab_id", "17454"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472583116"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472583116"]], [["description", "The starting point for this project on the \u00bbBasic Questions of Tort Law\u00ab was the book written by Helmut Koziol, the \u00bbBasic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective\u00ab (Sramek Verlag, 2012), a volume which presented an introduction into the law of torts from a Germanic perspective. Colleagues from seven countries were then invited to give critical responses to the ideas presented in the 2012 volume. The comparative law conclusions then attempt to pick up on the ideas expressed in the legal systems examined and to make them amenable for debate on the further development of the legal systems and their harmonisation.German Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:603

Ausgangspunkt f\u00fcr das Projekt \u201eGrundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht\u201c war das von Helmut Koziol verfasste Buch \u201eGrundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts\u201c (Sramek Verlag, 2010), welches eine Einf\u00fchrung in das Schadenersatzrecht des deutschsprachigen Raums darstellt. Vertreter aus sieben L\u00e4ndern wurden gebeten, kritische Stellungnahmen zu den in diesem Buch er\u00f6rterten Ideen abzugeben. Die daraus gewonnenen rechtsvergleichenden Schlussfolgerungen greifen die den behandelten Rechtsordnungen zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien auf und sollen diese damit einer Diskussion \u00fcber die weitere Entwicklung und Harmonisierung der Rechtsordnungen zug\u00e4nglich machen.Deutsche Version siehe: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:603"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Askeland ,Bjarte; Yamamoto ,Keiz\u00f4 ; Oliphant ,Ken; Mor\u00e9teau ,Olivier; Menyh\u00e1rd ,Attila; Ludwichowska-Redo ,Katarzyna; Koziol ,Helmut; Green ,Michael D.; Cardi ,W. Jonathan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Tort law, damages, contract law, comparative law, unjust enrichment, criminal law, insurance law, social security law, injunctions, economic analysis, prescription, basic questions, aims of tort law.", "Schadenersatzrecht, Vertragsrecht, Rechtsvergleichung, Bereicherungsrecht, Strafrecht, Versicherungsrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht, einstweilige Verf\u00fcgungen, \u00f6konomische Analysen, Verj\u00e4hrung, Grundfragen, Prinzipien des Schadenersatzrechts"]], ["publisher", "Jan Sramek Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574832"], ["title", "Basic Questions of Tort Law from a Comparative Perspective"], ["doab_id", "17426"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783709700402"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783709700402"]], [["description", "Thurstone's principle of simple structure is rejected and replaced by its converse, the principle of complex structure. Varimax, the popular simple structure rotation of factors, is replaced by varimin, a novel procedure taking account of the complexity of investigated variables (s. Ertel, 2011). An exploratory factor analysis of a similarity matrix of 16 kinship terms showed that expected semantic features (sex, generation, nuclear family, lineality) manifest themselves by varimin rotation,while distorted clusters of kinship terms are obtained by varimax rotation. Varimin rotation was also applied to five PCA-factors obtained from 30 facet variables of NEO-PI-R (Ostendorf & Angleitner, 2004). As expected, variminrotated factors do not replicate the Big-Five factors neuroticism, extraversion, etc., they rather reveal basic componential features (usually called \u201edimensions\u201f): activation level (high-low), activation slope (ascending-descending), source of regulation (endodynamic- exodynamic), phenomenal quality (endomodal-exomodal), and functionality (eufunctional vs. dysfunctional). The well-known Big-Five factors represent clusters of those features rather than simple dimensions. Sensation seeking, internalexternal control, i. e. further constructs of simple structure- oriented research, are likewise conceivable as patterns of functioning based on those five componential features. The validity of the five features obtained by varimin has largely been confirmed by rankings of the 30 NEO-PI-R facets using the features as judgmental criteria. Replacing Thurstonian simple structure by procedures aiming at complex structure might help to generate a systemic architecture in the personality and individual differences domains. More psychological functioning might be made transparent by modelling patterns of basic features.

Seit \u00fcber 70 Jahren kursieren in der Psychologie faktorenanalytische Modelle der Pers\u00f6nlichkeit. Methodologische Kontroversen, die jahrzehntelang die Szene beherrschten, wurden seit etwa zwei Jahrzehnten von einem zunehmenden Konsens abgel\u00f6st. Das F\u00fcnf-Faktoren-Modell (FFM) hat die Vorherrschaft gewonnen. Das FFM ist indessen mit schwerwiegenden M\u00e4ngeln behaftet, was die theoretische Deutung der f\u00fcnf Dimensionen betrifft. Der Verfasser hat daf\u00fcr einen bislang unerkannten Fehler in den Grundauffassungen der Psychometrie verantwortlich machen k\u00f6nnen (Ertel, 2011). In seiner vorliegenden Schrift wird die Szene der methodisch und theoretisch mangelhaften Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsforschung aufgerollt. Ein neues Verfahren der Faktorenrotation (Varimin) wird eingesetzt, das im Unterschied zur bisherigen Modellierung, das sich dem Prinzip der Einfachstruktur verschrieben hatte, der Komplexit\u00e4t der analysierten Variablen Rechnung tr\u00e4gt. Das Verfahren, das f\u00fcr die faktorenanalytische Forschung ein neues Paradigma er\u00f6ffnet, ermittelt Varianzquellen der Pers\u00f6nlichkeit, die als Basiskomponenten eines psychophysischen Ganzen eine funktionale Einheit erkennen lassen. Damit werden die Hindernisse \u00fcberwunden, die einem theoretischen Verst\u00e4ndnis der Ergebnisse faktorenanalytischer Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsforschung bisher im Wege standen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ertel, Suitbert"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Psychology", "Psychological Research", "Data Collection", "Indentity", "Personality", "Psychology", "Psychological Research", "Data Collection", "Indentity", "Personality"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610321"], ["title", "Basiskomponenten der Pers\u00f6nlichkeit"], ["doab_id", "14590"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950392"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950392"]], [["description", "Artistic media seem to be in a permanent condition of mutation and transformation. Contemporary artists often investigate the limits and possibilities of the media they use and experiment with their crossing, upgrading and mutilation. Others explicitly explore the unknown space between existing media, searching for the hybrid beings that occupy these in-betweens. This fascinating volume explores the theme of mutating and adapting media in its relation to theatre and performance. How did different aspects of theatre evolve in a digital era? How did historical traditions in theatre adapt to new cultural contexts? How are other media remediated in contemporary performances? Does this eventually lead to a contamination or even a disintegration of what we call theatre, or on the contrary, to a revaluation? Bringing together international scholars and artists, the editors offer a comprehensive overview of the subject sensitive to the cross-disciplinary use of key concepts such as remediation, digitization, interactivity, corporeality, liveness, surveillance, spectacle, performativity and theatricality. The book guides readers new to the area of intermediality, as well as experienced researchers into one of the most dynamic fields of scholarship.

Artistieke media zijn onophoudelijk onderhevig aan mutatie en transformatie. Heel wat hedendaagse kunstenaars onderzoeken de mogelijkheden en limieten van hun medium en experimenteren met kruisbestuivingen, upgrades en mutilatie van verschillende media. Anderen verkennen expliciet de ongekende ruimtes tussen bestaande media en gaan op zoek naar de hybride bestaansvormen die deze intermediale tussenruimtes bevolken. Deze aflevering van Theater Topics thematiseert het muteren en adapteren van media in de relatie met de podiumkunsten. Hoe zijn verschillende aspecten van theater ge\u00ebvolueerd in het digitale tijdperk? Hoe pasten historische tradities zich aan aan nieuwe culturele contexten? Wat zijn deze mutanten precies, en wat is hun toegevoegde waarde? Op welke manieren gebeurt de remediatie van andere media in hedendaagse performances? Leidt de resulterende onzuiverheid uiteindelijk tot een desintegratie van wat we verstaan onder \u2018theater\u2019, of net tot een herwaardering?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vanderbeeken ,Robrecht ; Stalpaert ,Christel ; Depestel ,David ; Debackere ,Boris"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Theatre"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=447125"], ["title", "Bastard or Playmate? : Adapting Theatre, Mutating Media and Contemporary Performing Arts"], ["doab_id", "15414"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642585"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642585"]], [["description", "This book focuses on central themes related to the conservation of bats. It details their response to land-use change and management practices, intensified urbanization and roost disturbance and loss. Increasing interactions between humans and bats as a result of hunting, disease relationships, occupation of human dwellings, and conflict over fruit crops are explored in depth. Finally, contributors highlight the roles that taxonomy, conservation networks and conservation psychology have to play in conserving this imperilled but vital taxon.With over 1300 species, bats are the second largest order of mammals, yet as the Anthropocene dawns, bat populations around the world are in decline. Greater understanding of the anthropogenic drivers of this decline and exploration of possible mitigation measures are urgently needed if we are to retain global bat diversity in the coming decades. This book brings together teams of international experts to provide a global review of current understanding and recommend directions for future research and mitigation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian C. Voigt; Tigga Kingston"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["conservation", " biology", " ecology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25220-9"], ["title", "Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World"], ["doab_id", "18935"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319252186", "9783319252209"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319252186 (Print) 9783319252209 (Online)"]], [["description", "With the success of open access publishing, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open education practices, the open approach to education has moved from the periphery to the mainstream. This marks a moment of victory for the open education movement, but at the same time the real battle for the direction of openness begins. As with the green movement, openness now has a market value and is subject to new tensions, such as venture capitalists funding MOOC companies. This is a crucial time for determining the future direction of open education.In this volume, Martin Weller examines four key areas that have been central to the developments within open education: open access, MOOCs, open education resources and open scholarship. Exploring the tensions within these key arenas, he argues that ownership over the future direction of openness is significant to all those with an interest in education.(DOI: http://dx.doi.org//10.5334/bam)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weller ,Martin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["open education", "open source", "OERs"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533876"], ["title", "Battle for Open: How openness won and why it doesn't feel like victory"], ["doab_id", "16637"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188334", "9781909188341", "9781909188358", "9781909188365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188334 9781909188341 9781909188358 9781909188365"]], [["description", "Exploring alternatives in East European history.The battle that took place near Konotop in late June 1659 was a continuation of the Muscovite-Cossack war, which began in the fall of 1658, soon after the signing of the Union of Hadiach. Cossack and Tatar detachments trapped a significant portion of the Muscovite army, leading to enormous Russian losses."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oleg Rumyantsev; Giovanna Brogi Bercoff"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/brogi_2_web.pdf"], ["title", "The Battle of Konotop 1659"], ["doab_id", "17234"], ["language_unmapped", "Inglese"], ["isbns", ["9788867050505"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050505"]], [["description", "The massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft has become one of the most popular computer games of the past decade, introducing millions around the world to community-based play. Within the boundaries set by its design, the game encourages players to appropriate and shape the game to their own wishes, resulting in highly diverse forms of play and participation. This illuminating study frames World of Warcraft as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon defined by and evolving as a result of the negotiations between groups of players as well as the game\u2019s owners, throwing new light on complex consumer-producer relationships in the increasingly participatory but still tightly controlled media of online games.

World of Warcraft is \u00e9\u00e9n van de meest populaire computergames van het afgelopen decennium. Het spel liet miljoenen spelers kennismaken met het gemeenschappelijk online spelen van computerspellen. Het spel is zo ontworpen dat het, binnen zekere grenzen, spelers uitnodigt en uitdaagt zich de virtuele wereld toe te eigenen. Het resultaat is dat spelers zeer divers spelgedrag vertonen en op heel verschillende manieren deelnemen. Deze studie naar World of Warcraft benadert het spel als een complex socio-cultureel fenomeen, dat wordt gedefinieerd door en zich evolueert als gevolg van onderhandelingen tussen spelersgroepen en makers. Het laat de complexe consument-producentrelatie zien bij dit type online games, die in toenemende mate participatie van de spelers toestaan, maar waarin de spelers tegelijkertijd sterk beteugeld worden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Glas ,Ren\u00e9"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Education", "Motion pictures", "Educatie", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437366"], ["title", "Battlefields of Negotiation : Control, Agency, and Ownership in World of Warcraft"], ["doab_id", "15227"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645005"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645005"]], [["description", "This book is the first complete description of 13th century architecture in Austria. This period was significant for ist political and historical events and upheavels in the provinces of Austria, but at the same time for the transition from romanic to gothic style. The book is the result of the author's continuous studies in this field of architectural history for more than 35 years. Basing on his doctoral thesis of 1975 the author is outlining a completely new panorama of the development in 13th century architecture by using the results of recent investigations, reconstructions and newly interpreted historical sources. Some important results were achieved on behalf of FWF-projects under the author's direction (reconstruction of the Capella Speciosa at Klosterneuburg, research on the history of the Imperial Palace di Vienna). The results are corresponding in perfect way with the scientifical researches in neighbouring countries as Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Germany, in regard of the long range cultural communications during the Middle Ages, which in former theories were denied by presupposing a distinct stylistic retard in Austrian architecture. Highly important was the author's proof that in the 13th century in Austria existed a contemporaneity between advanced and retarded stylistic forms. The choice of the stylistic attitude mainly depended on the client. The introduction of the book gives a survey of the actual state of research, followed by three chapters, which explicate the conditions in the 12th century, differentiated geographically (alpine regions, Danube valley) and concerning the clientage (dukes, archbishops and bishops of Salzburg and Passau) as well. By this way the general tendencies and motives (Cistercian architecture of Heiligenkreuz and Zwettl; Patavian architecture at G\u00f6ttweig, Kremsm\u00fcnster, Vienna, St.P\u00f6lten, Tulln; architecture at Salzburg - cathedral of archbisphop Konrad III - Gurk, Seckau, Hartberg) are outlined, which dominated the further development. In the following first main part, which is describing the first half of 13th century, the important role of the Austrian sovereigns (duke Leopold VI and duke Friedrich II) as founders and benefactors of eminent church architecture is emphasized. With these works of art most actual influences of french gothic architecture came to Austria (Capella Speciosa at Klosterneuburg, cloisters at Lilienfeld and Heiligenkreuz). The quarrel in ecclesiastical policy between the Babenberg dukes of Austria and the bishops of Passau, concerning the plan to establich a further diocesy in Austria, caused a competition in the field of architecture between the two powers. Thus the bishops of Passau reconstructed their patronage churches (St.P\u00f6lten, Kremsm\u00fcnster, Ardagger) in Austria in a sumptuous way. Besides this stylistically advanced architecture there existed also a building acitivity not to be neglected, which was supported by the lower aristocracy and the duke's officials, who also founded some monasteries and churches. These buildings were constructed by local workmen, who were following the traditional patterns of late romanic style (Baumgartenberg, Wilhering, Bad Deutsch Altenburg, Petronell). At the dawn of the Babenberg dynasty an important political intervention of emperor Friedrich II. von Hohenstaufen took place. Recent researches indicate that the reconstruction of St.Stephen's church in Vienna with the famous \"Riesentor\" with sculptural decorations in Norman Style was initiated by the emperor, even as the foundation of the castle at the place of the later Imperial Palace, which obviously followed the type of the emperor's fortresses in Sicily. In spite of the political agitations and upheavals in the middle of the century some remarkable works of architecture were created, as the castle of Starhemberg, the fortresses at the border to Hungary (Wienertor at Hainburg), St.Virgil's chapel at Vienna and the charnel house at Tulln), where different inconological motives (links to Jerusalem) and stylistic approaches (Norman Style) can be registered. In the second half of the century under the reign of prince Ottokar P\u0159emysl (since 1251) a new cultural direction in policies as well as in the arts was achieved. Motives, created in Bohemia, were taken over in church buildings (Dominikanerkirche, Minoritenkirche Stein, Dominikanerinnenkirche Imbach) and private houses (Gozzoburg) in and near Krems, at Marchegg and Leoben. Ottokar founded new cities but also continued the Babenberg traditions in regard of his internal policy; so he finished the monasteries at Lilienfeld and Heiligenkreuz. Recent investigations indicated that some of the most important architectural projects, which were supposed to date from the time of the early Habsburgs, already have been conceived under the reign of Ottokar (choir of Heiligenkreuz, Leechkirche at Graz, reconstrucion of the main church of Wiener Neustadt). Even after the takeover of power under Rudolph I. of Habsburg, the main lines, pronounced under Ottokar, as the promotion of mendicant architecture (Tulln, Retz, Wels, Imbach, D\u00fcrnstein, Krems, Wiener Neustadt), the maintenance of Babenberg traditions (fountain chapel at Heiligenkreuz, cloister Klosterneuburg), but also the introduction of new ideas in space structure (hall-churches at Tulln, Imbach) were continued. Nevertheless also uncommon solutions occured, as the monastery church of Stams. The sumptuously illustrated book contains many plans, graphic and computer-aided virtual reconstructions by the author.

Das vorliegende Buch ist die erste architekturhistorische Gesamtdarstellung der Baukunst des 13. Jahrhunderts in \u00d6sterreich, einer Periode bedeutender geschichtlicher Umw\u00e4lzungen in den \u00f6sterreichischen L\u00e4ndern und zugleich \u00dcbergangszeit von der Baukunst der Romanik zur Gotik. Das Buch ist Ergebnis einer \u00fcber 35j\u00e4hrigen Forschungst\u00e4tigkeit des Autors auf diesem Gebiet. Ausgehend von den Erkenntnissen, die er 1975 in seiner Dissertation dargelegt hat, ist es dem Verfasser gelungen, die Entwicklung der Baukunst durch Auswertung laufender bauhistorischer Forschungen, Einzeluntersuchungen und neu ausgewerteter historischer Quellen in ein v\u00f6llig neues Gesamtbild zu bringen. Eine Reihe wichtiger Erkenntnisse wurden im Rahmen von FWF-Projekten unter der Leitung des Autors erarbeitet (Rekonstruktion der Capella Speciosa, Forschungen zur Wiener Hofburg). Die Ergebnisse korrespondieren \u00fcberzeugend mit den Forschungen in den \u00f6sterreichischen Nachbarl\u00e4ndern (Tschechien, Ungarn, Slowenien, Deutschland), indem sie die aktuellen \u00fcberregionalen Kulturbeziehungen im Mittelalter best\u00e4tigen, die in fr\u00fcheren Theorien von einem stilgeschichtlichen Entwicklungsr\u00fcckstand in \u00d6sterreich negiert worden waren. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis der Forschungen des Verfassers ist, dass sich die Gleichzeitigkeit avancierter und r\u00fcckst\u00e4ndiger Stilformen nachweisen l\u00e4sst, wobei die jeweilige Stilwahl von der Auftraggeberschaft abh\u00e4ngig war. Eingeleitet wird das Buch mit einem \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Entwicklung der Forschungslage, daran schlie\u00dfen drei Kapitel an, die die Voraussetzungen im 12. Jahrhundert behandeln, wobei der \u00dcberblick sowohl geographisch differenziert wird (Alpenl\u00e4nder, Donauraum) als auch hinsichtlich der Auftraggeber (Landesf\u00fcrsten, Bisch\u00f6fe von Salzburg und Passau). Dabei werden wichtige Leitlinien aufgezeigt, die die weitere Entwicklung nachhaltig bestimmten (Zisterzienserarchitektur in Heiligenkreuz und Zwettl, Passauer Baut\u00e4tigkeit in G\u00f6ttweig, Kremsm\u00fcnster, Wien, St.P\u00f6lten und Tulln, Salzburger Baut\u00e4tigkeit am Dom Konrads III. in Salzburg, in Gurk, Seckau, Hartberg). Im folgenden ersten Hauptabschnitt wird f\u00fcr die erste H\u00e4lfte des 13. Jahrhunderts in den Donaul\u00e4ndern und der Steiermark die Rolle der Landesf\u00fcrsten (Leopold VI. und Friedrich II. von Babenberg) als Stifter bedeutender Sakralbauten hervorgehoben. Mit diesen Werken gelangten hochaktuelle Errungenschaften der franz\u00f6sischen Gotik nach \u00d6sterreich (Capella Speciosa in Klosterneuburg, Klosteranlagen Lilienfeld, Heiligenkreuz). Der kirchenpolitische Machtkampf der Babenberger gegen das Bistum Passau um die Errichtung eines eigenen Landesbistums in \u00d6sterreich f\u00fchrte zu einem baulichen Wettstreit, wobei die Passauer Bisch\u00f6fe ihre Eigenkirchen in \u00d6sterreich durch aufw\u00e4ndige Umbauten aktualisierten (St.P\u00f6lten, Kremsm\u00fcnster, Ardagger). Im Schatten dieser stilgeschichtlich avancierten Baukunst bestand daneben noch eine nicht geringe Baut\u00e4tigkeit, die von Adeligen und landesf\u00fcrstlichen Ministerialen getragen wurde und in deren Klosterstiftungen und Patronatskirchen Ausdruck fand. Diese Werke wurden allerdings von lokalen Baugruppen errichtet, die noch l\u00e4nger an den traditionellen sp\u00e4tromanischen Stilformen festhielten (Baumgartenberg, Wilhering, Bad Deutsch Altenburg, Petronell). Am Ende der Babenbergerherrschaft kommt es zu einer politischen Intervention Kaiser Friedrichs II. in \u00d6sterreich, auf die nach neuesten Forschungen sowohl die Initiative zum Umbau der Wiener Stephanskirche mit dem \"normannischen\" Riesentor als auch der Bau der Wiener Hofburg nach dem Vorbild einer staufisch-sizilianischen Kastellburg zur\u00fcckgehen. Trotz der politischen Unruhen kommt es vor der Jahrhundertmitte zu bemerkenswerten Architektursch\u00f6pfungen (Umbau der Burg Starhemberg, Grenzbefestigungen, Wienertor in Hainburg, Virgilkapelle in Wien, Karner in Tulln), in denen sich unterschiedlichste stilistische und architekturikonologische Motive (\"normannische\" Bauplastik, Jerusalem-Bez\u00fcge) ausdr\u00fccken. In der zweiten Jahrhunderth\u00e4lfte erfolgt unter dem seit 1251 in \u00d6sterreich regierenden P\u0159emyslidenf\u00fcrsten Ottokar II. zu einer Neuorientierung sowohl in der Politik wie in der Baukunst nach Vorbildern B\u00f6hmens, die sich in Bauten im Raum von Krems (Dominikanerkirche Krems, Minoritenkirche Stein, Dominikanerinnenkloster Imbach, Gozzoburg Krems), in Marchegg und Leoben erkennen lassen. Ottokar tritt als St\u00e4dtegr\u00fcnder auf, setzt aber gleichzeitig aus Gr\u00fcnden seiner Machtpolitik die Traditionen aus der Babenbergerzeit fort, was sich in der Vollendung der Klosterbauten in Lilienfeld und Heiligenkreuz ausdr\u00fcckt. J\u00fcngste Forschungen haben gezeigt, dass die Entwurfsphase bedeutender Sakralbauten, dis bisher in die Regierungszeit der ersten Habsburger datiert wurden, bereits in die Herrschaftsperiode Ottokars f\u00e4llt (Hallenchor Heiligenkreuz, Leechkirche Graz, Umbauten an der Liebfrauenkirche Wiener Neustadt). Auch nach dem Machtwechsel unter Rudolf I. von Habsburg werden die von Ottokar gepr\u00e4gten Leitlinien, wie die F\u00f6rderung der Bettelordensarchitektur (Tulln, Retz, Wels, Imbach, D\u00fcrnstein, Krems, Wiener Neustadt), die Kontinuit\u00e4t der Traditionen aus der Babenbergerzeit (Brunnenhaus Heiligenkreuz, Kreuzgang Klosterneuburg) aber auch die Aufnahme neuer Raumkonzepte (Hallenkirchen in Tulln und Imbach) ungebrochen fortgesetzt, daneben kommen vereinzelt auch ganz ungew\u00f6hnliche Gestaltungsl\u00f6sungen zur Ausf\u00fchrung (Klosterkirche Stams). Das reich bebilderte Buch enth\u00e4lt neben Photos zahlreiche Planzeichnungen, zeichnerische und computergraphische Rekonstruktionen des Verfassers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwarz ,Mario"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Medieval architecture, Austrian art, Medieval art, Austrian architecture, Architectural history, 13th century architecture"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=467999"], ["title", "Die Baukunst des 13. Jahrhunderts in \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15862"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788669"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788669"]], [["description", "A critical exploration of travel, animals and shape-changing in fin de si\u00e8cle literature.Bats, beetles, wolves, butterflies, bulls, panthers, apes, leopards and spiders are among the countless creatures that crowd the pages of literature of the late nineteenth century. Whether in Gothic novels, science fiction, fantasy, fairy tales, journalism, political discourse, realism or naturalism, the line between the human and the animal becomes blurred. Beastly Journeys examines these bestial transformations across a range of well-known and less familiar texts and shows how they are provoked not only by the mutations of Darwinism but by social and economic shifts that have been lost in retellings and readings of them. The physical alterations described by George Gissing, George MacDonald, Arthur Machen, Arthur Morrison, W.T. Stead, Bram Stoker, H.G. Wells, Oscar Wilde, and many of their contemporaries, are responses to changes in the social body as Britain underwent a series of social and economic crises. Metaphors of travel \u2013 social, spatial, temporal, mythical and psychological \u2013 keep these stories on the move, confusing literary genres along with the indeterminacy of physical shape that they relate. Beastly Journeys will appeal to anyone interested in the relationship between nineteenth-century literature and its contexts and especially to those interested in the fin de si\u00e8cle and in metaphors of travel, animals and shape-changing. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Youngs ,Tim"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Modern History"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469302"], ["title", "Beastly Journeys - Travel and Transformation at the fin de si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "15934"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846319587", "9781781386071"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846319587 9781781386071"]], [["description", "The research project Beatrijs Internationaal brought together about a hundred literary translators and researchers in the field of historical and modern Dutch literature, translation studies and related disciplines, from twenty different language areas. The participants immersed themselves in questions about the international circulation and reception of the famous Middle Dutch legend of Our Lady, from its origins to our own time. Almost a hundred adaptations and translations of the Beatrijs-story were found, and new discoveries are still being made. The case of Beatrijs brought about new theoretical discussions, cooperation and exchange in the field of Dutch Studies, as is demonstrated by this volume. By means of diverse approaches the authors show how a literary text from the relatively small geographical area of the Dutch language can circulate both inside and outside its linguistic borders in different periods. With their wide spectrum of research questions, methodological approaches and selections of material, the contributions are a reflection of the richness of international Dutch Studies in the 21st century. Inspired by translation, adaptation and reception studies, this volume helps us to answer the question which characteristics of a particular text make it a likely candidate for crossing linguistic, geophysical, historical, and other borders. This volume is a contribution to the historiography of the export and dissemination of Dutch literature."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kalmthout, van ,Ton; R\u00e9thelyi ,Orsolya ; Sleiderink ,Remco "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["comparative literature", "Beatrice", "Middle Dutch", "translation", "adaptation", "reception"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=468330"], ["title", "Beatrijs de wereld in. Vertalingen en bewerkingen van het Middelnederlandse verhaal"], ["doab_id", "15864"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038221076"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038221076"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 9, with foreward by Rachel Hadas. Frances Brent's poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Notre Dame Review, Yale Review, and in many other journals. She was born in Chicago and was educated at Barnard College. She studied poetry at Columbia University and the University of Illinois, Chicago. From 1984-1991 she co-edited the literary journal Formations. In 1987 she co-translated Beyond the Limit: poems by Irina Ratushinska-ya She has taught at Yale, Northwestern, Loyola University, and Barat College. She lives with her family in New Haven."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hadas, Rachel"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/2"], ["title", "The Beautiful Lesson of the I"], ["doab_id", "14770"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215229"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215229"]], [["description", "This book explores a relatively small but interesting and unusual region of Alberta between the North Saskatchewan and the Battle Rivers. The Beaver Hills arose where mountain glaciers from the west met continental ice-sheets from the east. An overview of the hills\u2019 geography helps us to see the complexity and diversity of landscapes, soil types, and vegetation communities. MacDonald relates how climatic cycles, water availability, wildlife, vegetation, and fire have shaped the possibilities and provided the challenges to those who have called the region home or used its resources: Indigenous people, M\u00e9tis, and European immigrants."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Graham A. MacDonald"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Alberta history", "prairie ecology"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120160"], ["title", "The Beaver Hills Country: A History of Land and Life"], ["doab_id", "14465"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425374", "9781897425381"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425374 9781897425381"]], [["description", "This book written by international experts in the field of educational innovation is a guide for universities to become world-class universities. It contributes to the current international intellectual debate on the future of higher education. It also tells the story of King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and its effort to become a world-class university. The book discusses excellence in different aspects such as education, research, community services, strategic planning, knowledge economy and international cooperation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Osama Tayeb; Adnan Zahed; Jozef Ritzen"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["higher education", " universities", " research", " community"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-26380-9"], ["title", "Becoming a World-Class University: The case of King Abdulaziz University"], ["doab_id", "18934"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319263793", "9783319263809"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319263793 (Print) 9783319263809 (Online)"]], [["description", "Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery is a research-based, comprehensive, and comprehensible resource on prostate surgery in Canada. Aimed at men with concerns about prostate surgery and their partners, this invaluable guide includes chapters on preparing for prostate surgery, the surgery itself, recovery in hospital and at home, a list of recommended resources, and special sections to record personal notes and important contact information."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Virginia Vandall-Walker; Katherine Moore; Diane Pyne"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["prostate surgery", "mens health", "cancer"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120147"], ["title", "Before and After Radical Prostate Surgery: Information and Resource Guide"], ["doab_id", "14426"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425176", "9781897425183"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425176 9781897425183"]], [["description", "Scotland was at the forefront in spreading the ideas of the Enlightenment. By the beginning of the nineteenth century its periodical press enjoyed an unparalleled reputation with magazines like Blackwood's Magazine and the Edinburgh Review enjoying wide circulation. This collection of essays is the result of a major conference focusing specifically on the role of Scotland\u2019s print culture in shaping the literature and politics of the long eighteenth century. In contrast to previous studies, this work treats Blackwood\u2019s as the culmination of a long tradition rather than a starting point. It will appeal to scholars of the European Enlightenment as well as those researching Scottish literature and politics, and Romanticism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol ,Alex; Brown ,Rhona; Shuttleton ,David"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Scotland", "the Enlightenment", "Journalism", "Blackwood's Magazine", "literature", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Pickering & Chatto Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/record/523970"], ["title", "Before Blackwood's : Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment"], ["doab_id", "16835"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781848935501"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781848935501"]], [["description", "Mary Lois Walker Morris was a Mormon woman who challenged both American ideas about marriage and the U.S. legal system. Before the Manifesto provides a glimpse into her world as the polygamous wife of a prominent Salt Lake City businessman, during a time of great transition in Utah. This account of her life as a convert, milliner, active community member, mother, and wife begins in England, where her family joined the Mormon church, details her journey across the plains, and describes life in Utah in the 1880s. Her experiences were unusual as, following her first husband's deathbed request, she married his brother as a plural wife in the Old Testament tradition of levirate marriage. Mary Morris's memoir frames her 1879 to 1887 diary with both reflections on earlier years and passages that parallel entries in the day book, giving readers a better understanding of how she retrospectively saw her life. The thoroughly annotated diary offers the daily experience of a woman who kept a largely self-sufficient household, had a wide social network, ran her own business, wrote poetry, and was intellectually curious. The years of \"\"the Raid\"\" (federal prosecution of polygamists) led Mary and Elias Morris to hide their marriage on \"\"the underground,\"\" and her to perjury during Elias's trial for unlawful cohabitation. The book ends with Mary Lois's arrival at the Salt Lake Depot after three years in exile in Mexico with a polygamist colony."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Milewski, Melissa Lambert"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/38"], ["title", "Before the Manifesto: The Life Writings of Mary Lois Walker Morris"], ["doab_id", "14701"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216448"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216448"]], [["description", "Before the Museums Came: A Social History of the Fine Arts in the Twin Cities gives an engaging portrayal of the fine arts scene of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota in the United States, spanning from the appearance of the earliest artists in 1835 to the opening of the first permanent museum, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in 1915.Readers will learn about the institutions and organizations that were created in support of the fine arts, the early art exhibitions and events, and the collectors, dealers and artists whose efforts made all of that come to fruition. The text \u2013 enriched and supplemented by reproductions of artworks, photographs of various personages, exhibition venues, studios, art galleries, catalogues, and ephemera \u2013 presents a clear understanding of the period and breaks new ground for future scholars to research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Harris, Leo J."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Architecture, Art and Music, Fine Arts and Architecture, Library and Information Science, Archives and Museums, Art History"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/207417"], ["title", "Before the Museums Came. The Fine Arts in the Twin Cities"], ["doab_id", "15568"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560052"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560052"]], [["description", "Durchbricht man das starre Denkmuster einer Trennung von Leben und Kunst, so r\u00fccken bisher versteckte Orte des Wissens in den Vordergrund. Auf der Suche nach diesen neuen Wissens-Orten, nach Mikrokosmen und deren Resonanzen in der Musikkultur im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts soll dieser Band mit seinen verschiedenartigen Beitr\u00e4gen ein stimmungsvolles und ebenso mosaikhaftes Bild wiedergeben, das uns auffordert, das Kulturleben dieser, aber auch anderer Epochen in seiner ganzen Vielfalt wahrzunehmen und zu begreifen. Die Texte des vorliegenden Bandes fassen einige der Freien Referate zusammen, die beim 15. Internationalen Kongress der Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Musikforschung \u201eMusic | Musics. Structures and Processes\u201c vom 5.\u20138. September 2012 in G\u00f6ttingen gehalten worden sind. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Merle Fahrholz, Axel Fischer und Matthias Kornemann, Melanie von Goldbeck, Christine Hoppe, Martin Knust und Ingela T\u00e4gil, Marie Winkelm\u00fcller und Christhard Zimpel.

Durchbricht man das starre Denkmuster einer Trennung von Leben und Kunst, so r\u00fccken bisher versteckte Orte des Wissens in den Vordergrund. Auf der Suche nach diesen neuen Wissens-Orten, nach Mikrokosmen und deren Resonanzen in der Musikkultur im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts soll dieser Band mit seinen verschiedenartigen Beitr\u00e4gen ein stimmungsvolles und ebenso mosaikhaftes Bild wiedergeben, das uns auffordert, das Kulturleben dieser, aber auch anderer Epochen in seiner ganzen Vielfalt wahrzunehmen und zu begreifen. Die Texte des vorliegenden Bandes fassen einige der Freien Referate zusammen, die beim 15. Internationalen Kongress der Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Musikforschung \u201eMusic | Musics. Structures and Processes\u201c vom 5.\u20138. September 2012 in G\u00f6ttingen gehalten worden sind. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von Merle Fahrholz, Axel Fischer und Matthias Kornemann, Melanie von Goldbeck, Christine Hoppe, Martin Knust und Ingela T\u00e4gil, Marie Winkelm\u00fcller und Christhard Zimpel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goldbeck, Melanie von; Hoppe, Christine"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Europe", "19th century", "composition", "musical practice", "Europe", "19th century", "composition", "musical practice"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610381"], ["title", "Begegnung - Vermittlung - Innovation - Ann\u00e4herungen an Musik- und Kompositionspraktiken im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts Freie Referate, Band 1"], ["doab_id", "19185"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952242"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952242"]], [["description", "Attentional biases (ABs) play a prominent role in the development and maintenance of clinically relevant symptoms of, for example, anxiety and depression. In particular, increased attentional orienting and preoccupation with biologically relevant and mood-congruent stimuli has been observed, suggesting that the visual-attentional system is overly sensitive towards threat cues and avoidant of cues of reward in these disorders. First, several experimental paradigms have been used to assess ABs, e.g., the dot probe task, the emotional stroop task, and the spatial cueing task amongst others. Yet, these paradigms are based on different theoretical backgrounds and target different stages of the attentional process. Thus, different paradigms provided converging as well as diverging evidence with regard to ABs. However, it is often not entirely clear to what extent this reflects real differences and commonalities, or is caused by differences in methodology. For example, behavioral reaction time data can only provide a snapshot of selective attention. Measuring event-related potentials, eye movements, or functional brain imaging data enables exploring the exact temporal and spatial dynamics of attentional processes. Moreover, neuroimaging data reveal specific cortical networks involved in directing attention toward a stimulus or disengaging from it. Second, ABs have been mainly discussed as symptoms of psychopathology, while results in healthy participants are still scarce; previous studies mostly compared extreme groups. However, a comprehensive theoretical and empirical account of ABs in psychopathology also requires a thorough account of ABs in the general healthy population. Moreover, the effect of gender, as an important contributing factor in processing of emotional stimuli, has also not been considered systematically in previous research. Third, a variety of stimuli has been used in the assessment of ABs. So far, mostly facial or word stimuli have been applied. However, in everyday life not only facial emotion recognition but also a fast evaluation of complex social situations is important to be effective in social interactions. Recent research started using more complex stimuli to raise ecological validity. However, the use of ecologically valid stimuli poses some methodological challenges and needs to be applied more systematically. The aim of this research topic is to integrate different paradigms and stimuli, addressing individuals from the whole range of the population continuum, and to apply different methodological approaches. It is intended to bring together expertise in stimulus selection, timing and implementing issues, advancing and broadening the overall understanding of ABs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniela M. Pfabigan; Ulrich S. Tran"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["attentional bias", "bias indices", "attentional ERPs", "Anxiety", "Depression", "Dot-probe task"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1845/behavioral-and-physiological-bases-of-attentional-biases-paradigms-participants-and-stimuli"], ["title", "Behavioral and physiological bases of attentional biases: Paradigms, participants, and stimuli"], ["doab_id", "19582"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196401"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196401"]], [["description", "Just over one hundred years ago, Jung coined the term, \u201cAnalytical Psychology\u201d to differentiate his theories about the nature and dynamics of the human psyche from the \u201cpsychoanalytic\u201d theories of his compatriot, Sigmund Freud. Whilst Jung and his compatriots in related schools of \u201cdepth psychology\u201d spoke of \u201cthe unconscious\u201d as the driving instinctual force of the mind, scientists today refer principally to the \u201cbrain\u201d and its neurological functions and processes. Despite this change in focus, Analytical Psychology, as a recognized corpus of thought and therapeutic practice in its own right, continues to incite dialogue and debate with many other academic traditions, praxes, and fields of study, far beyond its own psychological and psychiatric disciplinary origins. Ideas of analytical psychology can be found in disciplines as wide ranging as business studies, social theory, education, neuroscience, political thought, linguistics, literature, history and historiography, religious studies, quantum physics, environmental studies, fine art and art history, media, and film. Similarly, analytical psychology as a therapeutic practice, is very much in demand within an eclectic range of fields of human care, including those that are relatively new, such as, terminal health care, HIV counselling, political consultation, reconciliation of interfaith groups, relief work to victims of natural disaster, consultation on matters of ecological sustainability, and so on. Analytical psychology\u2019s widespread appeal demonstrates its usefulness in establishing connections between otherwise disparate disciplines so as to make better sense of our human behaviors, motivations, and values. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lucy Huskinson (Ed.); Raya A. Jones; Robin McCoy Brooks; Steve Myers; Maryann Barone-Chapman; Jay Sherry; William E. Smythe; Giovanni B. Caputo; Diogo Valadas Ponte and Lothar Sch\u00e4fer; Caifang Zhu; Milena Sotirova-Kohli, Klaus Opwis, Christian Roesler, Steven M. Smith, David H. Rosen, Jyotsna Vaid and Valentin Djonov; Christian Roesler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Freud, history of psychology, Carl Gustav Jung", " subjectivity", " science", " analytical psychology", "dialogical self", " archetypes"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/64"], ["title", "The Behavioural Sciences in Dialogue with the Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology"], ["doab_id", "16620"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420026", "9783038420033"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420026/9783038420033"]], [["description", "For centuries, science and religion have been on the opposite sides of the debate about the moral nature of human beings. Now science is confirming what people of faith have long known: human morality is embedded in our biology. Drawing on the latest research in neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and behavioral science, this book affirms the four-fold prophetic vision of morality as expressed hundreds of years ago by the great philosopher and theologian, the Blessed John Duns Scotus. It proclaims the dignity of the individual and celebrates freedom of will for moral living, stemming from the place of innate natural goodness where love prevails."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Severino, Sally K."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["John Duns Scotus, neuroscience, morality"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209764"], ["title", "Behold Our Moral Body. Psychiatry, Duns Scotus and Neuroscience"], ["doab_id", "15909"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560359"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560359"]], [["description", "The book gives an intriguing insight into how young people in Estonia, twenty years after the establishment of democracy, perceive their own role as citizens. It does so in a theoretical framework that stresses the embeddedness of the civic experiences in a media-dominated environment, thus closely linking civic and media experiences. Based on the analysis of both qualitative interview data and a relatively new method of using the internet as a complementary tool for engaging with open-ended diaries, the study explores the extent to which young citizens experience the media as being interwoven with their everyday lives and, in fact, constitutive of their social reality as citizens. With its particular focus on young Estonians, i.e. on a generation that has been brought up in a context of rapid political, economic and social change and that is well-known for its fascination with new communication technologies, the book is a valuable contribution to the growing international research on media and civic experiences."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaun ,Anne"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["young people", "youth studies", "social perception", "democracy", "participatory democracy", "civic society", "civic participation", "civic culture", "civic experience", "media experience", "media studies", "media criticism", "open-ended diaries", "Internet", "Estonia"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=474311"], ["title", "Being a Young Citizen in Estonia: An Exploration of Young People\u2019s Civic and Media Experiences"], ["doab_id", "15982"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949322749", "9789949322756"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949322749 9789949322756"]], [["description", "Similarity has long been excluded from reality in both the analytical and continental traditions. Because it exists in the aesthetic realm, and because aesthetics is thought to be divorced from objective reality, similarity has been confined to the prison of the subject. In The Being of Analogy, Noah Roderick unleashes similarity onto the world of objects. Inspired by object-oriented theories of causality, Roderick argues that similarity is ever present at the birth of new objects. This includes the emergent similarity of new mental objects, such as categories\u2014a phenomenon we recognize as analogy. Analogy, Roderick contends, is at the very heart of cognition and communication, and it is through analogy that we can begin dismantling the impossible wall between knowing and being."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roderick ,Noah"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["similarity", "aesthetics", "the world of objects", "object-oriented theories of causality", "analogy", "cognition", "communication"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605486"], ["title", "The Being of Analogy"], ["doab_id", "17937"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420221", "9781785420238"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420221 9781785420238"]], [["description", "Ever since its establishment 25 years ago the 'G\u00f6ttingen Environmental Colloquium' has developed into an institution that bundles the various activities on the subject here and from all other areas in the German-speaking countries by exchanging the results of research and the various streams of scientific endeavours in ths field. Also some start-up enterprises have originated here. The volume assembles papers of the 2004 to 2006 colloquia. During those years the GEC extended its scope through cooperation with the G\u00f6ttingen Graduate College \"Interdisciplinary Environmental History\". The papers ideally present the idea of interrelated departmental research into environmental history, both in their thematic approach and according to the specialized competence of the authors.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium der Jahre 2004 bis 2006, in denen es seine Zielbestimmung durch Kooperation mit dem G\u00f6ttinger Graduiertenkolleg \u00bbInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte\u00ab erweitert hat. Die Beitr\u00e4ge geben in ihrer thematischen Breite und fachlichen Herkunft der Verfasser ein idealtypisches Bild einer disziplinen\u00fcbergreifenden produktiven Umweltgeschichte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["forestry", "forest science", "historic geography", "forestry", "forest science", "historic geography"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610332"], ["title", "Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2004 - 2006"], ["doab_id", "13107"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616901"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616901"]], [["description", "This annual yearbook presents essays in environmental history based on lectures given at the G\u00f6ttingen study group \u201cEnvironmental History\u201d by external authors. As previous yearbooks it is dedicated to the plurality of approaches in environmental history and serves as a valuable source for information about current research in that realm.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2007 und des Wintersemesters 2008."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Animals and nature in art", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Environmental economics", "Animals and nature in art", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Environmental economics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610334"], ["title", "Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2007 - 2008"], ["doab_id", "13414"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344397"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344397"]], [["description", "This annual yearbook presents essays in environmental history based on lectures given at the G\u00f6ttingen study group \u201cEnvironmental History\u201d by external authors. As previous yearbooks it is dedicated to the plurality of approaches in environmental history and serves as a valuable source for information about current research in that realm.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2008 und des Wintersemesters 2008/09."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Conservation of the environment\u2026", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Conservation of the environment\u2026", "Social impact of environmental issues"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610336"], ["title", "Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2008 - 2009"], ["doab_id", "13415"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344977"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344977"]], [["description", "This annual yearbook presents essays in environmental history based on lectures given at the G\u00f6ttingen study group \u201cEnvironmental History\u201d by external authors. As previous yearbooks it is dedicated to the plurality of approaches in environmental history and serves as a valuable source for information about current research in that realm.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2009 und des Wintersemesters 2009/10."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Literary reference works", "Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Literary reference works"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610340"], ["title", "Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2009 - 2010"], ["doab_id", "13416"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875524"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875524"]], [["description", "This annual yearbook presents essays in environmental history based on lectures given at the G\u00f6ttingen study group \u201cEnvironmental History\u201d by external authors. As previous yearbooks it is dedicated to the plurality of approaches in environmental history and serves as a valuable source for information about current research in that realm.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2010 und des Wintersemesters 2010/11."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Conservation of the environment", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Social issues: environment and green issues", "Environmentalist thought and ideology", "Conservation of the environment", "Social impact of environmental issues", "Ecological science, the Biosphere", "Social issues: environment and green issues"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610327"], ["title", "Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2010 - 2011"], ["doab_id", "13410"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950163"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950163"]], [["description", "With communication playing an increasingly important role in contemporary society, rhetoric appears to have gained in influence and importance. The ancients knew all along: power belongs to those who know how to use their words. Nowadays, we know that rhetoric pervades all discourse. There is no communication without rhetoric. In a society with ever-increasing amounts of information, and with media whose significance cannot be overestimated, we need to know all the mechanisms playing a role in the gathering, making and reporting of information and opinions, and its processing by an audience. Rhetoric is, from both a practical and a theoretical perspective, essential to the conduct, analysis and evaluation of public debates. After all, the idea of democracy is closely intertwined with the ideal of transparent decision-making on the basis of open, informed discussions in the public domain, in political, organizational and journalistic discourse. Bending Opinion cites a host of relevant examples, from Barack Obama to Geert Wilders, as well as compelling case studies.

Het belang van communicatie neemt steeds verder toe in de huidige samenleving, en daarmee blijkt ook retoriek aan invloed te winnen. Het was al bekend in de Oudheid: de macht behoort hen toe die weten hoe ze hun woorden moeten gebruiken. Tegenwoordig beheerst retoriek het publieke debat, en is er geen communicatie zonder retoriek. In een samenleving die wordt gekenmerkt door een overvloed aan informatie en zeer invloedrijke media, is het van groot belang belang inzicht te krijgen in de mechanismen die een rol spelen bij het verzamelen, maken en het overbrengen van informatie en meningen, en de manier waarop het publiek deze verwerkt. Retoriek is, zowel vanuit praktisch als theoretisch oogpunt, essentieel voor de uitwerking, analyse en evaluatie van het publieke debat. Uiteindelijk is het idee van democratie nauw vervlochten met het ideaal van transparante besluitvorming op basis van open, goed-ge nformeerderde discussies in het publieke domein en het politieke en journalistieke discours."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haaften van ,T.; Jansen ,H.; Jong de ,J.; Koetsenruijter ,W."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606214"], ["title", "Bending Opinion : Essays on Persuasion in the Public Domain"], ["doab_id", "14612"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280994"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280994"]], [["description", "In this new and updated edition---with a foreword by Lora Tom, chairwoman of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah---Holt recounts the survival of a people against all odds. A compound of rapid white settlement of the most productive Southern Paiute homelands, especially their farmlands near tributaries of the Colorado River; conversion by and labor for the Mormon settlers; and government neglect placed the Utah Paiutes in a state of dependency that ironically culminated in the 1957 termination of their status as federally recognized Indians. The recognition and attendant services were not restored until 1980, but the act revived the Paiutes' identity, self-government, land ownership, and sense of possibility."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Holt, Ronald L."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/82"], ["title", "Beneath These Red Cliffs"], ["doab_id", "14712"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216370"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216370"]], [["description", "Il \u201cbenessere\u201d \u00e8 un concetto che riveste un ruolo centrale nelle riflessioni di molteplici discipline: dalla matematica alla sociologia, dal diritto tributario alla filosofia del diritto. I saggi di questo volume traggono spunto dalle relazioni presentate da giovani studiosi in occasione di seminari svoltisi durante l\u2019anno accademico 2013/2014 presso l\u2019Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, e forniscono uno sguardo d\u2019insieme su alcune tra le pi\u00f9 significative prospettive dalle quali il tema del benessere si presta a essere affrontato."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riccardo Bonato, Marianna Nobile, a cura di"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Benessere, scienze sociali, diritto"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Il_benessere_definitivo.pdf"], ["title", "Il benessere, un percorso multidisciplinare"], ["doab_id", "16454"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867052608"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052608"]], [["description", "Many modern Beowulf translations, while excellent in their own ways, suffer from what Kathleen Biddick might call \u201cmelancholy\u201d for an oral and aural way of poetic making. By and large, they tend to preserve certain familiar features of Anglo-Saxon verse as it has been constructed by editors, philologists, and translators: the emphasis on caesura and alliteration, with diction and syntax smoothed out for readability. The problem with, and the paradox of this desired outcome, especially as it concerns Anglo-Saxon poetry, is that we are left with a document that translates an entire organizing principle based on oral transmission (and perhaps composition) into a visual, textual realm of writing and reading. The sense of loss or nostalgia for the old form seems a necessary and ever-present shadow over modern Beowulfs.What happens, however, when a contemporary poet, quite simply, doesn\u2019t bother with any such nostalgia? When the entire organizational apparatus of the poem\u2014instead of being uneasily approximated in modern verse form\u2014is itself translated into a modern organizing principle, i.e., the visual text? This is the approach that poet Thomas Meyer takes; as he writes,[I]nstead of the text\u2019s orality, perhaps perversely I went for the visual. Deciding to use page layout (recto/ verso) as a unit. Every translation I\u2019d read felt impenetrable to me with its block after block of nearly uniform lines. Among other quirky decisions made in order to open up the text, the project wound up being a kind of typological specimen book for long American poems extant circa 1965. Having variously the \u201clook\u201d of Pound\u2019s Cantos, Williams\u2019 Paterson, or Olson or Zukofsky, occasionally late Eliot, even David Jones.A glance anywhere in Meyer\u2019s text demonstrates the stunning results. One place he turns it to especially good effect is the fight with Grendel in Fit 11, transforming the famously hyper-condensed syntax of the scene from a discouraging challenge for the translator into a visually pleasing strength:The eyes of Hygelac\u2019s kin watched the wicked raiderexecute his quick attack:without delay,snatching his first chance,a sleeping warrior,he tore him in two,chomped muscle, sucked veins\u2019gushing blood,gulped down his morsel, the dead man,chunk by chunk,hands, feet & all.& thenfootstephandclawfiendreachmanbedquicktrickbeastarmpainclampnewnotknownheartrunfleshofeargetawaygonowrunrunnever before hadsinherd feared anything so.Here the reader is confronted with the words themselves running together, as if in panic, in much the same way that the original passage seems in such a rush to tell the story of the battle that bodies become confused. This is just one example of the adventurous and provocative angle on Beowulf to which Meyer introduces us. His Beowulf\u2014completed in 1972 but never before published\u2014is sure to stretch readers\u2019 ideas about what is possible in terms of translating Anglo-Saxon poetry, as well as provide new insights on the poem itself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Meyer; David Hawbadnik (ed.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Beowulf, contemporary poetics, Old English poetry, translation"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/thomas-meyer-beowulf/"], ["title", "Beowulf: A Translation"], ["doab_id", "16006"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615612652"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615612652"]], [["description", "Bernard Bolzano (1781\u20131848) during his time as a professor of religious studies (1805\u20131820) had to give a speech to the whole community of students every sunday during the academic year. This was a very influential position which also caused his dismissal in 1820. Here we have the textual edition of the lectures or sermons he gave during his period of office. The critical edition involves the missing sermons found in Prague archives. The complete edition of Bolzano's sermons will be published in the Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe Frommann Holzboog, 2A15\u201325.

Der gro\u00dfe b\u00f6hmische Philosoph - \"B\u00f6hme deutscher Zunge\" nach eigener Definition - Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848) wurde 1805 zum Priester geweiht und an der Karl-Ferdinandischen Universit\u00e4t Prag zum Professor f\u00fcr Religionslehre ernannt. Diese ernennung aufgrund eines Dekrets von Kaiser Franz bedeutete auch die Verpflichtung, an Sonntagen so genannte \"Erbauungsreden\" vor den Studenten des Philosophikums zu halten. Auf diese Weise sollten die Studenten \"zu guten Christen und rechtschaffenen B\u00fcrgern\" herangebildet werden. Bolzano legte in seinen Reden allerdings mehr Wert darauf, sie zum kritischen Selbstdenken anzuregen. Der unausweichliche Konflikt mit den Beh\u00f6rden endete mit der Absetzung des Professors 1820. Die Erbauungsreden waren der Stein des Ansto\u00dfes. Das wissenschaftliche Vers\u00e4umnis, dass Bolzanos brisante Reden noch immer nicht vollst\u00e4ndig ver\u00f6ffentlicht sind, kann als Sp\u00e4tfolge dieser Verbannung betrachtet werden. Jetzt ist es gelungen, eine wichtige L\u00fccke zu schlie\u00dfen: Der \u00f6sterreichische Bolzano-Forscher Kurt F. Strasser hat aus in Prag liegenden Handschriften die letzten der bisher unver\u00f6ffentlichten Erbauungsreden transkribiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Strasser ,Kurt F. "], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Bplzano, Bohemia, Austrian philosophy, ethics, Austrian history 1789\u20131848, theology, sermons, rhetoric, resistance to official politics and religion", "Predigt, Aufkl\u00e4rung, angewandte Ethik, Biedermeier"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470931"], ["title", "Bernard Bolzano"], ["doab_id", "15941"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994411"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994411"]], [["description", "Am \u00dcbergang von der Schule in den Beruf werden wichtige Weichen gestellt, die den weiteren Lebenslauf eines Menschen vorbereiten. Dazu werden in diesem Band neue Ergebnisse der vielf\u00e4ltigen Transitionsforschung aus der ganzen Schweiz vorgestellt, die sich an verschiedenen Disziplinen wie der Psychologie, Soziologie, Erziehungswissenschaften oder Bildungs\u00f6konomie orientieren. Daf\u00fcr werden theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Evidenzen f\u00fcr die Analyse und Steuerung bedeutsamer Passagen im Lebenslauf entwickelt. Soweit m\u00f6glich werden auch Handlungsempfehlungen f\u00fcr die Akteure der Berufsbildung in der Schweiz diskutiert, die zugleich auch in anderen L\u00e4ndern von Interesse sein d\u00fcrften."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kurt H\u00e4feli; Markus P. Neuenschwander; Stephan Schumann"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["professional education", " vocational education", " educational psychology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-10094-0"], ["title", "Berufliche Passagen im Lebenslauf: Berufsbildungs- und Transitionsforschung in der Schweiz"], ["doab_id", "19232"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783658100933", "9783658100940"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658100933 (Print) 9783658100940 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book deals with the changing patterns of transmission of land and houses in a pre-industrial rural community of Southern Bohemia. By linking different sources, such as land registers and a family reconstitution, the study focuses on both the demographic and the economic factors that influenced peasant transmission strategies as well as on the consequences of changing transmission patterns for access to land-ownership.

Die vorliegende Fallstudie untersucht die Weitergabe von Haus und Grundbesitz zwischen den Generationen und die daraus resultierenden Folgen f\u00fcr die demographische, \u00f6konomische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung vormoderner Gesellschaften. Erst im lokalen Kontext lassen sich die Widerspr\u00fcche der bisherigen Forschung in Bezug auf den postulierten Zusammenhang zwischen Besitzwechsel und sozialer Polarisierung aufl\u00f6sen und der gesellschaftliche Wandel auf einer neuen Grundlage erkl\u00e4ren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zeitlhofer ,Hermann"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["land transmission; social change; inheritance; marriage patterns; retirement arrangements", "Besitzweitergabe; sozialer Wandel, Heiratsmuster; Hof\u00fcbergabe; Altenteiler"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=482143"], ["title", "Besitzwechsel und sozialer Wandel"], ["doab_id", "16520"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795650"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795650"]], [["description", "The Best of Technology Writing 2006 brings together some of the most important, timely, and just plain readable writing in the fast-paced, high-stakes field of technology. The first annual collection to target this vibrant and versatile area, The Best of Technology Writing 2006 features innovative work from an unusually diverse array of writers: best-selling authors, noted academics, and indie journalists and bloggers. The culmination of an open, on-line nominating process, this collection covers topics ranging from jetpacks, to the ethics of genetically cloned pets, to the meaning of life in the information age. By turns epic and intimate, serious and playful, The Best of Technology Writing 2006 captures the vitality, importance, and complexity of technology today."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brendan I. Koerner, Editor"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Technical writing"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5283331.0001.001"], ["title", "The Best of Technology Writing 2006"], ["doab_id", "14510"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472031955"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472031955"]], [["description", "Together the essays in The Best of Technology Writing 2007 capture the versatility and verve of technology writing today. Solicited through an open online nominating process, these pieces explore a wide range of intriguing topics\u2014from \"crowdsourcing\" to the online habits of urban moms to the digital future of movie production. The Best of Technology Writing 2007 will appeal to anyone who enjoys stellar writing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steven Levy, Editor"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/bot.5283331.0002.001"], ["title", "The Best of Technology Writing 2007"], ["doab_id", "19101"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472032662", "9780472900541"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472032662 9780472900541"]], [["description", "The Best of Technology Writing 2008 proves that technology writing is a bona fide literary genre with some of the most stylish, compelling, and just plain readable work in journalism today. The third volume in this annual series, The Best of Technology Writing 2008 covers a fascinating mix of topics\u2014from a molecular gastronomist's recipe for the perfect gin and tonic; to \"\"the Mechanism,\"\" an ancient Greek artifact that might be the world's first laptop computer; to social media, privacy, and what is possibly the biggest generation gap since rock 'n' roll."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Clive Thompson, Editor"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Technical writing"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5283331.0003.001"], ["title", "The Best of Technology Writing 2008"], ["doab_id", "14511"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472033270"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472033270"]], [["description", "It is generally thought that all people should have equal opportunities and their social position should not be dictated by race, sex or heritage. This ideology of meritocracy has been embraced by the Dutch and other European societies. But is this something to strive for? This provocative book has a number of renowned philosophers and sociologists look at the downside of meritocracy. They show that meritocracy runs counter to other important ideals such as solidarity, respect and democracy.

Mensen moeten gelijke kansen hebben en hun maatschappelijk positie mag niet bepaald worden door afkomst, ras of sekse. Alleen hun eigen inzet en talent mogen tellen. Dit 'meritocratische ideaal' wordt in onze samenleving breed omarmd, Maar is dit ideaal wel zo aantrekkelijk? In deze bundel, die ongetwijfeld tot veel discussie zal leiden, buigt een aantal bekende filosofen en sociologen zich over de keerzijden van dit ideaal. Evelien Tonkens, Dick Pels, Pieter Pekelharing, Mark Bovens en Tsjalling Swierstra laten zien dat het meritocratische ideaal op gespannen voet staat met andere belangrijke idealen als onderling respect, solidariteit, democratie, onderhoud en een ontspannen samenleving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Swierstra ,Tsjalling; Tonkens ,Evelien"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Philosophy", "Political science", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Filosofie", "Politicologie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340096"], ["title", "De beste de baas? : Verdienste, respect en solidariteit in een meritocratie"], ["doab_id", "12807"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568156"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568156"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brugman ,J."], ["date", "1960"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613409"], ["title", "De betekenis van het Mohammedaanse recht in het hedendaagse Egypte"], ["doab_id", "18431"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285927", "9789004286528"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285927 9789004286528"]], [["description", "The collection covers the presentations held at the workshop on \u201eChallenge: Securing Resources - Animal Diseases and Pest Control in the 18th and 19 Century\u201c held in Goettingen on 21 and 22 June 2006 by the graduate school \u201eInterdisciplinary Environmental History, Natual Environment and Society in Central Europe\u201c, which is funded by the German Research Foundation, and operative since July 1 2004 at the Georg-August University in Goettingen.

Das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gef\u00f6rderte Graduiertenkolleg \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte. Naturale Umwelt und gesellschaftliches Handeln in Mitteleuropa\u201c hat am 1. Juli 2004 an der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t in G\u00f6ttingen seine Arbeit aufgenommen. Im Interesse forschungsorientierter Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t gruppiert sich das Studienprogramm des Graduiertenkollegs um eine Reihe von Workshops mit deutschen und internationalen Vertretern umweltgeschichtlicher Disziplinen. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis eines Workshops, welchen die HerausgeberInnen am 21. und 22. Juni 2006 in G\u00f6ttingen unter dem Titel: \u201eHerausforderung Ressourcensicherung \u2013 Zur Viehseuchen- und Sch\u00e4dlingsbek\u00e4mpfung im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert\u201c veranstalteten. WissenschaftlerInnen aus D\u00e4nemark, Deutschland, Kanada, \u00d6sterreich, der Schweiz und den USA waren eingeladen worden, in diesem Kontext unterschiedliche Aspekte des Mensch-Natur-Verh\u00e4ltnisses zu er\u00f6rtern. Der Workshop hatte das Ziel, durch die Verkn\u00fcpfung verschiedener geschichtswissenschaftlicher Ans\u00e4tze neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte der Wahrnehmung und Bek\u00e4mpfung von Sch\u00e4dlingen und Tierseuchen in der fr\u00fchen Neuzeit zu er\u00f6ffnen. Dieser Tagungsband enth\u00e4lt ausgew\u00e4hlte Beitr\u00e4ge des Workshops, welche besonders die Wechselwirkungen zwischen \u00d6konomie, Umwelt und Gesellschaft in Krisenzeiten analysieren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Engelken, Katharina"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["livestock disease", "cattle disease", "interdisciplinary environmental history", "natual environment and society in Central Europe", "livestock disease", "cattle disease", "interdisciplinary environmental history", "natual environment and society in Central Europe"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610333"], ["title", "Beten, Impfen, Sammeln - Zur Viehseuchen- und Sch\u00e4dlingsbek\u00e4mpfung in der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit Graduiertenkolleg Interdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "13230"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616956"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616956"]], [["description", "COMMENSALITY - EATING AND DRINKING together in a common physical and social setting \u2013 is a central element in people\u2019s everyday lives. This makes commensality a particularly important theme within which to explore social relations, social reproduction and the working of politics whether in the present or the past.Archaeological attention has been focused primarilyon feasting and other special commensal occasionsto the neglect of daily commensality. This volumeseeks to redress this imbalance by emphasizing thedynamic relation between feasts and quotidian mealsand devoting explicit attention to the micro-politics of Alltag (\u201cthe everyday\u201d) rather than solely to special occasions. Case studies drawing on archaeological(material) as well as written sources range from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age in Western Asia and Greece, Formative to late pre-Columbian com munities in Andean South America, and modern Europe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Susan Pollock (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Edition Topoi"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edition-topoi.org/books/details/between-feasts-and-daily-meals"], ["title", "Between Feasts and Daily Meals"], ["doab_id", "17899"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9783981675108"]], ["provider", "www.edition-topoi.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9783981675108"]], [["description", "Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding heritage, intersecting time and again with questions of territory. In this volume, anthropologists and legal scholars from France, Germany, Italy and the USA take up questions arising from these intertwined concerns from diverse perspectives: How and by whom were these concepts interpreted and re-interpreted, and what effects did they bring forth in their implementation? What impact was wielded by these terms, and what kinds of discursive formations did they bring forth? How do actors from local to national levels interpret these new components of the heritage regime, and how do actors within heritage-granting national and international bodies work it into their cultural and political agency? What is the role of experts and expertise, and when is scholarly knowledge expertise and when is it partisan? How do bureaucratic institutions translate the imperative of participation into concrete practices? Case studies from within and without the UNESCO matrix combine with essays probing larger concerns generated by the valuation and valorization of culture.

Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding heritage, intersecting time and again with questions of territory. In this volume, anthropologists and legal scholars from France, Germany, Italy and the USA take up questions arising from these intertwined concerns from diverse perspectives: How and by whom were these concepts interpreted and re-interpreted, and what effects did they bring forth in their implementation? What impact was wielded by these terms, and what kinds of discursive formations did they bring forth? How do actors from local to national levels interpret these new components of the heritage regime, and how do actors within heritage-granting national and international bodies work it into their cultural and political agency? What is the role of experts and expertise, and when is scholarly knowledge expertise and when is it partisan? How do bureaucratic institutions translate the imperative of participation into concrete practices? Case studies from within and without the UNESCO matrix combine with essays probing larger concerns generated by the valuation and valorization of culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Adell, Nicolas; Bendix, Regina F.; Bortolotto, Chiara; Tauschek, Markus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cultural property", "heritage", "community", "cultural property", "heritage", "community"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610380"], ["title", "Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice - Participation, Territory and the Making of Heritage"], ["doab_id", "19184"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952051"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952051"]], [["description", "Ingmar Bergman is worldwide known as a film and stage director. Yet no-one has attempted to compare his stage and screen activities. In Between stage and screen Egil T\u00f6rnqvist examines formal and thematical correspondences and differences between a number of Bergman's stage, screen, and radio productions. In the prologue Bergman's spiritual and aesthetic heritage and his position in the twentieth century media landscape is outlined. In the epilogue the question is answered to what extent one can speak of Bergman's directorial 'method' irrespective of the chosen medium."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "T\u00f6rnqvist ,Egil"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Stage presentations", "Motion pictures", "Theater", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340254"], ["title", "Between Stage and Screen : Ingmar Bergman Directs"], ["doab_id", "12934"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053561379"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053561379"]], [["description", "This research/analysis focuses on an empirical analysis of the practical criminal law and the success of suspended sentence. The foundation of the research form data sets from the Bundeszentralregister and the Erziehungsregister. About 120.000 German data sets of stayed prison sentences and stayed young offender sentences are analyzed under the following aspects: the sentence received and if the delinquent reoffends in a period of four years after their sanction. Characteristics of age, gender, nationality and perhaps an existing penal background as well as possible probation service are part of the analysis. Also discussed are connections between relapse and the revocation of the parole. Another chapter deals with the success of the suspended sentences compared to other penalties, i.e. fines and prison sentences up to two years.

Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit einer empirischen Analyse der Strafrechtspraxis und des Erfolges von Verurteilungen zu ausgesetzten Freiheits- und Jugendstrafen, den sog. Bew\u00e4hrungsstrafen. Sie widmet sich damit einem Kernst\u00fcck des modernen Strafrechts. Auf der Grundlage von Datens\u00e4tzen aus dem Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister werden rund 120.000 zu aussetzungsf\u00e4higen Freiheits- oder Jugendstrafen Verurteilte aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet hinsichtlich ihrer konkreten Sanktionierung im Bezugsjahr und einer etwaigen erneuten Straff\u00e4lligkeit in einem vierj\u00e4hrigen Folgezeitraum untersucht. Besonderheiten hinsichtlich des Alters, des Geschlechts, der Nationalit\u00e4t und der im Register abgebildeten strafrechtlichen Vorgeschichte der T\u00e4ter werden analysiert, ebenso eine etwaige Unterstellung unter Bew\u00e4hrungshilfe. Vortaten, Bezugstaten und R\u00fcckfalltaten werden delikts- und sanktionsspezifisch ausgewertet. Auch nach etwaigen Zusammenh\u00e4ngen zwischen R\u00fcckfall und Widerruf der Strafaussetzun"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weigelt, Enrico"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["young offenders", "criminal prosecution", "young offenders", "criminal prosecution"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610232"], ["title", "Bew\u00e4hren sich Bew\u00e4hrungsstrafen? - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Praxis und des Erfolgs der Strafaussetzung von Freiheits- und Jugendstrafen"], ["doab_id", "13229"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875173"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875173"]], [["description", "Mehr als 3,2 Millionen Menschen lernen und arbeiten in Deutschland an Hochschulen. Die Hochschule als Organisation und Institution repr\u00e4sentiert damit ein bedeutsames Setting f\u00fcr gesundheitsf\u00f6rderliche Angebote und Ma\u00dfnahmen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Programmen und Projekten bereits in der Praxis etabliert haben. Sport- und Bewegungsangebote besitzen im Kontext der Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung an Hochschulen dabei eine gro\u00dfe Bedeutung. Der dritte Band der Reihe \u201eHochschulsport: Bildung und Wissenschaft\u201c widmet sich diesem Thema aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Neben theoretischen Beitr\u00e4gen zur Bewegungsorientierten Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung an Hochschulen pr\u00e4sentiert der Band erstmals auch zahlreiche empirisch ausgerichtete Beitr\u00e4ge, die \u00fcber die Effekte, Wirkungsweisen und Anwendungsm\u00f6glichkeiten des Sports und der Bewegung im Hochschulsetting berichten. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird der Praxis der bewegungsorientierten Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, indem Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Hochschulen vorgestellt und diskutiert werden.

Mehr als 3,2 Millionen Menschen lernen und arbeiten in Deutschland an Hochschulen. Die Hochschule als Organisation und Institution repr\u00e4sentiert damit ein bedeutsames Setting f\u00fcr gesundheitsf\u00f6rderliche Angebote und Ma\u00dfnahmen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Programmen und Projekten bereits in der Praxis etabliert haben. Sport- und Bewegungsangebote besitzen im Kontext der Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung an Hochschulen dabei eine gro\u00dfe Bedeutung. Der dritte Band der Reihe \u201eHochschulsport: Bildung und Wissenschaft\u201c widmet sich diesem Thema aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Neben theoretischen Beitr\u00e4gen zur Bewegungsorientierten Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung an Hochschulen pr\u00e4sentiert der Band erstmals auch zahlreiche empirisch ausgerichtete Beitr\u00e4ge, die \u00fcber die Effekte, Wirkungsweisen und Anwendungsm\u00f6glichkeiten des Sports und der Bewegung im Hochschulsetting berichten. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird der Praxis der bewegungsorientierten Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt, indem Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Hochschulen vorgestellt und diskutiert werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "G\u00f6ring, Arne; M\u00f6llenbeck, Daniel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Germany", "universities", "health promotion", "Germany", "universities", "health promotion"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610376"], ["title", "Bewegungsorientierte Gesundheitsf\u00f6rderung an Hochschulen"], ["doab_id", "19180"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952020"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952020"]], [["description", "This book argues that the primacy of the market in celebrity-obsessed culture reveals a new variety of African American celebrities to be unreliable indicators of Black America."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ellis Cashmore"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780931500"], ["title", "Beyond Black"], ["doab_id", "15455"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780931500"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780931500"]], [["description", "How can large protest crowds be better and more respectfully managed by police? This topical book applies the principles of community-based conflict resolution to the policing of large crowds, suggesting a new approach based on mutual respect for protesters as principled dissenters and for police as non-repressive agents of public order."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vern Neufeld Redekop; Shirley Pare"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849660907"], ["title", "Beyond Control"], ["doab_id", "14358"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849660907"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849660907"]], [["description", "The decolonization of countries in Asia and Africa is one of the momentous events in the twentieth century. But did the shift to independence indeed affect the lives of the people in such a dramatic way as the political events suggest? The authors in this volume look beyond the political interpretations of decolonization and address the issue of social and economic reorientations which were necessitated or caused by the end of colonial rule. The book covers three major issues: public security; the changes in the urban environment, and the reorientation of the economies. Most articles search for comparisons transcending the colonial and national borders and adopt a time frame extending from the late colonial period to the early decades of independence in Asia and Africa (1930s-1970s).The volume is part of the research programme \u2018Indonesia across Orders\u2019 of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation.Contributors to the volume are: Greg Bankoff, Raymond Betts, Ann Booth, Cath\u00e9rine Coqu\u00e9ry-Vidrovitch, Freek Colombijn, Frederick Cooper, Bill Freund, Karl Hack, Jim Masselos and Willem Wolters."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bogaerts ,Els; Raben ,Remco "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["decolonization", "economic history", "political history", "social history", "Asia", "Indonesia", "Africa"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424255"], ["title", "Beyond Empire and Nation; The Decolonization of African and Asian societies, 1930s-1960s"], ["doab_id", "15111"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067182898", "9789004260443"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067182898 9789004260443"]], [["description", "This biography examines the long life of the traveller and author Stephen Graham. Graham walked across large parts of the Tsarist Empire in the years before 1917, describing his adventures in a series of books and articles that helped to shape attitudes towards Russia in Britain and the United States. In later years he travelled widely across Europe and North America, meeting some of the best known writers of the twentieth century, including H.G. Wells and Ernest Hemingway. Graham also wrote numerous novels and biographies that won him a wide readership on both sides of the Atlantic. This book traces Graham\u2019s career as a world traveller, and provides a rich portrait of English, Russian and American literary life in the first half of the twentieth century. It also examines how many aspects of his life and writing coincide with contemporary concerns, including the development of New Age spirituality and the rise of environmental awareness.Beyond Holy Russia is based on extensive research in archives of private papers in Britain and the USA and on the many works of Graham himself. The author describes with admirable tact and clarity Graham\u2019s heterodox and convoluted spiritual quest. The result is a fascinating portrait of a man who was for many years a significant literary figure on both sides of the Atlantic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hughes, Michael (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Stephen Graham", "travel writing", "Russia", "biography", "religion"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/217"], ["title", "Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Times of Stephen Graham"], ["doab_id", "15994"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740130"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740130"]], [["description", "In nine lively essays, bioethicist J. David Velleman challenges the prevailing consensus about assisted suicide and reproductive technology, articulating an original approach to the ethics of creating and ending human lives. He argues that assistance in dying is appropriate only at the point where talk of suicide is not, and he raises moral objections to anonymous donor conception. In their place, Velleman champions a morality of valuing personhood over happiness in making end-of-life decisions, and respecting the personhood of future children in making decisions about procreation. These controversial views are defended with philosophical rigor while remaining accessible to the general reader. Written over Velleman's 30 years of undergraduate teaching in bioethics, the essays have never before been collected and made available to a non-academic audience. They will open new lines of debate on issues of intense public interest."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Velleman, J. David (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bioethics, medical ethics, euthanasia, assisted suicide, reproductive technology, donor conception, death and dying"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/349"], ["title", "Beyond Price: Essays on Birth and Death"], ["doab_id", "17485"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9781783741687", "9781783741694"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741687/9781783741694"]], [["description", "The title for this special issue was devised as a direct challenge to the prevailing solutionist and instrumental approaches to the application of digital technologies to medicine and public health. In formulating the idea and title for the special issue, I wanted to inspire some provocative and challenging commentary and research on what I interpreted as a dominantly techno-utopian position on digital health. One important approach that I particularly wanted to encourage, and which I articulate in my own contribution to the special issue, is that which views digital health technologies as social, cultural and material artefacts which have political implications and embodied entanglements with humans and other nonhuman actors.- Deborah Lupton, Guest Editor"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/125"], ["title", "Beyond Techno-Utopia: Critical Approaches to Digital Health Technologies"], ["doab_id", "17514"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420606", "9783038420613"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420606/9783038420613 "]], [["description", "The Breslau arts scene during the Weimar period was one of the most vibrant in all of Germany, yet it has disappeared from memory and historiography. 'Beyond the Bauhaus' explores the polyvalent and contradictory nature of cultural production in Breslau in order to expand the cultural and geographic scope of Weimar history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barnstone Ascher ,Deborah"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Art"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611261"], ["title", "Beyond the Bauhaus"], ["doab_id", "19237"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119905"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119905"]], [["description", "Embodied cognition represents one of most important research programs in contemporary cognitive science. Although there is a diversity of opinion concerning the nature of embodiment, the core idea is that cognitive processes are influenced by body morphology, emotions, and sensorimotor systems. This idea is supported by an ever increasing collection of empirical studies that fall into two broad classes: one consisting of experiments that implicate action, emotion, and perception systems in seemingly abstract cognitive tasks and the other consisting of experiments that demonstrate the contribution of bodily interaction with the external environment to the performance of such tasks. Now that the research program of embodied cognition is well established, the time seems right for assessing its further promise and potential limitations. This research topic aims to create an interdisciplinary forum for discussing where we go from here. Given that we have good reason to think that the body influences cognition in surprisingly robust ways, the central question is no longer whether or not any cognitive processes are embodied. Instead, other questions have come to the fore: To what extent are cognitive processes in general embodied? Are there disembodied processes? Among those that are embodied, how are they embodied? Is there more than one kind of embodiment? Is embodiment a matter of degree? There are a number of specific issues that could be addressed by submissions to this research topic. Some supporters of embodied cognition eschew representations. Should anti-representationalism be a core part of an embodied approach? What role should dynamical models play? Research in embodied cognition has tended to focus on the importance of sensorimotor areas for cognition. What are the functions of multimodal or amodal brain areas? Abstract concepts have proved to be a challenge for embodied cognition. How should they be handled? Should researchers allow for some form of weak embodiment? Currently, there is a split between those who offer a simulation-based approach to embodiment and those who offer an enactive approach. Who is right? Should there be a rapprochement between these two groups? Some experimental and robotics researchers have recently shown a great deal of interest in the idea that external resources such as language can serve as form of cognitive scaffolding. What are the implications of this idea for embodied cognition? This research topic aims to bring together empirical and theoretical work from a diversity of perspectives. Submissions are sought from any of the major disciplines associated with cognitive science, including but not necessarily limited to anthropology, cognitive psychology, computational modeling, linguistics, neuroscience, philosophy, robotics, and social psychology. Researchers are encouraged to submit papers discussing experiments, methods, models, or theories that speak to the issue of the future of embodied cognition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guy Dove"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["action", "Cognition", "concepts", "development", "enaction", "Embodied Cognition", "extended mind", "Language", "Proprioception", "semantics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1851/beyond-the-body-the-future-of-embodied-cognition"], ["title", "Beyond the body? The Future of Embodied Cognition"], ["doab_id", "18908"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197972"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197972"]], [["description", "Neuroimmunology is a rapidly growing emerging field at which two old sciences have converged to integrate two different types of responses into a single coherent response involving the coordinated action of both systems, neural and immune. During long time it was thought that both systems worked separately and in divergent pathways. The brain was considered an immunoprivileged site and the immune organs were deemed as independent of any neural influence and also of nervous innervation. Time has gone and has proven that the borders between both systems were merely artificial. Since the beginning of Neuroimmunology in the 1980s much work has been done to elucidate the gates and fences in neuro-immune interactions. Brain was shown to be under the continuous surveillance of the immune system, even under basal physiological conditions in the absence of any pathology. Likely, it was found a profuse nervous innervation of lymphoid organs and even of single immune cells. Gates for direct neural immune communication were found both centrally and peripherally. Centrally, the gates, but also the fences, were situated at the brain barriers, the blood-brain barrier and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, and at the circunventricular organs. Peripherally, the fences constituted the apparent diverse nature of molecules involved in neural and immune signaling; however, time proved that both system were capable of producing the same signaling molecules and also systematically responded to the molecules released by the other system. Therefore, the gates were open for direct neural-immune communication at the peripheral level. This Research Topic aimed to include original reports, reviews and technical reports regarding the description of the gates and fences in neural immune interactions. We intended to provide an extensive view of the mechanisms governing central and peripheral neural-immune interactions, and the role of the borders, the blood-neural barriers, in the regulation of the neural-immune communication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Javier Velazquez-Moctezuma; Emilio Dominguez-Salazar; Beatriz Gomez-Gonzalez"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Neuro-imuno-endocrine", "Nervous System", "Immune System", "endocrine sytem", "brain barriers", "Hormones", "Cytokines", "Brain"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1221/beyond-the-borders-the-gates-and-fences-of-neuroimmune-interaction"], ["title", "Beyond the borders: The gates and fences of Neuroimmune interaction"], ["doab_id", "17782"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192748"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192748"]], [["description", "It is well known that the activation of the circulating renin angiotensin system is involved in cardiovascular pathology including hypertension, heart failure and is responsible for important organic changes induced by diabetes. Evidence is now available that independently of the classical system, there are local renin angiotensin systems in different organs including the heart, circulatory vessels, kidney and probably brain and that components of these local systems participate in important aspects of physiology and pathology. Of particular interest is the presence of an intracellular component-the so called intracrine renin angiotensin system, which seems related to regulation of several cellular functions. A discussion of the different aspects of this important topic is of relevance to cell biology, endocrinology, physiology and pathology and justify a comprehensive presentation to the scientific community organized by experts in their respective fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Walmor De Mello"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["renin"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1511/beyond-the-conventional-renin-angiotensin-system"], ["title", "Beyond the conventional Renin Angiotensin System"], ["doab_id", "18666"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193349"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193349"]], [["description", "In the last three decades, research has extensively focused on the role of Fe and other mineral nutrients in regulating biological processes, ranging from the surface to the deep ocean. This has produced major breakthroughs in our understanding of the fundamental role of those bioactive elements on the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles and ecosystem function. However, biological processes cannot be entirely sustained by that small set of chemical elements, and new scientific evidence suggests that trace metals other than Fe (e.g., Co, Mo and Ni) as well as essential organic growth factors (e.g., vitamins) may also be crucial in most aquatic systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laura Gomez Consarnau; Sergio A Sanudo Wilhelmy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["B vitamins", "cobalamin", "thiamin", "Pyridoxin", "Trace metals", "Molybdenum", "Vanadium", "Nickel", "Copper", "Coenzymes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/586/beyond-the-iron-age-the-ecological-relevance-of-bioactive-trace-metals-other-than-fe-eg-co-mo-ni-and"], ["title", "Beyond the Iron Age: The ecological relevance of bioactive trace metals other than Fe and organic growth factors in aquatic systems"], ["doab_id", "18155"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195466"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195466"]], [["description", "At a time when contemporary challenges seem to many to be insurmountable, this book offers an optimistic view of the future and provides a road map for societies to get there. Drawing upon extensive research and many years as a thought leader in environmental and sustainability issues in Japan and internationally, Hiroshi Komiyama analyzes the most pressing challenges to the attainment of sustainability of economically advanced nations and argues forcefully for Japan to lead them out of the present dilemma through active promotion of creative consumer and societal demand. He shows how an active industry\u2013government\u2013academic partnership can provide the environment needed to promote such new creative demand and illustrates its potential through presentation of a Platinum Society Network that was launched on a regional basis in Japan in 2010 to facilitate the solution of common issues through the exchange of information and ideas. What is perhaps most surprising about the text is its unwavering optimism supported by hard evidence, history, and insightful observation. Problems arising from new paradigms of the 21st century (what the author refers to as \u201cexploding knowledge, limited Earth resources, and aging societies\u201c) thwart sustainable development in advanced and developing countries alike. All countries will struggle with issues that evolve from these paradigms including diminishing resources, expanding budget deficits, and growing global environmental problems. This window on potential practical pathways and solutions should be of interest to all those engaged in seeking ways to meet these contemporary challenges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hiroshi Komiyama"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Sustainability", "Platinum society", "Consumer demand", "Technological innovation"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-54559-0"], ["title", "Beyond the Limits to Growth"], ["doab_id", "15902"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431545583", "9784431545590"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431545583 (Print) 9784431545590 (Online)"]], [["description", "Contrasting conditions with and without conscious experience has served consciousness research well. However, research based on this simple contrast has led to controversies about the neural basis of conscious experience. One key reason for these ongoing debates seems to be that the simple contrast between conditions with and without consciousness is not specific for unraveling the neural basis of conscious experience, but rather also leads to other processes that precede or follow it. Acknowledging this methodological problem implies that some of the previous research findings about the neural underpinnings of conscious experience are actually reflecting the prerequisites and consequences rather than the direct correlates of conscious perception. Thus, it is required to re-evaluate the previous results to find out which of them are telling us anything about the neural basis of consciousness. But first and foremost, to overcome this methodological problem we need new experimental paradigms that go beyond the simple contrastive analysis or find the ways how some older but well forgotten paradigms may foster a new look at this emerging problem. Accordingly, this research topic is looking for empirical and theoretical contributions that: 1) envision new and suitable experimental approaches to study consciousness that are free from the limitations of the simple contrastive analysis; 2) provide empirical data that help to separate the neural correlates of conscious experience from the prerequisites and consequences of it; 3) help to re-assess previous research findings about the neural correlates of conscious perception in the light of the methodological problems with the traditional contrastive analysis. We hope that the theoretical insights and experimental approaches collected within this Research Topic help us to gain a more refined understanding of the neural basis of conscious experience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jaan Aru; Talis Bachmann"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Consciousness", "neural correlates of consciousness", "Contrastive analysis", "contextual effects", "oscillations", "EEG", "TMS", "multivariate analysis", "Contents of consciousness", "levels of consciousness"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2409/beyond-the-simple-contrastive-analysis-appropriate-experimental-approaches-for-unraveling-the-neural"], ["title", "Beyond the simple contrastive analysis: Appropriate experimental approaches for unraveling the neural basis of conscious experience"], ["doab_id", "18156"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195473"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195473"]], [["description", "Beyond the witch trials provides an important collection of essays on the nature of witchcraft and magic in European society during the Enlightenment. The book is innovative not only because it pushes forward the study of witchcraft into the eighteenth century, but because it provides the reader with a challenging variety of different approaches and sources of information. The essays, which cover England, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Scotland, Finland and Sweden, examine the experience of and attitudes towards witchcraft from both above and below. While they demonstrate the continued widespread fear of witches amongst the masses, they also provide a corrective to the notion that intellectual society lost interest in the question of witchcraft. While witchcraft prosecutions were comparatively rare by the mid-eighteenth century, the intellectual debate did no disappear; it either became more private or refocused on such issues as possession. The contributors come from different academic disciplines, and by borrowing from literary theory, archaeology and folklore they move beyond the usual historical perspectives and sources. They emphasise the importance of studying such themes as the aftermath of witch trials, the continued role of cunning-folk in society, and the nature of the witchcraft discourse in different social contexts. This book will be essential reading for those interested in the decline of the European witch trials and the continued importance of witchcraft and magic during the Enlightenment. More generally it will appeal to those with a lively interest in the cultural history of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is the first of a two-volume set of books looking at the phenomenon of witchcraft, magic and the occult in Europe since the seventeenth century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Davies ,Owen; de Bl\u00e9court ,Willem"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["witchcraft", "folklore", "enlightenment"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341322"], ["title", "Beyond the witch trials: Witchcraft and magic in Enlightenment Europe"], ["doab_id", "13250"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066603"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066603"]], [["description", "Social anxiety (SA) is a common and incapacitating disorder that has been associated with seriously impaired career, academic, and general social functioning. Regarding epidemiological data, SA has a lifetime prevalence of 12.1% and is the fourth most common psychopathological disorder (Kessler et al., 2005). At a fundamental point of view, the most prominent cognitive models of SA posit that biased cognitions contribute to the development and maintenance of the disorder (e.g., Clark & Wells, 1995; Rapee & Heimberg, 1997). Over the last decades, a large body of research has provided evidence that individuals suffering from SA exhibit such biased cognitions at the level of visual attention, memory of social encounters, interpretation of social events, and in judgment of social cues. Such biased cognitions in SA has been studied in different ways within cognitive psychology, behavioral psychology, clinical psychology, and cognitive neuroscience over the last few decades, yet, integrative approaches for channeling all information into a unified account of biased cognitions in SA has not been presented so far. The present Research Topic aims to bring together theses different ways, and to highlight findings and methods which can unify research across these areas. In particular, this Research Topic aims to advance the current theoretical models of SA and set the stage for future developments of the field by clarifying and linking theoretical concepts across disciplines."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexandre Heeren; Wolf-Gero Lange; Quincy Wong; Pierre Philippot"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social anxiety", "cognitive biases", "Affective Neuroscience", "experimental cognitive psychopathology", "clinical psychology", "anxiety disorders and cognitive bias modification", "Cognitive Therapy", "Behavior Therapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1308/biased-cognitions-social-anxiety-building-a-global-framework-for-integrating-cognitive-behavioral-an"], ["title", "Biased Cognitions & Social Anxiety: Building a Global Framework for Integrating Cognitive, Behavioral, and Neural Processes"], ["doab_id", "18178"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194230"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194230"]], [["description", "Der erste Band der Bibliografia ladina erfasst das gesamte ladinische Schrifttum von den Anf\u00e4ngen bis 1945. Die insgesamt 1072 Eintr\u00e4ge, darunter auch Manuskripte und Textteile, sind nach Autoren geordnet und enthalten erg\u00e4nzende Angaben zum Entstehungszeitpunkt, zum Erscheinungsort und -datum, zur Ver\u00f6ffentlichungsgeschichte, zum Idiom sowie zur digitalen Verf\u00fcgbarkeit der einzelnen Texte. Mehrere Indizes, u.a. der Incipits, erschlie\u00dfen die Bibliographie und machen sie sowohl zur notwendigen Erg\u00e4nzung des ersten Bandes der Geschichte der ladinischen Literatur (Scripta Ladina Brixinensia III/1), der demselben Zeitraum gewidmet ist, als auch zum eigenst\u00e4ndigen Forschungsinstrument."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paul Videsott; Rut Bernardi; Chiara Marcocci"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["research", " Ladin", " linguistics", " language research", " philology", " language minority"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de", "it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460660.pdf"], ["title", "Bibliografia Ladina"], ["doab_id", "19851"], ["language_unmapped", "German; Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788860460660"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460660"]], [["description", "This book illustrates the history of the Library of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Florence, tracing it from the origins up to the present: \u201cfrom the pen to the computer\u201d, against the backdrop of Florence from unification to the threshold of the third millennium. The Library is inserted in the historic and geographical context in which it emerged, with references to the political and economic situation of Tuscany starting from the end of the Grand Duchy.

Il volume illustra la storia della Biblioteca della Facolt\u00e0 di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze, tracciandone il profilo dalle origini ai giorni nostri: \"dalla penna all'elaboratore\", in una Firenze dall'unit\u00e0 alle soglie del 2000. La Biblioteca \u00e8 inserita nel contesto storico geografico all'interno del quale \u00e8 nata, con riferimenti alla situazione politica ed economica della Toscana, a partire dalla fine del Granducato."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Urso, Tommaso"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["University of Florence", "Biblioteconomy", "Libraries", "Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze", "Biblioteconomia", "Biblioteche pubbliche,"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356395"], ["title", "Una biblioteca in divenire. La biblioteca della Facolt\u00e0 di Lettere dalla penna all'elaboratore"], ["doab_id", "13189"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531124", "9788884532992"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531128 888453299X"]], [["description", "Libraries are not passive to the rapid and profound digital change. They have recognized and accepted the task and opportunity to actively participate in shaping a sustainable information infrastructure for a modern knowledge society. They use the opportunities of new information technologies to build digital libraries and to expand its service range by offering innovative services. Acknowledged experts from libraries and science in this book give an in-depth insight into current developments in this very important sector for libraries. The topics of the contributions in this volume range of approaches and strategies to improve the information structure of academic libraries on concrete examples of the establishment and development of digital libraries in practice to prospects for future development opportunities and areas of action.

Bibliotheken stehen dem raschen und tiefgreifenden digitalen Wandel nicht passiv gegen\u00fcber. Sie haben die Aufgabe und Chance erkannt und angenommen, aktiv an der Gestaltung einer zukunftsf\u00e4higen Informationsinfrastruktur f\u00fcr eine moderne Wissensgesellschaft mitzuarbeiten. Sie nutzen die M\u00f6glichkeiten der neuen Informationstechnologien, um Digitale Bibliotheken aufzubauen und ihr Servicespektrum durch innovative Dienstleistungen zu erweitern. Ausgewiesene Expertinnen und Experten aus Bibliotheken und Wissenschaft geben in diesem Buch einen fundierten Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungen in diesem f\u00fcr die Bibliotheken ganz wesentlichen Zukunftsbereich. Die Themen der Beitr\u00e4ge spannen einen Bogen von Konzepten und Strategien zur Verbesserung der Informationsstruktur wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken \u00fcber konkrete Beispiele f\u00fcr den Auf- und Ausbau Digitaler Bibliotheken in der Praxis bis hin zu Perspektiven f\u00fcr zuk\u00fcnftige Entwicklungsm\u00f6glichkeiten und Handlungsfelder."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hutzler, Evelinde; Schr\u00f6der, Albert; Schweikl, Gabriele"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["libraries", "digital change", "knowledge society", "digital library", "libraries", "digital change", "knowledge society", "digital library"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610314"], ["title", "Bibliotheken gestalten Zukunft - Kooperative Wege zur Digitalen Bibliothek ; Dr. Friedrich Gei\u00dfelmann zum 65. Geburtstag"], ["doab_id", "13101"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344434"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344434"]], [["description", "Diese Festschrift, publiziert aus Anlass des 65. Geburtstages von Dr. Rolf Griebel, ehrt diesen f\u00fcr seine Leistungen als Generaldirektor der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, eine der weltweit bedeutendsten Universal- und Forschungsbibliotheken. Das Autorenverzeichnis umfasst bedeutende Beitr\u00e4ger aus dem deutschen und internationalen Informations- und Bibliothekswesen, aus Kultur, Wissenschaft und Politik. Die Beitr\u00e4ge thematisieren die moderne Bibliothek als Wissenszentrum und Wissensspeicher, als Dienstleister f\u00fcr Forscher, Lehrende und Studierende sowie als Ged\u00e4chtnisinstitution und damit als Tr\u00e4ger unseres kulturellen Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisses. Ein dezidierter Schwerpunkt liegt auf der zuk\u00fcnftigen Rolle der Bibliothek in der digitalen Informationsgesellschaft. Ein Schriftenverzeichnis Rolf Griebels beschlie\u00dft das Werk."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ceynowa, Klaus / Hermann, Martin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Festschrift", " Bayerische Staatsbibliothek"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/204714"], ["title", "Bibliotheken. Innovation aus Tradition. Rolf Griebel zum 65. Geburtstag"], ["doab_id", "17227"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110310412", "9783110310511", "9783110395891"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110310412, 9783110310511, 9783110395891"]], [["description", "Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell a cr\u00e9\u00e9 l\u2019\u00e9v\u00e9nement de la rentr\u00e9e litt\u00e9raire 2006. Selon l\u2019auteur, la port\u00e9e du roman d\u00e9passe le seul g\u00e9nocide des Juifs pour rev\u00eatir une dimension universelle. Les angles d\u2019approche dans Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell sont aussi nombreux que vari\u00e9s sans pr\u00e9tendre \u00e0 l\u2019exhaustivit\u00e9. Ce recueil n\u2019est pas un jugement de l\u2019\u0153uvre, ni une interrogation sur sa recevabilit\u00e9, pas plus qu\u2019une assertion sur les limites de sa l\u00e9gitimit\u00e9 en tant que roman ou une justification, mais ce recueil est novateur puisque le premier \u00e0 se concentrer sur le texte des Bienveillantes.Le pr\u00e9sent recueil offre un riche \u00e9ventail d\u2019angles d\u2019approches. Ainsi les analyses ont-elles accentu\u00e9 les personnages qu\u2019ils soient historiques ou fictifs. Mais aussi, les aspects formels, comme la vision du narrateur, le style, la composition, l\u2019esth\u00e9tique et les influences litt\u00e9raires. Et encore, les th\u00e8mes tels le parricide, l\u2019homosexualit\u00e9, l\u2019antis\u00e9mitisme et la Shoah. L\u2019id\u00e9ologie impliqu\u00e9e se devait d\u2019\u00eatre interrog\u00e9e \u00e9galement. Un autre th\u00e8me crucial du roman est la question qu\u2019il pose entre le Bien et le Mal et sa banalisation. La r\u00e9ception de l\u2019\u0153uvre et les raisons de son succ\u00e8s qui lui valu plusieurs grands prix litt\u00e9raires a \u00e9t\u00e9 abord\u00e9e ainsi que les \u00e9l\u00e9ments du grotesque que certains n\u2019ont pas manqu\u00e9 de remarquer.Les Bienveillantes (The Kindly Ones), caused a literary sensation in 2006. Described as \"deliberately repellent\" by The New York Times, Jonathan Littell\u2019s novel tells the story of World War II through the eyes of former SS officer Maximilien Aue. This is the first academic study of this controversial, best-selling work.Twenty-one leading scholars discuss the aesthetics, themes and characters of the novel, as well as formal aspects of Littell\u2019s writing. They tackle ideas surrounding parricide, genocide, anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, as well as Littell\u2019s portrayal of both historical and fictional characters. The collection offers a deeply varied range of approaches to Littell\u2019s work and is essential reading for anyone interested in representations of World War II, the Holocaust and contemporary French literature.All the essays in this collection are written in French."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cl\u00e9ment, Murielle Lucie (Editor)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["French literature", "French novel", "Les Bienveillantes", "The Kindly Ones", "Maximilien Aue", "Jonathan Littell", "Holocaust", "World War II", "Second World War", "Nazism", "Judaism", "anti-Semitism", "history and fiction"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/57"], ["title", "Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell"], ["doab_id", "14486"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781906924218"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924218"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrik Svensson"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.13607060.0001.001"], ["title", "Big Digital Humanities"], ["doab_id", "19379"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780472073061", "9780472053063", "9780472900053", "9780472121748"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "Hardcover: 9780472073061, Paper: 9780472053063, Open Access: 9780472900053, Ebook: 9780472121748 "]], [["description", "This book is dedicated to the imagination of migrant communities from former Yugoslavia. It contextualizes their imagination in relation to the history, space and culture of Yugoslavia. Its empirical basis is grounded in the contemporary history of the migration from former Yugoslavia. The first part of the work deals with the methodology and theory relevant to the case studies. Besides the theory of imagination originating in the thought of \u00c9mile Durkheim, Cornelius Castoriadis, Benedict Anderson and Arjun Appadurai. I have also focused on the theory of popular culture, quoting its founding thinkers related to the Birmingham school of Centre of contemporary Cultural Studies, as well as John Fiske and the parallel culture- -driven research of Pierre Bourdieu and Michel de Certeau. The theoretical framework of this book generally relates to Marxism, and the works of Antonio Gramsci, David Harvey, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj \u017di\u017eek and others. The methodology of this book is closely inspired by the anthropological tradition of participant observation. The primary sources are heterogeneous and partly issue from the narration of the informants during several in-depth interviews as well as from narration, edited either by the different institutions of the host-country or the by editors based in the home-country. The second part of the book provides a historical and geographical context for the case studies that follow. It presents the contemporary history of migration from the western Balkans starting at the beginning of the 20th century as cross border migrations following patterns of industrial modernisation. The economic migrations of the working classes were supplemented by migrations of members of the intellectual elites who chose merely symbolic destinations for emigration. However, the core-periphery of primarily economic relations of the world-system as identified by Immanuel Wallerstein remained unchanged even by this symbolic logic. Migrations during the second half of the 20th century are presented in more detail. The political turmoil of 1941-1948 which established the Yugoslav Socialist Federation in its position between the two blocs and this point is the essential contextual reference of this book. During the socialist years in Yugoslavia we may identify two main motives of migration \u2013 economic and political. These may somehow relate to the previous histories of popular and elite emigration but under the new political regime it changed substantially. These two motives are part of the establishment of specific segments of migrants and their interrelations. Starting from the early 1960s the economic motive of migration gave rise to the phenomenon of Gastatbajteri (guest-workers) that changed the social and cultural landscape of former Yugoslavia, and together with it also many cities of Western European and other host-countries. However, the frontier between the two types of migrants (political and economic) is not completely defined and in many cases the two motives coincided. The coincidence of the political and economic motives for migration may also be visible during and after the break-up of Yugoslavia. In this part of the book I cover the history of the 1990s refugee migrations that were often linked to the local practice of ethnic homogenization conducted by all parties involved in the series of conflicts. Besides, many migrants from regions that were not directly involved in the war used the possibility to obtain refugee status to escape the economic, social and intellectual downturn of the successor countries of former Yugoslavia. Here, the basic theoretical distinction between voluntary and involuntary migrations is discussed arguing that practically no migration is voluntary and should the migrants be completely free to choose, many would prefer to stay at home. Three host countries of migrants from former Yugoslavia are presented more in detail: France, Austria and the Czech Republic. Each of these countries has its specificities in the world-system and also in relation to migrations from former Yugoslavia. Differences and similarities among them are presented in relation to the different segments of migrants crystallised either according to their ethno-confessional/political background and/or motive of migration. Different segments of migrants from former Yugoslavia are formed around different memory-systems. As a first case study I present politics of memory linked to two lieux de m\u00e9moire \u2013 one in France (Villefranche-de-Rouergue) and one in Austria (Bleiburg). By coincidence both are important in particular for memories of migrants of Croatian origin. The two memorials however, present completely opposing views of national history. Villefranche- de-Rouergue is a symbol for Croatian antifacist resistance and Bleiburg a symbol for the retreat of collaborationist forces of the pro-Nazi puppet Independent state of Croatia. Both of these memorials however, form an example of political memory that even if on the first sight seems contradictory, is by definition syncretic. If the first case study deals with history and memory the second one completes it with the examination of the space dimension. Here I present different images linked to space that surrounded migrants from former Yugoslavia in their host-countries and I discuss also memories of spaces and places in the home-country. I identify three such images \u2013 Road, Landscape and Motherland. Based on these images I propose redesigning the nostalgic cartographies of migrants from those presenting world-views of the external researchers (nostalgia of multiculturalism) to those specifically declared by migrants (nostalgia of Home). The third case study is the one that is the most similar in form to most Cultural and Subcultural studies and deals in detail with imagination linked to music. Here, similar to the politics of memory, different segments of migrants are confronted with rock and folk music as well as with a specific local variety of pop-folk. Furthermore, patriotic and electronic music are discussed as well as the topic of Balkanism in cinematography and the communication of ethnic origins on French internet websites."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ond\u0159ej Daniel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["history", " anthropology", " ethnology", " etnohistory", " migration", " imigrants from Yugoslavia", " France", " Austria", " Czechia"]], ["publisher", "AntropoWeb"], ["language", ["cs"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://antropologie.zcu.cz/media/document/daniel_2013_bigbit_nebo_turbofolk_ebook.pdf"], ["title", "Bigb\u00edt nebo turbofolk: P\u0159edstavy migrant\u016f z b\u00fdval\u00e9 Jugosl\u00e1vie"], ["doab_id", "15971"], ["language_unmapped", "Czech"], ["isbns", ["9788090509849"]], ["provider", "AntropoWeb"], ["isbns_raw", "9788090509849"]], [["description", "The Bibliografia Informatizzata Leopardiana (BIL) is the result of a research project that took shape on the occasion of the second centenary of the birth of the poet and developed over the span of 2000-2002. The project envisioned the organisation and publication in a digital corpus of the vast bibliography on Leopardi, up to then disseminated not only in the volumes of the Bibliografia leopardiana, but also in other partial bibliographies, indices, catalogues etc. Implementation of the project engaged four Research Units from the universities of Florence, Macerata, Cagliari, and Rome \u00abLa Sapienza\u00bb. The book contains the User Manual for the BIL (version 1.0) and the description of the project.

La Bibliografia Informatizzata Leopardiana (BIL) \u00e8 il risultato di un progetto di ricerca che ha preso forma in occasione del secondo centenario della nascita del poeta e si \u00e8 sviluppato nell'arco del biennio 2000-2002. Il progetto prevedeva l'ordinamento e la pubblicazione, in un corpus digitale, della sterminata bibliografia leopardiana fino allora disseminata, oltre che nei volumi della Bibliografia leopardiana, in altre bibliografie parziali, repertori, cataloghi, ecc. La sua attuazione ha visto impegnate quattro Unit\u00e0 di Ricerca degli Atenei di Firenze, Macerata, Cagliari, Roma \u00abLa Sapienza\u00bb. Il libro contiene il Manuale d'uso della BIL (ver. 1.0) e la descrizione del progetto."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Magherini, Simone"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Bibliography", "Cataloguing", "Inventory", "Giacomo Leopardi", "Bibliografia", "Catalogazione", "Inventario", "Giacomo Leopardi"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345472"], ["title", "BIL Bibliografia Informatizzata Leopardiana 1815-1999: manuale d'uso ver. 1.0"], ["doab_id", "13019"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531506"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531500"]], [["description", "Social accounting is a way of measuring and assessing the economic and social results achieved by a non-profit body. It is in the light of this observation that the project \"SOCIAL ACCOUNTING OF THE NON-PROFIT BODIES\" has been launched, involving the Tuscan Regional Authority, the Provincial Authorities of Florence and Pistoia, Cesvot, Le Reti di Kilim association and the Department of Business Science of the University of Florence. An important phase of theoretical research resulted in the publication PISR no. 2, \"Observations on the issue of social accounting\" in May 2002. Following this, the research approach finalised at the identification of a model of reference for the social accounting process of third sector organisations highlighted the need to concretise what had been elaborated. In other words, to apply the previous theoretical conclusions to certain \"pilot\" bodies and to report on the experience. More specifically, this work reports several processes of social accounting in which the authors have taken part. For each of these a grid of summary and comments has been prepared, with the purpose of facilitating a comparative reading.

Attraverso il bilancio sociale si misurano e si valutano i risultati conseguiti da un ente non profit sotto il profilo economico-sociale. Alla luce di questa osservazione \u00e8 stato avviato il progetto \u00abBILANCIO SOCIALE DEGLI ENTI NON PROFIT\u00bb, che vede coinvolti Regione Toscana, Province di Firenze e Pistoia, Cesvot, associazione Le Reti di Kilim e Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali dell'Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze. Il percorso di ricerca, finalizzato all'individuazione di un modello di riferimento per il processo di rendicontazione sociale delle organizzazioni del terzo settore, dopo una signifi - cativa fase di ricerca teorica che ha dato luogo al quaderno PISR n. 2, Alcune considerazioni in tema di bilancio sociale del maggio 2002, ha reso evidente l'opportunit\u00e0 di procedere ad una concretizzazione di quanto elaborato. In altre parole, si \u00e8 trattato di applicare le conclusioni teoriche precedenti ad alcuni enti \u00abpilota\u00bb e di raccontare questa esperienza. Nello specifico, vengono riportati alcuni bilanci sociali alla cui realizzazione hanno partecipato gli autori del presente quaderno. Per ciascuno di questi \u00e8 stata elaborata una griglia riassuntiva e di commento, con la finalit\u00e0 di facilitarne una lettura comparata."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bagnoli, Luca; Catalano, Maurizio"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Non-profit", "Co-operation", "Tuscany", "Economia", "Non profit", "Cooperazione", "Toscana"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345121"], ["title", "Il bilancio sociale degli enti non profit: esperienze toscane"], ["doab_id", "13005"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532886"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532884"]], [["description", "Social accounting is a way of measuring and assessing the economic and social results achieved by a non-profit body. It is in the light of this observation that the project \"SOCIAL ACCOUNTING OF THE NON-PROFIT BODIES\" has been launched, involving the Tuscan Regional Authority, the Provincial Authorities of Florence and Pistoia, Cesvot, Le Reti di Kilim association and the Department of Business Science of the University of Florence. An important phase of theoretical research resulted in the publication PISR no. 2, \"Observations on the issue of social accounting\" in May 2002. Following this, the research approach finalised at the identification of a model of reference for the social accounting process of third sector organisations highlighted the need to concretise what had been elaborated. In other words, to apply the previous theoretical conclusions to certain \"pilot\" bodies and to report on the experience. More specifically, this work reports several processes of social accounting in which the authors have taken part. For each of these a grid of summary and comments has been prepared, with the purpose of facilitating a comparative reading.

Attraverso il bilancio sociale si misurano e si valutano i risultati conseguiti da un ente non profit sotto il profilo economico-sociale. Alla luce di questa osservazione \u00e8 stato avviato il progetto \u00abBILANCIO SOCIALE DEGLI ENTI NON PROFIT\u00bb, che vede coinvolti Regione Toscana, Province di Firenze e Pistoia, Cesvot, associazione Le Reti di Kilim e Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali dell'Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze. Il percorso di ricerca, finalizzato all'individuazione di un modello di riferimento per il processo di rendicontazione sociale delle organizzazioni del terzo settore, dopo una signifi - cativa fase di ricerca teorica che ha dato luogo al quaderno PISR n. 2, Alcune considerazioni in tema di bilancio sociale del maggio 2002, ha reso evidente l'opportunit\u00e0 di procedere ad una concretizzazione di quanto elaborato. In altre parole, si \u00e8 trattato di applicare le conclusioni teoriche precedenti ad alcuni enti \u00abpilota\u00bb e di raccontare questa esperienza. Nello specifico, vengono riportati alcuni bilanci sociali alla cui realizzazione hanno partecipato gli autori del presente quaderno. Per ciascuno di questi \u00e8 stata elaborata una griglia riassuntiva e di commento, con la finalit\u00e0 di facilitarne una lettura comparata."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bagnoli, Luca; Catalano, Maurizio"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Non-profit organizations", "Cooperation", "Tuscany", "Enti no profit", "Cooperazione", "Toscana"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356374"], ["title", "Il bilancio sociale degli enti non profit: esperienze toscane"], ["doab_id", "13168"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532879", "9788884532886"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532876 8884532884"]], [["description", "Images are more than just objects to be observed. In all periods they have had a direct influence on the way we perceive things and act, in particular in the course of ceremonies. In this volume, various archaeological disciplines consider a number of case studies of the relationships between works of art, spaces and actions in past cultures? including the Nasca-Palpa glyphs in South America, the Stone Age site of G"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dally, Ortwin; Moraw, Susanne; Ziemssen, Hauke"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Art", "Arch"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110266344&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Bild-Raum-Handlung. Perspektiven der Arch\u00e4ologie"], ["doab_id", "15117"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110266344"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266344"]], [["description", "The aim of the author's research was to study 1) the thematic elements and the composition of the plays (lelampahan wayang), and 2) their religious and cultural background. She concentrates on one particular play: the story of Bima Swarga. The study is based mainly on fieldwork carried out in Bali over the period 1972- 1976, when materials were collected from oral and written sources."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hinzler ,H."], ["date", "1981"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613403"], ["title", "Bima Swarga in Balinese Wayang"], ["doab_id", "18425"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024724680", "9789004287211"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024724680 9789004287211"]], [["description", "Aqu\u00ed se ha optado, adem\u00e1s, por una biobibliograf\u00eda en el sentido, si se quiere, etimol\u00f3gico, es decir, junto a una rese\u00f1a biogr\u00e1fica detallada del propio Mara\u00f1\u00f3n, se presenta su bibliograf\u00eda de manera que la primera nos sirve de coordenadas interpretativas de la segunda. En este caso, hemos decidido exponer de manera sistem\u00e1tica, \u00fanica y exclusivamente, la bibliograf\u00eda individual \u201cprimaria\u201d, es decir, obra del propio Mara\u00f1\u00f3n. En relaci\u00f3n a lo que se conoce como bibliograf\u00eda \u201csecundaria\u201d, o lo que es lo mismo, lo que se ha escrito sobre Mara\u00f1\u00f3n, se ha incluido una rese\u00f1a bibliogr\u00e1fica comentada de estos trabajos. El motivo es doble: En primer lugar, porque en el caso de las biograf\u00edas que se han escrito sobre Mara\u00f1\u00f3n \u2013con excepci\u00f3n del ensayo biogr\u00e1fico de Pedro La\u00edn\u2013, en t\u00e9rminos generales, tiene car\u00e1cter hagiogr\u00e1fico y descriptivo y escasos rudimentos interpretativos. Y, en segundo lugar, porque los estudios pormenorizados y acad\u00e9micos de aspectos concretos de su obra no son muy numerosos y, por tanto, no precisan una clarificaci\u00f3n llam\u00e9mosle numerativa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "L\u00f3pez Vega, Antonio "], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Gregorio Mara\u00f1\u00f3n", "Bibliograf\u00eda", "Biograf\u00eda", "Bibliography", "Biography"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/6178/BIAN-19-2009.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Biobibliograf\u00eda de Gregorio Mara\u00f1\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "16179"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498498356"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498498356"]], [["description", "Biochemistry laboratory manual for undergraduates \u2013 an inquiry based approach by Gerczei and Pattison is the first textbook on the market that uses a highly relevant model, antibiotic resistance, to teach seminal topics of biochemistry and molecular biology while incorporating the blossoming field of bioinformatics. The novelty of this manual is the incorporation of a student-driven real real-life research project into the undergraduate curriculum. Since students test their own mutant design, even the most experienced students remain engaged with the process, while the less experienced ones get their first taste of biochemistry research. Inclusion of a research project does not entail a limitation: this manual includes all classic biochemistry techniques such as HPLC or enzyme kinetics and is complete with numerous problem sets relating to each topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gerczei Fernandez, Timea; Pattison, Scott"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Biochemistry, Laboratory Manual, Molecular Biology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449852"], ["title", "Biochemistry Laboratory Manual For Undergraduates"], ["doab_id", "16871"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110411331"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110411331"]], [["description", "The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2014 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2014 will be held from January 3 \u2013 7, 2014 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.PSB 2014 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's \u201chot topics.\u201d In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field.Contents:Cancer Panomics: Computational Methods and Infrastructure for Integrative Analysis of Cancer High-Throughput \u201cOmics\u201d DataComputational Approaches to Drug Repurposing and PharmacologyDetecting and Characterizing Pleiotropy: New Methods for Uncovering the Connection Between the Complexity of Genomic Architecture and Multiple PhenotypesPersonalized Medicine: From Genotypes and Molecular Phenotypes Towards TherapyText and Data Mining for Biomedical DiscoveryWorkshopsReadership: Academia and industry in the fields of biocomputing, bioinformatics and computational biology. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Russ B Altman; A Keith Dunker; Lawrence Hunter; Tiffany A Murray; Teri E Klein; Marylyn D Ritchie"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Bioinformatics", " Biocomputing", " Computational Genetics", " Ontology", " Computational Proteomics", " Protein Interactions", " Metabolomics "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9078"], ["title", "Biocomputing 2014:Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium"], ["doab_id", "18124"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814583220"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814583220"]], [["description", "The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2015 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2015 will be held from January 4 \u2013 8, 2015 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.PSB 2015 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's \u201chot topics.\u201d In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field.Contents:Cancer Panomics: Computational Methods and Infrastructure for Integrative Analysis of Cancer High-Throughput \"OMICS\" DataCancer Pathways: Automatic Extraction, Representation, and Reasoning in the \"Big Data\" ERACharacterizing the Importance of Environmental Exposures, Interactions Between the Environment and Genetic Architecture, and Genetic Interactions: New Methods for Understanding the Etiology of Complex Traits and DiseaseCrowdsourcing and Mining Crowd DataPersonalized Medicine: From Genotypes, Molecular Phenotypes and the Quantified Self, Towards Improved MedicineReadership: Academia and industry in the fields of biocomputing, bioinformatics and computational biology. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Russ B Altman; A Keith Dunker ; Lawrence Hunter; Marylyn D Ritchie ; Tiffany A Murray; Teri E Klein"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Bioinformatics", " Biocomputing", " Computational Genetics", " Ontology", " Computational Proteomics", " Protein Interactions", " Metabolomics "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9455"], ["title", "Biocomputing 2015:Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium"], ["doab_id", "18123"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814644730"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814644730"]], [["description", "The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2016 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2016 will be held on January 4 \u2013 8, 2016 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.PSB 2016 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's \"hot topics.\" In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field.Contents:Cancer Panomics: Computational Methods and Infrastructure for Integrative Analysis of Cancer High-Throughput \"Omics\" DataComputational Approaches to Drug Repurposing and PharmacologyDetecting and Characterizing Pleiotropy: New Methods for Uncovering the Connection Between the Complexity of Genomic Architecture and Multiple PhenotypesPersonalized Medicine: From Genotypes and Molecular Phenotypes Towards TherapyText and Data Mining for Biomedical DiscoveryReadership: Academia and industry in the fields of biocomputing, bioinformatics and computational biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Russ B Altman; A Keith Dunker ; Lawrence Hunter; Marylyn D Ritchie; Tiffany A Murray; Teri E Klein"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bioinformatics", " Biocomputing", " Computational Genetics", " Ontology", " Computational Proteomics", " Protein Interactions", " Metabolomics "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9930"], ["title", "Biocomputing 2016:Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium"], ["doab_id", "18122"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814749411"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814749411"]], [["description", "At the dawn of the third millennium, dramatic challenges face human civilization everywhere. Relations between human beings and their environment are in peril, with mounting threats to both biological diversity of life on earth and cultural diversity of human communities. The peoples of the Circumpolar Arctic are at the forefront of these challenges and lead the way in seeking meaningful responses. In Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Karim-Aly Kassam positions the Arctic and sub-Arctic as a homeland rather than simply as a frontier for resource exploitation. Kassam aims to empirically and theoretically illustrate the synthesis between the cultural and the biological, using human ecology as a conceptual and analytical lens. Drawing on research carried out in partnership with indigenous northern communities, three case studies illustrate that subsistence hunting and gathering are not relics of an earlier era but rather remain essential to both cultural diversity and to human survival. This book deals with contemporary issues such as climate change, indigenous knowledge, and the impact of natural resource extraction. It is a narrative of community-based research, in the service of the communities for the benefit of the communities. It provides resource-based industry, policy makers, and students with an alternative way of engaging indigenous communities and transforming our perspective on conservation of ecological and cultural diversity."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Karim-Aly Kassam"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48645/5/UofCPress_BioculturalDiversity_2009.pdf"], ["title", "Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Reframing Human Ecology in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic"], ["doab_id", "15159"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385661"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385661 "]], [["description", "Tivemos como objetivo principal de nosso trabalho expressar uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para efetiva\u00e7\u00e3o de consci\u00eancia ambiental, por interm\u00e9dio de reflex\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica buscando analisar o Programa Nacional de Produ\u00e7\u00e3o e uso do Biodiesel (PNPB) do Minist\u00e9rio da Ci\u00eancia e Tecnologia, gerado, ao nosso ver, pela inspira\u00e7\u00e3o dos preceitos do \u201cdesenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel que preceitua o crescimento econ\u00f4mico como solu\u00e7\u00e3o para problemas s\u00f3cio-ambientais. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida, Jozimar de Paes"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d7tch"], ["title", "Biodiesel o \u201c\u00d3leo Filosofal\u201d: desafios para a educa\u00e7\u00e3o ambiental no caldeir\u00e3o do \u201cdesenvolvimento sustent\u00e1vel\u201d"], ["doab_id", "16653"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820274"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820274"]], [["description", "Members of the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are the causative agnets of many human and animal diseases. Over the past decade the complete sequencing of many staphylococcal and streptococcal genomes has promoted a significant advance in our knowledge of these important pathogens. The pathogenicity of these bacteria is due to the expression of a large variety of virulence factors. Such determinants, which are cell wall-associated and secreted proteins, include adhesins that confer to the pathogen the ability to attach to extracellular matrix/plasma and host cell surfaces, proteins that contribute to host cell invasion and intracellular survival and soluble factors that decrease phagocytosis and modulate the immune response. Furthermore, these Gram-positive cocci in many natural environments (heart valve, lung, oral cavity, throat) and infections on implanted devices live in matrix-encased groups known as biofilms. Biofilms are specialized bacterial communities with high order organization analogous to that of a tissue in multicellular organism that adhere to abiotic or biological substrata and produce an exopolymeric matrix composed of polysaccarides, proteins, DNA or combination thereof. Bacteria within a biofilm persist in adverse conditions, show resistance to killing by antibiotics and to host immune defences and are difficult to eradicate and treat clinically. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of biofilm development will allow us to effectively combat staphylococcal/streptococcal biofilm-based infections. This Research Topic will focus on the molecular components involved in biofilm formation by staphylococci and streptococci, the role they play in the development, maturation and dispersal of biofilm and on the regulatory aspects of such complex processes. The implication for the pathogenesis of infective diseases and potential therapeutic strategies against biofilm-based infections will be also discussed. The articles will highlight both the recent advances and future challenges inherent in this rapidly evolving area."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joan A Geoghegan; Pietro Speziale"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Staphylococcus", "Streptococcus", "Biofilm", "Pathogenesis", "colonization"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2819/biofilm-formation-by-staphylococci-and-streptococci-structural-functional-and-regulatory-aspects-and"], ["title", "Biofilm formation by staphylococci and streptococci: Structural, functional and regulatory aspects and implications for pathogenesis"], ["doab_id", "18172"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195633"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195633"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bacterial biofilms, fungal biofilms, nosocomial Infections, antibiotic resistance, healthcare-associated infections, multidrug resistant microorganisms, medical devices, prostheses, medical instruments, general hospitals, long-term care settings"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/175"], ["title", "Biofilm-Based Nosocomial Infections"], ["doab_id", "19032"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421351", "9783038421368"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421351/9783038421368"]], [["description", "Biofilms are attached forms of bacteria and other microorganisms enclosed in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and comprise a microbial lifestyle that is quite different from that of free-living planktonic cells. The biofilm state is now universally-recognized for its complexity and resiliency to stresses, and importance in natural environments, as well its roles in comensal flora and infection processes. However, the EPS matrix, which occur just \u2018outside of cells\u2019, is poorly understood, and has been understated in the literature. Yet this extracellular milieu is crucial to the functioning and resiliency of the biofilm. Recently, exciting new advances have emerged that are helping to understand the EPS matrix, its processes, ultrastructure, and importance to cells in nature and disease."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["biofilm, EPS (extracellular polymeric substances), chemical communication,infections, microbial mats, imaging, nanoparticles, vesicles"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/98"], ["title", "Biofilms: Extracellular Bastions of Bacteria"], ["doab_id", "17495"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980942", "9783906980959"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980942/9783906980959 "]], [["description", "Mitochondrial biogenesis is an extremely complex process. A hint of this complexity is clearly indicated by the many steps and factors required to assemble the respiratory complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation. These steps include the expression of genes present in both the nucleus and the organelle, intricate post-transcriptional RNA processing events, the coordinated synthesis, transport and assembly of the different subunits, the synthesis and assembly of co-factors and, finally, the formation of supercomplexes or respirasomes. It can be envisaged, and current knowledge supports this view, that plants have evolved specific mechanisms for the biogenesis of respiratory complexes. For example, expression of the mitochondrial genome in plants has special features, not present in other groups of eukaryotes. Moreover, plant mitochondrial biogenesis and function should be considered in the context of the presence of the chloroplast, a second organelle involved in energetic and redox metabolism. It implies the necessity to discriminate between proteins destined for each organelle and requires the establishment of functional interconnections between photosynthesis and respiration. In recent years, our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in these different processes in plants has considerably increased. As a result, the many events and factors necessary for the correct expression of proteins encoded in the mitochondrial genome, the cis acting elements and factors responsible for the expression of nuclear genes encoding respiratory chain components, the signals and mechanisms involved in the import of proteins synthesized in the cytosol and the many factors required for the synthesis and assembly of the different redox co-factors (heme groups, iron-sulfur clusters, copper centers) are beginning to be recognized at the molecular level. However, detailed knowledge of these processes is still not complete and, especially, little is known about how these processes are interconnected. Questions such as how the proteins, once synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix, are inserted into the membrane and assembled with other components, including those imported from the cytosol, how the expression of both genomes is coordinated and responds to changes in mitochondrial function, cellular requirements or environmental cues, or which factors and conditions influence the assembly of complexes and supercomplexes are still open and will receive much attention in the near future. This Research Topic is aimed at establishing a collection of articles that focus on the different processes involved in the biogenesis of respiratory complexes in plants as a means to highlight recent advances. In this way, it intends to help to construct a picture of the whole process and, not less important, to expose the existing gaps that need to be addressed to fully understand how plant cells build and modulate the complex structures involved in respiration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniel H. Gonzalez"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["cofactor assembly", "coordinated expression", "maturase", "mitochondrion", "mitoribosome", "protein import translocase", "respirasome", "respiratory pathway", "RNA Editing", "supramolecular organization"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1483/biogenesis-of-the-oxidative-phosphorylation-machinery-in-plants-from-gene-expression-to-complex-asse"], ["title", "Biogenesis of the oxidative phosphorylation machinery in plants. From gene expression to complex assembly"], ["doab_id", "17786"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192786"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192786"]], [["description", "Biogenic amines (BA) are sources of nitrogen and precursors for synthesis of hormones, alkaloids, nucleic acids and proteins, occurring in all organisms. Under normal condition in humans the consumption of food or beverages containing these compounds have not toxic effects because they are rapidly detoxified by the activity of the amine oxidizing enzymes, monoamine (MAO) and diamine oxidases (DAO). However in presence of high BA content, in allergic individuals or if MAO inhibitors are applied the detoxification system is not capable of metabolizing dietary intake of BA. This fact can induce toxicological risks and health troubles, but the European Union established regulation for just only histamine levels in fish and fishery products. The presence of BA in foods is due to the enzymatic decarboxylation of free amino acids by microorganisms that possess this activity. Many foods such as meat products, cheeses, fishes, fermented products and beverages could contain high levels of these compounds. Determination of BA rates in food are important as indicators of the degree of freshness or spoilage other then from the point of view of their toxicology. The content of the E-Book deals the presence of BA in some fermented and non fermented foods and the measures to control their content."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giovanna Suzzi; Sandra Torriani"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Biogenic Amines", "Histamine", "Tyramine", "Sausage", "fish", "Cheese", "WIN"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/512/biogenic-amines-in-fermented-foods"], ["title", "Biogenic amines in fermented foods"], ["doab_id", "18703"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195930"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195930"]], [["description", "biografiA gives on the basis of selected 6.367 biographies an overview over many centuries of austrian female history and various insights into the cultural and social contexts of the concerned eras both for experts and the interested public.

biografiA gibt auf der Basis von 6.367 Biografien einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber viele Jahrhunderte der \u00f6sterreichischen Frauengeschichte und gew\u00e4hrt vielf\u00e4ltige Einblicke in die kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenh\u00e4nge der jeweiligen Epoche."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Korotin ,Ilse"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Austrian History, Cultural Science, History of Science, Women\u2019s Studies, Feminist Issues, Gender Studies", "\u00d6sterreichische Geschichte, Kulturwissenschaft, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Frauenforschung, Feministische Forschung, Gender Studies"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611235"], ["title", "biografiA. Lexikon \u00f6sterreichischer Frauen, Band 3"], ["doab_id", "19245"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795902"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795902"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613410"], ["title", "De biografie van een Minangkabausen peperhandelaar in de Lampongs"], ["doab_id", "18432"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286009", "9789004286627"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286009 9789004286627"]], [["description", "In the spring of 2011, a diverse group of scientists gathered at Cornell University to discuss their research into the nature and origin of biological information. This symposium brought together experts in information theory, computer science, numerical simulation, thermodynamics, evolutionary theory, whole organism biology, developmental biology, molecular biology, genetics, physics, biophysics, mathematics, and linguistics. This volume presents new research by those invited to speak at the conference.The contributors to this volume use their wide-ranging expertise in the area of biological information to bring fresh insights into the many explanatory difficulties associated with biological information. These authors raise major challenges to the conventional scientific wisdom, which attempts to explain all biological information exclusively in terms of the standard mutation/selection paradigm.Several clear themes emerged from these research papers: 1) Information is indispensable to our understanding of what life is; 2) Biological information is more than the material structures that embody it; 3) Conventional chemical and evolutionary mechanisms seem insufficient to fully explain the labyrinth of information that is life. By exploring new perspectives on biological information, this volume seeks to expand, encourage, and enrich research into the nature and origin of biological information.Contents:Session One \u2014 Information Theory & Biology: Introductory Comments (Robert J Marks II):Biological Information \u2014 What is It? (Werner Gitt, Robert Compton and Jorge Fernandez)A General Theory of Information Cost Incurred by Successful Search (William A Dembski, Winston Ewert and Robert J Marks II)Pragmatic Information (John W Oller, Jr)Limits of Chaos and Progress in Evolutionary Dynamics (William F Basener)Tierra: The Character of Adaptation (Winston Ewert, William A Dembski and Robert J Marks II)Multiple Overlapping Genetic Codes Profoundly Reduce the Probability of Beneficial Mutation (George Monta\u00f1ez, Robert J Marks II, Jorge Fernandez and John C Sanford)Entropy, Evolution and Open Systems (Granville Sewell)Information and Thermodynamics in Living Systems (Andy C McIntosh)Session Two \u2014 Biological Information and Genetic Theory: Introductory Comments (John C Sanford):Not Junk After All: Non-Protein-Coding DNA Carries Extensive Biological Information (Jonathan Wells)Can Purifying Natural Selection Preserve Biological Information? (Paul Gibson, John R Baumgardner, Wesley H Brewer and John C Sanford)Selection Threshold Severely Constrains Capture of Beneficial Mutations (John C Sanford, John R Baumgardner and Wesley H Brewer)Using Numerical Simulation to Test the \u201cMutation-Count\u201d Hypothesis (Wesley H Brewer, John R Baumgardner and John C Sanford)Can Synergistic Epistasis Halt Mutation Accumulation? Results from Numerical Simulation (John R Baumgardner, Wesley H Brewer and John C Sanford)Computational Evolution Experiments Reveal a Net Loss of Genetic Information Despite Selection (Chase W Nelson and John C Sanford)Information Loss: Potential for Accelerating Natural Genetic Attenuation of RNA Viruses (Wesley H Brewer, Franzine D Smith and John C Sanford)DNA.EXE: A Sequence Comparison between the Human Genome and Computer Code (Josiah Seaman)Biocybernetics and Biosemiosis (Donald Johnson)Session Three \u2014 Theoretical Molecular Biology: Introductory Comments (Michael J Behe):An Ode to the Code: Evidence for Fine-Tuning in the Standard Codon Table (Jed C Macosko and Amanda M Smelser)A New Model of Intracellular Communication Based on Coherent, High-Frequency Vibrations in Biomolecules (L Dent)Getting There First: An Evolutionary Rate Advantage for Adaptive Loss-of-Function Mutations (Michael J Behe)The Membrane Code: A Carrier of Essential Biological Information That is Not Specified by DNA and is Inherited Apart from It (Jonathan Wells)Explaining Metabolic Innovation: Neo-Darwinism Versus Design (Douglas D Axe and Ann K Gauger)Session Four \u2014 Biological Information and Self-Organizational Complexity Theory: Introductory Comments (Bruce L Gordon):Evolution Beyond Entailing Law: The Roles of Embodied Information and Self Organization (Stuart Kauffman)Towards a General Biology: Emergence of Life and Information from the Perspective of Complex Systems Dynamics (Bruce H Weber)Readership: Academics, researchers, postgraduates and advanced undergraduates in bioinformatics. Biologists, mathematicians/statisticians, physicists and computer scientists. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert J Marks II; Michael J Behe; William A Dembski; Bruce L Gordon; John C Sanford"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Information Theory", " Computer Science", " Numerical Simulation", " Thermodynamics", " Evolutionary Theory", " Whole Organism Biology", " Developmental Biology", " Molecular Biology", " Genetics", " Physics", " Biophysics", " Mathematics", " Linguistics", " Biological Information", " Mutation/Selection Paradigm "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8818"], ["title", "Biological Information:New Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18125"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814508728"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814508728"]], [["description", "When organisms are deliberately or accidentally introduced into a new ecosystem a biological invasion may take place. These so-called \u2018invasive species\u2019 may establish, spread and ecologically alter the invaded community. Biological invasions by animals, plants, pathogens or vectors are one of the greatest environmental and economic threats and, along with habitat destruction, a leading cause of global biodiversity loss.In this book, more than 50 worldwide invasion scientists cover our current understanding of biological invasions, its impacts, patterns and mechanisms in both aquatic and terrestrial systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Canning-Clode, Jo\u00e3o"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/458036"], ["title", "Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems. Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions"], ["doab_id", "17975"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110438659", "9783110438666"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110438659, 9783110438666"]], [["description", "As the amount of biological information and its diversity accumulates massively there is a critical need to facilitate the integration of this data to allow new and unexpected conclusions to be drawn from it. The Semantic Web is a new wave of web- based technologies that allows the linking of data between diverse data sets via standardised data formats (\u201cbig data\u201d). Semantic Biology is the application of semantic web technology in the biological domain (including medical and health informatics). The Special Topic encompasses papers in this very broad area, including not only ontologies (development and applications), but also text mining, data integration and data analysis making use of the technologies of the Semantic Web. Ontologies are a critical requirement for such integration as they allow conclusions drawn about biological experiments, or descriptions of biological entities, to be understandable and integratable despite being contained in different databases and analysed by different software systems. Ontologies are the standard structures used in biology, and more broadly in computer science, to hold standardized terminologies for particular domains of knowledge. Ontologies consist of sets of standard terms, which are defined and may have synonyms for ease of searching and to accommodate different usages by different communities. These terms are linked by standard relationships, such as \u201cis_a\u201d (an eye \u201cis_a\u201d sense organ) or \u201cpart_of\u201d (an eye is \u201cpart_of\u201d a head). By linking terms in this way, more detailed, or granular, terms can be linked to broader terms, allowing computation to be carried out that takes these relationships into account."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Hancock"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["semantic biology", "ontologies", "Semantic Web", "data representation", "data analysis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/380/biological-ontologies-and-semantic-biology"], ["title", "Biological Ontologies and Semantic Biology"], ["doab_id", "17785"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192779"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192779"]], [["description", "Thirty-five years after its initial success as a form of technologically assisted human reproduction, and five million miracle babies later, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has become a routine procedure worldwide. In Biological Relatives, Sarah Franklin explores how the normalization of IVF has changed how both technology and biology are understood. Drawing on anthropology, feminist theory, and science studies, Franklin charts the evolution of IVF from an experimental research technique into a global technological platform used for a wide variety of applications, including genetic diagnosis, livestock breeding, cloning, and stem cell research. She contends that despite its ubiquity, IVF remains a highly paradoxical technology that confirms the relative and contingent nature of biology while creating new biological relatives. Using IVF as a lens, Franklin presents a bold and lucid thesis linking technologies of gender and sex to reproductive biomedicine, contemporary bioinnovation, and the future of kinship. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Franklin ,Sarah"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Science Studies", "Feminist Anthropology", "Kinship-Philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469257"], ["title", "Biological Relatives - IVF, Stem Cells and the Future of Kinship"], ["doab_id", "15926"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822354857", "9780822354994", "9780822354857"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822354857 9780822354994 9780822354857"]], [["description", "Ticks are noticeable by the high diversity of pathogens they can transmit, most of them with implications in human and animal health. Ticks are arachnids, meaning that they do not share the biological and ecological features of the mosquitoes and other parasitic Diptera. The natural foci of tick-borne pathogens may be as large as a continent, or be restricted to small portions of a country, without apparently too many similar features. The life cycle of the ticks involved three developing instars. The precise relationships of ticks and their hosts, the specific seasonal pattern of activity of ticks, and the still poorly known molecular relationships between ticks and the pathogens they can transmit, make these vectors a specially fecund field of research. Importantly, extensive studies on the biological and ecological relationships of ticks and abiotic (climate and vegetation) conditions have revealed the fine-tuning of the ticks and the pathogens they transmit, together with the biological effects of host and the driving features by the climate. The studies on tick-transmitted pathogens have been on the rise in the last years. There is a growing interest in understand the somewhat complex relationships between the landscape, the climate, the vectors and the pathogens, because the concerns of spread, probably driven by subtle changes in climate and man made alterations of the landscape. Studies on Lyme borreliosis are addressing the interesting issue of the relationships between the climate, the tick activity patterns, and the selection of strains according to the reservoir availability. Furthermore, the expanding field of habitat suitability modeling has been applied with different degrees of success to evaluate and quantify the risk of disease transmission. In such exponentially growing field, revisionary books are clearly welcome additions to the bibliographical tools of researchers. It is however necessary the compilation of works devoted to explore the tip of the iceberg in the field of research. In this Research Topic, we wish to summarize and review the studies on ecology, molecular biology, and tick-host-pathogens interactions, provided to resolve the important issues of ticks and pathogens. We want not only the results obtained by newly developed molecular tools, but rigorous reviews of the most recent advances in these issues. This Topic will cover aspects of both human and animal health, with special interest on zoonoses. Aspects of the biology of the ticks, as affecting the transmission of pathogens, are of special interest in this Topic. Studies on ticks of the poorly known family Argasidae, as related to their involvement on pathogen transmission, are especially welcome. We also wish to describe the perspective of the field in the future. Finally, the presentation of ongoing original works is greatly encouraged."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Agustin Estrada-Pena; Jose De La Fuente"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ticks", "tick-transmitted pathogens", "Review Literature as Topic", "Ecology", "Epidemiology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1281/the-biology-and-ecology-of-ticks-shape-the-potential-for-the-transmission-of-zoonotic-pathogens"], ["title", "The biology and ecology of ticks shape the potential for the transmission of zoonotic pathogens"], ["doab_id", "17799"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194063"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194063"]], [["description", "Recent advances in the understanding of the biological basis of pediatric soft-tissue and bone tumors, especially owing to the advent of \u201comics\u201d technologies, have led to an exponential increase in the current knowledge on the genetic and cellular patho-mechanisms that drive these diseases. This offers the unprecedented opportunity to develop and implement targeted therapies such as monoclonal antibodies, small molecules, oncolytic viruses, and immunotherapies in standard and/or personalized treatment regimens. However, to date only a few examples document a successful translation of discoveries from the bench to the bedside. Recent international expert congresses such as the \u201cPediatric Cancer Translational Genomics\u201d conference (Phoenix, Arizona, 2012), the ESF-EMBO workshop on \u201cMolecular Biology and Innovative Therapies in Sarcomas\u201d (Pultusk, Poland, 2012), and the AACR special meeting on \u201cPediatric Cancer at the Crossroads \u2013 Translating Discovery into Improved Outcomes\u201d (San Diego, California, 2013) further emphasize the urgent need for a more rapid and especially more successful translational process. Hence, we strongly believe that a Frontiers Research Topic aiming at this aspect would fit just in time and that it would have great potential to receive numerous contributions of outstanding experts of the field. The proposed Frontiers Research Topic shall provide a platform for active and interdisciplinary discussion, summarize current state-of-the-art knowledge on all basic research and translational aspects in pediatric soft-tissue and bone tumors, and offer new perspectives of how to further promote and accelerate the translational process. We welcome high-quality original research articles, brief reports, as well as opinion, hypothesis, and review articles, and especially encourage submissions from early-career scientists."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas G. P. Grunewald; Simone Fulda"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["targeted therapy", "bone tumor", "Sarcoma", "Translational research", "pediatric oncology", "Ewing sarcoma", "Osteosarcoma", "Rhabdomyosarcoma", "epithelioid sarcoma", "Immunotherapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3276/biology-driven-targeted-therapy-of-pediatric-soft-tissue-and-bone-tumors-current-opportunities-and-f"], ["title", "Biology-Driven Targeted Therapy of Pediatric Soft-Tissue and Bone Tumors: Current Opportunities and Future Challenges"], ["doab_id", "18206"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198191"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198191"]], [["description", "Bioscience and the Good Life explores the relationship between bioscience and \"\"the good life\"\", drawing from the idea that the point of biomedical research is unavoidably tied to the idea of the good life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Iain Brassington"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544315"], ["title", "Bioscience and the Good Life"], ["doab_id", "16292"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544315"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544315"]], [["description", "Though there have been many developments in sensory/motor prosthetics, they have not yet reached the level of standard and worldwide use like pacemakers and cochlear implants. One challenging issue in motor prosthetics is the large variety of patient situations, which depending on the type of neurological disorder. To improve neuroprosthetic performance beyond the current limited use of such systems, robust bio-signal processing and model-based control involving actual sensory motor state (with biosignal feedback) would bring about new modalities and applications, and could be a breakthrough toward adaptive neuroprosthetics. Recent advances of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) now enable patients to transmit their intention of movement. However, the functionality and controllability of motor prosthetics itself can be further improved to take advantage of BCI interfaces. In this Research Topic we welcome contribution of original research articles, computational and experimental studies, review articles, and methodological advances related to biosignal processing that may enhance the functionality of sensory motor neuroprosthetics. The scope of this topic includes, but is not limited to, studies aimed at enhancing: 1) computational biosignal processing in EMG (Electromyography), EEG (Electroencephalography), and other modalities of biofeedback information;2) the computational method in modeling and control of sensory motor neuroprosthetics;3) the systematic functionality aiming to provide solutions for specific pathological movement disorders;4) human interfaces such as BCI - but in the case of BCI study, manuscripts should be experimental studies which are applied to sensory/motor neuroprosthetics in patients with motor disabilities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mitsuhiro Hayashibe; David Guiraud; Jose L. Pons; Dario Farina"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["neuroprosthetics", "Electromyography", "Electroencephalography", "Brain-computer interface", "Neurorehabilitation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1639/biosignal-processing-and-computational-methods-to-enhance-sensory-motor-neuroprosthetics"], ["title", "Biosignal processing and computational methods to enhance sensory motor neuroprosthetics"], ["doab_id", "18839"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197187"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197187"]], [["description", "The role of fossil planktonic foraminifera as markers for biostratigraphical zonation and correlation underpins most drilling of marine sedimentary sequences and is key to hydrocarbon exploration. Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera unifies existing biostratigraphic schemes and provides an improved correlation reflecting regional biogeographies. It presents a comprehensive analysis of existing data on fossil planktonic foraminifera genera and their phylogenetic evolution in time and space. Coverage includes presentation and discussion of rarely studied thin sections of planktonic foraminifera, allowing for new developments in dating planktonic foraminifera in carbonates and expanding their usefulness in hydrocarbon exploration."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "BouDagher-Fadel K. ,Marcelle"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Geology", "Basin analyses", "Palaeontology", "Planktonic Foraminifera"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578134"], ["title", "Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera, Updated Second Edition"], ["doab_id", "17531"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634257", "9781910634264", "9781910634240", "9781910634271"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634257 9781910634264 9781910634240 9781910634271"]], [["description", "The materials presented at the conference have been updated and edited, to give in this book an up-to-date picture of capabilities and common IV interests. Although inevitably any book on biotechnology is obsolete by the time it appears, there is nothing obsolescent about the dynamism now being displayed in the development of the bioindustries in both continents. We hope that the presentations assembled in this volume will testify to this dynamic development, and stimulate its further promotion. [excerpt taken from the book's Preface]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Cantley, Mark; Simpson, Karl"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9k5p6"], ["title", "Biotechnology in Europe and Latin America: prospects for co-operation"], ["doab_id", "16654"], ["language_unmapped", "EN"], ["isbns", ["9788579820366"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820366"]], [["description", "In an attempt to standardize elements of the station routine, the book describes the procedures used in passerine and wader ringing stations. It offers a comparative analysis of versatile evaluation techniques such as measurements, orientation experiments and monitoring. The authors meticulously analyze different methods used to track birds, including catching passerines with mist-nets in land and wetland habitat, as well as the use of the Heligoland trap. The monograph, as a successful bid to establish a bird station routine that is favourable to both birds and ringers, will benefit all professional and amateur ringers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Busse, Przemyslaw; Meissner, Wlodzimierz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bird migration, bird ringing station, animal migration, passerines, waders"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/209750"], ["title", "Bird Ringing Station Manual"], ["doab_id", "16872"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560533"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560533"]], [["description", "Modern knowledge discovery methods enable users to discover complex patterns of various types in large information repositories. However, the underlying assumption has always been that the data to which the methods are applied to originates from one domain. The focus of this book, and the BISON project from which the contributions are originating, is a network based integration of various types of data repositories and the development of new ways to analyse and explore the resulting gigantic information networks. Instead of finding well defined global or local patterns they wanted to find domain bridging associations which are, by definition, not well defined since they will be especially interesting if they are sparse and have not been encountered before. The 32 contributions presented in this state-of-the-art volume together with a detailed introduction to the book are organized in topical sections on bisociation; representation and network creation; network analysis; exploration; and applications and evaluation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael R. Berthold"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["adaptive similarity", "bridging concept identification", "ensemble heuristics", "recommendation", "usability evaluation"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-31829-0"], ["title", "Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to Concept, Algorithms, Tools, and Applications"], ["doab_id", "15110"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642318290", "9783642318306"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642318290 (Print) 9783642318306 (Online)"]], [["description", "Offers a fresh understanding of the global connectivity of struggles against colonial rule."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robbie Shilliam"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474218788"], ["title", "The Black Pacific"], ["doab_id", "17115"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474218788"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474218788"]], [["description", "Blackfoot Ways of Knowing is a journey into the heart and soul of Blackfoot culture. In sharing her personal story of \"coming home\" to reclaim her identity within that culture, Betty Bastien offers us a gateway into traditional Blackfoot ways of understanding and experiencing the world. As a scholar and researcher, Bastien is also able to place Blackfoot tradition within the context of knowledge building among indigenous peoples generally, and within a historical context of precarious survival amid colonial displacement and cultural genocide. In mapping her own process of coming to know, Bastien stresses the recovery of the Blackfoot language and of the Blackfoot notions of reciprocal responsibilities and interdependence. For the Siksikaitsitapi, knowledge is experiential, participatory, and ultimately sacred, rather than objective and inert. Rekindling traditional ways of knowing is essential if First Nations people in Canada are to heal and rebuild their communities and cultures. By sharing what she has learned, Betty Bastien hopes to ensure that the next generation of First Nations people will enjoy a future of hope and peace. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Betty Bastien"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49840/1/UofCPress_BlackfootWays_2004.pdf"], ["title", "Blackfoot Ways of Knowing: The Worldview of the Siksikaitsitapi"], ["doab_id", "15532"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387450"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387450"]], [["description", "The World Trade Organization (WTO) is often accused of, at best, not paying enough attention to human rights or, at worst, facilitating and perpetuating human rights abuses. This book weighs these criticisms and examines their validity, incorporating legal arguments as well as some economic and political science perspectives. After introducing the respective WTO and human rights regimes, and discussing their legal and normative relationship to each other, the book presents a detailed analysis of the main human rights concerns relating to the WTO. These include the alleged democratic deficit within the Organization and the impact of WTO rules on the right to health, labour rights, the right to food, and on questions of poverty and development. Given that some of the most important issues within the WTO concern its impact on poor people within developing States, the book asks whether rich States have an obligation to the people of poorer States to construct a fairer trading system that better facilitates the alleviation of poverty and development. Against this background, the book examines the current Doha round proposals as well as suggestions for reform of the WTO to make it more \u2018human rights-friendly\u2019."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Joseph ,Sarah"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["World Trade Organization", "WTO", "human rights abuses", "human rights regimes", "right to health", "labour rights", "right to food", "poverty", "development", "Doha round"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=454396"], ["title", "Blame It On the WTO: A Human Rights Critique"], ["doab_id", "15544"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199689767"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199689767"]], [["description", "For some legal philosophers, if a law is procedurally correct, enacted in ways constitutionally recognised and agreed upon, then the content is of no significance. It is a \u201cgood\u201d law, no matter what it does or justifies. The question of one's consent or opposition to any particular law is extraneous to the legality and is regarded merely as a political matter. The assumption is that a certain procedure and logic in law creation has taken place, and the law can be altered by a change in political leaders in a subsequent political election. However, this view and assumption obscure an uncomfortable fact. Some laws can be \u201cbad\u201d or \u201cimmoral.\u201d Critical legal theory suggests that there are often two (or more) sets of laws, and it makes no difference if Lady Justice is blindfolded or not.Laws change in the process of history, in part, because societal norms change. As common understandings of morality evolve, law adapts itself to the new moral environment. Norms can change slowly or rapidly, even within a lifetime. This book examines both social and legal norms and theories of how they are both created.Christine M. Hassenstab investigates how laws on sterilization, birth control and abortion were created, by focusing on the act of legislation; how the law was driven by scientific and social norms during the first and closing decades of the 20th century in the USA (especially in the state of Indiana) and Norway. The primary focus of Body Law and the Body of Law is the sociology of law and how and why the law changes. The author develops the notion \u201cbody law\u201d for reproductive policies and uses sociological theories to untie the various strands of social history and legal history and looks at two cases of legislation. The book is divided in to two main sections. The first examines eugenic laws in the USA state of Indiana and Norway during the first decades of 20th century. The second part is about the birth control and abortion debate in both countries throughout the late 1960s and 1970s.Christine M. Hassenstab is a lawyer and sociologist. She served as a criminal defense attorney for 15 years (1987\u20142001) in Seattle, Washington. Currently, she is an adviser in the EU Grants Office at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hassenstab, Christine M."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["abortion politics, birth control, eugenics, Indiana, Norway, sociology of law, social norms, sterilization"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/450192"], ["title", "Body Law and the Body of Law. A Comparative Study of Social Norm Inclusion in Norwegian and American Laws"], ["doab_id", "16873"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110412772"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110412772"]], [["description", "The first collection of critical essays on May Swenson and her literary universe, Body My House initiates an academic conversation about an unquestionably major poet of the middle and late twentienth century. Includes many previously unpublished Swenson poems. Essays here address the breadth of Swenson's literary corpus and offer varied scholarly approaches to it. They reference Swenson manuscripts---poems, letters, diaries, and other prose---some of which have not been widely available before. Chapters focus on Swenson's work as a nature writer; the literary and social contexts of her writing; her national and international acclaim; her work as a translator; associations with other poets and writers (Bishop, Moore, and others); her creative process; and her profound explorations of gender and sexuality. The first full volume of scholarship on May Swenson, Body My House suggests an ambitious agenda for further work. Between the 1950s and the 1980s, May Swenson produced eleven volumes of poetry, received many major awards, was elected chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, and was acclaimed by writers in virtually every school of American poetry."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Crumbley, Paul; Gantt, Patricia M."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/16"], ["title", "Body My House: May Swenson's Work and Life"], ["doab_id", "14679"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215434"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215434"]], [["description", "There is growing interest in understanding how the perception of pain (and touch) is influenced by the way we represent our body and the space surrounding it. Recent views argue that pain can only be understood in a larger framework of body perception and action. This attention is driven by accumulating research in experimental and clinical domains, indicating that pain perception depends largely on cognitive factors and multisensory integration. The interest is also boosted by studies on chronic pain conditions suggesting a tight link between body perception and the maintenance of pain. Many aspects remain yet to be elucidated. We welcomed submissions from researchers in cognitive neuroscience and pain to increase our understanding of the interplay among body, space, pain, touch and movement. We aimed to gather insights from different theoretical frameworks and encouraged investigators using a broad range of methods including (but not limited to) behavioural and neuropsychological approaches, imaging techniques, electrophysiology, psychophysiology and TMS to present their results in this Research Topic. In the attempt to go from bench- to bedside we also strongly encouraged submissions from clinicians and physiotherapist whose contribution may help rising some future key questions. Qualitative and phenomenological approaches were also welcome. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diana M. Torta; Jorg Trojan; Martin Diers; Camila Valenzuela-Moguillansky"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Pain", "Body perception", "Space Perception", "Illusions", "multisensory integration", "sensory-motor integration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/999/body-space-and-pain"], ["title", "Body, space and pain"], ["doab_id", "17843"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192915"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192915"]], [["description", "The present volume contains a critical suvey of entries collected from periodicals \u2013 learned journals and entertaining weeklies which were published in Vienna during the 1st half of the 19th century concerning the field of investigation which is the historical region of present day Czech Republic back then part of the Habsburg Empire with Vienna as the capital. The material collected in the present volume does cover the fields \u201cReligion\u201d, \u201cLaw\u201d, \u201cArea studies\u201d, \u201cPolitical economy\u201d, \u201cNatural sciences and mathematics\u201d thus completing the study with three parts already in print: part I (2011) \u201cLiterature and literary history\u201d; part II (2013) \u201cLinguistics\u201d, \u201cPhilosophy, esthetics, rethorics\u201d,\u201cHistoriography\u201d, \u201cEducation\u201d; part III (2014) \u201cThe Arts\u201d. An index will be available online once the book is released, a general index in a print version will be provided in time.

Kritische Bestandsaufnahme von Beitr\u00e4gen zum Untersuchungsgegenstand \u2013 einer historische Region, der heutigen Tschechischen Rebublik entsprechend \u2013 aus Quellen, n\u00e4mlich gelehrten Zeitschriften und Unterhaltungsbl\u00e4ttern in der ersten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Wien erschienen, enthaltend das Material zu den Themenbereichen \u201eRelgion\u201c, \u201eRecht\u201c, \u201eLandeskunde\u201c, \u201ePolitische \u00d6konomie\u201c, \u201eNaturwissenschaften und Mathematik\u201c, als letzter Teilband, nachdem im Teilband I (2011) das Material zu \u201eLiteratur und Schrifttum\u201c, im Teilband II (2013) zu \u201eSprachwissenschaften\u201c, \u201ePhilosophie, \u00c4sthetik,Rhetorik\u201c, \u201eGeschichte\u201c, \u201eBildungsinstitutionen\u201c sowie in Teilband III (2014) zu \u201eKunst\u201c publiziert worden ist. Das Register wird nach Vorliegen der Publikation als Online-Version zur Verf\u00fcgung stehen, in Planung ist ein Gesamtregister \u00fcber alle vier Teile in gedruckter From."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marinelli-K\u00f6nig ,Gertraud"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Historical press research \u2013 Viennensia \u2013 Bohemica - history of Science, Religion, Law \u2013 Area studies \u2013 Communictions research - Public opinion", "Historische Zeitschriftenforschung \u2013 Viennensia \u2013 Bohemica \u2013 Wissenschaftsgeschichte \u2013 Landeskunde \u2013 Wirtschaftsgeschichte \u2013 Kommunikationsforschung"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611243"], ["title", "Die b\u00f6hmischen L\u00e4nder in den Wiener Zeitschriften und Almanachen des Vorm\u00e4rz (1805\u20131848)"], ["doab_id", "19249"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700178712"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700178712"]], [["description", "Once more we are made aware of the fact that during the first half of the 19th century Bohemian musicians performed successfully outside their home country, in Europe as well as in the New World and in the Russian Empire, including careers in Vienna and we also learn that the readers of Viennese journals in the first place of the \u201cTheaterzeitung\u201d got firsthand information about the repertoire of the theatres in Prague and of theatres elsewhere. Reports and reviews about the life in the applied arts in the Bohemian lands being a rather lesser known chapter of art history allow us an insight in this field. The volume in question offers a reach source of information concerning the history of music, applied and performing arts in the Bohemian lands under Habsburg rule in the first half of the 19th century from the perspective of Viennese media.

Einmal mehr wird ins Ged\u00e4chtnis gerufen, dass b\u00f6hmische Musiker europaweit auftraten, auch die Neue Welt und das Russische Reich bespielten, besonders aber auch an den Wiener B\u00fchnen teils an ma\u00dfgeblicher Stelle als Komponisten, Solisten oder Kapellmeister wirkten und dass, das Theaterleben betreffend, die Leserschaft der Wiener Bl\u00e4tter, allen voran der \u201eTheaterzeitung\u201c, bestens im Bilde dar\u00fcber war, was in Prag und anderswo gespielt wurde.Berichte \u00fcber die bildenden K\u00fcnste in den b\u00f6hmischen L\u00e4ndern vermitteln einen Einblick in das wenig bekannte zeitgen\u00f6ssische Kunstgeschehen. Der vorliegende Band erschlie\u00dft reichhaltige Quellen zur Theater- Musik- und Kunstgeschichte der Biedermeierzeit und schl\u00e4gt ein bedeutendes Kapitel der Pressegeschichte auf. Das Wiener Vorm\u00e4rz-Slavica-Projekt am Institut f\u00fcr Kulturwissenschaften und Theatergeschichte der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften befasst sich mit der \u201enichtpolitischen\u201c Metternich\u2018schen Presse, indem es eine Auswertung im Hinblick auf eine spezifische Fragestellung liefert. Die vorliegende Publikation ist der dritte Teil des f\u00fcnften Bandes der daraus hervorgegangenen komparatistischen Reihe betitelt: Die b\u00f6hmischen L\u00e4nder in den Wiener Zeitschriften und Almanachen des Vorm\u00e4rz (1805-1848). Tschechische nationale Wiedergeburt \u2013 Kultur- und Landeskunde von B\u00f6hmen, M\u00e4hren und Schlesien \u2013 Kulturelle Beziehungen zu Wien. Nachdem Teil I (2011) die Bereiche Belletristik und Pressewesen, Teil II (2013) die Bereiche Sprachwissenschaften \u2013 Philosophie, \u00c4sthetik, Rhetorik \u2013 Geschichte \u2013 Bildungsinstitutionen, erschlossen haben wird in Teil III das Material zu den K\u00fcnsten (Musik \u2013 Bildende K\u00fcnste \u2013 Darstellende K\u00fcnste) systematisch erfasst."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marinelli-K\u00f6nig ,Gertraud"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History of Theatre, Music and the Arts during the Biedermeier-period", "Theater-, Musik-, Kunstgeschichte der Biedermeier-Zeit"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512256"], ["title", "Die b\u00f6hmischen L\u00e4nder in den Wiener Zeitschriften und Almanachen des Vorm\u00e4rz (180\u20131848). Tschechische nationale Wiedergeburt \u2013 Kultur- und Landeskunde von B\u00f6hmen, M\u00e4hren und Schlesien \u2013 Kulturelle Beziehungen zu Wien. Teil III: Kunst"], ["doab_id", "16525"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700171355"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700171355"]], [["description", "This volume is the result of a conference, which was held from June 14\u201315, 2012 at the Event Centre Sch\u00fcttkasten in Klement-Oberleis, Lower Austria. The thematic focus of the contributions was the nature of contacts and relations between the settlement areas of the La T\u00e8ne culture, which are associated with the Celtic tribes of the Boii and Taurisci on the basis of numismatic and written sources. The paradigm shifts in Iron Age archaeology and the veritable explosion of new archaeological materials and find contexts (coins, fibulae, Knotenringe, architecture and settlement features) have found their expression in this volume.

Dieser Band ist das Ergebnis einer Konferenz, welche vom 14.\u221215. Juni 2012 im Veranstaltungszentrum Sch\u00fcttkasten in Klement-Oberleis, Nieder\u00f6sterreich stattfand. Den thematischen Schwerpunkt der Beitr\u00e4ge bildete der Verlauf der Hauptkontakte und Beziehungen zwischen den Siedlungsgebieten der Lat\u00e8nekultur, die aufgrund der numismatischen und schriftlichen Quellen mit den keltischen St\u00e4mmen der Boier und Taurisker in Verbindung gebracht werden. Eingang in den Band fand die Darstellung der Paradigmenwechsel und die wahrhaftige Explosion von neuen Fund- und Befundkategorien (M\u00fcnzen, Fibeln, Knotenringe, Architektur und Siedlungsbefunde)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ramsl ,Peter C.; Karwowski ,Maciej "], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["La T\u00e8ne period, central Europe, Celts, oppida period, archaeology, coins, fibulae, Knotenringe", "Lat\u00e8nezeit, Zentraleuropa, Kelten, Oppidazeit, Arch\u00e4ologie, M\u00fcnzen, Fibeln, Knotenringe"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615395"], ["title", "Boii \u2013 Taurisci"], ["doab_id", "19679"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783700177401"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700177401"]], [["description", "Canada and the United States. Two nations, one border, same continent. Anti-American sentiment in Canada is well documented, but what have Americans had to say about their northern neighbour? Allan examines how the American media has portrayed Canada, from Confederation to Obama\u2019s election. By examining major events that have tested bilateral relations, Bomb Canada tracks the history of anti-Canadianism in the U.S. Informative, thought provoking and at times hilarious, this book reveals another layer of the complex relationship between Canada and the United States."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chantal Allan"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["cross boarder relations", "us Canada", "media studies", "political studies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120159"], ["title", "BOMB CANADA and Other Unkind Remarks in the American Media"], ["doab_id", "14427"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425497", "9781897425503"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425497 9781897425503"]], [["description", "Borderland Cities in New India explores contemporary urban life in two cities in India\u2019s Northeast borderland at a time of dramatic change. Social and economic transformation from India\u2019s embrace of neoliberalism and globalisation, often referred to as \u2018new\u2019 India, has become a popular subject for academic analysis in the last decade. This is epitomised by focus on so-called \u2018mega-cities\u2019, reflecting a general trend in scholarship on other parts of Asia. However, far less attention has been afforded to borderland regions and to the provincial cities of \u2018new\u2019 India. Using ethnographic material, this book focuses on two cities in India\u2019s Northeast borderland: Aizawl and Imphal. Both cities have been profoundly affected by armed conflict, militarism, displacement, and inter-ethnic tensions. Yet, both are also experiencing intensified flows of goods and people, rapid urban development, and expansion of Indian and foreign capital associated with the opening of the borderland west to the rest of India and east to the rest of Asia.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McDuie-Ra ,Duncan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Urban Studies"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605035"], ["title", "Borderland City in New India"], ["doab_id", "18750"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048525362"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048525362"]], [["description", "Le borgate nate in epoca fascista rappresentano una pagina fondamentale della storia di Roma contemporanea. Additate come i luoghi pi\u00f9 malfamati della citt\u00e0, specchio dei suoi contrasti socio-economici e urbanistici, in esse pu\u00f2 riassumersi il modo disordinato in cui la capitale \u00e8 cresciuta e si \u00e8 sviluppata. Avamposti dell\u2019espansione edilizia del secondo dopoguerra, le borgate hanno costituito il luogo d\u2019approdo per migliaia di famiglie dalle molteplici provenienze. Argomento fino a oggi poco dissodato, il processo di popolamento della periferia romana \u00e8 affrontato in questo libro per mezzo di nuove fonti archivistiche, con cui \u00e8 stato possibile verificare ipotesi di studio di recente acquisizione."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luciano Villani"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["fascismo, storia, italia"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://docs.google.com/gview?url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dipstudistorici.unito.it%2fdo%2fdocumenti.pl%2fShowFile%3f_id%3dpu96%26field%3dfile%26key%3dfkvD1pQoqswN6%26t%3d6461%26fn%3d1429006892.pdf"], ["title", "Le Borgate del Fascismo"], ["doab_id", "15488"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050147"]], ["provider", "docs.google.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050147"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 5, with foreward by Richard Howard. An accomplished poet with credits in such literary magazines as APR, Paris Review, Ploughshares, and many others, Stephen McLeod is the 2001 recipient of the May Swenson Poetry Award. Judge for the competition was Richard Howard, internationally known poet and winner of the Pulitzer and many other poetry awards. Formerly of Dallas, Mr. McLeod lives in Brooklyn, where he is an Assistant District Attorney. He was educated at Southern Methodist University, Columbia University, and the Fordham University School of Law."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McLeod, Stephen"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/10"], ["title", "Borgo of the Holy Ghost"], ["doab_id", "14762"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214222"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214222"]], [["description", "The educational imagination is the capacity to think critically beyond our located, daily experiences of education. It breaks away from the immediacy of personal understanding by placing education within wider, deeper and longer contexts. Boundaries of the Educational Imagination develops the educational imagination by answering six questions:What happens when we expand continuously outwards from one school to all the schools of the world?What happens if we go inside a school and explore how its material equipment has changed over the past 300 years?What is the smallest educational unit in our brain and how does it allow an almost infinite expansion of knowledge?What is the highest level of individual development we can teach students to aspire towards?What role does education play in a world that is producing more and more complex knowledge increasingly quickly?How do small knowledge elements combine to produce increasingly complex knowledge forms?Each question goes on a journey towards limit points in education so that educational processes can be placed within a bigger framework that allows new possibilities, fresh options and more critical engagement. These questions are then pulled together into a structuring framework enabling the reader to grasp how this complex subject works."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wayne Hugo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "African Minds"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Boundaries-Web.pdf"], ["title", "Boundaries of the Educational Imagination"], ["doab_id", "19608"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781928331018"]], ["provider", "www.africanminds.co.za"], ["isbns_raw", "9781928331018"]], [["description", "Bourdieu and Literature is a wide-ranging, rigorous and accessible introduction to the relationship between Pierre Bourdieu's work and literary studies. It provides a comprehensive overview and critical assessment of his contributions to literary theory and his thinking about authors and literary works. One of the foremost French intellectuals of the post-war era, Bourdieu has become a standard point of reference in the fields of anthropology, linguistics, art history, cultural studies, politics, and sociology, but his longstanding interest in literature has often been overlooked. This study explores the impact of literature on Bourdieu's intellectual itinerary, and how his literary understanding intersected with his sociological theory and thinking about cultural policy. This is the first full-length study of Bourdieu's work on literature in English, and it provides an invaluable resource for students and scholars of literary studies, cultural theory and sociology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Speller, John R.W. (Author)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Pierre Bourdieu", "literary theory", "reception", "sociology", "cultural theory", "French literature", "structuralism", "post-structuralism", "science and literature"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/80"], ["title", "Bourdieu and Literature"], ["doab_id", "14493"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924430"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924430"]], [["description", "Peter Valente\u2019s first encounter with Sandro Penna\u2019s poetry was while translating Pier Paolo Pasolini. At the time Valente was reading a biography on Pasolini and learned of his close friendship with Penna. Pasolini insisted that among serious readers of poetry Penna could not be ignored. Born in Perugia on June 12, 1906, Sandro Penna lived most of his life in Rome (he died there on January 21, 1977), except for a brief period in Milan where he worked as a library clerk. When Pasolini arrived in Rome in 1950 he sought out Penna to \u201cshow him around.\u201d He knew that Penna was in love with the same ragazzi who prowled the outskirts of Rome."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Valente"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["love, translation, gay poetry, Sandro Penna, Italian poetry, homosexuality"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/pac8clrvgkjzt4o/Valente_A_Boy_Asleep_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "A Boy Asleep Under the Sun: Versions of Sandro Penna"], ["doab_id", "17868"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692296936"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692296936"]], [["description", "Could we understand, in biological terms, the unique and fantastic capabilities of the human brain to both create and enjoy art? In the past decade neuroscience has made a huge leap in developing experimental techniques as well as theoretical frameworks for studying emergent properties following the activity of large neuronal networks. These methods, including MEG, fMRI, sophisticated data analysis approaches and behavioral methods, are increasingly being used in many labs worldwide, with the goal to explore brain mechanisms corresponding to the artistic experience. The 37 articles composing this unique Frontiers Research Topic bring together experimental and theoretical research, linking state-of-the-art knowledge about the brain with the phenomena of Art. It covers a broad scope of topics, contributed by world-renowned experts in vision, audition, somato-sensation, movement, and cinema. Importantly, as we felt that a dialog among artists and scientists is essential and fruitful, we invited a few artists to contribute their insights, as well as their art. Joan Mir\u00f3 said that \u201cart is the search for the alphabet of the mind.\u201d This volume reflects the state of the art search to understand neurobiological alphabet of the Arts. We hope that the wide range of articles in this volume will be highly attractive to brain researchers, artists and the community at large."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Idan Segev; Luis M. Martinez; Robert J. Zatorre"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["neuroesthetics", "creativity", "performing-arts", "emotion", "perception"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/104/brain-and-art"], ["title", "Brain and Art"], ["doab_id", "17689"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193608"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193608"]], [["description", "Much of our understanding of brain physiology has focused on what one might call, first order processes. These essentially include the primary synaptic mechanisms underlying excitation (mainly glutamate) and inhibition (mainly GABA). Our attention has focused on how the balance of excitation and inhibition regulates the timing, patterns, and extent of information flow across various circuits. A lot less is understood regarding second order processes that sculpt and modify these primary interactions. One such modulatory transmitter in the brain is acetylcholine (ACh). The importance of ACh in modulating various behaviors related to learning, memory, and attention has been recognized over the last four decades as has its involvement in various neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders. However, our understanding of the mechanistic bases for these actions is at its infancy, at best and much remains to be understood. The array of receptor subtypes for nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, their different locations, and complex signal transduction mechanisms remain a puzzle. Transmitter (ACh) release sites and their relationship to receptor loci are poorly understood. Overall, we lack a unifying framework for conceptualizing how disparate actions of the transmitter on receptors lead to circuit modulation and, eventually, influences on cognition. By its very nature, reports on cholinergic signaling are quite scattered, presented in journals across sub-disciplines and in the context of the systems they modulate. Hence, there is need for consolidation of these studies under a single cover that would allow one to compare and contrast the effects of this transmitter across systems and contexts. This special issue represents one such compilation. The issue addresses cholinergic modulation of defined circuits that lead to specific behaviors and consists of a judicious mixture of review articles and primary papers. The articles focus on three aspects of the system: 1) Cellular targets of cholinergic signaling. 2) Receptor mechanisms. 3) Endogenous transmitter distribution and action. While no common mechanism emerges that can explain cholinergic actions on brain functions, on can postulate that the transmitter system is dynamic, modulating the balance of excitation and inhibition in various circuits. This modulation sets up timed network oscillations and it is tempting to speculate that these oscillations form a template for better encoding of afferent inputs. One can broadly envision the role of the cholinergic system as facilitating processes that allow for more efficient acquisition of learning and engraving of memories. Thus, understanding the mechanisms underlying tonic and stimulus-dependent release of ACh and how it alters firing templates of neuronal networks would be the first step towards elucidating its role in learning and memory. This special topics edition provides clues to some of the actions of ACh. It is hoped that the articles allow the reader to extract common themes and potential mechanisms of cholinergic regulation that will lead to elucidation of general principles governing the actions of this important neuromodulator."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sukumar Vijayaraghavan; Geeta Sharma"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["muscarinic", "nicotinic", "circuit", "Interneurons", "Olfaction", "Addiction", "Visual Cortex", "Attention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2521/brain-cholinergic-mechanisms"], ["title", "Brain Cholinergic Mechanisms"], ["doab_id", "18835"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197149"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197149"]], [["description", "The brain's ability to process information crucially relies on connectivity. Understanding how the brain processes complex information and how such abilities are disrupted in individuals with neuropsychological disorders will require an improved understanding of brain connectivity. Autism is an intriguingly complex neurodevelopmental disorder with multidimensional symptoms and cognitive characteristics. A biological origin for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) had been proposed even in the earliest published accounts (Kanner, 1943; Asperger, 1944). Despite decades of research, a focal neurobiological marker for autism has been elusive. Nevertheless, disruptions in interregional and functional and anatomical connectivity have been a hallmark of neural functioning in ASD. Theoretical accounts of connectivity perceive ASD as a cognitive and neurobiological disorder associated with altered functioning of integrative circuitry. Neuroimaging studies have reported disruptions in functional connectivity (synchronization of activated brain areas) during cognitive tasks and during task-free resting states. While these insights are valuable, they do not address the time-lagged causality and directionality of such correlations. Despite the general promise of the connectivity account of ASD, inconsistencies and methodological differences among studies call for more thorough investigations. A comprehensive neurological account of ASD should incorporate functional, effective, and anatomical connectivity measures and test the diagnostic utility of such measures. In addition, questions pertaining to how cognitive and behavioral intervention can target connection abnormalities in ASD should be addressed. This research topic of the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience addresses \u201cBrain Connectivity in Autism\u201d primarily from cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging perspectives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rajesh K. Kana; Lucina Q. Uddin; Tal Kenet; Diane Chugani; Ralph-Axel Muller"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Autism Spectrum Disorders", "Brain connectivity", "Diffusion Tensor Imaging", "fMRI", "resting state", "Pattern Classification", "functional connectivity", "white matter", "Default Mode Network", "development"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1107/brain-connectivity-in-autism"], ["title", "Brain Connectivity in Autism"], ["doab_id", "17834"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192823"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192823"]], [["description", "Early-onset and enduring developmental deficits in attention, especially if combined with increased hyperactivity, and impulsivity, may result in constant impairments in multiple domains of personal life. The full spectrum of symptoms is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity, which is maladaptive and inconsistent with a comparable level of developmental age known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is considered one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders and of childhood, and among the most prevalent chronic health conditions.Given the wide heterogeneity and complex manifestations of the disorder, there is an importance in a developmental perspective that views ADHD as a multi-factorial disorder with multiple, causal processes, and pathways. The symptoms of ADHD should be cast, not as static or fixed neurobehavioral deficits, but rather in terms of underlying developmental processes.Even experienced professional might minimize the prevalence of a disorder among certain groups of patients. Therefore, the existence of attention disorders might become \"\"transparent\"\" for both the patient and the professional. This might lead to a non-accurate diagnosis, harm the treatment aspects and has potential non beneficial prognostic aspects.The developmental approach can provide predictions as to how characteristics associated with attention develop over time and how multiple risk and protective factors transact to impact it's development, as well as the development of a broad range of associated co-morbid features.Among children with mental retardation, autistic spectrum disorders, children who were born premature, born with low birth weight, as well as among those who suffer from chronic disorders (such as epilepsy, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or asthma), as well as among otherwise healthy preschoolers - the assessment of attention performance might be very challenging. In this research topic, we explore the latest cutting edge research on the biological and neural pathways as well as on psychosocial and behavioral correlates of brain development and attention spectrum. In doing so we aim to highlight: what is currently known regarding this new conceptualization of attention as a spectrum; the mechanisms underlying this spectrum; and where this field is headed in terms of developing our understanding of the link between brain development and attention performance. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Itai Berger; Anna Remington; Yael Leitner; Alan Leviton"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ADHD", "Attention", "Brain", "autism", "Child", "Delay", "development", "fetal", "maturation", "spectrum", "visual"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1376/brain-development-and-the-attention-spectrum"], ["title", "Brain Development and the Attention Spectrum"], ["doab_id", "17671"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194827"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194827"]], [["description", "Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a dynamic and multi-faceted disease process in humans, with devastating health and financial consequences for the individual and society-at-large. In humans, drug and alcohol use disorders (i.e., abuse and dependence) are defined by clusters of behavioral symptoms that can be modeled to various degrees in animals. Hallmark behavioral symptoms associated with drug and alcohol dependence are compulsive drug use, loss of control during episodes of drug use, the emergence of a negative emotional state in the absence of the drug, and chronic relapse vulnerability during drug abstinence. The transition to drug dependence is defined by neuroadaptations in brain circuits that, in the absence of drugs, mediate a variety of critical behavioral and physiological processes including natural reward, positive and negative emotional states, nociception, and feeding. Chronic drug exposure during the transition to dependence spurs (1) within-systems changes in neural circuits that contribute to the acute rewarding effects of the drug and (2) recruitment of brain stress systems (neuroendocrine and extra-hypothalamic). There are substantial genetic contributions to the propensity to use and abuse drugs, and drug abuse is highly co-morbid with various other psychiatric conditions (e.g., anxiety disorders, major depressive disorder) that may precede or follow the development of drug use problems. Across drugs of abuse, there are overlapping and dissociable aspects of the behavioral and neural changes that define the transition to dependence. Even within a single drug, people abuse drugs for a variety of reasons. The picture is further complicated by the fact that humans often abuse more than one drug concurrently. Even in the face of these challenges, pre-clinical and clinical research is making exponential gains into understanding the neurobiology of drug addiction. With the advent of new technologies and their combination with traditional approaches, the field is able to ask and answer addiction-related research questions in increasingly sophisticated ways. Here, we hope to assemble a collection of articles that provide an up-to-the-moment snapshot of the prevailing empirical, theoretical and technical directions in the addiction research field. We encourage submissions from all investigators working to understand the neurobiology of addiction, especially as it pertains to reward and stress pathways in the brain."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicholas W. Gilpin; Remi Martin-Fardon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["relapse", "reward", "stress", "pain", "alcohol", "Nicotine", "Heroin", "Methamphetamine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1039/brain-reward-stress-systems-in-addiction"], ["title", "Brain Reward & Stress Systems in Addiction"], ["doab_id", "18603"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194575"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194575"]], [["description", "Brain-immune interactions are essential to maintain health and their dysfunction contributes to diverse human diseases. Recent data show that haematopoietic processes and immune organs are under central autonomic control. Deficient regulation of inflammatory events contributes to brain diseases, whereas acute or chronic brain injury is linked with the development of systemic inflammatory conditions or immunosuppression. At present, common disorders with high socio-economic burden such as cancer, cardiovascular-, neuroinflammatory- and neurodegenerative diseases, asthma, allergies, autism, psychiatric conditions and sepsis are believed to be influenced, at least in part, by the dysfunction of brain-immune communication. Since the median age of the world's population is increasing rapidly, it is expected that the burden of common non-communicable diseases will further increase, which represents a huge challenge to the health care systems worldwide. Thus, there is an increasing demand to understand and treat complex diseases, many of which are age-related, and this is not possible unless the fine-tuned communication between large systems -such as the nervous and the immune system- is comprehensively understood. Although it is impossible to cover all areas of relevant research in this field, papers in this eBook give some insight to a few important aspects of brain-immune interactions and their contribution to disease. We hope that this collection could stimulate further relevant research and facilitate discussions to support the understanding of the highly complex interactions between the immune system and the brain in health and disease."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adam Denes; Jaleel A. Miyan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["brain-immune interactions", "Inflammation", "Disease", "regulation", "Brain Injury", "psychiatric disorders", "Asthma", "autism", "Autoimmunity", "Neuropeptides"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1268/brain-immune-interactions-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "Brain-immune interactions in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "17812"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195145"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195145"]], [["description", "In these conference proceedings particular attention is paid to the performance of burials and burial rites between 1300 and 750 BC. A change in burial customs took place in large parts of central Europe during the 13th century BC. The dead were no longer buried in inhumation graves \u2013 as was customary until then \u2013 but were burned and laid to rest in urns. This transformation of burial customs is probably connected to far reaching changes in society and religious beliefs.

In dem vorliegenden Kongressband werden Bestattung und Ritual in der Region zwischen Mitteleuropa und Griechenland zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr. besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Im 13. Jahrhundert v. Chr. fand in weiten Teilen Mitteleuropas eine radikale Ver\u00e4nderung der Grabsitten statt. Die Toten wurden nicht mehr, wie bis dahin \u00fcblich, in K\u00f6rpergr\u00e4bern bestattet, sondern verbrannt und in Urnen beigesetzt. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass sich hinter dem Wandel des Begr\u00e4bnisrituals weitreichende Ver\u00e4nderungen der Gesellschaft und der religi\u00f6sen Vorstellungen verbergen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lochner ,Michaela; Ruppenstein ,Florian "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Late Bronze Age, Urnfield Culture, Cremation Burial, Burial Rites, Middle Danube Region, Aegean Region"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=446018"], ["title", "Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur \u00c4g\u00e4is zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr."], ["doab_id", "15385"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783700172604"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700172604"]], [["description", "Neste trabalho eu procuro tra\u00e7ar um quadro da pobreza urbana no Brasil contempor\u00e2neo, com a precis\u00e3o permitida pelos dados de pesquisas de amostragem de domic\u00edlios. Para isso eu utilizo da abordagem das linhas de pobreza. [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hbx3m"], ["title", "Brasil,1989: um estudo s\u00f3cio-econ\u00f4mico da indig\u00eancia e da pobreza urbana"], ["doab_id", "16656"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662755"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662755"]], [["description", "O espa\u00e7o pode ser entendido como uma media\u00e7\u00e3o interativa entre as formas do ambiente constru\u00eddo, resultantes da transforma\u00e7\u00e3o da natureza, e a vida social que as anima, cuja din\u00e2mica de produ\u00e7\u00e3o articula dialeticamente as dimens\u00f5es do percebido, do concebido e do vivido. Assim, o processo de produ\u00e7\u00e3o e os modos de apropria\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o metropolitano de Bras\u00edlia s\u00e3o os focos de presente an\u00e1lise. Como a configura\u00e7\u00e3o espacial de Bras\u00edlia, marcada pelas descontinuidades do tecido metropolitano e pelas grandes dist\u00e2ncias delas decorrentes, influencia no uso do espa\u00e7o-tempo quotidiano por parte dos habitantes de sua periferia goiana e oferece possibilidades e/ou limites \u00e0 realiza\u00e7\u00e3o do direito \u00e0 cidade? Para responder a essa quest\u00e3o, a realidade da metr\u00f3pole \u00e9 discutida em dois aspectos principais: um primeiro, concernente \u00e0 compreens\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o metropolitano como produto s\u00f3cio-hist\u00f3rico, resultado da concep\u00e7\u00e3o dos elaboradores do projeto de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma nova capital para o Brasil e da pr\u00e1tica espacial - deles e daqueles que se apropriam desse espa\u00e7o, tamb\u00e9m atuando em sua produ\u00e7\u00e3o - que resultou naquilo que hoje conhecemos como Bras\u00edlia e seu espa\u00e7o metropolitano; e um segundo, atinente \u00e0 passagem da an\u00e1lise do plano discursivo ao plenamente vivido, ou seja, a partir da demonstra\u00e7\u00e3o, por meio de ideias, conceitos, informa\u00e7\u00f5es e constata\u00e7\u00f5es, de qual espa\u00e7o metropolitano se trata, busca-se adentrar esse espa\u00e7o \u00e0 escala do quotidiano a fim de tentar mostrar o espa\u00e7o vivido: aquele do qual se apropriam os habitantes de uma periferia distante e supostamente menos integrada que s\u00e3o, na verdade, parte constituinte da metr\u00f3pole."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Catal\u00e3o, Igor"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jbt6b"], ["title", "Bras\u00edlia, metropoliza\u00e7\u00e3o e espa\u00e7o vivido: pr\u00e1ticas especiais e vida quotidiana na periferia goiana da metr\u00f3pole"], ["doab_id", "16698"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831058"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831058"]], [["description", "Das Sanktionenrecht ist derzeit Gegenstand zahlreicher Reformdiskussionen. Angesto\u00dfen durch Urteile des Europ\u00e4ischen Gerichtshofs f\u00fcr Menschenrechte und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts wurde das Recht der Sicherungsverwahrung in den vergangenen Jahren bereits ver\u00e4ndert. Zu einer \u00c4nderung des Rechts der Unterbringung im Psychiatrischen Krankenhaus gem. \u00a7 63 StGB liegt ein Diskussionsentwurf der Bund-L\u00e4nder-Arbeitsgruppe vor. Zu fragen ist jedoch, ob und wann Ver\u00e4nderungen einzelner Vorschriften nicht auch zu einer Ver\u00e4nderung des zweispurigen Sanktionensystems an sich f\u00fchren. Aus diesem Grund machte es sich das Kriminalwissenschaftliche Kolloquium 2014 zur Aufgabe, das System der freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen als Ganzes in den Blick zu nehmen und einen m\u00f6glicherweise bestehenden Reformbedarf herauszuarbeiten. Das j\u00e4hrlich stattfindende Kriminalwissenschaftliche Kolloquium greift jeweils aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich der gesamten Strafrechtswissenschaften auf und m\u00f6chte die fachliche Diskussion im Wege des wissenschaftlichen Austauschs bereichern. Dieser Band liefert einen Beitrag zur Reformdiskussion im Bereich des Sanktionenrechts.

Das Sanktionenrecht ist derzeit Gegenstand zahlreicher Reformdiskussionen. Angesto\u00dfen durch Urteile des Europ\u00e4ischen Gerichtshofs f\u00fcr Menschenrechte und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts wurde das Recht der Sicherungsverwahrung in den vergangenen Jahren bereits ver\u00e4ndert. Zu einer \u00c4nderung des Rechts der Unterbringung im Psychiatrischen Krankenhaus gem. \u00a7 63 StGB liegt ein Diskussionsentwurf der Bund-L\u00e4nder-Arbeitsgruppe vor. Zu fragen ist jedoch, ob und wann Ver\u00e4nderungen einzelner Vorschriften nicht auch zu einer Ver\u00e4nderung des zweispurigen Sanktionensystems an sich f\u00fchren. Aus diesem Grund machte es sich das Kriminalwissenschaftliche Kolloquium 2014 zur Aufgabe, das System der freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen als Ganzes in den Blick zu nehmen und einen m\u00f6glicherweise bestehenden Reformbedarf herauszuarbeiten. Das j\u00e4hrlich stattfindende Kriminalwissenschaftliche Kolloquium greift jeweils aktuelle Themen aus dem Bereich der gesamten Strafrechtswissenschaften auf und m\u00f6chte die fachliche Diskussion im Wege des wissenschaftlichen Austauschs bereichern. Dieser Band liefert einen Beitrag zur Reformdiskussion im Bereich des Sanktionenrechts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00f6ffler, Katrin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["detention", "Germany", "custodial sentence", "detention", "Germany", "custodial sentence"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610378"], ["title", "Brauchen wir eine Reform der freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen?"], ["doab_id", "19182"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952075"]], [["description", "Dwindling fish stocks, changing markets and often ill-advised government intervention have affected the lives of Dutch fishermen for decades. The author of this study has spent years among the fishermen of the Dutch island of Texel, and this book records the changes in their working lives, tracking the influence of national and international factors on the social and cultural structures of the community.

Onvoorspelbare visvoorraden in zee, de wispelturige markt en de al even grillige staatsinterventies in de visserij zijn dagelijkse kost voor vissers. Rob van Ginkel onderzoekt in Braving Troubled Waters de wijze waarop Nederlandse zeevissers vanaf het begin van de achttiende eeuw tot het heden zijn omgegaan met deze factoren. Hiervoor richt hij zich op het visserijbedrijf op het eiland Texel. Hij laat zien hoe nationale en internationale processen van invloed zijn op de sociaal-culturele structuur van Texel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ginkel van ,Rob"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Public administration", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Anthropologie", "Bestuurskunde", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340065"], ["title", "Braving Troubled Waters : Sea Change in a Dutch Fishing Community"], ["doab_id", "12780"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640871"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640871"]], [["description", "The topic of this book, the digital divide, refers to the unequal distribution of resources associated with information and communication technology between countries and within societies. We will explore how one factor, in this case information technology, can potentially support contradictory tendencies: towards greater freedom and social participation and to deeper social inequality and new forms of concentration of power (excerpt taken from the book's Introduction)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cvgxd"], ["title", "brazil@digitaldivide.com: Confronting Inequality in the Information Society"], ["doab_id", "16655"], ["language_unmapped", "EN"], ["isbns", ["9788599662489"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662489"]], [["description", "

Lively and well written, Bread and Circuses analyzes theories that have treated mass culture as either a symptom or a cause of social decadence. Discussing many of the most influential and representative theories of mass culture, it ranges widely from Greek and Roman origins, through Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Ortega y Gasset, T. S. Eliot, and the theorists of the Frankfurt Institute, down to Marshall McLuhan and Daniel Bell. Brantlinger considers the many versions of negative classicism and shows how the belief in the historical inevitability of social decay.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brantlinger, Patrick"], ["date", "1983"], ["subject", ["mass culture, historical inevitability, decadence, social decay, classicism, mass media, popular culture, crowd psychology, Sigmund Freud, Marshall McLuhan"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/25064054/9781501707643.pdf"], ["title", "Bread and Circuses"], ["doab_id", "19886"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801493386"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801493386"]], [["description", "In this important book, Jan Willem Duyvendak and James M. Jasper bring together an internationally acclaimed group of contributors to demonstrate the complexities of the social and political spheres in various areas of public policy. By breaking down the state into the players who really make decisions and pursue coherent strategies, these essays provide new perspectives on the interactions between political protestors and the many parts of the state\u2014from courts, political parties, and legislators to police, armies, and intelligence services. By analyzing politics as the interplay of various players within structured arenas, Breaking Down the State provides an innovative look at law and order versus opposition movements in countries across the globe."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duyvendak ,Jan Willem; Jasper ,James M."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Protest", "social movements", "strategy", "the state", "players", "arenas"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611224"], ["title", "Breaking Down the State: Protestors Engaged"], ["doab_id", "19239"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647597"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647597"]], [["description", "Despite significant progress in the global fight against malaria, this parasitic infection is still responsible for nearly 300 million clinical cases and more than half a million deaths each year, predominantly in African children less than 5 years of age. The infection starts when mosquitoes transmit small numbers of parasites into the skin. From here, the parasites travel with the bloodstream to the liver where they undergo an initial round of replication and maturation to the next developmental stage that infects red blood cells. A vaccine capable of blocking the clinically silent liver phase of the Plasmodium life cycle would prevent the subsequent symptomatic phase of this tropical disease, including its frequently fatal manifestations such as severe anemia, acute lung injury, and cerebral malaria. Parasitologists, immunologists, and vaccinologists have come to appreciate the complexity of the adaptive immune response against the liver stages of this deadly parasite. Lymphocytes play a central role in the elimination of Plasmodium infected hepatocytes, both in humans and animal models, but our understanding of the exact cellular interactions and molecular effector mechanisms that lead to parasite killing within the complex hepatic microenvironment of an immune host is still rudimentary. Nevertheless, recent collaborative efforts have led to promising vaccine approaches based on liver stages that have conferred sterile immunity in humans \u2013 the University of Oxford's Ad prime / MVA boost vaccine, the Naval Medical Research Center\u2019s DNA prime / Ad boost vaccine, Sanaria Inc.'s radiation-attenuated whole sporozoite vaccine, and Radboud University Medical Centre\u2019s and Sanaria's derived chemoprophylaxis with sporozoites vaccines. The aim of this Research Topic is to bring together researchers with expertise in malariology, immunology, hepatology, antigen discovery and vaccine development to provide a better understanding of the basic biology of Plasmodium in the liver and the host\u2019s innate and adaptive immune responses. Understanding the conditions required to generate complete protection in a vaccinated individual will bring us closer to our ultimate goal, namely to develop a safe, scalable, and affordable malaria vaccine capable of inducing sustained high-level protective immunity in the large proportion of the world\u2019s population constantly at risk of malaria."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ute Frevert; Urszula Krzych; Thomas L. Richie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Plasmodium", "immune response", "hepatic microenvironment", "antigen-presenting cell", "B cell", "CD8 T cell", "CD4 T cell", "animal model", "Malaria vaccine", "adjuvants"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2289/breaking-the-cycle-attacking-the-malaria-parasite-in-the-liver"], ["title", "Breaking the cycle: Attacking the malaria parasite in the liver"], ["doab_id", "18821"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196951"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196951"]], [["description", "This volume is the final output of a project started in 2013 on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Scandinavian Section of the University of Milan. A group of scholars working on different European and non-European cultural and literary traditions come together here to discuss the relationships between their areas of study and the Nordic countries. The range of the contributions expands over time and space, from the Middle Ages to the present day, from Poland in the east to the United States in the west, across various European countries. Through various kinds of expertise and different perspectives, this intercultural discourse deals with diverse themes, including the perception of Nordic culture(s) by foreign writers as well as the image of other cultures in Scandinavian works. In particular, the literary and cultural interchange of models and ideas between the North and other areas is investigated in a number of essays devoted to numerous authors, including, among others, Klaus B\u00f6ldl, Carmen de Burgos, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Gerhart Hauptmann, Henrik Ibsen, Stieg Larsson, Carl von Linn\u00e9, Rainer Maria Rilke, J.D. Salinger, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Mme de Sta\u00ebl, August Strindberg, and Tomas Transtr\u00f6mer."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Andrea Meregalli; Camilla Storskog"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Bridges_xsito.pdf"], ["title", "Bridges to Scandinavia"], ["doab_id", "19819"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867054121"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054121"]], [["description", "Infant brain damage is a serious condition that affects millions of babies each year. The period from late gestation to the first year of life is the most critical one for the development of central and autonomous nervous systems. Medical conditions such as preterm birth may compromise brain function and the end result usually is that the baby may experience long-term neurological problems related to a wide range of psychological, physical and functional complications, with consequent life-long burdens for the individuals and their families, and a high socio-economic impact for the health care system and the whole of society. During the last years, several techniques have been employed to monitor the brain functional development in utero and after birth. As well, various analytical methods have been used to understand the functional maturation of the brain and the autonomous nervous system. However, in spite of the rapid improvement of diagnostic methods and procedures, there is still a widely recognized, severe shortage of clinically viable means for the high quality monitoring of the brain function in early life with a direct relevance to acute neurological illness and future neurocognitive outcomes. The studies collected in this e-book document the most recent advancements in monitoring systems, analytical methods and clinical diagnostic procedures that contribute to increase our knowledge of the functional development of the human brain and autonomous nervous system during pregnancy and after birth, with the ultimate goal of reducing fetal impairment and improving healthcare in the neonatal and infant period."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marika Berchicci; Silvia Comani"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Electroencephalography (EEG)", "fetal magnetocardiography (fMCG)", "magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)", "Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)", "neurodevelopment", "Brain monitoring", "cerebral blood flow", "autonomic nervous system (ANS)", "connectivity", "prematurity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2612/bridging-the-gap-before-and-after-birth-methods-and-technologies-to-explore-the-functional-neural-de"], ["title", "Bridging the gap before and after birth: Methods and technologies to explore the functional neural development in humans"], ["doab_id", "18816"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196876"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196876"]], [["description", "This book offers a clinical guide that brings together a broad range of brief interventions and their applications in treating psychosis. It describes two core approaches that can narrow the current, substantial gap between the need for psychotherapeutic interventions for all individuals suffering from psychosis, and the limited mental health resources available.The first approach involves utilizing the standard therapeutic modalities in the context of routine clinical interactions after adapting them into brief and effective formats. To that end, the book brings in experts on various psychotherapeutic modalities, who discuss how their particular modality could be adapted to more effectively fit into the existing system of care delivery.The second approach, addressed in detail, is to extend the availability of these brief interventions by utilizing the circle of providers as well as the social circle of the clients so that these interventions can be provided in a coordinated and complementary manner by psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, case managers, peer support specialists and other providers on the one hand, and by family members, friends, social and religious institutions on the other."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pradhan ,Basant; Pinninti ,Narsimha; Rathod ,Shanaya"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["psychosis", "treatment", "psychotherapeutic interventions", "clinical interactions", "psychiatry", "psychology", "clinical social work"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=611611.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Brief Interventions for Psychosis : A Clinical Compendium"], ["doab_id", "19160"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319305196"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319305196"]], [["description", "The letters between Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham constitute one of the most important correspondences of Freud. Karl Abraham was an important and influential early member of Freud's inner circle of trusted colleagues. As such he played a significant part in the establishment of psychoanalysis as a discipline. Regarded by Freud biographer Ernest Jones as one of the best clinical analysts among his contemporaries, he also contributed important elaborations and developments of Freud's theories.In 1965, there appeared a first, censored and incomplete edition of this correspondence. In 2002, a completed edition came out in English translation. The present publication will be the first complete edition of this major correspondence in the original German, All letters, postcards, telegrams, notes, and enclosures that have been preserved and could be found are reprinted without omissions or pseudonyms. Added are both editorial and text-critical footnotes, plus an introduction and an appendix with pertinent additional material.It is now possible to explore first-hand the complex relationship that existed between Freud and his master pupil, and to follow their exchange on theoretical and clinical matters, but also on family members, their various travels, political and historical events, etc., and on their combined and individual relationships with other colleagues, such as C. G. Jung or the members of the so-called Secret Committee around Freud. This substantial and absorbing collection of letters enables the reader to gain valuable insights into these two pioneers of psychoanalysis, into the history of the psychoanalytic movement, and into the development of both Freud's and Abraham's theories.Due to the length of this correspondence (appr. 900 pages in print), this edition will appear in two volumes.

Die Briefe zwischen Sigmund Freud und Karl Abraham geh\u00f6ren zu den wichtigsten Briefwechseln Freuds. Karl Abraham war ein wichtiges und einflussreiches Mitglied des engeren Kreises von Vertrauten rund um Freud. Als solches spielte er eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Etablierung der Disziplin der Psychoanalyse. Von Freuds Biograph Ernest Jones als einer der besten Kliniker seiner Zeit bezeichnet, trug er auch wichtige Ausarbeitungen und Weiterentwicklungen von Freuds Theorien bei.1965 erschien eine erste, zensierte und unvollst\u00e4ndige Ausgabe dieser Korrespondenz. 2002 kam eine vervollst\u00e4ndigte Ausgabe in englischer \u00dcbersetzung heraus. Die vorliegende Publikation ist die erste vollst\u00e4ndige Edition dieser bedeutenden Korrespondenz in der deutschen Originalfassung. Sie enth\u00e4lt den Text aller Briefe, Karten, Telegramme, Notizen und Beilagen, die erhalten geblieben sind und aufgefunden werden konnten, ohne Auslassungen oder Pseudonyme. Dazu kommen sowohl editorische wie textkritische Fu\u00dfnoten, sowie eine Einleitung und ein Anhang, der weitere relevante Materialien enth\u00e4lt.Aus erster Hand k\u00f6nnen nun die komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Freud und seinem Meistersch\u00fcler verfolgt werden, ihr Austausch \u00fcber theoretische und klinische Fragen, aber auch \u00fcber ihre Familien, ihre verschiedenen Reisen, \u00fcber politische und historische Ereignisse usw., sowie \u00fcber ihre Beziehungen zu anderen Kollegen wie C. G. Jung oder zu den Mitgliedern des sogenannten Geheimen Komitees rund um Freud. Diese reichhaltige und faszinierende Briefsammlung erlaubt dem Leser, wertvolle Einsichten \u00fcber diese beiden Pioniere der Psychoanalyse, \u00fcber die Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung und \u00fcber die Entwicklung der Theorien Freuds und Abrahams zu gewinnen. Aufgrund des gro\u00dfen Umfangs dieses Briefwechsels (etwa 900 Druckseiten) erscheint diese Edition in zwei B\u00e4nden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Freud ,Sigmund; Abraham ,Karl"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Siegmund Freud, Karl Abraham, Correspondence, History of psychoanalysis"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437144"], ["title", "Briefwechsel 1907-1925"], ["doab_id", "15269"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851326314"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851326314"]], [["description", "Arnold Scholz (1906-1941) war einer der vielversprechendsten jungen Zahlentheoretiker in den 1930er Jahren, einer der besten Kenner der Klassenk\u00f6rpertheorie. Als Doktorand von Issai Schur war er auch mit gruppentheoretischen Methoden vertraut. Da er w\u00e4hrend des Dritten Reichs als politisch nicht zuverl\u00e4ssig galt (er war ein enger Freund des ebenfalls \u201esuspekten\u201c Ernst Zermelo), konnte er keine sichere Stelle finden. Trotzdem gelang es ihm, eine Reihe wichtiger Resultate zu erhalten, u.a. bei der Realisierung von Galoisgruppen und in der Theorie der Normenreste. Der zu einem klaren Verst\u00e4ndnis dieser Ergebnisse notwendige kohomologische Apparat war damals noch nicht entwickelt, und daher konnten zun\u00e4chst nur Wenige mit den Scholzschen Ideen etwas anfangen. Eine Reihe seiner Resultate wurden sp\u00e4ter wiederentdeckt. Schafarewitsch konnte mit Hilfe der Scholzschen Methoden zeigen, dass jede endliche aufl\u00f6sbare Gruppe als Galoisgruppe einer Erweiterung der rationalen Zahlen vorkommt. Das vorliegende Buch, das als erster Schritt zu einem besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis des Werks von Arnold Scholz anzusehen ist, enth\u00e4lt die Korrespondenz zwischen Arnold Scholz und Helmut Hasse einerseits und Olga Taussky andererseits, soweit sie in den Archiven der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und des California Institute of Technology in Pasadena erhalten sind. Auch die Korrespondenz zwischen Hasse und Taussky bis zum fr\u00fchen Tod von Arnold Scholz wurde aufgenommen.

Arnold Scholz (1906-1941) war einer der vielversprechendsten jungen Zahlentheoretiker in den 1930er Jahren, einer der besten Kenner der Klassenk\u00f6rpertheorie. Als Doktorand von Issai Schur war er auch mit gruppentheoretischen Methoden vertraut. Da er w\u00e4hrend des Dritten Reichs als politisch nicht zuverl\u00e4ssig galt (er war ein enger Freund des ebenfalls \u201esuspekten\u201c Ernst Zermelo), konnte er keine sichere Stelle finden. Trotzdem gelang es ihm, eine Reihe wichtiger Resultate zu erhalten, u.a. bei der Realisierung von Galoisgruppen und in der Theorie der Normenreste. Der zu einem klaren Verst\u00e4ndnis dieser Ergebnisse notwendige kohomologische Apparat war damals noch nicht entwickelt, und daher konnten zun\u00e4chst nur Wenige mit den Scholzschen Ideen etwas anfangen. Eine Reihe seiner Resultate wurden sp\u00e4ter wiederentdeckt. Schafarewitsch konnte mit Hilfe der Scholzschen Methoden zeigen, dass jede endliche aufl\u00f6sbare Gruppe als Galoisgruppe einer Erweiterung der rationalen Zahlen vorkommt. Das vorliegende Buch, das als erster Schritt zu einem besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis des Werks von Arnold Scholz anzusehen ist, enth\u00e4lt die Korrespondenz zwischen Arnold Scholz und Helmut Hasse einerseits und Olga Taussky andererseits, soweit sie in den Archiven der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und des California Institute of Technology in Pasadena erhalten sind. Auch die Korrespondenz zwischen Hasse und Taussky bis zum fr\u00fchen Tod von Arnold Scholz wurde aufgenommen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hasse, Helmut; Scholz, Arnold; Taussky, Olga; Lemmermeyer, Franz; Roquette, Peter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Scholz, Arnold", "correspondence", "Galois group", "mathematics", "Scholz, Arnold", "correspondence", "Galois group", "mathematics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610401"], ["title", "Der Briefwechsel Hasse - Scholz - Taussky"], ["doab_id", "19205"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952532"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952532"]], [["description", "This book offers a startling re-evaluation of what has until now been seen as the most critically lacklustre period of the British cinema. Twenty writers contribute essays that rediscover and reassess the productions of the Festival of Britain decade, during which the vitality of wartime film-making flowed into new forms. Topics covered include genres such as the B-film, the war film, the woman's picture, the theatrical adaptation and comedy; also social issues such as censorship and the screen representation of childhood. The book includes fresh assessments of maverick directors such as Pat Jackson, Robert Hamer and Joseph Losey, and even of a maverick critic, Raymond Durgnat. There are also three personal views from people individually implicated in 1950s cinema: Corin Redgrave on Michael Redgrave, Isabel Quigly on film reviewing, and Bryony Dixon of the British Film Institute on film archiving and preservation. In its evocation and coverage of a fascinating time when the national cinema enjoyed an unprecedented popularity amongst home audiences, this volume offers the most exhilarating survey yet of 1950s British film. In its provocative challenge to conventional wisdom about this decade's movies, the book will prove indispensable to students of the cinema at all levels and a stimulating companion for the critic and the historian."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "MacKillop ,Ian; Sinyard ,Neil"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["cinema", "film", "british"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341323"], ["title", "British Cinema in the 1950s: A celebration"], ["doab_id", "13249"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064883"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064883"]], [["description", "Moving images of the British monarchy, in fact and fiction, are almost as old as the moving image itself, dating back to an 1895 American drama, The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots. British monarchs even appeared in the new \u2018animated photography\u2019 from 1896, led by Queen Victoria. Half a century later, the 1953 coronation of Elizabeth II was a milestone in the adoption of television, watched by 20 million Britons and 100 million North Americans. At the century\u2019s end, Princess Diana\u2019s funeral was viewed by 2.5 billion worldwide. In the first book-length examination of film and television representations of this enduring institution, distinguished scholars of media and political history analyse the screen representations of royalty from Henry VIII to \u2018William and Kate\u2019. Seventeen essays by international commentators including Ian Christie, Elisabeth Bronfen, Andrew Higson and Glynn Davies examine the portrayal of royalty in the \u2018actuality\u2019 picture, the early extended feature, amateur cinema, the movie melodrama, the Commonwealth documentary, New Queer Cinema, TV current affairs, the big screen ceremonial and the post-historical boxed set. Among their concerns are the commercial value of royal representations, the convergence of the monarch and the movie star, and the British monarchy\u2019s historical use of the moving image to further its legitimacy. This book is a long-overdue contribution to film and television studies, and will be essential reading for scholars and students of British media and political history.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Merck ,Mandy"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "Film theory & criticism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605453"], ["title", "The British Monarchy On Screen"], ["doab_id", "18769"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526113047"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526113047"]], [["description", "Participatory development and government accountability depend in part on the existence of media that provide broad access to information from varied sources and that equip and encourage people to raise and debate issues and develop public opinion. Conducive policies, laws, and regulations are essential for media to develop that are independent and widely accessible and that enable the expression of diverse perspectives and sources of information. Broadcasting, Voice, and Accountability presents a framework to inform analysis of existing policies and support the development of a vigorous media sector, with a particular emphasis on broadcasting. It focuses on broadcasting because that is the medium with the greatest potential to reach and involve society at large, including the most disadvantaged and illiterate segments of society in developing countries. Information on good practices in broadcasting policy is in demand in countries of every region\u2014particularly in countries that are opening their economies, democratizing, and decentralizing public service delivery. This book provides development practitioners with a wide overview of the key policy and regulatory issues involved in supporting freedom of information and expression and enabling development of a pluralistic, independent, and robust broadcasting sector. Policy, regulation, capacity, and institutional development are important development levers that shape the ownership, content, and social impacts of broadcasting systems. The guide shows the importance of enabling a mix of ownership and uses, commonly classified in terms of commercial, public service, and community broadcasting, that serves the public interest. With the guidance of this book, broadcasting policy and regulation can be tackled as a mainstream development topic, with important consequences for government transparency, government accountability, and enabling disadvantaged constituencies to voice their concerns and press for action. This book is the World Bank's first publication presenting good practices from around the world in media and broadcasting policy and regulation and complements existing work in governance, public sector reform, and access to information. It is a useful tool for policymakers, reform managers, development practitioners, and students alike."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steve Buckley, Kreszentia Duer, Toby Mendel, and Se\u00e1n \u00d3 Siochr\u00fa with Monroe E. Price and Mark Raboy"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Broadcasting", "Freedom of speech", "Broadcasting policy"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5661153.0001.001"], ["title", "Broadcasting, Voice, and Accountability: A Public Interest Approach to Policy, Law, and Regulation"], ["doab_id", "14514"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472032723"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472032723"]], [["description", "Brody, a town today lying in Western Ukraine, became part of the Habsburg Empire following the First Partition of Poland in 1772. Until Austria-Hungary's collapse at the end of the First World War the town was right on the border with Poland (until 1795) and later with Russia (until 1918). This book embraces a timespan of almost 150 years, excluding the First World War. It examines Brody's economic and social history in the first two sections; the third section is dedicated to the perception of the town's Austrian past. The most important material which serves as the basis for this work are archival sources mainly holdings in L'viv, Vienna, Paris and Krak\u00f3w as well as published sources such as statistics, administrative handbooks and travel reports.During the 18th and the early 19th century Brody was a major commercial hub in Central and Eastern Europe. Only in the last decades of the 19th century the city transformed from a centre of international trade and cultural importance into a peripheral town at the Galician-Russian border. Whether we should consider the case of Brody as a history of failure depends on one's perspective: From a macroeconomic point of view Brody's performance would not qualify as a success story, because the city failed to embrace an urbanisation and modernisation that was so characteristic for cities in this period. From the Galician perspective, however, the economical transformation of Brody was desirable, because the city's former international orientation had led to a certain self isolation from its Galician surroundings. Thus, from a regional point of view Brody's shrinking proved the city's successful integration into the social and political realities of the Crownland.Several features distinguished Brody from other Galician towns even at the beginning of the twentieth century. No other Austro-Hungarian town was so predominantly Jewish, with Roman-Catholic Poles and Greek-Catholic Ukrainians never accounting for more than a third of the total population. Moreover Brody continued to play a certain role in Jewish thinking, in Rabbinic-Talmudic scholarship as well as in the spread of the Haskalah in east central Europe. In close connection with the strong support of Brody's Jewish elites for the Enlightenment, the German language kept its importance many decades longer than in other Galician cities. However, by the outbreak of the First World War even Brody's Jewish elites had switched from an orientation towards the German-speaking centre of the Empire to a certain degree of auto-polonisation. Special to Brody was also the strong commitment of the city and its environs to Russophile currents, whereas in the rest of Galicia the Ukrainian national movement rapidly gained popularity at the turn of the century.The dichotomy between the extraordinary Brody and the typical Galician Brody wittingly or unwittingly shaped the city's perception in travel reports, literature and mental images. Today there are different ways of remembering Habsburg Brody. They mostly but not exclusively run along ethnic lines and omit the non-national. Sometimes the national narratives differ so much that we get the impression that they talk about completely different cities. Besides partly overlapping Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, Austrian and Soviet lieux de m\u00e9moire we also find places where we can trace the town's former economic, administrative or cultural functions in present day Brody.

Das heute in der Westukraine gelegene Brody wurde im Zuge der Ersten Teilung Polens 1772 Teil der Habsburgermonarchie und war rund 150 Jahre lang die nord\u00f6stlichste Grenzstadt des Landes, zun\u00e4chst zu Polen (bis 1795) danach zu Russland. Das vorliegende Buch behandelt die gesamte \u00f6sterreichischer Zeit exklusive des Ersten Weltkriegs. Die ersten beiden Teile analysieren Brody aus wirtschafts- bzw. gesellschaftsgeschichtlicher Sicht, w\u00e4hrend im dritten Teil die unterschiedlichen zeitgen\u00f6ssischen und heutigen Wahrnehmungen Brodys thematisiert werden. Die ersten beiden Abschnitte entsprechen einer klassischen historischen Herangehensweise, bestehend aus der Analyse von Archivmaterial (v.a. aus Lemberg, Wien, Krakau und Paris), publizierten Quellen (Statistiken, Schematismen, Reiseberichte) und Sekund\u00e4rliteratur. Der letzte Teil ist hingegen literatur- bzw. kulturwissenschaftlich gearbeitet und umfasst eine Analyse von Erinnerungsb\u00fcchern, Reiseberichten und Belletristik, sowie einen Bildteil.Brody war im 18. und fr\u00fchen 19. Jhd. eine der wichtigsten Handelsdrehscheiben Ost(mittel)europas. Erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jhd. entwickelte sich Brody von einer Handelsstadt europ\u00e4ischen Formats zu einer peripheren galizischen Kleinstadt an der \u00f6sterreichisch-russischen Grenze. Ob man diesen Bedeutungsverlust als Misserfolgsgeschichte wertet oder nicht, h\u00e4ngt vom jeweiligen Blickwinkel ab: Aus makro\u00f6konomischer Perspektive ist der Niedergang offensichtlich, da Brody den von Technisierung und Industrialisierung gepr\u00e4gten Urbanisierungs- und Modernisierungstendenzen der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jhd. diametral entgegen steht. Aus galizischer Sicht hingegen war die Redimensionierung Brodys w\u00fcnschenswert, da die einstige internationale Ausrichtung Brodys zu einer gewissen Abkapselung der Stadt von ihrer Umgebung gef\u00fchrt hatte. Brodys Bedeutungsverlust war gleichsam der Beweis f\u00fcr die erfolgreiche Integration der Stadt in die gesellschaftlichen und politischen Verh\u00e4ltnisse des Kronlands.Brody hatte zu Beginn des 20. Jhd. Eigenheiten, die es von anderen galizischen St\u00e4dten klar unterschied. Keine andere Stadt \u00d6sterreich-Ungarns kannte ein derartiges \u00dcbergewicht der j\u00fcdischen Bev\u00f6lkerung \u00fcber die r\u00f6misch-katholischen Polen und griechisch-katholischen Ukrainer. In der j\u00fcdischen Geistesgeschichte, sowohl als Ort rabbinischer Gelehrsamkeit, als auch als Zentrum der Haskala, so wie als Zufluchtsort f\u00fcr Pogromopfer, spielte Brody eine bedeutende Rolle. In den h\u00f6heren Bildungsschichten dominierte die deutsche Sprache auffallend lange; erst Jahrzehnte sp\u00e4ter als andere j\u00fcdische Gemeinden Galiziens gaben die Brodyer Eliten ihre Orientierung am deutschsprachigen Zentrum zugunsten einer Selbstpolonisierung auf. Die starke Verankerung der russophilen Bewegung in Brody ist ebenfalls ungew\u00f6hnlich im Galizien des fr\u00fchen 20. Jhd., wo die ukrainische Nationalbewegung rasant an Boden gewann.Die Gegens\u00e4tzlichkeit zwischen dem ungew\u00f6hnlichen Brody und dem typisch galizischen Brody pr\u00e4gte, bewusst oder unbewusst, die damalige und heutige Wahrnehmung dieser Stadt in Reiseberichten, Belletristik und geistigen Bildern. Die Erinnerung an das habsburgische Brody ist nicht einheitlich und verl\u00e4uft heute meist entlang nationaler Linien, was zuweilen den Eindruck erweckt es handle sich um g\u00e4nzlich unterschiedliche St\u00e4dte. Man findet im heutigen Brody neben sich teilweise \u00fcberlagernden ukrainischen, polnischen, j\u00fcdischen, \u00f6sterreichischen und sowjetischen Ged\u00e4chtnisorte auch solche die auf das wirtschaftliche, kulturelle oder administrative Erbe der Stadt verweisen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuzmany ,B\u00f6rries"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Transeuropean Economic History, Failure, Galician Jewry, Multicultural Lebenswelten, Border Town, Perception in the Longue Dur\u00e9e"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437213"], ["title", "Brody"], ["doab_id", "15334"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787631"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787631"]], [["description", "This book analyses social, economic, and cultural processes during the Bronze and Early Iron Ages (18th century BC \u2013 5th century AD) in what is today Estonia. The above period between the Stone Age (ca. 9000\u20131800 BC) and the Middle Iron Age (AD 450\u2013800) was an era of significant and crucial developmental processes. The final transition from a foraging to a farming economy occurred during that time and resulted in an extensive settlement shift from suitable hunting and fishing places to agricultural lands. In relation to the above processes, the general settlement pattern changed, and the agricultural household as the main settlement unit became prevalent. Social relations also changed, which contributed to the development of stratified societies, at first mainly in coastal Estonia and later throughout continental Estonia. Significant developments took place both in material and intellectual culture. By the end of the period the Estonian areas had changed beyond recognition compared to what they had been at the beginning of the period."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lang ,Valter "], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Estonian archaeology"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=423939"], ["title", "The Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Estonia"], ["doab_id", "15206"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949117260"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949117260"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heekeren van ,H."], ["date", "1958"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613360"], ["title", "The Bronze-Iron Age of Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18516"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285866", "9789004286443"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285866 9789004286443"]], [["description", "An animal bone assemblage discovered in an area of Late Bronze Age aboveground activities at the Hallstatt salt mining site was analysed. Together with sunken logwall structurs the results support the idea of a large-scale production of salt-meat, ham and bacon.

Untersuchungsgegenstand ist ein sp\u00e4tbronzezeitlicher Tierknochenkomplex aus dem Salzbergtal bei Hallstatt. Zusammen mit der Auffindung geeigneterBlockwandbauten sprechen die Befunde f\u00fcr die Produktion von gep\u00f6kelten Fleisch und Fleischextrakten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pucher ,Erich; Barth ,Fritz Eckart; Seemann ,Robert; Brandst\u00e4tter ,Franz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Prehistory, Zoology, Meat technology, Animal breeding, Meat preservation, Mineralogy", "Zoologie, Arch\u00e4ologie, Urgeschichte, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Mineralogie, Tierzucht, Fleischtechnologie"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453482"], ["title", "Bronzezeitliche Fleischverarbeitung im Salzbergtal bei Hallstatt"], ["doab_id", "15511"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700172611"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700172611"]], [["description", "Princess Marie Adelheid of Lippe-Biesterfeld was a rebellious young writer who became a fervent Nazi. Heinrich Vogeler was a well-regarded artist who was to join the German Communist Party. Ludwig Roselius was a successful businessman who had made a fortune from his invention of decaffeinated coffee. What was it about the revolutionary climate following World War I that induced three such different personalities to collaborate in the production of a slim volume of poetry\u2014entitled Gott in Mir\u2014about the indwelling of the divine within the human?Gossman's study situates the poem in the ideological context that made the collaboration possible: pantheism, Darwinism, disillusionment with traditional liberal values, theosophy and v\u00f6lkisch religions, and Lebensreform. The study outlines the subsequent life of the Princess who, until her death in 1993, continued to support and celebrate the ideals and heroes of National Socialism. Brownshirt Princess provides deep insight into the sources and character of the \"Nazi Conscience\", and is invaluable reading for anybody interested in understanding German society during the inter-war and Nazi periods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gossman, Lionel (Author)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Nazism", "National Socialism", "German history", "German literature", "European history", "World War II", "Second World War", "poetry"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/18"], ["title", "Brownshirt Princess: A Study of the 'Nazi Conscience'"], ["doab_id", "14481"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924072"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924072"]], [["description", "The firms and markets of today's complex socio-economic system developed in a spontaneous process termed evolution, in just the same way as the universe, the solar system, the Earth and all that lives upon it. Darwin's theory of evolution clearly demonstrated that evolution involved increasing organization. As we began to explore the molecular basis of life and its evolution, it became equally clear that it depended on the processing and communication of information. This book develops a consistent theory of evolution in its wider sense, examining the information based laws and forces that drive it. Exploring subjects as diverse as economics and the theories of thermodynamics, the author revisits the paradox of the apparent conflict between the laws of thermodynamics and evolution to arrive at a systems theory, tracing a continuous line of evolving information sets that connect the Big-Bang to the firms and markets of our current socio-economic system.

Im Jahr 2003 fand in der G\u00f6ttinger Jakobikirche eine hochkar\u00e4tige und deshalb zu Recht viel beachtete Vorlesungsreihe zur Wirkungsgeschichte der Bibel statt. Namhafte Vertreter bester G\u00f6ttinger Philologie fanden hier ihr Publikum - interessiert, oft gelehrt, aber in seinem Interesse nicht auf eine fachwissenschaftliche Binnendiskussion beschr\u00e4nkt. Diese nun gedruckt vorliegende Vorlesungsreihe ist nicht nur ein Beispiel f\u00fcr das gute Zusammenleben von Universit\u00e4t und Stadt, wie es typisch f\u00fcr G\u00f6ttingen ist. Sie ist dar\u00fcberhinaus Beispiel f\u00fcr ein fruchtbares Gespr\u00e4ch zwischen Wissenschaft und Kirche, wie es auch au\u00dferhalb der akademischen Theologie m\u00f6glich und n\u00f6tig ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kleffmann, Tom"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["systematic theology", "systematic theology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610285"], ["title", "Das Buch der B\u00fccher - seine Wirkungsgeschichte in der Literatur"], ["doab_id", "12993"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783930457595", "9783930457595"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783930457595 3930457598"]], [["description", "B\u00fccher unter Verdacht - so lautete der Titel einer Ausstellung der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen, bei der Beispiele von NS-Raub- und Beuteb\u00fcchern aus ihren Best\u00e4nden pr\u00e4sentiert wurden. Der Ausstellungskatalog dokumentiert nicht nur alle gezeigten Objekte, sondern gibt in kurzen Einf\u00fchrungen auch Informationen zum historischen Hintergrund. Wohl fast alle wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken haben w\u00e4hrend des Dritten Reiches B\u00fccher in ihre Best\u00e4nde aufgenommen, die aus beschlagnahmten Bibliotheken von Arbeitervereinen und anderen Organisationen stammten, die bei Razzien in Buchhandlungen und Verlagen von den Nationalsozialisten entwendet und an Bibliotheken weitergegeben wurden, die Privatpersonen unter Zwang abgeben mussten oder die w\u00e4hrend des Krieges in den besetzten Gebieten geraubt wurden. Viele weitere Beispiele lie\u00dfen sich nennen. Der vorliegende Ausstellungskatalog gibt einen Einblick in die zeitgen\u00f6ssische Praxis einer Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek beim Umgang mit NS-Raub- und Beuteb\u00fcchern, wie sie heute genannt werden.

B\u00fccher unter Verdacht - so lautete der Titel einer Ausstellung der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen, bei der Beispiele von NS-Raub- und Beuteb\u00fcchern aus ihren Best\u00e4nden pr\u00e4sentiert wurden. Der Ausstellungskatalog dokumentiert nicht nur alle gezeigten Objekte, sondern gibt in kurzen Einf\u00fchrungen auch Informationen zum historischen Hintergrund. Wohl fast alle wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken haben w\u00e4hrend des Dritten Reiches B\u00fccher in ihre Best\u00e4nde aufgenommen, die aus beschlagnahmten Bibliotheken von Arbeitervereinen und anderen Organisationen stammten, die bei Razzien in Buchhandlungen und Verlagen von den Nationalsozialisten entwendet und an Bibliotheken weitergegeben wurden, die Privatpersonen unter Zwang abgeben mussten oder die w\u00e4hrend des Krieges in den besetzten Gebieten geraubt wurden. Viele weitere Beispiele lie\u00dfen sich nennen. Der vorliegende Ausstellungskatalog gibt einen Einblick in die zeitgen\u00f6ssische Praxis einer Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek beim Umgang mit NS-Raub- und Beuteb\u00fcchern, wie sie heute genannt werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bartels, Nicole; Deinert, Juliane; Enderle, Wilfried; Rohlfing, Helmut; M\u00f6bus, Frank"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Exhibition Catalogue", "Looted Literature", "Exhibition Catalogue", "Looted Literature"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610311"], ["title", "B\u00fccher unter Verdacht - NS-Raub- und Beutegut an der SUB G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "14584"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950279"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950279"]], [["description", "Rainer HugenerBooks of Life. Commemorating the Dead in Medieval SwitzerlandHow were religious practices of remembering the deceased connected to the admin-istration of landholdings and the writing of history in the Middle Ages? Based on intertextual relations between necrologies, rent-rolls, and chronicles from Swiss regions, this study shows how commemorating the dead required new techniques of writing that were not only meant to promote salvation, but also helped enforce local lordship. By celebrating the anniversaries of battles and other crucial events, the authorities of the Swiss cantons propagated a historical concept of identity which continues to influence Switzerland's self-perception even today. Rainer Hugener emphasizes the role of religious commemoration for the development of \"modern\" bureaucracy and offers a new perspective on the founding myths of the Swiss Con-federacy. The book is completed by an exhaustive catalogue of more than 1000 pre-modern necrologies from Swiss monasteries, cathedrals, collegiate and parish churches."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hugener ,Rainer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["commemorating the dead", "necrologies", "development of bureaucracy"]], ["publisher", "Chronos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605212"], ["title", "Buchf\u00fchrung f\u00fcr die Ewigkeit"], ["doab_id", "18763"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783034011969"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034011969"]], [["description", "

Building a National Literature boldly takes issue with traditional literary criticism for its failure to explain how literature as a body is created and shaped by institutional forces. Peter Uwe Hohendahl approaches literary history by focusing on the material and ideological structures that determine the canonical status of writers and works. He examines important elements in the making of a national literature, including the political and literary public sphere, the theory and practice of literary criticism, and the emergence of academic criticism as literary history. Hohendahl considers such key aspects of the process in Germany as the rise of liberalism and nationalism, the delineation of the borders of German literature, the idea of its history, the understanding of its cultural function, and the notion of a canon of major and minor authors.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hohendahl, Peter Uwe"], ["date", "1989"], ["subject", ["nineteenth-century Germany, literary nationalism, literary theory, Marxism, cultural anthropology, social history, institutionalization, literary canon, liberalism \u2003"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23164918/9780801496226.pdf"], ["title", "Building a National Literature"], ["doab_id", "19896"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801496226"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801496226"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robert Shanafelt (Ed.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Ethnology--History--21st century--Congresses", " Anthropology--History--21st century--Congresses", " Ethnology--Southern States--History--21st century--Congresses"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=utk_sasproceed"], ["title", "Building Bridges in Anthropology: Understanding, Acting, Teaching, and Theorizing"], ["doab_id", "16893"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644537", "9780984644537"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644539; 9780984644537"]], [["description", "The Economics discipline at the University of Adelaide has a distinguished 100 year history of which the University and the State of South Australia can be proud.Very few other departments, of any discipline in Australian universities, could claim to have a majority of its lecturer appointments rising to full Professor status over a period as long as 1901 to 1995.Nor would many other university departments be able to say they have had five of their graduates win Rhodes Scholarships in the past 12 years."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "O'Neil ,Bernard; Anderson ,Kym"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Adelaide", "University of Adelaide", "Economists", "History", "Economics"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560249"], ["title", "The Building of Economics at Adelaide"], ["doab_id", "14784"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780980623857"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780980623857"]], [["description", "The LIBER Architecture Group reflects on experience of European library building projects from the past twenty years in order to plan the next generation of library buildings. This documentation of recent library building projects accompanies the 14th Seminar of the LIBER Architecture Group, taking place in Budapest and Debrecen (Hungary) 8\u201312 of April 2008. Most described projects refer to scientific research libraries, however readers will find examples of an archive or public libraries in Amsterdam and Antwerp. Libraries nowadays are spaces to house information resources (and multimedia) but as well places for learning and communication. Recent design of research libraries takes this new usage into account. Therefore examples of \u00bbLearning Resource Centers\u00ab supporting students during their studies are enclosed.

The LIBER Architecture Group reflects on experience of European library building projects from the past twenty years in order to plan the next generation of library buildings. This documentation of recent library building projects accompanies the 14th Seminar of the LIBER Architecture Group, taking place in Budapest and Debrecen (Hungary) 8\u201312 of April 2008. Most described projects refer to scientific research libraries, however readers will find examples of an archive or public libraries in Amsterdam and Antwerp. Libraries nowadays are spaces to house information resources (and multimedia) but as well places for learning and communication. Recent design of research libraries takes this new usage into account. Therefore examples of \u00bbLearning Resource Centers\u00ab supporting students during their studies are enclosed."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Feldsien-Sudhaus, Inken"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["library architecture", "LIBER", "library architecture", "LIBER"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610313"], ["title", "Building on experience - Learning from the past to plan for the future"], ["doab_id", "13099"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344267"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344267"]], [["description", "Since years, patterning and function of some brain parts such as the cortex in the forebrain and the optical tectum or cerebellum in the midbrain/hindbrain region are under strong investigation. Interestingly the diencephalon located in the caudal forebrain has been ignored for decades. Consequently, the existing knowledge from the development of this region to function in the mature brain is very fragmented. The central part of the diencephalon is the thalamus. This central relay station plays a crucial role in distributing incoming sensory information to appropriate regions of the cortex. The thalamus develops in the posterior part of the embryonic forebrain, where early cell fate decisions are controlled by local signaling centers. In this Research Topic we discuss recent achievements elucidating thalamic neurogenesis - from neural progenitor cells to highly specialized neurons with cortical target cells in great distance. In parallel, we highlight developmental aspects leading from the early thalamic anlage to the late the organization of the complex relay station of the brain."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tomomi Shimogori; Steffen Scholpp"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Thalamus", "thalamic neurogenesis", "neural progenitor cells", "Neurons", "neural plate patterning"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/506/building-the-gateway-to-consciousness---about-the-development-of-the-thalamus"], ["title", "Building the gateway to consciousness - about the development of the thalamus"], ["doab_id", "18721"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194704"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194704"]], [["description", "The volume presents the reports and discussions held at the conference of the \u201cAssociation of German Constitutional Law Teachers\u201d in Rostock from October, 4th to October 7th, 2006."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gross, Thomas ; Kadelbach, Stefan ; Pache, Eckhard ; Tietje, Christian "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["European Union (state law, constitution), jurisdiction of the constitutional court, administrative law"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/62272"], ["title", "Bundesstaat und Europ\u00e4ische Union zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Rostock vom 4. bis 7. Oktober 2006"], ["doab_id", "18117"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110914665", "9783899493856"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110914665, 9783899493856"]], [["description", "This doctoral thesis treats the membership law of churches and religious communities. It discusses the questions of which framework is given by national law, in which cases the rights of religious communities diverges from that law and if membership must strictly be voluntary. Following a historical as well as legal classification, this thesis considers the legal relationship of members with Christian, Jewish and Islamic communities in Germany.

Das Mitgliedschaftsrecht der Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften befindet sich in einem Spannungsfeld von staatlichem und religi\u00f6sem Recht. Herk\u00f6mmlich legen die Rechtsordnungen der Religionsgemeinschaften nach Ma\u00dfgabe ihrer religi\u00f6sen Grund\u00fcberzeugungen fest, wer zur Gemeinschaft geh\u00f6ren soll. Das staatliche Grundrecht der Religionsfreiheit gew\u00e4hrt wiederum jedermann das Recht, Mitglied einer (\u00f6ffentlich-rechtlichen) Religionsgemeinschaft zu sein oder aber eine bestehende Mitgliedschaft mit \u201eb\u00fcrgerlicher\u201c Wirkung zu beenden. Davon ausgehend stellt sich das Problem, wie sogenannte \u201eInkompatibilit\u00e4ten\u201c beider Rechtsordnungen aufzul\u00f6sen sind. Welchen Rahmen gibt das staatliche Recht den Religionsgemeinschaften f\u00fcr ihr Mitgliedschaftsrecht vor? L\u00e4sst sich aus der Religionsfreiheit ein absolutes Freiwilligkeitsgebot herleiten? Wo weichen die Regelungen der Glaubensgemeinschaften hiervon ab und wie k\u00f6nnen Divergenzen \u00fcberbr\u00fcckt werden? Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese Fragen und nimmt dazu nach einer historischen und staatskirchenrechtlichen Einordnung die Rechtsbeziehungen der Mitglieder zu den christlichen, j\u00fcdischen und islamischen Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland in den Blick."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuntze, Johannes"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Membership", "Religious Communities", "Germany", "Religious Freedom", "Membership", "Religious Communities", "Germany", "Religious Freedom"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610214"], ["title", "B\u00fcrgerliche Mitgliedschaft in Religionsgemeinschaften - Studie \u00fcber die Rechtsbeziehungen der Mitglieder zu den r\u00f6misch-katholischen, evangelischen, j\u00fcdischen und islamischen Religionsgemeinschaften in Deutschland"], ["doab_id", "15595"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951214"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951214"]], [["description", "The villages on Bali\u2019s north-east coast have a long history. Archaeological finds have shown that the coastal settlements of Tejakula District enjoyed trading relations with India as long as 2000 years ago or more. Royal decrees dating from the 10th to the 12th century, inscribed on copper tablets and still preserved in the local villages as part of their religious heritage, bear witness to the fact that, over a period of over 1000 years, these played a major role as harbour and trading centres in the transmaritime trade between India and (probably) the Spice Islands. At the same time the inscriptions attest to the complexity in those days of Balinese society, with a hierarchical social organisation headed by a king who resided in the interior \u2013 precisely where, nobody knows. The interior was connected to the prosperous coastal settlements through a network of trade and ritual. The questions that faced the German-Balinese research team were first: Was there anything left over of this evidently glorious past? And second: Would our professional anthropological and archaeological research work be able to throw any more light on the vibrant past of these villages? This book is an attempt to answer both these and further questions on Bali\u2019s coastal settlements, their history and culture.

The villages on Bali\u2019s north-east coast have a long history. Archaeological finds have shown that the coastal settlements of Tejakula District enjoyed trading relations with India as long as 2000 years ago or more. Royal decrees dating from the 10th to the 12th century, inscribed on copper tablets and still preserved in the local villages as part of their religious heritage, bear witness to the fact that, over a period of over 1000 years, these played a major role as harbour and trading centres in the transmaritime trade between India and (probably) the Spice Islands. At the same time the inscriptions attest to the complexity in those days of Balinese society, with a hierarchical social organisation headed by a king who resided in the interior \u2013 precisely where, nobody knows. The interior was connected to the prosperous coastal settlements through a network of trade and ritual. The questions that faced the German-Balinese research team were first: Was there anything left over of this evidently glorious past? And second: Would our professional anthropological and archaeological research work be able to throw any more light on the vibrant past of these villages? This book is an attempt to answer both these and further questions on Bali\u2019s coastal settlements, their history and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin, Brigitta; Ardika, I Wayan"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Ethnoarcheology", "Bali", "Sembiran", "Julah", "Ethnoarcheology", "Bali", "Sembiran", "Julah"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610302"], ["title", "Burials, Texts and Rituals - Ethnoarchaeological Investigations in North Bali, Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "13103"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344120"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344120"]], [["description", "The essays, manifestos, rants, screeds, pleas, soliloquies, telegrams, broadsides, eulogies, songs, harangues, confessions, laments, and acts of poetic terrorism in these two volumes \u2014 which collectively form an academic \u201crave\u201d \u2014 were culled, with some later additions, from roundtable sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies in 2012 and 2013, organized by postmedieval: a journal for medieval cultural studies and the BABEL Working Group (\u201cBurn After Reading: Miniature Manifestos for a Post/medieval Studies,\u201d \u201cFuck This: On Letting Go,\u201d and \u201cFuck Me: On Never Letting Go\u201d) and George Washington University\u2019s Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute (\u201cThe Future We Want: A Collaboration\u201d), respectively. Gathering together a rowdy multiplicity of voices from within medieval and early modern studies, these two volumes seek to extend and intensify a conversation about how to shape premodern studies, and also the humanities, in the years ahead. Authors in both volumes, in various ways, lay claim to the act(s) of manifesting, and also anti-manifesting, as a collective endeavor that works on behalf of the future without laying any belligerent claims upon it, where we might craft new spaces for the University-at-large, which is also a University that wanders, that is never just somewhere, dwelling in the partitive \u2014 of a particular place \u2014 but rather, seeks to be everywhere, always on the move, pandemic, uncontainable, and always to-come, while also being present/between us (manifest). This is not a book, but a blueprint. It is also an ephemeral gathering in the present tense."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eileen A. Joy (ed. and author); Myra Seaman (ed.); Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (ed.); Heather Bamford; Frank Battaglia; Bettina Bildhauer; Martha Easton; Maggie Williams; Ruth Evans; Joshua R. Eyler; Lara Farina; Matthew Gabriele; Gaelan Gilbert; Noah D. Guynn; David Hadbawnik; Guy Halsall; Cary Howie; Shayne Aaron Legassie; Erin Maglaque; Material Collective; Thomas Mical; Chris Piuma; Daniel C. Remein; Christopher Roman; Eva von Contzen; Erik Wade; Lisa Weston; Anne Harris; Karen Eileen Overbey; L.O. Aranye Fradenburg; J. Allan Mitchell; Will Stockton; Lowell Duckert; Steve Mentz; Chris Piuma; Jonathan Hsy; Julie Orlemanski; Julian Yates"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["activism, art history, early modern studies, historical studies, humanities, language studies, manifestos, medieval studies, new materialisms, the university"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/burn-after-reading/"], ["title", "Burn After Reading"], ["doab_id", "16056"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692204412"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692204412"]], [["description", "This book celebrates the work and career of the internationally renowned art historian, David Bindman, on the occasion of his 75th birthday, and is above all a tribute to him from his former students and colleagues. With essays on sculpture, drawings, watercolours and prints, the volume reflects the extraordinary range of Bindman\u2019s knowledge of works of art and his impact through his teaching and research on the understanding of British and European artistic developments from the eighteenth to the twentieth century. The essays cast light on questions of technique and stylistic change, patronage, collecting and iconography, and engage with issues such as the representation of race, gender, sexuality, political violence and propaganda, exile, and notions of the canon. The artists discussed here include Hogarth, Blake, Roubiliac, Thorvaldsen and Canova, all subjects of books by David Bindman, as well as Morland, Rowlandson, Gillray, Millais, Munch, Nevinson, and Heartfield."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Diana ,Dethloff; Tessa ,Murdoch; Kim ,Sloan; Caroline ,Elam"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["David Bindman", "art", "paintings", "sculpture", "prints"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=575567"], ["title", "Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman"], ["doab_id", "17449"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634189", "9781910634349"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634189 9781910634349"]], [["description", "In Byzantium the epigram as a genre was highly appreciated. Their analysis is the aim of the four planned volumes of the project \u201cByzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher \u00dcberlieferung\u201d [\u201cByzantine epigrams on objects\u201d]. More than 300 and such epigrams preserved on stone, which are treated in the present third volume, are known from the project period 600 AD to 1500 AD.

In Byzanz wurde das Genre Epigramm besonders gesch\u00e4tzt. Ihre Aufarbeitung zum Ziel setzt sich das auf vier B\u00e4nde angelegte Projekt \u201eByzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher \u00dcberlieferung\u201c. Aus dem im Rahmen des Projekts definierten Untersuchungszeitraum (600 n. Chr. \u2013 1500 n. Chr.) sind mehr als 300 aus Stein gearbeitete Epigramme \u00fcberliefert, die im vorliegenden dritten Band behandelt werden"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rhoby ,Andreas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["epigrams, epigraphy, Byzantine cultural history", "Epigramm, Epigraphik, byzantinische Kulturgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512624"], ["title", "Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher \u00dcberlieferung. Band 3, Teil II"], ["doab_id", "16522"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700176015"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176015"]], [["description", "La biographie de Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle raconte la vie d'une jeune Canadienne d'humble origine qui tombe en amour avec le cur\u00e9 de son village, et qui en subit les terribles cons\u00e9quences pour le reste de ses jours. L'histoire de cette femme s'\u00e9tend sur plus d'un si\u00e8cle (de 1858 \u00e0 1973), une p\u00e9riode qui voit surgir plusieurs \u00e9v\u00e9nements d\u00e9terminants de l'histoire du Canada dont la Grande D\u00e9pression."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claire Tr\u00e9panier"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Catholic Church", "celibacy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120154"], ["title", "C'est le temps d'en parler: L'histoire de Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle"], ["doab_id", "14428"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782895901372", "9781897425251"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9782895901372 9781897425251"]], [["description", "The tale of cyclic GMP has been astonishing. Having overcome an initial disbelief, cyclic GMP has risen to its present eminence as a premium cellular signal transduction messenger of not only hormonal extracellular but also of the intracellular signals. This research topic focuses on the pathways and functions of membrane guanylate cyclases in different tissues of the body and their interplay with intracellular sensory signals where in many cases, cyclic GMP along with Ca2+ have taken on roles as synarchic co-messengers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rameshwar K Sharma; Wolfgang Baehr; Clint L Makino; Teresa Duda"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["membrane guanylate cyclase", "Cyclic GMP", "Calcium", "ANF-RGC", "ROS-GC", "synaptic plasticity", "Gene Therapy", "Visceral Pain", "trafficking", "Glaucoma"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1782/ca2-and-ca2-interlocked-membrane-guanylate-cyclase-modulation-of-neuronal-and-cardiovascular-signal"], ["title", "Ca2+ and Ca2+-interlocked Membrane Guanylate Cyclase Modulation"], ["doab_id", "17741"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195060"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195060"]], [["description", "The aim of this special topic is to bring together experts on the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating the wiring properties of the CA3 hippocampal microcircuit in both physiological and pathological conditions, synaptic plasticity, behavior and cognition.We will particularly emphasize the dual glutamatergic and GABAergic phenotype of MF-CA3 synapses at early developmental stages and the steps that regulate the integration of newly generated neurons into the adult dentate gyrus-CA3 circuit."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Enrico Cherubini; Richard Miles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hippocampus", "CA3 subfield", "mossy fibers", "Associative network", "Theta Rhythm", "spatial representation", "episodic memory"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1076/the-ca3-region-of-the-hippocampus-how-is-it-what-is-it-for-how-does-it-do-it"], ["title", "The CA3 region of the hippocampus: how is it? what is it for? how does it do it?"], ["doab_id", "19537"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196319"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196319"]], [["description", "Fundamentado na perspectiva hist\u00f3rico-cultural, este livro identifica as caracter\u00edsticas do brincar das crian\u00e7as nas idades de seis e sete anos, per\u00edodo de passagem da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil para o Ensino Fundamental. Analisa ainda em que circunst\u00e2ncias os educadores criam espa\u00e7os para as brincadeiras e como o fazem. Trata-se de um tema de grande atualidade num momento em que as institui\u00e7\u00f5es escolares, ao darem prioridade \u00e0 alfabetiza\u00e7\u00e3o com o uso de materiais apostilados, cada vez mais reduzem os aspectos l\u00fadicos nos processos educativos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barros, Fl\u00e1via Cristina Oliveira Murbach de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bdcnk"], ["title", "Cad\u00ea o brincar? Da educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil para o ensino fundamental"], ["doab_id", "16699"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830235"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830235"]], [["description", "Neste livro pretende-se analisar, por meio dos coment\u00e1rios publicados pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, os rastros deixados pelos colaboradores que, durante os anos de 1938 a 1945, interpretaram os acontecimentos do campo internacional como transformadores da realidade interna. Nesse sentido, n\u00e3o se trata de estudar os fatos que marcaram a Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas sim de demonstrar de que modo os articulistas constru\u00edram imagens que se firmaram ao longo do tempo e que destoavam, em grande medida, das diretrizes propugnadas pelo Estado Novo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Costa, Alexandre Andrade da"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vwqsn"], ["title", "Caleidosc\u00f3pio pol\u00edtico: as representa\u00e7\u00f5es do cen\u00e1rio internacional nas p\u00e1ginas do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo (1938-1945)"], ["doab_id", "16700"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831133"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831133"]], [["description", "In the Project P16901-G06 sponsored by the FWF, Camillo Sittes writings will be published for the first time in a \"critical comprehensive edition\", scheduled for six volumes. The basis for this edition is provided by the \"Sitte Nachlass-Archiv\" owned by the University of Technology, Vienna. The writings of volume four document Sittes writings in the field of pedagogy and school system. Camillo Sitte, who elsewise is predominantly known as urban theorist and urban planner only, earned his money as headmaster of vocational schools (i.e. Gewerbeschulen) and composed number of articles in journals, lectures and treatises. A central part in this volume consists of two lectures held for craftsmen and teachers in ceramics (1883) and cabinetmaking (1885). Those texts give ample evidence of Sitte's didactical methods in the fields of education in applied arts and complement the material provided in volume one about arts and crafts. Sitte combined several shorter articles and reviews with an unpublished paper of principles, the \"Grunds\u00e4tze zur Reform des Zeichenunterrichts\", to a kind of draft for a systematics of drawing education. Moreover he takes a stand in a number of articles in newspapers and journals concerning the vocational school system, to whose formation and development he contributed vitally. Wolfgang Sonne and Ruth Hanisch put these texts into context, inform about the current state of research and establish connections to others of Camillo Sitte's fields of activity, which will be documented in the other volumes of this edition. The editorial work is done by Sonja Hnilica and Bernhard Langer. The Editors are Klaus Semsroth, Michael M\u00f6nninger and Christiane C. Collins.

Im Rahmen des vom FWF finanzierten Projektes P16901-G06 werden erstmals s\u00e4mtliche Schriften Camillo Sittes in einer auf sechs B\u00e4nde angelegten \"kritischen Gesamtausgabe\" herausgegeben. Als Grundlage der Herausgabe dient der Bestand des Sitte Nachlass-Archives, das sich im Eigentum der Technischen Universit\u00e4t Wien befindet. Die Schriften von Band 4 dokumentieren Camillo Sittes Schriften zu P\u00e4dagogik und Schulwesen. Camillo Sitte, der vorwiegend als Stadtbautheoretiker und St\u00e4dtebauer bekannt ist, war im Brotberuf Gewerbeschuldirektor und verfasste in dieser Funktion zahlreiche Fachartikel, Vortr\u00e4ge und Abhandlungen. Einen zentralen Part des Bandes bilden f\u00fcr den Unterricht an der Salzburger Gewerbeschule bestimmte, photomechanisch reproduzierte und bisher unver\u00f6ffentlichte Skripten zu Themen des Kunstgewerbes und seiner schulischen Vermittlung, die \"Vortr\u00e4ge aus dem keramischen Fachlehrer-Curs\" (1883) und \"Vortr\u00e4ge aus dem Fachlehrer-Curse f\u00fcr M\u00f6belindustrie\" (1885). Diese Texte erlauben einen ausf\u00fchrlichen Blick auf Sittes didaktische Methoden im Bereich des Kunstgewerbeunterrichts und erg\u00e4nzen die in Band 1 wiedergegebenen Texte zum Kunstgewerbe. Eine Reihe k\u00fcrzerer Artikel und Rezensionen fasste Sitte mit einem bislang unver\u00f6ffentlichten Grundsatzpapier zu einer Art Vorstudie f\u00fcr eine Systematik des Zeichenunterrichts zusammen. Dar\u00fcber hinaus bezog er in einer Reihe von Artikeln in Tages- und Fachpresse Stellung zu aktuellen Fragen des gewerblichen Schulwesens in \u00d6sterreich, an dessen Aufbau er als Schuldirektor der Gewerbeschule zun\u00e4chst in Salzburg, dann in Wien an entscheidender Stelle mitwirkte.Wolfgang Sonne und Ruth Hanisch stellen die Texte in einen historischen Kontext, geben zum gegenw\u00e4rtigen Stand der Forschung Auskunft und stellen Verbindungen zu den anderen Wirkungsbereichen Camillo Sittes her, die in den anderen B\u00e4nden dokumentiert werden. Die redaktionelle Bearbeitung stammt von Sonja Hnilica und Bernhard Langer. Die Herausgeber der Gesamtausgabe sind Klaus Semsroth, Michael M\u00f6nninger und Christiane C. Collins."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Semsroth ,Klaus; M\u00f6nninger ,Michael; Crasemann-Collins ,Christiane"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Camillo Sitte, Arts and Crafts, Urban Planning, Pedagogy, Vienna late 19th century"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437137"], ["title", "Camillo Sitte - Gesamtausgabe. Schriften und Projekte"], ["doab_id", "15263"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205771777"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205771777"]], [["description", "In the Project P16901-G06 sponsored by the FWF, Camillo Sittes writings will be published for the first time in a \u201ecritical comprehensive edition\u201c, scheduled for six volumes. The basis for this edition is provided by the \u201cSitte Nachlass-Archiv\u201d which is owned by the Technical University, Vienna. The writings of volume one consist of Sittes publications in the field of art criticism and the applied arts. Those writings have been, in most cases, shorter publications in newspapers and journals which are difficult to access today. The unpublished and undated autograph \u201cFaust, Fliegender Holl\u00e4nder und Meistersinger\u201d as well as one letter to Richard Wagner from 1873, which is not contained in the Sitte archive, supplement his writings in the field of art criticism. The writings in the field of applied arts throw a new light onto the work of Camillo Sitte as director of vocational schools (i.e. Kunstgewerbeschulen), who elsewise is predominantly known as urban theorist and urban planner only. Those wrintigs give testimony to the political ambitions to foster the applied arts in the k. u. k. monarchy around Rudolf Eitelberger von Edelberg. They comprise almost all areas of arts and craft, ranging from traditional and local trades to the beginnings of industrial production. The writings in the field of art criticism derive mainly from Sittes early time in Vienna and document the vivid debates on the question of art between historism and emerging modern currents like secession, impressionism and expressionism. Furthermore, this thematic field contains a series of writings on Richard Wagner\u2019s conception of art which illustrate Sittes own apprehension of art, as it will have impact especially on his chief work, \"City Planning According to Its Artistic Principles\" from 1889 (vol. 3 of this edition).Michael M\u00f6nninger and Wolfgang Sonne / Ruth Hanisch put these texts into context, inform about the current state of research and establish connections to others of Camillo Sitte\u2019s fields of activity, which will be documented in the volumes of this edition to come. Furthermore, there is an extensive essay on the biography of Camillo Sitte by Michael M\u00f6nninger. Editorial work is done by Sonja Hnilica and Bernhard Langer. The Editors are Klaus Semsroth, Michael M\u00f6nninger and Christiane C. Collins.

Im Rahmen des vom FWF finanzierten Projektes P16901-G06 werden erstmals s\u00e4mtliche Schriften Camillo Sittes in einer auf sechs B\u00e4nde angelegten \"kritischen Gesamtausgabe\" herausgegeben. Als Grundlage der Herausgabe dient der Bestand des Sitte Nachlass-Archives, das sich im Eigentum der Technischen Universit\u00e4t Wien befindet. Die Schriften von Band 1 betreffen Camillo Sittes Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen im Bereich der Kunstkritik und des Kunstgewerbes. Hierbei handelt es sich \u00fcberwiegend um heute schwer zug\u00e4ngliche k\u00fcrzere Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen in Tageszeitungen oder Fachzeitschriften. Der unver\u00f6ffentlichte und undatierte Autograph \"Faust, Fliegender Holl\u00e4nder und Meistersinger\" sowie ein im Nachlass nicht enthaltener Brief an Richard Wagner von 1873 erg\u00e4nzen Sittes Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen zur Kunstkritik. Die Schriften zum Kunstgewerbe werfen ein neues Licht auf das Schaffen des vorwiegend als Stadtbautheoretiker und St\u00e4dtebauer bekannten Gewerbeschuldirektors Camillo Sitte. Diese Schriften bezeugen die politischen Bem\u00fchungen zur F\u00f6rderung des Kunstgewerbes in der k. u. k. Monarchie im Kreis um Rudolf Eigelberger von Edelberg. Sie umfassen fast alle Bereiche des Kunstgewerbes von traditionellen und lokalen Gewerben bis zu den Anf\u00e4ngen industrieller Produktion. Die Schriften zur Kunstkritik stammen vorwiegend aus Sittes fr\u00fcher Zeit in Wien und dokumentieren pointiert die teils heftig gef\u00fchrten Debatten um eine zeitgen\u00f6ssische Kunst im Spannungsfeld zwischen Historismus und den aufkommenden modernen Str\u00f6mungen wie Sezession, Impressionismus und Expressionismus. Weiters enth\u00e4lt dieser thematische Bereich eine Reihe von Schriften zur Kunstauffassung Richard Wagners, welche Sittes Kunstbegriff erhellen, wie er insbesondere in seinem Hauptwerk \"Der St\u00e4dtebau nach seinen K\u00fcnstlerischen Grunds\u00e4tzen\" aus 1889 (Bd. 3 der Gesamtausgabe) zum tragen kommen wird. Michael M\u00f6nninger und Wolfgang Sonne / Ruth Hanisch stellen die Texte in einen historischen Kontext, geben zum gegenw\u00e4rtigen Stand der Forschung Auskunft und stellen Verbindungen zu den anderen Wirkungsbereichen Camillo Sittes her, die in den folgenden B\u00e4nden dokumentiert werden. Den Texten vorangestellt ist weiters ein ausf\u00fchrlicher Beitrag von Michael M\u00f6nninger zur Person Camillo Sittes. Die redaktionelle Bearbeitung stammt von Sonja Hnilica und Bernhard Langer. Die Herausgeber der Gesamtausgabe sind Klaus Semsroth, Michael M\u00f6nninger und Christiane C. Collins."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sitte ,Camillo"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Camillo Sitte, Arts and Craft, Urban Planning, Art Criticism, Vienna late 19th Century"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437149"], ["title", "Camillo Sitte - Gesamtausgabe. Schriften und Projekte"], ["doab_id", "15274"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775812"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775812"]], [["description", "Publicado como parte das comemora\u00e7\u00f5es do centen\u00e1rio da Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Pan-Americana da Sa\u00fade (Opas) no Brasil, este livro re\u00fane textos de diversas personalidades da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica nacional, relatando a rica hist\u00f3ria sobre os desafios e as lutas que mudaram os perfis demogr\u00e1ficos e epidemiol\u00f3gicos do pa\u00eds no decorrer no s\u00e9culo XX. A obra traz tamb\u00e9m um relato do trabalho realizado pela Opas, desde sua funda\u00e7\u00e3o, em 1902, quando as doen\u00e7as infecciosas eram seu foco de aten\u00e7\u00e3o, at\u00e9 os dias de hoje, em que o espectro de doen\u00e7as tornou-se mais complexo. Al\u00e9m de percurso hist\u00f3rico bem detalhado, o livro apresenta contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para o entendimento do processo de consolida\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade, como um direito do cidad\u00e3o e um dever do Estado, no Brasil, que foi capaz, no decorrer dos anos, de incorporar, na organiza\u00e7\u00e3o de seus programas de sa\u00fade, os elementos te\u00f3ricos-conceituais emergentes que sustentaram a evolu\u00e7\u00e3o de seus paradigmas na \u00e1rea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sd"], ["title", "Caminhos da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16359"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412848"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412848"]], [["description", "The calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinases (CaMKs) are a broadly expressed family of calcium-sensitive intracellular kinases, which are responsible for transducing cytosolic calcium signals into phosphorylation-based regulation of proteins and physiological functions. As the multifunctional member of the family, CaMKII has become the most prominent for its roles in the central nervous system and heart, where it controls a diverse range of calcium-dependent processes; from learning and memory at the neuronal synapse, to cellular growth and death in the myocardium. In the heart, CaMKII directly regulates many of the most important ion channels and calcium handling proteins, and controls the expression of an ever-increasing number of transcripts and their downstream products. Functionally, these actions are thought to orchestrate many of the electrophysiologic and contractile adaptations to common cardiac stressors, such as rapid pacing, chronic adrenergic stimulation, and oxidative challenge. In the context of disease, CaMKII has been shown to contribute to a remarkably wide variety of cardiac pathologies, of which heart failure (HF) is the most conspicuous. Hyperactivity of CaMKII is an established contributor to pathological cardiac remodeling, and is widely thought to directly promote arrhythmia and contractile dysfunction during HF. Moreover, several non-failing arrhythmia-susceptible phenotypes, which result from specific genetic channelopathies, functionally mimic constitutive channel phosphorylation by CaMKII. Because CaMKII contributes to both the acute and chronic manifestations of major cardiac diseases, but may be only minimally required for homeostasis in the absence of chronic stress, it has come to be one of the most promising therapeutic drug targets in cardiac biology. Thus, development of more specific and deliverable small molecule antagonists remains a key priority for the field. Here we provide a selection of articles to summarize the state of our knowledge regarding CaMKII in cardiac health and disease, with a particular view to highlighting recent developments in CaMKII activation, and new targets in CaMKII-mediated control of myocyte physiology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eleonora Grandi; Andrew G Edwards; Anthony W Herren; Donald M Bers"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Heart Failure", "Hypertrophy", "arrhythmia", "Ion Channels", "Phosphorylation", "Calcium"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1820/camkii-in-cardiac-health-and-disease"], ["title", "CaMKII in Cardiac Health and Disease"], ["doab_id", "17850"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192991"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192991"]], [["description", "Este trabalho se divide em tr\u00eas partes. Na primeira, mostramos os componentes do complexo agroindustrial, com exce\u00e7\u00e3o dos produtores av\u00edcolas rurais. A an\u00e1lise mostra a articula\u00e7\u00e3o entre a instala\u00e7\u00e3o do complexo av\u00edcola com a importa\u00e7\u00e3o de tecnologia dos pa\u00edses capitalistas avan\u00e7ados e a import\u00e2ncia das multinacionais instaladas no pa\u00eds. Na segunda parte, analisamos as formas de relacionamento dos produtores rurais com as grandes empresas e setores do complexo agroindustrial. Finalmente, na terceira parte, estudamos as formas de representa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica que caracterizam os diferentes setores integrantes do complexo av\u00edcola. [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Pompermayer, Malori J.; Coradini, Odacir Luis"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q43wq"], ["title", "Camponeses e agroind\u00fastria: transforma\u00e7\u00e3o social e representa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica na avicultura brasileira"], ["doab_id", "16672"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662526"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662526"]], [["description", "As experi\u00eancias pessoais e intelectuais que me levaram a escrever este livro tiveram in\u00edcio h\u00e1 mais de uma d\u00e9cada, e se estenderam por toda a minha carreira, desde os tempos de bolsista da \u201cFulbright\u201d at\u00e9 a etapa acad\u00eamica. Sem d\u00favida, o argumento central amadureceu nestes \u00faltimos anos, da mesma forma que o Brasil, ele pr\u00f3prio, sofreu uma mudan\u00e7a significativa. No entanto, perdura at\u00e9 hoje um conjunto de impress\u00f5es iniciais. [trecho retirado do pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Forman, Shepard"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/c26m8"], ["title", "Camponeses: sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16657"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820021"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820021"]], [["description", "The Carnuntum canabae legionis holds a special place in the category of the civilian suburbs of Roman fortresses. An overall plan of the canabae now exists, thanks to the intensification of aerial-archaeological evaluations in recent years in the area of present-day villages of Petronell and Bad Deutsch-Altenburg (Lower Austria, A); its richness in detail makes it unique. The hope of obtaining additional evidence regarding the expansion and chronology of the settlement - as well as the use of municipal zones (such as residential, economic and funerary areas, and open spaces) - was linked to the idea of performing a large-scale surface survey.

Die Carnuntiner canabae legionis nehmen unter den r\u00f6mischen Lagervorst\u00e4dten eine Sonderstellung ein. Dank der in den letzten Jahren intensivierten luftbildarch\u00e4ologischen Auswertung auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Gemeinden von Petronell und Bad Deutsch-Altenburg (Nieder\u00f6sterreich, A) liegt mittlerweile ein canabae-Gesamtplan vor, der hinsichtlich seines Detailreichtums wohl als singul\u00e4r unter den r\u00f6mischen Lagervorst\u00e4dten einzustufen ist. Mit einem gro\u00dffl\u00e4chig konzipierten Oberfl\u00e4chensurvey war die Hoffnung verkn\u00fcpft, erg\u00e4nzende Indizien f\u00fcr die Siedlungsausdehnung, f\u00fcr die Siedlungschronologie und f\u00fcr die Nutzung von Siedlungszonen (Wohnbebauung, Wirtschaftsbereiche, Gr\u00e4berfelder, Freifl\u00e4chen) zu erhalten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gugl ,Christian; Radbauer ,Silvia; Kronberger ,Michaela"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Archaeological field survey, canabae legionis, Carnuntum, Pannonia", "Arch\u00e4ologischer Oberfl\u00e4chensurvey, Canabae legionis, Carnuntum, Pannonia"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574660"], ["title", "Die Canabae von Carnuntum II"], ["doab_id", "17391"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700176299"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176299"]], [["description", "Due to decades of systematic work in aerial archaeology a preliminary master plan of the ancient remains of Roman Carnuntum, that remain hidden beneath the ground, could be made. This plan shows archaeological structures that extend over several square kilometers of the densely built-up area, which include the canabae and features related to the water supply. When viewed together with the published research of older excavations, a reassessment of the previous state of research was carried out and a model of the canabae was developed.

Aufgrund jahrzehntelanger, systematischer luftbildarch\u00e4ologischer Arbeiten konnte ein vorl\u00e4ufiger Gesamtplan der im Boden verborgenen antiken Reste des r\u00f6mischen Carnuntum hergestellt werden. Dieser zeigt arch\u00e4ologische Strukturen, die sich \u00fcber mehrere Quadratkilometer erstrecken und von der dichten Bebauung des Stadtareals der canabae bis zu Strukturen der Wasserversorgung reichen. In Zusammenschau mit publizierten Altgrabungen konnte eine Neubewertung des bisherigen Forschungsstandes erfolgen und ein Stadtmodell der canabae erarbeitet werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Doneus ,Michael; Gugl ,Christian; Doneus ,Nives"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Carnuntum, canabae legionis, aerial photography, limes, Geographic information systems, land surveying"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=441664"], ["title", "Die Canabae von Carnuntum \u2013 eine Modellstudie der Erforschung r\u00f6mischer Lagervorst\u00e4dte"], ["doab_id", "15259"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700171287"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700171287"]], [["description", "Noted academics, politicians, and activists examine Canada's decision not to support the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Each contributor opposes the U.S. action and discusses how Canada\u00eds non-involvement might affect the future of Canadian-American relations. Included in this collection are never before published essays from high-profile contributors such as: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector; Douglas Roche, Liberal senator; and Rev. William Phipps, former moderator of the United Church of Canada."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "George Melnyk"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49312/11/UofCPress_CanadanewAmerican_2004.pdf"], ["title", "Canada and the New American Empire: War and Anti-War"], ["doab_id", "15391"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386729"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386729"]], [["description", "Studies of the radical environmental politics of the 1960s have tended to downplay the extent to which much of that countercultural intellectual and social ferment continued into the 1970s and 1980s. Canadian Countercultures and the Environment adds to our knowledge of this understudied period. This collection contributes a sustained analysis of the beginning of major environmental debates in this era and examines a range of issues related to broad environmental concerns, topics which emerged as key concerns in the context of Cold War military investments and experiments, the oil crisis of the 1970s, debates over gendered roles, and the increasing attention to urban pollution and pesticide use.No other publication dealing with this period covers the wide range of environmental topics (among others, activism, midwifery, organic farming, recycling, urban cycling, and communal living) or geographic locales, from Yukon to Atlantic Canada. Together, they demonstrate how this period influenced and informed environmental action and issues in ways that have had a long-term impact on Canadian society.With contributions by:Matt CaversMegan DaviesNancy JanovicekAlan MacEachernDavid NeufeldRyan O'ConnorDaniel RossHenry TrimSharon Weaver"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Colin M. Coates"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Canadian history, Counterculture, Environment"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388143"], ["title", "Canadian Countercultures and the Environment"], ["doab_id", "18650"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388150"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388150"]], [["description", "What's on TV? Canadian Television Today explores the current challenges and issues facing the English-language television industry in Canada. Television in Canada has long been one of the principal conduits of national identity. But has it kept pace with the rapidly changing landscape of Canadian culture? After presenting an overview of the main issues and debates surrounding the Canadian small screen, Beaty and Sullivan offer their suggestions for the future of the medium. They argue that in today's globalized world, Canadian television should be a more fitting reflection of Canada's multicultural society, embracing a broader range of languages, cultures, and viewing strategies. Visualizing the potential reach of a revitalized industry, Beaty and Sullivan illustrate the promise and possibility of Canadian television that serves the cultural needs of all its citizens. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bart Beaty; Rebecca Sullivan"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49311/1/UofCPress_CanadianTelevision_2006.pdf"], ["title", "Canadian Television Today"], ["doab_id", "15392"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386743"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386743"]], [["description", "In the past decade, significant progresses have taken place in the field of cancer immunotherapy. Tumor-targeting immunotherapies are being developed for most human cancers, including melanoma, prostate cancer, glioblastoma, sarcoma, lung carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. The FDA has approved multiple molecular immunotherapeutics, such as Ipilimumab; cellular immunotherapies (e.g. adoptive cell transfer) are being tested in phase II/III clinical trials. Immunotherapetics has evolved into a sophisticated field: Multimodal therapeutic regimens are administrated to induce focused responses, curtail side- effects and improve therapeutic efficacy. The lack of effective clinical assessment tools remains a major challenge. Because of the intricacy of antitumor response, it is essential to scrutinize individual tumor-targeting immune cells and their functions at the finest details - molecules. In this regard, flow cytometry analysis modernized hematology and allows characterization of surface molecular signature on individual cells. More recently, microchip technologies and new variations of cytometry have enormously expanded the spectrum, throughout and multiplexity of single cell analysis. Nowadays, tens of millions of readouts can be generated through the course of a cancer immunotherapy to monitor the abundance, phenotype and a myriad of effector functions of single immune cells. At the same time, big data analytics and data mining methodologies have been adapted to achieve sensible diagnostic interpretations. Such a marriage of technology and analytics opens the door for informative point-of-care assessment of therapeutic efficacy and ensures timely therapeutic decisions. The new generation of personalized clinical diagnostics will revolutionize healthcare in the years to come."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chao Ma; Rong Fan; Antoni Ribas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["cancer immunotherapy", "immune suppression", "tumor immunity", "immune assessment", "single cell analysis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/834/cancer-immunotherapy-immuno-monitoring-mechanism-treatment-diagnosis-and-emerging-tools"], ["title", "Cancer Immunotherapy & Immuno-monitoring: Mechanism, Treatment, Diagnosis, and Emerging Tools"], ["doab_id", "17750"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193806"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193806"]], [["description", "After a quarter of century of rapid technological advances, research has revealed the complexity of cancer, a disease intimately related to the dynamic transformation of the genome. However, the full understanding of the molecular onset of this disease is still far from achieved and the search for mechanisms of treatment will follow closely. It is here that Nanotechnology enters the fray offering a wealth of tools to diagnose and treat cancer. In fact, the National Cancer Institute predicts that over the next years, nanotechnology will result in important advances in early detection, molecular imaging, targeted and multifunctional therapeutics, prevention and control of cancer. Nanotechnology offers numerous tools to diagnose and treat cancer, such as new imaging agents, multifunctional devices capable of overcome biological barriers to deliver therapeutic agents directly to cells and tissues involved in cancer growth and metastasis, and devices capable of predicting molecular changes to prevent action against precancerous cells. Nanomaterials-based delivery systems in Theranostics (Diagnostics & Therapy) provide better penetration of therapeutic and diagnostic substances within the body at a reduced risk in comparison to conventional therapies. At the present time, there is a growing need to enhance the capability of theranostics procedures where nanomaterials-based sensors may provide for the simultaneous detection of several gene-associated conditions and nanodevices with the ability to monitor real-time drug action. These innovative multifunctional nanocarriers for cancer theranostics may allow the development of diagnostics systems such as colorimetric and immunoassays, and in therapy approaches through gene therapy, drug delivery and tumor targeting systems in cancer. Some of the thousands and thousands of published nanosystems so far will most likely revolutionize our understanding of biological mechanisms and push forward the clinical practice through their integration in future diagnostics platforms. Nevertheless, despite the significant efforts towards the use of nanomaterials in biologically relevant research, more in vivo studies are needed to assess the applicability of these materials as delivery agents. In fact, only a few went through feasible clinical trials. Nanomaterials have to serve as the norm rather than an exception in the future conventional cancer treatments. Future in vivo work will need to carefully consider the correct choice of chemical modifications to incorporate into the multifunctional nanocarriers to avoid activation off-target, side effects and toxicity. Moreover the majority of studies on nanomaterials do not consider the final application to guide the design of nanomaterial. Instead, the focus is predominantly on engineering materials with specific physical or chemical properties. It is imperative to learn how advances in nanosystem\u2019s capabilities are being used to identify new diagnostic and therapy tools driving the development of personalized medicine in oncology; discover how integrating cancer research and nanotechnology modeling can help patient diagnosis and treatment; recognize how to translate nanotheranostics data into an actionable clinical strategy; discuss with industry leaders how nanotheranostics is evolving and what the impact is on current research efforts; and last but not least, learn what approaches are proving fruitful in turning promising clinical data into treatment realities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joao Conde; Pedro Viana Baptista; Jesus M. De La Fuente; Furong Tian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Nanomedicine", "Nanoparticles", "nanomaterials", "Cancer", "theranostics", "Immunotherapy", "bioimaging", "Drug delivery", "Gene Therapy", "Phototherapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2709/cancer-nanotheranostics-what-have-we-learned-so-far"], ["title", "Cancer Nanotheranostics: What Have We Learned So Far?"], ["doab_id", "18894"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197767"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197767"]], [["description", "How do teachers read Voltaire's Candide and The Pennac rifle fairy with 16 year-old students? Beyond the different effects related to the length and status of texts, this book shows that teachers use school activities to read literary texts and ensure links with the readings of the students.

Comment les enseignants lisent-ils Candide de Voltaire et La f\u00e9e carabine de Pennac avec leurs \u00e9l\u00e8ves de 16 ans? Au-del\u00e0 des effets diff\u00e9renci\u00e9s li\u00e9s \u00e0 la longueur et au statut des textes, cet ouvrage montre que les enseignants recourent \u00e0 des activit\u00e9s scolaires pour aborder les textes litt\u00e9raires et assurer les liens avec les lectures des \u00e9l\u00e8ves."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dagh\u00e9 Aeby ,Sandrine"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Society", "Social Sciences", "Education", "Teacher Skills", "Teacher Training"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619090"], ["title", "Candide, La f\u00e9e carabine et les autres. Vers un mod\u00e8le didactique de la lecture litt\u00e9raire"], ["doab_id", "19935"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034314794"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034314794"]], [["description", "Por deseo fundacional, Alcal\u00e1 carec\u00eda de facultad de leyes. Los estudios de derecho civil se iniciaron en Alcal\u00e1 en 1673 \u2014aunque previamente exist\u00edan lecciones extraordinarias de esa materia\u2014 con la creaci\u00f3n de dos c\u00e1tedras de Instituta como auxilio a la ense\u00f1anza de c\u00e1nones. Con el plan de 1772 \u2014cuya azarosa g\u00e9nesis reconstruye cuidadosamente Ramon Aznar\u2014 la antigua facultad de c\u00e1nones se convierte en facultad de derechos o jurisprudencia: se modifican c\u00e1tedras, se establecen manuales de clara orientaci\u00f3n regalista para su estudio, se controla la asistencia y los conocimientos. La aplicaci\u00f3n de las reformas fue encomendada por el consejo de Castilla a un organismo de nueva planta: la junta del m\u00e9todo de estudios. El plan de 1772 afect\u00f3 de lleno tambi\u00e9n a las academias, pieza fundamental en la ense\u00f1anza universitaria del siglo XVIII vinculadas fundamentalmente a los manteistas. \u00c9stas eran centros aut\u00f3nomos de los estudios y ten\u00edan una clara orientaci\u00f3n pr\u00e1ctica: ense\u00f1aban a exponer y arg\u00fcir en p\u00fablico, conocimientos que eran esenciales para el \u00e9xito de los actos acad\u00e9micos, ex\u00e1menes de grados y oposiciones. Catedr\u00e1ticos y estudiantes no pod\u00edan quedar al margen de estas reformas, se aprecia as\u00ed el final del dominio colegial sobre las c\u00e1tedras, el perfil de los nuevos profesores de c\u00e1nones y leyes, su producci\u00f3n intelectual, los salarios de las c\u00e1tedras. En cuanto a los alumnos se realiza su recuento, distribuci\u00f3n por facultades, procedencia geogr\u00e1fica, edad, mortalidad acad\u00e9mica y un apunte sobre la vida cotidiana. El libro se cierra con tres ap\u00e9ndices: el reglamento de las academias de jurisprudencia \u2014in\u00e9dito hasta el momento\u2014, una relaci\u00f3n de todos los opositores juristas con sus m\u00e9ritos \u2014datos imprescindibles para otras investigaciones\u2014 y el elenco de los profesores juristas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aznar i Garcia, Ramon"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "Universities", "History", "University of Alcala de Henares"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7880/07_canones_leyes_alcala.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "C\u00e1nones y leyes en la Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 durante el reinado de Carlos III"], ["doab_id", "16167"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481559958"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481559954"]], [["description", "Publicado pela Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia (EDUFBA), este livro, escrito a muitas m\u00e3os, desvela para o leitor os resultados da parceria bem-sucedida entre a UESB e o Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o da Faced \u2013 UFBA na capacita\u00e7\u00e3o docente, voltados para a melhoria da qualidade do ensino, a produ\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento socialmente relevante e a a\u00e7\u00e3o social respons\u00e1vel. Os resultados de \u201cCapacita\u00e7\u00e3o Docente e Responsabilidade Social: aportes pluridisciplinares\u201d, mesmo que ainda muito recentes, permitem visualizar que \u00e9 poss\u00edvel superar as assimetrias de desenvolvimento entre regi\u00f5es e institui\u00e7\u00f5es de ensino superior, no que diz respeito \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o de docentes, na cria\u00e7\u00e3o e consolida\u00e7\u00e3o de grupos de pesquisa, na expans\u00e3o e fortalecimento da gradua\u00e7\u00e3o e p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o, necess\u00e1rias para o desenvolvimento do ensino superior, da ci\u00eancia e da tecnologia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ten\u00f3rio, Robinson Moreira; Silva, Reginaldo de Souza"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/329"], ["title", "Capacita\u00e7\u00e3o docente e responsabilidade social: aportes pluridisciplinares"], ["doab_id", "17252"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208912"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208912"]], [["description", "Questa \u00e8 la versione rivisitata e aggiornata di uno dei libri di maggior successo per coloro che si approcciano al mondo del diritto d\u2019autore senza provenire da studi specialistici. Si tratta infatti di un libro che, quando fu pubblicato nella sua prima versione (2007), fu appositamente pensato per essere rivolto ad un pubblico di operatori del settore comunicazione e produzione culturale (sviluppatori, designer, bibliotecari, archivisti, docenti, giornalisti\u2026), i quali, pur non avendo un background giuridico necessitano di una solida alfabetizzazione su questi temi."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Aliprandi_CapireCopyright.pdf"], ["title", "Capire il Copyright"], ["doab_id", "15538"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050116"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050116"]], [["description", "Capital at the Brink reveals the pervasiveness, destructiveness, and dominance of neoliberalism within American society and culture. The contributors to this collection also offer points of resistance to an ideology wherein, to borrow Henry Giroux\u2019s comment, \u201ceverything either is for sale or is plundered for profit.\u201d The first step in fighting neoliberalism is to make it visible. By discussing various inroads that it has made into political, popular, and literary culture, Capital at the Brink is taking this first step and joining a global resistance that works against neoliberalism by revealing the variety of ways in which it dominates and destroys various dimensions of our social and cultural life.With essays by Paul A. Passavant, Noah De Lissovoy, Robert P. Marzec, Jennifer Wingard, Zahi Zalloua, Jodi Dean, Andrew Baerg, Jeffrey R. Di Leo, Christopher Breu and Uppinder Mehan."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Di Leo R. ,Jeffrey; Mehan ,Uppinder"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["neoliberalism", "American culture", "American society", "political culture", "popular culture", "literary culture"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=513530"], ["title", "Capital at the Brink: Overcoming the Destructive Legacies of Neoliberalism"], ["doab_id", "16552"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853060"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853060"]], [["description", "A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o tem\u00e1tica inicial \u2013 a ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o de \u00e1reas novas ou, na express\u00e3o anglo-sax\u00e3 consagrada, a fronteira em movimento \u2013 e que serviu como ponto de entrada para uma discuss\u00e3o mais ampla, prende-se a um interesse de pesquisa despertado sob a influ\u00eancia do Dr. Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira e que desenvolvi durante v\u00e1rios anos no \u00e2mbito do Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Antropologia Social (doravante referido como PPGAS) do Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Velho, 1967 e Velho, 1972)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Velho, Ot\u00e1vio Guilherme"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p8pr7"], ["title", "Capitalismo autorit\u00e1rio e campesinato: um estudo comparativo a partir da fronteira em movimento"], ["doab_id", "16273"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662922"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662922"]], [["description", "Esta obra \u00e9 constitu\u00edda de onze cap\u00edtulos sobre os antecedentes ind\u00edgenas da terra brasilis e seus descobridores, os conflitos iniciais nas tentativas de coloniza\u00e7\u00e3o, o sistema de capitanias heredit\u00e1rias, as guerras contra os franceses, espanh\u00f3is e holandeses, a descoberta das minas, a ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o do interior (sert\u00e3o) e a forma\u00e7\u00e3o das fronteiras do territ\u00f3rio brasileiro. Os cap\u00edtulos, desde sua primeira publica\u00e7\u00e3o, tornaram-se refer\u00eancia para todos os interessados no estudo do Brasil colonial."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Abreu, Capistrano de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kp484"], ["title", "Cap\u00edtulos da hist\u00f3ria colonial "], ["doab_id", "16271"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820717"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820717"]], [["description", "Carbohydrates are extremely abundant bio-molecules; they are on all mammalian cell surfaces as well as on bacterial cell surfaces. In mammals most secreted proteins are glycosylated, with the glycan component comprising a significant amount by mass of the glycoprotein. Although, many years ago carbohydrate-protein recognition events were demonstrated as involved in invertebrate self-non self recognition, the contribution of carbohydrate-protein binding events to the mechanisms of the mammalian immune response was not embraced with the same enthusiasm. Adaptive immunity and the contribution of antibodies, T cells and T-lymphocyte sub-sets and protein antigen presentation dominated immunological theory. Unlike protein structures, carbohydrate structures are not template driven yet the numerous enzymes involved in carbohydrate biosynthesis and modification are encoded by a major component of the genome, and the expression of these enzymes is tightly regulated. As a consequence carbohydrate structures are also regulated, with different structures appearing according to the stage of cell differentiation and according to the age or health of the individual. The advent of technologies that have allowed carbohydrate structures and carbohydrate-protein binding events to be more easily interrogated has resulted in these types of interactions taking their place in modern immunology. We now know that glycans and their ligands (or lectins) are involved in numerous immunological pathways of both the innate and adaptive systems. However, it is clear that our understanding is still in its infancy, as more and more examples where carbohydrate structures contribute to aspects of the immune response are being recognised. The goal of this research topic is to explore the variety of roles undertaken by glycans and lectins in all aspects of the immune response. The particular focus is how the interactions of glycans with their ligands contribute to the mechanism of immune responses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deirdre R. Coombe; Christopher R. Parish"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Siglec", "sialic acid", "Glycan", "galectin", "glycosaminoglycan", "hyaluronan", "Heparan sulfate", "Heparanase", "HIV", "Inflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1481/carbohydrates-the-yet-to-be-tasted-sweet-spot-of-immunity"], ["title", "Carbohydrates: The yet to be tasted sweet spot of immunity"], ["doab_id", "19532"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196258"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196258"]], [["description", "Remarkably, truly novel structures are still being found for materials made of a single element: carbon. Perhaps there is a \u2018revolution\u2019 in carbon-only materials. Indeed, recently, two Nobel prizes were awarded for new forms of carbon: for fullerenes in 1996, and for graphene in 2010. And the magic and beauty of carbon nanotubes has held the attention of the scientific world for more than a decade. Yet, there is still more to discover and to explain. In this Special Issue, the focus is on just one area of carbon research: fibers. Even given this relatively narrow focus there is a diversity of research that is both compelling and frustrating. Compelling as it demonstrates the vitality of the subject, and frustrating as it makes it difficult to organize. The topics covered include new fiber fabrication protocols, the mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymers, new techniques to study the microstructure of fiber containing composites, new uses of fiber structures, the use of carbon fibers as catalyst supports, and studies regarding the difficulties of machining fiber structures for inclusion in complex structures."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["properties, applications, growth mechanism, catalysis,, surface chemistry"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/128"], ["title", "Carbon Fibers"], ["doab_id", "17492"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980690", "9783906980706"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980690/9783906980706 "]], [["description", "This widely researched study demonstrates convincingly that neither grandiose promises nor nightmare scenarios have much to do with actual care practices employing telecare. Combining detailed ethnographic studies of nurses and patients involved in telecare with a broad theoretical frameworky from various disciplines, the author concludes that these practices leads to more rather than less intense caring relations, resulting from a spectacular raise in the frequency of contacts between nurses and patients. Patients are much taken with this, not because they feel they are finally able to manage themselves, but because they can \u2018leave things to the experts\u2019. The patients find that caring is something that is best done for others. The book frames urgent questions about the future of telecare and the ways in which innovative care practices can be built on facts rather than hopes, hypes or nightmares.

Politici promoten telezorg als de meest effici\u00ebnte oplossing van het probleem van de vergrijzing en ontgroening. Met behulp van telezorg, zo beweren ze, gaan chronisch zieke ouderen \u2018zichzelf managen\u2019 en zullen er minder professionals nodig zijn. Aan de andere kant stellen technologie-pessimisten dat er een verschraling en verkilling in de zorg zal optreden als professionals telezorg grootschalig gaan invoeren. Zieke ouderen zullen hun laatste adem uitblazen onder toezicht van camera\u2019s en sensoren, ver van menselijk contact.

Grootse beloften noch inktzwarte nachtmerries hebben veel te maken met de praktijk waarin professionals en pati\u00ebnten daadwerkelijk met telezorg werken. Dat blijkt uit dit boek, waarin de auteur gedetailleerd en uiterst leesbaar verslag doet van de wederwaardigheden van pati\u00ebnten en verpleegkundigen in een aantal pioniersprojecten van telezorg. De combinatie van etnografisch onderzoek en theoretische inzichten uit onder andere wetenschaps- en techniekstudies en ethiek levert verrassende inzichten op. Zo blijkt telezorg de zorg intensiever te maken omdat het contact tussen pati\u00ebnten en professionals vaak spectaculair toeneemt. De ouderen zijn hier doorgaans erg tevreden over, niet omdat ze zichzelf nu eindelijk kunnen managen, maar juist omdat ze zich veilig en gekoesterd voelen door al die extra zorg die via apparatuur mogelijk wordt gemaakt. Het boek stelt een aantal prikkelende vragen over de toekomst van telezorg en de manier waarop we innovaties in de zorg zouden kunnen baseren op feiten in plaats van dromen, hypes of nachtmerries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pols ,Jeannette"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Medicine", "Public administration", "Information Technology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413032"], ["title", "Care at a Distance : On the Closeness of Technology"], ["doab_id", "14635"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643971"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643971"]], [["description", "This book considers the causes and consequences of the current crisis in the global financial system, arguing that a wide range of problems for the middle sections of society can be traced to the appearance of a class of the '"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul Taylor"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849661003"], ["title", "The Careless State"], ["doab_id", "14357"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849661003"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849661003"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoff ,B."], ["date", "1968"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613361"], ["title", "The Carib Language"], ["doab_id", "18517"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286191", "9789004286856"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286191 9789004286856"]], [["description", "Anyone interested in the history of the book in Austria will, sooner rather than later, come across the publications of Carl Junker (1864-1928). No one before or after him has done as much toward compiling what we know today about the history of the book, whether it be in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy or in the Republic of Austria. As far as the signifcance of his writings is concerned, it is entirely fitting to quote the words Junker himself wrote regarding the official book trade publication, \"\u00d6sterreichisch-ungarische Buchh\u00e4ndler-Correspondenz\", which appeared from 1860: \"The 50 voumes which we now have-no matter what negative opinion some people might hold of their contents-represent, for the future historian dealing with the history of our book trade, a standard work, which he will have to continually consult.\" With his studies on the Austrian book trade or publishing trade, as the case may be, Carl Junker made a contribution which even today, more than seventy years after his death, defies comparison. The state of research reflected in his articles and lengthier studies, his monographs, is, in most cases, the same as it is today. Archival material which he had at his disposal and which he used as the basis for his studies is no longer available today. Thus, his documentations have, in many respects, become \"primary sources\" in their own right. His text \"Die Katastrophe in Wien\", for example, is an authentic report on the loss of irreplacable archival records from the \"Staatsarchiv des Innern und der Justiz\", stored in the Palace of Justice which went up in flames in 1927. The losses included censorship and police records from the reign of Joseph 11 and records pertaining to the newspaper trade. As Junker reports, little was left.The volume of Junker's collected writings contains all of his book publications, including monographs of firms such as Gerold, H\u00f6lder-Pichler-Tempsky and Friedrich Jasper as well as his critical analysis of the state of copyright protection in Austria-Hungary at the turn of the century, not to mention his pioneering publication on Austrian press history (the likes of which has not been published since.)As the collection of Junker's writings shows, he was also very much interested in developments in bibliography, as, for example, decimal classification in libraries. Junker also wrote histories of two trade organizations in Austria, the 'Verein der \u00f6sterreichisch- ungarischen Buch- Kunst- und Musikalienh\u00e4ndler\" (1899) and the -Korporation der Wiener Buch-, Kunst- und Musikalienh\u00e4ndler\" (1907). Both works contain information (e.g. legislation governing the book trade) essential to today's book scholars. But the current volume also makes other historical topics easily accessible to us today. There are articles about the reorganisation of the Austrian book trade after World War One, articles he wrote articles for countless exhibition catalogues. And although some of his works were commissioned, Junker shows on repeated occasions that he is by no means uncritical. Junker died in 1928 before he could complete one last major work, namely a history of book publishing companies in Austria. What he did leave behind is contained in this volume and can provide the basis for scholars today to try to match his diligence. A compilation of this kind will invariably be used as a reference work, and in order to make the incredible wealth of information easily accessible, there are five indices: company names, personal names, subject, place names and magazines and newspapers.

Wer sich heute mit der Geschichte des Buchwesens in \u00d6sterreich befassen will, kommt um die Publikationen von Carl Junker (1864-1928) nicht herum. Man kann ohne weiteres die Worte Junkers, die auf die \u00d6sterreichisch-ungarische Buchh\u00e4ndler-Correspondenz, seit 1860 das offizielle Organ der \u00f6sterreichischen Buchh\u00e4ndler gem\u00fcnzt waren, auf seine Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen beziehen: ,Die 50 B\u00e4nde, die jetzt vorliegen, mag man \u00fcber vieles darin noch so ung\u00fcnstig urteilen, sind f\u00fcr den k\u00fcnftigen Kulturhistoriker, der sich mit der Geschichte unseres Buchhandels besch\u00e4ftigen wird, ein standard-work, auf das er immer wieder wird zur\u00fcckgreifen m\u00fcssen.\" Mit seinen Arbeiten \u00fcber den \u00f6sterreichischen Buchhandel bzw. das \u00f6sterreichische Verlagswesen leistete Carl Junker einen Beitrag, der bis heute - mehr als 60 Jahre nach seinem Tod - seinesgleichen sucht. Der Stand der Forschung bei seinen Artikeln und Abhandlungen, seinen Monographien, ist vielfach noch der von heute. So manches Material, das als Grundlage seiner Studien diente, stellt uns heute nicht mehr zur Verf\u00fcgung, soda\u00df seine Ausf\u00fchrungen gleichsam zum Quellenmaterial mutiert sind. Seine kleine Glosse \"Die Katastrophe in Wien\" z.B. berichtet authentisch \u00fcber den Verlust von unersetzlichen, grundlegenden Dokumenten und Akten aus dem Bestand \"Staatsarchiv des Innern und der Justiz\", die im Justizpalast untergebracht waren und dem Brand zum Opfer fielen. Darunter befanden sich u.a. s\u00e4mtliche Zensur- und Polizeiakte von der josefinischen Zeit bis ans Ende des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Verloren gingen auch an die hundert Aktenfaszikel, die sich ausschlie\u00dflich auf das Zeitungswesen bezogen. Darunter waren auch Unterlagen zur Geschichte des Buchhandels. Wie Junker berichtet, blieb von den ca. 10.000 dicke Aktenb\u00fcndel und Kartons umfassenden Sammlungen fast gar nichts \u00fcbrig.Die vorliegende Ausgabe umfa\u00dft s\u00e4mtliche einschl\u00e4gige selbst\u00e4ndige Publikationen Junkers, darunter gewichtige Monographien aber die Firmen Gerold, H\u00f61der-Pichler-Tempsky und Friedrich Jasper genauso wie seine kritische Analyse aber den Stand des Urheberrechts in \u00d6sterreich-Ungarn zur Jahrhundertwende und seine materialreiche Studie zur \u00f6sterreichischen Pressegeschichte ein.Sein besonderer Einsatz vor der Jahrhundertwende gilt der Einf\u00fchrung der Dezimalklassifikation im Bibliothekswesen. Von unsch\u00e4tzbarem dokumentarischem Wert sind seine historischen Beitr\u00e4ge \u00fcber die Standesvertretung. Er ist es, der die Geschichte und Entwicklung des Vereins der \u00f6sterreichisch-ungarischen Buchh\u00e4ndler (1899) sowie der Korporation der Wiener Buch-, Kunst- und Musikalienh\u00e4ndler (1907) in zwei h\u00f6chst informativen Festschriften aufzeichnet und nach dem Weltkrieg Gedanken \u00fcber die Reorganisation des Buchhandels zu Papier bringt. Findet eine Buchausstellung statt, wird nicht selten, wie f\u00fcr Paris im Jahre 1900 oder f\u00fcr die Bugra in Leipzig 1914, Junker eingeladen, mit seinem Fachwissen einen entsprechenden Katalogbeitrag zu liefern. Carl Junker starb 1928, noch bevor er eine Geschichte wichtiger \u00f6sterreichischer Buchhandlungen zum Druck bef\u00f6rdern konnte. Auch diese Texte werden in den vorliegenden Band, der durch f\u00fcnf Register (Personen-, Firmen-, Sach-, Orts sowie Zeitschriften und Zeitungsregister) erschlossen wird, aufgenommen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hall ,Murray Gordon"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Austria, press history, copyright, publishing history", "\u00d6sterreich, Buchwesen, Pressegeschichte, Urheberrecht, Verlagsgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Edition Praesens"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477712"], ["title", "Carl Junker, Zum Buchwesen in \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "16790"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706900584"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3706900580"]], [["description", "Biography of one of the leading figures of Argentine tango, Carlos Gardel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Collier ,Simon"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Tango", "popular culture", "songs", "Argentina"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617555"], ["title", "Carlos Gardel. Su vida, su m\u00fasica, su \u00e9poca"], ["doab_id", "19156"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416164"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416164"]], [["description", "Desde o final do s\u00e9culo XIX, as elites intelectuais argentinas recorreram \u00e0s teorias raciais e \u00e9tnicas para explicar a forma\u00e7\u00e3o da sua p\u00e1tria. Disso resultou a no\u00e7\u00e3o do \"crisol de ra\u00e7as\", fundamentada em concep\u00e7\u00f5es biol\u00f3gicas e no darwinismo social, que se constituiu em mecanismo de controle social e \u00e9tnico para nacionalizar as massas chegadas durante o processo de imigra\u00e7\u00e3o europ\u00e9ia a partir de 1880. Neste livro s\u00e3o analisadas as rela\u00e7\u00f5es existentes entre Carlos Octavio Bunge (1875-1918) e Jos\u00e9 Ingenieros (1877-1925), autores que compartilhavam das mesmas id\u00e9ias \u00e9tnicas e da preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o em decifrar a hist\u00f3ria nacional, ambos considerados, por isso, pertencentes a essa corrente cientificista. A pesquisa para a obra abrange a produ\u00e7\u00e3o desses intelectuais em importantes revistas do no in\u00edcio do s\u00e9culo XX, como por exemplo: Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras, Revista de Filosofia, Cultura, Ciencias y Educaci\u00f3n e El Monitor de la Educaci\u00f3n Com\u00fan."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Grejo, Camila Bueno"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s59t6"], ["title", "Carlos Octavio Bunge e Jos\u00e9 Ingenieros: entre o cient\u00edfico e o pol\u00edtico. Pensamento racial e identidade nacional na Argentina (1880-1920)"], ["doab_id", "16701"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598605982"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598605982"]], [["description", "Cars, Conduits and Kampongs offers a wide panorama of the modernization of Indonesian cities between 1920 and 1960. In examining the multiple responses to innovations introduced by Western colonialism, the contributors demonstrate how modernization, urbanization, and decolonization were intrinsically linked. A full text Open Access version is also available."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cot; Colombijn ,F."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613404"], ["title", "Cars, Conduits, and Kampongs"], ["doab_id", "18426"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004280694", "9789004280724"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004280694 9789004280724"]], [["description", "The correspondence between Renato Fucini and Emilia Peruzzi, which embraces a period of time comprised between 1871 and 1899, provides a colourful picture of late nineteenth-century Florentine and Italian society. Parading before our eyes are leading figures from Italian political and literary circles, such as Sonnino, Pareto, De Amicis and Ada Negri, who were part of the prestigious entourage that gravitated around the Peruzzi salon. The letters contained in the book throw new light on the personality of Fucini, while at the same time elucidating the biographical details of his life which are still little known and studied.

Il carteggio tra Renato Fucini ed Emilia Peruzzi, che abbraccia un periodo di tempo compreso tra il 1871 e il 1899, fornisce un quadro della societ\u00e0 fiorentina e italiana di fine Ottocento. Dinanzi ai nostri occhi sfilano personaggi di spicco sia della politica che della letteratura italiana, da Sonnino a Pareto, da De Amicis a Ada Negri, che fecero parte del prestigioso entourage del salotto Peruzzi. Le lettere contenute nel volume gettano nuova luce sulla personalit\u00e0 di Fucini, permettendo nel contempo di fare maggiore chiarezza sulla sua biografia, ancora poco nota e poco approfondita."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lazzeri, Claudia"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Correspondence", "Italian Literature", "Florence", "Epistolario", "Letteratura italiana", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356367"], ["title", "Un carteggio di fine secolo"], ["doab_id", "13161"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534675", "9788884534682"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534674 8884534682"]], [["description", "Desde a d\u00e9cada de 1950, diversas pesquisas e estat\u00edsticas t\u00eam apontado o crescente envelhecimento da popula\u00e7\u00e3o mundial. O Brasil, acostumado a se representar como um pa\u00eds jovem, foi surpreendido com o aumento continuado dos mais velhos, como apontam os censos das \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas, e est\u00e1 sendo for\u00e7ado a encarar essa nova realidade, acrescentando a velhice no conjunto das preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es e dos investimentos sociais. Com base em um vasto levantamento bibliogr\u00e1fico sobre o tema e na sua experi\u00eancia de trabalho com grupos de idosos, a autora analisa o envelhecimento humano no cen\u00e1rio brasileiro como algo que ultrapassa os determinismos biol\u00f3gicos e a a\u00e7\u00e3o decisiva do tempo, sendo modelado tamb\u00e9m por imagens e sentidos criados pelo conhecimento cient\u00edfico e por pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas do Estado. Al\u00e9m disso, ressalta que os estigmas relacionados \u00e0 velhice cederam lugar a tentativas de represent\u00e1-la como um per\u00edodo da vida que pode comportar atividades produtivas, realiza\u00e7\u00e3o de projetos e participa\u00e7\u00e3o ativa no mercado de consumo e que a velhice n\u00e3o \u00e9 um fato uno e inexor\u00e1vel, mas uma constru\u00e7\u00e3o humana que abre margens para experi\u00eancias e significa\u00e7\u00f5es m\u00faltiplas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Correa, Mariele Rodrigues"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4v5z9"], ["title", "Cartografias do envelhecimento na contemporaneidade: velhice e terceira idade"], ["doab_id", "16702"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830037"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830037"]], [["description", "L\u2019esperienza della municipalizzazione delle case popolari nell\u2019Italia giolittiana permette di focalizzare gli estremi di una parabola che approd\u00f2 al riconoscimento delle problematiche abitative quale questione di interesse collettivo. La genesi dell\u2019housing sociale si disperde pertanto nel complesso di iniziative che \u00e8 stato possibile ricostruire nel supporto di uno straordinario corpus di documenti d\u2019archivio, indagato nell\u2019egida dei provvedimenti legislativi in materia di case popolari e municipalizzazione varati nel corso del 1903, vero e proprio termine spartiacque per gli sviluppi di tale vicenda. Sullo sfondo del combinato disposto scaturito dalle due normative si dipana infatti il filo rosso dell\u2019intera narrazione, un viaggio che si muove attraverso frammenti di esperienze locali, riflessi di microstoria aggregati in un articolato mosaico fondato sul collante della municipalizzazione, lasciando trasparire il preludio di una fase di rottura in grado di liberare i prodromi dell\u2019odierno welfare state."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maria D'Amuri"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["giolitti, storia italiana, edilizia popolare"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Vol_D_Amuri_web.pdf"], ["title", "La Casa di tutti nell\u2019Italia Giolittiana"], ["doab_id", "15980"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051106"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051106"]], [["description", "The paper presents the main lines of the European totalitarianism debates to demonstrate Cassirer's argument on the same phenomenon of totalitarianism. The author focuses on Cassirer's philosophy of culture and political philosophy in relation to the above mentioned debate.

Die Arbeit stellt die Hauptlinien der im 20. Jahrhundert in West- und Osteuropa gef\u00fchrten Totalitarismus-Debatten dar, um die besonderen Merkmale von Cassirers Auseinandersetzung mit demselben Ph\u00e4nomen des Totalitarismus zu zeigen. Der Autor konzentriert sich auf Cassirers Kulturphilosophie und politischer Philosophie im Verh\u00e4ltnis zu den dargestellten Debatten. So wird gekl\u00e4rt, welchen „Gewinn“ Cassirers kulturanthropologisch angelegte Deutung totalit\u00e4rer Herrschaft aus heutiger Sicht abwirft."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Parkhomenko ,Roman"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["totalitarianism", "cultural theory", "German philosopher", "Totalitarismus", "Kulturtheorie"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422287"], ["title", "Cassirers politische Philosophie : Zwischen allgemeiner Kulturtheorie und Totalitarismus-Debatte"], ["doab_id", "15089"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866441866"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866441866"]], [["description", "\"Parabenizo a todos os bot\u00e2nicos que contribu\u00edram para completar o presente cat\u00e1logo. O Brasil \u00e9 o pa\u00eds que provavelmente possui a maior flora do mundo, portanto, a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de uma lista completa dessa flora \u00e9 uma extensa tarefa. Os coordenadores mobilizaram uma grande equipe de pessoas para compilar a lista, e \u00e9 \u00f3timo ver que este projeto, diferentemente do que se observa em outros pa\u00edses, foi coordenado no Brasil. Isto demonstra o alto n\u00edvel e a capacidade da comunidade bot\u00e2nica brasileira que se desenvolveu rapidamente nas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas. Este cat\u00e1logo, por ter sido preparado na sua maioria por especialistas dos grupos estudados, mostra quais esp\u00e9cies s\u00e3o correntemente aceitas pelos bot\u00e2nicos envolvidos. As esp\u00e9cies foram padronizadas por meio da cita\u00e7\u00e3o de materiais-voucher, a maioria dos quais foi coletada por brasileiros e est\u00e1 alojada em herb\u00e1rios do Brasil. A informa\u00e7\u00e3o a respeito da distribui\u00e7\u00e3o geogr\u00e1fica de cada esp\u00e9cie ser\u00e1 extremamente \u00fatil para fins de conserva\u00e7\u00e3o, e \u00e9 interessante notar o n\u00famero expressivo de esp\u00e9cies end\u00eamicas do Brasil. Este cat\u00e1logo certamente ser\u00e1 utilizado por estudantes de diversas \u00e1reas envolvendo bot\u00e2nica, ecologia e outras, e tenho certeza de que a sua exist\u00eancia estimular\u00e1 futuras pesquisas a respeito de plantas brasileiras e que a sua vers\u00e3o online o manter\u00e1 atualizado. O desafio agora \u00e9 conservar os muitos ecossistemas diferentes nos quais estas esp\u00e9cies ocorrem, para manter a diversidade bot\u00e2nica do pa\u00eds.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Forzza, Rafaela Campostrini (org.); Leitman, Paula Moraes (org.); Costa, Andrea (org.); Carvalho Jr., An\u00edbal Alves de (org.); Peixoto, Ariane Luna (org.); Walter, Bruno Machado Teles (org.); Bicudo, Carlos (org.); Zappi, Daniela (org.); Costa, Denise Pinheiro da (org.); Lleras, Eduardo (org.); Martinelli, Gustavo (org.); Lima, Haroldo Cavalcante de (org.); Prado, Jefferson (org.); Baumgratz, Jos\u00e9 Fernando A. (org.); Pirani, Jos\u00e9 Rubens (org.); Sylvestre, Lana da Silva (org.); Maia, Leonor Costa (org.); Lohmann, Lucia G. (org.); Paganucci, Luciano (org.); Silveira, Marcos (org.); Nadruz, Marcus (org.); Mamede, Maria C\u00e2ndida Henrique (org.); Bastos, Maria Nazar\u00e9 C. (org.); Morim, Marli Pires (org.); Barbosa, Maria Regina (org.); Menezes, Mari\u00e2ngela (org.); Hopkins, Mike (org.); Secco, Ricardo (org.); Cavalcanti, Taciana (org.); Souza, Vin\u00edcius Castro (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Bot\u00e2nica \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos. Plantas \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos. Fungos \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - JBRJ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z3529"], ["title", "Cat\u00e1logo de plantas e fungos do Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16611"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788560035083"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788560035083"]], [["description", "\"Parabenizo a todos os bot\u00e2nicos que contribu\u00edram para completar o presente cat\u00e1logo. O Brasil \u00e9 o pa\u00eds que provavelmente possui a maior flora do mundo, portanto, a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de uma lista completa dessa flora \u00e9 uma extensa tarefa. Os coordenadores mobilizaram uma grande equipe de pessoas para compilar a lista, e \u00e9 \u00f3timo ver que este projeto, diferentemente do que se observa em outros pa\u00edses, foi coordenado no Brasil. Isto demonstra o alto n\u00edvel e a capacidade da comunidade bot\u00e2nica brasileira que se desenvolveu rapidamente nas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas. Este cat\u00e1logo, por ter sido preparado na sua maioria por especialistas dos grupos estudados, mostra quais esp\u00e9cies s\u00e3o correntemente aceitas pelos bot\u00e2nicos envolvidos. As esp\u00e9cies foram padronizadas por meio da cita\u00e7\u00e3o de materiais-voucher, a maioria dos quais foi coletada por brasileiros e est\u00e1 alojada em herb\u00e1rios do Brasil. A informa\u00e7\u00e3o a respeito da distribui\u00e7\u00e3o geogr\u00e1fica de cada esp\u00e9cie ser\u00e1 extremamente \u00fatil para fins de conserva\u00e7\u00e3o, e \u00e9 interessante notar o n\u00famero expressivo de esp\u00e9cies end\u00eamicas do Brasil. Este cat\u00e1logo certamente ser\u00e1 utilizado por estudantes de diversas \u00e1reas envolvendo bot\u00e2nica, ecologia e outras, e tenho certeza de que a sua exist\u00eancia estimular\u00e1 futuras pesquisas a respeito de plantas brasileiras e que a sua vers\u00e3o online o manter\u00e1 atualizado. O desafio agora \u00e9 conservar os muitos ecossistemas diferentes nos quais estas esp\u00e9cies ocorrem, para manter a diversidade bot\u00e2nica do pa\u00eds.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Forzza, Rafaela Campostrini (org.); Leitman, Paula Moraes (org.); Costa, Andrea (org.); Carvalho Jr., An\u00edbal Alves de (org.); Peixoto, Ariane Luna (org.); Walter, Bruno Machado Teles (org.); Bicudo, Carlos (org.); Zappi, Daniela (org.); Costa, Denise Pinheiro da (org.); Lleras, Eduardo (org.); Martinelli, Gustavo (org.); Lima, Haroldo Cavalcante de (org.); Prado, Jefferson (org.); Stehmann, Jo\u00e3o Renato (org.); Baumgratz, Jos\u00e9 Fernando A. (org.); Pirani, Jos\u00e9 Rubens (org.); Sylvestre, Lana da Silva (org.); Maia, Leonor Costa (org.); Lohmann, Lucia G. (org.); Paganucci, Luciano (org.); Silveira, Marcos (org.); Nadruz, Marcus (org.); Mamede, Maria C\u00e2ndida Henrique (org.); Bastos, Maria Nazar\u00e9 C. (org.); Morim, Marli Pires (org.); Barbosa, Maria Regina (org.); Menezes, Mari\u00e2ngela (org.); Hopkins, Mike (org.); Secco, Ricardo (org.); Cavalcanti, Taciana (org.); Souza, Vin\u00edcius Castro (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Bot\u00e2nica \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos. Plantas \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos. Fungos \u2013 Brasil \u2013 Cat\u00e1logos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - JBRJ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x5x7v"], ["title", "Cat\u00e1logo de plantas e fungos do Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16612"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788560035090"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788560035090"]], [["description", "Foram identificados 4.490 indiv\u00edduos incluindo 17 ordens, 68 fam\u00edlias e 160 esp\u00e9cies de peixes nos est\u00e1gios de larvas e juvenis. Foram elaborados textos com informa\u00e7\u00f5es gerais das ordens e fam\u00edlias, descri\u00e7\u00e3o das principais caracter\u00edsticas das esp\u00e9cies, fotografias dos diferentes est\u00e1gios de desenvolvimento, georeferrenciamento, habitat da esp\u00e9cie, nome vulgar e as refer\u00eancias utilizadas para a identifica\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonecker, Ana Cristina Teixeira; Namiki, Claudia Akemi Pereira; Castro, M\u00e1rcia Salustiano de; Campos, Paula Nepomuceno"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q7vqn"], ["title", "Cat\u00e1logo dos est\u00e1gios iniciais de desenvolvimento dos peixes da bacia de Campos"], ["doab_id", "17211"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788598203102"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598203102"]], [["description", "The present catalogue seeks to provide a comprehensive record of the 1,532 editions printed in the 15th and 16th centuries held in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali of the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze. This library is the successor to that of the Facolt\u00e0 di Giurisprudenza, the nucleus of which remains the historic collection of the Collegio degli Avvocati di Firenze acquired in 1924. Supplemented by further important acquisitions, including the library of the Corte di Appello di Firenze, the collection has come to be numbered among the foremost in its fi eld in Italy. It exhibits a wide range not only of the famous medieval authors of the ius commune, but also of the growing number of contemporary 16th century jurists.

The present catalogue seeks to provide a comprehensive record of the 1,532 editions printed in the 15th and 16th centuries held in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali of the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze. This library is the successor to that of the Facolt\u00e0 di Giurisprudenza, the nucleus of which remains the historic collection of the Collegio degli Avvocati di Firenze acquired in 1924. Supplemented by further important acquisitions, including the library of the Corte di Appello di Firenze, the collection has come to be numbered among the foremost in its fi eld in Italy. It exhibits a wide range not only of the famous medieval authors of the ius commune, but also of the growing number of contemporary 16th century jurists."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Osler, Douglas J."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Catalogation", "Inventories", "University of Florence", "Biblioteche pubbliche", "Catalogazione bibliografica", "Inventari", "Universit\u00e0", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356370"], ["title", "Catalogue of books printed before 1601 in the legal historical section of the Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell'Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze"], ["doab_id", "13164"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884531902", "9788884531919"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "888453190X 8884531918"]], [["description", "From as early as the 1600s, Dutch scholars and scholarship have displayed a keen interest in the studies of the Islamic world. Over the centuries, they have collected a wealth of source texts in various languages, Turkish texts being prominent among them.The present catalogue is the fourth and final volume in a series that covers the Turkish manuscripts preserved in public libraries and museums in the Netherlands. The volume gives a detailed description of Turkish manuscripts in minor Dutch collections, found in libraries and museums in Amsterdam, Groningen, The Hague, Leiden, Rotterdam and Utrecht, which hitherto have received little or no attention."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmidt ,Jan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Islam", "Ottoman Empire", "Turkey", "book painting", "history", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=421590"], ["title", "Catalogue of Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of Leiden University and Other Collections in the Netherlands. Minor Collections."], ["doab_id", "15081"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004221901", "9789004221918"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004221901 9789004221918"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["volatile organic compounds, catalytic oxidation, transition metal oxide, noble metals, coupling technologies, adsorption, non-thermal plasma"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/206"], ["title", "Catalytic Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds"], ["doab_id", "19278"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422136", "9783038422143"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422136/9783038422143"]], [["description", "Direitos humanos e cidadania s\u00e3o concep\u00e7\u00f5es que surgiram no momento em que o indiv\u00edduo passou a ser o fundamento ontol\u00f3gico para a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos diversos Estados nacionais do mundo ocidental. Ganharam estatuto jur\u00eddico ao serem inclu\u00eddas na pauta das discuss\u00f5es pol\u00edticas no per\u00edodo de constru\u00e7\u00e3o dos diversos Estados - na\u00e7\u00e3o que se formavam, principalmente no s\u00e9culo XIX.[...] [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paiva, Angela Randolpho"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3wsmq"], ["title", "Cat\u00f3lico, protestante, cidad\u00e3o: uma compara\u00e7\u00e3o entre Brasil e Estados Unidos"], ["doab_id", "16659"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820410"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820410"]], [["description", "The causes and consequences of differences in microbial community structure, defined here as the relative proportions of rare and abundant organisms within a community, are poorly understood. Articles in \"The Causes and Consequences of Microbial Community Structure\", use empirical or modeling approaches as well as literature reviews to enrich our mechanistic understanding of the controls over the relationship between community structure and ecosystem processes. Specifically, authors address the role of trait distributions and tradeoffs, species-species interactions, evolutionary dynamics, community assembly processes and physical controls in affecting \u2018who\u2019s there\u2019 and \u2018what they are doing\u2019."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diana Reid Nemergut; Ashley Shade; Cyrille Violle"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Structure-function", "Biodiversity-ecosystem function", "Trait-based approahes", "species-species interactions", "ecological trade-offs", "microbial community assembly", "trait distributions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/562/the-causes-and-consequences-of-microbial-community-structure"], ["title", "The causes and consequences of microbial community structure"], ["doab_id", "17690"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193615"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193615"]], [["description", "Cell-mediated immunity to extracellular and intracellular microbes has been traditionally linked to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that recognize pathogen-derived peptides in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and class I molecules, respectively. Recent progress in our understanding of early host defense mechanisms has brought \u2018unconventional\u2019, innate-like T cells into the spotlight. These are a heterogeneous population of non-MHC-restricted T cells that exhibit \u2018memory-like\u2019 properties and mount emergency responses to infection. They may directly detect and destroy infected cells, but are best known for their ability to regulate downstream effector cells including but not limited to conventional T cells. Innate-like T cells include among others CD1-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells and MR1-restricted mucosa-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells. NKT cells recognize lipid antigens, and MAIT cells were recently demonstrated to respond to microbe-derived vitamin B metabolites. However, much remains to be learned about the antigen specificity range of these cells, their activation mode and their true potentials in immunotherapeutic applications. Like in many other areas of biology, uncertainties and controversies surrounding these cells and some of the experimental models, techniques and reagents employed to study them have brought about excitement and sometimes hot debates. This Special Topic was launched to provide updated reviews on protective and/or pathogenic roles of NKT and MAIT cells during infection. Leading experts discuss current controversies, pressing questions and the challenges that lie ahead for the advancement of this intriguing and rapidly evolving area of immunology. Unlike MHC, CD1 and MR1 display very limited polymorphism. Therefore, NKT and MAIT cells may be considered attractive targets for various diseases in diverse human populations. The potential benefits of NKT cell- and MAIT cell-based vaccination and treatment strategies in infectious diseases is an important subject that is also covered in this Topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "S.M. Mansour Haeryfar; Thierry Mallevaey"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["innate-like T cells", "CD1", "MR1", "NKT cell", "MAIT cell", "microbes", "infection", "immunity", "immunopathology", "inflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2874/cd1--and-mr1-restricted-t-cells-in-antimicrobial-immunity"], ["title", "CD1- and MR1-restricted T Cells in Antimicrobial Immunity"], ["doab_id", "18870"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197507"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197507"]], [["description", "CD4+ T lymphocytes play an essential role in host defense against bacterial, parasitic and viral infections. During infection, under the influence of intrinsic signals received through peptide-MHC/TCR interactions and extrinsic signals provided by pathogen-conditioned dendritic and other accessory cells, CD4+ T cells proliferate and differentiate into specialized T helper (Th) effectors, which produce distinct sets of cytokines tailored to combat a specific class of microbes. The concept of CD4+ T cell multi-functionality was developed after the seminal discovery of Th1 and Th2 cells nearly 30 years ago. Although the Th1/Th2 paradigm has successfully withstood the test of time, in the past decade additional Th subsets (Th17, Tfh, Th22, Th9) have been identified. Similarly, single cell analyses of cytokines and master transcriptional factors have revealed that, at the population level, CD4+ T cell responses are far more heterogeneous than initially anticipated. While some of the checkpoints in Th cell specification have been identified, recent studies of transcriptional and epigenetic regulation have uncovered a significant flexibility during the course CD4+ T lymphocyte polarization. In addition, Th cells expressing cytokines with counteracting functions, as a measure of self-regulation, display yet another level of diversity. Understanding the mechanisms that control the balance between stability vs. plasticity of Th effectors both at the time of initiation of immune response and during development of CD4 T cell memory is critical for the rational design of better vaccines and new immunotherapeutic strategies. This research topic will cover current views on Th cell development, with a focus on the mechanisms that govern differentiation, function and regulation of effector Th cells in the context of microbial infections."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dragana Jankovic; Carl G Feng"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Th1 Th2", "CD4 lymphocytes", "Cytokines ", "Infection ", "Dendritic Cells ", "Macrophages ", "Immunoregulation ", "Metabolism", "Memory ", "long noncoding RNA"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2203/cd4-t-cell-differentiation-in-infection-amendments-to-the-th1th2-axiom"], ["title", "CD4+ T cell differentiation in infection: amendments to the Th1/Th2 axiom"], ["doab_id", "18174"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195657"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195657"]], [["description", "Brain derived neurotophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling has been extensively studied for its roles in the central nervous system (CNS) ranging from cell survival, axonal and dendritic growth and synapse formation. Intracellular signaling pathways triggered by BDNF activate gene transcription, translation, post-translational functions, trafficking of key synaptic proteins, and synaptic release mechanism. BDNF-TrkB signaling mediates long-lasting activity-modulated synaptic changes on excitatory and inhibitory neurons and plays significant roles in circuit development and modulation. Furthermore, this pathway is critical for learning, memory, sensory processing and other cognitive functions, and is implicated in neurological and psychiatric diseases. In addition to BDNF, more recent studies have identified new \u201cgrowth\u201d factors that play important roles in the development, maturation and maintenance and modulation of synaptic function. However, details of the cytoplamic signaling systems downstream of these synaptogenic factors are often less understood than conventional neurotophin signaling. This e-Book has collected original studies and review articles that present cellular and molecular mechanisms concerning activity-dependent synapse formation and their implications for behavior and brain disorders. It is our hope that readers will perceive this volume as a showcase for diversity and complexity of synaptogenic growth factors, and will stimulate further studies in this field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Akira Yoshii; Martha Constantine-Paton; Nancy Y. Ip"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["BDNF", "synapse formation", "lipid raft", "neuropsychiatric disease", "adult neurogenesis", "Rho GTPase", "FGF7", "FGF22", "netrin", "Leptin"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1156/cell-and-molecular-signaling-and-transport-pathways-involved-in-growth-factor-control-of-synaptic-de"], ["title", "Cell and molecular signaling, and transport pathways involved in growth factor control of synaptic development and function"], ["doab_id", "19546"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196432"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196432"]], [["description", "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which was described since 1869 by Jean Martin Charcot, is a devastating neurodegenerative disease characterized by the selective and progressive loss of upper and lower motor neurons of the cerebral cortex, brainstem and the spinal cord. The cognitive process is not affected and is not merely the result of aging because may occur at young ages. The only known cause of the disease is associated with genetic mutations, mainly in the gene encoding superoxide dismutase 1 (familial ALS), whereas there is no known cause of the sporadic form of ALS (SALS), which comprises >90% of cases. Both ALS types develop similar histopathological and clinical characteristics, and there is no treatment or prevention of the disease. Because effective treatments for ALS, as for other neurodegenerative diseases, can only result from the knowledge of their cellular and molecular pathophysiological mechanisms, research on such mechanisms is essential. Although progress in neurochemical, physiological and clinical investigations in the last decades has identified several mechanisms that seem to be involved in the cell death process, such as glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity, alterations of inhibitory circuits, inflammatory events, axonal transport deficits, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and energy failure, the understanding of the origin and temporal progress of the disease is still incomplete and insufficient. Clearly, there is a need of further experimental models and approaches to discern the importance of such mechanisms and to discover the factors that determine the selective death of motor neurons characteristic of ALS, in contrast to other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson\u2019s and Alzheimer\u2019s disease. Whereas studies in vitro in cell cultures, tissue slices or organotypic preparations can give useful information regarding cellular and molecular mechanisms, the experiments in living animal models obviously reflect more closely the situation in the human disease, provided that the symptoms and their development during time mimics as close as possible those of the human disease. It is necessary to correlate the experimental findings in vitro with those in vivo, as well as those obtained in genetic models with those in non-genetic models, aiming at designing and testing therapeutic strategies based on the results obtained."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ricardo Tapia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["motor neuron degeneration", "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)", "spinal cord", "muscle", "skeletal", "genetic expression", "trophic factors", "neuroinflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1566/cellular-and-molecular-mechanisms-of-motor-neuron-death-in-amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis"], ["title", "Cellular and molecular mechanisms of motor neuron death in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"], ["doab_id", "17705"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193769"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193769"]], [["description", "The process of Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Transition (EMT) is known to result in a phenotype change in cells from a proliferative state to a more invasive state. EMT has been reported to drive the metastatic spread of various cancers and has also been associated with drug resistance to cytotoxics and targeted therapeutics. Recently phenotype switching akin to EMT has been reported in non-epithelial cancers such as metastatic melanoma. This process involves changes in EMT-Transcription Factors (EMT-TFs), suggesting that phenotype-switching may be common to several tumour types. It remains unclear as to whether the presence of both Epilthelial-like and Mesenchymal-like cells are a pre-requisite for phenotype switching within a tumour, how this heterogeneity is regulated, and if alteration of cell phenotype is sufficient to mediate migratory changes, or whether drivers of cell migration result in an associated phenotype switch in cancer cells. Similarly it has yet to be clarified if cells in an altered phenotype can be refractory to drug therapy or whether mediators of drug resistance induce a concurrent phenotypic change. Little is known today about the underlying genetic, epigenetic and transient changes that accompany this phenotypic switch and about the role for the tumor micro-environment in influencing it. Hence this is currently an area of speculation and keen interest in the Oncology field with wide-ranging translational implications. In this Frontiers Research Topic, we discuss our current understanding of these concepts in various cancer types including breast cancer, colorectal cancer and metastatic melanoma. This topic covers how these processes of cellular and phenotypic plasticity are regulated and how they relate to cancer initiation, progression, dormancy, metastases and response to cytotoxics or targeted therapies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Petranel Theresa Ferrao; Andreas Behren; Robin Anderson; Erik Thompson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EMT", "Cancer", "signalling", "plasticity", "heterogeneity", "Therapy-resistance", "Phenotype-switching", "crosstalk", "Exosomes", "Immune System"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2968/cellular-and-phenotypic-plasticity-in-cancer"], ["title", "Cellular and Phenotypic Plasticity in Cancer"], ["doab_id", "19563"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196623"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196623"]], [["description", "O livro traz uma an\u00e1lise do mestrado profissional em sa\u00fade coletiva como uma nova modalidade de forma\u00e7\u00e3o de quadros t\u00e9cnicos e dirigentes do setor sa\u00fade, articulada ao SUS. Os autores procuram demonstrar, por meio de reflex\u00f5es e experi\u00eancias, os desafios encontrados e as perspectivas do mestrado profissional na sa\u00fade coletiva."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leal, Maria do Carmo (org.); Freitas, carlos Machado de (org.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Educa\u00e7\u00e3o de p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica-educa\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sp"], ["title", "Cen\u00e1rios poss\u00edveis: experi\u00eancias e desafios do mestrado profissional na sa\u00fade coletiva "], ["doab_id", "16360"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412855"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412855"]], [["description", "Censorship Moments is a collection of short essays offering close and critical readings of key moments in the history of censorship."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geoff Kemp"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593078"], ["title", "Censorship Moments"], ["doab_id", "17131"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472593078"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472593078"]], [["description", "First published in 1955, May Swenson's \"\"The Centaur\"\" remains one of her most popular and most anthologized poems. This is its first appearance as a picture book for children.In images bright and brisk and nearly tangible, the poet re-creates the joy of riding a stick horse through a small-town summer. We find ourselves, with her, straddling \"\"a long limber horse with . . . a few leaves for a tail,\"\" and pounding through the lovely dust along the path by the old canal. As her shape shifts from child to horse and back, we know exactly what she feels.Sherry Meidell's water-color illustrations perfectly convey the wit and wisdom of May Swenson's poem. These are playful, satisfying images full of vitality and imagination. Meidell handles the joy of poem's fantasy and the joy of its occasional naughtiness with equal success."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Meidell, Sherry"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/97"], ["title", "The Centaur"], ["doab_id", "14754"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216486"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216486"]], [["description", "The field of autonomic neuroscience research concentrates on those neural pathways and processes that ultimately modulate parasympathetic and sympathetic output to alter peripheral organ function. In the following ebook, laboratories from across the field have contributed reviews and original research to summarize current views on the role of the brain in tuning peripheral organ performance to regulate body temperature, glucose homeostasis and blood pressure."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stuart J. McDougall; Heike Munzberg; Andrei V. Derbenev; Andrea Zsombok"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Thermogenesis", "Glucose", "TRPV Cation Channels", "Hypoglycemia", "vagal afferents", "Nucleus Accumbens", "Sympathetic Nervous System", "Parasympathetic Nervous System", "Leptin", "Hypertension"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1362/central-control-of-autonomic-functions-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "Central control of autonomic functions in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "18726"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194759"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194759"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Jewish \u00e9migr\u00e9s, Jewish refuges, Judentum, Judaism, ethnicity, Heimat, homeland, dilemma of modern Jewish identity, modern Jewish history, twentieth-century"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/101"], ["title", "Central European Jewish \u00c9migr\u00e9s and the Shaping of Postwar Culture: Studies in Memory of Lilian Furst (1931-2009)"], ["doab_id", "19051"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980560", "9783906980577"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980560/9783906980577"]], [["description", "Environment, nuclear power Plant, pollution, rejection, water

Si la tendance au regroupement des industries m\u00e9tallurgiques en p\u00f4les de taille mondiale para\u00eet in\u00e9luctable, il faut tout faire pour que cette \u00e9volution n'entra\u00eene pas un affaissement de la France dans ce domaine cl\u00e9. En effet, si les grands acteurs mondiaux de la M\u00e9tallurgie ne peuvent plus s'appuyer,comme encore r\u00e9cemment, sur une recherche et un enseignement publics fran\u00e7ais forts, l'ensemble de notre syst\u00e8me s'ass\u00e9chera et migrera ailleurs. Qui plus est, la perte de substance ira bien au-del\u00e0 de la R&D, frappant en particulier le tissu de nos PMI/PME. L'Acad\u00e9mie des technologies et l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences pr\u00e9sentent ici une analyse de la M\u00e9tallurgie fran\u00e7aise, \u00e9tablie par un groupe d'experts anim\u00e9 par Andr\u00e9 Pineau, de l'Acad\u00e9mie des technologies, et Yves Qu\u00e9r\u00e9, de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences. Cet ouvrage synth\u00e9tique, compl\u00e9t\u00e9 par des annexes num\u00e9ris\u00e9es, d\u00e9crit en premier lieu la M\u00e9tallurgie comme science, en tant que telle, en lien fort avec l'ing\u00e9nierie, ou g\u00e9nie m\u00e9tallurgique. Il \u00e9tablit ensuite un diagnostic de la situation pour les divers grands secteurs industriels ainsi que pour la recherche et l'enseignement. L'ambition est ici de montrer que la M\u00e9tallurgie constitue une discipline scientifique \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re, pr\u00e9sente dans des champs innombrables de l'industrie, o\u00f9 elle est source de progr\u00e8s et r\u00e9servoir d'emplois ; et de rappeler qu'il faut du temps pour construire des comp\u00e9tences indispensables, tant scientifi ques que techniques, qu'un rien suffi t \u00e0 d\u00e9truire. Le rapport montre \u00e9galement que la M\u00e9tallurgie a perdu, en France, une grande part de sa substance, en raison \u00e0 la fois de multiples r\u00e9organisations industrielles r\u00e9centes et d'un d\u00e9sengagement du monde acad\u00e9mique, largement d\u00fb aux effets de mode. C'est pourquoi des mesures urgentes, dans l'enseignement, la recherche universitaire et industrielle, l'information du public, la sensibilisation des d\u00e9cideurs et des acteurs\u2026 doivent \u00eatre imp\u00e9rativement prises. Devant la gravit\u00e9 des \u00e9volutions recens\u00e9es, qui rejaillissent notamment sur les emplois, les comp\u00e9tences, la R&D\u2026, les deux acad\u00e9mies proposent aux d\u00e9cideurs, publics et priv\u00e9s, une strat\u00e9gie d\u00e9clin\u00e9e en une s\u00e9rie de recommandations : dans chaque domaine est d\u00e9crit l'\u00e9tat actuel et sont propos\u00e9es des pistes de d\u00e9veloppement scientifi que et appliqu\u00e9. Perdre une position de p\u00f4le dans ces domaines est dangereux ; en prendre une de leader est un d\u00e9fi \u00e0 relever. Nous sommes actuellement \u00e0 ce tournant et, en cela, nous sommes sans doute condamn\u00e9s \u00e0 l'excellence."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pineau ,Andr\u00e9; Qu\u00e9r\u00e9 ,Yves"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Environment", "nuclear power Plant", "pollution", "rejection", "water"]], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=519657"], ["title", "Centrales nucl\u00e9aires et environnement - Pr\u00e9l\u00e8vements d'eau et rejets"], ["doab_id", "16196"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782759809134"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759809134"]], [["description", "Este libro recorre el camino de la configuraci\u00f3n de las realidades jur\u00eddico-pol\u00edticas que esconden los vocablos centralizaci\u00f3n, descentralizaci\u00f3n y autonom\u00eda desde los albores del siglo XIX hasta el estallido de la Guerra civil en 1936, explicando en qu\u00e9 \u00e1mbitos aparecieron, cu\u00e1ndo, c\u00f3mo y el l\u00e9xico pol\u00edtico-jur\u00eddico empleado para su designaci\u00f3n. En concreto, fue en las esferas del r\u00e9gimen local, de la organizaci\u00f3n territorial del Estado y de la instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica, especialmente la universitaria, donde se fueron gestando y perfilando estos conceptos. Si hasta 1868 triunfan las tendencias centr\u00edpetas, tras esa fecha se manifiestan las fuerzas centr\u00edfugas: el malogrado intento de 1873 de cambiar la forma de organizaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica del Estado, la consecuci\u00f3n de una regulaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s descentralizada del r\u00e9gimen local en las Leyes de 1870 y el af\u00e1n de instaurar la libertad de ense\u00f1anza. Desde finales del siglo XIX y hasta la guerra civil se muestran en los intentos de lograr una mayor descentralizaci\u00f3n administrativa y, sobre todo, al comp\u00e1s de las reclamaciones regionalistas, en el deseo de conseguir una descentralizaci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica autonomista, que culmina con el Estado integral de la Segunda Rep\u00fablica. Fue a partir de 1868 cuando se generaliz\u00f3 la utilizaci\u00f3n del vocablo \u201cautonom\u00eda\u201d."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Polo Mart\u00edn, Regina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Centralizaci\u00f3n", "Descentralizaci\u00f3n", "Autonom\u00eda", "R\u00e9gimen local", "Universidades"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18340/centralizacion_polo_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Centralizaci\u00f3n, descentralizaci\u00f3n y autonom\u00eda en la Espa\u00f1a constitucional. Su gestaci\u00f3n y evoluci\u00f3n conceptual entre 1808 y 1936"], ["doab_id", "16145"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490318669"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490318669"]], [["description", "\"... a diverse and fascinating array of perspectives on the history of Canada's national parks, illuminating many less well-understood aspects of the evolving place of people in and near these parks.\" - Stephen Bocking, Professor and Chair, Environmental and Resource Studies Program, Trent University When Canada created a Dominion Parks Branch in 1911, it became the first country in the world to establish an agency devoted to managing its national parks. Over the past century this agency, now Parks Canada, has been at the centre of important debates about the place of nature in Canadian nationhood and relationships between Canada's diverse ecosystems and its communities. Today, Parks Canada manages over forty parks and reserves totalling over 200,000 square kilometres and featuring a dazzling variety of landscapes, and is recognized as a global leader in the environmental challenges of protected places. Its history is a rich repository of experience, of lessons learned - critical for making informed decisions about how to sustain the environmental and social health of our national parks. A Century of Parks Canada is published in partnership with NiCHE (Network in Canadian History and Environment; http://niche-canada.org/)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Claire Campbell (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48466/4/UofCPress_ParksCanada_2011.pdf"], ["title", "A Century of Parks Canada, 1911-2011"], ["doab_id", "15165"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385579"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385579"]], [["description", "The Spanish colonization dramatically interrupted the autonomous development of ancient Mesoamerican culture. Nevertheless, indigenous societies learnt to live with the conquest. It was not only a time of crisis, but also an extraordinarily creative time period in which material culture reflected indigenous peoples\u2019 varied responses and adaptations to the changing circumstances. This work presents insights into the process of cultural continuity and change in the indigenous world by focusing on pottery technology in the Nahua (Aztec) region of Central Mexico. The late pre-colonial, early colonial and present-day characteristics of this industry are explored in order to come to a renewed understanding of its long-term development."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hern\u00e1ndez S\u00e1nchez ,Gilda "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Colonialism", "Colonial Mesoamerica", "Spanish Conquest", "Material Culture", "Ceramics", "Ceramic Technology", "Colonial Ceramics", "Ethnographic Ceramics", "Cultural Continuity"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=402000"], ["title", "Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest"], ["doab_id", "14626"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004204409", "9789004217454"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004204409 9789004217454"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Urszula \u015awiderska-Burek"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["anamorphic fungi", " cercosporoid hyphomycete", " Cercospora", " Passalora", " Pseudocercospora", " distribution", " parasites"]], ["publisher", "Polish Botanical Society"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "https://pbsociety.org.pl/journals/index.php/mb/article/view/mb.2015.001"], ["title", "Cercosporoid fungi of Poland"], ["doab_id", "17929"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9788386292523", "9788386292530"]], ["provider", "pbsociety.org.pl"], ["isbns_raw", "eISBN: 9788386292523; pISBN: 9788386292530"]], [["description", "In this book, laboratory leaders on cerebellar neuroscience have revised the present body of knowledge about cerebellum anatomy and function. The trip throughout the cerebellar vineyard organization starts from the causal study of morphogenesis (that is, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underplaying form generation) to the molecular mechanism regulation cellular differentiation: Basson, Dusart, Hawkes, Martinez and Rosi\u2019s groups contributions. Then, neurodevelopmental anomalies associated with structural disorganization are revised in Jissendi and Batkovich\u2019s group reviews, describing and discussing pathogenic processes. Finally, functional mechanisms of cerebellar circuits involved in motor learning are revised by Delgado-Garcia and Armengol\u2019s group contribution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Salvador Martinez; Jose A. Armengol"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cerebellum development", "motor learning", "Cerebellar genoarchitecture", "Cerebellar malformation", "Cerebellar histogenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/269/the-cerebellum-from-development-to-learning"], ["title", "The Cerebellum: From Development to Learning"], ["doab_id", "19526"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196197"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196197"]], [["description", "When Ehrlich discovered the first evidence of the blood-brain barrier in 1885, he probably did not perceive the Great Wall that remained hidden from consciousness inside the central nervous system. Ehrlich had observed that acidic vital dyes did not stain the brain if they were injected into the blood stream. A century ago (1913), Goldman showed that the injection of trypan blue in the cerebrospinal fluid stained only the brain, but not the other organs. For almost a century it was thought that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) consisted in a physical barrier, resulting from the restricted permeability of the cerebral endothelial cell layer, as they are joined by tight junctions. However, as scientists are always looking for news in what is already discovered, in the end of the 20th century we had evidences that cerebral endothelial and glial cells express several drug metabolizing enzymes consisting in a second protection system: a metabolic barrier. Furthermore, the drugs and their metabolites must overcome the activity of several multidrug resistance proteins that function as ATP-dependent efflux pumps, consisting in the third line of defence: the active barrier. Therefore, the way the BBB actually works should be better explained. Several endogenous compounds, as well as xenobiotics, may be activated by enzymes of the metabolic barrier, generating reactive oxygen species that could damage neurons. Therefore, endothelial and glial cells possess endogenous protecting compounds and enzymes against oxidants, consisting in an antioxidant barrier. When all these systems fail, glial cells, mainly microglia, secrete cytokines in an attempt to crosstalk with defence cells asking for help, which consists in an immune barrier. In cerebral regions that are devoid of the physical barrier, such as circumventricular organs, the metabolic, active, antioxidant and immune barriers are reinforced. It is important to understand how cells involved in the BBB interact with one another and the dynamic mechanisms of their functions. This Research Topic published in this e-Book considers recent highlights in BBB structure, cell and molecular biology, biotransformation, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, immunology and how these basic knowledges can be applied in drug discovery and clinical researches, rewriting what is already written, and paving the way that goes to the Great Wall in the Frontiers of the Brain in this new century that is just beginning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elena Garcia Martin; George E. Barreto; Jose A G Agundez; Rubem C A Guedes; Ramon Santos El Bacha"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Blood Brain Barrier", "xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes", "glial cells", "Cerebral endothelial cells", "Neuroinflammation", "Oxidative Stress", "Parkinsons disease", "BBB", "Glioma", "Stroke"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2275/cerebral-endothelial-and-glial-cells-are-more-than-bricks-in-the-great-wall-of-the-brain-insights-in"], ["title", "Cerebral endothelial and glial cells are more than bricks in the Great Wall of the brain: Insights into the way the blood-brain barrier actually works (Celebrating the centenary of Goldman's experiments)"], ["doab_id", "18560"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195725"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195725"]], [["description", "Scientists and clinicians interested in cerebrovascular physiology in humans now have numerous possibilities to monitor, invasively or non-invasively, the oxygenation status of cerebral tissue. Monitoring cerebral oxygenation has several utilities; to improve patient outcome, to better understand the mechanisms underlying orthostatic hypotension; to provide insight into functional neurovascular coupling; to evaluate the influence of vasopressors on cerebral oxygen levels in patients under anesthesia; and to study the limitations of exercise tolerance. This themed research topic, through theoretical and experimental papers, covers new and exciting issues related to the study of cerebral oxygenation in health and disease. This e-book includes manuscripts inclusive of original research, methodologies and reviews in the field of integrative physiology, cognitive testing, orthostatic stress, exercise physiology and anesthesia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrice Brassard; Phil Neil Ainslie; Niels H. Secher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cerebral oxygenation", "cerebral blood flow", "near-infrared spectroscopy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1754/cerebral-oxygenation-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "Cerebral oxygenation in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "18599"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194537"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194537"]], [["description", "The chronicles of Gowa and Talloq are the most important historical sources for the study of pre-colonial Makassar. They have provided the basic framework and much of the information that we possess about the origins, growth, and expansion of Gowa during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. During this period Gowa and its close ally Talloq became the most powerful force in the eastern Indonesian archipelago, and historians have relied heavily on the chronicles to chart the developments of this period. Available for the first time in English translation, the two texts will offer historians and other scholars an invaluable foundation on which to base interpretations of this crucial place and time in Indonesian history.This volume is required reading for scholars of pre-modern Southeast Asia, including historians, linguists, anthropologists, and others.William Cummings is an associate professor of history at the University of South Florida. He is the author of Making blood white; Historical transformation in early modern Makassar (2002) and numerous articles about Makassarese history and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cummings ,William"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Historiography", "Indonesian history", "Pre-colonial history", "Gowa", "Makassar", "Sulawesi Selatan", "Indonesia", "1500/1650", "Macassarese language", "English language", "Translation", "Historical sources", "Chronicles", "Historiografie", "Indonesische geschiedenis", "Pre-koloniale geschiedenis", "Gowa", "Makassar", "Sulawesi Selatan", "Indonesie", "1500/1650", "Macassarese taal", "Engelse taal", "Vertaling", "Historische bronnen", "Kronieken"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=376974"], ["title", "A chain of kings : the Makassarese chronicles of Gowa and Talloq"], ["doab_id", "13337"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067182874", "9789004254008"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067182874 9789004254008"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oemarjati ,B.S."], ["date", "1972"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613405"], ["title", "Chairil Anwar: The Poet and His Language"], ["doab_id", "18427"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024715084", "9789004286931"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024715084 9789004286931"]], [["description", "How is solidarity achieved in highly diverse societies - particularly those that have been until recently characterized by rather homogeneous populations? What are the implications of growing levels of diversity on existing social arrangements? These two fundamental questions are explored in this edited collection, which examines the challenges of minority integration in four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. These nations represent paradigmatic examples of social democratic welfare states that place a premium on a robust package of social rights, combined with policies aimed at reducing levels of class-based inequality and promoting gender equity. All four of these nations have witnessed growing levels of diversity due to immigration and three of them have been forced to rethink their policies concerning the indigenous S\u00e1mi, as well as old minority groups. Two introductory chapters, by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Peter Kivisto, serve as a conceptual framework for the seven case studies that follow, and which, from a variety of perspectives and with differing emphases, analyze the evolving realities in these nations today. Taken together, they offer evidence of the critical issues surrounding attempts to achieve solidarity while valorizing diversity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kivisto, Peter; Kraus, Peter A. "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/460448"], ["title", "The Challenge of Minority Integration. Politics and Policies in the Nordic Nations"], ["doab_id", "17958"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110441109", "9783110441116"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110441109, 9783110441116"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["humanities, legitimization, the canon, the academy, meaning of life, dialogue across the disciplines"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/106"], ["title", "The Challenges of the Humanities, Past, Present, and Future"], ["doab_id", "17501"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420545", "9783038420552"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420545/9783038420552 "]], [["description", "Following its launch at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) became a key tool for national governments and international organisations alike. This volume argues that transdisciplinarity is a necessary corollary of ICZM yet that work to date has insufficiently crossed disciplinary boundaries. Professor Visser has sought to fill that gap by bringing together a range of authors of wide geographical and disciplinary backgrounds who have consciously tried to challenge disciplinary limitations in their contributions to ICZM in theory and practice. First publication in the \"http://www.aup.nl/mare\">MARE Publication Series

Kustzones zijn grensgebieden, waar milieu-aspecten, culturen en economische sectoren elkaar raken en be\u00efnvloeden. Het multi-dimensionele karakter van kustzones staat in deze bundel centraal. Door belichting vanuit verschillende disciplinaire invalshoeken wordt duidelijk dat een completer begrip van de problematiek alleen wordt bereikt door middel van transdisciplinaire samenwerking tussen sociale and exacte wetenschappers. In negen hoofdstukken wordt de lezer geleid langs kustgebieden van de Stille Oceaan, Zuidoost Azie, West Afrika, Europa en Latijns Amerika. Aandacht gaat uit naar biodiversiteit, mariene park beheer, meervoudig ruimtegebruik, sociaal-economische verandering, en de juridische uitdagingen voor natuurbescherming. Eerste deel in de \"http://www.aup.nl/mare\">MARE Publication Series"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Visser ,Leontine E."], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340222"], ["title", "Challenging Coasts : Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development"], ["doab_id", "12905"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566824"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566824"]], [["description", "What is digital business reporting? Why do we need it? And how can we improve it? This book aims to address these questions by illustrating the rise of system-to-system information exchange and the opportunities for improving transparency and accountability. Governments around the world are looking for ways to strengthen transparency and accountability without introducing more red tape, which is a source of growing frustration and costs for businesses. In 2004, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice in the Netherlands started to investigate the potential of XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) as a uniform data standard for business-to-government information exchange. In 2006, there was a comprehensive architecture for Standard Business Reporting (SBR), including the requirements for the information infrastructure. One year later the first reports in XBRL were successfully delivered to the Tax and Customs Administration and the Chamber of Commerce via a secure infrastructure. Today, millions of business reports are being exchanged using SBR. As a solution, SBR empowers organisations to present a cohesive explanation of their business operations and helps them engage with internal and external stakeholders, including regulators, shareholders and creditors.Challenging the chain describes the journey of SBR from challenge to solution. Specialists in the field \u2013 flanked by academics \u2013 provide detailed insights on the challenges actors faced and the solutions they achieved. In its versatility, this book exemplifies the necessary paradigm shifts when it comes to such large-scale public-private transformations. Policy makers, managers, IT specialists and architects looking to engage in such transformations will find guidance in this book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "N. Bharosa (ed.); R. van Wijk (ed.); N. de Winne (ed.); M. Janssen (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["transparency", "digital business reporting", "information exchange", " accountability", "XBRL", "eXtensible Business Reporting Language", "Standard Business Reporting", "SBR", "information chain "]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/978-1-61499-497-8"], ["title", "Challenging the Chain - Governing the Automated Exchange and Processing of Business Information"], ["doab_id", "17182"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614994961"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614994961"]], [["description", "Active for over forty years with the Communist Party of Canada, Bert Whyte was a journalist, an underground party organizer and soldier during World War II, and a press correspondent in Beijing and Moscow. But any notion of him as a Communist party hack would be mistaken. Whyte never let leftist ideology get in the way of a great yarn. In Champagne and Meatballs \u2014 a memoir written not long before his death in Moscow in 1984 \u2014 we meet a cigar-smoking rogue who was at least as happy at a pool hall as at a political meeting. His stories of bumming across Canada in the 1930s, of combat and camaraderie at the front lines in World War II, and of surviving as a dissident in troubled times make for compelling reading. The manuscript of Champagne and Meatballs was brought to light and edited by historian Larry Hannant, who has written a fascinating and thought-provoking introduction to the text. Brash, irreverent, informative, and entertaining, Whyte's tale is history and biography accompanied by a wink of his eye \u2014 the left one, of course"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bert Whyte"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["communist", "biography", "memoir"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120185"], ["title", "Champagne and Meatballs: Adventures of a Canadian Communist"], ["doab_id", "14429"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836089", "9781926836096", "9781926836348"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836089 9781926836096 9781926836348"]], [["description", "The high ideals of anarchism have inspired generations of activists and political thinkers for over a century and a half, winning respect from even the fiercest of opponents. As the 'conscience of politics', anarchism's opposition to all forms of power and its emphasis on responsibility and self-determination has provided a constant benchmark for other areas of political philosophy and practice. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, with popular movements challenging the logic of globalisation, Western military imperialism and the assumptions of 'democratic' governments, anarchist theory and practice has once again made its presence felt. 'Changing anarchism' documents the links between these movements and contemporary anarchism and demonstrates how anarchist ideas are evolving in a global age. In particular, the book examines strands within anarchism concerned with technology, the environment and identity, and suggests that these are useful sociological tools for understanding the pervasive and interconnected nature of power. The contributors also offer practical insight into how power is being resisted in a variety of social and political contexts and how anarchist ideals are impacting on many different areas of everyday life. The balance of activist perspectives on anti-capitalism, sexuality, narcotics, education and mental health, combined with theoretical material drawn from post-structuralism, ecologism, the complexity sciences and social movement theory, ensures that Changing Anarchism will appeal to the general reader as well as to students of politics, sociology and cultural studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Purkis ,Jonathan; Bowen ,James"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["anarchism", "activism", "globalisation", "anti-capitalism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341324"], ["title", "Changing anarchism: Anarchist theory and practice in a global age"], ["doab_id", "12649"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066948"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066948"]], [["description", "Glutathione (GSH) has been described for a long time just as a defensive reagent against the action of toxic xenobiotics (drugs, pollutants, carcinogens), both directly and as a cofactor for GSH transferases. As a prototype antioxidant, it has been involved in cell protection from the noxious effect of excess oxidant stress, both directly and as a cofactor of glutathione peroxidases. In addition, it has long been known that GSH is capable of forming disulfide bonds with cysteine residues of proteins, and the relevance of this mechanism (\"S-glutathionylation\") in regulation of protein function has been well documented in a number of research fields. Rather paradoxically, it has also been highlighted that GSH\u2014and notably its catabolites, as originated by metabolism by gamma-glutamyltransferase\u2014can promote oxidative processes, by participating in metal ion-mediated reactions eventually leading to formation of reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Also, a fundamental role of GSH has been recognized in the storage and transport of nitric oxide (NO), in the form of S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). The significance of GSH as a major factor in regulation of cell life, proliferation, and death, can be regarded as the integrated result of all these roles, as well as of more which are emerging in diverse fields of biology and pathophysiology. Against this background, modulation of GSH levels and GSH-related enzyme activities represents a fertile field for experimental pharmacology in numerous and diverse perspectives of animal, plant and microbiologic research. This research topic includes 14 articles, i.e. 4 Opinion Articles, 6 Reviews, and 4 Original Research Articles. The contributions by several distinguished research groups, each from his own standpoint of competence and expertise, provide a comprehensive and updated view over the diverse roles, the changing faces of GSH and GSH-related enzymes in cell\u2019s health, disease and death."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alfonso Pompella; Alessandro Corti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Glutathione", "redox regulation", "cellular thiols", "glutathione S-transferases", "gamma-Glutamyltransferase", "Oxidative Stress", "Epigenetic regulation", "Apoptosis", "Iron", "Plants"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2127/the-changing-faces-of-glutathione-a-cellular-protagonist"], ["title", "The changing faces of glutathione, a cellular protagonist"], ["doab_id", "18705"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195954"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195954"]], [["description", "Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are growing exponentially. In 1993, the Yearbook of International Organizations listed 16,000 internationally recognized NGOs. By 2004, this number was 63,000. With this increase comes a staggering growth in the activities and intellectual output of NGOs working on a local and international level. As the mission of both libraries and NGOs increasingly intersect, these organizations must collaborate to provide essential services that revolve around the creation, dissemination, and storage of information. This volume's eight essays focus on collaborative work between NGOs and libraries in the study and resolution of global issues ranging from AIDS to food security, and social transformation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Witt, Steve W."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598440243&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Changing Roles of NGOs in the Creation, Storage and Dissemination of Information in Developing Countries"], ["doab_id", "15137"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598440243"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598440243"]], [["description", "The essays in this collection examine how both colonial and British authors engage with Victorian subjects and subjectivities in their work. Some essays explore the emergence of a key trope within colonial texts: the negotiation of Victorian and settler-subject positions. Others argue for new readings of key metropolitan texts and their repositioning within literary history. These essays work to recognise the plurality of the rubric of the 'Victorian' and to expand how the category of Victorian studies can be understood."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maggie Tonkin; Mandy Treagus; Madeleine Seys; Sharon Crozier-De Rosa"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["victorian subject", "colonial", "post-colonial", "australian literature", "canadian literature", "south-african literature"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560111"], ["title", "Changing the Victorian Subject"], ["doab_id", "16176"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064745"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064745"]], [["description", "This book presents the development and present status of adaptions of chaos theory for literary studies. Furthermore the integration of these methodological approaches into a discipline that is oriented towards cultural studies is demonstrated. The publication consists of four parts. The first part of the work deals with the issues created through questions posed by historical philosophy and historiography. It discusses how reflections on linear time, as well as on the description and explanation of sequences, circularity and synchronicities lead to an increased complexity in the semanticts of time in the notion of the objects analized. It also discusses the integration of discourses from other disciplines into literary history. It is demonstrated that both aspects - increased complexity and supplementary discourses - are highly influential in hermeneutical literary studies.The second part deals with changes in the notion of time in the modern and so-called post-modern era. It focuses especially on non-linearity, the increasing importance of historical time in the natural sciences and on the effect of this tendency on the analysis of highly complex structures outside of the natural sciences. In the third part of the publication concrete examples of the adaption of chaos theory for literary studies are examined - especially their epistemological interest, their position within the framework of the discipline and their interdisciplinary potential. This part elucidates the potential of focusing on the literary text and its particularities under the premises of chaos theory and how such an interdisciplinary approach helps to bridge the cap between the natural sciences and the humanities.In the final part of the publication the social and cultural relevance of historical knowledge as a frame of reference in times of increasing (temporal and social) complexity is examined. With reference to the explanatory power of hermeneutical procedures \"chaostheoretical literary studies\" are proposed as a working hypothesis. The approach is intended as a model which can be integrated into cultural analysis and not provides descriptions and explanations for highly complex literary texts, hypertexts and virtual realities, but also regards scientific and technical production and distribution of knowledge as an important part of culture and thus integrates it into its analysis.

Die Publikation besteht aus vier Teilen, die zum einen die Entwicklung und den aktuellen Stand der Adaption naturwissenschaftlicher chaostheoretischer Konzepte durch die Literaturwissenschaft darstellen. Zum anderen wird die Integration der methodischen Ans\u00e4tze in die Literaturwissenschaft anhand von Beispielen als theoretisch-methodische Bereicherung einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung der Disziplin erl\u00e4utert. Der erste Teil der Untersuchung besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit der Problematisierung von Gegenstandsbereichen durch Fragen der Geschichtsphilosophie und Historiographie. Es wird dargestellt, wie die Diskussion von (linearer) Geschichtszeit, von Beschreibung und Erkl\u00e4rung von Sequenzen, Zirkularit\u00e4t und Gleichzeitigkeiten zur Komplexit\u00e4tserh\u00f6hung nicht nur der Zeitsemantik, sondern auch des Objektbereichs Literatur bzw. Literaturgeschichte und zur Integration von Begleitdiskursen aus anderen Disziplinen in die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung f\u00fchren. Es wird gezeigt, welche Auswirkungen auf eine hermeneutisch arbeitende Literaturwissenschaft diese Problematisierung historischer Grundlagen hat.Teil 2 besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit dem Wandel der Zeitkonzepte der Moderne und der sogenannten Postmoderne unter der besonderen Ber\u00fccksichtigung von erstens Nichtlinearit\u00e4t und zweitens der zunehmenden Bedeutung von historischer Zeit in den Naturwissenschaften. Es werden die Auswirkung dieser Tendenz auf die Analyse von hochkomplexen Strukturen au\u00dferhalb des naturwissenschaftlichen Geltungsbereichs aufgezeigt. Im dritten Teil der Publikation werden konkrete Beispiele der Adaption von Chaostheorie durch die Literaturwissenschaft, ihre Erkenntnisinteressen und ihre Einordnung in die Disziplin bzw. ihr interdisziplin\u00e4res Potential analysiert. Verdeutlicht wird hier einerseits, wie durch Gegenstandszentriertheit mit den Pr\u00e4missen der Chaostheorie die Privilegierung des literarischen Texts im kulturellen Kontext erzielt wird und wie andererseits durch \u00dcberschreitung der Disziplinengrenzen die \u00dcberbr\u00fcckung der Kluft zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften gelingt.Im letzten Teil der Publikation wird die soziale und kulturelle Relevanz von historischem Orientierungswissen unter dem Vorzeichen der zunehmenden (temporalen) Komplexit\u00e4t von Lebenswelten untersucht. Mit Bezug auf Sinnstiftung durch hermeneutische Verfahren wird das Denkmodell \"Chaostheoretische Literaturwissenschaft\" vorgeschlagen, das sich in eine kulturwissenschaftliche Literaturwissenschaft einf\u00fcgt und Beschreibungs- und Erkl\u00e4rungsmacht nicht nur f\u00fcr hochkomplexe literarische Texte und technikbestimmte Fiktionen (Hypertexte, virtuelle Welten) bereitstellt, sondern das auch die Wissensproduktion und -distribution der Natur- und Ingenieurswissenschaften als wichtigen Bestandteil der Kultur zu seinem Untersuchungsgegenstand macht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wozonig ,Karin S."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Chaos Theory, cultural studies, literary studies, history"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437194"], ["title", "Chaostheorie und Literaturwissenschaft"], ["doab_id", "15317"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706545075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706545075"]], [["description", "This is a chapter from Crime Fiction in German: Der Krimi, edited by Katharina Hall. It is the first volume in English to offer a comprehensive overview of German-language crime narratives from the nineteenth century to the new millennium. It introduces readers to crime novels from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the former East Germany, and examines under-researched areas such as Nazi crime fiction, Turkish-German crime fiction and the Afrika-Krimi. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Katharina Hall"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["crime", " fiction", " german"]], ["publisher", "University of Wales Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa25191"], ["title", "Chapter 1: \"Crime Fiction in German: Concepts, Developments and Trends\" from book: Crime Fiction in German"], ["doab_id", "18417"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783168163"]], ["provider", "cronfa.swan.ac.uk"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783168163"]], [["description", "This is a chapter from Absence in Science, Security and Policy edited by Brian Rappert and Brian Balmer. This chapter is available open access under a CC BY license. Part reflection on the forthcoming chapters, part analysis of academic literature, and part programmatic agenda setting, this introduction chapter forwards the importance of questioning taken for granted assumptions in sensing what is absent as a concern. It undertakes this through initially examining what it means to characterize concern as absent or present in the first place. While absence and presence are often treated as binary opposites, it will be argued this distinction is difficult to sustain and unhelpful for analysis. On the back of an appreciation of the inter-relation of absence and presence, this chapter then reviews the literature in sociology, ethics, STS and elsewhere relevant to the themes of the volume. A goal is to outline the methodological and epistemological possibilities and problematics of studying what is missing. By way of then proposing what is required, and to set the stage for the other chapters in Part 1, this chapter ends by asking how autostereograms provide a metaphor for viewing that can guide the study of absence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rappert, Brian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["science", " policy", " philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-137-59261-3_1"], ["title", "Chapter 1: 'Sensing Absence: How to See What Isn't There in the Study of Science and Security' from book: Absence in Science, Security and Policy: From Research Agendas to Global Strategy"], ["doab_id", "17907"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137592613"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137592613"]], [["description", "This is a chapter from Understanding Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Pagan Past, edited by Katja Ritari and Alexandra Bergholm. Although it has long been acknowledged that the early Irish literary corpus preserves both pre-Christian and Christian elements, the challenges involved in the understanding of these different strata have not been subjected to critical examination. This volume draws attention to the importance of reconsidering the relationship between religion and mythology, as well as the concept of \u2018Celtic religion\u2019 itself. When scholars are attempting to construct the so-called \u2018Celtic\u2019 belief system, what counts as \u2018religion\u2019? Or, when labelling something as \u2018religion\u2019 as opposed to \u2018mythology\u2019, what do these entities entail? This volume is the first interdisciplinary collection of articles which critically reevaluates the methodological challenges of the study of \u2018Celtic religion\u2019; the authors are eminent scholars in the field of Celtic Studies representing the disciplines of theology, literary studies, history, law and archaeology, and the book represents a significant contribution to the present scholarly debate concerning the pre-Christian elements in early medieval source materials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jacqueline Borsje"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["celtic", " religion", " pagan", " past", " mythology"]], ["publisher", "University of Wales Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.16922/1783167920-02"], ["title", "Chapter 2: \u2018Celtic Spells and Counterspells\u2019 from Book: Understanding Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Pagan Past"], ["doab_id", "17541"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783167920"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783167920"]], [["description", "This is a chapter from A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse edited by Richard Ward. This chapter is available open access under a CC BY license. In this chapter, Zoe Dyndor uses data compiled for the Wellcome Trust funded project, Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse, to investigate the logic and rationale behind selecting gibbet locations in eighteenth-century England. She suggests that while gibbets were generally located near to the scene of the crime, there were a number of other factors that led to the selection of particular sites for cases of hanging in chains. Through a case study of smugglers hung in chains in the 1740s, Dyndor demonstrates that, in certain cases, gibbet locations were specifically selected to reflect the nature of the offence, the background of the offender or the circumstances of the crime."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dyndor, Zoe"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social history", " criminal law"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137444011_4"], ["title", "Chapter 3: 'The Gibbet in the Landscape: Locating the Criminal Corpse in Mid-Eighteenth-Century England' from book: A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse "], ["doab_id", "18970"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137444011"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137444011"]], [["description", "This chapter is open access under a CC BY license. It is from The Criminal Act: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory, edited by Martin A. Andresen and Graham Farrell. The full volume provides a unique collection of essays in honour of the work of Marcus Felson and his notable contribution to routine activity theory, environmental criminology and the discipline more broadly."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tilley, Nick; Farrell, Graham; Clarke, Ronald V."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["criminology", " forensic science", " criminal justice"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137391322_5"], ["title", "Chapter 5: 'Target Suitability and the Crime Drop' from book: The Criminal Act: The Role and Influence of Routine Activity Theory"], ["doab_id", "18971"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137391322"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137391322"]], [["description", "This is a chapter from Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach edited by Vania Ceccato and Andrew Newton. This chapter is available open access under a CC BY license. As other chapters in Safety and Security in Transit Environments assert, crimes such as pickpocketing can concentrate near bus stops, and crowding and congestion is a factor that heightens this risk. But to target interventions effectively, it is useful to determine what local-level interactions characterise this crowding behaviour. This paper aims to provide a first step to using data collected from laboratory experiments to address questions from crime and transport research. The experiment considered differences in interpersonal distances to further analyse crowding behaviour to attain further insight that could narrow the focus of possible interventions. Audio warnings are examined as a possible solution, and findings show that crowding peaks when passengers board the bus, and audio messages may be one approach for addressing this. To conclude, implications of identifying boarding as a problem area, and the effectiveness of warning messages as a situational crime prevention tool are discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Solymosi, R\u00e9ka; Borrion, Herv\u00e9; Fujiyama, Taku"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Environmental Studies, Urban Studies, Cities and Planning, Criminology, Crime Prevention, Crime and Society"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137457653_9"], ["title", "Chapter 9: 'Crowd Spatial Patterns at Bus Stops: Security Implications and Effects of Warning Messages' from book: Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An Interdisciplinary Approach "], ["doab_id", "17909"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137556363"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137556363"]], [["description", "What is striking about this collection is that all the writers testify to one fact\u2014the extraordinary fruitfulness of Max Weber's idea of charisma. Proof of the capaciousness of the Weberian idea of charisma is its diffusion outside the academic community, although \u201ccharisma\u201d as popularized by the media owes little to Weber. These articles reveal, however, that Weberian charisma is indeed relevant to an astonishing range of phenomena. The expansion of charisma\u078cs territory stretches beyond what Max Weber could have imagined."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["celebrity, charisma, cult, heroism, social memory, Weber"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/100"], ["title", "Charisma, Medieval and Modern"], ["doab_id", "17496"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420002", "9783038420071"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420002/9783038420071 "]], [["description", "The impetus for Charms of the Cynical Reason is the phenomenal and little-explored popularity of various tricksters flourishing in official and unofficial Soviet culture, as well as in the post-Soviet era. Mark Lipovetsky interprets this puzzling phenomenon through analysis of the most remarkable and fascinating literary and cinematic images of soviet and post-Soviet tricksters, including such \u201ccultural idioms\u201d as Ostap Bender, Buratino, Vasilii Tyorkin, Stierlitz, and others. Soviet tricksters present survival in a cynical, contradictory, and inadequate world, not as a necessity, but as a field for creativity, play, and freedom. Through an analysis of the representation of tricksters in Soviet and post-Soviet culture, Lipovetsky attempts to draw a virtual map of the soviet and post-Soviet cynical reason: to identify its symbols, discourses, and contradictions, and by these means its historical development from the 1920s to the 2000s."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mark Lipovetsky "], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/57682c5715d5dbe6c6b7e213/1466444891005/Charms+of+the+Cynical+Reason.pdf"], ["title", "Charms of the Cynical Reason: Tricksters in Soviet and Post-Soviet Culture"], ["doab_id", "19385"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781934843451"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781934843451 "]], [["description", "Victor J. Vitanza (author of Sexual Violence in Western Thought and Writing) continues to rethink the problem of sexual violence in cinema and how rape is often represented in \u201cchaste\u201d ways, in the form of a Chaste Cinematics. Vitanza continues to discuss Chaste Cinematics as participating in transdisciplinary-rhetorical traditions that establish the very foundations (groundings, points of stasis) for nation states and cultures. In this offering, however, the initial grounding for the discussions is \u201cbase materialism\u201d (George Bataille): divine filth, the sacred and profane. It is this post-philosophical base materialism that destabilizes binaries, fixedness, and brings forth excluded thirds. Vitanza asks: why is it that a repressed third, or a third figure, returns, most strangely as a \u201cproduct\u201d of rape and torture? He works with Jean-Paul Sartre and Page duBois\u2019s suggestion that the \u201cproduct\u201d is a new \u201cspecies.\u201dAlways attempting unorthodox ways of approaching social problems, Vitanza organizes his table of contents as a DVD menu of \u201cExtras\u201d (supplements). This menu includes Alternate Endings and Easter Eggs as well as an Excursus, which invokes readers to take up the political exigency of the DVD-Book. Vitanza\u2019s first \u201cExtra\u201d studies a trio of films that need to be reconsidered, given what they offer as insights into Chaste Cinematics: Amadeus (a mad god), Henry Fool (a foolish god), and Multiple Maniacs (a divine god who is raped and eats excrement). The second examines Helke Sander\u2019s documentary Liberators Take Liberties, which re-thinks the rapes of German women by the Russians and Allies during the Battle of Berlin. The third rethinks Margie Strosser\u2019s video-film Rape Stories that calls for revenge. In the Alternate Endings, Vitanza rethinks the problem of reversibility in G. No\u00e9\u2019s Irr\u00e9versible. In the Easter Eggs, he considers Dominique Laporte\u2019s \u201cthe Irreparable,\u201d as the object of loss and Giorgio Agamben\u2019s \u201cthe Irreparable,\u201d as hope in what is without remedy. The result is not another film-studies book, but a new genre, a new set of rhetorics, for new ways of thinking about cinematics, perhaps postcinematics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vitor Vitanza"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/cl199tk4k1xvv4y/Vitanza_Chaste_Cinematics_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Chaste Cinematics"], ["doab_id", "17610"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692541555"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692541555"]], [["description", "Patrizia McBride\u2019s study, 'The Chatter of the Visible,' examines the paradoxical narrative features of the photo montage aesthetics of artists associated with Dada, Constructivism, and the New Objectivity. While montage strategies have commonly been associated with the purposeful interruption of and challenge to narrative consistency and continuity, McBride offers an historicized re-appraisal of 1920s and 1930s German photo montage work to show that its peculiar mimicry was less a rejection of narrative and more an extension or permutation of it; a means for thinking in narrative textures exceeding constraints imposed by \u201cflat\u201d print media (especially the novel and other literary genres). According to McBride, \u201ca close engagement with montage procedures going back to Cubism\u201d reveals explicit inquiry into the status of objects as complex signifying entities whose \u201cmaterial qualities are inextricably bound up with linguistic dynamics.\u201d She focuses on allegory as the appropriate tool for reading Weimar-era photo montage, focusing on the ways allegorical work in montage compositions foregrounds the moment of incorporation by purposefully exposing the pasted-in nature of the inserted materials. This moment of construction, argues McBride, produces a \u201cchattering of forms that propels the distinctive experimentation of Weimar-era montage [and its experimental focus] on the ways in which perception interacts with physical forms in shaping the contours of the material world.\u201d McBride\u2019s contribution to the conversation around Weimar-era montage is in her situation of the form of the work as a discursive practice in its own right, which affords humans a new way to negotiate temporality; as a particular mode of thinking that productively relates the particular to the universal; or as a culturally specific form of cognition."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McBride C. ,Patrizia"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Art - History - Modern"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608356"], ["title", "The Chatter of the Visible"], ["doab_id", "19059"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472073030", "9780472053032", "9780472121700"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472073030 9780472053032 9780472121700"]], [["description", "

In this sensitive reading of Chaucer\u2019s Troilus and Criseyde, Winthrop Wetherbee redefines the nature of Chaucer\u2019s poetic vision. Using as a starting point Chaucer\u2019s profound admiration for the achievement of Dante and the classical poets, Wetherbee sees the Troilus as much more than a courtly treatment of an event in ancient history\u2014it is, he asserts, a major statement about the poetic tradition from which it emerges. Wetherbee demonstrates the evolution of the poet-narrator of the Troilus, who begins as a poet of romance, bound by the characters\u2019 limited worldview, but who in the end becomes a poet capable of realizing the tragic and ultimately the spiritual implications of his story.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetherbee, Winthrop"], ["date", "1984"], ["subject", ["Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, Dante Alighieri, Roman de la rose, Vergil, Ovid, Statius, classical literature, medieval literature"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23183057/9781501707230.pdf"], ["title", "Chaucer and the Poets"], ["doab_id", "19903"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707230"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707230"]], [["description", "Virtually involved in all pathologies that present an inflammatory component, it is now evident that, in the central nervous system, chemokines and chemokine receptors possess pleiotropic properties beyond chemotaxis: costitutive brain expression of chemokines and their receptors on endothelial cells, but also on neurons and glia, suggests a role for such molecules in mediating homeostatic cross-talk between cells of the brain perenchyma. Cross-talk between neurons and glia is determinant to the establishment and maintenance of a brain enviroment that ensure normal function, and in particular glial cells are active players that respond to enviromental changes and act for the survival, growth, differentiation and repair of the nervous tissue: in this regard brain endogenous chemokines represent key molecules that play a role in brain development, neurogenesis, neurotransmission and neuroprotection. As important regulators of peripheral immune response, chemokines are molecules of the immune system that play a central role in coordinating communication between the nervous and the immune systems, in the context of infections and brain injury. Indeed, in phatological processes resulting from infections, brain trauma, ischemia and chronic neurodegenerative diseases, chemokines represent important neuroinflammatory mediators that drive leucocytes trafficking into the central nervous system, facilitating an immune response by targeting cells of the innate and adaptive immune system. The third edition of the international conference \"Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors in the Nervous System\", hold in Rome in October 2013, represented an exciting platform to promote discussion among researchers in different disciplines to understand the role of chemokines in brain homoestasis. This Frontiers Research Topic arises from this conference, and wants to be an opportunity to further discuss and highlight the importance of brain chemokines as key molecules that, not only grant the interplay between the immune and the nervous systems, but in addition drive modulatory functions on brain homeoastasis orchestrating neurons, microglia, and astrocytes communication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Flavia Trettel; Richard M. Ransohoff"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Chemokines", "Chemokine receptors", "Brain homeostasis", "brain pathology", "Pain", "Inflammation", "neurons-glia cross-talk", "Glioblastoma", "neurotransmission"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2476/chemokines-and-chemokine-receptors-in-brain-homeostasis"], ["title", "Chemokines and chemokine receptors in brain homeostasis"], ["doab_id", "19524"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196166"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196166"]], [["description", "We entrust readers with thirty fragments of reflections, meditations, recollections, and images \u2014 one for each year that has passed since the explosion that rocked and destroyed a part of the Chernobyl nuclear power station in April 1986. The aesthetic visions, thoughts, and experiences that have made their way into this book hover in a grey region between the singular and self-enclosed, on the one hand, and the generally applicable and universal, on the other. Through words and images, we wish to contribute our humble share to a collaborative grappling with the event of Chernobyl. Unthinkable and unrepresentable as it is, we insist on the need to reflect upon, signify, and symbolize it, taking stock of the consciousness it fragmented and, perhaps, cultivating another, more environmentally attuned way of living."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marder ,Michael; Tondeur ,Ana\u00efs"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Chernobyl", "photograms", "reflections", "meditations", "recollections", "images", "nuclear radiation"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606220"], ["title", "The Chernobyl Herbarium: Fragments of an Exploded Consciousness"], ["doab_id", "18958"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420269", "9781785420276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420269 9781785420276"]], [["description", "Injuries are among the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality worldwide [1]. Because injuries typically are incurred by healthy children engaging in daily activities, they can be particularly devastating to the injured child and his or her family, disrupting otherwise mentally and physically healthy lives with tragic short- and long-term consequences. Despite the implication of the lay term \u201caccident\u201d, injuries are preventable. The global community of scholars and practitioners is slowly creating, discovering, and implementing programs to reduce the burden of injury on the world\u2019s youth. This volume contributes to those objectives. [1...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["child injury", " neglect", " drowning", " motor vehicle safety", "falls", " pedestrian injury", " burns", " head trauma", " poisonings", " abuse"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/66"], ["title", "Child Injury Prevention"], ["doab_id", "16622"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980485", "9783906980492"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980485/9783906980492"]], [["description", "This title, in its entirety, is available online in Open Access. This volume explores the ways childhood was experienced, lived and remembered in the late Ottoman Empire and its successor states in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when rapid change placed unprecedented demands on the young."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fortna ,B.C."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613397"], ["title", "Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After"], ["doab_id", "18389"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004293120", "9789004305809"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004293120 9789004305809"]], [["description", "An in-depth study of the complex situation in Colombia; extensive research involving a broad range of participants. Drawing on a broad research on historical, geographical and socio-political context of the Colombian conflict, the book explores the role of children entangled in the military fighting. Following the case studies of minors, starting from the recruitment up to the disengagement, the authors seek to understand the process itself and to analyze various support methods offered to the affected children. Weaving together different points of view, coming from the children, and from the workers of the organizations offering help, the book gives an engaging and dramatic overview of the phenomenon of child soldiers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Villanueva O\u2019Driscoll, Julia; Loots, Gerrit; Derluyn, Ilse"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Colombia, conflict, children soldiers, trauma"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209755"], ["title", "Children disengaged from armed groups in Colombia. Integration Processes in Context"], ["doab_id", "15575"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560441"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560441"]], [["description", "Why are more young law breakers imprisoned in Russia and the UK than in any other European country? This book explores the treatment of young offenders in these two very different states and the political and institutional context of their distinctively punitive approach."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mary McAuley"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849661027"], ["title", "Children in Custody"], ["doab_id", "14352"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849661027"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849661027"]], [["description", "A collection of original essays by scholars from a variety of fields"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sutton-Smith, Brian; Mechling, Jay; Johnson, Thomas W.; McMahon, Felicia R."], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/71"], ["title", "Children's Folklore"], ["doab_id", "14723"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212808"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212808"]], [["description", "Each interview focuses on the field in which the speaker was most active. The number of interviews in each field reflects its relative importance: three for industry, two for the country side and one each for the shantytowns and the universities. In the case of industry, anything less could scarcely have conveyed the range of views on its key issues, such as workers\u2019 participation: hence the three selected are from the Communist Party, the MAPU and the Socialist Party."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Henfrey, Colin; Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7cd3q"], ["title", "Chilean Voices: activists describe their experiences of the popular unity period "], ["doab_id", "16315"], ["language_unmapped", "EN"], ["isbns", ["9788599662847"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662847"]], [["description", "Collection of essays on twenty-first century Chinese cinema and moving image culture.This innovative collection of essays on twenty-first century Chinese cinema and moving image culture features contributions from an international community of scholars, critics, and practitioners. Taken together, their perspectives make a compelling case that the past decade has witnessed a radical transformation of conventional notions of cinema. Following China's accession to the WTO in 2001, personal and collective experiences of changing social conditions have added new dimensions to the increasingly diverse Sinophone media landscape, and provided a novel complement to the existing edifice of blockbusters, documentaries, and auteur culture. The numerous 'iGeneration' productions and practices examined in this volume include 3D and IMAX films, experimental documentaries, animation, visual aides-m\u00e9moires, and works of pirated pastiche. Together, they bear witness to the emergence of a new Chinese cinema characterized by digital and, trans-media representational strategies, the blurring of private/public distinctions, and dynamic reinterpretations of the very notion of 'cinema' itself.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Johnson D. ,Matthew; Wagner B. ,Keith; Yu ,Tianqui; Vulpiani ,Luke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Motion Pictures", "China", "History - 21st Century"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=474170"], ["title", "China's iGeneration - Cinema and Moving Image Culture for the Twenty-First Century"], ["doab_id", "16000"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781623563127", "9781623565954", "9781623568474"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781623563127 9781623565954 9781623568474"]], [["description", "Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money is a groundbreaking study covering a range of contemporary authors and issues, from Haizi to Yin Lichuan and from poetic rhythm to exile-bashing. Its rigorous scholarship, literary sensitivity and lively style make it eminently fit for classroom use."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Crevel van ,M."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "China"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613392"], ["title", "Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money"], ["doab_id", "18548"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004205635", "9789047442738"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004205635 9789047442738"]], [["description", "'Christelike etiek in \u0384n sekulariserende samelewing' produces authoritative, fully evidenced and well-reasoned treatment of Christian ethics, a major topic that is of central concern to South Africa\u2019s people. It disseminates original research, fosters collaboration of experts and generates new developments within the specific field of Reformed Theology and Christian Ethics.The target audience are specialists in the field of Systematic Theology and contextual ministry. The author applies in Christian ethics the concept of the kingdom of God as the overarching paradigm in order to elucidate societal and ecclesiastical problems which are experienced in morality today. The book\u2019s hypothesis is argued and substantiated by using a very wide variety of classic, as well as recent investigations in the field of ethics. What promotes this specific research is the fact that the author not only refers to international researchers, but also to South African theologians and the South African situation. The book further reflects on the phenomenon secularisation and the notion post-secular spirituality, argued against the background of a universal law of nature and a specific scriptural revelation and Christology. In light of the challenges of postmodernity it focuses on the concepts truth, justice and the prophetic calling of the present-day church. The author has managed to translate Christian situation ethics that enriches and stimulates research thoughts, that can assist and advocate reconciliation in South Africa.

'Christelike etiek in \u0384n sekulariserende samelewing' genereer gesaghebbende, ten volle bewese en goed beredeneerde behandeling van christelike etiek, \u0384n vername onderwerp wat van kardinale belang vir die mense van Suid-Afrika is. Dit dissemineer oorspronklike navorsing, bevorder samewerking van kundiges en genereer nuwe ontwikkelings binne die spesifieke veld van die Gereformeerde teologie en Christelike etiek. Die teikenmark is spesialiste op die gebied van Sistematiese Teologie en kontekstuele bediening. Die outeur pas in die Christelike etiek die konsep van die koninkryk van God toe as die oorkoepelende paradigma, ten einde maatskaplike en kerklike probleme wat vandag ten opsigte van moraliteit ervaar word, te belig. Die hipotese van die boek word beredeneer en gestaaf deur die gebruik van \u0384n baie wye verskeidenheid van klassieke, sowel as onlangse ondersoeke op die gebied van etiek. Wat hierdie spesifieke navorsing bevorder, is die feit dat die skrywer nie net na internasionale navorsers verwys nie, maar ook na Suid-Afrikaanse teolo\u00eb en die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie. Die boek besin ook oor die fenomeen sekularisasie en die begrip postsekul\u00eare spiritualiteit, bespreek teen die agtergrond van \u0384n universele natuurwet en \u0384n spesifieke Skrifopenbaring en Christologie. In die lig van die uitdagings van die postmoderniteit, fokus dit op die konsepte van waarheid, geregtigheid en die profetiese roeping van die hedendaagse kerk. Die skrywer het daarin geslaag om die Christelike situasie-etiek te kommunikeer. Die werk kan navorsingsidees verryk en stimuleer, en help om versoening te bepleit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vorster ,J.M."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Christian ethics", "Theological ethic", "Kingdom of God", "Secularism", "Biblicism", "Marriage", "Church", "Revelation", "Christelike etiek", "Teologiese etiek", "Koninkryk van God", "Sekularisme", "Biblisisme", "Huwelik", "Kerk", "Openbaring"]], ["publisher", "AOSIS"], ["language", ["af"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579713"], ["title", "Christelike etiek in 'n sekulariserende samelewing"], ["doab_id", "17725"], ["language_unmapped", "Afrikaans"], ["isbns", ["9780620647274"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780620647274"]], [["description", "\"The Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria are exceptional for the copresence among them of three religious traditions: Islam, Christianity, and the indigenous ori\u1e63a religion. In this comparative study, at once historical and anthropological, Peel explores the intertwined character of the three religions and the dense imbrication of religion in all aspects of Yoruba history up to the present. For over 400 years, the Yoruba have straddled two geocultural spheres: one reaching north over the Sahara to the world of Islam, the other linking them to the Euro-American world via the Atlantic. These two external spheres were the source of contrasting cultural influences, notably those emanating from the world religions. However, the Yoruba not only imported Islam and Christianity but also exported their own ori\u1e63a religion to the New World. Before the voluntary modern diaspora that has brought many Yoruba to Europe and the Americas, tens of thousands were sold as slaves in the New World, bringing with them the worship of the ori\u1e63a.Peel offers deep insight into important contemporary themes such as religious conversion, new religious movements, relations between world religions, the conditions of religious violence, the transnational flows of contemporary religion, and the interplay between tradition and the demands of an ever-changing present. In the process, he makes a major theoretical contribution to the anthropology of world religions.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peel ,J.D.Y."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Yoruba people", "Yoruba religion", "African history", "African studies"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602283"], ["title", "Christianity, Islam, and Ori\u1e63a Religion: Three Traditions in Comparison and Interaction"], ["doab_id", "18611"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520285859", "9780520961227"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520285859 9780520961227"]], [["description", "Signaling through the cell surface antigen receptor is a hallmark of various stages of lymphocyte development and adaptive immunity. Besides the adaptive immune system, the innate immunity is equally important for protection. However, the mechanistic connection between signaling, chromatin changes and downstream transcriptional pathways in both innate and adaptive immune system remains incompletely understood in hematopoiesis. A related issue is how the enhancers communicate to the promoters in a stage specific fashion and in the context of chromatin. Because the factors that regulate chromatin are generally present and active in most cell types, how could cell type and/or stage specific chromatin architecture is achieved in response to a particular immune signal?The genetic loci that encode lymphocyte cell surface receptors are in an \"unrearranged\u201d or \u201cgermline\u201d configuration during the early stages of development. Thus, in addition to expressing lineage and/or stage specific transcription factors during each developmental stage, lymphocytes also need to rearrange their cognate receptor loci in a strictly ordered fashion. Hence, there must be a tightly coordinated communication between the recombination machinery and the transcriptional machinery (including chromatin regulators) at every developmental step. Mature B cells also undergo classswitch recombination and somatic hypermutation. Importantly, along the way, these cells must avoid autoimmune responses and only those cells capable of recognizing foreignantigens are preserved to reach peripheral organs where they must function. The exquisite regulation that govern chromatin accessibility, recombination and transcription regulation in response to the environmental signals in the immune system is discussed here is a series of articles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ananda L Roy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["immune response", " transcription", " Promoter", " Enhancer", " Chromatin"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1772/chromatin-transcriptional-tango-on-the-immune-dance-floor"], ["title", "Chromatin & Transcriptional Tango on the Immune Dance Floor"], ["doab_id", "17745"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195107"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195107"]], [["description", "Have you ever heard of a Hype-Cycle? It is a description that was put forward by an IT consultancy firm to describe certain phenomena that happen within the life cycle of new technology products. As Fenn and Raskino stated in their book (Fenn and Raskino 2008), a novel technology - a - \u201cTechnology Trigger\u201d - gives rise to a steep increase in interest, leading to the \u201cPeak of Inflated Expectations\u201d. Following an accumulation of more detailed knowledge on the technology and its short-comings, the stake holders may need to traverse a \u201cTrough of Disillusionment\u201d, which is followed by a shallower \u201cSlope of Enlightenment\u201d, before finally reaching the \u201cPlateau of Productivity\u201d. In spite of the limitations and criticisms levied on this over-simplified description of a technology\u2019s life-cycle, it is nonetheless able to describe well the situation we are all experiencing within the brain-machine-interfacing community. Our technology trigger was the development of batch-processed multisite neuronal interfaces based on silicon during the 1980s and 1990s (Sangler and Wise 1990, Campbell, Jones et al. 1991, Wise and Najafi 1991, Rousche and Normann 1992, Nordhausen, Maynard et al. 1996). This gave rise to a seemingly exponential growth of knowledge within the neurosciences, leading to the expectation of thought-controlled devices and prostheses for handicapped people in the very near future (Chapin, Moxon et al. 1999, Wessberg, Stambaugh et al. 2000, Chapin and Moxon 2001, Serruya, Hatsopoulos et al. 2002). Unfortunately, whereas significant steps towards artificial robotic limbs could have been implemented during the last decade (Johannes, Bigelow et al. 2011, Oung, Pohl et al. 2012, Belter, Segil et al. 2013), direct invasive intracortical interfacing was not quite able to keep up with these expectations. Insofar, we are currently facing the challenging, but tedious walk through the Trough of Disillusionment. Undoubtedly, more than two decades of intense research on brain-machine-interfaces (BMI\u2019s) have produced a tremendous wealth of information towards the ultimate goal: a clinically useful cortical prosthesis. Unfortunately even today - after huge fiscal efforts - the goal seems almost to be as far away as it was when it was originally put forward. At the very least, we have to state that one of the main challenges towards a clinical useful BMI has not been sufficiently answered yet: regarding the long term \u2013 or even truly chronic \u2013 stability of the neural cortical interface, as well as the signals it has to provide over a significant fraction of a human\u2019s lifespan. Even the recently demonstrated advances in BMI\u2019s in both humans and non-human primates have to deal with a severe decay of spiking activity that occurs over weeks and months (Chestek, Gilja et al. 2011, Hochberg, Bacher et al. 2012, Collinger, Kryger et al. 2014, Nuyujukian, Kao et al. 2014, Stavisky, Kao et al. 2014, Wodlinger, Downey et al. 2014) and resolve to simplified features to keep a brain-derived communication channel open (Christie, Tat et al. 2014)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ulrich G. Hofmann; Jurgen Kruger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Multisite neuronal recording", "foreign body reaction", "Gliosis", "indwelling implants", "Optical Coherence Tomography", "immuno labeling", "compliance match hypothesis", "flexible microprobes", "Hydrogel coating"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1743/the-chronic-challenge---in-vivo-long-term-multisite-contact-to-the-central-nervous-system"], ["title", "The chronic challenge - new vistas on long-term multisite contacts to the central nervous system"], ["doab_id", "17743"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195084"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195084"]], [["description", "In multicellular organisms, states with a high degree of tissue turnover like embryogenesis, development, and adult tissue homeostasis need an instantaneous, tightly regulated and immunologically silent clearance of these dying cells to ensure appropriate development of the embryo and adult tissue remodelling. The proper and swift clearance of apoptotic cells is essential to prevent cellular leakage of damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) which would lead to the stimulation of inflammatory cytokine responses. In addition to the clearance of apoptotic cells (efferocytosis), backup mechanisms are required to cope with DAMPs (HMGB-1, DNA, RNA, S100 molecules, ATP and adenosine) and other intracellular material (uric acid, intracellular proteins and their aggregates) released from cells, that were not properly cleared and have entered the stage of secondary necrosis. Furthermore, under certain pathologic conditions (e.g. gout, cancer, diabetes) non-apoptotic cell death may transiently occur (NETosis, necroptosis, pyroptosis) which generates material that also has to be cleared to avoid overloading tissues with non-functional cellular waste. Efficient efferocytosis is therefore indispensable for normal tissue turnover and homeostasis. The characterization of various signalling pathways that regulate this complex and evolutionary conserved process has shed light on new pathogenetic mechanisms of many diseases. Impaired clearance promotes initiation of autoimmunity as well as the perpetuation of chronic inflammation, but may also foster anti-tumor immunity under certain microenvironmental conditions. Immunological tolerance is continuously being challenged by the presence of post-apoptotic remnants in peripheral lymphoid tissues. Besides the autoimmune phenotype of chronic inflammatory rheumatoid disorders a plethora of pathologies have been associated with defects in genes involved in clearance, e.g. atherosclerosis, cancer, gout, diabetes, some forms of blindness, neuropathy, schizophrenia and Alzheimer\u2019s disease. The main goal of this research topic is to collect contributions from various disciplines committed to studying pathogenetic mechanisms of the aforementioned disorders and dealing with alterations in the clearance of dying and dead cells, their remnants, and their constituents that leak out after membrane rupture. Integrating the combined collection of knowledge on efferocytosis and clearance of dead cells and their derived waste from different fields of research in physiology and pathophysiology could improve the molecular understanding of these increasingly prevalent diseases and may ultimately result in new therapeutic strategies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luis Enrique Munoz; Christian Berens; Kirsten Lauber; Udo S. Gaipl; Martin Herrmann"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Apoptosis", "NETs", "Efferocytosis", "Phagocytosis", "Inflammation", "cell-remnants", "Cancer", "Autoimmunity", "Asthma"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2209/chronic-inflammation-in-conditions-associated-with-a-deficient-clearance-of-dying-and-dead-cells-the"], ["title", "Chronic inflammation in conditions associated with a deficient clearance of dying and dead cells, their remnants, and intracellular constituents"], ["doab_id", "19509"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196012"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196012"]], [["description", "This book is a study of the cultural and political history of Christian Iraq, the Church of the East, the so\u2013called \u2018Nestorians\u2019. This history is seen through the Chronicle of Seert, a medieval Arabic Chronicle that reuses sources written several centuries earlier. This monograph aims to isolate different layers of composition and looks for trends in the choice of material and the agenda of their historians. Each layer of the text provides insight into the social construction of \u2018orthodox belief\u2019 in Iraq and the church as an institution. A central narrative is the growing power of the bishops (catholicoi) of the Sasanian capital of Ctesiphon, their apostolic heritage, and their alliance with the Persian shahs. The monograph also considers the relationship of the catholicoi with monastic and scholarly centres and with Christian communities of the West. In each of these cases, the material that the Chronicle includes shows us how independent historical traditions were annexed by a narrative focused on Ctesiphon and its bishops. The monograph begins in the fifth century, when a series of abortive alliances between church and shah generated small-scale persecutions. It continues this story into the sixth and early seventh, when the church witnessed considerable growth in numbers and prestige. At each stage, we can see Christians rewriting the past to accommodate a new political and social situation, turning a murky past into a glorious golden age. The book concludes with a final chapter on the church under Muslim rule, when the Chronicle was compiled."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wood ,Philip"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Nestorian", "Orthodoxy", "Historiography", "Arabic", "Syriac", "Sasanian", "Persecution", "Late Antiquity", "Iraq", "Bishops", "East-West contact"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453481"], ["title", "The Chronicle of Seert: Christian Historical Imagination in Late Antique Iraq"], ["doab_id", "15529"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199670673"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199670673"]], [["description", "Ciaran Carson is one of the most challenging and inventive of contemporary Irish writers, exhibiting verbal brilliance, formal complexity, and intellectual daring across a remarkably varied body of work. This study considers the full range of his oeuvre, in poetry, prose, and translations, and discusses the major themes to which he returns, including: memory and history, narrative, language and translation, mapping, violence, and power. It argues that the singularity of Carson\u2019s writing is to be found in his radical imaginative engagements with ideas of space and place. The city of Belfast, in particular, occupies a crucially important place in his texts, serving as an imaginative focal point around which his many other concerns are constellated. The city, in all its volatile mutability, is an abiding frame of reference and a reservoir of creative impetus for Carson\u2019s imagination. Accordingly, the book adopts an interdisciplinary approach that draws upon geography, urbanism, and cultural theory as well as literary criticism. It provides both a stimulating and thorough introduction to Carson\u2019s work, and a flexible critical framework for exploring literary representations of space."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alexander ,Neal"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Contemporary poet", "Belfast", "Space", "Eigentijdse poezie", "Belfast", "Ruimte"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389226"], ["title", "Ciaran Carson"], ["doab_id", "13367"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846314780"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846314780"]], [["description", "Looting, despoiling temples, attempted rape and judicial murder: these are just some of the themes of this classic piece of writing by one of the world\u2019s greatest orators. This particular passage is from the second book of Cicero\u2019s Speeches against Verres, who was a former Roman magistrate on trial for serious misconduct. Cicero presents the lurid details of Verres\u2019 alleged crimes in exquisite and sophisticated prose.This volume provides a portion of the original text of Cicero\u2019s speech in Latin, a detailed commentary, study aids, and a translation. As a literary artefact, the speech gives us insight into how the supreme master of Latin eloquence developed what we would now call rhetorical \"spin\u201d. As an historical document, it provides a window into the dark underbelly of Rome\u2019s imperial expansion and exploitation of the Near East.Ingo Gildenhard\u2019s illuminating commentary on this A-Level set text will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both high school and undergraduate level. It will also be a valuable resource to Latin teachers and to anyone interested in Cicero, language and rhetoric, and the legal culture of Ancient Rome."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gildenhard, Ingo (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Latin", "A-Level Latin", "Ancient Rome", "rhetoric", "Ancient History", "legal history", "Latin textbook", "language", "Latin commentary", "translation", "Cicero", "interactive textbook", "Roman law"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/96"], ["title", "Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53"], ["doab_id", "14494"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924546"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924546"]], [["description", "In republican times, one of Rome's deadliest enemies was King Mithridates of Pontus. In 66 BCE, after decades of inconclusive struggle, the tribune Manilius proposed a bill that would give supreme command in the war against Mithridates to Pompey the Great, who had just swept the Mediterranean clean of another menace: the pirates. While powerful aristocrats objected to the proposal, which would endow Pompey with unprecedented powers, the bill proved hugely popular among the people, and one of the praetors, Marcus Tullius Cicero, also hastened to lend it his support. In his first ever political speech, variously entitled pro lege Manilia or de imperio Gnaei Pompei, Cicero argues that the war against Mithridates requires the appointment of a perfect general and that the only man to live up to such lofty standards is Pompey. In the section under consideration here, Cicero defines the most important hallmarks of the ideal military commander and tries to demonstrate that Pompey is his living embodiment. This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and a commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, the incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both AS and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis and historical background to encourage critical engagement with Cicero's prose and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gildenhard, Ingo (Author); Hodgson, Louise (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cicero", "Pompey", "De Imperio", "Pirates", "Ancient Rome", "Roman Republic"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/284"], ["title", "Cicero, On Pompey's Command (De Imperio), 27-49: Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, Commentary, and Translation"], ["doab_id", "16312"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740789", "9781783740796"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740789 9781783740796"]], [["description", "En el Sue\u00f1o de Escipi\u00f3n, \u00faltimo libro del De re publica, describiendo un viaje ultraterreno durante un sue\u00f1o,se refiere Cicer\u00f3n a la recompensa del gobernante virtuoso que busca el bien de su pueblo. \u00c9sta es aqu\u00ed la gloria terrena y en el m\u00e1s all\u00e1 la apoteosis. Lo que en el proemio es objeto de una deducci\u00f3n l\u00f3gica se convierte en el Somnium en la revelaci\u00f3n de una verdad eterna. La afirmaci\u00f3n ciceroniana de que el hombre tiene un lugar eminente apunta necesariamente a la divina fundamentaci\u00f3n del mundo. Y toda la actividad humana que le da un lugar eminente es una actividad de mediaci\u00f3n. El Somnium pertenece al tipo de sue\u00f1o oracular y admonitorio en el cual Cicer\u00f3n preanuncia la gloria celestial para el gobernante virtuoso, pero las circunstancias en las que se desarrolla este sue\u00f1o son particulares y no pertenece al \u00e1mbito de la adivinaci\u00f3n."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sustersic, Mar\u00eda Estanislada (tr. e introd)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Literatura latina ", " Historia antigua ", " "]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es", "la"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/57"], ["title", "Ciceronis. Somnium scipionis"], ["doab_id", "17897"], ["language_unmapped", "spa ; lat ; slv "], ["isbns", ["9789503412428"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412428 "]], [["description", "Pois \u00e9 exatamente aqui que se coloca o presente livro: \u00e9 um grupo de cidad\u00e3os/\u00e3s que decidem dizer sua palavra, na nova \u201cagor\u00e1\u201d, que \u00e9 a discuss\u00e3o e constru\u00e7\u00e3o te\u00f3rica que se realiza nas academias e nas pr\u00e1ticas sociais. Esse livro n\u00e3o \u00e9 somente \u201cfala\u201d: ele \u00e9 a\u00e7\u00e3o, ele \u00e9 dimens\u00e3o essencial na constru\u00e7\u00e3o da cidadania atrav\u00e9s da participa\u00e7\u00e3o consciente e cr\u00edtica dos diversos atores/ autores/as que a ABRAPSO vem congregando, incentivando e fundamentando para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma sociedade eticamente justa, economicamente equitativa, politicamente participativa, culturalmente plural, socialmente democr\u00e1tica e solid\u00e1ria."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silveira, Andr\u00e9a F.; Gewehr, Catarina; Bonin, Luiz Fernando R.; Bulgacov, Yara L. M."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hn3q6"], ["title", "Cidadania e participa\u00e7\u00e3o social"], ["doab_id", "16660"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662885"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662885"]], [["description", "No livro aqui apresentado encontra-se uma s\u00e9rie de recomenda\u00e7\u00f5es de Marques de Melo, ou conforme suas pr\u00f3prias palavras, \u201cuma li\u00e7\u00e3o de casa\u201d para as novas gera\u00e7\u00f5es colaborarem, de modo decisivo, com o avan\u00e7o do ensino e da pr\u00e1tica da comunica\u00e7\u00e3o em todas as regi\u00f5es brasileiras.(trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Melo, Jos\u00e9 Marques de"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o \u2013 Aspectos sociol\u00f3gicos, \u00c9tica, Cidadania, Sociedade Digital"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5nbzq"], ["title", "Cidadania glocal, identidade nordestina: \u00e9tica da comunica\u00e7\u00e3o na era da internet"], ["doab_id", "16247"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791254"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791254"]], [["description", "Bela e criteriosa sele\u00e7\u00e3o de imagens das expedi\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ao interior do Brasil nos anos de 1911-1913. Ao percorrer extensas \u00e1reas da Amaz\u00f4nia e da regi\u00e3o Nordeste, os expedicion\u00e1rios n\u00e3o s\u00f3 realizaram o levantamento das condi\u00e7\u00f5es m\u00e9dico-sanit\u00e1rias de tais popula\u00e7\u00f5es, como tamb\u00e9m possibilitaram um minucioso registro de aspectos geogr\u00e1ficos, econ\u00f4micos e socioculturais dos lugares visitados. Proporciona uma reflex\u00e3o em torno da linguagem fotogr\u00e1fica que, conjugada \u00e0 pesquisa sobre a evolu\u00e7\u00e3o das pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, revela aspectos originais da mem\u00f3ria da sa\u00fade e das ci\u00eancias biom\u00e9dicas no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Intituto Oswaldo Cruz. Casa de Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "1992"], ["subject", ["Brasil - Instituto de pesquisa - Fontes hist\u00f3ricas, Institutos de pesquisa - Brasil - "]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5vx2d"], ["title", "A Ci\u00eancia a caminho da ro\u00e7a: imagens das expedi\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz ao interior do Brasil entre 1911 e 1913 "], ["doab_id", "16458"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413074"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413074"]], [["description", "Fundamental contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a hist\u00f3ria da ci\u00eancia e das institui\u00e7\u00f5es biom\u00e9dicas no Brasil - apresenta ao leitor cientistas que marcaram \u00e9poca como, por exemplo, o pesquisador Antonio Carini, a quem se deve a descoberta de um parasita causador da pneumonia, denominado Pneumocystis carinii, bastante citado como um microorganismo 'oportunista' em portadores de HIV. O autor constr\u00f3i seu objeto a partir de fontes praticamente inexploradas: os arquivos do Instituto Pasteur paulista. Al\u00e9m disso, partindo do objeto emp\u00edrico, talentosamente formula uma interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o sedutora e convincente, ao discutir quest\u00f5es de sua pesquisa com base em competentes coleta de dados e manipula\u00e7\u00e3o de conceitos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Teixeira, Luiz Antonio"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Academias e institutos - hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rjvhk"], ["title", "Ci\u00eancia e Sa\u00fade na Terra dos Bandeirantes: a trajet\u00f3ria do Instituto Pasteur de S\u00e3o Paulo no per\u00edodo de 1903-1916"], ["doab_id", "16394"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412862"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412862"]], [["description", "Jean-Louis Comolli\u2019s six-part essay Technique and Ideologyhad a revolutionary effect on film theory and history when it first appeared in Cahiers du Cin\u00e9ma in 1971. In 2009, Comolli revisited his earlier text, arguing that the present age, marked by the total dominance of media-filtered spectacle over image production, makes the need for an 'emancipated, critical spectator' more pressing than ever. In this volume, Daniel Fairfax presents annotated translations of these two texts to provide an overview of Comolli\u2019s activity as both a theorist and a filmmaker."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Comolli ,Jean-Louis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Film Theory", "Ideology Cinema and Politics", "Film History", "Cahiers du cin\u00e9ma"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611591"], ["title", "Cinema against Spectacle: Technique and Ideology Revisited"], ["doab_id", "16639"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645548"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645548"]], [["description", "In the lead essay for this volume, Joshua Foa Dienstag engages in a critical encounter with the work of Stanley Cavell on cinema, focusing sceptical attention on the claims made for the contribution of cinema to the ethical character of democratic life.\u00a0In this debate, Dienstag mirrors the celebrated dialogue between Rousseau and Jean D'Alembert on theatre, casting Cavell as D'Alembert in his view that we can learn to become better citizens and better people by observing a staged representation of human life, with Dienstag arguing, after Rousseau, that this misunderstands the relationship between original and copy, even more so in the medium of film than in the medium of theatre. The argument is developed further by essays from Clare Woodford, Tracy B. Strong, Margaret Kohn, Davide Panagia and Thomas Dunn, to which Dienstag responds in the concluding chapter, 'A reply to my critics'."], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Dienstag Foa ,Joshua"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Cinema", "Stanley Cavell", "ethics", "political theory", "democracy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=611311.xhtml"], ["title", "Cinema, democracy and perfectionism: Joshua Foa Dienstag in dialogue"], ["doab_id", "19257"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781784997359"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781784997359"]], [["description", "This anthology explores new periods, practices and definitions of what it means to love the cinema. The essays demonstrate that beyond individualist immersion in film, typical of the cinephilia as it was popular from the 1950s to the 1970s, a new type of cinephilia has emerged since the 1980s, practiced by a new generation of equally devoted, but quite differently networked cinephilies. They obsess over the nuances of a Douglas Sirk or Ingmar Bergman film; they revel in books such as Fran\u00e7ois Truffaut's Hitchcock; they happily subscribe to the Sundance Channel-they are the rare breed known as cinephiles. Though much has been made of the classic era of cinephilia from the 1950s to the 1970s, Cinephilia documents the latest generation of cinephiles and their use of new technologies. With the advent of home theaters, digital recordings devices, and online film communities, cinephiles today pursue their dedication to film outside of institutional settings. A radical new history of film culture, Cinephilia breaks new ground for students and scholars alike.

Ze maken zich druk over symbolische details in een Douglas Sirk of Ingmar Bergman film; ze begraven zich in boeken als Fran\u00e7ois Truffaut's Hitchcock; ze nemen met liefde een abonnement op het art-house filmkanaal en ze staan ook wel bekend als 'cinefielen' - filmliefhebbers. Na de vele studies over de klassieke periode van 'cinephilia' - van de vijftiger tot de zeventiger jaren - richt dit boek zich op de nieuwste generatie filmliefhebbers en de manier waarop zij gebruik maken van de nieuwste technologie\u00ebn. Door de komst van 'home theatres', digitale opneemmogelijkheden en online filmcommunities, zoeken hedendaagse 'cinefielen' hun heil buiten de institutionele kanalen. Met een geheel nieuwe episode in de geschiedenis van filmcultuur, opent Cinephilia een nog onontgonnen terrein voor studenten en onderzoekers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Valck de ,Marijke; Hagener ,Malte"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340201"], ["title", "Cinephilia : Movies, Love and Memory"], ["doab_id", "12884"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567685"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567685"]], [["description", "\"Desde a d\u00e9cada de 1960, as pr\u00e1ticas criativas em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Musical t\u00eam sido alvo de interesse e estudo de muitos educadores musicais/ compositores em todo o mundo. Esteve tamb\u00e9m bastante presente no Brasil, com as propostas de Hans-Joachim Koellreutter e Conrado Silva, entre muitos outros. Assinale-se, tamb\u00e9m, a presen\u00e7a no pa\u00eds do canadense Murray Schafer a partir de 1990, que exerceu grande influ\u00eancia nos estudos dessa tem\u00e1tica, desde que come\u00e7ou a visitar o Instituto de Artes da Unesp e a ter seus livros publicados no Brasil.Recentemente, em 2011 e 2012, prosseguindo em sua tradi\u00e7\u00e3o de pesquisar esse tema, o GEPEM \u2013 Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Musical \u2013, sediado no IA/Unesp, recebeu a visita da pesquisadora e docente Chefa Alonso, musicista espanhola especializada em t\u00e9cnicas de Improvisa\u00e7\u00e3o Livre, em que se destaca o trabalho sistem\u00e1tico de cria\u00e7\u00e3o e improvisa\u00e7\u00e3o com instrumentos, voz e corpo.A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o com as pr\u00e1ticas criativas em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Musical \u00e9 o germe de toda pesquisa desenvolvida pelo GEPEM no decorrer dos anos e a vinda de Chefa Alonso contribuiu fortemente com as investiga\u00e7\u00f5es do grupo. Sua experi\u00eancia enriqueceu o trabalho e refor\u00e7ou a percep\u00e7\u00e3o da import\u00e2ncia de se aprofundar no estudo dessa tem\u00e1tica e em sua aplica\u00e7\u00e3o em diferentes contextos, nas escolas, projetos sociais e em cursos profissionalizantes e superiores de M\u00fasica.No presente trabalho, Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada oferece ao leitor o resultado de sua pesquisa na \u00e1rea de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Musical, partindo da an\u00e1lise da experi\u00eancia de Chefa Alonso e enveredando por uma profunda reflex\u00e3o a respeito do tema, gra\u00e7as \u00e0 colabora\u00e7\u00e3o de educadores musicais de todo o pa\u00eds, consultados por internet, e de pesquisadores brasileiros e espanh\u00f3is entrevistados. Em Ciranda de sons, apresenta-se um levantamento in\u00e9dito de como o assunto tem sido tratado no Brasil, tanto no que se refere \u00e0 produ\u00e7\u00e3o acad\u00eamica quanto no que diz respeito \u00e0 atua\u00e7\u00e3o de professores de m\u00fasica brasileiros de diferentes forma\u00e7\u00f5es e que atuam em m\u00faltiplos espa\u00e7os, assim contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da \u00e1rea da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Musical.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fonterrada, Marisa Trench de Oliveira"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7cs92"], ["title", "Ciranda de sons: pr\u00e1ticas criativas em educa\u00e7\u00e3o musical"], ["doab_id", "19915"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334607"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334607"]], [["description", "Circos e Palha\u00e7os Brasileiros apresenta, em forma de cat\u00e1logo, documenta\u00e7\u00e3o iconogr\u00e1fica e escrita de alguns circos brasileiros e seus palha\u00e7os. De outubro de 1997 a julho de 2000 foram visitados diversos circos, em v\u00e1rias regi\u00f5es do pa\u00eds, com o objetivo de documentar o universo dos palha\u00e7os, dentro e fora do picadeiro. Al\u00e9m do resgate do seu repert\u00f3rio c\u00eanico (entradas, esquetes, com\u00e9dias e dramas), foram inclu\u00eddos neste registro os recursos materiais dos circos (pequenos e grandes), os palha\u00e7os no circo-teatro, os palha\u00e7os de palco, os tapa-buracos dos circos grandes, o papel do palha\u00e7o nos espet\u00e1culos dos pequenos circos, a quantidade e qualidade do repert\u00f3rio encenado, as opini\u00f5es dos artistas acerca da profiss\u00e3o etc."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bolognesi, Mario Fernando"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PERFORMING ARTS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gnfy3"], ["title", "Circos e palha\u00e7os brasileiros"], ["doab_id", "16783"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830211"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830211"]], [["description", "Classifications of circulation weather systems have a long history in meteorology and climatology. Starting with manual classifications over specific regions of the globe, these tools (generally called \u201ccatalogs of synoptic types\u201d) were restricted mainly to weather forecasting and historical climate variability studies. In the last decades, the advance of computing resources and the availability of datasets have fostered the development of fast and objective methods that process large amount of data. In recent years numerous methods of circulation type classification have been designed, showing their usefulness on a wide range of applications in scientific domains related to weather, climate, and environment. This Research Topic highlights methodological advances in circulation weather types and also their applications to different research areas. The articles included in this research topic show that circulation weather types can be used not only in Europe, where they have been always more frequent, but also applied to other regions of the world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexandre M. Ramos; David Barriopedro; Emanuel Dutra"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["circulation weather types", "climate variability", "Synoptic climatology", "Surface climate", "extreme events", "Lagrangian air trajectories", "Central America", "Maritime Continent", "Saudi Arabia", "Australia"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2450/circulation-weather-types-as-a-tool-in-atmospheric-climate-and-environmental-research"], ["title", "Circulation Weather types as a tool in atmospheric, climate and environmental research"], ["doab_id", "19544"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196418"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196418"]], [["description", "Michael Keren traces the political lives and messages of some of the twentieth century's greatest literary characters in this insightful and jargon-free book of literary criticism. Hans Castorp (Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain), Joseph K. (Franz Kafka's The Trial), John the Savage (Aldous Huxley's Brave New World), Winston Smith (George Orwell's 1984), Ralph (William Golding's Lord of the Flies), Merusault (Albert Camus's The Stranger), Ida Ramundo (Elsa Morante's History), and Chauncey Gardiner (Jerzy Kosinski's Being There) participate in ideological, technological, and organizational projects of the twentieth century. Keren observes these infamous characters' behaviours and attitudes while they struggle through world wars, the rise and fall of totalitarianism, the Holocaust, the development of the atomic bomb, de-colonization, the Cold War, and globalization. Here is a refreshing contribution to civil society theory that makes a pioneering effort to cross the boundaries between politics, literature, and culture. A study of the human condition via literature, The Citizen's Voice expounds the key features of a \"good citizen\" while offering a perfect discussion piece for courses in political theory, politics and literature, and history. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Michael Keren"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49313/1/UofCPress_CitizensVoice_2003.pdf"], ["title", "the Citizen's Voice: Twentieth-Century Politics and Literature"], ["doab_id", "15393"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386699"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386699"]], [["description", "The book is the fruit of five years of on-site research on citizenship in the Arab world. It takes a broader legal perspective to the multifaceted reality of nationality and citizenship. The methodology employed builds on the interdisciplinary approach of comparative legal studies, and brings in theories, concepts and insights from anthropology, political science, Arab and Islamic studies, linguistics and sociology. The work relies on a broad range of Western and Arab references, and all sources and documents were directly accessed in their original languages; this is particularly relevant for Arab legislation (all in-text reference has been translated by the author, and the original has been inserted using scientific transliteration).

Gianluca P. Parolin deed vijf jaar lang onderzoek naar burgerschap in het Midden-Oosten. In dit boek plaatst de auteur dit begrip in een breder juridisch perspectief naar de maatstaven van de complexe realiteit van nationaliteit en burgerschap. Wetten op het gebied van nationaliteit zijn vaak gebaseerd op staten en worden als volledig soeverein beschouwd. Maar deze wetten zijn alleen effectief als rekening gehouden wordt met de culturele en juridische achtergrond van de burgers waarop ze van toepassing zijn."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Parolin ,Gianluca P."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Sociology", "Anthropologie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340036"], ["title", "Citizenship in the Arab World : Kin, Religion and Nation-State"], ["doab_id", "12755"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640451"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640451"]], [["description", "This action research jointly undertaken by the Center for Conflict Manage-ment in Butare and the Haute Ecole de Travail Social in Geneva aims at analysing and supporting pilot experiences by community actors in post-genocide Rwanda. Such experiences are analysed through dialogs involving field actors, Rwandan and Swiss researchers. Special attention is paid to managing conflicts related to identity and memory and rebuilding social solidarity among citizens. Expected benefits include training of field actors and those involved in reconciliation work in general.

Le g\u00e9nocide des Tutsi du Rwanda en 1994 a \u00e9t\u00e9 qualifi\u00e9 tr\u00e8s justement de g\u00e9nocide de proximit\u00e9. Dans un tel contexte, une politique de r\u00e9conciliation volontaire impuls\u00e9e d\u2019en haut, travail de longue haleine, ne peut porter ses fruits qu\u2019en allant \u00e0 la rencontre d\u2019un mouvement ascendant \u00e9mergeant des communaut\u00e9s de base. C\u2019est l\u00e0 que se conjuguent, \u00e9troitement imbriqu\u00e9s dans le quotidien, les enjeux de la reconstruction: la lutte contre la pauvret\u00e9, la restauration de la confiance, le partage des r\u00e9cits qui joue un r\u00f4le d\u00e9cisif tant au niveau national que dans les relations intrafamiliales et entre voisins.Comment, en s\u2019associant au sein de communaut\u00e9s, affronte-t-on l\u2019ensemble de ces enjeux ? C\u2019est ce que des chercheurs du Centre de Gestion de Conflits de Butare et de la Haute Ecole de Travail Social de Gen\u00e8ve ont voulu \u00e9clairer \u00e0 travers la coop\u00e9ration qu\u2019ils ont instaur\u00e9e avec trois associations de la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 civile, impliquant diff\u00e9rents groupes divis\u00e9s par le g\u00e9nocide. En d\u00e9veloppant une recherche-action, les chercheurs ont mis en place au sein de trois projets pilotes, un dispositif de formation des acteurs et de renforcement de leurs capacit\u00e9s pour qu\u2019au del\u00e0 de la r\u00e9conciliation, ceux-ci tracent le chemin d\u2019une v\u00e9ritable citoyennet\u00e9 d\u00e9mocratique."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Junod ,Roland; Rutayisire ,Paul"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Citizenship", "discrimination", "human rights", "pedagogy", "social work", "training", "Citoyennet\u00e9", "formation / p\u00e9dagogie", "intervention en travail social", "discrimination", "droits humains"]], ["publisher", "Editions IES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578314"], ["title", "Citoyennet\u00e9 et r\u00e9conciliation au Rwanda"], ["doab_id", "17543"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782882241412"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782882241412"]], [["description", "This title is the first ever book-length study of the cinematic representation of Paris in the films of German emigr\u00e9 filmmakers, who found there a first refuge from Hitler. In coming to Paris - the privileged site in terms of production, exhibition as well as the cinematic imaginary of French film culture - these experienced film professionals encountered also a darker side: hostility toward Germans, anti-Semitism, as well as boycotts from French industry personnel, afraid of losing their jobs to foreigners. The book juxtaposes the cinematic portrayal of Paris in the films of Robert Siodmak, Billy Wilder, Fritz Lang, Max Oph\u00fcls, Anatol Litvak and others with the wider social and cultural debates about the city in the cinema.

City of Darkness, City of Light is de eerste monografie over de representatie van Parijs in de films van uitgeweken Duitse filmmakers die tijdens Hitlers bewind hun toevlucht zochten in de 'Lichtstad'. Met hun komst naar Parijs - de plaats bij uitstek voor de productie, vertoning en de verbeelding van de Franse filmcultuur - leerden deze ervaren filmprofessionals ook de keerzijde van de stad kennen: een vijandige houding jegens Duitsers, anti-semitisme en boycots van Fransen die werkzaam waren in de filmindustrie en bang waren hun baan te verliezen aan de buitenlanders. City of Darkness, City of Light vergelijkt de cinematografische verbeelding van Parijs in de films van Robert Siodmak, Billy Wilder, Fritz Lang, Max Oph\u00fcls, Anatol Litvak en vele anderen met de bredere sociale en culturele debatten over de stad in de cinema."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Phillips ,Alastair"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340228"], ["title", "City of Darkness, City of Light : Emigr\u00e9 Filmmakers in Paris 1929-1939"], ["doab_id", "12911"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566336"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566336"]], [["description", "This collection of essays documents the ways in which educational institutions and the arts community responded to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. While firmly rooted in concrete projects, Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina also addresses the larger issues raised by committed public scholarship. How can higher education institutions engage with their surrounding communities? What are the pros and cons of \"\"asset-based\"\" and \"\"outreach\"\" models of civic engagement? Is it appropriate for the private sector to play a direct role in promoting civic engagement? How does public scholarship impact traditional standards of academic evaluation? Throughout the volume, this diverse collection of essays paints a remarkably consistent and persuasive account of arts-based initiatives' ability to foster social and civic renewal."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amy Koritz and George J. Sanchez, Editors"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.6869078.0001.001"], ["title", "Civic Engagement in the Wake of Katrina"], ["doab_id", "14517"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472116980", "9780472033522", "9780472024483"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472116980 Paper: 9780472033522 Ebook Formats: 9780472024483"]], [["description", "Structures and processes occurring within and between states are no longer the only \u2013 or even the most important - determinants of those political, economic and social developments and dynamics that shape the modern world. Many issues, including the environment, health, crime, drugs, migration and terrorism, can no longer be contained within national boundaries. As a result, it is not always possible to identify the loci for authority and legitimacy, and the role of governments has been called into question. Civil Society anf International Governance critically analyses the increasing impact of nongovernmental organisations and civil society on global and regional governance. Written from the standpoint of advocates of civil society and addressing the role of civil society in relation to the UN, the IMF, the G8 and the WTO, this volume assess the role of various non-state actors from three perspectives: theoretical aspects, civil society interaction with the European Union and civil society and regional governance outside Europe, specifically Africa, East Asia and the Middle East. It demonstrates that civil society\u2019s role has been more complex than one defined in terms, essentially, of resistance and includes actual participation in governance as well as multi-facetted contributions to legitimising and democratising global and regional governance. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of political science, international relations, civil society, sociology, European politics and global governance.1. Introduction David Armstrong and Julie Gilson Part 1: Theory 2. Civil Society and the Democratisation of Global Public Space Debora Spini 3. Collective and Social Identity: A Theoretical Analysis of the Role of Civil Society in the Construction of Supra-National Societies Valeria Bello 4. Organized Civil Society and Political Representation in the EU Arena Carlo Ruzza Part 2: The European Union 5. Europeanization of Non-State Actors: Towards a Framework for Analysis Karolina Boro?ska-Hryniewiecka 6. Between Localisation and Europeanisation: Non-Governmental Organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina Erica Panighello 7. European Integration, Cross-Border Cooperation and Third-Sector Mobilizations in the Basque Country Xabier It\u00e7aina Part 3: Civil Society Outside Europe 8. Governance and Non-Governmental Organisations in East Asia: Building Region-Wide Coalitions Julie Gilson 9. Civil Society and Regional Governance in Eastern and Southern Africa Andr\u00e9as Gods\u00e4ter and Frederik S\u00f6derbaum 10. The Role of Civil Society in Regional Governance in the Middle East Michael Shulz 11. Transnational Labour Mobilization in the Americas Marcelo Saguier"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Armstrong ,David; Bello ,Valeria; Gilson ,Julie; Spini ,Debora"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Global Governance", "Protest Movements", "International Politics", "Postgraduate", "Politics", "International relations", "Sociology", "Wereld politiek", "Protest groeperingen", "Internationale politiek", "Postdoctoraal student", "Internationale relaties", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391030"], ["title", "Civil Society and International Governance : The Role of Non-State Actors in the EU, Africa, Asia and Middle East"], ["doab_id", "13372"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415590631"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415590631"]], [["description", "This volume looks at the role that civil society organizations play in generating or alleviating conflict and violence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wolfgang Dorner; Regina A List"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780931036"], ["title", "Civil Society, Conflict and Violence"], ["doab_id", "15447"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780931036"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780931036"]], [["description", "This book contains the proceedings of the first international conference organised by the Centro di Studi sulla civilt\u00e0 comunale of the University of Florence, and offers a fine overview of the contribution made by international historiography to the history of the Italian Comunes. One of the most significant periods in the country's past is addressed here by some of the leading international specialists through the reconstruction of the approaches, issues and outcomes of the principal foreign historiographies (German, French, American, Spanish and English). The result is a fairly articulated picture of how the civilisation of the Comune has been treated and appraised over time outside Italy. Consequently, the book is offered as an updated tool of historiographic reflection and as a useful yardstick for studies devoted to the European urban world.

Il volume \u2013 che raccoglie gli atti del primo convegno internazionale organizzato dal Centro di Studi sulla civilt\u00e0 comunale dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze \u2013 offre un ricco bilancio del contributo che la storiografia internazionale ha apportato alla storia dell'Italia comunale. Uno dei periodi tra i pi\u00f9 rilevanti del passato del nostro paese \u00e8 qui affrontato da alcuni tra i maggiori specialisti a livello internazionale attraverso la ricostruzione dei percorsi, delle tematiche e dei risultati conseguiti dalle principali storiografie straniere (tedesca, francese, americana, spagnola e inglese). Ne emerge un quadro assai articolato di come l'esperienza della civilt\u00e0 comunale sia stata trattata e valutata nel tempo fuori dall'Italia. Il volume si propone pertanto come un aggiornato strumento di riflessione storiografica e di utile confronto per gli studi dedicati al mondo urbano europeo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Municipality", "Middle Ages", "Comune", "Medioevo"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343876"], ["title", "La civilt\u00e0 comunale italiana nella storiografia internazionale"], ["doab_id", "13009"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884535757"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884535757"]], [["description", "The work of the German missionaries on South Australian languages in the first half of the nineteenth century has few contemporary parallels for thoroughness and clarity. This commentary on the grammatical introduction to Pastor Clamor Sch\u00fcrmann\u2019s Vocabulary of the Parnkalla language of 1844 reconstructs a significant amount of Barngarla morphology, phonology and syntax.It should be seen as one of a number of starting points for language-reclamation endeavours in Barngarla, designed primarily for educators and other people who may wish to re-present its interpretations in ways more accessible to non-linguists, and more suited to pedagogical practice."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Clendon ,Mark"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["barngarla", "indigenous languages", "indigenous culture", "aboriginal languages", "aboriginal culture", "clamor schurmann", "language reclamation", "parnkalla", "a vocabulary of the parnkalla language"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577015"], ["title", "Clamor Sch\u00fcrmann's Barngarla grammar: A commentary on the first section of A vocabulary of the Parnkalla language"], ["doab_id", "17314"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261110"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261110"]], [["description", "

As Samuel Richardson's 'exemplar to her sex,\u2019 Clarissa in the eponymous novel published in 1748 is the paradigmatic female victim. In Clarissa\u2019s Ciphers, Terry Castle delineates the ways in which, in a world where only voice carries authority, Clarissa is repeatedly silenced, both metaphorically and literally. A victim of rape, she is first a victim of hermeneutic abuse. Drawing on feminist criticism and hermeneutic theory, Castle examines the question of authority in the novel. By tracing the patterns of abuse and exploitation that occur when meanings are arbitrarily and violently imposed, she explores the sexual politics of reading.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Castle, Terry"], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Samuel Richardson, hermeneutics, Clarissa, feminist criticism, sexual politics, reader-response criticism "]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23184035/9781501707148.pdf"], ["title", "Clarissa's Ciphers"], ["doab_id", "19888"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707148"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707148"]], [["description", "History and culture of Latin American ethnic communities and political challenges today"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ethnic communities", "Latin America", "popular culture", "political discourse"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619613"], ["title", "Los claroscuros del debate. Pueblos Ind\u00edgenas, Colonialismo y Subalternidad en Am\u00e9rica del Sur. Siglos XX y XXI"], ["doab_id", "19970"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416461"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416461"]], [["description", "The ability to construct a nuanced narrative or complex character in the constrained form of the short story has sometimes been seen as the ultimate test of an author's creativity. Yet during the time when the short story was at its most popular\u2014the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries\u2014even the greatest writers followed strict generic conventions that were far from subtle.This expanded and updated translation of Florence Goyet's influential La Nouvelle, 1870-1925: Description d'un genre \u00e0 son apog\u00e9e (Paris, 1993) is the only study to focus exclusively on this classic period across different continents. Ranging through French, English, Italian, Russian and Japanese writing\u2014particularly the stories of Guy de Maupassant, Henry James, Giovanni Verga, Anton Chekhov and Akutagawa Ryunosuke\u2014Goyet shows that these authors were able to create brilliant and successful short stories using the very simple 'tools of brevity' of that period.In this challenging and far-reaching study, Goyet looks at classic short stories in the context in which they were read at the time: cheap newspapers and higher-end periodicals. She demonstrates that, despite the apparent intention of these stories to question bourgeois ideals, they mostly affirmed the prejudices of their readers. In doing so, her book forces us to re-think our preconceptions about this 'forgotten' genre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Goyet, Florence (Author); Freccero, Yvonne (Translator)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Florence Goyet", "Guy de Maupassant", "Henry James", "Giovanni Verga", "Anton Chekhov", "Akutagawa Ry?nosuke", "Short Stories"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/199"], ["title", "The Classic Short Story, 1870-1925: Theory of a Genre"], ["doab_id", "15685"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254763"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254763"]], [["description", "The claustrum is a long, band-like grey matter structure situated in the ventrolateral telencephalon of most, if not all, mammalian brains. Due to its shape and close proximity to white matter structures and insular cortex, the anatomy and behavioral relevance of the claustrum have proven difficult to study. As a result, disagreements in the literature exist over ontogeny, phylogeny, anatomical boundaries, and connectivity. Despite this, it is generally regarded that the claustrum contains excitatory projection neurons that reciprocally connect to most regions of the cerebral cortex, a feature that has fostered varying hypotheses as to its function. These hypotheses propose multisensory integration, coordination of cortical activity for the generation of conscious percepts, or saliency filtration. The articles of this e-book consider the historical and recent highlights in claustrum structure, hodology, and function and seek to provide a compelling way forward for this \u201chidden\u201d nucleus."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ariel Y Deutch; Brian N. Mathur"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["claustrum", "insula", "insular cortex", "Prefrontal Cortex", "Cingulate cortex", "Attention", "conciousness", "comparative anatomy", "connectivity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1745/the-claustrum-charting-a-way-forward-for-the-brains-most-mysterious-nucleus"], ["title", "The Claustrum: charting a way forward for the brain's most mysterious nucleus"], ["doab_id", "18151"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195428"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195428"]], [["description", "Recent years have shown an increase in interest in the study of cleanliness from a historical and sociological perspective. Many of such studies on bathing and washing, on keeping the body and the streets clean, and on filth and the combat of dirt, focus on Europe.In Cleanliness and culture attention shifts to the tropics, to Indonesia, in colonial times as well as in the present. Subjects range from the use of soap and the washing of clothes as a pretext to claim superiority of race and class to how references to being clean played a role in a campaign against European homosexuals in the Netherlands Indies at the end of the 1930s. Other topics are eerie skin diseases and the sanitary measures to eliminate them, and how misconceptions about lack of hygiene as the cause of illness hampered the findingof a cure. Attention is also drawn to differences in attitude towards performing personal body functions outdoors and retreating to the privacy of the bathroom, to traditional bathing ritual and to the modern tropical Spa culture as a manifestation of a New Asian lifestyle.With contributions by Bart Barendregt, Marieke Bloembergen, Kees van Dijk, Mary Somers Heidhues, David Henley, George Quinn, and Jean Gelman Taylor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijk van ,Kees; Taylor ,Jean Gelman "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "hygiene", "cleanliness", "colonial politics", "colonial history", "cultural anthropology", "sociology"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=403202"], ["title", "Cleanliness and culture: Indonesian histories"], ["doab_id", "14622"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183758", "9789004253612"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183758 9789004253612"]], [["description", "Cannabis remains the most commonly used illicit substance world-wide, with international estimates indicating that 2.8%-4.5% of the global population use cannabis each year. This prevalence rate has not changed substantially in the past decade and there is no indication that it will do so in the next decade. In line with this, many prominent organizations and individuals have acknowledged that the \u201cwar on drugs\u201d has failed and are now calling for a rethink on drug-related policy and legal frameworks. With a growing number of jurisdictions across the world heeding this call and introducing legislation to decriminalize or legalize cannabis use, it is essential that any changes to legal frameworks and public health policies are based on the best available scientific evidence. To facilitate the adoption of an evidence-based approach to cannabis policy, the aim of this Research Topic was to gather a comprehensive body of research to clarify the current state of evidence relating to cannabis use. Of interest were articles addressing the following questions: \u2022 How do we study cannabis use? (e.g., recruitment; measuring dose/use; assessing dependence/problematic use; confounding; translation of findings from animal studies) \u2022 What do we know about cannabis use? (e.g., patterns, contexts, methods of use) \u2022 What do we know about people who use cannabis? (e.g., who uses cannabis and why) \u2022 What are the social settings, norms and cultural values that go along with cannabis use? \u2022 How is problematic cannabis use, as opposed to mere use, defined, judged and constructed in different societies? \u2022 What do we know about the effects/outcomes of cannabis use? (e.g., acute, short- and long-term; harms/ benefits) \u2022 What do we know about the factors associated with the initiation, continuance and cessation of cannabis use? \u2022 What do we know about the medicinal use of cannabis? (e.g., who uses medicinally and why; efficacy/effectiveness in different clinical populations; comparison with other medications) \u2022 What do we know about treatment for people who engage in problematic cannabis use? (e.g., who seeks/is referred to treatment and why; efficacy and effectiveness) \u2022 What do we know about cannabis? (e.g., pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics of different strains, cultivation, preparation and consumption methods) \u2022 How do policy and legal frameworks impact on the people who use cannabis? \u2022 What is the future for cannabis research? (e.g., potential avenues for future research; aspects needing more attention; innovative approaches; political/funding issues affecting cannabis research)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth C. Temple; Richard Hammersley; Margriet van Laar; Rhonda F. Brown"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cannabis", "marijuana", "Cannabinoids", "Addiction", "psychosis", "Affective disorders anxiety", "drug policy", "legalization", "normalization"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1138/clearing-the-smokescreen-the-current-evidence-on-cannabis-use"], ["title", "Clearing the smokescreen: The current evidence on cannabis use"], ["doab_id", "17823"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195275"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195275"]], [["description", "Clerical Ideology in a Revolutionary Age clearly delineates the role of the Catholic Church in the making of Mexico as a nation. It provides a nuanced sense of clerical thought during the turbulent years leading to and following Mexico's national independence. Connaughton delves deeply into various primary sources from Guadalajara between 1788 and 1853, including printed sermons of high clergymen, contemporaneous newspapers, pamphletry, and pastoral letters. Analyzing this literature in the broader context of the Enlightenment, Connaughton looks at the Enlightenment's potentially corrosive ideas, the rise of liberalism, the complex relationship between Church and State, and the spread of secular mentality. With a balanced approach to clerical discourse, this study of the substance, contradictions, and evolution of Church thinking and political posturing in the face of Bourbon Reforms and the rise of liberalism should be required reading for any student or scholar of Mexican history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brian F. Connaughton"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/jspui/bitstream/1880/49339/1/UofCPress_ClericalIdeology_2003.pdf"], ["title", "Clerical Ideology in a Revolutionary Age: The Guadalajara Church and the Idea of the Mexican Nation, 1788-1853"], ["doab_id", "15394"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386767"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386767"]], [["description", "In Western civilization, we have come to regard the body as an instrument or a machine that responds to external challenges but does not have a life or creativity of its own. Thanks to some of its inherent capabilities, however, the living body can act in a highly intelligent and creative manner. All of us have noticed from time to time that our body can move naturally, without any conscious effort; it can adapt to new situational demands and propose unexpected solutions. While skiing or rock climbing or sailing, we may have abandoned ourselves to our bodily timing and responsiveness, our acute feeling for new solutions. In The Clever Body, Gabor Csepregi describes in detail the nature and scope of these innate abilities sensibility, spontaneity, mimetic faculty, sense of rhythm, memory, and imagination and reflects on their significance in human life."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gabor Csepregi "], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48917/6/UofCPress_CleverBody_2006.pdf"], ["title", "The Clever Body"], ["doab_id", "15150"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385944"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385944 "]], [["description", "Climate change affects all components of marine ecosystems. For endothermic top predators, i.e. seabirds and marine mammals, these impacts are often complex and mediated through trophic relationships. In this Research Topic, leading researchers attempt to identify patterns of change among seabirds and marine mammals, and the mechanisms through which climate change drives these changes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Morten Frederiksen; Tore Haug"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["climate", "climate change", "marine mammals", "predators", "seabirds", "trophic interactions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2795/climate-change-and-marine-top-predators"], ["title", "Climate change and marine top predators"], ["doab_id", "18856"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197361"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197361"]], [["description", "Multinational corporations are not merely the problem in environmental concerns, but could also be part of the solution. The oil industry and climate change provide the clearest example of how the two are linked; what is less well-known is how the industry is responding to these concerns. This volume presents a detailed study of the climate strategies of ExxonMobil, Shell and Statoil. With an innovative analytical approach, the authors explain variations at three decision-making levels: within the companies themselves, in the national home-bases of the companies, and at an international level. The analysis generates policy-relevant knowledge about whether and how corporate resistance to a viable climate policy can be overcome. The analytical approach developed by the authors is also applicable to other areas of environmental degradation where multinational corporations play a central role. The book is invaluable to students, researchers and practitioners interested in national and international environmental politics and business environmental management."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Skjaerseth ,Jon; Skodvin ,Tora"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["multinational", "oil", "exxon", "environmentalism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341325"], ["title", "Climate change and the oil industry: Common problem, different strategies"], ["doab_id", "12650"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065583"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065583"]], [["description", "The central claim of this book is that climate and development crises will be solved together, or not at all. The faster we begin, the more possible the solutions will be."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frank Ackerman; Richard Kozul-Wright; Rob Vos"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780931722"], ["title", "Climate Protection and Development"], ["doab_id", "15463"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780931722"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780931722"]], [["description", "Um verdadeiro tratado cl\u00ednico e terap\u00eautico sobre Chagas, que re\u00fane os maiores especialistas na enfermidade. Os autores pretendem a difus\u00e3o dos conhecimentos e pr\u00e1ticas que habilitam o manejo adequado desta parasitose contidos neste 'manual', principalmente entre aqueles que vivem e trabalham nas \u00e1reas end\u00eamicas de ocorr\u00eancia, na busca de minimizar os sofrimentos que a tripanossom\u00edase tem imposto a popula\u00e7\u00f5es. Com esse objetivo, a obra vem mostrar que n\u00e3o s\u00f3 a doen\u00e7a pode e deve ser prevenida, bem como \u00e9 poss\u00edvel diagnostic\u00e1-la entre os j\u00e1 infectados e dar a estes uma aten\u00e7\u00e3o espec\u00edfica capaz de atenu\u00e1-la ou mesmo de cur\u00e1-la em certas circunst\u00e2ncias."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dias, Jo\u00e3o Carlos Pinto (org.); Coura, Jos\u00e9 Rodrigues (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Doen\u00e7a de chagas"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/nf9bn"], ["title", "Cl\u00ednica e terap\u00eautica da doen\u00e7a de Chagas: uma abordagem pr\u00e1tica para o cl\u00ednico geral "], ["doab_id", "16396"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412435"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412435"]], [["description", "The prevalence of neurodegenerative disorders is increasing dramatically and one of the major challenges today is the need of early and accurate diagnosis, the other is the need of more effective therapies -in turn the development of such therapies also requires early and accurate diagnosis-. The main hope for an earlier and more accurate diagnosis comes from the use of biomarkers. Much research is being done trying to solve the many interrogates related to the role of biomarkers in clinical practice, including the early diagnosis, differential diagnosis and follow-up of neurodegenerative disorders. This is a field where translational research is intense enough to make this topic interesting for basic researchers and clinicians. Indeed, the amount and quality of articles received in response to the call for contributions was very good. This eBook contains a good amount of high quality articles devoted to diverse techniques across several neurodegenerative disorders from different perspectives, including original reports, reviews, methods reports and opinion letters on biochemical biomarkers in biological fluids, neuroimaging techniques and multidimensional approaches linking clinical findings with biomarkers. The disorders covered are also diverse: Alzheimer\u2019s disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Huntington\u2019s disease, Parkinson\u2019s disease among others. As we can learn from articles in this Research Topic, biomarkers are allowing us to expand the knowledge on the biological and anatomical basis of neurodegenerative diseases and to implement diagnostic techniques in clinical practice and clinical trials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manuel Menendez-Gonzalez"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["biomarker", "MTAi", "neurodegenerative disease", "Neurodegenerative Diseases", "Parkinson's disease", "Huntington's disease", "Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)", "CSF biomarkers"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/893/clinical-use-of-biomarkers-for-neurodegenerative-disorders"], ["title", "Clinical use of biomarkers in neurodegenerative disorders"], ["doab_id", "17793"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194001"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194001"]], [["description", "This book sheds new light on the evolution and execution of US Grand Strategy during the Clinton Administration (1993 - 2001)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James D. Boys"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472528780"], ["title", "Clinton's Grand Strategy"], ["doab_id", "17132"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472528780"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472528780"]], [["description", "A colet\u00e2nea de textos que o leitor tem em m\u00e3os possui sua g\u00eanese nos trabalhos apresentados no II Encontro Clio-Psych\u00e9 \u2014 Fazeres e dizeres Psi na hist\u00f3ria do Brasil\u2014, realizado na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) em novembro de 1999. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jac\u00f3-Vilela, Ana Maria; Cerezzo, Ant\u00f4nio Carlos; Rodrigues, Heliana de Barros Conde"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hkyyb"], ["title", "Clio-Psych\u00e9 hoje: fazeres e dizeres psi na hist\u00f3ria do Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16661"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820618"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820618"]], [["description", "Closed-loop neurophysiology has been accelerated by recent software and hardware developments and by the emergence of novel tools to control neuronal activity with spatial and temporal precision, in which stimuli are delivered in real time based on recordings or behavior. Real-time stimulation feedback enables a wide range of innovative studies of information processing and plasticity in neuronal networks. This Research Topic e-Book comprises 16 Original Research Articles, seven Methods Articles, and seven Reviews, Mini- Reviews, and Perspectives, all peer-reviewed and published in Frontiers in Neural Circuits. The contributions deal with closed loop neurophysiology experiments at a variety of levels of neural circuit complexity. Some include modeling and theoretical analyses. New enabling technologies and techniques are described. Novel work is presented from experiments in vitro, in vivo, and in humans, along with their clinical and technological implications for improving the human condition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steve M Potter; Eberhard E Fetz; Ahmed El Hady"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Feedback", "Real-time", "BCI", "microelectrode array", "CMOS", "DBS", "stimulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/785/closing-the-loop-around-neural-systems"], ["title", "Closing the Loop Around Neural Systems"], ["doab_id", "18686"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193561"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193561"]], [["description", "This book explores key contemporary issues in participatory media culture, including questions of technology, labour and professional expertise."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Banks"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544353"], ["title", "Co-creating Videogames"], ["doab_id", "16278"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544353"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544353"]], [["description", "This book aims to assist people in interpreting coastal landforms in South Australia, revealing how the coast has evolved and is continuing to do so under the influences of a range of processes acting upon a variety of geological settings. South Australian coastal landforms include cliffs, rocky outcrops and shore platforms, mangrove woodlands, mudflats, estuaries, extensive sandy beaches, coastal dunes and coastal barrier systems, as well as numerous near-shore reefs and islands. Geologically, the South Australian coast is very young, having evolved over only 1% of geological time, during the past 43 million years since the separation of Australia and Antarctica. It is also very dynamic, with the current shoreline position having been established from only 7000 years ago. This book is a landmark study into the variable character of the South Australian coast and its long-term evolution."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bourman P. ,Robert; Murray-Wallace V. ,Colin; Harvey ,Nick"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["coastal landscapes of south australia", "coast of metropolitan adelaide", "fleurieu peninsula coast", "river murray estuary", "coorong coastal plain", "limestone coast", "northern gulf st vincent tidal coastline", "gulf st vincent tidal coastline", "samphire coast", "yorke peninsula coastline", "northern spencer gulf coast", "golf coast of eyre peninsula", "bight coast", "west coast of eyre peninsula", "kangaroo island", "coast of kangaroo island", "coast of south australia"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613234"], ["title", "Coastal Landscapes of South Australia"], ["doab_id", "19412"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261219"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261219"]], [["description", "This collection of essays provides a historical and contemporary context for Indigenous new media arts practice in Canada. The writers are established artists, scholars, and curators who cover thematic concepts and underlying approaches to new media from a distinctly Indigenous perspective. Through discourse and narrative analysis, the writers discuss a number of topics ranging from how Indigenous worldviews inform unique approaches to new media arts practice to their own work and specific contemporary works. Contributors include: Archer Pechawis, Jackson 2Bears, Jason Edward Lewis, Steven Foster, Candice Hopkins, and Cheryl L'Hirondelle."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steven Loft"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://uofcpress.com/books/9781552387061"], ["title", "Coded Territories: Tracing Indigenous Pathways in New Media Art"], ["doab_id", "16340"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387887"]], ["provider", "uofcpress.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387887"]], [["description", "Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903) inicia los Prolegomena de su edici\u00f3n cr\u00edtica del C\u00f3digo Teodosiano record\u00e1ndonos que dicha obra -promulgada por el emperador Teodosio II en el a\u00f1o 438- constituye la primera codificaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica oficial despu\u00e9s de la c\u00e9lebre Ley de las XII Tablas, publicada a mediados del siglo V a.C. Se trata, por tanto, de una de las principales fuentes para el conocimiento del Derecho romano. El presente trabajo pretende exponer los avances de la restauraci\u00f3n del texto teodosiano en cada una de las ediciones conocidas, fundamentalmente en las anteriores a Gustav H\u00e4nel. Se trata, en definitiva, de que el lector pueda saber lo que se esconde tras una cita del C\u00f3digo Teodosiano en una \u00e9poca concreta. Con este objetivo presento al lector la historia de esta reconstrucci\u00f3n progresiva desde dos \u00e1ngulos posibles: el primero, el de la tradici\u00f3n manuscrita del C\u00f3digo, considerando sobre todo el aspecto hist\u00f3rico de los c\u00f3dices; y el segundo, el del comentario de las ediciones, desde la primera de 1517 hasta la \u00faltima e incompleta de Kr\u00fcger (1926). En consecuencia, podemos hablar de dos partes: una, destinada a ordenar el material manuscrito, que comprende cinco cap\u00edtulos desarrollados seg\u00fan el sistema de los Prolegomena de Mommsen, monumento de erudici\u00f3n m\u00e1s citado que le\u00eddo; y otra, que tiene por objeto las ediciones conocidas, en la que, como digo, me detengo m\u00e1s en las ediciones antiguas, menos estudiadas y carentes de prefacios explicativos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coma Fort, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Derecho romano", "C\u00f3digo Teodosiano", "Codex Theodosianus", "Lex Romana Visigothorum", "Teodosio II", "Alarico II", "Pieter Gillis", "Johann Sichart", "Jean Du Tillet", "Jacques Cujas", "Jacques Godefroy", "Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Beck", "Gustav H\u00e4nel", "Carlo Baudi di Vesme", "Theodor Mommsen", "Paul Kr\u00fcger"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19297/codex_coma_HD28_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Codex Theodosianus: historia de un texto"], ["doab_id", "16308"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490851067"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490851067"]], [["description", "The Mishna Berura is, without a doubt, Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan's greatest and most complex contribution to the canon of Orthodox Jewish Law; it is a singular work that synthesizes Jewish traditions, laws, and mores into a practical halakhic guide to daily religious life. For all of his traditionalism, Rabbi Kagan was an iconoclast, and the Mishna Berura broke from many of the traditional approaches of deciding halakhic directives. Instead, he favored studying, engaging, and asserting decisions in a nuanced, almost natural approach to how ethical people should live their daily lives consistent with Jewish law. Today, the Mishna Berura has gained widespread recognition and is considered authoritative by essentially all of contemporary Orthodox Jewry, a measure of greatness that few works of Halakha have attained. Michael J. Broyde and Ira Bedzow here investigate this seminal text and explore its background and decision-making process."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Michael J. Broyde & Ira Bedzow"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/57bc5d0f9de4bb70bc50a557/1471962385748/The+Codification+of+Jewish+Law+and+an+Introduction+to+the+Jurisprudence+of+the+Mishna+Berura.pdf"], ["title", "The Codification of Jewish Law and an Introduction to the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura"], ["doab_id", "19588"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781618112781"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781618112781 "]], [["description", "Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) is an ancestral enzyme that, initially confined to the regulation of tryptophan availability in local tissue microenvironments, is now considered to play a wider role that extends to homeostasis and plasticity of the immune system. Thus IDO biology has implications for many aspects of immunopathology, including viral infections, neoplasia, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammation. Its immunoregulatory effects are mainly mediated by dendritic cells (DCs) and involve not only tryptophan deprivation but also production of kynurenines that act on IDO- DCs, thus rendering an otherwise stimulatory DC capable of regulatory effects, as well as on T cells. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-operated transcription factor originally recognized as the effector mediating the pathologic effects of dioxins and other pollutants. However, it is now well established that AhR activation by endogenous ligands can produce immunoregulatory effects. The IDO1 mechanism appears to have been selected through phylogenesis primarily to prevent overreacting responses to TLR-recognized pathogen-associated molecular patterns, and only later did it become involved in the response to T cell receptor-recognized antigens. As a result, in mammals, IDO1 has become pivotal in fetomaternal tolerance, at a time when regulatory T cells emerged to meet the same need, namely protecting the fetus. IDO1 and regulatory T (Treg) cells may have then coevolved to broaden their function well beyond their initial task of protecting the fetus, such that, in acquired immunity, IDO1 (with its dual enzymic and signaling function) has turned into an important component of the peripheral generation and effector function of regulatory T cells. AhR, in turn, which has a role in regulatory T-cell generation, is presumed to have evolved from invertebrates, where it served a ligand-independent role in normal development processes. Evolution of the receptor in vertebrates resulted in the ability to bind structurally different ligands, including xenobiotics and microbiota-derived catabolites. Considering the inability of invertebrate AhR homologs to bind dioxins, the adaptive role of the AhR to act as a regulator of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes may have been a vertebrate innovation, to later acquire an additional immune regulatory role by coevolutive pressure in mammals by IDO1 and regulatory T cells. Thus an entirely new paradigm in immunology, and more specifically in immune tolerance, is the coevolution of three systems, namely, the IDO1 mechanism, AhR-driven gene transcription, and T-cell regulatory activity, that originating from the initial need of protecting the fetus in mammals, have later turned into a pivotal mechanism of peripheral tolerance in autoimmunity, transplantation, and neoplasia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ursula Grohmann; Paolo Puccetti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)", "tryptophan metabolism", "indoleamine dioxygenase 1 and 2 (IDO1 and IDO2)", "tryptophan dioxygenase (TDO2)", "Immune Regulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2429/the-coevolution-of-ido1-and-ahr-in-the-emergence-of-regulatory-t-cells-in-mammals"], ["title", "The Coevolution of IDO1 and AhR in the Emergence of Regulatory T Cells in Mammals"], ["doab_id", "18849"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197293"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197293"]], [["description", "Psychiatric symptoms are considered to be distributed along a continuum, from good mental health to a diagnosable psychiatric disorder. In the case of psychosis, subclinical psychotic experiences, which can include odd behaviors, strange speech, unusual perceptual experiences and social/emotional withdrawal, are often referred to as schizotypy. Research examining schizotypal traits in non-clinical populations is rapidly expanding. The exploration of schizotypy allows us to identify areas of overlap with psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia and related disorders) at genetic, biological, environmental and psychosocial levels, thus identifying putative risk factors, as well as exploring potentially protective factors. Schizotypy is also a valuable model for exploring cognition as performance is not confounded by issues often present in schizophrenia samples, such as long-term antipsychotic medication usage, social isolation, and recurrent hospitalizations. Investigating cognition is a particularly important area of research as cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia, such as impaired attention, reduced memory and difficulties with executive functions, are a core feature of schizophrenia and strongly related to quality of life and functional outcomes, yet generally respond poorly to current treatment options. The aim of this special Research Topic is to explore the relationship between cognition, schizotypy and the schizophrenia spectrum. The articles in this e-book draw on a variety of perspectives and represent an interesting array of opinions, reviews and empirical studies that begin to answer questions about the similarities and overlaps between schizotypy and schizophrenia spectrum disorders, contributing to our understanding of potential risk factors. Equally important is research that highlights differences between schizotypy and schizophrenia spectrum disorders that may enhance our understanding of potentially protective or adaptive features of schizotypy. Collectively, these articles highlight the exploratory potential of the study of schizotypy, particularly in relation to better understanding cognition across the schizophrenia spectrum."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Caroline Gurvich; Susan L. Rossell"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schizophrenia", "schizotypy", "Cognition", "Psychopathology", "Schizophrenia spectrum", "psychosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2603/cognition-across-the-psychiatric-disorder-spectrum-from-mental-health-to-clinical-diagnosis"], ["title", "Cognition across the psychiatric disorder spectrum: From mental health to clinical diagnosis"], ["doab_id", "19556"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196531"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196531"]], [["description", "Humans are not unique in using tools. But human tool use differs from that known to occur in nonhumans in being very frequent, spontaneous, and diversified. So a fundamental issue is, what are the cognitive and neural bases of human tool use?This Research Topic of Frontiers provides a venue for leading researchers in the field of tool use to present original research papers, integrative reviews or theoretical articles that further our understanding of this topic.Articles address a wide range of issues including, for instance, the nature of the underlying representations (e.g., conceptual, sensorimotor), the mechanisms supporting the incorporation of tools into body schema, the link between imitation and tool use, or the evolutionary origins of human tool use.Articles are included from experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, neurophysiology, developmental psychology, ethology, comparative psychology, and ergonomics. The goal of this Research Topic of Frontiers is to provide a state-of-the-art view of the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francois Osiurak; Cristina Massen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["tool use", "action", "motor control", "Neural Bases", "cognitive bases"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1456/the-cognitive-and-neural-bases-of-human-tool-use"], ["title", "The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use"], ["doab_id", "18181"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194261"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194261"]], [["description", "Speech production and perception are two of the most complex actions humans perform. The processing of speech is studied across various fields and using a wide variety of research approaches. These fields include, but are not limited to, (socio)linguistics, phonetics, cognitive psychology, neurophysiology, and cognitive neuroscience. Research approaches range from behavioural studies to neuroimaging techniques such as Magnetoencephalography, electroencephalography (MEG/EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), as well as neurophysiological approaches, such as the recording of Motor Evoked Potentials (MEPs), and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Each of these approaches provides valuable information about specific aspects of speech processing. Behavioural testing can inform about the nature of the cognitive processes involved in speech processing, neuroimaging methods show where (fMRI and MEG) in the brain these processes take place and/or elucidate on the time-course of activation of these brain areas (EEG and MEG), while neurophysiological methods (MEPs and TMS) can assess critical involvement of brain regions in the cognitive process. Yet, what is currently unclear is how speech researchers can combine methods such that a convergent approach adds to theory/model formulation, above and beyond the contribution of individual component methods? We expect that such combinations of approaches will significantly forward theoretical development in the field. The present research topic comprise a collection of manuscripts discussing the cognitive and neural organisation of speech processing, including speech production and perception at the level of individual speech sounds, syllables, words, and sentences. Our goal was to use findings from a variety of disciplines, perspectives, and approaches to gain a more complete picture of the organisation of speech processing. The contributions are grouped around the following five main themes: 1) Spoken language comprehension under difficult listening conditions; 2) Sub-lexical processing; 3) Sensorimotor processing of speech; 4) Speech production. The contributions used a variety of research approaches, including behavioural experiments, fMRI, EEG, MEG, and TMS. Twelve of the 14 contributions were on speech perception processing, and the remaining two examined speech production. This Research Topic thus displays a wide variety of topics and research methods and this comprehensive approach allows an integrative understanding of currently available evidence as well as the identification of concrete venues for future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patti Adank; Carolyn McGettigan; Sonja A. E. Kotz"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Speech", "Perception", "production", "TMS", "fMRI", "EEG", "MEG", "behavioural"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1886/the-cognitive-and-neural-organisation-of-speech-processing"], ["title", "The cognitive and neural organisation of speech processing"], ["doab_id", "18893"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197750"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197750"]], [["description", "Neuropsychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and etc., represent a serious medical and socioeconomic problems. These diseases are often accompanied by impairments of cognitive function, e.g., abstract thinking, decision-making, attention, and several types of memory. Such deficits significantly disrupt quality of life and daily functioning of patients. Cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric diseases are associated with alterations of brain morphology and function, and are often resistant to therapeutic interventions. In schizophrenia and related disorders, cognitive deficits are also defined as endophenotypes, i.e. measurable phenotypes linking these disaeses with discrete heritable and reproducible traits. This points to the importance of elucidating these endophenotypes in translational studies. Animal models may not mimic the full spectrum of clinical symptoms, but may act as analogies of particular behaviors or other pathological outcomes. They are useful to search for the etiology of particular psychiatric illnesses and novel therapeutics. Moreover, several behavioral tests to measure cognitive performance in rodents and other species have been implemented. The primary focus of the present topic is to provide up-to-date information on cognitive deficits of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia. This Research Topic also delineates future directions for translational studies aimed at developing novel treatments/interventions of cognitive disturbances."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ales Stuchlik; Tomiki Sumiyoshi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Learning", "Memory", "Cognition", "Neurology", "Psychiatry", "cognitive deficits", "neuropsychiatric disorders", "animal model", "translation research"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1370/cognitive-deficits-in-schizophrenia-and-other-neuropsychiatric-disorders-convergence-of-preclinical"], ["title", "Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders: Convergence of preclinical and clinical evidence"], ["doab_id", "19575"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196791"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196791"]], [["description", "Cognitive processing is commonly conceptualized as being restricted to the cerebral cortex. Accordingly, electrophysiology, neuroimaging and lesion studies involving human and animal subjects have almost exclusively focused on defining roles for cerebral cortical areas in cognition. Roles for the thalamus in cognition have been largely ignored despite the fact that the extensive connectivity between the thalamus and cerebral cortex gives rise to a closely coupled thalamo-cortical system. However, in recent years, growing interest in the thalamus as much more than a passive sensory structure, as well as methodological advances such as high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging of the thalamus and improved electrode targeting to subregions of thalamic nuclei using electrical stimulation and diffusion tensor imaging, have fostered research into thalamic contributions to cognition.Evidence suggests that behavioral context modulates processing in primary sensory, or first-order, thalamic nuclei (for example, the lateral geniculate and ventral posterior nuclei), allowing attentional filtering of incoming sensory information at an early stage of brain processing. Behavioral context appears to more strongly influence higher-order thalamic nuclei (for example, the pulvinar and mediodorsal nucleus), which receive major input from the cortex rather than the sensory periphery. Such higher-order thalamic nuclei have been shown to regulate information transmission in frontal and higher-order sensory cortex according to cognitive demands. This Research Topic aims to bring together neuroscientists who study different parts of the thalamus, particularly thalamic nuclei other than the primary sensory relays, and highlight the thalamic contributions to attention, memory, reward processing, decision-making, and language. By doing so, an emphasis is also placed on neural mechanisms common to many, if not all, of these cognitive operations, such as thalamo-cortical interactions and modulatory influences from sources in the brainstem and basal ganglia. The overall view that emerges is that the thalamus is a vital node in brain networks supporting cognition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yuri B. Saalmann; Sabine Kastner"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["mediodorsal thalamus", "anterior thalamus", "intralaminar thalamus", "Pulvinar", "Prefrontal Cortex", "Memory", "cognitive control", "thalamocortical interactions", "neural synchrony", "oscillations"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/983/the-cognitive-thalamus"], ["title", "The Cognitive Thalamus"], ["doab_id", "18150"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195411"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195411"]], [["description", "Across species, humans have an unsurpassed capacity for creative thought and innovation. Human creativity is at the roots of extraordinary achievements in the arts and sciences, and enables individuals and their groups to adapt flexibly to changing circumstances, to manage complex social relations, and to survive and prosper through social, technological, and medical innovations. The ability to generate novel and potentially useful ideas and problem solutions (viz., creativity) is a key driver of human evolution, and among the most valued and sought after competencies in contemporary societies that struggle with complex problems and compete for technological and economic supremacy. Because creativity provides fitness functionality in both ancestral and contemporary societies, it stands to reason that (i) the human brain evolved to sustain and promote creative thinking and we should be able to identify (ii) the brain circuitries, genetic drivers, and neurohormonal modulators of the human capacity for creative problem solving and original ideation; and (iii) the core cognitive and emotional processes underlying creative thought. In this Research Topic, we bring together a collection of papers to provide an encyclopedic, open access snapshot of the current state of the art on the neural, cognitive, and emotional correlates of creativity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Matthijs Baas; Carsten K. W. De Dreu; Bernard A. Nijstad"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["creativity", "divergent thinking", "Convergent Thinking", "creative cognition", "incubation", "Motivation", "emotion", "EEG", "Neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1586/the-cognitive-emotional-and-neural-correlates-of-creativity"], ["title", "The cognitive, emotional and neural correlates of creativity"], ["doab_id", "19539"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196333"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196333"]], [["description", "In a wide-ranging and in-depth study of the recent history of anthropology, David Price offers a provocative account of the ways anthropology has been influenced by U.S. imperial projects around the world, and by CIA funding in particular. DUAL USE ANTHROPOLOGY is the third in Price\u2019s trilogy on the history of the discipline of anthropology and its tangled relationship with the American military complex. He argues that anthropologists\u2019 interactions with Cold War military and intelligence agencies shaped mid-century American anthropology and that governmental and private funding of anthropological research programs connected witting and unwitting anthropologists with research of interest to military and intelligence agencies. Price gives careful accounts of CIA interactions with the American Anthropological Association (AAA), the development of post-war area studies programs, and new governmental funding programs articulated with Cold War projects. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, American anthropologists became increasingly critical of anthropologists\u2019 collaborations with military and intelligence agencies, particularly when these interactions contributed to counterinsurgency projects. Awareness of these uses of anthropology led to several public clashes within the AAA, and to the development of the Association\u2019s first ethics code. Price compares this history of anthropological knowledge being used by military and intelligence agencies during the Cold War to post-9/11 projects.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Price H. ,David"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropologists", "Political activity", "United States", "History", "20th century", "Anthropology", "Political aspects", "United States", "Cold War", "Military intelligence", "Science and state"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604612"], ["title", "Cold War Anthropology"], ["doab_id", "18731"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374381"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374381"]], [["description", "As cole\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas, as pr\u00e1ticas de campo, suas representa\u00e7\u00f5es art\u00edsticas/cient\u00edficas, suas rela\u00e7\u00f5es comerciais ocupam cada vez mais um lugar privilegiado na produ\u00e7\u00e3o historiogr\u00e1fica internacional. A centralidade das cole\u00e7\u00f5es, das pr\u00e1ticas de campo, das imagens nas culturas das ci\u00eancias; a import\u00e2ncia dos peri\u00f3dicos, dos congressos, das exposi\u00e7\u00f5es, das atividades de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00fablica nos processos de circula\u00e7\u00e3o das ci\u00eancias podem ser identificadas em um n\u00famero significativo de trabalhos no Brasil e na Am\u00e9rica Latina, na conflu\u00eancia de diferentes \u00e1reas do conhecimento. (trecho retirado da Justificativa do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Maria Margaret (org.); Heizer, Alda (org.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rk6rq"], ["title", "Colecionismos, pr\u00e1ticas de campo e representa\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "16248"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791179"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791179"]], [["description", "Samuel Taylor Coleridge is best known as a great poet and literary theorist, but for one, quite short, period of his life he held real political power\u2014acting as Public Secretary to the British Civil Commissioner in Malta in 1805. This was a formative experience for Coleridge which he later identified as being one of the most instructive in his entire life. In this book, Barry Hough and Howard Davis show how Coleridge's actions whilst in a position of power differ markedly from the idealism he had advocated before taking office - shedding new light on Coleridge's sense of political and legal morality. Meticulously researched and including newly discovered archival materials, Coleridge's Laws provides detailed analysis of the laws and public notices drafted by Coleridge, together with the first published translations of them. Drawing from a wealth of primary sources, Hough and Davis identify the political challenges facing Coleridge and reveal that, in attempting to win over the Maltese public to support Britain's strategic interests, Coleridge was complicit in acts of government which were both inconsistent with the rule of law and contrary to his professed beliefs. Coleridge's willingness to overlook accepted legal processes and personal misgivings for political expediency is disturbing and, as explained by Michael John Kooy in his extensive introduction, necessarily alters our understanding of the author and his writing. Coleridge's Laws contributes in new ways to the current debates about Coleridge's achievements, British colonialism and its engagement with the rule of law, nationhood and the effectiveness of the British administration of Malta. It provides essential reading for anybody interested in Coleridge specifically and the Romantics more generally, for political and legal historians and for students of colonial government. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hough, Barry (Author); Davis, Howard (Author); Davis, Lydia (Translator); Kooy, Micheal John (Introduction)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Samuel Taylor Coleridge", "Malta", "Romantic literature", "legal history", "colonialism", "Maltese history", "British imperial history", "nineteenth century", "Romanticism", "political history", "colonial government"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/24"], ["title", "Coleridge's Laws: A Study of Coleridge in Malta"], ["doab_id", "14483"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924133"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924133"]], [["description", "O estudo de Gerd Kohlhepp constitui refer\u00eancia imprescind\u00edvel para a descri\u00e7\u00e3o e compreens\u00e3o do precesso de coloniza\u00e7\u00e3o agr\u00e1ria do Norte paranaense e oferece um excelente fundamento para a reflex\u00e3o sobre seus desdobramentos at\u00e9 hoje. A obra n\u00e3o tem apenas o sentido hit\u00f3rico, que por si mesmo j\u00e1 a justificaria, de registrar um produto de alt\u00edssimo n\u00edvel cient\u00edfico da Geografia de tradi\u00e7\u00e3o alem\u00e3; mais que isso, ela ainda torna acessivel a paranaenses, breasileiros e toda a comunidade lus\u00f3fona umj desses textos de funda\u00e7\u00e3o do Brasil sob perspectiva e contribui\u00e7\u00e3o estrangeira, que hoje, ao se tornarem vis\u00edveis, ajudam a refletir sobre as caracter\u00edsticas contemporaneas da sociedade local e sobre os caminhos futuros que ela pode tomar - ou n\u00e3o - nas pr\u00f3ximas d\u00e9cadas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kohlhepp, Gerd; Soethe, Paulo Astor; Martineschen, Daniel; Pereira, Caio Heleno da Costa; Mathias, Dionei; Antoniuk, Elisete; Boechat, Fernanda Boarin; F\u00fcllgraf, Frederico; Silva, Natasha Pereira da; Paulino, Sibele; Neubauer, Sirlene Nair"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yvqhq"], ["title", "Coloniza\u00e7\u00e3o agr\u00e1ria no Norte do Paran\u00e1: processos geoecon\u00f4micos e sociogeogr\u00e1ficos de desenvolvimento de uma zona subtropical do Brasil sob a influ\u00eancia da planta\u00e7\u00e3o de caf\u00e9"], ["doab_id", "18648"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788576286554"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576286554"]], [["description", "Neste livro a autora enfoca v\u00e1rios aspectos que se entrela\u00e7am, para que o objetivo de ampliar a quest\u00e3o da alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o para al\u00e9m da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o, seja alcan\u00e7ado. Este \u00e9 um livro que, pela originalidade de seu enforque, pelo cuidado na pesquisa dentro de uma \u00e1rea que, afinal, atinge a todos, n\u00e3o pode deixar de despertar grande interesse. E de ensinar a ver aspectos da realidade em que as pessoas est\u00e3o imersas e, por isso, cegas para eles. \u00c9 uma leitura proveitosa, enriquecedora, erudita e, em grande parte - o que parece cada vez mais raro - despretensiosamente divertida."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nascimento, Angelina de Arag\u00e3o Bulc\u00e3o Soares"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/35m"], ["title", "Comida: prazeres, gozos e transgress\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "17534"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209070"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209070"]], [["description", "The new millennium has seen a major paradigm shift in insect endocrinology. Great advancements are being made which establish that nutrition and growth play a central role in diverse cellular and physiological phenomena during insect development and reproduction. Nutrition affects rates of growth and is mainly regulated by the function of the pathway of insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling. This pathway is highly conserved across species and ultimately regulates rates of cell growth and proliferation in growing organs. Insulin and insulin-like peptides (ILPs) are some of the best studied hormones in the animal kingdom and all share a common structural motif and initiate a wide range of closely similar physiological processes in higher organisms. In insects, nutrition, via circulating sugar, promotes release of ILPs from brain neurosecretory cells into the haemolymph, which act on peripheral tissues and stimulate protein synthesis and cell growth. Therefore, insect ILPs are common mediators between nutrition and growth in insects and are functionally analogous to mammalian insulin. The 1980s and 1990s witnessed great progress in elucidation of the physiological and molecular mechanism of action of numerous insect hormones involved in regulation of growth, development, reproduction and metabolism. But the signals for the initiation or termination of controlled events remained largely unknown. ILPs were first identified from the silkmoth Bombyx mori and were named bombyxins, but related peptides were soon found in numerous species and their functions elucidated. The insulin signalling pathway is now recognized as a central factor in the timing of cell proliferation, growth, longevity, reproduction, and reproductive diapause, as well as social behaviour. Recent work has revealed that the insulin signalling pathway is closely integrated with that of various other hormones, including ecdysteroids, the juvenile hormones and neuropeptide(s) such a prothoracicotropic hormone. In addition, the pathway is also linked with both circadian (daily) and photoperiodic (seasonal) clocks potentially providing a basis for its timing function. This Research Topic aims to provide the only current collection of recent advances on insect ILPs. We encouraged submissions on all areas related to identification, characterization, regulation and physiological functions of insect ILPs. We welcomed both full and short reviews and original research articles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Xanthe Vafopoulou; Colin G.H. Steel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["insulin-like proteins", "interactions of signaling pathways", "nutrition and metabolism", "Growth and Development", "timekeeping"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1140/the-coming-of-age-of-insulin-signalling-in-insects"], ["title", "The Coming of Age of Insulin-Signalling in Insects"], ["doab_id", "18576"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193141"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193141"]], [["description", "This book examines the theory, practice, history, and ethics of civil disobedience on the internet through a study of activist distributed denial of service actions (DDOS)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Molly Sauter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781628926705"], ["title", "The Coming Swarm"], ["doab_id", "17152"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781628926705"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781628926705"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kern ,W."], ["date", "1956"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613406"], ["title", "Commentaar op de Salasilah van Koetai"], ["doab_id", "18428"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285835", "9789004286412"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285835 9789004286412"]], [["description", "Orchids account for a large share of global floriculture trade both as cut flowers and as potted plants, and are estimated to comprise around 10% of international fresh cut flower trade. The average value of fresh cut orchids and buds trade during 2007-2012 was US$ 483 million. In 2012, there are more than 40 countries exporting orchids and 60 countries importing orchids around the world, with the total size of the global trade equaling US$ 504 million. In India, about 1350 species belonging to 186 genera represent approximately 5.98% of the world orchid flora and 6.83% of the flowering plants in India. The publication on \u201cCommercial Orchids\u201d is presented in 15 interesting chapters vividly highlighting the global orchid industry, bio-diversity, conservation and bio-piracy of genetic resources, morphological and molecular characterization of valuable species, breeding approaches for improved genotypes, production of quality planting materials, physiology of tropical and temperate orchids, climate change and its impact on orchid productivity, production technology of commercial epiphytic orchids for cut flower, production technology of commercial terrestrial orchids for cut flower, orchids for pot culture, hanging baskets and tree mounting, medicinal and aromatic orchids, post-harvest management of cut flowers of commercial orchids, value addition and marketing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "De, Lakshman Chandra"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["orchids, floriculture, commercialization"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/456245"], ["title", "Commercial Orchids"], ["doab_id", "16874"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110426403"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110426403"]], [["description", "The Dutch seventeenth century, a \u2018Golden Age\u2019 ridden by intense ideological conflict, pioneered global trade, participatory politics and religious toleration. Its history is epitomized by the life and works of the brothers Johan (1622-1660) and Pieter de la Court (1618-1685), two successful textile entrepreneurs and radical republican theorists during the apex of Dutch primacy in world trade. This book explores the many facets of the brothers\u2019 political thought, focusing on their ground-breaking argument that commerce forms the mainstay of republican politics. With a contextual analysis that highlights the interaction between thinking and acting, between intellectual and cultural history, the book reveals the international significance of this commercial republicanism and it proposes a novel, rhetorical approach to seventeenth-century Dutch political culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weststeijn ,Arthur "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Republicanism", "Dutch Golden Age", "Commerce", "Rhetoric", "Citizenship", "Free Trade", "Toleration", "Free Speech", "Political Economy"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=402003"], ["title", "Commercial Republicanism in the Dutch Golden Age : The Political Thought of Johan & Pieter de la Court"], ["doab_id", "14627"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004221390", "9789004221406"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004221390 9789004221406"]], [["description", "This volume of essays is the result of the EU project \u00abEHISTO\u00bb, which dealt with the mediation of history in popular history magazines and explored how history in the commercialised mass media can be used in history teaching in order to develop the media literacy and the transcultural competences of young people. The volume offers articles which for the first time address the phenomenon of popular history magazines in Europe and their mediating strategies in a foundational way. The articles are intended as introductory material for teachers and student teachers. The topic also offers an innovative approach in terms of making possible a European cross-country comparison, in which results based on qualitative and quantitative methods are presented, related to the content focus areas profiled in the national magazines."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Popp ,Susanne ; Schumann ,Jutta ; Hannig ,Miriam"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["didactics of history", "history teaching", "public history", "history magazines", "media literacy", "intercultural history education", "transnational", "EHISTO"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=514270"], ["title", "Commercialised History: Popular History Magazines in Europe"], ["doab_id", "16801"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783631657799"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783631657799"]], [["description", "Geographically, demographically, and politically, South Africa and Canada are two countries that are very far apart. What they have in common are indigenous populations, which, because of their historical and ongoing experience of colonization and dispossession, share a hunger for land and human dignity.Based on extensive research carried out in both countries, A Common Hunger is a comparative work on the history of indigenous land rights in Canada and post-apartheid South Africa. Joan Fairweather has constructed a balanced examination of the impact of land dispossession on the lives of indigenous peoples in both countries and their response to centuries of European domination. By reclaiming rights to the land and an equitable share in the wealth-producing resources they contain, the first peoples of Canada and South Africa are taking important steps to confront the legacies of poverty that characterize many of their communities. A Common Hunger provides historical context to the current land claim process in these two former British colonies and examines the efforts of governments and the courts to ensure that justice is done."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Joan G. Fairweather"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49483/1/UofCPress_CommonHunger_2006.pdf"], ["title", "A Common Hunger: Land Rights in Canada and South Africa"], ["doab_id", "15411"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385739"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385739"]], [["description", "As capitalist societies in the twenty-first century move from crisis to crisis, oppositional movements in the global North have been somewhat stymied (despite ephemeral manifestations like Occupy), confronted with the pressing need to develop organizational infrastructures that might prepare the ground for a real, and durable, alternative. More and more, the need to develop shared infrastructural resources \u2014 what Shantz terms \u201cinfrastructures of resistance\u201d \u2014 becomes apparent. Ecological disaster (through crises of capital), economic crisis, political austerity, and mass produced fear and phobia all require organizational preparation \u2014 the common building of real world alternatives.There is, as necessary as ever, a need to think through what we, as non-elites, exploited, and oppressed, want and how we might get it. There is an urgency to pursue constructive approaches to meet common needs. For many, the constructive vision and practice for meeting social needs (individual and collective) is expressed as commonism \u2014 an aspiration of mutual aid, sharing, and common good or common wealth collectively determined and arrived at. The term commonsim is a useful way to discuss the goals and aspirations of oppositional movements, the movement of movements, because it returns to social struggle the emphasis on commonality \u2014 a common wealth \u2014 that has been lost in the histories of previous movements that subsumed the commons within mechanisms of state control, regulation, and accounting \u2014 namely communism.In the current context, commonism, and the desire for commons, speaks to collective expressions against enclosure, now instituted as privatization, in various realms. While the central feature of capitalism is the commodity \u2014 a collectively produced good controlled for sale by private entities claiming ownership \u2014 the central feature of post-capitalist societies is the commons. These counter-forces have always been in conflict throughout the history of capitalism\u2019s imposition. And this conflict has been engaged in the various spheres of human life, as mentioned above. Commonism, (and commonist struggles), is expressed in intersections of sites of human activity and sustenance: ecological, social, and ideational. Examples of ecological commonism include conservation efforts, indigenous land reclamations and re-occupations (and blockades of development), and community gardens, to name only a few. Social commons include childcare networks, food and housing shares, factory occupations, and solidarity economics (including but not limited to community cooperatives). Ideational commons include creative commons, opens source software, and data liberation (such as Anonymous and Wikileaks). This becomes procreative or constructive. It provides a spreading base for eco-social development beyond state capitalist control. It also moves movements from momentary spectacles or defensive stances or reactive \u201cfightbacks.\u201d Commonism affirms and asserts different ways of doing things, of living, of interacting.This book engages various commonist tendencies. It examines communism, including overlooked or forgotten tendencies. It provides an exploration of primitive accumulation and mutual aid as elements of struggle. Attention is given to constructive aspects of commonist politics from self-valorization against capital to gift economies against the market. It finally speaks to the need of movements to build infrastructures of resistance that sustain struggles for the commons. Written by a longtime activist/scholar, this is a work that will be of interest to community organizers and activists as well as students of social movements, social change, and radical politics. It will be taken up by people directly involved in specific community movements as well as students in a range of disciplines (including sociology, politics, geography, anthropology, cultural studies, and social policy). There is no book that offers such a concise, readable discussion of the issues in the current context, with particular emphasis on anarchist intersections with communism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeff Shantz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["activism, anarchism, commonism, communism, cultural studies, political theory, polticial history, public commons, sociology"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/commonist-tendencies/"], ["title", "Commonist Tendencies: Mutual Aid Beyond Communism"], ["doab_id", "16050"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615849782"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615849782"]], [["description", "This volume reconsiders literacy and communication in pre-modern societies, focusing especially on how material form affects the way textual artefacts are understood and interpreted. By bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines such as archaeology, medieval studies, and Islamic studies, this volume provides the specialist and non-specialist with insights on how humans express themselves through writing and material culture."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Enderwitz, Susanne; Sauer, Rebecca"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Communication, Literacy, Materiality, Material Culture"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431267"], ["title", "Communication and Materiality. Written and Unwritten Communication in Pre-Modern Societies"], ["doab_id", "17946"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110371741", "9783110371758", "9783110413007"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110371741, 9783110371758, 9783110413007"]], [["description", "The Communism of Thought takes as its point of departure a passage in a letter from Dionys Mascolo to Gilles Deleuze: \u201cI have called this communism of thought in the past. And I placed it under the auspices of H\u00f6lderlin, who may have only fled thought because he was unable to live it: \u2018The life of the spirit between friends, the thoughts that form in the exchange of words, by writing or in person, are necessary to those who seek. Without that, we are by our own hands outside thought.\u2019\u201dWhat, in light of that imperative, is a correspondence? What is given to be understood by the word, let alone the phenomenon? What constitutes a correspondence? What occasions it? On what terms and according to what conditions may one enter into that exchange \u201cnecessary,\u201d in H\u00f6lderlin\u2019s words, \u201cto those who seek\u201d? Pursuant to what vicissitudes may it be conducted? And what end(s) might a correspondence come to have beyond the ostensible end that, to all appearances, it (inevitably) will be said to have had?And what is the proximity, here, between correspondence and commentary? To what extent might commentary approximate a kind of correspondence? (And with whom? The author of the source text? The source text itself? A future reader of that text? Or then again a third, or fourth, or nth party? And by way of what channels?)The two texts \u2014 the two commentaries \u2014 that form the heart of The Communism of Thought are both short, late texts of Gilles Deleuze\u2019s, and they\u2019re both reprinted in Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews, 1975-1995. The first text is Deleuze\u2019s last published article, widely considered to be something of a testament, \u201cImmanence: A Life \u2026.\u201d The commentary is staged in the manner of a dictionary definition of the word immanence. The various subentries under the first (and only) sense of the word for Deleuze \u2014 \u201ca life \u2026\u201d \u2014 develop in tandem with the article to progressively elaborate the centrality of the problematics of definition to Deleuze\u2019s conception of immanence. The second text is that of a brief, beautiful correspondence: The five letters that comprise the correspondence between Gilles Deleuze and Dionys Mascolo were written between 23 April and 6 October 1988, and were first published a decade later, in 1998, a year after Mascolo\u2019s death and nearly three years after Deleuze\u2019s. The commentary, a kind of marginalia to that correspondence, comes gradually and progressively into focus around a single question: To what affinity might a correspondence attest?\u201cWhat strikes me especially,\u201d an interviewer once noted to Deleuze, \u201cis the friendship you have for the authors you write about.\u201d \u201cIf you don\u2019t admire something,\u201d Deleuze replied, \u201cif you don\u2019t love it, you have no reason to write a word about it.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Munro"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["commentary, correspondence, friendship, Gilles Deleuze, immanence, philosophy"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/communism-thought/"], ["title", "The Communism of Thought"], ["doab_id", "16067"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615986968"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615986968"]], [["description", "Nutrition textbooks used by universities and colleges in developing countries have very often been written by scholars who live and work in North America or the United Kingdom. And while the research and information they present is sound, the nutrition-related health challenges with which developing countries must grapple differ considerably from those found in highly industrialized Western nations. The primary aim of Community Nutrition for Developing Countries is to provide a book that meets the needs of nutritionists and other health professionals living and working in developing countries. Written by both scholars and practitioners, the volume draws on their wealth of knowledge, experience, and understanding of nutrition in developing countries to provide nutrition professionals with all the information they require. Each chapter addresses a specific nutrition challenge currently faced by developing countries such as food security, food safety, disease prevention, maternal health, and effective nutrition policy. In addition, the volume serves as an invaluable resource for those developing and implementing nutrition education programmes. With an emphasis on nutritional education as a means to prevent disease and effectively manage health disorders, it is the hope of the nearly three dozen contributors to this work that it will enhance the health and well-being of low-income populations throughout the world. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Norman J. Temple and Nelia Steyn"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["maternal health, poverty, nutritional status, AIDS, prevantable disease, immunizations"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120255"], ["title", "Community Nutrition for Developing Countries (a co-publication with UNISA Press)"], ["doab_id", "19423"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356111", "9781927356128", "9781927356135", "9781771990165"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356111 9781927356128 9781927356135 9781771990165"]], [["description", "Este livro re\u00fane textos de diversos autores cujas observa\u00e7\u00f5es apuradas permitem ao leitor compreender a situa\u00e7\u00e3o social, econ\u00f4mica e geogr\u00e1fica de Salvador e Regi\u00e3o Metropolitana. Os textos s\u00e3o ilustrados com gr\u00e1ficos e mapas atualizados tornando a leitura mais din\u00e2mica. A partir de an\u00e1lises sobre temas, como viol\u00eancia, infra-estrutura, demografia e economia, os autores tra\u00e7am um perfil dessa regi\u00e3o que concentra conflitos e esperan\u00e7as, contradi\u00e7\u00f5es e liberdade, tornando o livro um indispens\u00e1vel meio para entend\u00ea-la um pouco mais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carvalho, Inai\u00e1 Maria Moreira de; Pereira, Gilberto Corso"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/36d"], ["title", "Como anda Salvador e sua regi\u00e3o metropolitana"], ["doab_id", "17253"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209094"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209094"]], [["description", "Subdividido em seis cap\u00edtulos, no primeiro a autora apresenta breves considera\u00e7\u00f5es te\u00f3ricas sobre a tem\u00e1tica das desigualdades sociais em sa\u00fade, apontando correntes e tend\u00eancias existentes na pesquisa epidemiol\u00f3gica sobre o assunto. Partindo da\u00ed, nos cap\u00edtulos seguintes trata da quest\u00e3o das classes sociais \u2013 de como a posi\u00e7\u00e3o social de cada indiv\u00edduo repercute sobre sua sa\u00fade \u2013 e sobre a influ\u00eancia da renda \u2013 ou seja, as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre riqueza e estado de sa\u00fade. Insere tamb\u00e9m a discuss\u00e3o sobre etnia e discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o, como categorias importantes da an\u00e1lise do estudo em quest\u00e3o. Por fim, destaca as rela\u00e7\u00f5es de g\u00eanero e a produ\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade e da doen\u00e7a, tecendo, ainda, coment\u00e1rios sobre as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas no enfrentamento das desigualdades sociais, para ent\u00e3o expor suas considera\u00e7\u00f5es e conclus\u00f5es em torno do tema. \u00c9 bastante atual o debate evocado por este livro, sendo extremamente pertinente sua leitura e reflex\u00e3o mesmo para leitores n\u00e3o especializados, pois nele \u00e9 proporcionada uma vis\u00e3o panor\u00e2mica acerca do assunto, tendo por base dados de consistentes pesquisas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barata, Rita Barradas"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/48z26"], ["title", "Como e por que as desigualdades sociais fazem mal \u00e0 sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "19301"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413913"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413913"]], [["description", "Neste livro, a partir da Epistemologia Gen\u00e9tica, objetiva-se explicitar como se constroem estruturas presentes e necess\u00e1rias na L\u00f3gica e na Matem\u00e1tica, atrav\u00e9s de rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre estruturas epist\u00eamico-psicol\u00f3gicas, estudadas na Psicologia Gen\u00e9tica, e estruturas abstratas, estudadas na L\u00f3gica e na Matem\u00e1tica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ferraz, Alexandre Augusto; Tassinari, Ricardo Pereira"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6ft6m"], ["title", "Como \u00e9 poss\u00edvel o conhecimento matem\u00e1tico? As estruturas l\u00f3gico-matem\u00e1tica a partir da Epistemologia Gen\u00e9tica"], ["doab_id", "19682"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836565"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836565"]], [["description", "Are you organising an international heritage project? Turning a so-called 'heritage revival' into a meaningful experience for the general public can be a challenge to historians, archaeologists, museum conservators and tourism professionals alike. This Companion to European Heritage Revivals offers inspiration and new ideas to those who want to engage a large, international audience in activities which bring the past to life. It offers a critical examination of the field\u2019s basic concepts and discusses a vast array of 'heritage revival tools', including games, historical re-enactments, 3D-visualisations, films, television documentaries, spatial designs and most importantly, international heritage routes. Through many case studies, this book demonstrates how various aspects of heritage can be effectively presented by linking historical places and landscapes in a single revival to create a multifaceted but coherent whole. Above all, it shows the exceptional success achieved by projects which consistently focus on creating meaningful experiences together with individual users"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Linde Egberts, Koos Bosma"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Heritage Strategies", " Heritage Experience", " Cultural Heritage Routes", " Routes des Vins d'Alsace", " Liberation Route Arnhem Nijmegen", " Region Identity Battle Field"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-07770-3"], ["title", "Companion to European Heritage Revivals"], ["doab_id", "16338"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319077697", "9783319077703"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319077697 (Print) 9783319077703 (Online)"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lefebvre, Armelle"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/222447"], ["title", "Comparaisons, raisons, raisons d'\u00c9tat. Les Politiques de la r\u00e9publique des lettres au tournant du XVIIe si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "17996"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783486597691", "9783486989311"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486597691, 9783486989311 "]], [["description", "Human T-cell leukemia viruses type 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and HTLV-2) share a common genetic organization, expression strategy and ability to infect and immortalize T-cells in vitro; however, HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 are strikingly different in terms of clinical impact. HTLV-1 is recognized as the aetiological agent of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL), and HTLV-associated myeolopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), in contrast, HTLV-2 does not cause hematologic disorders and is only sporadically associated with cases of subacute myelopathy. HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 also exhibit distinct cellular tropisms in vivo: HTLV-1 is mainly found in CD4+T lymphocytes, whereas CD8+T-cells are the preferred target for HTLV-2. The articles contributed in this Research Topic are covering all the different aspects that characterize HTLV-1 and HTLV-2, by highlighting differences in their biology that might provide clues to their distinct pathogenic properties."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Umberto Bertazzoni; Francoise Bex"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["HTLV-1", "HTLV-2", "Expression", "Proteins", "Co-infection"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1265/comparative-studies-between-htlv-1-and-htlv-2-function-and-pathobiology"], ["title", "Comparative studies between HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 function and pathobiology"], ["doab_id", "17686"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194988"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194988"]], [["description", "The discovery, twelve years ago, that the RF-amide peptide kisspeptin, acting via GPR54, is essential for the onset of puberty and reproduction, has been a major breakthrough in reproductive physiology. It has also put in front of the spotlights RF-amide peptides and allowed to revive research on this superfamily. The first member of this family to be characterized, in 1977, was the cardioexcitatory peptide, FMRFamide, isolated from the ganglia of the clam Macrocallista nimbosa. Since then, a large number of these peptides, designated after their C-terminal arginine (R) and amidated phenylalaline (F) residues, have been identified in representative species of all major phyla. By means of phylogenetic analyses, the superfamily of RFamide peptides has been divided into five families in vertebrates: kisspeptin, QFRP (including 26RFa), LPXRFa (including GnIH and RFRP), PQRFa (including NPFF) and PrRP. Recent data reveal that SIFamide-type neuropeptides in protostomian invertebrates and SALMFamide-type neuropeptides in deuterostomian invertebrates share a common evolutionary origin with vertebrate LPXRFa and PQRFa. Interestingly, in invertebrates as in vertebrates, multiple genes, as well as multiple mature peptides, are often present in a single species, questioning the need for such diversity in term of function. Comparative studies on non-mammalian vertebrates and invertebrates allow major advances in the knowledge of the evolutionary history of the RF-amide peptide superfamily. Such phylogenetical studies also contribute to improve classification and nomenclature of both peptides and receptors. RF-amide peptides from different families have major evolutionary conserved roles in the control of reproduction, but also of food intake, metabolism, energy expenditure, cardiovascular function, nociception and stress. They are also involved in the integration of environmental signals, notably the photoperiod, to regulate reproduction. For instance, in most vertebrate species and especially in seasonal mammals, kisspeptin and GnIH/RFRP have complementary but opposite effects in the control of reproductive function. In addition, recent data show cross-activities between the members of the RF-amide peptide superfamily and their receptors. For example, PrRP, kisspeptin and 26RFa are able to modulate nociception via NPFF receptors. Comparative studies have the potential to reveal novel regulatory mechanisms that could give a better comprehension of physiological functions and lead to new therapeutic treatments for related human pathologies. Thus, kisspeptin antagonists have been developed as novel tools for treatment of hormone-dependent disorders of reproduction such as precocious puberty and endometriosis or kisspeptin agonists for treatment of infertility, in humans. Studies on lower vertebrate models can also contribute to the discovery of new roles of these peptides, as seen recently with kisspeptin being involved in the early development of the medaka. This research topic will aim at gathering major advances achieved through comparative studies in (mammalian and non-mammalian) vertebrates and invertebrates, in the knowledge of RF-amide peptides in term of evolutionary history and physiological roles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karine Rousseau; Sylvie Dufour; Hubert Vaudry"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["RF-amide peptides", "GPCRs", "Kisspeptin", "GnIH", "PrRP", "NPFF", "QRFP", "evolution"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2324/a-comparative-survey-of-the-rf-amide-peptide-superfamily"], ["title", "A comparative survey of the RF-amide peptide superfamily"], ["doab_id", "18845"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197309"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197309"]], [["description", "A obra prop\u00f5e uma reflex\u00e3o sobre os saberes te\u00f3ricos e pr\u00e1ticos no \u00e2mbito da forma\u00e7\u00e3o e atua\u00e7\u00e3o docente, tendo em vista a natureza de cada um desses saberes e em que medida eles tornam complexa a forma\u00e7\u00e3o e o trabalho dos professores. Trata-se de um estudo de grande atualidade, fundamentado em pesquisas desenvolvidas a partir dos anos 90, em que se discute a racionalidade da constitui\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalho docente em sala de aula, oportuno a professores e a professorandos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Marilda da"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8xxn2"], ["title", "Complexidade da forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores: saberes te\u00f3ricos e saberes pr\u00e1ticos"], ["doab_id", "16704"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598605975"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598605975"]], [["description", "Complexity, Security and Civil Society in East Asia offers the latest understanding of complex global problems in the region, including nuclear weapons, urban insecurity, energy, and climate change. Detailed case studies of China, North and South Korea, and Japan demonstrate the importance of civil society and \u2018civic diplomacy\u2019 in reaching shared solutions to these problems in East Asia and beyond. Each chapter describes regional civil society initiatives that tackle complex challenges to East Asia\u2019s security. In doing so, the book identifies key pressure points at which civil society can push for constructive changes\u00afespecially ones that reduce the North Korean threat to its neighbors. Unusually, this book is both theoretical and practical. Complexity, Security and Civil Society in East Asia presents strategies that can be led by civil society and negotiated by its diplomats to realize peace, security, and sustainability worldwide. It shows that networked civic diplomacy offers solutions to these urgent issues that official \u2018complex diplomacy\u2019 cannot. By providing a new theoretical framework based on empirical observation, this volume is a must read for diplomats, scholars, students, journalists, activists, and individual readers seeking insight into how to solve the crucial issues of our time."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hayes, Peter (Editor); Yi, Kiho (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Civil society", " civic diplomacy", " nuclear weapons", " urban insecurity", " energy", " climate change", " China", " Korea", " Japan"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/326"], ["title", "Complexity, Security and Civil Society in East Asia. Foreign Policies and the Korean Peninsula"], ["doab_id", "17336"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9781783741120"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741120"]], [["description", "Vanuit de \u2018design & build\u2019 ervaringen in zijn eigen bedrijf in Delft heeft Mick Eekhout een geactualiseerde versie geschreven van het boek over de methodologie die hij gebruikt als ontwerper van draagconstructies en bouwconstructies in gevels en daken. Hij heeft de methodologie ook jarenlang aan studenten onderwezen om standaard bouwproducten te ontwikkelen, evenals systeemproducten en speciale producten ofwel (bouw)componenten. Het eerste deel van het boek behandelt methodisch werken, het tweede deel behandelt voor de drie genoemde hoofdtypen (standaard-, systeem- en speciaalproducten) de beste methodologie om tot een succesvol resultaat te komen. Het boek wordt gebruikt om studenten een volledig overzicht over de praktische methodologie van het componentontwerpen en productontwikkelen te geven. Het boek is nuttig voor architecten die speciale componenten in hun gebouwen willen ontwikkelen. Bouwproductontwerpers zullen in het boek meer overwegingen vinden dan ze in hun eigen praktijk tegenkomen. Het doel van dit boek is de innovatieve industri\u00eble productontwikkeling van de bouw in de praktijk te bevorderen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["ontwerpmethodologie -- bouwproducten ", " bouwcomponenten"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-90-5199-539-8"], ["title", "Componentontwerpen en Productontwikkelen"], ["doab_id", "19263"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789051995381", "9789051995398"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9789051995381 (print) | 9789051995398 (online)"]], [["description", "Examines the exercise of power in the Stalinist music world as well as the ways in which composers and ordinary people responded to it. A comparative inquiry into the relationship between music and politics in the German Democratic Republic and Poland from the aftermath of World War II through Stalin's death in 1953, concluding with the slow process of de-Stalinization in the mid-to-late 1990s.This book examines the exercise of power in the Stalinist music world as well as the ways in which composers and ordinary people responded to it. It presents a comparative inquiry into the relationship between music and politics in the German Democratic Republic and Poland from the aftermath of World War II through Stalin\u2019s death in 1953, concluding with the slow process of de-Stalinization in the mid- to late-1950s. The author explores how the Communist parties in both countries expressed their attitudes to music of all kinds, and how composers, performers, and audiences cooperated with, resisted, and negotiated these suggestions and demands. Based on a deep analysis of the archival and contemporary published sources on state, party, and professional organizations concerned with musical life, Tompkins argues that music, as a significant part of cultural production in these countries, played a key role in instituting and maintaining the regimes of East Central Europe. As part of the Stalinist project to create and control a new socialist identity at the personal as well as collective level, the ruling parties in East Germany and Poland sought to saturate public space through the production of music. Politically effective ideas and symbols were introduced that furthered their attempts to, in the parlance of the day, \u201cengineer the human soul.\u201d Music also helped the Communist parties establish legitimacy. Extensive state support for musical life encouraged musical elites and audiences to accept the dominant position and political missions of these regimes. Party leaders invested considerable resources in the attempt to create an authorized musical language that would secure and maintain hegemony over the cultural and wider social worlds. The responses of composers and audiences ran the gamut from enthusiasm to suspicion, but indifference was not an option. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tompkins G. ,David"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Music", "Political aspects", "Poland", "Germany (East)", "History", "20th Century"]], ["publisher", "Purdue University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469621"], ["title", "Composing the Party Line - Music and Politics in Early Cold War Poland and East Germany"], ["doab_id", "15949"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781557536471", "9781612492896", "9781612492902", "9781557537027"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781557536471 9781612492896 9781612492902 9781557537027"]], [["description", "O livro constr\u00f3i um di\u00e1logo entre pesquisadores brasileiros e franceses, de diferentes campos do conhecimento, sobre dois temas que passaram a ocupar os espa\u00e7os do debate acad\u00eamico e das a\u00e7\u00f5es p\u00fablicas, nas duas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas: a quest\u00e3o do desenvolvimento e a quest\u00e3o territorial. Duas quest\u00f5es foram colocadas para os pesquisadores: qual o significado do conceito de territ\u00f3rio a partir de seu campo de estudo e quais contribui\u00e7\u00f5es podem aportar para a compreens\u00e3o dos processos de desenvolvimento. Al\u00e9m de um rico debate no sentido epistemol\u00f3gico, a partir dos diversos campos de an\u00e1lise o livro aponta tamb\u00e9m algumas indaga\u00e7\u00f5es: como trabalhar a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre espa\u00e7o e territ\u00f3rio, como caraceterizar fronteiras territoriais em um mundo em que, elas marcam profundamente tanto a uni\u00e3o/ interc\u00e2mbio quanto a ruptura/interdi\u00e7\u00e3o? E v\u00e1rias outras quet\u00f5es que compoem a agenda de debate da economia, geografia, ciencias pol\u00edticas, sociologia e da administra\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ribeiro, Maria Teresa Franco; Milani, Carlos Roberto Sanchez"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/37t"], ["title", "Compreendendo a complexidade socioespacial contempor\u00e2nea: o territ\u00f3rio como categoria de di\u00e1logo interdisciplinar"], ["doab_id", "17254"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209322"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209322"]], [["description", "Systems Biomedicine is a field in perpetual development. By definition a translational discipline, it emphasizes the role of quantitative systems approaches in biomedicine and aims to offer solutions to many emerging problems characterized by levels and types of complexity and uncertainty unmet before. Many factors, including technological and societal ones, need to be considered. In particular, new technologies are providing researchers with the data deluge whose management and exploitation requires a reinvention of cross-disciplinary team efforts. The advent of \u201comics\u201d and high-content imaging are examples of advances de facto establishing the necessity of systems approaches. Hypothesis-driven models and in silico validation tools in support to all the varieties of experimental applications call for a profound revision. The focus on phases like mining and assimilating the data has substantially increased so to allow for interpretable knowledge to be inferred. Notably, to be able to tackle the newly generated data dimensionality, heterogeneity and complexity, model-free and data-driven intensive applications are increasingly shaping the computational pipelines and architectures that quant specialists set aside of the high-throughput genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics platforms. As for the societal aspects, in many advanced societies health care needs now more than in the past to address the problem of managing ageing populations and their complex morbidity patterns. In parallel, there is a growing research interest on the impact that cross-disciplinary clinical, epidemiological and quantitative modelling studies can have in relation to outcomes potentially affecting the quality of life of many people. Complex systems, including those characterizing biomedicine, are assessed in both their functionality and stability, and also relatively to the capacity of generating information from diversity, variation, and complexity. Due to the combined interactions and effects, such systems embed prediction power available for instance in both target identification or marker discovery, or more generally for conducting inference about patients\u2019 pathological states, i.e. normal versus disease, diagnostic or prognostic analysis, and preventive assessment (e.g., risk evaluation). The ultimate goal, personalized medicine, will be achieved based on the confluence of the system\u2019s predictive power to patient-specific profiling."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pietro Lio; Enrico Capobianco"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["systems biomedicine", "translational science", "big data", "inference", "paradigm shift"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1569/comprehensive-systems-biomedicine"], ["title", "Comprehensive Systems Biomedicine"], ["doab_id", "17703"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193745"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193745"]], [["description", "This book is about the organization of explanation sequences in classes of French as a second language. It provides a description of how these sequences are organized, an inventory of resources mobilized by students to ask and give explanations, as well as a reflection on learning opportunities for students.

Cet ouvrage porte sur l\u2019organisation des s\u00e9quences d\u2019explication en classe de fran\u00e7ais langue seconde. Il offre une description de la mani\u00e8re dont ces s\u00e9quences sont organis\u00e9es, un inventaire des ressources mobilis\u00e9es par les \u00e9l\u00e8ves pour demander et donner des explications, ainsi qu\u2019une r\u00e9flexion sur les opportunit\u00e9s d\u2019apprentissage des \u00e9l\u00e8ves."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lauzon Fasel ,Virginie"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["explanation", "classroom interactions", "learning a second language", "competence development of interaction", "conversation analysis", "explication", "interactions en classe", "apprentissage d\u2019une langue seconde", "d\u00e9veloppement de la comp\u00e9tence d\u2019interaction", "analyse conversationnelle"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619030"], ["title", "Comprendre et apprendre dans l\u2019interaction. Les s\u00e9quences d\u2019explication en classe de fran\u00e7ais langue seconde"], ["doab_id", "19934"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034314510"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034314510"]], [["description", "Il est essentiel pour l'\u00e9tudiant universitaire ou d'\u00e9cole sup\u00e9rieure d'\u00eatre capable de rep\u00e9rer rapidement, de mani\u00e8re autonome et critique, des informations valides et de qualit\u00e9.Bas\u00e9 sur plus de vingt ans d'exp\u00e9rience, ce manuel remplace le manuel \"Lire et \u00e9crire la litt\u00e9rature scientifique\" (Pochet, 2012) qui avait lui-m\u00eame \u00e9t\u00e9 construit par la fusion et la mise \u00e0 jour des livres \"M\u00e9thodologie documentaire. Rechercher, consulter, r\u00e9diger \u00e0 l'heure d'Internet ?\" (Pochet, 2005) et \"La r\u00e9daction d'un article scientifique. Petit guide pratique adapt\u00e9 aux sciences appliqu\u00e9es et sciences de la vie \u00e0 l'heure du libre acc\u00e8s\" (Pochet, 2009).Les pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents manuels mettaient l'accent sur l'article scientifique, sur le double r\u00f4le, de lecteur et d'auteur, des utilisateurs de la litt\u00e9rature scientifique ainsi que sur la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 d'une recherche d'information m\u00e9thodique.Ce manuel ajoute une dimension suppl\u00e9mentaire. Il se focalise sur une bonne compr\u00e9hension des diff\u00e9rents processus en jeux dans la diffusion de l'information scientifique.Les objectifs de cet ouvrage sont d'amener le lecteur, d'une part, \u00e0 bien comprendre le fonctionnement de la litt\u00e9rature scientifique et ses processus et, d'autre part, ma\u00eetriser les m\u00e9thodes de recherche d'information, de veille informationnelle, de tri, de s\u00e9lection et d'organisation de l'information ainsi que les m\u00e9thodes de production d'information scientifique, de citations et de r\u00e9daction."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bernard Pochet"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["information literacy", " information retrieval", " scientific writing"]], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/186181"], ["title", "Comprendre et ma\u00eetriser la litt\u00e9rature scientifique"], ["doab_id", "17461"], ["language_unmapped", "Fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161371"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161371"]], [["description", "Este libro aborda el proceso de politizaci\u00f3n y radicalizaci\u00f3n de sectores medios de la sociedad argentina en los tempranos a\u00f1os setenta, a partir del an\u00e1lisis de dos grupos de profesionales. Por un lado, pone el foco en un n\u00facleo de psic\u00f3logos que, creciendo desde los m\u00e1rgenes de una instituci\u00f3n psiqui\u00e1trica tradicional, radicaliz\u00f3 sus posturas al impulsar un conjunto de innovaciones que ten\u00edan como horizonte la idea de \u201ccomunidades terap\u00e9uticas\u201d. Por otro lado, reconstruye el itinerario de un grupo de abogados que conform\u00f3 una entidad profesional orientada casi exclusivamente a la defensa de presos pol\u00edticos, en su mayor\u00eda pertenecientes a las organizaciones armadas revolucionarias. El texto busca precisar el repertorio de pr\u00e1cticas y discursos que apuntaban a impugnar tanto el propio \u00e1mbito disciplinar-profesional como el sistema social en su conjunto, en el marco de una trama en la que ambos cuestionamientos se planteaban de modo indisociable. Una sociedad \u201cnueva\u201d requer\u00eda un \u201cnuevo\u201d tipo de profesionales y, a su vez, el ejercicio de la profesi\u00f3n aparec\u00eda como un espacio leg\u00edtimo desde el cual delinear aquella sociedad que aspiraban a conformar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chama, Mauricio Sergio"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Acci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica ", " Ideolog\u00edas ", " Movimientos sociales ", " Argentina"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/62"], ["title", "Compromiso pol\u00edtico y labor profesional"], ["doab_id", "18992"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503413067"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503413067 "]], [["description", "This book contains a collection of papers discussing questions related to space and movement in the framework of computational archaeology, landscape archaeology, historical geography and archaeological theory. The contributions, written by recognized experts in the field, show how the study of settlements pattern and movement has been dramatically transformed by the use of technology like Geographic Information System (GIS). The papers focus on the ways to approach past movement using GIS in archaeological landscape studies: theoretical, technical and interpretative issues are addressed and explored. They provide the state of the art in theory and methodology and show, by using case studies, the potential of the developed approaches for the understanding of factors and effects of landscape formation and transformation in the long term."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Polla, Silvia; Verhagen, Philip"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Landscape archeology, GIS, path analysis, archeological theory "]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/182464"], ["title", "Computational Approaches to the Study of Movement in Archaeology. Theory, Practice and Interpretation of Factors and Effects of Long Term Landscape Formation and Transformation"], ["doab_id", "18038"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110288384", "9783110377132", "9783110288315"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110288384, 9783110377132, 9783110288315"]], [["description", "The book presents the proceedings of the international conference CLiP 2003, Computer Literacy and Philology, held in Florence on 4 and 5 December 2003 within the framework of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of Florence University. The aim of the conference was to integrate humanistic disciplines with ICT technologies, and the publication is oriented to issues related to multilingualism. The contributions illustrate different types of IT tools now available to facilitate access to and management and study of the cultural heritage, more specifically that aspect of the heritage with which philologists and linguists are typically concerned.

Il volume ospita gli atti della conferenza internazionale CLiP 2003, Computer Literacy and Philology, tenutasi a Firenze il 4 e 5 dicembre 2003 nell'ambito delle manifestazioni degli 80 anni dell'Ateneo Fiorentino. L'obiettivo della conferenza \u00e8 stato l'integrazione delle discipline umanistiche e delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione, ed il volume \u00e8 orientato alle tematiche relative al multilinguismo. I contributi raccolti illustrano vari tipi di strumenti informatici oggi disponibili per l'accesso, la gestione e lo studio del patrimonio culturale, in particolare quella parte del patrimonio a cui si interessano tipicamente i filologi e i linguisti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nicolas Martinez, Carlota; Moneglia, Massimo"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Informatics", "Information tecnology", "Communication tecnology", "Informatica", "Tecnologia dell'informazione", "Tecnologie della comunicazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356369"], ["title", "Computers, Literature and Philology CLiP 2003"], ["doab_id", "13163"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884532954", "9788884532961"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532957 8884532965"]], [["description", "O ensino do curso de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o e seus desafios, a constru\u00e7\u00e3o da hist\u00f3ria da televis\u00e3o no Brasil, c\u00f3pia de livros nas universidades brasileiras, s\u00e3o alguns dos temas de artigos reunidos neste livro que trata de diversos temas que envolvem a comunica\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mattos, S\u00e9rgio"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/387"], ["title", "Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o plural"], ["doab_id", "17255"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208943"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208943"]], [["description", "In a perspective of local history that combines problem analysis with a reconstruction accessible even to non-specialists, this book addresses the economy, society and institutions of a rural community of the Tuscan Apennines. The community of Raggiolo is portrayed over a long span of time ranging from the late centuries of the Middle Ages up to the end of the eighteenth century. We are thus offered a picture of the Casentino mountains which reveals - in the centuries-old intertwining of mountain economy, social equality, sharing of the management of the local administration and the goods belonging to the collectivity - one of the main reasons for the resistance to change which was to mark the end of the ancien regime.

In una prospettiva di storia locale che intreccia l'analisi problematica alla ricostruzione accessibile anche ai non specialisti, il volume studia economia, societ\u00e0, istituzioni di una comunit\u00e0 rurale dell'Appennino toscano. La comunit\u00e0 di Raggiolo viene colta in una lunga durata che dai secoli finali del Medioevo si protrae fino alla fine del Settecento. In tal modo viene offerto un quadro della montagna casentinese che coglie nel secolare intreccio fra economia montana, eguaglianza sociale, condivisione della gestione dell'ammistrazione locale e dei beni appartenenti alla collettivit\u00e0, uno dei principali motivi della resistenza al cambiamento che segner\u00e0 la fine dell'antico regime."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bicchierai, Marco"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Middle ages", "Medieval communities", "Tuscany", "Medioevo", "Comuni medievali", "Toscana"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356376"], ["title", "Una comunit\u00e0 rurale toscana di antico regime"], ["doab_id", "13170"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534835", "9788884534842"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534836 8884534844"]], [["description", "Analysis of the change in the political orientation made in the Communist Party of Chile in the early 80s of last century and the adoption of the policy of Popular Rebellion in their fight against Pinochet"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bravo ,Viviana"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Chilean Communist Party", "History", "political culture", "Chile"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617557"], ["title", "Con la raz\u00f3n y la fuerza: La Rebeli\u00f3n Popular y la Subjetividad Comunista en los \u201880"], ["doab_id", "19151"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416195"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416195"]], [["description", "This Contemporary Anarchist Studies volume examines how modern states tend to disguise their agency as a way to avoid accountability and hide their action."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jason Royce Lindsey"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306747"], ["title", "The Concealment of the State"], ["doab_id", "17153"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306747"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306747"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Martino Sacchi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/testo-domande-filosofia-definitivo-da-inviare-corretto.pdf"], ["title", "Concorso a cattedre 2016 classe A19: Storia e filosofia, le domande dell'orale"], ["doab_id", "18990"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054411"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054411"]], [["description", "This book explores what is at stake in the confessional culture. Thomas Docherty examines confessional writings from Augustine to Derrida, arguing that through all this work runs a philosophical substratum - the conditions under which it is possible to assert a confessional mode - that needs exploration and explication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Docherty"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666770"], ["title", "Confessions"], ["doab_id", "15453"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666770"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666770"]], [["description", "This book is an examination of the effect of contemporary wars (such as the 'War on Terror') on civil life at a global level. Contemporary literature on war is mainly devoted to recent changes in the theory and practice of warfare, particular those in which terrorists or insurgents are involved (for example, the 'revolution in military affairs', 'small wars', and so on). On the other hand, today's research on security is focused, among other themes, on the effects of the war on terrorism, and on civil liberties and social control. This volume connects these two fields of research, showing how 'war' and 'security' tend to exchange targets and forms of action as well as personnel (for instance, the spreading use of private contractors in wars and of military experts in the 'struggle for security') in modern society. This shows how, contrary to Clausewitz's belief war should be conceived of as a \"continuation of politics by other means\", the opposite statement is also true: that politics, insofar as it concerns security, can be defined as the 'continuation of war by other means'. This book will be of much interest to students of critical security studies, war and conflict studies, terrorism studies, sociology and IR in general. Salvatore Palidda is Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Education at the University of Genoa. Alessandro Dal Lago is Professor of Sociology of Culture and Communication at the University of Genoa.Introduction Alessandro Dal Lago and Salvatore Palidda Part 1: The Constituent Role of Armed Conflicts 1. Fields Without Honour: Contemporary War as Global Enforcement Alessandro Dal Lago 2. The Barbarization of the Peace: The Neo-Conservative Transformation of War and Perspectives Alain Joxe 3. Norm/Exception: Exceptionalism and Governmental Prospects Roberto Ciccarelli 4. Reversing Clausewitz? War and politics in French Philosophy: Michel Foucault, Deleuze-Guattari and Raymond Aron Massimiliano Guareschi 5. Global War and Technoscience Luca Guzzetti Part 2: Securisation 6. September 14, 2001: The Regression to the Habitus Didier Bigo 7. Revolution in Police Affairs Salvatore Palidda 8. Surveillance: From Resistance to Support Eric Heilmann 9. Enemies, Not Criminals: The Law and Courts Against Global Terrorism Gabriella Petti Part 3: The Reshaping of Global Society 10. Media at War Marcello Maneri 11. Global Bureaucracy: Irresponsible But Not Indifferent Mariella Pandolfi and Laurence Mcfall 12. The Space of Camps: Towards a Genealogy of Places of Internment in the Present Federico Rahola"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dal Lago ,Alessandro; Palidda ,Salvatore"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Critical Security", "Theory & Political Sociology", "War & Conflict Studies", "Critical Security Studies", "Social Theory", "Politics", "Veiligheid", "Theoretische en politieke sociologie", "Oorlog en conflicten studie", "Veiligheidsstudie", "Sociologische theorie", "Politiek"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391032"], ["title", "Conflict, Security and the Reshaping of Society : The Civilization of War"], ["doab_id", "13389"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415570343"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415570343"]], [["description", "Em 1967, estive pela primeira vez em Santa Terezinha de passagem para a aldeia Tapirap\u00e9, onde cheguei como auxiliar de pesquisa do Prof. Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira, \u00e0 \u00e9poca desenvolvendo um projeto sobre contatos inter\u00e9tnicos. Eu n\u00e3o tinha, ent\u00e3o, inten\u00e7\u00e3o de estudar posseiros e pe\u00f5es, mas o que vi e ouvi foi a motiva\u00e7\u00e3o para retornar, anos mais tarde. [trecho tirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Esterci, Neide"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9jg68"], ["title", "Conflito no Araguaia: pe\u00f5es e posseiros contra a grande empresa"], ["doab_id", "16662"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662540"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662549"]], [["description", "\u00c9 poss\u00edvel ter servi\u00e7os p\u00fablicos com mais qualidade? Como gerenciar as rela\u00e7\u00f5es no setor de modo que todos saiam ganhando? A popula\u00e7\u00e3o disp\u00f5e de meios para garantir sua cidadania, ampliando, assim, sua participa\u00e7\u00e3o na esfera p\u00fablica? Como? Em Conflitos, Efici\u00eancia e Democracia na Gest\u00e2o P\u00fablica, h\u00e1 respostas a estas e outras perguntas. De maneira simples, o autor discute a negocia\u00e7\u00e3o coletiva e suas t\u00e1ticas. Mostra exemplos de documentos que podem ser \u00fateis no processo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Braga, Douglas Gerson"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Setor p\u00fablico, Gest\u00e3o de qualidade total"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q3zt8"], ["title", "Conflitos, efici\u00eancia e democracia na gest\u00e3o p\u00fablica "], ["doab_id", "16397"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412527"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412527"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of seven essays with an introduction by the editor. The contributions propose first-hand studies of some of the less researched aspects of the history of the Italian communes: the practices of conflict, vendetta and pacification. The variety of different ways of resolving conflicts brought to light by the studies for the various civic and rural contexts (Mantua, Parma, Pisa, Lucca, Florence and the Valdinievole), between the beginning of the thirteenth and the mid fourteenth century, indicate how normal such social relations were, the widespread nature of the feud and the legitimisation and centrality of the culture of the vendetta within the political arena of the commune. The book hence offers a precious contribution for a review of the prevalent narration of the vendetta in late mediaeval Italian society.

Il volume raccoglie sette saggi e un'introduzione del curatore che propongono indagini di prima mano su alcuni aspetti tra i meno indagati della storia dei comuni italiani: le pratiche del conflitto, della vendetta e della pacificazione. La variet\u00e0 dei modi di condurre, gestire e risolvere i conflitti, che le ricerche evidenziano per vari contesti cittadini e rurali (Mantova, Parma, Pisa, Lucca, Firenze e la Valdinievole) tra l'inizio del XIII e la met\u00e0 del XIV secolo, mostra l'ordinariet\u00e0 di tali relazioni sociali, la larga diffusione delle pratiche di faida, la legittimazione e la centralit\u00e0 della cultura della vendetta nello spazio politico comunale. Il volume offre un contributo prezioso alla riconsiderazione della narrazione tuttora prevalente della vendetta nella societ\u00e0 italiana del tardo medioevo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Municipality", "Middle Ages", "Comune", "Medioevo"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343877"], ["title", "Conflitti, paci e vendette nell'Italia comunale"], ["doab_id", "13010"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534453"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884534453"]], [["description", "Este libro est\u00e1 compuesto por seis cap\u00edtulos, cada uno de los cuales aborda un per\u00edodo particular de la historia pol\u00edtica argentina. Poseen el com\u00fan denominador de ocuparse de la conmemoraci\u00f3n de la Revoluci\u00f3n de Mayo de 1810, vista a trav\u00e9s de peri\u00f3dicos impresos. Es as\u00ed que el lector encontrar\u00e1 a los autores trabajando tanto con La Gaceta Mercantil, un peri\u00f3dico caracter\u00edstico del siglo XIX,como con los diarios El D\u00eda o La Naci\u00f3n, de plena vigencia en la actualidad. \u00bfExiste una necesidad de conmemorar las fechas patrias? \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 y para qu\u00e9 se celebra una y otra vez, a\u00f1o tras a\u00f1o, un acontecimiento como el citado? \u00c9stos son algunos de los interrogantes que intentan responder los autores. Todos ellos pertenecen al equipo interdisciplinario que desarrolla un proyecto de Investigaci\u00f3n en el marco del Programa de Incentivos a la Investigaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Quinteros, Guillermo O."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Argentina ", " Revoluci\u00f3n de Mayo ", " historia pol\u00edtica ", " Siglos XIX-XXI ", " Political history ", " 19th-21st Century"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/20"], ["title", "La conmemoraci\u00f3n de la Revoluci\u00f3n de Mayo: Prensa gr\u00e1fica, historia y pol\u00edtica, siglos XIX-XXI"], ["doab_id", "17351"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411254"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411254"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Braun, Guido"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/232006"], ["title", "La connaissance du Saint-Empire en France du baroque aux Lumi\u00e8res 1643-1756"], ["doab_id", "18074"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783486719376", "9783486591439"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486719376, 9783486591439"]], [["description", "This book addresses the relationship between sociology, social theory and postcolonialism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gurminder K. Bhambra"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544377"], ["title", "Connected Sociologies"], ["doab_id", "17133"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544377"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544377"]], [["description", "Connecting Canadians represents the work of the Community Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking (CRACIN), the largest national and international research effort to examine the burgeoning field of community informatics, a cross-disciplinary approach to the mobilization of information and communications technologies (ICT) for community change. Funded for four years by the SSHRC's Initiative for the New Economy, CRACIN systematically studied a wide variety of Canadian community ICT initiatives, bringing perspectives from sociology, computer science, critical theory, women's studies, library and information sciences, and management studies to bear on networking technologies. A comprehensive thematic account of this in-depth research, Connecting Canadians will be an essential resource for NGOs, governments, the private sector, and multilateral agencies across the globe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrew Clement, Michael Gurstein, Graham Longford, Marita Moll, and Leslie Regan Shade"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["informatics", "networking", "community"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120193"], ["title", "Connecting Canadians: Investigations in Community Informatics"], ["doab_id", "15425"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836041", "9781926836058", "9781926836423"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836041 9781926836058 9781926836423"]], [["description", "The Conscience of Cinema is not only a history of a rich and varied personal oeuvre by a prolific documentary maker who worked on every continent and through seven decades, from the 1920s to the 1980s. It is also the history of the aspiration to use documentary film to change the world by a committed leftist, as well as a microcosmic history of documentary form, technology and culture, and its place within world cinema as a whole throughout the twentieth century. Ivens worked in almost every genre of documentary, including the essay, compilation, hybrid dramatization, direct cinema, social observation, the solidarity film, socialist realism, agitprop activism. In this book, detailed filmic analysis is enriched by a profound historical understanding of the contexts in which Ivens carried out his vision, from his native Netherlands to the Soviet bloc, USA, France, Latin America, Vietnam and finally China. Everywhere, Joris Ivens left an indelible artistic and political mark, critically relevant to a twenty-first century where documentary has reclaimed its cultural and political centrality.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waugh ,Thomas"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "Film Theory and Criticism"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605853"], ["title", "The Conscience of Cinema"], ["doab_id", "18930"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048525256"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048525256"]], [["description", "Este livro remete a tr\u00eas complexas quest\u00f5es filos\u00f3ficas as quais abordaremos a partir do pensamento de Bergson: a natureza da consci\u00eancia, a natureza da mat\u00e9ria e a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre consci\u00eancia e mat\u00e9ria. Tendo em vista os objetivos do presente estudo apresentaremos essa tem\u00e1tica, cuja hist\u00f3ria \u00e9 longa e tortuosa, a partir daquela que pode ser considerada como a sua formula\u00e7\u00e3o paradigm\u00e1tica, a de Descartes, refer\u00eancia te\u00f3rica fundamental com a qual a tradi\u00e7\u00e3o filos\u00f3fica posterior, inclusive contempor\u00e2nea, dialoga e da qual n\u00e3o consegue se desvencilhar, em que pesem os grandes desenvolvimentos das ci\u00eancias f\u00edsicas e biol\u00f3gicas. \u00c9 por meio de um exerc\u00edcio de aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o e de distanciamento em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao pensamento de Descartes que buscaremos compreender os principais aspectos da filosofia de Bergson e refletir criticamente sobre os seus fundamentos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Coelho, Jonas Gon\u00e7alves"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5zms8"], ["title", "Consci\u00eancia e mat\u00e9ria: o dualismo de Bergson"], ["doab_id", "16705"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831089"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831089"]], [["description", "The basic nuts and bolts underlying human behavior remain mysterious from a scientific point of view. Everyday acts - naming an object, suppressing the urge to say something, or grabbing a waiter\u2019s attention with a \u201ccappuccino, please\u201d - remain difficult to understand from a mechanistic standpoint. Despite these challenges, research has begun to illuminate, not only the basic processes underlying human action production, but the role of conscious processing in the control of behavior. This Research Topic, \u201cConsciousness and the Control of Action,\u201d is devoted to surveying and synthesizing these developments from disparate fields of study."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "T. Andrew Poehlman; Ezequiel Morsella"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["action", "Consciousness", "unconscious processing", "voluntary action", "perception-and-action"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1192/consciousness-and-action-control"], ["title", "Consciousness and Action Control"], ["doab_id", "18577"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193158"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193158"]], [["description", "Issues of subjectivity and consciousness are dealt with in very different ways in the analytic tradition and in the idealistic\u2013phenomenological tradition central to continental philosophy. This book brings together analytically inspired philosophers working on the continent with English-speaking philosophers to address specific issues regarding subjectivity and consciousness. The issues range from acquaintance and immediacy in perception and apperception, to the role of agency in bodily \u2018mine-ness\u2019, to self-determination (Selbstbestimmung) through (free) action. Thus involving philosophers of different traditions should yield a deeper vision of consciousness and subjectivity; one relating the mind not only to nature, or to first-person authority in linguistic creatures\u2013questions which, in the analytic tradition, are sometimes treated as exhausting the topic\u2013but also to many other aspects of mind\u2019s understanding of itself in ways which disrupt classic inner/outer boundaries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Miguens, Sofia; Preyer, Gerhard"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208987"], ["title", "Consciousness and Subjectivity"], ["doab_id", "18062"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110325843", "9783110325133", "9783110325850"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110325843, 9783110325133, 9783110325850"]], [["description", "Este trabajo pretende presentar el estado de los conocimientos acerca de las consecuencias educativas que tuvo en Am\u00e9rica la expulsi\u00f3n de la Compa\u00f1\u00eda de Jes\u00fas. Centrado en la Am\u00e9rica Hispana, se organiza en una estructura geogr\u00e1fica que repasa los distintos niveles educativos en cada uno de los territorios (Virreinato de Nueva Espa\u00f1a, Nuevo Reino de Granada, Virreinato del Per\u00fa y Chile, Virreinato del R\u00edo de la Plata) y se cierra con unas consideraciones generales sobre las pol\u00e9micas del momento, cuestiones historiogr\u00e1ficas, m\u00e9todo de la ense\u00f1anza jesuita y unas conclusiones sobre las contradicciones e intereses que se dan cita en la expulsi\u00f3n. Aporta un extenso y ordenado repertorio bibliogr\u00e1fico."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Villalba P\u00e9rez, Enrique"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Educaci\u00f3n", "Jesuitas", "Education", "Jesuits", "Am\u00e9rica", "Compa\u00f1\u00eda de Jes\u00fas"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7881/08_biblioteca_nebrija.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Consecuencias educativas de la expulsi\u00f3n de los jesuitas de Am\u00e9rica"], ["doab_id", "16168"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788497720700"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8497720709"]], [["description", "Nell\u2019ultimo trentennio un versante della poesia spagnola, identificabile con la generalizzante etichetta di \u2018poesia dell\u2019esperienza\u2019 e rappresentata al massimo grado dal poeta Luis Garc\u00eda Montero, si \u00e8 fatta carico di un impegno civico spesso passato in secondo piano a causa della semplicistica identificazione tra i temi poetici esperienziali e la biografia empirica degli autori. Per approfondire lo studio dell\u2019impegno racchiuso nei versi di Garc\u00eda Montero si rivela utile l\u2019analisi dei topoi poetici a cui il granadino ricorre e che rielabora in tutte le sue raccolte, recuperando inoltre le teorie sul postmoderno proposte da Habermas e che la poes\u00eda de la experiencia ha reso proprie, grazie anche al magistero di Juan Carlos Rodr\u00edguez. Garc\u00eda Montero, infatti, riprendendo i topoi codificati dalla tradizione e rielaborandoli alla luce di una necessaria interpretazione storica della contingenza, d\u00e0 vita a un sistema poetico che dota il lettore di una profonda coscienza di libert\u00e0 e autodeterminazione. A cominciare dallo studio delle ricorrenti immagini dell\u2019io poetico, l\u2019analisi si sposta poi allo spazio letterario creato da Garc\u00eda Montero che affonda le radici nell\u2019essenza della prima persona, si estende alla rappresentazione corporea e si espande definitivamente alla costruzione delle citt\u00e0 letterarie. L\u2019analisi testuale dimostra che le immagini letterarie della tradizione vengono trasformate da Montero per suggerire la necessit\u00e0 di riappropriazione per l\u2019uomo contemporaneo \u2013 se pervaso dallo spirito democratico \u2013 di un nuovo spazio pubblico, da istituire nella poesia quando quello concreto viene meno."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giuliana Calabrese"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Conseguenza_xsito.pdf"], ["title", "La conseguenza di una metamorfosi"], ["doab_id", "19820"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867055029"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867055029"]], [["description", "Transformer un organisme qui dispense des cours traditionnels en un organisme qui offre des cours \u00e0 distance et en ligne n\u2019est pas une entreprise de tout repos. Il faut comprendre que l\u2019on travaille avec des sp\u00e9cialistes de la mati\u00e8re qui ont, dans la plupart des cas, toujours pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 leur enseignement en mode pr\u00e9sentiel, en salle de classe. Peu d\u2019entre eux ont planifi\u00e9 leurs cours de fa\u00e7on syst\u00e9matique. Cependant, cette planification s\u2019av\u00e8re une n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 absolue lorsque l\u2019on envisage d\u2019offrir son enseignement \u00e0 distance. Selon le professeur Robert Brien, p\u00e8re du design p\u00e9dagogique dans la Francophonie, \u00ab le mod\u00e8le de d\u00e9veloppement de cours que propose le professeur Power, dans son ouvrage, est souple et constitue un apport important au d\u00e9veloppement des cours d\u2019un programme de formation \u00bb. Ce livre, \u00e9crit dans le style abordable du journal de bord, am\u00e8ne les lecteurs \u00e0 l\u2019int\u00e9rieur du processus quotidien du design de cours universitaires, au c\u0153ur m\u00eame de la cr\u00e9ation des connaissances et de leur organisation en unit\u00e9s p\u00e9dagogiques. \u00c0 travers dix \u00e9tudes de cas, l\u2019auteur nous pr\u00e9sente les complexit\u00e9s inh\u00e9rentes \u00e0 cette op\u00e9ration, les obstacles rencontr\u00e9s par les acteurs, l\u2019\u00e9mergence graduelle d\u2019un nouveau mod\u00e8le de design, cela dans l\u2019environnement d\u2019un monde universitaire en pleine mutation qui est peu explor\u00e9 dans la litt\u00e9rature. Le docteur Michael Power est professeur r\u00e9gulier au D\u00e9partement des \u00e9tudes sur l\u2019enseignement et l\u2019apprentissage, Facult\u00e9 des Sciences de l\u2019\u00e9ducation, \u00e0 l\u2019Universit\u00e9 Laval, Qu\u00e9bec, Canada o\u00f9 il enseigne dans les programmes de technologie \u00e9ducative et de didactique et o\u00f9 il fait de la recherche dans les domaines du design p\u00e9dagogique, de l\u2019apprentissage en ligne et de la mod\u00e9lisation des environnements d\u2019apprentissage. Il est chercheur r\u00e9gulier du CIRTA et chercheur associ\u00e9 au r\u00e9seau pancanadien sur les jeux \u00e9ducatifs et simulations ApprentisSAGE-jes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Power"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120138"], ["title", "Le conseiller p\u00e9dagogique r\u00e9flexif: Un journal de bord"], ["doab_id", "14443"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781897425060"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425060"]], [["description", "The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) is the most serious economic crisis since the Great Depression. Many books have explored its causes, but this book systematically explores its consequences. The focus is primarily on the policy and political consequences of the GFC. This book asks how governments responded to the challenge and what the political consequences of the combination of the GFC itself and policy responses to it have been. Based on workshops held in the United States and the United Kingdom, it brings together leading academics to consider the divergent ways in which particular countries have responded in different ways to the crisis, including China, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Part of what is happening is a structural shift in economic power from east to west, but China has its fragilities while Germany offers an example of a largely successful Western model. The book also assesses attempts to develop global economic governance and to reform financial regulation and looks critically at the role of credit rating agencies. Unlike earlier crises, no new paradigm has emerged to challenge existing ways of thinking, meaning that neoliberalism has emerged relatively unscathed. The crisis has lacked a coherent and innovative intellectual response and has been characterized by remarkable policy stability."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grant ,Wyn; Wilson K. ,Graham"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Financial regulation", "Neoliberalism", "Global Financial Crisis", "Structural change"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453476"], ["title", "Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis"], ["doab_id", "15527"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199641987"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199641987"]], [["description", "In Kenya, cultural and natural heritage has a particular value. This book brings together essays by heritage experts from different backgrounds, including conservation, heritage management, museum studies, archaeology, environment and social sciences, architecture and landscape, geography, philosophy and economics to explore three key themes: the underlying ethics, practices and legal issues of heritage conservation; the exploration of architectural and urban heritage of Nairobi; and the natural heritage, landscapes and sacred sites in relation to local Kenyan communities and tourism. It thus provides an overview of conservation practices in Kenya from 2000 to 2015 and highlights the role of natural and cultural heritage as a key factor of social-economic development, and as a potential instrument for conflict resolution."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deisser ,Anne-Marie; Njuguna ,Mugwima"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Humanities", "African History"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617922"], ["title", "Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Kenya"], ["doab_id", "19814"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634844"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634844"]], [["description", "The Conservatives in crisis provides a timely and important analysis of the Conservative Party's spell in opposition following the 1997 general election. It includes chapters by leading academic experts on the party and commentaries by three senior Conservative politicians: Lord Parkinson, Andrew Lansley MP and Ian Taylor MP. Having been the dominant force in British politics in the twentieth century, the Conservative Party suffered its heaviest general election defeats in 1997 and 2001. This book explores the party's current crisis and assesses the Conservatives' failure to mount a political recovery under the leadership of William Hague. The Conservatives in crisis includes a detailed examination of the reform of the Conservative Party organisation, changes in ideology and policy, the party's electoral fortunes, and Hague's record as party leader. It also offers an innovative historical perspective on previous Conservative recoveries and a comparison with the revival of the US Republican Party. In the conclusion the editors assess the failures of the Hague period and examine the party's performance under Iain Duncan Smith. The Conservatives in crisis will be essential reading for students of contemporary British politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Garnett ,Mark; Lynch ,Philip"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["conservative", "tory", "hague", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341378"], ["title", "The Conservatives in crisis"], ["doab_id", "13278"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063305"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063305"]], [["description", "Este trabajo tiene como objeto la historia constitucional de L\u00edbano en el siglo XIX, y m\u00e1s en concreto, la historia del surgimiento de una cultura confesional propiamente libanesa. Dicho objeto parte de dos hip\u00f3tesis de trabajo. Primera, que el sistema confesional que se asent\u00f3 en L\u00edbano con la promulgaci\u00f3n en 1926 de la primera constituci\u00f3n escrita de la Rep\u00fablica libanesa bajo el Protectorado franc\u00e9s halla sus or\u00edgenes en el siglo XIX y es por consiguiente pre-estatal; la constituci\u00f3n del 26 constituye en este sentido el reflejo de una cultura confesional preexistente. Segunda, que esa cultura confesional debe su existencia a la interacci\u00f3n, a lo largo del XIX, de tres actores: en primer lugar, el Imperio otomano, del que L\u00edbano era administrativamente dependiente; en segundo lugar, las Potencias europeas, cuya intervenci\u00f3n en los asuntos internos del Imperio aumentar\u00eda considerablemente a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX; y en tercer lugar, los agentes sociales de L\u00edbano, que desarrollar\u00edan diferentes modalidades de interacci\u00f3n para relacionarse con unos y con otros. Finalmente, la divisi\u00f3n del trabajo en dos partes, que tienen como objetos respectivos la constituci\u00f3n mixta y la constituci\u00f3n liberal, permite la identificaci\u00f3n de finalidades y modos de funcionamiento diferentes, que invitan a descartar la existencia de una supuesta continuidad en la experiencia constitucional libanesa, que vendr\u00eda informada por el supuestamente inmutable sistema de los millet otomano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "El Khoury, Tamara"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Constitucionalismo", "L\u00edbano", "Derecho constitucional"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/16543/constitucion_khoury_2013.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Constituci\u00f3n mixta y modernizaci\u00f3n en L\u00edbano"], ["doab_id", "16139"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490314111"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490314111"]], [["description", "The Mittani empire is one of the most enigmatic political structures in Mesopotamian history. Reconstructing the emergence and the organisation of this state, whose territory encompassed Upper Mesopotamia touching the Levant and the piedmont plains of the Zagros in the East at the height of its power, is exceedingly difficult. Cuneiform specialists, archeologists and historians discuss the Mittani state with regard to modes of spatial organisation co- and preexisting in the region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva; Brisch, Nicole; Eidem, Jesper"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Mittani, Mesopotamia"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/129816"], ["title", "Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space. The Emergence of the Mittani State"], ["doab_id", "18041"], ["language_unmapped", "English, French"], ["isbns", ["9783110266412", "9783110370294", "9783110265927"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266412, 9783110370294, 9783110265927"]], [["description", "Michael Gardiner examines the ideology of the discipline of English Literature, arguing that it is intimately linked with the emergence of the English State, and that it has consequently suppressed the idea of the nation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Gardiner"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544384"], ["title", "The Constitution of English Literature"], ["doab_id", "17116"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544384"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544384"]], [["description", "The book - as the outcome of a research performed by the University of Florence and the United States Institute of Peace of Washington - explores the role of law in the process of democratic transition in South Africa. More specifically it emphasize how constitutional law may contribute to \"civilize\" apparently unreconcilable conflicts, a part from laying down the foundations of the new legal order and institutions.

The book - as the outcome of a research performed by the University of Florence and the United States Institute of Peace of Washington - explores the role of law in the process of democratic transition in South Africa. More specifically it emphasize how constitutional law may contribute to \"civilize\" apparently unreconcilable conflicts, a part from laying down the foundations of the new legal order and institutions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federico, Veronica; Fusaro, Carlo"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Human rights", "Democracy", "South Africa", "Diritto", "Democrazia", "Sud Africa"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356359"], ["title", "Constitutionalism and democratic transitions"], ["doab_id", "13148"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884534002", "9788884534019"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534003 8884534011"]], [["description", "A obra traz como quest\u00e3o central mostrar a forma\u00e7\u00e3o do sistema estadual de educa\u00e7\u00e3o superior na Bahia. O tema, que articula contextos local, regional e nacional, est\u00e1 estruturado em tr\u00eas blocos. O primeiro trata do surgimento das faculdades e universidades, destacando a origem do sistema estadual de educa\u00e7\u00e3o na Bahia, entre 1968-1991. No segundo bloco, o livro aborda as experi\u00eancias no exterior como t\u00edtulo que agrupa as oportunidades de qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o e interc\u00e2mbio, ressaltando experi\u00eancias de coopera\u00e7\u00e3o com o Canad\u00e1, Fran\u00e7a, Estados Unidos e Portugal. No seu \u00faltimo bloco o Professor Boaventura faz uma an\u00e1lise sobre a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o dos afrodescendentes, resgatando um tema vital da sociedade contempor\u00e2nea, motivado pela necessidade de educa\u00e7\u00e3o de largo contingente afro-baiano."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Boaventura, Edivaldo M"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4r"], ["title", "A constru\u00e7\u00e3o da universidade baiana: origens, miss\u00f5es e afrodescend\u00eancia"], ["doab_id", "16840"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208936"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208936"]], [["description", "Antes de publicar Vila dos Confins e Chapad\u00e3o do Bugre \u2013 obras seminais da literatura brasileira \u2013 M\u00e1rio Palm\u00e9rio j\u00e1 era considerado um mito no interior de Minas Gerais. Contrariando as expectativas em uma regi\u00e3o atormentada por diversas crises, o jovem e ambicioso professor assumiu riscos, tornou-se um empres\u00e1rio bem-sucedido e aprendeu a manipular os s\u00edmbolos mais preciosos de sua sociedade. Palm\u00e9rio desenvolveu uma percep\u00e7\u00e3o agu\u00e7ada sobre a dimens\u00e3o teatral da vida social e empregou uma s\u00e9rie de procedimentos dramat\u00fargicos para supervalorizar seu papel e conquistar a adora\u00e7\u00e3o dos conterr\u00e2neos. Na campanha eleitoral de 1950, ao atuar como um guerreiro sagrado capaz de conduzir seu povo \u00e0 terra prometida, Palm\u00e9rio elegeu-se deputado federal e consagrou-se como um mito pol\u00edtico. Resultado de pesquisa de doutorado, o livro explica essa trajet\u00f3ria na perspectiva da Hist\u00f3ria Cultural."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fonseca, Andr\u00e9 Azevedo da"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Palm\u00e9rio, M\u00e1rio, 1916-1996 - Cr\u00edtica e interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o, Pol\u00edticos - Brasil, Pol\u00edtica e cultura, Pol\u00edtica social, Hist\u00f3ria social, Escritores brasileiros"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bg29q"], ["title", "A constru\u00e7\u00e3o do mito M\u00e1rio Palm\u00e9rio: um estudo sobre a ascens\u00e3o social e pol\u00edtica do autor de Vila dos Confins "], ["doab_id", "16456"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788539302680"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539302680"]], [["description", "O tema do livro \u00e9 a presen\u00e7a do Servi\u00e7o Social na pol\u00edtica educacional, como propositor e elaborador de projetos, levando-se em considera\u00e7\u00e3o o trabalho profissional realizado na educa\u00e7\u00e3o em diversos estados e munic\u00edpios brasileiros, desde a origem da profiss\u00e3o. A investiga\u00e7\u00e3o foi teve como suporte a pesquisa bibliogr\u00e1fica, documental e de campo, realizada na Secretaria de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o do munic\u00edpio de Barretos/SP. A autora salienta a import\u00e2ncia do Servi\u00e7o Social em diversas cidades brasileiras e os projetos de lei existentes como proposta de se efetivar legalmente a atua\u00e7\u00e3o dos assistentes sociais na Educa\u00e7\u00e3o. Ressalta ainda a crescente participa\u00e7\u00e3o dos profissionais da \u00e1rea nas esferas estaduais e municipais, onde atuam em equipes interdisciplinares na elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de diretrizes e planos para uma educa\u00e7\u00e3o de acesso a todos os cidad\u00e3os."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Piana, Maria Cristina"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vwc8g"], ["title", "A constru\u00e7\u00e3o do perfil do assistente social no cen\u00e1rio educacional"], ["doab_id", "16706"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830389"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830389"]], [["description", "A sensa\u00e7\u00e3o de inseguran\u00e7a que a falta de recuo hist\u00f3rico transmite nos levou a engavetar por longo tempo a publica\u00e7\u00e3o deste livro, cujo objeto central \u00e9 uma institui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 qual estiveram associadas muitas das principais figuras da vida pol\u00edtica brasileira contempor\u00e2nea, tanto do governo como da oposi\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3nwpf"], ["title", "A constru\u00e7\u00e3o intelectual do Brasil contempor\u00e2neo: da resist\u00eancia \u00e0 ditadura ao governo FHC"], ["doab_id", "16658"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662472"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662472"]], [["description", "La monograf\u00eda analiza el derecho de la libertad de prensa tomando como referencia el periodo hist\u00f3rico de la Restauraci\u00f3n Espa\u00f1ola, desde el pronunciamiento del general Mart\u00ednez Campos y posterior gobierno conservador de C\u00e1novas, hasta la publicaci\u00f3n de la Ley de Polic\u00eda e Imprenta de 26 de Julio de 1883. A trav\u00e9s del correspondiente an\u00e1lisis de la ley, definida por la doctrina como la legislaci\u00f3n que m\u00e1s garant\u00edas reconoc\u00eda a la libertad de prensa en la historia del constitucionalismo espa\u00f1ol, se trata de dar respuesta a si la ley de 1883 reconoc\u00eda una eficaz y real libertad de prensa o result\u00f3 ser una mera ficci\u00f3n en manos del poder."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "L\u00f3pez de Ram\u00f3n, Mar\u00eda"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Libertad de prensa", "Ley de imprenta", "Censura", "Opini\u00f3n p\u00fablica", "Restauraci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19296/construccion_lopez_HD27_2014.pdf?sequence=6"], ["title", "La construcci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica de la libertad de prensa: Ley de Polic\u00eda e Imprenta de 1883"], ["doab_id", "16307"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315716"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315716"]], [["description", "The standing of French Muslims is undercut by a predominant and persistent elite public discourse that frames Muslims as failed and incomplete French citizens. This situation fosters the very separations, exclusions, and hierarchies it claims to deplore as Muslims face discrimination in education, housing, and employment.In Constructing Muslims in France, Jennifer Fredette provides a deft empirical analysis to show the political diversity and complicated identity politics of this relatively new population. She examines the public identity of French Muslims and evaluates images in popular media to show how stereotyped notions of racial and religious differences pervade French public discourse.While rights may be a sine qua non for fighting legal and political inequality, Fredette shows that additional tools such as media access are needed to combat social inequality, particularly when it comes in the form of unfavorable discursive frames and public disrespect.Presenting the conflicting views of French national identity, Fredette shows how Muslims strive to gain recognition of their diverse views and backgrounds and find full equality as French citizens. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fredette ,Jennifer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Muslims", "France", "Social conditions", "Ethnic identity", "Ethnic relations"]], ["publisher", "Temple University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469365"], ["title", "Constructing Muslims in France - Discourse, Public Identity, and the Politics of Citizenship"], ["doab_id", "15923"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781439910283", "9781439910290", "9781439910306"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781439910283 9781439910290 9781439910306"]], [["description", "The study of early modern cancer is significant for our understanding of the period\u2019s medical theory and practice. In many respects, cancer exemplifies the flexibility of early modern medical thought, which managed to accommodate, seemingly without friction, the notion that cancer was a disease with humoral origins alongside the conviction that the malady was in some sense ontologically independent. Discussions of why cancer spread rapidly through the body, and was difficult, if not impossible, to cure, prompted various medical explanations at the same time that physicians and surgeons joined with non-medical authors in describing the disease as acting in a way that was \u2018malignant\u2019 in the fullest sense, purposely \u2018fierce\u2019, \u2018rebellious\u2019 and intractable.3 Theories seeking to explain why cancer appeared most often in the female breast similarly joined culturally mediated anatomical and humoral theory with recognition of the peculiarities of women\u2019s social, domestic and emotional life-cycles. Moreover, as a morbid disease, cancer generated eclectic and sometimes extreme medical responses, the mixed results of which would prompt many questions over the proper extent of pharmaceutical or surgical intervention."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Skuse ,Alanna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["early modern cancer", "cancer", "early modernity", "England", "early modern medical thought"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=604171.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Constructions of Cancer in Early Modern England : Ravenous Natures"], ["doab_id", "17903"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137487520", "9781137569196", "9781137487537"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137487520 9781137569196 9781137487537"]], [["description", "This monograph analyzes an innovative approach to teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in tertiary education. This \"constructivist blended learning approach\" is based on students \"constructing\" for themselves their own knowledge and professional communication skills in English by making extensive use of Internet sites in English, combining traditional in-class learning with in- and out-of-class learning through the Internet (blended learning). Dr. Tarnopolsky offers a thorough analysis of the principal forms of learning activities in English for this approach and suggests five principles underlying its practical implementation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tarnopolsky, Oleg"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Literary Studies, Literature and Language, Linguistics, Communications, Applied Linguistics, Language Teaching"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/205438"], ["title", "Constructivist Blended Learning Approach to Teaching English for Specific Purposes"], ["doab_id", "15567"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560014"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560014"]], [["description", "Als Objekt der Forschung spielt der Mittelmeerraum in der franz\u00f6sischen Geschichtswissenschaft schon sehr lange eine wichtige Rolle. Die deutschsprachige historische Forschung hingegen hat sich erst j\u00fcngst dem Mittelmeerraum im Spiegel seiner kulturellen Verflechtungen zugewandt. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, ob das Mittelmeer als Kulturraum der Austauschprozesse und Grenzen nicht ebenso ein historisches Konstrukt ist wie das Mittelmeer der Br\u00fcche zwischen Antike und Mittelalter sowie zwischen christlicher und islamischer Welt. Der vorliegende Band vereint Beitr\u00e4ge, die verschiedene Aspekte der historiographischen Konstruktion des Mittelmeerraums beleuchten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Abdellatif, Rania; Benhima, Yassir ; K\u00f6nig, Daniel; Ruchaud, Elisabeth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/248232"], ["title", "Construire la M\u00e9diterran\u00e9e, penser les transferts culturels. Approches historiographiques et perspectives de recherche"], ["doab_id", "17988"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486704761", "9783486989335"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486704761, 9783486989335"]], [["description", "This book promotes a new understanding of the regional monograph. It investigates its research topic \u2013 the Carpathian Mountains \u2013 through the prism of institutions and organizations that have objectified it and have interacted in its governance over the past ten years. As such, the Carpathian Mountains never constitute an object per se in this book, but are rather understood as a region continuously objectified by discourses, inscriptions and practices. Four months of ethnographic field work under the direction of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) at the interim secretariat of the Carpathian Convention have unveiled environmental institutions that remain largely unknown to both the general public and to researchers.

La signature le 22 mai 2003 \u00e0 Kiev de la Convention cadre pour la protection et le d\u00e9veloppement durable des Carpates constitue l\u2019acte fondateur de la construction d\u2019un nouvel espace transnational visant la mise en application de politiques environnementales coordonn\u00e9es \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9chelle du massif de montagne. Cet ouvrage r\u00e9invente l\u2019exercice de la monographie r\u00e9gionale en appr\u00e9hendant cette r\u00e9gion des Carpates au prisme des institutions et des organisations qui l\u2019ont objectiv\u00e9e et qui interagissent dans sa gouvernance depuis une dizaine d\u2019ann\u00e9es. Dans cette perspective, les Carpates ne figurent jamais dans cette \u00e9tude comme un objet en soi, mais comme une r\u00e9gion objectiv\u00e9e par des discours, des inscriptions et des pratiques d\u2019acteurs. Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 une enqu\u00eate ethnographique men\u00e9e au secr\u00e9tariat de la Convention des Carpates administr\u00e9 ad int\u00e9rim par le Programme des Nations-Unies pour l\u2019Environnement, cette \u00e9tude ouvre la bo\u00eete noire d\u2019institutions environnementales qui restent largement m\u00e9connues du grand public et des chercheurs eux-m\u00eames. Elle retrace les \u00e9tapes par lesquelles la r\u00e9gion des Carpates prend forme, souvent de mani\u00e8re contest\u00e9e, et se trouve progressivement institutionnalis\u00e9e."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gaberell ,Simon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["New Regional Geography;", "Carpathian Mountains", "Regional Environmental Governance", "Environmental Organizations", "Anthropologie des organisations internationales", "Construction r\u00e9gionale transnationale", "Objectiver des entit\u00e9s naturelles", "Ethnographie d\u2019un secr\u00e9tariat international", "Gestion par projets", "Cartographie et objectivation r\u00e9gionale", "Interaction entre science et politique", "Construire un mod\u00e8le"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=586690"], ["title", "Construire les Carpates: L\u2019Institutionnalisation d\u2019une \u00c9co-Region"], ["doab_id", "17790"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034320368"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034320368"]], [["description", "The rapid development of new information and communication technologies has changed people\u2019s everyday life and consumption patterns significantly. The worldwide spread of those technologies provides many innovations for consumers, but it can also bear risks, such as the indiscriminate collection, storage and cross-border flow of personal data, illegal spying on Internet activities, dissemination of personal information, and abuse of user passwords. The study deals with the current state of consumer data protection law in Brazil, China and Germany from a comparative perspective. It covers the main legal issues of consumer privacy and data protection in these countries and seeks to explain current issues and case law concerning consumer data protection from a practical perspective.

The rapid development of new information and communication technologies has changed people\u2019s everyday life and consumption patterns significantly. The worldwide spread of those technologies provides many innovations for consumers, but it can also bear risks, such as the indiscriminate collection, storage and cross-border flow of personal data, illegal spying on Internet activities, dissemination of personal information, and abuse of user passwords. The study deals with the current state of consumer data protection law in Brazil, China and Germany from a comparative perspective. It covers the main legal issues of consumer privacy and data protection in these countries and seeks to explain current issues and case law concerning consumer data protection from a practical perspective."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Metz, Rainer; Binding, J\u00f6rg; Haifeng, Pan; Huber, Florian; German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection; State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People\u00b4s Republic of China; National Consumer Secretariat, Ministry of Justice of the Federal Republic of Brazil; Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["consumer data protection", "enforcement", "regulations", "consumer data protection", "enforcement", "regulations"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610409"], ["title", "Consumer data protection in Brazil, China and Germany - a comparative study"], ["doab_id", "19213"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952365"]], [["description", "This book presents a comprehensive examination of Chinese consumer behaviour and challenges the previously dichotomous interpretation of the consumption of Western and non-Western brands in China. The dominant position is that Chinese consumers are driven by a desire to imitate the lifestyles of Westerners and thereby advance their social standing locally. The alternative is that consumers reject Western brands as a symbolic gesture of loyalty to their nation-state. Drawing from survey responses and in depth interviews with Chinese consumers in both rural and urban areas, Kelly Tian and Lily Dong find that consumers situate Western brands within select historical moments. This embellishment attaches historical meanings to Western brands in ways that render them useful in asserting preferred visions of the future China. By highlighting how Western brands are used in contests for national identity, Consumer-Citizens of China challenges the notion of the \"patriot\u2019s paradox\" and answers scholars\u2019 questions as to whether Chinese nationalists today allow for a Sino-Western space where the Chinese can love China without hating the West. Consumer-Citizens of China will be of interest to students and scholars of business studies, Chinese and Asian Studies and Political Science. Kelly Tian is Professor of Marketing and holds the Anderson Chair of Business at New Mexico State University. Lily Dong is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks.Chapter One IMAGINING CHINA, IMAGINING BRANDS: Foreign Brands as Global Brands from the Imagined West; Western and Domestic Brands As Materials for Realizing an Imagined Future China; Obscured State Influence and Consumer Autonomy; Organization of the Book Chapter Two RETHINKING POPULAR NOTIONS OF CHINESE CONSUMERS\u2019 MOTIVES FOR RESPONDING TO WESTERN BRANDS: The Emulative Motive For Western Brand Consumption; The Patriotic Motive for Rejecting Western Brands; Rethinking the Primacy of the Emulative Motive for Consuming Western Brands; Rethinking \"Consumer Nationalism\" as Synonymous with Western Brand Boycotting; Chinese Consumers as Active Meaning Makers Chapter Three HIGHLIGHTED MOMENTS IN THE HISTORY OF BRANDED GOODS IN CHINA: The Emergence of Branded Goods in Late Imperial China; Branded Goods in Semi-colonial China of the Early 20 th Century; Branded Goods Since Gaige Kaifang- China\u2019s Economic Reform; Relevance of These Past Moments to Present-Day Brand Meanings Chapter Four FOREIGN BRANDS IN CHINA AS GLOBAL BRANDS FROM THE IMAGINED WEST: Overview of Research Method; Data Collection Sites; Our Data Collection Methods; Foreign Brands as Western Brands With Distinguishing Characteristics Chapter Five CHINESE NATIONAL NARRATIVES AND THE MEANINGS OF WESTERN BRANDS: The West as Experiential Venue, Western Brands as Instruments of Freedom; The West as Imperialist Oppressor, Western Brands as Instruments of Domination; The West as Subjugated, Conquered Western Brands as Redemption; The West as Economic Partner, Western Brands as Instruments of Economic Progress Chapter Six NATIONAL NARRATIVES IN IMAGINATIVE PROCESSING OF WESTERN BRAND PROMOTIONS: Imagined Consumption; Western Brand Producers\u2019 Efforts to Evoke Consumption Fantasies; Individual Psychological Processes of Enlivening Consumption Fantasies; Narratives and Imagined Identity Transformations From Western Brand Consumption; The Influence of East-West Narratives On the Processing of Western Brands Promotions; Discussion Chapter Seven CITIZEN-CONSUMERS IN AN AGE OF GLOBALIZATION"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tian ,Kelly; Dong ,Lily"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Chinese Studies", "International Marketing", "Consumer Behaviour", "Asian Studies", "Marketing", "Chinese studies", "Internationale marketing", "Consumentengedrag", "Aziatische studies", "Marketing"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391033"], ["title", "Consumer-Citizens of China : The Role of Foreign Brands in the Imagined Future China"], ["doab_id", "13375"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415553490"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415553490"]], [["description", "Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Frage nach den sozialen Praxen und gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungen von Sch\u00f6nheit bei den Karo Batak in Sumatra, Indonesien. In Tanah Karo, einer agrarisch gepr\u00e4gten Hochebene, s\u00e4umen Aerobic- Studios und Sch\u00f6nheitssalon die Stra\u00dfen der zwei Kleinst\u00e4dte Berastagi und Kabanjahe. Weibliche Sch\u00f6nheit in Form von Femininit\u00e4t gilt als modern. Moderne Weiblichkeit, die ihren Ausdruck in einem sch\u00f6nen K\u00f6rper findet, wird durch ein komplexes B\u00fcndel von Diskursen und Praxen lokaler, nationaler und globaler Provenienz konstituiert. Ausgehend vom K\u00f6rper, der als die vermittelnde Instanz zwischen Diskursen und Praxen verstanden wird, analysiert die Verfasserin die Komplexit\u00e4t des Themas Sch\u00f6nheit und Modernit\u00e4t aus Perspektive der Akteurinnen. Welche Ziele verfolgen sie mit der strategischen Aneignung des Ideals der modernen Weiblichkeit? Wie strukturieren soziale Positionen die jeweiligen Aneignungsprozesse? Die Verfasserin zeigt, wie die zunehmende Bedeutung von Sch\u00f6nheit mit Transformationen im Bereich der Geschlechterverh\u00e4ltnisse, des Konsums und der sozialen Differenzierung verkn\u00fcpft ist. Moderne Weiblichkeit konstituiert sich an der Schnittstelle \u00e4sthetischer, aber vor allem auch sozialer, \u00f6konomischer, kultureller, religi\u00f6ser und moralischer Diskurse. Das zentrale Motiv der Akteurinnen f\u00fcr die Aneignung von als modern erachteten Sch\u00f6nheitsidealen stellt die Erweiterung der eigenen Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit in der patrilinearen Gesellschaft der Karo Batak dar. Die jeweiligen sozialen Positionen f\u00fchren zu unterschiedlichen Formen der Aneignung, die in verschiedenen Formen moderner Weiblichkeit resultieren. Am Beispiel von Frauen der st\u00e4dtischen Mittelschicht, jungen Frauen vom Land und waria, Menschen mit weiblicher transgender-Identit\u00e4t, werden diese Aneignungsprozesse und ihre gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungen vergleichend diskutiert. Die Globalisierung von Sch\u00f6nheit, so l\u00e4sst sich res\u00fcmieren, bringt \u2013 selbst auf begrenzter lokaler Ebene \u2013 verschiedene moderne Weiblichkeiten hervor.

Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Frage nach den sozialen Praxen und gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungen von Sch\u00f6nheit bei den Karo Batak in Sumatra, Indonesien. In Tanah Karo, einer agrarisch gepr\u00e4gten Hochebene, s\u00e4umen Aerobic- Studios und Sch\u00f6nheitssalon die Stra\u00dfen der zwei Kleinst\u00e4dte Berastagi und Kabanjahe. Weibliche Sch\u00f6nheit in Form von Femininit\u00e4t gilt als modern. Moderne Weiblichkeit, die ihren Ausdruck in einem sch\u00f6nen K\u00f6rper findet, wird durch ein komplexes B\u00fcndel von Diskursen und Praxen lokaler, nationaler und globaler Provenienz konstituiert. Ausgehend vom K\u00f6rper, der als die vermittelnde Instanz zwischen Diskursen und Praxen verstanden wird, analysiert die Verfasserin die Komplexit\u00e4t des Themas Sch\u00f6nheit und Modernit\u00e4t aus Perspektive der Akteurinnen. Welche Ziele verfolgen sie mit der strategischen Aneignung des Ideals der modernen Weiblichkeit? Wie strukturieren soziale Positionen die jeweiligen Aneignungsprozesse? Die Verfasserin zeigt, wie die zunehmende Bedeutung von Sch\u00f6nheit mit Transformationen im Bereich der Geschlechterverh\u00e4ltnisse, des Konsums und der sozialen Differenzierung verkn\u00fcpft ist. Moderne Weiblichkeit konstituiert sich an der Schnittstelle \u00e4sthetischer, aber vor allem auch sozialer, \u00f6konomischer, kultureller, religi\u00f6ser und moralischer Diskurse. Das zentrale Motiv der Akteurinnen f\u00fcr die Aneignung von als modern erachteten Sch\u00f6nheitsidealen stellt die Erweiterung der eigenen Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit in der patrilinearen Gesellschaft der Karo Batak dar. Die jeweiligen sozialen Positionen f\u00fchren zu unterschiedlichen Formen der Aneignung, die in verschiedenen Formen moderner Weiblichkeit resultieren. Am Beispiel von Frauen der st\u00e4dtischen Mittelschicht, jungen Frauen vom Land und waria, Menschen mit weiblicher transgender-Identit\u00e4t, werden diese Aneignungsprozesse und ihre gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungen vergleichend diskutiert. Die Globalisierung von Sch\u00f6nheit, so l\u00e4sst sich res\u00fcmieren, bringt \u2013 selbst auf begrenzter lokaler Ebene \u2013 verschiedene moderne Weiblichkeiten hervor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klenke, Karin"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["feminity", "beauty", "sexuality", "gender", "cultural change", "feminity", "beauty", "sexuality", "gender", "cultural change"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610306"], ["title", "Consuming Beauty - K\u00f6rper, Sch\u00f6nheit und Geschlecht in Tanah Karo, Nord-Sumatra"], ["doab_id", "13359"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875883"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875883"]], [["description", "This book combines Islamic textual analysis with juridical methodology to engage dominant secular bioethics in the Muslim healthcare institutions.It integrates Islamic textual resources with medical information in order to provide careful analyses of the political, economic and cultural terrains that are necessary for bioethicists to effectively promote social justice"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mohammed Ali Al-Bar; Hassan Chamsi-Pasha"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bioethics", " ethics", " genetics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-18428-9"], ["title", "Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective"], ["doab_id", "18946"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319184272", "9783319184289"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319184272 (Print) 9783319184289 (Online)"]], [["description", "Are the humanities still relevant in the twenty-first century? In the context of pervasive economic liberalism and shrinking budgets due to a deep and prolonged recession, the exigency of humanities research for society is increasingly put into question. This volume claims that the humanities do indeed matter by offering empirically-grounded critical reflections on contemporary cultural practices, thereby opening up new ways of understanding social life and new directions in humanities scholarship.

Zijn de geesteswetenschappen nog steeds relevant? In deze publicatie wordt betoogd dat de geesteswetenschappen hun betekenis voor de samenleving kunnen terugwinnen door het stellen van nieuwe vragen en door het komen met nieuwe antwoorden.

In de essays in dit boek wordt onderzocht hoe sinds de jaren negentig in elkaar grijpende processen van mediatisering, globalisering en commercialisering de culturele praktijk, sociaal gedrag en het gevoel van solidariteit hebben gevormd."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thissen ,Judith ; Zwijnenberg ,Robert; Zijlmans ,Kitty"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450850"], ["title", "Contemporary Culture : New Directions in Arts and Humanities Research"], ["doab_id", "15437"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644749"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644749"]], [["description", "Volume 1 \"Policy Changes and Challenges\" takes as its central theme the ongoing and challenging issues which child protection agencies have to address and the policy and practice initiatives that are developed to try and address these. The volume includes papers on: the relationship between the decline in the rate of \u2018unnatural\u2019 deaths and the growth of concern about child abuse in the USA between 1940 and 2005; mandatory reporting; the balance between providing urgent intervention and meeting chronic need; risk and the Public Law Outline in England; the nature and implications of \u2018child centred\u2019 policies; the impact of intimate partner and family violence; the intended and unintended consequences of high profile child abuse scandals; developing multi-disciplinary team work in a health setting; and the possibilities of technology-based innovations in prevention programmes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["child abuse, child protection, child maltreatment, public protection, the role of state, family and community, family support, social surveillance, risk to children"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/133"], ["title", "Contemporary Developments in Child Protection"], ["doab_id", "19003"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421184", "9783038420873"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421184/9783038420873"]], [["description", "Volume 2 \"Issues in Child Welfare\" is primarily concerned with how best to respond to maltreatment \u2018within\u2019 the family and hence has a range of papers which are much more concerned with the area of policy and practice more traditionally framed in terms of \u2018child welfare\u2019 and social work with children and families. It also includes a paper on how to respond to child maltreatment and neglect in a large hospital context."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["child abuse, child protection, child maltreatment, public protection, the role of state, family and community, family support, social surveillance, risk to children"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/134"], ["title", "Contemporary Developments in Child Protection"], ["doab_id", "19004"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783038421191", "9783038420880"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421191/9783038420880"]], [["description", "This highly informative book explores the world of Post-Soeharto Indonesian audio-visual media in the exiting era of Reform. From a multidisciplinary approach it considers a wide variety of issues such as mainstream and alternative film practices, ceremonial and independent film festivals, film piracy, history and horror, documentary, television soaps, and Islamic films, as well as censorship from the state and street. Through the perspective of discourses on, and practices of film production, distribution, and exhibition, this book gives a detailed insight into current issues of Indonesia\u2019s social and political situation, where Islam, secular realities, and ghosts on and off screen, mingle or clash.Dr. Katinka van Heeren was born on 7 January 1973 in Jakarta Indonesia. She has been a student of Indonesian Languages and Cultures since 1995. Over the years she built up a specialization in Javanese culture, Indonesian Islam, and contemporary audio-visual media. In 2000 she obtained her Masters degree at the University of Leiden with a thesis on media, identity politics and socio-political influences of New Order rule in Indonesian culture in the analysis of two Indonesian films. From 2001 to 2005 she was member of the Indonesian Mediations research project. This project was part of a larger Dutch KNAW research project of Indonesia in Transition. In June 2009 she obtained her doctorate. Between 2001 and 2010 she has organized several film screenings in the Netherlands and Indonesia, as well as took part at different film festivals as a member of the jury. She is affiliated to ASEAC, which bi-annually organizes the Southeast Asian Cinemas Conference, and KSI, a group of Indonesian scholars who study recent developments in Indonesian audio-visual media"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heeren van ,Katinka "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "Reform", "film", "politics", "sociology", "audio-visual media"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=420331"], ["title", "Contemporary Indonesian Film; Spirits of Reform and ghosts from the past"], ["doab_id", "15059"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183819", "9789004253476"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183819 9789004253476"]], [["description", "Turkey has witnessed significant social, cultural, and political change over the last decades. This transformation has manifested itself in all segments of society and resulted in the alteration of political ideologies and institutions. The twelve authors of this volume shed light on the complexities of a changing Turkey through an interdisciplinary perspective. Their application of novel conceptual approaches and methodologies make this book a unique contribution to the study of modern Turkey."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kristina Kamp; Ayhan Kaya; E. Fuat Keyman; Ozge Onursal Besgul"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Turkish Studies", " Turkish Politics, Society and Culture", " Turkish Citizenship", " Turkish Minorities", " Muslim Identity", " Turkish Diaspora"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-04916-4"], ["title", "Contemporary Turkey at a Glance"], ["doab_id", "16339"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783658049157", "9783658049164"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658049157 (Print) 9783658049164 (Online)"]], [["description", "Volume 3 \"Broadening Challenges in Child Protection\" takes a somewhat broader brief and reflects many of the changes over the past twenty five years in terms of the broadening of concerns from maltreatment within the family to maltreatment in a variety of extra-familial contexts, including: sport, the internet, various institutional settings and is much more concerned with sexual abuse and the challenges for criminal justice and public protection."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["child abuse, child protection, child maltreatment, public protection, the role of state, family and community, family support, social surveillance, risk to children"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/135"], ["title", "Contemporary\u00a0Developments\u00a0in\u00a0Child\u00a0Protection"], ["doab_id", "19005"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421207", "9783038420897"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421207/9783038420897"]], [["description", "The book addresses the debate on whether the representational content of perceptual experience is conceptual or non-conceptual, by bringing out the points of comparison between Kant\u2019s conception of intuition and the contemporary accounts of non-conceptual content, encountered in the writings of G. Evans, Ch. Peacocke, F. Dretske, T. Crane, M. G. F. Martin, and others. Following R. Aquila\u2019s reading of Kant\u2019s conception of representation, the author argues that intuition (Anschauung, intuitus) provides the most basic form of intentionality \u2013 pre-conceptual reference to objects, which underlies the acts of conceptualization and judgment.The book advances an interpretation of Kant\u2019s theory of experience in the light of such questions as: Does conscious perceptual experience of objects require that subjects possess concepts of these objects? Do the contents of experience differ from the contents of beliefs or judgments? And if they do, what accounts for this difference? These questions take us to the most puzzling philosophical topic of the relation between mind and world. Anna Tomaszewska argues that this relation does not involve conceptual capacities alone but also, on the most basic level of perceptual experience, pre-cognitive \u201csensible intuition,\u201d enabling relatedness to objects that remains uninformed by concepts. In a nutshell, on her interpretation, Kant can be taken to subscribe to the view that perceptual cognition does not have rational underpinnings. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anna Tomaszewska"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Kant, conceptualism, non-conceptualism, content of perception, embodied cognition"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431510"], ["title", "The Contents of Perceptual Experience. A Kantian Perspective"], ["doab_id", "16487"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110372656"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110372656"]], [["description", "This open access book explores specific migration, governance, and identity processes currently involving children and ideas of childhood. Migrancy as a social space allows majority populations to question the capabilities of migrants, and is a space in which an increasing number of children are growing up. In this space, families, nation-states, civil society, as well as children themselves are central actors engaged in contesting the meaning of childhood. Childhood is a field of conceptual, moral and political contestation, where the \u2018battles\u2019 may range from minor tensions and everyday negotiations of symbolic or practical importance involving a limited number of people, to open conflicts involving violence and law enforcement. The chapters demonstrate the importance of how we understand phenomena involving children: when children are trafficked, seeking refuge, taken into custody, active in gangs or in youth organisations, and struggling with identity work. This book examines countries representing very different engagements and policies regarding migrancy and children. As a result, readers are presented with a comprehensive volume ideal for both the classroom and for policy-makers and practitioners. The chapters are written by experts in social anthropology, human geography, political science, sociology, and psychology. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marie Louise Seeberg; El\u017cbieta M. Go\u017adziak"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["migration", " psychology", " political science"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-44610-3"], ["title", "Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy"], ["doab_id", "20010"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319446080", "9783319446103"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319446080 (Print) 9783319446103 (Online)"]], [["description", "continent. maps a topology of unstable confluences and ranges across new thinking traversing interstices and alternate directions in culture, theory, politics and art.continent. Year 1: A selection of issues 1.1-1.4 collects a variety of thoughts and tropes from the 2011 issues of continent., ranging from work on Greek poetry to deep brain recordings, from speculative realism to the fragments as a unit of prose, and from queer theory to mass murder. This collection presents the fruits of an intense collaboration throughout the different zones of the Academy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jamie Allen (ed.); Paul Boshears (ed.); Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (ed.); A. Staley Groves (ed.) ; Nico Jenkins (ed.); Alain Badiou; Graham Harman; Nikos Karouzos; Evan Lavender-Smith; Renata Lemos-Morais; Feliz Molina; Timothy Morton; Maggie Nelson; Michael O\u2019Rourke; Gilson Schwartz; Ben Segal; Nick Skiadopoulos; Karen Spaceinvaders; Phillip Stearns; John van Houdt; Ben Woodard"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["art, cultural studies, literature, new media, philosophy, poetics, politics, sound/music, theory"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/continent-year-1/"], ["title", "continent. Year 1"], ["doab_id", "16027"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615736891"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615736891"]], [["description", "Librarians and information workers the world over are faced with the constant challenge of remaining abreast of developments in their field. Rapid changes in technology and workplace roles threaten to make their skills obsolete unless they undertake constant professional development. This international collection presents a comprehensive overview of current continuing professional development theory and practice for those who manage and work in library and information services. Papers by academics and practitioners describe numerous innovative responses to emerging continuing education and training needs, including workplace learning; individual learning and learning organisations.; \"\"Das Buch [...] dokumentiert die Vielfalt der Fragestellungen und L"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Genoni, Paul; Walton, Graham"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598440168&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Continuing Professional Development \u2013 Preparing for New Roles in Libraries. A Voyage of Discovery. Sixth World Conference on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning for the Library and Information Professions"], ["doab_id", "15138"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598440168"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598440168"]], [["description", "Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) or kala-azar is the most dreadful of all forms of leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania donovani in Old World and Leishmania chagasi and/or Leishmania infantum in New World affecting millions of people worldwide. In active VL, macrophages host the replicating amastigotes in phagolysosomal compartments leading to splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, hyperglobulinemia, anemia, weight-loss, incessant fever and ultimately death if not treated. Treatments available against the disease are limited by increased incidence of resistance, serious side-effects, high cost and long course of treatment. Immuno-chemotherapy is an alternative to overcome the limitations of the drugs against VL. Combination of one or more of immunotherapeutic agents like BCG, Alum, IFN-?, antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DC), etc. with chemotherapeutic drugs have been tested raising hopes for a suitable immuno-chemotherapy against VL and Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL). Antagonists of IL-10, TGF-\u00df, IL-13 have been effectively used with pentavalent antimonials in treatment of experimental VL. Some parasitic antigens and liposomal formulations have also been shown to impart superior therapeutic effectiveness to antileishmanial drugs. For socio-economic reasons prophylaxis is always more desirable than therapy. Although no vaccine against any form of leishmaniasis in humans is available, patients successfully treated show considerable protection from reinfection highlighting the possibility of developing prophylactic measures against the disease. Subsequently a lot of interest has been focused recently towards developing vaccines against VL and many potential vaccine candidates like whole cell (attenuated or heat killed), crude fractions, purified subunits, DNAs, recombinant proteins, fusion proteins, and genetically modified live attenuated parasites etc. have been reported. These vaccine candidates are either activators of CD4+Th1 cells and/or CD8+ T cells or neutralizers of immuno-suppression. Cationic liposomal formulations, nanoparticle and virosome delivery systems, etc. have been used to increase potency and durability of various vaccine candidates. Immuno-modulators like TLR agonists have been shown to be promising adjuvants in enhancing efficacy and overcoming the challenge of human administrable vaccine formulations. Recently role of sand fly salivary gland proteins as immune-modulators also has been explored. Various strategies such as heterologous prime boosting, targeted antigen delivery, adjuvant mediated protection, have been undertaken. Likewise, precise role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in VL disease progression needs to be investigated and exploited to develop both immuno-therapeutic and prophylactic methods. A breakthrough in immunotherapy and prophylactic strategy would help in eradication of the parasites from the pool of natural reservoirs namely VL and PKDL patients, asymptomatic carrier individuals and infected dogs ensuring success of global VL control programs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nahid Ali; Hira L Nakhasi; Jesus G Valenzuela; Alexandre Barbosa Reis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Visceral leishmaniasis", "Immunotherapy", "Vaccine", "Immuno modulator", "Th1 response"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1970/control-of-visceral-leishmaniasis-by-immunotherapeutic-and-prophylactic-strategies"], ["title", "Control of Visceral Leishmaniasis by Immunotherapeutic and Prophylactic Strategies"], ["doab_id", "18161"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195527"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195527"]], [["description", "Compared with other industries, scientific publishing has a centuries-old tradition. However, it is currently the development of digital information and communication technologies in probably the biggest upheaval since the invention of the printing press. Bj\u00f6rn Ortelbach deals with the impact of technological development in the scientific publishing industry from a business point of view. In the first part of the book he analyzes how value added cost structures and business models of publishers change. The second part of the book deals with the impact of these changes on the control of these companies. Based on the previously worked out specifics of the industry design proposals for the use of controlling mechanisms are developed.

Im Vergleich mit anderen Wirtschaftszweigen kann die wissenschaftliche Verlagsbranche auf eine mehrere Jahrhunderte alte Tradition zur\u00fcckblicken. Jedoch befindet sie sich gegenw\u00e4rtig durch die Entwicklung digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im wohl gr\u00f6\u00dften Umbruch seit der Erfindung des Buchdrucks. Bj\u00f6rn Ortelbach befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen der technologischen Entwicklung auf die wissenschaftliche Verlagsbranche aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht. Im ersten Teil des Buches wird analysiert, wie sich Wertsch\u00f6pfung, Kostenstrukturen und Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle von Verlagen wandeln. Der zweite Teil des Buchs befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen dieser Ver\u00e4nderungen auf die Steuerung dieser Unternehmen. Auf Basis der zuvor herausgearbeiteten Spezifika der Branche werden Gestaltungsvorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr den Einsatz von Controllinginstrumenten entwickelt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ortelbach, Bj\u00f6rn"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["scientific publishing", "digitisation", "transformation", "scientific communication", "scientific publishing", "digitisation", "transformation", "scientific communication"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610246"], ["title", "Controlling in wissenschaftlichen Verlagen - Analyse IT-induzierter Ver\u00e4nderungen wissenschaftlicher Verlage und Konzeption ausgew\u00e4hlter Controlling-Instrumente ; Internet\u00f6konomie"], ["doab_id", "13243"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344090"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344090"]], [["description", "Digital communications technology has immeasurably enhanced our capacity to store, retrieve, and exchange information. But who controls our access to information, and who decides what others have a right to know about us? In Controlling Knowledge, author Lorna Stefanick offers a thought-provoking and user-friendly overview of the regulatory regime that currently governs freedom of information and the protection of privacy. Aiming to clarify rather than mystify, Stefanick outlines the history and application of FOIP legislation, with special focus on how these laws affect the individual. To illustrate the impact of FOIP, she examines the notion of informed consent, looks at concerns about surveillance in the digital age, and explores the sometimes insidious influence of Facebook. Specialists in public policy and public administration, information technology, communications, law, criminal justice, sociology, and health care will find much here that bears directly on their work, while students and general readers will welcome the book's down-to-earth language and accessible style. Intended to serve as a \"citizen's guide,\" Controlling Knowledge is a vital resource for anyone seeking to understand how freedom of information and privacy protection are legally defined and how this legislation is shaping our individual rights as citizens of the information age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lorna Stefanick"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["digital communications", "privacy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120196"], ["title", "Controlling Knowledge: Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World"], ["doab_id", "14430"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836263", "9781926836270", "9781926836614"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836263 9781926836270 9781926836614"]], [["description", "Taking media scholar Henry Jenkins\u2019s concept of \u2018convergence culture\u2019 and the related notions of \u2018participatory culture\u2019 and \u2018transmedia storytelling\u2019 as points of departure, the essays compiled in the present volume provide terminological clarification, offer exemplary case studies, and discuss the broader implications of such developments for the humanities. Most of the contributions were originally presented at the transatlantic conference Convergence Culture Reconsidered organized by the editors at the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, Germany, in October 2013. Applying perspectives as diverse as literary, cultural, and media studies, digital humanities, translation studies, art history, musicology, and ecology, they assemble a stimulating wealth of interdisciplinary and innovative approaches that will appeal to students as well as experts in any of these research areas.

Taking media scholar Henry Jenkins\u2019s concept of \u2018convergence culture\u2019 and the related notions of \u2018participatory culture\u2019 and \u2018transmedia storytelling\u2019 as points of departure, the essays compiled in the present volume provide terminological clarification, offer exemplary case studies, and discuss the broader implications of such developments for the humanities. Most of the contributions were originally presented at the transatlantic conference Convergence Culture Reconsidered organized by the editors at the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, Germany, in October 2013. Applying perspectives as diverse as literary, cultural, and media studies, digital humanities, translation studies, art history, musicology, and ecology, they assemble a stimulating wealth of interdisciplinary and innovative approaches that will appeal to students as well as experts in any of these research areas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Georgi, Claudia; Glaser, Brigitte Johanna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["literature", "culture", "media", "literature", "culture", "media"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610387"], ["title", "Convergence Culture Reconsidered - Media - Participation - Environments"], ["doab_id", "19191"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952174"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952174"]], [["description", "The author analyses computer chat as a form of communication. While some forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) deviate only marginally from traditional writing, computer chat is popularly considered to be written conversation and the most \u201coral\u201d form of written CMC. This book systematically explores the varying degrees of conversationality (\u201corality\u201d) in CMC, focusing in particular on a corpus of computer chat (synchronous and supersynchronous CMC) compiled by the author. The book employs Douglas Biber\u2019s multidimensional methodology and situates the chats relative to a range of spoken and written genres on his dimensions of linguistic variation. The study fills a gap both in CMC linguistics as regards a systematic variationist approach to computer chat genres, and in variationist linguistics as regards a description of conversational writing."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jonsson ,Ewa "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["computer chat", "IRC communication", "split-window ICQ", "social media"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607491"], ["title", "Conversational Writing - A Multidimensional Study of Synchronous and Supersynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication"], ["doab_id", "19016"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783631671535"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783631671535"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Feltz, C. (ed.); Neirinck, P. (ed.); Roggemans, J. (ed.); Toussaint, A. (ed.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/catalogue/reference/71.html"], ["title", "Les conversations paysag\u00e8res 2004. M\u00e9tiers du paysage. Textes du colloque du 13 octobre 2004, Espace Senghor - Gembloux (Belgique)"], ["doab_id", "16108"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870160794"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870160794"]], [["description", "In a celebratory moment of the Paradiso, Dante has Thomas go round the circle of sage spirits identifying each in turn in point of proper calling and confirming how it is that self is everywhere present to the other-than-self as a co-efficient of being in the endless and endlessly varied instantiation of that being. The image, at once perfectly Dantean and perfectly resplendent, underlies and informs these conversations of mine with Kenelm; for if in reading and rereading the cherished text, I have from time to time felt the need to enter a qualification, it is a matter here, as in the high consistory of paradise, of otherness as both contained and as authorized by sameness, as conditioned and set free by it for a life of its own. Never, in other words, is it a question in what follows of the stark alternativism of the sed contra, but instead a matter of formed friendship, of the kind of friendship which, conceived in love, makes for a sweet choreography of the spirit.(DOI: 10.5334/baa)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Took ,John"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Dante", "Kenelm Foster", "Commedia"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533878"], ["title", "Conversations with Kenelm: Essays on the Theology of the Commedia"], ["doab_id", "15383"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188006"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188006"]], [["description", "In 1609, the first Dutch settlers arrived in America and established trading posts, small towns, and forts up and down what we now call the Hudson River. To this day, American children are taught the thrilling history of the transformation of this settlement, New Netherland, and its capital, New Amsterdam, from landmark port into present-day New York State and the island of Manhattan. But, the Dutch legacy extended far beyond New York, as Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops reveals. From Santa Claus (after the Dutch folklore saint Sinterklaas) and his sleigh (the pronunciation of the Dutch slee is almost identical) to a dumbhead talking poppycock, the contributions of the Dutch language to American English are indelibly embedded to some of our most vernacular terms and expressions. The menu in most of our restaurants sports some originally Dutch names, and even our dollar is named after a Dutch coin (daalder). In this captivating volume, the renowned linguist Nicoline van der Sijs glosses over 300 Dutch loan words like these that travelled to the New World on board the Dutch ship the Halve Maan, captained by Henry Hudson, which dropped anchor in Manhattan more than 400 years ago. Surprisingly, the Dutch also gave several Native American languages words for everyday things like \"pants\", \"cat\" and \"turkey\". Lively and accessible, the information presented in this volume charts the journey of these words into the American territory and languages, from more obscure uses which maybe have survived in only regional dialects to such ubiquitous contributions to our language like Yankee, cookie, and dope. Each entry marks the original arrival of its term into American English and adds up-to-date information on its evolving meaning, etymology, and regional spread. Not to be missed by anyone with a passion for the history behind our everyday expressions, Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops is the perfect gift for the linguistic adventurer in us all.

Van Santa Claus (Sinterklaas) en zijn slee (sleigh) tot aan de dollar (vernoemd naar de daalder) en Yankees (Jan Kees), de Nederlandse taal is van grote invloed geweest op het Amerikaans-Engels. Yankees, cookies en dollars laat zien hoe de Nederlandse erfenis tot ver buiten New York reikt en zelfs terug te vinden is in de indianentalen. Dit jaar wordt herdacht dat vierhonderd jaar geleden, in 1609, Henry Hudson met zijn VOC-schip voor anker ging bij Manhattan. In zijn kielzog landden Nederlandse kolonisten op het eiland die de stad Nieuw-Amsterdam stichtten. In de loop van vierhonderd jaar is het gebied getransformeerd van landbouwgrond naar de huidige wereldstad New York. Hoewel er veel is veranderd, is de invloed van de Nederlandse taal nog steeds hoorbaar. Wat is de ontwikkeling geweest van het Nederlands in de Verenigde Staten? Hoelang is dit gesproken en is het ongewijzigd gebleven? Hoe groot was en is de invloed van het Nederlands op het Amerikaans-Engels? Welke Nederlandse woorden zijn door indianentalen overgenomen? In dit boek gaat taalkundige Nicoline van der Sijs in op deze en andere vragen. Ze geeft up-to-date informatie over de veranderende betekenis, de etymologie en de regionale spreiding van de Nederlandse leenwoorden. Cookies, Coleslaw and Stoops verschijnt ook in het Nederlands als \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789089641304\">Yankees, cookies en dollars. In het kader van Holland on the Hudson (400 jaar handelsrelaties tussen Nederland en New York) wordt het boek op 10 september gepresenteerd op Columbia University te New York. Onder andere minister Ronald Plasterk van OC&W is hierbij aanwezig. \"As a kid in New York's Mohawk Valley I played along the laag kill, called out Kip, Kip, Kip! to our chickens at feeding time, talked to friends on their stoeps after school, and got winklehawks in my blue jeans from scrambling through barbed wire fences. It wasn't until years later that I realized how many Dutch expressions survived in my dialect. This book is a linguistic treasure chest for anyone who grew up in the area covered by the Dutch colony of New Netherland.\" Charles Gehring, New Netherland Project, New York State Library"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sijs van der ,Nicoline"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Dutch and Flemish language", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341464"], ["title", "Cookies, Coleslaw, and Stoops : The Influence of Dutch on the North American Languages"], ["doab_id", "12627"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641243"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641243"]], [["description", "The Nordic model attracts attention in a mixture of applause and disbelief. Among its merits, but also a precondition to its future survival, is its capacity to modify and adapt to changing circumstances. This book scrutinizes Nordic \u2013 in particular Norwegian \u2013 working life and welfare states from the perspective of institutional change. The analyses range from property rights, boardroom politics and wage formation to old-age pensions, care work and childcare policies. What emerges is a picture of societies characterized by ongoing, often incremental, social and political reform processes. Tripartite relations of coordination and negotiation in the labor market and beyond, give shape to power relations and political processes in particular ways. The close connections between labour market, welfare state, family and gender policies work to create institutional bundles \u2013 in an even stronger way than assumed in the Varieties of Capitalism literature.The book is written for students and scholars with an interest in Nordic societies, in corporatism and political processes, as well as readers interested in theoretical debate on varieties of capitalism and institutional change. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Engelstad, Fredrik; Hagelund, Anniken"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462497"], ["title", "Cooperation and Conflict the Nordic Way. Work, Welfare, and Institutional Change in Scandinavia"], ["doab_id", "17979"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110444278", "9783110444285", "9783110436891"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110444278, 9783110444285, 9783110436891"]], [["description", "Acompanhando criticamente a trajet\u00f3ria da Igreja Popular, muitos estudos t\u00eam sido dedicados \u00e0 an\u00e1lise do desempenho pol\u00edtico deste setor da Igreja Cat\u00f3lica no Brasil dos anos recentes. A contribui\u00e7\u00e3o dos autores reunidos neste n\u00famero dos Cadernos do ISER n\u00e3o se baseia em an\u00e1lises de documentos e declara\u00e7\u00f5es - op\u00e7\u00f5es que se tem mostrado, sem d\u00favida, muito produtiva - mas na reflex\u00e3o sobre um conjunto de pr\u00e1ticas, complementa\u00e7\u00e3o percebida cada vez mais claramente, como indispens\u00e1vel neste campo de discuss\u00f5es."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Esterci, Neide"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fyvfv"], ["title", "Cooperativismo e coletiviza\u00e7\u00e3o no campo: quest\u00f5es sobre a pr\u00e1tica da igreja popular no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17210"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662625"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662625"]], [["description", "The author presents a general view on sports training, its eriodization and the role of coordination in the initial stages of preparation in volleyball. He also deals with inter-gender differences in levels of such abilities, describing motor tests for the assessment of coordination potential and providing the reader with standards for the development of talented players. Based on the nature of volleyball, the author analyses key features of sports performance. Coordination abilities, especially in the period of puberty, play an important role in the creation of coordination basis \u2013 prerequisites for the development of physical fitness and acquisition of motor skills. Based on the results of his own research, as well as studies conducted by international sports scientists, he offers a model for the development of coordination abilities in volleyball. This method is recommended for coaches to improve their professional work in volleyball classes and schools, and in sports clubs. In the long-term, application of the proposed model should contribute to the improvement of players\u2018 performance in competition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jaromir \u0160imonek"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Volleyball. Long-term sports preparation. Coordination abilities. Inter-gender differences. Dynamics of changes. Model of development. Sports games. Periodization of sports preparation"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/430933"], ["title", "Coordination Abilities in Volleyball"], ["doab_id", "16482"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110370317"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110370317"]], [["description", "In 2012 we received a grant from the Veterans Health Administration Office of Specialty Care entitled, \u201cPatient-Centered Model for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.\u201d The grant\u2019s goals were to enhance the recognition and diagnosis of COPD and implement a Patient-Centered Model for the Management of COPD. As the work on that proposal progressed, we realized that providers did not have an up-to-date, comprehensive, easily read, \u201chow to\u201d manual for the management of COPD despite all the advances in COPD care that have occurred over the past 5 years. Consensus documents such as the VA-DOD Guidelines were abbreviated summaries that were rarely used. From those discussions, the concept for this volume, a COPD Primer, developed. The goal was to develop a practical book that concisely presented COPD to providers with sufficient background and explanation of the physiologic and scientific rationale for various management strategies without becoming an esoteric academic work. We hope that this COPD Primer has achieved that goal and will be a useful, practical text for practitioners and medical trainees alike.The COPD Primer begins with an examination of what COPD is; it is really a syndrome, a constellation of historical features and clinical, physiologic, and radiographic findings. However, those elements come together in many different ways to create multiple different COPD phenotypes that are only now being recognized and used to define specific management strategies. COPD research has progressed beyond the simple classification of \u201cblue bloaters\u201d and \u201cpink puffers.\u201d Next, the epidemiology and economic consequences of COPD are reviewed. Bill Eschenbacher presents an approach to the patient with respiratory symptoms with detailed discussions of pulmonary function testing and how airflow limitation/obstruction is identified by spirometry and the use of lung imaging to identify individuals with COPD. Michael Borchers and Gregory Motz summarize current evidence implicating genetics, proteolytic imbalance, oxidative stress, inflammation, occupational and environmental exposures, and innate and adaptive immune function in the pathogenesis of COPD and the implication of these findings to future treatments. The single most important intervention in the prevention and treatment of COPD is smoking cessation. Shari Altum, Katherine Butler, and Rachel Juran present a practical approach to smoking cessation utilizing motivational interviewing in combination with pharmacologic interventions. Then, they expand upon these concepts to provide practitioners with convenient, realistic suggestions to encourage patient self-management in all aspects of COPD care and overall health. Ahsan Zafar reviews the natural history, recently described COPD phenotypes, and gender differences that clearly illustrate the broad spectrum of disease that comprises the term, COPD. The cover illustration highlights Dr. Zafar\u2019s creative and artistic talents. The extensive nonpulmonary aspects of COPD are reviewed by Ralph Panos in an examination of COPD\u2019s multi-organ manifestations. Next, the effect of COPD on sleep and the overlap syndrome, the concurrence of COPD and obstructive sleep apnea, and its consequences are presented. Jean Elwing examines the effect of COPD on the pulmonary vasculature with a detailed discussion of the evaluation and management of pulmonary hypertension associated with COPD. COPD\u2019s effects on psychosocial functioning and familial interactions are presented by Mary Panos and Ralph Panos.The focus of the Primer then shifts from manifestations to treatment with a discussion of stable COPD management. With the current plethora of devices for delivering respiratory medications, it is difficult for both patients and providers to sustain knowledge of their proper use. Aaron Mulhall presents a practical guide to correct inhaler use that reviews all the current devices. Folarin Sogbetun then reviews the management of outpatient COPD exacerbations and Nishant Gupta discusses the approach to the patient hospitalized with COPD. Because patients with COPD often see multiple subspecialty physicians in addition to their primary care providers, interdisciplinary communication and coordination of care is essential for their management; Sara Krzywkowski-Mohn reviews the interactions between primary and specialty care for the patient with COPD with suggestions for improved communication and care coordination. Finally, advance care planning including palliative care and hospice is reviewed with a discussion of how end stage COPD affects not only the patient but also their family and social network.This COPD Primer incorporates the knowledge that we have learned over the past several years during the development and implementation of a patient-centered model for the management of COPD. It was written with the explicit goal of assisting both the practicing provider and medical trainee in the care of patients with COPD."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eschenbacher, William; Panos, Ralph "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Internal Medicine"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/468864"], ["title", "A COPD Primer"], ["doab_id", "17976"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110467994", "9783110468007", "9783110468113"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110467994, 9783110468007, 9783110468113"]], [["description", "Inspired by a critical reconsideration of current monolithic approaches to the study of Greek religion, this book argues that ancient Greeks displayed a disquieting capacity to validate two (or more) dissonant, if not contradictory, representations of the divine world in a complementary rather than mutually exclusive manner. From this perspective the six chapters explore problems inherent in: order vs. variety/chaos in polytheism, arbitrariness vs. justice in theodicy, the peaceful co-existence of mono- and polytheistic theologies, human traits in divine imagery, divine omnipotence vs. limitation of power, and ruler cult. Based on an intimate knowledge of ancient realia and literary testimonia the book stands out for its extensive application of relevant perceptions drawn from cultural anthropology, theology, cognitive science, psychology, and linguistics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Versnel ,H.S."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Cult", "Divine", "Omnipotence", "Polytheism", "Ruler", "Theodicy", "Religie", "Cultus", "Voorspellen", "Almacht", "Veelgoderij", "Leider", "Theodicee"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391871"], ["title", "Coping With the Gods"], ["doab_id", "13388"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004204904", "9789004210905"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004204904 9789004210905"]], [["description", "The copper-cobalt outcrops of Upper Katanga and north-western Zambia host a particular flora which comprises an estimated 750 species of which more than 400 are treated in this copper-cobalt field guide.The aim of this book, resulting from several years of intensive field work and study, is to bring together the basic knowledges permitting an easy approach to the identification of a great number of the species to be encountered. More than 400 species are illustrated with color photographs and/or drawings together with comments concerning synonyms, habit, description, ecology and distribution.Plant species are listed and colour-coded according to classification: Cyanoprocaryota, lichenized Fungi, Anthocerophyta, Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta (red edge), Lycophyta and Monilophyta (green edge), Magnoliopsida (blue edge) and Liliopsida (yellow edge). An index allows easy location either according to genus and species.An account of the research on copper-cobalt ecosystems carried out during the last ten years in southeastern D.R. Congo is also presented.The editors have spent more than twenty years in the area concerned and have collected more than 8,500 voucher specimens, including eleven species new to science (holotypes)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Malaisse, Fran\u00e7ois; Schaijes, Michel; D'Outreligne, Claire"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/194087"], ["title", "Copper-cobalt flora of Upper Katanga and Copperbelt. Field guide. Over 400 plants, 1,000 photographs and 500 drawings"], ["doab_id", "18959"], ["language_unmapped", "Eng"], ["isbns", ["9782870160800"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870160800"]], [["description", "This work is the first comprehensive description of Sumerian constructions involving a copula. Using around 400 fully glossed examples, it gives a thorough analysis of all uses of the copula, which is one of the least understood and most frequently misinterpreted and consequently mistranslated morphemes in Sumerian. It starts with a concise introduction into the grammatical structure of Sumerian, followed by a study that is accessible to both linguists and sumerologists, as it applies the terminology of modern descriptive linguistics. It provides the oldest known and documented example of the path of grammaticalization that leads from a copula to a focus marker. It gives the description of Sumerian copular paratactic relative clauses, which make use of an otherwise only scarcely attested relativization strategy. At the end of the book, the reader will have a clear picture about the morphological and syntactic devices used to mark identificational, polarity and sentence focus in Sumerian, one of the oldest documented languages in the world. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "G\u00e1bor Z\u00f3lyomi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Sumerian, copula, focus, information structure, copular clauses, grammaticalization, cuneiform languages"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447760"], ["title", "Copular Clauses and Focus Marking in Sumerian"], ["doab_id", "16488"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110401691"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110401691"]], [["description", "Trebia. Trasimene. Cannae. With three stunning victories, Hannibal humbled Rome and nearly shattered its empire. Even today Hannibal's brilliant, if ultimately unsuccessful, campaign against Rome during the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) make him one of history's most celebrated military leaders. This biography by Cornelius Nepos (c. 100-27 BC) sketches Hannibal's life from the time he began traveling with his father's army as a young boy, through his sixteen-year invasion of Italy and his tumultuous political career in Carthage, to his perilous exile and eventual suicide in the East.As Rome completed its bloody transition from dysfunctional republic to stable monarchy, Nepos labored to complete an innovative and influential collection of concise biographies. Putting aside the detailed, chronological accounts of military campaigns and political machinations that characterized most writing about history, Nepos surveyed Roman and Greek history for distinguished men who excelled in a range of prestigious occupations. In the exploits and achievements of these illustrious men, Nepos hoped that his readers would find models for the honorable conduct of their own lives. Although most of Nepos' works have been lost, we are fortunate to have his biography of Hannibal. Nepos offers a surprisingly balanced portrayal of a man that most Roman authors vilified as the most monstrous foe that Rome had ever faced.Nepos' straightforward style and his preference for common vocabulary make Life of Hannibal accessible for those who are just beginning to read continuous Latin prose, while the historical interest of the subject make it compelling for readers of every ability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mulligan, Bret (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cornelius Nepos, Hannibal, Chartage, Ancient Rome, Punic wars, Latin literature"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/341"], ["title", "Cornelius Nepos, Life of Hannibal: Latin Text, Notes, Maps, Illustrations and Vocabulary"], ["doab_id", "17487"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741335", "9781783741342"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741335/9781783741342"]], [["description", "This book is dedicated to all the people interested in the CoRoT mission and the beautiful data that were delivered during its six year duration.Either amateurs, professional, young or senior researchers, they will find treasures not only at the time of this publication but also in the future twenty or thirty years.It presents the data in their final version, explains how they have been obtained, how to handle them, describes the tools necessary to understand them, and where to find them. It also highlights the most striking first results obtained up to now. CoRoT has opened several unexpected directions of research and certainly new ones still to be discovered."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/books-in-english#The-CoRoT-Legacy-Book"], ["title", "The CoRoT Legacy Book"], ["doab_id", "19806"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782759818761"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759818761"]], [["description", "Digital technology is increasingly impacting how we keep informed, how we communicate professionally and privately, and how we initiate and maintain relationships with others. The function and meaning of new forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not always clear to users on the onset and must be negotiated by communities, institutions and individuals alike. Are chatrooms and virtual environments suitable for business communication? Is email increasingly a channel for work-related, formal communication and thus \"for old people\", as especially young Internet users flock to Social Networking Sites (SNSs)? Cornelius Puschmann examines the linguistic and rhetorical properties of the weblog, another relatively young genre of CMC, to determine its function in private and professional (business) communication. He approaches the question of what functions blogs realize for authors and readers and argues that corporate blogs, which, like blogs by private individuals, are a highly diverse in terms of their form, function and intended audience, essentially mimic key characteristics of private blogs in order to appear open, non-persuasive and personal, all essential qualities for companies that wish to make a positive impression on their constituents.

Digital technology is increasingly impacting how we keep informed, how we communicate professionally and privately, and how we initiate and maintain relationships with others. The function and meaning of new forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not always clear to users on the onset and must be negotiated by communities, institutions and individuals alike. Are chatrooms and virtual environments suitable for business communication? Is email increasingly a channel for work-related, formal communication and thus \"for old people\", as especially young Internet users flock to Social Networking Sites (SNSs)? Cornelius Puschmann examines the linguistic and rhetorical properties of the weblog, another relatively young genre of CMC, to determine its function in private and professional (business) communication. He approaches the question of what functions blogs realize for authors and readers and argues that corporate blogs, which, like blogs by private individuals, are a highly diverse in terms of their form, function and intended audience, essentially mimic key characteristics of private blogs in order to appear open, non-persuasive and personal, all essential qualities for companies that wish to make a positive impression on their constituents."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puschmann, Cornelius"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Communication", "Media", "Corporate Blog", "Communication", "Media", "Corporate Blog"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610359"], ["title", "The corporate blog as an emerging genre of computer-mediated communication: features, constraints, discourse situation"], ["doab_id", "14573"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783941875555"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875555"]], [["description", "Daten sind die strategische Ressource des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es findet kein Gesch\u00e4ftsprozess, keine Kommunikation zwischen Gesch\u00e4ftspartnern, keine Wertsch\u00f6pfung statt, ohne dass die involvierten Personen, Maschinen und IT-Systeme Daten nutzen, erzeugen oder ver\u00e4ndern. Trends wie die Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 und Social Media tragen ebenfalls dazu bei, dass Datenmanagement zu einer Kernkompetenz f\u00fcr erfolgreiche Unternehmen dieser Zeit geworden ist. Damit Daten ihren ganzen Wert entfalten k\u00f6nnen, m\u00fcssen sie stets in angemessener Qualit\u00e4t zur Verf\u00fcgung stehen. Dies gilt besonders f\u00fcr Stammdaten, die zentralen Gesch\u00e4ftsobjekte eines Unternehmens. Dieses Buch zeigt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zum qualit\u00e4tsbewussten Management von Stammdaten auf und richtet sich damit sowohl an Praktiker als auch an die Wissenschaft. Das \u201eFramework f\u00fcr Stammdatenqualit\u00e4tsmanagement\u201c wurde im Rahmen des \u201eCompetence Center Corporate Data Quality\u201c der Universit\u00e4t St. Gallen seit dem Jahr 2006 gemeinsam mit Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Industrien in zahlreichen praktischen Anwendungen entwickelt und verbessert. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen r\u00e4umt das Buch der praktischen Sicht mit 10 Fallstudien gro\u00dfen Raum ein, die erfolgreich durchgef\u00fchrte Datenqualit\u00e4tsprojekte praxisnah aufbereiten. Schlie\u00dflich f\u00fchrt das Buch noch Methoden und Werkzeuge f\u00fcr das Datenqualit\u00e4tsmanagement auf, die (Stamm-)datenmanager bei Projekten im eigenen betrieblichen Umfeld unterst\u00fctzen k\u00f6nnen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Boris Otto; Hubert \u00d6sterle"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["innovation", " business process management", " e-commerce"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-46806-7"], ["title", "Corporate Data Quality: Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle"], ["doab_id", "19124"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783662468050", "9783662468067"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783662468050 (Print) 9783662468067 (Online)"]], [["description", "Correlated activity in populations of neurons has been observed in many brain regions and plays a central role in cortical coding, attention, and network dynamics. Accurately quantifying neuronal correlations presents several difficulties. For example, despite recent advances in multicellular recording techniques, the number of neurons from which spiking activity can be simultaneously recorded remains orders magnitude smaller than the size of local networks. In addition, there is a lack of consensus on the distribution of pairwise spike cross correlations obtained in extracellular multi-unit recordings. These challenges highlight the need for theoretical and computational approaches to understand how correlations emerge and to decipher their functional role in the brain."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Rosenbaum; Tatjana Tchumatchenko; Ruben Moreno-Bote"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Neuronal correlations", "neural synchrony", "Neural coding", "spike train analysis", "neuronal networks", "noise correlation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1155/correlated-neuronal-activity-and-its-relationship-to-coding-dynamics-and-network-architecture"], ["title", "Correlated neuronal activity and its relationship to coding, dynamics and network architecture"], ["doab_id", "18687"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193578"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193578"]], [["description", "Wolfgang Capito (1478\u20131541), a leading Christian Hebraist and Catholic churchman who converted to Protestantism, was a pivotal figure in the history of the Reformation. After serving as a professor of theology in Basel and adviser to the archbishop of Mainz, he moved to Strasbourg, which became, largely due to his efforts, one of the most important centres of the Reformation movement after Wittenberg. This penultimate volume in the series is a fully annotated translation of Capito\u2019s existing correspondence covering the years 1532\u201336 and culminating in the Wittenberg Concord between the Lutheran and Reformed churches. The correspondence includes Capito\u2019s efforts, alongside those of his colleague Martin Bucer, to negotiate that compromise. Other letters deal with local, political, financial, and doctrinal questions, as well as Capito\u2019s personal life. The letters demonstrate the importance of Capito and his colleagues in providing advice in matters concerning the churches in southern Germany and Switzerland, but also regarding the evangelicals in neighbouring France. Milton Kooistra\u2019s annotation provides historical context by identifying classical, patristic, and biblical quotations as well as persons and places. Continuing in the series\u2019 tradition of rigorous scholarship, this volume provides crucial details on the evolution of Capito\u2019s thought and its contribution to the Reformation movement.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Capito ,Wolfgang; Rummel ,Erika"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Humanistes", "Europe", "Correspondance", "R\u00e9formateurs", "R\u00e9forme (Christianisme)", "Savants", "Theologians", "History", "Religious Studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Toronto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604623"], ["title", "The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito"], ["doab_id", "18745"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781487511425"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781487511425"]], [["description", "Neurons communicate by sending action potentials down their axons and release neurotransmitter at the synapses with target neurons in nearby or remote regions. Although we know the approximate connectivity of cortico-cortical axons in several species, this does not enable us to predict the communication dynamics. The cortico-cortical communication dynamics specify how the communication evolves in real time and cortical space ms by ms. Currently we are only beginning to appreciate this space-time dynamics from multielectrode recordings, imaging of Ca2+ transients and membrane voltage simultaneously over several areas during brain tasks, perception or preparation for behavior. The results from such experiments indeed challenge traditional ideas of cortico-cortical communications. The communication dynamics in these conditions differ somewhat from that present in steady states that are characterized as fix points or as oscillatory states (limit cycles). There are, however, realistic computational models of communications between several areas or the whole cortex, which have been able to express communication dynamics mimicking the experimentally obtained results during brain tasks, such as perception and decision making. This Research Topic issue will welcome communications in any form, experimental, theoretical, conceptual, and even better combinations of these, on real time cortico-cortical communication dynamics. The introductions must include sections of review character \u2013 helping readers outside the field to understand the context in which the contribution is placed. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gustavo Deco; Per E. Roland; Claus C. Hilgetag"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["spatio-temporal dynamics of action potentials and membrane potentials", "spontaneous ongoing activity", "development of connexions", "EEG", "MEG", "cortical connectivity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/160/cortico-cortical-communication-dynamics"], ["title", "Cortico-cortical Communication Dynamics"], ["doab_id", "17840"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192885"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192885"]], [["description", "Driven by the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA), decentralisation in Macedonia is a policy choice for spurring national cohesion rather than an economic instrument for the more efficient delivery of services. The OFA resulted in a new Macedonian Constitution with policies related to the decentralisation process and equitable representation of communities. This book aims first to estimate the spending efficiency of Macedonian municipalities in service delivery from their own resources and, second, to ascertain the determinants of that efficiency. The ethnic fragmentation of municipalities is taken into account as a possible determinant of efficiency, which represents a novelty in such types of studies. We employ the DEA-VRS, Kernel and SFA estimation techniques to control for the robustness of our estimates. Our findings show that on average Macedonian municipalities exhibit low efficiency in service delivery, although there are significant variations among municipalities. The ethnic fragmentation of municipalities together with the population density, own tax revenues and political affiliation of the mayor with the leading political coalition at the state level explain differences in their efficiencies. More fragmented municipalities tend to be less efficient when providing services to citizens."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marjan Nikolov"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Cost Efficiency, Municipality, Service Delivery, Ethnic Fragmentation, Macedonia"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/1"], ["title", "Cost Efficiency of Municipalities in Service Delivery: Does Ethnic Fragmentation Matter?"], ["doab_id", "17602"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842167"]], ["provider", "www.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842167"]], [["description", "Apesar de vis\u00edvel sucesso midi\u00e1tico, com in\u00fameras reportagens sobre os avan\u00e7os em estudos de materiais ligados \u00e0 FMC, uma figura hist\u00f3rica da mais alta relev\u00e2ncia permaneceu, praticamente, ignorada pela recente historiografia da f\u00edsica no Brasil - Joaquim da Costa Ribeiro. O autor mostra Costa Ribeiro como uma figura de lideran\u00e7a na pesquisa cient\u00edfica e com forte interesse em formar jovens pesquisadores, al\u00e9m de dedicar grande parte de sua exist\u00eancia ao ensino da disciplina - f\u00edsica"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva Filho, Wanderley Vitorino da"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/f6gwn"], ["title", "Costa Ribeiro: ensino, pesquisa e desenvolvimento da f\u00edsica no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17717"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792763"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792763"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Berti, F. (ed.); Hofs, J. - L. (ed.); Mergeai, G. (ed.)"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/base/index.php/base/issue/view/380"], ["title", "Le coton dans tous ses \u00e9tats. Textes du colloque du 12 mai 2006, Gembloux, Belgique"], ["doab_id", "16109"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870160817"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870160817"]], [["description", "Manuscript Cotton Nero A.x takes its designation from the unique cataloging system of seventeenth-century British antiquarian Sir Robert Cotton\u2019s library: busts of historical figures atop shelves provided the organizing principle, such that one found this particular codex under the bust of Roman Emperor Nero, on the top shelf, ten volumes over. (Another famous manuscript, containing Beowulf, is called Cotton Vitellius A.xv.) Cotton Nero A.x contains the only versions of the poems we now know as Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, generally agreed to have been composed sometime in the latter half of the fourteenth century\u2014the time of Piers Plowman and Geoffrey Chaucer, though radically different from either. No one knows who the poet was. No one knows if more than one poet wrote some or all of the poems. Together, they present a stunning array of themes, allegories, and images that critics continue to puzzle over: Patience offers a psychologically complex rendering of the Old Testament story of Jonah and the whale; Cleanness explores its homiletic theme in carnal and spiritual terms with complexity, irony, and even humor; Pearl provides a dream allegory that pushes at the distinction between its earthly and heavenly meanings, challenging the very notion of metaphysical transcendence its form seems to point towards. Finally, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the most secular of the poems, is a sophisticated take on Arthurian legend that unfolds like a psychosexual mystery novel, with no easy solution in sight. All the poems are rendered in a difficult Middle English dialect and intricate alliterative form, which sometimes involves a complex rhyme scheme as well. As poet-medievalists, we bow before the poetic achievement of the works in Cotton Nero A.x in all their multi-faceted richness. This is not a translation, nor an interpretation. It is what might be called a trace. A response. A homework assignment from beyond the grave, for four students who should have known better. A dream we hope to dream."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Hadbawnik ; Daniel C. Remein; Chris Piuma; Lisa Ampleman "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["poetics, Pearl poet, Cotton Nero A.x, Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight "]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://ethpress.com/cotton-nero-a-x/"], ["title", "Cotton Nero A.x"], ["doab_id", "16072"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615983912"]], ["provider", "ethpress.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615983912"]], [["description", "Eric Cameron is a major contemporary Canadian artist. Born in 1935 in Leicester, England, he arrived in Canada in the 1970s and has taught at the University of Guelph, the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, and at the University of Calgary. Over the years Cameron has also continued to work in his primary medium, painting, but moved from traditional figuration to a highly conceptual practice with both his process paintings and his \"thick\" paintings. He has also expanded into video and has written a great deal about his work. His inspired teaching and unusual art have been recognized with major awards, including the Victor Lynch-Staunton Award (1993), the Gershorn Iskowitz Prize (1994), and the Governor General's Award (2004). Despite Cameron's prominence, much of the writing about him to date, primarily essays in exhibition catalogues, is by the artist himself. Cover and Uncover thus makes a major contribution to the field as it explores in depth Eric Cameron's art and philosophy. The book is composed of four essays, each covering a different aspect of Cameron's art, starting with Peggy Gale's analysis of his writing, then turning to Ann Davis's consideration of his process paintings and his philosophy, moving to Diana Nemiroff's review of his videos, and concluding with Thierry de Duve's observations on his Thick Paintings and his blind rejection of chance. The essays, though written independently, resonate with each other so that the reader comes away with a full picture of a complex artist, his life, his thought, his art production, and how these elements inform each other and have evolved through time. The expert commentary here, richly illustrated with Cameron's works in multiple media, provides a vital and long overdue critical lens through which to view this important artist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48846/1/UofCPress_CoverUncover_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Cover and Uncover: Eric Cameron"], ["doab_id", "15152"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385906"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385906"]], [["description", "The cowboy, as perhaps no other figure, has captured the imagination of North Americans for over a century. Before Owen Wister's publication of The Virginian in 1902, the image of the cowboy was essentially that of the dime novel - a rough, violent, one-dimensional drifter, or the stage cowboy variety found in Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West show. Wister's novel was to transform, almost overnight, this image of the cowboy. Soon after its publication, Wister sent a copy, inscribed \"To the hero from the author,\" to Everett Johnson, a cowboy from Virginia who had been a friend of Wister's in Wyoming in the 1880s. Johnson had migrated to Alberta by the 1890s, eventually settling in the Calgary area. Before his death in 1946, his daughter-in-law, Jean Johnson, transcribed Everett's stories of the old west and collected them into a manuscript, now on deposit in the Glenbow Archives.In The Cowboy Legend, John Jennings, building on Jean Johnson's work, details the evidence that Everett Johnson was the initial and prime inspiration for Wister's cowboy, and in the process shows that Johnson led a fascinating life in his own right. His memories of both the Wyoming and Alberta cattle frontiers provide insight into ranch life on both sides of the border, and the compelling parallel biographies of Johnson and Wister feature vignettes of legendary period figures such as Buffalo Bill Cody, Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, and Butch Cassidy, not to mention the best man at Johnson's wedding, Henry Longabaugh, a.k.a. the Sundance Kid. With an impressive range of scholarship and archival research, Jennings melds this realistic study of the cowboy frontier with an intriguing account of Wister's subsequent creation of the cowboy mystique, aided by two close friends and perhaps somewhat unexpected collaborators, Frederic Remington and Theodore Roosevelt. As compulsively readable as it is informative, this unique contribution to western history and literature will be welcomed by fans and scholars alike."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Jennings"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552385289"], ["title", "The Cowboy Legend: Owen Wister's Virginian and the Canadian-American Ranching Frontier"], ["doab_id", "17733"], ["language_unmapped", "Western; Literature; History; "], ["isbns", ["9789878155234"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "98781552388693"]], [["description", "\"\"Coyote was tired of being cold,\"\" says this traditional Shoshone tale about the arrival of fire in the northern Wasatch region.Members of the Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation developed the concept for this retelling in collaboration with book arts teacher Tamara Zollinger. Together, they wrote and illustrated the book.Bright watercolor-and-salt techniques provide a winning background to the hand-cut silhouettes of the characters. The lively, humorous story about Coyote and his friends is complemented perfectly by later pages written by Northwestern Shoshone elders on the historical background and cultural heritage of the Shoshone nation.An audio CD with the voice of Helen Timbimboo telling the story in Shoshone and singing two traditional songs makes this book not only good entertainment but an important historical document, too.Sure to delight readers of all ages, Coyote Steals Fire will be a valuable addition to the family bookshelf, elementary classroom, and the school or public library."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/81"], ["title", "Coyote Steals Fire"], ["doab_id", "14713"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216189"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216189"]], [["description", "Rabbinic tradition has it that 613 commandments were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, but it does not specify those included in the enumeration. Maimonides methodically and artfully crafts a list of 613 commandments in a work that serves as a prolegemenon to the Mishneh Torah, his monumental code of law. This book explores the surprising way Maimonides put this tradition to use and his possible rationale for using such a tradition. It also explores many of the philosophical and ethical ideas animating the composition of such a list. In the book's second half, Friedberg examines the manner by which Maimonides formulated positive commandments in the Mishneh Torah, leading him to suggest new dimensions in Maimonides' legal theory."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Albert D. Friedberg"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/57cda3a0440243f4dee0bef3/1473094563451/Crafting+the+613+Commandments.pdf"], ["title", "Crafting the 613 Commandments: Maimonides on the Enumeration, Classification, and Formulation of the Scriptural Commandments"], ["doab_id", "19625"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781618111678", "9781618113870"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781618111678, 9781618113870 "]], [["description", "Ante el proceso de internacionalizaci\u00f3n en el que se encuentra hoy la instituci\u00f3n universitaria, puede resultar ilustrativo el estudio de la reforma que se produjo en la primera mitad del siglo XIX cuando desapareci\u00f3 la corporaci\u00f3n de antiguo r\u00e9gimen y eclosion\u00f3 un orden centralizado y estatal. La creaci\u00f3n del cuerpo de catedr\u00e1ticos se utiliza como un observatorio a trav\u00e9s del cual pueden valorarse algunas novedades y rastrearse herencias. El ensayo se enriquece con la edici\u00f3n del proyecto de escalaf\u00f3n, un elenco de los catedr\u00e1ticos de la \u00e9poca y, sobre todo, la compilaci\u00f3n realizada por Vicente de la Fuente de las necrolog\u00edas de los primeros catedr\u00e1ticos de Madrid: Tom\u00e1s Palacios y Alam\u00edn (c 1764-1841), Pedro Castell\u00f3 y Roca (1812-1843), Joaqu\u00edn Lumbreras (1777-1844), Mariano de la Bodega y Merodio (1794-1845), Vicente Gonz\u00e1lez Arnao (1766-1845), Prudencio Mar\u00eda Berrioz\u00e1bal (1816-1847), Andr\u00e9s Leal y Ruiz (1801-1851), Santiago Mart\u00ednez Dom\u00ednguez (1814-1851), Mariano Echavarr\u00eda (-1851), Manuel Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez (1795-1855)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Universities"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18077/creacion_martinez_2013.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "La creaci\u00f3n del cuerpo de catedr\u00e1ticos de universidad (1812-1857). Estudio hist\u00f3rico-jur\u00eddico"], ["doab_id", "16159"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490317679"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490317679"]], [["description", "Every city wants to become creative, perhaps even the most creative ever. But what does it mean to be a creative city? What images take shape as a consequence? What sort of city do we envisage? Which one are we actually building?In a journey that starts with Blade Runner and passes through English punk, Milanese creative workers and Star Wars, the book explores the features and outcomes of the creative city, penetrating its dark side but also identifying its assets. In the future, cities must be guided by a vision of a creative city able to be inclusive yet competitive, to open new public spaces and to be socially innovative. This book presents some of the tools that allow us to look at the city as a place whose air makes people free."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marianna D'Ovidio"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["city, creative, modernity"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Cities_book_senzacroc.pdf"], ["title", "The creative city does not exist"], ["doab_id", "18968"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867053995"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053995"]], [["description", "La versi\u00f3n en espa\u00f1ol del primer libro sobre las licencias Creative Commons (english version: www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide )Aqu\u00ed tiene un manual operacional que sirve de gu\u00eda para los creadores que deseen adentrarse en el mundo de las licencias Creative Commons, las licencias m\u00e1s famosas y populares de libre distribuci\u00f3n de productos intelectuales.Sin dejar de lado \u00fatiles aclaraciones conceptuales, el autor entra en detalles t\u00e9cnicos de las herramientas ofrecidas por Creative Commons, lo que los hace tambi\u00e9n comprensible para los ne\u00f3fitos totales. Este es un libro fundamental para todos aquellos que est\u00e9n interesados en la OpenContent y el mundo copyleft."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-guia-usuario/"], ["title", "Creative Common: Guia de Usuario"], ["doab_id", "15536"], ["language_unmapped", "Espanol"], ["isbns", ["9788867050574"]], ["provider", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050574"]], [["description", "Here is an operational manual which guides creators step by step in the world of Creative Commons licenses, the most famous and popular licenses for free distribution of intellectual products. Without neglecting useful conceptual clarifications, the author goes into technical details of the tools offered by Creative Commons, thus making them also understandable for total neophytes. This is a fundamental book for all those who are interested in the opencontent and copyleft world.The official webpage of this book is www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide and there you can find additional contents and updating"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide/aliprandi_cc_user_2.pdf"], ["title", "Creative commons: a user guide"], ["doab_id", "15537"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994819"]], ["provider", "Simone Aliprandi"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994819"]], [["description", "With a burgeoning academic interest in Latin American science fiction and cyberfiction and in representations of science and technology in Latin American literature and cinema, this book adds new understanding to the growing body of interdisciplinary work on the relationship between literature and science in postmodern culture.Joanna Page examines how contemporary fiction and literary theory in Argentina consistently employ theories and models from mathematics and science to probe the nature of innovation and evolution in literature. Theories of incompleteness, uncertainty, and chaos are often mobilized in European and North American literary and philosophical texts as metaphors for the inadequacy of our epistemological tools to probe the world's complexity. However, in recent Argentine fiction, these generalizations are put to very different uses: to map out the potential for artistic creativity and regeneration in times of crisis. Page focuses on texts by contemporary Argentine writers Ricardo Piglia, Guillermo Mart\u00ednez and Marcelo Cohen, which draw on theories of formal systems, chaos, emergence, and complexity to counter proclamations of the end of philosophy or the exhaustion of literature in the postmodern era.This book makes a significant contribution to our understanding of how newness and creativity have been theorized, tracing often unexpected relationships between thinkers such as Nietzsche, Deleuze, and the Russian Formalists. It is also the first time that a major study in English has been published on the work of Mart\u00ednez, Piglia, or Cohen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Joanna Page"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Literature", " Science"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49946/1/UofCPress_CreativityScience_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Creativity and Science in Contemporary Argentine Literature: Between Romanticism and Formalism"], ["doab_id", "15901"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387702"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387702"]], [["description", "Creativity: The Actor in Performance focuses on what it takes to be a creative performer. Many stage-actors succeed in rehearsals, yet under-perform where it counts\u2014in performance. But, as actors know, performance is a thing unto itself\u2014something is going to have to happen out there beyond anything that happened in rehearsals. This book provides actors, their teachers and directors with insights into the creativity of the actor in performance.An historical account of the emergence and development of one of the most generative concepts of our times \u2013 creativity - provides a theoretical backdrop to a critical discussion of the creativity of acting - a discussion that includes analyses of Denis Diderot, George Henry Lewes, William Archer, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Michael Chekhov, Michel Saint-Denis, Zeami and Eugenio Barba. Creativity: the actor in performance concludes by offering a detailed rationale for performance-oriented actor training, offering examples of workshop exercises (CREATICS) which focus on developing four main competencies crucial for successful and creative performances: situation awareness, audience awareness, divided consciousness and presence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trenos, Helen"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Stage-acting, creativity, performing"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449643"], ["title", "Creativity. The Actor in Performance"], ["doab_id", "16875"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110402100"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110402100"]], [["description", "Neste livro s\u00e3o abordados os fatores do crescimento econ\u00f4mico e dos desequil\u00edbrios regionais no Estado de S\u00e3o Paulo entre 1980 e 2000. Fundamentado na teoria mainstream de crescimento econ\u00f4mico e nas teorias da localiza\u00e7\u00e3o, bem como nas contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da Nova Geografia Econ\u00f4mica, a obra relaciona o crescimento local com seus determinantes econ\u00f4micos, sociais e geogr\u00e1ficos, tais como educa\u00e7\u00e3o, emprego e composi\u00e7\u00e3o setorial. Ferramentas fornecidas pela Econometria Espacial tamb\u00e9m foram aplicadas ao se inserir a geografia como determinante das taxas de crescimento dos munic\u00edpios. Dessa forma, o livro fornece ainda uma revis\u00e3o da abordagem cl\u00e1ssica de Econometria Espacial e seu ordenamento sistem\u00e1tico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vieira, Rodrigo de Souza"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ytpcw"], ["title", "Crescimento econ\u00f4mico no estado de S\u00e3o Paulo: uma an\u00e1lise espacial"], ["doab_id", "16707"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830136"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830136"]], [["description", "Um n\u00famero cada vez maior de produtores de conte\u00fado informacional, embora de acordo com os padr\u00f5es culturais prevalecentes nem sempre seja considerado qualitativamente favor\u00e1vel, evidencia uma nova configura\u00e7\u00e3o cultural exponencialmente representativa no fluxo da informa\u00e7\u00e3o em que o indiv\u00edduo, que n\u00e3o h\u00e1 muito tempo era um mero consumidor de conte\u00fado intelectual, \u00e9 agora tamb\u00e9m um participante ativo na cria\u00e7\u00e3o desses conte\u00fados. Os indiv\u00edduos que lidam com essas novas formas de produzir, disseminar e usar conte\u00fados informacionais devem estar conscientes das diferen\u00e7as que se imp\u00f5em quando a informa\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 digital. Eles devem conhecer as implica\u00e7\u00f5es quanto ao fluxo da informa\u00e7\u00e3o e seus aspectos simb\u00f3licos, bem como saber sob quais condi\u00e7\u00f5es a lei de direitos autorais estabelece que essas pr\u00e1ticas devam acontecer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Araya, Elizabeth Roxana Mass; Vidotti, Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fdx3q"], ["title", "Cria\u00e7\u00e3o, prote\u00e7\u00e3o e uso legal de informa\u00e7\u00e3o em ambientes da World Wide Web"], ["doab_id", "16708"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831157"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831157"]], [["description", "Esta monografia trata das rela\u00e7\u00f5es industriais em duas comunidades da Zona da Mata mineira, analisadas como parte integrante da organiza\u00e7\u00e3o social das mesmas, e das condi\u00e7\u00f5es que nelas atuam no sentido da altera\u00e7\u00e3o daquelas rela\u00e7\u00f5es."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7gt99"], ["title", "Crise do Brasil arcaico"], ["doab_id", "16327"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820045"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820045"]], [["description", "\"O livro estuda as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre cr\u00edtica e jornalismo buscando compreender os v\u00ednculos s\u00f3cio-culturais e interpretativos existentes entre cr\u00edtica liter\u00e1ria, cr\u00edtica cultural e cr\u00edtica jornal\u00edstica. Estruturado em cinco cap\u00edtulos, o livro inicia com uma an\u00e1lise contextual das rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre cr\u00edtica e jornalismo, prossegue com o exame de um caso cl\u00e1ssico de controv\u00e9rsia cr\u00edtica envolvendo o cr\u00edtico Joaquim Nabuco e o escritor Jos\u00e9 de Alencar, ocorrido no Rio de Janeiro do final do s\u00e9culo 19, \u00e9poca em que o exerc\u00edcio da cr\u00edtica era feito nas p\u00e1ginas de jornal\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ventura, Mauro Souza"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pdfcb"], ["title", "A cr\u00edtica e o campo do jornalismo: ruptura e continuidade"], ["doab_id", "19377"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836862"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836862"]], [["description", "Esta obra tem como objetivo analisar o papel que desempenhou a cr\u00edtica liter\u00e1ria na constru\u00e7\u00e3o da cultura escrita do Oitocentos brasileiro, a partir do pressuposto de que a literatura foi a principal forma de express\u00e3o, conhecimento e reconhecimento do Brasil enquanto na\u00e7\u00e3o naquele per\u00edodo. Milena da Silveira Pereirabusca apreender em que medida o g\u00eanero, ent\u00e3o insipiente, foi conduzido por princ\u00edpios regulares e buscou definir, forjar ou mesmo inventar uma cultura escrita e uma nacionalidade brasileiras. Para a autora, a cr\u00edtica liter\u00e1ria assumiu no s\u00e9culo 19 uma posi\u00e7\u00e3o equivalente \u00e0 de tutora dos escritores, inclusive traduzindo os anseios e projetos da sociedade, ou seja, teria pretendido ajudar a delinear as fei\u00e7\u00f5es do literato. Boa parte do discurso cr\u00edtico produzido naquele per\u00edodo, pontua ela, foi publicada em peri\u00f3dicos editados pelas sociedades liter\u00e1rias de S\u00e3o Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e por esse motivo tais textos constituem o corpus documental da obra, que dedica um cap\u00edtulo espec\u00edfico a esses ve\u00edculos. Segundo Silveira Pereira, al\u00e9m de grande peso como instrumento legitimador e de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o da pr\u00e1tica de associar-se dos letradosdaquele tempo, os peri\u00f3dicos desempenharam papel importante na divulga\u00e7\u00e3o de seus escritos para p\u00fablicos mais amplos, contribuindo assim para a consolida\u00e7\u00e3o da cr\u00edtica liter\u00e1ria enquanto tal e das ideias que o g\u00eanero textual procurava disseminar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pereira, Milena da Silveira"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/w2qbk"], ["title", "A cr\u00edtica que fez hist\u00f3ria: as associa\u00e7\u00f5es liter\u00e1rias no Oitocentos"], ["doab_id", "19839"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788568334508"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334508"]], [["description", "From the preface: \u201cCritical Care Physiology, as the companion piece to The Michigan Critical Care Handbook\u2026provides the explanations, references, methods, and other supportive information to flesh out the essentials presented in the handbook. Critical Care Physiology is limited to discussion of four organ systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and neurologic) and four topics in integrative physiology (oxygen kinetics, fluids and electrolytes, host defenses, and metabolism and nutrition).\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert H. Bartlett"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Critical care medicine", "Physiology, Pathological", "Critical Care", "Monitoring, Physiologic"]], ["publisher", "MPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015062008340"], ["title", "Critical Care Physiology"], ["doab_id", "14529"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852070"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852070"]], [["description", "What is to be learned from the chaotic downfall of the Weimar Republic and the erosion of European liberal statehood in the interwar period vis-a-vis the ongoing Europeancrisis? This book analyses and explains the recurrent emergence of crises in European societies. It asks how previous crises can inform our understanding of the present crisis. The particular perspective advanced is that these crises not only are economic and social crises, but must also be understood as crises of public power, order and authority. Inother words, it argues that substantial challenges to the functional and normative setup of democracy and the rule of law were central to the emergence and the unfolding of these crises.The book draws on and adds to the rich \u00e2€™crises literature\u00e2€™ developed within the critical theory tradition to outline a conceptual framework for understanding what societal crises are.The central idea is that societal crises represent a discrepancy between the unfolding of social processes and the institutional frameworks that have been established to normatively stabilize such processes. The crises at issue emerged in periods characterized by strong social, economic and technological transformations as well as situations of political upheaval. As such, the crises represented moments where the existing functional and normative grid of society, as embodied in notions of public order and authority, wereseverely challenged and in many instances undermined. Seen in this perspective, the book reconstructs how crises unfolded, how they were experienced, and what kind of responses the specific crises in question provoked."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Weimar", "Europe", "Critical Theory", "Crisis", "Social Theory", "ReinhartKoselleck", "Euro", "European Union", "Political Theory", "Legal Theory"]], ["publisher", "Rowman & Littlefield International"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611731"], ["title", "Critical Theories of Crises in Europe: From Weimar to the Euro"], ["doab_id", "19289"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783487455"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783487455"]], [["description", "\"This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School\u2019s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Luk\u00e1cs, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth and J\u00fcrgen Habermas and apply them as elements of a critical theory of communication's foundations. The approach taken starts from Georg Luk\u00e1cs Ontology of Social Being, draws on the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers, and sets them into dialogue with the Cultural Materialism of Raymond Williams.Critical Theory of Communication offers a vital set of new insights on how communication operates in the age of information, digital media and social media, arguing that we need to transcend the communication theory of Habermas by establishing a dialectical and cultural-materialist critical theory of communication.It is the first title in a major new book series 'Critical Digital and Social Media Studies' published by the University of Westminster Press.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fuchs ,Christian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Digital media", "Social media", "Frankfurt School Critical Theory", "Theories of communication", "Marxist Theory", "Habermas"]], ["publisher", "University of Westminster Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619390"], ["title", "Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Luk\u00e1cs, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet"], ["doab_id", "19954"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781911534044", "9781911534051", "9781911534068", "9781911534075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781911534044 9781911534051 9781911534068 9781911534075"]], [["description", "This is a fascinating and highly readable biography of Barbara Wootton, one of the extraordinary public figures of the twentieth century. She was an outstanding social scientist, an architect of the welfare state, an iconoclast who challenged conventional wisdoms and the first woman to sit on the Woolsack in the House of Lords."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ann Oakley"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664769"], ["title", "A Critical Woman"], ["doab_id", "14371"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664769"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664769"]], [["description", "Since 2003, when spontaneous activity in cortical slices was first found to follow scale-free statistical distributions in size and duration, increasing experimental evidences and theoretical models have been reported in the literature supporting the emergence of evidence of scale invariance in the cortex. Although strongly debated, such results refer to many different in vitro and in vivo preparations (awake monkeys, anesthetized rats and cats, in vitro slices and dissociated cultures), suggesting that power law distributions and scale free correlations are a very general and robust feature of cortical activity that has been conserved across species as specific substrate for information storage, transmission and processing. Equally important is that the features reminiscent of scale invariance and criticality are observed at scale spanning from the level of interacting arrays of neurons all the way up to correlations across the entire brain. Thus, if we accept that the brain operates near a critical point, little is known about the causes and/or consequences of a loss of criticality and its relation with brain diseases (e.g. epilepsy). The study of how pathogenetical mechanisms are related to the critical/non-critical behavior of neuronal networks would likely provide new insights into the cellular and synaptic determinants of the emergence of critical-like dynamics and structures in neural systems. At the same time, the relation between the impaired behavior and the disruption of criticality would help clarify its role in normal brain function. The main objective of this Research Topic is to investigate the emergence/disruption of the emergent critical-like states in healthy/impaired neural systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paolo Massobrio; Lucilla de Arcangelis; Valentina Pasquale; Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen; Dietmar Plenz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["self-organized criticality", "neuronal avalanches", "network dynamics", "in vitro", "in vivo", "Computational models", "power law"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1663/criticality-as-a-signature-of-healthy-neural-systems-multi-scale-experimental-and-computational-stud"], ["title", "Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems: multi-scale experimental and computational studies"], ["doab_id", "17738"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195039"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195039"]], [["description", "A obra apresenta debates sobre temas que s\u00e3o prioridade do pensamento social e da pr\u00e1tica em sa\u00fade do continente. Aborda, do ponto de vista da antropologia, pr\u00e1ticas de sa\u00fade e estudos de significados do corpo. No campo da hist\u00f3ria, traz trabalhos importantes sobre a historiografia das enfermidades na Am\u00e9rica Latina."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza (org.); Coimbra Jr., Carlos E. A. (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Ci\u00eancias sociais, Pol\u00edticas de sa\u00fade, Reforma do estado, Justi\u00e7a social, Problemas sociais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/w5p4j"], ["title", "Cr\u00edticas e atuantes: ci\u00eancias sociais e humanas em sa\u00fade na Am\u00e9rica Latina "], ["doab_id", "16398"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413920"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413920"]], [["description", "Anything that can be automated, will be. The \u201cmagic\u201d that digital technology has brought us \u2014 self-driving cars, Bitcoin, high frequency trading, internet of things, social networking, mass surveillance, the 2009 housing bubble \u2014 has not been considered ideologically. The Critique of Digital Capitalism identifies how digital technology has captured contemporary society in a reification of capitalist priorities. The theory proposed in this book is the description of how digital capitalism as an ideologically \u201cinvisible\u201d framework is realized in technology. Written as a series of articles between 2003 and 2015, it provides a broad critical scope for understanding the inherent demands of capitalist protocols for expansion without constraint (regardless of social, legal or ethical limits) that are increasingly being realized as autonomous systems no longer dependent on human labor or oversight and implemented without social discussion of their impacts. The digital illusion of infinite resources, infinite production, and no costs appears as an \u201cend to scarcity,\u201d whereby digital production supposedly eliminates costs and makes everything equally available to everyone. This fantasy of production without consumption hides the physical costs and real-world impacts of these technologies.The critique introduced in this book develops from basic questions about how digital technologies directly change the structure of society: why is \u201cDigital Rights Management\u201d not only the dominant \u201csolution\u201d for distributing digital information, but also the only option being considered? During the burst of the \u201cHousing Bubble\u201d burst 2009, why were the immaterial commodities being traded of primary concern, but the actual physical assets and the impacts on the people living in them generally ignored? How do surveillance (pervasive monitoring) and agnotology coincide as mutually reinforcing technologies of control and restraint? If technology makes the assumptions of its society manifest as instrumentality \u2014 then what ideology is being realized as the digital computer? This final question animates the critical framework this analysis proposes.Digital capitalism is a dramatically new configuration of the historical dynamics of production, labor and consumption that results in a new variant of historical capitalism. This contemporary, globalized network of production and distribution depends on digital capitalism\u2019s refusal of established social restraints: existing laws are an impediment to the transcendent aspects of digital technology. Its utopian claims mask its authoritarian result: the superficial \u201cobjectivity\u201d of computer systems are supposed to replace established protections with machinic function \u2014 the uniform imposition of whatever ideology informs the design. However, machines are never impartial: they reify the ideologies they are built to enact. The critical analysis of capitalist ideologies as they become digital is essential to challenging this process. Contesting their domination depends on theoretical analysis. This critique challenges received ideas about the relationship between labor, commodity production and value, in the process demonstrating how the historical Marxist analysis depends on assumptions that are no longer valid. This book therefore provides a unique, critical toolset for the analysis of digital capitalist hegemonics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Betancourt"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/fml8oohvhxaz1l5/Betancourt_Critique_of_Digital_Capitalism_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Critique of Digital Capitalism: An Analysis of the Political Economy of Digital Culture and Technology"], ["doab_id", "19597"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692598443"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692598443"]], [["description", "Using the Western tradition of metaphysical and political thought as a backdrop, Critique of Sovereignty (a work in 4 volumes) re-examines the concept of sovereignty in order to better understand why our ethical values and technical capacities often seem so divorced from our lived realities. On the one hand, ostensibly self-enclosed entities like the nation-state and the person are rhetorically bolstered as sites of technical agency and/or moral responsibility. On the other hand, these same entities appear fragile \u2014 if not purely fictional \u2014 in relation to ever ongoing tidal processes such as the migration, diffusion, and conglomeration of bodies, capital, ideas, etc. While some of our institutions might work some of the time, they always seem to work differently than we like to think they do. Accordingly, the forging of more humane institutions might very well entail if not require ways of thinking that strive to undo the self-imagined binds, exceptions, and sureties of thought for the sake of embracing a continuity with all that withers, decays, and falls away.Book I, \u201cContemporary Theories of Sovereignty,\u201d compares the varied interpretations of sovereignty given by a range of 20th-century political theorists (Maritain, Foucault, Derrida, Schmitt, Agamben, Hardt, and Negri) with Jean Bodin\u2019s initial outline of the concept, rendered at the outset of modern political thought in the 16th century. The analytic framework of sovereignty encountered in these comparative readings provides an initial point of departure for unfolding a method of critique appropriate to the concept of sovereignty. Sovereignty is an ideal starting point for a critique of the deadlocks between thought and reality for a simple reason: it doesn\u2019t actually exist. When it serves as a guide to action, sovereignty may be regarded as a particularly captivating fantasy. The closer it appears, the further it recedes, and, too often, the more vigorously it is pursued.Other books to appear later in this series include Book II: The Concept of Sovereignty in the History of Philosophy, Book III: Aristotle\u2019s Politics, and Book IV: Consequences of Sovereignty."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marc Lombardo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Giorgio Agamben, political theory, sovereignty, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Carl Schmitt, Hardt and Negri, political philosophy"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lfryi4fqju7kydt/Lombardo_Critique_of_Sovereignty_Bk1_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Critique of Sovereignty, Book I: Contemporary Theories of Sovereignty"], ["doab_id", "17869"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692282403"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692282403"]], [["description", "Somatic stem cells reside in definite compartments, known as \u201cniches\u201d, within developed organs and tissues, being able to renew themselves, differentiate and ensure tissue maintenance and repair. In contrast with the original dogmatic distinction between renewing and non-renewing tissues, somatic stem cells have been found in almost every human organ, including brain and heart. The adult bone marrow, in particular, houses a complex multifunctional niche comprising hemopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), that intensely interact. HSCs represent the common precursors of all mature blood cells. MSCs are instead able to differentiate along multiple mesodermal lineages and are believed to represent the key somatic stem cell within the skeletogenic niche, being conceptually able to produce any tissue included within a mature skeletal segment (bone, cartilage, blood vessels, adipose tissue, and supporting connective stroma). Despite this high plasticity, the claim that MSCs could be capable of transdifferentiation along non-mesodermal lineages, including neurons, has been strongly argued. Adult osteogenic and neurogenic niches display wide differences: embryo origin, microenvironment, progenitors\u2019 lifespan, lineages of supporting cells. Although similar pathways may be involved, it is hard to believe that the osteogenic and neurogenic lineages can share functional features. The outbreaking research achievements in the field of regenerative medicine, along with the pressing need for effective innovative tools for the treatment of neurodegeneration and neurologic disorders, have been forcing experimental clinical applications, which, despite their scientific weakness, have recently stimulated the public opinion. Based on this contemporary background, this Research Topic wish to provide an in-depth revision of the state of the art on relevant scientific milestones addressing the differences and possible interconnections and overlaps, between the osteogenic and the neurogenic niches. Dissertations on both basic research and clinical aspects, along with ethical and regulatory issues on the use of somatic stem cells for in vivo transplantation, have been covered."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wanda Lattanzi; Maria Concetta Geloso"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Stem Cell Niche", "Bone Marrow", "Mesenchymal Stromal Cells", "Neural Stem Cells", "Regenerative Medicine", "Neural Crest", "Neuropeptide Y", "Wnt/beta-catenin signaling", "RUNX2"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2763/crosstalk-between-the-osteogenic-and-neurogenic-stem-cell-niches-how-far-are-they-from-each-other"], ["title", "Crosstalk between the osteogenic and neurogenic stem cell niches: how far are they from each other?"], ["doab_id", "18895"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197774"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197774"]], [["description", "This small book comprises the program of the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the BABEL Working Group, hosted by Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts from 20-22 September 2012, and co-hosted by Boston College, College of Charleston, George Washington University\u2019s Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute, Harvard University, M.I.T., Palgrave Macmillan, punctum books, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and Tufts University."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "BABEL Working Group"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["university, disciplinarily, Jane Bennett, Jeffery Jerome Cohen, Carolyn Dinshaw "]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/cruising-in-the-ruins/"], ["title", "cruising in the ruins: the question of disciplinarity in the post/medieval university"], ["doab_id", "16024"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615697659"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615697659"]], [["description", "In Crush, a stunning collection of erotic poems and queer meditations delineating Stockton\u2019 and Gilson\u2019s mutual crushing on each other, but also all of the ways in which, sweetly and also sadly, affection ameliorates the anguishes that, despite our deepest devotions, are never constant, Stockton and Gilson write,In Aranye Fradenburg\u2019s words, Shakespeare\u2019s sonnets describe \u201cthe love you feel for inappropriate objects: for someone thirty years older, thirty years younger. The kind of love that makes a fool, a pervert, a stalker out of you.\u201d Let\u2019s start here, for much of this description applies to Petrarchan conventions as well. Let\u2019s start here, with this affective entrance into the poems and the impossibility of dispossessing the other\u2019s voice in the manufacture of one\u2019s own machine. Let\u2019s start here, with a vision of poems as indexes of crushes rendered inappropriate, unhealthy by some gradation of difference and level of intensity. With the question of what distinguishes a crush from love if both turn you into a different self.Under oak trees and sunlight, in coffee shops and locker rooms, steam rooms and seminar rooms, and in conversation with Milton, Shakespeare, Frank O\u2019Hara, Narcissus, Allen Ginsberg, Jacques Derrida, Aranye Fradenburg, Mary Magdalene, Freud, Oscar Wilde, Jos\u00e9 Esteban Mu\u00f1oz, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Elton John, and Prince, among other poets, harlots, saints, and scholars, Stockton and Gilson explore the ways in which friendship, desire, falling, swerving, possession, holding, faggoting, falling, longing, poeming, and crushing open the self to queerly utopic, if also difficult, deflections \u2014 other, more improbable modes of being, as Foucault might have said."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Will Stockton; D. Gilson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["erotics, gay life, gay poetry, Milton, modern poetry, queer studies, Renaissance literature, sexuality, Shakespeare"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/crush/"], ["title", "Crush"], ["doab_id", "16065"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615978956"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615978956"]], [["description", "The volume approaches Cuba as a nation that hosts a convergence of extraordinary global developments and, in turn, projects itself onto the world's major cultural, political and economic processes. From different perspectives, ranging from architecture and music to politics and economics, the twenty-one essays presented here embrace the multifaceted interactions between Cuba and foreign imperial strategies during the 19th century, the troublesome formation of national political cultures in the first half of the 20th century, and the multiple global aspects of some of Cuba's choices from the Cold War to the first decade of the present century.

The volume approaches Cuba as a nation that hosts a convergence of extraordinary global developments and, in turn, projects itself onto the world's major cultural, political and economic processes. From different perspectives, ranging from architecture and music to politics and economics, the twenty-one essays presented here embrace the multifaceted interactions between Cuba and foreign imperial strategies during the 19th century, the troublesome formation of national political cultures in the first half of the 20th century, and the multiple global aspects of some of Cuba's choices from the Cold War to the first decade of the present century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lorini, Alessandra; Basosi, Duccio"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Cuba", "Cuba"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356398"], ["title", "Cuba in the World, the World in Cuba"], ["doab_id", "13192"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539625", "9788884539717"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539625 9788884539717"]], [["description", "Traz um conjunto variado de ensaios representativos das atuais - e diversas - tend\u00eancias historiogr\u00e1ficas a respeito dos discursos e das pr\u00e1ticas sociais que, em diferentes cen\u00e1rios latino-americanos e caribenhos, organizaram-se em torno de quest\u00f5es relativas \u00e0 sa\u00fade e \u00e0 doen\u00e7a. A inten\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 p\u00f4r em evid\u00eancia aspectos relevantes da experi\u00eancia hist\u00f3rica dos pa\u00edses quanto a a\u00e7\u00f5es individuais e coletivas relacionadas \u00e0 manuten\u00e7\u00e3o e \u00e0 restaura\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade, bem como ao cuidado, ao controle e \u00e0 cura das doen\u00e7as. A prefer\u00eancia pelo local e pelo espec\u00edfico n\u00e3o visa \u00e0 mitifica\u00e7\u00e3o das pr\u00e1ticas culturais, pois, nas abordagens aqui desenvolvidas, os eventos hist\u00f3ricos alcan\u00e7am significado num quadro de refer\u00eancia mais amplo. Assim, os temas da sa\u00fade e da doen\u00e7a se entrela\u00e7am com outras realidades coet\u00e2neas: penetra\u00e7\u00e3o e avan\u00e7o de formas capitalistas, mudan\u00e7as do perfil demogr\u00e1fico e acelerada urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o, forma\u00e7\u00e3o material e simb\u00f3lica dos estados nacionais, din\u00e2micas socioprofissionais, dentre outros. Os artigos selecionados apresentam o que h\u00e1 de melhor nas an\u00e1lises hist\u00f3ricas sobre sa\u00fade e doen\u00e7a em nossas regi\u00f5es, e certamente s\u00e3o, desde j\u00e1, leitura obrigat\u00f3ria para profissionais, professores e estudantes das \u00e1reas de sa\u00fade coletiva, hist\u00f3ria, medicina, ci\u00eancias sociais e humanidades."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hochman, Gilberto; Armus, Diego"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7bzx4"], ["title", "Cuidar, controlar, curar: ensaios hist\u00f3ricos sobre sa\u00fade e doen\u00e7a na Am\u00e9rica Latina e Caribe"], ["doab_id", "19302"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413111"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413111"]], [["description", "Dentro de las penas de libertad se han distinguido tradicionalmente aqu\u00e9llas que privan de ella en su mayor parte de aqu\u00e9llas que s\u00f3lo intervienen la facultad locomotiva, con frecuencia referidas a la libertad de residencia, pero de concepto en realidad mucho m\u00e1s amplio, pues no s\u00f3lo vedan la habitaci\u00f3n en alg\u00fan lugar, sino la permanencia y aun el mero acceso a \u00e9l. Estas penas presentan hist\u00f3ricamente un uso antiguo; habiendo sido ampliamente utilizadas sin grandes objeciones por la Justicia del Antiguo R\u00e9gimen, a partir de la elaboraci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica del Derecho penal reciben severas cr\u00edticas en cuanto a su eficacia penol\u00f3gica coincidiendo con el proceso codificador. Se reconoce el componente restrictivo de la libertad ambulatoria en las penas de deportaci\u00f3n o relegaci\u00f3n, de extra\u00f1amiento, de confinamiento y de destierro; otra figura penal, la sujeci\u00f3n a la vigilancia de la autoridad ha sido inicialmente medio punitivo y despu\u00e9s medida de seguridad; por fin, la expulsi\u00f3n de extranjeros, que apenas ha tenido consideraci\u00f3n de pena, completa el cuadro de consecuencias jur\u00eddicas del delito con un sentido limitativo de dicha libertad ambulatoria. El presente libro se centra en la evoluci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rico-conceptual de todas ellas dentro del per\u00edodo acotado por la denominada Codificaci\u00f3n, siglos XIX y XX."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "G\u00f3mez de Maya, Juli\u00e1n"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Derecho penal"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/17322/culebras_gomez_2013.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Culebras de cascabel: restricciones penales de la libertad ambulatoria en el Derecho codificado espa\u00f1ol"], ["doab_id", "16142"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490315903"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490315903"]], [["description", "Este livro re\u00fane a reflex\u00e3o acerca das identidades na cultura contempor\u00e2nea,realizada por pesquisadores que participaram do Semin\u00e1rio: Cultura contempor\u00e2nea, corpo e novas tecnologias: di\u00e1logos em torno das identidades. O objetivo geral das reflex\u00f5es aqui apresentadas \u00e9 tomar as inova\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas e seus impactos na vida cotidiana - particularmente na renova\u00e7\u00e3o e reinven\u00e7\u00e3o de formas de sociabilidade e de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de identidades - como uma chave privilegiada para o adentramento em meandros da cultura contempor\u00e2nea. O corpo, suporte da cultura e territ\u00f3rio de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de identidades, ao incorporar os recursos tecnol\u00f3gicos disponibilizados pelo mercado est\u00e9tico, como pr\u00f3teses, implantes, interven\u00e7\u00f5es e tratamentos \u00e0 base de laser, tem seu estatuto modificado e as fronteiras entre natureza e cultura passam a ser revistas em novos par\u00e2metros, impondo novos desafios \u00e0 reflex\u00e3o s\u00f3cio-antropol\u00f3gica. Este livro busca contribuir para este debate, somar um pequena centelha ao enorme esfor\u00e7o que se faz necess\u00e1rio no sentido de repensarmos as cl\u00e1ssicas dicotomias conceituais que vem marcando a reflex\u00e3o das ci\u00eancias humanas e se demonstrando cada vez mais abaladas em seu alcance explicativo, frente \u00e0s aceleradas transforma\u00e7\u00f5es vivenciadas na vida social nesta modernidade do in\u00edcio do s\u00e9culo XXI."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castro, Ana L\u00facia de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/js9g6"], ["title", "Cultura contempor\u00e2nea, identidades e sociabilidades: olhares sobre corpo, m\u00eddia e novas tecnologias"], ["doab_id", "16709"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830952"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830952"]], [["description", "Este livro analisa o Movimento Separatista Sulino, muito marcante na d\u00e9cada de 90. A reflex\u00e3o tem como pano de fundo a cultura ga\u00facha e busca compreender como os aspectos \u00e9tnicos e o separatismo interagem nesse contexto. Fundamenta o trabalho uma ampla pesquisa de campo composta por question\u00e1rios e entrevistas, realizada em diversas cidades do Rio Grande do Sul. Para interpretar o ide\u00e1rio separatista a autora tamb\u00e9m dedica especial aten\u00e7\u00e3o aos documentos do pr\u00f3prio movimento. A obra reconstr\u00f3i alguns aspectos da hist\u00f3ria do Rio Grande do Sul e da forma\u00e7\u00e3o de um ideal separatista que constitui uma faceta do processo de globaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e do afloramento e fortalecimento de identidades espec\u00edficas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luvizotto, Caroline Kraus"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kkf5v"], ["title", "Cultura ga\u00facha e separatismo no Rio Grande do Sul"], ["doab_id", "16710"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830082"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830082"]], [["description", "Re\u00fane artigos e ensaios abordando o significado dos processos culturais das tradi\u00e7\u00f5es africanas nas Am\u00e9ricas, na atualidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luz, Marco Aur\u00e9lio"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/39h"], ["title", "Cultura negra em tempos p\u00f3s-modernos"], ["doab_id", "17256"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209063"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209063"]], [["description", "Juan Bonilla, Ray Loriga e Juan Manuel de Prada.Gli anni \u201990 del XX secolo hanno segnato un punto di non ritorno per la societ\u00e0 e le lettere spagnole: la piena integrazione alla contemporaneit\u00e0 ha portato con s\u00e9 l\u2019asservimento alle leggi di mercato e l\u2019affermarsi di un narrare aperto all\u2019ibridazione tra linguaggi, insofferente alle distinzioni tra alta cultura e spettacolo popolare."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Simone Cattaneo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/sito/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Cattaneo_web1.pdf"], ["title", "cultura X\u2019 Mercato, pop e tradizione"], ["doab_id", "17236"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050512"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050512"]], [["description", "How are biological diversity, protected areas, indigenous knowledge and religious worldviews related? From an anthropological perspective, this book provides an introduction into the complex subject of conservation policies that cannot be addressed without recognising the encompassing relationship between discursive, political, economic, social and ecological facets. By facing these interdependencies across global, national and local dynamics, it draws on an ethnographic case study among Maya-Q'eqchi' communities living in the margins of protected areas in Guatemala. In documenting the cultural aspects of landscape, the study explores the coherence of diverse expressions of indigenous knowledge. It intends to remind of cultural values and beliefs closely tied to subsistence activities and ritual practices that define local perceptions of the natural environment. The basic idea is to illustrate that there are different ways of knowing and reasoning, seeing and endowing the world with meaning, which include visible material and invisible interpretative understandings. These tend to be underestimated issues in international debates and may provide an alternative approach upon which conservation initiatives responsive to the needs of the humans involved should be based on.

How are biological diversity, protected areas, indigenous knowledge and religious worldviews related? From an anthropological perspective, this book provides an introduction into the complex subject of conservation policies that cannot be addressed without recognising the encompassing relationship between discursive, political, economic, social and ecological facets. By facing these interdependencies across global, national and local dynamics, it draws on an ethnographic case study among Maya-Q'eqchi' communities living in the margins of protected areas in Guatemala. In documenting the cultural aspects of landscape, the study explores the coherence of diverse expressions of indigenous knowledge. It intends to remind of cultural values and beliefs closely tied to subsistence activities and ritual practices that define local perceptions of the natural environment. The basic idea is to illustrate that there are different ways of knowing and reasoning, seeing and endowing the world with meaning, which include visible material and invisible interpretative understandings. These tend to be underestimated issues in international debates and may provide an alternative approach upon which conservation initiatives responsive to the needs of the humans involved should be based on."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maass, Petra"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["biodiversity", "anthropology", "Guatemala", "indigenous population", "biodiversity", "anthropology", "Guatemala", "indigenous population"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610303"], ["title", "The cultural context of biodiversity conservation - seen and unseen dimensions of indigenous knowledge among Q\u02b9eqchi\u02b9 communities in Guatemala"], ["doab_id", "12959"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344199"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344199"]], [["description", "Theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind, to adapt a phrase from Immanuel Kant. The sentiment could not be truer of cultural heritage ethics. This intra-disciplinary book bridges the gap between theory and practice by bringing together a stellar cast of academics, activists, consultants, journalists, lawyers, and museum practitioners, each contributing their own expertise to the wider debate of what cultural heritage means in the twenty-first century.Cultural Heritage Ethics provides cutting-edge arguments built on case studies of cultural heritage and its management in a range of geographical and cultural contexts. Moreover, the volume feels the pulse of the debate on heritage ethics by discussing timely issues such as access, acquisition, archaeological practice, curatorship, education, ethnology, historiography, integrity, legislation, memory, museum management, ownership, preservation, protection, public trust, restitution, human rights, stewardship, and tourism.This volume is neither a textbook nor a manifesto for any particular approach to heritage ethics, but a snapshot of different positions and approaches that will inspire both thought and action.Cultural Heritage Ethics provides invaluable reading for students and teachers of philosophy of archaeology, history and moral philosophy \u2013 and for anyone interested in the theory and practice of cultural preservation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Constantine, Sandis (Editor)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cultural Heritage", "Curation", "Preservation", "Cultural Heritage Management", "Ethics"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/276"], ["title", "Cultural Heritage Ethics: Between Theory and Practice"], ["doab_id", "16607"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740680", "9781783740697"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740680 9781783740697"]], [["description", "The central purpose of this collection of essays is to make a creative addition to the debates surrounding the cultural heritage domain. In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which cultural heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The book is about these changes; about the decentring of culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual; about the questions which the advent of digital technologies is demanding that we ask and answer in relation to how we understand, collect and make available Europe\u2019s cultural heritage. Cultural heritage has enormous potential in terms of its contribution to improving the quality of life for people, understanding the past, assisting territorial cohesion, driving economic growth, opening up employment opportunities and supporting wider developments such as improvements in education and in artistic careers. Given that spectrum of possible benefits to society, the range of studies that follow here are intended to be a resource and stimulus to help inform not just professionals in the sector but all those with an interest in cultural heritage."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karol Jan Borowiecki; Neil Forbes; Antonella Fresa"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cultural heritage", " archaeology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-29544-2"], ["title", "Cultural Heritage in a Changing World"], ["doab_id", "19071"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319295428", "9783319295442"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319295428 (Print) 9783319295442 (Online)"]], [["description", "The concepts of cultural diversity and cultural identity are at the forefront of the political debate in many western societies. In Europe, the discussion is stimulated by the political pressures associated with immigration flows, which are increasing in many European countries. The imperatives that current immigration trends impose on European democracies bring to light a number of issues that need to be addressed. What are the patterns and dynamics of cultural integration? How do they differ across immigrants of different ethnic groups and religious faiths? How do they differ across host societies? What are the implications and consequences for market outcomes and public policy? Which kind of institutional contexts are more or less likely to accommodate the cultural integration of immigrants? All these questions are crucial for policy makers and await answers. This book aims to provide a stepping stone to the debate. Taking an economic perspective, this edited book presents a current, comparative picture of the process of cultural integration of immigrants across Europe. It documents the main economic debates on the causes and consequences of cultural integration of immigrants, and provides detailed descriptions of the cultural and economic integration process in seven main European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. It also compares the European context with the integration of immigrants in the United States."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Algan ,Yann; Bisin ,Alberto; Manning ,Alan; Verdier ,Thierry"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Immigration", "Integration of immigrants", "Cultural integration", "Economic integration", "European models of integration"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453470"], ["title", "Cultural Integration of Immigrants in Europe"], ["doab_id", "15526"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199660094"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199660094"]], [["description", "In The Cultural Politics of the New American Studies, leading American Studies scholar John Carlos Rowe responds to two urgent questions for intellectuals. First, how did neoliberal ideology use the issues of feminism, gay rights, multiculturalism, transnationalism and globalization, class mobility, religious freedom, and freedom of speech and cultural expression to justify a new -American Exceptionalism,- designed to support U.S. economic, political, military, and cultural expansion around the world in the past two decades? Second, if neoliberalism has employed successfully various cultural media, then what are the best means of criticizing its main claims and fundamental purposes? Is it possible under these circumstances to imagine a -counter-culture,- which might effectively challenge neoliberalism or is such an alternative already controlled and contained by such labels as -political correctness,- -the far left,- -radicalism,- -extremism,- even -terrorism,- which in the popular imagination refer to political and social minorities, doomed thereby to marginalization? Rowe argues that the tradition of -cultural criticism- advocated by influential public intellectuals, like Edward Said, can be adapted to the new circumstances demanded by the hegemony of neoliberalism and its successful command of new media. Yet rather than simply honoring such important predecessors as Said, we need to reconceive the role of the public intellectual as more than just an -interdisciplinary scholar- but also as a social critic able to negotiate the different media."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rowe ,John Carlos "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["American Studies", "neoliberal ideology", "cultural criticism"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444373"], ["title", "The Cultural Politics of the New American Studies"], ["doab_id", "15183"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852421"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852421"]], [["description", "The idea of toleration as the appropriate response to difference has been central to liberal thought since Locke. Although the subject has been widely and variously explored, there has been reluctance to acknowledge the new meaning that current debates on toleration have when compared with those at its origins in the early modern period and with subsequent discussions about pluralism and freedom of expression. This collection starts from a clear recognition of the new terms of the debate. It recognises that a new academic consensus is slowly emerging on a view of tolerance that is reasonable in two senses. Firstly of reflecting the capacity of seeing the other's viewpoint, secondly on the relatively limited extent to which toleration can be granted. It reflects the cross-thematic and cross-disciplinary nature of such discussions, dissecting a number of debates such as liberalism and communitarianism, public and private, multiculturalism and the politics of identity, and a number of disciplines: moral, legal and political philosophy, historical and educational studies, anthropology, sociology and psychology. A group of distinguished authors explore the complexities emerging from the new debate. They scrutinise, with analytical sophistication, the philosophical foundation, the normative content and the broadly political implications of a new culture of toleration for diverse societies. Specific issues considered include the toleration of religious discrimination in employment, city life and community, social ethos, publicity, justice and reason and ethics. The book is unique in resolutely looking forward to the theoretical and practical challenges posed by commitment to a conception of toleration demanding empathy and understanding in an ever-diversifying world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mckinnon ,Catriona; Castiglione ,Dario"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["tolerance", "racism", "discrimination"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341379"], ["title", "The culture of tolerance in diverse societies: Reasonable toleration"], ["doab_id", "13247"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062322"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062322"]], [["description", "What can systematic philosophy contribute to come from conflict between cultures to a substantial dialogue? - This question was the general theme of the 29th international symposium of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society in Kirchberg. Worldwide leading philosophers accepted the invitation to come to the conference, whose results are published in this volume, edited by Christian Kanzian Edmund Runggaldier. The sections are dedicated to the philosophy of Wittgenstein, Logics and Philosophy of Language, Decision- and Action Theory, Ethical Aspects of the Intercultural Dialogue, Intercultural Dialogue, and last not least to Social Ontology. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kanzian, Christian; Runggaldier SJ, Edmund"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209504"], ["title", "Cultures. Conflict - Analysis - Dialogue. Proceedings of the 29th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, Austria"], ["doab_id", "18116"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328936", "9783110328608"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328936, 9783110328608"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Onvlee ,L."], ["date", "1973"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613407"], ["title", "Cultuur als antwoord"], ["doab_id", "18429"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024715992", "9789004286962"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024715992 9789004286962"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goslinga ,C."], ["date", "1975"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613408"], ["title", "Cura\u00e7ao and Guzm\u00e1n Blanco"], ["doab_id", "18430"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024718368", "9789004287075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024718368 9789004287075"]], [["description", "From 1795 through 1800, a series of revolts rocked Cura\u00e7ao, a small but strategically located Dutch colony just off the South American contintent. A combination of internal and external factors produced these uprisings, in which free and enslaved islanders particiapted with various objectives. A major slave revolt in August 1795 was the opening salvo for these tumultuous five years. While this revolt is a well-known episode in Cura\u00e7aoan history, its wider Caribbean and Atlantic context is much less known. Also lacking are studies sketching a clear picture of the turbulent five years that followed. It is in these dark corners that this volume aims to shed light.The events discussed in this book fall squarely within the Age of Revolutions, the period that began with the onset of the American Revolution in 1775, was punctuated by the demise of the ancien r\u00e9gime in France, saw the establishment of a black state in Haiti, and witnessed the collapse of Spanish rule in mainland America. All of these revolutions seemed to converge by the late eighteenth century in Cura\u00e7ao.The seven contributions in this volume provide new insights in the nature of slave resistance in the Age of Revolutions, the remarkable flows of people and ideas in the late eighteenth-century Caribbean, and the unique local history of Cura\u00e7ao.Wim Klooster is Associate Professor at Clark University in Worcester (MA), USA. His most recent book is Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History (2009).Gert Oostindie is Director of the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and Professor of History at Leiden University"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klooster ,Wim; Oostindie ,Gert"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Caribbean", "Cura\u00e7ao", "Slavery", "Revolts", "Colonial politics", "Revolution", "Slave rebellion", "Caribisch", "Cura\u00e7ao", "Slavernij", "Opstand", "Koloniale politiek", "Revolutie", "Slaven opstand"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=393490"], ["title", "Cura\u00e7ao in the Age of Revolutions, 1795-1800"], ["doab_id", "13398"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183802", "9789004253582"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183802 9789004253582"]], [["description", "By definition scientists are an inquisitive lot. But what are the scientific curiosities and concerns on the minds of Australians? What worries them, baffles them, and sets their curiosity meter to 10 out of 10? To find out, the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) took the nation\u2019s intellectual temperature, surveying 1186 Australians: men and women aged 18 to 65, from all education levels and locations around Australia.The results frame this book: a collection of essays covering the diverse areas of science Australians are curious about. Edited by eminent science writer Leigh Dayton and including a foreword from Australia\u2019s Chief Scientist, Ian Chubb. The collection covers a range of issues, including food and farming technology, environmental upheaval, health, fuel and energy technology and space exploration."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dayton ,Leigh "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Science--Social aspects--Australia", "Technology--Social aspects--Australia"]], ["publisher", "ANU Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=462199"], ["title", "The Curious Country"], ["doab_id", "15605"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925021356", "9781925021363"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925021356 9781925021363"]], [["description", "Mathematical and computational models play an essential role in understanding the cellular metabolism. They are used as platforms to integrate current knowledge on a biological system and to systematically test and predict the effect of manipulations to such systems. The recent advances in genome sequencing techniques have facilitated the reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic networks for a wide variety of organisms from microbes to human cells. These models have been successfully used in multiple biotechnological applications. Despite these advancements, modeling cellular metabolism still presents many challenges. The aim of this Research Topic is not only to expose and consolidate the state-of-the-art in metabolic modeling approaches, but also to push this frontier beyond the current edge through the introduction of innovative solutions. The articles presented in this e-book address some of the main challenges in the field, including the integration of different modeling formalisms, the integration of heterogeneous data sources into metabolic models, explicit representation of other biological processes during phenotype simulation, and standardization efforts in the representation of metabolic models and simulation results."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniel Machado; Kai H. Zhuang; Nikolaus Sonnenschein; Markus J. Herrgard"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Cellular metabolism", "Mathematical Models", "modeling formalisms", "computational methods", "Metabolic Engineering", "Systems Biology", "Metabolic Regulation", "phenotype simulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2234/current-challenges-in-modeling-cellular-metabolism"], ["title", "Current Challenges in Modeling Cellular Metabolism"], ["doab_id", "18874"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197545"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197545"]], [["description", "Jules Verne (1828-1905), author of Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) and Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), wrote in 1875:\"I believe that water will one day be used as a fuel, because the hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used separately or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light. I therefore believe that, when coal (oil) deposits are oxidised, we will heat ourselves by means of water. Water is the fuel of the future\". Solar energy is the only renewable energy source that has sufficient capacity for the global energy need; it is the only one that can address the issues of energy crisis and global climate change. A vast amount of solar energy is harvested and stored via photosynthesis in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria since over 3 billion years. Today, it is estimated that photosynthesis produces more than 100 billion tons of dry biomass annually, which would be equivalent to a hundred times the weight of the total human population on our planet at the present time, and equal to a global energy storage rate of about 100 TW. The solar power is the most abundant source of renewable energy, and oxygenic photosynthesis uses this energy to power the planet using the amazing reaction of water splitting. During water splitting, driven ultimately by sunlight, oxygen is released into the atmosphere, and this, along with food production by photosynthesis, supports life on our earth. The other product of water oxidation is \u201chydrogen\u201d (proton and electron). This \u2018hydrogen\u2019 is not normally released into the atmosphere as hydrogen gas but combined with carbon dioxide to make high energy containing organic molecules. When we burn fuels we combine these organic molecules with oxygen. The design of new solar energy systems must adhere to the same principle as that of natural photosynthesis. For us to manipulate it to our benefit, it is imperative that we completely understand the basic processes of natural photosynthesis, and chemical conversion, such as light harvesting, excitation energy transfer, electron transfer, ion transport, and carbon fixation. Equally important, we must exploit application of this knowledge to the development of fully synthetic and/or hybrid devices. Understanding of photosynthetic reactions is not only a satisfying intellectual pursuit, but it is important for improving agricultural yields and for developing new solar technologies. Today, we have considerable knowledge of the working of photosynthesis and its photosystems, including the water oxidation reaction. Recent advances towards the understanding of the structure and the mechanism of the natural photosynthetic systems are being made at the molecular level. To mimic natural photosynthesis, inorganic chemists, organic chemists, electrochemists, material scientists, biochemists, biophysicists, and plant biologists must work together and only then significant progress in harnessing energy via \u201cartificial photosynthesis\u201d will be possible. This Research Topic provides recent advances of our understanding of photosynthesis, gives to our readers recent information on photosynthesis research, and summarizes the characteristics of the natural system from the standpoint of what we could learn from it to produce an efficient artificial system, i.e., from the natural to the artificial. This topic is intended to include exciting breakthroughs, possible limitations, and open questions in the frontiers in photosynthesis research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Harvey J.M. Hou; Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev; Mohammad Mahdi Najafpour; Govindjee"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Photosynthesis", "water oxidation", "reaction center", "thylakoid membrane", "kinase", "photoinhibition", "photoaclimation", "chlorophyll f", "FTIR", "Mass Spectrometry"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1008/current-challenges-in-photosynthesis-from-natural-to-artificial"], ["title", "Current challenges in photosynthesis: From natural to artificial"], ["doab_id", "17838"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192861"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192861"]], [["description", "Emotion can impact various aspects of our cognition and behavior, by enhancing or impairing them (e.g., enhanced attention to and memory for emotional events, or increased distraction produced by goal-irrelevant emotional information). On the other hand, emotion processing is also susceptible to cognitive influences, typically exerted in the form of cognitive control of motion, or emotion regulation. Despite important recent progress in understanding emotion- cognition interactions, a number of aspects remain unclear. The present book comprises a collection of manuscripts discussing emerging evidence regarding the mechanisms underlying emotion- cognition interactions in healthy functioning and alterations associated with clinical conditions, in which such interactions are dysfunctional. Initiated with a more restricted focus, targeting (1) identification and in depth analysis of the circumstances in which emotion enhances or impairs cognition and (2)identification of the role of individual differences in these effects, our book has emerged into a comprehensive collection of outstanding contributions investigating emotion-cognition interactions, based on approaches spanning from behavioral and lesion to pharmacological and brain imaging, and including empirical, theoretical, and review papers alike.Co-hosted by the Frontiers in Neuroscience - Integrative Neuroscience and Frontiers in Psychology - Emotion Science, the contributions comprising our book and the associated research topic are grouped around the following seven main themes, distributed across the two hosting journals: I. Emotion and Selectivity in Attention and Memory; II. The Impact of Emotional Distraction; Linking Enhancing and Impairing Effects of Emotion; III. What Really is the Role of the Amygdala?; IV. Age Differences in Emotion Processing; The Role of Emotional Valence; V. Affective Face Processing, Social Cognition, and Personality Neuroscience; VI. Stress, Mood, Emotion, and the Prefrontal Cortex; The Role of Control in the Stress Response; VII. Emotion-Cognition Interactions in Clinical Conditions.As illustrated by the present collection of contributions, emotion-cognition interactions can be identified at different levels of processing, from perception and attention to long- term memory, decision making processes, and social cognition and behavior. Notably, these effects are subject to individual differences that may affect the way we perceive, experience, and remember emotional experiences, or cope with emotionally challenging situations. Moreover, these opposing effects tend to co-occur in affective disorders, such as depression and PTSD, where uncontrolled recollection of and rumination on distressing memories also lead to impaired cognition due to emotional distraction. Understanding the nature and neural mechanisms of these effects is critical, as their exacerbation and co-occurrence in clinical conditions lead to devastating effects and debilitation. Hence, bringing together such diverse contributions has allowed not only an integrative understanding of the current extant evidence but also identification of emerging directions and concrete venues for future investigations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Florin Dolcos; Lihong Wang; Mara Mather"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Motivated Attention", "Emotional Memory", "Emotional Distraction", "Affective Disorders", "age-related differences", "stress", "amygdala/prefrontal cortex", "social and personality neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/704/the-impact-of-emotion-on-cognition---dissociating-between-enhancing-and-impairing-effects"], ["title", "Current Research and Emerging Directions in Emotion-Cognition Interactions"], ["doab_id", "18193"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194384"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194384"]], [["description", "The study of religion as an academic discipline is a rather recent development in colleges anduniversities in the United States and abroad. Although French sociologist \u00c9mile Durkheim wrote extensively about the role of religion in public life in the early 1900s, it was not until the 1960s that researchers from social science backgrounds, predominately sociology, began the formal, empirical study of religion as a social force that may impact a wide range of individual and societal outcomes. This special issue of Religions brings together scholars from around the world who use diverse methodologies to study the impact of religion on a broad range of outcomes. The issue thus provides a unique snapshot of current work being done in the sociology of religion. In these 18 articles, readers will find a great mix of data-driven studies (both quantitative and qualitative) and conceptual/review papers. The articles also reflect a diversity of authors, locations, topics, and faith traditions. I am pleased that many of the papers include undergraduate and graduate students as co-authors. These collaborations are important for maintaining the continuity of high-quality research over time."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["faith-based research, religion and community, religion and crime, religion and family, religion and health, religion and politics, religion and public life, sociology of religion"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/111"], ["title", "Current Studies in the Sociology of Religion"], ["doab_id", "17505"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420170", "9783038420187"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420170/9783038420187 "]], [["description", "This volume attempts to create a \u2018relief map\u2019 of temporalities in Estonian newspapers over different periods of time. The special focus is on binding the empirical analysis to the theoretical and methodological discussions of the temporality of news(paper) culture. The authors of the articles ask to what extent newspapers report on the past and present and to what extent these reports refer to the future. A diachronic analysis of newspaper texts from different periods of time demonstrates that the temporal focus of newspapers changes over time: in some periods, the past receives remarkably more attention, while in other periods the news timeframe is biased towards current events and the future. One study asks how similar, or different, is the (re)construction of the past in Estonian daily newspapers published in Estonian and Russian in 1994 and 2009. Two articles focus on analysis of the links between social remembering and anniversary journalism. Another article provides an overview of the depiction of women in Estonian newspapers and magazines from 1848 to 1940. This collection revitalizes the study of time in news discourse, suggesting new methodological perspectives and developing interdisciplinary approaches in cultural theory."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harro-Loit ,Halliki ; Kello ,Katrin "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["timing", "time structures", "commemoration", "journalistic discourse", "newspapers", "anniversary", "journalism", "Estonia"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=446135"], ["title", "The Curving Mirror of Time"], ["doab_id", "15387"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949322589", "9789949322596"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949322589 9789949322596"]], [["description", "Este trabalho tem como objetivo, precisamente, o estudo do III CONCUT. Interessou-nos tra\u00e7ar um perfil dos delegados e efetuar uma an\u00e1lise das teses apresentadas, o que significa dizer analisar as tend\u00eancias pol\u00edticas presentes no III CONCUT. Por\u00e9m, considerando que dificilmente a luta de fac\u00e7\u00f5es, as resolu\u00e7\u00f5es e as modifica\u00e7\u00f5es nos estatutos aprovadas no III CONCUT poderiam ser entendidas sem refer\u00eancia ao passado, fomos levados a efetuar uma r\u00e1pida avalia\u00e7\u00e3o dos congressos anteriores da CUT. Desse modo, este estudo assumiu, um pouco for\u00e7adamente, o car\u00e1ter de uma hist\u00f3ria da CUT. Queremos advertir, no entanto, que se trata de uma reconstitui\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica superficial.[...][trecho retirado da Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vvw5c"], ["title", "CUT: os militantes e a ideologia"], ["doab_id", "16663"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820243"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820243"]], [["description", "As the world struggles to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and curb greenhouse gas emissions, industrial biotechnology is also \u2018going green.\u2019 Escherichia coli has long been used as a model Gram-negative bacterium, not only for fundamental research, but also for industrial applications. Recently, however, cyanobacteria have emerged as candidate chassis for the production of commodity fuels and chemicals, utilizing CO2 and sunlight as the main nutrient requirements. In addition to their potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering production costs, cyanobacteria have naturally efficient pathways for the production metabolites such as carotenoids, which are of importance in the nutraceutical industry. The unique metabolic and regulatory pathways present in cyanobacteria present new challenges for metabolic engineers and synthetic biologists. Moreover, their requirement for light and the dynamic regulatory mechanisms of the diurnal cycle further complicate the development and application of cyanobacteria for industrial applications. Consequently, significant advancements in cyanobacterial engineering and strain development are necessary for the development of a \u2018green E. coli\u2019. This Research Topic will focus on cyanobacteria as organisms of emerging industrial relevance, including research focused on the development of genetic tools for cyanobacteria, the investigation of new cyanobacterial strains, the construction of novel cyanobacterial strains via genetic engineering, the application of \u2018omics\u2019 tools to advance the understanding of engineered cyanobacteria, and the development of computational models for cyanobacterial strain development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anne M. Ruffing; Toivo Kallas"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Cyanobacteria", "green E. coli", "Carbon Capture", "Cell factories", "Photosynthesis", "engineered cyanobacteria", "genetically modified cyanobacteria", "sustainable bioproducts", "Biofuels", "Green chemicals"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2110/cyanobacteria-the-green-e-coli"], ["title", "Cyanobacteria: The Green E. coli"], ["doab_id", "18199"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198122"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198122"]], [["description", "Cyberscience will be different from traditional science. For two decades already, the scholarly community has witnessed a considerable increase in the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). As opposed to \"traditional\" science that does without networked computers, the notion of \"cyberscience\" captures the use of these ICT-based applications and services for scientific purposes. The basic assumption of this study is that ICT use impacts on the basic parameters of how academia is organised, of how it functions, and of what it produces. This book describes and analyses the use of ICT in the academic world; it explains the status quo based on an analytical model; it draws a realistic and differentiated picture of probable future developments; it assesses the impact of ICT on various aspects of academic activity and on the substance of research; and it discusses the implications for research policy and the steering mechanisms within scholarly organisations. The overall conclusion is that we are in midstream of a forceful development. Cyberscience is already taking place, but will only develop its full shape and potential later. The new media have only just begun to play a central role in a large array of scholarly activities, and in regard to the institutional setting. Not only academic communication in the narrow sense, but also the distribution of knowledge and, most importantly, even knowledge production are affected. Hence, the impact of ICT can hardly be underrated. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Nentwich"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Austrian Academy of Sciences Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/3188-7inhalt?frames=yes"], ["title", "cyberscience"], ["doab_id", "15103"], ["language_unmapped", "Englisch"], ["isbns", ["9783700131885", "9783700132356"]], ["provider", "Austrian Academy of Sciences"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700131885 9783700132356"]], [["description", "Cyborgs in Latin America explores the ways cultural expression in Latin America has grappled with the changing relationships between technology and human identity. The book takes a literary and cultural studies approach in examining narrative, film and advertising campaigns from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay by such artists as Ricardo Piglia, Edmundo Paz Sold\u00e1n, Carmen Boullosa and Alberto Fuguet among others. Using and criticizing theoretical models developed by Katherine Hayles, Donna Haraway, Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, the book will appeal to specialists and students of Latin American Studies; Posthuman Theory; and Literature, Science and Technology Studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brown ,J. Andrew"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Latin America", "Media", "Feminine", "Posthuman", "Culture", "Technology", "Identity", "Latijns Amerika", "Media", "Femininum", "Posthumaan", "Cultuur", "Technologie", "Identiteit"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392747"], ["title", "Cyborgs in Latin America"], ["doab_id", "13406"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230103900"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230103900"]], [["description", "Australasian researchers, practitioners, policy makers and community members are engaged in a global discussion on the role of cycling in addressing these concerns. Contributors to this book report on and extend this discussion as they explore the insights generated locally and internationally on the past, present and future of cycling.The focus of the first half of the book is largely on the current engagement with cycling, challenges faced by existing and would-be cyclists and the issues cycling might address. The second half of the book is concerned with strategies and processes of change. Contributors working from different ontological positions reflect on changing socio-spatial relations to enable the broadest possible participation in cycling.'"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bonham ,Jennifer; Johnson ,Marilyn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cycling", "bikes", "bicycle", "health benefits of cycling", "bike lanes", "bike paths", "city planning", "commuting", "cycling and gender", "bike safety", "bike ed", "cycling in australia", "cycling in new zealand", "bike crashes", "bike accidents", "sustainable transport"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=586710"], ["title", "Cycling Futures"], ["doab_id", "17788"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261172"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261172"]], [["description", "It is now accepted that immune molecules are not only present within the brain during pathology but they exert physiological functions in the \"healthy\" brain as well. Increasing evidence points to a neuro-modulatory role of cytokines and chemokines (CHEMOtactic cytoKINES) in basal transmission and plasticity processes where signaling between peri-synaptic astrocytes, microglia and neurons plays an important role. Nevertheless, the exact mechanisms as to how cytokines, and in particular chemokines, participate in the molecular and cellular processes thought to subserve memory formation, plasticity processes and responsiveness to environmental stimuli remain to be clarified. Interestingly, in in vitro preparations, molecules like TNF-a, interleukin (IL)-1\u00df, IL-6, CX3CL1, CXCL12, CCL2 and CCL3 are implicated in synaptic formation and scaling, in modulation of glutamatergic transmission, in plasticity and neurogenesis, in particular in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is an extremely plastic structure, one of the main neurogenic niches in the adult brain, that exhibits a marked sensibility to environmental stimuli. Indeed exposure of mice to environmental enrichment (EE) modifies learning and memory abilities increasing neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity whether exposure to severe stressful experiences diminishes neurotrophic support, impairs neurogenesis, plasticity and cognition. In the hippocampus cytokines play a key role in mediating both positive as well as negative effects of the environment affecting neuronal plasticity also in stress related pathologies, such as depression. It has been reported that mice lacking type 1 receptor for IL-1 display impaired hippocampal memory and LTP that are restored by EE; moreover negative effects on neuronal plasticity (and thus behavior) induced by stress exposure can be prevented by blocking IL-1 activity. In addition, mice lacking IL-6 have improved cognitive functions whereas the absence of microglia-driven CX3CR1 signaling increases hippocampal plasticity and spatial memory occluding the potentiating effects of EE. However, the factors mediating the effect of environmental stimuli on behavior and plasticity has been only partially identified. Interestingly, it has been suggested that chemokines can play a key role in the flexibility of hippocampal structure and may modulate neuronal signaling during behavior. The question is how cytokines may translate environmental stimuli in plasticity and behavioral changes. This research topic is proposed to explore the role of cytokines, and more in particular chemokines, in the modulation of neuronal activity as a fundamental step for the correct brain wiring, function and susceptibility to environment. We encourage the submission of original research reports, review articles, commentaries, perspectives or short communications, in the following (but not limited to) topics:- Role of cytokines and chemokines in neuronal plasticity- Immune molecules and responsiveness to environment- Role of chemokine in the flexibility of hippocampal structure"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silvia Alboni; Laura Maggi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cytokine", "Chemokines", "Microglia", "Neurons", "Astrocytes", "Neuronal Plasticity", "environment", "development", "Behavior"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1796/cytokines-as-players-of-neuronal-plasticity-and-sensitivity-to-environment-in-healthy-and-pathologic"], ["title", "Cytokines as Players of Neuronal Plasticity and Sensitivity to Environment in Healthy and Pathological Brain"], ["doab_id", "18887"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197682"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197682"]], [["description", "Fruto de uma pesquisa de doutorado defendida na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), esta publica\u00e7\u00e3o apresenta o vi\u00e9s mercadol\u00f3gico das festas privadas, de \u201ccamisa\u201d, que, por vezes, \u00e9 contrabalan\u00e7ado pelo espa\u00e7o festivo \u2013 ainda que residual \u2013 dos terreiros frontais das casas ou das trilhas rurais, ao tempo que as festas nos espa\u00e7os p\u00fablicos, como em pra\u00e7as, s\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m espa\u00e7os de express\u00e3o para manifesta\u00e7\u00f5es culturais de car\u00e1ter local e regional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castro, Janio Roque Barros de"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tqvcj"], ["title", "Da casa \u00e0 pra\u00e7a p\u00fablica: a espetaculariza\u00e7\u00e3o das festas juninas no espa\u00e7o urbano"], ["doab_id", "17381"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211721"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211721"]], [["description", "O prop\u00f3sito deste ensaio \u00e9 desenvolver uma leitura comparativa, por aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o e contraste, de quatro romances de Jos\u00e9 Saramago. Recorte no amplo universo do romancista portugu\u00eas, o trabalho levanta quest\u00f5es que possibilitam um ordenamento das leituras sobre sua obra a partir de um exame detido de um romance de sua fase mais nacional: A jangada de Pedra, em contraposi\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 trilogia constitu\u00edda por Ensaio sobre a cegueira, Todos os nomes e A caverna. A obra busca explicitar espelhamentos e refra\u00e7\u00f5es entre A Jangada de Pedra e Ensaio sobre a cegueira, bem como as muitas resson\u00e2ncias entre Ensaio sobre a cegueira, Todos os nomes e A caverna, e assim delinear um horizonte de converg\u00eancias estruturais e/ou tem\u00e1ticas percept\u00edvel no confronto das obras. Tal estrat\u00e9gia possibilita \u00e0 autora depreender e apontar a marca narrativa que articula a variedade ficcional de cada romance, os quais agrega sob uma rubrica comum, mostrando que temas, figuras, mitos, s\u00edmbolos, procedimentos narrativos e outros recursos que deles emergem configuram Saramago como romancista que \u201csendo a cada vez outro, \u00e9 sempre o mesmo\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ferreira, Sandra"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q65gt"], ["title", "Da est\u00e1tua \u00e0 pedra: percursos figurativos de Jos\u00e9 Saramago"], ["doab_id", "19838"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788568334492"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334492"]], [["description", "Este livro cresceu da convic\u00e7\u00e3o de que as an\u00e1lises contempor\u00e2neas da agricultura e da mudan\u00e7a social rural alcan\u00e7aram um impasse. Dentro da tradi\u00e7\u00e3o marxista, o significado do desenvolvimento tecnol\u00f3gico foi continuamente distorcido na medida em que as categorias te\u00f3ricas e ideol\u00f3gicas do marxismo cl\u00e1ssico foram alargadas para incorporar as estruturas sociais rurais modernas. Por sua vez, as contribui\u00e7\u00f5es neocl\u00e1ssicas, embora levando em conta a quest\u00e3o crucial da inova\u00e7\u00e3o, reduziram-na ao problema gen\u00e9rico da substitui\u00e7\u00e3o de fatores. As duas abordagens, seja na linguagem da \"penetra\u00e7\u00e3o\" ou da \"moderniza\u00e7\u00e3o\" capitalista, trataram do problema da agricultura, tal como ele \u00e9 condicionado pela peculiaridade das rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais, por um lado, e pelas propor\u00e7\u00f5es entre os fatores, por outro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David, Goodman; Sorj, Bernardo; Wilkinson, John"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zyp2j"], ["title", "Da lavoura \u00e0s biotecnologias: agricultura e ind\u00fastria no sistema internacional "], ["doab_id", "16643"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662298"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662298"]], [["description", "O livro discute e estimula reflex\u00f5es de como as rela\u00e7\u00f5es de consumo podem comprometer a qualidade de vida, a justi\u00e7a social e a sobreviv\u00eancia do planeta. Aborda os impactos socioambientais das a\u00e7\u00f5es do homem nas esferas da produ\u00e7\u00e3o, circula\u00e7\u00e3o e consumo, alertando para a necessidade de se adotar um uso mais sustent\u00e1vel do meio ambiente. Nos v\u00e1rios textos constantes da obra, as cidades s\u00e3o vistas como materialidade das mudan\u00e7as socioambientais, onde todas as rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais de produ\u00e7\u00e3o devem ser enfocadas em sua totalidade. Entre os temas tratados, merecem destaque: a industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o, o incentivo ao consumo e ao descarte descontrolado de materiais e as disparidades entre o superconsumo e o subconsumo, a dial\u00e9tica global/local, as altera\u00e7\u00f5es clim\u00e1ticas, o planejamento e as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas. Estas diferentes quest\u00f5es s\u00e3o analisadas sob perspectivas diversas, o que demonstra a amplitude da problem\u00e1tica da produ\u00e7\u00e3o, circula\u00e7\u00e3o e consumo e seus impactos na atualidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ortigoza, Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri; Cortez, Ana Tereza C."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["NATURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/n9brm"], ["title", "Da produ\u00e7\u00e3o ao consumo: impactos socioambientais no espa\u00e7o urbano"], ["doab_id", "16711"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830075"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830075"]], [["description", "An up-to-date manual conceived to guide the reader through the most interesting and recent theories in the vast field of psycho-neuro-linguistics. After a review of the latest theories on the perception and production of language in adult and developmental age, the most recent studies on the relations between anatomy and cerebral functions are also discussed, opening up new perspectives on the study of language too.

Manuale aggiornato che si prefigge di orientare il lettore tra le teorie pi\u00f9 interessanti e recenti del vasto campo della psico-neuro-linguistica. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le ultime teorie sulla percezione e produzione del linguaggio in et\u00e0 adulta ed evolutiva, vengono illustrati gli studi pi\u00f9 recenti sul rapporto fra anatomia e funzioni cerebrali che aprono nuove prospettive anche sullo studio del linguaggio."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brandi, Luciana; Salvadori, Beatrice"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Psycholinguistics", "Language Development", "Noam Chomsky", "Psicolinguistica", "Sviluppo linguistico", "Noam Chomsky"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356377"], ["title", "Dal suono alla parola"], ["doab_id", "13171"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532015", "9788884532022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532019 8884532027"]], [["description", "The academic field of Dalit studies is relatively new, emerging since the 1990s in South Asia and in diasporic communities. Dalit intellectuals theorize Indian historiography and social sciences through the lenses of humiliation and dignity, pointing to the painful history of Dalit groups (formerly called untouchables) and the contemporary perpetuation of caste inequality. As part of a challenge to high-caste Hindu intelligentsia with privileged upbringings, DALIT STUDIES includes a high proportion of Dalit scholars from non-elite social and institutional backgrounds. Contributors analyze the work of Dalit activists across colonial and postcolonial periods, countering a tradition of viewing them as passive victims and objects of reform.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rawat S. ,Ramnarayan; Satyanarayana ,K."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["South Asian studies", "Caste India", "Dalits India", "History"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605855"], ["title", "Dalit Studies"], ["doab_id", "18928"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374312"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374312"]], [["description", "Two seasons of excavation (1996 and 1997) have been completed at the \"subterranean rotunda\" southeast of the Basilica Damous-el-Karita on the outskirts of ancient Carthage (Blg. 1/15, 16; Blg. 3; Abb. 1). 'Me purpose of the present study was re-evaluate the structures, construction period, finiction and wider significance of what was undoubtedly one of the most important Christian pilgrimage complexes in Norther Africa.The rectangular structure, which connected the basilica to the rotunda and has been seen as a porticus-fi-amed court turned out to be a three-aisled, basilica-Eke hall without an apse. The date of construction could be put at late fourth/early fifth century AD. Subsequently the structurre had been substantially rebuilt in two phases, firstly sometime between 530/565 AD and secondly at the end of the 6th to the beginning of the 7th century AD.A search of the literary sources allows one to tentatively suggest that the church-complex, known under its toponym \"Damous-el-Kafita\", could well be the celebrated basilica Fausti (Teil 1. 4).After the reconquista of Northerm Africa under the reign of emperor Justinian in 533 large hall (52 in by 30 in) was transformed. This transformation involved extensive rebuilding. To the north an atrium had been added. Whilst the eastern and western aisles were now Ranked by a rebuilt series of small rooms used as burial - cubicula (Blg. 1/14; Abb. 15). There is evidence for another renovation of the hall at the end of the 6th to the beginning of the 7th century by the construction of unsymmetrically situated ciborium foundations (BIg. 1/14), that refer to a one meter higher floor level.The rotunda was built no earlier than the second third of the 6th century, taking over the area of a pagan cemetery (Teil M. 3; Abb. 20), and is to be seen as an architectural mixtum compositurn (Teil M; BIg. 1, Blg. 3). As a Justinianic annex to the restored pilgrimage complex, the building typologically consists of a sigma (semicircular forecourt surrounded by a porticus; Tail 111. 4; Blg. 1/16), a martyriurn of the central type (groundfloor-ordtory possibly with an opaion; Teil Ill. 6; Abb. 86, Abb. 92) and a circular hall-crypt (sanctuary, Teil M. 5; Abb. 53, Abb. 59). Lateral, counterrotating staircases connect the different parts of the martyrium and are designed for massive pilgrimcirculation. 'Me centre of the crypt formed a ciborium of yellow Numidian marblestone, protecting the lost reliquary-shrine. The topography, metrological conception (reil Ill. 8; Abb. 96), architectural design and principle of pilgimage-circulation discussed above, suggests that this building was the spiritual center of the early Byzantine, orthodox pilgrimage complex of Damous-el-Karita. The design and the construction of the building suggest that the architect was from the Eastern pails of the empire, whilst the building force were native to Carthage. The nexus of a rotunda with a sigma, can typologicaly be traced back to 5th century AD palace-architecture in Constantinople. Elsewhere such a design is unknown. The realisation of a congruent plan of groundfloor and hall-crypt is until now unique in late antique architecture. As with the basilical hall, the groundfloor building of the martyrium was restyled and enlarged at the end of the 6th or at the beginning of 7th century AD by the creation of an ambulatory. The building seems to have fallen out of use some time around the end of that century.To sum up, the subterranean rotunda behind the basilica Damous-elKarita in Carthage was a two-perioded, early Byzantine martyriurn of the central type and the religious centre of the largest pilgrimage complex so far discovered in Carthage.

Das vorliegende Manuskript versteht sich als Bericht \u00fcber die im Jahre 1996 und 1997 durchgef\u00fchrten Ausgrabungen am architekturgeschichtlich bislang einzigartigen Bauwerk, das als \"Rotonde souterraine\" bei der Basilika Damous-el-Karita in Karthago bekannt und im Jahre 1912 durch den Trappistenm\u00f6nch A.-L. Delattre entdeckt wurde (Blg. 3, Abb. 1). Die literarische \u00dcberlieferung legt es nunmehr nahe, eine Identifizierung der uns unter dem Toponym Damous-el-Karita bekannten, komplexen Kirchenanlage mit der basilica Fausli vorzunehmen (Teil 1. 4).Das bisher als porfikusartiger Hof gedeutet Geb\u00e4ude zwischen der Rotunde im S\u00fcden (Teil IR; Blg. V 15, 16) und der elfschiffigen Coemiterialbasilika Damous-el-Karita, im Norden (Teil 1; Blg. 1/ 1 -9, Abb. 3) erwies sich als ein apsidenloser, basilikaler Saalbau, der zu Ende des, 4. bzw. zu Beginn des 5. Jhs. n. Chr. errichtet und im zweiten Drittel des 6. Jhs. von Grund auf erneuert wurde (Teil E; Blg. 1/13, 14; Blg. 3). Nach den Umbauma\u00dfnahmen in der Regierungszeit Kaiser Justinians verf\u00fcgte dieser dreischiffige Gro\u00dfbau (5200 m) \u00fcber ein Atrium im Norden (Blg. 1/13) und eine die Nebenschiffe im Osten und Westen begleitende Raumflucht, die als Totencubicula dienten (Blg. 1/14; Abb. 15). Eine letzte bauliche Umgestaltung mit Bodenanhebung erfuhr das Geb\u00e4ude zu Ende des 6. Jhs. n. Chr.Der arch\u00e4ologischen Untersuchung und bauhistorischen Einordnung der \"Rotonde souten-dine\" zufolge, handelt es sich bei diesem Zentralbau um eine \u00fcber einem paganen Coemiterium (Teil M. 3; Abb. 20) errichtete Memoria, (Martyrium), die unter bautypologischen Gesichtspunkten als mixtum composilum zu bezeichnen ist. Dieses Geb\u00e4ude (Teil M; Blg. 1, Blg- 3) wird erst im Verlauf der justinianischen Neugestaltung des gesamten Pilgerzentrums \"Damous-el-Karita (Basilika Fausti)\" errichtet.Die architekturgeschichtliche Bedeutung dieses justinianischen Neubaus liegt zweifelsohne in der hier vollzogenen Verschmelzung von drei Bautypen: einer Sigma (halbkreisf\u00f6rmiges Atrium; Teil M. 4; Blg. 1/16), einem Zentralbaumartyrium (Oratorium; Teil 1111. 6; Abb. 86, Abb. 92) und einer Hallenkrypta (Sanktuarium; Teil M. 5; Abb. 53, Abb. 59). Seitliche, gegenl\u00e4ufige Stiegenh\u00e4user verbinden nicht nur die genannten Bauteile untereinander, sondern sind auch dahingehend konzipiert Pilgerprozessionen aufzunehmen bzw. durch den Sakralbau zu Schleusen.Topographie, metrologisches Konzept (Teil M. 8; Abb. 96), Aufwands- sowie Zirkulationsarchitektur zeichen das Bauwerk s\u00fcdlich der Basilika Damous-el-Karita jedenfalls als sakrales Zentrum f\u00fcr den Martyrerkult aus. Die in der Palastarchitektur des 5. Jhs. n. Chr. wurzelnde Verkn\u00fcpfung einer Rotunde mit einer Sigma ist au\u00dferhalb Konstantinopels bisher nicht bekannt geworden und auch die hier vorliegende Anordnung von Krypta und Zentralbau stellt bisher ein baugeschichtliches Unikum dar.Wie der basilikale Saalbau wird auch das, Erdgescho\u00df der Memoria zu Ende des 6. bzw. zu Beginn des 7. Jhs. vergr\u00f6\u00dfert (Abb. 86, Abb. 92); sie werden bis zum Ende des 7. Jhs. noch in Funktion gestanden sein. Nachfolgend fielen sie dem Steinraub zum Opfer.Als vorrangiges Ergebnis der \u00f6sterreichischen Untersuchung der Rotunde bei der Damous-el-Kanta m Karthago wird man festhalten k\u00f6nnen, da\u00df dieses Geb\u00e4ude nunmehr als zweiphasiges fr\u00fchbyzantinisches Martyrium, (Memoria) und als spirituelles Zentrum des gr\u00f6\u00dften bisher bekannten Pilgerheiligtumes in Karthago zu bezeichnen ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dolenz ,Heimo"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Basilica Damous-el-Karita"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437219"], ["title", "Damous-el-Karita"], ["doab_id", "15340"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305321"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3900305323"]], [["description", "\u00c9 imposs\u00edvel pensar o ser humano contempor\u00e2neo se n\u00e3o imerso em um ambiente naturalmente h\u00edbrido: biol\u00f3gico e tecnol\u00f3gico em constante intera\u00e7\u00e3o. \u00c9 esse o convite que o trabalho de Ivani nos faz, observar o corpo dan\u00e7ando ao sabor da tecnologia, numa met\u00e1fora para essa rela\u00e7\u00e3o. O t\u00edtulo \u00e9 um dos primeiros livros sobre o tema lan\u00e7ado pela Editora."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santana, Ivani"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["PERFORMING ARTS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zn6c5"], ["title", "Dan\u00e7a na cultura digital"], ["doab_id", "17257"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209056"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209056"]], [["description", "\"Since ancient times and across cultures, dance has provided a powerful form of human expression. In this inspiring book, Dana Mills examines the political power of dance from a global perspective. Mills explores different dimensions of dance as a form of intervention into a politics more commonly articulated in words. She is interested in dance as a system of communication that allows its subjects to speak with their bodies and to create embodied spaces, drawing attention to the radically egalitarian nature of dance with its ability to transcend all boundaries of gender, race and sexual politics. The book is structured around a range of cross-cultural and comparative examples, from the work of Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham to gumboot dancers in South Africa and the One Billion Rising movement, which uses dance to protest against gendered violence. Each case study references powerful dance \u2018moments\u2019, providing links to YouTube clips to allow readers to experience dance directly as they read. The case studies are discussed within a conceptual framework drawing on Ranci\u00e8re\u2019s concept of dissensus and in the light of recent work on embodied politics by political theorists including Jodi Dean and Jane Bennett. Dance and politics is aimed at a dual audience of political theorists and students and scholars of dance and performance. It will also be of great interest to readers seeking to expand their thinking about politics, embodiment and activism.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mills ,Dana"], ["date", "2017"], ["subject", ["dance", "politics", "bodies", "radical democratic theory"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=620070"], ["title", "Dance and politics: Moving beyond boundaries"], ["doab_id", "19998"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526105172"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526105172"]], [["description", "Dangerous Ideas explores sex and love, politics and performance, joy and anguish in a collection of essays focussed on the history and politics of the Women\u2019s Liberation Movement and one of its offshoots, Women\u2019s Studies, in Australia and around the world.These are serious matters: they are about tectonic changes in people\u2019s lives and ideas in the late twentieth century, too little remembered or understood any longer. \u2018Feminism\u2019, this book suggests, \u2018is always multiple and various, fluid and changing, defying efforts at definition, characterisation, periodisation\u2019. Nevertheless, Dangerous Ideas tackles some hard questions. How did Women\u2019s Liberation begin? What held this transformative movement together? Would it bring about the death of the family? Was it reorganising the labour market? Revolutionising human reproduction? How could Women\u2019s Studies exist in patriarchal universities? Could feminism change the paradigms governing the world of learning? In the United States? In Russia? In the People\u2019s Republic of China?It is great fun, too. This book tells of Hobart\u2019s hilarious Feminist Food Guide; of an outburst of creative energies among feminists \u2013 women on top, behaving badly; of dreams and desires for an entirely different future. And, always unorthodox: it finds hope and cheer in a history of the tampon."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Magarey ,Susan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["susan magarey", "dangerous ideas", "feminist", "feminist theory", "gender studies", "women's studies", "feminism", "women's liberation movement", "redstockings", "feminist science fiction", "the tampon", "the sexual revolution", "socialist-feminism", "women's movement", "centre for women's studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560093"], ["title", "Dangerous Ideas: Women\u2019s Liberation \u2013 Women\u2019s Studies \u2013 Around the World"], ["doab_id", "16550"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064950"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064950"]], [["description", "Christopher Ryan\u2019s study of Dante and Aquinas, touching on issues of nature and grace, of explicit and implicit faith, and of desire and destiny, is intended to mark the difference between them in key areas of theological sensibility. Re-shaped and revised by John Took on the basis of papers made available to him from Christopher Ryan\u2019s estate, it seeks to deepen our understanding of one of the great cultural encounters in European letters.(DOI: 10.5334/bad)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ryan ,Christopher; Took ,John"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Thomas Aquinas", "Dante Alighieri", "Theology", "Reverend Christopher Ryan"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533879"], ["title", "Dante and Aquinas: A Study of Nature and Grace in the Comedy"], ["doab_id", "15384"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188037"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188037"]], [["description", "This volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies examines anarchist themes in ancient and modern Chinese dissident political thought."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John A. Rapp"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306778"], ["title", "Daoism and Anarchism"], ["doab_id", "17134"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306778"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306778"]], [["description", "This political biography uses Howe's personal history as a lens through which to explore the British civil rights movement in the years of 1970s and 80s."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robin Bunce; Paul Field"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544407"], ["title", "Darcus Howe"], ["doab_id", "16293"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544407"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544407"]], [["description", "Although widely beloved for its playfulness and comic sensibility, Chaucer\u2019s poetry is also subtly shot through with dark moments that open into obscure and irresolvably haunting vistas, passages into which one might fall head-first and never reach the abyssal bottom, scenes and events where everything could possibly go horribly wrong or where everything that matters seems, if even momentarily, altogether and irretrievably lost. And then sometimes, things really do go wrong. Opting to dilate rather than cordon off this darkness, this volume assembles a variety of attempts to follow such moments into their folds of blackness and horror, to chart their endless sorrows and recursive gloom, and to take depth soundings in the darker recesses of the Chaucerian lakes in order to bring back palm- or bite-sized pieces (black jewels) of bitter Chaucer that could be shared with others . . . an \u201cassortment,\u201d if you will. Not that this collection finds only emptiness and non-meaning in these caves and lakes. You never know what you will discover in the dark."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Myra Seaman (ed.); Eileen A. Joy (ed.); Nicola Masciandaro (ed.); Candace Barrington; Brantley L. Bryant; Ruth Evans; Gaelan Gilbert; Leigh Harrison; J. Allan Mitchell; Travis Neel; Andrew Richmond; Hannah Priest; Lisa Schamess; Karl Steel; Elaine Treharne; Bob Valasek; Lisa Weston; Thomas White; Gary Shipley"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Chaucer, darkness, death, literary criticism, medieval poetry"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/dark-chaucer/"], ["title", "Dark Chaucer: An Assortment"], ["doab_id", "16008"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615701073"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615701073"]], [["description", "Was sind naturwissenschaftliche Ph\u00e4nomene und inwiefern kann die Beantwortung dieser Frage zu einer besseren philosophischen Einsch\u00e4tzung der wissenschaftlichen Praxis beitragen? Dieses Buch untersucht die wissenschaftstheoretische Unterscheidung zwischen Daten und Ph\u00e4nomenen, um ihre Bedeutung f\u00fcr die Debatte um den Wissenschaftlichen Realismus zu kl\u00e4ren. Ausgehend von einer Analyse des Ph\u00e4nomenbegriffs werden sowohl realistische als auch antirealistische Anwendungen der Unterscheidung auf ihre \u00dcberzeugungskraft gepr\u00fcft. Auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung wird f\u00fcr ein realistisches Ph\u00e4nomenverst\u00e4ndnis pl\u00e4diert und er\u00f6rtert, wie exakt Wissenschaftstheoretiker die wissenschaftliche Praxis beschreiben m\u00fcssen, um zutreffende philosophische Schlussfolgerungen ziehen zu k\u00f6nnen"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Apel, Jochen"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208628"], ["title", "Daten und Ph\u00e4nomene. Ein Beitrag zur wissenschaftstheoretischen Realismusdebatte"], ["doab_id", "18072"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110322644", "9783110322262", "9783110322651"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322644, 9783110322262, 9783110322651"]], [["description", "When David Gorlaeus (1591-1612) passed away at 21 years of age, he left behind two highly innovative manuscripts. Once they were published, his work had a remarkable impact on the evolution of seventeenth-century thought.However, as his identity was unknown, divergent interpretations of their meaning quickly sprang up. Seventeenth-century readers understood him as an anti-Aristotelian thinker and as a precursor of Descartes. Twentieth-century historians depicted him as an atomist, natural scientist and even as a chemist. And yet, when Gorlaeus died, he was a beginning student in theology. His thought must in fact be placed at the intersection between philosophy, the nascent natural sciences, and theology. The aim of this book is to shed light on Gorlaeus\u2019 family circumstances, his education at Franeker and Leiden, and on the virulent Arminian crisis which provided the context within which his work was written. It also attempts to define Gorlaeus\u2019 place in the history of Dutch philosophy and to assess the influence that it exercised in the evolution of philosophy and science, and notably in early Cartesian circles. Christoph L\u00fcthy is professor of the history of philosophy and science at Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Toen David Gorlaeus (1591-1612) op 21-jarige leeftijd overleed, liet hij twee baanbrekende manuscripten na. De postuum gepubliceerde werken hadden een grote invloed op het wetenschappelijk denken in de zeventiende eeuw. Doordat Gorlaeus\u2019 identiteit onbekend was, ontstonden al snel zeer uiteenlopende interpretaties van de publicaties. Lezers uit de zeventiende eeuw dachten met een anti-aristotelische denker en een voorloper van Descartes van doen te hebben. Twintigste-eeuwse historici schilderden hem af als een atomist, natuurwetenschapper en zelfs als chemicus. Gorlaeus was echter 'slechts' beginnend theologiestudent en zijn werk bevindt zich op het kruispunt van filosofie, de ontluikende natuurwetenschappen en theologie. Christoph L\u00fcthy beoogt met dit boek inzicht te geven in de familieomstandigheden van Gorlaeus, zijn opleiding aan de universiteit van Franeker en Leiden en de historische context waarin hij zijn werk schreef. Ten slotte probeert L\u00fcthy te bepalen welke plaats Gorlaeus\u2019 werken innemen in de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse filosofie en wat hun invloed was op de ontwikkelingen in filosofie en wetenschap."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "L\u00fcthy ,Christoph"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=419090"], ["title", "David Gorlaeus (1591-1612) : An Enigmatic Figure in the History of Philosophy and Science"], ["doab_id", "14810"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644381"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644381"]], [["description", "Death and the Migrant describes the unfolding drama and predicaments of transnational dying in British Cities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yasmin Gunaratnam"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544414"], ["title", "Death and the Migrant"], ["doab_id", "16289"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544414"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544414"]], [["description", "\"Noble's work has always engaged, in its own way, with the Western Canadian tradition of poetry as intellectual experiment grounded on local experience.\u2026 Death Drive marks a counter-turn in the work of one of Southern Alberta's most distinctive writers.\" - Chris Jennings, Department of English, University of OttawaIn this collection of poetry, Charles Noble further reins in an already tight form - haiku - only to let loose a \"logopoeic\" poetry. He presents poems of extraordinary rigour and riddles of wit that are solved by \"lifetime\" insights - a dialectical poetry that still observes a phenomenological toehold but transcends the limits of locality in recognizing the curled-up-but-everywhere world of media and markets - \u00e0 la Fredric Jameson. And yet, these \"haikus\" go straight - to \"the shock of the na\u00efve.\" They turn to a middle ground, in Aristotle's sense of difficult target. They point to human acts, human reactions, and enact, themselves, a meta-linguistic wrestling, at one with the quarreling couple in the bar hanging on each other's words and insistent with \"what do you mean by [a simple word]?\" But they are also implicated in what he calls the death drive (not death wish), which arcs freely over a human life span - think architecture - and which, more radically, in the \"pleated/ crossword,\" \"make[s]/ good// a/ bit/ of/ bad/ infinity,\" no expenses, save for that toehold, earth, as he would have it."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Charles Noble"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49314/1/UofCPress_DeathDrive_2007.pdf"], ["title", "Death Drive Through Gaia Paris"], ["doab_id", "15395"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386644"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386644"]], [["description", "The death by suicide of Gary J Shipley\u2019s close friend, Conrad Unger (writer, theorist and amateur entomologist), has prompted him to confront not only the cold machinery of self-erasure, but also its connections to the literary life and notions surrounding psychological bewitchment, to revaluate in both fictional and entomological terms just what it is that drives writers like Unger to take their own lives as a matter of course, as if that end had been there all along, knowing, waiting. Like G\u00e9rard de Nerval, David Foster Wallace, Ann Quin and Virginia Woolf before him, Unger was not merely a writer who chose to end his life, but a writer whose work appeared forged from the knowledge of that event\u2019s temporary postponement. And while to the uninitiated these literary suicides would most likely appear completely unrelated to the suicide behaviors of insects parasitized by entomopathogenic fungi or nematomorpha, within the pages of this short study we are frequently presented with details that allow us to see the parallels between their terminal choreographies. He investigates what he believes are the essentially binary and contradictory motivations of his suicide case studies: where their self-dispatch becomes an instance of necro-autonomy (death as solution to an external thraldom, or the zombification of everyday life as something requiring the most extreme form of emancipation), while in addition being an instance of necro-equipoise (death as solution to an internal thraldom, or the anguish of no longer being able to slip back comfortably inside that very everydayness). The deadening claustrophobia of human life and achieving a stance outside of it: both barbs on the lines that can only ever detail the sickness, never cure it. Through extracts and synopses of Unger\u2019s books, marginalia and underscorings selected from his extensive library, and a brief itinerary of his movements in that last month of exile, a picture of the writer\u2019s suicidal obsession begins to form, and it forms at the expense of the man, the idea eating through his brain like a fungal parasite, disinterring the waking corpse to flesh its words."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gary J. Shipley"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["David Foster Wallace, entomology, essay-fiction, Gerard de Nerval, necrology, parasitosis, suicide, Virginia Woolf"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-death-of-conrad-unger-some-conjectures-regarding-parasitosis-and-associated-suicide-behavior/"], ["title", "The Death of Conrad Unger: Some Conjectures Regarding Parasitosis and Associated Suicide Behavior"], ["doab_id", "16015"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615600307"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615600307"]], [["description", "Death of the PostHuman undertakes a series of critical encounters with the legacy of what had come to be known as 'theory,' and its contemporary supposedly post-human aftermath. There can be no redemptive post-human future in which the myopia and anthropocentrism of the species finds an exit and manages to emerge with ecology and life. At the same time, what has come to be known as the human - despite its normative intensity - can provide neither foundation nor critical lever in the Anthropocene epoch. Death of the PostHuman argues for a twenty-first century deconstruction of ecological and seemingly post-human futures."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Colebrook ,Claire"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Anthropocene", "extinction"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502353"], ["title", "Death of the PostHuman : Essays on Extinction, Vol. 1"], ["doab_id", "16374"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852995", "9781785420115"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852995 9781785420115"]], [["description", "\"Debt as power is a timely and innovative contribution to our understanding of one of the most prescient issues of our time: the explosion of debt across the global economy and related requirement of political leaders to pursue exponential growth to meet the demands of creditors and investors. The book is distinctive in offering a historically sensitive and comprehensive analysis of debt as an interconnected and global phenomenon. Rather than focusing on the historical emergence of debt as a moral obligation, the authors argue that debt under capitalism can be conceived of as a technology of power, intimately tied up with the requirement for perpetual growth and the differential capitalization that benefits \u2018the 1%\u2019. Their account begins with the recognition that the histories of human communities and their natural environment are interconnected in complex spatial and hierarchical relations of power and to understand their development we need to not only examine the particularities of a given case, but more importantly their interconnected, interdependent and international relations. Since debt under capitalism is increasingly ubiquitous at all levels of society and economic growth is now the sole mantra of dominant political parties around the world, the authors argue that tracing the evolution and transformation of debt as a technology of power is crucial for understanding the \u2018present as history\u2019 and possible alternatives to our current trajectory.\""], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Robbins H. ,Richard; Di Muzio ,Tim"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Debt", "global economy", "creditors", "investors", "capitalism", "inequality"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=614091.xhtml"], ["title", "Debt as Power"], ["doab_id", "19605"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526101013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526101013"]], [["description", "Grounded in empirically-based country case studies, this new study provides a sober assessment of what decentralisation can achieve. The current momentum for decentralisation of government in Africa and elsewhere in the developing world is unparalleled, but are the benefits claimed by its advocates being realised? Focusing on two claims in particular, this book questions whether decentralisation does offer a significant pathway out of poverty and conflict in Africa. Issues of poverty reduction are addressed in Uganda, Ghana, Malawi and Tanzania, while those of conflict management are explored in Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda and Rwanda.

'Decentralisation in Afrika' is een sobere beoordeling van wat decentralisatie precies kan bereiken. Decentralisatie van overheden in Afrikaanse landen en elders in de derde wereld krijgt de laatste tijd een impuls, vaak gedreven door Multilaterale en bilaterale instanties (de 'donoren'). Maar worden de voordelen hiervan wel gerealiseerd? In dit boek worden vraagtekens gezet bij de kwestie of decentralisatie wel een gunstige uitweg biedt voor de armoede en het conflict in Afrika."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Crawford ,Gordon; Hartmann ,Christof"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Economics", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Economie", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340046"], ["title", "Decentralisation in Africa : A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?"], ["doab_id", "12765"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569344"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569344"]], [["description", "One of the most challenging questions in neurobiology to tackle is how the serotonergic system steers neurodevelopment. With the increase in serotonergic anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs, serotonin was thought to signal adversity or to serve as an emotional signal. However, a vast amount of literature is accumulating showing that serotonin rather mediates neuroplasticity and plays a key role in early developmental processes. For instance, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serving as antidepressants, increase neurogenesis and trigger autism-related brain and behavioural changes during embryonic and perinatal exposure. Moreover, serotonin transporter gene variation is associated with alterations in corticolimbic neuroplasticity, autism-related neuroanatomical changes, as well alterations in social behaviour. Hence, the view is emerging that early life changes in serotonin levels influence the developmental course of socio-emotional brain circuits that are relevant for autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. It is particularly exciting that the effects of embryonic and perinatal SSRI exposure and serotonin transporter gene variation on neurodevelopment seem to overlap to a large extent, at the cellular as well as the behavioural level. Yet, the precise mechanisms by which serotonin mediates neurodevelopment in the normal and \u00b4autistic\u00b4 brain is unclear. Whereas serotonin has a placental origin during early gestation, serotonergic neurons develop during midgestation under the control of a cascade of transcription factors determining the fate of mid-hindbrain neurons that together for the Raphe nuclei. These neurons are among the earliest neurons to be generated, and because serotonin is released before any conventional synapses are formed, serotonin is suspected to influence crucial neurodevelopmental processes such as proliferation,migration and network formation. During late gestation they target their final destinations in, for instance, the cortex, where they affect the secretion of reelin. Reelin is a secreted extracellular matrix glycoprotein that helps to regulate processes of neuronal migration and positioning in the developing cortex by controlling cell\u2013cell interactions. During the late prenatal and early postnatal phase (in rodents) serotonin further shapes the outgrowth of projecting neurons, synaptic connectivity, and the morphology of white fiber tracts. This is under the influence of transient serotonin transporter expression in (thalamo)cortical projections, sensory and prefrontal cortices and the hippocampus, as well as the local expression patterns of 5-HT1A, 5-HT1B and 5-HT3A receptors that each exert their specific roles in neuronal migration, remodeling of axons, and controlling dendritic complexity. There is also evidence that serotonin influences neural activity in locus ceroeleus neurons. Hence, serotonin appears to influence the development of both short- and long-distance connections in the brain. This Research Topic is devoted to studies pinpointing the neurodevelopmental effects of serotonin in relation to prenatal SSRI exposure, serotonin transporter gene variation, and autism/neurodevelopmental disorders, using a wide-variety of cellular and molecular neurobiological techniques like, (epi)genetics, knockout, knockdown, neuroanatomy, physiology, MRI and behaviour in rodents and humans. We especially encouraged attempts to cross-link the neurodevelopmental processes across the fields of prenatal SSRI exposure, serotonin transporter gene variation, and autism/neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as new views on the positive or beneficial effects on serotonin-mediated neurodevelopmental changes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Judith R. Homberg; Sharon M. Kolk; Dirk Schubert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Serotonin", "neurodevelopment", "serotonin transporter", "placental serotonin", "sensory system", "Prefrontal Cortex", "Maternal Depression", "serotonin receptor", "Raphe Nuclei", "cortical integrity", "autism"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/921/deciphering-serotonins-role-in-neurodevelopment"], ["title", "Deciphering serotonin's role in neurodevelopment"], ["doab_id", "17784"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192762"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192762"]], [["description", "Most decisions in life are based on incomplete information and have uncertain consequences. To successfully cope with real-life situations, the nervous system has to estimate, represent and eventually resolve uncertainty at various levels. A common tradeoff in such decisions involves those between the magnitude of the expected rewards and the uncertainty of obtaining the rewards. For instance, a decision maker may choose to forgo the high expected rewards of investing in the stock market and settle instead for the lower expected reward and much less uncertainty of a savings account. Little is known about how different forms of uncertainty, such as risk or ambiguity, are processed and learned about and how they are integrated with expected rewards and individual preferences throughout the decision making process. With this Research Topic we aim to provide a deeper and more detailed understanding of the processes behind decision making under uncertainty."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kerstin Preuschoff; Peter N. C. Mohr; Ming Hsu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Decision Making", "decision neuroscience", "neuroeconomics", "uncertainty", "risk", "Contextual influences", "situational influences", "individual differences"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/295/decision-making-under-uncertainty"], ["title", "Decision making under uncertainty"], ["doab_id", "18717"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194667"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194667"]], [["description", "This introduction just aims to be a fast foreword to the special topic now turned into an e-book. The Editorial \"Decision-Making Experiments under a Philosophical Analysis: Human Choice as a Challenge for Neuroscience\" alongside with my opinion article \"Neurophilosophical considerations on decision making: Pushing-up the frontiers without disregarding their foundations\" play the real role of considering in more details the articles and the whole purpose of this e-book. What I must highlight in this foreword is that our intention with such a project was to deepen into the very foundations of our current paradigms in decision neuroscience and to philosophically moot its foundations and repercussions. Normal Science (a term coined by Philosopher Thomas Kuhn) works under a research consensus among a scientific community: A shared paradigm, consolidated methods, widespread convictions. Pragmatically, winning formulas must be kept, although, not at any cost. What differentiates a gifted and revolutionary scientist from a more bureaucratic colleague is the capacity and willingness of constantly reevaluating, depurating and refining his/her own paradigm. That is best strategy to avoid that a paradigm itself would gradually come under challenge. In my view, some achievements, in this sense, were brought about in our project. The e-book will be inspiring and informative for both neuroscientists that are concerned with the very foundations of their works and for philosophers that are not blind to empirical evidence. Kant once said: \u201cThoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind\u201d. Paraphrasing Kant we could say: Philosophy without science is empty, science without philosophy is blind."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gabriel Jose Correa Mograbi; Carlos Eduardo Batista de Sousa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Decision Making", "decision neuroscience", "neurophilosophy", "preference and moral judgment", "risk and uncertainty", "Neuroethics", "adaptive decision", "compatibilism", "Intertemporal choice", "free will and culture"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/290/decision-making-experiments-under-a-philosophical-analysis-human-choice-as-a-challenge-for-neuroscie"], ["title", "Decision-Making Experiments under Philosophical Analysis: Human Choice as a Challenge for Neuroscience"], ["doab_id", "19568"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196685"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196685"]], [["description", "From its inception, big business in the western industrialised world has been organised in national business communities. Central elements of these business communities are corporate board interlocks that constitute the notorious 'Old Boys Network'. This corporate elite connects the centres of corporate governance. In recent times, these networks of the corporate elite show signs of decline. Heemskerk investigates how the decline of the old boys network in the Netherlands has affected Dutch capitalism. Combining formal network analysis with insights from interviews with key corporate elite members, he shows how during the last quarter of the 20th century the Dutch business community has disappeared. This is interpreted as a drift towards a liberal market economy. However, as the study shows, even in a liberal market economy corporate directors need social networks to communicate and coordinate their strategic decisions. Hence, the corporate elite shift its meeting network to private and informal circles. To order this book, mail to \"mailto:orders@aup.nl\">orders@aup.nl

Sinds jaar en dag verbindt het 'Old Boys Netwerk' de top van het bedrijfsleven in een hecht netwerk. Maar sinds enige tijd vertoont dit elitenetwerk tekenen van verval. Heemskerk brengt dit uiteenvallen scherp in kaart, en hij is daarbij een van de eerste onderzoekers die grondig reflecteert op de onderliggende oorzaken hiervan. Het boek geeft inzicht in de bestuursnetwerken van de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Het brengt de verschuivingen in het netwerk in kaart en laat zien hoe sociale relaties binnen de 'corporate elite' ook in de 21ste eeuw van groot belang blijven. De studie heeft een zeer rijke empirische basis. De eerdere analyse van het netwerk van 250 bedrijven in 1976 is aangevuld met nieuwe gegevens over 1996 en 2001, waardoor er een unieke vergelijking over tijd mogelijk is geworden. Elitenetwerken staan momenteel erg in de belangstelling. Deze publicatie sluit qua thematiek goed aan op het recent verschenen boekje van de Volkskrant over de serie 'De top 200 van Nederland'. Behalve voor onderzoekers is dit boek uitermate geschikt voor (top)managers en commissarissen van grote bedrijven, (management) consultants, bedrijfsadviseurs en studenten aan de internationale business schools."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heemskerk ,Eelke M."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340121"], ["title", "Decline of the Corporate Community : Network Dynamics of the Dutch Business Elite"], ["doab_id", "12826"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789053569733"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569733"]], [["description", "Much has been written on the post-war decolonisation in the Caribbean, but rarely from a truly comparative perspective, and seldom with serious attention to the former Dutch colonies of Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. This study bridges both gaps. In their analysis of Dutch decolonisation policies since the 1940s, the authors discuss not only political processes, but also development aid, the Dutch Caribbean exodus to the metropolis and cultural antagonisms. A balance is drawn both of the costs and benefits of independence in the Caribbean and of the outlines and results of the policies pursued in the non-sovereign Caribbean by France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Waarom verliep de dekolonisatie van 'West-Indi\u00eb', anders dan die van Indonesi\u00eb, vreedzaam en zelfs rustig? Waarom werd Suriname uiteindelijk w\u00e9l onafhankelijk, terwijl de Nederlandse Antillen en het hiervan afgesplitste eiland Aruba beiden een plaats als autonoom land binnen het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden wisten te behouden? Hoe is te verklaren dat ruim een derde van de Surinamers en Antillianen in Nederland woont, ondanks relatief. zeer ruime Haagse ontwikkelingshulp? Hoe verhoudt het Nederlandse beleid ten aanzien van de laatst overgebleven Cara\u00efbische delen van het Koninkrijk zich met dat van Frankrijk, Groot-Brittanni\u00eb en de Verenigde Staten, landen die elk met een ander model van dekolonisatie in de Cara\u00efben experimenteren? Welke lessen kunnen worden getrokken uit een systematische vergelijking van de vier modellen op dimensies als ontwikkelingshulp, zorg voor deugdelijkheid van bestuur, migratiebeleid en culturele identiteit? Deze vragen staan centraal in Decolonising the Caribbean. De analyse van het Nederlandse beleid is een samenvatting en een update van de veelgeprezen driedelige studie Knellende Koninkrijksbanden die in 2001 verscheen. De nieuwe vergelijkende delen bestrijken een derde deel van het boek en bieden een unieke verkennende exercitie, die ook elders niet eerder zo systematisch werd verricht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostindie ,Gert; Klinkers ,Inge"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Political science", "Geschiedenis", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=408881"], ["title", "Decolonising the Caribbean : Dutch Policies in a Comparative Perspective"], ["doab_id", "14629"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789053566541"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566541"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["decolonized trauma theory, representing minority group suffering, representing non-Western cultural traumas, cross-cultural ethical engagement"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/196"], ["title", "Decolonizing Trauma Studies: Trauma and Postcolonialism"], ["doab_id", "19105"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421955", "9783038421962"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421955/9783038421962"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["spatial humanities, spatial anthropology, deep mapping, cinematic geography/cartography, literary geography/cartography, historical GIS, digital cultural mapping, psychogeography, spatial turn"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/201"], ["title", "Deep Mapping"], ["doab_id", "19109"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421658", "9783038421665"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421658/9783038421665"]], [["description", "Deep subsurface microbiology is a highly active and rapidly advancing research field at the interface of microbiology and the geosciences; it focuses on the detection, identification, quantification, cultivation and activity measurements of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes that permeate the subsurface biosphere of deep marine sediments and the basaltic ocean and continental crust. The deep subsurface biosphere abounds with uncultured, only recently discovered and \u2013 at best - incompletely understood microbial populations. In spatial extent and volume, Earth\u2019s subsurface biosphere is only rivaled by the deep sea water column. So far, no deep subsurface sediment has been found that is entirely devoid of microbial life; microbial cells and DNA remain detectable at sediment depths of more than 1 km; microbial life permeates deeply buried hydrocarbon reservoirs, and is also found several kilometers down in continental crust aquifers. Severe energy limitation, either as electron acceptor or donor shortage, and scarcity of microbially degradable organic carbon sources are among the evolutionary pressures that have shaped the genomic and physiological repertoire of the deep subsurface biosphere. Its biogeochemical role as long-term organic carbon repository, inorganic electron and energy source, and subduction recycling engine continues to be explored by current research at the interface of microbiology, geochemistry and biosphere/geosphere evolution. This Research Topic addresses some of the central research questions about deep subsurface microbiology and biogeochemistry: phylogenetic and physiological microbial diversity in the deep subsurface; microbial activity and survival strategies in severely energy-limited subsurface habitats; microbial activity as reflected in process rates and gene expression patterns; biogeographic isolation and connectivity in deep subsurface microbial communities; the ecological standing of subsurface biospheres in comparison to the surface biosphere \u2013 an independently flourishing biosphere, or mere survivors that tolerate burial (along with organic carbon compounds), or a combination of both? Advancing these questions on Earth\u2019s deep subsurface biosphere redefines the habitat range, environmental tolerance, activity and diversity of microbial life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andreas Teske; Jennifer F Biddle; Virginia P Edgcomb; Axel Schippers"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["deep subsurface", "marine sediment", "deep biosphere", "ocean crust", "subseafloor sediment", "Methane", "Peru margin", "Hydrogen", "acetogenesis", "sulfate reduction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/271/deep-subsurface-microbiology"], ["title", "Deep Subsurface Microbiology"], ["doab_id", "18145"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195367"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195367"]], [["description", "The book by Abjar Bakhou presents Medieval Christian author Gerasimus and his discussion with Islam. His aim was to show that Christian teachings are not irrational, but rather subtle and complex. As a Christian philosopher and theologian, Gerasimus used the experiences of those of the past to facilitate his own response to critics. However, two important differences separated him from earlier apologists, which demand his own insight and innovation. First, the new language of intellectual discourse was Arabic, which was not accommodating for expressing traditional Christian doctrine, and required the development of a vocabulary out of terms already heavily influenced by the Qur'anic worldview. Second, the new religion challenging Christianity was one of absolute monotheism, which shared neither a common scriptural nor cultural heritage, and rejected the very possibility of a Trinity and Incarnation. Although a common theme in early Christian apologetics was the refutation of Judaism, the debate generally centered on the interpretation of the Old Testament, showing that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. The Qur'an, while acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah, explicitly rejects the Christian doctrines of the Incarnation and the Trinity, and presents itself as the revelation, which supersedes all previous revelation. Thus, although Christians and Muslims share certain themes and figures (such as Creation and the Last Judgement, Abraham, Moses, Mary and Jesus), Muslims refuse evidence contrary to the Qur'an, leaving Christians without recourse to traditional scripture-based arguments. Gerasimus, as a Christian apologist and mutakallim, accepted these challenges and began the process of explaining and translating his faith in the new milieu to make it coherent and rational. In his treatise, Gerasimus reveals himself to be a full participant in this important period of intellectual history; he sets down the basic points of controversy and outlines a response to them in a form that would be an excellent introduction to Christian theology written for the Muslim environment.Gerasimus was also a mutakallim in his own right, the Christian counterpart to those Islamic scholars who sought to defend their faith through rational arguments. In an effort to argue the legitimacy of Christianity, Gerasimus attempts to create a common language that influences the meaning of terminology and concepts of intellectual development in Muslim - Christian debates. Such language would set the stage for centuries to come. This is certainly his greatest contribution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bahkou, Abjar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Medieval Arab Christians and Muslim Debates"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/434164"], ["title", "Defending Christian Faith. The Fifth Part of the Christian Apology of Gerasimus"], ["doab_id", "16876"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110375817"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110375817"]], [["description", "The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering criminal and judicial data on the European level. Based upon work done in creating the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (ESB), the project results will improve and complement the standards developed so far for definitions and statistical registration in four fields (police, prosecution, courts, prison), in order to contribute to the picture of criminal justice in Europe. Possibilities to optimize the offence definitions used so far in the ESB context were explored. Also, further crime types, especially those subject to EU-harmonized definition, were tested and introduced. Apart from this, the prosecution chapter of the ESB questionnaire was changed and expanded. Data collection possibilities regarding compulsory measures in the investigatory stage were tested, and a more sophisticated approach for recording sanctions and measures as well as prison data was developed. The study explored how far national statistics can provide such data and developed a concept for collation on European level. It was funded by the European Commission under the AGIS 2006 program.

The study presented in this book is a direct response to the needs for defining and registering criminal and judicial data on the European level. Based upon work done in creating the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics (ESB), the project results will improve and complement the standards developed so far for definitions and statistical registration in four fields (police, prosecution, courts, prison), in order to contribute to the picture of criminal justice in Europe. Possibilities to optimize the offence definitions used so far in the ESB context were explored. Also, further crime types, especially those subject to EU-harmonized definition, were tested and introduced. Apart from this, the prosecution chapter of the ESB questionnaire was changed and expanded. Data collection possibilities regarding compulsory measures in the investigatory stage were tested, and a more sophisticated approach for recording sanctions and measures as well as prison data was developed. The study explored how far national statistics can provide such data and developed a concept for collation on European level. It was funded by the European Commission under the AGIS 2006 program."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jehle, J\u00f6rg-Martin; Harrendorf, Stefan; Aebi, Marcelo F."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["international criminal law", "international criminal law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610236"], ["title", "Defining and registering criminal offences and measures - standards for a European comparison"], ["doab_id", "13236"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783941875531"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875531"]], [["description", "Repetition has a major role in human culture.In lullabies and prayers, in protests and warcries: from the cradle to the grave, repetitionis the companion to life\u2019s essentials. In aconstantly revolving world there is no purerepetition. Events never repeat themselvesprecisely. This is equally true of repetitionin Literature and Art, where the use ofrepetition is varied and frequent. How doesrepetition work? And how can it be of use?D\u00e9j\u00e0 Vu unravels these questions in fifteenchapters ranging from film remakes andBaudelaire to the offer of Abraham and DavidLodge, Small World. D\u00e9j\u00e0 Vu shows thatrepetition has been used worldwide throughall times and cultures in visual arts, poetry,music, literature and motion pictures.

Herhaling speelt een centrale rol in menselijke cultuuruitingen. Slaap - liedjes en smeekbeden, protesten en strijdkreten: van de wieg tot het graf begeleidt de herhaling de essenti\u00eble gebeurtenissen in het leven. Maar in een wereld die zelf voortdurend in beweging is, kan van zuivere herhaling geen sprake zijn. Je kunt onmogelijk tweemaal in dezelfde rivier stappen. Dat geldt ook in literatuur en kunst, waar herhaling veelvuldig wordt ingezet als artistiek middel. Daarbij is juist het verschil van essentieel belang. Maar wat is precies de aard van dat verschil? Wat \u2018doet\u2019 herhaling als kunstgreep met het werk? En hoe kan herhaling worden ingezet om gevestigde belangen en opvattingen te consolideren of juist te onder mijnen? D\u00e9j\u00e0 Vu behandelt deze vragen vanuit een interdisciplinair en mondiaal perspectief en laat daarbij zien hoe het middel van de herhaling door alle tijden en alle culturen wordt toegepast in beeldende kunst, muziek, literatuur en film."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Houppermans ,Sjef; Jacobs ,Jef; Kruk ,Remke"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Repetition"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606231"], ["title", "D\u00e9j\u00e0 Vu : Herhaling in culturen wereldwijd"], ["doab_id", "14616"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789087281465"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087281465"]], [["description", "Quem s\u00e3o e o que pensam os delegados de pol\u00edcia? Para responder a essas perguntas, o Idesp realizou, com o apoio da Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Ford e da Fapesp, a mais ampla e in\u00e9dita pesquisa sobre o perfil dos delegados de pol\u00edcia no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza (org.)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s7v75"], ["title", "Delegados de pol\u00edcia "], ["doab_id", "16646"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820144"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820144"]], [["description", "The Prototype Laboratory initiated and maintained by the Chair of Product Development at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft, has set an example in architectural education for hands-on \u2018learning-by-making\u2019 for students. According to the authors of this book, in the current curriculums time spent on practical work is not rewarded and students are educated in an abstract concept of architecture, not getting a proper feeling for materialization. A semester of designing, engineering, producing and building a prototype with their own hands after their own design often gives students a boost in their education. The Delft Prototype laboratory was the base of around 1,000 students, now professionals. Some architect\u2019s offices make prototypes regularly as their designs are quite experimental and require more insight for the designing architect, before the realization of his building. Prototypes of technical components are often developed parallel to the building process.The Prototype Laboratory at the Faculty of Architecture was supervised for almost 18 years by Peter van Swieten. He describes his experiences in this book, in collaboration with the initiator, professor Mick Eekhout. Marcel Bilow took over the Bucky Lab, as it is called, from 2012 onwards."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout; P. van Swieten"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Prototype Laboratory ", " TU Delft ", " product development ", " Bucky Lab ", " design and build"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-546-3"], ["title", "The Delft Prototype Laboratory"], ["doab_id", "19261"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995456", "9781614995463"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995456 (print) | 9781614995463 (online)"]], [["description", "Sand, clay and rock have to be excavated for a variety of purposes, such as dredging, trenching, mining (including deep sea mining), drilling, tunnel boring and many other applications. Many excavations take place on dry land, but they are also frequently required in completely saturated conditions, and the methods necessary to accomplish them consequently vary widely.This book provides an overview of cutting theories. It begins with a generic model, valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and rock), and continues with the specifics of dry sand, water-saturated sand, clay, atmospheric rock and hyperbaric rock. Small blade angles and large blade angles are discussed for each soil type, and for each case considered the equations/model for cutting forces, power and specific energy are given.With models verified by laboratory research, principally from the Delft University of Technology, and data from other recognized sources, this book will prove an invaluable reference for anybody whose work involves major excavations of any kind."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "S.A. Miedema"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sand", " clay", " rock", " excavations"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/978-1-61499-454-1"], ["title", "The Delft Sand, Clay and Rock Cutting Model"], ["doab_id", "16495"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614994534"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614994534"]], [["description", "Tommaso Rossi (1673-1743), Abbot of Montefusco in the Kingdom of Naples, devoted his life to metaphysical and theological studies and had epistolary relations with Giambattista Vico. In his philosophical works \"Dell\u2019animo dell\u2019uomo\" and \"Della mente sovrana del mondo\", he faced the problem of human nature and of the nature of God\u2019s mind, crossing some key-questions in the philosophy of modern age, such as the mind-body relation, the possibility for the human knowledge to know the natural and divine things, and the definition of the matter. Tommaso Rossi\u2019s thought, hostile to all forms of atheism and materialism, took part in the philosophical debate which, from Locke to Descartes and Spinoza, tried to define the new field and the new role of natural science. \"Della mente sovrana del mondo\" (1743), whose third part is dedicated to the exam of Spinoza\u2019s philosophical system, is an important document, not only of the reception of Spinoza, but also of the philosophical redefinition for a cosmological and gnoseological order where the human wit plays a very important role."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rossi, Tommaso; Evangelista, Roberto (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Tommaso Rossi", " Baruch Spinoza", " Matter", " Southern Italian culture", " Mind-body relation"]], ["publisher", "Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno - National Research Council"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.ispf-lab.cnr.it/quaderni/2014_q01"], ["title", "Della mente sovrana del mondo"], ["doab_id", "16331"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788890871207"]], ["provider", "www.ispf-lab.cnr.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788890871207"]], [["description", "With the rise of the \u2018knowledge for development\u2019 paradigm, expert advice has become a prime instrument of foreign aid. At the same time, it has been object of repeated criticism: the chronic failure of \u2018technical assistance\u2019 \u2013 a notion under which advice is commonly subsumed \u2013 has been documented in a host of studies. Nonetheless, international organisations continue to send advisors, promising to increase the \u2018effectiveness\u2019 of expert support if their technocratic recommendations are taken up.\u00a0This book reveals fundamental problems of expert advice in the context of aid that concern issues of power and legitimacy rather than merely flaws of implementation. Based on empirical evidence from South Africa and Tanzania, the authors show that aid-related advisory processes are inevitably obstructed by colliding interests, political pressures and hierarchical relations that impede knowledge transfer and mutual learning. As a result, recipient governments find themselves caught in a perpetual cycle of dependency, continuously advised by experts who convey the shifting paradigms and agendas of their respective donor governments.\u00a0For young democracies, the persistent presence of external actors is hazardous: ultimately, it poses a threat to the legitimacy of their governments if their policy-making becomes more responsive to foreign demands than to the preferences and needs of their citizens."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Susanne Koch; Peter Weingart"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["policy, Africa, knowledge, Tanzania, South Africa"]], ["publisher", "African Minds"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/AMT-Delusion-of-Knowledge-Transfer-WEB.pdf"], ["title", "The Delusion of Knowledge Transfer: The Impact of Foreign Aid Experts on Policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania "], ["doab_id", "19911"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781928331391"]], ["provider", "www.africanminds.co.za"], ["isbns_raw", "9781928331391"]], [["description", "A democracia impressa: transi\u00e7\u00e3o do campo jornal\u00edstico e do pol\u00edtico e a cassa\u00e7\u00e3o do PCB nas p\u00e1ginas da grande imprensa brasileira (1945-1948) analisa historicamente os posicionamentos da imprensa brasileira acerca da cassa\u00e7\u00e3o do PCB e de seus mandatos durante a vig\u00eancia do regime democr\u00e1tico inaugurado com a Constitui\u00e7\u00e3o de 1946. Ancorado numa ampla investiga\u00e7\u00e3o de jornais paulistas e cariocas - O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha da Manh\u00e3 e Di\u00e1rio de S. Paulo, Correio da Manh\u00e3, O Globo e Jornal do Brasil - o livro desvenda as rela\u00e7\u00f5es e o papel da imprensa como agente pol\u00edtico na passagem do regime estadonovista \u00e0 nova ordem democr\u00e1tica, \u00e9poca igualmente de transi\u00e7\u00e3o de um jornalismo ligado a grupos pol\u00edticos espec\u00edficos para um modelo jornal\u00edstico empresarial. Concebendo os jornais n\u00e3o apenas como fonte de pesquisa, mas tamb\u00e9m como objeto de estudo, uma vez que, s\u00e3o produtores de acontecimentos pol\u00edticos, a obra caracteriza as concep\u00e7\u00f5es democr\u00e1ticas dos peri\u00f3dicos analisados, bem como as liga\u00e7\u00f5es entre as folhas e os demais agentes pol\u00edticos, al\u00e9m de entender as rela\u00e7\u00f5es existentes dentro da pr\u00f3pria empresa jornal\u00edstica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Heber Ricardo da"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9yvv2"], ["title", "A democracia impressa: transi\u00e7\u00e3o do campo jornal\u00edstico e do pol\u00edtico e a cassa\u00e7\u00e3o do PCB nas p\u00e1ginas da grande imprensa, 1945-1948"], ["doab_id", "16712"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830129"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830129"]], [["description", "Este es un libro refrescante: no tiene nada trillado, rechaza con fundamento diversos convencionalismos y modas acad\u00e9micas, y no vacila en tomar clara posici\u00f3n en temas espinosos. Con este libro Bernardo Sorj muestra una vez m\u00e1s lo que ya sab\u00edamos los que hemos seguido su trayectoria: no es s\u00f3lo un excelente soci\u00f3logo profesional, es tambi\u00e9n y sobre todo un verdadero intelectual, un pensador cr\u00edtico de las grandes cuestiones de nuestro mundo \u2014 especialmente el Latinoamericano."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/td3ky"], ["title", "La democracia inesperada"], ["doab_id", "17206"], ["language_unmapped", "es"], ["isbns", ["9788599662564"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662564"]], [["description", "Noam Chomsky visited India in 1996 and 2001 and spoke on a wide range of subjects, from democracy and corporate propaganda to the nature of the world order and the role of intellectuals in society. He captivated audiences with his lucid challenge of dominant political analyses, the engaging style of his talks, and his commitment to social equality as well as individual freedom.Chomsky\u2019s early insights into the workings of power in the modern world remain timely and compelling. Published for the first time, this series of lectures also provides the reader with an invaluable introduction to the essential ideas of one of the leading thinkers of our time."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chomsky, Noam (Author); Dr\u00e8ze, Jean (Introduction)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Noam Chomsky", "India", "lectures", "democracy", "society", "propaganda", "nationality"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/300"], ["title", "Democracy and Power: The Delhi Lectures"], ["doab_id", "16610"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740932", "9781783740949"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740932 9781783740949"]], [["description", "In The Democracy of Objects Bryant proposes that we break with the epistemological tradition and once again initiate the project of ontology as first philosophy. Bryant develops a realist ontology, called -onticology-, which argues that being is composed entirely of objects, properties, and relations. Bryant proposes that objects are dynamic systems that relate to the world under conditions of operational closure."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bryant ,Levi R. "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Ontology"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444377"], ["title", "The Democracy of Objects"], ["doab_id", "15194"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852049"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852049"]], [["description", "Public administration; Political science

Democratie door interventie gaat over \u00e9\u00e9n van de meest actuele en controversi\u00eble aspecten van de hedendaagse internationale politiek: bemoeienis met de binnenlandse aangelegenheden van staten om democratische ontwikkeling in gang te zetten, te versterken of te verdedigen. Internationale democratiebevordering is omstreden. Hebben wij het recht en de mogelijkheid om ons in naam van ons idee van democratie te bemoeien met de politieke aangelegenheden van andere staten? De voortdurende problemen in landen als Liberia, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan en Irak geven aan dat internationaal ingrijpen, zelfs internationale militaire aanwezigheid, geen enkele garantie biedt op stabiliteit, laat staan op democratische ontwikkeling. In Democratie door interventie komen de argumenten voor en tegen internationale democratiebevordering (met of zonder inzet van militairen) aan de orde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gerrits ,Andr\u00e9"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340126"], ["title", "Democratie door interventie : De nieuwe White Man's Burden?"], ["doab_id", "12831"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569580"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569580"]], [["description", "Democratization is a major political phenomenon of the current age. Democratization through the looking glass argues that our perspectives on democratization reflect the intellectual origins of the inquiry. How we see and understand it are influenced by what we 'bring to the table'. By considering democratization across a range of disciplines from anthropology and economics, to sociology, law and area studies, this volume offers a rich combination of analytical frameworks, distinctive insights and leading points of concern. On one level the book provides anyone interested in democratization with a wide-ranging distillation of the main themes, issues, and topics, concisely written by leading experts in their field. On a second level the book advances the case for a broadly-based comparative study which includes Europe and North America alongside developing regions, while maintaining the belief that a multi-disciplinary approach enhances our understanding of democratization far more than that of a narrow political science view. The book is aimed at students of politics willing to explore the boundaries of their subject and all social scientists who need an introduction to this important contemporary phenomenon."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burnell ,Peter"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["democratization", "sociology", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341326"], ["title", "Democratization through the looking glass"], ["doab_id", "12651"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062438"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062438"]], [["description", "During the 13th Legislature of the Italian Republic the phenomenon of parliamentary mobility, that is of the passage of MPs and Senators from one political group to another, assumed significant dimensions in terms both of the number of representatives involved, and in terms of quality, in view of the creation of governments through the decisive contribution of deserter MPs, sometimes joined together in specially created groups. The aim of the work is to review the principles of political representation, retracing their genesis and their translation in the constitutional and legislative arena and in parliamentary regulations, testing the viability of the traditional reconstructions of the national representation of the parliamentarian.

Il fenomeno della mobilit\u00e0 parlamentare, cio\u00e8 del passaggio di deputati e senatori da un gruppo politico ad un altro, ha assunto nella trascorsa XIII legislatura dimensioni estremamente rilevanti sul piano sia quantitativo, per il numero di parlamentari coinvolti, sia qualitativo, per la nascita di governi grazie al decisivo appoggio di parlamentari transfughi, talora riuniti in gruppi creati ad hoc. L'opera si propone di ritornare sui principi della rappresentanza politica, sulla loro genesi e sulla loro traduzione in sede costituzionale, legislativa e nei regolamenti parlamentari saggiando la proponibilit\u00e0 delle tradizionali ricostruzioni sulla rappresentanza nazionale del parlamentare."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Curreri, Salvatore"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Right", "Democracy", "Political parties", "Italy", "Diritto", "Democrazia", "Partiti politici", "Italia"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356382"], ["title", "Democrazia e rappresentanza politica"], ["doab_id", "13176"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532282", "9788884532299"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532280 8884532299"]], [["description", "Esta obra de car\u00e1ter interdisciplinar re\u00fane estudos atuais sobre a demografia ind\u00edgena no Brasil. O fato de ser interdisciplinar \u00e9 enriquecedor, uma vez que admite a necessidade de di\u00e1logo e correla\u00e7\u00e3o entre os diferentes campos do saber, como a demografia, a antropologia e a epidemiologia, que tratam de um assunto para dizer no m\u00ednimo desconhecido da maioria da popula\u00e7\u00e3o leiga: onde est\u00e3o e quem s\u00e3o os \u00edndios do Brasil? \u00c9 a partir dessa tentativa de di\u00e1logo que os autores procuraram reunir nesta obra artigos que versam sobre diferentes temas como fecundidade, comportamento reprodutivo e mortalidade de popula\u00e7\u00f5es ind\u00edgenas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pagliaro, Helo\u00edsa (org.); Azevedo, Marta Maria (org.); Santos, Ricardo Ventura (org.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["\u00cdndios sul-americanos, Demografia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qdgqt"], ["title", "Demografia dos povos ind\u00edgenas no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16400"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412541"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412541"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lamur ,H."], ["date", "1973"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613362"], ["title", "The Demographic Evolution of Surinam 1920-1970"], ["doab_id", "18518"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024715565", "9789004286955"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024715565 9789004286955"]], [["description", "Demography, climate, world alimentation

Pr\u00e9face d'Alain Vicaud (Directeur de l\u2019environnement et de la prospective EDF \u2013 Production nucl\u00e9aire)Permettre \u00e0 la nouvelle g\u00e9n\u00e9ration d\u2019exploitant des centrales nucl\u00e9aires d\u2019EDF d\u2019acqu\u00e9rir une base robuste sur l\u2019environnement et les centrales nucl\u00e9aires ... ... offrir \u00e0 tous, amateurs de vrais livres, ou internautes convaincus, une information p\u00e9dagogique sur les besoins en eau d\u2019une centrale nucl\u00e9aire, ses rejets d\u2019effluents dans l\u2019environnement, la surveillance de leurs \u00e9ventuels impacts, sans oublier le corpus r\u00e9glementaire applicable, le r\u00f4le des autorit\u00e9s de contr\u00f4le, ... ... c\u2019est ce double d\u00e9fi qu\u2019a relev\u00e9 une \u00e9quipe de chercheurs, ing\u00e9nieurs, juristes, exploitants, tout juste sortis d\u2019une vie professionnelle consacr\u00e9e enti\u00e8rement au domaine et forts d\u2019une expertise reconnue, patiemment accumul\u00e9e au fil des ans dans tous les m\u00e9tiers de l\u2019Entreprise ; ils ont mis toutes leurs connaissances et exp\u00e9riences au service de ce guide. Le r\u00e9sultat est \u00e0 la hauteur de leur talent.Apr\u00e8s une synth\u00e8se de tout ce qu\u2019il faut savoir en 10 pages, le guide d\u00e9crit les interactions de ces grands ouvrages industriels avec leur environnement :\u2013 dans un sens, les services \u00e9cologiques apport\u00e9s aux centrales nucl\u00e9aires pour leur permettre de produire l\u2019\u00e9lectricit\u00e9 la moins carbon\u00e9e et l\u2019une des plus comp\u00e9titives d\u2019Europe au service du bien-\u00eatre des hommes et,\u2013 dans l\u2019autre sens, les nombreuses actions mises en oeuvre par EDF pour conna\u00eetre, \u00e9viter ou r\u00e9duire les effets des centrales sur les \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes.L\u2019organisation de ce guide permet au lecteur de s\u2019y promener au gr\u00e9 de ses besoins ou de sa curiosit\u00e9. Il y d\u00e9couvre l\u2019importance qu\u2019accorde l\u2019exploitant \u00e0 informer le public faisant sienne la d\u00e9finition de la transparence d\u2019Andr\u00e9 Comte-Sponville : \u00ab Dire au public tout ce qu\u2019il n\u2019aimerait pas apprendre par d\u2019autre que nous \u00bb.Un tour de la r\u00e9glementation applicable aux centrales nucl\u00e9aires am\u00e8ne le lecteur au pied de la pyramide r\u00e9glementaire fran\u00e7aise des installations nucl\u00e9aires de base (INB) avec \u00e0 son sommet la fameuse loi TSN (Transparence et S\u00e9curit\u00e9 Nucl\u00e9aire) transpos\u00e9e aujourd\u2019hui dans le code de l\u2019environnement. Un d\u00e9tour par Oslo et Paris avec la convention OSPAR sur la protection du milieu marin ; un saut \u00e0 Berne et sa convention pour la protection du Rhin, puis, bien s\u00fbr, Kyoto et le protocole sur la r\u00e9duction des gaz \u00e0 effet de serre, pour terminer \u00e0 Bruxelles avec nombre de directives et r\u00e8glements.Enfin, le guide aborde le contr\u00f4le des rejets et la surveillance de l\u2019environnement au voisinage des centrales nucl\u00e9aires, ce qui permet de suivre les principaux param\u00e8tres indicateurs de la qualit\u00e9 des \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes terrestre et aquatique. R\u00e9f\u00e9rence est faite aux \u00e9tudes et aux techniques de mesures les plus sophistiqu\u00e9es pour d\u00e9celer le moindre effet.Je remercie les auteurs pour la qualit\u00e9 de ce guide qui \u00e9clairera les parcours de tous nos collaborateurs qui entrent dans ce m\u00e9tier passionnant et rigoureux d\u2019exploitant de centrales nucl\u00e9aires. Sans nul doute, ce guide permettra aussi \u00e0 un plus grand nombre de mieux conna\u00eetre comment EDF conjugue les enjeux soci\u00e9taux, environnementaux et \u00e9conomiques au service de sa mission de producteur d\u2019\u00e9lectricit\u00e9."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "L'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences (Sous la direction de Henri Leridon et Ghislain de Marsily)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Demography", "climate", "world alimentation"]], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=519671"], ["title", "D\u00e9mographie, climat et alimentation mondiale"], ["doab_id", "16195"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782759805815"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759805815"]], [["description", "This study focuses on the relationship between nobility and freemasonry from 1750 to 1850. It examines the specific role of an esoteric discourse surrounding the roots of the human race, centring on legendary constructions of noble genealogies in eighteenth century Europe. The aristocratic idea of blood as a type of \u00bbliquid memory of virtue\u00ab was also found in the freemason lodges frequented by the European nobility of the eighteenth century. Both groups therefore believed in educational systems that used rites, pictures and symbols to imprint the virtues in ones blood and heart respectively. The foundation of this belief \u2013 strongly combined with an interest in occult sciences and the existence of an afterlife \u2013 can be seen in the antique \u00bbart of memory\u00ab.The example of an aristocratic lodge in D\u00fcsseldorf shows how these \u203aresearch interests\u2039 overlapped within masonic and non-masonic networks of European noblemen and citizens. In the perspective of Rhenish noblemen in the mid of the eighteenth century freemasonry took the role of an educational system that improved the qualities of the noble blood to secure the leading position of nobility in the God-given \u00bbSt\u00e4ndegesellschaft\u00ab. The aristocratic lodge La Parfaite Amiti\u00e9 therefore was not only dominated by Rhenish noblemen but also by cousinship. As a consequence, it struggled to become a \u00bbprovincial lodge\u00ab, which had a stronger jurisdictional position in comparison with the civil-lodge of D\u00fcsseldorf.The second example is the masonic network of Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck (1773\u2013 1861), from the Napoleonic period. Born in the Ancient Regime to an aristocratic familiy of the lower Rhineland, Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck faced the extensive changes for the nobility of the Rhineland, caused by the French Revolution and the French occupation of the area. Together with his second wife, the Parisian Salonier Constance de Salm, he became a prominent person in the Napoleonic era. He not only acted as an influential scientist of systematic botany, as a politician and states-man but also as a high-ranking freemason in several rites, especially in the Rit \u00e9cossais philosophique.This masonic system can be seen as a \u203ascientific\u2039 one built upon the traditions of alchemistical and hermetical circles of the Ancient Regime. The Napoleonic period saw the occult sciences increasingly outdated and replaced by modern natural sciences. The methods considered as \u00bbexact\u00ab in the nineteenth century subsequently formed the perspective of civil dominated societies and its lodges on masonic rites and grades. In the masonic network of Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck, the Rit \u00e9cossais philosophique was crossed with his network as a natural scientist, resulting in masonry being seen not only as an educational system but also as an exact way to uncover the \u00bbhidden roots\u00ab of the human soul and to assess the respective qualities of it. These tendencies were strongly influenced by the natural sciences outside the masonic sphere, which in parallel tried to uncover the \u00bbhidden roots\u00ab of the nations with the pseudo-scientific concepts of \u00bbrace\u00ab.The civil lodges of the Napoleonic era and afterwards, with their strong emphasis on the nation, could no longer be seen as a retreat for noble man and their exclusive ideology ofnoble blood. The majority of the Rhenish nobility therefore turned away from the lodges in order to maintain a conservative view of itself in exclusively noble circles which still believed in the quality of the noble blood and its inherited race.

Welche Rolle spielte das \u00bbEsoterische\u00ab f\u00fcr die Selbstsicht der adlig-b\u00fcrgerlichen Eliten beim \u00dcbergang zur Moderne? Dieser Frage geht die Studie Martin Otto Brauns mit dem Titel \u00bbAn den Wurzeln der Tugend. Rheinischer Adel und Freimaurerei 1765\u20131815\u00ab nach. Auf der Grundlage der mythischen Geschichtskonstruktionen von Genealogien des rheinischen Adels sowie des Geheimbunds der Freimaurerei zeichnet der Autor die parallel zu den Entwicklungen der Naturwissenschaften verlaufende Transformation der Vorstellung vom tugendhaften \u00bbAdel des Blutes\u00ab hin zum b\u00fcrgerlichen \u00bbAdel des Intellekts\u00ab nach. Die Studie kann dabei zeigen, wie der esoterische Gehalt des fr\u00fchneuzeitlichen Bildes von Wachstum und Fortschritt des Familienstammbaums sich um 1800 mehr und mehr auf die Konzepte \u00bbNation\u00ab und \u00bbVolk\u00ab im Gesamten ausweitete. Das esoterische Denken hielt sich auf dieser Grundlage bis in die Moderne und sollte vorhandene rassische Vorstellungen adlig-b\u00fcrgerlicher Eliten der \u00bbSattelzeit\u00ab nachhaltig pr\u00e4gen.Martin Otto Braun promovierte im Fach Neuere und Mittelalterliche Geschichte an der Universit\u00e4t zu K\u00f6ln und war Doktorand in der Forschergruppe \u00bbAufbruch in die Moderne. Der Rheinische Adel in westeurop\u00e4ischer Perspektive 1750\u20131850\u00ab des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Gudrun Gersmann. Er ist Autor und Mitherausgeber der durch die Fritz Thyssen Stiftung gef\u00f6rderten \u00bbNetzbiografie: Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck (1773\u20131861)\u00ab.Er ver\u00f6ffentlicht Beitr\u00e4ge zu seiner Forschung in den Blogs \u00bbEsoHist. A blogged history of esotericism and secret societies\u00ab (Facebook: EsoHist), \u00bbRheinischer Adel\u00ab und \u00bbNapoleon auf der Spur\u00ab.Webseite: http://uni-koeln.academia.edu/MBraun"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Braun Otto ,Martin"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Freemasonry", "Nobility", "History 1760-1945", "Esoterism", "Racial ideology", "History", "Freimaurerei", "Adel", "Geschichte 1760\u20131945", "Esoterik", "Rassenideologie", "Geschichte"]], ["publisher", "Modern Academic Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608233"], ["title", "An den Wurzeln der Tugend: Rheinischer Adel und Freimaurerei 1765\u20131815"], ["doab_id", "19037"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783958960008", "9783958960015", "9783958960022", "9783958960039"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783958960008 9783958960015 9783958960022 9783958960039"]], [["description", "One fundamental requisite for a comprehensive view on brain function and cognition is the understanding of the neuronal network activity of the brain. Neurons are organized into complex networks, interconnected through synapses. The main sites for excitatory synapses in the brain are thin protrusions called dendritic spines that emerge from dendrites. Dendritic spines have a distinct morphology with a specific molecular organization. They are considered as subcellular compartments that constrain diffusion and influence signal processing by the neuron and, hence, spines are functional integrative units for which morphology and function are tightly coupled. The density of spines along the dendrite reflects the levels of connectivity within the neuronal network. Furthermore, the relevance of studying dendritic spines is emphasized by the observation that their morphology changes with synaptic plasticity and is altered in many psychiatric disorders. The present Research Topic deals with some of the most recent findings concerning dendritic spine structure and function, showing that, in order to understand how brain neuronal activity operates, these two factors should be regarded as being intrinsically linked."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicolas Heck; Ruth Benavides-Piccione"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dendrites", "pyramidal cell", "Cerebral Cortex", "Synapses", "Synaptic integration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1533/dendritic-spines-from-shape-to-function"], ["title", "Dendritic spines: From shape to function"], ["doab_id", "18885"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197668"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197668"]], [["description", "In a famous Parisian chess caf\u00e9, a down-and-out, HIM, accosts a former acquaintance, ME, who has made good, more or less. They talk about chess, about genius, about good and evil, about music, they gossip about the society in which they move, one of extreme inequality, of corruption, of envy, and about the circle of hangers-on in which the down-and-out abides. The down-and-out from time to time is possessed with movements almost like spasms, in which he imitates, he gestures, he rants. And towards half past five, when the warning bell of the Opera sounds, they part, going their separate ways.Probably completed in 1772-73, Denis Diderot\u2019s Rameau\u2019s Nephew fascinated Goethe, Hegel, Engels and Freud in turn, achieving a literary-philosophical status that no other work by Diderot shares. This interactive, multi-media and bilingual edition offers a brand new translation of Diderot\u2019s famous dialogue, and it also gives the reader much more. Portraits and biographies of the numerous individuals mentioned in the text, from minor actresses to senior government officials, enable the reader to see the people Diderot describes, and provide a window onto the complex social and political context that forms the backdrop to the dialogue. Links to musical pieces specially selected by Pascal Duc and performed by students of the Conservatoire national sup\u00e9rieur de musique et de danse de Paris, illuminate the wider musical context of the work, enlarging it far beyond its now widely understood relation to op\u00e9ra comique.This new edition includes: - Introduction - Original text - English translation - Embedded audio-files - Explanatory Notes - Interactive Material."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diderot, Denis (Author); Hobson, Marian (Editor); Tunstall, Kate (Translator); Warman, Caroline (Translator); Duc, Pascal (Music editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Denis Diderot", "satyre", "dialogue", "translation", "composers", "opera"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/498"], ["title", "Denis Diderot 'Rameau's Nephew' - 'Le Neveu de Rameau': A Multi-Media Bilingual Edition"], ["doab_id", "16311"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254909", "9781909254923"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254909/9781909254923"]], [["description", "This book examines the very current issue of wood waste treatment to a solid biofuel for energy recovery. The book is dedicated to research in the densification processes of wood waste and its mathematical description for uniaxial densification into compact biofuels \u2013 briquettes.This monograph, derived from an experimental research of densification process in laboratory conditions and also in real technologies in practice, provides a thorough understanding of the influencing parameters impact during densification of wood waste into solid biofuel. The book shows the experimental strategy to determine the effects of individual parameters and specifies their impact on the resulting density of the briquettes. The publication also defines the level of importance of the results in terms of optimization of the densification machine\u2019s pressing chamber.Using a designed mathematical model, which was a result of experimental research and which can serve to predict the density of briquettes for some predefined densification conditions and can aid in the design of densification machines, the author has made this topic accessible beyond his discipline, biofuels producers and the academic community."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Krizan, Peter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/458852"], ["title", "The Densification Process of Wood Waste"], ["doab_id", "17951"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110440010", "9783110440027"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110440010, 9783110440027"]], [["description", "Denunciations were an essential component of everyday life under Nazism and affected almost every aspect of life. During the war, denunciations became a mass phenomenon. In Austria the subject was noticed relatively late. The attention proceeds from a general definition of terms, to a specific interpretation on the basis of archive sources (Wehrmacht legal records) and then to individual case reconstructions on the basis of oral history interviews, that is to say, from a macro to a micro perspective.The closed holding relates to charges on the offence of Wehrkraftzersetzung (subversion of the armed forces), most of which were reported by former residents in the Ostmark at the central court, Vienna, in 1943-1945. Central to this are above all questions of social history and the history of mentality, such as the significance of social milieu (denunciation as \u201crelease\u201d from class or interest differences, as a group phenomenon, etc.), and of gender (gender-differentiated behaviour, denunciation as \u201crelease\u201d from conflicts concerning gender hierarchy), of generation, of political/ideological orientation, and of the significance of the social environment, the sphere of life and the locality. Of interest, however, are not just the historical conditions under the Nazi regime, but also the room for manoeuvre of men and women - in the military mil\u00edeu in the endphase of the war - and the communicative mechanisms that led to political denunciation.

Denunziationen waren wesentlicher Bestandteil des Alltags w\u00e4hrend des Nationalsozialismus und betrafen nahezu alle Aspekte des Lebens. Die exzessive Denunziationspraxis ist ein Charakteristikum des NS-Alltags. Im Unterschied zu anderen autorit\u00e4ren Regimen mussten Gestapo und Sicherheitsdienst kaum auf bezahlte Spitzel zur\u00fcckgreifen, die Mehrheit ihrer Erfolge basierte auf der freiwilligen Mitarbeit der Bev\u00f6lkerung. W\u00e4hrend des Krieges wurden Denunziationen zu einem Massenph\u00e4nomen. Das Ph\u00e4nomen der Denunziation fand in der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichtsforschung zum Nationalsozialismus erst relativ sp\u00e4t Beachtung. Erstens wird der Kontext der Nationalsozialistischen Milit\u00e4r- und Strafjustiz umrissen. Jede auch nur ann\u00e4hernd kritische, humoristische oder einfach realistische \u00c4u\u00dferung zur Erfahrungen in der Wehrmacht, an der Front, zur Kriegslage oder zu NS-Gr\u00f6\u00dfen wurde unter dem Titel \u201eWehrkraftzersetzung\u201c strengstens bestraft. Im Kriegsverlauf waren die Verfahrensregeln und die Gesetzesbestimmungen zunehmend au\u00dfer Kraft gesetzt, die Verfahren beschleunigt und verk\u00fcrzt worden: Die Angeklagten hatten kein Recht auf den Instanzenweg, sie hatten kein Recht auf einen Verteidiger (au\u00dfer bei drohendem Todesurteil) und kein Recht auf ein Verfahren f\u00fcr Gnadengesuche. Zweitens werden Ergebnisse aus der quantitativen und qualitativen Auswertung eines geschlossenen Bestandes von Prozessakten des Milit\u00e4rgerichts der Au\u00dfenstelle Wien vorgestellt. Mittels ausgew\u00e4hlter signifikanter und spannender Fallgeschichten zu Denunziation als sozialem Ph\u00e4nomen werden \u2013 detailreich ausgearbeitete \u2013 qualitative Mikro-Analysen vorgelegt: Dabei werden biographische und soziale Hintergr\u00fcnde, Motive, Interessen, Konflikte, sowie differente Reaktionsweisen der DenunziantInnen und der wegen \u00bbWehrkraftzersetzung\u00ab angezeigten Soldaten sichtbar gemacht. In allen untersuchten F\u00e4llen zeigten sich denunziatorische Handlungen in unterschiedlichsten Facetten als komplexe kommunikative Verhaltensweisen: Individuelle Motive, private Konflikte vermischten sich mit politischen Inhalten. Drittens werden Sichtweisen von Akteuren (eines Denunzianten und zweier Deserteure) als Interpretationsergebnisse von lebensgeschichtlich-narrativen Interviews als ausf\u00fchrliche biographische und historisch kontextualisierte tiefenhermeneutische Fallrekonstruktionen vorgestellt. Besonders aufschlussreich erwies sich hierbei ein Interview mit einem Denunzianten, das mit den betreffenden Gerichtsakten konfrontiert werden konnte. Er hatte die Anzeige \u2013 den damaligen Normen gem\u00e4\u00df bis heute als moralische Pflichterf\u00fcllung \u2013 in seinem Ged\u00e4chtnis konserviert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hornung ,Ela"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Denunciaton, German Wehrmacht, Second World War, Subversion of the armed forces, Nationalsocialism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437184"], ["title", "Denunziation als soziale Praxis"], ["doab_id", "15309"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205784326"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205784326"]], [["description", "Atualmente, ouvimos demasiadamente o significante \"depress\u00e3o\" ecoar nos mais variados contextos e, em especial, naqueles que se dedicam ao atendimento de quest\u00f5es relacionadas \u00e0 sa\u00fade mental. Diante disso, torna-se relevante o cont\u00ednuo pensar e repensar a respeito dessa modalidade de subjetiva\u00e7\u00e3o e/ou \"mal-estar\" contempor\u00e2neo. O interesse pelo tema proposto nasceu da pr\u00e1tica cl\u00ednica cotidiana em Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica, realizada num Centro de Sa\u00fade (CS-III) de uma cidade do interior de S\u00e3o Paulo. Nossa problem\u00e1tica assentou-se no intuito de compreender a exacerbada medicaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da depress\u00e3o na atualidade, especificamente os impactos subjetivos provocados por tais interven\u00e7\u00f5es. Utilizamos de uma metodologia qualitativa cujo m\u00e9todo cl\u00ednico psicanal\u00edtico nos permitiu trabalhar no resgate de fragmentos cl\u00ednicos, sendo estes constitu\u00eddos com base nas reminisc\u00eancias do pr\u00f3prio pesquisador, de maneira que selecionamos para a pesquisa aqueles casos em que o paciente se dizia depressivo e insatisfeito com rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao tratamento medicamentoso."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tavares, Leandro Anselmo Todesqui"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/j42t3"], ["title", "A depress\u00e3o como \"mal-estar\" contempor\u00e2neo: medicaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e (ex)-sist\u00eancia do sujeito depressivo"], ["doab_id", "16713"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831003"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831003"]], [["description", "Neste livro podemos entender a complexidade de quest\u00f5es associadas \u00e0 depress\u00e3o, desde suas origens como subproduto do contexto cultural contempor\u00e2neo ao horizonte mercadol\u00f3gico em que \u00e9 alardeada como 'mal do s\u00e9culo' e f\u00e1rmacos s\u00e3o anunciados como 'milagrosos'. \u00c9 nesse contexto de alarde e extrema variedade de informa\u00e7\u00f5es pouco precisas e confi\u00e1veis que ele se torna importante e oportuno. O autor, contemplando a necessidade de precisar o conceito de depress\u00e3o para problematizar criticamente tal processo, nos convida a repensar a cl\u00ednica e sua respectiva \u00e9tica, revitalizando o saber e a pr\u00e1tica do psiquiatra e do psicanalista e a pr\u00f3pria no\u00e7\u00e3o de doen\u00e7a como experi\u00eancia vivida."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Coser, Orlando"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Depress\u00e3o, Psican\u00e1lise, \u00c9tica cl\u00ednica"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6gsm7"], ["title", "Depress\u00e3o: cl\u00ednica, cr\u00edtica e \u00e9tica "], ["doab_id", "16401"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412558"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412558"]], [["description", "Una larga tradici\u00f3n que concierne tanto a la historia del derecho y a la antropolog\u00eda, como a la historia social, ha hecho de la costumbre el \u00e1mbito de expresi\u00f3n de un derecho aut\u00e9ntico, encarnado en la memoria popular y en las ant\u00edpodas, por tanto, de la legalidad estatal. Los medievalistas no han estado al margen de estas elaboraciones; muy por el contrario, han considerado con frecuencia que la Edad Media fue el escenario ideal para el despliegue de la costumbre como \u2018voz intacta de lo real\u2019, como derecho arraigado en la mentalidad campesina que opon\u00eda resistencia al derecho \u2018oficial\u2019. El objetivo general de este libro es realizar una cr\u00edtica a estas interpretaciones rom\u00e1nticas sobre la costumbre poniendo el foco en la naturaleza jur\u00eddica que este concepto pose\u00eda en las fuentes jur\u00eddicas medievales. Lejos de ser pensado como naciendo de las pr\u00e1cticas ancestrales el derecho consuetudinario es abordado en esta investigaci\u00f3n como concepto-objeto estrictamente jur\u00eddico utilizado en textos forales y en conflictos medievales como argumento legalmente v\u00e1lido."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miceli, Paola"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History of law", "Medieval law", "Customary law", "Edad Media", "Historia del derecho", "Derecho medieval", "Derecho consuetudinario", "Castilla y Le\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/14294/derecho_miceli_2012.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Derecho consuetudinario y memoria. Pr\u00e1ctica jur\u00eddica y costumbre en Castilla y Le\u00f3n (siglos XI-XIV)"], ["doab_id", "16134"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490310151"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490310151"]], [["description", "The present book deals with an historical Castilian legal institution (tanteo comunal) that, in the modern age, allowed villages \u2014by means of lawsuits brought to the royal council of Castile\u2014 to repurchase the offices related to their local government (regidores), previously privatized by the crown. In this regard, a survey has been carried on not only through the judicial practice of the time but also through the coeval legal doctrines (doctrina). \u201cDerecho dominical y tanteo comunal\u201d aims also to outline a comparison with more archaic actions (actiones populares) which were used, until then, by local communities against the usurpers of their own properties (bienes comunales), in order to obtain their restitution. To this regard, the results of this research highlight the strong relationship between the acciones populares and the tanteo comunal. However the institutional reforms, later undertaken by the crown, deeply affected local government and eventually eclipsed this particular legal institution."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giuliani, Alessandra"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History of law", "Law of the Modern Age", "Lawsuits", "Crown", "Local government", "Commons", "Edad Moderna", "Historia del derecho", "Derecho de la Edad Moderna"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/15436/derecho_giuliani_2012.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Derecho dominical y tanteo comunal en la Castilla moderna"], ["doab_id", "16136"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490311455"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490311455"]], [["description", "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 medida nuestro aparato conceptual permite comprender y describir los cambios en el derecho? \u00bfQu\u00e9 puede aportar a nuestra actividad investigadora, desde un punto de vista anal\u00edtico, una observaci\u00f3n del derecho en sus momentos din\u00e1micos? El objetivo del volumen es intentar una primera aproximaci\u00f3n al an\u00e1lisis de un tema inusual: el derecho en movimiento. Los estudios aqu\u00ed reunidos analizan algunas experiencias jur\u00eddicas concretas del movimiento del derecho, tomando en consideraci\u00f3n tres perfiles particulares: la circulaci\u00f3n de personas, la circulaci\u00f3n del derecho (en referencia tanto a los saberes, y a las culturas jur\u00eddicas, como a las opciones normativas), la circulaci\u00f3n de los derechos (en referencia a la multiplicidad de las formas de tutela jur\u00eddica y a su difusi\u00f3n)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meccarelli, Massimo; Palchetti, Paolo; Solla Sastre, Mar\u00eda Julia; Zapatero Miguel, Pablo; Vitucci, Maria Chiara; Dal Ri, Arno; Stara, Flavia; Mazzarella, Ferdinando; Sontag, Ricardo; Mart\u00ednez Ch\u00e1vez, Eva Elizabeth"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Mestizaje jur\u00eddico", "Espacializaci\u00f3n", "Migraciones", "Derechos", "Ciencia jur\u00eddica", "Justicia internacional", "Ciudadan\u00eda", "Colonialismo", "Constituci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/92449/derecho_HD33_2015.pdf"], ["title", "Derecho en movimiento. Personas, derechos y derecho en la din\u00e1mica global"], ["doab_id", "16847"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490853337"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490853337"]], [["description", "This book, written by Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 (University of Balearic Islands) aims to study orderly Alasdair MacIntyre's writings on Law. A way is proposed from the fifties until 2010. It may be interesting for moral and legal philosophers and for legal historians. It contains a set of thesis that claims for understanding the Philosophy of Law of MacIntyre it is necessary to know his philosophy of action. Following this analysis, it is studied his naturalistic turn in Ethics and its implications for the Theory of Justice and defense of Natural Law. MacIntyre defends a historicist vision of Law, according to traditions of thought, and accepting specially the custom as a legal source. Their position within the Natural Law debates differs from other opinions within the Aristotelianism and Thomism and it proposes an eclectic interpretation, although this is not without problems. = Este libro, escrito por Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, profesor de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, pretende estudiar ordenadamente los escritos de Alasdair MacIntyre sobre el derecho. Puede resultar de inter\u00e9s para fil\u00f3sofos del derecho, moralistas e historiadores del derecho. Se propone un itinerario desde los a\u00f1os cincuenta hasta 2010. Se sostiene que para la comprensi\u00f3n de la filosof\u00eda del derecho de MacIntyre es necesario conocer su filosof\u00eda de la acci\u00f3n. Tras un an\u00e1lisis de \u00e9sta, se estudia su deriva naturalista en la \u00e9tica, sus consecuencias en la teor\u00eda de la justicia y su defensa del derecho natural. MacIntyre defiende asimismo una visi\u00f3n historicista del derecho, construida a partir de tradiciones de pensamiento, en la que se valora especialmente la costumbre. Su postura en el marco del iusnaturalismo se distingue de otras corrientes en el seno del aristotelismo y del tomismo y propone una interpretaci\u00f3n ecl\u00e9ctica, no exenta de problemas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ramis Barcel\u00f3, Rafael"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Critique and interpretation", "Natural law", "Cr\u00edtica e interpretaci\u00f3n", "Derecho natural"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/13983/derecho_ramis_2012.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Derecho natural, historia y razones para actuar: la contribuci\u00f3n de Alasdair MacIntyre al pensamiento jur\u00eddico"], ["doab_id", "16133"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415455561"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415455561"]], [["description", "This publication provides an overview of the last thirty years of Dutch policy and policy thinking in the area of privatization and market forces.

Het Nederlandse beleid en beleidsdenken van de afgelopen drie decennia op het terrein van privatisering, verzelfstandiging en marktwerking vormde een antwoord op ingrijpende veranderingen in de economie, de samenleving en de overheid. Het volgde daarnaast ontwikkelingen in de economische en bestuurskundige wetenschappen, die een herwaardering van de markt en een afwaardering van de overheid behelsden. Hoewel veelal pragmatisch en stapsgewijs doorgevoerd, was er sprake van een groot vertrouwen in de verwachte positieve effecten van het ingezette beleid en de eenvoud waarmee het beleid tot deze resultaten zou leiden. Als de praktijk anders uitpakte dan de beloftes van de theorie, werd dit doorgaans geweten aan onvolkomenheden bij het in de praktijk brengen van de theorie, niet aan de theorie zelf. En al werd het beleid in de loop der tijd zeker aangescherpt, er werd nooit sterk afgeweken van het ingeslagen pad. Mede door dit nieuwe beleid heeft zich een 'stille revolutie' voltrokken, gekenmerkt door een ingrijpende wijziging in de verhouding markt, overheid en samenleving en een significante transformatie van deze drie domeinen: meer (en andere) markt, andere overheid, andere samenleving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stellinga ,Bart "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Public Administration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=431117"], ["title", "Dertig jaar privatisering, verzelfstandiging en marktwerking"], ["doab_id", "15193"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089645142"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645142"]], [["description", "O fen\u00f4meno dekassegui tem se destacado no Brasil pelo expressivo contingente de descendentes de japoneses que se desloca para o Jap\u00e3o, em busca de trabalho e de uma poupan\u00e7a financeira, e retorna novamente. Muitos refazem esse ciclo mais de uma vez, em sucessivas idas e vindas, caracterizando um movimento pendular. Esse livro, derivado de uma disserta\u00e7\u00e3o de mestrado, aborda a experi\u00eancia de retorno ao Brasil, do migrante dekassegui, particularmente dos filhos desses migrantes, que acompanharam seus pais nessa saga migrat\u00f3ria, ainda pequenos, alguns tendo nascidos no Jap\u00e3o. S\u00e3o relatados e analisados casos de crian\u00e7as e adolescentes, destacando-se suas dificuldades e desafios no processo de integra\u00e7\u00e3o ou de reintegra\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 cultura brasileira, que emergem principalmente no contato deles com o ambiente escolar. O desamparo ps\u00edquico no processo de adapta\u00e7\u00e3o/readapta\u00e7\u00e3o dos filhos de dekasseguis na chegada ao Brasil p\u00f4de ser identificado nas crian\u00e7as e tamb\u00e9m nos pr\u00f3prios pais dekasseguis. Os pais sentem-se desamparados antes mesmo de retornarem para o Brasil. S\u00e3o in\u00fameras as dificuldades da fam\u00edlia dekassegui na chegada ao Brasil, potencializadas por um sentimento de estranhamento do ambiente que antes era bastante familiar e de um estranhamento de si mesmo. Al\u00e9m disso, os pais se defrontam com a quest\u00e3o da identidade cultural de seus filhos, fortemente enraizada na cultura japonesa, o que n\u00e3o se tornava t\u00e3o evidente quando viviam no Jap\u00e3o. A l\u00edngua ser\u00e1 o principal indicador das ra\u00edzes mais profundas da identidade cultural dos filhos e o desafio maior a ser enfrentado. Tamb\u00e9m o fator idade, o tempo de perman\u00eancia no exterior e o grau de escolaridade em que essas crian\u00e7as se encontram no ato da imigra\u00e7\u00e3o acabam contribuindo para as dificuldades de adapta\u00e7\u00e3o/readapta\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 escola. No entanto, apesar de muitas dificuldades e desafios a serem enfrentados, os dekasseguis e seus filhos trazem consigo, no retorno, um capital cultural inestim\u00e1vel que precisa ser valorizado e aproveitado."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Resstel, Cizina C\u00e9lia Fernandes Pereira"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xky8j"], ["title", "Desamparo ps\u00edquico nos filhos de dekasseguis no retorno ao Brasil"], ["doab_id", "19949"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836749"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836749"]], [["description", "En este libro presentamos los textos cuya autor\u00eda pertenece a quienes han ofrecido m\u00f3dulos tem\u00e1ticos o clases magistrales en la Segunda y en la Tercera Escuela de Verano desarrollada por el Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal Latinoamericano (CEDPAL) de la Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen. Los aportes se han agrupado de acuerdo a dos \u00fanicas categor\u00edas: En la primera parte, titulada Ciencias criminales en y desde Alemania, se ubican textos escritos desde la teor\u00eda, normativa y jurisprudencia alemanas, dedicados espec\u00edficamente a problem\u00e1ticas de este contexto. En la segunda parte, denominada Ciencias criminales: di\u00e1logos entre Alemania y el resto del mundo, se agrupan aquellos trabajos en los que las ciencias criminales si bien son trabajadas desde el contexto alem\u00e1n tienen por objeto las interrelaciones culturales e internacionales y el di\u00e1logo entre distintas tradiciones jur\u00eddico-penales. Finalmente, se destacan dos breves homenajes dedicados a los Profesores Winfried Hassemer y Horst Sch\u00fcler-Springorum. Tanto la compilaci\u00f3n presentada, como la estructura a partir de la cual se desarrolla la misma, reflejan de forma certera el esp\u00edritu de la Escuela de Verano, pensada tanto para difundir el estado actual de las ciencias criminales alemanas, como para construir un puente de intercambio y apertura acad\u00e9mica con juristas hispano- y lusoparlantes.

En este libro presentamos los textos cuya autor\u00eda pertenece a quienes han ofrecido m\u00f3dulos tem\u00e1ticos o clases magistrales en la Segunda y en la Tercera Escuela de Verano desarrollada por el Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal Latinoamericano (CEDPAL) de la Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen. Los aportes se han agrupado de acuerdo a dos \u00fanicas categor\u00edas: En la primera parte, titulada Ciencias criminales en y desde Alemania, se ubican textos escritos desde la teor\u00eda, normativa y jurisprudencia alemanas, dedicados espec\u00edficamente a problem\u00e1ticas de este contexto. En la segunda parte, denominada Ciencias criminales: di\u00e1logos entre Alemania y el resto del mundo, se agrupan aquellos trabajos en los que las ciencias criminales si bien son trabajadas desde el contexto alem\u00e1n tienen por objeto las interrelaciones culturales e internacionales y el di\u00e1logo entre distintas tradiciones jur\u00eddico-penales. Finalmente, se destacan dos breves homenajes dedicados a los Profesores Winfried Hassemer y Horst Sch\u00fcler-Springorum. Tanto la compilaci\u00f3n presentada, como la estructura a partir de la cual se desarrolla la misma, reflejan de forma certera el esp\u00edritu de la Escuela de Verano, pensada tanto para difundir el estado actual de las ciencias criminales alemanas, como para construir un puente de intercambio y apertura acad\u00e9mica con juristas hispano- y lusoparlantes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ambos, Kai; B\u00f6hm, Laura Mar\u00eda; Zuluaga, John"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["criminal sciences", "Germany", "criminal law", "criminal sciences", "Germany", "criminal law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610400"], ["title", "Desarrollos actuales de las ciencias criminales en Alemania - Segunda y tercera escuela de verano en ciencias criminales y dogm\u00e1tica penal alemana"], ["doab_id", "19204"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9783863952556"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952556"]], [["description", "A autora faz aqui a defesa da teoria de Piaget e aponta os descaminhos dessa teoria no \u00e2mbito educacional, esclarecendo, al\u00e9m de rebater, as principais cr\u00edticas que se faz a ela. Para isso, levanta e discute ideias comumente encontradas em textos educacionais \u201cditos construtivistas\u201d, artigos e obras de seus cr\u00edticos e, ainda, nas concep\u00e7\u00f5es que emergem no discurso de professores, buscando identificar equ\u00edvocos, distor\u00e7\u00f5es e congru\u00eancias.O principal objetivo da autora \u00e9 mostrar como o Construtivismo tem sido \u201cdesconstru\u00eddo\u201d na \u00e1rea educacional e recolocar a teoria piagetiana em seus espa\u00e7os pr\u00f3prios \u2013 os da Epistemologia e Psicologia. Ela procura analisar as concep\u00e7\u00f5es que considera falsas ou simplesmente desvirtuadas sobre o Construtivismo no \u00e2mbito educacional a partir do interior da teoria, ou seja, recorrendo a argumentos que se apoiam nos \u201cprop\u00f3sitos, quest\u00f5es e conceitos que informaram o trabalho cient\u00edfico de Piaget\u201d.O livro foi dividido em tr\u00eas partes. A primeira, intitulada \u201cConstrutivismo, psicologia e educa\u00e7\u00e3o\u201d trata de elucidar os conceitos-chave da teoria piagetiana, recordar como o Construtivismo veio a tornar-se uma corrente hegem\u00f4nica na Psicologia e mostrar sua trajet\u00f3ria na educa\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira.A segunda parte (\u201cUma pesquisa sobre os desvios do Construtivismo em professores do ensino fundamental\u201d) apresenta dados quantitativos acerca desses \u201cdesvios\u201d, os principais equ\u00edvocos dos professores e uma interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o sobre as causas de tal \u201cassimila\u00e7\u00e3o deformante\u201d.A terceira parte, \u201cPiaget e seus int\u00e9rpretes\u201d, \u00e9 dedicada aos int\u00e9rpretes de Piaget, incluindo seus cr\u00edticos. Aborda os \u201crecados\u201d enviados aos professores por autores construtivistas e os \u201cpecados\u201d contidos em certas ideias que se transformaram, inclusive, em slogans, al\u00e9m de questionar mais um caso de \u201cassimila\u00e7\u00e3o deformante\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chakur, Cilene Ribeiro de S\u00e1 Leite"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hf4w9"], ["title", "A desconstru\u00e7\u00e3o do construtivismo na educa\u00e7\u00e3o: cren\u00e7as e equ\u00edvocos de professores, autores e cr\u00edticos"], ["doab_id", "19831"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334485"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334485"]], [["description", "Almejamos com este estudo do desenvolvimento e mudan\u00e7a social no Brasil contribuir para o entendimento da transforma\u00e7\u00e3o em curso na nossa sociedade e economia, estudando-a sob o \u00e2ngulo dos processos de industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o e urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o. [...] [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/df6bv"], ["title", "Desenvolvimento e mudan\u00e7a social: forma\u00e7\u00e3o da sociedade urbano-industrial no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16664"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662823"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662823"]], [["description", "Desenvolvimento regional: um problema pol\u00edtico vem a p\u00fablico em \u00e9poca oportuna, na medida em que contribui para a discuss\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica econ\u00f4mica brasileira, notadamente a orientada para o desenvolvimento regional. Trata, pela primeira vez, em conjunto, dos dois mais importantes experimentos de desenvolvimento regional realizados no Ocidente: o da Cassa per il Mezzogiorno e o da SUDENE. Analisa-se aqui o processo de esvaziamento pol\u00edtico e institucional a que foram submetidas a \u201cCassa\u201d e a SUDENE, destacando-se suas causas e consequ\u00eancias para a economia dessas regi\u00f5es. Apresenta as perspectivas de renova\u00e7\u00e3o da SUDENE, dependentes de decis\u00f5es eminentemente pol\u00edticas, incluindo tamb\u00e9m o exame do atual Sistema Brasileiro de Planejamento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carvalho, Jos\u00e9 Otamar de"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wgg9f"], ["title", "Desenvolvimento regional: um problema pol\u00edtico"], ["doab_id", "17918"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792770"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792770"]], [["description", "Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) have been conventionally used in industry for 3-dimensional and form-error measurements of macro parts for many years. Ever since the first CMM, developed by Ferranti Co. in the late 1950s, they have been regarded as versatile measuring equipment, yet many CMMs on the market still have inherent systematic errors due to the violation of the Abbe Principle in its design. Current CMMs are only suitable for part tolerance above 10 \u03bcm. With the rapid advent of ultraprecision technology, multi-axis machining, and micro/nanotechnology over the past twenty years, new types of ultraprecision and micro/nao-CMMs are urgently needed in all aspects of society.This Special Issue accepted papers revealing novel designs and applications of CMMs, including structures, probes, miniaturization, measuring paths, accuracy enhancement, error compensation, etc. Detailed design principles in sciences, and technological applications in high-tech industries, were required for submission.Topics covered, but were not limited to, the following areas:1.New types of CMMs, such as Abbe-free, multi-axis, cylindrical, parallel, etc.2.New types of probes, such as touch-trigger, scanning, hybrid, non-contact, microscopic, etc.3.New types of Micro/nano-CMMs.4.New types of measuring path strategy, such as collision avoidance, free-form surface, aspheric surface, etc.5.New types of error compensation strategy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["coordinate measuring machine, structural design, contact or noncontact probe, micro/nano-CMM, error compensation, measuring path, free-form measurement"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/233"], ["title", "Design and Applications of Coordinate Measuring Machines"], ["doab_id", "19971"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422761", "9783038422778"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422761/9783038422778"]], [["description", "Microreactors are small devices with sub-millimeter internals which have superb mass and heat transfer. Initially, they were used for reactions with very high demands on the latter, e.g. very exothermic reactions, gas-liquid reactions with interfacial transport issues, reactions with very fast kinetics which demands even faster mixing, and more. In this way, the processing window was opened widely and, also due to the minute volumes only present in the reaction zone, safe processing under otherwise hazardous conditions was enabled. This includes processing of reactions which are prone to thermal runaway and in the explosive regime. Scale-up of promising reactions and products which was hindered with conventional technology is now possible using the new equipment. This has widened the process development possibilities in chemical industry.In the last years, micro process technology was not only used for the very problematic synthetic issues which formerly had a dead-end position in industry\u2019s process development. Rather, the scope of chemical reactions to be processed in microreactors was considerably widened by exploring new process conditions with regard to temperature, pressure, concentration, solvents, and more. This is commonly referred to as flow chemistry. This allowed to reduce the processing time-scale for many reactions to the minute range or even below which fits well to the residence times of microreactors. In addition, the process integration of several reactions in one flow to a multi-step synthesis has opened a new door in molecular diversity as well as system and process complexity. The same holds for the combination of reactions and separations in micro-flow. To achieve throughputs relevant for industrial production, smart scale-out to milli-flow units has established and supplemented the num\u00adbering-up concept (parallelization of microchannels/-reactors operated under equal conditions).New innovations and enabling technologies need anyhow evaluation and benchmarking with conventional technology on the full-system level. Yet, microreactor technology has in the last years deepened so much into process intensification on a holistic scale that the focus increasingly is given towards the process dimension\u2014to process design and automation, real-case applications, cost analysis, life-cycle assessment, and more. The impact on cost competitiveness and sustainability becomes well assessed.Facing this very recent scientific achievement, the special issue \u201cDesign and Engineering of Microreactor and Smart-Scaled Flow Processes\u201d of the journal Processes aims to cover recent advances in the development of microreactor and smart-scaled flow processes towards the process level \u2014 in the sense as given above."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["microreactors, micro process technology, milli process technology, flow chemistry, process intensification, green engineering, life cycle assessment, cost analysis, continuous processing, novel process windows, process design, process control/-automation"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/112"], ["title", "Design and Engineering of Microreactor and Smart-Scaled Flow Processes"], ["doab_id", "17499"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420385", "9783038420392"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420385/9783038420392 "]], [["description", "Nesta colet\u00e2nea s\u00e3o apresentadas diferentes quest\u00f5es, m\u00e9todos de abordagem e demandas para a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o da Ergonomia no Design. A evolu\u00e7\u00e3o tecnol\u00f3gica observada nas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas proporcionou in\u00fameros benef\u00edcios para o aumento na qualidade de vida das pessoas, mas tamb\u00e9m resultou em v\u00e1rios problemas de interface tecnol\u00f3gica, os quais geram constrangimentos, acidentes, e frustra\u00e7\u00e3o aos consumidores. Tais quest\u00f5es s\u00e3o analisadas no livro, no qual se destacam temas de grande atualidade, como por exemplo: o uso de equipamentos m\u00e9dico-hospitalares por indiv\u00edduos obesos e de cadeiras de rodas por indiv\u00edduos idosos; as avalia\u00e7\u00f5es ergon\u00f4micas de espa\u00e7os e equipamentos escolares; as dificuldades de leitura em r\u00f3tulos e bulas de embalagens; o uso de colete de prote\u00e7\u00e3o nas atividades policiais, de cal\u00e7ados femininos com salto alto ou da poltrona do motorista de \u00f4nibus urbano, entre outros. Os artigos relatam pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa de P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Design da UNESP, Campus Bauru, e ressaltam a import\u00e2ncia da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o da ergonomia no design de produtos e sistemas, com a finalidade de se desenvolver tecnologias para melhorar a qualidade de vida humana."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paschoarelli, Luis Carlos; Menezes, Marizilda dos Santos"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yjxnr"], ["title", "Design e ergonomia: aspectos tecnol\u00f3gicos"], ["doab_id", "16714"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830013"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830013"]], [["description", "Os trabalhos apresentados neste livro resultam da linha de pesquisa O Planejamento de Produto, vinculada ao Programa de P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Design (PPGDesign) da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o da UNESP. Demonstram as muitas possibilidades dessa \u00e1rea, partindo dos novos conceitos de Design, muitas vezes chamado de Design Cultural, Design \u00c9tnico ou Design Vernacular. Tais designa\u00e7\u00f5es se referem \u00e0 produ\u00e7\u00e3o cultural humana, independente da forma de produ\u00e7\u00e3o (industrial ou manual) ou do estagio de avan\u00e7o tecnol\u00f3gico em que se encontra o grupo \u00e9tnico que o produz. Destacam-se na obra trabalhos sobre o Design \u00c9tnico, a Gest\u00e3o de Design, a pratica profissional, as metodologias dos projetos, o Design de Moda, o Design de Superf\u00edcie, e ainda as tecnologias computacionais e a arquitetura no design. Olhares diversos como esses permitem vislumbrar novos cen\u00e1rios e sujeitos, com a introdu\u00e7\u00e3o de tecnologias inovadoras, novos materiais e processos, fatores que devem ser considerados e discutidos quando se ensina, pesquisa e projeta."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Menezes, Marizilda dos Santos; Paschoarelli, Luis Carlos"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mw22b"], ["title", "Design e planejamento: aspectos tecnol\u00f3gicos"], ["doab_id", "16715"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830426"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830426"]], [["description", "O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar at\u00e9 que ponto a forma\u00e7\u00e3o acad\u00eamica ministrada nos cursos de design responde aos anseios da sociedade e do setor produtivo e o de coletar subs\u00eddios para a discuss\u00e3o da situa\u00e7\u00e3o do ensino de design no Brasil e elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de estrat\u00e9gias que permitam sua melhoria de maneira a ter profissionais adequados ao desenvolvimento de produtos que, embora com a marca da nossa realidade e cultura, sejam tamb\u00e9m universais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Landim, Paula da Cruz"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["DESIGN"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vtxgm"], ["title", "Design, empresa, sociedade"], ["doab_id", "16716"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830938"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830938"]], [["description", "Books and articles on instructional design in online learning abound but rarely do we get such a comprehensive picture of what instructional designers do, how they do it, and the problems they solve as their university changes. Power documents the emergence of an adapted instructional design model for transforming courses from single-mode to dual-mode instruction, making this designer\u2019s log a unique contribution to the fi eld of online learning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Power"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["instructional design", "online learning", "distance learning", "education"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120161"], ["title", "A Designer's Log: Case Studies in Instructional Design"], ["doab_id", "14419"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425619", "9781897425466"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425619 9781897425466"]], [["description", "Designing adaptive virtual worlds takes the design of places for education, entertainment, online communities, business, and cultural activities in 3D virtual worlds to a new level. The place metaphor provides a rich source of styles and examples for designing in 3D virtual worlds. This book is one of the first design books in the field showing how those styles can be captured in a design grammar so that unique places can be created through computational agents responding to the changing needs of the people in the virtual world. Applying the techniques introduced in this book has immediate implications on the design of games and functional places in existing virtual world platforms such as Second Life, OpenSim and Active Worlds as well as future virtual worlds in which the boundaries between digital and physical environments blur."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mary Lou Maher; Ning Gu"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Adaptive virtual worlds, design grammars, generative design agents, virtual environments, agent modelling, computer modelling"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/430436"], ["title", "Designing Adaptive Virtual Worlds"], ["doab_id", "16479"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110367669"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110367669"]], [["description", "\u201cThere is nothing more alienating than having your pleasures disputed by someone with a theory,\u201d writes Lauren Berlant. Yet the ways in which we live sexuality and intimacy have been profoundly shaped by theories \u2014 especially psychoanalytic ones, which have helped to place sexuality and desire at the center of the modern story about what a person is and how her history should be read. At the same time, other modes of explanation have been offered by popular and mass culture. In these domains, sexual desire is not deemed the core story of life; it is mixed up with romance, a particular version of the story of love.In this small theoretical novella-cum-dictionary entry, Lauren Berlant engages love and desire in separate entries. In the first entry, Desire mainly describes the feeling one person has for something else: it is organized by psychoanalytic accounts of attachment, and tells briefly the history of their importance in critical theory and practice. The second entry, on Love, begins with an excursion into fantasy, moving away from the parent-child structure so central to psychoanalysis and looking instead at the centrality of context, environment, and history. The entry on Love describes some workings of romance across personal life and commodity culture, the place where subjects start to think about fantasy on behalf of their actual lives.Whether viewed psychoanalytically, institutionally, or ideologically, love is deemed always an outcome of fantasy. Without fantasy, there would be no love. Desire/Love takes us on a tour of all of the things that sentence might mean."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lauren Berlant"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["attachment, capitalism, desire, erotics, fantasy, Freud, intimacy, Lacan, love, psychoanalytic theory, queer studies, sexuality"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/desirelove/"], ["title", "Desire/Love"], ["doab_id", "16017"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615686875"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615686875"]], [["description", "Destination Europe interprets and interrelates the major political, economic and security developments in Europe - including transatlantic relations - from the end of the Second World War up until the present time, and looks ahead to how the continent may evolve politically in the future. The book fills a definite lacuna in the current literature on Europe, as most studies cover only specific aspects, such as the European Union. Destination Europe by contrast weaves all the different strands of European events together into a single overall and up-to-date picture and gives the reader a deeper understanding of the continent and its current and future challenges. The first chapters trace European reconstruction and political, economic and security developments - both in the East and in the West - leading up to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Later chapters examine the European Union's reform efforts, enlargement, movement to a single currency and emerging security role; the political and economic changes in central and Eastern Europe, including Russia; the break-up of Yugoslavia and the wars that ensued; and NATO's enlargement and search for a new mission. Final chapters deal with forces affecting Europe's future such as terrorism, nationalism, religion, demographic trends and globalisation. Comprehensive, detailed and accessible, this book is a perfect introductory level text for undergraduate students of European Politics and European History"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Torbiorn ,Kjell M."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["europe", "transatlantic", "NATO"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341327"], ["title", "Destination Europe: The political and economic growth of a continent"], ["doab_id", "12652"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065729"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065729"]], [["description", "Este trabalho visa oferecer ao p\u00fablico brasileiro uma descri\u00e7\u00e3o da situa\u00e7\u00e3o atual do sindicalismo nos pa\u00edses em que os sindicatos haviam sido um ator pol\u00edtico e econ\u00f4mico importante... [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/46xvm"], ["title", "Destino do sindicalismo"], ["doab_id", "16665"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820007"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820007"]], [["description", "Joseph Nechvatal\u2019s epic passion poem, Destroyer of Naivet\u00e9s, takes up a position of excess from within a society that believes that the less you conceal, the stranger you become. We live and love in a culture where surveillance/intrusion is tied to our drive for self-revealing everything (an anti-private-life culture of curiosity, egotism, solitude, fear, voyeurism, exhibitionism and resentment \u2014 where the feeling is that nothing could or should remain unknown to us).The sex farce poetic overindulgence of Destroyer of Naivet\u00e9s takes inspiration from the books of Jean Genet, Marcel Duchamp\u2019s The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, drawings by Hans Bellmer, film/performances of Bradley Eros, and the erotic scribblings of Giacomo Casanova, Georges Bataille, Petronius, Vladimir Nabokov, Marquis de Sade, Yukio Mishima, Ovid, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Kathy Acker and I Am a Beautiful Monster by Francis Picabia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joseph Nechvatal"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ef3cyc8ojrhrn6/Nechvatal_Destroyer_of_Naivetes_EBook.pdf"], ["title", "Destroyer of Naivet\u00e9s"], ["doab_id", "17609"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692573129"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692573129"]], [["description", "Detection and tracking of targets in forward looking infrared (FLIR) imagery are challenging tasks. IR sensors often provide low signal-to-noise ratio and heavy background cluttering images. Non-stationary cameras can introduce further challenges, because detection and tracking might make it necessary to properly deal with sensor ego-motion through suitable estimation and compensation techniques. Moreover, further issues are posed by imagery with multiple and possibly moving target and non-target objects, which can blend into the background, change their signature, size, shape, and even overlap during their motion. Finally, specific applications could introduce cumbersome real-time constraints, thus requiring tracking techniques with a reduced computational footprint.The objective of this Special Issue is to invite high state-of-the-art research contributions, tutorials, and position papers that address the broad challenges faced in analysis and processing of FLIR imagery. Original papers describing completed and unpublished work that are not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference/special issue are solicited."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["video surveillance, tracking and detection of pedestrians, autonomous vehicles, environmental monitoring, ego-motion compensation and background removal techniques, template-matching algorithms, deformable part models, automatic detection, recognition and identification of targets, real-time target tracking in military scenarios, applications and case studies"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/109"], ["title", "Detection and Tracking of Targets in Forward-Looking InfraRed (FLIR) Imagery"], ["doab_id", "17503"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420521", "9783038420538"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420521/9783038420538 "]], [["description", "\"As the world has witnessed the worst financial crisis and climate crisis of our age, during the period of 2007-2009, the issues surrounding the emergence and development of financial markets and carbon markets is becoming an increasingly significant area of research and debate worldwide. By engaging with recently developed methods of research and new areas of practice, this book investigates the political, economic, policy and geographic determinants of the development of financial markets. The volume examines the causality between financial development and aggregate private investment from an economic perspective. It also explores the consequences of political liberalization, focusing on the impact of institutional improvement on financial development. It studies what stimulates governments to initiate reforms aimed at boosting financial development, and analyses the determinants of carbon markets in developing countries from a geographic point of view. This book is essential reading for all interested in economic and financial development, climate change, environmental economics, and applied econometrics. \""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Huang ,Yongfu"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Carbon", "Financial markets", "Development", "Crisis", "Reform", "Koolstof", "Financiele markten", "Ontwikkeling", "Crisis", "Hervorming"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392749"], ["title", "Determinants of Financial Development"], ["doab_id", "13407"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230273672"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230273672"]], [["description", "Livro do Prof. Roberto Leon Ponczek, que descreve a imensa influ\u00eancia que o fil\u00f3sofo judeu de origem portuguesa Baruch Spinoza exerceu sobre Albert Einstein."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ponczek, Roberto Leon"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3bm"], ["title", "Deus ou seja a natureza: Spinoza e os novos paradigmas da f\u00edsica"], ["doab_id", "17258"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209049"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209049"]], [["description", "Reuni\u00e3o de 19 artigos produzidos durante o Simp\u00f3sio de teologia e literatura, realizado durante o \"XI Congresso Internacional da Abralic\", em julho de 2008. Os autores, pesquisadores na \u00e1rea de estudos comparados, apresentam uma reflex\u00e3o sobre as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre literatura e teologia, e uma abordagem atual para os estudos de literatura."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ferraz, Salma (org.); Magalh\u00e3es, Antonio (org.); Concei\u00e7\u00e3o , Douglas (org.); Brand\u00e3o, Eli (org.); Ten\u00f3rio, Waldecy (org.)"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Religi\u00e3o, Literatura, Teologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pdkdq"], ["title", "Deuses em po\u00e9ticas: estudos de literatura e teologia"], ["doab_id", "16250"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791186"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791186"]], [["description", "Moderne Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit einer Geschichte der abstrakten und empirischen Wahrheitsfindung. Genauso wenig reduziert sie sich auf die meist als intellektuell begriffenen Inhalte. Wissenschaft vollzieht sich vielmehr im sozialen Raum und wird damit stets von wissenschaftsfernen Aspekten beeinflusst. Somit m\u00fcssen auch die Gr\u00fcndungsv\u00e4ter des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris als sozial determinierte Akteure gelten, die in diesem Band als Wissenschaftsorganisatoren zu erleben sein werden. Gleichzeitig erfahren wir mehr \u00fcber die f\u00fcr ihre wissenschaftliche Arbeit charakteristischen Methoden, \u00fcber ihre Rolle bei der Repr\u00e4sentation von Raum und ihre Arbeit im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pfeil, Ulrich ; Martens, Stefan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/228472"], ["title", "Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris und seine Gr\u00fcndungsv\u00e4ter. Ein personengeschichtlicher Ansatz"], ["doab_id", "18018"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486845686", "9783486585193"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486845686, 9783486585193"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schulte Beerb\u00fchl, Margrit"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/218550"], ["title", "Deutsche Kaufleute in London Welthandel und Einb\u00fcrgerung (1660-1818)"], ["doab_id", "18017"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486580389", "9783486707632"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486580389, 9783486707632"]], [["description", "Die deutsche Kulturpolitik im besetzten Paris 1940-1944 gestaltete sich widerspr\u00fcchlich. W\u00e4hrend sie kurzfristig aus taktischen Gr\u00fcnden der Sicherung von Ruhe und Ordnung das franz\u00f6sische Kulturleben aufrecht erhielt, strebte sie langfristig die Verbreitung deutscher Kultur in Frankreich und die Errichtung einer deutschen \"kulturellen Hegemonie\" in Europa an. Kathrin Engel behandelt neben den Eingriffen der Besatzungsmacht in das franz\u00f6sische Film- und Theaterleben schwerpunktm\u00e4\u00dfig den Versuch, die Franzosen mit Hilfe deutscher Theaterst\u00fccke und Filme von einer angeblich h\u00f6her stehenden deutschen Kultur zu \u00fcberzeugen. Dem milit\u00e4rischen Sieg \u00fcber Frankreich sollte gerade in Paris, der Kulturhauptstadt Frankreichs, ein geistig-kultureller Sieg hinzugef\u00fcgt werden. Die deutsche Kulturpropaganda, die letztlich zu Lasten des franz\u00f6sischen Kulturlebens durchgesetzt werden sollte, war Gegenstand intensiver Kompetenzstreitigkeiten der deutschen Dienststellen und Funktionstr\u00e4ger in Berlin und Paris. Obwohl deren Vertreter vor Ort zum Teil erstaunlich autonom handelten, geh\u00f6rt die Vorstellung, im besetzten Paris h\u00e4tten frankophile deutsche Offiziere eine besonders milde Kulturpolitik betrieben, in das Reich der Legenden. Die deutsche Kulturpolitik im besetzten Paris bildete keineswegs, wie vielfach angenommen, ein mildes Gegengewicht zu einer h\u00e4rteren deutschen Besatzungspolitik. Vielmehr folgte sie, wie diese Studie deutlich macht, der sich im Laufe der Okkupation mehr und mehr versch\u00e4rfenden allgemeinen Besatzungspolitik."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Engel, Kathrin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213566"], ["title", "Deutsche Kulturpolitik im besetzten Paris 1940-1944: Film und Theater"], ["doab_id", "18395"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486834185", "9783486567397"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486834185, 9783486567397"]], [["description", "With its expert seminars for alumnis abroad the Georg-August-University G\u00f6ttingen wants to strengthen its contact with the alumni in the long term and create a global network. This volume is the result of a seminar on \"Germany and the Wende (Change) in Literature, Language and Media\". The participants were scientists, writers and filmmakers with their own views on contemporary German history and the reunification as well as alumni from China, Japan and Korea who are involved in their home countries in the dissemination of German language and culture. The seminar and the title discuss a specifically German experience, the reunification (\u201eDie Wende\u201c) as central theme which also has an actual and high relevance in Korea and China.

Mit ihren Expertenseminaren f\u00fcr Alumni im Ausland m\u00f6chte die Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen die Bindung zu ihren Ehemaligen langfristig st\u00e4rken und ein weltweites Netzwerk aufbauen. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis des Expertenseminars \u201eDeutschland und die Wende in Literatur, Sprache und Medien\u201c, an dem Wissenschaftler, Schriftsteller und Filmemacher mit ihrem Blick auf die deutsche Gegenwartsgeschichte sowie Alumni aus China, Japan und Korea, die sich in ihren Heimatl\u00e4ndern f\u00fcr die Verbreitung der deutschen Sprache und Kultur engagieren, teilnahmen. Das Seminar und sein nachfolgender Band stellen eine spezifisch deutsche Erfahrung in den Mittelpunkt und thematisieren damit gleichzeitig Fragen, die etwa in Korea und China hohe Aktualit\u00e4t besitzen. Die Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes nehmen das gew\u00e4hlte Thema in den Blickpunkt, indem etwa die Sprache vor und nach der Wende, die literarische Intelligenz in Ost und West, die Filme der DEFA, oder der Wandel der DDR-Medien durch die Wende, die Wende-Filme bis hin zur Wende im Spiegel der Gegenwartslyrik beleuchtet wird. Andere Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes zeigen die Situation der Auslandsgermanistik in den Herkunftsregionen der Alumni oder die wachsende Bedeutung einer kulturwissenschaftlich gepr\u00e4gten Interkulturellen Germanistik auf."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Schweiger, Irmy"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["literature", "German reunification", "German studies", "literature", "German reunification", "German studies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610265"], ["title", "Deutschland und die \"Wende\" in Literatur, Sprache und Medien - Interkulturelle und kulturkontrastive Perspektiven Dokumentation eines Expertenseminars f\u00fcr internationale Alumni der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen vom 8. \u2013 13. Juli 2007"], ["doab_id", "13231"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344588"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344588"]], [["description", "Is Europe in crisis? Is there such a thing as European identify beyond economic and political integration? What common features can be found in history and in the present that foster unity? And what is Germany's role in this process? These were among the questions raised in a lecture series held at the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg from November 2011 to February 2012. The volume present responses by Heimo Reinitzer, Gabriele Clemens, Michael Borgolte, Dan Diner, Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, and Anja Pistor-Hatam.; Heimo Reinitzer, Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["HISTORY / Modern / 20th Century", "HISTORY / Modern / 21st Century", "Europa", "Europ"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110296433&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Deutschland und Europa. W\u00e4chst zusammen, was zusammengeh\u00f6rt?"], ["doab_id", "15119"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110296433"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110296433"]], [["description", "Die \u201eDeutsch-russische Historikerkommission\u201c widmet sich seit ihrer Einrichtung 1998 der Erforschung der kommunistischen Internationale. Dank der Archivrevolution ist es gelungen, einige wei\u00dfe Flecken der bisherigen Forschung zu den deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen und zur Geschichte des deutschen Kommunismus zu schlie\u00dfen. Die Edition mit \u00fcber 500 Dokumenten ist ein Standardwerk, welches von der k\u00fcnftigen Forschung zu konsultieren sein wird."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bayerlein, Bernhard H.; Drabkin, Jakov ; Albert, Gleb; Weber, Hermann"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Archivrevolution, Deutschland, Komintern, Kommunismus, Russland, Sowjetunion"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/212875"], ["title", "Deutschland, Russland, Komintern"], ["doab_id", "17285"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110339765", "9783110339789", "9783110395549"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110339765, 9783110339789, 9783110395549"]], [["description", "Current pharmacotherapies and surgical intervention provide limited benefit in the treatment of neural injuries or halting disease progression and has resulted in significant hope for the successes of stem cell research. The properties of stem cells render them appropriate for cell replacement therapy, endogenous repair, disease modeling as well as high-throughput drug screening and development. Such applications will aide in increasing our knowledge and developing treatments for neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson\u2019s disease and Huntington\u2019s diseases as well as neural traumas including ischemic brain damage and traumatic brain injury. This Frontiers Research topic encouraged contributions from the general field of stem cell biology, with a particular emphasis on utilizing these cells to develop new therapies for neural repair. Related articles deal with issues such as: breakthroughs in stem cell proliferation/differentiation methodologies, using pluripotent and neural stem cells for transplantation and endogenous repair, the use of patient derived stem cells for disease modeling, using stem cells for drug discovery as well as the ethical issues related to the use of stem cells."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Clare Parish; Lachlan Thompson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Stem Cells", "Neural Repair", "Transplantation", "drug disovery", "disease modelling", "Embryonic Stem Cells", "Pluripotent Stem Cells", "Nerve Tissue Proteins"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/976/developing-stem-cell-based-therapies-for-neural-repair"], ["title", "Developing Stem Cell-Based Therapies For Neural Repair"], ["doab_id", "17795"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194025"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194025"]], [["description", "Synaesthesia is a condition in which a stimulus elicits an additional subjective experience. For example, the letter E printed in black (the inducer) may trigger an additional colour experience as a concurrent (e.g., blue). Synaesthesia tends to run in families and thus, a genetic component is likely. However, given that the stimuli that typically induce synaesthesia are cultural artefacts, a learning component must also be involved. Moreover, there is evidence that synaesthetic experiences not only activate brain areas typically involved in processing sensory input of the concurrent modality; synaesthesia seems to cause a structural reorganisation of the brain. Attempts to train non-synaesthetes with synaesthetic associations have been successful in mimicking certain behavioural aspects and posthypnotic induction of synaesthetic experiences in non-synaesthetes has even led to the according phenomenological reports. These latter findings suggest that structural brain reorganization may not be a critical precondition, but rather a consequence of the sustained coupling of inducers and concurrents. Interestingly, synaesthetes seem to be able to easily transfer synaesthetic experiences to novel stimuli. Beyond this, certain drugs (e.g., LSD) can lead to synaesthesia-like experiences and may provide additional insights into the neurobiological basis of the condition. Furthermore, brain damage can both lead to a sudden presence of synaesthetic experiences in previously non-synaesthetic individuals and a sudden absence of synaesthesia in previously synaesthetic individuals. Moreover, enduring sensory substitution has been effective in inducing a kind of acquired synaesthesia. Besides informing us about the cognitive mechanisms of synaesthesia, synaesthesia research is relevant for more general questions, for example about consciousness such as the binding problem, about crossmodal correspondences and about how individual differences in perceiving and experiencing the world develop. Hence the aim of the current Research Topic is to provide novel insights into the development of synaesthesia both in its genuine and acquired form. We welcome novel experimental work and theoretical contributions (e.g., review and opinion articles) focussing on factors such as brain maturation, learning, training, hypnosis, drugs, sensory substitution and brain damage and their relation to the development of any form of synaesthesia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicolas Rothen; Julia Simner; Beat Meier"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["synaesthesia", "Grapheme colour", "congenital", "training", "development", "Immune System", "drugs", "neurotransmitter", "autism"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1244/developing-synaesthesia"], ["title", "Developing synaesthesia"], ["doab_id", "18691"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195794"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195794"]], [["description", "The Delft Prototype is a single apartment from a not yet realized Concept House Urban Villa, which consists of 16 apartments on 4 floors. Both the urban villa and the prototype demonstrate the characteristics of high level industrial production with an extremely low ecological footprint, as well as being energy-positive in use, and both are suitable for multi-storey housing. The research, development, production and built prototype resulted in a unique innovation on the Dutch building market: a sustainable energy-positive apartment system for medium-rise energy-positive housing. This scientific report deals with the history, development and realization process of the prototype up to the completion of the building phase, after which the prototype was furnished and the garden landscaped, culminating with the opening of the prototype in October 2012. The development was initiated by Mick Eekhout\u2019s Chair of Product Development at the TU Delft at the specific request of the building industry and was carried out in close collaboration with a consortium of partners from the SME building supply industry. Innovation continues to progress in these partner industries. The entire project was externally financed for the 8 years of its duration. Apart from initiative and natural project leadership, the innovative contribution of the Chair included the design, coordination and integration of the many components into the single coherent entity of the Concept House \u2018Delft\u2019 Prototype."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout; A. van Timmeren"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Delft Prototype ", " Concept House ", " urbanism ", " housing ", " building supply industry ", " product development ", " TU Delft ", " innovation"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-552-4"], ["title", "Development and Realisation of the Concept House \u2018Delft\u2019 Prototype - An Example of a Collaborative Concept Development for Energy Positive Apartments"], ["doab_id", "19259"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995517", "9781614995524"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995517 (print | 9781614995524 (online)"]], [["description", "Development Derailed unravels a fascinating story of how politics undermined promise. The text outlines a proposal put forth in 1962 to develop the lands held by the Canadian Pacific Railway in downtown Calgary. Greeted with excitement and visions of enhanced tax revenues, increased land values, and new investment opportunities the plans ultimately fell prey to conflict between corporate rigidity and an unorganized, ill-informed civic administration and city council. Drawing on the private records of Rod Sykes, the CPR's onsite negotiator and later Calgary's mayor, Max Foran unravels the fascinating story of how politics undermined promise. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Max Foran"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["transportation", "railroad", "city planning", "business history"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120222"], ["title", "Development Derailed: Calgary and the CPR, 1962-64"], ["doab_id", "16229"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356081", "9781927356098", "9781927356104"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356081 9781927356098 9781927356104"]], [["description", "Executive function refers to the goal-oriented regulation of one\u2019s own thoughts, actions, and emotions. Its importance is attested by its contribution to the development of other cognitive skills (e.g., theory of mind), social abilities (e.g., peer interactions), and academic achievement (e.g., mathematics), and by the consequences of deficits in executive function (which are observed in wide range of developmental disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism). Over the last decade, there have been growing interest in the development of executive function, and an expanding body of research has shown that executive function develops rapidly during the preschool years, with adult-level performance being achieved during adolescence or later. This recent work, together with experimental research showing the effects of interventions targeting executive function, has yielded important insights into the neurocognitive processes underlying executive function. Given the complexity of the construct of executive function, however, and the multiplicity of underlying processes, there are often inconsistencies in the way that executive function is defined and studied. This inconsistency has hampered communication among researchers from various fields. This Research Topic is intended to bridge this gap and provide an opportunity for researchers from different perspectives to discuss recent advances in understanding childhood executive function. Researchers using various methods, including, behavioral experiments, neuroimaging, eye-tracking, computer simulation, observational methods, and questionnaires, are encouraged to contribute original empirical research. In addition to original empirical articles, theoretical reviews and opinions/perspective articles on promising future directions are welcome. We hope that researchers from different areas, such as developmental psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, psychiatry, computational science, etc., will be represented in the Research Topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yusuke Moriguchi; Philip D. Zelazo; Nicolas Chevalier"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Executive Function", "cognitive flexibility", "Inhibitory Control", "working memory", "Brain Development", "socio-emotional development", "prefrontal cortex (PFC)", "cognitive development"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1640/development-of-executive-function-during-childhood"], ["title", "Development of executive function during childhood"], ["doab_id", "18909"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198009"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198009"]], [["description", "The hypothalamus is the region of the brain in charge of the maintenance of the internal milieu of the organism. It is also essential to orchestrate reproductive, parental, aggressive-defensive, and other social behaviors, and for the expression of emotions. Due to the structural complexity of the hypothalamus, however, many basic aspects of its ontogenesis are still mysterious. Nowadays we assist to a renewal of interest spurred in part by the growing realization that prenatal and early postnatal influences on the hypothalamus could entail pathological conditions later in life. Intriguing questions for the future include: do early specification phenomena reflect on adult hypothalamic function and possibly on some kinds of behavior? Can early events like specification, migration or formation of nuclei influence adult hypothalamic function? A change in morphological paradigm, from earlier columnar interpretations to neuromeric ones, is taking place. Concepts long taken for granted start to be challenged in view of advances in developmental and comparative neurobiology, and notably also in the molecular characterization of hypothalamic structures. How should we understand the position of the hypothalamus in relation to other brain regions? Should we bundle it together with the thalamus, a functionally, genetically and developmentally very different structure? Does the classic concept of \u201cdiencephalon\u201d make sense, or should the hypothalamus be separated? Does the preoptic area belong to the hypothalamus or the telencephalon? The answer to these questions in the context of recent causal molecular analysis will help to understand hypothalamic evolution and morphogenesis as well as its adult function and connectivity. In this Research Topic we have reviewed the fundamentals of hypothalamic ontogenesis and evolution, summarizing present-day knowledge, taking stock of the latest advances, and anticipating future challenges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gonzalo Alvarez-Bolado; Valery Grinevich; Luis Puelles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cadherins", "circadian", "Mammillary", "MCH", "Nkx2.4", "Notch", "Oxytocin", "prosomeric", "Shh", "thyroid"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2780/development-of-the-hypothalamus"], ["title", "Development of the Hypothalamus"], ["doab_id", "19540"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196340"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196340"]], [["description", "The world\u2019s population is predicted to hit 9 Billion by 2050, and with it food demand is predicted to increase substantially. The World Bank estimates that cereal and meat production needs to increase by 50% and 85% respectively between 2000 and 2030 to meet demand, putting serious pressure on the global agricultural industry. Critical to meeting this demand for food are mechanisms to reduce the incidence of animal disease. With in excess of 1.3 billion cattle globally, the total cost of infectious diseases is difficult to estimate. However in North America alone, the cost is predicted to be $18 billion annually. Non-infectious diseases also account for another major impediment to the production capacity and welfare of animals as well as the economic sustainability of farming. However animal diseases have implications that spread far beyond the farm gate. Infectious agents can also contaminate the food chain, and potentially affect human health. Controlling diseases, through better preventative and treatment methods requires a detailed understanding of the immune response in livestock species. Multiple studies have identified associations between variation in immune genes and disease susceptibility, which potentially opens up new avenues to select animals with superior disease resistance. Detailed understanding of immunity in cattle is leading to the design of more effective vaccines. Furthermore, appreciation of the significant differences between rodent and human immune responses has also led to bovine models being developed for some human diseases. The publication of the bovine genome and the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies have facilitated a massive expansion in our knowledge of the immune response in cattle. As a result there has been an explosion of exciting research findings including in metagenomics and epigenetics. Recently, there has been a welcome move to integrate our emerging understanding of the immune response with detailed studies of other important physiological processes including nutrition and reproduction. The interactions between the reproductive system, nutrition and the immune system are of particular interest, since each places significant demands on the animal at various stages through the production cycle. The interplay between these morphologically diffuse systems involves widely distributed chemical signals in response to environmental input, and each system must interact for the normal functioning of the other. A comprehensive \u201csystems\u201d approach is improving our understanding of normal physiological interactions between these systems and furthermore, how dysregulation can lead to disease. The successful translation of bovine immunological research into improved treatments for animal disease requires tight interaction between diverse scientific and clinical disciplines including immunology, microbiology, endocrinology, physiology, nutrition, reproduction and clinical veterinary medicine. With so much recent progress in the field, we believe that it is valuable and well-timed to review the broad variety of the relevant studies that attempt to increase our understanding through comprehensive collaboration between these disciplines. We are looking forward to a wide and vivid discussion of developments in bovine immunology and related issues, and we expect that our readers profoundly benefit from new exciting insights and fruitful collaborations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kieran G. Meade"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Mastits", "M bovis", "Map", "One Health", "immunobiotics", "Bovine Immunology", "Pregnancy", "miRNAs"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2383/developments-in-bovine-immunology---an-integrated-view"], ["title", "Developments in Bovine Immunology - An Integrated View"], ["doab_id", "19538"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196326"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196326"]], [["description", "Con questo manuale Lothar B\u00f6hnisch intende offrire un approccio oggettivo, interdisciplinare e pratico verso le diverse forme della devianza e della violenza. Il libro \u00e8 un valido strumento per i professionisti del settore: da una parte rende il fenomeno comprensibile a livello teorico e dall'altro \u00e8 anche utile nella prassi. Esso fornisce un significativo aiuto nei vari ambiti: lavoro sociale, scuola, lavoro nel campo giovanile."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lothar B\u00f6hnisch"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["social work", " school", " youth", " behavior", " adolescence", " psychosocial basis", " labeling", " masculinity", " domestic violence", " pedagogics"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460714.pdf"], ["title", "Devianza e violenza"], ["doab_id", "19845"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788860460714"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460714"]], [["description", "Dialectics Unbound: On the Possibility of Total Writing re-imagines figures of ontological totality, in and out of writing, first by exploring some lineages of the dialectic, and second by engaging thinkers such as Theodor Adorno and his assertion of nonidentity, Julia Kristeva and her positing of a fourth term of the dialectic, and Fredric Jameson\u2019s treatment of the dialectic as an open totality. By articulating a concept of totalization-without-totality, Dialectics Unbound seeks to free the concept of the dialectic from the violence of closure, and then to take this unbound dialectics to the work of writing through a brief examination of parataxis and aphoristics as approaches to writing, both possible and impossible."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maxwell Kennel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["aesthetics, dialectics, Frederic Jameson, Julia Kristeva, Theodor Adorno, theory, writing"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/dialectics-unbound/"], ["title", "Dialectics Unbound: On the Possibility of Total Writing"], ["doab_id", "16034"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615837420"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615837420"]], [["description", "Alejandro Joaqu\u00edn Amavet fue uno de los impulsores de la creaci\u00f3n del Profesorado Superior Universitario de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica en la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, y quien desarroll\u00f3 y represent\u00f3 para los distintos actores del campo disciplinar la perspectiva que singulariz\u00f3 en sus inicios la formaci\u00f3n en esta instituci\u00f3n. Sus trabajos, editados entre 1957 y 1969, circulan entre profesores y estudiantes del Profesorado de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica de la casa desde su publicaci\u00f3n hasta la actualidad, con diferentes lecturas e inscripciones program\u00e1ticas. Por ello, este volumen tiene como intenci\u00f3n, por un lado, reeditar parte de los escritos del profesor Amavet como una forma de facilitar el acceso a estos y su difusi\u00f3n; pero, por otro lado, busca reavivar y potenciar una serie de discusiones sobre el pasado y el presente. Es decir, esta reedici\u00f3n se ofrece para pensar cuestiones inherentes a la educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica en lo relativo a la instituci\u00f3n, a la formaci\u00f3n en la Argentina y al campo disciplinar entre las d\u00e9cadas del 50 y 70, aunque estos textos tambi\u00e9n pueden aportar a la observaci\u00f3n del presente a partir de esta referencia, potente en su momento, y en parte aparentemente lejana y diferente para el modo de significar y explicar la educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica de la actualidad."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ron, Osvaldo; Levoratti, Alejo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica ", " Profesorado"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/64"], ["title", "Di\u00e1logos con Alejandro Amavet"], ["doab_id", "19271"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412930"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412930"]], [["description", "Di\u00e1logos em Psicologia Social \u00e9 o tema do XIV Encontro Nacional da ABRAPSO. A defini\u00e7\u00e3o do tema bem como os tipos de di\u00e1logos que se queriam presentes foram constru\u00eddos paulatinamente, num processo dial\u00f3gico. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jac\u00f3-Vilela, Ana Maria; Sato, Leny"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vfgfh"], ["title", "Di\u00e1logos em psicologia social"], ["doab_id", "16666"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820601"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820601"]], [["description", "Esta obra aborda a rela\u00e7\u00e3o da ci\u00eancia e sua divulga\u00e7\u00e3o, estabelecendo di\u00e1logos entre pesquisadores dos mais diversos temas sobre ci\u00eancia e suas interfaces, levantando quest\u00f5es pr\u00e1ticas, como a rela\u00e7\u00e3o da ci\u00eancia com a cultura, e analisando quest\u00f5es curiosas, como a presen\u00e7a da ci\u00eancia nas m\u00fasicas de Gilberto Gil e a abordagem que a m\u00eddia brasileira d\u00e1 a assuntos como o bioetanol e as c\u00e9lulas-tronco."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Porto, Cristiane; Brotas, Antonio; Bortoliero, Simone"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y7fvr"], ["title", "Di\u00e1logos entre ci\u00eancia e divulga\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica: leituras contempor\u00e2neas"], ["doab_id", "17444"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211813"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211813"]], [["description", "Like many young Neapolitan physicians, Giosu\u00e8 Sangiovanni (1776-1849) was involved in the revolution of 1799. He served in the Guard of the Republic, whose tragic end marked his destiny as an exile and a scientist. Sangiovanni keeps track of this experience in his Diaries (1800-1808), hitherto unpublished, where he notes in a fast and sometimes syncopated way the record of his wanderings in Italy, France, Switzerland, Tyrol, Piedmont. There we find not only places, meetings, small events and daily life\u2019s adventures - almost the backbone of the autobiography of an Neapolitan exile - but above all the story of an educational trip. In Paris, thanks to his contact with prominent naturalists of the time, such as Cuvier, Lamarck, Saint-Hilaire, Lac\u00e9p\u00e8de, this pupil of Domenico Cirillo\u2019s reaches his scientific maturity and his academic recognition. Sangiovanni\u2019s Diaries end with his final return to Naples, where he, now an advocate of Lamarck\u2019s evolutionary theory, was appointed professor of the first chair of Comparative Anatomy in Italy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sangiovanni, Giosu\u00e8; Martucci, Vittorio (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["G. Sangiovanni", " History of science", " History of evolution theories, Neapolitan revolution", " Comparative Anatomy"]], ["publisher", "Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno - National Research Council"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.ispf-lab.cnr.it/quaderni/2014_q02"], ["title", "Diari (1800-1808)"], ["doab_id", "16559"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788890871214"]], ["provider", "www.ispf-lab.cnr.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788890871214"]], [["description", "Diaspora and Trust charts changing Sino-Latin relations at the outset of the 21st century. Combining political-economic analysis with ethnography, the book examines the responses of Cuba and Mexico to China\u2019s growing global influence. Despite opposite economic policy orientations, neither Latin American country has successfully adapted to new conditions of cooperation and competition with China. Furthermore, Cuba and Mexico both struggle with uncertain relationships to the Chinese diaspora communities within their borders. TRUST AND DIASPORA draws on fieldwork in all three countries, providing a rich account of personal experiences at the intersection of global and local affairs. In the process, author Adrian H. Hearn advocates a paradigm for international relations and economic development predicated on the idea of trust. Hearn\u2019s study theorizes trust as an alternative to existing models of exchange, including those based on social capital in the West and traditional Confucian values in China. The book argues convincingly for trust as a foundation for fruitful change in a globalized Cuba and Mexico and as a key to new balances of state, private, and civic power necessitated by the rise of China.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hearn H. ,Adrian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Chinese diaspora", "Chinese Cuba Ethnic relations", "Chinese Mexico Ethnic relations", "History"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605857"], ["title", "Diaspora and Trust"], ["doab_id", "18924"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374589"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374589"]], [["description", "A Diateichisma is part of a city\u00b4s fortification system. Unlike a city wall it was built within the urban area dividing a city in two parts. This study focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, the phenomenon of diateichismata is considered as part of fortification architecture, on the other hand the influence of diateichism on the organisation of the urban space is pointed out. Furthermore, the reasons, why diateichismata were build are considered as a focal point of the study. The settlement are displayed in a catalogue, technical data is in charts. Written sources mentioning diatechisma are put together including relevant passages of the text.In scientific research diateichismata have been regarded as mere functional buildings, however, they have been studied systematically. In this study, the significance of diateichismata is analysed beyond the aspects of fortification; in particular, the impact of diateichismata on the development and utilisation of urban space is a spezial interest. A comparative analysis of settlements with diateichisma has needs of comparable criteria. The most applicable term, after which settlements with diateichisma can be discerned and put in order, is the chronological relation of diateichisma and city wall, because here chronology is the only variable giving valuable information on settlement development. Hence three variations of settlements with diateichisma can be discerned: 1. Settlements with diateichisma built together with the enceinte. 2. Settlements with secondarily but diateichisma. 3. Settlements with diateichisma which originate after expansion of walled urban space. Most of the studied settlements have diateichismata which were built after the enceinte (23 examples) or which origins from expansion of walled city space (19 settlements). Contemporaneous diateichismate are rare (14 settlements), only in a few cities the relation between diateichisma and city wall remains unclear. The earliest diateichismata be dated in late 7th cent. B.C., the latest was build in the middle of the 2nd cent. B.C. Within this chronological frame the highest concentration of diateichismata can be traced in classical and hellenistic times. The distriution of cities is spead from the Iberian Peninsula to Greek parts of modern Afghanistan (Graeco-bactria). Only any regions do show concentrations of settlements with diateichisma. In the Western Mediterranean there are more cities with secondarily built diateichisma, in the area of north-western Greek in a lot of cities the walled urban space was enlarged establishind diateichismata between the original city area and the newly acquired space. Generally, diateichismata serve as obstacles to enemies which conquered the enceinte already or as barrier wall for hostile parties fighting within the boundaries of the city wall. Despite of the clear military function only cities of military character have a diateichisma; there it always serves as a barrier wall protecting free spaceMeant to host soldiers when attacked. The predominate group of settlements with dateichisma are free poleis. Concerning poleis in Greek cities in a non-Greek environment, the significance of diateichismata gains more interest, envolving the conflicts of different ethnical groups. In these cities (\"colonies\") one can detect mostly enlargement of urban space with covers the period of the 5th to the middle 3rd centuries B.C. Probably this process is conneted with the moving of large groups of people by the Western Greek tyrants in late archaic classical times and with the renewed founding of cities in the 4th cent. B.C. Contrary of the processs of enlargement of city space, in some areas of the Western Mediterranean cities were diminished insize. Diateichismata have a deep impact on the organisation of the urban space and also have representative and determine function. In most cities diateichismata remain standing as a ruin, detached from their original function of a barrier wall, or they integrated in newly erected buildings. As barrier walls, however, they are always organisation of urban space and remain as a visible borderline between different city quaters. Most of these partitioned off areas were used as dwelling space, but also in quite a lot of settlements explicitly the trading harbour zones were separated and protected by a diateichisma. Only a few cities divided military areas.Generally, empty space seperated by diateichisma was kept free for people escaping when being attacked. A main reason or occasion to build a diateichisma is the development of sieging techniques from late classical times onwards, being accompanied by a regional declining population density. Hence, especially in late classic and hellenistic times the erection of a diateichisma is a proved method to protect a city. However, a regional visible contemporanous development of urban space, probably connected with regional economic upturns, shows that the phenomenon of cities divided by a diateichisma is not a uniform development of military architecture. Rather a diateichisma is a mirror of the economic and political situation of a settlement and in special cases also of a region.

Diateichismata sind Befestigungsmauern, die durch bebautes oder unbebautes Areal ummauerter Siedlungen verlaufen und dieses in zwei Gebiete teilen; sie bilden mit den jeweiligen Umfassungsmauern meist komplexe Verteidigungssysteme. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt das Ph\u00e4nomen des Diateichisma als Befestigungsbauwerk und seinen Einflu\u00df auf die urbanistische Organisation des Stadtbildes. Die Darstellung der Forschungsgeschichte und der antiken Schriftquellen zum Thema Diateichisma bilden die Einleitung der Arbeit. Einen zentralen Punkt bildet dabei die Analyse der Siedlungen mit Diateichisma nach siedlungstypologischen Gesichtspunkten. Weitere wesentliche Fragestellungen betreffen das Verh\u00e4ltnis des Diateichisma zum urbanen Raum sowie die Ursachen, die zur Errichtung der Diateichismata gef\u00fchrt haben. Die Siedlungen mit Diateichisma werden detailliert in einem Katalog erfa\u00dft. Die technischen Daten zu den Siedlungen werden tabellarisch dargestellt, die Testimonien zu Diateichisma sind mit Ausz\u00fcgen der relevanten Textpassagen wiedergegeben. In der Forschung wurden Diateichismata als milit\u00e4rische Zweckbauten behandelt, sie wurden aber nie systematisch untersucht. F\u00fcr eine vergleichende Analyse der Siedlungen mit Diateichisma wurde die Auswertung des bauchronologischen Verh\u00e4ltnisses von Diateichisma und Umfassungsmauer als am meisten geeignetes Kriterium herangezogen, weil nur dieses Verh\u00e4ltnis Aufschluss \u00fcber die Entwicklung der Siedlungsgr\u00f6\u00dfe geben kann. Zu unterscheiden sind: 1. gleichzeitig mit der Umfassungsmauer errichtete Diateichismata; 2. nachtr\u00e4glich errichtete Diateichismata; 3. Diateichismata, die durch Erweiterung des befestigten Stadtgebietes entstanden sind. In den meisten der untersuchten Siedlungen (23 Beispiele) wurde Diateichisma nachtr\u00e4glich errichtet. Durch Stadterweiterung entstandene Diateichismata finden sich in 19 St\u00e4dten. Gleichzeitig wurden die wenigsten Diateichismata erbaut (14 Beispiele); bei 4 Siedlungen ist das Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Diateichisma und Umfassungsmauer unklar. Diateichismata lassen sich vom 7. bis zum 2. Jhd. v. Chr. in griechischen Siedlungen nachweisen. Bei der chronologischen Verteilung der einzelnen Siedlungen zeigt sich, dass in klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit die meisten Diateichismata errichtet wurden. Innerhalb des griechischen Kulturraumes sind Diatechisma-Siedlungen weit gestreut. In wenigen Gebieten lassen sich H\u00e4ufungen erkennen: Vermehrt treten nachtr\u00e4glich errichtete Diateichismata im westgriechischen, durch Stadterweiterung entstandene vor allem im nordwestgriechischen Bereich auf. Generell liegt die Funktion von Diateichismata darin, Feinde, die in das Stadtgebiet eingedrungen sind, an einem weiteren Vordringen zu hindern oder bei siedlungsinternen Konflikten als Barrieren zwischen den Streitparteien zu dienen. Trotz der milit\u00e4rischen Funktion verf\u00fcgt nur eine geringe Anzahl von \"milit\u00e4rischen\" Diateichisma-Siedlungen \u00fcber ein Diateichisma, das hier zur Abtrennung von Fluchtbezirken diente. Die \u00fcberwiegende Mehrzahl an Diateichismata wurde in selbst\u00e4ndigen Poleis, sind aber im Gegensatz zu Umfassungsmauern weder Zeichen noch Garant politischer Autonomie. Die Bedeutung von Diateichismata ist in Poleis im griechischen Koloniegebiet aufgrund des Spannungsfeldes unterschiedlicher Bev\u00f6lkerungsgruppen von besonderem Interesse. Am h\u00e4ufigsten treten Stadterweiterungen bis zur Mitte des 3. Jhs. v. Chr. auf, die m\u00f6glicherweise mit den Umsiedlungen gr\u00f6\u00dferer Bev\u00f6lkerungsgruppen in archaischer und klassischer Zeit sowie mit Neugr\u00fcndungen von St\u00e4dten im Zusammenhang stehen. Im Gegensatz zu den Vergr\u00f6\u00dferungen des Siedlungsraumes wurde meist durch kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen oder siedlungsinterne Konflikte begr\u00fcndet, in Teilbereichen des westgriechischen Raumes vor allem in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 5. Jhs v. Chr. der Siedlungsraum verkleinert. Diateichismata ver\u00e4ndern das Stadtbild nachhaltig und verf\u00fcgen durch ihre prominente Stellung innerhalb des Stadtgebietes auch \u00fcber repr\u00e4sentative oder abschreckende Funktion. Sie werden nur selten intentionell vollst\u00e4ndig entfernt und bleiben oft im Stadtbild weiterhin bestehen, auch wenn ihre urspr\u00fcngliche Funktion nicht mehr erf\u00fcllt ist. Sie werden in der Folge in andere Bauwerke integriert oder dienen der einfachen Steingewinnung. Als Trennmauern innerhalb des Siedlungsgebietes sind Diateichismata eng mit der urbanistischen Planung verbunden und sind sichtbare Grenzmarken zwischen Stadtteilen. Diese wurde in den meisten Siedlungen als Wohnbereiche genutzt, bei einigen wurden auch explizit Hafen- und Handelszonen abgetrennt. Weniger h\u00e4ufig treten abgeteilte Milit\u00e4rzonen auf. Generell haben in allen Arten von Diateichismata Siedlungen nicht besiedelte Areale innerhalb eines Diateichisma die Funktion von Fluchtbezirken. Als haupts\u00e4chliche Ursachen und Anl\u00e4sse, die zur Errichtung von Diateichismata f\u00fchrten, sind die Fortschritte der Angriffstaktik in klassischer Zeit mit gleichzeitigem, bereichsweise festzustellenden Bev\u00f6lkerungsr\u00fcckgang zu nennen: Diateichismata wurden daher v.a. in hellenistischer Zeit als Mittel der Siedlungsraumverkleinerung eingesetzt. Im gleichen Zeitraum stehen diesen Tendenzen regional Vorg\u00e4nge Der Siedlungsraumvergr\u00f6\u00dferung v. a. in Nordwestgriechenland und Westgriechenland - gegen\u00fcber, die mit Siedlungszusammenlegung und wirtschaftlichem Aufschwung in Zusammenhang zu bringen sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sokolicek ,Alexander"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Fortification, Archaeology, Urbanism, Regional studies"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437145"], ["title", "Diateichismata"], ["doab_id", "15270"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305543"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305543"]], [["description", "This book will tell all you need to know about British English spelling. It\u2019s a reference work intended for anyone interested in the English language, especially those who teach it, whatever the age or mother tongue of their students. It will be particularly useful to those wishing to produce well-designed materials for teaching initial literacy via phonics, for teaching English as a foreign or second language, and for teacher training.English spelling is notoriously complicated and difficult to learn; it is correctly described as much less regular and predictable than any other alphabetic orthography. However, there is more regularity in the English spelling system than is generally appreciated. This book provides, for the first time, a thorough account of the whole complex system. It does so by describing how phonemes relate to graphemes and vice versa. It enables searches for particular words, so that one can easily find, not the meanings or pronunciations of words, but the other words with which those with unusual phoneme-grapheme/grapheme-phoneme correspondences keep company.Other unique features of this book include teacher-friendly lists of correspondences and various regularities not described by previous authorities, for example the strong tendency for the letter-name vowel phonemes (the names of the letters ) to be spelt with those single letters in non-final syllables."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brooks, Greg (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["British English", "spelling", "dictionary", "phonetics", "phonics", "graphemes phoneme correspondence"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/325"], ["title", "Dictionary of the British English Spelling System"], ["doab_id", "17191"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741083", "9781783741090"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741083 9781783741090"]], [["description", "O livro apresenta os resultados finais obtidos pelo projeto intitulado \"Diet\u00e1rio (1582-1815) do Mosteiro de S\u00e3o Bento da Bahia: edi\u00e7\u00e3o diplom\u00e1tica\", a pesquisa em n\u00edvel de p\u00f3s-doutoramento \u00e9 vinculada ao Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Letras e Ling\u00fc\u00edstica da Universidade Federal da Bahia. O trabalho apoiou-se sobre o documento manuscrito Dietario das vidas e mortes dos Monges, que faleceram neste Mosteiro de S. Sebasti\u00e3o da Bahia da Ordem do Pr\u00edncipe dos Patriarchas S. Bento e procurou relatar a vida e morte de cada um dos monges que viveram e morreram nesta institui\u00e7\u00e3o religiosa. A narrativa vai de 1582, um ano ap\u00f3s a funda\u00e7\u00e3o da institui\u00e7\u00e3o religiosa, e encerra em 1815. O Mosteiro bahiano \u00e9 fruto da milenar hist\u00f3ria beneditina e sua grande tradi\u00e7\u00e3o bibliogr\u00e1fica, possuindo, em seus arquivos grandes raridades e manuscritos do Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lose, Alicia Duh\u00e1; Paix\u00e3o, Dom Greg\u00f3rio; Oliveira, Anna Paula Sandes de; Sanches, G\u00e9rsica Alves; Telles, C\u00e9lia Marques"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5h"], ["title", "Diet\u00e1rio (1582-1815) do Mosteiro de S\u00e3o Bento da Bahia: edi\u00e7\u00e3o diplom\u00e1tica"], ["doab_id", "16841"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209360"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209360"]], [["description", "Em nossos modernos CTIs, a morte, antes vista como acontecimento irrevog\u00e1vel, passa mais claramente \u00e0 ordem dos processos, cuja dura\u00e7\u00e3o, intensidade e conseq\u00fc\u00eancias s\u00e3o administradas ou reguladas segundo crit\u00e9rios e valores muitas vezes n\u00e3o explicitados. Mediante um estudo de caso, a autora aborda a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o social dos centros de tratamento intensivo; os dramas \u00e9ticos envolvendo profissionais da sa\u00fade, pacientes e familiares; e, finalmente, a emerg\u00eancia de um novo especialista, o intensivista."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Menezes, Rachel Aisengart"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bmzsz"], ["title", "Dif\u00edceis decis\u00f5es: etnografia de um Centro de Tratamento Intensivo"], ["doab_id", "19303"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413135"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413135"]], [["description", "O livro tem como objetivo oferecer uma discuss\u00e3o mais ampla sobre o tema, possibilitado, com isso, a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de uma cultura cient\u00edfica no Brasil. O livro oferecer\u00e1 aos leitores textos interdisciplinares que abordam a ci\u00eancia no momento contempor\u00e2neo e evolui, ao passo da leitura, para as formas da difus\u00e3o cient\u00edfica nos diversos campos do conhecimento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Porto, Cristiane de Magalh\u00e3es"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/68"], ["title", "Difus\u00e3o e cultura cient\u00edfica: alguns recortes"], ["doab_id", "16842"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209124"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209124"]], [["description", "\"Edited by organisers of \u201cDigital Classicist\u201d seminars in London and Berlin, this volume explores the impact of computational approaches to the study of antiquity on audiences other than the scholars who conventionally publish it. In addition to colleagues in classics and digital humanities, the eleven chapters herein concern and are addressed to students, heritage professionals and \u201ccitizen scientists\u201d.Each chapter is a scholarly contribution, presenting research questions in the classics, digital humanities or, in many cases, both. They are all also examples of work within one of the most important areas of academia today: scholarly research and outputs that engage with collaborators and audiences not only including our colleagues, but also students, academics in different fields including the hard sciences, professionals and the broader public. Collaboration and scholarly interaction, particularly with better-funded and more technically advanced disciplines, is essential to digital humanities and perhaps even more so to digital classics. The international perspectives on these issues are especially valuable in an increasingly connected, institutionally and administratively diverse world.This book addresses the broad range of issues scholars and practitioners face in engaging with students, professionals and the public, in accessible and valuable chapters from authors of many backgrounds and areas of expertise, including language and linguistics, history, archaeology and architecture. This collection will be of interest to teachers, scientists, cultural heritage professionals, linguists and enthusiasts of history and antiquity.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bodard Gabriel; Romanello Matteo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Text Encoding", "Crowdsourcing", "Treebanking", "Linked Open Data", "Open Education", "Multispectral Imaging"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607692"], ["title", "Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement"], ["doab_id", "19013"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188488", "9781909188464", "9781909188471", "9781909188617", "9781909188624"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188488 9781909188464 9781909188471 9781909188617 9781909188624"]], [["description", "The geek is male. Or so it seems. As is well documented, there is a distinct under-representation of girls studying computing at high school level and, correspondingly, going on to have careers in IT. To address this problem, in 2007 the authors of this book, with backgrounds in secondary teaching or IT, trialled a new and revolutionary program in schools: \u2018Digital Divas\u2019. The Digital Divas program, based on the idea that it was possible to change girls\u2019 perceptions of IT careers with educationally sound materials that tapped into their interests and were delivered in all-girl classes within the school curriculum, was a great success. In 'Digital Divas: Putting the Wow into Computing for Girls', Fisher, Lang, Craig and Forgasz recount what they did and how they did it, and reflect on the significance of this program, which has indisputably led to an increased self-sufficiency with IT amongst girls, challenged stereotypical understandings of IT as a male activity, and increased the pursuit of IT careers by young women.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fisher ,Julie; Lang ,Catherine; Craig ,Annemieke; Forgasz ,Helen; McLeod ,Amber"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Computers", "Study and teaching (Secondary)", "Information technology", "Women in information science", "Media and Communications", "Education"]], ["publisher", "Monash University Publishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605039"], ["title", "Digital Divas"], ["doab_id", "18766"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922235879"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922235879"]], [["description", "This book offers a critical introduction to the core technologies underlying the Internet from a humanistic perspective. It provides a cultural critique of computing technologies, by exploring the history of computing and examining issues related to writing, representing, archiving and searching. The book raises awareness of, and calls for, the digital humanities to address the challenges posed by the linguistic and cultural divides in computing, the clash between communication and control, and the biases inherent in networked technologies.A common problem with publications in the Digital Humanities is the dominance of the Anglo-American perspective. While seeking to take a broader view, the book attempts to show how cultural bias can become an obstacle to innovation both in the methodology and practice of the Digital Humanities. Its central point is that no technological instrument is culturally unbiased, and that all too often the geography that underlies technology coincides with the social and economic interests of its producers. The alternative proposed in the book is one of a world in which variation, contamination and decentralization are essential instruments for the production and transmission of digital knowledge. It is thus necessary not only to have spaces where DH scholars can interact (such as international conferences, THATCamps, forums and mailing lists), but also a genuine sharing of technological know-how and experience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Domenico Fiormente; Teresa Numerico; Francesca Tomasi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/sz0i1b6gqb9qope/Fiormonte_Numerico_Tomasi_The_Digital_Humanist_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Digital Humanist"], ["doab_id", "19595"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692580448"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692580448"]], [["description", "There is no doubt that we live in exciting times: Ours is the age of many \u2018silent revolutions\u2019 triggered by startups and research labs of big IT companies; revolutions that quietly and profoundly alter the world we live in. Another ten or five years, and self-tracking will be as normal and inevitable as having a Facebook account or a mobile phone. Our bodies, hooked to wearable devices sitting directly at or beneath the skin, will constantly transmit data to the big aggregation in the cloud. Permanent recording and automatic sharing will provide unabridged memory, both shareable and analyzable. The digitization of everything will allow for comprehensive quantification; predictive analytics and algorithmic regulation will prove themselves effective and indispensable ways to govern modern mass society. Given such prospects, it is neither too early to speculate on the possible futures of digital media nor too soon to remember how we expected it to develop ten, or twenty years ago.The observations shared in this book take the form of conversations about digital media and culture centered around four distinct thematic fields: politics and government, algorithm and censorship, art and aesthetics, as well as media literacy and education. Among the keywords discussed are: data mining, algorithmic regulation, sharing culture, filter bubble, distant reading, power browsing, deep attention, transparent reader, interactive art, participatory culture. The interviewees (mostly from the US, but also from France, Brazil, and Denmark) were given a set of common questions as well specific inquiries tailored to their individual areas of interest and expertise. As a result, the book both identifies different takes on the same issues and enables a diversity of perspectives when it comes to the interviewees\u2019 particular concerns.Among the questions offered to everybody were: What is your favored neologism of digital media culture? If you could go back in history of new media and digital culture in order to prevent something from happening or somebody from doing something, what or who would it be? If you were a minister of education, what would you do about media literacy? What is the economic and political force of personalization and transparency in digital media and what is its personal and cultural cost? Other recurrent questions address the relationship between cyberspace and government, the Googlization, quantification and customization of everything, and the culture of sharing and transparency. The section on art and aesthetics evaluates the former hopes for hypertext and hyperfiction, the political facet of digital art, the transition from the \u201cpassive\u201d to \u201cactive\u201d and from \u201csocial\u201d to \u201ctransparent reading\u201d; the section on media literacy discusses the loss of deep reading, the prospect of \u201cdistant reading\u201d and \u201calgorithmic criticism\u201d as well as the response of the university to the upheaval of new media and the expectations or misgivings towards the rise of the Digital Humanities."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["silent revolutions", "digitization", "digital media", "digital humanities", "politics", "culture", "aesthetics", "literacy", "data mining", "algorithmic regulation", "sharing culture", "filter bubble", "distant reading", "power browsing", "deep attention", "transparent reader", "interactive art", "participatory culture"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612791"], ["title", "Digital Humanities and Digital Media: Conversations on Politics, Culture, Aesthetics and Literacy"], ["doab_id", "19400"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420306", "9781785420313"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420306 9781785420313"]], [["description", "Academic institutions are starting to recognize the growing public interest in digital humanities research, and there is an increasing demand from students for formal training in its methods. Despite the pressure on practitioners to develop innovative courses, scholarship in this area has tended to focus on research methods, theories and results rather than critical pedagogy and the actual practice of teaching.The essays in this collection offer a timely intervention in digital humanities scholarship, bringing together established and emerging scholars from a variety of humanities disciplines across the world. The first section offers views on the practical realities of teaching digital humanities at undergraduate and graduate levels, presenting case studies and snapshots of the authors\u2019 experiences alongside models for future courses and reflections on pedagogical successes and failures. The next section proposes strategies for teaching foundational digital humanities methods across a variety of scholarly disciplines, and the book concludes with wider debates about the place of digital humanities in the academy, from the field\u2019s cultural assumptions and social obligations to its political visions.Digital Humanities Pedagogy broadens the ways in which both scholars and practitioners can think about this emerging discipline, ensuring its ongoing development, vitality and long-term sustainability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hirsch, Brett D. (Editor)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Digital humanities", "pedagogy", "humanities", "teaching digital humanities", "humanities computing", "website development", "media studies"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/161"], ["title", "Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics"], ["doab_id", "15357"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254268"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254268"]], [["description", "Questo eBook \u00e8 il primo rapporto di ricerca sulla dieta mediale dei giovani studenti universitari. La ricerca si occupa di indagare i loro consumi culturali, osservare da vicino la familiarit\u00e0 degli studenti con i piu innovativi strumenti tecnologici, monitorare le abitudini di consumo di contenuti e prodotti culturali, verificare la frequenza e le modalit\u00e0 principali con cui gli studenti si collegano a Internet, analizzare la conoscenza e l\u2019utilizzo di piattaforme e strumenti del web 2.0."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "AA.VV"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["digital"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unimib.it/upload/pag/1802106035/re/reportdietamediale.pdf"], ["title", "Digital Learning"], ["doab_id", "15489"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788895994413"]], ["provider", "University of Milano-Bicocca"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994413"]], [["description", "Light symbolises the highest good, it enables all visual art, and today it lies at the heart of billion-dollar industries. The control of light forms the foundation of contemporary vision. Digital Light brings together artists, curators, technologists and media archaeologists to study the historical evolution of digital light-based technologies. Digital Light provides a critical account of the capacities and limitations of contemporary digital light-based technologies and techniques by tracing their genealogies and comparing them with their predecessor media. As digital light remediates multiple historical forms (photography, print, film, video, projection, paint), the collection draws from all of these histories, connecting them to the digital present and placing them in dialogue with one another.Light is at once universal and deeply historical. The invention of mechanical media (including photography and cinematography) allied with changing print technologies (half-tone, lithography) helped structure the emerging electronic media of television and video, which in turn shaped the bitmap processing and raster display of digital visual media. Digital light is, as Stephen Jones points out in his contribution, an oxymoron: light is photons, particulate and discrete, and therefore always digital. But photons are also waveforms, subject to manipulation in myriad ways. From Fourier transforms to chip design, colour management to the translation of vector graphics into arithmetic displays, light is constantly disciplined to human purposes. In the form of fibre optics, light is now the infrastructure of all our media; in urban plazas and handheld devices, screens have become ubiquitous, and also standardised. This collection addresses how this occurred, what it means, and how artists, curators and engineers confront and challenge the constraints of increasingly normalised digital visual media.While various art pieces and other content are considered throughout the collection, the focus is specifically on what such pieces suggest about the intersection of technique and technology. Including accounts by prominent artists and professionals, the collection emphasises the centrality of use and experimentation in the shaping of technological platforms. Indeed, a recurring theme is how techniques of previous media become technologies, inscribed in both digital software and hardware. Contributions include considerations of image-oriented software and file formats; screen technologies; projection and urban screen surfaces; histories of computer graphics, 2D and 3D image editing software, photography and cinematic art; and transformations of light-based art resulting from the distributed architectures of the internet and the logic of the database.Digital Light brings together high profile figures in diverse but increasingly convergent fields, from academy award-winner and co-founder of Pixar, Alvy Ray Smith to feminist philosopher Cathryn Vasseleu."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cubitt ,Sean; Palmer ,Daniel; Tkacz ,Nathaniel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["digital light-based technologies", "mechanical media", "electronic media", "digital visual media", "light", "technique", "technology", "photography", "print", "film", "video", "projection", "paint"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=548050"], ["title", "Digital Light"], ["doab_id", "17184"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420009", "9781785420085"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420009 9781785420085"]], [["description", "Over half a century ago, in The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), Marshall McLuhan noted that the overlap of traditional print and new electronic media like radio and television produced widespread upheaval in personal and public life: Even without collision, such co-existence of technologies and awareness brings trauma and tension to every living person. Our most ordinary and conventional attitudes seem suddenly twisted into gargoyles and grotesques. Familiar institutions and associations seem at times menacing and malignant. These multiple transformations, which are the normal consequence of introducing new media into any society whatever, need special study.The trauma and tension in the daily lives of citizens as described here by McLuhan was only intensified by the arrival of digital media and the Web in the following decades. The rapidly evolving digital realm held a powerful promise for creative and constructive good\u2014a promise so alluring that much of the inquiry into this new environment focused on its potential rather than its profound impact on every sphere of civic, commercial, and private life. The totalizing scope of the combined effects of computerization and the worldwide network are the subject of the essays in The Digital Nexus, a volume that responds to McLuhan\u2019s request for a \u201cspecial study\u201d of the tsunami-like transformation of the communication landscape.These critical excursions provide analysis of and insight into the way new media technologies change the workings of social engagement for personal expression, social interaction, and political engagement. The contributors investigate the terms and conditions under which our digital society is unfolding and provide compelling arguments for the need to develop an accurate grasp of the architecture of the Web and the challenges that ubiquitous connectivity undoubtedly delivers to both public and private life. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Raphael Foshay"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["digital cultural studies, digital theory, media theory, cultural studies, communications, sociology"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120253"], ["title", "The Digital Nexus: Identity, Agency, and Political Engagement"], ["doab_id", "19419"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991292", "9781771991308", "9781771991315", "9781771991322"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991292 9781771991308 9781771991315 9781771991322"]], [["description", "Increasingly, young people live online, with the vast majority of their social and cultural interactions conducted through means other than face-to-face conversation. How does this transition impact the ways in which young migrants understand, negotiate, and perform identity? That's the question taken up by Digital Passages: Migrant Youth 2.0, a ground-breaking analysis of the ways that youth culture online interacts with issues of diaspora, gender, and belonging. Drawing on surveys, in-depth interviews, and ethnography, Koen Leurs builds an interdisciplinary portrait of online youth culture and the spaces it opens up for migrant youth to negotiate power relations and to promote intercultural understanding."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Leurs ,Koen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Internet", "diaspora", "gender", "youth culture", "transnationalism"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=559550"], ["title", "Digital Passages: Migrant Youth 2.0. Diaspora, Gender and Youth Cultural Intersections"], ["doab_id", "17216"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089646408"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646408"]], [["description", "Digital technology has made culture more accessible than ever before. Texts, audio, pictures and video can easily be produced, disseminated, used and remixed using devices that are increasingly user-friendly and affordable. However, along with this technological democratization comes a paradoxical flipside: the norms regulating culture's use\u2014copyright and related rights\u2014have become increasingly restrictive.This book brings together essays by academics, librarians, entrepreneurs, activists and policy makers, who were all part of the EU-funded Communia project. Together the authors argue that the Public Domain\u2014that is, the informational works owned by all of us, be that literature, music, the output of scientific research, educational material or public sector information\u2014is fundamental to a healthy society.The essays range from more theoretical papers on the history of copyright and the Public Domain, to practical examples and case studies of recent projects that have engaged with the principles of Open Access and Creative Commons licensing. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in the current debate about copyright and the Internet. It opens up discussion and offers practical solutions to the difficult question of the regulation of culture at the digital age. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dulong de Rosnay, Melanie (Editor); De Martin, Juan Carlos (Editor); Nesson, Charles R. (Foreword)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Copyright", "creative commons", "the commons", "communia", "cultural studies", "open culture", "Internet regulation", "licensing", "digital age", "digitization", "copyright law"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/93"], ["title", "The Digital Public Domain: Foundations for an Open Culture"], ["doab_id", "14498"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924461"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924461"]], [["description", "The goal of Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice is to gather, synthesize, and critique current work that stakes a claim to \u201cdigital rhetoric\u201d as field or methodological approach. Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice argues for a view of digital rhetoric as an emergent, interdisciplinary field of practice that has developed in parallel forms in a wide range of disciplines, including rhetoric and writing, composition, technical communication, digital game studies, literacy studies, media (and new media) studies, and human-computer interaction, among others. After tracing developments in these fields and providing a working definition of \u201cdigital rhetoric\u201d and its relationship to digital literacy, new media, and digital humanities approaches, Digital Rhetoric examines theories of digital rhetoric, research methods for digital rhetoric scholarship, and a series of case studies of digital rhetoric practice. In addition to a synthesis and critique of current work on \u201cdigital rhetoric,\u201d this project calls for the development of new theoretical frameworks and new \u201cborn-digital\u201d research methods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Douglas Eyman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.13030181.0001.001"], ["title", "Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice"], ["doab_id", "19089"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072682", "9780472052684", "9780472900114", "9780472121137"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072682 9780472052684 9780472900114 9780472121137"]], [["description", "This is a study of the material life of information and its devices; of electronic waste in its physical and electronic incarnations; a cultural and material mapping of the spaces where electronics in the form of both hardware and information accumulate, break down, or are stowed away. Electronic waste occurs not just in the form of discarded computers but also as a scatter of information devices, software, and systems that are rendered obsolete and fail. Where other studies have addressed \"\"digital\"\" technology through a focus on its immateriality or virtual qualities, Gabrys traces the material, spatial, cultural, and political infrastructures that enable the emergence and dissolution of these technologies. In the course of her book, she explores five interrelated \"\"spaces\"\" where electronics fall apart: from Silicon Valley to Nasdaq, from containers bound for China to museums and archives that preserve obsolete electronics as cultural artifacts, to the landfill as material repository. All together, these sites stack up into a sedimentary record that forms the \"\"natural history\"\" of this study. Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics describes the materiality of electronics from a unique perspective, examining the multiple forms of waste that electronics create as evidence of the resources, labor, and imaginaries that are bundled into these machines. By drawing on the material analysis developed by Walter Benjamin, this natural history method allows for an inquiry into electronics that focuses neither on technological progression nor on great inventors but rather considers the ways in which electronic technologies fail and decay. Ranging across studies of media and technology, as well as environments, geography, and design, Jennifer Gabrys pulls together the far-reaching material and cultural processes that enable the making and breaking of these technologies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jennifer Gabrys"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9380304.0001.001"], ["title", "Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics"], ["doab_id", "14507"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472117611"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472117611"]], [["description", "Digital Samaritans explores rhetorical delivery and cultural sovereignty in the digital humanities. The exigence for the book is rooted in a practical digital humanities project based on the digitization of manuscripts in diaspora for the Samaritan community, the smallest religious/ethnic group of 770 Samaritans split between Mount Gerizim in the Palestinian Authority and in Holon, Israel. Based on interviews with members of the Samaritan community and archival research, Digital Samaritans explores what some Samaritans want from their diaspora of manuscripts, and how their rhetorical goals and objectives relate to the contemporary existential and rhetorical situation of the Samaritans as a living, breathing people.How does the circulation of Samaritan manuscripts, especially in digital environments, relate to their rhetorical circumstances and future goals and objectives to communicate their unique cultural history and religious identity to their neighbors and the world? Digital Samaritans takes up these questions and more as it presents a case for collaboration and engaged scholarship situated at the intersection of rhetorical studies and the digital humanities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jim Ridolfo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/drc.13406713.0001.001"], ["title", "Digital Samaritans: Rhetorical Delivery and Engagement in the Digital Humanities"], ["doab_id", "19085"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072804", "9780472052806", "9780472900077", "9780472121335"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072804 9780472052806 9780472900077 9780472121335"]], [["description", "This book delves into the changes in technology regarding higher education and seeks to define what it means to be a scholar in the digital age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin Weller"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666275"], ["title", "The Digital Scholar"], ["doab_id", "14378"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666275"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666275"]], [["description", "This volume presents the state of the art in digital scholarly editing. Drawing together the work of established and emerging researchers, it gives pause at a crucial moment in the history of technology in order to offer a sustained reflection on the practices involved in producing, editing and reading digital scholarly editions\u2014and the theories that underpin them.The unrelenting progress of computer technology has changed the nature of textual scholarship at the most fundamental level: the way editors and scholars work, the tools they use to do such work and the research questions they attempt to answer have all been affected. Each of the essays in Digital Scholarly Editing approaches these changes with a different methodological consideration in mind. Together, they make a compelling case for re-evaluating the foundation of the discipline\u2014one that tests its assertions against manuscripts and printed works from across literary history, and the globe. The sheer breadth of Digital Scholarly Editing, along with its successful integration of theory and practice, help redefine a rapidly-changing field, as its firm grounding and future-looking ambit ensure the work will be an indispensable starting point for further scholarship. This collection is essential reading for editors, scholars, students and readers who are invested in the future of textual scholarship and the digital humanities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Driscoll, Matthew James; Pierazzo, Elena (Editors)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Digital scholarly editing, digital humanities, textual scholarship, computer technology, theories, practices"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/483"], ["title", "Digital Scholarly Editing: Theories and Practices"], ["doab_id", "19695"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742387", "9781783742400"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742387/9781783742400"]], [["description", "Digital Tools in Urban Schools demonstrates significant ways in which high school teachers in the complex educational setting of an urban public high school in northern California extended their own professional learning to revitalize learning in their classrooms. Through a novel research collaboration between a university and this public school, these teachers were supported and guided in developing the skills necessary to take greater advantage of new media and new information sources to increase student learning while making connections to their relevant experiences and interests. Jabari Mahiri draws on extensive qualitative data\u2014including blogs, podcasts, and other digital media\u2014to document, describe, and analyze how the learning of both students and teachers was dramatically transformed as they utilized digital media in their classrooms. Digital Tools in Urban Schools will interest instructional leaders and participants in teacher preparation and professional development programs, education and social science researchers and scholars, graduate and undergraduate programs and classes emphasizing literacy and learning, and those focused on urban education issues and conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jabari Mahiri"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Urban youth -- Education -- Social aspects -- United States", "Critical pedagogy -- United States", "Digital communications -- Social aspects -- United States"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.10329379.0001.001"], ["title", "Digital Tools in Urban Schools: Mediating a Remix of Learning"], ["doab_id", "14522"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071531", "9780472051533", "9780472027606"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071531 Paper: 9780472051533 Ebook Formats: 9780472027606"]], [["description", "We have long moved on from a mere information age to the era of big data. Here, databases represent both the enormous potential for gaining knowledge of data collection and the alarming information excesses of digital culture. Furthermore, the term refers to concrete technologies and processes of gathering and accessing digital information. Media theory has to locate databases in between these very different conceptions. Marcus Burkhardt retraces the history of databases and asks how technical procedures of processing digital information determine what can be found how in databases and what knowledge can be gained through them.

Wir leben l\u00e4ngst nicht mehr nur im Informationszeitalter, sondern in der \u00c4ra von Big Data. In dieser steht die Datenbank gleichzeitig f\u00fcr die riesigen Erkenntnispotenziale von Informationssammlungen wie f\u00fcr die bedrohlichen Informationsexzesse der digitalen Medienkultur. Zudem bezeichnet der Begriff konkrete Technologien und Verfahren der Sammlung und Bereitstellung von digitalen Informationen. Zwischen diesen sehr unterschiedlichen Auffassungen gilt es, Datenbanken medientheoretisch zu verorten. Marcus Burkhardt zeichnet die Geschichte der Datenbanken nach und fragt, wie technische Verfahren der Verwaltung digitaler Informationen bedingen, was auf welche Weise in Datenbanken gefunden und durch sie gewusst werden kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burkhardt ,Marcus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Media", "Computer", "Database", "Search Engine", "Big Data", "Internet", "Digital Media", "Media Theory", "Media History", "Media Studies", "Medien", "Computer", "Datenbank", "Suchmaschine", "Big Data", "Internet", "Digitale Medien", "Medientheorie", "Mediengeschichte", "Medienwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=595362"], ["title", "Digitale Datenbanken. Eine Medientheorie im Zeitalter von Big Data"], ["doab_id", "18606"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783837630282", "9783839430286"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837630282 9783839430286"]], [["description", "Contrary to the common constriction of the euthanasia-discussion on \u201cself-determination at the end of life\" Eva Schumann claims rethinking in dealing with seriously ill and dying people. To meet their needs in her view a comprehensive access to outpatient and inpatient palliative care facilities is recquired and also improvements of care in nursing homes as well as offers to improve the integration of members into care. These claims conclude the discussion between assistance in dying (indirect euthanasia), and assistance to die (active and passive euthanasia). Taking account historical, interdisciplinary and comparative law issues it is demonstrated that the formal legal distinction between the various case groups of euthanasia not sufficiently takes into account the social dimension of dying.

Entgegen der heute \u00fcblichen Verengung der Sterbehilfediskussion auf die \u00bbSelbstbestimmung am Lebensende\u00ab fordert Eva Schumann ein Umdenken im Umgang mit schwerkranken und sterbenden Menschen. Um deren Bed\u00fcrfnissen gerecht zu werden, ist nach ihrer Auffassung ein fl\u00e4chendeckender Zugang zu ambulanten und station\u00e4ren Palliativeinrichtungen, eine Verbesserung der Betreuung in Alten- und Pflegeheimen sowie Angebote zur st\u00e4rkeren Einbindung von Angeh\u00f6rigen in die Pflege erforderlich. Diese Forderungen stehen am Ende einer kritischen W\u00fcrdigung der unter dem Begriff der Sterbehilfe diskutierten Fallgruppen der Hilfe im Sterben (indirekte Sterbehilfe) einerseits und der Hilfe zum Sterben (aktive und passive Sterbehilfe) andererseits. Unter Einbeziehung historischer, interdisziplin\u00e4rer und rechtsvergleichender Aspekte wird eindringlich dargelegt, dass die formaljuristische Differenzierung zwischen den einzelnen Fallgruppen der Sterbehilfe nicht hinreichend die soziale Dimension des Sterbens ber\u00fccksichtigt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schumann, Eva"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["law", "euthanasia", "geriatric welfare", "law", "euthanasia", "geriatric welfare"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610172"], ["title", "Dignitas - Voluntas - Vita - \u00dcberlegungen zur Sterbehilfe aus rechtshistorischer, interdisziplin\u00e4rer und rechtsvergleichender Sicht G\u00f6ttinger Antrittsvorlesung im Januar 2006"], ["doab_id", "13197"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616499"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616499"]], [["description", "\u201cDilemas, apuestas y reflexiones te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas para los abordajes en Historia Reciente\u201d se preocupa por presentar los dilemas te\u00f3ricos y metodol\u00f3gicos, las potencialidades\u00a0 y la utilizaci\u00f3n de las fuentes para la escritura de la Historia Reciente, los condicionantes en las agendas acad\u00e9micas con el prop\u00f3sito de dejar explicitadas las preocupaciones con las que se trabaja en escritura de la historia del pasado reciente y dar cuenta c\u00f3mo se construyen los objetos de estudio. El libro est\u00e1 organizado en dos partes. La primera dedicada a discutir conceptos, categor\u00edas y perspectivas te\u00f3ricas, y la segunda orientada a reflexionar sobre posibilidades y limitaciones del heterog\u00e9neo y complejo universo de materiales utilizados en la escritura de los diferentes cap\u00edtulos de ese pasado doloroso y que no pasa. No obstante esta divisi\u00f3n, los recorridos anal\u00edticos, te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicos e historiogr\u00e1ficos atraviesan todos los cap\u00edtulos del libro, pero lo hacen desde aproximaciones dis\u00edmiles, que aportan de manera significativa, sea a la reflexi\u00f3n cr\u00edtica sobre cuestiones estructurantes de la investigaci\u00f3n sobre el pasado reciente (la represi\u00f3n, sus dimensiones, modalidades y caracter\u00edsticas; la militancia humanitaria, las relaciones entre violencia y pol\u00edtica, los exilios; la temporalidad del pasado-presente; los trabajos de la memoria, la transmisi\u00f3n intergeneracional de pasados traum\u00e1ticos), sea al conocimiento espec\u00edfico de cap\u00edtulos concretos de la historia de las dictaduras argentina y chilena."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Flier, Patricia (comp.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["political violence ", " human rights ", " military dictatorship ", " Argentina ", " Chile ", " violencia pol\u00edtica ", " derechos humanos ", " dictadura militar"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/30"], ["title", "Dilemas, apuestas y reflexiones te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas para los abordajes en historia reciente"], ["doab_id", "17347"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503410936"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503410936"]], [["description", "This volume contains the contributions to a conference at the Institute Vienna Circle of the University of Vienna in June 2013 that aimed at examining Dilthey\u2019s work as a philosopher of science in the light of the results of the last decades\u2019 Dilthey research that have moved him further away from the idea of a merely \u201ccontinental\u201d philosophy of the hermeneutics of life.

Dieser Band vereinigt die Beitr\u00e4ge einer im Juni 2013 am Institut Wiener Kreis der Universit\u00e4t Wien stattgefundenen Tagung, deren Ziel es gewesen ist, die Rolle Diltheys als Wissenschaftsphilosoph zu beleuchten, vor dem Hintergrund der in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Dilthey-Forschung erarbeiteten Befunde, die Dilthey tendenziell von dem Bild einer rein \u201ekontinentalen\u201c Philosophie der Hermeneutik des Lebens weg ger\u00fcckt haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Damb\u00f6ck ,Christian; Lessing ,Hans-Ulirch"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dilthey, Philosophy of Science, 19th century philosophy", "Dilthey, Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts"]], ["publisher", "Verlag Karl Alber"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615394"], ["title", "Dilthey als Wissenschaftsphilosoph"], ["doab_id", "19678"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783495487280"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783495487280"]], [["description", "Central historical, biographical and school-related aspects of formation and education are brought together in this work to point to the diversity of educational sciences. Tradition and innovation are recurrent themes in all the articles. As Friedrich Schleiermacher puts it in his understanding of generations as constituent aspect of pedagogy itself: only who fathoms the tradition and who is aware of the tradition will be able to be innovative \u2013 and only an innovative person is able to recognize tradition.Central historical, biographical and school-related aspects of formation and education are brought together in this work to point to the diversity of educational sciences. Tradition and innovation are recurrent themes in all the articles. As Friedrich Schleiermacher puts it in his understanding of generations as constituent aspect of pedagogy itself: only who fathoms the tradition and who is aware of the tradition will be able to be innovative \u2013 and only an innovative person is able to recognize tradition.

Dieser Band vereint zentrale - historische, biographische und schulbezogene - Aspekte der Bildung und Erziehung, die in ihrer Multiperspektivit\u00e4t auf die Vielseitigkeit einer ganzen wissenschaftlichen Disziplin, der Erziehungswissenschaft, verweisen. Tradierung und Innovation sind dabei die begrifflichen Klammern, die die inhaltlich breit gef\u00e4cherten Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes durchziehen und die mit Friedrich Schleiermachers auf eine offene Zukunft hin ausgelegtes Generationenverst\u00e4ndnis als konstitutiv f\u00fcr die P\u00e4dagogik selbst gesehen werden k\u00f6nnen: Nur wer das Tradierte auslotet und mit dem Tradierten vertraut ist, kann innovativ sein - und nur ein innovativer Mensch kann das Tradierte \u00fcberhaupt erkennen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoffmann-Ocon, Andreas; Koch, Katja; Schmidtke, Adrian"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["education", "philosophy and theory of education", "education", "philosophy and theory of education"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610187"], ["title", "Dimensionen der Erziehung und Bildung"], ["doab_id", "13096"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616000", "9783938616000"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616000 3938616008"]], [["description", "\"Como era o Carnaval em S\u00e3o Paulo antes da consagra\u00e7\u00e3o das escolas de samba e antes da consolida\u00e7\u00e3o em solo paulista do modelo de desfile similar ao que j\u00e1 vigorava no Rio de Janeiro? O presente livro busca rastrear e investigar as muitas formas de divers\u00e3o dos foli\u00f5es e tra\u00e7ar o perfil desses carnavais na cidade de S\u00e3o Paulo, de 1940 a 1964. Vindo preencher uma lacuna nos estudos sobre o tema nesse recorte de tempo \u2013 h\u00e1 pouqu\u00edssimos estudos sobre os folguedos carnavalescos ocorridos em S\u00e3o Paulo entre 1940 e 1964 \u2013, esta obra mergulha em um per\u00edodo que, embora n\u00e3o tenha sido aquele em que o Carnaval paulista conheceu seu maior esplendor, apresentou nos festejos de Momo importantes signos da sociabilidade da \u00e9poca.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Z\u00e9lia Lopes da"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["JUVENILE NONFICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fmyd3"], ["title", "Dimens\u00f5es da cultura e da sociabilidade: os festejos carnavalescos da cidade de S\u00e3o Paulo (1940-1964)"], ["doab_id", "19836"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788568334546"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334546"]], [["description", "Quattro gruppi industriali controllati o partecipati in misura consistente dal Comune di Torino generano ogni anno oltre 3 miliardi di euro di fatturato, quasi 600 milioni di margine operativo lordo e 132 milioni di utile netto. Le public utilities torinesi, attraverso alleanze e fusioni, hanno da tempo superato i confini urbani ed esteso il raggio di azione in molte regioni italiane; in alcuni casi hanno misurato la propria competitivit\u00e0 all\u2019interno digareinternazionali. L\u2019ipotetico aggregato di 4 importanti player nei rispettivisettori di servizio pubblico: Gruppo Amiat, Gruppo Smat, Gruppo Gtt e Gruppo Iren occupa oltre 11.000 dipendenti e produce un indotto superiore al miliardo di euro. Solo a Torino oltre 6000 imprese raccolgono pi\u00f9 di 322 milioni di euro di commesse. L\u2019imminente processo di liberalizzazione richiama l\u2019attenzione sul ruolo del Comune nella doppia veste di shareholder aziendale e stakeholder territoriale e sottolinea la centralit\u00e0 delle public utilities nella politica economica urbana non solo in termini di poste di bilancio e gestione del consenso."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sandro Baraggioli"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.antilia.to.it/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Public-Utilities-a-Torino-SANDRO-BARAGGIOLI.pdf"], ["title", "Dinamiche di Trasformazione delle Public Utilities a Torino"], ["doab_id", "15535"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788895994543"]], ["provider", "antilia.to.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994543"]], [["description", "A transi\u00e7\u00e3o da Monarquia para a Rep\u00fablica no Brasil foi cercada de conturbados eventos no plano interno, em raz\u00e3o do \"vazio de poder\" decorrente das institui\u00e7\u00f5es deca\u00eddas, e no plano externo, eleito como ponto de refer\u00eancia e de legitimidade para a boa condu\u00e7\u00e3o do pa\u00eds. Partindo do pressuposto de que havia porosidade entre a pol\u00edtica interna e a pol\u00edtica externa, a diplomacia exerceu alta influ\u00eancia nos acontecimentos dom\u00e9sticos nacionais, referendando principalmente o relacionamento com os Estados Unidos como o ponto de apoio \u00e0 inst\u00e1vel pol\u00edtica interna. O maior representante dessa linha de atua\u00e7\u00e3o foi Salvador de Mendon\u00e7a, diplomata do Brasil nos Estados Unidos. Americanista convicto, ele diplomata trabalhou pela aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o - leia-se americaniza\u00e7\u00e3o - do Brasil, intervindo em tr\u00eas ocasi\u00f5es: na Confer\u00eancia Americana de 1889-1890 em Washington, na assinatura do Tratado de Reciprocidade Comercial de 1891 e durante a Revolta da Armada no Rio de Janeiro em 1893-1894. Fundamentando a pesquisa em sua na correspond\u00eancia diplom\u00e1tica, o autor desta obra mostra a import\u00e2ncia da atua\u00e7\u00e3o de Salvador de Mendon\u00e7a na aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o com os Estados Unidos, processo que ao longo de quase uma d\u00e9cada tornou sin\u00f4nimas as id\u00e9ias de republicaniza\u00e7\u00e3o e americaniza\u00e7\u00e3o da esfera pol\u00edtica brasileira."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pereira, Gabriel Terra"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gshz7"], ["title", "A diplomacia da americaniza\u00e7\u00e3o de Salvador de Mendon\u00e7a (1889-1898)"], ["doab_id", "16717"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830068"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830068"]], [["description", "Im Zentrum der Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes stehen Fragen des Funktionierens und der Rahmenbedingungen fr\u00fchneuzeitlicher Diplomatie, die am Beispiel der Westf\u00e4lischen Friedensverhandlungen unter verschiedenen Blickwinkeln verfolgt werden. Die Editionsgeschichte der Friedensvertr\u00e4ge und eine Ortsbestimmung des Westf\u00e4lischen Friedens in der Entwicklung von Diplomatie und internationalem Verkehr im Europa der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit bilden weitere Themenschwerpunkte."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Babel, Rainer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213917"], ["title", "Le Diplomate au travail. Entscheidungsprozesse, Information und Kommunikation im Umkreis des Westf\u00e4lischen Friedenskongresses"], ["doab_id", "18027"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486835441", "9783486568349"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835441, 9783486568349"]], [["description", "Diplomacy as a family business.The Casatis as Spanish-Milanese envoys in Lucerne and Chur (1660-1700)The astonishing family career of the Casatis contradicts widespread impressions of early modern diplomacy. This monograph explains how a Spanish-Milanese diplomatic dynasty shrewdly managed, using a highly complex network of confessional, social and cultural connections, to concentrate and deploy its resources upon key actors, and put itself beyond competition from potential challengers. \u201cOther than following God and their own self-interest, this people knows no further impulse,\u201d was the devastating judgment of Alfonso Casati in 1674 concerning the Swiss Confederates. The diplomats nonetheless had to accommodate the needs of these local hosts, or lose their trust and that of their royal employer, the Spanish king. In order to fulfill the demands placed upon him as a diplomat, Alfonso Casati, like most envoys in early modern Europe, periodically reached into his own pockets. In contrast to many contemporaries, however, he did not respond to the costly requirements of the job by seeking to be relieved of his duties. On the contrary, he laid the ground for ensuring that his own son became the fourth generation representative in a nearly continuous position held by the same family. Tapping extensive source materials which are interpreted from the perspective of various historical actors, this study not only reconstructs the position and influence of an extraordinary diplomatic family, but also shines new light on a colorful history of patronage, corruption and politics in the external relations of the Confederacy and Graub\u00fcnden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Behr ,Andreas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Diplomacy", "Spanish Crown"]], ["publisher", "Chronos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605211"], ["title", "Diplomatie als Familiengesch\u00e4ft. Die Casati als spanisch-mail\u00e4ndische Gesandte in Luzern und Chur (1660\u20131700)"], ["doab_id", "18758"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783034012935"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034012935"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Drewes ,G."], ["date", "1977"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613425"], ["title", "Directions for Travellers on the Mystic Path"], ["doab_id", "18447"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024720316", "9789004287129"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024720316 9789004287129"]], [["description", "In DISCIPLINARY INTERVENTIONS, Ricardo Salvatore argues that the foundation of the discipline of Latin American studies, pioneered between 1900 and 1945, was linked to the United States\u2019s business and financial interests and informal imperialism. In contrast, the consolidation of Latin American studies has traditionally been placed in the 1960s, as a reaction to the Cuban Revolution. Focusing on five representative U.S. scholars of South America\u2014historian Clarence Haring, geographer Isaiah Bowman, political scientist Leo Rowe, sociologist Edward Ross, and archaeologist Hiram Bingham -- Salvatore demonstrates how their search for comprehensive knowledge about South America can be understood as a contribution to hemispheric hegemony, an intellectual conquest of the region. U.S. economic leaders, diplomats, and foreign-policy experts needed knowledge about the region to expand investment and trade, as well as the U.S.\u2019s international influence; they viewed South America as a reservoir of evidence to be explored and, ultimately, exploited. Although they did not have a unified vision for an American Empire in Latin America, these five scholars all believed that the U.S. should exert its cultural, economic, and political influence, and use the knowledge produced by its academics, to solve South American poverty, inequality, and socio-economic backwardness.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Salvatore ,Ricardo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Civilization", "Study and teaching (Higher)", "Diplomatic relations", "Imperialism", "History", "American Studies/Latin American Studies"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605450"], ["title", "Disciplinary Conquest"], ["doab_id", "18777"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374503"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374503"]], [["description", "All countries, regions and institutions are ultimately built on a degree of consensus, on a collective commitment to a concept, belief or value system. This consensus is continuously rephrased and reinvented through a narrative of cohesion and challenged by expressions of discontent and discord. The history of the Low Countries is characterised by both a striving for consensus and eruptions of discord, both internally and from external challenges. This interdisciplinary volume explores consensus and discord in a Low Countries context along broad cultural, linguistic and historical lines. Disciplines represented include early-modern and contemporary history; art history; film; literature; and translation scholars from both the Low Countries and beyond."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fenoulhet ,Jane; Quist ,Gerdi; Tiedau ,Ulrich"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dutch history", "Discord", "Consensus", "Conflict"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607682"], ["title", "Discord and Consensus in the Low Countries, 1700-2000"], ["doab_id", "19018"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634318"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634318"]], [["description", "Since the \u201cscuola urbinate\u201d (e. g. B. Gentili) applied the oral theory to the Greek lyricists, orality is seen to have influenced thought and language not only of rhapsodists, but of archaic authors in general. Against this background, I investigate how the interaction between orality and literacy, which I suggest to call \u201caurality\u201d, influences the semantics and the linguistic reasoning chiefly of Heraclitus among the early presocratic thinkers. On the one hand Heraclitus is an oral \u201cimage-thinker\u201d (Havelock) and his prose is poetically constructed; on the other hand only by writing he can figure out the discourse (\u03bb\u1f79\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2) as a \u1f40\u03bd\u1f79\u03bc\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1-composed unity, as I mean he does, rather than holistic or as a continuum, what is common in oral societies. Such a \u03bb\u1f79\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2 is able to serve as a cosmological model, for the physical world consisting of a multiplicity of phenomena closely jointed to each other into an invisible unity.

Im allgemeinen Verst\u00e4ndnis begr\u00fcnden die Vorsokratiker das philosophische Fachwissen und die philosophische Fachsprache. Diese Annahme wird in der vorliegendenArbeit mittels einer semantischenAnalyse revidiert: die Sprache derVorsokratiker meidet nicht, sondern zielt geradezu auf mehrdeutige und redundante Ausdrucksweisen. Hier ist der nicht-terminologische Gebrauch von logos bei Heraklit besonders aufschlussreich. In der Bedeutung dieses Lexems, die an den biszur Zeit des Ephesiers belegten Verwendungskontexten untersucht wird, zeigt sich die noch wirkende Kontinuit\u00e4t mit der legein- Grundbedeutung \u201esammeln\u201c:die \u201eRede\u201c besteht n\u00e4mlich aus einerSammlung einzelner epea bzw. onomata. Aufgrund ihrer synthetischen Struktur istsie geeignet, eine heuristische Funktion f\u00fcr das menschliche Verstehen der latenten Einheit scheinbar loser Erscheinungen zuerf\u00fcllen. Sowohl formal, in der Art, wiedas Lexem semantisch aufgeladen wird, als auch inhaltlich, in der spezifi sch herakliteischen Interdependenz zwischen Realit\u00e4t und Sprache, lassen sich in dem logos desHeraklit Charakteristika erkennen, die auf den \u00dcbergang von der M\u00fcndlichkeit zur Schriftlichkeit zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt werden k\u00f6nnen.Secondo la communis opinio, i Presocratici segnano l\u2019inizio della filosofi a come disciplina e del relativo linguaggio specialistico. Tali presupposti vengono qui messi in discussione in base ad un\u2019analisi semantica del linguaggio presocratico:piuttosto che ridurre, esso potenziaambiguit\u00e0 e ridondanza sfruttandolecome risorse del senso. L\u2019esame siconcentra sull\u2019uso non terminologicodi logos in Eraclito. Il signifi cato dellessema, stabilito in base ai contestid\u2019uso attestati fi no all\u2019epoca dell\u2019Efesio ed affrancato dalla successiva Wirkungsgeschichte,\u00e8 ancora contraddistintodall\u2019idea del \u2018raccogliere insieme\u2019 (legein): il \u2018discorso\u2019, infatti, consiste nella sintesi di singoli epea (detti) ed onomata (nomi). Mostrando il farsi uno dei molti, il logos assume dunque una funzione euristica per la comprensione dell\u2019unit\u00e0 di fenomeni apparentemente irrelati o contraddittori. Sia a livello formale, neimodi della \u201cri-semantizzazione\u201d della parola- chiave, sia a livello contenutistico, nella specifi ca interdipendenza scorta tra linguaggio e mondo, si riconoscono nel logos di Eraclito caratteristiche salienti del compromesso tra oralit\u00e0 e scrittura.Der Erwerb des Buches ist ,m\u00f6glich: www.olms.de"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gianvittorio ,Laura"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Heraclitus, logos, orality-literacy, presocratic philosophical language, semantics, cosmology"]], ["publisher", "Georg Olms Verlag"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507997"], ["title", "Il discorso di Eraclito"], ["doab_id", "16789"], ["language_unmapped", "it"], ["isbns", ["9783487143866"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783487143866"]], [["description", "The French connection with the South Seas stretches back at least as far as the voyage of Binot Paulmier de Gonneville (1503-1505), who believed he had discovered the fabled great south land after being blown off course during a storm near the Cape of Good Hope. (...) It was not until the eighteenth century, however, that France began sending mariners to the southern oceans on a regular basis, and by that time a new maritime power had begun to emerge: Great Britain. Together, these two nations would play a decisive role in determining the configuration of these little known parts of the globe, and particularly of the Pacific, which had for so long been the almost exclusive preserve of Spain."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "West-Sooby ,John"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["john west-sooby", "rance", "age of the enlightenment", "john gascoigne", "abb\u00e9 paulmier\u2019s m\u00e9moires", "french voyages", "terra australis", "margaret sankey", "bougainville", "baudin", "jean fornasiero", "senses", "french explorers", "british explorers", "aboriginal people", "australia", "shino konishi", "spanish perceptions", "french perceptions", "british colony", "port jackson", "animal histories", "baudin expedition", "stephanie pfennigwerth", "freycinet", "oceania", "nicole starbuck", "imperialism", "pacific ocean", "penal colony", "south seas", "jacqueline dutton"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560094"], ["title", "Discovery and Empire: the French in the South Seas"], ["doab_id", "15483"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064523"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064523"]], [["description", "How do the United States and France differ in laws and attitudes concerning discrimination at work? Franco-American scholar Marie Mercat-Bruns interviews prominent legal scholars to demonstrate how these two post-industrial democracies have adopted divergent strategies. Whereas employers in the United States and France rarely discriminate openly, deep systemic discrimination exists in both countries, each with a unique history of dealing with difference. Powerful and incisive, the book examines hot-button issues such as racial and religious bias, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and equality for LGBT individuals, highlighting comparisons that will further discussions on social equality and fundamental human rights across borders."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mercat-Bruns ,Marie"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Discrimination", "Employment", "Labor", "Law and legislation", "European law", "French law", "American law"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604353"], ["title", "Discrimination at Work: Comparing European, French, and American Law"], ["doab_id", "18653"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520283800", "9780520959583"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520283800 9780520959583"]], [["description", "El 12 de agosto de 1800, Napole\u00f3n design\u00f3 una comisi\u00f3n de cuatro miembros encargados de establecer las bases de la legislaci\u00f3n civil: Tronchet (1726-1806), Portalis (1746-1807), Bigot de Pr\u00e9ameneu (1747-1825) y Maleville (1741-1824). Tras cinco meses de trabajo, el proyecto de la comisi\u00f3n fue impreso el 21 de enero de 1801 (1\u00ba de pluvioso del a\u00f1o IX). Aunque sufri\u00f3 modificaciones en varios aspectos importantes, el C\u00f3digo civil de 1804 deriva claramente de \u00e9l. El proyecto ven\u00eda precedido por un Discurso preliminar \u2013el texto objeto de esta publicaci\u00f3n\u2013 atribuido a Portalis, su primer firmante, quien lo pronunci\u00f3 en la presentaci\u00f3n del mismo. En \u00e9l se expon\u00edan los motivos de los miembros de la comisi\u00f3n: comenzaba por una breve historia sobre la idea de la codificaci\u00f3n, expon\u00eda a continuaci\u00f3n la necesidad de ser moderado en materia legislativa y justificaba finalmente la estructura del c\u00f3digo. Para ello explicaba las opciones elegidas ante el enfrentamiento entre el antiguo y el nuevo derecho, y los principios que hab\u00edan inspirado la redacci\u00f3n del proyecto."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Portalis, Jean-\u00c9tienne-Marie"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Code Napol\u00e9on", "Portalis", "Discurso preliminar"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/90883/discurso_portalis_hd31_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Discurso preliminar sobre el proyecto de C\u00f3digo civil"], ["doab_id", "16548"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315747"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315747"]], [["description", "Este estudio pone de relieve los componentes orales que recorren la cultura jur\u00eddica de la Espa\u00f1a isabelina - aunque, con alta probabilidad, muchas de las hip\u00f3tesis aqu\u00ed lanzadas son perfectamente aplicables a otras tradiciones americanas y europeas. Con el abogado-orador como modelo de jurista perfecto y piedra de toque de la referida cultura, se analizan sucesivamente las pr\u00e1cticas universitarias (lecciones, discursos de apertura, oposiciones a c\u00e1tedra), la profesi\u00f3n forense (saberes, bibliotecas, gestos...) con atenci\u00f3n particular a la literatura sobre elocuencia y, en fin, la actividad parlamentaria y legislativa. Se pretende as\u00ed observar desde nuevas perspectivas los textos del momento liberal."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Petit, Carlos"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Oralidad", "Abogados", "Universidad liberal", "Palabra y letra de la ley", "Elocuencia", "Bibliotecas jur\u00eddicas", "Espa\u00f1a", "Siglo XIX", "Orality", "Lawyers", "University", "Orality and legislation", "Eloquence", "Law libraries", "Spain", "XIXth Century", "Historia", "Derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19670/discurso_petit_hd30_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Discurso sobre el discurso. Oralidad y escritura en la cultura jur\u00eddica de la Espa\u00f1a liberal"], ["doab_id", "16462"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315730"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315730"]], [["description", "Jean-Jacques-R\u00e9gis de Cambac\u00e9r\u00e8s (1753-1824) tom\u00f3 parte en la revoluci\u00f3n desde 1789 y lleg\u00f3 a ser segundo c\u00f3nsul de la Rep\u00fablica entre 1799 y 1804. Contribuy\u00f3 decididamente a la redacci\u00f3n del C\u00f3digo civil, a \u00e9l se deben tambi\u00e9n los discursos de presentaci\u00f3n de los tres primeros proyectos cuyos textos se ofrecen en este volumen. Ninguno lleg\u00f3 a aprobarse, la suerte de la Convenci\u00f3n y del Directorio hizo que naufragasen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cambac\u00e9r\u00e8s, Jean-Jacques-R\u00e9gis de"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["C\u00f3digo civil", "Francia", "Revoluci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/21254/discursos_cambaceres_hd36_2015.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Discursos sobre el C\u00f3digo civil"], ["doab_id", "17289"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315815"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315815"]], [["description", "La presente obra, de car\u00e1cter introductorio, est\u00e1 dirigida a estudiantes y profesionales de Bibliotecolog\u00eda, Documentaci\u00f3n y Ciencia de la Informaci\u00f3n de lengua espa\u00f1ola, que se enfrentan por primera vez al dise\u00f1o y desarrollo de tesauros. Se encuadra en el marco referencial de la Organizaci\u00f3n del Conocimiento y se basa principalmente en la nueva norma ISO 25964-1/2 que ha puesto \u00e9nfasis en la publicaci\u00f3n electr\u00f3nica del tesauro. Sus doce cap\u00edtulos tratan sobre la Organizaci\u00f3n del Conocimiento, sus sistemas y los distintos enfoques con que \u00e9stos han sido estudiados. Se define y caracteriza el tesauro, se resume su historia, se describe su vocabulario, las relaciones y el orden sistem\u00e1tico, as\u00ed como su evaluaci\u00f3n, publicaci\u00f3n y actualizaci\u00f3n. Tambi\u00e9n se hace referencia a la interoperabilidad entre tesauros y otros sistemas de organizaci\u00f3n del conocimiento, el software de gesti\u00f3n, los modelos de datos y los formatos de intercambio."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Tamayo, Ana Mar\u00eda; Mendes, Paola Ver\u00f3nica"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Tesauros ", " Sistemas de organizaci\u00f3n del conocimiento ", " Lenguajes controlados ", " Organizaci\u00f3n del conocimiento ", " Indizaci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/68"], ["title", "Dise\u00f1o y desarrollo de tesauros"], ["doab_id", "19700"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503413074"]], ["provider", "libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503413074"]], [["description", "This book is about political conflict in the First Austrian Republic, in a region which can be aptly described as having been a focal point of social and political antagonism in the times under consideration. Its main subject, the somewhat nebulous phenomenon of political radicalism, was studied from a closer viewpoint and pinpointed in a representative selection of events. It was not only incidents of greater national significance, such as the outcome of the Schattendorf trial, the so-called Pfrimer Putsch or the deconstruction of democracy, that had contributed to the already tense atmosphere on the local front. Day to day scuffles, paramilitary parades, inflammatory speeches and street rallies triggered off a spiral of violence. This book focuses on the question of how and to what extent political parties and movements were able to influence the life and thought of so many people and made some of them become irreconcilable enemies. A glance behind the scenes of those inglorious times shall hopefully enable a far better understanding of what impact political interaction had on the region in question. After an introduction into the methodology and theory, followed by a brief summary of the political and economic situation in Austria after the First World War, the book continues with a description and history of the Upper Styrian industrial region. The major part of this study, however, deals with the origins and development of the most important regional political parties and movements and how political radicalism manifested itself in daily affairs. In this section, political leaders and other people who played a role in confrontation come to the fore and election results are presented and analysed, showing a substantial drift to the right by 1932. The growth of political radicalism during the First Republic can be seen in four phases, starting prior to 1927 and coming to a head in the 1931 Pfrimer Putsch and the uprisings of1934. According to Botz, acts of political violence were committed by individuals or groups in organised or random gatherings, demonstrations and skirmishes in guest houses and in the street. This atmosphere of unrest was aggravated further by acts of sabotage and terror carried out mainly by followers of the upcoming Nazi party. The struggle for ultimate national power can be seen as a battle between left and right ideologies against a background of national defeat, economic recession and increasing pressure exerted by certain other European states, all of which had specific interest in Austria. Finally, the issues and problems presented in this book are discussed and analysed in a conclusion. The dimensions of political radicalism are clearly defined and put into a regional context. As a consequence, the political interaction of conflicting parties, which can be traced on all social and political levels, becomes tangible. However, due to the lack of comparative regional studies, the question as to whether or not political radicalism was inherent to this particular region cannot be satisfactorily answered.

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den politischen Auseinandersetzungen der Ersten Republik \u00d6sterreichs in einer Region, die wohl als Kristallisationspunkt sozialer und politischer Gegens\u00e4tze bezeichnet werden kann. Das Ph\u00e4nomen der \"Radikalisierung des politischen Klimas\" wurde aus einer kleinr\u00e4umigen Perspektive betrachtet und anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Ereignisse konkretisiert. Zur Versch\u00e4rfung des ohnehin gespannten politischen Klimas in der obersteirischen Industrieregion trugen signifikante \u00fcberregionale Ereignisse wie der Ausgang des Schattendorfer Prozesses, der so genannte Pfrimer-Putsch oder die sukzessive Ausschaltung der Demokratie bei. Hetzreden, Aufm\u00e4rsche und Demonstrationen, die vor Ort die Stimmung aufheizten, l\u00f6sten eine Spirale der Gewalt aus. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde der Frage nachgegangen, wie und in welchem Ma\u00dfe politische Parteien und Bewegungen das Leben und Denken so vieler Menschen beeinflussten oder dominierten und einige zu unvers\u00f6hnlichen Gegnern machten. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen dieser so ungl\u00fccklichen Zeit soll eine verst\u00e4rkte Einsicht in die Auswirkungen politischer Interaktion erm\u00f6glichen. Nach einer Er\u00f6rterung der Methodik, der theoretischen Grundlagen und der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Ausgangslage in \u00d6sterreich wird die obersteirische Industrieregion rund um Leoben vorgestellt. Als Schwerpunkt dieses Buches k\u00f6nnen die Abschnitte gelten, die sich mit der T\u00e4tigkeit der wichtigsten politischen Parteien und Bewegungen sowie der Radikalisierung des politischen Alltags in der Region besch\u00e4ftigen. Anf\u00e4nge und Entwicklung der politischen Landschaft werden unter die Lupe genommen und pr\u00e4gende Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten in ihrem lokalen Wirkungskreis dargestellt, ausgesuchte Wahlergebnisse pr\u00e4sentiert und analysiert. Die politische Radikalisierung l\u00e4uft in mehreren zeitlichen Phasen ab und kann an exemplarischen politisch motivierten Zusammenst\u00f6\u00dfe festgemacht werden. Dazu geh\u00f6ren sowohl Gewalttaten, die von Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen auf der Stra\u00dfe, bei Versammlungen in Vereinslokalen oder Wirtsh\u00e4usern begangen werden, sowie die von der NSDAP vielfach ausge\u00fcbten Sabotage- und Terrorakte, als auch \u00fcberregionale Ereignisse wie die Aufstandsbewegungen des Jahres 1934. Der Kampf um die Macht im Staate zwischen den Anh\u00e4ngern grundverschiedener Weltanschauungen spielt sich vor dem Hintergrund eines verlorenen Krieges und dessen Folgen, der wirtschaftlichen Stagnation und des zunehmenden Druckes durch au\u00dfenpolitische Machenschaften ab. In den Schlussbetrachtungen werden die Grundprobleme der Region nochmals aufgerollt und analysiert. Die Dimensionen der politischen Radikalisierung k\u00f6nnen klar aufgezeigt und in einen konkreten regionalen Kontext gestellt werden. Die politische Interaktion der Konfliktparteien der Ersten Republik wird somit auf allen Ebenen nachvollziehbar. Dennoch kann die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen dieser spezifischen Region und der aufkommenden Radikalisierung ohne komparative Studien nicht hinreichend beantwortet werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brandtner ,Marina"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Upper Austrian Republic, social unrest, paramilitary forces, putsch, political radicalism, Upper Styrian industrial region"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437193"], ["title", "Diskursverweigerung und Gewalt"], ["doab_id", "15316"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706550598"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706550598"]], [["description", "Those convicted of homicide were hanged on the public gallows before being dissected under the Murder Act in Georgian England. Yet, from 1752, whether criminals actually died on the hanging tree or in the dissection room remained a medical mystery in early modern society. Dissecting the Criminal Corpse takes issue with the historical clich\u00e9 of corpses dangling from the hangman\u2019s rope in crime studies. Some convicted murderers did survive execution in early modern England. Establishing medical death in the heart-lungs-brain was a physical enigma. Criminals had large bull-necks, strong willpowers, and hearty survival instincts. Extreme hypothermia often disguised coma in a prisoner hanged in the winter cold. The youngest and fittest were capable of reviving on the dissection table. Many died under the lancet. Capital legislation disguised a complex medical choreography that surgeons staged. They broke the Hippocratic Oath by executing the Dangerous Dead across England from 1752 until 1832."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hurren T. ,Elizabeth"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["convicts", "homicide", "Murder Act", "Georgian England", "crime studies", "murderers", "early modern England"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=617339.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Dissecting the Criminal Corpse: Staging Post-Execution Punishment in Early Modern England"], ["doab_id", "19788"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781137582492", "9781137582485"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137582492 9781137582485"]], [["description", "In the 19th century, ground-breaking observations on aphasia by Broca and Wernicke suggested that language function depends on the activity of the cerebral cortex. At the same time, Wernicke and Lichtheim also elaborated the first large-scale network model of language which incorporated long-range and short-range (transcortical connections) white matter pathways in language processing. The arcuate fasciculus (dorsal stream) was traditionally viewed as the major language pathway for repetition, but scientists also envisioned that white matter tracts travelling through the insular cortex (ventral stream) and transcortical connections may take part in language processing. Modern cognitive neuroscience has provided tools, including neuroimaging, which allow the in vivo examination of short- and long-distance white matter pathways binding cortical areas essential for verbal repetition. However, this state of the art on the neural correlates of language repetition has revealed contradictory findings, with some researchers defending the role of the dorsal and ventral streams, whereas others argue that only cortical hubs (Sylvian parieto-temporal cortex [Spt]) are crucially relevant. An integrative approach would conceive that the interaction between these structures is essential for verbal repetition. For instance, different sectors of the cerebral cortex (e.g., Spt, inferior frontal gyrus/anterior insula) act as hubs dedicated to short-term storage of verbal information or articulatory planning and these areas in turn interact through forward and backward white matter projections. Importantly, white matter pathways should not be considered mere cable-like connections as changes in their microstructural properties correlate with focal cortical activity during language processing tasks. Despite considerable progress, many outstanding questions await response. The articles in this Research Topic tackle many different and critical new questions, including: (1) how white matter pathways instantiate dialogues between different cortical language areas; (2) what are the specific roles of different white matter pathways in language functions in normal and pathological conditions; (3) what are the language consequences of discrete damage to branches of the dorsal and ventral streams; 4) what are the consequences (e.g., release from inhibition) of damage to the left white matter pathways in contralateral ones and viceversa; (5) how these pathways are reorganised after brain injury; (5) can the involvement/sparing of white matter pathways be used in outcome prediction and treatment response; and (5) can the microstructure of white matter pathways be remodelled with intensive rehabilitation training or biological approaches.This Research Topic includes original studies, and opinion and review articles which describe new data as well as provocative and insightful interpretations of the recent literature on the role of white matter pathways in verbal repetition in normal and pathological conditions. A brief highlight summary of each is provided below."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcelo L. Berthier; Matthew A. Lambon Ralph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["repetition", "Arcuate Fasciculus", "dorsal stream", "ventral stream", "language", "aphasia", "conduction aphasia", "temporal lobe"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1078/dissecting-the-function-of-networks-underpinning-language-repetition"], ["title", "Dissecting the function of networks underpinning language repetition"], ["doab_id", "17693"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193646"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193646"]], [["description", "Accumulating evidence suggests that the cerebellum subserves functions beyond the sensorimotor realm. This possibility has received considerable attention during the past quarter century, with recent findings revealing putative cerebellar roles in cognition, emotion and spatial navigation. These functions are potentially underpinned by the behaviour-dependent formation of functional networks in which the cerebellum forms one node of distributed circuits spanning thalamic, limbic and neocortical regions. However, these views are not universally accepted. Therefore, the over-arching aim of this Research Topic was to provide a forum through which the debate on the role of cerebellar interactions with motor and \"non-motor\" structures can be pursued in a rigorous manner. In particular, we aimed to bring together findings from the clinical, animal, theoretical and neuroimaging fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas C. Watson; Stella Koutsikou; Richard Apps; Matthew W. Jones"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cerebellum", "mouse models", "distributed network", "networks", "zebrin", "purkine cell", "Autism Spectrum Disorders", "oscillations", "internal model", "Cerebellar Nuclei"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1924/distributed-networks-new-outlooks-on-cerebellar-function"], ["title", "Distributed Networks: New Outlooks on Cerebellar Function"], ["doab_id", "19533"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196265"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196265"]], [["description", "O livro \u00e9 uma colet\u00e2nea de artigos elaborados por pesquisadores baianos de diferentes \u00e1reas do conhecimento que discutem e analisam fatos relacionados ao per\u00edodo do regime militar na Bahia. Esse trabalho tem duas grandes miss\u00f5es: primeiro, possibilita que os baianos conhe\u00e7am sua pr\u00f3pria hist\u00f3ria; segundo, demonstra a import\u00e2ncia da Bahia no processo de redemocratiza\u00e7\u00e3o do Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zachariadhes, Grimaldo Carneiro"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3ff"], ["title", "Ditadura militar na Bahia: novos olhares, novos objetos, novos horizontes"], ["doab_id", "17345"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211820"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211820"]], [["description", "The conception and creation of the children's magazine \"Pioniere\" was an integral part of the extensive educational plan implemented by the PCI in the fifties for the construction of a new society. This book studies the issue of the dialogue set up with the young readers which evolved through a series of innovative initiatives, but was nourished above all by the post column run by the editor Dina Rinaldi. This was pivotal in the \"education of feelings\" and destined, in the optic of the \"Pioniere\", to the training up of the new generations.

In Diventare grandi con il \u00abPioniere\u00bb viene studiato il tema del colloquio con i giovanissimi lettori cresciuto attraverso una serie di interventi innovativi, ma alimentato soprattutto grazie alla rubrica postale tenuta dalla direttrice Dina Rinaldi, centrale nell'\u00abeducazione dei sentimenti\u00bb destinata - nell'ottica del \u00abPioniere\u00bb - a formare le nuove generazioni. L'ideazione e realizzazione del giornalino per ragazzi \u00abPioniere\u00bb fece parte integrante del grande sforzo pedagogico compiuto dal PCI negli anni Cinquanta per la costruzione di una societ\u00e0 nuova."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Franchini, Silvia"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Contemporary History", "Pedagogy", "Magazines for children,", "Storia", "Storia contemporanea", "Pedagogia", "Periodici per ragazzi"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356384"], ["title", "Diventare grandi con il \u00abPioniere\u00bb (1950-1962)"], ["doab_id", "13178"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534873", "9788884534880"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534879 8884534887"]], [["description", "Early studies recognized the unique phenotype and attributes of T cells found in mucosal tissues, such as the intestines, skin, lung and female reproductive tract. This special topic issue will cover many aspects of mucosal-resident T cell biology during infection and disease and is dedicated to Leo Lefrancois, a pioneer in this field who recently passed away. A major proportion of these mucosal T cells are memory T cells, now recognized as a major constituent of memory T cells referred to as tissue-resident memory T cells. Unlike central and effector memory T cell subsets, tissue-resident memory T cells exhibit tissue specificity with minimal systemic migration. Nonetheless, tissue-resident memory T cells share a similar origin and display some overlapping phenotypes with their other memory T cell counterparts. Articles in this issue will describe the different types of memory T cells residing in mucosal tissues, their origins and functions as well as how they vary among discrete mucosal sites. Manuscripts will consider the unique physiological environments and cellular constituents which facilitate tissue residency while preserving tissue function. Additionally, there will be descriptions of the various mechanisms responsible for the migration and segregation of tissue resident memory CD8 T cells from the peripheral T cell pool. Although the mechanisms facilitating the sequestration of tissue-resident memory T cells within a respective tissue has not well characterized, various theories will also be discussed. Lastly, how these T cells contribute to immunity to pathogens, cancer, and autoimmunity and could be modified through vaccination or therapeutic intervention will be described. As mucosal tissues are the major portals of pathogen entry and frequent transformation, the activities and persistence of tissue resident memory T cells is crucial for mediating protection at these sites."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kimberly Sue Schluns; Kim Klonowski"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Migration", "Epithelium", "Mucosa", "T cell differentiation", "pathogens", "Vaccination", "CD103", "Microscopy", "Inflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2348/diverse-functions-of-mucosal-resident-memory-t-cells"], ["title", "Diverse functions of mucosal resident memory T cells"], ["doab_id", "18148"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195398"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195398"]], [["description", "The relationship between law and diversity was difficult and dialectical throughout the centuries of the legal modernity. Yet to mark its routes it was not a concern for diversity since at the core of its developments there was the issue of individual before the social issue. As a matter of fact, diversity was considered extensively in modern law, but always in an instrumental way. At present this juridical approach shows some limitations, especially in the taking into account the link with the problem of protection of fundamental and human rights. Therefore, it seems appropriate to open a discussion on the issue, assuming diversity, despite its plurality of meanings, as a single topic area from which to start questioning the law. This volume is an attempt in this direction. Taking its cue from these statements and adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, it aims to explore aspects of the complex relationship between law and diversity, assuming as a framework of reference the problem of rights and justice.--------\u00c8 in un continuo e sofferto rapporto dialettico che diritto e diversit\u00e0 si sono reciprocamente inseguiti lungo i secoli della modernit\u00e0 giuridica. Eppure non \u00e8 stata una preoccupazione per la diversit\u00e0 a segnarne gli itinerari. Di essa il diritto moderno si \u00e8 molto occupato ma in chiave sempre strumentale, avendo posto al centro dei suoi svolgimenti la questione dell\u2019individuo prima che della societ\u00e0. Al contempo la fase attuale evidenzia una certa usura degli strumenti giuridici tradizionali e un limite complessivo di tale approccio al problema, soprattutto se si considerano i nessi della questione con la tutela dei diritti fondamentali e umani. Appare, dunque, opportuno avviare una riflessione complessiva sulla questione, assumendo la diversit\u00e0, pur nella sua pluralit\u00e0 di valenze, come ambito tematico unitario e come categoria a partire dalla quale interrogare il diritto. Il presente volume, costituisce un tentativo in tale direzione. Esso - prendendo le mosse da tali constatazioni e avvalendosi di molteplici punti di vista disciplinari - si propone di esplorare aspetti del complesso rapporto tra diritto e diversit\u00e0, assumendo come cornice di riferimento la questione dei diritti e della giustizia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meccarelli, Massimo; Cazzetta, Giovanni; Neuenschwander Magalh\u00e3es, Juliana; Langella, Simona; Stara, Flavia; Martins, Argemiro; Mizutani, Larissa; Paix\u00e3o, Cristiano; Fonseca, Ricardo Marcelo; Cacciavillani, Pamela Alejandra; Di Cosimo, Giovanni; Roesler, Claudia Rosane"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Fundamental rights", "Human rights", "Social rights", "Indigenous rights", "Gender", "Legal protection", "Equality principle", "Cultural translations", "Legal spaces", "Constitutional courts", "Judicial decisions", "Anthropology", "Law", "Transitional justice", "Legal history", "Minorities rights"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/23792/diversita_hd48_2016.pdf"], ["title", "Diversit\u00e0 e discorso giuridico. Temi per un dialogo interdisciplinare su diritti e giustizia in tempo di transizione"], ["doab_id", "19932"], ["language_unmapped", "ita"], ["isbns", ["9788490859810"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", " 9788490859810"]], [["description", "While the divide between capitalism and communism, embodied in the image of the Iron Curtain, seemed to be as wide and definitive as any cultural rift, Giles Scott-Smith, Joes Segal, and Peter Romijn have compiled a selection of essays on how culture contributed to the blurring of ideological boundaries between the East and the West. This important and diverse volume presents fascinating insights into the tensions, rivalries, and occasional cooperation between the two blocs, with essays that represent the cutting edge of Cold War Studies and analyze aesthetic preferences and cultural phenomena as various as interior design in East and West Germany; the Soviet stance on genetics; US cultural diplomacy during and after the Cold War; and the role of popular music as the universal cultural ambassador. An illuminating and wide-ranging survey of interrelated collective dreams from both sides of the Iron Curtain, Divided Dreamworlds? has a place on the bookshelf of any modern historian.

Hoe heeft cultuur bijgedragen aan het wegvallen van ideologische grenzen tussen Oost en West? De auteurs analyseren onder meer het interieurontwerp in Oost- en West-Duitsland, de Russische visie op genetica, de Amerikaanse culturele diplomatie tijdens en na de Koude Oorlog en de rol van popmuziek. Deze vernieuwende studie legt enkele opvallende paradoxen bloot met betrekking tot de productie en de beleving van cultuur in Oost en West en biedt fascinerende inkijkjes in de spanningen, rivaliteit en schaarse momenten van samenwerking tussen de twee machtsblokken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Romijn ,Peter; Scott-Smith ,Giles; Segal ,Joes"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425211"], ["title", "Divided Dreamworlds? : The Cultural Cold War in East and West"], ["doab_id", "15146"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644367"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644367"]], [["description", "In this book, Noah Horwitz argues that the age of Darwinism is ending. Building on the ontological insights of his first book Reality in the Name of God in order to intervene into the intelligent design versus evolution debate, Horwitz argues in favor of intelligent design by attempting to demonstrate the essentially computational nature of reality. In doing so, Horwitz draws on the work of many of today\u2019s key computational theorists (e.g., Wolfram, Chaitin, Friedkin, Lloyd, Schmidhuber, etc.) and articulates and defends a computational definition of life, and in the process lays out key criticisms of Darwinism. He does so in part by incorporating the insights of the Lamarckian theories of Lynn Margulis and Maximo Sandin. The possible criticisms of a computationalist view from both a developmental perspective (e.g., Lewontin, Jablonka, West-Eberhard, etc.) and chaos theory (e.g., Brian Goodwin) are addressed. In doing so, Horwitz engages critically with the work of intelligent design theorists like William Dembksi. At the same time, he attempts to define the nature of the Speculative Realist turn in contemporary Continental Philosophy and articulates criticisms of leading figures and movements associated with it, such as Object-Oriented Ontology, Quentin Meillassoux, and Ray Brassier. Ultimately, Horwitz attempts to show that rather than heading towards heat death, existence itself will find its own apotheosis at the Omega Point. However, that final glorification is only possible given that all of reality is compressible into the divine name itself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Noah Horwitz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["biology, cybernetics, Darwin, evolutionary theory, intelligent design, Kabbalah, metaphysics, onto-theology, philosophy, set theory, speculative realism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/divine-name-verification/"], ["title", "Divine Name Verification: An Essay on Anti-Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and the Computational Nature of Reality"], ["doab_id", "16045"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615839080"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615839080"]], [["description", "\"The divine kingship and chiefship of the Asante people of central Ghana have been undergoing a shift towards secularization since the start of the colonial era. Timo Kallinen maintains that a close examination of this transformation provides us with a better understanding of secularization processes in Ghana more broadly, and in other post-colonial societies whose historical development likewise differs from that of the modern West, and which have largely confronted secular modernity through encounters with European colonialism. Throughout the volume secularization is understood as a process in modern society whereby divinity is separated from the ways in which both human society is regulated and physical nature is understood to function. Divine Rulers in a Secular State has been divided into three thematic parts, each with a short theoretical introduction. In the first two, analysis is primarily inspired by the work of Louis Dumont, while in the third the theoretical ideas of Webb Keane and Bruno Latour are of central importance. The undifferentiated order of the pre-colonial Asante kingdom, in which the chiefly and priestly functions of the rulers were not separated, comprises the initial focus. Sacrifices and marriage exchanges, both of which were directed at establishing and perpetuating relations between the living and the spirits of the dead ancestors, are posited as the most important responsibilities of the chief. Also explored are perceptions that the founding of the kingdom and its authority structure are the results of sacrifices offered to various gods by the Asante king and his chiefs. The second part examines the dissolution of the traditional order since the onset of British colonial occupation. The secularization process was initiated by the aspirations of colonial administrators and missionary bodies who aimed to maintain Christian converts under the \u2018political\u2019 authority of their non-Christian chiefs, who were still important ritual leaders. Consequently, it was necessary to start dividing society along \u2018political\u2019 and \u2018religious\u2019 lines so that only the former was a mandatory concern for all. The kernel of modern citizenship was planted at the same time as the \u2018religious\u2019 conscience of individuals started to shape their rights and duties towards their \u2018political\u2019 rulers. Furthermore, theories about Asante as a state based on contract and representation were proposed and developed. In the post-colonial era chiefship has been put into the service of the independent nation state \u2013 both as an instrument of administration and a nationalistic symbol, while, most recently, chiefs have been depicted as leaders in civil society, even receiving support from global developmental organizations. Yet traditional chieftaincy is strongly criticized by certain Christian groups belonging to the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, which still see it as integrally linked to traditional cosmologies. The third part of the book takes the discussion beyond the separation of the categories of religion and politics. Secularization has also has also entailed the dematerialization of religion, establishing it as something that ought to be understood primarily as mental or spiritual; in a secular society \u2018things\u2019 like deities, witchcraft, or sacrifices should not be recognized as proper agents and actions at the level of immanent relations. In Ghana such views are effectively contradicted by religious groups which see spiritual forces as the most powerful agents in social relations. The cases discussed deal with attempted state control of anti-witchcraft activities, the efficiency of protective magic during political upheavals, and Pentecostal notions of demonic influences in secular politics. The Conclusions section brings the themes of the book together by discussing the large-scale effects of the secular project in contemporary Ghanaian society.Research is based on anthropological fieldwork conducted in Ghana in 2000\u20132001 and 2005\u20132006, data drawn from several archival sources located in Ghana and the United Kingdom, and the anthropological and historical literature on Ghana and the Asante.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kallinen ,Timo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Secularization", "Divine kingship", "Africa", "Ghana", "Politics", "Religion"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617153"], ["title", "Divine Rulers in a Secular State"], ["doab_id", "19768"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522226822", "9789522227935", "9789522227690"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522226822 9789522227935 9789522227690"]], [["description", "Helicases are the proteins that bind to double- or single-stranded DNA and/or RNA chains to unwind higher order structures, usually consuming energy from the hydrolysis of ATP molecules. The biological roles of helicases are associated with a variety of DNA and/or RNA metabolisms, including DNA-replication, -repair, -recombination, RNA processing, and transcription. Dysfunctions of helicases cause various diseases, such as xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), premature aging syndrome, cancer and immunodeficiency, in humans. Moreover, recent genetic analyses revealed that mutations in helicase-encoding genes are frequently found in patients of specific diseases. Some helicases regulate cellular senescence by controlling integrity of genomes, and others play a role in neuromuscular functions presumably by modulating processing of mRNAs. However, the molecular mechanisms of how helicases are regulated in order to maintain our health are not yet fully understood. In this research topic, we will focus on the expression and functions of helicases and their encoding genes, reviewing recent research progresses that provide new insights into development of clinical and pharmaceutical treatments targeting helicases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fumiaki Uchiumi; Masayuki Seki; Yasuhiro Furuichi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Aging", "Cancer", "DNA Repair", "helicases", "Telomere"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2649/dna-helicases-expression-functions-and-clinical-implications"], ["title", "DNA helicases: expression, functions and clinical implications"], ["doab_id", "17547"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195756"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195756"]], [["description", "DNA polymerases are core tools for molecular biology including PCR, whole genome amplification, DNA sequencing and genotyping. Research has focused on discovery of novel DNA polymerases, characterization of DNA polymerase biochemistry and development of new replication assays. These studies have accelerated DNA polymerase engineering for biotechnology. For example, DNA polymerases have been engineered for increased speed and fidelity in PCR while lowering amplification sequence bias. Inhibitor resistant DNA polymerase variants enable PCR directly from tissue (i.e. blood). Design of DNA polymerases that efficiently incorporate modified nucleotide have been critical for development of next generation DNA sequencing, synthetic biology and other labeling and detection technologies. The Frontiers in Microbiology Research Topic on DNA polymerases in Biotechnology aims to capture current research on DNA polymerases and their use in emerging technologies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zvi Kelman; Andrew F. Gardner"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["DNA polymerase", "DNA polymerase evolution", "DNA polymerase fidelity", "DNA sequencing", "molecular diagnostics", "next generation sequencing", "PCR", "PCR inhibitors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2338/dna-polymerases-in-biotechnology"], ["title", "DNA Polymerases in Biotechnology"], ["doab_id", "18601"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194551"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194551"]], [["description", "DNA replication, a central event for cell proliferation, is the basis of biological inheritance. Complete and accurate DNA replication is integral to the maintenance of the genetic integrity of organisms. In all three domains of life, DNA replication begins at replication origins. In bacteria, replication typically initiates from a single replication origin (oriC), which contains several DnaA boxes and the AT-rich DNA unwinding element (DUE). In eukaryotic genomes, replication initiates from significantly more replication origins, activated simultaneously at a specific time. For eukaryotic organisms, replication origins are best characterized in the unicellular eukaryote budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The budding yeast origins contain an essential sequence element called the ARS (autonomously replicating sequence), while the fission yeast origins consist of AT-rich sequences. Within the archaeal domain, the multiple replication origins have been identified by a predict-and-verify approach in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus. The basic structure of replication origins is conserved among archaea, typically including an AT-rich unwinding region flanked by several short repetitive DNA sequences, known as origin recognition boxes (ORBs). It appears that archaea have a simplified version of the eukaryotic replication apparatus, which has led to considerable interest in the archaeal machinery as a model of that in eukaryotes. The research on replication origins is important not only in providing insights into the structure and function of the replication origins but also in understanding the regulatory mechanisms of the initiation step in DNA replication. Therefore, intensive studies have been carried out in the last two decades. The pioneer work to identify bacterial oriCs in silico is the GC-skew analysis. Later, a method of cumulative GC skew without sliding windows was proposed to give better resolution. Meanwhile, an oligomer-skew method was also proposed to predict oriC regions in bacterial genomes. As a unique representation of a DNA sequence, the Z-curve method has been proved to be an accurate and effective approach to predict bacterial and archaeal replication origins. Budding yeast origins have been predicted by Oriscan using similarity to the characterized ones, while the fission yeast origins have been identified initially from AT content calculation. In comparison with the in silico analysis, the experimental methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive, but convincing and reliable. To identify microbial replication origins in vivo or in vitro, a number of experimental methods have been used including construction of replicative oriC plasmids, microarray-based or high-throughput sequencing-based marker frequency analysis, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis and replication initiation point mapping (RIP mapping). The recent genome-wide approaches to identify and characterize replication origin locations have boosted the number of mapped yeast replication origins. In addition, the availability of increasing complete microbial genomes and emerging approaches has created challenges and opportunities for identification of their replication origins in silico, as well as in vivo and in vitro. The Frontiers in Microbiology Research Topic on DNA replication origins in microbial genomes is devoted to address the issues mentioned above, and aims to provide a comprehensive overview of current research in this field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Feng Gao"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Archaea", "Bacteria", "yeast", "Replication Origin", "DNA Replication", "Replication regulation", "orisome", "Regulatory proteins", "Cell-cycle", "origin recognition complex (ORC)"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2193/dna-replication-origins-in-microbial-genomes"], ["title", "DNA Replication Origins in Microbial Genomes"], ["doab_id", "18896"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197798"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197798"]], [["description", "From ABO typing during the first half of the 20th century, to the use of enzymes and protein contained in blood serums and finally direct DNA typing, biology has been serving forensic purposes for many decades. Statistics, in turn, has been constantly underpinning the discussions of the probative value of results of biological analyses, in particular when defendants could not be considered as excluded as potential sources because of different genetic traits. The marriage between genetics and statistics has never been an easy one, though, as is illustrated by fierce arguments that peaked in the so-called \"DNA wars\" in some American courtrooms in the mid-1990s. This controversy has contributed to a lively production of research and publications on various interpretative topics, such as the collection of relevant data, foundations in population genetics as well as theoretical and practical considerations in probability and statistics. Both DNA profiling as a technique and the associated statistical considerations are now widely accepted as robust, but this does not yet guarantee or imply a neat transition to their application in court. Indeed, statistical principles applied to results of forensic DNA profiling analyses are a necessary, yet not a sufficient preliminary requirement for the contextually meaningful use of DNA in the law. Ultimately, the appropriate use of DNA in the forensic context relies on inference, i.e. reasoning reasonably in the face of uncertainty. This is all the more challenging that such thought processes need to be adopted by stakeholders from various backgrounds and holding diverse interests. Although several topics of the DNA controversy have been settled over time, some others are still debated (such as the question of how to deal with the probability of error), while yet others - purportedly settled topics - saw some recent revivals (e.g., the question of how to deal with database searches). In addition, new challenging topics have emerged over the last decade, such as the analysis and interpretation of traces containing only low quantities of DNA where artefacts of varying nature may affect results. Both technical and interpretative research involving statistics thus represent areas where ongoing research is necessary, and where scholars from the natural sciences and the law should collaborate. The articles in this Research Topic thus aim to investigate, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the current understanding of the strengths and limitations of DNA profiling results in legal applications. This Research Topic accepts contributions in all frontiers article type categories and places an emphasis on topics with a multidisciplinary perspective that explore (while not being limited to) statistical genetics for forensic scientists, case studies and reports, evaluation and interpretation of forensic findings, communication of expert findings to laypersons, quantitative legal reasoning and fact-finding using probability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alex Biedermann; Joelle Vuille; Franco Taroni"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Forensic DNA profiling", "interpretation", "Statistics and the law", "probability theory", "Commercialization", "DNA transfer", "Low-template DNA analysis", "forensic molecular biology", "Bacterial DNA"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1325/dna-statistics-and-the-law-a-cross-disciplinary-approach-to-forensic-inference"], ["title", "DNA, statistics and the law: a cross-disciplinary approach to forensic inference"], ["doab_id", "17661"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192502"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192502"]], [["description", "Trata da rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre o conceito de transmiss\u00e3o e a g\u00eanese do conhecimento epidemiol\u00f3gico. Busca responder \u00e0s seguintes quest\u00f5es: como, a partir da ocorr\u00eancia de uma epidemia, v\u00e3o sendo constru\u00eddas verdades e defini\u00e7\u00f5es a seu respeito?; como os conceitos cient\u00edficos que constituem a epidemiologia participam desse processo?; que marcas e conseq\u00fc\u00eancias esses conceitos imprimem \u00e0s maneiras adotadas para se lidar com o acontecimento? A autora trabalha criticamente com dois conceitos habituais no campo da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica: o de cont\u00e1gio, associado a atitudes preconceituosas e de rejei\u00e7\u00e3o do outro; o de transmiss\u00e3o, que marca a constitui\u00e7\u00e3o da epidemiologia como disciplina de estrutura cient\u00edfica. A problem\u00e1tica da Aids \u00e9 o fio condutor da reflex\u00e3o epistemol\u00f3gica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Czeresnia, Dina"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Epidemiologia, Transmiss\u00e3o de doen\u00e7a"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/knm4c"], ["title", "Do cont\u00e1gio \u00e0 transmiss\u00e3o: ci\u00eancia e cultura na g\u00eanese do conhecimento epidemiol\u00f3gico"], ["doab_id", "16405"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412565"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412565"]], [["description", "Este estudo se inscreve num conjunto mais amplo que visa a esclarecer as formas diversas assumidas pela reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o do capital no campo brasileiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qc38p"], ["title", "Do latif\u00fandio \u00e0 empresa: unidade e diversidade do capitalismo no campo"], ["doab_id", "17208"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662748"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662748"]], [["description", "Mais uma realiza\u00e7\u00e3o do grupo de pesquisa PROHPOR (Programa para a Hist\u00f3ria da L\u00edngua Portuguesa), Do Portugu\u00eas Arcaico ao Portugu\u00eas Brasileiro \u00e9 a terceira colet\u00e2nea realizada pelos especialistas do Departamento de Letras Vern\u00e1culas da Universidade Federal da Bahia, depois do sucesso de A Carta de Caminha: Testemunho Ling\u00fc\u00edstico de 1500 e O Portugu\u00eas Quinhentista: Estudos Ling\u00fc\u00edsticos. Esta obra, organizada pelos ilustres pesquisadores da \u00e1rea, Am\u00e9rico Ven\u00e2ncio Lopes Machado Filho e S\u00f4nia Bastos Borba Costa, recobre estudos que v\u00e3o do portugu\u00eas arcaico e avan\u00e7am ao portugu\u00eas brasileiro contempor\u00e2neo, passando pelos s\u00e9culos XVI, XVII, XVIII e XIX, recuando, em alguns casos, ao latim."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Klebson; Cunha e Souza, Hir\u00e3o F; Soledade, Juliana"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3fz"], ["title", "Do portugu\u00eas arcaico ao portugu\u00eas brasileiro: outras hist\u00f3rias"], ["doab_id", "17346"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211837"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211837"]], [["description", "El libro ofrece una colecci\u00f3n de 4.152 documentos de la \u00e9poca de Enrique IV de Castilla (1454-1474) editados de forma resumida, entresacados de diversos archivos espa\u00f1oles. La mayor parte procede de las colecciones bibliogr\u00e1ficas y documentales de la Real Academia de la Historia, como las de Luis de Salazar y Castro, Salv\u00e1, Lorich, Catedrales de Espa\u00f1a y colecci\u00f3n Diplom\u00e1tica Espa\u00f1ola, sin olvidar algunos manuscritos singulares de la misma biblioteca. Igualmente se han vaciado algunos fondos de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid y Archivo General de Simancas, as\u00ed como del Archivo Municipal de Sevilla. El marco cronol\u00f3gico se ha ampliado a los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os del reinado de Juan II y primeros de los Reyes Cat\u00f3licos debido a la abundancia de noticias relacionadas con este rey. El criterio tem\u00e1tico es flexible, ya que no se ha limitado la b\u00fasqueda a la documentaci\u00f3n expedida por la canciller\u00eda regia. Esta obra pretende ofrecer una herramienta de trabajo a los especialistas en el siglo XV castellano. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ladero Quesada, Miguel \u00c1ngel; Olivera Serrano, C\u00e9sar; Montero Tejada, Rosa; Cantera Montenegro, Santiago; S\u00e1nchez Saus, Rafael; Cantera Montenegro, Margarita; Navarro, Andrea"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Enrique IV, Rey de Castilla (1425-1474)", "Colecci\u00f3n de documentos", "Real Academia de la Historia", "Archivo General de Simancas", "Biblioteca Nacional de Espa\u00f1a", "Archivo Municipal de Sevilla", "Fuentes documentales"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/23015/documentos_hd44_2016.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Documentos sobre Enrique IV de Castilla y su tiempo. Volumen I"], ["doab_id", "19064"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788416829002"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788416829002"]], [["description", "Edi\u00e7\u00e3o comemorativa aos noventa anos da descoberta da doen\u00e7a de Chagas, esta obra propicia a estudantes e pesquisadores brasileiros e latino-americanos uma vis\u00e3o global de quest\u00f5es obscuras da rela\u00e7\u00e3o Trypanosoma cruzi-hospedeiro - para as quais cientistas de todo o mundo ainda buscam respostas, junto com as ferramentas para a investiga\u00e7\u00e3o da mol\u00e9stia - em forma de manual para experimenta\u00e7\u00e3o animal. O objetivo \u00e9 municiar a nova gera\u00e7\u00e3o de cientistas com que o Brasil contar\u00e1 neste in\u00edcio de s\u00e9culo e mil\u00eanio. Eles ainda encontrar\u00e3o cinco milh\u00f5es de ind\u00edviduos chag\u00e1sicos, sob o risco de morte por cardiopatia, a desafiar sua capacidade de explicar por que alguns desenvolvem a doen\u00e7a enquanto outros equilibram muito bem o conv\u00edvio na rela\u00e7\u00e3o parasita-hospedeiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ara\u00fajo-Jorge, Tania C. de (org.); Castro, Solange Lisboa de (org.)"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Doen\u00e7a de Chagas-induzido quimicamente, animais de laborat\u00f3rio, Manuais de laborat\u00f3rio [tipo de publica\u00e7\u00e3o]"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cdbjg"], ["title", "Doen\u00e7a de chagas: manual para experimenta\u00e7\u00e3o animal "], ["doab_id", "16343"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413937"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413937"]], [["description", "Primeiro volume da cole\u00e7\u00e3o, re\u00fane trabalhos de 17 autores, abrangendo de maneira plural as perspectivas te\u00f3ricas da \u00e1rea. Tem como foco principal as abordagens que evidenciam a significa\u00e7\u00e3o ou a dimens\u00e3o qualitativa, subjetiva do processo de 'enfermar'. Como o interesse n\u00e3o era o de produzir um volume ex\u00edguo de vertentes anal\u00edticas, a obra \u00e9 composta por cap\u00edtulos que se ap\u00f3iam em dados oriundos de inqu\u00e9ritos, com tratamento qualitativo; alguns valorizam a hist\u00f3ria, enfatizando a perspectiva comparativa; ainda, outros est\u00e3o explicitamente influenciados pela etnometodologia e fenomenologia. O fio condutor fica por conta do que, cada vez mais, se convenciona chamar 'metodologias qualitativas'."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Duarte, Luiz Fernando Dias (org.); Leal, Ondina Fachel (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Antropologia cultural, Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, Doen\u00e7a-etnologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yw42p"], ["title", "Doen\u00e7a, sofrimento, perturba\u00e7\u00e3o: perspectivas etnogr\u00e1ficas"], ["doab_id", "16406"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412572"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412572"]], [["description", "Trata-se de um conjunto de artigos - cada qual com identidade pr\u00f3pria, mas com unidade entre si - de iatrofilosofia (filosofia da medicina). Nele, a problem\u00e1tica complexa do adoecer \u00e9 abordada a partir da estat\u00edstica, da l\u00f3gica, da filosofia anal\u00edtica de l\u00edngua inglesa e da hermen\u00eautica de tradi\u00e7\u00e3o alem\u00e3. O resultado \u00e9 uma esp\u00e9cie de 'genealogia', gra\u00e7as ao recorte original dado pelo autor. \u00c9, enfim, uma rica fonte de orienta\u00e7\u00e3o para os interessados em se aventurar no campo multifacetado das ci\u00eancias da sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hegenberg, Leonidas"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Doen\u00e7a, Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, Filosofia m\u00e9dica"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pdj2h"], ["title", "Doen\u00e7a: um estudo filos\u00f3fico "], ["doab_id", "16407"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412589"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412589"]], [["description", "No mundo, cerca de meio bilh\u00e3o de pessoas sofrem de enfermidades parasit\u00e1rias end\u00eamicas. Na Am\u00e9rica Latina, ainda se convive com velhas endemias como esquistossomose, mal\u00e1ria, leshmanioses e hansen\u00edase. A solu\u00e7\u00e3o? Construir, de maneira solid\u00e1ria, o campo da sa\u00fade coletiva. Reunindo artigos de 35 conceituados pesquisadores latino-americanos, Doen\u00e7as End\u00eamicas aproxima as abordagens te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas das ci\u00eancias sociais e da epidemiologia. Certamente ser\u00e1 \u00fatil para todos os profissionais interessados em desenvolver estrat\u00e9gias alternativas na formula\u00e7\u00e3o, implementa\u00e7\u00e3o e avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de programas de controle de endemias."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barata, Rita Barradas (org.); Brice\u00f1o-Le\u00f3n, Roberto"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Doen\u00e7as end\u00eamicas, Hansen\u00edase, Mal\u00e1ria, Doen\u00e7a de chagas, Esquistossomose"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/45vyc"], ["title", "Doen\u00e7as end\u00eamicas: abordagens sociais, culturais e comportamentais "], ["doab_id", "16408"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413944"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413944"]], [["description", "Dogface Soldiers is an interdisciplinary and image centered cultural history of the Army of the United States\u2018 infantry riflemen in the Mediterranean- and European Theaters of Operations of World War II. Its methods transcend the boundaries of conventional historiography and make use of Clifford Geertz\u2019s anthropological method of thick description as well as military used comprehensive analysis methods.

Dogface Soldiers ist eine interdisziplin\u00e4re und bildbasierte Kulturgeschichte US-amerikanischer Infanteriesch\u00fctzen des europ\u00e4ischen Zweiten Weltkriegs. Methodisch werden konventionelle Grenzen der Histriogarpahie \u00fcberschritten und Anleihen bei Clifford Geertz und seiner anthropologischen \u201eThick Description\u201c, sowie bei comprehensive analysis-Modellen milit\u00e4risch-operativer Provenienz genommen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00fcchl ,Marco"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["World War II, Army of the United States, Infantry Riflemen, European Theater of Operations, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Bill Mauldin, Cartoons, Willie & Joe", "Zweiter Weltkrieg, US Army, Infanterie, Frontsoldaten, Bill Mauldin, Cartoons, Nordwesteuropa, Mittelmeerraum, Willie & Joe"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617073"], ["title", "Dogface Soldiers."], ["doab_id", "19762"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783205202172"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205202172"]], [["description", "The world is changing, and so is the unquestioning belief that development policies are always right. Instead of focusing on the rather limited notion of poverty, this book aims to deepen our understanding of the broad issue of development. What are the drivers of development? What new issues have arisen due to globalization? And what kind of policies contribute to development in a world that is changing rapidly? The articles in this book provide insight into the muddled trajectories of development on various continents and rethink the notion of development in a globalizing, interdependent world. Taken together, the still fuzzy contours of a paradigm shift emerge from the 'Washington Confusion'. Development can no longer be the ambitious, moral project based on a standard model of economic European or American modernization. 'Doing better' means being less moralistic, more modest and pragmatic, and taking seriously the path dependencies and social realities that exist in each country.

'Goed doen' kan een stuk beter volgens de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Niet armoedebestrijding maar ontwikkeling zou de doelstelling moeten zijn van ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Het 'beter doen' betekent bovendien minder moraliseren, bescheidener en pragmatischer interveniC+ren, minder voorschrijven hoe het moet en maatwerk leveren. Landen moeten hun eigen ontwikkelingspad volgen, niet het onze. Deze verkenning is de opmaat voor een rapport over de toekomst van ontwikkelingssamenwerking dat in het najaar verschijnt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kremer ,Monique; Lieshout van ,Peter; Went ,Robert"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340016"], ["title", "Doing Good or Doing Better : Development Policies in a Globalising World"], ["doab_id", "15185"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089641076"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641076"]], [["description", "How does the trial function? What are the tools, in terms of legal principle, scientific knowledge, social norms, and political practice, which underpin this most important decision-making process? This collection of nine essays by an international group of scholars explores these crucial questions. Focusing both on English criminal, military, and parliamentary trials, and upon national and international trials for war crimes, this book illuminates the diverse forces that have shaped trials during the modern era. The contributors approach their subject from a variety of perspectives - legal history, social history, political history, sociology, and international law. With an appreciation and understanding of the relevant legal procedures, they address wider issues of psychology, gender, bureaucracy, and international relations within the adjudicative setting. Their inter-disciplinary approach imparts to this book a breadth not usually seen in studies of the courtroom. Scholars and students of modern British history, political science, and international law, as well as legal history, will find these essays stimulating and informative. Judicial tribunals in England and Europe, 1200-1700: The trial in history, vol. I, edited by Dr Maureen Mulholland and Professor Brian Pullan, is also published by Manchester University Press."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Melikan ,R. A."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["trial", "law", "judicial", "legal"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341328"], ["title", "Domestic and international trials, 1700-2000: The trial in history, vol. II"], ["doab_id", "12653"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064869"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064869"]], [["description", "This collection of essays investigates elements of the human voice and performance, and their implications for gender and sexuality. The chapters address affect, pleasure, and memory in the enjoyment of musical and theatrical performance. Rosenberg also examines contemporary feminist performance, anti-racist interventions, activist aesthetics, and political agency especially with regard to feminist and queer interpretations of opera and theatre. She contextualizes her work within broader developments in gender and queer studies, and within the feminist movement by highlighting important contributions of artists who draw from the above to create performance. The book will be welcomed by opera and theatre lovers, students, academics, and the wider public that is interested in the performing arts and its queer feminist potential."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rosenberg ,Tiina"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Feminist performance", "Feminist theatre", "Queer opera", "Queer diva", "Activist performance", "Voice"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=609910"], ["title", "Don\u2019t Be Quiet, Start a Riot! Essays on Feminism and Performance"], ["doab_id", "19119"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789176350232", "9789176350201", "9789176350218", "9789176350225"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350232 9789176350201 9789176350218 9789176350225"]], [["description", "In December 1993, gaming changed forever. id Software\u2019s seminal shooter DOOM was released and it shook the foundations of the medium. This is a book about what is considered the most important first-person game ever made; about the blueprint that has defined one of the most successful genres of digital gaming. Pinbeck brings together the complete story of DOOM for the first time. It sets the scene with a discussion of the early days of first-person gaming and the video game studio system. It discusses the prototypes and the groundbreaking technology that drove the game forwards, and offers a detailed analysis of gameplay and level design. This is followed by sections on DOOM\u2019s contributions to wider gaming culture: online multiplay and the mod scene, and consideration of the many ports and sequels the game spawned. This close analysis sets the scene for an extensive discussion of the first-person gaming genre, focusing upon DOOM\u2019s status as a foundational title, using this analysis to offer a means of better understanding how the genre has developed since 1993. Pinchbeck draws extensively from primary data: from the game itself, from the massive fan culture surrounding the title, and from interviews with the developers who made it. It is this level of access to the process of development through the reflections of some of gaming\u2019s most celebrated individuals that gives the book a very particular focus and drive. It aims not only to be the definitive work on DOOM, but a snapshot of a period of gaming history, a manifesto for a development ethos, and a celebration of game culture at its best."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dan Pinchbeck"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/lvg.11878639.0001.001"], ["title", "DOOM: SCARYDARKFAST"], ["doab_id", "19099"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071913", "9780472051915", "9780472900268", "9780472028931"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472071913 9780472051915 9780472900268 9780472028931"]], [["description", "For several decades, theory and research has drawn links between dopaminergic neurotransmission and various aspects of personality and individual differences, as well as major personality processes. Recent increases in the availability and affordability of neuroscience methods have permitted thorough investigation of such links as part of the thriving field of personality neuroscience. However, the picture emerging from this body of research is somewhat puzzling; Rather than being linked to only a few converging dimensions of individual differences in psychological functioning, dopamine seems to be associated with a wide range of rather disparate traits and psychopathological conditions including (among various others) impulsivity, extraversion, anxiety, reward sensitivity, approach behaviour, achievement motivation, working memory performance, cognitive flexibility, depression, anhedonia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and schizophrenia. Empirical research in this area typically focuses on only one piece of this puzzle based on a specific strand of theory and a narrow section of relevant prior findings. The present research topic will, for the first time, attempt to provide a fairly complete picture of the whole puzzle including all its disparate parts. Contributors will therefore be explicitly encouraged to go beyond their own specific dopamine-personality hypotheses and place their work in a broader context, thereby helping to forge links between largely non-overlapping research traditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luke D. Smillie; Jan Wacker"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dopamine", "Personality", "Extraversion", "schizotypy", "Reward"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/872/dopaminergic-foundations-of-personality-and-individual-differences"], ["title", "Dopaminergic Foundations of Personality and Individual Differences"], ["doab_id", "18187"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194322"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194322"]], [["description", "Double-talented artists were particularly numerous during the period of expressionism, which was characterized by political and radical social changes. The book presented offers informations about the artists\u2019 motivations and focuses on two excellent examples of artistic double-talent - Oskar Kokoschka, the founder of drama expressionism and Ludwig Meidner, highly praised for his apocalyptic landscapes. The interdisciplinary comparison of paintings and graphics with the dramas, poems and prose texts written by the artists allows offers valuable insights into their entire expressionistic oevre and, at the same time, a closer understanding of the relationship between art and literature.

Der Expressionismus als Bewegung zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts erfasste K\u00fcnstler, Literaten und Musiker gleicherma\u00dfen und legte wichtige Grundlagen f\u00fcr die Entwicklung der modernen Kunst. Au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich hoch ist in dieser Zeit die Zahl doppelbegabter K\u00fcnstler, die gedr\u00e4ngt vom Willen zu gesellschaftlichem Umbruch und inspiriert von neuesten Erkenntnissen aus Philosophie und Wissenschaft ihren expressiven und emotional aufgeladenen k\u00fcnstlerischen Ausdruck in verschiedenen Medien suchten. Untersuchungen zeitgen\u00f6ssischer Texte geben Aufschluss \u00fcber die Voraussetzungen zum doppelbegabten Schaffen, das wieder historische Vergleich zeigt, nie zuvor in solcher Intensit\u00e4t stattgefunden hat. Hervorragende Beispiele expressionistischer Doppelbegabung sind Oskar Kokoschka \u2013 prominenter K\u00fcnstler und \u201eBegr\u00fcnder des Dramenexpressionismus\u201c \u2013 und Ludwig Meidner, der f\u00fcr seine apokalyptischen Landschaften einst hoch ger\u00fchmt wurde. Der Vergleich ihrer Gem\u00e4lde und Grafiken mit ihren Dramen, Gedichten und Prosatexten erlaubt interessante, tiefergehende Einblicke in ihre Intentionen und die Bandbreite ihrer Themen. Zugleich erm\u00f6glicht der interdisziplin\u00e4re Ansatz ein eingehenderes Verst\u00e4ndnis f\u00fcr ihr expressionistisches Gesamtoeuvre und die Bez\u00fcge zwischen Kunst und Literatur."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meyer, Dorle"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Expressionism", "Modern Art", "Double Talent", "Oskar Kokoschka", "Ludwig Meidner", "Literature", "Expressionism", "Modern Art", "Double Talent", "Oskar Kokoschka", "Ludwig Meidner", "Literature"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610292"], ["title", "Doppelbegabung im Expressionismus - zur Beziehung von Kunst und Literatur bei Oskar Kokoschka und Ludwig Meidner"], ["doab_id", "15379"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951078"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951078"]], [["description", "Since the 5th century b. c., archaistic figures were used as a pillar for the statues of Aphrodite and later sometimes also for other gods. The question of design and interpretation is topic of this work. The characteristics of gods were always shown in their body image and posture. To that effect Aphrodite was pictured in a casual and sensual way with a very feminine body shape. The archaistic pillar could be a way to show that nevertheless Aphrodite was a venerable goddess.

Ein altes R\u00e4tsel in den Diskussionen um die Gestaltungsm\u00f6glichkeiten klassischer G\u00f6tterbilder ist die Frage nach dem Sinn der archaistischen Figuren, die seit dem sp\u00e4teren 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. v. a. Aphrodite und sp\u00e4ter in geringerer Zahl auch anderen G\u00f6ttern als St\u00fctzen dienten sowie die Deutung dieses Bildmotivs insgesamt. Die Bilder f\u00fcgen sich in die klassische Darstellungsweise der G\u00f6tter ein, bei der ihre Wirkungsweise und ihr Charakter durch ihr K\u00f6rperbild und ihre K\u00f6rperhaltung zum Ausdruck gebracht wurden. Aphrodite wurde dementsprechend als m\u00f6glichst l\u00e4ssig und sinnlich mit betont weiblichen K\u00f6rperformen gezeigt. Die starke Ver\u00e4nderung des K\u00f6rperbildes der G\u00f6ttin in der klassischen Kunst legt die M\u00f6glichkeit nahe, in ihren Bildern darauf hinzuweisen, dass sie zugleich auch eine altehrw\u00fcrdige G\u00f6ttin mit langer Kulttradition war. Dies wurde symbolisch durch die Verbindung der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Darstellung mit einem \u203aalten Bild\u2039 in Gestalt eines archaistischen St\u00fctzidols ausgedr\u00fcckt. Auch in der Realit\u00e4t lassen sich zahlreiche griechische Heiligt\u00fcmer nachweisen, f\u00fcr die mehre m\u00f6gliche \u203aKultbilder\u2039 aus unterschiedlichen Zeiten \u00fcberliefert sind, die zugleich verschiedenen Bed\u00fcrfnissen des Kultes gerecht wurden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schoch, Karen"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["archaeology", "archaeology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610356"], ["title", "Die doppelte Aphrodite - alt und neu bei griechischen Kultbildern"], ["doab_id", "13239"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875197"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875197"]], [["description", "The manuscript deals with the elections to the Austrian Constituent Diet in June 1848, compared with those to the French National Assembly in April of the same year, with a focus on the dissemination of new concepts and practices of politics \u2013 particularly electoral and representative politics \u2013 in rural areas. The approach is based on concepts from the debate on the \u201cpoliticisation\u201d of rural populations which has been conducted in France during the past decades. To facilitate a detailed analysis closely based on primary sources, the study is limited to the province of Lower Austria (excluding Vienna) and the former department of Seine-et-Oise, surrounding Paris. The manuscript is based on a dissertation accepted in 2010, which has been revised in both content and form. Additional archival research in France in January and February 2011 has allowed an augmentation of the primary source basis.After a summary of theoretical and methodical positions regarding the use of international comparison, a brief presentation of the debates on \u201cpoliticisation\u201d is intended to familiarize the reader both with the concept and with recent criticisms of it (Chapter 2). The resulting approach is based on the idea not of \u201cpoliticization\u201d versus a prior \u201capolitical\u201d condition of rural populations, but rather of a complex of interconnected but not identical shifts in rural concepts and practices of politics.In a first section, demographic, economic and social conditions of the two regions are presented and compared (Chapter 3), as are intellectual preconditions regarding mobility, literacy, religious behavior, and prior experiences with political participation (Chapter 4). The revolutions of 1848 are described with particular attention devoted to the forms they took in rural areas (Chapter 5).The legal and normative framework of the elections is compared in detail, as are administrative prepa\u00acrations and the processes of electoral information (Chapter 6). These are viewed as efforts by which models of electoral politics, proposed by new and old political elites in both countries, were put before the populations using the power and communicative resources at the disposal of the elites. The elections themselves are first closely described under their procedural aspect; then an analysis of voting behaviour is attempted (Chapter 7). These multiple perspectives demonstrate that divergent notions of the meaning and function of elections competed, but also intermixed. This concerns not only rivalry between the elite-proposed models described in Chapter 6, but also their meeting with concepts held by members of the wider population. In Lower Austria, large numbers of rural voters either rejected or, more frequently, reinterpreted and subverted the proposed electoral model on the basis older practices of political articu\u00aclation predicated on a corporate subdivision of society. In Seine-et-Oise, behaviors pointing to divergent notions of election are comparatively marginal next to a widespread acceptance of the proposed model.Although the two cases studied differ considerably from one another, and both have only quite limited resemblance to late 20th-century ideals of democratic elections, both can be situated within a complex history of the gradual displacement of older concepts of elections specifically and of politics in general by elements of those familiar in the present.

Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit den Wahlen zum konstituierenden Reichstag in \u00d6sterreich im Juni 1848 im Vergleich mit jenen zur konstituierenden Nationalversammlung in Frankreich im April 1848, und zwar unter dem Blickwinkel der Verbreitung neuer \u2013 vor allem elektoraler und repr\u00e4sentativer \u2013 Politikvor\u00acstellungen im l\u00e4ndlichen Raum. Dem Ansatz liegen Begrifflichkeiten der in Frankreich seit l\u00e4ngerem gef\u00fchrten Debatte um die \u201ePolitisierung\u201c der Landbev\u00f6lkerung zugrunde. Die r\u00e4umliche Beschr\u00e4nkung auf das Land Nieder\u00f6sterreich (ohne Wien) sowie das Umland von Paris, das ehemalige D\u00e9partement Seine-et-Oise, erm\u00f6glicht eine quellennahe Darstellung. Es handelt sich um eine inhaltlich und formal \u00fcberarbeitete Fassung einer im September 2010 approbierten Dissertation; zus\u00e4tzliche Archivforschungen in Frankreich im Januar/Februar 2011 haben eine Vervollst\u00e4ndigung der Quellenbasis erlaubt.Nach der Darlegung theoretisch-methodischer Positionen zur Anwendung des international vergleichenden Ansatzes folgt eine kurze Wiedergabe der Debatten um die \u201ePolitisierung\u201c einschlie\u00dflich neuerer Kritiken an diesem Konzept (Kapitel 2). Als Ergebnis wird der Ansatz formuliert, nicht von einer \u201ePolitisierung\u201c gegen\u00fcber einem \u201eapolitischen\u201c Ausgangszustand der l\u00e4ndlichen Bev\u00f6lkerungen auszugehen, sondern von einem komplexen B\u00fcndel differenziert zu analysierender Wandlungen l\u00e4ndlicher Politik.In einem ersten Teil erfolgt eine komparative Darstellung der demographischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Verh\u00e4ltnisse der beiden Untersuchungsr\u00e4ume (Kapitel 3), weiters der kulturellen und mentalen Voraussetzungen der Bev\u00f6lkerungen hinsichtlich Mobilit\u00e4t, Alphabetisierung, religi\u00f6sen Verhaltens sowie der Erfahrungen mit politischer Partizipation (Kapitel 4). Eine knappe Darstellung der Revolutionen von 1848 in beiden Gebieten fokussiert ihre Erscheinungsformen im l\u00e4ndlichen Raum (Kapitel 5).Ausf\u00fchrlich verglichen werden die Rechtsgrundlagen der beiden Wahlen, Vorg\u00e4nge der administrativen Vorbereitung sowie der Wahlwerbung (Kapitel 6). In ihnen werden Modelle elektoraler Politik gesehen, welche von neuen und alten politischen Eliten in beiden Staaten angesichts der revolution\u00e4ren Situation entworfen und mit den ihnen verf\u00fcgbaren Kommunikations- und Machtmitteln an die Bev\u00f6lkerungen herangetragen wurden. Der Wahlvorgang wird zun\u00e4chst in seiner prozeduralen Dimension geschildert, bevor eine Analyse der Wahlentscheidungen versucht wird (Kapitel 7). Auf diesem Wege wird gezeigt, dass unterschiedliche Vorstellungen zu Sinn und Funktionsweise von Wahlen konkurrierten und sich vermischten. Dies betrifft Divergenzen zwischen den in Kapitel 6 analysierten Modellen der Eliten, aber auch deren Aufeinandertreffen mit in der breiteren Bev\u00f6lkerung pr\u00e4senten Vorstellungen. Dies ist in Nieder\u00f6sterreich gut zu beobachten, dessen l\u00e4ndliche W\u00e4hler das Wahlmodell ausgehend von \u00e4lteren Praktiken der Interessenartikulation, die auf st\u00e4ndischer Gliederung der Gesellschaft beruhten, teils ver\u00acweigerten, teils umfunktionierten; in Seine-et-Oise sind Verhaltensweisen, die f\u00fcr abweichende Vor\u00acstellungen von Repr\u00e4sentation und Wahlen sprechen, in marginalem Ausma\u00df neben einer weitgehenden Akzeptanz des von den Eliten vorgegebenen Modells zu finden.Obwohl die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden F\u00e4llen betr\u00e4chtlich sind und beide vom heute etablierten Idealbild demokratischer Wahlen erheblich abweichen, lassen sie sich in die Geschichte vielf\u00e4ltiger Ver\u00e4nderungen einordnen, in deren Verlauf \u00e4ltere Vorstellungen vom W\u00e4hlen im Besonderen, von Politik im Allgemeinen allm\u00e4hlich durch Elemente heute bekannter Modelle verdr\u00e4ngt wurden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stockinger ,Thomas"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Elections, Democratisation, International Comparison, Revolution of 1848, 19th Century"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453613"], ["title", "D\u00f6rfer und Deputierte"], ["doab_id", "15521"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788157"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788157"]], [["description", "Consistente contribui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 hist\u00f3ria social da ci\u00eancia e da medicina no Brasil, que articula recentes avan\u00e7os da hist\u00f3ria, filosofia e antropologia da ci\u00eancia. Analisa, sem anacronismos, a trajet\u00f3ria que Domingos Freire descreveu no efervescente mundo das ci\u00eancias biom\u00e9dicas de finais do s\u00e9culo XIX, desnudando a complexa rede que come\u00e7ava ent\u00e3o a unir os m\u00e9dicos cientistas. Enfim, uma obra com o m\u00e9rito de mostrar que, na 'corrida' por compreender a febre amarela e finalmente anular os seus efeitos, o passo dos que 'perderam' tamb\u00e9m bateu o ch\u00e3o sobre o qual se ergueria o p\u00f3dio para os 'vencedores'."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benchimol, Jaime Larry"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6p4jp"], ["title", "Dos micr\u00f3bios aos mosquitos: febre amarela e a revolu\u00e7\u00e3o pasteuriana no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "19304"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413166"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413166"]], [["description", "Mexican Americans make up the largest minority in Idaho, yet they seemingly live in a different world from the dominant Anglo population, and because of pervasive stereotypes and exclusive policies, their participation in the community's social, economic, and political life is continually impeded.This unique ethnographic study of a small Idaho community with a large Hispanic population examines many dimensions of the impact race relations have on everyday life for rural Mexican Americans."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Baker, Richard"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/55"], ["title", "Los Dos Mundos"], ["doab_id", "14739"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211849"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211849"]], [["description", "The reception and popularity of the work of Emmanuel Joseph Siey\u00e8s has gone through different and erratic phases. Nonetheless, in recent years there has been a remarkable revival of interest in the Abb\u00e9's thought. This book is intended to exploit this Siey\u00e8s-renaissance, proposing a reconstruction of the constitutional doctrine of the abbot in the light of the latest interpretative acquisitions. The guiding thread of the analysis is the acknowledgement that, underlying the main political-constitutional proposals of Siey\u00e8s, we can glimpse a profoundly rationalist philosophical substructure. After presenting the nucleus of this philosophical approach, the book proceeds to shed light on the coherence linking the main constitutional structures upon which the abbot was working in the course of the early years of the Revolution. It focuses in particular on the concepts that contributed to make up the basic grammar of modern and liberal constitutionalism: representation, citizenship, constituent power, rights of man, the division of the powers and the control of constitutionality. The idea is that, by pursuing this approach, it is possible to arrive at an overall picture of the constitutional doctrine of the abbot that reflects both its systematic quality and its originality.

La ricezione dell'opera di Emmanuel Joseph Siey\u00e8s ha conosciuto diverse ed alterne fasi. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, tuttavia, si \u00e8 assistito ad un notevole ritorno di interesse per il pensiero dell'abate. Il volume intende inserirsi sulla scia di questa Siey\u00e8s-renaissance proponendo una ricostruzione della dottrina costituzionale dell'abate alla luce delle ultime acquisizioni interpretative. Il filo rosso che guida l'analisi \u00e8 il riconoscimento che alla base delle principali proposte politico-costituzionali di Siey\u00e8s vada scorta un'impostazione filosofica profondamente razionalista. Nel volume, dopo aver presentato il nucleo di questo approccio filosofico, viene messa in luce la coerenza che lega fra loro i principali istituti costituzionali sui quali l'abate lavora nel corso dei primi anni della Rivoluzione. Il libro si concentra, in particolare, sui concetti che hanno contribuito a formare la grammatica di base del costituzionalismo moderno e liberale: rappresentanza, cittadinanza, potere costituente, diritti dell'uomo, divisione dei poteri e controllo di costituzionalit\u00e0. Seguendo questo percorso, si intende restituire un quadro complessivo della dottrina costituzionale dell'abate che ne rispetti la sistematicit\u00e0 e l'originalit\u00e0."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goldoni, Marco"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Emmanuel Joseph Siey\u00e8s", "Civil law", "Constitution", "Philosophy", "Emmanuel Joseph Siey\u00e8s", "Diritto", "Costituzione", "Filosofia"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341476"], ["title", "La dottrina costituzionale di Siey\u00e8s"], ["doab_id", "12638"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534712"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884534712"]], [["description", "This book reveals the history of discussions regarding university education in Belgium, from the abolishment of the old university of Leuven in 1797 to the promulgation of the laws on higher education in 1890 and 1891. Different issues pass the revue, such as the number and location of the universities, the entrance conditions, the educational programme and methods, the organisation of the examination system, the transformation of the university - from a vocational school to a research institution -, the training of future professors and the admission of women to the university. The general debates are systematically confronted with practical developments within the faculties of arts and medicine. A double compromise characterised both the debates and the practical realisations: between what was generally considered the French model and the German university system, and between the internal and external freedom of the universities."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dhondt ,Pieter "], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["education", "university", "Belgium", "19th century"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=412758"], ["title", "Un double compromis. Enjeux et d\u00e9bats relatifs \u00e0 l\u2019enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "14638"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9789038217802"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038217802"]], [["description", "In 1994, after following a character in Peter Handke\u2019s novel Repetition into what is now Slovenia and after traveling in landscapes of Handke\u2019s youth, \u017darko Radakovi\u0107 and Scott Abbott published a two-headed text in Belgrade, Ponavljane (Repetitions). The possibility of narration in two voices, complicated by the third voice that is Peter Handke\u2019s own narrator, is the main focus of deliberation while traveling and reading and writing. Repetitions begins with Abbott\u2019s text, a fairly straightforward travel narrative. It ends with Radakovi\u0107\u2019s account of the same events, much less straightforward, more repetitious, more adventuresome."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Scott Abbott ; \u017darko Radakovi\u0107"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Peter Handke, Slovenia, translation, travel, vampires, western America, Yugoslavia"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/repetitions-vampires-dictionary/"], ["title", "Double Vision, Vol. 1: Repetitions"], ["doab_id", "16028"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615851334"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615851334"]], [["description", "As a follow-up to their first collaboration Repetitions (published in Belgrade in 1994, and in English by punctum in 2013), in 2008 the authors published, also in Belgrade, Vampiri & Razumni recnik, published here by punctum as Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary. Vampires is Radakovi\u0107\u2019s fictionalized account of a Serb living in Cologne, Germany while his former country disintegrates. He travels in the American West, ostensibly looking for the vampires causing chaos in his own country, and then returns to Europe, having found no vampires. It is a dark text, a story of destruction told in a narrative that refuses all the solaces narrative has traditionally afforded. A Reasonable Dictionary is Abbott\u2019s personally troubled account of his and Radakovi\u0107\u2019s trip up the Drina River between the civil wars, a journey made with the novelist Peter Handke, a trip during which some of Abbott\u2019s specifically American stories lost their moral structure.Both works examine generic distinctions and question storytelling in general, all in the context of travel in Yugoslavia, in the former Yugoslavia, and in western America. Two aspects make the books unique. First, they are written about experiences shared by two authors whose native languages are Serbian and English respectively (German is their only common language). The authors\u2019 perspectives contrast with and supplement one another: Radakovi\u0107 grew up in Tito\u2019s Yugoslavia and Abbott comes from the Mormon American West; Radakovi\u0107 is the translator of most of Peter Handke\u2019s works into Serbo-Croatian and Abbott translated Handke\u2019s provocative A Journey to the Rivers: Justice for Serbia for Viking Press and his play Voyage by Dugout: The Play of the Film of the War for PAJ (Performing Arts Journal); Radakovi\u0107 was a journalist for Deutsche Welle in Cologne and Abbott is a professor of German literature at Utah Valley University; Radakovi\u0107 is the author of several novels and Abbott has published mostly literary-critical work; and so on. Two sets of eyes. Two pens. Two visions of the world.Further, the years 1994 and 2008 (publication dates for Repetitions and Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary in Belgrade, respectively) bracket a horrendous period in the history of Yugoslavia. The authors changed during that period as well \u2014 divorces, new partners, new jobs; and Peter Handke, while metamorphosing into the b\u00eate noir of the press after his attacks on media portrayals of the Yugoslav wars, became the authors\u2019 friend and entered their second text as a fellow traveler."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Scott Abbott; \u017darko Radakovi\u0107; Ivana Djordjevi\u0107; Alice Copple-To\u0161i\u0107 (Trans.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["travel, Yugoslavia, vampires, Utah, war, American West, Serbia"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/am790ckbnu426kx/Abbott_Radakovic_Vampires_A_Reasonable_Dictionary_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Double Vision, Vol. 2: Vampires & A Reasonable Dictionary"], ["doab_id", "17883"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692022238"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692022238"]], [["description", "Doubled haploids (DHs) are powerful tools to reduce the time and costs needed to produce pure lines to be used in breeding programs. DHs are also useful for genetic mapping of complex qualitative traits, to avoid transgenic hemizygotes, for studies of linkage and estimation of recombination fractions, for screening of recessive mutants. These are just some of the advantages that make DH technology one of the most exciting fields of present and future plant biotechnology. All of the DH methods have model species where these technologies have been developed, or that respond every efficiently to their corresponding induction treatment. However, not all the species of economical/agronomical interest respond to these methodologies as they should be in order to obtain DHs on a routine basis. Indeed, many of them are still considered as low-responding or recalcitrant to these treatments, including many of the most important crops worldwide. Although many groups are making significant progresses in the understanding of these intriguing experimental pathways, little is known about the origin, causes and ways to overcome recalcitrancy. It would be very important to shed light on the particularities of recalcitrant species and the special conditions they need to be induced. In parallel, the knowledge gained from the study of basic aspects in model species could also be beneficial to overcome recalcitrancy. In this e-book, we present a compilation of different approaches leading to the generation of DHs in model and in recalcitrant species, and different studies on new and relevant aspects of this process, useful to extract common traits and features, to know better these processes, and eventually, to elucidate how to make DH technology more efficient."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jose M. Segui-Simarro"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["androgenesis", "anther culture", "Doubled haploid", "Embryogenesis", "gametic", "haploid", "in vitro culture", "Microspore", "microspore culture", "Pollen"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2038/doubled-haploidy-in-model-and-recalcitrant-species"], ["title", "Doubled haploidy in model and recalcitrant species"], ["doab_id", "18899"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197835"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197835"]], [["description", "Charles Noble's long poem playfully connects autobiography, narrative, philosophy, history, and satire and experiments with language and structure in a way that pushes the limits of contemporary poetry. Noble leaves no leaf unturned as he touches on issues related to contemporary Western society, including mass media culture, gender politics, postindustrial technology, and the politics of postmodern culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Charles Noble"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49315/1/UofCPress_DoubtsBoots_2003.pdf"], ["title", "Doubt's Boots: Even Doubt's Shadow"], ["doab_id", "15396"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386668"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386668"]], [["description", "Drawing Futures brings together international designers and artists for speculations in contemporary drawing for art and architecture. Despite numerous developments in technological manufacture and computational design that provide new grounds for designers, the act of drawing still plays a central role as a vehicle for speculation. There is a rich and long history of drawing tied to innovations in technology as well as to revolutions in our philosophical understanding of the world. Drawing Futures focuses on the discussion of how the field of drawing may expand synchronously alongside technological and computational developments. The book coincides with an international conference of the same name, taking place at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, in November 2016. Bringing together practitioners from many creative fields, the book discusses how drawing is changing in relation to new technologies for the production and dissemination of ideas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Drawing", "Art", "Architecture", "Technology"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619848"], ["title", "Drawing Futures"], ["doab_id", "19989"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781911307266"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781911307266"]], [["description", "Dreams for Dead Bodies: Blackness, Labor, and the Corpus of American Detective Fiction offers new arguments about the origins of detective fiction in the United States, tracing the lineage of the genre back to unexpected texts and uncovering how authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Pauline Hopkins, and Rudolph Fisher made use of the genre\u2019s puzzle-elements to explore the shifting dynamics of race and labor in America. The author constructs an interracial genealogy of detective fiction to create a nuanced picture of the ways that black and white authors appropriated and cultivated literary conventions that coalesced in a recognizable genre at the turn of the twentieth century. These authors tinkered with detective fiction\u2019s puzzle-elements to address a variety of historical contexts, including the exigencies of chattel slavery, the erosion of working-class solidarities by racial and ethnic competition, and accelerated mass production. Dreams for Dead Bodies demonstrates that nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American literature was broadly engaged with detective fiction, and that authors rehearsed and refined its formal elements in literary works typically relegated to the margins of the genre. By looking at these margins, the book argues, we can better understand the origins and cultural functions of American detective fiction."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robinson ,M. Michelle"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Cultural Studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608270"], ["title", "Dream for Dead Bodies"], ["doab_id", "19055"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119813", "9780472900602"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119813 9780472900602"]], [["description", "The Dream Is Over tells the extraordinary story of the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education in California, created by visionary University of California President Clark Kerr and his contemporaries. The Master Plan\u2019s equality of opportunity policy brought college within reach of millions of American families for the first time and fashioned the world\u2019s leading system of public research universities. The California idea became the leading model for higher education across the world and has had great influence in the rapid growth of universities in China and East Asia. Yet, remarkably, the political conditions supporting the California idea in California itself have evaporated. Universal access is faltering, public tuition is rising, the great research universities face new challenges, and educational participation in California, once the national leader, lags far behind. Can the social values embodied in Kerr\u2019s vision be renewed?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marginson ,Simon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Clark Kerr", "Equal opportunity"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617912"], ["title", "The Dream Is Over: The Crisis of Clark Kerr\u2019s California Idea of Higher Education"], ["doab_id", "19815"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520292840", "9780520966208"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520292840 9780520966208"]], [["description", "Dreamwork is a poetic exploration of the then and there, here and now, of landscapes and inscapes over time. It is part of a poetry series on dream and its relation to actuality. The poems explore past, present, and future in different places from Canada through New Jersey, New York and New England to England and Europe, part of the speaker\u2019s journey. A typology of home and displacement, of natural beauty and industrial scars unfolds in the movement of the book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Locke Hart"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["poetry", "Canadian", "landscape", "time"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120166"], ["title", "Dreamwork"], ["doab_id", "14431"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425701", "9781897425718"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425701 9781897425718"]], [["description", "The first ever study devoted to the wide range of deep cultural connections between dress and law."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gary Watt"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544438"], ["title", "Dress, Law and Naked Truth"], ["doab_id", "16283"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544438"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544438"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Drabbe ,P."], ["date", "1963"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613426"], ["title", "Drie Asmat-dialecten"], ["doab_id", "18448"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286061", "9789004286689"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286061 9789004286689"]], [["description", "For risks and side effects ask your doctor, pharmacist - or the Clinical Ethics Committee in your environment.\" The establishment of clinical ethics committees is a direct response to the professionalization of the medical establishment and the achievements in medical technology. Always progress in medicine was more than just technological advance. Especially its undeniable successes face doctors, nurses, chaplains and the management at the same time with new questions and problems. With the institutionalization of clinical ethics consultation connects the expectation of understanding the complex processes on a common basis. What taks are set for ethics committees in hospitals? How becomes ethic an issue there? And how do theologians and nurses communicate in these bodies? These papers summarize from a theological and philosophical point of view central research findings discussed in the framework of the DFG-funded research project \"Ethics and Organisation.

Seit der Entstehung eines Pflege- und Gesundheitsmarktes steigt der Kostendruck in der Diakonie. In dieser Situation stehen sich kirchliche MitarbeiterInnen als Arbeitnehmer und als Arbeitgeber gegen\u00fcber. Beide Seiten sehen sich aufgefordert, bei der Verteilung von knapper werdenden Mitteln und Besch\u00e4ftigungschancen gerecht und effizient zugleich zu handeln. Ist dieser Spagat im kirchlichen Arbeitsrecht machbar? Sorgt z.B. das Parit\u00e4tsprinzip im kirchlichen Arbeitsrecht f\u00fcr Akzeptanz auch dann, wenn Widerspr\u00fcche nicht vollst\u00e4ndig ausgeglichen werden k\u00f6nnen? Mit dem \u201eDritten Weg\u201c stehen auch die Kirchen selbst als Arbeitgeber auf dem Pr\u00fcfstand. Damit geraten die arbeitsrechtlichen Regelungen in einen erweiterten Horizont. In der Diskussion zu kurz gekommen ist bisher eine theologische Kl\u00e4rung der Frage, wie das Leitbild der \u201eDienstgemeinschaft\u201c in einer modernen, pluralistischen Gesellschaft \u00fcberhaupt auf Organisationen zu \u00fcbertragen ist. Angesichts \u00f6konomischer Verteilungskonflikte, Ver\u00e4nderungen des diakonischen Berufsethos und nachhaltigen Betreuungserfordernissen hilfesuchender Menschen stellt sich die Frage, wie Diakonie nicht nur organisierbar, sondern im christlichen Sinne auch lebbar ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anselm, Reiner; Hermelink, Jan"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["canon law", "business organization", "church", "German church law", "canon law", "business organization", "church", "German church law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610277"], ["title", "Der Dritte Weg auf dem Pr\u00fcfstand - Theologische, rechtliche und ethische Perspektiven des Ideals der Dienstgemeinschaft in der Diakonie"], ["doab_id", "13097"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616567", "9783938616567"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616567 3938616563"]], [["description", "The Star Trek franchise represents one of the most successful emanations of popular media in our culture. The number of books, both popular and scholarly, published on the subject of Star Trek is massive, with more and more titles printed every year. Very few, however, have looked at Star Trek in terms of the dialectics of humanism and the posthuman, the pervasiveness of advanced technology, and the complications of gender identity. In Drones, Clones and Alpha Babes, Diana Relke sheds light on how the Star Trek narratives influence and are influenced by shifting cultural values in the United States, using these as portals to the sociopolitical and sociocultural landscapes of the United States, pre- and post-9/11. From her Canadian perspective, Relke focuses on Star Trek's uniquely American version of liberal humanism, extends it into a broader analysis of ideological features, and avoids a completely positive or negative critique, choosing instead to honour the contradictions inherent in the complexity of the subject. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Diana M. A. Relke"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49319/1/UofCPress_Dronesclones_2006.pdf"], ["title", "Drones, Clones, and Alpha Babes: Retrofitting Star Trek's Humanism, Post-9/11"], ["doab_id", "15397"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386675"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386675"]], [["description", "Drug-Acceptor Interactions: Modeling theoretical tools to test and evaluate experimental equilibrium effects suggests novel theoretical tools to test and evaluate drug interactions seen with combinatorial drug therapy. The book provides an in-depth, yet controversial, exploration of existing tools for analysis of dose-response studies at equilibrium or steady state.The book is recommended reading for post-graduate students and researchers engaged in the study of systems biology, networks, and the pharmacodynamics of natural or industrial drugs, as well as for medical clinicians interested in drug application and combinatorial drug therapy. Even people without mathematical skills will be able to follow the pros and cons of reaction schemes and their related distribution equations. Chapter 9 is a hands-on guide for software to plot, fit and analyze ones own data."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Niels Bindslev"], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Co-Action Publishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://journals.sfu.ca/coactionbks/index.php/Bindslev/issue/current"], ["title", "Drug-Acceptor Interactions - Modeling theoretical tools to test and evaluate experimental equilibrium effects"], ["doab_id", "13427"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789197707107", "9789197707114"]], ["provider", "journals.sfu.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9789197707107 9789197707114 "]], [["description", "The idea of combining drugs and diagnostics in oncology is not new. When the selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen was developed in the 1970\u2019s for the treatment of breast cancer a positive correlation between receptor status and treatment outcome was found. As a result of this research, it was suggested to use the estrogen-receptor assay as a diagnostic test for selection of patients for tamoxifen treatment. Despite this suggestion was put forward nearly 40 years ago the adaptation of the drug-diagnostic co-development model has been relatively slow and it is only within the last decade that it has gained more widespread acceptance. The parallel development of the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin\u00ae, Roche/Genentech) and the immunohistochemistry assay for HER2 protein overexpression (HercepTest\u2122, Dako) seems to have served as an inspiration to a number of stakeholders such as pharma and diagnostic companies, regulatory agencies, and academia. In recent years we have seen an increasing number of oncology drug development projects that have taken advantage of the drug-diagnostic co-development model, as outline below. Most of the new targeted anti-cancer drugs that have been introduced in recent years, such as BRAF-, ALK-, EGFR- and HER2-inhibitors, are more or less all a product of the drugdiagnostic co-development model. These drugs have shown remarkable high response rates in selected groups of patients within cancer diseases with great unmet medical needs. This Research Topic on Drug-Diagnostic Co-Development in Oncology aims to provide you with an insight into some of the diverse activities that constitute this new research area."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jan Trost Jorgensen"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Drug-diagnostic co-development", "oncology", "companion diagnostics", "IHC", "fish", "NGS", "personalized medicine", "precision medicine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1313/drug-diagnostics-co-development-in-oncology"], ["title", "Drug-Diagnostics Co-Development in Oncology"], ["doab_id", "18664"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193325"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193325"]], [["description", "Microglial cells play a vital role in the innate immune response occurring in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Under physiologic conditions, microglia dynamically patrol the brain parenchyma and participate in the remodeling of active neuronal circuits. Accordingly, microglia can boost synaptic plasticity by removing apoptotic cells and by phagocytizing axon terminals and dendritic spines that form inappropriate neural connections. Upon brain and spinal cord injury or infection, microglia act as the first line of immune defense by promoting the clearance of damaged cells or infectious agents and by releasing neurotrophins and/ or proneurogenic factors that support neuronal survival and regeneration.Recently, two main pathways were suggested for microglia activation upon stimuli. Classical activation is induced by Toll-like receptor agonists and Th1 cytokines and polarizes cells to an M1 state, mainly leading to the release of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and nitric oxide and to grave neural damage. Alternative activation is mediated by Th2 cytokines and polarizes cells to an M2a state inducing the release of antiinflammatory factors. These findings have further fueled the discussion on whether microglia has a detrimental or beneficial action (M1 or M2-associated phenotypes, respectively) in the diseased or injured CNS and, more importantly, on whether we can shift the balance to a positive outcome.Although microglia and macrophages share several common features, upon M1 and M2 polarizing conditions, they are believed to develop distinct phenotypic and functional properties which translate into different patterns of activity. Moreover, microglia/macrophages seem to have developed a tightly organized system of maintenance of CNS homeostasis, since cells found in different structures have different morphology and specific function (e.g. meningeal macrophages, perivascular macrophages, choroid plexus macrophages). Nevertheless, though substantial work has been devoted to microglia function, consensus around their exact origin, their role during development, as well as the exact nature of their interaction with other cells of the CNS has not been met.This issue discusses how microglial cells sustain neuronal activity and plasticity in the healthy CNS as well as the cellular and molecular mechanisms developed by microglia in response to injury and disease. Understanding the mechanisms involved in microglia actions will enforce the development of new strategies to promote an efficient CNS repair by committing microglia towards neuronal survival and regeneration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Raquel Ferreira; Liliana Bernardino"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Microglia", "Inflammation", "neuronal repair", "neuron-glia crosstalk", "Neurodegenerative Diseases"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1629/dual-role-of-microglia-in-health-and-disease-pushing-the-balance-towards-repair"], ["title", "Dual role of microglia in health and disease: pushing the balance towards repair"], ["doab_id", "17680"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194926"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194926"]], [["description", "In September 2011, scientists announced new experimental findings that would not only threaten the conduct and publication of influenza research, but would have significant policy and intelligence implications. The findings presented a modified variant of the H5N1 avian influenza virus (hereafter referred to as the H5N1 virus) that was transmissible via aerosol between ferrets. These results suggested a worrisome possibility: the existence of a new airborne and highly lethal H5N1 virus that could cause a deadly global pandemic. In response, a series of international discussions on the nature of dual-use life science arose. These discussions addressed the complex social, technical, political, security, and ethical issues related to dual-use research. This Research Topic will be devoted to contributions that explore this matrix of issues from a variety of case study and international perspectives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan E Suk; Kathleen M Vogel; Amanda Jane Ozin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["biosecurity", "Dual Use", "Synthetic Biology", "H5N1", "Bioterrorism", "Public Health", "avian influenza"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2211/dual-use-life-science-research-and-biosecurity-in-the-21st-century-social-technical-policy-and-ethic"], ["title", "Dual-Use Life Science Research and Biosecurity in the 21st Century: Social, Technical, Policy, and Ethical Challenges"], ["doab_id", "18557"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195688"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195688"]], [["description", "Economic losses from disasters are now reaching an average of US$250\u2013$300 billion a year. In the last 20 years, more than 530,000 people died as a direct result of extreme weather events; millions more were seriously injured. Most of the deaths and serious injuries were in developing countries. Meanwhile, highly infectious diseases will continue to emerge or re-emerge, and natural hazards will not disappear. But these extreme events do not need to turn into large-scale disasters. Better and faster responses are possible. The authors contend that even though there is much generosity in the world to support the responses to and recovery from natural disasters, the current funding model, based on mobilizing financial resources after disasters take place, is flawed and makes responses late, fragmented, unreliable, and poorly targeted, while providing poor incentives for preparedness or risk reduction. The way forward centres around reforming the funding model for disasters, moving towards plans with simple rules for early action and that are locked in before disasters through credible funding strategies\u2014all while resisting the allure of post-disaster discretionary funding and the threat it poses for those seeking to ensure that disasters have a less severe impact."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Clarke J. ,Daniel; Dercon ,Stefan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Natural disaster", "Extreme event", "Pandemic", "Disaster risk finance", "Time inconsistency", "Commitment device", "Planning", "Behavioural psychology", "Politics of disaster relief"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611710"], ["title", "Dull Disasters? How planning ahead will make a difference"], ["doab_id", "19288"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198785576"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198785576"]], [["description", "Don Kerr knows prairie culture better than most\u2015he knows it from the inside out. He has made us aware of ourselves through his numerous volumes of poetry, his fiction, his many plays, his histories, and his interest in heritage. In this mature, accomplished collection, we can once again admire his unique prairie voice\u2015minimalist, self-effacing, direct yet subtle and nuanced, immersed in his love of the vernacular language of this place. His line is muscular, his timing impeccable, his broad strokes with so few words exemplary."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Don Kerr"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["poetry", "Saskatchewan", "prairie", "Canadian"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120179"], ["title", "The dust of just beginning"], ["doab_id", "14466"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425923", "9781897425930"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425923 9781897425930"]], [["description", "In this new edition of a prairie classic, Andreas Schroeder fictionalizes the true story of Tom Sukanen's wild scheme to build an ocean-going ship in the middle of a wheat field in Saskatchewan. Set during the hardships of the \"Dirty Thirties,\" Dustship Glory presents us with Sukanen's mythic effort to escape both the drought and pestilence of his time, as well as his own personal struggle to be free. Featuring an illuminating foreword by beloved Saskatoon writer Don Kerr, Dustship Glory will provide Canadian and international audiences alike with the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the dramatic tale of a ship that still stands in the fields south of Moose Jaw in Saskatchewan."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andreas Schroeder"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Saskatchewan", "Noah's Arc", "Dirty Thirties", "prairies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120189"], ["title", "Dustship Glory"], ["doab_id", "14432"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836225", "9781926836232", "9781926836393"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836225 9781926836232 9781926836393"]], [["description", "This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access. Dutch Atlantic Connections reevaluates the role of the Dutch in the Atlantic between 1680-1800. It shows how pivotal the Dutch were for the functioning of the Atlantic sytem by highlighting both economic and cultural contributions to the Atlantic world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostindie ,G.; Roitman ,J.V."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613427"], ["title", "Dutch Atlantic Connections, 1680-1800"], ["doab_id", "18449"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004271326", "9789004271319"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004271326 9789004271319"]], [["description", "Dutch Commerce and Chinese Merchants in Java describes the vanished commercial world of colonial Java. Alexander Claver shows the challenges of a demanding business environment by highlighting trade and finance mechanisms, and the relationships between the participants involved."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Claver ,A."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613428"], ["title", "Dutch Commerce and Chinese Merchants in Java"], ["doab_id", "18450"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004256576", "9789004263239"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004256576 9789004263239"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lohuizen van ,J."], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613363"], ["title", "The Dutch East India Company and Mysore 1762-1790"], ["doab_id", "18519"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285958", "9789004286559"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285958 9789004286559"]], [["description", "The end of the 16th century saw Dutch expansion in Asia, as The Dutch East India Company (the VOC) was fast becoming an Asian power, both political and economic. By 1669, the VOC was the richest private company the world had ever seen. This landmark study looks at perhaps the most important tool in the Company' trading - its ships. In order to reconstruct the complete shipping activities of the VOC, the author created a unique database of the ships' movements, including frigates and other, hitherto ingored, smaller vessels. Parthesius's research into the routes and the types of ships in the service of the VOC proves that it was precisely the wide range of types and sizes of vessels that gave the Company the ability to sail - and continue its profitable trade - the year round. Furthermore, it appears that the VOC commanded at least twice the number of ships than earlier historians have ascertained. Combining the best of maritime and social history, this book will change our understanding of the commercial dynamics of the most successful economic organization of the period.

Robert Parthesius brengt de scheepvaart en handel van de VOC volledig in kaart. Hij toont aan dat de intra-Aziatische handel sleutel was tot het succes van de maatschappij in de zeventiende eeuw. Met dit boek rekent Robert Parthesius af met het bestaande beeld van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC). Parthesius reconstrueert tot in detail de grootte en de activiteiten van de maatschappij. Hij toont aan dat het aantal schepen onder bevel van de VOC minstens twee keer zo groot was als tot nu toe gedacht. Voorheen is vooral onderzoek gedaan naar het scheepvaartverkeer tussen Azi\u00eb en Europa, de zogenaamde 'Retourvaart'. Parthesius keek verder dan deze retourvaart en analyseerde de ontwikkeling van het Nederlandse scheepvaartnetwerk in Azi\u00eb van 1595 tot 1660. Voor deze studie verzamelde hij alle gegevens over VOC-schepen in een database. Zo bracht hij de scheepsroutes van de fregatten maar ook die van de kleinere schepen uitgebreid in kaart. Door de intra-Aziatische handel in de zeventiende eeuw en door de diversiteit aan schepen kon de VOC het hele jaar door varen en streefde zo concurrerende maatschappijen als die van de Portugezen voorbij. Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters is een unieke combinatie van maritiem en sociaal-historisch onderzoek. Dit boek verandert onze kijk op de commerci\u00eble dynamiek van de meest succesvolle organisatie in de zeventiende eeuw."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Parthesius ,Robert"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Archeology", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Archeologie", "Geschiedenis", "Europese expansie", "VOC", "Scheepvaart", "Azie", "Intra Aziatische handel", "transport", "(VOC) fleet", "(spice) trade", "Nederlandse geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=431804"], ["title", "Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters : The Development of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) Shipping Network in Asia 1595-1660"], ["doab_id", "15199"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789053565179"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565179"]], [["description", "The nature of immigrant entrepreneurship is changing in Dutch society. Nowadays, many immigrant entrepreneurs start businesses in producer and personal services instead of more traditional sectors such as retail or hotel and catering. At the same time, a growing number of second-generation immigrants are setting up their own firms in the Netherlands. These second-generation immigrants-born and/or raised in the receiving country-are following different trajectories in comparison with first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs, indeed displaying a move away from traditional immigrant niches. Yet studies on second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs remain limited in both the Dutch and international literature on this subject. This study presents one of the first explicit comparisons between first and second-generation self-employed immigrants. The embeddedness of immigrants in local and transnational networks and the dynamics of the markets in which these entrepreneurs are active are examined based on in-depth interviews with immigrant entrepreneurs in Dutch cities. In doing so, this study provides a vivid, longitudinal view of first and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs, their incorporation into Dutch society, their businesses and business development(s).

Migranten van de tweede generatie in Nederland blijken als ondernemer aanmerkelijk succesvoller dan hun collega's van de eerste generatie. Dit blijkt uit de studie Dynamic Entrepreneurship van Katja Rusinovic. Rusinovic volgde voor haar promotieonderzoek langdurig eerste en tweede generatie migrantenondernemers in de vier grote steden. De resultaten van Rusinovic' studie laten zien dat de overlevingskansen van de tweede generatie groter zijn dan van eerste generatie migranten. Migranten van de tweede generatie vinden vaker hun weg naar financi\u00eble en andere (overheids)instanties waardoor zij minder afhankelijk zijn van steun uit eigen kring dan eerste generatie migranten. Ook richt de tweede generatie zich voornamelijk op klanten buiten de eigen etnische gemeenschap. Zakelijke contacten in het herkomstland blijven voor zowel de eerste als de tweede generatie een rol van betekenis spelen. Met hun sector keuze, hun ori\u00ebntatie op de Nederlandse samenleving, hun dynamiek en kansen op economisch succes maakt de tweede generatie een drastische bijstelling van het traditionele beeld van migrantenondernemers noodzakelijk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rusinovic ,Katja"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340124"], ["title", "Dynamic Entrepreneurship : First and Second-Generation Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Dutch Cities"], ["doab_id", "12829"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569726"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569726"]], [["description", "Various cellular processes underlying plant development and response to environmental cues rely on a dynamic interplay between membranes and the cytoskeleton, e.g. vesicle and organelle trafficking, endocytosis, exocytosis, and signal transduction. In recent years, significant progress in the understanding of such interplay has been achieved and several critical links between membranes and the cytoskeleton have been characterized. As an example, recent work has clarified how auxin promotes the reorganization of cortical actin filaments by the activation of Rho GTPase pathways, and how such reorganization in turn locally modifies endocytosis and/or exocytosis and directs asymmetric distribution of PIN family of auxin transporters. Another recent achievement is the characterization of the Rho- and microtubule-driven mechanism by which the cell wall architecture is established. In particular, the elegant work by Oda and Fukuda (Science 337 p.1333, 2012) provides evidence that secondary wall patterning in xylem vessel primarily relies on two processes: a local activation of the plant Rho GTPase ROP11 and a mutual, MIDD1-mediated, inhibitory interaction between active ROP domains and cortical microtubules. Additional examples include recent genetic evidence that microtubule and actin filament interacting/regulatory proteins, such as MAP65-1 and capping protein, function as transducers of membrane lipid signaling into changes in cytoskeleton dynamics and organization. This Research Topic aims at collecting a comprehensive set of articles dealing with cellular processes involving membrane-cytoskeleton interactions. Its scope extends beyond the specific fields defined by the above examples and includes intracellular trafficking, host-pathogen interactions, response to biotic and abiotic stresses and hormonal regulation of growth. We hope that this Research Topic will also highlight critical questions that need to be addressed in the future. We welcomed Original Research Articles, Technical/Methodological Advances (e.g. analysis of cytoskeleton dynamics close to membranes), Reviews and Mini Reviews that can expand our understanding of how and why membranes and the cytoskeleton interact."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Clement Thomas; Christopher J Staiger"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Actin", "Cell Wall", "Cytoskeleton", "Membrane trafficking", "Microtubules", "signaling lipids"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1556/a-dynamic-interplay-between-membranes-and-the-cytoskeleton-critical-for-cell-development-and-signali"], ["title", "A dynamic interplay between membranes and the cytoskeleton critical for cell development and signaling"], ["doab_id", "18585"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193233"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193233"]], [["description", "Complex systems are pervasive in many areas of science integrated in our daily lives. Examples include financial markets, highway transportation networks, telecommunication networks, world and country economies, social networks, immunological systems, living organisms, computational systems and electrical and mechanical structures. Complex systems are often composed of a large number of interconnected and interacting entities, exhibiting much richer global scale dynamics than the properties and behavior of individual entities. Complex systems are studied in many areas of natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and mathematical sciences. This special issue therefore intends to contribute towards the dissemination of the multifaceted concepts in accepted use by the scientific community. We hope readers enjoy this pertinent selection of papers which represents relevant examples of the state of the art in present day research. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jos\u00e9 A. Tenreiro Machado (Ed.); Hans J. Haubold, Arak M. Mathai and Ram K. Saxena; Arak M. Mathai and Hans J. Haubold; Gabino Torres-Vega and M\u00f3nica Noem\u00ed Jim\u00e9nez-Garc\u00eda; Wassim M. Haddad; Jianbo Gao, Feiyan Liu, Jianfang Zhang, Jing Hu and Yinhe Cao; Juliano A. de Oliveira, Edson R. Papesso and Edson D. Leonel; Jose S. C\u00e1novas; Gabino Torres-Vega; Jos\u00e9 M. Amig\u00f3, Peter E. Kloeden and \u00c1ngel Gim\u00e9nez; Ivo Bukovsky; Jianglin Zhao, Min Zhao and Hengguo Yu; Yong Zhang, Hongxia Xu, Xueyan Lv and Jichun Wu; Yuriy Povstenko; Xiaobing Zhou, Lianglin Xiong and Xiaomei Cai; Xiaobing Zhou, Murong Jiang and Yaqun Huang; Xiaomin Tian and Shumin Fei; Meichun Zhao and Junwei Wang; Liping Chen, Jianfeng Qu, Yi Chai, Ranchao Wu and Guoyuan Qi; Rabha W. Ibrahim; Omar Abu Arqub, Ahmad El-Ajou, Zeyad Al Zhour and Shaher Momani; Ahmad El-Ajou, Omar Abu Arqub, Zeyad Al Zhour and Shaher Momani; Jos\u00e9 A. Tenreiro Machado and Ant\u00f3nio M. Lopes; Shengxi Zhou, Junyi Cao and Yangquan Chen; Eduardo J. Solteiro Pires, Jos\u00e9 A. Tenreiro Machado and Paulo B. de Moura Oliveira; Micael S. Couceiro, Filipe M. Clemente, Fernando M. L. Martins and Jos\u00e9 A. Tenreiro Machado; Zheng Wei, Yangeng Wang, Guo Wei, Tonghui Wang and Steven Bourquin; L'ubomir Dorcak, Juraj Valsa, Emmanuel \u0015\u0006\u0006\u0010\u0016\u0003\u0017\u0013G\u0018onzalez, J\u00e1n Terp\u00e1k, Ivo Petr\u00e1\u0161 and Ladislav Pivka"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Complex dynamics, Nonlinear dynamical systems, Advanced control systems, Fractional calculus and its applications, Chemical dynamics, Dynamical systems synchronization"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/27"], ["title", "Dynamical Systems"], ["doab_id", "16617"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980478", "9783906980522"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980478/9783906980522"]], [["description", "n this thesis, we study the dynamics of an elastic body whose shape and position evolve due to the gravitational forces exerted by a point-like planet whose position is fixed in the space. The first result of the thesis is that, if any internal deformation of the body dissipates some energy, then the dynamics of the system has only three possible final behaviors:(i) the satellite is expelled to infiniy;(ii) the satellite falls on the planet;(iii) the satellite is captured in synchronous resonance. By item (iii) we mean that the shape of the body reaches a final configuration that a principal axis of inertia is directed towards the attracting planet and that the center of mass of satellite moves on a circle of constant radius."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Emanuele Haus"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/tesi_haus.pdf"], ["title", "Dynamics of an elastic satellite with internal friction."], ["doab_id", "15497"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050673"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050673"]], [["description", "This is the first study to characterize the architectural patronage of Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni (1667-1740), and to identify twelve architects during his half century of patronage in his Ecclesiastical court of the Cancelleria. Most eminent among them were Filippo Juvarra and Domenico Gregorini. Commercial and private theaters in the palace are located from archival data, room measurements, drawings, diary accounts, Correspondence of the French Academy, and palimpsests of architectural details. The size, shape, appearance, capacity, and location of Filippo Juvarra's theater are discussed. Archival documents are cited to reveal why, how, and when it vanished. Detailed analysis is devoted to Juvarra's stage construction with its elaborate sets and moving apparatus. In his official function as Vice-Chancellor of the Church, it is well known that Ottoboni was positioned as a major patron of music, theater, and painting in late Baroque Rome. He was a librettist for oratorios performed by his resident composer, Arcangelo Corelli, and by Alessandro Scarlatti in venues in the palace, and in his basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso, located in the palace grounds. His resident painters included Francesco Trevisani and Sebastiano Conca. He completed the construction of Bernini's Confessione in the nave of his basilica. As the sponsor of the Arcadian Academy, Ottoboni dictated taste in Roman cultural circles. His involvement in the competition for the fa\u00e7ade of St. John Lateran is amplified. A grand overview is provided for the cardinal's commission of devotional machine constructed to rival the Lenten carnivals. As ephemeral constructions, and normally ignored liturgical phenomena, these are explored in detail for the first time.Edward J. Olszewski, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olszewski, Edward"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Late Baroque architecture, architectural patronage, Roman palace architecture"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/466069"], ["title", "Dynamics of Architecture in Late Baroque Rome. Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni at the Cancelleria"], ["doab_id", "17961"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110452457", "9783110452464"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110452457, 9783110452464"]], [["description", "This volume encompasses a broad span of issues related to borders as areas of intense activity substantially contributing to the dynamics of culture. The chapters address questions relating to the construction and reconstruction of borders, as well as the experience and representation of physical, spiritual, imagined and symbolic borders. The authors provide perspectives on emerging and dissolving borders in the past and present. Special emphasis is placed on subjective perception by asking how borders are experienced and expressed at the level of the specific community or individual. Several articles tackle dramatic and controversial issues like war, conflict between different ideologies and cultures, and remembering. The authors also explore dialectical relations between culture, social relations and landscape, and the interplay of ideological constructions and material culture. The contributions are arranged into two sections focusing on two wider issues: how borders are drawn in landscape, religion and scientific discourse (Wandering borders), and how representations of cultural borders and border crossings have changed over time (Bordering ruptures: the dynamics of self-description). The authors of this volume come from various scholarly fields and offer innovative tools for expanding the concept of the border across disciplinary frames."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kannike ,Anu; Tasa ,Monika"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["border", "landscape", "material culture", "war", "memory", "religion"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=609474"], ["title", "The Dynamics of Cultural Borders"], ["doab_id", "19077"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949770823", "9789949770830"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949770823 9789949770830"]], [["description", "Cyclic nucleotides control a number of neuronal properties including neuronal differentiation, pathfinding, regulation of excitability and synaptic transmission, and control of gene expression. Signaling events mediated by cAMP or cGMP are transient and take place within the complex 3-dimensional structure of the neuronal cell. Signaling events happen on the time scale of seconds to minutes and the biological significance of the temporal dimension remains poorly understood. Structural features of neurons (dendritic spines and branches, cell body, nucleus, axon\u2026) as well as AKAPs and other scaffolding proteins that keep signaling enzymes together and form \"signaling microdomains\", are critical spatial determinants of signal integration. Finally, the types of enzymes involved in signal integration, which are expressed as a number of different types and splice variants, yield another dimension that determines signal integration properties. Biosensor imaging provides direct temporal and spatial measurement of intracellular signals. This novel approach, together with more conventional methods such as biochemistry, electrophysiology, and modeling, now provide a better understanding of the spatial and temporal features of cyclic nucleotide signal integration in living neurons. This topic aims at providing a better understanding of how neurons are \"making sense\" of cyclic nucleotide signaling in living neurons."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pierre Vincent; Nicholas C. Spitzer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cyclic AMP", "Cyclic GMP", "biosensor imaging", "compartmentalization", "rac GTP-Binding Proteins", "phosphodiesterases", "Dopamine", "noradrenalin", "Endocannabinoids"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2166/dynamics-of-cyclic-nucleotide-signaling-in-neurons"], ["title", "Dynamics of cyclic nucleotide signaling in neurons"], ["doab_id", "19549"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196463"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196463"]], [["description", "At the core of the many debates throughout cognitive science concerning how decisions are made are the processes governing the time course of preference formation and decision. From perceptual choices, such as whether the signal on a radar screen indicates an enemy missile or a spot on a CT scan indicates a tumor, to cognitive value-based decisions, such as selecting an agreeable flatmate or deciding the guilt of a defendant, significant and everyday decisions are dynamic over time. Phenomena such as decoy effects, preference reversals and order effects are still puzzling researchers. For example, in a legal context, jurors receive discrete pieces of evidence in sequence, and must integrate these pieces together to reach a singular verdict. From a standard Bayesian viewpoint the order in which people receive the evidence should not influence their final decision, and yet order effects seem a robust empirical phenomena in many decision contexts. Current research on how decisions unfold, especially in a dynamic environment, is advancing our theoretical understanding of decision making. This Research Topic aims to review and further explore the time course of a decision - from how prior beliefs are formed to how those beliefs are used and updated over time, towards the formation of preferences and choices and post-decision processes and effects. Research literatures encompassing varied approaches to the time-scale of decisions will be brought into scope: a) Speeded decisions (and post-decision processes) that require the accumulation of noisy and possibly non-stationary perceptual evidence (e.g., randomly moving dots stimuli), within a few seconds, with or without temporal uncertainty. b) Temporally-extended, value-based decisions that integrate feedback values (e.g., gambling machines) and internally-generated decision criteria (e.g., when one switches attention, selectively, between the various aspects of several choice alternatives). c) Temporally extended, belief-based decisions that build on the integration of evidence, which interacts with the decision maker's belief system, towards the updating of the beliefs and the formation of judgments and preferences (as in the legal context). Research that emphasizes theoretical concerns (including optimality analysis) and mechanisms underlying the decision process, both neural and cognitive, is presented, as well as research that combines experimental and computational levels of analysis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marius Usher; Konstantinos Tsetsos; Erica Yu; David A. Lagnado"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Decision Making", "Belief", "Evidence Accumulation", "data-generating process", "Problem Solving"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/406/dynamics-of-decision-making-from-evidence-to-preference-and-belief"], ["title", "Dynamics of decision making: from evidence to preference and belief"], ["doab_id", "17778"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192700"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192700"]], [["description", "Across the country, our children are beginning life from very different starting points. Some have aspirations and believe they can be achieved. For too many others, aspirations are tempered, if not dashed, by the sobering realities of everyday life. These different starting points place children on distinctly different trajectories of growth and development, ultimately leading to vastly different adult outcomes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Irwin Kirsch; Henry Braun"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["education", " policy", " economics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-25991-8"], ["title", "The Dynamics of Opportunity in America: Evidence and Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18933"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319259895", "9783319259918"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319259895 (Print) 9783319259918 (Online)"]], [["description", "Language research is currently in a state of flux. The phenomenon of language is not merely the topic of investigation in linguistics, it is examined by a multitude of scholars with different scientific backgrounds. In order to examine how these various disciplines approach language, a think-tank was founded in 2002, called DITO, Dynamisch Inter(-en trans)disciplinair onderzoek, or Dynamic Inter- (and trans)disciplinary Research. The think-tank is located at the Belgian Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels). This book provides short introductory articles to the language research conducted by some of the think-tank\u2019s most important members, from within the point of view of the following 5 disciplines: philosophy of evolutionary biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, sign language research and artificial intelligence."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gontier ,Nathalie; Mondt ,Katrien"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Evolutionary biology", "Cognitive science", "Neuroscience", "Sign language research", "Artificial intelligence", "Evolutionaire biologie", "Cognitieve wetenschap", "Neurowetenschap", "Gebarentaal onderzoek", "Kunstmatige intelligentie"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365433"], ["title", "Dynamisch Inter(- en Trans)disciplinair TaalOnderzoek. De nieuwe taalwetenschappen"], ["doab_id", "13285"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038208640", "9789038208640"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038208642 9789038208640"]], [["description", "The dynastic centre and the provinces were linked by agents and ritual occasions. This book includes contributions by specialists examining these connections in late imperial China, early modern Europe, and the Ottoman empire, suggesting important revisions and an agenda for comparison. This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duindam ,J.; Dabringhaus ,S."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613364"], ["title", "The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces"], ["doab_id", "18520"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004251489", "9789004272095"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004251489 9789004272095"]], [["description", "A obra traz importante contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para o debate sobre a real necessidade do uso de agrot\u00f3xicos nos processo de produ\u00e7\u00e3o agropecu\u00e1rios, enfatizando a prem\u00eancia de garantir a qualidade de vida das popula\u00e7\u00f5es humanas que, todos os anos, exp\u00f5em-se aos efeitos nocivos desses agentes, consumidos indiscriminadamente ao redor do mundo. Discutem-se aqui os principais desafios enfrentados pelo setor sa\u00fade e pelos \u00f3rg\u00e3os ambientais, relacionados ao monitoramento de poss\u00edveis efeitos negativos \u00e0 sa\u00fade humana e \u00e0 qualidade ambiental. Apresentam-se tamb\u00e9m iniciativas bem-sucedidas de enfrentamento dessa quest\u00e3o, por parte de profissionais das mais diversas \u00e1reas do saber."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peres, Frederico (org.); Moreira, Josino costa (org.)"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Exposi\u00e7\u00e3o a praguicidas, Uso de praguicidas, Sa\u00fade ambiental, Trabalhadores rurais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sg3mt"], ["title", "\u00c9 veneno ou \u00e9 rem\u00e9dio? Agrot\u00f3xicos, sa\u00fade e ambiente "], ["doab_id", "16459"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413173"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413173"]], [["description", "Our visual system is constantly bombarded by a variety of stimuli, of which only a small part is relevant to the task at hand. As a result, goal-directed behavior requires a high degree of selectivity at some point in the processing stream. The precise point at which selection takes place has been the focus of much debate. Early selection advocates argue that the locus of selection is at early stages of processing and that therefore, unattended stimuli are not fully processed. In contrast, late selection theorists argue that attention operates only after stimuli have been fully processed. Evidence supporting both sides has been accumulated over the years and the debate played a central role in the attention literature for decades. Perceptual load theory was put forward as an intermediate solution: the locus of selective attention depends on task requirements. When load is high, selection is early. When load is low, selection is late. This solution has been widely accepted and the early/late debate has been, for the most part, set aside. However, recently, perceptual load theory has been challenged on both theoretical and methodological grounds. It has been argued that it is not load, but rather perceptual dilution salience and other perceptual factors that determine the efficacy of attentional selection, which would call for a reevaluation of the current status of both perceptual load theory and its proposed alternatives, and more broadly, the early/late selection debate. The goal of this Research Topic is to provide an up-to-date overview of both empirical evidence and theoretical views on these key questions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tal Makovski; Glyn Humphreys; Bernhard Hommel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Attention", "early selection", "Late selection", "perceptual load", "dilution", "salience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/977/early-and-late-selection-effects-of-load-dilution-and-salience"], ["title", "Early and late selection: Effects of load, dilution and salience"], ["doab_id", "17666"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192557"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192557"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license. The Early Years analyzes the development of Latin American and Caribbean children and makes a compelling case for government intervention in what is instinctively a family affair. Spending on effective programs for young children is an investment that, if done well, will have very high returns, while failure to implement such programs will lower the returns on the hefty investments being made in primary, secondary, and higher education. Policies for young children belong at the core of a country's development agenda, alongside policies to develop infrastructure and strengthen institutions. However, if the services provided (or funded) by governments are to benefit children, they must be substantially better than what is currently being delivered in the region. This book offers suggestions for improving public policy in this critical area."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Berlinski, Samuel; Schady, Norbert"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Economics, Development Economics, Social Policy, Children, Youth and Family Policy, Sociology, Childhood and Youth, Development, Children and Youth, International Economics"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137536495"], ["title", "The Early Years: Child Well-Being and the Role of Public Policy"], ["doab_id", "17904"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137536495"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137536495"]], [["description", "In East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century scholars examine from different angles to which degree the empire was still unified and whether it was perceived as such in the fourth century AD."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijkstra . ,R.; van Poppel ,S.; Slootjes ,D."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Roman Empire"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613429"], ["title", "East and West in the Roman Empire of the Fourth Century"], ["doab_id", "18451"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004291928", "9789004291935"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004291928 9789004291935"]], [["description", "Ce rapport apporte un \u00e9clairage sur les difficult\u00e9s que nos soci\u00e9t\u00e9s sont susceptibles de rencontrer dans le domaine de l'eau, \u00e0 court, moyen et long terme, en France et dans le reste du monde. Les difficult\u00e9s envisag\u00e9es concernent les ins\u00e9curit\u00e9s ou crises li\u00e9es au manque d'eau, aux exc\u00e8s d'eau et \u00e0 la d\u00e9t\u00e9rioration de la qualit\u00e9 de l'eau et des \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes aquatiques. L'analyse de ces difficult\u00e9s potentielles, dont tout le monde pressent que les cons\u00e9quences pourraient \u00eatre dramatiques, l'analyse de leur probabilit\u00e9 d'occurrence et de leur \u00e9chelonnement dans le temps ont pour objet de tenter, par l'action, de les pr\u00e9venir, ou, si elles survenaient, d'en amoindrir les effets.Deux causes principales de ces difficult\u00e9s sont mises en avant : - l'effet des changements d\u00e9mographiques, qui vont vraisemblablement faire cro\u00eetre la population de 6 \u00e0 9 milliards d'\u00eatres humains d'ici 2050 et faire passer le taux d'urbanisation de 50 % \u00e0 80 %. La question de l'eau - production alimentaire, adduction d'eau potable et assainissement - y est centrale ; - l'effet des changements climatiques li\u00e9s aux \u00e9missions de gaz \u00e0 effets de serre, qui auront une incidence progressive sur les situations moyennes, mais agiront aussi sur les \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames (crues, s\u00e9cheresse) dont les fr\u00e9quences sont susceptibles de varier notablement.Le rapport aborde les probl\u00e8mes de ressources en eau, de production alimentaire, d'\u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes, de qualit\u00e9 de l'eau et de risques d'inondation. Ces questions sont examin\u00e9es selon six grands th\u00e8mes : bilan besoins-ressources \u00e0 l'\u00e9chelle mondiale et alimentation ; gestion des eaux \u00e0 l'\u00e9chelle r\u00e9gionale des bassins versants ; l'eau \u00e0 l'\u00e9chelle locale des grandes m\u00e9galopoles ; \u00e9cosyst\u00e8mes aquatiques ; eau et sant\u00e9 ; eau et climat. Le rapport formule enfin des recommandations, tant sur les actions publiques pr\u00e9ventives \u00e0 mener, \u00e0 caract\u00e8re r\u00e9glementaire ou \u00e9conomique, que sur les actions de recherche ou acquisitions de connaissances nouvelles \u00e0 programmer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "G. de Marsily"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport5.pdf"], ["title", "Les eaux continentales"], ["doab_id", "16206"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838636"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "2868838634"]], [["description", "Ebooks are coming of age in education, as this exciting collection commissioned by Jisc demonstrates. Case studies, reflecting ebook success stories across the higher and further education sectors, include: - An innovative app to encourage ebook take-up in a Welsh college. - A partnership between a library and research centre to create open access monographs and midigraphs. - Several examples of creative negotiations with ebook publishers.Insight chapters address hot topics in the ebook universe, including: - The changing world of access to scholarly digital content in the mobile environment. - The challenges faced by the library as online distance learning moves from margin to mainstream. - How ebooks have the potential to meet a wide range of accessibility needs. - Experimentation with ebooks as a shared service.This collection will provide inspiration and guidance to institutions as they develop projects and services to support students and researchers and will be of interest to library practitioners, publishers, ebook vendors, information professionals, teachers, lecturers and students. Jisc, in collaboration with Ubiquity Press, is pleased to be making this publication available open access on a CC-BY licence. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org//10.5334/bal)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Woodward ,Hazel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["education", "ebooks", "vision"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533880"], ["title", "Ebooks in education: Realising the vision"], ["doab_id", "16636"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188372", "9781909188389", "9781909188396", "9781909188402"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188372 9781909188389 9781909188396 9781909188402"]], [["description", "The first dedicated eco-critical reading of the cultural recreations of the Italian landscape, exploring the literature, film and art of the country."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Serenella Iovino"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474219488"], ["title", "Ecocriticism and Italy"], ["doab_id", "19370"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472571656"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472571656"]], [["description", "Today, sustainability of a healthy freshwater ecosystem and its associated ecosystem services are hot issues with ever-growing attention placed upon them. We are increasingly recognizing that they are crucial for the survival of the aquatic biota and human beings on our planet.The efficient monitoring of water resources is fundamental for effective management of water quality and aquatic ecosystems. The first stage in sustainable ecosystem management is the evaluation of the current status of target ecosystems. Traditionally, and even today, physico-chemical parameters have mainly been used to evaluate the quality of water resources. However, they have a large limit to grab the wholeness of water system, particularly in the sense of ecosystem health and integrity, for which ecological monitoring should be based on biological factors. Various approaches are applicable to ecosystem health assessment at different levels of the biological hierarchy, from genes to ecosystems.This Special Issue is designed to improve scientific understanding and strategies for sound aquatic ecosystem management and services for researchers, decision makers, and stakeholders. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Aquatic ecosystem monitoring, Aquatic ecosystem assessment Aquatic ecosystem management, Aquatic ecosystem services, Aquatic ecosystem policy, Restoration, Conservation, Biological indicators, Streams/ Rivers/ Lakes/ Wetlands, Aquatic ecology, Ecohydrology, Limnology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/231"], ["title", "Ecological Monitoring, Assessment, and Management in Freshwater Systems"], ["doab_id", "19939"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422662", "9783038422679"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422662/9783038422679"]], [["description", "This book attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John P. Giesy; Keith R. Solomon"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Chlorpyrifos", " Terrestrial systems", " Aquatic systems", " Ecological risk assessment"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-03865-0"], ["title", "Ecological Risk Assessment for Chlorpyrifos in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems in North America"], ["doab_id", "16192"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319038643", "9783319038650"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319038643 (Print) 9783319038650 (Online)"]], [["description", "Ecology & Wonder makes several remarkable claims: The greatest cultural achievement in the Western Canadian mountain region may be what has been preserved, not what has been developed. Protecting the spine of the Rocky Mountains will preserve crucial ecological functions. Because the process of ecosystem diminishment and species loss has been slowed, an ecological thermostat has been kept alive. This may well be an important defence against future climate change impacts in the Canadian west. Ecology & Wonder is a must-read for those who appreciate Western Canada\u2019s breathtaking landscape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert W. Sandford"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["climate change", "nature", "national parks", "envrionment"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120169"], ["title", "Ecology & Wonder in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World heritage Site"], ["doab_id", "14433"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425572", "9781897425589"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425572 9781897425589"]], [["description", "O livro se divide em duas se\u00e7\u00f5es. Elas tratam [...] das perspectivas te\u00f3ricas e metodol\u00f3gicas e de estudos de caso sobre a consolida\u00e7\u00e3o sociopol\u00edtica do setor exportador. [trecho retirado da Introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Cardoso, Fernando Henrique; Font, Maur\u00edcio"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rjfv9"], ["title", "Economia e movimentos sociais na Am\u00e9rica Latina"], ["doab_id", "16667"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662595"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662595"]], [["description", "I had the good fortune to grow up in a wonderful area of Jerusalem, surrounded by a diverse range of people: Rabbi Meizel, the communist Sala Marcel, my widowed Aunt Hannah, and the intellectual Yaacovson. As far as I'm concerned, the opinion of such people is just as authoritative for making social and economic decisions as the opinion of an expert using a model. Part memoir, part crash-course in economic theory, this deeply engaging book by one of the world's foremost economists looks at economic ideas through a personal lens. Together with an introduction to some of the central concepts in modern economic thought, Ariel Rubinstein offers some powerful and entertaining reflections on his childhood, family and career. In doing so, he challenges many of the central tenets of game theory, and sheds light on the role economics can play in society at large. The book is as thought-provoking for seasoned economists as it is enlightening for newcomers to the field. Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind, describes Economics Fables as a \"\"wonderfully inviting introduction to game theory, rich in personalities, history and sense of place. Ariel Rubinstein is not only a brilliant theorist with a knack for lucid exposition, but a gifted storyteller. Students will find the ideas surprisingly accessible. Aspiring scholars, wondering whether a life of the mind is worth pursuing, will find his personal journey of intellectual discovery thrilling.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rubinstein, Ariel (Author)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Microeconomics", "economic models", "economic theory", "game theory", "John Nash", "Hotelling's Game", "Beautiful Mind"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/136"], ["title", "Economic Fables"], ["doab_id", "15204"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924775"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924775"]], [["description", "This volume deals with land degradation, which is occurring in almost all terrestrial biomes and agro-ecologies, in both low and high income countries and is stretching to about 30% of the total global land area. About three billion people reside in these degraded lands. However, the impact of land degradation is especially severe on livelihoods of the poor who heavily depend on natural resources. The annual global cost of land degradation due to land use and cover change (LUCC) and lower cropland and rangeland productivity is estimated to be about 300 billion USD. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) accounts for the largest share (22%) of the total global cost of land degradation. Only about 38% of the cost of land degradation due to LUCC - which accounts for 78% of the US$300 billion loss \u2013 is borne by land users and the remaining share (62%) is borne by consumers of ecosystem services off the farm. The results in this volume indicate that reversing land degradation trends makes both economic sense, and has multiple social and environmental benefits. On average, one US dollar investment into restoration of degraded land returns five US dollars. The findings of the country case studies call for increased investments into the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded lands, including through such institutional and policy measures as strengthening community participation for sustainable land management, enhancing government effectiveness and rule of law, improving access to markets and rural services, and securing land tenure. The assessment in this volume has been conducted at a time when there is an elevated interest in private land investments and when global efforts to achieve sustainable development objectives have intensified. In this regard, the results of this volume can contribute significantly to the ongoing policy debate and efforts to design strategies for achieving sustainable development goals and related efforts to address land degradation and halt biodiversity loss."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ephraim Nkonya; Alisher Mirzabaev; Joachim von Braun"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["environmental economics", " biodiversity", " sustainable development"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-19168-3"], ["title", "Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement \u2013 A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development"], ["doab_id", "19122"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319191676", "9783319191683"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319191676 (Print) 9783319191683 (Online)"]], [["description", "This collection resulted from an international workshop funded and organised by Biosecurity Australia, the agency of government responsible for analysing Australia's quarantine import risks and for negotiating multilateral SPS rules and less restrictive access to overseas markets for Australian produce. The workshop, which was held at the Melbourne Business School on 24-25 October 2000, brought together a distinguished group of applied economists and quarantine policy analysts whose focus involves regions as disparate as Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and New Zealand, in addition to Australia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McRae ,Cheryl; Wilson ,David; Anderson ,Kym"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["biosecurity", "Australia", "quarantine policy", "economics", "import risk", "SPS rules", "international economic studies", "Australian produce"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560349"], ["title", "The Economics of Quarantine and the SPS Agreement"], ["doab_id", "15172"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064325"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064325"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY licence. Recent reductions in public funding for audiovisual products have led to dramatic changes in the industry. The lack of interaction between the industry and capital markets has made sourcing funds for audiovisual products especially difficult.This book explains why the distance between the audiovisual and financial markets exists, and considers the perspective of both audiovisual companies and financial intermediaries. Providing a thorough overview of the audiovisual industry in three major categories (television, cinema and web), it analyses the financing behind each. The author adapts the traditional assessment methods to include exploitation rights, distribution deals and risk determinants ; he also proposes a pricing model for the audiovisual products demonstrating that prices and values in a industry of prototype goods do not depend solely on cost and revenue. The book also includes a methodology for analysing the economics of the sector, the different sales agreements between broadcasters and the distribution deals between distributors and independent producers. Finally, a description of the main financial products for private finance is provided, as well as an explanation of how public funds can act as leverage to catalyze private resources through the use of guarantee funds. In The Economics of the Audiovisual Industry the author suggests that rather than relying on subsidized public support, the audiovisual industry should foster private-public partnerships and market dynamics to promote an alternative funding model based on a profitable and long-lasting connection between the audiovisual and financial markets. The valuation model, both for products and firms, proposed in this book are at the basis of this new approach."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "La Torre, Mario"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Finance and Banking, General Finance"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137378477"], ["title", "The Economics of the Audiovisual Industry: Financing TV, Film and Web"], ["doab_id", "17910"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137378477"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137378477 "]], [["description", "Migranten\u00f6konomien stellen hybride Strukturen dar, die sich, unabh\u00e4ngig von Staat und Zivilgesellschaft, aus dem lebensweltlichen Kontext heraus entwickeln und sich direkt in den Markt einmischen. Als Alternative zur Integration in den Erwerbsarbeitsmarkt entstehen Migranten\u00f6konomien meist dort, wo gesellschaftliche Problemlagen konkret sp\u00fcrbar sind. Sie k\u00f6nnen innovative Prozesse in Gang brin\u00adgen und territoriale Entwicklung von unten mitgestalten. Der Weg in die Selbstt\u00e4tigkeit f\u00fchrt aber auch zu neuen Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten und Widerspr\u00fcchen. Dieser Band unter\u00adsucht das individuelle Handeln von selbstt\u00e4tigen Migranten in diesem Spannungsfeld. Ein qualitativer Ansatz, der sich eng an den Lebenswelten der Akteure orientiert, ist dabei ma\u00dfgebend."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Claudia Lintner"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["economy", " migration", " labour market"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460844.pdf"], ["title", "Economies in Between"], ["doab_id", "19841"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460844"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460844"]], [["description", "There is a scarcity of detailed information regarding the ecophysiology of root systems and the way root system functioning is affected by both internal and external factors. Furthermore, global climate change is expected to increase the intensity of climate extremes, such as severe drought, heat waves and periods of heavy rainfall; in addition other stresses such as salinization of soils are increasing world-wide. Recently an increasing awareness has developed that understanding plant traits will play a major role in breeding of future crop plants. For example, there is increasing evidence that the traits of root systems are defined by the properties of individual roots. However, further knowledge on the functional importance of root segments and the molecular/physiological mechanisms underlying root system functioning and persistence is needed, and would specifically allow modifying (crop) root system functionality and efficiency in the future. Another major gap in knowledge is localized at the root-soil interface and in regard to the potential adaptive plasticity of root-rhizosphere interactions under abiotic stress and/or competition. It is currently unknown whether adaptations in microbe communities occur, for example due to modified exudation rates, and what are the subsequent influences on nutrient mobilization and uptake. Furthermore, uncovering the mechanisms by which roots perceive neighboring roots may not only contribute to our understanding of plant developmental strategies, but also has important implications on the study of competitive interactions in natural communities, and in optimizing plant performance and resource use in agricultural and silvicultural systems. In this Research Topic, we aimed to provide an on-line, open-access snapshot of the current state of the art of the field of root ecology and physiology, with special focus on the translation of root structure to function, and how root systems are influenced by interplay with internal and external factors such as abiotic stress, microbes and plant-plant interaction. We welcomed original research papers, but reviews of specific topics, articles formulating opinions or describing cutting-edge methods were also gladly accepted."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Boris Rewald; Omer Falik; Douglas Godbold; Shimon Rachmilevitch"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["earthworms", "ectomycorrhiza", "drought", "heavy metal", "Infertile soils", "neighbour perception", "plasticity", "root systems", "root traits", "rhizobacteria", "rhizosphere", "deep roots"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1043/ecophysiology-of-root-systems-environment-interactions"], ["title", "Ecophysiology of root systems-environment interaction"], ["doab_id", "17837"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192854"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192854"]], [["description", "\"O presente livro \u00e9 resultado de minha tese de doutorado, apresentada em 2008 ao Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Ci\u00eancia Pol\u00edtica da Universidade de S\u00e3o Paulo (USP). Trata-se de um tema importante e atual, o que de certa maneira faz com que este estudo envelhe\u00e7a de forma precoce. Fatos novos e relevantes tiveram lugar na conjuntura ecopol\u00edtica internacional no \u00faltimo ano, e seria imposs\u00edvel manter esta obra sempre atualizada. Ao mesmo tempo a discuss\u00e3o apresentada aqui tem um certo car\u00e1ter atemporal, pois trata da ordem internacional das mudan\u00e7as clim\u00e1ticas de uma forma ampla e estrutural.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tilio Neto, Petr\u00f4nio De"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x9z8z"], ["title", "Ecopol\u00edtica das mudan\u00e7as clim\u00e1ticas: o IPCC e o ecologismo dos pobres"], ["doab_id", "16822"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820496"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820496"]], [["description", "In this landmark Companion, expert contributors from around the world map out the field of the critical medical humanities. This is the first volume to introduce comprehensively the ways in which interdisciplinary thinking across the humanities and social sciences might contribute to, critique and develop medical understanding of the human individually and collectively. The thirty-six newly commissioned chapters range widely within and across disciplinary fields, always alert to the intersections between medicine, as broadly defined, and critical thinking. Each chapter offers suggestions for further reading on the issues raised, and each section concludes with an Afterword, written by a leading critic, outlining future possibilities for cutting-edge work in this area.Topics covered in this volume include: the affective body, biomedicine, blindness, breath, disability, early modern medical practice, fatness, the genome, language, madness, narrative, race, systems biology, performance, the postcolonial, public health, touch, twins, voice and wonder.Together the chapters generate a body of new knowledge and make a decisive intervention into how health, medicine and clinical care might address questions of individual, subjective and embodied experience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Atkinson ,Sarah; Macnaughton ,Jane; Richards ,Jennifer"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["body", "affect", "medical humanities", "evidence", "experimentation", "mind", "imagination"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=613682.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities"], ["doab_id", "19584"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781474400046", "9781474414555"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474400046 9781474414555"]], [["description", "The present seventh volume of the new historical-critical complete edition of Eduard Hanslick's works contains texts of the years 1864 to 1865, which are for the most part contributions from the Vienna \"Presse\" and the \"Neue Freie Presse\", which Hanslick changed to when it was founded in 1864. In terms of content the texts offer a wide range. Apart from topical reviews there are basic essays on musical aesthetics, thoughts on the Italian opera in Vienna, historico-cultural accounts as well as basic reflections about the concert life in Vienna at that time. In particular Hanslick's research on the history of music in Vienna, which leads to \"Geschichte des Concertwesens in Wien\" published by Wilhelm Braum\u00fcller in 1869, shows in various single essays and a huge coherent series in \"Oesterreichische Revue\".Some articles were published shortly after in national music journals such as the \"Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung\" or the Berlin music journal \"Echo\". Later Hanslick revised some of them for his well-known anthologies (\"Die moderne Oper\", \"Aus dem Concertsaal. Geschichte des Concertwesens in Wien, II\"). As before these texts were provided with lists of readings, which are printed subsequent to the respective article. The principles of publication did not change. Minor variations are: different spelling, change from spaced writing to normal distance of characters or vice versa, slight modifications of the wording, updating or additions. Major changes mainly consist in leaving out large parts of the text or rearranging text passages from different sources regarding particular subjects. The basic change in Hanslick's occupation as a critic that is his stronger attention to reviewing the performance, - as can be seen from the 1860s in particular - cannot be substantiated so well by his own editions, because he often left out parts related to the concert. From that point of view this edition not only provides a better overview of the Vienna concert life in these years than Hanslick's own edition but it also notes down in a much more precise way his changed approach to writing. Most of the texts, however, are completely unknown today. The essay in the comment part deals with Hanslick's change to the \"Neue Freie Presse\" and the importance of the latter for the circle of its authors.As before the notes characterize every single text briefly and analyse them according to their aesthetic relevance. The volume ends with a scientific apparatus (list of emended printing errors, list of abbreviations, bibliography and index of names).

Der vorliegende siebte Band der neuen historisch-kritischen Gesamtausgabe der Schriften von Eduard Hanslick enth\u00e4lt Texte der Jahre 1864 bis 1865. Es sind \u00fcberwiegend Beitr\u00e4ge aus der Wiener \"Presse\" und der \"Neuen Freien Presse\", zu der Hanslick mit der Gr\u00fcndung im Jahr 1864 wechselte. Inhaltlich sind die Texte weit gestreut. Neben Tageskritiken stehen grunds\u00e4tzliche musik\u00e4sthetische Essays, Gedanken zur italienischen Oper in Wien, kulturhistorische Darstellungen, aber auch grunds\u00e4tzliche Reflexionen zum aktuellen Wiener Konzertleben. Insbesondere seine Forschungen zur Wiener Musikgeschichte, die zu der 1869 bei Wilhelm Braum\u00fcller erschienenen \"Geschichte des Concertwesens in Wien\" f\u00fchren, sind in dieser Zeit mit verschiedenen Einzelessays und einer gro\u00dfen zusammenh\u00e4ngenden Reihe in der \"Oesterreichischen Revue\" dokumentiert.Manche Artikel erschienen kurz darauf in \u00fcberregionalen Musikzeitschriften wie der \"Niederrheinischen Musik-Zeitung\" oder der Berliner Musikzeitung \"Echo\". Einen Teil \u00fcberarbeitete Hanslick sp\u00e4ter f\u00fcr seine bekannten Sammelb\u00e4nde (\"Die moderne Oper\", \"Aus dem Concertsaal. Geschichte des Concertwesens in Wien, II\"). F\u00fcr diese Texte wurden wie bisher Lesartenverzeichnisse erstellt, die im Anschluss an die jeweiligen Zeitungsartikel abgedruckt sind. Die Editionsprinzipien blieben gleich. Geringf\u00fcgigere Varianten sind: andere Schreibweise, Wechsel von Sperrdruck zu normalem Zeichenabstand oder umgekehrt, kleinere Formulierungs\u00e4nderungen, Aktualisierungen oder Hinzuf\u00fcgungen. Gravierende \u00c4nderungen bestehen haupts\u00e4chlich im Wegfall gro\u00dfer Textpartien oder der Neumontage von Textpassagen aus verschiedenen Quellen zu bestimmten Themen. Die grunds\u00e4tzliche \u00c4nderung in Hanslicks Kritikert\u00e4tigkeit, wie sie gerade ab den 1860-er Jahren festzustellen ist, n\u00e4mlich seine st\u00e4rkere Zuwendung zur Leistungskritik, kann man an seinen eigenen Editionen nicht so gut belegen, weil er oft auff\u00fchrungsbezogene Teile weggelassen hat. Insofern gibt diese Ausgabe nicht nur einen besseren \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das Wiener Konzertleben dieser Jahre als Hanslicks eigene Edition, sondern verzeichnet viel genauer seine ge\u00e4nderte Schreibhaltung. Die meisten Texte jedoch sind heute g\u00e4nzlich unbekannt.Der Essay im Kommentarteil besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit Hanslicks Wechsel zur \"Neuen Freien Presse\", ihrer Bedeutung im Umfeld ihrer Autoren. Die Erl\u00e4uterungen kommentieren wie bisher die einzelnen Texte knapp und befragen sie auf ihre \u00e4sthetische Relevanz hin.Der Band schlie\u00dft mit einem wissenschaftlichen Apparat (Verzeichnis der emendierten Druckfehler, Abk\u00fcrzungsverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis und Personenindex)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Strau\u00df ,Dietmar"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["aesthetics of music, music of the 19th century, Wagner, Verdi and Italian Opera, history of concerts in Vienna, sources of Anti-Wagnerism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437212"], ["title", "Eduard Hanslick"], ["doab_id", "15333"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787365"]], [["description", "The present sixth volume of the new historic-critical complete edition of Eduard Hanslick\u00b4s works contains texts of the years 1862 to 1863, which are for the most part contributions from the Vienna \"Presse\". Some articles were published shortly after in national music journals such as the \"Niederrheinische Musik-Zeitung\" or the Berlin music journal \"Echo\". Hanslick revised som of them later for his well-known anthologies (\"Die moderne Oper\", aus dem Konzertsaal. Geschichte des Konzertwesens in Wien, II2). As before these texts were provided with lists of variant readings, which are printed subsequent to the respective article. The principles of publication were not changed. Minor variations are: different spelling, change from spaced writing to normal distance of characters or vice versa, smaller modification of the wording, updating or additions. Major changes mainly consist in leaving out large parts of the text or rearranging text passages from different sources to particular subjects. The fundamental change in Hanslick\u00b4s occupation as a critic as can be seen exactly from the 1860s, that is his stronger attention to reviewing the performance cannot be substantiated by his own editions so well because he often left out parts related to the concert. From that point of view this edition provides not only a better survey of the Vienna concert life in these years than Hanslick\u00b4s own edition but it also notes down in a much more precise way his changed approach to writing. Most of the texts, however, are completely unknown today.The main essay in the comment part deals with the music-aesthetic consequences of the phenomenon of boredom, the typical syndrome of the 19th century, which Hanslick\u00b4s reviews shed some light on. It becomes clear that there are more criteria in Hanslick that are important for an assessment of a work than those laid down in \"Vom Musikalisch-Sch\u00f6nen\".An important position in Hanslick\u00b4s life as a music critik take his trips to music festivals or world expositions. His travel diaries are still very informative and shown an open-minded cosmopolitan. Hanslick\u00b4s report on the bustle of the 1862 word exposition in London from an initially neutral attitude of an observer seems in a certain way to turn into a surrealistic inferno of the arising modern age and confirms unconsciously what Walter Benjamin realized first and formulated in his \"Passagenwerk\". This matter is dealt with a particular length in the notes, which as before briefly characterize, annotate or analyse for its aesthetic relevance every single text. Added to the annotations is an excerpt from a letter by August Wilhelm Ambros, which illustrates some aspects from Hanslick\u00b4s aesthetic of boredom from a different point of view.

Der vorliegende sechste Band der neuen historisch-kritischen Gesamtausgabe der Schriften von Eduard Hanslick enth\u00e4lt Texte der Jahre 1862 bis 1863. Es sind \u00fcberwiegend Beitr\u00e4ge aus der Wiener \"Presse\". Manche Artikel erschienen kurz darauf in \u00fcberregionalen Musikzeitschriften wie der \"Niederrheinischen Musik-Zeitung\" oder der Berliner-Musikzeitung \"Echo\". Einen Teil \u00fcberarbeitete Hanslick sp\u00e4ter f\u00fcr seine bekannten Sammelb\u00e4nde (\"Die moderne Oper\", \"Aus dem Concertsaal. Geschichte des Concertwesens in Wien, II\"). F\u00fcr diese Texte wurden wie bisher Lesartenverzeichnisse erstellt, die im Anschluss an die jeweiligen Zeitungsartikel abgedruckt sind. Die Editionsprinzipien blieben gleich. Geringf\u00fcgige Varianten sind: andere Schreibweise, Wechsel von Sperrdruck zu normalem Zeichenabstand oder umgekehrt, kleinere Formulierungs\u00e4nderungen, Aktualisierungen oder Hinzuf\u00fcgungen. Gravierende \u00c4nderungen bestehen haupts\u00e4chlich im Wegfall gro\u00dfer Textpartien oder der Neumontage von Textpassagen aus verschiedenen Quellen zu bestimmten Themen. Die grunds\u00e4tzliche \u00c4nderung in Hanslicks Kritikert\u00e4tigkeit, wie sie gerade ab den 1860-er Jahren festzustellen ist, n\u00e4mlich seine st\u00e4rkere Zuwendung zur Leistungskritik, kann man seinen eigenen Editionen nicht so gut belegen, weil er oft auff\u00fchrungsbezogene Teile weggelassen hat. Insofern gibt diese Ausgabe nicht nur einen besseren \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das Wiener Konzertleben dieser Jahre als Hanslicks eigene Edition, sondern verzeichnet viel genauer seine ge\u00e4nderte Schreibhaltung. Die meisten Texte jedoch sind heute g\u00e4nzlich unbekannt.Der Hauptessay im Kommentarteil besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit den musik\u00e4sthetischen Konsequenzen aus dem Ph\u00e4nomen der Langeweile, dem typischen Krankheitsbild des 19. Jahrhunderts, zu dem Hanslicks Kritiken manche Erhellung bringen. Es wird deutlich, dass es bei Hanslick noch andere wichtige Kriterien f\u00fcr eine Werkbewertung gilbt als die in \"Vom Musikalisch-Sch\u00f6nen\" festgelegten.Eine wichtige Stellung in Hanslicks Leben als Musikkritiker nehmen seine Reisen zu Musikfesten oder zu Weltausstellungen ein. Seine Reiseberichte sind immer noch sehr informativ und zeigen einen weltoffenen Kosmopoliten. Hanslicks Referat \u00fcber den Betrieb auf der Londoner Weltausstellung 1862 aus einer zun\u00e4chst neutralen Beobachterhaltung ger\u00e4t zu einem surrealistisch anmutenden Inferno der aufkommenden Moderne und best\u00e4tigt unbewu\u00dft Erkenntnisse, die Walter Benjamin zuerst in seinem \"Passagenwerk\" formulierte. Dies wird in den Erl\u00e4uterungen, die wie bisher knapp die einzelnen Texte charakterisieren, kommentieren oder auf \u00e4sthetische Relevanz in befragen, besonders ausf\u00fchrlich behandelt. Dem Kommentarteil ist ein Auszug aus einem Brief von August Wilhelm Ambros beigef\u00fcgt, der einige Sachverhalte aus Hanslicks \u00c4sthetik der Langeweile aus einer anderen Perspektive beleuchtet.Der Band schlie\u00dft mit einem wissenschaftlichen Apparat (Verzeichnis der emedierten Druckfehler, Abk\u00fcrzungsverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis und Personenindex)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hanslik ,Eduard"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["aesthetics of music, music of the 19th century, Wagner, Verdi and Italian Opera, history of concerts in Vienna, sources of Anti-Wagnerism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574813"], ["title", "Eduard Hanslick - S\u00e4mtliche Schriften. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe"], ["doab_id", "17407"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205779902"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205779902"]], [["description", "A aplica\u00e7\u00e3o das tecnologias de informa\u00e7\u00e3o e comunica\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 educa\u00e7\u00e3o (como o uso dos games como locus de aprendizagem e a midiatiza\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento na EAD), o reconhecimento da diversidade cultural, a valoriza\u00e7\u00e3o das trocas interculturais, a import\u00e2ncia da \u00e9tica e dos valores e da hist\u00f3ria oral de vida, a defini\u00e7\u00e3o de pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas e a atualidade do pensamento de Freinet, Vigotsky e Paulo Freire s\u00e3o alguns dos temas discutidos neste livro. Se seu tema central \u00e9 a educa\u00e7\u00e3o e os desafios que a contemporaneidade apresenta para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de profissionais da \u00e1rea, sua maior virtude \u00e9 n\u00e3o desconhecer as densidades interpretativas que surgem com estas reflex\u00f5es"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nascimento, Antonio Dias; Hetkowski, T\u00e2nia Maria"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jc8w4"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o e contemporaneidade: pesquisas cient\u00edficas e tecnol\u00f3gicas"], ["doab_id", "17166"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208721"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208721"]], [["description", "Este \u00e9 um livro que trata de uma quest\u00e3o de fundamental import\u00e2ncia, pois, conforme anunciado em seu pr\u00f3prio t\u00edtulo, analisa as m\u00fatuas implica\u00e7\u00f5es entre a educa\u00e7\u00e3o e o servi\u00e7o social como um elo para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o da cidadania. Estabelecendo como campo emp\u00edrico de sua an\u00e1lise a pr\u00e1tica profissional dos assistentes sociais no \u00e2mbito da pol\u00edtica de educa\u00e7\u00e3o em munic\u00edpios paulistas, a autora procura evidenciar como esses profissionais utilizam os espa\u00e7os s\u00f3cio-ocupacionais que se colocam no atual ordenamento jur\u00eddico que fundamenta a referida pol\u00edtica.Na abordagem do tema, articula-a com o Estatuto da Crian\u00e7a e do Adolescente (ECA), que delineia a pol\u00edtica de atendimento para tal segmento, bem como com o pr\u00f3prio projeto \u00e9tico-pol\u00edtico da profiss\u00e3o, em cujo \u00e2mbito a educa\u00e7\u00e3o como pr\u00e1ticada liberdade ocupa lugar central."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martins, Eliana Bolorino Canteiro"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d4swh"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o e servi\u00e7o social: elo para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o da cidadania"], ["doab_id", "17161"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788539302437"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539302437"]], [["description", "O enfoque desta obra decorre da relev\u00e2ncia que o contexto sociocultural em que a pessoa est\u00e1 inserida serve de par\u00e2metro para classific\u00e1-la como normal e anormal, al\u00e9m de enfatizar o ensino e a escola, bem como as formas e condi\u00e7\u00f5es de aprendizado. Esta perspectiva, ao inv\u00e9s de procurar no aluno a origem de um problema, define o tipo de resposta educativa e de recursos e apoios que a escola deve proporcionar a esse aluno para que ele obtenha o sucesso escolar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "D\u00edaz, F\u00e9lix; Bordas, Miguel; Galv\u00e3o, Nelma; Miranda, Theresinha"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rp6gk"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o inclusiva, defici\u00eancia e contexto social: quest\u00f5es contempor\u00e2neas"], ["doab_id", "17359"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209285"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209285"]], [["description", "O livro traz texto de apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o, onde se explicita como a tem\u00e1tica se tornou objeto de estudo e trabalho destas duas profissionais, seguido de uma introdu\u00e7\u00e3o em que se discutem educa\u00e7\u00e3o, exclus\u00e3o social, direitos humanos, a realidade das pessoas com defici\u00eancia e o papel da escola neste cen\u00e1rio. Um cap\u00edtulo de Contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o conceitua as ideias de defici\u00eancia, inclus\u00e3o versus integra\u00e7\u00e3o, educa\u00e7\u00e3o inclusiva e forma\u00e7\u00e3o do professor. Depois, o cap\u00edtulo Refletindo sobre a educa\u00e7\u00e3o inclusiva apresenta a psicologia hist\u00f3rico-cultural de Vygotsky e as contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da psican\u00e1lise. An\u00e1lise da inclus\u00e3o na pr\u00e1tica faz um delineamento da pesquisa e discute qualifica\u00e7\u00e3o e problematiza\u00e7\u00e3o da inclus\u00e3o no cotidiano escolar, a atua\u00e7\u00e3o e a forma\u00e7\u00e3o do professor, os paradoxos e sentimentos despertados pela conviv\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sampaio, Cristiane T.; Sampaio, S\u00f4nia Maria R."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3hs"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o inclusiva: o professor mediando para a vida"], ["doab_id", "17167"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209155"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209155"]], [["description", "O presente estudo inscreve-se no campo das pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas para a inf\u00e2ncia destacando a quest\u00e3o da educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil como um dos direitos da crian\u00e7a. Atualmente, a crian\u00e7a \u00e9 reconhecida como sujeito pleno de direitos, ganhando a inf\u00e2ncia maior visibilidade na sociedade, respaldada por dispositivos legais de \u00e2mbito internacional. Em contrapartida, os discursos te\u00f3ricos e a realidade de milhares de crian\u00e7as em todo o mundo t\u00eam revelado o estado paradoxal da condi\u00e7\u00e3o da crian\u00e7a e da efetiva\u00e7\u00e3o dos seus direitos. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar as concep\u00e7\u00f5es de crian\u00e7a, seus direitos e educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil apresentadas pelas educadoras das creches de Franca, e de que forma essas categorias s\u00e3o manifestadas nas pr\u00e1ticas institucionais. A constru\u00e7\u00e3o da pesquisa, referenciada na abordagem qualitativa, teve como aporte te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gico a teoria das representa\u00e7\u00f5es sociais e o emprego de question\u00e1rios e entrevistas semiestruturadas como instrumentos metodol\u00f3gicos para a coleta dos dados emp\u00edricos, posteriormente analisados pela t\u00e9cnica da an\u00e1lise de conte\u00fado. Com base nas an\u00e1lises desenvolvidas, constatou-se nos discursos e nas a\u00e7\u00f5es das profissionais representa\u00e7\u00f5es da crian\u00e7a como um sujeito marcado pela condi\u00e7\u00e3o de \"vir a ser\", dependente do adulto, fr\u00e1gil e inocente, associadas a um modelo de educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil escolarizante e preparat\u00f3rio de futuras aprendizagens. Desta forma, as representa\u00e7\u00f5es acerca das categorias crian\u00e7a, direitos e educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil n\u00e3o favorecem, efetivamente, para que as crian\u00e7as exer\u00e7am a condi\u00e7\u00e3o de sujeitos de direitos e protagonistas nos espa\u00e7os institucionais, e para que as creches sejam legitimadas enquanto espa\u00e7os de exerc\u00edcio da cidadania da inf\u00e2ncia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrade, Lucimary Bernab\u00e9 Pedrosa de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h8pyf"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil: discurso, legisla\u00e7\u00e3o e pr\u00e1ticas institucionais"], ["doab_id", "16718"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830853"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830853"]], [["description", "Neste livro s\u00e3o analisadas as experi\u00eancias de educa\u00e7\u00e3o permanente como estrat\u00e9gia para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhadores da sa\u00fade e consolida\u00e7\u00e3o do SUS na regi\u00e3o de Franca/SP. A investiga\u00e7\u00e3o foi constru\u00edda a partir das teorias da aprendizagem significativa que valorizam as pr\u00e1ticas dos sujeitos sociais. Para compreender as contradi\u00e7\u00f5es e os conflitos emergentes nesse contexto, foram utilizadas a abordagem qualitativa e as entrevistas semi-estruturadas. As falas desses sujeitos evidenciam a necessidade de forma\u00e7\u00e3o e a disposi\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhadores para rever conceitos e experimentar novas tecnologias com vistas \u00e0 melhoria do atendimento. O trabalho apresenta uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o na busca de alternativas para disseminar a educa\u00e7\u00e3o permanente e a sa\u00fade como direito humano universal e integral."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sarreta, Fernanda de Oliveira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/29k48"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o permanente em sa\u00fade para os trabalhadores do SUS"], ["doab_id", "16719"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830099"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830099"]], [["description", "O livro traz id\u00e9ias que representam estudos desenvolvidos pelas autoras h\u00e1 algum tempo, no \u00e2mbito da \u00e1rea \u2018trabalho e educa\u00e7\u00e3o e as rela\u00e7\u00f5es com a sa\u00fade. Tais id\u00e9ias s\u00e3o analisadas tendo por base o contexto hist\u00f3rico e pol\u00edtico brasileiro, com o prop\u00f3sito de situar o leitor quanto \u00e0s pol\u00edticas de educa\u00e7\u00e3o profissional implementadas no Brasil, diante de sua inser\u00e7\u00e3o no modelo capitalista de produ\u00e7\u00e3o. A partir da an\u00e1lise sobre a educa\u00e7\u00e3o profissional em sa\u00fade no pa\u00eds, as autoras evidenciam a exist\u00eancia de uma disputa do car\u00e1ter do processo educativo adotado nesse campo. De um lado, a concep\u00e7\u00e3o da forma\u00e7\u00e3o como maneira de adapta\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalhador \u00e0s condi\u00e7\u00f5es existentes no sistema capitalista, de outro, um projeto contra-hegem\u00f4nico que objetiva a forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhadores de modo a utilizar os espa\u00e7os gerados pelas contradi\u00e7\u00f5es do sistema capitalista."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pereira, Isabel Brasil; Ramos, Marise Nogueira"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zb2gf"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o profissional em sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "19923"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413180"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413180"]], [["description", "Este livro dever\u00e1 ultrapassar um mero ensaio, porque nele se encontram argumentos pouco ou nada comuns sobre car\u00e1ter veraz de qualidade e sobre precisa cientificidade de certa educa\u00e7\u00e3o universit\u00e1ria. Esta obra presume objeto de uma pedagogia que, a partir da sua autoafirma\u00e7\u00e3o enquanto pr\u00e1xis coletiva em ambi\u00eancia acad\u00eamica, h\u00e1 de enfim se tornar apta a romper com o vezo colonizador do seu humano campo de atua\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bergamo, Pedro"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/nz9r3"], ["title", "Educa\u00e7\u00e3o universit\u00e1ria: pr\u00e1xis coletiva em busca de veraz qualidade e de precisa cientificidade"], ["doab_id", "16328"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791896"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791896"]], [["description", "Esta publicaci\u00f3n re\u00fane trabajos realizados por los invitados a las Mesas Redondas del 10\u00ba Congreso Argentino y 5\u00ba Latinoamericano de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica y Ciencias que se llev\u00f3 a cabo en la ciudad de La Plata entre el 9 y el 13 de septiembre de 2013. Los trabajos se agrupan en torno a los t\u00edtulos de cada una de las Mesas Redondas. Los temas abordados reconocen tres ejes. El primero de ellos es la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica Escolar, en el cual se reconocen dos n\u00facleos: La profesionalizaci\u00f3n de la docencia y los debates en torno del curriculum de la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica. El segundo eje es la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica Acad\u00e9mica; en este caso, los debates giran en torno a la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica como disciplina y a las Pol\u00edticas de desarrollo acad\u00e9mico en Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica. Finalmente, el tercer eje es la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica Profesional, en el cual se introducen dos cuestiones: los debates en torno al del profesor en el deporte de alta competencia y los que hacen al v\u00ednculo entre el deporte, el Estado y la pol\u00edtica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carballo, Carlos (coord.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Did\u00e1ctica ", " Educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica ", " Formaci\u00f3n de docentes ", " M\u00e9todos de ense\u00f1anza ", " Pedagog\u00eda"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/46"], ["title", "Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica Escolar, Acad\u00e9mica y Profesional"], ["doab_id", "17474"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411704"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411704"]], [["description", "Este libro es el resultado de investigaci\u00f3n del proyecto \u201cEducaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica y escuela: el deporte como contenido y su ense\u00f1anza\u201d (2009-2013) 11/H573, como continuidad de estudios anteriores, que fueron realizados en instituciones deportivas. El producto presenta las caracter\u00edsticas y particularidades del tratamiento y la ense\u00f1a del deporte, en escuelas p\u00fablicas y privadas de la regi\u00f3n y zonas aleda\u00f1as, en los niveles primario y secundario, en clases organizadas con alumnos agrupados por sexo o de forma mixta. Desde una perspectiva cualitat\u00edva\u2013interpretativa se trabaj\u00f3 en la recolecci\u00f3n de informaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de observaci\u00f3n y registro de clase, entrevistas a profesores, profesoras, estudiantes y expertas, an\u00e1lisis de planificaciones y de libros de temas como tambi\u00e9n de textos te\u00f3ricos y t\u00e9cnico-metodol\u00f3gicos de uso corriente en la escuela y entre los profesores y profesoras. Tambi\u00e9n se analiz\u00f3 el Dise\u00f1o Curricular de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica para los niveles primario y secundario. El tratamiento realizado con estos materiales, entre otros, se refleja de forma particular en los diferentes cap\u00edtulos, mostrando tanto diversas posibilidades de entrecruzamiento de fuentes e informaci\u00f3n como de an\u00e1lisis e interpretaci\u00f3n. Esos mismos cap\u00edtulos muestran diferentes formas de describir y escribir. A la vez, este producto incluye en particular una discusi\u00f3n dada por el equipo en torno a los sentidos y significados que pueden asign\u00e1rsele y otorg\u00e1rsele al deporte, en un momento avanzado del desarrollo de la investigaci\u00f3n, intentando reflejar y respetar las miradas y voces presentes en la informaci\u00f3n lograda. En ese sentido, se privilegia la discusi\u00f3n en torno a las particulares caracter\u00edstica que toma el deporte en la escuela al ser ense\u00f1ando, lo que supone cambios y asignaciones especiales al mismo que exceden las caracterizaciones tradicionales y cl\u00e1sicas existentes en el campo. Al cierre, se presentan algunas conclusiones generales que suman a las particulares realizadas en cada cap\u00edtulo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ron, Osvaldo; Fridman, Jorge"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Deporte ", " Ense\u00f1anza"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/44"], ["title", "Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica, escuela y deporte"], ["doab_id", "19272"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412480"]], ["provider", "libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412480"]], [["description", "pedagogy--- integration--- social inclusion--- active citizenship--- University--- study--- students--- Italy

Il volume prende le mosse dal progetto pedagogico-interculturale \u201cL\u2019Aquila oltre i confini\u201d, che ha visto la partnership dell\u2019Universit\u00e0 dell\u2019Aquila insieme all\u2019associazione capofila Bibliobus, con Arci, Koinonia e il Coordinamento territoriale Ricostruire Insieme, tutte operanti nel capoluogo abruzzese. L\u2019esperienza nasce dalla volont\u00e0 di progettare e condividere un percorso di realizzazione di programmi di formazione sulla cittadinanza attiva e partecipata, oltre che sulla prevenzione e sul superamento di tutte le forme di discriminazione e di intolleranza, tramite l\u2019utilizzo di metodologie che possano essere trasversalmente contestualizzate all\u2019interno della formazione scolastica, di quella universitaria e della formazione delle professionalit\u00e0 educative e sociali in generale.L\u2019approccio di ricerca-azione e l\u2019asse Associazioni-Scuola-Universit\u00e0 si ritrova nell\u2019ossatura dell\u2019intero volume che, ad una prima parte di orientamento teorico in cui ci si sofferma sugli elementi cardine del nostro discorso pedagogico (intercultura, integrazione, narrazione), fa seguire altre tre sezioni a carattere operativo-metodologico descritte da tutti gli attori protagonisti del progetto."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nanni ,Silvia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["pedagogy", "integration", "social inclusion", "active citizenship", "University", "study", "students", "Italy", "Pedagogia", "interculturalit\u00e0", "integrazione", "inclusione sociale", "cittadinanza attiva", "Universit\u00e0", "studio", "studenti", "L'Aquila", "Italia"]], ["publisher", "FrancoAngeli"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604153"], ["title", "Educare oltre confine. Storie narrazioni intercultura"], ["doab_id", "18621"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788891724533"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788891724533"]], [["description", "In Education, Learning, Training: Critical Issues for Development, renowned scholars and practitioners examine shifts in global education policy and practice over the last 50 years."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carbonnier ,G.; Carton ,M.; King ,K."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["International development"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613430"], ["title", "Education, Learning, Training"], ["doab_id", "18452"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004281141", "9789004281158"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004281141 9789004281158"]], [["description", "This volume investigates educational inequalities among children of Turkish immigrants in Austria, France, and Sweden. One of the largest immigrant groups in these countries, Turks nonetheless face discrimination and limited opportunities, and this study shows how those problems play out in education. One of its key findings is that systems that provide more favorable institutional arrangements lead to greater economic mobility in the second generation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schnell ,Phillipp"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["TIES", "second-generation Turks", "education", "mobility", "pathways"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496955"], ["title", "Educational Mobility of Second-generation Turks: Cross-national Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "16258"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089646514"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646514"]], [["description", "The advent of educational neuroscience, a transdisciplinary exercise emerging from cognitive neuroscience and educational psychology, is the examination of physiological processes that undermine, support, and enhance the capacities to learn and create. The physiological underpinnings of learning and creativity each impact human ability and performance and mediate the processes of becoming educated, expert, and valued. Evidence of learning provides support to an ongoing canon, process, system, field or domain, while evidence of creativity results in an elaboration or departure from an ongoing canon, process, system, field, or domain. Educational neuroscience extends a challenge to scholars from multiple contexts to engage in the characterization and exploration of human ability and performance in these realms. The role of context, both environmental and interoceptive, is an integral part of efforts in educational neuroscience and in theories of constructivist learning to contribute ecologically valid insight to the pragmatic processes of learning and creativity. Examination at this level of specificity is vital to our ability to educate and support human potential in the 21st century. This Research Topic examines the neural basis of cognitive states and processes that influence knowledge and skill acquisition tied to the demonstration of human ability and performance across individual differences and in multiple contexts including STEM learning and the arts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Layne Kalbfleisch"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["educational neuroscience", "constructivist learning", "creativity", "Music", "reading", "neuromyth", "math", "reasoning", "neuroplasticity", "Motivation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/789/educational-neuroscience-constructivist-learning-and-the-mediation-of-learning-and-creativity-in-the"], ["title", "Educational Neuroscience, Constructivist Learning, and the Mediation of Learning and Creativity in the 21st Century"], ["doab_id", "17816"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195190"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195190"]], [["description", "The reception of newcomer youngsters by schools constitutes a policy issue in Europe already for decades. This book deals with how practitioners in Rotterdam and Barcelona apply existing policies for the reception of immigrant students, the dilemmas they face and the strategies they design as a response. Using a combination of discursive, organizational, and ethnographic research techniques, the author studies to what extent practices conform to policies, and to what extent they diverge from them in basic principles. This book analyzes the influence of institutional frameworks on the practices of policy implementers by comparing Netherlands and Spain -specifically Barcelona and Rotterdam-, two cases which are very different in terms of their national policies of integration, their educational systems and their programs for educational reception. Much can be learned over the reception practices of secondary schools, but above all over how policy gaps work, and the common and specific features that they present across different countries. In short, this is an indispensable reading for scholars, policymakers and practitioners alike, which offers new insights about the policy-practice gap and the role of policy practitioners in it."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bruquetas-Callejo ,Mar\u00eda "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["integration models", "practices", "policy implementation", "implementation gap", "educational reception"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=503423"], ["title", "Educational Reception in Rotterdam and Barcelona: Policies, Practices and Gaps"], ["doab_id", "16453"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089646446"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646446"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "1955"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613431"], ["title", "Een 16de eeuwse Maleise vertaling van de Burda van al-B\u016b\u1e63\u012br\u012b"], ["doab_id", "18453"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285828", "9789004286405"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285828 9789004286405"]], [["description", "In A monument to the country. Official statistics in Belgium, 1795-1870, Nele Bracke unravels why and how the Belgian state and its predecessors organized and developed an official statistical apparatus in order to collect numerical information. The study captures the underlying objectives and structures, as well as the methods to compile statistics. Nele Bracke investigates the meaning and significance of government statistics in the 19th-century State and society. In Belgium, early social scientists established an internationally renowned \u2018statistical system\u2019 designed to collect information about the country, the people and the society. This \u2018statistical system\u2019 was built around the \u2018Commission centrale de Statistique\u2019 (statistical committee) and the production of demographic, economic and agricultural censuses. In the first part of the book, the author analyzes the institutional history of the \u2018Commission centrale de Statistique\u2019 and its predecessors. In the second part of the book, she studies the censuses."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bracke ,Nele"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Belgian history", "Instituitional history", "Government statistics", "19th century", "Belgische geschiedenis", "Institutionele geschiedenis", "Overheidsstatistiek", "19e eeuw"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=366390"], ["title", "Een monument voor het land. Overheidsstatistiek in Belgi\u00eb, 1795-1870"], ["doab_id", "13286"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038211664"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038211664"]], [["description", "Law

Dubbele nationaliteit is in Nederland de laatste jaren onderwerp van hevig debat. De Hart laat in deze historische en internationaal vergelijkende studie zien dat dergelijke debatten niet uniek zijn voor deze tijd, noch voor Nederland. Een analyse van politieke debatten in de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland en Nederland sinds 1945 leert dat er tegen een dubbele nationaliteit heel verschillend wordt aangekeken, afhankelijk van de context en de groep waarover gesproken wordt. De analyse wordt afgewisseld met interviews met immigranten, emigranten en leden van gemengde gezinnen over de soms zeer persoonlijke betekenis van dubbele nationaliteit. Aan bod komen onder meer discussies over dubbele nationaliteit van Japans-Amerikanen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, van Nederlandse emigranten in Zuid-Afrika in de jaren tachtig, en van moslims in de war on terror na 11 september 2001."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hart de ,Betty"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Law", "Recht", "Dubbele nationaliteit", "VS, Duitsland, Nederland"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426533"], ["title", "Een tweede paspoort : Dubbele nationaliteit in de Verenigde Staten, Duitsland en Nederland"], ["doab_id", "15177"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089644442"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644442"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pigeaud ,T.G.; Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1974"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613411"], ["title", "De eerste moslimse vorstendommen op Java"], ["doab_id", "18433"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024716364", "9789004286993"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024716364 9789004286993"]], [["description", "Efficient auditory processing requires the rapid integration of transient sensory inputs. This is exemplified in human speech perception, in which long stretches of a complex acoustic signal are typically processed accurately and essentially in real-time. Spoken language thus presents listeners\u2019 auditory systems with a considerable challenge even when acoustic input is clear. However, auditory processing ability is frequently compromised due to congenital or acquired hearing loss, or altered through background noise or assistive devices such as cochlear implants. How does loss of sensory fidelity impact neural processing, efficiency, and health? How does this ultimately influence behavior? This Research Topic explores the neural consequences of hearing loss, including basic processing carried out in the auditory periphery, computations in subcortical nuclei and primary auditory cortex, and higher-level cognitive processes such as those involved in human speech perception. By pulling together data from a variety of disciplines and perspectives, we gain a more complete picture of the acute and chronic consequences of hearing loss for neural functioning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan E Peelle; Arthur Wingfield"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Auditory Cortex", "Speech", "Hearing", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Electrophysiology", "Executive Function"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1219/the-effect-of-hearing-loss-on-neural-processing"], ["title", "The effect of hearing loss on neural processing"], ["doab_id", "18149"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195404"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195404"]], [["description", "eGirls, eCitizens is a landmark work that explores the many forces that shape girls\u2019 and young women\u2019s experiences of privacy, identity, and equality in our digitally networked society. Drawing on the multi-disciplinary expertise of a remarkable team of leading Canadian and international scholars, as well as Canada\u2019s foremost digital literacy organization, MediaSmarts, this collection presents the complex realities of digitized communications for girls and young women as revealed through the findings of The eGirls Project (www.egirlsproject.ca) and other important research initiatives.Aimed at moving dialogues on scholarship and policy around girls and technology away from established binaries of good vs bad, or risk vs opportunity, these seminal contributions explore the interplay of factors that shape online environments characterized by a gendered gaze and too often punctuated by sexualized violence.Perhaps most importantly, this collection offers first-hand perspectives collected from girls and young women themselves, providing a unique window on what it is to be a girl in today\u2019s digitized society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bailey ,Jane; Steeves ,Valerie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["digitized communications", "girls", "young women", "The eGirls Project", "privacy", "identity", "equality", "digitally networked society", "technology", "gendered gaze"]], ["publisher", "University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019Ottawa"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=569530"], ["title", "eGirls, eCitizens : Putting Technology, Theory and Policy into Dialogue with Girls\u2019 and Young Women\u2019s Voices"], ["doab_id", "17326"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780776622590", "9780776622576"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780776622590 9780776622576"]], [["description", "Die Londoner City hat zwei Gesichter: das des modernen Finanzplatzes und das der pittoresk-archaischen Lokalverwaltung. Die Beziehungen zwischen diesen beiden wurden in der Forschung lange vernachl\u00e4ssigt - Andreas Fahrmeir geht ihnen nach. Zugleich legt er die erste zusammenh\u00e4ngende Verfassungsgeschichte der City Corporation f\u00fcr die Zeit des \u00dcbergangs von der Handelsstadt zur funktional spezialisierten B\u00fcrostadt vor. Fahrmeir untersucht die Herkunft und wirtschaftliche T\u00e4tigkeit der f\u00fchrenden Amtstr\u00e4ger und er fragt nach Inhalt und Bedeutung der st\u00e4dtischen Rituale. Deutlich wird, dass der wirtschaftliche Erfolg der City zwar dazu beitrug, die Verfassungskontinuit\u00e4t der City zu bewahren, dass aber gleichzeitig die politische Ordnung der City und die Wert- und Zielvorstellungen ihrer Amtstr\u00e4ger die Entwicklung zum Finanzplatz in entscheidender Weise bestimmten. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fahrmeir, Andreas"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/225718"], ["title", "Ehrbare Spekulanten. Stadtverfassung, Wirtschaft und Politik in der City of London, 1688-1900 "], ["doab_id", "18390"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707489", "9783486567250"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707489, 9783486567250"]], [["description", "This book examines the financial circumstances of Jewish men and women in Vienna from the turn of the century to 1938, focusing on gender as a social category. The central issue is the extent to which the amount and, above all, the category of assets were structured according to gender. Furthermore, the gender specifics of financial withdrawals by the National Socialists and restitution and compensation payments after 1945 shall be examined. Three subject areas will be carefully covered for the period before 1938, in which structured relevance is accorded to the category of gender. These are economic activity, which includes gainful employment and entrepreneurial activity, inheritance practices, and marriage as an influential financial factor. The study is based on a sample of 788 individuals (337 women, 451 men), who were affected by National Socialist proprietary measures, i.e. looting policy, in 1938. The sample was drawn for a study by the Austrian Historical Commission. It includes the assets of these 788 people on April 27, 1938 as they were recorded in the so-called assets declaration with which all people defined as Jewish had to declare their property to the authorities. The sample, which has been entered into a database, includes further data on restitution and compensation. This paper will evaluate the data in terms of gender for the first time.Moreover, the financial situation of 78 of the 788 individuals (Sample II) and their familial environment, in particular their parents and siblings, are researched through further sources including inheritance files, wills, marriage contracts, and commercial and land registers. One of the objectives is to investigate the origin of the assets declared in 1938. Based on the selection of individuals, which was dependent upon the existence of a minimum asset level, there are no significant differences between the asset volume of men and women from the sample. Nevertheless, the study points out that the composition of the assets, which means the occurrence and scope of different categories of assets, was determined by gender specific factors. Inheritance practices and segregated access to asset acquisition, particularly in economic activity, are identified as reasons for this. Gender specifics in real estate and business as well as asset transfers between generations and married couples are elaborated upon in detail. Dowries not only influenced the financial situation of the wife or widow and her husband, but also presented essential financial resources for companies. The possibility of economic activity and thereby acquisition of assets is of particular importance; this possibility is primarily decided in the family, as is shown in the individual case histories. Although gender specific differences can hardly be verified in National Socialist asset withdrawal, they can be documented in the National Socialists' approach to mixed couples. The restitution results are influenced by several factors; among these are also the claimed asset categories. In a comparative evaluation of men and women, the restitution results reflect the success of the respective asset categories.

Dieses Buch untersucht die Verm\u00f6gensverh\u00e4ltnisse von Wiener Juden und J\u00fcdinnen von der Jahrhundertwende bis 1938 mit dem Fokus auf Geschlecht als sozialer Kategorie. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, inwieweit die H\u00f6he und vor allem die Art von Verm\u00f6gen nach Geschlecht strukturiert waren. Weiters werden die Entziehung von Verm\u00f6gen durch die Nationalsozialisten und die Restitutionen und Entsch\u00e4digungszahlungen nach 1945 auf Geschlechterspezifika hin untersucht. F\u00fcr die Zeit vor 1938 werden drei Themenbereiche besonders behandelt, in denen der Kategorie Geschlecht strukturierende Bedeutung zukommt, dazu geh\u00f6ren \u00f6konomisches Handeln, worunter vor allem unternehmerische T\u00e4tigkeit verstanden wird, Vererbungspraktiken sowie die Ehe als Verm\u00f6gen beeinflussender Faktor. Die Studie gr\u00fcndet sich auf ein Sample von 788 Personen (337 Frauen, 451 M\u00e4nner), die 1938 von verm\u00f6gensrechtlichen Ma\u00dfnahmen der Nationalsozialisten, d.h. deren Raubpolitik betroffen waren. Das Sample war f\u00fcr eine Studie der Historikerkommission der Republik \u00d6sterreich erstellt worden. Es beinhaltet Verm\u00f6genswerte dieser 788 Personen zum Stichtag 27. April 1938, wie sie in der so genannten Verm\u00f6gensanmeldung, mit der alle als j\u00fcdisch definierten Personen, ihr Eigentum den Beh\u00f6rden deklarieren mussten, erfasst waren. Das in eine Datenbank eingespeiste Sample umfasst ferner Daten zu Restitution und Entsch\u00e4digung. Diese Daten werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit erstmals geschlechtsspezifisch ausgewertet.Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden mittels weiterer Quellen, darunter Verlassenschaftsakten, Testamente, Ehevertr\u00e4ge, Handelsregister und Grundb\u00fccher, die Verm\u00f6genssituation von 78 der 788 Personen (Sample II) und ihrem famili\u00e4ren Umfeld, insbesondere ihrer Eltern und Geschwister erforscht. Ziel ist es unter anderem, die Herkunft des 1938 deklarierten Verm\u00f6gens zu ergr\u00fcnden. Begr\u00fcndet durch die Auswahl der Untersuchungspersonen, die vom Vorhandensein eines gewissen Mindestverm\u00f6gens abh\u00e4ngig war, lagen die Unterschiede zwischen den M\u00e4nnern und Frauen des Samples weniger in den Verm\u00f6gensvolumina begr\u00fcndet, als vielmehr in der Zusammensetzung des Verm\u00f6gens. Das hei\u00dft, das Vorkommen und der Umfang von verschiedenen Verm\u00f6gensarten waren geschlechtsspezifisch determiniert. Als Ursachen daf\u00fcr werden in der vorliegenden Studie Vererbungspraktiken und ein segregierter Zugang zum Verm\u00f6genserwerb, insbesondere im Bereich des \u00f6konomischen Handelns, des Unternehmertums, identifiziert. Im Detail herausgearbeitet werden Geschlechterspezifika bei Grundbesitz und Unternehmen sowie Verm\u00f6genstransfers zwischen den Generationen sowie zwischen Eheleuten. Heiratsg\u00fcter beeinflussten nicht nur die Verm\u00f6genssituation der Ehefrau bzw. Witwe und des Ehemannes, sondern stellten auch essentielle Finanzierungsquellen f\u00fcr Unternehmen dar. Als besonders bedeutsam stellt sich die M\u00f6glichkeit zum \u00f6konomischen Handeln und damit zum Verm\u00f6genserwerb heraus, diese M\u00f6glichkeit wird, wie die einzelnen Fallgeschichten zeigen, vorrangig in der Familie entschieden. Beim nationalsozialistischen Verm\u00f6gensentzug war eine Unterscheidung nach Geschlecht kein vorrangiges Kriterium, so ein Ergebnis, jedoch k\u00f6nnen Geschlechtereffekte im Vorgehen der Nationalsozialisten gegen\u00fcber \"Mischehepaaren\" dokumentiert werden. Die Restitutionsergebnisse werden von mehreren Faktoren beeinflusst, darunter auch die beanspruchten Verm\u00f6genskategorien. Nach M\u00e4nnern und Frauen im Vergleich ausgewertet, spiegeln die Restitutionsergebnisse die Erfolgsquoten der jeweiligen Verm\u00f6genskategorien und indirekt die dahinter stehenden geschlechterspezifischen Verm\u00f6gensstrukturen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Niederacher ,Sonja"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["gender, Vienna, Jews, property, Interwar period, National Socialism", "Geschlecht, Wien, Juden, Eigentum, Zwischenkriegszeit, National Sozialismus"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453610"], ["title", "Eigentum und Geschlecht"], ["doab_id", "15518"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787518"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787518"]], [["description", "Mauerfall und Vereinigung scheinen nach zwanzig Jahren der Vergangenheit anzugeh\u00f6ren. Beide Ereignisse haben die Bundesrepublik jedoch nicht nur vergr\u00f6\u00dfert, sondern auch und vor allem tief greifend ver\u00e4ndert. In diesem Sammelband untersuchen deutsche und franz\u00f6sische Historiker, Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaftler sowie Soziologen, inwieweit die 'alte' Bundesrepublik sich in ein 'neues' Deutschland verwandelt hat. Die deutsch-franz\u00f6sische Perspektive erm\u00f6glicht dabei \u00fcberraschende Einsichten f\u00fcr die aktuelle gesellschaftliche und politische Standortbestimmung des vereinten Deutschlands sowie dessen Umgang mit seiner deutsch-deutschen Vergangenheit."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", " Marcowitz, Reiner"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/224890"], ["title", "Ein 'neues' Deutschland? Eine deutsch-franz\u00f6sische Bilanz 20 Jahre nach der Vereinigung / Une 'nouvelle' Allemagne? Un bilan franco-allemand 20 ans apr\u00e8s l'unification"], ["doab_id", "17994"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486597707", "9783486989328"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486597707, 9783486989328"]], [["description", "The publication provides a detailed study of a burnt layer from Insula XLI in Flavia Solva (Wagna, Austria), dated ca. AD 170, i.e. within the period of the Marcomannic Wars. In addition to cultural and historical topics, the problem of historicity of archaeological features, particularly burnt layers, is given special consideration. Apart from the presentation of an exceptional archaeological feature within the eastern Alpine-Adriatic region the book provides methodical contributions to the understanding of archaeology as a historically oriented cultural science.The connection of event-historical data and archaeological features or their interpretation has been a central research concern since the beginnings of the archaeology of the Roman provinces. The affiliation of Roman provincial archaeology with the historical sciences or the historical cultural sciences has also been confirmed by different researchers (e. g. R. Fellmann, M. K. H. Eggert).For the history of the Danube provinces, the Marcomannic Wars (166\u2013180 AD) of Marc Aurel constitute a significant and crucial chronology of historic events during the second half of the 2nd century AD. The topic of this publication deals with the consequences of these wars and their evidence in the archaeological sources. Regarding the historic events of the Marcomannic Wars, the Germanic invasion as far as Upper Italy \u2013 which probably took place during the year 170 AD \u2013 is the centerpiece of the examination. Concerning the archaeological sources, the attention focuses on an almost contemporary burnt layer in the Insula XLI of the South-Eastern Noric Municipium Flavia Solva.This research paper is a two-level approach of the connection of the mentioned event history and the archaeological evidences.The first \u2013 concrete \u2013 level introduces the burnt feature of Insula XLI and evaluates it in detail in order to illustrate in a well-founded way the following usage of the feature as a case study for the different methodical problems in connection with the topic.In order to create a comprehensible starting position for these advanced considerations, it is necessary to take a close look at the historic background, its written sources of antique writers and to examine critically some historical interpretations of the classical and ancient studies regarding the consequences of the Marcomannic Wars, in particular in connection with the case study Flavia Solva.An additional precondition for the evaluation and interpretation of the feature is the analysis of the genesis of the existing archaeological sources regarding their archaeological recovery and processing and the interpretation and reconstruction of depositional and post-depositional processes.Only these preparatory considerations allow the further methodically clean evaluation and interpretation of the features and the findings.All essential data of the findings are noted in a detailed catalogue. Thereby, a basis for an assessment and documentation of cultural-historical framework conditions is finally created.A comparison with statements made on the occasion of the connection of archaeological features \u2013 in particular in the western Danube provinces \u2013 with the Marcomannic Wars illustrates different research assessments of the sources.Significant methodical problems and uncertainties emerge which can be created in connection with the heterogeneous sources, especially the connection of archaeological features with historical events.Finally, this research paper intends to go beyond the first interpretation level concentrated in particular on the existing case study and enable considerations on a second, abstract level.However, at first is discussed \u2013 in connection with the existing case study \u2013 to what extent the results of the evaluation of the archaeological feature can be combined with the context of the event history. A catalogue of premises \u2013 whose fulfillment or non-fulfillment speaks for or against such a connection \u2013 becomes at the same time a landmark instrument for the adjustment of possible options of historical interpretation.Finally, the methods of perception of classical and ancient disciplines concerning the connection of archaeological features and historical events are examined in the framework of a perspective.This differentiated approach of the topic guarantees that the existing source material is utilized as completely as possible and that the subject is not only enriched with the presentation of an additional important closed feature and its interpretation but \u2013 beyond that \u2013 experiences a methodical contribution to the specific and central problem of the connection of archaeological features with the historical event.

Die Publikation bietet eine eingehende Studie \u00fcber arch\u00e4ologische Befunde und Funde eines um 170 n. Chr., d. h. in den Zeitraum der Markomannenkriege, datierenden Brandhorizontes der Insula XLI von Flavia Solva (Wagna, \u00d6sterreich). Neben kulturhistorischen Themen wird das Problem der Historizit\u00e4t arch\u00e4ologischer Befunde in der Ver\u00f6ffentlichung besonders ber\u00fccksichtigt. Abgesehen von der Vorlage eines f\u00fcr den Alpen-Adria-Raum exzeptionellen arch\u00e4ologischen Befundes leistet das Buch mit diesen wissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkten methodische Beitr\u00e4ge zum Verst\u00e4ndnis von Arch\u00e4ologie als historischer Kulturwissenschaft."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hinker ,Christoph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Roman provincial archaeology, Noricum, burnt layer, Marcomannic Wars, Flavia Solva, material culture", "Provinzialr\u00f6mische Arch\u00e4ologie, Noricum, Brandschicht, Markomannenkriege, Flavia Solva, materielle Kultur"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=482372"], ["title", "Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im s\u00fcdostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva"], ["doab_id", "16182"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305703"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305703"]], [["description", "The magic way of thinking and acting belongs to the conspicuous characteristics of the old oriental culture. Threats to mankind, especially diseases, are induced by demons. But these diseases can be avert with the help of the god Enki (Ea) and his son Asalluhi (Marduk). The present collection of 21 spells is a profile through the ritual practice of the cleaning of ill people. The texts are based primarily on manuscripts from the library of Assurbanipal in Ninive (7th century b.c.) . But the some spells are from earlier transcriptions of the 2nd century b.c. A lot of the material in this book is published for the first time. So, this book contributes for the reconstruction of religious literature of the Old Orient.

Magisches Denken und Handeln geh\u00f6rt zu den augenf\u00e4lligsten Charakteristika der altorientalischen Kultur: Bedrohungen des Menschen, insbesondere durch Krankheiten, werden durch das Auftreten und Agieren von D\u00e4monen verursacht. Diese k\u00f6nnen aber mit Hilfe des Gottes Enki (Ea) und seines Sohnes Asalluhi (Marduk) abgewehrt werden. Die hier rekonstruierte Sammlung von 21 sumerischen und sumerisch-akkadischen Beschw\u00f6rungen bildet einen Querschnitt durch die Ritualpraktiken zur Reinigung und Heilung von Kranken, die diesem G\u00f6tterkreis zuzuordnen ist. Die Textherstellung basiert im wesentlichen auf Manuskripten aus der Bibliothek Assurbanipals in Ninive (7. Jahrhundert v. Chr.), die Beschw\u00f6rungen gehen jedoch zum Teil auf fr\u00fchere Niederschriften aus dem 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. zur\u00fcck. Die Ausgabe enth\u00e4lt in betr\u00e4chtlichem Umfang erstmals publiziertes Material und leistet so einen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der religi\u00f6sen Literatur des Alten Orients."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schramm, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["KCB 651", "KBA 651", "Ancient Orientalism", "KCB 651", "KBA 651", "Ancient Orientalism"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610352"], ["title", "Ein Compendium sumerisch-akkadischer Beschw\u00f6rungen"], ["doab_id", "13234"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344175"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344175"]], [["description", "The biography of Gustavus G. Zertfi (1820-1892) is the first analytical introduction to the Habsburg secret service in the 1850s and 1860s through the case study of a secret agent. By strange coincidence, it is also a major contribution to the. beginnings. of modem Japanese historiography as Zerffi's The Science of History provided the first basic text for Japanese scholars on modem European history and historians after the Meiji revolution of 1868.Though. probably the most formidable. secret agent in the .\"neo-absolutistic\" Habsburg Empire of the mid-19th century, G. G. Zerffi was an obscure and relatively little known figure in his own time. Over a period. of close to 16. years, Zerffi sent some 2,000 numbered intelligent reports to the Habsburg government in Vienna from Serbia, the Ottoman Empire, Paris, and, mainly, from London (1849-1865). The. biography serves as an introduction to all the available secret reports by Zerffi collected from Austrian and, to a smaller extent, Russian archives, publishing them in the Get-man original as an appendix of his work.Through the life and activities. of one particular figure the book opens up. several chapters of 19th century Europe, Britain, and Japan and contributes significantly to the understanding of the revolutions of 1848-1849 and. their dreadful suppression in the whole continent of Europe. It provides particularly new insight in the working and methods of authoritarian, \"pre-dictatorial\" Central and East. European secret police systems, censorship, and thought control.All over Europe the police preferred to use highly qualified agents. with, the knowledge of several languages, as well as the history and culture of many regions in order to collect reliable and. varied information. This. in turn was used by the governments to maintain their control over practically the whole of the European continent in much of the 1850s and 1860s.. Several of these well paid police. agents were. prominent professionals such as G. G. Zerffi who came to be one of the founders and first chairmen of the Royal Historical Society in London. It was in this capacity that he contributed to the humanities in Britain as well as to the rise of modem Japanese historiography. This is the first book to provide a thorough introduction to G. G. Zerffi's basically unknown British scholarship from the late 1860s through the early 1890s.A relevant and topical contribution to the understanding of the nature and making of Central and East European autocracies in the mid-19th century, the book will also help the reader to assess the prehistory and early development of modem dictatorial systems in the region. Most of the book is based on primary sources scattered all over Europe in dozens of archives in Vienna, Budapest, London, Moscow, Amsterdam, and Bonn.

Die T\u00e4tigkeit des \u00f6sterreichischen Geheimagenten Gustav G. Zerffi (1820-1892) erlaubt eine neuartige Darstellung des Polizeisystems des Neoabsolutismus. Der zweisprachige ungarische Journalist, der sp\u00e4ter zum Spion wurde, machte eine spektakul\u00e4re Karriere. Nach dem ungarischen Freiheitskampf hatte er die Aufgabe, Beziehungen zu den Anf\u00fchrern der internationalen politischen Emigration in der T\u00fcrkei, Frankreich und England zu kn\u00fcpfen. Er stand mit Lajos Kossuth, Karl Marx und Gottfried Kinkel in direkter Verbindung und war Sekret\u00e4r des Deutschen Nationalvereins in London. In seinen fast 2000 Geheimberichten an den jeweiligen Innen- und Polizeiminister \u00fcber die Pl\u00e4ne und Aktionen der ungarischen und internationalen revolution\u00e4ren Emigrationsszene zeigt er sich nicht nur als eifriger Beobachter und Informant, sondern auch als Werkzeug der zielbewussten Zersetzung der Emigration \"von innen her\". Vom Geheimdienst entlassen, wirkte der hochbegabte Zerffi dann fast drei Jahrzehnte in London als Historiker."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Frank ,Tibor"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Gustavus G. Zertfi, Habsburg secret service"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437163"], ["title", "Ein Diener seiner Herren"], ["doab_id", "15288"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994534"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994534"]], [["description", "My book deals for the first time comprehensively with the techniques (and methodologies) of socio-cultural research in pre-modern societies. Contrary to prevailing opinion, it holds that some form of empirical research in these domains must have been present in all human groups, and every type of society, otherwise they would not have been able to adapt to other groups and to their own Internal changes. I distinguish between three basic research techniques: (1) travel, (2) the survey, and (3) the collection and interpretation of material objects..Chapters I-III follow the development of these techniques from primitive societies via the early civilizations (exemplified by the Ancient near East, Egypt, Israel and the Greco-Roman world) and the Middle Ages to Early Modern Western Society. The mainstay of the book is the period from late humanism to the \"scientific revolution\" (circa 1570-1660),when all the techniques were refined and two of them (travel and collecting) were methodized. In that period also the age-old barriers against the accumulation of the research results and thus the development of socio-cultural sciences, namely secrecy and topicality, began to break down. I hold that all this contributed decisively to the hegemony of the west over all other World civilizations.Chapters IV-VIII deal with some special problems of the following period from the \"scientific revolution\" to the onset of Modernity (circa 1660-1800). They are closely interconnected and add some significant and lively details to the generalizations of chapters I-III.

Mein Buch behandelt zum erstenmal zusammenfassend die Techniken (und Methodologien) der Sozial- und Kulturforschung vormoderner gesellschaften. Im Unterschied zur vorherrschenden meinung geht es davon aus, dass es irgendeine Form empirischer Forschung auf diesen gebieten in allen menschlichen Gruppen und Gesellschaftsformen gegeben haben muss, da diese sich ansonsten nicht an andere gruppen sowie an die eigenen inneren Wandlungen h\u00e4tten anpassen k\u00f6nnen. Ich unterscheide drei grundlegende Forschungstechniken: (1 ) das reisen, (2) die Umfrage und (3) das Sammeln und Interpretieren konkreter Objekte.Kapitel I-III folgen der Entwicklung dieser Techniken von den archaischen Gesellschaften \u00fcber die fr\u00fchen Hochkulturen (exemplifiziert durch den Alten Orient, \u00c4gypten, Israel und die griechisch-r\u00f6mische Welt) und das Mittelalter bis zum Europa der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit. Das Zentrum des Buches bildet die Periode vom Sp\u00e4thumanismus bis wir \"wissenschaftlichen revolution\" (ca. 1570-1660), als alle drei Techniken verfeinert und zwei von ihnen, das Reisen und das Sammeln, zu formalen Kunstlehren wurden. In dieser Periode begannen auch die traditionellen Hemmnisse der Akkumulation der Resultate empirischer Sozial- und Kulturforschung und damit der Herausbildung der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, n\u00e4mlich die Geheimhaltung und der Aktualismus, nachzugeben. Dies hat meiner Ansicht nach wesentlich zur Vorherrschaft des Westens \u00fcber die anderen Weltkulturen beigetragen.Kapitel IV-VIII behandeln Einzelprobleme der darauffolgenden Periode von der \"wissenschaftlichen Revolution\" bis zur Epochenschwelle der Moderne (ca. 1660-1800). Sie h\u00e4ngen untereinander eng zusammen und f\u00fcgen den Allgemeinaussagen der Kapitel I-III signifikante und lebensnahe Details hinzu."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stagl ,Justin"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["travel, the survey, the collection, socio-cultural sciences", "Reise, Umfrage, Sammeln, Renaissance, Sozialwissenschaften, Kulturwissenschaften"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574816"], ["title", "Eine Geschichte der Neugier"], ["doab_id", "17410"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994626"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994626"]], [["description", "This textbook is an introduction to the descriptive grammar of German on the levels of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and graphemics. It is a recommended read for anyone interested in the grammar of German and especially for students of German philology. The book focuses on how grammatical generalizations are derived from concrete linguistic material while covering a huge number of the important phenomena of German grammar. No specific theoretical framework is adopted in the book but it constitutes an ideal starting point for reading more theory-specific textbooks and accessible research papers. Despite its length, the book is suitable for inclusion in all sorts of curricula because more advanced parts are clearly marked and can be skipped, and the five parts of the book can be read separately. Almost all chapters contain a large number of exercises with complete solutions in the appendix.

Einf\u00fchrung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen ist eine Einf\u00fchrung in die deskriptive Grammatik am Beispiel des gegenw\u00e4rtigen Deutschen in den Bereichen Phonetik, Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax und Graphematik. Das Buch ist f\u00fcr jeden geeignet, der sich f\u00fcr die Grammatik des Deutschen interessiert, vor allem aber f\u00fcr Studierende der Germanistik bzw. Deutschen Philologie. Im Vordergrund steht die Vermittlung grammatischer Erkenntnisprozesse und Argumentationsweisen auf Basis konkreten sprachlichen Materials. Es wird kein spezieller theoretischer Rahmen angenommen, aber nach der Lekt\u00fcre sollten Leser in der Lage sein, sowohl deskriptiv ausgerichtete Forschungsartikel als auch theorienahe Einf\u00fchrungen lesen zu k\u00f6nnen. Trotz seiner L\u00e4nge ist das Buch f\u00fcr den Unterricht in BA-Studieng\u00e4ngen geeignet, da grundlegende und fortgeschrittene Anteile getrennt werden und die f\u00fcnf Teile des Buches auch einzeln verwendet werden k\u00f6nnen. Das Buch enth\u00e4lt zahlreiche \u00dcbungsaufgaben, die im Anhang gel\u00f6st werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sch\u00e4fer ,Roland"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["German language", "Deutsch", "Textbook", "Lehrbuch"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533872"], ["title", "Einf\u00fchrung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen"], ["doab_id", "16886"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783944675534"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675534"]], [["description", "Gemessen an Transportleistungen und Motorisierungsgrad ist Deutschland eigentlich ein Autoland. Dass Deutschland aber auch ein Eisenbahnland ist, zeigt die Leidenschaft, mit der Lokomotivf\u00fchrer-Streiks und P\u00fcnktlichkeitsquoten von Z\u00fcgen \u00f6ffentlich diskutiert werden. Und vielen liegt die Bahn auch im wahren Wortsinn am Herzen \u2013 als nostalgisches Transportmittel von Geschichte und Geschichten, als Spielzeug, Freizeitbesch\u00e4ftigung und Interessengebiet. Anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Beispiele setzt sich \u00bbEisenbahn Spielen\u00ab aus ethnografisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive mit Aneignungen und Inszenierungen des Schienentransports in popul\u00e4ren Kontexten auseinander. Gefragt wird nach dem kindlichen Eisenbahnspiel, nach der Pr\u00e4sentation der Eisenbahn im Museum, nach der Erinnerung an l\u00e4ngst demontierte Gleise und nach m\u00e4nnlicher Hegemonie im Eisenbahnverein. Vorgestellt werden ein interkulturelles Modellbahn-Bastelprojekt und ein St\u00fcck heile M\u00e4nnerwelt, das rund um eine Feldbahnanlage entstanden ist. Und es wird ganz grunds\u00e4tzlich \u00fcberlegt, in welchem Verh\u00e4ltnis die Eisenbahn zum schaffenden und spielenden Menschen steht und wie sich die popul\u00e4re Begeisterung f\u00fcr Schienenverkehrsmittel erkl\u00e4ren l\u00e4sst.

Gemessen an Transportleistungen und Motorisierungsgrad ist Deutschland eigentlich ein Autoland. Dass Deutschland aber auch ein Eisenbahnland ist, zeigt die Leidenschaft, mit der Lokomotivf\u00fchrer-Streiks und P\u00fcnktlichkeitsquoten von Z\u00fcgen \u00f6ffentlich diskutiert werden. Und vielen liegt die Bahn auch im wahren Wortsinn am Herzen \u2013 als nostalgisches Transportmittel von Geschichte und Geschichten, als Spielzeug, Freizeitbesch\u00e4ftigung und Interessengebiet. Anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Beispiele setzt sich \u00bbEisenbahn Spielen\u00ab aus ethnografisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive mit Aneignungen und Inszenierungen des Schienentransports in popul\u00e4ren Kontexten auseinander. Gefragt wird nach dem kindlichen Eisenbahnspiel, nach der Pr\u00e4sentation der Eisenbahn im Museum, nach der Erinnerung an l\u00e4ngst demontierte Gleise und nach m\u00e4nnlicher Hegemonie im Eisenbahnverein. Vorgestellt werden ein interkulturelles Modellbahn-Bastelprojekt und ein St\u00fcck heile M\u00e4nnerwelt, das rund um eine Feldbahnanlage entstanden ist. Und es wird ganz grunds\u00e4tzlich \u00fcberlegt, in welchem Verh\u00e4ltnis die Eisenbahn zum schaffenden und spielenden Menschen steht und wie sich die popul\u00e4re Begeisterung f\u00fcr Schienenverkehrsmittel erkl\u00e4ren l\u00e4sst."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00f6rz, Peter F. N."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["railway", "transport", "ethnology", "playing trains", "railway", "transport", "ethnology", "playing trains"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610399"], ["title", "Eisenbahn Spielen! - Popul\u00e4re Aneignungen und Inszenierungen des Schienenverkehrs in gro\u00dfen und kleinen Ma\u00dfst\u00e4ben"], ["doab_id", "19203"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952143"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952143"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steltenpool ,J."], ["date", "1969"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613432"], ["title", "Ekagi-Dutch-English-Indonesian Dictionary"], ["doab_id", "18454"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286207", "9789004286863"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286207 9789004286863"]], [["description", "Este texto tiene por objeto examinar las condiciones legales, el contexto y las consecuencias de que el Poder Judicial y la magistratura se hayan constituido en actores pol\u00edticos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins; Sadek, Maria Tereza Aina"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ctdh3"], ["title", "El Brasil de Lula: diputados y magistrados"], ["doab_id", "16821"], ["language_unmapped", "ES"], ["isbns", ["9788579820359"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820359"]], [["description", "\"Paradise Overseas\" presents a tour around the main themes of Dutch Caribbean history and its contemporary legacies. Drawing on wide expertise in Caribbean and Latin American studies, Gert Oostindie strongly posits a refreshing analysis of the Dutch Caribbean in a comparative framework which will be of interest to historians, anthropologists and political scientists alike. Rather than aiming at a comprehensive narrative, he offers a thematic discussion of topics such as the contrasts between Dutch colonization in the Americas and Asia; African slavery, Asian indentured labour and the shaping of plural societies in the Dutch Caribbean; the major contrasts between and within the six Antillean islands and Suriname; the different trajectories of decolonisation and their subsequent costs and benefits; and the changing significance of ethnicity and national identity both in the Dutch Caribbean and its diaspora."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostindie ,Gert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Colonialism", "Dutch Caribbean"]], ["publisher", "Editorial Jos\u00e9 Marti"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530750"], ["title", "El Caribe holand\u00e9s : El colonialismo y sus legados transatl\u00e1nticos"], ["doab_id", "16857"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789590905902"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789590905902"]], [["description", "Presentamos en este volumen una serie de trabajos en los que se reflexiona sobre el problema del conocimiento desde una perspectiva filos\u00f3fica. En muchos de ellos se parte de la formulaci\u00f3n de diversas cr\u00edticas a las concepciones tradicionales del conocimiento en general y del conocimiento cient\u00edfico en particular. En varios de los aportes incluidos se identifican y exploran las consecuencias de sus limitaciones, inconsistencias o debilidades y se recurre a nuevos modos de abordaje que no desconocen su deuda con la tradici\u00f3n filos\u00f3fica misma. Todo esto para llegar a nuevas y m\u00e1s adecuadas respuestas desde la filosof\u00eda hacia las problem\u00e1ticas espec\u00edficas que plantea nuestro tiempo, para dar cuenta de una mejor comprensi\u00f3n de la actividad cognoscitiva humana y cient\u00edfica en particular."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Di Gregori, Mar\u00eda Cristina; Rueda, Leopoldo; Mattarollo, Livio"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sociology of knowledge ", " philosophy of science ", " sociolog\u00eda del conocimiento ", " filosof\u00eda de la ciencia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/4"], ["title", "El conocimiento como pr\u00e1ctica: Investigaci\u00f3n, valoraci\u00f3n, ciencia y difusi\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "17350"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411018"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411018"]], [["description", "Certain attributes of American life hold a special attraction to people all over the world, regardless of their social or political beliefs. Often those familiar features are simple banalities of that 'American way,' while more profound and remarkable traits of that complex nation seem to have gone almost unnoticed outside its borders, although their prevalent influence is evident. Current technology, business ways, commerce, culture, etc., are all deeply marked by that country 'ways.' Unquestionably, the American constitutional system is one of these hidden traits that, regardless of the circumstances, is present all over our \u2013so called\u2013 Western world. Nevertheless, it is, for most and to most, unknown. Responses to the previous works by this author \u2013Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano and Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos\u2013 hinted of a possible interest by law students at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid for an elective course on American constitutionalism. Thus, that was the reason behind El constitucionalismo americano, as a textbook for that course.Drafted around seven themes, they cover from the beginning of the seventeenth century and the fundamental laws that English settlers brought with them at their early landings on the American continent, to the constitutional Amendments and U.S. Supreme Court decisions of the second half of the twentieth century. Thus, the history of the United States has been divided into seven periods: the British colonial period; the American Revolution; the Federalist effort; the early Amendments and Supreme Court decisions; the Civil War and Reconstruction era; the Progressive era and the New Deal; and the Civil Rights period. For each period, some of the main relevant constitutional events get analyzed. Each theme includes a historical and legal presentation of the period, followed by the primary sources directly related to the events described. Assuming the targeted students may not be very familiar with the overall history of the United States, brief biographical notes are added for the most prominent personalities mentioned in the narrative. As a textbook, each theme includes a number of questions for the students to develop. (Incidentally, the course made it to OpenCourseWare, where its English version got a somewhat good response, receiving one of the organization's awards for 2013.)This work was part of the author's PhD effort. = Determinados aspectos de la sociedad norteamericana muestran tener una atracci\u00f3n especial para todo el mundo, al margen de creencias pol\u00edticas y sociales. A menudo esas caracter\u00edsticas tan familiares son las m\u00e1s fr\u00edvolas del 'American way', mientras que rasgos m\u00e1s profundos e importantes de esa compleja naci\u00f3n parecen pasar desapercibidos m\u00e1s all\u00e1 de sus fronteras, aunque su influencia sea manifiesta. La tecnolog\u00eda, negocios, comercio, cultura, etc., actuales est\u00e1n todos profundamente marcados por los 'ways' \u2013maneras\u2013 de ese pa\u00eds. Sin duda alguna el sistema constitucional norteamericano es uno de esos 'rasgos ocultos' que, al margen de circunstancias locales y peque\u00f1os detalles, es omnipresente en lo que llamamos 'el mundo occidental'.Las respuestas a anteriores trabajos del autor \u2013Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano and Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos\u2013hicieron entrever un posible inter\u00e9s por parte de los estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid hacia una asignatura optativa sobre el constitucionalismo norteamericano. De ah\u00ed surgi\u00f3, como manual para ese curso, El constitucionalismo americano. Redactado en siete temas, cubre desde los inicios del siglo XVII y las normas fundamentales que los colonos ingleses llevaron a sus primeros asentamientos, hasta las Enmiendas y decisiones del Tribunal Supremo norteamericano sobre derechos civiles en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. De esta forma, la historia de los Estados Unidos se ha dividido en siete periodos: el periodo colonial brit\u00e1nico, la revoluci\u00f3n americana, el proceso federalista, las primeras Enmiendas y decisiones del Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos, la guerra civil y la Reconstrucci\u00f3n, la era progresista y el New Deal, y el periodo de los derechos civiles. En cada periodo se estudian algunos de los eventos constitucionales m\u00e1s relevantes y de car\u00e1cter universal.Cada tema incluye una presentaci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica y jur\u00eddica del periodo, seguida de las fuentes primarias relacionadas directamente con los eventos descritos. Suponiendo que los estudiantes a quienes va dirigido el manual podr\u00edan no estar muy familiarizados con la historia general de los Estados Unidos, se han a\u00f1adido unas breves notas biogr\u00e1ficas sobre los personajes mencionados en la narrativa. Al ser un manual de trabajo, se han incluido algunas cuestiones sobre los temas tratados para que los estudiantes pueden desarrollar los conocimientos aprendidos. (A t\u00edtulo anecd\u00f3tico, la versi\u00f3n on-line del manual en ingl\u00e9s recibi\u00f3 en 2013 uno de los premios de OpenCourseWare.) Este trabajo ha sido parte de los estudios doctorales del autor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grau, Luis"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["History of law", "United States", "Sources of law", "Historia del derecho", "Estados Unidos", "Fuentes del derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/11865/grau-constitucionalismo-americano.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El constitucionalismo americano: materiales para un curso de historia de las constituciones"], ["doab_id", "16125"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499824529"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499824529"]], [["description", "Esta visi\u00f3n del constitucionalismo como \u201cdiscurso pol\u00edtico\u201d se aleja un poco de la opini\u00f3n com\u00fan, tal vez hasta deformar la esencia \u201cliberal\u201d que com\u00fanmente se le atribuye. Se inserta en una larga l\u00ednea de trabajo que parte de la toma de conciencia, de la peculiaridad que la historia constitucional puede representar en la amplia gama de los estudios que se dedican a la comprensi\u00f3n del sistema pol\u00edtico, en sus elementos constitutivos estructurales, que nunca pueden prescindir de una perspectiva de tipo historiogr\u00e1fico. El concepto de constituci\u00f3n es de matriz indiscutiblemente alemana, es algo que est\u00e1 entre la estructura pol\u00edtico-social de una \u00e9poca y la unidad pol\u00edtica de una poblaci\u00f3n humana determinada.Un aspecto tal vez un poco m\u00e1s peculiar de mi propuesta interpretativa es la insistencia sobre la componente \u201cdoctrinal\u201d del mundo constitucional, que me ha llevado a traducir la constituci\u00f3n en la s\u00edntesis doctrinas-instituciones a trav\u00e9s de la cual deber\u00eda poderse caracterizar, de manera hist\u00f3ricamente determinada, los distintos elementos de la historia pol\u00edtica de los hombres, sobre todo en lo que se refiere a Occidente."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schiera, Pierangelo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Theory of law", "Philosophy of law", "Iusnaturalismo", "Constitucionalismo", "Teor\u00eda del derecho", "Filosof\u00eda del derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/13962/constitucionalismo_schiera_2012.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El constitucionalismo como discurso pol\u00edtico"], ["doab_id", "16132"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415455554"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415455554"]], [["description", "The main purpose of this book is to contribute with the discussion about criminal proceedings and how doctrinal opinions spread through the South of Italy, Iberian countries and New Spain in the Early Modern age. Some relevant topics are judicial discretionary, protection and application of royal competencies, as well as the importance of the decisiones in regard to the procedural activity within the high courts of Portugal and Sicily. The interdependence between Criminal law, doctrinal discourses and judicial practice within the scope of the European ius commune is a basic feature of the chapters contained in this book.---El prop\u00f3sito principal de esta obra colectiva es la contribuci\u00f3n al conocimiento de los procedimientos penales y de la difusi\u00f3n de las diversas tendencias doctrinales en el \u00e1mbito del sur de Italia, los territorios ib\u00e9ricos y Nueva Espa\u00f1a en la temprana Edad Moderna. Algunos temas relevantes son la discrecionalidad judicial, la protecci\u00f3n y aplicaci\u00f3n de las competencias reales, as\u00ed como la importancia de las decisiones en lo que ata\u00f1e a la actividad procesal en el seno de los altos tribunales de Portugal y Sicilia. Las interconexiones entre el derecho criminal, los discursos doctrinales y la pr\u00e1ctica judicial en la \u00f3rbita del ius commune europeo vertebran los cap\u00edtulos de este libro."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Machado Cabral, Gustavo C\u00e9sar; Di Chiara, Francesco; Hern\u00e1ndez Santiago, \u00d3scar; Rodr\u00edguez Arrocha, Belinda; H\u00e4rter, Karl"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Castilla", "Doctrina penal", "Edad Moderna", "Justicia criminal", "Nueva Espa\u00f1a", "Portugal", "Sicilia", "Castile", "Criminal justice", "Criminal doctrine", "Early Modern Age", "New Spain", "Sicily"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/23021/derecho_hd45_2016.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "El derecho penal en la edad moderna: Nuevas aproximaciones a la doctrina y a la pr\u00e1ctica judicial"], ["doab_id", "19063"], ["language_unmapped", "spa---eng---por---ita"], ["isbns", ["9788490858127"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490858127"]], [["description", "Volumen en el que se editan (dos de ellas por vez primera) las memorias de c\u00e1tedra de los tres principales constitucionalistas de la II Rep\u00fablica: Nicol\u00e1s P\u00e9rez Serrano, Eduardo L. Llorens y Francisco Ayala. A trav\u00e9s de dichos textos, convenientemente aclarados y ampliados por las notas del editor, los lectores pueden conocer los debates fundamentales que conformaban la disciplina del derecho pol\u00edtico en el tiempo de entreguerras. Las memorias van precedidas por un exhaustivo estudio preliminar (pp. IX-CLXXXIX) sobre la fisonom\u00eda de aquel saber jur\u00eddico. En \u00e9l se examinan la trayectoria de los profesores que impart\u00edan la asignatura; las instituciones en que se investigaba; las revistas, monograf\u00edas, tratados y art\u00edculos en que circulaba; las controversias que la atravesaban; la mentalidad jur\u00eddica que de todo ello puede extraerse; y la singular aportaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica de Ayala, Llorens y P\u00e9rez Serrano, cuya obra, a juicio del prof. Mart\u00edn, constituye el destilado m\u00e1s genuino del derecho pol\u00edtico de la Segunda Rep\u00fablica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", " Ayala, Francisco; Llorens, Eduardo L.; P\u00e9rez Serrano, Nicol\u00e1s; Mart\u00edn, Sebasti\u00e1n"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho", "Derecho pol\u00edtico", "Political Law", "History of law", "1931-1939, Rep\u00fablica II"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/11365/ayala-llorens-perez.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El derecho pol\u00edtico de la Segunda Rep\u00fablica"], ["doab_id", "16147"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499822297"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499822297"]], [["description", "Entender la din\u00e1mica a trav\u00e9s de la cual se construye la cohesi\u00f3n social en Am\u00e9rica Latina supone una inversi\u00f3n de perspectiva frente a la tendencia dominante que enfatiza los problemas sociales que afligen el continente. Si desconocer estas dificultades ser\u00eda caer en apolog\u00edas conservadoras, para entender c\u00f3mo nuestras sociedades generan cohesi\u00f3n social no podemos dejar de identificar igualmente los enormes recursos positivos de integraci\u00f3n y de creatividad socio-cultural existentes en nuestras sociedades."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Martuccelli, Danilo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4fdcs"], ["title", "El desaf\u00edo latinoamericano: cohesi\u00f3n social y democracia"], ["doab_id", "17443"], ["language_unmapped", "es"], ["isbns", ["9788579820793"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820793"]], [["description", "El estudio del doctorado permite individualizar distintos niveles de an\u00e1lisis e interpretaci\u00f3n. Por un lado, un nivel reglamentario, an\u00e1lisis de las distintas normas jur\u00eddicas que se han ido acumulando en el tracto cronol\u00f3gico de la universidad contempor\u00e1nea. Otro nivel est\u00e1 constituido por lo que podemos llamar la pr\u00e1ctica administrativa, es decir, el desarrollo material de esas disposiciones. Un estudio de los expedientes acad\u00e9micos, de los instrumentos burocr\u00e1ticos, de las memorias y una elaboraci\u00f3n cuantitativa de los datos que \u00e9stos nos proporcionan. En fin, al enfrentarnos con el doctorado en derecho podemos optar tambi\u00e9n por otro nivel de interpretaci\u00f3n, el relativo a la ciencia jur\u00eddica que se produce, pues se trata de un ciclo referido a la investigaci\u00f3n (en la licenciatura hablar\u00edamos de la ciencia jur\u00eddica que se difunde). El doctorado nos acerca por tanto a la vertiente cient\u00edfica de la universidad y as\u00ed, en nuestro caso, a la ciencia jur\u00eddica del siglo XX espa\u00f1ol. Con su estudio no s\u00f3lo conocemos un aspecto m\u00e1s de la universidad del periodo cronol\u00f3gico abordado, adquirimos tambi\u00e9n un instrumento para profundizar en el estudio de la ciencia que se produce. El cat\u00e1logo que se ofrece permite adem\u00e1s un estudio prosopogr\u00e1fico del periodo abordado."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel; Puyol Montero, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho", "Ense\u00f1anza universitaria", "Investigaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica", "History of law", "University education", "Scientific research"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/3386/BIAN-16-2008.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El doctorado en Derecho: 1930-1956"], ["doab_id", "16175"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498493634"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498493634"]], [["description", "Con la Restauraci\u00f3n Borb\u00f3nica quedaba consolidado el sistema pol\u00edtico que iba a marcar las siguientes d\u00e9cadas de la historia espa\u00f1ola. Lo conocemos como el Estado liberal, y abarcaba todas las esferas de la sociedad, entre ellas la educaci\u00f3n superior. Se completaba la creaci\u00f3n de una universidad liberal acorde al nuevo modelo, en la que habitaba un nuevo tipo estudiantil, un estudiante liberal. Queremos saber qui\u00e9n integraba este grupo, cu\u00e1l era su origen y composici\u00f3n y c\u00f3mo evolucion\u00f3. Nos interesa ver c\u00f3mo afrontaba sus a\u00f1os acad\u00e9micos, en los que se relacionaba con los espacios f\u00edsicos, la legislaci\u00f3n o el profesorado de esta nueva universidad. Aspiramos a entender c\u00f3mo viv\u00eda el d\u00eda a d\u00eda de su condici\u00f3n estudiantil, as\u00ed dentro de las facultades como en la ciudad que les acog\u00eda, y a acercarnos a su mentalidad a trav\u00e9s de las manifestaciones que como corporaci\u00f3n realizaba. Nos centramos para ello en una universidad intermedia, la de Valencia, lo bastante reducida como para ser abarcable, pero suficientemente importante como para ser en gran medida representativa de la generalidad. En suma, se trata de dibujar el nuevo tipo estudiantil, con sus cambios y sus permanencias, conectado con el sistema liberal del que era a la vez resultado y miembro, entre los a\u00f1os que separaron los golpes de Estado de 1875 y de 1936."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Perales Birlanga, Germ\u00e1n "], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["An\u00e1lisis sociol\u00f3gico", "College students", "Sociological study", "Estudiantes universitarios"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/4376/BIAN-17-2009.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "El estudiante liberal: sociolog\u00eda y vida de la comunidad escolar universitaria de Valencia (1875-1939)"], ["doab_id", "16177"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498497014"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498497014"]], [["description", "El libro consta de dos partes claramente delimitadas: una dedicada a los libros de texto y otra a los planes de estudio. En la primera se aborda la utilizaci\u00f3n que los liberales hicieron de los manuales para conseguir la unidad que tanto ansiaban: establecieron un sistema de listas de libros que aprobaba el gobierno y que estuvo vigente en buena parte del siglo XIX. El estudio del sistema, la publicaci\u00f3n de las listas y la reconstrucci\u00f3n de la biblioteca escolar constituye ocupan las p\u00e1ginas de esta parte. En la segunda se editan los planes de estudios jur\u00eddicos que existieron en los siglos XIX y XX, se analiza la evoluci\u00f3n de los mismos y se ensaya una tipolog\u00eda que permita su comprensi\u00f3n."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Derecho", "Ense\u00f1anza", "Historia", "Law", "Education", "History"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7877/04_estudio_del_derecho.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El estudio del Derecho: libros de texto y planes de estudio en la universidad contempor\u00e1nea"], ["doab_id", "16164"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481557732"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481557730"]], [["description", "No abundan las biograf\u00edas de los rectores de las universidades espa\u00f1olas, y cuando existen estas narraciones suelen presentar m\u00e1s atenci\u00f3n a otros asuntos que a los meramente universitarios. En esta inteligencia, los autores de este estudio han querido contribuir a la recuperaci\u00f3n de la memoria de Joaqu\u00edn G\u00f3mez de la Cortina (1805-1868), marqu\u00e9s de Morante, que por dos veces gobern\u00f3 la Universidad de Madrid (1841-42 y 1851-54). Su figura tiene un rasgo que no podemos olvidar: perteneci\u00f3 a la generaci\u00f3n de catedr\u00e1ticos que se formaron en Alcal\u00e1 y ejercieron su magisterio en Madrid, fueron por lo tanto puentes entre las dos sedes acad\u00e9micas, entre la universidad del antiguo r\u00e9gimen y la universidad liberal. Un hito notable suyo lo constituyen los dos reglamentos de r\u00e9gimen interior que impuls\u00f3. Se trata de un hecho excepcional que tiene en Morante un protagonista absoluto. La importancia de estos reglamentos (uno de 1842 y otro de 1853), cuya edici\u00f3n ofrecemos en este volumen, radica en que a trav\u00e9s de ellos y compar\u00e1ndonos podemos vislumbrar esas pr\u00e1cticas y concepciones desde Alcal\u00e1 arriban a Madrid utilizando las lagunas dejadas por la regulaci\u00f3n central. Pero adem\u00e1s, la distancia de apenas diez a\u00f1os que media entre ellos muestra con claridad la \u201crevoluci\u00f3n\u201d que se vivi\u00f3 en la instituci\u00f3n durante ese tiempo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel; Araque Hontangas, Natividad"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Universidades", " Historia del Derecho", " Universities", " History of Law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/10578/martinez_araque_2011.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "El marqu\u00e9s de Morante y la Universidad de Madrid"], ["doab_id", "16102"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499821962"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499821962"]], [["description", "Detailed description of the lifestyle of groups of high Chilean society in the late 19th and early 20th century, and its social and political role"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vergara ,Ximena; Barros ,Luis"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Aristocracy", "lifestyle", "political culture", "modern society"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617559"], ["title", "El modo de ser aristocr\u00e1tico. El caso de la oligarqu\u00eda chilena hacia 1900"], ["doab_id", "19154"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416072"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416072"]], [["description", "El libro ofrece una revisi\u00f3n de la rica historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica mexicana sobre el siglo XIX (1808-1910) publicada en los \u00faltimos veinte a\u00f1os. Dos d\u00e9cadas en las que derecho ha dejado de ser materia exclusiva de abogados, y se ha convertido en preocupaci\u00f3n fundamental de soci\u00f3logos, economistas, fil\u00f3sofos, polit\u00f3logos e historiadores. Manifest\u00e1ndose as\u00ed la permeabilidad de la investigaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica frente a los cambios desatados por la transici\u00f3n democr\u00e1tica. Dos d\u00e9cadas en las que factores institucionales que han contribuido a la renovaci\u00f3n de la historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica mexicana: revistas especializadas, congresos internacionales, seminarios y asociaciones profesionales, cursos de licenciatura y posgrado, y nuevos cuadros de investigadores formados en ambas disciplinas. Este ensayo busca evaluar lo que hemos aprendido e indicar algo de lo mucho que a\u00fan nos falta por hacer, reflexiona sobre las orientaciones historiogr\u00e1ficas e invita a sumergirse en la investigaci\u00f3n especializada, cuyas valiosas aportaciones son pr\u00e1cticamente desconocidas por los historiadores ajenos al derecho y los juristas desvinculados de la historia. El autor espera que El nuevo pasado jur\u00eddico mexicano pueda servir de gu\u00eda para una nueva historia general del derecho mexicano, que tanta falta hace en nuestras universidades."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mijangos y Gonz\u00e1lez, Pablo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["History of Law", "Historiography", "Mexico", "Historia del derecho", "Historiograf\u00eda"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/10488/Mijangos_mexico.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El nuevo pasado jur\u00eddico mexicano. Una revisi\u00f3n de la historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica mexicana durante los \u00faltimos 20 a\u00f1os"], ["doab_id", "16123"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499821856"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499821856"]], [["description", "Essays on the world political situation in times of globalization and the challenges of the subalterns for their struggle against capitalism"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Massardo ,Jaime"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["International Politics", "Globalization", "Capitalism", "emancipation"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617560"], ["title", "EL OJO DEL C\u00cdCLOPE. Comentarios cr\u00edticos a prop\u00f3sito del proceso de globalizaci\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "19152"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416133"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416133"]], [["description", "History of the Communist Party of Chile and its role in the construction of the Chilean road to socialism led by the government of the Unidad Popular"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Furci ,Carmelo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Chilean Communist Party", "History", "political culture", "Chile"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617562"], ["title", "El Partido Comunista de Chile y la v\u00eda al socialismo"], ["doab_id", "19150"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416119"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416119"]], [["description", "Bajo este t\u00edtulo se reedita un trabajo publicado en 1998 en los Recueils de la Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Jean Bodin pour l\u00b4Histoire Comparative des Institutions (vol. LXV, L\u2019assistance dans la r\u00e9solution des conflicts. Quatri\u00e8me partie, L\u2019Europe m\u00e9dievale et moderne), en el que se traza un panorama de la evoluci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica de la abogac\u00eda y los abogados en la Corona de Castilla, considerando los requisitos personales y las condiciones de ingreso, la funci\u00f3n y el ejercicio de la abogac\u00eda, la retribuci\u00f3n, el r\u00e9gimen de la responsabilidad y los privilegios de los abogados. La edici\u00f3n se ha completado con un extenso ap\u00e9ndice normativo, en el que se recogen la gran mayor\u00eda de las disposiciones que recibi\u00f3 la abogac\u00eda en la Corona de Castilla a lo largo de su historia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alonso Romero, Mar\u00eda Paz; Garriga Acosta, Carlos"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Abogac\u00eda", "Historia del derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/16884/regimen_abogacia_2014_reimp.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "El r\u00e9gimen jur\u00eddico de la abogac\u00eda en Castilla (siglos XIII-XVIII)"], ["doab_id", "16140"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490314043"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490314043"]], [["description", "Los trabajos abordan, desde diferentes perspectivas a la categor\u00eda de sujeto como una categor\u00eda crucial del pensamiento contempor\u00e1neo. El \u00e1mbito de preocupaciones es amplio: la perspectiva del fil\u00f3sofo norteamericano S. Cavell quien hace una original\u00edsima recepci\u00f3n de la herencia de Austin y Wittgenstein; la perspectiva fenomenol\u00f3gica de Sartre en di\u00e1logo y conflicto con la del psicoan\u00e1lisis lacaniano y las reconceptualizaciones de la ideolog\u00eda realizadas por Louis Althusser; la constituci\u00f3n del sujeto en tensi\u00f3n entre la sujeci\u00f3n al poder y las posibilidades de resistencia seg\u00fan la perspectiva de Judith Butler; una relectura de la implicaci\u00f3n de estructura y sujeto en la perspectiva estructural abierta por Saussure y continuada por L\u00e9vi-Strauss, Benveniste y Lacan, tema que recibe un tratamiento circunscripto al pensamiento del argentino Ernesto Laclau, en el que se distinguen distintas etapas; las implicaciones que los eventos fundamentales de la historia del siglo XX acarrean para una conceptualizaci\u00f3n de la subjetividad en la perspectiva de Theodor Adorno y las limitaciones que la conceptualizaci\u00f3n de la obra de arte como juego en la obra de Gadamer impone a la concepci\u00f3n moderna de la subjetividad."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karczmarczyk, Pedro (comp.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["philosophy ", " language ", " philosophy of language ", " filosof\u00eda"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/29"], ["title", "El sujeto en cuesti\u00f3n. Abordajes contempor\u00e1neos"], ["doab_id", "17348"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411643"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411643"]], [["description", "Este libro es fruto de una l\u00ednea de investigaci\u00f3n sobre la historia del derecho indiano. Su objeto es la Colecci\u00f3n Documental de don Benito de la Mata Linares, oidor, regente y consejero de Indias, que se encuentra en la Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia. El prop\u00f3sito del autor es observar la Colecci\u00f3n bajo la lupa cient\u00edfica del derecho indiano y no acceder a ella meramente como una cantera documental de car\u00e1cter hist\u00f3rico \u2013que lo es y, por cierto, riqu\u00edsima\u2013, que ya hab\u00eda consultado con provecho en anteriores visitas. La primera parte del libro est\u00e1 dedicada a trazar un esbozo biogr\u00e1fico de Mata Linares, que ampl\u00eda sensiblemente los datos ofrecidos hasta ahora por los historiadores que han dado a conocer piezas documentales de la Colecci\u00f3n o por los diccionarios u obras relativas a los \u00f3rganos de gobierno y justicia en donde se desempe\u00f1\u00f3. En la segunda parte se hace un examen de la Colecci\u00f3n, que permite comprobar que ella, considerada habitualmente como una fuente documental ofrecida para los Investigadores de Historia de Am\u00e9rica y derivada del empe\u00f1o de un erudito coleccionista, se form\u00f3, en cambio, por la acci\u00f3n de un jurista que reuni\u00f3 esos papeles para uso propio durante su labor profesional al servicio de la Corona. De ah\u00ed proviene la denominaci\u00f3n de \u201ctaller del jurista\u201d, t\u00edtulo de este libro que destaca el sentido que tuvo la formaci\u00f3n de este conjunto documental y tambi\u00e9n el valor de estos papeles como fuente de estudio para la historia del derecho. Desde este \u00faltimo punto de vista, se rescata para los estudiosos de la historia jur\u00eddica el uso de un conjunto documental singular, ya que no es frecuente para los historiadores el acceso directo e integral a los papeles que hicieron parte del gabinete de un jurista. Con la experiencia adquirida en la indagaci\u00f3n realizada, el autor se permite afirmar el enorme valor que tienen los archivos profesionales de este g\u00e9nero, al aproximarnos a verificar el papel del jurista en la configuraci\u00f3n del Derecho \u2013creaci\u00f3n, interpretaci\u00f3n, adaptaci\u00f3n, transmisi\u00f3n, aplicaci\u00f3n, etc.\u2013 y a conocer el delicado perfil de \u201cla modulaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica\u201d que lo caracteriza."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tau Anzo\u00e1tegui, V\u00edctor"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Philosophy of law", "Lawyers", "Filosof\u00eda del derecho", "Abogados"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12735/el_taller_del_jurista.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "El taller del jurista: sobre la Colecci\u00f3n Documental de Benito de la Mata Linares, Oidor, Regente y Consejero de Indias"], ["doab_id", "16127"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415454311"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415454311"]], [["description", "In all advanced Western nations, policy-makers have implemented encompassing welfare state reforms in recent decades breaking with past welfare arrangements. In particular, social democracy engaged in significant policy change under the Third Way paradigm and broke with its traditional reputation on welfare that had built the ties with the core constituency in the 20th century. The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms: Social Democracy\u2019s Transformation and its Political Costs provides a comparative study of the electoral consequences of Third Way welfare state reforms. The book demonstrates that Third Way reforms went against the social policy preferences of social democracy\u2019s core voters and indeed produced an electoral setback for social democrats at the ballots. Moreover, and accounting for cross-national variation, the analysis shows that the nature of the setback is contingent on the electoral system and the party competition social democrats face when reforming the welfare state.

Dit boek analyseert de electorale gevolgen van de hervormingen in de welvaartsstaat in vier liberaal sociaaldemocratische landen in Europa. Deze zogenaamde \u2018Derde Weg-sociaaldemocraten\u2019 hervormden de welvaartsstaat zodanig dat een deel van het sociaaldemocratische electoraat zich definitief van hen afkeerde. Dit is de belangrijkste conclusie van dit boek, waarvoor vergelijkend onderzoek werd verricht in Zweden, Duitsland, Denemarken en Groot-Brittanni\u00eb."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arndt ,Christoph"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Welfare State"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=452435"], ["title", "The Electoral Consequences of Third Way Welfare State Reforms : Social Democracy\u2019s Transformation and its Political Costs"], ["doab_id", "15445"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644503"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644503"]], [["description", "\u2264p\u2265The Electrification of Russia, 1880\u20131926 is the first full account of the widespread adoption of electricity in Russia, from the beginning in the 1880s to its early years as a state technology under Soviet rule. Jonathan Coopersmith has mined the archives for both the tsarist and the Soviet periods to examine a crucial element in the modernization of Russia. Coopersmith shows how the Communist Party forged an alliance with engineers to harness the socially transformative power of this science-based enterprise. A centralized plan of electrification triumphed, to the benefit of the Communist Party and the detriment of local governments and the electrical engineers. Coopersmith's narrative of how this came to be elucidates the deep-seated and chronic conflict between the utopianism of Soviet ideology and the reality of Soviet politics and economics.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coopersmith, Jonathan"], ["date", "1992"], ["subject", ["electrification, Soviet Union, Russia, economic development, industrialization, GOELRO, New Economic Policy"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23182333/9781501707162.pdf"], ["title", "The Electrification of Russia, 1880-1926"], ["doab_id", "19890"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707162"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707162"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["proton exchange membrane fuel cell, direct alcohol fuel cell, alkaline fuel cell, pt alloys, core-shell, non-precious metal, metal oxide, methanol oxidation, ethanol oxidation, density functional theory"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/205"], ["title", "Electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells"], ["doab_id", "19276"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422341", "9783038422198"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422341/9783038422198"]], [["description", "Electronic Iran introduces the concept of the Iranian Internet, a framework that captures interlinked, transnational networks of virtual and offline spaces.Taking her cues from early Internet ethnographies that stress the importance of treating the Internet as both a site and product of cultural production, accounts in media studies that highlight the continuities between old and new media, and a range of works that have made critical interventions in the field of Iranian studies, Niki Akhavan traces key developments and confronts conventional wisdom about digital media in general, and contemporary Iranian culture and politics in particular.Akhavan focuses largely on the years between 1998 and 2012 to reveal a diverse and combative virtual landscape where both geographically and ideologically dispersed individuals and groups deployed Internet technologies to variously construct, defend, and challenge narratives of Iranian national identity, society, and politics. While it tempers celebratory claims that have dominated assessments of the Iranian Internet, Electronic Iran is ultimately optimistic in its outlook. As it exposes and assesses overlooked aspects of the Iranian Internet, the book sketches a more complete map of its dynamic landscape, and suggests that the transformative powers of digital media can only be developed and understood if attention is paid to both the specificities of new technologies as well as the local and transnational contexts in which they appear. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Akhavan ,Niki"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Online Social Networks", "Politics", "Iran", "Internet and Activism", "Cultural Studies", "Current Affairs"]], ["publisher", "Rutgers University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469368"], ["title", "Electronic Iran - The Cultural Politics of an Online Evolution"], ["doab_id", "15927"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780813561929", "9780813561936", "9780813561943"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780813561929 9780813561936 9780813561943"]], [["description", "The publication deals with the time of pioneers in building \"electrical musical instruments\" in German speaking countries. It is based on a research project funded by the Austrian National Bank's \"Jubilaeumsfonds\" (project number 9382), where the popularisation of these instruments was in focus. Starting with the first attempts the development in the respective region is examined for the time between 1920 and 1945 using carefully investigated documents. After a short description of the roots going back to the 19th century the documentation continues with a critical evaluation of the constructions and their presentation in the 1920ties (especially Joerg Mager and Lev Termen and the reaction of experts and the public). Electro-optic and electromagnetic sound generation was invented in that time as well but appeared later on. There are examples for both principles in Austria and Germany reaching back to the 1920ties. A representative survey of press reports show the different estimations of the usability of electrical musical instruments by technicians, musicians and the public. The following decade is treated in several parts due to the political development in Germany. The first two years are mainly marked by the invention of the Trautonium, the Neo-Bechstein-piano, the Elektrochord and the Hellertion. This was the time when Berlin turned out as a centre for \"electrical music\", especially by activities of the \"Rundfunkversuchsstelle\" (radio research institute) at the University of Music and the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute. The first major public presentations at the Berlin Radio Shows took place in this time as well. After the year 1933 not only the political situation changed but the cultural preconditions for the usage of electrical instruments as well. The political convergence with the NS regime and the goodwill of the \"ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda\" played an important role. It turned out by the following development that the Trautonium, the electric organs by Vierling and the Hellertion by Bruno Helberger were used for official occasions. Vierling's \"Grosstonorgel\" was used during the Olympic games, on the other hand the development of Edwin Welte's light-tone organ was stopped for he was married with a Jewish woman. The work of Oskar Sala plays an important role in the area of conflict between technology, politics and music. As no detailed documentation of the work of Joerg Mager (who claimed to be the leading person in electro-music research) is available till now, this will be discussed in a separate chapter. A short description of the consequences after 1945 is followed by a detailed appendix: data of concerts, sound recordings, technical documentations and more than 600 patents. The book is based on extensive and original material, as it turned out by studying of secondary literature that many details are based on not provable sources. The facts are carefully documented using footnotes, the book is meant as a fundamental collection of sources for further scientific research.

Die Publikation handelt von der Pionierzeit der \"elektrischen Instrumente\" im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie beruht im Wesentlichen auf einem Forschungsauftrag des Jubil\u00e4umsfonds der \u00d6sterreichischen Nationalbank (Projekt Nr. 9382), bei dem vor allem die Popularisierung dieser Instrumente im Vordergrund stand. Von den ersten Versuchen ausgehend, wird anhand von sorgf\u00e4ltig recherchierten Originaldokumenten die Entwicklung im untersuchten geographischen Raum vorzugsweise im Zeitintervall von 1920 bis 1945 behandelt. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung der ins 19. Jh. zur\u00fcckreichenden Wurzeln beginnt die Untersuchung mit einer kritischen Wertung der Konstruktionen und deren Pr\u00e4sentation in den 1920er Jahren (insbesondere J\u00f6rg Mager, Lev Termen und den Reaktionen der Fachwelt und der \u00d6ffentlichkeit). Dazu kommen Konstruktionen, die zwar in dieser Zeit entstanden, jedoch erst sp\u00e4ter in Erscheinung traten: die elektro-optische und elektromagnetische Tonerzeugung. F\u00fcr beide Prinzipien gibt es Beispiele in \u00d6sterreich und Deutschland, die in die 1920er Jahre zur\u00fcckreichen. Eine repr\u00e4sentative Presseschau zeigt die unterschiedliche Auffassung der Verwertbarkeit der elektrischen Instrumente vom Standpunkt der Techniker, der Musiker und der \u00d6ffentlichkeit. Das folgende Jahrzehnt wird der politischen Entwicklung wegen in mehreren Teilen behandelt. Die ersten zwei Jahre waren vor allem von der Erfindung des Trautoniums, des Neo-Bechstein-Fl\u00fcgels, des Elektrochords und des Hellertions gepr\u00e4gt. In dieser Zeit entwickelte sich Berlin (insbesondere durch das Heinrich Hertz Institut und die Rundfunkversuchsstelle) zu einem Zentrum der \"elektrischen Musik\". Auch die ersten gro\u00dfen \u00f6ffentlichen Pr\u00e4sentationen auf den Berliner Funkausstellungen fanden 1931 und 1932 statt. Nach 1933 ver\u00e4nderte sich jedoch nicht nur die politische Lage, sondern auch die kulturpolitischen Voraussetzungen f\u00fcr die Verwendung elektrischer Instrumente. Die politische N\u00e4he zum NS Regime und das Wohlwollen des Propagandaministeriums spielten eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Entwicklung zeigte, dass das Trautonium, die Orgelkonstruktionen von Oskar Vierling und das Hellertion Bruno Helbergers im offiziellen Musikbetrieb weiter verwendet wurden. Vierlings \"Gro\u00dftonorgel\" wurde bei offiziellen Anl\u00e4ssen eingesetzt, hingegen wurde die Entwicklung der Lichttonorgel Edwin Weltes gestoppt, weil er mit einer J\u00fcdin verheiratet war. Oskar Salas Arbeit spielt im Spannungsfeld zwischen Technik, Politik und Musik eine wichtige Rolle. Nachdem bislang keine ausf\u00fchrliche Dokumentation der Arbeit J\u00f6rg Magers (der f\u00fcr sich eine besondere Rolle in Anspruch nahm) verf\u00fcgbar war, ist diesem Thema ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet. Einer kurzen Darstellung der Folgewirkungen nach 1945 folgt ein ausf\u00fchrlicher Anhang, der das ermittelte Material offenlegt: Auff\u00fchrungsdaten, Tondokumente, technische Dokumentationen und \u00fcber 600 Patente werden aufgelistet. Die Arbeit beruht auf umfangreichem Originalmaterial, da es sich beim Studium der Sekund\u00e4rliteratur zeigte, dass viele Details auf nicht weiter nachvollziehbaren Quellen beruhen. Die Fakten sind sorgf\u00e4ltig in Fu\u00dfnoten dokumentiert, das Buch versteht sich daher auch als grundlegende Quellensammlung f\u00fcr weiterf\u00fchrende wissenschaftliche Arbeit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Donhauser ,Peter"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["electronic music, electronic musical instruments, Mager, Trautonium, Sala, Vierling"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437138"], ["title", "Elektrische Klangmaschinen"], ["doab_id", "15264"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775935"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775935"]], [["description", "In the complete area of institutional child care a significant under-representation of males can be determined throughout Europe. The proportion of male child care workers lies below five percent; Austria is well below the European average with 0,8 %. Literature about men in child care services is not readily available; empirical research is frequently based on individual case studies. We know very little about how men obtain these jobs, about the motives and experiences of men in child care institutions, about their biographical particulars (contacts with men and fathers) and how men cope with the contradictions and conflicts inherent in a supposedly 'typically female' job/ profession and their male identities.

Die Forderung nach mehr m\u00e4nnlichen Erziehern in Kindertagesst\u00e4tten wird immer lauter. Deshalb hat das \u00f6sterreichische Forschungsprojekt \u201eElementar\u201c in einer bislang einmaligen Studie die Situation m\u00e4nnlicher P\u00e4dagogen im Elementarbereich umfassend untersucht. Die vielf\u00e4ltigen Ergebnisse betonen die Chancen, die mit einer Beteiligung von M\u00e4nnern verbunden sind, fordern aber auch zu einer kritischen und differenzierten Auseinandersetzung mit der Genderthematik im Elementarbereich auf. Aufbauend auf einem umfangreichen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber den aktuellen Forschungsstand wurden sowohl Sch\u00fclerinnen und Sch\u00fcler sowie Auszubildende als auch in der Praxis t\u00e4tige P\u00e4dagoginnen und P\u00e4dagogen mit quantitativen und qualitativen Verfahren befragt. M\u00e4nnliche Auszubildende und Fachkr\u00e4fte wurden durch eine Vollerhebung erfasst. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit statistischen Verfahren und qualitativen Inhaltsanalysen ausgewertet. Erstmals wurden zudem biografische Hintergr\u00fcnde und Identit\u00e4ten m\u00e4nnlicher Elementarp\u00e4dagogen psychoanalytisch untersucht. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass m\u00e4nnliche P\u00e4dagogen in der Praxis und bei Eltern sehr erw\u00fcnscht sind und die p\u00e4dagogische Arbeit in Kitas wesentlich bereichern k\u00f6nnen. Dem stehen jedoch oft Vorurteile und Unsicherheiten gegen\u00fcber, die Jungen und M\u00e4nnern den Einstieg ins Arbeitsfeld erschweren. Dazu geh\u00f6rt nicht zuletzt der \u201eGeneralverdacht\u201c, dass M\u00e4nner im Kindergarten keine \u201erichtigen\u201c M\u00e4nner, schwul oder sogar p\u00e4dophil und m\u00f6gliche Sexualt\u00e4ter seien. Ausgehend von ihren Ergebnissen formulieren die AutorInnen konkrete Handlungsaufforderungen an Forschung, Praxis und Politik."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aigner ,Josef Christian; Rohrmann ,Tim"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["child care, gender, early childhood services, staffing, men, masculinity"]], ["publisher", "Verlag Barbara Budrich"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439215"], ["title", "Elementar \u2013 M\u00e4nner in der p\u00e4dagogischen Arbeit"], ["doab_id", "15303"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783866494886"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866494886"]], [["description", "En divers endroits de Wallonie, l'alt\u00e9ration de l'int\u00e9grit\u00e9 \u00e9cologique de nos rivi\u00e8res a conduit, par le pass\u00e9, \u00e0 la rar\u00e9faction de certaines esp\u00e8ces de poissons, en particulier des esp\u00e8ces patrimoniales \u00e9cologiquement sensibles comme les cyprinid\u00e9s rh\u00e9ophiles. Si la qualit\u00e9 physico-chimique et hydromorphologique de l'habitat s'est aujourd'hui am\u00e9lior\u00e9e, ou est en voie de retrouver un niveau satisfaisant dans de nombreux cours d'eau, la recolonisation piscicole naturelle est parfois lente et des repeuplements de restauration ou de soutien sont n\u00e9cessaires pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer ce processus ou le faciliter dans les secteurs les plus isol\u00e9s.La production de juv\u00e9niles destin\u00e9s au repeuplement n\u00e9cessite la ma\u00eetrise de l'ensemble des phases d'\u00e9levage : la reproduction des g\u00e9niteurs, l'\u00e9levage larvaire, le grossissement des juv\u00e9niles jusqu'\u00e0 la taille commercialisable, ainsi que la croissance et la maturation sexuelle de poissons captifs constituant des nouveaux stocks de reproducteurs. Apr\u00e8s une description de la biologie du barbeau, cet ouvrage aborde les diff\u00e9rentes \u00e9tapes de la production, et envisage la croissance des larves et juv\u00e9niles dans des conditions d'\u00e9levage et des niveaux d'intensification vari\u00e9s. Rassemblant l'ensemble des connaissances acquises sur l'\u00e9levage du barbeau, il constitue un guide technique destin\u00e9 au pisciculteur int\u00e9ress\u00e9 par la production de nouvelles esp\u00e8ces."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent Gennotte; Christian Prignon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/191435"], ["title", "L'\u00e9levage du barbeau en Wallonie"], ["doab_id", "18932"], ["language_unmapped", "fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161425"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161425"]], [["description", "En divers endroits de Wallonie, l'alt\u00e9ration de l'int\u00e9grit\u00e9 \u00e9cologique de nos rivi\u00e8res a conduit, par le pass\u00e9, \u00e0 la rar\u00e9faction de certaines esp\u00e8ces de poissons, en particulier des esp\u00e8ces patrimoniales \u00e9cologiquement sensibles comme les cyprinid\u00e9s rh\u00e9ophiles. Si la qualit\u00e9 physico-chimique et hydromorphologique de l'habitat s'est aujourd'hui am\u00e9lior\u00e9e, ou est en voie de retrouver un niveau satisfaisant dans de nombreux cours d'eau, la recolonisation piscicole naturelle est parfois lente et des repeuplements de restauration ou de soutien sont n\u00e9cessaires pour acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer ce processus ou le faciliter dans les secteurs les plus isol\u00e9s.La production de juv\u00e9niles destin\u00e9s au repeuplement n\u00e9cessite la ma\u00eetrise de l'ensemble des phases d'\u00e9levage : la reproduction des g\u00e9niteurs, l'\u00e9levage larvaire, le grossissement des juv\u00e9niles jusqu'\u00e0 la taille commercialisable, ainsi que la croissance et la maturation sexuelle de poissons captifs constituant des nouveaux stocks de reproducteurs. Apr\u00e8s une description de la biologie du hotu, cet ouvrage aborde les diff\u00e9rentes \u00e9tapes de la production, et envisage la croissance des larves et juv\u00e9niles dans des conditions d'\u00e9levage et des niveaux d'intensification vari\u00e9s. Rassemblant l'ensemble des connaissances acquises sur l'\u00e9levage du hotu, il constitue un guide technique destin\u00e9 au pisciculteur int\u00e9ress\u00e9 par la production de nouvelles esp\u00e8ces."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent Gennotte; Christian Prignon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/191434"], ["title", "L'\u00e9levage du hotu en Wallonie"], ["doab_id", "18931"], ["language_unmapped", "fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161432"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161432"]], [["description", "Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 30 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the XI European Powder Diffraction Conference in Warsaw 2008:Method Development and Application,Instrumental, Software Development, MaterialsSupplement Series of Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247840"], ["title", "Eleventh European Powder Diffraction Conference. Warsaw, September 19-22, 2008"], ["doab_id", "18098"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783486992588", "9783486992571"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486992588, 9783486992571"]], [["description", "This volume consists of a collection of essays by five German scholars from various Italian universities \u2013 R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (editor) \u2013 and N. \u0160libar from the University of Lubiana, that meld formal research and musical pace and structure with the pitiless radicalism and the consistency of the issues addressed, first and foremost the oppression inherent to power relations. In the commitment to reveal the mechanisms of manipulation, from the most obvious to the most subtle, the author herself becomes a manipulator of language of exceptional creativity and daring, with the guiding thread of the gender perspective. The volume is completed by the translation of the speech made by the Austrian writer when she was awarded the Nobel prize in 2004, and by a bibliography (edited by Claudia Vitale), focused in particular on the reception in Italy and on the scarcity of Italian scientific studies.

Elfriede Jelinek. Una prosa altra, un altro teatro \u00e8 una raccolta di saggi, di cinque germaniste di varie universit\u00e0 italiane, R. Calabrese, R. Caruzzi, M. Fancelli, L. Perrone Capano, R. Svandrlik (curatrice), e N. \u0160libar dell'Universit\u00e0 di Lubiana. Le autrici evidenziano come ricerca formale, struttura e andamento musicale si coniugano con la radicalit\u00e0 spietata e con la coerenza dei temi, in primo luogo con la denuncia della sopraffazione all'interno dei rapporti di potere. Nell'impegno a svelare i meccanismi manipolatori, da quelli pi\u00f9 evidenti a quelli pi\u00f9 sottili, l'autrice diventa essa stessa una manipolatrice di linguaggio dall'eccezionale creativit\u00e0 e audacia, con il filo conduttore del punto di vista di genere. Il volume si chiude con la traduzione del discorso che la scrittrice austriaca tenne in occasione del conferimento del Nobel nel 2004, e con una bibliografia (a cura di Claudia Vitale) che d\u00e0 conto in particolare della ricezione in Italia e della scarsit\u00e0 di studi scientifici in ambito italiano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Svandrlik, Rita"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Theatre", "Letteratura", "Teatro"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341469"], ["title", "Elfriede Jelinek"], ["doab_id", "12631"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884537263"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884537263"]], [["description", "The Eloquence of Mary Astell makes an important contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the important role that women, and one woman in particular, played in the history of rhetoric. Mary Astell (1666-1731) was an unusually perceptive thinker and writer during the time of the Enlightenment. Here, author Christine Sutherland explores her importance as a rhetorician, an area that has, until recently, received little attention. Astell was widely known and respected during her own time, but her influence and reputation receded in the years after her death. Her importance as an Enlightenment thinker is becoming more and more recognized, however. As a skilled theorist and practitioner of rhetoric, Astell wrote extensively on education, philosophy, politics, religion, and the status of women. She showed that it was possible for a woman to move from the semi-private form of rhetoric represented by conversation and letters into full public participation in philosophical and political debate. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christine M. Sutherland"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49316/1/UofCPress_EloquenceMaryAstell_2005.pdf"], ["title", "the Eloquence of Mary Astell"], ["doab_id", "15398"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386613"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386613"]], [["description", "Quem tem medo de Hilda Hilst? O dado de provoca\u00e7\u00e3o dessa pergunta ainda se faz presente, passados mais de dez anos de sua morte, em 2004. A escritora, poeta e teatr\u00f3loga, nascida em Ja\u00fa, em 1930, ganha nestes \u00faltimos tempos uma nova leitura e um interesse crescente por sua obra. Em torno de Hilda Hilst \u00e9 um livro que se situa no panorama da leitura atenta, sens\u00edvel e curiosa da obra da autora, reunindo pesquisadores do Brasil e do exterior, amantes dessa chama inquieta que \u00e9 o texto liter\u00e1rio que a escritora paulista t\u00e3o bem soube manter quente e acesa ao longo dos 47 anos de trabalho exclusivo com a literatura. Os leitores que enfrentam o jogo fornecido pela escritora n\u00e3o saem ilesos do ousado universo liter\u00e1rio que ela t\u00e3o bem explorou e que vai do sacro ao metaf\u00edsico, passando pelo er\u00f3tico e pelo campo do amoroso e sublime desejo da morte, sem deixar de se lan\u00e7ar ao combativo discurso pol\u00edtico e social."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reguera, Nilze Maria de Azeredo; Busato, Susanna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wbzch"], ["title", "Em torno de Hilda Hilst"], ["doab_id", "19835"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788568334690"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334690"]], [["description", "Educational systems worldwide are facing an enormous shift as a result of sociocultural, political, economic, and technological changes. The technologies and practices that have developed over the last decade have been heralded as opportunities to transform both online and traditional education systems. While proponents of these new ideas often postulate that they have the potential to address the educational problems facing both students and institutions and that they could provide an opportunity to rethink the ways that education is organized and enacted, there is little evidence of emerging technologies and practices in use in online education. Because researchers and practitioners interested in these possibilities often reside in various disciplines and academic departments the sharing and dissemination of their work across often rigid boundaries is a formidable task.Contributors to Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning include individuals who are shaping the future of online learning with their innovative applications and investigations on the impact of issues such as openness, analytics, MOOCs, and social media. Building on work first published in Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, the contributors to this collection harness the dispersed knowledge in online education to provide a one-stop locale for work on emergent approaches in the field. Their conclusions will influence the adoption and success of these approaches to education and will enable researchers and practitioners to conceptualize, critique, and enhance their understanding of the foundations and applications of new technologies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by George Veletsianos"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["MOOC, open education, learning analytics, social media, applications, Moodle"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120258"], ["title", "Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning: Foundations and Applications"], ["doab_id", "19424"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991490", "9781771991506", "9781771991513", "9781771991520"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991490 9781771991506 9781771991513 9781771991520"]], [["description", "Provides a new account of the emergence of Irish gothic fiction in mid-eighteenth century. This book provides a robustly theorised and thoroughly historicised account of the \u2018beginnings\u2019 of Irish gothic fiction, maps the theoretical terrain covered by other critics, and puts forward a new history of the emergence of the genre in Ireland. The main argument the book makes is that the Irish gothic should be read in the context of the split in Irish Anglican public opinion that opened in the 1750s, and seen as a fictional instrument of liberal Anglican opinion in a changing political landscape. By providing a fully historicized account of the beginnings of the genre in Ireland, the book also\u00a0addresses the theoretical controversies that have bedevilled discussion of the Irish gothic in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The book gives ample space to the critical debate, and rigorously defends a reading of the Irish gothic as an Anglican, Patriot tradition. This reading demonstrates the connections between little-known Irish gothic fictions of the mid-eighteenth century (The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley and Longsword), and the Irish gothic tradition more generally, and also the gothic as a genre of global significance.Key Features* Examines gothic texts including\u00a0Mary Shelley's Frankenstein,\u00a0Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Charles Robert Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer, (Anon), The Adventures of Miss Sophia Berkley and Thomas Leland's Longsword * Provides a rigorous and robust theory of the Irish Gothic * Reads early Irish gothic fully into the political context of mid-eighteenth century IrelandThis title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Killeen ,Jarlath"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Gothic Fiction"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469277"], ["title", "The Emergence of Irish Gothic Fiction - Histories, Origins, Theories"], ["doab_id", "15921"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780748690800", "9780748690817"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780748690800 9780748690817"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of essays by prominent historians from Austria, Germany, Ukraine, Poland and Russia, who undertook a thorough and detailed study of one as yet inadequately researched aspect of the First World War--the occupation of Ukraine by the Central Powers in 1918. The book provides a new and fresh perspective on the historical context of Ukraine\u2019s struggle for independence following the First World War.

Die Ukraine war zu Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges zwischen den Zw\u00e4ngen des zerfallenden Russischen Reiches, den Mittelm\u00e4chten, die gro\u00dfe Gebiete besetzten, und einer starken, aber zersplitterten Unabh\u00e4ngigkeitsbewegung, eingezw\u00e4ngt. Erstmals versucht mit dieser Studie ein internationales Historikerteam mit Materialien aus Archiven in Moskau, St. Petersburg, Kiew, Warschau, Wien, London, Paris, Bern, Prag, Washington und aus den deutschen Archiven ein faszinierendes Bild des Unabh\u00e4ngigkeitszwanges der Ukraine zu zeichnen. Dabei wurde auch ein bisher kaum bearbeitetes Thema aufgebrochen: Die vielfach r\u00fccksichtslose Besatzung des Landes durch deutsche und \u00f6sterreichischungarische Truppen 1918 und ihre Auswirkungen und Folgen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dornik ,Wolfram; Lieb ,Peter; Miller ,Alexei; Leidinger ,Hannes; Kasianov ,Georgiy; Rasevych ,Vasyl; Musial ,Bogdan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["First World War, Ukraine, Russian Civil War, Interwar Years", "Erster Weltkrieg, Ukraine, Russischer B\u00fcrgerkrieg, Zwischenkriegszeit"]], ["publisher", "Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588020"], ["title", "The Emergence of Ukraine"], ["doab_id", "17983"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781894865395"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781894865395"]], [["description", "From the propagation of neural activity through synapses, to the integration of signals in the dendritic arbor, and the processes determining action potential generation, virtually all aspects of neural processing are plastic. This plasticity underlies the remarkable versatility and robustness of cortical circuits: it enables the brain to learn regularities in its sensory inputs, to remember the past, and to recover function after injury. While much of the research into learning and memory has focused on forms of Hebbian plasticity at excitatory synapses (LTD/LTP, STDP), several other plasticity mechanisms have been characterized experimentally, including the plasticity of inhibitory circuits (Kullmann, 2012), synaptic scaling (Turrigiano, 2011) and intrinsic plasticity (Zhang and Linden, 2003). However, our current understanding of the computational roles of these plasticity mechanisms remains rudimentary at best. While traditionally they are assumed to serve a homeostatic purpose, counterbalancing the destabilizing effects of Hebbian learning, recent work suggests that they can have a profound impact on circuit function (Savin 2010, Vogels 2011, Keck 2012). Hence, theoretical investigation into the functional implications of these mechanisms may shed new light on the computational principles at work in neural circuits. This Research Topic of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience aims to bring together recent advances in theoretical modeling of different plasticity mechanisms and of their contributions to circuit function. Topics of interest include the computational roles of plasticity of inhibitory circuitry, metaplasticity, synaptic scaling, intrinsic plasticity, plasticity within the dendritic arbor and in particular studies on the interplay between homeostatic and Hebbian plasticity, and their joint contribution to network function."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cristina Savin; Matthieu Gilson; Friedemann Zenke"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["synaptic plasticity", "Homeostasis", "STDP", "inhibitory plasticity", "Intrinsic Plasticity", "structural plasticity", "heterosynaptic plasticity", "metaplasticity", "short-term plasticity", "reward-modulated learning"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2004/emergent-neural-computation-from-the-interaction-of-different-forms-of-plasticity"], ["title", "Emergent neural computation from the interaction of different forms of plasticity"], ["doab_id", "18903"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197880"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197880"]], [["description", "In 2011, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in collaboration with leaders from the pharmaceutical industry and the academic community, published a white paper describing the emerging discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP), and recommended the establishment of NIH-supported interdisciplinary research and training programs for QSP. QSP is still in its infancy, but has tremendous potential to change the way we approach biomedical research. QSP is really the integration of two disciplines that have been increasingly useful in biomedical research; \u201cSystems Biology\u201d and \u201cQuantitative Pharmacology\u201d. Systems Biology is the field of biomedical research that seeks to understand the relationships between genes and biologically active molecules to develop qualitative models of these systems; and Quantitative Pharmacology is the field of biomedical research that seeks to use computer aided modeling and simulation to increase our understanding of the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of drugs, and to aid in the design of pre-clinical and clinical experiments. The purpose of QSP modeling is to develop quantitative computer models of biological systems and disease processes, and the effects of drug PK and PD on those systems. QSP models allow testing of numerous potential experiments \u201cin-silico\u201d to eliminate those associated with a low probability of success, avoiding the potential costs of evaluating all of those failed experiments in the real world. At the same time, QSP models allow us to develop our understanding of the interaction between drugs and biological systems in a more systematic and rigorous manner. As the need to be more cost-efficient in the use of research funding increases, biomedical researchers will be required to gain the maximum insight from each experiment that is conducted. This need is even more acute in the pharmaceutical industry, where there is tremendous competition to develop innovative therapies in a highly regulated environment, combined with very high research and development (R&D) costs for bringing new drugs to market (~$1.3 billion/drug). Analogous modeling & simulation approaches have been successfully integrated into other disciplines to improve the fundamental understanding of the science and to improve the efficiency of R&D (e.g., physics, engineering, economics, etc.). The biomedical research community has been slow to integrate computer aided modeling & simulation for many reasons: including the perception that biology and pharmacology are \u201ctoo complex\u201d and \u201ctoo variable\u201d to be modeled with mathematical equations; a lack of adequate graduate training programs; and the lack of support from government agencies that fund biomedical research. However, there is an active community of researchers in the pharmaceutical industry, the academic community, and government agencies that develop QSP and quantitative systems biology models and apply them both to better characterize and predict drug pharmacology and disease processes; as well as to improve efficiency and productivity in pharmaceutical R&D."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tarek A. Leil; Sergey Ermakov"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Quantitative Systems Pharmacology", "Systems Biology", "Pharmacodynamics", "pharmacokinetics", "Pharmaceutical R&D", "Computational Biology", "In-silico", "Modeling & Simulation", "Multi-scale modeling", "pharmacometrics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2103/the-emerging-discipline-of-quantitative-systems-pharmacology"], ["title", "The Emerging Discipline of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology"], ["doab_id", "19545"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196425"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196425"]], [["description", "The development and function of the immune system is dependent on interactions between haematopoietic cells and non-hematopoietic stromal cells. The non-hematopoietic stromal cells create the microenvironment in which the immune system operates, providing an architectural landscape for hematopoietic cell-cell interactions and molecular cues governing haematopoietic cell positioning, growth and survival. Not surprisingly, therefore, aberrant stromal cell function has recently been shown to play a key role in the development of disease pathologies associated with immune dysfunction. For example, remodelling of lymphoid tissue stroma and the development of ectopic tertiary lymphoid tissues are characteristic of many infectious and inflammatory diseases and stromal cells have a recognised role in lymphoma and tumour development and resistance to therapy. An increased understanding of the molecular basis of stromal cell differentiation and function in these varied contexts will provide new tools to promote research on stromal cell biology and immune dysfunction, and potential new targets for therapeutic intervention in diseases with a major impact on public health. The importance of stromal cells and the molecular mechanisms of stromal cell function in the regulation of immune responses have only recently been appreciated and thus represent an exciting new area in immunology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Burkhard Ludewig; Mark Christopher Coles; Paul Kaye; Christopher G Mueller"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["lymphoid tissue", "development", "inflammation", "fibroblast reticular cells", "endothelial cells"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/463/emerging-immune-functions-of-non-hematopoietic-stromal-cells"], ["title", "Emerging immune functions of non-hematopoietic stromal cells"], ["doab_id", "17691"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193622"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193622"]], [["description", "Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a new class of transcripts that are in general longer than 200 nucleotides and that have no protein-coding potential. The vast majority of vertebrate genomes encode diverse and complex lncRNAs that play regulatory roles at almost every step of gene expression. Recently, increasing evidence has implicated lncRNAs in the pathogenesis of various human diseases. The purpose of the Research Topic, \"Emerging roles of long noncoding RNAs in neurological diseases and metabolic disorders\", is to bring together leading researchers in the field who, through contributing to an organized and comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed articles, provide a broad perspective on the latest advances in the field. A number of interesting and cutting-edge areas will be covered as below, but this list is not exclusive:- The methodologies and technologies of identifying and studying lncRNAs - LncRNAs in gene-specific transcription - LncRNAs in epigenetic regulation - LncRNAs in post-transcriptional regulation - LncRNAs in disease - Mapping of noncoding single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with disease."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yingqun Huang; Romano Regazzi; William Cho"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["lncRNA", "Neurological Diseases", "Metabolism", "Beta-cell", "diabetes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1839/emerging-roles-of-long-noncoding-rnas-in-neurological-diseases-and-metabolic-disorders"], ["title", "Emerging roles of long noncoding RNAs in neurological diseases and metabolic disorders"], ["doab_id", "18559"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195718"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195718"]], [["description", "A one-stop knowledge resource, Emerging Technologies in Distance Education showcases the international work of research scholars and innovative distance education practitioners who use emerging interactive technologies for teaching and learning at a distance. This widely anticipated book harnesses the dispersed knowledge of international experts who highlight pedagogical, organizational, cultural, social, and economic factors that influence the adoption and integration of emerging technologies in distance education. Emerging Technologies in Distance Education provides expert advice on how educators can launch effective and engaging distance education initiatives in response to technological advancements, changing mindsets, and economic and organizational pressures. The volume goes beyond the hype surrounding Web 2.0 technologies and highlights the important issues that researchers and educators need to consider to enhance educational practice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "George Veletsianos"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["education", "distance learning", "pedagogy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120177"], ["title", "Emerging Technologies in Distance Education"], ["doab_id", "14434"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425763", "9781897425770"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425763 9781897425770"]], [["description", "Increasingly, efforts to promote and measure physical activity are achieving greater precision, greater ease of use, and/or greater scope by incorporating emerging technologies. This is significant for physical activity promotion because more precise measurement will allow investigators to better understand where, when, and how physical activity is and is not occurring, thus enabling more effective targeting of particular behavior settings. Emerging technologies associated with the measurement and evaluation of physical activity are noteworthy because: (1) Their ease of use and transferability can greatly increase external validity of measures and findings; (2) Technologies can significantly increase the ability to analyze patterns; (3) They can improve the ongoing, systematic collection and analysis of public health surveillance due to real-time capabilities associated with many emerging technologies; (4) There is a need for research and papers about the cyberinfrastructure required to cope with big data (multiple streams, processing, aggregation, visualization, etc.); and (5) Increasingly blurred boundaries between measurement and intervention activity (e.g., the quantified-self /self-tracking movement) may necessitate a reevaluation of the conventional scientific model for designing and evaluating these sorts of studies. There have been many recent, disparate advances related to this topic. Advances such as crowdsourcing allow for input from large, diverse audiences that can help to identify and improve infrastructure for activity (e.g., large group identification of environmental features that are conducive or inhibiting to physical activity on a national and even global scale). Technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and accelerometry are now available in many mobile phones and can be used for identifying and promoting activity and also understanding naturalistically-occurring activity. SenseCam and other personal, visual devices and mobile apps provide person point of view context to physical activity lifestyle and timing. Further, multiple sensor systems are enabling better identification of types of activities (like stair climbing and jumping) that could not previously be identified readily using objective measures like pedometers or accelerometers in isolation. The ability of activity sensors to send data to remote servers allows for the incorporation of online technology (e.g., employing an online social-network as a source of inspiration or accountability to achieve physical activity goals), and websites such as Stickk.com enable individuals to make public contracts visible to other users and also incorporates financial incentives and disincentives in order to promote behaviors including physical activity. In addition, the increasing use of active-gaming (e.g., Wii, XBox Kinect) in homes, schools, and other venues further underscores the growing link between technology and physical activity. Improvements in mathematical models and computer algorithms also allow greater capacity for classifying and evaluating physical activity, improving consistency across research studies. Emerging technologies in the promotion and evaluation of physical activity is a significant area of interest because of its ability to greatly increase the amount and quality of global recorded measurements of PA patterns and its potential to more effectively promote PA. Emerging technologies related to physical activity build on our own and others\u2019 interdisciplinary collaborations in employing technology to address public health challenges. This research area is innovative in that is uses emerging resources including social media, crowdsourcing, and online gaming to better understand patterns of physical activity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dan J Graham; James Aaron Hipp; Simon Marshall; Jacqueline Kerr"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["physical activity", "Emerging technology", "Global Positioning Systems", "GPS", "accelerometers", "smartphone app", "built environment", "Online", "Interventions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1697/emerging-technologies-to-promote-and-evaluate-physical-activity"], ["title", "Emerging Technologies to Promote and Evaluate Physical Activity"], ["doab_id", "17849"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192984"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192984"]], [["description", "Zoonoses are currently considered as one of the most important threats for public health worldwide. Zoonoses can be defined as any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate or invertebrate animals to humans and vice-versa. Approximately 75% of recently emerging infectious diseases affecting humans are diseases of animal origin; approximately 60% of all human pathogens are zoonotic. All types of potential pathogenic agents, including viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi, can cause these zoonotic infections. From the wide range of potential vectors of zoonoses, insects are probably those of major significance due to their abundance, high plasticity and adaptability to different kinds of pathogens, high degrees of synanthropism in several groups and difficulties to apply effective programs of population control. Although ticks, flies, cockroaches, bugs and fleas are excellent insects capable to transmit viruses, parasites and bacteria, undoubtedly mosquitoes are the most important disease vectors. Mosquito borne diseases like malaria, dengue, equine encephalitis, West Nile, Mayaro or Chikungunya are zoonoses with increasing incidence in last years in tropical and temperate countries. Vertebrates can also transmit serious zoonoses, highlighting the role of some carnivorous animals in rabies dissemination or the spread of rodent borne diseases in several rural and urban areas. Moreover, the significance of other food borne zoonoses such as taeniasis, trichinellosis or toxoplasmosis may not been underestimated. According to WHO, FAO and OIE guidelines an emerging zoonotic disease can be defined as a zoonosis that is newly recognized or newly evolved, or that has occurred previously but shows an increase of incidence or expansion in geographical, host or vector range. There are many factors that can provoke or accelerate the emergence of zoonoses, such as environmental changes, habitat modifications, variations of human and animal demography, pathogens and vectors anomalous mobilization related with human practices and globalization, deterioration of the strategies of vector control or changes in pathogen genetics. To reduce public health risks from zoonoses is absolutely necessary to acquire an integrative perspective that includes the study of the complexity of interactions among humans, animals and environment in order to be able to fight against these issues of primary interest for human health. In any case, although zoonoses represent significant public health threats, many of them still remain as neglected diseases and consequently are not prioritized by some health international organisms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ruben Bueno-Mari; A. Paulo Gouveia Almeida; Juan Carlos Navarro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["zoonoses", "emerging infectious diseases", "epidemiology", "one health", "vector borne diseases", "arbovirus", "trypanosomatids", "Borrelia", "rickettsiae", "Brucella"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2300/emerging-zoonoses-eco-epidemiology-involved-mechanisms-and-public-health-implications"], ["title", "Emerging Zoonoses: Eco-Epidemiology, Involved Mechanisms and Public Health Implications"], ["doab_id", "17551"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196180"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196180"]], [["description", "This book contains the full text of the letters from Emil Artin to Helmut Hasse, as they are preserved in the Handschriftenabteilung of the G\u00f6ttingen University Library. There are 49 such letters, written in the years 1923-1934, discussing mathematical problems of the time. The corresponding letters in the other direction, i.e., from Hasse to Artin, seem to be lost. We have supplemented Artin\u2018s letters by detailed comments, combined with a description of the mathematical environment of Hasse and Artin, and of the relevant literature. In this way it has become possible to sufficiently reconstruct the content of the corresponding letters from Hasse to Artin too. Artin and Hasse were among those who shaped modern algebraic number theory, in particular class field theory. Their correspondence admits a view of the ideas which led to the great achievements of their time, starting from Artin\u2018s L-series and his reciprocity law towards Hasse\u2018s norm symbol, local class field theory and the Local-Global Principle. These letters are a valuable source for understanding the rise and development of mathematical ideas and notions as we see them today. The book is a follow-up of our earlier book on the correspondence between Hasse and Emmy Noether. It is thus the second of a series which aims to open access to the rich collection of Hasse\u2018s mathematical letters and notes contained in the G\u00f6ttingen Handschriftenabteilung.

This book contains the full text of the letters from Emil Artin to Helmut Hasse, as they are preserved in the Handschriftenabteilung of the G\u00f6ttingen University Library. There are 49 such letters, written in the years 1923-1934, discussing mathematical problems of the time. The corresponding letters in the other direction, i.e., from Hasse to Artin, seem to be lost. We have supplemented Artin\u2018s letters by detailed comments, combined with a description of the mathematical environment of Hasse and Artin, and of the relevant literature. In this way it has become possible to sufficiently reconstruct the content of the corresponding letters from Hasse to Artin too. Artin and Hasse were among those who shaped modern algebraic number theory, in particular class field theory. Their correspondence admits a view of the ideas which led to the great achievements of their time, starting from Artin\u2018s L-series and his reciprocity law towards Hasse\u2018s norm symbol, local class field theory and the Local-Global Principle. These letters are a valuable source for understanding the rise and development of mathematical ideas and notions as we see them today. The book is a follow-up of our earlier book on the correspondence between Hasse and Emmy Noether. It is thus the second of a series which aims to open access to the rich collection of Hasse\u2018s mathematical letters and notes contained in the G\u00f6ttingen Handschriftenabteilung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Emil Artin; Helmut Hasse; Frei, G\u00fcnther; Lemmermeyer, Franz; Roquette, Peter"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["history of mathematics", "history of mathematics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610186"], ["title", "Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse - Die Korrespondenz 1923-1934"], ["doab_id", "13241"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344502"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344502"]], [["description", "Emotions play a central role in every human life, from the moment we are born until we die. They prepare the body for action, guide decisions, and highlight what should be noticed and remembered. Since emotions are central to daily functioning and well-being, it is important to understand the extent to which aging affects the perception of, attention to, memory for, as well as experience and regulation of emotions. An early scientific view of how people's emotions are affected by aging argued that aging led to a deterioration of emotional function. This theory, represented by for example Carl Jung (1875-1961), claimed that old age is a period of life when people feel an increased emotional sameness and less emotional energy. According to this scientific view, the aging emotional landscape was bleached, barren, and flattened. Current psychological research, however, shows that emotion is rather a psychological domain that is relatively unaffected by the aging process or even improves with age, in contrast to most cognitive functions. For example, even though there is evidence that aging is associated with deficits in emotion recognition, various emotional functions seem to remain intact or become better with age, such as the ability to regulate one\u2019s emotions or the extent of experiencing positive emotions. However, more research is needed to determine brain and behavior related, quantitative and qualitative age-related changes of different aspects of emotion processing and emotional functioning. In the current Frontiers research topic we aim to present exciting new findings related to the effects of healthy aging on both more perceptually driven bottom-up as well as more cognitively driven top-down aspects of emotions. In particular, questions such as the following need to be raised and addressed: What neural and behavioral processes are underlying age differences in emotion perception and memory for emotional information? Are there differences between how older and younger adults experience and regulate their emotions, and what drives these differences? Is there a gradual reduction or more of a qualitative change of our emotional experiences over the life cycle, from the turbulent childhood and youth to the mellower old age? And what aspects of age-related changes in emotional processing can be explained by age-related changes in the brain, and which are more affected by other factors such as changes in other body systems, in experiential processes, or in overall life goals?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Natalie Ebner; Hakan Fischer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Aging", "Brain", "Behavior", "emotional experience", "Emotional perception", "emotional regulation", "emotional attention", "Emotional Memory", "Brain-Behavior Links", "Cognition-Emotion Interactions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1615/emotion-and-aging-recent-evidence-from-brain-and-behavior"], ["title", "Emotion and Aging: Recent Evidence from Brain and Behavior"], ["doab_id", "18180"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194254"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194254"]], [["description", "From the commemoration of September 11 to the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, recent decades have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of new public memorials built in both Europe and the United States. This volume considers the contemporary explosion of public commemoration in terms of changed cultural and social practices of mourning, memory, and public feeling. Positing memorials as the physical and visual embodiment of our affective responses to loss, Erika Doss focuses especially on the memorial ephemera of flowers, candles, balloons, and cards placed at sites of tragic death in order to better comprehend how grief is mediated in contemporary commemorative cultures.

De laatste jaren neemt het aantal publieke gedenkplaatsen in Europa en de VS enorm toe. Met bloemen, kaarsen, ballonnen, handgeschreven berichten en pluche beesten, cree\u00ebren we tijdelijke gedenkplaatsen om zo een tragische of traumatische dood te verwerken. In The Emotional Life of Contemporary Public Memorials gaat Erika Doss in op deze explosie van publieke gedenkingen. Ze neemt daarbij nieuwe rituelen van rouw, herinnering en publieke gevoelens in beschouwing. Gedenkplaatsen, zo stelt zij, zijn een visuele uiting van publieke affectie. Hun betekenis vraagt om een kennistheorie gebaseerd op historische context, sociale betekenis en emotionele omstandigheden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Doss ,Erika"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "Culture and institutions", "Anthropology", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Culture and instituten", "Anthropologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340039"], ["title", "The Emotional Life of Contemporary Public Memorials : Towards a Theory of Temporary Memorials"], ["doab_id", "12758"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640185"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640185"]], [["description", "Highly emotional events tend to be well remembered. The adaptive value in this is clear \u2013 those events that have a bearing on survival should be stored for future use as long-term memories whereas memories of inconsequential events would not as likely contribute to future survival. Enduring changes in the structure and function of synapses, neural circuitry, and ultimately behavior, can be modulated by highly aversive or rewarding experiences. In the last decade, the convergence of cellular, molecular, and systems neuroscience has produced new insights into the biological mechanisms that determine whether a memory will be stored for the long-term or lost forever. This Research Topic brings together leading experts, who work at multiple levels of analysis, to reveal recent discoveries and concepts regarding the synaptic mechanisms of consolidation and extinction of emotionally arousing memories."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christa McIntyre; Jonathan Eric Ploski"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["CREB", "Amygdala", "reconsolidation", "extinction", "Fear conditioning", "gamma oscillations", "Sleep", "posttraumatic stress disorder", "Brain Stimulation", "BDNF", "PDE4", "ubiquitin-proteasome system"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1805/emotional-modulation-of-the-synapse"], ["title", "Emotional Modulation of the Synapse"], ["doab_id", "19514"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196067"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196067"]], [["description", "This volume draws together three core concerns for the social sciences: the senses and embodiment, emotions, and space and place. The chapters engage with intersections between space, sense and emotion through a range of experiences and activities including dance, bullfights, healing ceremonies, celebrations and music. The authors herein critically examine diverse contexts, in and through which relations between sensate bodies, spaces and places, and emotions are constituted. The chapters draw on long-term ethnographic fieldwork from which the authors critically engage with their material on a fundamental level and contribute to contemporary debates about the nature and experience of emotions, the sensing body, and spaces and places."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["emotions", "senses", "spaces", "ethnography", "ethnographic", "ethnographic intersections", "dancing for joy", "papua new guinea", "alison dundon", "vibe", "hip hop scene", "hip hop concerts", "diane rodgers", "pontic dance", "valerie liddle", "sociotechnical networks", "interspecies edgework", "spanish bullfight from horseback", "rejoneo", "kirrilly thompson", "sensual feasting", "susan r. hemer", "nepal", "anxious spaces", "sarah homan", "interrupted research", "anthony heathcote", "reikim voices in the park", "judith haines", "ngadha", "flores", "jayne curnow", "wine", "mclaren vale", "william skinner"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617262"], ["title", "Emotions, Senses, Spaces: Ethnographic Engagements and Intersections"], ["doab_id", "19786"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261271"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261271"]], [["description", "Empire Girls: the colonial heroine comes of age is a critical examination of three novels by writers from different regions of the British Empire: Olive Schreiner\u2019s The Story of An African Farm (South Africa), Sara Jeannette Duncan\u2019s A Daughter of Today (Canada) and Henry Handel Richardson\u2019s The Getting of Wisdom (Australia). All three novels commence as conventional Bildungsromane, yet the plots of all diverge from the usual narrative structure, as a result of both their colonial origins and the clash between their aspirational heroines and the plots available to them. In an analysis including gender, empire, nation and race, Empire Girls provides new critical perspectives on the ways in which this dominant narrative form performs very differently when taken out of its metropolitan setting."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Treagus ,Mandy"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["empire girls", "colonial heroine", "mandy treagus", "bildungsroman", "othering", "canadadian literature", "australian literature", "south african literature", "feminism", "female protagonist", "the story of an african farm", "a daughter of today", "the getting of wisdom", "olive schreiner", "sara jeanette duncan", "henry handel richardson", "white women's writing", "kunstlerromanimperialism", "brithish empire"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560095"], ["title", "Empire Girls: the colonial heroine comes of age"], ["doab_id", "15975"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064554"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064554"]], [["description", "Throughout much of the history of linguistics, grammaticality judgments \u2013 intuitions about the well-formedness of sentences \u2013 have constituted most of the empirical base against which theoretical hypothesis have been tested. Although such judgments often rest on subtle intuitions, there is no systematic methodology for eliciting them, and their apparent instability and unreliability have led many to conclude that they should be abandoned as a source of data."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sch\u00fctze T. ,Carson"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["linguistic methodology", "grammaticality judgements", "intuition"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603356"], ["title", "The empirical base of linguistics: Grammaticality judgments and linguistic methodology"], ["doab_id", "18635"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234036", "9783946234043"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234036 9783946234043"]], [["description", "Why did some economies experience a boom in the 1990s? Employment 'Miracles' comparatively analyses select miracle economies. The contributors to the volume critically analyze how the small size and institutional structure of seven countries like the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland accounted for their success and status as economic models. Comparisons with the American and German markets reveal how differing policies - liberal versus corporatist/social democratic - determine job growth and levels of income inequality and poverty. The book also stresses the explanatory relevance of lucky circumstances such as the housing price bubble. Employment 'Miracles' is an important resource for political scientists and economists in their study of employment development.

Was de 'miraculeuze' ontwikkeling van de werkgelegenheid in de jaren '90 en net na de eeuwwisseling in onder andere Australi\u00eb, Nederland en Denemarken inderdaad een wonder, of lag hieraan een uitgekiende strategie ten grondslag? Meestal wordt de oorzaak gezocht in het economisch beleid en de loonmatiging zoals vastgelegd in cao's, die een toenemende export en een afnemende werkloosheid tot gevolg zouden hebben gehad. Dit vijfde deel in de serie \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=29\">Changing Welfare States laat zien dat toevallige omstandigheden minstens zo belangrijk zijn voor de banengroei als een weloverwogen beleid. Opvallend is vooral de invloed van een sterke huizenmarkt op de economische groei en werkgelegenheid. Loonmatiging, vaak beschouwd als doorslaggevende factor, maakt daarentegen weinig verschil. Hetzelfde geldt voor neoliberale stokpaardjes als het snijden in de uitkeringen en flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt om een sterke concurrentiepositie te behouden. Becker en Schwartz laten zien dat de meeste van de onderzochte landen, vooral Scandinavische, door de handhaving van een genereus sociaal bestel een re\u00ebel alternatief bieden voor de dominante liberale weg naar werkgelegenheidsgroei."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Becker ,Uwe; Schwartz ,Herman"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340206"], ["title", "Employment 'Miracles' : A Critical Comparison of the Dutch, Scandinavian, Swiss, Australian and Irish Cases versus Germany and the US"], ["doab_id", "12889"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567555"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567555"]], [["description", "Catholic project of the Good Press and its impact on Chilean society of the early twentieth century"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Loyola ,Manuel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Catholic press", "religion", "ideological struggle"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617563"], ["title", "En contra de los imp\u00edos. La Actuaci\u00f3n de la Buena Prensa Cat\u00f3lica en la Arquidi\u00f3cesis de Santiago, 1906-1936"], ["doab_id", "19142"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416317"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416317"]], [["description", "Personal psychological growthWhy are some people able to promote their own psychological growth (bold tag) and change toward complexity while others not? Is it possible to propose simple methodologies and instruments that would allow selection of positive experiences and hence develop a stronger and richer Self? This book describes the way to promote and foster positive psychological growth in everyday life, through simple instruments accessible to anyone.Positive psychological experienceThe focal point of the approach is the concept of Flow of Consciousness, an experience of subjective psychological wellbeing that nourishes and complexifies the Self. The authors propose a wide overview of positive psychological experience (bold tag) considering individual characteristics and experiences, as well as the influence of context, culture and social relationship, and the effects of the immersion in a globalized world, like the increasing daily use of mediated communication technologies. In the various chapters, this conceptual frame is declined in different areas of research, either consolidated ones or new fields.Self-development tipsIn a fresh and engaging style, the book transports the readers in a world of situations and opportunities through which they can identify themselves in a positive and stable self-development (bold tag) process. In the first two chapters the authors describe the impact of positive psychological experience in social and individual life. In the following chapters the reader discovers, accompanied by the exposition of concrete research results, the specific characteristics that may promote flow experience in several field of experience: the use of communication technology; the experience of social-networks; clinical settings and Psychotherapy; the psychological relation with environment, politics and social participation, school, sports, family business, mentor's influence, and the perception of quality of life in daytime.Everyday opportunitiesThis opportunity of interacting with different and various kinds of experiences, that may appear dispersive, will on the contrary bring the reader - who may choose this book both for professional or personal reasons - to understand the concept of personal psychological growth in the wider and more concrete perspective, and to comprehend which personal skills he may bring into play in order to improve his personality and his daily experience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Inghilleri, Paolo; Riva, Giuseppe; Riva, Eleonora"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Positive Psychology", " Flow of Consciousness", " Psychological Change", " Subjective experience", " Identity development", " Cultural Artifacts"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449663"], ["title", "Enabling Positive Change. Flow and Complexity in Daily Experience"], ["doab_id", "16877"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110410242"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110410242"]], [["description", "The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging network superstructure that will connect physical resources and actual users. It will support an ecosystem of smart applications and services bringing hyper-connectivity to our society by using augmented and rich interfaces. Whereas in the beginning IoT referred to the advent of barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which helped to automate inventory, tracking and basic identification, today IoT is characterized by a dynamic trend toward connecting smart sensors, objects, devices, data and applications. The next step will be \u201ccognitive IoT,\u201d facilitating object and data re-use across application domains and leveraging hyper-connectivity, interoperability solutions and semantically enriched information distribution.The Architectural Reference Model (ARM), presented in this book by the members of the IoT-A project team driving this harmonization effort, makes it possible to connect vertically closed systems, architectures and application areas so as to create open interoperable systems and integrated environments and platforms. It constitutes a foundation from which software companies can capitalize on the benefits of developing consumer-oriented platforms including hardware, software and services.The material is structured in two parts. Part A introduces the general concepts developed for and applied in the ARM. It is aimed at end users who want to use IoT technologies, managers interested in understanding the opportunities generated by these novel technologies, and system architects who are interested in an overview of the underlying basic models. It also includes several case studies to illustrate how the ARM has been used in real-life scenarios. Part B then addresses the topic at a more detailed technical level and is targeted at readers with a more scientific or technical background. It provides in-depth guidance on the ARM, including a detailed description of a process for generating concrete architectures, as well as reference manuals with guidelines on how to use the various models and perspectives presented to create a concrete architecture. Furthermore, best practices and tips on how system engineers can use the ARM to develop specific IoT architectures for dedicated IoT solutions are illustrated and exemplified in reverse mapping exercises of existing standards and platforms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alessandro Bassi; Martin Bauer; Martin Fiedler; Rob van Kranenburg; Sebastian Lange; Stefan Meissner; Thorsten Kramp"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Business Information Systems", "Ubiquitous Computing", "Reference Architecture", "Spatio-Temporal Systems", "Smart Objects", "Supply Chain Management", "IoT", "SCM", "Web Applications", "Internet of Things", "Smart Homes", "RFID"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-40403-0"], ["title", "Enabling Things to Talk"], ["doab_id", "15697"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642404023", "9783642404030"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642404023 (Print) 9783642404030 (Online)"]], [["description", "El libro re\u00fane datos bibliogr\u00e1ficos y resume aportaciones de grandes maestros y de finos eruditos, que han consagrado mucho de su tiempo a perseguir la presencia de aquellos preclaros escritores de la Antig\u00fcedad grecolatina en la Tradici\u00f3n occidental. Lo m\u00e1s novedoso de este volumen es su inter\u00e9s por la tradici\u00f3n medieval hisp\u00e1nica, tan olvidada por los grandes maestros, deslumbrados -no sin raz\u00f3n- por las tradiciones culturales francesa, italiana y anglosajona. Se exponen en primer lugar -de lo general a lo particular- los procedimientos hermen\u00e9uticos con que los predecesores en el Medievo se han acercado a los textos antiguos. Despu\u00e9s, se ofrece una visi\u00f3n general de la presencia de los cl\u00e1sicos en las bibliotecas medievales, para continuar con la presencia de esos mismos autores en los textos medievales. Para concluir, se intenta una semblanza de los principales \"humanistas\" hisp\u00e1nicos hasta finales del siglo XV. El concepto de humanismo utilizado es amplio y muy discutible, pero claro y \u00fatil en este trabajo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Crosas L\u00f3pez, Francisco"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Literatura espa\u00f1ola", "Historia y cr\u00edtica", "Influencias literarias", "Spanish literature", "History and criticism"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/8346/BIAN_21.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "De enanos y gigantes. Tradici\u00f3n cl\u00e1sica en la cultura medieval hisp\u00e1nica"], ["doab_id", "16181"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498499070"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498499070"]], [["description", "First published in Germany in 1929, The End and the Beginning is a lively memoir of a vanished world and of a rebellious young woman\u2019s struggle to achieve independence.Born in 1883 into a distinguished and wealthy aristocratic family of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hermynia Zur M\u00fchlen spent much of her childhood traveling in Europe and North Africa with her diplomat father. After five years on her German husband\u2019s estate in czarist Russia she broke with both her family and her husband and set out on a precarious career as a professional writer committed to socialism. As well as translating many leading contemporary authors, notably Upton Sinclair, into German, she herself published an impressive number of politically engaged novels, detective stories, short stories, and children\u2019s fairy tales. Because of her outspoken opposition to National Socialism, she had to flee her native Austria in 1938 and seek refuge in England, where she died, virtually penniless, in 1951.This revised and corrected translation of Zur M\u00fchlen\u2019s memoir\u2014with extensive notes and an essay on the author by Lionel Gossman\u2014will appeal especially to readers interested in women\u2019s history, World War I, and the culture and politics of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Seven free online supplements are also provided, containing additional original material including a selection of newly translated stories by Zur M\u00fchlen, biographical essays by Gossman and a portfolio of images."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zur M\u00fchlen, Hermynia (Author); Gossman, Lionel (Editor)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["World War I", "First World War", "Great War", "women's history", "memoir", "biography", "autobiography", "Germany", "European History", "German literature", "Austrian literature", "feminism", "Nazism", "Austro-Hungarian Empire"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/65"], ["title", "The End and the Beginning: The Book of My Life"], ["doab_id", "14488"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924287"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924287"]], [["description", "Ireland appears to be in the throes of a remarkable process of social change. Over the last decade, the apparently inescapable status of the twenty-six counties as an economic casualty has been dramatically reversed. In recent years, it has become commonplace for the Irish Republic to register formal rates of economic growth that are the envy of every other western European state. The purpose of this exciting new book is to systematically scrutinise the interpretations and prescriptions that inform the deceptively simple metaphor of the 'Celtic Tiger'. The standpoint of the book is that a more critical approach to the course of development being followed by the Republic is urgently required. The essays collected here set out to expose the fallacies that drive the fashionable rhetoris of Tigerhood. Four of these fallacies - that Ireland has cast off the chains of economic dependency, that everyone is benefiting from the economic recovery, that personal freedom and liberty are at an unprecedented level for all citizens, and that Ireland is also experiencing a period of strong cultural renaissance - are vigorously challenged. An esteemed list of contributors deal with issues such as immigration, women's issues, globalisation, and changing economic and social conditions. This book will be essential reading for all students of modern Ireland."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coulter ,Colin; Coleman ,Steve"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["celtic", "ireland", "irish", "economy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341380"], ["title", "The end of Irish history?: Reflections on the Celtic Tiger"], ["doab_id", "12577"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062308"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062308"]], [["description", "Masculinity? This book attempts to answer this one-word question by revisiting key philosophical concepts in the construction of masculinity, not in order to re-write or debunk them again, but in order to provide a radically new departure to what masculinity means today. This new departure focuses on an understanding of sexuality and gender that is neither structured in oppositional terms (masculine-feminine, male-female, man-woman) nor in performative terms (for which the opposition remains always secretly in play), but in a perpendicular relation akin to that which brings space and time together. In doing so, this book doesn\u2019t aim to establish yet another theory within the field of masculism or men\u2019s studies, but to put forward a personal account of how a revised understanding of the relationship between space, time, and gender can thoroughly alter concepts of masculinity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean-Paul Martinon"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["biography, gender and sexuality, masculinity, men, queer studies"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-end-of-man/"], ["title", "The End of Man"], ["doab_id", "16026"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615766782"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615766782"]], [["description", "Our fear of the world ending, like our fear of the dark, is ancient, deep-seated and perennial. It crosses boundaries of space and time, recurs in all human communities and finds expression in every aspect of cultural production \u2013 from pre-historic cave paintings to high-tech computer games.This book examines historical and imaginary scenarios of Apocalypse, the depiction of its likely triggers, and imagined landscapesin the aftermath of global destruction. Its discussion moves effortlessly from classic novels including Aldous Huxley\u2019s Brave New World, George Orwell\u2019s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood\u2019s Oryx and Crake, to blockbuster films such as Blade Runner, Armageddon and The Terminator. The author also takes into account religious doctrine, scientific research and the visual arts to create a penetrating, multi-disciplinary study that provides profound insight into one of Western culture\u2019s darkest and most enduring preoccupations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lisboa, Maria Manuel (Author)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Apocalypse", "Brave New World", "Nineteen Eighty-Four", "1984", "Oryx and Crake", "Blade Runner", "Armageddon", "Harry Potter", "Terminator", "cultural studies", "film studies", "literature", "Margaret Atwood", "George Orwell", "Aldous Huxley", "Douglas Adams", "John Wyndham"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/106"], ["title", "The End of the World: Apocalypse and its Aftermath in Western Culture"], ["doab_id", "14496"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924515"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924515"]], [["description", "Usando metodologia origin\u00e1ria da antropologia social e cultural, os autores exploram as representa\u00e7\u00f5es e estrat\u00e9gias de pacientes e dos trabalhadores de sa\u00fade envolvidos com a hansen\u00edase e desevendam a trama de rela\u00e7\u00f5es, preconceitos e medos que essa doen\u00e7a apresenta. Estigma, depress\u00e3o, nega\u00e7\u00e3o da enfermidade, desconfian\u00e7a, les\u00f5es org\u00e2nicas, mal-estar, tudo o que aparece misturado na demanda de doentes e comunicantes \u00e9, neste trabalho, tratado a partir de uma abordagem que contempla tamb\u00e9m os aspectos hist\u00f3ricos estruturais. Enfim: um estudo de caso que questiona muitos outros casos, uma vez que, a partir da hansen\u00edase, fala sobre a pr\u00f3pria pr\u00e1tica da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Queiroz, Marcos de Souza"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Hansen\u00edase"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6tfv6"], ["title", "A endemia hans\u00eanica: uma perspectiva multidisciplinar "], ["doab_id", "16409"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412596"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412596"]], [["description", "Human societies are highly exposed to climate and weather conditions.. This applies in particular to the pre-industrial period. This volume presents a comprehensive and detailed climate reconstruction for the area of the Burgundian Low Countries in the 15th century. The reconstruction consists of two parts. Detailed weather descriptions from contemporary sources are complemented by systematised indices of seasonal temperature and precipitation patterns.The climate reconstruction serves as the basis for research on the impact of the weather on the economy of the Burgundian Low Countries. For the late Middle Ages grain prices are a very reliable economic indicator. Grain, an indispensable staple food and important merchandise, is directly exposed to the weather for the major part of the year. Statistical analyses of the price development of different grains in conjunction with the seasonal climate indices show a close interlinkage of the two variables. However, climate condition is only one of many factors impacting on grain price; the other factors are also presented and discussed in detail.Finally, the analysis of the development of grain prices reveals three phases of clearly increased prices in the 15th century: during the second half of the 1430s, at the beginning of the 1480s and during the last years of the 1480s until the beginning of the 1490s. The reasons for these grain price peaks, including weather conditions but also economic, political and other factors are outlined in the volume."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Camenisch ,Chantal"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["history", "history of climate", "history of environment", "history of economy", "social history", "Geschichte", "Klimageschichte", "Umweltgeschichte", "Wirtschaftsgeschichte", "Sozialgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Schwabe Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=587970"], ["title", "Endlose K\u00e4lte : Witterungsverlauf und Getreidepreise in den Burgundischen Niederlanden im 15. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "17914"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783796534683"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783796534683"]], [["description", "Cellular communication, endocrinology

Cet ouvrage d'endocrinologie g\u00e9n\u00e9rale, sexuelle et mol\u00e9culaire pr\u00e9sente aussi bien les donn\u00e9es fondamentales qu'il est indispensable de poss\u00e9der que les apports plus r\u00e9cents de l'endocrinologie moderne : rythme biologique, physiologie des r\u00e9cepteurs, modes d'action des hormones."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Idelman ,Simon; Verdetti ,Jean"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Cellular communication", "endocrinology"]], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=519667"], ["title", "Endocrinologie et communications cellulaires"], ["doab_id", "16826"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782868834768"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "2868834760"]], [["description", "The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle crucial to many cellular functions and processes, including the mounting of T-cell immune responses. Indeed, the ER has a well-established central role in anti-tumor immunity. Perhaps best characterized is the role of the ER in the processing of antigen peptides and the subsequent peptide assembly into MHC class I and II molecules. Such MHC/tumor-derived peptide complexes are pivotal for the correct recognition of altered self or viral peptides and the subsequent clonal expansion of tumor-reactive T-cells. In line with the role of the ER in immunity, tumor-associated mutations in ER proteins, as well as ER protein content and localization can have both deleterious and advantageous effects on anti-tumor immune responses. For instance, loss of function of ER-aminopeptidases, that trim peptides to size for MHC, alter the MHC class I - peptide repertoire thereby critically and negatively affecting T-cell recognition. On the other hand, altered localization of ER proteins can have immune-promoting effects. Specifically, translocation of certain ER proteins to the cell surface has been shown to promote anti-tumor T-cell immunity by directing uptake of apoptotic tumor cells to professional antigen presenting cells, thereby facilitating anti-tumor T-cell immunity. These selected examples highlight a diverse and multi-faceted role of the ER in anti-tumor immunity. Molecular biological insights from the past decade have uncovered that ER components may affect tumor immunity and have invoked a variety of follow-up questions. For instance, how and why are ER proteins over-expressed in tumors? How do nucleotide and somatic mutations in ER chaperones/processing machinery affect the MHC/peptide complex and tumor cell immunogenicity? How do ER-proteins translocate to the cell surface? What if any is the potential role of extracellular ER protein in tumor immunotherapy/vaccines, and can they be delivered to the tumor cell surface by photodynamic therapy, anthracyclines or by other means? In this special research topics issue, we present basic and clinical research reports covering many aspects of ER proteins in cancer recognition by the immune system, therapy and drug development. We also present new insights into ER stress, signalling and homeostasis in immunogenic cell death in cancer, the effect of parasitic ER proteins on tumour growth, ER protein regulation of angiogenesis. A comprehensive series of articles highlight our understanding of an expanding avenue of tumour immunology and therapeutic development, which exploit a collection of proteins within the ER that are not obvious candidates for immunity against tumors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul Eggleton; Marek Michalak; Edwin Bremer"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Aminopeptidases", "Autoimmunity", "Angiogenesis", "chaperones", "genome damage", "Grp170", "Oxidoreductases", "phage display", "T-cell receptors", "Vaccines"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2656/endoplasmic-reticulum-and-its-role-in-tumor-immunity"], ["title", "Endoplasmic Reticulcum and Its Role in Tumor Immunity"], ["doab_id", "18901"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197866"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197866"]], [["description", "The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a manufacturing unit in eukaryotic cells required for the synthesis of proteins, lipids, metabolites and hormones. Besides supporting cellular signalling networks by its anabolic function, the ER on its own or in communication with other organelles directly initiates signalling processes of physiological significance. Based on the intimate and immediate involvement in stress signalling the ER is considered as sensory organelle on which cells strongly rely to effectively translate environmental cues into adaptive stress responses. The transcellular distribution of the ER providing comprehensive cell-to-cell connections in multicellular organisms probably allows a concerted action of cell alliances and tissue areas towards environmental constraints. At the cellular level, stress adaptation correlates with the capability of the ER machinery to synthesise proteins participating in stress signalling as well as in the activation of ER membrane localised proteins to start cell-protective signalling processes. Importantly, depending on the stress insult, the ER either supports protective strategies or initiates cell death programmes. Recent, genetic, molecular and cell biological studies have drawn an initial picture of underlying signalling events activated by ER membrane localised proteins. In this Research Topic, we provided a platform for articles describing research on ER morphology and metabolism with a focus on stress translation. The Research Topic is sub-divided into the following sections: 1. ER in stress signalling and adaptation 2. ER structure and biosynthetic functions 3. Regulation of protein processing 4. Regulation of programmed cell death"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrick Schafer; Lorenzo Frigerio; Federica Brandizzi; Stephen H Howell"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Unfolded Protein Response", "ER associated degradation", "caspase", "Myosins", "ER bodies", "cysteine endopeptidase", "programmed cell death", "bZIP transcription factors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1719/endoplasmic-reticulum---shape-and-function-in-stress-translation"], ["title", "Endoplasmic reticulum - shape and function in stress translation"], ["doab_id", "18674"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193448"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193448"]], [["description", "Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an intracellular organelle responsible for protein folding and assembly, lipid and sterol biosynthesis, and calcium storage. A number of biochemical, physiological, or pathological stimuli can interrupt protein folding process, causing accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the ER lumen, a condition called \u201cER stress\u201d. To cope with accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins, the ER has evolved a group of signaling pathways termed \u201cUnfolded Protein Response (UPR)\u201d or \u201cER stress response\u201d to align cellular physiology. To maintain ER homeostasis, transcriptional regulation mediated through multiple UPR branches is orchestrated to increase ER folding capacity, reduce ER workload, and promote degradation of misfolded proteins. In recent years, accumulating evidence suggests that ER stress-triggered transcriptional reprogramming exists in many pathophysiological processes and plays fundamental roles in the initiation and progression of a variety of diseases, such as metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer. Understanding effects and mechanisms of ER stressassociated transcriptional reprogramming has high impact on many areas of molecular genetics and will be particularly informative to the development of pharmacologic avenues towards the prevention and treatment of modern common human diseases by targeting the UPR signaling. For these reasons, ER stress response and transcriptional reprogramming are a timely and necessary topic of discussion for Frontiers in Genetics.The important topics in this area include but not limited to:(1) ER-resident transcription factors and their involvements in ER stress response and cell physiology; (2) Physiologic roles and molecular mechanisms of ER stress-associated transcriptional regulation in lipid and glucose metabolism; (3) In vitro and in vivo models for ER stress-associated transcriptional reprogramming; (4) ER stress-associated transcriptional regulation in human disease; (5) Therapeutic potentials by targeting ER stress response pathways."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kezhong Zhang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ER stress", "Unfolded Protein Response", "Transcriptional reprogramming", "Metabolism", "Inflammation", "Oncogenes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/910/endoplasmic-reticulum-stress-response-and-transcriptional-reprogramming"], ["title", "Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response and Transcriptional Reprogramming"], ["doab_id", "18191"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194360"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194360"]], [["description", "Focusing on the lived experience of immigration policy and processes, this volume provides fascinating insights into the deportation process as it is felt and understood by those subjected to it. The author presents a rich and innovative ethnography of deportation and deportability experienced by migrants convicted of criminal offenses in England and Wales. The unique perspectives developed here \u2013 on due process in immigration appeals, migrant surveillance and control, social relations and sense of self, and compliance and resistance \u2013 are important for broader understandings of border control policy and human rights.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hasselberg ,Ines"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Refugee & Migration Studies", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "Berghahn Books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605854"], ["title", "Enduring Uncertainty"], ["doab_id", "18925"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785333729"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785333729"]], [["description", "\"This work explores the quantitative and qualitative development of homicide in eastern Finland in the second half of the eighteenth century and the early years of the nineteenth. The area studied comprised northern Savo and northern Karelia in eastern Finland. At that time, these were completely agricultural regions on the periphery of the kingdom of Sweden. Indeed the majority of the population still got their living from burn-beating agriculture. The analysis of homicide there reveals characteristics that were exceptional by Western European standards: the large proportion of premeditated homicides (murders) and those within the family is more reminiscent of modern cities in the West than of a pre-modern rural society. However, there also existed some archaic forms of Western crime there. Most of the homicides within the family were killings of brothers or brothers-in law, connected with the family structure (the extended family) that prevailed in the region. This study uses case analysis to explore the causes for the increase in both familial homicide and murder in the area. One of the explanatory factors that is dealt with is the interaction between the faltering penal practice that then existed and the increase in certain types of homicide.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koskivirta ,Anu"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Crimes", "Homicides", "Control policy", "Murder", "Manslaughter", "Social control"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617205"], ["title", "The Enemy Within: Homicide and Control in Eastern Finland in the Final Years of Swedish Rule 1748-1808"], ["doab_id", "19765"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517464741", "9789517466134", "9789522228178"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9517464746 9517466137 9789522228178"]], [["description", "Energy metabolism is central to life and altered energy expenditure (EE) is often cited as a central mechanism responsible for development of the obese phenotype. Resting EE, EE of physical activity, cold induced thermogenesis and thermic effect of feeding add to produce total EE but can also affect each other. It is thus very important that each component be well measured. Measuring energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry is extremely simple in theory but the practice if far more difficult. Taking into account temperature in small sized animals, measuring accurately the effect of activity on EE, correcting EE for body size body composition, age sex etc\u2026 add difficulties in producing reliable data. The goal of this Research Topic was to call for the practical experience of main investigators trained to practice calorimetry in order to get their feedback and the way they deal with the various and specific problems of humans and animal calorimetry. The goal is to share the questions/solutions experienced by the contributors to inititate a \u201cguide of the good practices\u201d that can be periodically updated and used by all those who are and will be interested in measuring energy metabolism from the 20g mouse to the human and large farm animals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrick Christian Even"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Energy Expenditure", "indirect calorimetry", "Body Size", "Body Composition", "physical activity", "brown adipose tissue", "metabolic Phenotyping", "Thermogenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/563/energy-metabolism"], ["title", "Energy metabolism"], ["doab_id", "18571"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193080"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193080"]], [["description", "Since Hans Selye's seminal work in the 1930s, there have been numerous advances with respect to our understanding of how the nervous and endocrine systems interact to help animals cope with stressors and how chronic stress may adversely impact health. Our modern understanding of stress essentially began in 1954 with the race to discover the hypothalamic releasing factor controlling ACTH secretion and mediating the endocrine response to stressors. Since the isolation of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) in 1981, interest in CRF has focused not only on its hypophysiotropic function, but also its much broader role in coordinating many of the endocrine, behavioral and autonomic nervous system changes that occur during stress. The goal of this Research Topic is to solicit reviews and general research articles highlighting new research into stress and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in the following areas: HPA axis interaction with energy regulating mechanisms during stress; and new studies on the role of CRF and urocortin and urocortins 2 and 3 in behavioral adaptation to stressors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James A. Carr; David A. Lovejoy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Stress", "energy balance", "food intake", "evolution", "peptide"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1160/crf-and-urocortin-peptides-as-modulators-of-energy-balance-and-behavior-during-stress"], ["title", "Energy metabolism and behavior in the corticotropin-releasing factor family of peptides"], ["doab_id", "18146"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195374"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195374"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["climate, demand, energy, financing, geopolitical, incentives, infrastructures, intergovernmental, investments, legislation, management, public, stakeholders, supply, sustainability, taxation, technology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/191"], ["title", "Energy Policy and Climate Change"], ["doab_id", "19103"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421573", "9783038421580"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421573/9783038421580"]], [["description", "Der Erste Weltkrieg wirkte auf vielen unterschiedlichen Ebenen auf die Institution Universit\u00e4t ein. Mit Beginn des Wintersemesters 1914/15 hatten sich in G\u00f6ttingen wie an allen europ\u00e4ischen Hochschulen die H\u00f6rs\u00e4le geleert. Die wenigen Studierenden, die nicht als Kriegsfreiwillige angenommen worden waren, jagten nun gemeinsam mit der Bev\u00f6lkerung Spione, wozu sie auch ihre ausl\u00e4ndischen Kommilitonen z\u00e4hlten. Die Institute der aufstrebenden naturwissenschaftlichen F\u00e4cher mussten mit massiven wirtschaftlichen und personellen Schwierigkeiten k\u00e4mpfen. Sie konnten keineswegs vom milit\u00e4rischen Interesse an naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung profitieren, da die Milit\u00e4rbeh\u00f6rden sich bewusst nur au\u00dferuniversit\u00e4rer Forschungseinrichtungen, wie der Modellversuchsanstalt Ludwig Prandtls, bedienten. G\u00f6ttinger Professoren nahmen am schnell aufflammenden internationalen Propagandakrieg teil. Zeitgleich kam es im Innern der Universit\u00e4t zu mit gro\u00dfem Ernst gef\u00fchrten Auseinandersetzungen. Angesichts dieser Rahmenbedingungen \u00fcberrascht es, dass es den Professoren der Georgia Augusta weitgehend gelang, das Bild einer funktionierenden Universit\u00e4t zu wahren.

Der Erste Weltkrieg wirkte auf vielen unterschiedlichen Ebenen auf die Institution Universit\u00e4t ein. Mit Beginn des Wintersemesters 1914/15 hatten sich in G\u00f6ttingen wie an allen europ\u00e4ischen Hochschulen die H\u00f6rs\u00e4le geleert. Die wenigen Studierenden, die nicht als Kriegsfreiwillige angenommen worden waren, jagten nun gemeinsam mit der Bev\u00f6lkerung Spione, wozu sie auch ihre ausl\u00e4ndischen Kommilitonen z\u00e4hlten. Die Institute der aufstrebenden naturwissenschaftlichen F\u00e4cher mussten mit massiven wirtschaftlichen und personellen Schwierigkeiten k\u00e4mpfen. Sie konnten keineswegs vom milit\u00e4rischen Interesse an naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung profitieren, da die Milit\u00e4rbeh\u00f6rden sich bewusst nur au\u00dferuniversit\u00e4rer Forschungseinrichtungen, wie der Modellversuchsanstalt Ludwig Prandtls, bedienten. G\u00f6ttinger Professoren nahmen am schnell aufflammenden internationalen Propagandakrieg teil. Zeitgleich kam es im Innern der Universit\u00e4t zu mit gro\u00dfem Ernst gef\u00fchrten Auseinandersetzungen. Angesichts dieser Rahmenbedingungen \u00fcberrascht es, dass es den Professoren der Georgia Augusta weitgehend gelang, das Bild einer funktionierenden Universit\u00e4t zu wahren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Busse, Detlef"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "World War I", "History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "World War I"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610345"], ["title", "Engagement oder R\u00fcckzug? - G\u00f6ttinger Naturwissenschaften im Ersten Weltkrieg"], ["doab_id", "14603"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344205"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344205"]], [["description", "Estudar a din\u00e2mica cultural de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o da cacha\u00e7a de engenho paraibana, compreendendo como algo se transforma, em termos simb\u00f3licos, tornou-se o objetivo deste livro. O estudo foi realizado na regi\u00e3o do Brejo paraibano, conhecido pelos conflitos de terra, a exemplo das Ligas Camponesas, e a cultura da cana-de-a\u00e7\u00facar processada em engenhos seculares, tal romanceou Jos\u00e9 Lins do Rego. Assim, este livro se prop\u00f5e a uma sociologia da cacha\u00e7a. Uma viagem anal\u00edtica, mas tamb\u00e9m de inspira\u00e7\u00e3o liter\u00e1ria, ao cen\u00e1rio paraibano onde a mesma \u00e9 produzida e sofre ressignifica\u00e7\u00e3o, tornando-se requintada e sin\u00f4nimo de originalidade em cacha\u00e7arias e pousadas campestres."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barbosa, Jos\u00e9 Luciano Albino"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gr7y8"], ["title", "Engenho de cana-de-a\u00e7\u00facar na Para\u00edba: por uma sociologia da cacha\u00e7a"], ["doab_id", "19980"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793302"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793302"]], [["description", "During the Victorian era, new laws allowed more witnesses to testify in court cases. At the same time, an emerging cultural emphasis on truth-telling drove the development of new ways of inhibiting perjury. Strikingly original and drawing on a broad array of archival research, Wendie Schneider\u2019s examination of the Victorian courtroom charts this period of experimentation and how its innovations shaped contemporary trial procedure. Blending legal, social, and colonial history, she shines new light on cross-examination, the most enduring product of this time and the \u201cgreatest legal engine ever invented for the discovery of truth.\u201dThis title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schneider Ellen ,Wendie"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Yale University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604618"], ["title", "Engines of Truth"], ["doab_id", "18733"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780300216554"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780300216554"]], [["description", "Die Schabkunst, aufgrund ihrer besonderen Bl\u00fcte im englischen 18. Jahrhundert zur Zeit der Personalunion hannoverscher Herzogs- und britischer K\u00f6nigsw\u00fcrde auch \u201eEnglische Manier\u201c genannt, ist die erste grafische Technik, in der \u00fcber Linie und Schraffur hinaus fl\u00e4chige Tonwerte und Tonwertabstufungen geschaffen werden konnten. Malerische Werte lie\u00dfen sich erzeugen und malerische Werke nachbilden. Anders als in den liniengebundenen Techniken des Kupferstichs und der Radierung erm\u00f6glichten mechanische Aufrauhung und deren dosierte Gl\u00e4ttung T\u00f6ne von samtigem Schwarz bis zu reinem Wei\u00df. Erfindung und Perfektionierung, Nutzung und Verbreitung, Traditionsbildung und Experimentalpotential dieser druckgrafischen Technik k\u00f6nnen anhand der Schabkunstwerke der Grafischen Sammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und einiger Leihgaben vorgef\u00fchrt werden: 105 Werke demonstrieren erste Experimente deutscher und niederl\u00e4ndischer Laien und K\u00fcnstler, technische Perfektionierungen in den druckgrafischen Zentren Augsburg und N\u00fcrnberg, Adaptionen in Frankreich und Italien, Verselbst\u00e4ndigung des Mediums in England und experimentelle Verwendung als k\u00fcnstlerisches Ausdrucksmittel in der deutschen Fr\u00fchmoderne. Funktionsgebundene Nutzung als Medium der Gem\u00e4ldereproduktion und lebensnahen Bildniskunst, und erstmals als Naturn\u00e4he erm\u00f6glichendes Dokumentationsmittel in den fr\u00fchneuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaften werden thematisiert.

Die Schabkunst, aufgrund ihrer besonderen Bl\u00fcte im englischen 18. Jahrhundert zur Zeit der Personalunion hannoverscher Herzogs- und britischer K\u00f6nigsw\u00fcrde auch \u201eEnglische Manier\u201c genannt, ist die erste grafische Technik, in der \u00fcber Linie und Schraffur hinaus fl\u00e4chige Tonwerte und Tonwertabstufungen geschaffen werden konnten. Malerische Werte lie\u00dfen sich erzeugen und malerische Werke nachbilden. Anders als in den liniengebundenen Techniken des Kupferstichs und der Radierung erm\u00f6glichten mechanische Aufrauhung und deren dosierte Gl\u00e4ttung T\u00f6ne von samtigem Schwarz bis zu reinem Wei\u00df. Erfindung und Perfektionierung, Nutzung und Verbreitung, Traditionsbildung und Experimentalpotential dieser druckgrafischen Technik k\u00f6nnen anhand der Schabkunstwerke der Grafischen Sammlung der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und einiger Leihgaben vorgef\u00fchrt werden: 105 Werke demonstrieren erste Experimente deutscher und niederl\u00e4ndischer Laien und K\u00fcnstler, technische Perfektionierungen in den druckgrafischen Zentren Augsburg und N\u00fcrnberg, Adaptionen in Frankreich und Italien, Verselbst\u00e4ndigung des Mediums in England und experimentelle Verwendung als k\u00fcnstlerisches Ausdrucksmittel in der deutschen Fr\u00fchmoderne. Funktionsgebundene Nutzung als Medium der Gem\u00e4ldereproduktion und lebensnahen Bildniskunst, und erstmals als Naturn\u00e4he erm\u00f6glichendes Dokumentationsmittel in den fr\u00fchneuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaften werden thematisiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sors, Anne-Katrin; Arnulf, Arwed; Friedrichs, Sonja; Habekus, Antje; Scholl, Christian"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Mezzotint", "18th Century", "Painting reproduction", "Gravure", "Mezzotint", "18th Century", "Painting reproduction", "Gravure"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610293"], ["title", "Die Englische Manier - Mezzotinto als Medium druckgrafischer Reproduktion und Innovation"], ["doab_id", "16530"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951627"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951627"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kraus, Hans-Christof"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/220079"], ["title", "Englische Verfassung und politisches Denken im Ancien R\u00e9gime. 1689 bis 1789"], ["doab_id", "18019"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707557", "9783486579086"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707557, 9783486579086"]], [["description", "B\u00e1lint\u2019s syndrome is named after the Hungarian physician who first reported a remarkable case of a man with complex visuospatial deficits following bilateral lesions within parietal and occipital cortex (B\u00e1lint, 1909). The syndrome has three primary symptoms: simultanagnosia (impaired spatial awareness of more than one object at time), optic ataxia (misreaching to visual targets) and ocular apraxia (described by B\u00e1lint as \u201cpsychic paralysis of gaze\u201d). Balint\u2019s patients not only cannot perceive more than one object at time and therefore show poor comprehension of multi-object visual scenes i.e. poor detection of all the objects present and difficulty in grasping the relationship between them; in addition they typically fail to reach towards location of the single object, which they can perceive. The deficit of the allocation of spatial attention in Balint\u2019s syndrome has been linked to a problem in feature binding which results in illusory conjunctions. Patients with Balint\u2019s syndrome also show deficits in global processing i.e. when integration of multiple local elements into global compound shapes is required. Consequently, Balint\u2019s syndrome provides a unique opportunity to study the nature and neuroanatomy of human visuospatial processing, in particular multi-level object representation, spatial awareness and the distribution of visual attention. The studies collected here cover both the anatomical and the cognitive mechanisms of the different symptoms associated with the syndrome. Furthermore, the dissociations between the components of B\u00e1lints\u2019 syndrome, in particular simultanagnosia and optic ataxia, can also co-occur with visual neglect and extinction and the different combinations of reported lesions raises a question about the status of the syndrome and whether it should be merely treated as a historical compilation of symptoms which may or may not coexist cohesively. This interesting argument is raised here."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magdalena Chechlacz; Glyn Humphreys"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Balints syndrome", "simultanagnosia", "optic ataxia", "ocular apraxia", "posterior cortical atrophy", "Posterior parietal cortex"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1083/the-enigma-of-balints-syndrome-complexity-of-neural-substrates-and-cognitive-deficits"], ["title", "The enigma of Balint's syndrome: complexity of neural substrates and cognitive deficits"], ["doab_id", "18709"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195992"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195992"]], [["description", "The Enlightenment and religion: The myths of modernity offers a critical survey of religious change and its causes in eighteenth-century Europe, and constitutes a radical challenge to the accepted views in traditional Enlightenment studies. Focusing on Enlightenment Italy, France and England, it illustrates how the canonical view of eighteenth-century religious change has in reality been constructed upon scant evidence and assumption, in particular the idea that the thought of the enlightened led to modernity. For despite a lack of evidence, one of the fundamental assumptions of Enlightenment studies has been the assertion that there was a vibrant deist movement that formed the 'intellectual solvent' of the eighteenth century. The central claim of this book is that the immense ideological appeal of the traditional birth-of-modernity myth has meant that the actual lack of deists has been glossed over, and a quite misleading historical view has become entrenched. As a consequence more traditional forces for religious change have been given little or no attention. The book also raises hitherto neglected but fundamental methodological issues relating to the study of the eighteenth century and the ability of 'interested' contemporaries to mislead posterity. Given the current pervasive topicality of notions of modernity and postmodernity in academia, this book advances a very important discussion indeed, and will be essential reading for all students studying the period."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barnett ,S. J."], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["enlightenment", "religion", "modernity"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341381"], ["title", "The Enlightenment and religion: The myths of modernity"], ["doab_id", "12578"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067402"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067402"]], [["description", "Composta por textos hist\u00f3ricos, filos\u00f3ficos, antropol\u00f3gicos, sociol\u00f3gicos, cl\u00ednicos, enfim, de diferentes abordagens relacionadas \u00e0 \u00e1rea. O livro procura, em especial, dar prosseguimento \u00e0s quest\u00f5es suscitadas pelos pensadores Michel Foucault e Franco Basaglia, visando a provocar um debate acerca dos modos de subjetiva\u00e7\u00e3o vigentes em nossa sociedade, assim como propor alternativas aos processos de patologiza\u00e7\u00e3o da experi\u00eancia tr\u00e1gica da loucura. Destaque para um documento hist\u00f3rico sobre a visita que Olavo Bilac fez \u00e0 se\u00e7\u00e3o de crian\u00e7as do Hosp\u00edcio Nacional de Alienados, em 1905. Obra de fundamental import\u00e2ncia, de conte\u00fado indispens\u00e1vel para estudiosos e leigos no assunto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amarante, Paulo"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/htjgj"], ["title", "Ensaios: subjetividade, sa\u00fade mental, sociedade"], ["doab_id", "19305"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413197"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413197"]], [["description", "Este libro cierra el tracto que se inici\u00f3, en octubre de 2002 con la investidura como doctor honoris causa del profesor Mariano Peset. El hecho de que la historia de las universidades haya sido una l\u00ednea ininterrumpida a lo largo de su investigaci\u00f3n y el que hayamos tratado de materializar sus ense\u00f1anzas de tantos a\u00f1os en el Instituto Antonio de Nebrija de Estudios sobre la Universidad explican que le hayamos dedicado este homenaje cient\u00edfico en un seminario que tuvo lugar en el campus de Colmenarejo de la Universidad Carlos III durante los d\u00edas 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2003. Quisimos que el encuentro cient\u00edfico tuviera car\u00e1cter monogr\u00e1fico, para centrar el inter\u00e9s de nuestro encuentro y evitar la dispersi\u00f3n de los discursos. Y pensamos que tratar de la ense\u00f1anza del derecho en el siglo XX era un buen tema por varias razones, entre las que subrayo dos: porque la centuria pasada ya puede ser tratada hist\u00f3ricamente y, sobre todo, para continuar la labor de Mariano Peset que, en su d\u00eda, hizo lo propio para el siglo XIX, con incursiones tambi\u00e9n en el que nos ocupa en este libro."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mora Ca\u00f1ada, Adela (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Ense\u00f1anza superior", "Homenajes", "Law", "Higher education", "Derecho", "Tributes"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7883/10_ensenanza_derecho.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La ense\u00f1anza del derecho en el siglo XX: Homenaje a Mariano Peset"], ["doab_id", "16170"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788497723183"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "849772318X"]], [["description", "O livro Ensino de ci\u00eancias e matem\u00e1tica III: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da pesquisa acad\u00eamica a partir de m\u00faltiplas perspectivas, publicado pela Cultura Acad\u00eamica Editora, tem como objetivo comunicar e oferecer ao debate alguns resultados recentes da produ\u00e7\u00e3o de pesquisa do Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o para a Ci\u00eancia da UNESP, vinculado \u00e0 Faculdade de Ci\u00eancias do Campus de Bauru (SP). Assim, re\u00fane, para acesso de pesquisadores, professores e estudantes, nove relatos oriundos de trabalhos de mestrado, doutorado, p\u00f3s-doutorado e similares, desenvolvidos junto ao referido Programa, e pass\u00edveis de contribuir para a discuss\u00e3o e encaminhamento de uma s\u00e9rie de quest\u00f5es atuais do ensino de ci\u00eancias."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bastos, Fernando"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3nwyv"], ["title", "Ensino de ci\u00eancias e matem\u00e1tica III: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da pesquisa acad\u00eamica a partir de m\u00faltiplas perspectivas"], ["doab_id", "16722"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830860"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830860"]], [["description", "Colet\u00e2nea de textos apresentados no Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o para a Ci\u00eancia, sediado na Faculdade de Ci\u00eancias da UNESP, na \u00e1rea de ensino de Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica. O n\u00facleo de pesquisa do Programa concentra-se em estudos sobre a ci\u00eancia, a educa\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica e nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre o saber cient\u00edfico e seu ensino. Assim, incentiva a reflex\u00e3o sobre os processos envolvidos na constru\u00e7\u00e3o dos conhecimentos cient\u00edficos e tecnol\u00f3gicos, al\u00e9m de contribuir para a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de um corpo de conhecimentos filos\u00f3ficos, cient\u00edficos e pedag\u00f3gicos destinados \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores e outros profissionais da \u00e1rea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nardi, Roberto"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/g5q2h"], ["title", "Ensino de ci\u00eancias e matem\u00e1tica, I: temas sobre a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores"], ["doab_id", "16723"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830044"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830044"]], [["description", "Colet\u00e2nea de textos apresentados no Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o para a Ci\u00eancia, sediado na Faculdade de Ci\u00eancias da UNESP, na \u00e1rea de ensino de Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica. O n\u00facleo de pesquisa do Programa concentra-se em estudos sobre a ci\u00eancia, a educa\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica e nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre o saber cient\u00edfico e seu ensino. Assim, incentiva a reflex\u00e3o sobre os processos envolvidos na constru\u00e7\u00e3o dos conhecimentos cient\u00edficos e tecnol\u00f3gicos, al\u00e9m de contribuir para a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de um corpo de conhecimentos filos\u00f3ficos, cient\u00edficos e pedag\u00f3gicos destinados \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores e outros profissionais da \u00e1rea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Caldeira, Ana Maria de Andrade"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/htnbt"], ["title", "Ensino de ci\u00eancias e matem\u00e1tica, II: temas sobre a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de conceitos"], ["doab_id", "16724"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830419"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830419"]], [["description", "Este e-book \u00e9 uma produ\u00e7\u00e3o do Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Para a Ci\u00eancia - PPGEC - da Faculdade de Ci\u00eancias da UNESP, campus de Bauru, e faz parte do Programa de Publica\u00e7\u00f5es Digitais da Pr\u00f3-Reitoria de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o, em parceria com a Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Editora da UNESP, que tem como principal objetivo a divulga\u00e7\u00e3o de pesquisas realizadas pelos Programas de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o da universidade. A s\u00e9rie \"Ensino de Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica\" teve in\u00edcio em 2009 e visa, por meio de pesquisas oriundas de teses, disserta\u00e7\u00f5es e de grupos de pesquisa, divulgar e fomentar a discuss\u00e3o sobre processos de ensino de Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica analisada a partir de diferentes perspectivas te\u00f3ricas e metodol\u00f3gicas. Essa s\u00e9rie abarca tem\u00e1ticas recentes que est\u00e3o sempre presentes nas discuss\u00f5es de importantes eventos cient\u00edficos, nacionais e internacionais, da \u00e1rea da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o para a Ci\u00eancia e Matem\u00e1tica. Entre esses temas destacam: forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores, forma\u00e7\u00e3o de conceitos, Tecnologias da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o, processos de ensino, entre outros. Esta obra \u00e9 intitulada \"Ensino de Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica IV: temas de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o\" porque veicula pesquisas que abordam temas atuais e importantes estudados por p\u00f3s-graduandos e docentes do Programa, como, por exemplo, avalia\u00e7\u00e3o, pr\u00e1tica de ensino, rob\u00f3tica, pr\u00e1tica pedag\u00f3gica, TV digital, educa\u00e7\u00e3o desenvolvida em \u00e2mbito n\u00e3o-escolar, entre outros. Tais investiga\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa: algumas s\u00e3o resultados de teses e disserta\u00e7\u00f5es e outras foram produzidas por grupos de pesquisa. Professores que ensinam Ci\u00eancias e Matem\u00e1tica, em diferentes n\u00edveis de escolaridade, e pesquisadores que desenvolvem estudos nessas \u00e1reas poder\u00e3o ter f\u00e1cil acesso a esta obra, uma vez que estar\u00e1 dispon\u00edvel na Internet, o que pode contribuir para o debate sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem desses dois campos do conhecimento, bem como propiciar novos estudos a partir dos resultados apresentados nessas pesquisas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pirola, Nelson Antonio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bpkng"], ["title", "Ensino de ci\u00eancias e matem\u00e1tica, IV : temas de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16725"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830815"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830815"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["enterotoxins, receptor and signaling mechanism, mucosal perturbation, immunoregulation, targeted therapeutics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/198"], ["title", "Enterotoxins: Microbial Proteins and Host Cell Dysregulation"], ["doab_id", "19107"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421634", "9783038421641"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421634/9783038421641"]], [["description", "A German-Dutch comparative analysis in criminology on law, state-law and police-law aspects.

Die Untersuchung setzt bei dem Problem der Folgenbew\u00e4ltigung justizieller \u00dcberlastung im deutschen Strafverfahren an. Als Ausweg aus der bestehenden Arbeits\u00fcberlastung der Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften durch die steigende Zahl aburteilungsf\u00e4higer Strafverfahren bietet sich an, Kompetenzen der Staatsanwaltschaft im Kleinkriminalit\u00e4tsbereich auf die Polizei zu \u00fcbertragen. Dadurch k\u00f6nnten f\u00fcr die Staatsanwaltschaften mehr Arbeitskapazit\u00e4ten im Bereich schwerer Kriminalit\u00e4t entstehen. So befasst sich die Arbeit mit dem Zusammenspiel zwischen Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei im Bereich der Straftatenermittlung wie auch der verfahrensbeendenden Entscheidungen im deutschen und niederl\u00e4ndischen Strafverfahren. Sie m\u00fcndet in einen am niederl\u00e4ndischen Strafverfahren orientierten Gesetzesvorschlag, der es im Bereich von Bagatellkriminalit\u00e4t erlaubt, der Polizei die Befugnis zur Verfahrensbeendigung mit einer Geldauflage zu \u00fcbertragen. Die Autorin ist wiss. Mitarbeiterin am Institut f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften - Abteilung f\u00fcr Kriminologie, Jugendstrafrecht und Strafvollzug - der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Elsner, Beatrix"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["police", "state law", "law", "prosecution", "criminology", "police", "state law", "law", "prosecution", "criminology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610227"], ["title", "Entlastung der Staatsanwaltschaft durch mehr Kompetenzen f\u00fcr die Polizei? - eine deutsch-niederl\u00e4ndisch vergleichende Analyse in rechtlicher und rechtstats\u00e4chlicher Hinsicht"], ["doab_id", "12966"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344595"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344595"]], [["description", "21 articles give insights into German Studies outside the German-speaking countries. The contributions cover as wide a range as reports country by country, descriptions of individual profiles and local study plans, conceptual cross-country approaches and analyses of specific aspects of general relevance. In all their diversity, the articles demonstrate, besides the basic consensus that German and Germany are to be taught as manifestations of another culture, further similarities: Almost without exception German studies have entered a transitional phase that is not only characterized by curriculum reforms but also by discussions about the identity of German studies themselves. Here, the practical orientation seems to be a central point since, more and more, German Studies are seen as a professional education, too.

21 Beitr\u00e4ge beleuchten germanistische Studieng\u00e4nge im Ausland. Die Palette der Beitr\u00e4ge reicht von L\u00e4nderberichten zu Standort- und Profilbeschreibungen, von allgemeinen, l\u00e4nder\u00fcbergreifenden Gesichtspunkten zu spezifischen Einzelaspekten. Bei aller Vielfalt des Gegenstandes zeigen sich neben der elementaren Gemeinsamkeit, dass das Deutsche als Fremdsprache und Deutschland als fremde Kultur vermittelt werden, weitere \u00dcbereinstimmungen: Fast ausnahmslos befinden sich die Studieng\u00e4nge in einer Umbruchsituation, in der \u00fcber curriculare Reformen auch das Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis des Faches neu verhandelt wird. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei der Praxisbezug, da die germanistische Ausbildung zunehmend als berufsvorbereitende Qualifizierung angesehen wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Middeke, Annegret"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["German as a foreign language", "German Studies abroad", "German as a foreign language", "German Studies abroad"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610271"], ["title", "Entwicklungstendenzen germanistischer Studieng\u00e4nge im Ausland - Sprache, Philologie, Berufsbezug"], ["doab_id", "14579"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875791"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875791"]], [["description", "How do we talk about the environment? Does this communication reveal and construct meaning? Is the environment expressed and foregrounded in the new landscape of digital media?The Environment in the Age of the Internet is an interdisciplinary collection that draws together research and answers from media and communication studies, social sciences, modern history, and folklore studies. Edited by Heike Graf, its focus is on the communicative approaches taken by different groups to ecological issues, shedding light on how these groups tell their distinctive stories of \"the environment\". This book draws on case studies from around the world and focuses on activists of radically different kinds: protestors against pulp mills in South America, resistance to mining in the S\u00e1mi region of Sweden, the struggles of indigenous peoples from the Arctic to the Amazon, gardening bloggers in northern Europe, and neo-Nazi environmentalists in Germany. Each case is examined in relation to its multifaceted media coverage, mainstream and digital, professional and amateur.Stories are told within a context; examining the \"what\" and \"how\" of these environmental stories demonstrates how contexts determine communication, and how communication raises and shapes awareness. These issues have never been more urgent, this work never more timely. The Environment in the Age of the Internet is essential reading for everyone interested in how humans relate to their environment in the digital age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Graf, Heike (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Environment, Internet, ecology, communication, media studies, blogs, ecological activism"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/484"], ["title", "The Environment in the Age of the Internet: Activists, Communication, and the Digital Landscape"], ["doab_id", "19293"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742431", "9781783742455"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742431/9781783742455"]], [["description", "This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access. In Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia: A Longue Dur"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Henley ,D.; Schulte Nordholt (Henk). ,H.G.C."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613433"], ["title", "Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia"], ["doab_id", "18455"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004288041", "9789004288058"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004288041 9789004288058"]], [["description", "Giulia Parola\u2019s Environmental Democracy at the Global Level: Rights and Duties for a New Citizenship can be seen as a manifesto that is both traditional and revolutionary at the same time. It calls for the construction of a new civilisation centred on the environment, while drawing on the traditional notions of democratic government. It adopts an approach that is focused on the power of individuals rather than governments, as ways to protect and improve the environment. It proposes that environmental rights and ecological duties are self-evident and inalienable, and should be treated as the cornerstones of a new democracy. Parola\u2019s book is a thought provoking and intriguing work that will be of interest to scholars of environmental studies as well as to legal practitioners and non-specialists.Giulia Parola has studied Environmental Law at the University of Torino, at the University of Ren\u00e9 Descartes in Paris, (where she obtained PhD in Public Law) and at the University of Iceland ( LLM in Natural Resources Law and International Environmental Law).In 2011, she was appointed by the University of Laval (Canada, Quebec) as a researcher and a lecturer in Environmental Law. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Parola, Giulia"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Natural Sciences, Materials Science, Industrial Chemistry, Environment, Pollution Control, Law, International Law, Foreign Law, Comparative Law, German Civil Code, Environment, Pollution Control"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/211514"], ["title", "Environmental Democracy at Global Level. Rights and Duties for a New Citizenship"], ["doab_id", "15571"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560144"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560144"]], [["description", "In the last two decades, Indonesia has seen a dramatic proliferation of environmental disputes in a variety of sectors, triggered by intensified deforestation and large scale mining operations in the resource rich outer islands, together with rapid industrialisation in the densely populated inner island of Java. Whilst the emergence of environmental disputes has sometimes attracted political repression, attempts have also been made in recent times to explore more functional approaches to their resolution. The Environmental Management Act of 1997 created a legal framework for the resolution of environmental disputes through both litigation and mediation. This book is the first attempt to analyse the implementation of this framework in detail and to assess the effectiveness of litigation and mediation in resolving environmental disputes in Indonesia. It includes a detailed overview of the environmental legal framework and its interpretation by Indonesian courts in landmark court cases. The book features a number of detailed case studies of both environmental litigation and mediation and considers the legal and non-legal factors that have influenced the success of these approaches to resolving environmental disputes. David Nicholson graduated in Law (Hons) and Asian Studies from Murdoch University in 1995 and was admitted to legal practice in Western Australia in 1997. He subsequently undertook doctoral research on environmental dispute resolution in Indonesia as part of the Indonesia Netherlands Study of Environmental Law and Administration (INSELA) project, based at the Van Vollenhoven Institute at Leiden University, and was awarded a doctorate in law in 2005. Dr Nicholson has since returned to legal practice in Western Australia, specializing in environmental planning and local government law."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nicholson ,David"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Environmental law", "Environmental protection", "Dispute settlement", "Trials", "District courts", "Case studies", "Indonesia", "Milieuwetgeving", "Milieubescherming", "Geschilovereenkomst", "Rechtszaak", "District rechtbank", "Onderzoek", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=379132"], ["title", "Environmental dispute resolution in Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "13339"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183260", "9789004253865"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183260 9789004253865"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC-BY license. The contributors investigate a broad range of emerging socio-environmental challenges faced by contemporary Latin America. By using environmental governance as an overarching analytical concept, they cross territorial, sectorial, and institutional boundaries to address the nature/society nexus."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "de Castro, F\u00e1bio ; Hogenboom, Barbara; Baud, Michiel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["governance", " society", " environment"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-1-137-50572-9"], ["title", "Environmental Governance in Latin America"], ["doab_id", "18953"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137574084", "9781137505729"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137574084 (Print) 9781137505729 (Online)"]], [["description", "The Graduate Program in Sustainability Science under the Department of Urban Engineering of The University of Tokyo has been running an environmental leadership education program at the graduate student level since 2007 called the Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders (APIEL). This book describes the University\u2019s experiences in establishing and organizing that program and provides some lessons learned for those who are considering starting environmental leadership education programs. APIEL\u2019s curriculum includes the classroom topic \u201cEnvironmental Challenges and Leadership in Asia.\u201d As well, the APIEL program has field units to provide experience in problem solving, decision making, and participation, taking into consideration ecological, political, economic, social, aesthetic, and ethical aspects. Another characteristic feature of the program is that it promotes changes in attitudes and behavior that will help to solve existing environmental problems and to avoid a generation of new ones. Over the four years of study, efforts have been made to bond leadership with field-oriented exercises such as: 1) The Intensive Program on Sustainability; 2) an integral approach focused on sustainable integrated watershed management of arid regions; 3) sustainable development of programs in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand for qualifying students with problem-solving processes to combat issues such as flooding, lack of proper urban environmental infrastructure, and health risks; and 4) the Greater Pearl River Delta program with multicultural diversity to bring about sustainable urban development for a green city. All of those are described in the book. Last but not least, APIEL\u2019s resonance throughout international networks and alumni are introduced."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Takashi Mino, Keisuke Hanaki"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Environmental Management", "Environmental Science and Engineering", "Science Education", "Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Responsibility"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-4-431-54339-8"], ["title", "Environmental Leadership Capacity Building in Higher Education: Experience and Lessons from Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders"], ["doab_id", "15480"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431543398", "9784431543404"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431543398 (Print) 9784431543404 (Online)"]], [["description", "Based on detailed empirical research, this is a penetrating analysis of the state of the environmental movement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Clare Saunders"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544490"], ["title", "Environmental Networks and Social Movement Theory"], ["doab_id", "16277"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544490"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544490"]], [["description", "Aquifer resources continue to be overexploited, leaving the world's most impoverished (or vulnerable) populations and/or the aquatic environment at an ever increasing risk from climate change. Adaptation strategies demand detailed evaluation and management of water as a resource, requiring an understanding of the chemical, geological (hydrogeological/geohydrological) and biological interactions that waters effect or undergo in the hydrologic cycle. Environmental tracers are ambient natural or man-made compounds widely distributed in the Earth\u2019s near-surface. They may be injected into the hydrological system from the atmosphere at recharge and/or are added/lost/exchanged inherently as waters flow over and through materials. Variations in their chemical abundances and isotopic compositions can be used as tracers to determine sources (provenance), pathways (of reaction or interaction) and also timescales (dating) of environmental processes. Water dating may invoke their characteristic decay or accumulation functions, (cf. radioactive and radiogenic compounds and isotopes) in a system or the characteristic injection of sources. Environmental tracers in groundwater systems can give information both on current and past flow conditions independently of hydraulic analyses and modelling. Thus, environmental tracers generically are important tools for developing sustainable management policies for the protection of water resources and the aquatic environment.Recent overviews have highlighted how most environmental tracer systematics have become well-established through proof-of-concept studies in geochemically and hydraulically simple aquifers. The challenge now lies in enhancing the way they are put to use by the hydrologic community and water resource managers in more complex systems (e.g. inter- and intra-aquifer mixing; aquifers as distributed water systems \u2013 water coming in at one point is going somewhere, and pumping of water represents an interception) and how they may be used to address issues of vulnerability, sustainability, and uncertainty in water resource systems (including resource, flooding, drought, climate justice, water and food security, water footprints, etc.)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["environmental tracers, water dating, transit and residence times,complex systems, inter- and intra-aquifer mixing, distributed systems, vulnerability, sustainability, and uncertainty in water resource systems"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/97"], ["title", "Environmental Tracers"], ["doab_id", "17493"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980911", "9783906980928"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980911/9783906980928 "]], [["description", "The Encyclopaedia of Slovenian cultural history in Carinthia (Austria) is conceaved as a pluridisciplinary and intercultural reference work with over 160 authors, some 1000 entries and in total over 2100 conceptual entries covering areas such as history, legal history, sociology, linguistics, dialectology, literature, ethnology, art history, biographic studies, terminology. It provides a cross-linked understanding of the geographical area as well as of the cultural and societal processes in the region from an innovative perspective.

Eine pluridisziplin\u00e4re und interkulturell konzipierte Enzyklop\u00e4die der regionalen Kulturgeschichte der K\u00e4rntner Slowenen in \u00d6sterreich mit Beitr\u00e4gen von \u00fcber 160 Autoren unterschiedlicher Fachrichtungen und ca. 1000 Schlagw\u00f6rtern und insgesamt \u00fcber 2100 konzeptuellen Eintr\u00e4gen aus den Bereichen Geschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Soziologie, Sprachwissenschaft, Dialektologie, Literaturgeschichte, Ethnologie, Kunstgeschichte, Biographien, Terminologie u.a.m., das ein vernetztes Verst\u00e4ndnis der geographischen und kulturhistorischen R\u00e4ume und gesellschaftlichen Prozesse im Land aus einer innovativen Perspektive erm\u00f6glicht"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sturm-Schnabl ,Katja; Schnabl ,Bojan-Ilija"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Carinthia, cultrual history, Slovenes, Slovenes from Carinthia, intercultural studies.", "K\u00e4rnten, Kulturgeschichte, Slowenen, K\u00e4rntner Slowenen, interkulturelle Studien."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611238"], ["title", "Enzyklop\u00e4die der slowenischen Kulturgeschichte in K\u00e4rnten/Koro\u0161ka, Band 3: PO-Z"], ["doab_id", "19246"], ["language_unmapped", "de^sl"], ["isbns", ["9783205796732"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796732"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["biocatalysis polymerization and polymer synthesis, biocatalysis synthesis of chiral molecules, biocatalytic technologies, enzyme biosensor, enzyme inhibitors, environmental enzymology, enzymatic protein engineering technology, extremophilic enzymes, functional genomics and bioinformatics for novel enzymes, industrial biotechnology, new enzyme development, pharmaceutical biotechnology, structural and functional characterization of enzymes"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/173"], ["title", "Enzymes and Their Biotechnological Applications"], ["doab_id", "19031"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421481", "9783038421474"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421481/9783038421474"]], [["description", "Ephemeral Coast is a curatorial research project that seeks to investigate our difficult relationship to the coast as a threshold and frontline to climate change and considers the possibilities of understanding art in relation to what may be described as an unparalleled event.Ephemeral Coast involves the curation of exhibitions, located in coastal regions of the US/Canadian Arctic, Wales, and Mauritius and is made up primarily of artists, cultural theorists and climate change scientists.This catalogue is a theoretical extension of the artists\u2019 work presented in first installment of the exhibition in south Wales, UK. The catalogue discusses the curatorial process and incorporates essays by guest authors, who re-contextualize Ephemeral Coast, S Wales within discussions of regional climate change and cultural theory."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Celina Jeffery (Ed.); Mary H. Gagen; Stefhan Caddick; Julia Davis; Fern Thomas; Gemma Copp; Ian Buchanan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["climate change, cultural theory, landscape art, coastal geography, Wales, Arctic"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qy2l0zq8otxtu1/Jeffery_Ephemeral_Coast_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Ephemeral Coast, S. Wales"], ["doab_id", "17882"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780988234048"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780988234048"]], [["description", "Traz como principais eixos tem\u00e1ticos: as reflex\u00f5es relacionadas ao conceito e aos usos da epidemiologia, especificamente na psiquiatria e sa\u00fade mental; as quest\u00f5es metodol\u00f3gicas dedicadas \u00e0s concep\u00e7\u00f5es sociais contidas nos conceitos utilizados na epidemiologia; os aspectos da complexidade inerente ao processo sa\u00fade/doen\u00e7a mental. Oferece, assim, a proposta de constru\u00e7\u00e3o das bases das tr\u00eas epidemiologias no dom\u00ednio psiqui\u00e1trico: a da personalidade, a do sofrimento ps\u00edquico e a da doen\u00e7a mental. Constitui-se em uma das mais ousadas contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para o estabelecimento de fundamentos consistentes, que sirvam de sustenta\u00e7\u00e3o para os processos inovadores da sa\u00fade mental."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sampaio, Jos\u00e9 Jackson Coelho"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, Transtornos mentais-epidemiologia, M\u00e9todos epidemiol\u00f3gicos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3vxfc"], ["title", "Epidemiologia da imprecis\u00e3o: processo sa\u00fade/doen\u00e7a mental como objeto da epidemiologia "], ["doab_id", "16410"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412602"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412602"]], [["description", "Rica sele\u00e7\u00e3o de textos e experi\u00eancias sobre a quest\u00e3o da sa\u00fade ind\u00edgena no Brasil, origin\u00e1rios de discuss\u00e3o em oficina de trabalho ocorrida no V Congresso Brasileiro de Epidemiologia (Curitiba, 2002). Escrito por pesquisadores estudiosos das mais diferentes vertentes do assunto, traz importante e inovadora contribui\u00e7\u00e3o a tema que vem emergindo como de grande import\u00e2ncia no \u00e2mbito da sa\u00fade coletiva no Brasil nos \u00faltimos anos. Oferece um amplo panorama, detalhado e atualizado, da sa\u00fade ind\u00edgena no Pa\u00eds, contemplando reflex\u00f5es com base nas diversas \u00e1reas do conhecimento que comp\u00f5em a sa\u00fade coletiva."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Coimbra Jr., Carlos E. A. (org.); Santos, Ricardo Ventura (org.); Escobar, Ana L\u00facia (org.)"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["\u00cdndios Sul-Americanos, Perfis epidemiol\u00f3gicos, Sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bsmtd"], ["title", "Epidemiologia e sa\u00fade dos povos ind\u00edgenas no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16411"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412619"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412619"]], [["description", "A obra oferece uma ampla e atualizada vis\u00e3o dos problemas nutricionais de relev\u00e2ncia para a sa\u00fade p\u00fablica no pa\u00eds, tendo em vista a realidade de ensino e pesquisa e o cen\u00e1rio epidemiol\u00f3gico e nutricional atual. Publica\u00e7\u00e3o de f\u00f4lego e poderosa ferramenta de trabalho para a comunidade da epidemiologia nutricional, vai al\u00e9m da avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de dietas e da rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e doen\u00e7as cr\u00f4nicas n\u00e3o transmiss\u00edveis. Valoriza, tamb\u00e9m, a longa tradi\u00e7\u00e3o e excel\u00eancia da epidemiologia brasileira no trato de temas como desnutri\u00e7\u00e3o, desmame precoce e car\u00eancia de micronutrientes. E respeita a especificidade da din\u00e2mica nutricional brasileira, contemplando com rigor, compet\u00eancia e equil\u00edbrio m\u00e9todos e an\u00e1lises que abrangem os \u2018velhos e novos males\u2019 da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kac, Gilberto; Sichieri, Rosely; Gigante, Denise Petrucci"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rrw5w"], ["title", "Epidemiologia nutricional"], ["doab_id", "19306"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413203"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413203"]], [["description", "Re\u00fane pensamentos e experi\u00eancias de diversas origens sobre quest\u00f5es de relev\u00e2ncia na epidemiologia, com especial enfoque \u00e0s relacionadas aos servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade. Congrega temas como diagn\u00f3stico e informa\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade, avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de servi\u00e7os e controle de doen\u00e7as, na busca pelo uso racional de tecnologias."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barreto, Maur\u00edcio Lima (org.); Almeida Filho, Naomar de (org.); Veras, Renato Peixoto (org.); Barata, Rita Barradas (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Epidemiologia, Tecnologia m\u00e9dica, Pa\u00edses em desenvolvimento"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/889m2"], ["title", "Epidemiologia, servi\u00e7os e tecnologias em sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "16412"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412626"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412626"]], [["description", "Apresenta textos que discutem, entre outros temas: a interface entre a epidemiologia, matem\u00e1tica e filosofia; a pandemia pelo HIV/Aids e o desenvolvimento de vacinas anti-HIV; as estrat\u00e9gias para a investiga\u00e7\u00e3o biol\u00f3gica e hist\u00f3rica da paleoparasitologia; os conceitos e m\u00e9todos na implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de a\u00e7\u00f5es de sa\u00fade e pol\u00edticas; o impacto dos meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o no desenvolvimento da epidemiologia e na din\u00e2mica da tecnologia m\u00e9dica; as perspectivas de elimina\u00e7\u00e3o do sarampo no Brasil; as estrat\u00e9gias metodol\u00f3gicas relativas \u00e0 desnutri\u00e7\u00e3o de adultos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Veras, Renato Peixoto (org.); Barreto, Maur\u00edcio Lima (org.); Almeida Filho, Naomar de (org.); Barata, Rita Barradas (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Epidemiologia"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p5z3b"], ["title", "Epidemiologia: contextos e pluralidade"], ["doab_id", "16413"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412633"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412633"]], [["description", "Epigenetics is defined as the study of modifications of the genome, heritable during cell division that does not involve changes in DNA sequences. Up to date, epigenetic modifications involve at least three general mechanisms regulating gene expression: histone modifications, DNA methylation, and non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). For the past two decades, an explosion in our interest and understanding of epigenetic mechanisms has been seen. This mainly based on the influence that epigenetic alterations have on an amazing number of biological processes, such as gene expression, imprinting, programmed DNA rearrangements, germ line silencing, developmentally cued stem cell division, and overall chromosomal stability and identity. It has become also evident that the constant exposure of living organisms to environment factors affects their genomes through epigenetic mechanisms. Viruses infecting animal cells are thought to play central roles in shaping the epigenetic scenario of infected cells. In this context it has become obvious that knowing the impact that viral infections have on the epigenetic control of their host cells will certainly lead to a better understanding of the interplay viruses have with animal cells. In fact, DNA viruses use host transcription factors as well as epigenetic regulators in such a way that they affect epigenetic control of gene expression that extends to host gene expression. At the same time, animal cells employ mechanisms controlling transcription factors and epigenetic processes, in order to eliminate viral infections. In summary, epigenetic mechanisms are involved in most virus-cell interactions. We now know that some viruses exhibit epigenetic immune evasion mechanisms to survive and propagate in their host; however, there is still much ambiguity over these epigenetic mechanisms of viral immune evasion, and most of the discovered mechanisms are still incomplete. Other animal viruses associated to cancer often deregulate cellular epigenetic mechanisms, silencing cellular tumor-suppressor genes and/or activating either viral or host cell oncogenes. In addition, in several cancers the down-regulation of tumor suppressor protein-coding genes and ncRNAs with growth inhibitory functions, such as miRNAs, have been closely linked to the presence of cell CpG island promoter hypermethylation. The goal of the aforementioned Research Topic is to bring together the key experimental and theoretical research, linking state-of-the-art knowledge about the epigenetic mechanisms involved in animal virus-cell interactions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silvia Carolina Galvan; Alejandro Garcia Carranca; Felix Recillas Targa; Jiuzhou Song"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["epigenetic", "DNA Methylation", "Interference RNA", "histone modification", "Methyltransferases", "Immune System", "DNase I hypersensitive sites", "virus", "Oncolytic Virotherapy", "NGS technology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1105/epigenetic-modifications-and-viral-infections"], ["title", "Epigenetic Modifications and Viral Infections"], ["doab_id", "18697"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195879"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195879"]], [["description", "This research topic focuses on epigenetic components of PTSD. Epigenetic mechanisms are a class of molecular mechanisms by which environmental influences, including stress, can interact with the genome to have long-term consequences for brain plasticity and behavior. Articles herein include empirical reports and reviews that link stress and trauma with epigenetic alterations in humans and animal models of early- or later-life stress. Themes present throughout the collection include: DNA methylation is a useful biomarker of stress and treatment outcome in humans; epigenetic programming of stress-sensitive physiological systems early in development confers an enhanced risk on disease development upon re-exposure to trauma or stress; and, long-lived fear memories are associated with epigenetic alterations in fear memory and extinction brain circuitry."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tania L. Roth; David M. Diamond; Karestan C. Koenen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["DNA Methylation", "Histones", "miRNA", "stress", "Fear", "PTSD"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/966/epigenetic-pathways-in-ptsd-how-traumatic-experiences-leave-their-signature-on-the-genome"], ["title", "Epigenetic pathways in PTSD: How traumatic experiences leave their signature on the genome"], ["doab_id", "18604"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194582"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194582"]], [["description", "The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is the oldest and widest European intergovernmental network for cooperation in research. Established by the Ministerial Conference in November 1971, COST is presently used by more than 30.000 scientists of 35 European countries to cooperate in common research projects supported by national funds. The financial support for cooperation networks (COST Actions) provided by COST is about 1.5% (30 million EUR per year) of the total value of the projects (2000 million EUR per year). [\u2026] As precursor of advanced multidisciplinary research COST has a very important role in shaping the European Research Area (ERA). It anticipates and complements the activities of the current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020). COST activities create a bridge between the scientific communities of countries and increases the mobility of researchers across Europe in many key scientific domains.Parental stress before, during and after conception induces epigenetic changes in gametes and embryos. Such epigenetic changes may adversely affect the future health, development, productivity and fertility of the offsprings. Our cooperation in this COST Action focuses on the timeframes and mechanisms of these epigenetic modifications. We plan public engagement activities to inform the general public on the importance of the epigenome and the periconception environment in future food production, health and welfare. We aim to coordinate various European research activities on epigenetic control of development in order to avoid duplication, set targets and guidance for future research in this field through a large collaborative network."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tiziana Brevini; Alireza Fazeli"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ann Van Soom"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Proceedings-Conference-2016-V14-2.pdf"], ["title", "Epigenetics and periconception environment"], ["doab_id", "19794"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867055043"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867055043"]], [["description", "This book focuses on the ways in which the British settler colonies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa treated indigenous peoples in relation to political rights, commencing with the imperial policies of the 1830s and ending with the national political settlements in place by 1910. Drawing on a wide range of sources, its comparative approach provides an insight into the historical foundations of present-day controversies in these settler societies. The assertion of exclusive control over the land and the need to contain indigenous resistance meant that the governments preferred to grant citizenship rights to those indigenous peoples committed to individual property and a willingness to abandon indigenous status. However, particular historical circumstances in the new democracies resulted in very different outcomes. At one extreme Maori men and women in New Zealand had political rights similar to those of white colonists; at the other, the Australian parliament denied the vote to all Aborigines. Similarly, the new South African Government laid the foundations for apartheid, whilst Canada made enfranchisement conditional on assimilation. These differences are explored through the common themes of property rights, indigenous cultural and communal affiliations, demography and gender. This book is written in a clear readable style, accessible at all levels from first-year undergraduates to academic specialists in the fields of Imperial and Colonial History, Anthropology and Cultural Studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Evans ,Julie; Grimshaw ,Patricia; Phillips ,David; Swain ,Shurlee"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["indigenous", "racial", "australia", "colonies"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341329"], ["title", "Equal subjects, unequal rights: Indigenous people in British settler colonies, 1830-1910"], ["doab_id", "12654"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060038"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060038"]], [["description", "In the last several years, much has been written about growing economic challenges, increasing income inequality, and political polarization in the United States. Addressing these new realities in America\u2019s metropolitan regions, this book argues that a few lessons are emerging: first, inequity is bad for economic growth; second, bringing together the concerns of equity and growth requires concerted local action; and third, the fundamental building block for doing this is the creation of diverse and dynamic epistemic (or knowledge) communities, which help to overcome political polarization and to address the challenges of economic restructuring and social divides."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Benner ,Chris; Pastor ,Manuel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Urban development", "Economic development", "Income distribution", "Regional planning", "Economic policy", "Cities and towns - United States"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602281"], ["title", "Equity, Growth, and Community: What the Nation Can Learn from America's Metro Areas"], ["doab_id", "18613"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520284418", "9780520960046"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520284418 9780520960046"]], [["description", "The publication focusses on the \"waakaa\", antropomorphic wooden sculptures of the Konso in Ethiopia. The study highlights the social functions and meanings of the sculptures. Besides a detailed description it also includes information on their production, the corresponding rituals and the way the statues are erected.

Die Arbeit bietet erstmals eine fl\u00e4chendeckende Studie der anthropomorphen Holzskulpturen der Konso (waakaa) mit einer detaillierten Beschreibung der Figuren, deren Herstellung, ihrer Symbolik, der Art und Weise ihrer Aufrichtung und dazugeh\u00f6riger Rituale. Auf der Grundlage einer Inventur werden die Figuren in drei verschiedene Kategorien unterteilt: die waakaa als Figurengruppe, die ein Denkmal f\u00fcr einen Mann bildet, der einen Feind oder ein wehrhaftes Tier get\u00f6tet hat, als Denkmal f\u00fcr Menschen, die auf andere Weise Herausragendes geleistet haben, und als Grabmarkierung f\u00fcr jeden Menschen, der verheiratet war und Kinder bekommen hat. Die Studie ordnet die waakaa vergleichend in den regionalen und historischen Gesamtkontext der Stelen und anderer Monumente in \u00c4thiopien ein, die zu einem gro\u03b2en Teil Denkm\u00e4ler f\u00fcr verstorbene \u201eHeldent\u00f6ter\u201c sind. Die waakaa der Konso werden daher im Fokus des in fr\u00fcheren Jahren sehr weit verbreiteten \u201eT\u00f6terwesens\u201c betrachtet. Die Untersuchung der mit dem T\u00f6ten verbundenen Vor- und auch Nachbereitungen, Reglementierungen und zu befolgenden Rituale verdeutlicht, dass es sich hierbei um einen Liminalritus handelt, durch den ein Mann in einen neuen gesellschaftlichen Status wechselt. Einen zweiten Fokus bildet die Verbindung der waakaa mit den Totenfeiern, anl\u00e4sslich derer sie aufgestellt werden, und die f\u00fcr \u201eHeldent\u00f6ter\u201c besonders aufwendig gestaltet sind. In vielen F\u00e4llen wird die Errichtung des Denkmals von der Existenz einer Nachkommenschaft abh\u00e4ngig gemacht. Von der Gr\u00f6\u00dfe und Aufwendigkeit des Denkmals kann wiederum auf die zahlenm\u00e4\u00dfige Gr\u00f6\u00dfe bzw. wirtschaftliche Position der Nachkommenschaft geschlossen werden. Dadurch kann die Verwandtschaftsgruppe durch die Aufwendigkeit der Feste und Monumente ihre eigene St\u00e4rke demonstrieren. Die sich \u00fcber die Jahre ansammelnde Anzahl der Monumente wird so zu einem sichtbaren Symbol der St\u00e4rke und Wehrhaftigkeit der Gruppe. Die Analyse dieser beiden Aspekte f\u00fchrt zu der von fr\u00fcheren Forschern bereits betrachteten Verbindung zwischen dem Akt des T\u00f6tens durch den Mann und seiner F\u00e4higkeit, neues Leben zu zeugen. Dieser Zusammenhang wird anhand des in S\u00fcd-\u00c4thiopien weit verbreiteten Konzepts einer sich im Kreislauf befindenden Vitalit\u00e4t gesehen, die auf diese Weise angereichert werden kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Poissonnier, Nicole"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["ethnology", "burial rites", "South Ethiopia", "ethnology", "burial rites", "South Ethiopia"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610304"], ["title", "Das Erbe der \"Helden\" - Grabkult der Konso und kulturverwandten Ethnien in S\u00fcd-\u00c4thiopien"], ["doab_id", "13232"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875036"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875036"]], [["description", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines; Culture and history

Het woord 'erfgoed' wordt tegenwoordig vooral toegepast in het begrippenpaar 'cultureel erfgoed'. Een ander gebruik van het woord 'erfgoed' richt zich juist op de immateri\u00eble betekenis van het woord. Dan gaat het onder meer om de geestelijke erfenis van een denker of kunstenaar. In die laatste betekenis heeft het begrip 'erfgoed' een langere geschiedenis dan in de eerste. In Erfgoed. De geschiedenis van een begrip worden de verschillende geschiedenissen van het begrip gereconstrueerd en geanalyseerd. Allereerst wordt aandacht besteed aan de juridische herkomst en ontwikkeling van het woord 'erfgoed'. Willem Frijhoff belicht de religieuze dimensie ervan. Andere auteurs richten zich op verwante begrippen, zoals 'monument' of 'oudheden'. Eco Haitsma Mulier besteedt aandacht aan het begrip 'erflaters', bekend geworden door de beroemde publicatie Erflaters van onze beschaving van Jan en Annie Romein (1938). Eric Ketelaar, Gerard Rooijakkers en anderen bespreken elk een bepaald werkingsveld binnen het cultureel erfgoed: archieven, literatuur, archeologie, volkskunde. De bundel wordt afgesloten met een beschouwing van Wessel Krul over de behoefte van sommigen zich af te zetten tegen de erfgoedgedachte of zelfs de drang om erfgoed te vernietigen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grijzenhout ,Frans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Culture and history", "Geschiedenis", "Cultuur and geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340161"], ["title", "Erfgoed : De geschiedenis van een begrip"], ["doab_id", "12858"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569122"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569122"]], [["description", "Die Kriegs- und Milit\u00e4rgeschichte der Franz\u00f6sischen Revolution ist bislang \u00fcberwiegend als ein spezieller, in sich geschlossener Bereich der Revolutionsgeschichte betrachtet worden. Kruses Diskursanalyse zeigt sie hingegen als einen wichtigen Bestandteil des revolution\u00e4ren Prozesses. Deutlich werden die komplexen Beziehungsgeflechte und Wirkungsverh\u00e4ltnisse zwischen der revolution\u00e4ren Bewegung, der bewaffneten Macht und dem Krieg. Einerseits entstand eine neuartige, revolution\u00e4re Konzeption des Krieges. Andererseits wurde die Revolution durch ihre wachsende Identifikation mit dem Krieg gepr\u00e4gt und die Verh\u00e4ltnisse zwischen ziviler Gesellschaft und Milit\u00e4r revolution\u00e4r umgestaltet. Wesentliche Entscheidungen und Entwicklungen im revolution\u00e4ren Prozess (die fr\u00fche Radikalisierung, der Sturz der Monarchie, der Aufstieg Bonapartes ...) m\u00fcssen vor diesem Hintergrund neu interpretiert werden. Der Kriegsdiskurs der Franz\u00f6sischen Revolution offenbart sich schlie\u00dflich als ein Anfangspunkt des modernen Militarismus. Wolfgang Kruse ist Privatdozent am Historischen Institut der Fernuniversit\u00e4t Hagen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kruse, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/230589"], ["title", "Die Erfindung des modernen Militarismus. Krieg, Milit\u00e4r und b\u00fcrgerliche Gesellschaft im politischen Denken der Franz\u00f6sischen Revolution 1789-1799"], ["doab_id", "18394"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486833607", "9783486566840"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486833607, 9783486566840"]], [["description", "The European Union underlines the growing importance of integrated rural development (ILE). Maximilian Ortner shows how forestry can successfully participate in this development. Forest model projects for drinking water, wood mobilization, increase in sales of wood, energy out of wood, forest preservation or airport environmental education are analyzed as examples of acts of the forestry practice in the context of integrated rural development. The examples are based on the state forests, local forest, private forest owners and the Chamber of Agriculture. About the identified success factors inform a \"checklist\" with the chance of success of specific projects can be assessed quickly.

Die Europ\u00e4ische Union betont die steigende Bedeutung der integrierten l\u00e4ndlichen Entwicklung (ILE). Maximilian Ortner zeigt, wie die Forstwirtschaft an dieser Entwicklung erfolgreich teilnehmen kann. Forstliche Musterprojekte f\u00fcr Trinkwasserwald, Holzmobilisierung, Holzabsatzsteigerung, Energiewald, Flughafenschutzwald oder Umweltbildung werden als Beispiele f\u00fcr aktives Handeln der Forstpraxis im Rahmen der integrierten l\u00e4ndlichen Entwicklung analysiert. Die Beispiele beziehen sich auf den Staatswald, den Kommunalwald, private Waldbesitzer sowie die Landwirtschaftskammer. \u00dcber die ermittelten Erfolgsfaktoren informiert eine \u201eCheckliste\u201c mit der die Erfolgschancen von konkreten Vorhaben rasch beurteilt werden k\u00f6nnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ortner, Maximilian"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["forestry", "environmental policy", "drinking water", "energy", "forestry", "environmental policy", "drinking water", "energy"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610253"], ["title", "Erfolgsfaktoren f\u00fcr die Beteiligung forstlicher Akteure an der integrierten l\u00e4ndlichen Entwicklung - das Beispiel LEADER+ Programm der EU-Strukturpolitik"], ["doab_id", "12960"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344328"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344328"]], [["description", "Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) was a German mathematician, astronomer, educator, philosopher, and inventor. He was professor of mathematics at Jena University and is considered a key figure in the development of the mathematical sciences of the 17th Century. In particular, he is known to be the teacher of the young Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) and other notable students. These proceedings record papers presented at an international colloquium held at the G\u00f6ttingen State and University Library in collaboration with the Erhard Weigel Society based in Jena on December 5-6, 2014. The colloquium was concerned with Erhard Weigel and some of his many students as well as discussed his contribution to the history of science as an excellent educator. Moreover, the colloquium dealt with the flow of impact of his methods and ideas into the scientific community, whose members played a significant role in the scientific revolution of the 17th Century. Finally, a list of known students who attended Weigel's lectures is given.

Der Mathematiker, Astronom, P\u00e4dagoge, Philosoph und Erfinder Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) war in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 17. Jahrhunderts Professor an der Universit\u00e4t Jena und gilt als zentrale und bemerkenswert schillernde Pers\u00f6nlichkeit der Wissenschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts. Sein Wirken hatte einen ma\u00dfgeblichen Anteil am Aufstieg der Salana w\u00e4hrend der Barockzeit und machte Jena im weitgef\u00e4cherten Bereich der mathematischen Wissenschaften zu einem inspirierenden Ausgangsort wissenschaftlicher Innovation. Der von Weigel als zentralem Impulsgeber ausgehende Wissens- und Methodentransfer vollzog sich \u00fcber ein ausgedehntes personelles Beziehungsgef\u00fcge unter den Gelehrten der damaligen Zeit. Viele Zeugnisse von denen, die bei ihm studierten, lassen ihn als einen gl\u00e4nzenden Lehrer erkennen. Zu Weigels Studenten z\u00e4hlen sehr bedeutende wie Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, der 1663 von Leipzig nach Jena kam, aber auch zahlreiche, die heute relativ unbekannt sind, in ihrer Zeit jedoch eine angesehene Stellung bekleideten. Der hier \u2013 im Leibniz-Jahr 2016 \u2013 vorgelegte Tagungsband basiert auf den Vortr\u00e4gen des siebenten Erhard-Weigel-Kolloquiums, welches am 5. und 6. Dezember 2014 gemeinsam mit der Erhard-Weigel-Gesellschaft Jena an der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen veranstaltet wurde und sich sowohl mit der allgemeinen Thematik des akademischen Lehrer-Sch\u00fcler-Verh\u00e4ltnisses befasst als auch einzelne Weigel-Sch\u00fcler und ihr Wirken n\u00e4her untersucht hat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Habermann, Katharina; Herbst, Klaus-Dieter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Weigel, Erhard", "mathematics", "knowledge transfer", "method transfer", "Weigel, Erhard", "mathematics", "knowledge transfer", "method transfer"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610403"], ["title", "Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) und seine Sch\u00fcler - Beitr\u00e4ge des 7. Erhard-Weigel-Kolloquiums 2014"], ["doab_id", "19207"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952594"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952594"]], [["description", "In her early diaries the art historian Erica Tietze-Conrat discribes her eventfull life in Vienna in the 1920ies, were she had been in touch with all the important art circles of the time..In 1937 and 1938 her journals give an interesting view of the networks between museumstafs, art dealers, art scholars and artists just before the outbreak of World War II.

In den fr\u00fchen Tageb\u00fcchern beschreibt die Kunsthistorikerin Erica Tietze-Conrat ihr ereignisreiches Leben im Wien der 1920er Jahre, wo sie mit allen wichtigen K\u00fcnstlergruppen in Kontakt stand. Die Aufzeichnungen von 1937 und 1938 geben einen interessanten \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Netzwerke zwischen Museumsmitarbeitern, Kunsth\u00e4ndlern, Kunstgelehrten und K\u00fcnstlern in der Zeit vor dem Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Caruso ,Alexandra"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Vienna, art, culture, history, women, jewish", "Wien, Kunst, Kultur, Geschichte, Frauen, J\u00fcdisch"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574663"], ["title", "Erica Tietze-Conrat, Tageb\u00fccher"], ["doab_id", "17392"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795452"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795452"]], [["description", "The monograph explores the life, work and legacy of the Austrian writer, director and producer Ernst Lothar (1890\u20131974) through the analysis of hitherto unpublished correspondence as well as other unpublished writings/documents from his estate, giving ample consideration to the reception of Lothar\u2019s oeuvre.

Basierend auf der unver\u00f6ffentlichten Korrespondenz und anderen Materialien aus dem Nachlass werden Leben, Wirken und Werk des \u00f6sterreichischen Autors und Theatermannes Ernst Lothar (1890\u20131974) vorgestellt, wobei die Rezeption seiner Arbeiten breiten Raum einnimmt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hei\u00dfler ,Dagmar"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["austrian writer, unpublished manuscripts & correspondences, literary influences & relationships, reception, emigration, theatre", "\u00f6sterreichischer Schriftsteller, unver\u00f6ffentlichte Werke und Korrespondenz, literarische Einfl\u00fcsse und Beziehungen, Rezeption, Emigration, Theater"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617074"], ["title", "Ernst Lothar"], ["doab_id", "19763"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205201458"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205201458"]], [["description", "This volume presents the reports and discussions held at the conference of the \"Association of German Constitutional Teachers\" in Erlangen from October, 1st to October, 4th, 2008."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Axer, Peter ; Davy, Ulrike; M\u00f6llers, Christoph; Sacksofsky, Ute"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/39406"], ["title", "Erosion von Verfassungsvoraussetzungen. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Erlangen vom 1. bis 4. Oktober 2008"], ["doab_id", "18097"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110977899", "9783899495355"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110977899, 9783899495355"]], [["description", "O livro analisa a Campanha Continental para a Erradica\u00e7\u00e3o do Aedes aegypti, o primeiro e mais duradouro programa internacional de erradica\u00e7\u00e3o j\u00e1 implementado. Lan\u00e7ada em 1947 sob os ausp\u00edcios da Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Sanit\u00e1ria Pan-Americana (OSP), ent\u00e3o dirigida pelo m\u00e9dico norte-americano Frederick Soper, ela dava continuidade \u00e0 Campanha Mundial de Erradica\u00e7\u00e3o da Febre Amarela, oficialmente iniciada em 1918, ap\u00f3s o t\u00e9rmino da Primeira Guerra Mundial, pela Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Rockefeller. A Campanha Continental sintetizava importantes transforma\u00e7\u00f5es do p\u00f3s-Segunda Guerra Mundial e sinalizava um novo padr\u00e3o de relacionamento das organiza\u00e7\u00f5es internacionais e do governo norte-americano com os pa\u00edses da Am\u00e9rica Latina, especialmente o Brasil, com maior preponder\u00e2ncia destes. O livro nos oferece uma an\u00e1lise original dos esfor\u00e7os envidados no passado recente e subs\u00eddios para realizarmos com sucesso este enfrentamento no presente - a recente epidemia causada pelo v\u00edrus Zika coloca novamente na ordem do dia o combate sem tr\u00e9guas ao mosquito Aedes aegypti, tamb\u00e9m respons\u00e1vel pela transmiss\u00e3o da dengue e da febre chikungunya."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magalh\u00e3es, Rodrigo Cesar da Silva"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sv74c"], ["title", "A erradica\u00e7\u00e3o do Aedes aegypti: febre amarela, Fred Soper e sa\u00fade p\u00fablica nas Am\u00e9ricas (1918-1968)"], ["doab_id", "19376"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575414798"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414798"]], [["description", "Este trabalho objetivou realizar um estudo tem\u00e1tico das rela\u00e7\u00f5es da Hist\u00f3ria com a Ecologia, procurando vincular esta an\u00e1lise a um referencial de uma dada sociedade, per\u00edodo e atividade produtiva. Procurei, atrav\u00e9s deste referencial, aplicar empiricamente em um determinado contexto hist\u00f3rico algumas reflex\u00f5es te\u00f3ricas, fruto dessa realidade constatada."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida, Jozimar Paes de"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["NATURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cthmw"], ["title", "Errante no campo da raz\u00e3o: o in\u00e9dito na hist\u00f3ria; contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para um estudo de hist\u00f3ria e ecologia"], ["doab_id", "17205"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662700"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662700"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Quack, Joachim Friedrich / Luft, Daniela Christina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Materialit\u00e4t", " Heilige Schrift", " Gebrauchspraktiken"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431187"], ["title", "Erscheinungsformen und Handhabungen Heiliger Schriften"], ["doab_id", "17226"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110371246", "9783110371277", "9783110412598"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110371246, 9783110371277, 9783110412598"]], [["description", "Developing the third dimension.The origins and evolution of civilian aviation infrastructure in Switzer-land, 1909-1990Why is Switzerland\u2019s biggest airport today located at Zurich-Kloten? What role has airplane noise played in development of the Geneva-Cointrin and Basel-M\u00fchlhausen airports? How were the first airways established in Switzerland and how long have air traf-fic controllers been used there? This is the first comprehensive portrayal of the history of airports, airfields and air traffic control in Switzerland, from their begin-nings and up through the end of the 20th century.Rather than focus on specific facilities separately, the author takes a Switzerland-wide perspective which he situates in a global con-text. Using extensive source material, he reconstructs the origins and development of Swiss aviation infrastructure and illuminates the impacts of regulatory frameworks and historical actors upon this development. He takes into account a broad spectrum of fac-tors, such as crucial international influences, the competition be-tween airports that has persisted since the interwar years, the role of the Swiss federal government, and issues concerning aircraft noise that emerged after the Second World War. In addition to to-day\u2019s airports, this study also examines long-since discontinued facilities and important projects which were proposed but never completed, including the European central airport for interconti-nental seaplanes at Lake Constance, and the Swiss central airport at Bern-Utzenstorf and Lake Neuch\u00e2tel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fehr ,Sandro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["history of airports", "airfields and air traffic control"]], ["publisher", "Chronos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605213"], ["title", "Die Erschliessung der dritten Dimension. Entstehung und Entwicklung der zivilen Luftfahrtinfrastruktur in der Schweiz, 1919\u20131990"], ["doab_id", "18764"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783034012287"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034012287"]], [["description", "Biographic narratives are shaped by many factors. The shape old people finally select for the retrospective view of their lives, is for example influenced by the current narrative situation, by the individual's perception of the past, or by the patterns of reconstruction. Using the example of 67 biographical narratives, the graduate thesis \u201cTelling about life in the 20th Century\u201d demonstrates, how cultural influences shape the practice of memory, and how narrative traditions ultimately decide on the form of autobiographical representation.

Lebensgeschichtliche Erz\u00e4hlungen werden von vielen Faktoren geformt. Von der gegenw\u00e4rtigen Erz\u00e4hlsituation \u00fcber die individuelle Wahrnehmung des Vergangenen bis hin zur Rekonstruktion in Form von Erinnerung und Erz\u00e4hlung pr\u00e4gen viele Einfl\u00fcsse die Form, die alte Menschen schlie\u00dflich f\u00fcr die retrospektive Darstellung ihres Lebens w\u00e4hlen. Am Beispiel von 67 lebensgeschichtlichen Erz\u00e4hlungen wird in der Arbeit \u201eErz\u00e4hlen vom Leben im 20. Jahrhundert\u201c aufgezeigt, wie kulturelle Einfl\u00fcsse die Erinnerungspraxis pr\u00e4gen und Erz\u00e4hltraditionen letztlich \u00fcber die Form der autobiographischen Darstellung entscheiden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hessenberger ,Edith"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Oral history; biographical narratives; narrative traditions", "Oral History; lebensgeschichtliches Erz\u00e4hlen; Erz\u00e4hltraditionen"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=447553"], ["title", "Erz\u00e4hlen vom Leben im 20. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "15542"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706552073"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706552073"]], [["description", "\u201cExperience\u201d is a concept paradoxically deployed to accentuate the aconceptual. Although thinking, knowing, reflecting, and analyzing are kinds of experiences, invocations of \u201cexperience\u201d typically direct our attention to what is immediate, embodied, unrepresented, unthought, even unthinkable. And yet, whether by learning experience, traumatic experience, life experience, mystical experience, or all of these, we hope most fervently that our experience will teach us, transform us, become part of us. Why do we strive to find, profit from, and possess experience while insisting upon experience\u2019s intellectual elusiveness? What do we intend when we petition (and re-petition) experience for truth, for growth, for strength? To whom or to what do we sing when we sing experience\u2019s song?Escargotesque, or, What is Experience? asks why both our lived experiences and our mythologies of experience so often fold inward, repeat, return. Departing from his unusual experience of working as a garbage-collector in the West African country of Benin, M.H. Bowker converses with several champions of experience (from Michel de Montaigne to John Dewey, from S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard to Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Simone Weil to R.D. Laing) to pose radical questions about the intentions and dynamics that guide our quest for experience, intentions and dynamics that are more destructive and more melancholy than celebrants of experience would care to admit.Across Escargotesque\u2019s six loosely linear parts, fragments of prose memoir intersect with poetry, sketch art, philosophical reflection, cultural criticism, and psychological examination in ways that both evoke and unsettle the thinking person\u2019s experience. Escargotesque both testifies to an experience and reveals surprising fantasies driving the modern and postmodern turn to experience as a source of truth and hope. Such fantasies include the sacredness of even the most violent \u2018pure experience,\u2019 the necessity of supplicating experience\u2019s objects, and the ultimate demise of the one who experiences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M.H. Bowker"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["poetry, phenomenology, philosophy, psychoanalysis, memoir, Montaigne, John Dewey, Kierkegaard, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Simone Weil, R.D. Laing"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/qzhfhv4bpq9aari/Bowker_Escargotesque_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Escargotesque, or, What is Experience?"], ["doab_id", "17864"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692373880"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692373880"]], [["description", "Au-del\u00e0 de l\u2019Atlantique noir de Paul Gilroy, l\u2019Atlantique de l\u2019esclavage, notion englobante dont les fronti\u00e8res vont jusqu\u2019au c\u0153ur des continents, a cependant \u00e9t\u00e9 en permanence retravaill\u00e9 par des subdivisions linguistiques (l\u2019Atlantique lusophone, francophone, anglophone\u2026) ou h\u00e9misph\u00e9riques (Atlantique Sud, Nord). Ce livre, au contraire, bouscule ses fronti\u00e8res : il se pose comme une histoire crois\u00e9e entre l\u2019Atlantique Sud et l\u2019Atlantique Nord, entre un espace lusophone et un autre, francoph..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Myriam Cottias, Hebe Mattos (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology, History"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/771"], ["title", "Esclavage et subjectivit\u00e9s"], ["doab_id", "18917"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821855823", "9782821855861"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855823 9782821855861"]], [["description", "Duas institui\u00e7\u00f5es de ensino t\u00eam import\u00e2ncia decisiva na vida de Minas Gerais: o Cara\u00e7a e a Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto. Elas realizaram, em certa \u00e9poca, trabalho expressivo em mat\u00e9ria de educa\u00e7\u00e3o, valendo pelo que foi feito no preparo de pessoal e pelo acento de originalidade dado \u00e0 vida da \u00e1rea. Da\u00ed o seu relevo, justificativo de aten\u00e7\u00f5es. Mais que simples escolas, s\u00e3o unidades formadoras de determinada marca regional. Seu estudo se imp\u00f5e e pode contribuir para esclarecimento da realidade tanto como as notas pol\u00edticas ou econ\u00f4micas. E ele vem sendo feito, como se v\u00ea pelas obras dedicadas \u00e0 fixa\u00e7\u00e3o de trajet\u00f3rias de escolas e cursos, reveladoras de algo mais que resultado de aulas, ou de centros de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carvalho, Jos\u00e9 Murilo de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7j8bc"], ["title", "A escola de Minas de Ouro Preto: o peso da gl\u00f3ria"], ["doab_id", "17162"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820052"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820052"]], [["description", "Para al\u00e9m do Atl\u00e2ntico negro de Paul Gilroy, o Atl\u00e2ntico da escravid\u00e3o, no\u00e7\u00e3o abrangente cujas fronteiras v\u00e3o ao cora\u00e7\u00e3o dos continentes, ainda que constantemente retrabalhado por subdivis\u00f5es lingu\u00edsticas (o Atl\u00e2ntico lus\u00f3fono, franc\u00f3fono, angl\u00f3fono...) ou hemisf\u00e9ricas (Atl\u00e2ntico Sul, Norte). Este livro, no entanto, desafia essas fronteiras: surge como uma hist\u00f3ria cruzada entre o Atl\u00e2ntico Sul e o Atl\u00e2ntico Norte, entre um espa\u00e7o lus\u00f3fono e um outro, franc\u00f3fono; entre datas da aboli\u00e7\u00e3o da es..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Myriam Cottias, Hebe Mattos (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology, History"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/778"], ["title", "Escravid\u00e3o e subjetividades"], ["doab_id", "18918"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9782821855830", "9782821855878"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855830 9782821855878"]], [["description", "\"A mat\u00e9ria deste T\u00edtulo e Parte 1.\u00aa constitui por si s\u00f3 objeto digno de um tratado. T\u00e3o importante \u00e9 ela; t\u00e3o vasto o campo a percorrer. Muito mais, porque nossas leis s\u00e3o escassas e como que fugitivas a tal respeito, principalmente nas infinitas rela\u00e7\u00f5es c\u00edveis que ligam os escravos e os senhores entre si e com terceiros, nas quest\u00f5es cardiais de estado de liberdade ou escravid\u00e3o, e em tantas outras que emergem constantemente. Mas n\u00f3s nos circunscreveremos no quadro correspondente ao plano deste nosso trabalho, procurando todavia faz\u00ea-lo por forma, que ao menos os princ\u00edpios fundamentais e de maior freq\u00fc\u00eancia pr\u00e1tica sejam consignados de um modo claro e met\u00f3dico. O desenvolvimento ficar\u00e1 ao estudo e gosto de cada um. O assunto \u00e9 quase inesgot\u00e1vel.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Malheiros, Agostinho Marques Perdig\u00e3o"], ["date", "1866"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kbxjh"], ["title", "A escravid\u00e3o no Brasil: ensaio hist\u00f3rico-jur\u00eddico-social - Vol. 1"], ["doab_id", "16823"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820724"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820724"]], [["description", "Nesta 2\u00aa Parte do presente Ensaio vai sucintamente historiada a escravid\u00e3o dos \u00edndios at\u00e9 sua completa e definitiva aboli\u00e7\u00e3o. Comprende-se que n\u00e3o era poss\u00edvel deixar de entrar no plano desse trabalho semelhante assunto, de cuja import\u00e2ncia se far\u00e1 id\u00e9ia aproximada com a leitura desta 2.\u00aa Parte."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Malheiros, Agostinho Marques Perdig\u00e3o"], ["date", "1867"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/27nk7"], ["title", "A escravid\u00e3o no Brasil: ensaio hist\u00f3rico-jur\u00eddico-social - Vol. 2"], ["doab_id", "16853"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820731"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820731"]], [["description", "A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o que orienta este trabalho \u00e9 sobretudo a necessidade de compreender as atitudes das pessoas contra as quais s\u00e3o praticadas formas extremas de explora\u00e7\u00e3o e domina\u00e7\u00e3o, baseadas na viol\u00eancia f\u00edsica e/ou simb\u00f3lica e referidas como formas atuais de escravid\u00e3o.[trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Esterci, Neide"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pbqp3"], ["title", "Escravos da desigualdade: um estudo sobre o uso repressivo da for\u00e7a de trabalho hoje"], ["doab_id", "16669"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662618"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662618"]], [["description", "A escrita do passado entre monges e leigos \u00e9 o testemunho direto da atual vitalidade dos estudos medievais no Brasil, em especial aqueles dedicados \u00e0s novas problem\u00e1ticas hist\u00f3ricas sobre o reino portugu\u00eas nos s\u00e9culos finais da Idade M\u00e9dia. Leandro Alves Teodoro revisita as fontes cron\u00edsticas portuguesas oriundas de dois lugares de produ\u00e7\u00e3o: o scriptorium do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra e a corte r\u00e9gia quatrocentista da dinastia de Avis. O m\u00e9rito deste livro est\u00e1 na compara\u00e7\u00e3o entre esses dois tipos de cr\u00f4nicas, desvelando o percurso da escrita da hist\u00f3ria em dois momentos distintos. No s\u00e9culo XII, a funda\u00e7\u00e3o do mosteiro cr\u00fazio dos c\u00f4negos regrantes de Santo Agostinho esteve entrela\u00e7ada com a pr\u00f3pria cria\u00e7\u00e3o do reino de Portugal. Foram os monges os respons\u00e1veis pela constitui\u00e7\u00e3o e pelo ordenamento da mem\u00f3ria de gl\u00f3rias do reino. A partir de 1385, o autor analisa o processo de transforma\u00e7\u00e3o dessa hist\u00f3ria mon\u00e1stica em um saber hist\u00f3rico laico nas m\u00e3os dos cronistas r\u00e9gios. Nesse processo, foram incorporados valores crist\u00e3os para que essas cr\u00f4nicas pudessem ter igualmente uma a\u00e7\u00e3o pedag\u00f3gica na forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos nobres cavaleiros do reino, buscando idealizar o presente e o futuro por meio dos triunfos do passado. Com um texto bem escrito, Teodoro propicia tanto a leitura prazerosa quanto o retorno \u00e0s origens da arte da composi\u00e7\u00e3o cron\u00edstica portuguesa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Teodoro, Leandro Alves"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Paleografia portuguesa, Cr\u00edtica textual, Escrita - aspectos sociais, Escrita - Aspectos religiosos, Escrita - Aspectos morais e \u00e9ticos, Manuscritos portugueses, Portugal - Hist\u00f3ria - s\u00e9culo XIV, Portugal - Hist\u00f3ria - S\u00e9culo XV"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cxpqd"], ["title", "A escrita do passado entre monges e leigos: Portugal \u2013 s\u00e9culos XIV e XV "], ["doab_id", "16455"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788539304356"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539304356"]], [["description", "Este livro re\u00fane estudos sobre Alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e Cultura e prioriza escritas e narrativas sobre o comer em distintos grupos e lugares. Fundamenta-se nas Ci\u00eancias Humanas para diversas leituras sobre o comer e, assim, busca compreender a nutri\u00e7\u00e3o como a\u00e7\u00e3o social. E para conhecer o universo simb\u00f3lico das rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre cultura e alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o, estudam-se o habitus, condutas, comportamentos alimentares, valores e cren\u00e7as."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Freitas, Maria do Carmo Soares de; Fontes, Gard\u00eania Abreu Vieira; Oliveria, Nilce de"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9q"], ["title", "Escritas e narrativas sobre alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e cultura"], ["doab_id", "17261"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209148"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209148"]], [["description", "Esta publicaci\u00f3n ofrece una antolog\u00eda representativa de ensayos, escritos en el arco de treinta a\u00f1os, destinados a ilustrar luces y sombras del proceso codificador. El autor ve en \u00e9ste no s\u00f3lo una reorganizaci\u00f3n formal de la materia jur\u00eddica (penal, civil, mercantil o procesal) destinada a garantizar certeza, y por ello dirigida a conseguir mayor completitud material, sino tambi\u00e9n (y sobre todo) la visible repercusi\u00f3n jur\u00eddica de un cambio pol\u00edtico, social, cultural, econ\u00f3mico, es decir \u2013simplificando\u2013 de la transici\u00f3n del mundo feudal al burgu\u00e9s. Por este motivo, la codificaci\u00f3n deviene la estrategia jur\u00eddica preferida para corresponder a las aspiraciones incubadas por la sociedad en el contexto posrevolucionario. Se examina por eso desde perspectivas distintas: locales (la mayor\u00eda referidas al microcosmo suizo) y supranacionales, formales y materiales, cient\u00edficas y presapienciales. El autor raramente se contenta con razonamientos basados en datos normativos, en reglas jur\u00eddicas promulgadas por los c\u00f3digos. Tiende m\u00e1s bien a preguntarse sobre como la nueva sociedad burguesa recibi\u00f3 el nuevo derecho del c\u00f3digo, sobre como lo ha aprovechado en sus propios programas, sobre los fines concretos de esta descontada adaptaci\u00f3n normativa. Por este motivo, al privilegiar siempre la interpretaci\u00f3n del destinatario, el autor no cede a la tentaci\u00f3n de escribir una historia continental de la codificaci\u00f3n, sino que prefiere un examen m\u00e1s pegado a la realidad hist\u00f3rica concreta de las singulares sociedades que codifican. Y lo hace en el esp\u00edritu de la intuici\u00f3n de Montesquieu, seg\u00fan la cual \u201cc\u2019est un tr\u00e8s grand hasard, si les lois d\u2019une nation peuvent convenir \u00e0 une autre\u201d."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Caroni, Pio"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Codification", "History of law", "Europe", "Codificaci\u00f3n del Derecho", "Codificaci\u00f3n", "Historia del derecho", "Europa"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/13028/escritos_caroni_2012.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Escritos sobre la codificaci\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "16130"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415454519"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415454519"]], [["description", "What was the impact of the armies of the King of Spain on one of the territories of its composite monarchy during the centuries of the early modern age? What changes took place in the relations of power between the local institutions and the Madrid headquarters, between the Lombard corps and the city of Milan, between the representatives of the territorial corps and the power \u00e9lites, as a consequence of the grievous burden represented by the military costs necessary for running the war? These are some of the questions that the author attempts to answer through study of the phenomenon of the military garrisons, an exceptional vantage point for observing the fine line that, in the ancient regime, divided the \"military\" and \"civilian\" worlds, which were not yet separated by the high walls and barbed wire of modern barracks.

Quale fu l'impatto degli eserciti del re di Spagna su un territorio della sua composita monarchia durante i secoli della prima et\u00e0 moderna? Come mutarono i rapporti di forza tra le istituzioni locali ed il centro madrileno, tra i corpi lombardi e la citt\u00e0 di Milano, tra le rappresentanze dei corpi territoriali e le \u00e9lites di potere in conseguenza del grave peso rappresentato dagli oneri militari necessari alla conduzione della guerra? Queste sono le domande a cui si cerca di dare risposta attraverso lo studio del fenomeno degli alloggiamenti militari, osservatorio privilegiato di quel labile confine esistente in antico regime tra due mondi, il \"militare\" e il \"civile\", non ancora separati dagli alti muri e dai fili spinati delle moderne caserme."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buono, Alessandro"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History", "Army", "Storia", "Esercito"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343708"], ["title", "Esercito, istituzioni, territorio. Alloggiamenti militari e \u00abcase herme\u00bb nello Stato di Milano (secoli XVI e XVII)"], ["doab_id", "13043"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539472"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539472"]], [["description", "Los espacios portuarios son estructuras sociales complejas que condicionan el desarrollo social y, a su vez, son modificadas en ese mismo proceso. Esas estructuras est\u00e1n conformadas por una multiplicidad de elementos que incluyen: circulaci\u00f3n de mercanc\u00edas y personas, una cambiante poblaci\u00f3n flotante, un intenso y variado intercambio cultural, migraciones, turismo, circulaci\u00f3n de informaci\u00f3n y el asentamiento de industrias, entre otros. Esta diversidad, casi inabordable en su totalidad, constituye una invitaci\u00f3n a que las ciencias sociales encaren su estudio desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria.Este libro es el resultado del esfuerzo que, en ese sentido, lleva a cabo la Red de Estudios Portuarios. Las actividades realizadas por la red vinculan a investigadores que desde distintas disciplinas cient\u00edficas indagan sobre diferentes aspectos que hacen a los espacios portuarios de la actualidad y del pasado. El conjunto de los textos reunidos en esta compilaci\u00f3n es un claro ejemplo de ese trabajo y constituye, adem\u00e1s, una muestra de la amplitud de aspectos desde los cuales se puede estudiar esos espacios."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sandr\u00edn, Mar\u00eda Emilia (comp.); Biangardi, Nicol\u00e1s (comp.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Harbours ", " Argentina ", " 12th-19th Century ", " Transportation ", " Fishing industry ", " Puertos ", " Siglos XII-XIX ", " Industria pesquera"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/26"], ["title", "Los espacios portuarios : Un lugar de encuentro entre disciplinas"], ["doab_id", "17377"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412336"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412336"]], [["description", "O que h\u00e1 de comum entre as representa\u00e7\u00f5es dos \u00edndios Terena do Mato Grosso do Sul, o espa\u00e7o sagrado no isl\u00e3 Shi\u00b4i, a Irmandade da Boa Morte na Bahia, as festas em louvor a S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista, as representa\u00e7\u00f5es do Brasil Sertanejo, as representa\u00e7\u00f5es e territorialidades homoer\u00f3ticas e os naturistas? Responder esta pergunta n\u00e3o \u00e9 algo simples, mas a resposta est\u00e1 na id\u00e9ia de que as representa\u00e7\u00f5es do espa\u00e7o e o espa\u00e7o das representa\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o plurais e diversos, exigindo outros olhares para interpretar a complexidade do mundo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Serpa, Angelo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bk"], ["title", "Espa\u00e7os Culturais: viv\u00eancias, imagina\u00e7\u00f5es e representa\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "17358"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211899"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211899"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ornella Robutti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["matematica, geometria, zoometrol"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/2016/02/Esplorazione_solidi_definitivo.pdf"], ["title", "Esplorazione dei Solidi e Oltre: Fare Geometria con gli Zometool"], ["doab_id", "18989"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054114"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054114"]], [["description", "GeoGebra (http://www.geogebra.org/cms/) \u00e8 un software di geometria dinamica con cui gli studenti possono costruire figure attraverso l\u2019uso di comandi che permettono di collocare oggetti geometrici su un piano. La caratteristica peculiare di GeoGebra \u00e8 la dinamicit\u00e0. GeoGebra \u00e8 gratuito: infatti \u00e8 un software open-source che si sta diffondendo sempre di pi\u00f9. Questo volume nasce come realizzazione di un progetto di formazione insegnanti con l\u2019utilizzo di GeoGebra, nell\u2019ambito del Piano Lauree Scientifiche di Matematica coordinato da Ornella Robutti nell\u2019anno 2012-13. Il contenuto di questo volume \u00e8 centrato su un approccio laboratoriale alla matematica, in particolare alla geometria, con l\u2019utilizzo di GeoGebra."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pierangela Accomazzo, Silvia Beltramino, Ada Sargenti "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Esplorazioni-matematiche-con-GeoGebra.pdf"], ["title", "Esplorazioni Matematiche con Geogebra"], ["doab_id", "15545"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051199"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051199"]], [["description", "Questo volume si aggiunge al precedente, distribuito al Convegno DI.FI.MA. 2013, e ne \u00e8 la naturale prosecuzione: infatti mentre quello era prevalentemente rivolto alla secondaria di primo grado e al primo biennio della secondaria di secondo grado, questo affronta temi solo per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Come il precedente volume raccoglie proposte ed esperienze didattiche che derivano da attivit\u00e0 di formazione insegnanti del GeoGebra Institute di Torino: il Progetto Lauree Scientifiche del Dipartimento di Matematica dell\u2019Universit\u00e0 di Torino e il progetto Comunit\u00e0 di Pratica con GeoGebra de La Casa degli Insegnanti-CESEDI. Sono infatti raccolte sia esercitazioni dei formatori, sia sperimentazioni dei corsisti,tutte centrate su un approccio laboratoriale della matematica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pierangela Accomazzo, Silvia Beltramino, Ada Sargenti"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["matematica, didattica, geogebra, manuali"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/geogebra_intero_2WEB.pdf"], ["title", "Esplorazioni Matematiche con Geogebra II"], ["doab_id", "16445"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867052554"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052554"]], [["description", "Professor Robert Rennie has been one of the most influential voices in Scots private law over the past thirty years. Highly respected as both an academic and a practitioner, his contribution to the development of property law and practice has been substantial and unique. This volume celebrates his retirement from the Chair of Conveyancing at the University of Glasgow in 2014 with a selection of essays written by his peers and colleagues from the judiciary, academia and legal practice. Each chapter covers a topic of particular interest to Professor Rennie during his career, from the historical development of property law rules through to the latest developments in conveyancing practice and the evolution of the rules of professional negligence. Although primarily Scottish in focus, the contributions will have much of interest to lawyers in any jurisdiction struggling with similar practical problems, particularly those with similar legal roots including the Netherlands and South Africa. As a whole, the collection is highly recommended to students, practitioners and academics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McCarthy, Frankie (Editor); Chalmers, James (Editor); Bogle, Stephen (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Conveyancing", "Property Law", "Professor Robert Rennie", "Scotland", "Scottish Law"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/343"], ["title", "Essays in Conveyancing and Property Law in Honour of Professor Robert Rennie"], ["doab_id", "17194"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741489", "9781783741496"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741489 9781783741496"]], [["description", "The book provides an overview of more than a decade of joint R&D efforts in the Low Countries on HLT for Dutch. It not only presents the state of the art of HLT for Dutch in the areas covered, but, even more importantly, a description of the resources (data and tools) for Dutch that have been created are now available for both academia and industry worldwide.The contributions cover many areas of human language technology (for Dutch): corpus collection (including IPR issues) and building (in particular one corpus aiming at a collection of 500M word tokens), lexicology, anaphora resolution, a semantic network, parsing technology, speech recognition, machine translation, text (summaries) generation, web mining, information extraction, and text to speech to name the most important ones.The book also shows how a medium-sized language community (spanning two territories) can create a digital language infrastructure (resources, tools, etc.) as a basis for subsequent R&D. At the same time, it bundles contributions of almost all the HLT research groups in Flanders and the Netherlands, hence offers a view of their recent research activities.Targeted readers are mainly researchers in human language technology, in particular those focusing on Dutch. It concerns researchers active in larger networks such as the CLARIN, META-NET, FLaReNet and participating in conferences such as ACL, EACL, NAACL, COLING, RANLP, CICling, LREC, CLIN and DIR ( both in the Low Countries), InterSpeech, ASRU, ICASSP, ISCA, EUSIPCO, CLEF, TREC, etc. In addition, some chapters are interesting for human language technology policy makers and even for science policy makers in general."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Spyns, Jan Odijk"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Computational Linguistics", "Germanic Languages", "Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics)", "Computing Methodologies"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-30909-0"], ["title", "Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme"], ["doab_id", "15472"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642309090", "9783642309106"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642309090 (Print) 9783642309106 (Online)"]], [["description", "El libro ofrece por vez primera la publicaci\u00f3n del famoso informe sobre la Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 elaborado por el rector Mart\u00edn Esperanza en 1805. La edici\u00f3n cuenta con un luminoso estudio preliminar del profesor Jos\u00e9 Luis Peset. El informe ofrece una cuidada historia de la Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 de Henares, muy pormenorizada, en que puede seguirse con detalle su pasado. Las actuaciones de fundadores y reformadores, catedr\u00e1ticos y visitadores, estudiantes y mayordomos se conocen de manera r\u00e1pida y puntillosa con una simple ojeada a las p\u00e1ginas del texto rectoral. Pero tambi\u00e9n nos muestra las preocupaciones de Mart\u00edn Esperanza por las reformas universitarias en curso, en ese momento de crisis del antiguo r\u00e9gimen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Navarro, Diego (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", [" Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 de Henares", "History", "University of Alcala de Henares", "Universidades", "Universities"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7875/01_estado_univ_alcala.pdf?sequence=2"], ["title", "Estado de la Universidad de Alcal\u00e1 [1805]"], ["doab_id", "16161"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481555103"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "848155510X"]], [["description", "[...] nosso estudo focaliza um primeiro ciclo hist\u00f3rico de expans\u00e3o agroindustrial, caracterizado por estar ligado especialmente a produtos de exporta\u00e7\u00e3o. Na atualidade, abre-se um novo ciclo de expans\u00e3o agroindustrial na dire\u00e7\u00e3o de produtos aliment\u00edcios e mat\u00e9rias-primas para o mercado interno."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cjnwk"], ["title", "Estado e classes sociais na agricultura brasileira"], ["doab_id", "16854"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662281"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662281"]], [["description", "Trata do sistema de institui\u00e7\u00f5es jur\u00eddicas e pol\u00edticas de prote\u00e7\u00e3o social, com o objetivo central de apresentar ao leitor o padr\u00e3o latino-americano de Seguridade Social, analisando suas origens, forma e tend\u00eancias de desenvolvimento. A autora n\u00e3o se furta \u00e0 pol\u00eamica: aceita o desafio acad\u00eamico de construir um ponto de vista te\u00f3rico com for\u00e7a suficiente para enfrentar os inevit\u00e1veis - e, para o debate, instigantes - questionamentos. Enfim: leitura obrigat\u00f3ria para os que querem entender e interferir nos rumos da Seguridade da Am\u00e9rica Latina, quaisquer sejam suas forma\u00e7\u00f5es profissionais e convic\u00e7\u00f5es pol\u00edticas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fleury, Sonia"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["Previd\u00eancia social - Am\u00e9rica Latina, Pol\u00edtica social - Am\u00e9rica Latina, Assist\u00eancia P\u00fablica - Am\u00e9rica Latina"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jm5wd"], ["title", "Estado sem cidad\u00e3os: seguridade social na Am\u00e9rica Latina "], ["doab_id", "16416"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412428"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412428"]], [["description", "Arising from a scientific conference marking the 100th anniversary of her birth, this book honors the life and work of the social scientist and diplomat Ester Boserup, who blazed new trails in her interdisciplinary approach to development and sustainability. The contents are organized in three sections reflecting important focal points of Boserup\u2019s own work: Long-Term Socio-Ecological Change; Agriculture, Land Use, and Development; and Gender, Population, and Economy. The diversity of the contributions to this book highlights the continuing impact of Ester Boserup\u2019s work on scientific research today, and its likely influence on research for years to come.

Aus einer wissenschaftlichen Konferenz zu ihrem 100. Geburtstag heraus entstanden, ehrt dieses Buch das Leben und die Arbeit der Sozialwissenschaftlerin und Diplomatin Ester Boserup, die neue Wege in der interdisziplin\u00e4ren Nachhaltigkeits- und Entwicklungsforschung beschritt. Der Inhalt ist in drei Abschnitte gegliedert, in denen sich die Brennpunkte Boserups Arbeit widerspiegeln: langfristiger sozial-\u00f6kologischer Wandel; Landwirtschaft, Landnutzung und Entwicklung; und Gender, Bev\u00f6lkerung und Wirtschaft. Die Vielfalt der Beitr\u00e4ge streicht die andauernde Bedeutung der Arbeit Ester Boserups f\u00fcr heutige und zuk\u00fcnftige wissenschaftliche Arbeit hervor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fischer-Kowalski ,Marina; Mayer ,Andreas; Schaffartzik ,Anke; Reenberg ,Anette"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ester Boserup, Socio-ecological transitions, contemporary sustainability research, society-nature interrelations, women and gender in agriculture", "Ester Boserup, sozio-\u00f6kologische Transitionen, gegenw\u00e4rtige Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, Gesellschafts-Natur Interaktionen, Frauen und Gender in der Landwirtschaft"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602771"], ["title", "Ester Boserup\u2019s Legacy on Sustainability"], ["doab_id", "16333"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789401786775"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789401786775"]], [["description", "The fourth volume in the Approaches to Culture Theory series is a contemporary Estonian anthology in culture theory. Most of the authors are members of the research groups of the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory: archaeology, cultural communication studies, contemporary cultural studies, ethnology, folkloristics, religious studies, landscape studies, and semiotics. These scholars have revised their recent work to highlight current topics in culture theory in Estonia and use theoretical analyses to advance the self-description and self-understanding of culture. Contributors include Aili Aarelaid-Tart, Martin Ehala, Halliki Harro-Loit, Tiiu Jaago, Anne Kull, Kalevi Kull, Kristin Kuutma, Valter Lang, Art Leete, Kati Lindstr\u00f6m, Mihhail Lotman, Hannes Palang, Rein Raud, Raul Tiganik, Peeter Torop, \u00dclo Valk, and T\u00f5nu Viik."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lang ,Valter ; Kull ,Kalevi "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["culture", "culture theory", "philosophy of culture", "cultural communication", "cultural typology", "semiosphere", "semiotics", "identity", "communication", "language", "chronotype", "translation", "anthropology", "landscape", "text", "religion"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=500356"], ["title", "Estonian Approaches to Culture Theory"], ["doab_id", "16318"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949326136", "9789949326143"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949326136 9789949326143"]], [["description", "A tem\u00e1tica deste congresso \u2014 Estrat\u00e9gias de inven\u00e7\u00e3o do presente: a Psicologia Social no contempor\u00e2neo \u2014 exprime essa trajet\u00f3ria na qual as m\u00faltiplas estrat\u00e9gias de resist\u00eancia e cria\u00e7\u00e3o encontram, na ABRAPSO, um territ\u00f3rio de interlocu\u00e7\u00e3o e de interface entre saberes e fazeres.[trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guareschi, Neuza"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hwhw6"], ["title", "Estrat\u00e9gias de inven\u00e7\u00e3o do presente: a psicologia social no contempor\u00e2neo"], ["doab_id", "16670"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662908"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662908"]], [["description", "Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma an\u00e1lise da competitividade do complexo agroindustrial brasileiro no contexto dos novos padr\u00f5es de concorr\u00eancia a n\u00edvel internacional, com a finalidade de propor um conjunto de pol\u00edticas para o incremento da competitividade do setor e identificar os indicadores mais relevantes para o acompanhamento de sua evolu\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wilkinson, John"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5sd7p"], ["title", "Estudo da competitividade da ind\u00fastria brasileira: o complexo agroindustrial"], ["doab_id", "17488"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662649"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662649"]], [["description", "Escritos em diferentes momentos e circunst\u00e2ncias da carreira do pesquisador Alvaro Santos Sim\u00f5es Junior, este conjunto de dez ensaiostrata da produ\u00e7\u00e3o, circula\u00e7\u00e3o e recep\u00e7\u00e3o de obras liter\u00e1rias no Brasil a partir do fim dos anos 1800.O primeiro texto reconstr\u00f3i o ambiente em que, na virada s\u00e9culo 19 para o s\u00e9culo 20, da Monarquia para a Rep\u00fablica, do trabalho escravo para o livre, surgiram novas condi\u00e7\u00f5es para o trabalho intelectual. O texto seguinte fala de uma modalidade bem-sucedida de atua\u00e7\u00e3o profissional dos escritores daquele per\u00edodo - as revistas de ano. Enquanto os romancistas seguiam os passos de \u00c9mile Zola e E\u00e7a de Queiroz, utilizando linguagem depurada, os \u201crevisteiros\u201d aderiam \u00e0 metalinguagem e \u00e0 par\u00f3dia, e abusavam da fantasia, incorporando os variantes regionais e sociais.O terceiro e o quarto ensaios ainda olham para aquele momento hist\u00f3rico. Analisam, respectivamente, romances naturalistas brasileiros e not\u00edcias a respeito da morte de Zola, oferecendo, ambos, uma ideia de como era complexa rela\u00e7\u00e3o dos intelectuais brasileiros com os amados e, eventualmente, odiados mestres europeus. O texto seguinte trata da literatura paradid\u00e1tica da Primeira Rep\u00fablica, \u00e0 qual se dedicaram sistematicamente v\u00e1rios escritores daquele per\u00edodo.Os tr\u00eas ensaios subsequentes resultaram de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o do autor sobre a repercuss\u00e3o do Simbolismo nos peri\u00f3dicos brasileiros e revelam a import\u00e2ncia da imprensa peri\u00f3dica para a divulga\u00e7\u00e3o e circula\u00e7\u00e3o das obras liter\u00e1rias: o primeiro analisa um hebdomad\u00e1rio dirigido de 1893 a 1895 por Artur Azevedo; o segundo examina a atua\u00e7\u00e3o de Medeiros e Albuquerque como cr\u00edtico liter\u00e1rio do vespertino A Not\u00edcia de 1897 a 1905; o \u00faltimo aborda as interven\u00e7\u00f5es do jovem Paulo Barreto, redator da Cidade do Rio, jornal de Jos\u00e9 do Patroc\u00ednio, contra o Simbolismo brasileiro na virada do s\u00e9culo.O pen\u00faltimo estudo da colet\u00e2nea reflete sobre a obra de Ana Cristina Cesar, autora mais representativa da \u201cgera\u00e7\u00e3o mime\u00f3grafo\u201d, que criou em pleno regime militar um circuito independente de produ\u00e7\u00e3o e circula\u00e7\u00e3o de obras liter\u00e1rias. Encerra o volume um ensaio sobre a obra de Menalton Braff direcionada ao p\u00fablico jovem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sim\u00f5es Junior, Alvaro Santos"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/f7dr6"], ["title", "Estudos de literatura e imprensa"], ["doab_id", "19829"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334478"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334478"]], [["description", "O consumo de medicamentos veio ganhando import\u00e2ncia tal na sociedade que j\u00e1 representa um campo de estudos, a farmacoepidemiologia. Esta obra \u00e9 um manual sobre os Estudos de Utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de Medicamentos (EUM), oferecendo informa\u00e7\u00f5es tanto para alunos quanto para profissionais. Traz um importante avan\u00e7o te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gico: a inser\u00e7\u00e3o dos EUM nos marcos da tem\u00e1tica da garantia de qualidade em sa\u00fade, bem como nos conceitos de Donabedian utilizados na avalia\u00e7\u00e3o da tecnologia hospitalar. Dela consta, tamb\u00e9m, bibliografia vasta e atualizada. Os objetivos a alcan\u00e7ar est\u00e3o centrados na busca pela qualidade na assist\u00eancia \u00e0 sa\u00fade e na inser\u00e7\u00e3o do papel do farmac\u00eautico nesta luta permanente, que, em \u00faltima inst\u00e2ncia, consiste em viabilizar o modelo de aten\u00e7\u00e3o que assegure a sa\u00fade como direito de todos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castro, Claudia Garcia serpa Osorio de (coord.)"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Uso de medicamentos, Farmacoepidemiologia, Pa\u00edses em desenvolvimento"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zq6vb"], ["title", "Estudos de utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de medicamentos: no\u00e7\u00f5es b\u00e1sicas "], ["doab_id", "16417"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412657"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412657"]], [["description", "Human tissue and biobank research is of increasing importance for understanding the causes of widespread diseases and developing effective therapies. However, while the success of biobank research depends on the availability of a large number of samples and the consolidation of collections across country borders is very desirable from the perspective of researchers, the legal and ethical requirements for the procurement, storage and use of human tissue samples are rather heterogeneous across different countries. Moreover, the lack of comprehensive supranational regulation on human tissue and biobanking can be seen as posing a serious threat to transnational biomedical research. Against this background, it was one of the aims of the EU-funded Tiss.EU project (\u201cEvaluation of Legislation and Related Guidelines on the Procurement, Storage and Transfer of Human Tissues and Cells in the European Union \u2013 an Evidence-Based Impact Analysis\u201d) to analyse the ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research across the 27 European Member States plus Switzerland. The results of nine international workshops and three conferences are gathered in this volume. While the country reports evaluate the implementation of ethical and legal guidelines at a national level, point out their strengths and deficits, and, where required, create an evidence base for the revision of said legislation, the conference reports address more general ethical and legal issues in this field. The volume is completed by a final presentation of project\u2019s results.

Human tissue and biobank research is of increasing importance for understanding the causes of widespread diseases and developing effective therapies. However, while the success of biobank research depends on the availability of a large number of samples and the consolidation of collections across country borders is very desirable from the perspective of researchers, the legal and ethical requirements for the procurement, storage and use of human tissue samples are rather heterogeneous across different countries. Moreover, the lack of comprehensive supranational regulation on human tissue and biobanking can be seen as posing a serious threat to transnational biomedical research. Against this background, it was one of the aims of the EU-funded Tiss.EU project (\u201cEvaluation of Legislation and Related Guidelines on the Procurement, Storage and Transfer of Human Tissues and Cells in the European Union \u2013 an Evidence-Based Impact Analysis\u201d) to analyse the ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research across the 27 European Member States plus Switzerland. The results of nine international workshops and three conferences are gathered in this volume. While the country reports evaluate the implementation of ethical and legal guidelines at a national level, point out their strengths and deficits, and, where required, create an evidence base for the revision of said legislation, the conference reports address more general ethical and legal issues in this field. The volume is completed by a final presentation of project\u2019s results."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beier, Katharina; Schnorrer, Silvia; Hoppe, Nils; Lenk, Christian"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Tissue Engeneering", "Biobank Research", "Legal Issues", "Tissue Engeneering", "Biobank Research", "Legal Issues"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610280"], ["title", "The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe - Proceedings of the Tiss.EU Project"], ["doab_id", "14583"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950316"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950316"]], [["description", "Living in a networked world means never really getting to decide in any thoroughgoing way who or what enters your \u201cspace\u201d (your laptop, your iPhone, your thermostat\u2026your home). With this as a basic frame-of-reference, James J. Brown\u2019s Ethical Programs examines and explores the rhetorical potential and problems of an hospitality ethos suited to a new era of hosts and guests. Brown reads a range of computational strategies and actors including the general principles underwriting the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which determines how packets of information can travel through the internet, to the Obama election campaign\u2019s use of the power of protocols to reach voters, harvest their data, incentivize and, ultimately, shape their participation in the campaign. In demonstrating the kind of rhetorical spaces networked software establishes and the access it permits, prevents, and molds, Brown makes a major contribution to the emergent discourse of software studies as a major component of efforts in broad fields including media studies, rhetorical studies, and cultural studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James J. Brown, Jr."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.13474172.0001.001"], ["title", "Ethical Programs: Hospitality and the Rhetorics of Software"], ["doab_id", "19086"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072736", "9780472052738", "9780472900084", "9780472121236"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072736 9780472052738 9780472900084 9780472121236"]], [["description", "Develops generalised just war principles that can be applied to all forms of armed conflict. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lango W. ,John"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Political Science & Theory", "International relations", "Human Rights", "Armed Conflict", "War & defence"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469286"], ["title", "The Ethics of Armed Conflict - A Cosmopolitan Just War Theory"], ["doab_id", "15930"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780748645756", "9780748645763"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780748645756 9780748645763"]], [["description", "We are supposed to wage war against Terrorism - but exactly what we are fighting against in this war, there is nearly no consensus about. And, much worse, nearly nobody cares about this conceptual disaster - the main thing being, whether or not you are taking sides with the good guys.This volume is an analytical attempt to end this disaster. What is Terrorism? Are terrorist acts to be defined exclusively on the basis of the characteristics of the respective actions? Or should we restrict such actions to acts performed by non-state organisations? And, most important, is terrorism already by its very nature to be morally condemned?But, having a clear idea of what Terrorism is, would be only the beginning. Rational moral assessment still needs two further components: The relevant facts; and the relevant values and norms.Now, in a field where systematic disinformation has been even proclaimed to be the official policy, facts are obviously very hard to get at. This volume is mainly interested in Ethics: What's wrong with Terrorism? And what is morally right or morally wrong, respectively, with all the different means of Counter-Terrorism? What are the moral boundaries for waging war agains terrorism? What are the right ways of dealing with terrorists? And what about the alleged anti-terrorism wars on Afghanistan and Iraq?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kemmerling, Andreas; Meggle, Georg; Textor, Mark"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209293"], ["title", "Ethics of Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism"], ["doab_id", "18387"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110327496", "9783110327267"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110327496, 9783110327267"]], [["description", "To what extent is it possible for a literary text to contribute to the ethical development of its reader? This book tries to provide readers with a nuanced answer to this question, as well as with methodological premises to bring to light the ethical effects of a literary text. The novels of the Dutch author Frans Kellendonk (1951-1990) offer insightful contexts and questions related to this issue. Kellendonk is one of the most controversial Dutch writers of the end of the twentieth century. Today, he is mainly considered as a kind of prophet that advocated a certain scepticism towards a multicultural society. Kellendonk\u2019s novels systematically put into question one-way interpretations of their works. They invite readers to find other interpretations, putting into question the simplifying conceptual framework that has shaped the author\u2019s posture until now. They also lay the foundations for an ethics of reading that relies on the very diegetic world to which the reader can adjust his/her own reading. This ethics is more specifically an invitation to recognize the undecidability that every reading entails."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sergier ,Matthieu "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Frans Kellendonk", "Dutch literature", "postmodernism", "Other(ness)"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=467150"], ["title", "Ethiek van de lectuur. Frans Kellendonk en de (h)erkenning van de andersheid"], ["doab_id", "15700"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038219752"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038219752"]], [["description", "\u00bbZu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker \u2014 oder das Klinische Ethik-Komitee in Ihrer Umgebung.\u00ab Die Einrichtung von Klinischen Ethik-Komitees ist eine direkte Reaktion auf die Professionalisierung des Medizinbetriebs und die Erfolge in der Medizintechnik. Seit jeher bezeichnet man mit Fortschritt in der Medizin mehr als nur einen technischen Fortschritt. Gerade dessen unbestreitbare Erfolge stellen Mediziner, Pflegekr\u00e4fte, Seelsorger und die Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrung zugleich vor neue Fragen und Probleme. Mit der Institutionalisierung klinischer Ethikberatung verbindet sich die Erwartung, die komplexen Verst\u00e4ndigungsprozesse auf eine gemeinsame Grundlage zu stellen. Welche Aufgaben \u00fcbernehmen Ethik-Komitees in Krankenh\u00e4usern? Wie wird dort Ethik zum Thema? Und wie kommunizieren Theologen und Pflegekr\u00e4fte in diesen Gremien? Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes fassen aus theologischer und philosophischer Sicht zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zusammen, die im Rahmen des DFG-gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojekts \u00bbEthik und Organisation\u00ab zur Diskussion standen.

\u00bbZu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker \u2014 oder das Klinische Ethik-Komitee in Ihrer Umgebung.\u00ab Die Einrichtung von Klinischen Ethik-Komitees ist eine direkte Reaktion auf die Professionalisierung des Medizinbetriebs und die Erfolge in der Medizintechnik. Seit jeher bezeichnet man mit Fortschritt in der Medizin mehr als nur einen technischen Fortschritt. Gerade dessen unbestreitbare Erfolge stellen Mediziner, Pflegekr\u00e4fte, Seelsorger und die Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrung zugleich vor neue Fragen und Probleme. Mit der Institutionalisierung klinischer Ethikberatung verbindet sich die Erwartung, die komplexen Verst\u00e4ndigungsprozesse auf eine gemeinsame Grundlage zu stellen. Welche Aufgaben \u00fcbernehmen Ethik-Komitees in Krankenh\u00e4usern? Wie wird dort Ethik zum Thema? Und wie kommunizieren Theologen und Pflegekr\u00e4fte in diesen Gremien? Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes fassen aus theologischer und philosophischer Sicht zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zusammen, die im Rahmen des DFG-gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojekts \u00bbEthik und Organisation\u00ab zur Diskussion standen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anselm, Reiner"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Ethical Review Committee", "Ethical Review Committee"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610278"], ["title", "Ethik als Kommunikation - zur Praxis klinischer Ethik-Komitees in theologischer Perspektive"], ["doab_id", "14602"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344182"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344182"]], [["description", "This monograph undertakes a long-overdue revision of the prevailing view on the role and conception of ethics and morality in the Vienna Circle. This view is rejected as being too partial and undifferentiated.

Die vorliegende Schrift unternimmt eine Revision des vor-herrschenden Bildes der Rolle und der Konzeptionen von Moral und Ethik im Wiener Kreis. Dieses Bild wird als zu einseitig und undifferenziert zur\u00fcckgewiesen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Siegetsleitner ,Annemarie"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["ethics, morality, Vienna Circle, logical empiricism, humanism, history of philosophy", "Ethik, Moral, Wiener Kreis, Logischer Empirismus, Humanismus, Geschichte der Philosophie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=480332"], ["title", "Ethik und Moral im Wiener Kreis"], ["doab_id", "16503"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795339"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795339"]], [["description", "This volume explores the theme of ethnicity and ethnogenesis in societies of the ancient world. Its starting point is the current view in the social and historical sciences of ethnicity as a subjective construct that is shaped through interaction with an ethnic 'other'. The 13 essays collected in this volume are based on the analysis of historical, epigraphic and archaeological source material and thematically range from Archaic Greece to Early Mediaeval Western Europe. Despite frequent claims by ethnic groups to the contrary, all ethnic formations are intrinsically unstable and dynamic over time. Much of this dynamism is to be understood in close association with conflict, violence and changing constellations of power. The explicit theoretical framework, together with the wide range of case-studies makes this volume indispensable for historians, archaeologists and social scientists with an interest in the ancient world.

Uit dertien casestudies - van gebieden uiteenlopend van het Archa\u00efsch Griekenland tot het vroegmiddeleeuws West-Europa - blijkt dat etnische identiteiten verbonden zijn met een traditiedragende kern in de samenleving, maar tegelijk onderhevig zijn aan een dynamiek die vaak bepaald wordt door veranderende machtsconfiguraties. Eerder verschenen titels in de Amsterdam Archaeological Studies en meer informatie over de serie kunt u \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=1\">hier vinden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Derks ,Ton; Roymans ,Nico"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Archeology", "Anthropology", "Culture and history", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Archeologie", "Anthropologie", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340082"], ["title", "Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity : The Role of Power and Tradition"], ["doab_id", "12795"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640789"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640789"]], [["description", "This study explores the theme of Batavian ethnicity and ethnogenesis in the context of the Early Roman Empire, starting with the current view of ethnicity as a culturally determined, subjective construct shaped through interaction with an ethnic 'other'. The study analyses literary, epigraphic and archaeological sources relating to the Batavian image and self-image against the background of the specific integration of the Batavian community into the Roman world. The Batavian society was exploited by the Roman authorities for the recruitment of auxiliary soldiers. As a result it developed into a full-blown military community. The study's main conclusion is that Rome exerted a profound influence on the formation of the Batavians both as a political entity and as an ethnic group. The combination of an explicit theoretical framework and a clear presentation of empirical data makes this book an indispensable work for all those interested in ethnicity and ethnogenesis in the context of the Roman Empire.

In dit tiende deel van de AAS-serie staat de etnische ontwikkeling en etnogenese van de Bataven centraal in de context van het vroeg-Romeinse Rijk. Uitgangspunt vormt de duidige visie op etnische identiteit als een cultureel bepaalde, subjectieve constructie die tot stand komt in de interactie met de etnische 'ander'. Roymans maakt gebruik van historische en archeologische bronnen om het Bataafse imago en zelfbeeld te bestuderen tegen de achtergrond van de integratie van de Bataven in de Romeinse wereld. De Bataafse gemeenschap werd intensief ge\u00ebxploiteerd door de Romeinse autoriteiten voor de recrutering van hulpsoldaten. Als het gevolg daarvan ontwikkelde zij zich tot een sterk gemilitariseerde gemeenschap. De belangrijkste conclusie in deze studie is dat Rome een vergaande invloed uitoefende op de vorming van de Bataven als politieke entiteit en als een etnische groep. De combinatie van een uitgebreid theoretisch kader met een heldere presentatie van empirische informatie maken dit boek tot een onmisbaar werk voor iedereen die ge\u00efnteresseerd in etniciteit en etnogenese ten tijde van de Romeinse overheersing."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roymans ,Nico"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Archeology", "Archeologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340232"], ["title", "Ethnic Identity and Imperial Power : The Batavians in the Early Roman Empire"], ["doab_id", "12915"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567050"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567050"]], [["description", "The development experience in the world over the last century has shown that economic growth cannot be sustained without taking into consideration the social and political development of vulnerable populations, including greater recognition of minority rights. Within this context, the objective of this book is initially to support the interdisciplinary discussion that aims to join studies that surrounding the development of minorities in the Asia.

Azi\u00eb is economisch gezien een van de snelst groeiende regio's in de wereld. Dit geldt vooral voor Oost- en Zuidoost- Aziatische landen als China en Vietnam. Toch zijn er tegelijkertijd grote regionale verschillen in welvaart. Huhua Cao stelt dat gelijkberechtiging van de etnische minderheden een voorwaarde is voor de verdere economische bloei van deze regio's. De emancipatie van die minderheden is een enorme uitdaging waar veel Aziatische samenlevingen op dit moment voor staan. Huhua Cao wil met zijn boek een interdisciplinaire discussie op gang brengen over die emancipatie. De gevarieerde hoofdstukken in deze bundel dragen daar het nodige aan bij."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cao ,Huhua"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "Economics", "Sociology", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Economie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340020"], ["title", "Ethnic Minorities and Regional Development in Asia : Reality and Challenges"], ["doab_id", "13271"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640918"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640918"]], [["description", "A Associa\u00e7\u00e3o Brasileira de Psicologia Social (ABRAPSO) vem afirmando seu compromisso com \u00e1rea da Psicologia Social, constituindo um espa\u00e7o de produ\u00e7\u00e3o e divulga\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica que tem se destacado no cen\u00e1rio nacional. Para contribuir com a produ\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento nesta \u00e1rea, foi realizado em novembro de 2002, o IX Encontro da Regional Sul da ABRAPSO, sediado na Universidade do Vale do Itaja\u00ed (UNIVALI), em Itaja\u00ed \u2014 a Santa Catarina com o tema \u00c9tica e Paradigmas da Psicologia Social. O referido evento reuniu estudantes e profissionais da Psicologia e \u00e1reas afins, com saberes e hist\u00f3rias diferenciadas. Cumprindo com um dos objetivos da comunidade cient\u00edfica da ABRAPSO, este livro sintetiza a busca de aprimorar e expandir as discuss\u00f5es realizadas neste encontro. [trecho retirado a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ploner, K\u00e1tia Simone; Michels, L\u00edsia Regina Ferreira; Schlindwein, Luciane Maria; Guareschi, Pedrinho A."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qfx4x"], ["title", "\u00c9tica e paradigmas na psicologia social"], ["doab_id", "16671"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662854"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662854"]], [["description", "Delineando os caminhos de uma etnografia da educa\u00e7\u00e3o, este livro provoca os leitores a refletir sobre os processos de escolariza\u00e7\u00e3o numa sociedade marcada pelo profundo desconhecimento dos mecanismos que cotidianamente se empregam para perpetuar a desigualdade social. O livro, fruto de uma aprimorada aplica\u00e7\u00e3o do conceito de etnografia em pesquisas educacionais, re\u00fane trabalhos que desenham os conceitos e usos da etnografia como uma paradigma te\u00f3rico-epistemol\u00f3gico nas pesquisas qualitativas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mattos, Carmem L\u00facia Guimar\u00e3es de; Castro, Paula Almeida de"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8fcfr"], ["title", "Etnografia e educa\u00e7\u00e3o: conceitos e usos"], ["doab_id", "16329"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791902"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791902"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Eechoud van ,J."], ["date", "1962"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613434"], ["title", "Etnografie van de Kaoweraw"], ["doab_id", "18456"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286016", "9789004286634"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286016 9789004286634"]], [["description", "Eine Vielzahl von Neujahrsgeschenken, \u00e9trennes, ist in den archivalisch \u00fcberlieferten Rechnungsbest\u00e4nden Burgunds, des franz\u00f6sischen K\u00f6nigshofes und anderer f\u00fcrstlicher H\u00f6fe Frankreichs der Zeit um 1400 notiert: Tafelgeschirr (Tafelschiffe, Pokale, Humpen, Kelche, Aquamanilen, Kr\u00fcge, Salzbeh\u00e4lter, Sch\u00fcsseln, N\u00e4pfe, Schalen, einfache Platten, Tranchierplatten, Konfektschalen, Besteckteile wie eine einzelne Gabel und einige L\u00f6ffel, aber keine Messer), Schmuck (Spangen, Ringe, Ketten, Kolliers), Edelsteine (Diamanten, Rubine und Balasrubine, vereinzelte Saphire und Smaragde) und Perlen, Heiligenbildnisse als Tafelbilder oder Goldschmiedearbeiten und -plastiken, Reliquiare, Kreuze, Kruzifixe, Tabernakel, Pax- beziehungsweise Ku\u00dftafeln, Hostien- und Weihwasserbeh\u00e4lter, Rosenkr\u00e4nze, Stoffe und Bekleidung, Accessoires wie Sch\u00e4rpen, G\u00fcrtel und Kopfbedeckungen, zudem S\u00e4ttel, Jagdtaschen und -h\u00f6rner, B\u00f6rsen und kleine Taschen, Tintenf\u00e4\u00dfchen, Etuis und verschiedenste Beh\u00e4ltnisse, Kerzenhalter und Spiegel, Spielbretter und spielzeug\u00e4hnliche Gegenst\u00e4nde, Vogelk\u00e4fige, (wei\u00dfe Wind-)Hunde, wei\u00dfe Habichte, Affen, Maulesel, Pferde, aber auch zwei Mohren, B\u00fccher und Gedichte als Gl\u00fcckw\u00fcnsche zum neuen Jahr, Exotika wie H\u00f6rner des Einhorns oder der Verlobungsring Josephs und schlie\u00dflich auch schlicht Geld. Eine systematische Durchsicht nicht nur der einschl\u00e4gigen archivalischen \u00dcberlieferung - Zahlungsanweisungen, Quittungen, Rechnungsb\u00fccher, aber auch Inventare - zeigt, dass der festliche Austausch dieser Geschenke bei Hof zum neuen Jahr nicht nur quantitativ ein einzigartiges Ph\u00e4nomen des ausgehenden 14. und des beginnenden 15. Jahrhunderts im franz\u00f6sisch-burgundischen Raum war, sondern auch in kunst-, kultur- und v.a. sozialgeschichtlicher Hinsicht wesentliche Einblicke in die Ausgestaltung der Beziehungsnetze der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen h\u00f6fischen Gesellschaft Frankreichs w\u00e4hrend der Regierungszeit Karls VI. erm\u00f6glicht. Die Beobachtung des h\u00f6fischen Geschenkverkehrs gestattet zudem einen Blick hinter die Kulissen. Der Gabentausch offenbart n\u00e4mlich, dass es nachweislich Personen gab, die, selbst nicht f\u00fcrstlichen Ranges, der Ehre f\u00fcr Wert befunden worden sind, h\u00f6fisch beschenkt zu werden, und damit in intensiven Nahverh\u00e4ltnissen zu den jeweiligen F\u00fcrsten standen: Favoriten, Protegierte und G\u00fcnstlinge, Vertraute und Freunde. Ein Ergebnis der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist auch, diese Personen zu erkennen und zu benennen und damit einen weiteren Baustein f\u00fcr die Erforschung von Beziehungen zwischen G\u00f6nnern und Beg\u00fcnstigten im sp\u00e4ten Mittelalter zu liefern. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hirschbiegel, Jan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213561"], ["title", "\u00c9trennes. Untersuchungen zum h\u00f6fischen Geschenkverkehr im sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Frankreich zur Zeit K\u00f6nig Karls VI. (1380-1422) "], ["doab_id", "18393"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486833669", "9783486566888"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486833669, 9783486566888"]], [["description", "It is increasingly recognised that EU development cooperation policy has failed to meet its stated aims. In this book Arts and Dickson ask the obvious and important question: if the policy doesn't work, why bother with it? The authors assess why EU development policy has become largely ineffective, citing among the external causal factors the liberalisation of trade, and the growing influence of US and international actors such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund upon EU policy. It also considers contributing factors within the EU such as the enlargement of its membership and the resulting shifts in priorities. It is this analysis of internal and external factors affecting the decline of EU development policy that makes this study both innovative and unique. It brings together an impressive range of contributors from different disciplines resulting in a thorough and intelligent assessment of the debate. This study will appeal to advanced level undergraduates and academics of European politics in general, EU integration, development studies, and International Relations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arts ,Karin; Dickson ,Anna K."], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["europe", "economy", "IMF", "EU", "financial"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341330"], ["title", "EU development cooperation: From model to symbol"], ["doab_id", "12655"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062988"]], [["description", "This is a study about the causes and consequences of the eurgenic intrusions into our society\u00b4s reproductive culture by medicine over the course of the twentieth century. By the turn of the twenty-first century, such scientific intrusions through biotechnological selection at the very beginning of a human\u00b4s life have become socially acceptable and part of the task of family planning. Of intrinsic interest is the goal of subjecting the normative ideal images of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood - which through medical science have advanced eugenic intrusions into the social organization of the species \"reproduction\" - to a gender-sensitive analysis. This study also highlights how these ideal images are integrated into the development of the biotechnologies of conception and selection, and how these technologies in turn influence familiy planning. The issue are analyzed against the background of social and scientific developments which accompanied and made possible the rise of eugenic rationality in the twentieth century. The sources used for this analysis are medial studies published in the journal Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift between 1900 and 2000; the methodology applied is discourse analysis. The project was financed by a research grant (APART) under the auspices of the Austrian Academy of Science (\u00d6AW). This research demonstrates: which concepts of gender and generation within the families are inherent to the eugenic ideal images; which social transformation processes were integrated into these ideal images; how and why parenthood and childhood were scientiffically rationalized and modernized; the demands which have increasingly confronted parents over the past decades as regards successful instruction and education; the duties which emanated in the namen of the child\u00b4s well-being; and the reasons for which biotechnological selection at the very beginning of human life currently has a sweeping influence on motherhood and childhood. Finally, the study demonstrates that the existing reproductive culture in our society is infused by eugenic rationality. A further investigative dimension of the eugenic mainstream is also developed by virtue of the approach in which the focus consistently points to the scientific reorganization of the entire context of reproduction. And by virture of which the scientification of the reproductive culture is examined and analyzed by contextualizing Austria\u00b4s twentieth-century social and socio-political history. In addition, a profound and exemplary critiqu of science is elaborated by employing the approaches of the sociology of science as well as the history of science and drawing upon the Austrian example of (bio)medicine and bio(medical) technologies of conception and selection. Science is presented in its cultural and political entanglement as a bastion of hegemonic masculinity, staking a claim to the connection between science and responsibility.

In der Studie werden Ursachen und Folgen von eugenischen Eingriffen in die reproduktive Kultur unserer Gesellschaft durch die Medizin des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts untersucht. Wissenschaftliche Eingriffe, welche an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert biotechnische Selektionen am Lebensbeginn gesellschaftsf\u00e4hig und zur Aufgabe von Familienbildung gemacht haben.Erkenntnisleitendes Interesse der Studie ist es, normative Idealbilder von Familie, Mutterschaft, Vaterschaft und Kindheit, welche die eugenischen Eingriffe in die gesellschaftliche Organisation der \"Reproduktion der Gattung\" durch die Medizin hervorgebracht haben, einer geschlechtersensiblen Analyse zu unterziehen und transparent zu machen, wie diese Idealbilder einerseits in die Entwicklung von Biotechniken der Zeugung und Selektion eingearbeitet wurden und wie diese Techniken andererseits wiederum die Familienbildung selbst beeinflussen. Diese Frage wird vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen und wissenschaftlichen Entwicklungen analysiert, die den Aufstieg einer eugenischen Vernunft im 20. Jahrhundert begleiteten und m\u00f6glich machten. Materiale Grundlage der Analyse sind medizinische Fachartikel der \"Wiener Klinischen Wochenschrift\" der Jahrg\u00e4nge 1900 - 2000, die im Rahmen eines von der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (\u00d6AW) durch ein APART-Stipendium finanziertes Forschungsprojekt erhoben und diskursanalytisch untersucht wurden. Die Untersuchung vermag zu zeigen, welche innerfamili\u00e4ren Geschlechter- und Generationskonzepte den eugenischen Idealbildern inh\u00e4rent sind, welche gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozesse in diese Idealbilder eingearbeitet wurden, wie und wozu Elternschaft und Kindheit naturwissenschaftlich rationalisiert und modernisiert wurden, mit welchen Anforderungen an eine gelingende Erziehung und Bildung Eltern dadurch in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend konfrontiert werden, welche Pflichten im Namen des Kindeswohls daraus f\u00fcr M\u00fctter hervorgehen, weshalb und wozu biotechnische Selektion am Lebensbeginn heute eine allgemeine Einflussgr\u00f6\u00dfe von Mutterschaft und Kindheit darstellt und dass die reproduktive Kultur unserer Gesellschaft heute von einer eugenischen Vernunft durchzogen ist.Mit der Forschungsarbeit wird eine weitere Dimension des eugenischen Mainstreams erschlossen, in dem der Focus konsequent auf die wissenschaftliche Neuordnung des gesamten Reproduktionszusammenhanges gesetzt und die Verwissenschaftlichung der reproduktiven Kultur im Kontext der Sozialgeschichte und sozialpolitischen Geschichte \u00d6sterreichs im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert aufgearbeitet wird. Mit dem wissenschaftssoziologischen und -historischen Zugang zum Forschungsgegenstand wird zudem am Beispiel von (Bio-)Medizin und bio(medizinischen) Techniken der Zeugung und Selektion eine profunde exemplarische Wissenschaftskritik ausgearbeitet, die Wissenschaft in ihren kulturellen und politischen Verstrickungen als eine Bastion hegemonialer M\u00e4nnlichkeit deutlich macht und den Zusammenhang von Wissenschaft und Verantwortlichkeit einmahnt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolf ,Maria A."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["eugenics, scientification, reproductive culture, gender, generation, modernisation"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437196"], ["title", "Eugenische Vernunft"], ["doab_id", "15319"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205777618"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205777618"]], [["description", "'Eurafrica' was a political project from the 1920s that saw Europe's continued role in history as completely bound up with Africa. This book recovers a critical conception of the European-African nexus."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peo Hansen; Stefan Jonsson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544506"], ["title", "Eurafrica"], ["doab_id", "17215"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544506"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544506"]], [["description", "Die Europaidee m\u00f6glichst frei von jedem Dogma immer wieder neu auf ihre Realisierungsm\u00f6glichkeit zu pr\u00fcfen, dies war das kontinuierliche Motiv des deutschen Exils. In intensiv gef\u00fchrten Debatten wurden tragf\u00e4hige Konzepte entwickelt, die nach der \u00dcberwindung des Nationalsozialismus eine dauerhafte Befriedung Europas versprachen. In der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Isolation des Exils wurde Europa zum Inbegriff einer neuen, die Idee der Nation \u00fcberwindenden Identit\u00e4t."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schilmar, Boris"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216312"], ["title", "Der Europadiskurs im deutschen Exil 1933-1945"], ["doab_id", "18143"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486835380", "9783486568295"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835380, 9783486568295"]], [["description", "Die Aufs\u00e4tze untersuchen die Beteiligung der europ\u00e4ischen M\u00e4chte und ihrer offiziellen und inoffiziellen Vertreter an der Wiederentdeckung des Heiligen Landes und der Levante im 19. Jahrhundert, als die Region zum Spielball der internationalen politischen Szene wurde. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Hin und Her zwischen den M\u00e4chten, Interessengruppen und Akteuren vor Ort und den lokalen Bev\u00f6lkerungen. Bisher vernachl\u00e4ssigte Aspekte der Sozial-, Bildungs- und Religionsgeschichte werden einbezogen und religi\u00f6se und nationale Interessen aufgedeckt, die sich oft bis in die Gegenwart fortsetzen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trimbur, Dominique"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/226043"], ["title", "Europ\u00e4er in der Levante - Zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Religion (19.-20. Jahrhundert). Des Europ\u00e9ens au Levant - Entre politique, science et religion (XIXe-XXe si\u00e8cles)."], ["doab_id", "18142"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486835700", "9783486575613"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835700, 9783486575613"]], [["description", "This volume deals with the future of European criminal law under the Lisbon Treaty. The contributions assess the risks and prospects of the progressing European integration with a special focus on the enlarged competences of the EU in the field of criminal law.

Das Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Lissabon hat auch f\u00fcr das europ\u00e4ische Strafrecht erhebliche \u00c4nderungen mit sich gebracht: Der Grundsatz der gegenseitigen Anerkennung wurde zum zentralen Strukturprinzip erhoben und die Kompetenzen der EU zur Strafrechtsharmonisierung erheblich erweitert. Zudem soll nach \u00fcberwiegender Ansicht die EU nunmehr auch erstmals zur Schaffung echten supranationalen Strafrechts erm\u00e4chtigt sein. Den Gegenpol zu dieser zunehmenden Supranationalisierung des Strafrechts bildet \u2013 zumindest aus deutscher Sicht \u2013 die Rechtsprechung das BVerfG, das in seinem Lissabon-Urteil versucht, diesem deutlich erweiterten Handlungsspielraum der EU Grenzen zu ziehen. Der vorliegende Band will Wege aufzeigen, wie dieses Spannungsfeld zwischen Europ\u00e4isierung und Bewahrung einzelstaatlicher Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t in dem besonders sensiblen Bereich des Strafrechts gel\u00f6st oder zumindest entsch\u00e4rft werden kann. Ziel muss es sein, die mit der Erweiterung der strafrechtlichen Kompetenzen der EU verbundenen Risiken zu bew\u00e4ltigen und die sich er\u00f6ffnenden Chancen zu nutzen. Die Beitr\u00e4ge sind \u00fcberwiegend aus dem IV. Kolloquium des Instituts f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen (2. Juli 2010) hervorgegangen, wurden z.T. aber auch exklusiv f\u00fcr diesen Band erstellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ambos, Kai"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["International criminal law", "Criminal justice law", "International Law", "Lisbon Treaty", "European Law", "International criminal law", "Criminal justice law", "International Law", "Lisbon Treaty", "European Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610199"], ["title", "Europ\u00e4isches Strafrecht post-Lissabon"], ["doab_id", "13418"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950217"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950217"]], [["description", "Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des 8. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht 2009, der die Bedeutung der neuen Haager Unterhalts\u00fcbereinkommen und der Unterhaltsverordnung f\u00fcr das englische und deutsche Recht thematisierte. Die Referate von Matthias Heger (BMJ) und Juliane Hirsch (Haager Konferenz f\u00fcr Internationales Privatrecht) schildern den Entstehungsprozess, die Verst\u00e4ndigungsschwierigkeiten und den Anwendungsmechanismus der neuen Rechtsinstrumente. Wolfgang Hau (Universit\u00e4t Passau) und Joachim Dose (BGH) reflektieren die Auswirkungen und neue Problemfelder, die sich f\u00fcr das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtspraxis ergeben. Einen besonderen Akzent erhielt der Workshop durch die Beteiligung eines englischen Richters (Ian Karsten) und eines englischen Barristers (Tim Amos), die in anschaulicher Weise darstellen, warum die grenz\u00fcberschreitenden Rechtsinstrumente im Hinblick auf das englische autonome Verfahrens- und materielle Recht Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Band 8 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des 8. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht 2009, der die Bedeutung der neuen Haager Unterhalts\u00fcbereinkommen und der Unterhaltsverordnung f\u00fcr das englische und deutsche Recht thematisierte. Die Referate von Matthias Heger (BMJ) und Juliane Hirsch (Haager Konferenz f\u00fcr Internationales Privatrecht) schildern den Entstehungsprozess, die Verst\u00e4ndigungsschwierigkeiten und den Anwendungsmechanismus der neuen Rechtsinstrumente. Wolfgang Hau (Universit\u00e4t Passau) und Joachim Dose (BGH) reflektieren die Auswirkungen und neue Problemfelder, die sich f\u00fcr das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtspraxis ergeben. Einen besonderen Akzent erhielt der Workshop durch die Beteiligung eines englischen Richters (Ian Karsten) und eines englischen Barristers (Tim Amos), die in anschaulicher Weise darstellen, warum die grenz\u00fcberschreitenden Rechtsinstrumente im Hinblick auf das englische autonome Verfahrens- und materielle Recht Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Band 8 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["European family law", "European family law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610235"], ["title", "Europ\u00e4isches Unterhaltsrecht - die Bedeutung der Haager \u00dcbereinkommen und der UnterhaltsVO f\u00fcr das englische und deutsche Recht"], ["doab_id", "14580"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875500"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875500"]], [["description", "The Europeanisation of civil procedure has moved from slogan to reality. Nevertheless, the European Union does not have its own civil jurisdiction. Therefore the national codes of civil procedure are facing enormous challenges by the increasing access of the European legislator on the law of civil procedure. These challenges have been part of intensive discussions on several research conferences at the Georg-August- University G\u00f6ttingen and the E\u00f6tv\u00f6s-Lorand-University Budapest. They were focused on the interactions between European Law and the quite different traditions of national codes of civil procedure.

Die Europ\u00e4isierung des Zivilprozesses ist vom Schlagwort zur Realit\u00e4t geworden. Dennoch verf\u00fcgt die Europ\u00e4ische Union \u00fcber keine eigene Zivilgerichtsbarkeit. Zivilprozesse werden vielmehr von den Gerichten der Mitgliedstaaten entschieden. Der zunehmende Zugriff des europ\u00e4ischen Gesetzgebers auf das Prozessrecht stellt daher eine gewaltige Herausforderung f\u00fcr die nationalen Prozessordnungen dar. Sie wurden auf mehreren Forschungstagungen an der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und an der E\u00f6tv\u00f6s-Lorand-Universit\u00e4t Budapest aus deutscher und ungarischer Sicht intensiv diskutiert. Im Fokus standen dabei die Wechselwirkungen zwischen europ\u00e4ischem Recht und den durchaus unterschiedlichen Traditionen der nationalen Zivilprozessordnungen. Die Referate dieser Tagungen werden mit dem vorliegenden Band allen Interessierten zug\u00e4nglich gemacht. Band 11 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ahrens, Martin; Lipp, Volker; Varga, Istv\u00e1n"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["International civil law", "international civil procedure law", "European law", "German-Hungarian relations", "International civil law", "international civil procedure law", "European law", "German-Hungarian relations"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610197"], ["title", "Europ\u00e4isches Zivilprozessrecht - Einfluss auf Deutschland und Ungarn"], ["doab_id", "14586"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950170"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950170"]], [["description", "The series is published by the Law Faculty of the Georg-August-University, making events at the Faculty of an interested public.

Die Europ\u00e4isierung des Rechts in der Europ\u00e4ischen Union f\u00fchrt zu tiefgreifenden Ver\u00e4nderungen in den Rechtsordnungen ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten. Besondere Schwierigkeiten wirft sie f\u00fcr die Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas auf, die der Europ\u00e4ischen Union erst seit kurzem beigetreten sind. Der vorliegende Band behandelt die Auswirkungen der Europ\u00e4isierung auf die deutsche und die ungarische Rechtsordnung aus rechtshistorischer, zivilrechtlicher und \u00f6ffentlich-rechtlicher Perspektive und l\u00e4sst sie dadurch in ihrer Vielfalt plastisch hervortreten. Die Schwerpunkte der insgesamt 18 Beitr\u00e4ge liegen im Bereich der Rechtsgeschichte, des allgemeinen Zivilrechts, des Gesellschaftsrechts, des geistigen Eigentums, des Zivil- sowie des Verwaltungsprozessrechts, und er\u00f6rtern auch die Problematik der Diskriminierungsverbote und schlie\u00dflich die Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4tskonzeption. Der Band versammelt die Vortr\u00e4ge des Deutsch-Ungarischen Kolloquiums der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4ten der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und der E\u00f6tv\u00f6s Lor\u00e1nd Universit\u00e4t Budapest \u00fcber die Europ\u00e4isierung des Rechts, das im Oktober 2007 in Budapest stattfand. Dieses gemeinsame Kolloquium ist die j\u00fcngste Frucht der langj\u00e4hrigen Kooperation der beiden Fakult\u00e4ten in Forschung und Lehre."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heun, Werner; Lipp, Volker"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["law", "European law", "German law", "Europeanization", "law", "European law", "German law", "Europeanization"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610224"], ["title", "Europ\u00e4isierung des Rechts - Deutsch-Ungarisches Kolloquium Budapest 2007"], ["doab_id", "13091"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344458"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344458"]], [["description", "Radio broadcasting may seem old-fashioned nowadays, but early radio infrastructures and programs in Europe were the real social media of their time. They laid the foundation for how we experience European unification and global interconnectedness today. This timely volume takes you on a tour through the early days of broadcasting. Rarely studied sources from international organizations reveal a wide variety of new actors, activities, and debates that jointly shaped broadcasting and society institutions. These stories often remain underexposed in histories of technology, broadcasting, and Europe. Europe - on Air illustrates how people in broadcasting were debating issues ranging from institutionalizing radio to wireless and wired network construction. This book specifically acknowledges how the rivalries were solved between various systems like Radio Luxembourg and the International Broadcasting Union, the attempts to save Europe's civilization amid the chaos of war and peace, and the creation and distribution of truly international programs as early as 1926. The people involved in these transnational broadcasting efforts had some crucial decisions to make in order to actively contribute to European unification.

Radio mag tegenwoordig een ouderwets medium lijken, het was de social media van vroeger. Radio-uitzendingen legden een basis voor Europese eenwording en zorgden voor een wereldwijde verspreiding van informatie en muziek. Europe- On Air bestudeert de begindagen van radio. Zelden onderzochte bronnen laten een verscheidenheid aan nieuwe actoren, activiteiten en debatten zien, die het medium radio vorm gaven. In Europe- On Air wordt, onder andere, aandacht besteed aan institutionalisering van radio, de vorming van een uitzendnetwerk, en aan de manier waarop verschillen tussen verschillende radiosystemen, zoals die van Radio Luxemburg en de International Broadcasting Union, werden opgelost. Ook wordt gekeken hoe radio bijdroeg aan het behoud van de Europese beschaving in en na de oorlogsjaren, en hoe in de begindagen van radio de allereerste echte internationale programma's tot stand kwamen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lommers ,Suzanne"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437367"], ["title", "Europe - on Air : Interwar Projects for Radio Broadcasting"], ["doab_id", "15228"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644350"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644350"]], [["description", "Europe - Space for Transcultural Existence? is the first volume of the new series, Studies in Euroculture, published by G\u00f6ttingen University Press. The series derives its name from the Erasmus Mundus Master of Excellence Euroculture: Europe in the Wider World, a two year programme offered by a consortium of eight European universities in collaboration with four partner universities outside Europe. This master highlights regional, national and supranational dimensions of the European democratic development; mobility, migration and inter-, multi- and transculturality. The impact of culture is understood as an element of political and social development within Europe. The articles published here explore the field of Euroculture in its different elements: it includes topics such as cosmopolitanism, cultural memory and traumatic past(s), colonial heritage, democratization and Europeanization as well as the concept of (European) identity in various disciplinary contexts such as law and the social sciences. In which way have Europeanization and Globalization influenced life in Europe more specifically? To what extent have people in Europe turned \u2018transcultural\u2019? The \u2018trans\u2019 is understood as indicator of an overlapping mix of cultures that does not allow for the construction of sharp differentiations. It is explored in topics such as (im)migration and integration, as well as cultural products and lifestyle. The present economic crisis and debt crisis have led, as side-result, to a public attack on the open, cosmopolitan outlook of Europe. The values of the multicultural and civil society and the idea of a people\u2019s Europe have become debatable. This volume offers food for thought and critical reflection.

Europe - Space for Transcultural Existence? is the first volume of the new series, Studies in Euroculture, published by G\u00f6ttingen University Press. The series derives its name from the Erasmus Mundus Master of Excellence Euroculture: Europe in the Wider World, a two year programme offered by a consortium of eight European universities in collaboration with four partner universities outside Europe. This master highlights regional, national and supranational dimensions of the European democratic development; mobility, migration and inter-, multi- and transculturality. The impact of culture is understood as an element of political and social development within Europe. The articles published here explore the field of Euroculture in its different elements: it includes topics such as cosmopolitanism, cultural memory and traumatic past(s), colonial heritage, democratization and Europeanization as well as the concept of (European) identity in various disciplinary contexts such as law and the social sciences. In which way have Europeanization and Globalization influenced life in Europe more specifically? To what extent have people in Europe turned \u2018transcultural\u2019? The \u2018trans\u2019 is understood as indicator of an overlapping mix of cultures that does not allow for the construction of sharp differentiations. It is explored in topics such as (im)migration and integration, as well as cultural products and lifestyle. The present economic crisis and debt crisis have led, as side-result, to a public attack on the open, cosmopolitan outlook of Europe. The values of the multicultural and civil society and the idea of a people\u2019s Europe have become debatable. This volume offers food for thought and critical reflection."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tamcke, Martin; Janny, de Jong; Klein, Lars; Waal, Margriet"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Europe", "Culture", "Europeanization", "Europe", "Culture", "Europeanization"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610316"], ["title", "Europe - space for transcultural existence?"], ["doab_id", "15416"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950620"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950620"]], [["description", "Combining human interest stories with thought provoking analyses, Dr Evert Van de Poll paints the socio-cultural and religious picture of this exceptional continent: its population and cultural variety; past and present idea of \u2018we Europeans\u2019; immigration, multiculturalism and the issue of (Muslim) integration; the construction of the EU and the concerns it raises; and the quest for the \u2018soul\u2019 of Europe. Special attention is paid to Christian and other roots of Europe; the mixed historical record of Christianity; vestiges of its past dominance; its place and influence in today\u2019s societies that are rapidly de-Christianising; and secularization as a European phenomenon.The author indicates specific challenges for Church development, mission and social service. In so doing, he outlines the contours of a contextualised communication of the Gospel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Van de Poll, Evert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Europe, Christianity, Missiology, European History"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209760"], ["title", "Europe and the Gospel. Past Influences, Current Developments, Mission Challenges"], ["doab_id", "15574"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560380"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560380"]], [["description", "The book is a cornerstone in the studies aimed at introducing a new form of democracy not just at a global level, through international environmental law, but also at local one, by regional and national regulation, to manage global and local ecological problems. In the light of the results pointed out in Parola's book (Environmental democracy at Global Level. Rights and duties for a new citizenship), this second work examines environmental democracy at a local level by referring to EU law. The European Union, as the only global region with the official objective of simultaneously promoting economic development, social cohesion and environmental protection is here used as an example for analyzing how the region has found (and is still developing) a range of solutions to various environmental issues. The book sheds new light on the transformation of Europe into a Green Europe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Parola, Giulia"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["European Law", " Environmental law"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209747"], ["title", "Europe in Green. European Environmental Democracy"], ["doab_id", "15577"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560625"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560625"]], [["description", "It has been widely acknowledged that the process of European integration and unification was started and is still pursued as an elite project, designed to put an end to debilitating conflicts and rivalries by consolidating a common power base and by pooling Europe\u2019s economic resources. Nevertheless elites have remained the known unknowns of the European integration process. The present volume is designed to change this. Based on surveys of political and economic elites in 18 European countries, it is a comprehensive study of the visions, fears, cognitions, and values of members of national parliaments and top business leaders underlying their attitudes towards European integration. It also investigates political and economic elites\u2019 embeddedness in transnational networks and their ability to communicate in multicultural settings. Our book strongly supports the view of an elitist character of the process of European integration on the one hand, while challenging the idea that European national elites have merged or are even merging into a coherent Eurelite on the other. As the 11 chapters of this book show, the process of European integration is much more colourful and even contradictory than concepts of a straightforward normative and structural integration suggest. In particular this process is deeply rooted in and conditional on the social and political settings in national contexts. The empirical basis for this book is provided by the data of the international IntUne project, which has for the first time created a comprehensive database combining coordinated surveys of Europe-related attitudes at the elite and general population level."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Best ,Heinrich; Lengyel ,Gyorgy; Verzichelli ,Luca"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["European integration", "Multilevel governance", "Representation", "Political elite", "Economic elite", "Elite theory", "Europeanization", "Europeanness", "European Union", "European institutions", "European identity", "European citizenship"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453477"], ["title", "The Europe of Elites: A Study into the Europeanness of Europe's Political and Economic Elites"], ["doab_id", "15515"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199602315"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199602315"]], [["description", "Following the decolonization movements that swept the globe after World War II, between four and six million people were 'returned' to Europe from the colonies. From an exporter of people, Europe turned to a site of immigration for the first time in the twentieth century. Until now, these migrations have been overlooked as scholars have highlighted instead the parallel migrations of former 'colonized' peoples. Europe's Invisible Migrants corrects this bias. This multidisciplinary volume presents essays by prominent sociologists, historians, and anthropologists on their research with these 'invisible' migrant communities. Their work highlights the experiences of colonists returning to France, Portugal and the Netherlands, the intersection of race, citizenship, and colonial ideologies, and the ways these migrations reflect the return of the 'colonial' to Europe. This volume offers fresh insights into immigration, racism and ethnic conflict in post-colonial Europe by presenting colonial repatriates as another 'immigrant' population.

Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog kwam er een golf van dekolonisatie over de wereld. Dit had tot gevolg dat tussen de vier en zes miljoen mensen de voormalige kolonien verlieten en terugkeerden naar hun vaderland in Europa. Deze migranten zijn altijd over het hoofd gezien, aangezien onderzoekers de nadruk hebben gelegd op migraties van de voormalig gekoloniseerde bevolking, die gelijktijdig plaatsvonden. Europe's Invisible Migrants vult deze lancune. Het boek is een verzameling van essay's van sociologen, geschiedkundigen en antropologen over deze 'onzichtbare' migranten. De nadruk ligt op ervaringen van ex-kolonisten bij hun terugkeer in Frankrijk, Portugal en Nederland. De nationale en koloniale verschillen in opvattingen over etniciteit en burgerschap waren vaak bepalend voor de mate waarin de migranten werden opgenomen in de Europese samenleving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Smith ,Andrea"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Sociologie", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340242"], ["title", "Europe's Invisible Migrants"], ["doab_id", "12925"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565711"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565711"]], [["description", "In the face of renewed competition from Hollywood since the early 1980s and the challenges posed to Europe's national cinemas by the fall of the Wall in 1989, independent filmmaking in Europe has begun to re-invent itself. European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood re-assesses the different debates and presents a broader framework for understanding the forces at work since the 1960s. These include the interface of \"world cinema\" and the rise of Asian cinemas, the importance of the international film festival circuit, the role of television, as well as the changing aesthetics of auteur cinema. New audiences have different allegiances, and new technologies enable networks to reshape identities, but European cinema still has an important function in setting critical and creative agendas, even as its economic and institutional bases are in transition.

Onder invloed van de rivaliteit met Hollywood en de val van de muur in 1989 vond er in de jaren '90 in veel West-Europese landen een levendig debat plaats over de toekomst van de nationale filmtradities. Van het bestaan van zich onderscheidende 'nationale' stijlen, zoals bijvoorbeeld neo-realisme, zou niet langer kunnen worden uitgegaan. Film zou een benepen kunstvorm geworden zijn, die redding zoekt in het bewaren van de 'nationale' erfenis of hoopt op artistieke vernieuwing van televisie en door de overheid gesubsidieerde prestigeprojecten. In European Cinema blikt Thomas Elsaesser terug op het debat en geeft een genuanceerder beeld van verschillende factoren die sinds de jaren zestig een rol speelden. Er is o.m. aandacht voor de raakvlakken met de 'world cinema' en de opkomst van de Aziatische film, de invloed van het internationale film festival circuit, de rol van televisie en de veranderende esthetiek in auteur-cinema. Nieuwe toeschouwers hebben andere voorkeuren, en nieuwe technologie\u00ebn bieden de mogelijkheid om bestaande identiteiten te hervormen, maar de Europese cinema heeft nog steeds een belangrijke functie in het vaststellen van kritische en creatieve agenda's, ook al is haar economische en institutionele basis in beweging."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Elsaesser ,Thomas"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Motion pictures", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Culture and instituten", "Film", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340237"], ["title", "European Cinema : Face to Face with Hollywood"], ["doab_id", "12920"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565940"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565940"]], [["description", "The Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal attracted a great deal of attention throughout the twentieth century. Its promoters, The Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal, attracted a great deal of attention throughout the twentieth century and defined it as a tool for integrating a divided Europe. Although the canal was situated almost exclusively on Czech territory, it promised to create an integrated waterway system across the Continent that would link Black Sea ports to Atlantic markets. In return, the landlocked Czechoslovakian state would have its own connections to the sea. Today, the canal is an important building block of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways. This book explains the crucial role that experts played in aligning national and transnational interests and infrastructure developments. It builds on recent investigations into the hidden integration of Europe as an outcome of transnational networking, system-building, and infrastructure development. The book analyzes the emergence of a transnational waterway expert network that continued to push for the development of the canal despite unfavorable political circumstances. The book shows how the experts adapted themselves to various political developments, such as the break-up of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the rise of the Third Reich, and integration into the Soviet Bloc, while still managing to keep the Canal project on the map. This book provides a fascinating story of the experts who confronted and contributed to different and often conflicting geopolitical visions of Europe. The canal was never completed, yet what is more remarkable is the fact that the canal remained on various agendas and attracted vast resources throughout the twentieth century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jan\u00e1c ,J\u00edra"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439096"], ["title", "European Coasts of Bohemia : Negotiating the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal in a Troubled Twentieth Century"], ["doab_id", "15233"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645012"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645012"]], [["description", "A study of the genesis of \u2018European civilisation\u2019 as a concept of 20th-C EU political practice & as a specific project of a transnational network of EU elites, examining how they sought to rehabilitate EU identity as a response to a crisis of belonging following the 1917-1920 revolutions & the collapse of the Hohenzollern, Habsburg & RU Empires."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gusejnova ,Dina"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["New Studies in European History", "History"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611253"], ["title", "European Elites and Ideas of Empire, 1917-1957"], ["doab_id", "19253"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781107120624"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781107120624"]], [["description", "\"This book focuses on the study of the remarkable new source of geographic information that has become available in the form of user-generated content accessible over the Internet through mobile and Web applications. The exploitation, integration and application of these sources, termed volunteered geographic information (VGI) or crowdsourced geographic information (CGI), offer scientists an unprecedented opportunity to conduct research on a variety of topics at multiple scales and for diversified objectives.The Handbook is organized in five parts, addressing the fundamental questions: What motivates citizens to provide such information in the public domain, and what factors govern/predict its validity?What methods might be used to validate such information? Can VGI be framed within the larger domain of sensor networks, in which inert and static sensors are replaced or combined by intelligent and mobile humans equipped with sensing devices? What limitations are imposed on VGI by differential access to broadband Internet, mobile phones, and other communication technologies, and by concerns over privacy? How do VGI and crowdsourcing enable innovation applications to benefit human society?Chapters examine how crowdsourcing techniques and methods, and the VGI phenomenon, have motivated a multidisciplinary research community to identify both fields of applications and quality criteria depending on the use of VGI. Besides harvesting tools and storage of these data, research has paid remarkable attention to these information resources, in an age when information and participation is one of the most important drivers of development.The collection opens questions and points to new research directions in addition to the findings that each of the authors demonstrates. Despite rapid progress in VGI research, this Handbook also shows that there are technical, social, political and methodological challenges that require further studies and research.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Volunteered geographic information", "Spatial data", "Crowdsourcing", "Geospatial information"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617901"], ["title", "European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information"], ["doab_id", "19816"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188792", "9781909188808", "9781909188815", "9781909188822"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188792 9781909188808 9781909188815 9781909188822"]], [["description", "This book makes an essential contribution to understanding the dynamics of contemporary immigrant inflows and integration in Europe. Though embracing a Continent-wide outlook on migration processes, it accounts, in particular, for Southern and Eastern European perspectives. This is accomplished by analysing the long-term transition countries undergo from net emigration to net immigration, as well as developments in their migrant inflows, integration and policy. Balance is achieved between describing the common European experience and the intra- and inter-regional differences characterising migration\u2019s underlying factors and trends.This volume is one of few attempts to conceive of the \u2018Old Continent\u2019 as a common economic and cultural space that fully incorporates its eastern part, while still viewing post-enlargement Europe as an area that \u2013 despite nation-specific histories \u2013 maintains a high degree of social and political coherence.The book is very comprehensive, with deep insights into aspects of immigration throughout different periods and changing socio-economic environments. Contents come from new empirical evidence, specially designed and collected. A great asset is the mix of authors, representing several academic centres across Europe yet pursuing a common vision of European migration, past, present and future.

Dit boek analyseert de instroom en integratie van immigranten in Europa, waarbij alle aspecten van de immigratie gedurende uiteenlopende perioden en in veranderende sociaaleconomische omstandigheden aan bod komen. Daarbij wordt Europa beschouwd als \u00e9\u00e9n economische en culturele entiteit, met een grote mate van onderlinge sociale en politieke samenhang. De auteur heeft echter ook oog voor de regionale verschillen die bepalend zijn voor de onderliggende factoren en trends."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ok\u00f3lski ,Marek"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426531"], ["title", "European Immigrations : Trends, Structures and Policy Implications"], ["doab_id", "15175"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644572"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644572"]], [["description", "Dear Colleagues,Comparative theology is a field with a lineage as long as the earliest efforts by believers to engage, understand, learn from and critique other religions. In the 1980s and 1990s, scholars revived the field as timely in light of today\u2019s religious diversity. They have given it some new characteristics, tried new methods, and argued for fresh implications, and thus in a real sense reinvented the discipline, affording new energy to the study of religions in practice and in the particular, without undue a priori attention to theoretical presuppositions and issues of method. Now younger theologians in different traditions have further interrogated its presumptions and practices and brought it into conversation with post-colonialism, gender studies, ethnographic research, and a (re)turn to theologies of religious pluralism. This thematic issue focuses on the European context to see how this new field has been received, understood, and critiqued among scholars writing in Europe.Helpful recent secondary sources include Francis X Clooney\u2019s Comparative Theology (2010), and his edited volume, with contributions from younger scholars, The New Comparative Theology (2010).Prof. Dr. Francis X. ClooneyDr. John BerthrongGuest Editors"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Berthrong (Guest Editor); Francis X. Clooney (Guest Editor); Ulrich Winkler; Reinhold Bernhardt; Klaus von Stosch; Ulrich Dehn; Paul Hedges; Rose Drew; Claudia Bickmann; Marianne Moyaert; Jacques Scheuer; Martin Ganeri; Mouhanad Khorchide; Ufuk Topkara; Perry Schmidt-Leukel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["comparative", " theology", " religious reading", " practice", " particularit"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/20"], ["title", "European Perspectives on the New Comparative Theology"], ["doab_id", "16156"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980447", "9783906980454"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980447/9783906980454"]], [["description", "Integration of newcomers is a foremost challenge for contemporary Europe. The 'second generation' - children born of immigrant parentage - is crucial in this process, for they constitute a growing and increasingly vocal segment of the metropolitan youth. This book offers an unprecedented look at the real-life place and position of the European second generation in education, labour, social relations, religion and identity formation. Using data collected by the TIES survey in fifteen cities across eight European countries, the authors paint a vivid picture of how the children of immigrants from Turkey, Morocco and former Yugoslavia are progressing. Their findings and cross-national comparisons are demographically compelling and at times revelational.

De kinderen van nieuwkomers in Europa vormen een snel groeiende en vaak opvallende groep jongeren, maar toch is er nauwelijks vergelijkend onderzoek naar gedaan. Voor dit boek werd op grote schaal informatie verzameld op het gebied van onderwijs, werk, sociale relaties, religie en identiteitsvorming. Daardoor ontstaat een helder beeld van de positie van de kinderen van immigranten uit Turkije, Marokko en voormalig Joegoslavi\u00eb in 15 Europese steden. Een vergelijking tussen deze steden biedt daarbij inzicht in de sterke en zwakke punten van sociaal en integratiebeleid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Crul ,Maurice; Schneider ,Jens; Lelie ,Frans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426534"], ["title", "The European Second Generation Compared : Does the Integration Context Matter?"], ["doab_id", "15178"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644435"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644435"]], [["description", "Although the fundamental meaning of basic terminology is well established for every scholarly discipline, many concepts are often questioned and redefined. In the case of ethnomusicology, this process is all too familiar, as researchers within the discipline focus on the most diverse of music cultures. The manifold worldviews of the resource persons, as holders and presenters (in both meanings of the word) of a tradition make the matter more complex. Such a situation has particular significance in the context of multipart singing because of the specific musical aesthetics and vocabularies established among singing groups. Additionally, it is accentuated by processes of change within every musical culture and those of ethnomusicology.Examining this question from the viewpoint of folk terminology means primarily considering specific and individual concepts of cultural listening, in the sense of 'paying attention', 'con-centrating' and 'focusing on'. These concepts are established on the one hand through the processes of music listening and music making and on the other hand through the local dis-course, in which singers and musicians as well as local communities are very much involved. The discourse as a communication category with which people communicate about the claim to validity of rules also plays an important role in processes of legitimating and power within the community. An essential part of the discourse is singing itself. The music therefore becomes the object and subject of research. Of particular relevance in this framework are questions of gender, applying to communities in which women practice multipart singing and others where they are mostly listeners, although contributing decisively in the discourse processes.A specific role become issues of brain research. In this context the functionality of an exact motor control system within the body for precise timing, sequencing and the spatial organisation of movements during musical performance become particularly important. Performing and listening to music are culturally conditioned, but they are at the same time natural human abilities. Therefore the study of underlying processes is crucial and promises to uncover fun-damental properties of the human brain.The different theoretical viewpoints in the first three chapters of the book are followed by ap-proaches of a \"Lexicon of Local Terminology on Multipart Singing in Europe\". These reflect the situation of a few but different communities and areas in Europe, helping to obtain additional insights into the topics in question.

Die grundlegende Bedeutung der Terminologie steht f\u00fcr jede Wissenschaft zwar au\u00dfer Streit, viele Termini werden aber oft in Frage gestellt und immer wieder neu definiert. In der Ethnomusikologie ist dieser Vorgang eine all zu bekannte Erscheinung, besch\u00e4ftigen sich doch die Forscher dieser Disziplin mit unterschiedlichsten Musikkulturen. Die mannigfaltigen Weltanschauungen der Gew\u00e4hrspersonen, die gleichzeitig Tr\u00e4ger und Darsteller (im doppelten Sinn des Wortes) der jeweiligen Tradition sind, machen die Frage noch komplexer. Dieser Zustand nimmt in Fragen vokaler Mehrstimmigkeit eine besondere Stellung ein, auf Grund der eigenen musikalischen \u00c4sthetik und des eigenen Vokabulars, die sich unter S\u00e4ngergruppen etabliert haben. Er wird zus\u00e4tzlich durch \u00c4nderungsprozesse in jeder Musikkultur und jene in der Ethnomusikologie betont.Diese Frage vom Blickwinkel der Volksterminologie zu erkunden, erfordert zuerst spezifische und individuelle Konzepte des kulturellen H\u00f6rens im Sinne von \u201aAufmerksamkeit schenken', \u201asich konzentrieren auf' und \u201aAufmerksamkeit ausrichten auf' in die Untersuchungen mit einzubeziehen. Diese Konzepte sind einerseits durch Prozesse des Musikh\u00f6rens and Musikmachens, andererseits durch den lokalen Diskurs, in dem Volkss\u00e4nger- und -musikanten, wie auch die jeweilige lokale Gemeinschaft mitwirken, etabliert.Der Diskurs als jene Art der Kommunikation, durch die sich Personen \u00fcber den Geltungsanspruch von Normen verst\u00e4ndigen spielt eine wichtige Rolle in den Prozessen von Legitimation und Macht innerhalb einer Gemeinschaft. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Diskurses ist das Singen selbst. Die Musik wird daher Objekt und Subjekt der Untersuchungen. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind in diesem Zusammenhang Gender-Fragen. Sie betreffen Gemeinschaften in denen Frauen aktiv in der Praxis der vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit teilnehmen sowie andere, in denen sie vor allem Zuh\u00f6rerinnen sind, trotzdem aber eine entscheidende Rolle in den Diskurs-Prozessen spielen.Eine spezifische Rolle kommt Fragen der Hirnforschung zu. Besonders wichtig in diesem Zusammenhang ist die Funktionalit\u00e4t eines exakten motorischen Kontrollsystems innerhalb des K\u00f6rpers f\u00fcr die pr\u00e4zise Zeitmessung, die Sequenzbildung und die Raumorganisation der Bewegungen w\u00e4hrend der musikalischen Interpretation. Musikinterpretation und -h\u00f6ren sind kulturell bedingt, aber sie sind gleichzeitig nat\u00fcrliche menschliche F\u00e4higkeiten. Die Untersuchung der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse ist daher entscheidend und verspricht die Entdeckung grundlegender Merkmale des menschlichen Gehirns.Die unterschiedlichen theoretischen Blickwinkeln in den drei ersten Kapitel des Buches werden von Ann\u00e4herungen an ein \"Lexikon der lokalen Terminologie zur vokalen Mehrstimmigkeit in Europa\" gefolgt. Diese widerspiegeln die Situation weniger aber unterschiedlicher Gemeinschaften und Regionen in Europa und helfen zus\u00e4tzliche Einsichten zu den gestellten Fragen zu gewinnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ahmedaja ,Ardian"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["cultural listening, local discourse, multipart singing, European multipart music, local terminology, musical phenomena"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437226"], ["title", "European Voices II"], ["doab_id", "15347"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783205787372"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787372"]], [["description", "Law

Het proces van rechtsverandering met betrekking tot euthanasie in Nederland is langdurig en buitengewoon complex geweest. In een tijdspanne van meer dan dertig jaar zijn rechtsnormen ontwikkeld die in 2001 vastgelegd zijn in een wet. Deze rechtsnormen zijn ontstaan in een wisselwerking tussen verschillende groepen zoals artsen (en met name hun beroepsgroep de Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Geneeskunst), belangenbehartigers van pati\u00ebnten (met name de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vrijwillige Euthanasie en gezondheidsrechtsgeleerden), adviesorganen, de rechterlijke macht, en ook de Geneeskundige Inspectie voor de Volksgezondheid en de medische tuchtcolleges), verschillende politieke organen en instituties en allerlei individuen die zich al dan niet beroepsmatig in het debat over euthanasie hebben gemengd. In Euthanasie: het proces van rechtsverandering wordt dit complexe proces ontrafeld en gedetailleerd beschreven."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weyers ,Heleen"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Law", "Recht"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340225"], ["title", "Euthanasie : Het proces van rechtsverandering"], ["doab_id", "12908"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566473"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566473"]], [["description", "This remarkablpe title describes the life of one of Holland's most remarkable figures: medical practitioner Van Dieren (1861-1940), Amsterdammer and prolific writer who caused quite a stir in his days. The author recounts the life and times of Van Dieren in the form of a series of narratives about the fights of this Dutch Don Quixote with his particular windmills. Individual chapters deal with his life, work, personal style, friendships and enmities, his discussions with psychoanalysts, socialists, scientists and above all of his tragic-comical failures. Unique source material is used to reconstruct this picture, such as the correspondence between Van Dieren and a large number of well-known Dutchmen, including novelist Van Eeden, Nobel laureate C.Eijkman, the philosopher Bolland, politician De Savornin Lohman, Queen Emma, and many others. Marginality and non-conformity are the key themes that run through the life of this observer which made him one of the most successful failures in Dutch history.

Evart van Dieren, een kroniek van het falen beschrijft het leven van een van de markantste figuren uit de Nederlandse cultuurgeschiedenis. De inmiddels vergeten Amsterdamse arts/publicist Van Dieren (1861-1940) genoot in zijn tijd grote bekendheid. Toch is hij altijd een buitenstaander gebleven. In dit boek komen het leven en werk van deze Nederlandse Don Quichot ruimschoots aan bod. Hiervoor is geput uit uniek bronmateriaal, waaronder briefwisselingen tussen Van Dieren en een groot aantal bekende Nederlanders zoals Van Eeden, Verwey, Polak, Eijkman en koningin Emma. Marginaliteit en vervreemding zijn de leidende thema's in het leven van deze opvallende persoonlijkheid. Het maakte hem tot een van de succesvolste mislukkelingen uit de vaderlandse geschiedenis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bos ,Jaap"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340045"], ["title", "Evart van Dieren : een kroniek van het falen"], ["doab_id", "12764"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640048"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640048"]], [["description", "Climate events, storms, damage

Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, presque tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements naturels extr\u00eames pourraient \u00eatre qualifi\u00e9s de d\u00e9sastre. Sur les 25 catastrophes les plus couteuses depuis 1970, toutes sont survenues apr\u00e8s 1987 et 23 d'entre elles sont li\u00e9es aux conditions climatiques.Et cela n'arrive pas qu'aux autres. La France, elle non plus, n'est pas \u00e9pargn\u00e9e : 88 morts et 9 milliards d'euros de d\u00e9gats pour les temp\u00eates de d\u00e9cembre 1999, pr\u00e8s de 15000 d\u00e9c\u00e8s pour la canicule du 1er au 20 aout 2003. La r\u00e9cente temp\u00eate Xynthia, avec ses ruptures de digues, a provoqu\u00e9 53 morts, s'ajoutant \u00e0 tant d'autres trag\u00e9dies survenues dans des zones inondables, et nous interrogeant. Sommes-nous pr\u00eats par exemple \u00e0 affronter une crue comparable \u00e0 celle de 1910 dans le Paris de demain ?Dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique, nous savons que nous devons nous pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 des \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames plus dangereux, quelquefois in\u00e9dits. Ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements voient leurs effets amplifi\u00e9s par le d\u00e9veloppement urbain, le surpeuplement des zones littorales et l'anthropisation des milieux naturels. Ils repr\u00e9sentent de v\u00e9ritables \u00ab trappes \u00e0 pauvret\u00e9 \u00bb pour les pays les plus pauvres de la Plan\u00e8te.C'est l'objet de ce rapport de l'Acad\u00e9mie des Sciences qui analyse la question de ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements climatiques extr\u00eames et de leurs cons\u00e9quences pr\u00e9visibles sur les syst\u00e8mes \u00e9conomiques, sociaux, sanitaires et de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.Un r\u00e9el besoin d'anticipation existe donc : notre pays est-il pr\u00eat \u00e0 y r\u00e9pondre? Participe-t-il suffi samment aux actions internationales visant \u00e0 r\u00e9duire les risques? Dispose-t-il d'une information scientifique appropri\u00e9e?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Decamps ,Henri"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Climate events", "storms", "damage"]], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=519668"], ["title", "Ev\u00e8nements climatiques extr\u00eames"], ["doab_id", "16197"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782759805082"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759805082"]], [["description", "Known for much of the nineteenth century as \"the ever-faithful isle,\" Cuba did not earn its independence from Spain until 1898, long after most American colonies had achieved emancipation from European rule. In this groundbreaking history, David Sartorius explores the relationship between political allegiance and race in nineteenth-century Cuba. Challenging assumptions that loyalty to the Spanish empire was the exclusive province of the white Cuban elite, he examines the free and enslaved people of African descent who actively supported colonialism. By claiming loyalty, many black and mulatto Cubans attained some degree of social mobility, legal freedom, and political inclusion in a world where hierarchy and inequality were the fundamental lineaments of colonial subjectivity. Sartorius explores Cuba's battlefields, plantations, and meeting halls to consider the goals and limits of loyalty. In the process, he makes a bold call for fresh perspectives on imperial ideologies of race and on the rich political history of the African diaspora. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sartorious ,David"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Latin American Studies", "History", "Latin America", "Race"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469253"], ["title", "Ever Faithful - Race, Loyalty and the Ends of Empire in Spanish Cuba"], ["doab_id", "15924"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822355793", "9780822355939", "9780822377078"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822355793 9780822355939 9780822377078"]], [["description", "In May 2013, a small group of protesters made camp in Istanbul's Taksim Square, protesting the privatisation of what had long been a vibrant public space. When the police responded to the demonstration with brutality, the protests exploded in size and force, quickly becoming a massive statement of opposition to the Turkish regime. This book assembles a collection of field research, data, theoretical analyses, and cross-country comparisons to show the significance of the protests both within Turkey and throughout the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "David ,Isabel; Toktamis ,Kumru F."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Turkey", "Social Movements", "Democracy", "Protest"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611222"], ["title", "Everywhere Taksim: Sowing the Seeds for a New Turkey at Gezi"], ["doab_id", "17338"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089648075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648075"]], [["description", "This report outlines the rules on the taking and using of evidence in Austrian civil procedure law. On the basis of principles such as the free disposition of parties, the attenuated inquisitorial principle or the principles of orality and directness, the judge and the parties form a \u201cworking group\u201d when investigating the matter in dispute. The Austrian concept of an active judge, however, goes along with the judge\u2019s duty to do case-management and especially to induce a truthful fact-finding using judicial discretion. While only five means of proof (documents, witnesses, expert opinions, evidence by inspection and the examination of parties) are explicitly listed the Austrian civil procedure code, there is no numerus clausus regarding the means of evidence. Evidence may be freely assessed by the judge."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bettina Nunner-Krautgasser; Philipp Anzenberger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["general principles of civil procedure, principles of taking evidence, burden of proof, taking evidence in civil procedure, witness evidence, documentary evidence, expert opinions, evidence by inspection, examination of parties, unlawful evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/24"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Austria"], ["doab_id", "17603"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842440"]], ["provider", "www.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842440"]], [["description", "This book portrays evidence and gathering of evidence under the current Croatian regulation relating to evidence and in practice. In this context, the author first analyses the fundamental principles of Croatian civil procedure and law of evidence. Then, the general principles of evidence and gathering of evidence are discussed, as well as the general rule on the burden of proof. The question of gathering of evidence through modern technology (videoconferencing, etc.) in the Croatian law and practice is also discussed. Separate parts of this book contain the analysis of means of proof regulated by the Croatian Civil Procedure Act: inspection of object ('view'), documents, witness testimony, expert testimony, and party testimony. The rules on costs caused by gathering of evidence, including the costs for translation are analysed, as well as the rules on language. The concepts of illegally obtained evidence and illegal evidence in the Croatian law and practice are discussed.This volume contains the report about the Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 and the multilateral and bilateral legal assistance treaties to which Croatia is a party. There are several appendices to this book: a table of authorities according to the Regulation No 1206/2001, and relevant sources of Croatian civil procedure, table of case law on evidence, table portraying a ordinary/common civil procedure timeline, table referring to legal interpretation in the Croatian legal system, and comparative tables focusing on functional differences between national regulation, bilateral legal assistance treaties, multilateral treaties, and Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 on taking of evidence by hearing of witnesses.This book is a result of the Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure research project commissioned by European Commission, Directorate-General Justice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sla\u0111ana Aras Kramar"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["evidence, fundamental principles of civil procedure, gathering of evidence, burden of proof, written evidence, witnesses, unlawful evidence, costs, language, Council Regulation (EC) No. 1206/2001, Croatia"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/23"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Croatia"], ["doab_id", "17605"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842402"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842402"]], [["description", "This short monograph attempts an exploration of the legal treatment of evidence questions in Cyprus law. The first section of the study offers a comparative-law introduction to the legal system of Cyprus \u2013 a mixed legal system that in matters of civil litigation, including evidence, tends to strongly follow the English common law tradition (including the existence of an autonomous legal field of evidence law, that tends to be dominated by criminal evidence law. The second section presents the general principles underlying Cypriot civil procedure, including evidence. The sections that follow examine in more detail legal aspects involving civil evidence, especially how the basic types of evidence are treated in Cyprus law and how the processes for the taking of evidence are organized. The study also examines special questions including the legal treatment of illegally obtained evidence, legal costs and problems of language. The final section examines the cross-border dimensions of civil evidence-taking."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nikitas Hatzimihail; Antria Pantelidou"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure law, Cyprus, principles, evidence, cross-border cases, judicial cooperation"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/25"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Cyprus"], ["doab_id", "17606"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842457"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842457"]], [["description", "Danish civil procedure is based on a number of procedural law principles that affect the taking of evidence, including the principle of party presentation, the principle of disposition, and the principle of free assessment of evidence. The nature of Danish procedural law tends towards the adversarial model rather than the inquisitorial model. Evidence is taken during the hearing and the principle of directness applies to the procedure. Danish civil procedure is governed by the 1916 Administration of Justice Act, which was originally strongly influenced by German law. The role of the judge is to lead the process and also to intervene in proceedings when uncertainty exists, rather than just to facilitate the process by ensuring the parties abide by the laws of civil procedure."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frederik Waage; Michael Herborn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["procedural law, due process, fair trial, civil procedure, law of evidence, free assessment, access to justice"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/26"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Denmark"], ["doab_id", "17607"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842464"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842464"]], [["description", "Since Estonia regained its independence on 20 August 1991 Estonian civil procedure has been gradually developed from the civil procedure of Estonian SSR to the modern civil procedure rules in force today. The current code of civil procedure was adopted on 20 April 2005 and came into force in 1 January 2006. Since coming into force several changes have been made to the current code with significant changes coming into force on 1 January 2009. Estonian civil procedure is mainly based on the adversarial principle, except for some specific cases and proceedings on petition where the inquisitorial principle is used. Deriving from this the parties are in most cases free to decide on what evidence to submit and whether to submit evidence at all. While the court may ask the parties to submit evidence, they are not required to do so. The situation is different in cases based on the inquisitorial principle. Estonian civil procedure does not impose many restrictions as to the kind of evidence that can be submitted. Virtually anything that can be reproduced in some way may be submitted as documentary evidence and any person who has knowledge about the facts of the case may be heard as a witness. Even the parties may be heard under oath. The Estonian Code of Civil Procedure does not set out many rules on how to evaluate the evidence submitted. The basic rule is that the court has to assess the evidence impartially and as a whole and not give any preference to any particular piece of evidence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Margus Poola"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure, gathering of evidence, procedural costs, international civil procedure, private international law, procedural costs, Estonia"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/22"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Estonia"], ["doab_id", "17604"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842396"]], ["provider", "www.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842396"]], [["description", "Finnish civil procedure has a close connection with other Scandinavian legal systems and co-operation between the States is active. In addition, the legislation, case-law and scholarly doctrine are more and more influenced by European co-operation through the EU and Council of Europe. The principles of free disposition, free assessment of evidence, audiatur altera pars, and burden of proof form the basis for an oral and direct public hearing. It follows from these due process principles that no methods of proof are forbidden but their relevance depends on the court\u2019s assessment. The procedural doctrine in Finland is well established and has roots in the Swedish code of civil procedure of 1734, although it has gone through extensive reforms. On February 10, 2015 the Parliament of Finland passed the reform of chapter 17 of code of civil procedure, which contains the legislation on law of evidence. The extensive reform systematically updates and streamlines the previous legislation on evidence in addition to introducing new regulation e.g. on anonymous witnesses and banning invocation of evidence, which has been obtained by illegal means. The reform of chapter 17 concludes the systematic reform."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Riikka Koulu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["procedural law, due process, fair trail, civil procedure, law of evidence, free assessment, access to justice"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/27"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Finland"], ["doab_id", "17624"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842471"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842471"]], [["description", "The French Law of evidence is at the crossroad between procedural law and civil law.As part of the procedural law, it is governed by general principles set out by the Code de proc\u00e9dure civile, such as the contradictory principle, the principle of public hearing or the free disposition principle, which means that the parties define the framework of the proceeding and that the judge cannot base his decision on facts that were not put forward by the parties themselves. It is also the Code de proc\u00e9dure civile that organises the respective roles of the judge and the parties for the taking of evidence: since 1976, it imposes a \u2013 rather complex \u2013 balance between adversarial and inquisitorial principles.Other general principles were set by case law, e.g. the principle that no one can pre-constitute evidence in his own favour or the principle of fair evidence.On the other hand, more substantive rules are to be found in the Code civil. These rules mix two systems, the system of the preuve morale, applicable in some specific litigation, and the system of the preuve l\u00e9gale, which is clearly dominant in civil litigation. In the first system, evidence is in principle free, which means not only that any mode of proof is admissible, but also that assessment of evidence by the judges is free. In the second one, only determined means of evidence are admissible and their probative force is often set out by law. A majority of evidence rules derive more or less directly from this summa divisio. In fact, the predominance of the preuve l\u00e9gale system has made the French system of evidence rather rigid, in particular regarding the exaggerated importance of written evidence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin Oudin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["adversarial principle, burden of proof, contradictory principle, fair evidence, free disposition principle, inquisitorial principle, iura novit curia, orality, standard of proof, testimonial evidence, written evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/28"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - France"], ["doab_id", "17625"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842488"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842488"]], [["description", "The fundamental principles in civil procedure do not only serve as guiding principles for civil procedure in general, but are especially relevant in the taking of evidence process. The German Code of Civil Procedure lays down various rules in its part on the taking of evidence, which aim to specify the scope of the fundamental procedural principles as well as their limitations. This reports purposes to depict the taking of evidence process under German law by illustrating its interaction with said principles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian Wolf; Nicola Zeibig"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["German civil procedure, fundamental principles, "]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/29"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Germany"], ["doab_id", "17626"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842495"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842495"]], [["description", "The dominant position of the parties with regard to a civil litigation constitutes a major principle of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure (principle of free disposition). Furthermore, The orientation of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure towards the contemporary model of a more active judge, apart from the more or less passive role of the latter, mainly to examine lack of the procedural prerequisites (Art. 73 CCP) and the legal foundation of the action on his own motion, is only sporadically provided for in certain regulations. The right of defence before the courts is explicitly guaranteed by Art. 20 I b of the Greek Constitution explicitly guarantees: \u201cEvery person \u2026 may plead before them his views concerning his rights or interests as specified by law\u201d. Moreover, the Code of Civil Procedure provides for the principle of the need for the summoning of the parties in all hearings of the case (Art. 110 II CCP), notwithstanding the application of special provisions oriented towards the specification of the right of defence. The taking of evidence is in principle administered before the whole panel of the court (= principle of directness). Moreover, witnesses testify before one member of the court\u2019s panel, who is appointed as the reporter judge Art. 270 V CCP). In particular, expert reports and viewing of the premises may be orally ordered by the court. The publicity of the courts\u2019 sittings (Art. 93 II) and publicity of the pronouncement of the courts\u2019 judgments (Art. 93 III) are explicitly guaranteed by the Greek Constitution (Art. 93 II, III). The credibility of the means of proof is in principle freely evaluated by the court, unless otherwise explicitly provided, thus the judge decides in accordance with his inner conviction as regards the truth of the factual allegations. The judgement must include the reasons, which led the judge to the formation of his conviction (Art. 340 CCP). The Greek Code of Civil Procedure requires in principle the full conviction of the court as regards the standard of proof. Eight means of proof are exclusively listed in Art. 339 CCP: confession, direct proof, especially viewing the premises, expert reports, documentary evidence, examination of parties, testimony, presumptions and sworn attestations. The Greek Code of Civil Procedure, under the influence of the German-origin \u201cNorms\u2019 Theory\u201d (\u201cNormentheorie\u201d), introduces the rule that \u201cEach party is obliged to prove the facts which are required to support his self-contained claim or counter-claim\u201d (Art. 338 I CCP). Art. 19 III of the Greek Constitution provides for the inadmissibility of the means of evidence obtained in violation of Art. 19, 9 and 9A of the Greek Constitution, as regards the protection of the secrecy of letters and other forms of communication, the protection of every person\u2019s home (\u201casylum\u201d), the inviolability of private and family life and the inviolability of personal data respectively."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nikolaos Katiforis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["fundamental principles of civil procedure, free assessment of evidence, material truth, means of proof, burden of proof, taking of evidence, unlawful evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/30"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Greece"], ["doab_id", "17627"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842501"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842501"]], [["description", "After a brief historical introduction, the short monograph reviews the system of evidence in Hungarian civil proceedings, approaching the topic from the aspect of the basic principles. Following changes in the role of material truth, it presents alterations in the interpretation of and re-interpretation of the notion of the principle of free disposition of the parties. Then it deals with the following basic principles and their relation to evidence: principle of orality, principle of directness, principle of public hearing, principle of equality of arms, right to be heard, ensuring the use of one\u2019s mother tongue, principle of procedural economy, the proper (bona fide) conduct of the lawsuit, principle of adversarial hearing, principle of the freedom of proof. After examining the questions of admissibility of evidence and burden of proof, it discusses particular means of evidence, the taking of evidence, the preliminary taking of evidence, costs of evidence, the question of unlawful evidence, and finally, the cross-border taking of evidence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vikt\u00f3ria Hars\u00e1gi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure law, Hungary, principles, evidence, cross-border cases, judicial cooperation"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/31"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Hungary"], ["doab_id", "17628"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842518"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842518"]], [["description", "Ireland as a common law jurisdiction operates an adversarial system. Ireland has a written Constitution, Bunreacht na h-\u00c9ireann. Other sources of law include legislation and European Union Law and a doctrine of precedent operates. This paper comprises a discussion of the law of evidence in Irish Civil Procedure. It follows the structure of a questionnaire circulated for the purposes of a comparative study as part of an EU wide project and is repetitive in parts. It was completed between November 2013 and August 2014 and in the interim there have been significant developments in the Irish legal system, most notably the establishment of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court decision in D.P.P. v. J.C. [2015] IESC 31, which modified the exclusionary rule concerning unconstitutionally obtained evidence. The primary form of proof in Irish courts is oral evidence. Competent witnesses are generally compellable. Usually testimony, on oath or affirmation, is given viva voce in open court before the Judge and where necessary a jury, and in the presence of the parties. The right to cross-examine is constitutionally guaranteed. In civil cases, the standard of proof is the balance of probabilities. The burden of proof rests on the party which asserts. The principle of audi alteram partem applies. A distinction is drawn between unconstitutionally obtained evidence and illegally obtained evidence. There is pre-trial discovery. Evidence taking by and for foreign courts is discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Br\u00edd Moriarty"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["procedural law, civil procedure, evidence, witnessess, cross-examination, unconstitutionally obtained evidence, discovery, foreign evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/33"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Ireland"], ["doab_id", "17630"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842525"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842525"]], [["description", "The national report of civil procedure in Latvia is based on review of the Latvian Civil Procedure Law, court practice, feedback by the Ministry of Justice on cooperation with the EU states as well as with third countries in various matters of jurisdiction as well as on legal science.Civil procedure includes all legal principles like disposition, right to be present and to be heard, competition of parties in gaining all necessary evidence and similar concepts to be found in almost every modern civil procedure system.However, there are certain specific features due to which Latvian process stands out. For instance, there is still a system of legal presumptions which apparently is inherited from Roman law, yet still prescribed by the Latvian Civil law (Civil code). Also certain degree of formal attitude remains as a characteristic feature of the Latvian civil procedure."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "J\u0101nis Rozenfelds; Daina Ose; Martins Osis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["principle of free disposition, adversarial principle, hearing of both parties, public hearing, free assessment of evidence, relevance of material truth, public hearing, free assessment of evidence, relevance of material truth, means of proof, legal presumptions, burden of proof, iura novit curia, evidence, balance of probability"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/34"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Latvia"], ["doab_id", "17637"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842532"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842532"]], [["description", "The text presents legal issues concerning evidence and evidence taking in Polish civil proceedings. General principles of Polish civil proceedings are discussed, as well as the principles concerning evidence. The evolution of Polish proceedings is obvious: it is getting more and more formal. The provisions about preclusion are presented in this context and the contradictory model of the proceedings is expressed strongly. There are some doubts if the evolution of Polish Code of Civil Proceedings goes in right direction. The problem of possible adoption of pre-trial regulations is also mentioned."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Katarzyna Bagan-Kurluta; Piotr Fiedorczyk"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Polish civil proceedings, evidence, document, witnesses, pre-trial"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/35"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Poland"], ["doab_id", "17636"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842549"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842549"]], [["description", "The following text deals with the general principles and legal rules regarding evidence and evidence taking in the Portuguese legal system. Based on the rules foreseen in legal texts, as well as court decisions and national literature, the authors approach the general theory behind the current rules and notions in force while also referencing the specifications of the means of proof in use in legal practice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maria Jo\u00e3o Mimoso; Sandra C. Sousa; Vitor Hugo Meireles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure, parties, probative value, taking of evidence, burden of proof, means of evidence, witnesses, expert witnesses, unlawful evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/36"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Portugal"], ["doab_id", "17635"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842556"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842556"]], [["description", "This study is offering a review of the most important institutions of the Romanian law of evidence: the fundamental principles of civil procedure, as well as the general principles of evidence taking; an analysis of the various means of evidence, and of the rules regarding the taking of evidence; some specific issues such as the unlawful evidence, the costs, language and translation in the process of the taking of evidence, are also examined."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sebastian Spinei"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure, fundamental principles, rules of evidence, means of evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/37"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Romania"], ["doab_id", "17634"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842563"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842563"]], [["description", "Like in all jurisdictions of the Member States of the European Union the Slovak civil procedure is governed by the range of principles that were developed in Europe since 19th century. The thesis summarizes the main principles and their application by the judges when taking the evidence in the course of civil proceedings. It is evident that the observance of principles is vital not only in the drafting of legislation, but also in its implementation and claiming rights of the parties before the court. The combination of competing principles, such as free disposition principle and the officiality principle, as well as the adversarial and inquisitorial principles helps to achieve the situation in both positive law and the decision making practice of the courts, where it is possible to decide the civil cases in a fair and objective way enabling parties to use procedural tools at their disposal. The thesis further elaborates on role of principles in taking evidence at the court and it also describes the kinds and means of evidence according to the Slovak Code of Civil Procedure."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jana Vnukov\u00e1"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure, principles of civil procedure, taking of evidence, kinds of evidence, frere assessment of evidence, burden of proof"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/38"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Slovakia"], ["doab_id", "17633"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842570"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842570"]], [["description", "Under the Article 22 of the Slovenian Constitution the right to equal protection of rights guarantees the right to state the facts and submit evidence, the right to be present at the taking of evidence and to be informed on the results of the taking of evidence. The principle of free assessment is a fundamental principle in Slovenian civil procedure included in Article 8 of the CPA. In the system of free assessment the judge is the one to evaluate the evidence without being bound by any formal rules on probative value of certain evidence. Probative value depends only on individual belief or conviction of the trial judge in each matter separately. The free assessment of evidence is the right and duty of the court to assess each piece of evidence separately and collectively. In the evidence-taking stage the CPA includes the special rules for each type of evidence, meant as a minimum guarantee for the right free assessment of the taken evidence and the free assessment of evidence presupposes that the evidence were taken by this rules. Even though, court decides which evidence will be produced for determination of the ultimate facts, the court is bound by the parties\u2019 right to propose evidence \u2013 with their procedural burden of proof. If the court rejects the proposal of a certain piece of evidence this rejections must be explained.In the following book the author discusses the key principles of the law of evidence in Slovenian civil procedure. The book provides analysis of the law of evidence, while placing the subject within its theoretical context. The subject is presented in a logical structure following on from the introduction of the basic principles through the rules for burden of proof, types of evidence, costs of evidence, the question of unlawful evidence, and the cross-border taking of evidence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tja\u0161a Ivanc"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure law, Slovenia, law of evidence, fundamental principles, evidence taking, burden of proof, means of evidence, cross border taking of evidence, Regulation No 1208/2001 on taking evidence"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/32"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Slovenia"], ["doab_id", "17629"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842587"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842587"]], [["description", "This work presumes to be an introduction for the foreign reader to Spanish regulations in regard to evidence. It has been structured following a classic design in the Spanish academic literature with the aim to approach the reader to the Spanish legal way of thinking. With the same goal it a starting Chapter that analyzes the different principles that lead Spanish Civil Procedure has been included."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "N\u00faria Mallandrich Miret"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["civil procedure, evidence, Spain, means of proof, ordinary proceedings, oral trials, fundamental principles of the procedure"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/39"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Spain"], ["doab_id", "17632"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842594"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842594"]], [["description", "This publication is based on the Swedish report to the project Dimensions of Evidence in Civil Procedure. The major objective of the project has been to explore whether there exists a common core of European Law of Evidence, and if it does, to describe its content and its most important points of discord among the national legal systems. By providing a clear picture of common core principles, the project can serve as a starting point for further harmonisation or unification processes in this field. A basic assumption of the project is that there can be no trust without a clear picture what courts do in matters of evidence, and how they discover the facts. This publication presents the relevant aspects of the Swedish legal system. The Swedish system for adjunction seldom takes its ground in firmly defined principles, but principles appear in decisions ad hoc. The Swedish application of the principle of free production of evidence and the principle of free assessment of evidence are far-reaching."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eric Bylander"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["evidence, civil procedure, Sweden, fundamental principles, burden of proof, written evidence, witnesses"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/40"], ["title", "Evidence in Civil Law - Sweden"], ["doab_id", "17631"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842600"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842600"]], [["description", "There is increased world-wide concern about the impact of multiple chronic conditions, especially among the rapidly aging population. Simultaneously, over the past decade there has been an emergence of state-wide and national initiatives to reduce the burden of chronic conditions that draw upon the translation of evidence-based programs (EPB) into community practice. Yet, little has been written about the national and international implementation, dissemination, and sustainability of such programs. This Research Topic features articles about EBPs for older adults, including a range of articles that focus on the infrastructure needed to widely disseminate EBP as well as individual participant impacts on physical, mental, and social aspects of health and well-being. Using a pragmatic research perspective, this Research Topic will advance knowledge that aims to enhance practice, inform policy and build systems of support and delivery in regard to the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance of evidence-based interventions for older adults. The focus is on knowledge transfer rather than knowledge generation but with a dual emphasis on the dissemination and sustainability of EBP that have been tested and shown effective as well as the adaptation of practice-based interventions into evidence-based programs. This Research Topic draws upon grand-scale efforts to deliver these programs, and include both U.S. as well as international examples. Commentaries discuss processes in the development and measurement of EBP and reflect perspectives from program developers and major national and regional funders of EBP as well as professionals and practitioners in the field. The full-length articles focus on four major programmatic areas: (1) chronic disease self-management programs; (2) fall prevention programs; (3) general wellness and physical activity programs; and (4) mental health programs. Additionally, articles are included to discuss cross-cutting issues related to building partnerships and the research infrastructure for the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of evidence-based programming. The intent of this Research Topic is to enhance practice, inform policy, and build systems of support and delivery for EBP. It is written for a diverse audience and contains practical implications and recommendations for introducing, delivering, and sustaining EBP in a multitude of settings."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcia G Ory; Matthew Lee Smith"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["evidence based programming", "older adults", "Fall prevention", "chronic disease self management CDSME programs", "CDSMP", "healthy aging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2551/evidence-based-programming-for-older-adults"], ["title", "Evidence-Based Programming for Older Adults"], ["doab_id", "17550"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195855"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195855"]], [["description", "Os conceitos e aplica\u00e7\u00f5es da ergonomia est\u00e3o em constante discuss\u00e3o no \u00e2mbito acad\u00eamico, caracterizando um corpus de conhecimento de grande expressividade para a pr\u00f3pria ci\u00eancia ergon\u00f4mica e demais \u00e1reas tecnol\u00f3gicas correlatas, a saber: engenharias, design, arquitetura, e outras. Entre as demandas para ampliar as an\u00e1lises em torno dessa disciplina apresenta-se sua evolu\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica, a qual est\u00e1 completa de controv\u00e9rsias e discuss\u00f5es. De fato, h\u00e1 ainda uma grande dificuldade em relatar suas etapas hist\u00f3ricas dentro do \u00e2mbito geogr\u00e1fico e a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de seus precursores nessas fases. Assim, o prop\u00f3sito dessa colet\u00e2nea foi o de reunir os estudos realizados pelos alunos da linha de pesquisa ergonomia, associados ao Laborat\u00f3rio de Ergonomia e Interfaces - LEI, no Programa de P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Design - PPGDesign, da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o da Universidade Estadual Paulista, e apresentar subs\u00eddios para amplia\u00e7\u00e3o da discuss\u00e3o e reflex\u00e3o evolutiva da ergonomia. Os primeiros cap\u00edtulos relatam os precursores da ergonomia, com destaque para Leonardo da Vinci e seus estudos na \u00e1rea da anatomia; B\u00e9lidor, Patissier e suas contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o do trabalho; o Taylorismo e os aspectos da organiza\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica do trabalho, bem como a contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Jules Amar nesse \u00e2mbito. Os demais cap\u00edtulos abordam a origem e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o da ergonomia na Europa, na R\u00fassia (ex URSS), Estados Unidos da Am\u00e9rica, Am\u00e9rica Latina e Brasil, com \u00eanfase a cria\u00e7\u00e3o de laborat\u00f3rios e associa\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o governamentais. De modo geral, os estudos ora apresentados preenchem lacunas ainda existentes dentro da ergonomia e procuram estabelecer um elo de liga\u00e7\u00e3o para a continuidade futura das pesquisas na \u00e1rea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Jos\u00e9 Carlos Pl\u00e1cido da; Paschoarelli, Lu\u00eds Carlos"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["DESIGN"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b5b72"], ["title", "A evolu\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica da ergonomia no mundo e seus pioneiros"], ["doab_id", "16727"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831201"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831201"]], [["description", "O setor banc\u00e1rio brasileiro possui caracter\u00edsticas muito espec\u00edficas em rela\u00e7\u00e3o aos bancos instalados em outros pa\u00edses. Na segunda metade da d\u00e9cada de 1990, com a entrada dos bancos estrangeiros no pa\u00eds, iniciou-se um processo de reestrutura\u00e7\u00e3o banc\u00e1ria, que acarretou importantes mudan\u00e7as na estrutura e nos padr\u00f5es de concorr\u00eancia do setor. Neste livro s\u00e3o analisadas a evolu\u00e7\u00e3o e a forma de atua\u00e7\u00e3o dos maiores bancos ap\u00f3s esse processo de reestrutura\u00e7\u00e3o, considerando o tipo de controle, se p\u00fablico, privado nacional ou privado estrangeiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Camargo, Patr\u00edcia Olga"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hn9cv"], ["title", "A evolu\u00e7\u00e3o recente do setor banc\u00e1rio no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16728"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830396"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830396"]], [["description", "La Universidad siempre ha acompa\u00f1ado a la sociedad en su devenir social y cultural. Desde la g\u00e9nesis medieval de las Instituciones de Educaci\u00f3n Superior, dicha evoluci\u00f3n se ha asociado siempre a un formato urban\u00edstico-arquitect\u00f3nico adecuado, inspirado en muchas ocasiones por visiones propias de la \u201cutop\u00eda en acci\u00f3n\u201d. En tiempos recientes, la Universidad ha experimentado valiosos impulsos hacia la innovaci\u00f3n y la excelencia, que han servido como soporte de muy interesantes proyectos, especialmente en Espa\u00f1a. Una de las herramientas conceptuales empleadas para acometer transformaciones hacia la excelencia de los conjuntos universitarios ha sido el \u201cCampus Did\u00e1ctico\u201d, bajo cuya filosof\u00eda de planificaci\u00f3n y actuaci\u00f3n han cristalizado m\u00faltiples dise\u00f1os de campus y de relaciones Universidad-Ciudad a lo largo del territorio universitario nacional."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Campos Calvo-Sotelo, Pablo "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Historia del derecho", "Universities", "History of law", "Arquitectura", "Paradigmas arquitect\u00f3nicos"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12017/BIAN-25.pdf?sequence=6"], ["title", "La evoluci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica del espacio f\u00edsico de la Universidad: Impulsos conceptuales, paradigmas arquitect\u00f3nicos, estrategias institucionales y propuestas recientes de innovaci\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "16148"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499827766"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499827766"]], [["description", "Although at first glance mechanisms used to create the variable domains of immunoglobulin appear to be designed to generate diversity at random, closer inspection reveals striking evolutionary constraints on the sequence and structure of these antigen receptors, suggesting that natural selection is operating to create a repertoire that anticipates or is biased towards recognition of specific antigenic properties. This Research Topics issue will be devoted to an examination of the evolution of antigen receptor sequence at the germline level, an evaluation of the repertoire in B cells from fish, pigs and human, an introduction into bioinformatics approaches to the evaluation and analysis of the repertoire as ascertained by high throughput sequencing, and a discussion of how study of the normal repertoire informs the construction or selection of in vitro antibodies for applied purposes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Harry W Schroeder Jr"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["immunoglobulin", "B cells", "sequence analysis software", "Antibody repertoire", "comparative immunology", "natural antibodies"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/369/the-evolution-and-development-of-the-antibody-repertoire"], ["title", "The Evolution and Development of the Antibody Repertoire"], ["doab_id", "18158"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195497"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195497"]], [["description", "\"There are few linguistic phenomena that have seduced linguists so skillfully as grammatical case has done.Ever since Panini (4th Century BC), case has claimed a central role in linguistic theory and continues to do so today. However, despite centuries worth of research, case has yet to reveal its most important secrets. This book offers breakthrough explanations for the understanding of case through agent-based experiments in cultural language evolution. The experiments demonstrate that case systems may emerge because they have a selective advantage for communication: they reduce the cognitive effort that listeners need for semantic interpretation, while at the same time limiting the cognitive resources required for doing so.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "van Trijp ,Remi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["grammatical case", "agent-based experiments", "cultural language evolution", "experimential linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611694"], ["title", "The evolution of case grammar"], ["doab_id", "19279"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234333", "9783944675848", "9783944675855"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234333 9783944675848 9783944675855"]], [["description", "This book presents groundbreaking robotic experiments on how and why spatial language evolves. It provides detailed explanations of the origins of spatial conceptualization strategies, spatial categories, landmark systems and spatial grammar by tracing the interplay of environmental conditions, communicative and cognitive pressures. The experiments discussed in this book go far beyond previous approaches in grounded language evolution. For the first time, agents can evolve not only particular lexical systems but also evolve complex conceptualization strategies underlying the emergence of category systems and compositional semantics. Moreover, many issues in cognitive science, ranging from perception and conceptualization to language processing, had to be dealt with to instantiate these experiments, so that this book contributes not only to the study of language evolution but to the investigation of the cognitive bases of spatial language as well."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spranger ,Michael"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["spatial language", "robotic experiments", "spatial grammar", "spatial language"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611695"], ["title", "The evolution of grounded spatial language"], ["doab_id", "19282"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234142", "9783946234159", "9783944675466"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234142 9783946234159 9783944675466"]], [["description", "Since their discovery NK cells have come out as potential tools to fight cancer and viruses. This finding early urged different groups to study the mechanisms governing NK cell function. The identification of the MHC-I-specific inhibitory receptors (i.e. KIRs, NKG2A and certain Ly49 molecules) allowed defining rather rapidly how NK cells could avoid self-aggression and how they could be directed towards targets that were forced, by viral infection or tumor transformation, to down-regulate MHC-I expression. In a second time, also the repertoire of surface activating receptors addressing NK cytotoxicity towards tumors and pathogens was mostly defined. In spite of the first findings, however, most recent studies may suggest that NK cells and their receptors might not have been evolved to kill tumor targets and, perhaps, they might have been only partially influenced, in their evolution, by the need of recognizing viruses. Indeed certain NK receptors known to activate NK cell cytotoxicity (NKp30, DNAM-1, NKp80) can also participate at regulatory interactions occurring between NK and myeloid cells. In addition, a peculiar NK cell subset which intensively populate decidua during the first trimester of pregnancy, through the engagement of specific receptors and the interaction with decidual DC, produce chemokines and pro-angiogenic cytokines, and induce Tregs. Thus, in this context, NK cells favor decidua vascularization and development of the (semiallogeneic) foetus in a tolerant environment. Viruses have nevertheless played an important role in shaping the NK cell receptor repertoire. Several studies have unveiled clues of the evolutionary struggle between these pathogens and NK cells. Different NK receptors, including NKp46, NKp30, NKp44, NKG2D, NKG2C, Ly49, and certain KIRs have been demonstrated to recognize virus-encoded or virus-induced ligands. The expression of TLR specifically recognizing microbial products, together with the unexpected role of KIR3DL2 in shuttling these products to TLR-containing endosomes have also been documented in NK cells. On the other side, different viral immune evasion molecules have been shown to interfere with the expression of ligands for T or NK cell activating receptors. In addition, viral infections can occur in the reproductive stage of life cycle, and may represent a serious threat for the species propagation. Thus the control of viruses, together with the maintenance of foetus during pregnancy, should represent major evolutionary forces in shaping NK-receptors. Along this line, the NK-mediated control of tumors should not be under the same evolutionary pressure, as tumors mostly appear later in the life cycle, and the recognition of tumor-encoded ligands may be less efficient (as the NK cell receptors might have not been selected for such aim). This may be the reason why, although displaying strong antitumor activity in vitro, NK cells could hardly contain tumor burden in vivo. In addition the pathogen-driven evolution of NK cell function may also favor the role of NK cells in the insurgence of immune-mediated diseases. This research topic will collect contributions that may clarify the relationships between the evolution of the NK receptors and their role in an efficient recognition of viruses and tumor cells or in immune-mediated diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Massimo Vitale; Simona Sivori; Miguel Lopez-Botet; Daniel Olive"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["KIR", "NCR", "anti-viral immune responses", "anti-tumor immunity", "innate immunity", "ILC", "Autoimmune Diseases", "decidual NK cell"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1735/evolution-of-nk-mediated-target-recognition-under-the-pressure-of-physiologic-or-pathologic-stimuli"], ["title", "Evolution of NK-mediated target recognition under the pressure of physiologic or pathologic stimuli"], ["doab_id", "18598"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194520"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194520"]], [["description", "Clustering or cluster analysis [5] is a method in unsupervised learning and one of the most used techniques in statistical data analysis. Clustering has a wide range of applications in many areas like pattern recognition, medical diagnostics, datamining, biology, market research and image analysis among others. A cluster is a set of data points that in some sense are similar to each other, and clustering is a process of partitioning a data set into disjoint clusters. In distance clustering, the similarity among data points is obtained by means of a distance function."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jianyi Lin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Lin-book_1.pdf"], ["title", "Exact algorithms for size constrained clustering"], ["doab_id", "15505"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050659"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050659"]], [["description", "\u201eHiergegen lege ich mein Veto ein.\u201c Diese Aussage l\u00e4sst sich oft in Zusammenh\u00e4ngen finden, in denen es darum geht, das Handeln eines Anderen besonders nachhaltig und beeindruckend zu unterminieren. Genau in jener Destruktionsenergie liegt die Magie der Vetorechte begr\u00fcndet. Es verwundert daher nicht, dass von diesem Terminus seit jeher reger Gebrauch gemacht wird und selbst das Blockadepotential der st\u00e4ndigen Mitglieder im UN-Sicherheitsrat aber auch das exekutive Durchgriffsrecht des amerikanischen Pr\u00e4sidenten als Vetorecht firmiert. Solch reger Einsatz dieser Begrifflichkeit ist in juristischen wie in nichtjuristischen Bereichen zu verzeichnen. Auch f\u00fcr das deutsche Verfassungssystem l\u00e4sst sich der Gebrauch der Vetoformulierung eruieren. Die vorliegende Dissertation kapriziert sich auf die Begutachtung damit einhergehender Fragestellungen. Rechtshistorische Herleitungen und eine definitorische Exegese des Vetobegriffs tragen dazu bei, das Bewusstsein f\u00fcr die mit dem Vetoeinsatz einhergehende Machtaus\u00fcbung zu sch\u00e4rfen. Es werden dabei Antworten gegeben auf Fragen wie: Woher kommt diese Macht? Welche Formen kann sie annehmen? Welche M\u00f6glichkeiten wohnen ihr inne, wo liegen ihre Grenzen? Dar\u00fcber hinaus dient diese Studie dazu, f\u00fcr den demokratischen Rechtsstaat Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach der Einpassung von Vetorechten in die grundgesetzlichen Parameter zu fragen. All diesen Facetten der Vetorechte, erweitert um den Spannungsbogen der politischen Dimension, geht diese Dissertation nach.

\u201eHiergegen lege ich mein Veto ein.\u201c Diese Aussage l\u00e4sst sich oft in Zusammenh\u00e4ngen finden, in denen es darum geht, das Handeln eines Anderen besonders nachhaltig und beeindruckend zu unterminieren. Genau in jener Destruktionsenergie liegt die Magie der Vetorechte begr\u00fcndet. Es verwundert daher nicht, dass von diesem Terminus seit jeher reger Gebrauch gemacht wird und selbst das Blockadepotential der st\u00e4ndigen Mitglieder im UN-Sicherheitsrat aber auch das exekutive Durchgriffsrecht des amerikanischen Pr\u00e4sidenten als Vetorecht firmiert. Solch reger Einsatz dieser Begrifflichkeit ist in juristischen wie in nichtjuristischen Bereichen zu verzeichnen. Auch f\u00fcr das deutsche Verfassungssystem l\u00e4sst sich der Gebrauch der Vetoformulierung eruieren. Die vorliegende Dissertation kapriziert sich auf die Begutachtung damit einhergehender Fragestellungen. Rechtshistorische Herleitungen und eine definitorische Exegese des Vetobegriffs tragen dazu bei, das Bewusstsein f\u00fcr die mit dem Vetoeinsatz einhergehende Machtaus\u00fcbung zu sch\u00e4rfen. Es werden dabei Antworten gegeben auf Fragen wie: Woher kommt diese Macht? Welche Formen kann sie annehmen? Welche M\u00f6glichkeiten wohnen ihr inne, wo liegen ihre Grenzen? Dar\u00fcber hinaus dient diese Studie dazu, f\u00fcr den demokratischen Rechtsstaat Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach der Einpassung von Vetorechten in die grundgesetzlichen Parameter zu fragen. All diesen Facetten der Vetorechte, erweitert um den Spannungsbogen der politischen Dimension, geht diese Dissertation nach."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Malorny, Stefan"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["history of law", "constitutional law", "history of law", "constitutional law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610190"], ["title", "Exekutive Vetorechte im deutschen Verfassungssystem - eine systematische Darstellung und kritische W\u00fcrdigung unter besonderer Ber\u00fccksichtigung der rechtshistorischen Herausbildung sowie der institutionellen Einpassung in die parlamentarischen Demokratiestrukturen Deutschlands und Europas"], ["doab_id", "13344"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950026"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950026"]], [["description", "Exemplary Bodies: Constructing the Jew in Russian Culture, 1880s to 2008 explores the construction of the Jew\u2019s physical and ontological body in Russian culture as represented in literature, film, and non-literary texts from the 1880s to the present. With the rise of the dominance of biological and racialist discourse in the 1880s, the depiction of Jewish characters in Russian literary and cultural productions underwent a significant change, as these cultural practices recast the Jew not only as an archetypal \u201cexotic\u201d and religious or class Other (as in Romanticism and realist writing), but as a biological Other whose acts, deeds, and thoughts were determined by racial differences. This Jew allegedly had physical and psychological characteristics that were genetically determined and that could not be changed by education, acculturation, conversion to Christianity, or change of social status. This stereotype has become a stable archetype that continues to operate in contemporary Russian society and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Henrietta Mondry"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/582602292e69cfa7066786b3/1478885940624/Exemplary+Bodies.pdf"], ["title", "Exemplary Bodies: Constructing the Jew in Russian Culture, 1880s to 2008"], ["doab_id", "19975"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781934843390"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781934843390"]], [["description", "The textbook begins with exercises related to radioactive sources and decay schemes. The problems covered include series decay and how to determine the frequency and energy of emitted particles in disintegrations. The next chapter deals with the interaction of ionizing radiation, including the treatment of photons and charged particles. The main focus is on applications based on the knowledge of interaction, to be used in subsequent work and courses. The textbook then examines detectors and measurements, including both counting statistics and properties of pulse detectors. The chapter that follows is dedicated to dosimetry, which is a major subject in medical radiation physics. It covers theoretical applications, such as different equilibrium situations and cavity theories, as well as experimental dosimetry, including ionization chambers and solid state and liquid dosimeters. A shorter chapter deals with radiobiology, where different cell survival models are considered. The last chapter concerns radiation protection and health physics. Both radioecology and radiation shielding calculations are covered. The textbook includes tables to simplify the solutions of the exercises, but the reader is mainly referred to important websites for importing necessary data."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nilsson, Bo N."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["medical physcs, health physics, nuclear physics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/460840"], ["title", "Exercises with Solutions in Radiation Physics"], ["doab_id", "17364"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110442052", "9783110442069"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110442052, 9783110442069"]], [["description", "This volume provides the first ever large-scale comparative treatment of there sentences (there copula NP), reporting the results of a survey of Italo-Romance and Sardinian dialects of Italy. The volume comprises detailed discussions of focus structure, predication and argument realization, the definiteness effects, and the linking from semantics to syntax in there sentences, advancing novel proposals in each case. The testing of influential hypotheses on existential constructions against first-hand dialect evidence leads the book to argue that existential and locative there sentences differ in focus structure and semantics, although their not being predicate focus constructions and the non-canonicality of the predicate\u2014which is typically referential\u2014is reflected in their shared morphosyntactic features. The hypothesis that the pivot is the predicate of the existential construction is adopted in the analysis, although a distinction is drawn between referential and non-referential pivots, which explains variation in pivot behaviour in morphosyntax. The volume also provides the historical background of Romance there sentences, relying on the findings of the analysis of a substantial corpus of early Italo-Romance vernacular texts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bentley ,Delia; Ciconte Maria ,Francesco; Cruschina ,Silvio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["existential", "locative", "there-sentences", "dialects", "Italo-Romance", "Sardinian", "Romance", "Role and Reference Grammar", "microvariation"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606709"], ["title", "Existentials and Locatives in Romance Dialects of Italy"], ["doab_id", "18965"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198745266"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198745266"]], [["description", "This collection of essays on Turgenev, Goncharov, Conrad, Dostoevsky, Blok, Briusov, Gor\u2019kii, Pasternak and Nabokov represents diverse voices but is also unified. One invariant is the recurring distinction between \u201cculture\u201d and \u201ccivilization\u201d and the vision of Russia as the bearer of culture because it is \u201cbarbaric.\u201d Another stance advocates the synthesis of \u201csense and sensibility\u201d and the vision of \u201cApollo\u201d and \u201cDionysus\u201d creating a \u201ccivilized culture\u201d together. Those voices that delight in the artificiality of civilization are complemented by those apprehensive of the dangers inherent in barbarism. This collection thus adds new perspectives to the much-debated opposition of vital Russia and a declining West, offering novel interpretations of classics from Oblomov to Lolita and The Idiot to Doctor Zhivago."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Irene Masing-Delic"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/575ad9c84c2f8523de7268d9/1465571785201/Exotic+Moscow+Under+Western+Eyes.pdf"], ["title", "Exotic Moscow Under Western Eyes"], ["doab_id", "19384"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781934843406"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781934843406"]], [["description", "A groundbreaking study of urban sprawl in Calgary after the Second World War. The interactions of land developers and the local government influenced how the pattern grew: developers met market demands and optimized profits by building houses as efficiently as possible, while the City had to consider wider planning constraints and infrastructure costs. Foran examines the complexity of their interactions from a historical perspective, why each party acted as it did, and where each can be criticized."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Max Foran"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["calgary", "urban sprawl", "developers", "urban planning"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120152"], ["title", "Expansive Discourses: Urban Sprawl in Calgary, 1945-1978"], ["doab_id", "14435"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425138", "9781897425145"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425138 9781897425145"]], [["description", "In Expectations Unfulfilled scholars from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Mexico, Norway, Spain and Sweden study the experiences of Norwegian migrants in Latin America between the Wars of Independence and World War II."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Migration"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613396"], ["title", "Expectations Unfulfilled: Norwegian Migrants in Latin America, 1820-1940"], ["doab_id", "18081"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004307384", "9789004307391"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004307384 9789004307391"]], [["description", "O conceito de 'experi\u00eancia' \u00e9 o fio condutor desta colet\u00e2nea dividida em duas partes: a primeira aborda a constru\u00e7\u00e3o social da doen\u00e7a, em especial a 'doen\u00e7a mental', enfocando as experi\u00eancias de afli\u00e7\u00e3o atrav\u00e9s dos processos sociais e di\u00e1logos que lhe d\u00e3o forma; a segunda focaliza o doente e a experi\u00eancia do adoecer e do se tratar. A instigante an\u00e1lise aborda quest\u00f5es relativas \u00e0 subjetividade, corporalidade e a\u00e7\u00e3o, aspectos fundamentais para o entendimento dos modos socialmente compartilhados atrav\u00e9s dos quais os moradores do Nordeste de Amaralina (bairro de classe trabalhadora de Salvador) identificam, explicam e reagem \u00e0 doen\u00e7a mental."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rabelo, M\u00edriam Cristina; Alves, Paulo C\u00e9sar B.; Souza, Iara Maria A."], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Sa\u00fade mental, Processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, Psiquiatria-tend\u00eancias"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pz254"], ["title", "Experi\u00eancia de doen\u00e7a e narrativa"], ["doab_id", "16418"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412664"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412664"]], [["description", "Experimental Affinities in Music brings together diverse artistic, musicological, historical, and philosophical essays, enhancing a broad discourse on artistic experimentation, and exploring various experimental attitudes in music composed between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries.The golden thread running through the different chapters is the quest for inherently experimental musical practices, a quest pursued from interrogating, descriptive, or challenging perspectives, and always in relation to concrete music examples.Experimental is taken as an adventurous compositional, interpretive, or performative attitude that can cut across different ages and styles. Affinities suggest connectors and connections, convergences, contiguities, and adjacencies that are found in and through a diversity of approaches and topics. The texts share a common genesis: the lectures of the International Orpheus Academies for Music and Theory convened by Luk Vaes (2011) and Paulo de Assis (2012, 2013). The affinities found in this volume include essays by Lydia Goehr, Felix Diergarten, Mark Lindley, Martin Kirnbauer, Edward Wickham, Lawrence Kramer, Hermann Danuser, and Thomas Christensen, as well as interviews with pianist Leon Fleisher, with pianist-composer Frederic Rzewski, and with composer Helmut Lachenmann.(publishing partner \u2018Orpheus Institute\u2019)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "de Assis ,Paulo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Experiments", "Artistic Experimentation", "Expression", "Musical meaning", "Performance", "Recitation", "Interpretation", "Music Theory", "Experimentation", "Orpheus Institute Series"]], ["publisher", "Leuven University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=587990"], ["title", "Experimental Affinities in Music"], ["doab_id", "19001"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462700611", "9789461661883"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462700611 9789461661883"]], [["description", "Excessive alcohol drinking represents a major social and public health problem for several countries. Alcohol abuse during pregnancy leads to a complex syndrome referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), chiefly characterized by mental retardation. The effects of early exposure to ethanol can be reproduced in laboratory animals and this helped to answer several key questions concerning the human pathology. The interest of experimental models of FASD is twofold. First, they increase our knowledge about the dose and modality of alcohol consumption able to induce damaging effects on the developing brain. Second, experimental models of FASD can provide useful hints to elucidate the basic mechanisms leading to the intellectual disability. In fact, experimental exposure to alcohol can be carried out during discrete, often very restricted, time windows. As a consequence, FASD models, though depending on the multifaceted interference of alcohol with several molecular pathways, can provide valuable information about which specific developmental periods and brain areas are critically involved in the genesis of mental retardation. Putting together data obtained through several experimental paradigms of alcohol exposure and those deriving from other genetic and non-genetic models, one can figure out to what extent different types of mental retardation share common pathogenetic mechanisms. The present Research Topic is aimed at establishing the state of the art of the current research on experimental FASD, focusing on differences and homologies with other types of intellectual disability. The ultimate goal is to find out a common roadmap in view of future therapeutical approaches."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alberto Granato; Andrea De Giorgio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders", "development", "Cerebral Cortex", "Amygdala", "Apoptosis", "Intellectual Disability", "glial cells", "epigenetics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2207/experimental-models-of-early-exposure-to-alcohol-a-way-to-unravel-the-neurobiology-of-mental-retarda"], ["title", "Experimental models of early exposure to alcohol: a way to unravel the neurobiology of mental retardation"], ["doab_id", "18723"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194728"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194728"]], [["description", "Adhesive abilities of insects, spiders and reptiles have inspired researchers for a long time. All these organisms show outstanding performance, particularly for force, adhesion and climbing abilities, relative to their size and weight. Scientists have focused on the gecko\u2019s adhesive paw system and climbing abilities. Its adhesion mechanism has been an important topic of research for nearly 150 years. However, certain phenomena of geckos are still not fully understood and represent today the main challenge in several scientific discussions that aim to better understand their adhesive ability. The manuscript deals with the influence of surface roughness on the gecko\u2019s adhesion on the inverted surface of Poly(methyl meth-acrylate) (PMMA) and glass, of PMMA with different surface roughness, on the gecko\u2019s maximum normal adhesive force.In general, the adhesive structure and mechanism of an animal could be connected to the micro-structured roughness of natural substrata (e.g. plant surfaces) in the natural environment.This manuscript focuses on the nanometer scale, which is involved in everything from gecko spatulae to the waxy nanotubules of the lotus leaf, to the fibroin protein materials that constitute spider silks.In general, spider silks display superior mechanical properties, but only in the last few decades, researchers investigated various types of silks and evaluated their very different mechanical properties. The dragline and the flag silks (or radial and circumferential) of orb weaving spiders have been characterized in scientific literature while, to our knowledge, few studies have been conducted on bundles, which connect the cocoons of Meta menardi to the ceiling of caves."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lepore, Emiliano; Pugno, Nicola"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Nanotechnology, Bio-inspired materials"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/337777"], ["title", "An Experimental Study on Adhesive or Anti-adhesive, Bio-inspired Experimental Nanomaterials"], ["doab_id", "15913"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560823"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560823 "]], [["description", "Explaining Criminal Careers presents a simple quantitative theory of crime, conviction and reconviction, the assumptions of the theory are derived directly from a detailed analysis of cohort samples drawn from the \u201cUK Home Office\u201d Offenders Index (OI). Mathematical models based on the theory, together with population trends, are used to make: exact quantitative predictions of features of criminal careers; aggregate crime levels; the prison population; and to explain the age-crime curve, alternative explanations are shown not to be supported by the data. Previous research is reviewed, clearly identifying the foundations of the current work. Using graphical techniques to identify mathematical regularities in the data, recidivism (risk) and frequency (rate) of conviction are analysed and modelled. These models are brought together to identify three categories of offender: high-risk / high-rate, high-risk / low-rate and low-risk / low-rate. The theory is shown to rest on just 6 basic assumptions. Within this theoretical framework the seriousness of offending, specialisation or versatility in offence types and the psychological characteristics of offenders are all explored suggesting that the most serious offenders are a random sample from the risk/rate categories but that those with custody later in their careers are predominantly high-risk/high-rate. In general offenders are shown to be versatile rather than specialist and can be categorised using psychological profiles. The policy implications are drawn out highlighting the importance of conviction in desistance from crime and the absence of any additional deterrence effect of imprisonment. The use of the theory in evaluation of interventions is demonstrated."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "MacLeod F. ,John; Grove G. ,Peter; Farrington P. ,David"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Criminal Careers", "theory of crime", "conviction", "reconviction", "Offenders Index", "OI", "prison population", "age-crime curve", "recidivism"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=468332"], ["title", "Explaining Criminal Careers: Implications for Justice Policy"], ["doab_id", "15863"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780199697243"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199697243"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scherer ,J.; Beek van ,W."], ["date", "1975"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613435"], ["title", "Explorations in the Anthropology of Religion"], ["doab_id", "18457"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024717873", "9789004287051"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024717873 9789004287051"]], [["description", "This book argues that using social capital to eradicate poverty is less likely to succeed because the mainstream neoinstitutional approach mistakenly assumes that social capital necessarily benefits poor people. This inadequacy calls for a re-assessment of human motivations, institutional dynamics and structural complexity in social capital building. Using ethnographic and participatory methods, this book calls for an exploration of 'unseen' social capital which is intended to challenge the mainstream understanding of 'seen' social capital. As such this book is useful to policy makers and practitioners.

Exploring 'Unseen' Social Capital in Community Participation stelt vraagtekens bij de gangbare benaderingen van sociaal kapitaal, die zich uitsluitend concentreren op de kwantificering van netwerken. Dit boek stelt juist dat het succes van deelname aan een gemeenschap afhangt van hoe goed we de instituties en structuren in beeld kunnen brengen die mede het maatschappelijk functioneren van arme migranten be\u00efnvloeden. Door gebruik te maken van participatieve en etnografische methoden maakt dit boek voor het eerst 'onzichtbaar' sociaal kapitaal zichtbaar dat eigen is aan interpersoonlijke relaties. Deze relaties worden gevormd op grond van uiteenlopende beweegredenen en zij ontwikkelen zich naar gelang veranderingen in levensomstandigheden. Dit boek is niet alleen van belang voor beleidsmakers op sociaal terrein maar ook voor veldwerkers en iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor de gevolgen van en mogelijkheden die migratie biedt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wong ,Sam"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340112"], ["title", "Exploring 'Unseen' Social Capital in Community Participation : Everyday Lives of Poor Mainland Chinese Migrants in Hong Kong"], ["doab_id", "13137"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053560341"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053560341"]], [["description", "Bacteria are always present in foods, either as initial contamination or as technological agents. In solid foods, they are immobilized and develop as colonies. So far, there is a lack of knowledge about the bacteria in colonies, growth and physiology. Non-destructive and resolute techniques, such as fluorescent microscopy, now allow investigating the world of bacteria in colonies and their surroundings in food, at the microscopic scale."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sophie Jeanson; Sylvie Lortal; Anne Thierry"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Bacterial colonies", "Growth", "Physiology", "solid foods", "modeling", "Non-destructive techniques"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2386/exploring-bacterial-colonies-in-solid-foods-or-model-foods-using-non-destructive-techniques"], ["title", "Exploring Bacterial Colonies in Solid Foods or Model Foods Using Non-Destructive Techniques"], ["doab_id", "18863"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197439"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197439"]], [["description", "Using a theoretical approach and a critical summary, combining the perspectives in the postcolonial theory, psychoanalysis and narratology with the tools of hermeneutics and deconstruction, this book argues that Jean Rhys\u2019s work can be subsumed under a poetics of cultural identity and hybridity. It also demonstrates the validity of the concept of hybridization as the expression of identity formation; the cultural boundaries variability; the opposition self-otherness, authenticity-fiction, trans-textuality; and the relevance of an integrated approach to multiple cultural identities as an encountering and negotiation space between writer, reader and work. The complexity of ontological and epistemological representation involves an interdisciplinary approach that blends a literary interpretive approach to social, anthropological, cultural and historical perspectives. The book concludes that in the author\u2019s fictional universe, cultural identity is represented as a general human experience that transcends the specific conditionalities of geographical contexts, history and culture. The construction of identity by Jean Rhys is represented by the dichotomy of marginal identity and the identification with a human ideal designed either by the hegemonic discourse or metropolitan culture or by the dominant ideology. The identification with a pattern of cultural authenticity, of racial, ethnic, or national purism is presented as a purely destructive cultural projection, leading to the creation of a static universe in opposition to the diversity of human feelings and aspirations. Jean Rhys\u2019s fictional discourse lies between \u201cthe anxiety of authorship\u201d and \u201cthe anxiety of influence\u201d and shows the postcolonial era of uprooting and migration in which the national ownership diluted the image of a \u201chome\u201d ambiguous located at the boundary between a myth of origins and a myth of becoming. The relationship between the individual and socio-cultural space is thus shaped in a dual hybrid position."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cristina-Georgiana Voicu"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cultural Studies, Colonial and Postcolonial Literature, Caribbean Diaspora"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/246960"], ["title", "Exploring Cultural Identities in Jean Rhys\u2019s Writings"], ["doab_id", "16477"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560687"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560687"]], [["description", "Jones explores the human impulse to create, the necessity for having aesthetically satisfying experiences, and the craving for tradition. He also considers topics such as making chairs, remodeling houses, using and preserving soda-fountain slang, preparing and eating food, and sculpting lifelike figures out of cement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jones, Michael O."], ["date", "1987"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/96"], ["title", "Exploring Folk Art"], ["doab_id", "14755"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211658"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211658"]], [["description", "Exploring the Visual Landscape is about the combination of landscape research and planning, visual perception and Geographic Information Science. It showcases possible ways of getting a grip on themes like: landscape openness, cluttering of the rural landscape, high-rise buildings in relation to cityscape, historic landscapes and motorway panoramas. It offers clues for visual landscape assessment of spaces in cities, parks and rural areas. In that respect, it extends the long tradition in the Netherlands on physiognomic landscape research and shows the state of the art at this moment. Exploring the Visual Landscape offers important clues for theory, methodology and application in research and development of landscapes all over the world, from a specifically Dutch academic context. It provides a wide range of insights into the psychological background of landscape perception, the technical considerations of geomatics and methodology in landscape architecture, urban planning and design. Furthermore, there are some experiences worthwhile considering, which demonstrate how this research can be applied in the practice of landscape policy making."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "F. van der Hoeven (ed.); R. van Lammeren (ed.); S. Nijhuis (ed.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["design research", "landscape architecture", "urban design", "landscape planning", "landscape policy", "visual landscape", "GIS", "landscape perception", "TU Delft", "Delft University of Technology"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/9781607508335"], ["title", "Exploring the Visual Landscape - Advances in Physiognomic Landscape Research in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "15218"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607508328"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607508328"]], [["description", "Adams\u2019inequality [2] in its original form is nothing but the Trudinger-Moser inequality for Sobolev spaces involving higher order derivatives. In this Thesis we present Adams-type inequalities for unbounded domains in Rn and some applications to existence and multiplicity results for elliptic and biharmonic problems involving nonlinearities with exponential growth"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federica Sani"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Tesi-Sani.pdf"], ["title", "Exponential-type inqualities in Rn and applications to elliptic and biharmonic equations"], ["doab_id", "15503"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050666"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050666"]], [["description", "After the 1872 publication of Expos\u00e9 of Polygamy, Fanny Stenhouse became a celebrity in the cultural wars between Mormons and much of America. An English convert to Mormonism, she had grown disillusioned with the Mormon Church and with polygamy, which her husband practiced before associating with a circle of dissident Utah intellectua ls and merchants. Stenhouse's critique of plural marriage, Brigham Young, and Mormonism was also a sympathetic look at Utah's people and honest recounting of her life. Before long, she created a new edition, titled Tell It All, which ensured her notoriety in Utah and popularity elsewhere but turned her thoughtful memoir into a more polemical, true expos\u00e9. Since 1874, it has stayed in print, in multiple, varying editions. The original book, meanwhile, is less known, though more readable. Tracing the literary history of Stenhouse's important piece of Americana, Linda DeSimone rescues an important autobiographical and historical record from the baggage notoriety brought to it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "DeSimone, Linda Wilcox; Stenhouse, Fanny"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/39"], ["title", "Expos\u00e9 of Polygamy: A Lady's Life among the Mormons"], ["doab_id", "14702"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217131"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217131"]], [["description", "In the early 20th Century, exhibitions and international fairs were a favoured field for Swiss businesses that wished to conquer new territories in foreign markets. The way in which Switzerland was represented abroad challenged traditional regional construction by substituting more geometrical lines, thereby replacing the \u2018chalet style\u2019. The \u2018genesis\u2019 of the Swiss style of exhibition, between commercial expansion and modern architecture, is depicted here beyond that of a purely institutional history, providing a new viewpoint into its economic and artistic aspects. Particular atten-tion is given to the role of certain \u2018intermediaries\u2019 in the creation and diffusion of a visual culture to a commercial action.

Durant la premi\u00e8re moiti\u00e9 du XXe si\u00e8cle, les expositions et les foires internationales constituent un terrain d\u2019affrontement privil\u00e9gi\u00e9 entre les diff\u00e9rents acteurs de la politique d\u2019exposition. Alors que les entreprises suisses cherchent \u00e0 conqu\u00e9rir de nouvelles positions sur les march\u00e9s ext\u00e9rieurs, la mani\u00e8re de repr\u00e9senter la Suisse \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9tranger fait particuli\u00e8rement d\u00e9bat. Aux traditionnelles constructions r\u00e9gional-istes se substituent des am\u00e9nagements aux lignes \u00e9pur\u00e9es, con\u00e7us selon les princi-pes fonctionnalistes de la \u00ab construction nouvelle \u00bb. D\u00e9sign\u00e9 d\u00e8s le milieu des ann\u00e9es 1930 sous le terme de \u00ab style suisse \u00bb, ce nouveau visage de l\u2019architecture d\u2019exposition, simple et rationnel, rompt avec le vocabulaire formel du \u00ab style chalet \u00bb, si souvent privil\u00e9gi\u00e9 dans les expositions universelles du tournant du XXe si\u00e8cle.Loin de constituer un ph\u00e9nom\u00e8ne isol\u00e9, ces reconfigurations t\u00e9moignent d\u2019un mouvement plus large de rationalisation de l\u2019organisation commerciale. Dans le sillage de la Premi\u00e8re Guerre mondiale, des publications sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9es aux foires modernes, l\u2019efficience visuelle devient en effet un instrument incontournable de la \u00ab lutte pour les d\u00e9bouch\u00e9s \u00bb commerciaux.La gen\u00e8se du \u00ab style suisse \u00bb d\u2019exposition, con\u00e7ue comme le fruit d\u2019une collabora-tion \u00e9troite entre les acteurs de l\u2019expansion commerciale et du mouvement de l\u2019architecture moderne, est au coeur du pr\u00e9sent ouvrage. Au-del\u00e0 d\u2019une histoire purement institutionnelle, ce livre apporte un \u00e9clairage in\u00e9dit sur les enjeux \u00e9conomiques et artistiques de la politique d\u2019exposition. Il pr\u00eate une attention par-ticuli\u00e8re au r\u00f4le de certains \u00ab passeurs \u00bb dans la formulation et la diffusion d\u2019une culture visuelle de l\u2019action commerciale."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deblu\u00eb ,Claire-Lise"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Industrial exhibition", "Economic and heritage organisations", "exhibition policy", "Swiss style exhibitions", "commercial expansion", "between two wars", "Expositions industrielles", "Organisations \u00e9conomiques et patronales", "Politique d'exposition", "style suisse d\u2019exposition", "expansion commerciale", "entre-deux-guerres"]], ["publisher", "Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594271"], ["title", "Exposer pour exporter. Culture visuelle et expansion commerciale en Suisse (1908-1939)"], ["doab_id", "18410"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782889300488"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889300488"]], [["description", "Come un Sommo Gourmet, William Shakespeare \u00e8 attento ai temi dell\u2019alimentazione e pronto a combinare gli ingredienti del pianto e del riso, della commedia e della tragedia con i sapori pi\u00f9 piccanti dell\u2019eros e delle sue molte tavole imbandite. Basti pensare alle allegre crapule di Falstaff, il grasso cinghiale divorato dai triumviri di Antony and Cleopatra, il ricco ma fugace banchetto che appena s\u2019intravede in The Tempest, oltre alle numerose altre scene in cui il cibo \u00e8 metafora importante e portante dei molteplici sensi del testo.Nella cucina del bardo si sono inoltre formati autori che in modo cannibalesco hanno attinto a piene mani a ingredienti e sapori per cucinare testi inediti, succulenti o rivoltanti. Dai lecca-lecca dei burlesque ottocenteschi, passando per il grano dei Coriolanus di Bertold Brecht e G\u00fcnter Grass, gli ingredienti shakespeariani lievitano misteriosamente e in modi sorprendenti nella dieta mediterranea di Franco Zeffirelli e Kenneth Branagh oltre che negli allegri brindisi del Falstaff verdiano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paolo Caponi; Mariacristina Cavecchi; Margaret Rose"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/ExpoShakespeare_web.pdf"], ["title", "ExpoShakespeare"], ["doab_id", "19991"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054381"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054381"]], [["description", "Two of the most important social skills in humans are the ability to determine the moods of those around us, and to use this to guide our behavior. To accomplish this, we make use of numerous cues. Among the most important are vocal cues from both speech and non-speech sounds. Music is also a reliable method for communicating emotion. It is often present in social situations and can serve to unify a group's mood for ceremonial purposes (funerals, weddings) or general social interactions. Scientists and philosophers have speculated on the origins of music and language, and the possible common bases of emotional expression through music, speech and other vocalizations. They have found increasing evidence of commonalities among them. However, the domains in which researchers investigate these topics do not always overlap or share a common language, so communication between disciplines has been limited. The aim of this Research Topic is to bring together research across multiple disciplines related to the production and perception of emotional cues in music, speech, and non-verbal vocalizations. This includes natural sounds produced by human and non-human primates as well as synthesized sounds. Research methodology includes survey, behavioral, and neuroimaging techniques investigating adults as well as developmental populations, including those with atypical development. Studies using laboratory tasks as well as studies in more naturalistic settings are included."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anjali Bhatara; Petri Laukka; Daniel J. Levitin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Acoustic features", "Brain processing", "Cross-cultural", "developmental aspects", "Emotion Expression", "felt emotion", "music perception", "music performance", "speech prosody", "Vocalizations"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/941/expression-of-emotion-in-music-and-vocal-communication"], ["title", "Expression of emotion in music and vocal communication"], ["doab_id", "17772"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192632"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192632"]], [["description", "[...] Este trabalho se circunscreve ao sistema capitalista de produ\u00e7\u00e3o. N\u00e3o ignoro, no entanto, que outros sistemas como o socialista, por exemplo - incorram em processo semelhante."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida, Jozimar Paes de"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["NATURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s4jcj"], ["title", "A extin\u00e7\u00e3o do arco-\u00edris: ecologia e hist\u00f3ria"], ["doab_id", "17178"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662694"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662694"]], [["description", "ATP is normally regarded as the major source of fuel for the energy-demanding processes within cells; however, ATP and other nucleotides (such as ADP, UTP, UDP) can be released from cells, where they act as autocrine or paracrine signaling molecules to affect cellular and tissue functions. In response to various stimuli, ATP and other nucleotides are released from cells in a regulated fashion, either by exocytosis of nucleotide-containing vesicles, or through channels in the plasma membrane. This process occurs in virtually every organ or cell in the body. The cellular effects of these extracellular nucleotides are mediated through specific membrane receptors (P2X and P2Y). These nucleotide signals can be terminated by rapid degradation of the ligand molecules by ecto-nucleotidases (e.g., NTPDases and NPPs). Many of the molecular components essential to nucleotide signaling have been cloned and characterized in detail, and their crystal structures are beginning to emerge. The collected data on extracellular nucleotides suggest a vivid and dynamic signaling system that is modulated by the expression and sensitivity of specific receptors on cells, and by the regulated release and extracellular degradation of ATP and other nucleotides; thus creating a microenvironment of highly regulated paracrine or autocrine control mechanisms. Within the kidney, extracellular nucleotides have emerged as potent modulators of glomerular, tubular, and microvascular functions. These functions include, but are not limited to, tubular transport of water and sodium, tubuloglomerular feedback and auto-regulation, regulation of blood pressure and the microcirculation, oxidative stress, and cell proliferation/ necrosis/apoptosis. Moreover, studies have also uncovered the interaction of nucleotide signaling with other mediators of renal function, such as vasopressin, aldosterone, nitric oxide, prostaglandins, angiotensin II, and the ATP-break down product adenosine. These insights have provided a more comprehensive and cohesive picture of the role of extracellular nucleotides in the regulation of renal function in health and disease. The availability of transgenic mouse models of the key proteins involved in nucleotide signaling has markedly enhanced our understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological roles of the different components of the system in the kidney. Although at a preliminary stage, the pathophysiological significance of this system in the kidney holds the key for the development of an entirely new class of drugs for the treatment of disease conditions, including disorders of water and/or sodium homeostasis, hypertension, acute kidney injury, etc. Thus, the regulation of renal function by extracellular nucleotides is clearly emerging as a distinct field and discipline in renal physiology and pathophysiology that has the potential to develop new drug treatments. In this e-book, we bring together a spectrum of excellent papers by leading experts in the field which present and discuss the latest developments and state-of-the-art technologies.Last but not least, we thank all the authors for contributing their valuable work and the Frontiers in Physiology Editorial Office for bringing out this e-book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bellamkonda K Kishore; Robert John Unwin; Volker Vallon; Helle Praetorius"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Extracellular nucleotides", "Adenosine", "purinergic receptors", "ATP release", "Angiotensin II", "Nitric Oxide", "Pressure Diuresis", "tubuloglomerular feedback", "Chronic Kidney Disease", "polycystic kidney disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1033/extracellular-nucleotides-in-the-regulation-of-kidney-functions"], ["title", "Extracellular Nucleotides in the Regulation of Kidney Functions"], ["doab_id", "17739"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195046"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195046"]], [["description", "The concept of extraterritoriality designates certain relationships between space, law, and representation. This collection of essays explores contemporary manifestations of extraterritoriality and the diverse ways in which the concept has been put to use in various disciplines. Some of the essays were written especially for this volume; others are brought here together for the first time. The inquiry into extraterritoriality found in these essays is not confined to the established boundaries of political, conceptual, and representational territories or fields of knowledge; rather, it is an invitation to navigate the margins of the legal\u2013juridical and the political, but also the edges of forms of representation and poetics.Within its accepted legal and political contexts, the concept of extraterritoriality has traditionally been applied to people and to spaces. In the first case, extraterritorial arrangements could either exclude or exempt an individual or a group of people from the territorial jurisdiction in which they were physically located; in the second, such arrangements could exempt or exclude a space from the territorial jurisdiction by which it was surrounded. The special status accorded to people and spaces had political, economic, and juridical implications, ranging from immunity and various privileges to extreme disadvantages. In both cases, a person or a space physically included within a certain territory was removed from the usual system of laws and subjected to another. In other words, the extraterritorial person or space was held at what could be described as a legal distance. (In this respect, the concept of extraterritoriality presupposes the existence of several competing or overlapping legal systems.) It is this notion of being held at a legal distance around which the concept of extraterritoriality may be understood as revolving.This volume is a part of Amir and Sela\u2019s Exterritory Project, an ongoing art project that wishes to encourage both the theoretical and practical exploration of ideas concerning extraterritoriality in an interdisciplinary context. The project aims not only to draw on existing definitions of extraterritoriality but seeks also to charge it with new meanings, searching for ways in which the notion of extraterritoriality could produce a critique of discriminating power structures and re-articulate new practical, conceptual, and poetical possibilities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maayan Amir; Ruti Sela"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6tgbkpao220dhd/Amir_Sela_Extraterritorialities_In_Occupied_Worlds_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Extraterritorialities in Occupied Worlds"], ["doab_id", "19594"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692629437"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692629437"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["astrobiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, biodiversity and ecology, biotechnology, extraterrestrial analogues, extreme environments, extremophiles, genetics, genomics and proteomics, origin of life, phylogeny and evolution, physiology and metabolism"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/204"], ["title", "Extremophiles and Extreme Environments"], ["doab_id", "19117"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421771", "9783038421788"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421771/9783038421788"]], [["description", "The recording and analysis of electrical brain activity associated with eye movements has a history of several decades. While the early attempts were primarily focused on uncovering the brain mechanisms of eye movements, more recent approaches use eye movements as markers of the ongoing brain activity to investigate perceptual and cognitive processes. This recent approach of segmenting brain activity based on eye movement behavior has several important advantages. First, the eye movement system is closely related to cognitive functions such as perception, attention and memory. This is not surprising since eye movements provide the easiest and the most accurate way to extract information from our visual environment and the eye movement system largely determines what information is selected for further processing. The eye movement-based segmentation offers a great way to study brain activity in relation to these processes. Second, on the methodological level, eye movements constitute a natural marker to segment the ongoing brain activity. This overcomes the problem of introducing artificial markers such as ones for stimulus presentation or response execution that are typical for a lab-based research. This opens possibilities to study brain activity during self-paced perceptual and cognitive behavior under naturalistic conditions such as free exploration of scenes. Third, by relating eye movement behavior to the ongoing brain activity it is possible to see how perceptual and cognitive processes unfold in time, being able to predict how brain activity eventually leads to behavior. This research topic illustrates advantages of the combined recording and analysis of eye movements and neural signals such as EEG, local field potentials and fMRI for investigation of the brain processes in humans and animals. The contributions include research papers, methodology papers and reviews demonstrating conceptual and methodological achievements in this rapidly developing field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrey R. Nikolaev; Sebastian Pannasch; Junji Ito; Artem Belopolsky"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Eye Movements", "saccade", "smooth pursuit", "eye tracking", "free viewing", "EEG", "Local Field Potentials", "fMRI"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/882/eye-movement-related-brain-activity-during-perceptual-and-cognitive-processing"], ["title", "Eye movement-related brain activity during perceptual and cognitive processing"], ["doab_id", "17781"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192731"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192731"]], [["description", "Dutch literature - Flemish literature; History

Klassieke mythologie was een geliefd onderwerp bij de rederijkers van de zestiende eeuw. Deze \u2018fabulen\u2019 werden bewerkt tot spelen van zinne waarin herkenbare liefdeskwesties aan de orde kwamen. Er zijn negen van deze zogeheten mythologisch- amoureuze spelen overgeleverd, geschreven en opgevoerd vanaf het einde van de vijftiende eeuw. De teksten maken duidelijk hoe de omgang met klassieke mythologie veranderde in de periode die de overgang vormt van middeleeuwen naar moderne tijd. Deze studie gaat in op de verhouding tot de oorspronkelijke teksten, op de dramaturgie en opvoering van de spelen en op de overlevering in handschrift en druk. De mythologie, heidens en fictioneel van aard, bood ruimte om te experimenteren met de uitbeelding van erotiek en emoties, terwijl de dramaturgie een didactisch kader vormde dat tegemoet kwam aan de sociale en ethische behoeften van die tijd. De mythologisch-amoureuze spelen droegen daarmee bij aan de introductie, verspreiding en acceptatie van antieke mythologie in de volkstalige cultuur en aan de ontwikkeling van een effectieve liefdesdidactiek."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herk van ,Anke "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Dutch literature - Flemish literature", "History", "Literatuurgeschiedenis", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=420050"], ["title", "Fabels van liefde : Het mythologisch-amoureuze toneel van de rederijkers (1475-1621)"], ["doab_id", "15058"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089643391"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643391"]], [["description", "When rock star Bono told Oprah Winfrey that America is an ideal that is supposed to be contagious, the talk show host was moved to tears. Such an imagined America, rather than the nation-state USA, is the topic of Fabricating the Absolute Fake. Pop and politics become intertwined, as Hollywood, television, and celebrities spread the American Dream around the world. Using concepts such as the absolute fake and karaoke Americanism, the book examines this global mediation as well as the way America is appropriated in pop culture produced outside of the USA, as demonstrated by such diverse cultural icons as the Elvis-inspired crooner Lee Towers and the Moroccan-Dutch rapper Ali B. This revised and extended edition includes a new chapter on Barack Obama and Michael Jackson as global celebrities and a new afterword on teaching American pop culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kooijman ,Jaap"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Media", "Culture", "Pop culture"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610630"], ["title", "Fabricating the Absolute Fake - Revised Edition"], ["doab_id", "19157"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089645593"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645593"]], [["description", "The pageantry of Oprah Winfrey's talk show, the Coca-Cola empire, Michael Jackson's turn from the King of Pop into an iconic global recluse: American pop culture - Hollywood cinema, television, pop music - dominates the rest of the world through its hegemonic presence. Does that make everyone a hybridized American, or do these elements find mediation within the other cultures that consume them? Fabricating the Absolute Fake applies concepts of postmodern theory - Baudrillard's hyperreality and Eco's \"absolute fake,\" among others - to this globally mediated American pop culture in order to examine both the phenomenon itself and its appropriation in the Netherlands, as evidenced by such diverse cultural icons as the Elvis-inspired crooner Lee Towers, the Moroccan-Dutch rapper Ali B, musical tributes to an assassinated politician, and the Dutch reality soap opera scene. A fascinating exploration of how global cultures struggle to create their own \"America\" within a post-9/11 media culture, Fabricating the Absolute Fake reflects on what it might mean to truly take part in American pop culture.

Onze wereld wordt gedomineerd door de Amerikaanse popcultuur. Fabricating the Absolute Fake onderzoekt de dynamiek van Amerikanisering aan de hand van hedendaagse films, televisieprogramma's en popsterren die reflecteren op de vraag wat het betekent om Amerikaan in een mondiale popcultuur te zijn. Jaap Kooijman analyseert zowel Amerikaanse popcultuur (Oprah Winfrey, Ally McBeal, Michael Jackson) als Nederlandse populaire cultuur (Ali B., Linda de Mol, Shouf Shouf Habibi!. Dit om te laten zien hoe wij een eigen Amerika vormen binnen een post-9/11 mondiale mediacultuur die wordt gedomineerd door de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. In plaats dat wij steeds Amerikaanser worden, hebben wij de Amerikaanse cultuur ge\u00efntegreerd in die van ons. Bovendien kan de Amerikaanse popcultuur een bindende factor zijn tussen verschillende culturele groepen binnen een vernieuwde Nederlandse identiteit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kooijman ,Jaap"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Culture and institutions", "Film", "Culture and instituten"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340110"], ["title", "Fabricating the Absolute Fake : America in Contemporary Pop Culture"], ["doab_id", "13136"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789053564929"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564929"]], [["description", "A obra apresenta elementos capazes de instigar a reflex\u00e3o sobre a m\u00eddia social Facebook nos mais diversos contextos e situa\u00e7\u00f5es, envolvendo os usos que as pessoas fazem dessa m\u00eddia; os temas que surgem e como esses se configuram enquanto objeto de estudo num ambiente de di\u00e1logo; os potenciais sociot\u00e9cni\u00adcos e educacionais da rede, enquanto espa\u00e7os de subjetiva\u00e7\u00e3o, sociabilidade e diferen\u00e7a; bem como os usos do Facebook no ensino superior e na forma\u00e7\u00e3o continuada de professores."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Porto, Cristiane; Santos, Edm\u00e9a Oliveira dos"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/c3h5q"], ["title", "Facebook e educa\u00e7\u00e3o: publicar, curtir, compartilhar"], ["doab_id", "17716"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792831"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792831"]], [["description", "The debate on Facebook raises questions about the use and users of this information service. This collected volume gathers a broad spectrum of social science and information science articles about Facebook.Facebook has many facets, and we just look forward above all to the use and users. The facet of users has sub-facets, such as different age, sex, and culture. The facet of use consists of sub-facets of privacy behavior after the Snowden affair, dealing with friends, unfriending and becoming unfriended on Facebook, and possible Facebook addiction. We also consider Facebook as a source for local temporary history and respond to acceptance and quality perceptions of this social network service, as well. This book brings together all the contributions of research facets on Facebook. It is a much needed compilation written by leading scholars in the fields of investigation of the impact of Web 2.0. The target groups are social media researchers, information scientists and social scientists, and also all those who take to Facebook topics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "Cultural Studies"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615495"], ["title", "Facets of Facebook: Use and Users"], ["doab_id", "19675"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110418163", "9783110419351"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110418163 9783110419351"]], [["description", "The study is in the German-speaking area the first and only one, which empirically evaluates the argumentation skills of students (n=48) at the high school level. It furthermore draws consequences for the research in youth theology. As the technical didactical background served creation as a narration about a good beginning, and evolution as a description of the origin and development of different species. This made it possible to explore the communication form \u201earguing\u201c in this fundamental research of the pedagogy of religion not only subject-specific but across different subjects. The results show that the researched students argue and thereby use different patterns subject-specific but also across different subjects. However, it remains unclear, whether they use these patterns consciously.

Die Studie ist im deutschsprachigen Raum die erste und bisher einzige, welche am Beispiel Sch\u00f6pfung und Evolution das Argumentationspotential gymnasialer Oberstufensch\u00fclerinnen und Oberstufensch\u00fcler (n=48) empirisch erhoben, ausgewertet und fachdidaktische Konsequenzen f\u00fcr die Forschung zur Jugendtheologie abgeleitet hat. Vor den beiden fachwissenschaftlichen Hintergr\u00fcnden - Sch\u00f6pfung ist eine Erz\u00e4hlung \u00fcber einen guten Anfang; Evolution ist die Beschreibung zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der verschiedener Arten \u2013 wurde im Rahmen dieser religionsp\u00e4dagogischen Grundlagenforschung die Kommunikationsform Argumentieren nicht nur fachspezifisch sondern auch fach\u00fcbergreifend ausgelegt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die untersuchten Sch\u00fclerinnen und Sch\u00fcler argumentieren und dabei unterschiedliche Muster fachspezifisch aber auch fach\u00fcbergreifend einsetzen. Fraglich bleibt, ob sie die Muster bewusst verwenden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wei\u00df ,Thomas"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["empirically evaluates the argumentation skills , creation, evolution, empiricism, high school, youth, religious education, communication", "Argumentationspotential gymnasialer Oberstufensch\u00fclerinnen und Oberstufensch\u00fcler, Sch\u00f6pfung, Evolution, Empirie, Gymnasium, Jugend, Religionsp\u00e4dagogik, Kommunikation"]], ["publisher", "V&R unipress"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611245"], ["title", "Fachspezifische und fach\u00fcbergreifende Argumentation am Beispiel von Sch\u00f6pfung und Evolution"], ["doab_id", "19250"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783847105060"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783847105060"]], [["description", "This spirited exploration of the interfaces between art and theory in the 21st century brings together a multidisciplinary range of viewpoints on their future. The authors examine contemporary visual culture based on speculative predictions and creative scientific arguments. Focusing on seven themes - Future Tech, Future Image, Future Museum, Future City, Future Freedom, Future History, and Future Future - the book shows how our sense of the future is shaped by a visual rhetoric of acceleration, progression, excess and destruction. The essays reflect collaborative work between the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam, De Appel Arts Centre, W139\u2013Space for Contemporary Art, and the art magazine Metropolis M. Discussing provocative themes like future history and future freedom, \u2018Facing Forward\u2019 is an energetic look at how our visions of the future affect how we depict the world around us."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Folkerts ,Hendrik; Lindner ,Cristoph; Schavemaker ,Margriet"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Art", "Art theory", "Futures"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=576931"], ["title", "Facing Forward. Art and Theory from a Future Perspective"], ["doab_id", "17458"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647993"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647993"]], [["description", "\"Fact and Fiction explores the intersection between literature and the sciences, focusing on German and British culture between the eighteenth century and today. Observing that it was in the eighteenth century that the divide between science and literature as disciplines first began to be defined, the contributors to this collection probe how authors from that time onwards have assessed and affected the relationship between literary and scientific cultures.Fact and Fiction\u2019s twelve essays cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, from physics and chemistry to medicine and anthropology, and a variety of literary texts, such as Erasmus Darwin\u2019s poem The Botanic Garden, George Eliot\u2019s Daniel Deronda, and Goethe\u2019s Elective Affinities. The collection will appeal to scholars of literature and of the history of science, and to those interested in the connections between the two.\"This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lehleiter ,Christine"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["English literature", "18th century", "History and criticism", "German literature", "Theory of Knowledge", "Literature and science"]], ["publisher", "University of Toronto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604621"], ["title", "Fact and Fiction"], ["doab_id", "18737"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781487511401"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781487511401"]], [["description", "Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical tool for digging out hidden factors which give rise to the diversity of manifest objectives in psychology, medicine and other sciences. EFA had its heyday as psychologist Leon Thurstone (1935 and 1948) based EFA on what he called the \u201cprinciple of simple structure\u201d (SS). This principle, however, was erroneous from the beginning what remained unrecognized despite subsequent inventions of more sophisticated statistical tools such as confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. These methods are highly recommended today as tolerable routes to model complexities of observation. But they did not remove the harmful errors that SS had left behind. Five chapters in this book demonstrate and explain the trouble. In chapter 2 the ailment of SS is healed by introducing an unconventional factor rotation, called Varimin. Varimin gives variables of an analysis an optimal opportunity to manifest functional interrelations underlying correlational observations. Ten applications of Varimin (in chapter 2) show that its results are superior to results obtained by the conventional Varimax procedure. Further applications are presented for sports achievements (chapter 3), intelligence (chapter 4), and personality (chapter 5). If Varimin keeps on standing the tests new theoretical building blocks will arise together with conceptual networks promoting a better understanding of the domains under study. Readers may check this prognosis by themselves using the statistical tool (Varimin) which is provided by open access in the internet.

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a statistical tool for digging out hidden factors which give rise to the diversity of manifest objectives in psychology, medicine and other sciences. EFA had its heyday as psychologist Leon Thurstone (1935 and 1948) based EFA on what he called the \u201cprinciple of simple structure\u201d (SS). This principle, however, was erroneous from the beginning what remained unrecognized despite subsequent inventions of more sophisticated statistical tools such as confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling. These methods are highly recommended today as tolerable routes to model complexities of observation. But they did not remove the harmful errors that SS had left behind. Five chapters in this book demonstrate and explain the trouble. In chapter 2 the ailment of SS is healed by introducing an unconventional factor rotation, called Varimin. Varimin gives variables of an analysis an optimal opportunity to manifest functional interrelations underlying correlational observations. Ten applications of Varimin (in chapter 2) show that its results are superior to results obtained by the conventional Varimax procedure. Further applications are presented for sports achievements (chapter 3), intelligence (chapter 4), and personality (chapter 5). If Varimin keeps on standing the tests new theoretical building blocks will arise together with conceptual networks promoting a better understanding of the domains under study. Readers may check this prognosis by themselves using the statistical tool (Varimin) which is provided by open access in the internet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ertel, Suitbert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Exploratory factor analysis", "Psychology", "Varimin", "Exploratory factor analysis", "Psychology", "Varimin"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610322"], ["title", "Factor analysis - Healing an ailing model"], ["doab_id", "15578"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951337"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951337"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Terpstra ,H."], ["date", "1938"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613412"], ["title", "De factorij der Oostindische Compagnie te Patani"], ["doab_id", "18434"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285644", "9789004286221"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285644 9789004286221"]], [["description", "El libro, escrito por Antonio Planas Rossell\u00f3 y Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, estudia la historia de la Facultad de Leyes y C\u00e1nones de la Universidad Luliana y Literaria de Mallorca. Empieza con un an\u00e1lisis de la ense\u00f1anza del derecho y la formaci\u00f3n de los juristas durante los siglos XV y XVI, cuando el Estudio General no pod\u00eda conceder grados. Sucesivamente se estudian los planes de estudios, el claustro y la pr\u00e1ctica en la colaci\u00f3n de los grados. Se muestran algunas particularidades de esta Facultad, sobre todo, la presencia casi exclusiva del derecho romano y la muy escasa y tard\u00eda penetraci\u00f3n del derecho patrio. La obra concluye con una detallada prosopograf\u00eda de los catedr\u00e1ticos de la Universidad. El libro resulta, en su conjunto, una aportaci\u00f3n sugerente a la historiograf\u00eda de las universidades en Espa\u00f1a y da a conocer la formaci\u00f3n de los juristas mallorquines en la cultura del mos italicus hasta 1830. = The book, written by Antonio Planas Rossell\u00f3 and Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3, studies the history of the Faculty of Civil and Canon Law of the Lullian and Literary University of Mallorca. It begins with a discussion of legal education and training of lawyers during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when the General Study could not grant degrees. Subsequently the curriculum, the staff of the faculty and practice in the collation of grades are studied. Some peculiarities of this faculty are shown, especially, the almost exclusive presence of Roman law and the insignificant and delayed penetration of \u201cDerecho Patrio\u201d. The book concludes with a detailed prosopography of the Professors. The book is, overall, a suggestive contribution to the historiography of universities in Spain and teaches the training of lawyers of Majorca in the culture of mos italicus until 1830."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Planas Rossell\u00f3, Antonio; Ramis Barcel\u00f3, Rafael"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Ense\u00f1anza universitaria", "Universidades", "Historia del derecho", "University education", "Universities", "History of law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/11325/planas-ramis.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "La facultad de leyes y c\u00e1nones de la Universidad Luliana y Literaria de Mallorca"], ["doab_id", "16146"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499822365"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499822365"]], [["description", "\"It is estimated that literally billions of residents in urban and peri-urban areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America are served by onsite sanitation systems (e.g. various types of latrines and septic tanks). Until recently, the management of faecal sludge from these onsite systems has been grossly neglected, partially as a result of them being considered temporary solutions until sewer-based systems could be implemented. However, the perception of onsite or decentralized sanitation technologies for urban areas is gradually changing, and is increasingly being considered as long-term, sustainable options in urban areas, especially in low- and middle-income countries that lack sewer infrastructures.\u00a0This is the first book dedicated to faecal sludge management. It compiles the current state of knowledge of the rapidly evolving field of faecal sludge management, and presents an integrated approach that includes technology, management, and planning based on Sandecs 20 years of experience in the field. Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation addresses the organization of the entire faecal sludge management service chain, from the collection and transport of sludge, and the current state of knowledge of treatment options, to the final end use or disposal of treated sludge. The book also presents important factors to consider when evaluating and upscaling new treatment technology options. The book is designed for undergraduate and graduate students, and engineers and practitioners in the field who have some basic knowledge of environmental and/or wastewater engineering.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Strande ,Linda; Brdjanovic ,Damir"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["wastewater", "reuse", "sludge"]], ["publisher", "IWA Publishing"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578132"], ["title", "Faecal Sludge Management Systems"], ["doab_id", "17526"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781780404738"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780404738"]], [["description", "The study investigates the cultural production of the visual iconography of pleasure grounds from the eighteenth century pleasure garden to the contemporary theme park."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deborah Philips"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666718"], ["title", "Fairground Attractions"], ["doab_id", "14389"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666718"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666718"]], [["description", "In this, the first collection of essays to address the development of fairy tale film as a genre, Pauline Greenhill and Sidney Eve Matrix stress, \"\"the mirror of fairy-tale film reflects not so much what its audience members actually are but how they see themselves and their potential to develop (or, likewise, to regress).\"\" As Jack Zipes says further in the foreword, "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Greenhill, Pauline; Matrix Sidney E."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/70"], ["title", "Fairy Tale Films"], ["doab_id", "14724"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217810"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217810"]], [["description", "Als Nicolas Fouquet 1661 \u00fcber Nacht vom obersten Finanzminister zum ersten Staatsgefangenen wurde, st\u00fcrzte nicht nur einer der m\u00e4chtigsten Politiker des Landes, sondern auch der innovativste M\u00e4zen des Grand Si\u00e8cle. Wie kein anderer hatte es Fouquet verstanden, seine Kunstf\u00f6rderung in den Dienst seiner politischen Karriere zu stellen. Nach dem Sturz Fouquets \u00fcbernahm Ludwig XIV. nicht nur die Bauherren, K\u00fcnstler und Poeten seines Finanzministers, sondern auch das in der Schlossanlage Vaux-le-Vicomte verwirklichte Konzept der politischen Selbstinszenierung. Die von Nicolas Fouquet zwischen 1653 und 1661 entwickelte Form der Selbstdarstellung beeinflusste auf diese Weise Frankreich und Europa nachhaltig. Christine Howald stellt das k\u00fcnstlerische Gesamtkonzept von Vaux-le-Vicomte ins Zentrum ihres Buches. Aus diesem Blickwinkel zeichnet die Autorin erstmals das enge Zusammenspiel von Fouquets M\u00e4zenatentum und seiner politischen Laufbahn im Detail nach."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Howald, Christine"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/215185"], ["title", "Der Fall Nicolas Fouquet. M\u00e4zenatentum als Mittel politischer Selbstdarstellung 1653-1661"], ["doab_id", "18071"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486719390", "9783486597714"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486719390, 9783486597714"]], [["description", "Provides an informed and impassioned critique of the movement for global education in schools."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alex Standish"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545060"], ["title", "The False Promise of Global Learning"], ["doab_id", "16301"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545060"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545060"]], [["description", "The current political climate of confrontation between Islamist regimes and Western governments has resulted in the proliferation of essentialist perceptions of Iran and Iranians in the West. Such perceptions do not reflect the complex evolution of Iranian identity that occurred in the years following the Constitutional Revolution (1906\u201311) and the anti-imperialist Islamic Revolution of 1979. Despite the Iranian government\u2019s determined pursuance of anti-Western policies and strict conformity to religious principles, the film and literature of Iran reflect the clash between a nostalgic pride in Persian tradition and an apparent infatuation with a more Eurocentric modernity. In Familiar and Foreign, Mannani and Thompson set out to explore the tensions surrounding the ongoing formulation of Iranian identity by bringing together essays on poetry, novels, memoir, and films. These include both canonical and less widely theorized texts, as well as works of literature written in English by authors living in diaspora.Challenging neocolonialist stereotypes, these critical excursions into Iranian literature and film reveal the limitations of collective identity as it has been configured within and outside of Iran. Through the examination of works by, among others, the iconic female poet Forugh Farrokhzad, the expatriate author Goli Taraqqi, the controversial memoirist Azar Nafisi, and the graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis, this volume engages with the complex and contested discourses of religion, patriarchy, and politics that are the contemporary product of Iran\u2019s long and revolutionary history."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Manijeh Mannani and Veronica Thompson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Satrapi, Persepolis, diaspora, Iran, identity, neocolonialism, film"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120245"], ["title", "Familiar and Foreign: Identity in Iranian Film and Literature"], ["doab_id", "19413"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356869", "9781927356876", "9781927356883", "9781771990158"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356869 9781927356876 9781927356883 9781771990158"]], [["description", "This book discusses the theory that alternative relationship and family structures challenge the privileged status of the nuclear family as the preferable mode of family life for all."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniela Cutas; Sarah Chan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780930114"], ["title", "Families "], ["doab_id", "15464"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780930114"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780930114"]], [["description", "The family lives of immigrants and ethnic minority populations have become central to arguments about the right and wrong ways of living in multicultural societies. While the characteristic cultural practices of such families have long been scrutinized by the media and policy makers, these groups themselves are beginning to reflect on how to manage their family relationships. Exploring case studies from Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Australia, The Family in Question explores how those in public policy often dangerously reflect the popular imagination, rather than recognizing the complex changes taking place within the global immigrant community.

In hoeverre allochtonen vrij zijn hun cultuur te uiten in de multiculturele samenleving staat bijna dagelijks ter discussie in de media en politiek. Vaak wordt vergeten dat ook migrantenfamilies zelf worstelen om hun tradities en gebruiken vorm te geven in een pluriforme samenleving waarin relaties met familie zeer complex kunnen zijn. In The Family Question worden migrantenfamilies in onder andere Nederland, Oostenrijk en Noorwegen onderzocht. Hieruit blijkt dat spelers op het vlak van beleidsvorming vaak toegeven aan populaire misverstanden over allochtonen en zo bijdragen aan de heersende xenofobie en stereotypering van immigranten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grillo ,Ralph"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Sociology", "Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Anthropologie", "Sociologie", "Vrouwenstudies"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340089"], ["title", "The Family in Question : Immigrant and Ethnic Minorities in Multicultural Europe"], ["doab_id", "12802"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568699"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568699"]], [["description", "Many parents fear the time when their beautiful happy children will become unmanageable adolescents continually engaging in risky or destructive behaviour. Unfortunately, this view of adolescents is the focus of the media, even though it relates to just a small proportion of young people.As the large amount of research we report shows, most adolescents are responsible young people who care about their families and crave the support of their parents. It is also true, however, as much research indicates, that the quality of the relationship parents have with their adolescents is crucial to the wellbeing of those young people. We discuss the need for parents to set reasonable limits on their adolescents and to expect appropriate behavior. We also show, on the basis of research, that children who have experienced positive, caring relationships with their parents are more likely than other adolescents to behave responsibly. In other words, behavior in adolescence does not \u2018come out of nowhere\u2019 but builds on earlier experiences in the family.Because of the large amount of research reported in this volume, we expect that it will be useful to practitioners from a range of professions that are likely to focus on adolescents: social workers, youth leaders, welfare workers, religious leaders, psychologists and psychiatrists and contribute to a better understanding of young people and their development, and the importance of families to that development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patricia Noller; Sharon Atkin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Families with adolescents", " Focus on current research involving adolescents and their families", " adolescence a stage of life and family development"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447873"], ["title", "Family Life in Adolescence"], ["doab_id", "16490"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110402490"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110402490"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buschkens ,W.F."], ["date", "1974"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613365"], ["title", "The Family System of the Paramaribo Creoles"], ["doab_id", "18521"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024717163", "9789004287020"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024717163 9789004287020"]], [["description", "The book demonstrates how politicians and federal agencies dominated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and took just thirteen years to wreck the American dream of home ownership."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oonagh McDonald"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780930039"], ["title", "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac"], ["doab_id", "15459"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780930039"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780930039"]], [["description", "What is Time? Assuming no prior specialized knowledge by the reader, the book raises specific, hitherto overlooked questions about how time works, such as how and why anyone can be made to be, at the very same instant, simultaneous with events that are actually days apart. It examines abiding issues in the physics of time or at its periphery which still elude a full explanation ? such as delayed choice experiments, the brain's perception of time during saccadic masking, and more ? and suggests that these phenomena can only exist because they ultimately obey applicable mathematics, thereby agreeing with a modern view that the universe and everything within it, including the mind, are ultimately mathematical structures. It delves into how a number of conundrums, such as the weak Anthropic Principle, could be resolved, and how such resolutions could be tested experimentally. All its various threads converge towards a same new vision of the ultimate essence of time, seen as a side effect from a deeper reality."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ransford, H. Chris "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Physics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/460116"], ["title", "The Far Horizons of Time. Time and Mind in the Universe"], ["doab_id", "17952"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110440270", "9783110440287"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110440270, 9783110440287"]], [["description", "There is a tension between the requirements of theoretical abstraction and the capacities of the film medium, where everything that we see on screen is concrete: A train arriving at a station, a tree, bodies, faces. Since the complex theories of montage in Soviet cinema, however, there have continuously been attempts to express theoretical issues by combining shots, thus creating a visual form of thinking.

This book brings together two major filmmakers-French New Wave master Jean-Luc Godard and German avant-gardist Harun Farocki to explore the fundamental tension between theoretical abstraction and the capacities of film itself, a medium where everything seen onscreen is necessarily concrete. Volker Pantenburg shows how these two filmmakers explored the potential of combined shots and montage to create \"film as theory.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pantenburg ,Volker"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Harun Farocki", "Jean-Luc Godard", "Film Theory", "Essay Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611670"], ["title", "Farocki/Godard. Film as Theory"], ["doab_id", "19273"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089648914"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648914"]], [["description", "Marialuisa Bignami, cui questo volume \u00e8 dedicato, \u00e8 una tra le pi\u00f9 illustri studiose dell\u2019utopia letteraria in Italia. In dialogo con la sua opera critica, il volume discute origini ed esiti del concetto di utopia nel panorama letterario e sociale occidentale, in particolare anglosassone."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A cura di: Lidia De Michelis; A cura di: Giuliana Iannaccaro; A cura di: Alessandro Vescovi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Letteratura, critica letteraria, contemporaneit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Utopia_interni_WEB2.pdf"], ["title", "Fascino inquieto dell'utopia"], ["doab_id", "17228"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051588"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051588"]], [["description", "\"This book presents, above all, a study of the establishment and development of the Soviet organization and system of fashion industry and design as it gradually evolved in the years after the Second World War in the Soviet Union, which was, in the understanding of its leaders, reaching the mature or last stage of socialism when the country was firmly set on the straight trajectory to its final goal, Communism. What was typical of this complex and extensive system of fashion was that it was always loyally subservient to the principles of the planned socialist economy. This did not by any means indicate that everything the designers and other fashion professionals did was dictated entirely from above by the central planning agencies. Neither did it mean that their professional judgment would have been only secondary to ideological and political standards set by the Communist Party and the government of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, as our study shows, the Soviet fashion professionals had a lot of autonomy. They were eager and willing to exercise their own judgment in matters of taste and to set the agenda of beauty and style for Soviet citizens.The present book is the first comprehensive and systematic history of the development of fashion and fashion institutions in the Soviet Union after the Second World War. Our study makes use of rich empirical and historical material that has been made available for the first time for scientific analysis and discussion. The main sources for our study came from the state, party and departmental archives of the former Soviet Union. We also make extensive use of oral history and the writings published in Soviet popular and professional press.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gronow ,Jukka; Zhuravlev ,Sergey"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Fashion industry", "Fashion design", "Soviet Union", "Socialism", "Fashion history", "Cultural history"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617156"], ["title", "Fashion Meets Socialism: Fashion industry in the Soviet Union after the Second World War"], ["doab_id", "19776"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522226655", "9789522227522", "9789522226785"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522226655 9789522227522 9789522226785"]], [["description", "In this timely new book, international scholars and military professionals come together to explore the strategic consequences of the thawing of the Arctic. Their analyses of efforts by governments and defence, security, and coast guard organizations to address these challenges make timely and urgent reading.Rather than a single national perspective, The Fast-Changing Arctic brings together circumpolar viewpoints from North America, Europe and Asia for an integrated discussion of strategic military, diplomatic, and security challenges in the high North. Thoughtful analyses are included of different regions, climate issues, institutions, and foreign and security policies.This is an important book for students of international studies, political science, and northern studies.With a Foreword by the Honorable Mead Treadwell and an Afterword by Lawson W. Brigham.With contributions by:Alun AndersonCaitlyn AntrimRasmus Gjedss\u00f8 BertelsenLawson W. BrighamIan G. BrosnanDaniel ClausenLtJG Michael ClausenLassi Kalevi HeininenNong HongRob HuebertMaj. Henrik Jedig J\u00f8rgensenP. Whitney LackenbauerThomas M. LeschineJames ManicomEdward L. MilesBarry Scott ZellenKatarzyna Zysk"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barry Scott Zellen"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Arctic"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49680/1/UofCPress_ChangingArctic_2013.pdf"], ["title", "The Fast-Changing Arctic"], ["doab_id", "15422"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386477"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386477"]], [["description", "This book explores how the conceptions of episcopacy shaped the identity of the bishops of France in the wake of the reforming Council of Trent (1545-63). It demonstrates how the episcopate, initially demoralized by the Wars of Religion, developed a powerful ideology of privilege, leadership and pastorate that enabled it to become a flourishing participant in the religious, political and social life of the ancien r\u00e9gime. Arguing that the traditional images portrayed by Trent and prelates such as Charles Borromeo of Milan did not offer a comprehensive model of episcopal spirituality, government and pastoral care, the study examines the distinctive images of episcopacy that were developed by French reformers and theologians to respond to the specific demands of ecclesiastical leadership and reform in seventeenth-century France. It then assesses the ways in which an increasingly assertive episcopate put these ideals into practice, and explains that the bishops' tempestuous relations with the religious orders, the Jansenists, the papacy and the Bourbon monarchy were profoundly shaped by their gallican, conciliarist and independent views of episcopal duties and prerogatives. This is the first publication to analyse the attitudes of Tridentine bishops towards their office by considering the French episcopate as a recognisable caste, possessing a variety of theological and political principles that allowed it to dominate the French church. It will be indispensable to those interested in the culture of early modern catholicism and the ancien r\u00e9gime."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Forrestal ,Alison"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["bishops", "france", "religion"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341332"], ["title", "Fathers, pastors and kings: Visions of episcopacy in seventeenth-century France"], ["doab_id", "12657"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719069765"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719069765"]], [["description", "Dear Readers,If you are engaged in the treatment of patients with MS (pwMS), this e-book\u2019s aim is to offer novel insights to improve on an understanding of one of the major problems of pwMS: fatigue. Although there is increasing research into fatigue and its impact on MS, this collection of ten articles supports a better understanding of fatigue in MS patients. It explores pathophysiological concepts, provoking mechanisms, objective measurements, personality interactions, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions and summarizes clinical management. It is written by neurologists, psychologists, scientists and therapists and addresses this group of people, who deal with pwMS in private, clinical, rehabilitation or scientific settings. Its aim is to communicate high-quality information, knowledge and experience on MS to healthcare professionals, while providing global support for the international MS community."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian Dettmers; John DeLuca"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Fatigue", "cognitive fatigue", "motor fatigue", "Multiple Sclerosis", "Cognition", "Depression", "gait analysis", "Personality", "natalizumab", "Rehabilitation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2747/fatigue-in-multiple-sclerosis"], ["title", "Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis"], ["doab_id", "18882"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197637"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197637"]], [["description", "Due to the scarcity of sources regarding actual Jewish and Muslim communities and settlements, there has until now been little work on either the perception of or encounters with Muslims and Jews in medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region. The volume provides the reader with the possibility to appreciate and understand the complexity of Jewish?Christian?Muslim relations in the medieval North. The contributions cover topics such as cultural and economic exchange between Christians and members of other religions; evidence of actual Jews and Muslims in the Baltic Rim; images and stereotypes of the Other. The volume thus presents a previously neglected field of research that will help nuance the overall picture of interreligious relations in medieval Europe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adams, Jonathan; He\u00df, Cordelia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Medieval Studies, Theology, Intereligious Relations"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247594"], ["title", "Fear and Loathing in the North. Jews and Muslims in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region"], ["doab_id", "17950"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110346466", "9783110346473", "9783110383928"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110346466, 9783110346473, 9783110383928"]], [["description", "This special issue contains the first papers of Processes and is intended to highlight a diverse set of topics related to process technology for the chemical, materials, biochemical, pharmaceutical and biomedical industries. To enhance the impact of these industries on society, process innovation that allows large-scale manufacturing is essential for both established and emerging technologies. The scope of this special issue includes, but is not limited to: chemical and biochemical reaction processes: mixing, fluid processing and heat transfer systems; mass transfer, separation and purification processes; integrated process design and scale-up; and process modeling, simulation, optimization and control. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["chemical and biochemical reaction processes, mass transfer, separation and purification processes, mixing, fluid processing and heat transfer systems, integrated process design and scale-up, process modeling, simulation, optimization and control"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/144"], ["title", "Feature Papers"], ["doab_id", "17518"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420705", "9783038420712"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420705/9783038420712 "]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/207"], ["title", "Feature Papers to Celebrate the Landmarks of Catalysts"], ["doab_id", "19286"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422204", "9783038422211"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422204/9783038422211"]], [["description", "The collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has encouraged political scientists to re-examine the comparative literature on democratisation. A vast literature has now been produced comparing transitions from authoritarianism and democratisation in different parts of the world. However, there are two major omissions in the transition literature. First, the focus of research has primarily been on national level politics, and second, the relationship between federalism and democracy has largely been overlooked. This study seeks to redress this imbalance by moving the focus of research from the national level to the vitally important processes of institution building and democratisation at the local level and to the study of federalism and democratisation in Russia. Federal states are much more difficult to set up than unitary ones, and forging a new federal system at the same time as privatising the economy and trying to radically overhaul the political system has clearly made Russia's transition triply difficult. This book builds on Cameron Ross' earlier work, 'Regional Politics in Russia', by combining theoretical perspectives with empirical work to provide a comparative analysis of the electoral systems, party systems and governmental systems in the ethnic republics and regions and to assess the impact of theses different institutional arrangements on democratisation and federalism. Overall, this study argues that Russia's weak and asymmetrical form of federalism has played a major role in thwarting the consolidation of democracy. Federalism and democratisation in Russia exist in contradiction rather than harmony. In a vicious circle authoritarianism at the centre has been nourished by authoritarianism in the regions and vice versa. 'Elective dictatorships' and 'delegative democracies' are now well entrenched in many republics and authoritarian regimes are firmly established in a majority of the regions. This book will be vital reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of Russian politics and democratisation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ross ,Cameron"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["communism", "russia, soviet", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341333"], ["title", "Federalism and democratisation in Russia"], ["doab_id", "12658"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719058691"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719058691"]], [["description", "The visual system consists of hierarchically organized distinct anatomical areas functionally specialized for processing different aspects of a visual object (Felleman & Van Essen, 1991). These visual areas are interconnected through ascending feedforward projections, descending feedback projections, and projections from neural structures at the same hierarchical level (Lamme et al., 1998). Accumulating evidence from anatomical, functional and theoretical studies suggests that these three projections play fundamentally different roles in perception. However, their distinct functional roles in visual processing are still subject to debate (Lamme & Roelfsema, 2000). The focus of this Research Topic is the roles of feedforward and feedback projections in vision. Even though the notions of feedforward, feedback, and reentrant processing are widely accepted, it has been found difficult to distinguish their individual roles on the basis of a single criterion. We welcome empirical contributions, theoretical contributions and reviews that fit into any one (or a combination) of the following domains: 1) their functional roles for perception of specific features of a visual object 2) their contributions to the distinct modes of visual processing (e.g., pre-attentive vs. attentive, conscious vs. unconscious) 3) recent techniques/methodologies to identify distinct functional roles of feedforward and feedback projections and corresponding neural signatures. We believe that the current Research Topic will not only provide recent information about feedforward/feedback processes in vision but also contribute to the understanding fundamental principles of cortical processing in general."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hulusi Kafaligonul; Bruno G. Breitmeyer; Haluk Ogmen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Vision", "Visual System", "feedforward", "Feedback", "projections", "processes", "mechanisms"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2406/feedforward-and-feedback-processes-in-vision"], ["title", "Feedforward and Feedback Processes in Vision"], ["doab_id", "18704"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195947"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195947"]], [["description", "Every day in Mumbai 5,000 dabbawalas (literally translated as \"those who carry boxes\") distribute a staggering 200,000 home-cooked lunchboxes to the city\u2019s workers and students. Giving employment and status to thousands of largely illiterate villagers from Mumbai's hinterland, this co-operative has been in operation since the late nineteenth century. It provides one of the most efficient delivery networks in the world: only one lunch in six million goes astray.Feeding the City is an ethnographic study of the fascinating inner workings of Mumbai's dabbawalas. Cultural anthropologist Sara Roncaglia explains how they cater to the various dietary requirements of a diverse and increasingly global city, where the preparation and consumption of food is pervaded with religious and cultural significance. Developing the idea of \"gastrosemantics\" \u2013 a language with which to discuss the broader implications of cooking and eating \u2013 Roncaglia's study helps us to rethink our relationship to food at a local and global level."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Roncaglia, Sara (Author); Arnone, Angela (Translator); Solinas, Pier Giorgio (Introduction)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Dabbawalas", "Mumbai", "India", "food industry", "food distribution", "food culture", "co-operative", "'gastrosemantics'"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/87"], ["title", "Feeding the City: Work and Food Culture of the Mumbai Dabbawalas"], ["doab_id", "15547"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254015"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254015"]], [["description", "Through a study of the British Empire's largest women's patriotic organisation, formed in 1900, and still in existence, this book examines the relationship between female imperialism and national identity. It throws new light on women's involvement in imperialism; on the history of 'conservative' women's organisations; on women's interventions in debates concerning citizenship and national identity; and on the history of women in white settler societies. After placing the IODE (Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire) in the context of recent scholarly work in Canadian, gender, imperial history and post-colonial theory, the book follows the IODE's history through the twentieth century. Chapters focus upon the IODE's attempts to create a British Canada through its maternal feminist work in education, health, welfare and citizenship. In addition it reflects on the IODE's responses to threats to Anglo-Canadian hegemony posed by immigration, World Wars and Communism, and examines the complex relationship between imperial loyalty and settler nationalism. Tracing the organisation into the postcolonial era, where previous imperial ideas are outmoded, it considers the transformation from patriotism to charity, and the turn to colonisation at home in the Canadian North."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pickles ,Katie"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["empire", "women", "gender", "feminism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341334"], ["title", "Female imperialism and national identity: Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire"], ["doab_id", "12659"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063909"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063909"]], [["description", "Feminist Moments offers close readings of key moments in the pivotal texts which have shaped the history of feminist thought, spanning literary and analytical sources."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Susan Bruce; Katherine Smits"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474237970"], ["title", "Feminist Moments"], ["doab_id", "17451"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474230391"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474230391"]], [["description", "Nell\u2019affascinante mondo della cultura open, dopo software open source, standard aperti, open access e open content, il fenomeno dei dati aperti rappresenta l\u2019ultima frontiera e forse anche quella attualmente pi\u00f9 strategica. Alla fine degli anni 2000 si \u00e8 infatti aperto il dibattito sull\u2019importanza della disponibilit\u00e0 e libera diffusione di dati \u201ccrudi\u201d (anche e soprattutto da parte del settore pubblico) cos\u00ec da poter aumentare il potenziale informativo e comunicativo della conoscenza condivisa figlia della rivoluzione digitale. Ci si \u00e8 presto accorti che la possibilit\u00e0 di raccogliere, gestire e riutilizzare quantit\u00e0 di dati sempre maggiori e sempre pi\u00f9 dense di correlazioni porta la necessit\u00e0 di alcune riflessioni di carattere sia giuridico che tecnologico. In questo libro, in ottica divulgativa, si cerca di presentare le principali questioni emergenti, tracciando un quadro normativo completo e fornendo alcune essenziali linee guida.SIMONE ALIPRANDIha un dottorato di ricerca in Societ\u00e0 dell\u2019Informazione ed \u00e8 un avvocato che si occupa di consulenza, ricerca e formazione nel campo del diritto d\u2019autore e pi\u00f9 in generale del diritto dell\u2019ICT. \u00c8 responsabile dal 2005 del Progetto Copyleft-Italia.it, \u00e8 membro di Array (www.array.eu) e collabora costantemente con alcuni enti universitari; ha pubblicato vari articoli e libri sul mondo delle tecnologie open e della cultura libera, rilasciando tutte le sue opere con licenze di tipo copyleft. Maggiori informazioni sulle sue attivit\u00e0 nonch\u00e8 tutte le sue opere sono disponibili sul suo sito personale www.aliprandi.org."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.scribd.com/doc/207921038/Il-fenomeno-open-data-Aliprandi-2014"], ["title", "Il fenomeno open data. Indicazioni e norme per un mondo di dati aperti"], ["doab_id", "15701"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051670"]], ["provider", "Scribd"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051670"]], [["description", "Ferdinand Ebner is next to Ludwig Wittgenstein the most important Austrian philosopher of language in the 20th century. In his main work Das Wort und die geistigen Realit\u00e4ten. Pneumatologische Fragmente Ebner produces a new form of anthropology, which is based on a dialogic orientated understanding of human beings. Beside his philosophical works Ebner wrote many letters and diaries. One of the 14 existing diaries is the so-called \"Mohlauer Tagebuch\" from the 23rd of July to the 28 th of August 1920, which is kept on the \"Brenner Archiv\" in Innsbruck together with the philosophical texts and the letters. In this diary Ebner writes about his stay in M\u00fchlau, a village near Innsbruck, where he was a guest of Ludwig von Ficker for one month and which was the beginning of a long friendship with the publisher of the Brenner. Ficker, who had already published some articles of Ebner in the Brenner, printed the Fragmente 1921, two years after Ebner wrote them. In this way Ficker became the publisher, promoter and friend of Ebner. According to some passages of the diary, Ebner experienced in Ficker a kind of acceptance and security, which he did not know before. This feeling of well-being is also a part of the deep impressions of nature, which Ebner got on many walks through the surrounding of Innsbruck. Although he was a thinker, who always emphasized the meaning of the word, these impressions showed him the limits of language. Ebner's basic opinions are presentated very clearly in his meetings with different members of the Brenner-circle and in the confrontation with the intellectual movements of the time. An example are his talks with Paul Bargehr about Buddhism, who was newly rediscovered in Europe in those days. Ebner understood the good will of Bargehr, but he cannot accept Buddhism as a solution for the big problems of the Europeans. In spite of Ebners turn to Christianity some years before the diary also shows the difficulties in the relation between Ebner and the Catholic church. Of special interest is Ebner's meeting with the painter Erich Lechleitner. In front of Lechleitner's pictures he has doubts about his radical pessimism concerning art and culture.The text of the diary is followed by a commentary, which explains the biographical, literary, philosophical, historical, etc. connections of passages in the diary. The three essays following the commentary give an overview of Ebners biographical, philosophical and cultural background. Monika Seekircher's essay includes a short biography of Ebner and describes the most important personal relations in his life as well as his intellectual developement. Richard H\u00f6rmann tries to show the connections between the diary and the Fragmente, because many entries of the diary can only be understood on the basis of the main thoughts of the Fragmente. The topic of Walter Methlagl's essay is the local cultural context, in which the diary is embedded. Special attention is given to the intellectual movements within the Brenner-circle. The numerous photos depict persons, who are mentioned in the diary, places as they then looked and the pictures by painters named in the diary.

Ferdinand Ebner (1882-1931) ist neben Ludwig Wittgenstein der bedeutendste \u00f6sterreichische Sprachdenker des 20. Jahrhunderts. In seinem Hauptwerk Das Wort und die geistigen Realit\u00e4ten. Pneumatologische Fragmente entwickelt Ebner eine neue Form von Anthropologie, die auf einem dialogisch gepr\u00e4gten Verst\u00e4ndnis des Menschen basiert. Neben seinen philosophischen Schriften verfa\u00dfte Ebner aber auch unz\u00e4hlige Briefe und war zudem ein intensiver Tagebuchschreiber. Das sogenannte \"M\u00fchlauer Tagebuch\" vom 23.7. bis 28.8.1920 ist eines von insgesamt 14 erhaltenen Tageb\u00fcchern Ebners, welche neben dem philosophischem Nachla\u00df und den Briefen am Brenner-Archiv aufbewahrt werden. In diesem Tagebuch schildert Ebner seinen einmonatigen Aufenthalt bei Ludwig von Ficker in M\u00fchlau bei Innsbruck, der der Beginn einer jahrelangen Freundschaft ist. Ficker, der bereits einige Aufs\u00e4tze Ebners in seiner Zeitschrift Der Brenner publiziert hat, l\u00e4\u00dft 1921 auch Ebners bereits 1919 fertiggestellte Fragmente im Brenner-Verlag erscheinen. So wird Ficker Ebners Verleger, F\u00f6rderer und Freund. Aus mehreren Tagebucheintragungen geht hervor, da\u00df Ebner bei Ficker eine Akzeptanz und Freundlichkeit erf\u00e4hrt, die ihm bisher fremd waren. Dieses f\u00fcr Ebner so seltene Gef\u00fchl des Wohlbefindens erf\u00e4hrt er auch bei seinen zahlreichen Spazierg\u00e4ngen mit Ficker, die zu intensiven Naturerlebnissen f\u00fchren, soda\u00df Ebner, der die Bedeutung des Wortes immer wieder betont, auch Grenzen der sprachlichen M\u00f6glichkeiten wahrnimmt. Ebners geistige Einstellung tritt ganz klar und markant in der Begegnung mit verschiedenen Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten aus dem Brenner-Kreis und in der Auseinandersetzung mit den verschiedenen geistigen Str\u00f6mungen zu dieser Zeit hervor. So wird er z.B. in der Person von Paul Bargehr mit dem Buddhismus konfrontiert, dem gegen\u00fcber er sich wenn auch nicht verst\u00e4ndnislos so doch skeptisch \u00e4u\u00dfert. Immer wieder zeigt sich auch seine Ablehnung der katholischen Amtskirche trotz seiner erst einige Jahre zuvor erfolgten Hinwendung zum Christenturn. Besonders interessant ist Ebners Begegnung mit dem Maler Erich Lechleitner. Angesichts seiner Bilder ger\u00e4t er in einen Zwiespalt mit seinem eigenen rigorosen Kulturpessimismus.Dem Tagebuchtext folgt ein Einzelstellenkommentar, in dem biographische, literarische, philosophische, historische u.a. Anspielungen gekl\u00e4rt werden. Die drei Aufs\u00e4tze, die an den Einzelstellenkommentar anschlie\u00dfen, sind als Fl\u00e4chenkommentar zu verstehen, d.h. sie stellen eine breitere Form der Kommentierung dar, wobei der biographische, der philosophische und der kulturelle Hintergrund Ebners aufgezeigt wird. Monika Seekircher liefert eine etwas umfassendere Kurzbiographie Ebners, wobei neben Ebners Lebensdaten auch seine wichtigsten pers\u00f6nlichen Beziehungen und seine geistige Entwicklung kurz dargestellt werden. Richard H\u00f6rmann versucht in seinem Aufsatz, den Zusammenhang des Tagebuchs mit Ebners Fragmenten aufzuzeigen, da sehr viele Stellen des Tagebuchs nur vor dem Hintergrund der Fragmente richtig zu verstehen sind. Walter Methlagl bettet das Tagebuch in den lokalen kulturellen Kontext ein, wobei er insbesondere auf die geistigen Str\u00f6mungen im Brenner-Kreis eingeht. Das umfangreiche Bildmaterial dient der Veranschaulichung und erm\u00f6glicht somit eine konkrete Vorstellung von den im Tagebuch erw\u00e4hnten Personen, den \u00d6rtlichkeiten zu dieser Zeit und von den Bildern der im Tagebuch genannten Maler."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00f6rmann ,Richard; Seekircher ,Monika"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Ferdinand Ebner, Austrian philosopher, 20th century"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437189"], ["title", "Ferdinand Ebner - M\u00fchlauer Tagebuch 23.7.-28.8.1920"], ["doab_id", "15312"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993452"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993452"]], [["description", "Fernando Cadalso and Manzano (1859-1939) was one of the most important Spanish criminal lawyers of the first half of the 20th century. He had a long and prolific career in the prisons field: director of several prisons (The Model Prison of Madrid, amongst others); General Surveyor of Prisons during twenty five years (the third most important position, under the Minister of Grace and Justice and the General Director); representative of Spain in four international prison congresses; he established the progressive system in prisons, which lasted until the sanction of the Prison General Organic Law in 1979; he carried out field trips in several European nations and in the United States of America, from which he imported the model of the reformatory for adults established in Oca\u00f1a (province of Toledo); he collaborated in the bill of probation; he was the Head of the Criminology School; and his resume still goes on. Shortly before retirement, during Primo de Rivera\u2019s Military Directory, he was in charge of the Ministry of Grace and Justice. Throughout his life, Cadalso attempted to raise awareness both in society and public authorities on the importance of the prison reform, the welfare of prison populations (by means of work, education and religion), and the enhancement of corps of prisons officers (labor stability, wages increase, entry by competitive examination, seniority promotion). He promoted this task in four fields: 1) Administrative: through his performance in the prisons field; 2) Intellectual: writing in scientific magazines and newspapers, creating his own Prisons Magazine and publishing several papers; 3) Social: he dictated conferences in union and cultural centers and created and participated in several organizations \u2013 Association for Prison Studies and Rehabilitation of Offenders, Social Reform Institution, Assistance Commission to Alienates, etc. Finally, 4) Political: through the links established with the ruling elite \u2013specially with Eduardo Dato Iradier and Juli\u00e1n Garc\u00eda San Miguel, Marqu\u00e9s de Teverga-. Notwithstanding the huge work carried out during half a century to reform the Spanish prison system, Cadalso\u2019s figure has not been studied in depth by the law and social historiography. Therefore, this biographical work attempts to reconstruct his track in the Spanish prison administration, by means of file documentation never searched before and edited sources barely used, taking into account: 1) The transformations and contradictions in his practice and thinking; 2) The ideas taken from the Italian criminal positivism; 3) His field trips and his attendance to international scientific meetings; 4) His proposals in matters such as the anarchism problem, police reforms, identification of offenders, etc.; 5) His commitment almost solitarily to the U.S. prison model; 6) Creation of institutions: the reformatory for adults in Oca\u00f1a, Alicante and Segovia, the progressive system, probation; and finally 7) His genuine contribution and his legacy to the Spanish prison system. We hope this work may allow reconstructing the prison law culture during the period covering from the Restoration to the Second Republic (paramount period, barely approached by the law and social historiography) and de-constructing some tales firmly grounded, particularly that relating the practice of prison reforms with the installation of progressive governments (First and Second Republic) and, on the contrary, deterioration of the prison population with the arrival of conservative administrations to the power during the reign of Alfonso XIII and Primo de Rivera\u2019s Military Directory).________________________________________Fernando Cadalso y Manzano (1859-1939) fue uno de los penitenciaristas espa\u00f1oles m\u00e1s importantes de la primera mitad del siglo XX. Tuvo una larga y prol\u00edfica carrera en el Ramo de Prisiones: dirigi\u00f3 varios presidios (entre otros, la C\u00e1rcel Modelo de Madrid); fue Inspector General de Prisiones durante veinticinco a\u00f1os (tercer cargo en importancia, debajo del Ministro de Gracia y Justicia y el Director General del ramo); representante de Espa\u00f1a en cuatro congresos penitenciarios internacionales; estableci\u00f3 el sistema progresivo en las prisiones, que perdur\u00f3 hasta la sanci\u00f3n de la Ley Org\u00e1nica General Penitenciaria en 1979; realiz\u00f3 viajes de estudio a varias naciones europeas y a los Estados Unidos, pa\u00eds del que import\u00f3 el modelo de reformatorio para adultos que estableci\u00f3 en Oca\u00f1a (provincia de Toledo); colabor\u00f3 en la elaboraci\u00f3n del proyecto de ley de libertad condicional; fue director de la Escuela de Criminolog\u00eda y un largo etc\u00e9tera. Poco antes de jubilarse, durante el Directorio Militar de Primo de Rivera, estuvo a cargo del Ministerio de Gracia y Justicia. A lo largo de su vida, Cadalso procur\u00f3 concientizar a la sociedad y a los poderes p\u00fablicos sobre la importancia de la reforma penitenciaria, el bienestar de la poblaci\u00f3n reclusa (a partir del trabajo, la educaci\u00f3n y la religi\u00f3n) y la mejora de los funcionarios del Cuerpo de Prisiones (estabilidad en el empleo, incremento salarial, acceso por oposici\u00f3n, ascenso por antig\u00fcedad). Esta labor la impuls\u00f3 desde cuatro \u00e1mbitos: 1) El administrativo, a partir de su desempe\u00f1o en el Ramo de Prisiones; 2) El intelectual, escribiendo en revistas cient\u00edficas y diarios, creando su propia Revista de las Prisiones y publicando numerosas obras; 3) El social, a trav\u00e9s del dictado de conferencias en centros obreros y culturales y la creaci\u00f3n y participaci\u00f3n en diversas entidades -Asociaci\u00f3n de Estudios Penitenciarios y Rehabilitaci\u00f3n del Delincuente; Instituto de Reformas Sociales; Comisi\u00f3n de Asistencia de Alienados, etc. Finalmente, 4) El \u00e1mbito pol\u00edtico, a partir de los nexos establecidos con las elites gobernantes -en especial, con Eduardo Dato Iradier y Juli\u00e1n Garc\u00eda San Miguel, Marqu\u00e9s de Teverga-. No obstante la enorme labor realizada durante medio siglo para la reforma del sistema penitenciario espa\u00f1ol, la figura de Cadalso no ha sido estudiada en profundidad por la historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica y social. Por ello, este trabajo, de car\u00e1cter biogr\u00e1fico, pretende -a partir de documentaci\u00f3n de archivo nunca antes consultada y fuentes editas escasamente utilizadas- reconstruir su derrotero en la administraci\u00f3n penitenciaria espa\u00f1ola atendiendo a: 1) Las transformaciones y contradicciones en su pr\u00e1ctica y pensamiento; 2) La recepci\u00f3n de ideas del positivismo criminol\u00f3gico italiano; 3) Los viajes de estudio y la participaci\u00f3n en reuniones cient\u00edficas internacionales; 4) Sus propuestas en cuestiones como el problema del anarquismo, reformas policiales, identificaci\u00f3n de los delincuentes; etc.; 5) Su adhesi\u00f3n, casi en solitario, al modelo de reformatorios norteamericano; 6) La creaci\u00f3n de instituciones: reformatorio para adultos en Oca\u00f1a, Alicante y Segovia, el sistema progresivo, la libertad condicional; y finalmente 7) Su aporte genuino y su legado para el ordenamiento penitenciario espa\u00f1ol. Esperamos que este trabajo permita reconstruir la cultura jur\u00eddico-penitenciaria del per\u00edodo que abarca de la Restauraci\u00f3n a la Segunda Rep\u00fablica (per\u00edodo fundamental, poco abordado desde la historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica y social) y de-construya algunos relatos firmemente establecidos. En especial el que vincula la puesta en pr\u00e1ctica de reformas penitenciarias con la instalaci\u00f3n de gobiernos progresistas (Primera y Segunda Rep\u00fablica) y, por el contrario, el deterioro de la poblaci\u00f3n reclusa con la llegada al poder de administraciones conservadoras (Reinado de Alfonso XIII y Directorio Militar de Primo de Rivera)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "N\u00fa\u00f1ez, Jorge Alberto"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Espa\u00f1a - Prisiones", "Cadalso y Manzano-Biograf\u00eda", "Spain \u2013 Prisons", "Cadalso and Manzano \u2013 Bibliography"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19662/caldalso_nunez_hd29_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Fernando Cadalso y la reforma penitenciaria en Espa\u00f1a (1883-1939)"], ["doab_id", "16460"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490851951"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490851951"]], [["description", "Festival Romanisticais an edited volume with 19 contributions written in four Romance languages: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The volume represents the whole range of research areas in Romance Linguistics today at the University of Stockholm: semantics, syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis, diachronic linguistics, translation studies and second language acquisition and use. Five of the articles are written by renowned scholars from five European universities. The authors of the remaining 14 contributions are doctors and supervisors belonging to the National Doctoral Program in Romance Languages (FoRom). By virtue of its wide scope and the high quality of its contributions, this volume is of interest for, and will find a natural audience among, researchers of all Romance Languages departments and divisions in Scandinavia, Europe and worldwide.Festival Romanisticais the first volume in Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages, which is a peer-reviewed series of monographs and edited volumes.Editors:Gunnel Engwall is Professor of Romance Languages, especially French, at Stockholm University. She has been Vice-Chancellor of Stockholm University and President of the Academy of Letters, Antiquity and History and is presently the Head of the National Edition of August Strindberg\u2019s Collected Works.Lars Fant is Professor emeritus of Romance Languages, especially Spanish and Portuguese, at Stockholm University. He is the also Chief Editor of the series Stockholm Studies in Romance Languages."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Engwall ,Gunnel; Fant ,Lars"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Romance languages", "French", "Italian", "Portuguese", "Spanish", "syntax", "semantics", "pragmatics", "interactional linguistics", "discourse analysis", "diachrony vs. synchrony", "discourse markers", "contrastive linguistics", "corpus linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=554350"], ["title", "Festival Romanistica. Contribuciones ling\u00fc\u00edsticas \u2013 Contributions linguistiques \u2013 Contributi linguistici \u2013 Contribui\u00e7\u00f5es lingu\u00edsticas"], ["doab_id", "17197"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9789176350119", "9789176350089", "9789176350096", "9789176350102"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350119 9789176350089 9789176350096 9789176350102"]], [["description", "FfugLen is the Welsh word for fiction but is also a play on the words 'ffug' (meaning fake or false) and 'len' (the prepositive of 'llenyddiaeth' or literature) implying that these images are often ambiguous. This title presents a study of the image of Wales and the Welsh in twentieth-century Welsh-language literature.

Mae 'FfugLen' yn ymdrin \u00c3\u00a2'r ddelwedd o Gymru mewn ystod eang o nofelau Cymraeg a gyhoeddwyd rhwng 1960 a 1990. Mae llawer o'r nofelau yn nofelau hanes ac eraill yn nofelau cyfoes. Mae'r ddelwedd yn ymwneud \u00c3\u00a2'r priodoleddau hynny \u00e2€“ megis iaith, tiriogaeth, crefydd, hanes a diwylliant \u00e2€“ a gyfrifir fel arfer yn rhai cenhedlig. Ymdrinnir \u00c3\u00a2'r ddelwedd hefyd yn ei chysylltiad \u00c3\u00a2 digwyddiadau hanesyddol a chyfoes penodol a gyflwynir yn y nofelau, ac yn ei chysylltiad \u00c3\u00a2'r hyn a oedd yn digwydd yng Nghymru ar adeg cyhoeddi'r gwahanol nofelau."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jones ,E."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Fiction", "Literature", "Welsh", "Fictie", "Literatuur", "Taal", "Wales"]], ["publisher", "University of Wales Press"], ["language", ["cy"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=393070"], ["title", "FfugLen : Y Ddelwedd o'r Nofel Gymraeg o Ddechrau'r Chwedegau tan 1990"], ["doab_id", "13401"], ["language_unmapped", "Welsh"], ["isbns", ["9780708321652"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780708321652"]], [["description", "Este livro, desde a escolha provocativa do t\u00edtulo Ficar na escola: um furo no afeto, busca decifrar o fen\u00f4meno ficar no espa\u00e7o de tr\u00eas escolas estaduais do estado da Bahia, possibilitando um novo olhar sobre as rela\u00e7\u00f5es afetivas do adolescer na escola, que inquietam pais, professores e estudiosos. A obra \u00e9 fruto de uma pesquisa com trabalho de campo, decorrente de entrevistas semiestruturadas, audi\u00e7\u00e3o de discursos de adolescentes, observa\u00e7\u00e3o de seus comportamentos, e an\u00e1lise de seus desenhos, construindo um trabalho rigoroso de interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o e an\u00e1lise do material coletado. O ficar, nesse livro, pode ser visto como um sintoma da contemporaneidade, um jeito novo de adolescer e aprender a fazer escolhas. A autora revela, ainda, que a tem\u00e1tica ficar pode ser um conte\u00fado pedag\u00f3gico disciplinar a ser trabalhado, no sentido de que os componentes curriculares contemplem os valores do compromisso, profundidade, estabilidade, toler\u00e2ncia, prazer, responsabilidade, la\u00e7os, gosto pelos estudos, na busca da constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um sujeito afetivo que valorize o homem e a mulher na sua subjetividade e singularidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ornellas, Maria de Lourdes S.; Radel, Daniela; Santana, Fab\u00edola; Mendes, Fl\u00e1via; Rios, Luciana; Gon\u00e7alves, Maria da Gl\u00f3ria; Oliveira, Patr\u00edcia"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/m9"], ["title", "Ficar na escola: um furo no afeto"], ["doab_id", "17168"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209377"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209377"]], [["description", "Before new interventions can be used in disease control programmes, it is essential that they are carefully evaluated in \u201cfield trials\u201d, which may be complex and expensive undertakings. Descriptions of the detailed procedures and methods used in trials that have been conducted in the past have generally not been published. As a consequence, those planning such trials have few guidelines available and little access to previously accumulated knowledge. In this book the practical issues of trial design and conduct are discussed fully and in sufficient detail for the text to be used as a \u201ctoolbox\u201d by field investigators. The toolbox has now been extensively tested through use of the first two editions and this third edition is a comprehensive revision, incorporating the many developments that have taken place with respect to trials since 1996 and involving more than 30 contributors. Most of the chapters have been extensively revised and 7 new chapters have been added."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Smith G. ,Peter; Morrow H. ,Richard; Ross A. ,David"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["interventions", "disease control", "field trials", "procedures", "methods", "health"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=569923.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Field Trials of Health Interventions, 3rd edition"], ["doab_id", "17343"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198732860"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198732860"]], [["description", "In this ethnography that documents the folk nature of popular culture, Mickey Weems applies interdisciplinary interpretation to a subject that demands such a breakdown of intellectual boundaries. The Circuit, an expression of gay culture, comprises large dance events"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Weems, Mickey"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/69"], ["title", "The Fierce Tribe"], ["doab_id", "14725"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216912"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216912"]], [["description", "The Proud Nightingale covers the many facets of medieval music in the Netherlands until the year 1600. Eighteen authors discuss songs ranging from of courtly songs, including minstrels, mystics and Modern Devots, on the performance and the oral tradition of ancient songs, and on intertextuality. What is new is the use of ethnological perspective by a number of the authors. This book is a collection of songs: messages from loved ones to joyous songs sung by groups at home and in the pub, or by farmers and servants whilst weeding, mowing and harvesting. At the same time religious melodies convey their desire for God or their distaste of the world.

De fiere nachtegaal brengt boodschappen van geliefden over in liederen gezongen door vrolijke gezelschappen thuis en in de kroeg, of door boeren en knechten onder het wieden, maaien en binnenhalen van de oogst. Op dezelfde melodie\u00ebn bezingen religieuzen hun verlangen naar God of hun afkeer van de wereld. De fiere nachtegaal bestrijkt de vele facetten van het middeleeuwse lied in de Nederlanden tot aan het jaar 1600. Achttien auteurs buigen zich over de liederen van onder meer hoofse minnezangers, mystici en Moderne Devoten, over de performance en de mondelinge overlevering van oude liederen, over intertekstualiteit en contrafactuur. Nieuw is het etnologisch perspectief dat een aantal auteurs hanteert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grijp ,Louis Peter; Willaert ,Frank"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "Music", "Dutch and Flemish literature", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Muziek", "Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340084"], ["title", "De fiere nachtegaal : Het Nederlandse lied in de middeleeuwen"], ["doab_id", "12797"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640215"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640215"]], [["description", "Within two years of the success of his first play Die R\u00e4uber on the German stage in 1781, Schiller wrote a drama based on a rebellion in sixteenth century Italy, its title: The Conspiracy of Fiesco at Genoa. A Republican Tragedy. At the head of the conspiracy stood Gian Luigi de\u2019 Fieschi (1524-1547), Schiller\u2019s Count Fiesco, a clever, courageous and charismatic figure, an epicurean and unhesitant egoist, politically ambitious, but unsure of his aims and principles. He is one of Schiller\u2019s mysterious, protean characters who secures both our admiration and disgust. With Fiesco as tragic hero Schiller examines the complex entanglement of morality and politics in his own times that was to preoccupy him throughout his career.The play was a moderate success when performed in Mannheim in 1784; it was more popular in Berlin where, during Schiller\u2019s lifetime, it was performed many times in a version by Carl Pl\u00fcmicke, which however radically altered the play\u2019s meaning. There have been some noteworthy productions on the German stage and television, even if it has remained somewhat in the shadow of Schiller\u2019 other works. In the English-speaking world it is all but unknown and very seldom performed. This translation aims to remedy that oversight."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schiller, Friedrich (Author); Guthrie, John (Introduction); Kimmich, Flora (Translator)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Friedrich Schiller", "drama", "Fiesco", "conspiracy", "Genoa", "play", "translation"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/261"], ["title", "Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa"], ["doab_id", "17196"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740437", "9781783740444"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740437 9781783740444"]], [["description", "La fiesta de toros en su moderna forma plebeya (la tauromaquia a pie) cuaj\u00f3 en la ciudad de Sevilla, vinculada al matadero municipal, en el siglo XVIII; desde entonces se convierte en un espect\u00e1culo que atrae las masas. Este trabajo analiza los tratos jur\u00eddicos que vincularon a los diversos interesados en ese espect\u00e1culo: los toreros (matadores, picadores, banderilleros), los ganaderos, los maestrantes sevillanos (propietarios de la plaza de toros), los empresarios que organizaron festejos y un amplio cat\u00e1logo de artesanos que prestan su pericia con ese fin. Se estudia, en particular, la naturaleza de la prestaci\u00f3n de servicios entre toreros y empresarios, en sus diversas modalidades (actuaciones singulares o por temporada, contrato de un lidiador o de toda una cuadrilla...), as\u00ed como la atribuci\u00f3n de las consecuencias da\u00f1osas de los percances acontecidos durante la lidia. Un ap\u00e9ndice documental recoge las referencias de las escrituras notariales localizadas, con transcripci\u00f3n completa de varias, particularmente significativas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Petit, Carlos"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Contracts (Civil law)", "Bullfights", "Notarial protocols", "History", "Contratos (Derecho civil)", "Corridas de toros", "Protocolos notariales", "Sevilla", "Lidia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/10145/PetitFiesta_1-0.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Fiesta y contrato. Negocios taurinos en protocolos sevillanos (1777-1847)"], ["doab_id", "16124"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499820996"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499820996"]], [["description", "The European Union and the role of member states is currently one of the major topics of current political debate and academic discourse. The evolution of the political system in Brussels and developments within the individual member states promise new insights into the European integration process. This book provides a country-by-country analysis of how European policy is made and applied. Its central focus is the involvement of national institutions in European policy-making: governments, parliaments, sub-national governments, the courts and public administrations. Who participates at which stage of the European Union's policy cycle and how do national institutions and non-state actors interact and fit into the Union's system? The contributors show how member states have adapted their institutional structures in different ways to European integration, especially since the Maastricht Treaty. The editors' introduction argues that the extent and intensity of institutional interaction between the EU and its member states have led to a 'system of institutional fusion'. This timely book is a comprehensive study yet of European policy-making at national level and is aimed at scholars of integration studies and comparative politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wessels ,Wolfgang; Maurer ,Andreas; Mittag ,J\u00fcrgen"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["europe", "politics", "government", "Maastricht"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341335"], ["title", "Fifteen into one?: The European Union and its member states"], ["doab_id", "12660"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719058493"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719058493"]], [["description", "Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 27 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the V Size Strain Conference in Garmisch-Partenkirchen 2007:Lattice Defects,Residual Stresses,Texture in Thin Films and at Surfaces,Line-Broadening Analysis and Line-Profile Fitting,Diffraction/Microstructure ModelingSupplement Series of Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247839"], ["title", "Fifth Size Strain Conference. Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of Materials"], ["doab_id", "18007"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783486992564", "9783486992557"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486992564, 9783486992557"]], [["description", "Fighting for a Living investigates the circumstances that have produced starkly different systems of recruiting and employing soldiers in different parts of the globe over the last 500 years. It does so on the basis of a wide range of case studies taken from Europe, Africa, America, the Middle East and Asia.The novelty of \"Fighting for a Living\" is that it is not military history in the traditional sense (concentrating at wars and battles or on military technology) but that it looks at military service and warfare as forms of labour, and at the soldiers as workers. Military employment offers excellent opportunities for this kind of international comparison. Where many forms of human activity are restricted by the conditions of nature or the stage of development of a given society, organized violence is ubiquitous. Soldiers, in one form or another, are always part of the picture, in any period and in every region. Nevertheless, Fighting for a Living is the first study to undertake a systematic comparative analysis of military labour. It therefore speaks to two distinct, and normally quite separate, communities: that of labour historians and that of military historians. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Z\u00fcrcher ,Erik-Jan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Military recruitment", "Military employment", "Comparative history Europe, Asia, Middle East"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=468734"], ["title", "Fighting for a Living"], ["doab_id", "15665"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048517251"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048517251"]], [["description", "Fighting for a Living investigates the circumstances that have produced starkly different systems of recruiting and employing soldiers in different parts of the globe over the last 500 years. It does so on the basis of a wide range of case studies taken from Europe, Africa, America, the Middle East and Asia.The novelty of \"Fighting for a Living\" is that it is not military history in the traditional sense (concentrating at wars and battles or on military technology) but that it looks at military service and warfare as forms of labour, and at the soldiers as workers. Military employment offers excellent opportunities for this kind of international comparison. Where many forms of human activity are restricted by the conditions of nature or the stage of development of a given society, organized violence is ubiquitous. Soldiers, in one form or another, are always part of the picture, in any period and in every region. Nevertheless, Fighting for a Living is the first study to undertake a systematic comparative analysis of military labour. It therefore speaks to two distinct, and normally quite separate, communities: that of labour historians and that of military historians. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Z\u00fcrcher ,Erik-Jan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Military recruitment", "Military employment", "Comparative history Europe, Asia, Middle East"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=468734"], ["title", "Fighting for a Living"], ["doab_id", "16259"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644527"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644527"]], [["description", "Neste livro abre-se a uma diversidade de acep\u00e7\u00f5es que o conceito de espa\u00e7o abriga nos objetos e cen\u00e1rios liter\u00e1rios contempor\u00e2neos. O pr\u00f3prio texto como um espa\u00e7o espacializante, na sua textualidade como corpo ou na visualidade da escrita, configura um espa\u00e7o de linguagem. O contexto cultural e hist\u00f3rico envolve refer\u00eancias e dados situados em determinados momentos que articulam um espa\u00e7o de rela\u00e7\u00f5es com o texto liter\u00e1rio. O espa\u00e7o da institucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o, com as representa\u00e7\u00f5es de poder, o espa\u00e7o social, o espa\u00e7o como paisagem, nas configura\u00e7\u00f5es natural, regional, f\u00edsica e psicol\u00f3gica, e o espa\u00e7o do mito com suas imagens e sentidos simb\u00f3licos, s\u00e3o outras formas de mobiliza\u00e7\u00e3o do conceito. O espa\u00e7o pict\u00f3rico, quer como elemento componente da pintura ou como a pr\u00f3pria linguagem na composi\u00e7\u00e3o da escritura, que se vale de t\u00e9cnicas pl\u00e1sticas, tamb\u00e9m \u00e9 contemplado, assim como esse tipo de di\u00e1logo abriga outros meios e linguagens, como o cinema, a propaganda, a fotografia, nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre as artes. H\u00e1 tamb\u00e9m a possibilidade de se rever o objeto liter\u00e1rio, em termos de espacialidade, sob essa perspectiva m\u00faltipla do olhar contempor\u00e2neo. Ou seja, no lugar daquele sentido restrito de categoria estrutural, o conceito incorpora uma vis\u00e3o ampla e metaf\u00f3rica, dentro da qual o pr\u00f3prio texto faz emergir uma concep\u00e7\u00e3o e fun\u00e7\u00e3o da espacialidade por meio de suas estrat\u00e9gias de constru\u00e7\u00e3o. Diante de tantas possibilidades de leitura do conceito, o presente livro re\u00fane textos que abordam aspectos da simboliza\u00e7\u00e3o espacial em obras liter\u00e1rias que implicam um olhar contempor\u00e2neo para essas figura\u00e7\u00f5es."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Motta, S\u00e9rgio Vicente; Busato, Susanna"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gm87z"], ["title", "Figura\u00e7\u00f5es contempor\u00e2neas do espa\u00e7o na literatura"], ["doab_id", "16729"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830990"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830990"]], [["description", "Der Staat ist ein zentraler geschichts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Topos in Deutschland wie in Frankreich. In der vergleichenden Forschung zu beiden L\u00e4ndern taucht er hingegen so gut wie nicht auf. Der vorliegende Band zielt auf diese L\u00fccke. Er vereint aktuelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Staates in Deutschland und Frankreich von 1870 bis 1945, zu jener Phase, in der nicht nur der Staat als regulierender Faktor der Gesellschaft, sondern auch die Wissenschaft vom Staat ihre gr\u00f6\u00dfte Entfaltung in der Moderne erfuhren. Neben vergleichenden stehen einander \"kreuzende\" Beitr\u00e4ge, die Texte deutscher Autoren \u00fcber Frankreich und franz\u00f6sischer Autoren \u00fcber Deutschland enthalten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chatriot, Alain; Gosewinkel, Dieter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/228544"], ["title", "Figurationen des Staates in Deutschland und Frankreich 1870-1945. Les figures de l'\u00c9tat en Allemagne et en France"], ["doab_id", "18023"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486836721", "9783486576719"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486836721, 9783486576719"]], [["description", "In Freudian psychoanalysis the so-called \u00bbprimal scene\u00ab is of a very fragile ontological and epistemological nature. It oscillates between factual event, phylogenetically pre-structured phantasy and construction of the analyst. The book examines Freud's arguments for and against the reality of the primal scene by way of his famous case study \u00bbAus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose\u00ab. It employs methods from the history of science to address philosophical, epistemological, aesthetic, and political questions. Apart from analyzing Freud\u2019s arguments themselves and their metaphorical vehicles, it examines the first edition of the case study and also takes into account the manuscript in the Library of Congress in Washington. Both sources have been heretofore neglected by Freud scholars.

In der Psychoanalyse Freuds kommt der \u00bbUrszene\u00ab ein fragiler epistemischer Status zu. Als traumatischer Keim einer Neurose schwankt sie zwischen realem Ereignis, phylogenetisch vorstrukturierter Phantasie und Konstruktion des Therapeuten. Anhand der Fallstudie \u00bbAus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose\u00ab rekonstruiert das Buch Freuds Argumente f\u00fcr und gegen den \u00bbRealwert\u00ab der Urszene. Es verbindet philosophische, wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und bildtheoretische Fragestellungen und weist nach, dass Freud neben den indirekten Beweisen f\u00fcr die Realit\u00e4t der Urszene eine Reihe von supplement\u00e4ren Verfahren zur Anwendung bringt, die darauf zielen, die Urszene direkt vor Augen zu stellen. Die Untersuchung ber\u00fccksichtigt nicht nur die interne Struktur der freudschen Argumente und die Metaphern, deren sie sich bedienen, auch das materielle Arrangement der Erstpublikation und das Manuskript der Fallstudie werden erstmals zug\u00e4nglich gemacht und einer detaillierten Analyse unterzogen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klammer ,Markus"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Psychoanalysis, Philosophy, Epistemology, History of Science, Image Theory, Primal Scene, Freud, Pankejeff, Debord, Material, Representation, Historicity, Theory of Metaphors", "Psychoanalyse, Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Bildtheorie, Urszene, Freud, Pankejeff, Debord, Material, Darstellung, Geschichtlichkeit, Metapherntheorie"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=455991"], ["title", "Figuren der Urszene"], ["doab_id", "15557"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851327069"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851327069"]], [["description", "This definitive work offers a new approach to the period film at the turn of the twenty-first century, examining the ways in which contemporary cinema recreates the historical past. This book explores the relation between visual motifs and cultural representation in a range of key films by James Ivory, Martin Scorsese and Jane Campion, among others. Looking at the mannerist taste for citation, detail and stylisation, the author argues for an aesthetic of fragments and figures central to the period film as an international genre. Three key figures - the house, the tableau and the letter - structure a critical journey through a selection of detailed case studies, in relation to changing notions of visual style, melodrama, and gender. This seeks to place this popular but often undervalued genre in a new light and to rethink its significance in the context of key debates in film studies.

Figuring the Past geeft een nieuwe kijk op kostuumdrama's die aan het begin van deze eeuw gemaakt zijn en onderzoekt de manieren waarop de hedendaagse cinema het historische verleden herschept. De auteur verkent de relatie tussen visuele motieven en culturele representaties in een aantal belangrijke films van onder anderen James Ivory, Martin Scorsese en Jane Campion. Door te kijken naar de mani\u00ebristische voorkeur voor citatie, detail en stilering, pleit de auteur voor een esthetiek van fragmenten en figuren die centraal staan in de historische kostuumdrama's als een internationaal genre. In gedetailleerde casestudies worden drie belangrijke kenmerken van het genre - het huis, het tableau en de brief - in relatie gebracht met de veranderende begrippen van visuele stijl, melodrama en geslacht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vidal ,Bel\u00e9n"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426536"], ["title", "Figuring the Past : Period Film and the Mannerist aesthetic"], ["doab_id", "15179"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642820"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642820"]], [["description", "Quer compreender o que h\u00e1 de espec\u00edfico no universo das jovens infratoras internadas em institui\u00e7\u00f5es para cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas no Rio de Janeiro. Os motivos que levam as jovens ao crime s\u00e3o discutidos, confrontando algumas teorias com o trabalho emp\u00edrico que alia observa\u00e7\u00e3o de campo, an\u00e1lise de desenhos, di\u00e1rios pessoais e entrevistas com as jovens, bem como an\u00e1lise de seus prontu\u00e1rios e de entrevistas com as m\u00e3es e com os(as) t\u00e9cnicos(as) da escola onde est\u00e3o recolhidas. Filhas do Mundo ser\u00e1 grande valia a todos que buscam sa\u00eddas para a supera\u00e7\u00e3o da viol\u00eancia nas mais variadas formas de manifesta\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Assis, Simone Gon\u00e7alves de; Constantino, Patr\u00edcia"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vjcdj"], ["title", "Filhas do mundo: infra\u00e7\u00e3o juvenil feminina no Rio de Janeiro"], ["doab_id", "19307"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413234"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413234"]], [["description", "Most Canadians are city dwellers, a fact often unacknowledged by twentieth-century Canadian films, with their preference for themes of wilderness survival or rural life. Modernist Canadian films tend to support what film scholar Jim Leach calls \u201cthe nationalist-realist project,\u201d a documentary style that emphasizes the exoticism and mythos of the land. Over the past several decades, however, the hegemony of Anglo-centrism has been challenged by francophone and First Nations perspectives and the character of cities altered by a continued influx of immigrants and the development of cities as economic and technological centers. No longer primarily defined through the lens of rural nostalgia, Canadian urban identity is instead polyphonic, diverse, constructed through multiple discourses and mediums, an exchange rather than a strict orientation. Taking on the urban as setting and subject, filmmakers are ideally poised to create and reflect multiple versions of a single city.Examining fourteen Canadian films produced from 1989 to 2007, including Denys Arcand\u2019s J\u00e9sus de Montr\u00e9al (1989), Jean-Claude Lauzon\u2019s L\u00e9olo (1992), Mina Shum\u2019s Double Happiness (1994), Cl\u00e9ment Virgo\u2019s Rude (1995), and Guy Maddin\u2019s My Winnipeg (2007), Film and the City is the first comprehensive study of Canadian film and \u201curbanity\u201d\u2014the totality of urban culture and life. Drawing on film and urban studies and building upon issues of identity formation in Canadian studies, Melnyk considers how filmmakers, films, and urban audiences experience, represent, and interpret urban spatiality, visuality, and orality. In this way, Film and the City argues that Canadian narrative film of the postmodern period has aided in articulating a new national identity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "George Melnyk"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Canadian film", "Quebec studies", "Film criticism", "Urban studies", "Postmodern film", "Denys Arcand", "Gary Burns", "Atom Egoyan", "Jean-Claude Lauzon", "Robert Lepage", "Jim Leach", "Guy Maddin", "Bruce McDonald", "Deepa Mehta", "Patricia Rozema", "Mina Shum", "Bruce Sweeney", "Denis Villeneuve", "Clement Virgo"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120232"], ["title", "Film and the City: The Urban Imaginary in Canadian Cinema"], ["doab_id", "16236"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356593", "9781927356609", "9781927356616"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356593 9781927356609 9781927356616"]], [["description", "Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination presents for the first time a comparative study of European film set design in the late 1920s and 1930s; based on a wealth of designers' drawings, film stills and archival documents, the book offers a new insight into the development and significance of trans-national artistic collaboration during this period. European cinema from the late 1920s to the late 1930s is famous for its attention to detail in terms of set design and visual effect. Focusing on developments in Britain, France, and Germany, Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination: Set Design in 1930s European Cinema provides a comprehensive analysis of the practices, styles, and function of cinematic production design during this period, and its influence on subsequent filmmaking patterns.

In Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination wordt verteld hoe grote Europese filmstudio's in Berlijn, Parijs en Londen dienden als artistieke broedplaatsen. Ze boden werkgelegenheid voor artiesten, architecten en ontwerpers van binnenlandse en buitenlandse bodem. Met behulp van een groot aantal tekeningen en stills uit films, wordt in het boek onderzocht hoe decorontwerpers in samenwerking met regisseurs en cineasten hedendaagse idee\u00ebn en ontwikkelingen verwerkten in de visuele en decoratieve kunst, architectuur en urban design en hoe zij deze idee\u00ebn toegankelijk maakten voor een breed publiek."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bergfelder ,Tim; Harris ,Sue; Street ,Sarah"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Culture and institutions", "Film", "Culture and instituten"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340132"], ["title", "Film Architecture and the Transnational Imagination : Set Design in 1930s European Cinema"], ["doab_id", "12834"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569801"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569801"]], [["description", "Film festivals are hugely popular events that attract lovers of cinema worldwide. Focusing on the world's most famous festivals - Cannes, Berlin, Venice and Rotterdam - Film Festivals tells the story of a phenomenon that began in the midst of geopolitical disputes in war-torn Europe. De Valck shows how festivals turned the odds into advantages and developed into a successful global network. Taking into account the oft multilateral influences of major actors, such as Hollywood, the avant-garde and political/economic agenda's, the book offers a comprehensive understanding of film festivals. A must-read for everyone interested in quality film cultures that revolve around cultural value, aesthetic innovation and socio-political relevance.

Filmfestivals zijn razend populaire evenementen. Niet verwonderlijk, want naast het zien van de nieuwste films, komt men uiteraard ook voor de 'glitter and glamour' dat onlosmakelijk met filmfestivals verbonden is. Film Festivals is het boek bij uitstek dat zich richt op deze en andere facetten die het filmfestival tot een wereldwijd succesvol netwerk hebben gemaakt. Film Festivals vertelt het verhaal van een fenomeen dat begon gedurende de geopolitieke strijd in het door oorlog verscheurde Europa, toegespitst op de meest belangrijke festivals: Cannes, Berlijn, Veneti\u00eb en Rotterdam. Het boek biedt een vernieuwende kijk op het fenomeen filmfestivals door vanuit een breed perspectief onderwerpen als het festivalprogramma, de festivalprijzen, de nationale regelgeving en marketing, het cinefiele aspect, de glamour, en de filmmarkt te belichten. Film Festivals is een must voor iedereen die ge\u00efnteresseerd is in de toestand van globale filmculturen en de manier waarop zij zichzelf weten te handhaven door middel van een dynamische mix van culturele waarden, esthetische innovatie, en socio-politiek belang."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Valck de ,Marijke"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340056"], ["title", "Film Festivals : From European Geopolitics to Global Cinephilia"], ["doab_id", "12773"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053561928"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053561928"]], [["description", "The first book-length account of the symbolic chains that link remakes and explain their disguises, Film Remakes as Rituals and Disguise is also the first book to explore how and why these stories are told. Anat Zanger focuses on contemporary retellings of three particular tales-Joan of Arc, Carmen, and Psycho-to reveal what she calls the remake's \"rituals of disguise.\" Joan of Arc, Zanger demonstrates, later appears as the tough, androgynous Ripley in the blockbuster Alien III film and the God-ridden Bess in Lars Von Trier's Breaking the Waves. Ultimately, these remake chains offer evidence of the archetypes of our own age, cultural \"fingerprints\" that are reflective of society's own preferences and politics. Underneath the redundancy of the remake, Zanger shows, lies our collective social memory. Indeed, at its core the lowly remake represents a primal attempt to gain immortality, to triumph over death-playing at movie theatres seven days a week, 365 days a year. Addressing the wider theoretical implications of her argument with sections on contemporary film issues such as trauma, jouissance, and censorship, Zanger offers an insightful addition to current debates in film theory and cinema history.

Wat is de reden van filmproducenten voor het maken van een 'remake', waarin een succesvol verhaal opnieuw verteld wordt? En waarin schuilt de aantrekkingskracht voor het publiek om deze verhalen steeds opnieuw te beleven? Wat maakt Carmen, Jeanne d'Arc of Ripley zo bijzonder? Film Remakes as Ritual and Disguise is de eerste grondige studie die het fenomeen 'remakes' onderzoekt in de context van de filmgeschiedenis. Een zeer breed scala aan films, van Olympia tot Carmen Hip-Hopera, van Jeanne d'Arc tot Aliens en Breaking the Waves, en van Suzanne and the Elders tot de installatie van Hitchcocks Psycho in het Centre Pompidou in 2002 passeert daarbij de revue. Zanger laat zien op welke manier de 'remakes' een nieuwe betekenis krijgen door elkaar te versterken, net iets te veranderen of door naar elkaar te verwijzen. Dit nieuwe deel in de serie \"http://www.aup.nl/filmculture\">Film Culture in Transition is geschreven vanuit een multidisciplinair perspectief om zodoende de relatie te doorgronden tussen institutionele, intertekstuele en feministische benaderingen van film. Aan de hand van zeer uiteenlopende aspecten van de films toont Zanger hoe de lange schakel van 'remakes' gezien kan worden als een reeks vingerafdrukken die de heersende voorkeur en overtuiging van de filmindustrie blootlegt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zanger ,Anat"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Culture and history", "Women and Education, research, related topics", "Film", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Vrouwenstudies"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340183"], ["title", "Film Remakes as Ritual and Disguise : From Carmen to Ripley"], ["doab_id", "12872"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567845"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567845"]], [["description", "The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) was created in 1939 to produce, distribute, and promote Canadian cinema both domestically and abroad. During the early years of the NFB, its creative output was largely informed by the turbulent political and social climate the world was facing. World War II, Communism, unemployment, the role of labour unions, and working conditions were all subjects featured by the NFB during the period from 1939 to 1946. In Filming Politics, author Malek Khouri explores the work of the NFB during this period and argues that the political discourse of the films produced by this institution offered a counter-hegemonic portrayal of working class people and presented them as agents of social change. These films also saw an organic link between Canadian struggles for social progress, in the war against fascism and for peace, and those promoted at the time by the Soviet Union. Khouri also analyzes the various social, institutional, and political elements that contributed to the formation of the NFB's discourse. Filming Politics brings to light a number of films from the early years of the NFB, most of which have long been forgotten. Khouri presents a thorough reading of these films and the historical context within which they were produced and viewed. As such he proposes a radically new outlook on the films from how they have been appropriated in previous studies on Canadian cinema. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Malek Khouri"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49340/1/UofC_FilmingPolitics_2007.pdf"], ["title", "Filming Politics: Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46"], ["doab_id", "15399"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386705"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386705"]], [["description", "This is the first monograph about the Austro-American Composer Max Steiner (1888-1971), one of the great pioneers of film music in the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood. In the early 1930ies with his visionary energy he helped to establish symphonic film music as an integrated part in the film production process. In contrary to many of his colleagues, Mr. Steiner had devoted himself completely to film music. Therefore the preoccupation with Max Steiner's music gives a very valuable insight into the craft of film composing. Supported by many quotes and music examples, the first part of this monograph shows how Mr. Steiner wrote his film music. From the first viewing and the spotting session to the final exact timing of the cues, the whole creative and technical process of his film composing is demonstrated. The music of Max Steiner has a couple of quasi formulaic elements: the regular use of leitmotifs, quotations from his own music and the accurate synchronisation of screen action and music cues (with its extreme form, the so-called mickey mousing). The principles of the subjective use of harmonies as well as the technique of instrumentation are shown. The reader will also learn about the special relationship between composer and orchestrator. This distinctive form of collaboration was typical for the Hollywood cinema of the 30ies and 40ies of the 20th century, the so called Golden Age and still is today. Because the studios wanted to save the precious time of their employed composers, they wanted them to write their music on sketch paper with two to four staves, with the themes, voice leadings, harmonies and basic requirements of instrumentation. Then the orchestrator had to transform this into a complete score. Throughout his whole career, Mr. Steiner had been working with three orchestrators. This collaboration reached such an intuitive level, that is was sufficient that Max Steiner wrote only rudimentary musical information. When these sketches had been transformed into scores, Steiner conducted the studio orchestra, where he normally used the click. The second part of the book is based to a big extent on Steiner's yet unpublished autobiography. Born at the end of the 19th century in Vienna, Max Steiner was considered a musical wunderkind. His father as well as his grandfather before him was a famous theatre impresario. One of his teachers was Gustav Mahler. Steiner's first career as composer, arranger and conductor of operettas and musicals led him from Vienna to London and New York and lasted about 30 years. Then, in 1929, he got a call from Hollywood where he fulfilled his determination as dean of film music (Bette Davis). In the 50ies, when the symphonic film music lost its acceptance also Max Steiner's amount of work decreased. In 1965 he wrote his last of more than 300 scores. With the help of original documents from the archive of Warner Bros., such as memos, letters or billings the reader will get a three dimensional insight not only about how the movie Casablanca was made but on the mechanisms of the movie industry as a whole. Parts of the original sketches and the score of the music for Casablanca have been carefully transformed into a piano reduction to demonstrate even more clearly the efficient use of his skills and the yet highly artistic approach of Mr. Steiner Furthermore an example of this film music is compared to an excerpt of Richard Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen. There the reader will see how film music was not only inspired by but precisely obtained musical tools from the late romantic music theatre. Or, in Max Steiner's own words: \"If Wagner would have lived in this century, he would be the number one film composer\". Max Steiner is an outstanding protagonist of a generation of European immigrants who formed the cultural life in the USA. He is an important link between his native city Vienna and his new homeland America and through composers such as Steiner the tradition of the late European romantic music still lives in the film music of Howard Shore or John Williams.

Dies ist die erste Monographie \u00fcber den austro-amerikanischen Komponisten Max Steiner (1888-1971), einen der gro\u00dfen Pioniere der Filmmusik des so genannten Goldenen Zeitalters Hollywoods. Es ist Max Steiners Verdienst, in den fr\u00fchen 1930ern die sinfonische Filmmusik als gleichberechtigten und dramaturgisch unerl\u00e4sslichen Bestandteil im Produktionsprozess der Filmindustrie Hollywoods durchgesetzt und etabliert zu haben. Steiner hat sich, im Gegensatz zu vielen seiner Kollegen, g\u00e4nzlich der Filmmusik verschrieben. Daher verschafft einem die Besch\u00e4ftigung mit Max Steiner einen guten Einblick, wie Filmmusik wirklich funktioniert. Unterst\u00fctzt von vielen Zitaten und Notenbeispielen wird im ersten Teil der Monographie gezeigt, wie Max Steiner seine Filmmusik geschrieben hat. Dies beginnt bei der ersten Ann\u00e4herung an den fertig geschnittenen Film, der schrittweisen Einteilung des Filmes und dem Festsetzen der cues. Max Steiners Musik beinhaltet verschiedene gleichsam formulaische Gestaltungsmerkmale: umfassender Gebrauch von Leitmotiven, h\u00e4ufiges Zitieren eigener Musik, punktgenaues Synchronisieren von Leinwandaktion und Musik, bis hin zum so genannten Mickey Mousing. Der subjektive Gebrauch der Harmonien und die Grundprinzipien der Instrumentierung werden erl\u00e4utert, sowie die f\u00fcr die Filmmusik auch heute noch typische Kooperation zwischen Komponist und Orchestrator, bei welcher die Komponisten nur die wichtigsten musikalischen Informationen in zwei- bis vierzeilige Notensysteme schreiben, und die Orchestrator dies dann in fertige Partituren ausarbeiten. W\u00e4hrend seiner gesamten Karriere arbeitete Steiner lediglich mit drei Orchestrierern. Diese Zusammenarbeit erreichte ein sehr hohes intuitives Niveau, so dass Steiner oftmals nur noch rudiment\u00e4re Angaben in seinen Skizzen gemacht hat. Seine Filmmusiken dirigierte er stets selbst, wobei er nach eigenen Angaben fast immer mit Klick arbeitete. Der biographische Teil st\u00fctzt sich im Wesentlichen auf die bisher unver\u00f6ffentlichte Autobiographie Max Steiners. Steiner, geboren im Wien des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts, war nach heutigen Vorstellungen ein musikalisches Wunderkind. Sein Vater war, ebenso wie bereits sein Gro\u00dfvater, ein wichtiger Theaterimpresario. Einer seiner Lehrer war Gustav Mahler. Steiners erste Karriere als Komponist, Arrangeur und Dirigent von Operetten und Musicals dauerte an die drei\u00dfig Jahre und umfasste die Stationen Wien, London und New York, bevor ihn 1929 der Ruf nach Hollywood ereilte, wo sich seine Bestimmung als Dean of Film Music (Bette Davis) erf\u00fcllen sollte. In den f\u00fcnfziger Jahren, als die Bedeutung der sinfonischen Filmmusik im Allgemeinen abzunehmen begann, verblasste auch langsam Steiners Stern. 1965 schrieb er die letzte von \u00fcber 300 Filmmusiken. Im dritten Teil wird zum einen mit Hilfe von Originaldokumenten wie Memos oder Briefen und Abrechnungen die genaue Entstehungsgeschichte des Filmes Casablanca nachgezeichnet. Der Leser bekommt zudem aus erster Hand einen Einblick in die Mechanismen der Filmindustrie. Zum anderen wurden Teile der Originalskizzen Steiners sowie der fertigen Partitur zu dieser Filmmusik vom Autor dieses Buches in Klavierausz\u00fcge umgewandelt, um so anschaulich zu dokumentieren, wie \u00f6konomisch und dennoch musikalisch stimmig und kunstvoll Max Steiner gearbeitet hat. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird durch einen Vergleich einer Passage dieser Filmmusik mit Ausz\u00fcgen aus Wagners Ring des Nibelungen dem Leser veranschaulicht, wie sehr die Filmmusik nicht nur ihre Inspiration, sondern ganz konkrete kompositorische Prinzipien vom sp\u00e4tromantischen Musiktheater \u00fcbernommen hat. Oder, wie Steiner es einmal ausdr\u00fcckte: \"If Wagner would have lived in this century, he would be the number one film composer\". Max Steiner ist einer der herausragenden Protagonisten einer Generation von europ\u00e4ischen Einwanderern, die das kulturelle Leben der USA nachhaltig gepr\u00e4gt haben. Er ist ein wichtiges Bindeglied zwischen seiner Geburtsstadt Wien und seiner neuen Heimat Amerika. Nicht zuletzt durch ihn lebt die Tradition der europ\u00e4ischen Sp\u00e4tromantik bis heute in der Kinomusik etwa eines Howard Shore oder John Williams weiter."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wegele ,Peter"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Film Music, Biography, Cinema, Musical science, Musicology, History of Music"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453612"], ["title", "Der Filmkomponist Max Steiner (1888-1971)"], ["doab_id", "15520"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788010"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788010"]], [["description", "The book, which is a redrafting of the doctoral thesis, represents a retrospective on modern philosophical anthropology through two of its major exponents. More specifically, it shows how mythology, the history of philosophy and language and Vico\u2019s conception of man have had as a constant yardstick the Cartesian approach of the psychology of Malebranche.

Il volume, frutto della rielaborazione della tesi di dottorato, costituisce una retrospettiva sull'antropologia filosofica moderna attraverso due dei suoi massimi esponenti. Pi\u00f9 specificamente mostra come la mitologia, la filosofia della storia e del linguaggio, la concezione vichiana dell'uomo abbiano avuto come costante punto di riferimento la psicologia d'impostazione cartesiana di Malebranche."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fabiani, Paolo"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Giambattista Vico", "Nicolas Malebranche", "Filosofia", "Giambattista Vico", "Nicolas Malebranche"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345482"], ["title", "La filosofia dell'immaginazione in Vico e Malebranche"], ["doab_id", "13029"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530349"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530342"]], [["description", "Los textos que aqu\u00ed se compilan son una parte de las ponencias presentadas a un Encuentro internacional, celebrado en Valencia entre los d\u00edas 6 y 7 de noviembre del a\u00f1o 2006. A las incertidumbres que inexorablemente nos aguardan ya hoy y en especial en el futuro hemos pretendido responder con las reflexiones que hicieron, en un momento y un lugar cr\u00edticos, la pl\u00e9yade de idealistas alemanes y de sus detractores, de cuyas propuestas a\u00fan no hemos conseguido desembarazarnos, aunque muchos se esmeran en tacharlas de obsoletas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oncina Coves, Faustino (ed.)"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Filosof\u00eda", "Universities", "Philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/3506/16229_FILOSOFIA.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Filosof\u00eda para la Universidad, filosof\u00eda contra la Universidad (de Kant a Nietzsche)"], ["doab_id", "16174"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498493832"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498493832"]], [["description", "Colet\u00e2nea preciosa n\u00e3o somente para os especialistas, mas para todo aquele que pretende se iniciar na pesquisa e se interrogar sobre a natureza da ci\u00eancia, seus desafios e seus problemas fundamentais. A obra re\u00fane diversos especialistas do Brasil e da Fran\u00e7a na busca de contemplar as \"diversas vertentes de pensamento que constituem a fundamenta\u00e7\u00e3o do atual debate sobre as ci\u00eancias\", em artigos que questionam as rela\u00e7\u00f5es das ci\u00eancias, das t\u00e9cnicas e da sociedade, n\u00e3o de um ponto de vista estritamente \"positivista\" ou \"dogm\u00e1tico\", mas com enfoque hist\u00f3rico-cr\u00edtico. E mais: s\u00e3o respeitadas as diferentes perspectivas dos autores, mesmo as conflitantes, por considerar esta \u00f3tica n\u00e3o uma contradi\u00e7\u00e3o, mas uma riqueza a ser oferecida aos leitores."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Portocarrero, Vera (org.)"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["Ci\u00eancia - Hist\u00f3ria, Filosofia, Sociologia, Pesquisadores, Conhecimento"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rnn6q"], ["title", "Filosofia, hist\u00f3ria e sociologia das ci\u00eancias I: abordagens contempor\u00e2neas "], ["doab_id", "16419"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414095"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414095"]], [["description", "This book reflects the current state of discussion about agricultural and rural finance in developing and transition countries. It provides insight into specific themes, such as commodity value chains, farm banking and risk management in agricultural banking, structured finance, crop insurance, mobile banking and how to increase effectiveness in rural finance. Case studies illustrate various aspects of agricultural and rural finance in developing economies. The book is based on one of the yearly financial Sector Development Symposia held by the KfW Development Bank."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Doris K\u00f6hn"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Microfinance", "Rural Finance", "Agricultural Finance", "Rural Development", "Developing Countries"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-54034-9"], ["title", "Finance for Food"], ["doab_id", "15905"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642540332", "9783642540349"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642540332 (Print) 9783642540349 (Online)"]], [["description", "Despite the rise in recent decades in the average income level, economic insecurity has also increased. Written by leading experts this state-of-the-art collection illuminates the causes of economic insecurity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rob Vos; Nazrul Islam"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544421"], ["title", "Financing for Overcoming Economic Insecurity"], ["doab_id", "17136"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665773"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665773"]], [["description", "This book assesses feasible financing strategies for policymakers to follow in pursuance of human development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marco V. Sanchez; Rob Vos"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544551"], ["title", "Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East"], ["doab_id", "17137"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544551"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544551"]], [["description", "The present book provides a concise overview of relevant studies in the fieldof financing sustainable development in communities, innovation and public privatepartnership, with special stress on analogy between smart cities and smartmunicipalities. The research generated till now the most the complete and entirerepository of data connected to project financing in municipalities, the number andcompetences of clerks, innovation and public private partnership in Slovenianmunicipalities in years 2005 till 2012. It scopes one quarter of municipalities and onefifth of Slovenian population. In total of 200 hypotheses were tested for significance ofnumber or shares of projects with different ways of financing with influential factorssuch as region, the number of clerks, the number of competent and high educatedclerks, municipal experiences with public private partnership, cooperation betweenmunicipalities and experiences with innovation. The hypotheses were tested for eachyear. Effects of selected factors in the period often vary from year to year. We haveexplained the possible causes for the difference in power factor."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patricija Jankovi\u010d"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["smart municipalities, inovation, municipality projects, sustainable development, public private partnerskih"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/21"], ["title", "Financiranje projektov in inovacij v pametnih ob\u010dinah"], ["doab_id", "17642"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovene"], ["isbns", ["9789616842389"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842389"]], [["description", "For a good 50 years now, theses of \u00bbvanishing humanity\u00ab, its \u00bbdissolution\u00ab, or its \u00bbend\u00ab have been haunting philosophy. People constantly speak of the \u00bbdeath of the subject\u00ab. From Kant, Hegel, and Marx to Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno, and Foucault, a philosophical skepticism is manifesting which concerns \u00bbman\u00ab, pointing beyond him. This volume sheds light on the backgrounds and meanings of these \u00bbpost-modern\u00ab postulations without succumbing to polemic prejudice. The different contributions reconstruct the historically relevant criticisms that speak out against an anthropological exaltation and absolutization of \u00bbmankind\u00ab. At the same time, the volume takes a philosophical stance against the current trend of naturalist images of humanity being revived in biological sciences and brain research.

Seit bereits gut 50 Jahren geistern in der Philosophie die Thesen vom \u00bbVerschwinden des Menschen\u00ab, seiner \u00bbAufl\u00f6sung\u00ab oder seinem \u00bbEnde\u00ab herum. Vom \u00bbTod des Subjekts\u00ab ist immer wieder die Rede. Von Kant, Hegel und Marx bis zu Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno und Foucault etabliert sich eine philosophische Skepsis, die sich auf \u00bbden Menschen\u00ab bezieht und \u00fcber ihn hinausweist. Dieses Buch kl\u00e4rt \u00fcber die Hintergr\u00fcnde und Bedeutungen dieser als \u00bbpostmodern\u00ab geltenden Postulate auf, ohne dabei in polemische Vorurteile zu verfallen. In den einzelnen Beitr\u00e4gen werden die historisch einschl\u00e4gigen Kritiken rekonstruiert, die sich gegen eine anthropologische Erh\u00f6hung oder Verabsolutierung \u00bbdes Menschen\u00ab aussprechen. Zugleich bezieht der Band philosophisch Position gegen den aktuellen Trend einer Wiederbelebung naturalistischer Menschenbilder in Biowissenschaften und Hirnforschung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "R\u00f6lli ,Marc"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Human", "Philosophy", "Anthropology", "Critique", "Posthumanism", "Subject", "Philosophical Anthropology", "German History of Philosophy", "French History of Philosophy", "History of Philosophy", "Mensch", "Philosophie", "Anthropologie", "Kritik", "Posthumanismus", "Subjekt", "Philosophische Anthropologie", "Deutsche Philosophiegeschichte", "Franz\u00f6sische Philosophiegeschichte", "Philosophiegeschichte"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=595360"], ["title", "Fines Hominis? Zur Geschichte der philosophischen Anthropologiekritik"], ["doab_id", "18607"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783837629569", "9783839429563"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837629569 9783839429563"]], [["description", "This volume\u2019s purpose is making standards of basic employment law, accessible to everybody, even to non-lawyers.This book is part of the \u201cUna finestra sul mondo del lavoro\u201d project of University of Milano \u2013 Bicocca. The project is promoted by the Students\u2019Association of Bicocca and the Left Wing List.This book is part of the \u201cA window on the world of work\u201d project of University of Milano \u2013 Bicocca. The project is promoted by the Students\u2019Association of Bicocca and the Left Wing List. Within this project, graduate students of the Faculty of Law, practitioners and young lawyers specialized in employment law, have joined theirskills to create a platform of labour law training for students. This work does not aim to academically and comprehensively treat these subjects: it is rather moved by the spirit of giving to all, non-lawyers as well, the ability to access the raw information to understand the regulation of their employment contract."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "AA.VV.; edited by Riccardo Bonato and Francesca Campini"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["employment law"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Bonato.Eng_17.03.pdf"], ["title", "Una finestra sul mondo del lavoro"], ["doab_id", "16860"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867053131"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053131"]], [["description", "Este volumen tiene como objetivo principal el de aproximar a todos los p\u00fablicos, sean o no juristas, las normas b\u00e1sicas del derecho del trabajo.Este libro forma parte del proyecto \u201cUna finestra sul mondo del lavoro\u201d de la Universidad Mil\u00e1n- Bicocca promovido por la Asociaci\u00f3n estudiantil de Biocca y Listas de Izquierdas. Dentro de este proyecto, los doctorandos de la facultad de derecho,los practicantes y j\u00f3venes abogados especializados en derecho del trabajo, han unido sus conocimientos para crear una plataforma de formaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica laboral para los estudiantes. Esta obra no tiene la ambici\u00f3n de tratar en modo acad\u00e9mico estos argumentos, sino que pretende dar a conocer a todos la posibilidad de acceder a la informaci\u00f3n b\u00e1sica para poder comprender la regulaci\u00f3n del propio contrato de trabajo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riccardo Bonato, Francesca Campini, a cura di"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Bonato_Rotomail_Spagnolo.pdf"], ["title", "Una finestra sul mondo del lavoro"], ["doab_id", "16887"], ["language_unmapped", "spanish"], ["isbns", ["9788867053148"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053148"]], [["description", "In the 24 contributions of this commemorative publication companions, colleagues and friends of the G\u00f6ttingen Slavonic and Literary scholar Walter Kroll honor his 65th Birthday. Its thematic diversity reflects the breadth of the academic interests and research areas of the honoured. In addition to the essays on aspects of the Bulgarian, Croatian, Lachian, Polish, Russian and Czech literature, the volume contains also works regarding the following areas: cultural studies, literary theory, modern history, Russian philosophy, micro literary language research, language, personal names research, lexical semantics, historical and comparative linguistics . Some cheerful and a lyrical contribution, plus a list of publications round off the volume.

In den 24 Beitr\u00e4gen dieses Buches ehren Wegbegleiter, Kollegen und Freunde den G\u00f6ttinger Slavisten und Literaturwissenschaftler Walter Kroll anl\u00e4sslich seines 65. Geburtstages. In ihrer thematischen Vielfalt spiegelt die Festschrift die Breite der akademischen Interessen und Forschungsgebiete des Geehrten wider. Neben Aufs\u00e4tzen zu Aspekten der bulgarischen, kroatischen, lachischen, polnischen, russischen und tschechischen Literatur enth\u00e4lt der Band auch Arbeiten aus den folgenden Bereichen: Kulturwissenschaft, Literaturtheorie, neuere Geschichte, russische Philosophie, Mikroliteratursprachenforschung, Sprachphilosophie, Personennamenforschung, lexikalische Semantik und historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. Einige heitere und ein lyrischer Beitrag sowie ein Schriftenverzeichnis runden die Festgabe ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bockholt, Volker; Freise, Matthias; Lehfeldt, Werner; Meyer, Peter"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["slavonic studies", "lingustics", "slavonic studies", "lingustics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610286"], ["title", "Finis coronat opus - Festschrift f\u00fcr Walter Kroll zum 65. Geburtstag"], ["doab_id", "13093"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616482"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616482"]], [["description", "This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, pushing past the limits of traditional macroeconomic analyses. Each chapter is dedicated to an examination of a different factor affecting firm productivity - innovation, ICT usage, on-the-job-training, firm age, access to credit, and international linkages - highlighting the differences in firm characteristics, behaviors, and strategies. By showcasing this remarkable heterogeneity, this collection challenges regional policymakers to look beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and create balanced policy mixes tailored to distinct firm needs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Matteo Grazzi; Carlo Pietrobelli; Inter-American Development Bank"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["development", " economics"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/978-1-349-58151-1"], ["title", "Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Engine of Economic Development"], ["doab_id", "19500"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781349581504", "9781349581511"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781349581504 (Print) 9781349581511 (Online)"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marks ,H.J."], ["date", "1959"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613366"], ["title", "The First Contest for Singapore 1819-1824"], ["doab_id", "18522"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285910", "9789004286511"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285910 9789004286511"]], [["description", "The film-book The First Sail: J. Hillis Miller is based on the documentary film of the same name made in 2010. The political, academic and environmental contexts surrounding this film since its release prove with more and more urgency the need to read and listen to J. Hillis Miller, and would require revisiting everything that has been said and seen.Together with the film transcript and an interview with Miller conducted by Taryn Devereux, the essays in this volume have been gathered from several international events devoted to Miller's works. With essays by Henry Sussman, Sarah Dillon, Charlie Gere, Nicholas Royle, \u00c9amonn Dunne and Michael O\u2019Rourke, Dragan Kujund\u017ei\u0107, Julian Wolfreys and J. Hillis Miller, The First Sail in itself thus forms a vast network of references, operating as an installation and network of emerging projects."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kujund\u017ei\u0107 ,Dragan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["documentary film", "The First Sail", "film transcript", "interview", "J. Hillis Miller"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577050"], ["title", "The First Sail: J. Hillis Miller"], ["doab_id", "17464"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420030"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420030"]], [["description", "The origins of World War I were different and varied. But it was Austria-Hungary which unleashed the war. After more than four years the Habsburg Monarchy was defeated and ended as a failed state.

Die Ursachen des Ersten Weltkriegs sind vielf\u00e4ltig. Die Entfesselung des Kriegs geschah jedoch durch \u00d6sterreich-Ungarn. Nach mehr als vier Jahren zerfiel die Habsburgermonarchie als Folge innerer Aufl\u00f6sung und der milit\u00e4rischen Niederlage."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rauchensteiner ,Manfried"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["First World War, Austria-Hungary, Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918", "Erster Weltkrieg, \u00d6sterreich-Ungarn, Habsburgermonarchie, 1914-1918"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=482374"], ["title", "The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918"], ["doab_id", "16519"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783205795889"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795889"]], [["description", "This book focuses on the fiscal decentralisation processes and the systems of local government financing in Serbia and Montenegro in the period 2000-2015. The retrospective analysis of the decentralisation processes in both countries show that they have been moving back and forth between decentralisation and centralisation, constantly swinging the pendulum of political discourse and the legal framework on intergovernmental fiscal governance. During the observed period, the systems of local government financing in both countries have often undergone drastic changes. Thus, this study focuses on the analysis of the impact of the legal framework related to intergovernmental fiscal relations, fiscal decentralisation and local government financing in Serbia and Montenegro on local government budgets. By applying both normative and economic analyses, as well as both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study evaluates the legal quality and economic and factual effects of relevant legislation on local government budgets and status in the period 2000-2015. The study is divided into four parts: 1) Introduction; 2) Case Study: Serbia; 3) Case Study: Montenegro (both case studies include normative, economic and empirical analyses of the fiscal decentralisation process and the system of local government financing); 4) Comparative conclusions and recommendations. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sanja Kmezi\u0107; Katarina \u0110uli\u0107; Mijat Jocovi\u0107; Jadranka Kalu\u0111erovi\u0107"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Fiscal decentralisation, Local government financing, Intergovernmental fiscal relations, Serbia, Montenegro, Own-source revenues, Shared revenues, Transfers and grants "]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/download/47/43/173-1"], ["title", "Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Government Financing in Serbia and Montenegro "], ["doab_id", "19687"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842693"]], ["provider", "www.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", " 9789616842693 "]], [["description", "Fishing for a Solution provides a detailed, policy-based account of the development of Canada's fisheries relations with the European Union. It covers over 35 years of this contentious international relationship, from the extension of Canada's fisheries jurisdiction to 200 miles in 1977 and the creation of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) two years later, to the development of a proposed new NAFO Convention in 2007, which awaits formal approval. Based on the experience of participants from inside the deliberations and negotiations, the book explores the impact of Canada's internal politics on international fisheries negotiations. For anyone interested in the workings of Canadian foreign policy, resource policy or in the complexities of managing international relations, it offers a unique account of the development of Canada-EU fisheries relations, blending the academic perspective of a long-time student of those relations with the insights of two former senior public servants who led the international affairs directorate of Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Donald Barry; Bob Applebaum; Earl Wiseman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["International Relations", " Political Science", " History"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/50142/1/UofCPress_FishingforSolution_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Fishing for a Solution: Canada's Fisheries Relations with the European Union, 1977-2013"], ["doab_id", "16187"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387795"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387795"]], [["description", "On 10 and 11 May 2006 the international conference on the theme \u201cRiver, landscape and land conservation. Overcoming emergencies and grasping opportunities\u201d was held in the main lecture hall of Florence University. The initiative was promoted and organised by the PhD course in Landscape Design \u2013 Professor Giulio G. Rizzo, Dr. Michele Ercolini \u2013 and by the Master degree course in Landscaping \u2013 Professor Guido Ferrara \u2013 of the University of Florence. The majority of the addresses presented during the two days of work, and included in this book, were characterised by the cultural and scientific input of the initiative, in other words the attempt to transform a \u201csystem of demands\u201d (namely the requirements of land conservation) into a \u201csystem of opportunities\u201d for the design of new landscapes.

Nei giorni 10 e 11 maggio 2006 si \u00e8 tenuto a Firenze, presso l'Aula Magna del Rettorato, il Convegno internazionale sul tema \"Fiume, paesaggio, difesa del suolo. Superare le emergenze, cogliere le opportunit\u00e0\". L'input culturale e scientifico di tale iniziativa (promossa ed organizzata dal Dottorato di Ricerca in Progettazione Paesistica \u2013 prof. Giulio G. Rizzo, dott. Michele Ercolini \u2013 e dal Master in Paesaggistica \u2013 prof. Guido Ferrara \u2013 dell'Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze), vale a dire il tentativo di trasformare un \"sistema di esigenze\" (riconducibile a necessit\u00e0 di difesa del suolo) in un \"sistema di opportunit\u00e0\" per la progettazione di \"nuovi paesaggi\", ha contraddistinto la maggior parte delle relazioni presentate nelle due giornate di lavoro ed inserite nel presente volume."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ercolini, Michele "], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Landscape", "Architecture", "Environment", "Proceedings", "Paesaggio", "Architettura", "Ambiente", "Atti"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345471"], ["title", "Fiume, paesaggio, difesa del suolo"], ["doab_id", "13018"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884535504"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884535504"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Voorhoeve ,C."], ["date", "1965"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613367"], ["title", "The Flamingo Bay Dialect of the Asmat Language"], ["doab_id", "18523"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286108", "9789004286740"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286108 9789004286740"]], [["description", "Flash + Cube (1965-1975) is an artist\u2019s book about the Sylvania flashcube\u2014the space-aged, flash photography device, revolutionary in 1965 and nearly obsolete by 1975. Assembled from a wide range of archival materials\u2014a \u201cterrorist letter,\u201d G.I. photographs from Vietnam, Sylvania flashcube advertisements, as well as Long\u2019s photographs and photomontages\u2014the book explores the links between light, war, history and photography.Apart from its circulation as a novelty item online, the flashcube is largely forgotten. The history of photographic flash is also often relegated to a footnote and is strikingly under-analyzed. Yet flash\u2019s blinding effects and military genealogy, and the flashcube\u2019s precise contemporaneity with the war in Vietnam make this a rich analytical object with which to reflect on the cultural, political and economic imperatives of its moment. As Long\u2019s deft work with this archive shows, the flashcube is good to think with."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marget Long"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["art, flashcube, history of photography, photography, photomontage, Sylvania, visual studies"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/flash-cube-1965-1975/"], ["title", "Flash + Cube (1965-1975)"], ["doab_id", "16018"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615624426"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615624426"]], [["description", "Ralf L\u00fctzelschwab beleuchtet das spannungsreiche Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen einem in der Forschung schlecht beleumundeten Papst \u2013 Clemens VI. (1342-1352) \u2013 und seinen engsten Mitarbeitern, den Kardin\u00e4len. Die Auswertung bisher unedierter Quellen, v.a. der Predigten Clemens VI., zeigt die Art und Weise, wie der Papst von Avignon aus Einfluss auf das politische Geschehen in ganz Europa auszu\u00fcben versuchte. Neben dem Einblick in die sp\u00e4tmittelalterliche Politik ergibt sich daraus ein neues Bild Clemens VI., der sich keineswegs als so schwach und verderbt erweist, wie in der Forschung bisher angenommen wurde. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Friedrich-Meinecke-Preis der Freien Universit\u00e4t Berlin 2003 f\u00fcr eine hervorragende Dissertation im Bereich Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00fctzelschwab, Ralf"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/221110"], ["title", "Flectat cardinales ad velle suum? Clemens VI. und sein Kardinalskolleg. Ein Beitrag zur kurialen Politik in der Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts"], ["doab_id", "18016"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486841305", "9783486580945"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486841305, 9783486580945"]], [["description", "Flexibility has become a watchword in modern education, but its implementation is by no means a straightforward matter. Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice sheds light on the often taken-for-granted assumptions that inform daily practice and examines the institutional dynamics that help and hinder efforts towards flexibility. The collection is international in scope, drawing on the experience of specialists in distance education from North America, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, and Japan. Contributors to the volume were asked to reflect candidly and critically on questions that include: \u2022What precisely is flexible learning? \u2022Who or what is driving the flexibility agenda, and for whose benefit? And \u2022who or what is resisting it? \u2022What challenges must be overcome in order to achieve flexibility, and what are some of the compromises it can entail? In addressing these and other issues, the authors offer a wealth of theoretical insights and a frank assessment of their practical experience. Their report from the trenches will be invaluable to anyone seeking to broaden the reach of higher education. \u201cEssentially, the book is about what happens when the canonical concept collides with the \u2018rough terrains of practice,\u2019 and in addressing this question, it succeeds admirably. . . . And there\u2019s more \u2013 much more \u2013 from the thirty-three contributors, in addition to the insightful \u2018wrap-around\u2019 provided by the editors. . . . Your thinking will be both challenged and informed.\u201d \u2014David Murphy (read the rest of the review at David Murphy\u2019s Occasional Blog)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Burge; Ch\u00e8re Campbell Gibson; Terry Gibson"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Distance learning", "methodology", "technology"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120203"], ["title", "Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice: Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education"], ["doab_id", "14436"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836201", "9781926836218", "9781926836621"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836201 9781926836218 9781926836621"]], [["description", "The flowering thorn expresses the dual nature of the ballad: at once a distinctive expression of European tradition, but also somewhat tricky to approach from a scholarly perspective, requiring a range of disciplines to illuminate its rich composition. Most of this latter quality has to do with the very features that characterize ballads... or narrative songs. These include an appearance of fragmentation; a wide range of cultural and social referents; complex, evocative symbolic language; and variation. The notable multiformity of meaning, text and tune is mirrored in scholarship, too. The Flowering Thorn is therefore wide ranging, with articles written by world authorities from the fields of folklore, history, literature, and ethnology, employing a variety of methodologies"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McKean, Thomas"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/68"], ["title", "The Flowering Thorn"], ["doab_id", "14726"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215687"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215687"]], [["description", "In the Federal Republic of Germany the number of asylum seekers has fallen considerably in recent years. The recognition rate lies at around one percent. What has happened to the refugees? Are there no longer any reasons to apply for asylum? In order to find asylum seekers, one must look in the new EU member states on the external borders, and to the countries immediately beyond the borders: because of regulations about jurisdiction, more and more refugees become stranded on the edges of the EU and can only reach other European target countries by irregular means. The study shows, using Germany and Poland as examples, how the significance of asylum law has changed over the last 20 years, how this change can be explained, and how it relates to migrants\u2019 strategies. Inthis manner the study offers new insight into the field of asylum policy in three respects: on the one hand, asylum policy is analysed in the context of category construction related to migration policy. In this way the significance of the categorization and hierarchization of \u2018desirable and \u2018undesirable\u2019 migrants as a central component of \u2018migration management\u2019 is revealed. On the other hand, the two studies of individual countries provide an extensive picture of asylum policy in Germany and Poland. By embedding the two case studies in developments at EU level, and relating them to each other, the study offers a new and comprehensive insight into the dynamics which have determined the changes in the European asylum regime in the last two decades.

Die Zahl der Asylsuchenden ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den letzten Jahren stark zur\u00fcckgegangen. Die Anerkennungsquote liegt bei rund einem Prozent. Wo sind die Fl\u00fcchtlinge geblieben? Gibt es keine Gr\u00fcnde mehr, Asyl zu beantragen? Auf der Suche nach den AsylbewerberInnen wird man in den neueren EU-Mitgliedstaaten an den Au\u00dfengrenzen und in den EU-Anrainerstaaten f\u00fcndig: Aufgrund von Zust\u00e4ndigkeitsregelungen stranden immer mehr Fl\u00fcchtlinge an den R\u00e4ndern der EU und k\u00f6nnen andere europ\u00e4ische Ziell\u00e4nder nur noch irregul\u00e4r erreichen. Die Studie zeigt am Beispiel Deutschlands und Polens, wie sich der Wandel des Asylrechts in den vergangenen 20 Jahren vollzogen hat, wie er erkl\u00e4rt werden kann und in welchem Verh\u00e4ltnis er zu den Strategien von MigrantInnen steht. Sie erschlie\u00dft damit das Feld der Asylpolitik in dreierlei Hinsicht neu: Zum einen wird die Asylpolitik im Kontext migrationspolitischer Kategorienkonstruktionen analysiert. Auf diese Weise wird die Bedeutung der Kategorisierung und Hierarchisierung von \u201aerw\u00fcnschten\u2018 und \u201aunerw\u00fcnschten\u2018 MigrantInnen als zentraler Bestandteil des \u201aMigrationsmanagements\u2018 aufgezeigt. Zum anderen liefern die beiden L\u00e4nderstudien ein umf\u00e4ngliches Bild der Asylpolitik in Deutschland und Polen. Indem die beiden Fallstudien schlie\u00dflich in die Entwicklungen auf EU-Ebene eingebettet und aufeinander bezogen werden, er\u00f6ffnet die Studie einen neuen und umfassenden Einblick in die Dynamiken, die den Wandel des europ\u00e4ischen Asylregimes in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten bestimmt haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00fcller, Doreen"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Demography", "Geography", "Demography", "Geography"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610262"], ["title", "Flucht und Asyl in europ\u00e4ischen Migrationsregimen - Metamorphosen einer umk\u00e4mpften Kategorie am Beispiel der EU, Deutschlands und Polens"], ["doab_id", "13342"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875715"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875715"]], [["description", "Folklore and the Internet is a pioneering examination of the folkloric qualities of the World Wide Web, e-mail, and related digital media. It shows that folk culture, sustained by a new and evolving vernacular, has been a key, since the Internet"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Blank, Trevor J."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/35"], ["title", "Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World"], ["doab_id", "14698"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217506"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217506"]], [["description", "Over thirty scholars examine the development of folklore studies through the lens of over one hundred years of significant activity in a state that has provided grist for the mills of many prominent folklorists. In the past the Folklore Society of Utah has examined the work of such scholars in biographical and other essays published in its newsletters. This book incorporates those essays and goes well beyond them to include many other topices, offering a thorough history of folklore studies and a guide to resources for those pursuing research in Utah now and in the future. The essays survey the development and contributions of folklore studies in Utah from 1892 to 2004 but also represent developments in both academic and public-sector folklore throughout the United States. Following a thorough historical introduction, part I profiles the first folklorists working in the state, including Hector Lee, Thomas Cheney, Austin and Alta Fife, Wayland Hand, and Lester Hubbard. Part II looks at the careers of prominent Utah folklorists Jan Harold Brunvand, Barre Toelken, and William B. Wilson, as well as the works of the next, current generation of folklorists. Part III covers studies in major folklore genres, with essays on the study of material culture, vernacular architecture, and Mormon, ethnic, Native American, and Latino folklore. Part IV examines public folklore programs including organizations, conferences, and tourism. Back matter describes academic programs at Utah institutions of higher education, summarizes the holdings of the various folklore archives in the state, and provides a complete cross-indexed bibliography of articles, books, and recordings of Utah folklore."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stanley, David"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/31"], ["title", "Folklore in Utah: A History and Guide to Resources"], ["doab_id", "14694"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215885"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215885"]], [["description", "Folklore"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "de Caro, Frank"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/67"], ["title", "The Folklore Muse"], ["doab_id", "14727"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217261"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217261"]], [["description", "This comparative investigation is focused on the comparison of contents, themes, topics, motives, but also symbolism, stereotype situations, patterns of behavior etc. of sung and narrated oral text in South-east Europe. Great importance was given to bibliography, usually difficult to compile in a time-consuming process; a separate part at the end of the volume is dedicated to a bibliographie r\u00e9son\u00e9e, arranged according to countries and genres; this will facilitate further and more specific research in special fields of interest. This book offers for the first time a comparative survey of nearly all genres of the traditional oral folklore of Southeast Europe, independent from language, ethnic grouping, national boarders, religion and confessions; in this way the high degree of homogenity of the highly developed traditional oral culture in the historical Balkans is documented as well as the high numbers of variants and versions and the superb literary quality of these orally transmitted lingual manifestations, in some cases equal to the written literature of the region.

Die komparative Untersuchung besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit dem Vergleich von Inhalten, Thematiken und Motiven, von gesungenen und gesprochenen Oraltexten in S\u00fcdosteuropa, aber auch symbolischen Konstellationen, stereotype Situationen, Verhaltensweisen, die alle zusammen charakteristische Teile der traditionellen Kulturtopologie des Balkanraums bilden. Besondere Sorgfalt wird auf die schwierig und zeitraubend zu erfassenden Bibliographie gelegt; ein eigener Abschnitt am Bandende bringt eine ausf\u00fchrlich kommentierte kritische Bibliographie, nach L\u00e4ndern und Gattungen geordnet, die weiterf\u00fchrende spezifischere Forschungsvorhaben erleichtern soll. Mit dieser Monographie wird erstmals eine vergleichende Gesamt\u00fcbersicht \u00fcber die s\u00fcdosteurop\u00e4ische Folklore geboten, unabh\u00e4ngig von Sprachzugeh\u00f6rigkeiten, Ethnien, Staatsgrenzen, Religionen und Glaubensgemeinschaften, und damit der hohe Grad an Homogenit\u00e4t der traditionellen Oralkultur dieses historischen Kommunikationsraums nachgewiesen, ebenso wie die hohe Variantenanzahl und literarische Qualit\u00e4t dieser m\u00fcndlichen Sprachmanifestationen, die der schriftlichen Literatur durchaus ebenb\u00fcrtig sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puchner ,Walter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Folklore, oral literature, folk song, folk tale", "Folklore, m\u00fcndliche Literatur, Volkslied, Volkserz\u00e4hlung"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611242"], ["title", "Die Folklore S\u00fcdosteuropas"], ["doab_id", "19248"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205203124"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205203124"]], [["description", "Interest in the conjunctions of film and folklore is stronger and more diverse than ever. Documentaries on folk life and expression remain a vital genre, but scholars such as Sharon Sherman and Mikel Koven also are exploring how folklore elements appear in, and merge with, popular cinema. They look at how movies, a popular culture medium, can as well be both a medium and type of folklore, playing cultural roles and conveying meanings customarily found in other folkloric forms. They thus use the methodology of folklore studies to analyze films made for commercial distribution. The contributors to this book look at film and folklore convergences, showing how cinema conveys vernacular culture in traditional and popular venues. Folklore/Cinema will be of interest to scholars from many fields---folklore, film studies, popular culture, American studies, history, anthropology, and literature among them---and will help introduce students in various courses to intersections of film and culture."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sherman, Sharon R.; Koven, Mikel J."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/34"], ["title", "Folklore/Cinema: Popular Film as Vernacular Culture"], ["doab_id", "14697"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216738"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216738"]], [["description", "This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access. This publication provides a new understanding of the religious function of the East Javanese temples. The study of the cap-figures and their symbolism yields an outstanding contribution to the uniqueness of Majapahit culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kieven ,L."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613436"], ["title", "Following the Cap-Figure in Majapahit Temple Reliefs"], ["doab_id", "18458"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183888", "9789004258655"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183888 9789004258655"]], [["description", "Following Tradition is an expansive examination of the history of tradition"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bronner, Simon J."], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/66"], ["title", "Following Tradition"], ["doab_id", "14728"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212396"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212396"]], [["description", "Em que medida a fome continua sendo objeto de discuss\u00e3o e se articula no campo da sa\u00fade? Que formas de compreens\u00e3o sobre o tema v\u00eam prevalecendo historicamente? Estas s\u00e3o apenas algumas das perguntas que Rosana Magalh\u00e3es procura responder, analisando a obra de Josu\u00e9 de Castro. Assim, este livro se contextualiza nas d\u00e9cadas de 80 e 90, quando a fome passa a ser vista como problema pol\u00edtico e de cidadania, demandando consenso e coopera\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Estado e a sociedade civil. A autora tem, ainda, o cuidado de ressalvar que sua interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o \u00e9 a que det\u00e9m a verdade absoluta, convidando os interessados ao debate sobre um \"pensamento marcante no estudo da fome, tanto no cen\u00e1rio nacional quanto no internacional\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magalh\u00e3es, Rosana"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Fome, Castro, Jos\u00e9 de 1908-1973, Direitos civis"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3mr2s"], ["title", "Fome: uma (re)leitura de Josu\u00e9 de Castro"], ["doab_id", "16420"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413968"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413968"]], [["description", "Food craving refers to an intense desire or urge to consume a specific food. In Western or Westernized societies, these craved foods usually have high palatability and are energy dense, that is, they have high sugar and/or fat content. Accordingly, the most often craved food is chocolate. Food craving is a multidimensional experience as it includes cognitive (e.g. thinking about food), emotional (e.g. desire to eat or changes in mood), behavioral (e.g. seeking and consuming food), and physiological (e.g. salivation) aspects. Experiences of food craving are common, that is, they do not reflect abnormal eating behavior per se. However, very intense and frequent food craving experiences are associated with obesity and eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The aim of this research topic was to gather new contributions to a variety of aspects of food craving, which include its assessment, cognitive and emotional triggers, moderators, and correlates of food craving, and the relevance of food cravings in clinical issues, among others."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Meule; Boris C. Rodriguez-Martin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Food", "craving", "Body Weight", "Bulimia", "Binge eating", "Obesity", "food addiction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2313/food-cravings"], ["title", "Food cravings"], ["doab_id", "17814"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195176"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195176"]], [["description", "Food price volatility is one of the major challenges facing the global agricultural system today. This was most vividly illustrated during the global food crisis of 2007\u20139 when price spikes occurred for key staple food commodities\u2014such as wheat, rice, maize, and soybeans. Given the variety of reactions by governments of countries experiencing similar food price shocks, the 2007\u20139 crisis offered an excellent natural experiment for generating knowledge on responses to price volatility in particular and on the political economy of agricultural policy-making more generally. This book contains the wealth of collaborative research by a global team of experts on food price policy\u2014the research was undertaken on a sizeable group of low- and middle-income countries that were highly affected by the 2007\u20139 food crisis. The central aim of the study is to uncover which political economy factors\u2014ranging from the constellation of different interest groups to the nature of political institutions\u2014explain variations in policy responses across countries. The research output proves valuable for at least three target audiences. First, it can inform international organizations and donors about which types of policy interventions can mitigate price volatility and whether they are feasible given a country\u2019s political economy context. Second, it can help national policy makers better understand the trade-offs of certain policy interventions. Third, it generates much-needed further knowledge about the agricultural policy-making process in developing countries, which remains incredibly scarce despite the importance of agriculture to these countries\u2019 economies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["food price volatility", "global agricultural system", "staple food commodities", "policy intervention", "developing countries"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617900"], ["title", "Food Price Policy in an Era of Market Instability: A Political Economy Analysis"], ["doab_id", "19809"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198718574"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198718574"]], [["description", "Football Italia examines the development of Italian football in relation to the wider global transformations impacting football, and addresses the reasons for Serie A's initial success and current malaise."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark Doidge"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472519221"], ["title", "Football Italia"], ["doab_id", "17118"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472519221"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472519221"]], [["description", "For the University is a book both about and for the university in the age of mass and globalized education. It analyses the current problems facing the university as an institution, and also offers some positive arguments for a revived and vibrant set of institutional arrangements and governing principles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Docherty"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666336"], ["title", "For the University"], ["doab_id", "14372"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666336"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666336"]], [["description", "Este livro tem como principal objetivo tra\u00e7ar um perfil dos dirigentes e sindicalistas que participaram do congresso de funda\u00e7\u00e3o da For\u00e7a Sindical: profiss\u00e3o, idade, sexo, entidades que representavam opini\u00f5es pol\u00edticas e sindicais, etc. As informa\u00e7\u00f5es foram obtidas atrav\u00e9s de um question\u00e1rio aplicado a delegados e membros da Dire\u00e7\u00e3o Nacional que participaram do congresso, realizado em S\u00e3o Paulo, no Memorial da Am\u00e9rica Latina, durante os dias 8, 9 e 10 de mar\u00e7o de 1991."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins; Cardoso, Adalberto Moreira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qmncm"], ["title", "For\u00e7a sindical: uma an\u00e1lise sociopol\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "16864"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820205"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820205"]], [["description", "As population estimates for 2050 reach over 9 billion, issues of food security and nutrition have been dominating academic and policy debates. A total of 805 million people are undernourished worldwide and malnutrition affects nearly every country on the planet. Despite impressive productivity increases, there is growing evidence that conventional agricultural strategies fall short of eliminating global hunger, as well as having long-term ecological consequences. Forests can play an important role in complementing agricultural production to address the Sustainable Development Goals on zero hunger. Forests and trees can be managed to provide better and more nutritionally-balanced diets, greater control over food inputs \u2013 particularly during lean seasons and periods of vulnerability (especially for marginalised groups) \u2013 and deliver ecosystem services for crop production. However forests are undergoing a rapid process of degradation, a complex process that governments are struggling to reverse.This volume provides important evidence and insights about the potential of forests to reducing global hunger and malnutrition, exploring the different roles of landscapes, and the governance approaches that are required for the equitable delivery of these benefits. Forests and Food is essential reading for researchers, students, NGOs and government departments responsible for agriculture, forestry, food security and poverty alleviation around the globe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vira, Bhaskar (Editor); Wildburger, Christoph (Editor); Mansourian, Stephanie (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Forests, food, hunger, nutrition, malnutrition, ecology, agriculture"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/399"], ["title", "Forests and Food: Addressing Hunger and Nutrition Across Sustainable Landscapes"], ["doab_id", "17931"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741946", "9781783741953"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741946 / 9781783741953"]], [["description", "It is widely assumed that the French in the British Isles during the Second World War were fully-fledged supporters of General de Gaulle, and that across the channel at least, the French were a 'nation of resisters'. This highly provocative study reveals that most exiles were on British soil by chance rather than by design, and many were not sure whether to stay. Overlooked by historians, who have concentrated on the 'Free French' of de Gaulle, these were the 'Forgotten French': refugees swept off the beaches of Dunkirk; servicemen held in camps after the Franco-German armistice; Vichy consular officials left to cater for their compatriots; and a sizeable colonist community based mainly in London. Drawing on little-known archival sources, this study examines the hopes and fears of these communities who were bitterly divided among themselves, some being attracted to P\u00e9tain as much as to de Gaulle. It also looks at how they fitted into British life and how the British in turn responded. The author finds that while the public was often charitable, the Government was suspicious of their loyalties and even considered general internment. Illustrated throughout, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the British and French experiences of the Second World War."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Atkin ,Nicholas"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Ptain", "vichy", "dunkirk", "france"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341382"], ["title", "The forgotten French: Exiles in the British Isles, 1940-44"], ["doab_id", "12579"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064388"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064388"]], [["description", "In Forgotten People Gerben Nooteboom describes and analyses the livelihoods and social security of peasants and migrant Madurese. It offers a new way to categorise and analyse livelihood security of marginal people in Indonesia by using the concept of style."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nooteboom . ,G."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613437"], ["title", "Forgotten People: Poverty, Risk and Social Security in Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18459"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004282506", "9789004282988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004282506 9789004282988"]], [["description", "O tema deste livro \u00e9 o processo de forma\u00e7\u00e3o cultural dos jovens integrantes do assentamento M\u00e1rio Lago, constru\u00eddo atrav\u00e9s da luta de fam\u00edlias de trabalhadores que formam a base de mobiliza\u00e7\u00e3o do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra, MST, no munic\u00edpio de Ribeir\u00e3o Preto-SP, auto-denominado \"capital nacional do agroneg\u00f3cio\", em raz\u00e3o de sua proje\u00e7\u00e3o nacional e internacional atrav\u00e9s do complexo de atividades econ\u00f4micas vinculadas ao contexto da produ\u00e7\u00e3o agro-industrial. A an\u00e1lise desenvolvida na obra pressup\u00f5e os jovens como sujeitos dos processos abertos pela luta pol\u00edtica em torno da terra e interlocutores dos grupos com os quais convivem, configurando sua consci\u00eancia perante o que experimentam no cotidiano. Al\u00e9m disso, identifica as refer\u00eancias \u00e9tico-pol\u00edticas constru\u00eddas junto \u00e0 comunidade e junto ao MST, os constrangimentos presentes em suas vidas, constitu\u00eddos pelos limites objetivos e subjetivos da luta, bem como sua capacidade de projetar o futuro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Firmiano, Frederico Daia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/49yt7"], ["title", "A forma\u00e7\u00e3o cultural dos jovens do MST: a experi\u00eancia do assentamento M\u00e1rio Lago, em Ribeir\u00e3o Preto (SP)"], ["doab_id", "16730"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830433"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830433"]], [["description", "Essa colet\u00e2nea de textos produzidos por professores e alunos da linha de pesquisa Teorias Pedag\u00f3gicas, Trabalho Educativo e Sociedade, do Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Escolar, da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Araraquara, traz uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o original a um campo no qual muito tem sido publicado nas duas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas no Brasil, o da forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores. A especificidade dessa colet\u00e2nea reside na abordagem historicizante e cr\u00edtica tanto das diretrizes oficiais para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores como das teorias pedag\u00f3gicas e respectivas propostas metodol\u00f3gicas nesse terreno. S\u00e3o nove textos, que v\u00e3o desde um balan\u00e7o cr\u00edtico do legado deixado pelo s\u00e9culo XX no que se refere \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores at\u00e9 quest\u00f5es espec\u00edficas relacionadas ao trabalho do professor, passando pela quest\u00e3o do debate contempor\u00e2neo sobre as teorias pedag\u00f3gicas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martins, L\u00edgia M\u00e1rcia; Duarte, Newton; Marsiglia, Ana Carolina Galv\u00e3o"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ysnm8"], ["title", "Forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores: limites contempor\u00e2neos e alternativas necess\u00e1rias"], ["doab_id", "16731"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831034"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831034"]], [["description", "Este estudo aborda a forma\u00e7\u00e3o do professor universit\u00e1rio em cursos de p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o. Contempla produ\u00e7\u00f5es de autores e grupos de pesquisa reconhecidos no campo da pedagogia universit\u00e1ria e formula reflex\u00f5es e proposi\u00e7\u00f5es que fornecem pistas para reformula\u00e7\u00e3o dos projetos pol\u00edtico-pedag\u00f3gicos desses cursos. As autoras increvem-se no grupo de pesquisadores do tema respons\u00e1veis por diversas publica\u00e7\u00f5es e pela coordena\u00e7\u00e3o de eventos nacioanis e internacionais tomando a resposabilidade de difundir os conhecimentos na \u00e1rea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Soares, Sandra Regina; Cunha, Maria Isabel da"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cb"], ["title", "Forma\u00e7\u00e3o do professor: a doc\u00eancia universit\u00e1ria em busca de legitimidade"], ["doab_id", "17538"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211981"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211981"]], [["description", "Este livro n\u00e3o apenas relata a evolu\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica do ensino m\u00e9dico na epm, mas, acima de tudo, testemunha a preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o do corpo docente em continuar a oferecer uma forma\u00e7\u00e3o de excel\u00eancia. A EPM sempre esteve presente nas discuss\u00f5es e trocas de conhecimento para a elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de um modelo de educa\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica, buscando adequar seu curr\u00edculo \u00e0s mudan\u00e7as nacionais. A primeira parte do livro, \u201cContextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o Hist\u00f3rica, Te\u00f3rica e Metodol\u00f3gica\u201d, situa o panorama do ensino m\u00e9dico a partir de uma articula\u00e7\u00e3o com os movimentos nacionais de mudan\u00e7as na educa\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica. A seguir, na segunda parte, descrevem-se as propostas mais recentes de mudan\u00e7a, com o intuito de aproximar o aluno das quest\u00f5es relativas \u00e0 pr\u00e1tica profissional. A \u00faltima parte do livro reflete sobre os desafios e perspectivas da gradua\u00e7\u00e3o na EPM."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Batista, Nildo Alves (org.); Sampaio, Lucia de Oliveira (org.); Puccini, Rosana Fiorini (org.)"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Capacita\u00e7\u00e3o profissional, Diretrizes, Curr\u00edculo, Escolas M\u00e9dicas, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica, Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica, Pol\u00edtica de sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora Fap-Unifesp"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q8g25"], ["title", "A forma\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica na Unifesp: excel\u00eancia e compromisso social "], ["doab_id", "16633"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788561673666"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788561673666"]], [["description", "The main objective of this book is to develop a strategy and policy measures to enhance the formalization of the shadow economy in order to improve the competitiveness of the economy and contribute to economic growth; it explores these issues with special reference to Serbia. The size and development of the shadow economy in Serbia and other Central and Eastern European countries are estimated using two different methods (the MIMIC method and household-tax-compliance method). Micro-estimates are based on a special survey of business entities in Serbia, which for the first time allows us to explore the shadow economy from the perspective of enterprises and entrepreneurs. The authors identify the types of shadow economy at work in business entities, the determinants of shadow economy participation, and the impact of competition from the informal sector on businesses. Readers will learn both about the potential fiscal effects of reducing the shadow economy to the levels observed in more developed countries and the effects that formalization of the shadow economy can have on economic growth."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gorana Krsti\u0107; Friedrich Schneider"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["economics", " policy", " development", " finance", " macroeconomics", " econometrics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13437-6"], ["title", "Formalizing the Shadow Economy in Serbia: Policy Measures and Growth Effects"], ["doab_id", "18937"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319134369", "9783319134376"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319134369 (Print) 9783319134376 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume assesses the formation of Croatian national identity in the 1990s. It develops a novel framework calling into question both primordial and modernist approaches to nationalism and national identity before applying that framework to Croatia. In doing so it provides a new way of thinking about how national identity is formed and why it is so important. An explanation is given of how Croatian national identity was formed in the abstract, via a historical narrative that traces centuries of yearning for a national state. The book shows how the government, opposition parties, dissident intellectuals and diaspora groups offered alternative accounts of this narrative in order to legitimise contemporary political programmes based on different visions of national identity. It then looks at how these debates were manifested in social activities as diverse as football and religion, economics and language. This volume marks an important contribution to both the way we study nationalism and national identity, and our understanding of post-Yugoslav politics and society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bellamy ,Alex J."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["croatia", "balkans", "nationalism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341383"], ["title", "The formation of Croatian national identity: A centuries-old dream?"], ["doab_id", "12580"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065026"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065026"]], [["description", "Il quarto GeoGebra Day organizzato dal Dipartimento di Matematica e dall\u2019Istituto di GeoGebra di Torino, si \u00e8 tenuto presso il liceo D\u2019Azeglio di Torino il 3 ottobre 2014.Per la prima volta dall\u2019inizio dei GeoGebra Day torinesi sono stati invitati esperti provenienti dalle Universit\u00e0 e dagli Istituti di GeoGebra di altri Stati (Germania, Spagna, Francia e Australia), rendendo possibile uno scambio internazionale di idee, metodologie e buone pratiche per l\u2019uso di GeoGebra in classe, sia in matematica, sia in fisica.Le tematiche affrontate nelle relazioni plenarie da esperti italiani e stranieri hanno riguardato la modellizzazione, il problem solving, la dimostrazione e il supporto che GeoGebra pu\u00f2 fornire in tali attivit\u00e0, l\u2019uso di strumenti e materiali, l\u2019applicazione di metodologie laboratoriali sia nella formazione dei docenti che nel lavoro in classe."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ornella Robutti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Geogebra_day_web.pdf"], ["title", "La formazione docenti con Geogebra"], ["doab_id", "19688"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054350"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054350"]], [["description", "Figure di scienziati nelle letterature e culture contemporanee.In un frammento pubblicato il 10 dicembre 1810 nei suoi \u00abBerliner Abendbl\u00e4tter\u00bb, Heinrich von Kleist sosteneva che \u201cgli uomini si potrebbero dividere in due categorie: quelli che si intendono di metafore e quelli che si intendono di formule\u201d. A due secoli di distanza, questo volume prende a prestito la coppia kleistiana \u201cformula e metafora\u201d per indagare le sorti dello scienziato come personaggio nelle letterature e culture di una contemporaneit\u00e0 intesa nel senso pi\u00f9 ampio possibile."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marco Castellari"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Letteratura, critica letteraria, contemporaneit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vol.Formula-e-metafora_web.pdf"], ["title", "Formula e metafora"], ["doab_id", "17221"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9788867052073"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052073"]], [["description", "The roman vicus at the Saazkogel represents with an expansion of about 9 ha one of the largest so far well-known Roman settlements in eastern Styria, beside the vici of Gleisdorf and Kalsdorf it can however be designated as one of the best investigated vici in southeast Noricum. Based on the results of the excavations of 2002 to 2005 and an approximately surface covering geographical investigation a detailed overall view of the settlement can be sketched. Without a doubt the plant of the settlement is due to the traffic-geographically position at the inlet of the Saaz- into the Raab-valley. Here the road in the Raab-valley, which connected Savaria-Szombathely over the vicus of Gleisdorf with central Noricum, meets the southwest road from Flavia Solva. If one regards the structure of the vicus of Saaz, then its pronounced multipartness is noticeable including the entire hill. The settlement can be pursued at the south slope of the Saazkogel on a length of at least 600 m with a gravelled slope-parallel road. North and south this road group building complexes of different size, but very similar in the sketch on artifical terraces. Approximately in the centre of the settlement the greographical prospection shows a larger place-like open space. In the western part the road is flanked by graves, under expanded grave districts were remainders of older buildings of graves, which are probably to be assumed as building in hill graves. This ensemble from actual settlement and grave road with hill graves and younger monumental buildings of graves in Roman manners is to be confronted to the large hill grave field at the north slope of the Saazkogel.The oldest settlement horizon of the Flavian-Traianic period is characterized by timber constructions. The development in stone and the associated restructuring of the settlement with a system of property units oriented uniformly in slope drop direction is to be accepted in the Hadrianic period. This development can be well compared with further findings in southeast Norican settlements (Kalsdorf, Gleisdorf). The typical living and work building of this period is the one-and/or multi-space house in an enclosure. The abandonment of these structures and a new beginning of the activities toward the end of the 2nd century A.D. is to be pointed out in Saaz on the basis of the findings in different settlements sections. This break of the settlement development ist so far not to be seized in a comparable clarity in the neighbouring vici, but shown exclusively with the necessary distinctiveness in the urban centre of the region, Flavia Solva, by a horizon of destruction of the Markomannic Wars. In Saaz the significant findings of a destruction by force, are missing, the reasons for a break of the settlement development could nevertheless be brougth in connection with social and economic injury of wartime situations. With the new settlement activity toward the end of the 2nd century A.D. is to be seized a last prospering. A shift of the settlement emphasis led in further consequence to a cease of the use during the middle decades of the 3rd century A.D.

Der r\u00f6mische Vicus am Saazkogel stellt mit einer Ausdehnung von knapp 9 ha eine der gr\u00f6\u00dften bislang bekannten kaiserzeitlichen Siedlungen in der Oststeiermark dar, mit Sicherheit kann er aber neben den Vici von Gleisdorf und Kalsdorf als einer der am besten erforschten Vici in S\u00fcdostnoricum bezeichnet werden. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Ausgrabungen von 2002 bis 2005 und einer ann\u00e4hernd fl\u00e4chendeckenden geophysikalischen Untersuchung l\u00e4sst sich ein detailliertes Gesamtbild der Siedlung entwerfen. Zweifelsohne ist die Anlage der Siedlung von Saaz durch die verkehrsgeographisch g\u00fcnstige Position an der Einm\u00fcndung des Saaztals in das Raabtal bedingt. Hier trifft die Stra\u00dfe im Raabtal, welche Savaria-Szombathely \u00fcber den gr\u00f6\u00dferen Vicus von Gleisdorf mit Binnennoricum verband, auf die von S\u00fcdwesten, aus Flavia Solva, herf\u00fchrende Stra\u00dfe. Betrachtet man die Struktur des Vicus von Saaz selbst, so f\u00e4llt seine ausgepr\u00e4gte Mehrteiligkeit unter Einbeziehung des gesamten H\u00fcgels auf. Die Siedlung l\u00e4sst sich am S\u00fcdhang des Saazkogels auf einer L\u00e4nge von mindestens 600 m verfolgen, wobei sie von einer geschotterten, hangparallelen Stra\u00dfe durchzogen wird. N\u00f6rdlich und s\u00fcdlich dieser Stra\u00dfe gruppieren sich unterschiedlich gro\u00dfe, im Grundriss zumeist sehr \u00e4hnliche Geb\u00e4udekomplexe auf k\u00fcnstlichen Terassen. Ann\u00e4hernd in der Mitte der Siedlung l\u00e4sst die geophysikalische Prospektion eine gr\u00f6\u00dfere platzartige Freifl\u00e4che erkennen. Im Westteil wird die Stra\u00dfe von Grabbauten flankiert, unter ausgedehnten ummauerten Grabbezirken befanden sich Reste \u00e4lterer Grabbauten, die vermutlich als Einbauten in H\u00fcgelgr\u00e4bern anzusprechen sind. Diesem Ensemble aus eigentlicher Siedlung und Gr\u00e4berstra\u00dfe mit H\u00fcgelgr\u00e4bern und j\u00fcngeren monumentalen Grabbauten in italisch-r\u00f6mischer Manier ist das gro\u00dfe H\u00fcgelgr\u00e4berfeld am Nordhang des Saazkogels gegen\u00fcberzustellen.Der \u00e4lteste Siedlungshorizont flavisch-trajanischer Zeit ist durch Holzbauten charakterisiert. Ein Ausbau in Stein und die damit verbundene Neustrukturierung der Siedlung mit einem einheitlich in Hangfallrichtung orientierten System von Grundst\u00fcckseinheiten ist in hadrinischer Zeit anzunehmen. Dieser Ausbau l\u00e4sst sich gut mit weiteren Befunden in s\u00fcdostnorischen Ansiedlungen (Kalsdorf, Gleisdorf) vergleichen. Das typische Wohn- und Werkgeb\u00e4ude dieser Periode ist das Ein- bzw. Mehrraumhaus in einem umfriedeten Areal. Die Niederlegung dieser Strukturen und ein Neubeginn der Aktivit\u00e4ten gegen Ende des 2. Jhs. n.Chr. ist in Saaz anhand der Befunde in unterschiedlichen Siedlungsabschnitten aufzuzeigen. Dieser Hiat der Siedlungsentwicklung ist in der f\u00fcr Saaz dokumentierbaren Deutlichkeit in den benachbarten Vici bislang nicht zu erfassen und mit der n\u00f6tigen Stringenz ausschlie\u00dflich im st\u00e4dtischen Zentrum der Region, Flavia Solva, durch Brandhorizonte der Markomannenkriege zu belegen. In Saaz fehlen die signifikanten Befunde einer gewaltsamen Zerst\u00f6rung, die Gr\u00fcnde f\u00fcr eine kurzfristige Siedlungsaufgabe k\u00f6nnten gleichwohl mit der Unbill kriegerischer Ereignisse im Land in Verbindung zu bringen sein. Mit dem Neueinsetzen der Siedlungst\u00e4tigkeit gegen Ende des 2. Jhs. n. Chr. ist zugleich auch ein letztmaliges Prosperieren zu erfassen. Eine Verlagerung des Siedlungsschwerpunkts d\u00fcrfte in weiterer Folge zu einem Abbruch der Nutzung in den mittleren Jahrzehnten des 3. Jhs. n. Chr. gef\u00fchrt haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sedlmayer ,Helga; Tiefengraber ,Georg"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Noricum, settlement-structure, vicus, typo-chronology"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437151"], ["title", "Forschungen im s\u00fcdostnorischen Vicus am Saazkogel (Steiermark)"], ["doab_id", "15276"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305475"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305475"]], [["description", "Schauplatz der Ereignisse und Entwicklungen, die in diesem Band im Mittelpunkt stehen, ist Hann. M\u00fcnden. Dort wurde 1868 eine Preu\u00dfische Forstakademie gegr\u00fcndet, aus der 1939 die Forstliche Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen hervorging. Bereits kurz nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs entfachten nationalsozialistisch gesinnte Studenten eine Pogromstimmung gegen den j\u00fcdischen Professor f\u00fcr Mykologie, Richard Falck, und das von ihm geleitete Institut. Die vorliegende Untersuchung dokumentiert die rassistischen Angriffe, denen Falck und seine Mitarbeiter seit 1920 in M\u00fcnden ausgesetzt waren. Sie schildert, wie die Preu\u00dfische Staatsregierung auf das Geschehen reagierte, welche Positionen das Professorenkollegium bezog und wie sich die Fakult\u00e4t nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu diesen Vorg\u00e4ngen stellte. Als Rahmenbedingungen werden die hochschulpolitischen \u201aVerfassungsk\u00e4mpfe\u2018 in M\u00fcnden zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre und die best\u00e4ndige Sorge um den Erhalt der Forsthochschule in den Blick genommen. Au\u00dferdem wird gefragt, welche Rolle die Forstliche Hochschule bzw. die sp\u00e4tere Forstliche Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im \u201eDritten Reich\u201c gespielt hat und wodurch anschlie\u00dfend die \u201eEntnazifizierung\u201c gekennzeichnet war. Der Untersuchungszeitraum (1920-1950 mit Vor- und Nachlaufzeiten) weist eine Reihe von Z\u00e4suren und Wendepunkten auf, die, soweit m\u00f6glich, f\u00fcr eine Analyse von Br\u00fcchen bzw. Kontinuit\u00e4ten in den Forschungsaktivit\u00e4ten der wissenschaftlichen Institute herangezogen werden. Diese Studie ist zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Nationalsozialismus.

Schauplatz der Ereignisse und Entwicklungen, die in diesem Band im Mittelpunkt stehen, ist Hann. M\u00fcnden. Dort wurde 1868 eine Preu\u00dfische Forstakademie gegr\u00fcndet, aus der 1939 die Forstliche Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen hervorging. Bereits kurz nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs entfachten nationalsozialistisch gesinnte Studenten eine Pogromstimmung gegen den j\u00fcdischen Professor f\u00fcr Mykologie, Richard Falck, und das von ihm geleitete Institut. Die vorliegende Untersuchung dokumentiert die rassistischen Angriffe, denen Falck und seine Mitarbeiter seit 1920 in M\u00fcnden ausgesetzt waren. Sie schildert, wie die Preu\u00dfische Staatsregierung auf das Geschehen reagierte, welche Positionen das Professorenkollegium bezog und wie sich die Fakult\u00e4t nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu diesen Vorg\u00e4ngen stellte. Als Rahmenbedingungen werden die hochschulpolitischen \u201aVerfassungsk\u00e4mpfe\u2018 in M\u00fcnden zu Beginn der 1920er Jahre und die best\u00e4ndige Sorge um den Erhalt der Forsthochschule in den Blick genommen. Au\u00dferdem wird gefragt, welche Rolle die Forstliche Hochschule bzw. die sp\u00e4tere Forstliche Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im \u201eDritten Reich\u201c gespielt hat und wodurch anschlie\u00dfend die \u201eEntnazifizierung\u201c gekennzeichnet war. Der Untersuchungszeitraum (1920-1950 mit Vor- und Nachlaufzeiten) weist eine Reihe von Z\u00e4suren und Wendepunkten auf, die, soweit m\u00f6glich, f\u00fcr eine Analyse von Br\u00fcchen bzw. Kontinuit\u00e4ten in den Forschungsaktivit\u00e4ten der wissenschaftlichen Institute herangezogen werden. Diese Studie ist zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Nationalsozialismus."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steinsiek, Peter-Michael"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["G\u00f6ttingen University", "National Socialism", "faculty of forestry", "Jews", "G\u00f6ttingen University", "National Socialism", "faculty of forestry", "Jews"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610374"], ["title", "Die Forstliche Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Nationalsozialismus - Eine Erinnerung an ihre ehemaligen j\u00fcdischen Angeh\u00f6rigen"], ["doab_id", "19178"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951979"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951979"]], [["description", "This book aims to provide an overview of developments in the heel prick screening programme in the Netherlands in which similarities with the situation elsewhere in the world, where relevant, will be mentioned. In the Netherlands, the preparations for the national screening programme started in 1964. The formal launch of the programme was on September 1, 1974. In 2014, therefore this programme had existed 40 years. The book is structured as follows. Chapter 1 describes how the programme began with one disease and over the years has continued to expand to currently covering 19 disorders. Chapter 2 focuses on the organisation of the screening programme and the agencies that have been involved over the years. Chapter 3 is intended to provide a global view of the programme in its current form. Chapter 4 describes how neonatal screening programmes elsewhere in the world developed and outline their main differences with the Dutch programme. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the summary and conclusions. This chosen structure leads to some aspects being mentioned more than once. The book is intended for a broad audience that is interested in policy making on heel prick screening; hence, scientific depth is limited. Where possible and useful, references to the scientific literature have been included but completeness has not been pursued. The main sources were the archives of the National Steering Committees for Phenylketonuria and Congenital Hypothyroidism (LBCs), supplemented with interviews with the persons listed in Annex 1 and, if available, their personal archives. This is a translation of the book \u201cVeertig Jaar Hielprikscreening in Nederland\u201d, that was published by Prelum Publishers, Houten, the Netherlands with ISBN 978-90-8562-133-1 \u00a9 2014 Prelum, Houten; RIVM, Bilthoven; Vumc, Amsterdam. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "J. Gerard Loeber; Carla van El"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["neonatal screening, newborn screening, heel prick, metabolic diseases, congenital diseases, phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, tandem mass spectrometry, ms/ms, whole genome sequencing, Guthrie test, Guthrie cards, dried blood spots"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/mono/202"], ["title", "Forty Years of Heel Prick Screening in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "19082"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421894", "9783038421900"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421894/9783038421900"]], [["description", "Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987) was, arguably, one of the greatest ontologists of the twentieth century. In 2006 and 2007, after a period of relative neglect, international conferences devoted solely to Bergmann's work were held at the University of Iowa in the USA, Universit\u00e9 de Provence in France, and Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Roma Tre in Italy. The fifteen papers collected in this volume were presented at the third of these conferences, in Rome, and are here divided into three sections: \"Categories of a realistic ontology\", \"World, mind, and relations\", \"Metaphysics of space and time\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonino, Guido; Egidi, Rosaria"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209133"], ["title", "Fostering the Ontological Turn. Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987)"], ["doab_id", "18111"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110325980", "9783110325201", "9783110325997"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110325980, 9783110325201, 9783110325997"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mark D. Harmon"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Vietnam Veterans Against the War--Press coverage--United States", " Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Protest movements--United States--Press coverage", " Television broadcasting of news--United States--History--20th century"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "Found, Featured, then Forgotten: U.S. Network TV News and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War"], ["doab_id", "16898"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729287", "9780979729287"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729289; 9780979729287"]], [["description", "In this new edition of Foundations for Moral Relativism a distinguished moral philosopher tames a bugbear of current debate about cultural difference. J. David Velleman shows that different communities can indeed be subject to incompatible moralities, because their local mores are rationally binding. At the same time, he explains why the mores of different communities, even when incompatible, are still variations on the same moral themes. The book thus maps out a universe of many moral worlds without, as Velleman puts it, \"moral black holes\". The six self-standing chapters discuss such diverse topics as online avatars and virtual worlds, lying in Russian and truth-telling in Quechua, the pleasure of solitude and the fear of absurdity. Accessibly written, this book presupposes no prior training in philosophy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Velleman, J. David"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ethics, Metaethics, Moral Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Moral Relativism, Moral Disagreement, Perspectivalism"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/416"], ["title", "Foundations for Moral Relativism: Second Expanded Edition"], ["doab_id", "17932"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740338", "9781783740345"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740338\t/ 9781783740345"]], [["description", "What is the purpose of history today, and how can sporting research help us understand the world around us? In this stimulating book, Nicholas Piercey constructs four new histories of early Dutch football, exploring urban change, club members, the media, and the diaries of Cornelis Johannes Karel van Aalst, a stadium director, to propose practical examples of how history can become an important democratic tool for the 21st century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peircey ,Nicholas"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Humanities", "European history", "Social & cultural history"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617920"], ["title", "Four Histories about Early Dutch Football, 1910-1920"], ["doab_id", "19817"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634790"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634790"]], [["description", "The book is devoted to recent developments in the theory of fractional calculus and its applications. Particular attention is paid to the applicability of this currently popular research field in various branches of pure and applied mathematics. In particular, the book focuses on the more recent results in mathematical physics, engineering applications, theoretical and applied physics as quantum mechanics, signal analysis, and in those relevant research fields where nonlinear dynamics occurs and several tools of nonlinear analysis are required. Dynamical processes and dynamical systems of fractional order attract researchers from many areas of sciences and technologies,ranging from mathematics and physics to computer science."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cattani, Carlo ; Srivastava, Hari M. ; Yang, Xiao-Jun"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/469439"], ["title", "Fractional Dynamics"], ["doab_id", "17978"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110472080", "9783110472097", "9783110470710"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110472080, 9783110472097, 9783110470710"]], [["description", "Fragmenting Modernism is about Ford Madox Ford, a hero of the modernist literary revolution. Ford is a fascinating and fundamental figure of the time; not only because as a friend and critic of Ezra Pound and Joseph Conrad, editor of the 'English Review', and author of 'The Good Soldier', he shaped the development of literary modernism. But as the grandson of Ford Madox Brown, and son of a German music critic, he also manifested formative links with mainland European culture and the visual arts. In Ford there is the chance to explore continuity in artistic life at the turn of the century, as well as the more commonly identified pattern of crisis in the time. The argument throughout is that modernism possesses more than one face. Setting Ford in his cultural and historical context, the opening chapter debates the concept of fragmentation in modernism; later chapters discuss the notion of the personal narrative, and war writing. Ford's literary technique is studied comparatively, and plot summaries of his major books ('The Good Soldier' and 'Parade's End') are provided, as is a brief biography. Fragmenting Modernism will be useful for anyone studying the literature of the early twentieth century, impressionism or modernism in general terms, as well as for those who seek to investigate in detail one of the great polymorphous figures of the time."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haslam ,Sara"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["modernism", "literature", "art"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341336"], ["title", "Fragmenting Modernism: Ford Madox Ford, the novel and the great war"], ["doab_id", "12661"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060557"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060557"]], [["description", "Fragmentos do contempor\u00e2neo: leituras re\u00fane artigos de professores do Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Letras da UNESP, campus de S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto, resultado de suas recentes pesquisas sobre literatura contempor\u00e2nea. O livro, composto por sete estudos, analisa textos e autores nacionais e internacionais, em prosa e poesia. Susanna Busato estuda o sujeito que adere ao espa\u00e7o urbano, a partir da poesia de Frederico Barbosa, Heitor Ferraz e F\u00e1bio Weintraub. S\u00e9rgio Vicente Motta analisa o romance de Chico Buarque, Leite Derramado. Arnaldo Franco Junior explora as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre produ\u00e7\u00e3o textual, intertextualidade em obras de Dalton Trevisan e Val\u00eancio Xavier.A literatura contempor\u00e2nea portuguesa \u00e9 contemplada no estudo de S\u00f4nia H. Piteri sobre a obra de Maria Gabriela Llansol e de Maria H. Martins Dias, que aborda o discurso ficcional de Ant\u00f3nio Lobo Antunes em O manual dos inquisidores. Gis\u00e9le Manganelli Fernandes investiga como a fic\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00f3s-moderna reavalia o passado em Falling Man, de Don DeLillo. Diva Cardoso de Camargo discute o estilo na autotradu\u00e7\u00e3o, por meio das obras Viva o Povo Brasileiro, de Jo\u00e3o Ubaldo Ribeiro, e An invincible memory, de Jo\u00e3o Ubaldo Ribeiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Motta, S\u00e9rgio Vicente; Busato, Susanna"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/76v95"], ["title", "Fragmentos do contempor\u00e2neo: leituras"], ["doab_id", "16732"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830051"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830051"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lemaitre, Robert; Linden, Raymond"], ["date", "1968"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/e-book/fraisier.pdf"], ["title", "Le fraisier \u00e0 gros fruits. Description et identification de vari\u00e9t\u00e9s"], ["doab_id", "16451"], ["language_unmapped", "Fr"], ["isbns", ["9782870160008"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "2870160000"]], [["description", "Framed uses fin de si\u00e8cle British crime narrative to pose a highly interesting question: why do female criminal characters tend to be alluring and appealing while fictional male criminals of the era are unsympathetic or even grotesque? In this elegantly argued study, Elizabeth Carolyn Miller addresses this question, examining popular literary and cinematic culture from roughly 1880 to 1914 to shed light on an otherwise overlooked social and cultural type: the conspicuously glamorous New Woman criminal. In so doing, she breaks with the many Foucauldian studies of crime to emphasize the genuinely subversive aspects of these popular female figures. Drawing on a rich body of archival material, Miller argues that the New Woman Criminal exploited iconic elements of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century commodity culture, including cosmetics and clothing, to fashion an illicit identity that enabled her to subvert legal authority in both the public and the private spheres."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Carolyn Miller"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Detective and mystery stories, English -- History and criticism", "English fiction -- 19th century -- History and criticism", "Female offenders in literature", "Terrorism in literature", "Consumption (Economics) in literature", "Feminism and literature -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century", "Literature and society -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century", "Detective and mystery films -- Great Britain -- History and criticism", "Women in popular culture -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5899811.0001.001"], ["title", "Framed: The New Woman Criminal in British Culture at the Fin de Si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "14502"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070442", "9780472050444", "9780472024469"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070442 Paper: 9780472050444 Ebook Formats: 9780472024469"]], [["description", "Throughout this book, the concept of framing is used to look at art, photography, scientific drawings and cinema as visually constituted, spatially bounded productions. The way these genres relate to that which exists beyond the frame, by means of plastic, chemically transposed, pencil-sketched or moving images allows us to decipher the particular language of the visual and at the same time circumscribe the dialectic between presence and absence that is proper to all visual media. Yet, these kinds of re-framing owe their existence to the ruptures and upheavals that marked the demise of certain discursive systems in the past, announcing the emergence of others that were in turn overturned."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edwards ,Natalie; McCann ,Ben; Poiana ,Peter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["french culture", "french literature", "french photography", "colonial vision", "french voyager-artists", "aboriginal subjects and the british colony at port jackson", "nicole starbuck", "an artist in the making: the early drawings of charles-alexandre lesueur during the baudin expedition to australia", "john west-sooby", "framing new holland or framing a narrative? a representation of sydney according to charles-alexandre lesueur", "jean fornasiero", "the artwork of the baudin expedition to australia (1800-1804): nicolas-martin petit's 1802 portrait of an aboriginal woman and child from van diemen's land,", "jane southwood", "framing the eiffel tower: from postcards to postmodernism", "sonya stephens", "the return of trauner: late style in 1970s and 1980s french film design", "ben mccann", "annie ernaux's phototextual archives: ecrire la vie"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577016"], ["title", "Framing French Culture"], ["doab_id", "17403"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064875"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064875"]], [["description", "The New Atlantis has fired the imaginations of its readers since its original appearance in 1627. Often regarded as the apotheosis of Bacon's ideas through its depiction of an advanced 'scientific' society, it is also read as a seminal work of science fiction. Standing at the threshold of early modern culture, this key text incorporates the practical and visionary, utility and utopia. This volume of eight new essays by leading scholars provides a stimulating dialogue between a range of critical perspectives. Encompassing the fields of cultural history, history of science, literature and politics, the collection explores The New Atlantis' complex location within Bacon's oeuvre and its negotiations with cultural debates of the past and present. Contributors consider the book's use of rhetoric, its narrative contexts, its political and ethical implications, its relation to the natural knowledge of the period, and the function of miracles in New Atlantan society. The politics of colonialism and Jewish toleration, its complex representation of gender, and the role and politics of censorship are also explored. This volume will be the ideal companion to Bacon's The New Atlantis and for all students of literature, politics, history, cultural history and history of science."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Price ,Bronwen"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["atlantis", "bacon", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341337"], ["title", "Francis Bacon's The New Atlantis: New interdisciplinary essays"], ["doab_id", "12662"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060519"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060519"]], [["description", "O tema deste livro \u00e9 a obra do consagrado artista pernambucano Francisco Brennand, com enfoque em sua escultura cer\u00e2mica - seu processo de concep\u00e7\u00e3o e realiza\u00e7\u00e3o, bem como a rela\u00e7\u00e3o da escultura com as demais linguagens e t\u00e9cnicas trabalhadas pelo artista. Al\u00e9m de investigar v\u00e1rios aspectos biogr\u00e1ficos relevantes para o entendimento da produ\u00e7\u00e3o de Brennand, a autora estuda as diversas t\u00e9cnicas empregadas por ele empregadas no desenho, na pintura, nos murais e na escultura cer\u00e2mica, trazendo \u00e0 tona caracter\u00edsticas que permeiam toda a sua obra e constituem um \"estilo brennandiano\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lima, Camila da Costa"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jvjh7"], ["title", "Francisco Brennand: aspectos da constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma obra em escultura cer\u00e2mica"], ["doab_id", "16733"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830402"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830402"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boxer ,C."], ["date", "1967"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613438"], ["title", "Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo: A Portuguese Merchant-Adventurer in South East Asia, 1624-1667"], ["doab_id", "18460"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286160", "9789004286825"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286160 9789004286825"]], [["description", "Auch wenn die Genese des Ersten Weltkriegs - der \"Ur-Katastrophe\" des 20. Jahrhunderts - als gr\u00fcndlich erforscht gilt, verzeichnet die Geschichte des Kriegsausbruchs immer noch Bereiche, deren Bearbeitung bislang vernachl\u00e4ssigt wurde. Zu ihnen geh\u00f6rt die franz\u00f6sische Au\u00dfenpolitik in der Julikrise 1914. Obwohl in der wissenschaftlichen Kontroverse der Zwischenkriegszeit kein Konsens \u00fcber Motive und Absichten des \"forgotten belligerent of July 1914\" (John W. Langdon) gefunden werden konnte, sind dem Gegenstand nach 1945 nur wenige Untersuchungen gewidmet. In dieses bislang kaum beachtete Terrain st\u00f6\u00dft die Studie vor. Nicht zuletzt auf der Grundlage neuer Quellen entwirft sie im Gegensatz zur \u00e4lteren Forschung von Frankreich das Bild einer Gro\u00dfmacht, die im Juli 1914 einen \u00e4u\u00dferst riskanten und den Krieg bereitwillig in Kauf nehmenden au\u00dfenpolitischen Kurs der machtpolitischen Pression und milit\u00e4rischen Demonstration steuerte, um ihren Rang im internationalen Staatensystem zu behaupten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schmidt, Stefan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/221002"], ["title", "Frankreichs Au\u00dfenpolitik in der Julikrise 1914. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Ausbruchs des Ersten Weltkrieges"], ["doab_id", "18096"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486850482", "9783486590166"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486850482, 9783486590166"]], [["description", "Dr. Franz von Ottenthal served as a General Practitioner in Sand, in the South Tyrolean Tauferer Ahrntal from 1847 to 1899, over a period lasting more than 50 years. From 1861 until 1882, in a period of great regional and imperial tensions, he even was member of the Tyrolean Landtag (diet).In 1837/8 he began his medical studies at the University of Vienna, where important physicians from the \"Zweite Wiener Medizinische Schule\" like Carl von Rokitansky, Joseph Skoda and Philipp Semmelweis were teaching.Ottenthal worked as a medical expert in Windisch-Matrei (East Tyrol) for almost two years. Then he went back home and became a General Practitioner in Neumelans, the residence of his family.This biography treats particularly the career as a physician, his engagement in the medical service and the difficulties during the collaboration with medical authorities. On the other side it contains further an analysis of the medical records and the letters of his patients for a better patient view. Further this biography discusses open questions like medical development, fees, properties of a noble rural physicians in the second part of the 19 century and the competition with other physicians and healers. A big space is dedicated to the treatment of mental illness. Ottenthal wasn't a 'psychiatrist', but he was as well responsible for the care and the treatment of persons with mental disease. With a report by a physician began - crossing a lot of other institutions - the way in the asylum.The Ottenthal family, whose everyday life has tried to be reconstructed along private correspondence, is a typical example of a family from the second part of the 19th century between nobility and bourgeoisie characterized on the one hand by qualification, know-how and a lucrative job and on the other by a nobility title, fortune and landed property.Franz von Ottenthal wasn't a famous physician like Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch or Carl von Rokitansky. Nevertheless he was a modern, political engaged, self-confident practitioner and he is a very good example for the fusion of nobility and bourgeoisie in a rural life of the 19th century.This publication should be a contribution to the exploration of rural medical practice, which is little known and often poor of sources. It will even be a starting-point for further comparative studies of other medical biographies and legacies.

Franz von Ottenthal war ein Landarzt in Sand in Taufers, im Tiroler (heutigen S\u00fcdtiroler) Tauferer-Ahrntal, und von 1861 bis 1883, also in einer Zeit gro\u00dfer landes- und reichspolitischer Spannungen, als Abgeordneter im Tiroler Landtag t\u00e4tig. Ab dem Studienjahr 1837/38 studierte er Medizin an der Universit\u00e4t Wien. Unter seinen Lehrern und Studienkollegen finden sich einige gro\u00dfe Namen der \"Zweiten Wiener Medizinischen Schule\", wie Carl von Rokitansky, Joseph Skoda oder Philipp Semmelweis.Nach einer ersten fast zweij\u00e4hrigen Berufserfahrung als Gerichts- und Gemeindearzt in Windisch-Matrei (heute Matrei in Osttirol) kehrte Franz von Ottenthal in seinen Heimatort Sand in Taufers zur\u00fcck, wo er in dem von seiner Familie geerbten Ansitz Neumelans eine Ordination er\u00f6ffnete. Hier wirkte er knapp mehr als 50 Jahre lang von 1847 bis 1899 ununterbrochen als Privatarzt.Die vorliegende Biografie befasst sich vorrangig mit dem Werdegang des Arztes, mit seinem sanit\u00e4tspolitischen Engagement sowie mit den Schwierigkeiten in der Zusammenarbeit mit den vorgesetzten Sanit\u00e4tsbeh\u00f6rden. Auf der anderen Seite wurde aber versucht, durch die Analyse der Krankengeschichten und besonders der PatientInnenbriefe auch die noch unterbelichtete Sicht der PatientInnen und das Arzt-Patienten-Verh\u00e4ltnis zu erfassen. Die Arbeit besch\u00e4ftigt sich weiters mit den bisher teilweise noch offenen Fragen der \u00e4rztlichen Ausbildung, des Arzthonorars und des Verm\u00f6gens eines adeligen Landarztes der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts sowie der Konkurrenz durch andere \u00c4rzte und Laienheiler. Einen gro\u00dfen Raum nimmt das Thema der Behandlung von Geisteskrankheiten ein. Ottenthal war, obwohl \"psychiatrisch\" nicht ausgebildet, zust\u00e4ndig f\u00fcr die Versorgung und Behandlung von psychisch Kranken. Mit seinem Gutachten begann meistens, \u00fcber mehrere Institutionen, der Weg in die Anstalt. Mit Hilfe der sp\u00e4rlichen Privatkorrespondenz wurde zudem versucht, Einblick in den Alltag der Landarztfamilie von Ottenthal zu nehmen. Dieses typische Beispiel einer adeligen Familie b\u00fcrgerlichen Stils setzte sich aus Personen zusammen, die im \"Schwebezustand\" zwischen Adel und B\u00fcrgertum waren, die einerseits durch Leistung, Qualifikation, Bildung und einem \"Brotberuf\" und andererseits durch Adelstitel, Verm\u00f6gen und Grundbesitz charakterisiert waren.Franz von Ottenthal war keine ber\u00fchmte Arztpers\u00f6nlichkeit wie Rudolf Virchow, Robert Koch oder Carl von Rokitansky. Dennoch stellt er - und das zu zeigen ist Ziel dieser Biografie - einen modernen, politisch engagierten, selbstbewussten Arzt dar und ist ein pr\u00e4gendes Beispiel f\u00fcr die Vermischung von Adel und B\u00fcrgertum in einem l\u00e4ndlichen Leben des 19. Jahrhunderts.Die vorliegende Publikation soll einen Beitrag zur Erforschung der noch wenig beachteten und teilweise quellenarmen Medizin am Lande besonders der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts leisten. Sie versteht sich als Ausgangspunkt f\u00fcr neue Vergleichsstudien mit \u00e4hnlich gut erforschten Arztbiografien bzw. \u00e4rztlichen Nachl\u00e4ssen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Taddei ,Elena"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["physician, politician, biography, medical life, 19th century, rural medicine"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437185"], ["title", "Franz von Ottenthal (1818\u20131899)"], ["doab_id", "15310"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205784609"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205784609"]], [["description", "The Bukovina is the first crown land of this edition project situated completely outside today\u2019s Austrian territory. On the basis of the land register of Francis I and using a proven analytic method, this volume is the first systematic edition of comprehensive sources of social, economic and societal history for an entire region and makes them available for further research.

Der Franziszeische Kataster war der erfolgreiche Versuch, in der Habsburgermonarchie erstmals einen einheitlichen Rechtsraum im Hinblick auf Bodenbewertung und Steuerwesen herzustellen. Die Bukowina ist das erste in dieser Form umfangreich dokumentierte Kronland, das sich vollst\u00e4ndig au\u00dferhalb des heutigen \u00d6sterreichs befindet. Unter Zugrundelegung des Franziszeischen Katasters wird diese Region in einer Quellenedition erstmals systematisch aufbereitet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scharr ,Kurt; Ungureanu ,Constantin; Rumpler ,Helmut"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cadastre, Land Register, Habsburg Monarchy, Bukovina, 19th Century, Franz I", "Franziszeischer Kataster, Bukowina, Habsburgermonarchie, Franz I., 19. Jahrhundert"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578176"], ["title", "Der Franziszeische Kataster im Kronland Bukowina. Czernowitzer Kreis (1817-1865)"], ["doab_id", "17527"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796985"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796985"]], [["description", "Der Rifkrieg (1921-1926) in Nordmarokko ist von der deutschen Geschichtsschreibung nur wenig beachtet worden, und dies obwohl Deutschland in vielf\u00e4ltiger Weise an den Geschehnissen beteiligt war. Mohammed ben Abdelkrim el Khattabi alias Abdelkrim schaffte es, die zerstrittenen Rifkabylen zu vereinen und aus der Widerstandsbewegung gegen die spanischen Invasoren die 1923 proklamierte \"Rif-Republik\" erwachsen zu lassen. Dirk Sasse geht den deutschen, britischen und franz\u00f6sischen Helfern Abdelkrims nach \u2013 \u00c4rzten, Technikern usw. \u2013, die zu einer schleichenden Verl\u00e4ngerung des Krieges beitrugen, aber auch bei der vorgesehenen Modernisierung des Landes mithelfen sollten. Sein Buch ist ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Dekolonisation und zur Geschichte der Vernetzung zwischen der au\u00dfereurop\u00e4ischen Bev\u00f6lkerung und antikolonial eingestellten Sympathisanten in Europa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sasse, Dirk"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/226099"], ["title", "Franzosen, Briten und Deutsche im Rifkrieg 1921-1926. Spekulanten und Sympathisanten, Deserteure und Hasardeure im Dienste Abdelkrims"], ["doab_id", "18022"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486840186", "9783486579833"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486840186, 9783486579833"]], [["description", "Das Gro\u00dfherzogtum Berg \u2013 einer von drei Staaten, die Napoleon Bonaparte auf dem Boden des Alten Reiches ins Leben rief und die mit dem Untergang seiner Herrschaft allesamt wieder von der politischen Landkarte verschwanden \u2013 ist als Hintergrund f\u00fcr die Frage nach Funktion, Wesen und Wirken napoleonischer Herrschaft bestens geeignet. Mit Hilfe der Verkn\u00fcpfung von Politik-, Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und Kulturgeschichte gibt Bettina Severin-Barboutie Antworten auf die Zusammenh\u00e4nge zwischen franz\u00f6sischer Reformpolitik, dem Ausbau staatlicher Macht und der Modernisierung von Staat und Gesellschaft im fr\u00fchen 19. Jahrhundert."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Severin-Barboutie, Bettina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/218585"], ["title", "Franz\u00f6sische Herrschaftspolitik und Modernisierung. Verwaltungs- und Verfassungsreformen im Gro\u00dfherzogtum Berg (1806-1813)"], ["doab_id", "18006"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486843583", "9783486582949"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486843583, 9783486582949"]], [["description", "This volume is an outcome of the FWF project P14853 \"Ethnographie - Gender-Perspektive - Antikerezeption\". The research project intended to connect ancient ethnography, gender studies and the running methodological debate. For this purpose the collaborators to the project organised two workshops. The volume contains the revised papers held at the first workshop Frauenbild und Geschlechterrollen bei antiken Autoren der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit at the University of Innsbruck, 5.-8. 3. 2003. According to the goal of this workshop the papers connect the theoretical debates of postmodernism und feminism with the daily work of historians or philologists. Each paper touches , in some way or other, the premise underlying the mentioned project that an author's profile can be uncovered by comparing his text with other texts synchronically and diachronically. Most of the papers deal with the Roman imperial period. As a whole they cover the time span from the 5th century BCE to the 6th century CE. But they are not arranged chronologically but systematically. First comes a methodological introduction (C. Ulf and K. Schnegg) connected with a description of the papers. The first section then contains five articles pointing at the 'basis and kind of text and its lecture' (Grundlagen und Formen der Texte und der Textlekt\u00fcre). The authors deal with Augustine, archaeological remains, and modern movies as well. Seven articles focusing on the topic 'historical realities within texts' (Historische Realit\u00e4t(en) im Text) build up the second section. They deal with the attic democray, Augustean propaganda, and authors from Cornelius Nepus to Synesios of Cyrene. In the last section 'text levels and pictures of sexes' (Textebenen und Bilder der Geschlechter) the reader finds articles concerning some aspects of ancient ethnography and the gender perspective of authors from Tacitus to Ennodius. The volume offers, in a broad chronological spectrum, varied perspectives on and ways of dealing with texts by separating consciously the search for historical realities form the interpretation of texts.

Der Band steht in Verbindung mit dem FWF Projekt P14853 \"Ethnographie - Gender-Perspektive - Antikerezeption\". Sein Ziel ist es, antike Ethnographie, die Gender-Perspektive und die aktuelle methodologische Diskussion miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde, getragen von den Mitarbeiterinnen an dem genannten FWF Projekt, vom 5.-8. 3. 2003 an der Universit\u00e4t Innsbruck ein Workshop mit dem Titel Frauenbild und Geschlechterrollen bei antiken Autoren der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit veranstaltet, bei dem mehrere Fragestellungen behandelt wurden. Die Hauptintention der Workshops bestand darin, die theoretische Methoden-Diskussion der \"Postmoderne\", aber auch die mit dieser Diskussion eng verkn\u00fcpfte theoretische Diskussion des Feminismus in direkte Verbindung mit der Praxis der t\u00e4glichen Forschungsarbeit zu bringen. Weil es eine der das Projekt leitenden Thesen ist, da\u00df die Eigenst\u00e4ndigkeit eines Autor bzw. seines Textes durch den synchronen und diachronen Vergleich eruierbar und nicht blo\u00df als Teil eines \u201aDiskurses' wahrzunehmen ist, wurden derartige Studien von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern erwartet. Der vorliegende Band bietet die auf der Basis der und der anschlie\u00dfenden Diskussionen formulierten Beitr\u00e4ge. Der chronologische Schwerpunkt liegt vor allem auf der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit. Im ganzen erfassen die Beitr\u00e4ge jedoch einen Zeitraum vom 5. Jh. v. Chr. bis ins 6. Jh. Das so chronologisch erfasste Spektrum wird in einer systematischen Gliederung dargeboten. Auf eine methodologisch orientierte Einleitung (C. Ulf, K. Schnegg) folgt ein erster Abschnitt, in dem sich 5 Beitr\u00e4ge mit den Grundlagen und Formen der Texte und der Textlekt\u00fcre befassen. Die gew\u00e4hlten Beispiele reichen von Augustinus \u00fcber die arch\u00e4ologische Beispiele bis zum modernen Film. Im zweiten Abschnitt steht die Frage Historische Realit\u00e4t(en) im Text im Mittelpunkt der 7 Artikel. Attische Demokratie, die augusteische Progaganda und Autoren von Cornelius Nepos bis zu Synesios von Kyrene werden behandelt. Im dritten und letzten Abschnitt Textebenen und Bilder der Geschlechter kommt der ethnographische Aspekt ebenso zur Sprache wie die Perspektive einzelner Autoren von Tacitus bis zu Ennodius. Der Band benennt verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen und Zugangsm\u00f6glichkeiten zu den Texten, indem der als legitim hervorgehobene Blick auf die historischen Realit\u00e4ten von jenem auf die Textebenen und die damit verkn\u00fcpften Vorstellungen der Autoren bzw. der Texte bewu\u00dft separiert wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ulf ,Christoph; Rollinger ,Robert"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["ancient ethnography, gender studies"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437152"], ["title", "Frauen und Geschlechter"], ["doab_id", "15277"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775072"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775072"]], [["description", "This volume is an outcome of the FWF project P14853 \"Ethnographie - Gender-Perspektive - Antikerezeption\". The research project intended to connect ancient ethnography, gender studies and the running methodological debate. For this purpose the collaborators to the project organised two workshops. The volume contains the revised papers held at the first workshop Frauenbild und Geschlechterrollen bei antiken Autoren der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit at the University of Innsbruck, 5.-8. 3. 2003. According to the goal of this workshop the papers connect the theoretical debates of postmodernism und feminism with the daily work of historians or philologists. Each paper touches , in some way or other, the premise underlying the mentioned project that an author's profile can be uncovered by comparing his text with other texts synchronically and diachronically. Most of the papers deal with the Roman imperial period. As a whole they cover the time span from the 5th century BCE to the 6th century CE. But they are not arranged chronologically but systematically. First comes a methodological introduction (C. Ulf and K. Schnegg) connected with a description of the papers. The first section then contains five articles pointing at the 'basis and kind of text and its lecture' (Grundlagen und Formen der Texte und der Textlekt\u00fcre). The authors deal with Augustine, archaeological remains, and modern movies as well. Seven articles focusing on the topic 'historical realities within texts' (Historische Realit\u00e4t(en) im Text) build up the second section. They deal with the attic democray, Augustean propaganda, and authors from Cornelius Nepus to Synesios of Cyrene. In the last section 'text levels and pictures of sexes' (Textebenen und Bilder der Geschlechter) the reader finds articles concerning some aspects of ancient ethnography and the gender perspective of authors from Tacitus to Ennodius. The volume offers, in a broad chronological spectrum, varied perspectives on and ways of dealing with texts by separating consciously the search for historical realities form the interpretation of texts.

Der Band steht in Verbindung mit dem FWF Projekt P14853 \"Ethnographie - Gender-Perspektive - Antikerezeption\". Sein Ziel ist es, antike Ethnographie, die Gender-Perspektive und die aktuelle methodologische Diskussion miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde, getragen von den Mitarbeiterinnen an dem genannten FWF Projekt, vom 5.-8. 3. 2003 an der Universit\u00e4t Innsbruck ein Workshop mit dem Titel Frauenbild und Geschlechterrollen bei antiken Autoren der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit veranstaltet, bei dem mehrere Fragestellungen behandelt wurden. Die Hauptintention der Workshops bestand darin, die theoretische Methoden-Diskussion der \"Postmoderne\", aber auch die mit dieser Diskussion eng verkn\u00fcpfte theoretische Diskussion des Feminismus in direkte Verbindung mit der Praxis der t\u00e4glichen Forschungsarbeit zu bringen. Weil es eine der das Projekt leitenden Thesen ist, da\u00df die Eigenst\u00e4ndigkeit eines Autor bzw. seines Textes durch den synchronen und diachronen Vergleich eruierbar und nicht blo\u00df als Teil eines \u201aDiskurses' wahrzunehmen ist, wurden derartige Studien von den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern erwartet. Der vorliegende Band bietet die auf der Basis der und der anschlie\u00dfenden Diskussionen formulierten Beitr\u00e4ge. Der chronologische Schwerpunkt liegt vor allem auf der r\u00f6mischen Kaiserzeit. Im ganzen erfassen die Beitr\u00e4ge jedoch einen Zeitraum vom 5. Jh. v. Chr. bis ins 6. Jh. Das so chronologisch erfasste Spektrum wird in einer systematischen Gliederung dargeboten. Auf eine methodologisch orientierte Einleitung (C. Ulf, K. Schnegg) folgt ein erster Abschnitt, in dem sich 5 Beitr\u00e4ge mit den Grundlagen und Formen der Texte und der Textlekt\u00fcre befassen. Die gew\u00e4hlten Beispiele reichen von Augustinus \u00fcber die arch\u00e4ologische Beispiele bis zum modernen Film. Im zweiten Abschnitt steht die Frage Historische Realit\u00e4t(en) im Text im Mittelpunkt der 7 Artikel. Attische Demokratie, die augusteische Progaganda und Autoren von Cornelius Nepos bis zu Synesios von Kyrene werden behandelt. Im dritten und letzten Abschnitt Textebenen und Bilder der Geschlechter kommt der ethnographische Aspekt ebenso zur Sprache wie die Perspektive einzelner Autoren von Tacitus bis zu Ennodius. Der Band benennt verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen und Zugangsm\u00f6glichkeiten zu den Texten, indem der als legitim hervorgehobene Blick auf die historischen Realit\u00e4ten von jenem auf die Textebenen und die damit verkn\u00fcpften Vorstellungen der Autoren bzw. der Texte bewu\u00dft separiert wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rollinger ,Robert; Ulf ,Christoph"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["ancient ethnography, gender studies"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437191"], ["title", "Frauen und Geschlechter"], ["doab_id", "15314"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775096"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775096"]], [["description", "The book aims to characterize twelve women who lived in Prague coming from different ethnic backgrounds, Czech Gentiles, German Gentiles, Czech Jews, and German Jews. The earliest is Magdalena Dobromila Rettigov\u00e1 in the late 18th century, the most recent Ji\u0159ina \u0160iklov\u00e1 (2014). Mostly on the hand of their own published but also unpublished writings, I want to deal with their lives, values, and the societies in which they lived.

Der ber\u00fchmte Kreis von deutschen und tschechischen Prager Schriftstellern, meist j\u00fcdischer Herkunft, pr\u00e4gte Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts das Geistesleben Westeuropas. Die besondere Rolle, die Frauen in der Gechichte dieser ethnisch vielf\u00e4ltigen Kulturlandschaft in und um Prag zukam, fand bislang allerdings kaum Beachtung. Basierend auf umfangreichen autobiographischen Aufzeichnungen und Briefen aus der Hand von Frauen und erg\u00e4nzt um eine ausf\u00fchrliche historische Einleitung, m\u00f6chte dieses Buch dazu beitragen, das bisher dominierende Bild zurechtzur\u00fccken. Die lebendigen und oft ber\u00fchenden Portr\u00e4ts, die aus der Vielfalt des verwendeten Materials erstehen, bieten faszinierende, neue Einblicke in die Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte dieser Region.Die Autobiographie der Prager Frauen dokumentieren das Spannungsfeld zwichen unterschiedlichen sozialen und religi\u00f6sen Milieus: tschechisch - j\u00fcdisch, tschechisch - nicht j\u00fcdisch, deutsch - j\u00fcdisch, deutsch - nicht j\u00fcdisch. Die Originalquelle wurde von Wilma A. Iggers ins Deutsche \u00fcbertragen und umfa\u00dft Aufzeichnungen \u00fcber Schriftstellerinen und Aktivistinnen in Prag."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Iggers ,Wilma A."], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["nationalism, women's emancipation, Jewishness, relationships with men, impact of German National Socialism", "Frauen, Prag"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472090"], ["title", "Frauenleben in Prag"], ["doab_id", "15959"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205987598"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205987598"]], [["description", "The success of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, designed and engineered by Frank O. Gehry and inaugurated in 1997, opened the eyes of the world to the plastic possibilities of Free Form Design. That is, on the side of architects and their admiring clients. Some architects draw up complicated but surprising and attractive Free Form Designs and win design competitions. The next step is to involve the manufacturing industry and the contractors in realizing these dreams. According to the author(s), the desire and logic for an adapted Free Form Technology will become became apparent after more designs. At Mick Eekhout\u2019s design & build company Octatube the first experiences with Free Form Designs either failed, were aborted, were a disaster or led to unfortunate events such as the bankruptcy of competing firms who took on the projects without major Free Form Design experience. But Free Form design has matured nowadays. Many lessons can be learned from these early experiments, which is the main reason to share these experiences with readers of this book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout (ed.); B. van Gelder; W. Lockefeer; M. Veltkamp; K. Vollers"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Free Form Design ", " Free Form Technology ", " Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao ", " Frank O. Gehry ", " Galleria, Rotterdam ", " DG Bank, Berlin ", " Floriade Pavilion,Hoofddorp ", " Town Hall, Alphen aan den Rijn ", " Greenhouse, Malm\u00f6 ", " Rabin Centre, Tel Aviv ", " non-orthogonal ", " high rises ", " engineering "]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-554-8"], ["title", "Free Form Technology from Delft"], ["doab_id", "19260"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995531", "9781614995548"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995531 (print) | 9781614995548 (online)"]], [["description", "\"The Lodges in Berlin\" is the first part of the trilogy \"The Freemasons in Old Prussia\" (p.2 \" The Lodges between the Middle Oder and the Lower Rhine\", and p.3 \"The Lodges in Pomerania, Prussia and Silesia\", published in Innsbruck in 2007 and 2009 resp.). The Research based on the preserved data of the archives (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preu\u00dfischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin), on the masonic literature as well as on the literature about Prussia. The Focus lies on the 27 Berlin lodges with their entire Membership (\u00a7880 members) as well as their social structure as part of the cultural history of Prussia and the General history of Freemasonary.

\"Die Logen In Berlin\" ist der einleitende Band des dreib\u00e4ndigen Werks \"Die Freimaurer im Alten Preu\u00dfen\" (Die Logen zwischen mittlerer Oder und Niederrhein, Innsbruck 2007; Die Logen in Pommern, Preu\u00dfen und Schlesien, Innsbruck 2009). Die Darstellung beruht auf den \u00fcberlieferten Archivalien (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preu\u00dfischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem, Freimaurerbest\u00e4nde), der masonischen Literatur sowie auf der Literatur zu Preu\u00dfen. Gegenstand sind im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Freimaurerei sowie der Kulturgeschichte Preu\u00dfens die 27 Berliner Logen (Sozialstruktur, regionale Herkunft, Konfessionen, Finanzen, Sozialverhalten, Kulturelles Engagement u.a.) sowie der 3880 Mitglieder (29,4% von 13170 ermittelten preu\u00dfischen Freimaurern)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gerlach ,Karlheinz"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Fremasons, Lodges, Prussia, Berlin 1740-1806, Social- and Mental History", "Freimaurer, Logen, Soziet\u00e4ten, Preu\u00dfen, Berlin 1740-1806, Sozial- und Mentalgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=497779"], ["title", "Die Freimaurer im Alten Preu\u00dfen 1738\u20131806, Die Logen in Berlin"], ["doab_id", "16265"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706551991"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706551991"]], [["description", "The research \u201cThe Freemasons in Ancient Prussia 1738 \u2013 1806\u201d is the result of a research project of the Research Centre for Democratic Movements at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Innsbruck in cooperation with the Scientific Commission for the Research of Freemansory, headed by Prof. Dr. Helmut and financed by the Fund for the promotion of scientific research (FWF) in Vienna.The main sources for this research were in the Masonic papers and documents of the ancient Prussian lodges, preserved at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preu\u00dfischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem, the sources of the Austrian State Archive, Department Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Vienna, a series of other archives and libraries, the Masonic literature as well as the relevant literature on regional, social and biographical history.The reference book includes the period 1741 \u2013 1806 in eastern Brandenburg-Prussia within the boundaries before the Second division of Poland in 1793, i.e. Pomeriana (excluding Swedish Pomerania), the Kingdom of Prussia (East Prussia), Silesia conquered by Prussia in 1740/41, and West Prussia, which was annected to Prussia after the First division of Poland in 1772. Pomerania and Silesia were parts of of the Holy Roman Empire, whereas East and West Prussia were situated beyond its boundaries.The Masonic lodges have been analyzed according to analoque criteria: their development in historical and regional context, their membership and social structure, societal, social and cultural activities as well as their influential role in civic society. For the first time, Masonic and biographically commented lists cover the entire membership of the analyzed region. Thus the book is also a contribution to a prosopographical and family history. The Masonic lodges were a specific form of a associations of the 17th and 18th centuries with a similar organizational structure, but on a broader social basis. They followed a system of successive steps (grades) with an ethical and moral programme of forming the human character with the aim of the introduction into a so-called Masonic secret. Since 1740 the apolitical lodges, bringing together different confessions, were associations legitimated by the Prussian state, which could freely develop without intervention by the police. The \u201cCommon Law of the Prussian States\u201d defined them as closed societies.Within the analyzed period 56 lodges (four field lodges included) constituated themeselves in 31 towns and on five landed properties of noble Masonic members. They organized 5,375 members, the 61 members of the field lodges and the 350 Serving Brothers included, i.e. more than one third of all registered freemansons in Brandenburg-Prussia. Increasingly the freemasons were members of the social strata and groups, connected with the advancement of the Prussian state: they were members of the nobility and citizens, servants of the administration, theologians and teachers, who had been educated at enlightened universities, officers who engaged spiritually and socially, manufacturers and bankers, printers and booksellers, doctors and chemists, and artists. Members of the substrata were accepted only as Serving Brothers, and women were not acknowledged as members of the lodges at all. Although the provinces Pomerania, Prussia and Silesia had common features in general, they showed significant differences, nevertheless.In Pommerania until 1806 15 lodges were founded in eight cities. With the exeption of Stettin, a centre of trade and craft with a garrrison, as well as Stargard, the social basis was thin, that is why the lodges were unstable. About 960 freemasons have been registered in West and Middle Pomerania, mainly noble officers and civil servants, and 81 Serving Brothers. Only Stettin had a broader social basis. In East Prussia twelve lodges were founded in six towns and at one landed property of a noble member. About 1,465 freemasons have been registered as well as 86 Serving Brothers, two thirds of them in the town of K\u00f6nigsberg, where Immanuel Kant lived.In West Prussia all lodges but one had been founded after 1772 \u2013 eight lodges in six towns. There have been registered 750 freemasons and 37 Serving Brothers. With the exception of the towns of Elbing and Marienburg, the freemasonry had very few members from the resident population. Almost three quarters of the membership came from the new Prussian administration. It is difficult to say, how many Poles were freemasons. Among other features, Silesia differed confessionally from Pomerania and East and West Prussia. The Papal Church strictly rejected the freemasonry, but had to adhere to the Prussian policy of tolerance of the different religions. In Silesia 17 lodges were founded in eleven towns and at four landed properties, the field lodges included. In 1742 freemasons from Breslau founded the lodge Aux trois canons in Vienna, which shows the continued close ties with the Habsburg Empire. With the exception of the town Neisse all lodges were situated in Lower and Middle Silesia, which were predominantly protestant. For this region about 1.835 freemasons as well as 144 Serving Brothers have been registered, which is more than in Prussia or in Pomerania. An analysis for the membership shows that the freemasonry had its main social roots in the Silesian nobility, the administration, in the military as well as in the entrepreneurship, especially in the towns of Hirschberg and Schmiedeberg. All in all, the percentag of members born in Silesia rose with the growing acceptance of the freemasonry in the province.This exposition is meant as a contribution to the social and cultural history of the provinces of Pomerania, Prussia and Silesia. There the freemasonry won in social significance. Many freemasons were in prominent positions in the administration, the economy, in the educational and cultural fields. Thus they were able to significantly influence the emancipation of the civic society and to further the development of the system of civic associations and parties.

Die Untersuchung \"Die Freimaurer im Alten Preu\u00dfen 1738 - 1806\" ging aus einem von Prof. Dr. Helmut Reinalter geleiteten und vom Fonds zur F\u00f6rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF) in Wien gef\u00f6rderten und finanzierten Forschungsprojekt der Forschungsstelle Demokratische Bewegungen an der Geistesgeschichtlichen Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t Innsbruck in Zusammenarbeit mit der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission zur Erforschung der Freimaurerei hervor. Ausgewertet wurden haupts\u00e4chlich die im Geheimen Staatsarchiv Preu\u00dfischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem aufbewahrten Freimaurerbest\u00e4nde der Altpreu\u00dfischen Logen, ferner die Freimaurerbest\u00e4nde des \u00d6sterreichischen Staatsarchivs, Haus-,Hof- und Staatsarchiv Wien, sowie weiterer Archive und Bibliotheken, au\u00dferdem die masonische und die relevante regionalgeschichtliche, sozialgeschichtliche und biographische Literatur.Das Handbuch erfasst den Zeitraum 1741 - 1806 im \u00f6stlichen Brandenburg-Preu\u00dfen in den Grenzen vor der Zweiten Polnischen Teilung 1793, somit Vor- und Hinterpommern (ohne Schwedisch-Pommern), das K\u00f6nigreich Preu\u00dfen (Ostpreu\u00dfen), das 1740/41 eroberte Schlesien sowie das 1772 durch die Erste Polnische Teilung einverleibte Preu\u00dfen k\u00f6niglich-polnischen Anteils (Westpreu\u00dfen); Pommern und Schlesien lagen im Heiligen R\u00f6mischen Reich Deutscher Nation, Ost- und Westpreu\u00dfen, au\u00dferhalb.Die Freimaurerlogen werden nach gleichen Kiterien behandelt: ihre Geschichte im historischen und regionalen Zusammenhang, die Mitglieder un die Sozialstruktur, die gesellschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle T\u00e4tigkeit sowie die Wirkung in die b\u00fcrgerliche Gesellschaft. Die maurerisch und biographisch kommentierten Mitgliederlisten verzeichnen erstmals die Gesamtheit der Freimaurer im Untersuchungsgebiet. Damit wird auch ein Beitrag zur Prosopographie und zur Familiengeschichte geleistet. Die Freimaurerlogen waren eine eigene Form der Soziet\u00e4ten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts mit \u00e4hnlicher Organisation, jedoch auf breiter sozialer Basis, mit in Stufen (Graden) aufw\u00e4rts steigenden, ethisch-moralischem Programm der Menschenbildung und der Einweihung in ein sogenanntes freimaurerisches Geheimnis. Die unpolitischen, \u00fcberkonfessionellen Logen waren ab 1740 in Preu\u00dfen staatlich legitimierte Vereine, die sich ohne polizeiliche Eingriffe ungest\u00f6rt entwickeln konnten. Das Allgemeine Landrecht der Preu\u00dfischen Staaten definierte sie als geschlossene Gesellschaften.Im Untersuchungszeitraum wurden in 31 St\u00e4dten und auf f\u00fcnf Adelssitzen 56 Logen (einschlie\u00dflich vier Feldlogen) konstituiert. Sie organisierten einschlie\u00dflich der 61 Mitglieder der Feldlogen und der etwa 350 Dienenden Br\u00fcder rund 5.375 Freimaurer, mehr als ein Drittel aller in Brandenburg-Preu\u00dfen ermittelten Freimaurer. Freimaurer waren in wachsender Zahl Angeh\u00f6rige der mit dem Aufstieg Preu\u00dfens verbundenen sozialen Schichten und Gruppen - Adelige und B\u00fcrger, an den aufgekl\u00e4rten Universit\u00e4ten ausgebildete Verwaltungsbeamte, Theologen und P\u00e4dagogen, geistig und sozial engagierte Offiziere, zunftfreie Finanz-, Handels- und Manufakturunternehmer, Buchdrucker und -h\u00e4ndler, \u00c4rzte Chirurgen und Apotheker sowie K\u00fcnstler. Angeh\u00f6rige der Unterschichten wurden nur als Dienende Br\u00fcder aufgenommen. Frauen waren nicht soziet\u00e4tsf\u00e4hig.Zwischen Pommern, Preu\u00dfen und Schlesien zeigten sich bei grunds\u00e4tzlicher Gemeinsamkeit erhebliche Unterschiede.In Pommern entstanden bis 1806 in acht St\u00e4dten 15 Logen. Die soziale Basis war au\u00dfer in der Handels-, Gewerbe- und Garnisonstadt Stettin sowie in Stargard d\u00fcnn, die Logen waren daher labil. Es sind etwa 960 Freimaurer (au\u00dferdem 81 Dienende Br\u00fcder) haupts\u00e4chlich in Vor- und im westlichen Hinterpommern ermittelt, \u00fcberwiegend adlige Offiziere und b\u00fcrgerliche Verwaltungsbeamte; nur Stettin wies eine gr\u00f6\u00dfere soziale Breite auf. In Ostpreu\u00dfen entstanden in sechs St\u00e4dten und auf einem Adelssitz zw\u00f6lf Logen. Es sind etwa 1.465 Freimaurer, au\u00dferdem 86 Dienende Br\u00fcder ermittelt, von ihnen zwei Drittel in K\u00f6nigsberg, der Stadt Immanuel Kants.In Westpreu\u00dfen wurden alle Logen nach 1772 gegr\u00fcndet bis auf eine, in sechs St\u00e4dten insgesamt acht Logen. Es sind rund 750 Freimaurer ermittelt, au\u00dferdem 37 Dienende Br\u00fcder. Die Freimaurerei war au\u00dfer in Elbing und Marienburg nur wenig in der alteingesessenen Bev\u00f6lkerung verwurzelt. Die Angeh\u00f6rigen des neuen preu\u00dfischen Staatsapparates stellten nahezu drei Viertel aller Mitglieder. Wie viele Polen Freimaurer waren, ist schwer zu sagen. Schlesien unterschied sich u.a. konfessionell von Pommern und Ost- und Westpreu\u00dfen. Rom lehnte die Freimaurerei strikt ab, mu\u00dfte jedoch die preu\u00dfische religi\u00f6se Toleranzpolitik beachten. In Schlesien entstanden einschlie\u00dflich der Feldlogen in elf St\u00e4dten und auf vier Adelssitzen 17 Logen. Wie eng die Verbindungen in das Habsburgerreich anfangs noch waren, zeigt die Gr\u00fcndung der Wiene Loge Aux trois canons 1742 durch Breslauer Freimaurer. Bis auf Neisse lagen alle Logensitze im \u00fcberwiegend protestantischen Nieder- und Mittelschlesien. Es sind etwa 1.835 Freimaurer sowie 144 Dienende Br\u00fcder ermittelt, mehr als in Preu\u00dfen oder Pommern. Die Analyse der Mitgliedschaft zeigt eine starke soziale Verwurzelung der Freimaurerei im schlesischen Adel, in den Beh\u00f6rden, wegen der starken preu\u00dfischen Milit\u00e4rpr\u00e4senz im Milit\u00e4r sowie im Unternehmertum (Hirschberg, Schmiedeberg). Generell stieg der Mitgliederanteil geb\u00fcrtiger Schlesier mit wachsender Akzeptanz der Freimaurerei in der Provinz.Diese Darstellung versteht sich als Beitrag zur Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte Pommerns, Preu\u00dfens und Schlesiens. Die Freimaurerei gewann zunehmend gesellschaftliches Gewicht. Viele Freimaurer waren in Verwaltung, Heer, Wirtschaft, Bildung und Kultur verantwortlich t\u00e4tig. Die Freimaurer leisteten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Emanzipation des B\u00fcrgertums sowie zum b\u00fcrgerlichen Vereins- und Parteiensystem."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gerlach ,Karlheinz"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Freemasons in Ancient Prussia 1738 \u2013 1806"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437195"], ["title", "Die Freimaurer im Alten Preu\u00dfen 1738\u20131806, Die Logen in Pommern, Preu\u00dfen"], ["doab_id", "15318"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706543835"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706543835"]], [["description", "This book provides a complete overview of political parties in France. The social and ideological profiles of all the major parties are analysed chapter by chapter, highlighting their principal functions and dynamics within the system. This examination is complemented by analyses of bloc and system features, including the pluralist left, Europe, and the ideological space in which the parties operate. In particular, the book addresses the impressive capacity of French parties and their leaders to adapt themselves to the changing concerns of their electorates and to a shifting institutional context. Contrary to the apparently fragmentary system and increasingly hostile clashes between political personalities, the continuities in the French political system seem destined to persist. Drawing on the expertise of its French and British contributors, 'The French party system' forms a benchmark study of the state of party politics in France. It will be an essential text for all students of French politics and parties, and for students of European politics more generally."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Evans ,Jocelyn"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["france", "french", "government", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341384"], ["title", "The French party system"], ["doab_id", "12581"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061196"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061196"]], [["description", "O corpo principal deste trabalho foi apresentado em junho de 1970 como disserta\u00e7\u00e3o de mestrado ao Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Antropologia Social do Departamento de Antropologia, do Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Velho, Ot\u00e1vio Guilherme"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zjf4z"], ["title", "Frentes de expans\u00e3o e estrutura agr\u00e1ria: estudo do processo de penetra\u00e7\u00e3o numa \u00e1rea da transamaz\u00f4nica"], ["doab_id", "17240"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662915"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662915"]], [["description", "In the eighth and ninth centuries, the papacy had to deal with with a multitude of \u2018others\u2019 aunder variing circumstances. This book reseraches three cases that have had a considerable impact on the papacy: the representation of the Byzantine or \u2018Greek\u2019 empire and the communication with and about the Lombards and the Franks, both in the eighth century, as well as the conflict with Muslim groups called Saracens in the ninth century.

Das Papsttum im 8. und 9. Jahrhundert sah sich unter wechselnden politischen Rahmenbedingungen mit einer Vielzahl von Anderen konfrontiert. In diesem Buch werden drei Beispiele unterscuht, die das Papsttum in unterschiedlicher Weise gepr\u00e4gt haben: die Repr\u00e4sentation des \u201ebyzantinischen\u201c oder \u201egriechischen\u201c Kaiserreichs, jene der Langobarden und Franken im 8. Jahrhundert und der Konflikt mit \u201eSarazenen\u201c genannten muslimischen Gruppen im 9. Jahrhundert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gantner ,Clemens"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Pope, Papacy, Others, foreigners, strangers, Lombards/Longobards, Franks, Byzantium, Greeks, Saracens, Early Middle Ages, Italy, Rome", "Papst, Papsttum, Andere, Fremde, Langobarden, Franken, Byzanz, Griechen, Sarazenen, Fr\u00fchmittelalter, Italien, Rom"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=508000"], ["title", "Freunde Roms und V\u00f6lker der Finsternis"], ["doab_id", "16509"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795933"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795933"]], [["description", "In Frankreich, Burgund, dem sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Reich, Kastilien, Katalonien und St\u00e4dten wie Florenz gab es enge Verbindungen zwischen Friedenssicherung und effektiver Verteidigungsorganisation. Seit einigen Jahren stehen die Wahrung des Friedens, Friedensverhandlungen und -diskurse, gerichtliche und au\u00dfergerichtliche Regelung und Austragung von Konflikten, Rache, guerres priv\u00e9es, Fehden, St\u00e4dte- und Landfriedensb\u00fcnde, Hermandades, aber auch st\u00e4dtische Parteik\u00e4mpfe im Mittelpunkt zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Studien. Die vorgelegten Beitr\u00e4ge pr\u00e4sentieren Ergebnisse neuerer, aus unterschiedlichen historiografischen Traditionen hervorgegangener Forschungen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Naegle, Gisela"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/220209"], ["title", "Frieden schaffen und sich verteidigen im Sp\u00e4tmittelalter. Faire la paix et se d\u00e9fendre \u00e0 la fin du Moyen \u00c2ge"], ["doab_id", "18061"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486853766", "9783486704815"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486853766, 9783486704815"]], [["description", "This study of the social circumstances of Japanese intellectuals in the last quarter of the eighteenth century is based on biographical data concerning 173 individuals. It deals with the image of intellectual life of that period in current scholarship, and with the self-image and ethos of scholars, authors, poets and artists. That self-image and ethos, however, often clash with the realities of their everyday lives. This prosopographical investigation offers a new look at intellectual life on a basic level. The current image of intellectual life in the Tokugawa period is one of dissatisfaction and withdrawal, whereas the image that results from this study is one of dynamism and interaction. For more (Dutch-language) titles on Japan, please visit: \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=21\">www.aup.nl/japan

Dit onderzoek naar de sociale omstandigheden van Japanse intellectuelen in het laatste kwart van de achttiende eeuw is gebaseerd op biografische gegevens van 173 personen. Het onderzoek behandelt het beeld van het intellectuele leven van die periode zoals dat vorm heeft gekregen in het werk van moderne Japanologen, maar beziet tevens zelfbeeld en ethos van de betreffende geleerden, schrijvers, dichters en kunstenaars. Zelfbeeld en ethos blijken dan vaak te botsen met de alledaagse realiteit van hun bestaan. Uitgaande van die alledaagse realiteit komt deze prosopografische benadering tot een nieuwe kijk op het intellectuele leven. Het huidige beeld van het intellectuele klimaat van de Tokugawa periode laat voornamelijk ontevredenheid en Weltflucht/ zien. Deze dissertatie echter toont een cultuur van dynamiek en interactie. Voor meer titels over Japan, zie ook: \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=21\">www.aup.nl/japan"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beerens ,Anna"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "History", "Geography", "Auxiliary disciplines", "Sociology", "Culture and instituten", "Geschiedenis", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=354749"], ["title", "Friends, Acquaintances, Pupils and Patrons : Japanese Intellectual Life in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Prosopographical Approach"], ["doab_id", "12988"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280017"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280017"]], [["description", "Aby Warburg (1866-1929), the celebrated Hamburg art historian, who broke new ground with his research into Renaissance art history, found in Fritz Saxl (1890-1948), art historian, head librarian and finally his successor as director of Warburg's library and later the Warburg Institute, a scholar who contributed to the shaping of a pluridisciplinary understanding of research. Through Saxl's research of problems of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages he gave important impulses to the scholarly understanding of intellectual history.Saxl, who extended the library system of the \"good neighbourliness\" of books, demonstrated his organizational thinking and strategies, which anticipated the use of hyperlinks - albeit without today's electronic technology. It was Saxl who turned Warburg's library from a private library into the centre of an international network for scholars.He spoke of himself as the wanderer through the museums and libraries of Europe, an agricultural worker who worked the piece of ground between history of art, literature, science and religion. Saxl's own research agenda was multifarious, the history of astrology, of mythology, in particular the research into illuminated astrological and mythological manuscripts of the Middle Ages, gleaned from archives all over Europe and published in three comprehensive Verzeichnisse. He further worked on religions of classical antiquity, the transition from pagan to Christian traditions, Mithras as well as art historical topics, Bellini, Titian. His life-long great admiration for Rembrandt found expession in a number of publications. 17th century art history, English medieval sculpture and his last great interest, seals, completed his scholarly output. But next to these research topics his achievements in the fields of organization were the area in which Saxl truly excelled. Warburg, although he spoke of him as the \"junior partner\", admired his scholarly honesty and thoroughness, but ultimately underestimated his achievements in administration and organization; these alone made it possible that the private library of Warburg could be consolidated into a internationally approved institute of teaching and research in Germany, and then in Great Britain.As Warburg's successor Saxl both kept as close as possible to Warburg's method as well as break fresh ground. Saxl was a truly original thinker, a congenial teacher, very demanding to his students and colleagues, but also fiercely supportive, for instance, to Roger Hinks, when he lost his post at the British Museum in the course of the affair of the cleaning of the Elgin Marbles. He employed Anthony Blunt as editor of the Warburg Institute publications, he brought Ernst H. Gombrich from Vienna to London in 1936. He was a great example to the young art historian John Pope-Hennessy, later Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Museum. Today, the Warburg Institute is a post-graduate research institute specializing in researching cultural and intellectual history, a forum for scholars and students. The fact that teaching and research could be kept up in Hamburg until 1933 and resumed in London from 1934 onward, speaks for the personal commitment of the employees and above all for Saxl;s intellectual courage and sense for practical solutions. His unstinting effort and dedication were certainly reasons for Saxl's early death at 58 years of age.

Der hamburgische Kunsthistoriker Aby Warburg (1866-1929), der mit seinen kulturwissenschaftlichen Ideen auf dem Gebiet der Renaissanceforschung federf\u00fchrend wurde, hatte in Fritz Saxl (1890-1948), Kunsthistoriker, sp\u00e4ter Bibliotheksleiter und Institutsdirektor, einen Wissenschaftler zur Seite, der Warburgs pluridisziplin\u00e4re Forschungsmethode mitpr\u00e4gte und institutionalisierte. Mit seinen eigenen Forschungen zu Fragen des sp\u00e4ten Altertums und des Mittelalters gab Saxl entscheidende Impulse zum Wissenschaftsverst\u00e4ndnis der Kulturwissenschaft. Saxl, der als Bibliothekar das Bibliothekssystem der \"guten Nachbarschaft\" der B\u00fccher ausbaute, leistete damit einen weiteren Beweis seiner Denkstrategien, die Hyperlinks - ohne elektronische Technologie nat\u00fcrlich - vorwegnahmen. Er war es, der die Bibliothek Warburgs aus einem engen privaten Bibliotheksbetrieb heraussch\u00e4lte und sie zum Kern eines internationalen Netzwerkes f\u00fcr Wissenschaftler machte. Saxl selbst nannte sich einen Wanderer durch die Museen und Bibliotheken Europas, einen Landarbeiter, der das St\u00fcck Boden zwischen Kunstgeschichte, Literatur, Naturwissenschaft und Religion beackerte. Seine eigenen Forschungen erstreckten sich auf viele Gebiete, auf die auf Archivarbeiten in ganz Europa aufgebauten Untersuchungen zu illuminierten astrologischen und mythologischen Handschriften des Mittelalters, die in drei umfassenden Verzeichnissen ihren Niederschlag fanden; weiters stellte er Untersuchungen zu antiken Religionen, den \u00dcberg\u00e4ngen von paganer zur christlichen Tradition, Mithras sowie zu den venetianischen Malern Bellini und Tizian an. Sein gro\u00dfes Interesse galt Rembrandt sowie dem 17. Jahrhundert, englischen mittelalterlichen Skulpturen und Siegeln. Neben diesen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen bestechen die institutsorganisatorischen Aufgaben, in denen Saxl Gro\u00dfes geleistet hatte. Warburg, der von ihm als dem \"Juniorpartner\" sprach, sch\u00e4tzte dessen wissenschaftliche Ehrlichkeit und Gr\u00fcndlichkeit, aber verkannte letztlich die Leistungen auf administrativen und organisatorischen Gebieten, die alleine die Konsolidierung einer Privatbibliothek in ein international anerkanntes Lehr- und Forschungsinstrument in Deutschland, und dann ein zweites Mal in Gro\u00dfbritannien, erm\u00f6glicht hatten.Als Nachfolger Warburgs bem\u00fchte sich Saxl, den Problemstellungen Warburgs treuzubleiben sowie neue Wege zu gehen. Saxl forderte seine Studenten und Kollegen, setzte sich aber auch f\u00fcr sie ein, wie f\u00fcr Roger Hinks, der seinen Posten im British Museum im Zuge der Aff\u00e4re um die Reinigung der Elgin Marbles verloren hatte. Er stellte Anthony Blunt als Herausgeber der Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen an, er holte sich Ernst H. Gombrich 1936 aus Wien. Er war das grosse Vorbild f\u00fcr den jungen Kunsthistoriker John Pope-Hennessy, sp\u00e4ter Direktor des Victoria and Albert Museum und des British Museum.Heute ist das Warburg Institute ein postgraduate Forschungsinstitut zur Erforschung der Ideengeschichte, ein Forum f\u00fcr Wissenschaftler wie Studenten. Dass bis zum Jahre 1933 in Hamburg und dann ab 1934 in London ein Studier-, Lehr- und Publikationsbetrieb aufrechterhalten werden konnte, spricht f\u00fcr das pers\u00f6nliche Engagement der Angestellten wie f\u00fcr deren unerm\u00fcdlichem Einsatz sowie vor allem f\u00fcr Saxls intellektuellem Mut und Sinn f\u00fcr praktische L\u00f6sungen. Dieser Einsatz war mit ein Grund zu Saxls fr\u00fchen Tod mit 58 Jahren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McEwan ,Dorothea"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Saxl Biography, Warburg Institute, Rembrandt, D\u00fcrer, astrological illuminations, Scholary Achievements, Saxl\u00b4s way with words, Organizational Achievements"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=459331"], ["title", "Fritz Saxl - Eine Biografie"], ["doab_id", "15564"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788638"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788638"]], [["description", "Im Jahr 1889 malte Fritz von Uhde die \u201eKinderstube\u201c, die seine drei T\u00f6chter in ihrem Spiel- und Schlafraum zeigt. Wie selbstverst\u00e4ndlich mutet dem heutigen Betrachter diese detailreiche und lebendige Szene an und doch gibt es nur wenige vergleichbare Darstellungen. Gem\u00e4lde und Grafiken vom sp\u00e4ten Mittelalter bis zum ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert zeigen die Ikonografie des spielenden Kindes sowie g\u00e4ngige Spiel- und Wohnmilieus und machen deutlich, dass erst seit gut 200 Jahren vermehrt R\u00e4ume mit der Funktionszuschreibung eines Kinderzimmers versehen wurden. Dies h\u00e4ngt eng mit einer sich wandelnden Beurteilung der Kindheitsphase und des Kinderspiels zusammen, was wahrnehmbare Auswirkungen auf die Darstellungsmodi und -kontexte hat. Inwieweit Uhdes \u201eKinderstube\u201c mit der allt\u00e4glichen Lebenswelt b\u00fcrgerlicher Kinder in Verbindung gebracht werden kann, veranschaulichen sachkulturelle und schriftlichen \u00dcberlieferungen. Sie er\u00f6ffnen Einblicke in die Verbreitung und Einrichtung von Kinderstuben, in g\u00e4ngige Spiele und Spielzeuge sowie zu Kinderkleidung im 19. Jahrhundert. Durch diesen interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschungsansatz zeichnet die Untersuchung ein umfassendes und lebendiges Bild vergangener kindlicher Lebenswelten.

Im Jahr 1889 malte Fritz von Uhde die \u201eKinderstube\u201c, die seine drei T\u00f6chter in ihrem Spiel- und Schlafraum zeigt. Wie selbstverst\u00e4ndlich mutet dem heutigen Betrachter diese detailreiche und lebendige Szene an und doch gibt es nur wenige vergleichbare Darstellungen. Gem\u00e4lde und Grafiken vom sp\u00e4ten Mittelalter bis zum ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert zeigen die Ikonografie des spielenden Kindes sowie g\u00e4ngige Spiel- und Wohnmilieus und machen deutlich, dass erst seit gut 200 Jahren vermehrt R\u00e4ume mit der Funktionszuschreibung eines Kinderzimmers versehen wurden. Dies h\u00e4ngt eng mit einer sich wandelnden Beurteilung der Kindheitsphase und des Kinderspiels zusammen, was wahrnehmbare Auswirkungen auf die Darstellungsmodi und -kontexte hat. Inwieweit Uhdes \u201eKinderstube\u201c mit der allt\u00e4glichen Lebenswelt b\u00fcrgerlicher Kinder in Verbindung gebracht werden kann, veranschaulichen sachkulturelle und schriftlichen \u00dcberlieferungen. Sie er\u00f6ffnen Einblicke in die Verbreitung und Einrichtung von Kinderstuben, in g\u00e4ngige Spiele und Spielzeuge sowie zu Kinderkleidung im 19. Jahrhundert. Durch diesen interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschungsansatz zeichnet die Untersuchung ein umfassendes und lebendiges Bild vergangener kindlicher Lebenswelten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoke, Sarah"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Art", "Art"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610295"], ["title", "Fritz von Uhdes \"Kinderstube\" - die Darstellung des Kindes in seinem Spiel- und Wohnmilieu"], ["doab_id", "13361"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875906"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875906"]], [["description", "In the aftermath of 9/11 Islamic seminaries or madrasas received much media attention in India, mostly owing to the alleged link between madrasa education and forms of violence. Yet, while ample information on madrasas for boys is available, similar institutions of Islamic learning for girls have for the greater part escaped public attention so far. This study investigates how madrasas for girls emerged in India, how they differ from madrasas for boys, and how female students come to interpret Islam through the teachings they receive in these schools. Observations suggest that, next to the official curriculum, the 'informal' curriculum plays an equally important role. It serves the madrasa's broader aim of bringing about a complete reform of the students' morality and to determine their actions accordingly.

Gedurende de nasleep van 11 september 2001 kregen de islamitische hogescholen, oftewel de madrasas, veel aandacht in de Indiase media. Dit kwam voornamelijk door de veronderstelde schakel tussen madrasa onderwijs en vormen van geweld. Terwijl veel bekend is over madrasas voor jongens bleven soortgelijke onderwijsinstellingen voor jonge vrouwen tot dusver betrekkelijk onttrokken aan de publieke aandacht. Dit onderzoek belicht de vraag hoe islamitische scholen voor jonge moslim vrouwen tot stand zijn gekomen in India, hoe zij zich onderscheiden van madrasas voor jongens, en hoe de jonge vrouwen islam interpreteren n.a.v. wat hen bijgebracht wordt. Observaties geven aan dat naast het offici\u00eble curriculum het informele curriculum een even belangrijke rol speelt. Het draagt bij aan het grotere doel van de madrasa, namelijk de hervorming van de moraliteit van de studenten en het bepalen van hun handelingen in lijn daarmee."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Winkelmann ,Mareike J."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Anthropology", "Religie", "Anthropologie", "Religious education", "Piety movements", "Tabligh Jamaat", "Education", "Gender", "Fundamentalism", "Islamism", "India, Delhi", "madrasa", "women's education", "women"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340176"], ["title", "From Behind the Curtain : A Study of a Girls' Madrasa in India"], ["doab_id", "13253"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569078"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569078"]], [["description", "The deterioration of skeletal muscle performance (e.g., declines in muscle strength and motor performance) with advancing age has long been anecdotally recognized as Shakespeare pointed out nearly a half millennium ago in his monologue The Seven Ages of Man, and has been of scientific interest for well over a century. Over the past several decades the scientific and medical communities have recognized that reduced skeletal muscle performance is a debilitating and life threatening condition in the elderly. For example, the age-associated loss of muscle strength, as well as impairment in the ability to finely control movement, is highly associated with physical disability and difficulty performing activities of daily living. While the nervous system is widely recognized for its role in controlling skeletal muscle during motor function, its role in determining the performance characteristics of aged skeletal muscle has largely been understudied. Historically, it was believed that these reductions in muscle performance were primarily resultant of age-associated adaptations in skeletal muscle (e.g., muscle atrophy). However, aging is associated with widespread qualitative and quantitative changes in both the central and peripheral nervous systems that are likely to influence numerous aspects of muscle performance, such as muscle strength, fatigue, and motor control, as well as mobility. In this research topic, we sought to examine a broad range of issues surrounding: 1) the age-related changes in nervous system anatomical, physiological, and biochemical changes in the central and/or peripheral nervous systems; 2) the functional role of these nervous system changes in contributing to altered skeletal muscle performance and/or mobility; and 3) physical and pharmacologic interventions that act via the nervous system to enhance muscle performance and/or mobility. Researchers and academicians engaged in aging, neuroscience, and/or applied physiology research focused within the scope of this research topic, were encouraged to contribute an original research article, review article, clinical case study, hypothesis and theory article, method article, opinion article, or technology report to this research topic. Herein, we present a series of outstanding articles within this scope of work, including a last minute addition article from Wiesmeier, Dalin and Maurer that is not mentioned in the editorial, that we hope will help to vertically advance the intersecting fields of aging/geriatrics and neuroscience. Lastly, as the editors, we wish to thank all article contributors and peer reviewers for their efforts in contributing to this Research Topic journal issue/book. Additionally, we would like to thank people everywhere who volunteer their time and body for human subjects research studies, such that are presented herein. It is the wonderful individuals who are willing to participate in experiments that make scientific exploration and health and medical advancements possible."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brian C. Clark; Timothy D. Law Sr.; S. Lee Hong"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Muscle", "Sarcopenia", "dynapenia", "Aging", "Frailty", "weakness", "motor control"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1465/from-brain-to-body-the-impact-of-nervous-system-declines-on-muscle-performance-in-aging"], ["title", "From Brain to Body: The Impact of Nervous System Declines on Muscle Performance in Aging"], ["doab_id", "18815"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196869"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196869"]], [["description", "From Bricks to Brains introduces embodied cognitive science, and illustrates its foundational ideas through the construction and observation of LEGO Mindstorms robots. Discussing the characteristics that distinguish embodied cognitive science from classical cognitive science, From Bricks to Brains places a renewed emphasis on sensing and acting, the importance of embodiment, the exploration of distributed notions of control, and the development of theories by synthesizing simple systems and exploring their behaviour. Numerous examples are used to illustrate a key theme: the importance of an agent\u2019s environment. Even simple agents, such as LEGO robots, are capable of exhibiting complex behaviour when they can sense and affect the world around them."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Dawson; Brian Dupuis; Michael Wilson"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["science", "brain", "behaviour"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120175"], ["title", "From Bricks to Brains: The Embodied Cognitive Science of Lego Robots"], ["doab_id", "14437"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425787", "9781897425794"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425787 9781897425794"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A. Martin Byers"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Prehistoric peoples--Mississippi River Valley--Social life and customs", " Mississippi River Valley--Civilization", " Social stratification--Mississippi River Valley--Civilization"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1001&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "From Cahokia to Larson to Moundville: Death, World Renewal, and the Sacred in the Mississippian Social World of the Late Prehistoric Eastern Woodlands"], ["doab_id", "16899"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644551", "9780984644551"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644555; 9780984644551"]], [["description", "Why is the Isle of Dogs in the Thames called Isle of Dogs? Did King Canute\u2019s men bring English usage back to Jutland? How can we find out where English speakers suck their breath in to give a short response? And what did the Bront\u00ebs do about dialect and think about foreign languages?The answers are in this collection of empirical work on English past and present in honour of Nils-Lennart Johannesson, Professor of English Language at Stockholm University. The first five chapters report individual studies forming an overview of current issues in the study of Old and Middle English phonology, lexis and syntax. The next six look at Early Modern and Modern English from a historical point of view, using data from corpora, manuscript archives, and fiction. Two more look at the Old English scholar JRR Tolkien and his work. The remaining chapters discuss aspects of Modern English. Several use corpora to look at English usage in itself or in relation to Swedish, French, or Norwegian. The last three look at grammatical models, the pragmatics of second language use, and modern English semantics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Shaw ,Philip ; Erman ,Britt ; Melchers ,Gunnel ; Sundkvist ,Peter "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Diachronic linguistics", "English", "corpus linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530632"], ["title", "From Clerks to Corpora: essays on the English language yesterday and today"], ["doab_id", "16850"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789176350041", "9789176350058", "9789176350065", "9789176350072"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350041 9789176350058 9789176350065 9789176350072"]], [["description", "Although Charles Darwin predicted that his theory \u201cwould give zest to [...] metaphysics,\u201d even he would be astonished at the variety of paths his theory has in fact taken. This holds with regard to both gene-Darwinism, a purified Darwinian approach biologizing the social sciences, and process- Darwinism found in the disciplines of psychology, philosophy of science, and economics. Although Darwinism is often linked to highly confirmed biological theories, some of its interpretations seem to profit from tautological claims as well, where scientific reputation cloaks ideological usage. This book discusses central tenets of Darwinism historically as well as systematically, for example the history of different Darwinian paradigms, the units-of-selection debate, and the philosophical problem of induction as basis of metaphysical Darwinism. Crucially the book addresses the Darwinian claim that evolution is governed by an immutable and unrelentingly cruel law of natural selection. Paradoxically, Darwin\u2019s theory is a static, non-evolutionary theory of evolution. The current book sketches the historical background and provides suggestions that may help to replace this approach by the idea of an evolution of evolutionary mechanisms (see Escher\u2019s \u201cDrawing Hands\u201d on the cover). This view even suggests a tendency to overcome the blindness of the knowledge acquisition of primordial Darwinian processes and allows for some freedom from external environments. This book first develops a radically Darwinian approach, then criticises this approach from within. Even Darwinism has a tendency to transcend itself. Although the book addresses several empirical issues, it does not challenge particular findings. Instead it builds on many insights of Darwinism and provides a proposal for interpreting known empirical evidence in a different light. It should help pave the way for further developing an understanding of nature that transcends Darwinian metaphysics.

Although Charles Darwin predicted that his theory \u201cwould give zest to [...] metaphysics,\u201d even he would be astonished at the variety of paths his theory has in fact taken. This holds with regard to both gene-Darwinism, a purified Darwinian approach biologizing the social sciences, and process- Darwinism found in the disciplines of psychology, philosophy of science, and economics. Although Darwinism is often linked to highly confirmed biological theories, some of its interpretations seem to profit from tautological claims as well, where scientific reputation cloaks ideological usage. This book discusses central tenets of Darwinism historically as well as systematically, for example the history of different Darwinian paradigms, the units-of-selection debate, and the philosophical problem of induction as basis of metaphysical Darwinism. Crucially the book addresses the Darwinian claim that evolution is governed by an immutable and unrelentingly cruel law of natural selection. Paradoxically, Darwin\u2019s theory is a static, non-evolutionary theory of evolution. The current book sketches the historical background and provides suggestions that may help to replace this approach by the idea of an evolution of evolutionary mechanisms (see Escher\u2019s \u201cDrawing Hands\u201d on the cover). This view even suggests a tendency to overcome the blindness of the knowledge acquisition of primordial Darwinian processes and allows for some freedom from external environments. This book first develops a radically Darwinian approach, then criticises this approach from within. Even Darwinism has a tendency to transcend itself. Although the book addresses several empirical issues, it does not challenge particular findings. Instead it builds on many insights of Darwinism and provides a proposal for interpreting known empirical evidence in a different light. It should help pave the way for further developing an understanding of nature that transcends Darwinian metaphysics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sydow, Momme von"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Darwinism", "Evolution", "Darwinism", "Evolution"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610358"], ["title", "From Darwinian Metaphysics towards Understanding the Evolution of Evolutionary Mechanisms - A Historical and Philosophical Analysis of Gene-Darwinism and Universal Darwinism"], ["doab_id", "14592"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950064"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950064"]], [["description", "Much of world\u2019s documentary heritage rests in vulnerable, little-known and often inaccessible archives. Many of these archives preserve information that may cast new light on historical phenomena and lead to their reinterpretation. But such rich collections are often at risk of being lost before the history they capture is recorded. This volume celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Endangered Archives Programme at the British Library, established to document and publish online formerly inaccessible and neglected archives from across the globe.From Dust to Digital showcases the historical significance of the collections identified, catalogued and digitised through the Programme, bringing together articles on 19 of the 244 projects supported since its inception. These contributions demonstrate the range of materials documented \u2014 including rock inscriptions, manuscripts, archival records, newspapers, photographs and sound archives \u2014 and the wide geographical scope of the Programme. Many of the documents are published here for the first time, illustrating the potential these collections have to further our understanding of history.The Endangered Archives Programme website features over four million images from more than 240 projects. You can follow the projects\u2019 progress on the Endangered Archives blog."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kominko, Maja (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Archives", "documentary heritage", "preservation", "digitisation", "Endangered Archives Programme", "cultural heritage", "British Library"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/283"], ["title", "From Dust to Digital: Ten Years of the Endangered Archives Programme"], ["doab_id", "17190"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740635", "9781783740642"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740635 9781783740642"]], [["description", "This volume presents new topics from Chinese history of the last 1400 years from a broad range of fields such as politics, religion, society, economy and culture. The refreshing eight articles give new insights on events as different as the inter-religious court debates of the Tang, the Jiaqing reform of the Qing, the China display on the Chicago World Fair in 1893, Christianity and state-building in Chaozhou, the Taiwan salt trade, Chinese indentured labour in World War I in France, China's rise and current internet regulation. This book highlights the complexity of multi-level interaction of different agents in the center and periphery of China, inside and outside China, contributing to intellectual debates, political and social dynamics, economy structure, modernization, identity building and interaction with the outside.

Dit boek biedt een verfrissende kijk op 1400 jaar Chinese geschiedenis. In acht artikelen worden politieke, religieuze, maatschappelijke economische en culturele geschiedenis tegen het licht gehouden. Uiteenlopende ontwikkelingen komen aan bod, van de interreligieuze rechtbankdebatten van de Tang-dynastie, de Jiaging reformatie van de Qing-dynastie tot China's opkomst en de huidige internetgeneratie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Assandri ,Friederike; Martins ,Dora"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Culture and history", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Bestuurskunde", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340027"], ["title", "From Early Tang Court Debates to China's Peaceful Rise"], ["doab_id", "12750"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567951"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567951"]], [["description", "Film is in a state of rapid change, with the transition from analog to digital profoundly affecting not just filmmaking and distribution, but also the theoretical conceptualization of the medium film and the practice of film archiving. New forms of digital archives are being developed that make use of participatory media to provide a more open form of access than any traditional archive has offered before. Film archives are thus faced with new questions and challenges. From Grain to Pixel attempts to bridge the fields of film archiving and academic research, by addressing the discourse on film ontology and analysing how it affects the role of film archives. Fossati proposes a new theoretization of film archival practice as the starting point for a renewed dialogue between film scholars and film archivists.

Het bewegende beeld bevindt zich in een overgangsperiode waarin analoge (fotochemische) film geleidelijk vervangen wordt door digitale film. Deze overgang heeft niet alleen diepgaande invloed op filmproductie en -distributie, maar ook op de manier van archiveren van film en de theoretische conceptualisering van dit medium. Van digitale archieven worden steeds nieuwe vormen ontwikkeld. Deze archieven - digitale filmdatabases en YouTube bijvoorbeeld - maken gebruik van media die participatie van vele gebruikers mogelijk maken en worden zo toegankelijker dan ooit. Ondertussen is er nog onvoldoende dialoog tussen archivarissen en filmwetenschappers. From Grain to Pixel slaat een brug tussen archiveringspraktijken en wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat gebaseerd is op relevante debatten in film- en nieuwe mediastudies. Fossati stelt een nieuwe theorie op voor het archiveren en restaureren van film. Dit biedt mogelijkheden voor een hernieuwde dialoog tussen archivarissen en wetenschappers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fossati ,Giovanna"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film", "Digital Archiving", "Pixel"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=369986"], ["title", "From Grain to Pixel : The Archival Life of Film in Transition"], ["doab_id", "13305"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641397"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641397"]], [["description", "From Isolation towards Integration was originally published in Dutch as Volume 41 (1963) in the series Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groot de ,S.W."], ["date", "1977"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613439"], ["title", "From Isolation towards Integration"], ["doab_id", "18461"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024719624", "9789004287112"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024719624 9789004287112"]], [["description", "Failed or fragile states are those that are unable or unwilling to provide a socio-political framework for citizens and meet their basic needs. They are a source of terrorism and international crime, as well as incubators of infectious disease, environmental degradation, and unregulated mass migration. Canada's engagement with countries such as the Congo, East Timor, Bosnia, and Afghanistan underlines the commitment of successive Canadian governments to addressing the threats posed to Western security by state fragility.From Kinshasa to Kandahar: Canada and Fragile States in Historical Perspective brings together leading Canadian historians and political scientists to explore Canada's historic relationship with fragile states. The collection spans the period from the 1960s to the present and covers a geographical range that stretches from the Middle East to Latin America to Southeast Asia. Authors embrace a variety of approaches and methodologies, including traditional archival historical research, postmodern textual analysis, oral history, and administrative studies to chronicle and explain Canada's engagement with fragile and failed states.This collection reflects the growing public interest in the issue of failed states, which are of increasing concern to Canadian policymakers and are making headlines on the world stage. It helps explain the historic forces that have shaped Canadian policy towards failed and fragile states, and provides a platform for a national discussion about Canada's future role addressing state fragility. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael K. Carroll; Greg Donaghy"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Political Science", " History", " International Relations"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388440"], ["title", "From Kinshasa to Kandahar: Canada and Fragile States in Historical Perspective"], ["doab_id", "19110"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388457"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388457"]], [["description", "The Kakawin Ramayana, arguably the oldest Old Javanese epic text in Indic metres (circa 9th century AD), holds a unique position in the literary heritage of Indonesia. The poem has retained a remarkable vitality through the centuries in the Archipelago, inspiring many forms of artistic expression not only in the domain of literature but also in the visual and performing arts, from the reliefs of the majestic Central Javanese temples to modern puppet-show performances. Displaying a virtuoso array of metrical patterns, the Kakawin Ramayana is among the very few Old Javanese texts for which a specific Sanskrit prototype has been identified, namely the difficult poem Bhattikavya (circa 7th century AD), itself a version of the great Ramayana epic ascribed to Valmiki (circa 6th\u20131st century BC). The Old Javanese poem is an original and skillful work of re-elaboration that documents a fascinating interaction between cultural elements of the Sanskritic tradition with those indigenous to the Javanese setting. The studies included in this volume, written by experts in a wide range of disciplines, focus on disparate aspects of the Kakawin Ramayana and the constellation of cultural phenomena revolving around it, providing the reader with a key to the understanding of the rich Old Javanese textual heritage and the transcultural intellectual dynamics that contributed to shaping the cultural heritage of Indonesia up to the present. With contributions from Andrea Acri, Helen Creese, Arlo Griffiths, Thomas Hunter, Roy Jordaan, Lydia Kieven, Cecelia Levin, Wesley Michel, Stuart Robson and Adrian Vickers, this book is the result of a workshop held at the KITLV branch in Jakarta on May 26th\u201328th 2009 and supported by the Australia-Netherlands Research Collaboration, the \u00c9cole fran\u00e7aise d\u2019Extr\u00eame-Orient, and the Stichting J. Gonda Fonds."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Acri ,Andrea; Creese ,Helen; Griffiths ,Arlo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["epic poetry", "Visual Arts", "Literature", "Indonesia", "literary heritage", "Old Javanese"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=399317"], ["title", "From La\u1e45k\u0101 Eastwards; The R\u0101m\u0101ya\u1e47a in the Literature"], ["doab_id", "14620"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183840", "9789004253766"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183840 9789004253766"]], [["description", "Nelson Goodman (1906-1998) was one of the outstanding thinkers of the 20th century. In a memorial note, Hilary Putnam considers him to be \"one of the two or three greatest analytic philosophers of the post-World War II period\". Goodman has left his mark in many fields of philosophical investigation: Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Logic, Metaphysics, the General Theory of Symbols, Philosophy of Languageand Philosophy of Art, all have been challenged and enriched by the problems he has shown up, the projects he developed from them and the solutions he has suggested. In August 2006 a couple of Goodman aficionados met in Munich to celebrate the Centennial. The proceedings of the ensuing international conference are documented in this volume. The contributions attest the fact that Goodman's thinking still holds many treasures."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ernst, Gerhard; Steinbrenner, Jakob; Scholz, Oliver R."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209234"], ["title", "From Logic to Art. Themes from Nelson Goodman"], ["doab_id", "18090"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110327199", "9783110326741"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110327199, 9783110326741"]], [["description", "From monologue to dialogue; Radio and reform in Indonesia analyses how radio journalism since the late 1990s has been shaped by and contributed to Reformasi, or the ambition of democratizing Indonesian politics, economy and society. The book examines ideas and practices such as independent journalism, peace journalism, meta-journalism, virtual interactivity, talk-back radio and community radio, which have all been designed to renew audience interest in media and societal affairs. It pays special attention to radio programmes that enable hosts, experts, listeners and other participants to discuss and negotiate the very rules and boundaries of Indonesia\u2019s newly acquired media freedom. The author argues that these contemporary programmes provide dialogic alternatives to the official New Order discourse dominated by monologism. Edwin Jurri\u00ebns is Lecturer in Indonesian Language and Culture at the University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia. He is author of Cultural travel and migrancy; The artistic representation of globalization in the electronic media of West Java (KITLV, 2004) and co-editor of Cosmopatriots; On distant belongings and close encounters (Rodopi, 2007"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jurri\u00ebns ,Edwin"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Radio", "Journalism", "Political change", "Reformasi", "Democratization", "Indonesia", "Radio radio", "Journalisme", "Politieke veranderingen", "Reformatie", "Democratie", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=377413"], ["title", "From monologue to dialogue; Radio and reform in Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "13335"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183543", "9789004253834"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183543 9789004253834"]], [["description", "Highly respected as an Alberta artist and teacher, J. B. (Jack) Taylor (1917-1970) is best known for his representational, semi-abstract, and abstract paintings of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Taylor's initial influences were the American landscape painters of the latter half of the nineteenth century. Ultimately, he moved from a more traditional representation of nature to an intuitive perception of the essential elements of landscape rock, water, and sky as impacted by light. Rather than presenting mountains in all their majesty, using acrylics and other media, he captured the aura of the mountains in a unique and abstract style."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Adriana A. Davies"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Art"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49929/1/UofCPress_JBTaylor_2014.pdf"], ["title", "From Realism to Abstraction: The Art of J. B. Taylor"], ["doab_id", "15900"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387641"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387641"]], [["description", "An important contribution to our understanding of the multifaceted challenges underlying sustainable solutions to ecological fisheries, the book describes how, in Chile, indiscriminate harvest of the edible shellfish Concholepas concholepas (false abalone or Loco), has been threatening not only the living of small-scale artisan fishers but also the ecosystem. In an attempt to strengthen the fishers\u2019 livelihoods and at the same time recuperate the fish, the Chilean government introduced the regulatory measure: Management and Exploitation Areas for Benthic Resources (MEABRs), locally known as Management Areas (MAs) and internationally as Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries (TURFs). The author uses a participatory approach to this interdisciplinary issue, examining how the MAs have impacted on two fishing organizations and localities that depend for their survival on benthic resources: El Quisco (Valpara\u00edso Region) and Puerto Oscuro (Coquimbo Region).Placed in the larger context of the critical situation of fisheries in the world, the book not only offers an example to other communities but also an insight into the complex ways politics links to economics, the local links to the regional and the global, and nature to society.
Espa\u00f1ol: Una importante contribuci\u00f3n para nuestra comprensi\u00f3n de los desaf\u00edos multifac\u00e9ticos que subyacen bajo soluciones sustentables para una pesca ecol\u00f3gica es este libro que describe como en Chile, la extracci\u00f3n indiscriminada de la especie comestible Concholepas concholepas (abul\u00f3n falso o Loco) lleg\u00f3 a amenazar no tan s\u00f3lo la sobrevivencia de los peque\u00f1os pescadores artesanales, sino tambi\u00e9n el ecosistema.En un esfuerzo por fortalecer el sustento de los pescadores y al mismo tiempo por recuperar la especie, el gobierno chileno introdujo la medida regulatoria \u00c1reas de Manejo y Explotaci\u00f3n de Recursos Bent\u00f3nicos (AMERBs), conocida localmente como \u00c1reas de Manejo (AMs), e internacionalmente como Derechos Territoriales de Pesca (TURFs). La autora usa un enfoque participativo para este tema interdisciplinario, examinando como las AM han impactado en dos organizaciones y localidades pesqueras que dependen para su sobrevivencia de los recursos bent\u00f3nicos como son El Quisco (Regi\u00f3n de Valpara\u00edso) y Puerto Oscuro (Regi\u00f3n de Coquimbo).Puesto en un contexto mayor de la cr\u00edtica situaci\u00f3n de las pesquer\u00edas en el mundo, el libro no es solo un ejemplo para otras comunidades sino que ofrece tambi\u00e9n una mirada sobre las complejas maneras en las cuales la pol\u00edtica se entrelaza con la econom\u00eda, lo local con lo regional y global, y la naturaleza con la sociedad."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gloria L. Gallardo Fern\u00e1ndez"], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Co-Action Publishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://journals.sfu.ca/coactionbks/index.php/gallardo/issue/current%3C/a%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3E%3Cspan%20style="], ["title", "From Seascapes of Extinction to Seascapes of Confidence - Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries in Chile: El Quisco and Puerto Oscuro "], ["doab_id", "13428"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789197707121", "9789197707138"]], ["provider", "journals.sfu.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9789197707121 9789197707138 "]], [["description", "This research topic aims to integrate scattered findings on sex differences in neuroscience into a broader theory of how the human brain is shaped by sex and sex hormones in order to cause the great variety of sex differences that are commonly observed. It can be assumed that these differences didn\u2019t occur arbitrarily, but that they rather determined and still determine evolutionary success of individuals and were shaped by the processes of natural and in particular sexual selection. Therefore, sex differences are not negligible and sex difference research cannot be discriminating against one sex or the other. In fact a better understanding of the underlying causes of sex differences has great advantages for both men and women and society as a whole, not only in terms of health care, but in every aspect of life. Gender equality can only work out if it is equally well understood for men and women what their individual resources and needs are. Therefore, it is of great importance to pave the way for identifying the underlying principles of structural and functional brain organization that cause men and women to act, think and feel differently. To this end it is of particular interest to identify possible similarities and interrelations between sex differences that did so far stand separately, in order to investigate whether they share a common source. To understand, where a specific sex difference comes from and whether or not it is caused by the same principle as other sex differences, it is necessary to explicitly link sex differences in behavior to their neuronal correlates and vice versa link sex differences in brain structure and function to their behavioral outcomes. In particular a new understanding of male and female brain functioning may arise from findings on how sex hormones interact with various neurotransmitter systems. In the past few years several findings demonstrated that women\u2019s behavior is influenced by the sex hormone fluctuations they experience naturally during their menstrual cycle to the extent that sex differences may only be detectable in one cycle phase but not another. The study of menstrual cycle dependent effects gives important hints about which sex differences are activational and which are organizational. Additionally it only recently came to attention, that hormonal contraception may alter a women\u2019s mood, cognition and behavior as a consequence of changes in brain structure and function. The underlying mechanisms are so poorly understood that it is even hard to predict, whether hormonal contraception will mask or amplify sex differences in a given task. Since the oral hormonal contraceptive pill is meanwhile used by 100 million women worldwide and even by teenagers whose brains are not yet fully developed, the question of how the synthetic steroids contained in hormonal contraceptives act on the brain is to be studied hand in hand with naturally occurring sex differences. This topic summarizes the current state of the art in sex difference research and gives new perspectives in terms of hypothesis generation an methodology. Both are necessary to gain a complete picture of what it is that makes a brain male or female and move towards a neuroscience of sex differences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Belinda Pletzer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["sex differences", "sex hormones", "Menstrual Cycle", "hormonal contraceptives", "Menopause", "brain structure", "brain function", "neurotransmitters", "sex role"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2074/from-sex-differences-in-neuroscience-to-a-neuroscience-of-sex-differences-new-directions-and-perspec"], ["title", "From Sex Differences in Neuroscience to a Neuroscience of Sex Differences: New Directions and Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18818"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196890"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196890"]], [["description", "In all living organisms, essential micronutrients are cofactors of many ubiquitous proteins that participate in crucial metabolic pathways, but can also be toxic when present in excessive concentrations. In order to achieve correct homeostasis, plants need to control uptake of metals from the environment, their distribution to organs and tissues, and their subcellular compartmentalization. They also have to avoid deleterious accumulation of metals and metalloids such as Cd, As and Al. These multiple steps are controlled by their transport across various membrane structures and their storage in different organelles. Thus, integration of these transport systems required for micronutrient trafficking within the plant is necessary for physiological processes to work efficiently. To cope with the variable availability of micronutrients, plants have evolved an intricate collection of physiological and developmental processes, which are under tight control of short- and long-range signaling pathways. Understanding how plants perceive and deal with different micronutrient concentrations, from regulation to active transport, is important to completing the puzzle of plant metal homeostasis. This is an essential area of research, with several implications for plant biology, agriculture and human nutrition. There is a rising interest in developing plants that efficiently mobilize specific metals and prosper in soils with limited micronutrient availability, as well as those that can selectively accumulate beneficial micronutrients in the edible parts while avoiding contaminants such as Cd and As. However, there is still an important gap in our understanding of how nutrients reach the seeds and the relative contribution of each step in the long pathway from the rhizosphere to the seed. Possible rate-limiting steps for micronutrient accumulation in grains should be the primary targets of biotechnological interventions aiming at biofortification. Over the last 10 years, many micronutrient uptake- and transport-related processes have been identified at the molecular and physiological level. The systematic search for mutants and transcriptional responses has allowed analysis of micronutrient-signaling pathways at the cellular level, whereas physiological approaches have been particularly useful in describing micronutrient-signaling processes at the organ and whole-plant level. Large-scale elemental profiling using high-throughput analytical methodologies and their integration with both bioinformatics and genetic tools, along with metal speciation, have been used to decipher the functions of genes that control micronutrients homeostasis. In this research topic, we will follow the pathway of metal movement from the soil to the seed and describe the suggested roles of identified gene products in an effort to understand how plants acquire micronutrients from the soil, how they partition among different tissues and subcellular organelles, and how they regulate their deficiency and overload responses. We also highlight the current work on heavy metals and metalloids uptake and accumulation, the studies on metal selectivity in transporters and the cross-talk between micro and macronutrients. Thus, we believe a continued dialogue and sharing of ideas amongst plant scientists is critical to a better understanding of metal movement into and within the plant."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Raul Antonio Sperotto; Felipe Klein Ricachenevsky; Lorraine Elizabeth Williams; Marta Wilton Vasconcelos; Paloma Koprovski Menguer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["biofortification", "mineral accumulation", "partitioning", "Remobilization", "transport", "Ubiquitination", "uptake"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1724/from-soil-to-seed-micronutrient-movement-into-and-within-the-plant"], ["title", "From soil to seed: micronutrient movement into and within the plant"], ["doab_id", "18681"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193516"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193516"]], [["description", "On November 11 and 12, 2011, a symposium held at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill honored John M. Headley, Emeritus Professor of History. The organizers, Professor MelissaBullard\u2014Headley\u2019s colleague in the department of history at that university\u2014along with ProfessorsPaul Grendler (University of Toronto) and James Weiss (Boston College), as well as Nancy GraySchoonmaker, coordinator of the Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies\u2014assembled presenters, respondents, and dozens of other participants from Western Europe and North America to celebrate the career of their prolific, versatile, and influential colleague whose publications challenged and often changed the ways scholars think about Martin Luther, Thomas More, the Habsburg empire,early modern Catholicism, globalization, and multiculturalism.This special issue contains the major papers delivered at the symposium, revised to take account of colleagues\u2019 suggestions at the conference and thereafter. John O\u2019Malley studies the censorship ofsacred art with special reference to Michelangelo\u2019s famed \u201cLast Judgment\u201d and the Council of Trent.John Martin sifts Montaigne\u2019s skepticism about contemporaneous strategies for self-disclosure andself-discipline. Stressing the significance of grammar, Constantin Fasolt helps us recapture theRenaissance\u2019s and the early modern religious reformations\u2019 disagreements with antiquity. RonaldWitt\u2019s reappraisal of humanist historiography probes Petrarch\u2019s perspectives on ancient Rome. JohnMcManamon includes tales of theft and market manipulation in his study of the early moderncollection and circulation of books and manuscripts, the commodification of study. To \u201cnuance\u201d John Headley\u2019s conclusions about \u201cthe Europeanization of the world,\u201d Jerry Bentley repossesses the influence of other than European societies on several European theorists of human rights. Kate Lowe\u2019s remarks on the reconstruction of race in the Renaissance explores the effects of a critical mistranslation on what being black was taken to mean by Europeans. David Gilmartin introduces readers to the shape of democracy in nineteenth- and twentieth-century India, as well as to the understandings of popular sovereignty that affected elections, suggesting strides that scholars might take \u201ctoward a worldwide history of voting\u201d.The remarkable range of these contributions comes close to reflecting the range of ProfessorHeadley\u2019s interests and achievements, which James M. Weiss maps in his tribute, identifying\u201cunifying themes\u201d in Headley\u2019s work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Iver Kaufman (Guest Editor); James M. Weiss; Ronald Witt; John M. McManamon; Kate Lowe; John Jeffries Martin; Constantin Fasolt; David Gilmartin; Jerry Bentley"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Headley", " Europeanization", " empire", " Renaissance humanism", " cartography", " Spanish Empire", " globalization", " Montaigne", " self", " confession", " prayer", " repentance", " interiority", " sexuality", " sincerity", " humanist historiography", " historical perspective", " Dark Ages", " secularization", " antiquity", " Reformation", " Humanism", " early modern", " Wittgenstein", " grammar", " historiography", " philosophy of history", " Black", " linguistic formulation", " Renaissance", " slave", " \u201cSong of Songs\u201d", " human rights", " democracy", " Renaissance", " early modern Europe", " voting", " democracy", " sovereignty", " elections", " people", " conundrum", " Europeanization", " India", " secret ballot", " influence", " secular theology", " enchanted individual", " Michelangelo", " Council of Trent", " Charles de Guise", " Catherine de\u2019 Medici", " iconoclasm", " lascivious", " manuscripts", " humanism", " libraries", " private property", " common wealth"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/19"], ["title", "From the Renaissance to the Modern World"], ["doab_id", "16155"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980362", "9783906980355"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980362/9783906980355"]], [["description", "China and Russia are rising economic and political powers that share thousands of miles of border. Yet, despite their proximity, their practical, local interactions with each other \u2014 and with their third neighbour Mongolia \u2014 are rarely discussed. The three countries share a boundary, but their traditions, languages and worldviews are remarkably different.Frontier Encounters presents a wide range of views on how the borders between these unique countries are enacted, produced, and crossed. It sheds light on global uncertainties: China\u2019s search for energy resources and the employment of its huge population, Russia\u2019s fear of Chinese migration, and the precarious economic independence of Mongolia as its neighbours negotiate to extract its plentiful resources.Bringing together anthropologists, sociologists and economists, this timely collection of essays offers new perspectives on an area that is currently of enormous economic, strategic and geo-political relevance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bill\u00e9, Frank (Editor); Delaplace, Gr\u00e9gory (Editor); Humphrey, Caroline (Editor)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Russia", "China", "Mongolia", "anthropology", "Asia", "international relations"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/139"], ["title", "Frontier Encounters: Knowledge and Practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian Border"], ["doab_id", "15201"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924881"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924881"]], [["description", "With the centenary of the First World War, communities across Canada arranged commemorations of the war experience to honour local servicemen who, through their triumphs and sacrifices, were presented as laying the foundation for a free and independent country. Often overlooked are the triumphs and sacrifices of those who supported those soldiers, and the war effort in general, back at home. The Frontier of Patriotism provides an in-depth look at all aspects of Alberta's involvement in the war, reflecting Albertans' experiences both on the battlefield and on the home front. Contributors of the 40 essays all draw heavily on national and local archival resources. The war is seen through the letters, diaries and memoirs of the individuals who lived through it, as well as through accounts in local newspapers.Readers will come away from this collection with a deeper appreciation of the different ways that the First World War, and its aftermath, shaped the lives of Albertans. For many, these four tumultuous years represented a time of individual valour and of communities pulling together and sacrificing for a noble cause. Yet, for others, the war left disillusionment and anger. Exploring these regional and local stories, as well as the national story, helps us understand the commonalities and distinctiveness of what it means to be Canadian. The Frontier of Patriotism is the most comprehensive treatment of Alberta during these critical, transformational years."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adriana A. Davies (Editor); Jeff Keshen (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["World War I, Alberta, Patriotism"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388341"], ["title", "The Frontier of Patriotism: Alberta and the First World War"], ["doab_id", "19793"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781552388358"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388358"]], [["description", "Learning to read, and to spell are two of the most important cultural skills that must be acquired by children, and for that matter, anyone learning a second language. We are not born with an innate ability to read. A reading system of mental representations that enables us to read must be formed in the brain. Learning to read in alphabetic orthographies is the acquisition of such a system, which links mental representations of visual symbols (letters) in print words, with pre-existing phonological (sound) and semantic (comprehension) cognitive systems for language. Although spelling draws on the same representational knowledge base and is usually correlated with reading, the acquisition processes involved are not quite the same. Spelling requires the sequential production of letters in words, and at beginning levels there may not be a full degree of integration of phonology with its representation by the orthography. Reading, on the other hand, requires only the recognition of a word for pronunciation. Hence, spelling is more difficult than reading, and learning to spell may necessitate more complete representations, or more conscious access to them. The learning processes that children use to acquire such cognitive systems in the brain, and whether these same processes are universal across different languages and orthographies are central theoretical questions. Most children learn to read and spell their language at the same time, thus the co-ordination of these two facets of literacy acquisition needs explication, as well as the effect of different teaching approaches on acquisition. Lack of progress in either reading and/or spelling is also a major issue of concern for parents and teachers necessitating a cross-disciplinary approach to the problem, encompassing major efforts from researchers in neuroscience, cognitive science, experimental psychology, and education. The purpose of this Research Topic is to summarize and review what has been accomplished so far, and to further explore these general issues. Contributions from different perspectives are welcomed and could include theoretical, computational, and empirical works that focus on the acquisition of literacy, including cross-orthographic research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claire M. Fletcher-Flinn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["reading acquisition theory", "alphabetism", "Alphasyllabaries", "predictors of reading", "print vocabulary", "cognitive flexibility", "spelling and computers", "spelling and specific language impairment", "reading intervention and methodology", "reading comprehension"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2170/frontiers-in-the-acquisition-of-literacy"], ["title", "Frontiers in the Acquisition of Literacy"], ["doab_id", "19559"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196562"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196562"]], [["description", "Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation intervention that induces changes in cortical activity and excitability according to the parameters of stimulation. TDCS effects have been reported since the 1800s with the development of the galvanic cell, although more systematic research has been conducted only from 1950-1970 and then from 1998 onwards. At the present time, most tDCS studies have been conducted in healthy volunteers, proving the properties of tDCS as a technique that induces long-lasting, polarity-dependent changes on specific brain areas. In addition, some studies have applied tDCS in selected neuropsychiatric samples, as to investigate its therapeutic effects, obtaining mixed albeit mostly positive results. Using tDCS in clinical practice could bring enormous gains for the treatment of several neuropsychiatric disorders, as tDCS is a portable, non-expensive and straightforward therapy, being therefore a putative candidate as an add-on or substitutive therapy for pharmacological treatments. However, there is still a gap between tDCS basic and clinical research, as it is still unknown whether and how the potent neuromodulatory effects observed after one tDCS session can be carried over for several weeks; therefore proving that tDCS is also a reliable clinical tool. In addition, another gap is observed in tDCS translational research, as results obtained from experimental animal models might not be fully generalizable to neuropsychiatric disorders in humans. Thus, advancing basic and experimental tDCS research as well as tailoring the optimal parameters of stimulation represents the frontiers of tDCS use in neuropsychiatry. In this special edition, our aim is to gather studies that contribute to the proposal of using tDCS for the treatment and investigation of neuropsychiatric disorders. Desired studies include (but are not limited to) the following topics: (1) clinical trials using tDCS as a treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders. (2) original studies investigating optimal parameters for daily tDCS stimulation. (3) safety and tolerability of tDCS, including reports of unexpected and serious adverse effects. (4) comprehensive reviews of putative mechanisms of action of tDCS for neuropsychiatric disorders. (5) translational research, testing different protocols of stimulation in experimental animals. (6) modeling tDCS studies, including studies testing different tDCS devices and montages. (7) studies of cost-efficacy analysis. (8) development of appropriate study designs for tDCS. (9) development of novel employments of tDCS, such as portable, safe devices that allow domestic utilization. (10) development of more precise and focal tDCS devices. To conclude, our ultimate aim is to host studies that contribute to bridge findings from basic and experimental tDCS research with clinical practice, therefore accelerating tDCS use as a novel arsenal for treating neuropsychiatric disorders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alberto Priori; Andre R. Brunoni; Felipe Fregni; Paulo S. Boggio; Roberta Ferrucci"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["non-invasive brain stimulation", "Transcranial electrical stimulation", "Chronic Pain", "Major Depressive Disorder", "Stroke", "working memory", "Tinnitus", "Computational models", "Neuropsychology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/621/the-frontiers-of-clinical-research-on-transcranial-direct-current-stimulation-tdcs-in-neuropsychiatr"], ["title", "The frontiers of clinical research on transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in Neuropsychiatry"], ["doab_id", "17839"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192878"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192878"]], [["description", "Today, detailed reports of travellers, traders and diplomats are interesting and often pleasurable sources for the conditions in Central Greece. This book shows how the landscapes of Phokis and Lokris changed in the medieval age and during the Ottoman regency. It also pictures how Greece changed from the time of the Kingdom to the present-days.

Alte Reiseberichte vermitteln dem Leser h\u00e4ufig einen v\u00f6llig neuen Blick auf wohlbekannte Gegenden. Gerade in Griechenland verlief die Wiederentdeckung der klassischen Landschaften im Zuge der Renaissance sehr langsam und z\u00f6gerlich, denn das Land war als Teil des Osmanischen Reiches recht schwer zug\u00e4nglich. Selbst in das ber\u00fchmte Delphi wagten sich nur relativ wenige Reisende, und die Rahmenbedingungen, unter denen diese Reisen dann stattfanden, waren sehr bemerkenswert. Ausf\u00fchrliche Berichte von bildungsbewu\u00dften Reisenden, abenteuerlustigen H\u00e4ndlern und unter anderem milit\u00e4risch interessierten Diplomaten sind daher auch heute noch eine interessante und h\u00e4ufig sehr vergn\u00fcgliche Quelle f\u00fcr die regionalen Zust\u00e4nde in Mittelgriechenland. Diese Zusammenstellung zeigt einerseits, wie sehr sich die beiden Landschaften Phokis und Lokris im Mittelalter und w\u00e4hrend der Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zum Osmanischen Reich ver\u00e4ndert haben, andererseits aber auch, wie gro\u00df der Schritt vom K\u00f6nigreich Griechenland bis in die heutige Zeit ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Felsch-Klotz, Annamarie"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Ottomans", "Greece", "Phokis", "Lokris", "medieval age", "ancient Greece", "Ottomans", "Greece", "Phokis", "Lokris", "medieval age", "ancient Greece"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610353"], ["title", "Fr\u00fche Reisende in Phokis und Lokris - Berichte aus Zentralgriechenland vom 12. bis 19. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "19172"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875005"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875005"]], [["description", "Can early criminal defense helping to avoid or shorten detention? When early criminal defense means to avoid unnecessary detention which burdens both the involved parties, the enforcement and detention and in terms of costs, the state in unnecessary ways? These questions are discussed in the present investigation. It represents the concept and the results of the accompanying scientific research from a 1998 pilot project carried out in the JVA Hannover. It relies on the analysis of over 1,300 criminal acts and the Federal Central Register\u2019s (Bundeszentralregister) statements, the evaluation of the detention list of the local court of Hanover and on extensive interviews with people involved in the project (defence lawyers, prosecutors, judges, court clerks and remand prisoners). The empirical findings of the accompanying be embedded in a legal framework and criminological conclusions are presented.

Kann fr\u00fche Strafverteidigung dazu beitragen, Untersuchungshaft zu vermeiden oder zu verk\u00fcrzen? Ist fr\u00fche Strafverteidigung damit ein Mittel, um unn\u00f6tige Haftzeiten zu vermeiden, die sowohl die Betroffenen als auch den Untersuchungshaftvollzug und \u00fcber die Haftkosten den Staat in \u00fcberfl\u00fcssiger Weise belasten? Diesen Fragen geht die vorliegende Untersuchung nach. Sie stellt die Konzeption und die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung zu einem ab 1998 in der JVA Hannover durchgef\u00fchrten Modellprojekt vor. Dabei st\u00fctzt sie sich auf die Auswertung von \u00fcber 1.300 Strafverfahrensakten und Bundeszentralregisterausz\u00fcge, auf die Auswertung der Haftliste des Amtsgerichts Hannover und auf umfangreiche Befragungen der am Projekt beteiligten Personen (Verteidiger, Staatsanw\u00e4lte, Richter, Justizangestellte und Untersuchungsgefangene). Die empirischen Erkenntnisse der Begleitforschung werden in einen rechtlichen Rahmen eingebettet und kriminologische Schlussfolgerungen werden vorgestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Busse, Ulrike"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["criminal defense", "detention", "law enforcement", "justice", "Federal central register", "prosecution", "criminal defense", "detention", "law enforcement", "justice", "Federal central register", "prosecution"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610221"], ["title", "Fr\u00fche Strafverteidigung und Untersuchungshaft - eine empirische Studie"], ["doab_id", "13216"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616864"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616864"]], [["description", "What is a fuckhead?David Rawson\u2019s Fuckhead is a surreal exploration of the literature, film, nature and expectations of disability, and of fuckheads in literature and film. Part lyric essay, part fictional memoir, Rawson\u2019s work tells the story of an unnamed narrator whose familial relationships are defined by his VATER syndrome. Abused by his mother and stripped of a voice by his brother\u2019s need to be Tom Cruise via Rain Man, he sets out into a universe of literary tropes.The work is particularly interested in the relationship between Steinbeck\u2019s Of Mice and Men and what the narrator argues is Denis Johnson\u2019s reimagining of that work in the short story \u201cEmergency\u201d (in Johnson\u2019s Jesus\u2019 Son). But in accumulating characters with disabilities as widely diverse as Darth Vader, Benjy of Faulkner\u2019s The Sound and the Fury, and the TV sitcom Community\u2019s Abed Nadir, Rawson movingly, and with wry humor, articulates the assumptions and clich\u00e9s faced by persons with disabilities, all the while creating a new family with his unlikely gathering of \u201cfuckheads.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Rawson"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Denis Johnson, disability studies, John Steinbeck, memoir, William Faulkner"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/fuckhead/"], ["title", "Fuckhead"], ["doab_id", "16054"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615883410"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615883410"]], [["description", "Sources and documents from different parts of the world where indigenous rights are recognized and ethnic populations"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Valenzuela ,Esteban; Romero ,Natacha"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Laws", "constitutions", "declarations", "ethnic groups", "indigenous"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619614"], ["title", "Fuentes para una Constituci\u00f3n con Poder Ind\u00edgena"], ["doab_id", "19969"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416478"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416478"]], [["description", "Si el derecho es una \u201cciencia\u201d, si nuestro mundo recurre a\u00fan a \u00e9l para regular las relaciones sociales, econ\u00f3micas y pol\u00edticas, es porque la autoridad normativa de los textos legislativos se aplica a la realidad a trav\u00e9s de una serie de mecanismos l\u00f3gicos extremadamente refinados que han sido usados durante siglos, primero en Europa, luego en Occidente y finalmente en el mundo global. Como todo expediente l\u00f3gico, se trata de creaciones artificiales que responden a necesidades sociales particulares y que han sido continuamente reutilizadas y reinterpretadas. Para comprender estos mecanismos es indispensable entender su historia. As\u00ed, este libro se abre con una evocaci\u00f3n de lo que en Europa se ha designado como \u201chistoria del derecho\u201d y despliega luego una serie de temas centrales del derecho medieval desde una perspectiva innovadora, que exige distancia con respecto a las ideolog\u00edas que han condicionado a los historiadores-juristas durante los dos \u00faltimos siglos. La forma de los textos normativos, la elucidaci\u00f3n de los mecanismos del proceso p\u00fablico recuperado de la tradici\u00f3n romana, la calificaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica de las relaciones de dependencia feudal y servil, la atribuci\u00f3n de los bienes p\u00fablicos a los entes eclesi\u00e1sticos, son los n\u00facleos en torno a los cuales se despliegan \u201cejercicios\u201d de historiograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica que revelan l\u00f3gicas inesperadas, capaces de movilizar la fuerza del texto para construir un sistema de equilibrio din\u00e1mico, l\u00e1bil, sensible a los cambios de la sociedad urbana de una Europa que atravesaba una fase de intensas mutaciones."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Conte, Emanuele"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Historia del Derecho", "Lazo feudal", "Servidumbre", "Bienes eclesi\u00e1sticos", "Usos comunales", "Proceso judicial", "Posesi\u00f3n", "Persona jur\u00eddica"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/22261/fuerza_conte_hd41_2016.pdf"], ["title", "La fuerza del texto. Casu\u00edstica y categor\u00edas del derecho medieval"], ["doab_id", "18636"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315938"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315938"]], [["description", "Universities and research institutes are increasingly expected to contribute to society by creating innovation from the returns of their research results and the establishment of new technologies. Toward that goal, Keio University in Japan held an international symposium titled \u201cFulfilling the Promise of Technology Transfer: Fostering Innovation for the Benefit of Society.\u201d From that symposium the following contents are included in the present volume: 1) A showcase of ideas and case studies to promote future creation of innovation by universities and research institutes worldwide, including information on the R&D value chain, licensing, income generation, start-ups and mechanisms to encourage entrepreneurship, and the changing role of universities in fostering innovation. 2) Introduction of active research projects that aim to productize successful research results on an international level. For example, the book includes results of research on stem cell technologies and regenerative medicine as well as the realization and application of polymer photonics and the development of the core technology of polymer photonics. 3) Case studies from the U.K. in developing industry\u2013academia collaboration with various business partners ranging from start-ups and spinout companies to large enterprises. 4) Reports of the achievements of the technological transfer activities at Keio University supported by the 5-year public fund, with suggestions for future prospects."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Koichi Hishida"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["R & D/Technology Policy", "International IT and Media Law, Intellectual Property Law", "Entrepreneurship", "Innovation/Technology Management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-4-431-54305-3"], ["title", "Fulfilling the Promise of Technology Transfer"], ["doab_id", "15478"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431543053", "9784431543060"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431543053 (Print) 9784431543060 (Online)"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Volume 03_Deleuze compiles blog posts by L\u00e9opold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by \u00c9lie Faure and Gerald Raunig) on: Minor Architects and Funambulists: A Shared Architectural Manifesto \u2014 Ab\u00e9c\u00e9daire \u2014 What Is It to Be \u201cFrom the Left\u201d \u2014 The Ritournelle (refrain) as a Territorial Song Invoking the Power of the Cosmos \u2014 The Body as a Desiring Machine \u2014 Minor Literature \u2014 What Remains from Francis Bacon \u2014 Transpierce the Mountains: Indian Medieval Art History by \u00c9lie Faure \u2014 Processes of Smoothing and Striation of Space in Urban Warfare \u2014 A Thousand Machines by Gerald Raunig \u2014 Foucault and the Society of Control \u2014 Control and Becoming: A Conversation Between Negri and Deleuze \u2014 \u201cI Leave it to You to Find Your Own Instrument of Combat\u201d: Deleuze Quotes Proust \u2014 \u201cA Sunflower Seed Lost in a Wall is Capable of Shattering that Wall\u201d \u2014 Deleuze\u2019s Wave: About Spinoza \u2014 Power (Potentia) vs. Power (Potestas): The Story of a Joyful Typhoon \u2014 The World of Affects or Why Adam Got Poisoned by the Apple \u2014 The Spinozist \u201cScream\u201d: What Can a Body Do? \u2014 \u201cComment disposer mes tribus? Le d\u00e9lire est g\u00e9ographico-politique\u201d \u2014 The Hypochondriac Body \u2014 A Short Political Reading of Leibniz\u2019s Small Sensations \u2014 The Infinite Worlds Folded in the Dresses of Yiqing Yin \u2014 The Two Architectures of the Infinite Possible Worlds: Leibniz\u2019s Pyramid & Borges\u2019s Garden of Forking Paths \u2014 Lecture by Gilles Deleuze About the Act of Creation (May 1987)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["architecture, Deleuze, Foucault, Francis Bacon, Liebniz, Spinoza, theory"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-03-deleuze/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 03_Deleuze"], ["doab_id", "16048"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615844558"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615844558"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Volume 04_Legal Theory compiles blog posts by L\u00e9opold Lambert (and guest posts by Costas Douzinas and Recetas Urbanas) on: Architecture and the Law: An Epistolary Exchange With Dr. Lucy Finchett-Maddock \u2014 Remus Has to Die \u2014 Trapped in the Border\u2019s Thickness \u2014 Absurdity and Greatness of the Law: The Siege of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London \u2014 The Space Beyond the Walls: Defensive \u201cA-legal\u201d Sanctuaries \u2014 The Reasons for Disobeying a Law \u2014 Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A Territory of Experiments for the State of Israel \u2014 Palestine: What Does the International Legislation Say? \u2014 In Praise of the Essence of the American Second Amendment: The Importance of Self-Contradiction in a System \u2014 Power, Violence, Law by Costas Douzinas \u2014 Fortress London: Missiles on Your Roof \u2014 Short Digression About the Future of Drones (After Seeing One at JFK) \u2014 Quadrillage: Urban Plague Quarantine & Retro-Medieval Boston \u2014 Historical Map of Quarantine \u2014 Collision, Sexuality and Resistance \u2014 The Spatial Issues at Stake in Occupy Wall Street: Considering the Privately Owned Public Spaces \u2014 Strategies for Subversive Urban Occupation by Recetas Urbanas \u2014 Is Housing a Human Right? Considering the \u201cTake Back the Land\u201d Manifesto \u2014 Center for Urban Pedagogy"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["#Occupy, architecture, design theory, legal theory, Middle East, political geography, urban planning"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-vol-04_legal-theory/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 04_Legal Theory"], ["doab_id", "16052"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615868905"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615868905"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.To choose to be a body in public, susceptible to encounter other bodies, or to stay in the protected space of the private: that is the elementary dimension of that choice. To form a collective body or to insist on the individuality of one\u2019s own body; that is another one.Volume 05_Occupy Wall Street includes: Introduction: My Body Is a Political Weapon \u2014 Photographs of Occupy Wall Street \u2014 \u201cI Am a Citizen of Liberty Square\u201d \u2014 Urban Insurgencies: Algiers\u2019 Labyrinthine Casbah vs. New York\u2019s Weaponized Grid Plan \u2014 \u201cMic-Check!\u201d: Human Transmission Technology \u2014 \u201cThis is What Democracy Looks Like\u201d Is Not Just a Slogan \u2014 Why We Should Stop Calling Occupy Wall Street a Protest \u2014 Spatial Issues at Stake in Occupy Wall Street: Considering the Privately Owned Public Spaces \u2014 The Tremendous Power of Space \u2014 The Archipelago as a Territorial Manifesto \u2014 About the Notion of Occupying \u2014 Judith Butler to the Occupy Movement: \u201cThis is a Politics of the Public Body\u201d \u2014 Occupy the Department of Buildings \u2014 Creating the Urban Labyrinth in an Orthogonal Street Grid \u2014 National Security Drones vs. Liam Young\u2019s Electronic Counter-Measures \u2014 Aestheticizing Violence + Capitalizing on the Revolt Imaginary \u2014 Impetus \u2014 Occupy Gezi: Why Are Politicians Afraid of Bodies \u2014 The Republic of Taksim \u2014 What Is a People? \u2014 The Political Archipelago: For a New Paradigm of Territorial Sovereignty \u2014 Official Report on the Question of the so-called New York Commune \u2014 The New York Commune [Film in Progress]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["#Occupy, activism, architecture, democracy, design theory, New York City, politics, public commons, social protest"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-vol-05_occupy-wall-street/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 05_Occupy Wall Street"], ["doab_id", "16057"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615883533"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615883533"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.\u2026 a deep examination of the systematic aspects of Israel\u2019s colonial strategy constitutes a necessary production of knowledge that can inform the various means of their deactivation. The cartography (literal and figurative) that results from such an examination expresses the politics of space that are at work in this region.Volume 06_Palestine includes: Introduction: Cartography of a Colonial Politics of Space \u2014 The Palestinian Archipelago: A Metaphorical Cartography of the Occupied Territories \u2014 For a More Embodied Vision of the Occupation: The Israeli Settlements in the West Bank Through Palestinian Eyes \u2014 Architectural Stockholm Syndrome \u2014 The Route 443, a Symptomatic Example of the Apartheid Apparatus in the West Bank \u2014 Road Link between Gaza and the West Bank: A Sovereignty Contained in a Line \u2014 The Ordinary Violence of the Colonial Apparatuses in the West Bank \u2014 The Right to the Ruin: Civilization Absence in the Post-Nakba Landscapes \u2014 Sympathy with the Obstacle in the Gaza Strip \u2014 War in the Manhattan Strip \u2014 Political Geography of the Gaza Strip: A Territory of Experiments for the State of Israel \u2014 Representation of Otherness for a Gaza Kid \u2014 The Policies of the \u201cLesser Evil\u201d \u2014 Palestine: What the International Legislation Says \u2014 Law as a Colonial Weapon \u2014 The Reasons for Disobeying a Law \u2014 The Palestinian Legal Right of Return \u2014 Manual of Return \u2014 2037 by Raja Shehadeh \u2014 Running as Political Resistance \u2014 Idealism & Imagination \u2014 Are we Questioning the Essence of Problems? \u2014 An Epistolary Conversation with R. Debatty \u2014 An Epistolary Conversation with A. Barclay and D. Qaddumi"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["apartheid, architecture, colonialism, design, Gaza, Israel, occupation, Palestine, violence, West Bank"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-vol-06_palestine/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 06_Palestine"], ["doab_id", "16060"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615920184"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615920184"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.The violence that architecture carries in itself towards bodies is the same regardless of the intent, yet the way it is used is not exactly the same when it manifests itself consequently rather than deliberately. Cruel designs are purposely conceived to use this violence in order to assert an absolute power on one or several bodies.Volume 06_Cruel Designs includes: Introduction: What Is Cruel Design? \u2014 Violence on the Body: A Manual for the French Police Escorting Illegal Immigrants \u2014 The Handcuffs of the Future \u2014 The Straightjacket & the Guillotine \u2014 The Thanatopolitics of Death Penalty \u2014 The Precise Design of Torture in Kafka\u2019s Penal Colony \u2014 What Constitutes \u201cthe Act of Killing\u201d \u2014 The Absolute Power of a Body over Another in Sade \u2014 The Corset: \u201cA Body Press,\u201d Paradigm of the Violence of Design on the Body \u2014 Carceral Treadmill \u2014 To Design a Prison, or Not to Design a Prison: What About a Hippocratic Oath for Architects? \u2014 From Student Design to Conservative Policies: Dutch Politician Fleur Agema\u2019s Scheme as Revealed by Jonas Staal \u2014 The Open Warehouse as the New Carceral Paradigm \u2014 The Eastern State Penitentiary Panopticon: The Materialization of the Diagram and Its Fallibility \u2014 The Ordinary Violence of the Colonial Apparatuses in the West Bank \u2014 Cruel Bench \u2014 Innocent Stairs ? The Killing Steps of the Mayans \u2014 Sadian Architecture / An Architectural Narrative by Eduardo McIntosh"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["architecture, capital punishment, design, design theory, fashion, prisons, torture, violence, West Bank"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-vol-07_cruel-designs/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 07_Cruel Designs"], ["doab_id", "16063"], ["language_unmapped", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["isbns", ["9780615942605"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615942605"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The first twelve volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Our species has made a declaration. Let us call this the Reversible Destiny Declaration. We will not just take it anymore. We will no longer throw ourselves into the mortality waste-baskets. Shall we put it in the following gentle but firm way? Oh yes we shall! Enough is enough. We have decided not to die. And how do we go about doing this? Through architectural procedures, made explicitly to help us reconfigure ourselves. If you do not yet know what an architectural procedure is, you will know soon. Start with this declaration, and never back away from it: we have decided not to die. ~Madeline GinsVolume 8 is dedicated to The Reversible Destiny Foundation created by Arakawa and Madeline Gins. The Foundation is much more than an architectural practice. It articulates art, philosophy, poetry, architecture and, to some extent, science in a dialogue that benefits each of these disciplines and ultimately serves one of the most radical ideas that apply to architecture: the action of non-dying. Guest authors include Shingo Tsuji, Stanley Shostak, Russell Hughes, and Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Lyotard."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Arakawa, architecture, design theory, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Madeline Gins, Paul Virilio, Reversible Destiny Foundation, Spinoza"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-vol-8_arakawa-madeline-gins/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 08_Arakawa + Madeline Gins "], ["doab_id", "16068"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615987835"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615987835"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist,collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The first twelve volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Having J.G. Ballard and Philip K. Dick as the two protagonists of the papers collected in Vol. 09_Science Fiction constitutes an indirect way to reflect on architecture as a technology. Juxtaposing these two authors creates a dialogue that may be as relevant as the most theoretical work dedicated to this subject.Vol. 09_Science Fiction includes: Introduction: When James Graham Ballard meets Philip K. Dick, What do They Talk About? \u2014 Science Fiction as an Inventor of Dilemmas: From Utopia to Apocalypse by Peter Paik \u2014 2037 by Raja Shehadeh \u2014 Collision, Sexuality and Resistance \u2014 Ballardian Landscapes: Desacralizing Thaumaturgic Modernity \u2014 The Fouled Beauty of James Graham Ballard \u2014 Letter to James Graham Ballard (April 14th 2009) \u2014 Psychotropic Houses by James Graham Ballard \u2014 The Brutal Art of Enki Bilal \u2014 The Work of Philip K. Dick: Between Paranoia and Schizophrenia \u2014 Funambulist Paper #03: Transcendent Delusion or; The Dangerous Free Spaces of Phillip K. Dick (by Martin Byrne) \u2014 Untitled Narrative #002 (Feral Garage) (by Martin Byrne) \u2014 Labyrinths and Other Metaphysical Constructions: Interview with Marc-Antoine Mathieu \u2014 Overpopulated Cities / The Concentration City, Billennium, L\u2019Origine & Soylent Green \u2014 Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts by Ray Bradbury) \u2014 Never Let Me Go by Mark Romanek \u2014 The Declamatory Porcelain Architectures of Serge Brussolo"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["architecture, cities, design, J.G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, science fiction, sexuality"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-vol-09_science-fiction/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 09_Science Fiction"], ["doab_id", "16070"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692226803"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692226803"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The first twelve volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Just like Foucault, [William S.] Burroughs does not think that we can think and act outside of the society of control. However, he dreams \u2014 not in the utopian meaning but almost in a literal meaning \u2014 of a world that would constantly challenge the intrinsic logics of the mechanisms of control. He describes this world in Naked Lunch and he names it: The Interzone.Vol. 10 is devoted to the topic of Literature, with entries by Lambert and other authors. The idea that architecture can be created through narrative is popular in some academic circles. It seems a fruitful approach to the discipline as it unfolds an important imaginative field. It also envisions a resistance to forms of architectural teleology, since fiction is usually based on the disfunction of the environment in which it is set. For this reason, we could go as far as to affirm that fiction operates in contradiction to the traditional design method. The word \u201cliterature,\u201d however, is not often pronounced by the people who seem to promote this creative method. The following texts intend to think of literature as a powerful field of ideas that translates to other creative disciplines. This translation should never be literal, and for this reason, some fictions that evoke architecture \u2014 Franz Kafka\u2019s and Jorge Luis Borges\u2019s labyrinths, for example \u2014 might be paradoxically more difficult to properly translate than less immediately spatial novels. The following texts do not propose any translation of their own but rather offer a humble toolbox in order to do so. This volume also constitutes an opportunity to archive the four texts written for the first event of Archipelagos (Brooklyn, November 2011), an non-institutionalized gathering of people conversing around a given topic. The first event was dedicated to literature and four architects were invited to talk about four authors they chose (Kerouac, Artaud, Dostoevsky and Pessoa) in the first half of the event, while the second half consisted of an open conversation generated by the presentations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert (Ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["literature, architecture, Liebniz, Kafka, Borges, design theory, narrative, Dostoevsky, George Orwell, Jack Kerouac, Fernando Pessoa, Antonin Artaud, Van Gogh, Yukio Mishima"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/lz16n1koszw7amz/Funambulist_10_Literature_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 10_Literature"], ["doab_id", "17874"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692274835"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692274835"]], [["description", "The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The first twelve volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Who are the \u2018we\u2019 in this movie? The stubborn director who values \u2018history\u2019 more than what is happening in front of him in the present? The venal producer who is finally the most eager to dialogue with the local population while remaining slightly paternalist? The actor playing Christopher Columbus to whom the difficulty of this problem appears very clearly, but who prefers to escape from it by drinking rather than acting? The other actors who value their 15th-century ethical characters but act like cowards when the riots begin? Or can we possibly be somebody else?Vol. 11 is devoted to the topic of Cinema: Spike Lee, B\u00e9la Tarr, Michelangelo Antonioni and the many other filmmakers named in this volume do not seem to have much in common at first sight; nevertheless, considered through the interpretation of a Spinozist materialist philosophy, their films might have something to say to one another. Take the mud of Red Desert (Antonioni), the volcanic slopes of The Bad Sleep Well (Kurosawa) and the soil of Pina Bausch\u2019s Rite of Spring magnified in Pina (Wenders), for example. What these material manifestations have in common is that they are all in relation with bodies, themselves assemblages of moving matter. Similarly, consider Spike Lee\u2019s dolly shot, Orson Welles\u2019s labyrinth, B\u00e9la Tarr\u2019s entropy, and Peter Watkins\u2019s democratic improvisations: they all manifest the power of immanence and its inexorability. These films involve no deus ex machina; everything in them comes \u2018from the ground\u2019 in a continuous refusal of a celestial or other form of transcendence. Developing this kind of reading of these films allows us to avoid a traditional chronological reading of history of cinema in favor of another, one more dedicated to the philosophical vision of the world that cinema triggers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert (Ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Wim Wenders, Film Studies, design, architecture, Orson Welles, Akira Kurosawa, B\u00e9la Tarr, Luis Bunel, Alfonso Cuaron, Michelangelo Antonioni, Spike Lee"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/1brtrafndlopjfy/Funambulist_11_Cinema_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets, Vol. 11_Cinema"], ["doab_id", "17890"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692390269"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692390269"]], [["description", "The blog The Funambulist: Architectural Narratives , a daily architectural platform written and edited by L\u00e9opold Lambert, finds its name in the consideration for architecture\u2019s representative medium, the line, and its philosophical and political power when it materializes and subjectivizes bodies. If the white page represents a given milieu \u2014 a desert for example \u2014 and one comes to trace a line on it, (s)he will virtually split this same milieu into two distinct impermeable parts through its embodiment, the wall. The Funambulist, also known as a tightrope walker, is the character who, somehow, subverts this power by walking on the line.The Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Volume 01_Spinoza compiles blog posts by L\u00e9opold Lambert on: The Marxian Reading of Capitalism Through a Spinozist Conceptology \u2014 Spinozist Determinism, or How Caesar Could Not Have Not Crossed the Rubicon \u2014 Power (Potentia) vs. Power (Potestas): The Story of a Joyful Typhoon \u2014 The World of Affects, or Why Adam Got Poisoned by the Apple \u2014 The Spinozist Scream: What Can a Body Do? \u2014 Applied Spinozism: The Body in Kurosawa\u2019s Cinema \u2014 Applied Spinozism: Architectures of the Sky vs. Architectures of the Earth \u2014 Architectures of Joy: A Spinozist Reading of Parent+Virilio & Arakawa+Gins\u2019s Architecture \u2014 Architecture of the Conatus: \u201cTentative Constructing Towards a Holding in Place\u201d \u2014 The Body as a Material Assemblage in Japanese Martial Arts & Dance as Seen by Basile Doganis \u2014 Deleuze\u2019s Wave about Spinoza \u2014 A Sunflower Seed Lost in a Wall is Capable of Blowing Out that Wall \u2014 Descartes vs. Spinoza: A Personal Reading of Tarp Not Nature \u2014 The Weight of the Body Falling \u2014 Spinozist Collision \u2014 The Weight of the Body Dancing \u2014 Spinozist Gravity: The Real Difference between the Old and New Star Wars \u2014 Spike Lee\u2019s Dolly Shot: The Inexorability of Immanence."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["architecture, cinema, Deleuze, design, Japan, Marx, Spinoza"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/funambulist-pamphlets-1-spinoza/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets: Vol. 01_Spinoza"], ["doab_id", "16041"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615823157"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615823157"]], [["description", "he Funambulist Pamphlets is a series of small books archiving articles published on The Funambulist, collected according to specific themes. These volumes propose a different articulation of texts than the usual chronological one. The twelve first volumes are respectively dedicated to Spinoza, Foucault, Deleuze, Legal Theory, Occupy Wall Street, Palestine, Cruel Designs, Arakawa + Madeline Gins, Science Fiction, Literature, Cinema, and Weaponized Architecture. As new articles are published on The Funambulist, more volumes will be published to continue the series. See all published pamphlets HERE.The Funambulist Pamphlets is published as part of the Documents Initiative imprint of the Center for Transformative Media, Parsons The New School for Design, a transdisciplinary media research initiative bridging design and the social sciences, and dedicated to the exploration of the transformative potential of emerging technologies upon the foundational practices of everyday life across a range of settings.Volume 02_Foucault compiles blog posts by L\u00e9opold Lambert (with 2 guest posts by Stanley Shostak and Anthony Vidler) on: Foucault and Architecture: The Encounter that Never Was \u2014 The Architectural Underestimation \u2014 \u201cDo Not Become Enamored with Power\u201d \u2014 \u201cMon Corps, Topie Impitoyable\u201d \u2014 The Cartography of Power \u2014 The Political Technology of the Body \u2014 Architecture and Discipline: The Hospital \u2014 Questioning Heterotopology \u2014 Foucault and the Society of Control \u2014 Quadrillage: Urban Plague Quarantine & Retro-Medieval Boston \u2014 The Inscription of Gender in Our Bodies: Norm Production in Foucault and Butler \u2014 Modes of Subversion Against the Pharmacopornographic Society: Testo Junkie by Beatriz Preciado \u2014 \u201cMy Desire is Someone Else\u2019s Fiction\u201d \u2014 The Architectural Paradigm of the Society of Control: The Immanent Panopticon \u2014 The Counter-Biopolitical Bioscleave Experiment: Bioscleave, Shaping our Biological Niches (by Stanley Shostak) \u2014 Diagrams of Utopia (by Anthony Vidler) \u2014 Quarantine and Remoteness: Paranoia and Mechanisms of Precautionary Incarceration \u2014 Prison Information Group: Michel Foucault, Jean-Marie Domenach & Pierre Vidal-Naquet"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["architecture, biopolitics, Foucault, Judith Butler, pharmacology, pornography, utopia"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-pamphlets-vol-02_foucault/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Pamphlets: Vol. 02_Foucault"], ["doab_id", "16044"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615832999"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615832999"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of thirty-five texts from the first series of guest writers\u2019 essays, written specifically for The Funambulist weblog from June 2011 to November 2012. The idea of complementing Lambert\u2019s own texts on his blog with those written by others originated from the idea that having friends communicate with each other about their work could help develop mutual interests and provide a platform to address an audience. Thirty-nine authors of twenty-three nationalities were given the opportunity to write essays about a part of their work that might fit with the blog\u2019s editorial line. Overall, two \u2018families\u2019 of texts emerged, collected in two distinct parts in this volume.The first one, The Power of the Line, explores the legal, geographical and historical politics of various places of the world. The second, Architectural Narratives, approaches architecture in a mix of things that were once called philosophy, literature and art. This dichotomy represents the blog\u2019s editorial line and can be reconciled by the obsession of approaching architecture without care for the limits of a given discipline. This method, rather than adopting the contemporary architect\u2019s syndrome that consists in talking about everything but being an expert in nothing, attempts to consider architecture as something embedded within (geo)political, cultural, social, historical, biological, and dromological mechanisms that widely exceed what is traditionally understood as the limits of its expertise."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00e9opold Lambert (ed. and author); Lucy Finchett-Madock; Daniel Fern\u00e1ndez Pascual; Ethel Baraona Pohl; Cesar Reyes; Michael Badu; Mariabruna Fabrizi; Fosco Lucarelli; Caroline Filice Smith; Greg Barton; Maryam Monalisa Gharavi; Nikolas Patsopoulos; Zayd Sifri; Liduam Pong; Raja Shehadeh; Sadia Shirazi; Bryan Finoki; Morgan Ng; Nora Akawi; Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos; Matthew Clements; Hiroko Nakatani; Fredrik Hellberg; Linn\u00e9a Hussein; Danielle Willems; Carl Douglas; Martin Byrne; Claire Jamieson; Carla Leit\u00e3o; Eduardo McIntosh; Oliviu Lugojan-Ghenciu; Roland Snooks; Biayna Bogosian; Esther Sze-Wing Cheung; Russel Hughes; Alexis Bhagat; Eve Bailey; Camille Lacad\u00e9e"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["activism, architecture, cultural studies, design, geopolitics"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-funambulist-papers-vol-1/"], ["title", "The Funambulist Papers, Vol. 1"], ["doab_id", "16059"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615897189"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615897189."]], [["description", "A obra nasce no bojo das discuss\u00f5es e problemas relacionados (ou associados) ao ensino de gram\u00e1tica, tanto no \u00e2mbito acad\u00eamico quanto no profissional. Em tal contexto, Ana Carolina Speran\u00e7a-Criscuolo busca demonstrar a adequa\u00e7\u00e3o pedag\u00f3gica da proposta de descri\u00e7\u00e3o e an\u00e1lise de ora\u00e7\u00f5es subordinadas substantivas sob uma perspectiva funcionalista-cognitivista.A autora escolhe o dom\u00ednio da sintaxe pela import\u00e2ncia desse n\u00edvel de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o da l\u00edngua na arquitetura do texto. Al\u00e9m disso, o processo de subordina\u00e7\u00e3o substantiva, foco da pesquisa, figura como recurso bastante recorrente e produtivo no portugu\u00eas. O estudo dos aspectos pragm\u00e1tico-discursivos ligados a tal processo pode, assim, proporcionar melhor entendimento e maior dom\u00ednio dessas constru\u00e7\u00f5es e, consequentemente, dos textos.O livro organiza-se em cinco cap\u00edtulos. Neles, a autora apresenta um breve hist\u00f3rico sobre o desenvolvimento dos estudos lingu\u00edsticos, discute os princ\u00edpios te\u00f3ricos que nortearam a pesquisa, trata da perspectiva cognitivista no estudo da l\u00edngua, aborda o tratamento tradicional do per\u00edodo composto por subordina\u00e7\u00e3o. Partindo de usos aut\u00eanticos das ora\u00e7\u00f5es, ela ainda analisa aspectos pragm\u00e1ticos e discursivos associados a sua organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e, finalmente, promove uma discuss\u00e3o sobre elementos que possibilitam refletir sobre a l\u00edngua como um sistema complexo e din\u00e2mico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Speran\u00e7a-Criscuolo, Ana Carolina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sxg7f"], ["title", "Funcionalismo e cognitismo na sintaxe do portugu\u00eas: uma proposta de descri\u00e7\u00e3o e an\u00e1lise de ora\u00e7\u00f5es subordinadas substantivas para o ensino"], ["doab_id", "19978"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334454"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334454"]], [["description", "The study of plant cell physiology is currently experiencing a profound transformation. Novel techniques allow dynamic in vivo imaging with subcellular resolution, covering a rapidly growing range of plant cell physiology. Several basic biological questions that have been inaccessible by the traditional combination of biochemical, physiological and cell biological approaches now see major progress. Instead of grinding up tissues, destroying their organisation, or describing cell- and tissue structure, without a measure for its function, novel imaging approaches can provide the critical link between localisation, function and dynamics. Thanks to a fast growing collection of available fluorescent protein variants and sensors, along with innovative new microscopy technologies and quantitative analysis tools, a wide range of plant biology can now be studied in vivo, including cell morphology & migration, protein localization, topology & movement, protein-protein interaction, organelle dynamics, as well as ion, ROS & redox dynamics. Within the cell, genetic targeting of fluorescent protein probes to different organelles and subcellular locations has started to reveal the stringently compartmentalized nature of cell physiology and its sophisticated spatiotemporal regulation in response to environmental stimuli. Most importantly, such cellular processes can be monitored in their natural 3D context, even in complex tissues and organs \u2013 a condition not easily met in studies on mammalian cells. Recent new insights into plant cell physiology by functional imaging have been largely driven by technological developments, such as the design of novel sensors, innovative microscopy & imaging techniques and the quantitative analysis of complex image data. Rapid further advances are expected which will require close interdisciplinary interaction of plant biologists with chemists, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists. High-throughput approaches will become increasingly important, to fill genomic data with \u2018life\u2019 on the scale of cell physiology. If the vast body of information generated in the -omics era is to generate actual mechanistic understanding of how the live plant cell works, functional imaging has enormous potential to adopt the role of a versatile standard tool across plant biology and crop breeding. We welcome original research papers, methodological papers, reviews and mini reviews, with particular attention to contributions in which novel imaging techniques enhance our understanding of plant cell physiology and permits to answer questions that cannot be easily addressed with other techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alex Costa; Markus Schwarzlander; George R. Littlejohn; Tobias Meckel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["in vivo imaging", "Plants", "Organelles", "cell physiology", "dynamics", "Fluorescent protein sensors", "Quantitative microscopy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1348/functional-imaging-in-living-plants---cell-biology-meets-physiology"], ["title", "Functional Imaging in living Plants - Cell Biology meets Physiology"], ["doab_id", "18716"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194650"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194650"]], [["description", "Inst\u00e2ncia de media\u00e7\u00e3o entre a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de bens e servi\u00e7os variados e a sa\u00fade da popula\u00e7\u00e3o, a complexidade da Vigil\u00e2ncia Sanit\u00e1ria (VS) imp\u00f5e um enfoque multidisciplinar. Este aparece em cada um dos cap\u00edtulos desta colet\u00e2nea: a sociologia, que fornece o instrumental para a an\u00e1lise hist\u00f3rica e para a compreens\u00e3o do papel do Estado, a epidemiologia, o planejamento, a legisla\u00e7\u00e3o e a avalia\u00e7\u00e3o, que fornecem os conceitos, os procedimentos e as t\u00e9cnicas necess\u00e1rias ao desempenho da fun\u00e7\u00e3o reguladora e normativa. Define e constr\u00f3i, assim, um trip\u00e9 de compet\u00eancias para qualificar o agir em VS: conhecimento t\u00e9cnico, responsabilidade p\u00fablica e compromisso \u00e9tico. Alcan\u00e7a e interessa, assim, n\u00e3o s\u00f3 a profissionais de sa\u00fade, como \u00e0queles em busca de uma educa\u00e7\u00e3o para a cidadania."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rozenfeld, Suely"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d63fk"], ["title", "Fundamentos da vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria"], ["doab_id", "19308"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413258"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413258"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY license.
The grand narrative of twentieth-century medicine is the conquering of acute infectious diseases and the rise in chronic, degenerative diseases. The history of fungal infections does not fit this picture; indeed, it runs against it - this book charts the path of fungal infections from the mid nineteenth century to the dawn of the twenty-first century, both in Britain and the United States. It examines how fungal infections became more prevalent and serious over the century, a rise that was linked to the increased incidence of chronic diseases and to social, technological and medical 'progress'. In 1900, conditions such as ringworm, athlete's foot and thrush were minor, external and mostly chronic conditions "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Homei, Aya; Worboys, Michael"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["fungal infections"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9781137377029"], ["title", "Fungal Disease in Britain and the United States 1850\u20132000"], ["doab_id", "15582"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137392633", "9781137377029"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137392633 (Print) 9781137377029 (Online)"]], [["description", "L'\u00e9nergie est LA pr\u00e9occupation g\u00e9opolitique majeure des Etats depuis 1973. L'environnement et la pollution est celle de la Plan\u00e8te (ou presque...) depuis les ann\u00e9es 90. Or le lien entre \u00e9nergie et environnement est av\u00e9r\u00e9; et l'\u00e9mission de gaz \u00e0 effet de serre affecte le climat. Le monde scientifique se trouve face \u00e0 un \u00e9norme d\u00e9fi : soit permettre \u00e0 tous d'acc\u00e9der \u00e0 l'\u00e9nergie selon les modalit\u00e9s existantes, soit inventer un nouveau mode de production \u00e9nerg\u00e9tique indispensable au d\u00e9veloppement. Si l'\u00e9nergie issue de la fission d'\u00e9l\u00e9ments lourds est ma\u00eetris\u00e9e depuis un demi-si\u00e8cle tant au plan militaire que civil, il en va tr\u00e8s diff\u00e9remment de l'\u00e9nergie issue de la fusion des \u00e9l\u00e9ments l\u00e9gers (hydrog\u00e8ne, deut\u00e9rium et tritium). En effet, cette fusion ne peut intervenir qu'\u00e0 des temp\u00e9ratures tr\u00e8s \u00e9lev\u00e9es, ce qui pose des probl\u00e8mes in\u00e9dits.Les recherches ont permis de r\u00e9aliser la fusion pendant quelques secondes, \u00e9tablissant que la m\u00e9thode est possible. L'isolation des volumes o\u00f9 se produit la fusion se fait selon deux voies : la voie du confinement magn\u00e9tique, dont les r\u00e9acteurs Tokamaks ont montr\u00e9 la faisabilit\u00e9, et la voie du confinement inertiel, dont le principe a \u00e9t\u00e9 v\u00e9rifi\u00e9. Il faut noter cependant que toutes ces exp\u00e9riences consomment jusqu'\u00e0 pr\u00e9sent plus d'\u00e9nergie qu'elles n'en produisent. M\u00eame si la faisabilit\u00e9 de la fusion est chose \u00e9tablie, son exploitation industrielle reste encore tr\u00e8s \u00e9loign\u00e9e.L'importance des travaux dans chacune de ces voies implique une coop\u00e9ration internationale qui s'est organis\u00e9e autour de la voie du confinement magn\u00e9tique : Iter et IFMIF associent la Communaut\u00e9 europ\u00e9enne, le Japon, les \u00c9tats-Unis, la Chine, la Russie, la Cor\u00e9e et l'Inde. Il n'est pas du r\u00f4le de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences de d\u00e9gager le poids relatif que les \u00c9tats doivent consacrer aux \u00e9nergies renouvelables, aux \u00e9conomies d'\u00e9nergie et aux travaux scientifiques prospectifs, mais il est raisonnable d'aborder cette question de la fusion en tant que telle. C'est pourquoi ce rapport en pr\u00e9sente les caract\u00e9ristiques essentielles en faisant le point sur les connaissances scientifiques et techniques acquises, et sur les pistes des recherches \u00e0 entreprendre avant de pouvoir construire des usines productrices d'\u00e9nergie.Cet ouvrage a regroup\u00e9 des sp\u00e9cialistes engag\u00e9s dans les travaux les plus th\u00e9oriques et dans les exp\u00e9riences de confinement magn\u00e9tique et de confinement inertiel. L'Acad\u00e9mie a souhait\u00e9 en outre pr\u00e9senter les cons\u00e9quences imm\u00e9diates, pour la France, de son association avec les partenaires d'Iter."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guy Laval"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport6.pdf"], ["title", "La fusion nucl\u00e9aire : de la recherche fondamentale \u00e0 la production d'\u00e9nergie ? "], ["doab_id", "16201"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838629"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782868838629"]], [["description", "Irrespective of whether we use economic or societal metrics, the Internet is one of the most important technical infrastructures in existence today. It will be a catalyst for much of our innovation and prosperity in the future. A competitive Europe will require Internet connectivity and services beyond the capabilities offered by current technologies. Future Internet research is therefore a must. This book is published in full compliance with the Open Access publishing initiative; it is based on the research carried out within the Future Internet Assembly (FIA). It contains a sample of representative results from the recent FIA meetings spanning a broad range of topics, all being of crucial importance for the future Internet. The book includes 32 contributions and has been structured into the following sections, each of which is preceded by a short introduction:Foundations: architectural issues; socio-economic issues; security and trust; and experiments and experimental design. Future Internet Areas: networks, services, and content; and applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Domingue; Alex Galis; Anastasius Gavras; Theodore Zahariadis; Dave Lambert; Frances Cleary; Petros Daras; Srdjan Krco; Henning M\u00fcller; Man-Sze Li; Hans Schaffers; Volkmar Lotz; Federico Alvarez; Burkhard Stiller; Stamatis Karnouskos; Susanna Avessta; Michael Nilsson"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Cloud Computing", "Digital Agenda for Europe", "EU 2020 Policy Framework", "Future Internet Assembly, FIA 2011", "Internet of Things", "Next Generation Internet", "Service Computing", "The Information Society"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-20897-3"], ["title", "The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2011: Achievements and Technological Promises"], ["doab_id", "15105"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642208973", "9783642208980"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642208973 (Print) 9783642208980 (Online)"]], [["description", "Irrespective of whether we use economic or societal metrics, the Internet is one of the most important technical infrastructures in existence today. It will serve as a catalyst for much of our innovation and prosperity in the future. A competitive Europe will require Internet connectivity and services beyond the capabilities offered by current technologies. Future Internet research is therefore a must. The Future Internet Assembly (FIA) is a successful and unique bi-annual conference that brings together participants of over 150 projects from several distinct but interrelated areas in the EU Framework Programme 7. The 20 full papers included in this volume were selected from 40 submissions, and are preceded by a vision paper describing the FIA Roadmap. The papers have been organized into topical sections on the foundations of Future Internet, the applications of Future Internet, Smart Cities, and Future Internet infrastructures."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Federico \u00c1lvarez; Frances Cleary; Petros Daras; John Domingue; Alex Galis; Ana Garcia; Anastasius Gavras; Stamatis Karnourskos; Srdjan Krco; Man-Sze Li; Volkmar Lotz; Henning M\u00fcller; Elio Salvadori; Anne-Marie Sassen; Hans Schaffers; Burkhard Stiller; Georgios Tselentis; Petra Turkama; Theodore Zahariadis"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Web 2.0", "cognitive networks", "internet of things", "pervasive computing", "social data mining"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-30240-4"], ["title", "The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2012: From Promises to Reality"], ["doab_id", "15109"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642302404", "9783642302411"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642302404 (Print) 9783642302411 (Online)"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alex Galis; Anastasius Gavras"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Computer Communication Networks", "Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)", "Management of Computing and Information Systems", "Multimedia Information Systems", "Information Storage and Retrieval", "Computers and Society"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-38081-5"], ["title", "The Future Internet: Future Internet Assembly 2013: Validated Results and New Horizons"], ["doab_id", "15477"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642380815", "9783642380822"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642380815 (Print) 9783642380822 (Online)"]], [["description", "Traditional dialects have been encroached upon by the increasing mobility of their speakers and by the onslaught of national languages in education and mass media. Typically, older dialects are \u201cleveling\u201d to become more like national languages. This is regrettable when the last articulate traces of a culture are lost, but it also promotes a complex dynamics of interaction as speakers shift from dialect to standard and to intermediate compromises between the two in their forms of speech. Varieties of speech thus live on in modern communities, where they still function to mark provenance, but increasingly cultural and social provenance as opposed to pure geography. They arise at times from the need to function throughout the different groups in society, but they also may have roots in immigrants\u2019 speech, and just as certainly from the ineluctable dynamics of groups wishing to express their identity to themselves and to the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "C\u00f4t\u00e9 ,Marie-H\u00e9l\u00e8ne ; Knooihuizen ,Remco; Nerbonne ,John"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dialects", "Dialectology"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603313"], ["title", "The future of dialects: Selected papers from Methods in Dialectology XV"], ["doab_id", "18623"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234180", "9783946234197", "9783946234203"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234180 9783946234197 9783946234203"]], [["description", "The arts and sciences evolve by specialisation and broadening of their scopes. Much innovation results from unusual combinations of views and techniques originating in widely different domains. However, stepping outside an established discipline entails the danger of 'shallowness', even if the primary challenge was a 'deep' integration problem. Acceptance of new departures requires recognition and understanding of what is involved, and this depends, among other things, on the adopted nomenclature of the insiders and the resulting perception by outsiders.Thus, current ways of referring to varieties of research and study - say, 'sciences' vs 'humanities' - often form obstacles to the appreciation of novel approaches. New views are necessary. But which angles must be considered?

Ter gelegenheid van haar 250-jarig bestaan organiseerde de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (opgericht in 1752) in 2001 een Prijsvraag met als onderwerp The Future of the Sciences and Humanities. Deelnemers werd gevraagd hun licht te laten schijnen over de toekomst van de Wetenschap, vooral vanwege de steeds verdere verbreding en wederzijdse overlap van de meest uiteenlopende disciplines. Vier inzendingen werden bekroond: de bijdragen van James McAllister, Johan van Benthem, Arie Rip en Herman Philipse vormen de basis voor een kritisch debat over de toekomst van het interdisciplinair onderzoek. Onder de titel The Future of the Sciences and Humanities brengt Amsterdam University Press in mei 2002 een prachtige jubileum-uitgave uit voor de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen waarin de vier bekroonde essays en een samenvatting van het debat gebundeld zijn. De uitgave staat onder redactie van P.A.J. Tindemans, A.A. Verrijn-Stuart en R.P.W. Visser."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McAllister ,James; Benthem van ,Johan; Rip ,Arie; Philipse ,Herman; Verrijn-Stuart ,A.A.; Tindemans ,P.A.J.; Visser ,R.P.W."], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Filosofie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340241"], ["title", "The Future of the Sciences and Humanities : Four Analytical Essays and a Critical Debate on the Future of Scholastic Endeavour"], ["doab_id", "12924"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565667"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565667"]], [["description", "O ensaio cumpre o papel de proporcionar aos estudiosos de literatura uma vis\u00e3o pormenorizada das ilustra\u00e7\u00f5es e das capas de v\u00e1rias edi\u00e7\u00f5es do romance Gabriela, cravo e canela, no Brasil e no mundo. O grande desafio \u00e9 promover incessantemente um canal de experi\u00eancias e de interc\u00e2mbios culturais, incentivando e sistematizando a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de estudos, teses e ensaios realizados a partir da obra de Jorge Amado."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Caldas, S\u00f4nia Regina de Ara\u00fajo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7nrc4"], ["title", "Gabriela, bahiana de todas as cores: as imagens das capas e suas influ\u00eancias culturais"], ["doab_id", "17262"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209339"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209339"]], [["description", "This book focuses on one of the prime movers in the unification of Lunigiana \u2013 a region which at the time was still broken up into a myriad of tiny feudal holdings, almost all in the hands of the various branches of the Malaspina family. The process of unification began in the fifteenth century, when various areas of the region were conquered by Milan and Florence, which also divided between them the hegemony of the remaining independent territories, while Genoa too displayed an interest in expansion in the region. As a result it became crucial for the local lords to manoeuvre between the various forces at play to maintain the independence of their own little states. Among the figures who displayed the greatest dexterity in this was Gabriele Malaspina, who became a leading player on the stage of local history. The book starts by illustrating the period in which Malaspina succeeded in obtaining his political independence, and then goes on to analyse the phase in which his policy came to be characterised by an absolute loyalty to Florence. Finally the book addresses the last part of the Marquis's life, marked by a progressive distancing from the Florentine alliance in favour of other entities, in which he nevertheless always succeeded in maintaining his independence.

Al centro di questo volume \u00e8 uno degli attori principali nel processo di riunificazione della Lunigiana \u2013 regione allora suddivisa in tante piccole signorie, quasi tutte nelle mani dei vari rami della famiglia Malaspina \u2013 che avvenne nel XV secolo, quando Milano e Firenze vi conquistarono diversi territori e si spartirono l'egemonia sui restanti territori autonomi, mentre anche Genova si mostr\u00f2 interessata all'espansione in quella zona. Per i signori locali divenne quindi fondamentale riuscire a destreggiarsi fra le varie forze in gioco per mantenere l'indipendenza del proprio piccolo stato, e fra i personaggi che pi\u00f9 risaltano per questa loro abilit\u00e0 e per il ruolo giocato nella storia locale spicca Gabriele Malaspina. Il libro inizia mostrando la situazione della Lunigiana al momento in cui il Malaspina ottenne la propria indipendenza politica, per poi analizzare il periodo in cui la politica marchionale si caratterizz\u00f2 per la sua assoluta fedelt\u00e0 all'amicizia fiorentina, e quindi la parte finale della vita del marchese, in cui si assiste a un progressivo allontanamento dall'alleanza fiorentina in favore di altri soggetti, ma in cui riusc\u00ec sempre a mantenere la sua indipendenza."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meli, Patrizia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Gabriele Malaspina", "Lunigiana", "Renaissance", "Gabriele Malaspina", "Lunigiana", "Rinascimento"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=344615"], ["title", "Gabriele Malaspina, marchese di Fosdinovo"], ["doab_id", "13014"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884538598"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884538598"]], [["description", "Gaffe/Stutter is a dead letter to Deleuze\u2019s Logic of Sense. It began as a series of diagrams, two-dimensional memory palaces that sketch the vectors of each chapter\u2019s paradox; it became an elaborate plan for a web-based diagrammatic (r)e(n)dition of Logic of Sense, built on zoomable, annotatable high-resolution scans of these diagrams. Conceived as an anti-book \u2014 a visual reading schematic \u2014 this project eschews the line of text in favor of regimented grids, the ink-soaked grain of the remediated pen over the laser-burned face of print; playful reaction rather than academic protraction. This is not an analogy, or a product of the imagination, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari would write in A Thousand Plateaus, but a composition of speeds and affects on the plane of consistency: a plan(e), a program, or rather a diagram, a problem, a question-machine.It ended as a directory of inert jQuery demos and digital scans: an image of Trafalgar Square at dusk, annotated with the words \u201cFlag,\u201d \u201cSmall people on the steps,\u201d \u201cA Statue,\u201d and \u201cNational Gallery Dome\u201d; an empty html file titled \u2018delete.html\u2019. The visitor who may happen to wander onto the website where these project demos are stashed would find herself stuck on Deleuze\u2019s definition of a paradox as initially that which destroys good sense as the only direction of becoming, but also that which destroys common sense as the assignation of fixed identities. From a series of diagrams to a dead-end digital directory, Gaffe/Stutter re-interprets a book that itself resists scholarly annotation. As with sense, it subsists in language; but it happens to things."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Whitney Anne Trettien"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["annotation, anti-book, digital humanities, Gilles Deleuze, Logic of Sense, remediation, remix"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/gaffestutter/"], ["title", "Gaffe/Stutter"], ["doab_id", "16037"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615877488"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615877488"]], [["description", "The present volume offers the first critical edition of Book 1 of the medieval Arabic translation of Galen's Commentary on the Hippocratic Epidemics, produced by the celebrated translator Hunayn ibn Ish\u0101q (d. ca. 870). The edition is based on all extant Arabic textual witnesses, including the Arabic secondary transmission.The translation of Galen's commentary became a crucial source for the development of medicine in the Islamic world, especially in the nascent field of clinical medicine. It was frequently read and quoted in later Arabic medical literature, and several Arabic authors used it to produce a wide range of didactic writings for medical students and practising physicians.The English translation, which aims to convey some of the flavour of the Arabic translation, comes with extensive notes on the differences between the Greek original and the Arabic translation. A thorough comparison between the two versions of the commentary provides important insights into the translation style and technique of Hunayn ibn Ish\u0101q and his circle and Arabic medical terminology at the time."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vagelpohl ,Uwe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Hippocratic Epidemics", "Hunayn ibn Ish\u0101q", "Arabic", "medicine", "clinical medicine"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=531190"], ["title", "Galeni In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum I commentariorum I-III versio Arabica / Galen. Commentary on Hippocrates' Epidemics Book I"], ["doab_id", "16867"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783110405835", "9783110406597", "9783110406771"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110405835 9783110406597 9783110406771"]], [["description", "This two-volume monograph offers the first critical edition of the medieval Arabic translation of Galen's Commentary on Book 2 of the Hippocratic Epidemics produced by Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d. ca. 870). The edition is based on all extant Arabic textual witnesses, including the Arabic secondary transmission. The Greek original of this text is lost; the Arabic translation is therefore the only witness to this important work. The number and extent of quotations from this commentary in medieval Arabic medical writings, which are documented in the introduction to the volume, demonstrate that it became a crucial source for the development of medicine in the Islamic world. It also gave rise to a wide range of didactic writings which illustrate its importance for medical teaching. The English translation that accompanies the edition aims to convey some of the flavour of the Arabic text. It also comes with comprehensive indices that map out the terminology and style of the translation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vagelpohl ,Uwe"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hippocratic Epidemics", "Hunayn ibn Ish\u0101q", "Arabic", "medicine", "clinical medicine"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612443"], ["title", "Galeni In Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum II commentariorum I-VI versio Arabica. Volume I: Commentaria I-III"], ["doab_id", "19381"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783110453485", "9783110454055"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110453485 9783110454055"]], [["description", "This two-volume monograph offers the first critical edition of the medieval Arabic translation of Galen's Commentary on Book 2 of the Hippocratic Epidemics produced by Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d. ca. 870). The edition is based on all extant Arabic textual witnesses, including the Arabic secondary transmission. The Greek original of this text is lost; the Arabic translation is therefore the only witness to this important work. The number and extent of quotations from this commentary in medieval Arabic medical writings, which are documented in the introduction to the volume, demonstrate that it became a crucial source for the development of medicine in the Islamic world. It also gave rise to a wide range of didactic writings which illustrate its importance for medical teaching. The English translation that accompanies the edition aims to convey some of the flavour of the Arabic text. It also comes with comprehensive indices that map out the terminology and style of the translation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vagelpohl ,Uwe"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hippocratic Epidemics", "Hunayn ibn Ish\u0101q", "Arabic", "medicine", "clinical medicine"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612444"], ["title", "Galeni in Hippocratis Epidemiarum librum II commentariorum I-VI versio Arabica. Volume II: Commentaria IV-VI"], ["doab_id", "19380"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783110462982", "9783110463989"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110462982 9783110463989"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Games, Game theory, Institutional Economics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/103"], ["title", "Game Theory and Institutional Economics"], ["doab_id", "19285"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422327", "9783038420149"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422327/9783038420149"]], [["description", "In the complicated interaction between sport and law, much is revealed about the perception and understanding of consent and tolerable deviance. When a football player steps onto the field, what deviations from the rules of the game are considered acceptable? And what risks has the player already accepted by voluntarily participating in the sport? In the case of Canadian football, acts of on-field violence, hazing, and performance-enhancing drug use that would be considered criminal outside the context of sport are tolerated and even promoted by team and league administrators. The manner in which league review committees and the Canadian legal system understand such actions highlights the challenges faced by those looking to protect players from the dangers of the sport. Although there has been some discussion of legal and institutional reforms dealing with crime and deviance in Canadian sport, little exists in the way of sports law, with most cases falling into the legal categories of criminal, administrative, or civil law. In Game-Day Gangsters, Fogel argues for a review of the systems by which Canadian football is governed and analyzes the reforms proposed by football leagues and by players. Juxtaposing material from interviews with football players and administrators and from media files and legal cases, he explores the discrepancies between the players\u00d5 own experiences and the institutional handling of disciplinary matters in junior, university, and professional football leagues across the country. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Curtis Fogel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["CFL", "violence", "sport", "drugs"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120225"], ["title", "Game-Day Gangsters: Crime and Deviance in Canadian Football"], ["doab_id", "16226"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356531", "9781927356548", "9781927356555"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356531 9781927356548 9781927356555"]], [["description", "Auf der Grundlage eines theoretischen \u00dcberblicks werden die mannigfaltigen Nutzungsm\u00f6glichkeiten des Gamings in Bibliotheken erstmalig umfassend dargestellt. Neue Trends im Gaming sowie aktuell vorhandene Aktivit\u00e4ten von Bibliotheken werden vorgestellt und zeigen den wachsenden Einfluss des Gamings in der Kultur- und Wissensvermittlung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deeg, Christoph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Gaming", " Computerspiele"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/205480"], ["title", "Gaming und Bibliotheken"], ["doab_id", "17366"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783110312713", "9783110312836", "9783110395914"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110312713, 9783110312836, 9783110395914"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of 19 articles which reflect the courses given at the Coll\u00e8ge de France/Summer school \u201cReconstruction d'images \u2212 Applications astrophysiques\u201c held in Nice and Fr\u00e9jus, France, from June 18 to 22, 2012.The articles presented in this volume address emerging concepts and methods that are useful in the complex process of improving our knowledge of the celestial objects, including Earth.The book contains three parts.The first part is titled \u201cPhysical bases and new challenges in high resolution imaging\u201c. This part draws a picture of some of the high angular resolution instruments of the near to far future, and of the issues to overcome to make this picture real. It deals with hypertelescopes, optical interferometry, adaptive optics, wavefront coding, and with polychromatic astrophysical models.The point of view of the articles of the second part, titled \u201cPhysical models and data processing\u201c embraces not only the description of data using physical modeling, but also the resulting data processing in radio and optical interferometry, including hypertelescopes.The third part is titled \u201cStatistical models in signal and image processing\u201c. These contributions cover past and recent developments in multiresolution analysis, Bayesian modeling, sparsity, convex optimization and hyperspectral data.While reading, the alert reader will notice that the successful realization of future observation technologies and the best extraction of the astrophysical information encapsulated in their data involve the joint expertise of several research communities. The various articles collected in this book may contribute to such a synergy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A.J. Castro-Tirado; J. Gorosabel; I.H. Park"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/eas_61_full.pdf"], ["title", "Gamma-ray Bursts: 15 Years of GRB Afterglows"], ["doab_id", "16212"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759810024"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759810024"]], [["description", "\"From 2007-2013 the European 7th Framework Program Science in Society (FP7) funded a multitude of formal and informal educational institutions to join forces and engage in alternative ways to teach science\u2014inside and outside the classroom\u2014all over Europe. This book reports on one of these projects named INQUIRE which was developed and implemented to support 14 Botanic Gardens and Natural History Museums in 11 European countries, to establish a collaborative learning network and expand their understanding of inquiry based science teaching (IBST).Suzanne Kapelari provides insight into the complex theoretical background and practical considerations that informed the project design and which guided the consortium through a three-year process of collaborative knowledge creation. \u2018Expansive Learning Theory\u2019 is fundamental to this approach and places emphasis on communities as learners, on transformation and creation of culture, on horizontal movement and hybridization of knowledge, and on the formation of theoretical concepts.This book is to be considered for planning and running international science education projects as well as a multifaceted theoretical underpinning of teaching. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource for formal and informal science educators and project managers.This project has received funding from the European Union\u2019s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 266616.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kapelari ,Suzanne"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Inquiry based science education", "Botanic garden education", "Learning outside the classroom", "Expansive learning", "International project management", "Biology education research"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588798"], ["title", "Garden Learning: A Study on European Botanic Gardens' Collaborative Learning Processes"], ["doab_id", "18094"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188631", "9781909188648", "9781909188655", "9781909188662"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188631 9781909188648 9781909188655 9781909188662"]], [["description", "Il PLS (Piano Lauree Scientifiche) Matematica \u00e8 nato per rendere appassionante la matematica a studenti e insegnanti, tramite la realizzazione di attivit\u00e0 coinvolgenti e divertenti. Tre giochi, in particolare, sono stati pensati e organizzati sotto forma di gara (non competitiva) da un team di giovani matematici e proposti agli studenti del Piemonte.Riuscire a coinvolgere e stimolare tutti gli studenti, spesso poco abituati a lavorare in gruppo, \u00e8 stato uno degli obiettivi degli organizzatori delle gare. Non c\u2019\u00e8 bisogno di essere geni della matematica per potervi prendere parte, ma occorre solo la voglia di impegnarsi con spirito collaborativo.Le azioni del PLS proposte in questo volume sono indirizzate agli studenti come attivit\u00e0 di laboratorio insolite e creative e seguite da conferenze su temi accattivanti, che mettono in luce le varie sfaccettature della matematica nella realt\u00e0 che ci circonda.In questo volume sono documentate le gare e i giochi, le conferenze orientative e il convegno nazionale PLS riferiti all\u2019A.S. 2012/2013, pensando che i materiali raccolti possano essere riutilizzati dai docenti al fine di ripetere l\u2019esperienza con i propri studenti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ornella Robutti (a cura di)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Matematica, giochi matematici, insegnamento"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Gare-e-giochi-matematici.pdf"], ["title", "Gare e giochi Matematici: Studenti all\u2019opera"], ["doab_id", "15939"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867052103"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052103"]], [["description", "The second and updated edition of this new study of the genesis of the Indonesian national state is based on the notion that the birth of that nation grew out of not only the liberation movement but also from the Dutch rule that the nationalists agitated against. The book places a clear emphasis on the ways in which Dutch rule was established in the Indonesian archipelago in the course of three centuries and examines the developments of Dutch colonial policies. This feeds into chapters that focus on the Indonesian nationalist movement and the Japanese occupation of the colony in 1942-1945.The occupation helped to enable the proclamation of Indonesian indepence and the creation of the Republic in August 1945. The conflict that erupted between the Repub-lic and the Netherlands was brought to an incomplete \u2018solution\u2019 in 1949, but the dis-pute about West-Irian led to a sequel that lasted for another thirteen years. More than half of this book is dedicated to the conflict and its aftermath. Much attention is paid to the sentiments and ideas that informed Dutch policy. Various issues that have received scant attention in the historiography are now dis-cussed. The author based his study on Dutch and international literature, contemporary newspapers and policy documents, and his own memories. In the book\u2019s title, the stork represents the Dutch and the garuda functions as a symbol of Indonesia. J. Herman Burgers (1926) worked at the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs. He studied Law in Amsterdam and Political Science at Stanford University. He was deeply interested in the conflict between the Netherlands and the Republic of Indone-sia, as it broke out in 1945. This fascination has never left him, and he has continued to study the conflict and its aftermath, especially during the years 1948-1950 when he was in Indonesia for his Dutch military service."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burgers ,Herman"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "Dutch East Indies", "colonialism", "decolonization", "independence movements"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=353251"], ["title", "De garoeda en de ooievaar; Indonesi\u00eb van kolonie tot nationale staat"], ["doab_id", "13115"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789061783473", "9789004253742"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789061783475 9789004253742"]], [["description", "The volume aims at a comprehensive historical reconstruction of policies, conflicts, attitudes, and regulations covering the diverse field of human reproduction. The analysis is based on two case studies: the United States of America and Austria. While both countries are part of the geographic and conceptual region called the \"north-Atlantic world\", they occupy significantly different positions within the global power structure, the respective relations between state, religion and society, the nature of their political cultures, etc. While it is impossible to re-construct a universal history of population policies on the basis of the two case studies, in the concluding chapter more universal premises relating to 20th century trends and developments beyond the case studies are suggested. To enable a comprehensive, yet focused comparison the analysis concentrates on three aspects of reproductive policies: sexual advice centers in the cities of New York and Vienna during the interwar period; 20th century policies aimed at the interface between workplace and child care; and the abortion conflicts taking place in the last third of the 20th century. These fields are conceptualized as \"arenas\"\u2014i. e., spaces or complex social situations where groups and individuals interested in a given issue meet and interact, attempt to establish their world views, and then transform them into commonly accepted norms and regulations. Events, actors, and developments are thoroughly re-constructed for each arena. Finally the arenas are analyzed in relation to social and political developments in which they are situated. Questions about trends and developments relevant for both case studies are addressed in a framework which is organized around notions of reproduction of the nation, of rationalization, and of globalization. The findings from the case studies are related to secular phenomena like migration, globalizing selective population policies, the emergence of international and transnational political bodies (private foundations, UN-organizations, NGOs). The comparison between the U.S. and Austria offers insights into the tensions inherent in modern reproduction between individual empowerment and political disciplining. The striking similarities and significant differences in the trajectories of reproductive policies in both case studies allow conclusions concerning an indissoluble dilemma of reproductive policies committed to \"human progress.\" In the end, the volume contributes to a deeper understanding of the ambivalence inherent to modern reproduction.

Der Band bietet eine umfassende historische Rekonstruktion von politischen Strategien, Konflikten, Haltungen und Normierungen, die das heterogene Feld der menschlichen Reproduktion, verstanden als sowohl Fortpflanzung als auch Obsorge \u00fcber Kinder umfassend, durchziehen. Die Analyse st\u00fctzt sich auf zwei Fallstudien: die USA und \u00d6sterreich. Zwar sind beide L\u00e4nder Teil eines geographischen und konzeptionelles Raumes, den man als \"transatlantische Welt\" (Daniel Rodgers) bezeichnen kann. Allerdings nehmen sie h\u00f6chst unterschiedliche Positionen innerhalb der globalen Machtstruktur ein und sind durch h\u00f6chst unterschiedliche Beziehungen zwischen Staat, Religion und Gesellschaft sowie stark divergierende politische Kulturen gekennzeichnet. Die Analyse der Fallstudien hat nicht den Anspruch, eine universelle Geschichte der Bev\u00f6lkerungspolitik darzustellen, in einem abschlie\u00dfenden Kapitel werden aber durchaus \u00fcber diese Fallstudien hinaus g\u00fcltige Thesen zu den wesentlichen Entwicklungen im 20. Jahrhundert formuliert.Um eine umfassende und gleichzeitig fokussierte Analyse zu erm\u00f6glichen, konzentriert sich die Studie auf drei Aspekte des Verh\u00e4ltnisses zwischen Reproduktion und den damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Politiken: die Sexualberatungen in New York und Wien in der Zeit zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen, die gesellschaftlichen Strategien, die sich in \u00d6sterreich und den USA auf die Schnittstelle zwischen Erwerbs- und Reproduktionsarbeit richten, und die Konflikte um den Schwangerschaftsabbruch, die im letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts in beiden Gesellschaften auftreten. Diese Aspekte sind als \"Arenen\" konzeptioniert, also als R\u00e4ume oder komplexe soziale Situationen, in denen Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen, die sich f\u00fcr ein bestimmtes Thema interessieren, interagieren und dabei versuchen, ihre Sicht der Welt zu etablieren und sie in der Form von f\u00fcr alle g\u00fcltigen Regeln als hegemoniale durchzusetzen. Auf dieser Basis werden Entwicklungen, die f\u00fcr beide Fallstudien Relevanz haben, hinsichtlich der Reproduktion der Nation, der Rationalisierung der Fortpfanzung sowie der Globalisierung angesprochen. Die Resultate aus den Fallstudien werden in Beziehung gesetzt zu f\u00fcr das 20. Jahrhundert signifikanten Ph\u00e4nomen, z. B. Migration, selektive Bev\u00f6lkerungspolitik im globalen Ma\u00dfstab, die Entstehung internationaler und transnationaler Organisationen und Handlungsmuster (private Stiftungen, NGOs, UN-Organisationen). Der Vergleich zwischen den USA und \u00d6sterreich \u00f6ffnet den Blick auf das der Reproduktion in der Moderne innewohnende Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen der Ausweitung individueller Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume und Politiken der Disziplinierung. \u00dcberraschende \u00c4hnlichkeiten und signifikante Unterschiede der beiden Fallstudien in der Entwicklung von auf Reproduktion bezogenen politischen Strategien verweisen auf das unaufl\u00f6sliche Dilemma einer Fortpflanzungspolitik, die auf \"menschlichen Fortschritt\" abzielt. Damit er\u00f6ffnet sich ein komplexes Verst\u00e4ndnis f\u00fcr die Ambivalenzen von Reproduktion in der Moderne."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mesner ,Maria"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["reproduction, political culture, United States of America, population, 20th century, Austria"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437179"], ["title", "Geburten/Kontrolle"], ["doab_id", "15305"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783206"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783206"]], [["description", "Dutch literature; Religion

Gerard Zerbolt van Zutphen (1367-1398) behoort tot de vroege 'Moderne Devotie'. Zo noemde zich de beweging van 'vernieuwde innigheid' die rond 1375 in Deventer onder inspiratie van Geert Grote en Florens Radewijns ontstond. Zij ontwikkelden een hervormingsprogramma, waarin de geestelijke omvorming van de mens centraal stond. Als broeder van het gemene leven speelde Gerard Zerbolt hierin een prominente rol. Hij gaf leiding aan een intensieve boekproductie, ijverde voor kerkelijke erkenning van de broederschap en maakte zich haar charisma eigen. Zo schreef hij twee toonaangevende handboeken voor de geestelijke weg. Meer dan Grote en Radewijns legde Gerard Zerbolt de grondslag voor een eigen spiritualiteit van de Moderne Devotie. De spiritualibus ascensionibus was nog niet in modern Nederlands vertaald. Reeds de Middelnederlandse vertaling droeg de titel Geestelijke opklimmingen. Dit boek beschrijft de weg van de mens, die uit de ongelijkenis met zijn Schepper wil terugkeren tot de oorspronkelijke gelijkenis. Tegenover de ondeugden die mensen kunnen bezielen, plaatst Gerard Zerbolt als tegenkrachten de deugden. Zijn geschrift bevat alle elementen om ook ons als mensen van deze tijd te helpen tot een nieuw mensbeeld en een nieuwe visie op de samenleving te komen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijk van ,Rudolf"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Dutch literature", "Religion", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Religie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=430544"], ["title", "Geestelijke opklimmingen"], ["doab_id", "15190"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089644039"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644039"]], [["description", "Philosophy; Political science; Culture and institutions; Anthropology

De geesteswetenschappen nemen in hoog tempo afscheid van het postmodernisme. Filosofen, historici, sociologen en antropologen staan opnieuw voor een intellectueel draaimoment. Na de linguistic turn en de cultural turn is er nu een ethische wende. In tal van cultuurwetenschappen probeert men om oudere tradities en concepten weer zinvol in te zetten. De geesteswetenschappelijke carrousel brengt deze herori\u00ebntering in kaart. Deze nieuwe ronde in het debat over de verhouding van wetenschap, politiek en cultuur wordt eerst gevolgd op wetenschapsfilosofisch niveau. Vervolgens komt de huidige politieke discussie over identiteit, tolerantie en solidariteit aan bod. Het leggen van een geloofwaardig verband tussen moraal, politiek en wetenschap blijkt een oefening in intellectuele evenwichtskunst."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jonker ,Ed"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Political science", "Culture and institutions", "Anthropology", "Filosofie", "Politicologie", "Culture and instituten", "Anthropologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340142"], ["title", "De geesteswetenschappelijke carrousel : Een nieuwe ronde in het debat over wetenschap, cultuur en politiek"], ["doab_id", "12841"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569238"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569238"]], [["description", "Up to the 1980s prisoners of war were hardly even mentioned in military history. Only in recent years have scientists acknowledged the importance of this topic. For their investigations some of them chose the First World War, especially the Eastern front, where more than 5 million soldiers were captured until the revolutionary events of 1917/18.Contrary to the few existing studies, the present publication concentrates more on the evaluation of captivity in the historical background rather than on the description of \"POW-fates\" in \"the hands of their enemies\". It therefore focuses on the meaning of captivity and repatriation during the Russian Revolution and the establishment of the Communist International.Based on documents of the central archives in Vienna and Moscow, the thesis comes to the following results: On the one hand, conflicts between the soldiers of the Central Powers in the former Tsarist empire, in particular between the Austro-Hungarian nationalities, for example between the \"Bolshevik internationalists\" and the \"Czech Legion\", played a decisive role in the beginning of an Eastern European \"period of confusion\" which can hardly be entitled a \"Russian Civil War\". On the other hand, former prisoners functioned as founders of the Comintern and leaders of the first communist parties outside Soviet Russia. The activities of POWs thus marked the starting point of the international cadrerecruitment for the Comintern, which became a significant aspect in the foreign politics of the \"first proletarian republic\" and consequently in the so called \"short 20th century\" defined by the existance of the USSR and its \"satellite states\".

Zwischen 1914 und 1918 gerieten 1,4 Millionen \"Soldaten des Zaren\" in Gewahrsam der deutschen Truppen. Mindestens eine knappe Million brachten die \u00f6sterreichisch-ungarischen Streitkr\u00e4fte ein. In Ru\u00dfland, Turkestan und Sibirien wiederum wurden ungef\u00e4hr zwei Millionen Heeresangeh\u00f6rige der Mittelm\u00e4chte festgehalten; der \u00fcberwiegende Teil davon stammte aus der Donaumonarchie.Erstmals ist es nun m\u00f6glich, dieses Massenph\u00e4nomen des Ersten Weltkrieges zu \u00fcberblicken. In mehr als f\u00fcnfj\u00e4hriger Forschungsarbeit haben die Autoren Material aus insgesamt f\u00fcnfzehn russischen und \u00f6sterreichischen Archiven zusammengetragen. Unter Einbeziehung gedruckter Quellen, allen voran mehr als 80 Zeitungen und Zeitschriften sowie rund 150 Memoiren, kann nun ein facettenreiches Gesamtbild der Kriegsgefangenenproblematik in Mittel- und Osteuropa gezeichnet werden.Neben dem Ziel, der Historiographie wissenschaftliches Neuland zu erschlie\u00dfen, ging es allerdings bei den Untersuchungen auch darum, die politische Bedeutung der Thematik in der revolution\u00e4ren Epoche von 1917 bis 1920 zu bewerten. Eine Frage r\u00fcckte dabei immer mehr in den Mittelpunkt: Welchen Einflu\u00df haben die \"in Feindeshand geratenen Soldaten\" auf die fr\u00fche Entwicklung des Kommunismus ausge\u00fcbt?Abgesehen von ihrer Darstellung der unterschiedlichen Versuche sozialrevolution\u00e4rer und nationaler Kr\u00e4fte, die Gefangenen ideologisch zu beeinflussen, sind die Verfasser in dieser Hinsicht vor allem bem\u00fcht, zwei Aspekte hervorzuheben: Erstens ist die Anwesenheit hunderttausender deutscher, \u00f6sterreichischer und ungarischer Soldaten auf dem Territorium des untergegangenen Romanovimperiums eng mit dem Ausbruch jener Konflikte verkn\u00fcpft, die sich bei vorliegendem Kenntnisstand nur schwer unter dem Begriff \"russischer B\u00fcrgerkrieg\" subsumieren lassen. Zweitens bildet das Netzwerk probolschewistischer Gefangenen- und Heimkehrervereinigungen inner- und au\u00dferhalb des Machtbereichs der Bol\u00b4seviki den Kern der entstehenden Kommunistischen Internationale. Studien zu den Anf\u00e4ngen der Sowjetunion und der Komintern haben in Hinkunft Aspekte der Kriegsgefangenschaft und ihrer Folgewirkungen gr\u00f6\u00dferen Stellenwert einzur\u00e4umen"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moritz ,Verena; Leidinger ,Hannes"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["First Wold War, Eastern front, prisoners", "Erster Weltkrieg, Ostmitteleuropa, Kommunismusforschung, Kriegsgefangenenforschung"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574811"], ["title", "Gefangenschaft, Revolution, Heimkehr"], ["doab_id", "17405"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205770688"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205770688"]], [["description", "\u201eGegenst\u00fccke\u201c examines science communication as a cultural, social, and epistemic practice that is shaped by its historical contexts as well as its material and medial conditions. It is focusing mainly on two popular science magazines, Bild der Wissenschaft and Scientific American, established in West Germany in 1964, and in New York in 1845 respectively. Both magazines and their relationship are part of a history of imitation and nationalization and thus an extremely complex example for processes of producing popular knowledge.

\u201eGegenst\u00fccke\u201c erz\u00e4hlt eine Geschichte popul\u00e4rer Wissenskommunikation im transatlantischen Vergleich von der Nachkriegszeit bis in die 1980er Jahre. Das Buch konzentriert sich auf zwei herausragende Beispiele des Genres \u2013 die Zeitschrift Bild der Wissenschaft sowie ihr Vorbild Scientific American. Anhand einer mikroskopischen und dichten Beschreibung von Bildern, Texten, Inhalten, Akteuren und Netzwerken, die beide Zeitschriften charakterisierten und hervorbrachten, zeigt das Buch, dass popul\u00e4re Wissenskommunikation von ihren nationalpolitischen, mentalit\u00e4tsgeschichtlichen, sozialen, werbewirtschaftlichen, bildhistorischen und kollektivbiografischen Kontexten ges\u00e4ttigt ist und sie zu je eigenen Stilen der Wissenskommunikation verarbeitet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heumann ,Ina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Popular knowledge, science communication, Heinz Haber, Bild der Wissenschaft, Scientific American", "Popul\u00e4res Wissen, Wissenschaftskommunikation, Heinz Haber, Bild der Wissenschaft, Scientific American"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512254"], ["title", "Gegenst\u00fccke"], ["doab_id", "16523"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795117"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795117"]], [["description", "Kaum ein anderes Thema polarisierte die bundesrepublikanische \u00d6ffentlichkeit in den vergangenen Jahren so nachhaltig wie die Ver\u00f6ffentlichung der tendenziell rassistischen Theoreme Thilo Sarrazins im Sommer 2010. Rassistische Ressentiments zeigten sich hier wieder als in vielen Teilen der deutschen Gesellschaft etabliert und debattiert, wie der Verkaufserfolg von Sarrazins Bestseller \u201eDeutschland schafft sich ab\u201c demonstriert. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert dieses gegenw\u00e4rtige, insbesondere biologisch-genetische Rassismusph\u00e4nomen in der bundesrepublikanischen Gesellschaft im Zeitraum von 2007 bis 2013. Sie analysiert die Verbreitung, die Entstehungsbedingungen sowie die naturwissenschaftliche Realit\u00e4t biologistischer, rassistischer Argumentationen in Deutschland. Hierf\u00fcr nutzt diese Arbeit einen kombinierten Forschungsansatz von Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften, um das gegenw\u00e4rtige Rassismusph\u00e4nomen sowohl aus sozialwissenschaftlicher als auch aus biologischer Perspektive zu analysieren und zu beurteilen.

Kaum ein anderes Thema polarisierte die bundesrepublikanische \u00d6ffentlichkeit in den vergangenen Jahren so nachhaltig wie die Ver\u00f6ffentlichung der tendenziell rassistischen Theoreme Thilo Sarrazins im Sommer 2010. Rassistische Ressentiments zeigten sich hier wieder als in vielen Teilen der deutschen Gesellschaft etabliert und debattiert, wie der Verkaufserfolg von Sarrazins Bestseller \u201eDeutschland schafft sich ab\u201c demonstriert. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert dieses gegenw\u00e4rtige, insbesondere biologisch-genetische Rassismusph\u00e4nomen in der bundesrepublikanischen Gesellschaft im Zeitraum von 2007 bis 2013. Sie analysiert die Verbreitung, die Entstehungsbedingungen sowie die naturwissenschaftliche Realit\u00e4t biologistischer, rassistischer Argumentationen in Deutschland. Hierf\u00fcr nutzt diese Arbeit einen kombinierten Forschungsansatz von Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften, um das gegenw\u00e4rtige Rassismusph\u00e4nomen sowohl aus sozialwissenschaftlicher als auch aus biologischer Perspektive zu analysieren und zu beurteilen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zuber, Johannes"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["discrimination against minorities", "racism", "ethnic relations", "group processes", "cultural identity", "Germany", "discrimination against minorities", "racism", "ethnic relations", "group processes", "cultural identity", "Germany"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610370"], ["title", "Gegenw\u00e4rtiger Rassismus in Deutschland - Zwischen Biologie und kultureller Identit\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "19175"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951931"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951931"]], [["description", "This 1500-page volume contains the correspondence of the brothers Pez from 1716 lo 1718'. 557 letters , 256 of which have actually been preserved. These letters show the twohistorians, and monks of Melk abbey, successfully acquiring membership of the European Republic of Letters, but they also document first serious conficts within the monasteryitself. The edition contains the entirety of the mostly Latin letter texts, extensive German summaries, commentaries and indices.

Der Band bietet auf mehr als 1500 Seiten die Korrespondenz der Br\u00fcder Pez aus den Jahren 1716-1718:557 Briefnummern, davon 256 erhaltene St\u00fccke. Diese Briefe dokumentieren das erfolgreiche Eintreten der beiden Melker Historiker in den breiteren Kontext der europ\u00e4ischen Gelehrtenrepublik, zugleich aber auch erste gravierendeKonflikte innerhalb des Klosters. Die Edition enth\u00e4lt die Briefe im meist lateinischen Volltext mit ausf\u00fchrlichendeutschen Regesten, Kommentaren und Registern.Band 1: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:370Band 2, 1. Halbband: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wallnig ,Thomas; Stockinger ,Thomas; Fiska ,Patrick; Mayer ,Manuela; Peper ,Ines"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Learned corresponence, Benedictines, Republic of Letters, Historicel Criticism", "Gelehrtenkorrespondenz, Benediktiner, GelehrtenrepubIik, Historische Kritik"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=576952"], ["title", "Die gelehrte Korrespondenz der Br\u00fcder Pez, Text, Regesten, Kommentare, Band 2: 1716\u20131718, 2. Halbband"], ["doab_id", "17460"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795728"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795728"]], [["description", "The submitted manuscript for Vol. I. comprises the learned correspondence of the Benedictine historians Bernhard and Hieronymus Pez of Melk abbey from the years 1709 to 1715. The edition and commentary were prepared between 2004 and 2008 within FWF project P-16940 under the direction of Prof. Winfried Stelzer by Thomas Wallnig and Thomas Stockinger at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna. The submission of the work for publication is being filed concurrently with the final report on the project to the FWF. The significance of the Pez letters, of which the submitted volume will make roughly one quarter available to the public for the first time, is twofold. On the one hand, the European scope of the correspondence leads to a re-evaluation of the position of Austria and southern Germany within European intellectual history of the early 18th century and within the erudite practice and culture of communication in the Republic of Letters. On the other hand, the prosopographical orientation of the brothers' project (a collection of bio-bibliographical data on Benedictine authors of the 16th to 18th century) provides the beginnings of an inventory and topography of a nearly undiscovered intellectual landscape.The volume contains: an introduction sketching the various monastic and erudite contexts of the correspondence, presenting learned letters as a literary genre, and setting out the principles of the edition; the edition itself, which gives 261 extant letters in the original Latin with critical notes, German summaries and commentary, and which also registers 211 lost letters; an appendix with biographical information on the 82 correspondents and four tables (letters by correspondents, letters in chronological order, items enclosed with the letters, mentioned letters between third persons); sources and bibliography; finally a cumulative bio-bibliographical index.Publication is envisioned within the series \"Quelleneditionen des Instituts f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Geschichtsforschung\" (B\u00f6hlau publishing house) as the first of four planned volumes of the correspondence. The publication is primarily aimed at researchers in Austrian history, intellectual history and history of education, and ecclesiastical history, but is also potentially of interest to the disciplines of art history, history of publishing, and also to medievalists in view of the numerous mentions of the location and usage of manuscripts.Volume 2: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824 and https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:825

Der eingereichte Band beinhaltet die gelehrte Korrespondenz der Melker Geschichtsforscher Bernhard und Hieronymus Pez OSB aus den Jahren 1709 bis 1715. Die kommentierte Edition wurde im Rahmen eines FWF-Projekts (P-16940) in den Jahren 2004 bis 2008 unter der Leitung von Prof. Winfried Stelzer am Institut f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Geschichtsforschung von Thomas Wallnig und Thomas Stockinger erarbeitet. Dieser Antrag um Druckf\u00f6rderung ergeht parallel zum Endbericht dieses Projekts an den FWF.Die Bedeutung der Pez-Korrespondenz, von der mit dem vorliegenden Band rund ein Viertel erstmals der wissenschaftlichen \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht wird, liegt in zwei Bereichen. Zum einen erlaubt die europ\u00e4ische Dimension des Briefwechsels eine grundlegende Neuverortung \u00d6sterreichs und S\u00fcddeutschlands innerhalb der europ\u00e4ischen Geistesgeschichte des fr\u00fchen 18. Jahrhunderts sowie im Rahmen der gelehrten Praxis und Kommunikationskultur der Res publica literaria. Zum anderen erm\u00f6glicht die prosopographische Ausrichtung der Korrespondenz - sie zielt auf die Sammlung bio-bibliographischer Daten zu gelehrten Benediktinern des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts ab - einen ersten wissenschaftlichen Zugang zu diesem nahezu unbekannten intellektuellen Kulturraum.Der Band gliedert sich in folgende Teile: die Einleitung, in der an die verschiedenen monastischen und gelehrten Kontexte der Korrespondenz herangef\u00fchrt wird, die weiters die Gelehrtenkorrespondenz als Quellengattung in den Blick nimmt und die Editionsgrunds\u00e4tze darlegt; den Hauptteil, der die 261 erhaltenen Briefe im lateinischen Original mit kritischem Apparat, deutschen Regesten und Sachkommentaren enth\u00e4lt, dabei zudem Hinweise auf 211 erschlossene St\u00fccke; einen Anhang mit bio-bibliographischen Notizen zu den 82 Pez-Korrespondenten sowie vier Tabellen (Briefe nach Autoren, Briefe chronologisch gereiht, Briefbeilagen, in der Korrespondenz erw\u00e4hnte Briefe von und an Dritte); schlie\u00dflich das Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis sowie ein kumulatives Register.Der Band erscheint in der Reihe \"Quelleneditionen des Instituts f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Geschichtsforschung\" bei B\u00f6hlau als erster von voraussichtlich vier B\u00e4nden der Pez-Korrespondenz. Die Edition richtet sich an Forschende aus den Bereichen \u00d6sterreichische Geschichte, Gelehrsamkeits- und Kirchengeschichte, im weiteren Feld aber auch an Vertreter der F\u00e4cher Buchgeschichte, Kunst- und Literaturgeschichte sowie an Medi\u00e4visten, die an der Rezeptionsgeschichte mittelalterlicher Texte in der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit interessiert sind und aus Hinweisen zur \u00dcberlieferung einzelner Handschriften Nutzen ziehen k\u00f6nnen.Band 2: https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:824 und https://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:825"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wallnig ,Thomas; Stockinger ,Thomas"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["historical research, Benedictines, res publica litteraria, manuscripts, republic of letters, auxillary sciences"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=445402"], ["title", "Die gelehrte Korrespondenz der Br\u00fcder Pez, Text, Regesten, Kommentare; Band 1: 1709\u20131715"], ["doab_id", "15381"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783039"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783039"]], [["description", "The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) that took effect in 2005 follows an independent method as opposed to the conventional execution carried out by state authorities with regards to the legal execution. It commits the producer of electrical and electronic equipment to the establishment of a private law Clearing House (Gemeinsame Stelle) and assigns it numerous tasks to be carried out on its own responsibility. The significance of the Clearing House for the implementation of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act is heightened by the fact that it assumes additional sovereign tasks assigned to it within the scope of the designation. This unusual double function is applied to the task at hand and illuminates the status and organisation of Stiftung Elektro-Altger\u00e4te-Register that is set up as Clearing House. The task furthermore examines the most important tasks in practice of producer registration and the coordination of WEEE collection, as well as the thus far little researched task of specifying the equipment types important for implementation. The work is rounded off by a chapter dedicated to the issues of legal protection against the measures of Stiftung Elektro-Altger\u00e4te-Register, particularly in its function as designated agency.

Das im Jahr 2005 in Kraft getretene ElektroG verfolgt hinsichtlich der Ausgestaltung des Gesetzesvollzugs einen gegen\u00fcber dem herk\u00f6mmlichen Vollzug durch staatliche Beh\u00f6rden eigenst\u00e4ndigen Ansatz. Es verpflichtet die Hersteller von Elektro- und Elektronikger\u00e4ten zur Einrichtung einer privatrechtlich organisierten Gemeinsamen Stelle und weist ihr zahlreiche in eigener Verantwortung wahrzunehmende Aufgaben zu. Die Bedeutung der Gemeinsamen Stelle f\u00fcr den Vollzug des ElektroG wird dadurch gesteigert, dass sie zus\u00e4tzlich hoheitliche, ihr im Wege der Beleihung \u00fcbertragene Aufgaben \u00fcbernimmt. Dieser nicht allt\u00e4glichen Doppelfunktion widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit und beleuchtet die Rechtsstellung und Organisation der als Gemeinsame Stelle eingerichteten Stiftung Elektro-Altger\u00e4te-Register. Des Weiteren untersucht die Arbeit die in der Praxis wichtigsten Aufgaben der Herstellerregistrierung und Koordination der Altger\u00e4teabholung sowie die bislang wenig erforschte Aufgabe der Festlegung der f\u00fcr den Vollzug wichtigen Ger\u00e4tearten. Abgerundet wird die Arbeit durch ein eigenes Kapitel, das sich dem Rechtsschutz gegen die Ma\u00dfnahmen der Stiftung Elektro-Altger\u00e4te-Register vor allem in ihrer Funktion als beliehene Stelle widmet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lier, Johann"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["producer registration and the coordination of WEEE collection", "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)", "legal protection", "producer registration and the coordination of WEEE collection", "Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)", "legal protection"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610406"], ["title", "Die Gemeinsame Stelle nach dem ElektroG - Rechtsstellung, Organisation und Aufgaben sowie Rechtsschutz gegen ihre Akte"], ["doab_id", "19210"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952563"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952563"]], [["description", "In the part regarding taking of evidence of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, one can find provisions referring to so called common pieces of evidence. In academic literature a general principle of right to provide evidence is derived therefrom according to which a party in a lawsuit is obliged to assist and support also the opposing party to a certain extent. One of the facts by which such duty to cooperate is imposed on the parties by procedural law are common pieces of evidence.

Im beweisrechtlichen Abschnitt enth\u00e4lt die \u00f6sterreichische Zivilprozessordnung Bestimmungen, die von einer Gemeinschaftlichkeit der Beweismittel sprechen. Daraus wird in der Lehre ein allgemeines Prinzip des Beweisrechts hergeleitet, nach dem eine Prozesspartei in gewissem Umfang auch zur Mitwirkung und Unterst\u00fctzung des Prozessgegners verpflichtet ist. Einer jener Tatbest\u00e4nde, in denen das Verfahrensrecht den Parteien eine solche Mitwirkungspflicht auferlegt, sind die \u2013 von der ZPO selbst so benannten \u2013 gemeinschaftlichen Urkunden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riss ,Olaf"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["common pieces of evidence", "Gemeinschaftlichkeit der Beweismittel"]], ["publisher", "Jan Sramek Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615740"], ["title", "Die Gemeinschaftlichkeit der Beweismittel"], ["doab_id", "19684"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783709700617"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783709700617"]], [["description", "This volume contains essays and discussions from the Conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Instructors held October 7 - 10, 2009 in Graz."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giegerich, Thomas ; Hatje, Armin; Peters, Anne"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Common Good"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/43415"], ["title", "Gemeinwohl durch Wettbewerb? Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Graz vom 7. bis 10. Oktober 2009"], ["doab_id", "18082"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110402520", "9783110402636", "9783899497571"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110402520, 9783110402636, 9783899497571"]], [["description", "What role does gender play in scientific research and the development of new technologies? This book provides methodological expertise, research experiences and empirical findings in the dynamic field of Science and Technology Studies. Topics range from the design of information and communication technologies, epistemologies of biology and history of chemistry to teaching mathematics and professional processes in engineering.

Was ist die Wirkungsweise von Geschlecht in naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung und der Entwicklung neuer Technologien? Das Buch pr\u00e4sentiert methodologische Expertise, Forschungserfahrungen und empirische Ergebnisse im dynamischen Feld der Naturwissenschafts- und Technologieforschung. Themen umfassen die Entwicklung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, Erkenntnisprozesse in der Biologie und der Chemiegeschichte, Didaktik der Mathematik und Entwicklungen in den Ingenieurberufen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ernst ,Waltraud; Horwath ,Ilona"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Gender; innovation research; science; technology; engineering", "Geschlecht; Innovationsforschung; Naturwissenschaft; Technologie; Ingenieurswissenschaften"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=463250"], ["title", "Gender in Science and Technology"], ["doab_id", "15664"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783837624342"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837624342"]], [["description", "Family-related migration is moving to the centre of political debates on migration, integration and multiculturalism in Europe. It is also more and more leading to lively academic interest in the family dimensions of international migration. At the same time, strands of research on family migrations and migrant families remain separate from \u2013 and sometimes ignorant of \u2013 each other. This volume seeks to bridge the disciplinary divides. Fifteen chapters come up with a number of common themes. Collectively, the authors address the need to better understand the diversity of family-related migration and its resulting family forms and practices, to question, if not counter, simplistic assumptions about migrant families in public discourses, to study family migration from a mix of disciplinary perspectives at various levels and via different methodological approaches and to acknowledge the state\u2019s role in shaping family-related migration, practices and lives.

Familie gerelateerde migratie staat in het centrum van de huidige politieke debatten over migratie, integratie en multiculturaliteit in Europa. Meer en meer geeft het ook aanleiding tot academische onderzoek. Toch gebeurt dit onderzoek naar gezinsmigratie veelal gescheiden van onderzoek naar migrantenfamilies. Dit boek tracht deze interdisciplinaire kloof te overbruggen. De auteurs richten zich gezamenlijk op de noodzaak tot een beter begrip te komen van de diversiteit van familiegerelateerde migratie. In vijftien hoofdstukken met een aantal gemeenschappelijke thema\u2019s verwerpen ze de simplistische aannames over allochtone gezinnen, zoals gebezigd wordt in publieke debatten, om als alternatief hiervoor voor te stellen gezinsmigratie te bestuderen vanuit een mix van disciplinaire perspectieven, op diverse niveaus en via verschillende methodologische benaderingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kofman ,Eleonore ; Kohli ,Martin; Kraler ,Albert ; Schmoll ,Camille"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Public adminstration", "Sociology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418151"], ["title", "Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration"], ["doab_id", "14804"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642851"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642851"]], [["description", "All people are equal, according to Thomas Jefferson, but all migrants are not. In this volume, twelve eminent scholars describe and analyse how in countries such as France, the United States, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark distinctions were made through history between migrants and how these were justified in policies and public debates. The chapters form a triptych, addressing in three clusters the problematisation of questions such as \u2018who is a refugee\u2019, \u2018who is family\u2019 and \u2018what is difference\u2019. The chapters in this volume show that these are not separate issues. They intersect in ways that vary according to countries of origin and settlement, economic climate, geopolitical situation, as well as by gender, and by class, ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation of the migrants."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Molony ,Deirdre M. ; Schrover ,Marlou "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Migration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=459571"], ["title", "Gender, Migration and Categorisation : Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010"], ["doab_id", "15565"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048521753"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048521753"]], [["description", "This study, based on a lifelong involvement with New Guinea, compares the culture of the Kamoro (18,000 people) with that of their eastern neighbours, the Asmat (40,000), both living on the south coast of West Papua, Indonesia. The comparison, showing substantial differences as well as striking similarities, contributes to a deeper understanding of both cultures.Part I looks at Kamoro society and culture through the window of its ritual cycle, framed by gender. Part II widens the view, offering in a comparative fashion a more detailed analysis of the socio-political and cosmo-mythological setting of the Kamoro and the Asmat rituals. Next is a systematic comparison of the rituals. The comparison includes a cross-cultural, structural analysis of relevant myths.This publication is of interest to scholars and students in Oceanic studies and those drawn to the comparative study of cultures.Jan Pouwer (1924) started his career as a government anthropologist in West New Guinea in the 1950s and 1960s, with periods of intensive fieldwork, in particular among the Kamoro. A distinguished anthropologist, he held professorships at universities around the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pouwer ,Jan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Oceanic studies", "Indonesia", "Papua culture", "gender studies", "anthropology"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=353252"], ["title", "Gender, ritual and social formation in West Papua; A configurational analysis comparing Kamoro and Asmat"], ["doab_id", "13073"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183253", "9789004253728"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183253 9789004253728"]], [["description", "Wie kann und soll Geschlecht bei der Gestaltung von Bedienoberfl\u00e4chen ber\u00fccksichtigt werden? Dieses Buch besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Usability und User Experience (UX) unter Gendergesichtspunkten, ber\u00fccksichtigt dabei neben der Perspektive der Gender Studies, der Psychologie, der Wissenschafts- und Technikstudien auch das Zusammenwirken von Theorie und Praxis, von forscherischen und wirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Die verschiedenen Blickwinkel und Herangehensweisen, wissenschaftlichen Ans\u00e4tze und Theorien, die in diesem Buch vereint sind, spiegeln wider, wie facettenreich und fruchtbar die Diskussion zum Thema Gender und User Experience ist.Zielgruppe dieses Buches sind alle diejenigen, die daran arbeiten, Software gut bedienbar, ansprechend und vielleicht sogar begeisternd zu gestalten. Und dabei sicherstellen m\u00f6chten, dass dies m\u00f6glichst f\u00fcr jede und f\u00fcr jeden der Fall ist. Angesprochen werden sollen dabei nicht nur Personen, die sich an Forschungseinrichtungen und Hochschulen mit dieser Thematik besch\u00e4ftigen, sondern auch jene, die sich in kleinen und gro\u00dfen Unternehmen der Gestaltung von Mensch-Computer-Interaktion widmen. Der interdisziplin\u00e4re Ansatz, den dieses Buch mit seinen Beitr\u00e4gen aus verschiedensten Fachrichtungen erm\u00f6glicht, verdeutlicht die Dimensionen, in denen sich die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Gender im Zusammenspiel mit Human-Computer Interaction, Usability und User Experience bewegt, und zeigt Wege und M\u00f6glichkeiten auf, Genderaspekte hier angemessen zu ber\u00fccksichtigen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicola Marsden, Ute Kempf"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Informatik, Medieninformatik"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/428213"], ["title", "Gender-UseIT. HCI, Usability und UX unter Gendergesichtspunkten"], ["doab_id", "17286"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110356977", "9783110363227", "9783110398595"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110356977, 9783110363227, 9783110398595"]], [["description", "Das neue Gendiagnostikgesetz vom 31. Juli 2009 wirft im Spannungsfeld divergierender Perspektiven, insbesondere im Zwiegespr\u00e4ch von Humangenetik und Rechtswissenschaften bedeutsame Fragen u.a. \u00fcber die Ausgestaltung der genetischen Beratung, die Aufgaben der neu geschaffenen Gendiagnostikkommission oder hinsichtlich der vorgeburtlichen genetischen Diagnostik auf. Zugleich stehen auch die klassischen arztrechtlichen Aspekte der \u00e4rztlichen Aufkl\u00e4rung und Einwilligung sowie solche aus dem Bereich des Datenschutzes im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Dieses facettenreiche Spektrum an Fragestellungen war im November 2010 Gegenstand eines G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Medizinrecht, gemeinsam veranstaltet vom Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik (Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t) und vom Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht (Juristische Fakult\u00e4t). Die Beitr\u00e4ge und Ergebnisse dieser Fachtagung werden im vorliegenden Band der interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht.

Das neue Gendiagnostikgesetz vom 31. Juli 2009 wirft im Spannungsfeld divergierender Perspektiven, insbesondere im Zwiegespr\u00e4ch von Humangenetik und Rechtswissenschaften bedeutsame Fragen u.a. \u00fcber die Ausgestaltung der genetischen Beratung, die Aufgaben der neu geschaffenen Gendiagnostikkommission oder hinsichtlich der vorgeburtlichen genetischen Diagnostik auf. Zugleich stehen auch die klassischen arztrechtlichen Aspekte der \u00e4rztlichen Aufkl\u00e4rung und Einwilligung sowie solche aus dem Bereich des Datenschutzes im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Dieses facettenreiche Spektrum an Fragestellungen war im November 2010 Gegenstand eines G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Medizinrecht, gemeinsam veranstaltet vom Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik (Medizinische Fakult\u00e4t) und vom Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht (Juristische Fakult\u00e4t). Die Beitr\u00e4ge und Ergebnisse dieser Fachtagung werden im vorliegenden Band der interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Engel, Wolfgang; Zoll, Barbara"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["health care law", "health care law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610173"], ["title", "Das Gendiagnostikgesetz im Spannungsfeld von Humangenetik und Recht"], ["doab_id", "14596"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950255"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950255"]], [["description", "Schistosomes are human parasites distributed worldwide in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes, especially in developing countries and impoverished regions. These neglected tropical disease (NTD) pathogens causes debilitating illnesses, which include hepatosplenomegaly, hepatic fibrosis, haemorrhagic necrotic ulcerations in the intestinal mucosa, urogenital tract diseases, in addition to cardiopulmonary, renal and neurologic lesions due to egg accumulation in the liver, intestines, uro-genital tissues and other sites. Urogenital schistosomiasis is a risk factor for bladder cancer and increases the risk of transmission of HIV infection. Despite extensive effort to control this NTD over the years, deployment on a considerable scale of commercially available drugs in endemic populations has induced the emergence of resistant isolates and raised the need to identify new targets for alternative therapies. Because of the availability of genomes of the three major species of human schistosomiasis, and through advances in functional genomics and live imaging, studies on schistosomes have now come into focus as models to investigate adaptations to parasitism and developmental biology of trematodes and cestodes, and indeed flatworms and Lophotrochozoans, at large. This Research Topic aims at gathering state-of-art essays on schistosome genetics, genetics, pathobiology and immunobiology. It also aims to highlight advances in understanding of the host-parasite relationship, in paradigms that address this NTD, and to discuss new perspectives and advances in chemotherapy and immunoprophylaxis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arnon Dias Jurberg; Paul J Brindley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schistosomiasis", "Schistosoma mansoni", "S haematobium", "S japonicum", "neglected tropical diseases", "Helminthiasis", "Blood fluke", "Anthelmintic drugs", "infection induced cancer", "Vaccines"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2094/gene-function-in-schistosomes-recent-advances-towards-a-cure"], ["title", "Gene function in schistosomes: recent advances towards a cure"], ["doab_id", "18165"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195565"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195565"]], [["description", "O livro apresenta uma abordagem sobre como foram constru\u00eddos os saberes inerentes \u00e0 medicina e ao hospital na Sociedade Moderna. Mostra, historicamente, como foi estabelecido o poder e as pr\u00e1ticas m\u00e9dico-hospitalares. A obra apresenta o discurso das institui\u00e7\u00f5es dominantes sobre o modelo assistencial, como tamb\u00e9m revela a realidade pragm\u00e1tica do acesso efetivo ao direito social \u00e0 sa\u00fade, que, formalmente, foi expresso como uma necessidade b\u00e1sica traduzida em m\u00ednimos sociais, como condi\u00e7\u00e3o leg\u00edtima de dignidade da pessoa humana. A relev\u00e2ncia desse estudo \u00e9 em virtude de sua especial significa\u00e7\u00e3o nas diversas \u00e1reas das Ci\u00eancias Humanas e Sociais, ao nutrir o debate sobre a tem\u00e1tica do Direito \u00e0 Sa\u00fade nas inst\u00e2ncias do Poder P\u00fablico, bem como ao introduzi-la na agenda das profiss\u00f5es relacionadas com o campo da sa\u00fade, aprofundando suas dimens\u00f5es de transdisciplinariedade e transversalidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cat\u00e3o, Marconi do \u00d3"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Direitos Sociais, Sa\u00fade, Medicina Social, Genealogia da Sa\u00fade, Bio\u00e9tica"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/szgxv"], ["title", "Genealogia do Direito \u00e0 Sa\u00fade: uma reconstru\u00e7\u00e3o de saberes e pr\u00e1ticas na modernidade"], ["doab_id", "16306"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791919"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791919"]], [["description", "Genealogien sind in Kulturen des antiken Mittelmeerraums und der Arabischen Halbinsel weit verbreitet. Sie dienen dazu, durch Bez\u00fcge zwischen einzelnen Menschen und Gruppen sowie zwischen Mensch und Gottheiten Kontinuit\u00e4t und Dauer herzustellen. Unter diachron-historisierender R\u00fcckbindung in vertikalen Geschlechterfolgen werden soziale Wirklichkeiten konstruiert, die Ordnung, Stabilit\u00e4t und Best\u00e4ndigkeit suggerieren. Br\u00fcche und Diskontinuit\u00e4ten werden harmonisiert, Fortdauer und Verstetigung garantiert und so religi\u00f6se, politische und ethnische Anspr\u00fcche und Vorrechte legitimiert. Diese Funktion teilen die Genealogien mit Mythen von der Herkunft und den Wanderungen einer fiktiven oder realen Person, eines Geschlechts oder einer Ethnie.Die interdisziplin\u00e4re Betrachtung von Genealogie und Migrationsmythen stellt ein Desiderat dar, dem der vorliegende Band mit Beitr\u00e4gen aus Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Biblischer und Klassischer Arch\u00e4ologie, Alter Geschichte, Gr\u00e4zistik und Latinistik, \u00c4gyptologie und Arabistik anhand exemplarischer Einzelstudien nachkommt."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almut-Barbara Renger, Isabel Toral-Niehoff (eds.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Edition Topoi"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edition-topoi.org/books/details/genealogie-und-migrationsmythen-im-antiken-mittelmeerraum-und-auf-der-arabi"], ["title", "Genealogie und Migrationsmythen im antiken Mittelmeerraum und auf der arabischen Halbinsel"], ["doab_id", "17900"], ["language_unmapped", "german"], ["isbns", ["9783981638400"]], ["provider", "www.edition-topoi.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9783981638400"]], [["description", "General anesthesia is a standard medical procedure in today's hospital practice. Although in most cases the administration of anesthetics does not affect severely the patients health, side effects of anesthesia are well-known, such as nausea or cognitive impairment. Moreover 1-2 out of 1000 patients under surgery report a partial wake up from anesthesia during the operation. The reason for such a partial lack of control of depth of anesthesia is that medical procedures are highly optimized based on experience but the neural dynamics during general anesthesia is far from being understood. One reason for this lack of understanding is both the complex neural interactions of neurons on different spatial and temporal scales and the poorly understood action of anesthetics on neural populations. For instance, anesthetic agents act on synaptic receptors on a microscopic scale essentially evoking a macroscopic change of population activity, such as Local Field Potentials, EEG/MEG or resulting change of cerebral blood flow. This population effect then triggers the loss of consciousness in patients. This Research Topic aims to address recent theoretical and experimental advances in the field. The theoretical and experimental studies represent a good overview over the current state of research in the field and provides a deeper insight into the underlying neural mechanisms. Each article in the issue focusses on a specific current research topic in general anesthesia research and several articles introduce to the topic in a pedagogical way. The issue covers various types of anaesthesia and the most important topics in the field, such as (but not limited to) recent advances in theoretical models and states of consciousness reflected in experimental data, the connectivity changes observed during anesthesia or effects of specific drugs on brain activity. The introduction style of the papers facilitates the reader to understand the background of the research aspect and even allows readers not familiar with general anesthesia research to enter the research domain. Hence the Research Topic aims to provide on one hand an overview of the current state of the art and on the other hand a good starting point for new researchers in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Axel Hutt; Anthony G. Hudetz"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Consciousness", "functional connectivity", "coherence", "EEG", "Burst-suppression"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2345/general-anesthesia-from-theory-to-experiments"], ["title", "General Anesthesia: From Theory to Experiments"], ["doab_id", "18869"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197491"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197491"]], [["description", "Geben, Nehmen, Schenken, Leihen und Vererben \u2013 Prozesse der Weitergabe sind ebenso vielschichtig wie die Beziehungen, die sie manifestieren. Die Studie betrachtet die Modi des Austauschs und die wechselseitigen Wahrnehmungen von Mutter-Tochter-Paaren anhand ihrer allt\u00e4glichen Kleidungspraxen. Ausgehend von Gespr\u00e4chen, Familienfotos und Beobachtungen vor Kleiderschr\u00e4nken sp\u00fcrt sie den vestiment\u00e4ren Erfahrungshorizonten zweier Frauengenerationen nach. Gefragt wird nach den Generationalisierungen, den Konzeptionalisierungen von Weiblichkeit sowie den historisch vorgepr\u00e4gten Geschmackspr\u00e4ferenzen, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Neben Konstruktionen von Gemeinsamkeit und Differenz wird dabei der Zusammenhang von Generation und Geschlecht diskutiert.

Geben, Nehmen, Schenken, Leihen und Vererben \u2013 Prozesse der Weitergabe sind ebenso vielschichtig wie die Beziehungen, die sie manifestieren. Die Studie betrachtet die Modi des Austauschs und die wechselseitigen Wahrnehmungen von Mutter-Tochter-Paaren anhand ihrer allt\u00e4glichen Kleidungspraxen. Ausgehend von Gespr\u00e4chen, Familienfotos und Beobachtungen vor Kleiderschr\u00e4nken sp\u00fcrt sie den vestiment\u00e4ren Erfahrungshorizonten zweier Frauengenerationen nach. Gefragt wird nach den Generationalisierungen, den Konzeptionalisierungen von Weiblichkeit sowie den historisch vorgepr\u00e4gten Geschmackspr\u00e4ferenzen, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Neben Konstruktionen von Gemeinsamkeit und Differenz wird dabei der Zusammenhang von Generation und Geschlecht diskutiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wagener-B\u00f6ck, Nadine"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["gender", "mother", "daughter", "dress", "gender", "mother", "daughter", "dress"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610382"], ["title", "Generation | Garderobe | Geschlecht - Kleidungspraxis bei Mutter-Tochter-Paaren"], ["doab_id", "19186"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952136"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952136"]], [["description", "This book provides the international reader with the first study of different generations and intergenerational relations in Estonia. The chapters highlight generational patterns in the 20th and 21st centuries, with the volume as a whole taking an interdisciplinary approach. Sharing the idea that generations are dynamic, that their borders are blurred and change over time, and that their construction is interdependent, the authors have each chosen a specific perspective on and framework for generations. Several studies take an interest in how and by whom generations are constructed, and how generational identity has been perceived and reshaped over time. Others use generation as a concept or an analytical tool with which to investigate different social processes, or as a community of experience and carrier of memory. The volume suggests novel and diverse approaches to the definition of generation and the formation of generational consciousness, as well as to generational theory."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nugin ,Raili; Kannike ,Anu; Raudsepp ,Maaris"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["generations", "cohorts", "memory", "transition", "values", "intergenerational relations", "generational patterns", "generational identity"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606515"], ["title", "Generations in Estonia: Contemporary Perspectives on Turbulent Times"], ["doab_id", "18964"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949770557", "9789949770564"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949770557 9789949770564"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 resultado dos textos apresentados nas confer\u00eancias e mesas redondas do I Semin\u00e1rio Nacional G\u00eanero e Pr\u00e1ticas Culturais, tendo como tema central: desafios hist\u00f3ricos e saberes interdisciplinares, ocorrido em Jo\u00e3o Pessoa, entre os dias 4 a 6 de setembro de 2007. O evento organizou-se em 14 eixos tem\u00e1ticos que orientaram os grupos de trabalhos, duas confer\u00eancias e seis mesas redondas, com a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de aproximadamente 800 pessoas dos v\u00e1rios estados do Brasil e a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de 280 comunica\u00e7\u00f5es orais distribu\u00eddas pelos diversos Gts. (trecho retirado do texto \"G\u00eanero e pr\u00e1ticas culturais: desafios hist\u00f3ricos e saberes interdisciplinares\" do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Machado, Charliton Jos\u00e9 dos Santos (org.); Santiago, Idalina Maria Freitas Lima (org.); Nunes, Maria L\u00facia da Silva (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["G\u00eaneros Culturais, Etnia, Forma\u00e7\u00e3o Docente, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tg384"], ["title", "G\u00eaneros e pr\u00e1ticas culturais: desafios hist\u00f3ricos e saberes interdisciplinares"], ["doab_id", "16251"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791193"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791193"]], [["description", "Este livro tem como objeto de estudo a interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o do telejornalismo a partir dos conceitos de g\u00eanero televisivo e modos de endere\u00e7amento, analisando os elementos textuais, visuais e sonoros, assim como a configura\u00e7\u00e3o interna dos programas. Re\u00fane artigos de onze autores distintos, que analisam os seguintes programas: Roda Viva, Jornal da MTV, Globo Rural, Cidade Alerta, Globo Rep\u00f3rter, Profiss\u00e3o Rep\u00f3rter, Rep\u00f3rter Brasil, Balan\u00e7o Geral, Jornal da Massa e Fant\u00e1stico. Para abrir o livro, um artigo sobre a metodologia de an\u00e1lise do telejornalismo, da organizadora Itania Gomes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gomes, Itania Maria Mota"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9wgnc"], ["title", "G\u00eaneros televisivos e modos de endere\u00e7amento no telejornalismo"], ["doab_id", "18095"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211998"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211998"]], [["description", "Women drinking during pregnancy can result in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), which may feature variable neurodevelopmental deficits, facial dysmorphology, growth retardation, and learning disabilities. Research suggests the human brain is precisely formed through an intrinsic, genetic-cellular expression that is carefully orchestrated by an epigenetic program. This program can be influenced by environmental inputs such as alcohol. Current research suggests the genetic and epigenetic elements of FASD are heavily intertwined and highly dependent on one another. As such, now is the time for investigators to combine genetic, genomic and epigenetic components of alcohol research into a centralized, accessible platform for discussion. Genetic analyses inform gene sets which may be vulnerable to alcohol exposure during early neurulation. Prenatal alcohol exposure indeed alters expression of gene subsets, including genes involved in neural specification, hematopoiesis, methylation, chromatin remodeling, histone variants, eye and heart development. Recently, quantitative genomic mapping has revealed loci (QTLs) that mediate alcohol-induced phenotypes identified between two alcohol-drinking mouse strains. One question to consider is (besides the role of dose and stage of alcohol exposure) why only 5% of drinking women deliver newborns diagnosed with FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)? Studies are ongoing to answer this question by characterizing genome-wide expression, allele-specific expression (ASE), gene polymorphisms (SNPs) and maternal genetic factors that influence alcohol vulnerability. Alcohol exposure during pregnancy, which can lead to FASD, has been used as a model to resolve the epigenetic pathway between environment and phenotype. Epigenetic mechanisms modify genetic outputs through alteration of 3D chromatin structure and accessibility of transcriptional machinery. Several laboratories have reported altered epigenetics, including DNA methylation and histone modification, in multiple models of FASD. During development DNA methylation is dynamic yet orchestrated in a precise spatiotemporal manner during neurulation and coincidental with neural differentiation. Alcohol can directly influence epigenetics through alterations of the methionine pathway and subsequent DNA or histone methylation/acetylation. Alcohol also alters noncoding RNA including miRNA and transposable elements (TEs). Evidence suggests that miRNA expression may mediate ethanol teratology, and TEs may be affected by alcohol through the alteration of DNA methylation at its regulatory region. In this manner, the epigenetic and genetic components of FASD are revealing themselves to be mechanistically intertwined. Can alcohol-induced epigenomic alterations be passed across generations? Early epidemiological studies have revealed infants with FASD-like features in the absence of maternal alcohol, where the fathers were alcoholics. Novel mechanisms for alcohol-induced phenotypes include altered sperm DNA methylation, hypomethylated paternal allele and heritable epimutations. These studies predict the heritability of alcohol-induced epigenetic abnormalities and gene functionality across generations. We opened a forum to researchers and investigators the field of FASD to discuss their insights, hypotheses, fresh data, past research, and future research themes embedded in this rising field of the genetics and epigenetics of FASD. This eBook is a product of the collective sharing and debate among researchers who have contributed or reviewed each subject."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Feng C Zhou; Stephen Mason"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["FASD", "Pregnancy drinking", "Genomics", "DNA Methylation", "histone modification", "Alcoholism", "transgenerational", "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome", "Gene environmental interaction", "Epigenetic medicine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1941/genetics-and-epigenetics-of-fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorders"], ["title", "Genetics and epigenetics of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders"], ["doab_id", "18561"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195732"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195732"]], [["description", "Die Entzifferung des Genoms und zuletzt die Entwicklung moderner Sequenzierungsverfahren lassen viele Menschen bef\u00fcrchten, dass dadurch ihre \u201eIndividualit\u00e4t\u201c verlorengehen k\u00f6nnte. Was damit genau gemeint ist, welches Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis des Individuums dem zugrunde liegt und inwieweit die Sorge berechtigt ist, untersucht der vorliegende Band im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Diskurs zwischen Humangenetik und Recht. Die Beitr\u00e4ge resultieren aus einem interdisziplin\u00e4ren Workshop des G\u00f6ttinger Instituts f\u00fcr Humangenetik in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht im Januar 2012. Erg\u00e4nzende Beitr\u00e4ge sowohl aus humangenetischer als auch juristischer Perspektive verbreitern die Faktenbasis und geben einen vertieften Einblick in den aktuellen Sachstand.

Die Entzifferung des Genoms und zuletzt die Entwicklung moderner Sequenzierungsverfahren lassen viele Menschen bef\u00fcrchten, dass dadurch ihre \u201eIndividualit\u00e4t\u201c verlorengehen k\u00f6nnte. Was damit genau gemeint ist, welches Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis des Individuums dem zugrunde liegt und inwieweit die Sorge berechtigt ist, untersucht der vorliegende Band im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Diskurs zwischen Humangenetik und Recht. Die Beitr\u00e4ge resultieren aus einem interdisziplin\u00e4ren Workshop des G\u00f6ttinger Instituts f\u00fcr Humangenetik in Kooperation mit dem Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht im Januar 2012. Erg\u00e4nzende Beitr\u00e4ge sowohl aus humangenetischer als auch juristischer Perspektive verbreitern die Faktenbasis und geben einen vertieften Einblick in den aktuellen Sachstand."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Engel, Wolfgang; Zoll, Barbara"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Human Genetics", "Law", "Genetics", "Institute of Human Genetics", "Centre of Medical Law", "Human Genetics", "Law", "Genetics", "Institute of Human Genetics", "Centre of Medical Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610175"], ["title", "Genetische Individualit\u00e4t im Recht"], ["doab_id", "15241"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950996"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950996"]], [["description", "The monograph focuses on the \u201cgenius\u201d as a figure of knowledge and representation in two discoursive and medial settings: first, texts from the Humanities and theory of science, in particular published between 1890 and 1920, and, second, subset feature films since the mid-1980ties, which re-echo the \u2018cult of the genius\u2019. The \u201cgenius\u201d is considered to be a figure by which newly constituted academic disciplines managed to build up their professional identity, legitimated their methodologies, and reassured themselves of their own intellectual and creative powers. Furthermore, the book shows how imaginations of \u201cingenious\u201d artists and masterminds, that refer to this historical period, are depicted in selected movies since the mid 1980ties.

Die Frage, wem die Auszeichnung \u201eGenie\u201c geb\u00fchre, wurde vor hundert Jahren in unterschiedlichen geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und in vielf\u00e4ltigen literarischen Texten \u00fcberaus hitzig debattiert. Die Monographie wirft einen Blick auf die epistemologischen Funktionen sowie rassistischen und geschlechterspezifischen Implikationen der Wissensfigur \u201eGenie\u201c und zeigt, wie sich der geisteswissenschaftliche Geniekult um 1900 in der sp\u00e4teren popul\u00e4ren Filmkultur widerspiegelt.Die Frage, wem die Auszeichnung Genie geb\u00fchre, wurde vor hundert Jahren in geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und in literarisch-philosophischen Texten, z. B. von Walter Benjamin, Jakob Wassermann, Otto Weininger und Edgar Zilsel, hitzig debattiert. Die Monographie wirft einen Blick auf die glorifizierenden Zuschreibungen und epistemologischen Funktionen, die der Wissensfigur \u201eGenie\u201c in der damaligen Scientific Community zugewiesen wurden. Sie untersucht, wie sich Vertreter vor allem neuerer Fachdisziplinen mithilfe der Geniefigur ihrer eigenen intellektuellen und sch\u00f6pferischen Potenz versicherten, welche politischen, rassistischen und geschlechterspezifischen Implikationen das \u201eGenie\u201c in der ersten H\u00e4lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts transportierte und wie sich der geisteswissenschaftliche Geniekult um 1900 in der sp\u00e4teren Popul\u00e4rkultur, ausgew\u00e4hlten Spielfilmen ab Mitte der 1980er Jahre, widerspiegelt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "K\u00f6hne ,Julia Barbara "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Genius, Cult of the Genius around 1900, History of Knowledge and Science, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Media Studies, Contemporary History, Cultural History", "Genie, Geniekult um 1900, Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Interdisziplin\u00e4re Geisteswissenschaften, Medienwissenschaft, Zeitgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=474630"], ["title", "Geniekult in Geisteswissenschaften und Literaturen um 1900 und seine filmischen Adaptionen"], ["doab_id", "15985"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205794813"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794813"]], [["description", "Since some years there has been a significant trend in the democratization of health care in the Netherlands. Where in the old days patients used to be able to just rest and receive care, nowadays they have to get active. Not only do they have to keep working as much as possible, they are expected to actively participate in their own treatment, like finding out where you can get the best doctor or how to give yourself injections. Also they have to participate in client councils of the hospital. In this book, Margo Trappenburg discusses the positive but foremost the negative aspects of this hyper- democratization of health care.

Nog niet zo lang geleden betekende ziek zijn dat je was vrijgesteld van maatschappelijke verplichtingen. Zieken mochten verzuimen van hun werk en zieken hoefden niet mee te doen aan sociale evenementen die zij niet aankonden. Ziek zijn was misschien niet leuk, maar je rustte er wel lekker van uit. Tegenwoordig ligt dat heel anders. Van zieken wordt verwacht dat zij zoveel mogelijk blijven werken en hun normale taken blijven doen. Teveel rust heet therapeutisch onverantwoord. Naast de normale verplichtingen van gezonde burgers krijgen zieken er zelfs een groot aantal taken bij. Zij moeten actief participeren in hun eigen behandeling, ze moeten zichzelf leren prikken, stoma-zakjes verwisselen, oefeningen doen, uitzoeken waar de beste arts zit voor hun specifieke kwaal, en uitzoeken bij welke verzekeraar zij zich het best kunnen inschrijven als klant. Daarnaast moeten ze idealiter meepraten in de cli\u00ebntenraad van het ziekenhuis of de instelling waar zij worden behandeld, meedenken met de medici die richtlijnen opstellen over hun ziekte, meepraten met onderzoekers die van hen willen horen waarnaar zij onderzoek zouden willen doen, meedenken met de overheid over zorgvoorzieningen en het basisverzekeringspakket en meedoen aan talloze cursussen, symposia, en themamiddagen over vraagsturing, empowerment en 'het pati\u00ebntenperspectief'. Margo Trappenburg bespreekt in Genoeg is genoeg de positieve, maar vooral ook de negatieve gevolgen van deze hyperdemocratisering in de zorg."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Trappenburg ,Margo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340095"], ["title", "Genoeg is genoeg : Over gezondheidszorg en democratie"], ["doab_id", "12806"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568194"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568194"]], [["description", "The main physiological actions of the biologically most active metabolite of vitamin D, 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3(1a,25(OH)2D3), are calcium and phosphorus uptake and transport and thereby controlling bone formation. Other emergent areas of 1a,25(OH)2D3 action are in the control of immune functions, cellular growth and differentiation. This fits both with the widespread expression of the VDR and the above described consequences of vitamin D deficiency. Transcriptome-wide analysis indicated that per cell type between 200 and 600 genes are primary targets of vitamin D. Since most of these genes respond to vitamin D in a cell-specific fashion, the total number of vitamin D targets in the human genome is far higher than 1,000. This is supported by the genome-wide view on VDR binding sites in human lymphocytes, monocytes, colon and hepatic cells. All genomic actions of 1a,25(OH)2D3 are mediated by the transcription factor vitamin D receptor (VDR) that has been the subject of intense study since the 1980\u2019s. Thus, vitamin D signaling primarily implies the molecular actions of the VDR. In this research topic, we present in 15 chapters different perspectives on the action of vitamin D and its receptor, such as the impact of the genomewide distribution of VDR binding loci, ii) the transcriptome- and proteome-wide effects of vitamin D, iii) the role of vitamin D in health, iv) tissue-specific functions of vitamin D and v) the involvement of vitamin D in different diseases, such as infections, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and different types of cancer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carsten Carlberg"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Vitamin D", "vitamin D receptor", "Genomics", "Physiology", "Immune System"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2090/genome-wide-view-on-the-physiology-of-vitamin-d"], ["title", "Genome-wide view on the physiology of vitamin D"], ["doab_id", "18679"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193493"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193493"]], [["description", "Este livro analisa o processo de constru\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o que permeia os romances S\u00e3o Bernardo (1934), do escritor brasileiro Graciliano Ramos (1892-1953), e Pedro P\u00e1ramo (1955), escrito pelo mexicano Juan Rulfo (1918-1986), explicitando as analogias e os contrastes entre as duas obras, a partir da percep\u00e7\u00e3o de que ambas projetam, no processo de constru\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o, lugares que revelam conflitos sociais, psicol\u00f3gicos e existenciais do homem em confronto com sua origem e seu destino. Com esse pressuposto, o livro investiga a rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00edntima e direta do espa\u00e7o com as personagens, as conseq\u00fc\u00eancias da particulariza\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o pela viol\u00eancia, as paisagens que refletem a solid\u00e3o, a incomunicabilidade e o desamor presentes no universo po\u00e9tico de ambos os romances desses dois grandes expoentes da literatura latino-americana. O livro demonstra que ambas as obras retratam a complexidade das sociedades da Am\u00e9rica Latina, simbolizadas num espa\u00e7o rural emblem\u00e1tico que expressa, em perspectiva po\u00e9tica e sem car\u00e1ter documental, diversas facetas da realidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marques, Gracielle"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/j5fcv"], ["title", "Geografias do drama humano: leituras do espa\u00e7o em S\u00e3o Bernardo, de Graciliano Ramos, e Pedro P\u00e1ramo, de Juan Rulfo"], ["doab_id", "16734"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831317"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831317"]], [["description", "human geography--- technology--- identity--- culture--- school--- education

Questo volume \u00e8 l\u2019esito del confronto e delle riflessioni sviluppate durante il II Workshop \u201cAIIG Giovani\u201d organizzato a Roma nell\u2019aprile del 2013. Nasce da un desiderio, quello di presentare l\u2019importanza della combinazione tra metodi d\u2019indagine tradizionali e nuovi per costruire sapere geografico, e da una passione, sostenuta dall\u2019intreccio di relazioni umane che si evolvono nel tempo. Per chiarire quale possa essere il contributo della geografia alla comprensione del mondo contemporaneo, sempre pi\u00f9 complesso, gli autori presentano le principali metodologie geografiche in quattro sezioni: \u201cTerritori della tecnologia\u201d, \u201cIdentit\u00e0, spazi, luoghi\u201d, \u201cNodi della rete\u201d e \u201cApprocci sperimentali nella scuola che cambia\u201d. Emerge dal lavoro un quadro multifocale che rispecchia la poliedricit\u00e0 e la trasversalit\u00e0 della geografia contemporanea, ancorato al comune bisogno di sviluppare strumenti interpretativi e d\u2019azione. Ci si muove nell\u2019ambito di una geografia critica e della complessit\u00e0 in grado di fornire ai cittadini globali differenti strumenti di interpretazione e comprensione del mondo, nuove metafore a partire dalle quali costruire e sperimentare forme alternative di cittadinanza consapevole ed attiva. Qui la geografia ritrova lo slancio di una disciplina fertile capace non solo di descrivere la Terra, ma anche di immaginare e creare nuovi mondi possibili. L\u2019approdo naturale di questo percorso \u00e8 la realt\u00e0 scolastica dove \u00e8 possibile sperimentare nuove forme di sapere e azione per rispondere alla sfida educativa contemporanea."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alaimo ,Angela; Aru ,Silvia; Donadelli ,Giovanni; Nebbia ,Francesco"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["human geography", "technology", "identity", "culture", "school", "education", "Geografia umana", "tecnologia", "identit\u00e0", "cultura", "scuola", "educazione"]], ["publisher", "FrancoAngeli"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604154"], ["title", "Geografie di oggi. Metodi e strategie tra ricerca e didattica"], ["doab_id", "18609"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788891724434"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788891724434"]], [["description", "Questo volume raccoglie parte dei lavori svolti durante il primo anno del Masterdi II livello \u201cProfessione Formatore in Didattica della Matematica\u201d, organizzatodall\u2019Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Torino, Facolt\u00e0 di Matematica.In particolare raccoglie i lavori di riflessione e le proposte didattiche che i vari gruppihanno sviluppato durante il percorso di Geometria tenuto dalla professoressaOrnella Robutti.Sono analizzate tre attivit\u00e0 M@t.abel (L\u2019albero maestro, L\u2019orologio e Esploriamole figure piane) proponendo per ognuna degli adattamenti a ordini di scuoladifferenti, alcune riflessioni sulla valutazione e in particolare l\u2019INVALSI.Il contenuto di questo libro \u00e8 centrato su un approccio laboratoriale alla Geometriaed \u00e8 destinato a tutti i docenti che intendono sperimentare le nostre proposte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ornella Robutti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["geometria, unito, matematica"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Geometria_realt\u00e0_teoria_WEB.pdf"], ["title", "Geometria tra realt\u00e0 e teoria"], ["doab_id", "17482"], ["language_unmapped", "italiano"], ["isbns", ["9788867053520"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053520"]], [["description", "The eighteenth century was for long described as 'the classical age of the constitution' in Britain. The prevailing impression was one of cabinet government based on a two-party system of Whigs and Tories in Parliament, and a monarchy whose powers had been emasculated by the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89. This simple picture was destroyed in 1929 when Sir Lewis Namier published The structure of politics at the accession of George III. In this canonical work, he demonstrated that the monarchy was far more than simply a cipher and that no such party system existed, finding rather that the political divide in Parliament was of an administration comprising a court party and some political factions facing an opposition of other factions, with the votes of independent MPs divided and fluctuating between the two. In this fascinating book Peter D. G. Thomas, Namier's last research student, continues the political story into the first decade of the reign of George III. One of the most controversial figures in modern British history, the King has often been blamed for the loss of Britain's American colonies in an attempt to restore royal power. However, through an analysis of key politicians and ministries of the period, the author here uses Namier's findings to demonstrate that George III was not seeking to advance royal power, and throws light on the extent to which a system of party politics was in operation. In addition, although the structure of British politics revealed by Namier provides the setting for this study, America, India and Ireland are also considered here as important issues of the time. Providing the first chronological survey of power politics and policy-making in the first ten years of George III's reign, this book will be invaluable to all undergraduates studying eighteenth-century British history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thomas ,Peter D. G."], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["georgian", "monarchy", "politics", "britain"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341338"], ["title", "George III: King and politicians 1760-1770"], ["doab_id", "12663"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064289"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064289"]], [["description", "After decades of being largely the preserve of countries in volcanic regions, the use of geothermal energy\u2014for both heat and power applications\u2014is now expanding worldwide. This reflects its excellent low-carbon credentials and its ability to offer baseload and dispatchable output - rare amongst the mainstream renewables. Yet uptake of geothermal still lags behind that of solar and wind, principally because of (i) uncertainties over resource availability in poorly-explored reservoirs and (ii) the concentration of full-lifetime costs into early-stage capital expenditure (capex). Recent advances in reservoir characterization techniques are beginning to narrow the bounds of exploration uncertainty, both by improving estimates of reservoir geometry and properties, and by providing pre-drilling estimates of temperature at depth. Advances in drilling technologies and management have potential to significantly lower initial capex, while operating expenditure is being further reduced by more effective reservoir management \u2014 supported by robust mathematical models \u2014 and increasingly efficient energy conversion systems (flash, binary and combined-heat-and-power). Advances in characterization and modelling are also improving management of shallow low-enthalpy resources that can only be exploited using heat-pump technology. Taken together with increased public appreciation of the benefits of geothermal, the technology is finally ready to take its place as a mainstream renewable technology, This book draws together some of the latest developments in concepts and technology that are enabling the growing realisation of the global potential of geothermal energy in all its manifestations.After decades of being largely the preserve of countries in volcanic regions, the use of geothermal energy\u2014for both heat and power applications\u2014is now expanding worldwide. This reflects its excellent low-carbon credentials and its ability to offer baseload and dispatchable output - rare amongst the mainstream renewables. Yet uptake of geothermal still lags behind that of solar and wind, principally because of (i) uncertainties over resource availability in poorly-explored reservoirs and (ii) the concentration of full-lifetime costs into early-stage capital expenditure (capex). Recent advances in reservoir characterization techniques are beginning to narrow the bounds of exploration uncertainty, both by improving estimates of reservoir geometry and properties, and by providing pre-drilling estimates of temperature at depth. Advances in drilling technologies and management have potential to significantly lower initial capex, while operating expenditure is being further reduced by more effective reservoir management \u2014 supported by robust mathematical models \u2014 and increasingly efficient energy conversion systems (flash, binary and combined-heat-and-power). Advances in characterization and modelling are also improving management of shallow low-enthalpy resources that can only be exploited using heat-pump technology. Taken together with increased public appreciation of the benefits of geothermal, the technology is finally ready to take its place as a mainstream renewable technology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/166"], ["title", "Geothermal Energy: Delivering on the Global Potential"], ["doab_id", "19039"], ["language_unmapped", "development, EGS, energy, exploration, geothermal, heat, monitoring, modeling, power, renewable, resource, supercritical"], ["isbns", ["9783038421337", "9783038421344"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421337/9783038421344 "]], [["description", "Stolen identity - the forced \"Germanization\" of \"racially valuable\" children during National Socialism, illustrated by the country of Poland. Heinrich Himmler, acting in his capacity as \u201cReich Commissioner for the Strengthening of German Foldom\u201d, ordered the selection of \"racially valuable\" polish children for \"Germanization\" \u2013 the Teutonic blood had to be collected even if it meant kidnapping children. For this reason polish children from orphanages, schools, forster parents, parents who refused to sign the \u201cVolksliste\u201d and parents who had been murdered or sent to forced labor or concentration camps had to have a \"racial\" examination \u2013 children who possessed the Nordic features were regarded as suitable for the \u201cGermanization\u201d and were distributed in special children homes. At these special children homes the children were forced to give up their own identity step by step: the children got new German names and had to learn German, moreover contact with relatives at home was painfully forbidden. In Austria, known as \"Ostmark\" during National Socialism, two special places were found, where polish children were confronted with \"Germanization practices\": the children home \"Alpenland\" in Oberweis next to Gmunden and the resettlement camp \"Parsch\" in Salzburg.After a \"successful Germanization\" the children were placed in German and Austrian forster families. There the children were treated in different ways: some children became a part of the family, they felt safety and comfortable and were treated like their own children. Other polish girls and boys were treated badly: the forster families took advantage of their defencelessness, they abused and beat the polish children, they reagard them just as cheap labourer.After the war only a small number of such kidnapped children was tracked by the several tracking services like UNRRA, IRO or the Polish Red Cross. But further problems arose when German and Austrian forster families or the children themselves opposed the repatriation to Poland. Being back in Poland, the polish children were regarded as children of the enemy \u2013 regarded as \u201cGerman\u201d of the polish society.

Geraubte Identit\u00e4t. Die gewaltsame \"Eindeuschung\" von \"rassisch vollen\" Kindern in der NS-Zeit. Am Beispiel Polen.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schicksal von polnischen Kindern in der NS-Zeit untersucht. Die Jungen und M\u00e4dchen wurden aufgrund ihres \"rassischen\" Erscheinungsbildes und eines psychologischen Gutachtens von namhaften Dienststellen des Deutschen Reiches als \u201eeindeutschungsf\u00e4hig\u201c bewertet und in die \u201eOstmark\u201c deportiert. Die Verantwortlichen des Verfahrens sahen in den Selektierten den erw\u00fcnschten \"wertvollen Bev\u00f6lkerungszuwachs\", die betroffenen Kinder mussten lediglich nationalsozialistisch indoktriniert werden, um die Ideale des NS-Regimes nicht nur \u00e4u\u00dferlich zu verk\u00f6rpern. Polnische Jungen und M\u00e4dchen wurden aus F\u00fcrsorgeheimen, von ihren Vorm\u00fcndern und von ihren Pflegestellen fortgenommen, aus ihrem leiblichen Elternhaus sowie aus Familien, die die Eintragung in die DVL verweigerten oder ins Konzentrationslager gebracht worden waren, regelrecht verschleppt. Im Laufe ihres Leidensweges mussten sich die Kinder einem strengen Auswahlverfahren unterziehen und wurden mit spezifischen \u201eEindeutschungsma\u00dfnahmen\u201c, wie der \u201eVerdeutschung\u201c des Namens oder dem Erlernen der deutschen Sprache konfrontiert. Die Betroffenen wurden somit schrittweise ihrer urspr\u00fcnglichen Identit\u00e4t entledigt. In der \u201eOstmark\u201c wurde in der N\u00e4he von Gmunden eigens ein Heim f\u00fcr \u201eeinzudeutschende\u201c Jungen und M\u00e4dchen errichtet \u2013 das Kinderheim \u201eAlpenland\u201c in Oberweis, das eine zentrale Schaltstelle f\u00fcr die Vermittlung \u201eeinzudeutschender\u201c Kinder an Pflegestellen in der \u201eOstmark\u201c darstellte. Daneben ist noch das Umsiedlerlager \u201eParsch\u201c in Salzburg zu nennen, in dem auch \u201eeindeutschungsf\u00e4hige\u201c Jungen und M\u00e4dchen kurzfristig untergebracht und an Pflegefamilien im Raum Salzburg \u00fcbergeben wurden. Die Vermittlung an eine deutsche bzw. \u00f6sterreichische Pflegefamilie stellte den \u201ekr\u00f6nenden Abschluss\u201c der \u201eEindeutschungsverfahrens\u201c dar. Die Integration in diese \u201eErsatzfamilien\u201c verlief allerdings unterschiedlich: So wurden einige Kinder von ihren Pflegestellen als Arbeitskr\u00e4fte ausgenutzt, andere Familien hingegen gaben den ausl\u00e4ndischen Pflegekindern ein herzliches Zuhause. Infolgedessen lehnten so manche Jungen und M\u00e4dchen nach Kriegsende die Repatriierung in ihre urspr\u00fcngliche Heimat ab. Das Auffinden der polnischen Kinder war f\u00fcr die diversen Suchdienste nach Kriegsende mit enormen Schwierigkeiten und b\u00fcrokratischen Hindernissen verbunden, nur ein Bruchteil der Kinder konnte gefunden werden. F\u00fcr viele stellte die R\u00fcckf\u00fchrung in die Heimat allerdings eine seelische Belastung dar: Die Kinder wurden mit Vorurteilen der Nachkriegsbev\u00f6lkerung konfrontiert und wurden zu Au\u00dfenseitern degradiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hopfer ,Ines"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Germanization, National Socialism, children homes, Polish Children, Kidnapping, \"Ostmark\""]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437141"], ["title", "Geraubte Identit\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "15267"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205784623"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205784623"]], [["description", "Viele Menschen sterben heute im hohen Alter nach l\u00e4ngerer chronischer Erkrankung. Aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts ist es m\u00f6glich, menschliches Leben selbst unter sehr prek\u00e4ren Bedingungen zu erhalten; schwierige Entscheidungen \u00fcber den weiteren Therapieverlauf sind unausweichlich. Angesichts der Endlichkeit der zur Verf\u00fcgung stehenden Ressourcen werden mit Entscheidungen zur Therapieverl\u00e4ngerung zugleich heikle Fragen der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit aufgeworfen. Die Versorgung in der letzten Lebensphase ist besonders kostenintensiv. Wenn sehr teure Behandlungen zur Verf\u00fcgung stehen, kommt es zu Konkurrenzsituationen, die eine Begrenzung (\u201eRationierung\u201c) notwendig macht. Welche Kriterien d\u00fcrfen dabei aus medizinischer, rechtlicher, \u00f6konomischer und ethischer Sicht herangezogen werden, welche sind m\u00f6glicherweise problematisch? Was hei\u00dft es, angesichts von Knappheit eine gerechte und sorgende Gesellschaft zu sein (Leonard M. Fleck)?

Viele Menschen sterben heute im hohen Alter nach l\u00e4ngerer chronischer Erkrankung. Aufgrund des medizinischen Fortschritts ist es m\u00f6glich, menschliches Leben selbst unter sehr prek\u00e4ren Bedingungen zu erhalten; schwierige Entscheidungen \u00fcber den weiteren Therapieverlauf sind unausweichlich. Angesichts der Endlichkeit der zur Verf\u00fcgung stehenden Ressourcen werden mit Entscheidungen zur Therapieverl\u00e4ngerung zugleich heikle Fragen der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit aufgeworfen. Die Versorgung in der letzten Lebensphase ist besonders kostenintensiv. Wenn sehr teure Behandlungen zur Verf\u00fcgung stehen, kommt es zu Konkurrenzsituationen, die eine Begrenzung (\u201eRationierung\u201c) notwendig macht. Welche Kriterien d\u00fcrfen dabei aus medizinischer, rechtlicher, \u00f6konomischer und ethischer Sicht herangezogen werden, welche sind m\u00f6glicherweise problematisch? Was hei\u00dft es, angesichts von Knappheit eine gerechte und sorgende Gesellschaft zu sein (Leonard M. Fleck)?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Zimmermann-Acklin, Markus"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Medical Law", "Medical Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610213"], ["title", "Gerecht sorgen - Verst\u00e4ndigungsprozesse \u00fcber den Einsatz knapper Ressourcen bei Patienten am Lebensende"], ["doab_id", "15382"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951160"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951160"]], [["description", "This book presents new empirical findings about Germanic heritage varieties spoken in North America: Dutch, German, Pennsylvania Dutch, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, West Frisian and Yiddish, and varieties of English spoken both by heritage speakers and in communities after language shift. The volume focuses on three critical issues underlying the notion of \u2018heritage language\u2019: acquisition, attrition and change. The book offers theoretically-informed discussions of heritage language processes across phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and the lexicon, in addition to work on sociolinguistics, historical linguistics and contact settings. With this, the volume also includes a variety of frameworks and approaches, synchronic and diachronic. Most European Germanic languages share some central linguistic features, such as V2, gender and agreement in the nominal system, and verb inflection. As minority languages faced with a majority language like English, similarities and differences emerge in patterns of variation and change in these heritage languages. These empirical findings shed new light on mechanisms and processes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Janne Bondi Johannessen; Joseph C. Salmons"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Sociolinguistics, Germanic linguistics, Language variation, Language change"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/books/9789027268198"], ["title", "Germanic Heritage Languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change"], ["doab_id", "17369"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027268198"]], ["provider", "www.jbe-platform.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027268198"]], [["description", "Mobilising the concept of strategic culture, this study develops a sophisticated and innovative framework to understand developments in German security policy between 1990 and 2003. Germany's contemporary security policies are characterised by a peculiar mix of continuity and change. From abstention in the first Gulf war, to early peacekeeping missions in Bosnia in the early 1990s and a full combat role in Kosovo in 1999, the pace of change in German security policy since the end of the Cold War has been breathtaking. The extent of this change has recently, however, been questioned, as seen most vividly in Berlin's response to '9/11' and its subsequent stalwart opposition to the US-led war on terrorism in Iraq in 2003. Beginning with a consideration of the notion of strategic culture, the study refines and adapts the concept to the case of Germany through a consideration of aspects of the rearmament of West Germany. The study then critically evaluates the transformation of the role of the Bundeswehr up to and including the war on terrorism, together with Germany's troubled efforts to enact defence reforms as well as the complex politics surrounding the policy of conscription. By focusing on both the 'domestics' of security policy decision making as well as the changing and often contradictory expectations of Germany's allies, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of the role played by Germany's particular strategic culture in shaping policy choices. The book concludes by pointing to the vibrancy of Germany's strategic culture and argues that it will continue to define Berlin's approach to the use of force. Crucially, this may mean that Germany's perspectives may depart substantially from those of its key partners and allies. This book is essential reading for all those interested in contemporary European security as well as German politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Longhurst ,Kerry"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["germany", "german", "politics", "government"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341339"], ["title", "Germany and the use of force: The evolution of German security policy 1990-2003"], ["doab_id", "12664"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067082"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067082"]], [["description", "Having emerged from the end of the Cold War as a unified country, Germany has quickly become the second largest exporter in the world. Its economic might has made it the center of the Eurozone and the pivotal power of Europe. Like other geo-economic powers, Germany's foreign policy is characterized by a definition of the national interest in economic terms and the elevation of economic interests over non-economic values such as human rights or democracy promotion. This strategic paradigm is evident in German's relationship with China, the Gulf States and Europe, but it is most important in regard to its evolving policies towards Russia. In this book, Stephen F. Szabo provides a description and analysis of German policy towards Russia, revealing how unified Germany is finding its global role in which its interests do not always coincide with the United States or its European partners. He explores the role of German business and finance in the shaping of foreign policy and investigates how Germany's Russia policy effects its broader foreign policy in the region and at how it is perceived by key outside players such as the United States, Poland and the EU. With reference to public, opinion, the media and think tanks Szabo reveals how Germans perceive Russians, and he uncovers the ways in which its dealings with Russia affect Germany in terms of the importing of corruption and crime.Drawing on interviews with key opinion-shapers, business and financial players and policy makers and on a wide variety of public opinion surveys, media reports and archival sources, his will be a key resource for all those wishing to understand the new geo-economic balance of Europe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stephen F. Szabo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472596352"], ["title", "Germany, Russia, and the Rise of Geo-Economics"], ["doab_id", "18414"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472596314"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472596314"]], [["description", "Geschichtsvorstellungen, die f\u00fcr die Herausbildung politischer Gemeinschaften bedeutsam sind, k\u00f6nnte man als \u201eintentionale Geschichte\u201c bezeichnen. In dem Buch wird zun\u00e4chst dieses Konzept vorgestellt. Im Anschluss daran werden Tr\u00e4ger, Medien und Formen dieser Art von Geschichte in der griechischen Kultur systematisch dargelegt. Dabei wird vor allem herausgearbeitet, dass bei den alten Griechen zun\u00e4chst die Dichter die Herren der Vergangenheit waren (und es auch weithin blieben). Aus dieser Dominanz des \u00c4sthetischen in dem Blick auf die Vergangenheit ergaben sich weit reichende Konsequenzen, insbesondere eine unaufl\u00f6sliche Verquickung von Mythos und Geschichte. Dies er\u00f6ffnet die M\u00f6glichkeit, in einem zweiten Teil deutlicher zu bestimmen, worin der spezifische Ansatz und der besondere Charakter der griechischen Geschichtsschreibung liegen: Ein philosophisch gepr\u00e4gter Wahrheitsanspruch begr\u00fcndete neue Herausforderungen an die Darstellung von Geschichte. Die Spannung von \u201eDichtung und Wahrheit\u201c blieb dem Genre der Historiographie allerdings erhalten. Ein wesentliches und auch f\u00fcr die Nachwirkung bedeutsames Element antiker Kultur wird damit neu beleuchtet."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hans-Joachim Gehrke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Vergangenheitsvorstellungen", " Geschichtsschreibung", " Erinnerungskultur", " Griechenland"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/248906"], ["title", "Geschichte als Element antiker Kultur. Die Griechen und ihre Geschichte(n)"], ["doab_id", "17368"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783110350500", "9783110350999"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110350500, 9783110350999"]], [["description", "The present monograph focuses on the history of Italian literature and language in Austria's Habsburg past, covering the period from the Peace of Campoformido between Napoleon and Francis II in 1797 to the end of the Habsburg monarchy in 1918. The study reveals that Italian court poetry was amazingly alive in the 19th century as it gradually had been adapted to the changes in the fields of politics, society, and the press. After analyzing the end of the golden era of Italian poetry in Austria, the author presents Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este and her literary circle. She was the last patroness of Italian artists and poets and kept up the old-style tradition of court poetry until her death in 1829. During the 19th century, however, this tradition faced an ever increasing popularization, with Italian language books and instruction getting more and more common. The Italian language was never discriminated against in the Habsburg monarchy. On the contrary, it was even extensively taught at universities because officials with a good command of Italian were needed both in the federal government and in the Italian regions of the monarchy. Moreover, the Habsburgs' language policy favored the publication of quality papers and literary magazines in Italian. The study also deals with Italian school books and anthologies for schools in the Italian parts of the monarchy, which were usually written and published in Vienna. In the last part of this chapter, records of the future Emperor Franz Joseph's Italian instruction are presented and analyzed on the basis of archive materials. Anachronistically, court poetry survived the 1848/1849 revolution and continued until World War I. The Emperor was popularized in jubilee editions, newspapers, and ceremonies, but also in the Italian poetry which was no longer of high quality, but still instrumental in presenting Franz Joseph as the \"father of the nation\".

Der Friede von Campoformido (17.10.1797) zwischen Napoleon und Franz II. ist der Ausgangspunkt dieser Monographie, die auf die Geschichte der italienischen Literatur und Sprache in jenen L\u00e4nderteilen der Habsburgermonarchie fokussiert ist, die dem heutigen \u00d6sterreich entsprechen. Der Endpunkt ergibt sich aus dem Zusammenfall der Monarchie im Jahr 1918. Die Studie zeigt, dass sich die Huldigungsdichtung in italienischer Sprache im 19. Jahrhundert in \u00d6sterreich den neuen Gegebenheiten des Pressemarktes, den ver\u00e4nderten politischen Verh\u00e4ltnissen und den soziopolitischen Entwicklungen angepasst hatte und erstaunlich lebendig war. Nachdem die Gr\u00fcnde und die Modalit\u00e4ten f\u00fcr das Ende der goldenen Epoche der poetischen Tradition in italienischer Sprache in \u00d6sterreich beleuchtet werden, widmet sich der Autor der K\u00fcnstlergruppe um Erzherzogin Maria Beatrice von Este, die in Wien die letzte G\u00f6nnerin italienischer K\u00fcnstler und Dichter wurde und die Tradition der Hofdichtung bis zum ihrem Tod 1829 nach altem Muster pflegte. Diese Tradition ist im 19. Jahrhundert jedoch mit einer fortschreitenden Popularisierung konfrontiert, wobei sich die Sprachlehren des Italienischen und der Sprachunterricht wachsender Beliebtheit erfreuten. Die Sprachpolitik der Habsburgermonarchie stellte das Italienische als Kultursprache nie in Frage. Im Gegenteil, die Beh\u00f6rden f\u00f6rderten das Erlernen der Sprache an den Universit\u00e4ten, um die Anzahl der sprachkundigen Studenten zu erh\u00f6hen, die sp\u00e4ter als Beamte in der Zentralverwaltung wie auch in den italienischen Kronl\u00e4ndern eingesetzt werden konnten. Au\u00dferdem beg\u00fcnstigte die Sprachpolitik das rege Erscheinen von anspruchsvollen Zeitungen und literarischen Zeitschriften in italienischer Sprache. Da in den italienischen Kronl\u00e4ndern der Unterricht in Italienisch erfolgte, behandelt die Studie auch italienische Schulb\u00fccher und literarische Schulanthologien, die in Wien gedruckt und meistens auch verfasst wurden. Im letzten Teil dieses Abschnittes wird aufgrund zahlreicher Archivmaterialien der Italienischunterricht des zuk\u00fcnftigen Kaisers Franz Joseph dargestellt und analytisch untersucht. Die Huldigungsdichtung \u00fcberlebte die Revolutionsjahre 1848/1849 und setzte sich anachronistisch bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg fort. Die unaufhaltsame Popularisierung der Kaiserfigur fand in unz\u00e4hligen Prunkwerken zu den Herrscherjubil\u00e4en, in Zeitungen, Festen aber auch durch italienische Dichtung statt, die zwar keinen hohen poetischen Wert mehr hatte, doch zur Stilisierung Franz Josephs als Vater der Nation beitrug."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boaglio ,Gualtiero"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Italian literature, Italian language, 19th Century, Court Poetry, Language politics, Habsburg Monarchy"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437165"], ["title", "Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15290"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787297"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787297"]], [["description", "Towards the end of the 20th century the Italian literature created outside Italy finally started to receive proper attention, because research began to focus on the socio-cultural analysis of the different forms of internal and external postcolonialism. As a result, both imperialism and nationalism are seen as responsible for phenomena of cultural alienation in many territories outside as well as inside the national borders of the country and are exposed as ideological constructs. Nevertheless research still neglects the one undoubtedly outstanding region in the production of Italian literature outside Italy, i.e. Austria, more precisely the territories of the Habsburg Monarchy, where for nearly 500 years - from early Humanism to the First World War - the tradition was the richest in quantity as well as in quality. This first part of a comprehensive history of the Italian literature created in Austria for an Austrian public has been written with the intention of filling this gap.The unique position the Italian language held at Vienna's imperial court at least from the middle of the 17th to the middle of the 18th century is well known: Italian was not only an official language for the purpose of representation, it also served as a vehicle of cultural communication in the inner circle of the imperial family. The numerous political connections between the House of Habsburg and the ruling Italian dynasties are a major reason for the manifold cultural transfers between the Austrian territories and the Italian States. The great number of strategic marriages led to intense cultural as well as economical relations, which obviously did result in occasional implications in territorial conflicts and in military alliances not always favorable to the mutual understanding.As a consequence of the above mentioned economical and dynastical connections the Habsburgs often intervened politically in Italy, first in the Early Modern Period, especially during the reigns of Charles V and Ferdinand I. Two centuries later, the Habsburg administration of the Kingdom of Naples (1707-1734) as well as of Lombardy during most of the 18th century (1714-1797) was decisive for the continuation of those interchanges, which ended however, when the Italian movement of unification began to create a totally new situation.Humanism, baroque and enlightenment, three currents which are amply discussed in the present volume, could more easily expand from Italy to Austria because of the before described dynastical connections and they established themselves still deeper because of the immigration or the long stays of Italian authors in the cultural centers of the Austrian monarchy, first of all of course in Vienna. Not surprisingly however, we possess so far only an inadequate and unsystematic documentation of the activities and literary productions of the great majority of those authors: As is well known, the 19th century created a nationalistic base for literary studies, a view which still for a long time influenced the 20th century for a long time. The Italian authors working and publishing in Austria did so in their own language, but in a foreign country and for a foreign sovereign. For this reason they obtained practically no attention in Austrian literary studies, because there works were not composed in the national language, and their appearance in Italian studies is all but nonexistent because they made no direct contribution to the national literary tradition.

Die italienische Literatur au\u00dferhalb Italiens erlangt in der Literaturwissenschaft des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts zunehmend ihre verdiente Aufmerksamkeit, sobald n\u00e4mlich die soziokulturelle Analyse der verschiedenen Formen des \u00e4u\u00dferen und inneren Postkolonialismus an Bedeutung gewinnt. Imperialismus und Nationalismus werden in gleicher Weise f\u00fcr die kulturelle Entfremdung der au\u00dferhalb, aber auch innerhalb der nationalen Grenzen liegenden Gebiete verantwortlich gemacht und als ideologische Konstrukte entlarvt. Die in Bezug auf Produktion von italienischer Literatur au\u00dferhalb Italiens vermutlich herausragende Region, n\u00e4mlich \u00d6sterreich bzw. die L\u00e4nder der Habsburgermonarchie, welche \u00fcber beinahe 500 Jahre vom Fr\u00fchhumanismus bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg quantitativ und qualitativ die reichhaltigste Tradition aufweist, wird von der Forschung allerdings immer noch unzureichend gew\u00fcrdigt. Diese L\u00fccke soll durch den vorliegenden ersten Teil einer umfassenden Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in \u00d6sterreich geschlossen werden. Immerhin wird die au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Position des Wiener Hofes, der das Italienische zumindest von der Mitte 17. bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts als offizielle Sprache der Repr\u00e4sentation nach au\u00dfen und nach innen als famili\u00e4re Sprache der kulturellen Kommunikation verwendet, inzwischen uneingeschr\u00e4nkt anerkannt.Zu den wichtigsten Grundlagen des vielf\u00e4ltigen Kulturtransfers zwischen den \u00f6sterreichischen L\u00e4ndern und den italienischen Territorien z\u00e4hlen ohne Zweifel die zahlreichen dynastischen Verbindungen zwischen den Habsburgern und den Herrscherfamilien Italiens. Die dynastisch motivierten Eheschlie\u00dfungen bedingen intensive kulturelle Beziehungen und \u00f6konomische Verflechtungen zwischen den jeweiligen Staaten \u00d6sterreichs und Italiens, aber auch die fallweise daraus resultierenden Verwicklungen in territoriale Konflikte sowie milit\u00e4rische B\u00fcndnisse, welche nicht immer zur gegenseitigen Sympathie beitragen. Die aus den wechselseitigen wirtschaftlichen und dynastischen Beziehungen resultierenden politischen Interventionen der Habsburger in Italien erleben zun\u00e4chst in der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit - vor allem unter Karl V. und Ferdinand I. - ihren H\u00f6hepunkt, w\u00e4hrend sich die administrative Pr\u00e4senz im K\u00f6nigreich Neapel 1707-34 und in der Lombardei beinahe w\u00e4hrend des gesamten 18. Jahrhunderts (1714-97) als markant f\u00fcr die beiderseitigen Beeinflussungen herausstellt, bevor die italienische Einheitsbewegung des 19. Jahrhunderts v\u00f6llig neue Voraussetzungen schafft.Die geistigen Str\u00f6mungen des Humanismus, des Barock und der Aufkl\u00e4rung, welche in diesem Band ihre geb\u00fchrende W\u00fcrdigung finden sollen, werden in ihrem Vordringen aus den italienischen Gebieten nach \u00d6sterreich durch die genannten dynastischen Beziehungen ma\u00dfgeblich gef\u00f6rdert und verwurzeln sich nachhaltig durch die Zuwanderung bzw. die zum Teil sehr langen Schaffensperioden italienischer Autoren in den \u00f6sterreichischen Kulturzentren, allen voran Wien. Deren Aktivit\u00e4ten in den habsburgischen Gebieten sind in der Forschung bisher nur unzul\u00e4nglich und unsystematisch dokumentiert, weil ihre Produktion in einem fremden Land f\u00fcr fremde Herrscher mit den im 19. Jahrhundert entworfenen Visionen von einer Nationalliteratur unvereinbar sind. Sie finden in der \u00f6sterreichischen Literatur keine Ber\u00fccksichtigung, weil die Werke nicht in der Landessprache abgefasst sind, und sie tauchen kaum in den italienischen Darstellungen auf, weil sie keinen Beitrag zur nationalen Tradition leisten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Noe ,Alfred"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Italian Literature, Habsburg Monarchy, Libretto, Court Festivities"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437199"], ["title", "Geschichte der italienischen Literatur in \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15322"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787303"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787303"]], [["description", "Diese Geschichte der ladinischen Literatur liefert erstmals einen umfassenden \u00dcberblick \u00fcber 230 dolomitenladinische Autoren von den Anf\u00e4ngen des ladinischen Schrifttums (17. Jh.) bis zum zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Literaturschaffen (2012). Die Artikel zu den einzelnen Autoren enthalten jeweils eine ausf\u00fchrliche Biografie, ein vollst\u00e4ndiges Werkverzeichnis und eine Besprechung des OEuvres anhand einer m\u00f6glichst repr\u00e4sentativen Auswahl von Originaltexten mit deutscher \u00dcbersetzung. Vervollst\u00e4ndigt wird dieses neue Standardwerk der R\u00e4toromanistik durch die einleitenden Kapitel zu den Anf\u00e4ngen und der Entwicklung der ladinischen Literatur, zu ihren Gattungen und Themen, zur Forschungsgeschichte, zum Vorkommen der ladinischen Literatur in den ladinischsprachigen Medien, zur Pr\u00e4senz Ladiniens in der deutschen und italienischen Literatur sowie durch den abschlie\u00dfenden Namensindex mit knapp 3.000 Eintr\u00e4gen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rut Bernardi; Paul Videsott"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["literature", " literature contemporary", " compendium", " rhaeto-romance studies", " literary creation", " Ladin"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de", ""]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460639.pdf"], ["title", "Geschichte der ladinischen Literatur"], ["doab_id", "19850"], ["language_unmapped", "German; Ladin"], ["isbns", ["9788860460639"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460639"]], [["description", "Giorgione remains the central figure in the scientific discussion dealing with Venetian painting of the age, and accordingly the amount of literature on him is exuberant. The state of scientific discussion which harks back well into the 19th century, proves to be very heterogeneous, a selection of statements proves to be inapt as to serve as a basis for a further critical discussion. The outcome of all this is a general dissent, caused by the poor state of sources and the comparatively small number of secured works. In consequence, we are confronted with a constant struggle of attributions, increasing and decreasing in number, and a host of dates, often contradictory.

Es gibt kaum einen anderen italienischen Maler, der die kunstgeschichtliche Forschung so entzweit hat wie Giorgione. Die Ursachen dieser Uneinigkeit beruhen auf einer d\u00fcrftigen Quellenlage sowie auf dem Umstand, dass nur wenige Werke des K\u00fcnstlers als gesichert gelten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brucher ,G\u00fcnter"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Giorgione, Sebastiano del Piombo, Titian, Palma il Vecchio, Catena, Venice, Renaissance-Painting, Gestalt theory, analysis of the works, criticism of style, iconography, Giorgionismo, colour research", "Giorgione, Sebastiano del Piombo, Tizian, Palma il Vecchio, Catena, Venedig, Renaissance-Malerei, Gestalttheorie, Werkanalysen, Stilkritik, Ikonographie, Giorgionismo, Koloritforschung"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=446788"], ["title", "Geschichte der venezianischen Malerei, Band 3"], ["doab_id", "15507"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788898"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788898"]], [["description", "About a third of the present book deals with titian\u2019s artistic entourage: Paris Bordone, Palma Vecchio and Bonifazio de\u2019Pitati. And, on the other hand, artists as Lorenzo Lotto, Pordenone, Savoldo, proving to be more self-contained, especially Pordenone.

Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht Tizian. Etwa ein Drittel der Arbeit ist dem k\u00fcnstlerischen Umkreis Tizians gewidmet: Paris Bordone, Palma Vecchio und Bonifazio de\u2019Pitati. Hinzu kommen Maler, die mehr oder minder unter Tizians Einfluss stehen: Lorenzo Lotto, Pordenone, Savoldo und A. Schiavone."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brucher ,G\u00fcnter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Painting and history of Venice. At the center: Tizian. From the beginning of 16th to 1576; joining: Bordone, Pordenone and other artists", "Malerei und Geschichte Venedigs (ca. 1500-1576). Im Zentrum: Tizian, anschlie\u00dfend: P.Bordone, Pordenone P. de\u2019Pitati, Savoldo, Schiavone, L.Lotto"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574657"], ["title", "Geschichte der Venezianischen Malerei, Band 4"], ["doab_id", "17389"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796305"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796305"]], [["description", "Die Lebenswelt der Heranwachsenden unterliegt seit Jahren einem tiefgreifenden Wandel. Die alterstypische Kommunikation hat sich stark in digitale Social Networks verlagert (facebook, tumblr. etc.). Informationen und Interpretationen werden sehr vorrangig online recherchiert, vor allem in der Wikipedia. An gesellschaftlichen Debatten und Ereignissen nimmt man spontan, \u00f6ffentlich und in Echtzeit teil (Twitter, Online-Threads etc.). Dieser radikale lebensweltliche Wandel wird kaum absehbare Folgen f\u00fcr die Entwicklung der individuellen Geschichtsbilder und damit auch f\u00fcr die kollektive Geschichtskultur in Deutschland haben. Die historisch-politischen Bildungsangebote f\u00fcr Kinder und Jugendliche m\u00fcssen deshalb auf diesen Wandel reagieren, ihn kritisch aufnehmen und konstruktiv verarbeiten. Besonders der Geschichtsunterricht steht vor ganz neuen Herausforderungen. Die Beitr\u00e4ger/innen des Bandes stellen sich vor der Buchpublikation einem \u00f6ffentlichen Reviewprozess (http://geschichte-lernen-digital.oldenbourg-verlag.de/). "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Demantowsky, Marko; Pallaske, Christoph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Geschichtsdidaktik", " Open Peer Review", " Historisches Lernen"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/231648"], ["title", "Geschichte lernen im digitalen Wandel"], ["doab_id", "17283"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486761368", "9783486858662", "9783110399042"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486761368, 9783486858662, 9783110399042"]], [["description", "There are numerous popular myths concerning Hispanic America in German and Austrian textbooks from the first decade of the 21st century, and thus there is a big gap between historical narratives in textbooks and the scientific historical discourse. An analysis of textbooks from four centuries shows, that some of the myths were introduced into the textbooks in the twentieth century \u2013 for example the \u201cmyth of the flat earth\u201d of medieval times. The myths relating to Hispanic America and the images and assumptions they conveyed were important to many different groups throughout history, became incorporated into collective memory and were uncritically incorporated into German and Austrian textbooks.

Das Thema Hispanoamerika ist in deutschen und \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichtsschulb\u00fcchern aus dem ersten Jahrzehnt des 21. Jahrhunderts massiv von popul\u00e4ren Geschichtsmythen gepr\u00e4gt, was eine gro\u00dfe Kluft zwischen Schulbuchdiskurs und Fachwissenschaft zur Folge hat. Teilweise gelangten die Mythen - wie beispielsweise die Erz\u00e4hlung \u00fcber die von Kolumbus \u00fcberwundene vermeintlich flache Erde des Mittelalters - erst im 20. Jahrhundert in die Lehrwerke, was anhand einer Analyse von Schulb\u00fcchern aus vier Jahrhunderten gezeigt werden kann. Die Mythen zu Hispanoamerika und ihre verschiedenen Basisannahmen waren f\u00fcr verschiedene Kollektive im Laufe der Geschichte wichtige Tradierungsbed\u00fcrfnisse, wurden Teil des kollektiven Bewusstseins und unhinterfragt in deutsche und \u00f6sterreichische Schulb\u00fccher \u00fcbernommen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bernhard ,Roland"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Textbooks, Textbook research, Columbus, Cort\u00e9s, Latin America, Flat earth, Historical Myths, Didactics of History", "Schulb\u00fccher, Schulbuchforschung, Kolumbus, Cort\u00e9s, Lateinamerika, Flache Erde, Geschichtsmythen, Geschichtsdidaktik"]], ["publisher", "V&R unipress"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=462243"], ["title", "Geschichtsmythen \u00fcber Hispanoamerika"], ["doab_id", "15673"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783847102045"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783847102045"]], [["description", "The history is intended as the first comprehensive examination of the role of Austrian history in the visual arts of the Habsburg monarchy between 1804 and 1918. At its centre are the following three key questions: What status did the general preoccupation with history acquire? What where the favorite historical subjects for artistic representation? What significance did the Habsburgs\u00b4own history (almost endlessly \"extendible\" all the way back to its fictitious mythical beginnings) hold for the issues of the day? Works of art contribute to the creation of traditions in a double sense: a given work simultaneously contains and creates history. A work of art is also a medium for social identification, facilitating communication between the monarch and the people. Investigating the characteristics of the different \"reflections on history\" in the visual arts in Austria in the 19th century led to the practical necessity of significantly widening the known material basis. It became apparent that previous research was based on a relatively limited range of works (primarily \"high art\") and failed to relate these works to literary documents from the fiields of historiography or belles-lettres. I believe it is only by expanding the basis in terms of both word and picture documentation that a reliable overview of the different strategies pursued by Habsburg iconography can be gained. Not only did my chosen methodology seem expedient, and indeed almost indispensable for an examination of concrete historical cases, it also reveals that this interlocking approach (furthermore justified by the nature of the material) based on interrelating picture and text media contains the very key to a proper investigation of the historical art of the 19th century. In approaching the central questions, this study begins with an introduction that looks at concepts and methodology and charts the difficult formation of the \"Austrian nation\" from \"Casa d\u00b4Austria\" to the Habsburg \"nation state\". The second chapter examines the relevance of the Austrian 18th century in the consciousness of the following century based on the examples of rulers Maria Theresia and Joseph II. This is folloewd almost of necessity by a long section on the ruler iconography of the period Emperor Franz II (I) to Emperor Franz Joseph I. The visual strategies of the Habsburg rulers in the 19th century and the inseparable question of the legitimation of the Austrian Empire in the years after 1848 steer attention back to the quest for \"origins\" and to the Habsburg \"insurance policy\" of evoking the figure of founding father Rudolf I. This forms the main focus of the fourth chapter. In this context, the various appeals to the famous progenitor assume the character of an \"underpinning\" myth (Jan Assmann). The final chapter attempts to provide answers to questions relating to the \"flowering\" of Austrian historiography in the 19th century relative to historical interpretations in painting. The complex genesis of the celebration of glorious Austrian deeds ist examined on the basis of the concrete example of \"military iconography\" and the decoration of the \"hall of fame\" in the \"Arsenal\" in Vienna.

Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Bedeutung der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichte in der bildenden Kunst der Habsburgermonarchie von 1804 bis 1918 erstmals umfassend deutlich zu machen. Im Zentrum stehen vor allem folgende drei Fragen: Welchen Stellenwert gewann die Besch\u00e4ftigung mit Geschichte ganz allgemein? Auf welche historischen Ereignisse bezog man sich vorzugsweise in den Darstellungen der Kunst? In welcher Hinsicht besa\u00df die eigene - bis zu fiktiven mythischen Anf\u00e4ngen gleichsam beliebig \"verl\u00e4ngerbare\" - Geschichte f\u00fcr gegenw\u00e4rtige Fragestellungen Bedeutung? Kunstwerke tragen zur Konstruktion von Traditionen bei - und dies in h\u00f6chst doppelsinniger Weise: das jeweilige Werk enth\u00e4lt und erzeugt zugleich Geschichte. Es ist dar\u00fcber hinaus ein soziales \"Identifikationsmedium\" und vermittelt zwischen dem Regenten und den B\u00fcrgern. Die Charakteristika der unterschiedlichen \"Geschichtsreflexionen\" in \u00d6sterreich im 19. Jahrhundert in den Medien der bildenden Kunst zu untersuchen brachte die praktische Notwendigkeit mit sich, die bekannte Materialbasis betr\u00e4chtlich zu erweitern. Es zeigte sich, da\u00df die Forschung bisher zumeist von einem eher begrenzten Werkbestand (vor allem der \"Hochkunst\") ausging und diesen nicht mit literarischen Dokumenten aus Historiographie und Belletristik in Beziehung setzte. Erst auf dieser entsprechend erweiterten Basis von Dokumenten in Wort und Bild l\u00e4\u00dft sich meines Erachtens ein verl\u00e4\u00dfliches Gesamtbild f\u00fcr die unterschiedlichen Strategien habsburgischer Ikonographie gewinnen. Die gew\u00e4hlte Methodik erschien nicht nur zweckm\u00e4\u00dfig und dar\u00fcber hinaus f\u00fcr den konkreten historischen Fall geradezu unerl\u00e4\u00dflich, sondern sie zeigt auch, da\u00df gerade in dieser verschr\u00e4nkten (und in der Ausrichtung des Materials begr\u00fcndeten) Betrachtungsweise aufeinander bezogener Bild- und Textmedien der Schl\u00fcssel f\u00fcr die Erforschung der \u00f6sterreichischen Historienkunst des 19. Jahrhunderts liegt. Die vorliegende Arbeit n\u00e4hert sich den zentralen Fragestellungen \u00fcber eine Einf\u00fchrung zu Begrifflichkeit und Methodik und verfolgt die schwierige Formierung der \"Nation \u00d6sterreich\" von der \"Casa d\u00b4Austria\" bis zum habsburgischen \"Gesamtstaat\". Die Aktualit\u00e4t des \u00f6sterreichischen 18. Jahrhunderts im Bewu\u00dftsein des folgenden Jahrhunderts am Beispiel der Regenten Maria Theresia und Joseph II. ist Gegenstand des zweiten Kapitels. Fast zwingend schlie\u00dft sich hier der gro\u00dfe Abschnitt zur Herrscherikonographie von Kaiser Franz II. (I.) bis Kaiser Franz Joseph I. an. Die visuellen Strategien der Habsburgerregenten im 19. Jahrhundert und die damit untrennbar verbundene Frage nach der Legitimation des \u00f6sterreichischen Kaisertums in den Jahren nach 1848 lenken den Blick wieder zur\u00fcck zur Suche nach den \"Urspr\u00fcngen\" und zur habsburgischen \"Selbstversicherung\" durch die Beschw\u00f6rung des Stammvaters Rudolf I., die zentraler Gegenstand des vierten Kapitels ist. Die unterschiedlichen Rekurse auf den ber\u00fchmten Stammvater besitzen in diesem Zusammenhang den Charakter eines \"fundierten\" Mythos (Jan Assmann). Das abschlie\u00dfende Kapitel sucht Antworten auf die Fragen nach der \"Bl\u00fcte\" der \u00f6sterreichischen Historiographie im 19. Jahrhundert im Verh\u00e4ltnis zu den Interpretationen in der Malerei. Am konkreten Beispiel der \"Milit\u00e4rikonographie\" und der Ausstattung der \"Ruhmeshalle\" im Wiener \"Arsenal\" wird die komplexe Genese der Verherrlichung \u00f6sterreichischer Ruhmestaten untersucht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Telesko ,Werner"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Art History, History painting, Austrian History 19 Century, Emperor Franz Joseph I., Iconography, Emperor Franz II."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437150"], ["title", "Geschichtsraum \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15275"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205775225"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205775225"]], [["description", "Dutch and Flemish literature; Dutch literature; Culture and history; Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment

Hoe voed je een jong meisje op? Welke waarden geef je het mee, welke ervaringen wil je haar laten meemaken? Daarover schrijven onze bekende Elisabeth Wolff en Agatha Deken, in hun nu voor het eerst sinds 1802 heruitgegeven, laatste grote werk: het Geschrift eener bejaarde vrouw. Zij laten zien hoe een bejaarde vrouw terugkijkt op haar leven. De vrouw tekent op welke waarden zij als opgroeiend meisje heeft leren kennen. Hoe haar opvoeding verliep. Hoe zij geconfronteerd werd met de realiteit van het leven: natuur, dood, armoede, standsverschillen, mannen, cultuur. Hoe zij leerde een levensovertuiging op te bouwen. In de terugblik van deze vrouw wordt zichtbaar hoe een wijs ouderlijk beleid kan leiden tot zelfontplooiing, verlicht christendom, volwassenheid. De schrijfsters tonen dit, niet door het uiteenzetten van standpunten, maar door belevingen te schetsen, door ouders(s) en kind) in directe rede met elkaar te laten praten, door vele andere middelen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hanou ,Andr\u00e9"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish literature", "Dutch literature", "Culture and history", "Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Vrouwenstudies"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340052"], ["title", "Geschrift eener bejaarde vrouw : Betje Wolff en Agatha Deken"], ["doab_id", "12769"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564493"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564493"]], [["description", "Weltweit besinnen sich Menschen auf gesellschaftlich Verantwortbares und W\u00fcnschenswertes, auf neue Formen des Lebens und Zusammenlebens und des \u00f6kosozialen Wirtschaftens. Dieser Band widmet sich diesen realen Utopien, positiven, in eine bessere Zukunft gerichteten Vorstellungen und praktischen Ans\u00e4tzen, die Ideen von einer lebenswerteren Gesellschaft mit konkreter Praxis verbinden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Susanne Elsen; Anna Aluffi Pentini; Martin Dimiter Hoffmann; C. Wolfgang M\u00fcller; Markus Litz; Franz Hamburger; Walter Lorenz; Hans-Uwe Otto; G\u00fcnter J. Friesenhahn; Silvia Staub-Bernasconi; Klaus K\u00fchne; Marc-Ansgar Seibel; Lothar B\u00f6hnisch; Patricia Arnold; Sabine Gruber; Ewa Kantowicz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["process of change", " society", " future", " quality of life", " democracy", " sustainability", " social justice", " life", " alternative"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460578.pdf"], ["title", "Gesellschaftlicher Aufbruch, reale Utopien und die Arbeit am Sozialen "], ["doab_id", "19853"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460578"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460578"]], [["description", "The contributions to this volume develop basic patterns for a non-reductive analysis of violence. They focus violence as perspective phenomenon, i.e., as suffered, enacted, or otherwise experienced, and thus undermine essentialist definitions of this very phenomenon. In applying the phenomenological insight into the lived intertwining of embodied meaning and objective orders, this book traces the many faces of violence in both their specific traits as well as their relational constitution.

Die Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes entwickeln Ans\u00e4tze zu einer nicht-reduktionistischen Gewaltanalyse. Sie fokussieren Gewalt entsprechend als ein perspektivisches Ph\u00e4nomen, als erlittene, ver\u00fcbte oder aus der Perspektive Dritter erfahrene (etwa bezeugte) Gewalt, ohne zu unterstellen, dass sich von \u201eder\u201c Gewalt sprechen lie\u00dfe. Am Leitfaden der gelebten Verflechtung von inkarniertem Sinn und objektiven Ordnungen analysieren sie die vielen Gesichter der Gewalt in ihrer jeweiligen Verletzungsmacht und ihren Wechselwirkungen. Le but de ce collectif est d\u2019analyser la violence d\u2019un point de vue ph\u00e9nom\u00e9nologique. En prenant pour fil directeur l\u2019entrelacs du sens incarn\u00e9 et des ordres symboliques, on analyse les diff\u00e9rentes faces de la violence et sa constitution relationnelle."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Staudigl ,Michael"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Violence, phenomenology, subjectivity, embodiment, vulnerability, recognition", "Gewalt, Ph\u00e4nomenologie, Subjektivit\u00e4t, Leiblichkeit,Verletzlichkeit, Anerkennung"]], ["publisher", "Wilhelm Fink"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472311"], ["title", "Gesichter der Gewalt"], ["doab_id", "16784"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783770554041"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783770554041"]], [["description", "Sem cair no diletantismo acad\u00eamico t\u00e3o comum ao se abordar um tema de ponta, contempor\u00e2neo e fascinante como o que \u00e9 tratado neste livro, os autores objetivam, por meio do resgate de fundamentos conceituais e do surgimento de inova\u00e7\u00f5es relacionadas ao manejo de risco com avalia\u00e7\u00e3o e gest\u00e3o, introduzir avan\u00e7os tecnol\u00f3gicos ainda n\u00e3o aplicados em nosso pa\u00eds. Como resultado, uma reflex\u00e3o sobre planejamento, gest\u00e3o, processos e modelos de promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade ambiental e, ainda, avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de riscos ambientais \u00e0 sa\u00fade humana e aos ecossistemas. Instiga o di\u00e1logo entre cientistas, planejadores e usu\u00e1rios da sa\u00fade coletiva e da engenharia sanit\u00e1ria, o que certamente possibilitar\u00e1 melhores pr\u00e1ticas sociais e cient\u00edficas para ambos os campos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brilhante, Ogenis Magno (coord.); Caldas, Luiz Querino de A. (coord.)"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Sa\u00fade ambiental, Pol\u00edtica ambiental, An\u00e1lise de risco"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ffk9n"], ["title", "Gest\u00e3o e avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de risco em sa\u00fade ambiental "], ["doab_id", "16422"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412411"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412411"]], [["description", "O livro \u201cGest\u00e3o Educacional nos Munic\u00edpios: entraves e perspectivas\", de Maria Couto Cunha foi lan\u00e7ado no dia 18 de junho no Museu Geol\u00f3gico da Bahia. A obra analisa pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, implantadas na \u00e1rea educacional, nas \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas, principalmente no que se refere \u00e0 descentraliza\u00e7\u00e3o do ensino. As an\u00e1lises evidenciaram a g\u00eanese destas pol\u00edticas, as for\u00e7as que engendraram suas formula\u00e7\u00f5es, as implanta\u00e7\u00f5es das mesmas e, em alguns casos, investigaram os impactos produzidos. O foco dos textos reside no desdobramento destas pol\u00edticas nos governos municipais, registrando uma pesquisa sobre viol\u00eancia escolar e outra sobre a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de diretores de escolas estaduais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cunha, Maria Couto"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bxgqr"], ["title", "Gest\u00e3o Educacional nos munic\u00edpios: entraves e perspectivas"], ["doab_id", "17263"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209025"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209025"]], [["description", "O livro Gest\u00e3o sustent\u00e1vel dos recursos naturais: uma abordagem participativa \u00e9 resultado de um trabalho em conjunto com professores e alunos do programa de p\u00f3s gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em desenvolvimento regional - UEPB e de recursos naturais da UFCG, do grupo de pesquisa em gest\u00e3o do conhecimento e sustentabilidade - GECIS. O livro mostra a import\u00e2ncia do gerenciamento dos recursos de uso comum com a participa\u00e7\u00e3o efetiva dos diversos atores sociais em cada etapa do processo de tomada de decis\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lira, Waleska Silveira; C\u00e2ndido, Gesinaldo Ata\u00edde"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bxj5n"], ["title", "Gest\u00e3o sustent\u00e1vel dos recursos naturais: uma abordagem participativa"], ["doab_id", "17715"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792824"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792824"]], [["description", "O livro \"Gest\u00e3o, media\u00e7\u00e3o e uso da informa\u00e7\u00e3o\" vai ao encontro dos estudos te\u00f3ricos e metodol\u00f3gicos de objetos e fen\u00f4menos que envolvem a gest\u00e3o, a media\u00e7\u00e3o, uso e apropria\u00e7\u00e3o da informa\u00e7\u00e3o em distintos ambientes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valentim, Marta"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/j4gkh"], ["title", "Gest\u00e3o, media\u00e7\u00e3o e uso da informa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16735"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831171"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831171"]], [["description", "This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference on the Management of collections and co-operation in the hybrid library, which was organised in Florence on 13 October 2005 by the Italian Libraries Association (Tuscan Section and University and Research Committee). The contributions are dedicated in particular to grasping the opportunities and adaptations generated by Internet and the possibility of disseminating electronic documents, both in the development of the collections and the planning of services and in the study of new forms of communication between institutions.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno su Gestione delle raccolte e cooperazione nella biblioteca ibrida, organizzato a Firenze il 13 ottobre 2005 dall'Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (Sezione Toscana e Commissione Universit\u00e0 e Ricerca). I contributi sono dedicati in particolare a cogliere le opportunit\u00e0 e le modifiche dovute ad Internet e alla possibilit\u00e0 di diffondere documenti elettronici sia nello sviluppo delle raccolte, sia nella pianificazione dei servizi, sia nello studio di nuove forme di cooperazione fra istituzioni."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Benvenuti, Nicola; Morriello, Rossana"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Biblioteconomy", "Biblioteche pubbliche", "Biblioteconomia", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356357"], ["title", "Gestione delle raccolte e cooperazione nella biblioteca ibrida. Atti del convegno (Firenze, 13 ottobre 2005)"], ["doab_id", "13146"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534613", "9788884534620"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534615 8884534623"]], [["description", "In Gesture and Power Yolanda Covington-Ward examines the everyday embodied practices and performances of the BisiKongo people of the lower Congo to show how their gestures, dances, and spirituality are critical in mobilizing social and political action. Conceiving of the body as the center of analysis, a catalyst for social action, and as a conduit for the social construction of reality, Covington-Ward focuses on specific flashpoints in the last ninety years of Congo's troubled history, when embodied performance was used to stake political claims, foster dissent, and enforce power. In the 1920s Simon Kimbangu started a Christian prophetic movement based on spirit-induced trembling, which swept through the lower Congo, subverting Belgian colonial authority. Following independence, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko required citizens to dance and sing nationalist songs daily as a means of maintaining political control. More recently, embodied performance has again stoked reform, as nationalist groups such as Bundu dia Kongo advocate for a return to pre-colonial religious practices and non-Western gestures such as traditional greetings. In exploring these embodied expressions of Congolese agency, Covington-Ward provides a framework for understanding how embodied practices transmit social values, identities, and cultural history throughout Africa and the diaspora.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Covington-Ward ,Yolanda"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Body language", "Congo (Democratic Republic)", "Kongo (African people)", "Dance", "Social aspects", "Communication", "Anthropology", "Religious Studies"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604616"], ["title", "Gesture and Power"], ["doab_id", "18746"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374848"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374848"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lindner, Ulrike"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/226037"], ["title", "Gesundheitspolitik in der Nachkriegszeit. Gro\u00dfbritannien und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich"], ["doab_id", "18138"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707588", "9783486200140"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707588, 9783486200140"]], [["description", "This book examines two major social changes experienced by European cities in the last two decades: post-industrial economic restructuring and new immigration flows. The link between both has been extensively discussed throughout a variety of theoretical approaches and in numerous descriptive contributions. Adding to those studies, this research focuses on three elements of migratory experience that have been relatively neglected thus far: a dynamic view of changes over time, the influence of national welfare and legislation frameworks, and the importance of support mechanisms outside the labour market. The material underpinning the arguments is the qualitative life-course analysis of 81 in-depth interviews with Senegambian migrants living in Antwerp and Barcelona.

Deze dissertatie onderzoekt twee belangrijke sociale veranderingen die Europese steden in de laatste twee decennia hebben ondergaan: postindustri\u00eble economische herstructurering en nieuwe immigratiestromen. Inge van Nieuwenhuyze bespreekt drie nieuwe elementen van de migratieproblematiek, die tot dusver relatief onderbelicht zijn geweest: een dynamisch overzicht van de veranderingen, de invloed van de nationale welzijns- en wetgevingskaders en het belang van de opvangmogelijkheden buiten de arbeidsmarkt. Het materiaal is verkregen uit 81 diepte-interviews met Senegalezen en Gambianen woonachtig in Antwerpen en Barcelona."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nieuwenhuyze Van ,Inge"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340035"], ["title", "Getting by in Europe's Urban Labour Markets : Senegambian Migrants' Strategies for Survival, Documentation and Mobility"], ["doab_id", "12754"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640505"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640505"]], [["description", "Excavations on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia, Southern Austria brought to light a huge amount of common wares that have to be divided for study. No parameters to be followed have as yet been fixed and therefore in a first chapter definitions are given on what type of material is used in the book. Red or buff fired liquid containers, mostly wheel turned in Italian workshops out of pretreated clays are dealt with. The chapter chronology approaches the problem form the 40 well defined contexts on different spots of the site, which in 100 years of life offers a division into 7 phases, to be regrouped in 3 periods between 50 BC and 50 AD. A discussion on the possibilities and limits of dating common or utilitarian pottery is included. Typological analysis distinguishes 5 groups, the main one being the Italic shapes and their Hellenistic predecessors. Next come the small transport containers, basically two handled jugs followed by the forms of Celtic inspiration, while a separate chapter combines the single and rare shapes. Some 25 pages are dedicated to the study of results and point out the rare stamps, inscriptions and marks. The plates show drawings and photographs in a typological catalogue as well as a chronological synoptic.A 2012 paper is intended to integrate the Magdalensberg jugs and pitchers into she state of the art.SCHINDLER-KAUDELKA, E., C\u00e9ramiques communes du Magdalensberg. Un cas exceptionnel dans le Norique. \u2013 C. BATIGNE VALLET, Les c\u00e9ramiques communes dans leur contexte r\u00e9gional. Faci\u00e8s de consommation et mode d\u2019approvisionnement (Lyon 2012), 185-218.

Die Grabungen auf dem Magdalensberg in K\u00e4rnten haben enorme Mengen an Alltagskeramik geliefert, die nicht ohne Unterteilungen vorgelegt werden k\u00f6nnen. Eindeutige Parameter fehlen bis heute, und so wird im Kapitel Definition die Gruppe eingegrenzt. Untersucht werden helltonige importierte Funde, grob in die Form Krug zu stellen und enger gefasst nach Herkunft, Verwendung und Rohmaterial sowie Fertigungstechniken klassifiziert. Im Anschluss daran wird im Kapitel Chronologie einerseits auf die zur Datierung verwendeten 40 Kontexte im Rahmen der 100 Jahre umfassenden Lebensspanne der Stadt zwischen 50 v. Chr und 50 n. Chr. eingegangen. Drei ann\u00e4hernd gleichlange Perioden werden in 7 Phasen geteilt.und ein theoretischer Ansatz zur Datierung von Gebrauchskeramik diskutiert. Die formenkundliche Auswertung gliedert sich in 5 Gruppen, deren umfangreichste die Italisch gepr\u00e4gten Typen und ihre hellenistischen Vorformen umfasst. Daneben sind kleinere Transportbeh\u00e4lter, meist doppelhenkelig keltisch inspirierte Formen vorhandene. Ein eigenes Kapitel fasst die auf dem Magdalensberg seltenen Formen zusammen. Knapp 25 Seiten sind der Gesamtauswertung gewidmet, in denen auch auf Stempel, Inschriften und Aufschriften eingegangen wird. Im Tafelteil werden die Formen katalogm\u00e4\u00dfig und chronologisch in Zeichnung und teilweise Foto dargestellt.In einer Folgearbeit von 2012 wird das Material dem Stand der Forschung gem\u00e4\u00df zusammengefasst.SCHINDLER-KAUDELKA, E., C\u00e9ramiques communes du Magdalensberg. Un cas exceptionnel dans le Norique. \u2013 C. BATIGNE VALLET, Les c\u00e9ramiques communes dans leur contexte r\u00e9gional. Faci\u00e8s de consommation et mode d\u2019approvisionnement (Lyon 2012), 185-218."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schindler Kaudelka ,Eleny"], ["date", "1989"], ["subject", ["Magdalensberg, common wares", "Magdalensberg, Gebrauchskeramik"]], ["publisher", "Verlag des Landesmuseums f\u00fcr K\u00e4rnten"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=442083"], ["title", "Die gew\u00f6hnliche Gebrauchskeramik vom Magdalensberg"], ["doab_id", "15359"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900575052"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3900575053"]], [["description", "The Japanese have ambivalent attitudes toward death, deeply rooted in pre-Buddhist traditions. In this scholarly but accessible work, authors Iwasaka and Toelken show that everyday beliefs and customs--particularly death traditions--offer special insight into the living culture of Japan."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Iwasaka, Michiko; Toelken Barre"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/65"], ["title", "Ghost and the Japanese: Cultural Experience in Japanese Death Legends"], ["doab_id", "14729"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211795"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211795"]], [["description", "Critical edition of the german translation of G. B. Marino\u2019s La sferza invettiva, commentary and context of the Counterreformation in Vienna 1655

Kommentiert Ausgabe der deutschen \u00dcbersetzung von G.B. Marinos Sferza invettiva und Eingliederung in den kulturellen Zusammenhang der Gegenreformation in Wien um 1655Edizione della traduzione in tedesco della Sferza invettiva di G.B. Marino e inserimento della traduzione nel contesto della Controriforma a Vienna nel 1655."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Noe ,Alfred"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Giambattista Marino; translation italian-german; Counterreformation", "Giambattista Marino; \u00dcbersetzung italienisch-deutsch; Gegenreformation"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588281"], ["title", "Giambattista Marinos Wort-Zucht-Peitschen und die Gegenreformation in Wien um 1655"], ["doab_id", "17923"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796961"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796961"]], [["description", "Dit boek is het werk van Jan van der Woord, die een speciale belangstelling had voor gieten en kneden in de jaren dat hij universitair hoofddocent was bij de leerstoel Productontwikkeling aan de Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft. Hij heeft dit boek als nalatenschap geschreven voor studenten die min of meer complexe bouwconstructies en hoofddraagconstructies willen ontwerpen, over het algemeen bouwtechnologiestudenten. Ook aan architectuurstudenten biedt het boek inzicht in de mogelijkheden vanuit de productie. Bij het ontwerpen van nieuwe bouwkundige constructies en hoofddraagconstructies in high tech materialen is de kennis van productietechnieken die daartoe voorhanden zijn en die een bewezen gebruik hebben, van groot belang. Jan van der Woord heeft een collectie gemaakt van productietechnieken die voor de bouwtechnologie bruikbaar zijn. Het gieten van metalen, zoals dat reeds duizenden jaren gebeurt, heeft ook voor de bouw inmiddels een mooie industri\u00eble vorm gekregen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "J. van der Woord"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["productontwikkeling ", " bouwtechnologie ", " productietechnieken"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-90-5199-541-1"], ["title", "Gieten en Kneden - Primaire Technieken voor het Vormgeven van Bouwelementen"], ["doab_id", "19262"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789051995404", "9789051995411"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9789051995404 (print) | 9789051995411 (online)"]], [["description", "Gilberto Freyre \u00e9 o principal formulador do ide\u00e1rio regionalista nordestino. Nos textos de interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o sociol\u00f3gica que produziu, desde o in\u00edcio da d\u00e9cada de 1920, j\u00e1 aparecem as matrizes tem\u00e1ticas que estar\u00e3o presentes nos romances de Jos\u00e9 Lins do Rego, escritos na d\u00e9cada seguinte, consubstanciando, assim, um rico desdobramento est\u00e9tico daquele regionalismo e, ao mesmo tempo, uma interse\u00e7\u00e3o entre sociologia e literatura que abordamos a partir de ensaios, romances e cartas destes dois autores, onde sociologia e romance, conceitos e afetos e ideologias se fundem na compreens\u00e3o, ora emp\u00e1tica, ora nost\u00e1lgica, ora dram\u00e1tica, de uma sociabilidade que remonta \u00e0s ra\u00edzes imemoriais de nossa sociedade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dantas,Cauby"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y4x7f"], ["title", "Gilberto Freyre e Jos\u00e9 Lins do Rego: di\u00e1logos do senhor da casa-grande com o menino de engenho"], ["doab_id", "19683"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793296"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793296"]], [["description", "F\u00fcnf bedeutende Konvolute von Architekturzeichnungen und \u2013reproduktionen aus den Best\u00e4nden der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung und der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen werden in der Ausstellung \u201eGilly \u2013 Weinbrenner \u2013 Schinkel\u201c erstmals gemeinsam gezeigt. Eine besondere Entdeckung bieten dabei Friedrich Gillys Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr ein Theater in Stettin: Es sind die fr\u00fchesten \u00fcberhaupt bekannten, \u00fcberdies brillant in Szene gesetzten Zeichnungen des fr\u00fch verstorbenen Lehrers von Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Weitere Einblicke in die Architektenpraxis um 1800 vermittelt eine Mappe mit Zeichnungen f\u00fcr ein Theater in K\u00f6nigsberg, die vermutlich Carl Ferdinand Langhans nach Entw\u00fcrfen Gillys angefertigt hat. Von der Mittelalter-Faszination dieser Zeit zeugt Friedrich Fricks ebenfalls nach Vorlagen Gillys gedruckte Aquatinta-Serie \u201eSchloss Marienburg in Preu\u00dfen\u201c. F\u00fcr einen pragmatischen, aber nicht minder bemerkenswerten Umgang mit mittelalterlicher Bausubstanz stehen Friedrich Weinbrenners Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr den Umbau der G\u00f6ttinger Paulinerkirche zur Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek. Und schlie\u00dflich belegen Karl Friedrich Schinkels druckgraphisch reproduzierten Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr einen K\u00f6nigspalast auf der Akropolis in Athen, wie lange man im 19. Jahrhundert an einer sch\u00f6pferischen Erneuerung des griechischen Altertums arbeitete. Die im Katalog erfassten Zeichnungen und Drucke laden dazu ein, Umbr\u00fcche und Leitmotive in der Architekturdarstellung um und nach 1800 nachzuvollziehen. F\u00fcnf einleitende Aufs\u00e4tze er\u00f6ffnen zus\u00e4tzliche Forschungsperspektiven. So wird die M\u00f6glichkeit geboten, Motive, Funktionen und Wirkungsweisen von Baukunst auf Papier zwischen Klassizismus und Gotikrezeption anhand besonders attraktiver Werke zu verfolgen.

F\u00fcnf bedeutende Konvolute von Architekturzeichnungen und \u2013reproduktionen aus den Best\u00e4nden der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung und der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen werden in der Ausstellung \u201eGilly \u2013 Weinbrenner \u2013 Schinkel\u201c erstmals gemeinsam gezeigt. Eine besondere Entdeckung bieten dabei Friedrich Gillys Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr ein Theater in Stettin: Es sind die fr\u00fchesten \u00fcberhaupt bekannten, \u00fcberdies brillant in Szene gesetzten Zeichnungen des fr\u00fch verstorbenen Lehrers von Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Weitere Einblicke in die Architektenpraxis um 1800 vermittelt eine Mappe mit Zeichnungen f\u00fcr ein Theater in K\u00f6nigsberg, die vermutlich Carl Ferdinand Langhans nach Entw\u00fcrfen Gillys angefertigt hat. Von der Mittelalter-Faszination dieser Zeit zeugt Friedrich Fricks ebenfalls nach Vorlagen Gillys gedruckte Aquatinta-Serie \u201eSchloss Marienburg in Preu\u00dfen\u201c. F\u00fcr einen pragmatischen, aber nicht minder bemerkenswerten Umgang mit mittelalterlicher Bausubstanz stehen Friedrich Weinbrenners Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr den Umbau der G\u00f6ttinger Paulinerkirche zur Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek. Und schlie\u00dflich belegen Karl Friedrich Schinkels druckgraphisch reproduzierten Entw\u00fcrfe f\u00fcr einen K\u00f6nigspalast auf der Akropolis in Athen, wie lange man im 19. Jahrhundert an einer sch\u00f6pferischen Erneuerung des griechischen Altertums arbeitete. Die im Katalog erfassten Zeichnungen und Drucke laden dazu ein, Umbr\u00fcche und Leitmotive in der Architekturdarstellung um und nach 1800 nachzuvollziehen. F\u00fcnf einleitende Aufs\u00e4tze er\u00f6ffnen zus\u00e4tzliche Forschungsperspektiven. So wird die M\u00f6glichkeit geboten, Motive, Funktionen und Wirkungsweisen von Baukunst auf Papier zwischen Klassizismus und Gotikrezeption anhand besonders attraktiver Werke zu verfolgen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hilliges, Marion; Scholl, Christian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["architecture", "architectural drawing", "exhibition catalog", "architecture", "architectural drawing", "exhibition catalog"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610778"], ["title", "Gilly - Weinbrenner - Schinkel - Baukunst auf Papier zwischen Gotik und Klassizismus"], ["doab_id", "19166"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952648"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952648"]], [["description", "This represents the second volume of a three-volume undertaking. Volume I (M.V. Schwarz und P. Theis, Giottos Leben (Giotto\u00b4s life), Vienna 2004) critically examined Giotto\u00b4s biography and the corpus of his documented works. Volume 2 presents these works in their respective contexts and attempts to gather information about dating and sequence. It begins with the Arena Chapel, which is Giotto\u00b4s most extensive and best documented works. The documentation was still further improved by Michaela Zoeschg\u00b4s campaign in the archives and libraries of Padua and Venice. Some aspects of the chapel\u00b4s early history now appear in a different light. With regard to the paintings, it is possible to emphasise more strongly than before that they adress the viewer in a decidedly different way. The classic \"pictures\" (in Hetzer\u00b4s sense) are specially cases, whose conception is only gradually developed. The formulation of this thesis is also assisted by new insights into the sequence of work brought about the last restoration of the chapel.The second part is dedicated to those works which form the prerequisites for the imagery of the Arena Chapel. Connected to this are the decisions to identify the Isaac master with the young Giotto and date the Navicella early (confirming with the sources). On this basis, it can be shown that the early works are united in their origins in contemporary Roman painting with its late Byzantine and classicising components. Their common trait is the striving to maximise the presence of the subjects represented, which are almost deposited into the world of the viewer. Before this background, the pictorialism developed in the Arena Chapel can be recognised as a form of withdrawal: instead of being ever more present in the world of the viewer, the imgage\u00b4s subjects receive increasingly perfect pictorial worlds of their own.The third part responds to the documented fact that Giotto was active in Assisi soon after the conclusion of his work in Padua. It is, however, unclear which of the Giottesque fresco series in S. Francesco can be attributet to this phase. This provides an opportunity to go through the series and show that they reflect different phases of Giotto\u00b4s creative life, although - as in the younger pictures of the Francis legends - several layers from Giotto\u00b4s oeuvre and reception overlay each other. The Magdalene chapel is connected with Giotto\u00b4s visit to Assisi in 1308.The fourth part is dedicated to the works after the Magdalene chapel up to the Bardi chapel which, in accordance with the early us of S Croce, is dated c. 1318 - 20. It is shown how the pictorial concept changed once again - in that Giotto opened the picture spaces towards the viewer. The Badia frescos and the panels for the Ognissanti church are, among others, attributed to this phase.The fifth part deals with works after c. 1320. All architectionally framed polyptychs are assigned to this phase (including the Badia Altar, normally dated earlier). They stand in competition with Sienese followers of the Maesta and answer these latter with a design clearly bearing the imprint of cisalpine gothic. This phase of work is marked above all by competition with the Siense. In the Peruzzi chapel, once again, new pictorial concepts are worked on. Extreme openess to the viewer in one fresco (Dance of Salome) stands in contrast to another (awakening of the Drusiana), whose window effect seems to anticipate Alberti.The concluding chapter attempts to set Giotto\u00b4s work in its place within the media-landscape around 1300 and to show where he took and where he gave. The planning of the Campanile is investigated in an appendix: it can, firstly, be shown that the Sienese campanile drawing is close to Giotto\u00b4s polytych frames and painted architecture, and thus probably reproduces Giotto\u00b4s plan. Secondly, it becomes clear how far the tower, rising further after Giotto\u00b4s death with its sculptural programme, contributed to Giotto\u00b4s fame. In this way, the last chapter and appendix form the bridge to Volume 3 of the entire work, which deals with \"Giotto\u00b4s Consequences\".

Es handelt sich um Band 2 eines dreib\u00e4ndigen Unternehmens. Band 1 (M.V. Schwarz und P. Theis, Giottos Leben, Wien 2004) hat Giottos Biographie und das Corpus der nach den Schriftquellen sicheren Werke kritisch erarbeitet. Diese Werke pr\u00e4sentiert nun Band 2 in ihren jeweiligen Kontexten und versucht Aufschlu\u00df \u00fcber Datierung und Abfolge zu gewinnen. Den Anfang macht die Arena-Kapelle, als das umfangreichste und am besten dokumentierte Werk. Diese Dokumentation konnte durch eine von Michaela Zoeschg durchgef\u00fchrte Kampagne in Archiven und Bibliotheken von Padua und Venedig noch weiter verbessert werden. Einige Umst\u00e4nde aus der Fr\u00fchgeschichte der Kapelle erscheinen nun in einem anderen Licht. Bei den Malereien wird st\u00e4rker als bisher herausgearbeitet, da\u00df sie die Betrachter in dezidiert verschiedener Weise ansprechen. Diese klassischen \"Bilder\" (im Sinn Hetzers) sind Sonderf\u00e4lle, deren Konzept erst allm\u00e4hlich entwickelt wird. Diese These kann auch deshalb formuliert werden, weil die letzte Restaurierung der Kapelle neue Einsichten \u00fcber die Arbeitsabfolge erbrachte. Der zweite Teil ist jenen Werken gewidmet, welche die Voraussetzungen f\u00fcr die Bildlichkeit der Arena-Kapelle schufen. Damit verbunden sind die Entscheidungen, den Isaak-Meister mit dem jungen Giotto gleichzusetzen und die Navicella (quellenkonform) fr\u00fch zu datieren. Dies vorausgesetzt sind die fr\u00fchen Werke einheitlich in ihrer Herkunft aus der stadtr\u00f6mischen Malerei mit ihrer sp\u00e4tbyzantinischen und ihrer antikisierenden Komponente. Ihr gemeinsamer Zug ist das Bem\u00fchen um eine h\u00f6chstm\u00f6gliche Pr\u00e4senz der Bildgegenst\u00e4nde, quasi an die Welt der Betrachter angelagert werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Bildlichkeit, die in der Arena-Kapelle erarbeitet wird, als eine Form von R\u00fccknahme kenntlich: Statt weiterhin in der Welt der Betrachter gegenw\u00e4rtig zu sein, erhalten die Bildgegenst\u00e4nde immer perfektere eigene Bildwelten. Der dritte Teil reagiert auf den urkundlich belegten Umstand, da\u00df Giotto bald nach Abschlu\u00df seiner Paduaner Auftr\u00e4ge in Assisi t\u00e4tig war. Dabei ist unklar welcher der giottesken Freskenkomplexe in S. Francesco dieser Phase zugeordnet werden kann. Dies gibt Gelegenheit, die Komplexe durchzugehen und zu zeigen, da\u00df sie verschiedene Phasen von Giottos Schaffen reflektieren - so in den j\u00fcngeren Bildern der Franzlegende - \u00fcberlagern sich sogar mehrere Schichten aus dem Giotto-Oeuvre und seiner Rezeption. Mit Giottos Assisi-Aufenthalt von 1308 wird die Magdalenen-Kapelle identifiziert. Der vierte Teil ist den Werken nach der Magdalenen-Kapelle bis zur Bardi-Kapelle gewidmet, die nach der fr\u00fchen Nutzungsgeschichte von S. Croce auf ca. 1318-20 datiert wird. Es wird gezeigt, wie das Bildkonzept sich neuerlich ver\u00e4ndert, indem Giotto die Bildr\u00e4ume zum Betrachter hin \u00f6ffnet. Dieser Phase werden u.a. die Badia Fresken und die Tafeln f\u00fcr Ognissanti zugeordnet. Der f\u00fcnfte Teil behandelt die Werke ab ca. 1320. Dieser Phase werden alle architektonisch gerahmten Polyptchen zugewiesen (auch der meist fr\u00fch datierte Badia-Altar). Sie stehen im Wettbewerb mit den sienesischen Polyptychen in der Nachfolge der Maesta und antworten diesen mit einem stark von cisalpiner Gotik gepr\u00e4gten Entwurf. \u00dcberhaupt pr\u00e4gt der Wettbewerb mit den Sienesen diese Werkphase. In der Peruzzi-Kapelle wird nochmals an neuen Bildkonzepten gearbeitet. Extreme Offenheit gegen den Betrachter im einen Fresko (Tanz der Salome) steht gegen einen Fenstereffekt, der auf Albertis Konzept vorauszuweisen scheint, im anderen (Erweckung der Drusiana). Das Schlu\u00dfkapitel versucht Giottos Werk in die Medienlandschaft der Jahrzehnte um 1300 einzuordnen und zu zeigen, wo er genommen und wo er gegeben hat. In einem Anhang wird dann die Campanile-Planung untersucht. Es kann erstens gezeigt werden, da\u00df der Sienser Campanile-Ri\u00df den Polyptychon-Rahmen und gemalten Architekturen Giottos nahesteht und also wohl wirklich Giottos Plan reproduziert. Zweitens wird deutlich, wie viel der nach Giottos Tod weiterwachsende Turm mit seinem Skulpturenprogramm zu Giottos Nachleben beigetragen hat. Insofern schlagen das letzte Kapitel und der Anhang die Br\u00fccke zu Band 3 des Gesamtwerks, der \"Giottos Nachleben\" behandeln wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwarz ,Michael Viktor"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Italian Art, Giotto, Visual Culture"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437157"], ["title", "Giottus Pictor"], ["doab_id", "15282"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205773719"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205773719"]], [["description", "The book illustrates the results of research that emerged within the context of a specific European Union programme. The analysis was carried out by Italian, French and Spanish academics co-ordinated by the Inter-University Centre of Political Sociology of the University of Florence. It aims to reconstruct the educational careers of the new generations within the social and economic context of Southern Europe, paying particular attention to the conditions of university students and to youth unemployment. The issue is examined and discussed also in relation to a broader sociological meditation on the values shaping the future of the political culture in contemporary Europe.

Il volume illustra i risultati di una ricerca nata nell'ambito di uno specifico programma dell'Unione Europea. L'analisi condotta da studiosi italiani, francesi e spagnoli, coordinati dal Centro interuniversitario di Sociologia politica dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze, ricostruisce i percorsi di formazione delle nuove generazioni all'interno del contesto sociale ed economico dell'Europa del Sud, con particolare riguardo alla condizione degli studenti universitari ed alla disoccupazione giovanile. Il tema \u00e8 esaminato e discusso anche in relazione ad una pi\u00f9 ampia riflessione sociologica sui valori che configurano il futuro della cultura politica nell'Europa contemporanea."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bettin Lattes, Gianfranco"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Juvenile behaviour", "Unemployment", "Politics", "European Union", "Sociologia", "Comportamento giovanile", "Disoccupazione", "Politica", "Unione europea"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345469"], ["title", "Giovani Jeunes Jovenes"], ["doab_id", "13016"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530042"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530040"]], [["description", "Examining context-specific conditions in which girls live, learn, work, play, and organize deepens the understanding of place-making practices of girls and young women worldwide. Focusing on place across health, literary and historical studies, art history, communications, media studies, sociology, and education allows for investigations of how girlhood is positioned in relation to interdisciplinary and transnational research methodologies, media environments, geographic locations, historical and social spaces. This book offers a comprehensive and authoritative reading of this emerging field and how girlhood scholars construct and deploy research frameworks that directly engage girls in the research process.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mitchell ,Claudia; Rentschler ,Carrie"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Gender Studies", "Politics", "Girls", "Social conditions"]], ["publisher", "Berghahn Books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606216"], ["title", "Girlhood and the Politics of Place"], ["doab_id", "18957"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785333743"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785333743"]], [["description", "Following the Balfour Declaration and the British conquest of Palestine (1917-1918), the small Jewish community that lived there wanted to establish an elected assembly as its representative body. The issue that hindered this aim was whether women would be part of it. A group of feminist Zionist women from all over the country created a political party that participated in the elections, even before women's suffrage was enacted. This unique phenomenon in Mandatory Palestine resulted in the declaration of women's equal rights in all aspects of life by the newly founded Assembly of Representatives. Margalit Shilo examines the story of these activists to elaborate on a wide range of issues, including the Zionist roots of feminism and nationalism; the ultra-Orthodox Jewish sector's negation of women's equality; how traditional Jewish concepts of women fashioned rabbinical attitudes on the question of women's suffrage; and how the fight for women's suffrage spread throughout the country. Using current gender theories, Shilo compares the Zionist suffrage struggle to contemporaneous struggles across the globe, and connects this nearly forgotten episode, absent from Israeli historiography, with the present situation of Israeli women. This rich analysis of women's right to vote within this specific setting will appeal to scholars and students of Israel studies, and to feminist and social historians interested in how contexts change the ways in which activism is perceived and occurs.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Shilo ,Margalit"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Legal status, laws", "Jewish women", "Palestine", "History", "1917-1948", "Political activity", "Suffrage", "Suffragists", "Women's Studies"]], ["publisher", "Brandeis University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605041"], ["title", "Girls of Liberty"], ["doab_id", "18756"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781611689280"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781611689280"]], [["description", "This book offers a portrait of Leningrad in the 1960s, of its cultural life in those years permeated by a great hope for change. Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, is the heir and witness of the rise and fall of the 'Soviet hope' for an authentic change, its evolution and its inevitable decline. Through an analysis of the poems of Iosif Brodskij, Stefania Pavan maps out the process that led the intelligencija of Leningrad to disclose their claims, to give shape to the intellectual conscience of the city, and that subsequently constrained them to adopt the opposite approach, concealing \u2013 in a semi-visible space and in the myriad modes of the 'samizdat' \u2013 the values, names and images of the hope of change. Through an analysis of the linguistic peculiarities of The dregs , one of the 'classic' short stories of Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini proposes a micro-history of the Russian language in the 60s, to which the study carried out by Ljudmila Zubova on the poems of Viktor Sosnora makes a useful contribution. The essay by Irina Dvizova highlights an aspect of the culture of Leningrad that can be considered extremely topical, in terms both of argument and as a method of reading literary history: the relation between the city and the Dostoevskij museum.

Il volume propone un ritratto di Leningrado degli anni Sessanta, della sua vita culturale nell'Unione Sovietica, in quegli anni attraversata da una forte speranza di cambiamento. Leningrado, oggi San Pietroburgo, \u00e8 erede e testimone della parabola della 'speranza sovietica' di un mutamento autentico, del suo evolversi e inevitabile esaurirsi. Stefania Pavan, attraverso l'analisi dei versi di Iosif Brodskij, disegna il percorso che ha condotto l'intelligencija di Leningrado nel 'disvelare' le proprie istanze, nel dare forma alla coscienza intellettuale della Citt\u00e0, e che l'ha vista costretta ad adottare successivamente la via inversa, a 'celare' in uno spazio semivisibile e tramite infinite modalit\u00e0 del 'samizdat', i valori, i nomi e le immagini della speranza del cambiamento. Con l'analisi delle particolarit\u00e0 linguistiche di La feccia, uno dei racconti 'classici' di Boris Ivanov, Simonetta Signorini propone una micro-storia della lingua russa negli anni Sessanta, alla quale lo studio di Ljudmila Zubova condotto sui versi di Viktor Sosnora d\u00e0 un utile contributo. Il saggio di Irina Dvizova mette in evidenza un aspetto della cultura di Leningrado che \u00e8 da considerare molto attuale sia come argomento che come metodo di lettura della storia letteraria: il rapporto fra la citt\u00e0 e il Museo Dostoevskij."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pavan, Stefania"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "Literature", "Russia", "Poesia", "Letteratura", "Russia"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341468"], ["title", "Gli anni Sessanta a Leningrado"], ["doab_id", "12630"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539618"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539618"]], [["description", "This volume represents the third publication in the series devoted to the theme \"Figures in space, politics and society\", promoted by a specific interdisciplinary study group, and is the result of the study day held in Florence in December 2003. The objective here is to set up comparisons with the suggestions thrown up by historical and literary evidence pertinent to the numerous modes of imagining space with reference to the political and social spheres. A series of extracts from sources collateral to the classical political panorama highlights the fertility of the line of research and the efficacy of the interdisciplinary approach adopted.

Questo quaderno su Gli spazi immaginati, che fa seguito ai due intitolati \"La politica e gli spazi politici\" e \"Metafore dello spazio\", fa parte della serie dedicata ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare, promosso da Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina e Bruna Consarelli, docenti di Storia delle Dottrine Politiche, sul tema Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, che mira ad indagare le problematiche politiche e sociali dell'et\u00e0 moderna e contemporanea, dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Consarelli, Bruna"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Society", "Territory", "Conference proceedings", "Societ\u00e0", "Territorio", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356358"], ["title", "Gli spazi immaginati"], ["doab_id", "13147"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884533029", "9788884533036"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884533023 8884533031"]], [["description", "This book presents theories and case studies for corporations in developed nations, including Japan, for designing strategies to maximize opportunities and minimize threats in business expansion into developing nations. The case studies featured here focus on Asia, including China and India, and use examples of Japanese manufacturers. Five case studies are provided, including Hitachi Construction Machinery and Shiseido in China and Maruti Suzuki in India. These cases facilitate the reader\u2019s understanding of the business environments in emerging economies. This volume is especially recommended for businesspeople responsible for international business development, particularly in China and India. In addition, the book serves as a useful resource for students in graduate-level courses in international management."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kazuyuki Motohashi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Emerging Markets/Globalization", " Innovation/Technology Management", " Business Strategy/Leadership", " International Economics", " Production/Logistics/Supply Chain Management "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-55468-4"], ["title", "Global Business Strategy: Multinational Corporations Venturing into Emerging Markets"], ["doab_id", "17440"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431554677", "9784431554684"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431554677 (Print) 9784431554684 (Online)"]], [["description", "In the United States, much of the research is focused on developing new and very expensive technologies and drugs - often without a major therapeutic benefit. In resource limited countries, basic oncology care is frequently lacking. In addition, the benefits of various chemo-radiotherapy combinations for a number of malignancies are unknown as these populations have not been adequately investigated. For oncologists in these countries who have marginal to adequate resources, accrual to clinical trials is virtually non-existent to minimal, due to the complexities of their population and competing co-morbidities. As a result, there is a tremendous disparity in treatment outcomes for these populations, compared to those in developed countries. Therefore, we have asked a number of oncologists from different parts of the world to report their experience. Topics that will be covered include locally advanced breast and cervical cancer (India, South Africa), human resources for cancer control in India, systematic review of radiation resources in low and middle income countries, planning national radiotherapy services, building sustainable partnerships through the newly formed ICEC (International Cancer Export Corps), cancer disparities among American Indians, and training radiation oncologists in these under served parts of the world. Authors will discuss \"lessons learned\" from their populations, practical suggestions to address these disparities, and how we as a global oncology community can address, and mitigate these global challenges. The editorial by Dr. Coleman and myself highlights the invaluable contributions from our global contributors. Thank you for taking the time to read this special issue on global cancer disparities. We are all energized to begin addressing the needs of our cancer patients worldwide."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniel Grant Petereit"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cancer disparities", "low middle income countries", "Radiation Oncology", "national radiotherapy services", "International Cancer Export Corps"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2828/global-challenges-in-radiation-oncology"], ["title", "Global Challenges in Radiation Oncology"], ["doab_id", "18700"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195909"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195909"]], [["description", "Drawing on international case studies and a range of theoretical perspectives, leading scholars survey the impact of globalization on local education policy in developing countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antoni Verger; Mario Novelli; Hulya Kosar Altinyelken"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544575"], ["title", "Global Education Policy and International Development"], ["doab_id", "16302"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544575"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544575"]], [["description", "This book provides new ideas to tackle the current deficiencies in global rules and global governance for development for the post-2015 era."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jose Antonio Alonso; Jos\u00e9 Antonio Ocampo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472580740"], ["title", "Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era"], ["doab_id", "17452"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472580702"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472580702"]], [["description", "Human, animal and plant health is a field of work which offers opportunities for inter- and trans-disciplinary research. The whole topic bridges the natural and social sciences. Today, in a world of global environmental change it is widely recognized that human societies and their wellbeing depend on a sustainable equilibrium of ecosystem services and the possibility of cultural adaptation to global environmental change. The need to identify and quantify health risks related to global environmental change is now one of the most important challenges of humankind. Describing spatial (geographic, intra/inter-population) and temporal differences in health risks is an urgent task to understand societies\u2019 vulnerabilities and priorities for interventions better. The G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network (GIHN) is a research and teaching network in relation to this cross-cutting topic. The book provides a collection of articles which contribute to this issue of overriding importance and presents an overview of the GIHN launch event.

Human, animal and plant health is a field of work which offers opportunities for inter- and trans-disciplinary research. The whole topic bridges the natural and social sciences. Today, in a world of global environmental change it is widely recognized that human societies and their wellbeing depend on a sustainable equilibrium of ecosystem services and the possibility of cultural adaptation to global environmental change. The need to identify and quantify health risks related to global environmental change is now one of the most important challenges of humankind. Describing spatial (geographic, intra/inter-population) and temporal differences in health risks is an urgent task to understand societies\u2019 vulnerabilities and priorities for interventions better. The G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network (GIHN) is a research and teaching network in relation to this cross-cutting topic. The book provides a collection of articles which contribute to this issue of overriding importance and presents an overview of the GIHN launch event."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kappas, Martin; Gro\u00df, Uwe; Kelleher, Dermot"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Health", "Global Environmental Change", "Health Risks", "GIHN Goettingen International Health Network", "Health", "Global Environmental Change", "Health Risks", "GIHN Goettingen International Health Network"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610281"], ["title", "Global health - a challenge for interdisciplinary research"], ["doab_id", "15238"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950477"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950477"]], [["description", "This book provides a critical analysis of global health issues from both a theoretical and policy focused perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Coggon; Swati Gola"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544582"], ["title", "Global Health and International Community"], ["doab_id", "16286"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544582"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544582"]], [["description", "Aflatoxins are a group of polyketide mycotoxins that are produced mainly by members of the genus Aspergillus. Production of these toxic secondary metabolites is closely related to fungal development (Keller et al., 2005; Jamali et al., 2012). Contamination of food, feed and agricultural commodities by aflatoxins poses enormous economic and serious health concerns because these chemicals are highly carcinogenic and can directly influence the structure of DNA. The resulting genetic defects can lead to fetal misdevelopment and miscarriages; aflatoxins are also known to suppress immune systems (Razzaghi-Abyaneh et al., 2013). In a global context, aflatoxin contamination is a constant concern between the 35N and 35S latitude where developing countries are mainly situated. With expanding boundaries of developing countries, aflatoxin contamination has become a persistent problem to those emerging areas (Shams-Ghahfarokhi et al., 2013). The continuing threat by aflatoxin contamination of food, feed and agricultural commodities to the world population has made aflatoxin research one of the most exciting and rapidly developing study areas of microbial toxins. The present research topic includes six review articles, three mini reviews and four original research articles. Contributors highlight current global health issues arising from aflatoxins and aflatoxigenic fungi and cover important aspects of aflatoxin research including contamination of crops, epidemiology, molecular biology and management strategies. Special attention is given to fungus-plant host interactions, biodiversity and biocontrol, sexual recombination in aflatoxigenic aspergilli, potential biomarkers for aflatoxin exposure in humans and safe storage programs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mehdi Razzaghi Abyaneh; Perng Kuang Chang; Masoomeh Shams Ghahfarokhi; Mahendra Rai"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["aflatoxin", "Public Health", "Aspergillus flavus", "Genomics", "biological control", "genetic diversity", "MicroRNAs", "agricultural crops", "Fungus host interactions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1907/global-health-issues-of-aflatoxins-in-food-and-agriculture-challenges-and-opportunities"], ["title", "Global health issues of aflatoxins in food and agriculture: Challenges and opportunities"], ["doab_id", "18153"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195442"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195442"]], [["description", "Through studies of beheaded Irish traitors, smugglers hung in chains on the English coast, suicides subjected to the surgeon's knife in Dresden and the burial of executed Nazi war criminals, this volume provides a fresh perspective on the history of capital punishment. This book has two open access chapters under a CC BY license."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["traitors", "smugglers", "war criminals", "suicides", "capital punishment", "history", "execution"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=614607.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse"], ["doab_id", "18969"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137444011", "9781137443991"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137444011 9781137443991"]], [["description", "This book discusses the relation of South Asian migrants to their homeland, the reproduction of Indian culture abroad and the role of the Indian state in reconnecting migrants of India, focusing on the limits of the diaspora concept, rather than on its possibilities. From a comparative perspective, using examples from South Asian communities in Suriname, Mauritius, East Africa, the UK, Canada and the Netherlands, this collection presents new and controversial insights into the concept of diaspora, raising the question about the limits of its effectiveness as an intellectual concept.

Global Indian Diasporas is een kritische reflectie op het concept 'diaspora' in het algemeen, en die van de Indiase diaspora in het bijzonder. Vanuit een vergelijkend en empirisch perspectief lichten de auteurs de overeenkomsten en de verschillen toe in de manier waarop Indiase migranten zich in de loop der tijd aanpassen (of niet) aan hun nieuwe omgevingen. Soms wordt hun aandacht voor de sociaal economische band met hun moederland benadrukt, terwijl andere voorbeelden laten zien dat de nadruk ligt op hun nieuwe land. De voorbeelden vari\u00ebren van Indiase migranten in Nederland, Groot Brittanni\u00eb, Oost-Afrika, Mauritius en Suriname. Hierdoor ontstaan verschillende vragen over het nut van het hedendaagse diaspora-concept. Ook al verschillen de auteurs van mening over vele aspecten, ze zijn het erover eens dat de Indiase diaspora niet als een eenvoudig, a-historisch en statisch concept kan worden gezien."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oonk ,Gijsbert"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340114"], ["title", "Global Indian Diasporas : Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory"], ["doab_id", "12822"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053560358"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053560358"]], [["description", "Global Indigeneities and the Environment\u2014covering fields from American Indian Studies, anthropology, communications, ethnoecology, ethnomusicology, geography, global studies, history, and literature, the purpose of the Special Issue is to give new understandings of the concept of global indigeneities and to showcase some of the most promising work in the field to date."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cultivation practices, plant renewal, environmental justice, global environmentalism, memory trees, indigenous ecotourism, ecopoetry, ethnomusicology, knowledge situatedness, extreme extraction, ecocriticism"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/223"], ["title", "Global Indigeneities and the Environment"], ["doab_id", "19623"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422402", "9783038422419"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422402/9783038422419"]], [["description", "This book presents international librarianship and library science through insightful and well written chapters contributed by experts and scholars from six regions of the world. The role of public, academic, special, school libraries, as well as library and information science education are presented from the early development to the present time. Its lively, readable approach will help the reader to understand librarianship in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and North America.Edited by Ismail Abdullahi, Professor of Global Library and Information Science, this book is a must-read by library science students and teachers, librarians, and anyone interested in Global Librarianship.; Ismail Abdullahi, North Carolina University, School of Library and Information Science, USA."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Abdullahi, Ismail"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441349&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Global Library and Information Science. A Textbook for Students and Educators. With Contributions from Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and the Carribean, the Middle East, and North America"], ["doab_id", "15130"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441349"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441349"]], [["description", "This book investigates the integration of media and sport over the last century. At a time when the stability of the Western media sport order is under challenge, it analyzes a range of key structures, practices and issues, whose ramifications extend far beyond the fields of play and national contexts in which sport events take place."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Rowe"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849661577"], ["title", "Global Media Sport"], ["doab_id", "14386"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849661577"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849661577"]], [["description", "This book deals with the relevance of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning education and training, the workplace and society. In an increasing number of countries, it is at the top of the policy and research agenda ranking among the possible ways to redress the glaring lack of relevant academic and vocational qualifications and to promote the development of competences and certification procedures which recognise different types of learning, including formal, non-formal and informal learning. The aim of the book is therefore to present and share experience, expertise and lessons in such a way that enables its effective and immediate use across the full spectrum of country contexts, whether in the developing or developed world. It examines the importance of meeting institutional and political requirements that give genuine value to the recognition of non-formal and informal learning; it shows why recognition is important and clarifies its usefulness and the role it serves in education, working life and voluntary work; it emphasises the importance of the coordination, interests, motivations, trust and acceptance by all stakeholders. The volume is also premised on an understanding of a learning society, in which all social and cultural groups, irrespective of gender, race, social class, ethnicity, mental health difficulties are entitled to quality learning throughout their lives. Overall the thrust is to see the importance of recognising non-formal and informal learning as part of the larger movement for re-directing education and training for change. This change is one that builds on an equitable society and economy and on sustainable development principles and values such as respect for others, respect for difference and diversity, exploration and dialogue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Madhu Singh"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["professional", " vocational", " lifelong learning", " adult education"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-15278-3"], ["title", "Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning: Why Recognition Matters"], ["doab_id", "18950"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319152776", "9783319152783"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319152776 (Print) 9783319152783 (Online)"]], [["description", "Until very recently, most grape-based wine was consumed close to where it was produced, and mostly that was in Europe. Barely one-tenth of the world\u2019s wine production was exported prior to the 1970s, even counting intra-European trade. The latest wave of globalization has changed that forever. Now more than one-third of all wine consumed globally is produced in another country, and Europe\u2019s dominance of global wine trade has been greatly diminished by the surge of exports from \u2018New World\u2019 producers. New consumers also have come onto the scene as incomes have grown, eating habits have changed and tastes have broadened. Asia in particular is emerging as a new and rapidly growing wine market \u2013 and in China that is stimulating the development of local, modern production capability that, in volume terms, already rivals that of Argentina, Australia and South Africa. This latest edition of global wine statistics therefore not only updates data to 2009 and revises past data, but also expands on earlier editions in a number of ways. For example, we now separately identify an extra eight Asian countries or customs areas (Hong Kong, India, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand) in addition to China and Japan. We also include more than 50 new tables to cover such items as excise and import taxes, per capita expenditure on wine, the share of domestic sales in off-trade, the shares of the largest firms in national markets and globally, and the most powerful wine brands globally. Given the growing interest in the health aspects of alcohol consumption, we now express it per adult as well as per capita. Perhaps the most significant addition to this latest version is a new section that provides estimates of the volume, value and hence unit value of wine production, consumption, exports and imports for four catagories: sparkling wines, and non-premium, commercial-premium and super-premium still wines."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anderson ,Kym; Nelgen ,Signe"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Global wine markets 1961 to 2009", "statistical compendium", "Kym Anderson", "Signe Nelgen", "Wine and wine making", "Statistics", "Wine industry", "Globalisation", "Economic aspects", "New world wine", "global wine trade", "Australian market", "South American market", "American market", "Asian market", "European market", "global wine statistics", "excise", "import tax", "domestic sales", "overseas sales", "per capita expenditure", "national markets", "wine brand", "wine brands", "unit value of wine production", "wine consumption", "exports", "imports", "non-premium wine", "commercial-premium wine", "super-premium wine"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560123"], ["title", "Global Wine Markets, 1961 to 2009: A statistical compendium"], ["doab_id", "14782"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780987073013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780987073013"]], [["description", "not yet available

Die Auseinandersetzung mit ‚Globalen Handlungsfeldern’ z\u00e4hlt zu den wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Kernaufgaben des Zentrums f\u00fcr Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft. F\u00fcr den vorliegenden Band wurden aus der komplexen Themenf\u00fclle Schwerpunkte gew\u00e4hlt: die Globalisierung der Medien, politische Konflikte und Menschenrechtsfragen, soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Vernetzungsm\u00f6glichkeiten, Fragen der gesellschaftspolitischen und kulturellen Verantwortung in Zeiten der \u00f6konomischen Knappheit sowie die Internationalisierung der Hochschulen als Tr\u00e4ger internationaler Verst\u00e4ndigung und Chance des Kompetenzgewinns."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y.; Mielke ,Christine"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "globalization", "human rights", "applied cultural studies", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Globalisierung", "Menschenrechte", "Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422331"], ["title", "Globale Handlungsfelder. Medien - Politik - Bildung"], ["doab_id", "15094"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866440678"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3866440677"]], [["description", "Die protestantische Missionsbewegung war von einer ganzen Reihe von Initiativen, Veranstaltungen, Vereinen und Publikationen getragen. Missionsvereine, N\u00e4hkr\u00e4nzchen, Missionsstunden, Missionsbl\u00e4tter und nicht zuletzt zahllose Missionsfeste, auf denen h\u00e4ufig ein Missionar \u00fcber seine Erfahrungen aus dem Missionsgebiet berichtete, trugen dazu bei, die Anliegen der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission bis in die letzten Winkel der l\u00e4ndlichen Gesellschaft hinein bekannt zu machen. Dennoch liegen \u00fcber diese Seite der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission bisher kaum Forschungsarbeiten vor. Das vorliegende Buch greift dieses Desiderat auf und versucht beispielhaft an der Region um G\u00f6ttingen in einer Verbindung diskursanalytischer und mikrohistorischer Ans\u00e4tze zu rekonstruieren, wie sich die Unterst\u00fctzung der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission genau gestaltete und welche Akteurinnen und Akteure sich f\u00fcr Mission interessierten und wie engagierten. Dabei steht die Frage im Vordergrund, welche Bedeutung diesen Initiativen in einer Verflechtungsgeschichte um 1900 als Transmissionsriemen f\u00fcr die Produktion von Bildern aus dem Au\u00dfereurop\u00e4ischen zukam. In der Unterst\u00fctzung der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission, so soll gezeigt werden, verbanden sich lokale Identit\u00e4tsdiskurse und religi\u00f6se Deutungsangebote, die \u00bbdas Globale\u00ab im Lokalen strukturierten.

Die protestantische Missionsbewegung war von einer ganzen Reihe von Initiativen, Veranstaltungen, Vereinen und Publikationen getragen. Missionsvereine, N\u00e4hkr\u00e4nzchen, Missionsstunden, Missionsbl\u00e4tter und nicht zuletzt zahllose Missionsfeste, auf denen h\u00e4ufig ein Missionar \u00fcber seine Erfahrungen aus dem Missionsgebiet berichtete, trugen dazu bei, die Anliegen der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission bis in die letzten Winkel der l\u00e4ndlichen Gesellschaft hinein bekannt zu machen. Dennoch liegen \u00fcber diese Seite der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission bisher kaum Forschungsarbeiten vor. Das vorliegende Buch greift dieses Desiderat auf und versucht beispielhaft an der Region um G\u00f6ttingen in einer Verbindung diskursanalytischer und mikrohistorischer Ans\u00e4tze zu rekonstruieren, wie sich die Unterst\u00fctzung der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission genau gestaltete und welche Akteurinnen und Akteure sich f\u00fcr Mission interessierten und wie engagierten. Dabei steht die Frage im Vordergrund, welche Bedeutung diesen Initiativen in einer Verflechtungsgeschichte um 1900 als Transmissionsriemen f\u00fcr die Produktion von Bildern aus dem Au\u00dfereurop\u00e4ischen zukam. In der Unterst\u00fctzung der \u00c4u\u00dferen Mission, so soll gezeigt werden, verbanden sich lokale Identit\u00e4tsdiskurse und religi\u00f6se Deutungsangebote, die \u00bbdas Globale\u00ab im Lokalen strukturierten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetjen, Karolin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Mission", "Missionary Movement", "G\u00f6ttingen Region", "Mission", "Missionary Movement", "G\u00f6ttingen Region"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610275"], ["title", "Das Globale im Lokalen - die Unterst\u00fctzung der \u00e4u\u00dferen Mission im l\u00e4ndlichen lutherischen Protestantismus um 1900"], ["doab_id", "15420"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951184"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951184"]], [["description", "This empirical study examines issues surrounding the integration of immigrants in Greece, in particular in Thessaloniki, as well as looking at migrants in neighbouring countries, Albania and Bulgaria. The book suggests that immigrants' integration should be understood in relation to broader processes of social change, which are increasingly connected to global forces. The transformation of Greece into a multicultural society has taken place during a period of transition and of increasing exposure to the international environment. Within this context, Thessaloniki has become a new home for immigrants from the Balkans in search of new identities. Integration is seen as a multifaceted and dynamic process. The concept of incorporation is critically introduced, in order to analyse both the ways by which migrants organise their lives in the host society and their structural, institutional and cultural conditions. The analytical framework is built upon an interdisciplinary approach that takes into account different incorporation contexts: socio-political responses, the labour market, housing and social space. A number of additional factors are also considered, e.g. the composition of migrant populations, migratory patterns and dynamics, the role of social networks, immigrants' strategies. The book provides an empirical account of the immigrants' characteristics, explaining the patterns and typologies of immigrants' integration in Greece. \"Immigrants\" become a social category \"constructed\" by exclusionary mechanisms: restrictive immigration policy, labour market exploitation, xenophobia. However, they do make a living in Thessaloniki; their integration is subject to time. gradually, immigrants become organic elements of the host society, which shapes, but is also being shaped by migration."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hatziprokopiou ,Panos Arion"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Sociology", "Culture and instituten", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340157"], ["title", "Globalisation, Migration and Socio-Economic Change in Contemporary Greece : Processes of Social Incorporation of Balkan Immigrants in Thessaloniki"], ["doab_id", "12854"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568736"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568736"]], [["description", "Heinrich Leopold\u00b4s study of the relationship between globalisation and integral thinking forges a link between Jean Gebser\u00b4s structural model of intellectual thought and current arenas of globalisation. It takes a carefully chosen approach to analysing various forms of globalisation from the point of view of social and individual consicousness. Jean Gebser\u00b4s philosophy, which owes much to a world view informed by far eastern philosophy, describes the history of human pereption in terms of a sequence of qualitatively different structures and demonstrates the emergence of a new structure of perception, which he describes as integral. This approach enables Heinrich Leopold to take into account the relevant in-depth analyses of globalisation while at the same time highlightning the divergent attitudes of those who welcome it as well as of those who condemn it, and offering of both. Irrespective of the extent to which globalisation has taken hold and no matter how much the western world have benefited from its undeniable technical, economic and communicative advantages, it is nevertheless a phenomenon tinged with the prospect of unpredictable danger and impending catastrophe. Globalisation is often seen as a powerful means of dividing the world into rich and poor. At present, we lack necessary perceptual tools by which to grasp the fundamental impact of globalisation on our way of life - let alone the tools by which to deal with it.This study goes one step further in that, very much in the spirit of Gebser\u00b4s concept of integration, it tracks down new approaches within emerging developments and defines them more precisely in terms of human perception, by way of selected examples. In other words, the study examines the applicability and usefulness of Jean Gebser\u00b4s structural models. The result is a firm basis on which to build a deeper understanding of the overall phenomenon of globalisation. This understanding can give rise to a new political mode of action that overcomes the prevailing sense of impotence and helplessness.Heinrich Leopold\u00b4s treatise is based on the notion that Kant\u00b4s ideal of eternal peace and Aurobindo\u00b4s concept of human unity have to be reassessed and redefined in this age of globalisation. In this context, Jean Gebser\u00b4s structural model and his descriptions of the integral provide an opportunity for us, in our time, to undertake a sober appraisal of the circumstances while at the same time gainging new insights into the discourse on globalisation.

Heinrich Leopolds Untersuchung \u00fcber das Verh\u00e4ltnis von \"Globalisierung\" und \"integralem Denken\" stellt eine Verbindung zwischen dem geistigen Strukturmodell Jean Gebsers und aktuellen Schaupl\u00e4tzen der Globalisierung dar. Sie besch\u00e4ftigt sich in ausgew\u00e4hlten Analysen mit den unterschiedlichen Erscheinungsformen der Globalisierung unter dem Aspekt gesellschaftlichen und individuellen Bewu\u00dftseins. In der Philosophie Jean Gebsers, dessen Denken sich einer fern\u00f6stlich vertieften Weltsicht verdankt, wird die Geschichte des menschlichen Bewu\u00dftseins als Abfolge qualitativ verschiedenartiger Strukturen beschrieben und der Nachweis erbracht, da\u00df eine neue, von ihm als \"integral\" bezeichnete Bewu\u00dftseinsstruktur im Entstehen ist. Diese Betrachtungsweise erm\u00f6glicht es Heinrich Leopold relevante, umfassende Analysen der Globalisierung ebenso wie die Auffassungen von Bef\u00fcrwortern und Gegnern in ihrer Bedeutung zu w\u00fcrdigen, aber auch ihre Defizite aufzuzeigen.Unabh\u00e4ngig davon, da\u00df die Globalisierung weit fortgeschritten ist und die westlichen L\u00e4nder von ihren unbestrittenen technischen, \u00f6konomischen und kommunikativen Vorteilen Gebrauch machen, haftet dem Ph\u00e4nomen das Odium unvorhersehbarer Gefahren und Katastrophen an. Es erscheint \u00fcberdies vielfach als Versuch einer machtvollen Abschottung der reichen Welt von der armen. Das menschliche Bewu\u00dftsein verf\u00fcgt zur Zeit \u00fcber kein ausreichendes Instrumentarium, um die von den Auswirkungen der Globalisierung gepr\u00e4gten Lebensbedingungen grundlegend verstehen zu k\u00f6nnen, geschweige denn sich ihnen gewachsen zu f\u00fchlen.Die Untersuchung geht aber noch einen Schritt weiter, indem sie, gem\u00e4\u00df Gebsers Verst\u00e4ndnis von Integration, neue Ans\u00e4tze in den sich abzeichnenden Entwicklungen aufsp\u00fcrt und diese an ausgew\u00e4hlten Beispielen bewu\u00dftseinsbezogen genauer bestimmt, d. h. die Anwendbarkeit und Nutzung des von Jean Gebser entwickelten Strukturmodells vorzunehmen. Dadurch wird eine sichere Basis gewonnen, um das Gesamtph\u00e4nomen der Globalisierung fundierter zu verstehen. Aus diesem Verst\u00e4ndnis kann ein neues politisches Handeln erwachsen, welche das Gef\u00fchl der Ohnmach blo\u00dfen Ausgeliefertseins \u00fcberwindet.Heinrich Leopolds Schrift geht von der \u00dcberlegung aus, da\u00df das Ideal des \"ewigen Friedens\" bei Immanuel Kant, die Idee Aurobindos von der \"geeinten Menschheit\" in Zeiten einer global gesteuerten Welt \u00fcberpr\u00fcft und neu gefasst werden m\u00fcssen. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt das von Jean Gebser entwickelte Strukturmodell und seine Beschreibungen des \"Integrats\" eine zeitgen\u00f6ssische M\u00f6glichkeit dar, eine n\u00fcchterne Pr\u00fcfung der Gegebenheiten vorzunehmen und zugleich einen gesch\u00e4rften Blick f\u00fcr denkbare L\u00f6sungen und neue Gesichtspunkte in der Globalisierungsdiskussion zu gewinnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Leopold ,Heinrich"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["The phenomenon of Globalisation, The idea of integral thinking, Jean Gebser\u00b4s philosophy of integration, Applicability and usefulness of J.Gebser, New approaches within emergin developmen, Gebsers philosophy of integration"]], ["publisher", "Novalis Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437171"], ["title", "Globalisierung und Integrales Bewusstsein"], ["doab_id", "15296"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783907260456"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783907260456"]], [["description", "The countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States have opened up their economies to the world economy as a step towards a profound transformation from plan to market. Some have fully integrated into the European market while others have not. This book focuses on the challenges economies face when in transition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rob Vos; Malinka Koparanova"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665742"], ["title", "Globalization and Economic Diversification"], ["doab_id", "14383"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665742"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665742"]], [["description", "Globalisation has adversely affected working-class organisation and mobilisation; but international labour movement demobilisation is not necessarily an irreversible trend. Globalisation has prompted workers and their organisations to find new ways to mobilise. This book examines international labour movement opposition to globalisation. It chronicles and critically scrutinizes the emergence of distinctively new forms of labour movement organisation and mobilisation that constitute creative initiatives on the part of labour, which present capitalism with fresh challenges. The author identifies eight characteristics of globalisation that have proven problematic to workers and their organisations and describes and analyses how they have responded to these challenges since 1990 and especially in the past decade. In particular, it focuses attention on new types of labour movement organisation and mobilisation that are not simply defensive reactions but are offensive and innovative responses that compel corporations to behave more responsively and responsibly towards employees and society at large. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of globalisation, political economy, labour politics, economics, Marxism and sociology of work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burgmann ,Verity"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Labor and globalization", "Labor movement", "Labor unions and international relations", "Politics", "Economics"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611257"], ["title", "Globalization and Labour in the Twenty-First Century"], ["doab_id", "19254"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415528535", "9781315624044"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415528535 9781315624044"]], [["description", "This exciting book provides an illuminating account of contemporary globalization that is grounded in actual transformations in the areas of production and the workplace. It reveals the social and political contests that give 'global' its meaning, by examining the contested nature of globalization as it is expressed in the restructuring of work. Rejecting conventional explanations of globalization as a process that automatically leads to transformations in working lives, or as a project that is strategically designed to bring about lean and flexible forms of production, this book advances an understanding of the social practices that constitute global change. Through case studies that span from the labour flexibility debates in Britain and Germany, to the strategies and tactics of corporations and workers, the author examines how globalization is interpreted and experienced in everyday life. Contestation, she argues, is about more than just direct protests and resistances. It has become a central feature of the practices that enable or confound global restructuring. This book offers students and scholars of international political economy, sociology and industrial relations an innovative framework for the analysis of globalisation and the restructuring of work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Amoore ,Louise"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["globalization", "economics", "politics", "europe"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341340"], ["title", "Globalization contested: An international political economy of work"], ["doab_id", "12665"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060960"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060960"]], [["description", "This book uses boxing as a vehicle for exploring social, cultural and political change in a global context."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kath Woodward"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849667982"], ["title", "Globalizing Boxing"], ["doab_id", "16296"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849667982"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849667982"]], [["description", "Globalizing Cricket examines the global role of the sport -- how it developed and spread around the world, and its role in structuring contemporary identities among and between the English, the British and postcolonial communities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominic Malcolm"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665605"], ["title", "Globalizing Cricket"], ["doab_id", "15448"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665605"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665605"]], [["description", "Glycolysis, the pathway of enzymatic reactions responsible for the breakdown of glucose into two trioses and further into pyruvate or lactate, was elucidated in 1940. For more than seven decades, it has been taught precisely the way its sequence was proposed by Embden, Meyerhof and Parnas. Accordingly, two outcomes of this pathway were proposed, an aerobic glycolysis, with pyruvate as its final product, and an anaerobic glycolysis, identical to the aerobic one, except for an additional reaction, where pyruvate is reduced to lactate. Several studies in the 1980s have shown that both muscle and brain tissues can oxidize and utilize lactate as an energy substrate, challenging this monocarboxylate\u2019s reputation as a useless end-product of anaerobic glycolysis. These findings were met with great skepticism about the idea that lactate could be playing a role in bioenergetics. In the past quarter of a century monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) were identified and localized in both cellular and mitochondrial membranes. A lactate receptor has been identified. Direct and indirect evidence now indicate that the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) resides not only in the cytosol, as part of the glycolytic pathway machinery, but also in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The mitochondrial form of the enzyme oxidizes lactate to pyruvate and concomitantly produces the reducing agent NADH. These findings have shed light on a major drawback of the originally proposed aerobic version of the glycolytic pathway i.e., its inability to regenerate NAD+, as opposed to anaerobic glycolysis that features the cyclical ability of regenerating NAD+ upon pyruvate reduction to lactate by the cytosolic form of LDH. The malate-aspartate shuttle (MAS), a major redox shuttle in the brain, was proposed as an alternative pathway for NAD+ generation for aerobic glycolysis. Nonetheless, would MAS really be necessary for that function if glycolysis always proceeds to the end-products, lactate and NAD+? An additional dilemma the originally proposed aerobic glycolysis presents has to do with the glycolytic pathway of erythrocytes, which despite its highly aerobic environment, always produces lactate as its end-product. It is time to reexamine the original, dogmatic separation of glycolysis into two distinct pathways and put to test the hypothesis of a unified, singular pathway, the end-product of which is lactate, the real substrate of the mitochondrial TCA cycle."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Avital Schurr; Evelyne Gozal"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Energy Metabolism", "Glycolysis", "Lactate", "Lactate dehydrogenase", "Cancer", "Traumatic Brain Injury", "pyruvate", "monocarboxylate tansporters", "lactate receptor", "signaling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2499/glycolysis-at-75-is-it-time-to-tweak-the-first-elucidated-metabolic-pathway-in-history"], ["title", "Glycolysis at 75: Is it time to tweak the first elucidated metabolic pathway in history?"], ["doab_id", "18696"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195862"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195862"]], [["description", "Go Southwest, Old Man, a sort of personal remake of 'Go West, Young Man', the founding episteme of the American nineteenth century, conciliates these two souls (well, not to be pretentious, let's simply say two sides) that have actually always lived in harmony. This is a book generated by a quarter of a century spent wandering around the canyons and deserts of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and, above all New Mexico, with a view to penetrating the by now universal legend of the West, approaching the cultures (English, Hispanic and native American), and mastering the literature. The slant is composite: melding the scholarly with the informative and the travel journal, and the writing is composite too, because the book speaks English and Italian. It talks about cinema (lots of John Ford) and about detective stories, the most popular genre here, about visual arts and Latino folklore, about the legend of the West, the so-called 'Soul of the Southwest', and the kitsch style of Santa Fe. And it talks about (and with) some of the greatest writers that the Southwest has spawned: Rudolfo Anaya, Stanley Crawford, John Nichols and Hillerman. So what we have is a first-hand experience of the Southwest; where the ego is not entrenched within a precise disciplinary role but opens up \u2013 and exposes itself \u2013 to the thrilling risk of the discovery that can renew it.

Go Southwest, Old Man, sorta di remake personale di 'Go West, Young Man', l'episteme fondante dell'Ottocento americano, concilia queste due anime (parola grossa: diciamo, queste due facce) che poi hanno sempre vissuto bene insieme. \u00c8 un libro che nasce da un quarto di secolo passato a girare per i canyon e i deserti di Arizona, Colorado, Utah, e soprattutto New Mexico: per entrare nella mitologia ormai universale del West, avvicinarmi a quelle culture (la anglo, l'ispanica, quelle nativo americane), e far propria quella letteratura. Il taglio \u00e8 composito: accademico, divulgativo, da libro di viaggio; e composita la scrittura, perch\u00e9 il libro parla in inglese e in italiano. Parla di cinema (molto John Ford) e di giallistica, il genere qui pi\u00f9 frequentato; di arti visive, di folklore latino, del mito del West, della cosiddetta 'Soul of the Southwest', del kitsch stile Santa Fe. E parla di (e con) alcuni dei maggiori scrittori del Southwest: Rudolfo Anaya, Stanley Crawford, John Nichols, Hillerman. Dunque un Southwest vissuto in prima persona: dove l'io non si trincera in un preciso ruolo disciplinare ma si apre \u2013 si espone \u2013 al rischio inebriante della scoperta che lo rinnova."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Materassi, Mario"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Literature", "United States of America", "Journey", "Letteratura", "Stati Uniti d'America", "Viaggio"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341478"], ["title", "Go Southwest, Old Man"], ["doab_id", "12640"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788864530086"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788864530086"]], [["description", "The human population's annual total consumption is not sustainable by one planet. This unprecedented situation calls for a reform of religious cultures that promote a large ideal family size. Many observers assume that Christianity is inevitably part of this problem because it promotes \"family values\" and statistically, in America and elsewhere, has a higher birthrate than nonreligious people. This book explores diverse ideas about human reproduction in the church past and present. It investigates an extreme fringe of U.S. Protestantism, including the Quiverfull movement, that use Old Testament \"fruitful\" verses to support natalist ideas explicitly promoting higher fecundity. It also challenges the claim by some natalists that Martin Luther in the 16th century advocated similar ideas. This book argues that natalism is inappropriate as a Christian application of Scripture, especially since rich populations' total footprints are detrimental to biodiversity and to human welfare. It explores the ancient cultural context of the Bible verses quoted by natalists. Challenging the assumption that religion normally promotes fecundity, the book finds surprising exceptions among early Christians (with a special focus on Saint Augustine) since they advocated spiritual fecundity in preference to biological fecundity. Finally the book uses a hermeneutic lens derived from Genesis 1, and prioritising the modern problem of biodiversity, to provide ecological interpretations of the Bible's \"fruitful\" verses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McKeown, John (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Christianlity", "Natalism", "family", "fecundity", "Bible", "ecology", "biodiversity"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/263"], ["title", "God's Babies: Natalism and Bible Interpretation in Modern America"], ["doab_id", "16608"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740536", "9781783740543"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740536 9781783740543"]], [["description", "An important new resource for WPA preparation courses. In Going Public, Rose and Weiser moderate a discussion of the role of the writing program vis-a-vis the engagement movement, the service learning movement, and the current interest in public discourse/civic rhetoric among scholars of rhetoric and composition. While there have been a number of publications describing service-learning and community leadership programs, most of these focus on curricular elements and address administrative issues primarily from a curricular perspective. The emphasis of Going Public is on the ways that engagement-focused programs change conceptions of WPA identity. Writing programs are typically situated at points where students make the transition from community to college or from college to community, and are already dedicated to developing literacies that are critically needed in communities. As institutions begin to include more explicit engagement with citizen and stakeholder groups as an element of their mission, writing program administrators find themselves with an opportunity to articulate ways in which writing program goals and purposes can significantly contribute to achieving these new institutional goals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rose, Shirley K.; Weiser, Irwin"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/28"], ["title", "Going Public: What Writing Programs Learn from Engagement"], ["doab_id", "14691"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217698"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217698"]], [["description", "The Golgi apparatus is a central organelle that lies at the heart of the secretory pathway. It ensures post-translational protein modifications such as glycosylation and cleavage as well as protein sorting to neuronal axons and dendrites. Structural and functional alterations of the Golgi apparatus (fragmentation and atrophy), which are collectively termed Golgi pathology, are now recognized as a constant feature of many neuro-degenerative diseases. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes and their precise relevance to neurodegeneration have not yet been completely elucidated. This eBook contains 13 reviews that address the molecular mechanisms of Golgi pathology in Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophies, and discuss their potential relevance to the pathological loss of neuronal cell bodies, axons and synapses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Catherine Rabouille; Georg Haase"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Golgi fragmentation", "Neurodegenerative Diseases", "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis", "Intracellular membrane traffic", "Microtubules", "molecular motors", "vesicles", "Tethers", "signaling", "Cell Death"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3815/golgi-pathology-in-neurodegenerative-diseases"], ["title", "Golgi Pathology in Neurodegenerative Diseases"], ["doab_id", "18877"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197576"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197576"]], [["description", "Immune privilege was once thought to be the property of a few select sites that include the eye, brain, testis, pregnant uterus and (of all things) the hamster cheek pouch, and was believed to be mainly based on sequestration behind blood-tissue barriers. This view has changed. Immune privilege is now considered to constitute a more general phenomenon through which tissues are able to actively direct and control immune responses taking place in their \u201cterritory\u201d to preserve their structural and functional integrity in the face of inflammatory processes. These positive aspects of immune privilege can be hijacked by tumors to their survival advantage and to the detriment of the host. This Research Topic dissects the beneficial and deleterious consequences of immune privilege in terms of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that various tissues and tumors use, each in its own fashion, to regulate immune processes that affect them, at the local and the systemic level."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rachel R Caspi; Joan Stein-Streilein"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Immune Privilege", "tolerance", "immune suppression", "Eye", "regulatory cells"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/377/good-news---bad-news-the-two-faces-of-immune-privilege"], ["title", "Good News - Bad News: The Two Faces of Immune Privilege"], ["doab_id", "18663"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193318"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193318"]], [["description", "Amer-European settlement of the Great Plains transformed bountiful Native soil into pasture and cropland, distorting the prairie ecosystem as it was understood and used by the peoples who originally populated the land. Settlers justified this transformation with the unexamined premise of deficiency, according to which the Great Plains region was inadequate in flora and fauna and the region lacking in modern civilization. Drawing on history, sociology, art, and economic theory, Frances W. Kaye counters the argument of deficiency, pointing out that, in its original ecological state, no region can possibly be incomplete. Goodlands examines the settlers' misguided theory, discussing the ideas that shaped its implementation, the forces that resisted it, and Indigenous ideologies about what it meant to make good use of the land. By suggesting methods for redeveloping the Great Plains that are founded on native cultural values, Goodlands serves the region in the context of a changing globe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frances W. Kaye"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["prairie", "ecosystem", "ecology"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120192"], ["title", "Goodlands: A Meditation and History on the Great Plains"], ["doab_id", "14438"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425985", "9781897425992", "9781926836416"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425985 9781897425992 9781926836416"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lera Knox; Margaret Knox Morgan (Ed.); Carol Knox Ball (Ed.)"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Lera Knox, 1896", " Women journalists--Middle Tennessee--20th century--Biography", " Farmers' spouses--Middle Tennessee--History--20th century--Biography"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "Goodness Gracious, Miss Agnes: Patchwork of Country Living"], ["doab_id", "16902"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729201", "9780979729201"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729203; 9780979729201"]], [["description", "Die Stadt G\u00f6ttingen beherbergt viele und wichtige mittelalterliche Kirchen. Das Panorama der Baugeschichten, der Nutzungen und der Formenvielfalt reicht vom 13. zum 16. Jahrhundert und sogar bis in die Gegenwart, da die Kirchen auch sp\u00e4ter immer wieder ver\u00e4ndert worden sind. Die Kirchenbauten sind das sichtbarste Zeugnis einer l\u00e4ngst vergangenen Epoche. Das Buch hebt diesen Schatz und nimmt den Leser auf eine Zeitreise mit, bei der die sechs erhaltenen Kirchen in bisher nie dagewesener Weise ausf\u00fchrlich untersucht werden.

Die Stadt G\u00f6ttingen beherbergt viele und wichtige mittelalterliche Kirchen. Das Panorama der Baugeschichten, der Nutzungen und der Formenvielfalt reicht vom 13. zum 16. Jahrhundert und sogar bis in die Gegenwart, da die Kirchen auch sp\u00e4ter immer wieder ver\u00e4ndert worden sind. Die Kirchenbauten sind das sichtbarste Zeugnis einer l\u00e4ngst vergangenen Epoche. Das Buch hebt diesen Schatz und nimmt den Leser auf eine Zeitreise mit, bei der die sechs erhaltenen Kirchen in bisher nie dagewesener Weise ausf\u00fchrlich untersucht werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Reiche, Jens; Scholl, Christian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["G\u00f6ttingen", "church building", "medieval architecture", "G\u00f6ttingen", "church building", "medieval architecture"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610377"], ["title", "G\u00f6ttinger Kirchen des Mittelalters"], ["doab_id", "19181"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951924"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951924"]], [["description", "\"Many efforts have been undertaken to address dysfunctional security sector governance in West Africa. However, security sector reform (SSR) has fallen short of radical \u2013 transformational \u2013 change to the fundamental structures of power and governance in the region. Looking more closely at specific examples of SSR in six West African countries, Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance explores both progress and reversals in efforts by national stakeholders and their international partners to positively influence security sector governance dynamics. Written by eminent national experts based on their personal experiences of these reform contexts, this study offers new insights and practical lessons that should inform processes to improve democratic security sector governance in West Africa and beyond.This book is written in French:De nombreux efforts ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9ploy\u00e9s afin d\u2019am\u00e9liorer la gestion d\u00e9faillante du secteur de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 en Afrique de l\u2019Ouest. Mais il ne suffit pas d\u2019instaurer une r\u00e9forme du secteur de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 (RSS) pour changer de mani\u00e8re radicale, voire transformationnelle, la structure fondamentale du pouvoir et de la gouvernance dans la r\u00e9gion. \u00c0 partir de plusieurs exemples de RSS dans six des pays ouest-africains, l\u2019ouvrage Gouvernance du secteur de la S\u00e9curit\u00e9 : Le\u00e7ons des exp\u00e9riences ouest-africaines examine non seulement les progr\u00e8s accomplis par des acteurs nationaux et leurs partenaires internationaux en vue de renforcer la dynamique de la gouvernance du secteur de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9, mais aussi les revers. R\u00e9dig\u00e9e par d\u2019\u00e9minents experts nationaux, auteurs ayant puis\u00e9 dans leur exp\u00e9rience personnelle de ces contextes de r\u00e9forme, l\u2019\u00e9tude livre des enseignements novateurs et pragmatiques visant \u00e0 faciliter la mise en oeuvre d\u2019une gouvernance d\u00e9mocratique du secteur de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 en Afrique de l\u2019Ouest et au-del\u00e0.An English translation of this book can be viewed, for free, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bau\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bryden ,Alan; Chappuis ,Fairlie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Security sector reform", "Security sector governance", "Democracy", "West Africa", "Domestic security", "Development"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588817"], ["title", "Gouvernance du secteur de la S\u00e9curit\u00e9: Le\u00e7ons des exp\u00e9riences ouest-africaines"], ["doab_id", "18092"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781909188716", "9781909188723", "9781909188730", "9781909188747"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188716 9781909188723 9781909188730 9781909188747"]], [["description", "This book presents the findings of a team of scientists and practitioners who have been working on the project \u201cBenefits of Governance in Drought Adaptation\u201d (in short: the DROP project), which is included in the European Union\u2019s INTERREG IVB NWE programme. The DROP governance team developed a Governance Assessment Tool (GAT), which allows the governance setting of a given region for planning and realizing drought adaptation measures to be assessed. Based on this assessment, recommendations can be developed for regional water authorities concerning how to operate most effectively towards increased drought resilience in this context. The GAT has been applied to six regions in Northwest Europe: Twente and Salland in the Netherlands, Eifel-Ruhr in Germany, Brittany in France, Somerset in the United Kingdom, and Flanders in Belgium. These regions are subject to drought aspects related to nature, agriculture and freshwater. This book will aid regional water authorities and other relevant stakeholders interested in governance assessment, whether that context is about water, more specifically about drought or flooding events, or other environmental issues. Further, the GAT can and has also been applied more broadly to a range of governance contexts for water management and beyond."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hans Bressers; Nanny Bressers; Corinne Larrue"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["climate change", " water policy", " water management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-29671-5"], ["title", "Governance for Drought Resilience: Land and Water Drought Management in Europe"], ["doab_id", "19069"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319296692", "9783319296715"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319296692 (Print) 9783319296715 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book is a first exploratory inquiry into possible educational selectivity effects of the European Social Fund (ESF). It assesses the extent of the gap between the social policy objectives set through regulatory competences in multi-level governance and the structure of incentives it breeds in practice, with a broad range of implications for the capacity of the government to control for an equitable distribution of services at the community level. The chapters emphasize the educational selectivity involved in national policy decisions concerning ESF implementation in the five countries, the role of informal mechanisms in fine-tuning implementation, the negative effects of formalization and failures in accommodating the complexity of goals which characterizes the ESF, as well as the overall fairness of ESF implementation towards the most disadvantaged groups in society. The empirical analysis suggests that social-service delivery contracting as an instrument of governance is no longer regulating against risks for beneficiaries, but fuels increased social division in access to public services."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pop ,Daniel; St\u0103nu\u0219 ,Cristina"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["governance", "welfare markets", "education", "access to public services", "European Social Fund", "Central and Eastern Europe"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=513571"], ["title", "The Governance of Educational Welfare Markets: A Comparative Analysis of the European Social Fund in Five Countries"], ["doab_id", "16798"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783034318990"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034318990"]], [["description", "Jacqueline Best argues that the changes in International Monetary Fund, World Bank and donor policies in the 1990s, towards what some have called the 'Post-Washington Consensus,' were driven by an erosion of expert authority and an increasing preoccupation with policy failure. Failures such as the Asian financial crisis and the decades of despair in sub-Saharan Africa led these institutions to develop governance strategies designed to avoid failure: fostering country ownership, developing global standards, managing risk and vulnerability and measuring results. In contrast to the structural adjustment era when policymakers were confident that they had all the answers, the author argues that we are now in an era of provisional governance, in which key actors are aware of the possibility of failure even as they seek to inoculate themselves against it. This book considers the implications of this shift, asking if it is a positive change and whether it is sustainable.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Best ,Jacqueline"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Politics", "International Devleopment Policy", "Economic Development - Finance", "Economic Assistance", "Development Banks", "Nongovernmental organisations", "Corporate Governance"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472457"], ["title", "Governing Failure - Provisional Expertise and the Transformation of Global Development Finance"], ["doab_id", "15989"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781107035041", "9781139542739"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781107035041 9781139542739"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Forest Restoration, Landscape Restoration, "]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/110"], ["title", "Governing Forest Restoration: Social, Environmental and Institutional Dimensions"], ["doab_id", "17504"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420422", "9783038420439"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420422/9783038420439 "]], [["description", "This is the first time that indigenous Papuan administrators share with an international public their experiences governing their country. These administrators were the brokers of development. After graduating from the School for Indigenous Administrators (OSIBA) they served in the Dutch administration until 1962. The period 1962-1969 stands out as turbulent and dangerous, and for many curtailed their professional careers. These administrators\u2019 having been in active service until their retirement in the early 1990s allows for a complete recounting of political and administrative transformations under the Indonesian governance of Irian Jaya/Papua.This book brings together 17 oral histories of the everyday life of Papuan civil servants, including their relationships with superiors and colleagues, the murder of a Dutch administrator, their translation of \u2018development\u2019 to the Papuan people, the organization of their first democratic institutions, and the actual political and economic conditions leading up to the so-called Act of Free Choice. Finally, they share their experiences in the UNTEA and Indonesian government organization.Leontine Visser is Professor of Development Anthropology at Wageningen University. Her research focuses on governance and natural resources management in eastern Indonesia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Visser ,Leontine"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["political history", "post-colonial politics", "public administration", "indigenous administrators", "Papua", "New Guinea"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=428891"], ["title", "Governing New Guinea; An oral history of Papuan administrators, 1950-1990"], ["doab_id", "15180"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183932", "9789004260450"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183932 9789004260450"]], [["description", "The importance of political communication to the study of media and politics is generally accepted. Why has government communication been neglected? This book provides the first account of government communication worldwide and an exploration of the prevailing themes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karen Sanders; Maria Jose Canel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544629"], ["title", "Government Communication"], ["doab_id", "16279"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544629"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544629"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ploeg ,A."], ["date", "1969"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613440"], ["title", "Government in Wanggulam"], ["doab_id", "18462"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004248045", "9789004286870"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004248045 9789004286870"]], [["description", "Phage biology is one of the most significant and fundamental aspects of biological research and is often used as a platform for model studies relating to more complex biological entities. For this reason, phage biology has enjoyed focused attention and significant advances have been made in the areas of phage genomics, transcriptomics and the development and characterisation of phage-resistance mechanisms. In recent years, considerable research has been performed to increase our understanding of the interactions of these phages with their hosts using genomic, biochemical and structural approaches. Such multidisciplinary approaches are core to developing a full understanding of the processes that govern phage infection, information that may be harnessed to develop anti-phage strategies that may be applied in food fermentations or applied in a positive sense in phage therapy applications. The co-evolutionary processes of these phages and their hosts have also been a considerable focus of research in recent years. Such data has promoted a deeper understanding of the means by which these phages attach to and infect their hosts and permitted the development of effective anti-phage strategies. Furthermore, the presence and activity of host-encoded phage-resistance systems that operate at various stages of the phage cycle and the potential for the application of such systems consolidates the value of research in this area. Conversely, phages and their components have been applied as therapeutic agents against a number of pathogens including, among others, Clostridium difficile, Lactococcus garviae, Mycobacterium spp., Listeria spp. and the possibilities and limitations of these systems will be explored in this topic. Additionally, phage therapeutic approaches have been applied to the prevention of development of food spoilage organisms in the brewing and beverage sectors and exhonorate the positive applications of phages in the industrial setting. This research topic is aimed to address the most current issues as well as the most recent advances in the research of phages infecting Gram-positive bacteria covering areas such as phages in food fermentations, their impact in industry, phage ecology, genomics, evolution, structural analysis, phage-host interactions and the application of phages and components thereof as therapeutic agents against human and animal pathogens."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jennifer Mahony; Douwe van Sinderen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["food fermentation", "dairy industry", "phage therapy", "phages", "Lactic acid bacteria", "Phage-host interactions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1716/gram-positive-phages-from-isolation-to-application"], ["title", "Gram-positive phages: From isolation to application"], ["doab_id", "17681"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194933"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194933"]], [["description", "This grammar provides a synchronic grammatical description of Mauwake, a Papuan Trans-New Guinea (TNG) language of about 2000 speakers on the north coast of the Madang Province in Papua New Guinea. It is the first book-length treatment of the Mauwake language and the only published grammar of the Kumil subgroup to date. Relying on other existing published and unpublished grammars, the author shows how the language is similar to, or different from, related TNG languages especially in the Madang province. The grammar gives a brief introduction to the Mauwake people, their environment and their culture. Although the book mainly covers morphology and syntax, it also includes ashort treatment of the phonological system and the orthography. The description of the grammatical units proceeds from the words/morphology to the phrases, clauses, sentence types and clause combinations. The chapter on functional domains is the only one where the organization is based on meaning/function rather than structure. The longest chapter in the book is on morphology, with verbs taking the central stage. The final chapter deals with the pragmatic functions theme, topic and focus. 13 texts by native speakers, mostly recorded and transcribed but some originally written, are included in the Appendix with morpheme-by-morpheme glosses and a free translation. The theoretical approach used is that of Basic Linguistic Theory. Language typologists and professional Papuanist linguists are naturally one target audience for the grammar. But also two other possible, and important, audiences influenced especially the style the writing: well educated Mauwake speakers interested in their language, and those other Papua New Guineans who have some basic training in linguistics and are keen to explore their own languages."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bergh\u00e4ll ,Liisa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Papuan Trans-New Guinea", "Madang", "Kumil"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603339"], ["title", "A grammar of Mauwake"], ["doab_id", "17854"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234272", "9783946234289", "9783944675541"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234272 9783946234289 9783944675541"]], [["description", "Pite Saami is a highly endangered Western Saami language in the Uralic language family currently spoken by a few individuals in Swedish Lapland. This grammar is the first extensive book-length treatment of a Saami language written in English. While focussing on the morphophonology of the main word classes nouns, adjectives and verbs, it also deals with other linguistic structures such as prosody, phonology, phrase types and clauses. Furthermore, it provides an introduction to the language and its speakers, and an outline of a preliminary Pite Saami orthography. An extensive annotated spoken-language corpus collected over the course of five years forms the empirical foundation for this description, and each example includes a specific reference to the corpus in order to facilitate verification of claims made on the data. Descriptions are presented for a general linguistics audience and without attempting to support a specific theoretical approach. This book should be equally useful for scholars of Uralic linguistics, typologists, and even learners of Pite Saami."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wilbur ,Joshua"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Uralic languages", "Saami language", "grammatical description"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533870"], ["title", "A grammar of Pite Saami"], ["doab_id", "16324"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675473"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675473"]], [["description", "After publishing A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of the Northern Sinai Littoral: Bridging the Linguistic Gap between the Eastern and Western Arab World (Brill:2000), Rudolf de Jong completes his description of the Bedouin dialects of the Sinai Desert of Egypt by adding the present volume. To facilitate direct comparison of all Sinai dialects, the dialect descriptions in both volumes run parallel and are thus structured in the same manner. Quoting from his own extensive material and using a total of 95 criteria for comparison, De Jong applies the method of 'multi-dimensional scaling' and his own 'step-method' to arrive at a subdivision into eight (of which seven are 'Bedouin') typological groups in Sinai. An appendix with 68 maps and dialectrometrical plots completes the picture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "de Jong ,Rudolf E."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Arabic Bedouin dialects", "Bodouin dialicts", "Sinai", "Dialect contact", "Dialectology", "Linguistics", "Sociolinguistics", "Arabische Bedoeinsche dialecten", "Bedoeinische dialecten", "Sinai", "Dialect contact", "Dialecten", "Taal", "Sociolinguistisch"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391864"], ["title", "A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai"], ["doab_id", "13391"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004201019", "9789004201460"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004201019 9789004201460"]], [["description", "This volume constitutes the first reference grammar of the Hasidic Hebrew hagiographic tales composed in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Eastern Europe. It presents a thorough survey of Hasidic Hebrew orthography, morphology, syntax, and lexis illustrated with extensive examples."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kahn ,L."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hebrew"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613399"], ["title", "A Grammar of the Eastern European Hasidic Hebrew Tale"], ["doab_id", "18421"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004281431", "9789004281622"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004281431 9789004281622"]], [["description", "This is the first comprehensive grammar of a non-Indo-European language from the Northwest Caucasian family in a language other than Russian. Kabardian is complex at every level. The language treated is not the literary standard, but Kabardian as it was found in texts and in the mouths of Kabardians. This study is an advance over grammatical sketches of related languages in that it gives a complete account of the phonology and morphology of the language, accounting for what were previously known as \"random variants.\"A Grammar of the Kabardian Language also gives the reader the first account of the syntax of this language. It will give the area specialist access to the language. It will give the linguist interested in complex languages access to an extraordinarily difficult language, and it will give the theoretical linguist access to a language that exhibits topological exotica at every level of its grammar, from phonetics to the lexicon."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "John Colarusso"], ["date", "1992"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49341/1/UofCPress_GrammarKabardian_1992.pdf"], ["title", "A Grammar of the Kabardian Language"], ["doab_id", "15400"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386682"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386682"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cowan ,H."], ["date", "1965"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613441"], ["title", "Grammar of the Sentani Language"], ["doab_id", "18463"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286115", "9789004286757"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286115 9789004286757"]], [["description", "This grammar provides the first comprehensive grammatical description of Yakkha, a Sino-Tibetan language of the Kiranti branch. Yakkha is spoken by about 14,000 speakers in eastern Nepal, in the Sankhuwa Sabha and Dhankuta districts. The grammar is based on original fieldwork in the Yakkha community. Its primary source of data is a corpus of 13,000 clauses from narratives and naturally-occurring social interaction which the author recorded and transcribed between 2009 and 2012. Corpus analyses were complemented by targeted elicitation. The grammar is written in a functional-typological framework. It focusses on morphosyntactic and semantic issues, as these present highly complex and comparatively under-researched fields in Kiranti languages. The sequence of the chapters follows the well-established order of phonological, morphological, syntactic and discourse-structural descriptions. These are supplemented by a historical and sociolinguistic introduction as well as an analysis of the complex kinship terminology. Topics such as verbal person marking, argument structure, transitivity, complex predication, grammatical relations, clause linkage, nominalization, and the topography-based orientation system have received in-depth treatment. Wherever possible, the structures found were explained in a historical-comparative perspective in order to shed more light on how their particular properties have emerged."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schackow ,Diana"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Sino-Tibetan languages", "Kiranti", "Nepal"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603340"], ["title", "A grammar of Yakkha"], ["doab_id", "17852"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234111", "9783946234128", "9783946234135"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234111 9783946234128 9783946234135"]], [["description", "\"This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing (Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Categorial Grammar, Head-\u200bDriven Phrase Structure Grammar, Construction Grammar, Tree Adjoining Grammar).The key assumptions are explained and it is shown how the respective theory treats arguments and adjuncts, the active/passive alternation, local reorderings, verb placement, and fronting of constituents over long distances. The analyses are explained with German as the object language.The second part of the book compares these approaches with respect to their predictions regarding language acquisition and psycholinguistic plausibility. The nativism hypothesis, which assumes that humans posses genetically determined innate language-specific knowledge, is critically examined and alternative models of language acquisition are discussed. The second part then addresses controversial issues of current theory building such as the question of flat or binary branching structures being more appropriate, the question whether constructions should be treated on the phrasal or the lexical level, and the question whether abstract, non-visible entities should play a role in syntactic analyses. It is shown that the analyses suggested in the respective frameworks are often translatable into each other. The book closes with a chapter showing how properties common to all languages or to certain classes of languages can be captured.The book is a translation of the German book Grammatiktheorie, which was published by Stauffenburg in 2010. \""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00fcller ,Stefan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["formal grammar theories", "Phrase Structure Grammar", "Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding", "Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar", "Lexical Functional Grammar", "Categorial Grammar", "Head-\u200bDriven Phrase Structure Grammar", "Construction Grammar", "Tree Adjoining Grammar"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611693"], ["title", "Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches"], ["doab_id", "19280"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675213", "9783946234296", "9783946234401", "9783946234302", "9783946234418"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675213 9783946234296 9783946234401 9783946234302 9783946234418"]], [["description", "This book looks at some phenomena within the grammar of the noun phrase in a group of traditional North Germanic varieties mainly spoken in Sweden and Finland, usually seen as Swedish dialects, although the differences between them and Standard Swedish are often larger than between the latter and the other standard Mainland Scandinavian languages. In addition to being conservative in many respects \u2013 e.g. in preserving nominal cases and subject-verb agreement \u2013 these varieties also display many innovative features. These include extended uses of definite articles, incorporation of attributive adjectives, and a variety of possessive constructions. Although considerable attention has been given to these phenomena in earlier literature, this book is the first to put them in the perspective of typology and grammaticalization processes. It also looks for a plausible account of the historical origin of the changes involved, arguing that many of them spread from central Sweden, where they were later reverted due to the influence from prestige varieties coming from southern Scandinavia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dahl ,\u00d6sten"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["grammar of the noun phrase", "North Germanic varieties", "typology", "grammaticalization process"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=559871"], ["title", "Grammaticalization in the North: Noun phrase morphosyntax in Scandinavian vernaculars"], ["doab_id", "17291"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675558"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675558"]], [["description", "In 1990, scientists began working together on one of the largest biological research projects ever proposed. The project proposed to sequence the three billion nucleotides in the human genome. The Human Genome Project took 13 years and was completed in April 2003, at a cost of approximately three billion dollars. It was a major scientific achievement that forever changed the understanding of our own nature. The sequencing of the human genome was in many ways a triumph for technology as much as it was for science. From the Human Genome Project, powerful technologies have been developed (e.g., microarrays and next generation sequencing) and new branches of science have emerged (e.g., functional genomics and pharmacogenomics), paving new ways for advancing genomic research and medical applications of genomics in the 21st century. The investigations have provided new tests and drug targets, as well as insights into the basis of human development and diagnosis/treatment of cancer and several mysterious humans diseases. This genomic revolution is prompting a new era in medicine, which brings both challenges and opportunities. Parallel to the promising advances over the last decade, the study of the human genome has also revealed how complicated human biology is, and how much remains to be understood. The legacy of the understanding of our genome has just begun. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the essential completion of the Human Genome Project, in April 2013 Genes launched this Special Issue, which highlights the recent scientific breakthroughs in human genomics, with a collection of papers written by authors who are leading experts in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["gene structure, expression and regulation, molecular basis of human genetic disease, genetics and genomics of model organisms for human diseases, human genetics, cancer genetics, functional genomics, stem cells in human genetics, pharmacogenomics and gene therapy, genetic and genomic technologies, genomic medicine, gene therapy and personal genomics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/176"], ["title", "Grand Celebration: 10th Anniversary of the Human Genome Project"], ["doab_id", "19065"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421245", "9783038421702"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421245/9783038421702"]], [["description", "In 1990, scientists began working together on one of the largest biological research projects ever proposed. The project proposed to sequence the three billion nucleotides in the human genome. The Human Genome Project took 13 years and was completed in April 2003, at a cost of approximately three billion dollars. It was a major scientific achievement that forever changed the understanding of our own nature. The sequencing of the human genome was in many ways a triumph for technology as much as it was for science. From the Human Genome Project, powerful technologies have been developed (e.g., microarrays and next generation sequencing) and new branches of science have emerged (e.g., functional genomics and pharmacogenomics), paving new ways for advancing genomic research and medical applications of genomics in the 21st century. The investigations have provided new tests and drug targets, as well as insights into the basis of human development and diagnosis/treatment of cancer and several mysterious humans diseases. This genomic revolution is prompting a new era in medicine, which brings both challenges and opportunities. Parallel to the promising advances over the last decade, the study of the human genome has also revealed how complicated human biology is, and how much remains to be understood. The legacy of the understanding of our genome has just begun. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the essential completion of the Human Genome Project, in April 2013 Genes launched this Special Issue, which highlights the recent scientific breakthroughs in human genomics, with a collection of papers written by authors who are leading experts in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["gene structure, expression and regulation, molecular basis of human genetic disease, genetics and genomics of model organisms for human diseases, human genetics, cancer genetics, functional genomics, stem cells in human genetics, pharmacogenomics and gene therapy, genetic and genomic technologies, genomic medicine, gene therapy and personal genomics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/177"], ["title", "Grand Celebration: 10th Anniversary of the Human Genome Project"], ["doab_id", "19066"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783038421252", "9783038421719"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421252/9783038421719"]], [["description", "In 1990, scientists began working together on one of the largest biological research projects ever proposed. The project proposed to sequence the three billion nucleotides in the human genome. The Human Genome Project took 13 years and was completed in April 2003, at a cost of approximately three billion dollars. It was a major scientific achievement that forever changed the understanding of our own nature. The sequencing of the human genome was in many ways a triumph for technology as much as it was for science. From the Human Genome Project, powerful technologies have been developed (e.g., microarrays and next generation sequencing) and new branches of science have emerged (e.g., functional genomics and pharmacogenomics), paving new ways for advancing genomic research and medical applications of genomics in the 21st century. The investigations have provided new tests and drug targets, as well as insights into the basis of human development and diagnosis/treatment of cancer and several mysterious humans diseases. This genomic revolution is prompting a new era in medicine, which brings both challenges and opportunities. Parallel to the promising advances over the last decade, the study of the human genome has also revealed how complicated human biology is, and how much remains to be understood. The legacy of the understanding of our genome has just begun. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the essential completion of the Human Genome Project, in April 2013 Genes launched this Special Issue, which highlights the recent scientific breakthroughs in human genomics, with a collection of papers written by authors who are leading experts in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["gene structure, expression and regulation, molecular basis of human genetic disease, genetics and genomics of model organisms for human diseases, human genetics, cancer genetics, functional genomics, stem cells in human genetics, pharmacogenomics and gene therapy, genetic and genomic technologies, genomic medicine, gene therapy and personal genomics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/178"], ["title", "Grand Celebration: 10th Anniversary of the Human Genome Project"], ["doab_id", "19067"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421269", "9783038421726"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421269/9783038421726"]], [["description", "Traditional leadership is a factor that has long been overlooked in evaluations of rural local government in much of contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. Grassroots Governance?, an interdisciplinary and intercontinental collection, addresses this gap in African scholarship and brings new perspectives on the integration, or reconciliation, of traditional leadership with democratic systems of local government. Articles from the fields of political science, law, postcolonial studies, anthropology, cultural studies, and policy and administrative studies establish a baseline for best practice in Africa and the Afro-Caribbean while taking into account the importance of traditional leadership to the culture of local governance. Case studies are drawn from Ghana, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, and Commonwealth countries in West, East, and Southern Africa, as well as Jamaica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Donald I. Ray (Editor); P. S. Reddy (Editor)"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48646/5/UofCPress_GrassrootsGovernance_2003.pdf"], ["title", "Grassroots Governance? Chiefs in Africa and the Afro-Caribbean"], ["doab_id", "15158"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385654"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385654"]], [["description", "The volume contains 93 objects originating from workshops of the East Greek Area, the island of Cyprus, the Greek homeland and the Western Mediterranean like South Italy or Etruria.The pieces are shown to a large extent for the first time. Among the geometric pottery a fragment of a monumental crater of the Dipylon workshop is particularly noteworthy, among the Corinthian pottery two large alabastra of the Luxus-group emerge, but the Attic red-figure style is represented as the most prominent by a hydria of the Berlin painter.

Der Band ver\u00f6ffentlicht 93 Gef\u00e4\u00dfe der Arch\u00e4ologischen Sammlungen der Universit\u00e4t Graz. Er enth\u00e4lt Objekte aus der Bronzezeit Zyperns, der geometrischen , archaischen und klassischen Zeit Griechenlands sowie Keramik aus etruskischen, kampanischen, apulischen, apulisch-lukanischen und sizilischen Werkst\u00e4tten. Besonders hervorzuheben sind geometrische Fragmente der Dipylon-Werkstatt, korinthische Gef\u00e4\u00dfe der Luxus-Gruppe und eine Hydria des Berliner Malers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Karl ,Stephan; Christidis ,Maria; Schwarz ,Gerda; Koiner ,Gabriele"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, vases, vessels, pottery, ceramics, Bronze Age, antiquity, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Athens, Attica, Boeotia, Etruria, Campania, Apulia, Sicily, University of Graz, Austria", "Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Vasen, Gef\u00e4\u00dfe, Keramik, Bronzezeit, Antike, Griechenland, Italien, Zypern, Athen, Attika, B\u00f6otien, Etrurien, Kampanien, Apulien, Sizilien, Universit\u00e4t Graz, \u00d6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512622"], ["title", "Graz, Originalsammlung des Instituts f\u00fcr Arch\u00e4ologie der Karl-Franzens-Universit\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "16521"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700175292"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700175292"]], [["description", "Environmental finance, particularly energy efficiency and renewable energy (EERE) finance, can and should serve as an interface to other sub-sectors of financial sector promotion such as microfinance, housing finance or agricultural finance. For example, existing clients of financial institutions include small and medium-sized enterprises and households, and these are often suffering from high energy prices or have no access to sustainable energy supply. At the same time, these clients are vulnerable to extreme weather events, and often hit hardest by the impact of climate change. There are many other examples which show that the financial sector has an enormous potential to support \u201cgreen\u201d investments. In order to tap this potential on a sustainable basis, it is important to have a sound understanding which role financial institutions can and should play.This book provides a blend of well-founded professional and scientific perspectives on the potential of Environmental finance in developing and transition countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Doris K\u00f6hn"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Development Finance", "Energy Efficiency", "Environmental Finance", "Green Energy Finance", "Renewable Energy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-05086-2"], ["title", "Greening the Financial Sector: How to Mainstream Environmental Finance in Developing Countries"], ["doab_id", "15107"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642050862", "9783642050879"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642050862 (Print) 9783642050879 (Online)"]], [["description", "Ecocriticism can be described in very general terms as the investigation of the many ways in which culture and the environment are interrelated and conceptualized. Ecocriticism aspires to understand and often to celebrate the natural world, yet it does so indirectly by focusing primarily on written texts. Hailed as one of the most timely and provocative developments in literary and cultural studies of recent decades, it has also been greeted with bewilderment or scepticism by those for whom its aims and methods are unclear. This book seeks to bring into view the development of ecocriticism in the context of Canadian literary studies. Selections include work by Margaret Atwood, Northrop Frye, Sherrill Grace, and Rosemary Sullivan."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ella Soper; Nicholas Bradley"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Ecocriticism", " Literary Criticism"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49884/1/UofCPress_GreeningtheMaple_2013.pdf"], ["title", "Greening the Maple: Canadian Ecocriticism in Context"], ["doab_id", "15563"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385487"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385487"]], [["description", "Greenwor(l)ds rewrites the literary history of Canada from a feminist ecological perspective through a series of essays that examine the lives and work of nine women poets. Using insights from fields of knowledge as disparate as history and biology, physics and philosophy, psychoanalysis and communications studies, these essays reflect the transdisciplinary character of women's studies generally and feminist ecocriticism in particular. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Diana M. A. Relke"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49342/1/UofCPress_Greenwor%28l%29ds_1999.pdf"], ["title", "Greenwor(l)ds: Ecocritical Readings of Canadian Women's Poetry"], ["doab_id", "15401"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386651"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386651"]], [["description", "Wittgensteins Grammatikbegriff ist eigent\u00fcmlich weit gefasst, das hei\u00dft er beinhaltet nicht nur die Regeln f\u00fcr die Anordnung von W\u00f6rtern, sondern letztlich alles, was zur Bedeutung eines Begriffes beitr\u00e4gt. Wittgenstein sieht Grammatik als gleicherma\u00dfen mit Willk\u00fcrlichem und mit Nicht-Willk\u00fcrlichem verwandt an, wobei der Willk\u00fcr durch die menschliche Natur und soziale Praktiken Grenzen gesetzt sind. Dieses Buch untersucht genau diese Grenzen mit den Mitteln und Ergebnissen der neuesten linguistischen und kognitionswissenschaftlichen Forschung n\u00e4her, um die zun\u00e4chst recht spekulativ anmutenden Argumente Wittgensteins f\u00fcr die M\u00f6glichkeit alternativer Grammatiken in Bereichen wie den Farben, der Arithmetik u.a. zu pr\u00fcfen und \u00fcber deren Ergebnisse R\u00fcckschl\u00fcsse zu ziehen auf Grammatiken allgemein und deren Willk\u00fcrlichkeit."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vo\u00df, Henrik"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209491"], ["title", "Grenzen grammatischer Willk\u00fcr bei Wittgenstein"], ["doab_id", "18070"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110328837", "9783110328530"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110328837, 9783110328530"]], [["description", "This study marks a major step in making collaboration between seniors, academic researchers, and community researchers a reality. Many aging adults are motivated to undertake research projects in later life or even return to university after retirement. Grey Matters is the result of a pilot project developed to study the effectiveness of collaborative research involving seniors. Because the project was such a success, the authors were encouraged to make their model available both to seniors interested in undertaking their own research and to those hoping to involve seniors in collaborative research. This guide provides a helpful framework for making the most of research projects by and with seniors, including sections on such techniques as narrative interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Grey Matters will be the first Open Access book published by the University of Calgary Press. On October 22, 2010, it will be released simultaneously in traditional print book format and as a free downloadable PDF file from this website."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nancy Marlett; Claudia Emes "], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48236/1/UofCPress_Grey_Matters_2010.pdf"], ["title", "Grey Matters: A Guide for Collaborative Research with Seniors"], ["doab_id", "15169"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385364"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385364"]], [["description", "Die Entstehung von Gro\u00dfst\u00e4dten ist kein Novum der letzten drei Jahrhunderte. Auch im griechisch-r\u00f6mischen Kulturraum gab es bereits Millionenst\u00e4dte, die in struktureller, kultureller und sozialer Hinsicht heutigen Gro\u00dfst\u00e4dten durchaus vergleichbar waren. Aber hielt diese besondere Form menschlichen Zusammenlebens auch Einzug in die Literatur ihrer Zeit? Ohne Zweifel wurde in den Dichtungen der augusteischen und kaiserzeitlichen Epoche eine Gro\u00dfstadt wiederholt zum Ort der Literatur gew\u00e4hlt: die Hauptstadt Rom. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die Gro\u00dfstadt mit ihren (spezifischen) r\u00e4umlichen Merkmalen in den zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Werken thematisiert wird und wie die lateinischen Autoren sich zu ihr als einem eigenen literarischen Gegenstand positionieren.

Die Entstehung von Gro\u00dfst\u00e4dten ist kein Novum der letzten drei Jahrhunderte. Auch im griechisch-r\u00f6mischen Kulturraum gab es bereits Millionenst\u00e4dte, die in struktureller, kultureller und sozialer Hinsicht heutigen Gro\u00dfst\u00e4dten durchaus vergleichbar waren. Aber hielt diese besondere Form menschlichen Zusammenlebens auch Einzug in die Literatur ihrer Zeit? Ohne Zweifel wurde in den Dichtungen der augusteischen und kaiserzeitlichen Epoche eine Gro\u00dfstadt wiederholt zum Ort der Literatur gew\u00e4hlt: die Hauptstadt Rom. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die Gro\u00dfstadt mit ihren (spezifischen) r\u00e4umlichen Merkmalen in den zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Werken thematisiert wird und wie die lateinischen Autoren sich zu ihr als einem eigenen literarischen Gegenstand positionieren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tsch\u00e4pe, Elsa-Maria"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Latin literature", "metropolis", "ancient Rome", "Latin literature", "metropolis", "ancient Rome"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610393"], ["title", "Die Gro\u00dfstadt als literarischer Raum in der r\u00f6mischen Dichtung"], ["doab_id", "19197"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952259"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952259"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Governing transboundary groundwater, Managing groundwater to promote environmental flows, Managing groundwater during drought, The current state of arsenic contamination in Bangladesh, Water quality impacts from hydrofracturing (fracking), Managing saltwater intrusion along marine coastlines, Managing water resources in the High Plains Aquifer (Central US), Endocrine disrupting compounds in aquifers, Pathogens in aquifer systems (confined or unconfined)"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/193"], ["title", "Groundwater Quantity and Quality"], ["doab_id", "19275"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422051", "9783038422051"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422051/9783038422051"]], [["description", "Groves Conference on Marriage and Family: History & Impact on Family Science offers family scholars and practitioners a detailed history of the Groves Conference from its origin in 1934 to the present day. Founded by Ernest R. Groves as a cutting-edge organization for understanding families, its history portrays a time of social transformation and the press for equity in such areas as race, ethnicity, gender, and social and geographic mobility as the conferences addressed unchallenged assumptions in the field of family science. The Groves Conference on Marriage and Family continues to meet each year across the United States and internationally to explore how families can be resilient in the face of changes that will affect their daily lives - now and in the future."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Settles ,Barbara H. ; Rubin ,Roger H. "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Families", "Social justice"]], ["publisher", "MPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444989"], ["title", "The Groves Conference on Marriage and Family: History and Impact on Family Science"], ["doab_id", "15216"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852841"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852841"]], [["description", "Another magisterial statistical compendium from Kym Anderson, with the assistance of Nanda Aryal: surely no nation's wine endeavours have ever been more precisely tracked through history than Australia's are here. The depth and intricacy of the global context, too, makes fascinating and often enlightening reading for any student of wine."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anderson ,Kym; Aryal R. ,Nanda"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["wine economics", "wine markets", "climate change", "grape varieties", "wine data", "australian wine market", "wine market australia", "wine production", "wine consumption", "varietal choices", "statistical compendium", "wine economy", "kym anderson", "nanda r. aryal"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560099"], ["title", "Growth and Cycles in Australia\u2019s Wine Industry: A Statistical Compendium, 1843 to 2013"], ["doab_id", "16832"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261097"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261097"]], [["description", "While the economic growth renaissance in sub-Saharan Africa is widely recognized, much less is known about progress in living conditions. This book comprehensively evaluates trends in living conditions in 16 major sub-Saharan African countries, corresponding to nearly 75% of the total population. A striking diversity of experience emerges. While monetary indicators improved in many countries, others are yet to succeed in channeling the benefits of economic growth into the pockets of the poor. Some countries experienced little economic growth, and saw little material progress for the poor. At the same time, the large majority of countries have made impressive progress in key non-monetary indicators of wellbeing. Overall, the African growth renaissance earns two cheers, but not three. While gains in macroeconomic and political stability are real, they are also fragile. Growth on a per capita basis is much better than in the 1980s and 1990s, yet not rapid compared with other developing regions. Importantly from a pan-African perspective, key economies-particularly Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa-are not among the better performers. Looking forward, realistic expectations are required. The development process is, almost always, a long hard slog. Nevertheless, real and durable factors appear to be at play on the sub-continent with positive implications for growth and poverty reduction in future."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arndt ,Channing; McKay ,Andy; Tarp ,Finn"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["sub-Saharan Africa", "economic growth", "development", "poverty", "poor", "living conditions", "wellbeing"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606710"], ["title", "Growth and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa"], ["doab_id", "18963"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198744795"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198744795"]], [["description", "The volume contains the critical responses from the perspective of other legal systems to the propositions Helmut Koziol puts forward in 2012 in his book \u201cBasic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective\u201d.These reports not only describe the legal situation in selected legal systems, but also give a critical response to the propositions developed in respect of the Germanic legal family. Moreover, they consider the possible incorporation or rejection of the said propositions into the legal systems.This study is not only intended to promote mutual understanding between the individual legal systems but also to provide a basis for them to gradually grow together by means of both the internal development of the national legal systems and supranational elaboration of bodies of rules. English Version: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:815

Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt zun\u00e4chst die kritischen Stellungnahmen aus dem Blickwinkel anderer Rechtsordnungen zu Helmut Koziols Thesen, die er 2012 im Band \u201eBasic Questions of Tort Law from a Germanic Perspective\u201c vorgelegt hat.In diesen Berichten wird nicht nur die Rechtslage in der jeweiligen Rechtsordnung geschildert, sondern es wird kritisch zu den im deutschen Rechtskreis entwickelten Thesen Stellung genommen, aber auch auf deren m\u00f6gliche Ber\u00fccksichtigung oder Ablehnung bei der Weiterentwicklung dieser Rechtsordnung eingegangen.Mit dieser Untersuchung soll nicht nur das Verst\u00e4ndnis zwischen den einzelnen Rechtsordnungen gef\u00f6rdert, sondern auch eine Grundlage f\u00fcr ein allm\u00e4hliches Zusammenwachsen durch die innere Fortentwicklung der nationalen Rechtsordnungen aber auch durch \u00fcberstaatliche Ausarbeitung von Regelungswerken geschaffen werden. Englische Version siehe: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:815"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Helmut ,Koziol; Askeland ,Bjarte; Yamamoto ,Keizo; Oliphant ,Ken; Moreteau ,Olivier; Menyhard ,Attila; Ludwichowska-Redo ,Katarzyna; Green ,Michael D.; Cardi ,W. Jonathan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Tort Law, Comparative Law, Liability Law", "Schadenersatzrecht, Rechtsvergleichung, Haftpflichtrecht"]], ["publisher", "Jan Sramek Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=515190"], ["title", "Grundfragen des Schadenersatzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender Sicht"], ["doab_id", "16640"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783709700488"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783709700488"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die auf dem Kolloquium am 25. April 2009 von Klaus Geppert, Ralf Krack und G\u00fcnter Jakobs gehaltenen Vortr\u00e4ge und wird erg\u00e4nzt durch Beitr\u00e4ge, die fr\u00fchere und jetzige G\u00f6ttinger Kollegen von Fritz Loos zu seinen Ehren verfasst haben. Die einzelnen Aufs\u00e4tze versuchen mit den Generalthemen Grundfragen des Strafrechts, Rechtsphilosophie und der (unendlichen) Reform der Juristenausbildung einen Teil der Arbeitsschwerpunkte des Jubilars abzudecken. Mit dem Tagungsband verfolgen die Herausgeber das Anliegen, den Lehrer und Wissenschaftler Fritz Loos in m\u00f6glichst vielen Facetten seiner Person zu w\u00fcrdigen und als seine akademischen Sch\u00fcler Dank zu sagen f\u00fcr die F\u00f6rderung, die er uns hat zukommen lassen.

Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die auf dem Kolloquium am 25. April 2009 von Klaus Geppert, Ralf Krack und G\u00fcnter Jakobs gehaltenen Vortr\u00e4ge und wird erg\u00e4nzt durch Beitr\u00e4ge, die fr\u00fchere und jetzige G\u00f6ttinger Kollegen von Fritz Loos zu seinen Ehren verfasst haben. Die einzelnen Aufs\u00e4tze versuchen mit den Generalthemen Grundfragen des Strafrechts, Rechtsphilosophie und der (unendlichen) Reform der Juristenausbildung einen Teil der Arbeitsschwerpunkte des Jubilars abzudecken. Mit dem Tagungsband verfolgen die Herausgeber das Anliegen, den Lehrer und Wissenschaftler Fritz Loos in m\u00f6glichst vielen Facetten seiner Person zu w\u00fcrdigen und als seine akademischen Sch\u00fcler Dank zu sagen f\u00fcr die F\u00f6rderung, die er uns hat zukommen lassen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koriath, Heinz; Krack, Ralf; Radtke, Henning; Jehle, J\u00f6rg-Martin"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Strafrecht", "Rechtsphilosophie", "Juristenausbildung", "Strafrecht", "Rechtsphilosophie", "Juristenausbildung"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610239"], ["title", "Grundfragen des Strafrechts, Rechtsphilosophie und die Reform der Juristenausbildung - Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium aus Anlass des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Fritz Loos am 23. Januar 2009"], ["doab_id", "13347"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875807"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875807"]], [["description", "The G\u00f6ttingen Observatory, workplace of the famous scholar Carl Friedrich Gauss, is an important architectural monument. In 2005, it has been reconstructed jointly by the Georg-August-University and the Academy of Sciences in G\u00f6ttingen. Since then it serves as a representative building for the University and is the seat of the Academy. With the use of the historic rooms for exhibitions this imposing building is open to the public for the first time. 200 years ago the observatory represented the recent scientific findings of its time and moved the University of G\u00f6ttingen into the leading group of the foremost research institutions in Europe at this time. Also due to its architecture it has been a big leap for Georg Heinrich Borheck, architecture of the University of G\u00f6ttingen. The war of the Napoleonic era disrupted the attempt of Borheck to publish his description of the construction of the G\u00f6ttingen observatory in 1805. But his writing is still relevant today and will be finally published with this band for the first time accessible to a wide public. It shows the principles on which public buildings were designed then, explains the importance of the construction in art- and science-historical perspectives and informs on the plans for the restoration of the observatory in a separate article and in the preface by the President of the Georg-August University Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Kurt von Figura.

Die G\u00f6ttinger Sternwarte, Wirkungsst\u00e4tte des ber\u00fchmten Gelehrten Carl Friedrich Gau\u00df, ist ein bedeutendes Baudenkmal. Im Jahre 2005 wird sie gemeinsam von der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t und der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu G\u00f6ttingen renoviert, um dann als repr\u00e4sentatives Geb\u00e4ude der Universit\u00e4t und Arbeitsst\u00e4tte der Akademie zu dienen. Die Nutzung der historischen R\u00e4ume f\u00fcr Ausstellungen macht diesen imposanten Bau erstmals der \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich. Die Sternwarte war bei ihrer Errichtung vor 200 Jahren ein nach seinerzeit neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen konzipierter Bau, der die Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen in eine der vordersten Stellen Europa r\u00fcckte. Auch aufgrund ihrer Architektur ist sie ein gro\u00dfer Wurf des G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tsbaumeisters Georg Heinrich Borheck. Durch die Kriegswirren der Napoleonischen Zeit zerschlug sich Borhecks Versuch einer Publikation seiner Beschreibung des Baus der G\u00f6ttinger Sternwarte 1805. Doch seine Schrift ist auch heute noch aktuell und wird mit diesem Band erstmals einer breiten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4ngig gemacht. Er zeigt die Grunds\u00e4tze, nach denen damals \u00f6ffentliche Bauten konzipiert wurden, erl\u00e4utert die Bedeutung des Baus aus kunst- und wissenschaftshistorischer Sicht und informiert \u00fcber die Pl\u00e4ne zur Restaurierung der Sternwarte in einem separaten Beitrag und im Geleitwort des Pr\u00e4sidenten der Georg-August Universit\u00e4t Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Kurt von Figura."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beuermann, Klaus"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["astronomy", "history of astronomy", "observatory", "astronomy", "history of astronomy", "observatory"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610361"], ["title", "Grunds\u00e4tze \u00fcber die Anlagen neuer Sternwarten - Mit Beziehung auf die Sternwarte der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen. Von Georg Heinrich Borheck"], ["doab_id", "13095"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616024", "9783938616024"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616024 3938616024"]], [["description", "This volume contains essays and discussions from the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Instructors held October, 5 - 8, 2011 in M\u00fcnster."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Calliess, Christian; Grzeszick, Bernd; Lienbacher, Georg"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/183099"], ["title", "Grundsatzfragen der Rechtsetzung und Rechtsfindung.Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in M\u00fcnster vom 5. bis 8. Oktober 2011"], ["doab_id", "18056"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110287424", "9783110287370"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110287424, 9783110287370"]], [["description", "Bund und L\u00e4nder engagieren sich seit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung f\u00fcr die Bewahrung des \u00f6kologischen Potenzials am \u201eGr\u00fcnen Band\u201c, der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze. Im Rahmen von Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben sowie Naturschutzgro\u00dfprojekten setzt sich das Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsichrheit (BMU), f\u00fcr den Erhalt, die Pflege und Entwicklung gro\u00dfr\u00e4umiger Landschaftsr\u00e4ume am Gr\u00fcnen Band ein. Die Verkn\u00fcpfung der Naturschutzziele mit regionaler Nachhaltigkeit gewinnt f\u00fcr deren dauerhafte Verankerung vor Ort zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die bislang unzureichend erfassten Wirkungen der Naturschutzf\u00f6rderung auf die Entwicklung der Regionen waren Anlass f\u00fcr das BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben \u201eGr\u00fcnes Band \u2014 Modellregion f\u00fcr Nachhaltigkeit\u201c (2007\u20142010). Regionalwissenschaftler der Hochschule f\u00fcr angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK) untersuchten im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Verbund mit Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen am Beispiel von vier Regionen die Wirkung der Bundesf\u00f6rderung auf die regionale Nachhaltigkeit. Der vorliegende Bericht pr\u00e4sentiert die disziplin\u00e4ren und interdisziplin\u00e4ren Ergebnisse sowie die jeweiligen und gemeinsam erarbeiteten Handlungsempfehlungen f\u00fcr F\u00f6rdermittelgeber und \u2013empf\u00e4nger.

Bund und L\u00e4nder engagieren sich seit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung f\u00fcr die Bewahrung des \u00f6kologischen Potenzials am \u201eGr\u00fcnen Band\u201c, der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze. Im Rahmen von Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben sowie Naturschutzgro\u00dfprojekten setzt sich das Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsichrheit (BMU), f\u00fcr den Erhalt, die Pflege und Entwicklung gro\u00dfr\u00e4umiger Landschaftsr\u00e4ume am Gr\u00fcnen Band ein. Die Verkn\u00fcpfung der Naturschutzziele mit regionaler Nachhaltigkeit gewinnt f\u00fcr deren dauerhafte Verankerung vor Ort zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die bislang unzureichend erfassten Wirkungen der Naturschutzf\u00f6rderung auf die Entwicklung der Regionen waren Anlass f\u00fcr das BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben \u201eGr\u00fcnes Band \u2014 Modellregion f\u00fcr Nachhaltigkeit\u201c (2007\u20142010). Regionalwissenschaftler der Hochschule f\u00fcr angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst (HAWK) untersuchten im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Verbund mit Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen am Beispiel von vier Regionen die Wirkung der Bundesf\u00f6rderung auf die regionale Nachhaltigkeit. Der vorliegende Bericht pr\u00e4sentiert die disziplin\u00e4ren und interdisziplin\u00e4ren Ergebnisse sowie die jeweiligen und gemeinsam erarbeiteten Handlungsempfehlungen f\u00fcr F\u00f6rdermittelgeber und \u2013empf\u00e4nger."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harteisen, Ulrich; Neumeyer, Silke; Schlagbauer, Susanne; Bizer, Kilian; Hensel, Stephan; Kr\u00fcger, Lukas"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Environment", "Environment"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610254"], ["title", "Gr\u00fcnes Band - Modellregion f\u00fcr Nachhaltigkeit - Abschlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens"], ["doab_id", "13353"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875609"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875609"]], [["description", "Este guia did\u00e1tico da morfologia do tecido uretral de ratas tem como objetivo \u00faltimo melhorar o atendimento \u00e0s mulheres gestantes, enquanto procura elucidar os mecanismos fisiopatol\u00f3gicos que conduzem a dist\u00farbios do assoalho p\u00e9lvico feminino. \u00c9 fruto de iniciativa do grupo de pesquisa acad\u00eamico \u201cDiabete e Gravidez \u2013 Cl\u00ednico e Experimental\u201d da Faculdade de Medicina da Unesp, no \u00e2mbito de seus estudos dos aspectos translacionais da hiperglicemia gestacional relacionada \u00e0 incontin\u00eancia urin\u00e1ria.Destinado a alunos de gradua\u00e7\u00e3o e p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em treinamento na pesquisa experimental, bem como a pesquisadores envolvidos na \u00e1rea de uroginecologia e obstetr\u00edcia, a obra pode ser fonte \u00fatil na avalia\u00e7\u00e3o das estruturas que comp\u00f5em a uretra em modelos experimentais. Seus t\u00f3picos incluem as an\u00e1lises morfol\u00f3gicas utilizando diversas colora\u00e7\u00f5es no intuito de verificar os componentes estruturais e ultraestruturais da uretra."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Piculo, Fernanda; Marini, Gabriela; Damasceno, D\u00e9bora Cristina; Sinzato, Yuri Karen; Barbosa, Ang\u00e9lica M\u00e9rcia Pascon; Matheus, Selma Maria Michelin; Rudge, Marilza Vieira Cunha; Felisbino, S\u00e9rgio Luis; Rinaldi, Jaqueline; Delella, Fl\u00e1via Karina; Santos, S\u00e9rgio Alexandre Alc\u00e2ntara do; Moreto, Tal\u00edsia; Rodrigues, Gelson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["NATURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/m38sb"], ["title", "Guia ilustrado da morfologia do tecido uretral de ratas"], ["doab_id", "19616"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334515"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334515"]], [["description", "This book publishes the results of the inter-regional project on \"Evolutionary dynamics of agricultural enterprises and multifunctionality\". Starting from the identification of a shared theoretical framework of the concept of multifunctionality, the study has developed a method for zoning the territory aimed at defining the different roles played by agriculture. The development of case studies, and meetings with stakeholders and focus groups, have made it possible to identify the weak and strong points within and outside the enterprises, with particular reference to the multifunctional components and the degree of repeatability and transferability of the experiences analysed. The result is to bring to light needs in terms of policies, tools for the valorisation of multifunctionality and strategies that enable the agricultural enterprises to commercially valorise functions not traditionally pertinent to the market.

Con il presente volume si pubblicano i risultati del progetto interregionale \u00abDinamiche evolutive delle imprese agricole e multifunzionalit\u00e0\u00bb. La ricerca, partendo dall'individuazione di un quadro teorico condiviso sul concetto di multifunzionalit\u00e0, ha sviluppato una metodologia di zonizzazione del territorio finalizzata a definire i diversi ruoli svolti dall'agricoltura. Quindi, attraverso la realizzazione di casi studio, incontri con i portatori di interesse e focus group, \u00e8 stato possibile individuare i punti di forza e di debolezza, interni ed esterni alle aziende, con particolare riferimento alle componenti multifunzionali e al grado di ripetitibilit\u00e0 e trasferibilit\u00e0 delle esperienze analizzate. Vengono cos\u00ec in luce quali sono le necessit\u00e0 per quanto riguarda le politiche, quali gli strumenti per la valorizzazione della multifunzionalit\u00e0 e le strategie che consentono alle imprese agricole la valorizzazione commerciale delle funzioni non tradizionalmente di mercato."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casini, Leonardo "], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Agriculture", "Economy", "Agricoltura", "Economia"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343709"], ["title", "Guida per la valorizzazione della multifunzionalit\u00e0 dell'agricoltura"], ["doab_id", "13044"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788864530895"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788864530895"]], [["description", "La profession de physicien m\u00e9dical est peu connue. Apparue en France il y a une cinquantaine d'ann\u00e9es, elle comprend aujourd'hui plus de 600 professionnels qui travaillent au quotidien aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s des m\u00e9decins sp\u00e9cialistes de radioth\u00e9rapie, radiologie et m\u00e9decine nucl\u00e9aire, pour les aider \u00e0 optimiser l'utilisation des rayonnements ionisants dans la lutte contre le cancer et dans les actes m\u00e9dicaux \u00e0 vis\u00e9e diagnostique ou th\u00e9rapeutique.B\u00e9n\u00e9ficiant d'une formation scientifique de haut niveau, les physiciens m\u00e9dicaux sont par d\u00e9finition au carrefour de la m\u00e9decine et de la physique. Ils ont du mal \u00e0 trouver leur place dans la classification des m\u00e9tiers et ne sont pas actuellement reconnus en tant que professionnels de sant\u00e9. De fait, ce n est qu'\u00e0 la suite des graves accidents de radioth\u00e9rapie survenus en France il y a quelques ann\u00e9es, que les pouvoirs publics ont pris la mesure de l importance de cette profession et du d\u00e9ficit de postes. Plus r\u00e9cemment, suite \u00e0 l'augmentation des doses re\u00e7ues par les patients en radiologie interventionnelle et en scanographie, le besoin accru de comp\u00e9tences en physique m\u00e9dicale dans ces domaines est apparu.Ce guide s'adresse prioritairement \u00e0 ceux qui exercent ou vont exercer le m\u00e9tier de physicien m\u00e9dical. Il vise \u00e0 les accompagner dans la d\u00e9couverte des m\u00e9andres r\u00e9glementaires et des techniques de management de la qualit\u00e9 et de la s\u00e9curit\u00e9. Il se propose d'\u00eatre un ouvrage de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence pour les aider \u00e0 accomplir leurs missions dans le respect des principes de bonne conduite et de bonne pratique professionnelle."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Fran\u00e7aise de Physique M\u00e9dicale"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/ebook_physique_medicale.pdf"], ["title", "Guide des bonnes pratiques de physique m\u00e9dicale"], ["doab_id", "16198"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759807444"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759807444"]], [["description", "The scale of change in the provision of information and research services since the original edition of this guide (published 1993), in particular the development of the Internet, meant that it soon became clear that a more or less complete re-write was needed, rather than simply a revision of the existing text. However, the new edition has kept to the spirit of the original, which has been a valuable tool for many.; Keith Cuninghame, former staff member of the UK House of Commons Library, London, Gro"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cuninghame, Keith"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Bibliothekswesen", "Rechtswissenschaften"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441783&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Guidelines for Legislative Libraries. 2nd, completely updated and enlarged edition"], ["doab_id", "15129"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441783"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441783"]], [["description", "The human brain and its one hundred billion neurons compose the most complex organ in the body and harness more than 20 per cent of all the energy we produce. Why do we have such large and energy-demanding brains, and how have we been able to afford such an expensive organ for thousands of years? Guts and Brains discusses the key variables at stake in such a question, including the relationship between brain size and diet, diet and social organization, and large brains and the human sexual division of labour. This interdisciplinary volume provides an entry for the reader into understanding the development of both early primates and our own species

Waarom hebben wij zulke grote en energie-vretende hersenen? Hoe kunnen we ons zo'n duur orgaan permitteren, en hoe deden Neandertalers dat, hun brein was immers minstens zo groot als dat van de moderne mens? In deze bundel behandelen vooraanstaande onderzoekers de verwevenheid van belangrijke variabelen in deze, bijvoorbeeld de relatie tussen dieet en hersengrootte bij primaten, tussen dieet en sociale organisatie, en tussen grote, \"dure\" hersenen en de sexe-gebonden arbeidsverdeling bij hedendaagse jagers-verzamelaars. De bijdragen in Guts and Brains laten zien dat kleine veranderingen in het dieet van onze verre voorouders grote gevolgen hadden voor hun manier van leven en uiteindelijk ook voor die van de moderne mens. Daarmee geeft de bundel ons niet alleen een beter inzicht in de levenswijze van vroege mensachtigen maar ook in die van die eigenaardige primaat die wij Homo sapiens noemen, onze eigen soort."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roebroeks ,Wil"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Archeology", "Brains", "Homo sapiens", "Neandertals", "Anthropologie", "Archeologie"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=354665"], ["title", "Guts and Brains : An Integrative Approach to the Hominin Record"], ["doab_id", "12980"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280147"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280147"]], [["description", "The result of my extensive research project is the first comprehensive study on the life and work of H. G. Adler, an important member of the circle around Elias and Veza Canetti, Erich Fried etc., whose ground-breaking scholarly work long overshadowed his reputation as a creative writer. Adler, a German-Jewish writer, born in Prague in 1910, was the inmate of various National Socialist concentration camps (Theresienstadt, Auschwitz) during the Second World War and lived in exile in London from 1947 until his death in 1988.Both as a scholar and as a creative writer, this prolific author is one of the most interesting and most versatile personalities in postwar history. In addition to publishing seminal works on the Holocaust, he left behind an important and to a large extent unpublished body of work, consisting of narrative prose, poetry and drama as well as scholarly articles and books on history, sociology, politics, psychology, language and literature, music, arts, philosophy, theology and Jewish studies. The works of H. G. Adler address central contemporary concerns, cover a large number of areas of interest (European cultural and intellectual history, 20th century German literature, exile studies, Holocaust research etc.) and shall thus - so I hope - attract considerably more attention in the future.This monograph attempts to close a major gap in exile studies that has often been complained about in the past. Its most important topical areas are: H. G. Adler's biography, Theresienstadt (Terez\u00edn), exile in England, the development and interdependence of scholarly work and literature, H. G. Adler's position amongst writers such as Karl Kraus, Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Elias Canetti and W. G. Sebald, H. G. Adler as Franz Baermann Steiner's literary executor, H. G. Adler's position amongst London \u00e9migr\u00e9s, H. G. Adler and Austria (despite his exile in England, Adler throughout his life remained closely associated with Austrian culture).This study focuses on Adler's most important and best known works \"Theresienstadt 1941-1945\" and \"Die verheimlichte Wahrheit\", books and articles like \"Die Dichtung der Prager Schule\" and \"Der Kampf gegen die 'Endl\u00f6sung der Judenfrage'\", which have hitherto been neglected by academic research, the voluminous autobiographically structured or autobiographically influenced novels \"Panorama\", \"Eine Reise\" and \"Die unsichtbare Wand\" as well as numerous unpublished texts, documents and photographs from Adler's literary estate. It is rounded off by a complete bibliography of H. G. Adler's publication from 1947 to 1988.The time for a monograph about H. G. Adler is ideal: 2008 - 20th anniversary of H. G. Adler's death; 2010 - H. G. Adler's 100th birthday.

Das Ergebnis meines umfangreichen Forschungsprojekts ist die erste Monographie \u00fcber den bedeutenden multidisziplin\u00e4ren Wissenschaftler und lange untersch\u00e4tzten Schriftsteller H. G. Adler, einem wichtigen Mitglied des Kreises um Elias und Veza Canetti, Erich Fried u. a. Adler, ein deutsch-j\u00fcdischer Schriftsteller, geboren 1910 in Prag, war w\u00e4hrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs in mehreren nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslagern (Theresienstadt, Auschwitz) interniert und lebte von 1947 bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1988 im Exil in London.Dieser Autor ist eine der interessantesten und vielseitigsten literarischen und wissenschaftlichen Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten der Nachkriegsgeschichte. Neben zu Lebzeiten ver\u00f6ffentlichten monumentalen Pionierarbeiten \u00fcber den Holocaust hinterlie\u00df er ein wichtiges und zu einem gro\u00dfen Teil unver\u00f6ffentlichtes Werk, das sowohl aus Erz\u00e4hlprosa, Gedichten und dramatischen Arbeiten besteht als auch aus wissenschaftlichen Aufs\u00e4tzen und B\u00fcchern \u00fcber Geschichte, Soziologie, Politik, Psychologie, Sprache und Literatur, Musik, bildende Kunst, Philosophie, Theologie und j\u00fcdische Themen. Adlers Werk ist f\u00fcr viele Bereiche von Bedeutung, f\u00fcr die europ\u00e4ische Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte, f\u00fcr die deutschsprachige Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, f\u00fcr die Exilforschung, f\u00fcr die Holocaustforschung u. a. und wird - so hoffe ich - in Zukunft erheblich mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen.Diese Arbeit trachtet oft eingeklagte Defizite im Bereich der \u00f6sterreichischen Exilforschung zu beheben. Ihre wichtigsten Themenbereiche sind: H. G. Adlers Biographie, Theresienstadt, Exil in England, die Entstehungsgeschichte der Werke, die gegenseitige Abh\u00e4ngigkeit von wissenschaftlichem und literarischem Werk, H. G. Adler's Position unter Schriftstellern wie Karl Kraus, Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Elias Canetti und W. G. Sebald, H. G. Adler als Nachlassverwalter von Franz Baermann Steiner, H. G. Adlers Stellung im Londoner Emigrantenkreis sowie H. G. Adlers Verh\u00e4ltnis zu \u00d6sterreich (trotz seines englischen Exils f\u00fchlte er sich dem \u00f6sterreichischen Kulturkreis angeh\u00f6rig und unterhielt weiterhin intensive Beziehungen zu \u00d6sterreich).Au\u00dfer Adlers bedeutendsten und bekanntesten wissenschaftlichen Werken wie \"Theresienstadt 1941-1945\" und \"Die verheimlichte Wahrheit\" wurden f\u00fcr die Monographie besonders bisher von der Forschung wenig bzw. \u00fcberhaupt nicht wahrgenommene Werke wie \"Die Dichtung der Prager Schule\" und \"Der Kampf gegen die 'Endl\u00f6sung der Judenfrage'\", die umfangreichen und stark autobiographisch strukturierten bzw. beeinflussten Romane \"Panorama\", \"Eine Reise\" und \"Die unsichtbare Wand\" sowie zahlreiche unver\u00f6ffentlichte Texte, Dokumente und Photos aus dem Nachlass herangezogen. Eine vollst\u00e4ndige Bibliographie der Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen H. G. Adlers von 1947 bis 1988 rundet diese Arbeit ab.Der Zeitpunkt f\u00fcr eine Monographie \u00fcber H. G. Adler ist ideal: 2008 - H. G. Adlers 20. Todestag; 2010 - H. G. Adlers 100. Geburtstag."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hocheneder ,Franz"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["H.G. Adler - life and work, Austrian literature after World War II, Exile in Great Britain, Holocaust, Austrian history, German literature from Prague"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437174"], ["title", "H. G. Adler (1910-1988)"], ["doab_id", "15299"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205781523"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205781523"]], [["description", "\u00c9 objetivo deste estudo explorar os aspectos que t\u00eam constitu\u00eddo o cerne da pol\u00edtica de habita\u00e7\u00e3o popular nas \u00faltimas tr\u00eas d\u00e9cadas. Para tal, privilegia-se a an\u00e1lise da Funda\u00e7\u00e3o da Casa Popular e do Banco Nacional da Habita\u00e7\u00e3o, que s\u00e3o, no per\u00edodo em pauta, a matriz da pol\u00edtica habitacional.[...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Azevedo, S\u00e9rgio de; Andrade, Lu\u00eds Aureliano Gama de"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xnfq4"], ["title", "Habita\u00e7\u00e3o e poder: da Funda\u00e7\u00e3o da Casa Popular ao Banco Nacional Habita\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16890"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820557"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820557"]], [["description", "In present times, certain fields of science are becoming aware of the necessity to go beyond a restrictive specialization, and establish an open dialogue with other disciplines. Such is the case of the approach that neuroscience and philosophy are performing in the last decade. However, this increasing interest in a multidisciplinary perspective should not be understood, in our opinion, as a new phenomenon, but rather as a return to a classical standpoint: a proper understanding of human features \u2013organic, cognitive, volitional, motor or behavioral, for example\u2013 requires a context that includes the global dimension of the human being. We believe that grand neuroscientific conclusions about the mind should take into account what philosophical reflection has said about it; likewise, philosophers should consider the organic constitution of the brain to draw inferences about the mind. Thus, both neuroscience and philosophy would benefit from each other\u2019s achievements through a fruitful dialogue. One of the main problems a multidisciplinary group encounters is terminology: the same term has a different scope in various fields, sometimes even contradictory. Such is the case of habits: from a neuroscientific perspective, a habit is a mere automation of an action. It is, therefore, linked to rigidity and limitation. However, from a classical philosophical account, a habit is an enabling capacity acquired through practice, which facilitates, improves and reinforces the performance of certain kind of actions. From neuroscience, habit acquisition restricts a subject\u2019s action to the learnt habit; from philosophy, habit acquisition allows the subject to set a distance from the simple motor performance to cognitively enrich the action. For example, playing piano is a technical habit; considering the neuroscientific account, a pianist would just play those sequences of keystrokes that had been repeatedly practiced in the past. However, according to the philosophical perspective, it would allow the pianist to improvise and, moreover, go beyond the movements of their hands to concentrate in other features of musical interpretation. In other words, a holistic view of habits focuses on the subject\u2019s disposition when facing both known and novel situations. We believe neuroscience could contribute to achieve a deeper understanding of the neural bases of habits, whose complexity could be deciphered by a philosophical reflection. Thus, we propose this Research Topic to increase our understanding on habits from a wide point of view. This collection of new experimental research, empirical and theoretical reviews, general commentaries and opinion articles covers the following subjects: habit learning; implicit memory; computational and complex dynamical accounts of habit formation; practical, cognitive, perceptual and motor habits; early learning; intentionality; consciousness in habits performance; neurological and psychiatric disorders related to habits, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, stereotypies or addiction; habits as enabling or limiting capacities for the agent."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Javier Bernacer; Jose Angel Lombo; Jose Ignacio Murillo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neuroscience", "Philosophy", "implicit learning", "procedural learning", "Basal Ganglia", "habituation", "motor routine", "cognitive control", "agency", "action"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1889/habits-plasticity-learning-and-freedom"], ["title", "Habits: Plasticity, learning and freedom"], ["doab_id", "19571"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196739"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196739"]], [["description", "Habituation describes the progressive decrease of the amplitude or frequency of a motor response to repeated sensory stimulation that is not caused by sensory receptor adaptation or motor fatigue. Habituation can occur in different time scales: habituation within a testing session has been termed short-term habituation, whereas habituation across testing sessions has been termed long-term habituation. Generally, the more spaced the stimuli for inducing habituation are presented (i.e. the slower habituation is induced), the longer it seems to take to recover the behavioural response to its initial magnitude. Habituation is opposed by behavioural sensitization, which is thought to be an independent mechanism that leads to an increased behavioural response, especially if the sensory stimulus is annoying or aversive. Habituation provides an important mechanism for filtering sensory information, as it allows filtering out irrelevant stimuli and thereby focussing on important stimuli, a prerequisite for many cognitive tasks. The importance is demonstrated in mental disorders that are associated with disruptions in habituation, e.g. schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. The inability to filter out irrelevant information in patients with these disorders strongly correlates with disruptions in higher cognitive functions, such as in different types of memory and attention. Habituation is also considered to be the most basic form of non-associative implicit learning, and it can be observed throughout the animal kingdom. Based on the importance of habituation for cognitive function and therefore for the survival of an animal, it is assumed that habituation mechanisms are highly conserved across species. On the other hand, there is emerging evidence for a multitude of homo- and heterosynaptic mechanisms underlying habituation, depending on the modality of sensory stimulation, the level of sensory information processing where habituation occurs, and the temporal composition of sensory stimulation. Eric Kandel used the sea hare Aplysia in order to study habituation mechanisms of the gill withdrawal reflex; however, the molecular mechanisms remain largely elusive to date. A multitude of different organisms, behaviours, and experimental approaches have been used since in order to study habituation, but still surprisingly little is known about the underlying mechanisms. New insights also come from an unexpected side: in the recent past, groups that have been studying molecular mechanisms underlying short- and long-term synaptic plasticity phenomenons in different parts of the rodent brain are starting to link these plasticity processes to behavioural habituation. The scope of this Frontier Research Topic is to give an overview over the concept of habituation, different animal and behavioural models used for studying habituation mechanisms, as well as the different synaptic and molecular processes suggested to play a role in behavioural habituation through Original Research Articles, Methods, Hypothesis & Theory Articles, and Reviews."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Susanne Schmid; Donald A. Wilson; Catharine Rankin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["learning and memory", "habituation", "synaptic mechanism", "Sensorimotor gating", "spike adaptation", "startle", "animal model"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1425/mechanisms-of-habituation"], ["title", "Habituation mechanisms and their impact on cognitive function"], ["doab_id", "18713"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194629"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194629"]], [["description", "This book traces translation and interpreting practices in the Habsburg Empire\u2019s (1848-1918) administration, courts and diplomatic service, and takes account of the \u201chabitualised\u201d translation carried out in everyday life. It then details the flows of translation among the Habsburg crownlands and between these and other European languages, with a special focus on Italian\u2013German exchange. Applying a broad concept of \u201ccultural translation\u201d and working with sociological tools, the book addresses the mechanisms by which translation and interpreting constructs cultures, and delineates a model of the Habsburg Monarchy\u2019s \u201cpluricultural space of communication\u201d that is also applicable to other multilingual settings.German version of the book: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:18

Das Buch befasst sich mit der \u00dcbersetzungs- und Dolmetschpraxis der Habsburgermonarchie zwischen 1848 und 1918 in der Verwaltung, bei Gericht, im diplomatischen Dienst und als t\u00e4gliche Alltagspraxis. Analysiert werden ebenso die \u00dcbersetzungsstr\u00f6me zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronl\u00e4nder und mit L\u00e4ndern au\u00dferhalb der Monarchie; der Fokus dieser Untersuchungen wird schlie\u00dflich auf die \u00dcbersetzungen aus dem Italienischen gelegt. Unter Anwendung des Konzepts der \u201ekulturellen \u00dcbersetzung\u201c und auf Pierre Bourdieu basierender translationsoziologischer Methoden untersucht das Buch die kulturkonstruierenden Mechanismen von Translation und skizziert einen \u201eplurikulturellen Kommunikationsraum der Habsburgermonarchie\u201c, der auch auf andere mehrsprachige R\u00e4ume anwendbar ist. Deutsche Version des Buches: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:18"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolf ,Michaela"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Habsburg Monarchy, cultural translation, multilingualism, translation sociology, Pierre Bourdieu", "Habsburgermonarchie, kulturelles \u00dcbersetzen, Mehrsprachigkeit, Translationssoziologie, Pierre Bourdieu"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574670"], ["title", "The Habsburg Monarchy\u2019s Many-Languaged Soul"], ["doab_id", "17397"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027258564"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027258564"]], [["description", "Este libro es la materializaci\u00f3n de un encargo del rector Gregorio Peces-Barba de realizar un trabajo sobre los or\u00edgenes de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. El resultado se encuentra plasmado en estas p\u00e1ginas que son el fruto del esfuerzo de muchas personas. La Universidad Carlos III ha destacado desde su implantaci\u00f3n por su empe\u00f1o en definir sus l\u00edneas maestras, sus ejes definidores y distintivos respecto a otras universidades ya existentes. Desde ese presente, desde el momento en que este centro vio la luz, procur\u00f3 siempre proyectar esas l\u00edneas hacia un futuro, hacia un medio y largo plazo, en el que la Universidad contar\u00eda con el tiempo para consolidarse. Presente y futuro, como preocupaci\u00f3n, estuvieron y est\u00e1n siempre muy visibles en el discurso y en la imagen que la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ha querido proyectar de s\u00ed misma. Nuestro ejercicio introduce, con los quince a\u00f1os de perspectiva que ahora se nos otorgan, cierta dimensi\u00f3n de pasado, o mejor, de presente madurado, lo que da un lugar privilegiado a la reflexi\u00f3n antes aludida. Hemos querido dejar por escrito, a trav\u00e9s de un trabajo siempre documentado y junto a las reflexiones de quienes m\u00e1s directamente estuvieron relacionados con los comienzos de la andadura de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, el reflejo de un estado de cosas que no entramos a valorar pero que s\u00ed puede dar lugar a la reflexi\u00f3n por parte de los lectores pertenecientes a esta comunidad universitaria y, sobre todo por parte de aqu\u00e9llos que, en mayor o menor medida, soportan las responsabilidades del gobierno de este centro. Coincide la publicaci\u00f3n del libro con el decimoquinto aniversario de la Ley de 5 de mayo de 1989 que hizo realidad el proyecto de creaci\u00f3n de la Universidad."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mora Ca\u00f1ada, Adela (ed. lit.); Rodr\u00edguez-L\u00f3pez, Carolina (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Universities", "History", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7885/12_hacia_mod_univers.pdf?sequence=2"], ["title", "Hacia un modelo universitario: la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid"], ["doab_id", "16157"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788497723169"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8497723163"]], [["description", "Can an algorithm edit a journal? Can a library exist without books? Can students build and manage their own learning management platforms? Can a conference be held without a program? Can Twitter replace a scholarly society?As recently as the mid-2000s, questions like these would have been unthinkable. But today serious scholars are asking whether the institutions of the academy as they have existed for decades, even centuries, aren\u2019t becoming obsolete. Every aspect of scholarly infrastructure is being questioned, and even more importantly, being hacked. Sympathetic scholars of traditionally disparate disciplines are canceling their association memberships and building their own networks on Facebook and Twitter. Journals are being compiled automatically from self-published blog posts. Newly minted Ph.D.s are forgoing the tenure track for alternative academic careers that blur the lines between research, teaching, and service. Graduate students are looking beyond the categories of the traditional CV and building expansive professional identities and popular followings through social media. Educational technologists are \u201cpunking\u201d established technology vendors by rolling out their own open source infrastructure.Hacking the Academy will both explore and contribute to ongoing efforts to rebuild scholarly infrastructure for a new millennium."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, Editors"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.12172434.0001.001"], ["title", "Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities"], ["doab_id", "19098"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071982", "9780472051984", "9780472900251", "9780472029471"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472071982 9780472051984 9780472900251 9780472029471"]], [["description", "Die zunehmende Verwirklichung des europ\u00e4ischen Binnenmarktes f\u00fchrt zu einem konstanten Anstieg des grenz\u00fcberschreitenden G\u00fcterverkehrs, insbesondere auch der Gefahrguttransporte innerhalb der Europ\u00e4ischen Union. Mit den l\u00e4ngeren grenz\u00fcberschreitenden Transportwegen steigt die Gefahr von Unf\u00e4llen, welche bei Gefahrguttransporten aufgrund des erh\u00f6hten Gefahrenpotenzials in der Regel schwerwiegendere Folgen als bei gew\u00f6hnlichen G\u00fctertransporten nach sich ziehen. Die daran ankn\u00fcpfenden, praktisch wichtigen Haftungsfragen f\u00fcr entstandene Sch\u00e4den Dritter, also der Personen, die nicht am Transportrechtsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Absender, Transporteur und Empf\u00e4nger beteiligt sind, sind Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Behandelt werden alle f\u00fcnf Verkehrszweige: Stra\u00dfeng\u00fcterverkehr, Schieneng\u00fcterverkehr, Binnenschiffahrt, Seeschiffahrt sowie Luftfrachtverkehr. Dabei konzentriert sich die Darstellung auf bereits bestehende v\u00f6lkerrechtliche \u00dcbereinkommen (CRTD, HNS-\u00dcbereinkommen, CRDNI-Entwurf, Zweites R\u00f6mer Haftungsabkommen, \u00d6lhaftungs- und Fonds\u00fcbereinkommen, Pariser und Wiener \u00dcbereinkommen), auch wenn diese gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils noch nicht in Kraft und daher in der Praxis nicht anwendbar sind. Die daraus resultierenden Haftungsl\u00fccken m\u00fcssen derzeit noch durch das vom nationalen Internationalen Privatrecht berufene nationale Recht geschlossen werden. Wie dies nach geltendem Recht geschieht und welche haftungsrechtlichen Unterschiede sich hierbei hinsichtlich der Haftung f\u00fcr Gefahrguttransporte ergeben, wird exemplarisch am Beispiel der deutschen, franz\u00f6sischen und englischen Rechtsordnung dargestellt. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser eingehenden Analyse entwickelt die Verfasserin Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr die \u00fcberf\u00e4llige Rechtsvereinheitlichung auf europ\u00e4ischer Ebene.

Die zunehmende Verwirklichung des europ\u00e4ischen Binnenmarktes f\u00fchrt zu einem konstanten Anstieg des grenz\u00fcberschreitenden G\u00fcterverkehrs, insbesondere auch der Gefahrguttransporte innerhalb der Europ\u00e4ischen Union. Mit den l\u00e4ngeren grenz\u00fcberschreitenden Transportwegen steigt die Gefahr von Unf\u00e4llen, welche bei Gefahrguttransporten aufgrund des erh\u00f6hten Gefahrenpotenzials in der Regel schwerwiegendere Folgen als bei gew\u00f6hnlichen G\u00fctertransporten nach sich ziehen. Die daran ankn\u00fcpfenden, praktisch wichtigen Haftungsfragen f\u00fcr entstandene Sch\u00e4den Dritter, also der Personen, die nicht am Transportrechtsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Absender, Transporteur und Empf\u00e4nger beteiligt sind, sind Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Behandelt werden alle f\u00fcnf Verkehrszweige: Stra\u00dfeng\u00fcterverkehr, Schieneng\u00fcterverkehr, Binnenschiffahrt, Seeschiffahrt sowie Luftfrachtverkehr. Dabei konzentriert sich die Darstellung auf bereits bestehende v\u00f6lkerrechtliche \u00dcbereinkommen (CRTD, HNS-\u00dcbereinkommen, CRDNI-Entwurf, Zweites R\u00f6mer Haftungsabkommen, \u00d6lhaftungs- und Fonds\u00fcbereinkommen, Pariser und Wiener \u00dcbereinkommen), auch wenn diese gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils noch nicht in Kraft und daher in der Praxis nicht anwendbar sind. Die daraus resultierenden Haftungsl\u00fccken m\u00fcssen derzeit noch durch das vom nationalen Internationalen Privatrecht berufene nationale Recht geschlossen werden. Wie dies nach geltendem Recht geschieht und welche haftungsrechtlichen Unterschiede sich hierbei hinsichtlich der Haftung f\u00fcr Gefahrguttransporte ergeben, wird exemplarisch am Beispiel der deutschen, franz\u00f6sischen und englischen Rechtsordnung dargestellt. Auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse dieser eingehenden Analyse entwickelt die Verfasserin Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr die \u00fcberf\u00e4llige Rechtsvereinheitlichung auf europ\u00e4ischer Ebene."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaiser, Anne"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Transport of dangerous goods", "Liability", "Europe", "Transport of dangerous goods", "Liability", "Europe"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610171"], ["title", "Haftung f\u00fcr Gefahrguttransporte in Europa - Zur au\u00dfervertraglichen Haftung f\u00fcr Gefahrguttransporte zu Lande, zu Wasser und mit Luftfahrzeugen"], ["doab_id", "13357"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875586"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875586"]], [["description", "Touching on the role and destiny of Haiti in the Americas, Haiti Unbound engages with long-standing issues of imperialism and resistance culture in the transatlantic world. Glover's timely project emphatically articulates Haiti's regional and global centrality, combining vital 'big picture' reflections on the field of postcolonial studies with elegant close-reading-based analyses of the philosophical perspective and creative practice of a distinctively Haitian literary phenomenon. Providing insightful and sophisticated blueprints for the reading and teaching of the Spiralists' prose fiction, it will serve as a point of reference for the works of these authors and for the singular socio-political space out of and within which they write."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Glover ,Kaiama L."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Haiti", "Postcolonial", "Spiritualism", "Haiti", "Post Koloniaal", "Spiritualisme"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=398846"], ["title", "Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon"], ["doab_id", "14611"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846314995"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846314995"]], [["description", "How well did civilian morale stand up to the pressures of total war and what factors were important to it? In this important work, Robert Mackay offers a robust rejection of recent contentions that civilian morale fell a long way short of the favourable picture presented at the time and in hundreds of books and films ever since. Whilst acknowledging that some negative attitudes and behaviours existed - panic and defeatism, ration-cheating and black-marketeering, looting, absenteeism and strikes - the author argues that these involved a very small minority of the population. In fact, most people behaved well, and this should be the real measure of civilian morale, rather than the failings of the few who behaved badly. This book shows that before the War the official prognosis was pessimistic but that measures to bolster morale were taken nevertheless, in particular with regard to protection against air raids. An examination of a range of indicative factors concludes that morale fluctuated but was in the main good, right until the end of the War. In explaining this phenomenon, due credit is accorded to government policies for the maintenance of morale, but special emphasis is given to the 'invisible' chain of patriotic feeling that held the nation together during its time of trial. This book will give students of the Second World War new insights into how and why ordinary people coped with the intolerable."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mackay ,Robert"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["war", "britain", "civilian"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341341"], ["title", "Half the battle: Civilian morale in Britain during the Second World War"], ["doab_id", "12666"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719058936"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719058936"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 2, with foreward by John Hollander. Lisa William's poems are infused with what John Hollander calls \"\"a guarded wonder.\"\" A poet of unique vision, she seems always to be \"\"looking at,\"\" with special attention to the experience of the senses. Moreover, Williams is equally concerned with epistemology"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Williams, Lisa"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/9"], ["title", "Hammered Dulcimer"], ["doab_id", "14763"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780585025964"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780585025964"]], [["description", "With the term \"Library 2.0\" the editors mean an institution which applies the principles of the Web 2.0 such as openness, re-use, collaboration and interaction in the entire organization. Libraries are extending their service offerings and work processes to include the potential of Web 2.0 technologies. This changes the job description and self-image of librarians. The collective volume offers a complete overview of the topic Library 2.0 and the current state of developments from a technological, sociological, information theoretical and practice-oriented perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bergmann, Julia ; Danowski, Patrick"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/43790"], ["title", "Handbuch Bibliothek 2.0"], ["doab_id", "18073"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110232103", "9783110232097"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110232103, 9783110232097"]], [["description", "This handbook is based on the project \"\u00d6sterreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen\" (Austrian WomenWriters of children's literature), which was defined as part of the project \"biografiA. datenbank und lexikon\u00f6sterreichischer frauen\" (database of austrian women, http://www.biografia.at), localised on the Institute forScience and Art in Vienna. In the years 1999 to 2002 more than 800 women writers could be describedbiographically. Among them are many women, who wrote only one single book for children, there are someillustrators who decided to write also the text for their books and there are also some wellknown writers forChildren's books, like Christine N\u00f6stlinger, Renate Welsh, Friederike Mayr\u00f6cker and many others. There ist notime-limitation, so we have a good overlook of the whole production of children's literature in Austria. Austriameans by that way to be born in this land or to live here for more than 10 years. Many of the living authors sendt their curriculum vitae and also many experts on this field helped to fill up theentries. But there are great differences between the portraits of the women, differences in the length of the articles,in the presenting details of the lifes and also differences in their way to live, in their political behaviour and so on.Many of the authors had to flee from austria during the time of nationalsocialism because of their jewish origin ortheir political background. Some of them are nearly forgotten. They were murdered or had to emigrate in a landwith another language, the chance to be able to continue the writing career was very small. But we know somewomen who had the luck to continue the career. Alex Wedding is one of them, she founded with some otherwriters like Auguste Lazar the proletarian children's literature. Hertha Pauli is one of the women whose careerbegan in her exile, she began to write books for children in the USA. The biographs can be read as a part ofaustrian culture, as a piece of our own history.It is the intention of this handbook to encourage scientists to study more about the austrian women-writers ofchildren's books and to discuss their publications.

Das vorliegende Handbuch entstand aus dem Modulprojekt \"\u00d6sterreichische Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen\"das als Teilbereich des Projekts \"biografiA. datenbank und lexikon \u00f6sterreichischer frauen\"(http://www.biografia.at), 1999-2002 am Institut f\u00fcr Wissenschaft und Kunst bearbeitet wurde. Ziel dieses zeitlichnicht eingegrenzten Modulprojektes war die biografische Darstellung all jener \u00f6sterreichischen Frauen, diemindestens ein Buch f\u00fcr Kinder bzw. Jugendliche ver\u00f6ffentlicht haben. Der Zeitraum wurde offen gelassen, um einen m\u00f6glichst breiten \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das kinderliterarische Schaffen vonFrauen bieten zu k\u00f6nnen. Die Aufnahme der jeweiligen Autorinnen orientierte sich am Kategorienschema der Datenbank biografiA. Umfangreiche Recherchen und Kontakte mit ExpertInnen, Autorinnen und NachlassverwalterInnen erm\u00f6glichten die Erstellung von Lebensl\u00e4ufen auch wenig bekannter Schriftstellerinnen. Der zeitliche Bogen spannt sich von Antonie Wutka , die mit ihrer \"Encyclop\u00e4die f\u00fcr die weibliche Jugend\" aus dem Jahre 1812 zum ersten Mal in \u00d6sterreich ein Schriftwerk auf den Markt brachte, das sich haupts\u00e4chlich an junge Leserinnen richtete, bis zu zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Autorinnen. Das als Grundlagenwerk konzipierte Handbuch, das zu weiteren Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung, der Exilforschung und der Frauenbiografieforschung anregen m\u00f6chte, enth\u00e4lt auch sehr viele vom Holocaust betroffene Autorinnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blumesberger ,Susanne"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Austria, children\u00b4s literature, cultural heritage, women writers, womens biographics, History of Literature", "\u00d6sterreich, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, kulturelles Ged\u00e4chtnis, Schriftstellerinnen, Frauenbiografien, Literaturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512195"], ["title", "Handbuch der \u00f6sterreichischen Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen: L-Z"], ["doab_id", "16526"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205785521"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205785521"]], [["description", "Die strategische Umweltpr\u00fcfung ist ein umweltpolitisches Instrument von h\u00f6chster Aktualit\u00e4t. Die Pr\u00fcfung der Umweltauswirkungen auf vorgelagerten Planungsebenen ist ein wesentlich effizienteres Instrument der umweltpolitischen Vorsorge als ein rein projektbezogenes Vorgehen. Die SUP verbindet effizienteren Umweltschutz mit der M\u00f6glichkeit, Zulassungsverfahren auf Projektebene deutlich zu entlasten. Das vorliegende Handbuch wurde so aufgebaut, da\u00df es auch f\u00fcr eilige Leser gut nutzbar ist. Das Werk wendet sich an Planungsexperten sowohl bei Beh\u00f6rden als auch in Planungsb\u00fcros. Dabei sind unterschiedlichste Fachbereiche, von der Raumordnung \u00fcber die Verkehrsplanung, Wasserwirtschaft, Energiewirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft, Tourismusplanung und andere umweltrelevante Planungsvorhaben angesprochen.Das Handbuch ist ab seiner 2. Auflage als Loseblatt-Sammlung konzipiert, um der dynamischen Entwicklung im SUP-Bereich Folge zu leisten und in regelm\u00e4\u00dfigen Zeitabst\u00e4nden Aktualisierungslieferungen vornehmen zu k\u00f6nnen. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Institut f\u00fcr Technikfolgenabsch\u00e4tzung"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Austrian Academy of Sciences Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hw.oeaw.ac.at/sup_collection?frames=yes"], ["title", "Handbuch Strategische Umweltpr\u00fcfung (SUP)"], ["doab_id", "15104"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783700126874", "9783700126874", "9783700133858"]], ["provider", "Austrian Academy of Sciences"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700126874 3700126875 9783700133858"]], [["description", "In der Hungerforschung zeichnet sich ein neues Forschungsnarrativ ab, das naturale Umwelt und menschliches Handeln als eng miteinander verflochten versteht. Das Konzept der \u201eVulnerabilit\u00e4t\u201c menschlicher Gesellschaften spielt in diesem Zusammenhang eine zentrale Rolle. Dieser Zugang sucht die postkoloniale Frontstellung von klima- und sozialdeterministischen Hungermodellen zugunsten einer integrativen Perspektive auf das Zusammenspiel von Mensch und Natur zu \u00fcberwinden. Die Praktiken der Akteure, ihr \u201eHandeln in Hungerkrisen\u201c, stehen dabei im Zentrum. Ziel des Bandes ist es, den Vulnerabilit\u00e4tsansatz als m\u00f6gliches \u201eBr\u00fcckenkonzept\u201c der multidisziplin\u00e4r organisierten Hungerforschung vorzustellen. Das Buch vereint zu diesem Zweck Autorinnen und Autoren aus den Bereichen der Anthropologie, der Soziologie, der Geographie, der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Entwicklungsforschung. Die Beitr\u00e4ge analysieren aus historisierender, umweltgeschichtlicher Perspektive, wie das konstitutive Wechselspiel klimatischer und kultureller Faktoren den Betroffenen Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume er\u00f6ffnet. Damit erm\u00f6glicht der Band nicht nur einen neuen Blick auf ein Feld, das mit dem globalen Klimawandel wieder zu einem Gegenwartsproblem geworden ist. Er weist auch dar\u00fcber hinaus und illustriert die vielf\u00e4ltigen Formen der \u201eSozialisierung\u201c klimatischer Impulse.

In der Hungerforschung zeichnet sich ein neues Forschungsnarrativ ab, das naturale Umwelt und menschliches Handeln als eng miteinander verflochten versteht. Das Konzept der \u201eVulnerabilit\u00e4t\u201c menschlicher Gesellschaften spielt in diesem Zusammenhang eine zentrale Rolle. Dieser Zugang sucht die postkoloniale Frontstellung von klima- und sozialdeterministischen Hungermodellen zugunsten einer integrativen Perspektive auf das Zusammenspiel von Mensch und Natur zu \u00fcberwinden. Die Praktiken der Akteure, ihr \u201eHandeln in Hungerkrisen\u201c, stehen dabei im Zentrum. Ziel des Bandes ist es, den Vulnerabilit\u00e4tsansatz als m\u00f6gliches \u201eBr\u00fcckenkonzept\u201c der multidisziplin\u00e4r organisierten Hungerforschung vorzustellen. Das Buch vereint zu diesem Zweck Autorinnen und Autoren aus den Bereichen der Anthropologie, der Soziologie, der Geographie, der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Entwicklungsforschung. Die Beitr\u00e4ge analysieren aus historisierender, umweltgeschichtlicher Perspektive, wie das konstitutive Wechselspiel klimatischer und kultureller Faktoren den Betroffenen Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume er\u00f6ffnet. Damit erm\u00f6glicht der Band nicht nur einen neuen Blick auf ein Feld, das mit dem globalen Klimawandel wieder zu einem Gegenwartsproblem geworden ist. Er weist auch dar\u00fcber hinaus und illustriert die vielf\u00e4ltigen Formen der \u201eSozialisierung\u201c klimatischer Impulse."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Collet, Dominik; Lassen, Thore; Schanbacher, Ansgar"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Hunger Research", "Climatic Factors", "Human Societies", "Climate Change", "Hunger Research", "Climatic Factors", "Human Societies", "Climate Change"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610328"], ["title", "Handeln in Hungerkrisen - neue Perspektiven auf soziale und klimatische Vulnerabilit\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "15370"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950408"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950408"]], [["description", "The Imperial Period Dwelling WE 6 of Terrace House 2 in Ephesus. Living invironment of a family of the town elite.

Das kaiserzeitliche Wohnhaus WE 6 im Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Wohn- und Lebenswelt einer Familie der st\u00e4dtischen Elite.Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband I: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:528Textband II: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:529Tafelband: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:530"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Th\u00fcr ,Hilke; Rathmayr ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Wohnbauforschung, contextual analysis, everyday culture, private house and club house?", "Wohnbauforschung, Kontext, Alltagskultur, Wohnhaus und Vereinshaus?"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=480817"], ["title", "Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 6. Textband II"], ["doab_id", "16116"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700173557"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700173557"]], [["description", "Contextual analysis of the architecture, the features and the finds of the Imperial Period dwelling WE 7 of Terrace House 2 in Ephesos.

Kontextuelle Analyse von Architektur, Befunden und Funden des kaiserzeitlichen Wohnhauses WE 7 im Hanghaus 2 von Ephesos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rathmayr ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ancient Wohnbauforschung, everyday culture, Emperor Cult, private house and club house?", "Antike Wohnbauforschung, Alltagskultur, Kaiserkult, Wohnhaus und Vereinshaus?"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en", "tr"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611241"], ["title", "Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos. Die Wohneinheit 7, Tafelband"], ["doab_id", "19247"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English^tr"], ["isbns", ["9783700176305"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176305"]], [["description", "This book explores key ideas in Hannah Arendt's work through a study of her friendships with contemporaries: Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Heinrich Blucher and Mary McCarthy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jon Nixon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472505873"], ["title", "Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Friendship"], ["doab_id", "17119"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472505873"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472505873"]], [["description", "\"Dirty Thirties\" is the sobriquet commonly applied to the agricultural crisis in the drylands of southern Saskatchewan in Canada that coincided with the Great Depression, and it is generally assumed that prior to this period healthier, normal conditions prevailed. In Happyland, Curtis McManus contends that the \"Dirty Thirties\" actually began much earlier and were connected only peripherally to the Depression itself. McManus has mined the rarely consulted records of Rural Municipalities in Saskatchewan, as well as government documents, ministerial correspondence, local community histories, newspapers, and publications of relevant government departments, to tell a story of a quarter-century of stubborn persistence but also of absurdity, despair, social dislocation, moral corrosion, and inconsistent and often inept government policy. Thanks to McManuss rare and welcome blend of sound scholarship and living breathing prose, it is a gripping and evocative story as well."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Curtis McManus"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48647/5/UofCPress_Happyland_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Happyland: A History of the \u201cDirty Thirties\u201d in Saskatchewan, 1914-1937"], ["doab_id", "15161"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385746"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385746"]], [["description", "Despite the market triumphalism that greeted the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet empire seemed initially to herald new possibilities for social democracy. In the 1990s, with a new era of peace and economic prosperity apparently imminent, people discontented with the realities of global capitalism swept social democrats into power in many Western countries. The resurgence was, however, brief. Neither the recurring economic crises of the 2000s nor the ongoing War on Terror was conducive to social democracy, which soon gave way to a prolonged decline in countries where social democrats had once held power. Arguing that neither globalization nor demographic change was key to the failure of social democracy, the contributors to this volume analyze the rise and decline of Third Way social democracy and seek to lay the groundwork for the reformulation of progressive class politics. Offering a comparative look at social democratic experience since the Cold War, the volume examines countries where social democracy has long been an influential political force?Sweden, Germany, Britain, and Australia?while also considering the history of Canada?s NDP and the emergence of New Left parties in Germany and the province of Qu?bec. The case studies point to a social democracy that has confirmed its rupture with the postwar order and its role as the primary political representative of working-class interests. Once marked by redistributive and egalitarian policy perspectives, social democracy has, the book argues, assumed a new role?that of a modernizing force advancing the neoliberal cause."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McCoy, Ted"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Penitentiary", "Social reform", "legal history", "prison"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120209"], ["title", "Hard Time: Reforming the Penitentiary in Nineteenth-Century Canada"], ["doab_id", "15071"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836966", "9781926836973", "9781926836980"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836966 9781926836973 9781926836980"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Teeuw ,A."], ["date", "1950"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613442"], ["title", "Hariwa\u1e45\u015ba"], ["doab_id", "18464"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285729", "9789004286306"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285729 9789004286306"]], [["description", "Over the past decade, coastal and freshwater systems in the U.S. and worldwide have experienced an apparent increase in the frequency and geographic distribution of harmful algal blooms (HABs). These blooms can adversely affect both public health and ecosystem health. Toxin-producing HABs can accumulate in drinking and recreational waters and in foods of aquatic origin such as fish and seafood. Human and animal health risks include exposure to the toxins through eating contaminated food or drinking or swimming in contaminated water. Because of these potential public health risks, several countries and U.S. states have developed monitoring programs and guidelines for drinking and recreational water quality to protect public health. This special issue will present research papers and reviews on various aspects of public health and environmental responses to harmful algal blooms. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["harmful algal blooms, cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, cyanotoxins, red tides, public health, drinking water treatment, monitoring, treatment, prevention, public health surveillance, environmental health, environmental contaminants and human health"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/190"], ["title", "Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Public Health: Progress and Current Challenges"], ["doab_id", "19045"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783038421559", "9783038421566"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421559/9783038421566"]], [["description", "Oncolytic viruses (OVs) have emerged as a promising anticancer treatment. OVs selectively infect, replicate in, and kill tumor cells. Oncolytic viral therapy occurs in two phases: an initial phase where the virus mediates direct oncolysis of tumor cells, and a second phase where an induced post-oncolytic immune response continues to mediate tumor destruction and retards progression of the disease. For a long time, the therapeutic efficacy was thought to depend mainly on the direct viral oncolysis based on their tumor selective replication and killing activities. But the post-oncolytic anti-tumor activity induced by the OV therapy is also a key factor for an efficient therapeutic activity. The topic adresses various strategies how to optimize OVs anti-tumor activity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Philippe Fournier; Volker Schirrmacher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["oncolytic virus", "anti-tumor activity", "tumor-associated antigen", "oncolytic virotherapy", "immunovirotherapy", "immunotherapeutic approaches", "anti-viral response"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1613/harnessing-oncolytic-virus-mediated-antitumor-immunity"], ["title", "Harnessing oncolytic virus-mediated immunity"], ["doab_id", "18596"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194506"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194506"]], [["description", "Ghosts and the supernatural appear throughout modern culture, in any number of entertainment, commercial, and other contexts. Popular media's commodified representations of ghosts can be quite different from what people believe about them, based on tradition or direct experience. Belief and tradition and the popular or commercial nevertheless continually feed off each other. They frequently share space in how people think about the supernatural. In Haunting Experiences, three well-known folklorists broaden the discussion of ghost lore by examining it from multiple angles in various modern contexts. Diane E. Goldstein, Sylvia Ann Grider, and Jeannie Banks Thomas take ghosts seriously. They draw on contemporary scholarship that emphasizes the basis of belief in experience and the usefulness of ghost stories. And they look closely at the narrative role of such lore in matters such as socialization and gender. Together, they unravel the complex mix of mass media, commodification, and popular culture that today puts old spirits into new contexts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Goldstein, Diane E.; Grider, Sylvia Ann; Thomas, Jeannie Banks"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/18"], ["title", "Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore"], ["doab_id", "14681"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216363"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216363"]], [["description", "e syst\u00e8me de certification FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) vise \u00e0 promouvoir la gestion durable des for\u00eats. Il repose sur un ensemble de normes dont une est particuli\u00e8rement complexe \u00e0 mettre en oeuvre en Afrique Centrale, le principe 9 traitant des Hautes Valeurs de Conservation (HVC). Ce principe devrait \u00eatre interpr\u00e9t\u00e9 aux \u00e9chelons nationaux afin de prendre en compte les sp\u00e9cificit\u00e9s de chaque pays. Bien que des ouvrages aient d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9labor\u00e9s par diverses organisations, aucun ne cible particuli\u00e8rement les grandes concessions foresti\u00e8res. Au Cameroun, ces concessions ou Unit\u00e9s Foresti\u00e8res d\u2019Am\u00e9nagement (UFA), repr\u00e9sentent pourtant 40 % du domaine forestier national. Le pr\u00e9sent guide ambitionne de fournir aux acteurs de la gestion foresti\u00e8re au Cameroun les connaissances les plus pertinentes afin de leur permettre d\u2019identifier, de g\u00e9rer et de suivre les Hautes Valeurs de Conservation dans les UFA. Il se d\u00e9marque des pr\u00e9c\u00e9dents guides par plusieurs points : (i) une revue bibliographique d\u00e9taill\u00e9e est fournie sur le sujet \u00e9pineux de l\u2019identification de chaque HVC, et l\u2019opinion des auteurs y est mise en exergue; (ii) la d\u00e9marche d\u2019identification est appuy\u00e9e par les r\u00e9f\u00e9rences les plus pertinentes, \u00e9vitant au gestionnaire de se disperser dans sa qu\u00eate de documentation; (iii) sur la base de leur exp\u00e9rience, les auteurs proposent une s\u00e9rie de menaces pouvant affecter les HVC, de mesures de gestion et d\u2019indicateurs de suivi. L\u2019approche d\u00e9velopp\u00e9e se base sur des m\u00e9thodes empiriques et pragmatiques d\u2019une part et, d\u2019autre part, sur des \u00e9tudes scientifiques. Cet ouvrage devrait constituer une base int\u00e9ressante pour une interpr\u00e9tation solide des HVC au Cameroun. De plus, bien que ciblant les UFA camerounaises, il pourrait inspirer d\u2019autres acteurs forestiers \u0153uvrant dans le Bassin du Congo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Da\u00efnou, Kasso; Bracke, Charles; Vermeulen, C\u00e9dric; Haurez, Barbara; De Vleeschouwer, Jean-Yves; Fayolle, Adeline; Doucet, Jean-Louis"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hautes Valeurs de Conservation ", " Unit\u00e9s Foresti\u00e8res d'Am\u00e9nagement ", " FSC ", " Gestion foresti\u00e8re durable ", " Cameroun ", " Certification"]], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/catalogue/reference/142.html"], ["title", "Hautes valeurs de conservation (HVC) dans les unit\u00e9s foresti\u00e8res d'am\u00e9nagement du Cameroun. Concepts, choix et pratiques"], ["doab_id", "19832"], ["language_unmapped", "fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161463"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161463"]], [["description", "This book considers the relationship between Hayek and Mill, taking issues with Hayek\u2019s criticism of Mill and providing a broader perspective of the liberal tradition. Featuring contributions from the likes of Ross Emmett, Leon Montes and Robert Garnett, these chapters ask whether Hayek had an accurate reading of the ideas of Mill and Smith, as well as considering themes such as sympathy and analytical egalitarianism that play a large part in the liberal tradition, but less in work of Hayek These chapters argue that addition of these key ideas to the Hayekian corpus leads to a far broader understanding of the liberal tradition than that provided by HayekIntroduction, Andrew Farrant , 1.Hayek and the Liberal Tradition, 1. Is Friedrich Hayek rowing Adam Smith\u2019s boat, Leon Montes , 2. F. A. Hayek\u2019s Sympathetic Agents, David M. Levy and Sandra Peart , 3. Discussion and the Evolution of Institutions in a Liberal Democracy: Frank Knight Joins the Debate, Ross Emmett , 2. Pushing the Boundaries of the Liberal Tradition? , 4. Hayek, Mill, and the Problem of Institutional Change?, Andrew Farrant , 5. A Socialist Spontaneous Order, Theodore A. Burczak , 6. Hayek and Philanthropy: A Classical Liberal Road Not (Yet) Taken, Robert Garnett"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Farrant ,Andrew"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History of Economic Thought", "Economic Theory & Philosophy", "Liberalism", "Economics", "Geschiedenis van economische gedachtes", "Economie theorieen en filosofie", "Liberalisme", "Economie"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391034"], ["title", "Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition"], ["doab_id", "13376"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415779340"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415779340"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 10, with foreward by Edward Field. \"\"This poet, you knew from his very first lines, didn't fall for anything phony"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Field, Edward"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/8"], ["title", "Haywire"], ["doab_id", "14764"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215410"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215410"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boelaars ,J."], ["date", "1981"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613443"], ["title", "Head-Hunters about Themselves"], ["doab_id", "18465"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024724987", "9789004287235"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024724987 9789004287235"]], [["description", "Healers on the colonial market is one of the few studies on theDutch East Indies from a postcolonial perspective. It provides anenthralling addition to research on both the history of the DutchEast Indies and the history of colonial medicine. This book will beof interest to historians, historians of science and medicine, andanthropologists.How successful were the two medical training programmesestablished in Jakarta by the colonial government in 1851? Onewas a medical school for Javanese boys, and the other a schoolfor midwives for Javanese girls, and the graduates were supposedto replace native healers, the dukun. However, the indigenouspopulation was not prepared to use the services of these doctors andmidwives. Native doctors did in fact prove useful as vaccinatorsand assistant doctors, but the school for midwives was closed in1875. Even though there were many horror stories of mistakes madeduring dukun-assisted deliveries, the school was not reopened, andinstead a handful of girls received practical training from Europeanphysicians. Under the Ethical Policy there was more attention forthe welfare of the indigenous population and the need for doctorsincreased. More native boys received medical training and went towork as general practitioners. Nevertheless, not everybody acceptedthese native doctors as the colleagues of European physicians.Liesbeth Hesselink (1943) received a PhD in the history of medicinefrom the University of Amsterdam in 2009. She has had a career ineducation and in politics. In addition she has published articles onprostitution and the medical history of the Dutch East Indies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hesselink ,Liesbeth"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["medical history", "colonial medicine", "indigenous medicine", "midwifery", "Indonesia", "colonial politics", "colonial history", "healthcare"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=400271"], ["title", "Healers on the colonial market; Native doctors and midwives in the Dutch East Indies"], ["doab_id", "14621"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183826", "9789004253575"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183826 9789004253575"]], [["description", "Scholars in folklore and anthropology are more directly involved in various aspects of medicine"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brady, Erika"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/64"], ["title", "Healing Logics"], ["doab_id", "14730"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214109"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214109"]], [["description", "Workplace injuries happen every day and can profoundly affect workers, their families, and the communities in which they live. This textbook is for workers and students looking for an introduction to injury prevention on the job. It offers an extensive overview of central occupational health and safety (OHS) concepts and practices and provides practical suggestions for health and safety advocacy. Foster and Barnetson bring the field into the twenty-first century by including discussions of how precarious employment, gender, and ill-health can be better handled in Canadian OHS.Although they address the gendered and racialized dimensions of new work processes and structures in contemporary workplaces, Foster and Barnetson contend that the practice of occupational health and safety can only be understood if we acknowledge that workers and employers have conflicting interests. Who identifies what workplace hazards should be controlled is therefore a product of the broader political economy of employment and one that should be well understood by those working in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jason Foster; Bob Barnetson"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["precarious employment, mental health, gender, women, foreign worker, danger, injury prevention"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120259"], ["title", "Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces"], ["doab_id", "19426"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991834", "9781771991841", "9781771991858", "9781771991865"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991834 9781771991841 9781771991858 9781771991865"]], [["description", "Developed within the context of the expansion of the Canadian welfare state in the years following the Great Depression, the present organization of Canadian health care delivery is now in serious need of reform. This book documents the causes and effects of changes made in this century to Canada's health care policy. Particular emphasis is placed on the decades following 1940, the years in which Canada moved away from an individualistic entrepreneurial medical care system, first toward a collectivist biomedical model and then to a social model for health care."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anne Crichton; Ann Robertson; Christine Gordon; Wendy Farrant (Editor)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48648/5/UofCPress_HealthCare_1997.pdf"], ["title", "HEALTH CARE: A COMMUNITY CONCERN? Developments in the Organization of Canadian Health Services"], ["doab_id", "15157"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385722"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385722 "]], [["description", "Universal Health Coverage as defined by the World Health Organization encompasses equal access for all to good quality health services and with no financial risk for those in need of them. As such it is a modern term formulated on western ideas of health, however the philosophy it conveys has existed for many centuries across different regions and cultures of the world.'Health For All' is based on series of seminars which formed part of the World Health Organization's Global Health Histories project. It explores the development of universal health coverage in diverse contexts, the political and economic trends that effected the running of these schemes, and, not least, critical perspectives into the variety of links between structures of national universal healthcare systems."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Medcalf ,Alexander; Bhattacharya ,Sanjoy; Momen ,Hooman; Saavedra ,Monica; Jones ,Margaret"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Universal Health Coverage", "World Health Organization", "health services", "Global Health Histories project", "national universal healthcare systems"]], ["publisher", "Orient Blackswan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=576912"], ["title", "Health For All : The Journey of Universal Health Coverage"], ["doab_id", "17456"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788125059004"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788125059004"]], [["description", "A cougar attacks a jogger in the suburbs of a western city. Charlie Sayers, facing retirement as a wildlife biologist at a downsized state agency, is drawn into the search for the lion. He gets caught up in the conflict between wildlife habitat and an increasingly developed environment as, teetering between crisis and farce, he tries to piece together the puzzle of his own life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wingfield, Andrew"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/89"], ["title", "Hear Him Roar"], ["doab_id", "14749"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216158"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216158"]], [["description", "Over the last decades, assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) has increased in various fields of research. HRV describes changes in heartbeat intervals, which are caused by autonomic neural regulation, i.e. by the interplay of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The most frequent application of HRV is connected to cardiological issues, most importantly to the monitoring of post-myocardial infarction patients and the prediction of sudden cardiac death. Analysis of HRV is also frequently applied in relation to diabetes, renal failure, neurological and psychiatric conditions, sleep disorders, psychological phenomena such as stress, as well as drug and addiction research including alcohol and smoking. The widespread application of HRV measurements is based on the fact that they are noninvasive, easy to perform, and in general reproducible \u2013 if carried out under standardized conditions. However, the amount of parameters to be analysed is still rising. Well-established time domain and frequency domain parameters are discussed controversially when it comes to their physiological interpretation and their psychometric properties like reliability and validity, and the sensitivity to cardiovascular properties of the variety of parameters seems to be a topic for further research. Recently introduced parameters like pNNxx and new dynamic methods such as approximate entropy and detrended fluctuation analysis offer new potentials and warrant standardization. However, HRV is significantly associated with average heart rate (HR) and one can conclude that HRV actually provides information on two quantities, i.e. on HR and its variability. It is hard to determine which of these two plays a principal role in the clinical value of HRV. The association between HRV and HR is not only a physiological phenomenon but also a mathematical one which is due to non-linear (mathematical) relationship between RR interval and HR. If one normalizes HRV to its average RR interval, one may get \u2018pure\u2019 variability free from the mathematical bias. Recently, a new modification method of the association between HRV and HR has been developed which enables us to completely remove the HRV dependence on HR (even the physiological one), or conversely enhance this dependence. Such an approach allows us to explore the HR contribution to the clinical significance of HRV, i.e. whether HR or its variability plays a main role in the HRV clinical value. This Research Topic covers recent advances in the application of HRV, methodological issues, basic underlying mechanisms as well as all aspects of the interaction between HRV and HR."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karin Trimmel; Jerzy Sacha; Heikki Veli Huikuri"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Heart rate variability", "Heart Rate", "heart rate turbulence", "spectral analysis", "non-linear methods", "Autonomic Function", "sympathetic and vagal control", "Sudden cardiac death", "baroreflex mechanisms"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/436/heart-rate-variability-clinical-applications-and-interaction-between-hrv-and-heart-rate"], ["title", "Heart Rate Variability: Clinical Applications and Interaction between HRV and Heart Rate"], ["doab_id", "19555"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196524"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196524"]], [["description", "What was romance like for Canadians a century ago? What qualities did marriageable men and women look for in prospective mates? How did they find suitable partners in difficult circumstances such as frontier isolation and parental disapproval, and, when they did, how did courtship proceed in the immediate post-Victorian era, when traditional romantic ideals and etiquette were colliding with the modern realities faced by ordinary people? Searching for answers, Dan Azoulay has turned to a variety of primary sources, in particular letters to the \"correspondence columns\" of two leading periodicals of the era, Montreals Family Herald and Weekly Star, and Winnipegs Western Home Monthly. Examining over 20,000 such letters, Azoulay has produced the first full-length study of Canadian romance in the years 1900 to 1930, a period that witnessed dramatic changes, including massive immigration, rapid urbanization and industrialization, western settlement, a world war that killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of young Canadians, and a virtual revolution in morals and manners. Hearts and Minds explores four key aspects of romance for these years: what average Canadians sought in a marriage partner; the specific rules they were expected to follow and in most cases did follow in their romantic quest; the many hardships they endured along the way; and how the defining event of that era - the Great War - affected such things. To explore these issues, Azoulay distils and analyzes evidence not only from letters of correspondents - featuring often poignant excerpts that bring the era to life for us - but also from contemporary general etiquette manuals, scholarly studies of courtship in this period, and, for the war years, a selection of soldiers letters, memoirs, and diaries. The result is an unforgettable and groundbreaking portrait of ordinary people grappling with romantic ideals and reality, trials and uncertainty, triumph and heartbreak, in a rapidly changing world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dan Azoulay"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48751/5/UofCPress_HeartsandMinds_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Hearts and Minds: Canadian Romance at the Dawn of the Modern Era, 1900\u20131930"], ["doab_id", "15154"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385821"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385821 "]], [["description", "History of the first decades of Communist Party of Chile, its political culture, and the changes produced by Bolshevisation"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Urtubia ,Ximena"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Chilean Communist Party", "History", "political culture", "Chile"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617566"], ["title", "Hegemon\u00eda y cultura pol\u00edtica en el Partido Comunista de Chile: la transformaci\u00f3n del militante tradicional, 1924 \u2013 1933"], ["doab_id", "19144"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416409"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416409"]], [["description", "The study describes the process of gradual inclusion of the Jews into the \u201aHeimatrecht\u2018 and citizenship in the Austrian monarchy since the Josephine reforms. The stony path of integration of the Jews into general citizenship which spans centuries and is marked by numerous setbacks allows to shed new light on the act of expatriation of the Austrian Jews during the Nazi regime.The stony path of integration of the Jews into general citizenship spans many centuries and is marked by numerous setbacks. It stretches from special royal protection of the Jews ('Judenregal') via Tolerance or 'Familienstelle' all the way to full citizenship. A description of this development allows to shed new light on the previously dimly lit act of expatriation of the Austrian Jews during the Nazi regime. This was a complex process running in several stages which, although similar to the rest of the German Reich, occurred at a somewhat later stage and already under the sign of flight and expulsion. However, the disenfranchisement and \u2013 literally and legally - depersonalization of the Austrian Jews was - so the argument - not just an act of targeted Nazi persecution, but the systematic reversal in rapid motion of the Jews' emancipation which had started at the end of the 18th century. What at first glance appears to have been an abstruse and cluttered convolution of Nazi regulatory activity turns out, on closer analysis, to have been a meticulous reversal of the historical process of 'Jewish emancipation'. Numerous case studies and three major biographical studies towards the end of the book show to what extent the 'Heimatrecht' and citizenship or, by contrast, the fate of statelessness determined the lives and identities of people - far beyond the time of the Austrian monarchy.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Entrechtung und Ausb\u00fcrgerung der \u00f6sterreichischen Juden w\u00e4hrend der NS-Zeit wird hier der umgekehrte Prozess der stufenweisen Inklusion von Juden in Heimatrecht und Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft der \u00f6sterreichischen Monarchie seit den josephinischen Toleranzedikten beschrieben. Dabei zeigt sich nicht nur die Bedeutung der Erlangung der vollen staatsb\u00fcrgerlichen Rechte f\u00fcr den gesellschaftlichen, \u00f6konomischen und kulturellen Aufstieg der Juden, sondern auch wie sehr Heimatrecht und Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft - oder umgekehrt: Staatenlosigkeit - Leben und Identit\u00e4t von Menschen pr\u00e4gten, noch weit \u00fcber die Monarchie hinaus.Vor dem Hintergrund der Entrechtung und Ausb\u00fcrgerung der \u00f6sterreichischen Juden und J\u00fcdinnen w\u00e4hrend der NS-Zeit wird hier der umgekehrte Prozess der stufenweisen Inklusion von Juden in Heimatrecht und Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft der \u00f6sterreichischen Monarchie seit den josephinischen Toleranzedikten beschrieben. Die Studie belegt nicht nur die Bedeutung der Erlangung der vollen staatsb\u00fcrgerlichen Rechte f\u00fcr den gesellschaftlichen, \u00f6konomischen und kulturellen Aufstieg der Juden, sondern erm\u00f6glicht zugleich auch einen neuen Blick auf die nationalsozialistische Judengesetzgebung, die hier als systematische, fast spiegelbildliche R\u00fcckf\u00fchrung der historischen \u201eJudenemanzipation\u201c erscheint. Mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und biografischen Studien wird gezeigt, wie sehr Heimatrecht und Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft - oder umgekehrt: Staatenlosigkeit - Leben und Identit\u00e4t von Menschen pr\u00e4gten, noch weit \u00fcber die Monarchie hinaus."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burger ,Hannelore"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Citizenship, jews, jewish emancipation, Austrian Jews, Austrian Monarchy, Josephine reforms, tolerance, Ausb\u00fcrgerung, Nazi regime, Holocaust, statelessness, Austrian republic", "Heimatrecht, Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft, Juden, \u00d6sterreichische Juden, Judenemanzipation, Toleranz, Josephinische Reformen, \u00d6sterreichische Monarchie, Ausgleich, \u00d6sterreich-Ungarn, Erste Republik, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung, Ausb\u00fcrgerung, Holocaust, Staatenlosigkeit, Zweite Republik"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=461430"], ["title", "Heimatrecht und Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft \u00f6sterreichischer Juden"], ["doab_id", "15586"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205794950"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794950"]], [["description", "This collection gathers the lectures, held at the colloquium of the faculty of law of the University of Goettingen in 2006, the official \u201eHeinejahr\u201c.

Dieser Band versammelt die Vortr\u00e4ge, die auf dem Kolloquium der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Heinejahr 2006 gehalten wurden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lipp, Volker; M\u00f6llers, Christoph; Pfordten, Dietmar von der"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Heinrich Heine", "literature", "German literature", "peotry", "Heinrich Heine", "literature", "German literature", "peotry"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610218"], ["title", "Heinrich Heine - Dichter und Jurist in G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "13223"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616802"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616802"]], [["description", "This volume brings together new scholarship by Indonesian and non-Indonesian scholars on Indonesia\u2019s cultural history from 1950-1965. During the new nation\u2019s first decade and a half, Indonesia\u2019s links with the world and its sense of nationhood were vigorously negotiated on the cultural front. Indonesia used cultural networks of the time, including those of the Cold War, to announce itself on the world stage. International links, post-colonial aspirations and nationalistic fervour interacted to produce a thriving cultural and intellectual life at home. Essays discuss the exchange of artists, intellectuals, writing and ideas between Indonesia and various countries; the development of cultural networks; and ways these networks interacted with and influenced cultural expression and discourse in Indonesia.With contributions by Keith Foulcher, Liesbeth Dolk, Hairus Salim HS, Tony Day, Budiawan, Maya H.T. Liem, Jennifer Lindsay, Els Bogaerts, Melani Budianta, Choirotun Chisaan, I Nyoman Darma Putra, Barbara Hatley, Marije Plomp, Irawati Durban Ardjo, Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri and Michael Bodden.From the reviews: \u2018This book will become a founding publication of research on the cultural and social history of Soekarno\u2019s Old Order. It will stimulate new research [...] and begins to fill in the gaps that have existed for the past half a century\u2019, Laurie Sears. \u2018[...] reveals the highly charged debates and conflicts over artistic practice in the newly independent Indonesian state during the Soekarno era in their infinite complexities\u2019, Frances Gouda."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lindsay ,Jennifer ; Liem ,Maya H.T."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "cultural history", "culture", "post-colonial politics", "social history", "nationalism", "nation building"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=403204"], ["title", "Heirs to world culture; Being Indonesian 1950-1965"], ["doab_id", "14619"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183796", "9789004253513"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183796 9789004253513"]], [["description", "The ancient city of Lousoi was located to west of the well known Artemis Hemera sanctuary, at the foot of Mount Ilias. In the year 1983 the Austrian Archaeological Institute (\u00d6AI) in Athens started with systematic excavations in two house-complexes which are situated on terraces within the urban area. In the cadastral maps this location is known as \"Phournoi\".During the excavations, which continued till 1994, around 350 moldmade fragments with relief decoration from the hellenistic period were found. The moldmade bowls form the largest part of these finds. They were used as drinking vessels during the Greek symposion. Apart from larger bowls and a very small bowl (\"miniature\") there are also relief-decorated craters, amphoras, jugs, funnels and two bowls of which one has a round stand and the other a high foot. A relief-plate of grey clay from Lousoi has already been published elsewhere. With these finds Lousoi offers a wide variety of moldmade relief-decorated pottery. The various vessels could be composed into complete sets.A few bowls have been preserved almost intact, but the majority of the material is fragmentary in various degrees. For the moment the moldmade bowls are dated tentaively by comparing stamps, decoration-schemes and styles with other specimens, not by contexts, within the second and first half of the first century B.C.There are several imported pieces (around 20%) which considerably differ from the regional and local products. This becomes obvious by comparing and analysing stamps, profiles, dimensions, fabrics and other \"individual\" peculiarities of the bowls. The local production shows various influences but also strong individual features. The quality of the local production varies from very high to rather mediocre. For the locally produced bowls the term \"Brown ware/Lousoi\" was chosen. A distinction is made between a series 1 and 2 based on the type of rosette-stamp in the bottom medaillon and the profile.A peculiar feature of ancient Lousoi, which nowadays seems lost in the middle of nowhere, are its commercial relations. There are imports from Argos, a centre for moldmade pottery production on the Peloponnese, from the region around Corinth, Sikyon and from Egio. And there is also evidence for strong connections with more northern regions such as Phokis with parallel examples in Amphissa (compare also the honorary inscriptions on bronze from the propylon in the Artemis sanctuary which were found during the old Austrian excavations in the years 1898 - 1899).

In einer Einleitung werden sowohl Zielsetzung als auch materialimmante Grenzen abgesteckt. Danach erfolgt ein Einblick in den Fund- und Grabungsplatz Lousoi. Dabei werden neben der Lage Lousois in einem nordarkadischen Hochtal auch die historische Bedeutung des Artemis-Hemera-Heiligtums als Stammesheiligtum der Ach\u00e4er angesprochen. Die Funde stelbst, die in der Arbeit behandelt werden, stammen aus zwei Hauskomplexen, die sich im Stadtareal von Lousoi auf zwei Terassen im sogenannten Bereich \"Phournoi\" westlich des Heiligtums befinden. Noch weiter westlich d\u00fcrfte das \u00f6ffentliche Zentrum der Stadt folgen, wie j\u00fcngste Grabungen zeigten.Im Zuge der systematischen Grabungen der Athener Zweigstelle des \u00d6sterreichischen Arch\u00e4ologischen Institutes in den Jahren 1983 - 1994 wurden in diesen H\u00e4usern um die 350 Reliefbecher bzw. Fragmente von Reliefgef\u00e4\u00dfen aufgedeckt. In einem ersten Hauptteil wird nun die allgemeine Bedeutung und Forschungsgeschichte der Gattung \"Hellenistische Reliefbecher\" als Leitform innerhalt der hellenistischen Keramik behandelt. Die hellenistischen Reliefbecher wurden mittels einer mit Einzelpunzen dekorierten Formsch\u00fcssel (=Model) hergestellt. Sie fanden als bei dem f\u00fcr die griechische Kultur so typischen Symposion als Trinkgef\u00e4\u00dfe Verwendung. Besonderer Wert wird dabei auf die Methodik zur Erschlie\u00dfung von sog. Atliers gelegt. Dies leitet zu den im Material von Lousoi festgestellten lokalen, regionalen und importierten Gruppen im eigentlichen Hauptteil \u00fcber. Als Kriterien zur Definition von Werkst\u00e4tten bzw. zur Unterscheidung von oder Zuweisung zu Gruppen werden neben den verwendeten Einzelstempeln auch Profilverl\u00e4ufe, Dimensionen, Scherbentypen und \"individuelle\" Merkmale an den Bechern herangezogen. Ausgehend von f\u00fcnf Modelfragmenten werden die zehn lokal hergestellte Gruppen, zwei regionale sowie f\u00fcnf importierte Gruppen geschieden, einige Einzelst\u00fccke entziehen sich einer Zuordnung. Auch sind im Material neben der Form des halbkugeligen Bechers reliefdekorierte Kratere, Krateriskoi, Amphoren, Trichterbecher sowie gr\u00f6\u00dfere und kleinste Becher enthalten. Damit erweist sich das in einem Hochtal Nordarkadiens liegende Lousoi sowohl hinsichtlich des dort bekannten Gef\u00e4\u00dfrepertoires als auch in bezug auf die festgestellten Importst\u00fccke als \u00e4u\u00dferst fortschrittlich und offen (dies gilt auch f\u00fcr die Ausstattung der H\u00e4user). Zu nennen sind Importe aus Argos, einem Zentrum der Reliefbecherherstellung auf der Peloponnes, aus der Gegend um Korinth und Sikyon sowie aus Aigion. Hervorzuheben sind die Beziehungen der Stadt Lousoi weiter nach Norden, \u00fcber den Patr\u00e4ischen und Korinthischen Golf hinaus, z.B. in die Phokis.Im Anschluss an diese Auswertung werden noch Hinweise auf weitere Funde, die eine lokale Produktion von T\u00f6pferwaren vor Ort belegen, angef\u00fchrt; gleiches gilt f\u00fcr die makroskopischen Beschreibungen der einzelnen Scherbentypen und die dazugeh\u00f6rigen mineralogisch-petrographischen Analysen. Eine englische und eine griechische Zusammenfassung bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rogl ,Christine"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["moldmade bowls, hellenistic pottery, pottery workshops, trade patterns, Lousoi, Peloponnese"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437158"], ["title", "Die hellenistischen Reliefbecher aus Lousoi"], ["doab_id", "15283"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305505"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305505"]], [["description", "This book reproduces the complete extant correspondence between Emmy Noether and Helmut Hasse. There are 82 such letters, of which 79 are from Noether to Hasse, dating from 1925 until Noether's sudden death in 1935. The correspondence reflects a crucial period in the development of 20th century algebra and number theory, in particular class field theory. Details of proofs appear alongside with conjectures and speculations. Also discussed are questions of textbook presentation, e.g., of Galois theory. Aside from mathematical details, the spontaneity of Noether's style allows many glimpses at the image that Emmy Noether and Helmut Hasse had of the topics they were working in. The Hasse - Noether correspondence is a rich source for those who are interested in the rise and the development of mathematical notions and ideas. Each letter is accompanied by a detailed commentary supplied by the editors. For the convenience of the reader, numerous cross-references, extended indexes, and short biographies of all persons mentioned in the correspondence have been added.

This book reproduces the complete extant correspondence between Emmy Noether and Helmut Hasse. There are 82 such letters, of which 79 are from Noether to Hasse, dating from 1925 until Noether's sudden death in 1935. The correspondence reflects a crucial period in the development of 20th century algebra and number theory, in particular class field theory. Details of proofs appear alongside with conjectures and speculations. Also discussed are questions of textbook presentation, e.g., of Galois theory. Aside from mathematical details, the spontaneity of Noether's style allows many glimpses at the image that Emmy Noether and Helmut Hasse had of the topics they were working in. The Hasse - Noether correspondence is a rich source for those who are interested in the rise and the development of mathematical notions and ideas. Each letter is accompanied by a detailed commentary supplied by the editors. For the convenience of the reader, numerous cross-references, extended indexes, and short biographies of all persons mentioned in the correspondence have been added."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hasse, Helmut; Noether, Emmy; Lemmermeyer, Franz; Roquette, Peter"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["mathematics", "correspondence", "mathematics", "correspondence"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610183"], ["title", "Helmut Hasse und Emmy Noether - Die Korrespondenz 1925 - 1935"], ["doab_id", "13087"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616352", "9783938616352"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616352 3938616350"]], [["description", "\"Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature analyses experiences of theFinnish capital in prose fiction published in Finnish in the period 1890\u20131940. It examines the relationships that are formed between Helsinki andfictional characters, focusing, especially, on the way in which urban publicspace is experienced. Particular attention is given to the description ofmovement through urban space. The primary material consists of a selection of more than sixty novels, collections of short stories and individualshort stories. This study draws on two sets of theoretical frameworks: onthe one hand, the expanding field of literary studies of the city, and on theother hand, concepts provided by humanistic and critical geography, as wellas by urban studies.This study is the first monograph to examine Helsinki in literature writtenin Finnish. It shows that rich descriptions of urban life have formed anintegral part of Finnish literature from the late nineteenth century onward.Around the turn of the twentieth century, literary Helsinki was approachedfrom a variety of generic and thematic perspectives which were in closedialogue with international contemporary traditions and age-old imagesof the city, and defined by events typical of Helsinki\u2019s own history. Helsinkiliterature of the 1920s and 1930s further developed the defining traits thattook form around the turn of the century, adding a number of new thematicand stylistic nuances. The city experience was increasingly aestheticized and internalized. As the centre of the city became less prominent in literature, the margins of the city and specific socially defined neighbourhoods gained in importance.Many of the central characteristics of how Helsinki is experienced in theliterature published during this period remain part of the ongoing discourseon literary Helsinki: Helsinki as a city of leisure and light, inviting dreamywanderings; the experience of a city divided along the fault lines of gender,class and language; the city as a disorientating and paralyzing cesspit of vice; the city as an imago mundi, symbolic of the body politic; the city of everyday and often very mundane experiences, and the city that invites a profound sense of attachment \u2013 an environment onto which characters project their innermost sentiments.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ameel ,Lieven"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Literary city", "Helsinki", "Modernism", "Urban public Space", "Fl\u00e2neur"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617163"], ["title", "Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature: Urban Experiences in Finnish Prose Fiction 1890-1940"], ["doab_id", "19766"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522225481", "9789522227430", "9789522225672"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522225481 9789522227430 9789522225672"]], [["description", "Coordinated cell interactions are required to accomplish several complex and dynamic tasks observed in several tissues. Cell function may be coordinated by cell-to-cell communication through gap junctions channels (GJCs). These channels are formed by the serial docking of two hemichannels, which in turn are formed by six protein subunits called connexins (Cxs). It is well known that GJCs are involved in several functions, such as intercellular propagation of calcium waves, spread of electrotonic potentialsand spatial buffering of ions and metabolites. On the other hand, undocked hemichannels, which are not forming GJCs, can also serve other functions as \u201cfree hemichannels\u201d. Currently, it is recognized that undocked hemichannels may have functional relevance in cell physiology allowing diffusional exchange of ions and small molecules between intra- and extra-cellular compartments. Additionally, another family of proteins calls pannexins (Panx) also forms functional hemichannels at the plasma membrane. Recently, Panxhemichannels have been involved in both pathological and physiological processes. Controlled hemichannel opening allows the release of small signaling molecules including ATP, glutamate, NAD+, adenosine, cyclic nucleotides, PGE2. They also allow uptake of relevant signaling molecules (e.g., cADPR) and metabolites (e.g., glucose). Additionally, a growing body of evidence shows that hemichannels are involved in important processes, such glucose detection in tanicytes, activation of the inflammasome, memory consolidation in the basolateral amygdala, potentiation of muscle contraction and release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells, among others. However, hemichannels can also play an important role in the homeostatic imbalance observed in diverse chronic diseases. In fact, massive and/or uncontrolled hemichannel opening induces or accelerates cell death in several pathological conditions including Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, ischemia, oculodentodigital dysplasia, hydrotic ectodermic dysplasia, inflammatory responses, and deafness. Hemichannel-mediated cell death is due mainly to an entry of Ca+2. The latter activates proteases, nucleases and lipases, causing irreversible cell damage. An increasing amount of evidence demonstrates that blockade of uncontrolled hemichannel opening greatly reduces the cellular damage observed in several chronic diseases models. Therefore, Cx and Panx-hemichannels appear as promising drug targets for clinical treatment of human chronic diseases. Therefore, pharmacological tools are urgently needed to further elucidate hemichannels functions and to validate them as drug targets for the development of novel therapies for connexin-based diseases. Thus, understanding the role of Cx and Panx-hemichannels under physiological conditions and recognizing the molecular mechanisms controlling them, may provide us with a better picture of the hemichannels participation in some diseases and of the signals underlying their malfunctioning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mauricio Antonio Retamal; Juan C. Saez"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["hemichannels", "Connexins", "gap junction channels", "pannexins", "redox regulation", "posttranslational modifications"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1930/hemichannels-from-the-molecule-to-the-function"], ["title", "Hemichannels; from the molecule to the function"], ["doab_id", "18718"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194674"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194674"]], [["description", "It has become clear that the two halves of the cortex differ in their contributions to both affective and memory processes. Still, the exact nature of the interrelationships among hemispheric function, emotion, and memory remains elusive. For example, controversy remains regarding differential hemispheric involvement in emotion, motivation, and affective style. Regarding memory, although evidence suggests differences in the manner in which the hemispheres interact may be related to memory retrieval, it is still not certain which factors involved in retrieval encourage or inhibit hemispheric communication. The goal of this Research Topic was to bring together diverse scientific perspectives on lateralized brain mechanisms underlying emotion, motivation, and memory. A range of international experts with diverse backgrounds, theoretical perspectives, and experimental methods contributed to the Topic. These contributions inform our understanding of lateralized affective and cognitive processes by providing thorough reviews of our current state of knowledge based on previous literature, by sharing intriguing new empirical findings, and by proposing theoretical models with testable frameworks to stimulate future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tad T. Brunye; Sarah R. Cavanagh; Ruth E. Propper"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["lateralization", "hemisphere", "memory", "emotion", "affect", "handedness", "caffeine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1215/hemispheric-bases-for-emotion-and-memory"], ["title", "Hemispheric Bases for Emotion and Memory"], ["doab_id", "18605"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194599"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194599"]], [["description", "As an American author who chose to live in Europe, Henry James frequently wrote about cultural differences between the Old and New World. The plight of bewildered Americans adrift on a sea of European sophistication became a regular theme in his fiction.This collection of twenty-four papers from some of the world\u2019s leading James scholars offers a comprehensive picture of the author\u2019s cross-cultural aesthetics. It provides detailed analyses of James\u2019s perception of Europe\u2014of its people and places, its history and culture, its artists and thinkers, its aesthetics and its ethics\u2014which ultimately lead to a profound reevaluation of his writing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tredy, Dennis (Editor); Duperray, Annick (Editor); Harding, Adrian (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Henry James", "European reception of Henry James", "authorship", "English literature", "European Society of Jamesian Studies", "Americans in Europe", "American literature", "The Ambassadors, What Maisie Knew", "The American", "Portrait of a Lady", "novel"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/72"], ["title", "Henry James's Europe: Heritage and Transfer"], ["doab_id", "14491"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924379"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924379"]], [["description", "\"In this study, I examine the life narrative of a female factory labourer, Elsa Koskinen (n\u00e9e Kiikkala, born in 1927). I analyze her account of her experiences related to work, class and gender because I seek to gain a better understanding of how changes in these aspects of life influenced the ways in which she saw her own worth at the time of the interviews and how she constructed her subjectivity. Elsa\u2019s life touches upon many of the core aspects of 20th-century social change: changes in women\u2019s roles, the entrance of middle- class women into working life, women\u2019s increasing participation in the public sphere, feminist movements, upward social mobility, the expansion of the middle class, the growth of welfare and the appearance of new technologies. What kind of trajectory did Elsa take in her life? What are the key narratives of her life? How does her narrative negotiate the shifting cultural ideals of the 20th century?A life story, a retrospective evaluation of a life lived, is one means of constructing continuity and dealing with the changes that have affected one\u2019s life, identity and subjectivity. In narrating one\u2019s life, the narrator produces many different versions of her/him self in relation to other people and to the world. These dialogic selves and their relations to others may manifest internal contradictions. Contradictions may also occur in relation to other narratives and normative discourses. Both of these levels, subjective meaning making and the negotiation of social ideals and collective norms, are embedded in life narratives.My interest in this study is in the ways in which gender and class intersect with paid labour in the life of an ordinary female factory worker. I approach gender, class and work from both an experiential and a relational perspective, considering the power of social relationships and subject formations that shape individual life at the micro-level. In her narratives Elsa discusses ambivalence related to gendered ideals, social class, and especially the phenomenon of social climbing as well as technological advance.I approach Elsa\u2019s life and narratives ethnographically. The research material was acquired in a long-standing interview process and the analysis is based on reflexivity of the dialogic knowledge production and contextualization of Elsa\u2019s experiences. In other words I analyze Elsa\u2019s narratives in their situational but also socio-cultural and historical contexts. Specific episodes in one\u2019s life and other significant events constitute smaller narrative entities, which I call micro-narratives. The analysis of micro-narratives, key dialogues and cultural ideals embedded in the interview dialogues offers perspectives on experiences of social change and the narrator\u2019s sense of self\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koskinen-Koivisto ,Eerika"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Gender", "Life history", "Working class", "Identification", "Modernization", "Dialogue"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617160"], ["title", "Her Own Worth: Negotiations of Subjectivity in the Life Narrative of a Female Labourer"], ["doab_id", "19777"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522226099", "9789522227539", "9789522226181"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522226099 9789522227539 9789522226181"]], [["description", "Este libro recoge los trabajos de investigaci\u00f3n que se realizaron en el marco del Proyecto PROPOMAC, una importante experiencia de cooperaci\u00f3n al desarrollo, financiada por el FIP (Fondo Italo Peruano), y ejecutado por C\u00e1ritas del Per\u00fa, en calidad de Unidad Ejecutora, por el MNS (Museo Nacional de Sic\u00e1n), responsable de los aspectos arqueol\u00f3gicos, y por la UNIMI (Universidad de Mil\u00e1n), en calidad de supervisor cient\u00edfico."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Antonio Aimi; Emilia Perassi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Per\u00f9, Bosque de P\u00f3mac, Propomac"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15053646/HERENCIA%20MUCHIK_web.pdf"], ["title", "Herencia Muchik en el Bosque de P\u00f3mac"], ["doab_id", "17296"], ["language_unmapped", "Spagnolo"], ["isbns", ["9788867053469"]], ["provider", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053469"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Andaya ,L.Y."], ["date", "1981"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613368"], ["title", "The Heritage of Arung Palakka"], ["doab_id", "18524"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024724635", "9789004287228"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024724635 9789004287228"]], [["description", "What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO\u2019s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO\u2019s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage.

What happens when UNESCO heritage conventions are ratified by a state? How do UNESCO\u2019s global efforts interact with preexisting local, regional and state efforts to conserve or promote culture? What new institutions emerge to address the mandate? The contributors to this volume focus on the work of translation and interpretation that ensues once heritage conventions are ratified and implemented. With seventeen case studies from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean and China, the volume provides comparative evidence for the divergent heritage regimes generated in states that differ in history and political organization. The cases illustrate how UNESCO\u2019s aspiration to honor and celebrate cultural diversity diversifies itself. The very effort to adopt a global heritage regime forces myriad adaptations to particular state and interstate modalities of building and managing heritage."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bendix, Regina F.; Eggert, Aditya; Peselmann, Arnika"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["J", "J"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611230"], ["title", "Heritage Regimes and the State - 2nd., revised edition"], ["doab_id", "19244"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951221"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951221"]], [["description", "Commonly viewed as a revolutionary and propagandist Herman Gorter (1864\u20131927) is often overlooked despite his lasting contribution to Dutch poetry. This selection of thirty-one poems, translated by Paul Vincent, focuses on Gorter\u2019s experimental love and nature lyrics in Poems of 1890, and the Introductionsets the poems in the context of his earlier seminal work 'Mei' (May) as well as his often neglected Socialist verse.The lyrical expansiveness, consistent use of rhyme and vivid imagery of the Dutch landscape that characterises 'Mei' evolves into more fragmentary verse in Poems of 1890, and the joyful celebratory tone of Gorter\u2019s poetry increasingly co-exists with a sense of isolation and introspection. This can be viewed in the context of a rapidly changing political scene in Europe in the prelude to the First World War and the Russian Revolution. This is a valuable collection that revisits Gorter\u2019s literary and political legacy, and introduces English-speaking readers to a selection of his most accessible and lyrical poems."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gorter ,Herman; Vincent ,Paul (translated by)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Herman Gorter", "Dutch poetry", "Paul Vincent", "translation", "politics", "translation", "love", "nature", "socialism", "communism", "poems", "Netherlands", "history", "low countries"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577531"], ["title", "Herman Gorter: Poems of 1890, A Selection"], ["doab_id", "17476"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634059", "9781910634066", "9781910634127"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634059 9781910634066 9781910634127"]], [["description", "What will be the future role of hermeneutics in literary theory? Can we shape the future of hermeneutics by going back to its tradition and by looking at the way hermeneutics is relevant in other disciplines? The new issue of Cahier voor Literatuurwetenschap has two objectives. First, we wish to study the role of hermeneutics in other disciplines, such as the philosophy of history, theology, and the cognitive sciences. It will be clear that literary theory benefits from this interdisciplinary exercise. Second, we will have a closer look at the hermeneutical tradition in literary theory. Important chapters from the history of hermeneutics (e.g., Schleiermacher, Heidegger, Iser) are revisited and its influence in recent theoretical developments is considered."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bernaerts ,Lars ; Pieters ,J\u00fcrgen "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["literary theory", "hermeneutics"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=434694"], ["title", "Hermeneutiek in veelvoud"], ["doab_id", "15224"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038218250"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038218250"]], [["description", "Este livro, sobre o escritor pernambucano Hermilo Borba Filho, associa a cultura de resist\u00eancia \u00e0 cultura popular, uma sintonia com uma linguagem que busca enaltecer a vis\u00e3o de mundo popular, numa idiossincrasia irreverente em que o palavr\u00e3o, a g\u00edria e o cal\u00e3o atuam como representa\u00e7\u00e3o de uma realidade que aponta sempre como imagens de vida e as narrativas, de forma cr\u00edtica, servem de esteio para testemunhar os acontecimentos que cerceiam os desmandos do aparato policial a que s\u00e3o submetidas as pessoas em tempos de ditadura."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "N\u00f3brega, Geralda Medeiros"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qgydf"], ["title", "Hermilo Borba Filho: mem\u00f3ria de resist\u00eancia e resist\u00eancia da hist\u00f3ria"], ["doab_id", "19798"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793340"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793340"]], [["description", "The study examines the friezes of the Heroon of Trysa in context of Lycian culture and society and interprets the selection of the picture themes. In a very exceptional way the friezes visualize Greek, Lycian and Persian subjects and contents which characterize the world of the Lycians and meet the requirements of the tomb owner. The first part of the publication includes an introduction, the status of research, typological and iconographical analysis of the friezes, chapters on the style, the interpretation of the Heroon, and a catalogue, including description and technical information on the friezes and bibliographical abbrevations.The first part of the 2-volume publication includes an introduction, the status of research, typological and iconographical analysis of the friezes, chapters on the style, the interpretation of the Heroon, and a catalogue, including description and technical information on the friezes, and bibliographical abbreviations.http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:874The second part includes images, supplements, tables, lists of images http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:875

In der vorliegenden Studie werden die Friese des Heroons von Trysa im Kontext der Kultur und Gesellschaft der Lykier untersucht und Fragen zu der Auswahl des Bildprogramms neu interpretiert, das mit griechischen, lykischen und auch persischen Themen und Inhalten die Lebenswelt der Lykier in so charakteristischer Weise visualisiert und den W\u00fcnschen und Vorstellungen des Grabherrn gerecht wird. Der erste Band umfasst die Einleitung, Forschungsgeschichte, die typologische und ikonographische Analyse der Friese, die Kapitel zum Stil und zur Interpretation des Heroons von Trysa, sowie den Katalog mit der Beschreibung der Figurenfriese und das Abk\u00fcrzungsverzeichnis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Landskron ,Alice"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Lycia, Heroon, Trysa, Greek Myths, Greek Classic, Lycian Dynasts", "Lykien, Heroon, Trysa, Griechische Mythen, Griechische Klassik, Lykische Dynasten"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604162"], ["title", "Das Heroon von Trysa, 13 A"], ["doab_id", "18643"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902976468"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976468"]], [["description", "The study examines the friezes of the Heroon of Trysa in context of Lycian culture and society and interprets the selection of the picture themes. In a very exceptional way the friezes visualize Greek, Lycian and Persian subjects and contents which characterize the world of the Lycians and meet the requirements of the tomb owner. The second part includes images, supplements, tables, and lists of images.The first part of the 2-volume publication includes an introduction, the status of research, typological and iconographical analysis of the friezes, chapters on the style, the interpretation of the Heroon, and a catalogue, including description and technical information on the friezes, and bibliographical abbreviations.http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:874The second part includes images, supplements, tables, lists of images http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:875

In der vorliegenden Studie werden die Friese des Heroons von Trysa im Kontext der Kultur und Gesellschaft der Lykier untersucht und Fragen zu der Auswahl des Bildprogramms neu interpretiert, das mit griechischen, lykischen und auch persischen Themen und Inhalten die Lebenswelt der Lykier in so charakteristischer Weise visualisiert und den W\u00fcnschen und Vorstellungen des Grabherrn gerecht wird. Der zweite Band beinhaltet die Abbildungen, die Beilagen, Tabellen sowie die Abbildungsverzeichnisse."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Landskron ,Alice"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Lycia, Heroon, Trysa, Greek Myths, Greek Classic, Lycian Dynasts", "Lykien, Heroon, Trysa, Griechische Mythen, Griechische Klassik, Lykische Dynasten"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604163"], ["title", "Das Heroon von Trysa, 13 B"], ["doab_id", "18644"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902976444"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976444"]], [["description", "Ernst Lubitsch, the German film director who left Berlin for Hollywood in 1923, is best remembered for the famous \"Lubitsch touch\" in such masterpieces as Trouble in Paradise and Ninotchka, featuring Greta Garbo. Kristin Thompson's study focuses on Lubitsch's silent films from the years between 1918 and 1927, tracing the impact this director had on consolidating classical Hollywood filmmaking. She gives a new assessment of the stylistic two-way traffic between the American and the German film industries, after World War I each other's strongest rival in Europe. By 1919, Lubitsch had emerged as the finest proponent of the German studio style: sophisticated, urbane and thoroughly professionalized. He was quick to absorb 'American' innovations and stylistic traits, becoming the unique master of both systems and contributing to the golden ages of the American as well as the German cinema. Utilizing Lubitsch's silent films as a key to two great national cinemas, Thompson's meticulously illustrated and extensively researched book goes beyond an authorial study and breaks new ground in cinema history. Click on the PDF button to download the table of contents

De succesvolle Duitse filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch, die in de twintiger jaren Berlijn verruilde voor Hollywood, is vandaag de dag nog steeds bekend om meesterwerken als Ninotchka en The Shop around the Corner. De beroemde 'Lubitsch Touch', zoals men zijn unieke stijl karakteriseerde, werd bedacht door slimme studiobazen om Lubitsch als merknaam te poneren. In Herr Lubitsch goes to Hollywood bestudeert Kristin Thompson de stomme films die Ernst Lubitsch maakte tussen 1918 en 1927. Zijn vroege werk biedt een uniek uitgangspunt voor een vergelijking tussen de klassieke Hollywoord films uit die jaren en de Duitse films die gemaakt werden na de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Het resultaat is een diepgaande analyse van twee belangrijke filmstijlen in de levendige beginjaren van de filmgeschiedenis. Klik op de knop PDF om de inhoudsopgave in te zien."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thompson ,Kristin"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340212"], ["title", "Herr Lubitsch Goes to Hollywood : German and American Film after World War I"], ["doab_id", "12895"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567081"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567081"]], [["description", "What does it mean to violate the law on a theatrical stage? This is the central question in the following examination of modern theatre, beginning with the avant-garde, but also including the contemporary and iconoclastic work of the Soc\u00ecetas Raffaello Sanzio. For the historical avant-garde, art could be the gateway to a new and liberated reality. But then all of existing reality first had to be demolished, and its laws consistently violated. Ultimately, this transgressive programme ends in discouragement and self-sabotage. Such an 'anti-theatre' has been explored most extensively in the writings of the French director and essayist Antonin Artaud. A careful exploration of Artaud's work, emphasizing his actual theatrical productions, shows that this paradox does not necessarily lead to a dead end. Generalized transgression may lead to a theatre that belongs more to philosophy than to art itself."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Crombez ,Thomas"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Theater", "Historical avant-garde", "Anti-theater", "Antonin Artaud", "Theater", "Historische avant-garde", "Anti-theater", "Antonin Artaud"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365431"], ["title", "Het anti-theater van Antonin Artaud. Een onderzoek naar de veralgemeende artistieke transgressie, toegepast op het werk van Romeo Castellucci en de Soc\u00ecetas Raffaello Sanzio"], ["doab_id", "13284"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038212739"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038212739"]], [["description", "Since the passing of Andr\u00e9 Hazes he has become a more prominent figure in contemporary Dutch popular culture.

Sinds zijn overlijden is Andr\u00e9 Hazes een steeds prominenter fenomeen geworden binnen de hedendaagse populaire cultuur van Nederland. Achteraf blijkt het roemruchte afscheidsconcert Andr\u00e9 Bedankt, op 27 september 2004 in de Amsterdam ArenA, slechts de aftrap te zijngeweest voor een jarenlange opeenvolging van met Hazes verbonden culturele producties: biografie\u00ebn, een standbeeld, herdenkingsconcerten, televisieprogramma's, een musical en binnenkort ook een speelfilm. De figuur Andr\u00e9 Hazes spreekt kennelijk wijd en zijd tot de verbeelding. Maar wat maakt Hazes zo aansprekend?

Dit boekje probeert antwoord te geven op die vraag. Daarbij gaat het niet zozeer over 'de man Hazes' of zij n leven, maar over wat hier als 'het fenomeen Hazes' wordt aangeduid. Het fenomeen Hazes maakt een aantal bredere verschijnselen uit de hedendaagse Nederlandse samenleving zichtbaar, waarvan BN'er-cultuur, meezingcultuur, en herdenkingscultuur de meest bepalende zijn. Bovendien biedt Hazes een uitstekende illustratie van het belang dat tegenwoordig wordt gehecht aan 'echtheid' of 'authenticiteit', en de centrale plaats van emotie daarbij."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stengs ,Irene"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Remembrance rituals", "Sing along", "VIP's", "Authenticity", "Andr\u00e9 Hazes"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603277"], ["title", "Het fenomeen Hazes: Een venster op Nederland"], ["doab_id", "18631"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089649539"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089649539"]], [["description", "Public administration; Political science

Het openbaar bestuur is veelvuldig inzet van debat. Zowel in de publieke meningsvorming als in de politieke discussie worden zijn taak, rol en positie nadrukkelijk tegen het licht gehouden. Dat mag geen verbazing wekken: openbaar bestuur is per definitie een publieke zaak. Hoe komt het publieke karakter in dat bestuur zelf tot uitdrukking en wie bewaakt dit? Het zijn vragen die geregeld worden gesteld, maar zelden worden beantwoord. Europeanisering, juridisering, decentralisering, deregulering, privatisering, verzelfstandiging en bevordering van marktwerking hebben het bestuur de afgelopen decennia een ander gezicht gegeven. De vraag is hoe dat zich tot zijn 'openbare' karakter verhoudt. Het gezicht van de publieke zaak: openbaar bestuur onder ogen bevat bijdragen van verschillende auteurs, onder wie Luuk van Middelaar, Maarten Hajer, Philip van Praag en Luuk Boelens. Ze gaan in op actuele vraagstukken rond bestuurlijke versnippering, de verhouding tot Europa, gezag, de media en verantwoording. Tezamen biedt dit een gevarieerde beschouwing van de problemen en de uitdagingen van het hedendaagse bestuur en een perspectief op zijn publieke karakter."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Dijstelbloem ,Huub; Hoed den ,Paul; Holtslag ,Jan Willem; Schouten ,Steven"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=350727"], ["title", "Het gezicht van de publieke zaak : Openbaar bestuur onder ogen"], ["doab_id", "15189"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089642622"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642622"]], [["description", "Culture and history; Literature (Belles lettres) and rhetoric; Culture and institutions

Terwijl de gothic novel floreerde in de Engelse, Amerikaanse, Duitse en Franse literatuur, lijkt de Nederlandse literatuur zich tot diep in de twintigste eeuw te hebben onthouden van dit omstreden genre. Weliswaar verschenen er de nodige vertalingen, maar producten van eigen bodem lijken nagenoeg non-existent. In deze inleidende studie wordt de stelling verdedigd dat deze situatie verandert tijdens de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw. Aanvankelijk eigenen vooral Willem Frederik Hermans en Gerard van het Reve zich literaire strategie\u00ebn en motieven uit de gotieke traditie toe, later volgen onder andere Hella Haasse, Helga Ruebsamen, Renate Dorrestein, Vonne van der Meer, Frans Kellendonk, Thomas Rosenboom en Herman Franke. De Nederlandse literatuur maakt in dit opzicht deel uit van een omvangrijke internationale trend."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buikema ,Rosemarie; Wesseling ,Lies"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "Literature (Belles lettres) and rhetoric", "Culture and institutions", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Literatuur en rhetorica", "Culture and instituten"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340134"], ["title", "Het heilige huis : De gotieke vertelling in de Nederlandse literatuur"], ["doab_id", "12836"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569481"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569481"]], [["description", "Government; Sociology

In Het minderhedenbeleid voorbij stellen de auteurs de vraag of specifiek minderhedenbeleid noodzakelijk is. Wat zijn de voordelen en nadelen van dit specifieke beleid ten opzichte van generiek beleid, en wat zijn de consequenties van afschaffing of van een andere invulling? Dit jaarboek is de opvolger van het Het minderhedenbeleid voorbij en geeft informatie over recente beleidsontwikkelingen op het terrein van minderheden, migratie en diversiteit. Het bestaat uit twee gedeelten. In het eerste theoretische deel wordt de \u2018zin en onzin\u2019 van specifiek minderhedenbeleid benaderd vanuit verschillende disciplines en in vergelijkend perspectief gezet. Deel twee laat zien hoe het minderhedenbeleid in de praktijk wordt gebracht. Aan de hand van de beleidsvelden arbeid, veiligheid, gezondheidszorg, onderwijs, jeugdzorg en lokaal overheidsbeleid laten de auteurs zien hoe generiek beleid - of de overgang naar generiek beleid - wordt vormgeven en hoe dit op lokaal niveau uitpakt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coello ,L.; Dagevos ,J.M.; Huider ,C.; Leun van der ,J.P; Od\u00e9 ,A."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Government", "Sociology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=455990"], ["title", "Het minderhedenbeleid voorbij : Motieven en gevolgen"], ["doab_id", "15556"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789048517190"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048517190"]], [["description", "Culture and institutions; Stage presentations

Hans van Maanen schetst een geschiedenis van de toneelwereld, niet van het toneel. De productie van toneel speelt in die wereld natuurlijk een zeer belangrijke rol, maar de aandacht gaat vooral uit naar de verandering van distributie van theater door de jaren heen. Ook de rol van de overheid - die onophoudelijk probeert de ontwikkelingen te volgen of beheersbaar te houden - wordt belicht. De auteur behandelt de geschiedenis van het toneelbestel op analytische wijze en besteedt daarnaast aandacht aan de belangrijkste knelpunten van het hedendaagse bestel: het kwaliteitsprobleem, de participatiekwestie en het legitimeringsvraagstuk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maanen van ,Hans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Stage presentations", "Culture and instituten", "Theater"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340260"], ["title", "Het Nederlandse toneelbestel van 1945 tot 1995"], ["doab_id", "12940"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053562529"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053562529"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wils ,J."], ["date", "1952"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613311"], ["title", "Het passieve werkwoord in de Indonesische talen"], ["doab_id", "18466"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285767", "9789004286344"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285767 9789004286344"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Woelders ,M."], ["date", "1975"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613312"], ["title", "Het Sultanaat Palembang 1811-1825"], ["doab_id", "18467"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024717620", "9789004287037"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024717620 9789004287037"]], [["description", "The heterologous or donogenous insemination is the artificial fertilization of an ovum for reproductive purposes with the sperm of an outside donor to save the affected couples a infertility. This method is long been offered and used by the modern reproductive medicine but, however raises a number of legal, human genetic and psychological issues that are not at sufficiently resolved in the circle of experts. The present volume addresses these questions and possible answers in an interdisciplinary discussion and explores solutions. The articles go back to a workshop, which was jointly organized in cooperation of the Centre for Medical Law and the G\u00f6ttingen Institute of Human Genetics. The editors hope that the recommendations resulting from this will be able to provide important impetus and support to the leaders in this field, but also to legislation and case law.

Die heterologe bzw. donogene Insemination meint die k\u00fcnstliche Befruchtung einer Eizelle zu Fortpflanzungszwecken mit dem Samen eines Fremdspenders, um den betroffenen Paaren eine ungewollte Kinderlosigkeit zu ersparen. Diese von der modernen Reproduktionsmedizin schon seit l\u00e4ngerem angebotene und auch tats\u00e4chlich in Anspruch genommene Methode wirft jedoch eine Reihe von rechtlichen, humangenetischen und psychologischen Fragen auf, die auch im Kreise der Experten bisher als nicht hinreichend gekl\u00e4rt betrachtet werden. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt es, diese Fragen aufzugreifen und im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Gespr\u00e4ch denkbare Antworten und L\u00f6sungen auszuloten. Die hier versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge gehen auf einen Workshop zur\u00fcck, den in Kooperation das Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht und das G\u00f6ttinger Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik gemeinsam veranstaltet haben. Mit den hieraus hervorgegangenen Empfehlungen hoffen die Herausgeber, wichtige Impulse und Hilfestellungen f\u00fcr die in diesem Bereich Verantwortlichen, aber auch f\u00fcr Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung geben zu k\u00f6nnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Engel, Wolfgang; Lipp, Volker; Zoll, Barbara"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["health care law", "health care law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610181"], ["title", "Heterologe Insemination - Aktuelle Lage und Reformbedarf aus interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive"], ["doab_id", "12995"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875302"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875302"]], [["description", "Several instances of war crimes trials are familiar to all scholars, but in order to advance understanding of the development of international criminal law, it is important to provide a full range of evidence from less-familiar trials. This book therefore provides a comprehensive overview, uncovering and exploring some of the lesser-known war crimes trials that have taken place in a variety of contexts: international and domestic, northern and southern, historic and contemporary. It analyses these trials with a view to recognizing institutional innovations, clarifying doctrinal debates, and identifying their general relevance to contemporary international criminal law. At the same time, the book recognizes international criminal law's history of suppression or sublimation: What stories has the discipline refused to tell? What stories have been displaced by the ones it has told? Has international criminal law's framing or telling of these stories excluded other possibilities? And \u2014 perhaps most important of all \u2014 how can recovering the lost stories and imagining new narrative forms reconfigure the discipline?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heller ,Kevin Jon; Simpson ,Gerry"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["war crimes trials", "international criminal law", "domestic law", "historic context", "institutional innovations", "doctrinal debates", "contemporary criminal law"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=460250"], ["title", "The Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials"], ["doab_id", "15585"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199671144"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199671144"]], [["description", "The concept of \"hidden payout of profit\u201d is characteristic for tax law, but inappropriate for corporate law, although it became deep-rooted in this field by practice. Within the context of corporate law it is not only about the problem of profit payouts, but also about the protection of the so-called tied up assets of a capital company within the so-called principle of capital preservation. The purpose of the corporate legislation is to prevent inadmissible interferences of shareholders or associates in the company's assets. Unlike corporate law, the purpose of tax law is to protect (fiscal) interests of the state, primarily to protect the tax base of the company as an independent and only subject to taxation, therefore the payouts of profit don\u2019t have an effect on the amount of the tax base, irrespective of whether the company pays out the profit in an open or hidden way. Hidden payouts of profit - as the open ones - do not reduce the tax base for income. The subject of the discussion are both aspects - the corporate aspect of hidden transfers of assets and the tax aspects of hidden transfers of assets within the law of joint-stock companies and limited liability companies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ale\u0161 Kobal"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["hidden payouts of profit, corporate law, tax law, the principle of capital preservation, the inhibition of the repayment of investments"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/49"], ["title", "Hidden Transfers of Assets and Hidden Payouts of Profit"], ["doab_id", "19791"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovenian"], ["isbns", ["9789616842709"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842709"]], [["description", "The aim of Hiding Making - Showing Creation is twofold.In the first instance, we seek to trace the Nachleben of these studiotopoi from the nineteenth century to today, in particular focusing onhow artists have employed them as strategies for showing certain aspectsof their practice (above all those which perpetuate the notionsof artistic genius and autonomy), while carefully hiding others fromview (routine, failure, craft).Secondly, in order to achieve these goals, we have adopted a methodthat we feel not only does justice to the richness and diversity of thetopic but which, we believe, will add a new dimension to the alreadyabundant and ever growing literature on the artist's studio."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Esner ,Rachel; Kisters ,Sandra; Lehmann ,Ann-Sophie"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Arts"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=452250"], ["title", "Hiding Making - Showing Creation : The Studio from Turner to Tacita Dean"], ["doab_id", "15444"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645074"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645074"]], [["description", "n this Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology on \u201cHigh Density Lipoproteins \u2013 from biological understanding to clinical exploitation\u201d contributing authors (members of COST Action BM0904/HDLnet) summarize in more than 20 chapters our current knowledge on the structure, function, metabolism and regulation of HDL in health and several diseases as well as the status of past and ongoing attempts of therapeutic exploitation.The book is of interest to researchers in academia and industry focusing on lipoprotein metabolism, cardiovascular diseases and immunology as well as clinical pharmacologists, cardiologists, diabetologists, nephrologists and other clinicians interested in metabolic or inflammatory diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arnold von Eckardstein; Dimitris Kardassis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pharmacology/Toxicology", " Molecular Medicine", " Human Physiology", " Immunology", " Cell Biology "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-09665-0"], ["title", "High Density Lipoproteins: From Biological Understanding to Clinical Exploitation"], ["doab_id", "17322"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319096643", "9783319096650"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319096643 (Print) 9783319096650 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book provides a broad introduction to the physics and technology of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). This new configuration of the LHC is one of the major accelerator projects for the next 20 years and will give new life to the LHC after its first 15-year operation. Not only will it allow more precise measurements of the Higgs boson and of any new particles that might be discovered in the next LHC run, but also extend the mass limit reach for detecting new particles. The HL-LHC is based on the innovative accelerator magnet technologies capable of generating 11\u201313 Tesla fields, with effectiveness enhanced by use of the new Achromatic Telescopic Squeezing scheme, and other state-of-the-art accelerator technologies, such as superconducting compact RF crab cavities, advanced collimation concepts, and novel power technology based on high temperature superconducting links.The book consists of a series of chapters touching on all issues of technology and design, and each chapter can be read independently. The first few chapters give a summary of the whole project, of the physics motivation and of the accelerator challenges. The subsequent chapters cover the novel technologies, the new configurations of LHC and of its injectors as well as the expected operational implications. Altogether, the book brings the reader to the heart of technologies for the leading edge accelerator and gives insights into next generation hadron colliders.Contents:Foreword (S Myers)Preface (O Br\u00fcning and L Rossi)Introduction to the HL-LHC Project (L Rossi and O Br\u00fcning)The Physics Landscape of the High Luminosity LHC (M Mangano)The HL-LHC Machine (I Bejar, O Br\u00fcning, P Fessia, L Rossi, R Tomas and M Zerlauth)The HL-LHC Accelerator Physics Challenges (S Fartoukh and F Zimmermann)Interface with Experimental Detector in the High Luminosity Run (H Burkhardt)Superconducting Magnet Technology for the Upgrade (E Todesco, G Ambrosio, P Ferracin, J M Rifflet, G L Sabbi, M Segreti, T Nakamoto, R van Weelderen and Q Xu)Crab Cavity Development (R Calaga, E Jensen, G Burt and A Ratti)Powering the Hi-Luminosity Triplets (A Ballarino and J P Burnet)Cryogenics for HL-LHC (L Tavian, K Brodzinski, S Claudet, G Ferlin, U Wagner and R van Weelderen)The \"Environmental\" Challenges: Impact of Radiation on Machine Components (M Brugger, F Cerutti and L S Esposito)Radiation Protection Considerations (C Adorisio, S Roesler, C Urscheler and H Vincke)Machine Protection with a 700 MJ Beam (T Baer, R Schmidt, J Wenninger, D Wollmann and M Zerlauth)Cleaning Insertions and Collimation Challenges (S Redaelli, R B Appleby, A Bertarelli, R Bruce, J M Jowett, A Lechner and R Losito)Long-Range Beam\u2013Beam Compensation Using Wires (F Zimmermann and H Schmickler)Impedance and Component Heating (E M\u00e9tral, F Caspers, N Mounet, T Pieloni and B Salvant)Challenges and Plans for the Proton Injectors (R Garoby)New Injectors: The Linac4 Project and the New H\u2013 Source (J Lettry and M Vretenar)Challenges and Plans for the Ion Injectors (D Manglunki)Challenges and Plans for Injection and Beam Dump (M Barnes, B Goddard, V Mertens and J Uythoven)Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics for the LHC Upgrade (E Bravin, B Dehning, R Jones and T Lefevre)Heavy-Ion Operation of HL-LHC (J M Jowett, M Schaumann and R Versteegen)Implications for Operations (G Arduini, M Lamont, T Pieloni and G Rumolo)Readership: Researchers and graduates in accelerator physics and engineering."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliver Br\u00fcning; Lucio Rossi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["High Energy Colliders", " Large Hadron Collider", " LHC Upgrades", " High Luminosity Colliders", " Superconducting Accelerators", " High Field Superconducting Magnets", " Crab Cavities", " Advanced Collimators", " Superconducting Links "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9581#t=toc"], ["title", "The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider:The New Machine for Illuminating the Mysteries of Universe"], ["doab_id", "17927"], ["language_unmapped", "ENGLISH"], ["isbns", ["9789814675475"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814675475"]], [["description", "Romania is an active player in various international higher education areas, while undergoing a series of higher education reforms within its national framework. The Higher Education Evidence Based Policy Making: a necessary premise for progress in Romania project was implemented by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) in the timeframe February 2012 \u2013 February 2014, being co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme \u201cAdministrative Capacity Development\u201d. The project aimed to increase the capacity of public administration for evidence-based policy making in the field of higher education, while focusing on good practices at international level and impact assessment. With the contribution of the national and international experts, the project has generated a number of analysis and studies on the existing higher education public policies (quality assurance, internationalisation, equity, data collection, the Bologna Process, financing of higher education). Based on the results of the project, the book will reunite a number of policy research articles which would tap into the innovative aspects of the project's activities and provide a concise overview of what good practices can be drawn from the empirical research conducted in this project. The book will therefore aim to improve the information on Romanian higher education reforms, as well as on the concrete evidence-based policy proposals which could be transformed into future policy solutions in the Romanian higher education system."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Curaj; Ligia Deca; Eva Egron-Polak; Jamil Salmi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["International higher education arena", " Higher education reforms", " UEFISCDI", " Evidence-based policy making", " Higher education in Romania", " Higher education public policies"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-08054-3"], ["title", "Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges"], ["doab_id", "16466"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319080536", "9783319080543"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319080536 (Print) 9783319080543 (Online)"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Iskandar ,T."], ["date", "1958"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613413"], ["title", "De Hikajat Atj\u00e9h"], ["doab_id", "18435"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285903", "9789004286504"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285903 9789004286504"]], [["description", "H4R is the newest member of the histamine receptor family, which was discovered about twelve years ago. It is considered a very promising drug target. The effort to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of the currently available H4R ligands is reflected in a steadily growing number of scientific publications and patent applications. Preclinical data strongly confirms the need for novel potent H4R ligands to explore their therapeutic value in allergy, inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and possibly, cancer. Readers will be provided with extensive knowledge on histamine metabolism, as well as cellular histamine transport, storage and release, effects of histamine and histamine receptor ligands, with particular attention to the H4R, on inflammatory cells including mast cells, basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, and T cells. The present knowledge on the regulatory role of histamine and the therapeutic exploitation of histamine receptor ligands in atopic diseases, with emphasis on human and animal models of asthma, allergic dermatitis and pruritus are discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stark, Holger"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["G protein coupled receptors, H4R ligands, Inflammation, Autoimmune Disorders, Pruritus, Asthma, Allergy, Cancer, Drug Development, Drug Target, Clinical Candidates, Biogenic Amin"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209714"], ["title", "Histamine H4 receptor. a Novel Drug Target For Immunoregulation and Inflammation"], ["doab_id", "15911"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560564"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560564"]], [["description", "Brain aminergic pathways are organized in parallel and interacting systems, which support a range of functions, from homoeostatic regulations to cognitive, and motivational processes. Despite overlapping functional influences, dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline and histamine systems provide different contributions to these processes. The histaminergic system, long ignored as a major regulator of the sleep-wake cycle, has now been fully acknowledged also as a major coordinator of attention, learning and memory, decision making. Although histaminergic neurons project widely to the whole brain, they are functionally heterogeneous, a feature which may provide the substrate for differential regulation, in a region-specific manner, of other neurotransmitter systems. Neurochemical preclinical studies have clearly shown that histamine interacts and modulates the release of neurotransmitters that are recognized as major modulators of cognitive processing and motivated behaviours. As a consequence, the histamine system has been proposed as a therapeutic target to treat sleep-wake disorders and cognitive dysfunctions that accompany neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory pathologies. Last decades have witnessed an unexpected explosion of interest in brain histamine system, as new receptors have been discovered and selective ligands synthesised. Nevertheless, the complete picture of the histamine systems fine-tuning and its orchestration with other pathways remains rather elusive. This Research Topic is intended to offer an inter-disciplinary forum that will improve our current understanding of the role of brain histamine and provide the fundamentals necessary to drive innovation in clinical practice and to improve the management and treatment of neurological disorders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jian-Sheng Lin; Pertti Panula; Maria Beatrice Passani"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["histamine receptors", "cognition", "wakefulness", "heterogeneity", "anxiety"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/525/histamine-in-the-brain"], ["title", "Histamine in the Brain"], ["doab_id", "18189"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194346"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194346"]], [["description", "O livro destina-se aos ginecologistas, ultrassonografistas e, especialmente, aos m\u00e9dicos que pretendem o t\u00edtulo de Especialista em Radiologia. Serve como fonte de consulta sobre a histerosalpingografia (HSG) naquilo em que ela \u00e9 ainda soberana: o diagn\u00f3stico ginecol\u00f3gico."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maia, Hugo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mn"], ["title", "Histerosalpingografia: introdu\u00e7\u00e3o ao estudo da radiologia ginecol\u00f3gica"], ["doab_id", "17169"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209384"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209384"]], [["description", "Esta Colet\u00e2nea, editada originalmente em 1996, resultou das atividades do Grupo de Trabalho em Hist\u00f3ria da Psicologia, institu\u00eddo por ocasi\u00e3o do VI Simp\u00f3sio de Pesquisa e Interc\u00e2mbio Cient\u00edfico da Associa\u00e7\u00e3o Nacional de Pesquisa e P\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Psicologia, realizado em Teres\u00f3polis, Rio de Janeiro, em maio de 1966. A publica\u00e7\u00e3o re\u00fane os trabalhos dos primeiros participantes do Grupo, pesquisadores e professores em diversas universidades brasileiras na \u00e1rea da Hist\u00f3ria da Psicologia, e a contribui\u00e7\u00e3o do Professor Josef Bro\u017eek, da Universidade de Lehigh, EUA, convidado especial dessa primeira reuni\u00e3o. [Trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Freitas, Regina Helena de"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/c2248"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria da psicologia: pesquisa, forma\u00e7\u00e3o, ensino"], ["doab_id", "16673"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662830"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662830"]], [["description", "El objeto de este libro ha sido estudiar la primera biblioteca que tuvo la Universidad de Mallorca, formada con las que establecieron los Jesuitas en los colegios de Montesio\u0301n y San Marti\u0301n de Palma y San Ignacio de Pollenc\u0327a. Fue una biblioteca universitaria abierta a todo estudioso que la quiso consultar, por tanto estamos en los or\u00edgenes de la lectura p\u00fablica en Mallorca. El tema central es la biblioteca, sobre la que giran los acontecimientos hist\u00f3ricos, en un contexto inmediato, traslado de libros, organizaci\u00f3n, inventario, acondicionamiento de espacios, actuaci\u00f3n de los miembros del claustro universitario, y aquellos que van ocurriendo en el \u00e1mbito que la envuelve, la ciudad de Palma, enmarcados en las ideas de la Ilustraci\u00f3n. La acotaci\u00f3n cronol\u00f3gica se sustenta en dos a\u00f1os importantes para la vida universitaria mallorquina: 1767, por la expulsi\u00f3n de los Jesuitas, y 1829, por la real orden de supresi\u00f3n de la Universidad. La investigaci\u00f3n se ha fundamentado en fuentes documentales conservadas en archivos hist\u00f3ricos de Palma y Madrid. Los resultados obtenidos est\u00e1n organizados sobre un hilo cronol\u00f3gico que nos permite estudiar la evoluci\u00f3n de la Universidad, desde un punto de vista institucional, en su etapa final de la mano de su biblioteca---The purpose of this book was to study the first university library of Majorca, which was formed by the union of the libraries that Jesuits had established in the schools of Montesi\u00f3n and San Mart\u00edn in Palma and San Ignacio in Pollen\u00e7a. It was a universitylibrary opened to everybody, therefore we are at the origins of public reading in Majorca. The main subject is the library, its organization, transfer of books, inventory, space conditioning, performance of the members of the faculty and the events that happen in the city of Palma, framed by the Enlightment. The chronological dimension isbased on two important years for Majorcan university life: 1767 (expulsion of the Jesuits) and 1829 (royal order of suppression of the university). The research has beenbased on documentary sources preserved in historical archives of Palma and Madrid.The results obtained are organized on a chronological thread that allows us to study theevolution of the university, from an institutional point of view, in its final stage throughthe history of the library."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Long\u00e1s Lacasa, Mar\u00eda \u00c1ngeles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bibliotecas", "Libros", "Universidades", "Jesuitas", "Mallorca", "Montesio\u0301n", "Libraries", "Books", "Universities", "Jesuits", "Majorca"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/21552/historia_longas_hu37_2015.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Historia de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Mallorca (1767-1829)"], ["doab_id", "17447"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315839"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315839"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brenkman, Henrik; Lorenzo, Juan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/107674/historia_brenkman_hd47.pdf"], ["title", "Historia de las Pandectas"], ["doab_id", "19270"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490858882"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490858882"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mar\u00edn y Mendoza, Joaqu\u00edn "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Derecho", "Historia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/22079/historia_marin_hd39_2015.pdf"], ["title", "Historia del derecho natural y de gentes"], ["doab_id", "17857"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315914"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315914"]], [["description", "Ao discutir a institui\u00e7\u00e3o da literatura infantil como objeto de ensino na forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores, Fernando Rodrigues de Oliveira apresenta a trajet\u00f3ria hist\u00f3rica de constru\u00e7\u00e3o da disciplina \u201cLiteratura infantil\u201d e sua intr\u00ednseca rela\u00e7\u00e3o com a formula\u00e7\u00e3o de um saber escolar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Fernando Rodrigues de"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8q7yj"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria do ensino da literatura infantil na forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores no estado de S\u00e3o Paulo (1947-2003)"], ["doab_id", "19947"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836688"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836688"]], [["description", "Hist\u00f3ria do Paran\u00e1: s\u00e9culos XIX e XX \u00e9 uma obra que analisa diversos temas da hist\u00f3ria do Estado, buscando compreender a diversidade das experi\u00eancias sociais, culturais e pol\u00edticas, a partir de uma postura cr\u00edtica e interpretativa. A an\u00e1lise do passado, quando submetida a uma metodologia hist\u00f3rica adequada, faz com que os leitores possam ampliar a compreens\u00e3o dos fatos hist\u00f3ricos. O objetivo principal deste livro n\u00e3o \u00e9 mostrar uma hist\u00f3ria tradicional, mas contribuir para o entendimento da hist\u00f3ria do Paran\u00e1, sempre levando em considera\u00e7\u00e3o as experi\u00eancias sociais do nosso povo, no tempo e no espa\u00e7o. Portanto, o livro n\u00e3o abarca todos os temas fundamentais da hist\u00f3ria do Paran\u00e1. Houve uma sele\u00e7\u00e3o de assuntos. O livro parte de um perfil bem definido: a hist\u00f3ria vista a partir dos seus movimentos sociais, pol\u00edticos, econ\u00f4micos e culturais. Para isso, definiu-se analisar aqueles movimentos mais importantes e as mudan\u00e7as estruturais que marcaram o Paran\u00e1 dos s\u00e9culos XIX e XX."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Priori, Angelo; Pomari, Luciana Regina; Am\u00e2ncio, Silvia Maria; Ip\u00f3lito, Veronica Karina"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Paran\u00e1 \u2013 Hist\u00f3ria, Hist\u00f3ria regional, Hist\u00f3ria pol\u00edtica, Movimentos sociais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/k4vrh"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria do Paran\u00e1: s\u00e9culos XIX e XX "], ["doab_id", "16616"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788576285878"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576285878"]], [["description", "O objetivo deste livro n\u00e3o \u00e9 suprir as defici\u00eancias ou as lacunas da hist\u00f3ria do pensamento geogr\u00e1fico e, tampouco, adotar o escr\u00fapulo historicista de compreens\u00e3o de uma hist\u00f3ria petrificada em narrativas e pontos de vista acerca de problemas cient\u00edficos que interessam a poucos. Neste sentido, n\u00e3o se trata, fundamentalmente, da hist\u00f3ria do pensamento geogr\u00e1fico como tradicionalmente se concebe o conjunto de temas relacionados ao desenvolvimento cient\u00edfico da geografia. Se essa fosse a sua finalidade, sua defici\u00eancia seria manifesta e o desequil\u00edbrio entre as partes retiraria todo o seu sentido. O seu prop\u00f3sito \u00e9 o de reunir as contribui\u00e7\u00f5es de docentes e p\u00f3s-graduandos em geografia, em torno de dois grandes eixos tem\u00e1ticos: hist\u00f3ria do pensamento geogr\u00e1fico e epistemologia em geografia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Godoy, Paulo R. Teixeira de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p5mw5"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria do pensamento geogr\u00e1fico e epistemologia em Geografia"], ["doab_id", "16736"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831270"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831270"]], [["description", "O livro estabelece pontos de encontro entre a Hist\u00f3ria e a Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o, analisando a trajet\u00f3ria recente dessas duas \u00e1reas no intuito de identificar suas possibilidades de converg\u00eancia. Indica tamb\u00e9m, por outro lado, a necessidade de se atentar para as diferen\u00e7as entre ambas, sem que isso represente, necessariamente, um antagonismo irrevers\u00edvel. Privilegiando a Hist\u00f3ria do Tempo Presente e as Teorias da Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o, o livro salienta a import\u00e2ncia do di\u00e1logo entre historiadores e te\u00f3ricos da comunica\u00e7\u00e3o. Segundo o autor, as duas \u00e1reas podem contribuir \u00e0 sociedade como ferramentas de desconstru\u00e7\u00e3o de discursos, id\u00e9ias e vers\u00f5es. Por meio de um estudo de caso - os atentados de 11 de setembro, noticiados pelos peri\u00f3dicos Veja e Le Monde Diplomatique - sua pesquisa evidencia a import\u00e2ncia de alguns procedimentos usados na comunica\u00e7\u00e3o para a Hist\u00f3ria do Tempo Presente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vicente, Maximiliano Martin"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b3rzk"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria e comunica\u00e7\u00e3o na nova ordem internacional"], ["doab_id", "16737"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598605968"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598605968"]], [["description", "Traz o panorama e as perspectivas da hist\u00f3ria oral, tra\u00e7ados por especialistas de diferentes pa\u00edses. Os textos discutem v\u00e1rias possibilidades de uso da hist\u00f3ria oral: como instrumento de pesquisa, como mecanismo de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e mobiliza\u00e7\u00e3o social e como agente de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de identidades. Trata tamb\u00e9m de temas cruciais para o entendimento do s\u00e9culo XX, como os efeitos da II Guerra Mundial e da guerra fria e a chamada 'desindustrializa\u00e7\u00e3o' do final do s\u00e9culo. O livro permite, assim, acompanhar o debate em torno de novas problem\u00e1ticas e antigas quest\u00f5es, fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de estudos e projetos em hist\u00f3ria oral, em diferentes \u00e1reas do conhecimento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ferreira, Marieta de Moraes (org.); Fernandes, Tania Maria (org.); Alberti, Verena (org.)"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2k2mb"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria oral: desafios para o s\u00e9culo XXI "], ["doab_id", "16361"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412879"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412879"]], [["description", "A inten\u00e7\u00e3o do autor \u00e9 estudar o doente, investigando seus sentimentos e seu papel no contexto da tuberculose. Para tanto, ele desvenda a doen\u00e7a, os especialistas, as institui\u00e7\u00f5es e as rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais relacionadas \u00e0 peste branca no Brasil nos primeiros cinq\u00fcenta anos do s\u00e9culo passado. Interessante para os profissionais de sa\u00fade, historiadores e todos os interessados pelo enfoque humano na hist\u00f3ria da tuberculose, este livro discute a constru\u00e7\u00e3o do ide\u00e1rio sobre a doen\u00e7a no Brasil, analisando comportamentos individuais e coletivos. A utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de fontes documentais diversas, como obras liter\u00e1rias e os prontu\u00e1rios m\u00e9dicos, \u00e9 importante, na medida em que constituem pe\u00e7as fundamentais na composi\u00e7\u00e3o da hist\u00f3ria social da doen\u00e7a e do doente e de todos os envolvidos na trag\u00e9dia regida pela tuberculose."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bertolli Filho, Claudio"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Tuberculose - hist\u00f3ria - Brasil - 1900-1950, Efeitos psicossociais da doen\u00e7a"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4"], ["title", "Hist\u00f3ria social da tuberculose e do tuberculoso: 1900-1950 "], ["doab_id", "16362"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412886"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412886"]], [["description", "El presente intenta mostrar la amplitud de perspectivas te\u00f3rico- metodol\u00f3gicas desde el an\u00e1lisis del discurso. Luego, el libro se propone exponer un abanico diverso sobre los t\u00f3picos, per\u00edodos y problem\u00e1ticas de abordaje y, con ello, las distintas posibilidades de construcci\u00f3n de datos y de an\u00e1lisis de fuentes. As\u00ed, retoma una l\u00ednea que intenta que el campo historiogr\u00e1fico se nutra de perspectivas te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas provenientes de disciplinas como la Sociolog\u00eda, la Antropolog\u00eda y la Ling\u00fc\u00edstica, entre otras. En conjunto, todo ello conduce a una reflexi\u00f3n sobre la din\u00e1mica de la investigaci\u00f3n a trav\u00e9s de la puesta en pr\u00e1ctica de los distintos procesos metodol\u00f3gicos y a una lectura reflexiva sobre el propio campo disciplinar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martinelli, Guillermo de (comp.); Ledesma Prietto, Nadia (comp.); Valobra, Adriana Mar\u00eda (comp.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["methodology ", " historiography ", " speech analysis ", " filolog\u00eda ", " metodolog\u00eda ", " historiograf\u00eda ", " an\u00e1lisis del discurso"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/23"], ["title", "Historia y metodolog\u00eda: Aproximaciones al an\u00e1lisis del discurso"], ["doab_id", "17353"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411278"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411278 "]], [["description", "Este libro contiene diversos trabajos referidos a procesalistas espa\u00f1oles de la primera mitad del siglo XX. El estudio inicial y el final de los que componen la obra incluyen otras tantas s\u00edntesis sobre la evoluci\u00f3n de la doctrina procesal espa\u00f1ola durante ese mismo periodo de tiempo. Varios trabajos m\u00e1s se dedican a reconstruir la trayectoria vital, acad\u00e9mica y cient\u00edfica de alg\u00fan procesalista. Hay otros que se limitan a analizar hechos concretos concernientes a la vida de un procesalista determinado, aunque siempre se trata de acontecimientos que han tenido una especial incidencia en el devenir del derecho procesal espa\u00f1ol. A su vez, algunos estudios se ocupan de obras doctrinales dotadas de una significaci\u00f3n particularmente relevante en la historia reciente de la cultura procesal espa\u00f1ola."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cach\u00f3n Cadenas, Manuel "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Derecho procesal", "Universidades", "Procedural law", "Universities", "History"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/14588/Historia_procesalistas_2002.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Historias de procesalistas, universidades y una guerra civil (1900-1950)"], ["doab_id", "16151"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490310366"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", " 9788490310366"]], [["description", "Gordon W. Smith, PhD, dedicated much of his life to researching Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic. A historian by training, his 1952 dissertation from Columbia University on \"The Historical and Legal Background of Canada's Arctic Claims\" remains a foundational work on the topic, as does his 1966 chapter \"Sovereignty in the North: The Canadian Aspect of an International Problem,\" in R. St. J. Macdonald's The Arctic Frontier. This work is the first in a project to edit and publish Smith's unpublished opus - a manuscript on \"A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North and Related Law of the Sea Problems.\" Written over three decades (yet incomplete at the time of his death in 2000), this work may well be the most comprehensive study on the nature and importance of the Canadian North in existence.Volume 1: Terrestrial Sovereignty provides the most comprehensive documentation yet available on the post-Confederation history of Canadian sovereignty in the north. As Arctic sovereignty and security issues return to the forefront of public debate, this invaluable resource provides the foundation upon which we may expand our understanding of Canada's claims from the original transfers of the northern territories in 1870 and 1880 through to the late twentieth century. The book provides a wealth of detail, ranging from administrative formation and delineation of the northern territories through to other activities including government expeditions to northern waters, foreign whaling, the Alaska boundary dispute, northern exploration between 1870 and 1918, the background of Canada's sector claim, the question concerning Danish sovereignty over Greenland and its relation to Canadian interests, the Ellesmere Island affair, the activities of American explorers in the Canadian North, and the Eastern Arctic Patrol. The final chapter examines the Eastern Greenland case and its implications for Canada."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gordon W. Smith; P. Whitney Lackenbauer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Law", " History", " Northern Studies", " Politics"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://uofcpress.com/books/9781552387207"], ["title", "A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North: Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939 "], ["doab_id", "16497"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387740"]], ["provider", "uofcpress.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387740"]], [["description", "A Historical Geography of Tourism in Victoria, Australia \u2013 Case studies is concerned with the emergence of tourism in colonial Victoria, Australia. It explores a fundamental set of questions: how does a tourist site come in to being? How does a tourist gaze emerge in a \u2018settler society\u2019? How does an \u2018era of discovery\u2019 segue into \u2018tourism\u2019? And, how was the tourist map of Victoria created by settler colonists? Through the application of the classical models of MacCannell, Butler, and Gunn to construct the history of tourism at eight case studies, this work shows that Victoria\u2019s tourism landscape is dynamic and constantly changing. There are many other significant natural and cultural attractions in Victoria and much more research needs to be undertaken to understand more fully the evolution of Victoria\u2019s tourism landscape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ian Clark"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History of Tourism", " Australia", " Creation of tourism spaces and sites"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/430898"], ["title", "An Historical Geography of Tourism in Victoria, Australia Case Studies"], ["doab_id", "16480"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110370119"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110370119"]], [["description", "Fundamentally concerned with place, and our ability to understand human relationships with environment over time, Historical Geographic Information Systems (HGIS) as a tool and a subject has direct bearing for the study of contemporary environmental issues and realities. To date, HGIS projects in Canada are few and publications that discuss these projects directly even fewer. This book brings together case studies of HGIS projects in historical geography, social and cultural history, and environmental history from Canada's diverse regions. Projects include religion and ethnicity, migration, indigenous land practices, rebuilding a nineteenth-century neighborhood, and working with Google Earth.With contributions by:Colleen BeardStephen BockingJennifer BonnellJim CliffordJoanna DeanFran\u00e7ois DufauxPatrick A. DunaeMarcel FortinJason GillilandWilliam M. GlenMegan HarveyMatthew G. HatvanySally HermansenAndrew HinsonDon LafreniereJohn S. LutzJoshua D. MacFadyenDaniel MacfarlaneJennifer MarvinCameron MetcalfByron MoldofskySherry OlsonJon PasherDaniel RueckR. W. SandwellHenry YuBarbara Znamirowski"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jennifer Bonnell; Marcel Fortin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History, Geography, Environment"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49926/1/UofCPress_HistoricalGIS_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Historical GIS Research in Canada"], ["doab_id", "15680"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387566"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387566"]], [["description", "Fictional reconstructions of the Gospels continue to find a place in contemporary literature and in the popular imagination. Present day writers of New Testament fiction and drama are usually considered as part of a tradition formed by mid-to-late-twentieth-century authors such as Robert Graves, Nikos Kazantzakis and Anthony Burgess. This book looks back further to the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, when the templates of the majority of today\u2019s Gospel fictions and dramas were set down. In doing so, it examines the extent to which significant works of biblical scholarship both influenced and inspired literary works. Focusing on writers such as Oscar Wilde, George Moore and Marie Corelli, this timely new addition to the English Association Monographs series will be essential reading for scholars working at the intersection of literature and theology."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stevens ,Jennifer"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Jesus", "Victorian", "Marie Corelli", "Oscar Wilde", "Jezus", "Victoriaans", "Marie Corellli", "Oscar Wilde"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389221"], ["title", "The Historical Jesus and the Literary Imagination 1860-1920"], ["doab_id", "13364"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846314704"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846314704"]], [["description", "This collection consists of articles on the subjects addressed by the research conference \u201cThe Shaping of Identity and Personality under Communist Rule: History in the Service of Totalitarian Regimes in Eastern Europe\u201d, held in Tallinn, Estonia, on 9\u201310 June 2011 and arranged by the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory Foundation and the Unitas Foundation. The organisers of the conference intended to describe, analyse and explain the state policies and activities used in Eastern Europe for shaping the Communist identity and personality by means of manipulating the historical consciousness, and the efficiency of those policies and activities, proceeding from the official historical approaches of the former Eastern bloc. Ideologically mutated history was the important component of the official, Communist identity. The artificial official history and the new historical identity it forced upon the population aspired to establish the sole possible truth by means of half-truths. Probably the most important thread that comes through every article in this collection is the conflict between the official, communist identity and the nation's historical memory, and its consequences."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Saueauk ,Meelis "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["memory", "communism", "identity", "personality", "history", "totalitarianism", "Eastern Europe", "propaganda"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507876"], ["title", "Historical Memory versus Communist Identity"], ["doab_id", "16467"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949326174", "9789949326495"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949326174 9789949326495"]], [["description", "The beginnings of historical anthropology as a transdisciplinary project have to be located in the 1970s. However, in this part of the world it is still considered as a young project. This seems to be the main reason for not having yet developed a common understanding about its aims, methods and core contents. There is also no unanimity about the perception, advocated in this volume, that historical anthropology does not represent a new scientific discipline but an altered understanding of history as a discipline as a whole for the purpose of transdisciplinarity. The intention of the endeavor \u2018historical anthropology\u2019 is far from questioning established disciplines such as the historical scholarship but to put man in its historical contingency and cultural complexity into the focus of research and academic teaching. Since the temporal dimension does play a central role anthropologically oriented historical scholarship occupies a specific position in this project. Historical anthropology is comprehended here as integration of disciplines in the sense of a comprehensive science of the human being.Historical anthropology conducted in a rather peripheral region such as Southeastern Europe or the Balkans due to its specific historic development and cultural features is confronted with partly other challenges and has partly different aims compared with Western or Central Europe, for instance, which is reflected in the composition of the present volume. It consists of five parts. The first one addresses migration and adaption strategies, the second one gender relations and stages of life. The third one deals with the complex relationship of geographic features such as mountains and sea, and the human being. The fourth part is devoted to law and disciplining, and the concluding one to identities. The authors are either directly affiliated with Centre for Southeast European History and Anthropology at University of Graz or colleagues from abroad with whom the Centre has intensive collaboration.

Die bislang vor allem ethnozentrierte Perspektive auf Geschichte und Kultur S\u00fcdosteuropas hat viel zu den un\u00fcbersehbaren Spannungen in der Region beigetragen. Eine historisch-anthropologische Perspektive kann dem Entscheidendes entgegensetzen und ethnozentrierte Blicke aufl\u00f6sen.Dieser erste \u00dcberblick \u00fcber Themenfelder einer Historischen Anthropologie im s\u00fcdostlichen Europa hat Einf\u00fchrungscharakter und weist gleichzeitig auf Forschungsperspektiven hin. Dargestellt werden u. a. folgende Themenfelder: Wanderungen und Anpassungsstrategien; Geschlechterbeziehungen und Lebensphasen; das Gebirge, die Stadt und das Meer; Recht und Disziplinierung; Identit\u00e4ten. Die Beitr\u00e4ger und Beitr\u00e4gerinnen stammen sowohl aus L\u00e4ndern des westlichen als auch des s\u00fcd\u00f6stlichen Europa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gruber ,Siegfried; Pichler ,Robert; Kaser ,Karl"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["historical anthropology, Southeastern Europe, migration, gender relations, generational relations, environment, family, kinship, youth and age, religion, historical urban anthropology", "Historische Anthropologie, Religion, Lebensphasen, Geschlechterbeziehungen, S\u00fcd\u00f6stliches Europa"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471370"], ["title", "Historische Anthropologie im s\u00fcd\u00f6stlichen Europa"], ["doab_id", "15956"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205771258"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205771258"]], [["description", "In j\u00fcngster Zeit wird, wie bereits zur Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert, die Objektivit\u00e4t historischer Erkenntnis angezweifelt. In ihren objektivit\u00e4tsskeptischen Argumentationen st\u00fctzen sich die vorwiegend \u201epostmodern\u201c orientierten Autoren auf den essentiell narrativen und perspektivischen Charakter der Geschichtsschreibung. In \u201eHistorische Erkenntnis zwischen Objektivit\u00e4t und Perspektivit\u00e4t\u201c soll historische Objektivit\u00e4t verteidigt werden, ohne sich aber auf eine blo\u00dfe Destruktion der Objektivit\u00e4tskritik zu beschr\u00e4nken. Vielmehr m\u00fcssen einige ihrer Einsichten ernst genommen werden, obschon ihre Schlussfolgerungen nicht bejaht zu werden brauchen. Die Objektivit\u00e4t historischer Erkenntnis wird in dieser Arbeit in einem Zug mit dem perspektivischen Charakter der Geschichte verteidigt."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kistenfeger, Jens"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208620"], ["title", "Historische Erkenntnis zwischen Objektivit\u00e4t und Perspektivit\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "18069"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110322569", "9783110322224", "9783110322576"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322569, 9783110322224, 9783110322576"]], [["description", "In the year 1999 the project of the inventarisation of the historic gardens in Austria, financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF was finished with the manuscript \u201cHistoric Gardens in Austria. Gardens and Parks from the Renaissance to 1930\u201d. Since 1984 this project was in charge of the author with some other co-workers at the Technical University of Vienna, Department of Landscape Planning and Garden History. This first Austrian inventory tended to consider public and private gardens, parks and artistically formed landscapes of all nine Austrian states from the Renaissance to about 1930 in a systematic manner. In the years of the inventarisation over 1750 historic gardens and parks were discovered, photographed and described. For the publication this numerous and mostly unknown quantity of gardens and parks was arranged in typological groups: gardens and parks of ecclesiastic dwelling-houses as monasteries, convents and cloisters, episcopal and provost buildings, parsonages, gardens and parks of profane buildings as castles, chateaus, palaces, manor-houses, country-houses, villas, dwelling-buildings, development houses, farmhouses, mills, factories, public buildings (monumental buildings) of culture (museum, theatre), education (school, university, botanic garden, arboretum), healing and welfare work (hospital, sanatorium, old people\u00b4s home, residential home, youth welfare home), administration (office, embassy), catering and hotel industry and tourism ( hotel, inn, restaurant), sport, recreation and leisure ( swimming-bath, shooting-stand, amusement park, leisure centre), public gardens and parks (without any main-building) as green places, village parks, town parks, village woods, town woods, parks of a spa, memorial parks, promenades, green outside staircases.With the elaboration of the results of the inventarisation, with the consideration of the trade literature, historic maps, plans, views, pictures and other source materials it was possible to present the first documentation of the existing historic gardens and parks in Austria in three volumes, published 2002-2004 (B\u00f6hlau Verlag, Wien-K\u00f6ln-Weimar). This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic garden substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords first informations to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.

1999 konnte das vom Fonds zur F\u00f6rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung finanzierte Projekt \"Inventarisierung der historischen G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs\" mit der Vorlage des Manuskriptes \"Historische G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs. Erste Erfassung der Garten- und Parkanlagen von der Renaissance bis um 1930\" beendet werden. Seit dem Jahr 1984 wurde dieses Projekt am Institut f\u00fcr Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst der Technischen Universit\u00e4t Wien gemeinsam mit Mitarbeitern durch die Verfasserin bearbeitet. Diese erstmals f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreich durchgef\u00fchrte Bestandsaufnahme hatte zum Ziel, \u00f6ffentliche und private Parks, G\u00e4rten und k\u00fcnstlerisch gestaltete Landschaftsteile aller \u00f6sterreichischen Bundesl\u00e4nder in einem zeitlichen Entstehungsrahmen von der Renaissance bis gegen 1930 systematisch zu erfassen. Bisher lag eine solche \u00dcbersicht der noch erhaltenen Anlagen in \u00d6sterreich nicht vor; es konnten im Laufe der Bestandsaufnahme vor Ort \u00fcber 1700 historische G\u00e4rten und Parks inventarisiert werden.Dieser Gartenbestand wurde f\u00fcr die vorgesehene Ver\u00f6ffentlichung in typologischen Gruppen erschlossen: G\u00e4rten und Parks zu kirchlichen Wohnbauten: Stift, Kloster, Bischofshof, Stiftshof, Dechanthof, Propstei, Pfarrhof; G\u00e4rten und Parks zu weltlichen Bauten: Burg, Schlo\u00df, Ansitz, Edelsitz, Herrenhaus, Freisitz, Freihof, Sitz, Schl\u00f6\u00dfl, Landsitz, Palast (Palais), Stadtpalais, Gartenpalais, Landhaus, Gutshaus, Villa, Wohnhaus (st\u00e4dtisches Wohnhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Einfamilienhaus, Siedlung, Bauernhaus, M\u00fchle, Forsthaus, Fabrik, Werk; \u00f6ffentliche Bauten (Monumentalbauten): Kultur: Museum, Theater; Bildung: Schule, Universit\u00e4t (Botanischer Garten, Dendrologischer Garten/Arboretum, Lehrgarten, Versuchswirtschaft); Heilung und F\u00fcrsorge: Krankenhaus (Spital), Sanatorium (Kuranstalt), Altersheim, Wohnheim, Kinderheim; Verwaltung: Amtsgeb\u00e4ude, Verwaltungsgeb\u00e4ude, B\u00fcrogeb\u00e4ude, Botschaft; Gastgewerbe und Fremdenverkehr: Hotel, Gasthof; Sport, Erholung und Freizeit: Bad, Schie\u00dfstand, Vergn\u00fcgungspark; \u00f6ffentliche G\u00e4rten und Parks (Anlagen ohne Bindung an ein bauliches \"Mutterobjekt\"): Anger, Ortsplatz, Stadtplatz, Ortspark, Stadtpark, Ortswald, Stadtwald, Kurpark, Naturpark, Gedenkpark, Promenade, Treppenanlage; sonstige Gr\u00fcnanlagen und Begr\u00fcnungen (z.B.Gedenkst\u00e4tte).Mit der Ausarbeitung der Ergebnisse der Erfassung, mit der Bearbeitung der Prim\u00e4r- und Sekund\u00e4rliteratur, historischer Karten, Pl\u00e4ne und Ansichten und sonstiger Quellen kann somit die erste Dokumentation des vorhandenen Bestandes an historischen G\u00e4rten und Parks in \u00d6sterreich vorgewiesen werden. Diese fl\u00e4chendeckende \u00dcbersicht macht den reichen Bestand an historischer Gartensubstanz bekannt, stellt Grundlagen f\u00fcr die weitere wissenschaftliche Besch\u00e4ftigung mit der \u00f6sterreichischen Gartenkunst und Gartenkultur zur Verf\u00fcgung und bietet Informationen f\u00fcr Ma\u00dfnahmen zur Sicherung und Erhaltung dieses wichtigen kulturellen Erbes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Berger ,Eva"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Historic gardens, historic parks, public open spaces, garden history, garden art, garden culture, garden inventory, cultural heritage, garden preservation, garden conservation", "historische G\u00e4rten, historische Parks, Inventarisierung historischer G\u00e4rten, Erfassung historischer G\u00e4rten, Gartenkunst, Gartenkultur"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471652"], ["title", "Historische G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs / Bd. 1"], ["doab_id", "15953"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993056"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993056"]], [["description", "In the year 1999 the project of the inventarisation of the historic gardens in Austria, financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF was finished with the manuscript \u201cHistoric Gardens in Austria. Gardens and Parks from the Renaissance to 1930\u201d. Since 1984 this project was in charge of the author with some other co-workers at the Technical University of Vienna, Department of Landscape Planning and Garden History. This first Austrian inventory tended to consider public and private gardens, parks and artistically formed landscapes of all nine Austrian states from the Renaissance to about 1930 in a systematic manner. In the years of the inventarisation over 1750 historic gardens and parks were discovered, photographed and described. For the publication this numerous and mostly unknown quantity of gardens and parks was arranged in typological groups: gardens and parks of ecclesiastic dwelling-houses as monasteries, convents and cloisters, episcopal and provost buildings, parsonages, gardens and parks of profane buildings as castles, chateaus, palaces, manor-houses, country-houses, villas, dwelling-buildings, development houses, farmhouses, mills, factories, public buildings (monumental buildings) of culture (museum, theatre), education (school, university, botanic garden, arboretum), healing and welfare work (hospital, sanatorium, old people\u00b4s home, residential home, youth welfare home), administration (office, embassy), catering and hotel industry and tourism ( hotel, inn, restaurant), sport, recreation and leisure ( swimming-bath, shooting-stand, amusement park, leisure centre), public gardens and parks (without any main-building) as green places, village parks, town parks, village woods, town woods, parks of a spa, memorial parks, promenades, green outside staircases.With the elaboration of the results of the inventarisation, with the consideration of the trade literature, historic maps, plans, views, pictures and other source materials it was possible to present the first documentation of the existing historic gardens and parks in Austria in three volumes, published 2002-2004 (B\u00f6hlau Verlag, Wien-K\u00f6ln-Weimar). This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic garden substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords first informations to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.The second volume of the inventarisation of the historic gardens and parks in Austria presents the public and private gardens of the Austrian states Upper Austria, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, Carinthia, Styria and Tyrol. This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic gardens substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords first informations to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.

Im zweiten Band der Bestandsaufnahme der historischen G\u00e4rten und Parks \u00d6sterreichs werden die Gartenanlagen in Ober\u00f6sterreich, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, K\u00e4rnten, Steiermark und Tirol vorgestellt. Die fl\u00e4chendeckende \u00dcbersicht macht den reichen Bestand an historischer Gartensubstanz bekannt, stellt erste Grundlagen f\u00fcr die weitere wissenschaftliche Besch\u00e4ftigung mit der \u00f6sterreichischen Gartenkunst und Gartenkultur zur Verf\u00fcgung und bietet erste Informationen f\u00fcr Ma\u00dfnahmen zur Sicherung und Erhaltung dieses wichtigen kulturellen Erbes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Berger ,Eva"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["historic gardens, historic parks, public open spaces, garden history, garden art, garden culture, garden inventory, cultural heritage, garden preservation, garden conservation", "historische G\u00e4rten, historische Parks, Inventarisierung historischer G\u00e4rten, Erfassung historischer G\u00e4rten, Gartenkunst, Gartenkultur"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471651"], ["title", "Historische G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs / Bd. 2"], ["doab_id", "15952"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993520"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993520"]], [["description", "In the year 1999 the project of the inventarisation of the historic gardens in Austria, financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF was finished with the manuscript \u201cHistoric Gardens in Austria. Gardens and Parks from the Renaissance to 1930\u201d. Since 1984 this project was in charge of the author with some other co-workers at the Technical University of Vienna, Department of Landscape Planning and Garden History. This first Austrian inventory tended to consider public and private gardens, parks and artistically formed landscapes of all nine Austrian states from the Renaissance to about 1930 in a systematic manner. In the years of the inventarisation over 1750 historic gardens and parks were discovered, photographed and described. For the publication this numerous and mostly unknown quantity of gardens and parks was arranged in typological groups: gardens and parks of ecclesiastic dwelling-houses as monasteries, convents and cloisters, episcopal and provost buildings, parsonages, gardens and parks of profane buildings as castles, chateaus, palaces, manor-houses, country-houses, villas, dwelling-buildings, development houses, farmhouses, mills, factories, public buildings (monumental buildings) of culture (museum, theatre), education (school, university, botanic garden, arboretum), healing and welfare work (hospital, sanatorium, old people\u00b4s home, residential home, youth welfare home), administration (office, embassy), catering and hotel industry and tourism ( hotel, inn, restaurant), sport, recreation and leisure ( swimming-bath, shooting-stand, amusement park, leisure centre), public gardens and parks (without any main-building) as green places, village parks, town parks, village woods, town woods, parks of a spa, memorial parks, promenades, green outside staircases.With the elaboration of the results of the inventarisation, with the consideration of the trade literature, historic maps, plans, views, pictures and other source materials it was possible to present the first documentation of the existing historic gardens and parks in Austria in three volumes, published 2002-2004 (B\u00f6hlau Verlag, Wien-K\u00f6ln-Weimar). This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic garden substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords first informations to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.The third volume of the inventarisation of the historic gardens and parks in Austria presents the public and private gardens of the Austrian capital Vienna This first survey makes known the rich existence of historic gardens substance, is available to further scientific research on Austrian garden art and garden culture and affords first informations to protect and preserve this important cultural heritage.

1999 konnte das vom Fonds zur F\u00f6rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung finanzierte Projekt \"Inventarisierung der historischen G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs\" mit der Vorlage des Manuskriptes \"Historische G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs. Erste Erfassung der Garten- und Parkanlagen von der Renaissance bis um 1930\" beendet werden. Seit dem Jahr 1984 wurde dieses Projekt am Institut f\u00fcr Landschaftsplanung und Gartenkunst der Technischen Universit\u00e4t Wien gemeinsam mit Mitarbeitern durch die Verfasserin bearbeitet. Diese erstmals f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreich durchgef\u00fchrte Bestandsaufnahme hatte zum Ziel, \u00f6ffentliche und private Parks, G\u00e4rten und k\u00fcnstlerisch gestaltete Landschaftsteile aller \u00f6sterreichischen Bundesl\u00e4nder in einem zeitlichen Entstehungsrahmen von der Renaissance bis gegen 1930 systematisch zu erfassen. Bisher lag eine solche \u00dcbersicht der noch erhaltenen Anlagen in \u00d6sterreich nicht vor; es konnten im Laufe der Bestandsaufnahme vor Ort \u00fcber 1700 historische G\u00e4rten und Parks inventarisiert werden. Der dritte Band umfa\u00dft \u00fcber vierhundert Anlagen in Wien.Dieser Gartenbestand wurde f\u00fcr die vorgesehene, dreib\u00e4ndige Ver\u00f6ffentlichung in typologischen Gruppen erschlossen: G\u00e4rten und Parks zu kirchlichen Wohnbauten: Stift, Kloster, Bischofshof, Stiftshof, Dechanthof, Propstei, Pfarrhof ; G\u00e4rten und Parks zu weltlichen Bauten: Burg, Schlo\u00df, Ansitz, Edelsitz, Herrenhaus, Freisitz, Freihof, Sitz, Schl\u00f6\u00dfl, Landsitz, Palast (Palais), Stadtpalais, Gartenpalais, Landhaus, Gutshaus, Villa, Wohnhaus (st\u00e4dtisches Wohnhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Einfamilienhaus, Siedlung, Bauernhaus, M\u00fchle, Forsthaus, Fabrik, Werk; \u00f6ffentliche Bauten (Monumentalbauten): Kultur: Museum, Theater; Bildung: Schule, Universit\u00e4t (Botanischer Garten, Dendrologischer Garten/Arboretum, Lehrgarten, Versuchswirtschaft); Heilung und F\u00fcrsorge: Krankenhaus (Spital), Sanatorium (Kuranstalt), Altersheim, Wohnheim, Kinderheim; Verwaltung: Amtsgeb\u00e4ude, Verwaltungsgeb\u00e4ude, B\u00fcrogeb\u00e4ude, Botschaft; Gastgewerbe und Fremdenverkehr: Hotel, Gasthof; Sport, Erholung und Freizeit: Bad, Schie\u00dfstand, Vergn\u00fcgungspark; \u00f6ffentliche G\u00e4rten und Parks (Anlagen ohne Bindung an ein bauliches \"Mutterobjekt\"): Anger, Ortsplatz, Stadtplatz, Ortspark, Stadtpark, Ortswald, Stadtwald, Kurpark, Naturpark, Gedenkpark, Promenade, Treppenanlage; sonstige Gr\u00fcnanlagen und Begr\u00fcnungen (z.B.Gedenkst\u00e4tte).Mit der Ausarbeitung der Ergebnisse der Erfassung, mit der Bearbeitung der Prim\u00e4r- und Sekund\u00e4rliteratur, historischer Karten, Pl\u00e4ne und Ansichten und sonstiger Quellen kann somit die erste Dokumentation des vorhandenen Bestandes an historischen G\u00e4rten und Parks in \u00d6sterreich vorgewiesen werden. Diese fl\u00e4chendeckende \u00dcbersicht macht den reichen Bestand an historischer Gartensubstanz bekannt, stellt Grundlagen f\u00fcr die weitere wissenschaftliche Besch\u00e4ftigung mit der \u00f6sterreichischen Gartenkunst und Gartenkultur zur Verf\u00fcgung und bietet Informationen f\u00fcr Ma\u00dfnahmen zur Sicherung und Erhaltung dieses wichtigen kulturellen Erbes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Berger ,Eva"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["historic gardens, historic parks, public open spaces, garden history, garden art, garden culture, garden inventory, cultural heritage, garden preservation, garden conservation", "historische G\u00e4rten, historische Parks, Inventarisierung historischer G\u00e4rten, Erfassung historischer G\u00e4rten, Gartenkunst, Gartenkultur"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471650"], ["title", "Historische G\u00e4rten \u00d6sterreichs / Bd. 3"], ["doab_id", "15951"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993537"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993537"]], [["description", "Culture, Cultural History, Cultural Studies, Cultural Theory, Theory of History, History

Der Begriff \u00bbKulturwissenschaften\u00ab wird gegenw\u00e4rtig in Kontexten genutzt, in denen gegen die fortschreitende Spezialisierung insbesondere in den Geisteswissenschaften und gegen die damit einhergehende Fragmentierung des Wissens pl\u00e4diert wird. Neben einer Perspektivierung der einzelnen Disziplinen als Kulturwissenschaften im Plural wird aber auch eine Art Dachdisziplin \u00bbKulturwissenschaft\u00ab als wesentlich f\u00fcr die Modernisierung der Geisteswissenschaften diskutiert. Aus disziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive loten die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes M\u00f6glichkeiten und Grenzen kulturwissenschaftlichen Arbeitens aus. Sie finden zu einer interdisziplin\u00e4ren Verst\u00e4ndigung aus einer dezidiert historischen Sicht, die scheinbar disparate Geisteswissenschaften integriert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Culture", "Cultural History", "Cultural Studies", "Cultural Theory", "Theory of History", "History", "Kulturwissenschaften", "Geschichte", "Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t", "Kultur", "Kulturgeschichte", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Kulturtheorie", "Geschichtstheorie", "Geschichtswissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617335"], ["title", "Historische Kulturwissenschaften. Positionen, Praktiken und Perspektiven"], ["doab_id", "19790"], ["language_unmapped", "german"], ["isbns", ["9783837614411", "9783839414415"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837614411 9783839414415"]], [["description", "Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge gehen aus der Sektion \u00bbHistorische Pragmatik und historische Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen\u00ab hervor, die am 29. und 30. September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand. Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass historische Pragmatik und historische Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik in ihren Objekten und Methoden zahlreiche Ber\u00fchrungspunkte und \u00dcberschneidungen aufweisen, sich aber institutionell und in ihren Forschungstraditionen auf recht unterschiedlichen Wegen entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Beitr\u00e4ge der Sektion zum Ziel, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen der beiden Disziplinen im Rahmen eines reflektierten Dialogs zu benennen und zu kommentieren. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde f\u00fcr dieses Unterfangen auf die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie gelegt.

Die im vorliegenden Band versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge gehen aus der Sektion \u00bbHistorische Pragmatik und historische Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen\u00ab hervor, die am 29. und 30. September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand. Konzeption und Planung dieser Sektion waren getragen von der Einsicht, dass historische Pragmatik und historische Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik in ihren Objekten und Methoden zahlreiche Ber\u00fchrungspunkte und \u00dcberschneidungen aufweisen, sich aber institutionell und in ihren Forschungstraditionen auf recht unterschiedlichen Wegen entwickelt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Beitr\u00e4ge der Sektion zum Ziel, Konvergenzen und Divergenzen der beiden Disziplinen im Rahmen eines reflektierten Dialogs zu benennen und zu kommentieren. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde f\u00fcr dieses Unterfangen auf die enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie gelegt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schrott, Angela; V\u00f6lker, Harald"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Romance philology", "Historical Pragmatism", "Romance philology", "Historical Pragmatism"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610307"], ["title", "Historische Pragmatik und historische Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik in den romanischen Sprachen - [... Beitr\u00e4ge gehen aus der Sektion \"Historische Pragmatik und Variet\u00e4tenlinguistik. Wissenschaftspraxis und Methodologie - Divergenzen und Konvergenzen\" hervor, die am 29. und 30. September 2003 auf dem XXVIII. Deutschen Romanistentag in Kiel stattfand]"], ["doab_id", "14569"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616192"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616192"]], [["description", "The contributions of this book are the results of a conference of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in March 2011. The underlying consideration was simple: In language teaching and cultural studies, media are essential - why not resort to historical sources? They can be used in many ways, have a high recognition value and offer innumerable points of contact to the topics of regional and media studies. First, relevant experts present the most important collections and portals on the Internet and enter into the question of the informative and practical value of historical sources. The second part deals in a more detailed manner with aural sources, movies, political cartoons and posters as well as street names and texts of worker literature.

Die Beitr\u00e4ge des vorliegenden Bandes gehen auf eine Fachtagung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) im M\u00e4rz 2011 zur\u00fcck. Ihr lag eine simple \u00dcberlegung zugrunde: Im Sprach- und Landeskundeunterricht sind Medien unerl\u00e4sslich \u2013 warum nicht auf historische Quellen zur\u00fcckgreifen? Sie sind vielseitig einsetzbar, haben einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert und bieten unz\u00e4hlige Ankn\u00fcpfungspunkte an landeskundliche und medienwissenschaftliche Themen. Die Beitr\u00e4ge einschl\u00e4giger Fachwissenschaftler stellen zun\u00e4chst die wichtigsten Sammlungen und Portale im Internet vor und fragen nach Aussagekraft und Praxiswert historischer Quellen. Eingehender behandelt werden sodann die Quellen Tondokument, Spielfilm, Karikatur und Plakat sowie Stra\u00dfennamen und Texte der Arbeiterliteratur."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hieronimus, Marc"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Conference", "German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)", "Language and culture classes", "Media", "Historical sources", "Conference", "German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)", "Language and culture classes", "Media", "Historical sources"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610264"], ["title", "Historische Quellen im DaF-Unterricht"], ["doab_id", "16534"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950613"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950613"]], [["description", "History According to Cattle is an expanded account of the acclaimed art and research project History of Other\u2019s first major installment, The Museum of the History of Cattle (2013). The exhibition presents a large-scale ethnographic museum of world history as seen from the perspective of cattle, one of the most important companion species of humans. Thus, The Museum of the History of Cattle is the first museum to exhibit the cultural history of a non-human species. In the exhibit, the connections of animal rights issues with violations of human rights become visible while the situations of indigenous cattle populations, the development of genetics, and industrialization are imagined through the eyes of this silent, ever present companion. Both tragic and humorous, The Museum of the History of Cattle portrays humans as a species mesmerized by its own image.The book-catalog includes a full presentation of the research and visual material of the exhibition, with contextualizing essays by art historian Anne Aurasmaa, philosopher Elisa Aaltola, theorist Kirs Forkasiewizc, and researcher-curator Radhika Subramaniam. Drawing from critical animal studies, animal philosophy, art theory and the lived companionship of humans and cattle, the publication provides a fresh insight into the possibilities of creative imagination, and into the ethical encountering of the species-other in our society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laura Gustaffson; Terika Haapoja"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/7g3xogrzr16yhpz/Gustafsson_Haapoja_History_of_Cattle_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "History According to Cattle"], ["doab_id", "17613"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789522644268"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522644268"]], [["description", "In China the tradition of a book society is longer than anywhere else in the world. Chinese paper making, calligraphy and woodblock printing date from very early ages, but have for a very long time remained almost unknown to the Western world. At the IFLA satellite meeting ?Chinese Written and Printed Cultural Heritage and Library Work? in Hangzhou in 2006 the richness of present day book historical research and library activities in China has been presented by more than sixty papers. This fine selection reflects the width and depth of this extremely important and immense Chinese heritage."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Allen, Susan M.; Bos, Jan; Xiaolan, Cheng; Zuzao, Lin"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "China", "Kalligraphie"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441790&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "The History and Cultural Heritage of Chinese Calligraphy, Printing and Library Work"], ["doab_id", "15124"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441790"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441790"]], [["description", "History and Cultural Memory in Neo-Victorian Fiction combines innovative literary and historiographical analysis to investigate the way neo-Victorian novels conceptualise our relationship to the Victorian past, and to analyse their role in the production and communication of historical knowledge. Positioning neo-Victorian novels as dynamic participants in the contemporary historical imaginary, it explores their use of the Victorians' own vocabularies of history, memory and loss to re-member the nineteenth century today. While her focus is neo-Victorian fiction, Mitchell positions these novels in relation to debates about historical fiction's contribution to historical knowledge since the eighteenth century. Her use of memory discourse as a framework for understanding the ways in which they do lay claim to historical recollection, one which opens up a range of questions beyond historical fidelity on the one hand, and the problematics of representation on the other, suggests new ways of thinking about contemporary historical fiction and its prevalence, popular appeal, and nmnenonic function today."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mitchell ,Kate"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Victoriant", "Historical fiction", "A.S. Byatt", "Sarah Waters", "Victoriaans", "Historische fictie", "A.S. Byatt", "Sarah Waters"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392750"], ["title", "History and Cultural Memory in Neo-Victorian Fiction"], ["doab_id", "13408"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230228580"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230228580"]], [["description", "In the Research Topic \"History of Chemoattractant Research\" we will portray some of the key discoveries that helped to transform cell migration research into a global playing field within immunology (and beyond). Early progress had a profound effect on both, academia and industry. Today, numerous academic laboratories are fully engaged in compiling a detailed road map describing the highly complex network of immune and tissue cells that respond to chemoattractants. Industrial research, on the other hand, centers on drugs that interfere with immune cell traffic in inflammatory diseases and cancer. The following series of \u201cshort stories\u201d provide personal accounts on key discoveries. The individual molecular discoveries enabled numerous research laboratories worldwide to unravel their significance in steady-state or pathological immune processes. Although ground-breaking in their own right, it is therefore worth emphasizing that rapid progress in chemoattractant research was made possible by many other laboratories who were not directly involved in the original discovery process. Therefore, the authors of this mini-series are discussing their findings in the context of time, place and subsequent progress enabled by their discoveries. It is hoped that a wide readership will find these accounts entertaining as well as educational although those who wish to gain a more detailed knowledge are referred to the many outstanding reviews on chemokines and other chemoattractants."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bernhard Moser"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["chemokine", "Chemotaxis", "cell migration", "Homing", "Inflammation", "tumour", "immune surveillance", "Immunity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3198/history-of-chemoattractant-research"], ["title", "History of Chemoattractant Research"], ["doab_id", "18825"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197019"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197019"]], [["description", "It is the first monograph-length study of the force-feeding of hunger strikers in English, Irish and Northern Irish prisons. It examines ethical debates that arose throughout the twentieth century when governments authorised the force-feeding of imprisoned suffragettes, Irish republicans and convict prisoners. It also explores the fraught role of prison doctors called upon to perform the procedure. Since the Home Office first authorised force-feeding in 1909, a number of questions have been raised about the procedure. Is force-feeding safe? Can it kill? Are doctors who feed prisoners against their will abandoning the medical ethical norms of their profession? And do state bodies use prison doctors to help tackle political dissidence at times of political crisis?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Miller ,Ian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["force-feeding", "hunger strikers", "Irish prisons", "Northern Irish prisons", "prison doctors", "ethics"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=617338.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "A History of Force Feeding: Hunger Strikes, Prisons and Medical Ethics, 1909-1974"], ["doab_id", "19789"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783319311128", "9783319311135"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319311128 9783319311135"]], [["description", "In her memoir, and 1870s revision of her journal and diary, Louisa Barnes Pratt tells of childhood in Massachusetts and Canada during the War of 1812, and independent career as a teacher and seamstress in New England, and her marriage to the Boston seaman Addison Pratt.Converting to the LDS Church, the Pratts moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, from where Brigham Young sent Addison on the first of the long missions to the Society Islands that would leave Louisa on her own. As a sole available parent, she hauled her children west to Winter Quarters, to Utah in 1848, to California, and, in Addison's wake, to Tahiti in 1850.The Pratts joined the Mormon colony at San Bernardino, California. When in 1858 a federal army's march on Utah led to the colonists' recall, Addision"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ellsworth, S. George"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/92"], ["title", "The History of Louisa Barnes Pratt"], ["doab_id", "14759"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212525"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212525"]], [["description", "Statistically, women appear to suffer more frequently from depressive and anxiety disorders, featuring more regularly in primary care figures for consultations, diagnoses and prescriptions for psychotropic medication. This has been consistently so throughout the post-war period with current figures suggesting that women are approximately twice more likely to suffer from affective disorders than men. However, this book suggests that the statistical landscape reveals only part of the story. Currently, 75 per cent of suicides are among men, and this trend can also be traced back historically to data that suggests this has been the case since the beginning of the twentieth-century. This book suggests that male psychological illness was in fact no less common, but that it emerged in complex ways and was understood differently in response to prevailing cultural and medical forces. The book explores a host of medical, cultural and social factors that raise important questions about historical and current perceptions of gender and mental illness."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Haggett ,Ali"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["depressive disorders", "anxiety disorders", "affective disorders", "male psychological illness", "mental illness", "gender"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=588640.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "A History of Male Psychological Disorders in Britain, 1945\u20131980"], ["doab_id", "17987"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137448873"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137448873"]], [["description", "This book is the first account of self-harming behaviour in its proper historical and political context. The rise of self-cutting and overdosing in the 20th century is linked to the sweeping changes in mental and physical health, and wider political context. The welfare state, social work, Second World War, closure of the asylums, even the legalization of suicide, are all implicated in the prominence of self harm in Britain. The rise of 'overdosing as a cry for help' is linked to the integration of mental and physical healthcare, the NHS, and the change in the law on suicide and attempted suicide. The shift from overdosing to self-cutting as the most prominent 'self-damaging' behaviour is also explained, linked to changes in hospital organization and the wider rise of neoliberal politics. Appreciation of history and politics is vital to understanding the psychological concerns over these self-harming behaviours."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Millard ,Chris"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["self-harming behaviour", "historical context", "political context", "self harm", "Britain", "overdosing", "self-cutting"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=588639.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "A History of Self-Harm in Britain : A Genealogy of Cutting and Overdosing"], ["doab_id", "19138"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137529619"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137529619"]], [["description", "This is the second volume of a history of the University of Manchester since 1951. It spans seventeen critical years in which public funding was contracting, student grants were diminishing, instructions from the government and the University Grants Commission were multiplying, and universities feared for their reputation in the public eye. It provides a frank account of the University's struggle against these difficulties and its efforts to prove the value of university education to society and the economy. This volume describes and analyses not only academic developments and changes in the structure and finances of the University, but the opinions and social and political lives of the staff and their students as well. It also examines the controversies of the 1970s and 1980s over such issues as feminism, free speech, ethical investment, academic freedom and the quest for efficient management. The author draws on official records, staff and student newspapers, and personal interviews with people who experienced the University in very different ways. With its wide range of academic interests and large student population, the University of Manchester was the biggest unitary university in the country, and its history illustrates the problems faced by almost all British universities. The books will appeal to past and present staff of the University and its alumni, and to anyone interested in the debates surrounding higher education in the late twentieth century. A history of the University of Manchester, 1951-73 by Brian Pullan is also available from Manchester University Press."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pullan ,Brian; Abendstern ,Michele"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["university", "education", "manchester"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341315"], ["title", "A history of the University of Manchester, 1973-90"], ["doab_id", "12642"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062421"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062421"]], [["description", "This book is a joint project of the Utah Division of Indian Affairs and the Utah State Historical Society. It is distributed to the book trade by Utah State University Press.The valleys, mountains, and deserts of Utah have been home to native peoples for thousands of years. Like peoples around the word, Utah's native inhabitants organized themselves in family units, groups, bands, clans, and tribes. Today, six Indian tribes in Utah are recognized as official entities. They include the Northwestern Shoshone, the Goshutes, the Paiutes, the Utes, the White Mesa or Southern Utes, and the Navajos (Dineh). Each tribe has its own government. Tribe members are citizens of Utah and the United States; however, lines of distinction both within the tribes and with the greater society at large have not always been clear. Migration, interaction, war, trade, intermarriage, common threats, and challenges have made relationships and affiliations more fluid than might be expected. In this volume, the editor and authors endeavor to write the history of Utah's first residents from an Indian perspective. An introductory chapter provides an overview of Utah's American Indians and a concluding chapter summarizes the issues and concerns of contemporary Indians and their leaders. Chapters on each of the six tribes look at origin stories, religion, politics, education, folkways, family life, social activities, economic issues, and important events. They provide an introduction to the rich heritage of Utah's native peoples. This book includes chapters by David Begay, Dennis Defa, Clifford Duncan, Ronald Holt, Nancy Maryboy, Robert McPherson, Mae Parry, Gary Tom, and Mary Jane Yazzie.Forrest Cuch was born and raised on the Uintah and Ouray Ute Indian Reservation in northeastern Utah. He graduated from Westminster College in 1973 with a bachelor of arts degree in behavioral sciences. He served as education director for the Ute Indian Tribe from 1973 to 1988. From 1988 to 1994 he was employed by the Wampanoag Tribe in Gay Head, Massachusetts, first as a planner and then as tribal administrator. Since October 1997 he has been director of the Utah Division of Indian Affairs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cuch, Forrest S."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/80"], ["title", "A History of Utah's American Indians"], ["doab_id", "14714"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780913738498"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780913738498"]], [["description", "This book on the History of Water Development in Kenya transverses through a matrix of infrastructural development, administration, policy, legal and legislation framework, and evolution of various water supply technologies in an inimitably comprehensive approach. The book has carefully constructed the development over one century timeline of water supply and provided the future prediction of the services.The book is a quest to track and understand the origin, the development and sustainability of water supplies within 100 years of its 1st water supply constructed by the railways as the pioneer of water supply in Kenya. It interrogates how the water legislations, policies and administration came to be and what the drivers of water supplies were, when the 1st water reforms mounted and the status of the reform implementation. It elucidates on the role of development partners in influencing the choice of technology, policy and legislative framework.Preparation of this book took fifteen years of passionate research from Kenya National Archives; Kenya Railways; Ministry of Water Development; Colonial archival materials at Rhodes House, Oxford, UK; and the British Institute in Eastern Africa. The research findings have been disseminated in several peer reviewed journals; and several presentations in local, regional and international conferences.Eng Ezekiel Nyangeri Nyanchaga is an Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi, Doctor of Technology holder in Civil Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland.Professor Nyangeri is a licensed and practicing consulting engineer with over 35 years of professional experience and over 28 years of academic teaching experience at the University of Nairobi, Kenya."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nyanchaga , Ezekiel Nyangeri"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Kenya", "Water Supply"]], ["publisher", "Tampere University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610992"], ["title", "History of Water Supply and Governance in Kenya (1895-2005) Lessons and Futures"], ["doab_id", "19216"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789520300593", "9789520300609"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789520300593 9789520300609"]], [["description", "For the first time in the German language historical disciplines, a book has been subject to open peer review as it was developed. All contributions were discussed online with comments. The \u2018history blogosphere\u2019 has thereby engaged in understanding an especially timely topic\u2013 namely, the medium of the blog itself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Haber, Peter; Pfanzelter, Eva ; Schreiner, Julia"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Open peer review, Academic blogs, Historiography"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216968"], ["title", "Historyblogosphere. Bloggen in den Geschichtswissenschaften"], ["doab_id", "17982"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486717150", "9783486755732"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486717150, 9783486755732 "]], [["description", "In Hitchcock\u2019s Appetites, Casey McKittrick offers the first book-length study of the relationship between Hitchcock\u2019s body size and his cinema. Whereas most critics and biographers of the great director are content to consign his large figure and larger appetite to colorful anecdotes of his private life, McKittrick argues that our understanding of Hitchcock\u2019s films, his creative process, and his artistic mind are incomplete without considering his lived experience as a fat man. Using archival research of his publicity, script collaboration, and personal communications with his producers, in tandem with close textual readings of his films, feminist critique, and theories of embodiment, Hitchcock\u2019s Appetites produces a new and compelling profile of Hitchcock's creative life, and a fuller, more nuanced account of his auteurism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McKittrick ,Casey"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612865"], ["title", "Hitchcock's Appetites"], ["doab_id", "19403"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781501311659"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501311659"]], [["description", "Among the abundant Alfred Hitchcock literature, Hitchcock's Motifs has found a fresh angle. Starting from recurring objects, settings, character-types and events, Michael Walker tracks some forty motifs, themes and clusters across the whole of Hitchcock's oeuvre, including not only all his 52 extant feature films but also representative episodes from his TV series. Connections and deeper inflections that Hitchcock fans may have long sensed or suspected can now be seen for what they are: an intricately spun web of cross-references which gives this unique artist's work the depth, consistency and resonance that justifies Hitchcock's place as probably the best know film director ever. The title, the first book-length study of the subject, can be used as a mini-encyclopaedia of Hitchcock's motifs, but the individual entries also give full attention to the wider social contexts, hidden sources and the sometimes unconscious meanings present in the work and solidly linking it to its time and place.

In de overvloed aan Hitchcock-boeken, heeft Hitchcock's Motifs een nieuwe invalshoek weten te vinden. Uitgaande van terugkerende objecten, decors, karakters en gebeurtenissen heeft Michael Walker zo'n veertig motieven, thema's en clusters ge\u00efdentificeerd in het gehele oeuvre van Hitchcock. Niet alleen komen alle 52 bestaande bioscoopfilms daarbij aan bod, maar ook representatieve episodes uit zijn televisieseries. Connecties en diepere betekenissen die Hitchcockfans misschien allang voorvoelden of vermoeden, komen eindelijk in hun volle betekenis aan het licht. Ze vormen een complex web van kruisverwijzingen die het werk van deze unieke kunstenaar de diepte, samenhang en weerklank geven en Hitchcock's positie rechtvaardigen als een van de meest bekende filmregisseurs ooit. Het boek kan gebruikt worden als een mini-encyclopedie van Hitchcock motieven, maar in de individuele lemma's wordt ook volop aandacht besteed aan de bredere sociale context, de verborgen bronnen en de soms onbewuste betekenissen in het werk waarmee het duidelijk verankerd wordt in de eigen context."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Walker ,Michael"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340200"], ["title", "Hitchcock's Motifs"], ["doab_id", "12883"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567739"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567739"]], [["description", "Communities of conflict within Austrian-Hungary (especially in Bohemian and south Slav lands); the domestic and foreign policies of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the interwar-period; the Nazi policies of conquest and occupation in Bohemia, Moravia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Slovenia, finalliy the issue of history and memory east and west of the Iron Curtan.

Entwicklung der Konfliktgemeinschaften in den b\u00f6hmischen und s\u00fcdslawischen L\u00e4nder \u00d6sterreich-Ungarns bis 1918, Tschechoslowakei und Jugoslawien in der Zwischenkriegszeit, NS-Besatzungspolitik im 2. Weltkrieg, Erinnerung und Historisierung nach 1945."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Suppan ,Arnold"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Contemporary history, Habsburg Monarchy, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, World War II, NS-Foreign Policy", "Zeitgeschichte, Habsburgermonarchie, Tschechoslowakei, Jugoslawien, 2. Weltkrieg, NS-Au\u00dfenpolitik"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=461692"], ["title", "Hitler \u2013 Bene\u0161 \u2013 Tito"], ["doab_id", "15588"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700173090"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700173090"]], [["description", "In the early years of the Great Depression, thousands of unemployed homeless transients settled into Vancouver\u2019s \u201chobo jungle.\u201d The jungle operated as a distinct community, in which goods were exchanged and shared directly, without benefit of currency. The organization of life was immediate and consensual, conducted in the absence of capital accumulation. But as the transients moved from the jungles to the city, they made innumerable demands on Vancouver\u2019s Relief Department, consuming financial resources at a rate that threatened the city with bankruptcy. In response, the municipality instituted a card-control system\u2014no longer offering relief recipients currency to do with as they chose. It also implemented new investigative and assessment procedures, including office spies, to weed out organizational inefficiencies. McCallum argues that, threatened by this \u201cungovernable society,\u201d Vancouver\u2019s Relief Department employed Fordist management methods that ultimately stripped the transients of their individuality.Vancouver\u2019s municipal government entered into contractual relationships with dozens of private businesses, tendering bids for meals in much the same fashion as for printing jobs and construction projects. As a result, entrepreneurs clamoured to get their share of the state spending. With the emergence of work relief camps, the provincial government harnessed the only currency that homeless men possessed: their muscle. This new form of unfree labour aided the province in developing its tourist driven \u201cimage\u201d economy, as well as facilitating the transportation of natural resources and manufactured goods. It also led eventually to the most significant protest movement of 1930s\u2019 Canada, the On-to-Ottawa Trek. Hobohemia and the Crucifixion Machine explores the connections between the history of transiency and that of Fordism, offering a new interpretation of the economic and political crises that wracked Canada in the early years of the Great Depression. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", " Todd McCallum"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Fordism, hobos, homeless, labour camps, Vancouver, On-to-Ottawa"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120215"], ["title", "Hobohemia and the Crucifixion Machine: Rival Images of a New World in 1930s Vancouver"], ["doab_id", "19407"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836287", "9781926836294", "9781926836638", "9781771991094"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836287 9781926836294 9781926836638 9781771991094"]], [["description", "Psychology; Public administration

De kennis over hoe menselijke keuzes gemaakt worden is de laatste jaren flink gegroeid. Vakgebieden als sociale psychologie en hersenwetenschap maken, zeker in Nederland, een grote bloei door. Het zeer toegankelijk geschreven boek Hoe mensen keuzen maken: de psychologie van het beslissen geeft in ruim 100 pagina's een uniek overzicht van de nieuwste sociaal-psychologische inzichten op dit gebied. In vier hoofdstukken worden de 'beperkingen' van het brein belicht: - Het irrationele brein. Mensen houden zich vaak niet aan de regels voor logische en rationele keuzes. Toch leidt dit soms zelfs tot nog betere beslissingen. - Het automatische brein. Onze keuzes worden bepaald door allerlei onbewuste factoren, en vaak weten we niet goed waarom we een bepaalde keuze hebben gemaakt. - Het willoze brein. Zijn we werkelijk vrij om te kiezen? Tegenwoordig beweert een aantal wetenschappers dat de vrije wil niet bestaat. Hebben zij gelijk? - Het sociale brein. Is de mens in hart en nieren een sociaal wezen dat werkelijk begaan is met andermans lot? Of betreft het slechts een dun laagje beschaving? In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt bekeken hoe Nederland eruit zou zien als beleidsmakers van deze bevindingen gebruik zouden maken bij het uitzetten van beleid. Hoe kunnen mensen worden verleid tot een gezondere levensstijl? Tot energiebesparend gedrag? Tot een verstandige financi\u00eble planning? En misschien kan het zelfs wat doen aan de chronische politieke ontevredenheid bij de mensen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Tiemeijer ,W.L."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Psychology", "Public administration", "Psychologie", "Bestuurskunde"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=401762"], ["title", "Hoe mensen keuzes maken : De psychologie van het beslissen"], ["doab_id", "14630"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089643025"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643025"]], [["description", "This study is a first attempt to examine the part of women in the social networking at the court. My starting point is the thesis, that only a new phrasing of the concept of the distinction between \"public\" and \"privacy\" will adduce an useful model for interpretation of the role of women in the courtly society.This is the background of my examination of a group of women of the courtly society, the female officeholders at the court of Vienna in the first half of the 17th century. In the description of this group, I began with the study of motivations for the service in the Empress's entourage. Also I examined the regional and familial background of these women, the official duties and the everyday life at court. Finally I can show backed by many examples scopes of action for these women and their possibilities to make careers. As a result of my study I can make four major points:Firstly, I can observe at European courts at least two different types of entourages of princesses (Frauenhofstaate). Therein, the Viennese court was representative for the courts of the Holy Roman Empire and some others such as Denmark and Sweden. Secondly, I can demonstrate that the entourage of the Empress was included in the developing process of a Habsburgian courtly aristocracy (habsburgischer Hofadel) with regard to the families and to the regional origins of the female officeholders. Thirdly, the study describes for the first time the responsibilities of female officeholders and their place in the courtly norms system. Fourthly, I am able to describe the female officeholders in different forms of activity in family networks which were constitutive for the courtly society and for the protection of family careers, too.To complete my study, I have included an appendix of sources with the aim to stimulate further comparative researches. Besides this, the book includes short biographies for the 193 female officeholders whom I could identify for the first half of the 17th century. With these biographies I want to document the base of sources for the study and to make available this material for other researches about the Viennese court. The illustrations - many among them are now published for the first time - show some of the protagonists, but principally they show as a source sui generis the place of women in the frame of manifestations of the courtly society like celebrations, coronations or processions. In this way, this work has the nature of a pilot study for all European courts in early modern times.

Erstmals wird mit dieser Studie der Versuch unternommen, Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume von Frauen innerhalb der h\u00f6fischen Adelsgesellschaft gezielt zu untersuchen. Ausgangspunkt ist dabei die Auffassung, dass nur eine Neuformulierung des - in der historischen Wissenschaft lange einseitig auf das b\u00fcrgerliche Zeitalter bezogenen - Konzepts der Trennung von \"\u00d6ffentlichem\" und \"Privatem\" sinnvolle Erkl\u00e4rungsmuster f\u00fcr die Rolle von Frauen in der h\u00f6fischen Gesellschaft erbringen kann.Vor diesem Hintergrund wird eine Gruppe dieser Frauen, die der Amtstr\u00e4gerinnen am Wiener Hof in der ersten H\u00e4lfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, genauer untersucht. Die Darstellung beginnt mit Motivationen f\u00fcr den Hofdienst, es folgen famili\u00e4rer und regionaler Hintergrund der Frauen, deren Amtsobliegenheiten und der Alltag bei Hof, um schlie\u00dflich anhand zahlreicher Beispiele auf Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume dieser Frauen sowie deren Karrierem\u00f6glichkeiten zur\u00fcckzukommen. Als Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind vier Aspekte besonders hervorzuheben: Zum einen die Beobachtung, dass sich an den europ\u00e4ischen H\u00f6fen mindestens zwei sehr unterschiedliche Typen von Frauenhofstaaten feststellen lassen, wobei der Wiener Hof als repr\u00e4sentativ f\u00fcr die H\u00f6fe des Alten Reiches sowie mit diesen verbundene H\u00f6fe wie die in D\u00e4nemark und Schweden gelten muss. Zum zweiten wurde herausgearbeitet, dass das kaiserliche Frauenzimmer direkt in den Prozess der Herausbildung eines habsburgischen Hofadels einbezogen war, was die regionale und famili\u00e4re Zusammensetzung der Amtstr\u00e4gerinnen betrifft. Zum dritten konnten erstmals Zust\u00e4ndigkeiten von Amtstr\u00e4gerinnen sowie deren Position innerhalb des h\u00f6fischen Normensystems differenziert beschrieben werden. Zum vierten wird das aktive Wirken von Amtstr\u00e4gerinnen in familialen Netzwerken herausgearbeitet, die f\u00fcr das Funktionieren der h\u00f6fischen Gesellschaft sowie f\u00fcr die Sicherung familialer Karrieren konstitutiv waren.Erg\u00e4nzt wird die Darstellung durch einen Quellenanhang, der vor allem der Anregung weiterer, vergleichender Forschungen dienen soll. Au\u00dferdem enth\u00e4lt der Band Kurzbiographien der 193 ermittelten Amtstr\u00e4gerinnen, mit denen die prosopographisch erfasste Materialgrundlage dokumentiert und das gesammelte Material f\u00fcr weitere Forschungen zur Wiener Hofgesellschaft zug\u00e4nglich gemacht wird. Die Abbildungen, von denen viele noch nie publiziert wurden, stellen nicht nur einzelne der Akteurinnen vor, sondern visualisieren als Quelle sui generis den Platz von Frauen im Rahmen von Manifestationen der h\u00f6fischen Gesellschaft wie Festen, Kr\u00f6nungen oder Prozessionen.In diesem thematischen und inhaltlichen Zuschnitt bildet die Arbeit eine Pilotstudie, wie sie f\u00fcr keinen anderen Hof Europas bislang vorliegt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keller ,Katrin"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Viennese court, women and politics, Habsburg Monarchy, ladies, courtly nobility", "Wiener Hof, Frauen und Politik, Habsburgermonarchie, Hofdamen, h\u00f6fischer Adel"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477710"], ["title", "Hofdamen"], ["doab_id", "16512"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205774181"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205774181"]], [["description", "What should a university be? How can universities make a sounder and more lasting contribution to better lives and better societies in a globalised world? From a Swedish perspective, this new book challenges current ideas about what higher education is for. It presents fifteen principles for future development that range from a discussion of the nature of knowledge to the responsibility of the university in the development of society. Universities must become better at allowing and encouraging students to develop independence of thought and action through self-formation,\u00a0bildung, and personal growth rather than merely preparing them for a specific job, the books says, using a historical perspective to consider these issues."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casson ,Andrew"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Higher education", "Academic teaching and learning", "Philosophy of education", "Higher education policy development", "Higher education and society", "Higher education design and administration"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["sv"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577277"], ["title", "H\u00f6gskolans ansvar: Principer f\u00f6r utveckling av den h\u00f6gre"], ["doab_id", "17468"], ["language_unmapped", "Swedish"], ["isbns", ["9781909188495", "9781909188501", "9781909188518", "9781909188525"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188495 9781909188501 9781909188518 9781909188525"]], [["description", "By analysing access to health services, the book explores the formation of health citizenship in Finland in the twentieth century. The book results in constructing four different historical layers of health citizenship, each of which emphasize different dimensions of accessibility and involve different inclusive and exclusive tensions. By exploring the topical questions of equality in health, the historical analysis makes it possible to broaden our understanding of welfare state.

\"Millaisia terveyspalveluita oli saatavilla Suomessa sata vuotta sitten: joutuivatko k\u00f6yh\u00e4t ja syrj\u00e4seutujen asukkaat tyytym\u00e4\u00e4n huonompaan hoitoon? Miten terveyspalveluj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4 loi ja yll\u00e4piti kunnon kansalaisuutta? Ent\u00e4 milloin terveyspalvelut alettiin mielt\u00e4\u00e4 kansalaisoikeudeksi?Minna Harjulan tutkimus kuvaa suomalaisen terveyspalveluj\u00e4rjestelm\u00e4n rakentumista 1900-luvulla terveyskansalaisuus-k\u00e4sitteen n\u00e4k\u00f6kulmasta.Teos tarjoaa historiallista perspektiivi\u00e4 nykyp\u00e4iv\u00e4n keskustelulle terveyden tasa-arvosta ja hoitoonp\u00e4\u00e4syst\u00e4 selvitt\u00e4m\u00e4ll\u00e4, miten terveyteen liittyv\u00e4t oikeudet ja velvollisuudet ovat muotoutuneet ja muuttuneet. Samalla teos avaa tuoreen n\u00e4k\u00f6kulman suomalaisen hyvinvointivaltion rakentumiseen. Alan perusteoksena kirja sopii kaikille terveydenhuollosta ja yhteiskunnan kehityksest\u00e4 kiinnostuneille.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harjula ,Minna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Health service", "Public health", "Health citizenship", "Finland"]], ["publisher", "Tampere University Press"], ["language", ["fi"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594030"], ["title", "Hoitoonp\u00e4\u00e4syn hierarkiat : Terveyskansalaisuus ja terveyspalvelut Suomessa 1900-luvulla"], ["doab_id", "18403"], ["language_unmapped", "Finnish"], ["isbns", ["9789514498718", "9789514498725"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789514498718 9789514498725"]], [["description", "El libro comienza su introducci\u00f3n con un trabajo de Juan Marchena quien indaga en larga duraci\u00f3n las repercusiones que tuvieron los conflictos hispanolusitanos de la pen\u00ednsula en el plano americano, desde el Amazonas hasta el R\u00edo de la Plata. As\u00ed, este trabajo permite adentrarnos en el otro plano del libro que analiza la guerra en la frontera; en primer lugar hacia el sur rioplatense y luego, en un segundo bloque, se traslada el an\u00e1lisis hacia la frontera norte de la regi\u00f3n platina.El trabajo ubica al \u00e1rea rioplatense como parte constitutiva de una extensa \u00e1rea de frontera hispanolusitana e ind\u00edgena.En lo que respecta a las relaciones hispanolusitanas en el \u00e1rea rioplatense observa que la misma fue un espacio de constantes intercambios entre espa\u00f1oles y portugueses. Luego del Tratado de Tordesillas el \u00e1rea rioplatense qued\u00f3 definitivamente signada como una regi\u00f3n de frontera. La imposibilidad de establecer una longitud terrestre y se\u00f1alar exactamente el lugar donde pasaba la l\u00ednea imaginaria de Tordesillas dej\u00f3 definitivamente establecida la regi\u00f3n como \u00e1rea de frontera entre las coronas peninsulares. En esta regi\u00f3n las relaciones entre s\u00fabditos de ambas coronas se dio de forma demasiado particular. Estos individuos percib\u00edan la realidad de frontera como lo cotidiano, muy alejado de las perspectivas geopol\u00edticas de las respectivas coronas.Siguiendo con la idea de permeabilidad de la frontera, un tercer plano del trabajo se aboca a las fronteras en movimiento, entendiendo a la frontera como ese lugar permeable abierto en el que interact\u00faan todas las sociedades: la hispanocriolla, la portuguesa y la ind\u00edgena, generando dentro de este mundo un complejo mosaico \u00e9tnico en donde las coronas peninsulares tuvieron que idear diferentes modelos de control y organizaci\u00f3n.Por \u00faltimo, el bloque sobre historiograf\u00eda, memoria e identidad cierra el libro dejando abierto el debate en la tem\u00e1tica planteada."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reitano, Emir (coord.); Possamai, Paulo Cesar (coord.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Fronteras ", " Colonizaci\u00f3n ", " R\u00edo de la Plata ", " Espa\u00f1a ", " Portugal ", " Historiograf\u00eda"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/38"], ["title", "Hombres, poder y conflicto: Estudios sobre la frontera colonial sudamericana y su crisis"], ["doab_id", "17384"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412350"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412350"]], [["description", "Over the past decade, the video camera has become a commonplace household technology. With falling prices on compact and easy-to-use cameras, as well as mobile phones and digital still cameras with video recording capabilities, access to moving image production technology is becoming virtually universal. Home Truths? represents one of the few academic research studies exploring this everyday, popular use of video production technology, looking particularly at how families use and engage with the technology and how it fits into the routines of everyday life. The authors draw on interviews, observations, and the participants' videos themselves, seeking to paint a comprehensive picture of the role of video making in their everyday lives. While readers gain a sense of the individual characters involved in the project and the complexities and diversities of their lives, the analysis also raises a range of broader issues about the nature of learning and creativity, subjectivity and representation, and the \"\"domestication\"\" of technology\u2014issues that are of interest to many in the fields of sociology and media/cultural studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Buckingham, Rebekah Willett, and Maria Pini"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Video recordings -- Production and direction", "Video recordings -- Social aspects", "Video recording"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9362787.0001.001"], ["title", "Home Truths?: Video Production and Domestic Life"], ["doab_id", "14521"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071371", "9780472051373"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071371 Paper: 9780472051373"]], [["description", "Activity within neural circuits shapes the synaptic properties of component neurons in a manner that maintains stable excitatory drive, a process referred to as homeostatic plasticity. These potent and adaptive mechanisms have been demonstrated to modulate activity at the level of an individual neuron, synapse, circuit, or entire network, and dysregulation at some or all of these levels may contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders, intellectual disability, and epilepsy. Greater mechanistic understanding of homeostatic plasticity will provide key insights into the etiology of these disorders, which may result from network instability and synaptic dysfunction. Over the past 15 years, the molecular mechanisms of this form of plasticity have been intensely studied in various model organisms, including invertebrates and vertebrates. Though once thought to have a predominantly postsynaptic basis, emerging evidence suggests that homeostatic mechanisms act on both sides of the synapse through mechanisms such as retrograde signaling, to orchestrate compensatory adaptations that maintain stable network function. These trans-synaptic signaling systems ultimately alter neurotransmitter release probability by a variety of mechanisms including changes in vesicle pool size and calcium influx. These adaptations are not expected to occur homogenously at all terminals of a pre-synaptic neuron, as they might synapse with neurons in non-overlapping circuits. However, the factors that govern the homeostatic control of synapse-specific plasticity are only beginning to be understood. In addition to our limited molecular understanding of pre-synaptic homeostatic plasticity, very little is known about its prevalence in vivo or its physiological and disease relevance. In this research topic, we aim to fill the aforementioned void by covering a broad range of topics that include:- Identification of signaling pathways and mechanisms that operate globally or locally to induce specific pre-synaptic adaptations- The nature of pre-synaptic ion channels relevant to this form of plasticity and their synapse-specific modulation and trafficking- Development and utilization of new tools or methods to study homeostatic plasticity in axons and pre-synaptic terminals- Novel mechanisms of homeostatic adaptations in pre-synaptic neurons- Postsynaptic sensors of activity and retrograde synaptic signaling systems- A comprehensive analysis of the kinds of pre-synaptic adaptations in diverse neural circuits and cell types- Identification of physiological or developmental conditions that promote pre-synaptic homeostatic adaptations- How activity-dependent (Hebbian) and homeostatic synaptic changes are integrated to both permit sufficient flexibility and maintain stable activity- Relevance of pre-synaptic homeostatic plasticity to the etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders- Computational modeling of pre-synaptic homeostatic plasticity and network stability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jaichandar Subramanian; Michael A. Sutton; Dion Dickman"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["homeostatic plasticity", "Presynaptic adaptation", "retrograde signaling", "neurotransmitter release", "Neurological Disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1199/homeostatic-and-retrograde-signaling-mechanisms-modulating-presynaptic-function-and-plasticity"], ["title", "Homeostatic and retrograde signaling mechanisms modulating presynaptic function and plasticity"], ["doab_id", "18827"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197040"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197040"]], [["description", "Dutch and Flemish language; Philosophy; Psychology

De gesproken taal komt v\u00f3\u00f3r de geschreven taal, zowel bij het taallerende kind als in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. De homo loquens was er eerst, pas veel later werd hij ook homo scribens. Daarom beschouwt de taalwetenschap de gesproken taal ook als haar primaire object van onderzoek. We, de taalgebruiker maar ook de taalwetenschapper, zijn echter zo vertrouwd met de geschreven taal, dat we de gesproken taal steeds waarnemen door de bril van die geschreven taal. Dat heeft tot gevolg dat we allerlei kenmerken van de geschreven taal op de gesproken taal projecteren. Zo zouden letters corresponderen met afzonderlijke klanken en zouden zinnen gedachten uitdrukken. In dit boek worden vraagtekens geplaatst bij deze aannames die we voor 'natuurlijk' houden maar die in feite 'cultuurlijk' zijn. Het boek laat ook zien hoe onze visie op het ontstaan van het schrift en op het proces van leren lezen en schrijven door de schriftelijke bril gekleurd wordt. Dat maakt dit boek tegelijk een kritische reflectie op de taalwetenschap en haar geschiedenis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kraak ,A."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Philosophy", "Psychology", "Nederlandse taal", "Filosofie", "Psychologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340137"], ["title", "Homo loquens en homo scribens : Over natuur en cultuur bij de taal"], ["doab_id", "13257"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569542"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569542"]], [["description", "Do opposites attract? Is desire lack? These assumptions have become so much a part of the ways in which we conceive desire that they are rarely questioned. Yet, what do they say about how homosexuality \u2014 a desire for the same \u2014 is viewed in our culture? This book takes as its starting point the absence of a suitable theory of homosexual desire, a theory not predicated on such heterological assumptions. It is an investigation into how such assumptions acquired meaning within homosexual discourse, and as such is offered as an interruption within the hegemony of desire. As such, homosexual desire constitutes the biggest challenge to Western binaric thinking in that it dissolves the sacred distinctions between Same/Other, Desire/Identification, subject/object, male/female.Homotopia? (composed in 1997 but not published until now) investigates the development of a homosexual discourse at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, and reveals how that discourse worked within heterosexualized models of desire. Andre Gide\u2019s Corydon, Edward Carpenter\u2019s The Intermediate Sex, and John Addington Symond\u2019s A Problem in Modern Ethics are all pseudo-scientific texts written by non-medical men of letters, and were, in their time, highly influential on the emerging homosexual discourse. The fourth text, the twenty-odd pages of Marcel Proust\u2019s novel A la recherch\u00e9 de temps perdu usually referred to as \u2018La Race maudite,\u2019 is the most problematic, in that it appeared under the guise of fiction. But Proust originally planned this \u2018essay-within-a-novel\u2019 to be published separately. In it, he offers a pseudo-scientific theory of male-male love. These four texts were published between the years 1891 and 1924, an historical moment when the concept of a distinct homosexual identity took shape within a medicalized discourse centered on essential identity traits and characteristics, and they all work within the rubric of science, contributing to a discourse which saw the human race divided into two distinct categories: heterosexuals and homosexuals. How did this division come about, and what were its effects? How was this discourse sustained, and how were the meanings it produced received? For men whose erotic interest was exclusively in other men, what did it mean to see oneself and one\u2019s desires as the outcome of biology rather than moral lapse?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Kemp"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/llk45eidne248ol/Kemp_Homotopia%3F_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Homotopia? Gay Identity, Sameness & the Politics of Desire"], ["doab_id", "19592"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692606247"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692606247"]], [["description", "Football hooliganism periodically generates widespread political and public anxiety. In spite of the efforts made and resources invested over the past decades, football hooliganism is still perceived by politicians, policymakers and media as a disturbing social problem. This highly readable book provides the first systematic and empirically grounded comparison of football hooliganism in different national and local contexts. Focused around the six Western European football clubs on which the author did his research, the book shows how different clubs experience and understand football hooliganism in different ways.

Supportersgeweld rond voetbalwedstrijden is geregeld aanleiding tot aanzienlijke maatschappelijke verontwaardiging. Dit boek plaatst hooliganisme en de bestrijding ervan in een internationaal vergelijkend perspectief. Het beschrijft de aard en ontwikkeling van hooliganisme bij zes West-Europese voetbalclubs: Feyenoord, Sparta Rotterdam, West Ham United, Fulham, FC Barcelona en Espanyol. Aangetoond wordt dat verschillende voetbalclubs supportersgeweld op verschillende wijzen ervaren en interpreteren. Het boek beschrijft op gedetailleerde wijze hoe de geweldsopvattingen, collectieve identiteit en rivaliteiten van hooligans tot stand komen en hoe deze zich verhouden tot de dominante club- en supporterscultuur. De sociale interactie tussen hooligans, supporters en autoriteiten staat hierbij centraal. Ram\u00f3n Spaaij pleit voor een multi-institutioneel beleid met een grotere nadruk op sociale preventie. Hij wijst op het belang van het terugdringen van de drijfveren van hooliganisme, in het bijzonder de agressieve masculiene normen en de soms alomvattende wij-zijtegenstellingen van hooligans. Hij pleit voor de terugkomst van de gematigde fan met ware liefde voor het spel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spaaij ,Ram\u00f3n"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340099"], ["title", "Hooligans, fans en fanatisme : Een internationale vergelijking van club- en supportersculturen"], ["doab_id", "12810"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568149"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568149"]], [["description", "\"The multifarious and sometimes contested concept of \u201cshamanism\u201d has aroused intense popular and scholarly interest since its initial coinage by the Russian scholar V. M. Mikhailovsky in the late 19th century. In this book, three leading scholars, representing different branches of the humanities, dwell on the current status of shamanic practices and conceptions of the soul, both as \u2018etic\u2019 scholarly categories in historical research and as foci of spiritual revitalization among the indigenous populations of post-Soviet Siberia.Framed by an introduction and a critical afterword by historian of religions Ulf Drobin, the three essays address issues crucial to the understanding of cultural history and the history of religions. Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, Research Professor in CERES, and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Georgetown, Jan N. Bremmer, professor emeritus and former Chair of Religious Studies at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Groningen and Carlo Ginzburg at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.The editor Peter Jackson, is Professor at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies at Stockholm University.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Shamans", "Shamanism", "Ancient Greek religion", "History of religions", "History of mentalities", "Cultural history"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619233"], ["title", "Horizons of Shamanism: A Triangular Approach to the History and Anthropology of Ecstatic Techniques"], ["doab_id", "19943"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789176350270", "9789176350249", "9789176350256", "9789176350263"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350270 9789176350249 9789176350256 9789176350263"]], [["description", "Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, presque tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements naturels extr\u00eames pourraient \u00eatre qualifi\u00e9s de d\u00e9sastre. Sur les 25 catastrophes les plus couteuses depuis 1970, toutes sont survenues apr\u00e8s 1987 et 23 d'entre elles sont li\u00e9es aux conditions climatiques.Et cela n'arrive pas qu'aux autres. La France, elle non plus, n'est pas \u00e9pargn\u00e9e : 88 morts et 9 milliards d'euros de d\u00e9gats pour les temp\u00eates de d\u00e9cembre 1999, pr\u00e8s de 15000 d\u00e9c\u00e8s pour la canicule du 1er au 20 aout 2003. La r\u00e9cente temp\u00eate Xynthia, avec ses ruptures de digues, a provoqu\u00e9 53 morts, s'ajoutant \u00e0 tant d'autres trag\u00e9dies survenues dans des zones inondables, et nous interrogeant. Sommes-nous pr\u00eats par exemple \u00e0 affronter une crue comparable \u00e0 celle de 1910 dans le Paris de demain ?Dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique, nous savons que nous devons nous pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 des \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames plus dangereux, quelquefois in\u00e9dits. Ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements voient leurs effets amplifi\u00e9s par le d\u00e9veloppement urbain, le surpeuplement des zones littorales et l'anthropisation des milieux naturels. Ils repr\u00e9sentent de v\u00e9ritables \u00ab trappes \u00e0 pauvret\u00e9 \u00bb pour les pays les plus pauvres de la Plan\u00e8te.C'est l'objet de ce rapport de l'Acad\u00e9mie des Sciences qui analyse la question de ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements climatiques extr\u00eames et de leurs cons\u00e9quences pr\u00e9visibles sur les syst\u00e8mes \u00e9conomiques, sociaux, sanitaires et de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.Un r\u00e9el besoin d'anticipation existe donc : notre pays est-il pr\u00eat \u00e0 y r\u00e9pondre ? Participe-t-il suffi samment aux actions internationales visant \u00e0 r\u00e9duire les risques ? Dispose-t-il d'une information scientifique appropri\u00e9e ?Henri D\u00e9camps, membre de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences, est un sp\u00e9cialiste de la biologie int\u00e9grative. Directeur de plusieurs programmes d'\u00e9tude internationaux (Union Europ\u00e9enne, UNESCO, il suit de pr\u00e8s les questions li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'\u00e9cologie et au climat. Il a anim\u00e9 au sein de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences ce groupe de travail, compos\u00e9s de plusieurs dizaines de scientifiques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "E. Milgrom"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport8.pdf"], ["title", "Hormones, sant\u00e9 publique et environnement"], ["doab_id", "16199"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838957"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782868838957"]], [["description", "From the prize-winning author of Flat Racing and British Society 1780-1914, this is the first book to provide a detailed consideration of the history of racing in British culture and society and to explore the cultural world of racing during the inter-war years. It breaks new ground by showing how racing's pleasures were enjoyed even by the supposedly respectable middle classes, and gave some working-class groups hope and consolation during economically difficult times. Regular attendance and increased spending on betting were found across class and generation, and women too were keen participants. Enjoyed by the Royal Family and controlled by the Jockey Club and National Hunt Committee, racing's visible emphasis on rank and status helped defend hierarchy and gentlemanly amateurism, and provided support for more conservative British attitudes. The mass media provided a cumulative cultural validation of racing, helping define national and regional identity, and encouraging the affluent consumption of sporting experience and frank enjoyment of betting. The broader cultural approach of the first half of the book is followed by an exploration of the internal culture of racing itself: the racecourse and course life, trainers and jockeys, owners and breeders. Written with flair and making full use of thorough research and original sources, Horseracing and the British 1919-39 is an important text for undergraduate courses on the history of modern British society, sport, and cultural studies, and will be welcomed by racing enthusiasts everywhere."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Huggins ,Mike"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["equestrian", "horse", "racing", "jockey"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341342"], ["title", "Horseracing and the British 1919-39"], ["doab_id", "12667"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065286"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065286"]], [["description", "Hospit\u00e4ler entwickelten sich erst im 12. Jahrhundert zu eigenst\u00e4ndigen Institutionen, wurden dann aber zu den wichtigsten Einrichtungen privater und \u00f6ffentlicher caritas. Durch unterschiedliche methodische Ans\u00e4tze und aus verschiedenen Quellengattungen wird hier die Heterogenit\u00e4t und institutionelle Vielfalt mittelalterlicher Hospit\u00e4ler in den Blick genommen. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einem Themenspektrum, das von der inneren Verfassung dieser Einrichtungen, von den f\u00fcr sie geltenden Normen \u00fcber die Finanzierung und die Memoria bis hin zu ern\u00e4hrungsgeschichtlichen und medizinhistorischen Fragen reicht. Dabei lassen sich die Autoren von der Erkenntnis leiten, dass es das mittelalterliche Hospital nicht gab, sondern dass jede einzelne Einrichtung ihr eigenes Gesicht besa\u00df"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Drossbach, Gisela ; Paravicini, Werner"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216210"], ["title", "Hospit\u00e4ler in Mittelalter und Fr\u00fcher Neuzeit. Frankreich, Deutschland und Italien. Eine vergleichende Geschichte / H\u00f4pitaux au Moyen \u00c2ge et aux Temps modernes. France, Allemagne et Italie. Une histoire compar\u00e9e"], ["doab_id", "18015"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486840544", "9783486580266"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486840544, 9783486580266"]], [["description", "Pathogens adapt their metabolism rapidly to the host. Our topic covers these phenomenon regarding extracellular and intracellular pathogens as well as general methods to elucidate different metabolic adaptation processes - an essential guide for any scientist wanting to keep abreast of recent developments in infection biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Dandekar; Wolfgang Eisenreich"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bacterial pathogens", "enteric pathogens", "Metabolism", "host-pathogen adaption", "isotopologue profiling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1980/host-adapted-metabolism-and-its-regulation-in-bacterial-pathogens"], ["title", "Host-adapted metabolism and its regulation in Bacterial Pathogens"], ["doab_id", "18147"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195381"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195381"]], [["description", "In Hot Thespian Action! Robin Whittaker argues that new plays can thrive in amateur theatres, which have freedoms unavailable to professionalized companies. And he proves it with 10 relevant, engaging playscripts originally produced by one of Canada\u2019s longest-running theatres, Edmonton\u2019s acclaimed Walterdale Theatre Associates. This collection challenges notions that amateur theatre is solely a phenomenon of the pre-professional past. Whittaker makes an important contribution to Canadian theatre studies with the first North American anthology in 80 years to collect plays first produced by a nonprofessionalized theatre company. Plays by \u2022 Brad Fraser \u2022 Mary Glenfield \u2022 Warren Graves \u2022 Gordon Pengilly \u2022 Barbara Sapergia & Geoffrey Ursell \u2022 Trevor Schmidt \u2022 Jonathan Seinen \u2022 Scott Sharplin \u2022 Mark Stubbings \u2022 Wilfred Watson"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robin Whittaker"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Walterdale", "theatre", "plays"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120148"], ["title", "Hot Thespian Action! 10 Premiere Plays from Walterdale Playhouse"], ["doab_id", "14439"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425268", "9781897425275"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425268 9781897425275"]], [["description", "Industrialized housing has been a common phenomenon in the building industry since the industrial revolution; the casting of iron components enabled Victorian iron casters to prefabricate entire buildings and to export them to all British colonies. It got a second boost from Modernist architects like Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Konrad Wachsmann; and a third boost in the US when the soldiers came back from the Second World War in 1945 and wanted to buy a ready-made house. In the later decades of the 20th century composite prototypes were built. Timber frame houses are extremely popular in low density areas worldwide. For densely populated areas housing is now firmly attached to reinforced concrete. The contracting industries have developed efficient building methods for the concrete structures on which separate systems of claddings are fixed to form a house.However, in the coming decades, designers, builders and scientists also have to keep the environment in mind, working with a minimal amount of materials, and for minimizing embodied energy and energy use. In the coming age minimal embodied energy and low ecological footprints are renewed values that will be added to energy-positive housing and that will have an influence on the building technology of the future. This will lead to a reformation of the building vocabulary. Other materials will have to be chosen and developed to function in building elements and components."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A. Vogler"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["architecture ", " building methods ", " industrialized housing ", " building technology ", " energy-positive housing"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-548-7"], ["title", "The House as a Product"], ["doab_id", "19256"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995470", "9781614995487"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995470 (print) | 9781614995487 (online)"]], [["description", "Increasing age has been associated with an insufficient protection following vaccination and an increased incidence and severity of infectious diseases. The predicted acceleration of global population aging will accentuate the need to understand the mechanisms that drive the age-related decline of the immune system and to, eventually, identify strategies to lower the burden of infectious diseases in elderly people. One type of immune cell appears to be most dramatically affected by the aging process: T lymphocytes. Age-related changes of the bone marrow and the thymus microenvironment lead to a decreased thymic output of functional, na\u00efve T lymphocytes. As T lymphocytes are key players of the adaptive immune system, this research topic will summarize our current understanding on how aging affects the microenvironmental niches and molecular networks that are important for the generation, survival and function of na\u00efve, memory and effector T lymphocytes. This research topic will also address the impact of aging on the different T lymphocyte lineages, such as regulatory T cells and Th17 cells and how age-related changes of the microenvironment affect organ- and tissue-resident memory T lymphocytes. Eventually, the identification of a set of markers for immunosenescence would facilitate the design and application of more specific therapies and improved vaccines and vaccination strategies for elderly people, thereby increasing life and health span."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dietmar Herndler-Brandstetter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Aging", "biomarker", "health span", "Vaccination", "Influenza Virus", "Regulatory T Cell", "Autoimmunity", "Cytomegalovirus"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1133/how-aging-affects-t-lymphocyte-mediated-immunity"], ["title", "How aging affects T lymphocyte-mediated immunity"], ["doab_id", "17810"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194186"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194186"]], [["description", "What does Canadian popular culture say about the construction and negotiation of Canadian national identity? This third volume of How Canadians Communicate describes the negotiation of popular culture across terrains where national identity is built by producers and audiences, government and industry, history and geography, ethnicities and citizenships. Canada does indeed have a popular culture distinct from other nations. How Canadians Communicate III gathers the country\u2019s most inquisitive experts on Canadian popular culture to prove its thesis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bart Beaty; Derek Briton; Gloria Filax; Rebecca Sullivan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["popular culture", "national identity", "media", "communications"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120167"], ["title", "How Canadians Communicate III: Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture"], ["doab_id", "14440"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425596", "9781897425602"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425596 9781897425602"]], [["description", "Substantial changes have occurred in the nature of political discourse over the past thirty years. Once, traditional media dominated the political landscape, but in recent years Facebook, Twitter, blogs and Blackberrys have emerged as important tools and platforms for political campaigns. While the Canadian party system has proved surprisingly resilient, the rhythms of political life are now very different. A never-ending 24-hour news cycle has resulted in a never-ending political campaign. The implications of this new political style and its impact on political discourse are issues vigorously debated in this new volume of How Canadians Communicate, as is the question on every politician?s mind: How can we draw a generation of digital natives into the current political dialogue? With contributions from such diverse figures as Elly Alboim, Richard Davis, Tom Flanagan, David Marshall, and Roger Epp, How Canadians Communicate IV is the most comprehensive review of political communication in Canada in over three decades ? one that poses questions fundamental to the quality of public life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Taras, David ; Waddell, Christopher"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Media", "Social Media"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120205"], ["title", "How Canadians Communicate IV: Media and Politics"], ["doab_id", "15072"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836812", "9781926836829", "9781926836829"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836812 9781926836829 9781926836829"]], [["description", "Fewer Canadians than ever are lacing up skates, swimming lengths at the pool, practicing their curve ball, and experiencing the thrill of competition. However, despite a decline in active participation, Canadians spend enormous amounts of time and money on sports, as fans and followers of sporting events and sports culture. Never has media coverage of sports been more exhaustive, and never has it been more driven by commercial interests and the need to fuel consumerism, on which corporate profits depend. The power plays now occurring in the arena of sports are by no means solely a matter of money, however. At issue as well in the media capture of sports are the values that inform our daily lives, the physical and emotional health of the population, and the symbols so long central to a sense of Canadian identity.Writing from a variety of perspectives, the contributors to this collection set out to explore the impact of the media on our reception of, and attitudes toward, sports\u2014to unpack the meanings that sports have for us as citizens and consumers. Well-known hockey writer Roy MacGregor delves into the influence of big media and big sports on the practice of objective journalism; Richard Gruneau examines the worrisome relationship between sports participation and socioeconomic class; blogger Derrick Newman investigates the impact of fantasy leagues on sports coverage; sociologist Harry Hiller looks at the iconic dimensions of the Vancouver Olympics. Other contributors shed light on the way in which the media serve to transform sports\u2014including, of course, hockey\u2014into a vehicle for the expression of identity and nationalism. Still others probe the function of sports as spectacle: the escalation of violence, controversies over drug use, and the media\u2019s coverage of tragic deaths. The goal is not to score points but to prompt critical discussion of why sports matter in Canadian life and culture and how they contribute to the construction of Canadian identity. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by David Taras and Christopher Waddell"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cultural studies, media studies, communications, Olympics, ownership, enrolment"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120244"], ["title", "How Canadians Communicate V: Sports"], ["doab_id", "19420"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990073", "9781771990080", "9781771990097", "9781771990103"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990073 9781771990080 9781771990097 9781771990103"]], [["description", "Food nourishes the body, but our relationship with food extends far beyond our need for survival. Food choices not only express our personal tastes but also communicate a range of beliefs, values, affiliations and aspirations\u2014sometimes to the exclusion of others. In the media sphere, the enormous amount of food-related advice provided by government agencies, advocacy groups, diet books, and so on compete with efforts on the part of the food industry to sell their product and to respond to a consumer-driven desire for convenience. As a result, the topic of food has grown fraught, engendering sometimes acrimonious debates about what we should eat, and why.By examining topics such as the values embedded in food marketing, the locavore movement, food tourism, dinner parties, food bank donations, the moral panic surrounding obesity, food crises, and fears about food safety, the contributors to this volume paint a rich, and sometimes unsettling portrait of how food is represented, regulated, and consumed in Canada. With chapters from leading scholars such as Ken Albala, Harvey Levenstein, Stephen Kline and Valerie Tarasuk, the volume also includes contributions from \u201cfood insiders\u201d\u2014bestselling cookbook author and food editor Elizabeth Baird and veteran restaurant reviewer John Gilchrist. The result is a timely and thought-provoking look at food as a system of communication through which Canadians articulate cultural identity, personal values, and social distinction."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Charlene Elliott"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["food security, nutrition, food labeling, organic, local food movement, dinner parties, obesity, dieting"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120250"], ["title", "How Canadians Communicate VI: Food Promotion, Consumption, and Controversy"], ["doab_id", "19421"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990257", "9781771990264", "9781771990271", "9781771990288"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990257 9781771990264 9781771990271 9781771990288"]], [["description", "Human society is full of would-be \u2018change agents\u2019, a restless mix of campaigners, lobbyists, and officials, both individuals and organizations, set on transforming the world. They want to improve public services, reform laws and regulations, guarantee human rights, get a fairer deal for those on the sharp end, achieve greater recognition for any number of issues, or simply be treated with respect. Striking then, that not many universities have a Department of Change Studies, to which social activists can turn for advice and inspiration. Instead, scholarly discussions of change are fragmented with few conversations crossing disciplinary boundaries, rarely making it onto the radars of those actively seeking change. This book aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice, bringing together the best research from a range of academic disciplines and the evolving practical understanding of activists to explore the topic of social and political change. Drawing on many first-hand examples from the global experience of Oxfam, one of the world\u2019s largest social justice NGOs, as well as insights gleaned from studying and working on international development, it tests ideas and offers the latest thinking on what works to achieve progressive change."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Green ,Duncan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["change agents", "campaigners", "lobbyists", "officials", "public services", "activists", "social change", "political change", "NGOs"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618650"], ["title", "How Change Happens"], ["doab_id", "19905"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198785392"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198785392"]], [["description", "This book considers the significance of creative industries on China's economy and society within the framework of international and domestic challenges facing China. Moving from 'Made in China to 'Created in China' will have a profound impact on the whole world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Li Wuwei; Sir Michael Keane"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666565"], ["title", "How Creativity is Changing China"], ["doab_id", "14376"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666565"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666565"]], [["description", "One of the hardest problems in science is the symbol grounding problem, a question that has intrigued philosophers and linguists for more than a century.With the rise of artificial intelligence, the question has become very actual, especially within the field of robotics. The problem is that an agent, be it a robot or a human, perceives the world in analogue signals. Yet humans have the ability to categorise the world in symbols that they, for instance, may use for language.This book presents a series of experiments in which two robots try to solve the symbol grounding problem. The experiments are based on the language game paradigm, and involve real mobile robots that are able to develop a grounded lexicon about the objects that they can detect in their world. Crucially, neither the lexicon nor the ontology of the robots has been preprogrammed, so the experiments demonstrate how a population of embodied language users can develop their own vocabularies from scratch."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paul Vogt"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://langsci-press.org/catalog/view/50/113/354-1"], ["title", "How mobile robots can self-organise a vocabulary"], ["doab_id", "18624"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675435"]], ["provider", "langsci-press.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675435"]], [["description", "One of the hardest problems in science is the symbol grounding problem, a question that has intrigued philosophers and linguists for more than a century. With the rise of artificial intelligence, the question has become very actual, especially within the field of robotics. The problem is that an agent, be it a robot or a human, perceives the world in analogue signals. Yet humans have the ability to categorise the world in symbols that they, for instance, may use for language. This book presents a series of experiments in which two robots try to solve the symbol grounding problem. The experiments are based on the language game paradigm, and involve real mobile robots that are able to develop a grounded lexicon about the objects that they can detect in their world. Crucially, neither the lexicon nor the ontology of the robots has been preprogrammed, so the experiments demonstrate how a population of embodied language users can develop their own vocabularies from scratch."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vogt ,Paul"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Artificial Intelligence", "Language in Robots"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603358"], ["title", "How mobile robots can self-organise a vocabulary"], ["doab_id", "18634"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234005", "9783946234012"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234005 9783946234012"]], [["description", "Once upon a time \u2018The Scientific Revolution of the 17th century\u2019 was an innovative concept that inspired a stimulating narrative of how modern science came into the world. Half a century later, what we now know as \u2018the master narrative\u2019 serves rather as a strait-jacket \u2014 so often events and contexts just fail to fit in. No attempt has been made so far to replace the master narrative. H. Floris Cohen now comes up with precisely such a replacement. Key to his path-breaking analysis-cum-narrative is a vision of the Scientific Revolution as made up of six distinct yet narrowly interconnected, revolutionary transformations, each of some twenty-five to thirty years\u2019 duration. This vision enables him to explain how modern science could come about in Europe rather than in Greece, China, or the Islamic world. It also enables him to explain how half-way into the 17th century a vast crisis of legitimacy could arise and, in the end, be overcome. Building on his earlier The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry (1994), Cohen\u2019s new book connects the latest research results in highly innovative ways, breaking up all-too-deeply frozen patterns of thinking about the history of science.

Floris Cohen vernieuwt in How Modern Science Came into the World het begrip \u2018de Wetenschappelijke Revolutie van de zeventiende eeuw\u2019 radicaal. Hij vertelt het verhaal op een manier die van de grond af opnieuw is doordacht. Een beschavingsbrede aanpak, consequent volgehouden vergelijkingen en een niet aflatende zoektocht naar onderliggende patronen zijn daarbij zijn voornaamste hulpmiddelen. Zo verklaart hij hoe het komt dat de moderne natuurwetenschap niet in Griekenland, China of de Islamitische wereld, maar in Europa is ontstaan. En hij vat de Wetenschappelijke Revolutie op als een zestal nauw samenhangende revolutionaire transformaties van het toenmalig denken over de natuur, die elk zo\u2019n vijfentwintig tot dertig jaar in beslag namen.Dit boek ligt ten grondslag aan zijn eerder verschenen De herschepping van de wereld. In How Modern Science Came into the World ontvouwt Cohen zijn visie op grotere schaal en transformeert hij een gedurfde schets tot een dwingend geschiedbeeld.(...)Groene Amsterdammer Het magnum opus van Floris Cohen, How Modern Science Came into The World [...] is een magistrale beschrijving en analye van de wetenschappelijke revolutie.NRC Handelsblad nieuwe adembenemend rijke wetenschapsstudie [...] steekt ook qua omvang, ambitie en stijl [...] E.J. Dijksterhuis' klassieke weten\u00ad schapsgeschiedenis De mechanisering van het wereldbeeld, naar de kroon. (...)16-12-2010 Beoordeling vooraf \"In this provocative, comparative treatment of a classic moment in the history of science Floris Cohen brilliantly challenges current narratives.\"--Robert S. Westman, University of California, San Diego(...)For the most part, historians spend their energy trying to explain military conquests, the succession of governments, religious or ideological movements, or social and economic change. What they miss (or avoid?), however, is surely more significant than any of these things for an understanding of world history. Historians have completely failed to explain why science, which largely characterizes modern world civilization, emerged in Western Europe in the Renaissance, after having failed to establish itself earlier and in other civilizations (most notably in Ancient Greece, China, Islam, and medieval Christendom). In this very important book, Floris Cohen finally and comprehensively provides an answer to this enduring historical mystery. In so doing, he also provides a definitive account of the so-called Scientific Revolution, and shows why it really was revolutionary.\"-\"This supremely important book will become indispensable reading for anyone interested in how the modern world became the way it is. By comprehensively explaining the rise of science, and its why, where and when, Floris Cohen has solved, dazzlingly, one of the most pressing problems in world history.\"--John Henry, University of Edinburgh"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cohen ,H. Floris"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History", "Science", "Geschiedenis", "Wetenschap"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=406703"], ["title", "How Modern Science Came into the World : Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough"], ["doab_id", "14631"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642394"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642394"]], [["description", "Echolocation has evolved in different groups of animals, from bats and cetaceans to birds and humans, and enables localization and tracking of objects in a dynamic environment, where light levels may be very low or absent. Nature has shaped echolocation, an active sense that engages audiomotor feedback systems, which operates in diverse environments and situations. Echolocation production and perception vary across species, and signals are often adapted to the environment and task. In the last several decades, researchers have been studying the echolocation behavior of animals, both in the air and underwater, using different methodologies and perspectives. The result of these studies has led to rich knowledge on sound production mechanisms, directionality of the sound beam, signal design, echo reception and perception. Active control over echolocation signal production and the mechanisms for echo processing ultimately provide animals with an echoic scene or image of their surroundings. Sonar signal features directly influence the information available for the echolocating animal to perceive images of its environment. In many echolocating animals, the information processed through echoes elicits a reaction in motor systems, including adjustments in subsequent echolocation signals. We are interested in understanding how echolocating animals deal with different environments (e.g. clutter, light levels), tasks, distance to targets or objects, different prey types or other food sources, presence of conspecifics or certain predators, ambient and anthropogenic noise. In recent years, some researchers have presented new data on the origins of echolocation, which can provide a hint of its evolution. Theoreticians have addressed several issues that bear on echolocation systems, such as frequency or time resolution, target localization and beam-forming mechanisms. In this Research Topic we compiled recent work that elucidates how echolocation \u2013 from sound production, through echolocation signals to perception- has been shaped by nature functioning in different environments and situations. We strongly encouraged comparative approaches that would deepen our understanding of the processes comprising this active sense."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mariana L Melcon; Cynthia F Moss"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Biosonar", "Communication", "sensory biology", "Behavior", "bats", "marine mammals", "Birds", "Humans"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/971/how-nature-shaped-echolocation-in-animals"], ["title", "How nature shaped echolocation in animals"], ["doab_id", "18677"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193479"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193479"]], [["description", "Consumers trust is a key factor in dealing with rising concerns about food safety and food quality, but only few studies have dealt with consumer attitudes and none of them has tried to model the process of consumer response. This book reports the main findings of an european project aimed at analysing trust along the food chain and its relationship with food risk communication. The papers collected investigate the mechanisms that determine the social diffusion of trust, examining the interplay of the psychological, sociological and economic factors; and analyze the impact of the food risk communication policies on consumers and producers and on the society as a whole.

Consumers trust is a key factor in dealing with rising concerns about food safety and food quality, but only few studies have dealt with consumer attitudes and none of them has tried to model the process of consumer response. This book reports the main findings of an european project aimed at analysing trust along the food chain and its relationship with food risk communication. The papers collected investigate the mechanisms that determine the social diffusion of trust, examining the interplay of the psychological, sociological and economic factors; and analyze the impact of the food risk communication policies on consumers and producers and on the society as a whole."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Romano, Donato; Stefani, Gianluca"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["European Union", "Nutrition", "Sociology", "Economics", "Proceedings", "Unione europea", "Alimentazione", "Sociologia", "Economia", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345473"], ["title", "How safe is eating chicken?"], ["doab_id", "13020"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884534965"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534968"]], [["description", "Naturalism is the reigning creed in analytic philosophy. Naturalists claim that natural science provides a complete account of all forms of existence. According to the naturalistic credo there are no aspects of human existence which transcend methods and explanations of science. Our concepts of the self, the mind, subjectivity, human freedom or responsibility is to be defined in terms of established sciences. The aim of the present volume is to draw the balance of naturalism\u2019s success so far. Unlike other volumes it does not contain a collection of papers which unanimously reject naturalism. Naturalists and anti-naturalists alike unfold their positions discussing the success or failure of naturalistic approaches. \"How successful is naturalism? shows where the lines of agreement and disagreement between naturalists and their critics are to be located in contemporary philosophical discussion. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gasser, Georg"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209507"], ["title", "How Successful is Naturalism?"], ["doab_id", "18110"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328950", "9783110328615", "9783110328967"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328950, 9783110328615, 9783110328967"]], [["description", "How the World Changed Social Media is the first book in Why We Post, a book series that investigates the findings of nine anthropologists who each spent 15 months living in communities across the world. This book offers a comparative analysis summarising the results of the research and exploring the impact of social media on politics and gender, education and commerce. What is the result of the increased emphasis on visual communication? Are we becoming more individual or more social? Why is public social media so conservative? Why does equality online fail to shift inequality offline? How did memes become the moral police of the internet? Supported by an introduction to the project\u2019s academic framework and theoretical terms that help to account for the findings, the book argues that the only way to appreciate and understand something as intimate and ubiquitous as social media is to be immersed in the lives of the people who post. Only then can we discover how people all around the world have already transformed social media in such unexpected ways and assess the consequences."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miller ,Daniel; Costa ,Elisabetta; Haynes ,Nell; McDonald ,Tom; Nicolescu ,Razvan; Sinanan ,Jolynna; Spyer ,Juliano; Venkatraman ,Shriram; Wang ,Xinyuan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Social media", "Society", "Memes"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604151"], ["title", "How the World Changed Social Media"], ["doab_id", "18642"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634493"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634493"]], [["description", "Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is widely used in the treatment of haematological malignancies as a form of immunotherapy acting through a graft-versus-leukemia (GvL) reaction. This curative allogeneic response can be associated with severe drawbacks, such as frequent and severe graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and a long-lasting immunodeficiency, especially now with the development of innovative strategies such as umbilical cord blood transplantation or transplants from haplo-identical family donors (Haplo-HSCT). In the long-term follow-up of these patients, severe post-transplant infections, relapse or secondary malignancies may be directly related to persistent immune defects.Reconstitution of the different lymphocyte populations (B, T, NK, NKT) and antigen presenting cells of myeloid origin (monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells) should be considered not only quantitatively but especially qualitatively, in terms of functional subsets. Immune deficiency leading to an increased susceptibility to infections lasts for more than a year. Although infections that occur in the first month mostly result from a deficiency in both granulocytes and mononuclear cells (MNC), later post-engraftment infections are due to a deficiency in MNC subsets, primarily CD4 T-cells and B-cells. T-cell reconstitution has been extensively studied because of the central role of T-cells in mediating both GvHD, evidenced by the reduced incidence of this complication following T-Cell depletion, and a GvL effect as shown by DLI. In the recent years there has been renewed interest in the role of NK-cells, especially in the context of Haplo-HSCT, and in B-cell reconstitution.This Frontiers Research Topic will provide state of the art knowledge of the mechanisms of immune reconstitution in an allogeneic environment, in order to improve monitoring and therapeutic intervention in allo-HSCT patients."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antoine Toubert; Hermann Einsele"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["HSCT", "Immune reconstitution", "Thymic function", "cell therapy", "Haplo-SCT"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/800/how-to-improve-immune-reconstitution-in-allogeneic-hematopoietic-stem-cell-transplantation"], ["title", "How to improve immune reconstitution in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?"], ["doab_id", "17679"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194919"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194919"]], [["description", "How to Read a Folktale offers the first English translation of Ibonia, a spellbinding tale of old Madagascar. Ibonia is a folktale on epic scale. Much of its plot sounds familiar: a powerful royal hero attempts to rescue his betrothed from an evil adversary and, after a series of tests and duels, he and his lover are joyfully united with a marriage that affirms the royal lineage. These fairytale elements link Ibonia with European folktales, but the tale is still very much a product of Madagascar. It contains African-style praise poetry for the hero; it presents Indonesian-style riddles and poems; and it inflates the form of folktale into epic proportions. Recorded when the Malagasy people were experiencing European contact for the first time, Ibonia proclaims the power of the ancestors against the foreigner.Through Ibonia, Lee Haring expertly helps readers to understand the very nature of folktales. His definitive translation, originally published in 1994, has now been fully revised to emphasize its poetic qualities, while his new introduction and detailed notes give insight into the fascinating imagination and symbols of the Malagasy. Haring\u2019s research connects this exotic narrative with fundamental questions not only of anthropology but also of literary criticism. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Haring, Lee (Author); Turin, Mark (Foreword)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Ibonia", "Madagascar", "folktale", "Malagasy people", "anthropology", "folklore", "literary criticism", "World Oral Literature Projec"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/109"], ["title", "How to Read a Folktale: The 'Ibonia' Epic from Madagascar"], ["doab_id", "15681"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254060"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254060"]], [["description", "This necessary and thought-provoking study brings together the organisational side of the world of the arts and the understanding of the many functions art fulfi lls in our culture. The author sets out to establish how the organisation of art worlds serves the functioning of the arts in society. The book is divided into three sections, the first of which presents a comparative study of approaches to the art world as practiced by Dickie, Becker, Bourdieu, Heinich, and Luhmann, among others. The second part focuses on the philosphical debates concerning 'aesthetic experience'. Besides Kant, scholars such as Gadamer, Foster, Shustermann, Schaeffer and Carroll come to the fore. In the third part, the author traces the consequences of these theoretical approaches for the organization of art world practices.

In deze studie onderzoekt Hans van Maanen hoe de organisatie van kunstwerelden het functioneren van kunst in de maatschappij ondersteunt en mogelijk maakt. Hij bespreekt en vergelijkt verschillende benaderingen (van Dickie, Becker, Bourdieu, Heinich en anderen) op de kunstwereld. Vervolgens gaat hij in op het kunstfi losofi - sche debat en vooral de notie van de 'esthetische ervaring'. Naast Kant komen academici als Gadamer, Foster, Shustermann, Schaeffer en Carroll aan bod. Tot slot bespreekt hij de theoretische benaderingen in een praktischer kader. Zo wordt het belang hiervan voor de kunstwereld duidelijk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maanen van ,Hans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Historical treatment of fine and decorative arts", "Kunst en kunstgeschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339994"], ["title", "How to Study Art Worlds : On the Societal Functioning of aesthetic Values"], ["doab_id", "12694"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641526"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641526"]], [["description", "This little book arose spontaneously, in the late spring of 2015, when a series of conversations emerged \u2014 first in a university roundtable on graduate student dissertation-writing, and then in a rapidly proliferating series of blog posts \u2014 on the topic of how we write. One commentary generated another, each one characterized by enormous speed, eloquence, and emotional forthrightness. This collection is not about how TO write, but how WE write: unlike a prescriptive manual that promises to unlock the secret to efficient productivity, the contributors talk about their own writing processes, in all their messy, frustrated, exuberant, and awkward dis/order.The contributors range from graduate students and recent PhDs to senior scholars working in the fields of medieval studies, art history, English literature, poetics, early modern studies, musicology, and geography. All are engaged in academic writing, but some of the contributors also publish in other genres, includes poetry and fiction. Several contributors maintain a very active online presence, including blogs and websites; all are committed to strengthening the bonds of community, both in person and online, which helps to explain the effervescent sense of collegiality that pervades the volume, creating linkages across essays and extending outward into the wide world of writers and readers.Contributors include: Michael Collins, Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Alexandra Gillespie, Alice Hutton Sharp, Asa Simon Mittman, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Maura Nolan, Richard H. Godden, Bruce Holsinger, Stuart Elden, Derek Gregory, Steve Mentz, and Dan Kline."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Suzanne Conklin Akbari"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdux8bls20myfdq/Akbari_How_We_Write_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "How We Write: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blank Page"], ["doab_id", "17611"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780692519332"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692519332"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Sammelband analysiert in komparatistischer und transnationaler Perspektive die Immigration und Integration von Hugenotten in unterschiedlichen deutschen Territorien. Er zeigt, wie deutsche Landesherren auf die Franzosen und die \"typisch\" franz\u00f6sische bzw. franz\u00f6sisch-protestantische Kultur der Glaubensfl\u00fcchtlinge reagierten. Er fragt nach den Ma\u00dfnahmen, welche die deutschen Regierungen ergriffen, um den Refugi\u00e9s zu helfen, nach den Erwartungen, die mit der Ansiedlung der Franzosen verkn\u00fcpft wurden, und nach den Programmen, die entwickelt wurden, um die Neub\u00fcrger zu integrieren \u2013 soweit dies \u00fcberhaupt erw\u00fcnscht war. Der Band bindet in transnationaler Perspektive die Integrations- und Assimilierungsprozesse der Hugenotten in die Frage des kulturellen Transfers zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich ein und greift gesellschaftspolitisch auch heute relevante Fragestellungen auf, die \u00fcber den deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Kontext hinausweisen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Braun, Guido; Lachenicht, Susanne"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/223563"], ["title", "Hugenotten und deutsche Territorialstaaten. Immigrationspolitik und Integrationsprozesse / Les \u00c9tats allemands et les huguenots. Politique d\u2019immigration et processus d\u2019int\u00e9gration"], ["doab_id", "18014"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486842340", "9783486581812"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486842340, 9783486581812"]], [["description", "This book explores images of the house in Dutch-language poetry from the postwar period. On the one hand the archetypical notion of the house has always had an established place in poetry. It is connected to the meaning of house as a building, but even more so as an imaginative house or a home. On the other hand the house is a rich metaphorical concept that is often used for expressing poetical ideas. In a historical survey of modern Dutch-language poetry different images of the house are presented. The overview shows that the choice of certain metaphorical concepts is connected to literary and extra literary contexts, and to the poetical ideas of poets. Conceptual integration \u2013 blending theory \u2013 is used throughout this book as a theoretical frame. From this perspective poems are regarded as a complex blend, a network of connections which are constructed during the reading and interpreting processes. Finally, the book shows how metaphorical blends are integrated in concrete poems and which kind of house images result from this process."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kalla ,Irena Barbara "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "imagery", "house", "Flanders", "The Netherlands"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=466592"], ["title", "Huisbeelden in de moderne Nederlandstalige po\u00ebzie"], ["doab_id", "15692"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038220864"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038220864"]], [["description", "Todd Landman discusses the developments in democracy and human rights in the 20th and 21st century, drawing on various literature, from politics to international relations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Todd Landman"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544643"], ["title", "Human Rights and Democracy"], ["doab_id", "17138"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544643"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544643"]], [["description", "Combines an overview of the key theoretical models of democracy and human rights with a state-of-the-art survey which reports on trade-offs between achievements, set-backs and challenges in some of the world's 'hotspots'.The 20th century has been described as the bloodiest in human history, but it was also the century in which people around the world embraced ideas of democracy and human rights as never before, constructing social, political and legal institutions seeking to contain human behaviour. Todd Landman offers an optimistic, yet cautionary tale of these developments, drawing on the literature, from politics, international relations and international law. He celebrates the global turn from tyranny and violence towards democracy and rights but also warns of the precariousness of these achievements in the face of democratic setbacks and the undermining of rights commitments by many countries during the so-called \u2018War on Terror'. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Landman ,Todd"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Human Rights"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469627"], ["title", "Human Rights and Democracy - The Precarious Triumph of Ideals"], ["doab_id", "15933"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849663458", "9781849663465", "9781849663472", "9781849664868"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849663458 9781849663465 9781849663472 9781849664868"]], [["description", "This book, newly available in paperback, argues for greater openness in the ways we approach human rights and international rights promotion, and in so doing brings some new understanding to old debates. Starting with the realities of abuse rather than the liberal architecture of rights, it casts human rights as a language for probing the political dimensions of suffering. Seen in this context, the predominant Western models of rights generate a substantial but also problematic and not always emancipatory array of practices. These models are far from answering the questions about the nature of political community that are raised by the systemic infliction of suffering. Rather than a simple message from 'us' to 'them', then, rights promotion is a long and difficult conversation about the relationship between political organisations and suffering. Three case studies are explored - the Tiananmen Square massacre, East Timor's violent modern history and the circumstances of indigenous Australians. The purpose of these discussions is not to elaborate on a new theory of rights, but to work towards rights practices that are more responsive to the spectrum of injury that we inflict and endure. The book is a valuable and innovative contribution to rights debates for students of international politics, political theory, and conflict resolution, as well as for those engaged in the pursuit of human rights."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brown ,Anne"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Tiananmen", "timor", "amnesty", "international", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341343"], ["title", "Human Rights and the Borders of Suffering: The Promotion of Human Rights in International Politics"], ["doab_id", "12668"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061059"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061059"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY license. The first of its kind, this 'Report' gives an overview of the humanities worldwide. Published as an Open Access title and based on an extensive literature review and enlightening interviews conducted with 90 humanities scholars across 40 countries, the book offers a first step in attempting to assess the state of the humanities globally. Its topics include the nature and value of the humanities, the challenge of globalisation, the opportunities offered by the digital humanities, variations in funding patterns around the world, and the interaction between humanities and society. Despite the stereotypical view of humanists as scholars locked away in their ivory towers, the picture that emerges from this report is that they are deeply committed to the social value of their work and appreciate the long-term importance it has for addressing global challenges. The report will be of interest not only to researchers and students in the humanities themselves, but also to administrators and funders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Holm, Poul; Jarrick, Arne; Scott, Dominic"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Social Policy, Culture and Media Policy, Literature, Cultural Theory"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9781137500281"], ["title", "Humanities World Report 2015"], ["doab_id", "17911"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137500274", "9781137500281"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137500274 (Print) 9781137500281 (Online)"]], [["description", "Humanity From African Naissance to Coming Millennia arises out of the world's first Dual Congress that was held at Sun City (South Africa) in 1998 that refers to a conjoint, integrated meeting of two international scientific associations, the International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology - IV Congress - and the International Association of Human Biologists. The volume includes 39 refereed papers covering a wide range of topics, from Human Biology, Human Evolution (Emerging Homo, Evolving Homo, Early Modern Humans), Dating, Taxonomy and Systematics, Diet, Brain Evolution, offering the most recent analyses and interpretations in different areas of evolutionary anthropology.

Humanity From African Naissance to Coming Millennia arises out of the world's first Dual Congress that was held at Sun City (South Africa) in 1998 that refers to a conjoint, integrated meeting of two international scientific associations, the International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology - IV Congress - and the International Association of Human Biologists. The volume includes 39 refereed papers covering a wide range of topics, from Human Biology, Human Evolution (Emerging Homo, Evolving Homo, Early Modern Humans), Dating, Taxonomy and Systematics, Diet, Brain Evolution, offering the most recent analyses and interpretations in different areas of evolutionary anthropology."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tobias, Phillip V.; Raath, Michael A.; Moggi-Cecchi, Jacopo; Doyle, Gerald A."], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Biology", "Anthropology", "Biological evolution", "Biologia", "Antropologia", "Evoluzione biologica"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=342033"], ["title", "Humanity from African Naissance to Coming Millennia"], ["doab_id", "12690"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884530035"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530032"]], [["description", "\"Parir e nascer, definitivamente, n\u00e3o s\u00e3o processos \u2018naturais\u2019 nem meramente fisiol\u00f3gicos. S\u00e3o eventos sociais e culturais complexos, que envolvem intera\u00e7\u00f5es entre indiv\u00edduos, grupos sociais e organiza\u00e7\u00f5es (hospitais e maternidades), com poderes e legitimidades diferenciados\". A partir desta constata\u00e7\u00e3o, a autora faz uma investiga\u00e7\u00e3o sistem\u00e1tica sobre como disputas em torno do modelo de assist\u00eancia ao parto tornam-se obst\u00e1culos para a implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de uma pol\u00edtica que considere mais o papel da mulher e minimize os impactos negativos de uma excessiva hospitaliza\u00e7\u00e3o do processo. Com base no caso da rede hospitalar de Belo Horizonte \u2013 p\u00fablica, filantr\u00f3pica, privada contratada e privada n\u00e3o contratada pelo SUS \u2013, verifica em que medida as pol\u00edticas nacionais de humaniza\u00e7\u00e3o do parto se operacionalizaram, como se portaram profissionais obstetras (m\u00e9dicos e enfermeiras) e quais foram as dificuldades institucionais enfrentadas para colocar em pr\u00e1tica essas pol\u00edticas. Fornece, assim, valiosos indicadores para todos aqueles empenhados na efetiva humaniza\u00e7\u00e3o do parto no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maia, M\u00f4nica Bara"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["HEALTH & FITNESS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pr84k"], ["title", "Humaniza\u00e7\u00e3o do parto: pol\u00edtica p\u00fablica, comportamento organizacional e ethos profissional"], ["doab_id", "19309"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413289"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413289"]], [["description", "In Humid, All Too Humid, social commentator Dominic Pettman curates the overheated thoughts of his own feverish mind, in response to a world struggling with unprecedented levels of cultural climate change.Humanity is like that obnoxious bore that arrives at the party drunk \u2014 thinks he\u2019s witty and charming and wise, but is in fact a complete psychotic loser. All the other creatures, however, are too polite to say anything. So they just watch us quietly, and hope that we disappear as quickly as we came.The book takes the form of aphorism, witticism, maxim, axiom, dictum, quip, jape, adage, proverb, pun, precept, reflection, suggestion, observation, paraphrase, bon mot, vagary, specificky, put-on, put-off, mummery, miscellany, aside, in-front, behind, knock-knock joke, one-liner, tweet, re-tweet, truism, and not-so-truism.When you think about it, how rude it is for people to get married in public. This whole ritual is set up so that one person can say they love this one other person more than you. More than anyone else in the room. Is this why people really cry at weddings? Is this why we cover their car with rubbish? A sublimated response to their ceremonial insult?Known for his scholarly work on love, sex, and the (post)human condition, Pettman now assembles this collection of humoristic micro-meditations on everything from the meaning of life to the \u201cyoghurt of human unkindness.\u201dArchaeologists in Turkey have uncovered a new fragment of Anaximander, which simply reads: \u201cBecause reasons.\u201dHumid, All Too Humid reads as if Oscar Wilde had first written Minima Moralia, after binge-watching too many episodes of The Simpsons."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominic Pettman"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r3dg0umsct9ztv/Pettman_Humid_All_Too_Humid_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Humid, All Too Humid: Overheated Observations"], ["doab_id", "19598"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692650141"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692650141"]], [["description", "If Dutch cinema is examined in academic studies, the focus is usually on pre-war films or on documentaries, but the post-war fiction film has been sporadically addressed. Many popular box-office successes have been steeped in jokes on parochial conflicts, vulgar behavior and/or on sexual display, towards which Dutch people have often felt ambivalent. At the same time, something like a 'Hollandse school', a term first coined in the 1980s, has manifested itself more firmly, with the work of Alex van Warmerdam, pervaded in deadpan irony as its biggest eye-catcher. Using seminal theories of humor and irony as an angle, this study scrutinizes a great number of Dutch films on the basis of categories such as low-class comedies; neurotic romances; deliberate camp; cosmic irony, or grotesque satire. Hence, Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film makes surprising connections between films from various decades: Flodder and New Kids Turbo; Spetters and Simon; Rent a Friend and Ober; De verloedering van de Swieps and Borgman; Black Out and Plan C.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verstraten ,Peter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Film Theory and Criticism", "Media and Communications"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605038"], ["title", "Humour and Irony in Dutch Post-war Fiction Film"], ["doab_id", "18753"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048528370"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048528370"]], [["description", "archaeology - hunter-gatherers - early food producing societies - Northeastern Africa"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ch\u0142odnicki ,Marek; Kabacinski ,Jacek; Kobusiewicz ,Micha\u0142"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["archaeology", "hunter-gatherers", "early food producing societies", "Northeastern Africa"]], ["publisher", "Pozna\u0144 Archaeological Museum"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=611392.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Hunter-gatherers and Early Food Producing Societies in Northeastern Africa"], ["doab_id", "19268"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9788360109434"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788360109434"]], [["description", "Water is not only an interesting object to be studied on its own, it also is an important component driving almost all ecological processes occurring in our landscapes. Plant growth depends on soil water content, as well is nutrient turnover by microbes. Water shapes the environment by erosion and sedimentation. Species occur or are lost depending on hydrological conditions, and many infectious diseases are water-borne.Modeling the complex interactions of water and ecosystem processes requires the prediction of hydrological fluxes and stages on the one side and the coupling of the ecosystem process model on the other. While much effort has been given to the development of the hydrological model theory in recent decades, we have just begun to explore the difficulties that occur when coupled model applications are being set up."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["hydrological modeling, ecological modeling, model coupling, flexible model toolkits, hydro-biogeochemistry, climate and land use change, erosion, biodiversity"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/215"], ["title", "Hydro-Ecological Modeling"], ["doab_id", "19388"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422396", "9783038422129"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422396/9783038422129"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andreas Teske; Anna-Louise Reysenbach"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["hydrothermal vents", "extremophiles", "marine sediments", "Guaymas basin", "microbial biogeography"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/927/hydrothermal-microbial-ecosystems"], ["title", "Hydrothermal microbial ecosystems"], ["doab_id", "18812"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196821"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196821"]], [["description", "\"\"Links\"\" are among the most basic\u2014and most unexamined\u2014features of online life. Bringing together a prominent array of thinkers from industry and the academy, The Hyperlinked Society addresses a provocative series of questions about the ways in which hyperlinks organize behavior online. How do media producers' considerations of links change the way they approach their work, and how do these considerations in turn affect the ways that audiences consume news and entertainment? What role do economic and political considerations play in information producers' creation of links? How do links shape the size and scope of the public sphere in the digital age? Are hyperlinks \"\"bridging\"\" mechanisms that encourage people to see beyond their personal beliefs to a broader and more diverse world? Or do they simply reinforce existing bonds by encouraging people to ignore social and political perspectives that conflict with their existing interests and beliefs? This pathbreaking collection of essays will be valuable to anyone interested in the now taken for granted connections that structure communication, commerce, and civic discourse in the world of digital media."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joseph Turow and Lokman Tsui, Editors"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Internet--Social aspects", "Digital media--Social aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5680986.0001.001"], ["title", "The Hyperlinked Society: Questioning Connections in the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "14515"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070435", "9780472050437", "9780472024537"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070435 Paper: 9780472050437 Ebook Formats: 9780472024537"]], [["description", "Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale di DIdattica della FIsica e della MAtematicaDI.FI.MA. 2013Il sesto convegno DI.FI.MA., organizzato dal Dipartimento di Matematica, dal Dipartimento di Fisica e dalla Provincia di Torino, si \u00e8 tenuto presso il liceo D\u2019Azeglio di Torino da mercoled\u00ec 2 ottobre a venerd\u00ec 4 ottobre 2013.Hanno partecipato circa 400 docenti da tutta l\u2019Italia, insieme con alcuni ricercatori di prestigio a livello internazionale, insegnanti impegnati nel master, neo-abilitati nel tirocinio e studenti universitari dell\u2019indirizzo didattico.Le tematiche affrontate nelle relazioni plenarie da esperti italiani e stranieri hanno portato alla ribalta i principali nodi di ricerca attuale, particolarmente: quale curriculum possiamo condividere, alla luce delle ricerche internazionali, delle esperienze curricolari di vari Paesi nel mondo, dei risultati delle valutazioni nazionali e internazionali, dell\u2019uso di strumenti e materiali, delle metodologie laboratoriali e delle varie proposte di formazione docenti iniziali e in servizio."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ornella Robutti; Miranda Mosca"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["geometria, unito, matematica"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/DIFIMA_WEB-1.pdf"], ["title", "I docenti di matematica e di fisica di fronte ai mutamenti della scuola: concetti, processi, valutazioni"], ["doab_id", "17483"], ["language_unmapped", "ITALIANO"], ["isbns", ["9788867053537"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053537"]], [["description", "Uno studio complessivo e di lunga durata dedicato agli Hucpoldingi, un oggetto di ricerca fino a oggi di difficile inquadramento per gli studiosi. Accostati al supposto governo comitale della citt\u00e0 di Bologna dall\u2019erudizione ottocentesca, gli Hucpoldingi sono rimasti per lungo tempo ai margini delle ricostruzioni di storia politica del regno italico altomedievale proprio per l\u2019ampiezza d\u2019azione che caratterizz\u00f2 il gruppo parentale per pi\u00f9 di due secoli, dal IX all\u2019XI. La dispersione geografica dei fondi documentari che attestano la loro azione li ha resi inafferrabili a lungo, nel loro insieme. La ricerca affronta la ricostruzione delle vicende politiche dei diversi membri della parentela, del loro patrimonio e delle clientele loro connesse nei vari settori del regno. Esamina infine gli elementi peculiari del gruppo, dai quali emergono i caratteri del loro potere, le strategie di memoria e le nozioni di autoconspevolezza comuni ai diversi individui."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edoardo Manarini"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Manarini_web_definitivo.pdf"], ["title", "I due volti del potere"], ["doab_id", "19992"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054534"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054534"]], [["description", "David Pol presents an ontology of war in the form of the lyric poem.\u201cDo you hearwhat I\u2019m shooting at you?\u201dIn I Open Fire, all relation is warfare. Minefields compromise movement. Intention aims. Touch burns. Sex explodes bodies. Time ticks in bomb countdowns. Sound is sirens. Plenitude is debris. All of it under surveillance.\u201cMy world is critically injured.It was ambushed.\u201dThe poems in this book perform the reductions and repetitions endemic to war itself, each one returning the reader to the same, unthinkable place in which the range of human experience has been so flattened that, despite all the explosive action,\u201cAlmost nothing is happening.\u201dAgainst this backdrop, we continue to fall in love. But Pol\u2019s poems remind us that this is no reason for optimism. Does love offer a delusional escape from war, or are relationships the very definition of combat? These poems take up the themes of love, sex, marriage, touch, hope \u2014 in short, the many dimensions of interpersonal connection \u2014 in a world in unprecedentedly critical condition.\u201cAnd when the night goes offthe shock wavethrows us aparttoward each other.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Pol"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["poetry, love, warfare"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/2p2pf9vnrrh432b/Pol_I_Open_Fire_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "I Open Fire: Poems"], ["doab_id", "17884"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692298268"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692298268"]], [["description", "Il mondo degli strumenti di scrittura racchiude un silenzioso e sorprendente patrimonio d\u2019informazioni. Questi oggetti rientrano a pieno titolo nella cultura dell\u2019industrial design in una completezza di grande interesse tecnico e antropologico. Gli strumenti qui presentati sono alcuni tra i pi\u00f9 comuni e largamente presenti nella nostra vita quotidiana. Attraverso lo studio di questi oggetti, il volume esamina e raccoglie informazioni comparabili e riscontrabili in ogni altro prodotto industriale."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alessandro Titone"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Industrial design", " writing utensils", " material", " production", " history"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460509.pdf"], ["title", "I segreti degli strumenti di scrittura "], ["doab_id", "19883"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788860460509"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460509 "]], [["description", "This comprehensive study of Muslim jurist Ibn Taymiyya"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoover ,J."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Islam"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613314"], ["title", "Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism"], ["doab_id", "18469"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004158474", "9789047420194"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004158474 9789047420194"]], [["description", "In recent years, the debate about the free will has gained intensity. The phase of the heated debate has become a more pertinent and interdisciplinary. But still there are misunderstandings, misconceptions or ambiguities, which are sometimes accompanied by an attitude of denial discourse. This volume helps to highlight the self-perceptions and views of the concerned disciplines: Philosophy and Neuroscience, criminal science and criminal law practice, and not least the Forensic Psychiatry. The book does not claim to present definitive answers but provides clarifications that allow the interested reader to form an reflected opinion. The contributions have come from the first workshop of the Institute of Criminal Sciences at the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen in 2007.

In den letzten Jahren hat die Debatte um den freien Willen an Intensit\u00e4t gewonnen und nicht nur in den Feuilletons ihren Niederschlag gefunden. Die Phase der hitzigen Auseinandersetzung ist inzwischen einem st\u00e4rker sachbezogenen, vom Bem\u00fchen um Verstehen und Vermittlung gepr\u00e4gten interdisziplin\u00e4ren Diskurs gewichen. Doch noch immer bestehen Missverst\u00e4ndnisse, Fehlannahmen oder Unklarheiten, die zuweilen flankiert sind von einer Haltung der Diskursverweigerung. Der vorliegende Band tr\u00e4gt dazu bei, die Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisse und Sichtweisen der betroffenen Disziplinen klar herauszustellen, um auf diese Weise das Verbindende ebenso wie das Trennende besser erkennen zu k\u00f6nnen: Philosophie und Neurowissenschaften, Strafrechtswissenschaft und Strafrechtspraxis, und nicht zuletzt die Forensische Psychiatrie treten in das n\u00f6tige Zwiegespr\u00e4ch ein. Der Band nimmt nicht in Anspruch, endg\u00fcltige Antworten zu pr\u00e4sentieren, sondern liefert Kl\u00e4rungen, die es dem interessierten Leser erlauben, sich eine reflektierte Meinung zu bilden. Die Beitr\u00e4ge sind aus dem ersten Workshop des Instituts f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Jahr 2007 hervorgegangen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["free will", "philosophy", "neuroscience", "criminal science", "criminal law practice", "forensic psychiatry", "free will", "philosophy", "neuroscience", "criminal science", "criminal law practice", "forensic psychiatry"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610231"], ["title", "Das Ich und sein Gehirn - Die Herausforderung der neurobiologischen Forschung f\u00fcr das (Straf-)Recht"], ["doab_id", "13111"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875012"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875012"]], [["description", "An investigation of the meanings and iconography of the Stampede: an invented tradition that takes over the city of Calgary for 10 days every July. Since 1923, archetypal \u201cCowboys and Indians\u201d are seen again at the chuckwagon races, on the midway, and throughout Calgary. Each essay in this collection examines a facet of the experience\u2014from the images on advertising posters to the ritual of the annual parade. This study of the Calgary Stampede as a social phenomenon reveals the history and sociology of the city of Calgary and the social construc-tion of identity for western Canada as a whole."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Max Foran"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["western", "rodeo", "calgary", "stampede", "alberta"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120142"], ["title", "Icon, Brand, Myth: The Calgary Stampede"], ["doab_id", "14441"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425039", "9781897425053", "9781897425121"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425039 9781897425053 9781897425121"]], [["description", "The author of this innovative study argues that key politicians and their policy ideas, through \"ideational leadership\", have played an important role in the passing of structural reforms in the change-resistant German welfare state. This argument is based on in-depth case studies of individual reforms in health care, pensions and unemployment insurance since the early 1990s as well as a concise analysis of recent changes in family policy. Stiller concludes that Germany, traditionally a Bismarckian welfare state, has embarked on a path of 'hybridisation' that confronts German politics with growing societal divisions. This thought-provoking title is highly recommended for policymakers, scholars and students interested in the past and future reforms of the German welfare state, leadership, and the role of ideas in policymaking.

Hoe worden ingrijpende hervormingen in de alom als weerbarstig beschouwde Duitse welvaartsstaat doorgevoerd? Dit boek betoogt dat het 'idee\u00ebngerichte leiderschap' van vooraanstaande politici in belangrijke mate invloed heeft uitgeoefend op de institutionele veranderingen in het sociaal beleid. Sabina Stiller baseert haar bevindingen op diepgaande case studies van afzonderlijke hervormingen in de gezondheidszorg, pensioenen en werkloosheidsverzekering sinds het begin van de jaren '90 van de vorige eeuw. De auteur biedt een langetermijnperspectief op beleidshervormingen binnen deze gebieden, maar ook op gezinsbeleid waar recentelijk aanzienlijke hervormingen hebben plaatsgevonden. Ideational Leadership in German Welfare State Reform concludeert dat deze 'Bismarckiaanse' verzorgingsstaat zich op een pad van 'hybridisering' bevindt, die de Duitse politiek confronteert met groeiende sociale ongelijkheid. Dit boek is onmisbaar voor studenten, academici en mensen die ge\u00efnteresseerd zijn in de rol van beleidsidee\u00ebn, leiderschap en de recente hervormingen van de Duitse welvaartsstaat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stiller ,Sabina"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341460"], ["title", "Ideational Leadership in German Welfare State Reform : How Politicians and Policy Ideas Transform Resilient Institutions"], ["doab_id", "12623"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641861"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641861"]], [["description", "A Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro por interm\u00e9dio de seu Programa de Estudos Judaicos, vinculado \u00e0 Sub Reitoria de Extens\u00e3o e Cultura, apresenta este volume intitulado Identidade e Cidadania: como se expressa o juda\u00edsmo brasileiro composto de textos que foram apresentados durante o III Encontro Brasileiro de Estudos Judaicos, realizado de 23 a 25 de Abril de 2002, nesta Universidade.[Trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lewin, Helena"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/583jd"], ["title", "Identidade e cidadania: como se expressa o juda\u00edsmo brasileiro"], ["doab_id", "17163"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820182"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820182"]], [["description", "\"O livro integra a cole\u00e7\u00e3o \u201cDesafios Contempor\u00e2neos\u201d, cujo objetivo \u00e9 apresentar e discutir temas de interesse da sociedade em linguagem acess\u00edvel ao grande p\u00fablico, sem preju\u00edzo do rigor cient\u00edfico. No caso desta obra, os v\u00e1rios autores lan\u00e7am um olhar panor\u00e2mico sobre a quest\u00e3o da identidade nacional, de modo a contribuir para o debate sobre o que \u00e9 o Brasil e quem s\u00e3o os brasileiros.O trabalho foi dividido em cinco n\u00facleos tem\u00e1ticos: a quest\u00e3o racial, o corpo, a l\u00edngua, a religi\u00e3o e a cultura. Os ensaios procuram sempre adotar uma perspectiva ampla, do ponto de vista temporal e tem\u00e1tico, tendo como horizonte a compreens\u00e3o dos desafios sociais, pol\u00edticos, econ\u00f4micos e culturais do Brasil contempor\u00e2neos.\u00c9 feito ainda um amplo balan\u00e7o das diferentes formas de entender a identidade nacional, a partir da confronta\u00e7\u00e3o dos principais pensadores que se dedicaram ao assunto ao longo da hist\u00f3ria, e uma an\u00e1lise do estado atual das pesquisas sobre a identidade brasileira e os seus poss\u00edveis desdobramentos na \u00e1rea de ci\u00eancias humanas do pa\u00eds.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Cristina Carneiro; Luca, Tania Regina de; Guimar\u00e3es, Val\u00e9ria"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h5jt2"], ["title", "Identidades brasileiras: composi\u00e7\u00f5es e recomposi\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "19914"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579835155"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579835155"]], [["description", "Este livro procura contribuir para o conhecimento de um setor da sociedade que n\u00e3o se enquadra nos temas tradicionais, na medida em que trata de um grupo cuja identidade cultural foge dos padr\u00f5es e preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00edpicas do que foi a agenda dominante das Ci\u00eancias Sociais no Brasil at\u00e9 bem pouco tempo. Apesar de os judeus terem um papel importante na constru\u00e7\u00e3o de movimentos pol\u00edticos e ideol\u00f3gicos, na vida econ\u00f4mica e cient\u00edfica do Brasil, s\u00e3o pouqu\u00edssimos os trabalhos que procuraram compreender os processos socioculturais de forma\u00e7\u00e3o e transforma\u00e7\u00e3o da comunidade judaica no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bila"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h9ypr"], ["title", "Identidades judaicas no Brasil contempor\u00e2neo"], ["doab_id", "16855"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662601"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662601"]], [["description", "An important area of current research in epilepsy focuses on identifying the specific regions within the brain that are affected in individuals with recurring seizures. The epileptogenic process may result not only in pathology in focal cortical regions, but abnormalities in subcortical structures, such as thalamus and basal ganglia, and in intercortical and intracortical connecting white matter pathways. Novel methods of treating refractory epilepsy are urgently needed. The goal of identifying for each affected individual the specific brain regions that are involved offers the promise that novel methods of treatment will one day be developed that specifically target those abnormal regions. Researchers from disparate fields are required to develop and advance this area of research, and this current topic proposes to place a spotlight on the \u201cstate of the art\u201d of methods to identify the abnormal networks. Recent work covering a wide variety of disciplines and technologies, including dense array electroencephalography (dEEG), novel methods of analyses of both the interictal dEEG and intracranial EEG (icEEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), simultaneous fMRI-EEG, fMRI connectivity measures, simultaneous dEEG-icEEG, and techniques to coregister patient-specific MRI (including white matter pathways) and dEEG, are all examples of areas of research that have contributed to a greater understanding of potential epileptogenic regions. We asked for individuals with expertise in an area of research that expands an understanding of identifying epileptic networks to contribute to this research topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark Holmes; Don Tucker"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Epilepsy", "cerebral networks", "EEG coherence analysis", "tractography", "Seizure propagation", "epileptic spikes", "functional connectivity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/939/identifying-the-epileptic-network"], ["title", "Identifying the Epileptic Network"], ["doab_id", "17847"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192960"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192960"]], [["description", "Developing independence as a learner is necessary for becoming a lifelong learner in an increasingly changing world. However, an individual without a community and socially shared learning processes is not an ideal for learning the skills for cooperation, creativity, or solving common problems. This book introduces the readers the perspective of identity development to learning processes, and particularly the questions of learning information literacy.The revised national school curriculum 2014 in Finland (implemented from Fall term 2016) emphasizes developing the students\u2019 metaskills for learning. These metaskills can be described as aptitudes and skills for independent knowledge acquisition, problem-solving and creative thinking. This will act as a framework for the book. The contents includes discussion on the concepts of identity and information literacy, and their central role in becoming an independent learner willing to share and learn from others. The book also discusses enhancing the identity development processes and reaching the skilled levels of information literacy. The book is intended for teachers interested in developing pedagogical practices. It will also help pedagogically thinking information professional to develop their instruction and information training. The ideas and frameworks introduced in the book will also be useful for students in education, informatics and other areas which explore issues of identity development and information literacy.

Tavoitteena itsen\u00e4inen oppija \u2013identiteetin ja informaatiolukutaitojen vahvistaminen koulutuksessaPeruskoulutuksen uusi, vuonna 2014 vahvistettu opetussuunnitelma korostaa oppimistavoitteena laaja-alaista osaamista \u2013 oppijan metavalmiuksia. Kehitys itsen\u00e4isen\u00e4 oppijana luo tiedollista taidollista ja asenteellista perustaa el\u00e4m\u00e4n hallintaan yhteiskunnassa, jossa muutokset ovat nopeita ja vaikeasti ennakoitavia.T\u00e4m\u00e4 kirja tarkastelee itsen\u00e4isen oppijuuden kahta keskeist\u00e4 peruspilaria: identiteetti\u00e4 ja informaatiolukutaitoa (monilukutaitoa). N\u00e4m\u00e4 ovat n\u00e4ytt\u00e4v\u00e4sti esill\u00e4 uuden opetussuunnitelman oppimistavoitteina.T\u00e4m\u00e4 kirja esittelee laajaan tutkimukseen perustuvan n\u00e4k\u00f6kulman identiteetin ja informaatiolukutaidon kehittymisen kysymyksiin:\u2022 mist\u00e4 identiteetiss\u00e4 ja informaatiolukutaidossa on kyse?\u2022 miksi niiden rooli on niin keskeinen itsen\u00e4isen oppijan kehityksess\u00e4?\u2022 miten itsen\u00e4isen oppijan kehityst\u00e4 voidaan k\u00e4yt\u00e4nn\u00f6n opetuksessa tukea?Kirja on kirjoitettu opettajille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita itsen\u00e4isen oppijan kehittymist\u00e4 tukevista pedagogisista k\u00e4yt\u00e4nn\u00f6ist\u00e4. Se on suunnattu my\u00f6s pedagogisille informaatikoille, jotka kehitt\u00e4v\u00e4t informaatiolukutaidon opetusta yhdess\u00e4 opettajien kanssa. Kirja sopii my\u00f6s oppikirjaksi kasvatustieteen ja informaatiotutkimuksen koulutusyksik\u00f6ille."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ropo ,Eero (ed.); Sormunen ,Eero (ed.); Heinstr\u00f6m ,Jannica (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["identity", "information literacy", "learning research", "teaching research"]], ["publisher", "Tampere University Press"], ["language", ["fi"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594960"], ["title", "IDENTITEETIST\u00c4 INFORMAATIOLUKUTAITOON: tavoitteena itsen\u00e4inen ja yhteis\u00f6llinen oppija"], ["doab_id", "18418"], ["language_unmapped", "Finnish"], ["isbns", ["9789514499197", "9789514499203"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789514499197 9789514499203"]], [["description", "\"Identities in Practice draws a nuanced picture of how the experience of migration affects the process through which Sikhs in Finland and California negotiate their identities. What makes this study innovative with regard to the larger context of migration studies is the contrast it provides between experiences at two Sikh migration destinations. By using an ethnographic approach, Hirvi reveals how practices carried out in relation to work, dress, the life-cycle, as well as religious and cultural sites, constitute important moments in which Sikhs engage in the often transnational art of negotiating identities.Laura Hirvi\u2019s rich ethnographic account brings to the fore how the construction of identities is a creative process that is conditioned and infiltrated by questions of power. Identities in Practice will appeal to scholars who are interested in the study of cultures, identities, migration, religion, and transnationalism.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hirvi ,Laura"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sikh", "Immigrants", "Identity", "Practice", "Finland", "California"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617164"], ["title", "Identities in Practice: A Trans-Atlantic Ethnography of Sikh immigrants in Finland and in California"], ["doab_id", "19778"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522224705", "9789522227478", "9789522225276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522224705 9789522227478 9789522225276"]], [["description", "The volume deals with some of the most relevant issues related to the identity of the public library and its historical, cultural, social, organizational changes, according to a comparative perspective. The topics are covered in four sections (History, Present and Future of the Public Library; Models of Analysis, Measurement, Evaluation; Complexity Challenges; Work in Progress), thus providing a wide overview of the present and the future of an institution paramount in improving people\u2019s lives."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Margarita P\u00e9rez Pulido; Maurizio Vivarelli"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["library, public library, changes, books"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Vivarelli_definitivo_persito.pdf"], ["title", "The identity of the contemporary public library"], ["doab_id", "19230"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867054688"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054688"]], [["description", "Este livro tem o sabor de uma aventura. Seu caminho \u00e9 a estreita \u00e1rea comum que se delineia entre as t\u00e9cnicas estruturalistas de an\u00e1lise do discurso e a problem\u00e1tica posta pelos trabalhos pol\u00edticos sobre o populismo.[...][trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Debert, Guita Grin"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b23ds"], ["title", "Ideologia e populismo: Adhemar de Barros, Miguel Arraes, Carlos Lacerda, Leonel Brizola"], ["doab_id", "16674"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662724"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662724"]], [["description", "In a brief essay called Des espaces autres (1984) Michel Foucault announced that after the nineteenth century, which was dominated by a historical outlook, the current century might rather be the century of space. His prophecy has been fulfilled: the end of the twentieth century witnessed a \u2018spatial turn\u2019 in humanities which was perhaps partly due to the globalisation of our modern world. Inspired by the spatial turn in the humanities, this volume presents a number of essays on the ideological role of space in literary texts. The individual articles analyse ancient and modern literary texts from the angle of the most recent theoretical conceptualisations of space. The focus throughout is on how the experience of space is determined by dominant political, philosophical or religious ideologies and how, in turn, the description of spaces in literature is employed to express, broadcast or deconstruct this experience. By bringing together ancient and modern, mostly postcolonial texts, this volume hopes to stimulate discussion among disciplines and across continents. Among the authors discussed are: Homer, Nonnus, Alcaeus of Lesbos, Apollonius of Rhodes, Vergil, Herodotus, Panagiotis Soutsos, Assia Djebar, Tahar Djaout, Olive Senior, Jamaica Kincaid, Stefan Heym, Benoit Dutuertre, Henrik Stangerup and David Malouf."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heirman ,Jo; Klooster ,Jacqueline"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literary theory", "Lived Space", "Chronotope", "Ideology"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=498512"], ["title", "The Ideologies of Lived Space in Literary Texts, Ancient and Modern"], ["doab_id", "16266"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789038221021"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038221021"]], [["description", "Though the extreme right was not particularly successful in the 1999 European elections, it continues to be a major factor in the politics of Western Europe. This book, newly available in paperback, provides a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the extreme right in the Netherlands (Centrumdemocraten, Centrumpartij'86), Belgium (Vlaams Blok) and Germany (Die Republikaner, Deutsche Volksunion). On the basis of original research - using party literature - the author concludes that though individual parties might stress different issues, the extreme right party family does share a core ideology of nationalism, xenophobia, welfare chauvinism, and law and order. The author's research and conclusions clearly have broader implications for the study of the extreme right phenomenon and party ideology in general, and the book should be of interest to anyone studying or researching in the areas of European politics, political ideologies, political parties, extremism, racism or nationalism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mudde ,Cas"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["extremism", "facism", "racism", "xenophobia"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341385"], ["title", "The ideology of the extreme right"], ["doab_id", "12582"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719057939"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719057939"]], [["description", "This third volume of Lage Landen Studies offers a glimpse of recent international and internationalizing trends in Dutch Studies. It presents a comparative view of the virtually synchronic dynamics of the translation, promotion and reception of contemporary Dutch author Arnon Grunberg in five Romance languages between 1996 and 2009.This interdisciplinary approach, which focuses on the crossroads of language, literature and culture, as well as on aspects of the sociologies of literature and translation, is combined with views from translation studies, comparative literature, and bibliology in order to build bridges between theory and practice.The first part is devoted to the seldom-heard perspective of the translator and dissects the circumstances in which works by Arnon Grunberg \u2013 and by his heteronym Marek van der Jagt \u2013 are translated, promoted and received in five Romance languages. The function and \u2018visual translation\u2019 of book covers are also analyzed. Notwithstanding the relative homogeneity of the languages, their cultural background and geographical location, remarkable differences come to light. The first part rounds off by looking at the promotional possibilities of writer\u2019s tours and translation workshops in the target countries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ross ,Dolores ; Pos ,Arie ; Mertens ,Marleen "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Arnon Grunberg", "Dutch literature", "romance languages", "translation", "promotion", "reception"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=436097"], ["title", "Ieder zijn eigen Arnon Grunberg. Vertaling, promotie en receptie in Itali\u00eb, Spanje, Cataloni\u00eb, Portugal en Roemeni\u00eb"], ["doab_id", "15225"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038219042"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038219042"]], [["description", "Boris Vian is a rare phenomenon. Nothing short of a national treasure in France, he is hardly known overseas. In his lifetime, he divided literary opinion with masterpieces that failed to sell and best sellers that caused outrage, trials and even deaths, including his own. As an impresario, he became the figurehead of the jazz scene that marked the French left bank at the end of the Second World War and was responsible for bringing Duke Ellington and Miles Davis to France. As a musician, he played his trumpet against the advice of cardiologists, sang pacifist songs before audiences of outraged patriots and, in passing, created French rock \u2018n\u2019 roll. Posthumously, he became known for his theatre, film scripts and poetry as well as for his novels. And in May \u201968 he became a revolutionary icon."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rolls ,Alistair; West-Sooby ,John; Fornasiero ,Jean"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["boris vian", "if i say if", "the poems and short stories of boris vian", "je veux pas crever", "maria freij", "peter hodges", "a life in paradox", "the poetry of boris vian", "translation", "translated", "rereading vian: a poetics of partial disclosure", "the short stories of boris vian", "christelle conzalo", "francois roulmann", "audrey camus", "boris vian and short fiction", "translating boris vian", "french english"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560101"], ["title", "If I say If: The Poems and Short Stories of Boris Vian"], ["doab_id", "16101"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064622"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064622"]], [["description", "The public library is the prime community access point designed to respond to a multitude of ever-changing information needs. These guidelines are framed to provide assistance to library and information professionals in most situations. They assist to better develop effective services, relevant collections, and accessible formats within the context and requirements of the local community. In this exciting and complex information world it is important for professionals in search of knowledge, information and creative experience to succeed. This is the 2nd edition of The Public Library Service IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines for Development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gubbin, Barbara; Koontz, Christie "], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/43971"], ["title", "IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines"], ["doab_id", "18075"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110232271", "9783110232264"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110232271, 9783110232264"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Koops, Willem Roelf Henderikus; Wieder, Joachim"], ["date", "1977"], ["subject", ["Festschrift", "International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783111356655&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "IFLA's First Fifty Years. Achievement and challenge in international librarianship"], ["doab_id", "15140"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783111356655"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783111356655"]], [["description", "The \"Medici Project\" \u2013 launched in 2004 \u2013 comprises a palaeopathological study of the corpses of the Medici buried in the Medici Chapels. The exhumations which took place in the past have altered the original state of the sepulchres, frequently compromising their conservation. Through the study of archive documents and iconographic material, this book is offered as a contribution to the contextualisation of these operations, and represents not only a starting-point for further investigations, but a fundamental working tool for the \"Medici Project\" itself.

Illacrimate sepolture prende spunto dalla recente ricerca paleopatologica e storica delle salme dei membri della famiglia Medici, sepolti nella cripta delle Cappelle Medicee, per guardare indietro alla storia delle precedenti esumazioni, a partire dal 1559, quando furono traslati i corpi di Lorenzo il Magnifico e di Giuliano, suo fratello, fino alla esumazione del secolo scorso, condotta da Giuseppe Genna e Gaetano Pieraccini. Ripercorrere le vicende di queste sepolture, spiegando le motivazioni delle scelte (a volte discutibili) del passato, e contestualizzando i diversi interventi alla luce delle esigenze che li avevano motivati, pu\u00f2 infatti servire a indicare la strada pi\u00f9 giusta ai ricercatori attualmente impegnati nel Progetto Medici. Fondata su documenti d'archivio e materiale iconografico prevalentemente inedito, la presente ricerca si propone quindi come punto di partenza per indagini ulteriori, e come imprescindibile strumento di lavoro."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lippi, Donatella"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Medicine", "Science", "Exhumations", "Medici", "Florence", "Medicina", "Scienza", "Riesumazioni", "Medici", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356387"], ["title", "Illacrimate sepolture"], ["doab_id", "13181"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884535214", "9788884535221"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884535212 8884535220"]], [["description", "Making illegal residence unattractive is a way for Western governments to limit migration from non-Western countries. Focusing on Dutch neighbourhoods with substantial levels of unauthorised migrants, Illegal Residence and Public Safety in the Netherlands examines how restrictive immigration policy influences immigrant crime and perceived neighborhood security. Salient questions arise. To what extent, and under which conditions, do illegal residence and illegal migration impact public safety? Does having illegal residence status influence how people observe or break the law and other social rules? Do their ties with established groups, such as legal migrants, employers and partners, have any sway? Answers to these issues begin surfacing in this rich combination of quantitative information, comprising police figures and surveys on victimisation, and qualitative sources, including interviews at the Dutch Aliens Custody and urban field research.

Illegal Residence and Public Safety in the Netherlands is een onderzoek naar de gevolgen van de steeds drastischere maatregelen om illegaal verblijf in Nederland tegen te gaan. EU-lidstaten als Nederland hanteren steeds zwaardere voorwaarden voor immigratie vanuit niet-westerse landen en niet-Europese landen. Arjen Leerkes onderzocht in hoeverre het verblijf en de migratie van illegale immigranten gevolgen hebben voor de publieke veiligheid en criminaliteit in Nederland. Zijn illegale immigranten eerder geneigd tot criminaliteit of weerhoudt hun juridische status hen er juist van?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Leerkes ,Arjen"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340002"], ["title", "Illegal Residence and Public Safety in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "12702"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640499"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640499"]], [["description", "This publication, which includes contributions from German, French and American academics, pays tribute to the multi faceted researcher Ernst Kris (1900 Vienna -1957 New York) from the perspective of different disciplines. In fact one needs three job descriptions to chart his output: art historian, psychoanalyst and communication scientist. At 22, Kris had concluded his art history studies at Vienna University with a doctoral thesis on the technique of casting from life in the late Renaissance, and had worked as a curator at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. By the middle of the 1920s he had already met Sigmund Freud and started an analysis \u2013 which made him slowly turn away from classical art history. In this period he developed his most interesting and fruitful texts, which founded his reputation as an art psychologist: his studies on the early classicist sculptor Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1932/33), the text \u201cOn the psychology of caricature\u201d (1934) and the small book he co-authored with Otto Kurz: \u201cThe Legend of the Artist\u201d (1934). In 1938, immediately after the \u201cAnschluss\u201d, Kris followed Freud into exile in London, and in 1940 he moved with his family to New York. Here he initially devoted himself primarily to questions of communication science, setting up working groups to analyse the propaganda of the Axis alliance with astonishing speed. Later he taught at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, concentrating on child psychology. He set up research units at the Yale Child Study Center and from 1945 he edited the newly founded journal \u201cThe Psychoanalytic Study of the Child\u201d. He died in New York, highly respected as an important advocate of Ego-Psychology. Thus Kris developed, partly through choice and partly by force of circumstance, a multi-disciplinary approach which is more in demand than ever today: due to the broadening of art history into a science of images, the questions that a psychologically aware communication science is confronted with today, and the recent understanding of psychoanalysis as a form of cultural investigation. Bearing this view of Kris in mind, the contributions to this publication review his writing in a newly critical way, place it in its historical context and highlight what it predicts. The publication opens up Kris\u2019 work, which is still, unjustly, only known through some key terms in the disciplines he covers.

Der Band mit Aufs\u00e4tzen von deutschen, franz\u00f6sischen und amerikanischen Wissenschaftlern w\u00fcrdigt den facettenreichen Forscher Ernst Kris (Wien 1900\u20131957 New York) aus den Blickwinkeln verschiedener Disziplinen. Tats\u00e4chlich muss man, um sein Schaffen zu umrei\u00dfen, drei Berufsbezeichnungen bem\u00fchen: Kunsthistoriker, Psychoanalytiker und Kommunikationsforscher. Mit 22 Jahren hatte Kris sein Kunstgeschichtsstudium an der Wiener Universit\u00e4t mit einer Promotionsschrift zum Naturabgussverfahren in der Sp\u00e4trenaissance abgeschlossen und war als Kurator am Kunsthistorischen Museum angestellt worden. Bereits Mitte der 20er Jahre begegnete er Sigmund Freud und begann eine Lehranalyse \u2013 wodurch er sich langsam von der klassischen Kunstgeschichte abwandte. Dabei entstanden seine interessantesten und fruchtbarsten Texte, die seinen Ruf als Kunstpsychologe begr\u00fcndeten, die Studien zum fr\u00fchklassizistischen Bildhauer Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1932/33), der Aufsatz \u201eZur Psychologie der Karikatur\u201c (1934) und die mit Otto Kurz verfasste Schrift \u201eDie Legende vom K\u00fcnstler\u201c (1934). 1938, gleich nach dem \u201eAnschluss\u201c, folgte Kris Freud ins Exil nach London, 1940 ging er mit seiner Familie nach New York City. Hier widmete er sich zun\u00e4chst vor allem kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, indem er mit erstaunlichem Tempo Abteilungen zur Analyse der Achsenpropaganda aufbaute. In der Folge lehrte er am New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute und konzentrierte seine Energie auf die Psychologie des Kindes. Er richtete Forschungsgruppen am Yale Child Study Center ein und gab ab 1945 die neu gegr\u00fcndete Zeitschrift \u201eThe Psychoanalytic Study of the Child\u201c heraus. Hochgeachtet als wichtiger Vertreter der Ich-Psychologie starb er in New York.Kris entwickelte somit, halb freiwillig, halb erzwungen, eine Multidisziplinarit\u00e4t, die heute gefragter ist denn je \u2013 aufgrund der Ausweitung der Kunstgeschichte zu einer Bildwissenschaft als \u00e4sthetischer Leitdisziplin; aufgrund der Anforderungen, die heute an eine psychologisch informierte Kommunikationswissenschaft gestellt werden; sowie aufgrund des aktuellen Verst\u00e4ndnisses der Psychoanalyse als Kulturanalyse.Die Beitr\u00e4ge des vorliegenden Bandes tragen dieser Sicht auf Kris Rechnung, indem sie seine Texte einer neuen kritischen Sichtung unterziehen, sie in ihrer Zeit w\u00fcrdigen und auf das Vorausschauende in ihnen hinweisen. So erschlie\u00dfen sie ein Werk, von dem in den betreffenden F\u00e4chern zu Unrecht meist nur einige Kernbegriffe bekannt sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kr\u00fcger ,Steffen; R\u00f6ske ,Thomas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, Art History, Communication Science"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453614"], ["title", "Im Dienste des Ich"], ["doab_id", "15522"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788966"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788966"]], [["description", "Until today, the death of Charles VI and Maria Theresia\u2019s ascending the throne 1740 is seen as a major turning point in Austrian history. But now is the question of whether in different \u201clayers\u201d and \u201crooms\u201d without doubt fundamental change between 1720 and 1780 not differentiated must be seen against the background of the concept of interface (\u201cSattelzeit\u201d/Reinhart Koselleck). On the basis of the space \u201cViennese court\u201d, where the change of rulers in its effects most likely can be documented, attempts from the perspective of different disciplines (the so called \u201cHofk\u00fcnste\u201d \u2013 literature/poetry, arts, theatre/dance, music) point out continuities and discontinuities.

Bis heute wird der Tod Karls VI. und der Regierungsantritt Maria Theresias 1740 als eine einschneidende Z\u00e4sur in der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichte gesehen. Doch nun stellt sich vor dem Hintergrund eines weitergefassten Schnittstellenbegriffes (Reinhart Koselleck) die Frage, ob der zweifellos grundlegende Wandel zwischen 1720 und 1780 nicht differenzierter gesehen werden muss. Ausgehend vom Raum des Wiener Hofes, an dem der Herrscherwechsel in seinen Auswirkungen am ehesten dokumentiert werden kann, wird aus der Sicht sogenannten Hofk\u00fcnste versucht, Kontinuit\u00e4ten und Diskontinuit\u00e4ten aufzuzeigen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fritz-Hilscher ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["musicology, austrian history, baroque, hapsburg, representation", "Musikwissenschaft, \u00f6sterreichische Geschichte, Barock, Habsburg, Repr\u00e4sentation"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=446019"], ["title", "Im Dienste einer Staatsidee"], ["doab_id", "15386"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205789277"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205789277"]], [["description", "This study reveals that in medieval Dutch vernacular texts (from the Brabantine authors Jan van Boendale, Lodewijk van Velthem, and Jan van Leeuwen, and in the anonymous Boek van Sidrac) the treatment of individual and universal eschatological topics and themes, such as death, heaven, hell, purgatory, the Antichrist, eschatological people, and Judgement Day is dedicated to moral and ethical guidance to prepare oneself during lifetime for the afterlife. Central to all texts is the fate of the souls in the afterlife and guidelines to assure redemption on Judgment Day. This includes the ability to recognize the signs of the End properly. The vernacular eschatological discourse is considered as an inherent part of the intellectual emancipation of the laity in the later Middle Ages. This book is of interest not only to Dutch and German philologists, but also to historians and anyone interested in the history of religion, especially of eschatology and apocalypticism. This study was awarded with the 2013 Mgr. C. de Clercqprijs of the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgi\u00eb voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts) for an outstanding work in the field 'History of Religions of Flanders'.

Im \u201eeurop\u00e4ischen Krisenjahrhundert\u201c zwischen dem fr\u00fchen 14. und dem 15. Jh. gerieten in zeitgen\u00f6ssischer Wahrnehmung auch allt\u00e4gliche Lebensbereiche aus dem Gleichgewicht. Seit dem 13. Jh. verst\u00e4rkt in Lateineuropa aufgekommene Bed\u00fcrfnisse, sich mit Lebenssinn und Ewigkeitshoffnung auseinanderzusetzen, verst\u00e4rkten sich. Gemessen an dem Ma\u00df, in dem vielfach volkssprachige prophetische und eschatologische Texte (DEM sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Medium der Gegenwartsbew\u00e4ltigung und Zukunftsplanung) zu den bis dahin lateinischen hinzutraten, ergriff dies viel breitere soziale Schichten, nicht zuletzt st\u00e4dtische Kreise. Aus Flandern, einem der wichtigsten st\u00e4dtischen Milieus der Zeit, stammen die Autoren der Texte, die Ulrike Wuttke in diesem bedeutenden Beitrag zu sp\u00e4tmittelalterlicher und fr\u00fchreformatorischer Fr\u00f6mmigkeit und gesellschaftspolitischem Nachdenken von allen Seiten ebenso akribisch wie im Blick auf gro\u00dfe Zusammenh\u00e4nge erforscht hat. (Felicitas Schmieder, FernUniversit\u00e4t in Hagen) Ausgezeichnet mit dem Mgr. Charles De Clerqprijs 2013 f\u00fcr Fl\u00e4mische Religionsgeschichte der Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgi\u00eb voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (K\u00f6nigliche Fl\u00e4mische Akademie Belgiens f\u00fcr Wissenschaften und K\u00fcnste)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wuttke, Ulrike"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["history of religion", "literature", "literary studies", "history of religion", "literature", "literary studies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617090"], ["title", "Im Diesseits das Jenseits bereiten - Eschatologie, Laienbildung und Zeitkritik bei den mittelniederl\u00e4ndischen Autoren Jan von Boendale, Lodewijk van Velthem und Jan van Leeuwen"], ["doab_id", "19764"], ["language_unmapped", "German^other"], ["isbns", ["9783863952747"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952747"]], [["description", "The relationship between the intellectual development of the young Georg Lukacs and the culture of Vienna around the turn of the century was investigated in the research project: Georg Lukacs and Vienna. Because of this the main point of interest was to investigate aspects of his work which stand in relation to Vienna around 1900.First of all the results of previous research about the theme 'Lukacs and Vienna' were held onto. After this, the methodical procedure from cultural studies about the turn of the century, which are treated as the standard works in this field, we re sketched out and the methods for contemporary works were laid down. The relevant biographical facts were laid out in two chapters about his life and his education - with special attention being paid to the question of his introduction to the problems of contemporary Austrian philosophy. The effect of Rudolf Kassner on Lukacs thoughts around 1910 seems to be very important. Lukacs' literature critical texts on modern Austrian drama especially the literature of Arthur Schnitzler and Richard Beer-Hofmann play a central role. The theories, which are developed in these texts, were made more precise in a discussion with Mihaly Babits as well as in the text: Aesthetic Culture. Following this Lukacs' aesthetical Heidelberg writings, which are relevant to the investigation of this project, were analyzed. The insight into the theories, which show up in Lukacs' texts, which was won in the research project through the aforementioned writings was then deepened with consideration to the Jewish Question as well as with an analysis of the concepts of liberalism, culture, and the Modern. At the same time Lukacs' activities were placed in the context of Central Europe. In addition the question was answered: what meaning did the relationship between Lukacs and Vienna have for his later development.The result of the project is that insight into Georg Lukacs must be viewed in the context of modernity and Central Europe, in order to understand his activity and, in a very concrete way, in order to understand his individual texts. If one doesn't take his contradictory relationship to Vienna around 1900 and to the Modern and Central Europe into account he remains a confused solitary person. Afurther and perhaps even more important result is: When one places Lukacs in the relation of these aforementioned intellectual-historical appearances, these appearances themselves win on dimensions, which first make their understanding possible.

Im Forschungsprojekt Georg Luk\u00e1cs und Wien wurde das Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen der intellektuellen Entwicklung des jungen Georg Luk\u00e1cs und der Kultur der Wiener Jahrhundertwende untersucht. Schwerpunkt war es daher, Luk\u00e1cs' T\u00e4tigkeit nach Aspekten zu untersuchen, welche mit der Wiener Kultur um 1900 in Zusammenhang stehen.Als erstes wurde das \u00fcber das Thema. 'Luk\u00e1cs und Wien' in der bisherigen Forschung Gesagte festgehalten. Es wurde anschlie\u00dfend das methodische Vorgehen der als Standardwerke geltenden Kulturstudien \u00fcber die Wiener Jahrhundertwende skizziert und die Methode der vorliegenden Arbeit bestimmt. Die relevanten biographischen Fakten wurden in den zwei Kapiteln \u00fcber Luk\u00e1cs' Leben und \u00fcber seine Ausbildung mit Schwerpunkt auf der Frage nach der Vermittlung der Probleme der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen \u00f6sterreichischen Philosophie an ihn - festgehalten. Wesentlich erscheint die Wirkung von Rudolf Kassner auf Luk\u00e1cs' Denken um 1910 zu sein. Eine zentrale Stelle nehmen Luk\u00e1cs' literaturkritische Texte \u00fcber das moderne \u00f6sterreichische Drama und insbesondere \u00fcber die Literatur von Arthur Schnitzler und Richard Beer-Hofmann ein. Die in diesen Texten entwickelten Theorien wurden von Luk\u00e1cs in einer Diskussion mit Mih\u00e1ly Babits bzw. im Text \u00c4sthetische Kultur pr\u00e4zisiert. Anschliegend wurden die f\u00fcr die Fragestellung des Projekts relevanten Thesen von Luk\u00e1cs' Heidelberger \u00e4sthetischen Schriften analysiert. Die Einsicht in die in Luk\u00e1cs-Texten erscheinenden Theorien, welche im Forschungsprojekt mit den soeben aufgez\u00e4hlten Schritten gewonnen worden ist, wurde mit \u00dcberlegungen zur 'j\u00fcdischen Frage' bzw. mit der Analyse der Begriffe 'Liberalismus', 'Kultur' und 'Moderne' vertieft. Gleichzeitig wurde Luk\u00e1cs' T\u00e4tigkeit in den Kontext von 'Mitteleuropa' gesetzt. Abschlie\u00dfend wurde die Frage beantwortet, welche Bedeutung Luk\u00e1cs' Verh\u00e4ltnis zu Wien f\u00fcr seine weitere Entwicklung hatte.Ergebnis des Projektes ist die Einsicht, da\u00df Georg Luk\u00e1cs im Kontext von Modernit\u00e4t und Mitteleuropa betrachtet werden mu\u00df, um seine T\u00e4tigkeit, und auch ganz konkret seine einzelnen Texte verstehen zu k\u00f6nnen. Ber\u00fccksichtigt man sein widerspr\u00fcchliches Verh\u00e4ltnis zu Wien um 1900, zur Moderne und zu Mitteleuropa nicht, bleibt er ein verirrter Einzelner. Ein weiteres, und vielleicht noch bedeutenderes Ergebnis ist: Stellt man Luk\u00e1cs in den Zusammenhang mit jenen geistesgeschichtlichen. Erscheinungen, gewinnen diese Erscheinungen selbst an Dimensionen, welche ihr Verstehen erst erm\u00f6glichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "K\u00f3kai ,K\u00e1roly"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Georg Lukacs, Vienna around 1900"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437218"], ["title", "Im Nebel"], ["doab_id", "15339"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992851"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205992851"]], [["description", "Cultural, social and economic history of municipal steam baths in early modern times

Kultur-. Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte st\u00e4dtischer Dampfb\u00e4der in der fr\u00fchen Neuzeit"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00fcchner ,Robert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["bathhouse, barber surgeon, personal hygiene, sociability, Tirol, Rattenberg", "Badhaus, Bader, Wundarzt, K\u00f6rperpflege, Geselligkeit, Tirol, Rattenberg"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=467998"], ["title", "Im st\u00e4dtischen Bad vor 500 Jahren"], ["doab_id", "15861"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795094"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795094"]], [["description", "The \u201eFlecken Adelebsen\u201c at the edge of the \u201eSolling\u201c in southern Lower-Saxony looks back to 300 years of jewish history. In 19th century it was named \u201cLittle Jerusalem\u201d because of the high number of jewish habitants. Today only the jewish graveyard has outlived. The aim of this documentation is to tap this \u201cHouse of Living\u201d as a new historical resource and do a part of an outstanding and necessary mourning work.

The \u201eFlecken Adelebsen\u201c at the edge of the \u201eSolling\u201c in southern Lower-Saxony looks back to 300 years of jewish history. In 19th century it was named \u201cLittle Jerusalem\u201d because of the high number of jewish habitants. Today only the jewish graveyard has outlived. The aim of this documentation is to tap this \u201cHouse of Living\u201d as a new historical resource and do a part of an outstanding and necessary mourning work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schaller, Berndt; Dietert, Eike; Kramer, Adelheid; Behnsen, Jens; K\u00f6nig, Ralf; Kollatz, Thomas"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Lower Saxony", "Bremen", "History", "History of Jewry beyond Israel", "Lower Saxony", "Bremen", "History", "History of Jewry beyond Israel"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610324"], ["title", "Im Steilhang - der j\u00fcdische Friedhof zu Adelebsen : Erinnerung an eine zerst\u00f6rte Gemeinschaft"], ["doab_id", "13235"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875142"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875142"]], [["description", "What is an image? How can we describe the experience of looking at images, and how do they become meaningful to us? In what sense are images like or unlike propositions? Participants of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium--philosophers as well as historians of art, science, and literature--provide many stimulating answers. Some of the contributions are dedicated to Wittgenstein\u2019s thoughts on images while others testify to the important role notions coined or inspired by Wittgenstein--\u201cseeing as\u201d, \u201cpicture games\u201d and the dichotomy of \u201csaying and showing\u201d--play in the field of picture theory today. This first volume of the Proceedings of the 2010 conference addresses readers interested in the history and theory of images, and in the philosophy of Wittgenstein."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Heinrich, Richard; Nemeth, Elisabeth ; Pichler, Wolfram ; Wagner, David"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209807"], ["title", "Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science and the Arts. Proceedings of the 33rd International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010"], ["doab_id", "18064"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110330519", "9783110330137", "9783110330526"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110330519, 9783110330137, 9783110330526"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark Lafia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/nx5azqxr7ytentk/Lafia_Image_Photograph_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Image Photograph"], ["doab_id", "17615"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780988234079"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780988234079"]], [["description", "

Aby M. Warburg (1866\u20131929) is recognized not only as one of the century\u2019s preeminent art and Renaissance historians but also as a founder of twentieth-century methods in iconology and cultural studies in general. Warburg\u2019s 1923 lecture, first published in German in 1988 and now available for the first time in English translation, Michael Steinberg offers offers at once a window on his career, a formative statement of his cultural history of modernity, and a document in the ethnography of the American Southwest. This edition includes thirty-nine photographs, many of them originally presented as slides with the speech, and a rich interpretive essay by the translator.

Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America translates Warburg\u2019s seminal study of the \u201cserpent ritual\u201d of the Hopi people, which grew out of a trip to the American Southwest undertaken by Warburg in 1895\u20131896.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Warburg, Aby M."], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Native Americans, Pueblo Indians, serpent worship, American southwest, ethnography, photography, Hopi"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23175415/9780801484353.pdf"], ["title", "Images from the Region of the Pueblo Indians of North America"], ["doab_id", "19902"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801484353"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801484353"]], [["description", "In The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture specialists in various fields of art history, from Early Christian times to the present, discuss in depth a series of Western artworks, artefacts, and buildings, which question the visualization of Jerusalem."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goudeau ,J.; Verhoeven ,M.; Weijers ,W."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613369"], ["title", "The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture"], ["doab_id", "18525"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004270824", "9789004270855"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004270824 9789004270855"]], [["description", "An international ensemble of folklore scholars looks at varied ways in which national and ethnic groups have traditionally and creatively used imagined states of existence-some idealizations, some demonizations-in the construction of identities for themselves and for others. Drawing on oral traditions, especially as represented in traditional ballads, broadsides, and tale collections, the contributors consider fertile landscapes of the mind where utopias overflow with bliss and abundance, stereotyped national and ethnic caricatures define the lives of \"\"others,\"\" nostalgia glorifies home and occupation, and idealized and mythological animals serve as cultural icons and guideposts to harmonious social life.Italian Canadian Luisa Del Giudice looks at the rich Italian variants of the traditional gastronomic utopia called Il Paese di Cuccagna, the Land of Cockaigne, \"\"a mythic land of plenty where rivers run with 'milk and honey' (wine, beer, coffee, or rum), food falls like manna from heaven, work is banished, and no one ever grows old\"\" and considers its persistence in immigrant worldview. From New Delhi, Sadhana Naithani examines the \"\"preface-d space\"\" that as India, colonial British authors imagined and passed on to readers in formulaic prefaces to collections of Indian folklore. Reimund Kvideland, of Norway, and Gerald Porter, an English scholar teaching in Finland, show how nineteenth-century Norwegian and English railway navvies (itinerant laborers) idealized their low-status occupations in song. In a second essay, Gerald Porter demonstrates through broadside ballad texts the role of caricatures of the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish in constructing \"\"Englishness.\"\" Turks were among the \"\"others\"\" Germans demonized, as Tom Cheesman, who teaches in Wales, explains in his paper on their historical representations in German street ballads. Cozette Griffin-Kremer of France paints a sweeping picture of the landscape of the mind that written and popular traditions of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales built around bovine bodies, the human-cow partnership, and the mysteries of domestication, thereby providing conceptions of transcendence of the human condition. Finally, Vaira Freibergs, a scholar and the current president of Latvia, explains the images of longing for idealized childhood homes that married women, exiled by a patrilocal culture, expressed in Latvian folksong."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giudice, Luisa D.; Porter, Gerald"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/60"], ["title", "Imagined States"], ["doab_id", "14734"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214574"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214574"]], [["description", "Astrocytes are key cellular partners to neurons in the brain. They play an important role in multiple processes such as neurotransmitter recycling, trophic support, antioxidant defense, ionic homeostasis, inflammatory modulation, neurovascular and neurometabolic coupling, neurogenesis, synapse formation and synaptic plasticity. In addition to their crucial involvement in normal brain physiology, it is well known that astrocytes adopt a reactive phenotype under most acute and chronic pathological conditions such as ischemia, trauma, brain cancer, epilepsy, demyelinating and neurodegenerative diseases. However, the functional impact of astrocyte reactivity is still unclear. During the last decades, the development of innovative approaches to study astrocytes has significantly improved our understanding of their prominent role in brain function and their contribution to disease states. In particular, new genetic tools, molecular probes, and imaging techniques that achieve high spatial and temporal resolution have revealed new insight into astrocyte functions in situ. This Research Topic provides a collection of cutting-edge techniques, approaches and models to study astrocytes in health and disease. It also suggests new directions to achieve discoveries on these fascinating cells."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carole Escartin; Keith Murai"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["neuron-astrocyte interactions", "Reactive astrocytes", "In vivo analysis", "high-resolution imaging", "brain imaging", "Electrophysiology", "gene transfer", "transgenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1056/imaging-and-monitoring-astrocytes-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "Imaging and monitoring astrocytes in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "17763"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193936"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193936"]], [["description", "In the course of the so-called \u2018economic and financial crisis\u2019 from 2008 onwards, there has been a fierce debate about the role and purpose of the European Union. It was led in politics and the media just as in academia. The economic usefulness of the Euro has been discussed, and the political implications of a fostered European unification. Most often, the state of Europeanization has been presented as being without alternatives: no Europe without Greece; no Euro without Greece; no way back to the nation state in its old form. As a result, the debate on Europe was largely narrowed down to the very questions of the immediate crisis, namely economics and fi nance. Only a few voices held that the crisis in fact was one of politics, not of economics. And only late did politicians mention again that Europe is more than the EU. Alternative views of Europe, however, were scarce and often presented full of consequences. It thus came without much surprise that the lacking imaginative power of politicians as well as intellectuals was criticized. The idea for this volume sprang from that situation. The editors invited scholars from various disciplines to present them with ways of imagining Europe that go beyond the rather limited view of EU institutions. How was, how is Europe imagined? Which memories are evoked, which visions explicated? Which counter-narratives to prominent discourses are there?

In the course of the so-called \u2018economic and financial crisis\u2019 from 2008 onwards, there has been a fierce debate about the role and purpose of the European Union. It was led in politics and the media just as in academia. The economic usefulness of the Euro has been discussed, and the political implications of a fostered European unification. Most often, the state of Europeanization has been presented as being without alternatives: no Europe without Greece; no Euro without Greece; no way back to the nation state in its old form. As a result, the debate on Europe was largely narrowed down to the very questions of the immediate crisis, namely economics and fi nance. Only a few voices held that the crisis in fact was one of politics, not of economics. And only late did politicians mention again that Europe is more than the EU. Alternative views of Europe, however, were scarce and often presented full of consequences. It thus came without much surprise that the lacking imaginative power of politicians as well as intellectuals was criticized. The idea for this volume sprang from that situation. The editors invited scholars from various disciplines to present them with ways of imagining Europe that go beyond the rather limited view of EU institutions. How was, how is Europe imagined? Which memories are evoked, which visions explicated? Which counter-narratives to prominent discourses are there?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klein, Lars; Tamcke, Martin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Europe", "Europeanization", "crisis", "Europe", "Europeanization", "crisis"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610386"], ["title", "Imagining Europe: Memory, Visions, and Counter-Narratives"], ["doab_id", "19190"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952327"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952327"]], [["description", "Imagining Global Amsterdam brings together new essays on the image of Amsterdam as articulated in film, literature, art, and urban discourse, considered within the context of globalization and its impact on urban culture. Subjects include: Amsterdam\u2019s place in global cultural memory; expressions of global consciousness in Amsterdam in the \u2018Golden Age\u2019; articulations of Amsterdam as a tolerant, multicultural, and permissive \u2018global village\u2019; and globalization\u2019s impact \u2018on the ground\u2019 through city branding, the cultural heritage industry, and cultural production in the city.Written by an interdisciplinary team of scholars, and united by a broad humanities approach, this collection forms a multifaceted inquiry into the dynamic relationship between Amsterdam, globalization, and the urban imaginary.

Imagining Global Amsterdam gaat over het beeld van Amsterdam in film, literatuur, visuele kunst en in het moderne stedelijke discours, in het bijzonder in de context van de mondialisering. De essays gaan onder andere dieper in op Amsterdam als een lieu de m\u00e9moire van de vroeg-moderne wereldhandel. Wat betekent deze herinnering in de hedendaagse cultuur? Waarom verwijzen zo veel contemporaine films en romans naar dit verleden terug? Ook het (inter)nationale imago van Amsterdam als een multicultureel en ultra-tolerant \u2018global village\u2019 komt aan bod. Waarom is dit beeld zo persistent, en hoe heeft het zich in de loop van de laatste decennia ontwikkeld? Tot slot wordt ingegaan op de vraag hoe mondialiseringsprocessen ingrijpen in de stadscultuur, zoals in het prostitutiegebied op de Wallen en via de erfgoedindustrie. Hoe manifesteert de mondialisering zich in de stad, en welke rol speelt beeldvorming daarbij? Deze bundel vormt een rijk geschakeerd onderzoek naar de relatie tussen Amsterdam, mondialisering en stedelijke beeldvorming. Marco de Waard is als docent literatuurwetenschap verbonden aan het Amsterdam University College."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waard ,Marco de"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Amsterdam", "History"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425750"], ["title", "Imagining Global Amsterdam : History, Culture, and Geography in a World City"], ["doab_id", "15171"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643674"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643674"]], [["description", "At the place known as Head-Smashed-In in southwestern Alberta, Aboriginal people practiced a form of group hunting for nearly 6,000 years before European contact. The large communal bison traps of the Plains were the single greatest food-getting method ever developed in human history. Hunters, working with their knowledge of the land and of buffalo behaviour, drove their quarry over a cliff and into wooden corrals. The rest of the group butchered the kill in the camp below. Author Jack Brink, who devoted 25 years of his career to \u201cThe Jump,\u201d has chronicled the cunning, danger, and triumph in the mass buffalo hunts and the culture they supported. He also recounts the excavation of the site and the development of the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre, which has hosted 2 million visitors since it opened in 1987. Brink\u2019s masterful blend of scholarship and public appeal is rare in any discipline, but especially in North American pre-contact archaeology. Brink attests, \u201cI love the story that lies behind the jump\u2014the events and planning that went into making the whole event work. I continue to learn more about the complex interaction between people, bison and the environment, and I continue to be impressed with how the ancient hunters pulled off these astonishing kills.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jack W. Brink"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["buffalo", "northern plains", "aboriginal hunting", "UNESCO heritage site"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120137"], ["title", "Imagining Head Smashed In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains"], ["doab_id", "14442"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425008", "9781897425046", "9781897425091"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425008 9781897425046 9781897425091"]], [["description", "Why is it that human rights are considered inviolable norms of justice at local and global scales although the number of their violations has steadily increased in modern history? On the surface, this paradox seems to be reducible to a straightforward discrepancy between idealism and reality in humanitarian affairs, but Imagining Human Rights complicates the picture by offering interdisciplinary perspectives on the imaginary status of human rights. By that the contributors mean not merely subject to imagination, open to interpretation or far too abstract, but also formative of a social imaginary with emphatic identifications and shared values. From a variety of disciplinary perspectives, they explore critical ways of engaging in rigorous interdisciplinary conversations about the origin and language of human rights, personal dignity, redistributive justice, and international solidarity. Together, they show how and why a careful examination of the intersection between disciplinary investigations is essential for imagining human rights at large. Examples range from the legitimacy of land ownership rights and the inadequacy of human faculty to make sense of mass violence in visual representation to the stewardship of human rights promoters and the genealogy of human rights."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kaul, Susanne; Kim, David D."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Literature, Dignity, Justice, Law"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/433538"], ["title", "Imagining Human Rights"], ["doab_id", "17942"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110376197", "9783110376616", "9783110387292"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110376197, 9783110376616, 9783110387292"]], [["description", "London is one of the world\u2019s leading cities. It is home to an extraordinary concentration and diversity of people, industries, politics, religions and ideas, and plays an important role in our highly globalised and tightly networked modern world.What does the future hold for London? Investigating any aspect of the city\u2019s future reveals a complex picture of interrelations and dependencies. The London 2062 Programme from University College London brings a new, cross-disciplinary and highly collaborative approach to investigating this complexity. The programme crosses departmental boundaries within the university, and promotes active collaboration between leading academics and those who shape London through policy and practice.This book approaches the question of London\u2019s future by considering the city in terms of Connections, Things, Power and Dreams."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bell ,Sarah; Paskins ,James"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["UCL Grand Challenges", "Sustainable Cities", "London 2062", "Architecture and planning", "Technology and Civil Engineering", "Future cities"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533881"], ["title", "Imagining the Future City: London 2062"], ["doab_id", "15566"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188181", "9781909188198", "9781909188204"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188181 9781909188198 9781909188204"]], [["description", "Based on a series of case studies of globally distributed media and their reception in different parts of the world, Imagining the Global reflects on what contemporary global culture can teach us about transnational cultural dynamics in the 21st century. A focused multisited cultural analysis that reflects on the symbiotic relationship between the local, the national, and the global, it also explores how individuals\u2019 consumption of global media shapes their imagination of both faraway places and their own local lives. Chosen for their continuing influence, historical relationships, and different geopolitical positions, the case sites of France, Japan, and the United States provide opportunities to move beyond common dichotomies between East and West, or United States and \u201cthe rest.\u201d From a theoretical point of view, Imagining the Global endeavors to answer the question of how one locale can help us understand another locale. Drawing from a wealth of primary sources\u2014several years of fieldwork; extensive participant observation; more than 80 formal interviews with some 160 media consumers (and occasionally producers) in France, Japan, and the United States; and analyses of media in different languages\u2014author Fabienne Darling-Wolf considers how global culture intersects with other significant identity factors, including gender, race, class, and geography. Imagining the Global investigates who gets to participate in and who gets excluded from global media representation, as well as how and why the distinction matters."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fabienne Darling-Wolf"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/nmw.12748915.0001.001"], ["title", "Imagining the Global: Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West"], ["doab_id", "19093"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072439", "9780472052431", "9780472900152", "9780472120796"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072439 9780472052431 9780472900152 9780472120796"]], [["description", "For the first time in scholarly art history we can offer now a systematical overview on the representation of night in her manifold appearances and manifestations, attributes and connections covering the time from the Ancient Orient, the Greek, the Roman World Empire, Early Christian, Middle Ages and Renaissance up to the Baroque. Intended is a sequel from the Enlightenment and the Romantic Movement up to modern times.Despite arranging the subject-matter in historical sections according to their chronological order it was necessary to take a not one-sided approach and to cope with thorough studies of single phenomenons. Therefore, viewpoints from many neighbour fields influenced interpretation and analysis. Far beyond their aesthetical function representations of night are linked as well as to literature as to religious, philosophical, astrological and theological ideas, e.g. night ranked in ancient times as the very - feminine - origin of entity which from arose the masculine day. Various like her appearances are also her colours. The Baroque era did not connect the night with black or blue as earlier periods did but with brown instead. Night may show herself as personification or as \"natural\" night, for example, as a moon landscape. The oldest known Nachtst\u00fcck, a fisherboat on a lake with reed and crescent, has been preserved on a pre-babylonian seal done in the beginning of the third millenium B.C. Night may symbolize the positive aspects of life, yet also stands for threatening powers (death, witchcraft, nightmare) and low instincts (base eroticism): Sometimes both is valid like in the case of sleep. Night and light belong together. In drawing from the shadow produced by a source of light in a dark room according to an old belief visual art came into existence. Among the newly acquired findings stands out the Nachtflei\u00df (diligence at night) which formed a much appreciated theme of pictures in the Renaissance. This means the nocturnal labor of princes, artists and scientists, who in burning the midnight oil rise above ordinary people. The study not only integrates into a survey many works of eminent artists but also investigates and explains with regard to specific categories dealing among others with Michelangelo (\"\u2026I am a child of night\"), Raphael, El Greco, Rubens and Caravaggio. Additionally several hitherto little known or entirely neglected paintings, drawings, prints and sculptural works are widening the point of view. While project work still was in progress some possibilities of cooperation with relevant exhibitions and broadcasts were utilized. B.Borchhardt's catalogue contributions (\"Die Nacht\", Munich 1998, \"Nightscapes\", Ulm 2001) summarize in due form the most important insights.

Erstmals in der Kunstgeschichtsschreibung liegt eine systematische \u00dcbersicht \u00fcber die Darstellung der Nacht in ihren vielf\u00e4ltigen Erscheinungsformen, Attributen und Verkn\u00fcpfungen im Zeitraum vom Alten Orient \u00fcber \u00c4gypter, Griechen, das r\u00f6mische Weltreich, Fr\u00fchchristentum, Mittelalter und Renaissance bis zum Barock vor. Eine Fortsetzung, die von der Aufkl\u00e4rung und Romantik bis zur Moderne reicht, ist geplant.Trotz der Gliederung in historische Abschnitte nach deren zeitlicher Reihenfolge mu\u00dfte der methodischen Vielfalt durch fach\u00fcbergreifende und gr\u00fcndliche Studien von Einzelph\u00e4nomenen Rechnung getragen werden. Deshalb sind auch Gesichtspunkte aus vielen Nachbarwissenschaften ber\u00fccksichtigt. Nachtdarstellungen sind weit \u00fcber ihre \u00e4sthetische Funktion hinaus mit religi\u00f6sen, philosophischen, astrologischen und theologischen Vorstellungen verbunden, z.B. wurde die Nacht in der Antike als das - weibliche - Urprinzip verstanden, aus welchem der m\u00e4nnliche Tag entsprang. Mannigfach wie ihre Erscheinungsformen sind auch ihre Farben. Die Barockzeit sah die Nacht nicht wie fr\u00fchere Epochen blau oder schwarz, sondern braun. Die Nacht kann als Personifikation erscheinen oder als \"nat\u00fcrliche\" Nacht, etwa in Form einer Mondlandschaft. Das \u00e4lteste bisher bekannte \"Nachtst\u00fcck\" in Gestalt eines Fischerboots auf einem See mit Schilfrohr und Mondsichel ziert ein vorbabylonisches Siegel aus dem fr\u00fchen 3.Jahrtausend v.Chr. Nacht kann positive Aspekte des Lebens meinen, steht aber auch f\u00fcr bedrohliche M\u00e4chte (Tod, Hexenkunst, Alptraum) und niedere Triebe (primitive Erotik). Mitunter kann - wie beim Schlaf - auch beides zutreffen. Nacht und Licht geh\u00f6ren zusammen. Indem der durch eine Lichtquelle in nachtdunklem Raum erzeugte Schatten nachgezeichnet wurde, entstand nach altem Glauben die bildende Kunst. Zu den neu erarbeiteten Erkenntnissen geh\u00f6rt vor allem der in der Renaissance als Bildthema beliebte Nachtflei\u00df, das n\u00e4chtliche Schaffen von F\u00fcrsten, K\u00fcnstlern und Wissenschaftlern, die sich damit \u00fcber die gew\u00f6hnliche Masse erheben. Zahlreiche Werke bedeutender K\u00fcnstler sind nicht nur \u00fcberblicksm\u00e4\u00dfig geordnet, sondern nach Kategorien untersucht und erl\u00e4utert, u.a. Michelangelo (\"...ich bin ein Kind der Nacht\"), Raffael, El Greco, Rubens und Caravaggio. Dar\u00fcber hinaus erweitern etliche bisher wenig oder nicht bekannte Gem\u00e4lde, Graphiken und Bildhauerarbeiten den Blickwinkel.W\u00e4hrend die Forschungsarbeiten zum Projekt noch im Gang waren, ergab sich die M\u00f6glichkeit zu Kooperation bei einschl\u00e4gigen Ausstellungen und Rundfunksendungen. In den Katalogbeitr\u00e4gen von B.Borchhardt (\"Die Nacht\", M\u00fcnchen 1998; \"Nightscapes\", Ulm 2001) sind wichtige Erkenntnisse in kurzer Form zusammengefa\u00dft."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Borchhardt-Birbaumer ,Brigitte"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["representation of night", "Darstellung der Nacht"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574826"], ["title", "Imago noctis"], ["doab_id", "17420"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205770527"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205770527"]], [["description", "O livro analisa como o imigrante foi institucionalizado como amea\u00e7a existencial \u00e0 Uni\u00e3o Europeia, sobretudo a partir dos anos 1990. Al\u00e9m de legisla\u00e7\u00e3o e medidas securit\u00e1rias, como controle de fronteiras e vistos, o livro se debru\u00e7a sobre discursos pol\u00edticos que identificam a imigra\u00e7\u00e3o como um problema de seguran\u00e7a, com campanhas de partidos extremistas e casos de racismos contra mul\u00e7umanos e indiv\u00edduos de origem romana na UE. Mostra como esse processo se vincula \u00e0 resist\u00eancia do Estado Na\u00e7\u00e3o como lugar de identidade pol\u00edtica e condi\u00e7\u00e3o de cidadania."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Velasco, Suzana de Souza Lima"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/czm3m"], ["title", "Imigra\u00e7\u00e3o na Uni\u00e3o Europeia: uma leitura cr\u00edtica a partir do nexo entre securitiza\u00e7\u00e3o, cidadania e identidade transnacional"], ["doab_id", "17714"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792817"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792817"]], [["description", "Joseph Nechvatal's Immersion Into Noise investigates multiple aspects of cultural noise by applying our audio understanding of noise to the visual, architectual and cognative domains. The author takes the reader through phenomenal aspects of the art of noise into algorithmic and network contexts, beginning in the Abside of the Grotte de Lascaux."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nechvatal ,Joseph "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["information theory", "cultural noise"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444382"], ["title", "Immersion Into Noise"], ["doab_id", "14527"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852414"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852414"]], [["description", "This book sheds light on the integration processes and identity patterns of Angolan, Brazilian and Eastern European communities in Portugal. It examines the privileged position that immigrant organisations hold as interlocutors between the communities they represent and various social service mechanisms operating at national and local levels. Through the collection of ethnographic data and the realisation of 110 interviews with community insiders and middlemen, culled over a year's time, Jo\u00e3o Sardinha provides insight into how the three groups are perceived by their respective associations and representatives. Following up on the rich data is a discussion of strategies of coping with integration and identity in the host society and reflections on Portuguese social and community services and institutions.

Jo\u00e3o Sardinha analyseert de integratieprocessen en identiteitspatronen van de Angolese, Braziliaanse en Oost-Europese gemeenschappen in Portugal, gezien vanuit deze bevolkingsgroepen. Door gebruik te maken van interviews en etnografisch onderzoek in Portugal komt dit onderzoek tot een typologie van deze drie groepen. Hierna volgt een analyse van het omgaan met de integratie- en identiteitsproblematiek in Portugal. Ten slotte wordt er een overzicht gegeven van acht verschillende Portugese sociale en gemeenschapsdiensten en -instellingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sardinha ,Jo\u00e3o"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341449"], ["title", "Immigrant Associations, Integration and Identity : Angolan, Brazilian and Eastern European Communities in Portugal"], ["doab_id", "13273"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640369"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640369"]], [["description", "This study focuses on the emergence and persistence of immigrant organisations in host societies. The relevance of immigrant organisations for both the host society and the immigrants themselves has been effectively demonstrated in many different studies. However, the question why immigrant organisations emerge and why they often persist over a long period is not adequately answered. In this study a comparative approach is used to reveal the structural determinants of the immigrant organising process. Different theoretical perspectives are combined (immigration model, social movement theory and the organisational ecology model). It is this combination of models, which has not yet been done by other scholars, which determines the value of this study and the contribution to a better understanding of the immigrant organising process. A comparative method is used, analysing Turkish organisations in Amsterdam and Berlin and Surinamese organisations in Amsterdam (1960-2000), to explain the way in which the three explanatory models can be combined in one coherent explanation.

This study focuses on the emergence and persistence of immigrant organisations in host societies. The relevance of immigrant organisations for both the host society and the immigrants themselves has been effectively demonstrated in many different studies. However, the question why immigrant organisations emerge and why they often persist over a long period is not adequately answered. In this study a comparative approach is used to reveal the structural determinants of the immigrant organising process. Different theoretical perspectives are combined (immigration model, social movement theory and the organisational ecology model). It is this combination of models, which has not yet been done by other scholars, which determines the value of this study and the contribution to a better understanding of the immigrant organising process. A comparative method is used, analysing Turkish organisations in Amsterdam and Berlin and Surinamese organisations in Amsterdam (1960-2000), to explain the way in which the three explanatory models can be combined in one coherent explanation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vermeulen ,Floris"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen", "Immigrant organisations", "Political opportunity structure model", "Organisational ecology", "Turks", "Surinamese", "Amsterdam", "Berlin", "Integration policy"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340158"], ["title", "The Immigrant Organising Process : Turkish Organisations in Amsterdam and Berlin and Surinamese Organisations in Amsterdam, 1960-2000"], ["doab_id", "12855"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568750"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568750"]], [["description", "To what extent can different forms of social capital help immigrants make headway on the labour market? An answer to this pressing question begins here. Taking the Netherlands and Germany as case studies, the book identifies two forms of social capital that may work to increase employment, income and occupational status and, conversely, decrease unemployment. New insights into the concepts of bonding and bridging arise through quantitative research methods, using longitudinal and crosssectional data. Referring to a dense network with 'thick' trust, bonding is measured as family ties, co-ethnic ties and trust in the family. Bridging is seen in terms of interethnic ties, thus implying a crosscutting network with 'thin' trust. Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market reveals that although bonding allows immigrants to get by, bridging enables them to get ahead.

De auteur analyseert de invloed van de verschillende vormen van soorten sociaal kapitaal op de arbeidsmarktintegratie van immigranten in Duitsland en Nederland. Centraal staat de vraag: hoe kunnen migranten profiteren van sociale verhoudingen tussen de autochtone bevolking en de eigen etnische groep? Het boek levert een cruciale bijdrage aan Migratie Studies door het conceptualiseren van 'bonding' en 'bridging' als elementen van sociaal kapitaal. Door grondige analyse van methoden en data onderzoekt Lancee of 'bonding' en 'bridging' immigranten vooruithelpen op de arbeidsmarkt. Bovendien biedt het boek een vergelijking tussen Duitsland en Nederland waardoor de bevindingen in een context geplaatst kunnen worden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lancee ,Bram"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418150"], ["title", "Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market : Bonding and Bridging Social Capital"], ["doab_id", "14803"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643575"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643575"]], [["description", "Popular science

Michael Bommes (hoogleraar Sociologie en Migratieonderzoek) was een van de meest briljante en originele geleerden in zijn vakgebied. Deze postume bundel bevat een selectie van zijn belangrijkste werk over immigratie en de verzorgingsstaat, de integratie van immigranten, discriminatie, illegale migratie, migrantennetwerken en migratiebeleidsonderzoek. Deze bundel laat zien hoe Bommes' inzichten en deskundigheid een fundamentele bijdrage hebben geleverd aan immigratiestudies. Zijn essays bieden scherpe, essenti\u00eble waarnemingen van de sociale en politieke reacties op immigratie. Een must read voor iedereen die ge\u00efnteresseerd is in deze zaken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boswell ,Christina; D'Amato ,Gianni"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426532"], ["title", "Immigration and Social Systems : Collected Essays of Michael Bommes"], ["doab_id", "15176"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644534"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644534"]], [["description", "Mammalian pregnancy represents a unique immunological riddle in that the mother does not reject her allogeneic fetus. In part this is largely due to a general sequestration or diminution of T cell activity, and an increased involvement of the innate immune system. The field of immunology is concerned primarily with how innate and adaptive mechanisms collaborate to protect vertebrates from infection. Although many cellular and molecular actors have evidently important roles, antibodies and lymphocytes are considered to be the principal players. Yet despite their importance, it would be definitely simplistic to conclude that they are solely essential for immunity overall. A major distinction between adaptive and innate immunity is the spontaneity of the innate immune response, which utilizes an already pre-existing but limited repertoire of responding modules. The slower onset of adaptive immunity compensates by its ability to recognize a much broader repertory of foreign substances, and also by its power to constantly improve during a response, whereas innate immunity remains relatively unaffected. The interactions between the reproductive system and the immune system are of particular interest, since the reproductive system is unique in that its primary role is to assure the continuity of the species, while the immune system provides internal protection and thus facilitates continued health and survival. The modus operandi of these two morphologically diffuse systems involves widely distributed chemical signals in response to environmental input, and both systems must interact for the normal functioning of each. Furthermore, dysregulation of normal physiological interactions between the reproductive and immune systems can lead to severe pregnancy-related disorders or complications. On the other hand, by ameliorating auto-inflammatory conditions such as MS and RA, pregnancy may provide a unique insight into novel immune modulatory strategies. The scientific focus on reproductive\u2013immune research has historically provided substantial insight into the interface between these two physiological systems. A translational research approach would involve a tight interaction between diverse scientific and clinical disciplines including immunology, obstetrics, haematology, haemostasis and endocrinology. With so much recent progress in the field, we believe that it is valuable and well-timed to review the broad variety of the relevant physiologic and pathologic aspects \u2013 from menstruation to fertilization and implantation, and from placentation and pregnancy per se to the post partum condition - in which the immune system takes part. We are looking forward to a wide and vivid discussion of these and related issues, and we sincerely expect that our readers profoundly benefit from new exciting insights and fruitful collaborations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sinuhe Hahn; Stavros Giaglis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pregnancy", "Hormones", "Reproduction", "fetal maternal interface", "Preeclampsia", "T regs", "B cells", "NK", "PP13", "typtophan", "H pylori", "placental microparticles", "Menstrual stem cells"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2019/immune-interactions-during-the-reproductive-cycle"], ["title", "Immune Interactions during the Reproductive Cycle"], ["doab_id", "18173"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195640"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195640"]], [["description", "The recent wave of clinical studies demonstrating long-term therapeutic efficacy highlights the enormous potential of gene therapy as an approach to the treatment of inherited disorders and cancer. While in recent years lentiviral vectors have dominated the field of ex vivo gene therapy in man, adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors have become the platform of choice for the in vivo gene delivery, both local and systemic.Despite the achievements in the clinic however, a number of hurdles remain to be overcome in gene therapy, these include availability of scalable vector production systems, potential issues associated with insertional mutagenesis, and concerns related to immunogenicity of gene therapeutics. For AAV vectors, clinical trials showed that immunity directed against the vector could either prevent transduction of a target tissue or limit the duration of therapeutic efficacy. Initial observations in the context of a gene therapy trial for hemophilia spurred over a decade efforts by gene therapists and immunologists to understand the mechanism and identify factors that contribute to AAV\u2019s immunogenicity, including the prevalence of B cell and T cell immunity to wild type AAV in humans and the interaction of AAV vectors with the innate and adaptive immune system. Despite a number of important contributions in particular in the more recent past, our knowledge on the immunology of gene transfer is still rudimental; this is partly due to the fact that the basic understanding of the complex balance between tolerance and immunity to an antigen, key aspect of gene transfer with AAV, keeps evolving rapidly. However, continuing work towards a better definition of the interaction of viral vectors with the immune system has led to significant advances in the knowledge of the factors influencing the outcome of gene transfer, such as the vector dose, the immune privilege of certain tissues, and the induction of tolerance to an antigen. A better understanding of the structure-function relationship of the viral capsid has boosted the development of novel immune-escape vector variants. In addition, novel immunomodulatory strategies were established to prevent or reduce anti-capsid immunity have been developed and are being tested in preclinical models and in clinical trials. Together, these advances are bringing us closer to the goal of achieving safe and sustained therapeutic gene transfer in humans. In this research topic, a collection of Original Research and Review Articles highlights critical aspects of the interaction between gene AAV vectors and the immune system, discussing how these interactions can be either detrimental or constitute an advantage, depending on the context of gene transfer, and providing tools and resources to better understand the issue of immunogenicity of AAV vectors in gene transfer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Federico Mingozzi; Hildegard Buning; Etiena Basner Tschakarjan; Anne Galy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Gene Therapy", "adeno-associated virus", "adaptive and innate immunity", "antibody response", "Tolerance induction", "Epitopes", "Clinical Trial", "Regulatory T Cell", "Immunomodulation", "Vaccine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1212/immune-responses-to-aav-vectors-from-bench-to-bedside"], ["title", "Immune responses to AAV vectors, from bench to bedside"], ["doab_id", "17735"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195008"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195008"]], [["description", "The rapid development of new methods for immunological data collection - from multicolor flow cytometry, through single-cell imaging, to deep sequencing - presents us now, for the first time, with the ability to analyze and compare large amounts of immunological data in health, aging and disease. The exponential growth of these datasets, however, challenges the theoretical immunology community to develop methods for data organization and analysis. Furthermore, the need to test hypotheses regarding immune function, and generate predictions regarding the outcomes of medical interventions, necessitates the development of mathematical and computational models covering processes on multiple scales, from the genetic and molecular to the cellular and system scales. The last few decades have seen the development of methods for presentation and analysis of clonal repertoires (those of T and B lymphocytes) and phenotypic (surface-marker based) repertoires of all lymphocyte types, and for modeling the intricate network of molecular and cellular interactions within the immune systems. This e-Book, which has first appeared as a \u2018Frontiers in Immunology\u2019 research topic, provides a comprehensive, online, open access snapshot of the current state of the art on immune system modeling and analysis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ramit Mehr; Miles Davenport; Rob J. De Boer; Carmen Molina-Paris; Michal Or-Guil; Veronika Zarnitsyna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Immune cell receptors", "activation and signaling", "Immune cell population dynamics and turnover", "lymphocyte repertoires", "Immune cell differentiation", "Immune cell migration and immune tissue organization", "Immune responses to pathogens", "Immunological diseases", "mathematical modeling ", "immunomics ", "high-throughput sequencing"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1844/immune-system-modeling-and-analysis"], ["title", "Immune System Modeling and Analysis"], ["doab_id", "17736"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195015"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195015"]], [["description", "In the early decades since the introduction in the early '80s of immunoglobulin therapy many studies tried to identify which clinical indications might benefit from the therapy, which treatment\u2019s schedules are effective and safe. It is universally accepted that immunoglobulin therapy is a life-saving treatment in patients with PID. The rise of new indications for further different clinical conditions resulted in a steady increase in demand for immunoglobulins. Currently the consumption of immunoglobulin for PID represents a small fraction of the market. In the recent past we have been observing:1) An increase in the demand for plasma and in the consequent need to increase the number of donors;2) Changes in methods to improve IgG recovery and to increase productivity as a response to growing clinical demand;3) Introduction of immunoglobulin treatments with higher concentration;4) Changes in the timing of administration with an increase in the rate of infusion;5) Introduction of immunoglobulin treatment administered subcutaneously mainly confined initially to patients with PID and later extended to other clinical indications which often require higher volumes of infusion. Doctors following patients with PID were initially alarmed only to a possible risk of shortage. More relevant and less discussed appear the possible consequences of:1) the risk of an improper transfer of information on treatments from a clinical indication to another. In particular, the idea of a mere replacement function in patients with PID might possibly be borrowed from the model of other clinical conditions requiring a replacement such as haemophilia. In PID, immunoglobulin treatment instead is obviously replacing a missing feature. However, other immune alterations are responsible for the large number of PID-associated diseases including inflammatory manifestations and tumors, common causes of morbidity and mortality. The immunomodulatory effects of immunoglobulin administered at replacement dosages on multiple cells and immune system functions are still largely to be checked in in vitro studies and in vivo.2) the changes in the immunoglobulin production and schedules of administration. These should have been assessed in studies of drug surveillance, necessary in order to evaluate on large numbers of what it is initially reported on patients enrolled in the pivotal clinical trials, usually in the absence of most of the main disease-associated clinical conditions affecting pharmacokinetics, efficacy and tolerability. Severe side effects are now more frequently reported. This requires surveillance studies in order to verify the tolerability. Nowadays, personalized health research presents methodologic challenges, since emphasis is placed on the individual response rather than on the population. Even within a universally accepted indication, such as in PID, the identification of prognostic markers should guide the therapeutic intervention.3) the risk of a decrease in the surveillance and monitoring of PID-associated clinical conditions. In fact, self- administration of immunoglobulins administered subcutaneously increased the independence of a number of patients. On the other hand, it led to the reduction in the number of contacts between specialized centers and patients who often require a close monitoring of disease-associated conditions. A wide debate between experts is necessary to afford the new challenge on immunoglobulin usage."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Isabella Quinti; Marcella Visentini; Albert Farrugia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Immunedeficienc", "Immunoglobulin Therapy", "Mechanism", "Manufacture", "adverse events", "Personalised treatment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2451/immunoglobulin-therapy-in-the-21st-century-the-dark-side-of-the-moon"], ["title", "Immunoglobulin therapy in the 21st century: the dark side of the moon"], ["doab_id", "19581"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197033"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197033"]], [["description", "Stress proteins or heat-shock proteins (HSP) are evolutionary conserved proteins present in every prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Their main function is to protect cells and proteins from damage under stressful circumstances. The latter circumstances do include the cell and protein damaging effects of inflammation. The discovery of mycobacterial HSP60 being a critical antigen in the model of adjuvant arthritis, has led to studies that showed the immuno-dominance of microbial HSP60 and the potential of the microbial HSP induced repertoire of antibodies and T cells to cross-recognize the self-HSP homologues of stressed cells. Since then, the research in the immunology of stress proteins started to comprise a widening spectrum of topics with potential medical relevance. Interestingly, since stress proteins have their activities in both innate and adaptive immunity, they are key elements in the cross-roads between both arms of the immune system. Stress proteins or HSP can be considered as functional 'biomarkers' of inflammation. They are up-regulated locally during inflammation and interestingly, they seem to function as targets for anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells. In experimental models of autoimmunity, mainly arthritis, administration of HSP peptides have been shown to suppress disease. First clinical trials have shown the anti-inflammatory nature of T cell responses to Hsp. In type I diabetes and in rheumatoid arthritis, parenteral and oral administration of Hsp peptides were shown to induce a bias in pro-inflammatory T cells, switching them in the direction of regulatory cytokine production (IL4, IL5 and IL10). In addition a raised level of a marker of natural T regulatory cells, the transcription factor FoxP3, was noted in the RA trial. Other inflammatory diseases or diseases with inflammatory components which feature the immune imprint of the up-regulated Hsp are atherosclerosis, inflammatory bowel diseases, multiple sclerosis and atopic diseases such atopic dermatitis and allergic asthma."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Willem Van Eden; Ruurd Van Der Zee; Cristina Bonorino"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Heat shock proteins", "T cells", "T cell regulation", "Autoimmunity", "Cancer"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/412/the-immunology-of-cellular-stress-proteins"], ["title", "The immunology of cellular stress proteins"], ["doab_id", "18657"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193257"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193257"]], [["description", "'Infogest' (Improving Health Properties of Food by Sharing our Knowledge on the Digestive Process) is an EU COST action/network in the domain of Food and Agriculture. Infogest aims at building an open international network of institutes undertaking multidisciplinary basic research on food digestion gathering scientists from different origins (including food scientists, gut physiologists and nutritionists). The network gathers 70 partners from academia, corresponding to a total of 29 countries. The three main scientific goals are: Identify the beneficial food components released in the gut during digestion; Support the effect of beneficial food components on human health; Promote harmonization of currently used digestion models Infogest meetings highlighted the need for a publication that would provide researchers with an insight into the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of respective in vitro and ex vivo assays to evaluate the effects of foods and food bioactives on health. Such assays are particularly important in situations where a large number of foods/bioactives need to be screened rapidly and in a cost effective manner in order to ultimately identify lead foods/bioactives that can be the subject of in vivo assays. The book is an asset to researchers wishing to study the health benefits of their foods and food bioactives of interest and highlights which in vitro/ex vivo assays are of greatest relevance to their goals, what sort of outputs/data can be generated and, as noted above, highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the various assays. It is also an important resource for undergraduate students in the \u2018food and health\u2019 arena."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kitty Verhoeckx; Paul Cotter; Iv\u00e1n L\u00f3pez-Exp\u00f3sito; Charlotte Kleiveland; Tor Lea; Alan Mackie; Teresa Requena; Dominika Swiatecka; Harry Wichers"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["food science", " microbiology", " human physiology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-16104-4"], ["title", "The Impact of Food Bioactives on Health: In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models"], ["doab_id", "18940"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319157917", "9783319161044"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319157917 (Print) 9783319161044 (Online)"]], [["description", "The second volume in the SIRCA book series investigates the impact of information society initiatives by extending the boundaries of academic research into the realm of practice. Global in scope, it includes contributions and research projects from Asia, Africa and Latin America. The international scholarly community has taken a variety of approaches to question the impact of information society initiatives on populations in the Global South. This book addresses two aspects\u2014 Impact of research: How is the research on ICTs in the Global South playing a role in creating an information society? (e.g. policy formulation, media coverage, implementation in practice) and Research on impact: What is the evidence for the impact of ICTs on society? (i.e. the objectives of socio-economic development). This volume brings together a multiplicity of voices and approaches from social scientific research to produce an engaging volume for a variety of stakeholders including academics, researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and those in the business and civil sectors of society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arul Chib; Julian May; Roxana Barrantes"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Communication Studies", " Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)", " R & D/Technology Policy "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-287-381-1"], ["title", "Impact of Information Society Research in the Global South"], ["doab_id", "17181"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789812873804", "9789812873811"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789812873804 (Print) 9789812873811 (Online)"]], [["description", "Reading is at the interface between the vision and spoken language domains. An emergent bulk of research indicates that learning to read strongly impacts on non-linguistic visual object processing, both at the behavioral level (e.g., on mirror image processing \u2013 enantiomorphy) and at the brain level (e.g., inducing top-down effects as well as neural competition effects). Yet, many questions regarding the exact nature, locus, and consequences of these effects remain hitherto unanswered. The current Special Topic aims at contributing to the understanding of how such a cultural activity as reading might modulate visual processing by providing a landmark forum in which researchers define the state of the art and future directions on this issue. We thus welcome reviews of current work, original research, and opinion articles that focus on the impact of literacy on the cognitive and/or brain visual processes. In addition to studies directly focusing on this topic, we will consider as highly relevant evidence on reading and visual processes in typical and atypical development, including in adult people differing in schooling and literacy, as well as in neuropsychological cases (e.g., developmental dyslexia). We also encourage researchers on nonhuman primate visual processing to consider the potential contribution of their studies to this Special Topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tania Fernandes; Regine Kolinsky"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["literacy acquisition", "Reading development", "developmental dyslexia", "Letter processing", "visual word recognition", "Visual Processing", "visual object recognition", "face recognition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2026/the-impact-of-learning-to-read-on-visual-processing"], ["title", "The impact of learning to read on visual processing"], ["doab_id", "18837"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197163"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197163"]], [["description", "According to management and psychology courses, as well as legions of consultants in organizational psychology, shared vision in dyads, teams and organizations can fill us with hope and inspire new possibilities, or delude us into following false prophets. However, few research studies have empirically examined the impact of shared vision on key organizational outcomes such as leadership effectiveness, employee engagement, organizational citizenship, coaching and organizational change. As a result, the field of organizational psychology has not yet established a causal pattern of whether, if, and how shared vision helps dyads, teams and organizations function more effectively. The lack of empirical work around shared vision is surprising given its long-standing history in the literature. Bennis and Nanus (1982) showed that distinctive leaders managed attention through vision. The practitioner literature has long proclaimed that vision is a key to change, while Conger and Kanungo (1998) discussed its link to charismatic leadership. Around the same time, positive psychology appeared in the forms of Appreciative Inquiry (Cooperrider, Sorensen, Whitney, & Yaeger, 2000) and Positive Organizational Scholarship (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). In this context, a shared vision or dream became a legitimate antecedent to sustainable change. But again, empirical measurement has been elusive. More recently, shared vision has been the focus of a number of dissertations and quantitative studies building on Intentional Change Theory (ICT) (Boyatzis, 2008) at dyad, team and organization levels of social systems. These studies are beginning to lay the foundations for a systematic body of empirical knowledge about the role of shared vision in an organizational context. For example, we now know that shared vision can activate neural networks that arouse endocrine systems and allow a person to consider the possibilities of a better future (Jack, Boyatzis, Leckie, Passarelli & Khawaja, 2013). Additionally, Boyatzis & Akrivou (2006) have discussed the role of a shared vision as the result of a well-developed set of factors that produce a desired image of the future. Outside of the organizational context, positive visioning has been known to help guide future behavior in sports psychology (Loehr & Schwartz, 2003), medical treatment (Roffe, Schmidt, & Ernst, 2005), musical performance (Meister, Krings, Foltys, Boroojerdi, Muller, Topper, & Thron, 2004), and academic performance (Curry, Snyder, Cook, Ruby, & Rehm, 1997). This Research Topic for Frontiers in Psychology is a collection of 14 original papers examining the role of vision and shared vision on a wide variety of desired dependent variables from leadership effectiveness and executive performance to organizational engagement, citizenship and corporate social responsibility, and how to develop it through coaching."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Richard Eleftherios Boyatzis; Kylie Rochford; Scott N. Taylor"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Vision", "Leadership", "engagement", "citizenship", "Family Business", "relationships", "Emotional Intelligence", "coaching", "prospection", "Shared Vision"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3009/the-impact-of-shared-vision-on-leadership-engagement-and-organizational-citizenship"], ["title", "The Impact of Shared Vision on Leadership, Engagement, Organizational Citizenship and Coaching"], ["doab_id", "19569"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196715"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196715"]], [["description", "Viol\u00eancia na escola \u00e9 considerado antigo problema no Brasil, mas a relev\u00e2ncia no contexto social e as graves consequ\u00eancias para alunos e suas fam\u00edlias, professores e demais funcion\u00e1rios da escola \u2013 a que se tem assistido nos \u00faltimos anos \u2013, demonstram a complexidade da viol\u00eancia estrutural e urbana. A compreens\u00e3o do tema, que atinge (tamb\u00e9m) a escola, passa pela percep\u00e7\u00e3o de que a viol\u00eancia \u00e9 produzida nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es interpessoais, sendo este um complexo assunto que demanda urgente discuss\u00e3o. A obra em quest\u00e3o \u00e9 fruto de consistente pesquisa do Centro Latino-Americano de Estudos de Viol\u00eancia e Sa\u00fade Jorge Careli (Claves/Fiocruz), conta com apoio da Secretaria de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Continuada, Alfabetiza\u00e7\u00e3o e Diversidade do MEC e traz relatos e importantes perspectivas discutidas, al\u00e9m de apontar caminhos que possam servir de base para poss\u00edveis solu\u00e7\u00f5es. 53\u00ba Pr\u00eamio Jabuti 2011 - 1\u00ba lugar na categoria Educa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Assis, Simone Gon\u00e7alves de; Constantino, Patr\u00edcia; Avanci, Joviana Quintes"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["JUVENILE NONFICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/szv5t"], ["title", "Impactos da viol\u00eancia na escola: um di\u00e1logo com professores"], ["doab_id", "17382"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413302"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413302"]], [["description", "This book presents the results from the Japanese Fisheries Research Agency\u2019s 3-year intensive monitoring of radionuclides in a variety of fish, plankton, benthos, and their living environments after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) accident in March 2011. The book reveals the dynamics of contamination processes in marine and freshwater fish, mediated by the contamination of water, sediments, and food organisms; it also clarifies the mechanisms by which large variations in the level of contamination occurs among individual fish. Most importantly, the book includes a large amount of original measurement data collected in situ and for the first time assesses diffusion of radiocesium across the Pacific using both in situ data and a numerical simulation model. Also introduced are several new approaches to evaluate the impact of the release of radionuclides, including the measurement of radiation emission from an otolith section to identify the main period of contamination in fish. The FNPP accident represents a rare instance where the environmental radioactivity level was elevated steeply through atmospheric fallout and direct discharge of radioactive water into the sea over a short period of time. Replete with precise scientific data, this book will serve as an important resource for research in fields such as fishery science, oceanography, ecology, and environmentology, and also as a solid basis for protecting fisheries from damage resulting from harmful rumors among the general public."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kaoru Nakata; Hiroya Sugisaki"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ecology", " environmental management", " fish"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-55537-7"], ["title", "Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on Fish and Fishing Grounds"], ["doab_id", "19226"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431555360", "9784431555377"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431555360 (Print) 9784431555377 (Online)"]], [["description", "The diverse materials comprising Impasses of the Post-Global take as their starting point an interrelated, if seemingly endless sequence of current ecological, demographic, socio-political, economic, and informational disasters. These include the contemporary discourses of deconstruction, climate change, ecological imbalance and despoilment, sustainability, security, economic bailout, auto-immunity, and globalization itself. With essays by James H. Bunn, Rey Chow, Bruce Clarke, Tom Cohen, Randy Martin, Yates McKee, Alberto Moreiras, Haun Saussy, Tian Song, Henry Sussman, Samuel Weber, Ewa P. Ziarek, and Kryzsztof Ziarek."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sussman ,Henry "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["meteorology", "climatology"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444385"], ["title", "Impasses of the Post-Global: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 2"], ["doab_id", "15196"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852384"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852384"]], [["description", "Lucinda Cole\u2019s Imperfect Creatures offers the first full-length study of the shifting, unstable, but foundational status of \u201cvermin\u201d as creatures and category in the early modern literary, scientific, and political imagination. In the space between theology and an emergent empiricism, Cole\u2019s argument engages a wide historical swath of canonical early modern literary texts\u2014William Shakespeare\u2019s Macbeth, Christopher Marlowe\u2019s The Jew of Malta, Abraham Cowley\u2019s The Plagues of Egypt, Thomas Shadwell\u2019s The Virtuoso, the Earl of Rochester\u2019s \u201cA Ramble in St. James\u2019s Park,\u201d and Daniel Defoe\u2019s Robinson Crusoe and Journal of the Plague Year\u2014alongside other nonliterary primary sources and under-examined archival materials from the period, including treatises on animal trials, grain shortages, rabies, and comparative neuroanatomy.As Cole illustrates, human health and demographic problems\u2014notably those of feeding populations periodically stricken by hunger, disease, and famine\u2014were tied to larger questions about food supplies, property laws, national identity, and the theological imperatives that underwrote humankind\u2019s claim to dominion over the animal kingdom. In this context, Cole\u2019s study indicates, so-called \u201cvermin\u201d occupied liminal spaces between subject and object, nature and animal, animal and the devil, the devil and disease\u2014even reason and madness. This verminous discourse formed a foundational category used to carve out humankind\u2019s relationship to an unpredictable, irrational natural world, but it evolved into a form for thinking about not merely animals but anything that threatened the health of the body politic\u2014humans, animals, and even thoughts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cole ,Lucinda"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Nature - Animals"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608290"], ["title", "Imperfect Creatures"], ["doab_id", "19052"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119738", "9780472900626"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119738 9780472900626"]], [["description", "??aspirations to perfection awaken us to our actual imperfection.? It is in the space between these aspirations and our inability to achieve them that Grant reflects upon imperfection. Grant argues that an awareness of imperfection, defined as both suffering and the need for justice, drive us to an unrelenting search for perfection, freedom, and self-determination. The twenty-one brief chapters of Imperfection develop this governing idea as it relates to the present situation of the God debate, modern ethnic conflicts, and the pursuit of freedom in relation to the uncertainties of personal identity and the quest for self-determination. Known for his exploration of the relationship between Buddhism and violent ethnic conflict in modern Sri Lanka, as well as his contribution to the study of Northern Ireland and the complex relationships among religion, literature, and ethnicity, Grant provides the reader with an analysis of the widespread rise of religious extremism across the globe. Referencing Plato, Van Gogh, Jesus, and the Buddha, he enlightens the reader with both succinct and original insights into human society. Imperfection is the result of an important Canadian public intellectual at work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Grant, Patrick"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["history of ideas", "literary criticism", "religious studies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120204"], ["title", "Imperfection"], ["doab_id", "15070"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836751", "9781926836768", "9781926836768"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836751 9781926836768 9781926836768"]], [["description", "\"Imperial Genus begins with the turn to world culture and ideas of the generally human in Japan\u2019s cultural policy in Korea in 1919. How were concepts of the human\u2019s genus\u2011being operative in the discourses of the Japanese empire? How did they inform the imagination and representation of modernity in colonial Korea? Travis Workman delves into these questions through texts in philosophy, literature, and social science.Imperial Genus focuses on how notions of human generality mediated uncertainty between the transcendental and the empirical, the universal and the particular, and empire and colony. It shows how cosmopolitan cultural principles, the proletarian arts, and Pan\u2011Asian imperial nationalism converged with practices of colonial governmentality. It is a genealogy of the various articulations of the human\u2019s genus\u2011being within modern humanist thinking in East Asia, as well as an exploration of the limits of the human as both concept and historical figure.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Workman ,Travis"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Korean history", "Korean literature", "Essentialism", "Japanese occupation", "Colonial Korea", "Imperial Japan"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602284"], ["title", "Imperial Genus: The Formation and Limits of the Human in Modern Korea and Japan"], ["doab_id", "18618"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520289598", "9780520964198"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520289598 9780520964198"]], [["description", "What is the role of the material world in shaping the tensions and paradoxes of imperial sovereignty? Scholars have long shone light on the complex processes of conquest, extraction, and colonialism under imperial rule. But imperialism has usually been cast as an exclusively human drama, one in which the world of matter does not play an active role. Lori Khatchadourian argues instead that things\u2014from everyday objects to monumental buildings\u2014profoundly shape social and political life under empire. Based on the archaeology of ancient Persia and the South Caucasus, Imperial Matter advances powerful new analytical approaches to the study of imperialism writ large and should be read by scholars of empire across the humanities and social sciences."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Khatchadourian ,Lori"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Imperialism", "Sovereignty", "Empire", "Ancient Persia", "South Caucasus"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607683"], ["title", "Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archaeology of Empires"], ["doab_id", "19012"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520290525", "9780520964952"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520290525 9780520964952"]], [["description", "This exciting book is the first systematic study of how international environmental agreements are transformed into political action in Russia. Using three illuminating case studies on the implementation process in the fields of fisheries management, nuclear safety and air pollution control, this book fills an important gap in existing literature. While the focus in current social science debate on international environmental regimes is accumulating knowledge on 'implementing activities' at both national and international level, this book goes one step further and examines implementation at national and regional level. This topic is of great theoretical relevance to the study of environmental politics since some of the main sources of environmental degradation in Europe are to be found in the Russian Federation. It is also of relevance to the more general debate on contemporary Russian politics and offers valuable new material on regional politics in Russia. With its emphasis on the politics of environmental and resource management, it continues the description and discussion of political processes where most accounts of Russian politics tend to stop. This book will be invaluable for undergraduates, postgraduates and academics studying environmental politics and Russian politics at regional and national level."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00f8nneland ,Geir; J\u00f8rgensen ,Anne-Kristin"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["russia", "russian", "environmental", "pollution"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341344"], ["title", "Implementing international environmental agreements in Russia"], ["doab_id", "12669"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063862"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063862"]], [["description", "The implementation of open access policies in Europe is a socio-technical undertaking whereby a wide range of stakeholders work together to bring out the benefits of open access for European and global research. This work provides a unique overview of national awareness of open access in 32 European countries involving all EU member states and in addition, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, Switzerland and Turkey. It describes funder and institutional open access mandates in Europe and national strategies to introduce and implement them. An overview of the current European repository infrastructures is given, including institutional and disciplinary repositories, national repository networks, information portals and support networks. This work also outlines OpenAIREplus, a continuation project which aims to widen the scope of OpenAIRE by connecting publications to contextual information, such as research data and funding information. Opportunities for collaboration in order to achieve European and global synergies are also highlighted. The OpenAIRE project, a joint collaboration among 38 partners from 27 European countries, has built up a network of open repositories providing free online access to knowledge produced by researchers receiving grants from the European Commission or the European Research Council. It provides support structures for researchers, operates an electronic infrastructure and a portal to access all user-level services and works with several subject communities. Birgit Schmidt is affi liated with Goettingen State and University Library. Iryna Kuchma is affi liated with EIFL.

The implementation of open access policies in Europe is a socio-technical undertaking whereby a wide range of stakeholders work together to bring out the benefits of open access for European and global research. This work provides a unique overview of national awareness of open access in 32 European countries involving all EU member states and in addition, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, Switzerland and Turkey. It describes funder and institutional open access mandates in Europe and national strategies to introduce and implement them. An overview of the current European repository infrastructures is given, including institutional and disciplinary repositories, national repository networks, information portals and support networks. This work also outlines OpenAIREplus, a continuation project which aims to widen the scope of OpenAIRE by connecting publications to contextual information, such as research data and funding information. Opportunities for collaboration in order to achieve European and global synergies are also highlighted. The OpenAIRE project, a joint collaboration among 38 partners from 27 European countries, has built up a network of open repositories providing free online access to knowledge produced by researchers receiving grants from the European Commission or the European Research Council. It provides support structures for researchers, operates an electronic infrastructure and a portal to access all user-level services and works with several subject communities. Birgit Schmidt is affi liated with Goettingen State and University Library. Iryna Kuchma is affi liated with EIFL."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmidt, Birgit; Kuchma, Iryna"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["repository", "open access", "library", "european union", "OpenAIRE", "EIFL", "SUB Goettingen", "repository", "open access", "library", "european union", "OpenAIRE", "EIFL", "SUB Goettingen"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610312"], ["title", "Implementing open access mandates in Europe - OpenAIRE study on the development of open access repository communities in Europe"], ["doab_id", "15230"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950958"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950958"]], [["description", "Sarah Carter reveals the pioneering efforts of the government, legal, and religious authorities to impose the \u201cone man, one woman\u201dmodel of marriage upon Mormons and Aboriginal people in Western Canada. This lucidly written, richly researched book revises what we know about marriage and the gendered politics of late 19th century reform, shifts our understanding of Aboriginal history during that time, and brings together the fields of Indigenous and migrant history in new and important ways."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sarah Carter"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["monogamy", "aboriginal women"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120144"], ["title", "The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada in 1915"], ["doab_id", "14467"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780888644909", "9781897425190"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9780888644909 9781897425190"]], [["description", "The iron element (Fe) is strictly required for the survival of most forms of life, including bacteria, plants and humans. Fine-tuned regulatory mechanisms for Fe absorption, mobilization and recycling operate to maintain Fe homeostasis, the disruption of which leads to Fe overload or Fe depletion. Whereas the deleterious effect of Fe deficiency relies on reduced oxygen transport and diminished activity of Fe-dependent enzymes, the cytotoxicity induced by Fe overload is due to the ability of this metal to act as a pro-oxidant and catalyze the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals via the Fenton chemistry. This results in unfettered oxidative stress generation that, by inducing protein, lipid and DNA oxidation, leads to Fe-mediated programmed cell death and organ dysfunction. Major and systemic Fe overloads occurring in hemochromatosis and Fe-loading anemias have been extensively studied. However, localized tissue Fe overload was recently associated to a variety of pathologies, such as infection, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. In keeping with the existence of cross-regulatory interactions between Fe homeostasis and the pathophysiology of these diseases, further investigations on the mechanisms that provide cellular and systemic adaptation to tissue Fe overload are instrumental for future therapeutic approaches. Thus, we encourage our colleagues to submit original research papers, reviews, perspectives, methods and technology reports to contribute their findings to a current state of the art on a comprehensive overview of the importance of iron metabolism in pathophysiologic conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Raffaella Gozzelino; Paolo Arosio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Iron", "iron metabolism", "Heme", "iron and genetic disorder", "Iron deficiency and anemia", "iron and inflammation", "iron and cardiotoxicity", "iron and neurodegeneration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1819/the-importance-of-iron-in-pathophysiologic-conditions"], ["title", "The Importance of Iron in Pathophysiologic Conditions"], ["doab_id", "17820"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195244"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195244"]], [["description", "[...] Esperamos que estimule o leitor a avaliar o PCB n\u00e3o apenas por suas atua\u00e7\u00f5es na hist\u00f3ria, como imagem do passado, mas sobremaneira como um partido que nos traz, at\u00e9 os dias atuais, pontos de refer\u00eancia de uma cultura pol\u00edtica de esquerda bastante \u00fatil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Raimundo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q8796"], ["title", "A import\u00e2ncia da tradi\u00e7\u00e3o pecebista"], ["doab_id", "17177"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820519"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820519"]], [["description", "This Contemporary Anarchist Studies volume shows how the current social and ecological crises can be helped by anarchist praxis, such as community organizing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John P. Clark"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306761"], ["title", "The Impossible Community"], ["doab_id", "17154"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306761"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306761"]], [["description", "We confess that the first part of our title is somewhat of a misnomer. Bayesian reasoning is a normative approach to probabilistic belief revision and, as such, it is in need of no improvement. Rather, it is the typical individual whose reasoning and judgments often fall short of the Bayesian ideal who is the focus of improvement. What have we learnt from over a half-century of research and theory on this topic that could explain why people are often non-Bayesian? Can Bayesian reasoning be facilitated, and if so why? These are the questions that motivate this Frontiers in Psychology Research Topic. Bayes' theorem, named after English statistician, philosopher, and Presbyterian minister, Thomas Bayes, offers a method for updating one\u2019s prior probability of an hypothesis H on the basis of new data D such that P(H|D) = P(D|H)P(H)/P(D). The first wave of psychological research, pioneered by Ward Edwards, revealed that people were overly conservative in updating their posterior probabilities (i.e., P(D|H)). A second wave, spearheaded by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, showed that people often ignored prior probabilities or base rates, where the priors had a frequentist interpretation, and hence were not Bayesians at all. In the 1990s, a third wave of research spurred by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby and by Gerd Gigerenzer and Ulrich Hoffrage showed that people can reason more like a Bayesian if only the information provided takes the form of (non-relativized) natural frequencies. Although Kahneman and Tversky had already noted the advantages of frequency representations, it was the third wave scholars who pushed the prescriptive agenda, arguing that there are feasible and effective methods for improving belief revision. Most scholars now agree that natural frequency representations do facilitate Bayesian reasoning. However, they do not agree on why this is so. The original third wave scholars favor an evolutionary account that posits human brain adaptation to natural frequency processing. But almost as soon as this view was proposed, other scholars challenged it, arguing that such evolutionary assumptions were not needed. The dominant opposing view has been that the benefit of natural frequencies is mainly due to the fact that such representations make the nested set relations perfectly transparent. Thus, people can more easily see what information they need to focus on and how to simply combine it. This Research Topic aims to take stock of where we are at present. Are we in a proto-fourth wave? If so, does it offer a synthesis of recent theoretical disagreements? The second part of the title orients the reader to the two main subtopics: what works and why? In terms of the first subtopic, we seek contributions that advance understanding of how to improve people\u2019s abilities to revise their beliefs and to integrate probabilistic information effectively. The second subtopic centers on explaining why methods that improve non-Bayesian reasoning work as well as they do. In addressing that issue, we welcome both critical analyses of existing theories as well as fresh perspectives. For both subtopics, we welcome the full range of manuscript types."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gorka Navarrete; David R. Mandel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Bayesian reasoning", "belief revision", "Risk Communication", "subjective probability", "human judgment", "psychological methods", "individual differences", "Bayesianism", "probabilistic judgment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2963/improving-bayesian-reasoning-what-works-and-why"], ["title", "Improving Bayesian Reasoning: What Works and Why?"], ["doab_id", "18865"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197453"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197453"]], [["description", "The aim of this Research Topic was to collate articles describing prediction of outcomes of pre- and perinatal lesions leading to cerebral palsy, basic research in animal models and human subjects, and ideas for, and trials of, interventions in the first two years of life.CP arises from insults to the sensorimotor cortex, subcortical axon tracts and subplate. The aetiology is complex and often multifactorial. The outcome is not simply a loss of voluntary control due to disruption of descending pathways, but also involves abnormal development of reflex and corticospinal circuitry. CP may be viewed as aberrant plasticity in response to a lesion, indeed, abnormalities in movement are subtle at first but develop subsequently. It is misleading to suppose that developmental mechanisms are self-reparative. The challenge is to understand activitydependent fine tuning of neural circuitry during normal development and to find how to promote desirable plasticity whilst limiting undesirable effects following developmental lesions. However, before proposing interventions, we have to develop our ability to predict the severity of neonatal insults.We solicited a variety of articles, including long and short reviews, original research and opinion pieces, from both basic scientists and clinicians. Likewise we, as editors, have complementary knowledge and experience in this area. Anna Basu is an academic pediatric neurologist and Gavin Clowry is a developmental neuroscientist."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anna Purna Basu; Gavin John Clowry"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cerebral Palsy", "Early Intervention", "Translational Medical Research", "diagnosis", "outcome prediction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1834/improving-outcomes-in-cerebral-palsy-with-early-intervention-new-translational-approaches"], ["title", "Improving outcomes in cerebral palsy with early intervention: new translational approaches"], ["doab_id", "17747"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195121"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195121"]], [["description", "In a Trance is just the sort of genre-defying work we at Peanut and punctum and, as it happens, Jeffrey Skoblow, revel in. It is a book-length essay by a fiction writer. It is a fictional essay by a literary scholar. It is a gallant assay by a smart man who thinks while he walks, and he walks a lot.The book is a meta-meditation on Paleolithic cave drawings and the humans who ponder them. It is fact-based and entrancing just as the cave drawings are actual (existing in time \u2014 loosely \u2014 and space \u2014 more definitively) and mesmerizing. Skoblow is devising stories as \u201cwe\u201d (humans) have always devised stories though in a less familiar mode, along a less travelled path.The essay draws on (!) the careful/thoughtful/whimsical notebooks kept by Skoblow over a dozen years. The notebooks record/illuminate/complicate his visits to twelve Paleolithic art sites as well as his deep, eccentric reading of texts concerned in some way with the subject of cave drawings by an array of scientists, anthropologists, archeologists, art historians, and other sundry enthusiasts and experts, so-called and otherwise.I saw the caves and didn\u2019t know what to do with them. So I started writing in Spring \u201901 to try to figure it out. The first words I wrote were \u201cThe caves themselves.\u201d A few pages later: \u201cThe caves, no doubt, blah blah blah. To find a way to talk about them: impossible.\u201d It wasn\u2019t going well.These are one man\u2019s marks made about making marks. Skoblow\u2019s meticulous descriptions attempt the impossible: to provide the \u201cinformation\u201d that will allow us to see what is visible, invisible, restricted, unseen, hidden, and lost (in the sense of not yet found, or destroyed, or degraded by human presence) beneath the ground at El Castillo and Niaux (for instance). Lines, dots, dashes, body parts, animals, and \u201chum-animal\u201d figures \u2014 things/creatures we have given name to (bison? rhino? vulva? phallus?) in our helplessly homo-sapien-centric attempts to understand (and/or to master our non-understanding).The Great Being would appear to be an androgynous figure, or rather, an ungendered figure almost mistakable for a skull, all the matter of a few deft lines: a slightly crumpled egg-shaped braincase with no representation of hair or other individualizing features, an overlarge eye and a blunt nose, a mouth curving in a long slow grin, maybe, of stupefaction or benediction, benign and spooky all at once.Here is a leaping mind.We follow Skoblow as he steps onto an electric train in the caves at Rouffignac and steps out in Southern Illinois, where he cautiously crosses a snake-ridden (maybe) meadow. This is where he meanders further \u2014 literally and figuratively: further from the actual caves, furtherest from certainty. These furtherings are exactly what we might expect from a book that from its opening pages declares as one if its themes the difficulties inherent in considering Paleolithic art.It is problematic \u2026 for reasons having to do with the nature of representation and, no doubt, the mysteries of sentient experience. There is also the problem of expectations and intent: to whom does one speak about the caves, and for what purpose?The pleasures of this book are found in Skoblow\u2019s intense, vigilant exploration of these problems and questions, which are in themselves irresistible. Who are we? In what ways, specifically, and to what degree do we resemble these ancient humans who spray- and brush-painted, smudged, carved, and stenciled images into and onto cave walls and floors and ceilings?Signs emptied of meaning, a kind of dream, a salve and a reassurance, possibly terrifying, too. A plunge into signs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeffrey Skoblow"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["art history, cultural anthropology, archaeology, paleolithic art, cave art, posthumanism, animality"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3560d6jcj8qfkq/Skoblow_In_a_Trance_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "In a Trance: On Paleo Art"], ["doab_id", "17879"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692321287"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692321287"]], [["description", "This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access In and Out of Suriname: Language, Mobility and Identity offers a fresh multidisciplinary approach to multilingual Surinamese society, that breaks through the notion of bounded ethnicity enshrined in historical and ethnographic literature on Suriname."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carlin ,E.B.; L; Migge ,B.; Tjon Sie Fat ,P.B."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Surinam"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613315"], ["title", "In and Out of Suriname"], ["doab_id", "18470"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004280113", "9789004280120"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004280113 9789004280120"]], [["description", "In Death's Waiting Room is a penetrating story about people suffering from dementia in a multi-cultural society, relevant to us all. Anne-Mei The carried out two years of ethnographic research in a nursing home in the Netherlands revealing what usually remains hidden from the public: the decision to stop treatment, the cultural and social gap between the Dutch occupants and the black Caribbean nursing staff, the communication problems with relatives, the tensions and aggression. But she also shares with us the touching and funny moments and experiences with the elderly occupants. This book also unravels \"the Blauwborgje case\" - which was the focus of much media attention in the Netherlands in the late 1990s - in which a nursing home refused to re-hydrate a man with extreme dementia because they considered his condition to be terminal, whilst his family disagreed and pressed charges for attempted murder. Anne-Mei The gives an account of the events that took place and also explores the wider relevance of the case.

Nederland telt op dit moment 250.000 dementerenden en hun aantal neemt toe. Ooit treft wellicht onze ouders, onze geliefden of onszelf dit lot. Anne-Mei The werkte als onderzoeker twee jaar in een verpleeghuis. Zij onthult wat meestal verborgen blijft: de beslissing om te stoppen met behandelen. De armoede en voodoo-rituelen van de gekleurde verzorgenden. Problemen die kunnen optreden met de familie. Spanningen, agressie en seks op de afdeling. Maar ze maakt ons ook deelgenoot van ontroerende en hilarische taferelen. Daarnaast ontrafelt The 'de zaak 't Blauwb\u00f6rgje' die in de jaren negentig in het nieuws kwam. De familie van een diep demente man beschuldigde het verpleeghuis van poging tot moord.Wat ging er mis? En kan zoiets weer gebeuren? Het boek leest als een roman en zet eenieder aan het denken over de invulling van zijn of haar eigen levenseinde in het geval van dementie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "The ,Anne-Mei"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Culture and institutions", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Culture and instituten", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340108"], ["title", "In Death's Waiting Room : Living and Dying with Dementia in a Multicultural Society"], ["doab_id", "12818"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053560778"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053560778"]], [["description", "In Divisible Cities takes Italo Calvino\u2019s classic re-imagining of Venice, viewed in the mind\u2019s eye from many different metaphysical angles, and projects it on to the world at large. Where the Italian saw his favorite city as an impossible metropolis of many moods, shades, and ways of being, this unauthorized sequel unpacks the Escheresque streets in unexpected directions. In Divisible Cities is thus an exercise in cartographic origami: the reflective and poetic result of the narrator\u2019s desire to map hidden cities, secret cities, imaginary cities, impossible cities, and overlapping cities, existing beneath the familiar Atlas of everyday perception. Stitching these different places and spaces together is a \u201cdouble helix\u201d or \u201cSiamese seduction\u201d between the traveler and his romantic shadow, revealing \u2014 step by step \u2014 a clandestine itinerary of hidden affinities, nestled within the habitual rhythm of things.Matter matters. That\u2019s what the drone of the city tells us.And yet we dream of something beyond these invisible walls."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominic Pettman"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["imaginary cartography, maps, secret cities, travelogue, weird fiction"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/in-divisible-cities/"], ["title", "In Divisible Cities: A Phanto-Cartographical Missive"], ["doab_id", "16031"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615853192"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615853192"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Poeze ,H.A."], ["date", "1986"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613317"], ["title", "In het land van de overheerser"], ["doab_id", "18472"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067652018", "9789004287310"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067652018 9789004287310"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostindie ,G.; Maduro ,E."], ["date", "1986"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613316"], ["title", "In het land van de overheerser"], ["doab_id", "18471"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067652025", "9789004287327"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067652025 9789004287327"]], [["description", "For the first time since Chevrels seminal monography Le naturalisme: \u00e9tude d\u2019un mouvement litt\u00e9raire international (1982), this study presents an encompassing approach to European naturalism. By means of a logical theoretical framework drawing on both comparative literature and narratology, Pieter Borghart proposes a more nuanced definition of naturalism than those traditionally found in the existing literature. By analyzing naturalism in 19th century Modern Greek literature, the second part of this monography concretely shows how this definition offers fruitful perspectives to reassess literary history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Borghart ,Pieter"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Naturalism", "Emile Zola", "Narratology", "Modern Greek literature", "Naturalisme", "Emile Zola", "Verhaalkunde", "Moderne Griekse literatuur"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365437"], ["title", "In het spoor van Emile Zola. De narratologische code(s) van het Europese naturalisme"], ["doab_id", "13283"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038210438"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038210438"]], [["description", "Collected in memory of the Vermeer scholar and Yale economist J. Michael Montias, these essays take into account the latest trends in the field and provide new data on a wide range of topics in Netherlandish art. Themes include the reception of paintings and architecture; art collecting as interpreted through inventories and other documents that reveal modes of display; relationships between patrons and painters; recently found or attributed works of art; artists as teachers; and the art market. Taken together, these focused studies offer fresh perspectives on the historical appreciation and evaluation of art. Drawing upon J.M. Montias' contribution to art history, these 32 essays present new analyses, attributions, and documents on Netherlandish art and material culture - including the work of Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrandt, van Eyck and others - by internationally known scholars of art history and the economics of art

Ter ere van Michael Montias' bijdrage aan de kunstgeschiedenis, eert een internationale groep experts op het gebied van Nederlandse kunst in 32 essays hem om zijn wapenfeiten. Met nieuwe feiten, nog niet eerder gepubliceerde documenten en nieuwe interpretaties vormen deze essays een kritische heroverweging over hoe Nederlandse kunst en architectuur wordt bestudeerd vandaag de dag. Het boek bevat recente studies over het werk van Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrandt, Van Eyck en vele anderen. De thema's in de bundel zijn: de ontvangst van schilderijen en architectuur, het verzamelen van kunst bestudeerd door verschillende verzamelingen, de relaties tussen meesters en hun leerlingen, kunstenaars als leraren en de kunstmarkt. Met het geven van nieuwe inzichten is dit boek een belangrijke bron voor toekomstige studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Golahny ,A.; Mochizuki ,Mia M.; Vergara ,L."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen", "kunstgeschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444102"], ["title", "In His Milieu : Essays on Netherlandish Art in Memory of John Michael Montias"], ["doab_id", "12835"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789053569337"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569337"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Swellengrebel ,J."], ["date", "1974"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613318"], ["title", "In Leijdeckers voetspoor"], ["doab_id", "18473"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024716234", "9789004286986"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024716234 9789004286986"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Swellengrebel ,J."], ["date", "1978"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613319"], ["title", "In Leijdeckers voetspoor"], ["doab_id", "18474"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024721153", "9789004287136"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024721153 9789004287136"]], [["description", "Sloterdijk has in recent years grown into one of Germany\u2019s most influential thinkers. His work, which is extremely relevant for philosophers, scientists of art and culture, sociologists, political scientists and theologists, is only now gradually being translated in English. This book makes his work accessible to a wider audience by putting it to work in orientation towards current issues.
Sloterdijk\u2019s philosophy moves from a Heideggerian project to think \u2018space and time\u2019 to a Diogenes-inspired \u2018kynical\u2019 affirmation of the body and a Deleuzian ontology of network-spheres. In a range of accessible and clearly written chapters, this book discusses the many aspects of this thought.

In Medias Res brengt een gezelschap van gerenommeerde auteurs samen om het oeuvre van Peter Sloterdijk toe te lichten, kritisch te bezien en toe te passen. Sloterdijk is in recente jaren uitgegroeid tot een van de meest toonaangevende Duitse denkers. Zijn werk, dat uitermate relevant is voor filosofen, kunst- en cultuurwetenschappers, sociologen, politicologen en theologen, wordt pas sinds kort vertaald naar het Engels. Dit boek is de eerste Engelstalige bundeling die het werk van Sloterdijk toegankelijk maakt voor een breder publiek. In verschillende, helder geschreven hoofdstukken bespreken de auteurs de vele aspecten van Sloterdijks rijke filosofie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schinkel ,Willem; Noordegraaf-Eelens , Liesbeth"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Filosofie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392222"], ["title", "In Medias Res : Peter Sloterdijk's Spherological Poetics of Being"], ["doab_id", "13403"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643292"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643292"]], [["description", "Mary Ellen Avery was the driving force behind the discipline of Neonatology. She fought against convention when she published her ground-breaking paper in 1959 showing that Hyaline Membrane Disease was caused by lung surfactant deficiency. Up until then it was thought to be an due to amniotic fluid aspiration, as suggested by Hoccheim in 1903. She encouraged her students to think out of the box, as long as we were studying \u2018something that you couldn\u2019t live without\u2019. In addition to being a great clinician-researcher she was a mentor. The article is by her former students writing about their personal experiences under the tutelage of Mel Avery."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Steven Torday"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["lung surfactant", "Joint Program in Neonatology", "Preterm Birth", "Harvard Medical School", "Boston Children's Hospital", "Boston Lying-In Hospital", "Respiratory Distress Syndrome", "Johns Hopkins Medical School", "Montreal Children's Hospital"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2642/in-memory-of-mary-ellen-avery"], ["title", "In Memory of Mary Ellen Avery"], ["doab_id", "17692"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193639"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193639"]], [["description", "In praise of Prambanan is devoted to the Hindu-Javanese temple complex of Candi Prambanan, also known by its locally more popular name of Candi Loro Jonggrang."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jordaan ,R."], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Jawa Tengah", "history", "Indonesia", "sculpture", "architecture", "literature surveys", "Hinduism", "Prambanan", "archaeology", "temples"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613395"], ["title", "In Praise of Prambanan"], ["doab_id", "14802"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067181051", "9789004260429"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067181051 9789004260429"]], [["description", "In praise of Prambanan is devoted to the Hindu-Javanese temple complex of Candi Prambanan, also known by its locally more popular name of Candi Loro Jonggrang.The book has two parts. Part One is a general introduction to the temple complex based on an examination of the existing scholarly literature. It offers a detailed state-of-the-art survey of publications on Candi Prambanan as well as of the religious conditions which made its creation possible. Part Two contains a selection of important articles - in English translation - about the temple complex by prominent Dutch scholars all of whom had first-hand knowledge of it: J.W. IJzerman, J.Ph. Vogel, N.J. Krom, F.D.K. Bosch, B. de Haan, W.F. Stutterheim, V.R. van Romondt and A.J. Bernet Kempers. The book is richly illustrated with photographs, drawings and maps. Roy E. Jordaan, currently a private scholar, obtained his PhD in anthropology from Leiden University."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jordaan ,Roy E."], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Prambanan", "temples", "Hinduism", "literature surveys", "architecture", "history", "archaeology", "sculpture", "Jawa Tengah", "Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=417723"], ["title", "In praise of Prambanan; Dutch essays on the Loro Jonggrang temple complex"], ["doab_id", "15969"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067181051"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9067181056"]], [["description", "In search of a pathAn analysis of the foreign policy of Suriname from 1975 to 1991Roger JanssenThe foreign policy of small states is an often neglected topic, which is particularly the case when it comes to Suriname. How did the young Republic deal with its dependency on the Netherlands for development aid after 1975? Was Paramaribo following a certain foreign policy strategy or did it merely react towards internal and external events? What were the decision making processes in defining the foreign policy course and who was involved in these processes? And why was a proposal discussed to hand back the right of an independent foreign and defence policy to a Dutch Commonwealth government in the early 1990s? These questions are examined here in depth, in the first comprehensive analysis of Suriname\u2019s foreign policy from 1975 to 1991. The book provides readers interested in Caribbean and Latin American affairs with a detailed account of Suriname\u2019s external relations. Moreover, the young Republic may stand as a case study, as it confronted the difficulties and challenges that small developing states often face. Roger Janssen (1967), born in the Dutch-German border region of Cleve, migrated to Australia in 1989. He received his education as a historian at the University of Western Australia where he obtained a Ph.D. in 1999. During his graduate and post-graduate studies, the main focus of his research was directed towards the social-economic and political developments of the Dutch Caribbean after the Second World War. Currently he lives and works in the Netherlands."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Janssen ,Roger"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Suriname", "Caribbean", "Latin America", "Foreign policy", "Political development", "Suriname", "Caribische eilanden", "Latijns Amerika", "Buitenlandse beleid", "Politieke ontwikkeling"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=371570"], ["title", "In search of a path; An analysis of the foreign policy of Suriname from 1975 to 1991"], ["doab_id", "13313"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183345", "9789004253674"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183345 9789004253674"]], [["description", "In Search of Effective Disability Policy examines the potentials of two very different strategies of integrating disabled people into the working life. In the Netherlands employers have great responsi-bility for the integration. In contrast employers have limited responsibility in the Danish strategy, where public authorities are crucial. This book finds that there are virtues and drawbacks of both strategies. While the Dutch policy promotes work-retention of sick-listed workers, it hampers the labour market entry of non-employed disabled people. This is so because employers avoid hiring disabled people as future work-disability inflicts costs upon employers. This is not the case in Denmark. But here too many workers with health problems lose their labour market attachment because employers are allowed to dismiss them and as public reintegration measures do not work as intended. Consequently, an effective disability policy should demand neither too little nor too much of employers. By combing macro-level analyses with empirical analyses at the micro-level this book distinguishes itself from most other studies in the field.

In deze vergelijkende studie worden de resultaten van twee zeer uiteenlopende strategie\u00ebn voor de integratie van arbeidsongeschikten in het bedrijfsleven vergeleken. In Nederland dragen de werkgevers grote verantwoordelijkheid voor de herintreding, terwijl in Denemarken de overheidsinstanties een cruciale rol spelen. In Search of Effective Disability Policy laat zien dat beide oplossingen voor- en nadelen met zich meebrengen. Het Nederlandse systeem bevordert het behoud van de arbeidsplaats van zieke werknemers, maar toetreding van werkloze WAO'ers tot de arbeidsmarkt wordt belemmerd: werkgevers zijn immers niet meer bereid om arbeidsongeschikten in dienst te nemen vanwege de hoge kosten die zo'n werknemer met zich meebrengt. Dat komt in Denemarken niet voor, maar daar verliest een groot aantal zieke werknemers de aansluiting met de arbeidsmarkt als gevolg van hun ontslag en een falende overheidsaanpak voor re\u00efntegratie. In een succesvol WAO-beleid zouden overheid en werkgevers daarom een gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid moeten dragen. Door analyses op macroniveau te combineren met empirische analyses op microniveau onderscheidt In Search of Effective Disability Policy zich van andere studies over dit onderwerp."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hogelund ,Jan"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Political science", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340226"], ["title", "In Search of Effective Disability Policy : Comparing the Developments and Outcomes of the Dutch and Danish Disability Policies"], ["doab_id", "12909"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566442"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566442"]], [["description", "The essays collected in this volume explore some of the themes that have been at the centre of recent debates within Wittgensteinian scholarship. In opposition to what we are tentatively inclined to think, the articles of this volume invite us to understand that our need to grasp the essence of ethical and religious thought and language will not be achieved by metaphysical theories expounded from such a point of view, but by focusing on our everyday forms of expression."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arnswald ,Ulrich"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Wittgenstein", "philosophy", "Wittgenstein", "Philosophie"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422396"], ["title", "In Search of Meaning : Ludwig Wittgenstein on Ethics, Mysticism and Religion"], ["doab_id", "15092"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866442184"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866442184"]], [["description", "The middle classes of Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klinken van ,G.; Berenschot ,W."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613320"], ["title", "In Search of Middle Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18475"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004263000", "9789004263437"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004263000 9789004263437"]], [["description", "Chronicling the dramatic history of the Brazilian Amazon during the Second World War, Seth Garfield provides fresh perspectives on contemporary environmental debates. His multifaceted analysis explains how the Amazon became the object of geopolitical rivalries, state planning, media coverage, popular fascination, and social conflict. In need of rubber, a vital war material, the United States spent millions of dollars to revive the Amazon's rubber trade. In the name of development and national security, Brazilian officials implemented public programs to engineer the hinterland's transformation. Migrants from Brazil's drought-stricken Northeast flocked to the Amazon in search of work. In defense of traditional ways of life, longtime Amazon residents sought to temper outside intervention. Garfield's environmental history offers an integrated analysis of the struggles among distinct social groups over resources and power in the Amazon, as well as the repercussions of those wartime conflicts in the decades to come. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Garfield ,Seth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469256"], ["title", "In Search of the Amazon - Brazil, the United States and the Nature of a Region"], ["doab_id", "15928"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822355717", "9780822355854", "9780822377177"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822355717 9780822355854 9780822377177"]], [["description", "Over the course of more than three centuries of Romanov rule in Russia, foreign visitors and residents produced a vast corpus of literature conveying their experiences and impressions of the country. The product of years of painstaking research by one of the world\u2019s foremost authorities on Anglo-Russian relations, In the Lands of the Romanovs is the realization of a major bibliographical project that records the details of over 1200 English-language accounts of the Russian Empire.Ranging chronologically from the accession of Mikhail Fedorovich in 1613 to the abdication of Nicholas II in 1917, this is the most comprehensive bibliography of first-hand accounts of Russia ever to be published. Far more than an inventory of accounts by travellers and tourists, Anthony Cross\u2019s ambitious and wide-ranging work includes personal records of residence in or visits to Russia by writers ranging from diplomats to merchants, physicians to clergymen, gardeners to governesses, as well as by participants in the French invasion of 1812 and in the Crimean War of 1854-56.Providing full bibliographical details and concise, informative annotation for each entry, this substantial bibliography will be an invaluable tool for anyone with an interest in contacts between Russia and the West during the centuries of Romanov rule."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cross, Anthony (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Bibliography", "Romanovs", "Russia", "Russian Tsars", "Travel Accounts"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/268"], ["title", "In the Land of the Romanovs: An Annotated Bibliography of First-hand English-language Accounts of the Russian Empire (1613-1917)"], ["doab_id", "15996"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740581"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740581"]], [["description", "Canada's role as world power and its sense of itself in the global landscape has been largely shaped and defined over the past 100 years by the changing policies and personalities in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). This engaging and provocative book brings together fifteen of the country's leading historians and political scientists to discuss a century of Canada's national interests and DFAIT's role in defining and pursuing them. Accomplished and influential analysts such as Jack Granatstein, Norman Hillmer, and Nelson Michaud, are joined by rising stars like Whitney Lackenbauer, Adam Chapnick, and Tammy Nemeth in commenting on the history and future implications of Canada's foreign policy. In the National Interest gives fresh insight into the Canada First concept in the 1920s, the North American security issues in the 1930s, Canada's vision for the United Nations, early security warnings in the Arctic, the rise of the international francophone community, conflicting continental visions over energy, and Canada/U.S. policy discussions. The impact of politicians and senior bureaucrats such as O.D. Skelton, Lester B. Pearson, Marcel Cadieux, Jules Leger, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney are set against issues such as national defence, popular opinion, human rights, and energy production. In the National Interest also provides a platform for discussion about Canada's future role on the international stage. With its unique combination of administrative and policy history, In the National Interest is in a field of its own."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Greg Donaghy (Editor); Michael K. Carroll (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48549/4/UofCPress_NationalInterest_2011.pdf"], ["title", "In the National Interest: Canadian Foreign Policy and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1909-2009"], ["doab_id", "15163"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385616"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385616 "]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christopher J. Walsh"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Cormac McCarthy, 1933", "- Criticism and interpretation"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "In the Wake of the Sun: Navigating the Southern Works of Cormac McCarthy"], ["doab_id", "16903"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729270", "9780979729270"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729270; 9780979729270"]], [["description", "Os artigos desse livro abordam assuntos como as diretrizes metodol\u00f3gicas utilizadas em a\u00e7\u00f5es de inclus\u00e3o digital,quest\u00f5es relacionadas ao software livre e a an\u00e1lise de uma experi\u00eancia de inclus\u00e3o digital em ambiente educacional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonilla, Maria Helena Silveira; Pretto, Nelson De Luca"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["COMPUTERS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qfgmr"], ["title", "Inclus\u00e3o digital: pol\u00eamica contempor\u00e2nea"], ["doab_id", "17921"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212063"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212063"]], [["description", "The book contains the proceedings of the European conference and review \u00abProducts and experiences for intercultural dialogue: Best practices for social inclusion in Italy and Europe\" held in Florence on 18 January 2008 in the framework of the project \u00abSocial Inclusion: How Leonardo da Vinci Projects Contribueted to Make it Effective\u00bb. With a social and pedagogic/educational approach, the text is designed to make a specific contribution to the knowledge and evaluation of quality products, carefully selected by European experts, regarding three fundamental aspects of social inclusion and intercultural dialogue: learning on the part of the immigrants of the language and culture of the host country; reception and inclusion in the workplace; the protection of the health and safety of the immigrants.

Il volume raccoglie gli atti della Conferenza e Rassegna Europea \u00abProdotti ed esperienze per il dialogo interculturale. Le migliori pratiche per l'inclusione sociale in Italia e in Europa\u00bb, svoltasi a Firenze il 18 gennaio 2008, nell'ambito del progetto \u00abSocial Inclusion: How Leonardo da Vinci Projects Contribueted to Make it Effective\u00bb. Con un approccio di carattere sociale e pedagogico/educativo il testo intende apportare un contributo specifico alla conoscenza e alla valutazione di prodotti di qualit\u00e0, accuratamente selezionati da esperti europei, riguardanti tre aspetti fondamentali dell'inclusione sociale e del dialogo interculturale: l'apprendimento da parte degli immigrati della lingua e della cultura del paese ospitante; l'accoglienza e l'inclusione nei luoghi di lavoro; la salvaguardia della salute e della sicurezza degli immigrati."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boffo, Vanna; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Integration", "European Union", "Proceedings", "Integrazione", "Unione europea", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343703"], ["title", "L'inclusione sociale e il dialogo interculturale nei contesti europei"], ["doab_id", "13038"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884537683"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884537683"]], [["description", "Por que \u00e9 importante investigar a indexa\u00e7\u00e3o durante a cataloga\u00e7\u00e3o? A resposta \u00e9 que, por meio de tal procedimento, \u00e9 poss\u00edvel conhecer as realidades de bibliotec\u00e1rios e usu\u00e1rios. A pesquisa apresentada neste livro se destaca por dois motivos: trata-se de um trabalho coletivo, com objetivos, fundamenta\u00e7\u00e3o te\u00f3rica e metodol\u00f3gica comuns; adota uma abordagem sociocognitiva que n\u00e3o s\u00f3 evidencia a tarefa de indexa\u00e7\u00e3o de assuntos na cataloga\u00e7\u00e3o de livros por catalogadores, como tamb\u00e9m privilegia e entrela\u00e7a as diferentes vis\u00f5es dos usu\u00e1rios do cat\u00e1logo, discentes, docentes, pesquisadores, bibliotec\u00e1rios de refer\u00eancia e dirigentes de bibliotecas - grupos que fazem parte do contexto sociocognitivo dos catalogadores, pois s\u00e3o usu\u00e1rios dos resultados da tarefa que realizam. Esta \u00e9 uma obra de refer\u00eancia para os profissionais de biblioteconomia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fujita, Mari\u00e2ngela Spotti Lopes; Boccato, Vera Regina Casari; Rubi, Milena Polsinelli; Gon\u00e7alves, Maria Carolina"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wcvbc"], ["title", "A indexa\u00e7\u00e3o de livros: a percep\u00e7\u00e3o de catalogadores e usu\u00e1rios de bibliotecas universit\u00e1rias. Um estudo de observa\u00e7\u00e3o do contexto sociocognitivo com protocolos verbais"], ["doab_id", "16738"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830150"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830150"]], [["description", "Now back in print, this important collection of first-hand accounts from individuals who had leading roles in Indian-white relations is a necessary reference for anyone interested in the modern Indian experience.

Reviewing fifty years of Indian history since the Indian Reorganization Act was passed during FDR's New Deal administration, the contributors include Indian leaders and activists from a wide cross-section of America's varied native communities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Philp, Kenneth R."], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/91"], ["title", "Indian Self-Rule"], ["doab_id", "14760"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211801"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211801"]], [["description", "Esta obra busca revisitar e reconstruir, atrav\u00e9s de estudos etnogr\u00e1ficos, as categorias \u00cdndio e Caboclo, em diferentes campos sem\u00e2nticos, tendo como ponto de partida as suas contribui\u00e7\u00f5es na forma\u00e7\u00e3o da na\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira. Atrav\u00e9s de artigos, faz uma retomada de dados hist\u00f3ricos para estabelecer a distin\u00e7\u00e3o entre os \u00edndios e os caboclos, em seus principais pontos, sem deixar de lado seus pap\u00e9is no candombl\u00e9."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carvalho, Maria Ros\u00e1rio de; Carvalho, Ana Magda"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mv4m8"], ["title", "\u00cdndios e caboclos : a hist\u00f3ria recontada"], ["doab_id", "17919"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212087"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212087"]], [["description", "Theories of associative learning have a long history in advancing the psychological account of behavior via cognitive representation. There are many components and variations of associative theory but at the core is the idea that links or connections between stimuli or responses describe important aspects of our psychological experience. This Frontiers Topic considers how variations in association formation can be used to account for differences between people, elaborating the differences between males and females, differences over the life span, understanding of psychopathologies or even across cultural contexts. A recent volume on the application of learning theory to clinical psychology is one example of this emerging application (e.g., Hazelgrove & Hogarth, 2012). The task for students of learning has been the development, often with mathematically defined explanations, of the parameters and operators that determine the formation and strengths of associations. The ultimate goal is to explain how the acquired representations influence future behavior. This approach has recently been influential in the field of neuroscience where one such learning operator, the error correction principle, has unified the understanding of the conditions which facilitate neuron activation with the computational goals of the brain with properties of learning algorithms (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972). In this Frontiers Research Topic, we are interested in a similar but currently developing aspect to learning theory, which is the application of the associative model to our understanding of individual differences, including psychopathology. In general, learning theories are monolithic, the same theory applies to the rat and the human, and within people the same algorithm is applied to all individuals. If so this might be thought to suggest that there is little that learning theory can tell us about the how males and females differ, how we change over time or why someone develops schizophrenia for instance. However, these theories have wide scope for developing our understanding of when learning occurs and when it is interfered with, along with a variety of methods of predicting these differences. We received contributions from researchers studying individual differences, including sex differences, age related changes and those using analog or clinical samples of personality and psychopathological disorders where the outcomes of the research bear directly on theories of associative learning. This Research Topic brings together researchers studying basic learning and conditioning processes but in which the basic emotional, attentional, pathological or more general physiological differences between groups of people are modeled using associative theory. This work involves varying stimulus properties and temporal relations or modeling the differences between groups."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robin A. Murphy; Rachel M. Msetfi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Learning", "conditioning", "Associationism", "Computational Psychopathology", "individual differences"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/857/individual-differences-in-associative-learning"], ["title", "Individual differences in associative learning"], ["doab_id", "17842"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192908"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192908"]], [["description", "The superordinate division of emotions is distributed along a bipolar dimension of affective valence, from approaching rewarding situations to avoiding punitive situations. Avoiding and approaching behaviors determine the disposition to the primary emotions of fear and attachment and the behavioral responses to the environmental stimuli of danger, novelty and reward. Approach or avoidance behaviors are associated with the brain pathways controlling cognitive and attentional function, reward sensitivity and emotional expression, involving prefrontal cortex, amygdala, striatum and cerebellum. Individual differences in approach and avoidance behavior might be modulated by normal variance in the level of functioning of different neurotransmitter systems, such as dopaminergic, serotoninergic, noradrenergic and endocannabinoid systems as well as many peptides such as corticotropin releasing hormone. These substances act at various central target areas to increase intensity of appetitive or defensive motivation. Physiologically, personality temperaments of approach and avoidance are viewed as instigators of propensity. They produce immediate affective, cognitive and behavioral inclinations in response to stimuli and orient individuals across domains and situations in a consistent fashion. Although the action undoubtedly emerges directly from these temperamental proclivities, ultimate behavioral outcomes are often a function of the integration among goal pursuit, self-regulation, and temperament trait. Defective coping strategies to aversive or rewarding stimuli characterize the patho-physiology of anxiety- and stress-related disorders or compulsive and addiction behaviors, respectively. Individuals with neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, suicidal behavior, bipolar mania, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, pathological gambling and anxiety disorders have scores which fall at the extreme tails of the normal distribution for a specific temperamental trait. The present Research Topic on the individual differences in emotional and motivational processing emphasizes the link between neuronal pattern and behavioral expression. The Topic includes experimental and clinical researches addressing the individual differences related to approach and avoidance and their behavioral characterization, structural and neurochemical profiles, synaptic connections, and receptor expressions. Studies are organized in a framework that puts in evidence the phenotypic expression and neurobiological patterns characterizing the individual differences and their biological variance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniela Laricchiuta"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["affective and emotional neuroscience", "Anxiety", "dopaminergic and endocannabinoid systems", "Fear System", "motivational disorders", "personality traits", "reinforcement sensitivity theory", "resilience", "rewarding and aversive stimuli", "stress"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2227/individual-differences-from-neurobiological-bases-to-new-insight-on-approach-and-avoidance-behavior"], ["title", "Individual Differences: From Neurobiological Bases to New Insight on Approach and Avoidance Behavior"], ["doab_id", "18836"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197156"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197156"]], [["description", "Christian Kaspar deals with the causes of the current economic crisis in the media industry and discusses opportunities for media companies to avert this crisis. Two options particularly are considered in more detail: the approaching of media products to individual desires of recipients on the basis of individualized systems on the one hand and the quick and location-independent distribution of contents through the mobile internet on the other. Kaspar makes point of two aims: First, it is examined whether and how far the strategies of individualization and distribution in the mobile internet are - compared with traditional media - able to provide additional benefit for customers. Second, conceptual issues in the context of realization of individual and mobile media products are raised and solutions are presented.

Die Medienbranche war in den vergangenen Jahren mit Ver\u00e4nderungen der Wettbewerbsbedingungen konfrontiert, die sich in zum Teil drastisch gesunkenen Umsatz- und Ertragszahlen niedergeschlagen haben. Die derzeitige wirtschaftliche Krise der Medienbranche kann allerdings nicht auf die mangelnde Nachfrage nach ihren Erzeugnissen zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt werden. Im Gegenteil war aktuellen Medienstatistiken zu Folge der durchschnittliche Medienkonsum noch nie so hoch wie heute. Christian Kaspar besch\u00e4ftigt sich daher mit der Frage, wodurch die derzeitige wirtschaftliche Krise der Medienbranche entstanden ist, und welche M\u00f6glichkeiten Medienunternehmen besitzen, um die Krise abzuwenden. Dabei werden insbesondere zwei Strategieoptionen n\u00e4her betrachtet: das Ann\u00e4hern von Medienprodukten an den individuellen Idealwunsch eines Rezipienten auf Grundlage von Individualisierungssystemen und der schnelle und ortsungebundene Vertrieb von Inhalten durch das mobile Internet. Dieses Buch verfolgt dabei eine zweifache Zielsetzung: erstens wird untersucht, ob und in wiefern die Strategieoptionen der Individualisierung und des Inhaltevertriebs im mobilen Internet jeweils in der Lage sind, den Kunden von Medienunternehmen im Vergleich zu herk\u00f6mmlichen Medienformaten einen zus\u00e4tzlichen Nutzen zu stiften. Zweitens werden konzeptionelle Fragestellungen im Rahmen der Realisierung individueller und mobiler Medieng\u00fcter aufgeworfen und entsprechende L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze vorgestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaspar, Christian Markus"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["media economy", "internet", "media economy", "internet"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610242"], ["title", "Individualisierung und mobile Dienste am Beispiel der Medienbranche - Ans\u00e4tze zum Schaffen von Kundenmehrwert"], ["doab_id", "12961"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616536"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616536"]], [["description", "Humans are remarkably adept at identifying individuals on the basis of their facial features, or other traits such as gait or vocal timbre. Besides voice, another auditory medium capable of carrying identity information is music. Indeed, certain famous musicians, such as John Coltrane or Sonny Rollins, need only to play a few notes to be unequivocally recognized. Along with emotion and structural cues, artistic individuality seems to be a key element communicated in music performance. Yet, the means by which individuality is expressed in performance, as well as the cognitive processes employed by listeners to perceive identity cues, remain poorly elucidated. Other pertinent issues, including the connection between a performer\u2019s technical competence and ability to convey a specific musical identity, as well as potential links between individuality and career-defining outcomes such as critical recognition and aesthetic appraisal, warrant further exploration. Quantitative approaches to the study of music performance have benefited greatly from MIDI technology and the application of computational methods, leading to the flourishing of empirical music performance research over the last few decades. More recently, neuroimaging techniques have provided valuable insights into the neural mechanisms involved in the cognitive processes of performing music. Nevertheless, this field continues to benefit greatly from qualitative approaches, given that the communication of affect and identity cues in music performance leads to a rich subjectivity of impressions that must be accounted for in order to lead to a greater understanding of this multifaceted phenomenon. The aim of this Research Topic is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary research broadly related to the expression and perception of individuality in music performance. Research methodology includes behavioral, psychophysiological, and neuroimaging techniques. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are presented The scope of this Research Topic includes laboratory studies as well as studies in real-life performance settings and longitudinal studies on performers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bruno Gingras"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["music performance", "Individuality", "individual differences", "Piano performance", "vocal emotions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1085/individuality-in-music-performance"], ["title", "Individuality in music performance"], ["doab_id", "18570"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193073"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193073"]], [["description", "In the mid-1990s a joint research project was established between CASER (Bogor), CIES (Adelaide), CSIS ( Jakarta) and RSPAS (at ANU, Canberra) to examine interactions between agriculture, trade and the environment in Indonesia.Funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR Project No. 9449), the specific objective of the project was to assess the production, consumption, trade, income distributional, regional, environmental, and welfare eff ects in Indonesia of structural and policy changes at home and abroad. Particular attention was to be paid to those structural and policy changes that could aff ect Indonesia\u2019s agricultural sector over the next 5-10 years.The implications of national and global economic growth, of regional and multilateral trade liberalisation initiatives, and of Indonesia\u2019s ongoing unilateral policy reforms were the initial focus of the study. However, with the onslaught of the financial crisis that began in the latter part of 1997, the project leaders added that issue to the research agenda."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Erwidodo; Anderson ,Kym; Stringer ,Randy; Feridhanusetyawan ,Tubagus"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Agriculture", "Economic aspects Indonesia", "Agriculture and state Indonesia", "Food industry and trade Indonesia", "Financial crises Indonesia", "International economic relations", "Mathematical models", "Indonesia Commerce Econometric models", "Indonesia Economic conditions 1998", "-Indonesia Economic policy", "Environmental aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560262"], ["title", "Indonesia in a Reforming World Economy: Effects on Agriculture, Trade and the Environment"], ["doab_id", "14781"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780980623871"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780980623871"]], [["description", "Nossa pesquisa tem uma pretens\u00e3o modesta: nada mais anseia do que poder oferecer novos dados e qui\u00e7\u00e1 algumas hip\u00f3teses para a an\u00e1lise sociol\u00f3gica da classe oper\u00e1ria brasileira. Deve ser entendida como um trabalho explorat\u00f3rio, que visa levantar informa\u00e7\u00f5es e possibilitar elementos para futuras e mais completas investiga\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas neste campo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ssshp"], ["title", "Industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o e atitudes oper\u00e1rias: estudo de um grupo de trabalhadores"], ["doab_id", "17238"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820229"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820229"]], [["description", "Essa obra oferece uma importante contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de pol\u00edticas de educa\u00e7\u00e3o que atendem \u00e0 pluralidade \u00e9tnicoracial deste pa\u00eds. A partir da discuss\u00e3o sobre as concep\u00e7\u00f5es de inf\u00e2ncia, a autora chega a uma etnografia cr\u00edtica da pr\u00e1tica escolar no ensino fundamental, na qual, de forma did\u00e1tica e com base no referencial cultural afro-brasileiro,apresenta os princ\u00edpios fundadores da inf\u00e2ncia afrodescendente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Ana Katia Alves dos"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ds"], ["title", "Inf\u00e2ncia e afrodescendente: epistemologia cr\u00edtica no ensino fundamental"], ["doab_id", "17264"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209001"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209001"]], [["description", "Este estudo tem por objetivo proceder a uma an\u00e1lise institucional de um conjunto de sete internatos que integram uma determinada Funda\u00e7\u00e3o filantr\u00f3pica, localizada na \u00e1rea perif\u00e9rica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Estes internatos se prop\u00f5em a dar atendimento a crian\u00e7as \u201cmenores carentes e abandonadas\u201d,2 desde rec\u00e9m-nascidas at\u00e9 atingir 18 anos.[Trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alto\u00e9, S\u00f4nia"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/69ysj"], ["title", "Inf\u00e2ncias perdidas: o cotidiano nos internatos-pris\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16675"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662946"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662946"]], [["description", "Os autores apresentam uma das mais importantes contribui\u00e7\u00f5es da estat\u00edstica para a discuss\u00e3o da causalidade, por meio do modelo de respostas potenciais proposto por Rubin, e sua interface com o m\u00e9todo epidemiol\u00f3gico. De particular interesse s\u00e3o as solu\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edfica e estat\u00edstica exploradas, al\u00e9m das premissas adjacentes de homogeneidade e estabilidade. A obra estabelece um di\u00e1logo com a epidemiologia em que s\u00e3o valorizadas e resguardadas as identidades de cada disciplina. O esp\u00edrito interdisciplinar torna este trabalho importante n\u00e3o s\u00f3 para os epidemiologistas e bioestat\u00edsticos, mas tamb\u00e9m para outros profissionais da sa\u00fade coletiva que almejem ampliar sua vis\u00e3o sobre a quest\u00e3o da causalidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luiz, Ronir Raggio; Struchiner, Claudio Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Infer\u00eancia, Causalidade, Modelos epidemiol\u00f3gicos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p2qh6"], ["title", "Infer\u00eancia causal em epidemiologia: o modelo de respostas potenciais "], ["doab_id", "16423"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412688"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412688"]], [["description", "The inferior colliculus (IC) is a unique structure in the auditory system, located between the primary auditory nuclei of the brainstem and the thalamus. The existence of the complex neural circuits in the auditory brainstem and midbrain, lacking in other sensory systems, has motivated an outpouring of research on the circuitry and physiological properties of the IC. IC neurons receive ascending inputs from over 20 separate sources in the brainstem as well as a dense collection of descending connections from the cortex. It is richly connected to both the left and right ears through these circuits and a major theme in research on the IC has been its role in binaural interactions. A second theme is the role of descending circuits in modulating responses to sound in the IC. A third theme is understanding the sound processing that occurs at the level of the IC, essentially how the representation of sound in the IC differs from that in the two auditory nerves. The representation of sound in the IC is an intermediate step in the development of the cortical representation as well as in the development of many perceptual features of sounds. These characteristics have been documented for a number of computations, including sound localization, masking properties, robustness of the representation, and responses to temporal and spectral properties of sounds. This Research Topic aims to discuss a wide range of aspects of the structure and function of the IC in a way that will facilitate future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manuel S. Malmierca; Eric Daniel Young"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["inferior colliculus", "Neural Pathways", "internal circuitry", "inhibitory circuits", "ion channel models", "representation of sound", "sona"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/696/inferior-colliculus-microcircuits"], ["title", "Inferior Colliculus Microcircuits"], ["doab_id", "17755"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193851"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193851"]], [["description", "Influenza virus infections lead to thousands of deaths worldwide annually and billions of dollars economic burden. Despite continuing advances in our understanding of the immune evasion mechanism, the disease remains one of the foremost threat for human being. Traditional vaccines (attenuated and inactivated) mainly provide protection by inducing virus neutralizing antibodies, targeting ever changing surface antigens: Haemagultinin (HA) and Neuraminidase (NA). Due to genetic shift and immune selection pressure, prevalence of circulating influenza virus subtypes changes every year. Therefore, mismatch between circulating strain and vaccine strain can critically affect the success rate of these conventional flu vaccines, and requires continuous monitoring of circulating influenza virus subtypes and change in the vaccine formulations accordingly. The collective limitations of existing flu vaccines urgently call for the development of a novel universal vaccines that might provide the required protective immunity to a range of influenza virus subtypes. New approaches are being investigated mainly targeting conserved regions of flu proteins. Some of these approaches include universally conserved epitopes of HA, nucleoprotein (NP), capsid protein (M1) and ion channel protein (M2) that induced strong immune responses in animal models. Some attention and progress appears to be focused on vaccines based on the M2 ectodomain (M2e) employing a variety of constructs, adjuvants and delivery systems, including M2e-hepatitis B core antigen, flagellin constructs, and virus-like particles (VLP). Animal studies with these M2e candidate vaccines demonstrated that these vaccine candidates can prevent severe illness and death but not infection, which may pose difficulties in both the evaluation of clinical efficacy and approval by the regulatory authorities. VLP vaccines appear to be promising, but still are mostly limited to animal studies. The discovery and development of new and improved vaccines have been greatly facilitated by the application of new technologies. The use of nucleic acid-based vaccines, to combine the benefits of in-situ expression of antigens with the safety of inactivated and subunit vaccines, has been a key advancement. Upon their discovery more than 20 years ago, nucleic acid vaccines promised to be a safe and effective mean to mimic immunization with a live organism vaccine, particularly for induction of T cell immunity. In addition, the manufacturing of nucleic acid-based vaccines offered the potential to be relatively simple, inexpensive and generic. Reverse Vaccinology and in-silico designing of vaccines are very innovative approaches and being considered as future of vaccines. Furthermore, various immuno-therapeutic agents also being developed to treat and minimize immuno-pathological damage in patients suffering from life threatening complications. For the treatment of such pathological conditions, various novel approaches such as administration of immune suppressive cytokines, blocking co-stimulatory signals or activating co-inhibitory signal of T cell activation, are being tested both in lab and clinics. The Research Topic on influenza virus vaccine and therapeutics will give an insight in to the current status and future scope of these new innovative approaches and technologies. Moreover, these new methods will also serve as a reference tool for the development of future vaccines against several other pathogens."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arun Kumar; Shakti Singh"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Influenza Virus", "Vaccine", "Immunotherepy", "adjuvants", "Neutralization antibody", "T Cell Immunity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3354/influenza-virus-vaccines-and-immunotherapies"], ["title", "Influenza Virus Vaccines and Immunotherapies"], ["doab_id", "18198"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198115"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198115"]], [["description", "O car\u00e1ter especial desse livro \u00e9 a interdisciplinaridade das pesquisas. Referenciais te\u00f3ricos como Walter Benjamin, Pierre Bourdieu, Boaventura Santos e Norbert Elias ajudam a entender melhor o funcionamento da interliga\u00e7\u00e3o entre informa\u00e7\u00e3o e conhecimento, educa\u00e7\u00e3o popular e sa\u00fade. Os textos concentram suas quest\u00f5es antes nos atores institucionais, para depois formular a indaga\u00e7\u00e3o sobre como exercem o papel de distanciamento e neutralidade ao optar por outra atitude, qual seja, a \u201c... do afastamento e de \u2018neutralidade ativa\u2019, por ser esta mais favor\u00e1vel a uma posi\u00e7\u00e3o de escuta, propiciadora ao aparecimento de outras vozes\u201d, apontam os organizadores. A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o em fazer essa pesquisa alcan\u00e7ar al\u00e9m do mundo acad\u00eamico \u00e9 ponto primordial em todos os textos. Ressalta-se, ainda, a urg\u00eancia em se formarem \u2018comunidades interpretativas\u2019 para o \u201ccompartilhamento de conhecimentos, pr\u00e1ticas e experi\u00eancias dos diversos atores\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marteleto, Regina Maria; Stotz, Eduardo Navarro"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/twj9s"], ["title", "Informa\u00e7\u00e3o, sa\u00fade e redes sociais: di\u00e1logos de conhecimentos nas comunidades da Mar\u00e9"], ["doab_id", "19310"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413319"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413319"]], [["description", "Are you a student who wants to become an effective teacher in the 21st century? Maybe you are a teacher already? Would you like to learn how to take advantage of educational technologies in order to achieve your pedagogic goals? Nowadays, technology is all around us, but how do we, as teachers, make the best use of it?Technology has entered the classroom and most teachers are not trained in using it to achieve pedagogic goals. This book aims to remedy this situation. To do that, it provides the reader with many step-by-step guides and solved exercises, all written in clear language in a friendly, positive style.The book demystifies the whole process of understanding how new software or hardware works and introduces techniques to make the reader comfortable with classroom technologies. I hope that you enjoy it and find it useful.Dr. Diana P\u00e9rez Mar\u00edn received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 2007. She has published more than 50 papers in journals, such as the Journal of Educational Technology, and Society and has authored the book \u201cICT in education\u201d (in Spanish)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diana P\u00e9rez Mar\u00edn"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Information Technologies, Communication Technologies, Education"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447733"], ["title", "Information and Communications Technology in the 21st Century Classroom"], ["doab_id", "16483"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110401455"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110401455"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/127"], ["title", "Information, Entropy and Their Geometric Structures"], ["doab_id", "19046"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421030", "9783038421047"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421030/9783038421047"]], [["description", "The aim of this Research Topic is to discuss the state of the art on the use of Information-based methods in the analysis of neuroimaging data. Information-based methods, typically built as extensions of the Shannon Entropy, are at the basis of model-free approaches which, being based on probability distributions rather than on specific expectations, can account for all possible non-linearities present in the data in a model-independent fashion.Mutual Information-like methods can also be applied on interacting dynamical variables described by time-series, thus addressing the uncertainty reduction (or information) in one variable by conditioning on another set of variables.In the last years, different Information-based methods have been shown to be flexible and powerful tools to analyze neuroimaging data, with a wide range of different methodologies, including formulations-based on bivariate vs multivariate representations, frequency vs time domains, etc. Apart from methodological issues, the information bit as a common unit represents a convenient way to open the road for comparison and integration between different measurements of neuroimaging data in three complementary contexts: Structural Connectivity, Dynamical (Functional and Effective) Connectivity, and Modelling of brain activity. Applications are ubiquitous, starting from resting state in healthy subjects to modulations of consciousness and other aspects of pathophysiology.Mutual Information-based methods have provided new insights about common-principles in brain organization, showing the existence of an active default network when the brain is at rest. It is not clear, however, how this default network is generated, the different modules are intra-interacting, or disappearing in the presence of stimulation. Some of these open-questions at the functional level might find their mechanisms on their structural correlates. A key question is the link between structure and function and the use of structural priors for the understanding of the functional connectivity measures. As effective connectivity is concerned, recently a common framework has been proposed for Transfer Entropy and Granger Causality, a well-established methodology originally based on autoregressive models. This framework can open the way to new theories and applications.This Research Topic brings together contributions from researchers from different backgrounds which are either developing new approaches, or applying existing methodologies to new data, and we hope it will set the basis for discussing the development and validation of new Information-based methodologies for the understanding of brain structure, function, and dynamics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jesus M. Cortes; Daniele Marinazzo; Miguel Angel Munoz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["brain connectivity", " Information Theory", " transfer entropy", " Granger causality", " mutual information", " structural connectome", " functional connectome", " network theory", " computational neuroscience", " neuroinformatics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1241/information-based-methods-for-neuroimaging-analyzing-structure-function-and-dynamics"], ["title", "Information-based methods for neuroimaging: analyzing structure, function and dynamics"], ["doab_id", "17737"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195022"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195022"]], [["description", "Public spending on infrastructure plays an important role in promoting economic growth and poverty alleviation. Empirical studies unequivocally show that under-investment in infrastructure limit economic growth. At the same time, numerous other studies have shown that investment in infrastructure can be a highly effective tool in fighting poverty reduction1. In that context, the financing of infrastructure has been a critical element of most economic growth and poverty reduction strategies in developing countries, since the start of this millennium. This book provides a comparative analysis of the aggregate and sectoral implications of higher spending on infrastructure in three very different Asian countries: China, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Particular attention is paid to the role of alternative financing mechanisms for increasing public infrastructure investment, namely distortionary and non-distortionary means of financing. The book will be of interest to scholars and policy-makers concerned with economic growth in developing countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean-Yves Duclos; John M. Cockburn; Luca Tiberti; Yazid Dissou"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Infrastructure", "Growth", "China", "Pakistan", "Philippines", "Investment"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-03137-8"], ["title", "Infrastructure and Economic Growth in Asia"], ["doab_id", "15694"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319031361", "9783319031378"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319031361 (Print) 9783319031378 (Online)"]], [["description", "Infrastructure and its effects on economic growth, social welfare, and sustainability receive a great deal of attention today. There is widespread agreement that infrastructure is a key dimension of global development and that its impact reaches deep into the broader economy with important and multifaceted implications for social progress.At the same time, infrastructure finance is among the most complex and challenging areas in the global financial architecture. Ingo Walter, Professor Emeritus of Finance, Corporate Governance and Ethics at the Stern School of Business, New York University, and his team of experts tackle the issue by focussing on key findings backed by serious theoretical and empirical research. The result is a set of viable guideposts for researchers, policy-makers, students and anybody interested in the varied challenges of the contemporary economy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Walter, Ingo (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Infrastructure, finance, economics, welfare, sustainability, social progress, report, Stern School of Business, New York University"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/544"], ["title", "The Infrastructure Finance Challenge"], ["doab_id", "20004"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742936", "9781783742950"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742936/9781783742950"]], [["description", "There seems little doubt that from the earliest evolutionary beginnings, inhibition has been a fundamental feature of neuronal circuits - even the simplest life forms sense and interact with their environment, orienting or approaching positive stimuli while avoiding aversive stimuli. This requires internal signals that both drive and suppress behavior. Traditional descriptions of inhibition sometimes limit its role to the suppression of action potential generation. This view fails to capture the vast breadth of inhibitory function now known to exist in neural circuits. A modern perspective on inhibitory signaling comprises a multitude of mechanisms. For example, inhibition can act via a shunting mechanism to speed the membrane time constant and reduce synaptic integration time. It can act via G-protein coupled receptors to initiate second messenger cascades that influence synaptic strength. Inhibition contributes to rhythm generation and can even activate ion channels that mediate inward currents to drive action potential generation. Inhibition also appears to play a role in shaping the properties of neural circuitry over longer time scales. Experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in developing and mature neural circuits underlies behavioral memory and has been intensively studied over the past decade. At excitatory synapses, adjustments of synaptic efficacy are regulated predominantly by changes in the number and function of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. There is, however, increasing evidence for inhibitory modulation of target neuron excitability playing key roles in experience-dependent plasticity. One reason for our limited knowledge about plasticity at inhibitory synapses is that in most circuits, neurons receive convergent inputs from disparate sources. This problem can be overcome by investigating inhibitory circuits in a system with well-defined inhibitory nuclei and projections, each with a known computational function. Compared to other sensory systems, the auditory system has evolved a large number of subthalamic nuclei each devoted to processing distinct features of sound stimuli. This information once extracted is then re-assembled to form the percept the acoustic world around us. The well-understood function of many of these auditory nuclei has enhanced our understanding of inhibition's role in shaping their responses from easily distinguished inhibitory inputs. In particular, neurons devoted to processing the location of sound sources receive a complement of discrete inputs for which in vivo activity and function are well understood. Investigation of these areas has led to significant advances in understanding the development, physiology, and mechanistic underpinnings of inhibition that apply broadly to neuroscience. In this series of papers, we provide an authoritative resource for those interested in exploring the variety of inhibitory circuits and their function in auditory processing. We present original research and focused reviews touching on development, plasticity, anatomy, and evolution of inhibitory circuitry. We hope our readers will find these papers valuable and inspirational to their own research endeavors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "R. Michael Burger; Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug; Ian D. Forsythe"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["inhibition", "GABA", "Glycine", "Nitric Oxide", "plasticity", "Gap Junctions", "Sound Localization", "MNTB", "co-release"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1631/inhibitory-function-in-auditory-processing"], ["title", "Inhibitory Function in Auditory Processing"], ["doab_id", "19567"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196678"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196678"]], [["description", "Gathering into lively conversation scholars in medieval, early modern and object studies, Inhuman Nature explores the activity of the things, forces, and relations that enable, sustain and operate indifferently to us. Enamored by fictions of environmental sovereignty, we too often imagine \u201chuman\u201d to be a solitary category of being. This collection of essays maps the heterogeneous and asymmetrical ecologies within which we are enmeshed, a material world that makes the human possible but also offers difficulties and resistance. Among the topics explored are the futurity that inheres in storms and wrecks, wood that resists its burning or offers art and dwelling, hymns that implant themselves like viruses, the ontology of everyday objects, the seep and flow of substance, the resistant nature of matter, the dependence of community upon making things public, and the interstices at which nature and culture become inseparable.Tinker as you will."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (Ed.); Steve Mentz; Anne Harris; Alan Montroso; Lowell Duckert; Alfred Kentigern Siewers; James Smith; Ian Bogost"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["object-oriented studies, new materialisms, post-humanism, medieval studies, early modern studies, art history, literary studies, environmental humanities, ecology, oceanic studies"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/oaggqzvg5e7r2r6/Cohen_Inhuman_Nature_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Inhuman Nature"], ["doab_id", "17881"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692299302"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692299302"]], [["description", "\"A inicia\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica (IC) pode ser entendida sob duas perspectivas dentro do ensino superior. Na primeira, \u00e9 um processo que abarca todas as experi\u00eancias vivenciadas pelo aluno durante a gradua\u00e7\u00e3o, com o objetivo de promover o seu envolvimento com a pesquisa e, consequentemente, sua forma\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica, incluindo programas de treinamento, desenvolvimento de estudos sobre a metodologia cient\u00edfica (dentro de uma disciplina ou n\u00e3o), visitas programadas a institutos de pesquisa e a ind\u00fastrias etc. Na segunda, adotada neste livro, a IC \u00e9 definida como o desenvolvimento de um projeto de pesquisa elaborado e realizado sob orienta\u00e7\u00e3o de um docente da universidade, executado com ou sem bolsa para os alunos.O conjunto de textos aqui reunidos promove a socializa\u00e7\u00e3o de diferentes teorias e pr\u00e1ticas sobre a IC no contexto de sua a\u00e7\u00e3o formadora, al\u00e9m de relatar percursos, discutir fundamentos e oferecer contribui\u00e7\u00f5es que permitam uma melhor orienta\u00e7\u00e3o aos gestores e discentes participantes e interessados nessa atividade. Os ensaios tratam de amplo espectro de temas correlatos: as implica\u00e7\u00f5es e perspectivas da pesquisa nas universidades brasileiras; o desenvolvimento e a abrang\u00eancia dos programas nacionais de pesquisa sobre a inicia\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica; os efeitos dos fatores socioecon\u00f4micos e culturais no acesso \u00e0 bolsa de inicia\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica; o trabalho do professor pesquisador no PIBIC/CNPq; a bolsa de inicia\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica e os grupos de pesquisa; e, por fim, a pesquisa na gradua\u00e7\u00e3o e sua import\u00e2ncia no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de IC.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Massi, Luciana; Queiroz, Salete Linhares"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s3ny4"], ["title", "Inicia\u00e7\u00e3o cient\u00edfica: aspectos hist\u00f3ricos, organizacionais e formativos da atividade no ensino superior brasileiro"], ["doab_id", "19681"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334577"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334577"]], [["description", "The ancient Mysteries have long attracted the interest of scholars, an interest that goes back at least to the time of the Reformation. After a period of interest around the turn of the twentieth century, recent decades have seen an important study of Walter Burkert (1987). Yet his thematic approach makes it hard to see how the actual initiation into the Mysteries took place. To do precisely that is the aim of this book.It gives a \u2018thick description\u2019 of the major Mysteries, not only of the famous Eleusinian Mysteries, but also those located at the interface of Greece and Anatolia: the Mysteries of Samothrace, Imbros and Lemnos as well as those of the Corybants. It then proceeds to look at the Orphic-Bacchic Mysteries, which have become increasingly better understood due to the many discoveries of new texts in the recent times. Having looked at classical Greece we move on to the Roman Empire, where we study not only the lesser Mysteries, which we know especially from Pausanias, but also the new ones of Isis and Mithras. We conclude our book with a discussion of the possible influence of the Mysteries on emerging Christianity.Its detailed references and up-to-date bibliography will make this book indispensable for any scholar interested in the Mysteries and ancient religion, but also for those scholars who work on initiation or esoteric rituals, which were often inspired by the ancient Mysteries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bremmer, Jan N"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Antiquity, cult, initiation, mysteries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/185838"], ["title", "Initiation into the Mysteries of the Ancient World"], ["doab_id", "18028"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110299557", "9783110376999", "9783110299298"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110299557, 9783110376999, 9783110299298"]], [["description", "Inflammation of the brain in the context of neurodegenerative disorders is an area of intense debate and discussion, not least in terms of its pathogenic significance and the extent to which it drives disease processes and pathology. This inflammation can take several forms including innate responses recruiting microglia, humoral responses involving antibody, complement mediated processes and cellular T-cell activation, of which the role and extent of each may differ between diseases. Whilst some diseases have been more intensely linked to inflammation and long-term degeneration (e.g. MS), more traditional chronic neurodegenerative disorders have been thought of in terms of intrinsic neuronal pathology with a secondary innate response. However, it has been described that microglia activation is an early event of many degenerative disorders and evidence is accumulating that it may play a critical role in actually causing pathology and driving disease processes. If true, this would have major therapeutic implications, but what is the evidence that this is the case? The initial observations by Patrick McGeer\u2019s group of post-mortem tissue from patients with Parkinson\u2019s disease revealed the presence of activated brain microglia and has thus lead to the hypothesis that chronic inflammation could participate to neuronal degenerative processes. The significance of these original observations has only been recently revisited, and the development of more powerful tools to study the brain immune response has certainly contributed to this field of research. Chronic inflammation in the brain can take many forms but of particular interest has been the resident microglia and the role they play in this process. In this context, microglia have often been thought to become activated only after the disease has begun and then to contribute minimally to the degenerative process. Emerging new concepts challenge this view by proposing that microglial senescence, for example, may release the disease process and/or accelerate it. In addition, microglia, once activated, can adopt different phenotypes which can be both pro-inflammatory and pro-repair and may impact not only on the healthy adult neuronal population but on those new neurons derived from neurogenic niches of the adult brain. In this Research Topic, we attempt to explore this by first considering the innate immune responses in the brain and the methods by which they can be studied experimentally and in patients with various neurodegenerative disorders. This sets the scene for then discussing a range of different disorders including Alzheimer\u2019s, Parkinson\u2019s, Huntington\u2019s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These papers seek to discuss the evidence for an innate immune response and whether this is beneficial or detrimental, as well as its therapeutic implications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francesca Cicchetti; Roger A Barker"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Immunity", "Inflammation", "Neurodegenerative disorders", "Therapeutics", "Animal Models"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/415/innate-immunity-and-neurodegenerative-disorders"], ["title", "Innate immunity and neurodegenerative disorders"], ["doab_id", "18573"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193103"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193103"]], [["description", "One fundamental topic of scientific inquiry in psychology is the study of what William James called the 'stream of consciousness', our ongoing experience of the world and ourselves from within\u2014our inner experiences. These internal states (aka \"stimulus-independent thoughts\") include inner speech, mental imagery, feelings, sensory awareness, internally produced sounds or music, unsymbolized thinking, and mentalizing (thinking about others' mental states). They may occur automatically during mind-wandering (daydreaming) and resting-state episodes, and may focus on one's past, present, or future (\"mental time travel\" - e.g., autonoetic consciousness). Inner experiences also may take the form of intrusive or ruminative thoughts. The types, characteristics, frequency, content, and functions of inner experiences have been studied using a variety of traditional methods, among which questionnaires, thought listing procedures (i.e., open-ended self-reports), thinking aloud techniques, and daily dairies. Another approach, articulatory suppression, consists in blocking participants' use of verbal thinking while completing a given task; deficits indicate that inner speech plays a causal role in normal task completion. Various thought sampling approaches have also been developed in an effort to gather more ecologically valid data. Previous thought sampling studies have relied on beepers that signal participants to report aspects of their inner experiences at random intervals. More recent studies are exploiting smartphone technology to easily and reliably probe randomly occurring inner experiences in large samples of participants. These various measures have allowed researchers to learn some fundamental facts about inner experiences. To illustrate, it is becoming increasingly clear that prospection (future-oriented thinking) greatly depends on access to autobiographical memory (past-oriented thinking), where recollection of past scenes is used as a template to formulate plausible future scenarios. The main goal of the present Research Topic was to offer a scientific platform for the dissemination of current high-quality research pertaining to inner experiences. Although data on all forms of inner experiences were welcome, reports on recent advances in inner speech research were particularly encouraged. Here are some examples of topics of interest: (1) description and validation of new scales, inventories, questionnaires measuring any form of inner experience; (2) novel uses or improvements of existing measures of inner experiences; (3) development of new smartphone technology facilitating or broadening the use of cell phones to sample inner experiences; (4) frequency, content, and functions of various inner experience; (5) correlations between personality or cognitive variables and any aspects of inner experiences; (6) philosophical or theoretical considerations pertaining to inner experiences; and (7) inner experience changes with age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alain Morin; Thomas M. Brinthaupt; Jason D. Runyan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["resting state", "mind wandering", "inner speech", "unsymbolized thinking", "autobiography", "self-consciousness", "Time Perception", "fMRI", "Thought sampling", "Self-report scales"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2403/inner-experiences-theory-measurement-frequency-content-and-functions"], ["title", "Inner Experiences: Theory, Measurement, Frequency, Content, and Functions"], ["doab_id", "18890"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197712"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197712"]], [["description", "This title presents explores how emerging nanotechnologies demand a new approach to scientific discovery. It develops a theory of authorship, artifacts and intentionality in relation to public policies and institutions. It concludes that localized manufacturing, distributed design and nanotechnology call into question intellectual property regimes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Koepsell"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664783"], ["title", "Innovation and Nanotechnology"], ["doab_id", "14368"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664783"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664783"]], [["description", "The structure and regulation of consumption and demand has recently become of great interest to sociologists and economists alike, and at the same time there is growing interest in trying to understand the patterns and drivers of technological innovation. This book brings together a range of sociologists and economists to study the role of demand and consumption in the innovative process. The book starts with a broad conceptual overview of ways that the sociological and economics literatures address issues of innovation, demand and consumption. It goes on to offer different approaches to the economics of demand and innovation through an evolutionary framework, before reviewing how consumption fits into evolutionary models of economic development. Food consumption is then looked at as an example of innovation by demand, including an examination of the dynamic nature of socially-constituted consumption routines. The book includes a number of illuminating case studies, including an analysis of how black Americans use consumption to express collective identity, and a number of demand-innovation relationships within matrices or chains of producers and users or other actors, including service industries such as security, and the environmental performance of companies. The involvement of consumers in innovation is looked at, including an analysis of how consumer needs may be incorporated in the design of high-tech products. The final chapter argues for the need to build an economic sociology of demand that goes from micro-individual through to macro-structural features."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McMeekin ,Andrew; Tomlinson ,Mark; Green ,Ken; Walsh ,Vivien"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["economics", "consumerism", "marketing"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341346"], ["title", "Innovation by demand: An interdisciplinary approach to the study of demand and its role in innovation"], ["doab_id", "12671"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062674"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062674"]], [["description", "Quantitative Finance; Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences; Finance/Investment/Banking; Actuarial Sciences "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kathrin Glau; Matthias Scherer; Rudi Zagst"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Quantitative Finance", " Game Theory, Economics, Social and Behav. Sciences", " Finance/Investment/Banking", " Actuarial Sciences"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-09114-3"], ["title", "Innovations in Quantitative Risk Management"], ["doab_id", "17310"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319091136", "9783319091143"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319091136 (Print) 9783319091143 (Online)"]], [["description", "Cet ouvrage aborde, \u00e0 travers ses diff\u00e9rents chapitres, quelques-unes des questions li\u00e9es \u00e0 la nouvelle configuration \u00e9conomique et sociale de nos soci\u00e9t\u00e9s, o\u00f9 la connaissance joue un r\u00f4le pr\u00e9pond\u00e9rant en tant que source principale de cr\u00e9ation des richesses, en lieu et place du capital \u00e9conomique ou des ressources naturelles, d\u00e9terminantes dans l\u2019organisation de la production jusqu\u2019au xxe si\u00e8cle. Au-del\u00e0 de l\u2019\u00e9laboration conceptuelle, il s\u2019agit de discuter les r\u00e9sultats des travaux r\u00e9alis\u00e9s ..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sonia Maria Karam Guimar\u00e3es, Bernard Pecqueur (dir.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Br\u00e9sil, d\u00e9veloppement local, France, innovation, savoir, territoires"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/343"], ["title", "Innovations, territoires et arrangements coop\u00e9ratifs"], ["doab_id", "17213"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821854185", "9782821854192"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821854185 9782821854192"]], [["description", "This publication deals with the management of cooperative innovation activities. The author identifies individual management tasks and designs concrete supporting instruments and methods. The system to be designed by management activities can be understood as an information system which provides the partners of innovation cooperation actionable information. The book is aimed at teachers and students of business administration with a focus on innovation and collaboration management. Practitioners receive a basic insight into the latest management concepts.

Innovationen sind ein kritischer und zentraler Faktor f\u00fcr die nachhaltige \u00dcberlebensf\u00e4higkeit von Unternehmen und auch Volkswirtschaften. Der stetige Anstieg von Komplexit\u00e4t und Technologieintensit\u00e4t bei Produkten sowie herausfordernde Marktbedingungen erfordern verst\u00e4rkt Unternehmensgrenzen \u00fcberschreitende Innovationsaktivit\u00e4ten. Auch wenn kooperativ gestaltete Innovationsaktivit\u00e4ten kein vollkommen neues Ph\u00e4nomen darstellen, so ist doch zu eruieren, wie diese Aktivit\u00e4ten effizient und effektiv durchgef\u00fchrt werden k\u00f6nnen. Die vorliegende Publikation gestaltet das Management f\u00fcr kooperative Innovationsaktivit\u00e4ten. Die Autorin identifiziert einzelne Managementaufgaben und entwirft konkrete unterst\u00fctzende Instrumente und Methoden. Im Ergebnis entstehen Routinen und Strukturen, die in der Kooperation ein koordiniertes Arbeiten erm\u00f6glichen. Das zu gestaltende System von Managementaktivit\u00e4ten kann als Informationssystem verstanden werden, welches den Partnern der Innovationskooperation entscheidungsrelevante Informationen bereitstellt. Das Buch richtet sich an Dozenten und Studenten der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Schwerpunkten Innovations- sowie Kooperationsmanagement. Praktiker erhalten einen grundlegenden Einblick in aktuelle Managementkonzepte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hagenhoff, Svenja"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["innivation management", "corporations", "business administration", "innivation management", "corporations", "business administration"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610247"], ["title", "Innovationsmanagement f\u00fcr Kooperationen - eine instrumentenorientierte Betrachtung"], ["doab_id", "13220"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344250"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344250"]], [["description", "The synthesis of inorganic compounds embraces an immense range of techniques and approaches. New organometallic molecules, for example, might demand multi-step organic reactions in the successful production of ligands followed by precision handling and manipulation to form the desired complexes under anaerobic conditions. By contrast, preparation of solid state compounds can demand extreme conditions of temperature and pressure to overcome the formidable thermodynamic and kinetic barriers to their formation. It is the target of many inorganic chemists, both by experiment and computation, to prepare or predict new compounds and materials, to discover the most appropriate conditions under which such substances can be made and to design the experiments that will realise them. New inorganic compounds remain attractive, for example, for their inherent complexity and beauty, for their chemical behaviour, their chemical or biological activity or for their physical properties.The need and desire for new compounds often demands increasingly sophisticated and imaginative synthesis strategies. Equally, the modern societal pressures of cost, safety and environmental protection require new attitudes to the synthesis of high value chemical products. Time and energy efficiency, use of earth-abundant resources and many other green chemistry principles become key parameters in the design of new synthetic processes. I would like to dedicate this inaugural issue of \u201cInorganics\u201d therefore, to the concept of \u201cinnovative synthesis\u201d \u2013 from the intricacy of constructing extended molecular solids on the basis of weak supramolecular forces through the appealing simplicity of \u201cone-pot\u201d methods to make cluster and hybrid materials and soft chemical means to produce solid state materials to the adaptation of inefficient lab techniques towards streamlined flow processes for the preparation of fine chemicals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/122"], ["title", "Innovative Inorganic Synthesis"], ["doab_id", "17506"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420668", "9783038420675"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420668/9783038420675 "]], [["description", "This book is devoted to innovative medicine, comprising the proceedings of the Uehara Memorial Foundation Symposium 2014. It remains extremely rare for the findings of basic research to be developed into clinical applications, and it takes a long time for the process to be achieved. The task of advancing the development of basic research into clinical reality lies with translational science, yet the field seems to struggle to find a way to move forward. To create innovative medical technology, many steps need to be taken: development and analysis of optimal animal models of human diseases, elucidation of genomic and epidemiological data, and establishment of \u201cproof of concept\u201d. There is also considerable demand for progress in drug research, new surgical procedures, and new clinical devices and equipment. While the original research target may be rare diseases, it is also important to apply those findings more broadly to common diseases. The book covers a wide range of topics and is organized into three complementary parts. The first part is basic research for innovative medicine, the second is translational research for innovative medicine, and the third is new technology for innovative medicine. This book helps to understand innovative medicine and to make progress in its realization."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kazuwa Nakao; Nagahiro Minato; Shinji Uemoto"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["molecular medicine", " immunology", " cell biology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-55651-0"], ["title", "Innovative Medicine: Basic Research and Development"], ["doab_id", "19231"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431556503", "9784431556510"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431556503 (Print) 9784431556510 (Online)"]], [["description", "It is by now common knowledge that one of the aspects upon which the survival of the University depends is how it will make the best possible use of the new technologies (e-learning). Despite the acceptance of this principle, difficulties arise when one attempts to proceed from the mere declaration to actually planning activities and putting them into effect. This research, the result of collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Educational Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Florence, focuses on certain theoretical concepts and reference apparatus, bringing international literature to bear on the specific case of Italy. [italian version]

Il lavoro, frutto della collaborazione tra alcuni docenti e ricercatori delle Facolt\u00e0 di Scienze della Formazione e di Ingegneria dell'Ateneo fiorentino, mette a punto alcuni concetti ed apparati teorici di riferimento sul tema delle innovazioni tecnologiche per l'offerta didattica, coniugando la letteratura internazionale con la specificit\u00e0 del contesto italiano. [italian version]"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Calvani, Antonio"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["University", "E-learning", "Technology", "Internet", "Communication", "Universit\u00e0", "e-learning", "Tecnologia", "Internet", "Comunicazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345113"], ["title", "Innovazione tecnologica e cambiamento dell'universit\u00e0"], ["doab_id", "12997"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530141"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530148"]], [["description", "The intention of the editors A. R. Boccaccini and W. H\u00f6land has been to target this e-book to a broad readership and at the same time to present scientific contributions sufficiently detailed which discuss various specific fundamental aspects of inorganic biomaterials and their biomedical and dental applications. In this context, two large categories of biomaterials need to be mentioned, namely bioactive biomaterials for the replacement and regeneration of hard tissue and biocompatible, non-bioactive biomaterials for restorative dentistry. Both categories include products based on glasses or glass-ceramics as well as organic-inorganic composite materials. Among the bioactive products, BIOGLASS\u00ae, developed in the late 1960s by Prof. Dr. L. L. Hench, occupies a prominent position, being BIOGLASS\u00ae the first man-made material shown to form strong and functional bonding to leaving tissue. Sadly, Prof. Hench passed away in December 2015, at the time this e-book was being completed, it is therefore a great honor for the editors to dedicate this e-book to his memory. Indeed the book contains a comprehensive review written by Prof. Hench, in collaboration with Prof. J. R. Jones (UK), which provides a timely overview of the development and applications of bioactive glasses, including a discussion on the remaining challenges in the field. Further bioactive materials have been developed over the years by leading scientists such as Prof. Kokubo (Japan). These materials have also found their way into this book. The other contributions in this book, written by worldwide recognized experts in the field, present the latest advances in relevant areas such as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, metallic ion releasing systems, cements, bioactive glass\u2013polymer coatings, composites for bone regeneration, and effect of porosity on cellular response to bioceramics. In addition to bioactive materials, inorganic systems for restorative dentistry are also discussed in this e-book. Biomaterials for dental restorations consist of glassy or crystalline phases. Glass-ceramics represent a special group of inorganic biomaterials for dental restorations. Glass-ceramics are composed of at least one inorganic glassy phase and at least one crystalline phase. These products demonstrate a combination of properties, which include excellent aesthetics and the ability to mimic the optical properties of natural teeth, as well as high strength and toughness. They can be processed using special processing procedures, e.g. machining, moulding and sintering, to fabricate high quality products. The editors would like to extend their gratitude to the Frontiers team in Lausanne, Switzerland, for their outstanding dedication to make possible the publication of this e-book in a timely manner. It is our wish that the book will contribute to expand the field of inorganic biomaterials, both in terms of fundamental knowledge and applications, and that the book will be useful not only to established researchers but also to the increasing number of young scientists starting their careers in the field of inorganic biomaterials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wolfram Holand; Aldo R. Boccaccini"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Bioactivity", "Bioactive Glasses", "scaffolds", "Bone Regeneration", "composites", "glass-ceramics", "Dentistry"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3116/inorganic-biomaterials"], ["title", "Inorganic Biomaterials"], ["doab_id", "18910"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198016"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198016"]], [["description", "The subjects of the presented papers cover a wide range of challenges in the area of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes. However, it can include only a few comprehensive experimental and theoretical efforts, stepwise evaluating the rationalization of the synthesis, and elucidation of the stability, mechanical, electronic and adhesive properties of these nanostructures. We believe that this thematic issue can be helpful, not only for an advanced researcher to grasp the latest developments in this field, but also to permit a beginner to gain a deeper insight into the field of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/174"], ["title", "Inorganic Fullerene-like Nanoparticles and Inorganic Nanotubes"], ["doab_id", "19043"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421504", "9783038421498"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421504/9783038421498"]], [["description", "O livro re\u00fane cap\u00edtulos que abordam quest\u00f5es sobre a nova configura\u00e7\u00e3o econ\u00f4mico-social em que se destaca a import\u00e2ncia econ\u00f4mica do conhecimento como fonte principal para a cria\u00e7\u00e3o de riqueza, em substitui\u00e7\u00e3o ao capital f\u00edsico e/ou recursos naturais, determinantes para a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o da produ\u00e7\u00e3o at\u00e9 o s\u00e9culo XX. Al\u00e9m de considera\u00e7\u00f5es conceituais, os cap\u00edtulos que comp\u00f5em a obra discutem resultados de pesquisas realizadas por equipes de pesquisadores em Grenoble (Universit\u00e9 Joseph Fourier, Gr..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sonia Maria Karam Guimar\u00e3es, Bernard Pecqueur (dir.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Brasil, conhecimento, desenvolvimento local, inova\u00e7\u00e3o, territ\u00f3rios, Fran\u00e7a"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/360"], ["title", "Inova\u00e7\u00e3o, territ\u00f3rio, e arranjos cooperativos"], ["doab_id", "17214"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9782821854208", "9782821854215"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821854208 9782821854215"]], [["description", "O objetivo deste trabalho \u00e9 analisar como o processo de inova\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas \u00e9 tratado pela Teoria dos Sistemas Complexos. A abordagem neocl\u00e1ssica tradicional, ao partir de pressupostos bastante restritivos sobre os agentes e os mercados, n\u00e3o \u00e9 capaz de fornecer explica\u00e7\u00f5es plaus\u00edveis aos v\u00e1rios problemas econ\u00f4micos da vida real. Ao desconsiderar a din\u00e2mica dos fen\u00f4menos econ\u00f4micos, essa abordagem foi incapaz de incorporar os aspectos do processo de inova\u00e7\u00e3o e mudan\u00e7a tecnol\u00f3gica. A abordagem evolucion\u00e1ria, nesse sentido, ao considerar a racionalidade limitada, incerteza e heterogeneidade presente em ambientes que exibem inova\u00e7\u00e3o, foi capaz de fornecer um tratamento mais pr\u00f3ximo da realidade. A inova\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9, ent\u00e3o, entendida como uma mudan\u00e7a descont\u00ednua que altera as condi\u00e7\u00f5es estruturais gerando desenvolvimento, progresso e evolu\u00e7\u00e3o no sistema. J\u00e1 abordagem dos sistemas complexos, ao apresentar um arcabou\u00e7o n\u00e3o reducionista e que se fundamenta sobre uma perspectiva evolucion\u00e1ria e sist\u00eamica, concebe a economia como um sistema composto por agentes heterog\u00eaneos que interagem entre si. Apesar do ambiente de incerteza nas decis\u00f5es tomadas, os agentes procuram se adaptar \u00e0s informa\u00e7\u00f5es recebidas do meio e se auto-organizarem gerando com isso novos padr\u00f5es de auto-ordenamento e estruturas emergentes. A modelagem, nesse sentido, tem por principal objetivo descobrir as propriedades emergentes resultantes da intera\u00e7\u00e3o entre os agentes no sistema. Por fim chega-se a conclus\u00e3o de que as inova\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas apresentaram resultados mais satisfat\u00f3rios e mais condizentes quando analisadas dentro dessa perspectiva agent-based."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bezerra, Carolina Marchiori"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/36rwg"], ["title", "Inova\u00e7\u00f5es tecnol\u00f3gicas e a complexidade do sistema econ\u00f4mico"], ["doab_id", "16739"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830891"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830891"]], [["description", "This study essentially provides the edition and annotated translation of a historical inscription in the assembly hall of Dgung \u2019phur Monastery in Spu rang (Mnga\u2019 ris, Western Tibet). The inscription deals with religious and political events in the history of Western Tibet up to the beginning of the 17th century. The introductory part of the study includes a description of the inscription\u2019s general characteristics, a summary of its contents, an enquiry into its date and a discussion of the magistrate Mgon po skyabs, whom the inscription identifies as the \u201cfounder\u201d of Dgung \u2019phur.

Die vorliegende Studie bietet im Wesentlichen die Edition und annotierte \u00dcbersetzung einer historischen Inschrift in der Versammlungshalle des Klosters Dgung \u2019phur in Spu rang (Mnga\u2019 ris, Westtibet). Die Inschrift behandelt religi\u00f6se und politische Ereignisse in der Geschichte Westtibets bis zum Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Der einleitende Teil der Arbeit enth\u00e4lt die Beschreibung der allgemeinen Charakteristika der Inschrift, die Zusammenfassung ihres Inhalts, sowie \u00dcberlegungen zu ihrer Datierung und dem in der Inschrift als \u201cGr\u00fcnder\u201d von Dgung \u2019phur bezeichneten Mgon po skyabs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tropper ,Kurt"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dgung \u2019phur Monastery, Tibet, Epigraphy, History, Buddhism, Mnga' ris", "Dgung \u2019phur Kloster, Tibet, Epigraphik, Geschichte, Buddhismus, Mnga\u2019 ris"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["en", "bo"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611247"], ["title", "The Inscription in the \u2019Du khang of Dgung \u2019phur Monastery, Spu rang (Mnga\u2019 ris)"], ["doab_id", "19252"], ["language_unmapped", "English^bo"], ["isbns", ["9783700178743"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700178743"]], [["description", "Urban anthropologist Kristin Monroe takes urban anthropology in a new and meaningful direction\u2014the story of traffic in the Middle East, focusing on Beirut. As bombs reappeared recently following an impasse between competing political groups and their international backers, residents of the city were forced to contend with many forms of insecurity, forging their lives amid a contentious, often violent, political and economic landscape. Images and headlines in the news media tracked the dramatic events that characterized this unstable situation, but they did not provide a picture of what ordinary life was like for urban dwellers in a city terrorized by political sectarianism and the treat of bombs. The Insecure City is an ethnographic exploration of the experiences of moving through Beirut. Driving is characterized by precariousness, the anticipation of violence, and the constant presence of class, political, and state power. Focusing on the relationship between urban space and social class, Monroe examines how understandings and practices of spatial mobility in the city reflect social differences. Residents\u2019 access to and experiences of space are framed by uneven and insecure forms of urban citizenship. She highlights the ways in which transportation is about more than merely getting somewhere; it is also about how people encounter civic culture in a city on the edge, wounded by war. Traffic may seem to be an incidental topic for an anthropologist, but as we know in New Jersey it is central to our lives.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Monroe V. ,Kristin"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Lebanon", "City traffic", "Beirut", "Public spaces", "Social conditions", "Sociology", "Urban anthropology", "Violence", "Urban Studies"]], ["publisher", "Rutgers University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605021"], ["title", "The Insecure City"], ["doab_id", "18754"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780813574653"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780813574653"]], [["description", "Man is the measure of all things, an old saying goes. But it is a bad guide for understanding scientific and technological culture. Science and technology are not simply the means to reach human ends; they also actively shape human beings, their goals, meanings and social relations. This volume discusses the implications of this so-called 'co-production' of science, technology and society for our analytical as well as normative ideas about humanity, technology and the relations between both. Addressing issues such as cancer genetics, prenatal screening and ecological consequences of traffic and transport, contributors argue that technology has its own kind of sub-politics, which in turn calls for policies of technology: from steering and regulation to scenario studies, in order to achieve democratisation of technology.

'De mens is de maat van alle dingen', zo luidt een oud gezegde. Maar die stelling helpt ons niet om de huidige kennismaatschappij en technologische cultuur beter te begrijpen. Wetenschap en technologie zijn immers niet alleen middelen om onze doelen te bereiken; omgekeerd hebben nieuwe wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen ook een sterke invloed op mensen, hun wensen en hun onderlinge relaties. Welke consequenties heeft deze zogenaamde 'coproductie' van wetenschap, technologie en samenleving voor onze opvattingen over humaniteit en technologie? Wanneer techniek een sociale, politieke of zelfs morele lading heeft, hoe moeten wij dan omgaan met een 'politiek van de technologie'? Met concrete voorbeelden als het gebruik van videocamera's, electrische auto's en computers tot zwangerschapstesten en genetische screening maken de auteurs inzichtelijk hoe politiek en technologie elkaar be\u00efnvloeden. Met bijdragen van Cornelis Disco, Philip Brey, Nelly Oudshoorn, Margo Brouns, Ellen van Oost, Dirk Stemerding, Annemiek Nelis, Peter-Paul Verbeek, Petran Kockelkoren, Boelie Elzen, Tsjalling Swierstra, Jaap Jelsma en Marcus Popkema."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harbers ,Hans"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Filosofie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340207"], ["title", "Inside the Politics of Technology : Agency and Normativity in the Co-Production of Technology and Society"], ["doab_id", "12890"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567562"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567562"]], [["description", "The post-Cold War era was characterised by both the recurrence of state wars and the spread of forms of organised violence other than wars. Asymmetric warfare between alliances led by the USA and groups of insurgents, such as those witnessed in Afghanistan and Iraq, coexist alongside domestic conflicts, such as that of former Yugoslavia and, more recently, Libya and Syria; and still other conflicts involving gangs, mafias or narco-traffickers. The massive military-industrial complexes conceived in the context of the threat of nuclear Armageddon are still there of course, but they now coexist with irregular armies of insurgents carrying out massacres through the use of light weapons and improvised explosives devices.This book oppose the idea that this situation prefigures the return to an anarchical, pre-political condition, by assuming that new wars are rather the product of the blurring of the public-private divide, induced by the end of the Cold War, together with globalisation. As a consequence, also the internal and external factors are blurred; and ever more permeable and elusive is becoming even the border between war and crime.Inside War goes beyond a state-centered analysis and adopts an interdisciplinary and multilayered approach, and is intended to foster the dialogue among researchers from different fields. It places war at the core of analysis, assuming that the reality of war is what we make of it; and that the only insurmountable limit to our comprehension of war is our way of knowing and representing it.Fabio Armao teaches courses in Politics and Globalisation Processes, and Criminal Systems. He has been Visiting Professor at Cornell University, and co-convenor of the Standing Group on Organized Crime, European Consortium for Political Research. Founding member of T.wai (Torino World Affair Institute), he is also member of the Editorial Board of \u2018Global Crime\u2019. His research interests and publications focus on international wars and geopolitics, on violent non-state actors and transnational organised crime, and on urban security."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Armao, Fabio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/469552"], ["title", "Inside War. Understanding the Evolution of Organised Violence in the Global Era"], ["doab_id", "17969"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110471199", "9783110471243", "9783110471700"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110471199, 9783110471243, 9783110471700"]], [["description", "Orexin/hypocretin neuropeptides, produced by a few thousand neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, are of critical importance for the control of vigilance and arousal of vertebrates, from fish to amphibians, birds and mammals. Two orexin peptides, called orexin-A and orexin-B, exist in mammals. They bind with different affinities to two distinct, widely distributed, excitatory G-protein- coupled receptors, orexin receptor type 1 and type 2 (OXR-1/2). The discovery of an OXR mutation causing canine narcolepsy, the narcolepsy-like phenotype of orexin peptide knockout mice, and the orexin neuron loss associated with human narcoleptic patients laid the foundation for the discovery of small molecule OXR antagonists as novel treatments for sleep disorders. Proof of concept studies from Glaxo Smith Kline, Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Merck have now consistently demonstrated the efficacy of dual OXR antagonists (DORAs) in promoting sleep in rodents, dogs, non-human primates and humans. Some of these antagonists have completed late stage clinical testing in primary insomnia. Orexin drug discovery programs have also been initiated by other large pharmaceutical companies including Hoffmann La Roche, Novartis, Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson. Orexins are increasingly recognized for orchestrating the activity of the organism\u2019s arousal system with appetite, reward and stress processing pathways. Therefore, in addition to models of insomnia, pharmacological effects of DORAs have begun to be investigated in rodent models of addiction, depression and anxiety. The first clinical trials in diabetic neuropathy, migraine and depression have been initiated with Merck\u2019s MK-6096 (www.clinicaltrials.gov). Whereas the pharmacology of DORAs is established for their effects on wakefulness, pharmacological effects of selective OXR-1 or OXR-2 antagonists (SORAs) have remained less clear. From an evolutionary point of view, the OXR-2 was expressed first in most vertebrate lineages, whereas the OXR-1 is believed to result from a gene duplication event, when mammals emerged. Yet, both receptors do not have redundant function. Their brain expression pattern, their intracellular signaling, as well as their affinity for orexin-A and orexin-B differs. During the past decade most preclinical research on selective OXR-1 antagonism was performed with SB-334867. Only in recent years, other selective OXR-1 and OXR-2 antagonists with optimized selectivity profiles and pharmacokinetic properties have been discovered, and phenotypes of OXR-1 and OXR-2 knockout mice were described. The present Research Topic (referred to in the Editorial as \u201cspecial topics issue\u201d) comprises submissions of original research manuscripts as well as reviews, directed towards the neuropharmacology of OXR antagonists. The submissions are preclinical papers dealing with dual and/or selective OXR antagonists that shed light on the differential contribution of endogenous orexin signaling through both OXRs for cellular, physiological and behavioral processes. Some manuscripts also report on convergence or divergence of DORA vs. SORA effects with phenotypes expressed by OXR-1 or OXR-2 knockout animals. Ultimately these findings may help further define the potential of DORAs and SORAs in particular therapeutic areas in insomnia and beyond insomnia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michel Alexander Steiner; Christopher J Winrow"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["orexin", "hypocretin", "Neuropeptide", "orexin receptor antagonist", "insomnia", "Anxiety", "Addiction", "Neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1357/insomnia-and-beyond---exploring-the-therapeutic-potential-of-orexin-receptor-antagonists"], ["title", "Insomnia and beyond - Exploring the therapeutic potential of orexin receptor antagonists"], ["doab_id", "18662"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193301"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193301"]], [["description", "

German radicals of the 1960s announced the death of literature. For them, literature both past and present, as well as conventional discussions of literary issues, had lost its meaning. In The Institution of Criticism, Peter Uwe Hohendahl explores the implications of this crisis from a Marxist perspective and attempts to define the tasks and responsibilities of criticism in advanced capitalist societies. Hohendahl takes a close look at the social history of literary criticism in Germany since the eighteenth century. Drawing on the tradition of the Frankfurt School and on J\u00fcrgen Habermas's concept of the public sphere, Hohendahl sheds light on some of the important political and social forces that shape literature and culture. The Institution of Criticism is made up of seven essays originally published in German and a long theoretical introduction written by the author with English-language readers in mind. This book conveys the rich possibilities of the German perspective for those who employ American and French critical techniques and for students of contemporary critical theory.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hohendahl, Peter Uwe"], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["German literature, Marxism, Frankfurt School, Jurgen Habermas, public sphere, critical theory"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23164346/9781501707186.pdf"], ["title", "The Institution of Criticism"], ["doab_id", "19894"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707186"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707186"]], [["description", "This edition collects instructions, police ordinances, decrees and related normative sources concerning the economic activities of landlords and subjects of the estates Feldsberg (today Valtice in the Czech Republic) and Wilfersdorf in the north-eastern corner of Lower Austria from the end of the sixteenth century up to 1815. All this sources illustrate the social, cultural and economic microcosm created and imagined by the authorities and show how the landlords tried to dominate and control their subjects with the help of their administrative apparatus and through regulations.

Instruktionen, Ordnungen und Dekrete der nieder\u00f6sterreichischen Herrschaftskomplexe Feldsberg (heute CZ) und Wilfersdorf der Familie Liechtenstein verdeutlichen exemplarisch, welche Lebensbereiche adelige Grundherren der \u00f6sterreichischen L\u00e4nder zu regeln versuchten. Die Quellen bieten einen Einblick in das Zusammenspiel von Grundherren, Herrschaftsbeamten und Untertanen von 1600 bis 1815."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hipfinger ,Anita"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["seigneurial administration, normative sources, Lower Austria, source edition, administrative apparatus, administrative history", "Verwaltungsgeschichte, Grundherrschaft, Herrschaftsbeamte, Quellenedition, Normative Quellen, Nieder\u00f6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615396"], ["title", "Instruktionen und andere normative Quellen zur Herrschaftsverwaltung auf den Liechtensteinischen Herrschaften Feldsberg und Wilfersdorf in Nieder\u00f6sterreich (1600-1815)"], ["doab_id", "19680"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205203544"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205203544"]], [["description", "Player pianos, radio-electric circuits, gramophone records, and optical sound film\u2014these were the cutting-edge acoustic technologies of the early twentieth century, and for many musicians and artists of the time, these devices were also the implements of a musical revolution. Instruments for New Music traces a diffuse network of cultural agents who shared the belief that a truly modern music could be attained only through a radical challenge to the technological foundations of the art. Centered in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s, the movement to create new instruments encompassed a broad spectrum of experiments, from the exploration of microtonal tunings and exotic tone colors to the ability to compose directly for automatic musical machines. This movement comprised composers, inventors, and visual artists, including Paul Hindemith, Ernst Toch, J\u00f6rg Mager, Friedrich Trautwein, L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Moholy-Nagy, Walter Ruttmann, and Oskar Fischinger. Patteson\u2019s fascinating study combines an artifact-oriented history of new music in the early twentieth century with an astute revisiting of still-relevant debates about the relationship between technology and the arts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Patteson ,Thomas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Musical instruments", "Electronic musical instruments", "Music and technology", "Acoustic technology"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602282"], ["title", "Instruments for New Music: Sound, Technology, and Modernism"], ["doab_id", "18614"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520288027", "9780520963122"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520288027 9780520963122"]], [["description", "During the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth, insurgencies erupted in imperial states and colonies around the world, including Britain\u2019s. As Nicole Rizzuto shows, the writings of Ukrainian-born Joseph Conrad, Anglo-Irish Rebecca West, Jamaicans H. G. de Lisser and V. S. Reid, and Kenyan Ng gi wa Thiong\u2019o testify to contested events in colonial modernity in ways that question premises underlying approaches in trauma and memory studies and invite us to reassess divisions and classifications in literary studies that generate such categories as modernist, colonial, postcolonial, national, and world literatures. Departing from tenets of modernist studies and from methods in the field of trauma and memory studies, Rizzuto contends that acute as well as chronic disruptions to imperial and national power and the legal and extra-legal responses they inspired shape the formal practices of literatures from the modernist, colonial, and postcolonial periods.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rizzuto ,Nicole"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Literature", "Commonwealth literature (English) History and criticism", "Commonwealth literature (English)", "English literature 20th century History and criticism", "English literature", "Imperialism in literature", "Justice, Administration of, in literature", "Literature and society$xEnglish-speaking countries", "Literature and society", "Nationalism and literature English-speaking countries", "Nationalism and literature", "Psychic trauma in literature", "War in literature"]], ["publisher", "Fordham University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605859"], ["title", "Insurgent Testimonies"], ["doab_id", "19002"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780823274857"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780823274857"]], [["description", "This book explores how research and policymaking in the field of migrant integration have developed historically and how this interrelationship plays out in the strongly politicised climate of opinions on migration in Europe. It features interdisciplinary theoretical contributions as well as original empirical studies on research-policy dialogues at both the EU and country level.The chapters study not only how the dialogue between research and policy is structured (such as advisory bodies, research agencies, and ad-hoc committees), but also how these dialogues affect policymaking and the development of migrant integration research itself as well.The analysis reveals profound changes in the dialogue structures associated with the research-policy nexus in the domain of migrant integration. On the one hand, dialogue structures have become more ad-hoc, often established in response to distinct political events or to specific problems. On the other, politicisation has not thwarted all efforts to develop more institutionalised dialogue structures between producers and users of knowledge. In addition, research has contributed to policymaking in very different ways in various European countries.This edited volume is unique in this effort to reflect on the impact of research-policy dialogues both on the development of migrant integration policies as well as on migrant integration research. It will be of importance to scholars in this field as well as to policymakers and other stakeholders involved in migrant integration policymaking."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Scholten; Han Entzinger; Rinus Penninx; Stijn Verbeek"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["migration", " public policy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16256-0"], ["title", "Integrating Immigrants in Europe: Research-Policy Dialogues"], ["doab_id", "18949"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319162553", "9783319162560"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319162553 (Print) 9783319162560 (Online)"]], [["description", "South Australia is a small economy that faces a fundamental need to re-shape its approach to innovation. The manufacturing sector, as the backbone of the state\u2019s economy, has and will continue to change in its nature and form. This necessitates a re-think about how innovation happens and how the respective actors within an economy interact and engage with each other. In effect, innovation relies on intersections between people, knowledge, information sharing, ideas, financial and other resources. Innovation happens through regional social and economic system dynamics; innovation relies on a system view of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can be taken as a study of the entrepreneur and new business creation. However, this conception of entrepreneurship misses the critical link to economic outcomes; the ebb and flow of social and economic fortunes that are underpinned by the actions, reactions and engagement of individuals in a specific social and economic system that brings about innovation and change. In this book the authors are exploring how the linkages within the system can be conceptualised and made transparent."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roos ,G\u00f6ran; O'Connor ,Allan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["integrating innovation", "systems", "south australia", "economy", "manufacturing sector", "entrepreneurship", "new business creation", "business", "intellectual capital", "innovation", "innovative", "polity path dependency", "allan o'connor", "goran roos", "jane andrew", "kym teh", "innovating systems symbiosis", "gavin artz", "huanmei li", "clusters", "yalumba", "operationalising", "operationalizing", "hotwiring", "fiona kerr", "nonprofit social enterprises", "eva balan-vnuk", "peter balan", "vernon ireland", "graciela corral dezubielqui", "pi-shen seet", "paul shum", "innovation readiness", "jiwat ram", "erp systems"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560292"], ["title", "Integrating Innovation: South Australian Entrepreneurship Systems and Strategies"], ["doab_id", "16901"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064912"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064912"]], [["description", "This timely book presents the results of the Integration of the Second Generation in Europe survey that examines the experiences of residents of Stockholm who are descended from Turkish migrants"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Westin ,Charles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["integration", "migrant descendants", "education", "labour market", "identity"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530352"], ["title", "The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm: The TIES Study in Sweden"], ["doab_id", "16846"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089648419"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648419"]], [["description", "This report on the German results of the Integration of the Second Generation in Europe (TIES) survey looks at the integration process for secondgeneration inhabitants of Turkish and Yugoslavian backgrounds living in Berlin and Frankfurt. Examining the TIES results, Inken S\u00fcrig and Maren Wilmes discuss diverse topics such as educational outcomes, segregation and housing, ethnic and cultural orientations, and social relations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "S\u00fcrig ,Inken; Wilmes ,Maren"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Migration", "Integration", "Second Generation", "Germany"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530351"], ["title", "The Integration of the Second Generation in Germany: Results of the TIES Survey on the Descendants of Turkish and Yugoslavian Immigrants"], ["doab_id", "16845"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089648426"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648426"]], [["description", "In this open access book, experts on integration processes, integration policies, transnationalism, and the migration and development framework provide an academic assessment of the 2011 European Agenda for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, which calls for integration policies in the EU to involve not only immigrants and their society of settlement, but also actors in their country of origin. Moreover, a heuristic model is developed for the non-normative, analytical study of integration processes and policies based on conceptual, demographic, and historical accounts.The volume addresses three interconnected issues: What does research have to say on (the study of) integration processes in general and on the relevance of actors in origin countries in particular? What is the state of the art of the study of integration policies in Europe and the use of the concept of integration in policy formulation and practice? Does the proposal to include actors in origin countries as important players in integration policies find legitimation in empirical research?A few general conclusions are drawn. First, integration policies have developed at many levels of government: nationally, locally, regionally, and at the supra-national level of the EU. Second, a multitude of stakeholders has become involved in integration as policy designers and implementers. Finally, a logic of policymaking\u2014and not an evidence-based scientific argument\u2014can be said to underlie the European Commission\u2019s redefinition of integration as a three-way process.This book will appeal to academics and policymakers at international, European, national, regional, and local levels. It will also be of interest to graduate and master-level students of political science, sociology, social anthropology, international relations, criminology, geography, and history."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Blanca Garc\u00e9s-Mascare\u00f1as; Rinus Penninx"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["migration", " statistics", " social science", " public policy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21674-4"], ["title", "Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: Contexts, Levels and Actors"], ["doab_id", "20009"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319216737", "9783319216744"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319216737 (Print) 9783319216744 (Online)"]], [["description", "Across the world, developing countries are attempting to balance the international standards of intellectual property concerning pharmaceutical patents against the urgent need for accessible and affordable medicines. In this timely and necessary book, Monirul Azam examines the attempts of several developing countries to walk this fine line. He evaluates the experiences of Brazil, China, India, and South Africa for lessons to guide Bangladesh and developing nations everywhere. Azam's legal expertise, concern for public welfare, and compelling grasp of principal case studies make Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World a definitive work.The developing world is striving to meet the requirements of the World Trade Organization's TRIPS Agreement on intellectual property. This book sets out with lucidity and insight the background of the TRIPS Agreement and its implications for pharmaceutical patents, the consequences for developing countries, and the efforts of certain representative nations to comply with international stipulations while still maintaining local industry and public health. Azam then brings the weight of this research to bear on the particular case of Bangladesh, offering a number of specific policy recommendations for the Bangladeshi government\u2014and for governments the world over.Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World is a must-read for public policy-makers, academics and students, non-governmental organizations, and readers everywhere who are interested in making sure that developing nations meet the health care needs of their people."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Azam, Monirul (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Intellectual property, pharmaceutical patents, patent protection, developing World, Bangladesh, publich health, TRIPS"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/476"], ["title", "Intellectual Property and Public Health in the Developing World"], ["doab_id", "19291"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742288", "9781783742301"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742288/9781783742301"]], [["description", "This open access book presents a comparative analysis of intergroup relations and migrant integration at the neighbourhood level in Europe. Featuring a unique collection of portraits of urban relations between the majority population and immigrant minorities, it examines how relations are structured and evolve in different and increasingly diverse local societies. Inside, readers will find a coordinated set of ethnographic studies conducted in eleven neighbourhoods of five European cities: London, Barcelona, Budapest, Nuremberg, and Turin. The wide-ranging coverage encompasses post-industrial districts struggling to counter decline, vibrant super-diverse areas, and everything in between. Featuring highly contextualised, cross-disciplinary explorations presented within a solid comparative framework, this book considers such questions as: Why does the native-immigrant split become a tense boundary in some neighbourhoods of some European cities but not in others? To what extent are ethnically framed conflicts driven by site-specific factors or instead by broader, exogenous ones? How much does the structure of urban spaces count in fuelling inter-ethnic tensions and what can local policy communities do to prevent this? The answers it provides are based on a multi-layer approach which combines in-depth analysis of intergroup relations with a strong attention towards everyday categorization processes, media representations, and narratives on which local policies are based. Even though the relations between the majority and migrant minorities are a central topic, the volume also offers readers a broader perspective of social and urban transformation in contemporary urban settings. It provides insightful research on migration and urban studies as well as social dynamics that scholars and students around the world will find relevant. In addition, policy makers will find evidence-based and practically relevant lessons for the governance of increasingly diverse and mobile societies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ferruccio Pastore; Irene Ponzo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["migration", " urban geography", " political science"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23096-2"], ["title", "Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities: Changing Neighbourhoods"], ["doab_id", "20008"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319230955", "9783319230962"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319230955 (Print) 9783319230962 (Online)"]], [["description", "The experience of using and interacting with the newest Virtual Reality and computing technologies is profoundly affected by the extent to which we feel ourselves to be really \u2018present\u2019 in computer-generated and -mediated augmented worlds. This feeling of 'Presence\u2019, of \u201cbeing inside the mediated world\u201d, is key to understanding developments in applications such as interactive entertainment, gaming, psychotherapy, education, scientific visualisation, sports training and rehabilitation, and many more.This edited volume, featuring contributions from internationally renowned scholars, provides a comprehensive introduction to and overview of the topic of mediated presence - or \u2018tele-presence\u2019 - and of the emerging field of presence research. It is intended for researchers and graduate students in human-computer interaction, cognitive science, psychology, cyberpsychology and computer science, as well as for experienced professionals from the ICT industry.The editors are all well-known professional researchers in the field: Professor Giuseppe Riva from the Catholic University of Milan, Italy; Professor John Waterworth from Ume\u00e5 University, Sweden; Dianne Murray, an HCI Consultant and editor of the journal \u201cInteracting with Computers\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dianne Murray; John Waterworth; Giuseppe Riva (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["cyberpsychology, tele-presence, experiential interaction"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/449569"], ["title", "Interacting with Presence. HCI and the Sense of Presence in Computer-mediated Environments"], ["doab_id", "16491"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110409697"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110409697"]], [["description", "The primary purpose of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems is to help patients communicate with their environment or to aid in their recovery. A common denominator for all BCI patient groups is that they suffer from a neurological deficit. As a consequence, BCI systems in clinical and research settings operate with control signals (brain waves) that could be substantially altered compared to brain waves of able-bodied individuals. Most BCI systems are built and tested on able-bodied individuals, being insufficiently robust for clinical applications. The main reason for this is a lack of systematic analysis on how different neurological problems affect the BCI performance. Neurological problems interfering with BCI performance are either a direct cause of a disability (e.g. stroke, autism, epilepsy ) or secondary consequences of a disability, often overlooked in design of BCI systems (chronic pain, spasticity and antispastic drugs, loss of cognitive functions, drowsiness, medications which are increasing/decreasing brain activity in certain frequency range) . While some of these deficits may decrease the performance of a BCI, others may potentially improve its performance compared to BCI tested on a healthy population (e.g. overactivation of motor cortex in patients with Central neuropathic pain (CNP), increased alpha activity in some patient groups). Depending on the neurological condition, a prolonged modulation of brain waves through BCI might produce both positive or detrimental effects. Thus some BCI protocols might be more suitable for a short term use (e.g. rehabilitation of movement) while the others would be more suitable for a long term use. Prolonged self-regulation of brain oscillation through BCI could potentially be used as a treatment for aberrant brain connections for conditions ranging from motor deficits to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Currently, ASD is an increasingly prevalent condition in the U.S. with core deficits in imitation learning, language, empathy, theory of mind, and self-awareness. Understanding its neuroetiology is not only critical and necessary but should provide relevant insights into the relationship between neuroanatomy, physiology and behaviour. In this Research Topic we welcome studies of the highest scientific quality highlighting how BCI systems based on different principles (SSVEP, P300, slow cortical potential, auditory potential, operant conditioning, etc) interact with the underlying neurological problems and how performance of these BCI system differ compared to similar systems tested on healthy individuals. We also welcome studies defining signatures of neurological disorders and proposing BCI based treatments. We expect to generate a body of knowledge valuable both to researchers working with clinical populations, but also to a vast majority of BCI researchers testing new algorithms on able-bodied people. This should lead towards more robust or tailor-made BCI protocols, facilitating translation of research from laboratories to the end users. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Aleksandra Vuckovic; Jaime Pined; Kristen Lamarca; Disha Gupta; Christoph Guger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Brain Computer Interface", "Patients", "Rehabilitation", "Stroke", "spinal cord injury", "autism", "amyothopic lateral sclerosis", "Cerebral Palsy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2020/interaction-of-bci-with-the-underlying-neurological-conditions-in-patients-pros-and-cons"], ["title", "Interaction of BCI with the underlying neurological conditions in patients: pros and cons"], ["doab_id", "17677"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194896"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194896"]], [["description", "This book provides an in-depth investigation of contrastive focalization in Italian, showing that its syntactic expression is systematically affected by the syntactic expression of discourse-givenness. The proposed analysis disentangles the properties genuinely associated with contrastive focalization from those determined by the most productive operations affecting discourse given phrases at the right periphery, namely right dislocation and marginalization. On this basis, it shows that in the default case contrastive focalization occurs in situ and that instances of left-peripheral focalization only arise when focus obligatorily evacuates a larger right-dislocating phrase, giving rise to a distribution of leftward-moved foci that generalizes well beyond the cases examined in Rizzi (1997) and most literature since. In its final chapter, the book examines the syntax\u2013prosody interface, showing how focalization in situ and other key properties follow from the prosodic constraints governing stress placement, thus reinterpreting and extending Zubizarreta\u2019s (1998) analysis of p-movement and the role of prosody in shaping syntax. Overall, this book offers an evidence-backed radical departure from current views of focalization based on a fixed focus projection at the left periphery of the clause. It also provides the most comprehensive study of Italian marginalization and right dislocation available to date."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Samek-Lodovici ,Vieri"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["contrastive focus", "focus evacuation", "givenness", "prosody", "syntax\u2013prosody interface", "right dislocation", "marginalization", "left periphery", "Italian, p-movement"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606622"], ["title", "The Interaction of Focus, Givenness, and Prosody: A Study of Italian Clause Structure"], ["doab_id", "18962"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198737926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198737926"]], [["description", "The emotions that we feel and also those that we perceive in others are crucial to the social functioning of both humans and non-human animals. Although the role of context has been extensively studied in basic sensory processing, its relevance for social cognition and emotional processing is little understood. In recent years, several lines of research at the behavioral and neural levels have highlighted the bidirectional interactions that take place between emotions and social context. Experienced emotions, even when incidental, bias decision-making. Remarkably, even basic emotions can be strongly influenced by situational contexts. In addition, both humans and non-human animals can use emotional expressions strategically as a means of influencing and managing the behavioral response of others in relation to specific environmental situations. Moreover, social emotions (e.g., engaged in moral judgment, empathic concern and social norms) seem to be context-dependent, which also questions a purely abstract account of emotion understanding and expression, as well as other social cognition domains. The present Research Topic of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience highlights the need for a situated approach to emotion and social cognition. We presented theoretical and empirical work at the behavioral and neural levels that contribute to our understanding of emotion within a highly contextualized social realm, and vice-versa. Relevant contributions are presented from diverse fields, including ethology, neurology, biology, cognitive and social neuroscience, and as well as psychology and neuropsychiatry. This integrated approach that entails the interaction between emotion and social context provide important new insights into the growing field of social neuroscience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maria Ruz; Agustin Ibanez; Sonja A E Kotz; Louise Barrett; Jorge Moll"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["social neuroscience", "contextual social cognition", "Emotions", "Neuropsychiatry", "Embodied Cognition", "Social Behavior", "Emotion Regulation", "Social Decision Making"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1045/interactions-between-emotions-and-social-context-basic-clinical-and-non-human-evidence"], ["title", "Interactions between emotions and social context: Basic, clinical and non-human evidence"], ["doab_id", "18581"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193196"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193196"]], [["description", "The functional cross-talk and structural interaction between the main and accessory olfactory bulb is a central problem in mammalian sensory neurobiology. The early supposition that volatile substances and pheromones, most of them hydrosoluble molecules, are exclusively sensed and decoded by the main (MOS) and accessory olfactory systems (AOS), respectively, needs to be revised. In fact, a large number of structural and functional evidences accumulated during the last few decades, suggests that rather than separated entities, the MOS and AOS act synergically, bringing about physiological and behavioural responses. The goal of the present Research Topic will be to gather original research studies and revision papers, performed by the most authoritative research groups that have recently contributed to the broad area of sensory neurobiology. Special attention should be given to contributions addressed to the MOB and AOB cross-talk, involving current neuroanatomical techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Micheal Baum; Jorge A Larriva-Sahd"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["accessory olfactory system", "main olfactory system", "Ordor", "Pheromones", "sensory interactions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/489/interactions-between-the-mammalian-main-and-accessory-olfactory-systems"], ["title", "Interactions between the mammalian main and accessory olfactory systems"], ["doab_id", "17667"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192564"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192564"]], [["description", "This research topic stems from the \"Interdisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism\" conference, which was hosted by the Language Research Centre at the University of Calgary. It was the first conference of its kind, which brought together the work of researchers, educators, and policy makers in the areas of first and second language acquisition from psycholinguistic and pedagogical perspectives. The goal was to provide an opportunity for participants to engage with the implications of multilingualism from a range of perspectives, including the effects of being bilingual from infancy to adulthood, the process and benefits of learning multiple languages, and the impact of multilingualism on society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Suzanne Curtin; Mary Grantham O'Brien; Rahat Naqvi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bilingualism", "Multilingualism", "Developmental psycholinguistics", "Second Language Acquisition", "psycholinguistic research methods", "Second language pedagogy", "second language literacy development"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1469/interdisciplinary-approaches-to-multilingualism"], ["title", "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Multilingualism"], ["doab_id", "17815"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195183"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195183"]], [["description", "Interdisciplinarity' has become a rallying cry among funders and leaders of research. Yet, while the creative potential of interdisciplinary research is great, it poses many challenges. This book provides a practical guide to interdisciplinary research: to help build interdisciplinary skills and mobilise a new and growing research community."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Catherine Lyall; Ann Bruce; Joyce Tait; Laura Meagher"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849661782"], ["title", "Interdisciplinary Research Journeys"], ["doab_id", "14370"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849661782"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849661782"]], [["description", "Digital technologies and new media are changing the nature of research, teaching, and learning in humanities. Interdisciplining Digital Humanities sorts through definitions and patterns of practice over roughly 65 years of work, providing an overview for specialists and the general audience alike. It depicts both the ways this new field is being situated within individual domains and dynamic crossfertilizations that are fostering new relationships across academic boundaries. It also accounts for digital reinvigorations of \u201cpublic humanities\u201d in cultural heritage institutions of museums, archives, libraries, and community forums."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julie Thompson Klein"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.12869322.0001.001"], ["title", "Interdisciplining Digital Humanities"], ["doab_id", "19091"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072545", "9780472052547", "9780472900138", "9780472120932"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072545 9780472052547 9780472900138 9780472120932"]], [["description", "This publication focuses on (natural) scientific methods in studying and analyzing ancient pottery and discusses several case studies of the application on ancient vases stored in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz, and Collection of the Karl-Franzens-Universit\u00e4t Graz. So called non-invasive methods (without sampling) are favored, e. g. using high-resolution computer tomography, X-ray fluorescence analysis.

Die Publikation stellt neue Methoden zur Erforschung antiker Keramik vor und beschreibt deren Einsatz anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Vasen aus folgenden Museen: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz, Sammlung der Karl-Franzens-Universit\u00e4t Graz. Dabei wird besonderer Wert auf die Anwendung und Entwicklung sog. zerst\u00f6rungsfreier Methoden gelegt, z. B. Computertomographie, R\u00f6ntgenfluoreszenz."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Trinkl ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Pottery, ceramics, scientific diagnosis, Greek", "Keramik, naturwissenschafltiche Methoden, griechisch"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453483"], ["title", "Interdisziplin\u00e4re Dokumentations- und Visualisierungsmethoden"], ["doab_id", "15512"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783700171454"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700171454"]], [["description", "The Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry first introduced the concept of \u201cInterface Oral Health Science\u201d, designed to establish and maintain healthy oral cavities, which are home to a number of mixed systems. Included in those systems are: (1) host tissues such as teeth, mucosa, muscle and bone, (2) parasites and microorganisms cohabiting the surfaces of the oral cavity and (3) biomaterials that are used for the rehabilitation of oral functions. In addition, (4) these systems are subject to severe and complex mechanical forces. Therefore, it is critical to promote dental studies that integrate a wide range of interdisciplinary research as medicine, agriculture, material science, engineering, and pharmacology. With this incentive, international symposiums for interface oral health science have been held several times in the past. The concept has since refined and expanded, the result being the \u201cBiosis-Abiosis Intelligent Interface,\u201d and projects aiming at the creation of highly functional and autonomic intelligent interfaces are ongoing. This book brings together a number of studies on incentives and projects by leading authors. Topics include biosis-abiosis interface of dental implants, biomaterials in interface science, biomedical engineering interface and cell manipulation and tissue regeneration. Readers not only from the field of dentistry but also many related areas will find this book a valuable resource."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Keiichi Sasaki; Osamu Suzuki; Nobuhiro Takahashi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["dentistry", " oral and maxillofacial surgery", " regenerative medicine", " tissue engineering"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-55192-8"], ["title", "Interface Oral Health Science 2014"], ["doab_id", "17330"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431551256", "9784431551928"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431551256 (Print) 9784431551928 (Online)"]], [["description", "Biographical Dictionary of Communists and non-Communists related to the Communist International in Latin America, 1918-1943"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jeifets ,V\u00edctor; Jeifets ,Lazar"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Communism", "Latin America", "biographies", "Comintern"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617567"], ["title", "La Internacional Comunista y Am\u00e9rica Latina, 1919-1943: Diccionario biogr\u00e1fico"], ["doab_id", "19143"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416393"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416393"]], [["description", "International Governance of Biotechnology concentrates on the need to establish an international regulatory framework for the monitoring of biotechnology research. Comprehensive in scope, this book covers all aspects of regulation associated with what many consider to be a highly contentious area."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Catherine Rhodes"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849661812"], ["title", "International Governance of Biotechnology"], ["doab_id", "14361"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849661812"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849661812"]], [["description", "The International Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, held in April 2009 at the Geosciences Centre of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, brings together researchers from all fields of earth sciences. The abstracts contained in this volume cover a wide range of topics on the geological evolution of the South American continent and its margins, such as processes of mountain building, uplift and erosion as well as interaction between tectonic and climatic parameters. Topics of the Lateinamerika-Kolloquium also cover landscape evolution, ecology, natural resources, geo-hazards and economic geology.

The International Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, held in April 2009 at the Geosciences Centre of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen, brings together researchers from all fields of earth sciences. The abstracts contained in this volume cover a wide range of topics on the geological evolution of the South American continent and its margins, such as processes of mountain building, uplift and erosion as well as interaction between tectonic and climatic parameters. Topics of the Lateinamerika-Kolloquium also cover landscape evolution, ecology, natural resources, geo-hazards and economic geology."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "W\u00f6rner, Gerhard; M\u00f6ller-McNett, Stefan"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["regional geology", "South America", "Central America and the Caribbean", "regional geology", "South America", "Central America and the Caribbean"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610252"], ["title", "International Lateinamerika-Kolloquium 2009 - abstracts and program"], ["doab_id", "12969"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344779"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344779"]], [["description", "The international politics of the Middle East fills a major gap in the field of middle eastern political studies by combining international relations theory with concrete case studies. It will be of immense benefit to students of middle eastern politics, international relations and comparative politics. The book begins with an overview of the rules and features of the middle east regional system - the arena in which the local states, including Egypt, Turkey, Israrel and Arab states od Syria, Jordan and Iraq, operate. It goes on to analyse foreign policy-making in key states, illustrating how systematic determinants contrain this policy-making, and how these contraints are dealt with in distinctive ways depending on particular domsetic features of the individual states. Finally, the book goes on to look at the outcomes of state policies by examining several major conflicts including the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Gulf War, and the system of regional alignment. The book assesses the impact of international pentrartion in the region, including the hsitorica reasons behind the formation of the regional state system. It also analyses the continued role of the external great powers, such as the United States and the former Soviet Union and explains the process by which the region has besome incorporated into the global capitalist market."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hinnebusch ,Raymond"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["arab", "syria", "politics", "diplomacy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341386"], ["title", "The international politics of the Middle East"], ["doab_id", "12583"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719053450"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719053450"]], [["description", "International communication as a field of inquiry is, in fact, not very \u201cinternationalized.\u201d Rather, it has been taken as a conceptual extension or empirical application of U.S. communication, and much of the world outside the West has been socialized to adopt truncated versions of Pax Americana\u2019s notion of international communication. At stake is the \u201csubject position\u201d of academic and cultural inquirers: Who gets to ask what kind of questions? It is important to note that the quest to establish universally valid \u201claws\u201d of human society with little regard for cultural values and variations seems to be running out of steam. Many lines of intellectual development are reckoning with the important dimensions of empathetic understanding and subjective consciousness. In Internationalizing \"International Communication,\" Lee and others argue that we must reject both America-writ-large views of the world and self-defeating mirror images that reject anything American or Western on the grounds of cultural incompatibility or even cultural superiority. The point of departure for internationalizing \u201cinternational communication\u201d must be precisely the opposite of parochialism \u2013 namely, a spirit of cosmopolitanism. Scholars worldwide have a moral responsibility to foster global visions and mutual understanding, which forms, metaphorically, symphonic harmony made of cacophonic sounds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chin-Chuan Lee, editor"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/nmw.12748916.0001.001"], ["title", "Internationalizing \u201cInternational Communication\u201d"], ["doab_id", "19092"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072446", "9780472052448", "9780472900145", "9780472120789"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072446 9780472052448 9780472900145 9780472120789"]], [["description", "Este trabalho procura avan\u00e7ar na elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, a partir de uma an\u00e1lise emp\u00edrica da din\u00e2mica de inclus\u00e3o/exclus\u00e3o digital nos setores mais pobres da popula\u00e7\u00e3o, tendo como base uma ampla pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa nas comunidades de baixa renda, no munic\u00edpio do Rio de Janeiro. [trecho retirado do pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Guedes, Lu\u00eds Eduardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mp925"], ["title", "Internet na f@vela: quantos, quem, onde, para qu\u00ea"], ["doab_id", "16668"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662465"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662465"]], [["description", "Este trabajo intenta avanzar en la elaboraci\u00f3n de pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas a partir del an\u00e1lisis emp\u00edrico de la din\u00e1mica de inclusi\u00f3n/exclusi\u00f3n digital en los sectores m\u00e1s pobres de la poblaci\u00f3n, teniendo como base una amplia investigaci\u00f3n cuantitativa y cualitativa en los barrios de bajos ingresos del municipio de Rio de Janeiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Guedes, Luis Eduardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tk2j9"], ["title", "Internet y pobreza "], ["doab_id", "16274"], ["language_unmapped", "ES"], ["isbns", ["9788599662496"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662496"]], [["description", "Products and services of the media industry can be digitized completely and distributed in electronic form. This fact makes the media industry more tangent to all innovations in information and communications technology than any other industries. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds the G\u00f6ttingen research project Mediaconomy, where changes in the media industry, which have been caused by internet technology, are being looked at from the point of view of different disciplines: library science, informatics, law, sociology and commercial information technology. In nine particular projects with focus on the mobile internet on the one hand and communications in sciences on the other hand explanatory models for phenomena of the internet economy are being developed.

Produkte bzw. Leistungen der Medienbranche lassen sich vollst\u00e4ndig digitalisieren und in digitalisierter Form distribuieren. Hierdurch ist die Medienbranche wie kaum eine andere von Innovationen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik tangiert. Das vom BMBF im Rahmen des Schwerpunktes Internet\u00f6konomie gef\u00f6rderte G\u00f6ttinger Forschungsvorhaben Mediaconomy widmet sich den durch Internettechnologien hervorgerufenen Ver\u00e4nderungen in der Medienbranche aus der Sicht der f\u00fcnf verschiedenen Disziplinen Bibliothekswissenschaft, Informatik, Jura, Soziologie und Wirtschaftsinformatik. In insgesamt neun Teilprojekten in den Analyseschwerpunkten Mobiles Internet einerseits und Wissenschaftskommunikation andererseits werden Erkl\u00e4rungsmodelle f\u00fcr die Ph\u00e4nomene der Internet\u00f6konomie erarbeitet sowie Gestaltungsempfehlungen ausgesprochen. Das vorliegende Buch ist der erste Band der Reihe G\u00f6ttinger Schriften zur Internetforschung. Darin werden in zw\u00f6lf Einzelbeitr\u00e4gen erste Ergebnisse der interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschung von Mediaconomy pr\u00e4sentiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hagenhoff, Svenja"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Medienbranche", "Internetforschung", "Medienbranche", "Internetforschung"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610241"], ["title", "Internet\u00f6konomie der Medienbranche"], ["doab_id", "13225"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616291"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616291"]], [["description", "Metaphilosophy is philosophy\u2019s poor and neglected cousin. Philosophers are on the whole too busy doing philosophy to take time to stand back and consider reflectively how the project itself actually works. And they lead tend to produce texts without too much consideration of how this looks from the standpoint of the consumer. All this, it seems to be, affords good reason for attending to philosophical hermeneutics, reflecting on the issue of how philosophical texts are to be understood and interpreted."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rescher, Nicholas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209212"], ["title", "Interpreting Philosophy. The Elements of Philosophical Hermeneutics"], ["doab_id", "18115"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110326970", "9783110326635", "9783110326987"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110326970, 9783110326635, 9783110326987"]], [["description", "Interpreting the Labour Party consists of twelve essays on some of the principal thinkers and schools of thought concerned with the political and historical development of the Labour Party and the wider labour movement. It examines the major methodologies and approaches in Labour studies and critically evaluates much of the most interesting scholarship in this area of study. The essays are written by contributors who have devoted many years to the study of the Labour Party, the trade union movement and the various ideologies associated with them. The collection begins with chapters that examine Labour's ideological journey and assess the impact of the \"new political history\" on views of the party. Later contributions focus on how the problematic concept of \"Labourism\" has been applied to the party by the New Left and analyse how Labour's union link has been conceptualised. Key thinkers analysed include Henry Pelling, Ross McKibbin, Ralph Miliband, Lewis Minkin, David Marquand, Perry Anderson and Tom Nairn. Each chapter situates its subject matter in the context of a broader intellectual legacy, including the works of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Theodore Rothstein, Stuart Hall and Samuel Beer, among others. The book will be of interest to undergraduate students of British politics and political theory, and to academics concerned with Labour politics and history, trade union history and politics, research methodology and political analysis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Callaghan ,John; Fielding ,Steven; Ludlam ,Steve"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["labour", "union", "politics", "socialism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341347"], ["title", "Interpreting the Labour Party: Approaches to Labour politics and history"], ["doab_id", "12672"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067181"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067181"]], [["description", "This engaging volume celebrates the life and work of Theodor Holm \u201cTed\u201d Nelson, a pioneer and legendary figure from the history of early computing. Presenting contributions from world-renowned computer scientists and figures from the media industry, the book delves into hypertext, the docuverse, Xanadu and other products of Ted Nelson\u2019s unique mind. Features: includes a cartoon and a sequence of poems created in Nelson\u2019s honor, reflecting his wide-ranging and interdisciplinary intellect; presents peer histories, providing a sense of the milieu that resulted from Nelson\u2019s ideas; contains personal accounts revealing what it is like to collaborate directly with Nelson; describes Nelson\u2019s legacy from the perspective of his contemporaries from the computing world; provides a contribution from Ted Nelson himself. With a broad appeal spanning computer scientists, science historians and the general reader, this inspiring collection reveals the continuing influence of the original visionary of the World Wide Web."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Douglas R. Dechow; Daniele C. Struppa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["history of computing", " data structures", " user interfaces", " human-computer interaction"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-16925-5"], ["title", "Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson"], ["doab_id", "19120"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319169248", "9783319169255"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319169248 (Print) 9783319169255 (Online)"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carol Morrow (Ed.); James A. Perkins (Ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["David Madden, 1933- -- Interviews", " American Authors--20th century--Biography", " American Authors--Southern States--Biography"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1005&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "Interviews with David Madden"], ["doab_id", "16904"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644582", "9780984644582"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "098464458X; 9780984644582"]], [["description", "The essays in this book explore the political, social and cultural complexity of the relations between the United States and Cuba in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They address aspects ranging from the Cuban exiles who from the States forged the independence of their homeland, the profound transformation of Cuban society during the American military occupation of 1898-1902, the coalitions and the conflicts between North American and Cuban feminism, and between the Afro-American racial identity and the Cuban national identity. At the crux of this relationship is the American military intervention of 1898, perceived in Europe at the time as a \"war between civilisations\", and the legacy of the thought of Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ed.

I saggi di questo volume esplorano la complessit\u00e0 politica, sociale e culturale del rapporto Stati Uniti-Cuba tra Otto e Novecento: esuli cubani che dagli Stati Uniti forgiarono l'indipendenza del loro paese; la profonda trasformazione della societ\u00e0 cubana durante l'occupazione militare statunitense del 1898-1902; le alleanze ed i conflitti tra femminismo nordamericano e cubano, tra l'identit\u00e0 razziale afroamericana e quella nazionale cubana. Al centro del rapporto l'intervento militare statunitense del 1898, percepito dall'Europa di allora come \"guerra tra civilt\u00e0\" e l'eredit\u00e0 del pensiero di Jos\u00e9 Marti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lorini, Alessandra"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["History", "Cuban society", "United States of America", "Cuba", "Storia", "Societ\u00e0 cubana", "Stati Uniti d'America", "Cuba"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356388"], ["title", "An intimate and contested relation"], ["doab_id", "13182"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884533661", "9788884533678"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "888453366X 8884533678"]], [["description", "Intimate Bureaucracies is a history from the future looking backward at our present moment as a turning point. Our systems of organization and control appear unsustainable and brutal, and we are feeling around in the dark for alternatives. Using experiments in social organizationin downtown New York City, and other models of potential alternative social organizations, this manifesto makes a call to action to study and build sociopoetic systems.One alternative system, the Occupy movement, has demands and goals beyond the specific historical moment and concerns. This short book/manifesto suggests that the organization and communication systems of Occupying encampments represent important necessities, models, goals, and demands, as well as an intimate bureaucracy that is a paradoxical mix of artisanal production, mass-distribution techniques, and a belief in the democratizing potential of social media.Participatory decentralization, a mantra of political networks, expresses a peculiar intimate bureaucratic form. These forms of organization represent a paradoxical mix of artisanal production, mass-distribution techniques, and a belief in the democratizing potential of social media. Borrowing from mass-culture image banks, these intimate bureaucracies play on forms of publicity common in societies of spectacles and public relations. Intimate bureaucracies monitor the pulse of the society of the spectacle and the corporatized bureaucracies: economics as in Big Business, culture as in Museums and Art Markets, mass media as in Studio Systems and Telecommunication Networks, safety as in Big Brother militarized police forces, and politics as in Big Government. Rather than simply mounting a campaign against big conglomerations of business, government, police, and culture, these intimate bureaucracies and their works use the forms of corporate bureaucracies for intimate ends. Rather than reach the lowest common denominator, they seek to construct what those in the business world would call niche marketing to ultra-specific demographics. Businesses, interested in utilizing the World Wide Web and the Internet, already use these strategies for niche marketing. The historical examples and sketches, explored in this pamphlet, examine how these cultural experiments emulate and resist the systems used in Internet marketing.The apparent oxymoron, intimate bureaucracies, suggests not only a strategy, but the very basis for the new productive mythology surrounding the electronic World Wide Web.Intimacy, the close familiarity of friendship or love, by definition depends on a small-scale system of communication. Its warmth, face-to-face contact, and fleeting impact has often made it the subject of art and literature. It usually only appears in administration situations as either an insincere ornamentation of a political campaign (\u201cpressing the flesh\u201d or \u201ckissing babies\u201d), or as inappropriate office behavior (affairs, gossip, child abuse, etc.), but rarely as the center of a political system. The \u201csmall is beautiful\u201d movement of the 1960\u2019s and 1970\u2019s did suggest the possibility of an intimacy in politics, but not how to scale the system to the size of a government."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "dj readies; Craig J. Saper"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["#Occupy, cooperatives, Fluxus, Fulxhouse, George Macianus, manifesto, mass media, modernism, netwoked art, political networks, sociopoetics, Soho"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/intimate-bureaucracies/"], ["title", "Intimate Bureaucracies: A Manifesto"], ["doab_id", "16013"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615612034"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615612034"]], [["description", "The Internet and online social world have become the intermediaries of contemporary intimacy. Second Life offers exactly that, a \u2018second life\u2019, but in the virtual universe. This book delves into the use of this platform to understand the experiences of those who participate in a relationship there. How do communicational tools contribute to the organisation of intimate exchanges? What do these relationships reveal about the experiences of modern romantic liaisons?Drawing on the sociology of couples together with emotions and techniques, this research considers Second Life as both the developer and operator of contemporary intimacy. It addresses a subject at the centre of current affairs with an analysis of relational practises that remains little studied at present.

Internet et les mondes sociaux en ligne sont devenus de v\u00e9ritables m\u00e9diateurs des intimit\u00e9s contemporaines. Le pr\u00e9sent ouvrage est le fruit de quatre ann\u00e9es d\u2019enqu\u00eate sur Second Life, dispositif qui propose de vivre une \u00ab seconde vie \u00bb dans un univers virtuel d\u00e9velopp\u00e9 par les utilisateurs. Il plonge dans les usages de cette plateforme pour comprendre l\u2019exp\u00e9rience de ceux qui disent y vivre une relation amoureuse. \u00c0 travers l\u2019analyse des pratiques et r\u00e9cits des internautes ainsi que de la plateforme elle-m\u00eame, deux questions sont explor\u00e9es : Comment les outils communicationnels participent-ils \u00e0 l\u2019organisation des \u00e9changes intimes ? Qu\u2019est-ce que ces\ufffcSwiss National Science Fundation | 1/1\ufffc\ufffc\ufffc\ufffcLanguage of the publication Title of the seriesNumber within the series ISSN of the seriesNumber of pagesRights (CC license)*Link to webshop* Funding organization(s)*Grant number* * Mandatoryrelations r\u00e9v\u00e8lent de l\u2019exp\u00e9rience amoureuse d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui ?Cette approche met en lumi\u00e8re la diversit\u00e9 et l\u2019ambigu\u00eft\u00e9 des intimit\u00e9s contemporaines. Elle r\u00e9v\u00e8le comment l\u2019individu amoureux est tiraill\u00e9 entre un mod\u00e8le romantique et des r\u00e9flexions personnelles qui remettent en question plusieurs aspects de ce mod\u00e8le. Cette intimit\u00e9, bien qu\u2019elle se \u00ab joue \u00bb en ligne, est inextricablement li\u00e9e \u00e0 la vie hors-ligne des partenaires. Si pour certains elle promet des changements biographiques, elle permet \u00e0 d\u2019autres d\u2019\u00e9viter de telles transformations.S\u2019appuyant sur la sociologie du couple et des \u00e9motions et sur la sociologie des techniques et de ses usages, cette recherche consid\u00e8re Second Life \u00e0 la fois comme r\u00e9v\u00e9lateur et comme op\u00e9rateur des intimit\u00e9s contemporaines. Elle aborde un sujet au coeur de l\u2019actualit\u00e9 et analyse des pratiques relationnelles encore peu \u00e9tudi\u00e9es."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cecchini ,Amaranta"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Usage of the Internet and ICT", "ICT", "intimacy", "love", "couples", "emotions", "online social worlds", "Usages d\u2019internet et des TIC", "TIC", "intimit\u00e9", "amour", "couple", "\u00e9motions", "mondes sociaux en ligne"]], ["publisher", "Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594259"], ["title", "Intimit\u00e9s amoureuses \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e8re du num\u00e9rique. Le cas des relations nou\u00e9es dans les mondes sociaux en ligne"], ["doab_id", "18407"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782889300495"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889300495"]], [["description", "Recent developments in various \u201cOMICs\u201d fields have revolutionized our understanding of the vast diversity and ubiquity of microbes in the biosphere. However, most of the current paradigms of microbial cell biology, and our view of how microbes live and what they are capable of, are derived from in vitro experiments on isolated strains. Even the co-culturing of mixed species to interrogate community behavior is relatively new. But the majority of microorganisms lives in complex communities in natural environments, under varying conditions, and often cannot be cultivated. Unless we obtain a detailed understanding of the near-native 3D ultrastructure of individual community members, the 3D spatial community organization, their metabolic interdependences, coordinated gene expression and the spatial organization of their macromolecular machines inventories as well as their communication strategies, we won\u2019t be able to truly understand microbial community life. How spatial and also temporal organization in cell\u2013cell interactions are achieved remains largely elusive. For example, a key question in microbial ecology is what mechanisms microbes employ to respond when faced with prey, competitors or predators, and changes in external factors. Specifically, to what degree do bacterial cells in biofilms act individually or with coordinated responses? What are the spatial extent and coherence of coordinated responses? In addition, networks linking organisms across a dynamic range of physical constraints and connections should provide the basis for linked evolutionary changes under pressure from a changing environment. Therefore, we need to investigate microbial responses to altered or adverse environmental conditions (including phages, predators, and competitors) and their macromolecular, metabolic responses according to their spatial organization. We envision a diverse set of tools, including optical, spectroscopical, chemical and ultrastructural imaging techniques that will be utilized to address questions regarding e.g. intra- and inter-organism interactions linked to ultrastructure, and correlated adaptive responses in gene expression, physiological and metabolic states as a consequence of the alterations of their environment. Clearly strategies for co-evolution and in general the display of adaptive strategies of a microbial network as a response to the altered environment are of high interest. While a special focus will be placed on terrestrial sole-species or mixed biofilms, we are also interested in aquatic systems, biofilms in general and microbes living in symbiosis. In this Research Topic, we wish to summarize and review results investigating interactions and possibly networks between microbes of the same or different species, their co-occurrence, as well as spatiotemporal patterns of distribution. Our goal is to include a broad spectrum of experimental and theoretical contributions, from research and review articles to hypothesis and theory, aiming at understanding microbial interactions at a systems level."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luis Raul Comolli; Birgit Luef; Manfred Auer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Archaea", "microbial communities", "inter-species interactions", "uncultivated biofilms", "microbial networks"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2159/intra--and-inter-species-interactions-in-microbial-communities"], ["title", "Intra- and inter-species interactions in microbial communities"], ["doab_id", "18595"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194490"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194490"]], [["description", "Bacteria can sequester metals and other ions intracellularly in various forms ranging from poorly ordered deposits to well- ordered mineral crystals. Magnetotactic bacteria provide one example of such intracellular deposits. They synthesize intracellular magnetic minerals of magnetite (Fe3O4) and/or greigite (Fe3S4) magnetosomes which are generally less than 150 nm and organized into one or multiple chain structures. The magnetosome chain(s) act like a compass needle to facilitate the navigation of magnetotactic bacteria by using the Earth's magnetic field. Due to their ubiquitous distribution in aquatic and sedimentary environments, magnetotactic bacteria play important roles in global iron cycling. Other intracellular mineral phases have been evidenced in bacteria such as As2S3, CaCO3, CdS, Se(0) or various metal phosphates which may play as well a significant role in the geochemical cycle of these elements. However, in contrast to magnetotactic bacteria, the biological and environmental function of these particles remains a matter of debate. In recent years, such intracellularly biomineralizaing bacteria have become an attractive model system for investigating the molecular mechanisms of organelle-like structure formation in prokaryotic cells. The geological significance of intracellular biomineralization is important; spectacular examples are fossil magnetosomes that may significantly contribute to the bulk magnetization of sediments and act as potential archives of paleoenvironmental changes. In addition, intracellular mineral deposits formed by bacteria have potentially versatile applications in biotechnological and biomedical fields. After more than four decades of research, the knowledge on intracellularly biomineralizing bacteria has greatly improved. The aim of this Research Topic is to highlight recent advances in our understanding of intracellular biomineralization by bacteria. Magnetotactic bacteria are a system of choice for that topic but other intracellularly biomineralizing bacteria may bring a unique perspective on that process. Research papers, reviews, perspectives, and opinion papers on (i) the diversity and ecology of intracellularly biomineralizing bacteria, (ii) the molecular mechanisms of intracellular biomineralization, (iii) the chemo- and magneto-taxis behaviors of magnetotactic bacteria, (iv) the involvement of intracellularly biomineralizing bacteria in local or global biogeochemical cycling, (v) the paleoenvironmental reconstructions and paleomagnetic signals based on fossil magnetosomes, (vi) and the applications of intracellular minerals in biomaterial and biotechnology were welcomed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yongxin Pan; Damien Faivre; Karim Benzerara; Wei Lin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["microbial biomineralization", "magnetotactic bacteria", "magnetosome", "Magnetotaxis", "iron cycling", "biosignature", "ancient environment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1342/intracellular-biomineralization-in-bacteria"], ["title", "Intracellular biomineralization in bacteria"], ["doab_id", "17780"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192724"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192724"]], [["description", "The aim of this Research Topic for Frontiers in Psychology under the section of Cognitive Science and Frontiers in Neurorobotics is to present state-of-the-art research, whether theoretical, empirical, or computational investigations, on open-ended development driven by intrinsic motivations. The topic will address questions such as: How do motivations drive learning? How are complex skills built up from a foundation of simpler competencies? What are the neural and computational bases for intrinsically motivated learning? What is the contribution of intrinsic motivations to wider cognition? Autonomous development and lifelong open-ended learning are hallmarks of intelligence. Higher mammals, and especially humans, engage in activities that do not appear to directly serve the goals of survival, reproduction, or material advantage. Rather, a large part of their activity is intrinsically motivated - behavior driven by curiosity, play, interest in novel stimuli and surprising events, autonomous goal-setting, and the pleasure of acquiring new competencies. This allows the cumulative acquisition of knowledge and skills that can later be used to accomplish fitness-enhancing goals. Intrinsic motivations continue during adulthood, and in humans artistic creativity, scientific discovery, and subjective well-being owe much to them. The study of intrinsically motivated behavior has a long history in psychological and ethological research, which is now being reinvigorated by perspectives from neuroscience, artificial intelligence and computer science. For example, recent neuroscientific research is discovering how neuromodulators like dopamine and noradrenaline relate not only to extrinsic rewards but also to novel and surprising events, how brain areas such as the superior colliculus and the hippocampus are involved in the perception and processing of events, novel stimuli, and novel associations of stimuli, and how violations of predictions and expectations influence learning and motivation. Computational approaches are characterizing the space of possible reinforcement learning algorithms and their augmentation by intrinsic reinforcements of different kinds. Research in robotics and machine learning is yielding systems with increasing autonomy and capacity for self-improvement: artificial systems with motivations that are similar to those of real organisms and support prolonged autonomous learning. Computational research on intrinsic motivation is being complemented by, and closely interacting with, research that aims to build hierarchical architectures capable of acquiring, storing, and exploiting the knowledge and skills acquired through intrinsically motivated learning. Now is an important moment in the study of intrinsically motivated open-ended development, requiring contributions and integration across a large number of fields within the cognitive sciences. This Research Topic aims to contribute to this effort by welcoming papers carried out with ethological, psychological, neuroscientific and computational approaches, as well as research that cuts across disciplines and approaches."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gianluca Baldassarre; Tom Stafford; Marco Mirolli; Peter Redgrave; Richard Michael Ryan; Andrew Barto"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["intrinsic motivations", "novelty and surprise", "cumulative learning and development", "computational models", "autonomous robotics", "reinforcement learning", "brain and behavior", "review"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1797/intrinsic-motivations-and-open-ended-development-in-animals-humans-and-robots"], ["title", "Intrinsic motivations and open-ended development in animals, humans, and robots"], ["doab_id", "17701"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193721"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193721"]], [["description", "La mirada que el comparatista dirige al derecho parte de un punto de observaci\u00f3n externo. Es la mirada de quien contempla el derecho en su estructura, pero tambi\u00e9n en su funci\u00f3n; en su consideraci\u00f3n como conjunto de preceptos, pero tambi\u00e9n de instituciones que los ponen en acci\u00f3n para distribuir imperativamente bienes y valores. Es la mirada de quien, m\u00e1s que el derecho, examina la experiencia jur\u00eddica, tanto en su dimensi\u00f3n emp\u00edrica como en su esencia de pr\u00e1ctica discursiva.As\u00ed es desde el nacimiento de la comparaci\u00f3n como ciencia aut\u00f3noma a inicios del siglo XX, cuando compareci\u00f3 en el escenario del saber jur\u00eddico para refundarlo sobre bases cr\u00edticas: para dislocar las convenciones y pensamientos \u00fanicos, como el legicentrismo y el dogmatismo t\u00edpico de los paradigmas cient\u00edficos imperantes en la \u00e9poca. De ah\u00ed la identidad del comparatista como estudioso llamado a analizar el fen\u00f3meno del derecho inmerso en su dimensi\u00f3n espacio-temporal, valorando por tanto las interacciones entre el derecho y las otras ciencias sociales."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Somma, Alessadro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Comparaci\u00f3n", "Experiencia jur\u00eddica", "Legicentrismo"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/92578/introduccion_somma_hd34_2015.pdf"], ["title", "Introducci\u00f3n al derecho comparado"], ["doab_id", "16856"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315785"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315785"]], [["description", "Se ofrecen aqu\u00ed reunidos distintos trabajos que tienen por finalidad orientar a los interesados en la historia del derecho sobre las especificidades y complejidades del conocimiento hist\u00f3rico. El autor reclama as\u00ed una disciplina que sirva para explicar y plantear problemas cr\u00edticamente (y no solamente enunciar datos sepultados, con una curiosidad necr\u00f3fila tan in\u00fatil como nociva), haci\u00e9ndolo de tal modo que ese saber sirva de alg\u00fan modo a nuestro presente. El positivismo, la escuela de los Annales, el materialismo hist\u00f3rico, Michel Foucault y Walter Benjamin son algunos de los amarres que permiten al autor demostrar que el enfoque del pasado jur\u00eddico debe tomar precauciones para no caer en tentaciones simplificadoras \u2013tan presentes todav\u00eda hoy\u2013 de ciertas reivindicaciones hist\u00f3ricas del derecho, al tiempo que muestra algunos instrumentos de las corrientes historiogr\u00e1ficas examinadas que pueden ser \u00fatiles en el enfoque del pasado jur\u00eddico."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fonseca, Ricardo Marcelo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho", "History of law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/14913/introduccion_fonseca_2012.pdf?sequence=2"], ["title", "Introducci\u00f3n te\u00f3rica a la historia del derecho"], ["doab_id", "16135"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490310700"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490310700"]], [["description", "Natural hazards and anthropic activities threaten the human environment. The gathering of field data is needed so as to quantify the impact of such activities. To gather the necessary data researchers nowadays use a great variety of new instruments based on electronics. Yet, the working principles of this new instrumentation might not be well understood by some potential users. All operators of these new tools must gain proper insight so as to be able to judge whether the instrument is selected appropriately and functions adequately. This book attempts to demonstrate some characteristics that are not easy to understand by the uninitiated in the use of electronic instruments. The material presented in this book was prepared with the purpose of reflecting the technological changes that have occurred in environmental modern instrumentation in the last few decades. The book is intended for students of hydrology, hydraulics, oceanography, meteorology and environmental sciences. Basic concepts of electronics, special physics principles and signal processing are introduced in the first chapters in order to enable the reader to follow the topics developed in the book, without any prior knowledge of these matters. The instruments are explained in detail and several examples are introduced to show their measuring limitations. Enough mathematical fundamentals are given to allow the reader to reach a good quantitative knowledge."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dardo Oscar Guaraglia; Jorge Lorenzo Pousa"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Modern Instrumentation, Electronics, Environmental Sciences, Hydraulics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447761"], ["title", "Introduction to Modern Instrumentation For Hydraulics and Environmental Sciences"], ["doab_id", "16489"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110401721"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110401721"]], [["description", "The goal of this book is to present the main ideas and techniques in the field of continuous smooth and nonsmooth optimization. Starting with the case of differentiable data and the classical results on constrained optimization problems, and continuing with the topic of nonsmooth objects involved in optimization theory, the book concentrates on both theoretical and practical aspects of this field. This book prepares those who are engaged in research by giving repeated insights into ideas that are subsequently dealt with and illustrated in detail."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Durea, Marius; Strugariu, Radu"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Optimizaton, Nonsmooth optimization"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/456091"], ["title", "An Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization Theory"], ["doab_id", "16869"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110426038"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110426038"]], [["description", "This handbook introduces key elements of the philological research area called paremiology (the study of proverbs). It presents the main subject area as well as the current status of paremiological research. The basic notions, among others, include defining proverbs, main proverb features, origin, collecting and categorization of proverbs. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar-specialist in their area of proverbial research. Since the book represents a measured balance between the popular and scientific approach, it is recommended to a wide readership including experienced and budding scholars, students of linguistics, as well as other professionals interested in the study of proverbs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Hrisztalina ; Varga, Melita Aleksa "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/449649"], ["title", "Introduction to Paremiology. A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies"], ["doab_id", "17955"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110410150", "9783110410167"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110410150, 9783110410167"]], [["description", "This is the introductory chapter of Address Practice as Social Action: European Perspectives. It is open access under a CC BY license.How we address one another says a great deal about our social relationships and which groups in society we belong to. This edited volume examines address choices in a range of everyday interactions taking place in Dutch, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Italian and the two national varieties of Swedish, Finland Swedish and Sweden Swedish. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Norrby, Catrin; Wide, Camilla"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["communication", " pragmatics", " discourse analysis", " sociolinguistics", " applied linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137529923_1"], ["title", "Introduction: 'Address as Social Action Across Cultures and Contexts' from book: Address Practice as Social Action: European Perspectives "], ["doab_id", "18972"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137529923"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137529923"]], [["description", "Con motivo del X aniversario de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, el Instituto Antonio de Nebrija de Estudios sobre la Universidad organiz\u00f3 durante los d\u00edas 25 y 26 de febrero de 1999 un encuentro titulado La universidad espa\u00f1ola a examen: Jornadas sobre investigaci\u00f3n en la Universidad. En el encuentro celebrado participaron representantes de distintos \u00e1mbitos cient\u00edficos, con el fin de ofrecer una visi\u00f3n m\u00e1s completa del panorama actual de la investigaci\u00f3n en la Universidad, dejando constancia de las opiniones de la empresa, las universidades, las instituciones pol\u00edticas, los organismos p\u00fablicos de investigaci\u00f3n. Este libro recoge sus resultados."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Merino, Carmen (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Investigaci\u00f3n cient\u00edfica", "Universidades", "Universities", "Scientific research"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7876/02_investi_univers.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La investigaci\u00f3n en la Universidad"], ["doab_id", "16162"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481556414"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481556416"]], [["description", "T-cells are an essential component of the immune system that provide protection against pathogen infections and cancer and are involved in the aetiology of numerous autoimmune and autoinflammatory pathologies. Their importance in disease, the relative ease to isolate, expand and manipulate them ex vivo have put T-cells at the forefront of basic and translational research in immunology. Decades of study have shed some light on the unique way T-cells integrate extrinsic environmental cues influencing an activation program triggered by interactions between peptide-MHC complexes and the antigen-recognition machinery constituted of clonally distributed T-cell receptors and their co-receptor CD4 or CD8. The manipulation of these molecular determinants in cellular systems or as recombinant proteins has considerably enhanced our ability to understand antigen-specific T-cell activation, to monitor ongoing T-cell responses and to exploit T-cells for therapy. Even though these principles have given numerous insights in the biology of CD8+ T-cells that translate into promising therapeutic prospects, as illustrated by recent breakthroughs in cancer therapy, they have proven more challenging to apply to CD4+ T-cells.This Research Topics aims to provide a comprehensive view of the recent insights provided by the use of engineered antigen receptors and their ligands on T-cell activation and how they have been or could be harnessed to design efficient immunotherapies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bruno Laugel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["T-cells", "pMHC", "tcr", "cancer immunotherapy", "Immunosuppression"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/991/investigating-and-harnessing-t-cell-functions-with-engineered-immune-receptors-and-their-ligands"], ["title", "Investigating and harnessing T-cell functions with engineered immune receptors and their ligands"], ["doab_id", "17805"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194131"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194131"]], [["description", "The brainstem is one of the least understood parts of the human brain despite its prime importance for the maintenance of basic vital functions. Owing to its role as a relay station between spinal cord, cerebellum and neocortex, the brainstem contains vital nodes of all functional systems in the central nervous system, including the visual, auditory, gustatory, vestibular, somatic and visceral senses, and the somatomotor as well as autonomic nervous systems. While the brainstem has been extensively studied in animals using invasive methods, human studies remain scarce. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a non-invasive and widely available method is one possibility to access the brainstem in humans and measure its structure as well as function. The close vicinity of the brainstem to large arteries and ventricles and the small size of the anatomical structures, however, place high demands on imaging as well as data analysis methods. Nevertheless, the field of brainstem-(f)MRI has significantly advanced in the past few years, largely due to the development of several new tools that facilitate studying this critical part of the human brain. Within this scope, the goal of this Research Topic is to compile work representing the state of the art in functional and structural MRI of the human brainstem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Florian Beissner; Simon Baudrexel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["brainstem", "MRI", "fMRI", "physiological noise", "Autonomic Nervous System", "Pain", "somatosensory system", "motor system", "Reticular Formation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1196/investigating-the-human-brainstem-with-structural-and-functional-mri"], ["title", "Investigating the human brainstem with structural and functional MRI"], ["doab_id", "17658"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192472"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192472"]], [["description", "\u200bThis book investigates the nature of aesthetic experience and aesthetic objects. Written by leading philosophers, psychologists, literary scholars and semioticians, the book addresses two intertwined issues. The first is related to the phenomenology of aesthetic experience: The understanding of how human beings respond to artworks, how we process linguistic or visual information, and what properties in artworks trigger aesthetic experiences. The examination of the properties of aesthetic experience reveals essential aspects of our perceptual, cognitive, and semiotic capacities. The second issue studied in this volume is related to the ontology of the work of art: Written or visual artworks are a specific type of objects, containing particular kinds of representation which elicit a particular kind of experience. The research question explored is: What properties in artful objects trigger this type of experience, and what characterizes representation in written and visual artworks? The volume sets the scene for state-of-the-art inquiries in the intersection between the psychology and ontology of art. The investigations of the relation between the properties of artworks and the characteristics of aesthetic experience increase our insight into what art is. In addition, they shed light on essential properties of human meaning-making in general."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peer F. Bundgaard; Frederik Stjernfelt"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["phenomenology", " aesthetics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-14090-2"], ["title", "Investigations into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work of Art: What are Artworks and How Do We Experience Them? "], ["doab_id", "18952"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319140896", "9783319140902"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319140896 (Print) 9783319140902 (Online)"]], [["description", "To what level are invisible stimuli processed by the brain in the absence of conscious awareness? It is widely accepted that simple visual properties of invisible stimuli are processed; however, the existence of higher-level unconscious processing (e.g., involving semantic or executive functions) remains a matter of debate. Several methodological factors may underlie the discrepancies found in the literature, such as different levels of conservativeness in the definition of \u201cunconscious\u201d or different dependent measures of unconscious processing. In this research topic, we are particularly interested in yet another factor: inherent differences in the amount of information let through by different suppression techniques. In the same conditions of well-controlled, conservatively established invisibility, can we show that some of the techniques in the \u201cpsychophysical magic\u201d arsenal (e.g., masking, but also visual crowding, attentional blink, etc.) reliably lead to higher-level unconscious processing than others (e.g., interocular suppression)? Some authors have started investigating this question, using multiple techniques in similar settings . We argue that this approach should be extended and refined. Indeed, in order to delineate the frontiers of the unconscious mind using a contrastive method, one has to disentangle the limits attributable to unawareness itself, and those attributable to the technique inducing unawareness. The scope of this research topic is to provide a platform for scientists to contribute insights and further experiments addressing this fundamental question."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julien Dubois; Nathan Faivre"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["unconscious processing", "Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS)", "backward masking", "visual crowding", "invisibility", "measures of consciousness", "interocular suppression", "psychophysical magic"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1882/invisible-but-how-the-depth-of-unconscious-processing-as-inferred-from-different-suppression-techniq"], ["title", "Invisible, but how? The depth of unconscious processing as inferred from different suppression techniques"], ["doab_id", "18175"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194209"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194209"]], [["description", "Examining the social, medical and cultural history of male homosexuality in Spain, this book looks at it from the time homosexuality came to be an issue of medical, legal and cultural concern.Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, \"Los Invisibles\" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cleminson ,R.; Vazquez Garcia ,F."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Homosexual", "Male", "History", "Spain", "Homoseksuelen", "Mannen", "Geschiedenis", "Mannen"]], ["publisher", "University of Wales Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=393075"], ["title", "Los Invisibles : A History of Male Homosexuality in Spain, 1850-1940"], ["doab_id", "13396"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780708320129"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780708320129"]], [["description", "How does the use of ict affect the relationship between government and its citizens? This book analyses the developments of networking information and concludes that in everyday practice an iGovernment has gradually come into existence, overtaking the old paradigm of the eGoverment. The iGoverment, effectively running at full speed on information flows and networks, is however seriously out of step with the self-image of the digital government, and the existing structure and division of responsibilities. This book is based on the report on iGovernment that the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) presented to the Dutch Government in March 2011. \"This book contributes powerfully to the understanding and evaluation of the development - beyond 'eGovernment' - of 'information Government', centred on highly complex flows and uses of information for public services, care and control, rather than technology itself. Sound empirical research and a concern to create better governance of iGovernment enable the authors to bring a sharply critical eye to their call for greater awareness by policy-makers, and for a strategic, reasoned and institutionalised relationship among the principles involved. These include ones that are often neglected: privacy, freedom of choice, accountability and transparency. Their recommendations are important, not only for the Netherlands\". Charles D. Raab, Professor Emeritus and Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh \"This book will be a valuable resource for researchers and scholars seeking to understand the possibilities, dilemmas and challenges of bringing the Internet and related technologies to centre stage in government and public services. It offers a fascinating case study of electronic government and 'information government' in the Netherlands, with examples from local, national and eu government, a wide-ranging literature review and a number of recommendations as to how iGovernment should develop\". Helen Margetts, Professor of Society and the Internet and director of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford \"Not only does this book offer an insightful analysis of the problems that ongoing digitization poses for citizens and the goverrnment itself (such as creeping loss of data quality), it also places highly valuable markers for the decisions that must be taken on the challenging path that lies ahead for iGovernment, in providing a new model for weighing up the various fundamental interests at stake\". Alex Brenninkmeijer, National Ombudsman, The Netherlands

Het biometrisch paspoort, de Verwijsindex Risicojongeren, het Elektronisch Pati\u00ebntendossier, nationale en internationale gegevensuitwisseling tussen organisaties of het gebruik van digitale profielen van burgers: deze en vele andere toepassingen staan beleidsmakers en uitvoerders ter beschikking dankzij de inzet van ict. Maar wat betekent de inzet van ict in beleid en uitvoering voor de relatie tussen overheid en burgers? Wat zijn de gevolgen voor het functioneren van de overheid zelf? Hoe wordt in het proces van voortgaande digitalisering een afweging gemaakt tussen beginselen als veiligheid, privacy, effici\u00ebntie en transparantie? In dit rapport concludeert de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (wrr) dat in de dagelijkse digitale praktijk een iOverheid is ontstaan die volop 'draait' op nieuwe informatiestromen die door ict mogelijk zijn gemaakt. Die nieuwe iOverheid loopt echter flink uit de pas met de bestaande structuur en de verantwoordelijkheden van de overheid. De wrr doet in dit rapport inhoudelijke en institutionele aanbevelingen om de noodzakelijke paradigmawisseling van eOverheid naar iOverheid in goede banen te leiden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=375126"], ["title", "iOverheid"], ["doab_id", "13328"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089643094"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643094"]], [["description", "The field of reprogramming somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) has moved very quickly, from bench to bedside in just eight years since its first discovery. The best example of this is the RIKEN clinical trial this year in Japan, which will use iPSC derived retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells to treat macular degeneration (MD). This is the first human disease to be tested for regeneration and repair by iPSC-derived cells and others will follow in the near future. Currently, there is an intense worldwide research effort to bring stem cell technology to the clinic for application to treat human diseases and pathologies. Human tissue diseases (including those of the lung, heart, brain, spinal cord, and muscles) drive organ bioengineering to the forefront of technology concerning cell replacement therapy. Given the critical mass of research and translational work being performed, iPSCs may very well be the cell type of choice for regenerative medicine in the future. Also, basic science questions, such as efficient differentiation protocols to the correct cell type for regenerating human tissues, the immune response of iPSC replacement therapy and genetic stability of iPSC-derived cells, are currently being investigated for future clinical applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["induced pluripotent stem cells, differentiation, adult stem cell, human disease, clinical application, immune response, genetic cell stability"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/163"], ["title", "iPS Cells for Modelling and Treatment of Human Diseases"], ["doab_id", "19008"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421221", "9783038421214"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421221/9783038421214"]], [["description", "\"Between 1935 and 1970 the Irish Folklore Commission (Coimisi\u00fan B\u00e9aloideasa \u00c9ireann), under-funded and at great personal cost to its staff, assembled one of the world\u2019s largest folklore collections. This study draws on the extensive government files on the Commission in the National Archives of Ireland and on a wide variety of other primary and secondary sources, in order to recount and assess the work and achievement of this world-famous institute. The cultural, linguistic, political and ideological factors that had a bearing on the establishment and making permanent of the Commission and that impinged on many aspects of its work are here elucidated. The genesis of the Commission is traced and the vision and mission of its Honorary Director, S\u00e9amus \u00d3 Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy), is outlined. The negotiations that preceded the setting up of the Commission in 1935 as well as protracted efforts from 1940 to 1970 to place it on a permanent foundation are recounted and examined at length. All the various collecting programmes and other activities of the Commission are described in detail and many aspects of its work are assessed and, in some cases, reassessed. This study also deals with the working methods and conditions of employment of the Commission\u2019s field and Head Office staff as well with S\u00e9amus \u00d3 Duilearga\u2019s direction of the Commission. This is the first major study of the Irish Folklore Commission, which has been praised in passing in numerous publications, but here for the first time its work and achievement is detailed comprehensively and subjected to scholarly scrutiny. This work should be of interest not only to students of Irish oral tradition but to folklorists everywhere. The history of the Irish Folklore Commission is a part of a wider history, that of the history of folkloristics in Europe and North America in particular. Moreover, the Irish Folklore Commission maintained contacts with scholars on all five continents, and this work has relevance for many areas of the developing world today, where conditions are not dissimilar to those that pertained in Ireland in the 1930's when this great salvage operation was funded by the young, independent Irish state.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Briody ,M\u00edche\u00e1l"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Folklore", "Folk poetry", "Irish language", "Collections", "Collectors", "Folkloristics"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617192"], ["title", "The Irish Folklore Commission 1935-1970: History, ideology, methodology"], ["doab_id", "19767"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517469470", "9789522228109", "9789522228116"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789517469470 9789522228109 9789522228116"]], [["description", "Este livro estuda os discursos caracterizados pela disson\u00e2ncia, mais especificamente, a ironia, a par\u00f3dia e o riso. Foram privilegiadas as teorias de Schopenhauer, Baudelaire e Jean Paul, j\u00e1 que s\u00e3o estudos que proporcionam uma aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o estrutural e filos\u00f3fica entre os fen\u00f4menos do riso e os discursos ir\u00f4nicos e par\u00f3dicos. Desse modo, tal qual a ironia e a par\u00f3dia, esse riso \u00e9 tamb\u00e9m fruto de uma disson\u00e2ncia, que instaura, ao inv\u00e9s da certeza, a possibilidade, em lugar do un\u00edssono, o ambivalente. O estudo dos significativos pontos de contato entre a ironia, a par\u00f3dia e o riso legitima a relev\u00e2ncia do sujeito na decodifica\u00e7\u00e3o desses discursos caracterizados pela ambig\u00fcidade. Para a sua an\u00e1lise a autora analisou os textos: \"O homem duplicado\" (2002), de Jos\u00e9 Saramago, \"O cavaleiro inexistente\" (1959), de \u00cdtalo Calvino, e \"O duplo\" (1846), de Dostoievski. A sele\u00e7\u00e3o das obras guiou-se pela estrutura dissonante dessas narrativas, nas quais se encontram muitas e variadas aplica\u00e7\u00f5es est\u00e9ticas da ironia, da par\u00f3dia e do riso."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alavarce, Camila da Silva"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5dcq3"], ["title", "A ironia e suas refra\u00e7\u00f5es: um estudo sobre a disson\u00e2ncia na par\u00f3dia e no riso"], ["doab_id", "16741"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830259"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830259"]], [["description", "In 'Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands', Masja van Meeteren studies the different ways in which irregular migrants live in Belgium and the Netherlands. The book offers an empirically grounded theoretical critique of the dominant research practice that focuses on 'survival strategies', relies on comparisons of migrant communities and overemphasizes structural explanations. Instead, Irregular Migrants takes irregular migrants\u00b4 aspirations as a starting point of analysis. Based on this innovative research approach, key questions are answered regarding the lives of irregular migrants. How can we understand their patterns of economic and social incorporation, the transnational activities they engage in, and the significance of different forms of capital? Drawing on intensive participant observation, as well as more than two hundred in-depth interviews with irregular migrants and representatives of organizations that are involved with them, Irregular Migrants develops much-needed contextualized insights. As such, it sheds new light on previous research findings and various deadlocked scholarly debates on irregular migrants in Western societies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meeteren van ,Masja"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Illegal migration", "Incorporation", "Immigration", "Transnationalism", "Aspirations"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=497130"], ["title", "Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands: Aspirations and Incorporation"], ["doab_id", "16262"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089646439"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646439"]], [["description", "It is fashionable to criticize economic theory for focusing too much on rationality and ignoring the imperfect and emotional way in which real economic decisions are reached. All of us facing the global economic crisis wonder just how rational economic men and women can be. Behavioral economics \u2014 an effort to incorporate psychological ideas into economics \u2014 has become all the rage.This book by well-known economist David K. Levine questions the idea that behavioral economics is the answer to economic problems. It explores the successes and failures of contemporary economics both inside and outside the laboratory. It then asks whether popular behavioral theories of psychological biases are solutions to the failures. It not only provides an overview of popular behavioral theories and their history, but also gives the reader the tools for scrutinizing them.Levine\u2019s book is essential reading for students and teachers of economic theory and anyone interested in the psychology of economics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Levine, David K. (Author)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Microeconomics", "Economic models", "Economic theory", "Game theory", "Rationality", "Psychology"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/77"], ["title", "Is Behavioral Economics Doomed?: The Ordinary versus the Extraordinary"], ["doab_id", "15203"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924935"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924935"]], [["description", "Conflict adaptation theory is one of the most popular theories in cognitive psychology. The theory argues that participants strategically modulate attention away from distracting stimulus features in response to conflict. Although results with proportion congruent, sequential congruency, and similar paradigms seem consistent with the conflict adaptation view, some researchers have expressed scepticism. The paradigms used in the study of conflict adaptation require the manipulation of stimulus frequencies, sequential dependencies, time-on-task regularities, and various other task regularities that introduce the potential for learning of conflict-unrelated information. This results in the unintentional confounding of measures of conflict adaptation with simpler learning and memory biases. There are also alternative accounts which propose that attentional adaptation does occur, but via different mechanisms, such as valence, expectancy, or effort. A significant (and often heated) debate remains surrounding the question of whether conflict adaptation exists independent of these alternative mechanisms of action. The aim of this Research Topic is to provide a forum for current directions in this area, considering perspectives from all sides of the debate."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James R Schmidt; Wim Notebaert; Eva Van Den Bussche"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["conflict adaptation", "contingency learning", "cognitive control", "Attention", "timing", "expectancies", "Proportion Congruent", "congruency sequence effect", "Gratton effect", "binding"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2358/is-conflict-adaptation-an-illusion"], ["title", "Is Conflict Adaptation an Illusion?"], ["doab_id", "17683"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194957"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194957"]], [["description", "Governance, Development and Growth critically evaluates conventional ideas about governance and development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jomo Kwame Sundaram; Anis Chowdhury"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780932477"], ["title", "Is Good Governance Good for Development?"], ["doab_id", "16300"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780932477"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780932477"]], [["description", "Prisons are an invisible, but dominant, part of American society: the United States incarcerates more people than any other nation in the world. In Michigan, the number of prisoners rose from 3,000 in 1970 to more than 50,000 by 2008, a shift that Buzz Alexander witnessed firsthand when he came to teach at the University of Michigan. Is William Martinez Not Our Brother? describes the University of Michigan's Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP), a pioneering program founded in 1990 that provides university courses, a nonprofit organization, and a national network for incarcerated youth and adults in Michigan juvenile facilities and prisons. By giving incarcerated individuals an opportunity to participate in the arts, PCAP enables them to withstand and often overcome the conditions and culture of prison, the policies of an incarcerating state, and the consequences of mass incarceration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Buzz Alexander"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.8582521.0001.001"], ["title", "Is William Martinez Not Our Brother?"], ["doab_id", "14518"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071098", "9780472051090", "9780472027446"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071098 Paper: 9780472051090 Ebook Formats: 9780472027446"]], [["description", "The ischemic penumbra was initially defined by Symon, Lassen and colleagues in the 1970s as an area of brain tissue with inadequate blood flow to maintain electric activity of neurons but adequate blood flow to preserve the function of the ion channels. This area of tissue, receiving enough blood to survive but not enough to function, often surrounds or abuts the irreversibly damaged core in ischemic stroke. It was shown that if blood flow could be restored to this area of marginal perfusion, the tissue could survive and function again, and growth of the core could be prevented. Based on seminal PET studies, penumbra or \"penumbral tissue\" eventually took on a subtly different meaning - the area of brain that is destined to progress to infarct unless blood flow is restored within a particular time window. The penumbra thus became the target for all acute stroke interventions - to preserve viability of the tissue and restore function. New imaging techniques, including diffusion and perfusion MRI and CT perfusion, were developed to rapidly identify individuals with penumbra, who were thought to be the best candidates for aggressive interventions to restore blood flow, particularly beyond the licensed time-window for IV thrombolysis. However, most clinical trials have failed to establish the usefulness of identifying candidates for treatment in this way using pre-specified protocols and primary endpoints. These trials have used different and sometimes unvalidated thresholds of hypoperfusion as well as irreversible infarct and various definitions of significant penumbra (or mismatch between irreversible infarct and hypoperfused, but salvageable tissue), and reanalysis of their data using more refined image processing showed post-hoc positivity. They have also evaluated outcome in a variety of ways, with few studies measuring the direct effect of restoring blood flow on the function of the penumbral tissue. Therefore, important remaining questions include how to define, characterize, and image the penumbra in acute stroke to achieve the greatest reliability and validity for what we want to measure, and whether this concept, so defined, provides an optimal target for stroke therapy using state-of-the-art trial design."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Argye E. Hillis; Jean-Claude Baron"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["penumbra", "Acute ischemic stroke", "Diffusion-weighted imaging", "perfusion-weighted imaging", "Computer Tomography Perfusion", "positron emission tomography", "regional cerebral blood flow", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "cerebrovascular disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2524/the-ischemic-penumbra-still-the-target-for-stroke-therapies"], ["title", "The Ischemic Penumbra: Still the Target for Stroke Therapies?"], ["doab_id", "19541"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196357"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196357"]], [["description", "For decades, scholars of Indonesia have rejected the religious claims of the Darul Islam movement, interpreting the antagonism between the Islamic state and Soekarno\u2019s republic as a fight for power, self-assertion, or land rights. Recently Kartosuwiryo and the Darul Islam have become heroic symbols of the local Islamist struggle, offering an alternative vision of this politician. The author looks beyond this dichotomy between rebel and martyr to unveil a \u2018third\u2019 dimension of Kartosuwiryo\u2014a politician whose legacy has been shaping the role of Islam in Indonesian politics for over fifty years. In a blend of archival sources, printed material, and oral accounts, the author follows the career and ideology of Kartosuwiryo, nationalist leader of the Sarekat Islam party and later Imam of the Islamic State of Indonesia. Following the trajectory of a political activism that was consistently dedicated to the formation of an independent Indonesian state, the chapters delineate the gradual radicalization of the Islamic party and of Kartosuwiryo\u2019s own ideals from the 1920s until the 1950s. Focusing on the dialectic between the religious and secular anti-colonial movements, this book explores the failure of political Islam in the mid-1950s; the consolidation of the Pancasila state under Soekarno\u2019s and Suharto\u2019s regimes; the latter\u2019s attempt to co-opt what was left of the Darul Islam in the 1970s; and the re-emergence of political Islam and Kartosuwiryo\u2019s memory in the post-1998 era.A testament to the relevance of historical enquiry in understanding contemporary politics, Islam and the making of the nation guides the reader through the contingencies of the past that have led to the transformation of a nationalist leader into a \u2018separatist rebel\u2019 and a \u2018martyr\u2019, while at the same time shaping the public perception of political Islam and strengthening the position of the Pancasila in contemporary Indonesia.Chiara Formichi (1982) has a PhD from the Department of History of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, in 2009, and she is Assistant Professor in Asian and International Studies at City University of Hong Kong. This monograph was drafted during a post-doctoral fellowship at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Her interests include the political history of Indonesia, Islam in Southeast Asia, transnational Islamic movements, and inter-Asian intellectual flows. In addition to several articles, her publications include Beyond Shi\u2019ism: Alid piety in Muslim Southeast Asia (London: I.B.Tauris, 2013), Formichi and Feener eds."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Formichi ,Chiara"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Islam", "colonial history", "political development", "nationalism", "Islamic reform movements", "political Islam", "Islamic law", "Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424363"], ["title", "Islam and the making of the nation: Kartosuwiryo and political Islam in twentieth-century Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "15145"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183864", "9789004260467"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183864 9789004260467"]], [["description", "Much nuance and variability have been lost in the process of the reductivist analysis of Islam post 9/11 and, as this study amply demonstrates, we are all the poorer as a result. This exhaustive examination of the rise and spread of the Tablighi Jama't, arguably the world's largest Islamic missionary movement, locates it in the larger perspective of global Islam and developments in the Muslim societies. Combining an overview of the history and current socio-political perception of the Tablighi Jama'at with a more analytical and philosophical approach to fundamental questions of identity, subject-positioning and representation, the author creates a comprehensive resource of interest to all scholars and students of Islam. Drawing on exhaustive research and records of conversion narratives of the new members of Tablighi Jama'at, cited here at length, the author creates a unique perspective on this complex phenomenon from both an internal and external viewpoints. Ahmad-Noor locates the spiritual framework of the movement in the context of its perception in the eyes of the political and religious authorities of the countries where it has a following, as well as the Western 'securocrat' approach.

Dit uitgebreide onderzoek naar de opkomst van de Tablighi Jama'at plaatst deze massale islamitische missiebeweging in het grotere perspectief van de wereldwijde ontwikkelingen binnen de moslimgemeenschap. Noor vergelijkt het spirituele kader van de beweging met de opvattingen van de politieke en religieuze autoriteiten in de landen van herkomst van de aanhangers, en met de westerse 'securocratische' benadering."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Noor ,Farish A."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Religie", "Islam, Zending, Zuid-Oost Azi\u00eb"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424530"], ["title", "Islam on the Move : The Tablighi Jama'at in Southeast Asia"], ["doab_id", "15141"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644398"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644398"]], [["description", "It has been two decades since Samuel P. Huntington, a Harvard political scientist, first published his famous essay, \u201cThe Clash of Civilizations?\u201d [1]. In the essay, and later in his book with the same title (minus the question mark) [2], Huntington argues that conflict in the post-Cold War era will be driven largely by irreconcilable cultural and religious differences, particularly in regards to Islam and the West. The conflict between these two civilizations, while not new, is bound to persist in large part because Islam is prone to violence. Much of the global conflict that exists in the modern world, observes Huntington, involves Muslims. It is for this reason that he states so bluntly: \u201cIslam has bloody borders\u201d ([1], p. 35). The \u201cclash of civilizations\u201d thesis did not originate with Huntington. Bernard Lewis, the prominent historian of Islam and orientalist, had already invoked this language in his own scholarship, most notably in his 1990 article for The Atlantic Monthly, \u201cThe Roots of Muslim Rage\u201d [3]. In the article, Lewis explores many possible explanations as to why Muslims have so much hatred for the West. He concludes that Muslims are jealous and humiliated due to the superiority of Western civilization. Western secularism and modernism in particular are the objects of Muslim anger and the reason behind the surge in Islamic fundamentalism in recent history. Both Huntington and Lewis invoke the very themes that Edward Said describes as the foundation of Orientalism [4]. Both view the West as superior and enlightened, in contrast to the Muslim world (i.e., the Orient), which they portray as monolithic, violent, backwards, and irrational. Conflict is inevitable in light of such profound differences, insist Huntington and Lewis, and yet both scholars maintain that the real source of this conflict lies within Islam. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Muslim", " Islam", " Islam in Canada", " Islam and immigration", " Islamophobia", " Islam and the West", " Islam in Europe", " multiculturalism", " Islam in America", " clash of civilizations"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/92"], ["title", "Islam, Immigration, and Identity"], ["doab_id", "16628"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980591", "9783906980607"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980591/9783906980607"]], [["description", "After violent protests all over the country had forced President Suharto to step down in 1998, Indonesia successfully made the transition from an authoritarian state to a democracy. In this book Indonesian scholars attached to Islamic universities and Dutch researchers investigate what happened since and what the consequences are of the growing influence of orthodoxy and radicalism, which already visible before 1998, only got stronger.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "van Dijk ,Kees; Kaptein J.G. ,Nico"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies", "Politics", "Indonesia", "Suharto", "Islam", "Asian history"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605451"], ["title", "Islam, Politics and Change"], ["doab_id", "18774"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087282493", "9789087282387"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087282493 9789087282387"]], [["description", "\"Carl Rogers established the Person-Centered Approach (PCA), which was first known as \u2018non-directive therapy\u2019 and then as \u2018client-centered therapy.\u2019 The approach which depends on direct psychological contact between the client and counselor is based on the three core conditions; congruence, positive regard, and empathy. In the PCA each individual is seen as having a strong tendency for self-actualization (to grow, develop and achieve his/her maximum potential).The terms \u2018self-actualization\u2019 and \u2018self-awareness\u2019 can be misunderstood in Islamic society where individuals\u2019 needs and decisions are based on the needs of the whole society. Many who are attracted to the PCA would not consider applying it, or a modification of it, in an Arab and/or Islamic society. However, remarkable positive similarities were found when reviewing Rogers\u2019, Arab and Islamic literature.The aim of this book is to explore the possibility of applying a modified person-centered counseling approach (PCA) as a nondirective way of helping and supporting Muslim clients in the state of Qatar. Non-directive counseling is considered a new method, not only in Qatar, but in the Middle East as a whole. This study examines the feasibility of applying a modification of the PCA in Qatar, and focuses on the similarities between Islamic counseling and the PCA in working with depressed clients.This book attempts to open doors for authors and researchers to widen their knowledge with regard to applying a modification of the person centered counseling in different cultures. It also attempts to encourage professionals to apply such a modification to meet client needs, as deemed appropriate. \""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Aisha Salman Al-Thani"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["client-centered therapy", " person-centered approach", " Qatar", " counseling", " PCA"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.qscience.com/page/books/impcca"], ["title", "An Islamic Modification of the Person-Centered Counseling Approach "], ["doab_id", "16075"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789992195314"]], ["provider", "www.qscience.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789992195314"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pigeaud ,T.G.; Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1976"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613322"], ["title", "Islamic States in Java 1500-1700"], ["doab_id", "18477"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024718764", "9789004287006"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024718764 9789004287006"]], [["description", "This book is the first comprehensive study in German on tribal identity in the Middle East. It includes a comparative and theoretical survey of Muslim tribal societies and a detailed empirical case-study. A separate identity within wider political and cultural communities is one of the most characteristic aspects of Middle Eastern tribes. It is typically expressed in tribal striving for political autonomy - an autonomy practically realized in varying degrees according to historical conditions. The book examines cultural dimensions and practical manifestations of tribal identity in this tension between local particularism and wider belonging. A critical discussion of the anthropological notion of tribe serves as an introduction to the theoretical part of the book. The insight that the most important common traits of Muslim tribes are located in the cultural and ideological sphere leads on to an examination of the general characteristics of Middle Eastern tribal societies. Then specific cultural models of tribal identity, such as the ideological and practical role of kinship and marriage relations, are examined, and the highly variable practical manifestations of tribal organization are outlined. The first part of the book is concluded by a critical appraisal of competing theoretical approaches to the phenomenon of tribal identity, which forms the basis for the empirical case study.In the second part, the theoretical approach elaborated in the first part is applied to a case study of a specific tribal society, a central Moroccan Berber tribe. First, the historical and geographical conditions are analyzed. Then the history of the tribe and the various kinds of sources for its understanding are discussed. Further chapters are devoted to the traditional political and legal institutions and their transformations in the course of the 20th century. The hierarchically ordered local status categories and the segmentary structure of the tribe are analyzed in detail. Finally, an investigation of orally transmitted historical knowledge shows that the local discourse about the past is a privileged domain for the study of the ideologies and cultural conceptions that constitute local tribal identity but also contribute to limiting and transcending it.An important methodological principle followed throughout is that ruptures and contradictions should not be ignored or explained away. The oral historical discourse not only provides an insight into the meaning of tribal identity. It also shows how covertly the dominant ideological models are called into question time and again. Even on the cultural and ideological level, tribal identity can only be understood in its interrelations with the wider identity relating to the Muslim state - interrelations that must be explained as historically conditioned and variable.

Das Buch stellt die erste umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ph\u00e4nomen tribaler Identit\u00e4t im Vorderen Orient in deutscher Sprache dar. Es verbindet eine komparativ und theoretisch orientierte Untersuchung von Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden islamischer Stammesgesellschaften mit einer eingehenden empirischen Fallstudie. Die separate Identit\u00e4t im Inneren umfassenderer politisch-kultureller Gemeinschaften, die St\u00e4mme im Vorderen Orient kennzeichnet, dr\u00fcckt sich typischerweise im Streben nach politischer Autonomie aus, das sich je nach historischen Bedingungen in sehr unterschiedlichem Ausma\u00df realisieren l\u00e4\u00dft. Das Buch untersucht kulturelle Dimensionen und praktische Erscheinungsformen tribaler Identit\u00e4t in diesem Spannungsfeld. Am Anfang steht eine kritische Aufarbeitung des sozial- und kulturanthropologischen Stammesbegriffes. Ausgehend von der Einsicht, da\u00df die wesentlichen \u00dcbereinstimmungen verschiedener islamischer St\u00e4mme im kulturell-ideologischen Bereich zu finden sind, werden allgemeine Charakteristika nah\u00f6stlicher Stammesgesellschaften herausgearbeitet. Spezifische kulturelle Modellen tribaler Identit\u00e4t, besonders die ideologische und praktische Rolle der Beziehungen von Verwandtschaft und Heirat, werden ebenso untersucht wie die variablen praktischen Erscheinungsformen tribaler Organisation. Der erste Teil schlie\u00dft mit einer kritischen Aufarbeitung unterschiedlicher theoretischer Zug\u00e4nge.Der zweite Teil wendet am Beispiel eines zentralmarokkanischen Berberstammes die im ersten Teil erarbeiteten theoretischen Perspektive an. Nach einer Analyse der historischen und geographischen Rahmenbedingungen werden die Geschichte des Stammes und die Quellen f\u00fcr ihre Kenntnis sowie traditionelle politische und rechtliche Institutionen untersucht und die Ver\u00e4nderungen skizziert, denen diese im 20. Jh. unterworfen waren. Dann werden die hierarchisch geordneten lokalen Statuskategorien und die segment\u00e4re Gliederung des Stammes im Detail analysiert. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem oral tradierten lokalen Wissen \u00fcber die Vergangenheit zeigt schlie\u00dflich, da\u00df der historische Diskurs der untersuchten Gesellschaft ein privilegiertes Feld f\u00fcr die Untersuchung der Ideologien und kulturellen Konzeptionen darstellt, die einerseits tribale Identit\u00e4t konstituieren und andererseits dazu beitragen, diese zu relativieren und zu transzendieren. Ein wichtiges methodisches Prinzip ist dabei, das Vorhandensein von Br\u00fcchen und Widerspr\u00fcchen nicht zu ignorieren. Der orale historische Diskurs er\u00f6ffnet nicht nur einen Einblick in die sinngebenden Zusammenh\u00e4nge tribaler Identit\u00e4t. Er zeigt auch, wie verdeckt immer wieder die dominierenden ideologischen Modelle in Frage gestellt werden. Auch auf der kulturell-ideologischen Ebene kann tribale Identit\u00e4t nur in ihren Wechselwirkungen mit der \u00fcbergeordneten islamischen Identit\u00e4t verstanden werden. Diese Wechselwirkungen m\u00fcssen jedoch als historisch bedingt und somit variabel aufgefa\u00dft werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kraus ,Wolfgang"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["tribal identity, Muslim tribal societies, Middle Eastern, oral historical discourse", "Ethnologie, Naher Osten, Nordafrika, Stamm, Orale Tradition, Ideologie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574825"], ["title", "Islamische Stammesgesellschaften"], ["doab_id", "17419"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205771869"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205771869"]], [["description", "This book looks at the theoretical issue of how a democracy can defend itself from those wishing to subvert or destroy it without being required to take measures that would impinge upon the basic principles of the democratic idea, such as human rights, freedom of speech and the freedom to form political organisations. This dilemma has captured the attention of philosophers as well as legal scholars for many years, but has thus far been rarely studied employing institutional and social frameworks. In this book such frameworks are incorporated into the discussion of the 'paradox' in an attempt to provide an answer to the question: is there a golden path which can reconcile between the democratic polity's need to defend itself and, at the same time, maintain responsibility to protect and safeguard the basic right of its citizens? It takes as its case study of this issue the Israeli response to Jewish extremism and violence, which tests the theoretical framework outlined in the first chapter of the book. Providing an extensive diachronic scrutiny of the State's response to extremist political parties, violent organisations and the infrastructure of extremism and intolerance within Israeli society. It emphasises the dynamics of the response and the factors which encourage or discourage the shift from less democratic and more democratic models of response. The book is unique in that it links social and institutional perspectives to the study. The book will be vital reading for students of peace studies, conflict analysis, international relations and international politics, as well as students of the political situation in the Middle east."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pedahzur ,Ami"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["israel", "jewish", "extremism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341387"], ["title", "The Israeli response to Jewish extremism and violence"], ["doab_id", "12584"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063725"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063725"]], [["description", "Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe is a seminal guide to mapping social and political issues with digital methods. The issue at stake concerns the imminent crisis of an ageing Europe and its impact on the contemporary welfare state. The book brings together three leading approaches to issue mapping: Bruno Latour's social cartography, Ulrich Beck's risk cartography and Jeremy Crampton's critical neo-cartography. These modes of inquiry are put into practice with digital methods for mapping the ageing agenda, including debates surrounding so-called 'old age', cultural philosophies of ageing, itinerant care workers, not to mention European anti-ageing cuisine. Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe addresses an urgent social issue with new media research tools."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rogers ,Richard; S\u00e1nchez-Querub\u00edn ,Natalia; Kil ,Aleksandra"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ageing", "issue mapping", "digital methods"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=569806"], ["title", "Issue Mapping for an Ageing Europe"], ["doab_id", "17339"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647160"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647160"]], [["description", "In 2010 the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science were published. These principles were founded upon the idea that 'Science is based on building on, reusing and openly criticising the published body of scientific knowledge\u2019 (http://pantonprinciples.org) and they provide a succinct list of the fundamentals to observe when making your data open. Intended for a broad audience of academics, publishers and librarians, Issues in Research Data explores the implications of the Panton Principles through a number of perspectives on open research data in the sciences and beyond.The book features chapters by open data experts in a range of academic disciplines, covering practical information on licensing, ethics, and advice for data curators, alongside more theoretical issues surrounding the adoption of open data. As the book is open access, each chapter can stand alone from the main volume so that communities can host, distribute, build upon and remix the content that is relevant to them. Readers can access the online version via the QR code or DOI link at the front of the book.(DOI: http://dx.doi.org//10.5334/ban)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moore ,Sam"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["open data", "research data", "information studies"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533882"], ["title", "Issues in Open Research Data"], ["doab_id", "16641"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188303", "9781909188310", "9781909188327", "9781909188419"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188303 9781909188310 9781909188327 9781909188419"]], [["description", "Between the years 1550 and 1650, Italy's Jewish intellectuals created a unique and enduring synthesis of the great literary and philosophical heritage of the Andalusian Jews and the Renaissance`s renewal of perspective. While remaining faithful to the beliefs, behaviors, and language of their tradition, Italian Jews proved themselves open to a rapidly evolving world of great richness. The crisis of Aristotelianism (which progressively touched upon all fields of knowledge), religious fractures and unrest, the scientific revolution, and the new perception of reality expressed through a transformation of the visual arts: these are some of the changes experienced by Italian Jews which they were affected by in their own particular way. This book explores the complex relations between Jews and the world that surrounded them during a critical period of European civilization. The relations were rich, problematic, and in some cases strained, alternating between opposition and dialogue, osmosis and distinction."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alessandro Guetta"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/582c8986f5e231d615ad1a93/1479313802025/Italian+Jewry+in+the+Early+Modern+Era.pdf"], ["title", "Italian Jewry in the Early Modern Era: Essays in Intellectual History"], ["doab_id", "19990"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781618112088"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781618112088"]], [["description", "\u201cItaliano con l'immaginario\u201d introduce un approccio di insegnamento umanistico delle lingue poco conosciuto in Italia e mutuato dalla tradizione didattica francese. La \u201csimulation globale\u201d diventa un corso di lingua in cui, invece di svolgere tante attivit\u00e0 staccate e utilizzare un manuale standard, \u00e8 possibile impostare un percorso in cui tutto sia collegato da un filo narrativo e la produzione orale e scritta di un vasto numero di testi avvenga all'interno di una situazione-cornice molto motivante."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sandra Montali"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["education", " instruction", " language", " simulation globale", " didactics", " foreign language acquisition"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460493.pdf"], ["title", "Italiano con l'immaginario"], ["doab_id", "19854"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788860460493"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460493"]], [["description", "Iteration:Again documents and reflects upon a series of thirteen temporary public art commissions by twenty-one Australian and international artists that took place across Tasmania from September 18 to October 15, 2011. Produced by Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania and David Cross, in conjunction with seven partner curators, Iteration:Again presents a compelling array of temporary artworks in largely unexpected places throughout Tasmania. Working to transform our experience of place for a moment in time, each commission seeks to address how temporary interventions or responses by artists to public sites, environments and buildings can serve to open up new ways of understanding Tasmania as a place with very complex cultural, social and spatial resonances.How it might be possible to introduce transformative elements that challenge the notion of a fixed or definitive artwork grounded in one location? By asking the artists to make four different chapters or \u2018iterations\u2019 over the course of a four-week period, David Cross challenged each practitioner to think through how change or processes of transition may function to make the art experience an unstable and contingent one. This idea of incorporating change into the work highlights a growing interest by artists in emphasizing art as a potentially theatrical or even fictive medium with the audience experiencing different moments or stages of encounter over a number of weeks. The idea provided for the possibility of narrative sequences, formal investigations, or temporal shifts that saw key additions or subtractions over time. Each commission sought to recast our understanding of public artwork from a discrete event or viewing experience, to a suite of experiences.The book includes sections on each project by the artists, including Ruben Santiago, Paul O\u2019Neill, Maddie Leach and Toby Huddlestone, with a curatorial statement introducing the work and a commissioned response by thirteen Australian and international writers. It also features two major essays on key issues in temporary public art, including a curatorial essay by Cross and an essay on post-studio practice by noted public art scholar and curator Marco Marcon."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Cross"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["contemporary art, public art, Tasmania"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/iterationagain/"], ["title", "Iteration:Again"], ["doab_id", "16038"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615811147"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615811147"]], [["description", "Alphonso Lingis is the author of fourteen books and many essays. He is emeritus professor of philosophy at Pennsylvania State University. While many know him only as an eccentric ex-professor or as the translator of Emmanuel Levinas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Pierre Klossowski, he is arguably the most distinctive voice in American continental philosophy. This is no doubt due to the perpetual travel that fuels his arresting written prose and unorthodox public readings. Lingis\u2019s lifelong itinerary includes visits \u2014 some brief, others extended or recurring \u2014 to 109 countries. Along the way he has photographed innumerable strangers whose faces adorn the pages of his books. Photography is as essential to Lingis\u2019s multidisciplinary philosophical perspective as is his knowledge of phenomenology, anthropology, or psychoanalysis. Some of his photographs have been recently collected and published in the book Contact. Unlike most career academics, Lingis has made a name for himself collecting exotic birds and other creatures, staging performance readings at professional conferences, keeping up a diligent correspondence with friends at home and abroad, and splicing together high theory with intimate autobiography. Those who know him speak of his warmth, sincerity, and noncombative style of argumentation \u2014 rare traits among university scholars. Itinerant Philosophy: On Alphonso Lingis gathers a diverse collection of texts on Lingis\u2019s life and philosophy, including poetry, original interviews, essays, book reviews, and a photo essay. It also includes an unpublished piece by Lingis, \u201cDoubles,\u201d along with copies of several of his letters to a friend."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bobby George (Ed.); Tom Sparrow (Ed.); Dorothea Lasky; Jeff Barbeau; Timothy Morton; Alphonso Lingis; John Protevi; David Karnos; Jeffrey Nealon; Dorothea Olkowski; Joff Peter Norman Bradley; Jonas Skackauskas ; Graham Harman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Graham Harman, phenomenology, philosophy, photography, psychoanalysis, Alphonso Lingis, cultural anthropology, autobiography"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/609yu21qqb7fl6a/George_Sparrow_Itinerant_Philosophy_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Itinerant Philosophy: On Alphonso Lingis"], ["doab_id", "17861"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692253397"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692253397"]], [["description", "Itinerant Spectator/Itinerant Spectacle moves across the landscape of European performance in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, recounting performance in circulation across national borders and across the itinerant bodies of spectators who travel to meet performances that travel. Itinerant Spectator/Itinerant Spectacle suggests spectating is a practice \u2014 an act of interpretation engaged in more than simply receiving the affects of a performance, a companion practice to the making of performance. The work forms a part of Skantze\u2019s ongoing explorations of what she terms the \u2018epistemology of practice as research.\u2019IS/IS theorizes spectating as a practice that extends beyond the theatre, as a practice of writing as recollecting (and recollecting as writing) at the center of what has been called \u201ccriticism.\u201d The book grounds spectatorship in the subjective, embodied, differenced practice of spectating not from a fixed location or standpoint but from a ground that constantly shifts, that is, from the ground of the roving positionalities of the \u201citinerate spectator.\u201d Following Walter Benjamin, for example, Skantze importantly adopts the privileges of the flaneur as a feminist and rather queer project, one that refuses to be tied to the minor position, to that of the impossible \u201cflaneuse.\u201dThe methodology of the book takes inspiration from the writings of W.G. Sebald and his employment of something Skantze describes as \u201ca staging of memory,\u201d a way to offer the reader an example of how memory works in the midst of a description of a particular recollection. This construction invites the reader/participant to \u2018discover,\u2019 to \u2018remember\u2019 alongside the writer. Further, this methodology invites the reader to incorporate her/his own ideas and memories of the practice of spectating through an openness in the language of remembering and description.Individual sections of the book demonstrate spectating as itinerant \u2018on the job training\u2019 in various modes of reception. Topics include: the idea of reparation in performance about nations, the past and injustice; the power of sound and the intricacies of seeing/hearing performance in many languages; the architectural information absorbed by the spectator and its role in fashioning story; the shifts made in spectating at festivals between theatre and dance; and the political consequences and traps of mobility and immobility."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "P.A. Skantze"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["art-practice, contemporary theatre, cultural studies, dance, nationalism, performance studies, Renaissance drama, sound, spectatorship"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/itinerant-spectator-itinerant-spectacle/"], ["title", "Itinerant Spectator/Itinerant Spectacle "], ["doab_id", "16062"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615858968"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615858968"]], [["description", "Nesta obra a autora procura tratar das interpreta\u00e7\u00f5es acerca da loucura a partir da \u00f3tica da sociedade Dogon, uma sociedade negro-africana da \u00c1frica do Oeste. Atrav\u00e9s de contos que foram transmitidos por v\u00e1rias gera\u00e7\u00f5es, temos um conjunto de hist\u00f3rias que mostram como esta sociedade procura resolver uma situa\u00e7\u00e3o que, muitas vezes, traz consigo uma dor emergente que precisa ser explicada e tratada. Em Itiner\u00e1rios da Loucura em Territ\u00f3rios Dogon, podemos perceber como uma sociedade lida com um assunto t\u00e3o delicado de maneira t\u00e3o singular. Desta forma, ao trazer quest\u00f5es relativas \u00e0 sa\u00fade mental de seus indiv\u00edduos, a obra contribui, mostrando-nos diversos apontamentos que visam \u00e0 reflex\u00e3o a respeito de um assunto t\u00e3o dif\u00edcil de ser abordado como a loucura e suas implica\u00e7\u00f5es na vida individual e social.Pr\u00eamio Jabuti 2005: 3\u00ba lugar na Categoria Educa\u00e7\u00e3o, Psicologia e Psican\u00e1lise"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barros, Denise Dias"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/97dxr"], ["title", "Itiner\u00e1rios da loucura em territ\u00f3rio Dogon"], ["doab_id", "19311"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413326"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413326"]], [["description", "Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. This volume This volume is devoted to the interrelations of the prominent Estonian writer Jaan Kross (1920\u20132007) with Russian literature and culture. It includes contributions on the poetics of some of Kross' works (\"The Czar's Madman\", \"Professor Martens' Departure\", \"Michelson's Matriculation\", \"The Third Range of Hills\", \"A Hard Night for Dr. Karell\") and his translations from Russian (e.g. D. Samoilov's poetry and A. Griboedov's \"The Misfortune of Being Clever\"). Contributors include Lea Pild, Ljubov Kisseljova, Timur Guzairov, Tatiana Stepanischeva, Dmitry Ivanov, and Maria Tamm. An appendix includes the original Russian text of the autobiography of Johann K\u00f6ler, the patriarch of Estonian national art and protagonist of one of Kross' novels. So far, this text has appeared only in fragments; the full version was found in the Archive of the Institute of Russian literature in St. Petersburg and is here published, with an extensive commentary, for the first time."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pild ,Lea "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Slavic studies", "Estonian culture", "Estonian literature", "Russian culture", "Russian literature", "Jaan Kross", "translation", "cultural studies", "literary influence", "poetics"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=446138"], ["title", "Jaan Kross and Russian Culture"], ["doab_id", "15388"], ["language_unmapped", "English;"], ["isbns", ["9789949322015", "9789949322022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949322015 9789949322022"]], [["description", "Essa \u00e9 a primeira edi\u00e7\u00e3o da obra completa de Jacinta. Os quatro livros de poemas que publicou, entre os anos de 1942 e 1958, foram lan\u00e7ados em edi\u00e7\u00f5es pequenas, h\u00e1 muito esgotadas. A presente edi\u00e7\u00e3o cont\u00e9m a poesia completa de Jacinta, incluindo seus livros publicados, poemas esparsos e poemas in\u00e9ditos, estes \u00faltimos, parte de uma s\u00e9rie manuscrita, produzida nos \u00faltimos anos de vida da autora, jamais trazidas antes ao p\u00fablico. O volume conta ainda com uma prosa completa de Jacinta, a biografia da jornalista e um caderno de imagens, contendo fotos de Jacinta e de pessoas e locais importantes em sua vida."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amado, Jana\u00edna"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/79827"], ["title", "Jacinta Passos, cora\u00e7\u00e3o militante: obra completa: poesia e prosa, biografia, fortuna cr\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "17539"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212070"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212070"]], [["description", "The Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien is among the oldest continuously published periodicals on art and art history issued by a museum. Volume 15/16 continues the basic research on primary sources representative of the periodical. It contains sources to the imperial collections of art and natural history from 1750 to 1800.

Das Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien ist eines der \u00e4ltesten, bis heute kontinuierlich erscheinenden kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Periodika eines Museums. Band 15/16 setzt die f\u00fcr das Jahrbuch so ma\u00dfgebliche Quellen- und Grundlagenforschung fort. Er umfasst Quellen zu den kaiserlichen kunst- und naturhistorischen Sammlungen aus der Zeit von 1750 bis 1800."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hassmann ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Source edition, Cultural History, Art History, Museology", "Quellenedition, Kunstgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Museologie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=576950"], ["title", "Jahrbuch des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien, Band 15/16"], ["doab_id", "17459"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796220"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796220"]], [["description", "The subject of transnational lives has only recently gained importance in historical research. With its transnational approach to \u201cmobility and biography,\u201d this volume brings together research on aspects of mobility and biography across different times and spaces to open up new interdisciplinary perspectives. Networks, movements and the capacity to become socially or spatially mobile in and across Europe are not only analysed as structural factors, but rather seen as connected to concrete practices of mobility among different groups in the spheres of business, politics and the arts: from Jewish merchants via legal and financial advisors all the way to musicians."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Panter, Sarah"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["European History, Business, Network, Migration"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/456893"], ["title", "Jahrbuch f\u00fcr Europ\u00e4ische Geschichte. European History Yearbook"], ["doab_id", "17948"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110415155", "9783110415162", "9783110423938"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110415155, 9783110415162, 9783110423938"]], [["description", "This book traces the origins, history, and memory of the Jalayirid dynasty, a family that succeeded the Mongol Ilkhans in Iran and Iraq in the 14th and early 15th centuries. The story of how the Jalayirids came to power is illustrative of the political dynamics that shaped much of the Mongol and post-Mongol period in the Middle East. The Jalayirid sultans sought to preserve the social and political order of the Ilkhanate, while claiming that they were the rightful heirs to the rulership of that order. Central to the Jalayirids' claims to the legacy of the Ilkhanate was their attempt to control the Ilkhanid heartland of Azarbayjan and its major city, Tabriz. Control of Azarbayjan meant control of a network of long-distance trade between China and the Latin West, which continued to be a source of economic prosperity through the 8th/14th century. Azarbayjan also represented the center of Ilkhanid court life, whether in the migration of the mobile court-camp of the ruler, or in the complexes of palatial, religious and civic buildings constructed around the city of Tabriz by members of the Ilkhanid royal family, as well as by members of the military and administrative elite.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wing ,Patrick"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Islamic Studies"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605040"], ["title", "The Jalayirids"], ["doab_id", "18751"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474402262"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474402262"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Raychaudhuri ,T."], ["date", "1962"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613323"], ["title", "Jan Company in Coromandel 1605-1690"], ["doab_id", "18478"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286023", "9789004286641"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286023 9789004286641"]], [["description", "Joannis Cornelis Verschueren (1905-1970) worked as a Roman Catholic missionary in southern Irian from 1931 until 1970. In the 1950s he wrote a number of papers on the Y"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verschueren ,J.; Baal van ,J."], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613324"], ["title", "Jan Verschueren's Description of Y\u00e9i-Nan Culture"], ["doab_id", "18479"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024761852", "9789004287303"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761852 9789004287303"]], [["description", "Jan Walravens (1920-1965) played a central role in Flemish literature as he introduced and facilitated literary experiments after the second world war. He was a leading essayist and literary critic, who wrote thousands of reviews showing the younger generation the way to French existentialism and to the international avant-garde. In addition to novels and shorter fiction, he published in-depth philosophical essays on Kierkegaard, Sade and Sartre. His international network of artistic relations turned him into a central figure in the Flemish literary world, a position he held until his untimely death at the age of forty-five.Jan Walravens and the Experiment presents ten essays that chart the various aspects of Walravens\u2019 immense activity: his philosophical thinking on Sade, his relation with the visual arts, his position as an avant-gardist, his defense of poetry old and new, his view on the French nouveau roman, his novels, and his propagation of a new kind of literary diary. The authors have used the Walravens archive and unearthed some material that has never before been brought to the public\u2019s attention, most notably the facsimile of a \u2018cadavre exquis\u2019 Walravens created with Albert Bontridder and Florent Welles."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bernaerts ,Lars ; Vandevoorde ,Hans ; Vervaeck ,Bart "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["modernism", "experiment", "Flemish literature", "art", "philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413238"], ["title", "Jan Walravens en het experiment"], ["doab_id", "14642"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038217079"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038217079"]], [["description", "Oni, ubiquitous supernatural figures in Japanese literature, lore, art, and religion, usually appear as demons or ogres. Characteristically threatening, monstrous creatures with ugly features and fearful habits, including cannibalism, they also can be harbingers of prosperity, beautiful and sexual, and especially in modern contexts, even cute and lovable. There has been much ambiguity in their character and identity over their long history. Usually male, their female manifestations convey distinctivly gendered social and cultural meanings.Oni appear frequently in various arts and media, from Noh theater and picture scrolls to modern fiction and political propaganda, They remain common figures in popular Japanese anime, manga, and film and are becoming embedded in American and international popular culture through such media. Noriko Reider"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reider, Noriko T.; Knecht, Peter"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/59"], ["title", "Japanese Demon Lore"], ["doab_id", "14735"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217933"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217933"]], [["description", "Japanese Women and Sport' aims to explore both why and how in the past century athletics have stood out as an arena in which excellence by Japanese women is so actively encouraged."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robin Kietlinski"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666701"], ["title", "Japanese Women and Sport"], ["doab_id", "14385"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666701"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666701"]], [["description", "After the opening of the country in the middle of the 19th century, Japan quickly moved towards becoming an industrialized world power. But the romanticist syndrome, imported from Europe by Mori Ogai since the 1890s, especially enchanted young intellectuals and drove their search of a Japanese cultural identity. The goal was, internally, to integrate the entire population, and externally, to make the country distinguishable from the \u00bbWest\u00ab \u2500 paradoxically, in a spirit of European Romanticism. Takemitsu Morikawa investigates these remarkable developments and retraces the rise and canonization of the alleged self-image of modern Japan.

Seit der \u00d6ffnung des Landes in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bewegte sich Japan rasant auf dem Weg zur industrialisierten Weltmacht. Das dort seit den 1890er Jahren durch Mori Ogai aus Europa \u2018eingef\u00fchrte\u2019 romantische Syndrom jedoch verzauberte insbesondere die jungen Intellektuellen und trieb sie zur Suche nach der japanischen kulturellen Identit\u00e4t an. Ziel war es, nach innen die gesamte Bev\u00f6lkerung zu integrieren und nach au\u00dfen das Land vom \u00bbWesten\u00ab unterscheidbar zu machen \u2500 und zwar paradoxerweise im Geist der europ\u00e4ischen Romantik. Takemitsu Morikawa geht diesen bemerkenswerten Entwicklungen auf den Grund und zeichnet die Entstehung und die Kanonisierung des vermeintlichen Selbstbildes des modernen Japan nach."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morikawa ,Takemitsu"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Japan", "National Identity", "Romanticism", "Literature", "Culture", "General Literature Studies", "Interculturalism", "Cultural History", "Literary Studies", "Japan", "Nationale Identit\u00e4t", "Kulturelles Ged\u00e4chtnis", "Romantik", "Mori Ogai", "Literatur", "Kultur", "Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft", "Interkulturalit\u00e4t", "Kulturgeschichte", "Literaturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579942"], ["title", "Japanizit\u00e4t aus dem Geist der europ\u00e4ischen Romantik. Der interkulturelle Vermittler Mori Ogai und die Reorganisierung des japanischen \u201aSelbstbildes\u2018 in der Weltgesellschaft um 1900"], ["doab_id", "17729"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783837618938", "9783839418932"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837618938 9783839418932"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ras ,J."], ["date", "1979"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613325"], ["title", "Javanese Literature since Independence"], ["doab_id", "18480"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024723096", "9789004287198"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024723096 9789004287198"]], [["description", "Since 1957 the Film Museum in Amsterdam has been in possession of the Desmet Collection which contains the estate of the Dutch cinema owner and film distributor Jean Desmet (1875-1956). The collection comprises almost nine hundred European and American films in all genres, a collection of publicity material and a dauntingly large business archive. These three sources form the basis of this first comprehensive reconstruction of Desmet's career: from his nomadic beginnings as a traveling showman, working the seasonal fairgrounds of the Netherlands and Belgium, to his successful switch to permanent cinema operation and film distribution. The history of Desmet's career offers not simply an abstract of an individual character and his personal ambitions and motivations, but also epitomizes transformations in the world of cinema as an industry. Between 1907 and 1916 the world of cinema experienced radical structural change which Desmet not only witnessed but also helped to bring about. Given the insufficiencies of Dutch film production, Desmet became a link between film production abroad and film exhibition in the Netherlands. Desmet is not merely representative of the rise of the permanent movie house and the coming of the film distributor. This book shows how his fortunes also encapsulate a series of structural changes within the new culture of permanent cinema and film distribution. In film distribution these changes embraced the introduction of film rental, the advent of the long feature film, the introduction of the monopoly distribution system and the periodic transformation of the products on offer. In the business of cinema operation change involved specialization, the creation of fixed theater venues, the development of a theater hierarchy, expansions of scale, the introduction of trade journals and the gradual legitimization of cinema as a popular cultural institution. These transformations were not confined to the Netherlands but were also taking place in the rest of Europe. Indeed, they were first set in motion by other European countries, and in order fully to understand Desmet it is necessary to situate him in his larger European context. In this original and wide-ranging study Ivo Blom uses the career of Jean Desmet as a means of exploring the history of cinema from the ground-level position of film distribution and exhibition. His copiously illustrated and scrupulously documented exposition swells into an epic narrative that offers a richer, more rounded -indeed 'truer' - account of early urban cinema culture than is possible from the confined perspective of production-based film histories.

De levensloop van de Nederlandse bioscoopeigenaar en filmdistributeur Jean Desmet (1875-1956) biedt niet alleen inzicht in een excentrieke persoonlijkheid, maar staat ook model voor de veranderingen in de filmwereld als geheel. Door buitenlandse filmproducties voor vertoning naar Nederland te brengen leverde Desmet een substanti\u00eble bijdrage aan de radicale veranderingen die tussen 1907 en 1916 plaatsvonden in de filmindustrie. Het Filmmuseum in Amsterdam is sinds 1957 in het bezit van de Desmet-verzameling waarin de nalatenschap van deze excentrieke filmliefhebber bewaard is gebleven. Dit materiaal vormde het uitgangspunt van deze originele studie waarin Ivo Blom aan de hand van Desmet's levensverhaal de geschiedenis van de filmdistributie en -vertoning vertelt. Zijn rijk ge\u00efllustreerde en grondig gedocumenteerde uiteenzetting is uitgegroeid tot een episch verhaal dat - meer dan een productie-georienteerde geschiedenis - een rijk en afgerond beeld schetst van de vroege stadse filmcultuur."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blom ,Ivo"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Motion pictures", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Culture and instituten", "Film", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340233"], ["title", "Jean Desmet and the Early Dutch Film Trade"], ["doab_id", "12916"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565704"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565704"]], [["description", "Filmmaker and theoretician Jean Epstein profoundly influenced film practice, criticism and reception in France during the 1920s and well beyond. His work not only forms the crux of the debates of his time, but also remains key to understanding later developments in film practice and theory. Epstein's film criticism is among the most wide-ranging, provocative and poetic writing about cinema and his often breathtaking films offer insights into cinema and the experience of modernity.This collection - the first comprehensive study in English of Epstein's far-reaching influence - arrives as several of the concerns most central to Epstein's work are being reexamined, including theories of perception, realism, and the relationship between cinema and other arts. The volume also includes new translations from every major theoretical work Epstein published, presenting the widest possible historical and contextual range of Epstein's work, from his beginnings as a biology student and literary critic to his late film projects and posthumously published writings.

Filmmaker en -theoreticus Jean Epstein be\u00efnvloedde sterk de filmpraktijk, -kritiek en -receptie in Frankrijk en ver daarbuiten tijdens de jaren twintig van de vorige eeuw. Zijn werk vormde niet alleen de kern van de debatten in die tijd, maar is ook een sleutel voor het begrijpen van latere ontwikkelingen in de filmpraktijk en -theorie. Epsteins filmkritieken zijn uiteenlopende, uitdagende en po\u00ebtisch geschreven teksten, en zijn vaak adembenemende films bieden belangrijke en moderne inzichten in de cinema. Dit boek verschijnt op het moment dat een aantal van de thema's die centraal staan in het werk van Epstein opnieuw wordt onderzocht, met inbegrip van de theorie van de waarneming, realisme en de relatie tussen cinema en de andere kunsten. De kritische essays vormen een waardevolle inleiding tot het creatieve oeuvre van Epstein."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keller ,Sarah ; Paul ,Jason N."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Film", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413034"], ["title", "Jean Epstein : Critical Essays and New Translations"], ["doab_id", "14637"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642929"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642929"]], [["description", "Zolt\u00e1n Peterecz presents in this monograph the personality and work of Jeremiah Smith, Jr. (1870\u20131935), the League of Nations Commissioner-General for the 1924 loan to Hungary. He deals also in extenso with the economic and political problems associated with the financial reconstruction of Hungary \u2013 both on the domestic and international scene.In his multidimensional presentation, Zolt\u00e1n Peterecz gives a vivid insight into the official and unofficial trends in the foreign policy of the United States after World War I. The author skilfully interweaves the diplomatic and economic history against the background of international events, and supports the narrative with an impressive body of diverse sources, which include archival materials, contemporary newspaper citations from a number of countries, and an extensive range of secondary sources.The final result is a valuable, well-executed and well-written work that will be welcomed not only by students of the interwar period, but also among non-specialist readers.Zolt\u00e1n Peterecz was awarded his PhD by the E\u00f6tv\u00f6s Lor\u00e1nd University, Budapest, Hungary, in 2010. He specialises in American foreign policy and American-Hungarian relations in the 20th century. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of American Studies, Eszterh\u00e1zy K\u00e1roly College, Eger, Hungary."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peterecz, Zolt\u00e1n"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["History, General and Miscellaneous, Early Modern History, Regional History"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/206761"], ["title", "Jeremiah Smith, jr. and Hungary, 1924\u20131926: the United States, the League of Nations, and the Financial Reconstruction of Hungary"], ["doab_id", "15569"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560083"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560083"]], [["description", "Claudia Gould draws on fieldwork she conducted, as an anthropologist, in North Carolina, where she earlier spent large parts of her childhood, among a net of paternal relations. From that ethnography and from lifelong observation, she crafts stories that lay open the human heart and social complications of fundamentalist Christian belief. These stories and the compelling characters who inhabit them pull us into the complicated, variable core of religious experience among southern American Christians. Jesus in America, a perceptive work rich with cultural insight, is a singular addition to the growing genre of ethnographic fiction."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gould, Claudia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/58"], ["title", "Jesus in America"], ["doab_id", "14736"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217599"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217599"]], [["description", "The Jews is an anti-historical thriller in the form of a Talmudic tragicomedy, taking place sometime during the Second World War. Stalin and his Minister of Security Beria are worried about the political developments in Germany, where Martin Heidegger has replaced Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of the Third Reich. Suspecting that the Frankfurt School, headed by Vice-Chancellor Walter Benjamin, has masterminded this takeover, he dispatches two Jewish actors, Salomon Maimon and Natalia Goncharova, to investigate the situation in the hope of uncovering the extent of the Jewish conspiracy.Upon arrival in Berlin, Maimon and Goncharova are received by Benjamin, who introduces them to Heidegger. The latter has stopped speaking to anyone except his mother since his rise to power, and Benjamin holds long speeches on the history of theater, the law, God, the royal gods and the old goddesses. Eventually, prodded by his mother, Heidegger marries Goncharova, surrounded by a merry audience.The novel ends on a plain somewhere between Moscow and Berlin, where the final battle for Jerusalem is being waged. In front of the entrance of a camp, Maimon and Benjamin are joined by a group of old Jews arriving by train, bringing the news of Stalin\u2019s death by circumcision. They reenact scenes from the Old Testament while Jerusalem is burning. Did the world to come finally arrive?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nachoem M. Wijnberg"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/nihhco1v3avyph8/Wijnberg_The_Jews_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Jews"], ["doab_id", "19593"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692620625"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692620625"]], [["description", "This books investigates the background and nature of the Ottoman Jihad proclamation, but also its effects in the wider Middle East. It looks at the German hopes and British fears of a worldwide rising of Muslims in the colonial empires. It also discusses the fierce academic debates caused by the Jihad proclamation, in which the 1915 manifesto of Leiden Islam scholar Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje (\u201cHoly War Made in Germany\u201d) played a key role.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Z\u00fcrcher ,Erik-Jan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies", "World War I", "Islam", "Jihad", "Middle East"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605452"], ["title", "Jihad and Islam in World War I"], ["doab_id", "18770"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087282509", "9789087282394"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087282509 9789087282394"]], [["description", "'Jihad' is a highly charged word. Often mistranslated as 'Holy War', it has become synonymous with terrorism. Current political events have entirely failed to take account of the subtlety and complexity of jihad. Like many concepts with a long history, different cultural ideas have influenced the religious aspects of jihad. As a result its original meaning has been adapted, modified and destabilized - never more than at the present time. How does jihad manifest itself in Muslims' everyday lives? What impact has 9/11 and its backlash had on jihad? By observing the current crisis of identity among ordinary Muslims, this timely book explores why, and in what circumstances Muslims speak of jihad. In the end, jihad is what Muslims say it is. Marranci offers us a nuanced and sophisticated anthropological understanding of Muslims' lives far beyond the predictable cliches.

Have a look at the author\u00b4s blog hereExplores the different cultural ideas that have influenced the religious

aspects of jihad. 'jihad', a term often mistranslated as 'Holy War',

has become synonymous with terrorism. This book, by observing the crisis

of identity among ordinary Muslims, explores why, and in what

circumstances Muslims speak of jihad.Gabriele Marranci is Lecturer in the Anthropology of Religion, School of Divinity and Religious Studies, University of Aberdeen. He is the founding editor of Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marranci ,Gabriele"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Sociology", "Antropologie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=390768"], ["title", "Jihad Beyond Islam"], ["doab_id", "12555"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847881298"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847881298"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell\u2019informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l\u2019elaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all\u2019anno in giugno e dicembre. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/2"], ["title", "JLIS - Vol. 1 n. 1 (2010)"], ["doab_id", "15495"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", []], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "20385366"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell\u2019informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l\u2019elaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all\u2019anno in giugno e dicembre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/5"], ["title", "JLIS - Vol. 1 n. 2 (2010)"], ["doab_id", "15496"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994475"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994475"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell'informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l''elaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all'anno in giugno e dicembre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/296"], ["title", "JLIS - vol. 2 n. 1 (2011)"], ["doab_id", "15493"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994901"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994901"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell\u2019informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l\u201delaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all\u2019anno in giugno e dicembre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/322"], ["title", "JLIS - vol. 2 n. 2 (2011)"], ["doab_id", "15494"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994925"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994925"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell'informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l''elaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all'anno in giugno e dicembre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/326"], ["title", "JLIS - vol. 3 n.1 (2012)"], ["doab_id", "15492"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9789788867050"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "978886705239"]], [["description", "JLIS, the Italian Journal of Library and Information Science, is an academic journal of international scope that aims to valorize the Italian research in the LIS field, and it welcomes contributions from young students and scholars. The journal board encourages authors (students, researchers, librarians, archivists) to contribute with interdisciplinary or innovative papers, hoping that they can use JLIS as a virtual space for theoretical elaboration on the radical transformations happening to cognitive processes of knowledge fruition, and to professional practices due to digital culture innovations. JLIS.it publishes one volume in two six-monthly issues, in June and December."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa. vv."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cineca.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/554"], ["title", "JLIS - Vol. 4 n.2 (2013)"], ["doab_id", "15976"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian / English"], ["isbns", ["9788867052240"]], ["provider", "Letteratura Elettronica Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052240"]], [["description", "JLIS, the Italian Journal of Library and Information Science, is an academic journal of international scope that aims to valorize the Italian research in the LIS field, and it welcomes contributions from young students and scholars. The journal board encourages authors (students, researchers, librarians, archivists) to contribute with interdisciplinary or innovative papers, hoping that they can use JLIS as a virtual space for theoretical elaboration on the radical transformations happening to cognitive processes of knowledge fruition, and to professional practices due to digital culture innovations. JLIS.it publishes one volume in two six-monthly issues, in June and December."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cineca.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/560"], ["title", "JLIS - Vol. 5 n.1 (2014)"], ["doab_id", "15977"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian / English"], ["isbns", ["9788867052257"]], ["provider", "Letteratura Elettronica Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052257"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["jlis"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/jlisit_7-1-2016.pdf"], ["title", "JLIS vol.7 n.1 (2016)"], ["doab_id", "19050"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", []], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "20385366"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell\u2019informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l\u201delaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all\u2019anno in giugno e dicembre."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "AA.VV"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["journal, library,"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/542"], ["title", "JLIS \u2013 vol. 3 n.2 (2012)"], ["doab_id", "15491"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050840"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050840"]], [["description", "Rivista accademica di respiro internazionale con lo scopo di valorizzare la ricerca italiana nel campo delle biblioteche e delle scienze dell\u2019informazione e raccoglie i contributi di giovani ricercatori e studenti. Il comitato redazionale della rivista incoraggia gli autori (studenti, ricercatori, bibliotecari, archivisti) a contribuire con scritti (papers) innovativi ed interdisciplinari ed ad utilizzare JLIS come uno spazio virtuale per l'elaborazione teorica sulle radicali trasformazioni introdotte dalle innovazioni della cultura digitale. JLIS \u00e8 pubblicato due volte all\u2019anno in giugno e dicembre. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "aa.vv"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/issue/view/536"], ["title", "JLIS \u2013 vol. 4 n.1 (2013) "], ["doab_id", "15490"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050819"]], ["provider", "LEO "], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050819"]], [["description", "This bibliography documents the printed works of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752\u20131840) and makes them accessible for research purposes. Blumenbach was Professor of Medicine and Natural History at the University of G\u00f6ttingen. He was one of the leading exponents of the revolutionary change of the geo-biological concept of the world at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century. His works exemplarily show the interactions between the life sciences, the humanities and the social sciences of his day.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) war Professor der Medizin und Naturgeschichte an der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen. Er ist einer der f\u00fchrenden Exponenten der revolution\u00e4ren Umwandlung des geologischen und biologischen Weltbildes um die Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert. Seine lange Lebensspanne wirkte als Br\u00fccke zwischen der Biologie Carl von Linn\u00e9s und der Biologie Charles Darwins. Die vorliegende Bibliographie dokumentiert und erschlie\u00dft das wissenschaftliche Werk Blumenbachs, das von entscheidender Bedeutung f\u00fcr unser Verst\u00e4ndnis der Wissenschaftskultur Europas im sp\u00e4ten 18. und fr\u00fchen 19. Jahrhundert ist. Erkennbar wird darin die intensive Wechselwirkung zwischen den Wissenschaften vom Leben und insbesondere vom Menschen einerseits und andererseits den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften dieser Epoche."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kroke, Claudia; B\u00f6ker, Wolfgang; Eck, Reimer"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History of Universities", "Bibliography", "Biology", "History of Science", "Darwinism", "History of Universities", "Bibliography", "Biology", "History of Science", "Darwinism"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610348"], ["title", "Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - Bibliographie seiner Schriften"], ["doab_id", "14587"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875647"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875647"]], [["description", "Architectural practice in post-World War II Canada brought substantial change to the face of the Canadian built environment, led by the contribution of John C. Parkin. As senior partner at the Toronto-based architectural firm John B. Parkin Associates (no relation) from 1947 to the 1970s, Parkin oversaw the creation of a large number of modernist projects, including hospitals, airports, schools, shopping malls, and factories, and received national recognition for his contributions. This richly illustrated book includes an interview with John C. Parkin and essays that examine the incorporation of art in built architecture, the influence of architectural photography in defining Modern architecture to a Canadian public, the importance of architectural archives, and the corporate structure of a large, highly successful Canadian architectural firm. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Geoffrey Simmins; Linda Fraser; Michael McMordie"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Architecture"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49906/1/UofCPress_JohnCParkin_2013.pdf"], ["title", "John C. Parkin, Archives, and Photography: Reflections on the Practice and Presentation of Modern Architecture"], ["doab_id", "15584"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386392"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386392"]], [["description", "\"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth and early twentieth century America, it was more importantly about the role of America in a globalized world. In returning to, and recovering the neglected global dimensions of Dewey's political philosophy, the book highlights how his insights about globalization and democracy can inform present theoretical debates. John Narayan traces the emergence of Dewey as a global democrat through an examination of his work from The public and its problems (1927) onwards. Narayan shows how Dewey sets out an evolutionary form of global and national democracy in his work, that has not been fully appreciated even by contemporary scholars of pragmatism, and which offers valuable lessons for the twenty-first century and for our own hopes for global democracy.\""], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Narayan ,John"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["John Dewey", "democracy", "Pragmatism", "global public", "inequality", "globalisation"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=614090.xhtml"], ["title", "John Dewey"], ["doab_id", "19604"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526101020"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526101020"]], [["description", "John Gardner\u2019s career was permanently changed by his publication of On Moral Fiction (1978), a controversial and derided assessment of the state of literature as Gardner saw it. By arguing for a return to greater seriousness and moral commitments in literature, Gardner found himself attacked on all sides by critics and writers who found his conservatism suspicious or simply irrelevant.In this short tribute to Gardner\u2019s late intellectual concerns, Phil Jourdan looks at some of the difficulties in On Moral Fiction, and asks whether Gardner was rigorous enough in his deployment of various philosophical concepts through his book. Convinced that, despite any problems of argumentative method or intellectual honesty, On Moral Fiction\u2018s basic message should not be dismissed outright, Jourdan tries to determine what is superfluous to the book, so that we may focus on its core: a call for writers not to forget their moral influence on readers.Now that Gardner\u2019s career is half-forgotten, it is worth remembering this impassioned and public debate on the role of literature has been around far longer than we care to pretend: throughout the centuries, as literature attempts to define itself over and over, the question of morality is always lurking in the background. In John Gardner: A Tiny Eulogy, Phil Jourdan tries to separate the man from the argument, and insists that the latter should not be dismissed because of the imperfection of the former."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Phil Jourdan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["creative writing, John Gardner, moral fiction, philosophy of fiction"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/john-gardner-a-tiny-eulogy/"], ["title", "John Gardner: A Tiny Eulogy"], ["doab_id", "16022"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615734514"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615734514"]], [["description", "Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) was the most prolific poet and playwright of his age. During his long life, roughly coincinding with the Dutch Golden Age, he wrote over thirty tragedies. He was a famous figure in political and artistic circles of Amsterdam, a contemporary and acquaintance of Grotius and Rembrandt, but in general well acquainted with Latin humanists, Dutch scholars, authors and Amsterdam burgomasters. He fuelled literary, religious and political debates. His tragedy 'Gysbreght van Aemstel', which was played on the occasion of the opening of the stone city theatre in 1638, was to become the most famous play in Dutch history, and can probably boast holding the record for the longest tradition of annual performance in Europe. In general, Vondel\u2019s texts are literary works in the full sense of the word, complex and inexhasutive; attracting attention throughout the centuries. Contributors include: Eddy Grootes, Riet Schenkeveld-van der Dussen, Mieke B. Smits-Veldt, Marijke Spies, Judith Pollmann, Bettina Noak, Louis Peter Grijp, Guillaume van Gemert, J\u00fcrgen Pieters, Nina Geerdink, Madeleine Kasten, Marco Prandoni, Peter Eversmann, Mieke Bal, Maaike Bleeker, Bennett Carpenter, James A. Parente, Jr., Stefan van der Lecq, Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen, Helmer Helmers, Kristine Steenbergh, Yasco Horsman, Jeanne Gaakeer and Wiep van Bunge"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bloemendal ,Jan; Korsten ,Frans-Willem "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Drama", "Theatricality", "Renaissance Studies", "Classicism", "Baroque", "Literary History", "Literary Theory", "Reception", "Amsterdam", "Dutch Republic"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=402001"], ["title", "Joost van den Vondel (1587-1679) : Dutch Playwright in the Golden Age"], ["doab_id", "14625"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004217539", "9789004218833"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004217539 9789004218833"]], [["description", "Este libro re\u00fane las intervenciones presentadas en la Jornada de Debate sobre Pol\u00edticas Cient\u00edficas y Evaluaci\u00f3n en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, organizada conjuntamente por la Secretar\u00eda de Investigaci\u00f3n de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n de la UNLP y el Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS- UNLP/CONICET), desarrollada el 26 de septiembre de 2014. Con la finalidad de generar un espacio compartido de debate sobre la relaci\u00f3n entre investigaci\u00f3n y evaluaci\u00f3n y delinear una posici\u00f3n institucional sobre dicha tem\u00e1tica, se desarrollaron tres paneles en los que participaron destacados miembros del campo acad\u00e9mico, de la educaci\u00f3n superior y de la gesti\u00f3n en organismos de ciencia y tecnolog\u00eda. Los tres paneles \u2013Las pol\u00edticas de investigaci\u00f3n en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales en la actualidad: diagn\u00f3stico y perspectivas; La evaluaci\u00f3n en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales: criterios, actores y contextos y Publicaciones y evaluaci\u00f3n\u2013 constituyeron un marco propicio para el intercambio y el debate."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n. Secretar\u00eda de Investigaci\u00f3n : Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS-UNLP-CONICET) "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edtica cient\u00edfica ", " Investigaci\u00f3n ", " Universidades ", " Publicaciones peri\u00f3dicas ", " Indicadores"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/58"], ["title", "Jornada de Debate: Investigaci\u00f3n y Evaluaci\u00f3n en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (1 : 2014 : La Plata)"], ["doab_id", "17924"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412718"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412718 "]], [["description", "En el marco de la Red inter-universitaria de Historia del Mundo Ib\u00e9rico del Antiguo R\u00e9gimen a las Independencias, en la que participan las universidades nacionales argentinas de La Plata, Rosario y Mar del Plata, y las universidades espa\u00f1olas de Cantabria y Pa\u00eds Vasco, se organiz\u00f3 el 25 de abril de 2014 la Jornada de Historia Moderna: Articulaci\u00f3n territorial en los espacios plurales de las Monarqu\u00edas Ib\u00e9ricas (Siglos XVI-XVIII).La presente publicaci\u00f3n re\u00fane -en un mismo cuerpo bibliogr\u00e1fico- las distintas ponencias que conformaron las mesas centrales de estas Jornadas a partir del material trabajado por cada uno de los autores participantes de las mismas.Cita sugerida: Reitano, Emir; Pereyra, Osvaldo V\u00edctor; Carrera, Juli\u00e1n, coordinadores (2015). Jornada de Historia Moderna (1 : 2014 : La Plata). Articulaci\u00f3n territorial en los espacios plurales de las Monarqu\u00edas Ib\u00e9ricas (Siglos XVI-XVIII). La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n. (Trabajos, comunicaciones y conferencias ; 24) Disponible en http://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/60"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reitano, Emir (coord.); Pereyra, Osvaldo V\u00edctor (coord.); Carrera, Juli\u00e1n (coord.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Historia moderna ", " Historiograf\u00eda ", " Siglos XVI-XVIII ", " modern history ", " historiography", " 16th-18th century"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/60"], ["title", "Jornada de Historia Moderna (1 : 2014 : La Plata). Articulaci\u00f3n territorial en los espacios plurales de las Monarqu\u00edas Ib\u00e9ricas (Siglos XVIXVIII)"], ["doab_id", "17926"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412701"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412701 "]], [["description", "Las IV Jornadas Internas del CIMeCS \"Reflexiones metodol\u00f3gicas situadas en torno a los procesos de investigaci\u00f3n\", se realizaron el 30 de abril de 2015 en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Pensadas con el prop\u00f3sito de presentar los avances de las l\u00edneas de investigaci\u00f3n de los proyectos radicados en el Centro de Interdisciplinario de Metodolog\u00eda de las Ciencias Sociales y con la intenci\u00f3n de continuar con las experiencias de intercambio y discusi\u00f3n desarrolladas en ediciones anteriores.En esta oportunidad se propone orientar la reflexi\u00f3n y el debate en torno a las decisiones metodol\u00f3gicas tomadas durante el proceso de investigaci\u00f3n en el marco de los respectivos proyectos y tesis, poniendo el \u00e9nfasis en la problematizaci\u00f3n de las estrategias elegidas, los aportes, las dificultades, etc. Los trabajos presentados se ordenar\u00e1n en torno a dos ejes, los que han sido sugeridos de manera orientativa:I. Reflexiones sobre la estrategia metodol\u00f3gica: justificaci\u00f3n de la selecci\u00f3n de la estrategia metodol\u00f3gica en relaci\u00f3n al objeto de investigaci\u00f3n, pertinencia y aportes de la misma, l\u00edmites y potencialidades.II. La estrategia metodol\u00f3gica en relaci\u00f3n con el campo: momentos, tensiones, reformulaciones vinculadas al trabajo de campo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS-UNLP-CONICET). Centro Interdisciplinario de Metodolog\u00eda de las Ciencias Sociales"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Investigaci\u00f3n ", " Metodolog\u00eda ", " M\u00e9todos ", " Etnograf\u00eda"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/52"], ["title", "Jornadas Internas del CIMeCS (4:2015:La Plata). Reflexiones metodol\u00f3gicas situadas en torno de los procesos de investigaci\u00f3n."], ["doab_id", "17895"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412398"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412398 "]], [["description", "This monograph on Joseph Ignaz Mildorfer (1719-1775) consists of forteen chapters, that after having given an overall curriculum, depict the various stations in the painter's working process. Special emphasis has been given to such criteria as the socio-economic, political and esthetic impacts, that shaped the development of this intriguing artist. Mildorfer was born into a distinguished family of painters in Innsbruck, where he was taught the basics of his profession. However, he was also exposed to the newly imported paintings from southern Germany, which at this time sparked Tyrolian tradition with international flavor. Partly due to those early stimuli, the young painter managed to instantly gain the renowned \"big prize\" of the Academy, upon his arrival in Imperial Vienna. This distinction was a prerequisite to any further career. Praised by his contemporaries as the most prodigious pupil of Paul Troger, Mildorfer soon was offered remarkable employments. His first major task, the complete decoration of the pilgrimage church at Hafnerberg near Vienna, comprising works in fresco and oil was soon to be followed by a commission from the Imperial court. But Austria was plagued by a raging War of Succession, which cast its shadow upon the job market, forcing Mildorfer to venture out into alternative fields. This he found in the painting of battlescenes. In this genre the young artist produced works of such rebellious intenseness that surpassed all his colleagues' endeavors and saved him a special niche. It might well be that those particular paintings drew the attention of the last great sponsers of the monarchy to Mildorfer, resulting in his being appointed painter of the court to the Duchess of Savoy, ne\u00e9 Maria Theresia Princess of Liechtenstein. (By way of scholarly work in the Princely Archives of Liechtenstein we have now established answers to questions regarding character and extend of Mildorfers work for the Duchess, that up till now has been obscured). In addition this period marked the beginning of a long lasting relationship with various branches of the Esterh\u00e1zy family, culminating in Mildorfer's appointment to Esterh\u00e1za. Here he was commissioned to paint al fresco in Duke Nikolaus Esterh\u00e1zy's castle, one of the last manifestations of feudal style, the elaborate adornment of which promted the Duke with the attribute \"The Magnificent\". When Mildorfer was elected Professor at the Academy (kaiserlich-k\u00f6nigliche Hofakademie der Mahler, Bildhauer und Baukunst) this not only marked the zenith of his career but also had major impact on one of the most thrilling phenomena within eighteenth century Viennese art. It was under his leadership that a movement took center stage, that was aprostophized the \"Einheitsstil der Wiener Akademie\". Carried out by an array of his scholars, notably Franz Anton Maubertsch this faszinating manifestation had Mildorfer's ideas at its core. With his contributions in the Crown Lands of the Habsburg monarchy in mind, his work makes him a typical Central-European artist of the eighteenth century. However some of his lesser graspable traits can only be understood out of the \"Zeitgeist\" and must be explained under the term of \"painter of the sensibility\". Since Mildorfer is the link between Paul Troger, his teacher and Franz Anton Maulbertsch, his student, a comprehensive biography of this artist is an absolute must. Only that makes a profound understanding of the third generation of Austrian barock-painting possible.

Die vorliegende Monographie \u00fcber den Maler Joseph Ignaz Mildorfer (1719-1775) umfasst vierzehn Kapitel, die mit dem Lebenslauf beginnend die verschiedenen Etappen im Werk des Malers veranschaulichen. Dabei wurde grosser Wert auf die soziologischen, politischen und \u00e4sthetischen Kriterien gelegt, welche die Entwicklung dieses eigenwilligen K\u00fcnstlers bestimmten. In eine angesehene Malerfamilie in Innsbruck geboren, erlebte Mildorfer neben seiner konventionellen Ausbildung in der v\u00e4terlichen Werkstatt hier auch den Beginn einer internationalen Monumentalmalerei, die erst durch den Import s\u00fcddeutscher Maler auf tiroler Boden um sich griff. Mit diesen fr\u00fchen Anregungen versehen, gelang es dem jungen Maler bei seiner Ankunft in der Kaiserstadt denn auch mit erstaunlicher Sicherheit den, f\u00fcr eine erfolgreiche Karriere imperativen, grossen Preis der Wiener Akademie zu gewinnen. Im Fahrwasser Paul Trogers, als dessen begabtester Sch\u00fcler er von den Zeitgenossen ger\u00fchmt wurde, stellten sich in rascher Folge prestigereiche Angebote ein. Dem erstaunlich grossen Erstlingswerk, der malerischen Gesamtausstattung der Wallfahrtskirche am Hafnerberg, schloss sich bald der erste kaiserliche Auftrag an. Doch \u00d6sterreich befand sich im Erbfolgekrieg, der die k\u00fcnstlerische Auftragssituation ernstlich bedrohte und auch Mildorfer zwang, nach Alternativen zu suchen. Und solche fand er in der Schlachtenmalerei. In diesem Genre schuf der junge K\u00fcnstler Werke von einer aufr\u00fchrenden Intensit\u00e4t, die ihn weit \u00fcber seine Kollegen an der Akademie herausragen liessen, und ihm eine eigene Nische boten. Sicherlich machten gerade diese Bilder die letzten grossen M\u00e4zene der Monarchie auf Mildorfer aufmerksam, was zu seiner Berufung als Hofmaler der Herzogin Maria Theresia von Savoyen, geborener Prinzessin von Liechtenstein f\u00fchrte, und eine lang anhaltende Zusammenarbeit mit den verschiedenen Zweigen der Familie Esterh\u00e1zy nach sich zog. Als Kr\u00f6nung rief Nikolaus F\u00fcrst Esterh\u00e1zy Mildorfer schliesslich nach Esterh\u00e1za, um jenes Schloss zu freskieren, dessen aufwendige Gestaltung seinem Besitzer den Beinamen \"der Prachtliebende\" bescherte. (Die gr\u00fcndliche Aufarbeitung des F\u00fcrstlich Liechtensteinischen Archivs in Vaduz beantwortet nun endlich die Frage nach Art und Ausmass des tradierten, aber nie gekl\u00e4rten Arbeitsverh\u00e4ltnisses unseres Malers mit dem Hause Liechtenstein). Mildorfers Wahl zum wiener Akademieprofessor markierte nicht nur den H\u00f6hepunkt dieses K\u00fcnstlerlebens, sondern spielte auch ganz wesentlich in eines der spannendsten Kapitel der wiener Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts hinein. Unter seiner \u00c4gide n\u00e4mlich entstand hier der vielzitierte \"Einheitsstil der Wiener Akademie\", der von der F\u00fclle seiner Sch\u00fcler, allen voran Franz Anton Maulbetsch getragen wurde und Mildorfer zum Urheber dieses faszinierenden Ph\u00e4nomens macht. Die Arbeiten in den ehemaligen Kronl\u00e4ndern kompletieren sein Werk als das eines typischen Mitteleurop\u00e4ers des 18. Jahrhunderts. Manche, der oft schwer nachvollziehbaren Eigenschaften dieses kontroversen Malers m\u00fcssen allerdings aus dem Zeitgeist gedeutet, und unter dem Begriff \"Maler der Empfindsamkeit\" verst\u00e4ndlich gemacht werden. Mildorfer umfassend zu bearbeiten ist ein Desideratum, denn ohne ihn als Verbindungsglied zwischen Paul Troger, seinem Lehrer und Franz Anton Maulbertsch, seinem Sch\u00fcler voll zu erfassen, wird immer ein Baustein im Gef\u00fcge der \u00f6sterreichischen Barockmalerei fehlen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Leube-Payer ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Painter of the court Liechtenstein-Savoy, Professor at the Academy, Tirolian Painter, Student of Paul Troger, Co-founder of the \"Einheitsstil der Wiener Akademi, Teacher of Franz Anton Maulbertsch"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437208"], ["title", "Josef Ignaz Mildorfer 1719-1775"], ["doab_id", "15329"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786269"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786269"]], [["description", "American artist Joseph Cornell produced an extraordinary body of film work which is much less well known than his famous boxes and collage works. This book makes the case for the films' significance in the history of the twentieth century avant-garde."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Pigott"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544728"], ["title", "Joseph Cornell Versus Cinema"], ["doab_id", "16287"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544728"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544728"]], [["description", "In 1840, a French alienist, or psychiatrist, Joseph Guillaume Desmaisons Dupallans, visited a number of Italian asylums with the objective of discovering the best solution for the institute he was planning to set up in the vicinity of Bordeaux. This book comprises an Italian translation of the notes he made on this trip, conserved in a manuscript in the library of the former psychiatric hospital of San Salvi (Florence). Offering an extremely precise and detailed review of the structures visited, the work is a fascinating and important source for the reconstruction of the history of the institutes for the insane in Italy and also for the history of psychiatry itself.

Nel 1840, un alienista francese, Joseph Guillaume Desmaisons Dupallans, comp\u00ec un viaggio nei manicomi d'Italia per individuare quale potesse essere la soluzione migliore, a cui ispirare l'istituto che avrebbe costruito nei pressi di Bordeaux. Il volume pubblica in traduzione italiana gli appunti di tale ricognizione, conservati in un manoscritto presso la biblioteca dell'ex Ospedale psichiatrico di San Salvi (Firenze). Proponendo una rassegna estremamente precisa e dettagliata delle strutture visitate, l'opera rappresenta una fonte importantissima per la ricostruzione della storia degli Istituti per alienati in Italia e uno strumento per la stessa storia della psichiatria."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cabras, Pier Luigi; Chiti, Silvia; Lippi, Donatella"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Joseph Guillame Desmaisons Dupallans", "Mental hospitals", "Science", "France", "Joseph Guillame Desmaisons Dupallans", "Ospedali psichiatrici", "Scienza", "Francia"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356351"], ["title", "Joseph Guillaume Desmaisons Dupallans"], ["doab_id", "13140"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534736", "9788884534743"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534739 8884534747"]], [["description", "Joseph Lanner (1801-18439 is one of the most important and outstanding composers of dance music in the so called \"Biedermeier\" (the period after the \"Wiener Kongress\", 1st half of the 19th century). He invented the form of the Viennese waltz and founded a tradition, which was successfully carried on by the Strau\u00df-family. Although Lanner wrote more than three hundred compositions until now there is no list of works existing, which describes the existing sources. After more than five years of recherch\u00e9 this list of works is now completed. The first part gives an introduction and describes some of the attributes of Lanners compositions. A short biography is followed by chapters about the development of dance in Vienna at the beginning of the 19th century, a list of other dance music composers of that time, an overview of the forms Lanner used in his dances, but also specific themes such as instrumentation, a list of the most important halls where Lanner performed e.g.The second part is the list of works, ordered by works with Opus-number and works without. For every composition the user will find full information's about the instruments which are required in the composition, the existing editions including autographs, copies and music in print (as well as information's in which Viennese libraries these scores are available), information's about first performances and the person to whom the dance was dedicated, and references of newspapers or books in which the work is mentioned.At the beginning there are the incipients printed (for L\u00e4ndler and waltz including first and second theme), which allows musicians all over the world to recognize a certain dance by the melody.In the appendices all works are listed once more by alphabetical order, furthermore you will find a list of all persons to whom a dance was dedicated and a short list of works of Lanners son, August.This list of works of the compositions of Lanner fulfils all criteria a modern list of works requires.

Joseph Lanner (1801-1843) z\u00e4hlt zu den bedeutendsten Tanzmusikkomponisten des Biedermeiers, er gilt als der Vater des \"Wiener Walzers\", damit schuf er eine Tradition, auf der vor allem die Strau\u00df-S\u00f6hne aufbauen konnten. Obwohl Lanner weit \u00fcber dreihundert Kompositionen schuf, existiert bis heute kein wissenschaftliches Werkverzeichnis, welches seine zahlreichen T\u00e4nze und Bearbeitungen auflistet und mit den Mittel quellenkritischer Forschung dem Benutzer aufbereitet. Diese L\u00fccke konnte - nach \u00fcber f\u00fcnfj\u00e4hriger Recherchet\u00e4tigkeit - mit dem vorliegenden Werk geschlossen werden. Im ersten Teil wird eine ausf\u00fchrliche Einleitung in die besonderen Eigenheiten der Lannerschen Kompositionen geboten. Nach einem kurz gehaltenen biographischen \u00dcberblick folgen wichtige fachspezifische Erl\u00e4uterungen zu den Themen \"Entwicklung des Gesellschaftstanzes in Wien\", ein \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die zeitgleich mit Lanner wirkenden Tanzkomponisten, eine Besprechung der von Lanner verwendeten Tanzformen, aber auch Auflistungen der wichtigsten Tanzlokale, in denen Lanner wirkte, diese werden erg\u00e4nzt durch praktische Hinweise zu den Instrumenten, die Lanner verwendete, zu seinen Konzertauftritten, aber auch zu musik\u00e4sthetischen Fragestellungen, welche sich in Zusammenhang mit seinem umfangreichen Oeuvre ergeben. Es folgt - in zwei Teilen - das eigentliche Werkverzeichnis. Im ersten Teil werden die gedruckten Werke mit Opuszahl, im zweiten alle weiteren Werke beschrieben. Neben den unerl\u00e4sslichen Quellenhinweisen zu den vorhandenen Materialien inklusive Bibliothekssignaturen der Wiener Musiksammlungen werden alle historischen Ausgaben - vom Autograph bis zu den mannigfachen Bearbeitungen - mit Datums- und Titelangabe angef\u00fchrt, hinzu kommen Datierungen der Entstehung und der ersten Auff\u00fchrungen. Literaturangaben (auch der wichtigsten Wiener Zeitungen) beschlie\u00dfen die einzelnen Werkauflistungen. Jedes Werk ist zudem \u00fcber Incipits auch dem Musiker, welcher bestimmte Themen und Melodien sucht, erschlossen. F\u00fcr alle T\u00e4nze und Bearbeitungen werden die relevanten Notenincipits am Beginn angegeben. Eine genaue Besetzungsliste der verwendeten Instrumente erlaubt Dirigenten und Tanzmusikorchestern einen raschen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Erfordernisse einer Auff\u00fchrung. Der Anhang bietet neben einer alphabetischen Auflistung aller Werke weitere praktische Informationen, u.a. eine Liste aller Widmungstr\u00e4ger sowie in Kurzform eine Auflistung der Werke von Joseph Lanners Sohn, August. Alle f\u00fcr den Leser erforderlichen Erl\u00e4uterungen zur Benutzung (inklusive Abk\u00fcrzungen etc.) sind vorhanden, so dass das vorliegende Werkverzeichnis alle seitens der Musikwissenschaft geforderten Kriterien erf\u00fcllt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "D\u00f6rner ,Wolfgang"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Joseph, Lanner, list of works, waltz, Vienna, danse", "Joseph, Lanner,Werkverzeichnis, Walzer, Wien, T\u00e4nze"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=456737"], ["title", "Joseph Lanner"], ["doab_id", "15559"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787938"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787938"]], [["description", "Content of the book are the bureaucracy and its officials in Austria between 1848 - 1914, their mutuel influences in office and private life, cultur, identities and loyalities, as well as questions of images.

In diesem Buch werden die Institution B\u00fcrokratie und die personelle Gruppe der Beamten in \u00d6sterreich (Cisleithanien) in ihrer Wechselwirkung zwischen 1848 bis 1914 untersucht: Im Zentrum stehen der b\u00fcrokratische Apparat, nationale und politische Identit\u00e4ten sowie Loyalit\u00e4ten der Beamten, die Alltagskultur im Amts- und Privatleben, Fragen der neu eintretenden Frauen, sowie des Selbstbildes und des Fremdbildes der Beamten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heindl ,Waltraud "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Bureaucracy, Officials, Austria, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, national und political identies, loyalities, cultural life, women in bureuacracy, image", "B\u00fcrokratie, Beamte, \u00d6sterreich, \u00d6sterreich-Ungarn, nationale und politische Identit\u00e4ten, Loyalit\u00e4ten, Alltagskultur, Frauen im Staatsdiens, Image."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453608"], ["title", "Josephinische Mandarine"], ["doab_id", "15516"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205789505"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205789505"]], [["description", "Journalism in a Small Place explores the changes and challenges in journalism and communication in the Caribbean in the twenty-first century. Tracing the history of media in the English speaking Caribbean, this book provides insight into the development of these industries from their inception under British imperial rule to their current focus on advancing national development in the post-independence period. The influence of US media on media content and cultural tastes, and the lingering effects of colonialism on media are also investigated, drawing on globalization theories of hybridity. Interviews with journalists, editors, and media owners in English speaking Caribbean countries provide firsthand insight into the profession and practice of journalism in the region, highlighting the social and cultural context in which the media industries operate.Additionally, this book describes the current economic success of Caribbean journalism and the factors driving its new trends. It provides an overview of the current state of Caribbean journalism as it reflects on these questions: What is the purpose of journalism in small Caribbean countries? What are the challenges of practicing journalism in the Caribbean in the twenty-first century? What is the future of journalism in the Caribbean? In response, Storr develops a theoretical and practical response to concerns of professional ethics, responsible performance, and the training and education of journalists in the region. In doing so, Journalism in a Small Place elucidates the impact of journalism and communication on the social, political, economic and cultural aspects of Caribbean people's lived experiences, and journalism's power to promote and effect social change."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Juliette Storr"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388495"], ["title", "Journalism in a Small Place: Making Caribbean News Relevant, Comprehensive and Independent"], ["doab_id", "19907"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388501"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388501"]], [["description", "Ak'"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McPherson, Robert S."], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/79"], ["title", "The Journey of Navajo Oshley"], ["doab_id", "14715"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212907"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212907"]], [["description", "Esta colet\u00e2nea re\u00fane textos resultantes de reflex\u00f5es e pesquisas de professores de Universidades de diferentes pa\u00edses da America Latina tais como Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai e de pa\u00edses da Europa como Fran\u00e7a, Inglaterra e Espanha. Os textos procuram fazer uma reflex\u00e3o a respeito da rela\u00e7\u00e3o jovem viol\u00eancia e sociedade. Deste modo os textos tratam da viol\u00eancia como constituinte do ser humano relacionando-a \u00e0 globaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e a outros processos sociais. S\u00e3o textos de pesquisadores brasileiros, de outros paises da Am\u00e9rica Latina e da Europa que se debru\u00e7am sobre a quest\u00e3o de jovens e viol\u00eancia, abordando aspectos como: interna\u00e7\u00e3o de jovens em casas correcionais como uma das respostas da sociedade para o enfrentamento da viol\u00eancia juvenil; as diferentes formas e dimens\u00f5es da viol\u00eancia como a viol\u00eancia de g\u00eanero, rela\u00e7\u00f5es interpessoais nas institui\u00e7\u00f5es; a rela\u00e7\u00e3o com o outro e a demarca\u00e7\u00e3o das diferen\u00e7as e o imagin\u00e1rio presente no \u00e2mbito escolar e social."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Joyce Mary Adam de Paula e; Salles, Leila Maria Ferreira"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cbwwq"], ["title", "Jovens, viol\u00eancia e escola: um desafio contempor\u00e2neo"], ["doab_id", "16742"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831096"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831096"]], [["description", "O juda\u00edsmo moderno corresponde aos diversos esfor\u00e7os de traduzir a tradi\u00e7\u00e3o judaica rab\u00ednica em conceitos e valores da modernidade. Esta tradu\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o foi somente intelectual, mas, fundamentalmente, pr\u00e1tica. Significou o abandono da auto-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o comunal e a autonomia cultural e judici\u00e1ria dos judeus que o rolo compressor do Estado moderno n\u00e3o podia suportar. Na vis\u00e3o dos defensores da causa judaica na Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o Francesa, a emancipa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica dos judeus passava pela emancipa\u00e7\u00e3o do juda\u00edsmo. Os \u201cv\u00edcios\u201d judaicos \u2013 h\u00e1bitos alimentares repulsivos; misantropia \u2013 eram generosamente explicados como se fora efeito do isolamento a que foram condenados. A integra\u00e7\u00e3o na sociedade permitiria uma r\u00e1pida \u201cregenera\u00e7\u00e3o\u201d do povo judeu."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Grin, Monica"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/47yny"], ["title", "Juda\u00edsmo e modernidade: metamorfoses da tradi\u00e7\u00e3o messi\u00e2nica "], ["doab_id", "16341"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662656"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662656"]], [["description", "A Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro por interm\u00e9dio de seu PROGRAMA DE ESTUDOS JUDAICOS, vinculado ao Instituto de Filosofia e Ci\u00eancias Humanas, apresenta este volume intitulado \u201cJUDA\u00cdSMO E MODERNIDADE: suas m\u00faltiplas inter-rela\u00e7\u00f5es\u201d, produto do IV Encontro Brasileiro de Estudos Judaicos, realizado nessa Universidade.[Trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lewin, Helena"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ztpr5"], ["title", "Juda\u00edsmo e modernidade: suas m\u00faltiplas inter-rela\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "16691"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820168"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820168"]], [["description", "Vivir en la periferia del sistema no siempre represent\u00f3 una desventaja. El juda\u00edsmo de Europa central a fines del siglo XIX e inicios del XX fue uno de los polos culturales m\u00e1s creativos de los tiempos modernos. El problema del juda\u00edsmo en Am\u00e9rica Latina reside en que es doblemente pe-rif\u00e9rico, adem\u00e1s de ser de otra \u00e9poca. Al estar localizado en pa\u00edses capitalistas \"emergentes\", es decir, alejados de la cola pero, todav\u00eda, lejos de la cabeza y con comunidades de baja densidad demogr\u00e1fica y cultural y en un ambiente relativamente poco hostil - lo que disminuye las fuerzas centr\u00edfugas -, enfrenta el desaf\u00edo de individualizarse en un universo globalizado en donde los espacios locales son permanentemente colonizados por el mundo exterior."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonder, Nilton; Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/by67h"], ["title", "Juda\u00edsmo para el siglo XXI: el rabino y el soci\u00f3logo"], ["doab_id", "16861"], ["language_unmapped", "es"], ["isbns", ["9788599662304"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662304"]], [["description", "Da amizade e dos di\u00e1logos informais entre um rabino e um soci\u00f3logo surgem instigantes argumentos sobre quest\u00f5es existenciais e de identidade atrav\u00e9s de suas ra\u00edzes judaicas. Falar do futuro sob ambos os pontos de vista, religioso e laico, \u00e9 uma forma de comentar sobre este novo s\u00e9culo de incertezas e transforma\u00e7\u00f5es, e apostar que religi\u00e3o e democracia podem e devem convergir. O que ser\u00e1 o juda\u00edsmo do s\u00e9culo XXI? Mais do que uma pergunta espec\u00edfica, esta \u00e9 uma s\u00edntese de todas as perguntas marcadas pelo sentimento de que se aproxima o fim de um mundo como n\u00f3s o conhecemos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonder, Nilton; Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/twgn7"], ["title", "Juda\u00edsmo para o s\u00e9culo XXI: o rabino e o soci\u00f3logo"], ["doab_id", "17242"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820403"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820403"]], [["description", "Este texto es un esfuerzo de actualizar el juda\u00edsmo secular y humanista, que en los tiempos modernos orient\u00f3 a los mayores pensadores, cient\u00edficos, artistas y activistas jud\u00edos, de Spinoza a Hanna Arendt, de Freud a Einstein, de Gershwin a Chagall, de Kafka a Roth, de Theodor Hertzl a Emma Goldman, de Isaac Deutscher a Amos Oz, as\u00ed como a la gran mayor\u00eda de sus premios Nobel. Jud\u00edos, que no invocaban libros sagrados o mandamientos divinos para afirmar una identidad judaica, que se nutrieron de la historia y de la cultura jud\u00eda, de sus dramas ps\u00edquicos y existenciales, de lazos particulares de solidaridad cuando los jud\u00edos son perseguidos, como de revuelta cuando los jud\u00edos act\u00faan sin sensibilidad frente al sufrimiento de los otros."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2tmzj"], ["title", "Juda\u00edsmo para todos"], ["doab_id", "17209"], ["language_unmapped", "es"], ["isbns", ["9788579820564"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820564"]], [["description", "The monograph Judging Q and saving Jesus is characterised by careful textual analysis, showing a piercing critical eye in its impressive engagement with the secondary literature, and sharp and insightful critique. The target audience are specialists in the field of research on the Sayings Source Q (the hypothetical source of certain sayings of Jesus common to Matthew and Luke), historical Jesus, and early Christian theology.The book takes the stance that the hypothetical document Q can be reconstructed with sufficient precision and that this enables biblical scholars to study with confidence its genre and its thematic and ideological profile. The genre issue is central to the book overall structure and the alternative proposals are discussed at length and with sophistication. The author\u2019s inference is that Q\u2019s macrogenre is sapiential with occasional insertions of apocalyptic microstructures and motifs. This finding embodies progress in Historical Jesus studies. An opposing trend has been to label Jesus an apocalypticist, so that the great \u2018either-or\u2019 of contemporary Jesus scholarship has been \u2018either eschatological or not\u2019, an alternative that dates back to Albert Schweitzer.The author finds that generally, and even when used apocalyptically, the term Son of Man tends to support arguments best understood as sapiential in outlook. This is consistent with the sapiential genre of the document as a whole. This finding is supported by the close and careful exegesis of Q 6:37\u221238 (on not judging). He reconstructs the original wording of this saying \u2018on not judging\u2019 and explores the idea of \u2018weighing\u2019 in judgment (psychostasia), determining in the end that the saying is entirely sapiential."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Howes ,Llewellyn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Apocalyptic", "Do not judge", "Documentary status", "Eschatological", "Historical Jesus", "Judgment / Judgement", "New Quest", "Old Quest", "Psychostasia", "Q", "Son of Man", "Sayings Gospel", "Wisdom", "Apokaliptiese", "Moenie oordeel", "Eskatologiese", "Historiese Jesus", "Oordeel", "New Quest", "Old Quest", "Psychostasia", "Q", "wysheid"]], ["publisher", "AOSIS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594293"], ["title", "Judging Q and saving Jesus: Q\u2019s contribution to the wisdom-apocalypticism debate in historical Jesus studies"], ["doab_id", "18405"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780620687379"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780620687379"]], [["description", "This book is about trials, civil and criminal, ecclesiastical and secular, in England and Europe between the thirteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The opening chapter provides a conceptual framework both for this book and for its companion volume on the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Subsequent chapters provide a rounded view of trials conducted according to different procedures within contrasting legal systems, including English common law and Roman canon law. They consider the judges and juries and the amateur and professional advisers involved in legal processes as well as the offenders brought before the courts, with the reasons for prosecuting them and the defences they put forward. The cases examined range from a fourteenth century cause-c\u00e9l\u00e8bre, the attempted trial of Pope Boniface VIII for heresy, to investigations of obscure people for sexual and religious offences in the city states of Geneva and Venice. Technical terms have been cut to a minimum to ensure accessibility and appeal to lawyers, social, political and legal historians, undergraduate and postgraduates as well as general readers interested in the development of the trial through time. Domestic and international trials, 1700-2000: The trial in history, vol. II edited by Dr Rose Melikan, is also published by Manchester University Press."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mulholland ,Maureen; Pullan ,Brian"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["religion", "pope", "trials", "civil", "criminal"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341349"], ["title", "Judicial tribunals in England and Europe, 1200-1700: The trial in history, vol. I"], ["doab_id", "12674"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063428"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063428"]], [["description", "[...] O trabalho foi concebido com um duplo objetivo: desenvolver uma metodologia para medir os custos econ\u00f4micos do mau funcionamento do sistema judicial e aplicar essa metodologia ao caso brasileiro, obtendo estimativas num\u00e9ricas desses custos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castelar, Armando"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zz9q9"], ["title", "Judici\u00e1rio e economia no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16852"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820199"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820199"]], [["description", "La presente publicaci\u00f3n tiene como objetivo fundamental dar a conocer las producciones conceptuales realizadas en el marco del proyecto de investigaci\u00f3n \u201cLa constituci\u00f3n del sujeto-agente: los aportes de la filosof\u00eda de Judith Butler y su influencia actual\u201d (11/ H.591). Por un lado, se trata de poner a disposici\u00f3n de la comunidad acad\u00e9mica y p\u00fablico en general (tanto del \u00e1mbito nacional como internacional) los resultados logrados gracias a nuestro proyecto de investigaci\u00f3n. De este modo intervendremos positivamente en los debates actuales sobre la problem\u00e1tica del sujeto y recogeremos cr\u00edticas que alimenten futuras l\u00edneas de investigaci\u00f3n. Por otro lado, prevemos que las producciones ofrecidas en esta compilaci\u00f3n redunden en beneficio de la formaci\u00f3n, en grado y postgrado, de los estudiantes que realizan sus trayectorias acad\u00e9micas en la Facultad de Humandidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Femen\u00edas, Mar\u00eda Luisa (coord.); Mart\u00ednez, Ariel (coord.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Judith Butler ", " Filosof\u00eda ", " Sujeto"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/51"], ["title", "Judith Butler"], ["doab_id", "19075"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411650"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411650"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deza, Lope de; Tau Anzo\u00e1tegui, V\u00edctor; Mar\u00eda e Izquierdo, Mar\u00eda Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/107338/juicio_Deza_hd46_2016.pdf"], ["title", "Juicio de las leyes civiles"], ["doab_id", "19214"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490858738"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490858738"]], [["description", "A storm at sea, hanging cliffs, volcano eruptions at night, threatening thunderclouds over a desolate mountain landscape: all these phenomena incite both fear and pleasure, astonishment and fascination. We call them sublime, after the feeling of the sublime. In the eighteenth century the sublime became the exciting alternative to the beautiful. The concept has ancient roots, but branches out into French, British, German, and Dutch cultures. Stemming originally from rhetoric, in the course of the eighteenth century it became an aesthetic, philosophical and literary concept. In this study the history of the sublime is told for the first time in Dutch. This book focuses on Dutch contributions on the sublime, in the light of the international history of the concept of the sublime. From the earliest translations to the original ideas of Johannes Kinker and Willem Bilderdijk: the Dutch sublime reflects both the entwinement with the European Enlightenment and the specific nature of Dutch culture in the long eighteenth century.

Een storm op zee, overhangende kliffen, nachtelijke vulkaanuitbarstingen, dreigende donderwolken boven een woest berglandschap: al deze verschijnselen boezemen tegelijk angst en genot, ontzetting en fascinatie in. We noemen ze subliem, naar het verheven gevoel dat ze oproepen. Het sublieme gold in de achttiende eeuw als het spannende alternatief voor het schone. Het begrip heeft antieke wortels, maar ook Franse, Engelse, Duitse, en Nederlandse vertakkingen. Oorspronkelijk een begrip uit de retorica groeide het in de achttiende eeuw uit tot een esthetisch, filosofisch en literair concept.In deze studie wordt voor het eerst de geschiedenis van het verhevene in het Nederlands verteld. Centraal in dit boek staan een aantal Nederlandse bijdragen over het verhevene, die hier worden gelezen in het kader van de internationale begripsgeschiedenis van het sublieme. Van de vroegste vertalingen tot de eigenzinnige idee\u00ebn van Johannes Kinker en Willem Bilderdijk: in het Nederlandse verhevene wordt zowel de verbondenheid met de Europese Verlichting als het bijzondere van de eigen cultuur in de lange achttiende eeuw weerspiegeld."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christophe ,Madelein"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["the sublime", "eighteenth century", "low countries"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=407366"], ["title", "Juigchen in den adel der menschelijke natuur. Het verhevene in de Nederlanden (1770-1830)"], ["doab_id", "14641"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038216997"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038216997"]], [["description", "\u200bDer vorliegende Band schafft ein interdisziplin\u00e4res Forum f\u00fcr die gegenwartsbezogene T\u00fcrkeiforschung in Deutschland. Er pr\u00e4sentiert Forschungsergebnisse von NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen, die sich durch einen frischen Blick auf die T\u00fcrkei, methodische Vielfalt sowie interdisziplin\u00e4re Ans\u00e4tze auszeichnen. Der Band tr\u00e4gt so zu einem besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis von Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Geschichte und Kultur des Landes bei, das sowohl regional als auch im europ\u00e4ischen Kontext einen immer wichtiger werdenden Platz einnimmt. \u200b"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Klaus Kreiser; Raoul Motika; Udo Steinbach; Charlotte Joppien; Ludwig Schulz"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["T\u00fcrkeiforschung", " T\u00fcrkei", " Nachwuchsforschung", " Migration", " Integration", " Politisches System der T\u00fcrkei"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-658-04324-7"], ["title", "Junge Perspektiven der T\u00fcrkeiforschung in Deutschland: Band 1"], ["doab_id", "16191"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783658043230", "9783658043247"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658043230 (Print) 9783658043247 (Online)"]], [["description", "\"\"Junius and Joseph examines Joseph Smith's nearly forgotten [1844] presidential bid, the events leading up to his assassination on June 27, 1844, and the tangled aftermath of the tragic incident. It... establishes that Joseph Smith's murder, rather than being the deadly outcome of a spontaneous mob uprising, was in fact a carefully planned military-style execution. It is now possible to identify many of the key individuals engaged in planning his assassination as well as those who took part in the assault on Carthage jail. And furthermore, this study presents incontrovertible evidence that the effort to remove the Mormon leader from power and influence extended well beyond Hancock County [Illinois] (and included prominent Whig politicians as well as the Democratic governor of the state), thereby transforming his death from an impulsive act by local vigilantes into a political assassination sanctioned by some of the most powerful men in Illinois. The circumstances surrounding Joseph Smith's death also serve to highlight the often unrecognized truth that a full understanding of early Mormon history can be gained only when considered in the context of events taking place in American society as a whole.\"\" Beginning with this provocative thesis from the introduction, Wicks and Foister engage in a thorough reexamination of Joseph Smith's 1844 presidential candidacy, its political context and implications, and its probable connection to his murder. While their work asserts controversial conclusions about what and who were behind that murder, its import extends further since it provides unprecedented, detailed portraits of political Mormonism, politics in 1844 Illinois and the Midwest, the web of connections and personalities that linked the two, and the events of June 27. ---Book Review can be found in: The Western Historical Quarterly Winter 2006, by: Stephen C. Taysom."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wicks, Robert S.; Foister, Fred R."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/42"], ["title", "Junius and Joseph: Presidential Politics and the Assassination of the First Mormon Prophet"], ["doab_id", "14705"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216080"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216087"]], [["description", "Raymond Saleilles (Gigny-par-Beaune, Borgo\u00f1a, 1855-Par\u00eds 1912) est\u00e1 considerado como uno de los m\u00e1ximos representantes de la Escuela antiformalista francesa, como uno de los profesores que reaccionaron a finales del siglo XIX contra el Absolutismo jur\u00eddico. Al autor se le presenta tambi\u00e9n como cat\u00f3lico implicado en los problemas sociales de la \u00e9poca2, pero sin duda destaca en la literatura cient\u00edfica posterior a 1912 el papel de Saleilles como uno de los creadores del derecho comparado moderno. Pese a que no fue el \u00fanico comparatista de su \u00e9poca ni tampoco el m\u00e1s prol\u00edfico ni el que estableciese un m\u00e9todo elaborado de esta disciplina, los comparatistas posteriores a Saleilles le han considerado siempre como precursor de la comparat\u00edstica en Francia, llegando a calific\u00e1rsele en ocasiones como \u201cpadre\u201d del derecho comparado. Si duda esto se debe, al menos en parte, al importante papel de Raymond Saleilles en la organizaci\u00f3n del primer congreso internacional de derecho comparado, celebrado en Par\u00eds entre el 29 de julio y el 1 de agosto de 1900. Ciertamentehay un antes y un despu\u00e9s de 1900 para la mayor\u00eda de comparatistas. El libro, en primer lugar, presenta una biograf\u00eda del jurista que nos acerca a su contexto y a sus motivaciones cient\u00edficas, pol\u00edticas y religiosas. A continuaci\u00f3n analiza el contexto de la aparici\u00f3n de este modernismo jur\u00eddico para desgranar despu\u00e9s los diferentes elementos del m\u00e9todo y objeto del derecho comparado saleilliano, ambos elaborados de manera vaga e imprecisa por el propio Saleilles. La \u00faltima parte se dedico al an\u00e1lisis de la aplicaci\u00f3n de esta doctrina a los diferentes temas que abord\u00f3 el jurista franc\u00e9s."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aragoneses, Alfons"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho", "Derecho comparado", "Biograf\u00edas", "History of law", "Comparative law", "Biographies"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/5778/BIAN-18-2009.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Un jurista del Modernismo: Raymond Saleilles y los or\u00edgenes del derecho comparado"], ["doab_id", "16178"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498497861"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498497861"]], [["description", "[...] primeiramente descreveremos o perfil da institui\u00e7\u00e3o; em seguida, relataremos algumas experi\u00eancias e, por fim, ser\u00e3o discutidas algumas quest\u00f5es relacionadas \u00e0 rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre o Minist\u00e9rio P\u00fablico e a cidadania."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rrwrz"], ["title", "Justi\u00e7a e cidadania no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16320"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820175"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820175"]], [["description", "Os temas abordados pelos autores s\u00e3o da maior relev\u00e2ncia jur\u00eddico-social. A universaliza\u00e7\u00e3o do acesso \u00e0 justi\u00e7a \u00e9 condi\u00e7\u00e3o sino qua non para a pr\u00e1tica da cidadania, sendo preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o de primeira ordem, que a recente cria\u00e7\u00e3o da Defensoria P\u00fablica paulista demonstra. A democracia, por sua vez, \u00e9 um direito conquistado pelos brasileiros que depositaram no Minist\u00e9rio P\u00fablico a incumb\u00eancia de sua defesa. [trecho retirado do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Livianu, Roberto"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ff2x7"], ["title", "Justi\u00e7a, cidadania e democracia"], ["doab_id", "16681"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820137"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820137"]], [["description", "This volume introduces Rainer Forst's influential moral account of the basic right of justification that humans owe to one another as rational beings."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rainer Forst"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544735"], ["title", "Justice, Democracy and the Right to Justification"], ["doab_id", "17139"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544735"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544735"]], [["description", "Ferdinand III. inherited the Thirty Years' war from its father, Ferdinand II.. In the centre of his reign, the war ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia and thereby the long time of the confessional arguments going along with denomination questions. The Peace of Westphalia was at the same time an important stage in the decay of the alliance of the Spanish and Austrian Habsburger which had emerged under Karl of the V. and which had polarised Europe about for one century. Now the Peace helped to create sovereign member states in Europe. For Ferdinand III. this multilayered epoch change presented itself as a number of dilemmas. These resulted from his search for peace and at the same time his attempts to fight for more favourable peace conditions; his separation from Spain against his consent and nevertheless his attempts to hold on to his Iberian relatives which were nevertheless slipping away; his timid protection of peace after 1648 and nevertheless his return against his consent to the European wars of the 1650er-Jahre. For a new comprehension of the time of Ferdinand III, it seemed important it to me to particularly stress some structural aspects, above all the close entwinement of the controversy over denominations and rule rights. In his elective monarchies, in the Empire, and in Hungary, Ferdinand III. pursued a pragmatically moderated confessional policy, in his hereditary countries, Austria and Bohemia, he was a rigid counter reformer. His counter reformation however was not only motivated religiously, but it was directed at the same time against the almost autonomous rule of the aristocracy over the rural subjects. Both confessional pragmatism and the counter reformation based on the regionally established church were a burden on the relationship Ferdinand III. to the papacy, who anyhow resisted to the dominance of the house of Habsbourg in Italy. The manuscript also provides new aspects regarding the cultural dimension of early-modern rule. The text essential stresses the pictures and terms, the symbols and rituals on which the Emperor's self understanding and his relation to the world was based and lived accordingly. Education, environment and ceremoniality take therefore much space. Rulers of the early modern times knew themselves observed and acted thereafter. If it is so difficult to determine precisely the share of Ferdinands III. of 'his' government, this is not only due to institutionalised discussions and the separation of functions within a complex government machinery. It is furthermore not only due to the fact that the Court was for the Emperor and courtiers a convincingly handled instrument of the self-manifestation with representative stage appearances on the one hand and useful concealments on the other hand. It is due above all to the fact that this Emperor did not understand governance in a modern, comprehensive sense as politics. Governance did not serve the realisation of an utopia formulated from an individual point of view or from the society. The cosmos for Ferdinand III.was still God-given, an allegedly natural order. The task of princes therein was limited, and the protection and the development of princes' rule considering the complexity of confessional and political goals and problems were in practice difficult enough. That this Emperor took up the idea of state sovereignty was a step of detachment from what he once learned to be correct. In alchemy, in magnetism and in music, Ferdinand III. continued to look for an expression of the natural order of the things. On the other hand (also here the Emperor stands at an epoch change) he was interested in a phenomenon, whose physical and artistic developments in the 17. Century destroyed the bases of his mental world: in seeing. The Emperor learned that not only the regarded object, but also the person seeing takes part in the construction of one's picture.

Ferdinand III. erbte von seinem Vater, Ferdinand II., den Drei\u00dfigj\u00e4hrigen Krieg. In der Mitte seiner Regierungszeit endete dieser Krieg 1648 mit dem Westf\u00e4lischen Frieden und damit die lange Zeit der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen um konfessionelle Fragen. Der Westf\u00e4lische Friede war zugleich eine wichtige Etappe im Zerfall der unter Karl V. entstandenen Allianz der spanischen und \u00f6sterreichischen Habsburger, welche Europa etwa ein Jahrhundert lang polarisiert hatte. Der Frieden l\u00e4utete nun ein Europa souver\u00e4ner Einzelstaaten ein. F\u00fcr Ferdinand III. stellte sich dieser vielschichtige Epochenwechsel als eine Reihe von Dilemmata dar. Aus diesen resultierte seine lange Suche nach Frieden und zugleich sein langes Weiterk\u00e4mpfen um g\u00fcnstigere Friedensbedingungen; seine widerwillige Trennung von Spanien und doch sein entschlossenes Festhalten der gleichwohl entgleitenden iberischen Verwandten; seine furchtsame Friedenswahrung nach 1648 und trotzdem: seine tastende, widerwillige R\u00fcckkehr in die europ\u00e4ischen Kriege der 1650er-Jahre. F\u00fcr ein neues Verst\u00e4ndnis der Zeit Ferdinand III schien es mir wichtig, einige strukturelle Aspekte besonders zu beleuchten, vor allem die enge Verflechtung des Streits um Konfessionen und Herrschaftsrechte. In seinen Wahlmonarchien, im Reich und in Ungarn, verfolgte Ferdinand III. eine pragmatisch moderierte Konfessionspolitik, in seinen Erbl\u00e4ndern, \u00d6sterreich und B\u00f6hmen, war er ein rigider Gegenreformator. Seine Gegenreformation aber war nicht allein religi\u00f6s motiviert, sondern sie richtete sich zugleich gegen die ann\u00e4hernd autonome Herrschaft des Adels \u00fcber die b\u00e4uerlichen Untertanen. Sowohl die konfessionelle Pragmatik als auch die landeskirchlich orientierte Gegenformation belasteten das Verh\u00e4ltnis Ferdinands III. zum Papsttum, welches sich ohnedies gegen die Dominanz des Hauses Habsburg in Italien wehrte. Neue Aspekte liefert das Manuskript auch hinsichtlich der kulturellen Dimension fr\u00fchneuzeitlicher Herrschaft. Es galt, die Bilder und Begriffe, die Symbole und Rituale zu betonen, auf denen das Selbst- und Weltverh\u00e4ltnis dieses Kaisers beruhte und gelebt wurde. Erziehung, Lebenswelt und Zeremonialit\u00e4t nehmen daher viel Raum ein. Herrscher der Fr\u00fchneuzeit wussten sich beobachtet und handelten danach. Wenn es so schwer ist, den Anteil Ferdinands III. an \u201aseiner' Regierung pr\u00e4zise zu bestimmen, liegt dies nicht nur an institutionalisierter Beratung und an der Arbeitsteilung eines komplexen Regierungsapparates. Es liegt nicht nur daran, dass der Hof f\u00fcr Kaiser und H\u00f6flinge ein souver\u00e4n gehandhabtes Instrument der Selbstdarstellung mit repr\u00e4sentativen B\u00fchnenauftritten einerseits und n\u00fctzlichen Verschleierungen andererseits war. Es liegt vor allem daran, dass dieser Kaiser Herrschaft nicht in einem modernen, umfassenden Sinne als Politik begriff. Herrschaft diente nicht der Realisierung einer von Standpunkt des Individuums oder der Gesellschaft aus formulierten Utopie. Der Kosmos hatte f\u00fcr Ferdinand III. noch eine gottgegebene, eine vermeintlich nat\u00fcrliche Ordnung. Die Aufgabe von F\u00fcrsten darin war beschr\u00e4nkt und in der Praxis der Sicherung und des Ausbaus f\u00fcrstlicher Herrschaft zumal in Anbetracht der Komplexit\u00e4t konfessionspolitischer Ziele und Probleme schwierig genug. Dass dieser Kaiser die Idee staatlicher Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t aufgriff, war f\u00fcr ihn bereits ein Schritt der Losl\u00f6sung von dem, was er einmal als richtig gelernt hatte. In Alchemie, in Magnetismus und in der Musik dagegen suchte Ferdinand III. weiter nach dem Ausdruck der nat\u00fcrlichen Ordnung der Dinge. Andererseits (auch hier steht dieser Kaiser an einer Epochenschwelle) interessierte er sich f\u00fcr ein Ph\u00e4nomen, dessen physikalische und k\u00fcnstlerische Durchdringung im 17. Jahrhundert die Grundlagen seiner geistigen Welt zerlegte: f\u00fcr das Sehen. Der Kaiser lernte, dass nicht allein das betrachtete Objekt, sondern auch der Sehende an der Konstruktion (s)eines Bildes beteiligt ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hengerer ,Mark"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Habsburg, Peace of Westphalia , Thirty Years' war, counter reformation, Cultural history", "Habsburg, Europ\u00e4ische Friedensordnung, Drei\u00dfigj\u00e4hriger Krieg, Counter-Reformation, Westf\u00e4lischer Frieden, Cultural history"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=455750"], ["title", "Kaiser Ferdinand III. (1608\u20131657)"], ["doab_id", "15553"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205777656"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205777656"]], [["description", "The subject of this study is the criminal prosecution of insulting remarks about the emperor in the Habsburg monarchy in the second half of the 19th century (1852-1918). The first chapter discusses the historical development of the protection of state and sovereign through penal law that resulted in the penal code of 1852. Then the norms on the protection of state and dynasty in this penal code and the settings of the criminal proceedings code are discussed. As lese majesty was a politically disputed matter, also the discussion on the planed reform of the penal code is given the necessary attention.The main part of the book examines which insulting remarks on Francis Joseph were in fact prosecuted by the Regional Court Salzburg. Special attention is paid to the question what motivated the defendants to insult the emperor and what conclusions can be drawn from their remarks regarding the relation between authority and subjects. In this context is also analyzed how the authorities got to know about the insulting remarks, which sentences where imposed by the Regional Court and from which factors the sentences where influenced. Also the social composition of the offenders is analyzed. On the basis of criminal statistics the study investigates, which social and political factors influenced the numbers of convictions for lese majesty. It can be demonstrated, how political and economic developments influenced public opinion and how on the other side the provision on lese majesty could be exploited to suppress political opposition. The last chapter is dedicated to the suppression of critical comments on the emperor and the dynasty in newspapers and other products of the press. Based on a description of the legal framework, the study analyzes how censorship was operated by the authorities in the crown-land Salzburg. The book shows which comments in newspapers lead to confiscations and which political developments or events within the royal family gave rise to critical comments.

Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung von beleidigenden \u00c4u\u00dferungen \u00fcber den Monarchen in der Habsburgermonarchie der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (1852-1918). Dazu wird zun\u00e4chst die historische Entwicklung des strafrechtlichen Schutzes von Staat und Herrscher dargestellt, die schlie\u00dflich im Strafgesetz von 1852 ihren Abschluss fand. Sodann werden die einschl\u00e4gigen Bestimmungen des Strafgesetzes von 1852 und die prozessrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen dargestellt. Da der Tatbestand der Majest\u00e4tsbeleidigung politisch umstritten war, erf\u00e4hrt auch die Anfang der 1860er-Jahre einsetzende Reformdiskussion die ihr geb\u00fchrende Behandlung. Aufbauend auf dieser Darstellung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen wird im Hauptteil der Arbeit untersucht, welche Schm\u00e4hungen Kaiser Franz Josephs in der Praxis des Salzburger Landesgerichts in welcher Weise geahndet wurden. Dabei wird insbesondere untersucht, wodurch die T\u00e4ter zu den inkriminierten \u00c4u\u00dferungen motiviert wurden und welche R\u00fcckschl\u00fcsse ihre Meinungs\u00e4u\u00dferungen auf das Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Obrigkeit und Untertanen zulassen. Zudem wird analysiert, wie die Obrigkeit Kenntnis von den inkriminierten \u00c4u\u00dferungen erlangte und welche Strafen das Salzburger Landesgericht verh\u00e4ngte und von welchen Faktoren die Strafbemessung beeinflusst wurde. Im Anschluss daran wird die soziale Zusammensetzung der Verurteilten untersucht. Anhand der Kriminalstatistiken wird weiters der Frage nachgegangen, welche gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entwicklungen Einfluss auf die H\u00e4ufigkeit der Verurteilungen wegen Majest\u00e4tsbeleidigung hatten. Dabei wird gezeigt, inwieweit sich einerseits politische und wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen auf die Stimmung in der Bev\u00f6lkerung auswirkten, und wie andererseits der Majest\u00e4tsbeleidigungsparagraph f\u00fcr die Unterdr\u00fcckung unliebsamer politischer Str\u00f6mungen instrumentalisiert wurde. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist schlie\u00dflich der Unterdr\u00fcckung von Kritik an Kaiser und Dynastie in der Presse gewidmet. Aufbauend auf eine Darlegung der presserechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen wird er\u00f6rtert, wie die Zensur in der Praxis der Salzburger Beh\u00f6rden gehandhabt wurde, welche Artikel Anlass zu Konfiskationen gaben und welche politischen Entwicklungen und Ereignisse in der kaiserlichen Familie Anlass zu kritischen Berichten und Kommentaren gaben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Czech ,Philip"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History, Austria, Lese majesty, Historical criminology, History of Law, Francis Joseph"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437156"], ["title", "Der Kaiser ist ein Lump und Spitzbube"], ["doab_id", "15281"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205785019"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205785019"]], [["description", "The present conference proceedings consist of 18 articles based on papers presented on 6th and 7th December 2007 at the international conference \"Emperor Sigismund (\u20201437). Rulership in Practice, Charters and Rituals\" at Masaryk-University's, Brno, Historical Institute. The conference's idea benefited from a twofold opportunity: To commemorate the anniversary of Sigismund's death on 9th December 1437 in the Moravian town of Znojmo and to conclude the international Vienna based Regesta-Imperii-project P 17519-G08 \"Sigismund (\u20201437), Kaiser im Reich, in Ungarn und in B\u00f6hmen\", which had been funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) since 2004. Sigismund, the secondborn son of ever popular emperor Charles IV. (1316-1378), came to wear not only the crown of the Holy Roman Empire but also of the Hungarian and Bohemian Kingdoms. Thus he ruled over a truly European empire that embraced partly or in total modern day's Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. This vast geographical sphere of influence spanned very different cultural, social, economic and political realities, which make it difficult to grasp the integrity of Sigismund's complex reign, but make clear its extensive European dimensions. The current volume presents the mentioned project's first outcomes. The members of the Viennese team mainly concentrate on diplomatics and charter-issuing practice, subjects so far neglected in the scientific research dedicated to Sigismund and his time. Therefore their papers for the most part deal with diverse aspects of Sigismund's production of charters and letters. Including methodical approaches of neighbouring disciplines, they treat the question of typology of Sigismund's charters and charter-formulas as well as subjects of administrative and cultural history and communication studies. In addition the papers of the other involved international authors contribute to different aspects on the field of historical regional studies, administrative, religious, and cultural history as much as to the history of diplomacy, rituals, and art during the era of Sigismund's reign. Using instructive examples they all aim at shedding a light on the complex relations between Sigismund and his court to certain regions or social groups, or respectively on the role of written, oral, and symbolical communication and the use of ritual in practical rulership. The papers' main emphasis consists in Sigismund's relations to southwestern Germany, his rule in the Bohemian Lands and the historiographical work of Eberhard Windeck. The current volume throws a light on some aspects of Sigismund's rulership in practice, which either have not been dealt with at all by German historians so far, or at least seriously modify some of the popular ideas on Sigismund and his rule. The conference proceedings in their entirety give new impetus to scientific activity concentrating on the production of Sigismund's chancery and open new, innovative approaches to research on late medieval practice of royal rulership in general.

Das vorliegende Buch versammelt 18 Beitr\u00e4ge, die zum Gro\u00dfteil auf Referate zur\u00fcckgehen, die am 6. und 7. Dezember 2007 im Rahmen der internationalen Tagung \"Kaiser Sigismund (\u20201437). Herrschaftspraxis, Urkunden und Rituale\", am Historischen Institut der Masaryk-Universit\u00e4t in Br\u00fcnn (Brno) gehalten wurden. Anlass f\u00fcr die Tagung war zum einen der 570. Todestag Kaiser Sigismunds am 9. Dezember 1437, zum anderen das Ende des seit 2004 laufenden, vom \u00f6sterreichischen Fonds zur F\u00f6rderung der wissenschaftliche Forschung (FWF) gef\u00f6rderten internationalen Regesta-Imperii-Projekts P 17519-G08 \"Sigismund (\u20201437), Kaiser im Reich, in Ungarn und in B\u00f6hmen\". Sigismund, zweiter Sohn des viel ger\u00fchmten Kaisers Karl IV. (1316-1378), vereinte die Kronen des r\u00f6misch-deutschen Reiches, B\u00f6hmens und Ungarns auf seinem Haupt und herrschte \u00fcber ein europ\u00e4isches \"Imperium\", das ganz oder teilweise die heutigen Staaten \u00d6sterreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, Italien, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Slowakei, Rum\u00e4nien, Bulgarien, Slowenien, Kroatien, Bosnien und Serbien umfasste. Dieser gro\u00dfe geografische Machtbereich, in dem unterschiedliche kulturelle, soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Gegebenheiten vereint waren, macht es schwierig, seine Herrschaft im Gesamten zu erfassen und zu bewerten, er spiegelt aber auch deutlich deren europ\u00e4ische Dimension wider. Der vorliegende Tagungsband stellt ein erstes Ergebnis des genannten Regesten-Projekts dar, welches sich vorrangig auf die bislang in der Sigismund-Forschung vernachl\u00e4ssigte Diplomatik und Urkundenforschung konzentriert. Entsprechend problematisieren die Beitr\u00e4ge der Wiener Arbeitsgruppe haupts\u00e4chlich Sigismunds Urkunden- und Briefproduktion. Thematisiert werden unter Einbeziehung benachbarter Disziplinen etwa Urkundengattungen und -bestandteile sowie Fragen der Verwaltungs-, Kommunikations- und Kulturgeschichte. Auch die Beitr\u00e4ge der anderen internationalen Historikerinnen und Historikern machen disziplin\u00fcbergreifend verschiedenste Aspekte der Landes-, Verwaltungs-, Diplomatie-, Religions-, Ritual-, Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte f\u00fcr die Regierungszeit Sigismunds fruchtbar. Sie zielen darauf ab, anhand von Fallbeispielen das Beziehungsgeflecht des Kaisers und seiner Umgebung zu bestimmten Regionen oder Personengruppen zu erhellen bzw. die Rolle von Schriftlichkeit, Ritualen und symbolischer Kommunikation in seiner Herrschaftspraxis herauszuarbeiten. Thematische Schwerpunkte bilden dabei, neben anderen, Sigismunds Beziehungen zum s\u00fcdwestdeutschen Raum, seine Regierung in den B\u00f6hmischen L\u00e4ndern sowie das historiografische Werk Eberhard Windecks. Der vorliegende Tagungsband beleuchtet Teilgebiete der Herrschaftspraxis Sigismunds z. T. \u00fcberhaupt erstmalig im deutschen Sprachraum oder tr\u00e4gt zumindest wesentliche Korrekturen zum herk\u00f6mmlichen Sigismund-Bild bei. In seiner Gesamtheit pr\u00e4sentiert er einen Ansto\u00df zur vermehrten wissenschaftlichen Besch\u00e4ftigung mit dem Auslauf der Kanzlei Sigismunds und liefert innovative Zug\u00e4nge zur Erforschung sp\u00e4tmittelalterlicher k\u00f6niglicher Herrschaftspraxis im Allgemeinen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hruza ,Karel; Kaar ,Alexandra"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Late Middle Ages, Diplomatics, Ruling Practice, Rituals, Conference proceedings, Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437192"], ["title", "Kaiser Sigismund"], ["doab_id", "15315"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787556"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787556"]], [["description", "The publication focuses on the \u2013 for Europe - radical and influential new installation of the Imperial Picture Gallery in Vienna at the turn of the 19th century, a seminal time of change both for art-history and European civilization. Function, internal structure and presentation of the Imperial Picture Gallery evolved in a way that was to prove exemplary: the princely gallery was transformed into a public art museum, with a new installation at Belvedere Palace that reflected art-historical principles.

Der im sp\u00e4ten 18. Jahrhundert in Wien vollzogene \u00dcbergang von einer h\u00f6fischen Sammlung zum \u00f6ffentlichen Kunstmuseum ist Bestandteil eines komplexen historischen Prozesses: Ausgehend von der exemplarischen Situation der kaiserlichen Galerie wird dieser museumsgeschichtliche Umbruch im Vergleich mit anderen wichtigen Schaupl\u00e4tzen in Europa untersucht und auf seine institutions- und mediengeschichtlichen Implikationen befragt. Diese Ergebnisse sollen die aktuelle Debatte um Funktionen und Aufgaben des Kunstmuseums bereichern."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Swoboda ,Gudrun"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Museology, History of Collections, Art History, Visual Memory, Display of Art", "Museologie, Sammlungsgeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Bildged\u00e4chtnis, Ausstellungspraxis"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=465871"], ["title", "Die kaiserliche Gem\u00e4ldegalerie und die Anf\u00e4nge des \u00f6ffentlichen Kunstmuseums, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "15679"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783205795346"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795342"]], [["description", "The publication focuses on the \u2013 for Europe - radical and influential new installation of the Imperial Picture Gallery in Vienna at the turn of the 19th century, a seminal time of change both for art-history and European civilization. Function, internal structure and presentation of the Imperial Picture Gallery evolved in a way that was to prove exemplary: the princely gallery was transformed into a public art museum, with a new installation at Belvedere Palace that reflected art-historical principles.

Der im sp\u00e4ten 18. Jahrhundert in Wien vollzogene \u00dcbergang von einer h\u00f6fischen Sammlung zum \u00f6ffentlichen Kunstmuseum ist Bestandteil eines komplexen historischen Prozesses: Ausgehend von der exemplarischen Situation der kaiserlichen Galerie wird dieser museumsgeschichtliche Umbruch im Vergleich mit anderen wichtigen Schaupl\u00e4tzen in Europa untersucht und auf seine institutions- und mediengeschichtlichen Implikationen befragt. Diese Ergebnisse sollen die aktuelle Debatte um Funktionen und Aufgaben des Kunstmuseums bereichern."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Swoboda ,Gudrun"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Museology, History of Collections, Art History, Visual Memory, Display of Art", "Museologie, Sammlungsgeschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Bildged\u00e4chtnis, Ausstellungspraxis"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=465871"], ["title", "Die kaiserliche Gem\u00e4ldegalerie und die Anf\u00e4nge des \u00f6ffentlichen Kunstmuseums, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "16516"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783205795346"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795346"]], [["description", "This monograph (professorial dissertation FU Berlin 2009) undertakes an interpretation of the entirety of Musil's monumental novel by placing the focus on its socio-analytical critique of contemporary society. It adapts Pierre Bourdieu's concept of the socio-analysis of literary texts, complemented by methodology from recent narratology, discourse and media theory, and is empirically grounded upon research from social and cultural history. Opening with a reconstruction of Musil's 'negative' anthropology and his concurrently analytical and constructivistic conception of the novel, as well as his essayistic, 'anti-filmic' poetics, the first part of the study profiles the socio-analytical implications of two major terms of his concept of the novel: firstly \"Eigenschaftslosigkeit\" (lack of inherent qualities or characteristics), and secondly \"M\u00f6glichkeitssinn\" (sense of possibility) or \"Essayismus\" (essayism). The main section of the study continues with a reading of The Man without Qualities as a social 'force field', beginning with an analysis of the narratively constituted chronotope and the social sphere of Kakania. It then turns to the central male and female figures of the novel (in the sections Heirs and Disinherited; Climbers and Stagnaters; Terrorists and Prophets, as well as Fallen Lovers; Sufferers of an 'obscure time-disease'; Adapters and Dissidents) and finally to the constellations and interactions of the characters in their aesthetic arrangements (in the sections Marriages in Crises; Orderless Circumstances, Gender Struggle; Attempts at Love beyond Marriage; and Rivalry over Principles and People; Ideologic Hostilities and Class Struggle). Special attention is paid to Musil's contemporary critique of a society in a contradictory process of modernisation, and to his concrete historical and ideological points of reference in the conflict strewn Austria and Germany of the preand inter-war years, as it is these to date neglected aspects that cause the uncompleted, and yet epoch-making, novel to appear so unique and incomparable. A final section considers the positioning of the novel and ist author in the contemporary literary field, as well as his indirect authorial self-analysis which occurs in a concealed manner throughout the fictional narration. With this socio-analysis of The Man without Qualities, Bourdieu's innovative cultural-sociological approach is for the first time applied in a consistent and detailed manner on a canonical German language novel. Moreover, an integral aspect of the study involves a theoretically aware integration of meticulous textual analysis and a broad cultural and literary historical contextualisation, which not only extends over Musil's essays and his voluminous literary remains (notes and drafts of sequels), but also over numerous discoursive involvements with contemporary Austrian and German politics and scholarship, and national and international literature. The Man without Qualities hence is presented as a modern classic of European literature, which relentlessly reveals the roots of the catastrophical history of the early twentieth century, and which transcends the sociological knowledge of its time.

Die Monographie (Habilitationsschrift FU Berlin 2009) unternimmt eine integrale Gesamtinterpretation von Musils monumentalem Roman mit dem Fokus auf dessen zeithistorische bzw. gesellschaftsanalytische Leistung. Sie st\u00fctzt sich unter anderem auf Pierre Bourdieus Konzept einer Sozioanalyse literarischer Texte, das f\u00fcr literaturwissenschaftliche Zwecke adaptiert, durch Anleihen aus der neueren Erz\u00e4hl-, Diskursund Medientheorie erg\u00e4nzt sowie durch Befunde der Sozial- und Kulturgeschichtsschreibung empirisch ges\u00e4ttigt wird. Ausgehend von einer Rekonstruktion der \u00e2\u20ac\u0161negativen' Anthropologie Musils, seiner gleicherma\u00dfen analytischen und konstruktivistischen Romankonzeption sowie seiner essayistischen, \u00e2\u20ac\u0161antifilmischen' Poetik werden im ersten Teil der Untersuchung mit der \"Eigenschaftslosigkeit\" und dem \"M\u00f6glichkeitssinn\" (bzw. dem \u00e2\u20ac\u0161Essayismus') zun\u00e4chst zwei Grundbegriffe des Romankonzepts auf ihre sozioanalytischen Implikationen hin profiliert. Darauf folgt im Hauptteil der Arbeit die Lekt\u00fcre des Romantextes als gesellschaftliches Kr\u00e4ftefeld, d.h. zun\u00e4chst eine Analyse des erz\u00e4hlerisch konstituierten Chronotopos und \u00e2\u20ac\u0161sozialen Raumes' Kakanien, sodann der zentralen m\u00e4nnlichen und weiblichen Figuren des Romans (in den Abschnitten Erben und Enterbte; Aufsteiger und Gebremste; Terroristen und Propheten sowie Gefallene Geliebte; Leidende an einer \u00e2\u20ac\u0161geheimnisvollen Zeitkrankheit'; Angepasste und Dissidentinnen) und zuletzt der figuralen Konstellationen und Interaktionen in ihrer k\u00fcnstlerischen Gestaltung (in den Abschnitten Ehen in der Krise; Unordentliche Verh\u00e4ltnisse, Geschlechterkampf; Liebesversuche jenseits der Ehe sowie Konkurrenz um Prinzipien und Menschen; Ideologische Gegnerschaften, Klassenkampf). Musils zeitkritischer Diagnose einer im widerspr\u00fcchlichen Modernisierungsprozess befindlichen Gesellschaft und seinen konkreten historischen bzw. ideologischen Bezugspunkten in der konfliktreichen \u00f6sterreichischen und deutschen Vor- und Zwischenkriegszeit gilt dabei ein besonderes Augenmerk, sind es doch gerade auch diese bisher weniger beachteten Aspekte, die den epochalen Romantorso so einzigartig und unvergleichlich erscheinen lassen. Ein abschlie\u00dfender Teil besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit der Stellung des Romans und seines Autors im zeitgen\u00f6ssischen literarischen Feld sowie mit dessen indirekter schriftstellerischer Selbstanalyse, die auf versteckte Weise im Medium des fiktionalen Erz\u00e4hltextes erfolgt. Mit der hier unternommenen Sozioanalyse des Mann ohne Eigenschaften wird Bourdieus innovativer kultursoziologischer Ansatz erstmals in dieser Konsequenz und Ausf\u00fchrlichkeit auf einen kanonischen deutschsprachigen Roman angewendet. Eine Besonderheit der Untersuchung besteht au\u00dferdem in der theoriegeleiteten Integration genauer Textanalysen und einer breiten kultur- und literaturgeschichtlichen Kontextualisierung, die sich nicht nur auf Musils Essays und seinen umfangreichen Nachlass (Notizen und Fortsetzungsentw\u00fcrfe), sondern auch auf zahlreiche diskursive Zusammenh\u00e4nge mit der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen \u00f6sterreichischen und deutschen Politik und Wissenschaft sowie der deutschsprachigen und internationalen Literatur erstreckt. Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften wird somit als moderner Klassiker der europ\u00e4ischen Literatur lesbar, der die Wurzeln der Katastrophengeschichte des fr\u00fchen 20. Jahrhunderts schonungslos offen legt und dessen kritische Befunde weit \u00fcber den sozialwissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand seiner Zeit hinausweisen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolf ,Norbert Christian"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Robert Musil, The Man without Qualities, modern novel, sociology of the novel, Pierre Bourdieu, cultural history"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437166"], ["title", "Kakanien als Gesellschaftskonstruktion"], ["doab_id", "15291"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787402"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787402"]], [["description", "The articles in this anthology display the diversity of innovative approaches chosen in ongoing or concluded PhD and professorial dissertations in the field of German as a Foreign or Second language. They include studies in text comprehension research, critical needs analysis, discourse analysis, empirical didactics and analyses of the learning process in its cultural context. In line with the characteristics of the kaleidoscope, the editors do without any systematic classification of the contributions and do not claim to establish some kind of carthography of the current state of young GFL/GSL reaearch. They would rather invite the reader to look optimistically on the development of young GFL/GSL research and reflect upon the structure and the instruments of support to young GFL/GSL researchers.

Die Beitr\u00e4ge des Sammelbands bieten einen kaleidoskopischen Blick auf innovative Forschungsfragen und -instrumentarien laufender oder abgeschlossener Qualifikationsprojekte im Wissenschaftsbereich Deutsch als Fremd-/Zweitsprache. Unter anderem werden Studien aus der Textverstehensforschung, der critical needs analysis, der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskursanalyse, der empirischen Didaktik und der kulturbezogenen Lernprozessforschung zur Diskussion gestellt. Dem Prinzip der lebendig-bunten Bilderfolge eines Kaleidoskops entsprechend, verzichten die Herausgeber auf eine fachsystematische Einordnung der Beitr\u00e4ge und erheben keinen Anspruch auf eine \u201aKartografie\u2018 des derzeitigen Stands junger DaF-/DaZ-Forschung. Vielmehr betont das Bild des Kaleidoskops das Fragmentarische der Dokumentation, ermuntert aber auch dazu, die Funktionsweise eines solchen optischen Spielzeugs als Leseperspektive anzunehmen. Im Sinne des \u201eSch\u00f6nbildschauers\u201c (kal\u00f3s: sch\u00f6n; e\u0129dos: Gestalt, Bild; skope\u0129n: schauen) er\u00f6ffnet der Band einen optimistischen Blick auf die Entwicklung der jungen DaF-/DaZ-Forschung und regt dazu an, den Dialog \u00fcber Struktur und Instrumente der DaF-/DaZ-Nachwuchsf\u00f6rderung zu intensivieren."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peuschel, Kristina; Pietzuch, Jan P."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["German as a foreign language", "GFL", "German as a foreign language", "GFL"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610266"], ["title", "Kaleidoskop der jungen DaF-/DaZ-Forschung - Dokumentation zur zweiten Nachwuchstagung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremdsprache"], ["doab_id", "14582"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344762"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344762"]], [["description", "Mit der p\u00e4pstlichen Bulle \u201eInter Gravissimas\u201c wurde 1582 der nach Papst Gregor XIII. benannte Gregorianische Kalender eingef\u00fchrt. In Deutschland wurde dieser Kalender anfangs nur von katholisch regierten L\u00e4ndern \u00fcbernommen. Die protestantischen lehnten ihn grunds\u00e4tzlich - weil vom Papst angeordnet - ab. Das f\u00fchrte zum Paradoxon einer doppelten Kalenderf\u00fchrung in Deutschland w\u00e4hrend des gesamten 17. Jahrhunderts. Nachdem die Spaltung der Zeitrechnung und des Kalenderwesens in Deutschland \u00fcber ein Jahrhundert angedauert hatte, wurde von den evangelischen Reichst\u00e4nden auf dem Immerw\u00e4hrenden Reichstag in Regensburg im September 1699 eine Kalenderreform beschlossen und im Jahr 1700 umgesetzt. Die in dieser Edition anl\u00e4sslich seines 350. Geburtstages ver\u00f6ffentlichten Briefe und Manuskripte des Mathematikers Georg Albrecht Hamberger stammen aus den Jahren 1699 und 1700 und stehen im Zusammenhang mit seinen Aktivit\u00e4ten im Zuge der Kalenderreform von 1700.

Mit der p\u00e4pstlichen Bulle \u201eInter Gravissimas\u201c wurde 1582 der nach Papst Gregor XIII. benannte Gregorianische Kalender eingef\u00fchrt. In Deutschland wurde dieser Kalender anfangs nur von katholisch regierten L\u00e4ndern \u00fcbernommen. Die protestantischen lehnten ihn grunds\u00e4tzlich - weil vom Papst angeordnet - ab. Das f\u00fchrte zum Paradoxon einer doppelten Kalenderf\u00fchrung in Deutschland w\u00e4hrend des gesamten 17. Jahrhunderts. Nachdem die Spaltung der Zeitrechnung und des Kalenderwesens in Deutschland \u00fcber ein Jahrhundert angedauert hatte, wurde von den evangelischen Reichst\u00e4nden auf dem Immerw\u00e4hrenden Reichstag in Regensburg im September 1699 eine Kalenderreform beschlossen und im Jahr 1700 umgesetzt. Die in dieser Edition anl\u00e4sslich seines 350. Geburtstages ver\u00f6ffentlichten Briefe und Manuskripte des Mathematikers Georg Albrecht Hamberger stammen aus den Jahren 1699 und 1700 und stehen im Zusammenhang mit seinen Aktivit\u00e4ten im Zuge der Kalenderreform von 1700."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Habermann, Katharina"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Calendar", "Calendar Reform", "Gregorian Calendar", "Letters", "Manuscripts", "Georg Albrecht Hamberger", "17th Century", "Calendar", "Calendar Reform", "Gregorian Calendar", "Letters", "Manuscripts", "Georg Albrecht Hamberger", "17th Century"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610185"], ["title", "Die Kalenderbriefe des Georg Albrecht Hamberger - im Kontext der Kalenderreform von 1700"], ["doab_id", "15244"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950941"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950941"]], [["description", "The first coherent and handy edition with commentaries of one oft he most important sources for history, administration and religious mentalities of the city of Rome in the 4th century A.D.The collection of pictures, lists and short notes, known as the \"Chronography of 354\" or the \"Calendar of Filocalus\" is a calendar handbook for the year 354 C.E. Of the thirteen texts, four are Christian documents; the remaining are witnesses of Roman administration and provide no clue for Christianity, or at times even attestations to the Roman religiosity of the Republic and the Imperial Time. The handbook contents can be distinguished by whether it has pictures or just text. Given the complexity of the present form of its constituents, the calendar handbook is an important source for the politic administrative history of the late-Constantine time, for the history of the transformation of religious mentalities, and for the success of the story of Christianity in the city of Rome. The following texts are especially noteworthy:(1) The consular fasti from the beginning of the consulate up to the year 354 CE, for the Roman History and the families that dominated it;(2) the yearly calendar for those festivals celebrated in late-Constantine time with their political and religio-historical dimension, which influenced the history of everyday life of the city;(3) the Catalogus Liberianus, the oldest Roman book of the popes, which together with the lists of the Deposito episcoporum and the Deposito martyrum, the oldest feriale of any Christian Church, is important for the Church of Rome and its conception of history.Notwithstanding a century-long history of editions and commentaries of the calendar handbook, there is up to the present no connected edition and commentary of the pertinent texts, only critical editions of individual parts. This is related to the complex tradition process and the preserved late manuscripts of the 16th and the 17th century. This poses a range of problems, which this edition and its commentaries tackle:(a) what all was part of the original calendar(b) when did the different texts and their redactions, which lead to the expansions, come into being(c) the perennial research problem of the relationship between the traditional Roman religion and Christianity, for which the texts of the chronographs provide crucial evidence(d) the position of the calendar handbook in the history of book illustration in LateAntiquity.Furthermore, since Mommsen's classical edition, a host of individual problems have been identified, which affect very different scientific endeavours, ranging from the studies of classical antiquities to theology and from cultural sciences to astronomy.Vol. 2: Fasti Consulares, Praefecti urbis Romae 254 - 354 A.D., Cpomputus Paschalis, Depositio martyrum, Depositio Episcoporum, Catalogus Liberianus

Es handelt sich um die erste zusammenh\u00e4ngende Ausgabe mit Kommentar des Kalenderhandbuches, das mit seinen Texten eine wichtige Quelle zur Geschichte, Verwaltung und zu den religi\u00f6sen Mentalit\u00e4ten in der Stadt Rom im 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr. darstellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Divjak ,Johannes; Wischmeyer ,Wolfgang"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ancient Rome, Fasti, Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Calendar, Constantinian Age", "Antikes Rom, Fasti, fr\u00fches Christentum, Sp\u00e4tantike, Kalender, Konstantinisches Zeitalter"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de", "la", "el"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512258"], ["title", "Das Kalenderhandbuch von 354 - Der Chronograph des Filocalus, Teil II"], ["doab_id", "16800"], ["language_unmapped", "de^la^el"], ["isbns", ["9783902976291"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976291"]], [["description", "The first coherent and handy edition with commentaries of one oft he most important sources for history, administration and religious mentalities of the city of Rome in the 4th century A.D.The collection of pictures, lists and short notes, known as the \"Chronography of 354\" or the \"Calendar of Filocalus\" is a calendar handbook for the year 354 C.E. Of the thirteen texts, four are Christian documents; the remaining are witnesses of Roman administration and provide no clue for Christianity, or at times even attestations to the Roman religiosity of the Republic and the Imperial Time. The handbook contents can be distinguished by whether it has pictures or just text. Given the complexity of the present form of its constituents, the calendar handbook is an important source for the politic administrative history of the late-Constantine time, for the history of the transformation of religious mentalities, and for the success of the story of Christianity in the city of Rome. The following texts are especially noteworthy:(1)The consular fasti from the beginning of the consulate up to the year 354 CE, for the Roman History and the families that dominated it;(2)the yearly calendar for those festivals celebrated in late-Constantine time with their political and religio-historical dimension, which influenced the history of everyday life of the city;(3)the Catalogus Liberianus, the oldest Roman book of the popes, which together with the lists of the Deposito episcoporum and the Deposito martyrum, the oldest feriale of any Christian Church, is important for the Church of Rome and its conception of history.Notwithstanding a century-long history of editions and commentaries of the calendar handbook, there is up to the present no connected edition and commentary of the pertinent texts, only critical editions of individual parts. This is related to the complex tradition process and the preserved late manuscripts of the 16th and the 17th Century. This poses a range of problems, which this edition and its commentaries tackle:(a)what all was part of the original calendar(b)when did the different texts and their redactions, which lead to the expansions, come into being(c)the perennial research problem of the relationship between the traditional Roman religion and Christianity, for which the texts of the chronographs provide crucial evidence(d)the position of the calendar handbook in the history of book illustration in Late Antiquity.Furthermore, since Mommsen's classical edition, a host of individual problems have been identified, which affect very different scientific endeavours, ranging from the studies of classical antiquities to theology and from cultural sciences to astronomy.Vol. I.: lntroduction with the history of research and the manuscript tradition, Frontispice, Dedicatio, Imagines imperatorum, Natales Caesarum, the week of the planets, the months.

Es handelt sich um die erste zusammenh\u00e4ngende Ausgabe mit Kommentar des Kalenderhandbuches, das mit seinen Texten eine wichtige Quelle zur Geschichte, Verwaltung und zu den religi\u00f6sen Mentalit\u00e4ten in der Stadt Rom im 4. Jahrhundert n.Chr. darstellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Divjak ,Johannes; Wischmeyer ,Wolfgang"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ancient Rome, Fasti, Early Christianity, Late Antiquity, Calendar, Constantinian Age", "Antikes Rom, Fasti, fr\u00fches Christentum, Sp\u00e4tantike, Kalender, Konstantinisches Zeitalter"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de", "la", "el"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512257"], ["title", "Das Kalenderhandbuch von 354 - Der Chronograph des Filocalus, Teil1"], ["doab_id", "16799"], ["language_unmapped", "de^la^el"], ["isbns", ["9783902976307"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976307"]], [["description", "\"The poem Kalevipoeg, over 19,000 lines in length, was composed by Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald (1803\u20131882) on the basis on folklore material. It was published in an Estonian-German bilingual edition in six instalments between 1857 and 1861; it went on to become the Estonian national epic.This first English-language monograph on the Kalevipoeg sheds light onvarious aspects of the emergence, creation and reception of the text.The first chapter sketches the objectives of the book and gives a shortsummary of the contents of the twenty tales of the epic, while the secondchapter treats the significance of the epic against the cultural background ofnineteenth-century Estonia.The third chapter scrutinizes the emergence of the text in moredetail and, in its second part, takes a closer look at the many intertextualconnections and the traces the epic material has left in Estonian literatureup to the present time. The fourth chapter is a detailed case study of onedebated passage of the fifteenth tale.The fifth and the six chapters deal with the German reception of the epic,which partly took place earlier than the reception in Estonia. In the fifthchapter, the first reviews and an early treatise by the German scholar Wilhelm Schott (1863) are discussed. The sixth chapter presents the new genre of \u2018rewritings\u2019 of the epic \u2013 texts which cannot be labelled as translations but are rather new creations on the basis of Kreutzwald\u2019s text.In the seventh chapter several versions of these retellings and adaptationsare compared in order to show the stability of some core material conveyedby various authors. A concluding chapter stresses the significance of foreignreception in the canonization process of the Kalevipoeg. At the end, acomprehensive bibliography and an index are added.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hasselblatt ,Cornelius"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Romanticism", "Adaptation", "Translation"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617154"], ["title", "Kalevipoeg Studies: The Creation and Reception of an Epic"], ["doab_id", "19775"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522227119", "9789522227454", "9789522227447"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522227119 9789522227454 9789522227447"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dunselman ,P.D."], ["date", "1955"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613326"], ["title", "Kana Sera, zang der zwangerschap"], ["doab_id", "18481"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285811", "9789004286399"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285811 9789004286399"]], [["description", "1797 erscheint mit den Metaphysischen Anfangsgr\u00fcnden der Rechtslehre Immanuel Kants rechtsphilosophisches Hauptwerk. Nicht selten begegnet man daher der Auffassung, Kants Rechtsphilosophie entstamme im Wesentlichen seiner Sp\u00e4tphase und sei \u00fcberdies nur schwer mit der kritischen Moralphilosophie der 1780er Jahre in Einklang zu bringen. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich die vorliegende Untersuchung dem Vergleich des kantischen Rechtsbegriffs, wie er 1797 in der Einleitung in die Rechtslehre vorgestellt wird, mit Kants Ausf\u00fchrungen in den Vorlesungsnachschriften Moral-Mrongovius II und Naturrecht-Feyerabend aus dem Jahre 1784. Dabei kann nachgewiesen werden, dass der Rechtsbegriff von 1797 bereits 1784 ausgearbeitet war. Mehr noch: Es zeigt sich, dass Kants Rechtsbegriff nicht nur bereits in der Phase seiner kritischen Moralphilosophie vorlag, sondern vielmehr in einem Guss mit ihr konzipiert wurde und wie diese auf dem kritischen Freiheitsbegriff basiert.

1797 erscheint mit den Metaphysischen Anfangsgr\u00fcnden der Rechtslehre Immanuel Kants rechtsphilosophisches Hauptwerk. Nicht selten begegnet man daher der Auffassung, Kants Rechtsphilosophie entstamme im Wesentlichen seiner Sp\u00e4tphase und sei \u00fcberdies nur schwer mit der kritischen Moralphilosophie der 1780er Jahre in Einklang zu bringen. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich die vorliegende Untersuchung dem Vergleich des kantischen Rechtsbegriffs, wie er 1797 in der Einleitung in die Rechtslehre vorgestellt wird, mit Kants Ausf\u00fchrungen in den Vorlesungsnachschriften Moral-Mrongovius II und Naturrecht-Feyerabend aus dem Jahre 1784. Dabei kann nachgewiesen werden, dass der Rechtsbegriff von 1797 bereits 1784 ausgearbeitet war. Mehr noch: Es zeigt sich, dass Kants Rechtsbegriff nicht nur bereits in der Phase seiner kritischen Moralphilosophie vorlag, sondern vielmehr in einem Guss mit ihr konzipiert wurde und wie diese auf dem kritischen Freiheitsbegriff basiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hirsch, Philipp-Alexander"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Theory of Law", "Legal Philosophy", "Moral Philosophy", "Theory of Law", "Legal Philosophy", "Moral Philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610318"], ["title", "Kants Einleitung in die Rechtslehre von 1784 - Immanuel Kants Rechtsbegriff in der Moralvorlesung \u201eMrongovius II\u201c und der Naturrechtsvorlesung \u201eFeyerabend\u201c von 1784 sowie in der \u201eMetaphysik der Sitten\u201c von 1797"], ["doab_id", "15245"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950699"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950699"]], [["description", "The discovery of KSHV in 1994 was a historical landmark in tumor virology and human cancer research. Its subsequent identification as a cause of Kaposi sarcoma and in association with primary effusion lymphoma and multicentric Castleman disease soon attracted up to hundreds of research laboratories and thousands of virologists and oncologists to switch their research directions. To date, PubMed has collected nearly 5000 papers on KSHV from numerous journal publications in the world. These studies reiterate that the global fight against human cancers will continue to receive great support from our tremendous efforts in searching for new tumor-causing viruses and in understanding the basic biology of tumor viruses. To celebrate the 20th years of KSHV discovery, I am very proud to be an invited Guest Editor for a special issue on KSHV in the journal \"Viruses\" and happy to assemble all published articles from the special issue into this book, Kaposi Sarcoma Associated Herpesvirus. The collected articles cover almost all aspects of KSHV, including updated reviews and research articles on KSHV epidemiology and transmission, KSHV interaction with host cell receptors and cell entry, KSHV latency and latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA), molecular biology of KSHV lytic reactivation and lytic switch control by KSHV ORF50 and other factors, KSHV post-transcriptional regulator ORF57, molecular biology of KSHV polyadenylated nuclear RNA (PAN RNA) and PAN as a lncRNA in epigenetic gene regulation of KSHV, viral mimics of cellular genes in KSHV infection and disease, KSHV targeted therapy, KSHV miRNAs and vGPCR, etc. In particular, I am greatly honored to have Yuan Chang and Patrick Moore to mark the first 20 years of KSHV research by recounting the historical stories leading to their astonish discovery and Science publication of KSHV that has led us where we are today. The book is also intended to assist Medical students and residents, dermatologists, hematologist, oncologists, and other related specialties to understand what we have known about KSHV and its infections and pathogenesis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Virus epidemiology and transmission, virus entry, gene structure and expression, viral DNA replication, virus assembly and release, virus pathogenesis and oncogenesis, anti-KSHV therapy and prevention"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/142"], ["title", "Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus"], ["doab_id", "17516"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420774", "9783038420767"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420774/9783038420767 "]], [["description", "The book explores the modern attitudes that are articulated in the texts \"Third Walpurgis Night\" (1933) by Karl Kraus and \"Prodromos\" (1905) by Peter Altenberg. Following Foucault's discourse analytical approach and his concept of self practice, it asks with what types of subject and truth the two literary works break open the structures of enunciation in which they are historically embedded. The result is not a biographical or philological comparison, but a report on the experience of a performative reading that makes an archaeological section of the writings and reconstructs their genealogical line.

Das Buch erforscht die modernen Haltungen, die sich in den Texten \"Dritte Walpurgisnacht\" (1933) von Karl Kraus und \"Prodromos\" (1905) von Peter Altenberg ausdr\u00fccken. Im Anschluss an Foucaults Verfahren der Diskursanalyse und sein Konzept der Selbstpraxis wird die Frage untersucht, mit welchem Typus von Subjekt und Wahrheit die literarischen Werke jene Strukturen des Sagbaren aufbrechen, in denen sie historisch verankert sind. Das Ergebnis ist kein biografischer oder philologischer Vergleich, sondern der Erfahrungsbericht einer performativen Lekt\u00fcre, die den arch\u00e4ologischen Schnitt und die genealogische Linie der Schriften nachvollzieht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ganahl ,Simon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Karl Kraus, Peter Altenberg, Third Walpurgis Night, Prodromos, Typology", "Karl Kraus, Peter Altenberg, Dritte Walpurgisnacht, Prodromos, Typologie"]], ["publisher", "Konstanz University Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574830"], ["title", "Karl Kraus und Peter Altenberg"], ["doab_id", "17424"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783862530595"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783862530595"]], [["description", "Die wichtigsten Akteure im Transfer antiken Wissens ins Fr\u00fchmittelalter sind die karolingischen Kl\u00f6ster. Die kl\u00f6sterlichen Skriptorien sorgten durch ihre T\u00e4tigkeit f\u00fcr die Weitergabe von patristischem und paganen Wissen sowie im Sinne der karolingischen renovatio f\u00fcr die Pr\u00e4senz korrekter und eindeutiger Schriftzeugnisse. Die einzelnen Beitr\u00e4ge untersuchen die Spuren der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Tr\u00e4ger und Rezipienten, die auf das karolingische Wissenssystem einwirkten und die Vermittlung und Selektion von Wissen steuerten. Dabei stehen Fragen nach dem karolingischen Wissenskanon und der fr\u00fchmittelalterlichen Gelehrtenkultur im Mittelpunkt. Als Ausgangsbasis der Forschungen dienen in vielen F\u00e4llen die handschriftlichen Artefakte des Klosters Lorsch und seine einzigartige Bibliothek, die um die Mitte des 9. Jahrhunderts einen der bedeutendsten europ\u00e4ischen B\u00fccherbest\u00e4nde aufwies.Die vorliegende Publikation b\u00fcndelt die Beitr\u00e4ge einer im Rahmen des Heidelberger Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 \u00bbMateriale Textkulturen\u00ab veranstalteten Tagung, die vor allem nach der Organisation und Vermittlung von Wissen in der Karolingerzeit fragte."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Becker, Julia / Licht, Tino / Weinfurter, Stefan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Kulturtransfer", " Handschriftenforschung", " Karolingische Reform", " Kloster Lorsch"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431182"], ["title", "Karolingische Kl\u00f6ster. Wissenstransfer und kulturelle Innovation"], ["doab_id", "17225"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110371239", "9783110371222", "9783110386141"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110371239, 9783110371222, 9783110386141"]], [["description", "Der Katalog der byzantinischen M\u00fcnzen dokumentiert einen bedeutenden Teil der universit\u00e4ren M\u00fcnzsammlung, die vom Arch\u00e4ologischen Institut der Georg-August Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen betreut wird. Weitere Dokumentationen zur M\u00fcnzsammlung sind in Arbeit.

Der Katalog der byzantinischen M\u00fcnzen dokumentiert einen bedeutenden Teil der universit\u00e4ren M\u00fcnzsammlung, die vom Arch\u00e4ologischen Institut der Georg-August Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen betreut wird. Weitere Dokumentationen zur M\u00fcnzsammlung sind in Arbeit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sommer, Andreas Urs; Boehringer, Christof"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["G\u00f6ttingen", "coin collection", "Byzantine Empire", "coin", "G\u00f6ttingen", "coin collection", "Byzantine Empire", "coin"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610349"], ["title", "Katalog der byzantinischen M\u00fcnzen - [M\u00fcnzsammlung der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im Arch\u00e4ologischen Institut]"], ["doab_id", "19171"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783930457304"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783930457304"]], [["description", "The catalogue contains manuscript descriptions of smaller collections from the county of Salzburg, especially those, held at Salzburg City Archive (Archiv der Stadt Salzburg), Salzburg District Archive (Salzburger Landesarchiv), Archive of the Archdiocese Salzburg (Archiv der Erzdi\u00f6zese Salzburg), Salzburg Museum Library (Bibliothek des Salzburg Museums) as well as those held at the Library and the Archive of Mattsee Monastery. The catalogue continues a list of previous publications that make major collections of German medieval manuscripts in Salzburg accessible, such as the catalogue of German manuscripts of St. Peter, the University Library and the Latin manuscripts from Michaelbeuern Monastery.

Dieser Katalog erfasst die mittelalterlichen Handschriftenbest\u00e4nde bis zum Jahr 1600 in kleineren Institutionen in Salzburg, zu denen das Archiv der Stadt Salzburg, das Salzburger Landesarchiv, das Archiv der Erzdi\u00f6zese Salzburg, die Bibliothek des Salzburg Museum und Stiftsbibliothek und \u2013archiv Mattsee z\u00e4hlen. Der Katalog schlie\u00dft damit an eine Reihe der bisher schon bearbeiteten gr\u00f6\u00dferen Sammlungen der deutschen Handschriften von St. Peter und der Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek sowie der deutschen und lateinischen Handschriften des Stifts Michaelbeuern an.Katalogband siehe: http://e-book-fwf-ac.at/o:811"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Czifra ,Nikolaus; Lorenz ,R\u00fcdiger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Codicology, medieval studies, literary history, history of science, history of law, liturgics", "Handschriftenkunde, Medi\u00e4vistik, Literaturgeschichte, Medizingeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Liturgiewissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574677"], ["title", "Katalog der Mittelalterlichen Handschriften in Salzburg, Registerband"], ["doab_id", "17402"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700175865"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700175865"]], [["description", "Naturkatastrophen bedeuten nicht nur momenthafte Zerst\u00f6rung, die nach erfolgtem Wiederaufbau wieder vergessen ist. Katastrophen haben h\u00e4ufig nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf Politik und Gesellschaft und damit auf die menschliche Geschichte. Sie f\u00fchren mitunter zu Verordnungen, Institutionenbildung, Politikwechsel und gesellschaftlichem Umdenken, k\u00f6nnen aber auch Anlass zu Aufbruchstimmung und Fortschrittsoptimismus geben. Durch die aktuelle Diskussion zum globalen Klimawandel hat sich in der \u00d6ffentlichkeit ein st\u00e4rkeres Bewusstsein f\u00fcr die gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Naturkatastrophen entwickelt. Welche Rolle extreme Ereignisse in der Geschichte gespielt haben und welche Strategien zu ihrer Bew\u00e4ltigung in verschiedenen Zeiten wirksam waren, bilden die zentralen Fragen des Sammelbandes. Die Autoren untersuchen neben klassischen Naturkatastrophen auch Seuchen und Sch\u00e4dlingskalamit\u00e4ten in historischer Perspektive und widmen sich theoretischen Fragen zu deren Genese und Auswirkungen. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis eines Workshops, der von den Herausgebern im Rahmen des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte\u201c unter dem Titel \u201eKatastrophen machen Geschichte \u2013 Umweltgeschichtliche Prozesse im Spannungsfeld von Ressourcennutzung und Extremereignis\u201c am 6. und 7. Mai 2009 in G\u00f6ttingen veranstaltet wurde.

Naturkatastrophen bedeuten nicht nur momenthafte Zerst\u00f6rung, die nach erfolgtem Wiederaufbau wieder vergessen ist. Katastrophen haben h\u00e4ufig nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf Politik und Gesellschaft und damit auf die menschliche Geschichte. Sie f\u00fchren mitunter zu Verordnungen, Institutionenbildung, Politikwechsel und gesellschaftlichem Umdenken, k\u00f6nnen aber auch Anlass zu Aufbruchstimmung und Fortschrittsoptimismus geben. Durch die aktuelle Diskussion zum globalen Klimawandel hat sich in der \u00d6ffentlichkeit ein st\u00e4rkeres Bewusstsein f\u00fcr die gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Naturkatastrophen entwickelt. Welche Rolle extreme Ereignisse in der Geschichte gespielt haben und welche Strategien zu ihrer Bew\u00e4ltigung in verschiedenen Zeiten wirksam waren, bilden die zentralen Fragen des Sammelbandes. Die Autoren untersuchen neben klassischen Naturkatastrophen auch Seuchen und Sch\u00e4dlingskalamit\u00e4ten in historischer Perspektive und widmen sich theoretischen Fragen zu deren Genese und Auswirkungen. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis eines Workshops, der von den Herausgebern im Rahmen des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte\u201c unter dem Titel \u201eKatastrophen machen Geschichte \u2013 Umweltgeschichtliche Prozesse im Spannungsfeld von Ressourcennutzung und Extremereignis\u201c am 6. und 7. Mai 2009 in G\u00f6ttingen veranstaltet wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Masius, Patrick; Sprenger, Jana; Mackowiak, Eva"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["environment", "conservation of the environment", "ecology", "history of ecological calamities", "environment", "conservation of the environment", "ecology", "history of ecological calamities"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610338"], ["title", "Katastrophen machen Geschichte - Umweltgeschichtliche Prozesse im Spannungsfeld von Ressourcennutzung und Extremereignis"], ["doab_id", "14578"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875210"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875210"]], [["description", "This ethnography focuses on the descendants of Majorca\u00b4s forcedly baptized Jews, the so called Xuetes. Well into the 20th century these catholic Majorcans were marginalized and persecuted as Jews by the majority population. So far the history of the Xuetes was understood as a \u201epast that doesn`t want to go by\u201c, cast as an apology for church and state. This book sheds light on a present where some Xuetes still feel \u201eneither fish nor fowl\u201c. For the first time, Xuetes and Non-Xuetes themselves hold the floor. The result is not a \u201efaith triumphant\u201c as is the title of a contemporary account on the collective forced baptism but a story of coping with trauma. Theoretical approaches to trauma, taboo, memory and identity facilitate a detailed presentation of identity formation with all its toil, zest and pursuit of knowledge.

Die Nachfahren zwangsgetaufter Juden auf Mallorca, die sogenannten Xuetes, stehen im Fokus dieser Ethnografie. Bis in das 20. Jahrhundert wurden diese katholischen Mallorquiner von der Mehrheitsbev\u00f6lkerung als Juden ausgegrenzt und verfolgt. Beleuchtet wird hier eine Gegenwart, in der sich manche Xuetes immer noch wie \u201enicht Fisch, nicht Fleisch\u201c f\u00fchlen. Bisher wurde die Geschichte der Xuetes von Historikern zumeist als \u201eVergangenheit, die nicht vergehen will\u201c aufgefasst und als Apologie f\u00fcr Kirche und Staat verfasst. In dieser empirischen Studie haben Xuetes und Nichtxuetes erstmals selbst das Wort. Das Ergebnis ist kein \u201eTriumph des Glaubens\u201c, so ein zeitgen\u00f6ssischer Bericht \u00fcber die kollektive Zwangstaufe, sondern die Geschichte einer Traumabew\u00e4ltigung. Mit theoretischen Ans\u00e4tzen zu Trauma, Tabu, Erinnerung und Identit\u00e4t werden Identifi kationsprozesse in all ihrer M\u00fche, Lust und ihrem Erkenntnisbestreben differenziert dargestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riemenschneider, Christian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Xuetes", "Majorca", "Jews", "Xuetes", "Majorca", "Jews"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610407"], ["title", "Katholische Juden? - Eine Ethnografie zu den Xuetes auf Mallorca"], ["doab_id", "19211"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952129"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952129"]], [["description", "This tenth volume appearing within the framework of the OEAW interdisciplinary research- project Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum increases our understanding of several aspects of the religious traditions handed down by Celtic-speaking populations, from Britain and the Iberian Peninsula to ancient Italy and Dacia, all through the Gauls and the Germaniae.This tenth volume appearing within the framework of the OEAW interdisciplinary research- project Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum increases our understanding of several aspects of the religious traditions handed down by Celtic-speaking populations, from Britain and the Iberian Peninsula to ancient Italy and Dacia, all through the Gauls and the Germaniae.G. Bauchhenss corrects some preconceived notions about iconography; F. Burillo Mozota, J. A. Arenas Esteban and M. P. Burillo Cuadrado investigate the cultural context of an astronomic platform at Segeda; P. Scherrer puts the nautae Parisiaci pillar on a new hermeneutical basis; N. Gavrilovi\u0107 looks for Celtic speakers in Eastern Europe. J. Gorrochategui, M. C. Gonz\u00e1lez Rodr\u00edguez, P. Lajoye offer partly revised readings of several votive inscriptions and divine names while P. Y. Lambert, B. R\u00e9my, X. Delamarre analyse theonymical epithets in different ways and N. Beck scrutinizes the relationship between deities and ethnics. P. de Bernardo Stempel discusses the transformations to be observed in a provincial pantheon from the first Celtic inscriptions to the latest Roman ones; W. Spickermann questions the continuity between Pre-Roman and Romano-Celtic religion; A. Hofeneder follows the trail of an Old Celtic and later syncretic deity up to the Imperial Roman historical tradition. M. Hainzmann and P. de Bernardo Stempel present \u2013 with the help of numerous and easy understandable tables \u2013 an innovative systematization of the various syncretic phenomena known as Interpretatio, whose geographic diversity is pointed out by F. Marco Sim\u00f3n.

Diese zehnte Buchpublikation im Rahmen des \u00d6AW-Projekts \u201eFontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum\u201c vertieft verschiedene Aspekte der religi\u00f6sen \u00dcberlieferung keltischsprechender Bev\u00f6lkerungen, von Britannien und der Iberischen Halbinsel \u00fcber Gallien und Germanien bis hin zum alten Italien und Dakien."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hofeneder ,Andreas; de Bernardo Stempel ,Patrizia"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Pre-Roman Celtic religion, Romano-Celtic religion, Epigraphy, Archaeology, Iconography, Interpretatio", "Keltische Religion in vorr\u00f6mischer und gallo-r\u00f6mischer Zeit, Epigraphik, Arch\u00e4ologie, Ikonographie, Interpretatio"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en", "fr", "es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=451552"], ["title", "Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, interpretatio"], ["doab_id", "15440"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English^fr^es"], ["isbns", ["9783700173694"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700173694"]], [["description", "At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, a new sub-field of physics and chemistry emerged centering on radioactivity. Its disciplinary structures were slow to crystallize. The early phase of this field was characterized by substantial international exchange between the European centers in Vienna, Paris, Berlin and Cambridge and a concomitant high degree of transdisciplinarity. Research on radioactivity was also marked by an unusual openness in respect to gender and gender politics. The volatile political and social context of nuclear research, which abruptly changed several times, acted to further, impede or block these initiatives to transcend diverse boundaries in science, politics, and society. The two central questions of the present project are: How did the agendas and foci of Austrian nuclear research, and the styles of work of the scientists, change within the framework of international cooperation and competition? How were these developments dynamically linked with the political, social and cultural shifts in European history in the 20th century? The historical analysis starts with the founding of the Vienna Institute for Radium Research (IRR), including the institutes for physics at the University of Vienna that worked in close cooperation with the IRR. The period under investigation extends from the late years of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire to World War I, the era of \"Red Vienna,\" the \"state of estates\" (St\u00e4ndestaat) and the Nazi dictatorship, down to the full restoration of Austrian sovereignty in 1955. The study will include systematic transnational comparisons with the other centers of European nuclear research, based in part on existing literature from the history of science, as well as exact reconstructions of the bilateral and multilateral cooperative links and relations with the international scientific community. In this way, the proposed project is expected to go beyond the historical reconstruction of nuclear research in Austria and shed light on the importance of nationality and internationality, both for framing politics and as mental and cultural points of reference for the behavior and actions of the scientific actors and the production of scientific knowledge under shifting constellations of war and peace, democracy and dictatorship.

Wie ver\u00e4nderte sich die Radioaktivit\u00e4ts- und Kernforschung in \u00d6sterreich seit der Entdeckung des Kernzerfalls im sp\u00e4ten 19. Jahrhundert bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges? Dieses Buch bietet eine profunde Analyse lokaler Forschungstraditionen im politisch-sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Kontext. Die Studie verortet das Institut f\u00fcr Radiumforschung in Wien und andere \u00f6sterreichische Standorte der Radioaktivit\u00e4ts- bzw. Kernforschung in zwei sich \u00fcberlagernden Netzwerken: Einerseits im regionalen Forschungsraum der Habsburger Monarchie, der Ersten Republik und des \u201eDritten Reiches\u201c und andererseits in der globalen Gemeinschaft der \u201eRadioaktivisten\u201c. Sie zeigt anhand neuer Archivquellen, welche Rolle die in \u00d6sterreich vorhandenen Ressourcen im globalen Netzwerk der Kernforschung spielten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fengler ,Silke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Institute for Radium Research, nuclear research in Austria, History of science, National Socialism , The Cold War", "Radiuminstitut, Kernforschung in \u00d6sterreich, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Nationalsozialismus, Wissenschaftskooperation, Kalter Krieg"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470590"], ["title", "Kerne, Kooperation und Konkurrenz"], ["doab_id", "15943"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795124"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795124"]], [["description", "Verantwoording is een maatschappelijk vraagstuk van de eerste orde, maar ook een bron van groeiende zorg en irritatie voor veel organisaties. In 2004 startten het ministerie van Financi\u00ebn en het ministerie van Justitie een onderzoek naar de mogelijke toepassing van eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) als uniforme gegevensstandaard voor verantwoording. In 2006 lag er een architectuur voor Standard Business Reporting. In 2007 werden de eerste berichten in XBRL via een generieke voorziening succesvol bij de Belastingdienst en de Kamer van Koophandel afgeleverd. Eind 2009 werd er serieus ingezet op de grootschalige transitie van informatieketens. Sinds 2013 biedt Logius met Standard Business Reporting een werkende en effici\u00ebnte standaardoplossing voor massale verantwoording.De keten uitgedaagd - Besturen en verantwoorden in een wereld vol ICT beschrijft de weg die Standard Business Reporting heeft afgelegd van opgave tot oplossing. Specialisten uit de praktijk \u00e9n wetenschappers geven een gefundeerd en gedetailleerd inzicht in de uitdagingen die komen kijken bij de transitie van informatieketens. In haar veelzijdigheid is het boek exemplarisch voor de benodigde paradigmaverschuivingen binnen het veranderdomein. Het boek biedt bovendien alle praktische informatie die partijen nodig hebben om de SBR-oplossingen toe te passen in het eigen domein.Het is inmiddels algemeen bekend dat het bij grootschalige ICT-programma\u2019s om veel meer draait dan techniek alleen. Met Standard Business Reporting als toonbeeld van een domein waarin informatieketens grondig werden aangepakt, is De keten uitgedaagd een niet te missen handboek voor bestuurders en programmamanagers die willen besturen en verantwoorden in een wereld vol ICT."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "R. van Wijk (ed.); N. Bharosa (ed.); M. Janssen (ed.); N. de Winne (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["verantwoording", " eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)", " gegevensstandaard", " Standard Business Reporting (SBR)", " informatieketens", "ICT"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/978-90-5199-535-0"], ["title", "De keten uitgedaagd - Besturen en verantwoorden in een wereld vol ICT"], ["doab_id", "16496"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789051995343"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9789051995343"]], [["description", "Many people know the stories behind the tulip mania in the 17th century and the legacy of the Dutch East India Company, but what basic knowledge of Dutch history and culture should be passed on to future generations? A Key to Dutch History and its resulting overview of historical highlights, assembled by a number of specialists in consultation with the Dutch general public, provides a thought-provoking and timely answer. The democratic process behind the volume is reminiscent of the way in which the Netherlands has succeeded for centuries at collective craftsmanship, and says as much about the Netherlands as does the outcome of the opinions voiced. The Cultural Canon of the Netherlands consists of a list of fifty topics from Dutch culture and history, varying from the megalithic tombs in the province of Drenthe and Willem of Orange to the Dutch constitution and the vast natural gas field in the province of Groningen. These fifty topics act as a framework for understanding and even studying Dutch culture and history. The canon should lead to further understanding and deepening of our knowledge of our past and act as an inspirational source for pupils, students and the public at large."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostrom van ,Frits"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["History", "Popular science", "Gescheidenis", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339990"], ["title", "A Key to Dutch History : The Cultural Canon of the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "12707"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564981"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564981"]], [["description", "This \"Key\" to the Khamsa consists of thirteen essays by eminent scholars in the field of Persian Studies, each focusing on different aspects of the Khamsa, which is a collection of five long poems written by the Persian poet Nizami of Ganja. Nizami (1141-1209) lived and worked in Ganja in present-day Azerbaijan. He is widely recognized as one of the main poets of Medieval Persia, a towering figure who produced outstanding poetry, straddling mysticism, romances and epics. He has left his mark on the whole Persian-speaking world and countless younger poets in the area stretching from the Ottoman to the Mughal worlds (present-day Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India) have found him an inspiration and have tried to emulate him. His work has influenced such other immense poets as Hafez, Rumi, and Saadi. His five masnavis (long poems) address a variety of topics and disciplines and have all enjoyed enormous fame, as the countless surviving manuscripts of his work indicate. His heroes, Khosrow and Shirin, Leili and Majnun, Iskandar count amongst the stars of the Persian literary firmament and have become household names all over the Islamic world. The essays in the present volume constitute a significant development in the field of Nizami-studies, and on a more general level, of classical Persian literature. They focus on topics such as mysticism, art history, comparative literature, science, and philosophy. they show how classical Greek knowledge mingles in a unique manner with the Persian past and the Islamic culture in Nizami's world. They reflect a high degree of engagement with the existing scholarship in the field, they revive and challenge traditional views on the poet and his work and are indispensable both for specialists in the field and for anyone interested in the movement of ideas in the Medieval world.

Deze \"sleutel\" om de 'Khamsa' te ontsluiten bestaat uit dertien essays door specialisten op het gebied van Perzische Studies. Elk essay richt zich op een ander aspect van de 'Khamsa', een verzameling van vijf lange gedichten geschreven door de Perzische dichter Nizami van Ganja. Nizami (1141-1209) woonde en werkte in Ganja, in het huidige Azerbeidzjan. Hij wordt algemeen erkend als een van de belangrijkste dichters van het middeleeuwse Perzi\u00eb. Hij schreef po\u00ebzie op het breukvlak mystiek, romances en heldendichten en drukte zijn stempel op talloze jonge dichters, zoals Hafez, Rumi en Saadi, over een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van het huidige Turkije, Azerbeidzjan, Armeni\u00eb, Georgi\u00eb, Iran, Afghanistan, oezbekistan, Tadzjikistan, Pakistan, India. De essays dit boek zorgen voor een nieuwe kijk op de 'Khamsa'. Zij richten zich op onderwerpen als mystiek, kunstgeschiedenis, vergelijkende literatuur, wetenschap en filosofie. Ze laten zien hoe de klassieke Griekse kennis zich op een unieke manier vermengde met het Perzische verleden en de islamitische cultuur. Dit boek is onmisbaar voor de specialisten op het gebied van Perzische literatuur, maar ook goed leesbaar voor de ge\u00efnteresseerd leek."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00fcrgel ,Johann-Christoph; Ruymbeke van ,Christine"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Dutch literature", "Culture and history", "Philosophy", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Filosofie"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606234"], ["title", "A Key to the Treasure of the Hakim : Artistic and Humanistic Aspects of Nizami Ganjavi's Khamsa"], ["doab_id", "14613"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280970"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280970"]], [["description", "How do keyboards make music playable? Drawing on theories of media, systems, and cultural techniques, Keys to Play spans Greek myth and contemporary Japanese digital games to chart a genealogy of musical play and its animation via improvisation, performance, and recreation. As a paradigmatic digital interface, the keyboard forms a field of play on which the book\u2019s diverse objects of inquiry\u2014from clavichords to PCs and eighteenth-century musical dice games to the latest rhythm-action titles\u2014enter into analogical relations. Remapping the keyboard\u2019s topography by way of Mozart and Super Mario, who head an expansive cast of historical and virtual actors, Keys to Play invites readers to unlock ludic dimensions of music that are at once old and new."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moseley ,Roger"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Electronic games", "Keyboards (Music) history", "Musical performance history", "Play"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619231"], ["title", "Keys to Play: Music as a Ludic Medium from Apollo to Nintendo"], ["doab_id", "19944"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520291249", "9780520965096", "9780520965096", "9780520965096"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520291249 9780520965096 9780520965096 9780520965096"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Niemeijer ,A."], ["date", "1972"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613370"], ["title", "The Khilafat Movement in India 1919-1924"], ["doab_id", "18526"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024713349", "9789004286924"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024713349 9789004286924"]], [["description", "The original edition \"Ta paidia tis siopis\" was published by Ekdoseis Parousia Publishing House (ISBN 960-7601-64-5). The author owns the copyright and transferred it to the editor of the German translation for free.The author is one of the most prominent ethnologists of Greece. He investigates the family and kinship structures as well as the marriage practices, the transfer of marriage goods, and the dowry stystem of in the Arvanite villages in Southeastern Attica (Southern Greece) on the basis of fieldwork and archival research. The Arvanites represent the predecessors of the present Albanian population a branch of whichmigrated to its present settlements in the second half of the 14th century.The main title of the book is related to the fact that due to the adaption processes of th 19th and 20th centuries this ethnic group does not any longer practice its original language in everyday life. The author states that also the original social structure shifted towards the Greek environment, e.g. in form of ambilineal descent calculation instead of the original patrilineal descent calculation.Alexakis work enters scientific newland insofar as the author is the first Greek scholar who treats this topic from a modern historical-anthropological perspective. He, therefore, sheds ligtht on a topic that had been ignored by official Greece until a few years ago.The book is structured into three chapters:1) Marriage Payments2) Familiy and Property Transfer3)Ambilineal Descent Group and Marriage Strategies.

Die Originalausgabe \"Ta paidia tis siopis\" erschien 1996 im Verlag Ekdoseis Parousia (ISBN 960-7601-64-5). Der Autor ist im Besitz des Copyrights und hat dieses kostenlos f\u00fcr die \u00dcbersetzung abgetreten.Der Autor ist einer der prominentesten Ethnologen Griechenlands. Auf der Grundlage von Feldforschungen und von Archivarbeiten untersucht er Familien und Verwandtschaftsstrukturen sowie Heiratspraktiken, den Transfer von Heiratsgaben und das System der Mitgift in arvanitischen D\u00f6rfern im s\u00fcd\u00f6stlichen Attika (S\u00fcdgriechenland). Bei den Arvaniten handelt es sich um die mittelalterlichen Vorfahren der heutigen albanischen Bev\u00f6lkerung, die in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 14. Jahrhunderts in ihre heutigen Siedlungsgebiete zugewandert sind.Der Haupttitel bezieht sich auf den Umstand, dass die Assimilierungsprozesse des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts darin resultieren, dass diese ethnische Gruppe ihre arvanitische Sprache mittlerweile kaum mehr praktiziert. Der Autor konstatiert, dass von ihrer urspr\u00fcnglichen Sozialstruktur nur mehr Ankl\u00e4nge vorhanden sind - etwa in der Form der ambilinearen Abstammungsrechnung (hervorgegangen aus einer urspr\u00fcnglich patrilinearen) - und sich der griechischen Umgebung angepasst hat.Alexakis Werk stellt insofern wissenschaftliches Neuland dar, als es erstmals diese Thematik aufgreift und es von einer historisch-anthropologischen Perspektive aus bearbeitet. Damit wird gleichzeitig eine Thematik beleuchtet, die lange Zeit vom offiziellen Griechenland tabuisiert wurde. Es ist erst wenige Jahre her, dass die griechische Regierung die Existenz der Arvaniten anerkannte.Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Kapitel:1) Heiratszahlungen2) Familie und Besitz\u00fcbertragung3) Ambilineare Abstammungsgruppe und Heiratsstrategien"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alexakis ,Eleftherios P. "], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Greece, Arvanites, Family, Kinship, Marriage, Attica"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437209"], ["title", "Die Kinder des Schweigens"], ["doab_id", "15330"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205777724"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205777724"]], [["description", "This volume contains a collection of papers of a October 2007 G\u00f6ttingen workshop on family law, the upcoming changes of child\u2019s welfare by the state in the context of the draft law of the Federal Government to \"Facilitate Family Court measures in case of endangered child\u2019s welfare.

Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt eine Sammlung von Referaten des am 19. Oktober 2007 veranstalteten 6. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die anstehenden \u00c4nderungendes staatlichen Kindesschutzes vor dem Hintergrund des Gesetzentwurfs der Bundesregierung zur \u201eErleichterung familiengerichtlicher Ma\u00dfnahmen bei Gef\u00e4hrdung des Kindeswohls\u201c thematisierte.Neben einer Betrachtung staatlichen Kindesschutzes aus verfassungsrechtlicherPerspektive(Matthias Jestaedt), einem Beitrag \u00fcber Inhalt und Funktion des Begriffs der Kindeswohlgef\u00e4hrdung (Michael Coester) sowie einer Darstellung der Jugendhilfe in ihrer Entwicklung zwischen Hilfe und Kontrolle (Helga Oberloskamp), finden sich in diesem Band Beitr\u00e4ge zu zwei zentralen Regelungskomplexen der anstehenden Reform, namentlich zur Reichweite der familiengerichtlichen Anordnungskompetenz im Verh\u00e4ltnis zum Jugendamt (Barbara Fellenberg, Thomas Meysen) sowie zu dem vom Gesetzgeber geplanten sog. \u201eErziehungsgespr\u00e4ch\u201c am Familiengericht (Barbara Fellenberg)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["child welfare", "youth welfare", "child welfare", "youth welfare"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610223"], ["title", "Kindesschutz bei Kindeswohlgef\u00e4hrdung - neue Mittel und Wege? - 6. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht"], ["doab_id", "13222"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344304"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344304"]], [["description", "These are poems that play with and in language, take pleasure in the sounds of words, poems that are propelled by puns. Yet even with this priority of sound and language, there are tender moments when the language does more than delight in itself, as though it has stumbled across lyric meaning accidentally.\" \u2014Jay Gamble, University of Lethbridge . With wit and cunning, Noble's poems insinuate themselves into the mediations of \"we use language\" / \"language uses us,\" into the objectification of \"mind,\" into the struggles and cracking of systems. Cuing on Hegel's epochal revitalization of the syllogism, they begin with sentences-cum-arguments that issue from an everyman's intentions and insights, playing into and baiting the \"sociality of reason.\" In the cut-up sentences then come the restless, accelerated themes\u2014themes that exist only in their variations, ghosting into one another like the dusk and the dawn in a winging, distended now."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Charles Noble"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120201"], ["title", "The Kindness Colder Than the Elements"], ["doab_id", "14468"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836249", "9781926836256", "9781926836645"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836249 9781926836256 9781926836645"]], [["description", "Turkey\u2019s northern edge is a region of contrasts and diversity. From the rugged peaks of the Pontic mountains and hidden inland valleys to the plains and rocky alcoves of the Black Sea coast, this landscape shaped and was shaped by its inhabitants\u2019 ways of life, their local cultural traditions, and the ebbs and flows of land-based and maritime networks of interaction. Between 2009 and 2011, an international team of specialists and students of the Cide Archaeological Project (CAP) investigated the challenging landscapes of the Cide and S?enpazar districts of Kastamonu province. CAP presents the first systematic archaeological survey of the western Turkish Black Sea region. The information gathered by the project extends its known human history by 10,000 years and offers an unprecedented insight into the region\u2019s shifting cultural, social and political ties with Anatolia and the Circumpontic. This volume presents the project\u2019s approach and methodologies, its results and their interpretation within period-specific contexts and through a long-term landscape perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "D\u00fcring, Bleda S. ; Glatz, Claudia"], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462641"], ["title", "Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project: Surveying the Turkish Western Black Sea Region"], ["doab_id", "17974"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110444964", "9783110444971", "9783110437324"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110444964, 9783110444971, 9783110437324"]], [["description", "This volume is dedicated to the Church Slavonic version of the Dioptra of Philippos Monotropos. It focuses on the transmission of the Slavonic text. Furthermore, a critical edition of the prefaces and the first book of the poem, together with a Greek parallel text, is given.

Der Band behandelt die kirchenslavische \u00dcbersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Im Zentrum steht die \u00dcberlieferungsgeschichte des slavischen Textes. Weiters wird eine kritische Edition der Vorworte und des ersten Buches, jeweils mit griechischem Paralleltext, geboten.\u0414\u0438\u043e\u043f\u0442\u0440\u0430 \u043e\u0431\u044a\u0435\u043c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0434\u0438\u0434\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u043f\u043e\u044d\u043c\u0430, \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u0438\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043c\u043e\u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u043c \u0424\u0438\u043b\u0438\u043f\u043f\u043e\u043c (\u043f\u043e\u0437\u0436\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043d \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0435\u043c Monotrop\u043es \u2212 \u00ab\u041f\u0443\u0441\u0442\u044b\u043d\u043d\u0438\u043a\u00bb) \u0432 1095 \u0433. \u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0449\u0430\u044f \u0438\u0437 \u043f\u044f\u0442\u0438 \u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433, \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u043b\u044f\u044e\u0442 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0441\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043d\u0438\u043a \u0442\u0435\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438x \u0438 \u0444\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0441\u043e\u0444\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0445 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0442\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438. \u0426\u0435\u0440\u043a\u043e\u0432\u043d\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u044f\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434 \u0431\u044b\u043b \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043d \u043e\u043a\u043e\u043b\u043e \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438\u043d\u044b \u0425IV \u0432. \u0432 \u043e\u0434\u043d\u043e\u043c \u0438\u0437 \u0446\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u0441\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0435\u0431\u043e\u043b\u0433\u0430\u0440\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u0438\u0441\u044c\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0437\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b\u0441\u044f \u0431\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u043e\u0439 \u043f\u043e\u043f\u0443\u043b\u044f\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c\u044e \u043f\u043e \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0439 \u00abSlavia orthodoxa\u00bb, \u043e \u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0431\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0435 200 \u0440\u0443\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0435\u0439. \u0411\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0430\u044f \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0449\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0442\u043e\u043c\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u0432\u0435\u0449\u0435\u043d\u0430 \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0438 \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0432\u044f\u043d\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0430 \u0438 \u0435\u0433\u043e \u0440\u0443\u043a\u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0438. \u041f\u043e\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u043a\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0441\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0438\u0439 \u0438 \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u043e\u0439 \u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0438 \u0441 \u0433\u0440\u0435\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043f\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u043c \u0442\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0438 \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0446\u043a\u0438\u043c \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043c."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miklas ,Heinz; Fuchsbauer ,J\u00fcrgen"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Dioptra, Slavonic translation, critical edition, transmission", "Dioptra, kirchenslavische \u00dcbersetzung, kritische Edition, \u00dcberlieferungsgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de", "el", "la", "en", "ru", "cu"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=460847"], ["title", "Die kirchenslavische \u00dcbersetzung der Dioptra des Philippos Monotropos. Bd. 1"], ["doab_id", "16797"], ["language_unmapped", "de^el^la^English^ru^cu"], ["isbns", ["9783902868794"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868794"]], [["description", "Nahezu alle (evangelischen) Gro\u00dfkirchen in Deutschland haben nach der Jahrtausendwende fl\u00e4chendeckend Mitarbeiter- oder Personalentwicklungsgespr\u00e4che eingef\u00fchrt. In der Hannoverschen Landeskirche wurde deren Einf\u00fchrung als \u201eJahresgespr\u00e4che\u201c besonders breit diskutiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese Diskussionen als Ausdruck eines ver\u00e4nderten Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisses der gesamten Leitungspraxis der evangelischen Kirchen und stellt sie in den Kontext der Debatten zur kirchlichen \u201eOrganisationsreform\u201c, die seit den 1990er Jahren die Praxis und Theorie der Kirche besch\u00e4ftigen. Anhand der Visitation wird ein Modell entwickelt, das kirchliches Leitungshandeln und die damit verbundenen Konflikte und Spannungsfelder in drei Grunddimensionen beschreibt und differenziert. In Anwendung auf die Jahresgespr\u00e4che werden damit Konfliktstrukturen und Problemfelder sichtbar gemacht. Auf diese Weise werden Personalentwicklung und Personalf\u00fchrung der Kirchen einer tiefergehenden praktisch-theologischen Reflexion unterzogen.

Nahezu alle (evangelischen) Gro\u00dfkirchen in Deutschland haben nach der Jahrtausendwende fl\u00e4chendeckend Mitarbeiter- oder Personalentwicklungsgespr\u00e4che eingef\u00fchrt. In der Hannoverschen Landeskirche wurde deren Einf\u00fchrung als \u201eJahresgespr\u00e4che\u201c besonders breit diskutiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese Diskussionen als Ausdruck eines ver\u00e4nderten Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisses der gesamten Leitungspraxis der evangelischen Kirchen und stellt sie in den Kontext der Debatten zur kirchlichen \u201eOrganisationsreform\u201c, die seit den 1990er Jahren die Praxis und Theorie der Kirche besch\u00e4ftigen. Anhand der Visitation wird ein Modell entwickelt, das kirchliches Leitungshandeln und die damit verbundenen Konflikte und Spannungsfelder in drei Grunddimensionen beschreibt und differenziert. In Anwendung auf die Jahresgespr\u00e4che werden damit Konfliktstrukturen und Problemfelder sichtbar gemacht. Auf diese Weise werden Personalentwicklung und Personalf\u00fchrung der Kirchen einer tiefergehenden praktisch-theologischen Reflexion unterzogen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ceconi, Christian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover", "rating of employees", "human resources development", "Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover", "rating of employees", "human resources development"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611630"], ["title", "Kirchliche Personalf\u00fchrung am Beispiel der Jahresgespr\u00e4che - Eine kirchentheoretische Reflexion"], ["doab_id", "19269"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951818"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951818"]], [["description", "Through poems that move between the two languages, McIlwraith explores the beauty of the intersection between n?hiyaw?win, the Plains Cree language, and English, "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McIlwraith , Naomi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Cree", "Poems", "Language"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en", "cr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120210"], ["title", "kiyam"], ["doab_id", "15068"], ["language_unmapped", "Englilsh ; Cree"], ["isbns", ["9781926836690", "9781926836706", "9781926836706"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836690 9781926836706 9781926836706"]], [["description", "The collection of essays considers the art journal Propyl\u00e4en that was edited by Goethe in the years between 1798 and 1800 for the first time as a whole. This enterprise, which was of great significance for the history of aesthetics, will be placed in a new light. The book situates the texts within their historical contexts, and thus provides a key resource for future research, for literary as well as art studies.

Die Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes besch\u00e4ftigen sich mit der von Goethe herausgegebenen Kunstzeitschrift Propyl\u00e4en. Erstmals werden die darin ver\u00f6ffentlichten Texte und Abbildungen aus interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung des inneren Zusammenhangs der Zeitschrift sowie der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Kontexte untersucht. Der Forschung soll so ein vertiefender Einblick in die spannungsreiche Beschaffenheit des klassizistischen Weimarer Kunstprogramms er\u00f6ffnet werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolf ,Norbert Christian; Ehrmann ,Daniel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Classicism, Goethe, around 1800, Aesthetics, Literary Theory and Literary History, Art Theory and Art History, Classical Archeology", "Klassizismus, Goethe, um 1800, \u00c4sthetik, Literaturtheorie und Literaturgeschichte, Kunsttheorie und Kunstgeschichte, Klassische Arch\u00e4ologie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=586250"], ["title", "Klassizismus in Aktion"], ["doab_id", "17730"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205200895"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205200895"]], [["description", "In der T\u00e4tigkeit jedes forschenden Arztes treffen der Schutz des einzelnen Patienten und das Interesse des Arztes aufeinander, Erkenntnisse aus der Behandlung f\u00fcr k\u00fcnftige Patienten zu gewinnen. Es besteht ein Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen dem Schutz des einzelnen Patienten und dem Forschungsinteresse. Bei Notfallpatienten muss die unverz\u00fcgliche Behandlung stets im Vordergrund stehen. Nur klinische Pr\u00fcfungen an Notfallpatienten k\u00f6nnen aber den medizinischen Fortschritt bei der Behandlung solcher Patienten erm\u00f6glichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit klinische Pr\u00fcfungen an Notfallpatienten zul\u00e4ssig sind. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der f\u00fcr diese Pr\u00fcfung zwingend notwendigen Abgrenzung zwischen individuellem Heilversuch, klinischen Pr\u00fcfungen und nichtinterventionellen Pr\u00fcfungen sowie zwischen eigenn\u00fctzigen und rein fremdn\u00fctzigen Studien. Die Darstellung der Zul\u00e4ssigkeitsvoraussetzungen eigenn\u00fctziger Studien an Notfallpatienten in allen Bereichen der Medizin erfolgt dabei anhand der jeweils einschl\u00e4gigen Normen des Arzneimittelgesetzes, des Medizinproduktegesetzes, der Strahlen- und R\u00f6ntgenschutzverordnung. Diese Normen werden auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem Grundgesetz und mit den ma\u00dfgeblichen europ\u00e4ischen Regelungen \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Schlie\u00dflich geht die vorliegende Arbeit noch auf die Frage ein, ob rein fremdn\u00fctzige Studien an Notfallpatienten mit geltendem Recht de lege lata vereinbar sind bzw. de lege ferenda vereinbar sein k\u00f6nnten.

In der T\u00e4tigkeit jedes forschenden Arztes treffen der Schutz des einzelnen Patienten und das Interesse des Arztes aufeinander, Erkenntnisse aus der Behandlung f\u00fcr k\u00fcnftige Patienten zu gewinnen. Es besteht ein Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen dem Schutz des einzelnen Patienten und dem Forschungsinteresse. Bei Notfallpatienten muss die unverz\u00fcgliche Behandlung stets im Vordergrund stehen. Nur klinische Pr\u00fcfungen an Notfallpatienten k\u00f6nnen aber den medizinischen Fortschritt bei der Behandlung solcher Patienten erm\u00f6glichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, inwieweit klinische Pr\u00fcfungen an Notfallpatienten zul\u00e4ssig sind. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der f\u00fcr diese Pr\u00fcfung zwingend notwendigen Abgrenzung zwischen individuellem Heilversuch, klinischen Pr\u00fcfungen und nichtinterventionellen Pr\u00fcfungen sowie zwischen eigenn\u00fctzigen und rein fremdn\u00fctzigen Studien. Die Darstellung der Zul\u00e4ssigkeitsvoraussetzungen eigenn\u00fctziger Studien an Notfallpatienten in allen Bereichen der Medizin erfolgt dabei anhand der jeweils einschl\u00e4gigen Normen des Arzneimittelgesetzes, des Medizinproduktegesetzes, der Strahlen- und R\u00f6ntgenschutzverordnung. Diese Normen werden auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem Grundgesetz und mit den ma\u00dfgeblichen europ\u00e4ischen Regelungen \u00fcberpr\u00fcft. Schlie\u00dflich geht die vorliegende Arbeit noch auf die Frage ein, ob rein fremdn\u00fctzige Studien an Notfallpatienten mit geltendem Recht de lege lata vereinbar sind bzw. de lege ferenda vereinbar sein k\u00f6nnten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wehage, Caterina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Selfish studies", "Standardize", "Conformity with the Basic Law", "Selfish studies", "Standardize", "Conformity with the Basic Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610368"], ["title", "Klinische Pr\u00fcfungen an Notfallpatienten"], ["doab_id", "16540"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951771"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951771"]], [["description", "The clinical trial on medicinal products stands in the area of conflict between important scientific progress in favour of future patients on the one hand and the necessary protection of human subjects on the other hand. This conflict grows more acute when vulnerable persons \u2013 like pregnant women \u2013 are included in medical research. Whereas there are specific regulations for minors or incapacitated persons in the German Medicinal Products Act, legal regulations for the inclusion of pregnant women are missing. Based on this uncertain legal situation solutions are developed, which will show a way out of the dilemma. Insofar as the applicable law does not provide a handle for this problem, a need for reform is shown.

Die klinische Pr\u00fcfung von Arzneimitteln steht im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem wichtigen wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt zugunsten k\u00fcnftiger Patienten auf der einen und dem notwendigen Schutz der Probanden auf der anderen Seite. Dieses Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis spitzt sich zu, wenn vulnerable Personen \u2013 wie schwangere Frauen \u2013 in die klinische Erprobung von Arzneimitteln einbezogen werden. W\u00e4hrend das AMG f\u00fcr Minderj\u00e4hrige oder andere einwilligungsunf\u00e4hige Personen besondere Regelungen zur Teilnahme an klinischen Pr\u00fcfungen vorsieht, fehlen gesetzliche Vorgaben zur Einbeziehung von Schwangeren. Ausgehend von dieser unsicheren Rechtslage werden L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze entwickelt, die einen Ausweg aus dem Dilemma weisen. Soweit das geltende Recht hierf\u00fcr keine Handhabe bietet, wird der Reformbedarf aufgezeigt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Knop, Sonja"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["pregnancy", "clinical trials", "pharmaceuticals", "pregnancy", "clinical trials", "pharmaceuticals"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610394"], ["title", "Klinische Pr\u00fcfungen mit Arzneimitteln in der Schwangerschaft"], ["doab_id", "19198"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952334"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952334"]], [["description", "Can we communicate the incommunicable? Language is general, but the \u201cdepths of the soul\u201d are unique, and only the experience lived in silence is authentic. Would it be possible to find a language that would appear to say something but that would communicate nothing but the incommunicable? The present volume analyses how, by developing the simulacrum of a language or \u201cpure media\u201d, Klossowski managed to move beyond the prevarications of Gide, so hesitant to speak or remain silent about his \u201cUranianism\u201d, and the wrath of Bataille or Sade, equating destruction and purity, to finally arrive at the Nietzschean innocence that creates gods.

Tenter de communiquer l\u2019incommunicable, c\u2019est se frotter \u00e0 un paradoxe. Car si le langage est g\u00e9n\u00e9ral, le \u00ab fond de l\u2019\u00e2me \u00bb est singulier, et seule est authentique l\u2019exp\u00e9rience v\u00e9cue dans le silence. Vouloir la dire, c\u2019est se livrer au code des signes quotidiens ; quant \u00e0 la taire, comme disait Sartre, \u00ab ce n\u2019est pas \u00eatre muet, c\u2019est refuser de parler, donc parler encore \u00bb. Si l\u2019on ne sort pas du langage, ne pourrait-on en faire un usage diff\u00e9rent, souverain, non assujetti aux normes de l\u2019\u00e9change \u2013 trouver un langage qui ferait semblant de dire quelque chose mais qui ne communiquerait rien que de l\u2019incommunicable ? Fond\u00e9 sur de nombreux documents in\u00e9dits, le pr\u00e9sent ouvrage analyse comment, par l\u2019\u00e9laboration d\u2019un simulacre de langage ou \u00ab pur m\u00e9dia \u00bb, Klossowski parvient \u00e0 d\u00e9passer les tergiversations de Gide, h\u00e9sitant \u00e0 dire ou \u00e0 taire son uranisme, les fureurs de Bataille ou Sade, assimilant destruction et puret\u00e9, pour retrouver enfin l\u2019innocence nietzsch\u00e9enne cr\u00e9atrice de dieux."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waelti ,Slaven"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["autobiography", "communication", "community", "complicity", "madness", "depth of the soul", "homosexuality", "personal identity", "simulacrum", "translation", "autobiographie", "communication", "communaut\u00e9", "complicit\u00e9", "folie", "fond de l'\u00e2me", "homosexualit\u00e9", "identit\u00e9 personnelle", "simulacre", "traduction"]], ["publisher", "Librairie Droz"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579651"], ["title", "Klossowski, l\u2019incommunicable"], ["doab_id", "17722"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782600018876"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782600018876"]], [["description", "Over the past several years scholars, activists, and analysts have begun to examine the growing divide between the wealthy and the rest of us, suggesting that the divide can be traced to the neoliberal turn. \u201cI\u2019m not a business man; I\u2019m a business, man.\u201d Perhaps no better statement gets at the heart of this turn. Increasingly we\u2019re being forced to think of ourselves in entrepreneurial terms, forced to take more and more responsibility for developing our \u201chuman capital.\u201d Furthermore a range of institutions from churches to schools to entire cities have been remade, restructured to in order to perform like businesses. Finally, even political concepts like freedom, and democracy have been significantly altered. As a result we face higher levels of inequality than any other time over the last century.In Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics, Lester K. Spence writes the first book length effort to chart the effects of this transformation on African American communities, in an attempt to revitalize the black political imagination. Rather than asking black men and women to \u201chustle harder\u201d Spence criticizes the act of hustling itself as a tactic used to demobilize and disempower the communities most in need of empowerment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lester K. Spence"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbr0tyvi5rnybqh/Spence_Knocking_the_Hustle_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics"], ["doab_id", "19601"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692540794"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692540794"]], [["description", "Language is a human universal reflecting our deeply social nature. Among its essential functions, language enables us to quickly and efficiently share information. We tell each other that many things are true\u2014that is, we routinely make assertions. Information shared this way plays a critical role in the decisions and plans we make. In Knowledge and the Norm of Assertion, a distinguished philosopher and cognitive scientist investigates the rules or norms that structure our social practice of assertion. Combining evidence from philosophy, psychology, and biology, John Turri shows that knowledge is the central norm of assertion and explains why knowledge plays this role.Concise, comprehensive, non-technical, and thoroughly accessible, this volume quickly brings readers to the cutting edge of a major research program at the intersection of philosophy and science. It presupposes no philosophical or scientific training. It will be of interest to philosophers and scientists, is suitable for use in graduate and undergraduate courses, and will appeal to general readers interested in human nature, social cognition, and communication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Turri, John (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Language, knowledge, assertion, philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, biology"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/397"], ["title", "Knowledge and the Norm of Assertion: An Essay in Philosophical Science"], ["doab_id", "18978"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741830", "9781783741854"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741830 / 9781783741854"]], [["description", "The search for answers to the issue of global sustainability has become increasingly urgent. In the context of higher education, many universities and academics are seeking new insights that can shift our dependence on ways of living that rely on the exploitation of so many and the degradation of so much of our planet.This is the vision that drives SANORD and many of the researchers and institutions within its network. Although much of the research is on a relatively small scale, the vision is steadily gaining momentum, forging dynamic collaborations and pathways to new knowledge.The contributors to this book cover a variety of subject areas and offer fresh insights about chronically under-researched parts of the world. Others document and critically reflect on innovative approaches to cross-continental teaching and research collaborations. This book will be of interest to anyone involved in the transformation of higher education or the practicalities of cross-continental and cross-disciplinary academic collaboration.The Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) is a network of higher education institutions from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Universities in the southern African and Nordic regions that are not yet members are encouraged to join."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tor Halvorsen; Hilde Ibsen; Vyvienne RP M\u2019kumbuzi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "African Minds"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Knowledge_for_a_Sustainable_World-WEB.pdf"], ["title", "Knowledge for a Sustainable World"], ["doab_id", "17935"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781928331049"]], ["provider", "www.africanminds.co.za"], ["isbns_raw", "9781928331049"]], [["description", "A voice on late night radio tells you that a fast food joint injects its food with drugs that make men impotent. A colleague asks if you think the FBI was in on 9/11. An alien abductee on the Internet claims extra-terrestrials have planted a microchip in her left buttock. 'Julia Roberts in Porn Scandal' shouts the front page of a gossip mag. A spiritual healer claims he can cure chronic fatigue syndrome with the energizing power of crystals . . . What do you believe? Knowledge Goes Pop examines the popular knowledges that saturate our everyday experience. We make this information and then it shapes the way we see the world. How valid is it when compared to official knowledge and why does such (mis)information cause so much institutional anxiety? Knowledge Goes Pop examines the range of knowledge, from conspiracy theory to plain gossip, and its role and impact in our culture.What do you believe? This title examines the popular knowledges that

saturate our everyday experience. How valid is it when compared to

official knowledge and why does such (mis)information cause so much

institutional anxiety? It examines the range of knowledge, from

conspiracy theory to plain gossip, and its role and impact in our

culture.Clare Birchall is Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Birchall ,Clare"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Cultural Studies", "Sociology", "Culturele studies", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=390769"], ["title", "Knowledge Goes Pop : From Conspiracy Theory to Gossip"], ["doab_id", "12556"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847883162"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847883162"]], [["description", "This volume brings together excellent scholarship and innovative policy discussion to demonstrate the essential role of higher education in the development of Africa and of the world at large. Based on deep knowledge of the university system in several African countries, this book will reshape the debate on development in the global information economy for years to come. It should be mandatory reading for academics, policy-makers and concerned citizens, in Africa and elsewhere.\u201d\u2013 Manuel Castells, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley, Laureate of the Holberg Prize 2012 and of the Balzan Prize 2013"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nico Cloete; Peter Maassen; Tracy Bailey"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["higher education, Africa, knowledge, research, university"]], ["publisher", "African Minds"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/9781920677855_txt1.pdf"], ["title", "Knowledge Production and Contradictory Functions in African Higher Education"], ["doab_id", "16859"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781920677855"]], ["provider", "www.africanminds.co.za"], ["isbns_raw", "9781920677855"]], [["description", "Knowledge, Spirit, Law is a de facto phenomenology of scholarship in the age of neoliberal capitalism. The eleven essays (plus Appendices) in Book 1: Radical Scholarship cover topics and circle themes related to the problems and crises specific to neoliberal academia, while proposing creative paths around the various obstructions. The obstructions include metrics-obsessed academia, circular and incestuous peer review, digitalization of research as stalking horse for text- and data-mining, and violation by global corporate fiat of Intellectual Property and the Moral Rights of Authors. These issues, while addressed obliquely in the main text, definitively inform the various proscriptive aspects of the essays and, via the Introduction and Appendices, underscore the necessity of developing new-old means to no obvious end in the production of knowledge \u2014 that is to say, a return to forms of non-instrumentalized intellectual inquiry. To be developed in two concurrent volumes, Knowledge, Spirit, Law will serve as a \u201cmoving and/or shifting anthology\u201d of new forms of expression in humanistic studies. Book 2: The Anti-Capitalist Sublime will be published in Autumn 2016."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gavin Keeney"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iknbogpcthosgs/Keeney_Knowledge_Spirit_Law_Bk1_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Knowledge, Spirit, Law // Book 1: Radical Scholarship"], ["doab_id", "19600"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692558447"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692558447"]], [["description", "The German Copyright Law grants an absolute right to authors, i.e., any use of protected works requires the author's prior consent. This concept is known as opt-in. In this doctoral thesis the author examines five models which turn this concept upside down as they provide for the permission for certain beneficiaries to use protected works without the author's prior consent until the author objects to such use. This concept is known as opt-out. Also, the examined models contain elements of collectivization and, in particular, involve collecting societies. The author examines and compares these models and answers the question whether the underlying opt-out concept together with collectivization may be generalized so that it could replace opt-in.

Das Urheberrecht ist als absolutes Ausschlie\u00dflichkeitsrecht ausgestaltet, d. h. f\u00fcr jede rechtm\u00e4\u00dfige Nutzung durch Dritte ist die Zustimmung des Urhebers notwendig. Daf\u00fcr hat sich im Urheberrecht der Begriff Opt-In etabliert. Der Autor vergleicht vier Regelungsmodelle, die dieses Grundkonzept auf den Kopf stellen und es Beg\u00fcnstigten erlauben, urheberrechtlich gesch\u00fctzte Werke ohne vorherige Zustimmung zu nutzen, solange der Rechtsinhaber dieser Nutzung nicht widerspricht. Derartige Konzepte werden als Opt-Out-Modelle bezeichnet. Zugleich binden die Modelle Elemente der kollektiven Verwertung und insbesondere Verwertungsgesellschaften ein. Der Autor untersucht diese Modelle umfassend und vergleicht sie. Schlie\u00dflich beantwortet der Autor die Frage, ob die verschiedenen Modelle verallgemeinerungsf\u00e4hig sind, sodass Opt-In zugunsten Opt-Out verdr\u00e4ngt werden k\u00f6nnte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hohlefelder, Olaf"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["opt-out", "copyright", "intellectual property rights", "industrial property rights", "opt-out", "copyright", "intellectual property rights", "industrial property rights"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610397"], ["title", "Kollektivierung und Opt-Out - Die neue Grundnorm des Urheberrechts? - Modelle im Vergleich: Google Books Settlement, \u00a71371 UrhG, Richtlinie Orphan Works und die Wahrnehmungsbefugnis der VG Wort"], ["doab_id", "19201"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952235"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952235"]], [["description", "Kommunikation \u00fcber kulturelle Grenzen hinweg ist das ideologisch-politische Programm des indischen Staates seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung (\u201eUnity in Diversity\u201c), jedoch hat die \u00d6ffnung der indischen \u00d6konomie und M\u00e4rkte vor anderthalb Jahrzehnten zu einer Konfrontation der indischen Gesellschaft mit anderen Gesellschaften und Kulturen gef\u00fchrt wie nie zuvor. Die technischen Errungenschaften der neuen Medien haben zudem die Kommunikation erheblich erleichtert. Die Fremdsprachen-Abteilungen der Universit\u00e4ten im Lande haben infolgedessen eine qualitative Verschiebung in ihrer Zielsetzung erlebt: nicht nur das Verst\u00e4ndnis von gedruckten Texten in Fremdsprachen ist heute von Relevanz sondern zunehmend auch die Gesellschaften und Kulturen, in denen diese Sprachen gesprochen werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund organisierte die German Section of the Department of Foreign Languages, University of Pune, eine internationale interdisziplin\u00e4re Konferenz in Pune (7.-9. Januar 2008), bei der verschiedene praktische sowie theoretische Ans\u00e4tze vorgestellt wurden, die den Prozess und die Mechanismen der interkulturellen Verst\u00e4ndigung analysieren.Diese Publikation ist eine Sammlung von Beitr\u00e4gen, die im Rahmen dieser Konferenz entstanden sind; sie stellen gegenw\u00e4rtige theoretische Positionen, Forschungsmethoden sowie die Praxis der interkulturellen Kommunikation vor.

Kommunikation \u00fcber kulturelle Grenzen hinweg ist das ideologisch-politische Programm des indischen Staates seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung (\u201eUnity in Diversity\u201c), jedoch hat die \u00d6ffnung der indischen \u00d6konomie und M\u00e4rkte vor anderthalb Jahrzehnten zu einer Konfrontation der indischen Gesellschaft mit anderen Gesellschaften und Kulturen gef\u00fchrt wie nie zuvor. Die technischen Errungenschaften der neuen Medien haben zudem die Kommunikation erheblich erleichtert. Die Fremdsprachen-Abteilungen der Universit\u00e4ten im Lande haben infolgedessen eine qualitative Verschiebung in ihrer Zielsetzung erlebt: nicht nur das Verst\u00e4ndnis von gedruckten Texten in Fremdsprachen ist heute von Relevanz sondern zunehmend auch die Gesellschaften und Kulturen, in denen diese Sprachen gesprochen werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund organisierte die German Section of the Department of Foreign Languages, University of Pune, eine internationale interdisziplin\u00e4re Konferenz in Pune (7.-9. Januar 2008), bei der verschiedene praktische sowie theoretische Ans\u00e4tze vorgestellt wurden, die den Prozess und die Mechanismen der interkulturellen Verst\u00e4ndigung analysieren.Diese Publikation ist eine Sammlung von Beitr\u00e4gen, die im Rahmen dieser Konferenz entstanden sind; sie stellen gegenw\u00e4rtige theoretische Positionen, Forschungsmethoden sowie die Praxis der interkulturellen Kommunikation vor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Gupte, Niteen; Stilz, Gerhard"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["communication", "language", "India", "communication", "language", "India"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610270"], ["title", "Kommunikation \u00fcber Grenzen - Aktuelle Ans\u00e4tze zur interkulturellen Verst\u00e4ndigung"], ["doab_id", "13352"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875692"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875692"]], [["description", "The ancient city of Rome can be understood as an ensemble of monuments, as aspace of actionfor its inhabitants, as a literary construction. Communication took place in it, about it and through it; that is by means of furnishing it with a conscious programme of buildings and works of art. From the perspective of various classical disciplines, the papers in this volume analyse the relationships between these three forms of communication about the city of Rome from the beginning of the Principate to Late Antiquity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mundt, Felix"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Rome, Forum Romanum, Imperial Fora, Ovid"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/177433"], ["title", "Kommunikationsr\u00e4ume im kaiserzeitlichen Rom"], ["doab_id", "18053"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110266429", "9783110265934"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266429, 9783110265934"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verheijen ,J.A."], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613327"], ["title", "Komodo"], ["doab_id", "18482"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024761807", "9789004287273"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761807 9789004287273"]], [["description", "The present study aims at disclosing a methodological prejudice which has misled factor analysis since its beginning. Simple structure, the guiding principle for factor rotation (Thurstone, 1935/1947), is regarded as a questionable dogma. The Thurstone principle impedes the discovery of latent sources of variance on which manifest empirical variables are based. This criticism is elucidated by theoretical considerations and by verbatim quotations of critical authors. The present calamity of factorial research is deemed to be due to general flaws of methodical reasoning. One-sided mathematical formalization in the discipline has lost its objectives by ignoring ordinary sources of knowledge and linguistic processing. The problem of simple structure cannot be solved by circumplex- and structural equation procedures which suffer from the same flaws as simple structure modelling. A paradigm change is overdue. An alternative factor transformation modeling complex structures is demanded, it will be delineated in chapter 2. This chapter is a sequel of chapter 1 (Ertel, 2009) in which varimax, the procedure of factor rotation commonly used to generate simple structure, is replaced with varimin. Varimin aims at manifesting interacting aspects of latent structural components. The model of complexity which is outlined by initial factor extractions is optimized. The new method raises a number of issues of which five are discussed at length. Are varimin factors interpretable Can latent sources of covariance, being complex already by initial solutions, be rendered more complex? Have simple structure solutions in common practice not been tolerable, to say the least? Varimin factor loadings are often bipolar. How to interpret the bipolarity of varimin factors? Does varimin reveal contributions of variance originating from methodical sources? Ten empirical applications of varimin transformation serve as examples. Particular features of transformation to complex structure, revealing latent sources of covariance (by varimin), are compared with pertinent results obtained from transformations to simple structure (by varimax). Varimax will remain useful merely for clustering objectives. Attention is also drawn to limitations of the methodical innovation. Eighteen matrices with intercorrelations of eight subtest variables of the intelligence test I-S-T, widely used in Germany, were subjected to principal component analysis, the resulting factors were rotated by varimin towards optimal complex structure. The 18 varimin solutions were aggregated, two factors resulted: Varimin-F1 represented a general factor g (\u2018general or basic intelligence\u2019), varimin-F2 represented an achievement-modifying factor, obviously dependent on preceding educational training and learning (\u2018learning assets\u2019, l). The validity of varimin-F1, general intelligence, was ascertained by high correlations between g and test scores of general intelligence, operationalized by culture-free tests CFT und FRT. The interpretation of varimin-F2 found support by significant correlations with learning-dependent school grades and scores in orthography and arithmetic. The 18 PCA-factors were also transformed by varimax to simple structure. This transformation caused a splitting up of initial g into two seemingly separate factors, called \u2018fluid\u2019 and \u2018crystallized\u2019 intelligence by convention. In addition, differences between varimax F1 (fluid) and F2 (crystallized) regarding correlations with external criteria (general intelligence vs. school grades, training scores in orthography and arithmetic) which should have emerged were missing. The aggregate of varimax results yielded an unexpected third factor with considerable weight which, however, turned out to be an artifact of simple structure. Apparently, simple structure modelling of intelligence test data blends general intelligence with learning effects. Rotation of intelligence data to simple structure does not reveal, as it should, independent contributions of latent functional components. The results of a factorial study are reported using sports data whose underlying sources of variance are more transparent than those of invisible mental data: decathlon record scores. The aim was to compare varimin and varimax results regarding factorial stability and interpretability. It is shown that varimin factors revealed latent sources of variance in interaction, while varimax factors yielded obscure clusters of those sources of variance. In addition, factor structures obtained by varimin rotation were more robust to changing data sources than those obtained by varimax rotation. The new methodical turn might revive exploratory factorial research which, due to questionable results of the past, has lost reputation.

Ein fataler Fehler der konventionellen Psychometrie wird in dieser Monographie aufgedeckt. Das Prinzip der Einfachstruktur, an dem sich seit den Anf\u00e4ngen der Faktorenanalyse alle Varianten der Rotation extrahierter Faktoren ausgerichtet haben, geht an der empirischen Realit\u00e4t vorbei. Das \u201eSimple Structure\u201c-Prinzip zwingt die Variablen einer multivariaten Untersuchung in ein monokausales Korsett und hindert sie daran, die tats\u00e4chlich vorliegende Komplexit\u00e4t latenter Komponenten zu entfalten. Dies ist der Grund, warum faktorenanalytische Ergebnisse durchweg theoretisch fruchtlos blieben und eher Unbehagen als Zufriedenheit mit sich brachten. Mit den sp\u00e4ter entwickelten konfirmatorischen Verfahren, die am realit\u00e4tsfremden Ideal der Einfachstruktur festhielten, wurde keine Wende erzielt. Eine Wende aber stellt sich ein, sobald man sich dazu entschlie\u00dft, bei der Rotation von Faktoren das scheinbar unverzichtbare Prinzip der Einfachstruktur aufzugeben und mehrfaktorielle Komplexit\u00e4t der Variablen unbeschr\u00e4nkt zuzulassen. Dazu dient in der statistischen Praxis das vom Verfasser entwickelte Rotationsverfahren Varimin. Die Ergebnisse von Varimin-Analysen, die in diesem Buch beschrieben werden, \u00fcbertreffen die Ergebnisse von Einfachstruktur-Analysen (Varimax) an Deutbarkeit, Stabilit\u00e4t, und - scheinbar paradoxerweise \u2013 sogar auch an Einfachheit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ertel, Suitbert"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Epidemiology and medical statistics", "Research methods: general", "Psychology", "Psychological theory and schools of thought", "Epidemiology and medical statistics", "Research methods: general", "Psychology", "Psychological theory and schools of thought"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610320"], ["title", "Komplexit\u00e4t modellieren - Faktorenanalyse am Scheideweg"], ["doab_id", "13371"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950132"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950132"]], [["description", "The book \"Communicating Culture: Institutions, Strategies, Audiences\" is an outcome of the research project \u201cThe Development of Communicative Competence of Cultural Institutions in the Context of Knowledge and Creative Society\u201d conducted between 2012 and 2015 by researchers of Vytautas Magnus University. The data were collected from cultural organisations, project participants, in Kaunas, \u0160iauliai and Klaip\u0117da between 2008 and 2013. The project had encompassed theoretical studies and their critical development, case studies and qualitative and qualitative data analysis. Central in the project was estimating to what extent the organisations were perceptive to the influences of creative and cultural industries (CCI) communication processes. The monograph aims to discuss processes, concepts, ideas and reasons why the above-mentioned traditional Lithuanian cultural institutions only partly implement CCI experiences and competences. A related goal is to consider how the efficacy of such institutions can be increased by adopting best practices pulled from CCI experiences in Lithuania and abroad and by implementing possibilities provided by new media.In the book, the essays revolve around the objective to show theoretical links between communicative action and CCI and to reveal their incongruities and points of tension. This is discussed in view of the data obtained within the framework of the above-mentioned research project. The data serve as a background for critical assessment of the dynamics of communicative competences in the researched cultural institutions over the past five years. The latter aspect is an integral part of the objective to discuss the relationship between communicative action, communicative reason and communicative space in regards to modern CCI developments. In this connection, the book also discusses contradictions arising in the formation of the creative class and examines how these contradictions stand in relation to organisational communication. Another objective of research presented in the book is to analyse and to compare communication among cultural institutions and structures related with these institutions. In particular, applied meanings and signs employed in communication are analysed from political and institutional perspectives. To this end, the study provides analysis and critical assessment of the specificity of communication in CCI organisations; probes into its functions and forms; looks at the existing and the necessary competences from the communicative point of view; describes and polemicises whether virtual space and new media are effectively used in communicative practices of cultural institutions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Citvarien\u0117, Daiva; \u010ci\u017eait\u0117-Rudokien\u0117, Silvija; Dik\u0161ait\u0117, Rimgail\u0117; Dovydaityt\u0117, Linara; Jurait\u0117, Kristina; Klimavi\u010di\u016bt\u0117-Mink\u0161timien\u0117, Greta; Klivis, Edgaras; Ma\u017eeikis, Gintautas; Migonyt\u0117, Vilt\u0117; Pinigien\u0117, Agn\u0117; Pukelyt\u0117, Ina; Stani\u0161kyt\u0117, Jurgita; Sto\u0161kut\u0117, Neringa; Tutlyt\u0117, J\u016brat\u0117"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cultural communication", " Creative class", " Creative and cultural industries", " Communicative action"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["lt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/1995/ISBN9786094671715.pdf"], ["title", "Komunikuoti kult\u016br\u0105 : institucijos, strategijos, auditorijos"], ["doab_id", "19080"], ["language_unmapped", "Lithuanian"], ["isbns", ["9786094671715"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094671715"]], [["description", "The kings of the III. Dynasty of Ur (2112-2004 BC) were always married with several women at a time, of which only one woman took the position of a queen. Among the large number of economic documents of that period, which give a detailed insight into the state economy and administration, more than 1,000 articles relating to transactions of the royal consorts can be assigned. All women of the rulers of Ur were active in business and administration, they were involved in the cult on several occasions and involved in the complex structures of court life. This work investigates in the sources in which functions and activities the royal women were involved and by which degree the posts of a Queen of Ur were different from that of a concubine. In four discurses the situation of the royal women of the Ur III period is compared with the women of the ruling houses in Ebla and the Early Dynastic Akkade (Akkadezeit).

The kings of the III. Dynasty of Ur (2112-2004 BC) were always married with several women at a time, of which only one woman took the position of a queen. Among the large number of economic documents of that period, which give a detailed insight into the state economy and administration, more than 1,000 articles relating to transactions of the royal consorts can be assigned. All women of the rulers of Ur were active in business and administration, they were involved in the cult on several occasions and involved in the complex structures of court life. This work investigates in the sources in which functions and activities the royal women were involved and by which degree the posts of a Queen of Ur were different from that of a concubine. In four discurses the situation of the royal women of the Ur III period is compared with the women of the ruling houses in Ebla and the Early Dynastic Akkade (Akkadezeit)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weiersh\u00e4user, Frauke"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Ancient Orient", "Sumerians", "Mesopotami", "Ancient Orient", "Sumerians", "Mesopotami"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610351"], ["title", "Die k\u00f6niglichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur"], ["doab_id", "13237"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344106"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344106"]], [["description", "An overview of the academic courses of study and vocational trainings offered in the conservation and restoration of objects of decorative arts and metal in German-speaking countries points to a lack of continuity and identity. This is due to the fact that this field is a relatively young one and many universities have only offered degree courses since the 1990s. In Austria there are two Universities, the \"Akademie der bildenden K\u00fcnste\" and the \"Universit\u00e4t f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst\". Both are located in Vienna and have a old-established academic experience. The long tradition particular to the field of restoration of objects of decorative arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna is exceptionally. Early conservation and preservation research and restoration work started in the late 19th century. This is a distinctive feature, as other institutions with a similarly long history put their focus on the restoration of paintings and painting technique research instead. The \"Kunstgewerbemuseum\", todays Museum of Applied Arts Vienna, was founded 1863. In 1868 the school called \"Kunstgewerbeschule\" was attached. It is famous for its leading design-position during art nouveau an developed into todays University of Applied Arts Vienna. Both stood in close contact with the \"K.K. Centralcommission\". This historic preservation agency, established in 1850, concentrated in the preservation of monuments and historic buildings of the large Habsburg Empire. During the 19th century new emerging ideas of conservation where well known at \"Kunstgewerbeschule\" and \"Kunstgewerbemuseum\".Teaching staff at the school made in their annual reports notes of early restoration. But they did it as an additional business and therefore more detailed information is not given. Women in the studios for enamelwork (Adele von Stark) and the studio for textile work (Rosalia Rothansl) were about 1900 pioneers in field of object conservation. The first official class for conservation existed 1902 - 1910, named \"Atelier f\u00fcr Kunstweberei und Restaurierung\". A lot of information about the astonishing mordern ethics and methods in Conservation at that time can be extracted from two conferences that took place in Vienna: The First Arthistorical Congress in 1873 and the Enquete about Conservation of Art in 1904. Curators of the Museum of applied Arts and to a certain extent teaching staff of the \"Kunstgewerbeschule\" were involved with organisation and speeches.A new era for the conservation at University of Applied Arts Vienna started after World War Two. Otto Nedbal, a conservator experienced in metal crafts, was appointed at the university. He at first assumed the existing class for enamelwork. In 1964 he founded a new master class for restoration of metals and objects of enamel. But the content of teaching and the requirements for diploma thesis changed significant during the following forty years and this class evolved into today's Institute for Conservation and Restoration. The specialization of painting conservation was established by Nedbals successor Hubert Dietrich in 1980. In the course of a reorganization of the university in 2000 and the appointment of Gabriela Krist as head of the new conservation department, the new specializations of conservation of stone and textile were arranged.

Eine Auswertung des aktuellen Studien- und Ausbildungsangebots der Konservierung und Restaurierung von kunsthandwerklichen Objekten und Metall im deutschsprachigen Raum zeigt, dass es an Kontinuit\u00e4t und Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis mangelt. Grund daf\u00fcr ist, dass es sich bei der Konservierungswissenschaft und Restaurierung um eine vergleichsweise junge akademische Disziplin handelt und zahlreiche Hochschulen erst in den 1990er Jahren begannen, entsprechende Curricula f\u00fcr diesen Fachbereich zu erstellen. \u00d6sterreich verf\u00fcgt \u00fcber zwei Hochschulen, die Akademie der bildenden K\u00fcnste und die Universit\u00e4t f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst, welche ein Konservierungs- und Restaurierungsstudium anbieten. Beide besitzen eine ungew\u00f6hnlich lange Tradition in der Ausbildung akademischer Restauratoren. An der Vorl\u00e4uferinstitution der Universit\u00e4t f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst, der Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, l\u00e4sst sich die konservatorische und denkmalpflegerische T\u00e4tigkeit an Objekten des Kunstgewerbes bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts festmachen. Bei Institutionen mit \u00e4hnlich langer Geschichte standen dagegen die Gem\u00e4lderestaurierung und Maltechnikforschung im Fokus. Das Wiener Kunstgewerbemuseum, das heutige Museum f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst, wurde 1863 gegr\u00fcndet. 1868 erfolgte die Angliederung der f\u00fcr ihre f\u00fchrende Position im Design des Jungendstils ber\u00fchmte Kunstgewerbeschule. Beide Einrichtungen kooperierten mit der \"K.K. Centralcommission\", der 1850 gegr\u00fcndeten Vorl\u00e4uferinstitution des heutigen Bundesdenkmalamtes. Einige Professoren der Kunstgewerbeschule vermerkten in ihren Jahresberichten Restaurierungen, die aber nur neben der kreativen T\u00e4tigkeit ausgef\u00fchrt worden waren. Daher gibt es keine genaueren Angaben zu den behandelten Objekten und Ma\u00dfnahmen. Durch diese Quellen wird aber ersichtlich, dass gerade die Werkst\u00e4ttenleiterinnen in den Ateliers f\u00fcr Email- und Textilarbeiten (Adele von Stark und Rosalia Rothansl) zur Jahrhundertwende Pioniere der Objektrestaurierung waren. Die erste offizielle Restaurierungsklasse, das \"Atelier f\u00fcr Kunstweberei und Restaurierung\", bestand von 1902-1910. Informationen und Einblicke in die erstaunlich zeitgem\u00e4\u00dfe Methodik und Ethik der Konservierungswissenschaft gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts geben zwei Wiener Kongresse (Erster Kunstwissenschaftlicher Kongress, 1873 und Enquete zur Konservierung von Kunstgegenst\u00e4nden, 1904), an welchen Kuratoren des Kunstgewerbemuseums mitgewirkt haben.Eine neue \u00c4ra f\u00fcr die Konservierungswissenschaft und Restaurierung an der Universit\u00e4t f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst begann nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Otto Nedbal, ein erfahrener Metallrestaurator, wurde an die Hochschule berufen und \u00fcbernahm zun\u00e4chst die bestehende Emailklasse. 1964 gr\u00fcndete er die erste Meisterklasse f\u00fcr die Restaurierung von Metall- und Emailarbeiten. Die Lehrinhalte und die Diplomanforderungen waren in den kommenden 40 Jahren kontinuierlicher Entwicklung ausgesetzt. 1980 wurde durch Nedbals Nachfolger Hubert Dietrich die Fachrichtung Gem\u00e4lderestaurierung als zus\u00e4tzlicher Studienschwerpunkt an der Angewandten eingef\u00fchrt. Die Fachbereiche Stein- und Textilrestaurierung konnten unter der neuen Leitung von Gabriela Krist im Zuge der Umstrukturierung der Universit\u00e4t im Jahr 2000 weiters etabliert werden, so dass die Angewandte heute \u00fcber vier Fachbereiche der Konservierung- und Restaurierung verf\u00fcgt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Krack ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["conservation and restoration of metals, University of Applied Arts Vienna, history of conservation and restoration, object conservation and restoration"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437228"], ["title", "Konservierungswissenschaft schreibt Geschichte"], ["doab_id", "15349"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788591"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788591"]], [["description", "Kann Eigentum an Kultur sinnvoll sein? Das Interesse, Cultural Property dem Markt zuzuf\u00fchren oder dies zu verhindern und hierdurch kollektiven oder individuellen, ideologischen oder \u00f6konomischen Gewinn zu schaffen, gestaltet sich unter den stark divergierenden Bedingungen, die Akteure in einer postkolonialen, sp\u00e4tmodernen Welt vorfinden. Die interdisziplin\u00e4re DFG-Forschergruppe zur Konstituierung von Cultural Property beleuchtet diese seit einigen Jahren in der \u00d6ffentlichkeit mit wachsender Brisanz verhandelte Frage. Die Forschergruppe fragt nach der Konstituierung von Cultural Property im Spannungsfeld von kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen, juristischen und hiermit auch gesellschaftspolitischen Diskursen. Dies bedingt auch die in dieser fokussierten Form neue Zusammenarbeit von Fachwissenschaftler/innen aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Rechts-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Die Unterschiedlichkeit des disziplin\u00e4ren Zugriffs auf einen Forschungsbereich zeigt sich in den in diesem Band vermittelten ersten Ergebnissen aus der laufenden Forschung genauso deutlich wie die Notwendigkeit, disziplin\u00e4re Standpunkte in gemeinsamer Arbeit zusammenzuf\u00fchren, um den Konstituierungsprozess von Cultural Property zu verstehen.

Kann Eigentum an Kultur sinnvoll sein? Das Interesse, Cultural Property dem Markt zuzuf\u00fchren oder dies zu verhindern und hierdurch kollektiven oder individuellen, ideologischen oder \u00f6konomischen Gewinn zu schaffen, gestaltet sich unter den stark divergierenden Bedingungen, die Akteure in einer postkolonialen, sp\u00e4tmodernen Welt vorfinden. Die interdisziplin\u00e4re DFG-Forschergruppe zur Konstituierung von Cultural Property beleuchtet diese seit einigen Jahren in der \u00d6ffentlichkeit mit wachsender Brisanz verhandelte Frage. Die Forschergruppe fragt nach der Konstituierung von Cultural Property im Spannungsfeld von kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen, juristischen und hiermit auch gesellschaftspolitischen Diskursen. Dies bedingt auch die in dieser fokussierten Form neue Zusammenarbeit von Fachwissenschaftler/innen aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Rechts-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Die Unterschiedlichkeit des disziplin\u00e4ren Zugriffs auf einen Forschungsbereich zeigt sich in den in diesem Band vermittelten ersten Ergebnissen aus der laufenden Forschung genauso deutlich wie die Notwendigkeit, disziplin\u00e4re Standpunkte in gemeinsamer Arbeit zusammenzuf\u00fchren, um den Konstituierungsprozess von Cultural Property zu verstehen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bendix, Regina F.; Bizer, Kilian; Groth, Stefan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Cultural Property", "Cultural Property"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610317"], ["title", "Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property - Forschungsperspektiven"], ["doab_id", "13343"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875616"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875616"]], [["description", "Dieser Band nimmt jenen doppelten Wettstreit in den Blick, der f\u00fcr die Kunstwissenschaften (Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft) im 19. Jahrhundert typisch ist: den Wettstreit zwischen den Wissenschaften selbst, der sich aus dem Wettstreit ihrer K\u00fcnste speist. Die jeweilige Kunstwissenschaft, so die zugrunde liegende Hypothese, bezieht ihre Geltung und ihren Rang aus der allgemeinen Wertsch\u00e4tzung ihrer Bezugskunst. Auf diese Weise geraten die K\u00fcnste und ihre Wissenschaften in eine sich wechselseitig verst\u00e4rkende Konkurrenz, die ihren Ausdruck in zahlreichen Debatten \u00fcber die jeweilige Leitkunst findet. Die interdisziplin\u00e4r hier versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge erschlie\u00dfen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven die wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Ausdifferenzierungs- und Homogenisierungsprozesse, in deren Zusammenhang der Wettstreit der K\u00fcnste und ihrer Wissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert stattfand. Die sie verbindende Fragestellung zielt dabei auf die Grundlagen des Kunstverst\u00e4ndnisses sowie auf die Grundlagen des Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisses der Kunstwissenschaften. Es geht nicht zuletzt auch darum, aufzuzeigen, inwiefern die Pr\u00e4missen, die zur Begr\u00fcndung der Disziplinen entwickelt wurden, nach wie vor G\u00fcltigkeit beanspruchen \u2013 direkt durch ihre disziplin\u00e4re Kanonisierung und indirekt selbst durch die gebrochene Wirksamkeit jener wissenschaftlichen Meistererz\u00e4hlungen, die sie hervorgebracht haben.

Dieser Band nimmt jenen doppelten Wettstreit in den Blick, der f\u00fcr die Kunstwissenschaften (Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft) im 19. Jahrhundert typisch ist: den Wettstreit zwischen den Wissenschaften selbst, der sich aus dem Wettstreit ihrer K\u00fcnste speist. Die jeweilige Kunstwissenschaft, so die zugrunde liegende Hypothese, bezieht ihre Geltung und ihren Rang aus der allgemeinen Wertsch\u00e4tzung ihrer Bezugskunst. Auf diese Weise geraten die K\u00fcnste und ihre Wissenschaften in eine sich wechselseitig verst\u00e4rkende Konkurrenz, die ihren Ausdruck in zahlreichen Debatten \u00fcber die jeweilige Leitkunst findet. Die interdisziplin\u00e4r hier versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge erschlie\u00dfen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven die wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Ausdifferenzierungs- und Homogenisierungsprozesse, in deren Zusammenhang der Wettstreit der K\u00fcnste und ihrer Wissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert stattfand. Die sie verbindende Fragestellung zielt dabei auf die Grundlagen des Kunstverst\u00e4ndnisses sowie auf die Grundlagen des Selbstverst\u00e4ndnisses der Kunstwissenschaften. Es geht nicht zuletzt auch darum, aufzuzeigen, inwiefern die Pr\u00e4missen, die zur Begr\u00fcndung der Disziplinen entwickelt wurden, nach wie vor G\u00fcltigkeit beanspruchen \u2013 direkt durch ihre disziplin\u00e4re Kanonisierung und indirekt selbst durch die gebrochene Wirksamkeit jener wissenschaftlichen Meistererz\u00e4hlungen, die sie hervorgebracht haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scholl, Christian; Richter, Sandra; Huck, Oliver"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History of Arts", "History of Science", "History of Arts", "History of Science"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610294"], ["title", "Konzert und Konkurrenz - die K\u00fcnste und ihre Wissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "14577"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875487"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875487"]], [["description", "Die Vermittlung von Wissen steht heute vor einer zweifachen Herausforderung: dem Anspruch auf Verst\u00e4ndlichkeit trotz hoher Komplexit\u00e4t der Inhalte und dem Erreichen akzeptabler Ergebnisse in der Schule in Situationen von immer gr\u00f6\u00dferer Diversit\u00e4t. Daraus ergeben sich f\u00fcr die Sprachwissenschaft neue Schwerpunkte: eine konstante Besinnung auf die Ph\u00e4nomene, das sind die kommunikativen Akte von Mitgliedern einer Sprachgemeinschaft im Alltag und in Bereichen fachlicher Spezialisierung, das sind aber auch variable Kontexte der Sprechakte, die eine Koorientierung der sozialen Akteure verlangen, die ebenso gelernt und ge\u00fcbt werden muss, wie die Sprachen in ihren formalen und strukturellen Eigenheiten. In diesem Band werden Forschungen und theoretische Ans\u00e4tze vorgelegt, die ausgehend von diesen Pr\u00e4missen Korpusrecherchen f\u00fcr die Erforschung und f\u00fcr die didaktische Vermittlung der drei Schulsprachen Deutsch, Italienisch und Englisch nutzbar machen. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind Variet\u00e4ten der deutschen Sprache in S\u00fcdtirol und die Interface-Problematik."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Andrea Abel; Renata Zanin; Stefanie Anstein; Margit Oberhammer; Stefanos Petrakis; Hans Drumbl; Alexander Geyken; Cyril Belica; Annemarie Saxalber; Rita Gelmi"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Research", " language research", " linguistics", " language teaching", " multilingualism", " South Tyrol", " foreign language teaching"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460400.pdf"], ["title", "Korpora in Lehre und Forschung"], ["doab_id", "19882"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460400"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460400 "]], [["description", "The main topics of the correspondence between Ferdinand I and his siblings Charles V and Mary of Hungary edited in this volume are Ferdinand's attempts to achieve peace with Johann Szapolyai in Hungary; the clashes with the Ottomans; the Tunis campaign of Charles V; the conflict with Francis I of France after the death of the last Sforza Duke of Milan; and the confessional division in the Holy Roman Empire.

Der in diesem Band edierte Briefverkehr zwischen Ferdinand I. und seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn, wird von den folgenden Problemkreisen bestimmt: von Ferdinands Versuchen, mit Johann Szapolyai einen Frieden in Ungarn zu erreichen; von den Auseinandersetzungen mit den Osmanen und dem Tunis-Feldzug Karls V.; vom Konflikt mit Franz I. von Frankreich nach dem Tod des letzten Sforza-Herzogs in Mailand; und von der konfessionellen Spaltung im Reich.Edition der Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. mit seinen Geschwistern Karl V. und Maria von Ungarn.Sprache der Publikation: Deutsch, Englisch (Einleitung, Regesten, Kommentar); Franz\u00f6sisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Latein (Korrespondenzsprachen)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hofinger ,Bernadette; Tschugmell ,Nicola; Moser-Kroiss ,Judith; Laferl ,Christopher F. ; Kufner ,Harald"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ferdinand I (1503-1564). Correspondence, Edition, 1535, 1536", "Ferdinand I. (1503-1564). Korrespondenz, Edition, 1535, 1536"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574667"], ["title", "Die Korrespondenz Ferdinands I. Familienkorrespondenz Bd. 5: 1535 und 1536"], ["doab_id", "17395"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783205795919"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795919"]], [["description", "This book looks at the legacy of the 1998-99 Kosovo crisis for European security affairs. It examines the debates about the nature and justification of intervention in the affairs of sovereign states. It also considers the impact of the crisis on NATO and on relations between western states and Russia both during and since Kosovo. Well-known 'facts' are critically assessed and challenged. The authors argue, for example, that the NATO attacks on Serbia were not a 'war', nor did the crisis directly lead to moves to endow the European Union with its own military dimension. The authors also look at key issues and debates that have, so far, often been neglected. They consider the difficulties of entrenching 'western' norms and values in areas where ethnic conceptions of national identity are dominant. They also place the Kosovo crisis in the context of the long-term evolution of a transatlantic 'community of values' between Europe and North America."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Smith ,Martin A; Latawski ,Paul"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["kosovo", "balkans", "security", "NATO"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341388"], ["title", "The Kosovo Crisis: The Evolution of Post Cold War European Security"], ["doab_id", "12585"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719059797"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719059797"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stutterheim ,W."], ["date", "1948"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613414"], ["title", "De kraton van Majapahit"], ["doab_id", "18436"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285705", "9789004286283"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285705 9789004286283"]], [["description", "Kreuzenstein Castle was built between 1874 and 1906 on theruins of a medieval fortress. It was conceived as a familymausoleum and venue for preserving and displaying the owner\u2019scollection of medieval art, but it can also be interpreted as theidealized vision of a medieval castle from the perspective of the19th century. This study clarifies to what extent our view of themedieval castle is contingent on the faults, fractures and\u201cconstructs\u201d of modernity.

Burg Kreuzenstein wurde zwischen 1874 und 1906 auf den Ruinen einer mittelalterlichen Festung errichtet. Der Bau sollte als Familienmausoleum ebenso wie als Aufbewahrungs- und Pr\u00e4sentationsort f\u00fcr eine umfangreiche Kunstsammlung dienen und kann als mittelalterliche \u201eIdealburg\u201c des 19. Jahrhunderts bezeichnet werden. Ausgehend von Kreuzenstein macht die vorliegende Studie deutlich, dass unser heutiges Bild von dermittelalterlichen Burg in entscheidenden Bereichen auf\u201eKonstruktionen\u201c der Moderne beruht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nierhaus ,Andreas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Architecture, Medieval Castle, Historicism, Reconstruction", "Architektur, Mittelalterliche Burg, Historismus, Rekonstruktion"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=508003"], ["title", "Kreuzenstein"], ["doab_id", "16511"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795575"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795575"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Held, Renate"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/215249"], ["title", "Kriegsgefangenschaft in Gro\u00dfbritannien. Deutsche Soldaten des Zweiten Weltkriegs in britischem Gewahrsam"], ["doab_id", "18005"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486583281", "9783486707526"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486583281, 9783486707526"]], [["description", "\"What were the ideas about conflicts and conflict resolutions in the Nordic countries during the Vendel Period and the Viking Age? What role did i.e. gender and power hierarchies play in the conflicts?All of the contributing texts are, in one way or another, related to the theme \u2018war and peace\u2019. They present new interpretations of some of the Old Scandinavian texts as well as of archaeological material: the runic inscription on the Eggja stone (Andreas Nordberg), texts about the fight between the god Thor and the giant Hrungnir (Tommy Kuusela), about the valkyries (Britt-Mari N\u00e4sstr\u00f6m), about a phalos cult (Maths Bertell), about fylgjur, a type of beings regarded as related to the fate of a person (Eldar Heide), about enclosed areas for fights and battles (Torsten Blomkvist), about the defilement of sacred areas and places as a power strategy (Olof Sundqvist), about ritualisations of peace negotiations (Stefan Olsson), and about Ragnar\u00f6k, the end and renewing of the world (Anders Hultg\u00e5rd).The book has been edited by Hakan Rydving and Stefan Olsson, both from the The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (AHKR) at the University of Bergen.***This book is published in Swedish:Vilka id\u00e9er om konflikter och konfliktl\u00f6sningar hade man i Norden under vendel- och vikingatid (fr\u00e5n ca 550 till ca 1100)? Hur uppfattades gudar som Oden och Tor och andra v\u00e4sen som valkyrior och fylgjor kunna p\u00e5verka krig och fred? Hur reglerades anv\u00e4ndningen av v\u00e5ld och hur utformades fredsprocesser? Vilken roll spelade k\u00f6n och makthierarkier i konflikterna? Hur f\u00f6rh\u00e5ller sig de f\u00f6rkristna skandinaviska f\u00f6rest\u00e4llningarna om den sista striden till motsvarande kristna och forniranska traditioner? Det \u00e4r n\u00e5gra av de fr\u00e5gor som bidragen i den h\u00e4r boken diskuterar. Unders\u00f6kningarna baseras i huvudsak p\u00e5 texter fr\u00e5n den aktuella perioden och fr\u00e5n tidig medeltid, men ocks\u00e5 p\u00e5 arkeologiskt material. De ger intressanta exempel p\u00e5 hur k\u00e4llorna till vendel- och vikingatida traditioner kan analyseras om man tar utg\u00e5ngspunkt i fr\u00e5gor om krig och fred.Boken har redigerats av H\u00e5kan Rydving och Stefan Olsson, b\u00e5da verksamma vid Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitskap (AHKR) vid Universitetet i Bergen.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["England", "Eschatology", "Iceland", "Mythology", "Old Norse religion", "Peace agreements", "Runes", "Scandinavia", "Wars"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["sv"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619234"], ["title", "Krig och fred i vendel- och vikingatida traditioner"], ["doab_id", "19945"], ["language_unmapped", "Swedish"], ["isbns", ["9789176350317", "9789176350287", "9789176350294", "9789176350300"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350317 9789176350287 9789176350294 9789176350300"]], [["description", "Trotz ihrer unbestreitbar durchschlagenden Gestaltungskraft ist die moderne Nation am ehesten als kulturelles Gebilde zu fassen, das Ordnungsentw\u00fcrfe und Sinnzuschreibungen kollektiviert. Denkm\u00e4ler zu errichten ist dabei ein - entscheidendes - Merkmal der nationalen Identifikation. Helke Rausch leistet hierzu einen transnationalen Vergleich und er\u00f6ffnet Denkmal-Topographien in den Metropolen Paris, Berlin und London. Sie untersucht, wie Denkm\u00e4ler als ikonographische Mittel genutzt wurden, um die Nation als Einheit zu konstruieren."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rausch, Helke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/226048"], ["title", "Kultfigur und Nation. \u00d6ffentliche Denkm\u00e4ler in Paris, Berlin und London 1848-1914"], ["doab_id", "18021"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486835847", "9783486575798"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835847, 9783486575798"]], [["description", "Im Zeitalter verknappender Ressourcen ist Kultur \u2013 beispielsweise in Form von traditionellem Wissen oder Kulturerbe \u2013 in den Brennpunkt wirtschaftlicher, politischer wie ideeller Interessen ger\u00fcckt. Die Rechte an Eigentum oder Nutzung solcher Kulturg\u00fcter werden von internationalen B\u00fchnen bis zu lokalen Schaupl\u00e4tzen verhandelt und implementiert. Nach sechs Jahren intensiver, interdisziplin\u00e4rer Zusammenarbeit legt die DFG-Forschergruppe 772 (\u201eDie Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Akteure, Diskurse, Kontexte, Regeln\u201c) einen mehrgliedrigen Ergebnisband zu diesem wichtigen, sp\u00e4tmodernen Ph\u00e4nomen der Konstituierung kulturellen Eigentums vor. Ein erster Teil bietet griffige Vorstellungen verschiedener internationaler Instrumente und Arenen, in denen Handhabung von Schutz und Inwertsetzung von Kultur im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der zweite Teil versammelt Beitr\u00e4ge, die zentrale Handlungsmotive und Legitimationsweisen der Inwertsetzung von Kultur er\u00f6rtern und Konzepte, die dabei von besonderer Relevanz sind, durchleuchten. Im dritten Teil werden Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Teilprojekten der Forschergruppe vorgestellt.

Im Zeitalter verknappender Ressourcen ist Kultur \u2013 beispielsweise in Form von traditionellem Wissen oder Kulturerbe \u2013 in den Brennpunkt wirtschaftlicher, politischer wie ideeller Interessen ger\u00fcckt. Die Rechte an Eigentum oder Nutzung solcher Kulturg\u00fcter werden von internationalen B\u00fchnen bis zu lokalen Schaupl\u00e4tzen verhandelt und implementiert. Nach sechs Jahren intensiver, interdisziplin\u00e4rer Zusammenarbeit legt die DFG-Forschergruppe 772 (\u201eDie Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Akteure, Diskurse, Kontexte, Regeln\u201c) einen mehrgliedrigen Ergebnisband zu diesem wichtigen, sp\u00e4tmodernen Ph\u00e4nomen der Konstituierung kulturellen Eigentums vor. Ein erster Teil bietet griffige Vorstellungen verschiedener internationaler Instrumente und Arenen, in denen Handhabung von Schutz und Inwertsetzung von Kultur im Mittelpunkt stehen. Der zweite Teil versammelt Beitr\u00e4ge, die zentrale Handlungsmotive und Legitimationsweisen der Inwertsetzung von Kultur er\u00f6rtern und Konzepte, die dabei von besonderer Relevanz sind, durchleuchten. Im dritten Teil werden Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Teilprojekten der Forschergruppe vorgestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groth, Stefan; Bendix, Regina F.; Spiller, Achim"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cultural property", "cultural heritage", "culture", "cultural property", "cultural heritage", "culture"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610379"], ["title", "Kultur als Eigentum: Instrumente, Querschnitte und Fallstudien"], ["doab_id", "19183"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952044"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952044"]], [["description", "The volume presents the reports and discussions held at the conference of the \u201cAssociation of German Constitutional Law Teachers\u201d in Frankfurt from October,5th to October 8th,2005."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Huster, Stefan; Ruffert, Matthias; Schulte, Martin; Sommermann, Karl-Peter "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Cultural assets/law, constitutional state, freedom of science"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/62158"], ["title", "Kultur und Wissenschaft. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Frankfurt am Main vom 5. bis 8. Oktober 2005"], ["doab_id", "18134"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110927832", "9783899493245"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110927832, 9783899493245"]], [["description", "This book is a documentation of the alumni summer school\u201eKulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien\u201c. The collected articles explain the discussion about education in multi-cultural societies in providing an insight into intercultural didactics and intercultur in different texts and media.

F\u00fcr die Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen sind ihre ehemaligen Studierenden, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler wichtige Partner auf dem Weg hin zu einer der f\u00fchrenden Forschungsuniversit\u00e4ten in Europa, an der begabte junge Menschen f\u00fcr die gro\u00dfen Herausforderungen der Zukunft ger\u00fcstet werden. Mit F\u00f6rderung durch den Deutschen Akademischen Austausch Dienst (DAAD) bietet die Georgia Augusta ihren ausl\u00e4ndischen Ehemaligen in Sommerschulen und Expertenseminaren regelm\u00e4\u00dfig die M\u00f6glichkeit zur wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung und zum akademischen Austausch mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen an ihrem ehemaligen Studienort. Der vorliegende Band ist eine Dokumentation der Alumni-Sommerschule \u201eKulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien\u201c, zu der die Interkulturelle Germanistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t eingeladen hatte. Ver\u00e4nderungen durch Migration und mehrfach kulturell gepr\u00e4gte Gesellschaften sind l\u00e4ngst ein europ\u00e4isches Ph\u00e4nomen geworden, was die wissenschaftliche Analyse und Erforschung aber auch die bildungspolitische Praxis und die Umsetzung gewonnener Erkenntnisse notwendig macht. Die versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge sind Dokumentationen dieser Auseinandersetzungen, wenn sie Interkulturalit\u00e4t in unterschiedlichen Texten und Medien nachsp\u00fcren oder aber Einblicke in interkulturelle Didaktikkonzepte geben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Schweiger, Irmy"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["cultural diversity in german literature, language and media", "alumni, Georg-August-University of Goettingen", "cultural diversity in german literature, language and media", "alumni, Georg-August-University of Goettingen"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610268"], ["title", "Kulturelle Vielfalt deutscher Literatur, Sprache und Medien - Sommerschule f\u00fcr Alumni aus Osteuropa und der Welt 16. - 27. August 2009"], ["doab_id", "13122"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875463"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875463"]], [["description", "While the first volume of the overalll work, which was published as \"The historical Area of Austria\" (\"Geschichtsraum \u00d6sterreich\") in 2006, focused on the Hapsburgian \"whole state\" from the perspective of the most important phenomena and protagonists of the \"Hapsburgian iconography\", this second and concluding volume examines multifarious visualisations of the regional and supraregional historical myths of the 19th century in Vienna, the \"centre\", and in the regions, i.e. the Austrian Crownlands (part of which are identical with today\u00b4s federal provinces of the Republic of Austria). The difficult relationship between the \"whole state\" and the Crownlands constitutes the entire, extremely complex spectrum of reflections on Austrian 19th century history. Here, the kinds of methods and concrete goals with which regional memorial foundations interact or compete with dynastic strategies is a pivotal issue - on that has been examined only far too rarely in the past. Hence the present work intends to discuss both art-historical and historical phenomena with explore various historical reflections at the - frequently neglected - \"periphery\" and investigate visual approaches to one\u00b4s \"own\" history from the \"present\" of the 19th century (using prominent events such as the second Ottoman siege of 1683 and the \"wars of liberation\" against Napoleon as an example). The degrees of complexity, quantitative permeation and significant contrasts between Vienna - the \"centre\" - and the \"provinces\" in their different reflections on Austrian history clearly begin to emerge when we examine an extensive range of topics against the background of competing national, regional and communal strategies. Compared to the first volume \"The historical Area of Austria\", the perspective of the multifarious \"historical area of Austria\" shifts from the \"whole state\" to an analysis of a highly distinct \"plurality of areas\" (Karl Schl\u00f6gel) with its own intrinsic laws. Such diversity is also an essential factor when we come to investigate the prolific amount of Austrian landscape art in the 19th century and the role it played in forging identity. It graphically demonstrates that a deeper understanding of Austria\u00b4s federal structures is not possible without gaining a comprehensive insight into 19th century history.

W\u00e4hrend im ersten Band der Gesamtpublikation, der unter dem Titel \"Geschichtsraum \u00d6sterreich\" im Jahr 2006 erschienen ist, der habsburgische \"Gesamtstaat\" aus dem Blickpunkt der wichtigsten Ph\u00e4nomene und Protagonisten der \"habsburgischen Ikonographie\" im Zentrum des Interesses stand, werden im vorliegenden zweiten und abschlie\u00dfenden Band die vielf\u00e4ltigen Visualisierungen der regionalen und \u00fcberregionalen historischen Mythen im 19. Jahrhundert im Zentrum Wien und in den Regionen, den \u00f6sterreichischen Kronl\u00e4ndern (zum Teil mit den heutigen Bundesl\u00e4ndern der Republik \u00d6sterreich), untersucht. Das schwierige Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen dem \"Gesamtstaat\" und den L\u00e4ndern konstituiert das gesamte und h\u00f6chst vielschichtige Spektrum der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichtsreflexionen im 19. Jahrhundert. Wie und mit welchen konkreten Zielsetzungen regionale Ged\u00e4chtnisstiftungen mit dynastischen Strategien zusammenwirken oder diese konkurrenzieren, ist eine wesentliche und bisher viel zu selten untersuchte Fragestellung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollen somit sowohl kunstgeschichtliche als auch historische Ph\u00e4nomene zur Sprache kommen, die einerseits die vielf\u00e4ltigen Geschichtsreflexionen an der - h\u00e4ufig vernachl\u00e4ssigten - \"Peripherie\" in den Blickpunkt nehmen, und andererseits den visuellen Umgang mit der \"eigenen\" Geschichte (etwa anhand der prominenten Ereignisse der zweiten T\u00fcrkenbelagerung 1683 und der \"Befreiungskriege\" gegen Napoleon) aus der \"Gegenwart\" des 19. Jahrhunderts beleuchten. Anhand unterschiedlichster Themenkreise kann deutlich gemacht werden, in welcher komplexen Weise, mit welchem Grad der quantitativen Durchdringung und mit welchen signifikanten Gegens\u00e4tzen zwischen dem \"Zentrum\" Wien und der \"Provinzen\" die \u00f6sterreichische Geschichte im Spannungsfeld von nationalen, regionalen und kommunalen Strategien reflektiert wurde. Die Perspektive auf den vielf\u00e4ltigen \"Geschichtsraum \u00d6sterreich\" verlagert sich - im Vergleich zum ersten Band - vom \"Gesamtstaat\" zur Analyse der h\u00f6chst unterschiedlichen und eigengesetzlichen \"Pluralit\u00e4t der R\u00e4ume\" (Karl Schl\u00f6gel). Diese Vielfalt ist auch f\u00fcr die Untersuchung der reichen Produktion der \u00f6sterreichischen Landschaftskunst im 19. Jahrhundert hinsichtlich ihrer identit\u00e4tsstiftenden Gehalte wesentlich und zeigt in anschaulicher Weise, da\u00df ein tiefes Verst\u00e4ndnis der f\u00f6deralen Strukturen \u00d6sterreichs nicht ohne einen umfassenden Blick des 19. Jahrhunderts m\u00f6glich ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Telesko ,Werner"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Art History, Austrian History, Monuments, European History of the 19th Century, History Painting, The Austrian Crownlands"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437146"], ["title", "Kulturraum \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15271"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205777205"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205777205"]], [["description", "Die Bedeutung der Kundenkenntnis f\u00fcr den Markterfolg der Anbieter ist unbestritten. Dennoch wissen wir wenig dar\u00fcber, wie gut die Anbieter ihre Kunden kennen. Dies gilt auch f\u00fcr den Handel. Deshalb befasst sich die hier vorgelegte Publikation mit der Auspr\u00e4gung der Kundenkenntnis im Handel, aber auch mit den Quellen und Determinanten dieser Kenntnis und mit ihren Auswirkungen auf der Anbieter- und auf der Kundenseite. Beachtung finden alle m\u00f6glichen Quellen der Kundenkenntnis, vor allem aber die Kundenkontakte. Im Einzelnen werden nicht nur relevante Theorien bem\u00fcht, sondern auch erste, differenzierte Forschungsergebnisse zur Auspr\u00e4gung der Kundenkenntnis, zu den Einflussfaktoren und den Auswirkungen dieser Kenntnis pr\u00e4sentiert. Folgerungen f\u00fcr die k\u00fcnftige Forschung und f\u00fcr das Wissensmanagement im Handel schlie\u00dfen das Werk ab.

Die Bedeutung der Kundenkenntnis f\u00fcr den Markterfolg der Anbieter ist unbestritten. Dennoch wissen wir wenig dar\u00fcber, wie gut die Anbieter ihre Kunden kennen. Dies gilt auch f\u00fcr den Handel. Deshalb befasst sich die hier vorgelegte Publikation mit der Auspr\u00e4gung der Kundenkenntnis im Handel, aber auch mit den Quellen und Determinanten dieser Kenntnis und mit ihren Auswirkungen auf der Anbieter- und auf der Kundenseite. Beachtung finden alle m\u00f6glichen Quellen der Kundenkenntnis, vor allem aber die Kundenkontakte. Im Einzelnen werden nicht nur relevante Theorien bem\u00fcht, sondern auch erste, differenzierte Forschungsergebnisse zur Auspr\u00e4gung der Kundenkenntnis, zu den Einflussfaktoren und den Auswirkungen dieser Kenntnis pr\u00e4sentiert. Folgerungen f\u00fcr die k\u00fcnftige Forschung und f\u00fcr das Wissensmanagement im Handel schlie\u00dfen das Werk ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Silberer, G\u00fcnter"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Retail Industry", "Sales", "Customer Relations", "Retail Industry", "Sales", "Customer Relations"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610248"], ["title", "Kundenkenntnis im Handel - Auspr\u00e4gungen, Herkunft und Wirkungen"], ["doab_id", "14571"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344670"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344670"]], [["description", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines

Gedurende de tweede helft van de zestiende eeuw groeit het aandeel en het belang van geschriften in de Nederlandse volkstaal. Sommige van deze teksten verkondigen een levensvisie die sterk uitgaat van wat Coornhert 'het voncxken des Godlijcken Lichts' noemt: de rede, waaraan elk mens deel heeft en die elk mens in staat stelt ware kennis en een oprecht leven te krijgen. Deze auteurs leverden zo een belangrijke bijdrage aan een intellectueel en cultureel klimaat waarin later, in de zeventiende eeuw, radicale vormen van rationalisme konden ontstaan. Hun werk weerspiegelt een dynamisch mengsel van klassieke filosofie, volkstalig humanisme, verlicht christendom, intellectueel spiritualisme en pragmatische volksvroomheid. Hun uitgangspunten zijn de goedheid van de mens en de mogelijkheid van morele groei door redelijke kennis. Hun doel is het bereiken van volmaakt geluk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buys ,Ruben"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339999"], ["title", "De kunst van het weldenken : Lekenfilosofie en volkstalig rationalisme in de Nederlanden (1550-1600)"], ["doab_id", "12699"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641434"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641434"]], [["description", "Der erste Band der Reihe \"Scripta Ladina Brixinensia\" unter der Herausgeberschaft von Paul Videsott widmet sich der Pr\u00e4senz des Ladinischen im Bildungssystem \u2013 Pflichtschulen, Oberschulen, Universit\u00e4ten/Hochschulen \u2013 der L\u00e4nder Trentino-S\u00fcdtirol, Graub\u00fcnden und Friaul. Im Zentrum steht die Ladinische Abteilung, die ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Freien Universit\u00e4t Bozen darstellt mit dem Ziel der Dokumentation, der Deskription und des Ausbaus des Ladinischen. Der abschlie\u00dfende Beitrag stellt einen Unterrichtsbehelf f\u00fcr den mehrsprachigen Unterricht im Bereich Sprachen vor, die dreisprachige Grammatik: \"Sprachen im Vergleich: Deutsch-Ladinisch-Italienisch\"."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Theodor Rifesser; Paul Videsott; Roland Verra; Mirella Florian; Federico Vicario; Gian Peder Gregori; Manfred Gross; Vincenzo Todisco; Marco Trezzini; Heidi Siller-Runggaldier"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["linguistics", " philology", " language research", " South Tyrol", " education", " language teaching", " multilingualism", " education policy"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de", "it", ""]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460448.pdf"], ["title", "L ladin tl sistem formatif/Das Ladinische im Bildungssystem"], ["doab_id", "19848"], ["language_unmapped", "German; Italian; Ladin"], ["isbns", ["9788860460448"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460448"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hansets, Edouard"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/e-book/2870160615.pdf"], ["title", "De l'oeuf \u00e0 l'autruchon. L'incubation des oeufs d'autruche"], ["doab_id", "16115"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870160619"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "2870160615"]], [["description", "El presente trabajo analiza el rol de la intelectualidad liberal-conservadora argentina ante la \u00faltima dictadura, el \"Proceso de Reorganizaci\u00f3n Nacional\" (1976-1983). El libro estudia las posiciones e intervenciones de un conjunto de catorce actores: \u00c1lvaro Alsogaray, Alberto Benegas Lynch, Germ\u00e1n Bidart Campos, Horacio Garc\u00eda Belsunce, Jorge Luis Garc\u00eda Venturini, Mariano Grondona, Juan Segundo Linares Quintana, Mario Justo L\u00f3pez, Jos\u00e9 Alfredo Mart\u00ednez de Hoz, V\u00edctor Massuh, Jaime Perriaux, Ambrosio Romero Carranza, Carlos S\u00e1nchez Sa\u00f1udo y Ricardo Zinn. La elecci\u00f3n de estos nombres implica considerar un abanico amplio de trayectorias que componen figuras intelectuales de diversidad, unidas sin embargo por muchos m\u00e1s v\u00ednculos que la adscripci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica.La obra se interna en la historia pol\u00edtico-intelectual de un espacio ideol\u00f3gico a\u00fan poco explorado desde los estudios sobre la intelectualidad, las derechas y la propia dictadura, reponiendo los diversos espacios ocupados por estos hombres, sus proyectos, coincidencias, pol\u00e9micas y desencantos en un momento clave de la historia argentina.Cita sugerida: Vicente, Mart\u00edn (2015). De la refundaci\u00f3n al ocaso : Los intelectuales liberalconservadores ante la \u00faltima dictadura. La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n ; Posadas : Universidad Nacional de Misiones ; Los Polvorines : Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. (Entre los libros de la buena memoria ; 3) Disponible en http://libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/61"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vicente, Mart\u00edn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Argentina ", " military dictatorship ", " political violence ", " dictadura militar ", " violencia pol\u00edtica"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/61"], ["title", "De la refundaci\u00f3n al ocaso : Los intelectuales liberalconservadores ante la \u00faltima dictadura"], ["doab_id", "17925"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412763"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412763 "]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Savigny, Friedrich Carl von "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Codificaci\u00f3n", "Escuela hist\u00f3rica", "Alemania", "C\u00f3digo"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/21520/vocacion_savigny_hd38_2015.pdf?sequence=2"], ["title", "De la vocaci\u00f3n de nuestra \u00e9poca para la legislaci\u00f3n y la ciencia del Derecho"], ["doab_id", "17385"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315822"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315822"]], [["description", "Este libro es una contribuci\u00f3n al estudio de la izquierda no armada durante la \u00faltima dictadura argentina (1976-1983). El an\u00e1lisis del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores-Movimiento al Socialismo (PST-MAS) permite reconocer los discursos y las formas organizativas del partido frente a tres ejes centrales: la instauraci\u00f3n de la dictadura y la posterior prohibici\u00f3n y disoluci\u00f3n de la izquierda peronista y marxista, las consecuencias de la represi\u00f3n basada en el dispositivo de los Centros Clandestinos de Detenci\u00f3n y el proceso de apertura pol\u00edtica que prosigui\u00f3 a la derrota en las Islas Malvinas.Las p\u00e1ginas de este trabajo analizan las formas organizativas adoptadas por gran parte de la izquierda setentista basadas en un repertorio de pr\u00e1cticas que oscilaban entre la \u201clegalidad\u201d y la \u201cclandestinidad\u201d. De este modo, se abordan las transformaciones de las percepciones y las iniciativas del PST-MAS frente al problema de la represi\u00f3n, dando cuenta del pasaje del \u201cparadigma revolucionario\u201d al marco \u00e9tico-pol\u00edtico de los Derechos Humanos. Por \u00faltimo, el libro da cuenta de los cambios que se produjeron en las pr\u00e1cticas pol\u00edticas de la organizaci\u00f3n en el contexto del anuncio de la apertura electoral (1982-1983) y analiza la novedosa propuesta pol\u00edtica del Movimiento al Socialismo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Osuna, Mar\u00eda Florencia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["socialismo ", " democracia ", " peronismo ", " marxismo ", " historia pol\u00edtica argentina ", " Argentina"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/36"], ["title", "De la \u201cRevoluci\u00f3n socialista\u201d a la \u201cRevoluci\u00f3n democr\u00e1tica\u201d: Las pr\u00e1cticas pol\u00edticas del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores/Movimiento al Socialismo durante la \u00faltima dictadura (1976-1983)"], ["doab_id", "17357"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412053"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412053"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["spectroscopy, photonics, microcavities, plasmonics, surface acoustic wave, mechanical oscillators, biosensors, chemical sensors"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/199"], ["title", "Label-Free Sensing"], ["doab_id", "19115"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422105", "9783038422112"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422105/9783038422112"]], [["description", "Lidar com os anseios e questionamentos da adolesc\u00eancia n\u00e3o parece ser uma tarefa das mais f\u00e1ceis, mas Labirintos de Espelhos - foma\u00e7\u00e3o da auto-estima na inf\u00e2ncia e na adolesc\u00eancia, consegue tratar do assunto de maneira mais acess\u00edvel, sem, contudo, abandonar o car\u00e1ter cient\u00edfico de uma pesquisa. As autoras, atrav\u00e9s dos depoimentos de diversos adolescentes, revelam que problemas como viol\u00eancia, relacionamento familiar e rendimento escolar, podem estar ligados a uma pe\u00e7a fundamental na forma\u00e7\u00e3o destes jovens: a auto-estima. Nesta obra, o problema da auto-estima n\u00e3o constitui um fato isolado, mas sim uma quest\u00e3o que deve ser tratada como problema social e precisa ser encarada pela sociedade com a devida seriedade que h\u00e1 neste livro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Assis, Simone Gon\u00e7alves de; Avanci, Joviana Quintes"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["JUVENILE FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vdywc"], ["title", "Labirinto de espelhos: forma\u00e7\u00e3o da auto-estima na inf\u00e2ncia e adolesc\u00eancia"], ["doab_id", "19312"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413333"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413333"]], [["description", "This book is the first in the new series The Labour governments, 1964-70 and concentrates on Britain's domestic policy during Harold Wilson's tenure as Prime Minister. The book deals, in particular, with how the Labour government and Labour party as a whole tried to come to terms with the 1960s 'cultural revolution'. It is grounded in original research, takes unique account of responses from Labour's grass roots and from Wilson's ministerial colleagues, and constructs a 'total history' of the party at this critical moment in history. Steven Fielding situates Labour in its wider cultural context and focuses on how the party approached issues such as the apparent transformation of the class structure, the changing place of women, rising black immigration, the apparently widening generation gap and increasing calls for direct participation in politics. The book will be of interest to all those concerned with the development of contemporary British politics and society as well as those researching the 1960s. Together with the other books in the series, on international policy and economic policy, it provides an unrivalled insight into the development of Britain under Harold Wilson's government."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fielding ,Steven"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["labour", "union", "politics", "socialism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341389"], ["title", "The Labour governments, 1964-70, volume 1: Labour and cultural change"], ["doab_id", "12586"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719043642"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719043642"]], [["description", "State regulation of labour migration is confronted with a double paradox. First, while markets require a policy of open borders to fulfill demands for migrant workers, the boundaries of citizenship impose some degree of closure to the outside. Second, while the exclusivity of citizenship requires closed membership, civil and human rights undermine the state's capacity to exclude foreigners once they are in the country. By considering how Malaysia and Spain have responded to the demand for foreign labour, this book analyses what may be identified as the trilemma between markets, citizenship and rights. For though their markets are similar, the two countries have different approaches to citizenship and rights. We must thus ask: how do such divergences affect state responses to market demands and how, in turn, do state regulations impact labour migration flows? And what does this mean for contemporary migration overall?

De overheid wordt in de regulering van arbeidsmigratie geconfronteerd met een dubbele paradox. Ten eerste: terwijl markten een op en grenzenbeleid vereisen om aan de behoefte van arbeidsmigranten en de marktvraag tegemoet te komen, leggen de grenzen die inherent zijn aan burgerschap een zekere afsluiting van de buitenwereld op. Ten tweede: terwijl de exclusiviteit die burgerschap met zich meebrengt een gesloten lidmaatschap vergt, ondermijnen burgerschap- en mensenrechten de mogelijkheid van de staat om buitenlanders uit te sluiten zodra zij zich in het land bevinden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Garc\u00e9s-Mascare\u00f1as ,Blanca"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=416050"], ["title", "Labour Migration in Malaysia and Spain : Markets, Citizenship and Rights"], ["doab_id", "14800"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089642868"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642868"]], [["description", "This is the first book in a two-volume set that looks at the foreign policy of the Labour Party throughout the 20th century, and into the early years of the new millennium. These books rectify the dearth of literature on both the political ideology and history of Labour's foreign policy. Through an in-depth political history of Labour's foreign policy in the first half of the twentieth century this first volume produces a new theorisation of the nature of the party's foreign policy. It demonstrates that from its inception, the Labour Party has been deeply involved in and interested in international affairs. The book also shows clearly that Labour has provided an important contribution to the development of foreign policy in Britain. The first volume outlines and assesses the early development and evolution of Labour's world-view. It deals with the foreign policy of the Labour Party during a very tumultuous period on the international stage, including the First World War, the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the build up to and violent reality of the Second World War, and the start of the Cold War. This highly readable book provides an excellent analysis of Labour's foreign policy during this period, in which Labour experienced power for the first time. It will be of vital use to scholars and students of British political history in the twentieth century, international relations and British foreign policy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vickers ,Rhiannon"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["labour", "union", "politics", "socialism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341390"], ["title", "The Labour Party and the world, volume 1: The evolution of Labour's foreign policy, 1900-51"], ["doab_id", "12587"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067440"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067440"]], [["description", "Secularism, Humanism, Qu\u00e9bec, tolerance

La\u00efcit\u00e9 et humanisme : un titre et deux mots de grande actualit\u00e9 tant au Qu\u00e9bec qu\u2019ailleurs dans le monde. Cet ouvrage, avec des contributions d\u2019acteurs cl\u00e9s qui alimentent le d\u00e9bat sur le sens et la d\u00e9finition de la la\u00efcit\u00e9 dans le Qu\u00e9bec du xxie si\u00e8cle, arrive \u00e0 point nomm\u00e9.Les textes de Thomas De Koninck, Jacques Dufresne, Georges Leroux, Guillaume Rousseau, Mathieu Bock-C\u00f4t\u00e9, Normand Baillargeon, Mohamed Lotfi et Charles Le Blanc ne d\u00e9fendent pas une th\u00e8se particuli\u00e8re \u00e0 propos de la la\u00efcit\u00e9. Ils forment plut\u00f4t un ensemble de r\u00e9flexions polyphoniques qui se pr\u00e9sentent comme une contribution philosophique, juridique, politique et sociologique \u00e0 la question de la neutralit\u00e9 religieuse de l\u2019\u00c9tat.\u00c0 la fin du recueil figure un texte de Voltaire sur la tol\u00e9rance, qui vient \u00e0 la fois inscrire les questions abord\u00e9es dans une perspective historique et illustrer le caract\u00e8re continu d\u2019un d\u00e9bat dont cet ouvrage se veut l\u2019un des nombreux \u00e9chos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Le Blanc ,Charles"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Secularism", "Humanism", "Qu\u00e9bec", "tolerance", "la\u00efcit\u00e9", "humanisme", "Qu\u00e9bec", "la tol\u00e9rance"]], ["publisher", "University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019Ottawa"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=569510"], ["title", "La\u00efcit\u00e9 et humanisme"], ["doab_id", "17324"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782760321892", "9782760322035"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782760321892 9782760322035"]], [["description", "This book is the first major study of England's biggest and best-known witch trial, which took place in 1612 when ten witches from the Forest of Pendle were hanged at Lancaster. In this volume, eleven experts from a variety of fields offer new surveys of these events, and of their meaning for contemporaries, for later generations, and for the present day. It is the fullest study of any English witch trial. Essays look at the politics of witch-hunting, the conduct of the trial, the social and economic contexts, religious forces, and the local and family details of the episode. The book also covers the little-known second witch trial of 1633-4, when up to nineteen witches were sentenced to death. Other essays look at how stories of Lancashire witchcraft have been shaped and retold, from Thomas Pott's original book of the trial, Shakespeare's Macbeth and Heywood and Brome's play The Late Lancashire Witches to Harrison Ainsworth's celebrated Victorian novel. There is also a study of the attitudes of present-day Lancashire Wiccans and their opponents. The essays present new research, but written in a clear style to make them accessible to non-specialists. Short prefaces explain the key points of each essay, and the introduction by James Sharpe places them firmly in context. The book will appeal to academics and students of history, renaissance studies and witchcraft, and to anyone with an interest in the historical truth behind the legendary Pendle witches."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Poole ,Robert"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["witchcraft", "folklore", "pendle", "witches"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341391"], ["title", "The Lancashire witches: Histories and stories"], ["doab_id", "13246"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062032"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062032"]], [["description", "A century ago, agriculture was the dominant economic sector in much of Africa. By the 1990s, however, African farmers had declining incomes and were worse off, on average, than those who did not farm. Colonial policies, subsequent 'top-down' statism, and globalization are usually cited as primary causes of this long-term decline. In this unprecedented study of the Igbo region of southeastern Nigeria, Chima Korieh points the way to a more complex and inclusive approach to this issue. Using agricultural change as a lens through which to view socio-economic and cultural change, political struggle, and colonial hegemony, Korieh shows that regional dynamics and local responses also played vital roles in this era of transformation. British attempts to modernize the densely populated Igbo region were focused largely on intensive production of palm oil as a cash crop for export and on the assumption of male dominance within a conventional western hierarchy. This colonial agenda, however, collided with a traditional culture in which females played important social and political roles and male status was closely tied to yam cultivation. Drawing on an astonishing array of sources, including oral interviews, newspapers, private journals, and especially letters of petition from local farmers and traders, Korieh puts the reader in direct contact with ordinary people, evoking a feeling of what it was like to live through the era. As such, the book reveals colonial interactions as negotiated encounters between officials and natives and challenges simplistic notions of a hegemonic colonial state and a compliant native population."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chima J. Korieh "], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48254/6/UofCPress_LandHasChanged_2010.pdf"], ["title", "The Land Has Changed: History, Society, and Gender in Colonial Eastern Nigeria"], ["doab_id", "15168"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385456"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385456"]], [["description", "This book provides an overview of recent developments and applications of the Land Use Scanner model. Internationally recognized as among the best of its kind, this versatile model can be applied at a national level for trend extrapolation, scenario studies and optimization, yet can also be employed in a smaller-scale regional context. Alongside these practical examples from the Netherlands, readers will find discussion of more theoretical aspects of land-use models as well as an assessment of various studies that aim to develop the Land-Use Scanner model further.Spanning the divide between the abstractions of land-use modelling and the imperatives of policy making, this is a cutting-edge account of the way in which the Land-Use Scanner approach is able to interrogate a spectrum of issues that range from climate change to transportation efficiency. Aimed at planners, researchers and policy makers who need to stay abreast of the latest advances in land-use modelling techniques in the context of planning practice, the book guides the reader through the applications supported by current instrumentation. It affords the opportunity for a wide readership to benefit from the extensive and acknowledged expertise of Dutch planners, who have originated a host of much-used models."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koomen ,Eric; Borsboom-van Beurden ,Judith"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Geography", "Land-use models"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=415792"], ["title", "Land-Use Modelling in Planning Practice"], ["doab_id", "14609"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400718210"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400718210"]], [["description", "This book provides a detailed introduction to how the L\u00e4nder (the sixteen states of Germany) function not only within the country itself but also within the wider context of European political affairs. Some knowledge of the role of the L\u00e4nder is essential to an understanding of the political system as well as of German federalism. This book traces the origin of the L\u00e4nder. It looks at their place in the constitutional order of the country and the political and administrative system. Their organization and administration are fully covered, as is their financing. Parties and elections in the L\u00e4nder and the controversial roles of parliaments and deputies are also examined. Because of their role in the Bundesrat, the second legislative chamber, the L\u00e4nder are clearly an important part of the national legislative process. They participate in policy-making with regard to the European Union, and have limited influence on Germany's foreign affairs outside of Europe. This is the first English language book that considers the L\u00e4nder in this depth."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gunlicks ,Arthur"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["bundersrat", "Lnder", "germany"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341392"], ["title", "The L\u00e4nder and German federalism"], ["doab_id", "13272"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065323"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065323"]], [["description", "\u201eAnn\u00e4herung an die historische Landschaftsanalyse\u201c \u2013 lautete das Thema eines Workshops, der am 16. und 17. Februar 2011 im Rahmen des \u201eGraduiertenkollegs Interdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte\u201c in G\u00f6ttingen stattfand und dessen Beitr\u00e4ge nun in diesem Sammelband erscheinen. In acht Beitr\u00e4gen wird die Vielschichtigkeit des Themenkomplexes und die Bedeutung f\u00fcr den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz deutlich.

\u201eAnn\u00e4herung an die historische Landschaftsanalyse\u201c \u2013 lautete das Thema eines Workshops, der am 16. und 17. Februar 2011 im Rahmen des \u201eGraduiertenkollegs Interdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte\u201c in G\u00f6ttingen stattfand und dessen Beitr\u00e4ge nun in diesem Sammelband erscheinen. In acht Beitr\u00e4gen wird die Vielschichtigkeit des Themenkomplexes und die Bedeutung f\u00fcr den Natur- und Landschaftsschutz deutlich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anders, Ulrike; Sz\u00fccs, Linda"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Landscape Analysis", "Environmental History", "Landscape Protection", "Conservation", "Landscape Analysis", "Environmental History", "Landscape Protection", "Conservation"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610329"], ["title", "Landnutzungswandel in Mitteleuropa - Forschungsgegenstand und methodische Ann\u00e4herung an die historische Landschaftsanalyse"], ["doab_id", "15371"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950767"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950767"]], [["description", "The period 1200-1600 CE saw a radical transformation from simple chiefdoms to kingdoms (in archaeological terminology, complex chiefdoms) across lowland South Sulawesi, a region that lay outside the \u2018classical\u2019 Indicized parts of Southeast Asia. The rise of these kingdoms was stimulated and economically supported by trade in prestige goods with other parts of island Southeast Asia, yet the development of these kingdoms was determined by indigenous, rather than imported, political and cultural precepts. Starting in the thirteenth century, the region experienced a transition from swidden cultivation to wet-rice agriculture; rice was the major product that the lowland kingdoms of South Sulawesi exchanged with archipelagic traders.Stephen Druce demonstrates this progression to political complexity by combining a range of sources and methods, including oral, textual, archaeological, linguistic and geographical information and analysis as he explores the rise and development of five South Sulawesi kingdoms, known collectively as Ajattappareng (the Lands West of the Lakes).The author also presents an inquiry into oral traditions of a historical nature in South Sulawesi. He examines their functions, their processes of transmission and transformation, their uses in writing history and their relationship to written texts. He shows that any distinction between oral and written traditions of a historical nature is largely irrelevant, and that the South Sulawesi chronicles, which can be found only for a small number of kingdoms, are not characteristic (as historians have argued) but exceptional in the corpus of indigenous South Sulawesi historical sources.The book will be of primary interest to scholars of pre-European-contact Southeast Asia, including historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists and geographers, and scholars with a broader interest in oral tradition and the relationship between the oral and written registers Stephen Druce obtained his PhD from the Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull. He has published on South Sulawesi history and archaeology in English and Indonesian language journals."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Druce ,Stephen C."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Indonesian history", "Political history", "Oral tradition", "Chronicles", "Kingdoms", "Sulawesi Selatan", "Indonesia", "1200/1600", "Indonesische geschiedenis", "Politieke geschiedenis", "Mondelinge traditie", "Verhalen", "Koninkrijken", "Sulawesi Selatan", "Indonesie", "1200/1600"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=381395"], ["title", "The lands west of the lakes; A history of the Ajattappareng kingdoms of South Sulawesi 1200 to 1600 CE"], ["doab_id", "13292"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183314", "9789004253827"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183314 9789004253827"]], [["description", "Brian Moore (1921-1999) is one of the few novelists whose literary portrayal of Catholicism effectively spans the period prior to and following the Second Vatican Council. His novels - from Judith Hearne (1955) to his final work, The Magician's Wife (1997) - are characterized by an enormously varied portrayal of pre- and post-Vatican II Catholicism.Many critics have discussed how Moore's life is reflected in his works, while others have dismissed his fictions as simple narratives in the mould of classical realism. In this book, Gearon contends that Moore's fictions are far more complex, as he was one of the great observers of Catholicism in all its modern and historical controversy. Moore's writings thus portray a world where religion is in constant encounter, and often conflict, with alternative cultural, ideological, and theological worldviews.Landscapes of Encounter provides the only full treatment of Moore's work as a literary convergence of the theological and the ideological, and specifically as a convergence of post-Vatican II and post-colonial perspectives. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Liam Gearon"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49343/11/UofCPress_LandscapesEncounter_2002.pdf"], ["title", "Landscapes of Encounter: The Portrayal of Catholicism in the Novels of Brian Moore"], ["doab_id", "15402"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386637"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386637"]], [["description", "Bucovina was an integral part of Habsburg Empire since 1775. Starting from a pure political construction on the European map of power at the end of 18th century this small area developed into a well integrated Austrian crown land. A crown land, which succeeded to form a certain regional identity \u2013 conform to the Habsburg state ideology. Till the outbreak of First World War national rivalries played a certain role for regional politics in the county but were moderate in general. Especially this situation was grounded in a direct liaison of this small province situated on the Eastern slopes of Carpathians with Vienna as imperial centre. A development which aimed towards steadily improving inner consolidation and balance in comparison with the other crown lands of the Empire. Only the outcome of the First World War, as Bucovina became part of the Romanian kingdom, loosing its geo strategic position as a bridge between East and West, showed in its consequences the former importance of this organic exchange with Vienna, shaping the provinces society and cultural landscape.The genesis of Bucovina region at the periphery of a European Empire from the end of 18th up to the beginning of 20th century as well as the structural persistence of the cultural landscape\u2019s characteristics is centrally focussed in this study. The analyses of spatial processes as well as their genesis, shaped by a changing geopolitical situation, were of main interest for the research. Since the midst of 19th century a serious and existential national tension within the Bucovina was growing which could only partially be influenced by the province politics itself. A tension in between a search for a distinguished political position, the new idea of nation state and a overall-covering ideology of Commonness, a tension between growing regional identity, of beeing Bucovina and increasing national claims. The study tries to draw a knew, integral and less known picture of this variously shaped cultural landscape \u2013 apart from common nationalistic and segmented analyses.

Die Bukowina, seit 1775 zu den L\u00e4ndern der Habsburgermonarchie geh\u00f6rend, entwickelte sich ausgehend von einem politischen Konstrukt auf der Landkarte Europas im letzten Drittel des 18. Jh. hin zu einem durchaus selbstbewussten Kronland, dem es bis 1914 gelungen war, eine (staatskonforme) regionale Identit\u00e4t aufzubauen. Bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges spielten nationale Rivalit\u00e4ten eine gewisse Rolle, waren in ihren Forderungen jedoch als moderat einzusch\u00e4tzen. Besonders die direkte Abh\u00e4ngigkeit dieses kleinen Landstrichs am Ostabhang der Karpaten von Wien als Reichshauptstadt legte den wesentlichen Baustein zu dieser Entwicklung. Eine Entwicklung, die v. a. auf innere Konsolidierung und Angleichung an die \u00fcbrigen Kronl\u00e4nder der Monarchie gerichtet war. Erst die Folgen des Ersten Weltkrieges mit der Angliederung der Bukowina an das K\u00f6nigreich Rum\u00e4nien legten die tats\u00e4chliche Bedeutung dieses so mit dem Zentrum der Monarchie verflochtenen Kronlandes, das von seiner Br\u00fcckenstellung profitiert hatte, offen. Das Werden der Region Bukowina an der Peripherie eines europ\u00e4ischen Gro\u00dfreiches vom ausgehenden 18. bis zum beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert und die strukturelle Persistenz kulturlandschaftlicher Charaktereigenschaften sind zentraler Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Der Brennpunkt liegt dabei in der Analyse raumwirksamer Gestaltungsprozesse sowie ihrer Genese \u2013 ausgel\u00f6st durch eine sich wandelnde geopolitische Situation. Sp\u00e4testens seit der Mitte des 19. Jh. erwuchs f\u00fcr die Bukowina eine existentielle Spannung zwischen dessen eigener Positionsfindung, neuer Nationalstaatlichkeit und \u00fcbergeordneter Ideologie des Gemeinsamen, dem Aufbau regionaler Identit\u00e4ten, eigenst\u00e4ndigem Landesbewusstsein und nationalen Forderungen. Die vorliegende Studie versucht insgesamt \u2013 abseits jener \u00fcber weite Strecken des 20. Jh. bestimmenden Vorgaben national segmentierter Erkenntnisgerichtetheit \u2013 ein in der bisherigen Besch\u00e4ftigung mit der Bukowina weniger bekanntes, auf eigenen Forschungen beruhendes Bild einer im Inneren vielgestaltigen Kulturlandschaft und ihre Genese zu zeichnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scharr ,Kurt"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Habsburg Monarchy, Bukowina, Cultural Landscape, state organisation, centre periphery"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437181"], ["title", "Die Landschaft Bukowina"], ["doab_id", "15307"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205784630"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205784630"]], [["description", "Interaction between language and cognition remains an unsolved scientific problem. What are the differences in neural mechanisms of language and cognition? Why do children acquire language by the age of six, while taking a lifetime to acquire cognition? What is the role of language and cognition in thinking? Is abstract cognition possible without language? Is language just a communication device, or is it fundamental in developing thoughts? Why are there no animals with human thinking but without human language? Combinations even among 100 words and 100 objects (multiple words can represent multiple objects) exceed the number of all the particles in the Universe, and it seems that no amount of experience would suffice to learn these associations. How does human brain overcome this difficulty? "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kuniyoshi L. Sakai; Leonid Perlovsky"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Language", "Cognition", "Emotions", "Brain and functional imaging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1460/language-and-cognition"], ["title", "Language and Cognition"], ["doab_id", "19534"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196272"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196272"]], [["description", "This first of two volumes brings together invited papers of the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium (Kirchberg/W. (Austria), 2009). The relation between language and the world was undoubtedly one if not the central issue in Wittgenstein\u2019s whole philosophical oeuvre. His one hundred and twentieth birthday provided an occasion for foregrounding this aspect of his work. A special workshop was dedicated to new aspects of Wittgenstein\u2019s Nachlass. In this volume Frank Cioffi, Peter Hacker, Ian Hacking, Roy Harris, Lars Hertzberg, Jaakko Hintikka, Marie McGinn, Dani\u00e8le Moyal-Sharrock, Hans Sluga among others provide substantial contributions on various aspects of Wittgenstein\u2019s writings such as the philosophy of mathematics, the problem of rule following or the relation between meaning and use."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Munz, Volker ; Puhl, Klaus ; Wang, Joseph"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209819"], ["title", "Language and World. Proceedings of the 32th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2009"], ["doab_id", "18079"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110330595", "9783110330199", "9783110330601"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110330595, 9783110330199, 9783110330601"]], [["description", "While most natural languages rely on speech, humans can spontaneously generate comparable linguistic systems that utilize manual gestures. This collection of papers examines the interaction between natural language and its phonetic vessels - human speech or manual gestures. We seek to identify what linguistic aspects are invariant across signed and spoken languages, and determine how the choice of the phonetic vessel shapes language structure, its processing and its neural implementation. We welcome rigorous empirical studies from a wide variety of perspectives, ranging from behavioral studies to brain analyses, diverse ages (from infants to adults), and multiple languages - both conventional and emerging home signs and sign languages."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Iris Berent; Susan Goldin-Meadow"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["sign language", "universal grammar", "modality", "language evolution", "rules", "home signs", "emerging sign langauges", "lexical access"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1777/language-by-mouth-and-by-hand"], ["title", "Language by mouth and by hand"], ["doab_id", "17676"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194872"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194872"]], [["description", "Language MOOCs (or LMOOCs) are dedicated Web-based online courses for second languages with unrestricted access and potentially unlimited participation. They are generating interest and expectation in the contexts of university education, lifelong learning and online training in general. This pioneering book presents an initial analysis of the theoretical and methodological issues underlying LMOOCs and presents empirical evidence of their potential for the development of language communicative competences, based upon previously unpublished research. It provides a mosaic-like view of LMOOC research, not only with respect to the geographical and institutional origin of its authors, but also to the heterogeneous nature of their respective academic backgrounds, and suggests directions for future development. As in other types of online language courses, the integration of the results of multidisciplinary research projects and teaching experiences related to LMOOCs is fundamental to make the field advance steadily and respond to some of the real challenges and problems faced by individuals working and living in competitive plurilingual societies today."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mart\u00edn-Monje, Elena (ed.); B\u00e1rcena, Elena (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MOOCs, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Emerging Technologies"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/455678"], ["title", "Language MOOCs. Providing Learning, Transcending Boundaries"], ["doab_id", "16878"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110422504"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110422504"]], [["description", "This book presents a major leap forward in the understanding of colour by showing how richer descriptions of colour samples can be operationalized in agent-based models.Four different language strategies are explored: the basic colour strategy, the graded membership strategy, the category combination strategy and the basic modification strategy. These strategies are firmly rooted in empirical observations in natural languages, with a focus on compositionality at both the syntactic and semantic level. Through a series of in-depth experiments, this book discerns the impact of the environment, language and embodiment on the formation of basic colour systems. Finally, the experiments demonstrate how language users can invent their own language strategies of increasing complexity by combining primitive cognitive operators, and how these strategies can be aligned between language users through linguistic interactions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Joris Bleys"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://langsci-press.org/catalog/view/51/104/337-1"], ["title", "Language strategies for the domain of colour"], ["doab_id", "17855"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234166"]], ["provider", "langsci-press.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234166"]], [["description", "This book presents a major leap forward in the understanding of colour by showing how richer descriptions of colour samples can be operationalized in agent-based models. Four different language strategies are explored: the basic colour strategy, the graded membership strategy, the category combination strategy and the basic modification strategy. These strategies are firmly rooted in empirical observations in natural languages, with a focus on compositionality at both the syntactic and semantic level. Through a series of in-depth experiments, this book discerns the impact of the environment, language and embodiment on the formation of basic colour systems. Finally, the experiments demonstrate how language users can invent their own language strategies of increasing complexity by combining primitive cognitive operators, and how these strategies can be aligned between language users through linguistic interactions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bleys ,Joris"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Artificial Intelligence", "Language in Robots", "Colour"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603341"], ["title", "Language strategies for the domain of colour"], ["doab_id", "18632"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234173", "9783944675442"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234173 9783944675442"]], [["description", "In June and July 2014, philologist Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei and photographer Marco Mazzi undertook the Albanian Lapidar Survey, a project to map, document, and photograph the large majority of Albanian lapidars, a particular type of monument, mainly produced in the period that the communist Labor Party of Albania ruled the country (1945\u20131990) to commemorate the partisan victims, battles, and military units from the National Anti-Fascist Liberation War (which coincided with World War II), as well as historical figures from before the liberation and the accomplishments of socialism in Albania afterward.These lapidars, which can still be found, albeit in ever decreasing numbers, all over the country \u2014 in cities and villages, alongside roads, in forests and on mountain passes \u2014 are witness to an enormous expenditure of labor and resources to turn the landscape into a site of what was called \u201cmonumental propaganda.\u201d The Albanian Lapidar Survey aimed to capture these monuments as fact.The results of this project are collected into a three-volume, dual-language (English and Albanian) catalogue, under the title Lapidari. The first volume comprises a series of critical reflections on Albanian monumentality of the period 1945\u20131990 from a variety of perspectives, as well as historical documents and a full indexation of all inscriptions found on the documented monuments. Volume 2 and Volume 3 feature the photographic documentation of all 649 recorded monumental sites by photographer Marco Mazzi."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (Ed. & Trans.); Ramiz Alia ; Kujtim Buza; Kleanth Dedi ; Muharrem Xhafa; G\u00ebzim Q\u00ebndro; Raino Isto; Kosta Giakoumis; Christopher Lockwood; Matthias Bickert; Julian Bejko; Ardian Vehbiu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["public art, monumentality, Albania, lithic history, cultural history, political history, art and architecture, Socialism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en", "sq"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/rg2bj1hypiliuhg/DOE_Lapidari_Volume_1_Texts.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Lapidari, Volume 1: Texts"], ["doab_id", "17887"], ["language_unmapped", "English, Albanian"], ["isbns", ["9780692350461"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692350461"]], [["description", "In June and July 2014, philologist Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei and photographer Marco Mazzi undertook the Albanian Lapidar Survey, a project to map, document, and photograph the large majority of Albanian lapidars, a particular type of monument, mainly produced in the period that the communist Labor Party of Albania ruled the country (1945\u20131990) to commemorate the partisan victims, battles, and military units from the National Anti-Fascist Liberation War (which coincided with World War II), as well as historical figures from before the liberation and the accomplishments of socialism in Albania afterward.These lapidars, which can still be found, albeit in ever decreasing numbers, all over the country \u2014 in cities and villages, alongside roads, in forests and on mountain passes \u2014 are witness to an enormous expenditure of labor and resources to turn the landscape into a site of what was called \u201cmonumental propaganda.\u201d The Albanian Lapidar Survey aimed to capture these monuments as fact.The results of this project are collected into a three-volume, dual-language (English and Albanian) catalogue, under the title Lapidari. The first volume comprises a series of critical reflections on Albanian monumentality of the period 1945\u20131990 from a variety of perspectives, as well as historical documents and a full indexation of all inscriptions found on the documented monuments. Volumes 2 and 3 feature the photographic documentation of all 649 recorded monumental sites by photographer Marco Mazzi."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (Ed.); Marco Mazzi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["public art, monumentality, Albania, lithic history, cultural history, political history, art and architecture, Socialism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en", "sq"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/ohm61riuq2mlqsg/DOE_Lapidari_Volume_2_Images_Part_I.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Lapidari, Volume 2: Images, Part I"], ["doab_id", "17891"], ["language_unmapped", "English, Albanian"], ["isbns", ["9780692350492"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692350492"]], [["description", "In June and July 2014, philologist Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei and photographer Marco Mazzi undertook the Albanian Lapidar Survey, a project to map, document, and photograph the large majority of Albanian lapidars, a particular type of monument, mainly produced in the period that the communist Labor Party of Albania ruled the country (1945\u20131990) to commemorate the partisan victims, battles, and military units from the National Anti-Fascist Liberation War (which coincided with World War II), as well as historical figures from before the liberation and the accomplishments of socialism in Albania afterward.These lapidars, which can still be found, albeit in ever decreasing numbers, all over the country \u2014 in cities and villages, alongside roads, in forests and on mountain passes \u2014 are witness to an enormous expenditure of labor and resources to turn the landscape into a site of what was called \u201cmonumental propaganda.\u201d The Albanian Lapidar Survey aimed to capture these monuments as fact.The results of this project are collected into a three-volume, dual-language (English and Albanian) catalogue, under the title Lapidari. The first volume comprises a series of critical reflections on Albanian monumentality of the period 1945\u20131990 from a variety of perspectives, as well as historical documents and a full indexation of all inscriptions found on the documented monuments. Volumes 2 and 3 feature the photographic documentation of all 649 recorded monumental sites by photographer Marco Mazzi."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (Ed.); Marco Mazzi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["public art, monumentality, Albania, lithic history, cultural history, political history, art and architecture, Socialism, sculpture"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en", "sq"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1wamyy753c8cdy/DOE_Lapidari_Volume_3_Images_Part_II.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Lapidari, Volume 3: Images, Part II"], ["doab_id", "17892"], ["language_unmapped", "English, Albanian"], ["isbns", ["9780692363423"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692363423"]], [["description", "Retomando a admira\u00e7\u00e3o que os cronistas do s\u00e9culo XVI sentiam pela largura da Ba\u00eda de Todos os Santos, esta obra consiste em uma colet\u00e2nea de textos de diferentes autores contempor\u00e2neos, que, apesar de tratarem de assuntos distintos, possuem algo em comum: a Ba\u00eda de Todos os Santos como met\u00e1fora e meton\u00edmia da Bahia, mais precisamente do Rec\u00f4ncavo e de Salvador. S\u00e3o seis cap\u00edtulos, que fazem desde uma an\u00e1lise das cr\u00f4nicas dos estrangeiros sobre a capital baiana, at\u00e9 o ax\u00e9 music e a representa\u00e7\u00e3o da Bahia no mercado musical."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Moura, Milton"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wnm5w"], ["title", "A larga barra da ba\u00eda: essa prov\u00edncia no contexto do mundo"], ["doab_id", "17999"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212094"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212094"]], [["description", "This book examines large-scale land acquisitions, or"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gironde ,C.; Golay ,C.; Messerli ,P."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["International development"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613328"], ["title", "Large-Scale Land Acquisitions"], ["doab_id", "18483"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004304741", "9789004304758"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004304741 9789004304758"]], [["description", "Where is film analysis at today? What is cinema theory up to, behind our backs? The field, as professionally defined (at least in the Anglo-American academic world), is presently divided between contextual historians who turn to broad formations of modernity, and stylistic connoisseurs who call for a return to old-fashioned things like authorial vision, tone, and mise en sc\u00e8ne. But there are other, vital, inventive currents happening \u2014 in criticism, on the Internet, in small magazines, and renegade conferences everywhere \u2014 which we are not hearing much about in any official way. Last Day Every Day shines a light on one of these exciting new avenues.Is there a way to bring together, in a refreshed manner, textual logic, hermeneutic interpretation, theoretical speculation, and socio-political history? A way to break the deadlock between classical approaches that sought organic coherence in film works, and poststructuralist approaches that exposed the heterogeneity of all texts and scattered the pieces to the four winds? A way to attend to the minute materiality of cinema, while grasping and contesting the histories imbricated in every image and sound?In \u201cA Philosophical Interpretation of Freud,\u201d Paul Ricoeur (drawing upon Hegel) remarks: \u201cThe appropriation of a meaning constituted prior to me presupposes the movement of a subject drawn ahead of itself by a succession of \u2018figures,\u2019 each of which finds its meaning in the ones which follow it.\u201d The notion of the figural has recently become popular in European film theory and analysis, especially due to the work of Nicole Brenez \u2014 in which the figure stands for \u201cthe force . . . of everything that remains to be constituted\u201d in a character, object, social relation or idea. Her use of the term refers back to magisterial work of German literary philologist Erich Auerbach (Mimesis), who decoded the religious interpretive system wherein all persons and events are grasped as significant only insofar as they prefigure their fulfilment on the \u2018last day\u2019 of divine judgment.Auerbach\u2019s 1920s work on figuration in Dante was an important influence on his friend Walter Benjamin; and it was this \u2018theological\u2019 aspect of Benjamin\u2019s thought that caught Kracauer\u2019s attention, leading to the problematic of the redemption of worldly things. Last Day Every Day traces the notion of figural thinking from Weimar then to Paris (and beyond) today, taking in contemporary writings by William Routt and Giorgio Agamben, as well as two filmmakers also touched by such thinking and its cultural ambience: Josef von Sternberg (The Blue Angel) and Douglas Sirk (The Tarnished Angels).Figural analysis has a resonance for its practitioners today that goes far beyond its theological roots and undertones. It has become a way to trace and write cultural history, sensitive to the smallest but most powerful vibrations, exchanges, and metamorphoses within texts, whether filmic, literary, pictorial, aural, or theatrical. Modern cinema, in particular, often reverberates with the apocalyptic thunder of the last day (think Lars von Trier\u2019s Melancholia or Abel Ferrara\u2019s 4:44 Last Day on Earth) \u2014 while also opening us to the miracles and mysteries, the perplexities and potentialities, of every day."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Martin"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Agamben, Auerbach, Brenez, Douglas Sirk, figural analysis, Film Studies, Josef von Sternberg, Kracauer, Paul Ricoeur, Walter Benjamin"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/last-day-every-day/"], ["title", "Last Day Every Day: Figural Thinking from Auerbach and Kracauer to Agamben and Brenez"], ["doab_id", "16019"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615719467"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615719467"]], [["description", "Left-right asymmetries of structure and function are a common organization principle in the brains of humans and non-human vertebrates alike. While there are inherently asymmetric systems such as the human language system or the song system of songbirds, the impact of structural or functional asymmetries on perception, cognition and behavior is not necessarily limited to these systems. For example, performance in experimental paradigms that assess executive functions such as inhibition, planning or action monitoring is influenced by information processing in the bottom-up channel. Depending on the type of stimuli used, one hemisphere can be more efficient in processing than the other and these functional cerebral asymmetries have been shown to modulate the efficacy of executive functions via the bottom-up channel. We only begin to understand the complex neuronal mechanisms underlying this interaction between hemispheric asymmetries and cognitive systems. Therefore, it is the aim of this Research Topics to further elucidate how structural or functional hemispheric asymmetries modulate perception, cognition and behavior in the broadest sense."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sebastian Ocklenburg; Christian Beste; Onur Gunturkun; Marco Hirnstein"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["handedness", "Executive Function", "laterality", "lateralization", "hemispheric asymmetry", "Brain", "Language", "brain structure"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1081/lateralization-and-cognitive-systems"], ["title", "Lateralization and cognitive systems"], ["doab_id", "17803"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194117"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194117"]], [["description", "This is a refreshing book: it contains nothing trite, rejects conventionality and academic fads, and unswervingly asserts a clear position on thorny issues. With this book, Bernardo Sorj has demonstrated once again what those of us who have followed his career already knew: not only is he an excellent sociologist, but above all, he is a true intellectual, a critical thinker who tackles the main issues of today\u2019s world, and Latin America in particular."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kqbg9"], ["title", "Latin America's eclusive democracies"], ["doab_id", "17244"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662212"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662212"]], [["description", "Based on the work of twenty renowned experts from the region, this ground-breaking book traces the new face of Latin America using clear, straightfoward language that is accessible to a general audience. The current panorama in the region creates new opportunities and dangers for social cohesion in democracy and a revitalized critical approach is needed to arrive at a global interpretation of the social dynamics in Latin America."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Martuccelli, Danilo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kfvcr"], ["title", "The Latin American challenge: social cohesion and democracy"], ["doab_id", "17334"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9788579820816"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820816"]], [["description", "La experiencia de los derechos humanos se manifiesta a trav\u00e9s de luces y sombras, pues los derechos adquieren su forma en un complejo juego de reflejos en el cual las exigencias de emancipaci\u00f3n se enlazan con las l\u00f3gicas de dominio. Desde un punto de vista fenomenol\u00f3gico, los derechos parecen estar atravesados por una dicotom\u00eda a trav\u00e9s de la cual la universalidad no modifica (quiz\u00e1s consolida) el hecho de su inefectividad, la generalidad no resuelve (quiz\u00e1s esconde) din\u00e1micas discriminadoras, la multiplicaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s que paz social produce contraposici\u00f3n. Los reg\u00edmenes jur\u00eddicos de los derechos se interesan tambi\u00e9n por la transformaci\u00f3n del mismo proceso de producci\u00f3n; esto deriva de una complicaci\u00f3n de la relaci\u00f3n entre pol\u00edtica y justicia: al mismo tiempo que la pol\u00edtica se judicializa, la justicia se politiza. Los profundos cambios presentes en el mundo contempor\u00e1neo, que configuran un nuevo espacio geopol\u00edtico y un in\u00e9dito pluralismo de los valores en un contexto de diversidad cultural, act\u00faan como factores que modifican el sentido del discurso de los derechos humanos. Los an\u00e1lisis contenidos en este volumen se desarrollan sobre distintas \u00e1reas jur\u00eddicas y filos\u00f3ficas. Partiendo del examen directo de algunas cuestiones clave, ponen de relieve esos problemas complejos y se\u00f1alan la urgente necesidad de una reflexi\u00f3n sobre las posibles v\u00edas para corresponder a las reivindicaciones de libertad y de justicia expresadas en la demanda de los derechos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meccarelli, Massimo; Palchetti, Paolo; Sotis, Carlo"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Human rigths"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18380/Lato_HD_24_2014.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Il lato oscuro dei Diritti umani: esigenze emancipatorie e logiche di dominio nella tutela giuridica dell\u2019individuo"], ["doab_id", "16076"], ["language_unmapped", "ita"], ["isbns", ["9788490319215"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490319215"]], [["description", "Dos trilhos \u00e0s trilhas \u00e9 mesmo a hist\u00f3ria deste livro que descortina a vida e obra do compositor, arranjador e violonista Laurindo Almeida. A narrativa acompanha a trajet\u00f3ria do m\u00fasico, desde o seu nascimento e inf\u00e2ncia, ao lado da via f\u00e9rrea, na pequena Miracatu, no litoral paulista, passando pelo Rio de Janeiro das d\u00e9cadas de 30 e 40, no auge da \"Era do R\u00e1dio\", at\u00e9 sua emigra\u00e7\u00e3o para os EUA, onde se tornou um dos m\u00fasicos brasileiros de maior renome, tendo recebido, dentre in\u00fameros outros pr\u00eamios, o Oscar do cinema americano. O autor investiga ainda os motivos que teriam levado Laurindo Almeida - um dos violonistas mais influentes do s\u00e9culo XX, segundo algumas enciclop\u00e9dias da m\u00fasica-, a ocupar um lugar secund\u00e1rio na historiografia da m\u00fasica brasileira. O livro tamb\u00e9m inclui o levantamento e a cataloga\u00e7\u00e3o de sua discografia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francischini, Alexandre"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7s5ff"], ["title", "Laurindo Almeida: dos trilhos de Miracatu \u00e0s trilhas em Hollywood"], ["doab_id", "16743"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830358"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830358"]], [["description", "In 2011, Professor Adrian J Bradbrook retired from a distinguished scholarly career spanning over forty years. During this time, he made a significant contribution to teaching and scholarship not only in property law \u2014 specifically to leasehold tenancies law and easements and restrictive covenants \u2014 but also to energy law, especially the emerging and growing field of solar energy.This book brings together those people who worked closely with Bradbrook, each an expert in their own right, to honour a career by critically engaging with the contributions Bradbrook made to property and energy law. Each author has chosen a topic that both fits with their own cutting-edge research and explores the related contributions made by Bradbrook. Most unusually, this collection ranges widely across property law, energy law and human rights."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Babie ,Paul; Leadbeter ,Paul"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["adrian j bradbrook", "energy law", "property law", "tenancy law", "leasehold tenancies law", "solar energy", "human rights law", "controls on urban tree removal in south australia - an example of restricting property rights for the greater community benefit", "paul leadbeter", "the wily quadruped meets a saucy intruder: how life and law intersect", "paul babie", "a role for international law in achieving a gender aware energy policy", "judith gardam", "energy efficiency and rental accommodation: dealing with split incentives", "barry barton", "renewable energy in the context of climate change and global energy resources", "rosemary lyster", "a biography of land, law and place", "lee godden", "professor bradbrook and residential tenancy reform", "tony moore", "sustainable transport: trends, issues and perspectives for international cooperation in the implementation of rio+20 decisions", "ralph wahnschafft", "united nations department of economic and social affairs", "tribute to professor adrian j. bradbrook and his contributions to the laws governing energy", "climate change and poverty alleviation", "richard l. ottinger", "international energy law: an emerging academic discipline", "alex wawryk", "property law and energy law: one academic\u2019s perspective adrian j bradbrook", "the university of adelaide"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560243"], ["title", "Law as Change: Engaging with the Life and Scholarship of Adrian Bradbrook"], ["doab_id", "16448"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064806"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064806"]], [["description", "The information and risk society poses a new challenge for the law in all its fragments. Modern media communication and technologies increase people\u2019s prosperity while stating new risks with not uncommonly devastating crisis-potential: The banking crisis, the safety net for the euro zone and the nuclear incident in Fukushima are only the latest forms of those specific modern common dangers which the law is facing \u2013 in many cases due to it\u2019s domestically limited validity - not or not sufficiently prepared. In order to promote the international dialog within the jurisprudence there was a conference in October 2010 held by the faculty of law of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t, supported by the chair of GAU, together with the faculty of Seoul National University School of Law discussing main issues of law in a modern information and risk society. With this volume the results of this convention shall be made accessible to everybody interested. Thereby it illustrates not only the variety of new issues and aspects, but also reveals that this can only be the beginning on the way to a deeper understanding of the complex correlations. Volume 10 in the series \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c The series is published by the Faculty of Law of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und makes events at the faculty publicly available.

The information and risk society poses a new challenge for the law in all its fragments. Modern media communication and technologies increase people\u2019s prosperity while stating new risks with not uncommonly devastating crisis-potential: The banking crisis, the safety net for the euro zone and the nuclear incident in Fukushima are only the latest forms of those specific modern common dangers which the law is facing \u2013 in many cases due to it\u2019s domestically limited validity - not or not sufficiently prepared. In order to promote the international dialog within the jurisprudence there was a conference in October 2010 held by the faculty of law of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t, supported by the chair of GAU, together with the faculty of Seoul National University School of Law discussing main issues of law in a modern information and risk society. With this volume the results of this convention shall be made accessible to everybody interested. Thereby it illustrates not only the variety of new issues and aspects, but also reveals that this can only be the beginning on the way to a deeper understanding of the complex correlations. Volume 10 in the series \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c The series is published by the Faculty of Law of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen und makes events at the faculty publicly available."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Lee, Sang Won"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["International Law", "German-Korean Relationships", "Financial Crisis", "International Affairs", "EU", "International Law", "German-Korean Relationships", "Financial Crisis", "International Affairs", "EU"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610196"], ["title", "The law in the information and risk society"], ["doab_id", "14581"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950125"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950125"]], [["description", "It is commonly believed that a state facing a terrorist threat responds with severe legislation that compromises civil liberties in favour of national security. Roger Douglas compares responses to terrorism by five liberal democracies\u2014 the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand\u2014 over the past 15 years. He examines each nation\u2019s development and implementation of counterterrorism law, specifically in the areas of information gathering, the definition of terrorist offenses, due process for the accused, detention, and torture and other forms of coercive questioning. Douglas finds that terrorist attacks elicit pressures for quick responses, which often allow national governments to accrue additional powers. But emergencies are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for such laws, which may persist even after fears have eased. He argues that responses are influenced by institutional interests and prior beliefs and are complicated when the exigencies of office and beliefs point in different directions. He also argues that citizens are wary of government\u2019s impingement on civil liberties and that courts exercise their capacity to restrain the legislative and executive branches. Douglas concludes that the worst anti-terror excesses have taken place outside of, rather than within, the law and that the legacy of 9/11 includes both laws that expand government powers and judicial decisions that limit those very powers. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Douglas ,Roger"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Civil Rights", "Detention of persons", "Government Information - Access control", "National security", "Law and legislation", "Terrorism - Prevention", "Torture"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=483170"], ["title", "Law, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Terrorism"], ["doab_id", "16184"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472029662", "9780472119097"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472029662 9780472119097"]], [["description", "Years of surveillance-related leaks from US whistleblower Edward Snowden have fuelled an international debate on privacy, spying, and Internet surveillance. Much of the focus has centered on the role of the US National Security Agency, yet there is an important Canadian side to the story. The Communications Security Establishment, the Canadian counterpart to the NSA, has played an active role in surveillance activities both at home and abroad, raising a host of challenging legal and policy questions.With contributions by leading experts in the field, Law, Privacy and Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era is the right book at the right time: From the effectiveness of accountability and oversight programs to the legal issues raised by metadata collection to the privacy challenges surrounding new technologies, this book explores current issues torn from the headlines with a uniquely Canadian perspective."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Geist ,Michael"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Edward Snowden", "surveillance", "Internet surveillance", "privacy", "spying", "Canada"]], ["publisher", "University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019Ottawa"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=569531"], ["title", "Law, Privacy and Surveillance in Canada in the Post-Snowden Era"], ["doab_id", "17327"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780776621838", "9780776622071"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780776621838 9780776622071"]], [["description", "Laying the Foundation: Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries examines the library\u2019s role in the development, implementation, and instruction of successful digital humanities projects. It pays special attention to the critical role of librarians in building sustainable programs. It also examines how libraries can support the use of digital scholarship tools and techniques in undergraduate education. Academic libraries are nexuses of research and technology; as such, they provide fertile ground for cultivating and curating digital scholarship. However, adding digital humanities to library service models requires a clear understanding of the resources and skills required. Integrating digital scholarship into existing models calls for a reimagining of the roles of libraries and librarians. In many cases, these reimagined roles call for expanded responsibilities, often in the areas of collaborative instruction and digital asset management, and in turn these expanded responsibilities can strain already stretched resources. Laying the Foundation provides practical solutions to the challenges of successfully incorporating digital humanities programs into existing library services. Collectively, its authors argue that librarians are critical resources for teaching digital humanities to undergraduate students and that libraries are essential for publishing, preserving, and making accessible digital scholarship.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "White W. ,John; Gilbert ,Heather"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Library and Information Science", "Media and Communications"]], ["publisher", "Purdue University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605454"], ["title", "Laying the Foundation"], ["doab_id", "18775"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781557537515"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781557537515"]], [["description", "The twelve \u00d2lays\u00d3 of Marie de France, the earliest known French woman poet, are here presented in sprightly English verse by poet and translator David R. Slavitt. Traditional Breton folktales were the raw material for Marie de France\u00d5s series of lively but profound considerations of love, life, death, fidelity and betrayal, and luck and fate. They offer acute observations about the choices that women make, startling in the late twelfth century and challenging even today. Combining a woman\u00d5s wisdom with an impressive technical bravura, the lays are a minor treasure of European culture. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Translated by David R. Slavitt"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["French", "comparative literature", "translation"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120228"], ["title", "The Lays of Marie de France"], ["doab_id", "16225"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356357", "9781927356364", "9781927356371"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356357 9781927356364 9781927356371"]], [["description", "In this Research Topic, we provide a comprehensive overview of current public health leadership research, focusing on understanding the impact of leadership on the delivery of public health services. By bringing together ground-breaking research studies detailing the development and validation of leadership activities and resources that promote effective public health practice in a variety of settings, we seek to provide a basis for leading public health organizations. We encouraged contributions that assess the effectiveness of public health leaders, as well as critical discussions of methods for improving the leadership of public health organizations at all levels. Both ongoing and completed original research was welcome, as well as methods, hypothesis and theory, and opinion papers. The effective practice of public health leadership is a key concept for public health practitioners to clearly understand as the 21st century unfolds. Following the significant lapses of leadership in the for-profit world, leaders in governmental and not-for-profit agencies are required to learn by their failed examples. A major task facing all current and prospective public health practitioners is developing the required leadership skills in order to be effective twenty first century leaders. As a consequence of the rapidly evolving health of the public, as well as the development of the discipline and practice of public health, understanding the principles and attributes of leadership are now required of all public health practitioners. Leadership can be described in a variety of ways. Leadership in public health requires skillful individuals meeting the health challenges of communities and the population as a whole. Leadership may be defined as a process that occurs whenever an individual intentionally attempts to influence another individual or group, regardless of the reason, in an effort to achieve a common goal which may or may not contribute to the success of the organization. Thus leadership is a process involving two or more people. The nature of leadership is an important aspect of the concept as a whole. Submissions relating public health leadership to the management of public health organizations were welcomed. This Research Topic provided the opportunity for authors to consider the concept of leadership from a variety of approaches. Original research papers considering a variety of leadership theories provide methodological approaches to the topic. Hypothesis and theory papers provide the basis for application of leadership to public health practice. Opinion papers provide the opportunity to develop thinking concerning practice of public health leadership."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James W. Holsinger Jr.; Erik L. Carlton; Emmanuel D. Jadhav"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Leadership", "Management", "Leading People", "Managing Organizations", "public health accreditation", "situational leadership", "Conditions of Trust", "Full Range Leadership", "openness to change", "leadership ethics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3017/leading-people---managing-organizations-contemporary-public-health-leadership"], ["title", "Leading people - managing organizations: Contemporary public health leadership"], ["doab_id", "18851"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197262"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197262"]], [["description", "Ageing infrastructure and declining water resources are major concerns with a growing global population.\u00a0 Controlling water loss has therefore become a priority for water utilities around the world. In order to improve efficiencies, water utilities need to apply good practices in leak detection. Leak Detection: Technology and Implementation assists water utilities with the development and implementation of leak detection programs. Leak detection and repair is one of the components of controlling water loss.\u00a0 In addition, techniques are discussed within this book and relevant case studies are presented. This book provides useful and practical information on leakage issues."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hamilton ,Stuart; Charalambous ,Bambos"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["utility management", "network management", "water resources", "environment", "water supply", "water treatment"]], ["publisher", "IWA Publishing"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578133"], ["title", "Leak Detection: Technology and Implementation"], ["doab_id", "17524"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781780404714"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780404714"]], [["description", "The book of the 2013 World Innovation Summit for Education highlights the most innovative programs worldwide successfully preparing students for the world of work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valerie Hannon; Sarah Gillinson; Leonie Shanks"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544742"], ["title", "Learning a Living"], ["doab_id", "17140"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544742"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544742"]], [["description", "It is largely accepted in the relevant literature that successful learning of one or more non-native languages is affected by a number of factors that are independent of the target language(s) per se; these factors include the age of acquisition (AoA) of the target language(s), the type and amount of formal instruction the learners have received, as well as the amount of language use that the learners demonstrate. Recent experimental evidence suggests that one crucial factor for efficient native-like performance in the non-native language is the amount of naturalistic exposure, or immersion, that the learners receive to that language. This can be broadly defined as the degree to which language learners use their non-native language outside the classroom and for their day-to-day activities, and usually presupposes that the learners live in an environment where their non-native language is exclusively or mostly used. Existing literature has suggested that linguistic immersion can be beneficial for lexical and semantic acquisition in a non-native language, as well as for non-native morphological and syntactic processing. More recent evidence has also suggested that naturalistic learning of a non-native language can also have an impact on the patterns of brain activity underlying language processing, as well as on the structure of brain regions that are involved, expressed as changes in the grey matter structure. This Research Topic brings together studies on the effects of learning and speaking a non-native language in a naturalistic environment. These include more efficient or \u201cnative-like\u201d processing in behavioural tasks tapping on language (lexicon, morphology, syntax), as well as changes in the brain structure and function, as revealed by neuroimaging studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christos Pliatsikas; Vicky Chondrogianni"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bilingualism", "Second Language Acquisition", "Immersion", "Bilingual lexicon", "phonology", "Morphosyntax", "Multilingualism", "ERPs", "Structural MRI"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2118/learning-a-non-native-language-in-a-naturalistic-environment-insights-from-behavioural-and-neuroimag"], ["title", "Learning a non-native language in a naturalistic environment: Insights from behavioural and neuroimaging research"], ["doab_id", "19543"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196395"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196395"]], [["description", "\"Many efforts have been undertaken to address dysfunctional security sector governance in West Africa. However, security sector reform (SSR) has fallen short of radical \u2013 transformational \u2013 change to the fundamental structures of power and governance in the region. Looking more closely at specific examples of SSR in six West African countries, Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance explores both progress and reversals in efforts by national stakeholders and their international partners to positively influence security sector governance dynamics. Written by eminent national experts based on their personal experiences of these reform contexts, this study offers new insights and practical lessons that should inform processes to improve democratic security sector governance in West Africa and beyond.\u201cThis volume has markedly moved the ball forward in the continuous efforts to better understand SSR experiments, specifically in West Africa. Through what could be dubbed \u2018street level analysis of SSR\u2019 (their concept of \u201cmicro-dynamics of SSR\u201d), the editors have introduced a perceptive and innovative vista through which to examine and take stock of SSR processes. A must read volume for academics and practitioners of SSR alike in order to integrate the lessons and add to their knowledge base the valuable insights contained in the various chapters.\u201d \u2014 Dr. Boubacar N\u2019Diaye, Executive Committee Chair, African Security Sector Network (ASSN); Professor of Political Science and Pan-African Studies, The College of Wooster, USAA French translation of this book can be viewed, for free, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bav\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bryden ,Alan; Chappuis ,Fairlie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Security sector reform", "Security sector governance", "Democracy", "West Africa", "Domestic security", "Development"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588816"], ["title", "Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance"], ["doab_id", "18093"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188679", "9781909188686", "9781909188693", "9781909188709"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188679 9781909188686 9781909188693 9781909188709"]], [["description", "Three-dimensional (3D) immersive virtual worlds have been touted as being capable of facilitating highly interactive, engaging, multimodal learning experiences. Much of the evidence gathered to support these claims has been anecdotal but the potential that these environments hold to solve traditional problems in online and technology-mediated education\u2014primarily learner isolation and student disengagement\u2014has resulted in considerable investments in virtual world platforms like Second Life, OpenSimulator, and Open Wonderland by both professors and institutions. To justify this ongoing and sustained investment, institutions and proponents of simulated learning environments must assemble a robust body of evidence that illustrates the most effective use of this powerful learning tool.In this authoritative collection, a team of international experts outline the emerging trends and developments in the use of 3D virtual worlds for teaching and learning. They explore aspec ts of learner interaction with virtual worlds, such as user wayfinding in Second Life, communication modes and perceived presence, and accessibility issues for elderly or disabled learners. They also examine advanced technologies that hold potential for the enhancement of learner immersion and discuss best practices in the design and implementation of virtual world-based learning interventions and tasks. By evaluating and documenting different methods, approaches, and strategies, the contributors to Learning in Virtual Worlds offer important information and insight to both scholars and practitioners in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Sue Gregory, Mark J.W. Lee, Barney Dalgarno, and Belinda Tynan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["SecondLife, OpenSimulation, 3D, Open Wonderland, simulated learning, online learning"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120254"], ["title", "Learning in Virtual Worlds: Research and Applications"], ["doab_id", "19422"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991339", "9781771991346", "9781771991353", "9781771991360"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991339 9781771991346 9781771991353 9781771991360"]], [["description", "Perceptual learning can be defined as a long lasting improvement in a perceptual skill following a systematic training, due to changes in brain plasticity at the level of sensory or perceptual areas. Its efficacy has been reported for a number of visual tasks, such as detection or discrimination of visual gratings (De Valois, 1977; Fiorentini & Berardi, 1980, 1981; Mayer, 1983), motion direction discrimination (Ball & Sekuler, 1982, 1987; Ball, Sekuler, & Machamer, 1983), orientation judgments (Fahle, 1997; Shiu & Pashler, 1992; Vogels & Orban, 1985), hyperacuity (Beard, Levi, & Reich, 1995; Bennett & Westheimer, 1991; Fahle, 1997; Fahle & Edelman, 1993; Kumar & Glaser, 1993; McKee & Westheimer, 1978; Saarinen & Levi, 1995), visual search tasks (Ahissar & Hochstein, 1996; Casco, Campana, & Gidiuli, 2001; Campana & Casco, 2003; Ellison & Walsh, 1998; Sireteanu & Rettenbach, 1995) or texture discrimination (Casco et al., 2004; Karni & Sagi, 1991, 1993). Perceptual learning is long-lasting and specific for basic stimulus features (orientation, retinal position, eye of presentation) suggesting a long-term modification at early stages of visual analysis, such as in the striate (Karni & Sagi, 1991; 1993; Saarinen & Levi, 1995; Pourtois et al., 2008) and extrastriate (Ahissar & Hochstein, 1996) visual cortex. Not confined to a basic research paradigm, perceptual learning has recently found application outside the laboratory environment, being used for clinical treatment of a series of visually impairing conditions such as amblyopia (Levi & Polat, 1996; Levi, 2005; Levi & Li, 2009, Polat et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2006), myopia (Tan & Fong, 2008) or presbyopia (Polat, 2009). Different authors adopted different paradigms and stimuli in order to improve malfunctioning visual abilities, such as Vernier Acuity (Levi, Polat & Hu, 1997), Gratings detection (Zhou et al., 2006), oculomotor training (Rosengarth et al., 2013) and lateral interactions (Polat et al., 2004). The common result of these studies is that a specific training produces not only improvements in trained functions, but also in other, untrained and higher-level visual functions, such as visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and reading speed (Levi et al, 1997a, 1997b; Polat et al., 2004; Polat, 2009; Tan & Fong, 2008). More recently (Maniglia et al. 2011), perceptual learning with the lateral interactions paradigm has been successfully used for improving peripheral vision in normal people (by improving contrast sensitivity and reducing crowding, the interference in target discrimination due to the presence of close elements), offering fascinating new perspectives in the rehabilitation of people who suffer of central vision loss, such as maculopathy patients, partially overcoming the structural differences between fovea and periphery that limit the vision outside the fovea. One of the strongest point, and a distinguishing feature of perceptual learning, is that it does not just improve the subject\u2019s performance, but produces changes in brain\u2019s connectivity and efficiency, resulting in long-lasting, enduring neural changes. By tailoring the paradigms on each subject\u2019s needs, perceptual learning could become the treatment of choice for the rehabilitation of visual functions, emerging as a simple procedure that doesn\u2019t need expensive equipment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gianluca Campana; Marcello Maniglia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Myopia", "Presbyopia", "Amblyopia", "Crowding", "Pathologic nystagmus", "tRNS", "Macular Degeneration", "Vision restoration training", "Blindness", "Video Games"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2347/learning-to-see-better-improving-visual-deficits-with-perceptual-learning"], ["title", "Learning to see (better): Improving visual deficits with perceptual learning"], ["doab_id", "19511"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196036"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196036"]], [["description", "Alison Thorne provides a small-town Utah perspective on the progressive social movements that in the mid to late twentieth century dramatically affected American society. A born activist, Thorne has fought for women's rights, educational reform in public schools and universities, the environment, peace, and the war on poverty. Her efforts have been all the more challenging because of the conservative social and cultural environment in which she has undertaken them. Yet, Thorne, who has deep personal and familial roots in the politically conservative and predominantly Mormon culture of Utah and much of the West, has worked well with people with varied political and social perspectives and agendas. She has been able to establish effective coalitions in contexts that seem inherently hostile. She demonstrated this through her election to the local school board and through her appointment by both Republican and Democratic governors, eventually as chair, to the statewide Governor's Committee on the Status of Women. Alison Thorne's background prepared her to challenge restrictive social contexts, see the broader picture, and encourage progressive change. Educated in the field of consumption economics, which studies those aspects of consumption that operate outside the market system, especially government services and unpaid household production, primarily by women, she received a Ph.D. in economics after graduate study at the University of Chicago and Iowa State, a first for a woman at the latter. Moving with her husband after he was hired at Utah State University, she soon discovered that her education and abilities were undervalued and that tight nepotism rules kept her out of an academic position. She devoted herself to research and writing about alternatives to the narrow definitions of a housewife's role and duties prevalent in the 1940s and 1950s. Both her scholarly work and her personal inclinations prepared her for the emergence of the second wave of feminism in the 1960s. Her participation in the fight for the Equal Rights Amendment honed her skills as an activist, which she applied to multiple other causes. But Alison Thorne's style has never been mere protest of injustice; she has always been fully engaged with her communities, directly working for social change and betterment. Rather than be discouraged by initial rejection, she found ways to contribute to education on the USU campus, eventually achieved academic standing, and helped create women's studies programs and a women's center. She met other challenges in her city and state similarly, by taking her gloves off, reaching out to others, building coalitions, and getting to work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thorne, Alison Comish"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/19"], ["title", "Leave the Dishes in the Sink: Adventures of an Activist in Conservative Utah"], ["doab_id", "14682"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214628"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214628"]], [["description", "In 1975, at the age of twenty-three, Farideh Goldin left Iran in search of her imagined America. She sought an escape from the suffocation she felt under the cultural rules of her country and the future her family had envisioned for her. While she settled uneasily into American life, the political unrest in Iran intensified and in February of 1979, Farideh\u2019s family was forced to flee Iran on the last El-Al flights to Tel Aviv. They arrived in Israel as refugees, having left everything behind including the only home Farideh\u2019s father had ever known. Baba, as Farideh called her father, was a well-respected son of the chief rabbi and dayan of the Jews of Shiraz. During his last visit to the United States in 2006, he handed Farideh his memoir that chronicled the years of his life after exile: the confiscation of his passport while he attempted to return to Iran for his belongings, the resulting years of loneliness as he struggled against a hostile bureaucracy to return to his wife and family in Israel, and the eventual loss of the poultry farm that had supported his family. Farideh translated her father\u2019s memoir along with other documents she found in a briefcase after his death. Leaving Iran knits together her father\u2019s story of dislocation and loss with her own experience as an Iranian Jew in a newly adopted home. As an intimate portrait of displacement and the construction of identity, as a story of family loyalty and cultural memory, Leaving Iran is an important addition to a growing body of Iranian\u2013American narratives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Farideh Goldin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Shirazi Jews, Jewish, 1979 Islamic revolution, immigration, Shah, dislocation, diaspora, Iranian"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120252"], ["title", "Leaving Iran: Between Migration and Exile"], ["doab_id", "19417"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991377", "9781771991384", "9781771991391", "9781771991407"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991377 9781771991384 9781771991391 9781771991407"]], [["description", "The first of five volumes presents the younger son of Tyrolean country gentry as a squire bustling striving for social advancement. After unsteady years as a noble warrior, crusader and expert for public administration with the Bishop of Brixen, with his admittance to the Service of King Sigmund of Luxemburg he achieves a special role between the sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire and the Tyrolean nobility which rebelled against his Austrian Duke Friedrich IV.

Der erste Band der f\u00fcnfb\u00e4ndigen Buchreihe stellt den j\u00fcngeren Sohn aus lands\u00e4ssiger Tiroler Adelsfamilie als einen umtriebig um Aufstieg bem\u00fchten Junker vor. Nach unsteten Jahren als adeliger Krieger, Kreuzfahrer und Verwaltungsfachmann beim Bischof von Brixen gewinnt er mit seiner Aufnahme in die Dienste K\u00f6nig Sigmunds von Luxemburg eine Sonderstellung zwischen dem Reichsoberhaupt und dem gegen seinen \u00f6sterreichischen Landesf\u00fcrsten rebellierenden Tiroler Adel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kranich-Hofbauer ,Karin; Schwob ,Ute Monika; Spreitzer ,Brigitte"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Nobility, Tyrol, Later Middle Ages, Conflict - Peace, History of Law, Early New High German, Medieval documents, Pilgrims, Knight Crusaders"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=475170"], ["title", "Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein, Band 1"], ["doab_id", "15992"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205990505"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3205990501"]], [["description", "While the first volume presented a younger son of a family of Tyrolese nobility, who strived after social advancement throughout Europe and who succeeded to act the part of a special advisor in service of the sovereign, the documents of his life in the second volume concentrate primarily on feuds, captivities and resolution of conflicts in Tyrol. The conflict over the heritage of Hauenstein leads to captivity, provisional release, appeal to the king, further imprisonment and humiliating submission to the duke of Tyrol. Finally Oswald is granted a reprieve and acquires the property of Hauenstein.

Hatte der erste Band einen j\u00fcngeren Sohn aus Tiroler Adelsfamilie vorgestellt, der sich umtriebig in ganz Europa um Aufsteig bem\u00fchte und dem es gelang, die Rolle eines Sonderberaters im Dienst des Reichsoberhaupts zu spielen, so konzentrieren sich die \"Lebenszeugnisse\" des zweiten Bandes vornehmlich auf Fehden, Gefangenschaften und Konfliktl\u00f6sungen im Land Tirol. Die Auseinandersetzung um den eigenen Anteil am Hauensteinischen Erbe wird gegen den Willen des Wolkensteiners mit seiner Opposition gegen den \"\u00f6sterreichischen\" Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4tsanspruch seines Landesf\u00fcrsten Herzog Friedrich IV. verquickt. Gefangenschaft, befristete Freilassung zur Beilegung seiner privaten Fehde, Anrufung des K\u00f6nigs und Asylsuche bei den Grafen von G\u00f6rz, schlie\u00dflich neuerliche, lebensbedrohende Gefangenschaft und dem\u00fctigende Unterwerfung pr\u00e4gen diesen Lebensabschnitt, der schlie\u00dflich mit der Begnadigung durch den Landesf\u00fcrsten und dem Erwerb des gesamten Hauensteinischen Besitzes einen positiven Abschluss findet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwob ,Anton"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Nobility, Tyrol, Later Middle Ages, Conflict - Peace, Captivity - Submission - Reprieve, Conception of legality, Early New High German, medieval documents", "Oswald von Wolkenstein"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470930"], ["title", "Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "15940"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993704"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993704"]], [["description", "The historical source materials edited in the 3rd volume, which were collected in more than 40 archives and libraries in Austria, Italy, Germany, Czechia and Switzerland, present Oswald von Wolkenstein as a legal expert, warrior, diplomat, princely servant as well as unrestless politician. He is at feuds with opponents in matters of legacy and engages in the Vehmic courts as a juryman, but is also a versatile servant of the King, princely counsellor and tenacious judge. Through his important role in the local judicature, he achieves high reputation in Tyrol.

Das im 3. Band edierte Quellenmaterial aus Archiven und Bibliotheken \u00d6sterreichs, Italiens, Deutschlands, Tschechiens und der Schweiz pr\u00e4sentiert Oswald von Wolkenstein als Rechtssachverst\u00e4ndigen, Krieger, Diplomaten, F\u00fcrstendiener und unerm\u00fcdlichen Politiker. Er f\u00fchrt Fehden und bet\u00e4tigt sich als Freisch\u00f6ffe der Feme, aber auch als wendiger Diener des K\u00f6nigs, umsichtiger F\u00fcrstenberater und z\u00e4her Prozessf\u00fchrer. In Tirol gelangt er durch seine bedeutende Rolle im heimischen Rechtsleben zu hohem Ansehen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kranich-Hofbauer ,Karin; Spreitzer ,Brigitte; Schwob ,Ute Monika"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["nobility, Tyrol, Later Middle Ages, conflict \u2013 peace, history of law, medieval documents, Early New High German"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=475171"], ["title", "Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein, Band 3"], ["doab_id", "15993"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772743"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3205772741"]], [["description", "The Tyrolean knight Oswald von Wolkenstein (ca 1376 - 1445) is considered to be the most important German poet and composer of the Late Middle Ages. Besides his songs and compositions more than 1000 documents bear evidence of his chivalrous career and the medieval life of the lower nobility in all its social, economic and legal details. This exceptional historical attestation came down to us in ca 40 archives spread all over Austria, Italy, Germany and neighbouring countries. Partly known and with exceptions not published before this five volume edition presents the material in a totally new edition following the rules of historic-diplomatic editions, based on new transcriptions and accompanied by source descriptions as well as ample commentaries. Volume IV comprises the years 1438 to 1442, a period that shows how Wolkenstein is establishing himself as a leading member oft Tyrolean nobility, renown as legal adviser as well as a land-owner involved in arguments.

Der Tiroler Adelige Oswald von Wolkenstein (um 1376 - 1445) gilt als einzigartiger Exponent der sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen deutschen Lyrik. Neben seinem literarisch-musikalischen Werk hat er der Nachwelt noch eine historische \u00dcberlieferung hinterlassen, die Beachtung verdient. Sie soll in einem f\u00fcnfb\u00e4ndigen Werk, dessen 4. Band hier vorgelegt wird, ediert und kommentiert werden. Aus Briefen, Urkunden und Akten lassen sich ebenso eine individuelle ritterliche Karriere wie das standestypische Leben des mittelalterlichen Herrenstandes mit seinen sozialen Vernetzungen, \u00f6konomischen Grundlagen und rechtlichen M\u00f6glichkeiten ablesen. Die Texte wurden in rund 40 in- und ausl\u00e4ndischen Archiven ausgehoben, von Grund auf neu transkribiert, beschrieben, nach einheitlichen Editionsprinzipien bearbeitet und von detaillierten Kommentaren begleitet. Band 4 umfasst die Zeit von 1438 bis 1442 und zeigt den Wolkensteiner vor allem als streitbaren Grundherrn, als Rechtssachverst\u00e4ndigen und zunehmend als bedeutenden Politiker in der Grafschaft Tirol."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwob ,Anton; Schwob ,Ute Monika"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Nobility, Tyrol, Later Middle Ages, Conflict - Peace, Conception of legality , Early New High German"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437200"], ["title", "Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein, Band 4"], ["doab_id", "15323"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786313"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786313"]], [["description", "Until today, the death of Charles VI and Maria Theresia\u2019s ascending the throne 1740 is seen as a major turning point in Austrian history. But now is the question of whether in different \u201clayers\u201d and \u201crooms\u201d without doubt fundamental change between 1720 and 1780 not differentiated must be seen against the background of the concept of interface (\u201cSattelzeit\u201d/Reinhart Koselleck). On the basis of the space \u201cViennese court\u201d, where the change of rulers in its effects most likely can be documented, attempts from the perspective of different disciplines (the so called \u201cHofk\u00fcnste\u201d \u2013 literature/poetry, arts, theatre/dance, music) point out continuities and discontinuities.

Der Tiroler Adelige Oswald von Wolkenstein (um 1376-1445), ein einzigartiger Exponent sp\u00e4tmittelalterlicher deutscher Lyrik, hat neben seinem k\u00fcnsterischen Werk Briefe, Urkunden und Akten hinterlassen, die seine pers\u00f6nliche ritterliche Karriere und das standestypische Leben seiner Zeit (soziale Vernetzungen, \u00f6konomische Grundlagen, rechtliche M\u00f6glichkeiten) bezeugen. Die Texte wurden in ca. 40 Archiven ausgehoben, beschrieben, transkribiert und von Kommentaren eingeleitet. Mit dem 5. Bd. betreffend 1443 \u2013 1447 ist das Werk abgeschlossen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwob ,Anton; Schwob ,Ute Monika"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Oswald von Wolkenstein \u2013 documents \u2013 Austrian history \u2013 Tyrolean history \u2013 lower nobility \u2013 chivalrous career \u2013 medieval life", "Oswald von Wolkenstein \u2013 Urkunden, Akten \u2013 \u00f6sterreichische Geschichte \u2013 Geschichte Tirols \u2013 Niederadel \u2013 ritterliche Laufbahn \u2013 Leben im Mittelalter"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450282"], ["title", "Die Lebenszeugnisse Oswalds von Wolkenstein, Band 5"], ["doab_id", "15530"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205789512"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205789512"]], [["description", "El libro vuelve a proponer, despu\u00e9s de algunos a\u00f1os que han transcurrido desde la primera edici\u00f3n, una nueva versi\u00f3n del texto de las lecciones desarrolladas por el autor en la primavera de 1993 en la Universidad de Barcelona. Destinadas a un p\u00fablico interesado, e incluso especialista, se articulan en dos n\u00facleos. Por un lado era necesario razonar sobre el concepto de codificaci\u00f3n, verificar la novedad que propone y c\u00f3mo se distingue de fen\u00f3menos aparentemente an\u00e1logos, como tambi\u00e9n del resto del tejido normativo (constituci\u00f3n, derecho consuetudinario, jurisprudencia). Desde este punto de vista la codificaci\u00f3n del derecho se\u00f1al\u00f3 la transici\u00f3n de un sistema de fuentes dominado por la ciencia jur\u00eddica (es decir, el del derecho com\u00fan) a un sistema que privilegi\u00f3 la producci\u00f3n estatal del derecho y fue instrumento de la primac\u00eda de la ley. Por otro lado, las lecciones dedicaron particular atenci\u00f3n al despegue concreto del modelo codificador producido en el continente entre 1794 y 1811, plasmado en una trilog\u00eda ligada todav\u00eda \u2013aunque de distinta manera\u2013 al iusnaturalismo: la que va del c\u00f3digo prusiano de 1794 al franc\u00e9s de 1804, para concluir con el c\u00f3digo austriaco de 1811. A la evoluci\u00f3n posterior del modelo codificador est\u00e1n dedicados los cap\u00edtulos conclusivos sobre el C\u00f3digo civil suizo de 1907 y sobre la denominada descodificaci\u00f3n. Esta nueva versi\u00f3n de las Lecciones est\u00e1 enriquecida con una puesta al d\u00eda de la bibliograf\u00eda \u2013hasta el a\u00f1o 2012 incluido\u2013 y por un Ap\u00e9ndice documental de 34 textos, todos magistralmente traducidos al castellano por los editores de la publicaci\u00f3n."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Caroni, Pio"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Codificaci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/17310/lecciones_caroni_2013.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Lecciones de historia de la codificaci\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "16141"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490315897"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490315897"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of articles written in recent years and used in lectures for students at the Faculty of Architecture at Delft and at Nottingham University. The lectures and articles are based on a mixture of innovations in academia and industry. They elucidate the relationship between architecture and building technology, as well as high technology, transfer of technology, innovative design, development and research in the Chair of Product Development at TU Delft. With his experience in both industry and academia, Eekhout\u2019s goal is to bridge the gap between the two worlds and to stimulate them both, to prepare students to be inventive, innovative and daring enough to materialize their own dreams in practice. The lecture articles are based on the adventures and experiences in Mick Eekhout\u2019s design & build experimental laboratory cum factory, which works on projects all over the world, and for many interesting clients. Eekhout was able to develop an innovative technical vocabulary for lightweight structures and claddings in architecture and encourages students to attempt the same."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["architecture ", " building technology ", " technology transfer ", " innovative design ", " development and research ", " product development ", " TU Delft ", " Nottingham University"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-556-2"], ["title", "Lectures on Innovation in Building Technology - Lecture Articles for Students of Architecture Delft 1992-2015 | Nottingham 2005-2011"], ["doab_id", "19264"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995555", "9781614995562"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995555 (print) | 9781614995562 (online)"]], [["description", "Left Bank Dream stages three characters longing for Paris. Their longing for place and the poetry of exile converge in the iconic figure of Charles Baudelaire. Recognized after his death and subsequently revered by surrealists and modernists as one of the most significant modern European poets, Baudelaire in his own time frightened many of his literary contemporaries with his gritty and sublime portrayal of the city, and the concomitant reshaping of poetic and aesthetic conventions. The Berlin writer and critic, Walter Benjamin, is the second historical character. He appears in Paris seventy years after Baudelaire\u2019s death. Baudelaire conceived of his own exile in his native city in circumstances that he had not planned, but Benjamin\u2019s exile, a victim of the Nazis, led him in search of his favorite poet \u2014 the key to his reading of modernity \u2014 in the same way that he had once followed a woman he loved back to her native Russia. Benjamin follows Baudelaire\u2019s traces throughout the streets of Paris.The story of Benjamin reading the poetry of the modern world in Baudelaire\u2019s notations of Paris shapes the views of the fictional narrator, the third character who arrives in Paris some seventy years after Benjamin\u2019s death. She walks along the quais and across the bridges, as the river transforms the sky. Paris \u2014 Baudelaire-Ville \u2014 becomes a kind of detective story that unfolds the evidence of love in poetry, created in a network of chance encounters.The text unfolds in two night-stories as Charles the poet and Walter the critic pursue their fabulations of the city, Paris, one image at a time. It is a love story, across continents, a suggestive encounter that is almost virtual, a blank page of borderline emptiness on one side, and a lurid fantasy life on the other. Which one is real? Each of the characters has a different answer. There is also a story that connects the Second Empire poet, stalking his unknown women as they advance through the city streets, with the critic in exile reliving Baudelaire\u2019s poetry in ecstatic bursts. The critic takes his passion for the underground life of the lost city to the national library, where he reads and takes notes in a tiny cryptographic handwriting, as if he were a spy or someone watching through a keyhole.Like a figure in a silent film by the French director Germaine Dulac, there is also a woman looking for answers in Baudelaire\u2019s poems. She reads them as a kind of divination. Their beautiful and harsh cries of love and anger vibrate against the thin walls of old apartment buildings in the early morning when you have the lights on because you can\u2019t fall asleep. The sky is strictly neutral, the voices are red. She is the narrator, who came a long way from the ghost world of a lost city, like Andromaque in mourning. Halfway between the poet\u2019s time and the now of the reader, the critic is caught in a darker time. With no money and no papers, he goes underground in Paris. In Baudelaire-Ville, he brings history up to the light of the future. The narrator is a writer who has fallen in love with a man from the high mountains of Europe. He is volatile and unpredictable. On the banks of the Seine river and at the edges of the dream that offers a fantastic possession of the image of Paris, her part of the story joins the others."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Beryl Schlossman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["modernism, love, fiction, Walter Benjamin, Paris, Charles Baudelaire, exile, Surrealism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/z2fbl4kwobqqkx3/Schlossman_Left_Bank_Dream_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Left Bank Dream"], ["doab_id", "17886"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692356616"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692356616"]], [["description", "Examining the legal effects of EU concluded treaties, this book provides an analysis of this increasingly important and rapidly growing area of EU law. The EU has concluded more than 1,000 treaties including recently its first human rights treaty (the UN Rights of Persons with Disability Convention). These agreements are regularly invoked in litigation in the Courts of the member states and before the EU courts in Luxembourg but their ramifications for the EU legal order and that of the member states remains underexplored. Through analysis of over 300 cases, the book finds evidence of a twin-track approach whereby the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) adopts a maximalist approach to Treaty enforcement, where EU agreements are invoked in challenges to member state level action whilst largely insulating EU action from meaningful review vis-\u00e0-vis agreements. The book also reveals novel findings regarding the use of EU agreements in EU level litigation including: the types and which specific EU agreements (including the types of provisions) have arisen in litigation; the nature of the proceedings (preliminary rulings or direct actions) and the number of occasions in which they have been addressed in challenges to member state or EU action and the outcomes; who has been litigating (individuals, institutions, or member states) and which domestic courts have been referring questions to the CJEU. The significance of the judicial developments in this area are situated within the context of the domestic constitutional ramifications for member state legal orders thus revealing a neglected dimension in the constitutionalization debates, which traditionally emphasized the ramifications of internal EU law for the domestic constitutional order without expressly accommodating the constitutional significance of this external category of EU law nor the different challenges that this poses domestically."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mendez ,Mario"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["EU concluded treaties", "EU law", "EU courts", "CJEU", "Treaty enforcement", "EU level litigation", "Domestic courts", "Member states", "Constitutionalization"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453475"], ["title", "The Legal Effects of EU Agreements"], ["doab_id", "15509"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199606610"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199606610"]], [["description", "To understand how the legal system works, students must consider the law in terms of its structures, processes, language, and modes of thought and argument\u2014in short, they must become literate in the field. Legal Literacy fulfills this aim by providing a foundational understanding of key concepts such as legal personhood, jurisdiction, and precedent, and by introducing students to legal research and writing skills. Examples of cases, statutes, and other legal materials support these concepts.While Legal Literacy is an introductory text, it also challenges students to consider critically the system they are studying. Touching on significant socio-legal issues such as access to justice, legal jargon, and plain language, Zariski critiques common legal traditions and practices, and analyzes what it means \u201cto think like a lawyer.\u201d As such, the text provides a sound basis for those who wish to pursue further studies in law or legal studies as well as those seeking a better understanding of how the legal field relates to the society that it serves."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Archie Zariski"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Canadian law, Supreme court of Canada, civil law, jurisdiction"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120240"], ["title", "Legal Literacy: An Introduction to Legal Studies"], ["doab_id", "19406"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356449", "9781927356456", "9781927356463", "9781771990028"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356449 9781927356456 9781927356463 9781771990028 "]], [["description", "Whenever the legitimacy of a new or ethically contentious medical intervention is considered, a range of influences will determine whether the treatment becomes accepted as lawful medical treatment. The development and introduction of abortion, organ donation, gender reassignment, and non-therapeutic cosmetic surgery have, for example, all raised ethical, legal, and clinical issues. This book examines the various factors that legitimatise a medical procedure.Bringing together a range of internationally and nationally recognised academics from law, philosophy, medicine, health, economics, and sociology, the book explores the notion of a treatment, practice, or procedure being proper medical treatment, and considers the range of diverse factors which might influence the acceptance of a particular procedure as appropriate in the medical context. Contributors address such issues as clinical judgement and professional autonomy, the role of public interest, and the influence of resource allocation in decision-making. In doing so, the book explores how the law, the medical profession, and the public interact in determining whether a new or ethically contentious procedure should be regarded as legitimate.This book will be of interest and use to researchers and students of bioethics, medical law, criminal law, and the sociology of medicine."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fovargue ,Sara; Mullock ,Alexandra"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["medical intervention", "ethical issues", "legal issues", "clinical issues", "medical procedure", "law", "philosophy", "medicine", "health", "economics", "sociology", "bioethics"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/search?identifier=606733"], ["title", "The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment : What role for the medical exception"], ["doab_id", "18976"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781138819634"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138819634"]], [["description", "\"On September 12th 2008, Lehman Brothers was valued at 639 billion US dollars. On Monday 15th September, it was worth nothing. How could trillions of dollars seemingly melt into air? Lehman Brothers had a long and prestigious history, and certainly until the end of 2007 had appeared to be conducting a very successful business. Its collapse was the largest bankruptcy in American history and is widely regarded as a crucial event in triggering the turmoil in the markets that triggered the global financial crisis. In this book, Oonagh McDonald, the author of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, unravels the events of that fateful September weekend. Using extensive documentary evidence and interviews with former Lehman employees, she reveals the decisions that led to Lehman's collapse, looks at why the government refused a bail-out and whether the implications of this refusal were fully understood. In clear and accessible language she demonstrates both the short and long term effects of Lehman's collapse. This is a fascinating story, with very wide implications. In particular, it raises vital questions about virtual capital and artificial value. McDonald uses her study of the Lehman collapse to examine what is meant by economic value and how it should be identified and measured.\""], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "McDonald ,Oonagh"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Lehman Brothers", "Global financial crisis", "banking", "crash", "economy", "debt", "capital", "bankruptcy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=614070.xhtml"], ["title", "Lehman Brothers"], ["doab_id", "19603"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526100580"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526100580"]], [["description", "The volume presents the reports and discussions held at the conference of the \u201cAssociation of German Constitutional Law Teachers\u201d in Freiburg from October 3rd to October 6th, 2007."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hillgruber, Christian; Nolte, Georg ; Poscher, Ralf; Volkmann, Uwe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/62511"], ["title", "Die Leistungsf\u00e4higkeit der Wissenschaft des \u00d6ffentlichen Rechts. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Freiburg i.Br. vom 3. bis 6. Oktober 2007"], ["doab_id", "18131"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110977097", "9783899494372"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110977097, 9783899494372"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bogdandy, Armin von ; Burgi, Martin; Heintzen, Markus ; Herdegen, Matthias; Korioth, Stefan; Morlok, Martin; Oebbecke, Janbernd ; Vo\u00dfkuhle, Andreas "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/17997"], ["title", "Leistungsgrenzen des Verfassungsrechts. \u00d6ffentliche Gemeinwohlverantwortung im Wandel. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in St. Gallen vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 2002"], ["doab_id", "18392"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110922806", "9783899490442"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110922806, 9783899490442"]], [["description", "A proposta inspira-se em dois aportes de refer\u00eancia: o espa\u00e7o biogr\u00e1fico tomado de empr\u00e9stimo de Leonor Arfuch e a vida pensada como obra de arte por Michel Foucault. Tais argumentos possibilitam um novo olhar \u00e0 produ\u00e7\u00e3o de nossas pesquisas, borrando fronteiras entre ser intuitivo e ser arcabou\u00e7o te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gico que venha a delinear o percurso rumo a um conhecimento que se articula. Com vistas aos g\u00eaneros discursivos, abarcados em sua pluralidade, buscando apreender um excedente da literatura, a no\u00e7\u00e3o de espa\u00e7o biogr\u00e1fico vai sendo ampliada de forma a contemplar para al\u00e9m das diversas formas que tem assumido a narra\u00e7\u00e3o inveterada das vidas not\u00e1veis ou \"obscuras\", entre as quais a autobiografia moderna n\u00e3o \u00e9 sen\u00e3o um \"caso\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Camargo, Maria Rosa Rodrigues Martins de; Santos, Vivian Carla Calixto dos"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zz66x"], ["title", "Leitura e escrita como espa\u00e7os autobiogr\u00e1ficos de forma\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16744"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831263"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831263"]], [["description", "This new collection of J. Hillis Miller\u2019s essays centres on the question \u201cwhy and to what end should we read, teach, and spend our time with literary and/or cultural studies?\u201d At a time when electronic media seem to dominate the market completely, and jobs follow the money flows into electronic and technical fields, literary and cultural studies might appear as a decorative addenda but not really necessary for the process of growth and development, neither in business nor in the area of personal development. This question is not really new, it has many facets, requires differentiated answers which depend and mirror the political and cultural climate of a society.

Der vorliegende Band ist eine neue thematisch orientierte Zusammenstellung von Hillis Millers j\u00fcngeren Arbeiten, die alle um die eine Frage kreisen: warum und wozu Literaturwissenschaft, oder im erweiterten Sinne \u201aKulturwissenschaft\u2018 - im Zeitalter der elektronischen Medien und der vorwiegend nachgefragten technologischen Berufe der heutigen Zeit weder in der Gesch\u00e4ftswelt noch in der pers\u00f6nlichen Entwicklung? Diese Frage ist nicht ganz neu, hat viele Facetten und erfordert differenzierte Antworten, die vom politischen und kulturellen Klima einer Gesellschaft abh\u00e4ngen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miller Hillis ,J."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["literary studies", "cultural studies", "Literaturwissenschaft", "Kulturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613240"], ["title", "Lekt\u00fcren Interventionen: Literatur und die Zeichen der Zeit Ausgew\u00e4hlte Studien"], ["doab_id", "19504"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9781785420320", "9781785420337"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420320 9781785420337"]], [["description", "Este trabalho trata dos escritos de Lenin sobre a sociedade sovi\u00e9tica, mais especificamente sobre os problemas relacionados ao que se convencionou chamar de \u201cconstru\u00e7\u00e3o do socialismo\u201d na R\u00fassia. Entre os dirigentes do Partido Bolchevique, Lenin foi um dos primeiros a se preocupar com a caracteriza\u00e7\u00e3o do tipo de sociedade que resultara da Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o de Outubro. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins; De Fiore, Ottaviano"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/t6zhg"], ["title", "Lenin: capitalismo de estado e burocracia"], ["doab_id", "17176"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820212"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820212"]], [["description", "Since the beginning of reception, B\u00fcchner's epoch-making narrative Lenz was praised for its iconic quality, for the suggestive verbal mediacy of visual experience and the evocation of mental pictures. But so far research has paid no attention to the fact that this specific interrelation of language and image also strongly influenced the reception of the narrative in the fine arts. For the first time, this study analyses the complex relations between text and image in Lenz and its reception comprehensively, i.e. in consideration of the trias of literary communication: author, work and (artistic) reader. Firstly it is shown how the text-image-relations form the aesthetic fundament of the narrative as means of composition, but also as thematic, metareflexive element. Subsequently the different forms of imagery are analysed, which are generated in this way. The final part of the study presents illustrations based on Lenz and confronts them with the text. More than 700 pictures from 47 artists could be found, e.g. the expressive self-portraits of Walter Gramatt\u00e9, Toyen's surrealistic compositions, the 'degenerative' etchings of Susanne Theumer or Thomas Kohl's landscape-representations.

Seit Beginn der Rezeption wird B\u00fcchners epochale Erz\u00e4hlung Lenz f\u00fcr ihre Bildkraft, f\u00fcr die suggestive sprachliche Vermittlung visueller Erfahrung und Evozierung geistiger Bilder ger\u00fchmt. Dass dieses spezifische Naheverh\u00e4ltnis von Sprache und Bild auch die Rezeption in der Bildenden Kunst nachhaltig beeinflusste, wurde jedoch in der B\u00fcchner-Forschung bislang so gut wie nicht beachtet. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die vielschichtigen Beziehungen von Text und Bild im Lenz und in seiner Wirkungsgeschichte erstmals \u00fcbergreifend, also unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung der Kommunikationstriade von Werk, Autor und (k\u00fcnstlerisch produktivem) Rezipienten. Dazu wurde der Ansatz der literaturzentrierten Intermedialit\u00e4tsforschung um den Aspekt einer diachronen Verankerung der intermedialen Kontaktnahme erweitert. Resultat dieser Modifikation in der Theoriebildung war ein dreiteiliges Analyseschema: Zun\u00e4chst wird gezeigt, wie Text-Bild-Relationen das \u00e4sthetische Fundament der Erz\u00e4hlung pr\u00e4gen, indem sie als Gestaltungsmittel, aber auch als thematisches, metareflexives Element Verwendung finden. Daran anschlie\u00dfend werden die verschiedenen Formen von \u201aBildlichkeit' untersucht, die auf diese Weise im Lenz entstehen. Im abschlie\u00dfenden Teil der Arbeit schlie\u00dflich wird der Text mit seiner produktiven Rezeption in der Bildenden Kunst konfrontiert. Und diese ist, wie sich zeigte, weitaus umfassender als bislang angenommen. \u00dcber 700 Arbeiten von vier Dutzend K\u00fcnstlern aus acht Jahrzehnten konnten eruiert werden, von den expressionistischen Selbstbildnissen Walter Gramatt\u00e9s \u00fcber die surrealistischen Kompositionen Toyens bis hin zu Susanne Theumers \u201adegenerativen' Radierungen oder den Landschaftsrepr\u00e4sentationen Thomas Kohls. \u00dcber den k\u00fcnstlerischen Eigenwert hinaus erm\u00f6glichen diese Bilder nicht nur wertvolle R\u00fcckschl\u00fcsse auf die Rezeptions- und Editionsgeschichte des Lenz. Sie geben auch Aufschluss in kunstgeschichtlichen, buch- und illustrationswissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen und sind nicht zuletzt Anschauungsmaterial, das den rezeptions- und intermedialit\u00e4tstheoretischen Ans\u00e4tzen Stringenz und Plastizit\u00e4t zu verleihen imstande ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Neuhuber ,Christian"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["B\u00fcchner, Lenz, intermediality, imagery in literature, text-image-relations, Lenz-illustrations"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437142"], ["title", "Lenz-Bilder"], ["doab_id", "15268"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783800"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783800"]], [["description", "Essays, articles, artworks, and documents taken from and inspired by the symposium on Reza Negarestani\u2019s Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials, which took place on 11 March 2011 at The New School. Hailed by novelists, philosophers, artists, cinematographers, and designers, Cyclonopedia is a key work in the emerging domains of speculative realism and theory-fiction. The text has attracted a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary audience, provoking vital debate around the relationship between philosophy, geopolitics, geophysics, and art. At once a work of speculative theology, a political samizdat, and a philosophic grimoire, Cyclonopedia is a Deleuzo-Lovecraftian middle-eastern Odyssey populated by archeologists, jihadis, oil smugglers, Delta Force officers, heresiarchs, and the corpses of ancient gods. Playing out the book\u2019s own theory of creativity \u2013 \u201ca confusion in which no straight line can be traced or drawn between creator and created \u2013 original inauthenticity\u201d \u2013 this multidimensional collection both faithfully interprets the text and realizes it as a loving, perforated host of fresh heresies. The volume includes an incisive contribution from the author explicating a key figure of the novel: the cyclone."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ed Keller (ed.); Nicola Masciandaro (ed.); Eugene Thacker (ed.); Zach Blas; Melanie Doherty; Anthony Sciscione; Kate Marshall; Alisa Andrasek; Dan Mellamphy; Nandita Biswas Mellamphy; Ben Woodard; Lionel Maunz; \u00d6yk\u00fc Tekten; Reza Negarestani; McKenzie Wark; Benjamin H. Bratton; Alexander R. Galloway"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Reza Negarestani, Cyclonopedia, speculative realism, theory-fiction"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/leper-creativity-cyclonopedia-symposium/"], ["title", "Leper Creativity: Cyclonopedia Symposium "], ["doab_id", "16007"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615600468"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615600468"]], [["description", "Este estudo cr\u00edtico apresenta uma leitura comparada entre o romance\u00a0Ensaio sobre a cegueira\u00a0(1995), do escritor portugu\u00eas Jos\u00e9 Saramago, e sua adapta\u00e7\u00e3o cinematogr\u00e1fica,Blindness\u00a0(2008), dirigida pelo cineasta brasileiro Fernando Meirelles. A narrativa de Saramago, tomada como ponto de partida, \u00e9 analisada \u00e0 luz das categorias de imagens estabelecidas por Northrop Frye: demon\u00edacas, apocal\u00edpticas e anal\u00f3gicas. Em seguida, considerando-se que a literatura e o cinema, apesar de tra\u00e7os comuns, s\u00e3o sistemas semi\u00f3ticos distintos, verifica-se o tratamento que as imagens do livro receberam em sua adapta\u00e7\u00e3o cinematogr\u00e1fica, observando aproxima\u00e7\u00f5es e contrastes existentes entre a narrativa e o filme."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sotta, Cleomar Pinheiro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x97jh"], ["title", "Das letras \u00e0s telas: a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o intersemi\u00f3tica de ensaio sobre a cegueira"], ["doab_id", "19837"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788579837104"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837104"]], [["description", "The study of letter writing is at the heart of the historical-sociolinguistic enterprise. Private letters, in particular, offer an unprecedented view on language history. This book presents an in-depth study of the language of letters focussing on a unique collection of Dutch private letters from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which comprises letters from the lower, middle and upper ranks, written by men as well as women.The book discusses the key issues of formulaic language and the degree of orality of private letters, it questions the importance of letter-writing manuals, and reveals remarkable patterns of social, regional and gender variation in a wide range of linguistic features. Arguing for writing experience as an important factor in historical linguistics generally, the book offers numerous new perspectives on the history of Dutch.The monograph is of interest to a wide readership, ranging from scholars of historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, Germanic linguistics, sociology and social history to (advanced) graduate and postgraduate students in courses on language variation and change."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gijsbert Rutten; Marijke J. van der Wal"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, Dutch, history"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/ahs.2"], ["title", "Letters as Loot. A sociolinguistic approach to seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Dutch"], ["doab_id", "16493"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027269577"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027269577"]], [["description", "On March 15, 1939, Helen Waldstein\u2019s father snatched his stamped exit visa from a distracted clerk to escape from Prague with his wife and child. As the Nazis closed in on a war-torn Czechoslovakia, only letters from their extended family could reach Canada through the barriers of conflict. The Waldstein family received these letters as they made their lives on a southern Ontario farm, where they learned to be Canadian and forget their Jewish roots. Helen Waldstein read these letters as an adult\u2015this changed everything. As her past refused to keep silent, Helen followed the trail of the letters back to Europe, where she discovered living witnesses who could attest to the letters\u2019 contents. She has here interwoven their stories and her own into a compelling narrative of suffering, survivor guilt, and overcoming intergenerational obstacles when exploring a traumatic past."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Helen Waldstein Wilkes"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Holocaust", "Judaism", "immigration", "World War II"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120165"], ["title", "Letters From the Lost: A Memoir of Discovery"], ["doab_id", "14444"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425534", "9781897425541"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425534 9781897425541"]], [["description", "This collection brings together for the first time select works in English by the major Swedish modernist poet and critic G\u00f6ran Printz-P\u00e5hlson. It was Printz-P\u00e5hlson who introduced poetic modernism to Scandinavia, and his essays and poems delve deeply into English, American, and continental modernist traditions.As well as Letters of Blood, the collection includes the full text of The Words of the Tribe, a major statement on modern poetics, in which Printz-P\u00e5hlson explores the significance of primitivism in Romanticism and Modernism, and the nature of metaphor and literary materialism. The collection also includes essays on style, irony, realism, and the relationship between historical drama and historical fiction, as well as studies of American poetry. Printz-P\u00e5hlson\u2019s poetry in English continues to explore these themes by different, often surprisingly innovative, means."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Printz-P\u00e5hlson, G\u00f6ran (Author); Archambeau, Robert (Editor); Shaffer, Elinor (Foreword); Svensson, Lars-H"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "Swedish poetry", "Swedish literature", "Sweden", "The Words of the Tribe", "modernism", "Scandinavia", "Scandinavian literature", "American poetry", "primitivism", "literary theory", "literary materialism", "literary criticism"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/86"], ["title", "Letters of Blood and Other Works in English"], ["doab_id", "14495"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924577"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924577"]], [["description", "2009 was the bicentenary of the birth of the English writer, translator, critic and amateur artist Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake (1809-1893). Bringing together a comprehensive collection of her surviving correspondence, the Letters of Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake reveals significant new material about this extraordinary figure in Victorian society. The scope of Lady Eastlake\u2019s writing is wide and interdisciplinary, which recommends her as a significant figure in Victorian culture, giving rise to revelations about the ways in which different cultural activities were linked. Lady Eastlake lived for extended periods of time abroad in Germany and Estonia, and wrote an early work about her impressions of the Baltic, her subsequent writing took the form of reviews for the periodical press, including reviews of Jane Eyre, Vanity Fair, Ruskin, Coleridge, and Madame de Stael. She also wrote on women\u2019s subjects, including articles on the education of women. However, the great proportions of her publications are art-related reviews: she wrote one of earliest critical texts on photography and produced several essays on artists. The lively correspondence of Lady Eastlake not only contributes to a more holistic understanding of nineteenth-century culture, it also shows how a well connected woman could play an important role in the Victorian art world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sheldon ,Julie"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Diaries", "Letters and Journals", "Ruskin", "Early photography", "Early Critic", "Dagboeken", "Brieven en Dagbladen", "Ruskin", "Vroege fotografie", "Vroege kritiek"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389225"], ["title", "The Letters of Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake"], ["doab_id", "13366"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846311949"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846311949"]], [["description", "When he died at the age of thirty-seven, Vincent van Gogh left a legacy of over two thousand artworks, for which he is now justly famous. But van Gogh was also a prodigious writer of letters - more than eight hundred of them, addressed to his parents, to friends such as Paul Gauguin, and, above all, to his brother Theo. His letters have long been admired for their exceptional literary quality, and art historians have sometimes drawn on the letters in their analysis of the paintings. And yet, to date, no one has undertaken a critical assessment of this remarkable body of writing\u00d1not as a footnote to the paintings but as a highly sophisticated literary achievement in its own right. Patrick Grant's long-awaited study provides such an assessment and, as such, redresses a significant omission in the field of van Gogh studies. As Grant demonstrates, quite apart from furnishing a highly revealing self-portrait of their author, the letters are compelling for their imaginative and expressive power, as well as for the perceptive commentary they offer on universal human themes. Through a subtle exploration of van Gogh's contrastive style of thinking and his fascination with the notion of imperfection, Grant illuminates gradual shifts in van Gogh's ideas on religion, ethics, and the meaning of art. He also analyzes the metaphorical significance of a number of key images in the letters, which prove to yield unexpected psychological and conceptual connections, and probes the relationships that surface when the letters are viewed as a cohesive literary product. The result is a wealth of new insights into van Gogh's inner landscape. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrick Grant"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Literary criticism", "Art history", "Letter-writing", "Religion", "Theo Van Gogh", "Paul Gauguin", "Idealism", "Rembrandt"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120236"], ["title", "The Letters of Vincent van Gogh: A Critical Study"], ["doab_id", "16235"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356746", "9781927356753", "9781927356760"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356746 9781927356753 9781927356760"]], [["description", "This study, emerging from workshop activity carried out as part of the course on ECONOMY AND ADMINISTRATION OF CO-OPERATION AND NON-PROFIT, represents an examination of the economic-financial dimension of the work of the Tuscan voluntary organisations. It is inserted within an articulated research process devoted to an analysis of the accountability of these third sector agents, in the awareness that voluntary work has always been an important factor in civil progress. More specifically, the economic and financial information made available to the provinces as a result of the obligation on the voluntary organisations to deposit the annual financial statement has been fully exploited. This compliance has thus been transformed from a mere bureaucratic procedure into an opportunity for a collective cognitive enrichment through collection at regional level, reclassification and the aggregate analysis of the economic and financial data relating to the management reports (profit and loss accounts) of the voluntary organisations for 2004-2005. This has made it possible to underscore the nature and provenance of the economic and financial resources that accrue annually to such bodies, as well as the principal productive factors \"consumed\" in the performance of their activities.

Il presente studio, frutto di un'attivit\u00e0 di laboratorio svolta all'interno dell'insegnamento di ECONOMIA E AMMINISTRAZIONE DELLA COOPERAZIONE E DEL NON PROFIT, rappresenta un esame della dimensione economico-finanziaria di esercizio delle organizzazioni di volontariato toscane. Esso si inserisce in un percorso di ricerca articolato e dedicato all'analisi dell'accountability di tali attori del terzo settore, nella consapevolezza che il volontariato rappresenta da sempre un importante fattore di progresso civile. In particolare, si \u00e8 voluto far tesoro delle informazioni economico-finanziarie a disposizione delle province grazie all'obbligo di deposito del bilancio annuale da parte delle organizzazioni di volontariato. Si \u00e8 proceduto a trasformare questo adempimento da semplice onere burocratico in una occasione di arricchimento conoscitivo collettivo attraverso la raccolta a livello regionale, la riclassificazione e l'analisi aggregata dei dati economico-finanziari relativi ai rendiconti gestionali (conti economici) 2004-2005 che caratterizzano il nostro volontariato. Ci\u00f2 ha permesso di evidenziare la natura e la provenienza dei mezzi economico-finanziari che affluiscono annualmente a tali enti, nonch\u00e9 i principali fattori produttivi \u00abconsumati\u00bb nella realizzazione delle loro attivit\u00e0."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bagnoli, Luca"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Economy", "No profit", "Co-operation", "Economia", "Enti no profit", "Cooperazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=344910"], ["title", "La lettura dei bilanci delle Organizzazioni di Volontariato toscane nel biennio 2004-2005"], ["doab_id", "13015"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884536396"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536396"]], [["description", "This topic aims to pool the most recent advances in the phenomenology and pathophysiology of levodopa-induced dyskinesias. The papers in this eBook have strongly contributed to reduce the gaps in our knowledge of LIDs pathogenesis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonio Cerasa; Giacomo Koch; Alfonso Fasano; Francesca Morgante"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Levodopa Induced Dyskinesias", "Hyperkinetic Motor Disorders", "Neuroimaging", "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation", "Deep Brain Stimulation", "Neurobiology", "Neuropsychology", "striato cortical pathways"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1619/levodopa-induced-dyskinesias-in-parkinsons-disease-current-knowledge-and-future-scenarios"], ["title", "Levodopa-induced Dyskinesias in Parkinson's Disease: Current Knowledge and Future Scenarios"], ["doab_id", "18154"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195459"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195459"]], [["description", "Este libro re\u00fane trabajos sobre el pasado y el presente de las leyes, las justicias y las insituciones de seguridad de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Dicha tem\u00e1tica plantea una complejidad que solo ha sido analizada parcialmente, y que aqu\u00ed se quiere profundizar sumando aportes de distintas disciplinas y miradas. Se aprovechan para ello las contribuciones m\u00e1s recientes de las Ciencias Sociales, que se han ocupado del sobreexpuesto tema de la seguridad y de las instituciones que detentan el monopolio de la coerci\u00f3n estatal, junto con los aportes de la llamada historia social y cultural de la justicia y las instituciones de seguridad de Am\u00e9rica Latina. Los autores que integran esta compilaci\u00f3n buscan avanzar en el conocimiento de los marcos normativos y las pr\u00e1cticas sociales en el territorio bonaerense, indagando sobre distintos aspectos -hist\u00f3ricos y contempor\u00e1neos- de la administraci\u00f3n del conflicto, que involucran una trama compleja de relaciones, tanto hacia el interior de las agencias estatales\u00a0 como en su relaci\u00f3n con diversos grupos, clases y actores sociales.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barreneche, Osvaldo (comp.); Oyhandy, Angela (comp.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Argentina ", " Buenos Aires (provincia) ", " history ", " justice ", " social participation ", " 19th Century ", " 21th Century ", " Historia ", " Justicia ", " Participaci\u00f3n social ", " Siglo XIX ", " Siglo XXI"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/21"], ["title", "Leyes, justicias e instituciones de seguridad en la provincia de Buenos Aires (siglos XIX a XXI)"], ["doab_id", "17352"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411155"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411155"]], [["description", "This book focuses upon an aspect which has been little investigated to date in the poetics of Iosif Brodskij: the rich intertextual network that links his verses to classical literature. Brodskij's intertext never appears as imitation but rather as mimesis, like an inescapable mediation - at times concealed by the presence of cultures diachronically closer, the Russian in the first place - strongly impregnated with meaning and teaching: \"(As for creation, the pen has created very little). / But how much light it casts in the night, / the ink, merging with the darkness!\". This book proposes moments of reflection on the intense and nuanced relation that connects Brodskij's poetics with the poetics of Aristotle, and the subtle but equally strong links of Brodskij's idea of democracy with that of the organisation of government in Plato's Republic. Pursuing an historic approach, the book delineates the characteristics of Brodskij as a reader of the classics and, at the same time, as a person intimately involved, at an individual and collective level, in the events of Russian culture. In Brodskij's dialogical approach, in particular in relation to ancient classical culture, the lineaments of the poet emerge clearly. Considered in their globality, these reveal inspiration, thought (profound, and strongly impregnated with philosophy), moral rigour (ironic and self-ironising), the renunciation of the display of feelings, and the tension towards an autobiographical writing that is universalised and externalised, a strong and constant link with the narration of myths and, in a manner that is increasingly marked over the time of his life and work, a progressive prevalence of the signs of the classical authors.

Lezioni di poesia mette in luce un aspetto finora poco indagato nella poetica di Iosif Brodskij, la ricca rete intertestuale che lega i suoi versi alle letterature classiche. L'intertesto brodskiano mai appare come \"imitazione\", piuttosto come \"mimesis\", come una mediazione, talvolta celata dalla presenza di culture diacronicamente pi\u00f9 vicine, in primis quella russa ineludibile, fortemente impregnata di senso e insegnamento: \u00ab(Creando, ben poco la penna ha creato). / Ma quanta luce d\u00e0 nella notte, / con il buio fondendosi, l'inchiostro!\u00bb. Lezioni di poesia propone momenti di riflessioni sull'intenso e sfumato rapporto che lega poetica brodskiana e poetica aristotelica, e sui sottili ma altrettanto forti nessi dell'idea di democrazia in Brodskij con quella dell'organizzazione di governo nella Repubblica di Platone. Tramite un percorso storico il volume delinea i tratti di Brodskij, lettore dei classici e, contemporaneamente, persona intimamente coinvolta, sul piano individuale e collettivo, nelle vicende della cultura russa. Nel \"porsi dialogico\" di Brodskij, in particolare nei confronti dell'antica cultura classica, si fanno emergere chiari i lineamenti del poeta, che nel loro insieme evocano ispirazione, pensiero (profondo e fortemente impregnato di filosofia), rigore morale (ironico e autoironico), rinuncia all'esibizione dei sentimenti, tensione a una scrittura autobiografica \"universalizzata\" e \"estraniata\", forte e costante legame con la narrazione dei miti e, in maniera sempre pi\u00f9 rimarcabile nel tempo dell'esistenza e dell'opera, un progressivo prevalere dei \"segni\" degli autori classici."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pavan, Stefania"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "Russia", "Literature", "Iosif Brodskij", "Platone", "Poesia", "Russia", "Letteratura", "Iosif Brodskij", "Platone"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341479"], ["title", "Lezioni di poesia"], ["doab_id", "12641"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534729"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534729"]], [["description", "Canada is regularly presented as a country where liberalism has ensured freedom and equality for all. Yet with the expansion of settlers into the First Nations territories that became southern Alberta and BC, liberalism proved to be an exclusionary rather than inclusionary force. Between 1877 and 1927, government officials, police officers, church representatives, ordinary settlers, and many others operated to exclude and reform Indigenous people. Presenting Anglo-Canadian liberal capitalist values and structures and interests as normal, natural, and beyond reproach devalued virtually every aspect of Indigenous cultures. This book explores the means used to facilitate and justify colonization, their effects on Indigenous economic, political, social, and spiritual lives, and how they were resisted."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Keith Smith"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["First Nations", "settlers", "indigenous people", "colonization"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120157"], ["title", "Liberalism, Surveillance, and Resistance: Indigenous Communities in Western Canada, 1877-1927"], ["doab_id", "14445"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425398", "9781897425404"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425398 9781897425404"]], [["description", "In recent years the leader of \"Giustizia e Libert\u00e0\" has been the focus of a renewed and extensive attention. The author reconstructs the itinerary of Carlo Rosselli, conducting the theoretical analysis in the light of the complexity of the historic context. From the years of the Great War to the exile in France, intellectual meditation and political commitment are inextricably entwined threads in the career of the Florentine antifascist. In the attempt to pinpoint the key passages of this unquiet quest, the book traces the stages of an evolving thought. A thought that was matured through critical comparison with liberal theory and Marxist doctrine, found inspiration in English socialism and conceived opposition to the Fascist regime as the grounds for a project of progressive democracy.

Negli ultimi anni, il leader di \"Giustizia e Libert\u00e0\" \u00e8 stato al centro di un'ampia e rinnovata attenzione. L'autore ricostruisce l'itinerario di Carlo Rosselli, conducendo l'analisi teorica alla luce della complessit\u00e0 del contesto storico. Dagli anni della Grande Guerra all'esilio in Francia, riflessione intellettuale e impegno politico connotano il percorso dell'antifascista fiorentino come fili intrecciati e inestricabili. Nel tentativo di individuare i passaggi chiave di una ricerca inquieta, il volume segue le tappe di un pensiero in divenire. Pensiero che matura attraverso il confronto critico con la teoria liberale e la dottrina marxista, trova ispirazione nel socialismo inglese e concepisce l'opposizione al regime fascista come premessa a un progetto di democrazia progressiva."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Calabr\u00f2, Carmelo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Carlo Rosselli", "History", "Politics", "Carlo Rosselli", "Storia", "Politica"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341471"], ["title", "Liberalismo, democrazia, socialismo"], ["doab_id", "12633"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788864530840"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788864530840"]], [["description", "Liberata foi personagem da vida real. Escrava, depois liberta, m\u00e3e enquanto escrava e m\u00e3e j\u00e1 liberada, enfim defunta, tudo na primeira metade do s\u00e9culo XIX. Neste livro, Liberata \u00e9 quase fic\u00e7\u00e3o, ou antes, autora de fic\u00e7\u00e3o. Ela prop\u00f5e o enigma de sua vida, tal como registrado nos documentos centen\u00e1rios sob guarda do Arquivo Nacional no Rio de Janeiro, e ela mesma guia o investigador pelos labirintos de interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o e evid\u00eancias que permitir\u00e3o decifrar o pr\u00f3prio enigma."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Grinberg, Keila"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/v7mzs"], ["title", "Liberata - a lei da ambig\u00fcidade as a\u00e7\u00f5es de liberdade da Corte de Apela\u00e7\u00e3o do Rio de Janeiro no s\u00e9culo XI"], ["doab_id", "17201"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662762"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662762"]], [["description", "The United Nations Millennium declarations of 2002 set eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015. The papers presented in this publication endeavour to address how libraries and information professionals in East, Central and Southern Africa seek to make themselves relevant to national development by asking themselves how libraries and information centres could contribute to the attainment of these MDGs.; Sjoerd Koopman, Co-ordinator of Professional Activities, IFLA Headquarters, The Hague, Netherlands; Benson Njobvu , President, Zambia Library Association, Zambia.; \"\"I recommend this volume for academic and public libraries and all readers interested in African libraries and information services and how they can work towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.\"\"Martha S. Speirs in: African Research and Documentation 111/2009"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Koopman, Sjoerd; Njobvu, Benson"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441257&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Libraries and Information Services towards the Attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals"], ["doab_id", "15133"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441257"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441257"]], [["description", "This book is a must for librarians with international interest in access to knowledge. It includes a collection of 15 chapters written by authors from all over the world and covers different approaches to the vital role of libraries driving access to knowledge. There are chapters that offer solutions and ideas to enable libraries to become the knowledge engine in society. Other chapters discuss the conceptual part of the subject and related services. The book was compiled as part of the presidential theme of Ellen Tise, IFLA President 2009-2011, with the aim of offering the reader a good portrait of the opportunities and challenges that libraries have in driving access to knowledge."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bothma, Theo J. D.; Lau, Jes\u00fas ; Tammaro, Anna Maria"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/129022"], ["title", "Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge"], ["doab_id", "18054"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110263121", "9783110253269"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110263121, 9783110253269"]], [["description", "This book explores the development, trends and research of library and information sciences (LIS) in the digital age. Inside, readers will find research and case studies written by LIS experts, educators and theorists, most of whom have visited China, delivered presentations there and drafted their articles based on feedback they received. As a result, readers will discover the LIS issues and concerns that China and the international community have in common.The book first introduces the opportunities and challenges faced by the library and information literacy profession and discusses the key role of librarians in the future of information literacy education. Next, it covers trends in LIS education by examining the vision of the iSchool movement and detailing its practice in Syracuse University.The book then covers issues in information seeking and retrieval by showing how visual data mining technology can be used to detect the relationship and pattern between terms on the Q&A of a social media site. It also includes a case study regarding tracing information seeking behavior and usage on a multimedia website.Next, the book stresses the importance of building an academic accreditation framework for scientific datasets, explores the relationship between bibliometrics and university rankings, and details the birth and development of East Asian Libraries in North America.Overall, the book offers readers insight into the changing nature of LIS, including the electronic dissemination of information, the impact of the Internet on libraries, the changing responsibilities of library professionals, the new paradigm for evaluating information, and characteristics and functions of today's library personnel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chuanfu Chen; Ronald Larsen"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Information Profession", " Information Literacy", " LIS Education", " Trends", " Information Retrieval", " Informatrics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-54812-3"], ["title", "Library and Information Sciences: Trends and Research"], ["doab_id", "16463"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642548116", "9783642548123"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642548116 (Print) 9783642548123 (Online)"]], [["description", "An international collaboration between IFLA, the UNESCO Institute of Statistics and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed standards for new library indicators for the twenty-first century. The existing international library statistics were developed nearly 40 years ago. This book presents the first results using the new statistics, and look forward to the next steps. It also contains other initiatives and developments in the fields of library statistics, benchmarking and indicators.; Michael Heaney, Executive Secretary, Oxford University Library Services, Bodleian Library, Oxford, UK"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Heaney, Michael"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Statistik", "Bibliothekswesen"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441677&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Library Statistics for the Twenty-First Century World. Proceedings of the conference held in Montreal on 18-19 August 2008 reporting on the Global Library Statistics Project"], ["doab_id", "15131"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441677"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441677"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magdalena Oset"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["lichenized Ascomycota", " Stereocaulaceae", " taxonomy", " lichen chemistry", " diversity", " Poland"]], ["publisher", "Polish Botanical Society"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "https://pbsociety.org.pl/journals/index.php/mb/article/view/mb.2014.001"], ["title", "The lichen genus Stereocaulon (Schreb.) Hoffm. in Poland \u2013 a taxonomic and ecological study"], ["doab_id", "16848"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9788386292196", "9788386292349"]], ["provider", "pbsociety.org.pl"], ["isbns_raw", "eISBN: 9788386292196; pISBN: 9788386292349"]], [["description", "The Matawai Maroon Johannes King (ca. 1830-1898) taught himself to read and write at an advanced age. He wanted to bridge the gap between the generations by publishing his Book of Horrors (Skrekiboekoe) and the present book which has been given the title Life at Marispaston. King wanted to explain the root of the problems between him and his elder brother, Chief Noah Andrai, representatives respectively of the church and the state at the village level. King wanted to justify his life in the eyes of the church, the EBG-Moravian Brethren, and his fellow Maroons. This book is an important contribution to the church history of Suriname, yet also offers insights into the history of the Maroon communities in Suriname. This book is one of the first original works in Sranantongo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ziel de ,H.; King ,J."], ["date", "1973"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613329"], ["title", "Life at Maripaston"], ["doab_id", "18484"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024715275", "9789004286948"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024715275 9789004286948"]], [["description", "Greenhouse-gas emissions have become one of the most impacting environmental issues in today\u2019s society. A rapidly increasing trend in global CO2emissions particularly since the early nineties (23.64% since 1990) has led to the generation of about 50,000 million tons of CO2\u2013equivalent (eqv) worldwide in 2010. According to mainstream climate experts, the increasing concentration of greenhouse-gases is having a warming effect on the world climate. To slow down global warming, there is a global focus on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. Life cycle assessment in green building implementation is the focus of this Special Issue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["greenhouse gas emissions, life cycle assessment, green building"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/221"], ["title", "Life Cycle Assessment on Green Building Implementation"], ["doab_id", "19610"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422563", "9783038422570"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422563/9783038422570"]], [["description", "This is the first full-scale biography, in any language, of a towering figure in German and European Romanticism: August Wilhelm Schlegel whose life, 1767 to 1845, coincided with its inexorable rise. As poet, translator, critic and oriental scholar, Schlegel's extraordinarily diverse interests and writings left a vast intellectual legacy, making him a foundational figure in several branches of knowledge. He was one of the last thinkers in Europe able to practise as well as to theorise, and to attempt to comprehend the nature of culture without being forced to be a narrow specialist. With his brother Friedrich, for example, Schlegel edited the avant-garde Romantic periodical Athenaeum; and he produced with his wife Caroline a translation of Shakespeare, the first metrical version into any foreign language. Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature were a defining force for Coleridge and for the French Romantics. But his interests extended to French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese literature, as well to the Greek and Latin classics, and to Sanskrit.August Wilhelm Schlegel is the first attempt to engage with this totality, to combine an account of Schlegel\u2019s life and times with a critical evaluation of his work and its influence. Through the study of one man's rich life, incorporating the most recent scholarship, theoretical approaches, and archival resources, while remaining easily accessible to all readers, Paulin has recovered the intellectual climate of Romanticism in Germany and traced its development into a still-potent international movement. The extraordinarily wide scope and variety of Schlegel's activities have hitherto acted as a barrier to literary scholars, even in Germany. In Roger Paulin, whose career has given him the knowledge and the experience to grapple with such an ambitious project, Schlegel has at last found a worthy exponent."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paulin, Roger (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["August Wilhelm Schlegel, biography, German Romanticism, European Romanticism, Madame de Stael"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/25"], ["title", "The Life of August Wilhelm Schlegel, Cosmopolitan of Art and Poetry"], ["doab_id", "18553"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254961", "9781909254978"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254961\t/ 9781909254978"]], [["description", "Over the last four decades the sociological life course approach with its focus on the interplay of structure and agency over time life course perspective has become an important research perspective in the social sciences. Yet, while it has successfully been applied to almost all fields of social inquiry it is much less used in research studying migrant populations and their integration patterns. This is puzzling since understanding immigrants\u2019 integration requires just the kind of dynamic research approach this approach puts forward: any integration theory actually refers to life course processes. This volume shows fruitful cross-linkages between the two research traditions.A range of studies are presented that all apply sociological life course concepts to research on migrants and migrant groups in Europe. The book is organized thematically, indicating different important domains in the life course. Using a wide variety of methodological approaches, it covers both quantitative studies based on population census data and survey material as well as qualitative studies based on interviews. Attention is paid to the life courses of those who migrated themselves as well as their offspring. The studies cover different European countries, relating to one national context or a particular local setting in a city as well as cross-country comparisons.Overall the book shows that applying the sociological life course approach to migration and integration research may advance our understanding of immigrant settlement patterns as well as further develop the life course perspective."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wingens ,Matthias ; Windzio ,Michael ; Valk ,Helga de ; Aybek ,Can"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Social Sciences", "Migration", "Sociology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413371"], ["title", "A Life-Course Perspective on Migration and Integration"], ["doab_id", "14608"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400715448"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400715448"]], [["description", "This volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series offers a critical study of the phenomenon of \"lifestyle politics.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laura Portwood-Stacer"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306792"], ["title", "Lifestyle Politics and Radical Activism"], ["doab_id", "17141"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306792"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306792"]], [["description", "Light from Ancient Campfires is the first book in twenty years to gather together a comprehensive prehistoric archaeological record of the Northern Plains First Nations. In this important examination of the region\u2019s earliest inhabitants, author Trevor R. Peck reviews the many changes of interpretation that have occurred in relevant literature published during the last two decades. Beginning with the earliest archaeological evidence for people in Alberta, Light from Ancient Campfires covers each period in chronological sequence. Throughout his research, Peck asks the following questions: What defines the cultural entity? How has our notion of it changed with increased information? What is the current state of thought concerning this issue? Light from Ancient Campfires provides a new definition for each archaeological phase, setting previous literature in a new light."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trevor R. Peck"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["archaeology", "arrowheads", "aboriginal hunting", "aboriginal culture"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120183"], ["title", "Light from Ancient Campfires: Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains"], ["doab_id", "14446"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425961", "9781897425978", "9781926836300"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425961 9781897425978 9781926836300"]], [["description", "Based upon the description of the psychoanalytic subtext in the work of Victor Turner, his concept of structure and antistructure is submitted to a fundamental revision.

Ausgehend von der Darstellung des psychoanalytischen Subtextes im Werk Victor Turners wird sein Konzept von Struktur und Antistruktur einer grundlegenden Revision unterzogen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Claucig ,Christian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Victor Turner, Mukanda, liminality, antistructure, adolescence, identity", "Victor Turner, Mukanda, Liminalit\u00e4t, Antistruktur, Adoleszenz, Identit\u00e4t"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613250"], ["title", "Liminalit\u00e4t und Adoleszenz"], ["doab_id", "19502"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851327854"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851327854"]], [["description", "Limiting Institutions examines the security threats in Eurasia and the role of institutions in the post-Cold War international environment. It looks at both the crucial aspect of foreign policy as well as a theoretical area of security studies and its impact in the former Soviet States including Russia, Belarus, Armenia, the Ukraine and Moldova. The first section addresses the important and varied range of security threats to this area of the world, and examines the range of responses open to European countries and to the United States. Threats such as ethnic conflict, transnational crime, and environmental and energy security issues are examined in depth. The second section addresses an important theoretical issue, namely the role that international institutions can perhaps play as arbiters of conflict and facilitators of cooperation in a region abutting the European political space. The role of the OSCE, NATO, the European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Council are consequently examined closely. The contributors are scholars with solid international reputations, and the book will be of benefit to students of international relations and conflict analysis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sperling ,James; Kay ,Sean; Papacosma ,S. Victor"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["nato", "soviet", "eurasian", "eurasia"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341350"], ["title", "Limiting institutions?: The challenge of Eurasian security governance"], ["doab_id", "12675"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066047"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066047"]], [["description", "\"In the mid-19th century, letters to newspapers in Finland began to condemn a practice known as home thievery, in which farm mistresses pilfered goods from their farms to sell behind the farm master\u2019s back. Why did farm mistresses engage home thievery and why were writers so harsh in their disapproval of it? Why did many men in their letters nonetheless sympathize with women\u2019s pilfering? What opinions did farm daughters express?This book explores theoretical concepts of agency and power applied to the 19th-century context and takes a closer look at the family patriarch, resistance to patriarchal power by farm mistresses and their daughters, and the identities of those Finnish men who already in the 1850s and 1860s sought to defend the rights of rural farm women.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stark ,Laura"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Gender", "Women's history", "Agency", "Modernization", "Rural", "19th-century"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617176"], ["title", "The Limits of Patriarchy: How Female Networks of Pilfering and Gossip Sparked the First Debates on Rural Gender Rights in the 19th-Century Finnish-Language Press"], ["doab_id", "19780"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522223272", "9789522227928", "9789522227584"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522223272 9789522227928 9789522227584"]], [["description", "The publication gives a complete documentation of the old rescue excavations by Josef Bayer and Viktor Lebzelter in 1931 as well as of the systematic investigations of the Neolithic cemetery under the direction of Johannes-Wolfgang Neugebauer and Christine Neugebauer-Maresch between 1987\u20131991. The burial customs of this early farming population are analyzed together with the grave goods, which comprise an exceptionally large number of grinding stones, as well as ceramics, bone tools, shell ornaments, chert and traces of red ochre. The results of analyses of anthropological remains pertaining to 57 inhumations \u2212 more than half of the bodies were oriented SE-NW and the majority buried in a crouched position on the left side \u2212 are complemented by 14C-dates and isotope-analyses.

Die Publikation bietet sowohl eine vollst\u00e4ndige Dokumentation der ersten Notgrabungen von Josef Bayer und Viktor Lebzelter 1931 als auch der systematischen Rettungsgrabungen zwischen 1987\u20131991 unter der Leitung von Johannes-Wolfgang Neugebauer und Christine Neugebauer-Maresch. Die Bestattungssitten dieser fr\u00fchen b\u00e4uerlichen Bev\u00f6lkerung werden ebenso eingehend analysiert wie die Grabfunde, die eine ungew\u00f6hnlich gro\u00dfe Anzahl an Mahlsteinfragmenten und Reibplatten umfassen, weiters Keramik, Knochenger\u00e4te, Muschelschmuck, Silex und Spuren von R\u00f6tel. Die Resultate der Analysen der anthropologischen \u00dcberreste von 57 K\u00f6rperbestattungen - mehr als die H\u00e4lfte der K\u00f6rper waren SO-NW orientiert und die \u00fcberwiegende Mehrheit in linker Hockerlage bestattet \u2212 werden durch 14C-Datierungen und Isotopen-Analysen erg\u00e4nzt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Neugebauer-Maresch ,Christine; Lenneis ,Eva"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neolithic, LBK, cemetery, archaeology, prehistory, Kleinhadersdorf, Lower Austria", "Neolithikum, Linearbandkeramik, Arch\u00e4ologie, Urgeschichte, Gr\u00e4berfeld, Kleinhadersdorf, Nieder\u00f6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574831"], ["title", "Das linearbandkeramische Gr\u00e4berfeld von Kleinhadersdorf"], ["doab_id", "17425"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783700175988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700175988"]], [["description", "O estudo das inter-rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre l\u00edngua e sociedade, a partir de um corpus jornal\u00edstico, \u00e9 o foco primordial desse livro. Trata-se da investiga\u00e7\u00e3o do sistema de formas de tratamento nos jornais da Imprensa Negra paulista - movimento realizado por negros e destinado a essa popula\u00e7\u00e3o no per\u00edodo posterior \u00e0 aboli\u00e7\u00e3o da escravatura no Brasil - e em O Combate - jornal de circula\u00e7\u00e3o mais ampla na cidade de S\u00e3o Paulo no in\u00edcio do s\u00e9culo XX. As formas de tratamento representam um exemplo privilegiado da rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre a escolha lingu\u00edstica e seu motivador social. Elas foram analisadas a partir da rela\u00e7\u00e3o de alguns pontos de vista te\u00f3ricos, a saber: o estudo do jornal como um hiperg\u00eanero, proposta de Bonini (2003, 2004, 2006), com o intuito de se avaliar as caracter\u00edsticas peculiares de cada um dos g\u00eaneros do jornal; a proposta de an\u00e1lise da situa\u00e7\u00e3o do interlocutor no momento da enuncia\u00e7\u00e3o de Soto (2001); a investiga\u00e7\u00e3o das marcas de interatividade, proposta por Andrade (2008); e a sem\u00e2ntica do poder e da solidariedade de Brown e Gilman (1972 [1960]). O estudo desse fen\u00f4meno lingu\u00edstico revelou \u00e0 necessidade dos negros do per\u00edodo de conquistarem um espa\u00e7o na sociedade paulistana da \u00e9poca e, dessa forma, a Imprensa Negra representava um espa\u00e7o de circula\u00e7\u00e3o de sua voz na sociedade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Balsalobre, Sabrina Rodrigues Garcia"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2bg5k"], ["title", "L\u00edngua e sociedade nas p\u00e1ginas da imprensa negra paulista: um olhar sobre as formas de tratamento"], ["doab_id", "16745"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831041"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831041"]], [["description", "[Professora Doutora Mary Jane Spink] [...] aborda diversos temas importantes para a Psicologia Social, desde a problematiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos sentidos produzidos no cotidiano at\u00e9 sua rela\u00e7\u00e3o com a pesquisa acad\u00eamica.[...] [trecho retirado do Pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Spink, Mary Jane"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/w9q43"], ["title", "Linguagem e produ\u00e7\u00e3o de sentidos no cotidiano"], ["doab_id", "16676"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820465"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820465"]], [["description", "A colet\u00e2nea de textos deste livro analisa os desafios e as possibilidades de uma educa\u00e7\u00e3o que transcenda os muros da sala de aula e se abra para as linguagens e pr\u00e1ticas do mundo. No novo cen\u00e1rio que vai se delineando para a educa\u00e7\u00e3o do s\u00e9culo XXI, o contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de l\u00ednguas j\u00e1 vem mostrando os efeitos da \"Idade M\u00eddia\" em que vivemos, sinalizando, tamb\u00e9m, o importante papel que as novas ferramentas de natureza tecnol\u00f3gica v\u00eam desempenhando na defini\u00e7\u00e3o de novas posturas e modalidades pedag\u00f3gicas. Tais aspectos s\u00e3o discutidos por pesquisadores de renomadas institui\u00e7\u00f5es de ensino superior, nacionais e internacionais, que prop\u00f5em tr\u00eas eixos centrais de reflex\u00e3o: linguagem, educa\u00e7\u00e3o e virtualidade. Partindo de suas experi\u00eancias did\u00e1ticas e reflex\u00f5es te\u00f3ricas, os autores colocam em pauta assuntos de relev\u00e2ncia para a compreens\u00e3o das novas demandas que refletem diretamente em \u00e1reas como a forma\u00e7\u00e3o inicial e continuada de professores, o trabalho docente na sala de aula presencial e virtual, o design de materiais did\u00e1ticos e a forma como os novos meios e pr\u00e1ticas incidem no funcionamento da linguagem e no surgimento de novos g\u00eaneros discursivos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Soto, Ucy; Mayrink, M\u00f4nica Ferreira; Gregolin, Isadora Valencise"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/px29p"], ["title", "Linguagem, educa\u00e7\u00e3o e virtualidade"], ["doab_id", "16746"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830174"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830174"]], [["description", "In April 1479, the communities of the marquisate of Mantua pronounced for the first time a general oath of fealty to Federico Gonzaga, the third marquis, inaugurating a custom that was to be repeated with relative regularity in the following decades every time a Prince died. It was a practice which was fairly new for the Gonzago marquisate, at least in this capillary and general extension to the entire body of the State. The significance of an innovation of this kind deserves attention, as do the genesis and the partial forms that preceded this mature expression. This book comprises an edition of the entire related documentary corpus, complete with photographic reproductions of the individual documents, and preceded by a substantial introduction in which the event is described, placed in context and interpreted from various points of view.

Le comunit\u00e0 del marchesato di Mantova pronunciarono per la prima volta un generale giuramento di fedelt\u00e0 a Federico Gonzaga terzo marchese nell'aprile 1479, inaugurando un uso che si sarebbe ripetuto con relativa continuit\u00e0 nei decenni successivi ad ogni morte del principe. Si tratta di una pratica relativamente nuova per il marchesato gonzaghesco, almeno in questa capillare e generale estensione all'intero corpo dello stato: il significato di una innovazione di questo genere merita attenzione, come anche la genesi e le forme parziali che hanno preceduto questa forma matura. In questo volume si d\u00e0 l'edizione dell'intero corpus documentario relativo, integrata dalla riproduzione fotografica dei singoli documenti, e preceduta da una corposa introduzione che punta a inserire il case-study mantovano nel recente, articolato dibattito intorno alla costruzione e alla crescita di linguaggi politici diversificati nel tardo medioevo italiano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lazzarini, Isabella"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Mantova", "Federigo Gonzaga", "Mantova", "Federigo Gonzaga"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=346149"], ["title", "Il linguaggio del territorio fra principe e comunit\u00e0"], ["doab_id", "13037"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884536389"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536389"]], [["description", "Le vaste territoire de la Polyn\u00e9sie Fran\u00e7aise compte sept langues distinctes \u2013 tahitien, austral, rapa, mangar\u00e9vien, marquisien du nord, marquisien du sud, pa\u2019umotu \u2013 dot\u00e9es \u00e0 leur tour d\u2019une forte variation interne. Fruit de dix ans de collaboration entre deux linguistes du CNRS, Jean-Michel Charpentier et Alexandre Fran\u00e7ois, l\u2019Atlas Linguistique de la Polyn\u00e9sie Fran\u00e7aise rend hommage \u00e0 ce riche paysage linguistique et dialectal en documentant minutieusement vingt parlers diff\u00e9rents du territoire, \u00e0 l\u2019aide de plus de 2250 cartes. Organis\u00e9es th\u00e9matiquement \u2013 corps, vie, individu et soci\u00e9t\u00e9, culture et techniques, flore et faune \u2013 ces cartes lexicales s\u2019accompagnent de notes explicatives et d\u2019index en fran\u00e7ais, anglais, tahitien. Des chapitres introductifs pr\u00e9sentent le contexte social et la dynamique historique des langues de Polyn\u00e9sie Fran\u00e7aise, toutes plus ou moins fragilis\u00e9es par la modernit\u00e9. Publi\u00e9 en acc\u00e8s libre, cet ouvrage multilingue et comparatif s\u2019adresse non seulement aux chercheurs et aux enseignants, mais aussi \u00e0 tous ceux que passionne le patrimoine linguistique de cette r\u00e9gion du Pacifique.The vast territory of French Polynesia is home to seven distinct languages \u2013 Tahitian, Austral, Rapa, Mangarevan, North Marquesan, South Marquesan, and Pa\u2019umotu \u2013 which in turn show internal variation. The fruit of ten years of joint work by two linguists of French CNRS, Jean-Michel Charpentier and Alexandre Fran\u00e7ois, the Linguistic Atlas of French Polynesia pays tribute to the rich linguistic landscape of the country by documenting thoroughly twenty different communalects, in the form of 2250 maps. Organised by topics (body, life, individual and society, culture and technology, flora and fauna), these lexical maps are supplemented by explanatory notes and indexes in French, English, Tahitian. Text chapters in French and English present the social profile and the historical dynamics of the territory\u2019s languages, which are all endangered to various extents. Published in open access, this multilingual and comparative atlas provides an essential reference to scholars and teachers alike, as well as to a broader audience keen to explore and preserve the linguistic heritage of the Pacific region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Charpentier, Jean-Michel / Fran\u00e7ois, Alexandre"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dialektologie", " Franz\u00f6sisch Polynesien/Sprachen", " Atlas", " Lexikographie"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/177498"], ["title", "Linguistic Atlas of French Polynesia. Atlas linguistique de la Polyn\u00e9sie fran\u00e7aise"], ["doab_id", "17223"], ["language_unmapped", "English, French"], ["isbns", ["9783110260359", "9783110376913"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110260359, 9783110376913"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anceaux ,J."], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613371"], ["title", "The Linguistic Situation in the Islands of Yapen, Kurudu, Nau and Miosnum, New Guinea"], ["doab_id", "18527"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285996", "9789004286597"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285996 9789004286597"]], [["description", "Speakers use a variety of different linguistic resources in the construction of their identities, and they are able to do so because their mental representations of linguistic and social information are linked. While the exact nature of these representations remains unclear, there is growing evidence that they encode a great deal more phonetic detail than traditionally assumed and that the phonetic detail is linked with word-based information. This book investigates the ways in which a lemma\u2019s phonetic realisation depends on a combination of its grammatical function and the speaker\u2019s social group. This question is investigated within the context of the word like as it is produced and perceived by students at an all girls\u2019 high school in New Zealand. The results are used to inform an exemplar-based model of speech production and perception in which the quality and frequency of linguistic and non-linguistic variants contribute to a speaker\u2019s style."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Drager K. ,Katie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Personal identity", "mental representations", "speaker's social group", "phonetic detail in mental representations", "speech production and perception"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603352"], ["title", "Linguistic variation, identity construction and cognition"], ["doab_id", "17853"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234241", "9783946234258", "9783944675565"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234241 9783946234258 9783944675565"]], [["description", "The book is concerned with the linguistic worldview broadly understood, but it focuses on one particular variant of the idea, its sources, extensions, its critical assessment, and inspirations for related research. This approach is the ethnolinguistic linguistic worldview (LWV) program pursued in Lublin, Poland, and initiated and headed by Jerzy Bartmi\u0144ski.In its basic design, the volume emerged from the theme of the conference held in Lublin in October 2011: \u201cThe linguistic worldview or linguistic views of worlds?\u201d If the latter is the case, then what worlds? Is it a case of one language/one worldview? Are there literary or poetic worldviews? Are there auctorial worldviews? Many of the chapters are based on presentations from that conference, and others have been written especially for the volume. Generally, there are four kinds of contributions: (i) a presentation and exemplification of the \u201cLublin style\u201d LWV approach; (ii) studies inspired by this approach but not following it in detail; (iii) independent but related and compatible research; and (iv) a critical reappraisal of some specific ideas proposed by Jerzy Bartmi\u0144ski and his collaborators."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "G\u0142az, Adam; Danaher, David; \u0141ozowski, Przemys\u0142aw"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["the linguistic worldview, ethnolinguistics, language and culture, cognitive linguistics, Bartminski"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/246955"], ["title", "The Linguistic Worldview"], ["doab_id", "15912"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560748"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560748"]], [["description", "Linked Open Data (LOD) is a pragmatic approach for realizing the Semantic Web vision of making the Web a global, distributed, semantics-based information system. This book presents an overview on the results of the research project \u201cLOD2 -- Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data\u201d. LOD2 is a large-scale integrating project co-funded by the European Commission within the FP7 Information and Communication Technologies Work Program. Commencing in September 2010, this 4-year project comprised leading Linked Open Data research groups, companies, and service providers from across 11 European countries and South Korea. The aim of this project was to advance the state-of-the-art in research and development in four key areas relevant for Linked Data, namely 1. RDF data management; 2. the extraction, creation, and enrichment of structured RDF data; 3. the interlinking and fusion of Linked Data from different sources and 4. the authoring, exploration and visualization of Linked Data."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "S\u00f6ren Auer; Volha Bryl; Sebastian Tramp"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["data authoring", " data exploration", " data enrichment", " data extraction", " data interlinking", " data integration", " data management systems", " data quality", " data visualization", " DBpedia", " information systems", " knowledge fusion", " large-scale RDF data management", " linked data for mdeia publishing", " linked enterprise data", " linked open data", " linked open data applications", " LOD", " open government data", " RDF", " resource description framework", " semantic Web", " SPARQL"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-09846-3"], ["title", "Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project"], ["doab_id", "16334"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319098456", "9783319098463"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319098456 (Print) 9783319098463 (Online)"]], [["description", "Lipids are best known as energy storing molecules and core-components of cellular membranes, but can also act as mediators of cellular signaling. This is most prominently illustrated by the paramount importance of the phospholipase C (PLC) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathways in many cells, including T cells and cancer cells. Both of these enzymes use the lipid phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate (PIP2) as their substrate. PLCs produce the lipid product diacylglycerol (DAG) and soluble inositol(1,4,5)trisphosphate (IP3). DAG acts as a membrane tether for protein kinase C and RasGRP proteins. IP3 is released into the cytosol and controls calcium release from internal stores. The PI3K lipid product phosphatidylinositol(3,4,5)trisphosphate (PIP3) controls signaling by binding and recruiting effector proteins such as Akt and Itk to cellular membranes. Recent research has unveiled important signaling roles for many additional phosphoinositides and other lipids. The articles in this volume highlight how multiple different lipids govern T cell development and function through diverse mechanisms and effectors. In T cells, lipids can orchestrate signaling by organizing membrane topology in rafts or microdomains, direct protein function through covalent lipid-modification or non-covalent lipid binding, act as intracellular or extracellular messenger molecules, or govern T cell function at the level of metabolic regulation. The cellular activity of certain lipid messengers is moreover controlled by soluble counterparts, exemplified by symmetric PIP3/inositol(1,3,4,5)tetrakisphosphate (IP4) signaling in developing T cells. Not surprisingly, lipid producing and metabolizing enzymes have gained attention as potential therapeutic targets for immune disorders, leukemias and lymphomas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karsten Sauer; Klaus Okkenhaug"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Lipid", "T cell", "eicosanoid", "PI3K", "Vitamin D", "diacylglyerol", "Inositol", "Pten", "SHIP", "Adipokine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1104/lipid-signaling-in-t-cell-development-and-function"], ["title", "Lipid Signaling in T Cell Development and Function"], ["doab_id", "19579"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196975"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196975"]], [["description", "Liquid crystals can be found in both synthetic and natural materials, which include DNA, cellulose, soaps, and cholesteryl esters. Liquid crystal basic concepts are an inspiration for various branches of physics, chemistry, materials science, mathematics, biology, and engineering. These concepts enable the synthesis and characterization of new materials with low-molecular weight, as well as of polymeric and elastomeric materials. Fundamental theories and models of liquid crystals have gained great importance in many scientific communities. The concepts of orientational order and cooperative molecular behavior have entered the actual basic knowledge of the bio-sciences community, and have contributed to the understanding of muscle function, cell division and membranes, and morphogenesis.Recent trends in liquid crystal research include topics such as polymer-modified anisotropic fluids, dispersions of liquid crystals with various nano-sized particles, topological defects in soft materials, new lyotropic systems, liquid crystal functionality in living systems, and the synthesis of liquid crystal based functional materials (e.g., photonic materials, organic plastic conductors, semiconductors, materials in sensors, materials used in switchable GHz applications, and materials for data storage), along with the study of these materials\u2019 properties and applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["liquid crystals, anisotropic Fluids, self-Organization, thermotropic and Lyotropic systems, polymers, Nanoparticles, functional Materials, biological and Living Systems, photonics, organic Conductors, sensors, simulations of Soft Matter, topological Defects"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/99"], ["title", "Liquid Crystals: From Modified Phases to Applications 2014"], ["doab_id", "17491"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783906980850", "9783906980867"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980850/9783906980867"]], [["description", "Lira dissonante analisa as caracter\u00edsticas e fun\u00e7\u00f5es do grotesco na poesia l\u00edrica de Bernardo Guimar\u00e3es e Cruz e Sousa. O grotesco se manifesta na obra de ambos sob forma de imagens estranhas e inesperadas que sugerem um universo l\u00edrico extravagante e rebelde, muitas vezes, oposto \u00e0s conven\u00e7\u00f5es est\u00e9ticas tradicionais, particularmente, rom\u00e2nticas. Trata-se de uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o original aos estudos sobre os dois poetas, na medida em que desvenda as rupturas est\u00e9ticas, t\u00edpicas da l\u00edrica moderna, empreendidas por eles em seu momento hist\u00f3rico-liter\u00e1rio."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Fabiano Rodrigo da Silva"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/m2ys3"], ["title", "Lira dissonante: considera\u00e7\u00f5es sobre aspectos do grotesco na poesia de Bernardo Guimar\u00e3es e Cruz e Sousa"], ["doab_id", "16747"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830266"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830266"]], [["description", "In one sense a folklorist's portrayal of a notable folk artist's life and art, Listening for a Life is equally a rethinking of the processes involved in such work, not only in how the folklorist conveys her subject but in how her subject constitutes and performs herself into being through dialogue with others: those present, those once present, those imagined and anticipated.Drawing on Bahktinian and feminist theory, Sawin pushes forward our understanding of the interactive roles of ethnographer and subject and in the process gives us a deeper understanding of folk singer and storyteller Bessie Eldreth and her greatest art, herself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Swain, Patricia"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/57"], ["title", "Listening for a Life"], ["doab_id", "14737"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215823"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215823"]], [["description", "Despite its centrality to much of contemporary personal and public discourse, sexuality remains infrequently discussed in composition courses and in our discipline at large. Moreover, its complicated relationship to discourse, to the very language we use to describe and define our worlds, is woefully understudied in our discipline. Talk and writing about sexuality surround us. Not only does the discourse of sexuality surround us, but sexuality itself forms a core set of complex discourses through which we approach, make sense of, and construct a variety of meanings, politics, and identities. In Literacy, Sexuality, Pedagogy, Jonathan Alexander argues for the development of students' \"\"sexual literacy.\"\" Such a literacy is not concerned with developing fluency with sexuality as a \"\"hot\"\" topic, but with understanding the connectedness of sexuality and literacy in Western culture. Using the work of scholars in queer theory, sexuality studies, and the New Literacy Studies, Alexander unpacks what he sees as a crucial--if often overlooked--dimension of literacy: the fundamental ways in which sexuality has become a key component of contemporary literate practice, of the stories we tell about ourselves, our communities, and our political investments. Alexander then demonstrates through a series of composition exercises and writing assignments how we might develop students' understanding of sexual literacy. Examining discourses of gender, heterosexuality, and marriage allows students (and instructors) a critical opportunity to see how the languages we use to describe ourselves and our communities are saturated with ideologies of sexuality. Understanding how sexuality is constructed and deployed as a way to \"\"make meaning\"\" in our culture gives us a critical tool both to understand some of the fundamental ways in which we know ourselves and to challenge some of the norms that govern our lives. In the process, we become more fluent with the stories that we tell about ourselves and we discover how normative notions of sexuality enable (and constrain) narrations of identity, culture, and politics. We develop not only our understanding of sexuality, but of our literacy, as we explore how sexuality is a vital, if vexing, part of the story of who we are."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexander, Jonathan"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/25"], ["title", "Literacy, Sexuality, Pedagogy: Theory and Practice for Composition Studies"], ["doab_id", "14688"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217018"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217018"]], [["description", "Literary Coteries and the Making of Modern Print Culture, 1740-1790 offers the first study of manuscript-producing coteries as an integral element of eighteenth-century Britain\u2019s literary culture. As a corrective to literary histories assuming that the dominance of print meant the demise of a vital scribal culture, the book profiles four interrelated and influential coteries, focusing on each group\u2019s deployment of traditional scribal practices, on key individuals who served as bridges between networks, and on the aesthetic and cultural work performed by the group. Literary Coteries also explores points of intersection between coteries and the print trade, whether in the form of individuals who straddled the two cultures; publishing events in which the two media regimes collaborated or came into conflict; literary conventions adapted from manuscript practice to serve the ends of print; or simply poetry hand-copied from magazines. Together, these instances demonstrate how scribal modes shaped modern literary production."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schellenberg ,Betty"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611255"], ["title", "Literary Coteries and the Making of Modern Print Culture"], ["doab_id", "19234"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781107128163"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781107128163"]], [["description", "In the early modern Low Countries, literary culture functioned on several levels simultaneously: it provided learning, pleasure, and entertainment while also shaping public debate. From a ditty in Dutch sung in the streets to a funeral poem in Latin composed to be read for or by intimate friends, from a play performed for a prince to a comedy written for pupils \u2013 literary texts and performances often dealt with highly controversial topics of religion or politics, on a local or national, but also on a supranational scale. This volume sets out to analyse the role and function of literary culture in the formation of early modern public opinion, and proposes ways in which a modern scholar might approach early modern works of literature and other traces of literary culture to explore early modern public opinion making. The cases presented in this volume bring the Dutch and Latin literary cultures of the Low Countries in the focus of international debates on the history of public opinion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bloemendal ,Jan; van Dixhoorn ,Arjan; Strietman ,Elsa"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Low Countries", "Early modern history", "History of the book", "Literary culture", "Public opinion", "Religious history", "Lage landen", "Vroege moderne geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis van het boek", "Literaire cultuur", "Publieke opinie", "Religieuze geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391856"], ["title", "Literary Cultures and Public Opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650"], ["doab_id", "13386"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004206168", "9789004201118"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004206168 9789004201118"]], [["description", "A literary mirror; Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth centuryI Nyoman Darma Putra A literary mirror is the first English-language work to comprehensively analyse Indonesian-language literature from Bali from a literary and cultural viewpoint. It covers the period from 1920 to 2000. This is an extremely rich field for research into the ways Balinese view their culture and how they respond to external cultural forces. This work complements the large number of existing studies of Bali and its history, anthropology, traditional literature, and the performing arts.A literary mirror is an invaluable resource for those researching twentieth-century Balinese authors who wrote in Indonesian. Until now, such writers have received very little attention in the existing literature. An appendix gives short biographical details of many significant writers and lists their work. I Nyoman Darma Putra teaches Indonesian literature in the Faculty of Arts at Udayana University in Bali. He is the author of several books in Indonesian on a variety of literary and cultural topics, including Tonggak Baru Sastra Bali Modern (2000; 2010), Wanita Bali Tempo Doeloe Perspektif Masa Kini (2003; 2007) and Bali dalam Kuasa Politik (2008). From 2007 to 2010 he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Queensland, during which time a number of his articles were published in journals including Indonesia and the Malay World, Asian Studies Review and Rima."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Darma Putra ,I Nyoman "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "Indonesian literature", "Bali", "Cultural identity", "Modernity", "Indonesie", "Indonesische literatuur", "Bali", "Culturele identiteit", "Modernisme"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=371572"], ["title", "A literary mirror; Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the twentieth century"], ["doab_id", "13316"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183703", "9789004253636"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183703 9789004253636"]], [["description", ">p

Lawrence Buell combines intellectual history and critical explication, giving equal attention to general trends and to particular works and individuals. His chapters on conversation, religious discourse, catalog rhetoric, and literary travelogue treat intensively topics that have been relatively neglected. His analyses of Ellery Channing's poetry and the use of persona in Emerson and Very are also innovative. In the final section, he offers the first systematic account of the autobiographical tradition in transcendentalist writing.>p"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buell, Lawrence"], ["date", "1973"], ["subject", ["transcendentalism, American renaissance, Ellery Channing, Unitarianism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Jones Very, Walt Whitman, self-examination, literary nonfiction"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/22112018/9780801491528.pdf"], ["title", "Literary Transcendentalism"], ["doab_id", "19887"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801491528"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801491528"]], [["description", "From the 19th century onwards, famous literary trials have caught the attention of readers, academics and the public at large. Indeed it is striking that more often than not, it was the texts of renowned writers that were dealt with by the courts, as for example Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal in France, James Joyce's Ulysses and Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer in the US, D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover in Great-Britain, up to the more recent trials on Klaus Mann's Mephisto and Maxim Biller's novel Esra in Germany.By bringing together international leading experts, Literary Trials represents the first step towards a systematic discussion of literary trials on a global scale. Beginning by first reassessing some of the most famous of these trials, it also analyses less well-known but significant literary trials. Special attention is paid to recent developments in the relationship between literature and judicature, pointing towards an increasing role for libel and defamation in the societal demarcation of what literature is, and is not, allowed to do.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gr\u00fcttemeier ,Ralf"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Freedom of expression - Congresses", "Press law - Congresses", "Law and literature - Congresses", "Obscenity (Law) - Congresses", "Libel and slander - Congressess"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607150"], ["title", "Literary Trials - Exceptio Artis and Theories of Literature in Court"], ["doab_id", "19612"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501303197", "9781501303180", "9781501303173"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501303197 9781501303180 9781501303173"]], [["description", "The debate on universals has been stimulated by advances in cultural studies and the humanities in general. Considering literature as a universal feature that can be found in any culture, the question is: a) what are the characteristics of literature as an anthropological constant? b) which specific occurrences of literature can be found in different times, cultures and languages \u2013 and how is it possible to compare them? c) How has literature been able to mediate over time between different cultures and their often opposing concepts? The wide field of literature transgressing and bridging borders comes into play here, e.g. translations, multilingual and \u201cintercultural\u201d literatures, travel journals and ethnographic interpretations. The main part of the anthology highlights the interplay of cultural impregnation and a universal motivation to express oneself by means of literature \u2013 by theoretical approaches as well as by studies with a view on German literature from the outside and/or a focus on the representation of the world in German literary texts. The closing chapter, \u201cintercultural text workshop\u201d enables the reader to gain insight into an ever more important feature of present-day literature: texts from authors who deliberately opted for German as their literary language - Marica Bodro\u017ei\u0107, Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, Jos\u00e9 F.A. Oliver and Ilija Trojanow

Die Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften haben in j\u00fcngster Zeit die Debatte um sogenannte \u201eUniversalien\u201c neu angeregt: Betrachten wir auch Literatur als \u201eUniversalie\u201c, die in jeder Kultur anzutreffen ist, so k\u00f6nnen wir uns fragen: a) was zeichnet Literatur als anthropologische Konstante aus; b) welche spezifischen Pr\u00e4gungen von \u201eLiteratur\u201c sind in den verschiedenen Sprach-, Zeit- und Kulturr\u00e4umen anzutreffen \u2013 und wie lassen sie sich vergleichen; c) wie ist es der Literatur im Verlauf der Kontaktgeschichte menschlicher Kulturen gelungen, zwischen verschiedenen, oft divergierenden Auffassungen zu vermitteln? Dabei wird auch das weite Feld literarischer Grenzen\u00fcberschreitungen und Br\u00fcckeng\u00e4nge angeschnitten: \u00dcbersetzungen, polyglotte oder \u201einterkulturelle\u201c Literaturen, Reise- und ethnographische Berichte. Der Hauptteil des Bandes widmet sich dem Wechselspiel von kultureller Gepr\u00e4gtheit und universalem literarischen Ausdruckswillen \u2013 theoretisch fundiert; in Beispielanalysen mit Blick von au\u00dfen auf die deutschsprachige Literatur sowie in der Frage nach der Repr\u00e4sentation von Welt in Texten der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Das Schlusskapitel \u201eInterkulturelle Textwerkstatt\u201c gibt Einblick in einen zunehmend zentral werdenden Aspekt der Gegenwartsliteratur: Vorgestellt werden Gedichte und Erz\u00e4hlungen von Autorinnen und Autoren, die sich bewusst f\u00fcr Deutsch als ihre Schreibsprache entschieden haben - Marica Bodro\u017ei\u0107, Tzveta Sofronieva, Yoko Tawada, Jos\u00e9 F.A. Oliver und Ilija Trojanow."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kramer, Andreas; R\u00f6hnert, Jan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["German as a foreign language", "GFL", "German as a foreign language", "GFL"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610269"], ["title", "Literatur - Universalie und Kulturenspezifikum - Beitr\u00e4ge der Sektion \"Literatur und Kultur\" der Internationalen Deutschlehrertagung Weimar-Jena 2009"], ["doab_id", "14576"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875470"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875470"]], [["description", "The book is the second volume of an encyclopedic reference work that, as the result of basic research in literary studies, represents the first systematic attempt to provide comprehensive documentation of the literary life of Austria during the Nazi era (1938-1945); the first volume (Styria) was published in 2008. From its methodological approach, it is intended to make the literary events that took place within the official system of the Third Reich as promoted, or at least tolerated, by the decision-makers in the cultural industry more accessible, without resorting to limiting, biased attempts to define a canon. Materials will be presented for the analysis and interpretation of the genesis and effects of these events and institutions. For this reason, the study is based on a functional understanding of literature and has taken key institutional elements of the literary communication system into consideration: authors and their works (including radio and film writers), scholars of German studies, the decision-makers of cultural policy (promotion/censure, literary awards), literary associations, publishing houses and theaters, anthologies and periodicals. The total control of all public creative and media activities in the year 1938 through the Third Reich dictatorship rarely provides good sources for the testing of this method. Our systematic research of the phase between 1938 and 1945 intends to create the most comprehensive description possible of the institutions within the literary system and the integration of authors. Apart from printed material in files pertaining to individuals, we primarily scrutinized the contents of the National Archive Berlin / Division on National Socialism (BDC) and what is known as the Gauakten or District Files for this purpose (the vast majority of personal information related to authors was provided by the authors themselves). The most important archival basis for the description of the institutions are files from the National Archive Koblenz (now in the National Archive Berlin) and the Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna.In the survey of material, some of the events that transpired before and after the critical Nazi years were systematically included in order to draw attention to continuities and breaks. Especially significant were literary awards and honors, which illustrate the integration of writers in the various governments from the monarchy up through the Second Republic. For this reason, we have included all such prizes that are known. The first attempt to list all literary organizations in Austria and all German-language anthologies, in which Austrian texts were included, covers the period between 1933 and 1945. The subsequent period has been documented not only through literary awards and honors, but also through the inclusion of the so-called Gauakten in the Austrian National Archive (\u00d6sterreichisches Staatsarchiv / Archiv der Republik). In order to explore the institutional factors of the literary sub-system in German-speaking regions, a new kind of handbook was created in accordance with this methodological approach, a combination of encyclopedia of persons and specialized dictionary, which should be combined in a network to form a whole. Another factor that led to this format was the division of Austria by the Nazis into seven divisions subject directly to the German government. The handbooks have thus been structured as follows:Part I: Encyclopedia of Persons is divided into several volumes based on the administrative divisions (Gaue) at the time. The second volume will focus on Carinthia. The alphabetically-ordered author entries will be preceded by a literary and historical introduction and an organizational diagram of the literary-political associations of the individual divisions as well as an overview of institutions in the Gau. A list of abbreviations and a list of sources will be included at the end of each volume. The volumes devoted to individual authors will be cross-referenced with the second part.Part II: Institutions in Austria will focus on literary organizations 1938-1945, literary awards, promotion and censure, writers associations (1933-1945) and media (radio broadcasting, theatre, motion pictures, publishers, theaters, German-language anthologies, periodical publications), and include a list of abbreviations as well as a list of sources.

Das Buch ist der zweite Band eines lexikalischen Nachschlagewerks (Band 1: Steiermark ist 2008 erschienen), das im Sinne literaturwissenschaftlicher Grundla-genforschung versucht, erstmals eine systematische, fl\u00e4chendeckende Dokumentation des literarischen Lebens \u00d6sterreichs w\u00e4hrend der \u00c4ra des Nationalsozialismus (1938-1945) zu bieten. Es soll - vom methodischen Ansatz her - ohne einschr\u00e4nkenden, wertenden R\u00fcckgriff auf Kanonbildungen den Zugang zu jenem literarischen Geschehen \u00f6ffnen, das dem offiziellen System des Dritten Reiches angeh\u00f6rte, das von den Lenkungsinstanzen des Kulturbetriebes gef\u00f6rdert, zumindest aber zeitweise geduldet wurde, und es soll der Analyse und Interpretation Materialien zu Entste-hungs- und Wirkungsbedingungen zur Verf\u00fcgung stellen. Daher geht die Untersuchung von einem funktionalen Literaturverst\u00e4ndnis aus und umfasst die wesentlichen institutionalisierten Faktoren des literarischen Kommunika-tionssystems: AutorInnen und deren Werke (einschlie\u00dflich H\u00f6rfunk und Film) sowie Germanisten, kulturpolitische Lenkungsinstanzen (F\u00f6rderung/Zensur, Literaturprei-se), literarische Vereinigungen, Medien (Verlage, Theater, Rundfunk). F\u00fcr das Er-proben eines derartigen methodischen Ansatzes bietet die Diktatur des Dritten Rei-ches durch die Totalerfassung der sich an die \u00d6ffentlichkeit richtenden sch\u00f6pferi-schen und medialen T\u00e4tigkeit durch die Reichskulturkammer im Jahre 1938 selten gute quellenm\u00e4\u00dfige Voraussetzungen. Unsere systematischen Recherchen \u00fcber die Phase von 1938-1945 streben eine m\u00f6glichst umfassende Beschreibung der Instituti-onen des literarischen Systems und der Integration der AutorInnen an. Zu diesem Zweck wurden au\u00dfer Druckschriften im Bereich der Personenakten vornehmlich die Best\u00e4nde des Bundesarchivs Berlin, Abt. Deutsches Reich (ehemaliges BDC) und die sogenannten \"Gauakten\" durchforstet (der Gro\u00dfteil der Personendaten bezieht sich auf eigene Angaben der Autoren). Wichtigste archivalische Basis f\u00fcr die Be-schreibung der Institutionen sind Akten aus dem Bundesarchiv Koblenz (jetzt im BA Berlin) und dem Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv.In die Erhebung von Material werden zudem sowohl die Vor- als auch die Nachge-schichte partiell systematisch einbezogen, um Kontinuit\u00e4ten und Br\u00fcche aufzuzeigen. Besonders signifikant sind Literaturpreise und Ehrungen, welche die Integration eines Schriftstellers in die unterschiedlichen Systeme von der Monarchie bis zu Zweiten Republik illustrieren. Daher haben wir sie - soweit uns bekannt - in ihrer Gesamtheit verzeichnet. Der erstmalige Versuch, m\u00f6glichst alle literarischen Vereine in \u00d6sterreich und Anthologien des deutschen Sprachraums (soweit Texte von \u00d6ster-reicherInnen aufgenommen wurden) zu erheben, deckt die Zeit von 1933-1945 ab. Die Nachgeschichte wird nicht nur durch Literaturpreise und Ehrungen dokumen-tiert, sondern auch durch den Einbezug der schon genannten \"Gauakten\" im \u00d6ster-reichischen Staatsarchiv (Archiv der Republik). Dem methodischen Anliegen entsprechend, ein literarisches Teil-System des deut-schen Sprachraums in seinen institutionalisierten Faktoren lexikalisch aufzuschlie\u00dfen, wird ein neuer Typus von Handbuch versucht, eine spezifische Kombination von Personenlexikon und Sachw\u00f6rterbuch, die zu einer Ganzheit vernetzt werden sollten. Ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor f\u00fcr die Art der Darbietung ergab sich aus dem Faktum der nationalsozialistischen Teilung \u00d6sterreichs in sieben \"reichsunmittelbare\" Gaue bzw. Teilsysteme des NS-Staates. Das Handbuch ist daher wie folgt gegliedert:Teil 1: Personenlexikon in mehreren B\u00e4nden nach den damaligen Gauen gegliedert. Vorgelegt wird nun der 2. Band \u00fcber K\u00e4rnten. Der Beschreibung des jeweiligen re-gionalen literarischen Systems - analog zu Teil 2 (s.u.) - folgen die AutorInnen-Artikel, den Abschluss bilden Abk\u00fcrzungs- und Quellenverzeichnisse. Der AutorIn-nenband steht in enger Vernetzung mit dem in Arbeit befindlichenTeil 2: Institutionen in \u00d6sterreich, welcher Organigramme der Kultur zwischen 1938-1945 in den Reichsgauen enth\u00e4lt, es folgen F\u00f6rderung / Zensur und Literaturpreise zwischen 1933 und 1945, literarische Vereine (1933-1945) und die Medien (Rundfunk, Theater, Film, belletristische Verlage, Druckschriften: ausgewertete Pe-riodika, Anthologien) sowie ein Abk\u00fcrzungs- und Quellenverzeichnis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baur ,Uwe; Gradwohl-Schlacher ,Karin"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Austrian Literature, National Socialism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437201"], ["title", "Literatur in \u00d6sterreich 1938-1945, K\u00e4rnten"], ["doab_id", "15324"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786535"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786535"]], [["description", "Dictionary of a province during the National Socialist era (\u201cOberdonau\u201d), understood as a regional literary subsystem described in terms of the interaction of authors and literary institutions

Bio-bibliografisches Handbuch von Ober\u00f6sterreich (\u201eOberdonau\u201c) w\u00e4hrend des Nationalsozialismus, welches in vernetzter Form AutorInnen und kulturpolitische Institutionen beschreibt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gradwohl-Schlacher ,Karin; Baur ,Uwe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Literature National Socialism Austria (Volume Upper Austria)", "Literatur Nationalsozialismus \u00d6sterreich (Band Ober\u00f6sterreich)"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=482373"], ["title", "Literatur in \u00d6sterreich 1938-1945, Ober\u00f6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "16518"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795087"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795087"]], [["description", "The manuscript is the first volume of an encyclopedic reference work that, as the result of basic research in literary studies, represents the first systematic attempt to provide comprehensive documentation of the literary events that took place within the official system of the Third Reich as promoted, or at least tolerated, by the decision-makers in the cultural industry more accessible, without resorting to limiting, biased attempts to define a canon. Materials will be presented for the analysis and interpretation of genesis and effects of these events and institutions. For this reason, the study is based on a functional understanding of literature and has taken key institutional elements of the literary communication system into consideration: authors and their works (including radio and film writers), scholars of German studies, the decision-makers of cultural policy (promotion/censure, literary awards), literary associations, publishing houses and theaters, anthologies and periodicals. The total control of all public creative and media activities in the year 1938 through the Third Reich dictatorship rarely provides good sources for the testing of this method. Our systematic research of the phase between 1938 and 1945 intends to create the most comprehensive description possible of the institutions within the literary system and the integration of authors. Apart from printed material in files pertaining to individuals, we primarily scrutinized the contents of the National Archive Berlin / Division on National Socialism (BDC) and what is known as the Gauakten or District Files for this purpose (the vast majority of personal information related to authors was provided by the authors themselves). The most important archival basis for the description of the institutions are files from the National Archive Koblenz (now in the National Archive Berlin) and the Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna.In the survey of material, some of the events that transpired before and after the critical Nazi years were systematically included in order to draw attention to continuities and breaks. Especially significant were literary awards and honors, which illustrate the integration of writers in the various governments from the monarchy up through the Second Republic. For this reason, we have included all such prizes that are known. The first attempt to list all literary organizations in Austria and all German-language anthologies, in which Austria texts were included, covers the period between 1933 and 1945. The subsequent period has been documented not only through literary awards and honors, but also through the inclusion of the so-called \"Gauakten\" in the Austrian National Archive (\u00d6sterreichisches Staatsarchiv / Archiv der Republik).In order to explore the institutional factors of the literary sub-system in German-speaking regions, a new kind of handbook was created in accordance with this methodological approach, a combination of encyclopedia of persons and specialized dictionary, which should be combined in a network to form a whole. Another factor that led to this format was the division of Austria by the Nazis into seven divisions subject directly to the German government. The handbooks have thus been structured as follows: Part I: Encyclopedia of Persons is divided into several volumes based on the administrative divisions (Gaue) at the time. The first volume will focus on Styria. The alphabetically-ordered author will be preceded by a literary and historical introduction and an organizational diagram of the literary-political associations of the individual divisions as well as an overview of institutions in the Gau. A list of abbrevations and a list of sources will be included at the end of each volume. The volumes devoted to individual authors will be cross-referenced with the second part.Part II: Institutions in Austria will focus on literary organizations, German studies / folk culture, literary awards, promotion and censure (1933 - 1945), publishers, theaters German-language anthologies (1933 - 1945) and periodical Publications, and include a list of abbreviations as well as a list of sources.

Das Manuskript ist der erste Band eines lexikalischen Nachschlagewerks, das im Sinne literaturwissenschaftlicher Grundlagenforschung versucht, erstmals eine systematische, fl\u00e4chendeckende Dokumentation des literarischen Lebens \u00d6sterreichs w\u00e4hrend der \u00c4ra des Nationalsozialismus (1938 - 1945) zu bieten. Es soll - vom methodischen Ansatz her - ohne einschr\u00e4nkenden, wertenden R\u00fcckgriff auf Kanonbildungen den Zugang zu jenem literarischen Geschehen \u00f6ffnen, das dem offiziellen System des Dritten Reiches angeh\u00f6rte, das von den Lenkungsinstanzen des Kulturbetriebes gef\u00f6rdert, zumindest aber geduldet wurde und es soll der Analyse und Interpretation Materialien zu Entstehungs- und Wirkungsbedingungen zur Verf\u00fcgung stellen. Daher geht die Untersuchung von einem funktionalen Literaturverst\u00e4ndnis aus und umfasst die wesentlichen institutionalisierten Faktoren des literarischen Kommunikationssystems: AutorInnen und deren Werke (einschlie\u00dflich H\u00f6rfunk und Film) sowie Germanisten, kulturpolitische Lenkungsinstanzen (F\u00f6rderung/Zensur, Literaturpreise), literarische Vereinigungen, Verlag und Theater, Anthologien und Periodika. F\u00fcr das Erproben eines derartigen methodischen Ansatzes bietet die Diktatur des Dritten Reiches durch die Totalerfassung der sich an die \u00d6ffentlichkeit richtenden sch\u00f6pferischen und medialen T\u00e4tigkeit im Jahre 1938 selten gute quellenm\u00e4\u00dfige Voraussetzungen. Unsere systematischen Recherchen \u00fcber die Phase von 1938 - 45 streben eine m\u00f6glichst umfassende Beschreibung der Institutionen des literarischen Systems und der Integration der AutorInnen an. Zu diesem Zweck wurden au\u00dfer Druckschriften im Bereich Personenakten vornehmlich die Best\u00e4nde des Bundesarchivs Berlin/Abt. Deutsches Reich (BDC) und die sogenannten \"Gauakten\" durchforstet (der Gro\u00dfteil der Personaldaten bezieht sich auf eigene Angaben der Autoren). Wichtigste archivalische Basis f\u00fcr die Beschreibung der Institutionen sind Akten aus dem Bundesarchiv Koblenz (jetzt im BA in Berlin) und dem Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv.Die Erhebung von Material werden zudem sowohl die Vor- als auch die Nachgeschichte partiell systematisch einbezogen, um die Kontinuit\u00e4ten und Br\u00fcche aufzuzeigen. Besonders signifikant sind Literaturpreise und Ehrungen, welche die Integration eines Schriftstellers in die unterschiedlichen Systeme von der Monarchie bis zur Zweiten Republik illustrieren. Daher haben wir sie - soweit uns bekannt - in ihrer Gesamtheit verzeichnet. Der erstmalige Versuch, m\u00f6glichst alle literarischen Vereine in \u00d6sterreich und Anthologien des deutschen Sprachraums (sowie Texte von \u00d6sterreichern aufgenommen wurden) zu erheben, deckt die Zeit von 1933 - 1945 ab. Die Nachgeschichte wird nicht nur durch Literaturpreise und Ehrungen dokumentiert, sondern auch durch den Einbezug der schon genannten \"Gauakten\" im \u00d6sterreichischen Staatsarchiv (Archiv der Republik).Dem methodischen Anliegen entsprechend, ein literarisches Teil-System des deutschen Sprachraums in seinen institutionalisierten Faktoren lexikalisch aufzuschlie\u00dfen, wirde ein neuer Typus von Handbuch versucht, eine spezifische Kombination von Personenlexikon und Sachw\u00f6rterbuch, die zu einer Ganzheit vernetzt werden sollten. Ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor f\u00fcr die Art der Darbietung ergab sich aus dem Faktum der nationalsozialistischen Teilung \u00d6sterreichs in sieben \"reichsunmittelbare\" Gaue. Das Handbuch ist daher wie folgt gegliedert:Teil 1: Personenlexikon in mehreren B\u00e4nden nach den damaligen Gauen gegliedert. Vorgelegt wird der 1. Band \u00fcber die Steiermark. Dem AutorInnenalphabet werden eine literarhistorische Einleitung und ein Organigramm der literaturpolitischen Einrichtungen des Gaues mit einem \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die im Gau befindlichen Institutionen vorangestellt. Den Abschluss bildet ein Abk\u00fcrzungs- und Quellenverzeichnis. Der Autorenband steht in enger Vernetzung mit dem in Arbeit befindlichen Teil II: Institutionen in \u00d6sterreich, welcher literarische Vereine, Germanistik/Volkskunde, Literaturpreise, F\u00f6rderung und Zensur (1933 - 1945), Verlage, Anthologien des deutschen Sprachraums (1933 - 1945), periodische Druckschriften, Abk\u00fcrzungs- und Quellenverzeichnis f\u00fcr alle B\u00e4nde enth\u00e4lt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gradwohl-Schlacher ,Karin; Baur ,Uwe"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Nazionalsozialism, Austria, Literature, Authors, Institutions"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437159"], ["title", "Literatur in \u00d6sterreich 1938-1945, Steiermark"], ["doab_id", "15284"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205778097"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205778097"]], [["description", "Este livro perfaz dois movimentos, duas estrat\u00e9gias de leitura: a da intermidialidade e a da literatura de multid\u00e3o. A fronteira entre elas \u00e9 t\u00eanue e provis\u00f3ria. O que as separa \u00e9 um filtro que tanto deixa passar quanto ret\u00e9m. \u00c9 um livro de cr\u00edtica, um exerc\u00edcio de experimenta\u00e7\u00e3o cr\u00edtica que prop\u00f5e um olhar transversal sobre as obras, com a finalidade de compreend\u00ea-las por aquilo que nelas remete para as formas de vida, para os espa\u00e7os de produ\u00e7\u00e3o simb\u00f3lica e de sua log\u00edstica de circula\u00e7\u00e3o e consumo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Justino, Luciano Barbosa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x6bh8"], ["title", "Literatura de multid\u00e3o e intermidialidade: ensaios sobre ler e escrever o presente"], ["doab_id", "17713"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792404"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792404"]], [["description", "Os textos aqui reunidos se oferecem como poss\u00edveis leituras da problem\u00e1tica do Outro na literatura, pertencente a diversas esferas e recortado conforme a perspectiva cr\u00edtica adotada em seu enfoque pelos autores. O prop\u00f3sito maior desta colet\u00e2nea, portanto, \u00e9 fornecer ao leitor reflex\u00f5es e questionamentos sobre os aspectos implicados na rela\u00e7\u00e3o eu x outro presentes nas manifesta\u00e7\u00f5es liter\u00e1rias tomadas como objeto de an\u00e1lise. Desse modo, os gestos de escrita e leitura ser\u00e3o dimens\u00f5es em relevo ao longo deste livro, complementando-se e coproduzindo-se no percurso cr\u00edtico que vai do eu(s) ao outro(s)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dias, Maria Helo\u00edsa Martins; Oliveira, S\u00f4nia Helena de; Piteri, Raymundo"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3mxq8"], ["title", "A literatura do outro e os outros da literatura"], ["doab_id", "16748"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831119"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831119"]], [["description", "Los trabajos reunidos en Literatura y violencia en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente interrogan los modos de narrar las experiencias extremas de la historia latinoamericana de las \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas. Configuran un variado mapa de la violencia de las \u00faltimas d\u00e9cadas, que comienza con las dictaduras del Cono Sur y arriba a los setecientos femicidios de Ciudad Ju\u00e1rez; un recorrido que va de sur a norte, de los \u00b470 a los \u00b490, de la violencia dictatorial a la violencia neoliberal y a la guerra de las drogas. Las obras de Luis Gusm\u00e1n, Mart\u00edn Kohan, Alan Pauls, Ricardo Piglia y Daniel Moyano interrogan la violencia dictatorial en Argentina. Las narrativas de Iv\u00e1n Thays, Santiago Roncagliolo y Daniel Alarc\u00f3n exploran los a\u00f1os de la violencia en Per\u00fa (1980-2000) durante el conflicto armado entre Sendero Luminoso y las fuerzas militares. Si las obras de Horacio Castellanos Moya, Rodrigo Rey Rosa y Franz Galich recorren el contexto de Am\u00e9rica Central atravesado por el genocidio guatemalteco; la narrativa de Fernando Vallejo descubre el fracaso de la izquierda y el imperio de la violencia sin ideolog\u00eda desatada por el narcotr\u00e1fico en Colombia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Basile, Teresa (coord.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Latin America ", " literature ", " violence ", " historical development ", " Am\u00e9rica Latina ", " literatura ", " violencia ", " desarrollo hist\u00f3rico"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/37"], ["title", "Literatura y violencia en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente"], ["doab_id", "17312"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411759"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411759"]], [["description", "A diferencia de los a\u00f1os 60 y 70 cuando la literatura se conectaba con aquellos saberes legitimadores capaces de garantizar un m\u00e9todo y una epistemolog\u00eda fiables, tal como ocurr\u00eda con las d\u00edadas literatura y psicoan\u00e1lisis, literatura y ling\u00fc\u00edstica, u otras similares\u2013lo que Carlos Altamirano denomin\u00f3 \u201cciencia piloto\u201d-, la noci\u00f3n \u201cliteraturas compartidas\u201d hace valer la conjunci\u00f3n y de un modo m\u00e1s radical y sin jerarqu\u00edas. Pretendemos mostrar aqu\u00ed c\u00f3mo la experiencia de la literatura en la contemporaneidad, en un gesto democr\u00e1tico que juega con infinitas formas, es un compartir (convivir) los restos, las fronteras, las zonas liminares, las continuidades y discontinuidades con las distintas esferas de la cultura y con su propia tradici\u00f3n; pero tambi\u00e9n c\u00f3mo esa experiencia es un volverse asimetr\u00eda, sublevaci\u00f3n contra lo id\u00e9ntico, lenguaje todav\u00eda inaudible a la espera de una escucha que lo descifre y que lo ponga al d\u00eda."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Basile, Teresa (coord.); Foffani, Enrique (coord.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Argentina ", " literature ", " literatura"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/5"], ["title", "Literaturas compartidas"], ["doab_id", "17311"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411391"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411391"]], [["description", "This is a book about the power game currently being played out between two symbiotic cultural institutions: the university and the novel. As the number of hyper-knowledgeable literary fans grows, students and researchers in English departments waiver between dismissing and harnessing voices outside the academy. Meanwhile, the role that the university plays in contemporary literary fiction is becoming increasingly complex and metafictional, moving far beyond the \u2018campus novel\u2019 of the mid-twentieth century.Martin Paul Eve\u2019s engaging and far-reaching study explores the novel's contribution to the ongoing displacement of cultural authority away from university English. Spanning the works of Jennifer Egan, Ishmael Reed, Tom McCarthy, Sarah Waters, Percival Everett, Roberto Bola\u00f1o and many others, Literature Against Criticism forces us to re-think our previous notions about the relationship between those who write literary fiction and those who critique it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eve, Martin Paul"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Contemporary fiction, Academia, University English, metafiction, Jennifer Egan, Ishmael Reed, Tom McCarthy, Sarah Waters, Percival Everett, Roberto Bola\u00f1o"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/530"], ["title", "Literature Against Criticism: University English and Contemporary Fiction in Conflict"], ["doab_id", "19953"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742738", "9781783742752"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742738/9781783742752"]], [["description", "Drawing on the latest debates in ecocritical theory and sustainability studies, Literature as Cultural Ecology: Sustainable Texts outlines a new approach to the reading of literary texts. Hubert Zapf considers the ways in which literature operates as a form of cultural ecology, using language, imagination and critique to challenge and transform cultural narratives of humanity's relationship to nature. In this way, the book demonstrates the important role that literature plays in creating a more sustainable way of life. Applying this approach to works by writers such as Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, Zakes Mda, and Amitav Ghosh, Literature as Cultural Ecology is an essential contribution to the contemporary environmental humanities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hubert Zapf"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474274685"], ["title", "Literature as Cultural Ecology"], ["doab_id", "18982"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474274654"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474274654"]], [["description", "This new collection of J. Hillis Miller\u2019s essays centres on the question \u201cwhy and to what end should we read, teach, and spend our time with literary and/or cultural studies?\u201d At a time when electronic media seem to dominate the market completely, and jobs follow the money flows into electronic and technical fields, literary and cultural studies might appear as a decorative addenda but not really necessary for the process of growth and development, neither in business nor in the area of personal development. This question is not really new, it has many facets, requires differentiated answers which depend and mirror the political and cultural climate of a society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miller Hillis ,J."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["literary studies", "cultural studies"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613237"], ["title", "Literature Matters"], ["doab_id", "19503"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420344", "9781785420351"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420344 9781785420351"]], [["description", "This book is the basis of comparative literature studies ofSoutheast-Europe from the late medieval period to early 20th century in the near future and compare for the first time the development of genres and periods of fiction, ideological tendencies, themes and motives, reception and influences concerning the literatures of Hungary and Rumania, the South Slavic countries, Albania, Greece and Turkey.

Der vorliegende Band bildet den Grundstock einer zuk\u00fcnftigen komparativen Literaturwissenschaft S\u00fcdosteuropas von der fr\u00fchen Neuzeit bis zur Moderne im fr\u00fchen 20. Jahrhundert und vergleicht zum erstenmal die Entwicklung von Gattungen und Epochenstilen der Belletristik, ideologische Tendenzen,Thematik und Motivik bzw. Rezeptionsvorg\u00e4nge und Vorbildwirkungen in den Literaturen Ungarns und Rum\u00e4niens, der s\u00fcdslawischen L\u00e4nder und Albaniens, Griechenlands und der T\u00fcrkei."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puchner ,Walter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Balkan Studies, literature, fiction, comparative literature studies", "Balkanistik, S\u00fcdosteuropa-Studien, Literatur, Belletristik, Komparatistik"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578178"], ["title", "Die Literaturen S\u00fcdosteuropas, 15. bis fr\u00fches 20. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "17529"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796411"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796411"]], [["description", "Over the last few decades cultural sociology and book history have stimulated the study of publishers and their role in the production, distribution, reception and consumption of literature. As such these disciplines have constantly reminded us that literary theory does not study \u2018autonomous artefacts\u2019, but texts which are mediated and influenced by various \u2018institutions\u2019. But what are the implications?The contributions to this issue of Cahier voor Literatuurwetenschap confront the results of recent and ongoing studies about publishing with the disciplinary idiosyncrasies of general and comparative literature. They not only demonstrate the rich diversity which is typical of this branch of literary studies as far as its method, subject matter and theoretical framework is concerned. They also evaluate acquired ideas and, above all, anticipate new challenges."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Absillis ,Kevin ; Humbeeck ,Kris "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["literary theory", "book history", "sociology of literature"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=467110"], ["title", "Literatuurwetenschap en uitgeverijonderzoek"], ["doab_id", "15699"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038220475"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038220475"]], [["description", "The relationship between men and the domestic in eighteenth-century Britain has, until now, been obscure. The Little Republic rescues the engagement of men with the house from this obscurity, better equipping historians to understand masculinity, the domestic environment and domestic patriarchy. This book reconstructs men\u2019s experiences of the house, examining the authority that accrued to mundane and everyday household practices and employing men\u2019s own concepts to understand what men thought and felt about their domestic lives. This book explores the distinctive relationship between the domestic environment and masculinity, and finds that \u2018home\u2019 is too narrow a concept for an understanding of eighteenth-century domestic experience. Focussing instead on the \u2018house\u2019, Harvey foregrounds a different domestic culture in which men and masculinity were central. Men acted within the domestic environment as general managers, accountants, consumers and as keepers of the family history in paper and ink. The book explores a model of domestic patriarchy based on a widely-shared discourse of \u2018oeconomy\u2019 \u2013 the practice of managing the economic and moral resources of the household for the maintenance of good order. \u2018Oeconomy\u2019 was a meaningful way of defining masculinity and established the house a key component of a manly identity and in practising \u2018oeconomy\u2019, men established their household authority through small acts of power. The book shows how the public identity of men depended upon the roles they performed within doors, straddling the divide of \u2018inside\u2019 and \u2018outside\u2019 the house."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harvey ,Karen"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Masculinity", "House", "Oeconomy", "Household", "Patriarchy", "Gender", "Middling sort", "Cultural history", "Britain", "Eighteenth-century"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453479"], ["title", "The Little Republic: Masculinity and Domestic Authority in Eighteenth-Century Britain"], ["doab_id", "15510"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199533848"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199533848"]], [["description", "Today we commonly describe ourselves as machines that \"\"let off steam\"\" or feel \"\"under pressure.\"\" The Lives of Machines investigates how Victorian technoculture came to shape this language of human emotion so pervasively and irrevocably and argues that nothing is more intensely human and affecting than the nonhuman. Tamara Ketabgian explores the emergence of a modern and more mechanical view of human nature in Victorian literature and culture. Treating British literature from the 1830s to the 1870s, this study examines forms of feeling and community that combine the vital and the mechanical, the human and the nonhuman, in surprisingly hybrid and productive alliances. Challenging accounts of industrial alienation that still persist, the author defines mechanical character and feeling not as erasures or negations of self, but as robust and nuanced entities in their own right. The Lives of Machines thus offers an alternate cultural history that traces sympathies between humans, animals, and machines in novels and nonfiction about factory work as well as in other unexpected literary sites and genres, whether domestic, scientific, musical, or philosophical. Ketabgian historicizes a model of affect and community that continues to inform recent theories of technology, psychology, and the posthuman. The Lives of Machines will be of interest to students of British literature and history, history of science and of technology, novel studies, psychoanalysis, and postmodern cultural studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tamara Ketabgian"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["English literature -- 19th century -- History and criticism", "Literature and technology -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century", "Machinery in literature", "Machinery -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century", "Technology -- Social aspects -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9544598.0001.001"], ["title", "The Lives of Machines: The Industrial Imaginary in Victorian Literature and Culture"], ["doab_id", "14509"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071401", "9780472051403"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071401 Paper: 9780472051403"]], [["description", "In the highly competitive world of biomedical science, often the rush to publish and to be recognized as \"first\" with a new discovery, concept or method, is lost in the hurly-burly of the moment, as \"the maddening crowd\" moves on to the next \"new thing\". One of the great things about immunology today is that it has only become mature as a science within the last half-century, and especially within the past 35 years as a consequence of the revolution of molecular immunology, which has taken place only since 1980. Consequently, most of those who have contributed to our new understanding of how the immune system functions are still alive and well, and still contributing. Thus, \"A Living History of Immunology\" collates many stories from the investigators who actually performed the experiments that have established the frontiers of immunology. Accordingly, this volume combats \"revisionist science\", by those who want to alter history by telling the stories a different way than actually happened. In this regard, one of the good things about science vs. other disciplines is that we have the written record of what was done, when it was done and by whom. Even so, we do not have the complete story or narrative of how and why experiments were done, and what made the differences that led to success. This volume captures and chronicles some of these stories from the past fifty years in immunology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kendall Arthur Smith"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["immunology history", "Thymus", "antibody", "Macrophages", "T cells", "B cells", "Interleukins", "T cell receptor (TCR)", "cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)", "Antibody Forming Cells (AFC)"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3090/a-living-history-of-immunology"], ["title", "A living history of immunology"], ["doab_id", "19580"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196982"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196982"]], [["description", "An extensive body of literature on Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing has been written since the 1980s. This research has for the most part been conducted by scholars operating within Western epistemological frameworks that tend not only to deny the subjectivity of knowledge but also to privilege masculine authority. As a result, the information gathered predominantly reflects the types of knowledge traditionally held by men, yielding a perspective that is at once gendered and incomplete. Even those academics, communities, and governments interested in consulting with Indigenous peoples for the purposes of planning, monitoring, and managing land use have largely ignored the knowledge traditionally produced, preserved, and transmitted by Indigenous women. While this omission reflects patriarchal assumptions, it may also be the result of the reductionist tendencies of researchers, who have attempted to organize Indigenous knowledge so as to align it with Western scientific categories, and of policy makers, who have sought to deploy such knowledge in the service of external priorities. Such efforts to apply Indigenous knowledge have had the effect of abstracting this knowledge from place as well as from the world view and community\u2014and by extension the gender\u2014to which it is inextricably connected.Living on the Land examines how patriarchy, gender, and colonialism have shaped the experiences of Indigenous women as both knowers and producers of knowledge. From a variety of methodological perspectives, contributors to the volume explore the nature and scope of Indigenous women\u2019s knowledge, its rootedness in relationships both human and spiritual, and its inseparability from land and landscape. From the reconstruction of cultural and ecological heritage by Naskapi women in Qu\u00e9bec to the medical expertise of M\u00e9tis women in western Canada to the mapping and securing of land rights in Nicaragua, Living on the Land focuses on the integral role of women as stewards of the land and governors of the community. Together, these contributions point to a distinctive set of challenges and possibilities for Indigenous women and their communities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Nathalie Kermoal and Isabel Altamirano-Jim\u00e9nez"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["United Nations, Arctic Studies, Inuit, Land Claims, Treaties,Women's Studies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120256"], ["title", "Living on the Land: Indigenous Women\u2019s Understanding of Place"], ["doab_id", "19425"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990417", "9781771990424", "9781771990431", "9781771990448"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990417 9781771990424 9781771990431 9781771990448"]], [["description", "Yeats Annual No. 18 is another special issue in this renowned research-level series offering a tribute to the pioneering Yeats scholar, A. Norman Jeffares.Memories of the man are shared by Seamus Heaney, Christopher Rush and Colin Smythe, who compiles a bibliography of Jeffares\u2019s work. Terence Brown, Neil Corcoran, Warwick Gould, Joseph M. Hassett, Phillip L. Marcus, Ann Saddlemyer, Ronald Schuchard, Deirdre Toomey and Helen Vendler offer essays on such topics as Yeats and the Colours of Poetry, Yeats\u2019s Shakespeare, Yeats and Seamus Heaney, Lacrimae Rerum and Tragic Joy, Raftery\u2019s work on Yeats\u2019s Thoor Ballylee, Edmund Dulac\u2019s portrait of Mrs George Yeats, The Tower as an anti-Modernist monument, with close studies of \u2018Vacillation\u2019, \u2018Her Triumph\u2019, and \u2018The Cold Heaven\u2019. Throughout, the essays are inflected with memories of Jeffares and his critical methods. The volume is rounded with further essays on A Vision by Neil Mann and Matthew de Forrest, while reviews of recent editions and studies are provided by Matthew Campbell, Wayne K. Chapman, Sandra Clark, Denis Donoghue, Nicholas Grene, Joseph M. Hassett, and K.P.S. Jochum."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gould, Warwick (Editor)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["William Butler Yeats", "Yeats Annual", "Warwick Gould", "Institute of English Studies", "Irish literature", "Heaney", "Irish poetry"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/194"], ["title", "The Living Stream: Yeats Annual No. 18"], ["doab_id", "15356"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254367"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254367"]], [["description", "In essays about communities as varied as Alaskan Native, East Indian, Palestinian, Mexican, and African American, oral historians, folklorists, and anthropologists look at how traditional and historical oral narratives live through re-tellings, gaining meaning and significance in repeated performances, from varying contexts, through cultural and historical knowing, and due to tellers' consciousness of their audiences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schneider, William"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/56"], ["title", "Living With Stories"], ["doab_id", "14738"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216899"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216899"]], [["description", "Livre Blanc de la Recherche en M\u00e9caniqueEnjeux industriels et soci\u00e9tauxRecherche, innovation, formationAssociation Fran\u00e7aise de M\u00e9caniqueLa fili\u00e8re m\u00e9canique est une pierre angulaire de l\u2019industrie. Elle constitue \u00e0 la fois un secteur industriel \u00e0 part enti\u00e8re (l\u2019industrie m\u00e9canique repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e par les m\u00e9tiers de l\u2019\u00e9quipement, de la transformation et de la pr\u00e9cision regroup\u00e9s au sein de la FIM, F\u00e9d\u00e9ration des Industries M\u00e9caniques), mais aussi un ensemble de technologies sur lesquelles se fondent de nombreux secteurs tels que ceux qui construisent des mat\u00e9riels pour les transports, l\u2019\u00e9nergie, la sant\u00e9, l\u2019environnement.Ce Livre Blanc de la Recherche en M\u00e9canique est \u00e9labor\u00e9 par le Haut Comit\u00e9 M\u00e9canique (HCM) dans le cadre de l\u2019Association Fran\u00e7aise de M\u00e9canique (AFM). Ses objectifs sont : l\u2019identification des besoins industriels et des technologies innovantes, la proposition des orientations de recherche et technologie pour faire initier des projets R&D, et l\u2019apport de l\u2019information pour des industriels, des d\u00e9cideurs mais aussi des scientifiques qui peuvent ignorer les ressources que rec\u00e8le leur milieu.Quatre grands chapitres composent ce Livre Blanc. Apr\u00e8s la pr\u00e9sentation des \u00e9l\u00e9ments du panorama, les grands enjeux dans les secteurs industriels sont d\u00e9taill\u00e9s, les d\u00e9fis scientifiques sont trait\u00e9s par th\u00e9matiques de recherche et les approches qui permettent de concevoir et produire autrement sont abord\u00e9es. On trouve, en annexe du livre, une liste des organismes et des laboratoires de recherche dans le domaine de la M\u00e9canique."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Association fran\u00e7aise de m\u00e9canique"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/livre-blanc-de-la-recherche-en-mecanique.pdf"], ["title", "Livre Blanc de la Recherche en M\u00e9canique"], ["doab_id", "16888"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759816835"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759816835"]], [["description", "A l\u2019heure o\u00f9 le projet de loi \u00ab pour une R\u00e9publique num\u00e9rique \u00bb propose l\u2019insertion dans le Code de la recherche de dispositions relatives \u00e0 l\u2019open access, le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), aux c\u00f4t\u00e9s de ses partenaires dans le projet ISTEX ainsi que d\u2019un grand nombre de chercheurs et d\u2019acteurs du domaine de la recherche publique, propose par ce Livre blanc le fruit de ses r\u00e9flexions et analyses. Depuis plusieurs ann\u00e9es, la communaut\u00e9 scientifique de la recherche publique..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Direction de l\u2019Information Scientifique et Technique - CNRS"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["open access, open data, open science"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/1548"], ["title", "Livre blanc \u2014 Une Science ouverte dans une R\u00e9publique num\u00e9rique"], ["doab_id", "18974"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821868694"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821868694"]], [["description", "Pensar la construcci\u00f3n hist\u00f3rica del actor pol\u00edtico calificado como \u201ccomunista\u201d, para los servicios de inteligencia policial en la provincia de Buenos Aires, devino en un trabajo que encontr\u00f3 en su fuente principal -archivos DIPBA- un disparador para que aquella narrativa policial se convierta en una p\u00e1gina de la historia, dialogando inevitablemente con un contexto que contempl\u00f3 saberes, discursos y leyes represivas desde fines del siglo XIX.Este libro abordalas pr\u00e1cticas que caracterizaron el funcionamiento de la inteligencia de la polic\u00eda bonaerense, desde sus inicios en la D\u00e9cada Infame, hasta su definitiva institucionalizaci\u00f3n y jerarquizaci\u00f3n como labor policial hacia fines de los a\u00f1os cincuenta y principios de los sesenta. La noci\u00f3n de peligrosidad que envolvi\u00f3 al comunismo fue constitutiva y definitoria para la inteligencia policial, siendo la construcci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica del \u201cenemigo\u201d una categor\u00eda necesaria para legitimar su persecuci\u00f3n y aniquilamiento.En este trabajo se privilegiaron aquellas representaciones que atravesaron las narrativas policiales, tanto desde la \u201cdoctrina\u201d como desde la elaboraci\u00f3n de los informes de inteligencia. Las dimensiones que abarcan estapesquisa se incorporan a partir del estudio de los informes y la producci\u00f3n de \u201cdoctrina\u201d, articuladas en un entramado represivo que se solidific\u00f3 enla definici\u00f3n de pol\u00edticas, la sanci\u00f3n de leyes y pr\u00e1cticas policiales."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marengo, Mar\u00eda Eugenia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ciencias sociales ", " comunismo ", " legislaci\u00f3n ", " Buenos Aires [provincia] ", " poder policial"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/35"], ["title", "Lo aparente como real: Un an\u00e1lisis del sujeto \u201ccomunista\u201d en la creaci\u00f3n y consolidaci\u00f3n del servicio de inteligencia de la polic\u00eda de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (1930-1962)"], ["doab_id", "17356"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412046"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412046"]], [["description", "Investigates how small groups - households and local communities - constitute and represent their social identity by ordering the landscape in which they dwell. The author develops a new theoretical and empirical perspective that deals with many of the practices that create collective senses of identity and belonging. These include house building and habitation, structured deposition, cremation and burial, arable farming, and ritual practices. An explicitly diachronic approach charts processes of cultural and social change which have previously gone largely unnoticed, providing a stimulating basis for a more dynamic history of the late prehistoric inhabitants of the Meuse-Demer-Scheldt region.

In dit nieuwe deel in de Amsterdam Archaeological Studies-reeks onderzoekt Fokke Gerritsen hoe kleine groepen mensen - huishoudens en plaatselijke leefgemeenschappen - hun sociale identiteit vormden en bewerkstelligden door het ordenen van het landschap waarin zij zich bevonden. De auteur ontwikkelt een nieuw theoretisch en empirisch perspectief op de vele gebruiken die een collectief gevoel van identiteit en toebehoren cre\u00ebren zoals huizenbouw en woonomgeving, structurele nederzetting, crematie en begrafenis, land- en akkerbouw, en rituele praktijken. Een uitgesproken diachronische aanpak brengt processen van culturele en sociale verandering in kaart die hiervoor grotendeels onopgemerkt zijn gebleven en die een solide basis vormen voor een meer dynamische geschiedenis van de laat-prehistorische bewoners van het Meuse-Demer-Scheldtgebied."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gerritsen ,Fokke"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Archeology", "Archeologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340244"], ["title", "Local Identities : Landscape and Community in the Late Prehistoric Meuse-Demer-Scheldt Region"], ["doab_id", "12927"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565889"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565889"]], [["description", "Islam is often seen as a religious tradition in which hell does not play a particularly prominent role. This volume challenges this hackneyed view. Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions is the first book-length analytic study of the Muslim hell. It maps out a broad spectrum of Islamic attitudes toward hell, from the Quranic vision(s) of hell to the pious cultivation of the fear of the afterlife, theological speculations, metaphorical and psychological understandings, and the modern transformations of hell.Contributors: Frederick Colby, Daniel de Smet, Christiane Gruber, Jon Hoover, Mohammad Hassan Khalil, Christian Lange, Christopher Melchert, Simon O\u2019Meara, Samuela Pagani, Tommaso Tesei, Roberto Tottoli, Wim Raven, and Richard van Leeuwen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["damnation", "Islam", "eschatology", "religion", "afterlife", "paradise", "salvation", "angels", "death", "asceticism", "fear", "jinn", "melek", "al-n\u0101r", "jahannam", "Quran"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612691"], ["title", "Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions"], ["doab_id", "18549"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004301368", "9789004301214"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004301368 9789004301214"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Eringa ,F.S."], ["date", "1949"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613330"], ["title", "Loetoeng Kasaroeng"], ["doab_id", "18485"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285712", "9789004286290"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285712 9789004286290"]], [["description", "This study is directed towards providing basic background material for the understanding of South Sumatran social organisation. To this end, four legal codes from the first half of the nineteenth century are presented and analysed. The method used in the analysis is a modification of that used by Levi-Strauss for the analysis of myth."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moyer ,D.S."], ["date", "1975"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613372"], ["title", "The Logic of the Laws"], ["doab_id", "18528"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024718016", "9789004287068"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024718016 9789004287068"]], [["description", "Este estudo discute, questiona e aponta as contradi\u00e7\u00f5es das chamadas institui\u00e7\u00f5es totais, ambientes em que as manifesta\u00e7\u00f5es psicossociais espec\u00edficas dos internos, segundo o autor, costumam ser desconhecidas ou ignoradas por profissionais do Judici\u00e1rio, Servi\u00e7o Social, Medicina, Psicologia e Pedagogia. Para ele, \u00e9 ing\u00eanuo supor que se pode confinar, tanto jovens quanto adultos, por meio de decis\u00f5es judiciais, e criar nos estabelecimentos, ao mesmo tempo, rotinas integradoras e ambientes saud\u00e1veis, potencialmente pedag\u00f3gicos.A Psicologia, a Pedagogia e a Assist\u00eancia Social s\u00e3o reconhecidas aqui como saberes cient\u00edficos incontestes que, no entanto, estariam sendo utilizadas como estrat\u00e9gias de controle disciplinar nos estabelecimentos educativos, socioeducativos e ressocializadores, em especial entre os que limitam a liberdade individual.\u00c0 medida que os profissionais t\u00eam como atribui\u00e7\u00e3o, em tais contextos, oferecer acompanhamento personalizado e sistem\u00e1tico, levando-os reclusos a refletirem sobre as infra\u00e7\u00f5es cometidas e suas consequ\u00eancias, acabam por desempenhar, afirma o autor, citando Foucault, \u201co papel de t\u00e9cnicos do comportamento, engenheiros da conduta, ortopedistas da individualidade\u201d.Tal papel, pontua, \u00e9 desempenhado em meio a impasses, entre discursos altru\u00edstas e a realidade das institui\u00e7\u00f5es produto das sociedades disciplinares. Assim, quest\u00f5es pedag\u00f3gicas, psicol\u00f3gicas, psiqui\u00e1tricas, hospitalares se tornariam mais intelig\u00edveis se fossem enquadradas em um marco institucional global: \u201cEntendemos que os problemas institucionais s\u00e3o tamb\u00e9m problemas sociais. Solu\u00e7\u00f5es t\u00e9cnicas muitas vezes n\u00e3o s\u00e3o suficientes para resolv\u00ea-los. Eles exigem solu\u00e7\u00f5es pol\u00edticas para sua metaboliza\u00e7\u00e3o\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benelli, Silvio Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/74z7q"], ["title", "A l\u00f3gica da interna\u00e7\u00e3o: institui\u00e7\u00f5es totais e disciplinares (des)educativas"], ["doab_id", "19917"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334447"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334447"]], [["description", "En el libro se analiza la problem\u00e1tica l\u00f3gico-filos\u00f3fica que se da entre los formalismos l\u00f3gicos y el lenguaje natural, tratando de responder a la pregunta de si es posible formalizar la l\u00f3gica natural o de sentido com\u00fan. Se comienza presentando una caracterizaci\u00f3n de la l\u00f3gica natural, su primer intento de formalizaci\u00f3n por J. Piaget y R. Garc\u00eda, las limitaciones del mismo, el an\u00e1lisis de los obst\u00e1culos epistemol\u00f3gicos que se presentan en su ense\u00f1anza mostrando que estos concuerdan con ciertos resultados de la psicolog\u00eda experimental. En los cap\u00edtulos siguientes se presentan los distintos sistemas formales creados con el objetivo de ampliar el campo de la l\u00f3gica cl\u00e1sica para dar cuenta de dominios de lenguaje no incluidos en ella. El texto culmina con un cap\u00edtulo de reflexi\u00f3n filos\u00f3fica sobre el significado de las constantes l\u00f3gicas y sobre la problem\u00e1tica de por qu\u00e9 y c\u00f3mo ense\u00f1ar l\u00f3gica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Palau, Gladys"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["philosophy ", " theory of argumentation ", " communications ", " filosof\u00eda ", " teor\u00eda de la argumentaci\u00f3n ", " l\u00f3gica ", " comunicaci\u00f3n"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/1"], ["title", "L\u00f3gica formal y argumentaci\u00f3n como disciplinas complementarias"], ["doab_id", "17354"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503410530"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503410530"]], [["description", "The Slovenian constitution guarantees local self-government to all inhabitants and local self-government can be executed in municipalities and other local communities. Although municipalities are foundational units of local self-government, they experience some very basic problems since the re-establishment in the middle of 1990s; those problems are closely connected with inadequate exercise of subsidiarity and connection principles from in 1996 ratified European charter of local self-government. Slovenia has larger number of undersized municipalities that report problems with normative overload and their administrative incapacity. According to the findings of empirical study presented in the paper, the latter is often the case in municipalities smaller than 5000 inhabitants. The authors are also analysing inadequately defined scope of municipal jurisdiction; Slovenian municipalities are currently responsible for local affairs that affect only municipal inhabitants, and that narrow scope of jurisdiction is in many cases causing problems in managing the municipality, especially in cases of smaller municipalities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Irena Ba\u010dlija"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["local democracy, local self-government, municipality, administrative incapacity"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/7"], ["title", "Lokalna demokracija IV: Aktualni problemi slovenske lokalne samouprave"], ["doab_id", "17639"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovene"], ["isbns", ["9789616842068"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842068"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Teeuw ,A."], ["date", "1958"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613331"], ["title", "Lombok"], ["doab_id", "18486"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285897", "9789004286498"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285897 9789004286498"]], [["description", "Das am 27. Februar 1953 unterzeichnete Londoner Schuldenabkommen stellte ein Novum in der Geschichte der internationalen Schuldenregelung dar. Mit ihm wurde die gigantische deutsche Auslandsverschuldung des privaten und \u00f6ffentlichen Sektors aus der Vor- und Nachkriegszeit geregelt. Als Rechtsnachfolgerin des Deutschen Reiches \u00fcbernahm die Bundesrepublik die Haftung f\u00fcr die gesamten Vorkriegsschulden des ehemaligen Reichs. Die langwierigen und von zahlreichen Schwierigkeiten durchzogenen Verhandlungen erreichten, dass das Schuldenabkommen dem tats\u00e4chlichen Leistungsverm\u00f6gen der Bundesrepublik angepasst wurde. Mit dem Londoner Schuldenabkommen wurde die Kreditw\u00fcrdigkeit der jungen Bundesrepublik wiederhergestellt; es war damit eine Conditio sine qua non f\u00fcr die Wiedergewinnung der Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t der Bundesrepublik Deutschland."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rombeck-Jaschinski, Ursula"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/232261"], ["title", "Das Londoner Schuldenabkommen. Die Regelung der deutschen Auslandsschulden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg"], ["doab_id", "18026"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707625", "9783486575804"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707625, 9783486575804"]], [["description", "Researchers working in many fields of psychology and neuroscience are interested in the temporal structure of experience, as well as the experience of time, at scales of a few milliseconds up to a few seconds as well as days, months, years, and beyond. This Research Topic supposes that broadly speaking, the field of \"time psychology\" can be organized by distinguishing between \"perceptual\" and \"conceptual\" time-scales. Dealing with conceptual time: \"mental time travel,\" also called mental simulation, self-projection, episodic-semantic memory, prospection/foresight, allows humans (and perhaps other animals) to imagine and plan events and experiences in their personal futures, based in large part on memories of their personal pasts, as well as general knowledge. Moreover, contents of human language and thought are fundamentally organized by a temporal dimension, enmeshed with it so thoroughly that it is usually expressible only through spatial metaphors. But what might such notions have to do with experienced durations of events lasting milliseconds up to a few seconds, during the so-called \"present moment\" of perception-action cycle time? This Research Topic is organized around the general premise that, by considering how mental time travel might \"scale down\" to time perception (and vice-versa, no less), progress and integrative synthesis within- and across- scientific domains might be facilitated. Bipolar configurations of future- and past-orientations of the self may be repeated in parallel across conceptual and perceptual time-scales, subsumed by a general \"Janus-like\" feedforward-feedback system for goal-pursuit. As an example, it is notable that the duality of \"prospection\" and semantic-episodic memory operating at conceptual time-scales has an analogue in perception-action cycle time, namely the interplay of anticipatory attention and working memory. Authors from all areas of psychology and neuroscience are encouraged to submit articles of any format accepted by the journal (Original Research, Methods, Hypothesis & Theory, Reviews, etc.), which might speak to questions about time and temporal phenomena at long and/or short time-scales."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James M Broadway; Claire M Zedelius; Jonathan W Schooler; Simon Grondin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Time Perception", "Attention", "Consciousness", "episodic memory", "prospection", "working memory", "mental time travel", "mind wandering"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2182/the-long-and-short-of-mental-time-travel---self-projection-over-time-scales-large-and-small"], ["title", "The long and short of mental time travel - self-projection over time-scales large and small"], ["doab_id", "18694"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195831"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195831"]], [["description", "Long Night of the Tankers presents a fresh account of a lesser-known but critical component of the Atlantic naval theatre during World War II. Using war diaries, after-action reports, and first-hand accounts, authors Bercuson and Herwig examine the story behind Operation Neuland, the German plan to interrupt vital oil supplies from reaching the United States and the United Kingdom by preventing Allied oil tankers from leaving refineries in the Caribbean. The story begins in February 1942 and follows this German attempt to scuttle the Allied war machine through to the end of the war. Told largely from the German perspective, it details the planning and execution of the Germans and the diplomatic, political, and military responses of the Allies, particularly the United States, to overcome the German effort."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "David J. Bercuson; Holger H. Herwig"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49998/1/UofCPress_LongNightTankers_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Long Night of the Tankers: Hitler's War Against Caribbean Oil"], ["doab_id", "16073"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387603"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387603"]], [["description", "When we think about women settlers on the Prairies, our notions tend to veer between the nostalgic image of the \"cheerful helpmate\" and the grim deprivation of the \"reluctant immigrant.\" In this ground-breaking new study, Leigh Matthews shows how a critical approach to the life-writing of individual prairie women can broaden and deepen our understanding of the settlement era. Reopening for examination a substantial body of memoirs published after 1950 but now largely out of print, Matthews engages critical and feminist theory to close the gap between our polarized stereotypes and the actual lived experiences of rural prairie women.Addressing both the limitations and possibilities of life writing, Matthews presents a sound, well-developed and well-written case for memoir as reconciling female experience to the dominant historiography of the prairie west. Reading for \"failures and incoherences,\" the memoirs considered here reveal women's voices that probe a community's most cherished values and beliefs, reveal its conflicts and contradictions, and call leaders to account.- Catherine Cavanaugh, Athabasca University"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "S. Leigh Matthews"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48921/1/UofCPress_LookingBack_2010.pdf"], ["title", "Looking Back: Canadian Women's Prairie Memoirs and Intersections of Culture, History, and Identity"], ["doab_id", "15403"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385951"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385951"]], [["description", "Looking for Loopholes, Processes of incorporation of illegal immigrants in the Netherlands offers a detailed account of how illegal immigrants, who are legally excluded, manage to incorporate into Dutch society. By combining the perspectives of immigrants on the one hand and of those who have to implement the 'discouragement policy' on the other hand, the study shows how tensions between restrictive rules and day-to-day practices are growing. Based on long-term research in the four largest cities in the Netherlands, attention is paid to the role of informal employment and criminal involvement and to practices in the fields of education, housing, health-care and police surveillance.

Illegale immigranten, afgewezen voor een verblijfsvergunning, lukt het om te integreren in de Nederlandse maatschappij. Looking for Loopholes geeft een gedetailleerde beschrijving van de manier waarop dat gebeurt. Het perspectief van de immigranten wordt gecombineerd met dat van diegenen die het 'ontmoedigingsbeleid' moeten invoeren. Hierdoor laat het onderzoek duidelijk zien hoe de spanningen tussen restrictieve regels en de praktijk van alledag toenemen. De studie, gebaseerd op langetermijnonderzoek in de vier grootste steden van Nederland, besteedt zowel aandacht aan de rol van 'zwart werken' en betrokkenheid bij criminele activiteiten als aan de gang van zaken op het gebied van onderwijs, huisvesting, gezondheidszorg en politietoezicht. \"Een belangwekkende studie over het vraagstuk van illegaliteit en de problematiek van de beleidsuitvoering\" Openbaar Bestuur, 2004"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Leun van der ,Joanne"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340235"], ["title", "Looking for Loopholes : Processes of Incorporation of Illegal Immigrants in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "12918"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566008"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566008"]], [["description", "Buildings are neither conceived nor realized by architects in a vacuum; the architect forms part of a larger team of builders, craftsmen, engineers and other experts who join forces to bring together their diverse fields of knowledge.This book describes the design and development of the building process for the wings at the Yitzhak Rabin Centre in Tel Aviv, and demonstrates how collaborative building, technical design and development can lead in an integrated and innovative, but risky process to an extreme innovation, an Octatube \u2018Moonshot\u2019. The challenge posed by the Rabin Centre wings was to develop an entirely novel technology for constructing free form shells. It is necessary for many disciplines to collaborate in such a process, and these must be coordinated throughout the entire process, including all of its unforeseen and experimental stages. The results of the process then have to be integrated into one technical artifact that satisfies all requirements and delivers effective answers or compromises in all of its life phases, be that conceptual design, material design, detail design, engineering, production, assembly, installation, loading behavior, functional use as a building, meaning of the building as an artifact (even as architecture) and, in both its local and global context, in its meaning as an integral part of the building."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Eekhout; S. Wichers"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["architecture ", " Rabin Centre, Tel Aviv ", " free form shells ", " design ", " free form architecture"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/ISBN/978-1-61499-550-0"], ["title", "Lord of the Wings - The Making of Free Form Architecture"], ["doab_id", "19255"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614995494", "9781614995500"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614995494 (print) | 9781614995500 (online)"]], [["description", "European traders and soldiers established a foothold on Timor in the course of theseventeenth century, motivated by the quest for the commercially vital sandalwood and the intense competition between the Dutch and the Portuguese. Lords of the land, lords of the sea focuses on two centuries of contacts between the indigenous polities on Timor and the early colonials, and covers the period 1600-1800. In contrast with most previous studies, the book treats Timor as a historical region in its own right, using a wide array of Dutch, Portuguese and other original sources, which are compared with the comprehensive corpus of oral tradition recorded on the island. From this rich material, a lively picture emerges of life and death in early Timorese society, the forms of trade, slavery, warfare, alliances, social life, and so forth. The investigation demonstrates that the European groups, although having a role as ordering political forces, were only part of the political landscape of Timor. They relied on alliances where the distinction between ally and vassal was moot, and led to frequent conflicts and uprisings. During a slow and complicated process, the often turbulent political conditions involving Europeans, Eurasians, and Timorese polities, paved the way for the later division of Timor into two spheres of roughly equal size.Hans H\u00e4gerdal (1960) is a Senior Lecturer in History at the Linnaeus University, Sweden.He has written extensively on East and Southeast Asian history. Among his publications is Hindu rulers, Muslim subjects: Lombok and Bali in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (2001)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00e4gerdal ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["economic history", "colonial history", "colonial politics", "political history", "social history", "Timor", "Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=408241"], ["title", "Lords of the land, lords of the sea; Conflict and adaptation in early colonial Timor, 1600-1800"], ["doab_id", "14623"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183789", "9789004253506"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183789 9789004253506"]], [["description", "While contemporaries and historians alike hailed the establishment of Buffalo National Park in Wainwright, Alberta as a wildlife saving effort, the political climate of the early 20th century worked against it. The Canadian Parks Branch was never sufficiently funded to operate BNP effectively or to remedy the crises the animals faced as a result. Cross-breeding experiments with bison and domestic cattle proved unfruitful. Attempts at commercializing the herd had no success. Ultimately, the Department of National Defence repurposed the park for military training and the bison disappeared once more."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jennifer Brower"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["buffalo, alberta, wildlife", "conservation"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120139"], ["title", "Lost Tracks: Buffalo National Park, 1909\u20131939"], ["doab_id", "14447"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425107", "9781897425114"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425107 9781897425114"]], [["description", "The book uses interviews, informal conversations and extended observation at EDL events to critically reflect on the gap between the movement's public image and activists' own understandings of it. It details how activists construct the EDL, and themselves, as 'not racist, not violent, just no longer silent' inter alia through the exclusion of Muslims as a possible object of racism on the grounds that they are a religiously not racially defined group. In contrast activists perceive themselves to be 'second-class citizens', disadvantaged and discriminated by a 'two-tier' justice system that privileges the rights of 'others'. This failure to recognise themselves as a privileged white majority explains why ostensibly intimidating EDL street demonstrations marked by racist chanting and nationalistic flag waving are understood by activists as standing 'loud and proud'; the only way of 'being heard' in a political system governed by a politics of silencing.Unlike most studies of 'far right' movements, this book focuses not on the EDL as an organisation - its origins, ideology, strategic repertoire and effectiveness - but on the individuals who constitute the movement. Its ethnographic approach challenges stereotypes and allows insight into the emotional as well as political dimension of activism. At the same time, the book recognises and discusses the complex political and ethical issues of conducting close-up social research with 'distasteful' groups."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pilkington ,Hilary"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ethnography", "English Defence League", "Populist radical right movements", "Far right organisations", "Social movements", "Islamophobia", "Political activism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607920"], ["title", "Loud and proud: Passion and politics in the English Defence League"], ["doab_id", "19022"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526114013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526114013"]], [["description", "This is the first scholarly study of the political and economic relationship between Louis XIV and the parlements of France, the Parlement of Paris and all the provincial tribunals. The author explains how the king managed to overcome the century-old opposition of the parlements to new legislation, and to impose upon them the strict political discipline for which this reign, and only this reign, is known. Hurt shows that the king built upon that discipline to extract large sums of money from the judges in the parlements, notably in the form of forced loans and office sales, thus damaging their economic interests. When the king died in 1715, the regent, Philippe d'Orl\u00e9ans, after a brief attempt to befriend the parlements through compromise, resorted to the authoritarian methods of Louis XIV and perpetuated the Sun King's political and economic legacy. This study calls into question the current revisionist understanding of the reign of Louis XIV and insists that, after all, absolute government had a harsh reality at its core. Based upon extensive archival research, Louis XIV and the parlements will be of interest to all students of the history of early modern France and the monarchies of Europe."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hurt ,John"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["france", "history", "monarchy", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341351"], ["title", "Louis XIV and the Parlements: The assertion of royal authority"], ["doab_id", "12676"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062353"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062353"]], [["description", "Open Access provided with a grant from the International Atomic Energy Agency.This book offers low-cost and rapid molecular assays for the characterization of mutant plant germplasm. Detailed protocols are provided for the desiccation of plant tissues; the extraction of high-quality DNA for downstream applications; the extraction of single-strand-specific nucleases for single nucleotide polymorphism; and small insertion/deletion discovery using standard agarose gel electrophoresis. The methods described can be applied in any laboratory equipped for basic molecular biology and do away with the need for expensive freezers and toxic organic compounds. With the appropriate validation of sample quality and longevity, they can provide sufficient DNA for a variety of molecular applications, such as marker studies and TILLING, at approximately one tenth of the cost per sample when compared to commercial kits."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bradley J. Till; Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak; Owen A. Huynh; Mayada M. Beshir; Robert G. Laport; Bernhard J. Hofinger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["plants", " biotechnology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-16259-1"], ["title", "Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants: Tissue Desiccation, DNA Extraction and Mutation Discovery: Protocols "], ["doab_id", "18943"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319162584", "9783319162591"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319162584 (Print) 9783319162591 (Online)"]], [["description", "Antimicrobial therapy is a key factor in our success against pathogens poised to ravage at risk or infected individuals. However, we are currently at a watershed point as we face a growing crisis of antibiotic resistance among diverse pathogens. One area of intense interest is the impact of the application of antibiotics for uses other than the treatment of patients and the association with such utilization with emerging drug resistance. This Research Topic \u201cLow- dose antibiotics: current status and outlook for the future\u201d in Frontiers in Microbiology: Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy details various aspects of the wide ranging effects of antimicrobial therapy from areas such as the regulation of host responses to modulation of bacterial virulence factors to acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Paul Hunter; Carlos F Amabile-Cuevas; Jun Lin; Joshua D Nosanchuk; Rustam Aminov"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["antibiotics", "low dose antibiotics", "Immunomodulatory effect", "Environmental impact", "growth promotion", "feed additives"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1879/low-dose-antibiotics-current-status-and-outlook-for-the-future"], ["title", "Low-dose antibiotics: current status and outlook for the future"], ["doab_id", "18685"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193554"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193554"]], [["description", "\"Em maio de 2003, falecia um dos maiores m\u00fasicos de todos os tempos e um dos protagonistas da vanguarda musical da chamada gera\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00f3s-weberniana: o compositor italiano Luciano Berio. Em 2013, na efem\u00e9ride de 10 anos de sua morte, foi organizado o Simp\u00f3sio \u201cBerio: 10 anos depois...\u201d. Levando a p\u00fablico oito confer\u00eancias, uma mesa-redonda e tr\u00eas concertos, o evento consistiu num profundo mergulho em aspectos os mais diversos da obra desse gigante da hist\u00f3ria da m\u00fasica, num dos raros eventos acad\u00eamicos que transcorreram num ambiente caracterizado ao mesmo tempo por um forte cunho cient\u00edfico e por um grande prazer est\u00e9tico, como atestou seu enorme sucesso de p\u00fablico.Este volume re\u00fane os textos de todas as confer\u00eancias e da mesa-redonda desse Simp\u00f3sio. Quando o tempo permitiu, seguiram-se \u00e0s confer\u00eancias debates entre os presentes, de extens\u00f5es muito variadas, mas de toda forma igualmente presentes aqui. Al\u00e9m disso, o livro conta com textos de eminentes personalidades pr\u00f3ximas a Berio: um sobre o jovem Berio, do grande music\u00f3logo italiano Enzo Restagno; e outro, a t\u00edtulo de contribui\u00e7\u00e3o post-mortem, de um de seus mais pr\u00f3ximos companheiros de viagem: nada mais, nada menos que Umberto Eco.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Menezes, Flo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zx7hm"], ["title", "Luciano Berio: legado e atualidade"], ["doab_id", "20001"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334645"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334645"]], [["description", "Mit der Berufung Ludwig Prandtls als Professor f\u00fcr Angewandte Mechanik wurde die kleine Universit\u00e4tsstadt G\u00f6ttingen im Jahr 1904 zur Wiege der modernen Str\u00f6mungsmechanik und Aerodynamik. Prandtl begr\u00fcndete hier nicht nur mit der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt (AVA) und dem Kaiser- Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Str\u00f6mungsforschung zwei Forschungseinrichtungen von Weltrang, sondern auch mit der so genannten \u00bbG\u00f6ttinger Schule\u00ab eine au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich fruchtbare wissenschaftliche Denkweise, die sich durch eine eigent\u00fcmliche Balance von physikalischer Intuition und mathematischer Exaktheit auszeichnet. Die wissenschaftliche Methode Prandtls und seiner Sch\u00fcler hat ihren Niederschlag in zahlreichen Dissertationen, Monographien und Lehrb\u00fcchern gefunden, die mittlerweile als klassisch gelten und damit zum Grundbestand der Str\u00f6mungslehre geh\u00f6ren. Doch viele dieser Publikationen sind seit langer Zeit nicht mehr verf\u00fcgbar. Die Reihe \u00bbG\u00f6ttinger Klassiker der Str\u00f6mungsmechanik\u00ab stellt deshalb ausgew\u00e4hlte Publikationen, die der G\u00f6ttinger Schule um Ludwig Prandtl zuzurechnen sind oder in einem gewissen historischen Bezug dazu stehen, wieder zur Verf\u00fcgung. Die sehr pers\u00f6nliche Biografie Ludwig Prandtls, zusammengestellt von seiner j\u00fcngeren Tochter Johanna Vogel-Prandtl, wird durch zahlreiche Fotos aus Prandtls Arbeits- und Privatleben erg\u00e4nzt. Sie rundet das Bild des Gr\u00fcndungsvaters der modernen Str\u00f6mungsmechanik ab, dessen wissenschaftliche Bedeutung bis auf den heutigen Tag nachwirkt.

Mit der Berufung Ludwig Prandtls als Professor f\u00fcr Angewandte Mechanik wurde die kleine Universit\u00e4tsstadt G\u00f6ttingen im Jahr 1904 zur Wiege der modernen Str\u00f6mungsmechanik und Aerodynamik. Prandtl begr\u00fcndete hier nicht nur mit der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt (AVA) und dem Kaiser- Wilhelm-Institut f\u00fcr Str\u00f6mungsforschung zwei Forschungseinrichtungen von Weltrang, sondern auch mit der so genannten \u00bbG\u00f6ttinger Schule\u00ab eine au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich fruchtbare wissenschaftliche Denkweise, die sich durch eine eigent\u00fcmliche Balance von physikalischer Intuition und mathematischer Exaktheit auszeichnet. Die wissenschaftliche Methode Prandtls und seiner Sch\u00fcler hat ihren Niederschlag in zahlreichen Dissertationen, Monographien und Lehrb\u00fcchern gefunden, die mittlerweile als klassisch gelten und damit zum Grundbestand der Str\u00f6mungslehre geh\u00f6ren. Doch viele dieser Publikationen sind seit langer Zeit nicht mehr verf\u00fcgbar. Die Reihe \u00bbG\u00f6ttinger Klassiker der Str\u00f6mungsmechanik\u00ab stellt deshalb ausgew\u00e4hlte Publikationen, die der G\u00f6ttinger Schule um Ludwig Prandtl zuzurechnen sind oder in einem gewissen historischen Bezug dazu stehen, wieder zur Verf\u00fcgung. Die sehr pers\u00f6nliche Biografie Ludwig Prandtls, zusammengestellt von seiner j\u00fcngeren Tochter Johanna Vogel-Prandtl, wird durch zahlreiche Fotos aus Prandtls Arbeits- und Privatleben erg\u00e4nzt. Sie rundet das Bild des Gr\u00fcndungsvaters der modernen Str\u00f6mungsmechanik ab, dessen wissenschaftliche Bedeutung bis auf den heutigen Tag nachwirkt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vogel-Prandtl, Johanna"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["PH", "PH"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611227"], ["title", "Ludwig Prandtl - ein Lebensbild ; Erinnerungen, Dokumente"], ["doab_id", "19242"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616345"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616345"]], [["description", "Full Compilation press articles the Chilean labor leader L E Recabarren; Chilean socialism, Latin American socialism in the early twentieth century"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cruzat ,Ximena; Deves ,Eduardo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Chile", "Working press", "Political", "History"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617571"], ["title", "Luis Emilio Recabarren. Escritos de Prensa, 1898-1924"], ["doab_id", "19139"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9787989568417"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "7989568416386"]], [["description", "Dutch literature; History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines

Nauw met elkaar verbonden, maakten theater en retorica vanaf de vijftiende eeuw in de Latijnse geleerdencultuur en de volkstalige wereld van het verstedelijkte Europa een renaissance door. Op basis van onderzoek naar idee\u00ebn, (literaire) praktijken en leden laat Lustige geesten zien dat de rederijkerskamers de Nederlandse variant waren van een vroegmoderne cultuur van publieke welsprekendheid, met het theater als quintessens. Rederijkers (rhetoriziens) drukten de intellectuele en maatschappelijke missies van hun kamers uit in het kernbegrip retorica (rhetorique) dat zowel verwees naar (utopische) idealen van burgerlijkheid als naar het toepassen van kennis (conste) in een ge\u00ebngageerde cultuur. De noordelijke Nederlanden (vooral Holland en Zeeland) vormden met de zuidelijke (vooral Vlaanderen en Brabant) \u00e9\u00e9n rederijkerswereld van overlappende netwerken waarin via een actieve lees-, gespreks- en discussiecultuur internationale culturele trends lokaal en regionaal verwerkt werden. De middelen van publieke welsprekendheid (het schrijven en opvoeren van toneelspel, lied, gedicht) waren (intern) bedoeld om (in een ludieke en competitieve sfeer) de geest van jonge mannen uit gegoede families en middengroepen te vormen. Door de organisatie (extern) van opvoering in de lokale feestcultuur en op interlokale rederijkersfestivals functioneerden kamers als publicatiecentra voor hun beste schrijvers en performers. De rederijkers droegen zo bij aan de opkomst van een volkstalige geleerdencultuur en namen deel aan het publieke debat. Lustige geesten laat zo zien op welke manieren de sociale, institutionele en culturele elementen van de rederijkerscultuur de maatschappelijke invloed van de rederijkers bepaalden en hun bijdrage aan de opkomst van de (noordelijke) Nederlanden als Europees cultureel centrum. Lustige geesten wordt op unieke wijze aangevuld met de site \"http://www.lustigegeesten.nl\">www.lustigegeesten.nl. Deze site presenteert een proposografie van rederijkers - een database met biografietjes van alle bekende leden van de rederijkerskamers van Haarlem (1502-1650), Middelburg (1494-1650) en Den Haag (1494) - en een deel van de bestanden waarop de prosopografie en de analyses uit Lustige Geesten gebaseerd zijn. Eerder bij AUP verschenen: Om beters wille. Rederijkerskamers en de stedelijke cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1400-1650)| ISBN 978 90 5356561 2| maart 2008 Conformisten en rebellen. Rederijkerscultuur in de Nederlanden| ISBN 978 90 5356 618 3| januari 2004"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dixhoorn van ,Arjan"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Dutch literature", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340007"], ["title", "Lustige geesten : Rederijkers in de Noordelijke Nederlanden (1480-1650)"], ["doab_id", "12732"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641045"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641045"]], [["description", "This volume brings together two important contemporary accounts of the life of Martin Luther in a confrontation that had been postponed for more than 450 years. The first of these accounts was written after Luther's death, when it was rumoured that demons had seized the reformer on his deathbed and dragged him off to Hell. In response to these rumours, Luther's friend and colleague, Philip Melanchthon, wrote and published a brief encomium of the reformer in 1548. A completely new translation of this text appears in this book. It was in response to Melanchthon's work that Johannes Cochlaeus completed and published his own monumental life of Luther in 1549, which is translated and made available in English for the first time in this volume. After witnessing Luther's declaration before Charles V at the Diet of Worms, Cochlaeus sought out Luther and debated with him. However, the confrontation left him convinced that Luther was an impious and malevolent man. Consequently, over the next twenty-five years, Cochlaeus fought vigorously against the influence of the Reformation. Such is the detail and importance of Cochlaeus' life of Luther that for an eyewitness account of the Reformation - and the beginnings of the Catholic Counter-Reformation - there is simply no other historical document to compare. Published in collaboration with The Sohmer-Hall Foundation, this book also supplies introductory texts to the lives of both Cochlaeus and Melanchthon, plus comprehensive annotation for readers who wish to make a broader study of the period. These translations will be essential reading for students and academics of the Reformation and all early modern historians interested in this fascinating period of religious history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vandiver ,Elizabeth; Keen ,Ralph; Frazel ,Thomas D."], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["luther", "lutheran", "Cochlaeus"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341352"], ["title", "Luther's lives: Two contemporary accounts of Martin Luther"], ["doab_id", "12677"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061042"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061042"]], [["description", "Luxury and Rubble is the tale of two cities in Ho Chi Minh City. It is the story of two planned, mixed-use residential and commercial developments that are changing the face of Vietnam\u2019s largest city. Since the early 1990s, such developments have been steadily reorganizing urban landscapes across the country. For many Vietnamese, they are a symbol of the country\u2019s emergence into global modernity and of post-socialist economic reforms. However, they are also sites of great contestation, sparking land disputes and controversies over how to compensate evicted residents. In this penetrating ethnography, Erik Harms vividly portrays the human costs of urban reorganization as he explores the complex and sometimes contradictory experiences of individuals grappling with the forces of privatization in a socialist country."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harms ,Erik"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ho Chi Minh City", "Vietnam", "Urban landscape", "Urban reorganization", "Commercial development", "Residential development"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619251"], ["title", "Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon"], ["doab_id", "19942"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520292512", "9780520966017", "9780520966017", "9780520966017"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520292512 9780520966017 9780520966017 9780520966017"]], [["description", "The interplay between host and pathogen is a complex co-evolutionary battle of surveillance and evasion. The pathogen continuously develops mechanisms to subvert the immune response in order to establish infection while the immune system responds with novel mechanisms of detection. Because the majority of Lyme disease pathology is due to an over-exuberant immune response, much research in Borrelia burgdorferi pathogenesis has been devoted to understanding the mammalian host response to the bacterium. Immunological studies continue to be an active area of research employing emerging techniques, such as intra-vital imaging. These studies have furthered our understanding of inflammatory processes during long-term infection and provided some surprising insights, such as the continued presence of bacterial products after clearance. The field of Lyme disease has long debated the etiology of long-term inflammation and recent studies in the murine host have shed light on relevant cell types and inflammatory mediators that participate in the pathology of Lyme arthritis. Live imaging and bioluminescent studies have allowed for a novel view of the bacterial life cycle, including the tick mid-gut, tick-to-mammal transmission and dissemination throughout a mouse. A number of tick and bacterial proteins have been shown to participate in the completion of the enzootic cycle. Novel mechanisms of gene regulation are continuously being identified. However, B. burgdorferi lacks many traditional virulence factors, such as toxins or specialized secretion systems. Many genes in the B. burgdorferi genome have no known homolog in other bacteria. Therefore, studies focusing on host-pathogen interactions have therefore been limited by an incomplete understanding of the repertoire of bacterial virulence factors. Questions such as how the pathogen causes disease, colonizes the tick and evades host immune-surveillance have been difficult to address. Genetic studies involving single gene deletions have identified a number of important bacterial proteins, but a large-scale genomics approach to identify virulence factors has not been attempted until recently. The generation of a site-directed mutagenesis library is an important step towards a detailed analysis of the B. burgdorferi genome and pathogenome. Using this library, high-throughput genomic studies, utilizing techniques such as massively parallel sequencing have been promising and could be used to identify novel virulence determinants of disease in the mammalian host or persistence in the tick vector. Continued research on this unique pathogen and its specific interaction with host and vector may have far reaching consequences and provide insights for diverse disciplines including ecology, infectious disease, and immunology. Here, several reviews will discuss the most recent advances and future studies to be undertaken in the field of B. burgdorferi biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tanja Petnicki Ocwieja; Catherine A Brissette"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Lyme Disease", "Borrelia burgdorferi", "Ixodes scapularis", "innate immunity", "TLR", "Lyme Arthritis", "Eicosanoids", "adhesins", "c di GMP", "Tnseq"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1949/lyme-disease-recent-advances-and-perspectives"], ["title", "Lyme Disease: Recent Advances and Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18166"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195572"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195572"]], [["description", "Mettendo in rilievo le contiguit\u00e0 disciplinari esistenti fra studi territoriali e studi letterari, il volume esamina le rappresentazioni dell\u2019Antartide in una serie di narrazioni in lingua inglese che costituiscono un ricco repertorio di linguaggi dell\u2019immaginario geografico. Il continente di ghiaccio si \u00e8 infatti configurato come uno spazio vuoto che, nel corso del tempo, ha coinciso con il desiderio di pervenire alla conoscenza del mondo naturale, prestandosi a un\u2019appropriazione \u2018coloniale\u2019 non tanto in senso fisico e materiale quanto in termini verbali e iconografici. Nella cultura inglese lo spazio dell\u2019estremo Sud ha ispirato una molteplicit\u00e0 di racconti, dalle cronache degli esploratori nei primi decenni del Novecento alle narrazioni femminili e distopiche contemporanee. Dal capitano Scott a Beryl Bainbridge, da Cherry-Garrard alla fantascienza, si \u00e8 creata una \u2018psicotopografia\u2019 antartica in cui si riflettono il fascino e il mistero di un luogo anomalo, profondamente ancorato alla dimensione immaginativa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nicoletta Brazzelli"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Antartide, inglese"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/brazzelli_definitivo_web.pdf"], ["title", "L\u2019Antartide nell'immaginario Inglese"], ["doab_id", "18647"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867053780"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", " 9788867053780"]], [["description", "This collective work explores the themes of religious coexistence and the broaching of religious frontiers in Europe during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. It intends to open new areas for discussion on a European level through the bias of a dia-logue between researchers subscribing to highly different national traditions (France, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Germany). It acts through the contributions gathered here to analyse the possibilities and different methods of interfaith con-tact by using as a departure point the experience of religious differences: The ex-perience garnered by diverse social actors \u2013 ecclesiastical, magisterial, academics and nobility.

Cet ouvrage collectif aborde les th\u00e9matiques de la coexistence confessionnelle et du d\u00e9passement des fronti\u00e8res religieuses dans l\u2019Europe des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe si\u00e8cles. Il entend ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de discussion \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9chelle europ\u00e9enne, par le biais d\u2019un dialogue entre des chercheurs s\u2019inscrivant dans des traditions nationales bien diff\u00e9rentes (France, Pays-Bas, Suisse, Allemagne). Il s\u2019agit dans les contributions rassembl\u00e9es ici d\u2019analyser les possibilit\u00e9s et les modalit\u00e9s des contacts interconfessionnels, en prenant comme point de d\u00e9part l\u2019exp\u00e9rience de la diff\u00e9rence religieuse : l\u2019exp\u00e9rience v\u00e9cue d\u2019acteurs sociaux tr\u00e8s divers \u2013 eccl\u00e9siastiques, magistrats, lettr\u00e9s ou bourgeois \u2013 mais aussi l\u2019exp\u00e9rience tent\u00e9e par les autorit\u00e9s politiques. Les approches utilis\u00e9es sont diverses : \u00e9tude de trajectoires individuelles, histoire intellectuelle et culturelle, histoire sociale et politique. Les recherches pr\u00e9sent\u00e9es, dans leur diversit\u00e9, s\u2019inscrivent dans un contexte historiographique marqu\u00e9 par la remise en cause des paradigmes insistant sur l\u2019\u00e9tanch\u00e9it\u00e9 des fronti\u00e8res confessionnelles."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Forclaz ,Bertrand"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Interfaith coexistence", "religious frontiers", "France", "Switzerland", "Netherlands", "Germany", "interfaith contact", "intellectual history", "strong religious frontiers", "coexistence confessionnelle", "fronti\u00e8res religieuses", "France", "Suissse", "Pays-Bas", "Allemagne", "contacts interconfessionnels", "histoire intellectuelle", "\u00e9tanch\u00e9it\u00e9 des fronti\u00e8res confessionnelles"]], ["publisher", "Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594273"], ["title", "L\u2019exp\u00e9rience de la diff\u00e9rence religieuse dans l'Europe moderne (XVIe \u2013 XVIIIe si\u00e8-cles)"], ["doab_id", "18408"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782940489091"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782940489091"]], [["description", "Macrophages have unique and diverse functions necessary for survival. And, in humans (and other species), they are the most abundant leukocytes in tissues. The Innate functions of macrophages that are best known are their unusual ability to either \"Kill\" or \"Repair\". Since killing is a destructive process and repair is a constructive process, it was stupefying how one cell could exhibit these 2 polar \u2013 opposite functions. However, in the late 1980\u2019s, it was shown that macrophages have a unique ability to enzymatically metabolize Arginine to Nitric Oxide (NO, a gaseous non \u2013 specific killer molecule) or to Ornithine (a precursor of polyamines and collagen for repair). The dual Arginine metabolic capacity of macrophages provided a functional explanation for their ability to kill or repair. Macrophages predominantly producing NO are called M1 and those producing Ornithine are called M2. M1 and M2 \u2013 dominant responses occur in lower vertebrates, and in T cell deficient vertebrates being directly driven by Damage and Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMP and PAMP). Thus, M1 and M2 are Innate responses that protect the host without Adaptive Immunity. In turn, M1/M2 is supplanting previous models in which T cells were necessary to \"activate\" or \"alternatively activate\" macrophages (the Th1/Th2 paradigm). M1 and M2 macrophages were named such because of the additional key findings that these macrophages stimulate Th1 and Th2 \u2013 like responses, respectively. So, in addition to their unique ability to kill or repair, macrophages also govern Adaptive Immunity. All of the foregoing would be less important if M1 or M2 \u2013 dominant responses were not observed in disease. But, they are. The best example to date is the predominance of M2 macrophages in human tumors where they act like wound repair macrophages and actively promote growth. More generally, humans have become M2 \u2013 dominant because sanitation, antibiotics and vaccines have lessened M1 responses. And, M2 dominance seems the cause of ever - increasing allergies in developed countries. Obesity represents a new and different circumstance. Surfeit energy (e.g., lipoproteins) causes monocytes to become M1 dominant in the vessel walls causing plaques. Because M1 or M2 dominant responses are clearly causative in many modern diseases, there is great potential in developing the means to selectively stimulate (or inhibit) either M1 or M2 responses to kill or repair, or to stimulate Th1 or Th2 responses, depending on the circumstance. The contributions here are meant to describe diseases of M1 or M2 dominance, and promising new methodologies to modulate the fungible metabolic machinery of macrophages for better health."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Charles Dudley Mills; Laurel L Lenz; Klaus Ley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["macrophage", "innate immunity", "M1", "M2", "wound", "Cancer", "Infection", "Atherosclerosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2317/m1m2-macrophages-the-arginine-fork-in-the-road-to-health-and-disease"], ["title", "M1/M2 Macrophages: The Arginine Fork in the Road to Health and Disease"], ["doab_id", "17734"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194995"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194995"]], [["description", "Made in Canada, Read in Spain is an edited collection of essays on the impact, diffusion, and translation of English Canadian literature in Spain. Given the size of the world\u2019s Spanish-speaking population (some 350 million people) and the importance of the Spanish language in global publishing, it appeals to publishers, cultural agents and translators, as well as to Canadianists and Translation Studies scholars. By analyzing more than 100 sources of online and print reviews, this volume covers a wide-range of areas and offers an ambitious scope that goes from the institutional side of the Spanish-Anglo-Canadian exchange to issues on the insertion of CanLit in the Spanish curriculum; from \u2018nation branding\u2019, translation, and circulation of Canadian authors in autonomous communities (such as Catalonia) to the official acknowledgement of some authors by the Spanish literary system -Margaret Atwood and Leonard Cohen were awarded the prestigious Prince of Asturias prize in 2008 and 2011, respectively."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Somacarrera, Pilar (ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literary Studies, Literature in Diverse Languages, Library and Information Science, Books and Publishing, Theology, Judaism, Religion, Old Testament and Ancient Near East "]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/212518"], ["title", "Made in Canada, Read in Spain: Essays on the Translation and Circulation of English-Canadian Literature "], ["doab_id", "15572"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560175"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560175"]], [["description", "The pervasive idea that madness and creativity are intricately linked is one that holds tremendous fascination for both scientists and the general public alike. Although this view was at first largely driven by anecdotal evidence showcasing the manifestation of mental illness in individuals who exhibited extraordinary levels of creativity in various spheres of life, it initiated a strong impetus to empirically investigate the association between mental health and creativity.A variety of approaches (and combinations of approaches) have been adopted to address this association including clinical, personality, psychometric, behavioral, cognitive, historiometric and neuroscientific. Despite the ever accumulating body of evidence over the past six decades investigating this link, what is lacking is a comprehensive overview of the disparate findings from these different approaches that will enable us to address the question of whether there is an empirically founded relationship between creativity and mental illness. And if such a link does exist, what is the nature of this association? The purpose of this Research Topic was to motivate theorists and researchers to answer this question (or at least attempt to do so) given the available evidence thus far. The themes of interest that were open to exploration in view of this topic included:(a) Which mental disorders are positively associated with creativity?(b) Which mental disorders are negatively associated with creativity?(c) The dynamics of information processing biases (positive versus negative) associated with psychiatric and high-risk populations(d) Theories regarding the madness-creativity link(e) Personality-based studies on creativity(f) Creativity, mental illness and the brain(g) Genes and creativity(h) How can studies on neurological populations inform this debate?(i) What are the areas of impact with regard to real world applications and practice?(j) Historical timeline of this question(k) Evolutionary perspectives on the madness-creativity link(l) Methodological problems associated with this field(m) Philosophical issues to bear in mind when investigating this domain(n) The usefulness of the \u201ctroubled genius\u201d concept The invitation to contribute was open to all interested academics regardless of whether they were seasoned explorers within this field of study or just beginning to get their feet wet in its murky waters. As a result of adopting this inclusive approach, the contributions showcase a wide variety of perspectives from academic departments and institutions the world over. What is most encouraging is that so many were willing to openly take on the challenge of tackling this difficult question head on. We hope future discussions that follow through as a result of this collective effort will prove to be just as fruitful."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anna Abraham"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["creativity", "psychopathology", "mental illness", "mental wellbeing", "divergent thinking", "creative thinking", "psychosis", "psychiatric disorders", "neuropsychology", "neuropsychiatry"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2168/madness-and-creativity-yes-no-or-maybe"], ["title", "Madness and Creativity: Yes, No or Maybe?"], ["doab_id", "17789"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196708"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196708"]], [["description", "Since the rise of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the traditional Islamic schools known as the madrasa have frequently been portrayed as hotbeds of terrorism. For much longer, the madrasa has been considered by some as a backward and petrified impediment to social progress. However, for an important segment of the poor Muslim populations of Asia, madrasas constitute the only accessible form of education. This volume presents an overview of the madrasas in countries such as China, Indonesia, Malayisia, India and Pakistan.

Sinds de opkomst van de Taliban en Al Qaeda zijn madrasa's, de traditionele islamscholen, er vaak van beschuldigd kweekscholen voor terroristen te zijn. Al veel langer gelden ze als achterlijk en versteend, onverbeterlijke belemmeringen voor maatschappelijke vooruitgang. Anderzijds vormen ze voor een belangrijk deel van de arme moslimbevolking van Azi\u00eb de enige toegankelijke vorm van onderwijs, uitzicht op een beter bestaan, en vanwege de talrijke transnationale connecties een venster op de buitenwereld. Dit boek geeft een genuanceerd beeld van de onbekende wereld achter de muren van deze scholen in Azi\u00eb (van China en Indonesi\u00eb tot Pakistan en Iran), en van de sociale en politieke rol die ze spelen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Noor ,Farish A.; Sikand ,Yoginder; Bruinessen van ,Martin"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Sociology", "Culture and instituten", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340086"], ["title", "The Madrasa in Asia : Political Activism and Transnational Linkages"], ["doab_id", "12799"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567104"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567104"]], [["description", "A \u00e1rdua tarefa de viver a maternidade atr\u00e1s das grades \u00e9 o cerne da presente obra. Mediante o desrespeito \u00e0s in\u00fameras formas de se constituir fam\u00edlia, premente \u00e9 o debate sobre os modos de sobreviv\u00eancia das fam\u00edlias monoparentais femininas cuja principal respons\u00e1vel encontra-se privada de liberdade.\u00a0 Atrav\u00e9s da experi\u00eancia vivida pelas reclusas da Cadeia P\u00fablica Feminina de Franca/SP, identificamos quem s\u00e3o estas mulheres, como vivem e onde e com quem est\u00e3o seus filhos, evidenciando, assim, a sobrecarga de responsabilidades imposta \u00e0s m\u00e3es devido \u00e0 irrefut\u00e1vel desigualdade de g\u00eanero. Com isto, visamos dar visibilidade \u00e0s mulheres cujas grades da pris\u00e3o cindam sua conviv\u00eancia familiar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Amanda Daniele"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vjtsp"], ["title", "M\u00e3e/mulher atr\u00e1s das grades: a realidade imposta pelo c\u00e1rcere \u00e0 fam\u00edlia monoparental feminina"], ["doab_id", "19946"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579837036"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837036"]], [["description", "Una incursi\u00f3n en la producci\u00f3n cultural medieval a trav\u00e9s del estudio de las escuelas catedralicias de la Edad Media castellana. No dispon\u00edamos de un trabajo b\u00e1sico, elaborado a partir del an\u00e1lisis exhaustivo de las fuentes existentes en ese inmenso e inagotable acervo documental que son los archivos catedralicios. El libro que ve hoy la luz y que pone Susana en tus manos, es el resultado global y perfectamente sistematizado de casi 20 a\u00f1os de investigaci\u00f3n. La parte primera se dedica al an\u00e1lisis funcional de estas instituciones catedralicias en todas su variables. La segunda, trata de los \u00abarmaria\u00bb y librer\u00edas de todos los cabildos estudiados, organizando las obras por tem\u00e1ticas: casi siempre teol\u00f3gico-pastorales, lit\u00fargicas o jur\u00eddicas, lo cual responde l\u00f3gicamente a la fisonom\u00eda social y cultural de sus usuarios preferenciales, los capitulares, que tambi\u00e9n sal\u00edan de las aulas de los \u00abEstudios Generales\u00bb de la \u00e9poca convertidos en expertos \u00absabidores de Derecho\u00bb y preparados para cumplir eficazmente menesteres propios de las curias episcopales o de la administraci\u00f3n pol\u00edtica. Un sugestivo estudio sobre los \u00abmagistri\u00bb de aquellas escuelas y de sus programas de formaci\u00f3n cubre la parte final del riguroso y bien perfilado trabajo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guijarro Gonz\u00e1lez, Susana "], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Historia de la cultura", "Personal docente", "Libros", "Bibliotecas eclesi\u00e1sticas", "Catedrales", "Centros de ense\u00f1anza", "History of culture", "Teachers", "Books", "Ecclesiastical libraries", "Cathedrals", "Schools"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7887/14_maestros_escuelas_libro.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Maestros, escuelas y libros. El universo cultural de las catedrales en la Castilla Medieval"], ["doab_id", "16173"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788497723275"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8497723279"]], [["description", "An important aspect of neuroscience is to characterize the underlying connectivity patterns of the human brain (i.e., human connectomics). Over the past few years, researchers have demonstrated that by combining a variety of different neuroimaging technologies (e.g., structural MRI, diffusion MRI and functional MRI) with sophisticated analytic strategies such as graph theory, it is possible to noninvasively map the patterns of structural and functional connectivity of human whole-brain networks. With these novel approaches, many studies have shown that human brain networks have nonrandom properties such as modularity, small-worldness and highly connected hubs. Importantly, these quantifiable network properties change with age, learning and disease. Moreover, there is growing evidence for behavioral and genetic correlates. Network analysis of neuroimaging data is opening up a new avenue of research into the understanding of the organizational principles of the brain that will be of interest for all basic scientists and clinical researchers. Such approaches are powerful but there are a number of challenging issues when extracting reliable brain networks from various imaging modalities and analyzing the topological properties, e.g., definitions of network nodes and edges and reproducibility of network analysis. We assembled contributions related to the state-of-the-art methodologies of brain connectivity and the applications involving development, aging and neuropsychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer\u2019s disease, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mood and anxiety disorders. It is anticipated that the articles in this Research Topic will provide a greater range and depth of provision for the field of imaging connectomics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yong He; Alan Evans"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["connectomics", "connectivity", "graph theory", "Small-world", "MRI"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/948/magnetic-resonance-imaging-of-healthy-and-diseased-brain-networks"], ["title", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Healthy and Diseased Brain Networks"], ["doab_id", "18190"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194353"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194353"]], [["description", "Magnetic Resonance finds applications, from spectroscopy to imaging, on a routine basis in the majority of research and medical institutions. It is also becoming more frequently used for specific applications in which the whole instrument and system is designed for optimum operation. Magnetic Resonance sensors have been applied to fields as varied as petro-chemistry - with borehole logging, food engineering - with online process monitoring, emergency medicine - with point of care diagnostics and civil engineering - with sensors for monitoring cement drying. This great diversity is seeing exciting developments in magnetic resonance sensing technology published in application specific journals where they are often not seen by the wider sensor community."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["magnetic resonance, applications, sensor design, relaxometry, relaxation time, diffusion, spin echo, pulse sequence"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/155"], ["title", "Magnetic Resonance Sensors"], ["doab_id", "17515"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980980", "9783906980997"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980980/9783906980997 "]], [["description", "Research on the human brain development has seen an upturn in the past years mostly due to novel neuroimaging tools that became available to study the anatomy and function of the developing brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) are beginning to be used more frequently in children to determine the gross anatomy and structural connectivity of their brain. Functional MRI and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) determine the hemodynamics and electroencephalography (EEG) the electrophysiological functions of the developing human brain. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) complements EEG as the only other technique capable of directly measuring the developing brain electrophysiology. Although MEG is still being used relatively rarely in pediatric studies, the recent development in this technology is beginning to demonstrate its utility in both basic and clinical neurosciences. MEG seems to be quite attractive for pediatric use, since it measures the human brain activity in an entirely passive manner without possessing any conceivable risk to the developing tissue. MEG sessions generally require minimal patient preparation, and the recordings are extremely well tolerated from children. Biomagnetic techniques also offer an indirect way to assess the functional brain and heart activity of fetuses in humans in utero by measuring the magnetic field outside the maternal abdomen. Magnetic field produced by the electrical activity in the heart and brain of the fetus is not attenuated by the vernix, a waxy film covering its entire skin. A biomagnetic instrument specifically designed for fetal studies has been developed for this purpose. Fetal MEG studies using such a system have shown that both spontaneous brain activity and evoked cortical activity can be measured from outside the abdomen of pregnant mothers. Fetal MEG may become clinically very useful for implementation and evaluation of intervention programs in at-risk populations. Biomagnetic instruments have also been developed for specifically measuring the brain activity in newborns, infants and older children. MEG studies have shown the usefulness of MEG for localizing active regions in the brain and also for tracking the longitudinal maturation of various sensory systems. Studies of pediatric patients are beginning to show interesting functional pathology in autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and other types of neurological and psychiatric disorders (Down syndrome, traumatic brain injury, Tourette syndrome, hearing deficits, childhood migraine). In this eBook, we compile the state of the art MEG and other neuroimaging studies focused on pediatric population in both health and disease. We believe a review of the recent studies of human brain development using MEG is quite timely, since we are witnessing advances not only in the instrumentation optimized for the pediatric population, but also in the research based on various types of MEG systems designed for both human fetuses in utero and neonates and older children."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christos Papadelis; Patricia Ellen Grant; Yoshio Okada; Hubert Preissl"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Magnetoencephalography", "pediatric neuroimaging", "newborns", "human brain development", "Epilepsy", "Cerebral Palsy", "Autism Spectrum Disorders", "Language impairment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1351/magnetoencephalography-an-emerging-neuroimaging-tool-for-studying-normal-and-abnormal-human-brain-de"], ["title", "Magnetoencephalography: an emerging neuroimaging tool for studying normal and abnormal human brain development"], ["doab_id", "19560"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196586"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196586"]], [["description", "Democratization has become an important concept in the last ten years. With the end of the Cold War, the spread of globalization, and the extension of economic regulatory regimes, democratization has come to be seen as important to securing long-term political stability. Much has been written about democratization and gender in works on human rights, citizenship, women's movements and challenges to authoritarian regimes. This book, published in association with the United Nations, builds on this existing body of literature by looking at the relevance of national machineries for the advancement of women. Appropriate mechanisms through which the mainstreaming of gender can take place are considered, and the levels of governance involved - the relationship between gender mainstreaming and state structures, and the effect of this relationship on issues of decentralization, accountability, consultation and participation. It defines what the 'interests of women' are, and how and by what processes these interests are represented to the state policy making structures. Global strategies for the advancement of women, and how far these have penetrated at national level are considered. This is illuminated by a series of case studies - gender equality in Sweden and other Nordic countries, the Ugandan ministry of Gender, Culture and Social services, gender awareness in Central and Eastern Europe, and further examples from South Korea, the Lebanon, Beijing and Australia. This book will be of vital use to students of democratization, gender studies and politics, and is the first full-length appraisal of global strategies and national machineries for the advancement of women."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rai ,Shirin M"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["democratization", "sweden", "uganda", "politics", "globalization"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341353"], ["title", "Mainstreaming gender, democratizing the State?: National machineries"], ["doab_id", "12678"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719059773"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719059773"]], [["description", "Contrairement \u00e0 ce que l'on pourrait penser, les maladies infectieuses ne sont pas en voie de disparition, bien au contraire. Apprendre \u00e0 mieux g\u00e9rer ce fl\u00e9au appara\u00eet essentiel \u00e0 une meilleure gestion des cas.Au cours d'une premi\u00e8re partie, l'ouvrage pr\u00e9sente la situation actuelle:- l'\u00e9pid\u00e9miologie et la sant\u00e9 publique- les maladies infectieuses en m\u00e9decine humaine et v\u00e9t\u00e9rinaire (passage des barri\u00e8res d'esp\u00e8ces)- concepts d'\u00e9mergence et de r\u00e9\u00e9mergence- pourquoi il y aura toujours des maladies infectieuses- dynamiques et limites des strat\u00e9gies de pr\u00e9vention- perception et gestion du risque- succ\u00e8s et \u00e9checs dans le contr\u00f4le d'une \u00e9pid\u00e9mie- l'homme en cause.Une deuxi\u00e8me partie donnera des \u00e9l\u00e9ments de r\u00e9ponse au d\u00e9fi:- la recherche fondamentale- l'enseignement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "G. Orth; P. Sansonetti"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport4.pdf"], ["title", "Ma\u00eetrise des maladies infectieuses"], ["doab_id", "16209"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838889"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "286883888X"]], [["description", "\u201cOn March 11, 2011, the North-East of Japan was struck by a huge earthquake followed by a major tsunami and a series of accidents that took place at the nuclear power site at Fukushima, with emissions of radioactive elements\u201d. This was the message addressed by Prof. Kanazawa, President of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), only a few days after the catastrophe, to his colleagues Presidents of the Science Academies, adding that he nourished the hope the \u201cthe academies would continue in the future to help with the necessary rehabilitation work\u201d.The idea arose immediately to set up an ad hoc academic Working Party, with the assigned mission to analyse the events that had taken place in Japan, to make a status report regarding seismic and nuclear risks both in metropolitan France and in overseas territories and to draw conclusions and make recommendations as deemed appropriate to the situation.The academic Working Party comprised three separate sub-groups, each dealing with one of the three aspects \u2013 seismic, nuclear and medical \u2013 of the drama as it unfolded.For each of these components, objects of the three parts of this report, the analysis of observed events in Fukushima was supplemented by a reflection o the strengths and weaknesses of these areas in France, in order to formulate the necessary recommendations and to answer scientific and societal question public arises. Although uncertainties remain and that new information still come each month to enrich the record, the enclosed reports seemed complete enough to be published in the state, after the anniversary of this tragedy that will long continue to challenge us."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alain Carpentier; \u00c9tienne-\u00c9mile Baulieu; \u00c9douard Br\u00e9zin; Jacques Friedel"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/major_fukushima.pdf"], ["title", "The major accident at Fukushima"], ["doab_id", "16216"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759807550"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759807550"]], [["description", "In the three volumes of Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, the editors guide the reader through a well-selected compendium of works, presenting a fresh look at contemporary linguistics. Specialists will find chapters that contribute to their fields of interest, and the three-volume collection will provide useful reading for anyone interested in linguistics. The first volume explores theoretical issues dealing with phonetics-phonology and syntax-semantics-morphology. Volume two is organized into three main sections that examine interdisciplinary linguistics: discourse analysis, gender and lexicography; language acquisition, and language disorders. Finally, volume three focuses on applied linguistics - both language teaching/ learning and education."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lavidas, Nikolaos (ed.); Alexiou, Thoma\u00ef (ed.); Sougari, Areti Maria (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Theory, Applied Linguistics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/422019"], ["title", "Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1"], ["doab_id", "15915"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560762"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560762 "]], [["description", "In the three volumes of Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, the editors guide the reader through a well-selected compendium of works, presenting a fresh look at contemporary linguistics. Aimed at specialists or anyone interested in languages, this publication deals with both theoretical issues and applied linguistics, looking closely at discourse analysis, gender and lexicography, language acquisition and language disorders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lavidas, Nikolaos (ed.); Alexiou, Thoma\u00ef (ed.); Sougari, Areti Maria (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Theory, Applied Linguistics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/422023"], ["title", "Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 2 "], ["doab_id", "15916"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560885"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560885 "]], [["description", "In the three volumes of Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, the editors guide the reader through a well-selected compendium of works, presenting a fresh look at contemporary linguistics. Specialists will find chapters that contribute to their fields of interest, and the three-volume collection will provide useful reading for anyone interested in linguistics. The first volume explores theoretical issues dealing with phonetics-phonology and syntax-semantics-morphology. Volume two is organized into three main sections that examine interdisciplinary linguistics: discourse analysis, gender and lexicography; language acquisition, and language disorders. Finally, volume three focuses on applied linguistics - both language teaching/ learning and education."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lavidas, Nikolaos (ed.); Alexiou, Thoma\u00ef (ed.); Sougari, Areti Maria (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Theory, Applied Linguistics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/422024"], ["title", "Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 3"], ["doab_id", "15917"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560915"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560915 "]], [["description", "The Makassar annals Translated and edited by William CummingsBeginning in the 1630s, a series of annalists at the main courts of Makassar began keeping records with dated entries that recorded a wide variety of specific historical information about a wide variety of topics, including the births and deaths of notable individuals, the actions of rulers, the spread of Islam, trade and diplomacy, the built environment, ritual activity, warfare, internal political struggles, social and kinship relations, eclipses and comets, and more. These Lontaraq bilang were a clear departure in form and function from the genealogically-structured chronicles being composed about the ruling families of Gowa and Talloq in the same era. By the end of 1751, nearly 2400 entries had been completed.These records are a rich lode of information for scholars interested in virtually any aspect of life in premodern Makassar, and are a rare and precious resource for scholars of Southeast Asia. This is the first English translation and annotation of the annals.William Cummings is an associate professor of history at the University of South Florida. He is the author of Making blood white; Historical transformation in early modern Makassar, A chain of kings; The Makassarese chronicles of Gowa and Talloq, and numerous articles about Makassarese history and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cummings ,William"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "Makassar", "Annals", "Social history", "Indonesie", "Makkassar", "Annalen", "Sociale geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=371571"], ["title", "The Makassar annals"], ["doab_id", "13315"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183666", "9789004253629"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183666 9789004253629"]], [["description", "Exploring the significance of visual things that are 'under construction' in works by playwrights. Illustrated with examples, it opens up new interpretations of the place of aesthetic form in the early modern imagination.Why are early modern English dramatists preoccupied with unfinished processes of \u2018making\u2019 and \u2018unmaking\u2019? And what did \u2018finished\u2019 or \u2018incomplete\u2019 mean for spectators of plays and visual works in this period? Making and unmaking in early modern English drama is about the prevalence and significance of visual things that are \u2018under construction\u2019 in early modern plays. Contributing to challenges to the well-worn narrative of \u2018iconophobic\u2019 early modern English culture, it explores the drama as a part of a lively post-Reformation visual world. Interrogating the centrality of concepts of \u2018fragmentation\u2019 and \u2018wholeness\u2019 in critical approaches to this period, it opens up new interpretations of the place of aesthetic form in early modern culture. An interdisciplinary study, this book argues that the idea of \u2018finish\u2019 had transgressive associations in the early modern imagination. It centres on the depiction of incomplete visual practices in works by playwrights including Shakespeare, John Lyly, and Robert Greene. The first book of its kind to connect dramatists\u2019 attitudes to the visual with questions of materiality, Making and Unmaking in Early Modern English Drama draws on a rich range of illustrated examples. Plays are discussed alongside contexts and themes, including iconoclasm, painting, sculpture, clothing and jewellery, automata, and invisibility. Asking what it meant for Shakespeare and his contemporaries to \u2018begin\u2019 or \u2018end\u2019 a literary or visual work, this book is invaluable for scholars and students of early modern English literature, drama, visual culture, material culture, theatre history, history and aesthetics. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Porter ,Chloe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Plays and Playwrights"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469309"], ["title", "Making and Unmaking in Early Modern English Drama - Spectators, Aesthetics and Incompletion"], ["doab_id", "15931"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719084973", "9781847798916"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719084973 9781847798916"]], [["description", "This volume in the Contemporary Anarchist Studies series discusses the rise of anarchist ideas in Britain as a critique of the conventional notion of progress."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Ryley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501306754"], ["title", "Making Another World Possible"], ["doab_id", "17142"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501306754"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501306754"]], [["description", "Making Game is a mixed-genre composition in which the author reflects on the philosophical and ethical implications of hunting wild game. This engaging essay is informed by the author\u2019s significant background of scholarly engagement with the phenomenological tradition in modern philosophy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter L. Atkinson"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120151"], ["title", "Making Game: An Essay on Hunting, Familiar Things, and the Strangeness of Being Who One Is"], ["doab_id", "14448"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425282", "9781897425299"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425282 9781897425299"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC-BY license. The importance of the pharmaceutical industry in Sub-Saharan Africa, its claim to policy priority, is rooted in the vast unmet health needs of the sub-continent. Making Medicines in Africa is a collective endeavour, by a group of contributors with a strong African and more broadly Southern presence, to find ways to link technological development, investment and industrial growth in pharmaceuticals to improve access to essential good quality medicines, as part of moving towards universal access to competent health care in Africa. The authors aim to shift the emphasis in international debate and initiatives towards sustained Africa-based and African-led initiatives to tackle this huge challenge. Without the technological, industrial, intellectual, organisational and research-related capabilities associated with competent pharmaceutical production, and without policies that pull the industrial sectors towards serving local health needs, the African sub-continent cannot generate the resources to tackle its populations' needs and demands."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mackintosh, Maureen; Banda, Geoffrey; Tibandebage, Paula; Wamae, Watu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Life Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Economics, Political Economy, Development, International Relations, International Political Economy, African Studies, African Economics"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-137-54647-0"], ["title", "Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrializing for Local Health"], ["doab_id", "17880"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137571335", "9781137546470"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137571335 (Print) 9781137546470 (Online)"]], [["description", "The complexion of labour migration in the European Union (EU) has altered in recent years. Not only has there been a shift in the length of time labour migrants spend abroad, but the nature, scale and direction of the migration flows have also changed dramatically. The enlargements of the EU in 2004 and 2007 were influential in this respect. A growing economy and large wage gaps encouraged a large stream of workers to leave the new Member States for the old. The EU\u2019s open internal borders made it easy for them to return home or to move on to another Member State. This publication considers what this means for the future of labour migration and how policy should address this issue.

Europa is straks een krimpend continent. Hebben we daarom meer arbeidsmigranten nodig? En voegen zij zich als vanzelf in onze economie en samenleving? Of zijn de deuren al te ver opengezet? In betere banen gaat in de vraag hoe het arbeidsmigratiebeleid nu en in de toekomst vorm moet krijgen, in Nederland en de Europese Unie. Een aantal internationaal gerenommeerde wetenschappers analyseert de Europese arbeidsmigratie van vandaag en doordrenkt de uitdagingen voor morgen. Dit boek maakt duidelijk dat migratie een ander gezicht heeft gekregen. De meeste migranten die nu naar Nederland komen zij Europeanen, vaak uit Midden- en Oost-Europa. Sommigen blijven voorgoed anderen keren terug. Ook verwelkomt Nederland steeds meer hoger opgeleiden, regelmatig van buiten Europa. Door open grenzen is migratiebeleid vooral arbeidsmarktbeleid geworden.Voor beter arbeidsmigratiebeleid is inzicht noodzakelijk in de toekomstige structuur van de arbeidsmarkt in een globaliserende economie. Alleen dan kan arbeidsmigratie beter worden afgewogen tegen andere alternatieven. Is investeren in scholing te verkiezen boven buitenlandse werknemers? Bovendien: willen er straks nog wel mensen naar Nederland komen? Bij een ander gezicht van migratie hoort tenslotte een ander integratiebeleid. Daarbij mag van overheid en werkgevers meer worden verwacht. En bovenal van Brussel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Holtslag ,Jan Willem; Kremer ,Monique; Schrijvers ,Erik "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Public Administration", "Sociology", "Beleidswetenschappen", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=448322"], ["title", "Making Migration Work : The future of labour migration in the European Union"], ["doab_id", "15252"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645579"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645579"]], [["description", "Recent decades have witnessed profound shifts in the politics of medicine and the biological sciences. Members of several professions, including philosophers, lawyers and social scientists, now discuss and help regulate issues that were once left to doctors and scientists, in a form of outside involvement known as \u2018bioethics\u2019. The making of British bioethics provides the first in-depth study of the growing demand for this outside involvement in Britain, where bioethicists have become renowned and influential \u2018ethics experts\u2019. The book moves beyond existing histories, which often claim that bioethics arose in response to questions surrounding new procedures such as in vitro fertilisation. It shows instead that British bioethics emerged thanks to a dynamic interplay between changing sociopolitical concerns and the aims of specific professional groups and individuals. Highlighting this interplay has important implications for our understanding of how issues such as embryo experiments, animal research and assisted dying became high profile \u2018bioethical\u2019 concerns in late twentieth century Britain. And it also helps us appreciate how various individuals and groups intervened in and helped create the demand for bioethics, playing a major role in their transformation into \u2018ethics experts\u2019. The making of British bioethics draws on a wide range of materials, including government archives, popular sources, professional journals, and original interviews with bioethicists and politicians. It is clearly written and will appeal to historians of medicine and science, general historians, bioethicists, and anyone interested in what the emergence of bioethics means for our notions of health, illness and morality."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wilson ,Duncan "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["bioethics", "ethics", "history of medicine", "history of science", "theology"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=502670.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "The making of British bioethics"], ["doab_id", "16434"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719096198", "9781847798879"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719096198 9781847798879"]], [["description", "What holds Indonesia together? In The Making of Middle Indonesia, Gerry van Klinken develops an innovative historical explanation that looks beyond national elites to middle classes in provincial towns."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klinken van ,G."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613373"], ["title", "The Making of Middle Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18529"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004265080", "9789004265424"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004265080 9789004265424"]], [["description", "This comprehensive history of the humanities focuses on the modern period (1850-2000). The contributors, including Floris Cohen, Lorraine Daston and Ingrid Rowland, survey the rise of the humanities in interaction with the natural and social sciences, offering new perspectives on the interaction between disciplines in Europe and Asia and new insights generated by digital humanities."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bod ,Rens; Maat ,Jaap; Weststeijn ,Thijs"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Humanities", "History", "Science", "Twentieth Century"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=500288"], ["title", "The Making of the Humanities, Volume III. The Modern Humanities"], ["doab_id", "16317"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089645166"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645166"]], [["description", "How do people whose entire way of life has been destroyed and who witnessed horrible abuses against loved ones construct a new future? How do people who have survived the ravages of war and displacement rebuild their lives in a new country when their world has totally changed? In Making Refuge Catherine Besteman follows the trajectory of Somali Bantus from their homes in Somalia before the onset in 1991 of Somalia\u2019s civil war, to their displacement to Kenyan refugee camps, to their relocation in cities across the United States, to their settlement in the struggling former mill town of Lewiston, Maine. Tracking their experiences as \"secondary migrants\" who grapple with the struggles of xenophobia, neoliberalism, and grief, Besteman asks what humanitarianism feels like to those who are its objects and what happens when refugees move in next door. As Lewiston's refugees and locals negotiate co-residence and find that assimilation goes both ways, their story demonstrates the efforts of diverse people to find ways to live together and create community. Besteman\u2019s account illuminates the contemporary debates about economic and moral responsibility, security, and community that immigration provokes.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Besteman ,Catherine"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Somali diaspora", "Somalis", "Cultural assimilation", "Anthropology", "African Studies"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604614"], ["title", "Making Refuge"], ["doab_id", "18732"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374725"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374725"]], [["description", "In the cultural and social formations of the past, practices exist for the generation and integration of moments having and giving sense with the objective of strengthening the cultural and social cohesion. Such practices and processes have a constructive character, even if this is not always the intention of the actors themselves. As the production of sense is one of the central fields of action of cultural and political practice, the articles examine with an interdisciplinary perspective how, in different contexts, the construction of sense was organized and implemented as a cultural practice."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Culture", "Europe", "Methods", "Practices", "History", "Cultural History", "Cultural Theory", "Cultural Studies"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617336"], ["title", "Making Sense as a Cultural Practice. Historical Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "19785"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9783837625318", "9783839425312"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837625318 9783839425312"]], [["description", "This book explores how notions of suburbia have developed in our collective imagination, examining novels, cinema, popular music and television in the US and UK."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rupa Huq"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544759"], ["title", "Making Sense of Suburbia through Popular Culture"], ["doab_id", "17143"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544759"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544759"]], [["description", "Making the Geologic Now announces shifts in cultural sensibilities and practices. It offers early sightings of an increasingly widespread turn toward the geologic as source of explanation, motivation, and inspiration for creative responses to conditions of the present moment. In the spirit of a broadside, this edited collection circulates images and short essays from over 40 artists, designers, architects, scholars, and journalists who are actively exploring and creatively responding to the geologic depth of \u201cnow.\u201d Contributors\u2019 ideas and works are drawn from architecture, design, contemporary philosophy and art. They are offered as test sites for what might become thinkable or possible if humans were to collectively take up the geologic as our instructive co-designer\u2014as a partner in designing thoughts, objects, systems, and experiences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Ellsworth (ed.); Jamie Kruse (ed. and print book designer); Reg Beatty (print book designer); Alli Crandall (web book designer); Matt Baker; Jarrod Beck; Stephen Becker; Brooke Belisle; Jane Bennett; David Benque; Susannah Sayler; Edward Morris; Canary Project; Center for Land Use Interpretation; Brian Davis; Seth Denizen; Anthony Easton; Valeria Federighi; William L. Fox; David Gersten; Bill Gilbert; Oliver Goodhall; John Gordon; Ilana Halperin; Lisa Hirmer; Rob Holmes; Katie Holten; Jane Hutton; Julia Kagan; Wade Kavanaugh; Oliver Kellhammer; Elizabeth Kolbert; Janike Kampevold Larsen; William Lamson; Tim Maly; Geoff Manaugh; Don McKay; Rachel McRae; Brett Milligan; Christian MilNeil; Laura Moriarity; Stephen Nguyen; Erika Osborne; Trevor Paglen; Anne Reeve; Victoria Sambunaris; Paul Lloyd Sargent; Antonio Stoppani; Rachel Sussman; Shimpei Takeda; Chris Taylor; Ryan Thompson; Etienne Turpin; Nicola Twilley; Bryan M. Wilson"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Anthropocene, architecture, art, climate change, deep time, design, Earth studies, eco-studies, environmental studies, geo-philosophy, geology, media studies, photography, terra-forming"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/making-the-geologic-now/"], ["title", "Making the Geologic Now: Responses to Material Conditions of Contemporary Life"], ["doab_id", "16020"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615766362"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615766362"]], [["description", "In the early nineteenth century, critics like Zebulon Pike and Washington Irving viewed the West as a \u201cdumping ground\u201d for free blacks and Native Americans, a place where they could be segregated from the white communities east of the Mississippi River. But as immigrant populations and industrialization took hold in the East, white Americans began to view the West as a \u201crefuge for real whites.\u201d The West had the most diverse population in the nation with substantial numbers of American Indians, Hispanics, and Asians, but Anglo-Americans could control these mostly disenfranchised peoples and enjoy the privileges of power while celebrating their presence as providing a unique regional character. The first comprehensive study to examine the construction of white racial identity in the West, Making the White Man\u2019s West shows how these two visions of the West shaped the history of the region and influenced a variety of contemporary social issues in the West today.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pierce E. ,Jason"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["British Americans", "West (U.S.)", "History", "Cultural pluralism", "Frontier and pioneer life", "Race relations", "Racism", "Whites", "Race identity"]], ["publisher", "University Press of Colorado"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604532"], ["title", "Making the White Man's West"], ["doab_id", "18739"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607325635"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607325635"]], [["description", "With Mexico\u2019s War on Crime as the backdrop, Making Things Stick offers an innovative analysis of how surveillance technologies impact governance in the global society. More than just tools to monitor ordinary people, surveillance technologies are imagined by government officials as a way to reform the national state by focusing on the material things\u2014cellular phones, automobiles, human bodies\u2014that can enable crime. In describing the challenges that the Mexican government has encountered in implementing this novel approach to social control, Keith Guzik presents surveillance technologies as a sign of state weakness rather than strength and as an opportunity for civic engagement rather than retreat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guzik ,Keith"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Crime prevention", "Electronic surveillance", "Security systems", "Social control", "Government policy", "Mexico"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604354"], ["title", "Making Things Stick: Surveillance Technologies and Mexico\u2019s War on Crime"], ["doab_id", "18654"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520284043", "9780520959705"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520284043 9780520959705"]], [["description", "This monograph departs from traditional studies of national cinema by accentuating the intercultural and intertextual links between Malaysian films and Asian (as well as European and American) film practices. Using cross-cultural analysis, the author characterizes Malaysia as a pluralist society consisting of a multiplicity of cultural identities. Malaysian film reflects this remarkable heterogeneity, particularly evident in the impact of the Indian and Hong Kong cinema. Detailed analyses of a selection of Malaysian films highlight their cultural complexities, while noting the tension between cultural inclusivity and ethnic exclusivity at the heart of this cinema.

William van der Heide maakt in dit boek een vergelijking tussen de samenstelling en het karakter van de Maleisische samenleving en het karakter van de in Maleisi\u00eb geproduceerde en gedistribueerde films. De auteur karakteriseert Maleisi\u00eb als een pluralistische samenleving, die bestaat uit een veelvoud van culturele entiteiten. Van der Heide komt tot de slotsom dat de filmcultuur, die zowel nationaal gedistribueerde en vertoonde films als kleinschalige lokale producties omvat, in Maleisie een even heterogeen karakter bezit. Dit is in het bijzonder zichtbaar bij de impact die films uit India en Hong Kong hebben op het Maleisische publiek en de Maleisische filmmakers. Een gedetailleerde analyse van een aantal Maleisische films benadrukt de culturele complexiteit van de Maleisische samenleving. De spanning tussen cultureel saamhorigheidsgevoel en ethnische exclusiviteit ligt aan de basis van de Maleisische cinema. Het boek neemt de traditionele studies van de nationale filmindustrie als uitgangspunt en accentueert de interculturele en intertextuele overeenkomsten (relaties) tussen Maleisische films en Aziatische (maar ook Europese en amerikaanse) filmpraktijken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heide van der ,William"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340243"], ["title", "Malaysian Cinema, Asian Film : Border Crossings and National Culture"], ["doab_id", "12926"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565803"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565803"]], [["description", "The subject of the present study concerns the relationships between men and women and the composition of household groups among the lower Afro-American strata of the society of Cura"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marks ,A."], ["date", "1976"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613332"], ["title", "Male and Female and the Afro-Cura"], ["doab_id", "18487"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024718443", "9789004287082"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024718443 9789004287082"]], [["description", "Many lives were influenced by the political developments which took place in Czechoslovakia during the twentieth century. Yet with the exception of those \u201cwho make history\u201d \u2013 people who have left deep traces in the collective memory of the nation \u2013 or those select eyewitnesses who have had the opportunity to testify to the \u201cgreat\u201d people and events in Czech history, the ordinary destinies of individual participants remain overshadowed. Such a selective approach, which is the product of historians\u2019 reliance on the line of official (political) history, can give the false impression of a unified, and thus relatively unproblematic, form of the period under study. In an attempt to counteract this bias, the present publication focuses on reconstructing an alternative image of the period. Using a participants\u2019 experience \u2013 the story of an \u201cordinary twentieth century man\u201d \u2013 it focuses on the biography of a native of Prague, aircraft engineer and exile Vincenc Hodek Jr., whose personal and family history between the years 1904\u20131977 serve as a frame of the presented research. On a theoretical level, the text addresses issues typical of works dealing with history from below; namely the blending, influencing and encountering of the micro and macro perspectives. Thus, even though the present book purposefully prioritizes the personal history of Vincenc Hodek, the starting point for the (re)construction of the period are the events that showed to be of great relevance to the subsequent destinies of the participants. The importance of the context provided by \u201cgreat\u201d political history, which set the background for the Hodek family\u2019s life, is not downplayed. By taking into account both perspectives and connecting them it is not only possible to trace the individual image of the twentieth century Czechoslovak, as reflected by personal moments of marriage or birth, but also to delineate the individuals\u2019 role in the contemporaneous political-social atmosphere, as can be detected, for example, in Vincenc Hodek\u2019s active participation in the resistance movement against the Nazi occupational power. This publication confirms that the micro perspective, continuously ignored by Czech scholars who have refused to acknowledge the tangible historical matter enfolded within personal accounts, is indeed necessary, alongside macro history, in constructing a comprehensive account of a period. Nevertheless, the book also tackles the problematic aspects of using egodocuments as a relevant historical source. Often criticised for their subjectivity and distortion, ego-documents have regularly been deemed inappropriate for general research. The present book, however, proves that in spite of their theoretical and practical disadvantages, personal histories present an all-encompassing source and, when seeking to present the micro historical perspective, an indispensable source of information that does not devalue the research but, on the contrary, renders a completely new perspective for those chapters of Czech history that have long been considered closed down from the point of view of official sources. The present publication, while not aspiring to relate how the period was perceived by the entire society of the period, represents one of the possible ways of (re)telling twentieth century Czech history. Other than exhibiting the micro historical variability of the period under study, this book also aims to accentuate the possibilities presented by some of the modern theoretical and methodological approaches that, in spite of numerous foreign inspirations, remain rather undervalued within the frame of Czech historical studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veronika Ko\u0159\u00ednkov\u00e1"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["historical anthropology", " history", " anthropology", " 20th century", " "]], ["publisher", "AntropoWeb"], ["language", ["cs"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://antropologie.zcu.cz/media/document/korinkova_2012_male_velke_dejiny_ebook.pdf"], ["title", "Mal\u00e9 velk\u00e9 d\u011bjiny: Mikrohistorick\u00e1 variabilita d\u011bjin 20. stolet\u00ed v osudu Vincence Hodka"], ["doab_id", "15972"], ["language_unmapped", "Czech"], ["isbns", ["9788090509825"]], ["provider", "AntropoWeb"], ["isbns_raw", "9788090509825"]], [["description", "Gender at stake critiques historians' assumptions about witch-hunting as well as their explanations for this complex and perplexing phenomenon. The authors insist on the centrality of gender, tradition and ideas about witches in the construction of the witch as a dangerous figure. They challenge the marginalisation of male witches by feminist and other historians. The book shows that large numbers of men were accused of witchcraft in their own right, in some regions, more men were accused than women. The authors analyse ideas about witches and witch prosecution as gendered artefacts of patriarchal societies under which both women and men suffered. They challenge recent arguments and current orthodoxies by applying crucial insights from feminist scholarship on gender to a selection of statistical arguments, social-historical explanations, traditional feminist history and primary sources, including trial records and demonological literature. The authors assessment of current orthodoxies concerning the causes and origins of witch-hunting will be of particular interest to scholars and students in undergraduate and graduate courses in early modern history, religion, culture, gender studies and methodology."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Apps ,Lara; Gow ,Andrew"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["gender, witchcraft", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341354"], ["title", "Male witches in early modern Europe"], ["doab_id", "15079"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719057090"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719057090"]], [["description", "What was witchcraft? Were witches real? How should witches be identified? How should they be judged? Towards the end of the middle ages these were serious and important questions - and completely new. Between 1430 and 1500, a number of learned 'witch-theorists' attempted to provide the answers to such questions, and of these perhaps the most famous are the Dominican inquisitors Heinrich Institoris and Jacob Sprenger, the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum, or The Hammer of Witches. The Malleus is widely recognised as an important medieval text and is frequently quoted by authors across a wide range of scholarly disciplines. Yet as a source the Malleus presents serious difficulties: it is difficult to understand out of context, and cannot be said to be representative of late medieval learned thinking in general. This, the first book-length study of the original text in English, provides students and scholars with an introduction to this controversial work and to the conceptual world of its authors. Like all witch-theorists, Institoris and Sprenger constructed their witch out of a constellation of pre-existing popular beliefs and learned traditions. Therefore, to understand the Malleus, one must also understand the contemporary and subsequent debates over the reality and nature of witches. Ultimately, this book argues that although the Malleus was a highly idiosyncratic text, with a view of witches very different from that of competing authors, its arguments were powerfully compelling and therefore remained influential long after alternatives were forgotten. Consequently, although focused on a single text, this study has important implications for fifteenth-century witchcraft theory. This is a fascinating work on the Malleus and will be essential to students and academics of late medieval and early modern history, religion and witchcraft studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broedel ,Hans Peter"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["witches", "witchcraft", "maleficarum"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341393"], ["title", "The Malleus Maleficarum and the construction of witchcraft: Theology and popular belief"], ["doab_id", "12588"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064401"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064401"]], [["description", "Interdisciplinary cooperation enables the two authors to precicly localize and date one of the most lavishly produced manuscript of a medieval German epic during 15th century. With the combination of art-historical and linguistic methods the \u201cM\u00fcnchener J\u00fcngere Titurel\u201d (BSB, Cgm 8470) \u2013 hithero beliefed to be of Tyrolian or Vienese origin \u2013 was dated (c. 1430/35) and localised (Regensburg). The exemplary study proves the potential of cooperations within the humanities.

In Zusammenarbeit eines Kunsthistorikers und eines Sprachwissenschafters gelingt es, eine der sch\u00f6nsten Epenhandschriften des 15. Jahrhunderts, den M\u00fcnchener \u201eJ\u00fcngeren Titurel\u201c sowohl zu lokalisieren als auch zu datieren. Die jeweiligen Methoden r\u00fccken die mittelalterliche Quelle ganz ins Zentrum und kommen durch in jedem einzelnen Schritt nachvollziehbare Argumente zur \u00dcberzeugung, dass der Codex um 1430/35 in Rgensburg entstand. Die Studie will exemplarisch zeigen wie gro\u00df das Potential solcher Zusammenarbeiten \u00fcber enge Fachgrenzen ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roland ,Martin; Wiesinger ,Peter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["\u201eJ\u00fcngerer Titurel\u201c, Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 8470, Gothic Book Illumination, Central Europe, Middle Ages (Gothic Period), German linguistics (Bairisch-\u00f6sterreichischer Sprachraum), History of Art, History of Book Illumination, History of the Book", "\u201eJ\u00fcngerer Titurel\u201c, M\u00fcnchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 8470, Buchmalei der Gotik, Mitteleuropa, Mittelalter (Gotik), Bairisch-\u00f6sterreichischer Sprachraum, Sprachwissenschaft (Germanistik), Kunstgeschichte, Buchmalereiforschung, Geschichte des Buches"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574671"], ["title", "Malstil und Schreibsprache"], ["doab_id", "17398"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700176398"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176398"]], [["description", "In 1910, young Pierre Maturi\u00e9 bid farewell to his comfortable bourgeois existence in rural France and travelled to northern Alberta in search of independence, adventure, and newfound prosperity. Some sixty years later, he wrote of the four years he spent in Canada before he returned to France in 1914 to fight in the First World War. Like that of so many youthful pioneers, his story is one of adventure and hardship\u2014perilous journeys, railroad construction in the Rockies, panning for gold in swift-flowing streams, transporting goods for the Hudson\u2019s Bay Company along the Athabasca River. Blessed with the rare gift of a natural storyteller, Maturi\u00e9 conveys his abiding nostalgia for a country he loved deeply yet ultimately had to abandon. Maturi\u00e9\u2019s memoir, Man Proposes, God Disposes, appeared in France in 1972, to a warm reception. Now, in the deft and marvellously empathetic translation of Vivien Bosley, it is at long last available in English. As a portrait of pioneer life in northern Alberta, as a window onto the French experience in Canada, and, above all, as an irresistible story\u2014it will continue to find a place in the hearts of readers for years to come. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pierre Maturi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["memoir", "francophone", "homesteading", "Northern Alberta"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120200"], ["title", "Man Proposes, God Disposes: Recollections of a French Pioneer"], ["doab_id", "15428"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836553", "9781926836560", "9781926836577"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836553 9781926836560 9781926836577"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tennekes ,J.; Schoorl ,J.; Schefold ,R."], ["date", "1980"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613333"], ["title", "Man, Meaning and History"], ["doab_id", "18488"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024723829", "9789004287204"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024723829 9789004287204"]], [["description", "Rapid developments in information technology and media have resulted in increasingly diverse strategies for information retrieval by readers and users. The duty to cope with this phenomenon and to master the situation forms one of the biggest challenges facing libraries. In order to strengthen the awareness of the potential of tools for management and strategic planning, a two-day meeting was held under the auspices of IFLA's Management and Marketing Section in Bergen, Norway in August 2005. Managers of different types of libraries, researchers and educators from five continents shared their experiences with research methods, data collection, evaluation, performance measurement, best practice strategies and policies. This book contains their presentations in the form of full length articles.; \"\"For those of us who were unable to attend, this publication not only provides a valuable record, but also a useful and relevant set of papers around the conference theme.\"\"Cathie Jilovsky in: Library Management 6+7/2007"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kolderup Flaten, Trine"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598440229&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Management, Marketing and Promotion of Library Services Based on Statistics, Analyses and Evaluation"], ["doab_id", "15136"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598440229"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598440229"]], [["description", "This book discusses the risks and opportunities that arise in Emerging Asia given the context of a new environment in global liquidity and capital flows. It elaborates on the need to ensure financial and overall economic stability in the region through improved financial regulation and other policy measures to minimize the emergent risks. \"Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macroprudential Policy - An Asian Perspective\" also explores the range of policy options that may be deployed to address the impact of global liquidity on domestic financial and socio-economic conditions including income inequality. The book is primarily aimed at policy makers, financial market regulators and supervisory agencies to help them improve national regulatory systems and to promote harmonization of national regulations and practices in line with global standards. Scholars and researchers will also gain important information and knowledge about the overall impacts of changing global liquidity from the book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Iwan J. Azis; Hyun Song Shin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Finance/Investment/Banking", " Economic Policy", " Development Economics "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-287-284-5"], ["title", "Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macroprudential Policy - An Asian Perspective"], ["doab_id", "17179"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789812872838", "9789812872845"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789812872838 (Print) 9789812872845 (Online)"]], [["description", "Beginning with an overview of data and concepts developed in the EU-project HABIT-CHANGE, this book addresses the need for sharing knowledge and experience in the field of biodiversity conservation and climate change. There is an urgent need to build capacity in protected areas to monitor, assess, manage and report the effects of climate change and their interaction with other pressures. The contributors identify barriers to the adaptation of conservation management, such as the mismatch between planning reality and the decision context at site level. Short and vivid descriptions of case studies, drawn from investigation areas all over Central and Eastern Europe, illustrate both the local impacts of climate change and their consequences for future management. These focus on ecosystems most vulnerable to changes in climatic conditions, including alpine areas, wetlands, forests, lowland grasslands and coastal areas. The case studies demonstrate the application of adaptation strategies in protected areas like National Parks, Biosphere Reserves and Natural Parks, and reflect the potential benefits as well as existing obstacles. A general section provides the necessary background information on climate trends and their effects on abiotic and biotic components. Often, the parties to policy change and conservation management, including managers, land users and stakeholders, lack both expertise and incentives to undertake adaptation activities. The authors recognise that achieving the needed changes in behavior \u2013 habit \u2013 is as much a social learning process as a matter of science-based procedure. They describe the implementation of modeling, impact assessment and monitoring of climate conditions, and show how the results can support efforts to increase stakeholder involvement in local adaptation strategies. The book concludes by pointing out the need for more work to communicate the cross-sectoral nature of biodiversity protection, the value of well-informed planning in the long-term process of adaptation, the definition of acceptable change, and the motivational value of exchanging experience and examples of good practice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sven Rannow; Marco Neubert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Climate Change", " Nature Conservation", " Fish & Wildlife Biology & Management", " Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning", " Applied Ecology "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-7960-0"], ["title", "Managing Protected Areas in Central and Eastern Europe Under Climate Change"], ["doab_id", "17438"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400779594", "9789400779600"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400779594 (Print) 9789400779600 (Online)"]], [["description", "The theme of this meeting was the management of technologies in the context of developing countries, and in the light of recent developments concerning especially open source software and applications. Speakers from various countries debated in English and in French over the importance of changing the rules concerning library management systems, as well as related implications. Results show that open source software might be a solution, although some conditions apply.R\u00e9unis sous le th\u00e8me de la gestion des syst\u00e8mes automatis\u00e9s de biblioth\u00e8ques dans les pays en d\u00e9veloppement, conf\u00e9renciers et participants discut\u00e8rent des changements r\u00e9cents dans ce domaine, notamment de l'apport des logiciels \u00e0 code source ouvert. Les conf\u00e9renciers, provenant de diff\u00e9rents pays, pr\u00e9sent\u00e8rent en anglais et en fran\u00e7ais leurs diff\u00e9rents points de vue et exp\u00e9riences sur cette question importante pour l'avenir, de m\u00eame que sur les implications qui y sont li\u00e9es. Les r\u00e9sultats d\u00e9montrent que les logiciels \u00e0 code source ouverts peuvent \u00eatre une solution, mais \u00e0 certaines conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dione, Bernard; Savard, R\u00e9jean"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/38506"], ["title", "Managing Technologies and Automated Library Systems in Developing Countries: Open Source vs Commercial Options. Proceedings of the IFLA Pre-Conference Satellite Meeting Dakar, S\u00e9n\u00e9gal, August 15-16 2007 "], ["doab_id", "18101"], ["language_unmapped", "English, French"], ["isbns", ["9783598440953", "9783598220388"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598440953, 9783598220388"]], [["description", "Este libro re\u00fane los trabajos en los que el autor ha plasmado sus reflexiones sobre el modo en que se escribe la historia del derecho, y sobre las razones, fines e intenciones que mueven a quienes cultivan esa especialidad de la historia. La historiograf\u00eda se contempla teniendo en cuenta sus resultados, no su metodolog\u00eda te\u00f3rica, y atendiendo tanto a sus condicionamientos de presente como a sus potencialidades de futuro. Se abordan en estas p\u00e1ginas aspectos tales como la reconstrucci\u00f3n pol\u00edticamente interesada de escuelas hist\u00f3rico-jur\u00eddicas a partir de los a\u00f1os cuarenta del \u00faltimo siglo, la renovaci\u00f3n y apertura de perspectivas historiogr\u00e1ficas en torno a los a\u00f1os ochenta, o la posible incidencia de la normalidad constitucional en la reconstrucci\u00f3n y exposici\u00f3n de los \u00f3rdenes jur\u00eddicos y constitucionales del pasado."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vallejo, Jes\u00fas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18090/vallejo_maneras_HD_2014_1.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Maneras y motivos en Historia del Derecho"], ["doab_id", "16144"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490317853"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490317853"]], [["description", "Whether it is a question of the age below which a child cannot be held liable for their actions, or the attribution of responsibility to defendants with mental illnesses, mental incapacity is a central concern for legal actors, policy makers, and legislators when it comes to crime and justice. Understanding the terrain of mental incapacity in criminal law is notoriously difficult; it involves tracing overlapping and interlocking legal doctrines, current and past practices including those of evidence and proof, and also medical and social understanding of mental order and incapacity. Bringing together previously disparate discussions on criminal responsibility from law, psychology, and philosophy, this book provides a close study of mental incapacity defences, analysing their development through historical cases to the modern era. It maps the shifting boundaries between normality and abnormality as constructed in law, arguing that \u2018manifest madness\u2019 \u2014 the distinct character of mental incapacity revealed by this interdisciplinary approach \u2014 has a broad significance for understanding the criminal law as a whole."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Loughnan ,Arlie"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Mental illness", "Mental incapacity", "Crime", "Justice", "Criminal law", "Legal doctrines", "Mental order", "Normality", "Abnormality", "Criminal responsibility"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453474"], ["title", "Manifest Madness: Mental Incapacity in the Criminal Law"], ["doab_id", "15514"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199698592"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199698592"]], [["description", "The recent 10,000 year history of climatic stability on Earth that enabled the rise of agriculture and domestication, the growth of cities, numerous technological revolutions, and the emergence of modernity is now over. We accept that in the latest phase of this era, modernity is unmaking the stability that enabled its emergence. Over the 21st century severe and numerous weather disasters, scarcity of key resources, major changes in environments, enormous rates of extinction, and other forces that threaten life are set to increase. But we are deeply worried that current responses to these challenges are focused on market-driven solutions and thus have the potential to further endanger our collective commons. Today public debate is polarized. On one hand we are confronted with the immobilizing effects of knowing \u201cthe facts\u201d about climate change. On the other we see a powerful will to ignorance and the effects of a pernicious collaboration between climate change skeptics and industry stakeholders. Clearly, to us, the current crisis calls for new ways of thinking and producing knowledge. Our collective inclination has been to go on in an experimental and exploratory mode, in which we refuse to foreclose on options or jump too quickly to \u201csolutions.\u201dIn this spirit we feel the need to acknowledge the tragedy of anthropogenic climate change. It is important to tap into the emotional richness of grief about extinction and loss without getting stuck on the \u201cblame game.\u201d Our research must allow for the expression of grief and mourning for what has been and is daily being lost. But it is important to adopt a reparative rather than a purely critical stance toward knowing. Might it be possible to welcome the pain of \u201cknowing\u201d if it led to different ways of working with non-human others, recognizing a confluence of desire across the human/non-human divide and the vital rhythms that animate the world? Our discussions have focused on new types of ecological economic thinking and ethical practices of living. We are interested in:Resituating humans within ecological systemsResituating non-humans in ethical termsSystems of survival that are resilient in the face of changeDiversity and dynamism in ecologies and economiesEthical responsibility across space and time, between places and in the futureCreating new ecological economic narratives.Starting from the recognition that there is no \u201cone size fits all\u201d response to climate change, we are concerned to develop an ethics of place that appreciates the specificity and richness of loss and potentiality. While connection to earth others might be an overarching goal, it will be to certain ecologies, species, atmospheres and materialities that we actually connect. We could see ourselves as part of country, accepting the responsibility not forgotten by Indigenous people all over the world, of \u201csinging\u201d country into health. This might mean cultivating the capacity for deep listening to each other, to the land, to other species and thereby learning to be affected and transformed by the body-world we are part of; seeing the body as a center of animation but not the ground of a separate self; renouncing the narcissistic defense of omnipotence and an equally narcissistic descent into despair.We think that we can work against singular and global representations of \u201cthe problem\u201d in the face of which any small, multiple, place-based action is rendered hopeless. We can choose to read for difference rather than dominance; think connectivity rather than hyper-separation; look for multiplicity \u2014 multiple climate changes, multiple ways of living with earth others. We can find ways forward in what is already being done in the here and now; attend to the performative effects of any analysis; tell stories in a hopeful and open way \u2014 allowing for the possibility that life is dormant rather than dead. We can use our critical capacities to recover our rich traditions of counter-culture and theorize them outside the mainstream/alternative binary. All these ways of thinking and researching give rise to new strategies for going forward. Think of the chapters of this book as tentative hoverings, as the fluttering of butterfly wings, scattering germs of ideas that can take root and grow."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Katherine Gibson (Ed.); Deborah Bird Rose (Ed.); Ruth Fincher (Ed.); J.K. Gibson-Graham; Ethan Miller; Jessica K. Weir; Kurt Iveson; Lesley Instone; Freya Mathews; Kate Rigby; Thom van Dooren; Gerda Roelvink; George Main; Jenny Cameron; Robert Pekin; Freya Mathews; Jenny Cameron; Kumi Kato; Margaret Somerville; Anna Yeatman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ethics, critical animal studies, Anthropocene, climate change, economics, environmental humanities, ecology, extinction, food studies, biodiversity"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/xx4cwxwyvo4yrqa/Gibson_Rose_Fincher_Manifesto_Anthropocene_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Manifesto for Living in the Anthropocene"], ["doab_id", "17873"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780988234062"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780988234062"]], [["description", "After a remarkable career in higher education that has seen her serve as the Chair of the University of Michigan English Department, the Director of the Michigan Institute for the Humanities, and the President of the Modern Language Association, Sidonie Smith offers Manifesto for the Humanities as a reflective contribution to the current academic conversation over the place of the humanities in the 21st century. Her focus, as the subtitle indicates, is on doctoral education and opportunities she sees for its reform. \u201cThe \u2018Grand Challenge\u2019 confronting academic humanists,\u201d Smith avers, \u201cis the imperative of sustaining passionate conviction about the value of studying the humanities in a climate of funding scarcity, corporatization, and neoliberal market economics. Responsibility for that sustainability\u2014in the academy, in the nation, and around the globe\u2014lies in part with humanities doctoral students, now or soon-to-be entering careers, who are driven by the desire to continue conversations, journeys, and discoveries, whether they take place in archives, in lines of poetry, in the logic of the assertion, or in the dirt of the dig. These doctoral students are preparing to play their role as agents of change for a sustainable future.\u201dGrounding this manifesto in background factors contributing to current \u201ccrises\u201d in the humanities, Smith advocates for a 21st century doctoral education responsive to the changing ecology of humanistic scholarship and teaching. She elaborates a more expansive conceptualization of coursework and dissertation, a more robust, engaged public humanities, and a more diverse, collaborative, and networked sociality."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sidonie Smith"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dcbooks.13607059.0001.001"], ["title", "Manifesto for the Humanities: Transforming Doctoral Education in Good Enough Times"], ["doab_id", "19083"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472073047", "9780472053049", "9780472900060", "9780472121717"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472073047 9780472053049 9780472900060 9780472121717"]], [["description", "Responding to the debates the recent Browne report has sparked, this book addresses the public role of higher education. It is a manifesto arguing against the marketization of education and the inequalities that these policies will generate."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Holmwood"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666459"], ["title", "A Manifesto for the Public University"], ["doab_id", "14373"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666459"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666459"]], [["description", "The book describes the main directions for the development of the digital society. The author angles its book to those who are interested to know what would replace search engines, and how social networks would evolve; what profit can be made of different forms of informational collaboration (crowdsourcing, collaborative filtering). And, the main thing, how it will influence the structure of the society and human pursuit for happiness. The author does not confine himself to a theory, he sets and solves practical questions: How talent, success and \u201cstardom\u201d are interconnected, how to make money in social networks, what is the business model for the development of entertainment and media, how to measure cultural values, and what is the subjective time of the individual and how to make it qualitative? There have been no answers to these questions before. Internet and social networks have provided tools and data that Alexander Dolgin was the first to use in economics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexander Dolgin"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["social networks"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-21276-5"], ["title", "Manifesto of the New Economy: Institutions and Business Models of the Digital Society"], ["doab_id", "15106"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642212765", "9783642212772"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642212765 (Print) 9783642212772 (Online)"]], [["description", "Critique of postmodernism and relativism val\u00f3rico, fending off a new materialist position"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ferraris ,Maurizio"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "Postmodernism", "Realism", "Contemporary Politics"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617573"], ["title", "Manifiesto del Nuevo Realismo"], ["doab_id", "19140"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9788842098928"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788842098928"]], [["description", "Intracellular pathogens, such as bacteria and parasites, have evolved specialized mechanisms to survive and replicate in their host, leading to disorders and diseases. The principle of these mechanisms is to reprogram the microbicidal cell function in order to disable the host cells defence that aims to control and eliminate foreign invaders. Devoid of their defence, cells become permissive to pathogens invasion. The aim of this Research Topic is to highlight and cover recent understanding of mechanisms and molecules used by pathogens to interfere with the microbicidal function of cells. This Research Topic will focus on the reprogramming of the cellular dynamics, the immune response, the phagolysosome biogenesis and the signal transduction pathways bypathogens. Special attention will be made on non-proteic virulence factors, however this Research Topic is not restricted to non-proteic virulence factors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benjamin Coiffard; Philippe Soubeyran; Eric Ghigo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Planarians", "Coxiella", "mycobacteria", "Body Lices", "rab", "granulomas", "Brucella", "RNAi", "Leshmania", "Ubiquitination", "host-pathogens interaction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2024/manipulation-of-the-cellular-microbicidal-response-and-endocytic-dynamic-by-pathogens-membrane-facto"], ["title", "Manipulation of the cellular microbicidal response and endocytic dynamic by pathogens membrane factors"], ["doab_id", "19517"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196098"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196098"]], [["description", "Productive HIV infection requires completion of all the steps of the replication cycle, the success of which largely relying on the multiple interactions established by viral proteins with cellular partners. Indeed, cellular and viral fates are intertwined and this interplay may involve rerouting of cellular factors/pathways to the benefit of the viral life cycle. To gain a foothold into host cells, HIV has to take advantage of available cellular factories and overcome the numerous potential blocks opposed to its replication while ensuring cellular survival. Viral auxiliary proteins are a perfect paradigm to illustrate the complexity of the relationship between HIV and its host. Although these accessory proteins are mostly unnecessary for viral replication in permissive cells in vitro, they play a crucial role in regulating viral spread ex vivo in non-permissive cells and in vivo in hosts. Most accessory proteins are pleiotropic and instrumental in the counteraction of restriction factors and proteins involved in innate immune response. Several proteins of the \"intrinsic\" immune system that detect the presence of the assailant and initiate a subsequent immune response, as well as restriction factors that are directly devoted to arresting the replication cycle at precise steps have been characterized. Despite the numerous cellular mechanisms dedicated to preventing viral replication, HIV is able to efficiently replicate in humans. Indeed, as a master regulator of cellular machineries and processes, not only has HIV evolved strategies to avoid triggering of pattern recognition receptors, but HIV has also elaborated ways to counteract host restriction factors, thereby overcoming the hurdles that oppose efficient replication. This review collection is dedicated to the manipulation of host cells by HIV-1 and HIV-2, with a particular focus on viral accessory proteins. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nadine Laguette; Monsef Benkirane"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Viral accessory proteins", "intrinsic immune system", "HIV", "restriction factors", "intracellular sensors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1634/manipulation-of-the-host-cell-by-viral-auxiliary-proteins"], ["title", "Manipulation of the host cell by viral auxiliary proteins"], ["doab_id", "17673"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194841"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194841"]], [["description", "In this EBook, we highlight how newly emerging techniques for non-invasive manipulation of the human brain, combined with simultaneous recordings of neural activity, contribute to the understanding of brain functions and neural dynamics in humans. A growing body of evidence indicates that the neural dynamics (e.g., oscillations, synchrony) are important in mediating information processing and networking for various functions in the human brain. Most of previous studies on human brain dynamics, however, show correlative relationships between brain functions and patterns of neural dynamics measured by imaging methods such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In contrast, manipulative approaches by non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) have been developed and extensively used. These approaches include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electric stimulation (tES) such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), alternating current stimulation (tACS), and random noise stimulation (tRNS), which can directly manipulate neural dynamics in the intact human brain. Although the neural-correlate approach is a strong tool, we think that manipulative approaches have far greater potential to show causal roles of neural dynamics in human brain functions. There have been technical challenges with using manipulative methods together with imaging methods. However, thanks to recent technical developments, it has become possible to use combined methods such as TMS\u2013EEG coregistration. We can now directly measure and manipulate neural dynamics and analyze functional consequences to show causal roles of neural dynamics in various brain functions. Moreover, these combined methods can probe brain excitability, plasticity and cortical networking associated with information processing in the intact human brain. The contributors to this EBook have succeeded in showcasing cutting-edge studies and demonstrate the huge impact of their approaches on many areas in human neuroscience and clinical applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Keiichi Kitajo; Takashi Hanakawa; Risto Juhani Ilmoniemi; Carlo Miniussi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["non-invasive brain stimulation NIBS", "Coregistration", "TMS-EEG", "Transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS", "transcranial electric stimulation tES", "Functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI", "transcranial direct current stimulation tDCS", "transcranial alternating current stimulation tACS", "transcranial random noise stimulation tRNS", "Near-infrared spectroscopy NIRS"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1040/manipulative-approaches-to-human-brain-dynamics"], ["title", "Manipulative approaches to human brain dynamics"], ["doab_id", "18730"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194797"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194797"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hylkema ,S."], ["date", "1974"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613334"], ["title", "Mannen in het draagnet"], ["doab_id", "18489"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024716227", "9789004286979"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024716227 9789004286979"]], [["description", "Dieses Buch pr\u00e4sentiert die Ergebnisse verschiedener Studien, die einen detaillierten Einblick in die aktuelle Lebenswelt von M\u00e4nnern vor allem in der Provinz S\u00fcdtirol geben und stellt diese in einen internationalen, vergleichenden Rahmen. Dabei wurden sowohl die ausf\u00fchrlichen Daten einer repr\u00e4sentativen M\u00e4nnerstudie weiter aufbereitet und interpretiert, als auch die qualitativen Erhebungen, die vorher durchgef\u00fchrt wurden. Zudem enthalten sind qualitative Einzelstudien zu den M\u00e4nnerdom\u00e4nen Auto, Pornografie, Kampfsport und Sch\u00fctzen sowie Beitr\u00e4ge zur M\u00e4nnerberatung und Jungenarbeit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Armin Bernhard; Lothar B\u00f6hnisch"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["men's counseling center", " boy's work", " South Tyrol", " studies of men", " social work", " social pedagogy", " father", " man", " daily life"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460721.pdf"], ["title", "M\u00e4nnliche Lebenswelten"], ["doab_id", "19846"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460721"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460721 "]], [["description", "Trabalho educativo e esclarecedor acerca das mais variadas distor\u00e7\u00f5es alimentares que levam o indiv\u00edduo ao desequil\u00edbrio nutricional. Foi elaborado com a finalidade de proporcionar melhoria no atendimento dos ambulat\u00f3rios de nutri\u00e7\u00e3o, auxiliando n\u00e3o somente o entendimento das instru\u00e7\u00f5es fornecidas aos pacientes ou a seu cuidador, mas aos discentes (profissionais em forma\u00e7\u00e3o) e outros profissionais da \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade. Obra de amplo interesse para a sociedade em geral."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Villela, Nilze Barreto; Rocha, Raquel"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sqj2s"], ["title", "Manual b\u00e1sico para atendimento ambulatorial em nutri\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "17266"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208998"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208998"]], [["description", "El libro edita las actas del VII Congreso internacional sobre la historia de las universidades hisp\u00e1nicas celebrado los d\u00edas 16-18 de noviembre de 2000 en el campus de Colmenarejo de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Fue una reuni\u00f3n cient\u00edfica monogr\u00e1fica sobre los manuales y textos de ense\u00f1anza en la universidad liberal. Cont\u00f3 con un conjunto de ponencias que se adentraron en los \u00e1mbitos de la econom\u00eda, el derecho p\u00fablico, el derecho privado, la filosof\u00eda y la medicina. Otras muchas cuestiones fueron analizadas en las comunicaciones."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bermejo Castrillo, Manuel \u00c1ngel (ed. lit.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Ense\u00f1anza universitaria", "Universities", "University education"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es", "it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7886/13_manuales_y_textos.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Manuales y textos de ense\u00f1anza en la universidad liberal : VII congreso internacional sobre la historia de las universidades hisp\u00e1nicas"], ["doab_id", "16172"], ["language_unmapped", "spa, ita"], ["isbns", ["9788497723190"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8497723198"]], [["description", "Este libro se centra en el estudio de la reforma educativa del primer liberalismo espa\u00f1ol, que fue impulsada por Manuel Jos\u00e9 Quintana para defensa de la igualdad y de los derechos de los ciudadanos, con una evidente influencia del modelo introducido por la Revoluci\u00f3n Francesa. La autora analiza, en un total de diez cap\u00edtulos, los diversos documentos y proyectos legales de los que Quintana fue art\u00edfice, tales como: el Informe de 1813, el Dictamen y Proyecto de decreto de 1814, el Reglamento general de instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica de 1821, el Proyecto de Reglamento general de primera ense\u00f1anza de 1822, el Reglamento provisional para la organizaci\u00f3n de la Universidad Central de 1822 y el Arreglo provisional de los estudios de 1836. Estos documentos, que se adjuntan a este libro, constatan la existencia de unos planteamientos comunes derivados de: las bases generales de la educaci\u00f3n (igual, completa y universal), de los principios de la educaci\u00f3n (uniforme, p\u00fablica, gratuita y libre), la concepci\u00f3n de una educaci\u00f3n nacional, la divisi\u00f3n de la ense\u00f1anza, el desarrollo de cada uno de los tres niveles educativos (primera, segunda y tercera ense\u00f1anza) y la creaci\u00f3n de la Direcci\u00f3n General de Estudios y de la Academia Nacional."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Araque Hontangas, Natividad"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Reformas educativas", "Instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/17196/quintana_araque_2013.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Manuel Jos\u00e9 Quintana y la Instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica"], ["doab_id", "16154"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490315729"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490315729"]], [["description", "While it is possible for economies to grow based on abundant land or natural resources, more often structural change\u2014the shift of resources from low-productivity to high-productivity sectors\u2014is the key driver of economic growth. Structural transformation is vital for Africa. The region\u2019s much-lauded growth turnaround since 1995 has been the result of fewer economic policy mistakes, robust commodity prices, and new discoveries of natural resources. At the same time, Africa\u2019s economic structure has changed very little. Primary commodities and natural resources still account for the bulk of exports. Industry is most often the leading driver of structural transformation. Africa\u2019s experience with industrialization over the past thirty years has been disappointing. In 2010, sub-Saharan Africa\u2019s average share of manufacturing value added in GDP was 10 per cent, unchanged from the 1970s. In fact the share of medium- and high-tech goods in manufacturing production has been falling since the mid-1990s. Per capita manufactured exports are less than 10 per cent of the developing country average. Consequently, Africa\u2019s industrial transformation has yet to take place. This book presents results of comparative country-based research that sought to answer a seemingly simple but puzzling question: why is there so little industry in Africa? It brings together detailed country case studies of industrial policies and industrialization outcomes in eleven countries, conducted by teams of national researchers in partnership with experts on industrial development. It provides the most comprehensive description and analysis available of the contemporary industrialization experience in low-income Africa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Africa", "industrial development", "economic growth", "structural transformation", "natural resources"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612770"], ["title", "Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia"], ["doab_id", "19396"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780198776987"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198776987"]], [["description", "This book provides new and stimulating perspectives on how Kosovo has shaped the new Europe. It breaks down traditional assumptions in the field of security studies by sidelining the theoretical worldview that underlies mainstream strategic thinking on recent events in Kosovo. The contributors challenge the epistemological definition of the Kosovo conflict, arguing that we should not only be concerned with the 'Kosovo out there', but also with the debate about what counts as security and how our definition of security is shaped by various power and knowledge interests in Kosovo. They have adopted an innovative critical approach, both re-essentialising and deconstructing orthodox assumptions about the nature of European and global security. This book is perfect for final year undergraduates, postgraduates and academics in the field of security studies and international politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "van Ham ,Peter; Medvedev ,Sergei"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["kosovo", "balkans", "security", "NATO"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341355"], ["title", "Mapping European security after Kosovo"], ["doab_id", "12680"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062407"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062407"]], [["description", "This book takes a new approach on understanding causes of extreme poverty and promising actions to address it. Its focus is on marginality being a root cause of poverty and deprivation. \u201cMarginality\u201d is the position of people on the edge, preventing their access to resources, freedom of choices, and the development of capabilities. The book is research based with original empirical analyses at local, national, and local scales; book contributors are leaders in their fields and have backgrounds in different disciplines. An important message of the book is that economic and ecological approaches and institutional innovations need to be integrated to overcome marginality. The book will be a valuable source for development scholars and students, actors that design public policies, and for social innovators in the private sector and non-governmental organizations.\u200b"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joachim von Braun; Franz W. Gatzweiler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Environment, general", "Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice", "Environmental Economics", "Social Policy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-7060-7"], ["title", "Marginality: Addressing the Nexus of Poverty, Exclusion and Ecology"], ["doab_id", "15470"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400770607", "9789400770614"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400770607 (Print) 9789400770614 (Online)"]], [["description", "Based on the discovery of an unknown Latin manuscript, Maria Petyt - A Carmelite Mystic in Wartime provides surprising new information about the seventeenth century Flemish mystic Maria Petyt (1623-1677) who wrote many letters to her spiritual director, Michael of St. Augustine."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chalmers ,J.; Hense ,E.; Meeuwsen ,V.; Vate van de ,E."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613335"], ["title", "Maria Petyt"], ["doab_id", "18490"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004291867", "9789004291874"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004291867 9789004291874"]], [["description", "This book describes how man-made litter, primarily plastic, has spread into the remotest parts of the oceans and covers all aspects of this pollution problem from the impacts on wildlife and human health to socio-economic and political issues. Marine litter is a prime threat to marine wildlife, habitats and food webs worldwide.The book illustrates how advanced technologies from deep-sea research, microbiology and mathematic modelling as well as classic beach litter counts by volunteers contributed to the broad awareness of marine litter as a problem of global significance. The authors summarise more than five decades of marine litter research, which receives growing attention after the recent discovery of great oceanic garbage patches and the ubiquity of microscopic plastic particles in marine organisms and habitats.In 16 chapters, authors from all over the world have created a universal view on the diverse field of marine litter pollution, the biological impacts, dedicated research activities, and the various national and international legislative efforts to combat this environmental problem. They recommend future research directions necessary for a comprehensive understanding of this environmental issue and the development of efficient management strategies. This book addresses scientists, and it provides a solid knowledge base for policy makers, NGOs, and the broader public."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Melanie Bergmann; Lars Gutow; Michael Klages"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["freshwater", " marine", " ecology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-16510-3"], ["title", "Marine Anthropogenic Litter"], ["doab_id", "18948"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319165097", "9783319165103"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319165097 (Print) 9783319165103 (Online)"]], [["description", "Oceans include the greatest extremes of pressure, temperature and light, and habitats can range from tropical waters to ocean trenches, several kilometers below sea level at high pressure. With its 70% of the surface of our planet marine ecosystem still remains largely unexplored, understudied and underexploited in comparison with terrestrial ecosystems, organisms and bioprocesses. The biological adaptation of marine organisms to a wide range of environmental conditions in the specific environment (temperature, salinity, tides, pressure, radiation, light, etc.) has made them an enormous reservoir of interesting biological material for both basic research and biotechnological improvements. As a consequence marine ecosystem is valued as a source of enzymes and other biomolecules exhibiting new functions and activities to fulfill human needs. Indeed, in recent years it has been recognised as an untapped source of novel enzymes and metabolites even though, with regard to the assignment of precise biological functions to genes, proteins and enzymes, it is still considered as the least developed. Using metagenomics to recover genetic material directly from environmental samples, this biogenetic diversification can be accessed but despite the contributions from metagenomic technologies the new field requires major improvements. A few words on the complexity of marine environments should be added here. This complexity ranges from symbiotic relationships to biology and chemistry of defence mechanisms and from chemoecology of marine invasions up to the strategies found in prokaryotes to adapt to extreme environments. The interdisciplinary study of this complexity will enable researchers to find an arsenal of enzymes and pathways greatly demanded in biotechnological applications. As far as marine enzymes are concerned they may carry novel chemical and stereochemical properties, thus biocatalytically oriented studies (testing of suitable substrates, appropriate checking of reaction conditions, study of stereochemical asset of catalysis) should be performed to appropriately reveal this \u201cchemical biodiversity\u201d which increases interest for these enzymes. Among other biomolecules, polysaccharides are the most abundant renewable biomaterial found on land and in oceans. Their molecular diversity is very interesting; except polysaccharides used traditionally in food and non-food industries, the structure and the functionality of most of them are unknown and unexplored. Brown seaweeds synthesize unique bioactive polysaccharides: laminarans, alginic acids and fucoidans. A wide range of biological activities (anticoagulant, antitumor, antiviral, anti-inflammation, etc.) have been attributed to fucoidans and their role with respect to structure-activity relationship is still under debate. In this Research Topic, we wish to centralize and review contributions, idea and comments related to the issues above. In particular results of enzymatic bioprospecting in gross marine environment will be acknowledged along with research for structural characterization and biological function of biomolecules such as marine polysaccharides and all kind of research related to the complexity of bioprocesses in marine environments. Inter- and multi-disciplinary approach to this field is favoured in this Research Topic and could greatly be facilitated by the web and open access nature as well."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonio Trincone; Mikhail Kusaykin; Svetlana Ermakova"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Marine enzymes", "marine polysaccharides", "marine bioprocesses", "algae and microalgae", "Biofuels", "Marine Natural Products", "Olfaction", "Biodiversity", "triterpene glycosides", "sulfatase"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2008/marine-biomolecules"], ["title", "Marine Biomolecules"], ["doab_id", "19562"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196616"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196616"]], [["description", "The propulsion system behaviour is a key aspect for the overall dynamics of a ship. However, despite its great importance, numerical methodologies for detailed investigations on marine propulsion dynamics are not yet widely covered in scientific literature.This book presents the main steps for the development of a multi-physic simulation platform, able to represent the motions of a twin screw ship in six degrees of freedom, taking into account the whole propulsion system and automation effects. A number of mathematical sub-models had been developed and calibrated by a set of experimental tests, in model and full scale. Finally, the sea trials campaign of a ship is used to validate and tune the developed simulator. The proposed simulation methodology can be used in the ship preliminary design phase, in order to plan and test the propulsion system and automation. Further applications can include the design optimization and crew training."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martelli, Michele"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Naval Architecture, Mechanics, Control"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447739"], ["title", "Marine Propulsion Simulation. Methods and Results"], ["doab_id", "17363"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110401493", "9783110401509"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110401493, 9783110401509"]], [["description", "Marion Nicoll (1909-1985) is a widely acknowledged and important founder of Alberta art and certainly one of a dedicated few that brought abstraction into practice in the province. Her life and career is a story of determination, of dedication to her vision regardless of professional or personal challenges. Nicoll became the first woman instructor hired at the Provincial Institute of Art and Technology (now the Alberta College of Art and Design) - and although limited to teaching craft and design, she became a significant mentor for generations of artists. Contributions by Ann Davis, Elizabeth Herbert, and Jennifer Salahub."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ann Davis; Elizabeth Herbert"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Art"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49900/1/UofCPress_MarionNicholl_2013.pdf"], ["title", "Marion Nicoll: Silence and Alchemy"], ["doab_id", "15581"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387399"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387399"]], [["description", "There has been increasing interest and debate in recent years on the instituted nature of economic processes in general and the related ideas of the market, in particular the competitive process. This debate lies at the interface between two largely independent disciplines, economics and sociology, and reflects an attempt to bring the two fields of discourse more closely together. This book explores this interface in a number of ways, looking at the competitive process and market relations from a number of different perspectives. It includes a wide range of contributors, most of whom are leading writers and thinkers in the field. The book considers the social role of economic institutions in society and examines the various meanings embedded in the word 'markets', as well as developing arguments on the nature of competition as an instituted economic process, rather than as competition being something that disturbs norms or institutions. It goes on to consider the deeper and more involved connection between markets and cognition, explaining how institutions can ease cognitive difficulties, and the effect of culture on markets and competition is also fully studied. This book will be of vital use to students and academics working in the fields of economics, sociology and business studies. It sketches the agenda for future research about markets and the competitive process."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Metcalfe ,Stan; Warde ,Alan"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["economics", "consumerism", "marketing"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341356"], ["title", "Market Relations and the Competitive Process"], ["doab_id", "12681"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064685"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064685"]], [["description", "Composed over several decades, the essays here are remarkably fresh and relevant. They offer instruction for the student just beginning the study of folklore as well as repeated value for the many established scholars who continue to wrestle with issues that Wilson has addressed. As his work has long offered insight on critical mattersn--nationalism, genre, belief, the relationship of folklore to other disciplines in the humanities and arts, the currency of legend, the significance of humor as a cultural expression, and so forth--so his recent writing, in its reflexive approach to narrative and storytelling, illuminates today's paradigms. Its notable autobiographical dimension, long an element of Wilson's work, employs family and local lore to draw conclusions of more universal significance. Another way to think of it is that newer folklorists are catching up with Wilson and what he has been about for some time.As a body, Wilson's essays develop related topics and connected themes. This collection organizes them in three coherent parts. The first examines the importance of folklore. What it is and its value in various contexts. Part two, drawing especially on the experience of Finland, considers the role of folklore in national identity, including both how it helps define and sustain identity and the less savory ways it may be used for the sake of nationalistic ideology. Part three, based in large part on Wilson's extensive work in Mormon folklore, which is the most important in that area since that of Austin and Alta Fife, looks at religious cultural expressions and outsider perceptions of them and, again, at how identity is shaped, by religious belief, experience, and participation; by the stories about them; and by the many other expressive parts of life encountered daily in a culture. Each essay is introduced by a well-known folklorist who discusses the influence of Wilson's scholarship. These include Richard Bauman, Margaret Brady, Simon Bronner, Elliott Oring, Henry Glassie, David Hufford, Michael Owen Jones, and Beverly Stoeltje.In these essays William Wilson illuminates folklore theory and practice, romantic nationalism, religious folklore, personal narrative, and much else. Each essay is introduced by a notable fellow folklorist, among them Richard Bauman, Margaret K. Brady, Simon J. Bronner, Henry Glassie, David J. Hufford, Michael Owen Jones, Elliott Oring, Steve Siporin, David Stanley, Beverly Stoeltje, and Jacqueline S. Thursby."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wilson, William A.; Rudy, Jill T."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/54"], ["title", "The Marrow of Human Experience"], ["doab_id", "14740"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216530"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216530"]], [["description", "Following Levita\u2019s statement, the Masorah transmitted by medieval illuminated manuscripts was generally considered as less significant for the study of the biblical and masoretical knowledge in the Jewish world. The biblical codices produced in Ashkenaz were considerably disregarded compared to Spanish codices. Challenging this assertion, this work engages in a reflection on the link between the standard Eastern tradition and the Ashkenazic biblical text-culture of the 13th century. \u00c9lodie Attia provides an edition of thirteen cases taken from MS Vat. Ebr. 14, offering the oldest series of Masoretic notes written inside figurative and ornamental designs. Its critical apparatus offers an unprecedented comparison with the oldest Eastern and Ashkenazic sources to evaluate if the scribe paid more attention to aesthetic details than to the textual contents. In an unexpected way, the Masoretic notes of Elijah ha-Naqdan, even written in figurative forms, show a close philological link with the Masorah of the eastern Tiberian sources and prove that the presence of figurative elements neither represents a loss nor a distortion of Masoretic knowledge, but rather illustrates a development in the Masoretic tradition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Attia, \u00c9lodie"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hebrew biblical manuscripts, Mansorah, Micrography"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/455282"], ["title", "The Masorah of Elijah ha-Naqdan"], ["doab_id", "17949"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110417913", "9783110417920", "9783110425314"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110417913, 9783110417920, 9783110425314"]], [["description", "Mass spectrometry (MS) has become a vital tool for scientist in exploring how biological systems function and how therapeutic drug intervention (both small molecules and biologics) impact these systems. The application of mass spectrometry has advanced our knowledge in the biological sciences through the study of proteins and peptides in proteomics and as biomarkers, imaging via MALDI MS, and analysis of SNP\u2019s in the genome to allow personalized medical treatment.The aim of this book is to provide a glimpse of some of the many applications of the advancing field of mass spectrometry and its application to complex biological problems. The topics presented here touch on many of the areas listed above will hopefully serve as a catalyst to generate new ideas for the continued innovative application of mass spectrometry to the fields of medicine, biology and beyond."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["mass spectrometry, biological systems, drug therapy, disease, proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteomics, biomarkers"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/bundles/mdpibooks/images/covers/978-3-906980-90-4.png?091022"], ["title", "Mass Spectrometry Application in Biology"], ["doab_id", "17494"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980898", "9783906980904"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980898/9783906980904 "]], [["description", "It takes any number of forms. Epigrams. Aphorisms. Fragments. Sayings. Dicta. Sententiae. Facetiae. Pearls of wisdom. Fractions of truth. Maxims. Definitions. Jottings. Miscellaneous musings. Meditations. Ricordi. Pens\u00e9es. Ephemera. Miniatures. Sketches. Vignettes. Denkbilder. Capriccios. Tiny \u2018fires without flames\u2019 \u2026In returning to these genres, MATCHES goes back to the drawing board of modern critique. It sets out to rekindle short-form literary-philosophical reflection, with roots in the Antiquity of Heraclitus and Hippocrates, apogee in the French moralistes (La Rochefoucauld, Pascal, Chamfort \u2026 ), and late splendour in German letters (Nietzsche, Kraus, J\u00fcnger \u2026 ). Moving from art and aesthetics to philosophies past and present, through natural and technological landscapes, beneath the constellations of politics, history and ethics, along the byways of contemporary literary culture \u2014 the slow reader with a little spare time will not fail to be struck."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "S.D. Chrostowska"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/zckmelp5eys2ouo/Chrostowska_Matches_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "MATCHES: A Light Book"], ["doab_id", "19599"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692540732"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692540732"]], [["description", "The contribution made by Mario Ridolfi to the construction of a modern Italian identity, in its regional aspect, materialised in his Umbrian designs, starting from the watershed of 1961 which marked the voluntary exile of the architect in Marmore. Through the analysis of his architectural creations, the book reconstructs the mental itinerary pursued by Ridolfi in the elaboration of the Umbrian works, casting light on the architect's interest in the material consistency of the architectural organism, studied in the most minute detail so that the perfection of the work can render it a \"living thing\". In Ridolfi's work, spirit and matter, art and technology are amalgamated into a single object which always tends to the absolute. Bound up with this, in a play of continual cross-reference, is the study of the specific features of the Umbrian landscape, dominated by the figure of St. Francis of Assisi, as a fruitful and intriguing comparison to map out the contours of the research.

Il contributo di Mario Ridolfi alla costruzione di un'identit\u00e0 italiana moderna, nella sua declinazione regionale, si sostanzia nelle sue architetture umbre, a partire dallo spartiacque del 1961, che segna il volontario esilio dell'architetto a Marmore. Attraverso l'analisi delle sue architetture, il libro ricostruisce l'itinerario mentale che Ridolfi ha percorso nell'elaborazione delle opere umbre, mettendo in luce l'interesse dell'architetto per la matericit\u00e0 dell'organismo architettonico, studiato in ogni minimo dettaglio affinch\u00e9 la perfezione dell'opera possa renderla 'cosa viva': nell'opera ridolfiana spirito e materia, arte e tecnologia si amalgamano in un unico oggetto, che sempre tende all'assoluto. A questo si intesse, in una trama di continui rimandi, lo studio dei caratteri peculiari del paesaggio umbro, dominato dalla figura di Francesco d'Assisi, utile e interessante confronto per tracciare i contorni della ricerca."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bracardi, Michela"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Architecture", "Mario Ridolfi", "Architettura", "Mario Ridolfi"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343707"], ["title", "La Materia e lo Spirito"], ["doab_id", "13042"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539069"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539069"]], [["description", "This study of East German fantasies of material abundance across the border, both before and after the fall of communism, shows the close and intricate relation between ideology and fantasy in upholding social life. In 1989, news broadcasts all over the world were dominated for weeks by images of East Germans crossing the Berlin Wall to West Germany. The images, representing the fall of communism and the democratic will of the people, also showed East Germans' excitement at finally being able to enter the western consumer paradise. But what exactly had they expected to find on the other side of the Wall? Why did they shed tears of joy when for the first time in their lives, they stepped inside West German shops? And why were they prepared to pay more than 10 percent of their average monthly wage for a pineapple? - http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=process_visitor_download&editorial_id=3477 - >Download an excerpt. Drawing on fifteen months of research in the fast-changing post-communist East Germany, Veenis unravels the perennial truths about the interrelationships of fantasies of material wealth, personal fulfillment and social cohesion. She argues persuasively that the far-fetched socialist and capitalist promises of consumption as the road to ultimate well-being, the partial realization and partial corruption thereof, the implicit social and psychological interests underlying the politicized promises in both countries form the breeding ground for the development of materialist, cargo-cult-like fantasies, in which material well-being came to be seen as the place of - fulfillment and ultimate arrival - . Material Fantasies is published in the Technology and European History series. The series seeks to present scholarship about the role of technology in European history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For more information on the network, the Foundation for the History of Technology and the series, see: - http://www.tensionsofeurope.eu - >www.tensionsofeurope.eu.

In 1989 werden de nieuwsuitzendingen over de hele wereld gedomineerd door beelden van de Oost-Duitsers die de Berlijnse Muur overstaken naar West-Duitsland. De verwachtingen waren hooggespannen, eindelijk was een veilige oversteek naar het welgestelde West-Duitsland mogelijk, maar vooral behoorden welvaart en materialisme voor Oost-Duitsers nu ook tot de mogelijkheden. Maar wat verwachtten deze Oost-Duitsers precies te vinden aan de andere kant van de Muur? Waarom waren er tranen van vreugde toen ze voor het eerst in hun leven een West-Duitse winkel binnen konden stappen? En waarom waren zij bereid om meer dan 10 procent van hun gemiddelde maandloon te besteden aan een ananas? Deze studie naar Oost-Duitse fantasie\u00ebn over de materi\u00eble overvloed aan de andere kant van de muur, laat zien dat fantasie en ideologie communicerende vaten zijn, waarbij de een grote invloed heeft op het welslagen van de ander. Het boek vormt daardoor belangrijk voer voor sociologen. Material Fantasies verscheen in de serie Technology and European History. De serie heeft tot doel de rol van technologie in de Europese geschiedenis in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw in kaart te brengen. Voor meer informatie over de serie, bekijk: - http://www.tensionsofeurope.eu - >www.tensionsofeurope.eu."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veenis ,Milena"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Culture and history", "Geschiedenis", "Cultuur and geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439098"], ["title", "Material Fantasies : Expectations of the Western Consumer World among the East Germans"], ["doab_id", "15235"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644008"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644008"]], [["description", "Was ist und wie erforscht man die \u201aMaterialit\u00e4t und Pr\u00e4senz des Geschriebenen in non-typographischen Gesellschaften\u2018? In diesem ersten Band der Reihe Materiale Textkulturen setzt sich der Sonderforschungsbereich 933 mit den Konzepten, Materialien und Praktiken auseinander, zu denen seit dem Jahr 2011 an der Universit\u00e4t Heidelberg geforscht wird. In mehr als 50 Beitr\u00e4gen, die fast 60 Autorinnen und Autoren aus zahlreichen Disziplinen gemeinsam diskutiert und verfasst haben, werden theoretische Grundlagen vorgestellt, texttragende Materialien und Gegenst\u00e4nde pr\u00e4sentiert und die vielf\u00e4ltigen Praktiken analysiert, in die solche texttragenden Artefakte eingebunden sind. Durch eine Vielzahl von Beispielen und Abbildungen aus einem Zeitraum von mehr als 4500 Jahren werden die Analysen vertieft und Analogien und Differenzen deutlich, die nur im disziplin\u00fcbergreifenden Gespr\u00e4ch sichtbar werden. Der Sammelband richtet sich an alle Forscherinnen und Forscher, die mit texttragenden Artefakten zu tun haben und sich f\u00fcr die Position ihrer Gegenst\u00e4nde innerhalb weitreichender textkultureller Netzwerke interessieren. Nicht zuletzt wendet sich das Buch an eine breitere \u00d6ffentlichkeit, der sich der SFB 933 mit diesem Handbuch vorstellt."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Meier, Thomas / Ott, Michael R. / Sauer, Rebecca"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schriftkultur", " Materialit\u00e4t", " Praxeologie"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431195"], ["title", "Materiale Textkulturen. Konzepte-Materialien-Praktiken"], ["doab_id", "17362"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110371284", "9783110371291", "9783110425277"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110371284, 9783110371291, 9783110425277"]], [["description", "Daniel Albero Santacreu presents a wide overview of certain aspects of the pottery analysis and summarizes most of the methodological and theoretical information currently applied in archaeology in order to develop wide and deep analysis of ceramic pastes. The book provides an adequate framework for understanding the way pottery production is organised and clarifies the meaning and role of the pottery in archaeological and traditional societies.The goal of this book is to encourage reflection, especially by those researchers who face the analysis of ceramics for the first time, by providing a background for the generation of their own research and to formulate their own questions depending on their concerns and interests. The three-part structure of the book allows readers to move easily from the analysis of the reality and ceramic material culture to the world of the ideas and theories and to develop a dialogue between data and their interpretation.Daniel Albero Santacreu is a Lecturer Assistant in the University of the Balearic Islands, member of the Research Group Arqueo UIB and the Ceramic Petrology Group. He has carried out the analysis of ceramics from several prehistoric societies placed in the Western Mediterranean, as well as the study of handmade pottery from contemporary ethnic groups in Northeast Ghana. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Albero Santacreu, Daniel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["archaeological ceramic, pottery analysis, pottery production, pottery making, ceramic studies, ceramic raw material, ceramic paste analysis, ceramic technology, archaeometry, ethnoarchaeometry, social theory of technology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449658"], ["title", "Materiality, Techniques and Society in Pottery Production The Technological Study of Archaeological Ceramics through Paste Analysis"], ["doab_id", "16880"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110410204"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110410204"]], [["description", "The aims of the present study are to describe the modern forms of cybercrime and analyze the substantive computer-specific offences of the Austrian Penal Code by the means of specialist literature and \u2013 as available \u2013 relevant judgments. Based on the debate about the terms \u201ccybercrime\u201d or \u201ccomputer criminal law\u201d and the term of data in the Austrian Penal Code, the specific substantive computer-specific offences, including the penal provision of the Data Protection Code concerning the criminal protection of personal data, are presented and discussed systematically.

Ziel des vorliegenden Werks ist es, moderne Erscheinungsformen der Computerkriminalit\u00e4t technisch zu beschreiben sowie legistische Bem\u00fchungen des europ\u00e4ischen wie \u00f6sterreichischen Gesetzgebers, die bis dato entwickelten Literaturmeinungen und \u2013 soweit vorhanden \u2013 einschl\u00e4gige Judikate aus rechtspolitischer und insbesondere dogmatischer Sicht wissenschaftlich zu analysieren. Ausgehend von der Befassung mit den Begrifflichkeiten \u201eComputerkriminalit\u00e4t\u201c bzw \u201eComputerstrafrecht\u201c und der Aufarbeitung des strafrechtlichen Datenbegriffs werden die spezifischen materiellrechtlichen Computerdelikte systematisch dargestellt und besprochen. Im Zuge der Ausarbeitung werden die Anwendbarkeit und Wirksamkeit dieser Strafbestimmungen anhand moderner Ph\u00e4nomene der Computerkriminalit\u00e4t (wie etwa Denial-of-Service-Attacks, Hacktivismus, Malware, Cyber-Terrorismus, Cyber-Stalking, Cyber-Grooming, Kinderpornographie, Missbr\u00e4uche im Zahlungsverkehr, Phishing, Skimming, Datenf\u00e4lschungen usw) untersucht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bergauer ,Christian"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Cybercrime, substantive criminal law, malicious software, denial of service-attacks, hacking, Cyber-bullying", "Computerkriminalit\u00e4t, Computerstrafrecht, Malware, Datenbesch\u00e4digung, Systemsch\u00e4digungen, Hacking, Cyber-Mobbing"]], ["publisher", "Jan Sramek Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612150"], ["title", "Das materielle Computerstrafrecht"], ["doab_id", "19373"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783709700433"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783709700433"]], [["description", "Maternal-Child Health is one of the greatest challenges the world has to cope with today. Every year, thousands of women, newborns and children die unnecessarily, particularly in resource-poor settings. There is a great disparity caused by food insecurity and hunger, environmental health risks, sanitation challenges, cultural barriers and non-accessibility to diagnosis and treatment. \"Maternal-Child Health: Interdisciplinary Aspects within the Perspective of Global Health\" addresses these issues. The contributions of this book are based on the ONE HEALTH concept by focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases and to present interdisciplinary views from more than 60 authors who come from 14 countries. The aim is to shape our understanding on Maternal-Child Health Solutions by looking at > agricultural and environmental > economic, social and theological > biomedical and nutritional > clinical human and veterinary as well as > epidemiology and > public health expertise. The G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network is corresponding to a variety of different geographic regions and programs to improve global health perspective and health of the most vulnerable: mothers and their children.

Maternal-Child Health is one of the greatest challenges the world has to cope with today. Every year, thousands of women, newborns and children die unnecessarily, particularly in resource-poor settings. There is a great disparity caused by food insecurity and hunger, environmental health risks, sanitation challenges, cultural barriers and non-accessibility to diagnosis and treatment. \"Maternal-Child Health: Interdisciplinary Aspects within the Perspective of Global Health\" addresses these issues. The contributions of this book are based on the ONE HEALTH concept by focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases and to present interdisciplinary views from more than 60 authors who come from 14 countries. The aim is to shape our understanding on Maternal-Child Health Solutions by looking at > agricultural and environmental > economic, social and theological > biomedical and nutritional > clinical human and veterinary as well as > epidemiology and > public health expertise. The G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network is corresponding to a variety of different geographic regions and programs to improve global health perspective and health of the most vulnerable: mothers and their children."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gro\u00df, Uwe; Wydra, Kerstin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Health", "Women", "G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network", "Mother and Child", "Health", "Women", "G\u00f6ttingen International Health Network", "Mother and Child"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610282"], ["title", "Maternal-child health - interdisciplinary aspects within the perspective of global health"], ["doab_id", "15593"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950842"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950842"]], [["description", "The book begins with a thorough introduction to complex analysis, which is then used to understand the properties of ordinary differential equations and their solutions. The latter are obtained in both series and integral representations. Integral transforms are introduced, providing an opportunity to complement complex analysis with techniques that flow from an algebraic approach. This moves naturally into a discussion of eigenvalue and boundary vale problems. A thorough discussion of multi-dimensional boundary value problems then introduces the reader to the fundamental partial differential equations and \u201cspecial functions\u201d of mathematical physics. Moving to non-homogeneous boundary value problems the reader is presented with an analysis of Green\u2019s functions from both analytical and algebraic points of view. This leads to a concluding chapter on integral equations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Copley, Leslie"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["mathematical physics, boundary value problems"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449524"], ["title", "Mathematics for the Physical Sciences"], ["doab_id", "16881"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110409475"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110409475"]], [["description", "This book contains the full text of the mathematical notebooks of Helmut Hasse (1898-1979), who was one of the leading mathematicians of the 20th century. The originals have been preserved in the Handschriftenabteilung at the G\u00f6ttingen University Library. There are a total of seven volumes which contain 98 entries all together; these span the time period from July 1923 to February 1935. Each of the entries is preceded by a short comment. An extensive bibliography is provided. Compared to the other documents and papers from Hasse Nachlass at G\u00f6ttingen, these papers are quite different. They detail Hasse\u2018s mathematical background, interests and his way of approaching problems. Many of the entries are inspired by Hasse\u2018s discussions with other mathematicians (for example, Emil Artin is often mentioned). One of the notable highlights in the entries is the first documentation of Artin\u2018s conjecture on primitive roots (1927), which Hasse noted down after a discussion with Artin. Another example is the first proof of the Riemann hypothesis for an extended class of function fi elds of high genus, namely those of the generalised Fermat fields with a finite field of constants (1932), after corresponding with Harold Davenport.

This book contains the full text of the mathematical notebooks of Helmut Hasse (1898-1979), who was one of the leading mathematicians of the 20th century. The originals have been preserved in the Handschriftenabteilung at the G\u00f6ttingen University Library. There are a total of seven volumes which contain 98 entries all together; these span the time period from July 1923 to February 1935. Each of the entries is preceded by a short comment. An extensive bibliography is provided. Compared to the other documents and papers from Hasse Nachlass at G\u00f6ttingen, these papers are quite different. They detail Hasse\u2018s mathematical background, interests and his way of approaching problems. Many of the entries are inspired by Hasse\u2018s discussions with other mathematicians (for example, Emil Artin is often mentioned). One of the notable highlights in the entries is the first documentation of Artin\u2018s conjecture on primitive roots (1927), which Hasse noted down after a discussion with Artin. Another example is the first proof of the Riemann hypothesis for an extended class of function fi elds of high genus, namely those of the generalised Fermat fields with a finite field of constants (1932), after corresponding with Harold Davenport."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hasse, Helmut; Lemmermeyer, Franz; Roquette, Peter"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Notebooks", "G\u00f6ttingen University Library", "Harold Davenport", "Emil Artin", "Riemann Hypothesis", "Notebooks", "G\u00f6ttingen University Library", "Harold Davenport", "Emil Artin", "Riemann Hypothesis"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610184"], ["title", "Die mathematischen Tageb\u00fccher von Helmut Hasse 1923 - 1935"], ["doab_id", "15243"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950729"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950729"]], [["description", "The seventh volume of the Matriculation Book of the University of Vienna includes the period from 1715/16 to 1745/46. It represents the follow-up of the edition of the central student enrollments of the rectors of the University of Vienna, that was initially established in 1377. It is a first-class source for studies of the history of persons and the institution of the University of Vienna, as well as the social history of the scholarly world in the period of enlightenment. The register book includes informations about the scholarly staff and the students. Within 31 years there are 6.764 persons enrolled.In addition, the book contains information on the regional and social origins of university members. Apart from the critical edition of the matriculation text, the volume also includes a list of university rectors. Moreover it is accompanied by indices of persons and places.

Der siebente Band der Matrikel der Universit\u00e4t Wien erschlie\u00dft den Zeitabschnitt von 1715/16 bis 1745/46. Es enth\u00e4lt die Fortsetzung der Edition der Hauptmatrikel der Rektoren der Universit\u00e4t Wien, die im Jahre 1377 begr\u00fcndet wurde. Sie stellt eine erstklassige Grundlage f\u00fcr die Erforschung der Personengeschichte und der Institutionengeschichte der Universit\u00e4t Wien , wie auch der Sozialgeschichte der Gelehrtenwelt dar. Das Matrikelbuch der Universit\u00e4t Wien enth\u00e4lt die Daten des wissenschaftlichen Personals wie der Studierenden, insgesamt sind 6.764 Personen aus einem Zeitraum von 31 Jahren eingetragen. Dar\u00fcber hinaus enth\u00e4lt das Matrikelbuch Informationen \u00fcber die regionale und soziale Herkunft der Universit\u00e4tsmitglieder. Der kritischen Edition ist eine Namensliste der amtierenden Rektoren sowie ein Namens- und ein Ortsregister angeschlossen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00fchlberger ,Kurt"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Edition of historical Sources, History of Universities, Austrian History, History of Sciences"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437206"], ["title", "Die Matrikel der Universit\u00e4t Wien, VII Band 1715/16 bis 1745/46"], ["doab_id", "15327"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786559"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786559"]], [["description", "Register (matriculation book) of the University of Vienna, 1746/47-1777/78 with university records, chronicles and enrollments.

Matrikelbuch der Universit\u00e4t Wien f\u00fcr den Zeitraum 1746/47-1777/78 mit Universit\u00e4ts Akten, Chronikeintragungen und Immatrikulationen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00fchlberger ,Kurt"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Vienna, University of Vienna, register, matriculation book, history of science, edition", "Wien, Universit\u00e4t Wien, Matrikel, Universit\u00e4tsgeschichte, Edition"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "la"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=454362"], ["title", "Die Matrikel der Universit\u00e4t Wien, VIII Band 1746/47-1777/78"], ["doab_id", "15543"], ["language_unmapped", "de^la"], ["isbns", ["9783205794639"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794639"]], [["description", "The first volume of the University of Vienna Matriculation Book of the Faculty of Law includes the period from 1402 to 1442. It represents the oldest record of the history of scholarly lawyers in the German language area, and is a first-class source for studies of the history of persons and the institution of the Faculty of Law, as well as the social history of late medieval scholarly world. The register book (\"album\") of the Faculty of Law contains not only the registration at entry, but also the date of graduation. Therefore one can determine the duration of studies in each case, and the most important data on the curriculum of enrolled students are preserved. In addition, the book contains information on the regional and social origins of university students and on the level of their respective matriculation fees. Apart from the critical edition of the matriculation text, the volume also includes a list of deans . Moreover it is accompanied by indices of persons and places, as well as information about contemporary sources on the University of Vienna.

Der erste Band der Matrikel der Wiener Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakult\u00e4t erschlie\u00dft den Zeitabschnitt von 1402 bis 1442. Es ist die \u00e4lteste Quelle zur Geschichte der Rechtsgelehrten im deutschsprachigen Raum und repr\u00e4sentiert eine erstklassige Grundlage f\u00fcr die Erforschung der Personengeschichte und der Institutionengeschichte der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakult\u00e4t, wie auch der Sozialgeschichte der sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Gelehrtenwelt. Das Matrikelbuch (\"Album\") der Juridischen Fakult\u00e4t enth\u00e4lt nicht nur die Daten der Immatrikulation, sondern auch die Graduierungsdaten. Daher kann man in jedem Fall die Studiendauer sowie die wesentlichsten Daten zum Studium der inskribierten Studierenden feststellen. Dar\u00fcber hinaus enth\u00e4lt das Matrikelbuch Informationen \u00fcber die regionale und soziale Herkunft der Universit\u00e4tsmitglieder sowie auch die jeweilige H\u00f6he der sozial differenzierten Matrikeltaxen. Der Edition ist eine Namensliste der amtierenden Dekane sowie ein Namens- und ein Ortsregister und Informationen zu zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Quellen der Universit\u00e4t Wien beigegeben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00fchlberger ,Kurt"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Edition of historical Sources, History of Universities, History of arts, Austrian History"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437207"], ["title", "Die Matrikel der Wiener Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakult\u00e4t"], ["doab_id", "15328"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786566"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786566"]], [["description", "The essays of Alan Dundes virtually created the meaning of folklore as an American academic discipline. Yet many of them went quickly out of print after their initial publication in far-flung journals. Brought together for the first time in this volume compiled and edited by Simon Bronner, the selection surveys Dundes's major ideas and emphases, and is introduced by Bronner with a thorough analysis of Dundes's long career, his interpretations, and his inestimable contribution to folklore studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bronner, Simon J."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/53"], ["title", "The Meaning of Folklore"], ["doab_id", "14741"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216837"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216837"]], [["description", "What are the current trends in housing? Is my planned project commercially viable? What should be my marketing and advertisement strategies? These are just some of the questions real estate agents, landlords and developers ask researchers to answer. But to find the answers, researchers are faced with a wide variety of methods that measure housing preferences and choices. To select and value a valid research method, one needs a well-structured overview of the methods that are used in housing preference and housing choice research. This comprehensive introduction to this field offers just such an overview. It discusses and compares numerous methods, detailing the potential limitation of each one, and it reaches beyond methodology, illustrating how thoughtful consideration of methods and techniques in research can help researchers and other professionals to deliver products and services that are more in line with residents\u2019 needs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jansen ,Sylvia J.T.; Coolen ,Henny C.C.H.; Goetgeluk ,Roland W."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Geography", "Housing", "Methodology of the Social Sciences", "Statistical Theory and Methods"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413366"], ["title", "The Measurement and Analysis of Housing Preference and Choice"], ["doab_id", "14607"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048188932"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048188932"]], [["description", "Multi-item surveys are frequently used to study scores on latent factors, like human values, attitudes and behavior. Such studies often include a comparison, between specific groups of individuals, either at one or multiple points in time. If such latent factor means are to be meaningfully compared, the measurement structures including the latent factor and their survey items should be stable across groups and/or over time, that is \u2018invariant\u2019. Recent developments in statistics have provided new analytical tools for assessing measurement invariance (MI). The aim of this special issue is to provide a forum for a discussion of MI, covering some crucial \u2018themes\u2019: (1) ways to assess and deal with measurement non-invariance; (2) Bayesian and IRT methods employing the concept of approximate measurement invariance; and (3) new or adjusted approaches for testing MI to fit increasingly complex statistical models and specific characteristics of survey data. The special issue started with a kick-off meeting where all potential contributors shared ideas on potential papers. This expert workshop was organized at Utrecht University in The Netherlands and was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO-VENI-451-11-008). After the kick-off meeting the authors submitted their papers, all of which were reviewed by experts in the field. The papers in the eBook are listed in alphabetical order, but in the editorial the papers are introduced thematically. Although it is impossible to cover all areas of relevant research in the field of MI, papers in this eBook provide insight on important aspects of measurement invariance. We hope that the discussions included in this special issue will stimulate further research on MI and facilitate further discussions to support the understanding of the role of MI in multi-item surveys."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rens Van De Schoot; Peter Schmidt; Alain De Beuckelaer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Measurement invariance", "Approximate invariance", "Non-invariance", "Partial Invariance", "multiple group analysis", "cross national surveys", "bayesian statistics", "Structural Equation Modeling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1695/measurement-invariance"], ["title", "Measurement Invariance"], ["doab_id", "19553"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196500"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196500"]], [["description", "The first edition of this handbook appeared in 1996 and dealt with academic libraries. It gained wide acceptance and was translated into five other languages.After ten years the new edition widens the perspective to public libraries and adds indicators for electronic services and cost-effectiveness. The handbook has been considerably enlarged, from 17 to 40 indicators. It gives practical help by showing examples of possible results for each indicator. The handbook is intended as practical instrument for the evaluation of library services. Although it aims specifically at academic and public libraries, most indicators will also apply to all other types of libraries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Boekhorst, Peter te; Poll, Roswitha"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Libraries"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598440281&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Measuring Quality. Performance Measurement in Libraries 2nd revised edition"], ["doab_id", "15135"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598440281"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598440281"]], [["description", "The notion of a superior \u2018Germanic\u2019 or \u2018Nordic\u2019 race was a central theme in Nazi ideology. But it was also a commonly accepted idea in the early twentieth century, an actual scientific concept originating from anthropological research on the physical characteristics of Europeans. The Scandinavian Peninsula was considered to be the historical cradle and the heartland of this \u2018master race\u2019.Measuring the Master Race investigates the role played by Scandinavian scholars in inventing this so-called superior race, and discusses how the concept stamped Norwegian physical anthropology, prehistory, national identity and the eugenics movement. It also explores the decline and scientific discrediting of these ideas in the 1930s as they came to be associated with the genetic cleansing of Nazi Germany.This is the first comprehensive study of Norwegian physical anthropology. Its findings shed new light on current political and scientific debates about race across the globe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kyllingstad, Jon R\u00f8yne (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Race", "ideology", "Nazism", "Norwegian physical anthropology", "Scandinavia", "nationalism", "national identity"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/123"], ["title", "Measuring the Master Race: Physical Anthropology in Norway 1890-1945"], ["doab_id", "17189"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254558", "9781909254565"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254558 9781909254565"]], [["description", "This research topic is focused on recent advances in our understanding of effects of mechanical loading on the skeleton, and research methods used in addressing these. Though it is well established that mechanical loading provides an essential stimulus for skeletal growth and maintenance, there have been major advances recently in terms of our understanding of the molecular pathways involved, which are thought to provide novel drug targets for treating osteoporosis. The articles included in this topic encompass the full spectrum of laboratory and clinical research, and range from review articles, editorials, hypothesis papers and original research articles. Together, they demonstrate how mechanical loading underpins many aspects of bone biology, including the pathogenesis and treatment of osteoporosis and other clinical disorders associated with skeletal fragility."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan H. Tobias"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["mechanical loading", "osteoporosis", "osteoblast", "osteoclast", "distraction osteogenesis", "fractures", "accelerometers", "bone architecture"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1999/mechanical-loading-and-bone"], ["title", "Mechanical Loading and Bone"], ["doab_id", "18871"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197514"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197514"]], [["description", "The mechanical behavior of biomedical materials and biological tissues are important for their proper function. This holds true, not only for biomaterials and tissues whose main function is structural such as skeletal tissues and their synthetic substitutes, but also for other tissues and biomaterials. Moreover, there is an intimate relationship between mechanics and biology at different spatial and temporal scales. It is therefore important to study the mechanical behavior of both synthetic and livingbiomaterials. This Special Issue aims to serve as a forum for communicating the latest findings and trends in the study of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["hybrid biomaterials and composites, drug delivery biomaterials, cytoskeletal mechanics, nanobiomechanics, soft tissues, additively manufactured and 3d printed biomaterials, bioprinting and biofabrication, soft polymeric biomaterials, hydrogels, biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, metallic biomaterials, microporous, mesoporous, and nanoporous biomaterials, hard tissues"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/162"], ["title", "Mechanics of Biomaterials"], ["doab_id", "19020"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421283", "9783038421276"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421283/9783038421276"]], [["description", "Antibiotics represent one of the most successful forms of therapy in medicine. But the efficiency of antibiotics is compromised by the growing number of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Antibiotic resistance, which is implicated in elevated morbidity and mortality rates as well as in the increased treatment costs, is considered to be one of the major global public health threats (www.who.int/drugresistance/en/) and the magnitude of the problem recently prompted a number of international and national bodies to take actions to protect the public (http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/docs/road-map-amr_en.pdf: http://www.who.int/drugresistance/amr_global_action_plan/en/; http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/carb_national_strategy.pdf). Understanding the mechanisms by which bacteria successfully defend themselves against the antibiotic assault represent the main theme of this eBook published as a Research Topic in Frontiers in Microbiology, section of Antimicrobials, Resistance, and Chemotherapy. The articles in the eBook update the reader on various aspects and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. A better understanding of these mechanisms should facilitate the development of means to potentiate the efficacy and increase the lifespan of antibiotics while minimizing the emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogens."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jun Lin; Kunihiko Nishino; Marilyn C. Roberts; Marcelo Tolmasky; Rustam I. Aminov; Lixin Zhang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["antibiotics", "Antibiotic resistance mechanisms", "antibiotic resistance reservoirs", "Metagenomics", "combination therapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/942/mechanisms-of-antibiotic-resistance"], ["title", "Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance"], ["doab_id", "17822"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195268"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195268"]], [["description", "The formation of the proper pattern of neuronal circuits during development is critical for the normal function of the vertebrate brain and for the survival of the organism. Circuit tracing studies spanning the past 100 years have revealed the beauty and exquisite intricacy of this pattern, which represents the most complex biological system known. In humans, aberrant circuit formation is a likely underlying cause of a wide variety of birth defects and neurological disorders, including autism, intellectual disability, and schizophrenia. Furthermore, future therapeutic approaches to restoring the function of damaged neural circuits will require a better understanding of the developmental constraints under which those circuits were originally assembled. For these reasons, elucidating the molecular mechanisms of neural circuit formation is a major goal of neurobiology today. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joshua A. Weiner; Robert W. Burgess; James Jontes"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["axon guidance", "synapse formation", "Cell Adhesion Molecules", "dendrite arborization", "neural circuit"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/296/mechanisms-of-neural-circuit-formation"], ["title", "Mechanisms of Neural Circuit Formation"], ["doab_id", "17796"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194032"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194032"]], [["description", "Mechanisms of brain-immune interactions became a cutting-edge topic in systemic neurosciences over the past years. Acute lesions of the brain parenchyma, particularly, induce a profound and highly complex neuroinflammatory reaction with similar mechanistic properties between differing disease paradigms like ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Resident microglial cells sense tissue damage and initiate inflammation, activation of the endothelial brain-immune interface promotes recruitment of systemic immune cells to the brain and systemic humoral immune mediators (e.g. complements and cytokines) enter the brain through the damaged blood-brain barrier. These cellular and humoral constituents of the neuroinflammatory reaction to brain injury contribute substantially to secondary brain damage and neurodegeneration. Diverse inflammatory cascades such as pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion of invading leukocytes and direct cell-cell-contact cytotoxicity between lymphocytes and neurons have been demonstrated to mediate the inflammatory \u2018collateral damage\u2019 in models of acute brain injury. Besides mediating neuronal cell loss and degeneration, secondary inflammatory mechanisms also contribute to functional modulation of neurons and the impact of post-lesional neuroinflammation can even be detected on the behavioral level. The contribution of several specific immune cell subpopulations to the complex orchestration of secondary neuroinflammation has been revealed just recently. However, the differential vulnerability of specific neuronal cell types and the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory neurodegeneration are still elusive. Furthermore, we are only on the verge of characterizing the control of long-term recovery and neuronal plasticity after brain damage by inflammatory pathways. Yet, a more detailed but also comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted interaction of these two supersystems is of direct translational relevance. Immunotherapeutic strategies currently shift to the center of translational research in acute CNS lesion since all clinical trials investigating direct neuroprotective therapies failed. To advance our knowledge on brain-immune communications after brain damage an interdisciplinary approach covered by cellular neuroscience as well as neuroimmunology, brain imaging and behavioral sciences is crucial to thoroughly depict the intricate mechanisms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arthur Liesz; Christoph Kleinschnitz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neuroinflammation", "Stroke", "Immunity", "intracerebral hemorrhage", "Leukocytes", "Cytokines", "neurodegeneration", "Traumatic Brain Injury"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2781/mechanisms-of-neuroinflammation-and-inflammatory-neurodegeneration-in-acute-brain-injury"], ["title", "Mechanisms of neuroinflammation and inflammatory neurodegeneration in acute brain injury"], ["doab_id", "18820"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196913"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196913"]], [["description", "Since the latter half of the twentieth century an enormous amount of knowledge about mammalian motoneuron pools has been collected. This progress was enabled mostly by the development of the precise techniques of intracellular recordings in acute animal experiments, many of which were conducted under deep anaesthesia. Recently obtained evidence indicates that anaesthetics used at that times changed certain properties of the cell membrane, which might affect firing of the neuron. Experiments on normal humans gets around this problem, which lets one compare MN firing characteristics in humans and reduced preparations. Firing pattern of human motoneurons is obtained indirectly by recording from a few muscle fibres of a motor unit. Since there is one-to-one relationship between motor unit and motoneuron firing, the statistical analysis of motor unit firing is equivalent to the analysis of motoneuron firing. This analysis, based on the essential knowledge about motoneuron physiology, gained from the direct measurements in animal experiments and verified by computer simulations, allows one to draw conclusions about the physiological properties of human motoneurons. For obvious reasons, the deductions made on properties of human motoneuron from these analyses should be accepted with caution. On the other hand, human experiments provide the unique opportunity to study intact motoneurons during normal physiological behavior. Thus, combining information obtained from animal and human experiments, and computer simulations, gives insight into underexplored problems of motor control. This E-book contains a collection of articles with range of exciting findings on the physiology and pathology of human motoneurons. The collection covers such important issues concerning firing of healthy motoneurons as recruitment and rate coding as well as motoneuron excitability, discusses intrinsic motoneuron properties disclosed by studying double discharges, and provides information on broad spectrum of motoneuron pathology. It is our hope that this collection promotes further expansion of knowledge on human motoneurons."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Parveen N S Bawa; Maria Piotrkiewicz; Annie Schmied"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["human motoneuron discharge mechanisms", " motor unit", " afterhyperpolarization and delayed depolarization", " Double and triple discharges", " Recruitment and rate coding", " axon and peripheral afferents", " excitability", " motoneuron pathology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1802/mechanisms-underlying-firing-in-healthy-and-sick-human-motoneurons"], ["title", "Mechanisms underlying firing in healthy and sick human motoneurons"], ["doab_id", "18702"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195923"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195923"]], [["description", "Participation has become fashionable again, but at the same time it has always played a crucial role in our contemporary societies, and it has been omnipresent in a surprisingly large number of societal fields. In the case of the media sphere, the present-day media conjuncture is now considered to be the most participatory ever, but media participation has had a long and intense history. To deal with these paradoxes, this book looks at participation as a structurally unstable concept and as the object of a political-ideological struggle that makes it oscillate between minimalist and maximalist versions. This struggle is analysed in theoretical reflections in five fields (democracy, arts, development, spatial planning and media) and in eight different cases of media practice. These case studies also show participation\u2019s close connection to power, identity, organization, technology and quality."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carpentier ,Nico"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Media", "Participation", "Democracy", "Arts", "Development", "Spatial planning", "Power", "Identity", "Organization", "Technology"]], ["publisher", "Intellect Ltd"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606390"], ["title", "Media and Participation: A site of ideological-democratic struggle"], ["doab_id", "18961"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781841504070"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781841504070"]], [["description", "The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Age is the first theoretically-driven book to comprehensively address the central dynamics of the digitalization of the media industry in the Nordic countries \u2013 Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland \u2013 and the ways media organizations there are transforming to address the new digital environment. The authors address Nordic media-industry structure and content from the standpoint of scholarly perspectives on global, regional and local approaches to media development. Taking a comparative approach, they provide an overview of media institutions and policy throughout the region, focusing on the impact of Information and Communication Technology/Internet and digitalization on the Nordic media sector. As illustrations, the authors draw on a wide range of cases, including developments in media forms such as television, radio, the press and the public service media institution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trine Syvertsen; Gunn Enli; Ole J. Mj\u00f8s; Hallvard Moe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/nmw.12367206.0001.001"], ["title", "The Media Welfare State"], ["doab_id", "19095"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072156", "9780472052158", "9780472900213", "9780472120314"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072156 9780472052158 9780472900213 9780472120314"]], [["description", "In Media, Technology, and Society, some of the most prominent figures in media studies explore the issue of media evolution. Focusing on a variety of compelling examples in media history, ranging from the telephone to the television, the radio to the Internet, these essays collectively address a series of notoriously vexing questions about the nature of technological change. Is it possible to make general claims about the conditions that enable or inhibit innovation? Does government regulation tend to protect or thwart incumbent interests? What kinds of concepts are needed to address the relationship between technology and society in a nonreductive and nondeterministic manner? To what extent can media history help us to understand and to influence the future of media in constructive ways? The contributors' historically grounded responses to these questions will be relevant to numerous fields, including history, media and communication studies, management, sociology, and information studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "W. Russell Neuman, Editor"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Mass media -- Technological innovations", "Digital media -- Technological innovations", "Mass media -- Social aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.8232214.0001.001"], ["title", "Media, Technology, and Society: Theories of Media Evolution"], ["doab_id", "14505"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070824", "9780472050826"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070824 Paper: 9780472050826"]], [["description", "Este livro aborda os conceitos de Media\u00e7\u00e3o e Midiatiza\u00e7\u00e3o, levando em considera\u00e7\u00e3o suas limita\u00e7\u00f5es, potencialidades, articula\u00e7\u00f5es e contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para as an\u00e1lises dos processos comunicacionais contempor\u00e2neos. Divide-se em duas partes: Media\u00e7\u00e3o e midiatiza\u00e7\u00e3o: conex\u00f5es epistemol\u00f3gicas, que discute aportes te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicos e conceitos-chave da \u00e1rea, e Percursos investigativos, que aborda as no\u00e7\u00f5es de midiatiza\u00e7\u00e3o e media\u00e7\u00e3o no campo da pesquisa emp\u00edrica e na an\u00e1lise dos processos e produtos midi\u00e1ticos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mattos, Maria \u00c2ngela; Janotti Junior, Jeder; Jacks, Nilda"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/k64dr"], ["title", "Media\u00e7\u00e3o & midiatiza\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "17998"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212056"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212056"]], [["description", "Die Beitr\u00e4ge des Bandes untersuchen in einem mediengeschichtlichen Zugriff die Anfangsphase der franz\u00f6sischen Religionskriege. Sie r\u00fccken das Geschehen der Jahre vor der Bartholom\u00e4usnacht (1572) ins Zentrum der Betrachtung und thematisieren die vielgestaltigen medialen Erscheinungsformen gesellschaftlicher Konfliktkommunikation. Eine von der Forschung bislang wenig beachtete Zeit der dramatischen Geschichte Frankreichs in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 16. Jahrhunderts wird so mit einem bislang nicht systematisch erprobten methodischen Zugang bearbeitet."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Haug-Moritz, Gabriele; Schilling, Lothar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Frankreich", " Religionskriege", " Medialit\u00e4t", " Massaker", " Gewalterfahrung"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/220341"], ["title", "M\u00e9dialit\u00e9 et interpr\u00e9tation contemporaine des premi\u00e8res guerres de Religion"], ["doab_id", "17287"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783110346022", "9783110347227", "9783110397079"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110346022, 9783110347227, 9783110397079"]], [["description", "Ce livre porte sur les relations culturelles entre la France et la Su\u00e8de de 1945 \u00e0 nos jours. Il r\u00e9unit les articles pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s \u00e0 l\u2019occasion de la conf\u00e9rence internationale, \u00ab Frankrike-Sverige \u2013 Tur och retur \u00bb, qui a eu lieu \u00e0 Stockholm en janvier 2014, organis\u00e9e par l\u2019Universit\u00e9 Paris-Sorbonne et l\u2019Universit\u00e9 de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles tracent ensemble une histoire crois\u00e9e des m\u00e9diations mat\u00e9rielles et immat\u00e9rielles, dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identit\u00e9s culturelles dans trois domaines principaux : les repr\u00e9sentations et l\u2019imaginaire ; la m\u00e9diation et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la r\u00e9ception et la circulation des oeuvres.

Denna bok behandlar kulturella relationer mellan Frankrike och Sverige fr\u00e5n 1945 till v\u00e5ra dagar. De olika artiklarna bygger p\u00e5 den forskning som presenterades p\u00e5 den internationella konferensen \u201dFrankrike-Sverige \u2013 Tur och retur\u201d i Stockholm i januari 2014. Konferensen organiserades av Sorbonne-universitetet i Paris och Stockholms universitet. De tjugotv\u00e5 bidragen ger tillsammans en bild av de komplexa och r\u00f6rliga samband och kontaktpunkter som genom historien uppst\u00e5tt mellan de b\u00e5da l\u00e4nderna. Tre huvudsakliga f\u00e4lt har identifierats d\u00e4r kulturella identiteter skapats \u00f6ver nationsgr\u00e4nserna: representationer och f\u00f6rest\u00e4llningsv\u00e4rldar; mediering och f\u00f6rmedling; \u00f6vers\u00e4ttning, mottagande och cirkulering av verk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cedergren ,Micka\u00eblle; Briens ,Sylvain"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["History of literature", "Sociology of literature", "Translations studies", "Cultural transfers", "Imagology", "History of literary reception"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611015"], ["title", "M\u00e9diations interculturelles entre la France et la Su\u00e8de: Trajectoires et circulations de 1945 \u00e0 nos jours"], ["doab_id", "18031"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9789176350157", "9789176350126", "9789176350133", "9789176350140"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350157 9789176350126 9789176350133 9789176350140"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Health effects from trace elements, metals and metalloids, Regional and global impacts of natural dust (including the study of nanoparticles), Chemical and environmental pathology of diseases associated with natural environment, Novel analytical approaches to the study of natural geochemical and environmental agents, Research on beneficial health aspects of natural geological materials, Risk management, risk communication and risk mitigation on medical geology, Remote sensing and GIS applications on medical geology, Epidemiology and public health studies on medical geology, Climate change and medical geology, Clinical and toxicological research on biomarkers of exposure, Veterinary medical geology, Biosurveillance and biomonitoring studies on medical geology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/182"], ["title", "Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health"], ["doab_id", "19030"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421979", "9783038421986"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421979/9783038421986"]], [["description", "This book brings together a collection of empirical case studies featuring a wide spectrum of medical innovation. While there is no unique pathway to successful medical innovation, recurring and distinctive features can be observed across different areas of clinical practice. This book examines why medical practice develops so unevenly across and within areas of disease, and how this relates to the underlying conditions of innovation across areas of practice.The contributions contained in this volume adopt a dynamic perspective on medical innovation based on the notion that scientific understanding, technology and clinical practice co-evolve along the co-ordinated search for solutions to medical problems. The chapters follow an historical approach to emphasise that the advancement of medical know-how is a contested, nuanced process, and that it involves a variety of knowledge bases whose evolutionary paths are rooted in the contexts in which they emerge.This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners concerned with medical innovation, management studies and the economics of innovation.Chapter 5 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at www.tandfebooks.com/openaccess. It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["medical innovation", "empirical case studies", "clinical practice"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=615052.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Medical Innovation: Science, technology and practice"], ["doab_id", "19622"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781138860346"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138860346"]], [["description", "Neste livro os autores, pelo saber e pela experi\u00eancia, buscam clarear os m\u00e9dicos para que atentem aos conhecimentos biopsiquicos da noite e do dormir. A cronobiologia \u00e9 uma ci\u00eancia que abrange todos os seres vivos e estuda os fen\u00f4menos biol\u00f3gicos em fun\u00e7\u00e3o do tempo, especialmente aqueles que apresentam car\u00e1ter c\u00edclico. \u201cEntender que o organismo humano modifica-se \u00e0 noite e que certas doen\u00e7as expressam-se mais ou preferentemente nesse per\u00edodo \u00e9 um ganho do m\u00e9dico no trato com seus pacientes\u201d. A id\u00e9ia de unir, em um s\u00f3 volume, a fisiologia e a fisiopatologia das doen\u00e7as noturnas \u00e9 oportuna, necess\u00e1ria e pedag\u00f3gica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jansen, Jos\u00e9 Manoel; Lopes, Agnaldo Jos\u00e9; Jansen, Ursula; Capone, Domenico; Maeda, Teresinha Yoshiko; Noronha, Arnaldo; Magalh\u00e3es, Gerson"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3qp89"], ["title", "Medicina da noite: da cronobiologia \u00e0 pr\u00e1tica cl\u00ednica"], ["doab_id", "19924"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413364"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413364"]], [["description", "The biography and the works of Ferdinando Zannetti, physician, surgeon, politician and outstanding figure in nineteenth-century Tuscany acquire new light through the organisation and inventorying of the papers from his archive. The history of medicine and surgery of this period is enriched by new data, making it possible to enter into the daily exercise of the profession. The evidence of Zannetti as a military doctor and organiser of the health service during the wars of independence also offers a fascinating new slant on the history of the Risorgimento. The political life of Florence and Tuscany are relived in the framework of the laborious construction of the new State.

La biografia e l'opera di Ferdinando Zannetti, medico, chirurgo, uomo politico, grande personalit\u00e0 dell'Ottocento toscano, acquistano nuova luce attraverso l'ordinamento e l'inventariazione delle carte del suo archivio. La storia della medicina e della chirurgia di questo periodo si arricchiscono di nuovi dati, permettendo di entrare nella quotidianit\u00e0 dell'esercizio della professione; la storia del Risorgimento diventa percorribile attraverso la testimonianza di Zannetti, medico militare, organizzatore del servizio sanitario durante le Guerre di Indipendenza; la vita politica di Firenze e della Toscana vengono rivissute nel quadro della faticosa costruzione del nuovo Stato."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lippi, Donatella"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Medicine", "Politics", "Archive", "Ferdinando Zannetti", "Florence", "Tuscany", "Medicina", "Politica", "Archivio", "Ferdinando Zannetti", "Ottocento", "Firenze", "Toscana"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356368"], ["title", "Medicina, chirurgia e politica nell'Ottocento toscano: l'archivio di Ferdinando Zannetti"], ["doab_id", "13162"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531322", "9788884531339"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531322 8884531330"]], [["description", "This textbook introduces the reader to basic problems in the philosophy of science and ethics, mainly by means of examples from medicine. It is based on the conviction that philosophy, medical science, medical informatics, and medical ethics are overlapping disciplines. It claims that the philosophical lessons to learn from the twentieth century are not that nature is a \u2018social construction\u2019 and that \u2018anything goes\u2019 with respect to methodological and moral rules. Instead, it claims that there is scientific knowledge, but that it is never completely secure; that there are norms, but that they are situation-bound; and that, therefore, it makes good sense to search for scientific truths and try to act in a morally decent way. Using philosophical catchwords, the authors advocate \u2018fallibilism\u2019 and \u2018particularism\u2019; a combination that might be called \u2018pragmatic realism\u2019."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Johansson, Ingvar; Lyn\u00f8e, Niels"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208423"], ["title", "Medicine & Philosophy. A Twenty-First Century Introduction"], ["doab_id", "18130"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110321364", "9783110321050"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110321364, 9783110321050"]], [["description", "Current preoccupations with the body have led to a growing interest in the intersections between religion, literature and the history of medicine, and, more specifically, how they converge within a given culture. This collection of essays explores the ways in which aspects of medieval culture were predicated upon an interaction between medical and religious discourses, particularly those inflected by contemporary gendered ideologies. The essays interrogate this convergence broadly in a number of different ways: textually, conceptually, historically, socially and culturally. They argue for an inextricable relationship between the physical and spiritual in accounts of health, illness and disability, and demonstrate how medical, religious and gender discourses were integrated in medieval culture.Nao\u00eb Kukita Yoshikawa is Professor of English in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Shizuoka University.Contributors: Louise M. Bishop, Elma Brenner, Joy Hawkins, Roberta Magnani, Takami Matsuda, Liz Herbert McAvoy, Irina Metzler, Denis Renevey, Patricia Skinner, Juliette Vuille, Diane Watt, Nao\u00eb Kukita Yoshikawa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yoshikawa Kukita ,Nao\u00eb"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["history of medicine", "religion", "literature", "the body", "medieval culture", "gendered ideologies", "health", "illness", "disability"]], ["publisher", "Boydell & Brewer"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://oapen.org/search?identifier=574130"], ["title", "Medicine, Religion and Gender in Medieval Culture"], ["doab_id", "17378"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781843844013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781843844013"]], [["description", "What role does sports medicine play in today's society? This book analyzes the relationship between sport, medicine and health from the mid-19th century to today. It looks at both history of medicine and the history of sport to give a balanced view of the role of medicine in sport and how this has evolved over the past two centuries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Neil Carter"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662062"], ["title", "Medicine, Sport and the Body"], ["doab_id", "15458"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662062"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662062"]], [["description", "A obra analisa o funcionamento da din\u00e2mica pol\u00edtica dos EUA no processo de tomada de decis\u00f5es de pol\u00edtica externa comercial no contencioso do suco de laranja na OMC ocorrido entre 2009 e 2011, mostrando como tal din\u00e2mica influenciou o embate internacional. A utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o pelos EUA de metodologia j\u00e1 condenada pela OMC para o c\u00e1lculo de direitos antidumping sobre o produto brasileiro denota que, embora o segmento citricultor n\u00e3o articule cadeias produtivas nacionais, sua import\u00e2ncia na Fl\u00f3rida e a import\u00e2ncia estrat\u00e9gica deste estado na din\u00e2mica pol\u00edtica estadunidense s\u00e3o suficientes para que o setor consiga superar as prefer\u00eancias de livre com\u00e9rcio das ind\u00fastrias, garantindo prote\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geraldello, Camilla Silva"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/75wgp"], ["title", "Medidas antidumping e pol\u00edtica dom\u00e9stica: o caso da citricultura estadunidense"], ["doab_id", "19378"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836657"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836657"]], [["description", "Medieval Hackers calls attention to the use of certain vocabulary terms in the Middle Ages and today: commonness, openness, and freedom. Today we associate this language with computer hackers, some of whom believe that information, from literature to the code that makes up computer programs, should be much more accessible to the general public than it is. In the medieval past these same terms were used by translators of censored texts, including the bible. Only at times in history when texts of enormous cultural importance were kept out of circulation, including our own time, does this vocabulary emerge. Using sources from Anonymous\u2019s Fawkes mask to William Tyndale\u2019s bible prefaces, Medieval Hackers demonstrates why we should watch for this language when it turns up in our media today. This is important work in media archaeology, for as Kennedy writes in this book, the \u201ceffluorescence of intellectual piracy\u201d in our current moment of political and technological revolutions \u201ccannot help but draw us to look back and see that the enforcement of intellectual property in the face of traditional information culture has occurred before. \u2026 We have seen that despite the radically different stakes involved, in the late Middle Ages, law texts traced the same trajectory as religious texts. In the end, perhaps religious texts serve as cultural bellwethers for the health of the information commons in all areas. As unlikely as it might seem, we might consider seriously the import of an animatronic [John] Wyclif, gesturing us to follow him on a (potentially doomed) quest to preserve the information commons.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kathleen E. Kennedy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["translation, medieval studies, hacktivism, William Tyndale, Anonymous, information commons, media archeology, intellectual property, piracy"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/xdyfuy2826szw4w/Kennedy_Medieval_Hackers_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Medieval Hackers"], ["doab_id", "17885"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692352465"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692352465"]], [["description", "A comprehensive collection spanning five decades of full-length book reviews and short synopses by Giovanni Tabacco, whose scholarly concerns were never separate from a lifelong engagement as an exacting critical reader. Inspired by wide-ranging historical interests and with a special emphasis on issues of power and culture, these essays provide a valuable commentary to the progression of Medieval Studies during the twentieth century. Guglielmotti, Paola (ed.)

\u00c8 qui raccolto un corpus imponente di recensioni e note bibliografiche pubblicate nell'arco di un cinquantennio, un esercizio di rigore critico che ha accompagnato senza interruzione l'attivit\u00e0 scientifica di Giovanni Tabacco. Scritte con larghezza di interessi e con particolare attenzione ai temi del potere e della cultura, sono pagine che costituiscono un prezioso commento agli sviluppi della medievistica nel Novecento. A cura di Paola Guglielmotti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tabacco, Giovanni"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Middle Ages", "Historiography", "900", "Medioevo", "Storiografia", "900"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345488"], ["title", "Medievistica del Novecento"], ["doab_id", "13035"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884536419"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536419"]], [["description", "Culture and history; Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment; Dutch literature; Dutch and Flemish literature

In hun tijd kon het werk van de Vlaamse schrijfsters Rosalie (1834-1875) en Virginie (1836-1923) Loveling al rekenen op de grote waardering van critici als E.J. Potgieter en J. ten Brink. Maar pas nu wordt duidelijk hoe vooruitstrevend de opvattingen van deze zusters waren. Zij schreven niet alleen aangrijpende verhalen waarin zij de eigentijdse werkelijkheid 'realistisch', sober en beheerst weergaven, maar namen ook nadrukkelijk geavanceerde standpunten in over intellectuele, filosofische en maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Als vrouw eisten zij het recht op om te studeren en te schrijven. Dit is het zevende en laatste deel in de \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=4\">Amazone-reeks. Voor eerder verschenen titels in deze reeks zie \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=4\">www.aup.nl."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Musschoot ,Anne Marie; Couttenier ,Piet"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Dutch literature", "Dutch and Flemish literature", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Vrouwenstudies", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341444"], ["title", "Meesterschap in tweevoud : Novellen en schetsen van Rosalie en Virginie Loveling"], ["doab_id", "12613"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640635"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640635"]], [["description", "This book aims to offer a new interpretation of the settlement movement initiated by the city of Megara in archaic times. It shows the role of conflict between the aristocratic families for the departure of the Megarians and reveals the role of the heritage of the metropolis in the creation of institutions of colonial cities."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robu ,Adrian"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Megara", "Greek colonization", "judiciaries", "civil subdivisions", "nomima", "Sicily", "Propontis", "Pontus"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619071"], ["title", "M\u00e9gare et les \u00e9tablissements m\u00e9gariens de Sicile, de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin. Histoire et institutions"], ["doab_id", "19933"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783034304610"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034304610"]], [["description", "During the sixteenth and seventeenth century large parts of Italy were under Spanish dominion, the consequence of which was a linguistic contact that lasted over 200 years. However, due to the traditionally tight link between Italian language historiography and national historiography, the multilingual communicative space of Spanish Italy has only recently become an object of research. By focusing on four Spanish-dominated areas \u2013 the two metropolises of Naples (Regno di Napoli) and Milan (Milanesado), as well as the two islands of Sicily (Regno di Sicilia) and Sardinia (Regno di Sardegna) \u2013 the present work therefore presents a fundamental, extensive, and comparative case study of the history of plurilingualism and of letterpress printing in Italia spagnola. For the first time, even methodologically, letterpress printing will be considered as an indicator of plurilingualism, and not simply as a gauge for Tuscanisation, as scholars have previously concluded.The corpus, which has been elaborated on the basis of a specifically developed online title-database consisting of over 3.000 Spanish, bi- and multilingual printed works, is analyzed by combining quantification and qualification methods. The statistical evaluation of book production and distribution of languages and domains associated therewith have been integrated, or rather validated, by qualitative comments on exemplary single works. Herein, the following questions have been examined: How is multilingualism generally, and with regard to the Spanish language in particular, reflected in book production? How often and in which domains of discourse is Spanish used? Which profiles of competence of the producers (authors and printers) and the recipients can be qualitatively traced through single printed works? What evidence of the conventionalization of multilingualism in the form of linguistic teaching material can be provided? Which plurilinguistic practices can be reconstructed on the basis of the prints? Is bilingualism or multilingualism reflected on (and eventually how), and, if so, how is it discussed and assessed? How does the respective communicative space, characterized by the constant presence of the Spanish language, configure itself in the consciousness of the communicants within the field of perceptive linguistics? Thus, the aim was to investigate the degree of Hispanicization of Spanish Italy on the basis of the quantified printed language, and to discuss the practices of multilingualism, the attitudes towards the Spanish language, and how plurilingualism was reflected in selected printed works and their paratexts.The overall segment of the Spanish book production can be defined as a marginal phenomenon with a limited target group, and therefore multilingualism in Spanish Italy, when considered through letterpress printing, assumes an elitist status. However, the respective empirical results of the four partial corpora offer prominent regional differences, with each of the four communicative spaces presenting with their own, specific profile of multilingualism. The contrast of the single cases thus leads to a typology between Spanish Sardinia and the other three areas. The case reconstructions furnish the evidence that Spanish Sardinia, for reasons beyond existing language politics, represents the exception, or rather, the extreme case of problem-focused plurilingualism and Hispanicization. The remaining three areas (Naples, Milan and Sicily) bundle to form a second type \u2013 on account of their indifference towards language diversity as well as their pragmatic, mostly implicit, conventionalized handling of multilingualism, they can be classified as normal cases of language contact.

Wie schl\u00e4gt Mehrsprachigkeit in der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit buchst\u00e4blich zu Buche? Am Beispiel des spanischen Italien untersucht die Studie im Buchdruck gespiegelte Sprachverh\u00e4ltnisse sowie Formen und Praktiken der Mehrsprachigkeit im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Vier mehrsprachige Kommunikationsr\u00e4ume \u2013 die zwei Metropolen Neapel und Mailand sowie die zwei Inseln Sizilien und Sardinien \u2013 werden in ihrer Dynamik analysiert, kontrastiert und typologisiert. Die vier Mehrsprachigkeitsprofile werden mittels einer quantifizierenden und qualitativen Methodenkombination rekonstruiert. Dabei ermittelt die Autorin, in welchen Diskursdom\u00e4nen der gedruckten Schriftlichkeit Spanisch wie h\u00e4ufig verwendet wurde. Welche individuellen sprachlichen Kompetenzen der Produzenten sowie der Rezipienten lassen sich von mehrsprachigen Druckwerken ableiten? Welche zielgerichtete Mehrsprachigkeit in Form von Sprachlehrwerken ist nachzuweisen? (Wie) wird gesellschaftliche Mehrsprachigkeit thematisiert, diskutiert und bewertet? Anhand der Auswertung von 3.000 spanischen, zwei- und mehrsprachigen Druckwerken werden sowohl Erkenntnisse zur Buchproduktion als auch zu wichtigen Einzelwerken und Paratexten gewonnen. Die Analyse der Teilkorpora bringt markante regionale Unterschiede zum Vorschein und zeigt, dass sich das spanische Sardinien als ein Extremfall von Sprachenpluralit\u00e4t darstellt, die anderen drei Territorien (Regno di Napoli, Regno di Sicilia, Milanesado) jedoch aufgrund der Entdramatisierung von Mehrsprachigkeit als faktische Normalf\u00e4lle von Sprachkontakt zu interpretieren sind. Die Autorin legt damit erstmals eine umfassende Fall- und Vergleichsstudie zur Geschichte der Mehrsprachigkeit und des Buchdrucks der Italia spagnola vor.Tina Ambrosch-Baroua hat als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin f\u00fcr Sprachwissenschaft am Institut f\u00fcr Italienische Philologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen promoviert. Ihre Forschungsinteressen betreffen die italienische Sprachgeschichte, die Grammatikographie sowie die historische und aktuelle Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung.Webseite: http://uni-muenchen.academia.edu/TinaAmbroschBaroua\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ambrosch-Baroua ,Tina"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Multilingualism", "Printing", "Italian Language History", "Language Communication", "Communication", "Early Modern Times 1500-1700", "Mehrsprachigkeit", "Buchdruck", "Italienische Sprachgeschichte", "Kommunikationsraum", "Sprachkontakt", "Fr\u00fche Neuzeit 1500\u20131700"]], ["publisher", "Modern Academic Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608236"], ["title", "Mehrsprachigkeit im Spiegel des Buchdrucks: Das spanische Italien im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "19036"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783946198086", "9783946198116", "9783946198093", "9783946198109"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946198086 9783946198116 9783946198093 9783946198109"]], [["description", "Milestones are crucial for the scholarly research of roads and the transportation system of a province. Written and archaeological sources as well as the geographic conditions add to the overall picture.

Meilensteine sind wegweisend f\u00fcr Stra\u00dfen und das Verkehrsnetz einer Provinz. Schriftliche und arch\u00e4ologische Quellen, sowie die geographischen Bedingungen erg\u00e4nzen das Bild"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hild ,Friedrich"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Milestones and roads in Caria", "Meilensteine und Stra\u00dfen in Karien"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507996"], ["title", "Meilensteine, Stra\u00dfen und das Verkehrsnetz der Provinz Karia Milestones, Roads and the Transportation-System of the Province of Caria"], ["doab_id", "16475"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700174356"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700174356"]], [["description", "This book shows how the study of multi-hadron production phenomena in the years after the founding of CERN culminated in Hagedorn's pioneering idea of limiting temperature, leading on to the discovery of the quark-gluon plasma -- announced, in February 2000 at CERN.Following the foreword by Herwig Schopper -- the Director General (1981-1988) of CERN at the key historical juncture -- the first part is a tribute to Rolf Hagedorn (1919-2003) and includes contributions by contemporary friends and colleagues, and those who were most touched by Hagedorn: Tam\u00e1s Bir\u00f3, Igor Dremin, Torleif Ericson, Marek Ga\u017adzicki, Mark Gorenstein, Hans Gutbrod, Maurice Jacob, Istv\u00e1n Montvay, Berndt M\u00fcller, Grazyna Odyniec, Emanuele Quercigh, Krzysztof Redlich, Helmut Satz, Luigi Sertorio, Ludwik Turko, and Gabriele Veneziano.The second and third parts retrace 20 years of developments that after discovery of the Hagedorn temperature in 1964 led to its recognition as the melting point of hadrons into boiling quarks, and to the rise of the experimental relativistic heavy ion collision program. These parts contain previously unpublished material authored by Hagedorn and Rafelski: conference retrospectives, research notes, workshop reports, in some instances abbreviated to avoid duplication of material, and rounded off with the editor's explanatory notes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Johann Rafelski"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["nuclear physics", " particle acceleration"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-17545-4"], ["title", "Melting Hadrons, Boiling Quarks: From Hagedorn Temperature to Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at CERN: With a Tribute to Rolf Hagedorn"], ["doab_id", "17552"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319175447", "9783319175454"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319175447 (Print) 9783319175454 (Online)"]], [["description", "In the dead letter office, you will find a Memoir American. The texts which comprise it \u2014 forms of essay, talk, dialogue \u2014 at one time saw themselves as individualists who went somewhere (to small press magazines) on their own. Now they are here, collected with the chance of going nowhere together. As it should be: since they represent the fate of language and translation in the memory of aliens living inside America \u2014 like a family going nowhere together, but at home.The philosopher Jacques Derrida and his family are part of this family in the dead letter office, and curiously they are named going nowhere together at home. Along the way, so are the poets Charles Reznikoff and William Carlos Williams and Emmanuel Hocquard and Juliette Valery and Charles Olson, as well as Horace\u2019s Odes in translation.You will find in this Memoir what it means for an alien to search for his family in a book outside the time of its writing. You will find him discovering that translation is a personal story and that poetry might not have a home without it. You will find him wondering: whose voices are these which we hear around us as we write, as Babel turns to rumor through the fact of translation, wherein a book is being made and remade from American to French and back again? You will find him through translation like a Being in the Poetry of the Extraterritorial, an un-owned territory which is neither French nor American but is negotiated by the rumor of a poetry which emerges from both, a future condition (\u00c9tat) which seeks the name it could be but is not.Follow this alien Being\u2019s trajectory: he is not of America but grows up in it. He publishes a book in French translation before it appears in the American English original. He becomes native to a writing whose eloquence is always in question, at times because it is passive, at other times because it is unpronounceable.Who, over time, finds his Memoir?In the dead letter office, we do. We find someone somewhat like ourselves, who uses language and translation as if these were a poet\u2019s gifts in the making of history, a history which is foreign yet integral to his homeland. We find someone who uses it to return to his own people and place, so that he can \u201conly stand more/revealed.\u201d We find someone who will act the new basis for his identity \u2014 the consciousness whose coming into Being must be premised on his existence in another world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benjamin Hollander"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["America, France, Israel, memoir, poetry, translation"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/memoir-american/"], ["title", "Memoir American"], ["doab_id", "16032"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615808628"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615808628"]], [["description", "En quoi le patrimoine immat\u00e9riel affecte-t-il la notion de patrimonialisation ? La reconnaissance patrimoniale de sp\u00e9cificit\u00e9s locales est-elle conciliable avec un contexte mondial d\u2019homog\u00e9n\u00e9isation ? Comment construire une connaissance distanci\u00e9e sur une m\u00e9moire conflictuelle et r\u00e9cente ? Les m\u00e9diations documentaires et num\u00e9riques se r\u00e9duisent-elles \u00e0 un r\u00f4le de conservation ou d\u2019illustration des patrimoines ? N\u2019assurent-elles pas la continuit\u00e9 de la m\u00e9moire sociale de patrimoines disparus e..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "C\u00e9cile Tardy, Vera Dodebei (dir.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["m\u00e9diation, m\u00e9moire sociale, patrimonialisation"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/411"], ["title", "M\u00e9moire et nouveaux patrimoines"], ["doab_id", "16827"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821853508", "9782821853515"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821853508 9782821853515"]], [["description", "Gira em torno de duas tem\u00e1ticas: mem\u00f3ria e educa\u00e7\u00e3o e forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores. A primeira diz respeito \u00e0 identifica\u00e7\u00e3o dos processos civilizat\u00f3rios e o modo como se articulam com os processos educativos no que se refere \u00e0 hist\u00f3ria da educa\u00e7\u00e3o, pluralidade cultural, movimentos sociais, representa\u00e7\u00e3o social e inclus\u00e3o. A segunda aborda a import\u00e2ncia dos estudos e pesquisas que contribuem para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de novos agentes destinados ao papel de formadores de um mundo mais humano e justo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nascimento, Ant\u00f4nio Dias; Hetkowski, T\u00e2nia Maria"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/f5jk5"], ["title", "Mem\u00f3ria e forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores"], ["doab_id", "17267"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209186"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209186"]], [["description", "Em que o patrim\u00f4nio imaterial afeta a no\u00e7\u00e3o de patrimonializa\u00e7\u00e3o? O reconhecimento patrimonial das especificidades locais \u00e9 compat\u00edvel com um contexto global de homogeneiza\u00e7\u00e3o? Como construir um conhecimento distanciado sobre uma mem\u00f3ria conflituosa e recente? As media\u00e7\u00f5es documentais e digitais limitam-se a um papel de conserva\u00e7\u00e3o ou de ilustra\u00e7\u00e3o do patrim\u00f4nio? Elas n\u00e3o garantiriam a continuidade da mem\u00f3ria social de patrim\u00f4nios desaparecidos e a renova\u00e7\u00e3o das pr\u00e1ticas patrimoniais da socie..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "C\u00e9cile Tardy, Vera Dodebei (dir.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Anthropology, Linguistic, Information science"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/417"], ["title", "Mem\u00f3ria e novos patrim\u00f4nios"], ["doab_id", "16828"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9782821853522", "9782821853539"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821853522 9782821853539"]], [["description", "'Memory and popular film' uses memory as a specific framework for the cultural study of film. Taking Hollywood as its focus, this timely book provides a sustained, interdisciplinary perspective on memory and film from early cinema to the present. Considering the relationship between official and popular memory, the politics of memory, and the technological and representational shifts that have come to effect memory's contemporary mediation, the book contributes to the growing debate on the status and function of the past in cultural life and discourse. By gathering key critics from film studies, American studies and cultural studies, 'Memory and popular film' establishes a framework for discussing issues of memory IN film and of film AS memory. Together with essays on the remembered past in early film marketing, within popular reminiscence, and at film festivals, the book considers memory films such as Forrest Gump, Lone Star, Pleasantville, Rosewood and Jackie Brown. 'Memory and popular film' provides a wide-ranging analysis that will benefit both students and critics of popular culture, film studies and the past."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grainge ,Paul"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["hollywood", "film", "cinema", "memory"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341357"], ["title", "Memory and popular film"], ["doab_id", "12682"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063749"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063749"]], [["description", "This volume examines the practice of memory in early modern Europe, showing that this was already a multimedia affair with many political uses, and affecting people at all levels of society; many pre-modern memory practices persist until today."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuijpers ,E.; Pollmann ,J.; M; Steen . van der ,J."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Medieval art"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613336"], ["title", "Memory before Modernity"], ["doab_id", "18491"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004261242", "9789004261259"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004261242 9789004261259"]], [["description", "This volume discusses a practical approach to cultural transfer and exchange through the concept of \u00bbmemory box\u00ab. Ideas of displacement, transfer, and cultural memory are explored through case studies from Scotland to Italy and Germany and from Finland and France to the American colonies. The authors develop an understanding of memory boxes as cultural constructions that are involved in the process of making and disputing memory \u2013 but which, simultaneously, are important agents for cultural transfer over space and time. This book emphasises \u00bbmemory box\u00ab as an idea that allows us to study the cultural processes of transfer in conjunction with cultural memory."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cultural Transfer", "History", "Cultural Memory", "Cultural Exchange", "Memory Culture", "Cultural History", "European History", "Cultural Studies"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617337"], ["title", "Memory Boxes. An Experimental Approach to Cultural Transfer in History, 1500-2000"], ["doab_id", "19787"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9783837627862", "9783839427866"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837627862 9783839427866"]], [["description", "How do new media affect the question of social memory? Social memory is usually described as enacted through ritual, language, art, architecture, and institutions ? phenomena whose persistence over time and capacity for a shared storage of the past was set in contrast to fleeting individual memory. But the question of how social memory should be understood in an age of digital computing, instant updating, and interconnection in real time, is very much up in the air. The essays in this collection discuss the new technologies of memory from a variety of perspectives that explicitly investigate their impact on the very concept of the social.Contributors: David Berry, Ina Blom, Wolfgang Ernst, Matthew Fuller, Andrew Goffey, Liv Hausken, Yuk Hui, Trond Lundemo, Adrian Mackenzie, S\u00f3nia Matos, Richard Mills, Jussi Parikka, Eivind R\u00f8ssaak, Stuart Sharples, Tiziana Terranova, Pasi V\u00e4liaho."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blom ,Ina; Lundemo ,Trond; R\u00f8ssaak ,Eivind"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["archive theory", "digital technologies", "social memory studies", "media archaeology", "media ecology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619950"], ["title", "Memory in Motion. Archives, Technology, and the Social"], ["doab_id", "19988"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462982147"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462982147"]], [["description", "Este trabalho \u00e9 fruto de preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es iniciadas no desempenho de atividades de psic\u00f3loga e no decorrer de uma pesquisa que realizei anteriormente sobre a vida das crian\u00e7as no internato. Neste estudo se analisa o cotidiano da vida das crian\u00e7as em sete diferentes internatos abrangendo a faixa et\u00e1ria de rec\u00e9m-nascido a dezoito anos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alto\u00e9, Sonia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y7btb"], ["title", "Menores em tempo de maioridade: do internato-pris\u00e3o \u00e0 vida social"], ["doab_id", "17246"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662953"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662953"]], [["description", "These conference proceedings include the specialized academic lecture and brief contributions presented at the Humans and Computers 2015 conference in Stuttgart. It provides multiple perspectives from research that collectively provide a kaleidoscope of ideas, theories, and methodologies. The conference bridges the gap between theory and practical implementation with numerous application-oriented essays."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diefenbach, Sarah; Henze, Niels; Pielot, Martin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462128"], ["title", "Mensch und Computer 2015 \u2013 Tagungsband"], ["doab_id", "17947"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110443349", "9783110443929", "9783110435573"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110443349, 9783110443929, 9783110435573"]], [["description", "Usability Professionals Workshop deals with the practical applications of human-machine interaction research. It is organized by the German ACM specialty section of the UPA (Usability Professionals Association). The volume presents the latest research findings through case studies and practice reports along with in-depth discussions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Endmann, Anja; Fischer, Holger; Kr\u00f6kel, Malte"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Usability, Informatic, Media"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462126"], ["title", "Mensch und Computer 2015 \u2013 Usability Professionals"], ["doab_id", "17945"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110443325", "9783110443882", "9783110435566"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110443325, 9783110443882, 9783110435566"]], [["description", "The Workshop Volume from the Humans and Computers Conference documents the advanced tutorials that were presented to deepen the understanding gained from the conference lectures. It presents case studies along with accompanying exercises."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Burmester, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Weisbecker, Anette"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Usability, Informatic, Media"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462127"], ["title", "Mensch und Computer 2015 \u2013 Workshopband"], ["doab_id", "17943"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110443332", "9783110443905", "9783110435580"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110443332, 9783110443905, 9783110435580"]], [["description", "Public administration; Political science

Hoe kiezen mensen uit de vele mogelijkheden waarvoor zij zich - iedere dag opnieuw - gesteld zien? In dit boek geven vooraanstaande Nederlandse wetenschappers uit diverse disciplines een helder overzicht van de meest recente kennis over menselijk keuzegedrag. Daarbij gaan zij uitgebreid in op de grote invloed van de omgeving en de rol van het onbewuste. Bovendien komen de nieuwste inzichten uit de neurobiologie aan bod. Dit boek is bedoeld voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met menselijk keuzegedrag en de vraag hoe dat kan worden be\u00efnvloed. Hoe kunnen mensen bijvoorbeeld worden verleid tot een gezondere levensstijl? Tot energiebesparend gedrag? Tot een verstandige financi\u00eble planning? De wetenschappers in deze bundel bieden nieuwe en veelbelovende perspectieven voor antwoorden op dit soort vragen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Tiemeijer ,W.L.; Thomas ,C.A.; Prast ,H.M."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341438"], ["title", "De menselijke beslisser : Over de psychologie van keuze en gedrag"], ["doab_id", "12609"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089642028"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642028"]], [["description", "Este volume cont\u00e9m textos escritos ao longo de muitos anos. O reclamo usual nessas circunst\u00e2ncias \u00e9 o de que os textos esparsos que se re\u00fanem apresentam, na verdade, unidade e coer\u00eancia. Longe de refugar esse reclamo, sustento-o com for\u00e7a no caso presente. [trecho retirado do pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reis, F\u00e1bio Wanderley"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/v7ywf"], ["title", "Mercado e utopia"], ["doab_id", "16677"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662793"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662793"]], [["description", "This volume casts light on mergers and alliances in higher education by examining developments of this type in different countries. It combines the direct experiences of those at the heart of such transformations, university leaders and senior officials responsible for higher education policy, with expert analysts of the systems concerned.Higher education in Europe faces a series of major challenges. The economic crisis has accelerated expectations of an increased role in addressing economic and societal challenges while at the same time putting pressure on available finances. Broader trends such as shifting student demographics and expectations, globalisation and mobility and new ways of working with business have contributed to these increased pressures. In the light of these trends there have been moves, both from national or regional agencies and from individual institutions to respond by combining resources, either through collaborative arrangements or more fundamentally through mergers between two or more universities.After an introductory chapter by the editors which establishes the context for mergers and alliances, the book falls into two main parts. Part 1 takes a national or regional perspective to give some sense of the historical context, the wider drivers and the importance of these developments in these cases. Included are both systemic accounts (for countries as France, Sweden, Romania, Russia, Wales and England), and specific cross-cutting initiatives including a major facility at Magurele in Romania and a Spanish programme for promoting international campuses of excellence. Part 2 is built from specific cases of universities, either in mergers or alliances, with examples from different countries (such as France, UK, Romania, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland). A concluding chapter by the editors assesses these experiences and indicates the implications and future needs for understanding in this domain."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Curaj; Luke Georghiou; Jennifer Casenga Harper; Eva Egron-Polak"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["higher education", " international policy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13135-1"], ["title", "Mergers and Alliances in Higher Education: International Practice and Emerging Opportunities"], ["doab_id", "17374"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319131344", "9783319131351"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319131344 (Print) 9783319131351 (Online)"]], [["description", "Based on a hundred interviews with some of the key stakeholders in university admissions, and statistics from both primary and secondary sources, this book explains the values, processes and practices that judge some individuals as worthy of getting an education at elite universities and deny admission to other applicants.By juxtaposing the UK and US systems the book invites readers from both sides of the Atlantic to see the familiar as strange and to reflect on the underlying values behind the selection of students. It illustrates how particular discussions of meritocracy affect individuals and relate to the history and social climate of each nation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anna Mountford Zimdars"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665476"], ["title", "Meritocracy and the University"], ["doab_id", "18983"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665223"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665223"]], [["description", "De meritocratie gold lange tijd als belofte voor een meer open en gelijke samenleving. Een samenleving waarin mensen hun maatschappelijke positie verkrijgen op basis van hun eigen verdiensten. Maar wat als die verdiensten in hoge mate worden bepaald door je afkomst? Als een kind van hoogopgeleide ouders aanzienlijk meer kans maakt op succes in het onderwijs en op de arbeidsmarkt dan een kind van laagopgeleide ouders? En als ook nog eens blijkt dat het merendeel van de bevolking - inclusief de 'verliezers' - deze meritocratische principes onderschrijft?In Meritocratie: op weg naar een nieuwe klassensamenleving? Beschrijven gerenommeerde Nederlandse onderzoekers in hoeverre het huidige Nederland daadwerkelijk een meritocratische samenleving is. Vervolgens brengen zij de maatschappelijke gevolgen van hun bevindingen in kaart. Mondt de meritocratie niet uit in een nieuwe klassensamenleving, waarin de scheidslijnen nog scherper en hardnekkiger zijn dan in de voorbije industri\u00eble samenleving?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beer de ,Paul; Pinxteren van ,Maisha"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Meritocratie", "onderwijs", "opvoeding", "ongelijkheid", "arbeidsmarkt"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610150"], ["title", "Meritocratie: Op weg naar een nieuwe klassensamenleving"], ["doab_id", "19131"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789462983397"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462983397"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veen van der ,H."], ["date", "1965"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613374"], ["title", "The Merok Feast of the Sa'dan Toradja"], ["doab_id", "18530"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286092", "9789004286733"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286092 9789004286733"]], [["description", "Las Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Historia Reciente se encuadran en una persistente preocupaci\u00f3n por abordar tanto desde las perspectivas te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicas como hist\u00f3rico-concretas las problem\u00e1ticas que este fruct\u00edfero campo est\u00e1 generando. Las VII Jornadas aspiran a acrecentar y consolidar el amplio desarrollo que ha tenido este \u00e1mbito de estudios en los \u00faltimos a\u00f1os. Para ello se proponen formas organizativas que propicien a\u00fan m\u00e1s el desarrollo de los debates e intercambios, as\u00ed como otras actividades para la difusi\u00f3n de las problem\u00e1ticas abordadas en nuevos formatos que alcancen \u00e1mbitos no estrictamente universitarios."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Flier, Patricia (coord.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Historia pol\u00edtica ", " Historia social ", " Movimientos sociales ", " Ense\u00f1anza de la historia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/65"], ["title", "Mesas de debate de las VII Jornadas de Trabajo sobre Historia Reciente (7 : 2014 : La Plata)"], ["doab_id", "19698"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503413678"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503413678 "]], [["description", "In everyday communication, Europe\u2019s citizens, business partners and politicians are inevitably confronted with language barriers. Language technology has the potential to overcome these barriers and to provide innovative interfaces to technologies and knowledge. This document presents a Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020. The agenda was prepared by META-NET, a European Network of Excellence. META-NET consists of 60 research centres in 34 countries, who cooperate with stakeholders from economy, government agencies, research organisations, non-governmental organisations, language communities and European universities. META-NET\u2019s vision is high-quality language technology for all European languages."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Georg Rehm; Hans Uszkoreit"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Language Translation and Linguistics", " Computational Linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-36348-1"], ["title", "META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual Europe 2020"], ["doab_id", "15476"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642363481", "9783642363498"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642363481 (Print) 9783642363498 (Online)"]], [["description", "Obesity and its co-morbidities, including atherosclerosis, insulin resistance and diabetes, are a world-wide epidemic. Inflammatory immune responses in metabolic tissues have emerged as a universal feature of these metabolic disorders. While initial work highlighted the contribution of macrophages to tissue inflammation and insulin resistance, recent studies demonstrate that cells of the adaptive immune compartment, including T and B lymphocytes and dendritic cells also participate in obesity-induced pathogenesis of these conditions. However, the molecular and cellular pathways by which the innate and adaptive branches of immunity control tissue and systemic metabolism remain poorly understood. To engage in growth and activation, cells need to increase their biomass and replicate their genome. This process presents a substantial bioenergetic challenge: growing and activated cells must increase ATP production and acquire or synthesize raw materials, including lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. To do so, they actively reprogram their intracellular metabolism from catabolic mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis and other anabolic pathways. This metabolic reprogramming is under the control of specific signal transduction pathways whose underlying molecular mechanisms and relevance to physiology and disease are subject of considerable current interest and under intense study. Recent reports have elucidated the physiological role of metabolic reprogramming in macrophage and T cell activation and differentiation, B- and dendritic cell biology, as well as in the crosstalk of immune cells with endothelial and stem cells. It is also becoming increasingly evident that alterations of metabolic pathways play a major role in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory disorders. Due to the scientific distance between immunologists and experts in metabolism (e.g., clinicians and biochemists), however, there has been limited cross-talk between these communities. This collection of articles aims at promoting such cross-talk and accelerating discoveries in the emerging field of immunometabolism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claudio Mauro; Christian Frezza"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Glycolysis", "Pentose Phosphate Pathway", "TCA cycle", "fatty acid oxidation", "Inflammation", "Obesity", "metabolic syndrome", "Immunometabolism", "lymphocyte", "macrophage"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2260/the-metabolic-challenges-of-immune-cells-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "The metabolic challenges of immune cells in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "19529"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196227"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196227"]], [["description", "Biodegradation mediated by indigenous microbial communities is the ultimate fate of the majority of oil hydrocarbon that enters the marine environment. The aim of this Research Topic is to highlight recent advances in our knowledge of the pathways and controls of microbially-catalyzed hydrocarbon degradation in marine ecosystems, with emphasis on the response of microbial communities to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In this Research Topic, we encouraged original research and reviews on the ecology of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, the rates and mechanisms of biodegradation, and the bioremediation of discharged oil under situ as well as near in situ conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joel E. Kostka; Andreas P. Teske; Samantha B. Joye; Ian Head"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Deepwater Horizon", "Biodegradation", "Gulf of Mexico", "hydrocarbon", "oil spill", "Bacteria", "microbial communities", "bacterioplankton", "Metagenomics", "metatran"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1489/the-metabolic-pathways-and-environmental-controls-of-hydrocarbon-biodegradation-in-marine-ecosystems"], ["title", "The metabolic pathways and environmental controls of hydrocarbon biodegradation in marine ecosystems"], ["doab_id", "18676"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193462"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193462"]], [["description", "The fact that Cavlacanti?s friend, Dante Alighieri, was a supremely fine poet ought not blind us to Cavalcanti?s own, rather different excellence. Both men were attracted to the dolce stil nuovo, the ?sweet new style? that emerged in thirteenth-century Florence. While Dante?s poetry was devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Beatrice, Cavalcanti?s poetry had more the tang of real-world experience: he struggled against unruly passions and sought instead to overcome love ? a source of torment and despair. It is chiefly through the translations of Rossetti and Pound that English-speaking readers have encountered Cavalcanti?s work. Pound?s famous translation, now viewed by some as antiquated, is remarkably different from the translation provided here in the graceful voice of poet David Slavitt. Working under the significant restraints of Cavalcanti?s elaborate formal structures, Slavitt renders an English translation faithful to the original poetry in both rhyme and rhythm."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Slavitt, David R."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Poetry", "Renaissance", "Italian", "Translations"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en", "it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120211"], ["title", "The Metabolism of Desire: The Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti"], ["doab_id", "15067"], ["language_unmapped", "English; Italian"], ["isbns", ["9781926836843", "9781926836850", "9781926836867"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836843 9781926836850 9781926836867"]], [["description", "A cidade funciona como um p\u00f3lo de irradia\u00e7\u00e3o e de atra\u00e7\u00e3o em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao campo e \u00e0s cidades menores. \u00c0 primeira vista a for\u00e7a deste p\u00f3lo \u00e9 diretamente proporcional a seu tamanho. Entretanto, o poder de irradia\u00e7\u00e3o e atra\u00e7\u00e3o de uma cidade n\u00e3o \u00e9 fruto exclusivo do n\u00famero de seus habitantes, mas tamb\u00e9m da concentra\u00e7\u00e3o de equipamentos e de atividades e da vida social nela existente. [trecho retirado do primeiro cap\u00edtulo do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliven, Ruben George"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mth59"], ["title", "Metabolismo social da cidade e outros ensaios"], ["doab_id", "16678"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820120"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820120"]], [["description", "Metadata is a key aspect of our evolving infrastructure for information management, social computing, and scientific collaboration. DC-2008 will focus on metadata challenges, solutions, and innovation in initiatives and activities underlying semantic and social applications. Metadata is part of the fabric of social computing, which includes the use of wikis, blogs, and tagging for collaboration and participation. Metadata also underlies the development of semantic applications, and the Semantic Web \u2014 the representation and integration of multimedia knowledge structures on the basis of semantic models. These two trends flow together in applications such as Wikipedia, where authors collectively create structured information that can be extracted and used to enhance access to and use of information sources. Recent discussion has focused on how existing bibliographic standards can be expressed as Semantic Web vocabularies to facilitate the ingration of library and cultural heritage data with other types of data. Harnessing the efforts of content providers and end-users to link, tag, edit, and describe their information in interoperable ways (\u201dparticipatory metadata\u201d) is a key step towards providing knowledge environments that are scalable, self-correcting, and evolvable. DC-2008 will explore conceptual and practical issues in the development and deployment of semantic and social applications to meet the needs of specific communities of practice.

Metadata is a key aspect of our evolving infrastructure for information management, social computing, and scientific collaboration. DC-2008 will focus on metadata challenges, solutions, and innovation in initiatives and activities underlying semantic and social applications. Metadata is part of the fabric of social computing, which includes the use of wikis, blogs, and tagging for collaboration and participation. Metadata also underlies the development of semantic applications, and the Semantic Web \u2014 the representation and integration of multimedia knowledge structures on the basis of semantic models. These two trends flow together in applications such as Wikipedia, where authors collectively create structured information that can be extracted and used to enhance access to and use of information sources. Recent discussion has focused on how existing bibliographic standards can be expressed as Semantic Web vocabularies to facilitate the ingration of library and cultural heritage data with other types of data. Harnessing the efforts of content providers and end-users to link, tag, edit, and describe their information in interoperable ways (\u201dparticipatory metadata\u201d) is a key step towards providing knowledge environments that are scalable, self-correcting, and evolvable. DC-2008 will explore conceptual and practical issues in the development and deployment of semantic and social applications to meet the needs of specific communities of practice."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Greenberg, Jane; Klas, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["metadata", "social applications", "semantic applications", "Dublin Core", "metadata", "social applications", "semantic applications", "Dublin Core"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610315"], ["title", "Metadata for semantic and social applications<br />DC- 2008 Berlin - Proceedings of the 8. International conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications"], ["doab_id", "13102"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344496"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344496"]], [["description", "Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint addresses in a novel format the major topics and themes of contemporary metaethics, the study of the analysis of moral thought and judgement. Metathetics is less concerned with what practices are right or wrong than with what we mean by \u2018right\u2019 and \u2018wrong.\u2019Looking at a wide spectrum of topics including moral language, realism and anti-realism, reasons and motives, relativism, and moral progress, this book engages students and general readers in order to enhance their understanding of morality and moral discourse as cultural practices. Catherine Wilson innovatively employs a first-person narrator to report step-by-step an individual\u2019s reflections, beginning from a position of radical scepticism, on the possibility of objective moral knowledge. The reader is invited to follow along with this reasoning, and to challenge or agree with each major point. Incrementally, the narrator is led to certain definite conclusions about \u2018oughts\u2019 and norms in connection with self-interest, prudence, social norms, and finally morality. Scepticism is overcome, and the narrator arrives at a good understanding of how moral knowledge and moral progress are possible, though frequently long in coming. Accessibly written, Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint presupposes no prior training in philosophy and is a must-read for philosophers, students and general readers interested in gaining a better understanding of morality as a personal philosophical quest."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wilson, Catherine (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Metaethics, moral philosophy, moral judgement, moral knowledge"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/417"], ["title", "Metaethics from a First Person Standpoint: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy"], ["doab_id", "18552"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741991", "9781783742004"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741991\t/ 9781783742004"]], [["description", "This book on Metafore dello spazio, which follows the first dealing with La politica e gli spazi politici, is part of a series designed to illustrate the results of an interdisciplinary study group, fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, and aimed at exploring the major political and social issues of the modern and contemporary age from the aspect of spaces and their production.

Questo volume su Metafore dello spazio, che fa seguito al primo dedicato a La politica e gli spazi, fa parte della serie dedicata ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare, promosso da Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina e Bruna Consarelli, docenti di Storia delle Dottrine politiche, intitolato Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, che mira ad indagare i grandi temi politici e sociali dell'et\u00e0 moderna e contemporanea dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Consarelli, Bruna"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Society", "Territory", "Conference proceedings", "Societ\u00e0", "Territorio", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356360"], ["title", "Metafore dello spazio"], ["doab_id", "13149"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532398", "9788884532404"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532396 888453240X"]], [["description", "From simple inorganic catalysts to vital biological cofactors, divalent transition metals are instrumental to electron transfers, catalysis and signaling. Their natural ability to bind, exchange and react with organic molecules including oxygen requires from living cells to regulate uptake with metabolic activities, sensing and chaperoning, distributing and storing, or excreting excess to prevent detrimental biochemical reactions. Since transition metal deficiency and overload both limit cell growth it is no surprise that the immune system evolved a dual strategy, of metal starvation or intoxication, to thwart microbial invasions. Like environmental metal availability determined biological use it also shaped host-microbe metal economy: Fe and Mn, available early in evolution and still required rather ubiquitously, are generally withheld by host in response to infection; Zn and Cu, which became bioavailable later, essentially to eukaryotic cells may be bombarded toward invaders. Successful microbial pathogens have evolved elaborate counter-measures to cope with host metal defenses. This research topic aims to review and discuss metal currencies in host-microbe interactions focusing on new findings about micro-organism pathogenesis determinants in the face of host innate strategies to interfere with microbial physiology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frederic Veyrier; Mathieu Cellier"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["metal", "Virulence", "host", "pathogen", "transporter", "exporter", "regulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1380/metal-economy-in-host-microbe-interactions"], ["title", "Metal economy in host-microbe interactions"], ["doab_id", "17685"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194971"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194971"]], [["description", "Biometals such as copper, zinc and iron have key biological functions, however, aberrant metabolism can lead to detrimental effects on cell function and survival. These biometals have important roles in the brain, driving cellular respiration, antioxidant activity, intracellular signaling and many additional structural and enzymatic functions. There is now considerable evidence that abnormal biometal homeostasis is a key feature of many neurodegenerative diseases and may have an important role in the onset and progression of disorders such as Alzheimer\u2019s, Parkinson\u2019s, prion and motor neuron diseases. Recent studies also support biometal roles in a number of less common neurodegenerative disorders. The role of biometals in a growing list of brain disorders is supported by evidence from a wide range of sources including molecular genetics, biochemical studies and biometal imaging. These studies have spurred a growing interest in understanding the role of biometals in brain function and disease as well as the development of therapeutic approaches that may be able to restore the altered biometal chemistry of the brain. These approaches range from genetic manipulation of biometal transport to chelation of excess metals or delivery of metals where levels are deficient. A number of these approaches are offering promising results in cellular and animal models of neurodegeneration with successful translation to pre-clinical and clinical trials. At a time of aging populations and slow progress in development of neurotherapeutics to treat age-related neurodegenerative diseases, there is now a critical need to further our understanding of biometals in neurodegeneration. This issue covers a broad range of topics related to biometals and their role in neurodegeneration. It is hoped that this will inspire greater discussion and exchange of ideas in this crucial area of research and lead to positive outcomes for sufferers of these neurodegenerative diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anthony R. White; Katja M. Kanninen; Peter J. Crouch"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Iron", "Zinc", "Copper", "Manganese", "Metals", "Brain", "Neurons", "neurodegenerative disease", "Alzheimer's disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/820/metals-and-neurodegeneration-restoring-the-balance"], ["title", "Metals and neurodegeneration: Restoring the balance"], ["doab_id", "18859"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197392"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197392"]], [["description", "Busca contribuir para ampliar as fronteiras da educa\u00e7\u00e3o no campo da sa\u00fade e o terreno discursivo no qual podem ser pensadas e desdobradas as quest\u00f5es referentes ao processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a, entendido em sua dimens\u00e3o singular de cada sujeito e da verdade de sua hist\u00f3ria. A contribui\u00e7\u00e3o primordial do texto \u00e9 colocar em xeque as dicotomias 'cl\u00ednica x sa\u00fade coletiva' e 'indiv\u00edduo x sociedade' na constru\u00e7\u00e3o da compreens\u00e3o do fen\u00f4meno sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a. Considerando que a posi\u00e7\u00e3o da psican\u00e1lise n\u00e3o poderia ficar de fora de um di\u00e1logo com as outras \u00e1reas do saber contempor\u00e2neo, a autora examina que apoio as contribui\u00e7\u00f5es originais e inovadoras de uma pedagogia freudiana podem oferecer \u00e0 revitaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de um di\u00e1logo com uma pr\u00e1tica de educa\u00e7\u00e3o dos homens no campo da sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Borges, Sherrine Njaine"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Corpo humano, Teoria freudiana"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/c29cs"], ["title", "Metamorfoses do corpo: uma pedagogia Freudiana"], ["doab_id", "16426"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412718"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412718"]], [["description", "Das Ouevre der international renommierten K\u00fcnstlerin Ulrike Rosenbach ist facettenreich. Sie arbeitet haupts\u00e4chlich mit dem Medium Video, hat w\u00e4hrend der vergangenen vier Jahrzehnte ihres Schaffens zahlreiche Performances aufgef\u00fchrt. Bereits Anfang der 1970er Jahre entwickelte sie ihre spezifische Form der Videoperformance. Auch geh\u00f6ren Fotografien und Zeichnungen zum weiterhin wachsenden Werkkonvolut. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zu ihrem k\u00fcnstlerischen Wirken fokussiert auf ikonographische Fragestellungen. Dabei werden besonders die Videound Performancearbeiten der K\u00fcnstlerin in den Blick genommen, die an der D\u00fcsseldorfer Akademie studierte und bei Joseph Beuys Meistersch\u00fclerin war. Wenn Ulrike Rosenbach bisher haupts\u00e4chlich als feministische K\u00fcnstlerin rezipiert wurde, so sind ihre fr\u00fchen Arbeiten sicherlich durch feministische Fragestellungen und Motive bestimmt, doch ver\u00e4ndern sich ihre Themen im Folgenden sukzessive. Zunehmend treten allgemeinmenschliche Fragestellungen in den Mittelpunkt ihres Schaffens und ihr Werk ist gepr\u00e4gt durch eine spezifische Bildsprache, die in eine Semantisierung der Materialien m\u00fcndet. Zu dieser k\u00fcnstlerischen Welt bietet diese Analyse einen fundierten Zugang.

Das Ouevre der international renommierten K\u00fcnstlerin Ulrike Rosenbach ist facettenreich. Sie arbeitet haupts\u00e4chlich mit dem Medium Video, hat w\u00e4hrend der vergangenen vier Jahrzehnte ihres Schaffens zahlreiche Performances aufgef\u00fchrt. Bereits Anfang der 1970er Jahre entwickelte sie ihre spezifische Form der Videoperformance. Auch geh\u00f6ren Fotografien und Zeichnungen zum weiterhin wachsenden Werkkonvolut. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zu ihrem k\u00fcnstlerischen Wirken fokussiert auf ikonographische Fragestellungen. Dabei werden besonders die Videound Performancearbeiten der K\u00fcnstlerin in den Blick genommen, die an der D\u00fcsseldorfer Akademie studierte und bei Joseph Beuys Meistersch\u00fclerin war. Wenn Ulrike Rosenbach bisher haupts\u00e4chlich als feministische K\u00fcnstlerin rezipiert wurde, so sind ihre fr\u00fchen Arbeiten sicherlich durch feministische Fragestellungen und Motive bestimmt, doch ver\u00e4ndern sich ihre Themen im Folgenden sukzessive. Zunehmend treten allgemeinmenschliche Fragestellungen in den Mittelpunkt ihres Schaffens und ihr Werk ist gepr\u00e4gt durch eine spezifische Bildsprache, die in eine Semantisierung der Materialien m\u00fcndet. Zu dieser k\u00fcnstlerischen Welt bietet diese Analyse einen fundierten Zugang."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rotermund, Meike"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Videoperformance", "Photography", "Drawings", "Joseph Beuys", "Videoperformance", "Photography", "Drawings", "Joseph Beuys"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610289"], ["title", "Metamorphosen in inneren R\u00e4umen - Video- und Performancearbeiten der K\u00fcnstlerin Ulrike Rosenbach"], ["doab_id", "15242"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950514"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950514"]], [["description", "Dr. Joseph Couture (1930\u00d02007), known affectionately as \"Dr. Joe,\" stood at the centre of some of the greatest political, social, and intellectual struggles of Aboriginal peoples in contemporary Canada. A profound thinker and writer, as well as a gifted orator, he easily walked two paths, as a respected Elder and traditional healer and as an educational psychologist, one of the first Aboriginal people in Canada to receive a PhD. His work challenged and transformed long-held views of Canada's Indigenous peoples, and his vision and leadership gave direction to many of the current fields of Aboriginal scholarship. His influence extended into numerous areas\u00d1education, addictions and mental health treatment, community development, restorative justice, and federal correctional programming for Aboriginal peoples. With a foreword by Lewis Cardinal, A Metaphoric Mind brings together for the first time key works selected from among Dr. Joe's writings, published and unpublished. Spanning nearly thirty years, the essays invite us to share in his transformative legacy through a series of encounters, with Aboriginal spirituality and ancestral ways of knowing, with Elders and their teachings, with education and its role in politicization, self-determination, and social change, and with the restorative process and the meaning of Native healing. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "edited by Ruth Couture and Virginia McGowan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["first nations", "education", "spirituality"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120198"], ["title", "A Metaphoric Mind: Selected Writings of Joseph Couture"], ["doab_id", "16223"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836522", "9781926836539", "9781926836546"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836522 9781926836539 9781926836546"]], [["description", "Metaphor has been an issue of intense research and debate for decades (see, for example [1]). Researchers in various disciplines, including linguistics, psychology, computer science, education, and philosophy have developed a variety of theories, and much progress has been made [2]. For one, metaphor is no longer considered a rhetorical flourish that is found mainly in literary texts. Rather, linguists have shown that metaphor is a pervasive phenomenon in everyday language, a major force in the development of new word meanings, and the source of at least some grammatical function words [3]. Indeed, one of the most influential theories of metaphor involves the suggestion that the frequency of metaphoric language results because cross-domain mappings are a major determinant in the organization of semantic memory, as cognitive and neural resources for dealing with concrete domains are recruited for the conceptualization of more abstract ones [4]. Researchers in cognitive neuroscience have explored whether particular kinds of brain damage are associated with metaphor production and comprehension deficits, and whether similar brain regions are recruited when healthy adults understand the literal and metaphorical meanings of the same words (see [5] for a review). Whereas early research on this topic focused on the issue of the role of hemispheric asymmetry in the comprehension and production of metaphors [6], in recent years cognitive neuroscientists have argued that metaphor is not a monolithic category, and that metaphor processing varies as a function of numerous factors, including the novelty or conventionality of a particular metaphoric expression, its part of speech, and the extent of contextual support for the metaphoric meaning (see, e.g., [7], [8], [9]). Moreover, recent developments in cognitive neuroscience point to a sensorimotor basis for many concrete concepts, and raise the issue of whether these mechanisms are ever recruited to process more abstract concepts [10]. This Frontiers Research Topic brings together contributions from researchers in cognitive neuroscience whose work involves the study of metaphor in language and thought in order to promote the development of the neuroscientific investigation of metaphor. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, it synthesizes current findings on the cognitive neuroscience of metaphor, provides a forum for voicing novel perspectives, and promotes avenues for new research on the metaphorical brain. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Seana Coulson; Vicky T. Lai"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Alzheimer's disease", "autism", "embodiment", "Executive Function", "figurative language comprehension", "hemispheric specialization", "right hemisphere damage", "Schizophrenia"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1795/the-metaphorical-brain"], ["title", "The Metaphorical Brain"], ["doab_id", "18891"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197729"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197729"]], [["description", "This book explains how the methodological approach of the Six Sigma can be used to provide an effective solution to one of the most widespread problems faced by Small and Medium Enterprises: the frequent undercapitalisation linked to short-term investments often funded by bank loans. The Six Sigma method enables the problem to be tackled by studying, in an analytical and statistical manner, both the payments that the enterprises are to receive and the possible conditions of the funding, proposing solutions to optimise these processes and improve the financial performance of the SMEs. Hence the book is offered as both a methodological analysis and as an operative tool for the sphere of enterprise.

Il libro mostra come l'approccio metodologico del Sei Sigma possa essere utilizzato per fornire un'efficace soluzione ad un problema molto sentito dalle Piccole e Medie Imprese: la frequente sottocapitalizzazione legata agli investimenti a breve periodo, spesso finanziati con dei prestiti bancari. La metodologia Sei Sigma permette di affrontare il problema studiando in modo analitico e statistico sia i pagamenti che le aziende devono ricevere, sia le possibili condizioni di finanziamento, proponendo delle soluzioni per ottimizzare questi processi e migliorare la performance finanziaria di una PMI. In tal senso si propone allo stesso tempo come un saggio di analisi metodologica e come uno strumento operativo per la realt\u00e0 imprenditoriale."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ciappei, Cristiano; Citti, Paolo; Bacci, Niccol\u00f2; Campatelli, Gianni"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Corporate Finance", "Economia", "Finanza aziendale"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356379"], ["title", "La metodologia Sei Sigma nei servizi"], ["doab_id", "13173"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534866", "9788884534859"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534860 8884534852"]], [["description", "In Metroimperial Intimacies Victor Rom\u00e1n Mendoza combines historical, literary, and archival analysis with queer-of-color critique to show how U.S. imperial incursions into the Philippines enabled the growth of unprecedented social and sexual intimacies between native Philippine and U.S. subjects. The real and imagined intimacies\u2014whether expressed through friendship, love, or eroticism\u2014threatened U.S. gender and sexuality norms. To codify U.S. heteronormative behavior the colonial government prohibited anything loosely defined as perverse, which along with popular representations of Filipinos, regulated colonial subjects and depicted them as sexually available, diseased, and degenerate. Mendoza analyzes laws, military records, the writing of Philippine students in the United States, and popular representations of Philippine colonial subjects to show how their lives, bodies, and desires became the very battleground for the consolidation of repressive legal, economic, and political institutions and practices of the U.S. colonial state. By highlighting the importance of racial and gendered violence in maintaining control at home and abroad, Mendoza demonstrates that studies of U.S. sexuality must take into account the reach and impact of U.S. imperialism.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mendoza ,Victor"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Colonial administrators", "Philippines", "History", "20th century", "Diplomatic relations", "Imperialism", "United States territories and possessions", "Gay & Lesbian Studies"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604617"], ["title", "Metroimperial Intimacies"], ["doab_id", "18740"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374862"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374862"]], [["description", "Leading researchers and practitioners identify the best practices in using mobile technologies to promote healthy behaviours and reduce unhealthy ones."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Donner; Patricia Mechael"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780932798"], ["title", "mHealth in Practice"], ["doab_id", "15465"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780932798"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780932798"]], [["description", "A partir de uma sugest\u00e3o de Gilles Deleuze e F\u00e9lix Guattari \u2013 a de que todos os fil\u00f3sofos ocidentais terminaram construindo, no interregno do seu pensamento, personagens conceituais, uma esp\u00e9cie de assinatura do fil\u00f3sofo \u2013 este livro objetiva identificar esse tra\u00e7o a partir da obra de Michel Foucault. A tese em quest\u00e3o \u00e9 que este autor n\u00e3o se enquadra em uma imagem \u00fanica, como a do Juiz em Kant, ou a do sedutor em Kierkegaard, mas em uma imagem h\u00edbrida e tri\u00e1dica, fazendo coro com muitos fil\u00f3sofos chamados de transversais e que se instalaram no horizonte de filosofias chamadas de p\u00f3s-estruturalistas, como Deleuze."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rocha, Jorge Alberto da Costa"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/r9b6b"], ["title", "Michel Foucault: cr\u00edtico-esteta-c\u00ednico mitigado"], ["doab_id", "19618"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578791841"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791841"]], [["description", "From the introduction: \u201c[The Michigan Critical Care Handbook] is truly a handbook. It contains no prose, only charts, tables, diagrams, and algorithms necessary for monitoring and managing critically ill patients. Background, discussion, and detailed references are presented in the Critical Care Physiology text.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert H. Bartlett"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Critical care medicine", "Patient monitoring", "Critical Care", "Monitoring, Physiologic"]], ["publisher", "MPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/mdp.39015087418508"], ["title", "The Michigan Critical Care Handbook"], ["doab_id", "15102"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852087", "9781607852087"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "160785208X 9781607852087"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["lab on a Chip, life on a Chip, organ on a chip, lab in a Cell, cell chip, micro total analysis (\u00b5TAS), microfluidics, nanofluidics, single-cell perturbation, single-cell cultivation, single cell proteomics, single cells interaction, dielectrophoresis, electrophoresis, optical Trapping, capillary electrophoresis, electroporation, flow cytometry, heterogeneity, mechanical characterization, optical characterization, biochemical characterization, system biology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/153"], ["title", "Micro/Nanofluidic Devices for Single Cell Analysis"], ["doab_id", "19113"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421467", "9783038420903"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421467/9783038420903"]], [["description", "Carboxylic acids are ubiquitous molecules found in microbial metabolic pathways and that have been explored for a wide array of applications including food preservation (e.g., acetic, propionic, benzoic, and sorbic acids), chemotherapy (e.g., the analgesic acetylsalicylic acid, the immunosuppressor mycophenolic acid or the antimalarial drugs artesunic and artemisinic acids) or agriculture (e.g., the herbicides 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). This Research Topic contributes to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying adaptation to weak acid stress in microbes, a knowledge base that impacts the fields of Medicine, Health, Food Safety and the Environment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nuno Pereira Mira; Miguel Cacho Teixeira"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Carboxylic Acids", "weak acid food preservatives", "Response and resistance to weak acid stress", "food-borne spoilage microbes", "tolerance to weak acids"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/912/microbial-mechanisms-of-tolerance-to-weak-acid-stress"], ["title", "Microbial mechanisms of tolerance to weak acids: an overview"], ["doab_id", "18568"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193059"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193059"]], [["description", "Infectious disease is the result of an interactive relationship between a microbial pathogen and its host. In this interaction both the host and the pathogen attempt to manipulate each other using a complex network to maximize their respective survival probabilities. Programmed host cell death is a direct outcome of host-pathogen interaction and may benefit host or pathogen depending on microbial pathogenesis. Apoptosis and pyroptosis are two common programmed cell death types induced by various microbial infections. Apoptosis is non-inflammatory programmed cell death and can be triggered through intrinsic or extrinsic pathways and with or without the contribution of mitochondria. Pyroptosis is an inflammatory cell death and is typically triggered by caspase-1 after its activation by various inflammasomes. However, some non-canonical caspase-1-independent proinflammatory cell death phenomena have been reported. Microbial pathogens are able to modulate host apoptosis and pyroptosis through different triggers and pathways. The promotion and inhibition of host apoptosis and pyroptosis vary and depend on the microbe types, virulence, and phenotypes. For example, virulent pathogens and attenuated vaccine strains may use different pathways to modulate host cell death. Specific microbial genes may be responsible for the modulation of host cell death. Different host cells, including macrophages, dendritic cells, and T cells, can undergo apoptosis and pyroptosis after microbial infections. The pathways of host apoptosis and pyroptosis induced by different microbes may also differ. Different methods can be used to study the interaction between microbes and host cell death system. The articles included in this E-book report the cutting edge findings in the areas of microbial modulation of host apoptosis, pyroptosis and inflammasome."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yongqun He; Amal O. Amer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["microbial infection", "programmed cell death", "Apoptosis", "pyroptosis", "Inflammasome", "Infectious Disease", "Brucella", "Legionella", "Mycobacterium tuberculosis", "bacterial exploitation of apoptosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1309/microbial-modulation-of-host-apoptosis-and-pyroptosis"], ["title", "Microbial Modulation of Host Apoptosis and Pyroptosis"], ["doab_id", "17832"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192809"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192809"]], [["description", "Nitrogen is an essential element in biological systems, and one that often limits production in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Due to its requirement in biological macromolecules, its acquisition and cycling have the potential to structure microbial communities, as well as to control productivity on the ecosystem scale. In addition, its versatile redox chemistry is the basis of complex biogeochemical transformations that control the inventory of fixed nitrogen, both in local environments and over geological time. Although many of the pathways in the microbial nitrogen cycle were described more than a century ago, additional fundamental pathways have been discovered only recently. These findings imply that we still have much to learn about the microbial nitrogen cycle, the organisms responsible for it, and their interactions in natural and human environments. Progress in nitrogen cycle research has been facilitated by recent rapid technological advances, especially in genomics and isotopic approaches. In this Research Topic, we reviewed the leading edge of nitrogen cycle research based on these approaches, as well as by exploring microbial processes in modern ecosystems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bess B. Ward; Marlene Mark Jensen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nitrogen Cycle", "microbial ecology", "Nitrogen Fixation", "Denitrification", "Anammox", "Nitrification"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/544/the-microbial-nitrogen-cycle"], ["title", "The microbial nitrogen cycle"], ["doab_id", "17804"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194124"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194124"]], [["description", "Global biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients are increasingly affected by human activities. So far, modeling has been central for our understanding of how this will affect ecosystem functioning and the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nutrients. These models have been forced to adopt a reductive approach built on the flow of carbon and nutrients between pools that are difficult or even impossible to verify with empirical evidence. Furthermore, while some of these models include the response in physiology, ecology and biogeography of primary producers to environmental change, the microbial part of the ecosystem is generally poorly represented or lacking altogether. The principal pool of carbon and nutrients in soil is the organic matter. The turnover of this reservoir is governed by microorganisms that act as catalytic converters of environmental conditions into biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nutrients. The dependency of this conversion activity on individual environmental conditions such as pH, moisture and temperature has been frequently studied. On the contrary, only rarely have the microorganisms involved in carrying out the processes been identified, and one of the biggest challenges for advancing our understanding of biogeochemical processes is to identify the microorganisms carrying out a specific set of metabolic processes and how they partition their carbon and nutrient use. We also need to identify the factors governing these activities and if they result in feedback mechanisms that alter the growth, activity and interaction between primary producers and microorganisms. By determining how different groups of microorganisms respond to individual environmental conditions by allocating carbon and nutrients to production of biomass, CO2 and other products, a mechanistic as well as quantitative understanding of formation and decomposition of organic matter, and the production and consumption of greenhouse gases, can be achieved. In this Research Topic, supported by the Swedish research councils' programme \"Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Landscape\" (BECC), we intend to promote this alternative framework to address how cycling of carbon and nutrients will be altered in a changing environment from the first-principle mechanisms that drive them \u2013 namely the ecology, physiology and biogeography of microorganisms \u2013 and on up to emerging global biogeochemical patterns. This novel and unconventional approach has the potential to generate fresh insights that can open up new horizons and stimulate rapid conceptual development in our basic understanding of the regulating factors for global biogeochemical cycles. The vision for the research topic is to facilitate such progress by bringing together leading scientists as proponents of several disciplines. By bridging Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry, connecting microbial activities at the micro-scale to carbon fluxes at the ecosystem-scale, and linking above- and belowground ecosystem functioning, we can leap forward from the current understanding of the global biogeochemical cycles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Johannes Rousk; Per Bengtson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["microbial ecology", "biogeochemistry", "stoichiometry", "Climate Change", "Soil Microbiology", "elemental fluxes", "Respiration", "aquatic microbiology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1218/the-microbial-regulation-of-global-biogeochemical-cycles"], ["title", "The Microbial Regulation of Global Biogeochemical Cycles"], ["doab_id", "17848"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192977"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192977"]], [["description", "Advances in next generation sequencing technologies, omics, and bioinformatics are revealing a tremendous and unsuspected diversity of microbes, both at a compositional and functional level. Moreover, the expansion of ecological concepts into microbial ecology has greatly advanced our comprehension of the role microbes play in the functioning of ecosystems across a wide range of biomes. Super-imposed on this new information about microbes, their functions and how they are organized, environmental gradients are changing rapidly, largely driven by direct and indirect human activities. In the context of global change, understanding the mechanisms that shape microbial communities is pivotal to predict microbial responses to novel selective forces and their implications at the local as well as global scale. One of the main features of microbial communities is their ability to react to changes in the environment. Thus, many studies have reported changes in the performance and composition of communities along environmental gradients. However, the mechanisms underlying these responses remain unclear. It is assumed that the response of microbes to changes in the environment is mediated by a complex combination of shifts in the physiological properties, single-cell activities, or composition of communities: it may occur by means of physiological adjustments of the taxa present in a community or selecting towards more tolerant/better adapted phylotypes. Knowing whether certain factors trigger one, many, or all mechanisms would greatly increase confidence in predictions of future microbial composition and processes. This Research Topic brings together studies that applied the latest molecular techniques for studying microbial composition and functioning and integrated ecological, biogeochemical and/or modeling approaches to provide a comprehensive and mechanistic perspective of the responses of micro-organisms to environmental changes. This Research Topic presents new findings on environmental parameters influencing microbial communities, the type and magnitude of response and differences in the response among microbial groups, and which collectively deepen our current understanding and knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of microbial structural and functional responses to environmental changes and gradients in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The body of work has, furthermore, identified many challenges and questions that yet remain to be addressed and new perspectives to follow up on."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jurg B. Logue; Stuart E. G. Findlay; Jerome Comte"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["ecosystem functioning", "environmental change", "microbial community composition", "microbial diversity", "microbial ecology", "micro-organism", "next-generation sequencing"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2580/microbial-responses-to-environmental-changes"], ["title", "Microbial responses to environmental changes"], ["doab_id", "18843"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197231"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197231"]], [["description", "Modern molecular -omics tools (metagenomics, metaproteomics etc.) have greatly contributed to the rapid advancement of our understanding of microbial diversity and function in the world\u2019s oceans. These tools are now increasingly applied to host-associated environments to describe the symbiotic microbiome and obtain a holistic view of marine host-microbial interactions. Whilst all eukaryotic hosts are likely to benefit from their microbial associates, marine sessile eukaryotes, including macroalgae, seagrasses and various invertebrates (sponges, acidians, corals, hydroids etc), rely in particular on the function of their microbiome. For example, marine sessile eukaryotes are under constant grazing, colonization and fouling pressure from the millions of micro- and macroorganisms in the surrounding seawater. Host-associated microorganisms have been shown to produce secondary metabolites as defense molecules against unwanted colonization or pathogens, thus having an important function in host health and survival. Similarly microbial symbionts of sessile eukaryotes are often essential players in local nutrient cycling thus benefiting both the host and the surrounding ecosystem. Various research fields have contributed to generating knowledge of host-associated systems, including microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, ecology, evolution and biotechnology. Through a focus on model marine sessile host systems we believe that new insight into the interactions between host and microbial symbionts will be obtained and important areas of future research will be identified. This research topic includes original research, review and opinion articles that bring together the knowledge from different aspects of biology and highlight advances in our understanding of the diversity and function of the microbiomes on marine sessile hosts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Suhelen Egan; Torsten Thomas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["marine microbiology", "Symbiosis", "Microbial Interactions", "Microbial Diversity", "Sponges", "seaweeds", "macroalgae", "oysters", "marine diseases"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1842/microbial-symbiosis-of-marine-sessile-hosts--diversity-function-and-applications"], ["title", "Microbial symbiosis of marine sessile hosts - Diversity and function"], ["doab_id", "18811"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196814"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196814"]], [["description", "Biosurfactants are structurally diverse group of bioactive molecules produced by a variety of microorganisms. They are secondary metabolites that accumulate at interfaces, reduce surface tension and form micellar aggregates. This research topic describes few novel microbial strains with a focus on increasing our understanding of genetics, physiology, regulation of biosurfactant production and their commercial potentials. A major stumbling block in the commercialization of biosurfactants is their high cost of production. Many factors play a significant role in making the process cost-effective and the most important one being the use of low-cost substrates such as agricultural residues for the production of biosurfactants. With the stringent government regulations coming into effect in favor of production and usage of the bio-based surfactants, many new companies aim to commercialize technologies used for the production of biosurfactants and to bring down costs. This Research Topic covers a compilation of original research articles, reviews and research commentary submitted by researchers enthusiastically working in the field of biosurfactants and highlights recent advances in our knowledge of the biosurfactants and understanding of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms involved in their production, scale-up and industrial applications. Apart from their diverse applications in the field of bioremediation, enhanced oil recovery, cosmetic, food and medical industries, biosurfactants can also boast off their unique eco-friendly nature to attract consumers and give the chemical surfactants a tough competition in the global market. This biosurfactant focused research topic aims to summarize the current achievements and explore the direction of development for the future generation of biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers. Some of the biosurfactant optimization processes presented are well-structured and already have a well-established research community. We wish to stimulate on-going discussions at the level of the biosurfactant production including common challenges in the process development, novel organisms and new feedstock and technologies for maximum benefit, key features of next generation biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers. We have compiled the research outputs of international leaders in the filed of biosurfactant particularly on the development of a state-of-the-art and highly-efficient process platform."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pattanathu K.S.M. Rahman"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["biosurfactant", "Bioemulsifier", "Rhamnolipid", "Actinobacteria", "Dietzia maris", "market research", "rhlABC gene", "Renewable substrate", "deep sea bacterium"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2937/microbiotechnology-based-surfactants-and-their-applications"], ["title", "Microbiotechnology Based Surfactants and Their Applications"], ["doab_id", "18872"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197521"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197521"]], [["description", "This book focuses on the achievements, current trends and further potential of microfinance to scale-up and serve many more clients with financial services that enable them to improve their living conditions. The book asks what it takes to achieve sustainable impact: to know your clients and to understand their needs, to treat them in a fair and transparent way, and to safeguard the synthesis between the financial and social dimension of sustainable microfinance. The book also sheds light on the future funding landscape and what is necessary to bring more commercial funders on board while ensuring that these new funders will continue the commitment to responsible finance. While being forward looking, the book reflects the debate on core values of microfinance, triggered by recent criticisms of an approach that was hailed as a panacea in the beginning and which had proved over time as one of the most effective models of development finance. These criticisms emerged over signs of overheating in some markets, particularly the 2010 events in Andhra Pradesh, and turned into an assumption of a worldwide microfinance crisis, putting seriously at stake the good reputation microfinance had enjoyed so far."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Doris K\u00f6hn"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Microfinance", "Development Finance", "Sustainable Development", "Good Corporate Governance", "Interest Rates", "Sustainability"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-41704-7"], ["title", "Microfinance 3.0: Reconciling Sustainability with Social Outreach and Responsible Delivery"], ["doab_id", "15844"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642417030", "9783642417047"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642417030 (Print) 9783642417047 (Online)"]], [["description", "In recent years, the European Commission has attached increasing importance to the use of financial engineering instruments rather than traditional grant-based financing for the microcredit sector, considering these to be the most efficient option available.This book presents a study of capacity building and structural funds in public managing authorities for the microcredit sector. It presents two surveys to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the managing authorities' capacity building. The first survey investigates the authorities' need for and interests in capacity building activities, assessing the areas in which capacity building support is needed, and explores the different types of support offered. The second survey analyses the results of the microcredit and microfinance programming activity, investigating its target groups and other operational features. It examines the key monitoring and reporting issues involved in this activity, before analysing the regulatory framework of the microcredit and microfinance sector.This book presents an in-depth analysis of structural funds and their management by policy-makers in the European convergence regions. It explores the interests of managing authorities, microcredit institutions, operators and other financial intermediaries involved in microcredit programming activities, and offers some core strategic and operational recommendations for the use of structural funds in the microcredit sector. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Porretta, Pasqualina; Pes, Giovanni"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Finance and Banking, General Finance, International Finance"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9781137536020"], ["title", "Microfinance, EU Structural Funds and Capacity Building for Managing Authorities: A Comparative Analysis of European Convergence Regions"], ["doab_id", "17902"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137557230", "9781137536020"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137557230 (Print) 9781137536020 (Online)"]], [["description", "The study and application of microscale lenses and lens arrays enjoys a long history. Advances in microfabrication technologies in the past few decades have enabled the design and fabrication of microlenses and microlens arrays through many different approaches. In recent years, there has been notably a host of exciting developments in the microlenses and microlens arrays, including tunable-focus ones, those fabricated on non-planar substrates and surfaces, and microlens arrays mimicking natural compound eyes, to name just a few. The developments in microlenses and microlens arrays have found profound applications in many engineering and biomedical fields, including but not limited to optical coherence tomography (OCT), endoscopy, photolithography, 3-dimensional imaging, optical communications, and lab on chips. This Special Issue aims to highlight the state of the art in the development of microlenses and microlens arrays; examples being fabrication technologies and optical characterizations. It also focuses on their applications when implemented in microoptical systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["microlens, microlens array, tunable-focus microlens, variable-focus microlens, liquid microlens, optofluidics, artificial compound eye, microcamera, micro imaging system, microoptics, electrowetting, dielectrophoresis, liquid crystal, optical characterization, optical aberration, fill factor, focal length, polymer, optical MEMS, microscopy, photolithography, flexible substrate"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/131"], ["title", "Microlenses"], ["doab_id", "17511"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420507", "9783038420507"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420507/9783038420507"]], [["description", "Estudo comparativo das coberturas policiais feitas pelos jornais A Tarde, Correio da Bahia e Tribuna da Bahia, analisando a produ\u00e7\u00e3o e a reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o social da viol\u00eancia no cotidiano baiano. Mostra a hierarquia dentro dos assuntos da m\u00eddia e coloca em discuss\u00e3o o papel das empresas jornal\u00edsticas e dos profissionais de jornalismo na sociedade. Revela tamb\u00e9m a atmosfera de uma cidade ainda dividida entre casas-grandes e senzalas que a autora chama de bolhas e v\u00e3os."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Varj\u00e3o, Suzana"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/22zbb"], ["title", "Micropoderes, macroviol\u00eancias"], ["doab_id", "17268"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209193"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209193"]], [["description", "Humanity\u2019s ability to produce enough food is mostly due to adoption of new methods and technologies by the agricultural industries as they became available. New information, communication and high speed processing and precision agriculture technologies have the potential to transform the agricultural industry. These technologies incorporate radio-frequency and microwave radiation into their systems. This book presents an overview of how these technologies are being used in agricultural systems. The main purpose of the book is to provide a glimpse of what is possible and encourage practitioners in the engineering and agricultural industries to explore how radio-frequency and microwave systems might further enhance the agricultural industry. The authors have extensive experience in agricultural and microwave engineering, instrumentation and communication systems. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brodie, Graham ; Farrell, Peter; Jacob, Mohan V. "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/466435"], ["title", "Microwave and Radio-Frequency Technologies in Agriculture. An Introduction for Agriculturalists and Engineers"], ["doab_id", "17973"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783110455403", "9783110455403", "9783110455472"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110455403, 9783110455403, 9783110455472"]], [["description", "This report examines foreign labour recruitment into Qatar. The report is based on a study conducted to ascertain the financial and procedural circumstances that give rise to basic human rights violations during labour recruitment. Based upon the study\u2019s findings, the aim of this report is to offer recommendations for reform that will reduce or eliminate labour and human rights violations \u2013 and stimulate discussion on the issues raised."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ray Jureidini"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Journals "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.qscience.com/page/books/MLRQatar"], ["title", "Migrant Labour Recruitment to Qatar"], ["doab_id", "16186"], ["language_unmapped", "English "], ["isbns", ["9789927101755"]], ["provider", "www.qscience.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789927101755"]], [["description", "We understand very little about the billions of dollars that flow throughout the world from migrants back to their home countries. In this rigorous and illuminating work, Matt Bakker, an economic sociologist, examines how these migrant remittances\u2014the resources of some of the world\u2019s least affluent people\u2014have come to be seen in recent years as a fundamental contributor to development in the migrant\u2011sending states of the global south. This book analyzes how the connection between remittances and development was forged through the concrete political and intellectual practices of policy entrepreneurs within a variety of institutional settings, from national government agencies and international development organizations to nongovernmental policy foundations and think tanks."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bakker ,Matt"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Migration", "Emigrant remittances", "Sustainable development", "International policy", "Economic development"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602280"], ["title", "Migrating into Financial Markets: How Remittances Became a Development Tool"], ["doab_id", "18617"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520285460", "9780520960930"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520285460 9780520960930"]], [["description", "Citizenship is frequently invoked both as an instrument and goal of immigrant integration. Yet, in migration contexts, citizenship also marks a distinction between members and outsiders based on their different relations to particular states. A migration perspective highlights the boundaries of citizenship and political control over entry and exit as well as the fact that foreign residents remain in most countries deprived of core rights of political participation. This book summarizes current theories and empirical research on the legal status and political participation of migrants in European democracies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baub\u00f6ck ,Rainer"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Political science", "Sociology", "Politicologie", "Sociologie", "migration", "citizenship", "naturalisation", "political mobilisation", "political participation", "European Union citizenship", "transnationalism", "migrant organisations", "voting rights"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340174"], ["title", "Migration and Citizenship : Legal Status, Rights and Political Participation"], ["doab_id", "12866"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568880"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568880"]], [["description", "Rinus Penninx's groundbreaking work has helped to systematise and classify existing research in the field of migration and ethnic studies. His heuristic model makes an important distinction between immigration and integration research and, within the latter, between socio-economic, ethno-cultural and legal-political dimensions. Written as a tribute to Penninx, this volume consists of contributions by 15 of his former PhD students covering all the main categories of his heuristic model."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heelsum van ,Anja ; Garc\u00e9s-Mascare\u00f1as ,Blanca"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Migration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=448184"], ["title", "Migration and Integration Research : Filling in Penninx's Heuristic Model"], ["doab_id", "15419"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645807"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645807"]], [["description", "This meticulously researched study of irregular migrant work in Austria holds many broader lessons for countries all over Europe. The book derives many of its fascinating insights from systematic in-depth interviews with migrants themselves. The authors demonstrate that it is no longer enough to divide the world of foreign employment into \"legal\" and \"illegal\" work. Instead, over the past few years, particularly in the context of progressive EU-enlargement in Europe, new manifestations of \"irregular migrant work\" have evolved. Moreover, the authors convincingly argue that irregular migrant work is based on both supply and demand, and is therefore unlikely to fade away in the foreseeable future.

Dit nauwkeurig onderzoek over onregelmatig migrantenarbeid (ook wel illegale arbeidscircuit genoemd) behandelt een gedetailleerde studie over Oostenrijk, waarvan de uitkomst leerzaam kan zijn voor alle Europese landen. Het boek heeft veel van de verkregen inzichten uit diepte-interviews met illegale arbeiders zelf. Gebaseerd op deze informatie demonstreren de auteurs dat het niet toerijkend is om de wereld in te delen in 'legale' en 'illegale' arbeid. Vanaf de laatste jaren, met name in de context van de EU-uitbreiding, zijn nieuwe vormen van 'illegale arbeid' ontstaan. Dit boek toont overtuigend aan dat illegale arbeid is gebaseerd op zowel de vraag en de aanbod-kant van de markt, welke diep geworteld zit in onze westerse economische structuur. Het is vooral daarom onwaarschijnlijk dat de illegale arbeid in de nabije toekomst zal verdwijnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jandl ,Michael; Hollomey ,Christina; Gendera ,Sandra; Stepien ,Anna; Bilger ,Veronika"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340073"], ["title", "Migration and Irregular Work in Austria : A Case Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Irregular Foreign Employment in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century"], ["doab_id", "12788"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640536"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640536"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Padoch ,C."], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613337"], ["title", "Migration and Its Alternatives among the Iban of Sarawak"], ["doab_id", "18492"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024761838", "9789004287297"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761838 9789004287297"]], [["description", "One of the most important challenges concerning the future of the European Union is the demographic reproduction of the European population. Decreasing birth-rates and the retirement of the baby boomers will dramatically reduce the labour force in the EU, which will entail not only a lack of manpower but also lower contributions to European social systems. It seems clear that the EU will have to counterbalance this population decrease by immigration in the coming years. Migration Between the Middle East, North Africa and Europe takes this challenge as a point of departure for analysing the MENA region, in particular Morocco, Egypt and Turkey, as a possible source of future migration to the European Union. At the same time, it illustrates the uncertainties implied in such calculations, especially at a time of radical political changes, such as those brought about by the Arab Uprising."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bommes ,Michael; Fassman ,Heinz; Sievers ,Wiebke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Migration", "European Union", "Middle East", "North Africa"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496763"], ["title", "Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe: Past Developments, Current Status and Future Potentials"], ["doab_id", "16240"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789048523177"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048523177"]], [["description", "One of the most important challenges concerning the future of the European Union is the demographic reproduction of the European population. Decreasing birth-rates and the retirement of the baby boomers will dramatically reduce the labour force in the EU, which will entail not only a lack of manpower but also lower contributions to European social systems. It seems clear that the EU will have to counterbalance this population decrease by immigration in the coming years. Migration Between the Middle East, North Africa and Europe takes this challenge as a point of departure for analysing the MENA region, in particular Morocco, Egypt and Turkey, as a possible source of future migration to the European Union. At the same time, it illustrates the uncertainties implied in such calculations, especially at a time of radical political changes, such as those brought about by the Arab Uprising."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bommes ,Michael; Fassman ,Heinz; Sievers ,Wiebke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Migration", "European Union", "Middle East", "North Africa"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496763"], ["title", "Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe: Past Developments, Current Status and Future Potentials"], ["doab_id", "16260"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089646507"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646507"]], [["description", "This volume collects ten essays that look at intra-regional migration in the Southern Balkans from the late Ottoman period to the present. It examines forced as well as voluntary migrations and places these movements within their historical context, including ethnic cleansing, population exchanges, and demographic engineering in the service of nation-building as well as more recent labor migration due to globalization.Inside, readers will find the work of international experts that cuts across national and disciplinary lines. This cross-cultural, comparative approach fully captures the complexity of this highly fractured, yet interconnected, region.Coverage explores the role of population exchanges in the process of nation-building and irredentist policies in interwar Bulgaria, the story of Thracian refugees and their organizations in Bulgaria, the changing waves of migration from the Balkans to Turkey, Albanian immigrants in Greece, and the diminished importance of ethnic migration after the 1990s. In addition, the collection looks at such under-researched aspects of migration as memory, gender, and religion.The field of migration studies in the Southern Balkans is still fragmented along national and disciplinary lines. Moreover, the study of forced and voluntary migrations is often separate with few interconnections. The essays collected in this book bring these different traditions together. This complete portrait will help readers gain deep insight and better understanding into the diverse migration flows and intercultural exchanges that have occurred in the Southern Balkans in the last two centuries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hans Vermeulen; Martin Baldwin-Edwards; Riki van Boeschoten"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["migration", " demography", " history"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13719-3"], ["title", "Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States"], ["doab_id", "18947"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319137186", "9783319137193"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319137186 (Print) 9783319137193 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book analyses the society, economy, settlement, and culture of the territory of present-day Estonia in the period of ca AD 450\u20131050. This period is known in the Estonian archaeological chronology as the Migration Period, the Pre-Viking Age, and the Viking Age. This was an era of rapid change, by the end of which traditional Estonian peasant culture as it is known until the 19th century had developed. Whereas in Western Europe written sources from the second half of the first millennium AD herald the arrival of the Middle Ages, there is an almost complete absence of written information about the prevailing conditions and events that took place in the area of present-day Estonia. There are only remains of the farms and fortresses of that time beneath the earth, as well as cemeteries, overgrown field baulks and clearance cairns, and the large amount of excavated ancient objects or fragments thereof. Many aspects of prehistoric life cannot be researched because the source material is not extant and there is no hope of finding it. Moreover, many phenomena of human life do not generate archaeological source material. Thus our overall understanding of the Estonian Middle Iron Age and the Viking Age is inevitably fragmentary and superficial."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tvauri ,Andres "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Estonian archaeology", "Migration Period", "Pre-Viking Age", "Viking Age"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=423944"], ["title", "The Migration Period, Pre-Viking Age, and Viking Age in Estonia"], ["doab_id", "15207"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949199365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949199365"]], [["description", "This book is the product of a collaborative effort involving partners from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America who were funded by the International Development Research Centre Programme on Women and Migration (2006-2011). The International Institute of Social Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam spearheaded a project intended to distill and refine the research findings, connecting them to broader literatures and interdisciplinary themes. The book examines commonalities and differences in the operation of various structures of power (gender, class, race/ethnicity, generation) and their interactions within the institutional domains of intra-national and especially inter-national migration that produce context-specific forms of social injustice. Additional contributions have been included so as to cover issues of legal liminality and how the social construction of not only femininity but also masculinity affects all migrants and all women. The resulting set of 19 detailed, interconnected case studies makes a valuable contribution to reorienting our perceptions and values in the discussions and decision-making concerning migration, and to raising awareness of key issues in migrants\u2019 rights. All chapters were anonymously peer-reviewed. This book resulted from a series of projects funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tanh-Dam Truong; Des Gasper; Jeff Handmaker; Sylvia I. Bergh"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Migration", "Gender", "Human Security", "Human Rights", "Research-Policy-Nexus"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-28011-5"], ["title", "Migration, Gender and Social Justice: Perspectives on Human Insecurity"], ["doab_id", "15533"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642280115", "9783642280122"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642280115 (Print) 9783642280122 (Online)"]], [["description", "In a series of case studies, the contributions assess the extent to which in the Ancient World control over large territories relied on the settlement of active or retired soldiers. The central question is that of the link between the historical situation of the foundation, those involved, and the location of the settlement on the one hand and, on the other, the strategic importance which can be derived from these factors for the domination of territories on land and sea, roads, frontiers, other towns, a previous population etc.; in other words the connection between spatial conditions and historical events."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daubner, Frank"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Military Settlement"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/42816"], ["title", "Milit\u00e4rsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike"], ["doab_id", "18068"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110222845", "9783110222838"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110222845, 9783110222838"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jennifer Cooke"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Cooke_definitivo_web.pdf"], ["title", "Millard Meiss. Tra Connoisseurship, iconologia e Kulturgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "18988"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867053704"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053704"]], [["description", "This Research Topic combines articles aiming to gain a better understanding on different factors that determine whether people are successful or not in controlling computerized devices with brain signals. Since decades, technological advancements in neuroscience allow the interpretation of brain signals and their translation into control messages (Brain-computer interface (BCI)). Moreover, the control of brain signals can be used to induce changes in cognition and behavior (Neurofeedback (NF)). However, the break-through of this technology for the broad population in real-world applications has not yet arrived. Various factors have been related to the individual success in controlling computerized devices with brain signals, but to date, no general theoretical framework is available. In this Research Topic, aspects of the training protocol such as instructions, task and feedback as well as cognitive and psychological traits such as motivation, mood, locus of control and empathy are investigated as determinants of BCI or NF performance. Moreover, the mechanisms and networks involved in gaining and maintaining control over brain activity as well as its prediction are addressed. Finally, as the ultimate goal of this research is to use BCI and NF for communication or control and therapy, respectively, novel applications for individuals with disabilities or disorders are discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elisabeth V. C. Friedrich; Guilherme Wood; Reinhold Scherer; Christa Neuper"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["brain-computer interface (BCI)", "neurofeedback (NF)", "electroencephalogramm (EEG)", "(functional) magnetic resonance imaging ((f)MRI)", "repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)", "training protocol", "psychological traits", "control and its prediction", "applications for disabled individuals"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1159/mind-over-brain-brain-over-mind-cognitive-causes-and-consequences-of-controlling-brain-activity"], ["title", "Mind over brain, brain over mind: cognitive causes and consequences of controlling brain activity"], ["doab_id", "18806"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194889"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194889"]], [["description", "\"Cells live together, but die singly\", this sentence wrote the German physiologist Theodor Engelmann in 1875 and although he had no particular knowledge of gap junction channels (their structure was discovered around 100 years later) he described their functions very well: gap junction channels are essential for intercellular communication and crucial for the development of tissue and organs. But besides providing an opportunity for cells to communicate gap junction channels might also prevent intercellular communication by channel closure thereby preserving the surrounding healthy tissue in case of cellular necrosis. According to today\u2019s understanding gap junction channels play an important role during embryonic development, during growth, wound healing and cell differentiation and are also involved in the process of learning. In the past decades most intensive research was done not only to unravel the physiological role of gap junction channels but also to extend our knowledge of the contribution of these channels in pathogenesis. A new frontier emerges in the field \"pharmacology of gap junctions\" with the aim to control growth, differentiation, or electrical coupling via targeting gap junction channels pharmacologically. As we know today disturbances in gap junction synthesis, assembly and cellular distribution may account for various organic disorders from most different medical fields, such as the Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, epilepsy, Chagas-disease, Naxos-syndrome, congenital cardiac malformations, arrhythmias, cancer and as a very common disease in industrial countries atherosclerosis. Point mutations in gap junction channels have been found to cause hereditary diseases like the congenital deafness or the Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy but the exact molecular mechanisms of gap junction malfunction from most of the mentioned illnesses are not fully understood. Moreover, in the last few years research has expanded on the role and function of connexin hemichannels and on a relatively new field the pannexins. The purpose of this volume is to give a comprehensive overview of the involvement of gap junction channels, hemichannels and pannexins on pathogenesis of inborn and acquired diseases and on emerging pharmacological strategies to target these channels. We welcome our colleagues to contribute their findings on the influence of gap junctions on pathogenesis and to unravel the secrets of intercellular communication. Take the lid off!"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Aida Salameh; Katja Blanke; Stefan Dhein"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Connexins", "pannexins", "hemichannels", "gap junction", "intercellular communication", "differentiation", "development", "Growth", "Pharmacology", "human diseases"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1132/mind-the-gap-gap-junction-channels-and-their-importance-in-pathogenesis"], ["title", "Mind the gap! Gap junction channels and their importance in pathogenesis"], ["doab_id", "17650"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192380"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192380"]], [["description", "Mind, Body, Motion, Matter investigates the relationship between the eighteenth century\u2019s two predominant approaches to the natural world \u2013 mechanistic materialism and vitalism \u2013 in the works of leading British and French writers such as Daniel Defoe, William Hogarth, Laurence Sterne, the third Earl of Shaftesbury and Denis Diderot. Focusing on embodied experience and the materialization of thought in poetry, novels, art, and religion, the literary scholars in this collection offer new and intriguing readings of these canonical authors. Informed by contemporary currents such as new materialism, cognitive studies, media theory, and post-secularism, their essays demonstrate the volatility of the core ideas opened up by materialism and the possibilities of an aesthetic vitalism of form.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McMurran Helen ,Mary; Conway ,Alison"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "History"]], ["publisher", "University of Toronto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604622"], ["title", "Mind, Body, Motion, Matter"], ["doab_id", "18738"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781487511418"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781487511418"]], [["description", "Cognitive science arose in the 1950s when it became apparent that a number of disciplines, including psychology, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy, were fragmenting. Perhaps owing to the field\u00d5s immediate origins in cybernetics, as well as to the foundational assumption that cognition is information processing, cognitive science initially seemed more unified than psychology. However, as a result of differing interpretations of the foundational assumption and dramatically divergent views of the meaning of the term information processing, three separate schools emerged: classical cognitive science, connectionist cognitive science, and embodied cognitive science. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael R. W. Dawson"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["psychology", "embodied", "connectivist", "classical cognitive science"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120227"], ["title", "Mind, Body, World: Foundations of Cognitive Science"], ["doab_id", "16224"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356173", "9781927356180", "9781927356197"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356173 9781927356180 9781927356197"]], [["description", "Despite unanimous recognition in the field of neuroscience, where the name of Damasio is inextricably linked to the discovery of the somatic marker, he didn\u2019t achieve the same success with the public of philosophers, though he loved and hated some of them in particular. These were the giants on whose shoulders he knew he had to stand, in order to look beyond the disciplinary boundaries that are always too strict for every kind of research, but even more so for the research on the mystery of the sentient and thinking body we ourselves are. Here is what I know about him, he who has the charm of a storyteller even with his unbearable faults. This and something else Damasio gives to the reader dissatisfied by the philosophical or the available psychological theories\u2019 explanations, all the while avoiding running into the traps induced by another, no less detrimental, dualism: the neuroscientific dualism between body and brain. This is another of the -isms Damasio contributed to refute, challenging a real contemporary \u2018mystique of the brain\u2019."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Emilia Barile"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Barile_stampa_definitivo-2.pdf"], ["title", "Minding Damasio"], ["doab_id", "19621"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867054794"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054794"]], [["description", "Miniaturization is a challenge thrown down to analytical chemistry. The replacement of conventional analytical systems by miniaturized alternatives during the last years is noticeable. Specifically, the miniaturization of traditional sample preparation techniques (e.g., solid-phase extraction or solvent extraction) led to the development of environmentally benign analytical methods. This book aims to provide an overview of the challenges and achievements inthe application of the miniaturized sample preparation methods in analytical laboratories. It includes both theoretical and practical aspects of miniaturized sample preparation approaches and hence should be of interest to researchers, students and teachers of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, environmental sciences and environmental engineering."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pena Pereira, Francisco"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Analytical Chemistry, Materials Science, Green Chemistry"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449651"], ["title", "Miniaturization in Sample Preparation"], ["doab_id", "16882"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110410174"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110410174"]], [["description", "Life typically becomes an object of reflection when it is seen to be under threat. In particular, humans have a tendency to engage in thinking about life (instead of just continuing to live it) when being confronted with the prospect of death: be it the death of individuals due to illness, accident or old age; the death of whole ethnic or national groups in wars and other forms of armed conflict; but also of whole populations, be they human or nonhuman. Even though Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene is first and foremost concerned with life\u2014understood as both a biological and social phenomenon\u2014it is the narrative about the impending death of the human population (i.e., about the extinction of the human species), that provides a context for its argument. \u201cAnthropocene\u201d names a geo-historical period in which humans are said to have become the biggest threat to life on earth. However, rather than as a scientific descriptor, the term serves here primarily as an ethical injunction to think critically about human and nonhuman agency in the universe.Restrained in tone yet ambitious in scope, the book takes some steps towards outlining a minimal ethics thought on a universal scale. The task of such minimal ethics is to consider how humans can assume responsibility for various occurrences in the universe, across different scales, and how they can respond to the tangled mesh of connections and relations unfolding in it. Its goal is not so much to tell us how to live but rather to allow us to rethink \u201clife\u201d and what we can do with it, in whatever time we have left. The book embraces a speculative mode of thinking that is more akin to the artist\u2019s method; it also includes a photographic project by the author."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zylinska ,Joanna"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Anthropocene"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502334"], ["title", "Minimal Ethics for the Anthropocene"], ["doab_id", "16370"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853299"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853299"]], [["description", "For indigenous communities throughout the globe, mining has been a historical forerunner of colonialism, introducing new, and often disruptive, settlement patterns and economic arrangements. Although indigenous communities may benefit from and adapt to the wage labour and training opportunities provided by new mining operations, they are also often left to navigate the complicated process of remediating the long-term ecological changes associated with industrial mining. In this regard, the mining often inscribes colonialism as a broad set of physical and ecological changes to indigenous lands. Mining and Communities in Northern Canada examines historical and contemporary social, economic, and environmental impacts of mining on Aboriginal communities in northern Canada. Combining oral history research with intensive archival study, this work juxtaposes the perspectives of government and industry with the perspectives of local communities. The oral history and ethnographic material provides an extremely significant record of local Aboriginal perspectives on histories of mining and development in their regions.With contributions by:Patricia BoulterJean-S\u00e9bastien BoutetEmilie CameronSarah GordonHeather GreenJane HammondJoella HoganArn KeelingTyler LevitanHereward LongleyScott MidgleyKevin O'ReillyAndrea ProcterJohn SandlosAlexandra Winton"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arn Keeling; John Sandlos"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Mining", " Community", " History", " Geography"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388044"], ["title", "Mining and Communities in Northern Canada: History, Politics, and Memory"], ["doab_id", "17732"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388051"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388051"]], [["description", "Min\u00f3y is a rescue operation with several life rafts. Min\u00f3y-the-book provides an introduction and overview to the important noise music artist Min\u00f3y \u2014 the pseudonym of American electronic art musician and sound artist Stanley Keith Bowsza (1951-2010). Min\u00f3y\u2019s audio compositions, often conjuring up an enigmatic world of almost dreadful depth, earned him a key position in the homemade independent cassette culture scene of the 1980s.Min\u00f3y-the-CD+cassette+mp3s (available HERE) makes available nine of Min\u00f3y\u2019s audio compositions that span the years 1985 to 1993. These were drawn from recently discovered archival material and selected by the editor and artistic director of the project, Joseph Nechvatal, in collaboration with composer Phillip B. Klingler (PBK). Klingler (co-producer and sound engineer) houses the Min\u00f3y archive and has re-mastered the tracks, most of which have never been heard before (it was thought that Min\u00f3y stopped recording in 1992).Min\u00f3y-the-book contains two written monograms of Min\u00f3y, one by close friend Amber Sabri and one by artist and art theoretician Joseph Nechvatal. There are three additional essays by Nechvatal, the first of which, \u201cThe Obscurity of Min\u00f3y,\u201d recounts the history of the recovery of the audio material from obscurity. In the subsequent essays (\u201cThe Aesthetics of an Obscure Monster Sacr\u00e9\u201d and \u201cHyper Noise Aesthetics\u201d), Nechvatal reflects on the artistic benefits of obscurity and situates Min\u00f3y\u2019s deep droning palimpsest soundscapes within an original aesthetic-theoretical context of an obscure monster sacr\u00e9, and also examines Min\u00f3y\u2019s legacy in terms of current aesthetic responses to the surveillance state, couching Min\u00f3y\u2019s mysterious and excessive compositions in terms of a general art of noise. In total, Min\u00f3y\u2019s work undergoes a critical intricacy in terms of a contemporary art practice engaged in the fragile balance between production of, and resistance to, perceptibility. Nechvatal brings a subversive reading to Min\u00f3y\u2019s work by presenting it as a form of hyper-noise artistic gazing, based in the flipping of figure and ground. The book also contains sixty black and white portrait images from the Min\u00f3y as Haint as King Lear series that photographer Maya Eidolon (Amber Sabri) created before his death in collaboration with Min\u00f3y (then known as Haint) and Stuart Hass (Min\u00f3y\u2019s lifetime partner)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joseph Nechvatal (Ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["aesthetics, noise art, sound art, cassette culture, avant-garde music"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/a6y9qrrqxw4s7jx/Nechvatal_Minoy_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Min\u00f3y"], ["doab_id", "17871"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692234273"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692234273"]], [["description", "Oferece uma nova dimens\u00e4o \u00e0s rela\u00e7\u00f6es entre democracia e quest\u00e4o social, entre pol\u00edticas de ajuste e reformas governamentais, conduzindo ao urgente \"re-pensar\" acerca das possibilidades e alcances do Estado em gerar o bem-estar da sociedade e dos indiv\u00edduos num mundo globalizado."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gerschman, Silvia (org.); Vianna, Maria Lucia Werneck (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edtica social, Democracia, Bem-estar social, Pol\u00edtica de sa\u00fade, Descentraliza\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8fmv5"], ["title", "A miragem da p\u00f3s-modernidade: democracia e pol\u00edticas sociais no contexto da globaliza\u00e7\u00e3o "], ["doab_id", "16427"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575413975"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413975"]], [["description", "Este livro supre uma car\u00eancia bibliogr\u00e1fica nos estudos de seguran\u00e7a p\u00fablica e \u00e9 fruto de um estudo sociol\u00f3gico que investigou as condi\u00e7\u00f5es de vida, trabalho e sa\u00fade dos policiais militares do estado do Rio de Janeiro, que \u00e9 a alma mater de todas as outras corpora\u00e7\u00f5es, constitu\u00eddas posteriormente \u2013 fator que permite a generaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de diversas quest\u00f5es suscitadas aqui.Procura oferecer um entendimento desde a natureza da fun\u00e7\u00e3o da Pol\u00edcia Militar na sociedade atrav\u00e9s da an\u00e1lise de sua hist\u00f3ria sob o aspecto de seus antecedentes, sua institui\u00e7\u00e3o e institucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o, seus integrantes e suas fun\u00e7\u00f5es legais, no passado e no presente. Avalia tamb\u00e9m as conseq\u00fc\u00eancias das condi\u00e7\u00f5es de trabalho impostas ao policial militar com o objetivo direto de produzir informa\u00e7\u00f5es que ultrapassem preconceitos alimentados, durante d\u00e9cadas, com ressentimentos entre policiais e cientistas da \u00e1rea de humanidades, permitindo, justamente, a pluralidade e a relativiza\u00e7\u00e3o das verdades defendidas por cada um, a partir de suas subjetividades."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza; Souza, Edinilsa Ramos de; Constantino, Patr\u00edcia"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y28rt"], ["title", "Miss\u00e3o prevenir e proteger: condi\u00e7\u00f5es de vida, trabalho e sa\u00fade dos policiais militares do Rio de Janeiro"], ["doab_id", "19313"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413395"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413395"]], [["description", "The focus of this study is the \u201cSyria Mission\u201d, directed by the Protestant missionary society American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) from 1819 to 1870 in the Ottoman province of Syria, operating mainly within the territory of present-day Lebanon. The analysis of the cultural transfer between the Ottoman Empire and the United States of America undertaken in this study focuses on four relevant protagonists, whose contributions have not yet been sufficiently explored in missiological studies: The missionaries Eli Smith and Cornelius Van Dyck as well as the Syrian Protestants Butrus al-Bustani and John Wortabet. As a result, the Syria Mission of the ABCFM demonstrates how two different cultures met in a so called contact zone in the mission field and how these dialogue partners, despite many conflicts and disagreements, succeeded in contributing towards a fruitful dialogue.

Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Syrienmission der protestantischen Missionsgesellschaft American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM), die sich von 1819 bis 1870 in der Osmanischen Provinz Syrien, d.h. auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Libanon, etablierte. Die Analyse des kulturellen Austausches zwischen dem Osmanischen Reich und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika setzt bei vier wichtigen Protagonisten an, die in der bisherigen missionsgeschichtlichen Forschung nicht ausf\u00fchrlich bzw. gar nicht Beachtung fanden: Die Missionare Eli Smith und Cornelius Van Dyck sowie die syrischen Protestanten Butrus al-Bustani und John Wortabet. Die Syrienmission des ABCFM ist ein Beispiel daf\u00fcr, wie zwei verschiedene Kulturen in der sogenannten contact zone der Missionsstationen aufeinander trafen und trotz Konflikten und Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu einem fruchtbaren Dialog gelangen konnten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zeuge-Buberl ,Uta"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Mission, Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, USA, Ottoman Empire, transcultural dialogue, Eli Smith, Cornelius Van Dyck, Butrus al-Bustani, John Wortabet", "Mission, Naher Osten, Syrien, Libanon, USA, Osmanisches Reich, transkultureller Dialog, Eli Smith, Cornelius Van Dyck, Butrus al-Bustani, John Wortabet"]], ["publisher", "Franz Steiner Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615739"], ["title", "Die Mission des American Board in Syrien im 19. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "20005"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783515113786"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783515113786"]], [["description", "Mit der Ausrufung Deutsch-Ostafrikas zur Kronkolonie des deutschen Kaiserreiches 1891 begann ein weiteres Kapitel seiner offiziellen Kolonialgeschichte. Inwieweit deutsche protestantische Missionsgesellschaften \u201ekolonialbegeistert\u201c das neuerrungene \u201edeutsche\u201c Gebiet, das sich in etwa mit der Fl\u00e4che des heutigen Tansanias deckt, als neues Missionsfeld f\u00fcr ihre Missionst\u00e4tigkeit in Anspruch genommen haben, ist Gegenstand dieses Buches. Die Erarbeitung dieser Thematik erfolgte aus kritischer, religions\u2013wissenschaftlicher, nicht aber missionstheologischer Perspektive.

Mit der Ausrufung Deutsch-Ostafrikas zur Kronkolonie des deutschen Kaiserreiches 1891 begann ein weiteres Kapitel seiner offiziellen Kolonialgeschichte. Inwieweit deutsche protestantische Missionsgesellschaften \u201ekolonialbegeistert\u201c das neuerrungene \u201edeutsche\u201c Gebiet, das sich in etwa mit der Fl\u00e4che des heutigen Tansanias deckt, als neues Missionsfeld f\u00fcr ihre Missionst\u00e4tigkeit in Anspruch genommen haben, ist Gegenstand dieses Buches. Die Erarbeitung dieser Thematik erfolgte aus kritischer, religions\u2013wissenschaftlicher, nicht aber missionstheologischer Perspektive."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hamilton, Majida"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["religious studies", "protestantism", "history of africa", "religious studies", "protestantism", "history of africa"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610325"], ["title", "Mission im kolonialen Umfeld - Deutsche protestantische Missionsgesellschaften in Deutsch-Ostafrika"], ["doab_id", "14605"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875203"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875203"]], [["description", "In May of 1868, Elizabeth Bingham Young and her new husband, Egerton Ryerson Young, began a long journey from Hamilton, Ontario, to the Methodist mission of Rossville. For the next eight years, Elizabeth supported her husband\u2019s work at two mission houses, Norway House and then Berens River. Unprepared for the difficult conditions and the \u201ceight months long\u201d winter, and unimpressed with \u201ceating fish twenty-one times a week,\u201d the young Upper Canada wife rose to the challenge. In these remote outposts, she gave birth to three children, acted as a nurse and doctor, and applied both perseverance and determination to learning Cree, while also coping with poverty and short supplies within her community. Her account of mission life, as seen through the eyes of a woman, is the first of its kind to be archived and now to appear in print.Accompanying Elizabeth\u2019s memoir, and offering a counterpoint to it, are the reminiscences of her eldest son, \u201cEddie.\u201d Born at Norway House in 1869 and nursed by a Cree woman from infancy, Eddie was immersed in local Cree and Ojibwe life, culture, and language, in many ways exemplifying the process of reverse acculturation often in evidence among the children of missionaries. Like those of his mother, Eddie\u2019s memories capture the sensory and emotional texture of mission life, providing a portrait that is startling in its immediacy.Skillfully woven together and meticulously annotated by Jennifer Brown, these two remarkable recollections of mission life are an invaluable addition to the fields of religious, missionary, and Aboriginal history. In their power to resurrect experience, they are also a fascination to read."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Bingham Young and E. Ryerson Young, edited and with introductions by Jennifer S. H. Brown"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Egerton Ryerson Young, Rossville Mission, Norway House, Methodist missionary, Cree, Ojibwe, material culture"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120243"], ["title", "Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country: Memories of a Mother and Son"], ["doab_id", "19408"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990035", "9781771990042", "9781771990059", "9781771990066"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990035 9781771990042 9781771990059 9781771990066"]], [["description", "Mitochondrion, a sub-cellular organelle originated from primary endosymbiosis, plays a vital role in energy metabolism of eukaryotic cells. The transfer of electrons through the electron transport chain (ETC) to molecular oxygen accompanied by the extrusion of protons from the matrix generate an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) that is used for ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation. Despite many aspects of ATP synthesis have been delineated, regulatory mechanisms responsible for energy synthesis and transfer still remain to be uncovered. In addition to energy function, mitochondria play a crucial role in cell metabolism under both physiological and pathological conditions through their participation in many intracellular signaling pathways. Studies over the last 30 years provide strong evidence that mitochondria are the nexus of various stresses which initiate cell death through apoptosis, oncosis, necrosis and autophagy depending on the severity of the stress and cellular energy status. The release of several pro-apoptotic proteins such as cytochrome c, Smac/DIABLO, AIF, endonuclease G from intermembrane space initiates both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent apoptosis. The formation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in the IMM promotes cell death mostly through necrosis whereas a mild stress activates autophagy. Due to their critical roles in both cell death and survival mitochondria have been widely considered as an important target for various pharmacological and conditional therapeutic approaches. Currently, a large number of mitochondria-targeted agents are suggested to prevent (in ischemia reperfusion injury, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and other diseases) or stimulate (in various cancers) cell death. This Research Topic focuses on the role of mitochondria in the regulation of cell metabolism and signaling under physiological and pathological conditions. Studies performed on cultured cells and isolated organs/tissues using different animal and cellular models of various diseases are also included and discussed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sabzali Javadov; Andrey V. Kuznetsov"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["mitochondrial physiology", "mitochondrial metabolism", "Oxidative Stress", "Cell Death", "Mitochondrial ion channels"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/970/mitochondria-the-cell-powerhouse-and-nexus-of-stress"], ["title", "Mitochondria: the cell powerhouse and nexus of stress"], ["doab_id", "17835"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192830"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192830"]], [["description", "The past decade has witnessed an explosion of knowledge regarding how mitochondrial dysfunction may translate into ageing and disease phenotypes, as well as how it is modulated by genetic and lifestyle factors. Impairment of the mitochondria may be caused by mutations or deletions in nuclear or mitochondrial DNA. Hallmarks of mitochondrial dysfunction include decreased ATP production, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, swollen mitochondria, damaged cristae, increased oxidative stress, and decreased mitochondrial DNA copy number. In addition to energy production, mitochondria play an important role in regulating apoptosis, buffering calcium release, retrograde signaling to the nuclear genome, producing reactive oxygen species (ROS), participating in steroid synthesis, signaling to the immune system, as well as controlling the cell cycle and cell growth. Dysfunctional mitochondria have been implicated in ageing and in several diseases, many of which are age-related, including mitochondrial diseases, cancers, metabolic diseases and diabetes, inflammatory conditions, neuropathy, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\u2019s, Parkinson\u2019s, and Huntington\u2019s disease. Additionally, a possible link between mitochondrial metabolism and the ubiquitin-proteasome and autophagy-lysosome systems is emerging as a novel factor contributing to the progression of several human diseases. This special issue calls for original research, mini and full reviews, and perspectives that address the progress and current standing in the vast field of mitochondrial biology. These include, but are not limited to: ageingneurodegenerative diseasesmitochondrial diseasesmetabolic diseasesprotein homeostasiscell/retrograde signalingoxidative stresspaincancerimmune systemtherapies to counteract mitochondrial dysfunction"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ageing, neurodegenerative diseases, mitochondrial diseases, metabolic diseases, protein homeostasis, cell/retrograde signaling, oxidative stress, pain, cancer, immune system, therapies to counteract mitochondrial dysfunction"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/217"], ["title", "Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Ageing and Diseases"], ["doab_id", "19508"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422518", "9783038422525"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422518/9783038422525"]], [["description", "The different written and archaeological sources give a very heterogeneous picture of the social and religious structures in Eastern Middle Europe. Recent developments in modern archaeological and historical research have shown new approaches to the analysis of elites. In every society there is a leading minority, who cumulates both wealth and prestige and is characterized by an elevated social rank, reputation and acceptance. An external marker of these elites is especially the superregional transfer of certain items, but also of the culturally encoded value systems. The present study asks whether this notion of cultural transfer, developed in the context of modern history, can be applied as well to the study of mutual influences between the elites of medieval Western and Eastern Middle Europe. It also raises the question if this terminology is equally useful for the analysis of written and material sources, and to what extent it might open a new perspective on the rich but as yet often unexplored history of the lands east of the Elbe river.

So unterschiedlich Schriftquellen und Bodenfunde des \u00f6stlichen Mitteleuropas auch Zeugnis ablegen, so stimmen sie darin \u00fcberein, ein sehr heterogenes Bild von der inneren gesellschaftlichen und religi\u00f6sen Struktur der gentes zu liefern. Die gegenw\u00e4rtige Entwicklung in der Arch\u00e4ologie und Geschichtswissenschaft zeigt neue Betrachtungsweisen in der Untersuchung von Eliten. In jeder Gesellschaft existiert eine Reichtum und Prestige auf sich ziehende f\u00fchrende Minderheit: Sie wird durch eine hohe soziale Position gekennzeichnet, aber auch durch Ansehen und Anerkennung. Als \u00e4u\u00dferes Kennzeichen der Eliten zeichnet sich dabei besonders der \u00fcberregionale Transfer einzelner G\u00fcter und ihrer kulturell kodierten Wertsysteme ab. Doch eignet sich die eigentlich an neuzeitlichen Verh\u00e4ltnissen entwickelte Vorstellung des Kulturtransfers auch zur Untersuchung wechselseitiger Beeinflussungen der Eliten des westlichen und \u00f6stlichen Mitteleuropas im Mittelalter? Ist es gleicherma\u00dfen f\u00fcr die Untersuchung schriftlicher wie materieller Quellen geeignet? \u00d6ffnet es einen neuen Blick auf die reiche, \u00fcberbordende und zugleich noch vielfach verschlossene Geschichte des Raumes \u00f6stlich der Elbe?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klammt, Anne; Rossignol, S\u00e9bastien"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["archaeology", "social and religious structures in Eastern and Middle Europe", "Eastern Europe", "cultural transfer", "medieval history", "archaeology", "social and religious structures in Eastern and Middle Europe", "Eastern Europe", "cultural transfer", "medieval history"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610273"], ["title", "Mittelalterliche Eliten und Kulturtransfer \u00f6stlich der Elbe - interdisziplin\u00e4re Beitr\u00e4ge zu Arch\u00e4ologie und Geschichte im mittelalterlichen Ostmitteleuropa"], ["doab_id", "13104"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875104"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875104"]], [["description", "The catalog is dedicated to those manuscripts of the Austrian National Library which were commissioned by King Wenceslas IV (1361\u20131419) and the Prague court. It forms a unit together with the catalog \u201cCentral European Schools III (Bohemia - Moravia - Silesia - Hungary, ca 1350\u20131400)\u201d published in 2004, and completes the investigations concerned with the art of book illumination in the Central and Eastern regions during the second half of the 14th Century.

Der Katalog ist jenen Handschriften der \u00d6sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek gewidmet, die f\u00fcr K\u00f6nig Wenzel IV. (1361\u20131419) und den Prager h\u00f6fischen Kreis entstanden sind. Zusammen mit dem 2004 publizierten, zeitlich wie geographisch wesentlich weiter gefassten Katalog \u201eMitteleurop\u00e4ische Schulen III (B\u00f6hmen \u2013 M\u00e4hren \u2013 Schlesien \u2013 Ungarn, ca. 1350\u20131400)\u201c bildet er eine Einheit und schlie\u00dft die Behandlung der ostmitteleurop\u00e4ischen Regionen der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 14. Jahrhunderts ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Theisen ,Maria; Jenni ,Ulrike"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Medieval Bookillumination \u2013 Eastern Central Europe \u2013 King Wenceslas IV. \u2013 Court Art", "Mittelalterliche Buchmalerei \u2013 Ostmitteleuropa \u2013 K\u00f6nig Wenzel IV. \u2013 Hofkunst"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507995"], ["title", "Mitteleurop\u00e4ische Schulen IV (ca. 1380\u20131400); Tafel- und Registerband"], ["doab_id", "16474"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700172031"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700172031"]], [["description", "MIXTEC EVANGELICALS is a comparative ethnography of four Mixtec communities in Oaxaca, detailing the process by which economic migration and religious conversion combine to change the social and cultural makeup of predominantly folk-Catholic communities. The book describes the effects on the home communities of the Mixtecs who travel to northern Mexico and the United States in search of wage labor and return having converted from their rural Catholic roots to Evangelical Protestant religions. O\u2019Connor demonstrates the ways that neoliberal policies have forced Mixtecs to migrate and how migration provides the contexts for conversion. Converts challenge the set of customs governing their Mixtec villages by refusing to participate in the Catholic ceremonies and social gatherings that are at the center of traditional village life. Home communities have responded in a number of ways\u2014ranging from expulsion of converts to partial acceptance and adjustments within the village."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "O'Connor I. ,Mary"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "History"]], ["publisher", "University Press of Colorado"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617497"], ["title", "Mixtec Evangelicals"], ["doab_id", "19795"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607325642", "9781607324232"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607325642 9781607324232"]], [["description", "This collection is for anyone interested in the use of mobile technology for various distance learning applications. Readers will discover how to design learning materials for delivery on mobile technology and become familiar with the best practices of other educators, trainers, and researchers in the field, as well as the most recent initiatives in mobile learning research. Businesses and governments can learn how to deliver timely information to staff using mobile devices. Professors can use this book as a textbook for courses on distance education, mobile learning, and educational technology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mohamed Ally"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["mobile devices", "technology", "education"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120155"], ["title", "Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training"], ["doab_id", "14449"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425435", "9781897425442"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425435 9781897425442"]], [["description", "Daily activity sees data constantly flowing through cameras, the internet, satellites, radio frequencies, sensors, private appliances, cars, smartphones, tablets and the like. Among all the tools currently used, mobile devices, especially mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, are the most widespread, with their use becoming prevalent in everyday life within both developed and developing countries. Shopping, reading newspapers, participating in forums, projecting and completing surveys, communicating with friends and making new ones, filing tax returns and getting involved in politics are all examples of how ingrained mobile technology is to modern lifestyleMobile devices allow a wide range of heterogeneous activities and, as a result, have great potential in terms of the different types of data that can be collected. The use of mobile devices to collect, analyse and apply research data is explored here. This book focuses on the use of mobile devices in various research contexts, aiming to provide a detailed and updated knowledge on what is a comparatively new field of study. This is done considering different aspects: main methodological possibilities and issues; comparison and integration with more traditional survey modes or ways of participating in research; quality of collected data; use in commercial market research; representativeness of studies based only on the mobile-population; analysis of the current spread of mobile devices in several countries, and so on. Thus, the book provides interesting research findings from a wide range of countries and contexts.This book was developed in the framework of WebDataNet\u2019s Task Force 19. WebDataNet, was created in 2009 by a group of researchers focusing on the discussion on data collection methods. Supported by the European Union programme for the Coordination of Science and Technology, WebDataNet has become a unique, multidisciplinary network that has brought together leading web-based data collection experts from several institutions, disciplines, and relevant backgrounds from more than 35 different countries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Toninelli ,Daniele; Pinter ,Robert; Pedraza, de ,Pablo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Survey methodology", "Web surveys", "Mobile devices", "Mobile web surveys", "Unintended mobile response", "Research methods"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577278"], ["title", "Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies"], ["doab_id", "17466"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188532", "9781909188549", "9781909188556", "9781909188563"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188532 9781909188549 9781909188556 9781909188563"]], [["description", "Nanna Verhoeff\u2019s new book is a must for anybody interested in visual culture and media theory. It offers a rich and stimulating theoretical account of the central dimension of our contemporary existence \u2013 interfacing and navigating both data and physical world through a variety of screens (game consoles, mobile phones, car interfaces, GPS devices, etc.) In the process of exploring these new screen practices, Verhoeff offers fresh perspectives on many of the key questions in media and new media studies as well as a number of new original theoretical concepts. As the first theoretical manual for the society of mobile screens, this book will become an essential reference for all future investigations of our mobile screen condition. \u2013 Lev Manovich

Deze studie geeft een terugblik op vormen van schermmedia; van het negentiende-\u00adeeuwse panorama en het begin van de film, via snelwegpanorama's, schermen op straat, naar touchscreen-kunstinstallaties, draagbare spelcomputers en smartphones van vandaag de dag. Hoe kunnen we deze nieuwe technologieen bestuderen, in het licht van de voorgangers die ze hebben? Mobile Screens biedt een methodologisch voorstel van aanpak. Met een historisch-\u00advergelijkend, theoretisch perspectief worden de intersecties tussen mobiliteit en visualiteit uitgewerkt aan de hand van een reeks case studies. Het boek vertelt ons hoe we omgaan met schermen en hoe deze als interfaces ruimtelijke, temporele en haptische ervaringen mogelijk maken: principes van navigatie vormen een visueel 'format' dat ons denken stuurt. Hoe sturen principes van navigatie onze ervaringen met hedendaagse schermmedia?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verhoeff ,Nanna"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["ICT", "Media"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413033"], ["title", "Mobile Screens : The Visual Regime of Navigation"], ["doab_id", "14636"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643797"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643797"]], [["description", "The mobile Internet \u2013 understood as the usage of Internet services and protocols over wireless networks \u2013 is a technology which can be of beneficial use in companies. So far and in contrast to the use by private customers this area is still under development, which can be explained through the special conditions of IT-implementation in enterprises. Stefan Christmann therefore analyzes usage potentials and challenges of this technology and describes technical solutions to enable the application of mobile Internet in enterprises and to make it more economical. In the area of application development, the book focuses on an operating system independent programming with web technologies, which eliminates the need for multiple development processes.

Das mobile Internet ist eine Technologie, die im privaten Einsatzbereich bereits eine hohe Verbreitung gefunden hat. Eine zunehmende Anzahl von Nutzern greift mit Smartphones und Tablet PCs mobil auf das Internet zu und verwendet mobile Anwendungen, so genannte Apps, zum Zugriff auf Informationen und Dienste. Auch in und zwischen Unternehmen kann die Verwendung dieser Endger\u00e4tklasse Nutzen stiften. Dieser Bereich ist bisher jedoch noch unterentwickelt, was durch die besonderen Rahmenbedingungen der IT-Nutzung in Unternehmen bedingt ist. Neben erh\u00f6hten Anforderungen bez\u00fcglich Sicherheit und Stabilit\u00e4t von Diensten ist vor allem die im Vergleich zum Privatkundengesch\u00e4ft notwendige technische Integration ein wichtiger Faktor. Stefan Christmann analysiert daher Einsatzpotentiale und Herausforderungen der Technologie, validiert diese \u00fcber eine empirische Befragung und schildert technische L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze, um den Einsatz von mobilem Internet in Unternehmen zu erm\u00f6glichen und wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten. Im Bereich der Anwendungsentwicklung fokussiert das Buch dazu auf eine betriebssystem-\u00fcbergreifende Programmierung mittels Webtechnologien, welche die mehrfache Entwicklung von mobilen Anwendungen \u00fcberfl\u00fcssig macht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christmann, Stefan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Mobile Internet", "business", "B2B", "application development", "Smartphones", "Tablet PCs", "Apps", "mobile applications", "web technologies", "Mobile Internet", "business", "B2B", "application development", "Smartphones", "Tablet PCs", "Apps", "mobile applications", "web technologies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610243"], ["title", "Mobiles Internet im Unternehmenskontext - Webtechnologien als technische Basis f\u00fcr Gesch\u00e4ftsanwendungen auf mobilen Endger\u00e4ten"], ["doab_id", "14805"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950569"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950569"]], [["description", "not yet available

Die globalen Entwicklungen geben Anlass zu vorsichtigen Hoffnungen auf eine – zumindest virtuell – durch die Datenmobilit\u00e4t der elektronischen Netze verbundene Weltgesellschaft; sie erfordern jedoch auch eine kritische Besch\u00e4ftigung mit dem Ph\u00e4nomen der zunehmenden Mobilit\u00e4t von Menschen, sei es politisch durch weltweite Wanderbewegungen der Migration, aufgrund von Kriegszust\u00e4nden oder schlechter sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Bedingungen, sei es durch die extensive Reiselust gerade der deutschen Bev\u00f6lkerung, die zu neuen Welterfahrungen wie zu verkehrs- und umweltpolitischen Fragen f\u00fchrt. Mobilit\u00e4t zwischen Reiselust und neuen Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt, zwischen Umweltproblemen und globaler Kommunikation, zwischen r\u00e4umlicher Ver\u00e4nderung, z.B. durch die Osterweiterung der Europ\u00e4ischen Union, und k\u00fcnstlerischer Horizonterweiterung – der neue Band der ‚Problemkreise der Angewandten Kulturwissenschaft’ behandelt aus interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive das Spektrum der Mobilit\u00e4t in einer globalisierten Welt und zeigt auch die Relativit\u00e4t der eurozentrischen Position in einer globalen Welt, denn – wie es der Er\u00f6ffnungsbeitrag von Hermann L\u00fcbbe bereits im Titel anmerkt – der Globus hat kein Zentrum."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "globalization", "information society", "migration", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Globalisierung", "Informationsgesellschaft", "Migration"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422334"], ["title", "Mobilit\u00e4t in der globalisierten Welt"], ["doab_id", "15096"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783937300627"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3937300627"]], [["description", "What effect do spatial mobility and migrations have on the diffusion of knowledge? In this volume, papers dealing with the topic have been collected from various culture-historical and theoretical disciplines. Chronologically they range from non-literate cultures to an insight into contemporary research on economic innovation. The interdisciplinary contributions reveal in different ways the relationships between spatial mobility and the transfer of knowledge, thus allowing the phenomenon to be structured in both historical and non-literate ages"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kaiser, Elke; Schier, Wolfram"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Spatial Mobility, Knowledge, Innovation, Migration, Culture Transfe"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/129815"], ["title", "Mobilit\u00e4t und Wissenstransfer in diachroner und interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive"], ["doab_id", "18050"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110258912", "9783110258905"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110258912, 9783110258905"]], [["description", "This volume presents new research on post-accession migration from Central and Eastern Europe in the short period since the EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007. Explanations of post-accession migration patterns, trends and mechanisms delve into the complexities of these phenomena. New groups of migrants and types of migrations are identified -- such as young migrants, often students or graduates, without family obligations and without clear plans concerning their future life. Case studies on Poland, Romania, Hungary and Latvia as well as the United Kingdom and Germany \u2013 being major destination countries \u2013 divulge the multifaceted nature of transition, whether in the form of labour migration, short-term mobility (including among international students) or return migration. The volume insightfully points towards future migration trends and sets guidelines for further research."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Glorius ,Birgit ; Grabowska-Lusinska ,Izabela ; Kuvik ,Aimee"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Migration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=449203"], ["title", "Mobility in Transition : Migration Patterns after EU Enlargement"], ["doab_id", "15421"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643926"]], [["description", "Coffee has been grown on Java for the commercial market since the early eighteenth century, when the Dutch East India Company began buying from peasant producers in the Priangan highlands. What began as a commercial transaction, however, soon became a system of compulsory production. This book shows how the Dutch East India Company mobilised land and labour, why they turned to force cultivation, and what effects the brutal system they installed had on the economy and society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Breman ,Jan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["colonialism", "coffee", "forced labour", "cultivation system", "Java"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=597440"], ["title", "Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market: Profits From an Unfree Work Regime in Colonial Java"], ["doab_id", "18608"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089648594"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648594"]], [["description", "A link between inflammation and cancer was initially made by Rudolf Virchow back in the 19th century. Nowadays many cancers are considered dependent on inflammatory responses to microbial and damaged-self stimuli and both arms of immunity, innate and adaptive, are playing a role in promoting cancer. Moreover, besides environmental factors, opportunistic pathogens contribute to inflammation and cancer. Nevertheless, microbial influence on chronic disease is sometimes difficult to discern, especially in the context of polymicrobial communities, such as those found in the digestive tract. In this light, model organisms provide important insights into immune and growth signals that promote cancer, and suggest therapies that will selectively target potentially harmful microbes or modulate host responses. A number of review and opinion articles in this series address novel aspects and paradigms of the interactions between the microbiota and the host in relation to inflammation and cancer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yiorgos Apidianakis; Dominique Ferrandon"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Drosophila", "human", "mouse", "innate immunity", "microbiota", "Hologenome", "diet", "aging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1403/model-organisms-in-inflammation-and-cancer"], ["title", "Model organisms in inflammation and cancer"], ["doab_id", "17699"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193707"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193707"]], [["description", "Biological pathways, such as signaling networks, are a key component of biological systems of each living cell. In fact, malfunctions of signaling pathways are linked to a number of diseases, and components of signaling pathways are used as potential drug targets. Elucidating the dynamic behavior of the components of pathways, and their interactions, is one of the key research areas of systems biology. Biological signaling networks are characterized by a large number of components and an even larger number of parameters describing the network. Furthermore, investigations of signaling networks are characterized by large uncertainties of the network as well as limited availability of data due to expensive and time-consuming experiments. As such, techniques derived from systems analysis, e.g., sensitivity analysis, experimental design, and parameter estimation, are important tools for elucidating the mechanisms involved in signaling networks. This Special Issue contains papers that investigate a variety of different signaling networks via established, as well as newly developed modeling and analysis techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["signal transduction, modeling, sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation, experimental design, cross-talk"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/186"], ["title", "Modeling and Analysis of Signal Transduction Networks"], ["doab_id", "19033"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421412", "9783038421429"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421412/9783038421429"]], [["description", "T\u00edtulo discute a implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de id\u00e9ias que visam modificar a estrutura do sistema p\u00fablico de sa\u00fade, de forma a torn\u00e1-lo mais humano e acess\u00edvel para a popula\u00e7\u00e3o. Os autores reuniram os seus mais importantes textos sobre o tema, e publicam neste livro como mais um tentativa de mudan\u00e7a no modelo de aten\u00e7\u00e3o dado a sa\u00fade p\u00fablica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Teixeira, Carmen Fontes; Solla, Jorge Pereira"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/f7"], ["title", "Modelo de aten\u00e7\u00e3o a sa\u00fade: promo\u00e7\u00e3o, vigil\u00e2ncia e sa\u00fade da fam\u00edlia"], ["doab_id", "17269"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209209"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209209"]], [["description", "Ronald Fisher needed to develop elaborate models of genetic effects in order to set the foundations of Quantitative Genetics in his 1918 paper \u201cThe correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelian inheritance\u201d. Since then, many significant implementations have been made to model genetic effects. However, at the verge of one century after Fisher\u2019s kick-off, models of genetic effects keep on being discussed and implemented. Indeed, the relatively recent advent of QTL analyses challenged the state of the art of this field by providing researchers the opportunity to obtain and analyze estimates of genetic effects from real data. In this context, the development of this field was not exempt of some polemics, like the debate about the convenience of the functional and the statistical epistasis approaches. This research topic is meant to provide recent developments in models and estimation of genetic effects and to enrich the discussion about how and why models of genetic effects must be further developed and applied.The articles in this Research Topic shall thus extend, refine and/or provide a refresh look at Fisher\u2019s original models of genetic effects and their application to genetic effects estimation and to improve our understanding of evolutionary processes and breeding programs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jose M. Alvarez-Castro; Rong-Cai Yang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Genetic Effects", "mathematical modelling", "statistical estimation", "Genetic architecture", "gene mapping", "simulation studies", "Epistasis", "gene-by-environment interactions", "Host-Pathogen Interactions", "imprinting"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2556/models-and-estimation-of-genetic-effects"], ["title", "Models and Estimation of Genetic Effects"], ["doab_id", "18590"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194445"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194445"]], [["description", "Marina Grishakova belongs to the younger generation scholars of the Tartu-Moscow school of semiotics. Her book is part of a semio-narratological tradition of a single author or a single work research that tackles issues of wider theoretical import: applicability of the concept of \u201cmodeling\u201d in the humanities, theory of mimesis and the function of experimental literature in (post)modernist culture. By drawing on Y. Lotman\u2019s conception of artistic models, the book adopts the semiotic perspective on modeling as an open-ended heuristic process underlying the logic of discovery and creative thinking. The book discusses the models of time and memory in modernist culture (Nietzsche\u2019s and Bergson\u2019s philosophy of time, Minkowski\u2019s research on the psychopathological types of temporality) and their relevance to Nabokov\u2019s fiction; popular-scientific notions of serialism and the fourth dimension; thematizations of the observer in modernist philosophy and arts; visual \u201cprostheses\u201d and \u201cmachines\u201d (Eco), particularly the \u201ccamera vision\u201d metaphor, its relation to Bergson\u2019s notion of automatism and the popular idea of the criminal use of hypnosis. Vision is thematized also as a means of seduction and noncoercive control. Even before Foucault, Baudrillard and other critics of modernity, Nabokov noticed that advertising, political propaganda and erotic seduction alike employ implicit forms of suggestion. The book revises Rorty\u2019s dilemma of \u201cautonomy\u201d and \u201csolidarity\u201d as applied to Nabokov\u2019s work and offers new readings. It considers categories of narrative poetics as forms of cultural encoding that broaden and transform reader\u2019s modes of perception and sense-making. Micro-models active in certain contexts or in the works of certain authors function as mobile interfaces between individual sensibilities and complex cultural chrono- and spatio-types where time and space take on conceptual meaning. (This title is the second revised edition, available online only. The web shop refers to the first edition, which is available as a paper monograph.)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grishakova ,Marina "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["semiotics", "narratology", "visual studies", "semiotic models", "time and space in literature and philosophy", "modernism", "Russian literature,", "American literature,", "Vladimir Nabokov"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=421498"], ["title", "The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov\u2019s Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames"], ["doab_id", "15213"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949320684", "9789949113064"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949320684 9789949113064"]], [["description", "This book provides a unique and intriguing insight into current debates concerning the relationship between nation and state as well as the political management of international image in today\u2019s Europe through an examination of debates on nation branding and the Eurovision Song Contest. Europe is a contested construct and its boundaries are subject to redefinition. This work aims to advance critical thinking about contemporary nation branding and its relationship to, and influence on, nation building. In particular it focusses on key identity debates that the Eurovision Song Contest engendered in Estonia in the run-up to EU accession. The Eurovision Song Contest is an event which is often dismissed as musically and culturally inferior. However, this work demonstrates that it has the capacity to shed light on key identity debates and illuminate wider socio-political issues. Using a series of in-depth interviews with political elites, media professionals and opinion leaders, this book is a valuable contribution to the growing field of research on nation branding and the Eurovision Song Contest."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jordan ,Paul"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["nation branding", "nation building", "national identity", "identity construction", "Eurovision Song Contest", "Estonia", "Europe", "European integration", "nation state"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=474310"], ["title", "The Modern Fairy Tale : Nation Branding, National Identity and the Eurovision Song Contest in Estonia"], ["doab_id", "15988"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949325580", "9789949325597"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949325580 9789949325597"]], [["description", "Part one of the book discusses political systems of Developing Countries. It suggests that the concept of neopatrimonialism is becoming more and more important. Neopatrimonial systems are characterized by three components: Personal rule, political clientelism and endemic corruption. The neopatrimonial state is essentially a weak state, where the production of public goods is very low and the road to the failure of the state open. For the transformation or improvement of a neopatrimonial system a developmental state is necessary.Part two tries to give a theory of the state. The state is understood as a set of complex institutions. Historical institutionalism seems therefore to be the correct approach. Four institutional complexes are needed for consolidated modern statehood: The military for the security of the state \u2013 the military revolution can be regarded as the most important factor in explaining the origin of the state. Territorial segmentation is at the same time the building principle for the international political system. As the professionalism of the military increases, a new institutional complex becomes necessary for the security of the citizens: the police, and the police is the institution for the monopoly of legitimate violence.The second institutional complex is taxation and the ordering of state finances (the budget). Taxes are historically a consequence of standing armies. Today taxation is an important dimension of state capabilities.The third complex is the bureaucracy \u2013 necessary for the production of decisions based on general rules. An effective bureaucracy is a precondition for the development of the welfare state. Corruption its main problem.The forth complex is placed at the top of the state \u2013 governing all the other institutions. It is essentially the government in combination with the parliament as a law-making institution.Part three tries to explain the process of democratization. Democracy needs three subsystems: the public sphere as the interaction of mass media and discourses of the citizens. A party system, where the parties are based on political ideologies. And a parliament, as the center of a representative government. Responsiveness can be explained as a consequence of general free elections.

Neben einem \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Modernisierungsprobleme von Entwicklungsl\u00e4ndern untersucht der Autor den Konstitutionsproze\u00df des modernen Staates in Europa. Welche sind die zentralen \"Institutionen des Staates\"? In welcher Weise ist die Ausdifferenzierung der politischen Parteien an die ideologischen Str\u00f6mungen der politischen \u00d6ffentlichkeit gekn\u00fcpft, und sind es im wesentlichen die Prozesse der medialen Kommunikationsrevolutionen, welche die Sinnstiftungsm\u00e4rkte der Gegenwart v\u00f6llig ver\u00e4ndern und damit u. a. die Parteien zu erheblichen Anpassungen zwingen? Die Zukunft der Demokratie, so der Schlu\u00df des Autors, h\u00e4ngt daher in hohem Ma\u00dfe von der Operationsweise der Subsysteme und ihren Interaktionseffekten ab"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wimmer ,Hannes"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Neopatrimonialism, theory of the state, origins and development of the modern state in European history, institutions of consolidated modern statehood, subsystems of democracy", "Modernisierungsprobleme von Entwicklungsl\u00e4ndern, Parteien"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472490"], ["title", "Die Modernisierung politischer Systeme"], ["doab_id", "15962"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992028"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205992028"]], [["description", "Entering the 21st century, the postmodern succession has given way to a doom-laden, apolitical orthodoxy. This book offers suggestive readings of \u201cthe contemporary\u201d in light of high modernity, postwar modernity, and postmodernity, as framed by the influential institutions of modern art and the spectacles of millennial architecture. Modernity without a Project critiques and connects historical avant-garde currents as they are institutionally expressed or captured, and scrutinizes the remake of New York\u2019s Museum of Modern Art, Minoru Yamasaki\u2019s vanished Utopias, the \u201canarchitecture\u201d of Lebbeus Woods, recent work of Rem Koolhaas, delirious developments in Dubai, and the unexpected contribution to architectural debate by the late Hugo Chavez."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "C.B. Johnson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["art, cultural studies, architecture, avant-garde, modernity, postmodernity"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9oz10qn2vkcxzz/Johnson_Modernity_Without_A_Project_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Modernity Without a Project"], ["doab_id", "17866"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692351260"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692351260"]], [["description", "Ken Newton argues that George Eliot's fiction is more innovative than previous critics have admitted, anticipating significant aspects of writing in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "K.M. Newton"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665155"], ["title", "Modernizing George Eliot"], ["doab_id", "14388"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665155"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665155"]], [["description", "Spermatogenesis is a process highly conserved throughout vertebrate species and is mainly under hypothalamic-pituitary control. It occurs in the testis in a stepwise fashion so that committed spermatogonia develop into spermatocytes and enter meiosis to produce round spermatids. These undergo a morphological transformation (spermiogenesis) into mature spermatids (i.e.: spermatozoa), which are differentially released from Sertoli cells (spermiation) depending on the species. In mammals, further transformations are necessary to form mature spermatozoa, suitable for fertilization. Gonadotropins, mainly responsive to gonadotropin-releasing hormone, control spermatogenesis through specific receptors located at the gonadal level. However, besides the endocrine route, the chemical mediators may also act locally in the gonad. Indeed, it is documented that testis physiology, including steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis, does not fully account for traditional endocrine control but an intragonadal network of autocrine and/or paracrine regulators also exists, whose activity, via cell-to-cell communication, regulates germ cell progression and development of qualitatively mature spermatozoa. Of note, a number of testicular modulators, such as gonadotropin releasing hormone, Kiss-peptin, endocannabinoids, has been early isolated in the brain and latest in the gonads. To fully understand precise mechanisms underlying the functional interaction of this intricate network, needless to say, it is crucially required to have detailed information about modulators and target cells. Through synergy between the respective specializations of all the authors, this topic reviewed emerging knowledge about neuroendocrine and local mediators controlling germ cell progression and maturation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gilda Cobellis; Riccardo Pierantoni; Silvia Fasano; Rosaria Meccariello"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Spermatogenesis", "sperm quality", "Vertebrates", "hypothalamic"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1870/modulators-of-hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal-axis-for-the-control-of-spermatogenesis-and-sperm-quali"], ["title", "Modulators of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis for the control of spermatogenesis and sperm quality in vertebrates"], ["doab_id", "18688"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193585"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193585"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Band beschreibt die deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Beziehungen in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte der 1920er Jahre, als sich zwischen beiden L\u00e4ndern eine gewisse Ann\u00e4herung abzeichnete, die in den Vertr\u00e4gen von Locarno, der Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an den deutschen Au\u00dfenminister Gustav Stresemann und seinen franz\u00f6sischen Kollegen Aristide Briand im Jahre 1926, dem deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Handelsvertrag von 1927 und schlie\u00dflich dem Kriegs\u00e4chtungspakt von 1928 ihren H\u00f6hepunkt fand. Die Studie untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen den L\u00e4ndern nicht nur unter den vorherrschenden Interpretationsmustern des deutschen Revisionismus und des franz\u00f6sischen Sicherheitsstrebens, sondern analysiert auch, inwiefern \"moderne\" au\u00dfenpolitische Konzepte das Verh\u00e4ltnis beider L\u00e4nder beeinflu\u00dft haben. Als \"modern\" wird dabei die vom amerikanischen Pr\u00e4sidenten Woodrow Wilson eingeleitete Revolution des V\u00f6lkerrechts verstanden, das auf den S\u00e4ulen von Demokratie, kollektiver Sicherheit und Freihandel ruhen sollte."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Blessing, Ralph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216211"], ["title", "Der m\u00f6gliche Frieden. Die Modernisierung der Au\u00dfenpolitik und die deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Beziehungen 1923-1929"], ["doab_id", "18004"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486580273", "9783486840568"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486580273, 9783486840568"]], [["description", "The fruit is an important plant structure. Not only does it provide a suitable environment for seeds to develop and serve as a vehicle for seed disposal, but it is also an indispensable part of the human diet. Despite its agronomic and nutritional value and centuries of intensive genetic selection, little is known about the molecular mechanism of its development or the evolution of its diverse forms. The last few years have witnessed a surge of investigations on the early stages of fruit development propelled by the advancement of high throughput sequencing technology, genome sequencing of fruit bearing species, and detailed molecular insights based on studies of model organisms. This research topic is focused on early stage fruit development that ranges from pre-fertilization patterning of the female ovary through post-fertilization fruit initiation and growth. Provided by the renowned experts in the field, these papers are intended to highlight recent progress and shed light on different aspects of fruit development from structure, function, to molecular genetics, and evolution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zhongchi Liu; Robert G. Franks"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["fruit evolution", "endocarp", "auxin", "Cytokinin", "Morphogenesis", "Ovule", "gynoecium", "carpel margin meristem"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1446/molecular-basis-of-fruit-development"], ["title", "Molecular basis of fruit development"], ["doab_id", "18711"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194605"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194605"]], [["description", "Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) are one of the classical non-coding RNAs whose lengths are approximately 70\u2013100 bases. The secondary structure of tRNAs can be represented as the cloverleaf with 4 stems, and the three dimensional structure as an \u201cL\u201d shape. Historically, the basic function of tRNA as an essential component of translation was established in 1960s, i.e., each tRNA is charged with a target amino acid and these are delivered to the ribosome during protein synthesis. However, recent data suggests that the role of tRNA in cellular regulation goes beyond this paradigm. In most Archaea and Eukarya, precursor tRNAs are often interrupted by a short intron inserted strictly between the first and second nucleotide downstream of the anticodon, known as canonical nucleotide position (37/38). Recently, a number of reports describe novel aspects of tRNAs in terms of gene diversity, for example, several types of disrupted tRNA genes have been reported in the Archaea and primitive Eukarya, including multiple-intron-containing tRNA genes, split tRNA genes, and permuted tRNA genes. Our understanding of the enzymes involved in tRNA functions (e.g., aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, tRNA splicing endonuclease, tRNA ligase) has deepened. Moreover, it is well known that tRNA possesses many types of base modifications whose enzymatic regulations remain to be fully elucidated. It was reported that impaired tRNA nuclear-cytoplasmic export links DNA damage and cell-cycle checkpoint. Furthermore, a variety of additional functions of tRNA, beyond its translation of the genetic code, have emerged rapidly. For instance, tRNA cleavage is a conserved part of the responses to a variety of stresses in eukaryotic cells. Age-associated or tissue-specific tRNA fragmentation has also been observed. Several papers suggested that some of these tRNA fragments might be involve in the cellular RNA interference (RNAi) system. These exciting data, have lead to this call for a Research Topic, that plans to revisit and summarize the molecular biology of tRNA. Beyond the topics outlined above, we have highlighted recent developments in bioinformatics tools and databases for tRNA analyses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Akio Kanai"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["transfer RNA", "molecular biology", "gene diversity", "pre-tRNA processing", "base modification", "new biological functions", "molecular evolution", "human diseases"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1729/molecular-biology-of-the-transfer-rna-revisited"], ["title", "Molecular Biology of the Transfer RNA Revisited"], ["doab_id", "17695"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193660"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193660"]], [["description", "Condensed matter systems, ranging from simple fluids and solids to complex multicomponent materials and even biological matter, are governed by well understood laws of physics, within the formal theoretical framework of quantum theory and statistical mechanics. On the relevant scales of length and time, the appropriate \u2018first-principles\u2019 description needs only the Schroedinger equation together with Gibbs averaging over the relevant statistical ensemble. However, this program cannot be carried out straightforwardly\u2014dealing with electron correlations is still a challenge for the methods of quantum chemistry. Similarly, standard statistical mechanics makes precise explicit statements only on the properties of systems for which the many-body problem can be effectively reduced to one of independent particles or quasi-particles. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Computer Simulations", " Multiparticle Collision", " Markov State Models", " Molecular Dynamics", " Malliavin Weight Sampling", " Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/75"], ["title", "Molecular Dynamics Simulation"], ["doab_id", "16625"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980652", "9783906980669"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980652/9783906980669"]], [["description", "The early postnatal period is a crucial stage for hippocampal development. During this critical period, the neonatal hippocampus is highly sensitive to the detrimental consequences of adverse environmental factors. Extensive clinical and preclinical evidence has shown that traumatic events early in life have profound and persistent effects on hippocampal function and behavior. This research topic focuses on the acute and lasting effects of early-life stress on various developmental processes in the hippocampus, and aims to uncover the molecules that are responsible for early-life stress-programmed effects and underlie resilience or vulnerability to stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders later in life. We hope the articles in this research topic will provide novel insights and stimulate future studies on the mechanisms of early-life stress and brain development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Xiao-Dong Wang; Mathias V. Schmidt"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["early-life stress", "Hippocampus", "development", "plasticity", "molecular mechanism", "psychiatric disorders"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1935/molecular-mechanisms-for-reprogramming-hippocampal-development-and-function-by-early-life-stress"], ["title", "Molecular mechanisms for reprogramming hippocampal development and function by early-life stress"], ["doab_id", "18914"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198061"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198061"]], [["description", "In response to stress, cells can activate a myriad of signalling pathways to bring about a specific cellular outcome, including cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, senescence and apoptosis. This response is pivotal for tumour suppression as all of these outcomes result in restriction of the growth and/or elimination of damaged and pre-malignant cells. Thus, a large number of anti-cancer agents target specific components of stress response signalling pathways with the aim of causing tumour regression by stimulating cell death. However, the efficacy of these agents is often impaired due to mutations in genes that are involved in these stress-responsive signalling pathways and instead the oncogenic potential of a cell is increased leading to the initiation and/or progression of tumourigenesis. Moreover, these genetic defects can increase or contribute to resistance to chemotherapeutic agents and/or radiotherapy. Modulating the outcome of cellular stress responses towards cell death in tumour cells without affecting surrounding normal cells is thus one of the ultimate aims in the development of new cancer therapeutics. To achieve this aim, a detailed understanding of cellular stress response pathways and their aberrations in cancer is required.This Research topic aims to reflect the broadness and complexity of this important area of cancer research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Megan Chircop; Daniel Speidel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Apoptosis", "DNA Damage", "DNA Repair", "chemotherapy", "cellular stress", "tumorigenesis", "therapeutic targets", "therapy resistance"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1922/molecular-mechanisms-of-cellular-stress-responses-in-cancer-and-their-therapeutic-implications"], ["title", "Molecular mechanisms of cellular stress responses in cancer and their therapeutic implications"], ["doab_id", "17684"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194964"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194964"]], [["description", "Cytotoxic lymphocytes, comprised of NK cells and cytotoxic T cells, play a pivotal role in immune defense. By directed release of perforin-containing lytic granules, NK and cytotoxic T cells can eradicate pathogen-infected, tumorigenic, and otherwise stressed cells. By the virtue of cytokine and chemokine secretion, they can influence other cells of the immune system. Through these processes, cytotoxic lymphocytes also contribute to the maintenance of immune homeostasis. In recent years, much progress has been made with respect to the mechanisms by which cytotoxic lymphocytes develop, differentiate, and exert their effector functions. In a clinical perspective, a wide variety of mutations impairing cytotoxic lymphocyte development and/or function have been associated with immunodeficiency and severe diseases in humans. Aberrant activity of cytotoxic T cells and/or NK cells has been linked to an increased susceptibility to viral infections, persistent inflammation, cancer and autoimmunity. In addition, lymphocyte cytotoxic activity may be harnessed therapeutically to target tumor cells in different adoptive cellular therapy regimes, or through the use of recombinant antibodies. Still, a number of questions remain in regards to how cytotoxic lymphocytes develop, their relationships and plasticity, as well as the mechanisms dictating target cell discrimination, lytic granule release and induction of target cell death. In this Research Topic we encourage submission of research articles, reviews, perspectives, or methods on cytotoxic lymphocyte development and function, their relation to the pathogenesis or treatment of different diseases, as well as comparison between similarities and/or differences in their effector functions. Considering the clinical significance of NK cells and cytotoxic T cells, we aim to provide a range of articles summarizing the current knowledge on the identification and elucidation of the mechanisms governing cytotoxic lymphocyte activity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Konrad Krzewski; Yenan Bryceson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cytotoxicity", "NK cells", "lytic granules", "secretory lysosomes", "Perforin", "granzyme", "Immunological Synapse", "hemophagocytic histiocytosis", "immune therapy", "anti-tumor response"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1496/molecular-mechanisms-regulating-cytotoxic-lymphocyte-development-and-function-and-their-associations"], ["title", "Molecular mechanisms regulating cytotoxic lymphocyte development and function, and their associations to human diseases"], ["doab_id", "17831"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192793"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192793"]], [["description", "In the past two decades there have been significant advances made in understanding the cellular and molecular alterations that occur with brain ageing, as well as with our understanding of age-related brain diseases. Ageing is associated with a mid-life decline in many cognitive domains (eg. Attention, working memory, episodic memory) that progresses with advancing age and which may be potentiated by a variety of diseases. However, despite the breadth of attempts to explain it, the underlying basis for age-related memory impairment remains poorly understood. Both normal and \u201cpathological\u201d ageing (as in age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer\u2019s disease) may be associated with overlapping and increased levels of \u201cabnormal\u201d pathology, and this may be a potential mediator of cognitive decline in both populations. An emerging hypothesis in this field is that metal ion dys/homeostasis may represent a primary unifying mechanism to explain age- and disease-associated memory impairment \u2013 either indirectly via an effect on disease pathogenesis, or by a direct effect on signaling pathways relevant to learning and memory. There remains a concerted worldwide effort to deliver an effective therapeutic treatment for cognitive decline associated with ageing and/or disease, which is currently an unmet need. There have been numerous clinical trials conducted specifically testing drugs to prevent cognitive decline and progression to dementia, but to date the results have been less than impressive, highlighting the urgent need for a greater understanding of the neurobiological basis of memory impairment in ageing and disease which can then drive the search for effective therapeutics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul A. Adlard; Roger Chung"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Zinc", "Copper", "Iron", "aluminium", "Alzheimer's disease", "Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis", "Parkinson's disease", "Down Syndrome", "TBI", "Cognition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1341/the-molecular-pathology-of-cognitive-decline-focus-on-metals"], ["title", "The molecular pathology of cognitive decline: Focus on metals"], ["doab_id", "18840"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197200"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197200"]], [["description", "With the avalanche of biological sequences generated in the postgenomic age, molecular science is facing an unprecedented challenge, i.e., how to timely utilize the huge amount of data to benefit human beings. Stimulated by such a challenge, a rapid development has taken place in molecular science, particularly in the areas associated with drug development and biomedicine, both experimental and theoretical. The current thematic issue was launched with the focus on the topic of \u201cMolecular Science for Drug Development and Biomedicine\u201d, in hopes to further stimulate more useful techniques and findings from various approaches of molecular science for drug development and biomedicine."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["protein\u2013protein interaction, protein attribute identification, protein-drug interaction, multi-label biological systems, post-translational modification, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, graphic analysis, pseudo amino acid composition, pseudo oligonucleotide composition"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/116"], ["title", "Molecular Science for Drug Development and Biomedicine"], ["doab_id", "17490"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783906980836", "9783906980843"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980836/9783906980843"]], [["description", "G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are integral membrane proteins forming the fourth largest superfamily in the human genome. Many of these receptors play key physiological roles and several pathologies have been associated with receptor functional abnormalities. GPCRs therefore represent important goals for drug design in pharmaceutical companies since they constitute the target of about one third of the drugs currently on the market. However, endogenous GPCRs are most often difficult to study because of a lack of tools to target them specifically and single out their response to physiological or drug-elicited stimulations. Hence, studies mostly focused on recombinant receptors expressed in a variety of cellular models that do not always closely reflect the receptor natural environment and often deal with levels of expression exceeding by far physiological ranges. Recent technological developments combining for example genetically modified animals and advanced imaging approaches have improved our ability to visualize endogenous GPCRs. To date, trailing receptor activation, subsequent intracellular redistribution, changes in signaling cascade up to integrated response to a drug-elicited stimulation is at hand though the impact of a physiological challenge on receptor dynamics remains a major issue. Data however suggest that the receptor may embrace a different fate depending on the type of stimulation in particular if sustained or repeated. This suggests that current drugs may only partially mimic the genuine response of the receptor and may explain, at least in part, their secondary effects. Commonalities and specificities between physiological and drug-induced activation can thus represent valuable guidelines for the design of future drugs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominique Massotte"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["G protein coupled receptors", "Endogenous receptors", "opioid receptors", "cannabinoid receptors", "receptor heteromerization", "biased signaling", "Opiate tolerance", "FLIM", "fluorescent knock-in mice", "CGamP mice"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1914/monitoring-endogenous-gpcrs-lessons-for-drug-design"], ["title", "Monitoring endogenous GPCRs: lessons for drug design"], ["doab_id", "19554"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196517"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196517"]], [["description", "A fase compreendida pelos historiadores como fase de consolida\u00e7\u00e3o ou profissionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da imprensa, in\u00edcio da Rep\u00fablica at\u00e9 a d\u00e9cada de 30, corresponde a um per\u00edodo relevante da atua\u00e7\u00e3o do escritor Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948) como jornalista. O intuito de se abordar os artigos publicados no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, peri\u00f3dico fundado em 1875 como baluarte das quest\u00f5es ideol\u00f3gicas republicanas, permite situar o in\u00edcio da produ\u00e7\u00e3o de Lobato em 1913. O limite de 1930 justifica-se pelo momento hist\u00f3rico, ou seja, a transi\u00e7\u00e3o de um pa\u00eds rural para um estado em franca urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o com o advento da era Vargas. Como ve\u00edculo fugaz, o jornal apresenta-se como oportunidade para se rever uma faceta menos \"liter\u00e1ria\" do escritor. A observa\u00e7\u00e3o do conjunto de textos produzidos como artigos para O Estado entre os anos de 1913 e 1923 revela um escritor em fina sintonia com o ve\u00edculo do qual participava e ajudava a construir, fosse na esfera dos ideais, fosse no c\u00edrculo das atividades exercidas dentro do jornal. Lobato \u00e9, com efeito, um jornalista participando ativamente dos ideais pol\u00edticos e sociais de um grupo cuja influ\u00eancia extrapolava a t\u00e3o autoproclamada neutralidade do jornal. Havia um projeto de pa\u00eds em boa parte comum a escritor e jornal, ou melhor, entre o publicista atento e o peri\u00f3dico bem sucedido. \"Uma velha praga\", \"Urup\u00eas\" ou o quase n\u00e3o lembrado \"Entre duas crises\" s\u00e3o textos que, postos lado a lado e lidos na seq\u00fc\u00eancia e freq\u00fc\u00eancia que surgem em O Estado, comp\u00f5em um mosaico esclarecedor da vis\u00e3o projetada por Lobato e por um grupo de intelectuais cuja a\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00fablica, pol\u00edtica, identifica-os como \"grupo do Estado\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leite, Thiago Alves"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sx48d"], ["title", "Monteiro Lobato nas p\u00e1ginas do jornal: um estudo dos artigos publicados em O Estado de S. Paulo (1913-1923)"], ["doab_id", "16749"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831072"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831072"]], [["description", "Messenia was one of the core areas of the Middle and Late Helladic culture in Greece. Based on a catalogue of 57 sites, which comprises about 240 tombs, their topographic situation, architectural design and the offerings found in them are analysed. This work provides a contribution to a better understanding of the social hierarchy and political changes in these phases of Greek prehistory.

Die Landschaft Messenien bildete eines der Kerngebiete der mittel- und sp\u00e4thelladischen Kultur Griechenlands. Ausgehend von einem Katalog von 57 Fundorten mit etwa 240 Grabanlagen werden die topographische Situation der Gr\u00e4ber, ihre architektonische Ausgestaltung und die Beigabeninventare analysiert. Dadurch bietet die Arbeit einen Beitrag zum besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis der sozialen Hierarchie und der politischen \u00c4nderungen in dieser Phase der griechischen Geschichte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zavadil ,Michaela"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Middle and Late Bronze Age in Greece, Messenia, tombs, tholoi, chamber tombs", "Mittlere und Sp\u00e4te Bronzezeit Griechenlands, Messenien, Gr\u00e4ber, Tholoi, Kammergr\u00e4ber"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=464190"], ["title", "Monumenta."], ["doab_id", "15668"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700172642"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700172642"]], [["description", "Stone statues, indigenous to the early Turks, appeared in the vast territory of the Asian steppes, from Southern Siberia to Central Asia and across the foothills of the Ural Mountains. The custom originated among Cumans in Eastern Europe. The skill of erecting anthropomorphic stelae required proficiency in processing different kinds of stone and wood, and was characterized by artistic value of representations, as well as by the timeless aesthetics of the canon. The author presents the results of her formative studies into the collection of the Cuman sculptures of the Veliko-Anadol Forest Museum, Ukraine. The book delves into the history of research on Cuman stone stelae, resulting in great reading for all archeologists and historians alike."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Go\u0142\u0119biowska-Tobiasz, Aneta"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Cumans", " Monumental Sculpture", " Archeology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209739"], ["title", "Monumental Polovtsian Statues in Eastern Europe. The Archaeology, Conservation and Protection"], ["doab_id", "15908"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560298"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560298"]], [["description", "Nigeria is famous for \"419\" emails asking recipients for bank account information and for scandals involving the disappearance of billions of dollars from government coffers. Corruption permeates even minor official interactions, from traffic control to university admissions. In Moral Economies of Corruption Steven Pierce provides a cultural history of the last 150 years of corruption in Nigeria as a case study for considering how corruption plays an important role in the processes of political change in all states. He suggests that corruption is best understood in Nigeria, as well as in all other nations, as a culturally contingent set of political discourses and historically embedded practices. The best solution to combatting Nigerian government corruption, Pierce contends, is not through attempts to prevent officials from diverting public revenue to self-interested ends, but to ask how public ends can be served by accommodating Nigeria's history of patronage as a fundamental political principle.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pierce ,Steven"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Corruption", "Nigeria", "Political culture", "Politics and government", "History", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604613"], ["title", "Moral Economies of Corruption"], ["doab_id", "18741"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374541"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374541"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC-BY license.
Moral dilemmas are a pervasive feature of working life. Moral Reasoning at Work offers a fresh perspective on how to live with them. How do we cope with situations where no matter what we decide to do, something will be wrong? How do we live with the moral dissonance between what we are tempted to do and what is in line with our moral convictions? What can organizations do to establish a foundation for responsible decision-making and conduct? This book combines research streams from ethics and moral psychology using extensive experience of sessions of moral reasoning with leaders and employees in organizations. It argues that there is a need to go beyond compliance and traditional approaches to ethics in order to prepare decision-makers for moral dilemmas. Organizations can do that by encouraging people to become actively and regularly involved in moral reasoning at work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kvalnes, \u00d8yvind"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Business and Management, Leadership and Strategy, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resources"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137532619"], ["title", "Moral Reasoning at Work: Rethinking Ethics in Organizations"], ["doab_id", "17489"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137532619"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137532619"]], [["description", "For more than 40 years, Jesper Hoffmeyer has been committed to the idea of developing \u201ca semiotics of nature, or biosemiotics as he chose to call this effort, that could intelligibly explain how all the phenomena of inherent meaning and signification in living nature \u2013 from the lowest level of sign processes in unicellular organisms to the cognitive and social behavior of animals \u2013 can emerge from a universe that was not so organized and meaningful from the very beginning\u201d (Emmeche et al. 2002: 41). In this volume, over 80 world-class scholars from more than 20 countries select a short quotation taken from any of Jesper Hoffmeyer\u2019s texts and provide their scholarly commentary upon that passage \u2013 whether in the form of an analytical explication, a critical disagreement or a conceptual extension \u2013 that as they feel asks the questions that need to be asked, proposes the ideas that need to be proposed, or that draws out the implications that need to be so explicitly drawn out, germane to the claims of the selected passage. At once a celebration and a serious academic development of the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer, this landmark volume marks the occasion of his 70th birthday on February 21, 2012."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Favareau ,Donald ; Cobley ,Paul ; Kull ,Kalevi "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["semiotics", "biosemiotics", "Jesper Hoffmeyer"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=419651"], ["title", "A more developed sign: interpreting the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer"], ["doab_id", "15208"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949199457"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949199457"]], [["description", "Within most disciplines, there are those who are recognized by their colleagues as being exceptionally competent practitioners. These individuals do their work in such a remarkable way as to become a model for others. This book is based on a study of the beliefs, actions, and interactions of a group of extraordinary oncology nurses\u2014the people their peers would choose to have care for them if they were diagnosed with cancer. Perry\u2019s weaving of interviewee\u2019s stories and her own field notes and poetry creates a very personal perspective on nursing that leaves the reader with a greater understanding of the experience, and rewards, of caring for others."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Beth Perry"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["nursing", "acute care", "acute caregivers", "oncology nurses"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120158"], ["title", "More Moments in Time: Images of Exemplary Nursing"], ["doab_id", "14450"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425510", "9781897425527"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425510 9781897425527"]], [["description", "Whether you love them or loathe them, look back with wistful nostalgia to the days of Pong and Space Invaders, or regard the whole phenomenon with blank incomprehension, there is no doubt that computer and video games now occupy a significant place in contemporary popular culture. The economics alone are staggering, with unit sales counted in the millions. The frequency of assertions in the popular press about the dangerous influence of their violent subject matter and 'immersive' potential imply a startling level of influence. To disregard the computer game is to refuse to engage fully with contemporary popular culture. This is the first academic work dedicated to the study of computer games in terms of the stories they tell and the manner of their telling. Taking its cue from practices of reading texts in literary and cultural studies, it considers the computer game as a new and emerging mode of contemporary storytelling in a fashion that is accessible and readable, recognising the excitement and pleasure that has made the computer game such a massive global phenomenon. In a carefully organised study Barry Atkins discusses in detail questions of narrative and realism in four of the most significant games of the last decade: Tomb Raider, Half-Life, Close Combat and SimCity. This is a work for both the student of contemporary culture and those game-players who are interested in how computer games tell their stories."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Atkins ,Barry"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["arcade", "pong", "video", "game", "gaming", "computer"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341358"], ["title", "More than a game: The computer game as fictional form"], ["doab_id", "12683"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063640"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063640"]], [["description", "More&More is an art and research project that explores the language and mechanics of global trade, container shipping, and the exchange of goods. It questions a mercantile structure that by necessity disallows the presence of ocean as a real space in order to flatten the world into a Pangaea of capital. The project is presented in two volumes, released in conjunction with an exhibition of Marina Zurkow\u2019s work (with collaborators Sarah Rothberg, Surya Mattu, and others) at bitforms gallery in New York City in February 2016.This book, More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System), is an experimental \u201cbrick\u201d of a book that intervenes in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (also known as the HS Code). The HS Code is the internationally accepted standard of product classification, which codifies the way nations conduct import/export. All legal trade products (and illegal ones that find loopholes) are shipped using this system. More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System) lists the astonishing variety of items that are shipped around the world, and includes instructions for using the code to ship items (both legally and illegally). It also includes poetic, personal, and scholarly annotations by Stacy Alaimo, Heather Davis, Kathleen Forde, Dylan Gauthier, Elena Glasberg, Calliope Mathios, Steve Mentz, Astrida Neimanis, Chris Piuma, Elspeth Probyn, Sarah Rothberg, Phil Steinberg, Rita Wong, and Marina Zurkow.Its companion book, More&More (The Invisible Oceans), is a catalog of the exhibition, featuring many full-color images of the art on display (including video stills, bespoke bathing suits, and fungal sculptures), as well as an introduction by Marina Zurkow and a conversation between Zurkow and international curator Kathleen Forde."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marina Zurkow"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/o9lh7gmllcfchwa/Zurkow_More_More_Harmonized_Code_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System)"], ["doab_id", "19590"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692622018"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692622018"]], [["description", "More&More is an art and research project that explores the language and mechanics of global trade, container shipping, and the exchange of goods. It questions a mercantile structure that by necessity disallows the presence of ocean as a real space in order to flatten the world into a Pangaea of capital. The project is presented in two volumes, released in conjunction with an exhibition of Marina Zurkow\u2019s work (with collaborators Sarah Rothberg, Surya Mattu, and others) at bitforms gallery in New York City in February 2016.This book, More&More (The Invisible Oceans), is a catalog of the exhibition, featuring many full-color images of the art on display (including video stills, bespoke bathing suits, and fungal sculptures), as well as an introduction by Marina Zurkow and a conversation between Zurkow and international curator Kathleen Forde.Its companion book, More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System), is an experimental \u201cbrick\u201d of a book that intervenes in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (also known as the HS Code). The HS Code is the internationally accepted standard of product classification, which codifies the way nations conduct import/export. All legal trade products (and illegal ones that find loopholes) are shipped using this system. More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System) lists the astonishing variety of items that are shipped around the world, and includes instructions for using the code to ship items (both legally and illegally). It also includes poetic, personal, and scholarly annotations by Stacy Alaimo, Heather Davis, Kathleen Forde, Dylan Gauthier, Elena Glasberg, Calliope Mathios, Steve Mentz, Astrida Neimanis, Chris Piuma, Elspeth Probyn, Sarah Rothberg, Phil Steinberg, Rita Wong, and Marina Zurkow."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marina Zurkow; Sarah Rothberg; Surya Mattu"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/ijjjf09q63bd1bs/Zurkow_More_More_Invisible_Oceans_Ebook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "More&More (The Invisible Oceans)"], ["doab_id", "19589"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692622001"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9780692622001"]], [["description", "Based on dialect data of the Linguistic atlas of Dolomitic Ladinian and neighbouring dialects, 2nd part this survey tries to offer a description as complete as possible of the verbal morphology of the north-eastern Lombard dialects, including aspects of phonetics and morphosyntax and, in this way, to find explanations for a number of phenomena which have not been considered yet. The qualitative description of the verbal morphology of this dialect area with its rich variation is combined with quantitative results of dialectometry, which specify and complete the traditional division of the dialect area research and provide a new prospect of the dialects analysed within their geographic embedding.

Anhand von Dialektdaten aus dem Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Dialekte \u2013 Teil 2 wird in dieser Arbeit versucht, eine m\u00f6glichst umfassende Beschreibung der Verbalmorphologie der nordostlombardischen Dialekte \u2013 unter Einbeziehung phonetischer und morphosyntaktischer Aspekte \u2013 zu liefern und dabei Erkl\u00e4rungen f\u00fcr eine Reihe bislang unbeachtet gebliebener Ph\u00e4nomene zu finden. Die qualitative Beschreibung der Verbalmorphologie eines sehr variationsreichen Dialektgebiets wird hierbei mit quantitativen Ergebnissen aus der Dialektometrie verbunden, welche die traditionelle Einteilung der untersuchten Dialektzone spezifizieren und erg\u00e4nzen und eine neue Blickweise auf die untersuchten Dialekte in ihrer geographischen Einbettung erm\u00f6glichen.In base ai dati dialettali tratti dall\u2019Atlante linguistico del ladino dolomitico e dei dialetti limitrofi \u2013 parte 2 si cerca di fornire una descrizione pi\u00f9 completa possibile della morfologia verbale dei dialetti lombardi nord-orientali tenendo conto di aspetti fonetici e morfosintattici, e cos\u00ec facendo di trovare delle spiegazioni per una serie di fenomeni che finora non sono stati presi in considerazione.Viene unita una descrizione qualitativa con un\u2019analisi dialettometrica, la quale specifica e completa la suddivisione dialettale tradizionale della zona indagata e rende possibile una nuova prospettiva sui dialetti esaminati all\u2019interno del loro posizionamento geografico."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "R\u00fchrlinger ,Brigitte"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Lombard, Linguistic Geography, Verbal morphology", "Lombardisch, Sprachgeographie, Verbalmorphologie", "Lombardo, geografia linguistica, morfologia verbale"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579516"], ["title", "Morfologia verbale dei dialetti lombardi nord-orientali nel loro contesto geolinguistico"], ["doab_id", "17688"], ["language_unmapped", "it"], ["isbns", ["9782372760041"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782372760041"]], [["description", "Patty Session's 1847 Mormon Trail diary has been widely quoted and excerpted, but her complete diaries chronicling the first decades of Mormon settlement at Salt Lake City have never before been published. They provide a detailed record of early Mormon community life from Illinois to Utah through the eyes of Mormondom's most famous midwife. They also recount her important role in women's social networks and her contributions to community health and Utah's economy, to pioneer education and horticulture. Patty Sessions assisted at the births of humdreds of early Mormons and first-generation Utahns, meticulously recording the events. Shed had an active role in the founding of the Relief Society and health organizations. She spoke in tongues and administered spiritually as well as medically to the ill. Her diaries are a rich resource for early Mormon and Utah history."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Smart, Donna T."], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/95"], ["title", "Mormon Midwife"], ["doab_id", "14756"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212747"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212747"]], [["description", "Nineteenth century Mormonism was a frontier religion with roots so entangled with the American experience as to be seen by some scholars as the most American of religions and by others as a direct critique of that experience. Yet it was also a missionary religion that through proselytizing quickly gained an international, if initially mostly Northern European, makeup. This mix brought it a roster of interesting characters: frontiersmen and hardscrabble farmers; preachers and theologians; dreamers and idealists; craftsmen and social engineers. Although the Mormon elite soon took on, as elites do, a rather fixed, dynastic character, the social origins of its first-generation members were quite diverse. The Mormon Church at its beginning provided a good study in upward mobility. George D. Watt was a self-educated English convert with both unusual, for the time and place of frontier Utah, clerical skills and ambitions to improve his status. A man with intellectual pretensions, he had little formal training but a strong will, avid curiosity, and appetite for knowledge. Those traits made up for what he lacked in schooling and drew him into what served as intellectual circles among the Mormon elite and, later, to the church's disenchanted fringe. They also made him, for a time, essential to Brigham Young as a clerk and reporter but sent him into religious and social exile, due to a contest of wills with his employer that Watt had no chance of winning. Reputed to have been the first of the many English converts to the LDS church, Watt's repeatedly demonstrated ability to learn quickly made him an early master of Pitman shorthand, just then coming into use. Employing this skill, he made two important contributions to Mormon literature: First, based on that shorthand, he, more than anyone, created the \"\"Deseret Alphabet,\"\" which now is a curiosity but then was an innovation that, intended to create a unique Mormon orthography and pedagogy, stands well for the broad attempt to build in Utah the wholly self-sufficient culture of the Kingdom of God. Second, his efficient note taking allowed him to take down the sermons of Young and other church leaders and publish them in the Journal of Discourses, an indispensable historical record. In addition, Watt learned, thought, and wrote about a variety of subjects, from horticulture to spiritualism, which helped define him as a resident Utah intellectual. He eventually left the Mormon Church, but the records of his domestic life before and after that decision provide a rich portrait of the working of polygamous households, particularly complicated ones in his case. Despite his accomplishments, because of his potential, George Watt's story is at heart a tragedy. His breach with Brigham Young resulted in social isolation, poverty, and rejection by friends and associates. He never, though, lost his sense of independence or his avid mind. Whether facing an economic affront or pressing, in writing, his own conclusions about life and God, he engaged the challenge where he found it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Watt, George D."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/46"], ["title", "The Mormon Passage of George D. Watt: First British Convert, Scribe for Zion"], ["doab_id", "14709"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217568"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217568"]], [["description", "By the early twentieth century, the era of organized Mormon colonization of the West from a base in Salt Lake City was all but over. One significant region of Utah had not been colonized because it remained in Native American hands--the Uinta Basin, site of a reservation for the Northern Utes. When the federal government decided to open the reservation to white settlement, William H. Smart--a nineteenth-century Mormon traditionalist living in the twentieth century, a polygamist in an era when it was banned, a fervently moral stake president who as a youth had struggled mightily with his own sense of sinfulness, and an entrepreneurial businessman with theocratic, communal instincts--set out to ensure that the Uinta Basin also would be part of the Mormon kingdom. Included with the biography is a searchable CD containing William H. Smart's extensive journals, a monumental personal record of Mormondom and its transitional period from nineteenth-century cultural isolation into twentieth-century national integration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Smart, William B."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/45"], ["title", "Mormonism's Last Colonizer: The Life and Times of William H. Smart"], ["doab_id", "14708"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217223"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217223"]], [["description", "Neuronal function relies on the establishment of proper connections between neurons and their target cells during development. This basic statement involves several cellular processes, such as neuronal differentiation, the polarized outgrowth of axons and dendrites from differentiated neurons, and the pathfinding of axons towards target cells. The subsequent recognition of complementary synaptic partners finally triggers the formation, maturation, and maintenance of functional synapses. Morphogens are secreted signaling molecules commanding tissue patterning and cell identity during early embryonic development. Remarkably, growing evidence over the last years arising from different invertebrate and vertebrate model organisms has shown that, after cell fate has been established, morphogens also control the precise wiring and function in the developing and mature nervous system. Accordingly, dysfunctions of the signaling pathways activated by these molecules contribute to synaptic disassembly and altered function in diseases affecting the nervous system. We consider it timely to bring together cumulative evidence pointing to crucial roles for signaling activated by different morphogens in the establishment of precise contacts between neurons and their synaptic partners. Therefore, this research topic issue combines review and research articles aimed to cover the functional relevance of such morphogens on the different steps involved in synaptic assembly and function. Diverse model systems of physiological or pathological conditions have been included, as well as different cellular, biochemical and molecular approaches. Altogether, they contribute in different and complementary ways to build a holistic view of the roles that early development morphogens play during the assembly, maintenance and/or regeneration of functional synapses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Juan Pablo Henriquez; Nelson Osses"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Morphogens", "Nervous System", "synapse", "Neurogenesis", "neurodegeneration", "Wnt", "BMP", "Shh"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1047/morphogens-in-the-wiring-of-the-nervous-system"], ["title", "Morphogens in the wiring of the nervous system"], ["doab_id", "18897"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197811"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197811"]], [["description", "The question of how morphologically complex words (assign-ment, listen-ed) are represented and processed in the brain has been one of the most hotly debated topics in the cognitive neuroscience of language. Do complex words engage cortical representations and processes equivalent to single lexical objects or are they processed as sequences of separate morpheme-like units? Research on morphological processing has suggested that adults make efficient use of both lexical (i.e., whole word) storage and retrieval, as well as combinatorial computation in processing morphologically complex words. Psycholinguistic studies have demonstrated that processing of complex words can be affected both by properties of the morphemes and the whole words, such as their frequency, transparency, and regularity. Furthermore, this research has been informative about the time-course of complex word recognition and production, and the role of morphological structure in these processes. At the neural level, left-hemisphere inferior frontal and superior temporal areas, and negative-going event-related potentials, have been consistently associated with morphological processing. While most previous research has been done on the recognition of morphologically complex words in adult native speakers, much less is known about neurocognitive processes involved in the on-line production of morphologically complex words, and even less on morphological processing in children and non-native speakers. Moreover, we have limited understanding of how linguistically distinct morphological processes, e.g. inflectional (listen-ed) versus derivational (assign-ment), are handled by the cortical language networks. This e-book gives an up-to-date overview of the questions currently addressed in the field of morphological processing. It highlights the significance of morphological information in language processing, both written and spoken, as assessed by a variety of methods and approaches. It also points to a number of unresolved issues, and provides future directions for research in this key area of cognitive neuroscience of language."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alina Leminen; Harald Clahsen; Minna Lehtonen; Mirjana Bozic"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["morphology", "derivation", "inflection", "Compound", "L2", "Dyslexia", "ERP", "MEG", "semantics", "decomposition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1477/morphologically-complex-words-in-the-mindbrain"], ["title", "Morphologically complex words in the mind/brain"], ["doab_id", "18912"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198030"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198030"]], [["description", "How does the motor cortex enable mammals to generate accurate, complex, and purposeful movements? A cubic millimeter of motor cortex contains roughly ~10^5 cells, an amazing ~4 Km of axons and ~0.4 Km of dendrites, somehow wired together with ~10^9 synapses. Corticospinal neurons (a.k.a. Betz cells, upper motor neurons) are a key cell type, monosynaptically conveying the output of the cortical circuit to the spinal cord circuits and lower motor neurons. But corticospinal neurons are greatly outnumbered by all the other kinds of neurons in motor cortex, which presumably also contribute crucially to the computational operations carried out for planning, executing, and guiding actions. Determining the wiring patterns, the dynamics of signaling, and how these relate to movement at the level of specific excitatory and inhibitory cell types is critically important for a mechanistic understanding of the input-output organization of motor cortex. While there is a predictive microcircuit hypothesis that relates motor learning to the operation of the cerebellar cortex, we lack such a microcircuit understanding in motor cortex and we consider microcircuits as a central research topic in the field. This Research Topic covers any issues relating to the microcircuit-level analysis of motor cortex. Contributions are welcomed from neuroscientists at all levels of investigation, from in vivo physiology and imaging in humans and monkeys, to rodent models, in vitro anatomy, electrophysiology, electroanatomy, cellular imaging, molecular biology, disease models, computational modeling, and more."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Brecht; Nicholas Hatsopoulos; Takehsi Kaneko; Gordon M. G Shepherd"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Motor Cortex", "motor control", "intracortical connectivity", "corticospinal neurons", "directional tuning"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/738/motor-cortex-microcircuits-frontiers-in-brain-microcircuits-series"], ["title", "Motor Cortex Microcircuits (Frontiers in Brain Microcircuits Series)"], ["doab_id", "17759"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193899"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193899"]], [["description", "In 1906, Nello Vernon-Wood (1882\u20131978) reinvented himself as Tex Wood, Banff hunting guide and writer of \u201cyarns of the wilderness by a competent outdoorsman.\u201d His homespun stories of a vanishing world, in such periodicals as The Sportsman, Hunting and Fishing, and the Canadian Alpine Journal, have much to tell us about the west as envisioned by those who wanted to leave the early 20th century behind\u2014or at least read about others who had done so. In the writings of his persona \u201c Tex,\u201d Vernon-Wood created an image of the frontier that blended the West of his guiding experiences with the West as a literary object. Editors Gow and Rak, for their part, guide the reader with a framing introduction to the work, as well as to each article."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrew Gow; Julie Rak"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120140"], ["title", "Mountain Masculinity: The Life and Writing of Nello \u201cTex\u201d Vernon-Wood in the Canadian Rockies, 1906\u20131938"], ["doab_id", "14451"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425022", "9781897425152"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425022 9781897425152"]], [["description", "Hesita\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o bastante frequentes no discurso de parkinsonianos e seriam decorrentes, para a literatura biom\u00e9dica, de aspectos org\u00e2nicos alterados pela doen\u00e7a. Os autores, por\u00e9m, se questionam: seriam os aspectos org\u00e2nicos os \u00fanicos a explicarem sua ocorr\u00eancia no discurso de parkinsonianos? Baseados na Lingu\u00edstica, campo no qual as hesita\u00e7\u00f5es s\u00e3o vistas como um fen\u00f4meno presente em qualquer condi\u00e7\u00e3o de uso da linguagem, os autores procuram demonstrar que o funcionamento das hesita\u00e7\u00f5es no discurso de parkinsonianos sup\u00f5e n\u00e3o apenas a a\u00e7\u00e3o dos aspectos org\u00e2nicos, mas, tamb\u00e9m, dos aspectos lingu\u00edstico-discursivos da linguagem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vieira, Roberta; Chacon, Louren\u00e7o"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["HEALTH & FITNESS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ncvg5"], ["title", "Movimentos da hesita\u00e7\u00e3o: deslizamentos do dizer em sujeitos com doen\u00e7a de Parkinson"], ["doab_id", "19297"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836640"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836640"]], [["description", "Mobility - the movements of people, things, and ideas, as well as their associated cultural meanings - has been a key factor in shaping Canadians' perceptions of and interactions with their country. Approaching the burgeoning field of environmental history in Canada through the lens of mobility reveals some of the distinctive ways in which Canadians have come to terms with the country's climate and landscape.Spanning Canada's diverse regions, throughout its history, from the closing of the age of sail to the contemporary era of just-on-time delivery, Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History examines a wide range of topics, from the impact of seasonal climactic conditions on different transportation modes, to the environmental consequences of building mobility corridors and pathways, to the relationship between changing forms of mobility with tourism and other recreational activities. Contributors make use of traditional archival sources, as well as historical geographic information systems (HGIS), qualitative and quantitative analysis, and critical theory.This thought-provoking collection divides the intersection of environmental and mobility history into two approaches. The chapters in the first section deal primarily with the construction and productive use of mobility technologies and infrastructure, as well as their environmental constraints and consequences. The chapters in the second section focus on consumers' uses of those vehicles and pathways: on pleasure travel, tourism, and recreational mobility. Together, they highlight three quintessentially Canadian themes: seasonality, links between mobility and natural resource development, and urbanites' experiences of the environment through mobility."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ben Bradley (Editor); Jay Young (Editor); Colin M. Coates (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", " Geography", " Environmental Science"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388594"], ["title", "Moving Natures: Mobility and Environment in Canadian History"], ["doab_id", "19111"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388600"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781552388600"]], [["description", "In his Moving to Sustainable Buildings. Paths to Adopt Green Innovations in Developed Countries, Umberto Berardi explores the transition of the construction sector to sustainable building through the adoption of green innovations. Applying methods ranging from theoretical discussions to interviews and field studies, Berardi describes how organisational models among stakeholders are changing as the sector moves towards a green economy.Berardi\u2019s book should prove valuable to engineers, architects, environment researchers and policy makers alike, as it successfully weaves together different aspects of green building to create a multidimensional matrix through which sustainable architecture can be understood.Umberto Berardi, an assistant professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA, USA), teaches courses on sustainable construction, architectural engineering systems and building physics. He was awarded an MSc from the Politecnico di Bari, an MSc from the University of Southampton (UK) and a PhD from the Scuola Interpolitecnica in Italy. His research areas are related to building acoustics, sustainable constructions and energy saving technologies for buildings. Berardi is also a passionate pianist and a strong proponent of interdisciplinary cooperation between the arts and engineering."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Berardi, Umberto"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Fine Arts and Architecture"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208294"], ["title", "Moving to Sustainable Buildings. Paths to adopt green innovations in developed countries"], ["doab_id", "15570"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560113"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560113"]], [["description", "This volume traces the life, thought and work of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a giant of American intellectual history, whose transforming ideas greatly strengthened the two leading reform issues of his day: abolition and women\u2019s rights. A broad and deep, yet cautious revolutionary, he spoke about a spectrum of inner and outer realities\u2014personal, philosophical, theological and cultural\u2014all of which gave his mid-career turn to political and social issues their immediate and lasting power. This multi-authored study frankly explores Emerson's private prejudices against blacks and women, held at the same time as he was publicly championing their causes. Such a juxtaposition freshly charts the evolution of Emerson's slow but steady application of his early neo-idealism to emancipating blacks and freeing women from social bondage. His shift from philosopher to active reformer had lasting effects not only in America but also abroad. In the U.S. Emerson influenced such diverse figures as Thoreau, Whitman, Dickinson and William James; in Europe, Mickiewicz, Wilde, Kipling, Nietzsche and Camus. He also had many leading followers in India and Japan. The book includes 166 illustrations, among them eight custom-made maps of Emerson's haunts and wide-ranging lecture itineraries. It also includes a new four-part chronological table of his life, notable national and international events, and major inventions.Mr. Emerson's Revolution provides essential reading for students and teachers of American intellectual history, the abolitionist struggle and the women\u2019s rights movement\u2015and for anyone interested in the nineteenth-century roots of these seismic social changes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McClure Mudge, Jean (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ralph Waldo Emerson, abolition, women's rights, United States, emancipation, social change"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/310"], ["title", "Mr. Emerson's Revolution"], ["doab_id", "17471"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740987", "9781783740994"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740987 9781783740994"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 12, with foreward by Harold Bloom. Mrs. Ramsay's Knee offers fresh and elegant poems by Idris Anderson, many of them ekphrastic considerations of visual works of art. Among her subjects are paintings by Rembrandt, Rousseau, Pollock, and Chagall, yet she equally explores a set of news photos from the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anderson, Idris"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/7"], ["title", "Mrs. Ramsay's Knee"], ["doab_id", "14765"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217209"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217209"]], [["description", "Este livro analisa os dados do levantamento que realizamos durante os anos 2003-2004 sobre as mudan\u00e7as na composi\u00e7\u00e3o socioprofissional na C\u00e2mara dos Deputados decorrentes das elei\u00e7\u00f5es de 1998 e de 2002. Como resultado dessas disputas, houve importante altera\u00e7\u00e3o no quadro pol\u00edtico brasileiro. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/h6kh6"], ["title", "Mudan\u00e7as na classe pol\u00edtica brasileira"], ["doab_id", "16891"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820113"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820113"]], [["description", "La determinaci\u00f3n adoptada por los gobiernos de la regi\u00f3n para conmemorar el inicio de los movimientos y guerras que condujeron a la mayor parte de los pa\u00edses que hoy llamamos Latinoam\u00e9rica a alcanzar la independencia del yugo colonial, fue un acuerdo basado m\u00e1s en la coincidencia o cercan\u00eda de algunas fechas que en una simultaneidad estrictamente cronol\u00f3gica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Letteratura, critica letteraria, contemporaneit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Mujeres-Web_1.pdf"], ["title", "Mujeres y Emancipaci\u00f3n de la Am\u00e9rica Latina y el Caribe en los siglos xix y xx"], ["doab_id", "17229"], ["language_unmapped", "Spagnolo"], ["isbns", ["9788867050741"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050741"]], [["description", "O cinema como objeto de estudo para verificar o modo pelo qual a resist\u00eancia pol\u00edtica \u00e0 ditadura militar foi representada no per\u00edodo a ela posterior, dando destaque \u00e0 participa\u00e7\u00e3o feminina. A an\u00e1lise f\u00edlmica possibilitaria observar quais elementos estariam presentes em cena para retratar tal quest\u00e3o, e os estudos de g\u00eanero permitiria debater de que forma as rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais entre os sexos eram abordadas nos filmes selecionados. Trata-se, portanto, de compreender n\u00e3o apenas como a resist\u00eancia \u00e0 ditadura \u00e9 representada, mas, sobretudo, como esse passado \u00e9 reconstru\u00eddo nas diversas formas em que pode ser materializado pela perspectiva feminista, considerando que esta trabalha com elementos fundamentais na luta em torno da mem\u00f3ria e pelo reconhecimento de hist\u00f3rias esquecidas. Nesse sentido, procuro privilegiar os pontos onde se cruzam os estudos da mem\u00f3ria e o pensamento feminista, visto que este atinge profundamente as necessidades de um resgate hist\u00f3rico ao denunciar o esquecimento de reivindica\u00e7\u00f5es, lutas e a\u00e7\u00f5es das mulheres."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tega, Danielle"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PERFORMING ARTS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mcwmc"], ["title", "Mulheres em foco: constru\u00e7\u00f5es cinematogr\u00e1ficas brasileiras da participa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica feminina"], ["doab_id", "16750"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831232"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831232"]], [["description", "Mais um lan\u00e7amento da Cole\u00e7\u00e3o Propg Digital, por meio do selo Cultura Acad\u00eamica, Mulheres recipientes se configura como uma obra de grande sensibilidade ao realizar a interse\u00e7\u00e3o entre a arte e os sentimentos femininos.Resultado da disserta\u00e7\u00e3o de mestrado de Flavia Leme de Almeida, \u00e9 necess\u00e1rio destacar que este livro n\u00e3o se restringe \u00e0s generalidades de \u201cestudos de g\u00eanero\u201d. A proposta aqui extrapola este conceito. A autora faz uma an\u00e1lise m\u00faltipla: como a mulher enxerga a vida e como ela se expressa? Como o feminino aparece na arte? A partir destas quest\u00f5es fundamentais ela vai at\u00e9 os povos ancestrais, desvelar as primeiras esculturas votivas de evoca\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 fertilidade. Em seguida, faz um estudo de artistas mulheres contempor\u00e2neas, evidenciando como cada uma exprime suas ang\u00fastias e experi\u00eancias atrav\u00e9s de suas obras, destacando Frida Khalo, Louise Bourgeois, Celeida Tostes, entre outras. Por fim, Flavia Leme faz uma autoavalia\u00e7\u00e3o do pr\u00f3prio trabalho como artista, exprimindo seu processo de cria\u00e7\u00e3o.Mulheres recipientes realiza um estudo corajoso, que n\u00e3o hesita em revelar para o leitor as afli\u00e7\u00f5es, pensamentos e proje\u00e7\u00f5es do feminino. Ao analisar a arte, este livro toca no \u00edntimo de muitas mulheres e descobre experi\u00eancias que n\u00e3o poderiam ser conhecidas de outra forma."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almeida, Fl\u00e1via Leme de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["ART"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mqk8h"], ["title", "Mulheres recipientes: recortes po\u00e9ticos do universo feminino nas artes visuais"], ["doab_id", "16751"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831188"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831188"]], [["description", "\"The MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation) software project was started around 2006 with the goal of generating traffic and congestion patterns by following individual synthetic travelers through their daily or weekly activity programme. It has since then evolved from a collection of stand-alone C++ programs to an integrated Java-based framework which is publicly hosted, open-source available, automatically regression tested. It is currently used by about 40 groups throughout the world. This book takes stock of the current status.The first part of the book gives an introduction to the most important concepts, with the intention of enabling a potential user to set up and run basic simulations.The second part of the book describes how the basic functionality can be extended, for example by adding schedule-based public transit, electric or autonomous cars, paratransit, or within-day replanning. For each extension, the text provides pointers to the additional documentation and to the code base. It is also discussed how people with appropriate Java programming skills can write their own extensions, and plug them into the MATSim core.The project has started from the basic idea that traffic is a consequence of human behavior, and thus humans and their behavior should be the starting point of all modelling, and with the intuition that when simulations with 100 million particles are possible in computational physics, then behavior-oriented simulations with 10 million travelers should be possible in travel behavior research. The initial implementations thus combined concepts from computational physics and complex adaptive systems with concepts from travel behavior research. The third part of the book looks at theoretical concepts that are able to describe important aspects of the simulation system; for example, under certain conditions the code becomes a Monte Carlo engine sampling from a discrete choice model. Another important aspect is the interpretation of the MATSim score as utility in the microeconomic sense, opening up a connection to benefit cost analysis.Finally, the book collects use cases as they have been undertaken with MATSim. All current users of MATSim were invited to submit their work, and many followed with sometimes crisp and short and sometimes longer contributions, always with pointers to additional references.We hope that the book will become an invitation to explore, to build and to extend agent-based modeling of travel behavior from the stable and well tested core of MATSim documented here.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Large-scale simulation", "Agent-based modeling", "Choice modeling", "Transport modeling", "Transport planning"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613715"], ["title", "The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim"], ["doab_id", "19587"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188754", "9781909188761", "9781909188778", "9781909188785"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188754 9781909188761 9781909188778 9781909188785"]], [["description", "Growing inequalities in Europe, even in the most egalitarian countries, are a major challenge threatening the sustainability of urban communities and the competive- ness of European cities. Surprisingly, though, there is a lack of systematic and representative research on the spatial dimension of rising inequalities. This gap is filled by our book project Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, with empirical evidence from Amsterdam, Athens, Budapest, London, Madrid, Milan, Oslo, Prague, Riga, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna and Vilnius. This introductory chapter outlines the background to this interna- tional comparative research and introduces a multi-factor approach to studying socio-economic segregation. The chapter focuses on four underlying universal structural factors: social inequalities, global city status, welfare regime and the housing system. Based on these factors, we propose a hypothetical ranking of segregation levels in the thirteen case study cities. As the conclusions of this book show, the hypothetical ranking and the actual ranking of cities by segregation levels only match partly; the explanation for this can be sought in context-specific factors which will be discussed in-depth in each of the case study chapters."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tammaru ,Tiit; Musterd ,Sako; van Ham ,Maarten; Marci\u0144czak ,Szymon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["urban communities", "growing inequalities", "Europe", "European cities", "inequalities"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615512"], ["title", "A multi-factor approach to understanding socio-economic segregation in European capital cities"], ["doab_id", "19676"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781138794931", "9781315758879", "9781317637486"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138794931 9781315758879 9781317637486"]], [["description", "Stable, predictive biomarkers and interpretable disease signatures are seen as a significant step towards personalized medicine. In this perspective, integration of multi-omic data coming from genomics, transcriptomics, glycomics, proteomics, metabolomics is a powerful strategy to reconstruct and analyse complex multi-dimensional interactions, enabling deeper mechanistic and medical insight. At the same time, there is a rising concern that much of such different omic data \u2013although often publicly and freely available- lie in databases and repositories underutilised or not used at all. Issues coming from lack of standardisation and shared biological identities are also well-known. From these considerations, a novel, pressing request arises from the life sciences to design methodologies and approaches that allow for these data to be interpreted as a whole, i.e. as intertwined molecular signatures containing genes, proteins, mRNAs and miRNAs, able to capture inter-layers connections and complexity. Papers discuss data integration approaches and methods of several types and extents, their application in understanding the pathogenesis of specific diseases or in identifying candidate biomarkers to exploit the full benefit of multi-omic datasets and their intrinsic information content. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: \u2022 Methods for the integration of layered data, including, but not limited to, genomics, transcriptomics, glycomics, proteomics, metabolomics;\u2022 Application of multi-omic data integration approaches for diagnostic biomarker discovery in any field of the life sciences;\u2022 Innovative approaches for the analysis and the visualization of multi-omic datasets;\u2022 Methods and applications for systematic measurements from single/undivided samples (comprising genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic measurements, among others);\u2022 Multi-scale approaches for integrated dynamic modelling and simulation;\u2022 Implementation of applications, computational resources and repositories devoted to data integration including, but not limited to, data warehousing, database federation, semantic integration, service-oriented and/or wiki integration;\u2022 Issues related to the definition and implementation of standards, shared identities and semantics, with particular focus on the integration problem. Research papers, reviews and short communications on all topics related to the above issues were welcomed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paolo Tieri; Christine Nardini; Jennifer Elizabeth Dent"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["systems", "networks", "multi-omic", "integration (integrative)", "computational", "Layered data", "NGS"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2280/multi-omic-data-integration"], ["title", "Multi-omic Data Integration"], ["doab_id", "19551"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196487"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196487"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY license. Japan has recently promoted a number of initiatives that can be termed an opening to the world and the Asia-Pacific in particular. These have origins in Japan's globalization generally and multicultural policies more specifically. The chapters in this book are grouped in three parts\u2014theories, language, and migration\u2014and they explicate details of multiculturalism in the Asia-Pacific, largely focused on Japan, but including cases that extend beyond Japan as well. Alternative understandings based on analyzing conflicts and moving towards reconciliation underscore the urgency of viewing multiculturalism in Japan and the Asia-Pacific from perspectives that are firmly based in the region. Themes such as immigration, identity, foreign language education, politics and language, English language policies, dual citizenship, foreign labor policies and movements, and higher education are all addressed in the individual chapters. This book will be of interest to scholars of multiculturalism in a wide variety of fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Shimizu, Kosuke; Bradley, William S."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Politics, International Relations, Sociology, Asian Studies, Asian Politics and Law, Development, Migration, Ethnicity and Identity, General"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-137-40360-5"], ["title", "Multiculturalism and Conflict Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific"], ["doab_id", "17913"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137464620", "9781137403605"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137464620 (Print) 9781137403605 (Online)"]], [["description", "In theory, republican orthodoxy does not acknowledge the political dignity of any intermediary body between free and equal individuals, stripped of all particularism, and the sovereign nation. This is why, right up to the present, the French public debate has been marked by an entrenched suspicion towards all forms of \u00abcommunitarism\u00bb, and by the proscription of the very concept of multicultural politics. But have the policies actually pursued by republican France been consistent with the proclaimed principles? Is it genuinely possible to claim that cultural identities have never been publicly \u00abrecognised\u00bb? This multidisciplinary investigation proposes to address the ambiguous relations between theory and practice in the Republican management of cultural pluralism.

L'ortodossia repubblicana non riconosce teoricamente dignit\u00e0 politica ad alcun corpo intermedio tra gli individui liberi, eguali e spogliati di ogni particolarismo, e la nazione sovrana. \u00c8 per questo che sino al giorno d'oggi, la discussione pubblica francese \u00e8 segnata da un radicato sospetto nei confronti di ogni \u00abcomunitarismo\u00bb, e dalla proscrizione del concetto stesso di politica multiculturale. Ma le politiche concretamente seguite dalla Francia repubblicana sono state coerenti con i principi proclamati? Ed \u00e8 davvero possibile affermare che le identit\u00e0 culturali non siano mai state pubblicamente \u00abriconosciute\u00bb? Attraverso un'indagine pluridisciplinare, ci si propone di indagare l'ambigua relazione esistente tra la teoria e la pratica nella gestione repubblicana della pluralit\u00e0 culturale."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Costantini, Dino"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["France", "Immigration", "Multicultural", "Francia", "Immigrazione", "Multiculturalismo"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341466"], ["title", "Multiculturalismo alla francese?"], ["doab_id", "12628"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884533463"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884533463"]], [["description", "The plasticity of the living matter of our nervous system, in short, is the reason why we do a thing with difficulty the first time, but soon do it more and more easily, and finally, with sufficient practice, do it semi-mechanically, or with hardly any consciousness at all. William James, 1899. It is over 100 years since James described the acquisition of skill. How much, or how little, have recent advances in science changed the way we think about skill learning? What theories and ideas do we still hold dear and which have we discarded? Advances in neuroimaging over the past 20 years have provided insight into the dynamic neural processes underlying human motor skill acquisition, focusing primarily on brain networks that are engaged during early versus late stages of learning. What has been challenging for the field is to tightly link these shifting neural processes with what is known about measureable behavioral changes and strategic processes that occur during learning. The complex nature of behavior and strategy in motor learning often result in a trade-off between experimental control and external validity. The articles assembled for this special issue cut across a number of related disciplines and investigate skill learning across multiple domains. The broad range of theoretical, analytical and methodological approaches offer complementary approaches that can be exploited to develop integrated models of skilled learning. It is our hope that this collection inspires innovation and collaboration amongst researchers, and thereby, accelerates development of societally relevant translational paradigms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rachael D. Seidler; Sean Kevin Meehan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["adaptation", "sensorimotor", "motor learning", "Skilled Learning", "sequence learning", "neural", "neuroimaging", "plasticity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/883/a-multidisciplinary-approach-to-motor-learning-and-sensorimotor-adaptation"], ["title", "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Motor Learning and Sensorimotor Adaptation"], ["doab_id", "17694"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193653"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193653"]], [["description", "More than 40 years ago, the observation that doxorubicin-resistant tumor cells were cross-resistant to several structurally different anticancer agents was the first step in the discovery of P-glycoprotein (P-gp). P-gp belongs to the superfamily of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters;its overexpression has become a therapeutic target for overcoming multidrug resistance in tumors. However, P-gp is also expressed in cells of normal tissues where it plays a physiological role, by protecting them from the toxic effects of xenobiotics. Also, ABCB1 gene polymorphisms may influence the response to anticancer drugs substrate of P-gp. Several strategies to overcome P-gp tumor drug resistance have been suggested. P-gp 'circumvention\u2019 is the most explored and is based on the coadministration of anticancer agents and pump inhibitors (P-gp modulators). Despite the positive findings obtained in preclinical studies, results of clinical trials are not yet successful and clinical research is still ongoing. Other investigational approaches have been studied (e.g. P-gp targeting antibodies, use of antisense strategies or transcriptional regulators targeting ABCB1 gene expression) but their use is still circumscribed to the preclinical setting. A further approach is represented by the encapsulation of P-gp substrate anticancer drugs into liposomes or nanoparticles. This strategy has shown higher efficacy in tumor previously treated with the free drug. The reasons explaining the increased efficacy of liposomal/nanoparticle-based drugs in Pgp-overexpressing tumors include the coating with specific surfactants, the composition changes in the plasma membrane microdomains where P-gp is embedded, the direct impairment of P-gp catalytic mechanisms exerted by specific component of the liposomal shell, but are not yet fully understood. A second strategy to overcome P-gp tumor drug resistance is represented by exploiting the P-gp presence. Actually, P-gp-overexpressing cells show increased sensitivity (collateral sensitivity) to some drugs (e.g. verapamil, narcotic analgesics) and to some investigational compounds (e.g. NSC73306). P-gp-overexpressing cell are hypersensitive to reactive oxygen species, to agents perturbing the energetic metabolic pathways, changing the membrane compositions, reducing the efflux of endogenous toxic catabolites. However, the mechanisms explaining collateral sensitivity have not been fully elucidated. Another approach to exploit P-gp is represented by ABCB1 gene transfer to transform bone marrow progenitor cells into a drug resistant state which may allow conventional or higher doses of anticancer drug substrates of P-gp to be administered safely after transplantation. More recently the development and introduction in the clinics of anticancer drugs which are not substrates of P-gp (e.g. new microtubule modulators, topoisomerase inhibitors) has provided a new and promising strategy to overcome P-gp tumor drug resistance (P-gp 'evasion'). This \u2018research topic\u2019 issue aims at exploding the above mentioned matters, in particular by: -retracing the history of the first researches on P-gp - describing the physiological role of P-gp - describing the molecular basis, structural features and mechanism of action of P-gp - describing diagnostic laboratory methods useful to determine the expression of P-gp and its transporter function - describing strategies to overcome tumor drug resistance due to P-gp and other ABC transporters - indicating novel approaches to overcome P-gp multidrug resistance, ranging from basic research studies to pre-clinical/clinical studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stefania Nobili; Enrico Mini; Chiara Riganti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cancer", "multidrug resistance", "P-Glycoprotein", "reversing strategies"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1154/multidrug-resistance-in-cancer-pharmacological-strategies-from-basic-research-to-clinical-issues"], ["title", "Multidrug resistance in Cancer: Pharmacological Strategies from Basic Research to Clinical Issues"], ["doab_id", "19523"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196159"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196159"]], [["description", "Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance have most commonly been viewed in the context of human use and effects. However, both have co-existed in nature for millennia. Recently the roles of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes have started to be discussed in terms of functions other than bacterial inhibition and protection. This special topic will focus on both the traditional role of antibiotics as warfare mechanisms and their alternative roles and uses within nature such as antibiotics as signals or communication mechanisms, antibiotic selection at low concentrations, the non-specific role of resistance mechanisms in nature: e.g. efflux pumps, evolution of antibiotic resistance and the role of persisters in natural antibiotic resistance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fiona Walsh"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Microbiology", "mobile elements", "Plasmids", "Soil", "Water", "human", "environment", "Standards", "risk"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/897/the-multiple-roles-of-antibiotics-and-antibiotic-resistance-in-nature"], ["title", "The multiple roles of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in nature"], ["doab_id", "17821"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195251"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195251"]], [["description", "The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM, est. 1996) is an interregional forum which consists of the members of the European Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China, Japan and South Korea. The main components of the ASEM process include political dialogue, economy, education and culture. Multiregionalism and Multilateralism focuses on the institutionalsiation of intra-regional and inter-regional cooperation in the international system with emphasis on the changing relationship between the EU, China and India. The role of ASEM in this relationship is growing more important because of the growth of multilateralism as cornerstone of the international system.

'Multiregionalism' en 'multilateralism' worden in de vakliteratuur gebruikt voor twee fenomenen die iedereen uit de praktijk kent. Bij multilateralisme gaat het om het oplossen van wereldwijde problemen door samenwerking tussen vele landen, zoals bijvoorbeeld in de Verenigde Naties. Bij multiregionalisme gaat het om blokken van samenwerkende landen die daardoor sterker staan, zoals bijvoorbeeld bij de EU. De nationale staat brokkelt onder de toenemende invloed van deze twee krachten steeds verder af terwijl de rol van NGO's als Green Peace of Human Rights Watch steeds groter worden. Ook in de verhoudingen tussen Azi\u00eb en Europa spelen die krachten een steeds grotere rol. Multiregionalism and Multilateralism. Asian-European Relations in a Global Context geeft daarvan aansprekende voorbeelden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bersick ,Sebastian; Stokhof ,Wim; Velde van der ,Paul"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Culture and institutions", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Culture and instituten", "Politicologie", "multiregionalism", "regionalism", "interregionalism", "multilateralism", "Asian-European relations", "integration in Asia", "international system", "security in Asia", "ASEM", "ASEAN", "India", "China", "Aceh Monitoring Mission"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340135"], ["title", "Multiregionalism and Multilateralism : Asian-European Relations in a Global Context"], ["doab_id", "12837"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569290"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569290"]], [["description", "Speech is multisensory since it is perceived through several senses. Audition is the most important one as speech is mostly heard. The role of vision has long been acknowledged since many articulatory gestures can be seen on the talker's face. Sometimes speech can even be felt by touching the face. The best-known multisensory illusion is the McGurk effect, where incongruent visual articulation changes the auditory percept. The interest in the McGurk effect arises from a major general question in multisensory research: How is information from different senses combined? Despite decades of research, a conclusive explanation for the illusion remains elusive. This is a good demonstration of the challenges in the study of multisensory integration. Speech is special in many ways. It is the main means of human communication, and a manifestation of a unique language system. It is a signal with which all humans have a lot of experience. We are exposed to it from birth, and learn it through development in face-to-face contact with others. It is a signal that we can both perceive and produce. The role of the motor system in speech perception has been debated for a long time. Despite very active current research, it is still unclear to which extent, and in which role, the motor system is involved in speech perception. Recent evidence shows that brain areas involved in speech production are activated during listening to speech and watching a talker's articulatory gestures. Speaking involves coordination of articulatory movements and monitoring their auditory and somatosensory consequences. How do auditory, visual, somatosensory, and motor brain areas interact during speech perception? How do these sensorimotor interactions contribute to speech perception? It is surprising that despite a vast amount of research, the secrets of speech perception have not yet been solved. The multisensory and sensorimotor approaches provide new opportunities in solving them. Contributions to the research topic are encouraged for a wide spectrum of research on speech perception in multisensory and sensorimotor contexts, including novel experimental findings ranging from psychophysics to brain imaging, theories and models, reviews and opinions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kaisa Tiippana; Jean Luc Schwartz; Riikka Mottonen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["audiovisual", "Cognitive Disorders", "Learning", "McGurk effect", "multisensory", "neural processing", "Perception", "sensorimotor", "somatosensory", "Speech"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1721/multisensory-and-sensorimotor-interactions-in-speech-perception"], ["title", "Multisensory and sensorimotor interactions in speech perception"], ["doab_id", "18157"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195480"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195480"]], [["description", "The integration of multisensory information is an essential mechanism in perception and in controlling actions. Research in multisensory integration is concerned with how the information from the different sensory modalities, such as the senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and proprioception, are integrated to a coherent representation of objects. Multisensory integration is central for action control. For instance, when you grasp for a rubber duck, you can see its size and hear the sound it produces. Moreover, identical physical properties of an object can be provided by different senses. You can both see and feel the size of the rubber duck. Even when you grasp for the rubber duck with a tool (e.g. with tongs), the information from the hand, from the effect points of the tool and from the eyes are integrated in a manner to act successfully. Over the recent decade a surge of interest in multisensory integration and action control has been witnessed, especially in connection with the idea that multiple sensory sources are integrated in an optimized way. For this perspective to mature, it will be helpful to delve deeper into the information processing mechanisms and their neural correlates, asking about the range and constraints of this mechanisms, about its localization and involved networks."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christine Sutter; Knut Drewing; Jochen Musseler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Human Information Processing", "Perception", "Tool Use", "recalibration", "reference frame", "Vision", "haptic", "Acoustics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1275/multisensory-integration-in-action-control"], ["title", "Multisensory Integration in Action Control"], ["doab_id", "18574"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193127"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193127"]], [["description", "Behaviour, language, and reasoning are expressions of neural functions par excellence, as the brain must draw on sensory modalities to gather information on the rest of the body and on the outer world. Cortical areas processing the identity and location of sensory inputs were once thought to be organised hierarchically, with some branches dedicated to basic features and other branches dedicated to complex features. Yet current studies have uncovered synergistic effects at early sensory cortices as well as at higher-level association areas. A less hierarchical functional architecture of the brain has emerged such that, irrespective of sensory modality, inputs would be allocated to the best suited cortical substrate. It is our hope that the articles included in this special issue will offer novel insights into recent developments relating to multisensory integration and brain functioning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magda L. Dumitru; Achille Pasqualotto; Andriy Myachykov"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["multisensory integration", "body representation", "attentional deployment", "emotional processing", "Numerical cognition", "Language", "embodied reasoning", "space and time processing"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3232/multisensory-integration-brain-body-and-the-world"], ["title", "Multisensory Integration: Brain, Body and the World"], ["doab_id", "18905"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197927"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197927"]], [["description", "Our senses are not separated. Information received from one sensory modality may be linked with, or distorted by information provided from another modality, such as in the ventriloquism illusion and experiences of crossmodal correspondence. Scientific interest in how we integrate multisensory information and how we interact with a multisensory world has increased dramatically over the last two decades, as evidenced by an exponential growth of relevant studies using behavioral and/or neuro-scientific approaches to investigate multisensory integration and the underlying brain mechanisms. This work has revealed that the brain integrates information across senses in a statistically optimal manner; also, some key multisensory brain areas, such as the superior colliculus, have been identified. However, many questions remain unresolved. For example, at what age do we develop optimal multisensory integration? How does the brain 'know' which stimuli to combine, and which to segregate? What are the principles that govern crossmodal interactions? Does multisensory integration rely solely on the variability of sensory information? Do primary sensory cortices also contribute to multisensory integration? How does multisensory integration influence our sensorimotor interactions? To take stock of the most recent developments, this Research Topic aims to provide a broad scope of research on multisensory perception and action from different perspectives/approaches and disciplines, including behavioral and neuro-sciences, computational/mathematical modeling, and engineering science. Specifically, the Research Topic will focus on the following topics: 1. Functional and behavioral mechanisms of multisensory perception 2. Neural mechanisms of multisensory coding 3. Multisensory perception and sensorimotor interaction 4. Multisensory applications "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zhuanghua Shi; Hermann Josef Mueller"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["multisensory perception", "multisensory timing", "multisensory development", "multisensory learning", "multisensory neural mechanisms"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/548/multisensory-perception-and-action-psychophysics-neural-mechanisms-and-applications"], ["title", "Multisensory Perception And Action: Psychophysics, Neural Mechanisms, And Applications"], ["doab_id", "17751"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193813"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193813"]], [["description", "O crime e a pris\u00e3o constituem os objetos de estudo deste livro. Procura-se perceb\u00ea-los a partir da \u00f3tica do pr\u00f3prio criminoso enquanto preso, ponto de vista nem sempre reconhecido como leg\u00edtimo. As v\u00e1rias discuss\u00f5es sobre o tema t\u00eam sistematicamente colocado em uma nova roupagem velhas concep\u00e7\u00f5es sobre os criminosos e a pris\u00e3o, concep\u00e7\u00f5es estas que em geral reproduzem vers\u00f5es difundidas pelo sistema judici\u00e1rio. \u00c9 para pensar esta tem\u00e1tica atrav\u00e9s de outra perspectiva, que este trabalho procura se desenvolver. Discute-se aqui, n\u00e3o s\u00f3 a vers\u00e3o do criminoso sobre o mundo do crime e suas formas de manifesta\u00e7\u00e3o na pris\u00e3o, como tamb\u00e9m as formas pelas quais sua consci\u00eancia capta a situa\u00e7\u00e3o num contexto mais amplo, em que a origem social tem um peso fundamental na sua identifica\u00e7\u00e3o enquanto delinq\u00fcente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ramalho, Jos\u00e9 Ricardo"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4dp27"], ["title", "Mundo do crime: a ordem pelo avesso"], ["doab_id", "16638"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662267"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662267"]], [["description", "Questa ricerca esplora la possibilit\u00e0, anche in grazia di un percorso di aggiornamento relativo alle acquisizioni delle discipline storico-economiche, archeologiche e linguistiche degli ultimi decenni, di de-strutturare la costruzione ideologica delle fonti antiche sul donatismo; si \u00e8 tentato di superare la deformazione prospettica operata da Ottato di Milevi e da Agostino, individuando l\u2019attribuzione di senso e significato che agli avvenimenti diedero i protagonisti diretti. Ci\u00f2 ha portato al riconoscimento di elementi della costruzione identitaria donatista finora rimasti al margine della ricostruzione storiografica, e a una pi\u00f9 approfondita conoscenza dei metodi di \u201cnormalizzazione\u201d impiegati dalla catholica dopo la Conlatio cartaginese del 411."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alessandro Rossi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["muscae, torino, storia"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unito.it/unitoWAR/ShowBinary/FSRepo/D074/Allegati/muscae%20moriturae%20donatistae%20circumvolant%20%28Alessandro%20Rossi%29.pdf"], ["title", "Muscae Moriturae Donatistae Circumvolant"], ["doab_id", "15487"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050925"]], ["provider", "University of Turin"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050925"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Margaret Williamson Huber (Ed.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Historical museums--Southern States--Congresses", " Southern States--Antiquities--Congresses", " Southern States--Social life and customs--Congresses"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=utk_sasproceed"], ["title", "Museums and Memory"], ["doab_id", "16894"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644520", "9780984644520"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644520; 9780984644520"]], [["description", "Across time and geography people have known the power of music for evoking the gods and acquiring spiritual insight. Whether arising as a textless chant by a single voice or a percussive auditory context for ritual dance, music in its various modes is a virtually ubiquitous companion to religious and spiritual practices. The apparently intangible, insubstantial nature of sound is one of the reasons why music has so effectively symbolized the mysterious and wholly other since the dawn of creation. Not only an accompaniment to one\u2019s spiritual trek, musical compositions from the great oratorios of Handel to the soundtrack to the movie Lord of the Rings also serve as powerful metaphors and inspirations for that journey."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Atkins; Peter Bannister; Chiara Bertoglio; Mark Duffett; Edward Foley; Maeve Louise Heaney; Ivan Moody; Emery Schubert; Fr. Innocent Smith; Th\u00e9r\u00e8se Smith; William Harrison Taylor; Paul Westermeyer; Michael O'Connor"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["spirituality music, acoustics, sound, rhythm, movement, chant"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/124"], ["title", "Music and Spirituality"], ["doab_id", "17591"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421023", "9783038420996"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421023/9783038420996 "]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kunst ,J."], ["date", "1967"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613338"], ["title", "Music in New Guinea"], ["doab_id", "18493"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286177", "9789004286832"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286177 9789004286832"]], [["description", "Musical worlds in Yogyakarta is an ethnographic account of a vibrant Indonesian city during the turbulent early post-Soeharto years. The book examines musical performance in public contexts ranging from the street and neighbourhood through to commercial venues and state environmentssuch as Yogyakarta\u2019s regional parliament, its military institutions, universities and the Sultan\u2019s palace. It focuses on the musical tastes and practices of street workers, artists, students and others. From street-corner jam sessions to large-scale concerts, a range of genres emerge that cohere around notions of campursari (\u2018mixed essences\u2019) and jalanan (\u2018of the street\u2019). Musical worlds addresses themes of social identity and power, counterpoising Pierre Bourdieu\u2019stheories on class, gender and nation with the author\u2019s alternative perspectives of inter-group social capital, physicality and grounded cosmopolitanism. The author argues that Yogyakarta is exemplary of how everyday people make use of music to negotiate issues of power and at the same time promote peace and intergroup appreciation in culturallydiverse inner-city settings.Max M. Richter is director of the Monash Asia Institute and lecturer in Anthropology at Monash University, Australia. He has published in international journals and edited book collections, and has given presentations on Indonesian music and society in several countries and forums. His current research focuses on local-level music performance, intellectual/power-broker gatherings and centre/region identities in urban Indonesia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Richter ,Max M."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "music", "Yogyakarta", "urban life", "performing arts", "sociology"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=420987"], ["title", "Musical worlds in Yogyakarta"], ["doab_id", "15061"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183901", "9789004253490"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183901 9789004253490"]], [["description", "This book examines the nature of musical performance. In it, Dorottya Fabian explores the contributions and limitations of some of these approaches to performance, be they theoretical, cultural, historical, perceptual, or analytical. Through a detailed investigation of recent recordings of J. S. Bach\u2019s Six Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin, she demonstrates that music performance functions as a complex dynamical system. Only by crossing disciplinary boundaries, therefore, can we put the aural experience into words. A Musicology of Performance provides a model for such a method by adopting Deleuzian concepts and various empirical and interdisciplinary procedures. Fabian provides a case study in the repertoire, while presenting new insights into the state of baroque performance practice at the turn of the twenty-first century. Through its wealth of embedded audio examples, tables, and graphs, the book offers both a sensory and a scholarly account of musical performance. These interactive elements map the connections between historically informed and mainstream performance styles, considering them in relation to broader cultural trends, violin schools, and individual artistic trajectories. A Musicology of Performance is a must read for academics and post-graduate students and an essential reference point for the study of music performance, the early music movement, and Bach\u2019s opus."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fabian, Dorottya (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["musical performance, J. S. Bach, violin, perception, baroque performance practice"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/346"], ["title", "A Musicology of Performance: Theory and Method Based on Bach's Solos for Violin"], ["doab_id", "17470"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741533", "9781783741540"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741533 9781783741540"]], [["description", "Music always mirrors and acts as a focal point for social paradigms and discourses surrounding political and national identity. The essays in this volume combine contributions on historical and present-day questions about the relationship between politics and musical creativity. The first part concentrates on musical identity and political reality, discussing ideological values in musical discourses.The second part deals with (musical) constructions, drawing on diverse national connections within our own and foreign identity.

Musik ist immer auch Spiegel und Kristallisationspunkt gesellschaftlicher Paradigmen und politisch-nationaler Identit\u00e4tsdiskurse. Der vorliegende Sammelband vereint Beitr\u00e4ge zu historischen und gegenw\u00e4rtigen Fragestellungen, die um das Verh\u00e4ltnis von Politik und musikalischem Schaffen kreisen.Im ersten Teil sind Beitr\u00e4ge zusammengefasst, die sich mit \u201eMusikalischer Identit\u00e4t und politischer Realit\u00e4t\u201c befassen und dabei ideologische Zuschreibungsprozesse im Musikdiskurs thematisieren. Der zweite Teil des Bandes umfasst Betrachtungen \u00fcber \u201e(Musikalische) Konstruktionen von eigener und fremder Identit\u00e4t\u201c aus verschiedensten nationalen Zusammenh\u00e4ngen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gardner, Matthew; Walsdorf, Hanna"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["music", "social paradigm", "political identity", "national identity", "music", "social paradigm", "political identity", "national identity"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610404"], ["title", "Musik - Politik - Identit\u00e4t - Freie Referate, Band 3"], ["doab_id", "19208"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952587"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952587"]], [["description", "The present book consists of two parts, thus embodying the \u201ctwo forces\u201d that Bakhtin sees at play in every work of art: form and content. They are accorded equal weight. With regard to form, the book explores the various literary strategies employed by Doderer in his \u201cDivertimenti,\u201d in as much as they are inspired by musical forms. With regard to content the book focuses on the rather gloomy subjects that dominate the \u201cDivertimenti.\u201d The aim is to explore in how far these two aspects, i.e. musical form \u2013 a superstructure informed by musical aesthetics \u2013 and melancholic content \u2013 an oppressive atmosphere, the explicit foregrounding of experiences of depression \u2013 depend on each other. The book shows how they form a compelling whole.It is based on a variety of unpublished primary sources that have not been studied before, including an early fragment of \u201cDivertimento No VI\u201d (\u201eErwachen fr\u00f6hlicher Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande\u201c) as well as diary sketches and draft outlines of the composition of the work. The book is thus able to comprehensively explore the musical techniques and strategies of musical composition of the \u201cDivertimenti.\u201d This thorough formal analysis provides new insights into what Steven Paul Scher has called an area of \u201ccomparative liminality\u201d \u2013 that area in which the conditions are negotiated under which musical techniques can be transferred into \u201cliterature.\u201dThe \u201cDivertimenti\u201d belong to the world of Saturn. By focusing on melancholy and depression \u2013 topics that resonate throughout the Divertimenti and provide the dark undertone of the author\u2019s later works \u2013 the book offers a new reading of Doderer\u2019s work; it brings to light depictions of \u201cdeperceptive\u201d states. This requires a new explanation of Doderer\u2019s own theory of \u201capperception\u201d and \u201cdeperception,\u201d and of \u201cfirst\u201d and \u201csecond reality.\u201d It will be offered in light of Kristeva\u2019s \u201cdark sun.\u201d The book explores depictions of melancholy in a broader context and considers potential links between literary and clinical manifestations of melancholy.In view of the intellectual milieu of contemporary Vienna, the present study shows how deeply indebted Doderer\u2019s early works are to Viennese Modernism \u2013 a quality that has been obstructed by the fact that most of these works were only published after Doderer\u2019s death. This presupposes an appreciation of the Wiener Moderne which goes beyond the time span suggested by Gotthart Wunberg\u2019s 1981 anthology, \u201cDie Wiener Moderne. Literatur, Kunst und Musik zwischen 1890 und 1910,\u201d instead drawing inspiration from \u201cWien 1880-1938. Die fr\u00f6hliche Apokalypse,\u201d a 1986 exhibition at the Centre Pompidou in Paris which, according to Jacques Le Rider, epitomizes the study of Viennese Modernism.Doderer\u2019s receptivity for the intellectual, theoretical, and artistic movements of the turn of the 20th century is shown to be more pronounced than previously assumed. While the ambition of Doderer\u2019s works ultimately transcends Viennese Modernism, a close exploration of the central tenets of this period can highlight various aspects of his early works, especially his uncompromising will to (musical) form.

Meine Arbeit ist im Wesentlichen zweigeteilt. Jene \u201ezwei M\u00e4chte\u201c, als die Bachtin Form und Inhalt des k\u00fcnstlerischen Werks bezeichnet hat, koexistieren in ihr gleichberechtigt nebeneinander. Auf der einen, der formalen Seite, widmet sich meine Studie den spezifischen, durch die Formensprache der Musik inspirierten literarischen Verfahrensweisen der Dodererschen \u201eDivertimenti\u201c. Auf der anderen, der inhaltlichen Seite, befasst sich die Untersuchung mit den \u00fcberwiegend dunkleren T\u00f6nen, die in den \u201eDivertimenti\u201c angeschlagen werden. Das eigentliche Ziel meiner Arbeit ist es zu kl\u00e4ren, inwiefern sich diese beiden Komplexe \u2013 musikalische Form (musikalisch \u00e4sthetisierte Superstruktur) und melancholischer Inhalt (depressiv get\u00f6nte Stimmungslage, Thematisierung depressiver Erfahrungen) \u2013 wechselseitig bedingen, weshalb sie in den \u201eDivertimenti\u201c eine derart unwiderstehliche Einheit bilden.Hierbei st\u00fctzt sich meine Studie auf zahlreiche Materialien aus dem Nachlass, die in der Forschung bisher nicht beachtet wurden. Auf dieser neuen Text- und Materialgrundlage, die vor allem durch das Fragment zu \u201eDivertimento No VI\u201c (\u201eErwachen fr\u00f6hlicher Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande\u201c) sowie diaristische Notizen und Kompositionspl\u00e4ne aus dem Skizzenwerk substantiell erweitert wird, sp\u00fcrt die Arbeit den musikalischen Techniken und kompositorischen Strategien der \u201eDivertimenti\u201c nach. Die auf den Nachlassfunden basierende formale Analyse gew\u00e4hrt tiefe Einblicke in jenes von Steven Paul Scher so bezeichnete \u201ekomparatistische Grenzgebiet\u201c, in dem die Konditionen ausgehandelt werden, zu denen \u201aliterarische\u2018 Transfers von musikalischen Techniken m\u00f6glich sind.Die \u201eDivertimenti\u201c stehen ganz im Zeichen des Saturn. Indem meine Arbeit sich dem Thema Melancholie und Depression widmet, das nicht nur in den \u201eDivertimenti\u201c \u201aanklingt\u2018, sondern auch das sp\u00e4tere Schaffen des Autors dunkel grundiert, regt sie eine neue, auf die Schilderungen \u201edeperzeptiver\u201c Zust\u00e4nde gerichtete Lesart des Dodererschen Werkes an. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es n\u00f6tig, Doderers quasiphilosophische Spezialtheorie, die um die Begriffspaare \u201eApperzeption\u201c und \u201eDeperzeption\u201c sowie \u201eerste\u201c und \u201ezweite Wirklichkeit\u201c kreist, sozusagen im Licht der \u201eschwarzen Sonne\u201c (Julia Kristeva) neu zu betrachten. Auch gibt meine Arbeit einen \u00dcberblick dar\u00fcber, wie sich die Erfahrung der Depression literarisch manifestiert, und sie weicht der Frage nicht aus, ob sich die textlichen Befunde mit der Klinik der Melancholie in Einklang bringen lassen.Bei allem stets das zeitgeistige intellektuelle Milieu Wiens im Blick habend, beabsichtigt meine Arbeit nebenbei zu zeigen, wie tief Doderers gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils erst postum ver\u00f6ffentlichtes Fr\u00fchwerk in der Wiener Moderne verwurzelt ist. Hierbei wird allerdings ein Verst\u00e4ndnis der Wiener Moderne vorausgesetzt, das zeitlich weiter reicht, als etwa der Titel der von Gotthart Wunberg 1981 herausgegebenen Anthologie \u201eDie Wiener Moderne. Literatur, Kunst und Musik zwischen 1890 und 1910\u201c vermuten lie\u00dfe. Als Anregung diente vielmehr die 1986 im Pariser Centre Pompidou organisierte Ausstellung \u201eWien 1880-1938. Die fr\u00f6hliche Apokalypse\u201c, die laut Jacques Le Rider den vorl\u00e4ufigen H\u00f6hepunkt der Diskussion um die Wiener Moderne markierte.Doderers gro\u00dfe Offenheit f\u00fcr die intellektuellen, wissenschaftlichen und k\u00fcnstlerischen Str\u00f6mungen der Jahrhundertwende wird in meiner Arbeit in einem bisher nicht gekannten Umfang blo\u00dfgelegt. Der Autor geht nicht in allem in der Wiener Moderne auf. Doch werden viele Aspekte seiner fr\u00fchen literarischen Anstalten, nicht zuletzt der unbedingte Wille zur (in erster Linie musikalischen) Form, vor diesem Hintergrund verst\u00e4ndlicher."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brinkmann ,Martin"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Heimito von Doderer, Contemporary German Literature, Wiener Moderne (1880-1938), Literary Melancholy, Comparative Literatur, Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453615"], ["title", "Musik und Melancholie im Werk Heimito von Doderers"], ["doab_id", "15523"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788287"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788287"]], [["description", "With famous music manuscripts such as the St Emmeram codex or the Trent codices and the rise of a musical elite with singer-composers around Dufay and Binchois, the years around 1430 belong to a crucial period in late-medieval music history. The present volume comprises 13 case studies on polyphonic as well as monophonic repertories with a particular focus on the city of Vienna. For the first time, the \u2018simultaneity\u2019 of \u2018non-simultaneous\u2019 phenomena is scrutinized for Central Europe and for the cultural exchange with neighbouring territories of the Holy Roman Empire, of England, Bohemia and Northern Italy.Due to its specific urban profile and the geographical position, late-medieval Vienna offers an excellent starting point for the study of musical repertories in Central Europe and their appropriation as cultural practice in the first half of the fifteenth century. The \u2018simultaneity\u2019 of \u2018non-simultaneous\u2019 phenomena is closely connected to the coexistence of different patterns of music patronage within court and nobility, the university, a variety of ecclesiastical institutions (among them the collegiate church of All Saints, later St Stephen\u2019s Cathedral), and diverse strands of upper- and middle-class citizens on the one hand, cultural exchange with neighbouring territories of the Holy Roman Empire, of England, Bohemia and Northern Italy on the other. Manifold strands of polyphonic and monophonic repertories (both sacred and profane), compositional techniques, regionally bound stylistic peculiarities, strategems of music patronage, institutional (or even personal) collectionism, furthermore aspects of music iconography and the role of music within the history of ideas are scrutinized in thirteen chapters, which are conceived as case-studies, plus a detailed thematical introduction. In sum, this is an invaluable contribution to a better understanding of a crucial period of late-medieval music history.

Mit ber\u00fchmten Repertoire-Handschriften wie dem Mensuralcodex St. Emmeram oder den Trienter Codices und der Entstehung einer musikalischen Elite um S\u00e4ngerkomponisten wie Dufay und Binchois geh\u00f6ren die Jahrzehnte um 1430 zu einer Schl\u00fcsselphase der abendl\u00e4ndischen Musikgeschichte. Der Band vereint 13 Fallstudien zur polyphonen Kunstmusik sowie zum einstimmigen Lied, wobei ein besonderer Fokus auf den Verh\u00e4ltnissen in Wien liegt. Erstmals wird so die Gleichzeitigkeit ungleichzeitiger Ph\u00e4nomene f\u00fcr Zentraleuropa beleuchtet \u2013 auch hinsichtlich der Wechselwirkungen mit England, B\u00f6hmen, Oberitalien und dem franko-fl\u00e4mischen Raum."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tammen ,Bj\u00f6rn Renko ; Rausch ,Alexander"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Music history, Late Middle Ages, musical repertories, music patronage, ritual, identity, awareness of time, Trent codices, Hermann Poetzlinger, mensural codex St. Emmeram, England, John Dunstaple, Guillaume Dufay, Gilles Binchois, Central Europe, Vienna, Hermann Edlerawer, Urbanus Kungsperger, Johannes Brassart, Johannes de Sarto, Frederick III (IV) of Habsburg, Albert II (V) of Habsburg, Rudolf Volkhardt, Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz, Bohemia, Veneto, motet, devotional motet, genre transformation, Marian devotions, musical iconography, chapel, Sangvers, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Hugo von Montfort, Michel Beheim, Heinrich der Teichner, Peter Suchenwirt, Monk of Salzburg, Liebhard Eghenvelder, Neidhart (Nithart), Austrian National Library, University of Vienna, Council of Constance, Council of Basle, Nibelungenlied, Johannes Lupi, Johannes Wiser, Johannes Prenner, Regensburg, St Stephen, St Martin, Jan Hus, isorhythmic motet, Ghent altarpiece, Jan van Eyck, Hubert van Eyck", "Musikgeschichte, Sp\u00e4tmittelalter, musikalische Repertoires, Ritual, Identit\u00e4t, Zeitbewusstsein, Trienter Codices, Hermann P\u00f6tzlinger, Mensuralcodex St. Emmeram, England, John Dunstaple, Guillaume Dufay, Gilles Binchois, Zentraleuropa, Wien, Hermann Edlerawer, Urbanus Kungsperger, Johannes Brassart, Johannes de Sarto, Friedrich III. (IV.) von Habsburg, Albrecht II. (V.) von Habsburg, Rudolf Volkhardt, Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz, B\u00f6hmen, Veneto, Motette, Devotionsmotette, Gattungsgeschichte, Marienverehrung, Musikikonographie, Kantoreibild, Musik (Motiv), Sangvers, Lyrik, Epik, Reimrede, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Hugo von Montfort, Michel Beheim, Heinrich der Teichner, Peter Suchenwirt, M\u00f6nch von Salzburg, Liebhard Eghenvelder, Neidhart (Nithart), \u00d6sterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Universit\u00e4t Wien, Konstanzer Konzil, Basler Konzil, Nibelungenlied, Johannes Lupi, Johannes Wiser, Johannes Prenner, Regensburg, St. Stephan, St. Martin, Johannes Hus, isorhythmische Motette, Genter Altar, Jan van Eyck, Hubert van Eyck"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=512255"], ["title", "Musikalische Repertoires in Zentraleuropa (1420-1450)"], ["doab_id", "16524"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783205795629"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795629"]], [["description", "Humor ist leichter definierbar \u00fcber (subjektive) Reaktionen des H\u00f6rers als musikimmanent (objektiv). Soziokulturelle Vorgaben wie Zeitgeist, Bildung, Erwartungshaltung und musikalische Sozialisation sind bedingende Faktoren des H\u00f6rprozesses, sie reichen jedoch nicht aus, das Ph\u00e4nomen musikalischen Humors zu erkl\u00e4ren. Weiterf\u00fchrend ist zu fragen, wo, wann, warum und wieso musikalische Ereignisse \u00fcberhaupt zum Lachen oder Schmunzeln anregen oder nicht. Sind dem Komponisten und/oder H\u00f6rer die Traditionen, Regeln, Normen bestimmter Musiken oder Musikkulturen nicht gel\u00e4ufig, wird er \u00fcber Humor ausl\u00f6sende Verletzungen, Br\u00fcche, geistreiche Anspielungen u. a. m. kaum lachen k\u00f6nnen, da raffinierte Spielformen des Komischen auch Kritik an \u00e4sthetischen Konventionen sind, die sich dynamisch, rhythmisch, tempom\u00e4\u00dfig, harmonisch, melodisch, satztechnisch, formal oder instrumental artikulieren. Bildungskonzepte sollten also Voraussetzungen bereitstellen, die es Sch\u00fclern, Kindern, Senioren oder Musiklaien erm\u00f6glichen, musikalischen Humor als intellektuelle und/oder emotionale Bereicherung erfahren zu k\u00f6nnen. Die in dieser Publikation vereinten Studien reflektieren Zug\u00e4nge zu unterschiedlichen Musikwerken, Definitionen und Spieltechniken, auch zu jener Ausnahmeliteratur, welche musikalischen Humor als \u00e4sthetische Distanz zu realisieren vermochte.

Humor ist leichter definierbar \u00fcber (subjektive) Reaktionen des H\u00f6rers als musikimmanent (objektiv). Soziokulturelle Vorgaben wie Zeitgeist, Bildung, Erwartungshaltung und musikalische Sozialisation sind bedingende Faktoren des H\u00f6rprozesses, sie reichen jedoch nicht aus, das Ph\u00e4nomen musikalischen Humors zu erkl\u00e4ren. Weiterf\u00fchrend ist zu fragen, wo, wann, warum und wieso musikalische Ereignisse \u00fcberhaupt zum Lachen oder Schmunzeln anregen oder nicht. Sind dem Komponisten und/oder H\u00f6rer die Traditionen, Regeln, Normen bestimmter Musiken oder Musikkulturen nicht gel\u00e4ufig, wird er \u00fcber Humor ausl\u00f6sende Verletzungen, Br\u00fcche, geistreiche Anspielungen u. a. m. kaum lachen k\u00f6nnen, da raffinierte Spielformen des Komischen auch Kritik an \u00e4sthetischen Konventionen sind, die sich dynamisch, rhythmisch, tempom\u00e4\u00dfig, harmonisch, melodisch, satztechnisch, formal oder instrumental artikulieren. Bildungskonzepte sollten also Voraussetzungen bereitstellen, die es Sch\u00fclern, Kindern, Senioren oder Musiklaien erm\u00f6glichen, musikalischen Humor als intellektuelle und/oder emotionale Bereicherung erfahren zu k\u00f6nnen. Die in dieser Publikation vereinten Studien reflektieren Zug\u00e4nge zu unterschiedlichen Musikwerken, Definitionen und Spieltechniken, auch zu jener Ausnahmeliteratur, welche musikalischen Humor als \u00e4sthetische Distanz zu realisieren vermochte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jung-Kaiser, Ute; Diedrich, Stephan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["musical aesthetics", "humor", "philosophy of music", "musical aesthetics", "humor", "philosophy of music"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610384"], ["title", "Musikalischer Humor als \u00e4sthetische Distanz?"], ["doab_id", "19188"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952266"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952266"]], [["description", "Musik ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil geistig-kulturellen Erbes moderner wie antiker Hochkulturen. Die Musik Mesopotamiens und benachbarter Gebiete ist gerade im letzten Jahrzehnt immer mehr in den Fokus wissenschaftlichen Interesses ger\u00fcckt worden. Es faszinieren in gleicher Weise klanglich-sch\u00f6pferische Spezifika wie auch inhaltlich-funktionale und strukturelle Hintergr\u00fcnde zur Ausf\u00fchrung von Musik. Die T\u00e4tigkeitsfelder von Musikern, ihr Einflussbereich an Tempel oder Palast aber auch ihr \u00f6ffentliches Ansehen sind in Hunderten von Briefen, Urkunden sowie literarischen Texten dokumentiert. Zudem ist uns auch der Wortlaut von Liedern und Ges\u00e4ngen erhalten geblieben, die professionelle S\u00e4nger zu unterschiedlichen Anl\u00e4ssen zu Geh\u00f6r brachten. Zum Genuss ihrer hoch spezialisierten Vortragskunst kamen vor allem G\u00f6tter und K\u00f6nige, deren Wohlwollen sie mit ihrem s\u00fc\u00dfen Gesang zu sichern wussten. Die vorliegende Studie setzt den Schwerpunkt in ebendiesem Bereich an, wobei der zeitliche und geographische Rahmen durch das Babylonien des 19. bis 16. Jahrhunderts v.Chr., der altbabylonischen Zeit gebildet wird. Die \u00fcberwiegend aus schriftlichen Quellen gewonnenen Daten zeichnen ein genaues Bild von der institutionellen wie auch privaten Organisation von Musik. Auch wenn die originalen Musikkl\u00e4nge der Babylonier f\u00fcr immer verklungen sind, so werden doch bedeutende Details zur vokalen Auff\u00fchrungspraxis bekannt, die eine Ann\u00e4herung an den Ursprung m\u00f6glich machen. Die Reihe \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Beitr\u00e4ge zun Alten Orient\u201d setzt die erfolgreichen \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Arbeitshefte zur Altorientalischen Literatur\u201d fort. Die Reihe wird vom Seminar f\u00fcr Altorientalistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen herausgegeben und behandelt die Erschlie\u00dfung und Deutung der reichhaltigen Schriftdenkm\u00e4ler in akkadischer oder sumerischer Sprache aus der Zeit von ca. 3100 - 500 v. Chr.

Musik ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil geistig-kulturellen Erbes moderner wie antiker Hochkulturen. Die Musik Mesopotamiens und benachbarter Gebiete ist gerade im letzten Jahrzehnt immer mehr in den Fokus wissenschaftlichen Interesses ger\u00fcckt worden. Es faszinieren in gleicher Weise klanglich-sch\u00f6pferische Spezifika wie auch inhaltlich-funktionale und strukturelle Hintergr\u00fcnde zur Ausf\u00fchrung von Musik. Die T\u00e4tigkeitsfelder von Musikern, ihr Einflussbereich an Tempel oder Palast aber auch ihr \u00f6ffentliches Ansehen sind in Hunderten von Briefen, Urkunden sowie literarischen Texten dokumentiert. Zudem ist uns auch der Wortlaut von Liedern und Ges\u00e4ngen erhalten geblieben, die professionelle S\u00e4nger zu unterschiedlichen Anl\u00e4ssen zu Geh\u00f6r brachten. Zum Genuss ihrer hoch spezialisierten Vortragskunst kamen vor allem G\u00f6tter und K\u00f6nige, deren Wohlwollen sie mit ihrem s\u00fc\u00dfen Gesang zu sichern wussten. Die vorliegende Studie setzt den Schwerpunkt in ebendiesem Bereich an, wobei der zeitliche und geographische Rahmen durch das Babylonien des 19. bis 16. Jahrhunderts v.Chr., der altbabylonischen Zeit gebildet wird. Die \u00fcberwiegend aus schriftlichen Quellen gewonnenen Daten zeichnen ein genaues Bild von der institutionellen wie auch privaten Organisation von Musik. Auch wenn die originalen Musikkl\u00e4nge der Babylonier f\u00fcr immer verklungen sind, so werden doch bedeutende Details zur vokalen Auff\u00fchrungspraxis bekannt, die eine Ann\u00e4herung an den Ursprung m\u00f6glich machen. Die Reihe \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Beitr\u00e4ge zun Alten Orient\u201d setzt die erfolgreichen \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Arbeitshefte zur Altorientalischen Literatur\u201d fort. Die Reihe wird vom Seminar f\u00fcr Altorientalistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen herausgegeben und behandelt die Erschlie\u00dfung und Deutung der reichhaltigen Schriftdenkm\u00e4ler in akkadischer oder sumerischer Sprache aus der Zeit von ca. 3100 - 500 v. Chr."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Shehata, Dahlia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Ancient Studies", "Music", "Babylonia", "Ancient Studies", "Music", "Babylonia"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610355"], ["title", "Musiker und ihr vokales Repertoire - Untersuchungen zu Inhalt und Organisation von Musikerberufen und Liedgattungen in altbabylonischer Zeit"], ["doab_id", "15367"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875135"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875135"]], [["description", "Musing is a book of sonnets. Working within the framework of a classic poetic form, Jonathan Locke Hart embarks on an extended meditation on our rootedness in landscape and in the past. As sonnets, the poems are a mixture of tradition and innovation. Throughout, Hart deftly interweaves European culture with North American settings and experience. The collection opens with a foreword by noted literary scholar Gordon Teskey, who reflects on the themes that have marked the evolution of Hart's poetry. Of Musing, Teskey writes: \"These deeply thoughtful poems bring layered historical consciousness into the sonnet. They also touch and stir the heart through all its levels.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Locke Hart"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120190"], ["title", "Musing"], ["doab_id", "14452"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425909", "9781897425916", "9781926836386"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425909 9781897425916 9781926836386"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Furnelle, Vincent"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/193954"], ["title", "La musique du paysage"], ["doab_id", "18637"], ["language_unmapped", "Fre"], ["isbns", ["9782870161395"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161395"]], [["description", "Waves of military technological changes have swept through the Eurasian land mass since the dawn of civilization. Military technological changes decisively shaped geopolitics and the fortunes of states, empires and civilizations. In his book Jimmy Teng claims that to understand the impacts of these military technological changes is in fact to understand the causes behind the following major historical puzzles or important facts: the leading position of the Near East during the dawn of civilization; the splendid achievements of Greece, India and China during the axial era; the classical golden age of India under the Gupta Empire; the Abbasid Golden Age of the Islamic world and the Sung Puzzle of China during the medieval era; and the rise of the West during the early modern and modern era."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Teng, Jimmy"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["International Political Competition", " Economic Development", " World History", " Military Technology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/209733"], ["title", "Muskets, Maps and Money. How Military Technology Shaped Geopolitics and Economics"], ["doab_id", "15918"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560595"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560595"]], [["description", "The book challenges the popular notion of a clash of cultures pitting Muslim and non-Muslim Europeans against one another. The study finds instead vehement conflict among three longstanding European public philosophies: liberalism, nationalism, and postmodernism. The consequential differences of outlook are demonstrated in four policy areas: 1) citizenship requirements, 2) the headscarf debate, 3) mosque-state relations and 4) counter-terrorism. The book reaches three important conclusions. First, Muslim Europeans do not represent a monolithic anti-Western bloc -- a Trojan Horse -- within Europe. They vehemently disagree among themselves but along the same basic liberal, nationalist, and postmodern contours as non-Muslim Europeans. Second, ideological discord significantly contributes to policy \u201cmessiness,\u201d that is, to inconsistent, contradictory policies. Third, both the discord and the messiness are remarkably similar from one European country to the next, thereby casting doubt on the dominant theory in comparative migration studies that posits distinct national styles such as French republicanism, German ethno-nationalism and British multiculturalism.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "O'Brien ,Peter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Religion"]], ["publisher", "Temple University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605456"], ["title", "The Muslim Question in Europe"], ["doab_id", "18776"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781439912782"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781439912782"]], [["description", "The book by Magdalena Lubanska examines the role of religious syncretism in the social and religious life of Muslim-Christian communities in the Western Rhodopes. The author is interested mainly in the origins and motivations of various beliefs and behaviors which at first sight may appear to be syncretic. She looks at syncretism in the context of anti-syncretic tendencies, particularly pronounced among the Muslim neophytes and young members of the Muslim religious elite, who are not interested in the local forms of post-ottoman Islam (\u201cAdat Islam\u201d), preferring instead a \u201cpure\u201d form of religion, a class of fundamentalist religious movements rooted in orthodox Islam and seeking to remain faithful to mainstream Islamic thought and tradition (\u201cSalafi Islam\u201d). Lubanska findings offer an insight into the fact that although certain actions may appear syncretic in nature, their underlying intentions are often not in fact motivated by syncretic tendencies. This is the first study to look at syncretism in Bulgaria from this perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lubanska, Magdalena"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/458709"], ["title", "Muslims and Christians in the Bulgarian Rhodopes \u2013 Studies on Religious (Anti) Syncretism"], ["doab_id", "17963"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783110439991", "9783110440003"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110439991, 9783110440003"]], [["description", "Muslims in Interwar Europe provides a comprehensive overview of the history of Muslims in interwar Europe. Based on personal and official archives, memoirs, press writings and correspondences, the contributors analyse the multiple aspects of the global Muslim religious, political and intellectual affiliations in interwar Europe. They argue that Muslims in interwar Europe were neither simply visitors nor colonial victims, but that they constituted a group of engaged actors in the European and international space.Contributors are Ali Al Tuma, Egd\u016bnas Ra\u010dius, Gerdien Jonker, Klaas Stutje, Naomi Davidson, Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld, Umar Ryad, Zaur Gasimov and Wiebke Bachmann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Muslim activists", "interwar Europe", "entangled history", "transcultural history", "anti-colonialism", "Muslim mission", "Eastern Europe", "intellectual history", "migrants", "orientalists", "North African soldiers", "pan-Islam", "islam", "European converts"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612690"], ["title", "Muslims in Interwar Europe: A Transcultural Historical Perspective"], ["doab_id", "18494"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004301979", "9789004287839"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004301979 9789004287839"]], [["description", "The texts in this volume deal with the current transformation of text types and text patterns and thus make a significant contribution to current issues of diachronic linguistics aligned text types and different transformation processes of recent usage history

Die Texte des vorliegenden Bandes besch\u00e4ftigen sich mit dem gegenw\u00e4rtigen Wandel von Textsorten und Textmustern und leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu aktuellen Fragen der diachron ausgerichteten Textsortenlinguistik und zu verschiedenen Wandelprozessen der j\u00fcngeren Sprachgebrauchsgeschichte"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["text patterns", "diachronic linguistics"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619050"], ["title", "Musterwandel \u2013 Sortenwandel. Aktuelle Tendenzen der diachronen Text(sorten)linguistik"], ["doab_id", "19936"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783034314886"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034314886"]], [["description", "The book by M. Imran Kozgar aims to cover the problems of mutation breeding in pulse crops in the light of issues related to food insecurity and malnutrition, which according to FAO are the major threats at the present time. So far the research on induction of mutation in pulse crops is negligible compared to cereal crops, though the pulse crops and especially the chickpea are the largest grown crops in India. The main objective of the book is to reveal and explore the possibility of inducing genetic variability in early generations of mutated chickpea, describe the positive aspects of mutagenic treatments, evaluate the content of mineral elements (iron, manganese, zinc and copper) and physiological parameters of isolated high yielding mutant lines. The author hopes that his book will help to advance studies on pulse crops, and that in the long term it will help to reduce the food insecurity and malnutrition problems presently persisting in various developing countries, including India."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Imran Kozgar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["pulse crops, chickpea, mutation breeding, effectiveness of mutagenic treatments, bioavailability of minerals, physiological parameters of mutant lines"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/246956"], ["title", "Mutation Breeding in Chickpea: Perspectives and Prospects for Food Security"], ["doab_id", "16485"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560700"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560700"]], [["description", "In the world of My Gay Middle Ages, Chaucer and Boethius are the secret-sharers of A.W. Strouse\u2019s \u201cgay lifestyle.\u201d Where many scholars of the Middle Ages would \u201cget in from behind\u201d on cultural history, Strouse instead does a \u201creach around.\u201d He eschews academic \u201cqueer theory\u201d as yet another tedious, normative framework, and writes in the long, fruity tradition of irresponsible, homo-medievalism (a lineage that includes luminaries like Oscar Wilde, who was sustained by his amateur readings of Dante and Abelard during the darks days of his incarceration for crimes of \u201cgross indecency\u201d). Strouse experiences medieval literature and philosophy as a part of his everyday life, and in these prose poems he makes the case for regarding the Middle Ages as a kind of technology of self-preservation, a posture through which to spiritualize the petty indignities of modern urban life. With a Warholian flair for insouciant name-dropping and a Steinian appetite for syntactic perversion, Strouse monumentalizes the medieval within the contemporary and the contemporary within the medieval."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A.W. Strouse"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["English"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/a5uvlk0y8auw21g/Strouse_My_Gay_Middle_Ages_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "My Gay Middle Ages"], ["doab_id", "17622"], ["language_unmapped", "gay life, memoir, Middle Ages, prose poetry, romance"], ["isbns", ["9780615830001"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615830001"]], [["description", "World of Warcraft rapidly became one of the most popular online world games on the planet, amassing 11.5 million subscribers\u2014officially making it an online community of gamers that had more inhabitants than the state of Ohio and was almost twice as populous as Scotland. It's a massively multiplayer online game, or MMO in gamer jargon, where each person controls a single character inside a virtual world, interacting with other people's characters and computer-controlled monsters, quest-givers, and merchants. In My Life as a Night Elf Priest, Bonnie Nardi, a well-known ethnographer who has published extensively on how theories of what we do intersect with how we adopt and use technology, compiles more than three years of participatory research in Warcraft play and culture in the United States and China into this field study of player behavior and activity. She introduces us to her research strategy and the history, structure, and culture of Warcraft; argues for applying activity theory and theories of aesthetic experience to the study of gaming and play; and educates us on issues of gender, culture, and addiction as part of the play experience. Nardi paints a compelling portrait of what drives online gamers both in this country and in China, where she spent a month studying players in Internet cafes. Bonnie Nardi has given us a fresh look not only at World of Warcraft but at the field of game studies as a whole. One of the first in-depth studies of a game that has become an icon of digital culture, My Life as a Night Elf Priest will capture the interest of both the gamer and the ethnographer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonnie A. Nardi"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["World of Warcraft", "Computer games -- Social aspects", "Korea (South) -- Social aspects", "Virtual reality -- Social aspects", "Visual anthropology"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.8008655.0001.001"], ["title", "My Life as a Night Elf Priest: An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft"], ["doab_id", "14520"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070985", "9780472050987", "9780472026715"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070985 Paper: 9780472050987 Ebook Formats: 9780472026715"]], [["description", "This book contains the collected memories of Lola Rozsa - of her life and service to her family, her church, and her community as she and her husband, Ted, made their way from the tiny towns of the Depression-era, dust bowl southern plains to the burgeoning oil fields of Alberta in 1949. As Ted struggled to build his first seismic company, Lola raised their children in Calgary, an environment far different from the home in Texas she desperately missed. However, the values taught her by her preacher father stood her in good stead as she immersed herself in service for her new community. For the next sixty years, as Ted prospered, they made Calgary their home and, along with other industry pioneers, helped to build many of the enduring cultural institutions in Calgary."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lola Rozsa; Susie Sparks"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49851/1/UofCPress_Lola_2013.pdf"], ["title", "My Name Is Lola"], ["doab_id", "15558"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387351"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387351"]], [["description", "Art historians, biographers, and other researchers have long drawn on Van Gogh\u2019s voluminous correspondence\u2014more than eight hundred letters\u2014for insights into both his personal struggles and his art. But the letters, while often admired for their literary quality, have rarely been approached as literature. In this volume, Patrick Grant sets out to explore the question, \u201cBy what criteria do we judge Van Gogh's letters to be, specifically, literary?\u201d Drawing, especially, on Mikhail Bakhtin\u2019s conceptualization of self-awareness as an ongoing dialogue between \u201cself\u201d and \u201cother,\u201d Grant examines the ways in which Van Gogh\u2019s letters raise, from within themselves, questions and issues to which they also respond. Their literary quality, he argues, derives in part from this \u201cdouble-voiced discourse\u201d\u2014from the power of the letters to thematize, through their own internal dialogues, the very structure of self-fashioning itself. Far from merely reproducing the narrative of the artist\u2019s personal progress, \u201cthe letters enable readers to recognize how necessary yet open-ended, constrained yet liberating, confined yet unpredictable, are the means by which people seek to shape a place for themselves in the world.\u201dThis volume builds on Grant\u2019s earlier analysis of Van Gogh\u2019s correspondence, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh: A Critical Study (AU Press, 2014), a study in which he approached the letters from a literary critical standpoint, delving into key patterns of metaphors and concepts. In the present volume, he provides instead a literary theoretical analysis of the letters, one that draws them more fully into the domain of modern literary studies. In his deft and keenly perceptive reading, Grant deconstructs the binaries that surface in both Van Gogh\u2019s writing and painting, discusses the narrative dimensions of the letter-sketches and the recurring themes of fantasy, belief, and self-surrender, and draws attention to Van Gogh\u2019s own understanding of the permeable boundary between words and visual art. Viewing the letters as an integrated body of discourse, \u201cMy Own Portrait in Writing\u201d offers a theoretically informed interpretation of Van Gogh\u2019s literary achievement that is, quite literally, without precedent. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrick Grant"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Vincent van Gogh, Mikahil Bakhtin, Terry Eagleton, letter-sketches, modern literary studies, modern literary theory"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120247"], ["title", "My Own Portrait in Writing: Self-Fashioning in the Letters of Vincent van Gogh"], ["doab_id", "19411"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990455", "9781771990592", "9781771990608", "9781771990585"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990455 9781771990592 9781771990608 9781771990585 "]], [["description", "David A. McDonald rethinks the conventional history of the Palestinian crisis through an ethnographic analysis of music and musicians, protest songs, and popular culture. Charting a historical narrative that stretches from the late-Ottoman period through the end of the second Palestinian intifada, McDonald examines the shifting politics of music in its capacity to both reflect and shape fundamental aspects of national identity. Drawing case studies from Palestinian communities in Israel, in exile, and under occupation, McDonald grapples with the theoretical and methodological challenges of tracing \"resistance\" in the popular imagination, attempting to reveal the nuanced ways in which Palestinians have confronted and opposed the traumas of foreign occupation. The first of its kind, this book offers an in-depth ethnomusicological analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, contributing a performative perspective to the larger scholarly conversation about one of the world's most contested humanitarian issues. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McDonald A. ,David"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Music", "Politics", "History", "Palestine"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469210"], ["title", "My Voice Is My Weapon - Music, Nationalism and the Poetics of Palestinian Resistance"], ["doab_id", "15932"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822378280", "9780822354680", "9780822354796"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822378280 9780822354680 9780822354796"]], [["description", "Video games have become a major cultural force, and within their history, Myst and its sequel Riven stand out as influential examples. Myst and Riven: The World of the D'ni is a close analysis of two of the most popular and significant video games in the history of the genre, investigating in detail their design, their functionality, and the gameplay experience they provide players. While scholarly close analysis has been applied to films for some time now, it has only rarely been applied at this level to video games. Mark J. P. Wolf uses elements such as graphics and sound, the games' mood and atmosphere and how they are generated, the geography and design of the digital worlds, and the narrative structures of the games to examine their appeal to both critical and general audiences, their legacy, and what made them great."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark J.P. Wolf"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Myst", "Riven", "Computer adventure games"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9835611.0001.001"], ["title", "Myst and Riven: The World of the D'ni"], ["doab_id", "14524"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472051496", "9780472027491"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472051496 Ebook Formats: 9780472027491"]], [["description", "Successful containment of an infection is dependent on both innate and adaptive immune response. Cytokines are essential effectors of both of these systems. In particular, type I interferons (IFN-I) are important components of early innate immunity against an infection. However, the production of IFN-I could serve as a double edge sword, either containing an infection or enhancing susceptibility. For example, IFN-I, which is essential for early containment of viral infections, has been shown to be detrimental to the host during bacterial infections. In fact, recent significant reports have shown that influenza virus induced IFN-I responses can enhance the host susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections. These recent reports highlight the expanding immunoregulatory role of IFN-I in the host immunity. With these recent findings in mind, the aim of this research topic is to welcome novel data, opinion and literature reviews on the newly identified dual functions of IFN-I. This research topic wills focus on the following areas of IFN-I: 1) a detrimental role of IFN-I during primary bacterial infection; 2) a detrimental role of viral infection induced IFN-I during secondary bacterial infections; 3) evolutionary pressure that drove detrimental IFN-I response during primary bacterial infection; and 4) does benefit of IFN-I responses during primary viral infections outweigh the adverse consequences of IFN-I mediated enhanced susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arno Mullbacher; Yoichi Furuya; Herbert Patrick Ludewick"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["type I IFN", "Vaccine", "adjuvant", "bacterial and viral infections", "Autoimmunity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2095/mysteries-of-type-i-ifn-response-benefits-versus-detriments"], ["title", "Mysteries of Type I IFN response: benefits versus detriments"], ["doab_id", "19536"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196296"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196296"]], [["description", "German and Finnish theologians discuss the basic questions of Christian mysticism based on authors from the Orient. These authors from the Iraqi-Iranian sphere (Aphrahat the Persian manner, Babai the Great, St. Hierotheos, Isaac of Nineveh, Makarios), play a crucial role in the field of Christian-Oriental mysticism. At the same time they take contributions also beyond this geographic area and go to the mysticism in the German context after Luther (Brandt, Kant) and provide a review, a critical voice to the concept of mysticism and its positioning in the German theology.

Deutsche und finnische Theologen diskutieren zun\u00e4chst Grundfragen der christlichen Mystik anhand von Autoren aus dem Orient. Diesen Autoren aus dem irakisch-iranischen Raum (Aphrahat der persische Weise, Babai der Gro\u00dfe; der heilige Hierotheos, Isaak von Ninive, Makarios), kommt eine herausragende Bedeutung im Bereich der christlich-orientalischen Mystik zu. Zugleich greifen Beitr\u00e4ge auch \u00fcber diesen geographischen Raum hinaus und gehen der Mystik im deutschen Kontext nach (Luther, Arndt, Kant) und liefert ein Beitrag eine kritische Stimme zum Begriff Mystik und dessen Verortung in der deutschen Theologie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tamcke, Martin"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["myticism", "church", "theology", "myticism", "church", "theology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610279"], ["title", "Mystik- Metapher- Bild - Beitr\u00e4ge des VII. Makarios-Symposiums G\u00f6ttingen 2007"], ["doab_id", "13098"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344342"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344342"]], [["description", "Addressing the history of the production and reception of the great medieval poem, Piers Plowman, Lawrence Warner reveals the many ways in which scholars, editors and critics over the centuries created their own speculative narratives about the poem, which gradually came to be regarded as factually true. Warner begins by considering the possibility that Langland wrote a romance about a werewolf and bear-suited lovers, and he goes on to explore the methods of the poem's localization, and medieval readers' particular interest in its Latinity. Warner shows that the 'Protestant Piers' was a reaction against the poem's oral mode of transmission, reveals the extensive eighteenth-century textual scholarship on the poem by figures including the maligned Chaucer editor John Urry, and contextualizes its first modernization by a literary forger inspired by the 1790s Shakespeare controversies. This lively account of Piers Plowman challenges the way the poem has traditionally been read and understood.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Warner ,Lawrence"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Criticism and Interpretation", "Authorship"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472471"], ["title", "The Myth of Piers Plowman - Constructing a Medieval Literary Archive"], ["doab_id", "15986"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781107043633", "9781107338821"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781107043633 9781107338821"]], [["description", "mythomaniaS is a catalog of case studies in the form of film stills, architectural fragments, stage props, texts, and images culled from the experiments of MindMachineMakingMyths (Lab M4, part of the New Territories architecture studio, Bankgok, Thailand), a collaboration begun in 2012 between Camille Lacadee and Fran\u00e7ois Roche to construct environmental-architectural psycho-scapes (in the partly fabricated wilds of various countries) as laboratory-shelters for exploring and deconstructing the supposed rifts between realism and speculative fiction (myth), psyche and environment, body and mind. Bringing together architecture, Deleuze and Guatarri\u2019s schizoanalysis and deterritorialization, and Alfred Jarry\u2019s pataphysics (the \u201cscience of imaginary solutions which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments\u201d), Lacadee and Roche (and their tribe, Ezio Blasetti, Stephan Henrich, Danielle Willems, Gwyll Jahn, and many others) enacted and filmed mise-en-abymes in which certain scripted para-psychic narratives and architectural structures merge in the pursuit of reclaiming resilience \u2014 described by Roche as a tactic for merging refusal and vitality into a schizophrenic logic able to navigate the antagonism between the bottom-up and top-down conditions of the globalized world. In these fabricated schizoid psycho-nature-machine-scapes, the human being is no longer a bio-ecological consumer but a psycho-computing animal that emerges co-dependently with its environment in a hyper-local haecceity (\u201cthis-ness\u201d).Fig. 1. still image from | what could happen |In the vein of Situationist psychogeography (\u201cthe study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals\u201d), each scenario fabulates geo-architectural conditions of human exile, solitude, and pathology drawn from narratives of the forbidden and taboo: the true story of an old Indian book collector exiled from his community on the suspicion of atheism, who finds refuge in a tear-collecting shelter (\u201cWould Have Been My Last Complaint\u201d); a scientist captured by a water spirit who remains trapped like a fish in the mindscape of a fish butcher (Although (in) Hapnea); a monster-boy endomorph constantly overfed and protected by a claustrophilic antidote-jacket produced by the excess of his incestuous mother\u2019s love ((beau)strosity); Ariadne, labyrinth overseer, floating between two macho spirals, testosteroned Theseus and alcoholic Dionysus (Naxos, Terra Insola); the feral child \u2014 innocent, na\u00efve, and obscene \u2014 in the deep jungle, auscultated by a scientistic voyeurism (The Offspring); etc. Each of these scenarios (designed as \u201cshelters\u201d where mind, environment, and architecture co-map each other) unfolds a \u201cmythomania\u201d in which each character transforms, and is transformed, para-psychically, by the environment, in a sort of biotope (habitat) feedback experiment.Ultimately, Lacadee and Roche want to create \u2014 via architecture and design, myth (literature), and psycho-geography \u2014 various conditions for schizoid passages between realism and fiction, expertise and knowledge, mind and built environment, narrative and topology, in order to bring about new strategic-tragic co-dependencies as forms of schizoid resistance to the usual identity regimes, and to also reboot architecture as a form of psycho-social praxis and non-necrotic speculation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Camille Lacadee (ed.); Fran\u00e7ois Roche (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["architecture, biotopes, Deleuze and Guattari, environmental studies, myth, Pataphysics, psychogeography, psychopathology, schizoanalysis, taboo"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/4nb6lofc1wetndq/Lacadee_Roche_mythomaniaS_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "mythomaniaS: crime scenes & psycho case studies"], ["doab_id", "17619"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692523551"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692523551"]], [["description", "

Vladimir Nabokov described the literature course he taught at Cornell as \"\"a kind of detective investigation of the mystery of literary structures.\"\" Leona Toker here pursues a similar investigation of the enigmatic structures of Nabokov's own fiction. According to Toker, most previous critics stressed either Nabokov\u2019s concern with form or the humanistic side of his works, but rarely if ever the two together. In sensitive and revealing readings of ten novels, Toker demonstrates that the need to reconcile the human element with aesthetic or metaphysical pursuits is a constant theme of Nabokov\u2019s and that the tension between technique and content is itself a key to his fiction. Written with verve and precision, Toker\u2019s book begins with Pnin and follows the circular pattern that is one of her subject\u2019s own favored devices.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Toker, Leona"], ["date", "1989"], ["subject", ["Vladimir Nabokov, Pnin, Lolita, literary structures, Russian literature, humanism"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23174111/9781501707223.pdf"], ["title", "Nabokov"], ["doab_id", "19901"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707223"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707223"]], [["description", "The advent of behavior-independent measures of cognition and major progress in experimental designs have led to substantial advances in the investigation of infant language learning mechanisms. Research in the last two decades has shown that infants are very efficient users of perceptual and statistical cues in order to extract linguistic units and regular patterns from the speech input. This has lent support for learning-based accounts of language acquisition that challenge traditional nativist views. Still, there are many open questions with respect to when and how specific patterns can be learned and the relevance of different types of input cues. For example, first steps have been made to identify the neural mechanisms supporting on-line extraction of words and statistical regularities from speech. Here, the temporal cortex seems to be a major player. How this region works in concert with other brain areas in order to detect and store new linguistic units is a question of broad interest. In this Research Topic of Frontiers in Language Sciences, we bring together experimental and review papers across linguistic domains, ranging from phonology to syntax that address on-line language learning in infancy. Specifically, we focused on papers that explore one of the following or related questions: How and when do infants start to segment linguistic units from the speech input and discover the regularities according to which they are related to each other? What is the role of different linguistic cues during these acquisition stages and how do different kinds of information interact? How are these processes reflected in children\u2019s behavior, how are they represented in the brain and how do they unfold in time? What are the characteristics of the acquired representations as they are established, consolidated and stored in long-term memory?By bringing together behavioral and neurophysiological evidence on language learning mechanisms, we aim to contribute to a more complete picture of the expeditious and highly efficient early stages of language acquisition and their neural implementation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jutta L Mueller; Claudia Mannel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["language learning", "language development", "word learning", "artificial grammar", "statistical learning", "phonotactics", "phonology", "Prosody", "speech segmentation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/532/the-naive-language-expert-how-infants-discover-units-and-regularities-in-speech"], ["title", "The na\u00efve language expert: How infants discover units and regularities in speech"], ["doab_id", "18661"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193295"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193295"]], [["description", "Names in Focus delves deep into the vast field of Finnish onomastics, covering place names, personal names, animal names, commercial names and names in literature. It provides the history and current trends in this area of research, and also supplements international terminology with the Finnish point of view on the subject. Brimming with examples and clear explanations, the book can be enjoyed by the most studious of researchers as well as the casual reader who has a genuine interest in the study of names."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Saarelma ,Minna; Sj\u00f6blom ,Paula; Ainiala ,Terhi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Onomastics", "Proper names", "Personal names", "Place names", "Commercial names"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617174"], ["title", "Names in Focus: An Introduction to Finnish Onomastics"], ["doab_id", "19779"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522223876", "9789522227485", "9789522227515"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522223876 9789522227485 9789522227515"]], [["description", "This edited collection explores the ways in which our understanding of the past in Dutch history and culture can be rethought to consider not only how it forms part of the present but how it can relate also to the future.Divided into three parts \u2013 the uses of myth and history, the past as illumination of cultural context, and historiography in focus \u2013 this book seeks to demonstrate the importance of the past by investigating the transmission of culture and its transformations. It reflects on the history of historiography and looks critically at the products of the historiographic process, such as Dutch and Afrikaans literary history"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dutch golden age", "Dutch history", "Historiography", "Low Countries"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619671"], ["title", "Narratives of Low Countries History and Culture"], ["doab_id", "19976"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634998"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634998"]], [["description", "This book, generated by the creation of a database on the population of enterprises and their characteristics, illustrates the process of development of the Arezzo gold and jewellery system. It is a significant case in view of its international prestige and the use of highly specialised manpower, and at the same time interesting in terms of type, since it represents an emerging district produced by gemmation from a large enterprise. The analysis offers insight into the process of district development and a methodological support for ulterior investigations. At the same time, it also represents a tool for an understanding of the long-term economic dynamics characterising one of the most vital productive areas of Tuscany.

Il volume - frutto della costruzione di una banca dati sulla popolazione di imprese e sulle loro caratteristiche illustra il percorso di sviluppo del sistema orafo aretino, un caso rilevante per il suo prestigio internazionale e l'utilizzo di manodopera altamente specializzata; e nel contempo una tipologia interessante in quanto forma distrettuale emergente nata per gemmazione da una grande impresa. L'analisi rappresenta un approfondimento del processo di distrettualizzazione e un supporto metodologico per ulteriori indagini. Ma costituisce anche uno strumento per la comprensione delle dinamiche economiche di lungo periodo che hanno caratterizzato una delle pi\u00f9 vitali aree produttive della Toscana."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lazzeretti, Luciana"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Tuscany", "Economia", "Toscana"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356385"], ["title", "Nascita ed evoluzione del distretto orafo di Arezzo, 1947-2001"], ["doab_id", "13179"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531285", "9788884531278"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531284 8884531276"]], [["description", "Policies intended to bring stability to fragile states tend to focus almost exclusively on building institutions and systems to get governance right. Simply building the state is often seen as sufficient for making it stable and legitimate. But policies like these, Ren\u00e9 Grotenhuis shows in this book, ignore the question of what makes people belong to a nation-state, arguing that issues of identity, culture, and religion are crucial to creating the sense of belonging and social cohesion that a stable nation-state requires."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grotenhuis ,Ren\u00e9"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Nation-building", "fragile states", "(layered) identity"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619591"], ["title", "Nation-Building as Necessary Effort in Fragile States"], ["doab_id", "19961"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462982192"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462982192"]], [["description", "Controversies and problems with regard to language policy and language education still exist in Malaysia. Despite the attempts of language policy makers to promote multilingualism, the implementation has been marred by political and religious affiliations. Malaysia is a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities, the three largest being Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, an analysis of the language variation in this polyglot nation will help in understanding the variety of languages and those who speak them. This book gathers the work of researchers working in the field of language change in Malaysia for over two decades. As there is no book published internationally on the language policy in Malaysia and the effects on the language change in urban migrant populations, this book is a timely contribution not only to an understanding of Malaysian linguistic pluralism and its undercurrents, but also to an understanding of the Indian Diaspora.

Maleisi\u00eb is een smeltkroes van veel verschillende culturen en bevolkingsgroepen, waarvan Maleisi\u00ebrs, Chinezen en Indiase immigranten de drie belangrijkste groepen vormen. Ondanks diverse pogingen van de overheid om meertaligheid te bevorderen, bestaan in Maleisi\u00eb nog steeds controverses als het gaat om taal- en educatiebeleid. Bovendien be\u00efnvloedt de politieke en religieuze samenstelling de uitvoering. Dit boek is het enige internationaal gepubliceerde onderzoek naar taalbeleid in Maleisi\u00eb en de gevolgen van taalverandering in stedelijke migrantenpopulaties."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mukherjee ,Dipika"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Language", "Taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=430545"], ["title", "National Language Planning and Language Shifts in Malaysian Minority Communities : Speaking in Many Tongues"], ["doab_id", "15191"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089642714"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642714"]], [["description", "Recidivism belongs to the main categories of criminology, crime policy and criminal justice. If the target of preventing offenders from reoffending is taken seriously crime policy should be measured by success of certain penal sanctions in terms of relapses. Also institutions that deal directly with crime and offenders need to get basic information on the consequences of their actions; particularly general knowledge about offender groups at risk of reoffending. All these are reasons why representative recidivism studies are needed. Meanwhile a lot of European countries gather systematic and comprehensive information on recidivism, periodically and on a national level. This volume presents an exemplary collection of such endeavors: Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Switzerland and a comparative study of England and Wales, the Netherlands and Scotland.

R\u00fcckfall geh\u00f6rt zu den zentralen Kategorien der Kriminologie, Strafrechtspraxis und Kriminalpolitik. Nimmt man den spezialpr\u00e4ventiven Anspruch des Strafrechts ernst, muss sich die Strafrechtspolitik daran messen lassen, wie gut es mit welcher Art von Sanktionen gelingt, R\u00fcckf\u00e4lle zu verhindern. Aber auch die Institutionen, die unmittelbar mit Straftaten und Straft\u00e4tern umgehen, bed\u00fcrfen einer grundlegenden Information \u00fcber die Folgen ihres Tuns, insbesondere allgemeine Erkenntnisse \u00fcber r\u00fcckfallgef\u00e4hrdete T\u00e4tergruppen. All dies sind Gr\u00fcnde, warum repr\u00e4sentative R\u00fcckfalluntersuchungen ben\u00f6tigt werden. Systematische und umfassende Informationen zum R\u00fcckfall werden mittlerweile in vielen europ\u00e4ischen L\u00e4ndern regelm\u00e4\u00dfig und landesweit erhoben. Der vorliegende Band will hierzu eine exemplarische Zusammenstellung dieser Bestrebungen bieten: Deutschland, Estland, Frankreich, \u00d6sterreich, die Schweiz und eine Vergleichsstudie aus England und Wales, den Niederlanden und Schottland."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Albrecht, Hans-J\u00f6rg; Jehle, J\u00f6rg-Martin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Recidivism", "Relapses", "Criminology", "Crime policy", "Criminal justice", "Recidivism", "Relapses", "Criminology", "Crime policy", "Criminal justice"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610371"], ["title", "National Reconviction Statistics and Studies in Europe = Nationale R\u00fcckfallstatistiken und -untersuchungen in Europa"], ["doab_id", "16843"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951870"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951870"]], [["description", "\"Amerikanisierung/Westernisierung\", \"Europ\u00e4isierung\" und \"Globalisierung\" sind seit einigen Jahren bevorzugte Interpretationsans\u00e4tze zur Erforschung eines ideellen und materiellen Transfers sowie kultureller, politischer und sozio\u00f6konomischer Wandlungs- und Angleichungsprozesse im europ\u00e4ischen, atlantischen, ja sogar globalen Rahmen - insbesondere seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Allerdings kennzeichnen diese unleugbaren transnationalen Einfl\u00fcsse vielf\u00e4ltige Ambivalenzen, Begrenzungen und Br\u00fcche, wie dies vor allem die ungebrochene sozialintegrative Kraft von Nation und Nationalstaat eindrucksvoll belegt. Dieses Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis lotet der vorliegende Sammelband aus. Open Access: Dieser Titel steht Ihnen zum Download als PDF zur Verf\u00fcgung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcowitz, Reiner"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216278"], ["title", "Nationale Identit\u00e4t und transnationale Einfl\u00fcsse. Amerikanisierung, Europ\u00e4isierung und Globalisierung in Frankreich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg"], ["doab_id", "18013"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486989267", "9783486585087"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486989267, 9783486585087"]], [["description", "Since the 19th century national epics have had an important function in the cultural scene of almost every nation, and the same is true for the Central and East European countries that have regained their independence after 1989. The programmatic national epic was brought to life by the German Romanticism, especially by writers such as Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The contributions in this volume analyse the development, relationship, and reception of European national epics. They rely on a wide concept of epic and offer studies on various texts, such as the Icelandic sagas, the \u201eNibelungenlied\u201c, the \u201ePoems of Ossian\u201c, the \u201eKinder- und Hausm\u00e4rchen\u201c of the Grimm brothers, Schiller\u2019s \u201eWilhelm Tell\u201c, Bo\u017eena N\u011bmcov\u00e1\u2019s \u201eBabi\u010dka\u201c, Esaias Tegn\u00e9r\u2019s verse epic \u201eFrit(h)iofs saga\u201c, the Finnish national epic \u201eKalevala\u201c and the Estonian national epic \u201eKalevipoeg\u201c.

Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert \u00fcbernehmen Nationalepen eine wichtige Funktion im kulturellen Haushalt fast jeder Nation \u2013 wie sich nicht zuletzt in den nach 1989 neu entstandenen L\u00e4ndern (Mittel-)Osteuropas eindr\u00fccklich best\u00e4tigt hat. Installiert worden ist das nationalepische Programm von der deutschen Romantik, insbesondere von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufs\u00e4tze analysieren die Entstehung, die Vernetzung und die Rezeption von europ\u00e4ischen Nationalepen. Ausgehend von einem weiten Epos-Begriff wenden sich die Beitr\u00e4ge solchen Texten zu, die f\u00fcr die Nationsbildung konstitutive Bedeutung erhalten sollten, wie den Isl\u00e4ndersagas, dem \u201eNibelungenlied\u201c, den \u201ePoems of Ossian\u201c, den \u201eKinder- und Hausm\u00e4rchen\u201c der Br\u00fcder Grimm, Schillers \u201eWilhelm Tell\u201c, Bo\u017eena N\u011bmcov\u00e1s \u201eBabi\u010dka\u201c, Esaias Tegn\u00e9rs Versepos \u201eFrit(h)iofs saga\u201c, dem finnischen Nationalepos \u201eKalevala\u201c und dem estnischen Nationalepos \u201eKalevipoeg\u201c."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Detering ,Heinrich ; Hoffmann ,Torsten ; Pasewalck ,Silke ; Pormeister ,Eve "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["national epic", "nation building", "national poetry", "construction of identity", "fictionality", "authenticity", "Johann Gottfried Herder", "Ossian", "Heiner M\u00fcller", "Nationalepos", "Nationsbildung", "Nationaldichtung", "Identit\u00e4tskonstruktionen", "Fiktionalit\u00e4t", "Authentizit\u00e4t", "Johann Gottfried Herder", "Ossian", "Heiner M\u00fcller"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425571"], ["title", "Nationalepen zwischen Fakten und Fiktionen"], ["doab_id", "15212"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9789949199112"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949199112"]], [["description", "The first study of citizenship in Yugoslavia, and the post-Yugoslav states, from 1914 to the present day."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Igor \u0160tiks"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474221559"], ["title", "Nations and Citizens in Yugoslavia and the Post-Yugoslav States"], ["doab_id", "19371"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474221528"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474221528"]], [["description", "This collection provides a benchmark that helps secure the position of collaboration between Native American and non-Native American scholars in the forefront of study of Native oral traditions. Seven sets of intercultural authors present Native American oral texts with commentary, exploring dimensions of perspective, discovery, and meaning that emerge through collaborative translation and interpretation. The texts studied all come from the American West but include a rich variety of material, since their tribal sources range from the Yupik in the Arctic to the Yaqui in the Sonoran Desert.This presentation of jointly authored work is timely: it addresses increasing interest in, calls for, and movement toward reflexivity in the relationships between scholars and the Native communities they study, and it responds to the renewed commitment in those communities to asserting more control over representations of their traditions. Although Native and academic communities have long tried to work together in the study of culture and literature, the relationship has been awkward and imbalanced toward the academics. In many cases, the contributions of Native assistants, informants, translators, and field workers to the work of professional ethnographers has been inadequately credited, ignored, or only recently uncovered. Native Americans usually have not participated in planning and writing such projects. Native American Oral Traditions provides models for overcoming such obstacles to interpreting and understanding Native oral literature in relation to the communities and cultures from which it comes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Evers, Larry; Toelken, Barre"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/78"], ["title", "Native American Oral Traditions"], ["doab_id", "14716"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214154"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214154"]], [["description", "When the cold war was over, a vehement discussion of the new alternatives in security policy started in almost all former Warsaw-Pact States and in the neutral and nonaligned nations, Austria and Hungary among the latter. These nations' entry into the NATO has been the pivotal question. These discussions were the subject of comparative research that was done in Hungary and Austria. The results are presented in the book \"NATO, Neutrality and National Identity - the Case of Ausria and Hungary\".The book does not focus on the manifold security problems that the concerned nations' joining of NATO would entail but deals with the discourses and debates on neutrality and NATO. The argumentation strategies that were applied in these discourses and debates touch on important motives of national identity and are thus creating identity. Moreover, the NATO discussion is a discussion on security policy and national identity at the same time. The authors' intention was to clarify the dimension relating to identity in the NATO discussion by analyzing the argumentation strategies that were used by the advocates and opponents of NATO membership and the reception of typical arguments in various public opinions. In many cases the argumentation strategies are based on historicizing ways of thinking which claim that there are historical reasons for choosing either of the alternatives (NATO or neutrality). In Hungary, discussions focus on the question whether Hungary is historically an organic part of Europe or whether its own identity will only materialize if the nation adopts a special course between the western and the eastern world. In Austria, the consequences of a potential renunciation of neutrality, one of the most important elements of modern Austrian identity, has been made a subject of passionate discussion. The book analyzes the issues of creating identity by discussion both from a historical-sociological standpoint and from the angle of discourse analysis. The individual chapters deal with comparative studies of the change and upheaval in the national identities in Hungary and Austria. Although these specific analyses are intended to be case studies, they allow generalizations on all of central Europe. The individual corpora (opinion surveys, political speeches, focus groups, talk-shows, newspapers), having been selected so as to ensure comparability, are subjected to a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis and interpretation. Following the introduction - problems are defined from the standpoint of history and political science - the complex discourses from focus group discussions and the outcomes of opinion surveys are presented and analyzed, and newspapers, TV talk-shows and speeches held on days of remembrance are presented applying the methods of discourse analysis. Against this backdrop a comprehensive picture of the identity discourses develops. In the introduction and concluding remarks the two editors draw theoretical and methodical conclusions for interdisciplinary and comparative studies.

Nach dem Ende des kalten Krieges entfalteten sich heftige Diskussionen \u00fcber die neuen sicherheitspolitischen Alternativen fast in allen L\u00e4ndern des ehemaligen Warschauer Paktes und in den neutralen und blockfreien Staaten, unter ihnen in \u00d6sterreich und in Ungarn. Zentraler Punkt der Diskussion ist der Beitritt der betroffenen L\u00e4nder zur NATO. Diese Diskussionen bildeten den Gegenstand einer vergleichenden Forschung in Ungarn und \u00d6sterreich, aus der das Buch \"NATO, Neutrality and National Identity - the Case of Austria and Hungary\" entstand.Im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehen nicht die vielf\u00e4ltigen sicherheitspolitischen Probleme des NATO-Beitritts der betroffenen L\u00e4nder. Vielmehr sind es die Diskurse und Debatten \u00fcber Neutralit\u00e4t und NATO, womit sich die Beitr\u00e4ge des Buches besch\u00e4ftigen.Die in ihnen angewandten Argumentationsstrategien betreffen wichtige Momente nationaler Identit\u00e4t und sind demnach identit\u00e4tskonstruierend. Die NATO-Diskussion ist daher gleichzeitig eine sicherheitspolitische und identit\u00e4tspolitische Diskussion.Die Absicht der Autoren war es, die identit\u00e4tspolitische Dimension der NATO-Diskussion durch eine Analyse der von den Bef\u00fcrwortern und Gegnern der NATO-Mitgliedschaft angewandten Argumentationsstrategien und der Rezeption typischer Argumente in vielfachen \u00d6ffentlichkeiten zu kl\u00e4ren. Die Argumentationsstrategien der Diskussionspartner beruhen h\u00e4ufig auf historisierenden Topoi, die eine Wahl zwischen den bestehenden Alternativen (NATO und Neutralit\u00e4t) historisch begr\u00fcnden wollen.In Ungarn steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion, ob Ungarn historisch organischer Bestandteil von Europa ist oder es seine eigene Identit\u00e4t nur mittels eines, zwischen der westlichen und \u00f6stlichen Welt laufenden Sonderweges, verwirklichen kann.In \u00d6sterreich werden heftig die Konsequenzen der m\u00f6glichen Aufgabe der Neutralit\u00e4t, einer der wichtigsten Bestandteile der modernen \u00f6sterreichischen Identit\u00e4t thematisiert.Das Buch analysiert sowohl aus einer historisch-soziologischen Sicht, als auch aus diskursanalytischer Perspektive die Fragen der diskursiven Identit\u00e4tskonstruktion. Die Kapiteln sind vergleichenden Studien zum Wandel und Umbruch nationaler Identit\u00e4ten in Ungarn und \u00d6sterreich gewidmet. Diese spezifischen Analysen sind zwar als \"case studies\" gedacht, lassen aber Generalisierungen auf den mitteleurop\u00e4ischen Raum zu.Die Einzelcorpora (Meinungsumfragen, politische Reden, Fokusgruppen, Talkshows, Zeitungen) werden komparativ und interdisziplin\u00e4r analysiert und interpretiert, die Corpora sind auch in Bezug auf eine Vergleichbarkeit erhoben worden. Nach einleitenden historischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Darstellungen der Problemlagen in beiden L\u00e4ndern werden daher die komplexen Diskurse aus Fokusgruppendiskussionen und die Ergebnisse aus Meinungsumfragen vorgestellt und analysiert, Zeitungen, TV-Talkshows und Reden zu Gedenktagen diskursanalytisch aufgearbeitet. Auf diesem Hintergrund entsteht ein breites Bild der Identit\u00e4tsdiskurse. In einer Einleitung und in den Schlussbemerkungen ziehen die beiden Herausgeber theoretische und methodische Konsequenzen f\u00fcr interdisziplin\u00e4re und komparative Studien."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kov\u00e1c ,Andr\u00e1s"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["NATO, Neutrality, National Identity"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437135"], ["title", "NATO, Neutrality and National Identity: the case of Austria and Hungary"], ["doab_id", "15261"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783205770756"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205770756"]], [["description", "The title follows from the original demonstration by Dr. Hugh de Wardener in 1961 that a humoral agent is produced after extracellular volume expansion which results in a vigorous diuresis and natriuresis. Thus the name of \"natriuretic hormone\" was coined. In the years that followed several investigators pursued the search for the hormone. What resulted, however, was the discovery of several hormones with different characteristics, all of which were natriuretic. Initially it was found that the hormone was similar in action to ouabain or digoxin, hence the appelation of ouabain-like or digoxin-like. The hormone was found to be an inhibitor of Na-K-ATPase, which would fit with it being a cardiotonic steroid. On the other hand, neither ouabain or digoxin migrated on Sephadex gel filtration in the same locus as the hormone. Other investigators claim to have identified the hormone-initially as a vanadium-diascorbate, later as bufadienolides such as marinobufagenin, yet later as a macrocylic derivative of inorganic carbon suboxide with a molecular weight of 408 Da. Some support for the latter finding was derived from an earlier report that a semi-purified Sephadex-derived compound was found to have a molecular weight of about 12,000 Da but the active compound, when split from its carrier protein, had a molecular weight of exactly 408 Da. This compound had not been further identified. As further development was the demonstration by Bricker and colleagues that a natriuretic substance could be purified from uremic urine. This turned out to be a xathurenic acid derivative. Meanwhile the focus began to turn to natriuretic peptides derived from heart (ANF and BNP). These peptides have a shorter duration of action than the cardiotonic steroid-like hormone and ANF has proved to be most useful as a measure of heart failure. It should also be stressed that marinobufagenin, like ANF, is elevated in congestive heart failure, whereas the steroid-like hormone is depressed or absent in this state. This review will attempt to describe and contrast the properties of each of the proposed natriuretic hormones, including their locus on Sephadex separation, potency, duration of action, chemical structure (if known), behavior in hypertension, renal failure, heart failure, and brain disease. As most recent work has focussed on marinobufagenin, this hormone will be brought up to date by investigators in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Harvey Craig Gonick; Vardaman M. Buckalew"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Natriuresis", "hormone", "Hypothalamus", "Volume expansion", "Hypertension"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2080/the-natriuretic-hormones"], ["title", "The Natriuretic Hormones"], ["doab_id", "18831"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197095"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197095"]], [["description", "The book presents the results of a conference at the DFG Graduate College on \"Interdiscipline History of Ecology\" held in December, 2008. Nature has always been a definite factor for man as well as for societies, and in spite of many attempts to expand his sphere man has had to submit to nature in the face of catastrophies or the limitations of resources. The book comprises scientific and cultural history articles on mediaeval and modern ages, reflecting in a broad spectrum the topic nature as a borderland.

Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis einer Tagung, die vom 2.12.-4.12.2008 im DFG Graduiertenkolleg 1024 \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte. Naturale Umwelt und gesellschaftliches Handeln in Mitteleuropa\u201c unter dem Titel \u201eNatur als Grenz(E)rfahrung\u201c veranstaltet wurde. Natur begrenzte stets menschliche Lebensr\u00e4ume. Sie beeinflusste die Art und Weise individueller und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung. Menschen, die diese Grenzen in historisch unterschiedlicher Weise als Beschr\u00e4nkungen erfuhren, versuchten, sie zu \u00fcberschreiten und zu verschieben. So dehnten sie ihre Lebens- und Erfahrungsr\u00e4ume aus. Doch blieb menschliches Leben in der Erfahrung von Naturkatastrophen, der eigenen physischen und psychischen Belastbarkeit sowie der Endlichkeit von Ressourcen letztlich an Natur gebunden. Der Sammelband umfasst natur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Beitr\u00e4ge zu Mittelalter und Neuzeit, die aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven den Gegenstand Natur als Grenzerfahrung beleuchten. So wird in den Rubriken zu Ressourcen, Entdeckungen und Katastrophen in einem breiten Spektrum gezeigt, wie sich Deutungsmuster von und Umgangsweisen mit Natur als Grenze entwickelten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kreye, Lars; St\u00fchring, Carsten; Zwingelberg, Tanja"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["ecology", "interdisciplinarity", "history of ecology", "ecology", "interdisciplinarity", "history of ecology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610337"], ["title", "Natur als Grenzerfahrung - Europ\u00e4ische Perspektiven der Mensch-Natur-Beziehung in Mittelalter und Neuzeit: Ressourcennutzung, Entdeckungen, Naturkatastrophen"], ["doab_id", "13106"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875128"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875128"]], [["description", "Farben sind f\u00fcr uns sowohl objektive, als auch ph\u00e4nomenale Eigenschaften. In seinem Buch argumentiert Fabian Dorsch, da\u00df keine ontologische Theorie der Farben diesen beiden Seiten unseres Farbbegriffes gerecht werden kann. Stattdessen sollten wir akzeptieren, da\u00df letzterer sich auf zwei verschiedene Arten von Eigenschaften bezieht: die repr\u00e4sentierten Reflektanzeigenschaften von Gegenst\u00e4nden und die qualitativen Eigenschaften unserer Farbwahrnehmungen, die als sinnliche Gegebenheitsweisen ersterer fungieren. Die Natur der Farben gibt einen detaillierten \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die zeitgen\u00f6ssischen philosophischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Theorien der Farben und bietet sich aufgrund seines systematischen und umfassenden Charakters auch als ein seminar- oder vorlesungsbegleitendes Textbuch an."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dorsch, Fabian"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209602"], ["title", "Die Natur der Farben"], ["doab_id", "18089"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110329476", "9783110329346"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110329476, 9783110329346"]], [["description", "Umweltgeschichte hat sich zu einem bedeutenden Themenfeld historischer Forschung entwickelt. Die Betrachtung vergangener Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktionen kann zum Verst\u00e4ndnis heutiger Wechselwirkungen beitragen und Orientierungswissen f\u00fcr aktuelle gesellschaftliche und politische Umwelt-Debatten bereitstellen. Die Einrichtung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1024 \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte. Naturale Umwelt und gesellschaftliches Handeln in Mitteleuropa\u201c an der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen 2004 war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Etablierung der Umweltgeschichte in der deutschen Forschungslandschaft. Kennzeichnend f\u00fcr die G\u00f6ttinger Forschungen war stets der interdisziplin\u00e4re Ansatz, welcher naturwissenschaftliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden und Forschungsfragen zu verbinden versucht. Nach neunj\u00e4hriger F\u00f6rderzeit beendete das Kolleg im Jahr 2013 seine Arbeit. Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt Beitr\u00e4ge des Abschlussworkshops. Unter den Themenkomplexen \u201eDie Umwelt erfassen\u201c, \u201eDie Umwelt planen\u201c und \u201eDer Umwelt widerstehen\u201c geben die Autoren anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Fallstudien Einblicke in einige der erreichten Forschungsergebnisse des Graduiertenkollegs.

Umweltgeschichte hat sich zu einem bedeutenden Themenfeld historischer Forschung entwickelt. Die Betrachtung vergangener Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktionen kann zum Verst\u00e4ndnis heutiger Wechselwirkungen beitragen und Orientierungswissen f\u00fcr aktuelle gesellschaftliche und politische Umwelt-Debatten bereitstellen. Die Einrichtung des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1024 \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte. Naturale Umwelt und gesellschaftliches Handeln in Mitteleuropa\u201c an der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen 2004 war ein wichtiger Schritt zur Etablierung der Umweltgeschichte in der deutschen Forschungslandschaft. Kennzeichnend f\u00fcr die G\u00f6ttinger Forschungen war stets der interdisziplin\u00e4re Ansatz, welcher naturwissenschaftliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden und Forschungsfragen zu verbinden versucht. Nach neunj\u00e4hriger F\u00f6rderzeit beendete das Kolleg im Jahr 2013 seine Arbeit. Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt Beitr\u00e4ge des Abschlussworkshops. Unter den Themenkomplexen \u201eDie Umwelt erfassen\u201c, \u201eDie Umwelt planen\u201c und \u201eDer Umwelt widerstehen\u201c geben die Autoren anhand ausgew\u00e4hlter Fallstudien Einblicke in einige der erreichten Forschungsergebnisse des Graduiertenkollegs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jakubowski-Tiessen, Manfred; Sprenger, Jana"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Environmental history", "Graduate college", "Research results", "Environmental history", "Graduate college", "Research results"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610365"], ["title", "Natur und Gesellschaft - Perspektiven der interdisziplin\u00e4ren Umweltgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "16542"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951528"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951528"]], [["description", "The book is based on the research project \u201eThe Esterh\u00e1zy Landscape Garden in Eisenstadt\u201c funded by the Jubilee Fonds of the Austrian National Bank (no.5164) and was published with the aid of a printing subsidy granted by FWF.For the first time one of the outstanding historical gardens of Austria is presented in a comprehensive monography. The contributions cover a wide range of topics from aspects of cultural heritage preservation and the history of the shaping of the garden as well as the topochronological analysis of maps and plans by means of historical cartography to an in-depth study of plant history focussing on one of the most famous greenhouse plant collections of the first decades of the 19th century as well as on the varieties of trees and shrubs of the landscape garden itself. According to the outstanding importance of the greenhouses and their plant collections a specificfocus is laid upon the exploration of the building history and the species-specific analysis of the collections. A detailed inventory of the historical composition of open ground species of trees and shrubs of the landscape garden provides insight into the stages of the shaping of the garden from a botanical view. This inventory is contrasted with the actual situation in regard to ecological, vegetation-scientific and floristic aspects. The second edition of the book is extended by a study of theformerly landscaped area of the so-called Gloriette (Temple of Mary) which is located outside the garden but represents an integral part of the original concept of a designed landscape. The final chapter serves as a detailed guide to the connoisseur by describing an annotated walk through the garden enriched by a wealth of remarks of general historical, of literary and plant-historical as well as garden-historical background.

Die Ergebnisse des vom Jubil\u00e4umsfonds der \u00d6sterreichischen Nationalbank mit der Nr. 5164 gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojektes \"Der Esterhazy'sche Schlo\u00dfpark Eisenstadt.\" wurden mit Hilfe eines Druckkostenzuschusses des FWF in Buchform publiziert.Erstmals in \u00d6sterreich wird einer der gro\u00dfen und bedeutenden historischen G\u00e4rten dieses Landes umfassend dargestellt. Der Bogen des monographischen Werkes spannt sich \u00fcber Betrachtungen aus Sicht der Gartendenkmalpflege und eine chronologische Geschichte der Entwicklungsstufen des Gartens \u00fcber die Analyse der Gartenpl\u00e4ne und Karten auf Grundlage kartographiegeschichtlicher Forschungen bis hin zu einer umfassenden Betrachtung der Geschichte der Pflanzenbest\u00e4nde des Gartens. Der europaweit \u00fcberragenden Bedeutung der Orangerie und ihrer Pflanzensammlungen in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 19.Jahrhunderts gem\u00e4\u00df folgt eine Untersuchung der Baugeschichte der Treibhausanlagen und eine umfassende artenspezifische Analyse der Pflanzensammlungen. Eine exakte Beschreibung der historischen Freilandpflanzenbest\u00e4nde zeigt wichtige und interessante botanikgeschichtliche Aspekte der Genese des Gartens auf Die aktuelle \u00f6kologische, vegetationskundliche und floristische Situation wird im Spiegel dieser historischen Ausgangslage dargestellt. Das au\u00dferhalb des Gartens liegende, gleichwohl in Kommunikation mit diesem gestaltete Areal des Marientempels (Gloriette) wird in der erweiterten 2.Auflage des Buches in einem eigenen Beitrag vorgestellt. Ein faktenreicher F\u00fchrer durch den Garten f\u00fcr kundige Gartenliebhaber/innen in Form eines durch gartenk\u00fcnstlerische, botanische, historische und literarische Anmerkungen bereicherten Spazierganges rundet das Werk ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prost ,Franz"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["History of garden art, landscape garden, Esterh\u00e1zy", "Gartenkunstgeschichte, Landschaftsgarten, Esterh\u00e1zy"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=473030"], ["title", "Der Natur und Kunst gewidmet"], ["doab_id", "15966"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992110"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3205992113"]], [["description", "What causes a language to be the way it is? Some features are universal, some are inherited, others are borrowed, and yet others are internally innovated. But no matter where a bit of language is from, it will only exist if it has been diffused and kept in circulation through social interaction in the history of a community. This book makes the case that a proper understanding of the ontology of language systems has to be grounded in the causal mechanisms by which linguistic items are socially transmitted, in communicative contexts. A biased transmission model provides a basis for understanding why certain things and not others are likely to develop, spread, and stick in languages. Because bits of language are always parts of systems, we also need to show how it is that items of knowledge and behavior become structured wholes. The book argues that to achieve this, we need to see how causal processes apply in multiple frames or 'time scales' simultaneously, and we need to understand and address each and all of these frames in our work on language. This forces us to confront implications that are not always comfortable: for example, that \"a language\" is not a real thing but a convenient fiction, that language-internal and language-external processes have a lot in common, and that tree diagrams are poor conceptual tools for understanding the history of languages. By exploring avenues for clear solutions to these problems, this book suggests a conceptual framework for ultimately explaining, in causal terms, what languages are like and why they are like that."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Enfield ,N. J."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["language", "ontology of language systems", "biased transmission model", "causal processes"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533873"], ["title", "Natural causes of language: Frames, biases, and cultural transmission"], ["doab_id", "16499"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675503"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675503"]], [["description", "This book contains the joint proceedings of the Winter School of Hakodate (WSH) 2011 held in Hakodate, Japan, March 15\u201316, 2011, and the 6th International Workshop on Natural Computing (6th IWNC) held in Tokyo, Japan, March 28\u201330, 2012, organized by the Special Interest Group of Natural Computing (SIG-NAC), the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI). This volume compiles refereed contributions to various aspects of natural computing, ranging from computing with slime mold, artificial chemistry, eco-physics, and synthetic biology, to computational aesthetics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yasuhiro Suzuki; Toshiyuki Nakagaki"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Simulation and Modeling", "Computational Biology/Bioinformatics", "Models and Principles", "Computer Appl. in Arts and Humanities", "Interdisciplinary Studies"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-4-431-54393-0"], ["title", "Natural Computing and Beyond"], ["doab_id", "15481"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431543930", "9784431543947"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431543930 (Print) 9784431543947 (Online)"]], [["description", "A young man from Monterey and his younger brother go on their first deer hunt with their minister father and his friends. The setting is 1950s northern California, in country where, from the right height, one can see Mt. Shasta in one direction, Mt. Lassen in the other. It is a region of small, insular towns, and although it is a familiar hunting ground for the Reverend and his buddies, not everyone there welcomes black hunters. Father and son both shoulder their pride, and a racial confrontation seems inevitable.Among the lessons young Satch learns is the sometime advantage of wit and spine. During their days in the wilderness, the brothers are initiated to the right practice of the hunt and camp and to the ribald talk, needling banter, camp tales, and occasional aggravation of sundry friends. Hunting has a primal nature, but as Satch sees, so may the variable interactions of men."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin, S. R Jr."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/88"], ["title", "Natural-Born Proud"], ["doab_id", "14750"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217759"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217759"]], [["description", "O presente livro pretende delinear uma poss\u00edvel interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o do behaviorismo radical como teoria da mente, o que significa, em outros termos, contextualiz\u00e1-lo no \u00e2mbito das discuss\u00f5es da filosofia da mente. Em que implica, exatamente, essa contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o? Possivelmente existem muitas diferen\u00e7as entre o behaviorismo radical e as teorias que comp\u00f5em a filosofia da mente, inclusive diferen\u00e7as de agenda: o primeiro surge como uma proposta de filosofia da ci\u00eancia do comportamento, e as segundas foram desenvolvidas para tratar de quest\u00f5es que permeiam a filosofia desde o seu surgimento entre os gregos. O sentido da presente contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o, portanto, \u00e9 simplesmente o de tratar de alguns temas da filosofia da mente a partir da \u00f3ptica behaviorista radical, mas sempre tendo em vista que esse trabalho n\u00e3o esgotar\u00e1 todos os problemas e todas as quest\u00f5es que formam essa subdivis\u00e3o da filosofia. Pretende-se neste livro contextualizar o behaviorismo radical na filosofia da mente por meio de tr\u00eas atividades. A primeira delas consiste em apresentar uma resposta poss\u00edvel \u00e0 quest\u00e3o \"O que \u00e9 a mente?\" . A segunda delas, por sua vez, demanda o tratamento de outra quest\u00e3o, a saber, \"Qual a natureza da mente?\". \u00c0 primeira quest\u00e3o subjaz o problema de se delimitar que coisas ou fen\u00f4menos s\u00e3o considerados mentais. Trata-se, portanto, da busca de uma defini\u00e7\u00e3o conceitual da mente. J\u00e1 a segunda quest\u00e3o \u00e9 endere\u00e7ada \u00e0 ontologia do mental, isto \u00e9, \u00e0s caracter\u00edsticas essenciais \u00e0 sua exist\u00eancia. Em seu turno, a terceira atividade n\u00e3o possui uma quest\u00e3o espec\u00edfica, mas nem por isso deixa de ser importante: consiste na an\u00e1lise de algumas teses, problemas e quest\u00f5es apresentadas pelas teorias da mente atrav\u00e9s do ponto de vista behaviorista radical. Espera-se que essas atividades representem, ao menos, um passo em dire\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma teoria behaviorista radical da mente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zilio, Diego"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vsgrn"], ["title", "A natureza comportamental da mente: behaviorismo radical e filosofia da mente"], ["doab_id", "16752"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830907"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830907"]], [["description", "Navigating Borders into the Netherlands provides a unique in-depth look at human smuggling processes. Based on biographical interviews with smuggled migrants in the Netherlands, the study reveals considerable differences that exist in smuggling's underlying causes, how journeys evolve, and outcomes of the process. This research from an insider's perspective clearly demonstrates that smuggled migrants are not passive actors, there is a broad variety in types of smugglers, and interactions between migrants and smugglers largely determine how the smuggling process evolves.

Dit boek geeft een een boeiend inzicht in mensensmokkel. Gebaseerd op biografische interviews met gesmokkelde migranten in Nederland, laat de studie zien dat onderliggende oorzaken, de manier waarop de reis plaatsvindt alswel de uitkomst van mensensmokkelprocessen aanzienlijk kunnen verschillen. Door een perspectief van binnenuit te kiezen wordt het duidelijk dat gesmokkelde migranten geen passieve rol spelen. Verder valt op dat er verschillende type smokkelaars zijn en dat de interacties tussen die twee voor een belangrijk gedeelte het verloop van het proces bepalen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Liempt van ,Ilse"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen", "human smuggling", "Netherlands", "asylum", "irregular migration", "Iraq", "Horn of Africa", "Former Soviet Union", "fortress Europe", "forced migration", "transit migration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340140"], ["title", "Navigating Borders : Inside Perspectives on the Process of Human Smuggling into the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "12839"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569306"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569306"]], [["description", "In 2011, Amy T Matthews published End of the Night Girl, a novel which engages creatively with questions of identity politics and the ethics of fictionalising the Holocaust. Navigating the Kingdom of Night is a critical exegesis in which the author contextualises End of the Night Girl in terms of the critical debate surrounding Holocaust fiction."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Matthews T ,Amy"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["amy t. matthews", "navigating the kingdom of night", "end of the night girl", "holocaust fiction", "creative wiriting", "exegesis", "novel writing", "jonathan safran foer", "everything is illuminated", "helen demidenko", "helen darville", "the hand that signed the paper", "jerzy kosinski", "the painted bird", "john boyne", "the boy in the striped pyjamas", "d.m. thomas", "the white hotel", "yaffa eliach", "hasidic tales of the holocaust", "art spiegelman", "maus", "theodor w. adorno"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560341"], ["title", "Navigating the Kingdom of Night"], ["doab_id", "15562"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064585"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064585"]], [["description", "Following the formation of the German National Socialist Party in the 1920s, various forms of sound (popular music, voice, noise and silence) and media technology (radio and loudspeaker systems) were configured as useful to the party's political programme. Focusing on the urban \"soundscape\" of D\u00fcsseldorf, the author makes a persuasive case for investigating such sound events and technological devices in their specific contexts of production and reception. Nazi Soundscapes identifies strategies for controlling space and reworking identity patterns, but also the ongoing difficulties in manipulating mediated sounds and the spaces of listening reception, whether in the home, workplace, the cinema, public rituals or with wartime siren systems. The study revises visualist notions of social control, and reveals the disciplinary functions of listening (as eavesdropping) as well as the sonic dimensions to exclusion and violence during Nazism. An essential title for everyone interested in the links between German political culture, audiovisual media and urban history, Nazi Soundscapes provides a fascinating analysis of the cultural significance of sound between the 1920s and early 1940s. Click \"http://soundclips.humanities.uva.nl/\">here for the sound clips discussed in the book.

Na de formatie van de NSDAP in de jaren '20 werden verschillende vormen van geluid (stem, ruis, stilte, populaire muziek) en mediatechnologie\u00ebn (radio- en luidsprekersystemen) ingezet voor hun politieke programma. Vanuit de historisch invalshoek van het stedelijke 'soundscape' van D\u00fcsseldorf, onderzoekt de auteur de productie en receptie van deze geluiden en technologie\u00ebn. Nazi Soundscapes brengt in kaart hoe het politieke bestel de stedelijke ruimte en identiteitsformatie van burgers door middel van geluid be\u00efnvloedt. Het geeft een kritisch perspectief op zowel visuele als auditieve manieren van controle en discipline, in het bijzonder bij uitsluiting en geweld tijdens het nationaal-socialisme (1933-1945). Nazi Soundscapes geeft een fascinerende kijk op de culturele betekenis van geluid tussen de jaren twintig en veertig. Een essentieel boek voor lezers met een interesse in de Duitse politieke cultuur, moderne media en stedelijke geschiedenis. Luister \"http://soundclips.humanities.uva.nl/\">hier naar de geluidsfragmenten die in het boek worden besproken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Birdsall ,Carolyn"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History", "Nazi", "Urban Cities", "Media Technology", "Propaganda", "Geschiedenis", "Nazi", "Urban Cities", "Media Technology", "Soundscapes", "Germany", "Radio", "Listening", "Popular Music", "Propaganda"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424532"], ["title", "Nazi Soundscapes : Sound, Technology and Urban Space in Germany, 1933-1945"], ["doab_id", "15143"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644268"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644268"]], [["description", "Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a novel and increasingly popular optical imaging technique that has revolutionarized brain research in the youngest developmental populations. After nearly a decade of technological development, NIRS has become a reliable, easy-to-use and efficient tool to explore the linguistic and cognitive abilities of neonates and young infants, opening new vistas for the investigation of language acquisition and cognitive development. This Research Topic covers the latest advances in these areas brought about by NIRS imaging. The main focus is to highlight innovative and foundational studies that go beyond methodological issues and advance our theoretical understanding of infant and child development. Contributions from the pioneers of this method are selected, illustrating how NIRS has allowed developmental researchers to ask theoretically relevant questions that more traditional methods couldn't address. These works further our understanding of language and cognitive development and bring us closer to bridging the gap between brain, mind and behavior at the very beginning of life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Judit Gervain"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["language learning", "language developmental", "Speech Perception", "brain specialization for language", "near-infrered spectroscopy", "Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/90/near-infrared-spectroscopy-recent-advances-in-infant-speech-perception-and-language-acquisition-rese"], ["title", "Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Recent Advances in Infant Speech Perception and Language Acquisition Research"], ["doab_id", "17807"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194155"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194155"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 3, with foreward by Mary Oliver. \"\"I think the two attributes that will most impress readers are, first, the almost shimmering gladness with which Ms. Fargnoli replies to the gifts of beauty and of human love; and, second, the compassion with which she addresses whatever is beyond her own intimate surroundings. Whatever it costs her, whatever it takes, there seems to be for Ms. Fargnoli only one world and only one way to live within it: with a ferocity of attention, care, and response.\"\" Mary Oliver"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fargnoli, Patricia"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/6"], ["title", "Necessary Light"], ["doab_id", "14766"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780585058580"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780585058580"]], [["description", "In this book I investigate the necessary structure of the aether \u2013 the stuff that fills the whole universe. Some of my conclusions are. 1. There is an enormous variety of structures that the aether might, for all we know, have. 2. Probably the aether is point-free. 3. In that case, it should be distinguished from Space-time, which is either a fiction or a construct. 4. Even if the aether has points, we should reject the orthodoxy that all regions are grounded in points by summation. 5. If the aether is point-free but not continuous, its most likely structure has extended atoms that are not simples. 6. Space-time is symmetric if and only if the aether is continuous. 7. If the aether is continuous, we should reject the standard interpretation of General Relativity, in which geometry determines gravity. 8. Contemporary physics undermines an objection to discrete aether based on scale invariance, but does not offer much positive support."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Forrest, Peter"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208996"], ["title", "The Necessary Structure of the All-pervading Aether"], ["doab_id", "18051"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110325928", "9783110325171", "9783110325935"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110325928, 9783110325171, 9783110325935"]], [["description", "Os autores do livro apontam a import\u00e2ncia de os professores serem propositores dos programas de forma\u00e7\u00e3o cont\u00ednua, a partir das necessidades que apontam. Essa perspectiva, que d\u00e1 voz aos professores, tem se mostrado f\u00e9rtil no desenvolvimento de processos dessa natureza, pois considera fundamental o protagonismo dos sujeitos-professores na implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de mudan\u00e7as que se fazem necess\u00e1rias nas pr\u00e1ticas e nos curr\u00edculos escolares. Procedendo ao levantamento de necessidades junto a uma amostra significativa de 533 professores, em dez munic\u00edpios da regi\u00e3o, com a colabora\u00e7\u00e3o da UNDIME - Uni\u00e3o Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o, e desenvolvendo uma an\u00e1lise cr\u00edtica e contextualizada dos resultados, os autores apresentam indicativos e propostas para a efetiva\u00e7\u00e3o de pol\u00edticas de forma\u00e7\u00e3o cont\u00ednua que superam eventuais desperd\u00edcios de recursos em a\u00e7\u00f5es pontuais, fragmentadas e externas \u00e0s demandas reais das escolas e dos professores. Ao valorizar a forma\u00e7\u00e3o cr\u00edtica e reflexiva desses sujeitos, alinham-se \u00e0s perspectivas que superam a racionalidade t\u00e9cnica instrumental das compet\u00eancias docentes, caracter\u00edstica dos governos neoliberais que culpabilizam os professores diretamente pelo fracasso escolar, desvalorizam sua forma\u00e7\u00e3o universit\u00e1ria de intelectual e pesquisador e n\u00e3o investem na melhoria da infraestrutura necess\u00e1ria ao trabalho docente de qualidade nem nas condi\u00e7\u00f5es de carreira e sal\u00e1rio dos professores."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Di Giorgi, Cristiano Amaral Garboggini; F\u00fcrkotter, Monica; Mendon\u00e7a, Naiara Costa Gomes de; Lima, Vanda Moreira Machado; Leite, Yoshie Ussami Ferrari"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/f8pnb"], ["title", "Necessidades formativas de professores de redes municipais: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores cr\u00edtico-reflexivo"], ["doab_id", "16753"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831065"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831065"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 11, with foreward by Alice Quinn. Neck of the World is the eleventh volume in the prestigious May Swenson Poetry Award series. In it, Daniel Rzicznek offers poems that, in quick angular language, capture the natural world and at the same time extend it into a surreal vision, sometimes dream-like, sometimes dark. Alice Quinn, judge for the 2007 Swenson Award, says this of Rzicznek's work: \"\"Throughout, the language pulsates, always vigorous, by turns knotty and crystalline. . . . In Neck of the World, we have a poet with a striking new vision--challenging, rewarding, and bold."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rzicznek, F. Daniel"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/5"], ["title", "Neck of the World"], ["doab_id", "14767"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216691"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216691"]], [["description", "Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde (\u201cDutch from the point of view of pronunciation acquisition and contrastive linguistics\u201d) gives an overview of linguistic research carried out on Dutch by specialists from different parts of Europe. As the title suggests, the book covers two topics: (1) recent developments in the research into the pronunciation of Dutch as a second or foreign language, including research into pronunciation norms and the teaching of pronunciation; (2) recent theoretical and methodological developments in contrastive linguistics providing new insights about various cross-linguistic issues, including translation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rasier ,Laurent ; Heuven , Vincent van; Defrancq ,Bart ; Hiligsmann ,Philippe "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["pronunciation", "foreign language acquisition", "contrastive linguistics", "translation"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=434328"], ["title", "Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde"], ["doab_id", "15223"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038217871"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038217871"]], [["description", "Sociology

De huidige Nederlandse elites trekken veel negatieve aandacht. Directeuren zouden te veel verdienen, het aanzien van de politieke elites daalt, bij rechters wordt getwijfeld aan hun gezag en maatschappelijk bewustzijn, over de Nederlandse adel wordt alleen lacherig gepraat. Veel weten we over deze elites niet, want sociologisch onderzoek naar Nederlandse elites blijft schaars. Deze boekaflevering van http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_catalogus&b=tijdschriften&p=827\"\">Mens & Maatschappij is een vervolg op een boekaflevering van het tijdschrift uit 1984, getiteld Nederlandse elites in beeld. De onderwerpen zijn divers: adel, rechterlijke macht, een koloniale economische elite, de internationalisering van de economische elite en de opkomst van een nieuwe lokale elite. Alle artikelen benadrukken zowel de verandering als de continu\u00efteit: een adellijke titel helpt nog steeds bij het verwerven van een elitepositie bijvoorbeeld. De koloniale elite verdween niet plotseling toen Indonesi\u00eb onafhankelijk werd. De komst van allochtone gemeenteraadsleden is slechts de laatste ontwikkeling in de samenstelling van raden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fennema ,Meindert; Schijf ,Huibert"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340224"], ["title", "Nederlandse elites in de twintigste eeuw : Continu\u00efteit en verandering"], ["doab_id", "12907"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566497"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566497"]], [["description", "Literature traditionally holds a special place in society. This fact can be ascribed especially to literature\u2019s unique capability to urge its audience and readers to allow a voice other than their own to resound within. And yet, literature\u2019s role raises questions regarding one\u2019s responsibility and engagement \u2013 questions that nearly every generation asks itself time and again with an ever changing urgency. Eight literary scholars from the research group \u2018Literature \u2013 Ethics \u2013 Law\u2019 (Ghent University) focus on this complex dialogue between literature and ethics. In the process, they arrive at answers that tease out crucial historical developments (from Plato to HIV/AIDS-prose), while also attending to the impact of methodological reevaluations during the search for such answers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Biebuck ,Benjamin; Buelens ,Gert; Moor de ,Katrien; Keunen ,Bart; Martens ,Gunther; Praet ,Danny; Roose ,Alexander; Verbaal ,Wim"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Ethics", "Literatuur", "Ethiek"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365435"], ["title", "Negen muzen, tien geboden. Historische en methodologische gevalstudies over de interactie tussen literatuur en ethiek"], ["doab_id", "13276"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038207926", "9789038207926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038207921 9789038207926"]], [["description", "The sequencing of the entire human genome has opened up unprecedented possibilities for healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas about how these can be achieved, particularly in developing countries. UNESCO's Bioethics Programme was established to address such issues in 1993. Since then, it has adopted three declarations on human genetics and bioethics (1997, 2003 and 2005), set up numerous training programmes around the world and debated the need for an international convention on human reproductive cloning. Negotiating Bioethics presents Langlois' research on the negotiation and implementation of the three declarations and the human cloning debate, based on fieldwork carried out in Kenya, South Africa, France and the UK, among policy-makers, geneticists, ethicists, civil society representatives and industry professionals. The book examines whether the UNESCO Bioethics Programme is an effective forum for (a) decision-making on bioethics issues and (b) ensuring ethical practice. Considering two different aspects of the UNESCO Bioethics Programme - deliberation and implementation - at international and national levels, Langlois explores: - how relations between developed and developing countries can be made more equal - who should be involved in global level decision-making and how this should proceed - how overlap between initiatives can be avoided - what can be done to improve the implementation of international norms by sovereign states - how far universal norms can be contextualized - what impact the efficacy of national level governance has at international level Drawing on extensive empirical research, Negotiating Bioethics presents a truly global perspective on bioethics"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Langlois ,Ad\u00e8le"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Bioethics", "Ethics, Medical", "Genetics, Medical", "International Cooperation", "Program Evaluation", "Unesco's Bioethics Programm"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/record/478071"], ["title", "Negotiating bioethics : the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme"], ["doab_id", "15689"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415533461", "9780203101797"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415533461 9780203101797"]], [["description", "Communicative interactions in international negotiations on cultural property not only provide information about the emergence and proliferation of arguments, rhetorics, and registers, but also permit valuable insights into actors\u2019 positions, strategies and alliances. They significantly influence local and national practices and views related to cultural property debates. What can be gained from a deep analysis of the communicative patterns and strategies that actors engage in \u2013 the entailing text and talk of negotiations \u2013 is a better understanding of the process itself: how do different actors argue, what kind of strategies and rhetorics do they use, to which instruments and institutions do they refer, and in what way do actors react to each other? An analysis of communicative interactions contributes to the question of how international negotiations work. The analytic inclusion of sociolinguistic practices allows insights into positions, strategies, and perspectives pertaining to cultural property. By looking at not only what actors say, but also at how and in what contexts they do so, it is possible to make more accurate statements about their positions and perceptions in cultural property debates. As these communicative interactions influence outcomes considerably, an approach from linguistic anthropology is not only beneficial for an understanding of specific negotiations, but also for the analysis of broader cultural property issues.

Communicative interactions in international negotiations on cultural property not only provide information about the emergence and proliferation of arguments, rhetorics, and registers, but also permit valuable insights into actors\u2019 positions, strategies and alliances. They significantly influence local and national practices and views related to cultural property debates. What can be gained from a deep analysis of the communicative patterns and strategies that actors engage in \u2013 the entailing text and talk of negotiations \u2013 is a better understanding of the process itself: how do different actors argue, what kind of strategies and rhetorics do they use, to which instruments and institutions do they refer, and in what way do actors react to each other? An analysis of communicative interactions contributes to the question of how international negotiations work. The analytic inclusion of sociolinguistic practices allows insights into positions, strategies, and perspectives pertaining to cultural property. By looking at not only what actors say, but also at how and in what contexts they do so, it is possible to make more accurate statements about their positions and perceptions in cultural property debates. As these communicative interactions influence outcomes considerably, an approach from linguistic anthropology is not only beneficial for an understanding of specific negotiations, but also for the analysis of broader cultural property issues."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groth, Stefan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Cultural Property", "Communicative Interactions", "Rhetorics", "Linguistic Anthropology", "Cultural Property", "Communicative Interactions", "Rhetorics", "Linguistic Anthropology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610300"], ["title", "Negotiating Tradition - The pragmatics of international deliberations on Cultural Property"], ["doab_id", "15247"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951009"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951009"]], [["description", "In Negro Soy Yo Marc D. Perry explores Cuba\u2019s hip hop movement as a window into the racial complexities of the island\u2019s ongoing transition from revolutionary socialism toward free-market capitalism. Centering on the music and lives of black-identified raperos (rappers), Perry examines the ways these young artists craft notions of black Cuban identity and racial citizenship, along with calls for racial justice, at the fraught confluence of growing Afro-Cuban marginalization and long held perceptions of Cuba as a non-racial nation. Situating hip hop within a long history of Cuban racial politics, Perry discusses the artistic and cultural exchanges between raperos and North American rappers and activists, and their relationships with older Afro-Cuban intellectuals and African American political exiles. He also examines critiques of Cuban patriarchy by female raperos, the competing rise of reggaet\u00f3n, as well as state efforts to incorporate hip hop into its cultural institutions. At this pivotal moment of Cuban-U.S. relations, Perry's analysis illuminates the evolving dynamics of race, agency, and neoliberal transformation amid a Cuba in historic flux.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Perry D. ,Marc"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Blacks", "Cuba", "Social conditions", "Political aspects", "Music", "Anthropology", "Hip-hop"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604610"], ["title", "Negro Soy Yo"], ["doab_id", "18742"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374954"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374954"]], [["description", "Neighbours and Networks explores the economic relationship that existed between the Blood Indian reserve and the surrounding region of southern Alberta between 1884 and 1939. The Blood tribe, though living on a reserve, refused to become economically isolated from the larger community and indeed became significant contributors to the economy of the area. Their land base was important to the ranching industry. Their products, especially coal and hay, were sought after by settlers, and the Bloods were encouraged not only to provide them as needed, but also to become expert freighters, transporting goods from the reserve for non-Native business people. Blood field labour in the Raymond area's sugar beet fields was at times critical to the functioning of that industry. In addition, the Bloods' ties to the merchant community, especially in Cardston and Fort Macleod, resulted in a significant infusion of money into the local economy. Keith Regular's study fills the gap left by Canadian historiography that has largely ignored the economic associations between Natives and non-Natives living in a common environment. His microhistory refutes the perception that Native reserves have played only a minor role in regional development, and provides an excellent example of a cross-cultural, co-operative economic relationship in the post-treaty period on the Canadian plains."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "W. Keith Regular "], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48927/1/UofCPress_Neighboursnetworks_2009.pdf"], ["title", "Neighbours and Networks: The Blood Tribe in the Southern Alberta Economy, 1884\u20131939"], ["doab_id", "15149"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386545"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386545"]], [["description", "Since the 1880s neurasthenia - a term popularised by New York-physician George Beard - was discussed an a phenomenon of modernity, but over a long period of debate, psychiatry were not able to define what this \"modern malady\" exactly meant nor was it able to find any discernible causes for the epidemic disease. Neurasthenia was not simply a diagnostic term, which was often applied by fin de si\u00e8cle-physicians to their workaday routine, but a kind of lifestyle, a sign of a certain emotional sensitivity in modern times. In the last decade historical research on neurasthenia has focused on Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. But what happened in Austria-Hungary, especially in Vienna? Focusing on Viennese psychiatry, part one of the book analyses the \"invention\" of Neurasthenia and the adoption of Beards thesis in Austrian medicine, bringing out various figures and alternative methods of explanations of the disease that was identified as a central, yet unwanted feature of modern manliness. Based on this the outcome of war could be seen as an instance of 'nerve-corrections'. Like many medical professionals in Austria-Hungary, psychiatrists had reacted to the war with nearly unanimous support: patriotic habits went hand in hand with high psychiatric expectations of the powerful mental effects of war. These hopes were badly disappointed. In the more recent literature on the medical and cultural history of the Great War, the phenomenon of the epidemic mental breakdowns of soldiers has been given a prominent place. 'Shellshock' and 'war neurosis' are now key words and frequent metaphors for the shattering effects of an industrialized war. In a sense these psychiatric labels symbolically represent the destructive impact of mechanized weapons on body and soul, the loss of narrative structures and the traumatic after-effects of modern warfare. How can Viennese-centred Austrian psychiatry in the First World War be characterized? With regard to new studies on the history of trauma, war and psychiatry I intend to emphasize two interpretations. Firstly, as in German and other European psychiatric war communities, models of rationalisation and modernisation are of significance when focusing on this topic. Viennese psychiatrists were neither particularly brutal nor especially tolerant in the way they dealt with the situation. Instead, as in other European countries in the Great War, they acted in keeping with military requirements and standards. Secondly, the specific political and cultural context of the Austro-Hungarian situation is of utmost importance as well. Shell-shock was a phenomenon that affected all nations, but reactions differed according to different national traditions and different medical ways of understanding, representing and acting. In a comparative cultural history of World War One, Austria-Hungary is a model of a shattered society, paralysed by ethnic conflicts and cultural differences. In this context, the therapeutic response to war neurosis was affected by language confusion, national stereotypes and malingering. The German-Austrian psychiatrists not only emerged as a group of experts who had taken responsibility for the efficient treatment of war neurosis, but also as a pressure group that intended to keep centrifugal forces of the multinational empire under control.

Das Unbehagen an der Moderne hatte um 1900 einen Namen: Neurasthenie. Dieses Buch f\u00fchrt in die unruhigen mentalen Landschaften Kakaniens und thematisiert als zentrale Fragen: Wie wurde die Neurasthenie in den \u00f6sterreichischen \u00c4rztemilieus debattiert? Was hie\u00df es f\u00fcr Patienten, mit dieser Diagnose konfrontiert zu sein? Neurasthenie stand f\u00fcr die Ersch\u00f6pfung der modernen st\u00e4dtischen Gesellschaft, die sich durch eine rastlose Lebensf\u00fchrung \u00fcberfordert sah, und machte ihre emotionalen Sensibilit\u00e4ten und Sicherheitsbed\u00fcrfnisse transparent. Insbesondere M\u00e4nner des B\u00fcrgertums griffen auf das neue psychiatrische Deutungsangebot zur\u00fcck. Die Diagnose der Neurasthenie konnte \"unm\u00e4nnliche\" Verhaltensweisen sinnstiftend erkl\u00e4ren. Zugleich lie\u00df sie aber auch Bed\u00fcrfnisse nach deren \u00dcberwindung entstehen. Im Spiegel dieser Nervendiskurse l\u00e4sst sich besser verstehen, warum 1914 der Krieg als \"therapeutisches Erlebnis\" und m\u00e4nnliches Erneuerungsprojekt angepriesen wurde. Die Realit\u00e4ten des modernen Maschinenkrieges setzten diesen Vorstellungen ein rasches Ende: Der Zitterer wurde zu einer massenhaft auftretenden Erscheinung, zum umstrittenen Patienten und zur Krisenfigur der Abh\u00e4rtungsutopisten, die aus dem Krieg den \"neuen Menschen\" hervorgehen sahen. Da die Milit\u00e4rs in den Kriegsneurosen eine gef\u00e4hrliche Schw\u00e4chung der Schlagkraft der Armee sahen, wurden wissenschaftliche Experten gebraucht, die rasch und effizient mit diesem Problem umgehen konnten. Die Psychiatrie befand sich dadurch in einer v\u00f6llig neuen Situation, da sie nicht nur Kritik an einer gesellschaftlichen Krisensituation formulieren konnte, sondern auch Ressourcen und Instrumentarien zu deren Bew\u00e4ltigung bereitzustellen hatte. Welche Akzentverschiebungen ergaben sich in der psychiatrischen Wahrnehmung und Deutung sowie im Umgang mit Nervenkrankheiten? Wie l\u00e4sst sich die \u00f6sterreichische Psychiatrie des Ersten Weltkriegs in historischer Perspektive charakterisieren? Mit Bezug auf die neuere medizinhistorische und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung wird die Kriegspsychiatrie auf der Folie der Herausbildung der Medizin als Schl\u00fcsselwissenschaft des modernen Krieges analysiert. Dies bedeutete, dass die therapeutische Arbeit der Psychiater an den Vorgaben und Zielvorstellungen des Krieg f\u00fchrenden Staates ausgerichtet war. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird auf einige Problemkonstellationen des Vielv\u00f6lkerstaates und deren Auswirkungen auf psychiatrisches Handeln im Krieg eingegangen. Die elektrischen Behandlungsmethoden der Psychiater werden auf der Folie der ethnisch-sprachlichen Pluralit\u00e4t der \u00f6sterreichisch-ungarischen Armee diskutiert. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit bietet solcherart eine differenzierte Analyse und Neubewertung des Ph\u00e4nomens der \"Kriegsneurosen\" wie auch der Rolle der \u00f6sterreichischen Psychiatrie im Ersten Weltkrieg."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hofer ,Hans-Georg"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["neurasthenia, fin de si\u00e8cle-physicians, Viennese psychiatry"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437155"], ["title", "Nervenschw\u00e4che und Krieg"], ["doab_id", "15280"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772149"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3205772148"]], [["description", "This book, the result of research carried out for the PhD in landscape design at the Florence University Faculty of Architecture, elaborates a methodological process for landscape planning in the smaller islands, comparing a number of case studies identified in the western Mediterranean, and illustrating many individual cases that broaden the overview of the specific demands of the islands. The research evolves at both scientific and humanistic levels, setting up a virtual parallel between the methods of construction of the cinema narration (which has frequently focused on the island in its various meanings) and the construction process of tools for territorial and landscape planning. The objective is to define a method that can monitor the sustainable development of the smaller islands, guiding it towards an enhanced awareness of their resources and potential, mindful of the threat of definitive loss in the case of mistaken decisions.

Il testo \u2013 frutto di una ricerca svolta all'interno del Dottorato di ricerca in progettazione paesistica della Facolt\u00e0 di Architettura di Firenze \u2013 elabora un'ipotesi di processo metodologico per la pianificazione del paesaggio nelle isole minori, mettendo a confronto alcuni casi studio individuati nel Mediterraneo occidentale, e riportando frequenti casi singoli che ampliano il panorama sulle specificit\u00e0 delle isole. La ricerca si muove su un piano sia scientifico che umanistico, creando un parallelo virtuale fra i metodi di costruzione del racconto cinematografico (che spesso ha avuto come protagonista l'isola nelle sue pi\u00f9 diverse accezioni) e il processo di costruzione di un atto di pianificazione paesaggistico-territoriale, allo scopo di definire un metodo che possa controllare e indirizzare lo sviluppo sostenibile delle isole minori verso una maggiore presa di coscienza delle risorse, e della loro potenziale e definitiva perdita per scelte sbagliate."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Costa, Giorgio"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["town planning", "Urbanistica"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345122"], ["title", "Nessuna isola \u00e8 un'isola"], ["doab_id", "13006"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884537522"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884537522"]], [["description", "In considering market developments and policy responses to some of the most heated net-neutrality debates in Europe and the United States, Net Neutrality is the first, fully comprehensive overview of the subject. This book is also unique in providing readers with a supplementary outline of recommended policy prescriptives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christopher T. Marsden"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662192"], ["title", "Net Neutrality"], ["doab_id", "14356"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662192"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662192"]], [["description", "World War I had just broken out, but colonial authorities in the Netherlands Indies heaved a sigh of relief: The colonial export sector had not collapsed and war offered new economic prospects; representatives from the Islamic nationalist movement had prayed for God to bless the Netherlands but had not seized upon the occasion to incite unrest. Furthermore, the colonial government, impressed by such shows of loyalty, embarked upon a campaign to create a \u2018native militia\u2019, an army of Javanese to assist in repulsing a possible Japanese invasion.- - Yet there were other problem: pilgrims stranded in Mecca, the pro-German disposition of most Indonesian Muslims because of the involvement of Turkey in the war, and above all the status of the Netherlands Indies as a smuggling station used by Indian revolutionaries and German agents to subvert British rule in Asia.- - By 1917 the optimism of the first war years had disappeared. Trade restrictions, the war at sea, and a worldwide lack of tonnage caused export opportunities to dwindle. Communist propaganda had radicalized the nationalist movement. In 1918 it seemed that the colony might cave in. Exports had ceased. Famine was a very real danger. There was increasing unrest within the colonial population and the army and navy. Colonial authorities turned to the nationalist movement for help, offering them drastic political concessions, forgotten as soon as the war ended. The political and economic independence gained by the Netherlands Indies, a result of problems in communications with the mother country, was also lost with the end of the war.- - Kees van Dijk examines how in 1917 the atmosphere of optimism in the Netherlands Indies changed to one of unrest and dissatisfaction, and how after World War I the situation stabilized to resemble pre-war political and economic circumstances.- - Kees van Dijk (1946) has worked as a researcher at KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies from 1968 to 2007 and has been professor of the history of Islam in Indonesia at Leiden University since 1985. Among his publications are Rebellion under the banner of Islam; The Darul Islam in Indonesia (Leiden, KITLV Press 1981) and A country in despair; Indonesia between 1997 and 2000 (Leiden, KITLV Press 2001)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijk van ,Kees"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["World War I", "Colonial history", "Political development", "Neutrality", "Nationalism", "Islamic reform movements", "Economic implications", "Europe", "Netherlands", "Indonesia", "Wereldoorlog I", "Koloniale geschiedenis", "Politieke ontwikkeling", "Neutraliteit", "Nationalisme", "Islamitische hervormingsbeweging", "Economische gevolgen", "Europa", "Nederland", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389234"], ["title", "The Netherlands Indies and the Great War, 1914-1918"], ["doab_id", "13368"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183086", "9789004260474"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183086 9789004260474"]], [["description", "Do ties between political parties and businesses harm or bene\ufb01t the development of market institutions? The post-communist transition offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore when and how networks linking the polity and the economy support the development of func-tional institutions. A quantitative and qualitative analysis covering eleven post-socialist countries combined with detailed case studies of Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania documents how the most successful post-communist countries are those in which dense networks link polit-icians and businesspeople, as long as politicians are constrained by intense political competition. The comparison of original network data sets shows how this combination allowed Poland to emerge with stable institutions. Bulgaria, marred by weak institutions, corruption, and violence, cautions us that in developing economies intense political competition alone is harmful in the absence of dense personal and ownership networks. Indeed, as Romania illustrates, networks are so critical that their weakness is not mitigated even by low political competition.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schoenman ,Roger"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Business and politics\u2013Europe, Eastern", "Business networks\u2013Political aspects\u2013Europe, Eastern", "Post-communism\u2013Economic aspects\u2013Europe, Eastern", "Institution building\u2013Europe, Eastern", "Europe, Eastern\u2013Economic policy"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477427"], ["title", "Networks and institutions in Europe's emerging markets"], ["doab_id", "16001"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781139381628", "9781107031340"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781139381628 9781107031340"]], [["description", "If Russia has become a market economy, how does it function on a grassroots level? In addition to market mechanisms, what kinds of social and moral principles are at work in the new Russian economy? Is the 'Soviet legacy' still present in post-Soviet business practices? This book searches for answers to these questions, by investigating the networking practices of the Russian software industry. It examines what kinds of resources are transmitted through the personal networks of Russian IT directors and managers, and which mechanisms govern this transmission. The volume opens a rarely available grassroots-level view into the business practices of the new Russian knowledge-based economy. This book is essential reading for all interested in Russian society, culture and economy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lonkila ,Markku"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Russia", "Market economy", "Business practices", "IT industry", "Rusland", "Markt economie", "Cultuur van zaken doen", "ICT industrie"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392746"], ["title", "Networks in the Russian Market Economy"], ["doab_id", "13399"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230252394"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230252394"]], [["description", "For some time massive change needs primarily by libraries and other public facilities for the system of science communication have been formulated against the background the so-called \"serials crisis. Great potential for modifications are attributed to information and communication technologies, which seem suitable to allow the distribution of scientific results in cheaper and faster than with the since the end of the 17th Century's established channels of communication of paper-based journals. The current discussion of the changes focus in particular on the phrase \"Open Access\" with the two basic design options \"Green Road\" the parallel free online publication media, and the \"Golden Road,\" the primary publishing in open access media. In practice, however, there are numerous, highly differentiated business models for new forms of originary publication services, as well as complementary services. Some of these new forms of science communication are already described in the literature, usually as case-by-case documentations. A helpful addition would be a study grid, which would allow a structured description of different forms of scientific communication. To establish such a typology is the goal of this book. This typology is then used to select new services to be described and then compared. Another aim of the book is so is to make a contribution to the systematic description of reality and thus to provide a basis for sound research.

F\u00fcr das System der Wissenschaftskommunikation werden seit einiger Zeit vor dem Hintergrund der so genannten \u201eZeitschriftenkrise\u201c massive \u00c4nderungsanforderungen vor allem von Bibliotheken und weiteren \u00f6ffentlichen Einrichtungen formuliert. Gro\u00dfe Potenziale f\u00fcr Modifikationen werden den Informations- und Kommunikationstechno logien zugeschrieben, die geeignet dazu scheinen, die Distribution wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse kosteng\u00fcnstiger und schneller zu erlau ben, als dies mit dem seit Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts etabliertem Kom munikationsweg der papierbasierten Journale m\u00f6glich ist. Die aktuelle Diskussion um die Ver\u00e4nderungen konzentriert sich insbesondere auf das Schlagwort \u201eOpen Access\u201c mit den zwei grundlegenden Ausgestaltungsvarianten \u201eGreen Road\u201c, der parallelen freien Onlinepublikation zu kostenpflichtigen Medien, und der \u201eGolden Road\u201c, dem prim\u00e4ren Publizieren in Open-Access-Medien. In der Praxis existieren allerdings zahlreiche, sehr differenzierte Gesch\u00e4ftsmodelle f\u00fcr neue Formen origin\u00e4rer Publikationsdienstleistungen sowie auch erg\u00e4nzende Angebote. Einige dieser neuen Formen der Wissenschaftskommunikation werden bereits in der Literatur beschrieben, dieses allerdings in Form von Einzelfalldokumentationen. Hilfreich dar\u00fcber hinaus w\u00e4re ein Untersuchungsraster, welches eine strukturierte Deskription verschiedener Formen der Wissenschaftskommunikation erlaubt. Eine solche Typologie zu erarbeiten ist ein Ziel des vorliegenden Buches. Die Typologie wird dann genutzt, um ausgew\u00e4hlte neue Dienstleistungen zu beschrieben und anschlie\u00dfend miteinander zu vergleichen. Ein weiteres Ziel des Buches besteht damit darin, einen Beitrag zur systematischen Beschreibung der Realit\u00e4t zu leisten und hierdurch eine Grundlage f\u00fcr fundierte Forschungsaktivit\u00e4ten zu schaffen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hagenhoff, Svenja; Seidenfaden, Lutz; Ortelbach, Bj\u00f6rn; Schumann, Matthias"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["scientific communication", "publishing", "open access", "green road", "golden road", "scientific communication", "publishing", "open access", "green road", "golden road"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610244"], ["title", "Neue Formen der Wissenschaftskommunikation - eine Fallstudienuntersuchung"], ["doab_id", "13219"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616758"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616758"]], [["description", "The ancient sanctuary of Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games and of athletic competion in general, has been fascinating people from antiquity up to the present time. In the present volume, all inscriptions - large and small - published after Dittenberger's edition are collected, critically edited, translated into German, and commented. Complete Greek and Latin indices make the inscriptions easily accessible to all scholars interested in the ancient Olympic Games, in the history of religion and sports, and in classical studies in general.

Das Heiligtum von Olympia fasziniert die Menschen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Uber seine Geschichte und den Ablauf der dort abgehaltenen Spiele erhalten wir authentische Informationen von antiken Schriftstellern wie Pausanias, durch Grabungsfunde und -befunde, vor allem aber auch durch die dort gefundenen Inschriften. Die vorliegende Publikation vereint nun die seit 1896 ver\u00f6ffentlichten Texte und ermoglicht somit eine vollst\u00e4ndige Ubersicht \u00fcber die epigraphischen Zeugnisse auf Stein, Metall und Keramik."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Taeuber ,Hans; Siewert ,Peter"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Olympic Games, sanctuary of Olympia, inscriptions, ancient", "Olympische Spiele, Heiligtum in Olympia, Inschriften,"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450776"], ["title", "Neue Inschriften von Olympia"], ["doab_id", "15442"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902868473"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868473"]], [["description", "This volume contains reports of the 9th Workshop for Family Law held in G\u00f6ttingen, Dec. 10th, 2010.

Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des am 10. Dezember 2010 veranstalteten 9. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die aktuelle Novellierung des Vormundschaftsrechts zum Gegenstand hatte. Den Auftakt bildete die Darstellung des Reformbedarfs im Vormundschafts- und Pflegschaftsrecht (Gisela Zenz), gefolgt von der Erl\u00e4uterung des Gesetzentwurfs der Bundesregierung (Thomas Meyer). Im Anschluss wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob und inwieweit das Betreuungsrecht als Vorbild f\u00fcr das neue Vormundschaftsrecht herangezogen werden kann (Dieter Schwab). Einen Perspektivwechsel weg vom Gesetzgeber und hin zum M\u00fcndel forderte der nachfolgende Beitrag, der die Auswahl des passenden Vormunds f\u00fcr den individuellen M\u00fcndel thematisierte (Barbara Seidenst\u00fccker). Abschlie\u00dfend wurden die strukturellen Probleme auf Seiten der Jugend\u00e4mter aufgezeigt (Hans-Werner P\u00fctz) und das im Gesetzgebungsverfahren vernachl\u00e4ssigte Problem beleuchtet, welche Konsequenzen sich aus dem Gesetzentwurf f\u00fcr die Erg\u00e4nzungspflegschaft ergeben (Thomas Meysen). Band 9 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Health Law", "Guardianship", "Health Law", "Guardianship"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610195"], ["title", "Neue Perspektiven im Vormundschafts- und Pflegschaftsrecht - 9. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2010"], ["doab_id", "14593"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950118"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950118"]], [["description", "not yet available

Die Studie untersucht in Deutschland bestehende Probleme im Bereich der beruflichen Qualifizierung. Sie zeigt Wege zur Erg\u00e4nzung und Reform des Berufsbildungssystems auf, u.a. mittels einer beruflichen Grundqualifizierung, die den \u00dcbergangssektor verzichtbar macht und die Jugendlichen ohne Warteschleifen in Ausbildung und Erwerbst\u00e4tigkeit f\u00fchrt. Zum anderen geht es um den Aufbau eines gestuften, modularisierten Bildungsgesamtsystems gem. EU-Vorschl\u00e4gen zur Realisierung des lebenslangen Lernens."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rothe ,Georg"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["professional education", "entrepreneurship", "Berufsausbildung", "Entrepreneurship"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422400"], ["title", "Neue Wege beruflicher Qualifizierung zur St\u00e4rkung der wirtschaftlichen Prosperit\u00e4t : berufliche Bildung im Kontext des lebenslangen Lernens ; Herausforderungen an Staat und Unternehmen"], ["doab_id", "15087"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866444386"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866444386"]], [["description", "Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a group of genetically and clinically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impaired reciprocal social interactions and communication, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviors and interests. Studies in genetics, neurobiology and systems biology are providing insights into the pathogenesis of ASDs. Investigation of neural and synaptic defects in ASDs not only sheds light on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that govern the function of the central nervous system, but may lead to the discovery of potential therapeutic targets for autism and other cognitive disorders. Our Research Topic which constitutes this e-book documents the recent development and ideas in the study of pathogenesis and treatment of ASDs, with an emphasis on syndromic disorders such as fragile X and Rett syndromes. In addition, model systems and methodological approaches with translational relevance to autism are covered herein. We hope that the Research Topic will enhance the global knowledge base in the autism research community and foster new research directions in autism related biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hansen Wang; Laurie C. Doering"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Autism Spectrum Disorders", "Fragile X Syndrome", "Rett Syndrome", "Pathogenesis", "Synaptic deficits", "FMRP", "MeCP2", "synaptic plasticity", "Treatment", "Pharmacology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1273/neural-and-synaptic-defects-in-autism-spectrum-disorders"], ["title", "Neural and Synaptic Defects in Autism Spectrum Disorders"], ["doab_id", "19535"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196289"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196289"]], [["description", "Humans and many other social animals decide, or learn when necessary, what to do in a given social situation by assessing a range of variables related to social states (e.g., competitive or cooperative), others\u2019 overt behavior (e.g., response choices and outcomes), others\u2019 covert mental states (e.g., beliefs, intentions and desires), and one\u2019s own interpersonal inclination (e.g. other-regarding preferences and generosity). Recent studies in social neuroscience have begun to uncover how such social variables are processed, encoded, and integrated in the brain. The goal of the current Research Topic is to promote a better understanding of neural basis of social learning, social decision-making, and other-regarding preferences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steve W. C. Chang; Masaki Isoda"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social neuroscience", "prosocial behavior", "competitive behavior", "oxytocin", "social gaze orienting"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1295/neural-basis-of-social-learning-social-deciding-and-other-regarding-preferences"], ["title", "Neural basis of social learning, social deciding, and other-regarding preferences"], ["doab_id", "18184"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194292"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194292"]], [["description", "Decades of research have identified a role for dopamine neurotransmission in prefrontal cortical function and flexible cognition. Abnormal dopamine neurotransmission underlies many cases of cognitive dysfunction. New techniques using optogenetics have allowed for ever more precise functional segregation of areas within the prefrontal cortex, which underlie separate cognitive functions. Learning theory predictions have provided a very useful framework for interpreting the neural activity of dopamine neurons, yet even dopamine neurons present a range of responses, from salience to prediction error signaling. The functions of areas like the Lateral Habenula have been recently described, and its role, presumed to be substantial, is largely unknown. Many other neural systems interact with the dopamine system, like cortical GABAergic interneurons, making it critical to understand those systems and their interactions with dopamine in order to fully appreciate dopamine's role in flexible behavior. Advances in human clinical research, like exome sequencing, are driving experimental hypotheses which will lead to fruitful new research directions, but how do (or should?) these clinical findings inform basic research? Following new information from these techniques, we may begin to develop a fresh understanding of human disease states which will inform novel treatment possibilities. However, we need an operational framework with which to interpret these new findings. Therefore, the purpose of this Research Topic is to integrate what we know of dopamine, the prefrontal cortex and flexible behavior into a clear framework, which will illuminate clear, testable directions for future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gregory B. Bissonette; Matthew R. Roesch"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dopamine", "behavioral flexibility", "Attentional set-shifting", "endocannabinoid system", "motivational salience", "basal forebrain", "medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)", "Locus coeruleus (LC)", "lateral habenula (LHb)", "anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3523/neural-circuitry-of-behavioral-flexibility-dopamine-and-related-systems"], ["title", "Neural Circuitry of Behavioral Flexibility: Dopamine and Related Systems"], ["doab_id", "18906"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197958"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197958"]], [["description", "Deciphering anatomical and functional maps in the nervous system is a main challenge for both clinical and basic neuroscience. Modern approaches to mark and manipulate neurons are bringing us closer than ever to better understand nervous system wiring diagrams. Here we present both original research and review material on current work in this area. Together, this eBook aims to provide a comprehensive snapshot of some of the tools and technologies currently available to investigate brain wiring and function, as well as discuss ongoing challenges the field will be confronted with in the future."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mariano Soiza Reilly; Peter Saggau; Benjamin R Arenkiel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neuronal tracing", "ultrastructure", "connectome", "optogenetics", "networks", "Electrophysiology", "Behavior", "Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1606/neural-circuits-revealed"], ["title", "Neural Circuits Revealed"], ["doab_id", "18170"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195619"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195619"]], [["description", "Application of optogenetic and pharmacogenetic tools to study the neural circuits underlying emotional valence, feeding, arousal and motivated behaviors has provided crucial insights into brain function. Expression of light sensitive proteins into specific neurons and subsequent stimulation by light (optogenetics) to control neuronal activity or expression of designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) in specific neuronal populations with subsequent activation or suppression of neuronal activity by an otherwise inert ligand (pharmacogenetics) provides control over defined elements of neural circuits. These novel tools have provided a more in depth understanding into several questions about brain function. These include: \u2022 Regulation of sleep-wake transition by the interaction of hypocretin neurons of lateral hypothalamus and nor adrenergic neurons of the locus coruleaus \u2022 Regulation of feeding by AGRP and POMC neurons in arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus \u2022 Place preference and positive reinforcement by activation of DA neuron of VTA \u2022 Place aversion by activation of VTA GABA and lateral habenula neurons \u2022 Opposing influences on reinforcement by activation of D1 and D2 expressing medium spiny neurons of dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens The list still grows... From cell type specific manipulations to signaling properties in the cell (Dietz et al 2012) with unprecedented temporal resolution, these tools revolutionize the exploration of pathways/connectivity. Recent years also witnessed the extension of applying these tools from studying emotional valence and motivated behavior to reactivation of memory. c-fos based genetic approaches allowed us to integrate light sensitive opsins or DREADD receptor into specific neurons that are activated by certain learning events (for example fear) (Garner et al 2012; Liu et al 2012). In this Research Topic, we welcome researchers to contribute original research articles, review articles, methods and commentary on topics utilizing optogenetic and pharmacogenetic tools to study the neural circuits underlying emotional valence, motivation, reinforcement and memory. We believe the Research Topic will shine light on various questions we have about brain function by using novel optogenetic and pharmacogenetic tools and will hopefully inspire ongoing research to overcome the hurdles of using these tools to advance clinical applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anton Ilango; Mary Kay Lobo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["optogenetics", "Pharmacogenetics", "Pain", "emotion", "Motivation", "Memory", "Addiction", "habits", "Reinforcement"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1738/neural-circuits-underlying-emotion-and-motivation-insights-from-optogenetics-and-pharmacogenetics"], ["title", "Neural circuits underlying emotion and motivation: Insights from optogenetics and pharmacogenetics"], ["doab_id", "17830"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195343"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195343"]], [["description", "This Frontiers Research Topic on \u2018Neural Circuits: Japan\u2019 explores the diversity of neural circuit research occurring across Japan by innovative researchers using cutting-edge approaches. This issue has brought together papers revealing the development, structure, and physiology of neuronal circuits involved in sensory perception, sleep and wakefulness, behavioral selection, and motor command generation in a range of species from the nematode to the primate. Like the USA and Europe, Japan is now making a strong effort to elucidate neural circuit function in diverse organisms by taking advantages of optogenetics and innovative approaches for gene manipulation, traditional physiological and anatomical approaches, and neural pathway-selective inactivation techniques that have recently been developed in Japan."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yasuo Kawaguchi; Masanobu Kano"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neocortex", "Hippocampus", "Olfactory Bulb", "Basal Ganglia", "Hypothalamus", "Cerebellum", "Drosophila", "C. elegans"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1720/neural-circuits-japan"], ["title", "Neural Circuits: Japan"], ["doab_id", "18192"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194377"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194377"]], [["description", "When we think about expertise, we usually consider people who master tasks at a level not reachable by most other people. Although we rarely realise it, however, most humans are experts in many aspects of everyday life. This expertise enables us to find our way through a complex environment that is our life. For instance, we can instantly recognise multiple objects and relations between them to form a meaningful unit, such as an office. Thus, research on expertise is not only important to investigate the cognitive and neural processes within an \u201celite\u201d group, but it is also a powerful tool to understand how everyone can acquire complex skills. The goal of this Research Topic is to shed further light on the common and distinct neural mechanisms that implement various kinds of expertise. We broadly define expertise as skill in any perceptual, cognitive, social or motor domain, with the common core being optimised information processing due to knowledge acquired from repeated experiences. Thus, we are interested in the full range of mental processes modulated or modified by expertise, from \u201csimple\u201d object or pattern recognition to complex decision making or problem solving in a particular domain. These domains can range from everyday or occupational expertise to sports and rather artificial domains such as board games. In all cases, the aim should be to elucidate how the brain implements these sometimes incredible feats. We are particularly interested in connecting cognitive theories about expertise and expertise-related performance differences with models and data on the neural implementation of expertise. We welcome original research contributions using the full range of behavioural neuroscience methods, as well as theoretical, methodological or historical reviews, and opinion papers focusing on any of the above-mentioned aspects."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Merim Bilalic; Robert Langner; Guillermo Campitelli; Luca Turella; Wolfgang Grodd"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Expertise", "Sport", "Board games", "Music", "Language", "Perception", "MRI", "fMRI", "EEG"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1193/neural-implementations-of-expertise"], ["title", "Neural Implementations of Expertise"], ["doab_id", "18817"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196883"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196883"]], [["description", "Experimental data have consistently revealed that the neuronal connection weight, which models the efficacy of the firing of a pre-synaptic neuron in modulating the state of a post-synaptic one, varies on short time scales, ranging from hundreds to thousands of milliseconds. This is called short-term plasticity (STP). Two types of STP, with opposite effects on the connection efficacy, have been observed in experiments. They are short-term depression (STD) and short-term facilitation (STF). Computational studies have explored the impact of STP on network dynamics, and found that STP can generate very rich intrinsic dynamical behaviors, including damped oscillations, state hopping with transient population spikes, traveling fronts and pulses, spiral waves, rotating bump states, robust self-organized critical activities and so on. These studies also strongly suggest that STP can play many important roles in neural computation. For instances, STD may provide a dynamic control mechanism that allows equal fractional changes on rapidly and slowly firing afferents to produce post-synaptic responses, realizing Weber's law; STD may provide a mechanism to close down network activity naturally, achieving iconic sensory memory; and STF may provide a mechanism for implementing work-memory not relying on persistent neural firing. From the computational point of view, the time scale of STP resides between fast neural signaling (in the order of milliseconds) and rapid learning (in the order of minutes or above), which is the time scale of many important temporal processes occurring in our daily lives, such as motion control and working memory. Thus, STP may serve as a substrate for neural systems manipulating temporal information on the relevant time scales. This Research Topic aims to present the recent progress in understanding the roles of STP in neural information processing. It includes, but no exclusively, the studies on investigating various computational roles of STP, the modeling studies on exploring new dynamical behaviors generated by STP, and the experimental works which help us to understand the functional roles of STP."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Si Wu; Michael K Y Wong; Misha Tsodyks"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["short-term plasticity", "phenomenological model", "neural information processing", "Associative Memory", "network dynamics", "neural field model", "Continuous Attractor Neural Network"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/821/neural-information-processing-with-dynamical-synapses"], ["title", "Neural information processing with dynamical synapses"], ["doab_id", "17753"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193837"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193837"]], [["description", "Biophysical modelling of brain activity has a long and illustrious history and has recently profited from technological advances that furnish neuroimaging data at an unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution. Neuronal modelling is a very active area of research, with applications ranging from the characterization of neurobiological and cognitive processes, to constructing artificial brains in silico and building brain-machine interface and neuroprosthetic devices. Biophysical modelling has always benefited from interdisciplinary interactions between different and seemingly distant fields; ranging from mathematics and engineering to linguistics and psychology. This Research Topic aims to promote such interactions by promoting papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of neural activity as measured by fMRI or electrophysiology.In general, mean field models of neural activity can be divided into two classes: neural mass and neural field models. The main difference between these classes is that field models prescribe how a quantity characterizing neural activity (such as average depolarization of a neural population) evolves over both space and time as opposed to mass models, which characterize activity over time only; by assuming that all neurons in a population are located at (approximately) the same point. This Research Topic focuses on both classes of models and considers several aspects and their relative merits that: span from synapses to the whole brain; comparisons of their predictions with EEG and MEG spectra of spontaneous brain activity; evoked responses, seizures, and fitting data - to infer brain states and map physiological parameters."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dimitris Pinotsis; Peter Robinson; Peter beim Graben; Karl Friston"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Integro-differential equations", "neural field theory", "neural masses", "anaesthesia", "Electrophysiology", "Electroencephalogram", "oscillations", "self-organization", "neural disorders", "neural networks"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/873/neural-masses-and-fields-modelling-dynamics-of-brain-activity"], ["title", "Neural Masses and Fields: Modelling the Dynamics of Brain Activity"], ["doab_id", "18182"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194278"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194278"]], [["description", "Our everyday life is characterized by a multitude of emotionally relevant cues that we perceive and communicate via various sensory channels. This does not only encompass the obvious cases of auditory and visual modalities, but also olfactory, gustatory, and even tactile stimuli. Any kind of emotional situation in a natural setting is usually a multimodal experience: A friend welcomes us with warm words, a smile, and a happy voice; the sight of our favourite food is accompanied by a seductive smell and a delicious taste; the thrill of watching an exciting movie scene is intensified by a gripping soundtrack. In these situations, the signals from various senses do not stand on their own; they interact and create a unified emotional experience. Recent neuroscientific research has begun to accommodate this inherent multimodality of emotions in natural situations by studying the interaction of affectively relevant information from more than one sensory channel. Fascinating new aspects emerge concerning the neurobiology of emotion processing, and there is evidence that integrating emotional cues from various sources invokes brain processes that go beyond the well-known patterns observed during unimodal stimulation. The aim of this volume is to present novel and interesting studies dealing with the multimodality of emotions and their neural processing. This includes findings from novel paradigms beyond the classical stimulus-response pattern, fascinating new insights into the interaction of the chemical senses, new analysis methods, comprehensive reviews of selected topics, multimodality in social interactions, and clinical perspectives. Taken together, the studies of this volume thus help us to better understand the interplay of various senses in our daily emotional experiences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin Klasen; Benjamin Kreifelts; Yu-Han Chen; Janina Seubert; Klaus Mathiak"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["emotion", "multisensory integration", "Crossmodal Prediction", "Attention", "audiovisual", "chemosensation", "Schizophrenia", "Fear extinction", "Valence", "Arousal"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1306/neural-processing-of-emotion-in-multimodal-settings"], ["title", "Neural processing of emotion in multimodal settings"], ["doab_id", "17806"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194148"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194148"]], [["description", "Everyday we vicariously experience a range of states that we observe in other people: we may \"feel\" embarrassed when witnessing another making a social faux pas, or we may feel sadness when we see a loved one upset. In some cases this process appears to be implicit. For instance, observing pain in others may activate pain-related neural processes but without generating an overt feeling of pain. In other cases, people report a more literal, conscious sharing of affective or somatic states and this has sometimes been described as representing an extreme form of empathy. By contrast, there appear to be some people who are limited in their ability to vicariously experience the states of others. This may be the case in several psychiatric, neurodevelopmental, and personality disorders where deficits in interpersonal understanding are observed, such as schizophrenia, autism, and psychopathy. In recent decades, neuroscientists have paid significant attention to the understanding of the \u201csocial brain,\u201d and the way in which neural processes govern our understanding of other people. In this Research Topic, we wish to contribute towards this understanding and ask for the submission of manuscripts focusing broadly on the neural underpinnings of vicarious experience. This may include theoretical discussion, case studies, and empirical investigation using behavioural techniques, electrophysiology, brain stimulation, and neuroimaging in both healthy and clinical populations. Of specific interest will be the neural correlates of individual differences in traits such as empathy, how we distinguish between ourselves and other people, and the sensorimotor resonant mechanisms that may allow us to put ourselves in another's shoes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bernadette M Fitzgibbon; Jamie Ward; Peter G. Enticott"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["vicarious experience", "social neuroscience", "social cognition", "Mirror Neurons", "synaesthesia", "Empathy", "Touch", "Pain", "Personality"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1020/the-neural-underpinnings-of-vicarious-experience"], ["title", "The Neural Underpinnings of Vicarious Experience"], ["doab_id", "17773"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192649"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192649"]], [["description", "Locomotion involves many different muscles and the need of controlling several degrees of freedom. Despite the Central Nervous System can finely control the contraction of individual muscles, emerging evidences indicate that strategies for the reduction of the complexity of movement and for compensating the sensorimotor delays may be adopted. Experimental evidences in animal and lately human model led to the concept of a central pattern generator (CPG) which suggests that circuitry within the distal part of CNS, i.e. spinal cord, can generate the basic locomotor patterns, even in the absence of sensory information. Different studies pointed out the role of CPG in the control of locomotion as well as others investigated the neuroplasticity of CPG allowing for gait recovery after spinal cord lesion. Literature was also focused on muscle synergies, i.e. the combination of (locomotor) functional modules, implemented in neuronal networks of the spinal cord, generating specific motor output by imposing a specific timing structure and appropriate weightings to muscle activations. Despite the great interest that this approach generated in the last years in the Scientific Community, large areas of investigations remain available for further improvement (e.g. the influence of afferent feedback and environmental constrains) for both experimental and simulated models. However, also supraspinal structures are involved during locomotion, and it has been shown that they are responsible for initiating and modifying the features of this basic rhythm, for stabilising the upright walking, and for coordinating movements in a dynamic changing environment. Furthermore, specific damages into spinal and supraspinal structures result in specific alterations of human locomotion, as evident in subjects with brain injuries such as stroke, brain trauma, or people with cerebral palsy, in people with death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra due to Parkinson\u2019s disease, or in subjects with cerebellar dysfunctions, such as patients with ataxia. The role of cerebellum during locomotion has been shown to be related to coordination and adaptation of movements. Cerebellum is the structure of CNS where are conceivably located the internal models, that are neural representations miming meaningful aspects of our body, such as input/output characteristics of sensorimotor system. Internal model control has been shown to be at the basis of motor strategies for compensating delays or lacks in sensorimotor feedbacks, and some aspects of locomotion need predictive internal control, especially for improving gait dynamic stability, for avoiding obstacles or when sensory feedback is altered or lacking. Furthermore, despite internal model concepts are widespread in neuroscience and neurocognitive science, neurorehabilitation paid far too little attention to the potential role of internal model control on gait recovery. Many important scientists have contributed to this Research Topic with original studies, computational studies, and review articles focused on neural circuits and internal models involved in the control of human locomotion, aiming at understanding the role played in control of locomotion of different neural circuits located at brain, cerebellum, and spinal cord levels."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marco Iosa; Nadia Dominici; Federica Tamburella; Leonardo Gizzi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Gait", "Walking", "central pattern generator", "Locomotion", "Brain", "Cerebellum", "Spinal Cord", "internal model", "feedforward", "Feedback"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1623/neuro-motor-control-and-feed-forward-models-of-locomotion-in-humans"], ["title", "Neuro-motor control and feed-forward models of locomotion in humans"], ["doab_id", "19522"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196142"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196142"]], [["description", "Ethanol is a very elusive drug, which has mechanisms of action that are diverse and relatively non-selective. Moreover, ethanol has been demonstrated to be a biologically active substance by itself, but also a pro-drug of the neuroactive metabolites, acetaldehyde and acetate. Acetaldehyde has traditionally been known as a toxic substance with several effects on multiple systems. However, in the last few decades evidence has accumulated to reveal the specific and, in some instances, distinct neural actions of acetaldehyde and acetate that are in part responsible for some of the observed psychoactive effects of ethanol. The present issue will address these challenges to provide an up-to-date synopsis of the behavioral and neurophysiological impact of the two direct metabolites of ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetate. In doing so, this issue will present human and rodent evidence on their behavioral and neurophysiological impact, either when administered alone as drugs, or when metabolically-derived from their parent compound. Emphasis will be placed to stress the importance of the different enzymatic systems that intervene to produce these metabolites, either peripherally and/or directly in the brain. Similarly, this Research Topic will be aimed at addressing some of the possible mechanisms of action of acetaldehyde and acetate in different brain areas and in different intracellular systems. Furthermore, the issue will lay out some of the suggested mechanisms of action of ethanol and of its metabolites by which they form adducts with other molecules and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and opioids (which lead to salsolinol and tetrahydropapaveroline, respectively), and their impact on the synthesis and actions of neuromodulators such as adenosine and the cannabinoid system."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John D Salamone; Elio Acquas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ethanol", "Catalase", "acetate", "Dopamine", "Salsolinol", "Opioids", "Addiction", "Drug abuse"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1111/neuroactive-metabolites-of-ethanol-a-behavioral-and-neurochemical-synopsis"], ["title", "Neuroactive metabolites of ethanol: a behavioral and neurochemical synopsis"], ["doab_id", "17704"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193752"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193752"]], [["description", "Neuroanatomists increasingly rely on techniques enabling them to manipulate genes in defined brain cell populations. In particular, engineered transgenes, which encode a variety of fluorescent reporter proteins can be inserted into the genome or delivered into desired brain regions using viral vectors, thereby allowing the labeling of molecularly-defined populations of neurons and/or glial cells. Transgenic technology can also be used to selectively delete genes in targeted neuronal populations or bi-directionally modulate their electrical excitability using optogenetic or chemogenetic techniques. One of the primary advantages of using transgenic reagents is to simplify the identification and tracing of targeted population of brain cells, which can be laborious using traditional techniques in neuroanatomy. In this research topic, we assembled up-to-date reviews and original articles that demonstrate the versatility and power of transgenic tools in advancing our knowledge of the nervous system, with a special emphasis on the application of transgenic technology to neuroanatomical questions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laurent Gautron; Makoto Fukuda; Michael Lazarus; Alexander C Jackson; Chen Liu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["adeno-associated virus", "Fluorescent reporters", "gene delivery", "morphology", "mouse models", "neuronal circuits", "tracing", "transgenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1685/neuroanatomy-and-transgenic-technologies"], ["title", "Neuroanatomy and transgenic technologies"], ["doab_id", "17748"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195138"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195138"]], [["description", "Serotonin is one of the oldest neurotransmitters in evolutionary terms, and the serotonergic system is complex and multifaceted. Serotonin-producing neurons in the raphe nuclei provide serotonin innervations throughout various parts of the brain, modulating cellular excitability and network properties of targeted brain areas, and regulating mood, cognition and behavior. Dysfunctions of the serotonergic system are implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders including depression, schizophrenia, and drug abuse. Although the system has been studied for many years, an integrative account of its functions and computational principles remains elusive. This is partly attributed to the high variability and heterogeneity in terms of neuronal properties and receptor types, and its extensive connections with other brain regions. This Frontiers Research Topic e-book is a collection of recent experimental and computational work and approaches at multiple scales that provide the latest information regarding the integrated functions of the serotonergic system. The contributed papers include a variety of experimental and computational work, and human clinical studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "KongFatt Wong-Lin; Kae Nakamura"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["serotonin 5-HT", "neural circuit", "computational modeling", "Dopamine", "Serotonin", "dorsal raphe nucleus", "Locus Coeruleus", "pendunculopontine tegmental nucleus"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/844/neurobiological-circuit-function-and-computation-of-the-serotonergic-and-related-systems"], ["title", "Neurobiological circuit function and computation of the serotonergic and related systems"], ["doab_id", "17754"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193844"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193844"]], [["description", "There is increasing interest in understanding the interplay of emotional and cognitive processes. The objective of the Research Topic was to provide an interdisciplinary survey of cutting-edge neuroscientific research on the interaction and integration of emotion and cognition in the brain. The following original empirical reports, commentaries and theoretical reviews provide a comprehensive survey on recent advances in understanding how emotional and cognitive processes interact, how they are integrated in the brain, and what their implications for understanding the mind and its disorders are. These works encompasses a broad spectrum of populations and showcases a wide variety of paradigms, measures, analytic strategies, and conceptual approaches. The aim of the Topic was to begin to address several key questions about the interplay of cognitive and emotional processes in the brain, including: what is the impact of emotional states, anxiety and stress on various cognitive functions? How are emotion and cognition integrated in the brain? Do individual differences in affective dimensions of temperament and personality alter cognitive performance, and how is this realized in the brain? Are there individual differences that increase vulnerability to the impact of affect on cognition\u2014who is vulnerable, and who resilient? How plastic is the interplay of cognition and emotion? Taken together, these works demonstrate that emotion and cognition are deeply interwoven in the fabric of the brain, suggesting that widely held beliefs about the key constituents of \u2018the emotional brain\u2019 and \u2018the cognitive brain\u2019 are fundamentally flawed. Developing a deeper understanding of the emotional-cognitive brain is important, not just for understanding the mind but also for elucidating the root causes of its many debilitating disorders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hadas Okon-Singer; Talma Hendler; Luiz Pessoa; Alexander J Shackman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Amygdala", "brain networks", "emotion cognition interactions", "emotion control", "Emotion Regulation", "Exogenous and Endogenous Attention", "mid cingulate cortex", "Prefrontal Cortex", "working memory"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/909/the-neurobiology-of-emotion-cognition-interactions"], ["title", "The neurobiology of emotion-cognition interactions"], ["doab_id", "17824"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195282"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195282"]], [["description", "Research during the past decade highlights the strong link between appetitive feeding behavior, reward and motivation. Interestingly, stress levels can affect feeding behavior by manipulating hypothalamic circuits and brain dopaminergic reward pathways. Indeed, animals and people will increase or decrease their feeding responses when stressed. In many cases acute stress leads to a decrease in food intake, yet chronic social stressors are associated to increases in caloric intake and adiposity. Interestingly, mood disorders and the treatments used to manage these disorders are also associated with changes in appetite and body weight. These data suggest a strong interaction between the systems that regulate feeding and metabolism and those that regulate mood. This Research Topic aims to illustrate how hormonal mechanisms regulate the nexus between feeding behavior and stress. It focuses on the hormonal regulation of hypothalamic circuits and/or brain dopaminergic systems, as the potential sites controlling the converging pathways between feeding behavior and stress."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alfonso Abizaid; Zane Andrews"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["stress", "Hypothalamus", "Obesity", "Ghrelin", "Leptin", "Dopamine", "circadian rhythms", "Seasonal regulation", "feeding", "HPA axis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1246/neuroendocrine-mechanisms-that-connect-feeding-behavior-and-stress"], ["title", "Neuroendocrine mechanisms that connect feeding behavior and stress"], ["doab_id", "17742"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195077"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195077"]], [["description", "EEG-based neurofeedback is used as a treatment approach in attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a clinically and pathophysiologically heterogeneous child psychiatric disorder. There is increasing evidence for specific effects of neurofeedback when applying 'standard' protocols (slow cortical potentials, theta/beta, sensorimotor rhythm). Knowledge about underlying mechanisms and moderating variables is increasing. Nevertheless, further well-controlled and conducted trials are needed to answer open questions concerning optimisation and individualisation of neurofeedback. Further improvements may develop with new methods and technical developments (e.g., tomographic neurofeedback) and new concepts (integrated ADHD treatment). This Frontiers Research Topic comprising 14 articles intends to answer the following questions concerning neurofeedback in ADHD:\u2022 How efficacious is neurofeedback?\u2022 What is the rationale of applying a certain neurofeedback protocol in ADHD?\u2022 What are central mechanisms and which moderating variables may affect training and treatment outcome?\u2022 How to optimise treatment? What are new developments and which benefits may be expected?Aspects of learning theory are also stressed dissociating 'neurofeedback as a treatment' and 'neurofeedback as entertainment'. In the Editorial, this crucial aspect is compared to the way you read (and study) a scientific book versus reading a thriller for leisure. In this respect: Enjoy this Research Topic, study and apply it in practice, unless you read it for entertainment purposes!"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hartmut Heinrich; Ute Strehl; Martijn Arns; Aribert Rothenberger; Tomas Ros"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Neurofeedback", "Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)", "slow cortical potentials (SCPs)", "Theta/Beta", "sensorimotor rhythm (SMR)", "Evaluation", "Learning Theory", "neural mechanisms", "framework"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2321/neurofeedback-in-adhd"], ["title", "Neurofeedback in ADHD"], ["doab_id", "18842"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197224"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197224"]], [["description", "The brain and immune system are involved in an intricate network of bidirectional communication. This relationship is vital for optimal physiological and psychological development and functioning but can also result in unwanted outcomes. In particular, this interaction plays an important role in cognition, mood and behaviour. Neuroinflammation is known to contribute to neurological and affective disorders including impaired learning and memory, depressive, anxiety and schizoaffective symptoms, as well as pain. The development of these conditions often occurs on the backdrop of pre-existing physical illnesses which give rise to increased activation of the immune system, such as cancer, obesity, infection and autoimmune disorders. Similarly, psychological states can alter regulation of the immune system. This has been most extensively studied in the context of stress and immune function. Understanding the underlying mechanisms that lead to the onset of inflammation-induced neuropathology and stress-induced immune suppression will contribute to the development of novel and effective treatment strategies for both the disease and its neurological side effects. In this research topic we explored the relationship between the immune system and the brain throughout life. We include both original research and review papers from animal, clinical and molecular perspectives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luba Sominsky; Adam K. Walker; Deborah M. Hodgson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neuroinflammation", "neuroimmune", "neuroendocrine", "proinflammatory", "Mood Disorders", "Depression", "Microglia", "Perinatal programming", "Aging", "Obesity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2634/neuroinflammation-and-behaviour"], ["title", "Neuroinflammation and Behaviour"], ["doab_id", "19510"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196029"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196029"]], [["description", "Neurological and psychiatric disorders can occur in endocrine diseases either in the setting of the clinical manifestations of the same (i.e., hyper- or hyposecretion of hormones or peptides from the endocrine glands) or as events secondary to the pathogenetic mechanisms of the endocrinopathy (i.e., autommunity affecting endocrine glands and the brain). Also the medical or surgical treatment of the endocrine disease can sometimes determine the occurrence of neurological or psychiatric abnormalities. Moreover some genetic alterations can lead to syndromes affecting both the endocrine and the nervous system with a variety of possible manifestations. In the last couple of decades a number of associations between dysfunctions of the endocrine system and neurological or psychiatric manifestations have appeared and only in the minority of the cases this link has been fully elucidated. Often the neurological or psychiatric alterations still represent a relevant challenge for clinicians with regard to the management of the patients. The complexity of the topic and the limited availability of laboratory research models for the study of the endocrine system-nervous system cross-interaction are making the scientific progresses intricate and, sometimes, slow. A dedicated focus to such broad and often still obscure topic might help and clarify the current state-of-the-art in the field and direct the goals of future research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gianluca Tamagno; Jacques Epelbaum"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Eating Disorders", "Exercise", "gender identity", "Acromegaly", "Cushing Syndrome", "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome", "Obesity", "Hypogonadism", "Thyroid Surgery", "Quality of Life"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1943/neurological-and-psychiatric-disorders-in-endocrine-diseases"], ["title", "Neurological and psychiatric disorders in endocrine diseases"], ["doab_id", "18699"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195893"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195893"]], [["description", "High-order executive tasks involve the interplay between frontal cortex and other cortical and subcortical brain regions. In particular, the frontal cortex, striatum and thalamus interact via parallel fronto-striatal \"loops\" that are crucial for the executive control of behavior. In all of these brain regions, neuromodulatory inputs (e.g. serotonergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic, adrenergic, and peptidergic afferents) regulate neuronal activity and synaptic transmission to optimize circuit performance for specific cognitive demands. Indeed, dysregulation of neuromodulatory input to fronto-striatal circuits is implicated in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, depression, and Parkinson's disease. However, despite decades of intense investigation, how neuromodulators influence the activity of fronto-striatal circuits to generate the precise activity patterns required for sophisticated cognitive tasks remains unknown. In part, this reflects the complexity of the cellular microcircuits in these brain regions (i.e. heterogeneity of neuron subtypes and connectivity), cell-type specific expression patterns for the numerous receptor subtypes mediating neuromodulatory signals, and the potential interaction of multiple signaling cascades in individual neurons. This Research Topic includes 10 original research articles and seven review articles addressing the role of neuromodulation in executive function at multiple levels of analysis, ranging from the activity of single voltage-dependent ion channels to computational models of network interactions in cortex-striatum-thalamus systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M. Victoria Puig; Allan T. Gulledge; Evelyn K. Lambe; Guillermo Gonzalez-Burgos"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Executive Function", "Prefrontal Cortex", "Thalamus", "Basal Ganglia", "Dopamine", "Serotonin", "noradrenaline", "Acetylcholine"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1346/neuromodulation-of-executive-circuits"], ["title", "Neuromodulation of Executive Circuits"], ["doab_id", "18829"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197071"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197071"]], [["description", "Neuromorphic engineering has just reached its 25th year as a discipline. In the first two decades neuromorphic engineers focused on building models of sensors, such as silicon cochleas and retinas, and building blocks such as silicon neurons and synapses. These designs have honed our skills in implementing sensors and neural networks in VLSI using analog and mixed mode circuits. Over the last decade the address event representation has been used to interface devices and computers from different designers and even different groups. This facility has been essential for our ability to combine sensors, neural networks, and actuators into neuromorphic systems. More recently, several big projects have emerged to build very large scale neuromorphic systems. The Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop (since 1994) and the CapoCaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop (since 2009) have been instrumental not only in creating a strongly connected research community, but also in introducing different groups to each other\u2019s hardware. Many neuromorphic systems are first created at one of these workshops. With this special research topic, we showcase the state-of-the-art in neuromorphic systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andre van Schaik; Tobi Delbruck; Jennifer Hasler"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neuromorphic engineering", "event-based", "dynamic vision sensor", "Floating gate", "spike-based", "network", "simulation", "Learning", "Neural Network"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1394/neuromorphic-engineering-systems-and-applications"], ["title", "Neuromorphic Engineering Systems and Applications"], ["doab_id", "18600"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194544"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194544"]], [["description", "Drugs of abuse induce a host of alterations in brain structure and function, ranging from changes in gene expression and epigenetic processes to aberrant synaptic plasticity to volumetric changes in discrete brain regions. These alterations can be drug class-specific, and are not confined to neurons, as drugs of abuse also induce molecular and cellular alterations in various glial cell types such as astrocytes and microglia. The phenomenon of drug-induced plasticity includes changes in dendritic branching and architecture, dendritic spine density and morphology, astrocyte-neuronal interactions, dysregulation of glutamatergic and GABAergic signaling, and alterations in myelination or microglial phenotype. This drug-induced \"rewiring\" of the brain at numerous levels can contribute to the development, maintenance, and persistence of the addicted state, as well as associated deficits in normal cognitive functioning. The aim of this Research Topic is to collect recent and important findings related to the structural alterations produced by drug of abuse in neurons, glial, and other cell types of the central nervous system."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M Foster Olive; Justin Gass"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["plasticity", "Dendrite", "Spine", "Glutamate", "Dopamine", "GABA", "Neuron", "glia", "astrocyte", "Addiction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2523/neuronal-and-glial-structural-plasticity-induced-by-drugs-of-abuse"], ["title", "Neuronal and glial structural plasticity induced by drugs of abuse"], ["doab_id", "18708"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195985"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195985"]], [["description", "Like in the case of drugs, gambling hijacks reward circuits in a brain which is not prepared to receive such intense stimulation. Dopamine is normally released in response to reward and uncertainty in order to allow animals to stay alive in their environment \u2013 where rewards are relatively unpredictable. In this case, behavior is regulated by environmental feedbacks, leading animals to persevere or to give up. In contrast, drugs provide a direct, intense pharmacological stimulation of the dopamine system that operates independently of environmental feedbacks, and hence causes \u201cmotivational runaways\u201d. With respect to gambling, the confined environment experienced by gamblers favors the emergence of excitatory conditioned cues, so that positive feedbacks take over negative feedbacks. Although drugs and gambling may act differently, their abnormal activation of reward circuitry generates an underestimation of negative consequences and promotes the development of addictive/compulsive behavior. In Parkinson\u2019s and Huntington\u2019s disease, dopamine-related therapies may disrupt these feedbacks on dopamine signalling, potentially leading to various addictions, including pathological gambling. The goal of this Research Topic is to further our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the development of pathological gambling. This eBook contains a cross-disciplinary collection of research and review articles, ranging in scope from animal behavioral models to human imaging studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bryan F Singer; Patrick Anselme; Mike James Ferrar Robinson; Paul Vezina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Dopamine", "Gambling", "Reward", "uncertainty", "Addiction", "ventral striatum", "stress", "Conditioning"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1649/neuronal-and-psychological-underpinnings-of-pathological-gambling"], ["title", "Neuronal and Psychological Underpinnings of Pathological Gambling"], ["doab_id", "18582"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193202"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193202"]], [["description", "Neuronal cells (neurons) mainly transmit signals by action potentials or spikes. Neuronal electrical activity is recorded from experimental animals by microelectrodes placed in specific brain areas. These electrochemical fast phenomena occur as all-or-none events and can be analyzed as boolean sequences. Following this approach, several computational analyses reported most variable neuronal behaviors expressed through a large variety of firing patterns [13]. These patterns have been modeled as symbolic strings with a number of different techniques [23, 55]. The results obtained with these methods come (i) from Ventrobasal Thalamic Nuclei (VB) and Somatosensory Cortex (SSI) in Chronic Pain Animals (CPAs), (ii) from Primary Visual (V1) and (SSI) in rat Cortices and, finally, (iii) from IL human Thalamus Nuclei in patients suffering from states of disordered consciousness like Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) and Minimum Conscious State (MCS)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Antonio Giuliano Zippo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Zippo_9788895994574.pdf"], ["title", "Neuronal ensemble modelling and analysis with variable order Markov models"], ["doab_id", "15531"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994574"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994574"]], [["description", "Several types of brain injuries are causes of acquired temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The seizure-free \"latent period\" that often follows the brain injury is of unknown mechanistic significance but is commonly considered as the \"epileptogenic\" period characterized by gradual pathogenic processes leading to the onset of clinically detectable epilepsy. Acute convulsive status epilepticus (SE) is often associated with an adverse developmental outcome characterized by learning disabilities related to the cumulative effects of seizures and development of TLE. The symptomatic manifestations of TLE appear only after a widespread irreversible damage of entorhinal cortex, and hippocampus, the brain area most affected by this disease. These pathological features of TLE reduce the possibility of successful therapeutic approaches, often rendering the disease refractory. The difficult clinical management of chronic TLE and the limited success rate of surgical approaches, increase the incapacitating nature of this specific epileptic disorder. Prevention of TLE with an appropriate intervention after a known inciting event (in the case of acquired epilepsy) might represent the most ambitious goal in the clinical treatment of this epileptic disorder, but has been largely unsuccessful to this point. Clinical trials aimed at prevention of chronic epilepsy have often produced negative, disappointing results. However, in most cases, these studies ultimately evaluated the downstream clinical manifestations, failing to monitor early, specific molecular epileptogenic events. Therefore, elucidation of the underlying mechanisms of epileptogenesis, and their time course(s) are essential. The primary purpose of this topic is to collect scientific contributions providing novel insights in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of epileptogenesis as potential targets for innovative therapeutic approaches aimed at preventing the chronic epileptic disorder."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Roberto Di Maio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Epileptogenesis", "Neuronal epileptic damage", "Hippocampal damage", "Epilepsy", "Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE)", "TLE prevention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1097/neuronal-mechanisms-of-epileptogenesis"], ["title", "Neuronal mechanisms of epileptogenesis"], ["doab_id", "17752"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193820"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193820"]], [["description", "Neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by the progressive loss of specific populations of neurons with consequent deterioration of brain's function and dramatic impact on human behavior. At present, there are no effective cures for neurodegenerative diseases. Because unambiguous diagnosis is possible only after manifestation of symptoms, when a large proportion of neurons has been already lost, therapies are necessarily confined to alleviation of symptoms. Development of cures halting the disease course is hampered by our rudimentary understanding of the etiopathology. Most neurodegenerative disorders are sporadic and age-related and - even for those of known genetic origin - the mechanisms influencing disease onset and progression have not been fully characterized. The different diseases, however, share important similarities in the mechanisms responsible for neuronal loss, which is caused by a combination of endogenous and exogenous challenges. Trophic deprivation, oxidative stress, accumulation of abnormal protein aggregates, and bioenergetics defects have been described in most, if not all, neurodegenerative disease. To counterbalance these noxious stimuli cells deploy, at least during the initial pathogenic states, intrinsic neuroprotective responses. These are general compensatory mechanisms, common to several neurodegenerative conditions, which reprogram cellular physiology to overcome stress. Adaptation includes strategies to optimize energetic resources, for instance reduction of rRNA synthesis to repress translation, suppression of transcription, and bioenergetics and metabolic redesign. Additional mechanisms include potentiation of antioxidant capacity, induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and activation of protein quality control systems and autophagy. Ineffective execution of these compensatory strategies severely threatens cellular homeostasis and favors onset of pathology. Therefore, a better understanding of these \"buffering\" mechanisms and of their interconnections may help to devise more effective therapeutic tools to prolong neuronal survival and activity, independently of the original genetic mutations and stress insults. This Research Topic focuses on the initial compensatory responses protecting against failure of those mechanisms that sustain neuronal survival and activity. The collection intends to summarize the state-of-the-art in this field and to propose novel research contributes, with the ultimate goal of inspiring innovative studies aimed to contrast progression of neurodegenerative diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rosanna Parlato; Pier Giorgio Mastroberardino"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Neurodegenerative disorders", "mechanisms", "stress response", "Compensation", "models", "tran"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2359/neuronal-self-defense-compensatory-mechanisms-in-neurodegenerative-disorders"], ["title", "Neuronal Self-Defense: Compensatory Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative Disorders"], ["doab_id", "18879"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197590"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197590"]], [["description", "The human genome encompasses ~ 860 G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) including 374 non-chemosensory GPCRs. Half of these latter GPCRs recognize (neuro)peptides as natural ligands. GPCRs thus play a pivotal role in neuroendocrine communication. In particular, GPCRs are involved in the neuroendocrine control of feeding behavior, reproduction, growth, hydromineral homeostasis and stress response. GPCRs are also major drug targets and hence possess a strong potential for the development of innovative pharmaceuticals. The aim of this Research Topic was to assemble a series of review articles and original research papers on neuropeptide GPCRs and their ligands that would illustrate the different facets of the studies currently conducted in this domain."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jae Young Seong; Hubert Vaudry"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Neuroendocrinology", "Neuropeptides", "Biologically active peptides", "G protein-coupled receptors", "seven-transmembrane domain receptors", "Heptahelical receptors", "Signaling mechanisms", "Transduction pathways"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/848/neuropeptide-gpcrs-in-neuroendocrinology"], ["title", "Neuropeptide GPCRs in Neuroendocrinology"], ["doab_id", "17775"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192670"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192670"]], [["description", "In the history of neuroscience it had long been a virtually axiomatic belief that the mature mammalian nervous system was hardwired and fixed. This view goes back to the work of Louis Broca in the 1850s and has been perhaps most famously articulated by Ramon y Cajal. The immature nervous system was thought to have considerable plasticity, but after maturity the CNS was not considered to be capable of repairing itself after damage. In the last two decades, however, persuasive evidence has been accumulating at an increasing rate that the plasticity of the nervous system persists throughout the lifespan. Beginning 14 years ago, an efficacious form of neurorehabilitation termed Constraint-Induced Movement therapy or CI therapy was shown to produce marked neuroplastic changes in the brain. It has been proposed that CI therapy harnesses neuroplasticity in the service of restoring motor and language function lost as a result of such injuries to the central nervous system as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and cerebral palsy. The proposed journal issue will include articles by the main investigators involved in the development of this body of research. There will also be articles on the role of neurogenesis in the recovery of function after CNS damage encouraged by the stimulation of endogenous stem cell production, exogenous stem cell implantation, and pharmacological means. There will also be two articles describing the work carried out to date on the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (TDCS) to increase the excitability of the brain in order to enhance the recovery of function after stroke."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edward Taub"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neuroplasticity", "Neurorehabilitation", "Central Nervous System", "Rehabilitation", "cortical reorganization"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1393/neuroplasticity-and-neurorehabilitation"], ["title", "Neuroplasticity and Neurorehabilitation"], ["doab_id", "17762"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193929"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193929"]], [["description", "This book compiles all articles within the Research Topic \"Neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry of neurodegenerative disorders\" published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. The call was launched in 2014 and closed in 2015 with 21 articles published. Papers deal on several important topics of neuropsychology -such as language and visuospatial functions- and neuropsychiatry - such us the emotional or motivational spheres - , and the interphase between them. There are also articles on psychometry, brain morphometry, brain connectivity, diagnostic tests and interventional studies. All these articles are focused on neurodegenerative conditions, mostly Alzheimer\u2019s disease and Parkinson\u2019s disease. Interestingly, several articles addressed the early stages of these diseases. All together, this Research Topic provides a rich perspective of the research made today around neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric aspects of neurodegenerative diseases. We hope readers enjoy this collection of articles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manuel Menendez-Gonzalez; Tania Alvarez Avellon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Neuropsychology", "Neuropsychiatry", "Neurodegenerative Diseases", "Mild Cognitive Impairment", "Parkinson Disease", "Alzheimer Disease", "Neuroimaging", "Neuropsychological Tests", "Emotions", "graph theory"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2592/neuropsychology-and-neuropsychiatry-of-neurodegenerative-disorders"], ["title", "Neuropsychology and Neuropsychiatry of Neurodegenerative Disorders"], ["doab_id", "18858"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197385"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197385"]], [["description", "Previous research over the past decades has identified diverse neurobiological underpinnings of psychosis. In particular, by combining a variety of different neuroimaging modalities, it has been shown that psychotic states and the actual transition phase from a clinical high-risk state to established psychosis is characterized by structural, functional and neurochemical changes across different brain regions.Further evidence revealed that maybe not only focal brain abnormalities are characteristic for psychosis but specifically also an abnormal functional integration among various brain areas. Some evidence also suggests that dysfunctional brain connectivity proceeds during the development of psychosis when subjects perform a cognitive task. Notably, altered brain connectivity during cognitive challenges was often found to be associated with psychopathological measures, suggesting a mechanistic relation between functional network integrity and the clinical expression of psychosis.Several works proposed that disordered brain connectivity in psychosis results from abnormal N-methyl- D -aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent synaptic plasticity, which can be mediated by other neurotransmitter systems such as dopamine or serotonin. Specific chemically mediated changes in synaptic plasticity may contribute to abnormal functional integration among brain regions and in consequence to impaired learning performances and inferences. Model-based connectivity investigations on synaptic signalling demonstrated for example that manipulation of the NMDA or \u03b1-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor system altered synaptic plasticity in healthy volunteers, which was predictive for subjects\u2019 cognitive performance and psychopathology. In patients with psychosis, the activity in the prefrontal cortex during the processing of prediction errors, a specific form of learning, which is conveyed via synaptic connections, was linked with individuals\u2019 formation of delusions. These results fit well with many works suggesting that psychotic symptoms or also drug-induced psychosis-like experiences can be explained by disturbances within a hierarchically organized neuronal network, leading to maladaptive integrations of new incoming evidence and thereby to false formations of prediction errors and false beliefs.In this research topic, we like to cover the most recent neurobiological correlates for early stage psychosis and in particular for the prediction of psychosis by using different neurophysiological measures (e.g. structural and functional MRI, EEG, DTI or PET). Studies exploring effective connectivity or complex brain networks such as small-world properties with techniques like dynamic causal modelling, structural equation modelling, or graph theory analysis are highly appreciated. Very welcome are studies proving a link between clinical features such as psychopathology and cognition, brain signals, and chemistry (also in regard of antipsychotic treatments or substance-induced psychotic states). Moreover, environmental factors that may influence psychosis onset or its\u2019 developmental processes will be brought together with a diversity of different research modalities. We also collect critical reviews, mini-reviews or theoretical reflections from leading international researcher and clinicians in this field. The purpose of our research topic is intended to provide a state-of-the-art cognitive perspective to consider developing psychosis, which might shed more lights into the pathophysiological and neurobiological mechanisms of psychosis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andre Schmidt; Stefan Borgwardt"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["psychosis", "psychosis high-risk state", "Cognition", "Neuroimaging", "Pharmacology", "Computational Psychiatry", "dysfunctional brain connectivity", "psychopathophysiology", "early detection and intervention", "prevention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1206/neuropsychopharmacology-of-psychosis-relation-of-brain-signals-cognition-and-chemistry"], ["title", "Neuropsychopharmacology of Psychosis: Relation of Brain Signals, Cognition and Chemistry"], ["doab_id", "18667"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193356"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193356"]], [["description", "In security science, efficient operation depends typically on the interaction between technology, human and machine detection and human and machine decision making. A perfect example of this interplay is \u2018gatekeeping\u2019, which is aimed to prevent the passage of people and objects that represent known threats from one end to the other end of an access point. Gatekeeping is most often achieved via visual inspections, mass screening, random sample probing and/or more targeted controls on attempted passages at points of entry. Points of entry may be physical (e.g. national borders) or virtual (e.g. connection log-ons). Who and what are defined as security threats and the resources available to gatekeepers determine the type of checks and technologies that are put in place to ensure appropriate access control. More often than not, the net performance of technology-aided screening and authentication systems ultimately depends on the characteristics of human operators. Assessing cognitive, affective, behavioural, perceptual and brain processes that may affect gatekeepers while undertaking this task is fundamental. On the other hand, assessing the same processes in those individuals who try to breach access to secure systems (e.g. hackers), and try to cheat controls (e.g. smugglers) is equally fundamental and challenging. From a security standpoint it is vital to be able to anticipate, focus on and correctly interpret the signals connected with such attempts to breach access and/or elude controls, in order to be proactive and to enact appropriate responses. Knowing cognitive, behavioral, social and neural constraints that may affect the security enterprise will undoubtedly result in a more effective deployment of existing human and technological resources. Studying how inter-observer variability, human factors and biology may affect the security agenda, and the usability of existing security technologies, is of great economic and policy interest. In addition, brain sciences may suggest the possibility of novel methods of surveillance and intelligence gathering. This is just one example of a typical security issue that may be fruitfully tackled from a neuroscientific and interdisciplinary perspective. The objective of our Research Topic was to document across relevant disciplines some of the most recent developments, ideas, methods and empirical findings that have the potential to expand our knowledge of the human factors involved in the security process. To this end we welcomed empirical contributions using different methodologies such as those applied in human cognitive neuroscience, biometrics and ethology. We also accepted original theoretical contributions, in the form of review articles, perspectives or opinion papers on this topic. The submissions brought together researchers from different backgrounds to discuss topics which have scientific, applicative and social relevance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elena Rusconi; Kenneth C Scott Brown; Andrea Szymkowiak"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neuroscience", "security", "biometrics", "deception detection", "social resistance", "threat detection", "crime science", "neuroenhancement", "applied neuroscience", "military", "applied psychology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1255/neuroscience-perspectives-on-security-technology-detection-and-decision-making"], ["title", "Neuroscience perspectives on Security: Technology, Detection, and Decision Making"], ["doab_id", "18710"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196005"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196005"]], [["description", "Binocular vision is achieved by five neurovisual systems originating in the retina but varying in their destination within the brain. Two systems have been widely studied: the retino-tectal or retino-collicular route, which subserves an expedient and raw estimate of the visual scene through the magnocellular pathway, and the retino-occipital or retino-cortical route, which allows slower but refined analysis of the visual scene through the parvocellular pathway. But there also exist further neurovisual systems: the retino-hypothalamic, retino-pretectal, and accessory optic systems, which play a crucial role in vision though they are less understood. The retino-pretectal pathway projecting onto the pretectum is critical for the pupillary or photomotor reflex. The retino-hypothalamic pathway projecting onto the suprachiasmatic nucleus regulates numerous behavioral and biological functions as well as circadian rhythms. The accessory optic system targeting terminal lateral, medial and dorsal nuclei through the paraoptic fasciculus plays a role in head and gaze orientation as well as slow movements. Taken together, these neurovisual systems involve 60% of brain activity, thus highlighting the importance of vision in the functioning and regulation of the central nervous system. But vision is first and foremost action, which makes perception impossible without movement. Binocular coordination is a prerequisite for binocular fusion of the object of interest on the two foveas, thus ensuring visual perception. The retino-collicular pathway is sufficient to elicit reflexive eye movements with short latencies. Thanks to its motor neurons, the superior colliculus activates premotor neurons, which themselves activate motor neurons of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nuclei. At a higher level, a cascade of neural mechanisms participates in the control of decisional eye movements. The superior colliculus is controlled by the substancia nigra pars reticulata, which is itself gated by subcortical structures such as the dorsal striatum. The superior colliculus is also inhibited by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex through a direct prefrontotectal tract. Cortical areas are crucial for the triggering of eye movements: the frontal eye field, supplementary eye field, and parietal eye field. Finally the cerebellum maintains accuracy. The focus of the present research topic, entitled Neural bases of binocular vision and coordination and their implications in visual training programs, is to review the most recent findings in brain imaging and neurophysiology of binocular vision and coordination in humans and animals with frontally-placed eyes. The emphasis is put on studies that enable transfer of knowledge toward visual training programs targeting visual field defects (e.g., hemianopia) and binocular functional disorders (e.g., amblyopia)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olivier A. Coubard"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["binocular vision", "Eye Movements", "Binocular coordination", "Visual Pathways", "Neurovisual disorders", "visual rehabilitation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1791/neural-bases-of-binocular-vision-and-coordination-and-their-implications-in-visual-training-programs"], ["title", "Neurovision: Neural bases of binocular vision and coordination and their implications in visual training programs"], ["doab_id", "19558"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196555"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196555"]], [["description", "The Bologna Process, whose objective is the creation of an \u201eEuropean Higher Education Area\u201c, should be concluded in 2010. In the last years the reactions ranged from total rejection over a more temporising attitude to clear and unambiguous affirmation. Hence, the \u201eFachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache\u201c (FaDaF \u2013 association for German as a foreign language) has accepted the challenge to enter on the level of science policy the discussion about the higher education structural reforms as far as the subject of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) is concerned. With the help of reports on the current situation and the future of the DaF degree programmes in various European countries, contributions regarding the crucial problems of the higher education structural reforms and a position paper about the curricular basis of the BA/MA degree programmes in the field of German as a foreign language, the basic parameters of the ongoing restructuring in this subject are discussed here.

Der so genannte Bologna-Prozess, dessen Ziel die Schaffung einer \u201eEuropean Higher Education Area\u201c, eines europ\u00e4ischen Hochschulraumes, ist, soll 2010 abgeschlossen sein. Reaktionen der absoluten Ablehnung, des Abwartens oder der klaren und eindeutigen Zustimmung pr\u00e4gten das Bild in den letzten Jahren. Der Fachverband Deutsch als Fremdsprache (FaDaF) hat sich deshalb die Aufgabe gestellt, die Diskussion zur Studienstrukturreform im Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) aufzunehmen und wissenschaftspolitisch zu begleiten. Mit L\u00e4nderberichten zur aktuellen Lage und Zukunft der DaF-Studieng\u00e4nge Europas, Beitr\u00e4gen zu den Kernproblemen der Studienstrukturreform sowie einem Grundsatzpapier zur curricularen Basis der BA/MA-Studieng\u00e4nge im Fach DaF werden die Grundparameter beleuchtet, die f\u00fcr die fortschreitende Umstrukturierung im Fach bedeutsam sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Koreik, Uwe; Middeke, Annegret"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Bologna process", "German as foreign language", "higher education", "Bologna process", "German as foreign language", "higher education"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610263"], ["title", "Die Neustrukturierung von Studieng\u00e4ngen \"Deutsch als Fremdsprache\" - Probleme und Perspektiven Fachtagung 17.-19. November an der Universit\u00e4t Hannover"], ["doab_id", "13094"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616512"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616512"]], [["description", "Microglia are largely known as the major orchestrators of the brain inflammatory response. As such, they have been traditionally studied in various contexts of disease, where their activation has been assumed to induce a wide range of detrimental effects. In the last few years, a series of discoveries have challenged the current view of microglia, showing their active and positive contribution to normal brain function. This Research Topic reviewed the novel physiological roles of microglia in the developing, mature and aging brain, under non-pathological conditions. In particular, this Research Topic discussed the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia contribute to the formation, pruning and plasticity of synapses; the regulation of adult neurogenesis as well as hippocampal learning and memory; among other important roles. Because these novel findings defy our understanding of microglial function in health as much as in disease, this Research Topic also summarized the current view of microglial nomenclature, phenotypes, origin and differentiation, and contribution to various brain pathologies. Additionally, novel imaging approaches and molecular tools to study microglia in their non-activated state have been discussed. In conclusion, this Research Topic sought to emphasize how the current research in neuroscience is challenged by never-resting microglia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amanda Sierra; Marie-Eve Tremblay; Hiroaki Wake"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Microglia", "Health", "Disease", "phenotype", "Neuroprotection", "Phagocytosis", "Synapses", "Neurogenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/868/never-resting-microglia-physiological-roles-in-the-healthy-brain-and-pathological-implications"], ["title", "Never-resting microglia: physiological roles in the healthy brain and pathological implications"], ["doab_id", "17698"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193691"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193691"]], [["description", "The rise of literary theory spawned the rise of anti-aestheticism, so that even for cultural theorists, discussions concerning aesthetics were often carried out in a critical shorthand that failed to engage with the particularity of the work of art, much less the specificities of aesthetic experience. This book introduces the notion of a new aestheticism - 'new' insofar as it identifies a turn taken by a number of important contemporary thinkers towards the idea that focussing on the specifically aesthetic impact of a work of art or literature has the potential to open radically different ways of thinking about identity, politics and culture. The appearance of a new aestheticism at a moment that is often termed 'post-theoretical' is a direct index of the extent to which, as 'theory' now enters a more reflective phase, there is an increased willingness among critics and philosophers to consider the ways in which literary and cultural theory often overlooked key aspects of its reliance on philosophical aesthetics. With its impressive array of contributors, The new aestheticism will be of particular interest to students and scholars of literature, philosophy and cultural studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Joughin ,John J.; Malpas ,Simon"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["aestheticism", "aesthetics", "literary", "theory"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341394"], ["title", "The new aestheticism"], ["doab_id", "12589"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061387"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061387"]], [["description", "Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, is a paradigm among human pathogens. This Gram-negative bacterium has an intracellular lifestyle, which probably reflects an adaptation to its natural animal and protozoa reservoirs. This is one of the most infectious agents in humans and animals; only a few bacteria are needed to induce a severe infection in both types of hosts. The clinical presentation and severity of human tularemia varies according to the portal of entry of bacteria, the bacterial inoculum, the virulence of the infecting strain, and the immune response of the host. Although most infections occur after direct inoculation of bacteria through the skin (through skin wounds or bites of arthropods), pneumonia due to inhalation of infected aerosols is the most feared of the clinical forms of the disease, particularly in the context of biological threat. Two subspecies are responsible for tularemia (subsp. tularensis and subsp. holarctica), and several clades have been described for each, which might be associated with changes in disease severity in humans. Tularemia is also more severe in people with an impaired immune response. No safe vaccine is currently available for prophylaxis of tularemia in humans. On the other hand, control of proliferation of F. tularensis in wildlife is not feasible. Thus, only the anti-infective agents are used for treatment and prophylaxis of human tularemia. The standard options include aminoglycosides (gentamicin), tetracyclines (eg, doxycycline) and fluoroquinolones (eg, ciprofloxacin). The selection of acquired resistance to these antibiotics in F. tularensis, especially in the context of a biological threat, may quickly limit the therapeutic options. New prophylactic and therapeutic alternatives must be developed rapidly. The present Research Topic focuses on potential new strategies for treatment of tularemia, including the development and evaluation of new compounds having proper antibacterial activity, reducing the virulence of F. tularensis or enhancing the immune host response."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Max Maurin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Francisella tularensis", "Tularemia", "antiinfective agents", "immunomodulators", "Virulence"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1789/new-anti-infective-strategies-for-treatment-of-tularemia"], ["title", "New anti-infective strategies for treatment of tularemia"], ["doab_id", "18670"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193394"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193394"]], [["description", "This book, written by a group of specialists in the different areas involved, summarises what we understand of the production and distribution of oxygen, the most abundant metal in the Universe. After presenting the methods of oxygen abundance determination in various media, it traces a panorama of oxygen in the Universe, describes the mechanisms and sites of oxygen production and finally discusses the chemical evolution of oxygen in different galactic and extra galactic contexts. An appendix thoroughly discusses the oxygen atomic data."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "D. Mary; C. Theys; C. Aime"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=268%3Anew-concepts-in-imaging-optical-and-statistical-models&catid=111%3Abooks&Itemid=310&lang=en_GB.utf8%2C+en_GB.UT"], ["title", "New Concepts in Imaging: Optical and Statistical Models"], ["doab_id", "16214"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759809585"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759809585"]], [["description", "It has been said that education in post-colonial Africa is in a state of crisis. Policies and practices from Eurocentric colonial regimes have carried over, intertwining with challenges inherent in the new political and economic climate. Leaders have done little to remedy the malfunctioning education system, and even where attempts have been made, they have overwhelmingly been shaped by commercial and capitalist interests. In New Directions in African Education, Nombuso Dlamini has gathered essays from continental African scholars who, before pursuing graduate studies in North America, had first-hand experience with the education system in post-colonial Africa. Their cross-cultural perspective has provided a unique opportunity to critically examine education in the African context and to present possible courses of action to reinvent its future. These authors are in search of a new model for African education - a model that embraces indigenous knowledge, helps cultivate a greater sense of pride in people of African descent, and, most importantly, serves local needs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "S. Nombuso Dlamini (Editor)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48649/5/UofCPress_NewDirections_2008.pdf"], ["title", "New Directions in African Education: Challenges and Possibilities"], ["doab_id", "15156"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385647"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385647"]], [["description", "Corpus-based translation studies has become a major paradigm and research methodology and has investigated a wide variety of topics in the last two decades. The contributions to this volume add to the range of corpus-based studies by providing examples of some less explored applications of corpus analysis methods to translation research. They show that the area keeps evolving as it constantly opens up to different frameworks and approaches, from appraisal theory to process-oriented analysis, and encompasses multiple translation settings, including (indirect) literary translation, machine(-assisted) translation and the practical work of professional legal translators. The studies included in the volume also expand the range of application of corpus applications in terms of the tools used to accomplish the research tasks outlined."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fantinuoli ,Claudio ; Zanettin ,Federico; Doms ,Steven; Fantinuoli ,Claudio; Fotopoulou ,Angeliki; Lapshinova-Koltunski ,Ekaterina; Mouka ,Effie; Neumann ,Stella; Niemietz ,Paula; Pontrandolfo ,Gianluca; Sanz ,Zuri\u00f1e; Saridakis ,Ioannis E.; Serbina ,Tatiana; Uribarri ,Ibon; Zanettin ,Frederico; Zubillaga ,Naroa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Corpus-based translation", "corpus analysis", "research", "appraisal theory", "process-oriented analysis", "literary translation", "translation", "machine assisted translation", "legal translation", "application of corpus applications"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=559833"], ["title", "New directions in corpus-based translation studies"], ["doab_id", "17185"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675831"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675831"]], [["description", "Antimicrobial peptides, commonly isolated from several organisms, have been considered part of innate immune system and also as potential antimicrobial drugs. Besides its antimicrobial activity, some AMPs also have antifungal activity, inmmunomodulatory and antitumural activities. Lately not only nature has become a source of AMPs. Besides isolation of natural organisms, antimicrobial peptides might be improved or created using computational tools. This opens even more this so amazing field by creating infinite novel and remarkable possibilities. Overall the current issue highlights the relevance of such Research Topic with perspectives to develop entirely new molecules with vast application within health and agricultural field with higher affinity for its target with concomitant reduction of side effects."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nadia S. Parachin; Octavio L. Franco"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["antimicrobial peptides", "virus", "pathogenic bacteria", "Fungi", "peptide design", "self-assembled structures", "proteinase inhibitors", "Bacterial resistance", "natural"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1478/new-edge-of-antibiotic-development-antimicrobial-peptides-and-corresponding-resistance"], ["title", "New edge of antibiotic development: antimicrobial peptides and corresponding resistance"], ["doab_id", "18564"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193011"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193011"]], [["description", "Policies in the EU are largely made by national civil servants who prepare and implement decisions in Brussels as well as at home. Despite their important role, these national civil servants form a relatively hidden world that has received little attention from both the media and academics. This volume considers a wide variety of sources and research methods to answer such questions as: how many civil servants are actually involved in EU-related activities? What do these civil servants do when they engage with the EU? And how do they negotiate their dual roles? The New Eurocrats offers unique and invaluable insights into these civil servants and their working practices-and uncovers some secrets in the world of EU governance along the way.

De Europese Unie staat al geruime tijd ter discussie in de Nederlandse politiek en bij het Nederlandse publiek. Daarbij wordt vaak het spookbeeld opgeroepen van een ongrijpbare bureaucratie die voor Nederland bepaalt wat er moet gebeuren. Maar hoe komen deze Europese besluiten eigenlijk tot stand? En welke invloed heeft de EU daarmee op het Nederlandse bestuur? In The New Eurocrats worden deze vragen vanuit een belangrijk perspectief benaderd dat tot nu toe grotendeels is genegeerd: de rol en activiteiten van Nederlandse ambtenaren binnen de EU. Deze nationale ambtenaren spelen een grote rol bij de totstandkoming en uitvoering van Europees beleid. In dit boek wordt op basis van een schat aan bronnen de 'verborgen wereld' van Nederlandse ambtenaren in de EU belicht. Zo wordt een beter zicht geboden op hoe de EU haar besluiten neemt, hoe Nederlandse ambtenaren daar in hun dagelijkse werk op inspelen en hoe dit doorwerkt in de manier waarop de Nederlandse overheid is georganiseerd."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Geuijen ,Karin; 't Hart ,Paul; Princen ,Sebastiaan; Yesilkagit ,Kutsal"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340102"], ["title", "The New Eurocrats : National Civil Servants in EU Policymaking"], ["doab_id", "12812"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567975"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567975"]], [["description", "The Internet has enabled new forms of large-scale collaboration. Voluntary contributions by large numbers of users and co-producers lead to new forms of production and innovation, as seen in Wikipedia, open source software development, in social networks or on user-generated content platforms as well as in many firm-driven Web 2.0 services. Large-scale collaboration on the Internet is an intriguing phenomenon for scholarly debate because it challenges well established insights into the governance of economic action, the sources of innovation, the possibilities of collective action and the social, legal and technical preconditions for successful collaboration. Although contributions to the debate from various disciplines and fine-grained empirical studies already exist, there still is a lack of an interdisciplinary approach.

The Internet has enabled new forms of large-scale collaboration. Voluntary contributions by large numbers of users and co-producers lead to new forms of production and innovation, as seen in Wikipedia, open source software development, in social networks or on user-generated content platforms as well as in many firm-driven Web 2.0 services. Large-scale collaboration on the Internet is an intriguing phenomenon for scholarly debate because it challenges well established insights into the governance of economic action, the sources of innovation, the possibilities of collective action and the social, legal and technical preconditions for successful collaboration. Although contributions to the debate from various disciplines and fine-grained empirical studies already exist, there still is a lack of an interdisciplinary approach."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wittke, Volker; Hanekop, Heidemarie"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Collaborative Innovation", "Internet", "Social networks", "Web 2.0 services", "Production", "Collaborative Innovation", "Internet", "Social networks", "Web 2.0 services", "Production"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610257"], ["title", "New forms of collaborative innovation and production on the internet - an interdisciplinary perspective"], ["doab_id", "13411"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950200"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950200"]], [["description", "Atomistic simulations, based on ab-initio and semi-empirical approaches, are nowadays widespread in many areas of physics, chemistry and, more recently, biology. Improved algorithms and increased computational power widened the areas of application of these computational methods to extended materials of technological interest, in particular allowing unprecedented access to the first-principles investigation of their electronic, optical, thermodynamical and mechanical properties, even where experiments are not available. However, for a big impact on the society, this rapidly growing field of computational approaches to materials science has to face the unfavourable scaling with the system size, and to beat the time-scale bottleneck. Indeed, many phenomena, such as crystal growth or protein folding for example, occur in a space/time scale which is normally out of reach of present simulations. Multi-scale approaches try to combine different scale algorithms along with matching procedures in order to bridge the gap between first-principles and continuum-level simulations. This Research Topic aims at the description of recent advances and applications in these two emerging fields of ab-inito and multi-scale materials modelling for both ground and excited states. A variety of theoretical and computational techniques are included along with the application of these methods to systems at increasing level of complexity, from nano to micro. Crossing the borders between several computational, theoretical and experimental techniques, this Research Topic aims to be of interest to a broad community, including experimental and theoretical physicists, chemists and engineers interested in materials research in a broad sense."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simone Taioli; Maurizio Dapor; Nicola M. Pugno"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Multiscale and Hierarchical modeling", "ab-initio", "Density-functional", "Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo methods", "molecular dynamics simulations", "Carbon-based systems", "mechanical", "Electronic and optical properties of solids", "materials growth", "Materials characterization", "macromolecular complex"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3121/new-frontiers-in-multiscale-modelling-of-advanced-materials"], ["title", "New Frontiers in Multiscale Modelling of Advanced Materials"], ["doab_id", "18875"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197552"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197552"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY license. Interest in social innovation continues to rise, from governments setting up social innovation 'labs' to large corporations developing social innovation strategies. Yet theory lags behind practice, and this hampers our ability to understand social innovation and make the most of its potential. This collection brings together work by leading social innovation researchers globally, exploring the practice and process of researching social innovation, its nature and effects. Combining theoretical chapters and empirical studies, it shows how social innovation is blurring traditional boundaries between the market, the state and civil society, thereby developing new forms of services, relationships and collaborations. It takes a critical perspective, analyzing potential downsides of social innovation that often remain unexplored or are glossed over, yet concludes with a powerful vision of the potential for social innovation to transform society. It aims to be a valuable resource for students and researchers, as well as policymakers and others supporting and leading social innovation. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicholls, Alex; Simon, Julie; Gabriel, Madeleine"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Social Policy, Politics and Economics of Welfare, Business and Management, Innovation, Sociology, Economic Sociology, Politics, Citizenship, Social Policy and Welfare"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9781137506801"], ["title", "New Frontiers in Social Innovation Research"], ["doab_id", "17875"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137549532", "9781137506801"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137549532 (Print) 9781137506801 (Online)"]], [["description", "In recent years, mental illnesses have become recognized as a huge emotional and financial burden to the individual, their relatives and society at large. Stress-related and mood disorders as well as psychoactive substance abuse are among the disorders associated with most disability in high income countries. Suicide, which is often attributed to some underlying mental disorders, is a leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults. At the same time, mental disorders pose some of the toughest challenges in neuroscience research. There are many different categories of mental disorder as defined and classified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10). Despite the ongoing improvements of those widely used manuals, the validity and reliability of their diagnoses remain a constant debate. However, it has now become accepted by the scientific community that mental disorders can arise from multiple sources. In that regard, both clinical and animal studies looking at gene-environment interactions have helped to better understand the mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology as well as the discovery of treatments for mental disorders. This Research Topic aims to cover recent progress in research studying how genetic make-up and environmental factors (such as stress paradigm or pharmacological treatment) can contribute to the development of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. This Research Topic also seeks to highlight studies looking at affective-like disorders following the intake of drugs of abuse. We also welcome all research articles, review papers, brief communications, and commentary on topics related to the broad field of Neuropsychopharmacology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thibault Renoir; Laurence Lanfumey; Maarten Van Den Buuse"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Anxiety", "Depression", "Mood Disorders", "Schizophrenia", "Addiction", "gene "]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/958/new-frontiers-in-the-neuropsychopharmacology-of-mental-illness"], ["title", "New frontiers in the neuropsychopharmacology of mental illness"], ["doab_id", "17797"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194049"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194049"]], [["description", "In the globalised world of today, traditional definitions of national Self and national Other no longer hold. The unmistakable transformation of German and Dutch societies demands a thorough rethinking of national boundaries on several levels. This book examines how literature of migration intervenes in public discourses on multiculturality in Germany and the Netherlands, epitomised in the strikingly parallel debates on the 'German Leitkultur' and the Dutch 'multicultural drama' in the year 2000. By juxtaposing detailed analyses of literary work by the Turkish-German writers Emine Sevgi \u00f6zdamar and Feridun Zaimoglu and the Moroccan-Dutch writers Abdelkader Benali and Hafid Bouazza, New Germans, New Dutch offers crucial insights into the specific ways in which this literature negotiates its national context of writing. This book demonstrates how German literature of migration seeks alternative forms of community outside the national parameters, whereas the Dutch literature negotiates difference and re-imagines Dutchness within the national framework.

De etnische transformatie van de Duitse en Nederlandse samenleving vraagt om diepgaande reflectie op het omstreden concept van nationale identiteit. Literatuur levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan dit proces van reflectie. New Germans, New Dutch onderzoekt migratieliteratuur in de Nederlandse en Duitse context. Literaire werken van de Turks Duitse schrijvers Emine Sevgi \u00f6zdamar en Feridun Zaimoglu en de Marokkaans-Nederlandse schrijvers Abdelkader Benali en Hafid Bouazza worden beschouwd als kritische buiteninterventies in polariserende debatten over het 'multiculturele drama' en de 'deutsche Leitkultur'. De Duits-Nederlandse vergelijking biedt een verrassend inzicht in de nationale specificiteit van zowel deze interventies als van de verbeeldingen van nationale identiteit in deze literatuur. Dit is de eerste uitgave in de reeks Palimpsest: Disorientations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Minnaard ,Liesbeth"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Dutch literature", "Literature (Belles lettres) and rhetoric", "Culture and institutions", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Literatuur en rhetorica", "Culture and instituten"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340080"], ["title", "New Germans, New Dutch : Literary Interventions"], ["doab_id", "12793"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640284"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640284"]], [["description", "In this book readers will find technological discussions on the existing and emerging technologies across the different stages of the big data value chain. They will learn about legal aspects of big data, the social impact, and about education needs and requirements. And they will discover the business perspective and how big data technology can be exploited to deliver value within different sectors of the economy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda Cavanillas; Edward Curry; Wolfgang Wahlster"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["big data", " information"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-21569-3"], ["title", "New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy: A Roadmap for Usage and Exploitation of Big Data in Europe "], ["doab_id", "19125"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319215686", "9783319215693"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319215686 (Print) 9783319215693 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book is the first monograph on the theme of \u201cnew materialism,\u201d an emerging trend in 21st century thought that has already left its mark in such fields as philosophy, cultural theory, feminism, science studies, and the arts. The first part of the book contains elaborate interviews with some of the most prominent new materialist scholars of today: Rosi Braidotti, Manuel DeLanda, Karen Barad, and Quentin Meillassoux. The second part situates the new materialist tradition in contemporary thought by singling out its transversal methodology, its position on sexual differing, and by developing the ethical and political consequences of new materialism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dolphijn ,Rick ; Tuin ,Iris van der"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["new materialism", "metaphysics"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444388"], ["title", "New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies"], ["doab_id", "15215"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852810"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852810"]], [["description", "Early in the 80\u2019s date the first observations on the existence of hormonal steroids that may be synthesized and act in the nervous system. In order to refer to these endogenous steroids, proved important to control both central and peripheral nervous system, it was proposed the term \u201cneurosteroids\u201d (NSs). Over the years, their importance in regulating the physiological functions of neuronal and glial cells increased progressively. These steroids can be involved in several pathophysiological conditions such as depression, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), schizophrenia and Alzheimer disease. Among the different classes of NSs, the progestagens revealed particularly important. The progesterone metabolite 5a-pregnan-3a-ol-20-one, also named tetrahydroprogesterone or allopregnanolone (ALLO) was one of the first most important steroid that was originally shown to act as neurosteroid. ALLO is synthesized through the action of the 5aR-3a-HSD, which converts P into DHP and subsequently, via a bidirectional reaction, into ALLO. NSs exert complex effects in the nervous system through \u2018classic\u2019, genomic, and \u2018non-classic\u2019, non-genomic actions. ALLO displays a rapid \u2018non-genomic\u2019 effect, which mainly involves the potent modulation of the GABA type A (GABA-A) receptor function. Recently a membrane receptor has been identified as target for ALLO effects, i.e. the membrane progesterone receptors (mPRs) that are able to activate a signalling cascade through G protein dependent mechanisms. By these ways, ALLO is able to modulate several cell functions, acting as neurogenic molecule on neural progenitor cells, as well as by activating proliferation and differentiation of glial cells in the central and peripheral nervous system. In this topic, we review the most recent acquisitions in the field of neurosteroids, focusing our attention on ALLO because its effects on the physiology of neurons and glial cells of the central and peripheral nervous system are intriguing and could potentially lead to the development of new strategies for neuroprotection and/or regeneration of injured nervous tissues and for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valerio Magnaghi; Giulia Puja"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neurosteroid", "Tetrahydroprogesterone", "GABA A receptor", "Membrane progesterone receptor", "Non genomic action", "ganaxolone", "neuropsychiatric disorder", "neurodegenerative disease", "Pain", "PKC epsilon"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1901/new-perspectives-in-neurosteroids-action-a-special-player-allopregnanolone"], ["title", "New Perspectives in Neurosteroids action: a Special Player Allopregnanolone"], ["doab_id", "18164"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195558"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195558"]], [["description", "This volume is a collection of papers presented at the 2007 colloquium on new perspectives on games and interaction at the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences in Amsterdam. The purpose of the colloquium was to clarify the uses of the concepts of game theory, and to identify promising new directions. This important collection testifies to the growing importance of game theory as a tool to capture the concepts of strategy, interaction, argumentation, communication, cooperation and competition. Also, it provides evidence for the richness of game theory and for its impressive and growing application.

New Perspective on Games and Interaction is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige congres dat begin 2007 plaatsvond in het KNAW. Centraal stond het gebruik van speltheorie in de disciplines logica, informatica, taalkunde en economie. Deze disciplines hebben zich voornamelijk ge\u00efsoleerd van elkaar ontwikkeld. Het doel van het congres was de onderzoekers uit deze disciplines samen te brengen en interdisciplinaire relaties aan te moedigen. New Perspective on Games and Interaction is een getuigenis van het groeiende belang van speltheorie als middel om strategie\u00ebn, interactie, argumentatie, communicatie, samenwerking en concurrentie te ontwikkelen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Apt ,Krzysztof; Rooij van ,Robert"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Philosophy", "Mathematics", "Economie", "Filosofie", "Wiskunde"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340074"], ["title", "New Perspectives on Games and Interaction"], ["doab_id", "12789"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640574"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640574"]], [["description", "From the conflict in Syria to the crisis in Ukraine, Russia continues to dominate the headlines. Yet the political realities of contemporary Russia are poorly understood by Western observers and policy-makers. Andrew Monaghan explains the importance of 'getting Russia right'. Exploring in detail the relationship between the West and Russia, he charts the development of relations and investigates the causes of the increasingly obvious sense of strategic dissonance. He also considers the evolution in Russian domestic politics, introducing influential current figures and those who are forming the leadership and opposition of the future. By delving into the depths of difficult questions such as the causes of the Ukraine crisis or the political protests surrounding the 2011\u201312 elections, the book offers a dynamic model for understanding this most fascinating and elusive of countries."], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Monaghan ,Andrew"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Russia", "the Russian question", "Putin", "Russian election protests", "Ukraine", "new Cold War"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=613235.xhtml"], ["title", "The new politics of Russia: Interpreting change"], ["doab_id", "19505"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781784997632"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781784997632"]], [["description", "This book describes China's growing range of activities in Africa, especially in the sub-Saharan region. The three most important instruments China has at its disposal in Africa are development aid, investments and trade policy. The Chinese government, which believes the Western development aid model has failed, is looking for new forms of aid and development in Africa. China's economic success can partly be ascribed to the huge availability of cheap labour, which is primarily employed in export-oriented industries. China is looking for the required raw materials in Africa, and for new marketplaces. Investments are being made on a large scale in Africa by Chinese state-controlled firms and private companies, particularly in the oil-producing countries (Angola, Nigeria and Sudan) and countries rich in minerals (Zambia). Third, the trade policy China is conducting is analysed in China and compared with that of Europe and the United States. In case studies the specific situation in several African countries is examined. In Zambia the mining industry, construction and agriculture are described. One case study of Sudan deals with the political presence of China in Sudan and the extent to which Chinese arms suppliers contributed to the current crisis in Darfur. The possibility of Chinese diplomacy offering a solution in that conflict is discussed. The conclusion considers whether social responsibility can be expected of the Chinese government and companies and if this is desirable, and to what extent the Chinese model in Africa can act as an example - or not - for the West.

China vindt in Afrika grondstoffen en afzetmarkten voor zijn snelgroeiende exportindustrie. De auteurs van dit boek vergelijken de Chinese aanpak op het gebied van ontwikkelingshulp, investeringen en handelspolitiek met die van het Westen en bespreken in hoeverre het Chinese model in Afrika als voorbeeld kan dienen. Dit boek beschrijft de activiteiten die China in Afrika ontplooit, en dan met name ten zuiden van de Sahara. De drie belangrijkste instrumenten die China ter beschikking staan in Afrika zijn ontwikkelingshulp, investeringen en handelspolitiek. De Chinese overheid, volgens wie de westerse ontwikkelingshulp gefaald heeft, zoekt nieuwe vormen van hulp en ontwikkeling in Afrika. Het economische succes van China kan deels verklaard worden uit de grote beschikbaarheid van goedkope arbeid, die vooral wordt ingezet in op export gerichte industrie. De daarvoor benodigde grondstoffen zoekt China onder meer in Afrika, evenals nieuwe afzetmarkten. Er wordt op grote schaal door zowel Chinese staatsondernemeningen als particuliere bedrijven ge\u00efnvesteerd in Afrika, met name in de olie-producerende landen (Angola, Nigeria en Sudan) en landen die rijk zijn aan grondstoffen (Zambia). Ten derde wordt de door China bedreven handelspolitiek in China geanalyseerd en vergeleken met die van Europa en de Verenigde Staten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijk van ,Meine Pieter"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Political science", "Economie", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340012"], ["title", "The New Presence of China in Africa"], ["doab_id", "12737"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641366"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641366"]], [["description", "The changes we have seen in recent years in the scholarly publishing world - including the growth of digital publishing and changes to the role and strategies of publishers and libraries alike - represent the most dramatic paradigm shift in scholarly communications in centuries. This volume brings together leading scholars from across the humanities to explore that transformation and consider the challenges and opportunities it brings."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "D\u00e1vidh\u00e1zi ,P\u00e9ter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Digital turn", "Publication cultures", "Paradigm shift", "Electronic editing", "Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=515678"], ["title", "New Publication Cultures in the Humanities: Exploring the Paradigm Shift"], ["doab_id", "16645"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645647"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645647"]], [["description", "Assessing the transformation of Russian nationalist discourse in the 21st century Russian nationalism, previously dominated by \u2018imperial\u2019 tendencies \u2013 pride in a large, strong and multi-ethnic state able to project its influence abroad \u2013 is increasingly focused on ethnic issues. This new ethno-nationalism has come in various guises, like racism and xenophobia, but also in a new intellectual movement of \u2018national democracy\u2019 deliberately seeking to emulate conservative West European nationalism. Russia\u2019s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent violent conflict in Eastern Ukraine utterly transformed the nationalist discourse in Russia. This book provides an up-to-date survey of Russian nationalism as a political, social and intellectual phenomenon by leading Western and Russian experts in the field of nationalism studies. It includes case studies on migrantophobia; the relationship between nationalism and religion; nationalism in the media; nationalism and national identity in economic policy; nationalism in the strategy of the Putin regime as well as a survey-based study of nationalism in public opinion.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kolst\u00f8 ,Pal; Blakkisrud ,Helge"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "History"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605858"], ["title", "The New Russian Nationalism"], ["doab_id", "18929"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474410434"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474410434"]], [["description", "Using data from the Integration of the Second Generation in Europe survey, this timely study focuses on the second generation of immigrants from Turkey and former Yugoslavia in Switzerland. A common thread running through the various chapters is a comparison with previous research on Switzerland concerning the second generation of Italian and Spanish origin. The authors provide valuable insights into the current situation of the children of Turkish and Yugoslav immigrants while underlining the historical similarities and differences of their respective incorporation processes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fibbi ,Rosita; Topg\u00fcl ,Ceren; Ugrina ,Dusan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Second generation", "education", "occupation", "ethnicity", "integration"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530350"], ["title", "The New Second Generation in Switzerland: Youth of Turkish and Former Yugoslav Descent in Zurich and Basel"], ["doab_id", "16844"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089648433"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089648433"]], [["description", "When listeners talk about their listening experiences, they often refer to music as if it were a narrative. But can music actually tell a story? Can music be narrative? Traditionally, narrativity is associated with verbal and visual texts, and the mere possibility of musical narrativity is highly debated. In this study, Vincent Meelberg demonstrates that music can indeed be narrative, and that the study of musical narrativity can be very productive. Moreover, Meelberg even makes a stronger claim by contending that contemporary music, too, can be narrative. More specifically, Meelberg suggests considering contemporary musical narratives as metanarratives, i.e. narratives that tell the story of the process of narrativization.

Wanneer luisteraars over hun luisterervaringen praten, refereren ze vaak aan muziek alsof het een verhaal is. Maar kan muziek wel een verhaal vertellen? Kan muziek narratief zijn? Traditioneel wordt narrativiteit geassocieerd met verbale en visuele teksten en wordt er betwijfeld of een muzikale variant zelfs maar kan bestaan. In deze studie beargumenteert Vincent Meelberg dat muziek wel degelijk een verhaal kan vertellen, en dat de bestudering van muzikale narrativiteit zeer productief is. Meer specifiek stelt Meelberg voor om hedendaagse muzikale verhalen te beschouwen als metaverhalen, dus als verhalen die het verhaal van het proces van narrativizering vertellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meelberg ,Vincent"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Music", "Musical narrativity", "Musical narrative", "Contemporary music", "Atonal music", "Atonality", "Linearity", "Musical tense", "Metanarrative", "Musical comprehension", "Fabula", "Musical story", "Musical text", "Narratology", "Intermediality", "Muziek", "Narrativizering", "Metaverhalen"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=354770"], ["title", "New Sounds, New Stories : Narrativity in Contemporary Music"], ["doab_id", "12989"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280024"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280024"]], [["description", "A large number of publications have described impaired angiogenesis and vasculogenesis present in the feto-placental circulation after pregnancy diseases such as pre-eclamptic pregnancies, gestational diabetes, and intrauterine growth restriction, among others. Results suggest impaired secretion and activity of pro-angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin 8 (IL-8), adenosine and nitric oxide, associates with compromised secretion and activity of anti-angiogenic factors such as soluble receptor of VEGF (sFlt-1), thrombospondin 2, endostatin among others. More recent evidences include the participation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPC), which circulating number is reduced infeto-placental circulation in pregnancies such as pre-eclampsia. Despite this knowledge, therapies for placental angiogenesis recovery during pathological pregnancies are far to be tested. However, from the cardiovascular field, it has been described the administration of EPC, alone or used as gene-transfer therapy; or it has been described the potential role of statins (HMGCoA inhibitors), or angiotensin-converter enzyme (ACE) inhibitors for enhancing angiogenesis. Finally, feto-placental tissue is an exceptional source of progenitor and stem cells, which could be used for treated other human diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertension, or even cancer. In this research topic, authors highlight physiopatological and clinical importance of the impaired placental angiogenesis, and suggest potential targets for developing innovative therapies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carlos Alonso Escudero"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Angiogenesis", "Placenta", "Pregnancy Diseases", "fetal programming", "therapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1892/new-therapeutic-targets-for-human-placental-angiogenesis-diseases"], ["title", "New therapeutic targets for human placental angiogenesis diseases"], ["doab_id", "18712"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194612"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194612"]], [["description", "Developing novel and more effective treatments that improve quality of life for individuals with autism spectrum disorders is urgently needed. To date a wide range of behavioral interventions have been shown to be safe and effective for improving language and cognition and adaptive behavior in children and adolescents with ASD. However many people with ASD can receive additional benefit from targeted pharmacological interventions. One of the major drawback in setting up therapeutics intervention is the remarkable individual differences found across individuals with ASD. As a matter of fact the medications that are currently available address only symptoms associated with ASD and not the core domains of social and communication dysfunction. The pathogenesis paradigm shift of ASD towards synaptic abnormalities moved the research to pathway to disease that involve multiple systems and that are becoming the forefront of ASD treatment and are pointing toward the development of new targeted treatments. Some new therapeutics have been tested and others are being studied. In this context single gene disorders frequently associated with ASD such as Rett Syndrome, Fragile X and Tuberous Sclerosis have been of significant aid as neurobiology of these disorders is more clear and has a potential to shed light on the altered signaling in ASD. However much research is needed to further understand the basic mechanisms of disease and the relationship to idiopathic ASD. Clinical trials in children are underway with agents directed to core symptoms and to the associated disorders in the search of new therapeutics and progress are expected with possible new option for therapeutics in ASD in the upcoming future. Children and Adolescents with ASD and their families can provide important information about their experience with new treatments and this should be a priority for future research. In addition, research performed on genetic mouse models of ASD will keep on providing useful information on the molecular pathways disrupted in the disease, thus contributing to identify novel drug targets."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Roberto Canitano; Yuri Bozzi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neurodevelopmental disorder", "autism", "Clinical Trial", "mouse model", "Genetics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2032/new-treatment-perspectives-in-autism-spectrum-disorders"], ["title", "New treatment perspectives in autism spectrum disorders"], ["doab_id", "17826"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195305"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195305"]], [["description", "Images of flappers, gar\u00e7onnes, Modern Girls, neue Frauen, and trampky\u2014all embodiments of the dashing New Woman\u2014symbolized an expanded public role for women from the suffragist era through the dawn of 1960s feminism. Chronicling nearly a century of global challenges to gender norms, The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s is the first book to examine modern femininity's ongoing relationship with the nineteenth and twentieth centuries' most influential new media: photography and film. This volume examines the ways in which novel ideas about women's roles in society and politics were disseminated through these technological media, and it probes the significance of radical changes in female fashion, appearance, and sexual identity. Additionally, these original essays explore the manner in which New Women artists used photography and film to respond creatively to gendered stereotypes and to reconceive of ways of being a woman in a rapidly modernizing world. The New Woman International brings together different generations of scholars and curators who are experts in gender, photography, literature, mass media, and film to analyze the New Woman from her inception in the later nineteenth century through her full development in the interwar period, and the expansion of her forms in subsequent decades. Arranged both chronologically and thematically, these essays show how controversial female ideals figured in discourses including those on gender norms, race, technology, sexuality, female agency, science, media representation, modernism, commercial culture, internationalism, colonialism, and transnational modernity. In exploring these topics through images that range from montages to newspapers' halftone prints to film stills, this book investigates the terms of gendered representation as a process in which women were as much agents as allegories. Inaugurating a new chapter in the scholarship of representation and New Womanhood and spanning North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, and the colonial contexts of Africa and the Pacific, this volume reveals the ways in which a feminine ideal circled the globe to be translated into numerous visual languages."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Otto and Vanessa Rocco, Editors"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Women -- History", "Photography of women -- History", "Feminism -- History"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.9475509.0001.001"], ["title", "The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s"], ["doab_id", "14508"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071043", "9780472051045"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071043 Paper: 9780472051045"]], [["description", "This collection presents written texts of songs in Shoshoni and English, with both figurative and literal translations, and is packaged with a CD containing performances of the songs by Earl and Beverly Crum. The songs fall into several categories based on the contexts of their performances, such as dance songs, medicine songs, and handgame songs. The texts are framed with an introduction and commentary discussing the cultural background, meaning, forms, and performance contexts of the songs; Shoshoni language; and methodology. Glossaries of Shoshoni terms are appended. As the first major linguistic study of Shoshoni songs, Newe Hupia is an important contribution to scholarship. It also marks a significant achievement in the preservation of an important aspect of Shoshoni language and culture. And it has literary value as a presentation of Shoshoni verse and aesthetics. Furthermore, many readers and listeners will find the songs to be lyrical, pleasing to the ear, and evocative of the natural world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Crum, Beverly; Crum, Earl; Dayley, Jon P."], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/24"], ["title", "Newe Hupia: Shoshoni Poetry Songs"], ["doab_id", "14687"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214666"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214666"]], [["description", "In the course of the eighteenth century, Newton's ideas (in different guises and interpretations) became a veritable hype in Dutch society. In Newton & the Netherlands Newton's sudden success is analyzed in great depth and put into a new perspective."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jorink ,E.; Maas ,A."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606235"], ["title", "Newton and the Netherlands : How Isaac Newton was Fashioned in the Dutch Republic"], ["doab_id", "15222"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087281373"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087281373"]], [["description", "By examining how NGOs operate in Southern India in the early 2000\u2019s, this book discusses the challenges faced by small, local NGOs in the uncertain times of changing aid dynamics. The key findings focus on what empowerment means for Indian women, and how NGO accountability to these groups is an important part of the empowerment being realised. The notion of community empowerment, in which the \u2018solidarity\u2019 of a group can be a path to individual empowerment, is discussed, as well as analysing how empowerment can be a useful concept in development. Based on case studies of 15 NGOs as well as in-depth interviews with 80 women\u2019s self-help groups, the book highlights the key features of effective empowerment programs. The author uses innovative statistical analysis tools to show how a key factor in empowerment of marginalised women is the accountability relationship between themselves and the supporting NGO. The book goes on to discuss the ways that NGOs can work with communities in the future, and recognises the limitations of a donor-centric accountability framework. It provides a useful contribution to studies on South Asia as well as Gender and Development Studies.Introduction 1. Non-Governmental Organisations in India 2. The work of NGOs in India - SHGs and Women's Empowerment 3. Rural NGOs 4. Pune Waste-picker program 5. Measuring Women's Empowerment 6. NGO Accountability 7. Conclusion"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kilby ,Patrick"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Politics & Development", "Gender Studies - Soc Sci", "Political Lobbying & Interest Groups", "South Asia", "Development Studies", "Civil Society", "Politiek en ontwikkelingen", "Sociaal en culturele aspecten", "Politieke lobbie en belangengroepen", "Zuid Azie", "Ontwikkelingsstudies", "Samenleving"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391035"], ["title", "NGOs in India : The challenges of women's empowerment and accountability"], ["doab_id", "13373"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415544306"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415544306"]], [["description", "In this far-reaching essay, historian Michael Edward Moore examines modernity as an historical epoch following the end of the medieval period \u2014 and as a \u201cmessianic concept of time.\u201d In the early twentieth century, a debate over the meaning and origins of modernity unfolded among the philosophers Ernst Cassirer, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hans Blumenberg. These thinkers tried to resolve the puzzle of the fifteenth-century master Nicholas of Cusa. Was Cusanus the last great medieval thinker, his ideas a summa of medieval tradition? Or was he a mysterious epochal figure, seated at one end of the bridge leading to modern thought? Nicholas of Cusa lived during a time of historical and existential crisis, or kairos, when medieval governments and cherished sources of unity were shaken. Likewise, the debate over his significance took place during a later phase of crisis for Europe, in the decades before and after the Second World War, when the collapse of European civilization was witnessed. Moore argues that modernity, so intently examined as an historical and spiritual problem, has significance for our contemporary sense of crisis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Edward Moore"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Ernst Cassirer, Hans Blumenberg, Hans Georg Gadamer, intellectual history, medieval history, Nicholas of Cusa"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/nicholas-of-cusa-and-the-kairos-of-modernity/"], ["title", "Nicholas of Cusa and the Kairos of Modernity"], ["doab_id", "16055"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615840550"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615840550"]], [["description", "Sociology

Nieuw in Nederland: Feesten en rituelen in verandering levert een bijdrage aan het publieke debat over immigranten, cultuur en nationalisme. Het boek stelt het idee ter discussie dat in Nederland migrantenculturen bestaan met elk hun eigen traditionele feesten en rituelen. De onderliggende aanname dat migranten vastomlijnde gemeenschappen met eigen culturen vormen, wordt aan de hand van etnografisch onderzoek weerlegd. In het boek staan feesten en rituelen centraal die in Nederland zijn ontstaan als gevolg van de komst van nieuwe Nederlanders: van een doop in een Ghanese pinksterkerk tot het multiculturele evenement Kwakoe. Anders dan vanuit een conventioneel perspectief, waarin deze vieringen als onderdeel van en behorende tot culturen van migranten worden gezien, laten de bijdragen zien dat deze vieringen voortkomen uit onze Nederlandse samenleving als geheel. Vieringen van nieuwe Nederlanders blijken een hybride waarin de Nederlandse geschiedenis even bepalend is als de tradities in het land van oorsprong. Feesten en rituelen lijken weliswaar stabiel, maar zijn voortdurend in verandering. Onder de noemer 'nieuwe Nederlandsheid' schetst Nieuw in Nederland niet zozeer een portret van immigrantenculturen, maar van cultuur in Nederland."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stengs ,Irene"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418535"], ["title", "Nieuw in Nederland : Feesten en rituelen in verandering"], ["doab_id", "14812"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089644053"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644053"]], [["description", "During Nigeria\u2019s decolonization, Swiss traders and diplomats, aware of the exceptional potential for growth, attentively observed this new market for possible business opportunities. This book focuses on multinational companies, diplomats, development cooperation actors and public opinion: it analyses underlying motivations and means, as well as the implications of their activities.

Analyser les rapports \u00e9conomiques et diplomatiques entre le Nigeria et la Suisse revient \u00e0 se pencher sur des m\u00e9canismes peu connus de la globalisation: ceux d\u2019une relation Nord-Sud entre deux puissances moyennes et non coloniales. Pays le plus peupl\u00e9 d\u2019Afrique, le Nigeria semblait en passe de devenir, \u00e0 l\u2019aube de son ind\u00e9pendance, une puissance \u00e9conomique continentale. La Suisse, comme d\u2019autres pays, esp\u00e9rait profiter de ce vaste march\u00e9 promis \u00e0 une expansion rapide. Entreprises multinationales, diplomates et coop\u00e9rants au d\u00e9veloppement sont au centre de cet ouvrage, qui s\u2019interroge sur les motivations, les moyens mis en \u0153uvre et les impacts des activit\u00e9s de chacun. S\u2019y ajoutent des citoyens suisses de tous \u00e2ges et de tous milieux qui, boulevers\u00e9s par les images t\u00e9l\u00e9vis\u00e9es d\u2019enfants squelettiques durant la \u00ab Guerre du Biafra \u00bb en 1968, entreprirent des collectes de fonds et firent pression sur leur gouvernement pour qu\u2019il intervienne. Ce livre donne une profondeur \u00e9clairante aux relations Suisse \u2013 Nigeria, r\u00e9cemment m\u00e9diatis\u00e9es sur leurs aspects migratoires, ou sur les pratiques opaques de n\u00e9gociants en p\u00e9trole \u00e9tablis en Suisse."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Page ,Steve"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Nigeria", "Switzerland", "British Empire", "colonization", "decolonization", "UTC", "Panalpina", "Alusuisse", "Basel Mission", "business", "trade", "diplomacy", "foreign aid", "development", "Nigerian Civil War", "Biafra", "mediation", "public opinion", "propaganda", "humanitarian aid", "ICRC", "Red-Cross", "arms", "Oerlikon-B\u00fchrle", "oil", "Nestl\u00e9", "Nigeria", "Suisse", "Afrique", "Empire britannique", "colonisation", "d\u00e9colonisation", "UTC", "Panalpina", "Alusuisse", "Mission de B\u00e2le", "\u00e9conomie", "commerce", "diplomatie", "coop\u00e9ration au d\u00e9veloppement", "Guerre civile du Nigeria", "Biafra", "m\u00e9diation", "opinion publique", "propagande", "humanitaire", "CICR", "Croix-Rouge", "armes", "Oerlikon-B\u00fchrle", "p\u00e9trole", "Nestl\u00e9", "Trente glorieuses"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=587570"], ["title", "Le Nigeria et la Suisse, des affaires d\u2019ind\u00e9pendance"], ["doab_id", "17858"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034320382"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034320382"]], [["description", "Nightwood Theatre is the longest-running and most influential feminist theatre company in Canada. Since 1979, the company has produced works by Canadian women, providing new opportunities for women theatre artists. It has also been the \u201chome company\u201d for some of the biggest names in Canadian theatre, such as Ann-Marie MacDonald. In Nightwood Theatre, Scott describes the company\u2019s journey toward defining itself as a feminist theatre establishment, highlighting its artistic leadership based on its relevance to diverse communities of women. She also traces Nightwood\u2019s relationship with the media and places the theatre in an international context by comparing its history to that of like companies in the U.K. and the U.S."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Shelley Scott"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["feminist theatre", "Canadian theatre"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120168"], ["title", "Nightwood Theatre A Woman\u2019s Work Is Always Done"], ["doab_id", "14453"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425558", "9781897425565"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425558 9781897425565"]], [["description", "Prince Nikolaus II Esterh\u00e1zy (1765\u20131833) is known as one of the greatest collectors and patrons of the arts of his time. Based on an ideological, historical and psychological framework, the biography fully illustrates his lifetime achievement with regard to the visual and performing arts. Against the backdrop of political and social changes in Europe between the French Revolution and the Year Of Revolutions 1848, this book discusses to what extent art served as a medium and strategy in the aristocracy\u2019s effort to preserve its leading role in society, despite a loss of power as the Estates-based society was gradually replaced by one based on social classes.

F\u00fcrst Nikolaus II. Esterh\u00e1zy (1765\u20131833) war einer der gr\u00f6\u00dften Sammler und Kunstf\u00f6rderer seiner Zeit. Die Biographie stellt seine Lebensleistung in allen Bereichen der bildenden und darstellenden Kunst dar und begr\u00fcndet diese ideengeschichtlich und psychologisch. Vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Ver\u00e4nderungsprozesse Europas, zwischen Franz\u00f6sischer Revolution und Vorm\u00e4rz, wird die Rolle der Kunst als Medium und Strategie der sozialhistorischen Behauptung der Adelswelt analysiert, die im Wandel von der Standes- zur Klassengesellschaft ihre Machtstellung einb\u00fc\u00dfte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "K\u00f6rner ,Stefan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["biography, art history, social history, history of aristoracy, psychology, analysis of power structures, art history, biography, history of collection, aristocratic cultur, social history", "F\u00fcrst Nikolaus II. Esterh\u00e1zy (1765-1833), Biografie, Sammlungsgeschichte, Adelskultur zwischen 1789 und 1848"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=440352"], ["title", "Nikolaus II. Esterh\u00e1zy und die Kunst"], ["doab_id", "15352"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205789222"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205789222"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anceaux ,J."], ["date", "1965"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613375"], ["title", "The Nimboran Language"], ["doab_id", "18531"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286085", "9789004286726"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286085 9789004286726"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Irwin ,G."], ["date", "1955"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613339"], ["title", "Nineteenth-Century Borneo"], ["doab_id", "18495"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285798", "9789004286375"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285798 9789004286375"]], [["description", "Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 23 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the IX European Powder Diffraction Conference in Prague 2004:Method Development and Application, Instrumental, Software Development, MaterialsSupplement Series of Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247837"], ["title", "Ninth European Powder Diffraction Conference \u2013 Prague, September 2-5, 2004"], ["doab_id", "18020"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783486992526", "9783486992519"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486992526, 9783486992519"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["N uptake, P uptake, inorganic N, organic N, inorganic P, organic P, ecosystem N cycling, ecosystem P cycling, plant\u2013microbial interactions, biosphere\u2013atmosphere\u2013hydrosphere exchange"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/183"], ["title", "Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrition of Trees and Forests"], ["doab_id", "19027"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783038421856", "9783038421863"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421856/9783038421863"]], [["description", "The Nod-like receptor (NLR) family of proteins are evolutionary conserved molecules that in plants and mammals have been implicated in innate immune sensing of microbes and infection-associated physiological changes, contributing to immune protection of the challenged host organism through the instruction of inflammatory responses, antimicrobial defense and adaptive immunity. Recent data however suggests that the biological roles of NLR go beyond the function of classical pattern recognition molecules (PRM) as they have been implicated in essential cellular processes including autophagy, apoptosis, modification of signal transduction and gene transcription as well as reproductive biology. In this research topic, we aim to provide a comprehensive state-of the art overview of the emerging functions of NLR in plant and mammalian immunity, cell biology and reproductive biology. Potential topics may include, but are not limited to the following areas: \u2022 Functions of NLRs as PRMs in infection \u2022 Cross-talk of NLRs with other PRMs \u2022 Signal transduction pathways of NLRs \u2022 New functions of NLRs other than pattern recognition \u2022 Structural aspects of NLR activation \u2022 Mechanisms of NLRs in cell biological processes \u2022 Aspects of NLRs in reproductive biology \u2022 Functions of NLRs in plant immune responses"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas A. Kufer; Jorg H. Fritz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Adaptive Immunity", "Bacteria", "virus", "pathogens", "Sensing", "DAMP", "MAMP", "PAMP", "innate immunity", "LRR"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1165/nlr-protein-functions-in-immunity"], ["title", "NLR-protein functions in immunity"], ["doab_id", "19528"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196210"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196210"]], [["description", "Caroline Crosby's life took a wandering course between her 1834 marriage to Jonathan Crosby and conversion to the infant Mormon Church and her departure for her final home, Utah, on New Year's Day, 1858. In the intervening years, she lived in many places but never long enough to set firm roots. Her adherence to a frontier religion on the move kept her moving, even after the church began to settle down in Utah. Despite the impermanence of her situation, perhaps even because of it, Caroline Crosby left a remarkably rich record of her life and travels, thereby telling us not only much about herself and her family but also about times and places of which her documentary record provides a virtually unparalleled view. A notable aspect of her memoirs and journals is what they convey of the character of their author, who, despite the many challenges of transience and poverty she faced, appears to have remained curious, dedicated, observant, and cheerful. From Caroline's home in Canada, she and Jonathan Crosby first went to the headquarters of Joseph Smith's new church in Kirtland, Ohio. She recounts, in a memoir, the early struggles of his followers there. As the church moved west, the Crosbys did as well, but as became characteristic, they did not move immediately with the main body to the center of the religion. For awhile they settled in Indiana, finally reaching the new Mormon center of Nauvoo in 1842. Fleeing Nauvoo with the last of the Mormons in 1846, they spent two years in Iowa and set out for Utah in 1848, the account of which journey is the first of Caroline Crosby's vivid trail journals. The Crosbys were able to rest in Salt Lake City for less than two years before Brigham Young sent them on a church mission to the Society and Austral Islands in the South Pacific. She recorded, in detail, their overland travel to San Francisco and then by sea to French Polynesia and their service on the islands. In late 1852 the Crosbys returned to California, beginning what is probably the most historically significant part of her writings, her diaries of life. First, in immediately post Gold Rush San Francisco and, second, in the new Mormon village of San Bernardino in southern California. There is no comparable record by a woman of 1850s life in these growing communities. The Crosbys responded in 1857 to Brigham Young's call for church members to gather in Utah and again abandoned a new home, this the nicest one they had built, one of the finest houses in San Bernardino. Such unquestioning loyalty was a characteristic Caroline and Jonathan displayed again and again."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lyman, Edward Leo; Payne, Susan Ward; Ellsworth, S. George"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/17"], ["title", "No Place to Call Home: The 1807-1857 Life Writings of Caroline Barnes Crosby, Chronicler of Outlying Mormon Communities"], ["doab_id", "14680"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216011"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "978087421601X"]], [["description", "\"Noble conceptions of politics in eighteenth-century Sweden (ca 1740\u20131790) is a study of how the Swedish nobility articulated its political ideals, self-images and loyalties during the Age of Liberty and under the rule of Gustav III. This book takes a close look at the aristocracy\u2019s understanding of a free constitution and at the nobility\u2019s complex relationship with the monarchy. Central themes are the old notion of mixed government, classical republican conceptions of liberty and patriotism, as well as noble thoughts on the rights and duties of the citizen, including the right to rebellion against an unrighteous ruler.The study is a conceptual analysis of public and private political statements made by members of the nobility, such as Diet speeches and personal correspondence. The book contributes to the large body of research on estate-based identities and the transformation of political language in the second half of the eighteenth century by connecting Swedish political ideals and concepts to their European context.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolff ,Charlotta"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Nobility", "Upper class", "Political elite", "Identity (mental qualities)", "Ideals", "Systems of government"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617191"], ["title", "Noble conceptions of politics in eighteenth-century Sweden (ca 1740\u20131790)"], ["doab_id", "19773"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522220929", "9789522227829", "9789522227812"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522220929 9789522227829 9789522227812"]], [["description", "This is the first study of noblewomen in twelfth-century England and Normandy, and of the ways in which they exercised power. It draws on a rich mix of evidence to offer an important reconceptualisation of women's role in aristocratic society, and in doing so suggests new ways of looking at lordship and the ruling elite in the high middle ages. The book considers a wide range of literary sources such as chronicles, charters, seals and governmental records to draw out a detailed picture of noblewomen in the twelfth-century Anglo-Norman realm. It asserts the importance of the life-cycle in determining the power of these aristocratic women, thereby demonstrating that the influence of gender on lordship was profound, complex and varied. This work will be of importance to specialists in history and medieval studies, as well as those interested in the experience of women and those working on lordship and feudalism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Johns ,Susan M"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["noblewoman", "norman", "Engalnd", "normandy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341360"], ["title", "Noblewomen, aristocracy and power in the twelfth-century Anglo-Norman realm"], ["doab_id", "12685"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063046"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063046"]], [["description", "Het boek A Dutch Miracle van J. Visser en A. Hemerijck uit 1997 analyseerde de rol van onderhandelingen, co\u00f6rdinatie en consensus in het Nederlandse Poldermodel en stelde vast dat het cruciale factoren zijn geweest in het overkomen van de hoge werkloosheid van begin jaren '80 en de goede performance van de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt in de jaren '90.Nu, bijna 20 jaar later, worden er steeds meer vragen gesteld bij zowel de legitimiteit als de functionaliteit van het Poldermodel. De representativiteit van de vakbonden is dalende en jongeren en het midden- en kleinbedrijf zien zich vaak niet vertegenwoordigd in de Polder die volgens critici op ondemocratische wijze deelbelangen in plaats van het algemeen belang vertegenwoordigt en noodzakelijke hervormingen op sociaaleconomisch gebied in de weg staat. Door differentiatie van belangen tussen sectoren of hoog en laag opgeleiden wordt het voor de sociale partners ook steeds moeilijker om met \u00e9\u00e9n stem te spreken en centrale afspraken te maken uit naam van alle betrokkenen. Ook is het voor de sociale partners moeilijker geworden afspraken te maken over sociale zekerheid en vervolgens een rol te spelen in de implementatie van deze afspraken, aangezien hun rol in de uitvoering van de sociale zekerheid is verminderd. Co\u00f6rdinatie van het algemene sociale zekerheidsbeleid en de afstemming met cao's en het arbeidsvoorwaardenbeleid zijn dus moeilijker zijn geworden. Het maken van centrale afspraken wordt verder beperkt door het groeiende belang van Europees beleid en afspraken in Euroverband met betrekking tot overheidsuitgaven, en door voortschrijdende globalisering en finacialisation. Deze ontwikkelingen en kritieken leiden dus tot serieuze vragen over de legitimiteit en functionaliteit het Poldermodel. In dit boek worden de hedendaagse legitimiteit en functionaliteit van het model vanuit verschillende hoeken en disciplines geanalyseerd om zo een beeld te vormen van het Poldermodel anno nu en van de mogelijke rol van het Poldermodel in de toekomst. De lessen van de verschillende hoofdstukken worden in de inleiding bij elkaar gebracht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keune ,Maarten"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611478"], ["title", "Nog steeds een mirakel? De legitimiteit van het poldermodel in de eenentwintigste eeuw"], ["doab_id", "19265"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089647092"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647092"]], [["description", "In Noise from the Writing Center, Boquet develops a theory of \"\"noise\"\" and excess as an important element of difference between the pedagogy of writing centers and the academy in general. Addressing administrative issues, Boquet strains against the bean-counting anxiety that seems to drive so much of writing center administration. Pedagogically, she urges a more courageous practice, developed via metaphors of music and improvisation, and argues for \"\"noise,\"\" excess, and performance as uniquely appropriate to the education of writers and tutors in the center. Personal, even irreverent in style, Boquet is also theoretically sophisticated, and she draws from an eclectic range of work in academic and popular culture-from Foucault to Attali to Jimi Hendrix. She includes, as well, the voices of writing center tutors with whom she conducted research, and she finds some of her most inspiring moments in the words and work of those tutors. A provocative and path-breaking essay from one of the leading scholars in writing center theory and administration, Noise from the Writing Center is a must-read volume not only for writing center directors and tutors, but also for WPAs, department chairs, compositionists, and anyone with a stake in the role of writing centers in the post-secondary institution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Boquet, Elizabeth H."], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/30"], ["title", "Noise from the Writing Center"], ["doab_id", "14693"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214345"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214345"]], [["description", "One hundred years after Luigi Russolo"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cassidy, Aaron; Einbond, Aaron"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Music"]], ["publisher", "University of Huddersfield Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/18189/"], ["title", "Noise in and as music"], ["doab_id", "16242"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781862181182"]], ["provider", "eprints.hud.ac.uk"], ["isbns_raw", "9781862181182"]], [["description", "Il diritto al nome appartiene oggi a pieno titolo al catalogo dei diritti della personalit\u00e0. Come tale, non solo \u00e8 uno strumento identificativo della persona, ma costituisce anche una parte essenziale e irrinunciabile della sua identit\u00e0. In quanto diritto fondamentale, il nome \u00e8 oggetto di protezione da parte di vari strumenti giuridici che, ad esempio, riconoscono il diritto di ogni persona a vedersi attribuito un nome e a poter preservare per tutta la vita l\u2019identit\u00e0 cos\u00ec costituita attraverso di esso. Proprio per la sua pregnanza, il nome risulta per\u00f2 essere spesso anche oggetto di interessi contrapposti non sempre conciliabili, profilando questioni di notevole interesse giuridico; si pensi alla questione dall\u2019attribuzione di un nome proprio non corrispondente al sesso, all\u2019attribuzione di nomi propri ridicoli o vergognosi, o ancora all\u2019annosa questione della trasmissione del cognome materno, sulla quale l\u2019Italia rappresenta la \u201cmaglia nera\u201d dell\u2019Unione Europea."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giacomo Viggiani"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["nome, name, diritto, law, identit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Nomen_Omen_DEF_nocroc.pdf"], ["title", "Nomen Omen"], ["doab_id", "19223"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054558"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054558"]], [["description", "The Non-Library is a non-standard expression for life that is lived without mediation from words, images, or even ideas. While a thing called \u201cthe Library\u201d continues to terrorize humanity even as it enters its last stages as a consequence of cataclysmic climate change and late capitalism, the Non-Library is a strictly performative, ahistorical immanence that suspends the Library\u2019s insistent calls to categorization, representation, and reification. Of course, to describe or circumscribe such ineffability has its limits, but it also has its thresholds to cross: with commentary on Derrida\u2019s Archive Fever, a deconstruction of Fichte, a parabiographical meditation on librarianship, and a vamping on the possible \u201cNon-Virgil,\u201d The Non-Library gently proposes a negative capability in liminal spaces in order to best escape and resist the Library\u2019s stranglehold on human knowledge and its requisite social imaginations.Let us now descend into the blind world . . . . ~DanteBuilding on the non-standard thought of Francois Laruelle\u2019s non-philosophy, while not beholden to it, The Non-Library attempts to leave the discourse of the university behind and uses its citations of Badiou, Borges, Bataille, and Dante instead to construct a philo-fiction more akin to the immanence of music and its many expressions rather than Philosophy\u2019s demand that all questions be eventually answered, that the Real is ultimately thinkable, or that all of Life might possibly be contained in the Library."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trevor Owen Jones"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["archives, Badiou, Bataille, Borges, Derrida, Francois Laruelle, libraries, non-philosophy, Virgil"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-non-library/"], ["title", "The Non-Library"], ["doab_id", "16051"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615945446"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615945446"]], [["description", "This book uses the formal semantics of counterfactual conditionals to analyze the problem of non-locality in quantum mechanics. Counterfactual conditionals (subjunctive conditionals) enter the analysis of quantum entangled systems in that they enable us to precisely formulate the locality condition that purports to exclude the existence of causal interactions between spatially separated parts of a system. They also make it possible to speak consistently about alternative measuring settings, and to explicate what is meant by quantum property attributions. The book develops the possible-world semantics of quantum counterfactuals using David Lewis\u2019s famous approach as a starting point but modifying it significantly in order to achieve compatibility with the demands of the special theory of relativity as well as quantum mechanics. There have been several attempts to use counterfactual semantics to strengthen Bell\u2019s theorem and its cognates such as the GHZ and Hardy theorems. These are critically evaluated in the book. Finally, a counterfactual reconstruction of the EPR argument and Bell\u2019s theorem is proposed that sheds a new light on their philosophical consequences regarding the relations between realism and local causation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bigaj, Tomasz F."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208659"], ["title", "Non-locality and Possible World. A Counterfactual Perspective on Quantum Entanglement"], ["doab_id", "18121"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110323306", "9783110322866", "9783110323313"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110323306, 9783110322866, 9783110323313"]], [["description", "So-called altered states of consciousness (ASC) are an intriguing, still under-researched topic, with profound neuropsychological and epistemological implications. In the last few decades there has been increasing multidisciplinary interest in consciousness and ASC, a term encompassing a wide range of pathological and non-pathological conditions, including dreaming, near-death experiences (NDEs), hypnagogic states, hallucinogenic experiences, epileptic seizures, psychotic symptoms, coma, and minimally conscious states. There has also been considerable research on procedures that may affect ASC including hypnosis and various forms of meditation. Since the term altered implies for some abnormality or dysfunction, the concept of anomalous experiences (not necessarily implying pathology) is increasingly used and more general.The term non-ordinary mental expressions (NOME) encompasses both anomalous (at least for a particular culture at a particular time) experiences and related neuropsychological processes and induction procedures. Our use of non-ordinary: a) does not assume pathology; and b) is suitable for sophisticated and positive mental activities, including, creativity, intuition, and some forms of spirituality. We use the term mind to include both conscious and preconscious processes, and question the notion that, \"ordinary\", waking consciousness provides the only epistemologically valid stance with regard to the mind and its interactions with reality. Similarly, although genius and madness both imply something beyond normal, they differ importantly in their ontology and implications. In short, NOME refers to both experiences and procedures that seek to change short- or long-term psychological processes. Regarding the latter, meditation is an intentional activity, calling for training of attention and reflective awareness, and varying in specific procedures and outcomes. With regard to an absence of pathology, NDEs, which have several features in common with mystical experiences, may occur in the absence of any brain disorder and bring about positive changes. Reductionist interpretations of NDEs as pathophysiological do not explain nor encompass the whole range of their phenomenology. Instead, brain areas and neurotransmitters potentially involved in these experiences may provide a common terrain for both pathological and non-pathological mind expressions.We believe that a proper approach to NOME should adopt a neurophenomenological approach to the study of brain mechanisms and subjective experiences as a whole, integrating experiential and neuroscientific perspectives, without any a priori fixed hierarchy or ontology. The brain-mind relationship can be analyzed as a recursive loop, where brain activity gives rise to mental phenomena and mental processes, in turn, yield functional and plastic changes in the brain. This Research Topic will include international experts in NOME as well as young researchers within a multidisciplinary discussion, in which neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, anthropologists, and other professionals will be asked to contribute. We aim to reappraise the importance of NOME and its implications for the mind-brain-world relationship. The editors will solicit original research contributions as well as theoretical papers, such as reviews, mini-reviews, and theoretical discussions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Etzel Carde; Enrico Facco"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["onsciousness", "Anomalous experience", "Hypnosis", "Meditation", "near-death-experiences", "out-of-body experiences", "psychedelics", "MDMA", "PSI"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1666/non-ordinary-mental-expressions"], ["title", "Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions"], ["doab_id", "17674"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194858"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194858"]], [["description", "Recent advances in biotechnology and the availability of ever more powerful computers have led to the formulation of increasingly complex models at all levels of life sciences, in particular of cardiac electrophysiology. Multiscale modeling of the bioelectric activity of the heart, taking into account macroscopic (fiber architecture and anisotropy) and microscopic (cellular) features of the tissue, aim to develop predictive tools for future drug design and patient-specific therapies, using detailed and efficient three-dimensional solvers for the governing equations of tissue electrophysiology."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stefano Zampini"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Zampini_9788895994666.pdf"], ["title", "Non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for three-dimensional cardiac reaction-diffusion models and applications"], ["doab_id", "15499"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994666"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994666"]], [["description", "This book is an essential guide to the medical treatment of thrombosis and presents core principles of anticoagulant therapeutics as well as drug recommendations. Written by recognized experts in the field, this concise, accessible handbook provides a unique and valuable resource in the cardiovascular field, both for those currently in training, and for those already in clinical or research practice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eduard Shantsila; Gregory YH Lip"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["hematology", " surgery", " cardiology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25460-9"], ["title", "Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants: A Concise Guide"], ["doab_id", "19123"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319254586", "9783319254609"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319254586 (Print) 9783319254609 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book endeavours to bring the sociology of Elias to a new and wider audience through offering accessible explanations of some of his key ideas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eric Dunning; Jason Hughes"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780933405"], ["title", "Norbert Elias and Modern Sociology"], ["doab_id", "15456"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780933405"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780933405"]], [["description", "Northeast Migrants in Delhi: Race, Refuge and Retail is an ethnographic study of migrants from India's north-east border region living and working in Delhi, the nation's capital. Northeast India borders China, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia. Despite burgeoning interest in the region, little attention is given to the thousands of migrants leaving the region for Indian cities for refuge, work, and study. The stories of Northeast migrants reveal an everyday Northeast India rarely captured elsewhere and offer an alternative view of contemporary India. Northeast migrants covet the employment opportunities created by India's embrace of globalization; shopping malls, restaurants, and call centres. Yet Northeast migrants also experience high levels of racism, harassment, and violence. Far from simply victims of the city, Northeast migrants have created their own 'map' of Delhi, enabling a sense of belonging, albeit an uneasy one. Interdisciplinary in nature, this book will appeal to scholars of anthropology, urban studies, geography, migration, and Asian Studies.

Dit baanbrekende boek is een etnografische studie naar de migranten die in steeds grotere getale van het noordoosten van India naar de hoofdstad Delhi trekken. De sociale, politieke en economische activiteiten van deze etnische minderheden bieden een heel andere kijk op het hedendaagse India. Door de opkomst van het neoliberale globalisme in India vinden deze migranten in Delhi volop werk in restaurants en supermarkten, maar worden zij daar ook geconfronteerd met racisme en geweld. Tegelijkertijd zoeken ze in hun nieuwe omgeving naar een eigen identiteit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McDuie-Ra ,Duncan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Anthropologie", "India", "Delhi", "Migratie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424531"], ["title", "Northeast Migrants in Delhi : Race, Refuge and Retail"], ["doab_id", "15142"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644220"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644220"]], [["description", "In Northern Love, Paul Nonnekes pursues debates in psychoanalysis and cultural theory in pursuit of a distinctive conception of a Canadian masculinity. In close discussions of novels by Rudy Wiebe ( A Discovery of Strangers ) and Robert Kroetsch ( The Man from the Creeks ), Nonnekes ranges from Hegel to Lacan, and Butler and Kristeva to \u017di\u017eek, eliciting an evolving conception of love characteristic of the Canadian cultural imaginary. It is the first book in the Cultural Dialectics series, edited by Raphael Foshay of Athabasca University."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul Nonnekes"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["masculinity", "canadian masculinity", "norther masculinity"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120143"], ["title", "Northern Love: An exploration of Canadian Masculinity"], ["doab_id", "14454"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425220", "9781897425237"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425220 9781897425237"]], [["description", "The Navajo nation is one of the most frequently researched groups of Indians in North America. Anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and others have taken turns explaining their views of Navajo history and culture. A recurrent theme throughout is that the U.S. government defeated the Navajos so soundly during the early 1860s that after their return from incarceration at Bosque Redondo, they were a badly shattered and submissive people.The next thirty years saw a marked demographic boom during which the Navajo population doubled. Historians disagree as to the extent of this growth, but the position taken by many historians is that because of this growth and the rapidly expanding herds of sheep, cattle, and horses, the government beneficently gave more territory to its suffering wards.While this interpretation is partly accurate, it centers on the role of the government, the legislation that was passed, and the frustrations of the Indian agents who rotated frequently through the Navajo Agency in Fort Defiance, New Mexico, and ignores or severely limits one of the most important actors in this process of land acquisition-the Navajos themselves. Instead of being a downtrodden group of prisoners, defeated militarily in the 1860s and dependent on the U.S. government for protection and guidance in the 1870s and 80s, they were vigorously involved in defending and expanding the borders of their homelands. This was accomplished not through war and as a concerted effort, but by an aggressive defensive policy built on individual action that varied with changing circumstances. Many Navajos never made the Long Walk to Bosque Redondo. Instead they eluded capture in northern and western hinterlands and thereby pushed out their frontier. This book focuses on the events and activities in one part of the Navajo borderlands-the northern frontier-where between 1860 and 1900 the Navajos were able to secure a large portion of land that is still part of the reservation. This expansion was achieved during a period when most Native Americans were losing their lands."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McPherson, Robert S."], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/77"], ["title", "The Northern Navajo Frontier 1860-1900"], ["doab_id", "14717"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214246"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214246"]], [["description", "From 1919 to 1970, Olaf Hanson was a trapper, fur trader, prospector, game guardian, fisherman, and road blasting expert in northeastern Saskatchewan. He told his life story to popular Saskatchewan author A. L. Karras, who wrote this historical memoir in the 1980s. In an uncompromising, straightforward style, Karras and Hanson reveal the geography, wildlife, natural history of the region as well as the business and social interactions between people. Their book offers a look at the vanished subsistence and commercial economy of the boreal forest, wound around a fascinating personal story of courage and physical stamina."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A.L. Karras; Olaf Hanson"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["gamesman", "saskatachewan", "outdoorsman"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120141"], ["title", "Northern Rover: The Life Story of Olaf Hanson"], ["doab_id", "14455"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425015", "9781897425169"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425015 9781897425169"]], [["description", "If there is a Constitution representing these most democratic times, that has to be the Constitution of the United States of America. Drafted in 1787, the literature that has followed it during its more than two hundred years in effect is overwhelming. Why, then, one more essay on the subject? Unfortunately \u2013or 'fortunately' for the author\u2013 that literature has been much less fertile in the Spanish language. The previous work of this author \u2013Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano\u2013 included, among other documents, all the State constitutions of the American revolutionary period, but ended right at the moment that the federal Constitution was being drafted at the Philadelphia Convention. It made some sense, at the very least 'chronologically,' to wrap it up with a brief study on the Constitution. As with Or\u00edgenes, the main objective of Nosotros, el Pueblo... was to make available to the Spanish speaking student of law, often not very familiar with the American constitutional system, a bilingual edition of \"this Constitution for the United States of America,\" and its Amendments to this date. The work includes an introduction presenting the organization of the study, the primary sources used, and a rationalization of the particular translation to the Spanish language embraced here. Each of the documents \u2013the Constitution and its twenty seven Amendments\u2013 includes a report of its relevant dates, particular source used, critical comments on that source, and a brief historical description of the moment so the student may have a better understanding of the circumstances that surrounded the document. This work has been part of the author's doctoral studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grau, Luis"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Constitutions", "United States", "Constituciones", "Estados Unidos"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/8517/grau_constitucion_US.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Nosotros, el Pueblo de los Estados Unidos. La Constituci\u00f3n de los Estados Unidos y sus enmiendas: 1787-1992"], ["doab_id", "16122"], ["language_unmapped", "spa;eng"], ["isbns", ["9788498499315"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498499315"]], [["description", "Which recent methodological innovations have occurred in the field of comparative literature? What are the critical paradigms behind the practices of comparative research today? These questions are the starting point of the present issue which brings together different comparative studies from the vantage points of: methodological and epistemological reflection about (in)comparability and difference; transversal phenomena of acculturation, networks and intercultural dialogues; the hybridity of (natural and conceptual) languages, translation and transposition. In this way, the studies presented in this volume hope to foster discussions about the foundation, the history, the limits and the methods of comparatives studies today.

Quels renouvellements m\u00e9thodologiques r\u00e9cents occupent la litt\u00e9rature compar\u00e9e? Quels paradigmes critiques mobili\u00adsent les pratiques de recherche comparatistes aujourd\u2019hui? Ces interrogations marquent le point de d\u00e9part de ce vo\u00adlume, qui rassemble des \u00e9tudes compar\u00e9es dont les pr\u00e9oc\u00adcupations convergent vers: une r\u00e9flexion m\u00e9thodologique et \u00e9pist\u00e9mologique sur l\u2019(in)comparabilit\u00e9 et la diff\u00e9rence; des ph\u00e9nom\u00e8nes transversaux d\u2019acculturation, de r\u00e9seaux et de dialogues interculturels; l\u2019hybridation des langages (naturels et conceptuels), la traduction et la transposition. \u00c0 ce titre, les recherches poursuivies ici esp\u00e8rent nourrir la discussion sur les fondements, l\u2019histoire, le champ, les fronti\u00e8res et les m\u00e9thodes du comparatisme litt\u00e9raire au\u00adjourd\u2019hui."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roland ,Hubert ; Vanasten ,St\u00e9phanie "], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["literary theory", "comparative literature"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413388"], ["title", "Les nouvelles voies du comparatisme"], ["doab_id", "14640"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9789038216874"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038216874"]], [["description", "Esta colet\u00e2nea de ensaios cr\u00edticos apresenta nova fortuna cr\u00edtica deste grande escritor que discute temas ainda inexplorados. Estes artigos s\u00e3o escritos tanto pelos estudiosos amadianos de renome quanto pelos jovens que estreiam suas carreiras de cr\u00edticos, cr\u00edticos emergentes que sentiram a necessidade de oferecer uma nova leitura deste escritor controverso nesta ocasi\u00e3o de centen\u00e1rio. Cobrindo um vasto campo: literatura, lingu\u00edstica, hist\u00f3ria, mem\u00f3ria e direito. Esses escritores est\u00e3o apresentando suas cr\u00edticas das obras amadianas para chamar aten\u00e7\u00e3o, para desmitificar o mito em torno de Amado e tamb\u00e9m para provocar o leitor a reler obras de Amado no novo s\u00e9culo com uma nova perspectiva."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Swarnakar, Sudha; Figueiredo, Ediliane Lopes Leite de; Germano, Patricia Gomes"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2yqzj"], ["title", "Nova leitura cr\u00edtica de Jorge Amado"], ["doab_id", "19952"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793289"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793289"]], [["description", "During the last years, the research on extracellular vesicles (EVs) has raised giving new insights into pathophysiology of several diseases. EVs are membrane-bound particles secreted by almost all cell types. Depending on their biogenesis and size they include exosomes, microparticles / microvesicles and apoptotic bodies. Characteristically, EVs carry markers from the source cell membrane and contain genetic material, lipids and proteins inside. They are known to play a role in cell-to-cell communication and to produce genotypic and phenotypic modifications in the target cell including: antigen presentation, apoptosis induction, cellular activation, inhibition or differentiation. In particular, increasing concentrations of EVs have been found in many diseases such as cancer, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases, among others. Most of the studies in EVs are focused on the characterization of EVs compounds, identifying mechanism of action, their potential use as biomarkers, and few of them investigate a therapeutic usage. However, there are some issues to be achieved on the path to their clinical application. This research topic offers a common place to discuss current and novel clinical applications of EVs pointing on future directions. We encouraged the submission of original articles, reviews, hypothesis, controversies, future perspectives and personal viewpoints on the following topics of interest, but not limited to: \u2022 Contribution of EVs to better understand the pathology of immunological diseases. \u2022 Standardization of isolation and quantification protocols in the daily clinical practice. \u2022 Possible applications of EVs as clinical biomarkers (diagnostic, prognostic and evolution marker). \u2022 Therapeutic role of EVs being vehicles of specific cargo: current clinical trials? \u2022 Novel immunological functions of EVs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Matias Saenz-Cuesta; David Otaegui; Maria Mittelbrunn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["extracellular vesicles", "protocol standardization", "clinical application", "Exosomes", "biomarkers", "Immunotherapy", "microvescicles", "omics-technologies", "microparticles", "Cancer"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2517/novel-clinical-applications-of-extracellular-vesicles"], ["title", "Novel clinical applications of extracellular vesicles"], ["doab_id", "19548"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196456"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196456"]], [["description", "\"Finland-Swedish writer Monika Fagerholm is one of the most important contemporary Nordic authors. Her experimental, puzzling and daring novels, such as Underbara kvinnor vid vatten (1994) and Den amerikanska flickan (2004), have attracted much critical attention. She has won several literary awards, including the Nordic prize from the Swedish Academy in 2016; her works have travelled across national and cultural borders as they have now been translated in USA, Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. Fagerholm\u2019s wild and visionary depictions of girlhood have long had an impact on the Nordic literary landscape; currently, she has many literary followers among young female writers and readers in Finland and Sweden. Novel Districts. Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm is the first major study of Fagerholm\u2019s works. In this edited volume, literary scholars explore the central themes and features that permeate Fagerholm\u2019s works and introduce novel ways to understand and interpret her writings. The book begins with an introduction to her life, letters and the minority literature context of her writing and briefly describes the scholarship on Fagerholm\u2019s works. After that, Finnish and Swedish scholars and experts on Fagerholm scrutinize her oeuvre in the light of up-to-date literary theory. The insights, theories and concepts of gender, feminist and girlhood studies as well as narratology, poststructuralism, posthumanism and reception studies are tested in close readings of Fagerholm\u2019s works published between 1990 and 2012. Thus, the volume enhances and deepens the understanding of Fagerholm\u2019s fiction and invites the attention of readers not yet familiar with her work. The articles demonstrate the multitude of ways in which literary and cultural conventions can be innovatively re-employed within 20th and 21th century literature to reveal new perspectives on contemporary Finnish and Nordic literature and ongoing cultural and social developments.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Feminist fiction", "Postmodernism", "Girlhood", "Contemporary fiction", "Literary theory"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617146"], ["title", "Novel Districts: Critical Readings of Monika Fagerholm"], ["doab_id", "19772"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522227560", "9789522227942", "9789522227959"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522227560 9789522227942 9789522227959"]], [["description", "Hemispatial neglect is the failure to report, respond to, or orient to novel or meaningful stimuli presented in the contralesional visual field. It constitutes one of the most invalidating neurological disorders that can occur after stroke. It is therefore important to treat neglect as adequate as possible and much of the research dedicated to neglect therefore focuses on rehabilitation. In this special topic, you will find 29 articles on the rehabilitation of neglect. This Research Topic has opened new perspectives, and has given us an indication of where the field is going. Although some of the current rehabilitation techniques have proven to be beneficial, there is limited agreement on the most valuable technique or the mechanisms underlying the ameliorating effects."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stefan Van Der Stigchel; Tanja Nijboer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neglect", "Rehabilitation", "Stroke", "Prism adaptation", "brain damage", "Neuropsychology", "computer-based testing", "visual scan training", "Brain Stimulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/900/novel-insights-in-rehabilitation-of-neglect"], ["title", "Novel insights in rehabilitation of neglect, 2nd Edition"], ["doab_id", "17801"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194094"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194094"]], [["description", "Microbial infections still represent one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Irrational usage of antimicrobials has lead to increased resistance, causing clinical, social and economical disabilities. Therefore, one of the major challenges of scientists is to develop novel alternative methods to handle infections and reduce resistance and other side effects produced by the actual therapies. The aim of this book is to offer a perspective on novel approaches to handle infections by using naturally-derived products in order to modulate the virulence of pathogens, without the risk of developing resistance. We intend to highlight the utility of microbial, vegetal and animal\u2013derived compounds with potential antimicrobial activity by exploiting their effect on microbial virulence. Furthermore, this book aims to reveal the potential to assimilate recent bio-technological findings, like the usage of nanotechnology as efficient shuttles for stabilizing, improved targeting and the controlled release of natural products in order to efficiently fight infections."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/463717"], ["title", "Novel Molecular Approaches to Target Microbial Virulence"], ["doab_id", "17962"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110449495", "9783110449501"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110449495, 9783110449501"]], [["description", "Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), and in particular microRNAs are rapidly becoming the focus of research interest in numerous basic and translational fields, including brain research; and their importance for many aspects in brain functioning merits special discussion. The wide-scope, multi-targeted and highly efficient manner of ncRNA regulatory activities draws attention to this topic by many, but the available research and analysis tools and experimental protocols are still at their infancy, and calls for special discussion given their importance for many aspects in brain functioning. This eBook is correspondingly focused on the search for, identification and exploration of those non-coding RNAs whose activities modulate the multi-leveled functions of the eukaryotic brain. The different articles strive to cover novel approaches for identifying and establishing ncRNA-target relationships, provide state of the art reports of the affected neurotransmission pathways, describe inherited and acquired changes in ncRNA functioning and cover the use of ncRNA mimics and blockade tools for interference with their functions in health and disease of the brain. Non-coding RNAs are here to stay, and this exciting eBook provides a glimpse into their impact on our brain\u2019s functioning at the physiology, cell biology, behavior and immune levels."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hermona Soreq"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["MicroRNAs", "long non-coding RNAs", "Central Nervous System", "cholinergic signaling", "Schizophrenia", "Epilepsy", "ischemic stroke", "Alzheimer"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1499/novel-roles-of-non-coding-brain-rnas-in-health-and-disease"], ["title", "Novel roles of non-coding brain RNAs in health and disease"], ["doab_id", "18572"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193097"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193097"]], [["description", "This study investigates the impact of National Socialist ideology and housing settlement projects in Greater Vienna following the Anschluss of Austria to the German Reich in 1938. In this regard, both planned and realized building projects are instructive. The research focused on archival documents of the city of Vienna and contemporaneous primary sources.

Das Buch untersucht die Frage, wie sich die nationalsozialistische Ideologie nach dem \u201eAnschluss\u201c \u00d6sterreichs an das deutsche Reich 1938 auf dem Gebiet des Wohn- und Siedlungsbaus in Gro\u00df-Wien vermittelt hat. Hier sind sowohl geplante Projekte als auch verwirklichte Bauvorhaben aufschlussreich. Die Recherche st\u00fctzt sich besonders auf Wiener archivalische Dokumente und zeitgen\u00f6ssische Prim\u00e4rquellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weinberger ,Ingeburg"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["National Socialism \u2013 Vienna \u2013 Ideology \u2013 Settlement planning", "Nationalsozialismus \u2013 Wien \u2013 Ideologie \u2013 Siedlungsplanung"]], ["publisher", "LIT Verlag GmbH & Co. KG"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574656"], ["title", "NS-Siedlungen in Wien"], ["doab_id", "17430"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783643506276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783643506276"]], [["description", "How religious practices are reproduced has become a major theoretical issue. This work examines data on Nuaulu ritual performances collected over a 30 year period, comparing different categories of event in terms of frequency and periodicity. It seeks to identify the influencing factors and the consequences for continuity.Such an approach enables a focus on related issues: variation in performance, how rituals change in relation to material and social conditions, the connections between different ritual types, the way these interact as cycles, and the extent to which fidelity of transmission is underpinned by a common model or repertoire of elements.This monograph brings to completion a long-term study of the religious behaviour of the Nuaulu, a people of the island of Seram in the Indonesian province of Maluku. Ethnographically, it is important for several reasons: the Nuaulu are one of the few animist societies remaining on Seram; the data emphasize patterns of practices in a part of Indonesia where studies have hitherto been more concerned with meaning and symbolic classification; and because Nuaulu live in an area where recent political tension has been between Christians and Muslims. Nuaulu are, paradoxically, both caught between these two groups, and apart from them.Roy Ellen is Professor of Anthropology and Human Ecology at the University of Kent, a Fellow of The British Academy, and was president of the Royal Anthropological Institute between 2007 and 2011. He was trained at the London School of Economics and at the University of Leiden. Among his other books are The cultural relations of classification (on Nuaulu animal categories) and On the edge of the Banda zone (on trade in east Seram)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ellen ,Roy"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["religion", "religious practices", "religious tension", "rituals", "sociology", "ethnography", "Maluku", "Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=421930"], ["title", "Nuaulu Religious Practices; The frequency and reproduction of rituals in a Moluccan society"], ["doab_id", "15088"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183918", "9789004253452"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183918 9789004253452"]], [["description", "This book is about the pattern of settlement and ecology of the Nuaulu, a group of sedentary swidden cultivators and hunters of southcentral Seram (Eastern Indonesia). It has three inter-related aims: to describe and account for nuaulu settlement; to outline and exemplify a suitable method of assessing the fine inter-action of cultural and ecological variables in small scale communities; and to explore the usefulness of a generative form of analysis in this respect."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ellen ,R.F."], ["date", "1978"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613340"], ["title", "Nuaulu Settlement and Ecology"], ["doab_id", "18496"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024721634", "9789004287143"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024721634 9789004287143"]], [["description", "This book covers essential aspects of transmutation technologies, highlighting especially the advances in Japan. The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has caused us to focus attention on a large amount of spent nuclear fuels stored in NPPs. In addition, public anxiety regarding the treatment and disposal of high-level radioactive wastes that require long-term control is growing. The Japanese policy on the back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle is still unpredictable in the aftermath of the accident. Therefore, research and development for enhancing the safety of various processes involved in nuclear energy production are being actively pursued worldwide. In particular, nuclear transmutation technology has been drawing significant attention after the accident.This publication is timely with the following highlights: 1) Development of accelerator-driven systems (ADSs), which is a brand-new reactor concept for transmutation of highly radioactive wastes; 2) Nuclear reactor systems from the point of view of the nuclear fuel cycle. How to reduce nuclear wastes or how to treat them including the debris from TEPCO\u2019s Fukushima nuclear power stations is discussed; and 3) Environmental radioactivity, radioactive waste treatment and geological disposal policy.State-of-the-art technologies for overall back-end issues of the nuclear fuel cycle as well as the technologies of transmutation are presented here. The chapter authors are actively involved in the development of ADSs and transmutation-related technologies. The future of the back-end issues in Japan is very uncertain after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP and this book provides an opportunity for readers to consider the future direction of those issues."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ken Nakajima"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nuclear fuel cycle", " Environmental radiation", " Nuclear transmutation", " Accelerator-driven systems (ADS)", " Nuclear reactor", " Radioactive wastes"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-55111-9"], ["title", "Nuclear Back-end and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal: Beyond the Fukushima Accident"], ["doab_id", "16465"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431551102", "9784431551119"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431551102 (Print) 9784431551119 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book examines the current debate on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, notably the international non-proliferation regime and how to implement its disarmament provisions. Discussing the requirements of a new international consensus on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, this book builds on the three pillars of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT): non-proliferation, disarmament and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It reviews the impact of Cold War and post-Cold War policies on current disarmament initiatives and analyses contemporary proliferation problems: how to deal with the states that never joined the NPT (India, Pakistan and Israel); how states that have been moving toward nuclear weapons have been brought back to non-nuclear-weapon status; and, in particular, how to deal with Iran and North Korea. The analysis centres on the relationship between disarmament and non-proliferation in an increasingly multi-centric world involving China and India as well as the US, the European powers and Russia. It concludes with a description and discussion of three different worlds without nuclear weapons and their implications for nuclear disarmament policies. This book will be of great interest to all students of arms control, strategic studies, war and conflict studies, and IR/security studies in general Sverre Lodgaard is a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo.Part 1: Power Shifts and Nuclear Weapons 1. Power Shifts and Nuclear Weapons Part 2: The Legacies of Nuclear History and the Requirements of a New Consensus on Non-proliferation and Disarmament 2. The First Nuclear Era 3. Post Cold War doctrines 4. A global consensus on non-proliferation and disarmament Part 3: Proliferation Problems and the Role of Nuclear Disarmament 5. The Three-State Problem 6. Rollback Experiences 7. The Case of Iran 8. How to Understand North Korea 9. The Relationship Between Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Part 4: Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World 10. Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lodgaard ,Sverre"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Security Studies - Pol & Intl Relns", "Strategic Studies", "International Organizations", "Arms Control", "IR", "Veiligheidsstudies", "Strategieen studies", "Internationale organisaties", "Wapencontrole", "IR"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391036"], ["title", "Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation : Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World?"], ["doab_id", "13377"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415586344"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415586344"]], [["description", "Nuclear physics applications in medicine and energy are well known and widely reported. Less well known are the many important nuclear and related techniques used for the study, characterization, assessment and preservation of cultural heritage. There has been enormous progress in this field in recent years and the current review aims to provide the public with a popular and accessible account of this work.The Nuclear Physics Division of the EPS represents scientists from all branches of nuclear physics across Europe. One of its aims is the dissemination of knowledge about nuclear physics and its applications. This review is led by Division board member Anna Mackov\u00e1, Head of the Tandetron Laboratory at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the review committee includes four other members of the nuclear physics board interested in this area: Fai\u00e7al Azaiez, Johan Nyberg, Eli Piasetzky and Douglas MacGregor. To create a truly authoritative account, the Scientific Editors have invited contributions from leading experts across Europe, and this publication is the combined result of their work.The review is extensively illustrated with important discoveries and examples from archaeology, pre-history, history, geography, culture, religion and curation, which underline the breadth and importance of this field. The large number of groups and laboratories working in the study and preservation of cultural heritage across Europe indicate the enormous effort and importance attached by society to this activity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/books-in-english#Nuclear-physics-for-cultural-heritage"], ["title", "Nuclear physics for cultural heritage"], ["doab_id", "19807"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782759820917"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759820917"]], [["description", "How can governments persuade citizens to act in socially beneficial ways? This successor to Thaler and Sunstein's cult book Nudge argues that an alternative approach needs to be considered - a 'think' strategy, in which citizens deliberate their own priorities as part of a process of civic renewal."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter John; Sarah Cotterill; Liz Richardson; Alice Moseley; Graham Smith; Gerry Stoker; Corinne Wales"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662284"], ["title", "Nudge, Nudge, Think, Think"], ["doab_id", "14374"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662284"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662284"]], [["description", "In this introduction to the Outstanding contributions to logic volumedevoted to Nuel Belnap\u2019s work on indeterminism and free action, we provide abrief overview of some of the formal frameworks and methods involved in Belnap\u2019swork on these topics: theories of branching histories, specifically \u201cbranchingtime\u201d and \u201cbranching space-times\u201d, the stit (\u201cseeing to it that\u201d) logic of agency, andcase-intensional first order logic. We also draw some connections to the contributionsincluded in this volume. Abstracts of these contributions are included as anappendix.Nuel Belnap\u2019s work in logic and in philosophy spans a period of over half a century.During this time, he has followed a number of different research lines, most of themover a period of many years or decades, and often in close collaboration with otherresearchers:1 relevance logic, a long term project starting from a collaboration withAlan Anderson dating back to the late 1950s and continued with Robert Meyerand Michael Dunn into the 1990s; the logic of questions, developed with ThomasSteel in the 1960s and 1970s; display logic in the 1980s and 1990s; the revisiontheory of truth, with Anil Gupta, in the 1990s; and a long-term, continuing interestin indeterminism and free action. This book is devoted to Belnap\u2019s work on the lattertwo topics. In this introduction, we provide a brief overview of some of the formalframeworks and methods involved in thatwork, and we drawsome connections to thecontributions included in this volume. Abstracts of these contributions are presentedin Appendix A."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Logic"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612711"], ["title", "Nuel Belnap on Indeterminism and Free Action"], ["doab_id", "15964"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319017532", "9783319017549"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319017532 9783319017549"]], [["description", "Living at the beginning of the 21st century requires being numerate, because numerical abilities are not only essential for life prospects of individuals but also for economic interests of post-industrial knowledge societies. Thus, numerical development is at the core of both individual as well as societal interests. There is the notion that we are already born with a very basic ability to deal with small numerosities. Yet, this often called \u201cnumber sense\u201d seems to be very restricted, approximate, and driven by perceptual constraints. During our numerical development in formal (e.g., school) but also informal contexts (e.g., family, street) we acquire culturally developed abstract symbol systems to represent exact numerosities \u2013 in particular number words and Arabic digits \u2013 refining our numerical capabilities. In recent years, numerical development has gained increasing research interest documented in a growing number of behavioural, neuro-scientific, educational, cross-cultural, and neuropsychological studies addressing this issue. Additionally, our understanding of how numerical competencies develop has also benefitted considerably from the advent of different neuro-imaging techniques allowing for an evaluation of developmental changes in the human brain. In sum, we are now starting to put together a more and more coherent picture of how numerical competencies develop and how this development is associated with neural changes as well. In the end, this knowledge might also lead to a better understanding of the reasons for atypical numerical development which often has grieve consequences for those who suffer from developmental dyscalculia or mathematics learning disabilities. Therefore, this Research Topic deals with all aspects of numerical development: findings from behavioural performance to underlying neural substrates, from cross-sectional to longitudinal evaluations, from healthy to clinical populations. To this end, we included empirical contributions using different experimental methodologies, but also theoretical contributions, review articles, or opinion papers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Korbinian Moeller; Elise Klein; Klaus F. Willmes; Karin Kucian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["numerical development", "approximate number system", "developmental dyscalculia", "mathematics learning disability", "spatial-numerical association", "language development"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1207/numerical-development---from-cognitive-functions-to-neural-underpinnings"], ["title", "Numerical Development - From cognitive functions to neural underpinnings"], ["doab_id", "18179"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194247"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194247"]], [["description", "During its 2.5 million years of evolution, the human species has evolved through major dramatic changes, mainly dictated by natural elements and, most importantly, by food availability. The diet of hunters and gatherers, hominids, was mainly based on fruit, vegetables, tubers, and occasionally meat and fish. Then, approximately 10,000 years ago, a drastic change in life style occurred, shifting from nomadic to settlers with domestication of animals and crops. A consequence of this change was the advent of wheat and other grains containing gluten-related proteins in human diet. This revolutionary transformation occurred at the Fertile Crescent, the modern-day Iraq, and spread from South to North and East to West at a speed of approximately 1 km/year. Ever since, the distribution of food goods became more and more uneven with wealthy countries getting more than necessary, while poor countries struggle with malnutrition and consequently this increased mortality. Unfortunately, the industrial revolution, rather than closing the gap, created even more inequalities that still exist today, leading to very different but equally worrisome pathologies, namely obesity in industrialized countries and famine in developing countries. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["celiac disease", " gluten", " gluten threshold", " gluten sensitivity", " fiber", " oats", " compliance", " wheat allergy", " malnutrition", " dietary treatment", " nutrient intake", " gluten-free food", " gluten-free diet", " gluten contamination"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/67"], ["title", "Nutrition and Celiac Disease"], ["doab_id", "16623"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980638", "9783906980645"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980638/9783906980645"]], [["description", "Altered metabolism is known to be associated with a higher incidence of Alzheimer\u00b4s disease (AD). Diabetes type 2, obesity, and metabolic syndrome are considered risk factors for the development of dementias, including AD. These metabolic diseases may have a genetic predisposition, but most of them are caused by environmental factors and life-style. Most research has focused on the effect of a high-fat diet (HFD) and sweetened beverages that induce obesity. Importantly, a HFD can also trigger oxidative stress, neuro-inflammation and cognitive decline. Less is known, however, about beneficial effects of diet on cognition, such as slowing the progression or preventing AD by ingesting whole fruits, vegetables, fish and oil. It is important to highlight the difference between vitamin/mineral supplements and whole food, as it appears that the former are clinically ineffective, while multiple ingredients in the latter act synergistically to improve cognition. As AD is a disease of slow progression, therapies should start several decades before clinical symptoms can be observed; one strategy can be the ingestion of healthy food in those subjects with one or more risk factors (genetic, environmental, life-style) already in their 40s, just when some brain metabolic disturbances start to develop. This dietary therapy can overcome the increased reactive oxygen species, protein deposition and synaptic failure, characteristic of AD. This research topic will cover a range of research articles, case studies, opinion and mini-reviews, all focused on describing the damaging effects of an industrial diet on cognition as well as on highlighting the beneficial effects of a healthy diet to prevent AD. We believe that we still have time to fight against the negative impact of our industrialized cultures, and adopt better eating habits, increase exercise and slow down our life style to prevent increasing dementia in the aging population. Also, all these topics has been a product of intensives investigations, with a great life hope, and we hope you all enjoy reading this e-book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claudia Perez-Cruz; Sofia Diaz Cintra"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cognition", "Diet", "Vitamins", "Minerals", "Functional Food", "Dementia", "Aging", "biomarkers", "diagnosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1179/nutrition-and-prevention-of-alzheimers-disease"], ["title", "Nutrition and prevention of Alzheimer's disease"], ["doab_id", "18834"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197194"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197194"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["age-related macular degeneration, dry eye, glaucoma, cataract, ageing, anti-oxidants, oxidative stress, lutein, zeaxanthin, macular pigment, macular pigment optical density, heterochromatic flicker, Raman spectroscopy, autofluoresence, reflectance, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, betacarotene, drusen, vitamin A, tear osmolarity, resveratrol, ccular blood flow"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/167"], ["title", "Nutrition and the Eye"], ["doab_id", "19049"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420811", "9783038420804"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420811/9783038420804"]], [["description", "\u2018You are what you eat\u2019. It\u2019s a saying that we\u2019ve all heard time and time again. The notion that good nutrition is essential for adequate growth and sound physical wellbeing is very well established. Further, in recent years, there has been an overwhelming increase in research dedicated to better understanding how nutritional factors influence cognition and behaviour. For example, several studies have suggested that higher foetal exposure to omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins such as folate promotes neurodevelopment. B vitamins may also play a role in neurocognitive functioning in later life, with some suggestion that lower vitamin B levels are associated with increased risk of dementia (although randomised controlled trials investigating B vitamin supplementation as a cognitive enhancer in the elderly have provided inconclusive evidence as to the benefits of such therapy for dementia). In fact, the nutritional underpinnings of Alzheimer\u2019s disease and other disorders of cognitive ageing is becoming a much researched topic. In addition, consumption of several other foods has been found to convey more acute cognitively enhancing effects. For example, ingestion of carbohydrates (e.g. glucose), caffeine, resveratrol and several \u2018nutraceutical\u2019 herbal extracts has been associated with short-term improvements in cognitive performance. Beyond specific micronutrients and macronutrients, the current literature seems to support anecdotal evidence that consumption of a balanced breakfast is crucial to various measures of school performance, including attention in the classroom. What is clear from this emerging literature is that the relationship between nutritional status and neurocognitive functioning at various stages of the lifespan is complex. An aim of this Research Topic is to bring together some recent empirical findings, reviews and commentaries of the literature to date and opinion pieces relating to future directions for this burgeoning field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Smith; Andrew Scholey"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["nutrition", "Diet", "Brain", "neurocognitive functioning", "Neuroimaging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1147/nutritional-influences-on-human-neurocognitive-functioning"], ["title", "Nutritional influences on human neurocognitive functioning"], ["doab_id", "18668"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193363"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193363"]], [["description", "J\u00e1 existe, felizmente, em nosso pa\u00eds, uma consci\u00eancia nacional \u2013 em forma\u00e7\u00e3o, \u00e9 certo \u2013 que vai introduzindo o elemento da dignidade humana em nossa legisla\u00e7\u00e3o, e para a qual a escravid\u00e3o, apesar de heredit\u00e1ria, \u00e9 uma verdadeira mancha de Caim que o Brasil traz na fronte... [trecho retirado do Pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nabuco, Joaquim"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cs454"], ["title", "O abolicionismo"], ["doab_id", "16649"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820700"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820700"]], [["description", "Neste livro s\u00e3o analisadas as representa\u00e7\u00f5es do ayllu da Am\u00e9rica andina a partir dos dados hist\u00f3ricos e etnogr\u00e1ficos encontrados nas cr\u00f4nicas ind\u00edgenas e espanholas do s\u00e9culo XVI. O ayllu pr\u00e9-hisp\u00e2nico era um grupo ligado por sistema de parentesco que mantinha rela\u00e7\u00f5es de reciprocidade produtiva para subsist\u00eancia de seus integrantes. No per\u00edodo colonial, ele adquiriu um car\u00e1ter primordialmente territorial com a finalidade de armazenar m\u00e3o-de-obra, passando a ser representado como uma organiza\u00e7\u00e3o medieval europ\u00e9ia. Ao desfazer alguns equ\u00edvocos historiogr\u00e1ficos sobre o assunto, esta obra contribui para o conhecimento da Hist\u00f3ria colonial da Am\u00e9rica Hisp\u00e2nica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Portugal, Ana Raquel"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/btxhx"], ["title", "O ayllu andino nas cr\u00f4nicas quinhentistas"], ["doab_id", "16697"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830006"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830006"]], [["description", "Tratando de temas, como a cultura e a subjetividade, as quest\u00f5es \u00e9ticas da atualidade, a qualidade de vida no mundo contempor\u00e2neo etc., O Cl\u00e1ssico e o Novo \u00e9 o fruto de trabalhos apresentados no 2o Congresso Brasileiro de Ci\u00eancias Sociais em Sa\u00fade, e re\u00fane uma gama dos mais qualificados profissionais que tratam de diferentes temas, intencionando uma perspectiva multidisciplinar. Partindo do pressuposto de que dentro da pr\u00f3pria \u00e1rea das Ci\u00eancias Sociais h\u00e1 um processo de fragmenta\u00e7\u00e3o que vem exigindo cada vez mais novas interlocu\u00e7\u00f5es interdisciplinares, procura-se aqui estabelecer um di\u00e1logo prof\u00edcuo entre este campo do saber e a \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade. Dessa forma, ao abordar quest\u00f5es relacionadas \u00e0 \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade, este livro se constitui como leitura obrigat\u00f3ria para os profissionais de sa\u00fade coletiva, introduzindo diferentes e instigantes propostas de reflex\u00e3o para a sa\u00fade na atualidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Goldenberg, Paulete (org.); Marsiglia, Regina Maria Giffoni (org.); Gomes, Mara Helena de Andr\u00e9a (org.)"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edtica de sa\u00fade, Pol\u00edtica social, Iniquidade na sa\u00fade, Qualidade de vida"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d5t55"], ["title", "O cl\u00e1ssico e o novo - tend\u00eancias, objetos e abordagens em ci\u00eancias sociais e sa\u00fade "], ["doab_id", "16395"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412510"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412510"]], [["description", "\"Este livro estuda o conceito de imita\u00e7\u00e3o na \u00f3pera francesa do s\u00e9culo XVIII.Para tal, observou-se que o conceito de imita\u00e7\u00e3o foi muito forte na orienta\u00e7\u00e3o das artes e da \u00f3pera at\u00e9 o s\u00e9culo XVIII. A Fran\u00e7a, nessa \u00e9poca, demorou mais tempo para se distanciar das regras das teorias imitativas do que pa\u00edses como a It\u00e1lia e a Inglaterra, que j\u00e1 se conduziam por outros paradigmas na orienta\u00e7\u00e3o das artes, e aqui buscpu-se, no que diz respeito \u00e0 na\u00e7\u00e3o francesa, tra\u00e7ar um panorama dos seus usos e das suas transforma\u00e7\u00f5es no decorrer desse s\u00e9culo.As teorias imitativas foram observadas na \u00f3pera quanto ao sentido est\u00e9tico-musical e ao modo como os seus conceitos eram tratados em meio \u00e0s reflex\u00f5es filos\u00f3ficas do chamado \u201cS\u00e9culo das Luzes\u201d. \""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Rodrigo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/78sxn"], ["title", "O conceito de imita\u00e7\u00e3o na \u00f3pera francesa do s\u00e9culo XVIII"], ["doab_id", "20000"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836633"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836633"]], [["description", "Atualmente, imagem do corpo magro, saud\u00e1vel, malhado, voyeur e er\u00f3tico \u00e9 perseguido desesperadamente pelas pessoas. \u00c9 nesse contexto que L\u00edgia Santos apresenta um mergulho investigativo sobre corporalidade e comensalidade como extens\u00e3o do moderno, urbano e desigual. As dimens\u00f5es sociais, inevitavelmente presentes nas quest\u00f5es do comer e da comida, s\u00e3o colocadas no ambiente cultural permitindo uma an\u00e1lise compreensiva. A obra apresenta reflex\u00f5es sobre o corpo na contemporaneidade atrav\u00e9s de \u00f3tica das ci\u00eancias sociais e das ci\u00eancias da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o e; apesar de falar a partir de Salvador na Bahia, escapa do local para ser invadido por um processo de mundializa\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Ligia Amparo da Silva"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/38m"], ["title", "O corpo, o comer e a comida: um estudo sobre as pr\u00e1ticas corporais alimentares cotidianas a partir da cidade de Salvador"], ["doab_id", "17344"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211707"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211707"]], [["description", "As Diretivas Antecipadas de Vontade, ou testamento vital, como o instituto tamb\u00e9m \u00e9 conhecido no Brasil, \u00e9 o objeto de estudo da presente obra, de autoria de Matheus Massaro Mabtum e Patricia Borba Marchetto, que fazem uma an\u00e1lise bio\u00e9tica e, principalmente, jur\u00eddica do instituto ao abordar a responsabilidade civil oriunda da aplica\u00e7\u00e3o ou n\u00e3o do documento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mabtum, Matheus Massaro; Marchetto, Patr\u00edcia Borba"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qdy26"], ["title", "O debate bio\u00e9tico e jur\u00eddico sobre as diretivas antecipadas de vontade"], ["doab_id", "19296"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836602"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836602"]], [["description", "O tema do demon\u00edaco nos incita sempre a chegar a ultrapassar a fronteira do pensamento, nesta linha t\u00eanue entre o teol\u00f3gico, o liter\u00e1rio e o filos\u00f3fico, num movimento em busca de novas e diferentes formas de criar e desenvolver o pensamento e expressar as culturas. O presente livro \u00e9 um exerc\u00edcio de reflex\u00e3o sobre este tema e muitas fronteiras a ele subjacentes nas interfaces entre a literatura e religi\u00e3o e/ou literatura e teologia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Magalh\u00e3es, Antonio Carlos de Melo; Brand\u00e3o, Eli; Ferraz, Salma; Leopoldo, Raphael Novaresi"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Literatura, Dem\u00f4nio, Religi\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y742k"], ["title", "O demon\u00edaco na literatura "], ["doab_id", "16322"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791889"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791889"]], [["description", "Na cidade contempor\u00e2nea os lugares da natureza est\u00e3o previamente selecionados e mercantilizados. O livro O Direito \u00e0 Natureza na Cidade, de autoria do Professor Doutor Wendel Henrique, busca reconstruir as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre a cidade e a natureza, atrav\u00e9s da an\u00e1lise das representa\u00e7\u00f5es, ideologias e pr\u00e1ticas ao longo da hist\u00f3ria. O livro destaca o papel do mercado imobili\u00e1rio na apropria\u00e7\u00e3o e produ\u00e7\u00e3o da natureza na cidade, bem como no pr\u00f3prio design dessa natureza, atrav\u00e9s de padr\u00f5es predefinidos e difundidos em escala global. Os elementos emp\u00edricos foram desenvolvidos atrav\u00e9s de pesquisas realizadas nas cidades de S\u00e3o Paulo, Florian\u00f3polis e Salvador. A obra se constitui no entendimento do uso da natureza como forma de emancipa\u00e7\u00e3o coletiva, superando as vis\u00f5es correntes pautadas na apropria\u00e7\u00e3o da natureza para garantia da satisfa\u00e7\u00e3o pessoal."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Henrique, Wendel"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3dz"], ["title", "O direito \u00e0 natureza na cidade"], ["doab_id", "17259"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209117"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209117"]], [["description", "Livro de cordel que rep\u00f5e em circula\u00e7\u00e3o a figura legend\u00e1ria de Canc\u00e3o de Fogo, um her\u00f3i popular brasileiro, personagem um tanto esquecido de contos, versos e anedotas picarescas nordestinas. Al\u00e9m de uma trilogia sobre as aventuras de Canc\u00e3o de Fogo, encerra um outro cordel, intitulado \u201cBodas de Mangue\u201d, que j\u00e1 fora dado a p\u00fablico sob a forma de pe\u00e7a teatral encenada no Teatro Vila Velha, em Salvador, sob a dire\u00e7\u00e3o de Carlos Greg\u00f3rio, com narra\u00e7\u00e3o de Ant\u00f4nio Vieira e pap\u00e9is dram\u00e1ticos principais vividos pelos atores B\u00e1rbara Borgga e Hilton Sousa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Trindade-Serra, Ordep Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fm"], ["title", "O encantamento de sua santidade: canc\u00e3o de fogo"], ["doab_id", "17260"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209131"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209131"]], [["description", "Este livro analisa o tema do ensino da filosofia e discute o problema do of\u00edcio do fil\u00f3sofo quando sua tarefa \u00e9 ensinar a filosofia. A partir de uma revis\u00e3o bibliogr\u00e1fica sobre o ensino da filosofia no Brasil e da leitura de autores cl\u00e1ssicos (Kant e Hegel), o autor encontra certa resson\u00e2ncia do seu problema na literatura sobre o assunto, expressa em tr\u00eas indaga\u00e7\u00f5es: a import\u00e2ncia, o conte\u00fado e o m\u00e9todo para se ensinar a filosofia. Para propor outra maneira de encaminhar o questionamento, ele recorre ainda a Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Walter Benjamin e Jacques Ranci\u00e8re. Trata-se de um tema de grande atualidade para as ci\u00eancias humanas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gelamo, Rodrigo Pelloso"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hd5d8"], ["title", "O ensino da filosofia no limiar da contemporaneidade: o que faz o fil\u00f3sofo quando seu of\u00edcio \u00e9 ser professor de filosofia?"], ["doab_id", "16721"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598605951"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598605951"]], [["description", "No presente trabalho, o emprego ser\u00e1 estudado sobretudo atrav\u00e9s da contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Abba P. Lerner (1903-1982), um economista que seguiu os conceitos de Keynes, no que se refere ao n\u00edvel de interven\u00e7\u00e3o governamental na economia necess\u00e1rio para um bom funcionamento desta. Lerner aprofunda muito dos debates trazidos \u00e0 tona por Keynes (1936). O mundo que recentemente entrou em crise, por muito tempo teve como diretriz econ\u00f4mica o uso intenso das ferramentas ortodoxas de condu\u00e7\u00e3o macroecon\u00f4mica: baixo intervencionismo governamental, or\u00e7amento equilibrado e pol\u00edtica monet\u00e1ria direcionada para as metas inflacion\u00e1rias, como bem salientado por Petiffor (2008) e muitos outros. Esse cen\u00e1rio implica dizer que, no geral, temos baixo gasto governamental e taxas de juros mais elevadas do que em um cen\u00e1rio com pol\u00edticas (p\u00f3s-)keynesianas. Em sentido totalmente oposto a esta vis\u00e3o ortodoxa, Lerner apresenta um ferramental te\u00f3rico para alcan\u00e7ar o n\u00edvel de Pleno Emprego, almejado, ao menos em tese, por todas as escolas de pensamento econ\u00f4mico. Seu diferencial est\u00e1 na forma de alcan\u00e7ar tal patamar de atividade econ\u00f4mica, ou seja, atrav\u00e9s dos Gastos P\u00fablicos e de pol\u00edticas monet\u00e1rias corretas. Portanto, n\u00e3o s\u00f3 o Gasto P\u00fablico deve ser aumentado na vis\u00e3o de Lerner. A utilidade da taxa de juros tamb\u00e9m muda. N\u00e3o servir\u00e1 apenas para manter est\u00e1vel o pre\u00e7o da moeda. Lerner postula a relev\u00e2ncia das Finan\u00e7as Funcionais n\u00e3o somente para combater crises, como muitos a aceitam, mas sim para ser uma pol\u00edtica perene."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Costa, Guilherme da Rocha Bezerra"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/m4s6f"], ["title", "O estado como empregador de \u00faltima inst\u00e2ncia: uma abordagem a partir das finan\u00e7as funcionais"], ["doab_id", "16726"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830846"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830846"]], [["description", "O debate sobre a quest\u00e3o agr\u00e1ria no Brasil durante a d\u00e9cada de 70 pode ser visto, retrospectivamente, como uma tentativa de enfrentar a supera\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica e econ\u00f4mica, p\u00f3s-golpe militar, do debate cl\u00e1ssico \u201cfeudalismo x capitalismo\u201d dos anos 50 e 60."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wilkinson, John"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jfjjq"], ["title", "O Estado, a agricultura e a pequena produ\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "17164"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662717"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662717"]], [["description", "Importante contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o do entendimento da dan\u00e7a como \u00e1rea do conhecimento. Resultado de estudos e pesquisas de algu\u00e9m que vem, de muito, instigada com a busca de uma compreens\u00e3o da realidade a partir de formas contempor\u00e2neas de percep\u00e7\u00e3o e vis\u00e3o de mundo onde a arte, e portanto, a dan\u00e7a, emerge como um sistema de alta complexidade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Setenta, Jussara Sobreira"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PERFORMING ARTS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fs"], ["title", "O fazer-dizer do corpo: dan\u00e7a e performatividade"], ["doab_id", "17379"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523211967"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523211967"]], [["description", "A pesquisa foi realizada no segundo semestre de 1993 por uma equipe coordenada por Maria Tereza Sadek e integrada por Rog\u00e9rio Bastos Arantes, Maria da Gl\u00f3ria Bonelli, Gess\u00e9 Marques Jr. e F\u00e1bio Jos\u00e9 Kerche Nunes. Foram entrevistados cerca de 20% dos ju\u00edzes em cinco estados \u2013 S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Paran\u00e1, Goi\u00e1s e Pernambuco \u2013 e mais 41 da Justi\u00e7a Federal, totalizando 570 entrevistas, observando-se rigorosa proporcionalidade em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 distribui\u00e7\u00e3o dos mesmos entre as inst\u00e2ncias e entr\u00e2ncias existentes em cada estado. A escolha daqueles cinco estados teve como objetivo representar a diversidade regional do pa\u00eds e eventuais singularidades na composi\u00e7\u00e3o ou na atua\u00e7\u00e3o da magistratura."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/82r9t"], ["title", "O judici\u00e1rio em debate"], ["doab_id", "16865"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820342"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820342"]], [["description", "[...] Este trabalho [pretende] apenas elaborar uma reflex\u00e3o sobre algumas quest\u00f5es atuais, esperando que sirva como ponto de partida para novas an\u00e1lises, tanto por parte dos integrantes do Minist\u00e9rio P\u00fablico como por todos aqueles que se interessam em aprimorar o sistema de justi\u00e7a do pa\u00eds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castilho, Ela Wiecko Volkmer de; Sadek, Maria Tereza"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qb3pp"], ["title", "O Minist\u00e9rio P\u00fablico Federal e a administra\u00e7\u00e3o da justi\u00e7a no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17175"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820373"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820373"]], [["description", "Este livro prop\u00f5e-se a estudar o Espiritismo como um sistema religioso, um sistema de cren\u00e7as e pr\u00e1ticas que se inclui no quadro maior de religi\u00f5es medi\u00fanicas. Com base na sele\u00e7\u00e3o de grupos espec\u00edficos, seu objetivo central \u00e9 a apreens\u00e3o e discuss\u00e3o das categorias e representa\u00e7\u00f5es que constituem essa experi\u00eancia religiosa e dos valores culturais a ela relacionados. Nessa perspectiva a percep\u00e7\u00e3o da constru\u00e7\u00e3o da no\u00e7\u00e3o de pessoa no Espiritismo se apresenta como um fio condutor e como uma pista particularmente esclarecedora da experi\u00eancia do transe e da mediunidade nessa religi\u00e3o. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cavalcanti, Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zffb8"], ["title", "O mundo invis\u00edvel: cosmologia, sistema ritual e no\u00e7\u00e3o de pessoa no espiritismo"], ["doab_id", "16679"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662274"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662274"]], [["description", "O percurso da indianidade na literatura brasileira: matizes da figura\u00e7\u00e3o faz uma viagem pela Literatura Brasileira em busca da imagem do \u00edndio em seus diversos matizes. Dezoito obras s\u00e3o analisadas pela perspectiva da figura\u00e7\u00e3o, que define a presen\u00e7a do nativo brasileiro pela linguagem e a colore de acordo com a \u00e9poca e com as estrat\u00e9gias de cada autor. O percurso se estende da Carta de Achamento, de Pero Vaz de Caminha, at\u00e9 a publica\u00e7\u00e3o de Ma\u00edra (1976), de Darcy Ribeiro. As an\u00e1lises consideram as diferentes conven\u00e7\u00f5es ideol\u00f3gicas e de estilo dos v\u00e1rios movimentos culturais, que promovem o di\u00e1logo entre o indianismo e o indigenismo liter\u00e1rio brasileiro. O prop\u00f3sito did\u00e1tico consiste em subsidiar os leitores por meio de um roteiro de leitura, que abriga o pensamento cient\u00edfico, conjugado com a presen\u00e7a de trechos das obras, elementos relevantes para a compreens\u00e3o do universo representativo liter\u00e1rio."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Luzia Aparecida Oliva dos"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yhzv4"], ["title", "O percurso da indianidade na literatura brasileira: matizes da figura\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16757"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830204"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830204"]], [["description", "O livro oferece ao leitor uma reflex\u00e3o sobre os discursos veiculados em diferentes m\u00eddias, como revistas, jornais, televis\u00e3o e internet e, em especial, o percurso dos g\u00eaneros publicit\u00e1rios por meio da an\u00e1lise de propagandas da Coca-Cola. Propicia tamb\u00e9m a compreens\u00e3o dos contradiscursos, sejam os antiamericanos, anticapitalistas, antiglobaliza\u00e7\u00e3o ou os ecol\u00f3gicos. Trata-se de obra \u00fatil aos profissionais dedicados aos recursos verbo-\u00e1udio-visuais, aos estudiosos da \u00e1rea de An\u00e1lise do Discurso e aos demais interessados em linguagens e textos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Campos-Toscano, Anal\u00facia Furquim"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pr4v9"], ["title", "O percurso dos g\u00eaneros do discurso publicit\u00e1rio: uma an\u00e1lise das propagandas da Coca-Cola"], ["doab_id", "16758"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830112"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830112"]], [["description", "O livro discute as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas na \u00e1rea de cultura, no per\u00edodo dos anos 60 aos anos 90, demonstrando como os s\u00edmbolos afro-brasileiros foram sendo ressignificados, a partir do estabelecimento de novas demandas, seja pela pol\u00edtica institucional ou pelos movimentos negros. Trata-se de um estudo pioneiro, principalmente quando analisadas a din\u00e2mica da sociedade brasileira e as mudan\u00e7as na ado\u00e7\u00e3o da simbologia de origem africana por distintos atores sociais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Joc\u00e9lio Teles dos"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hqhrv"], ["title", "O poder da cultura e a cultura no poder: a disputa simb\u00f3lica da heran\u00e7a cultural negra no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17535"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208950"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208950"]], [["description", "Nos tempos atuais de crescente visibilidade p\u00fablica dos candombl\u00e9s,dos seus registros nos livros de tombo e da ret\u00f3rica de preserva\u00e7\u00e3odos patrim\u00f4nios culturais afro-brasileiros, n\u00e3o resulta sup\u00e9rfluo lan\u00e7arum olhar atento para um passado n\u00e3o t\u00e3o remoto em que tais pr\u00e1ticas dematriz africana eram ora silenciadas, ora perseguidas e depreciadas porquantoidentificadas com atraso e desvio dos modelos civilizat\u00f3rios europeus.Se esse olhar retrospectivo resulta salutar ao constatar o quanto seavan\u00e7ou, ele tamb\u00e9m nos alerta para o quanto ainda se precisa avan\u00e7ar,pois os discursos da intoler\u00e2ncia religiosa de ontem se alastram at\u00e9 hoje,embora em novos p\u00falpitos, com os mesmos efeitos perniciosos. Nesse sentido,o livro de Edmar Ferreira Santos atinge uma meta que qualquerpesquisa em hist\u00f3ria social pode almejar: a de nos permitir compreenderem detalhe a complexidade do passado para, atrav\u00e9s dele, iluminar osparadoxos do presente (trecho retirado do Pref\u00e1cio do livro)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Edmar Ferreira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/nq"], ["title", "O poder dos candombl\u00e9s: persegui\u00e7\u00e3o e resist\u00eancia no Rec\u00f4ncavo da Bahia"], ["doab_id", "17537"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212100"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212100"]], [["description", "Paulo Andrade analisa nesta obra os procedimentos t\u00e9cnicos, temas e motivos constru\u00eddos pelo poeta Sebasti\u00e3o Uchoa Leite para refletir sobre seu projeto po\u00e9tico e seu sujeito l\u00edrico. O estudo focaliza uma produ\u00e7\u00e3o po\u00e9tica submetida a certa tens\u00e3o, por desvios e aproxima\u00e7\u00f5es, tanto com a tradi\u00e7\u00e3o moderna quanto com as propostas modernistas, o que impossibilita demarcar limites para classific\u00e1-la. O grande m\u00e9rito do autor \u00e9 precisamente situar a obra de Uchoa nesse contexto espec\u00edfico.Andrade mostra que Uchoa n\u00e3o concebe o modernismo como for\u00e7a propulsora, mas como forma. O poeta n\u00e3o descarta as conquistas de 1922 e das d\u00e9cadas seguintes, no entanto, empenha-se em transgredi-las, contaminando-as com refer\u00eancias de toda ordem, seja da alta cultura, seja de elementos l\u00edricos retomados de tradi\u00e7\u00f5es mais antigas, como a obra de Fran\u00e7ois Villon, seja da cultura de massa ou de linguagens as mais diversas. Adepto do modernismo, Uchoa centra-se no contexto de seu tempo, e utiliza-se de uma linguagem concisa para expressar as preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 cultura contempor\u00e2nea.A an\u00e1lise de Andrade traz \u00e0 tona um poeta que alia pensamento e poesia e, fortemente cr\u00edtico \u00e0 realidade, coloca-se em permanente desconfian\u00e7a em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao mundo, ao outro e a si pr\u00f3prio. No percurso o estudo tamb\u00e9m aborda outros temas e procedimentos afins para articular a quest\u00e3o central, como o humor, a ironia, a autoironia e a dif\u00edcil rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre a retomada e a transgress\u00e3o de certa tradi\u00e7\u00e3o moderna, que faz de Uchoa um herdeiro singular de Paul Val\u00e9ry, T. S. Eliot, Jo\u00e3o Cabral, Carlos Drummond, Manuel Bandeira e dos poetas concretistas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrade, Paulo"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cz3jj"], ["title", "O poeta-espi\u00e3o: a antil\u00edrica de Sebasti\u00e3o Uchoa Leite"], ["doab_id", "19828"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334409"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334409"]], [["description", "Organizado pelos professores Dante Lucchesi e Ilza Ribeiro, da Universidade Federal da Bahia, e pelo professor Allan Baxter, da Universidade de Macau, teve a colabora\u00e7\u00e3o de v\u00e1rios autores, professores de outras universidades do mesmo Estado, al\u00e9m de mestres, doutores e p\u00f3s-graduandos, em geral oriundos daquela mesma universidade, integrantes do grupo de pesquisa ali constitu\u00eddo, e que v\u00eam se dedicando ao estudo da realidade ling\u00fc\u00edstica brasileira. Baseado na an\u00e1lise de amostras da fala de algumas comunidades rurais afro-brasileiras isoladas, no caso, quatro comunidades do Estado da Bahia - Helv\u00e9cia, Cinzento, Rio de Contas e Sap\u00e9 -, o livro apresenta os resultados obtidos pela aplica\u00e7\u00e3o de modelos te\u00f3ricos que transitam da gerativa, de princ\u00edpios e par\u00e2metros, \u00e0 socioling\u00fc\u00edstica variacionista, dentro daquela linha fecunda inaugurada pelo Prof. Tarallo nos anos oitenta.Dividido em duas partes, s\u00e3o apresentados, na primeira, os fundamentos te\u00f3ricos e metodol\u00f3gicos nos quais se baseou a pesquisa e tamb\u00e9m o contexto s\u00f3cio hist\u00f3rico das comunidades analisadas. Na segunda parte, s\u00e3o isolados dezesseis 'pontos-diagn\u00f3sticos' (apropriando-me da express\u00e3o utilizada pelo Professor Aryon Rodrigues em sua an\u00e1lise comparativa das l\u00ednguas tupi-guarani), pelos quais se pode tanto esbo\u00e7ar um retrato das variedades vern\u00e1culas das comunidades pesquisadas, quanto levantar hip\u00f3teses, j\u00e1 mais bem fundadas, sobre a hist\u00f3ria do contato do portugu\u00eas com as l\u00ednguas africanas em territ\u00f3rio brasileiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lucchesi, Dante; Baxter, Alan N.; Ribeiro, Ilza"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/p5"], ["title", "O Portugu\u00eas Afro-Brasileiro"], ["doab_id", "17170"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208752"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208752"]], [["description", "Por que os homens s\u00e3o livres? No que consiste a liberdade humana? Como \u00e9 poss\u00edvel a a\u00e7\u00e3o moral? Como um corpo submetido a leis naturais pode ser livre? Para responder perguntas simples como estas e outras n\u00e3o t\u00e3o simples \u00e9 que H\u00e9lio Jos\u00e9 dos Santos Souza se dedica a estudar a obra de Kant, especialmente a Fundamenta\u00e7\u00e3o da metaf\u00edsica dos costumes. Trata-se de saber se a moralidade e a \u00e9tica s\u00e3o express\u00f5es de um princ\u00edpio racional incondicionado igualmente presente nas leis imut\u00e1veis da natureza, e como \u00e9 poss\u00edvel nos tornarmos homens melhores apesar de sermos homens. O autor apresenta ainda a discuss\u00e3o destes problemas por alguns dos grandes int\u00e9rpretes da obra de Kant, o que enriquece filosoficamente a an\u00e1lise e as alternativas pertinentes. Este \u00e9 um trabalho acad\u00eamico que pode estabelecer a voca\u00e7\u00e3o filos\u00f3fica de seus leitores: a reflex\u00e3o sobre o que est\u00e1 em jogo \u00e9 por si s\u00f3 um prazeroso exerc\u00edcio do filosofar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Souza, H\u00e9lio Jos\u00e9 dos Santos e"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kgx3n"], ["title", "O problema da motiva\u00e7\u00e3o moral em Kant"], ["doab_id", "16763"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830167"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830167"]], [["description", "Este estudo constitui-se de tr\u00eas momentos principais: a reflex\u00e3o sobre a historiografia liter\u00e1ria de Mo\u00e7ambique (apresentada no cap\u00edtulo um), as considera\u00e7\u00f5es a respeito da fortuna cr\u00edtica acad\u00eamica monogr\u00e1fica de Mia Couto produzida no Brasil (que abordamos no segundo cap\u00edtulo) e a an\u00e1lise da autointertextualidade na obra ficcional de Mia Couto (mat\u00e9ria que ocupa os cap\u00edtulos tr\u00eas e quatro)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Ana Cl\u00e1udia da"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sx4bj"], ["title", "O rio e a casa: imagens do tempo na fic\u00e7\u00e3o de Mia Couto"], ["doab_id", "16771"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831126"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831126"]], [["description", "Fruto de ampla pesquisa historiogr\u00e1fica, o livro oferece uma (re)leitura sobre a Revolta da Vacina em um Rio de Janeiro ainda com caracter\u00edsticas pr\u00f3prias dos prim\u00f3rdios republicanos. A autora trabalha com os diversos elementos que se aglutinaram para compor esse quadro da nossa hist\u00f3ria. A forma inovadora da escrita - narrativas entrecruzadas -, ilustrada pelas representa\u00e7\u00f5es pl\u00e1sticas da \u00e9poca, confirma a recusa a dar respostas acabadas a indaga\u00e7\u00f5es, desvendando facetas inesperadas que fortificam qualquer explica\u00e7\u00e3o conclusiva a que se queira chegar. Resulta desse conjunto uma v\u00edvida descri\u00e7\u00e3o do que foi o movimento dos revoltosos pelas ruas do Rio naqueles dias. Livro que, al\u00e9m de abrir novas perspectivas para os estudos sobre as quest\u00f5es urbanas, tem o m\u00e9rito de atualizar o di\u00e1logo sobre o assunto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Myriam Bahia"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Hist\u00f3ria da medicina - Rio de Janeiro"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4cdf6"], ["title", "O rio em movimento: quadros m\u00e9dicos e(m) hist\u00f3ria, 1890 - 1920 "], ["doab_id", "16433"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412756"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412756"]], [["description", "\"Desde o s\u00e9culo XIX, com o c\u00e9lebre detetive Auguste Dupin, de Edgar Allan Poe, e a extensa cadeia de personagens e narrativas de mist\u00e9rio que em maior ou menor medida descenderam dali \u2013 passamos, nesse prol\u00edfico percurso, por Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, s\u00f3 para citar alguns autores \u2013, o g\u00eanero policial foi se consolidando e, enquanto expandia progressivamente seu p\u00fablico, matizava-se e assumia novas formas.Este estudo, fruto de longa pesquisa a partir dos livros mais vendidos no Brasil no in\u00edcio do s\u00e9culo XXI, debru\u00e7a-se sobre o romance policial \u201cm\u00edstico-religioso\u201d, subg\u00eanero definido por Fernanda Massi que se distancia um pouco das caracter\u00edsticas tradicionais do romance policial: nessas tramas, o crime se conecta a um segredo ligado a um n\u00facleo m\u00edstico-religioso, em geral protegido por uma sociedade fechada e secreta \u00e0s voltas com o que ela sup\u00f5e ser um inimigo amea\u00e7ador. O rep\u00f3rter/investigador (que em tais obras nunca \u00e9 chamado de detetive) busca uma verdade que supera a identifica\u00e7\u00e3o do criminoso, tendo como alvo principal o segredo motivador dos crimes. Outra caracter\u00edstica singular \u00e9 a tentativa, quase frequente, de desmoraliza\u00e7\u00e3o da Igreja Cat\u00f3lica. Isto ocorre atrav\u00e9s da oposi\u00e7\u00e3o /oculta\u00e7\u00e3o/ vs. /revela\u00e7\u00e3o/ de um segredo, fazendo que esse subg\u00eanero tenha grande sucesso de p\u00fablico, uma vez que promete revela\u00e7\u00f5es surpreendentes sobre essa poderosa institui\u00e7\u00e3o.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Massi, Fernanda"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rmgfg"], ["title", "O romance policial m\u00edstico-religioso: um subg\u00eanero de sucesso"], ["doab_id", "19295"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334560"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334560"]], [["description", "O principal objetivo deste texto \u00e9 descrever e analisar o sistema de justi\u00e7a, tal como ele \u00e9 vivido pela popula\u00e7\u00e3o e por algum de seus integrantes. Procuraremos analisar o perfil dos principais agentes deste sistema e apontar os caminhos normalmente percorridos pelo cidad\u00e3o que procura justi\u00e7a. Para isto recorreremos fundamentalmente a observa\u00e7\u00f5es qualitativas realizadas em comarcas de diferentes tamanhos e caracter\u00edsticas. Utilizaremos tamb\u00e9m dados de fontes secund\u00e1rias, muito embora eles s\u00f3 tenham a fun\u00e7\u00e3o de contextualizar o problema em discuss\u00e3o. [trecho retirado do cap\u00edtulo \"O sistema de justi\u00e7a\"]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/59fv5"], ["title", "O sistema de justi\u00e7a"], ["doab_id", "16688"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820397"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820397"]], [["description", "Abordar a hepatite C \u2013 grave epidemia contempor\u00e2nea \u2013 n\u00e3o s\u00f3 em seus aspectos biom\u00e9dicos, mas destacando ainda quest\u00f5es psicol\u00f3gicas, sociais e hist\u00f3ricas relativas \u00e0 doen\u00e7a: este \u00e9 o objetivo desse livro, escrito pelo m\u00e9dico, com p\u00f3s-doutorado no exterior, Francisco In\u00e1cio Bastos. Tamb\u00e9m pesquisador titular do Instituto de Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o e Informa\u00e7\u00e3o Cient\u00edfica e Tecnol\u00f3gica em Sa\u00fade (Icict/Fiocruz), o autor \u00e9 experiente no trabalho junto a usu\u00e1rios de drogas e portadores do HIV. Muitos de seus pacientes com Aids, atendidos em institui\u00e7\u00e3o voltada \u00e0 popula\u00e7\u00e3o necessitada, t\u00eam falecido em decorr\u00eancia da dupla infec\u00e7\u00e3o pelo HIV e pelo v\u00edrus da hepatite C. Testemunha das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos pacientes com hepatite C cr\u00f4nica para conseguirem tratamento, Bastos destaca a necessidade de se melhorar a preven\u00e7\u00e3o e a assist\u00eancia prestada a quem vive com essa doen\u00e7a."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bastos, Francisco In\u00e1cio"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ryvp9"], ["title", "O som do sil\u00eancio da Hepatite C"], ["doab_id", "19314"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413715"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413715"]], [["description", "Desvendar aspectos obscuros da hist\u00f3ria pol\u00edtica da bahia e do brasil, entre 1838 e 1850, per\u00edodo em que a na\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira adquiria seus contornos definitivos, baldados os esfor\u00e7os dos rebeldes para fazer valer as suas propostas de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica e de reformas econ\u00f4micas e sociais. ao final da d\u00e9cada de 1830, os rebeldes baianos sofreram uma grave derrota das for\u00e7as oficiais, tendo in\u00edcio uma fase que, apesar de n\u00e3o ter sido marcada pela ocorr\u00eancia de novas rebeli\u00f5es, caracterizou-se pela atua\u00e7\u00e3o continuada de uma imprensa democr\u00e1tica e republicana, e pelas constantes amea\u00e7as de conflagra\u00e7\u00e3o que, diversamente do per\u00edodo anterior, n\u00e3o encontraram o ambiente pol\u00edtico prop\u00edcio para a sua plena manifesta\u00e7\u00e3o, mas provocaram temores que se constitu\u00edram em componente importante da realidade pol\u00edtica, social e cultural do per\u00edodo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ara\u00fajo, Dilton Oliveira de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rq"], ["title", "O tutu da Bahia: transi\u00e7\u00e3o conservadora e forma\u00e7\u00e3o da na\u00e7\u00e3o, 1838-1850"], ["doab_id", "17173"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208769"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208769"]], [["description", "The oath was an institution of fundamental importance across a wide range of social interactions throughout the ancient Greek world, making a crucial contribution to social stability and harmony; yet there has been no comprehensive, dedicated scholarly study of the subject for over a century. This volume of a two-volume study explores the nature of oaths as Greeks perceived it, the ways in which they were used (and sometimes abused) in Greek life and literature, and their inherent binding power. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.--Provided by publisher."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sommerstein H. ,Alan; Torrance C. ,Isabelle"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Greece", "Oath", "Polis", "Classical studies", "History"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=499100"], ["title", "Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece"], ["doab_id", "16303"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110227369", "9783110200591"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110227369 9783110200591"]], [["description", "O livro aborda a quest\u00e3o do avan\u00e7o da alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o do tipo fast food, lembrando que o Brasil est\u00e1 entre os cinco pa\u00edses que mais cresceram nos \u00faltimos anos entre todos os mercados da rede McDonald\u00b4s no planeta, e traz algumas das observa\u00e7\u00f5es do document\u00e1rio Super Size Me (cujo t\u00edtulo no Brasil ganhou um complemento: A dieta do palha\u00e7o). Nele, o cineasta Morgan Spurlock se submeteu a uma dieta composta de alimentos da famosa rede americana durante 30 dias seguidos. Balan\u00e7o da experi\u00eancia: depois de um m\u00eas, Spurlock ganhou 11 quilos, tinha ac\u00famulo de gordura no f\u00edgado, sinais de depress\u00e3o, sentia-se exausto facilmente e havia aumentado o n\u00edvel de colesterol no sangue. O autor de Obesidade e Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica relaciona a introdu\u00e7\u00e3o da modalidade de vale-refei\u00e7\u00e3o como uma das causas para o aumento de refei\u00e7\u00f5es realizadas em bares, restaurantes e lanchonetes e a conseq\u00fcente ado\u00e7\u00e3o de h\u00e1bitos de alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o exatamente saud\u00e1veis. Entre os males ligados ao sobrepeso e \u00e0 obesidade, o autor descreve a doen\u00e7a coronariana, o acidente vascular cerebral, a osteoartrite e o c\u00e2ncer do endom\u00e9trio, da mama, da pr\u00f3stata e do c\u00f3lon. Na parte final, a publica\u00e7\u00e3o enfoca a quest\u00e3o da preven\u00e7\u00e3o e do controle da obesidade e lan\u00e7a luz nos programas e a\u00e7\u00f5es que tendem a culpar o indiv\u00edduo por se alimentar mal e por n\u00e3o ser ativo na pr\u00e1tica de atividades f\u00edsicas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anjos, Luiz Antonio dos"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rfdq6"], ["title", "Obesidade e sa\u00fade p\u00fablica"], ["doab_id", "19315"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413449"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413449"]], [["description", "Food intake regulates energy balance and its dysregulation leads to metabolic disorder, such as obesity and diabetes. During feeding, free fatty acids (FFAs) are not only essential nutrients but also act as signaling molecules in various cellular processes. Recently, several orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that act as FFA receptors (FFARs) have been identified; GPR40/FFAR1, GPR119, and GPR120 are activated by medium- and long-chain FFAs. GPR84 is activated by medium-chain FFAs. GPR41/FFAR3 and GPR43/FFAR2 are activated by short-chain FFAs. These FFARs have come to be regarded as new drug targets for metabolic disorder such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, because a number of pharmacological and physiological studies have shown that these receptors are primarily involved in the energy metabolism in various tissues; insulin secretion, gastrointestinal hormone secretion, adipokine secretion, regulation of inflammation, regulation of autonomic nervous system, relation to gut microbiota, and so on. This Research Topic provides a comprehensive overview of the energy regulation by free fatty acid receptors and a new prospect for treatment of metabolic disorder such as obesity and type 2 diabetes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ikuo Kimura; Atsuhiko Ichimura"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["GPCRs", "free fatty acids", "FFARs", "Obesity", "diabetes", "energy homeostasis", "microbiota", "SCFAs", "Insulin Resistance", "Metabolism"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2439/obesity-and-diabetes-energy-regulation-by-free-fatty-acid-receptors"], ["title", "Obesity and Diabetes: Energy Regulation by Free Fatty Acid Receptors"], ["doab_id", "18867"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197477"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197477"]], [["description", "Immune response and metabolic regulation are highly integrated and this interface maintains a central homeostatic system, dysfunction of which can cause obesity-associated metabolic disorder such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease. Insulin resistance is an underlying basis for the pathogenesis of these metabolic diseases. Overnutrition or obesity activates the innate immune system with subsequent recruitment of immune cells such as macrophages and T cells, which contributes to the development of insulin resistance. In particular, a significant advance in our understanding of obesity-associated inflammation and insulin resistance has been recognition of the critical role of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs). ATMs are a prominent source of proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-a and IL-6, that can block insulin action in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver autocrine/paracrine signaling and cause systemic insulin resistance via endocrine signaling, providing a potential link between inflammation and insulin resistance. All articles in this topic highlight the interconnection between obesity, inflammation, and insulin resistance in all its diversity to the mechanisms of obesity-induced inflammation and role of immune system in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and diabetes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tsuguhito Ota"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["obesity", "insulin resistance", "inflammation", "macrophage", "innate immunity", "Adipose Tissue", "pattern-recognition receptor", "Bariatric surgery"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/880/obesity-induced-inflammation-and-insulin-resistance"], ["title", "Obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance"], ["doab_id", "18183"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194285"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194285"]], [["description", "Object Oriented Environs is the lively archive of a critical confluence between the environmental turn so vigorous within early modern studies, and thing theory (object oriented ontology, vibrant materialism, the new materialism and speculative realism). The book unfolds a conversation that attempts to move beyond anthropocentrism and examine nonhumans at every scale, their relations to each other, and the ethics of human enmeshment within an agentic material world. The diverse essays, reflections, images and ephemera collected here offer a laboratory for probing the mystery and potential autonomy of objects, in their alliances and in performance.The book is the trace of an event-space crafted over a day of conversation in two seminars at the Shakespeare Association of America meeting in 2014 in St. Louis and offers its nineteen essays as the end to the work-cycle of the collective we crafted that day. It is a noisy collation, full of bees, bushes, laundry, crutches, lists, poems, plague vectors, planks, chairs, rain, shoes, meat, body parts, books, and assorted humans (living and dead), and also a repertoire of dance steps, ways of configuring the relations between subject and object, actors or actants (human and otherwise). It is also a book that asks readers to ponder their environs, to consider the particularities of their world, of their reading experiences, and to consider what orders of meaning we might be able to derive from attending closely to all the very many things we come into being with.Contributors include: Lizz Angello, Sallie Anglin, Keith M. Botelho, Patricia A. Cahill, Jeffrey Cohen, Drew Daniel, Christine Hoffmann, Neal Klomp, Julia Lupton, Vin Nardizzi, Tara Pedersen, Tripthi Pillai, Karen Raber, Pauline Reid, Emily Rendek, Lindsey Row-Heyveld, Debapriya Sarkar, Rob Wakeman, Jennifer Waldron, Luke Wilson, and Julian Yates."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeffrey Jerome Cohen; Julian Yates"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/386hdvq4lfu4pmg/Cohen_Yates_Object_Oriented_Environs_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Object Oriented Environs"], ["doab_id", "19591"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692642030"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692642030"]], [["description", "Esta obra contempla os objetivos, metodologia de trabalho e perspectivas atuais do 'Observat\u00f3rio da Vida Estudantil', que atua em duas Institui\u00e7\u00f5es Federais de Ensino Superior da Bahia - a UFBA e a UFRB. A obra, formada por 12 artigos, trata de temas como o novo universit\u00e1rio que vem se inserindo na UFBA, o aluno de origem popular e a opini\u00e3o dos estudantes com rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao Bacharelado Institucional. A rela\u00e7\u00e3o da juventude com a pol\u00edtica, a maternidade durante o per\u00edodo universit\u00e1rio, e a quest\u00e3o da evas\u00e3o na educa\u00e7\u00e3o superior s\u00e3o alguns dos assuntos tamb\u00e9m abordados."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sampaio, S\u00f4nia Maria Rocha"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/n656x"], ["title", "Observat\u00f3rio da vida estudantil: primeiros estudos"], ["doab_id", "17997"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212117"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212117"]], [["description", "Social movements throughout the world have been central to history, politics, society, and culture. Observing Protest froma Place examines the impact of one such campaign, the global justice movement, as seen from the southern hemisphere. Drawing upon a collective survey from the 2011 World Social Forum in Dakar, the essays explore a number of vital issues, including the methodological problems of studying international activist gatherings and how scholars can overcome those challenges. Bydemonstrating the importance of the global justice movement and the role of nongovernmental organizations for participantsin the southern hemisphere, this volume is an important addition to the literature on community action."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sim\u00e9ant ,Johanna; Pommerolle ,Marie-Emmanuelle; Sommier ,Isabelle"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Transnational Social Movements", "Global Justice Movement", "Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA)", "International division of Labor Methodology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611223"], ["title", "Observing Protest from a Place: The World Social Forum in Dakar (2011)"], ["doab_id", "19238"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647801"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647801"]], [["description", "Risk in banking business can not be avoided because the latter is strongly embedded in the very nature of it and banks should therefore be aware of the importance of effective risk management, encompassing the identification, measurement and assessment of each type of risk. Risk management can be important source of gaining competitive advantage and a way to survive in the world of banking. One of the most important risk in bank is the credit risk. Credit risk can be defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations. The goal of credit risk management is to maximise bank\u00b4s risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. Banks need to manage the credit risk inherent in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in invidual credits of transaction. Banks should also consider the relationships between credit risk and other risks. The effective management of credit risk is a comprehensive component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential to the long-term success of bank. Risk management is usualy regulated by bank directives, prescriptions, where the most important in Slovenia is the Law about banking with under law acts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "\u017dan Jan Oplotnik; Vesna Eichmeier"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["credit risk management, banking business, credit risk, effective management"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/4"], ["title", "Obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja pri ban\u010dnem poslovanju"], ["doab_id", "17640"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovene"], ["isbns", ["9789616842174"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842174"]], [["description", "The term Occupy represents a belief in the transformation of the capitalist system through a new heterogenic world of protest and activism that cannot be conceived in terms of liberal democracy, parliamentary systems, class war or vanguard politics. These conceptualisations do not articulate where power is held, nor from where transformation may issue. This collection of essays by world-leading scholars of Deleuze and Guattari examines how capitalism can be understood as a global abstract machine whose effects pervade all of life and how Occupy can be framed as a response to this as a heterogenic movement based on new tactics, revitalised democratic processes and nomadic systems of organisation. Seeing the question as a political tactic aimed at delegitimizing their protest, Occupiers refused to answer the question \u2018what do you want?\u2019, produce manifestos, elect leaders or act as a vanguard. Occupy: A People Yet to Come goes some considerable way towards providing the terms upon which this refusal can be understood within a changed landscape of political activism and the rewriting of the conventions of political protest.Including essays by Claire Colebrook, Giuseppina Mecchia, John Protevi, Rodrigo Nunes, Verena Andermatt Conley, Nicholas Thoburn, Ian Buchanan, David Burrows, Eugene Holland and Andrew Conio, the volume examines the economic predicates of capitalist economics: liberal democracy and its alternatives, the conjugation of protest and aesthetics, how occupy experiments with different types of leadership and how power, hierarchies and resistance might be understood using Deleuze and Guattari\u2019s radical conceptualizations of debt; subjectivity, the minor and the molecular, occupation, dispersed leadership, territory, smooth space and the war machine."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Conio ,Andrew"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Occupy", "capitalist system", "capitalism", "Deleuze", "Guattari", "political activism", "capitalist economics", "liberal democracy", "leadership", "power"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577045"], ["title", "Occupy: A People Yet To Come"], ["doab_id", "17465"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420047"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420047"]], [["description", "The oceans and atmosphere interact through various processes, including the transfer of momentum, heat, gases and particles. In this book leading international experts come together to provide a state-of-the-art account of these exchanges and their role in the Earth-system, with particular focus on gases and particles. Chapters in the book cover: i) the ocean-atmosphere exchange of short-lived trace gases; ii) mechanisms and models of interfacial exchange (including transfer velocity parameterisations); iii) ocean-atmosphere exchange of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide; iv) ocean atmosphere exchange of particles and v) current and future data collection and synthesis efforts. The scope of the book extends to the biogeochemical responses to emitted / deposited material and interactions and feedbacks in the wider Earth-system context. This work constitutes a highly detailed synthesis and reference; of interest to higher-level university students (Masters, PhD) and researchers in ocean-atmosphere interactions and related fields (Earth-system science, marine / atmospheric biogeochemistry / climate). Production of this book was supported and funded by the EU COST Action 735 and coordinated by the International SOLAS (Surface Ocean- Lower Atmosphere Study) project office."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin T. Johnson; Peter S. Liss"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Atmosphere ocean interaction", "Chemical Exchanges", "Biogeochemistry", "COST 735", "air-sea interface", "Trace gases", "SOLAS"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-25643-1"], ["title", "Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions of Gases and Particles"], ["doab_id", "15696"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642256424", "9783642256431"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642256424 (Print) 9783642256431 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume comprises a three-fold object, Book and Ocean and New York City.If this Book were Ocean, how would it feel between your fingers? Wet and slippery, just a bit warmer or colder than the air around it, since the Ocean is our planet\u2019s greatest reservoir of heat, a sloshing insulator and incubator girdling our globe. If its pages were New York City, how would they abrade your imagination? Human and teeming, endlessly humming along with that same old tune. Imagine that these three things were one thing. All together: Book and Ocean and New York City. During the long historical pause between the day the last sailing ship docked at South Street and that day in October 2012 when Hurricane Sandy brought the waves back in fury, New York turned its back on the sea. This Book remembers that the City was founded on Ocean, peopled by its currents, grew rich on its traffic. The storm taught what we should never have forgotten: under New York\u2019s asphalt lies not beach but Ocean.Oceanic New York salvages the City\u2019s salt-water past and present. It takes inspiration from Elizabeth Albert\u2019s gorgeous exhibition of historical artifacts and contemporary art, \u201cSilent Beaches, Untold Stories: New York City\u2019s Forgotten Waterfront,\u201d which was on display at St. John\u2019s University in Queens in Autumn 2013. Buoyed up by art, the Book plunges into the urban and oceanic. \u201cCircumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon,\u201d entices our friend Ishmael. \u201cNothing will content [us] but the extremest limit of the land.\u201dCONTRIBUTORS include: Elizabeth Albert, Jamie \u201cSkye\u201d Bianco, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Vanessa Daws, Lowell Duckert, Granville Ganter, Anne Harris, Jonathan Hsy, Alison Kinney, Dean Kritikos, J. Allan Mitchell, Steve Mentz, Nancy Nowacek, Julie Orlemanski, Bailey Robertson, Karl Steel, Matt Zazzarino, and Marina Zurkow."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steve Mentz (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cultural studies, eco-philosophy, environmental history, environmental humanities, New York City, oceanic studies, thassology"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/007xjopwrapnl1k/Mentz_Oceanic_New_York_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Oceanic New York"], ["doab_id", "17617"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692519332"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692519332"]], [["description", "Tissue engineering emerged back in the 1990s as a new concept to overcome the problem of tissue and organ failure. Over recent decades, there has been incredible progress towards the regeneration of tissues such as bone, heart valves, cartilage, cornea, and retina. In terms of ocular tissue engineering, despite the scientific and strategic incentive for reconstructing ocular tissues, there is also a tremendous need for novel therapeutic options in treating numerous eye diseases related to tissue failure. The aim of this Special Issue is to discuss tissue engineering applications of ocular tissues including but not limited to cornea, retina, and lenses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["tissue engineering, cornea, retina, lens, ocular diseases"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/208"], ["title", "Ocular Tissue Engineering"], ["doab_id", "19267"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422013", "9783038422020"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422013/9783038422020"]], [["description", "Laughter, contemporary theory suggests, is often aggressive in some manner and may be prompted by a sudden perception of incongruity combined with memories of past emotional experience. Given this importance of the past to our recognition of the comic, it follows that some \"\"traditions\"\" dispose us to ludic responses. The studies in Of Corpse: Death and Humor in Folklore and Popular Culture examine specific interactions of text (jokes, poetry, epitaphs, iconography, film drama) and social context (wakes, festivals, disasters) that shape and generate laughter. Uniquely, however, the essays here peruse a remarkable paradox-the convergence of death and humor.Two studies here focus on joke cycles concerning disasters and celebrities, particularly as spawned or mediated through television and the Internet. One offers an exhaustive look at Internet humor that followed \"\"September 11,\"\" and the other interprets the influence of television as especially fertile for the proliferation of humor about mass icons and disasters. Other essays examine the social leveling through laughter at festivals and calendar customs associated with Mexican Day-of-the-Dead traditions, and another highlights the role of the Haitian family of playful, erotic death spirits known as Gedes during Carnival. A chapter on The Grateful Dead shows how the folkloric name and ludic iconography of this rock band nurtured participatory, egalitarian cultural scenes of collective merriment. Another essay inspects Weekend at Bernie's, a film employing the humorous manipulation of a corpse-a time-honored folk motif also explored in chapters on the \"\"Irish wake\"\" and the \"\"merry wake.\"\" In another essay, we saunter through the contemporary American cemetery, noting the instances and import of humor in gravemarker texts.Taken together these essays provide a wide variety of interpretations for complex expressive forms that link death and humor, and that appear to unite groups through their own aesthetics of laughter. By letting down their guard together when encountering communications normally judged as unpleasant, people collectively affirm their own taste and \"\"sense\"\" of humor, in the face of official culture and even death itself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Narvaez, Peter"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/52"], ["title", "Of Corpse"], ["doab_id", "14742"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215595"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215595"]], [["description", "This collection is the first to offer a genuinely interdisciplinary approach to Krzysztof Kieslowski\u2019s Decalogue, a ten-film cycle of modern tales that touch on the ethical dilemmas of the Ten Commandments. The cycle\u2019s deft handling of moral ambiguity and inventive technique established Kie?lowski as a major international director. Kie?lowski once said, \u201cBoth the deep believer and the habitual skeptic experience toothaches in exactly the same way.\u201d Of Elephants and Toothaches takes seriously the range of thought, from theological to skeptical, condensed in the cycle\u2019s quite human tales. Bringing together scholars of film, philosophy, literature, and several religions, the volume ranges from individual responsibility, to religion in modernity, to familial bonds, to human desire and material greed. It explores Kie?lowski\u2019s cycle as it relentlessly solicits an ethical response that stimulates both inner disquiet and interpersonal dialogue."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Badowska ,Eva; Parmeggiani ,Francesca"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "Politics", "Religion on television", "Moral and ethical aspects"]], ["publisher", "Fordham University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=609947"], ["title", "Of Elephants and Toothaches"], ["doab_id", "19130"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780823267101"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780823267101"]], [["description", "What is a problem? What\u2019s asked in that question, and how does one even begin to take its measure? How else could one begin, except as one does with any other problem\u2014by way of its impulsion.Of Learned Ignorance: Idea of a Treatise in Philosophy is about philosophy because philosophy is about problems: philosophy, in a word, is where problems become a problem.After Anti-Oedipus, in the Kafka book and in A Thousand Plateaus, what Deleuze and Guattari counsel, strikingly, is sobriety. Sobriety is what they praise in Kafka. And it is sobriety that seems above all else to be necessary here. (Steven Shaviro has pointed out the prominence of structure in Deleuze\u2019s writing: \u201ceven when Deleuze\u2019s prose, by himself or with Guattari, seems to be ranging anarchically all over the place, in fact it has a rigid and unvarying architecture, which is what keeps it from falling apart.\u201d)Of Learned Ignorance is a dead letter because it names a problem. It\u2019s a dead letter because it is, cautiously, a love letter. It\u2019s a dead letter because it lovingly stages an experiment in whimsy, and perhaps above all, because it is problematic (in the Kantian sense): It is a (sober) attempt at exemplifying what it talks about \u2014 and what eludes it: A series of footnotes, with blank (transcriptive) pages above, effects something like the integration of a differential, the reciprocal determination where the sources enter into in relation to one another in order to produce a paper, essay, or (inexistent) (chap)book. Of Learned Ignorance, in facing down a problem, makes a wager; it courts failure; it puts it all on the line. All, yes, for love \u2014 a kind of love \u2026 (of wisdom?)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Munro"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Althusser, Deleuze and Guattari, Kafka, Kant, Liebniz, philosophy"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/of-learned-ignorance/"], ["title", "Of Learned Ignorance: Idea of a Treatise in Philosophy"], ["doab_id", "16042"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615822549"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615822549"]], [["description", "The mid thirteenth-century Dutch beast epic Van den vos Reynaerde is a fascinating reworking of the most popular branch of the Old French Roman de Renart and one of the finest examples of this popular genre, consisting of a lengthy cycle of animal tales which provided a satirical commentary on human society. Featuring the archetypal sly fox, the epic is also one of earliest examples of a longer literary work written in the Dutch vernacular. This charmingly illustrated edition contains the first-ever version of the Dutch text with a facing English translation, making the undisputed masterpiece of medieval Dutch literature accessible to international scholarly audiences otherwise unable to read the narrative in the original. The critical text and the parallel translation are accompanied by an introduction, interpretative notes, an index of names, a complete glossary, and a short introduction to Middle Dutch, making it an excellent choice for undergraduate or graduate study of medieval European literature.

Het dertiende-eeuwse meesterwerk van de middeleeuwse Nederlandse letterkunde, Van den vos Reynaerde, wordt samen met een moderne parallelvertaling in dit boek uitgegeven. De hedendaagse vertaling, die in het Engels gesteld is om een zo groot mogelijk publiek te bereiken, volgt de middeleeuwse tekst op de voet. Een inleiding en literair-historische aantekeningen geven de lezer volop steun bij het begrijpen van het middeleeuwse werk. Het boek bevat tevens een glossarium op de volledige woordvoorraad en een beknopte introducleerling tie op het Middelnederlands. Deze uitgave is zeer geschikt voor gebruik in het hoger onderwijs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bouwman ,Andre; Besamusca ,Bart"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Education", "Dutch literature", "Dutch and Flemish literature", "Educatie", "Nederlandse letterkunde", "Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340003"], ["title", "Of Reynaert the Fox : Text and Facing Translation of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic Van den vos Reynaerde"], ["doab_id", "12703"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640246"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640246"]], [["description", "The inclusion of works in a canonical list creates a large body of exclusions. But among these neglected works there are not a few that nevertheless are worth reading. Literary worth is not necessarily aesthetic impeccability. A literary work recommends itself by a high degree of artistic achievement with elbowroom for historical importance. The present study focuses on Leo Rosten\u2019s immigration novel The Education of Hyman Kaplan (1937) and Archibald MacLeish\u2019s radio play Air Raid (1938). The first is more than the apparent compendium of language-based jokes. Read in the context of immigration policy from Presidents Theodore Roosevelt to F. D. Roosevelt and of Jewish-American humor, it displays Kaplan\u2019s moral and intellectual growth, which extant commentary denies, and exhibits the \u201cinterior internationality\u201d of an immigration country. Air Raid is one of the few achieved American radio plays to take a stand on foreign affairs in a context that does not only consist of broadcasting and Picasso\u2019s collage-painting Guernica \u2013 the \u201cscreaming picture\u201d which MacLeish transposed into the acoustic medium \u2013 but also of the historical saturation bombing of the Basque town.

The inclusion of works in a canonical list creates a large body of exclusions. But among these neglected works there are not a few that nevertheless are worth reading. Literary worth is not necessarily aesthetic impeccability. A literary work recommends itself by a high degree of artistic achievement with elbowroom for historical importance. The present study focuses on Leo Rosten\u2019s immigration novel The Education of Hyman Kaplan (1937) and Archibald MacLeish\u2019s radio play Air Raid (1938). The first is more than the apparent compendium of language-based jokes. Read in the context of immigration policy from Presidents Theodore Roosevelt to F. D. Roosevelt and of Jewish-American humor, it displays Kaplan\u2019s moral and intellectual growth, which extant commentary denies, and exhibits the \u201cinterior internationality\u201d of an immigration country. Air Raid is one of the few achieved American radio plays to take a stand on foreign affairs in a context that does not only consist of broadcasting and Picasso\u2019s collage-painting Guernica \u2013 the \u201cscreaming picture\u201d which MacLeish transposed into the acoustic medium \u2013 but also of the historical saturation bombing of the Basque town."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Frank, Armin Paul"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["American Studies", "American Studies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610288"], ["title", "Off-Canon pleasures - a case study and a perspective"], ["doab_id", "13351"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783941875951"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875951"]], [["description", "This study takes as its point of departure the diet in the summer of the year 1579 in Vienna. Leonhard von Harrach, Privy Councellor of Emperor Rudolf II, negotiated with leaders of the oppositional protestant nobility, who wanted to push through freedom of religious confession in the landesherrlichen cities and market towns in Lower Austria. Analysis of Harrachs's connections to opposition, his scope of action as a member of the government, councellor and mentor of the young, Spanish-catholic oriented Kaiser, professional court politician, nobleman, leader of an Austrian power elite, head of the 'House of Harrach' and a Catholic interested in reaching reconciliation with the protestants, can show the special structures of this conflict. The historiographic basis had largely to be assembled from scratch since, e.g., in recorded histories and chronics very little mention is made of an Austrian power elite within the Habsburg monarchy of the 16th century, which consisted of land-owning noblemen. The existence of this power elite has considerable consequences in gaining a proper understanding of the 'dualism' of St\u00e4ndestaat as a complex dualistic system of political cooperation in the Habsburg monarchy. This power elite of functionaries from the lower nobility had a strong position in court and administration and also in estates in the Eastern hereditary lands of the Habsburgs. Noble families such as the Roggendorf, J\u00f6rger, Hoffmann, Windischgr\u00e4tz or Khevenh\u00fcller, all in the same social network as Harrach, were among the most prominent families to profit from the more central organization of the state and at the same time they produced the most important leaders of the protestant opposition in Vienna and Graz. Although the conflict culture of the dualistic system wasn't strong enough against confessional polarization, the cooperation of the Habsburg dynasty with the court-oriented nobility from the provinces of the hereditary lands proved to be such a successful model of governmental organization that in the Austrian-Bohemian 'Dyarchy' it was continued on a larger scale. Skills of power elite made it possible to Harrach and his friend and relative J\u00f6rger, leader of the opposition, to employ a form of crisis management to moderate the oppositions after 1580. But the polarization of religious confessions had destroyed the Irenic of Harrach. His initiation into the Spanish-catholic Habsburg Order of the Golden Fleece gave the decisive impulse, to take on, along with the Archduke Ernst, the overall direction of moderate, but compulsory re-Catholization of the Lower-Austrian cities and market towns, organized by Melchior Khlesl, official of the Bishopric Passau in Vienna.

Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist das konfliktreiche Landtagsgeschehen im Sommer des Jahres 1579 in Wien. Der kaiserliche Ratgeber Leonhard von Harrach verhandelte mit den K\u00f6pfen des opponierenden protestantischen Adels, der gegen Kaiser Rudolf II. die Glaubensfreiheit f\u00fcr die landesherrlichen St\u00e4dte und M\u00e4rkte in Nieder\u00f6sterreich durchsetzen wollte. Die Analyse der Beziehungen Harrachs zu den Opponenten, sowie seines Handlungsspielraums als Mitglied der Regierung, Ratgeber und Mentor eines jungen, spanisch-katholisch orientierten Kaisers, h\u00f6fischer Berufspolitiker, lands\u00e4ssiger Adliger, Autorit\u00e4t einer erbl\u00e4ndischen Machtelite, Chef des Hauses Harrach und um Ausgleich bem\u00fchter Katholik erm\u00f6glicht, die Spezifik des Konflikts zu entwickeln. Die historiografische Basis dieser Handlungsfelder musste teils von Grund auf erarbeitet werden, da bspw. in der Geschichtsschreibung eine Machtelite aus lands\u00e4ssigen Adligen in der Habsburgermonarchie des 16. Jahrhunderts nicht existiert. Deren Existenz ver\u00e4ndert das Verst\u00e4ndnis von st\u00e4ndestaatlichem \"Dualismus\" hin zu einem komplexen dualistischen System, in dem eine \"staatliche\", gewinnorientierte Funktionselite aus dem lands\u00e4ssigen Niederadel der nieder\u00f6sterreichischen L\u00e4nder im Herrschaftsapparat und in den Landst\u00e4nden dominiert. Adelsgeschlechter wie die Roggendorf, J\u00f6rger, Hoffmann, Windischgr\u00e4tz oder Khevenh\u00fcller, die alle \u00fcber ein verwandtschaftliches Netzwerk mit Harrach verbunden waren, geh\u00f6rten zu den herausragenden Profiteuren der Staatsbildung und brachten gleichzeitig die bedeutendsten F\u00fchrer der protestantischen Opposition in Wien und Graz hervor. Obwohl die Konfliktkultur des dualistischen Systems der Konfessionalisierung nicht gewachsen war, erwies sich die Kooperation der Dynastie mit den hoforientierten Landleuten der Erbl\u00e4nder im 16. Jahrhundert als staatsgeschichtliches Erfolgsmodell, das in der \u00f6sterreichisch-b\u00f6hmischen Aristokratie der Dyarchie in gr\u00f6\u00dferem Stil fortgesetzt wurde. Die St\u00e4rken dieser Machtelite erm\u00f6glichten Harrach und dem Oppositionsf\u00fchrer J\u00f6rger nach 1580 eine Art Krisenmanagement. Allerdings litt unter der zunehmenden Polarisierung die Irenik des Kaiserberaters Harrach. Die Aufnahme in den spanisch-katholischen habsburgischen Hausorden vom Goldenen Vlies gab den entscheidenden Impuls, um zusammen mit Statthalter Erzherzog Ernst die Federf\u00fchrung in einer moderaten, aber zwangsweisen Rekatholisierung der nieder\u00f6sterreichischen St\u00e4dte und M\u00e4rkte, die vom Passauer Offizial Melchior Khlesl organisiert wurde, zu \u00fcbernehmen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haberer ,Michael"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Leonhard von Harrach (1514 - 1590) , Aristocratic Power Elite, Noble Estates, Austria, Court and Country, catholic confessionalization"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437182"], ["title", "Ohnmacht und Chance"], ["doab_id", "15541"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786801"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786801"]], [["description", "Seit den 1990er Jahren werden Fragen nach dem Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Ver\u00e4nderungen in der naturalen Umwelt und deren literarischen Repr\u00e4sentationen im Bereich der Literaturwissenschaft unter dem Begriff Ecocriticism subsumiert und diskutiert. In diesem Band werden umwelthistorische Perspektiven ebenfalls in die Diskussion eingebunden. Dabei ist einerseits zu fragen, wie der Wandel im menschlichen Verh\u00e4ltnis zur \u00bbNatur\u00ab (und den sich wandelnden Bedeutungsnuancen dieses Begriffs) zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten in literarischen Texten verhandelt wird und welche neuen literarischen Ausdrucksformen er wom\u00f6glich provoziert. Andererseits ist auch zu fragen, wie sich literarische und kulturelle Muster auf die Gestaltung der naturalen Umwelt auswirken k\u00f6nnen. Inwiefern korrespondieren dabei literarische Modellierungen des Wandels diachron und synchron mit Ver\u00e4nderungsprozessen in der Natur? Diese doppelte Fragestellung schlie\u00dft auch die M\u00f6glichkeit einer wechselseitigen Kritik umwelthistorischer und literarischer Perspektiven ein.

Seit den 1990er Jahren werden Fragen nach dem Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Ver\u00e4nderungen in der naturalen Umwelt und deren literarischen Repr\u00e4sentationen im Bereich der Literaturwissenschaft unter dem Begriff Ecocriticism subsumiert und diskutiert. In diesem Band werden umwelthistorische Perspektiven ebenfalls in die Diskussion eingebunden. Dabei ist einerseits zu fragen, wie der Wandel im menschlichen Verh\u00e4ltnis zur \u00bbNatur\u00ab (und den sich wandelnden Bedeutungsnuancen dieses Begriffs) zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten in literarischen Texten verhandelt wird und welche neuen literarischen Ausdrucksformen er wom\u00f6glich provoziert. Andererseits ist auch zu fragen, wie sich literarische und kulturelle Muster auf die Gestaltung der naturalen Umwelt auswirken k\u00f6nnen. Inwiefern korrespondieren dabei literarische Modellierungen des Wandels diachron und synchron mit Ver\u00e4nderungsprozessen in der Natur? Diese doppelte Fragestellung schlie\u00dft auch die M\u00f6glichkeit einer wechselseitigen Kritik umwelthistorischer und literarischer Perspektiven ein."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ermisch, Maren; Kruse, Ulrike; Stobbe, Urte"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["environmental research", "pollution control", "environmental research", "pollution control"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610272"], ["title", "\u00d6kologische Transformationen und literarische Repr\u00e4sentationen"], ["doab_id", "13358"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875869"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875869"]], [["description", "Did King Alfred the Great commission the Old English translation of Bede\u2019s Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, probably the masterpiece of medieval Anglo-Latin Literature, as part of his famous program of translation to educate the Anglo-Saxons? Was the Old English Historia, by any chance, a political and religious manifesto for the emerging \u2018Kingdom of the Anglo-Saxons\u2019? Do we deal with the literary cornerstone of a nascent English identity at a time when the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were threatened by a common enemy: the Vikings? Andreas Lemke seeks to answer these questions \u2013 among others \u2013 in his recent publication. He presents us with a unique compendium of interdisciplinary approaches to the subject and sheds new light on the Old English translation of the Historia in a way that will fascinate scholars of Literature, Language, Philology and History.

Entstand die altenglische \u00dcbersetzung der Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum des Beda Venerabilis, des wohl bedeutendsten anglo-lateinischen Werkes des Mittelalters, auf Bestreben K\u00f6nig Alfreds \u201ades Gro\u00dfen\u2018 als Teil seines \u00dcbersetzungs- und Bildungsprogrammes? War die altenglische Historia vielleicht ein Gr\u00fcndungsmanifest des K\u00f6nigreichs der Angelsachsen? Dieses K\u00f6nigreich formierte sich schlie\u00dflich in einer Zeit, als England sich eines \u00e4u\u00dferen Feindes zu erwehren hatte, der die politische Ordnung der angels\u00e4chsischen K\u00f6nigreiche bedrohte: der Wikinger. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, pr\u00e4sentiert Andreas Lemke ein in dieser Form einzigartiges Kompendium interdisziplin\u00e4rer Ans\u00e4tze und wirft ein neues Licht auf die altenglische Beda-\u00dcbersetzung, das Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaftler, Philologen und Historiker gleicherma\u00dfen anspricht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lemke, Andreas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ecclesiastical history", "England", "Anglo-Saxon history", "ecclesiastical history", "England", "Anglo-Saxon history"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610369"], ["title", "The Old English Translation of Bede's <i>Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum</i> in its Historical and Cultural Context"], ["doab_id", "19174"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951894"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951894"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hooykaas ,C."], ["date", "1955"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613376"], ["title", "The Old-Javanese R\u0101m\u0101ya\u1e47a Kakawin"], ["doab_id", "18532"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285804", "9789004286382"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285804 9789004286382"]], [["description", "Our sense of smell pervasively influences our most common behaviors and daily experience, yet little is known about olfactory consciousness. Over the past decade and a half research in both the fields of Consciousness Studies and Olfaction has blossomed, however, olfactory consciousness has received little to no attention. The olfactory systems unique anatomy, functional organization, sensory processes, and perceptual experiences offers a fecund area for exploring all aspects of consciousness, as well as a external perspective for re-examining the assumptions of contemporary theories of consciousness. It has even been suggested that the olfactory system may represent the minimal neuroanatomy that is required for conscious processing. Given the variegated nature of research on consciousness, we include original papers concerning the nature of olfactory consciousness. The scope of the special edition widely incorporates olfaction as it relates to Consciousness, Awareness, Attention, Phenomenal- or Access-Consciousness, and Qualia. Research concerning olfaction and cross-modal integration as it relates to conscious experience is also address. As the initial foray into this uncharted area of research, we include contributions from across all disciplines contributing to cognitive neuroscience, including neurobiology, neurology, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and computer sciences. It is our hope that this Research Topic will serve as the impetus for future interdisciplinary research on olfaction and consciousness."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benjamin D. Young"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Olfaction", "Smell", "Consciousness", "theories of consciousness", "Perceptual Consciousness"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1535/olfactory-consciousness-across-disciplines"], ["title", "Olfactory Consciousness across Disciplines"], ["doab_id", "18177"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194223"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194223"]], [["description", "Odors are powerful stimuli that can evoke emotional states, and support learning and memory. Decades of research have indicated that the neural basis for this strong \"odor-emotional memory\" connection is due to the uniqueness of the anatomy of the olfactory pathways. Indeed, unlike the other sensory systems, the sense of smell does not pass through the thalamus to be routed to the cortex. Rather, odor information is relayed directly to the limbic system, a brain region typically associated with memory and emotional processes. This provides olfaction with a unique and potent power to influence mood, acquisition of new information, and use of information in many different contexts including social interactions. Indeed, olfaction is crucially involved in behaviors essential for survival of the individual and species, including identification of predators, recognition of individuals for procreation or social hierarchy, location of food, as well as attachment between mating pairs and infant-caretaker dyads. Importantly, odors are sampled through sniffing behavior. This active sensing plays an important role in exploratory behaviors observed in the different contexts mentioned above. Odors are also critical for learning and memory about events and places and constitute efficient retrieval cues for the recall of emotional episodic memories. This broad role for odors appears highly preserved across species. In addition, the consistent early developmental emergence of olfactory function across diverse species also provides a unique window of opportunity for analysis of myriad behavioral systems from rodents to nonhuman primates and humans. This, when combined with the relatively conserved organization of the olfactory system in mammals, provides a powerful framework to explore how complex behaviors can be modulated by odors to produce adaptive responses, and to investigate the underlying neural networks. The present research topic brings together cutting edge research on diverse species and developmental stages, highlighting convergence and divergence between humans and animals to facilitate translational research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Regina M. Sullivan; Donald A. Wilson; Nadine Ravel; Anne-Marie Mouly"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Olfaction", "olfactory memory", "Social odors", "sniffing behavior", "Odor preference", "odor aversion"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1857/olfactory-memory-networks-from-emotional-learning-to-social-behaviors"], ["title", "Olfactory memory networks: from emotional learning to social behaviors"], ["doab_id", "17675"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194865"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194865"]], [["description", "The nasal cavity and the elements it comprises are lined by mucosa. This mucosa contains olfactory sensory neurons, which are organized into four different territories: main olfactory epithelium, septal organ, vomeronasal epithelium and ganglion of Gr\u00fcnemberg. From a morphological point of view, these territories could initially be considered as isolated olfactory subsystems, which - as a whole or independently - have been addressed in the contributions enclosed in this Topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ignacio Salazar; Pablo Chamero"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nasal Cavity", "main olfactory epithelium", "Septal organ", "Vomeronasal epithelium", "ganglion of Gruneberg"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2495/olfactory-subsystems-in-mammals-morphology-genetic-and-evolution"], ["title", "Olfactory subsystems in mammals: morphology, genetic and evolution"], ["doab_id", "18163"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195541"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195541"]], [["description", "In Italia il secondo dopoguerra \u00e8 stato segnato dal crollo irreversibile del sistema manicomiale pubblico e da una trasformazione radicale degli interventi assistenziali rivolti alle persone affette da minorazioni psichiche, fisiche e sensoriali. Le classi differenzialie speciali sono entrate progressivamente in crisi, cos\u00ec come gli istituti psicopedagogici, gli istituti d\u2019istruzione per ciechi e per sordi e pi\u00f9 in generale tutte le pratiche tendenti alla \u201cseparazione\u201d tra individui sani e malati, tra \u201cnormali\u201d e \u201csubnormali\u201d. Questo librosi orienta appunto all\u2019analisi di quel grande cambiamento, delle sue conseguenze, delle ragioni culturali, sociali e politiche che lo hanno determinato, dei tempi e delle modalit\u00e0 con cui esso \u00e8 avvenuto. L\u2019indagine si concentra su un caso specifico \u2013 quello della psichiatria torinese tra gli anni Sessanta e Ottanta \u2013 ma non mancano incursioni in territori diversi \u2013 il mondo della scuola ad esempio \u2013 e in questioni e tematiche di pi\u00f9 ampio respiro. Restringere il campo d\u2019osservazione a una realt\u00e0 particolare consente d\u2019altro canto di affrontare nel concreto il dispiegarsi di quelle trasformazioni, scongiurando il rischio di discorsi troppo vaghi o generici. Senza dimenticare infine che l\u2019implosione del manicomio ha avuto caratteristiche peculiari nei vari contesti locali in cui si \u00e8 verificata, cos\u00ec come linee e tendenze diverse ha poi seguito il processo di costruzione di un\u2019alternativa al vecchio modello assistenziale."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Davide Lasagno"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["psichiatria, torino, storia"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unito.it/unitoWAR/ShowBinary/FSRepo/D074/Allegati/Oltre%20la%20Istituzione.%20Crisi%20E%20Riforma%20Della%20Psichiatria%20%28Davide%20Lasagno%29.pdf"], ["title", "Oltre l'istituzione. Crisi e riforma dell'assistenza psichiatrica a Torino e in Italia"], ["doab_id", "15485"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050154"]], ["provider", "University of Turin"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050154"]], [["description", "In the 15th and 16th century a special institute developed in Flanders and Brabant: the chamber of rhetoric. Regular citizens started theater and lyricks, in small closed groups and in public. This study gives an overview of 227 chambers of rhetoric, the rhetorical culture in the Southern Netherlands and gives a fresh new look on the cultural history of the Netherlands.

In de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw ontwikkelde zich in Vlaanderen en Brabant een bijzondere instituut: de rederijkerskamer. Gewone stedelingen legden zich in gildenverband toe op toneel en lyriek, zowel in besloten kring als publiekelijk, naar aanleiding van allerlei feestelijkheden. In deze studie wordt, vertrekkend van een repertorium van 227 rederijkerskamers, de rederijkerscultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden in kaart gebracht. Het uitvoerige bronnenmateriaal biedt nieuwe, vaak verrassende inzichten in het ontstaan van de rederijkerscultuur, de sociale achtergrond van de rederijkers, de verhouding van de rederijkerskamers tot stad en vorst, de betrokkenheid in de Reformatie en de Opstand en, tenslotte, de veranderende functie in de zeventiende eeuw. Dit leidt ook tot een verfrissende kijk op de cultuurgeschiedenis van de Nederlanden. De auteur komt tot de conclusie dat zich in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden een bijzonder dynamische stedelijke cultuur vormde waarbinnen de basis werd gelegd voor het 'mirakel' van de Gouden Eeuw."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bruaene van ,Anne-Laure"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis", "Rederijkerskamers", "Rederijkers", "Zuidelijke Nederlanden", "Literaire beweging", "vijftiende eeuw", "zestiende eeuw", "Corporaties", "zeventiende eeuw", "Reformatie", "Stadscultuur"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340057"], ["title", "Om beters wille : Rederijkerskamers en de stedelijke cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1400-1650)"], ["doab_id", "12774"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565612"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565612"]], [["description", "The role of major dietary omega-3 fatty acids (\u2126-3; \u03b1-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) in human health has generated enormous scientific interest and many controversies in recent years. Due to a growing number of studies with conflicting or even negative clinical results, the former \u201chype\u201d of \u2126-3 thought to be beneficial in many aspects of human health regardless of the physiological and clinical preconditions is now being critically re-evaluated, especially with respect to the potential role of \u2126-3 fatty acid supplementation in preventing a variety of diseases and clinical conditions. This critical view reflects the complex interaction of \u2126-3 with cell membranes and their integrated proteins mediating signal transduction, transport systems, and other processes. Moreover, \u2126-3 are precursors of bioactive metabolites, such as eicosanoids, lipoxins, resolvins, protectins, maresins, and nitrolipids that influence several physiological and pathophysiological processes and their full spectrum of effects are only beginning to be defined. Finally, physiological and pathophysiological conditions as well as concomitant pharmacological treatments may influence the specific and non-specific actions of \u2126-3 supplementation.This Special Issue of the Journal of Clinical Medicine will emphasize the role and biological interactions of \u2126-3 with regard to cancer, psychiatric disorders, metabolic disorders and nutrition and will also reflect on some basic molecular and cellular mechanisms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Diabetes, Dyslipidaemia, Obesity, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer\u2019s disease, Depression, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, cancer, nutrition"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/234"], ["title", "Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease"], ["doab_id", "19972"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422723", "9783038422730"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422723/9783038422730"]], [["description", "\"The world is deep: and deeper than day has ever comprehended.\"~Nietzsche, Thus Spoke ZarathustraFor too long, the Earth has been used to ground thought instead of bending it; such grounding leaves the planet as nothing but a stage for phenomenology, deconstruction, or other forms of anthropocentric philosophy. In far too much continental philosophy, the Earth is a cold, dead place enlivened only by human thought\u2014either as a thing to be exploited, or as an object of nostalgia. Geophilosophy seeks instead to question the ground of thinking itself, the relation of the inorganic to the capacities and limits of thought. This book constructs an eclectic variant of geophilosophy through engagements with digging machines, nuclear waste, cyclones and volcanoes, giant worms, secret vessels, decay, subterranean cities, hell, demon souls, black suns, and xenoarcheaology, via continental theory (Nietzsche, Schelling, Deleuze, et alia) and various cultural objects such as horror films, videogames, and weird Lovecraftian fictions, with special attention to Speculative Realism and the work of Reza Negarestani. In a time where the earth as a whole is threatened by ecological collapse, On an Ungrounded Earth generates a perversely realist account of the earth as a dynamic engine materially invading and upsetting our attempts to reduce it to merely the ground beneath our feet."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ben Woodard"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["dark vitalism, Deleuze & Guattari, F.W.J. Schelling, geophilosophy, H.P. Lovecraft, Iain Hamilton Grant, Naturphilosophie, Reza Negarestani, science fiction, speculative realism, weird fiction"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/ungrounded-earth/"], ["title", "On an Ungrounded Earth: Towards a New Geophilosophy"], ["doab_id", "16009"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615785387"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615785387"]], [["description", "This volume presents new research by the Topoi group \"The Conception of Spaces in Language\" on the expression of spatial relations in ancient languages. The six articles in this volume discuss static and dynamic aspects of the spatial grammars of Ancient to Medieval Greek, Akkadian, Hittite, and Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian, as well as field data on eight modern languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English, German, Russian, French, Italian, and Spanish). Among the grams discussed are spatial particles, motion verbs, case and, most prominently, spatial prepositions. All ancient language data are fully explained in linguistic word-by-word glosses and are therefore accessible to scholars who are not themselves experts on the respective languages. Taken together, these contributions extend the scope of research on spatial grammar back to the third millennium BCE."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kutscher, Silvia; Werning, Daniel A."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Linguistics of space, adpositions, case, motion verbs"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/204671"], ["title", "On Ancient Grammars of Space. Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages"], ["doab_id", "18043"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110311358", "9783110311174"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110311358, 9783110311174"]], [["description", "\"Continuing the analysis of contemporary issues through the lens of ancient theories beyond the themes of Enduring Empire and the award-winning On Oligarchy, On Civic Republicanism explores the enduring relevance of the ancient concepts of republicanism and civic virtue to modern questions about political engagement and identity. Examining both ancient and early modern conceptions of civic republicanism, the contributors respond to the work of thinkers ranging from Plato and Aristotle to Machiavelli, Montesquieu, and Wollstonecraft. A testament to the continuing influence of the concept and the ongoing scholarly debate which surrounds it, On Civic Republicanism addresses fundamental questions regarding democratic participation, liberal democracy, and the public good. Its essays speak to the many ways in which the idea of the republic still challenges us today.\"This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kellow ,Geoffrey; Leddy ,Neven"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Republicanism", "History", "Politics", "Political Theory"]], ["publisher", "University of Toronto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604620"], ["title", "On Civic Republicanism"], ["doab_id", "18743"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781487511395"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781487511395"]], [["description", "On Global Citizenship develops James Tully's distinctive and influential approach to political philosophy, first outlined in his 2008 two-volume work Public Philosophy in a New Key, and applies it to the field of citizenship. The second part of the book contains responses from influential interlocutors including Bonnie Honig and Marc Stears, David Owen and Adam Dunn, Aletta Norval, Antony Laden, and Duncan Bell. These provide a commentary not just on the ideas contained in this volume, but on Tully's approach to political philosophy more generally, thus making the book an ideal first source for academics and students wishing to engage with Tully's work. The volume closes with a response from Tully to his interlocutors. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tully ,James"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Political Theory"]], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=479572"], ["title", "On Global Citizenship"], ["doab_id", "16183"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665162", "9781849664929", "9781849664936", "9781849665018"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665162 9781849664929 9781849664936 9781849665018"]], [["description", "Edited by Lionel Gossman, this volume contains three programmatic essays by Michelet. The first two are available here for the first time in English translation. The third, the Preface to the 1869 edition of the Histoire de France, originally published in its first English translation by Edward K. Kaplan in his Michelet\u2019s Poetic Vision (1977), has been revised by the translator for this volume. Curated by leading scholars and translators this volume provides essential reading for anybody interested in modern French and European history.One of the greatest Romantic historians and immensely popular during his lifetime, Jules Michelet (1798-1874) fell into disfavour among the positivist historians who came after him and who regarded his work with disdain as \"literature.\" In the 1920s and 30s, however, he began to be rediscovered and rehabilitated by the members of the influential Annales school. The objects of Michelet\u2019s interest\u2014living conditions, popular mentalities, laws and the arts, the historian\u2019s relation to the objects of his study, no less than political history\u2014have since come to occupy a central place in modern historical research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michelet, Jules (Author); Gossman, Lionel (Editor); Kaplan, Edward K. (Translator); Kimmich, Flora (Translator)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Jules Michelet", "History of France", "World History", "French Historiography", "Romantic Historiography", "English translation"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/172"], ["title", "On History: Introduction to World History (1831); Opening Address at the Faculty of Letters, 9 January 1834; Preface to History of France (1869)"], ["doab_id", "15682"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254718"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254718"]], [["description", "Quasiconvex analysis has important applications in several optimization problems in science, economics and in finance, where convexity may be lost due to absence of global risk aversion, as for example in Prospect Theory "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marco Maggis"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/9788895994598_content.pdf"], ["title", "On quasiconvex conditional maps"], ["doab_id", "15504"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994598"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994598"]], [["description", "The scientific area this thesis belongs to is many-valued logics: this means logics in which, from the semantical point of view, we have \u201cintermediate\u201d truth-values, between 0 and 1 (which in turns are designated to represent, respectively, the \u201cfalse\u201d and the \u201ctrue\u201d).The classical logic (propositional, for simplicity) is based on the fact that every statement is true or false: this is reflected by the excluded middle law, that is a theorem of this logic. However, there are many reasons that suggest to reject this law: for example, intuitionistic logic does not satisfy it, since this logic reflects a \u201cconstructive\u201d conception of mathematics (see [Hey71, Tro69])."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Matteo Bianchi"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/9788895994567_content.pdf"], ["title", "On some axiomatic extensions of the monoidal T-norm based logic MTL."], ["doab_id", "15501"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994567"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994567"]], [["description", "On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions critically reassesses some of the basic concepts that underpin Western political theory."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joan Cocks"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781780933573"], ["title", "On Sovereignty and Other Political Delusions"], ["doab_id", "17146"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780933573"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780933573"]], [["description", "Scholarship in medieval studies of the past 20 or so years has offered some provocative experiments in, and elegant exempla of, style. Scholars such as Anne Clark Bartlett, Kathleen Biddick, Catherine Brown, Brantley Bryant, Michael Camille, Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Carolyn Dinshaw, James Earl, L.O. Aranye Fradenburg, Roberta Frank, Amy Hollywood, Cary Howie, C. Stephen Jaeger, Eileen Joy, Anna Klosowska, Nicola Masciandaro, Peggy McCracken, Paul Strohm, David Wallace, and Paul Zumthor, among others, have blended the conventions of academic writing with those of fiction, drama, memoir, comedy, polemic, and lyricism, and/or have developed what some would describe as elegant, and arresting (and in some cases, deliciously difficult) prose styles. As these registers merge, they can produce what has been called a queer historiographical encounter (or in queer theorist Elizabeth Freeman\u2019s terms, \u201can erotohistoriography\u201d), a \u201cpoetics of intensification,\u201d and even a \u201cnew aestheticism.\u201d The work of these scholars has also opened up debates (some rancorous) that often install what the editors of this volume feel are false binaries between form and content, feeling and thinking, affect and rigor, poetry and history, attachment and critical distance, enjoyment and discipline, style and substance. As Anna Klosowska writes in her contribution to this volume: \"The question of style, as it applies to medieval studies, is precisely the overcoming of that dichotomy between Nature and Man: a third element. And when the critique proceeds through the denunciation of the inimitability of someone\u2019s style, as if it were the third sex, ungenerative, queer, sterile, sodomitic, lesbian, etc., the critic unconsciously puts his finger on exactly what style is; but that critic is mistaken about the style\u2019s supposedly non-generative powers. In fact, style, neither fact nor theory but facilitating the transition between the two, is \u2026 the generative principle itself.\"What can be said about the \u201cstyle\u201d of academic discourse at the present time, especially in relation to historical method, theory, and reading literary and historical texts? Is style merely supplemental to scholarly substance? As scholars, are we \u201csubjects\u201d of style? And what is the relationship between style and theory? Is style an object, a method, or something else? These were the questions that guided two conference sessions organized by the BABEL Working Group in 2010 (in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Austin, Texas), out of which this volume was developed. On Style: An Atelier gathers together medievalists and early modernists, as well as a poet and a novelist, in order to offer ruminations upon style in scholarship and theoretical writing (Roland Barthes, Carolyn Dinshaw, Lee Edelman, Bracha Ettinger, Charles Fourier, L.O. Aranye Fradenburg, Heidegger, Lacan, Ignatius of Loyola, and the Marquis de Sade, among others), as well as upon various trajectories of fashionable representation and self-representation in literature, sculpture, psychoanalysis, philosophy, religious history, rhetoric, and global politics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eileen A. Joy (ed.); Anna K\u0142osowska (ed.); Mon. Sparkles Joy (ed.); Valerie Allen; Ruth Evans; Anna Klosowska; Kathleen Biddick; Michael D. Snediker; Gila Aloni; Jessica Roberts Frazier; Christine Neufeld; Valerie Vogrin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["critical theory, fashion, Lacan, Marquis de Sade, medieval studies, psychoanalytic theory, Renaissance studies, Roland Barthes, style"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/on-style-an-atelier/"], ["title", "On Style: An Atelier"], ["doab_id", "16058"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615934020"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615934020"]], [["description", "On the Formation of Marxism analyses Karl Kautsky"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gronow ,J."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Marxism"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613393"], ["title", "On the Formation of Marxism"], ["doab_id", "18550"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004306646", "9789004306653"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004306646 9789004306653"]], [["description", "A survey of the role played by jewish architects working in Vienna in the period between 1868-1938.

Eine Zusammenschau \u00fcber die Bedeutung und das Werk von in Wien t\u00e4tigen j\u00fcdischen ArchitektInnen in der Periode von 1868-1938."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prokop ,Ursula"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["architecture - Viennese history \u2013 jewish society", "Architektur - Wiener Geschichte - Judentum"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612510"], ["title", "On the Jewish Legacy in Viennese Architecture"], ["doab_id", "19374"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783205202653"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205202653"]], [["description", "This book continues Rescher\u2019s longstanding practice of publishing groups of philosophical essays. Notwithstanding their thematic diversity, these discussions exhibit a uniformity of method in addressing philosophical issues via a mixture of historical contextualization, analytical scrutiny, and common-sensical concern. Their interest, such as it is, lies not just in what they do but in how they do it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rescher, Nicholas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208184"], ["title", "On the Nature of Philosophy and Other Philosophical Essays"], ["doab_id", "18060"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110320206", "9783110319996", "9783110320213"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110320206, 9783110319996, 9783110320213"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ensink ,J."], ["date", "1967"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613341"], ["title", "On the Old-Javanese Cantakaparwa and Its Tale of Sutasoma"], ["doab_id", "18497"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286184", "9789004286849"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286184 9789004286849"]], [["description", "Once Upon a Virus explores how contemporary, or \"\"urban,\"\" legends are indicators of culturally complex attitudes toward health and illness. Tracing the rich tradition of AIDS legends in relation to current scholarship on belief, Diane Goldstein shows how such stories not only articulate widespread perceptions of risk, health care, and health policy, they also influence official and scientific approaches to the disease and its management. Notions that appear in narratives of who gets AIDS, how and why, are indicators of broad issues involving health beliefs, concerns, and needs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Goldstein, Diane E"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/32"], ["title", "Once Upon a Virus: AIDS Legends and Vernacular Risk Perception"], ["doab_id", "14695"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215878"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215878"]], [["description", "\"\"What an astonishing life and what a remarkable biography. Lewis Barney's sojourn on the hard edge of the American frontier is a forgotten epic. Not only does this book tell of an amazing personal odyssey from his birth in upstate New York in 1808 to his death in Mancos, Colorado, in 1894, but Barney's tale represents a living evocation of some of the most significant themes in American history. Frederick Jackson Turner theorized that the frontier shaped our national character, but Lewis Barney's life stands as a testament to the real impact of the westering experience on a man and his family. Ron Barney's detailed biography of Lewis Barney provides a participant's view of Mormonism's first six decades of controversy, hardship, and triumph, viewed from the bottom of the social heap. Despite his wide-ranging experience and endless sacrifices, Lewis Barney was a worker in the Mormon vineyard, not one of the princes of the Kingdom of God whose lives have been so exhaustively celebrated. Barney's lack of status in this complex hierarchy adds tremendously to the value of this study, since so much nineteenth-century LDS biography has ignored the lives of ordinary people to celebrate a surprisingly small elite whose experiences were far different from those of the general Mormon population.\"\" "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barney, Ronald O."], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/41"], ["title", "One Side by Himself: The Life and Times of Lewis Barney, 1808-1894"], ["doab_id", "14704"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214277"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214277"]], [["description", "This eclectic and carefully organized range of essays\u2014from women\u2019s history and settler societies to colonialism and borderlands studies\u2014is the first collection of comparative and transnational work on women in the Canadian and U.S. Wests. It explores, expands, and advances the aspects of women's history that cross national borders. Out of the talks presented at the 2002 \u201cUnsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West through Women\u2019s History,\u201d Elizabeth Jameson and Sheila McManus have edited a foundational text with a wide, inclusive perspective on our western past."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Jameson; Sheila McManus"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Canadain west", "American west", "settlers"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120145"], ["title", "One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests"], ["doab_id", "14456"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780888645012", "9781897425206"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9780888645012 9781897425206"]], [["description", "\u00dcber 90% der in der spezialisierten Palliativversorgung betreuten Patienten leiden an einer Krebserkrankung. Sowohl der Impuls einer fr\u00fchzeitigen, bed\u00fcrfnisorientierten palliativmedizinischen Mitbehandlung als auch die erheblichen Weiterentwicklungen einer (zunehmend molekular definierten) Onkologie erfordern, dass auch die in der Palliativversorgung T\u00e4tigen ein Grundverst\u00e4ndnis von Tumorbiologie, von modernen onkologischen Therapiekonzepten und von supportivtherapeutischen M\u00f6glichkeiten haben. Dieses Buch m\u00f6chte dieses Grundverst\u00e4ndnis von Krebs und onkologischer Behandlung in einer auch f\u00fcr Nicht-Onkologen verst\u00e4ndlichen Form vermitteln und richtet sich vor allem an jene, die in der palliativmedizinischen Betreuung krebskranker Menschen involviert sind: Palliativ\u00e4rzte, Palliativpflegende, aber auch Haus- und Fach\u00e4rzte, Physiotherapeuten, Seelsorger, Psychotherapeuten und viele mehr. Es will kein Lehrbuch der Onkologie ersetzen, sondern eine praxisorientierte, therapie- und versorgungsrelevante Hilfestellung im (palliativ-)medizinischen Arbeitsalltag sein \u2013 dort, wo es um eine umfassende Unterst\u00fctzung von Krebspatienten geht. Das Buch ist ein Projekt der \u201eAG Interdisziplin\u00e4re Onkologie\u201c der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Palliativmedizin (DGP).

\u00dcber 90% der in der spezialisierten Palliativversorgung betreuten Patienten leiden an einer Krebserkrankung. Sowohl der Impuls einer fr\u00fchzeitigen, bed\u00fcrfnisorientierten palliativmedizinischen Mitbehandlung als auch die erheblichen Weiterentwicklungen einer (zunehmend molekular definierten) Onkologie erfordern, dass auch die in der Palliativversorgung T\u00e4tigen ein Grundverst\u00e4ndnis von Tumorbiologie, von modernen onkologischen Therapiekonzepten und von supportivtherapeutischen M\u00f6glichkeiten haben. Dieses Buch m\u00f6chte dieses Grundverst\u00e4ndnis von Krebs und onkologischer Behandlung in einer auch f\u00fcr Nicht-Onkologen verst\u00e4ndlichen Form vermitteln und richtet sich vor allem an jene, die in der palliativmedizinischen Betreuung krebskranker Menschen involviert sind: Palliativ\u00e4rzte, Palliativpflegende, aber auch Haus- und Fach\u00e4rzte, Physiotherapeuten, Seelsorger, Psychotherapeuten und viele mehr. Es will kein Lehrbuch der Onkologie ersetzen, sondern eine praxisorientierte, therapie- und versorgungsrelevante Hilfestellung im (palliativ-)medizinischen Arbeitsalltag sein \u2013 dort, wo es um eine umfassende Unterst\u00fctzung von Krebspatienten geht. Das Buch ist ein Projekt der \u201eAG Interdisziplin\u00e4re Onkologie\u201c der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Palliativmedizin (DGP)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alt-Epping, Bernd; Fuxius, Stefan; Wedding, Ulrich"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cancer", "medicine", "therapy", "cancer", "medicine", "therapy"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610392"], ["title", "Onkologie f\u00fcr die Palliativmedizin"], ["doab_id", "19196"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952297"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952297"]], [["description", "What is the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the human condition? In order to address this question, in 2012 the European Commission organized a research project entitled The Onlife Initiative: concept reengineering for rethinking societal concerns in the digital transition. This volume collects the work of the Onlife Initiative. It explores how the development and widespread use of ICTs have a radical impact on the human condition.ICTs are not mere tools but rather social forces that are increasingly affecting our self-conception (who we are), our mutual interactions (how we socialise); our conception of reality (our metaphysics); and our interactions with reality (our agency). In each case, ICTs have a huge ethical, legal, and political significance, yet one with which we have begun to come to terms only recently.The impact exercised by ICTs is due to at least four major transformations: the blurring of the distinction between reality and virtuality; the blurring of the distinction between human, machine and nature; the reversal from information scarcity to information abundance; and the shift from the primacy of stand-alone things, properties, and binary relations, to the primacy of interactions, processes and networks.Such transformations are testing the foundations of our conceptual frameworks. Our current conceptual toolbox is no longer fitted to address new ICT-related challenges. This is not only a problem in itself. It is also a risk, because the lack of a clear understanding of our present time may easily lead to negative projections about the future. The goal of The Manifesto, and of the whole book that contextualises, is therefore that of contributing to the update of our philosophy. It is a constructive goal. The book is meant to be a positive contribution to rethinking the philosophy on which policies are built in a hyperconnected world, so that we may have a better chance of understanding our ICT-related problems and solving them satisfactorily.The Manifesto launches an open debate on the impacts of ICTs on public spaces, politics and societal expectations toward policymaking in the Digital Agenda for Europe\u2019s remit. More broadly, it helps start a reflection on the way in which a hyperconnected world calls for rethinking the referential frameworks on which policies are built."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luciano Floridi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Philosophy of Technology", " R & D/Technology Policy", " Media Sociology "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-04093-6"], ["title", "The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era"], ["doab_id", "17320"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319040929", "9783319040936"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319040929 (Print) 9783319040936 (Online)"]], [["description", "E-commerce offers immense challenges to traditional dispute resolution methods, as it entails parties often located in different parts of the world making contracts with each other at the click of a mouse. The use of traditional litigation for disputes arising in this forum is often inconvenient, impractical, time-consuming and expensive due to the low value of the transactions and the physical distance between the parties. Thus modern legal systems face a crucial choice: either to adopt traditional dispute resolution methods that have served the legal systems well for hundreds of years or to find new methods which are better suited to a world not anchored in territorial borders. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), originally an off-shoot of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), takes advantage of the speed and convenience of the Internet, becoming the best, and often the only option for enhancing consumer redress and strengthening their trust in e-commerce. This book provides an in-depth account of the potential of ODR for European consumers, offering a comprehensive and up to date analysis of the development of ODR. It considers the current expansion of ODR and evaluates the challenges posed in its growth. The book proposes the creation of legal standards to close the gap between the potential of ODR services and their actual use, arguing that ODR, if it is to realise its full potential in the resolution of e-commerce disputes and in the enforcement of consumer rights, must be grounded firmly on a European regulatory model.Introduction 1. Consumer Protection and Access to Justice in the E-Commerce Era: A European Perspective 2. Online Dispute Resolution as a Consumer Redress Strategy 3. Consumer Adjudicative Processes Supported by ICT: Court Processes and Arbitration 4. Online Mediation for Consumers: The Way Forward 5. The Need for a Legal Framework to Develop Consumer ODR in the EU"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cort\u00e9s ,Pablo"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Information Technology Law", "Commercial Law", "Dispute Resolution", "Law", "E-commerce", "Information Technology", "Informatie technologie recht", "Commercieel recht", "Recht", "E-commercie", "Informatie technologie"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391038"], ["title", "Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union"], ["doab_id", "13390"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415562072"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415562072"]], [["description", "Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda provides a systematic overview of the major issues, trends, and areas of priority in online distance education research. In each chapter an international expert or team of experts provides an overview of one relevant issue in online distance education, discussing theoretical insights that guide the research, summarizing major research on the topic, posing questions and directions for future research, and discussing the implications for distance education practice as a whole. Intended as a primary reference and guide for distance educators, researchers, and policymakers, Online Distance Education takes care to address aspects of distance education practice that until now have often been marginalized, including issues of cost and economics, social justice implications, cultural impacts, faculty professional development, and the management and growth of learner communities. At once soundly empirical and thoughtfully reflective, yet also forward-looking and open to new approaches to online and distance teaching, this text is a solid resource for researchers in a rapidly expanding discipline. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "edited by Olaf Zawacki-Richter and Terry Anderson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["educational technology", "faculty support", "social justice", "globalization", "quality assurance: OUUK", "Open University", "dropout", "instructional design", "learning communities", "lifelong learners"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120233"], ["title", "Online Distance Education: Towards a Research Agenda"], ["doab_id", "16237"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356623", "9781927356630", "9781927356647"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356623 9781927356630 9781927356647"]], [["description", "In Ontological Catastrophe, Joseph Carew takes up the central question guiding Slavoj \u017di\u017eek philosophy: How could something like phenomenal reality emerge out of the meaninglessness of the Real? Carefully reconstructing and expanding upon his controversial reactualization of German Idealism, Carew argues that \u017di\u017eek offers us an original, but perhaps terrifying, response: experience is possible only if we presuppose a prior moment of breakdown as the ontogenetic basis of subjectivity. Drawing upon resources found in \u017di\u017eek, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and post-Kantian philosophy, Carew thus develops a new critical metaphysics\u2014a metaphysics which is a variation upon the late German Idealist theme of balancing system and freedom, realism and idealism, in a single, self-reflexive theoretical construct\u2014that challenges our understanding of nature, culture, and the ultimate structure of reality."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carew ,Joseph"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Slavoj \u017di\u017eek", "phenomenal reality", "German Idealism", "subjectivity", "realism"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507291"], ["title", "Ontological Catastrophe: \u017di\u017eek and the Paradoxical Metaphysics of German Idealism"], ["doab_id", "16461"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853084"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853084"]], [["description", "People like to live in a safe neighborhood. Areas with a variety of facilities like houses, offices and shops seem to be an important strategy to improve the safety of a neighborhood. More people on the streets means better social control, is the thought behind this strategy. But do people on the streets have consideration for each other? This book is a theory on urban environment, public familiarity and trust on the one hand. On the other it is a very practical plea for a careful planning and nuanced governance of the public space.

Iedereen woont graag in een veilige buurt. Gevarieerdere buurten waar wonen, werken en winkelen elkaar afwisselen zijn een belangrijke strategie geworden om veiligheid te bereiken. Van ogen op straat gaat sociale controle uit, zo is dan de gedachte. Maar hebben mensen met ogen op straat ook oog voor elkaar? Oog voor Elkaar is enerzijds een theorie over stedelijke omgeving, publieke familiariteit en vertrouwen. Anderzijds is het een praktijkgericht, op alledaagse verhalen gebaseerd pleidooi voor zorgvuldiger vormgeving en beheer van stedelijke openbare ruimte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blokland ,Talja"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340070"], ["title", "Oog voor elkaar : Veiligheidsbeleving en sociale controle in de grote stad"], ["doab_id", "12785"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640437"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640437"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nooteboom ,C."], ["date", "1940"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613342"], ["title", "Oost-Soemba"], ["doab_id", "18498"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285668", "9789004286245"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285668 9789004286245"]], [["description", "If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years. You may also have heard either that it is the utopian answer to all the problems of research dissemination or perhaps that it marks the beginning of an apocalyptic new era of 'pay-to-say' publishing. In this book, Martin Paul Eve sets out the histories, contexts and controversies for open access, specifically in the humanities. Broaching practical elements alongside economic histories, open licensing, monographs and funder policies, this book is a must-read for both those new to ideas about open-access scholarly communications and those with an already keen interest in the latest developments for the humanities.

- Provides a comprehensive guide to open access for humanities researchers, written by a humanities researcher
- Covers a full range of phenomena concerning open access and the humanities, including economics, funder policies, open licensing and monographs
- Situates open access within broader paradigms of politics and the university, not shying away from controversy"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin Paul Eve"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Open Access, Humanities, open licensing, monographs, funder policies"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://ebooks.cambridge.org/ebook.jsf?bid=CBO9781316161012"], ["title", "Open Access and the Humanities : Contexts, Controversies and the Future"], ["doab_id", "16498"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781316161012", "9781107097896", "9781107484016"]], ["provider", "ebooks.cambridge.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9781316161012 9781107097896 9781107484016"]], [["description", "Nonostante l\u2019Open Access, vale a dire la disponibilit\u00e0 libera e gratuita dei contenuti in internet, sia ormai un\u2019iniziativa conosciuta, ci sono ancora idee molto confuse e interpretazioni erronee su alcune delle sue caratteristiche e sul suo funzionamento. In quest\u2019opera, Ernest Abadal ha l\u2019obiettivo di chiarire i dubbi e fraintendimenti pi\u00f9 frequenti riguardo l\u2019Open Access, presentando le basi teoriche di questo sistema, il ruolo delle riviste scientifiche e l\u2019attitudine dei ricercatori, nonch\u00e9 una stima di quali siano le prospettive future.Questa guida si rivolge tanto agli accademici e ai dirigenti universitari, quanto agli editori e ai professionisti in ambito bibliotecario.L\u2019edizione italiana \u00e8 stata realizzata con la collaborazione di Maria Teresa Miconi, professoressa di Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia dell\u2019Universit\u00e0 di Macerata e riconosciuta esperta di Open Access.La prefazione \u00e8 a cura di Giovanni Solimine, professore di Biblioteconomia all\u2019Universit\u00e0 di Roma La Sapienza, dove \u00e8 anche presidente del Sistema bibliotecario di Ateneo e direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in beni archivistici e librari."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ernest Abadal"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Open Access, accesso aperto"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Open-Access_def.pdf"], ["title", "Open Access. L'accesso aperto alla letteratura scientifica."], ["doab_id", "15937"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051717"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051717"]], [["description", "Looking at and listening to picture and story books is a ubiquitous activity, frequently enjoyed by many young children and their parents. Well before children can read for themselves they are able to learn from books. Looking at and listening to books increases children\u2019s general knowledge, understanding about the world and promotes language acquisition. This collection of papers demonstrates the breadth of information pre-reading children learn from books and increases our understanding of the social and cognitive mechanisms that support this learning. Our hope is that this Research Topic/eBook will be useful for researchers as well as educational practitioners and parents who are interested in optimizing children\u2019s learning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jessica S. Horst; Carmel Houston-Price"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["story books", "picture books", "dialogic reading", "early literacy", "narratives", "illustrations", "word learning", "anthropomorphism", "stereotypes", "cross-cultural comparisons"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1579/an-open-book-what-and-how-young-children-learn-from-picture-and-story-books"], ["title", "An Open Book: What and How Young Children Learn From Picture and Story Books"], ["doab_id", "18848"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197286"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197286"]], [["description", "Although open content licences only account for a fraction of all copyright licences currently in force in the copyright world, the mentality change initated by the open content movement is here to stay. To promote the use of open content licences, it is important to better understand the theoretical underpinnings of these licences, as well as to gain insight on the practical advantages and inconveniences of their use. This book assembles chapters written by renowned European scholars on a number of selected issues relating to open content licensing. It offers a comprehensive and objective study of the principles of open content from a European intellectual property law perspective and of their possible implementation in the areas of scientific publishing, of the re-use of government information, of the dissemination of works held by cultural heritage institutions and of the exercise of rights on music phonograms.

Ter bevordering van het gebruik van open content-licenties, is het belangrijk om beter inzicht te krijgen in de theoretische onderbouwing van deze licenties, alsmede de praktische voordelen en nadelen van hun gebruik. En omdat de meest gebruikte licenties, zoals de General Public License en de Creative Commons licenties, afkomstig zijn uit de Verenigde Staten, is het ook belangrijk te onderzoeken of ze geldig en de toepasbaar zijn vanuit een Europeesrechtelijk perspectief. In deze bundel bespreken gerenommeerde Europese wetenschappers een aantal geselecteerde kwesties die betrekking hebben op dit bijzonder onderwerp. Het biedt een uitgebreide en objectieve studie van de principes van open content vanuit het perspectief van Europese intellectueel eigendomsrecht en hun mogelijke implementatie op het gebied van het wetenschappelijk publiceren. Ook worden het hergebruik van overheidsinformatie, van de verspreiding van werken in het bezit van cultureel erfgoed instellingen en van de uitoefening van de rechten op muziekdragers behandeld. Dit is een unieke grondige Europese juridische analyse van de mogelijkheid van het open content licentiemodel als een sleutelfactor in de verspreiding en het gebruik van informatie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guibault ,Lucie; Angelopoulos ,Christina"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Law", "Copyright", "Creative commons", "Public domain", "Auteursrecht", "Copyright", "Creative commons", "Publiek domein"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389501"], ["title", "Open Content Licensing : from Theory to Practice"], ["doab_id", "13369"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643070"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643070"]], [["description", "Offered as an introduction to the field of data structures and algorithms, Open Data Structures covers the implementation and analysis of data structures for sequences (lists), queues, priority queues, unordered dictionaries, ordered dictionaries, and graphs. Focusing on a mathematically rigorous approach that is fast, practical, and efficient, Morin clearly and briskly presents instruction along with source code. Analyzed and implemented in Java, the data structures presented in the book include stacks, queues, deques, and lists implemented as arrays and linked-lists; space-efficient implementations of lists; skip lists; hash tables and hash codes; binary search trees including treaps, scapegoat trees, and red-black trees; integer searching structures including binary tries, x-fast tries, and y-fast tries; heaps, including implicit binary heaps and randomized meldable heaps; graphs, including adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations; and B-trees. A modern treatment of an essential computer science topic, Open Data Structures is a measured balance between classical topics and state-of-the art structures that will serve the needs of all undergraduate students or self-directed learners. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pat Morin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["data structures", "algorithms", "programming", "java"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120226"], ["title", "Open Data Structures: An Introduction"], ["doab_id", "16222"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356388", "9781927356395"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356388 9781927356395"]], [["description", "Despite increased knowledge, and more sophisticated experimental and modeling approaches, fundamental questions remain about how electricity can interact with ongoing brain function in information processing or as a medical intervention. Specifically, what biophysical and network mechanisms allow for weak electric fields to strongly influence neuronal activity and function? How can strong and weak fields induce meaningful changes in CNS function? How do abnormal endogenous electric fields contribute to pathophysiology? Topics included in the review range from the role of field effects in cortical oscillations, transcranial electrical stimulation, deep brain stimulation, modeling of field effects, and the role of field effects in neurological diseases such as epilepsy, hemifacial spasm, trigeminal neuralgia, and multiple sclerosis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Shennan Aibel Weiss; Marom Bikson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ephaptic", "transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)", "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation", "brain oscillation", "stimulation", "Systems neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1234/open-questions-on-the-mechanisms-of-neuromodulation-with-applied-and-endogenous-electric-fields"], ["title", "Open questions on the mechanisms of neuromodulation with applied and endogenous electric fields"], ["doab_id", "17702"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193738"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193738"]], [["description", "Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice' brings together authors and researchers in the field of open-source archaeology, defined as encompassing the ethical imperative for open public access to the results of publicly-funded research; practical solutions to open-data projects; open-source software applications in archaeology; public information sharing projects in archaeology; open-GIS; and the open-context system of data management and sharing. This edited volume is designed to discuss important issues around open access to data and software in academic and commercial archaeology, as well as to summarise both the current state of theoretical engagement, and technological development in the field of open-archaeology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edwards, Ben; Wilson, Andrew T. "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Archaeology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/460080"], ["title", "Open Source Archaeology. Ethics and Practice"], ["doab_id", "17968"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110440164", "9783110440171", "9783110470635"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110440164, 9783110440171, 9783110470635"]], [["description", "Archaeology---Open source---Software---archeologica(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bae)

Nel pomeriggio dell\u20198 maggio 2006, a conclusione della prima edizione del workshop \"Open source, free software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologici\", proponemmo di ripetere la fruttuosa esperienza appena conclusa a Grosseto. Come gruppo IOSA, facente capo all\u2019Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri, avevamo preliminarmente ottenuto la disponibilit\u00e0 da parte della sezione di Genova (di cui era allora presidente il prof. Tiziano Mannoni) a ospitare una seconda edizione dell\u2019incontro. Il workshop del 2007 doveva costituire (e ha costituito) una prosecuzione delle discussioni avviate nel 2006 sull'uso e sviluppo di software libero e open source in tutti gli ambiti dell'archeologia, a cui sono dedicati la maggior parte degli interventi qui pubblicati. A Genova, inoltre, per la prima volta nella storia di questi incontri, fu avviato un dibattito sulle modalit\u00e0 di accesso e disseminazione dei dati archeologici all'interno della comunit\u00e0 scientifica, che si \u00e8 rivelato centrale negli anni successivi."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Costa ,Stefano; Pesce Luca ,Giovanni"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Archaeology", "Open source", "Software", "archeologica"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533883"], ["title", "Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica Atti del II Workshop (Genova, 11 maggio 2007)"], ["doab_id", "15423"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9781909188150"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188150"]], [["description", "A unique resource for educators wishing to develop a workshop model of teaching and learning. Despite the proliferation of virtual learning there is still real value to interaction in the classroom. The authors show how the techniques of the theatrical rehearsal room are applicable and effective across a wide range of disciplines."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicholas Monk; Carol Chillington Rutter; Jonothan Neelands; Jonathan Heron"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662314"], ["title", "Open-space Learning"], ["doab_id", "14363"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662314"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662314"]], [["description", "Modern information and communication technologies, together with a cultural upheaval within the research community, have profoundly changed research in nearly every aspect. Ranging from sharing and discussing ideas in social networks for scientists to new collaborative environments and novel publication formats, knowledge creation and dissemination as we know it is experiencing a vigorous shift towards increased transparency, collaboration and accessibility. Many assume that research workflows will change more in the next 20 years than they have in the last 200. This book provides researchers, decision makers, and other scientific stakeholders with a snapshot of the basics, the tools, and the underlying visions that drive the current scientific (r)evolution, often called \u2018Open Science.\u2019"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "S\u00f6nke Bartling; Sascha Friesike"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Web 2.0 and interoperability", " Scientific micro blogging", " Social networking platforms", " Creative commons", " Dynamic publication formats", " Scientific intellectual property", " Collaborative work", " Scientific wiki", " Open source science", " Open data"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-00025-1"], ["title", "Opening Science: The Evolving Guide on How the Internet is Changing Research, Collaboration and Scholarly Publishing"], ["doab_id", "15596"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319000251", "9783319000268"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319000251 (Print) 9783319000268 (Online)"]], [["description", "The ludic element contributes substantially to the highly entertaining quality of opera buffa. Within the field of opera research, up to now this aspect has been neglected to a large extent. However, the denomination itself of the buffa-genre usual in the 18th century \u2013 \u201cdramma giocoso\u201d \u2013 typifies the central role of the playful element in this opera form. On the basis of play theories derived from different disciplines \u2013 anthropology, psychology, pedagogy and philosophy \u2013 the multilayered moments of play in the opera buffa and its performance context are enucleated by analysing the repertory of Venice, the then \u201ccapital of amusement\u201d. Thereby, the concept of play is used as an interpretive key applied to this cultural phenomenon as a whole.

Das Element des Spielerischen tr\u00e4gt wesentlich zum hohen Unterhaltungswert der Opera buffa bei. Dieser Aspekt ist von der Forschung bisher weitgehend vernachl\u00e4ssigt worden. Dabei weist schon allein die im 18. Jahrhundert \u00fcbliche Gattungsbezeichnung \u201edramma giocoso\u201c auf die zentrale Rolle des Spielerischen in dieser Opernform hin. Auf der Grundlage von Spieltheorien aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen - Anthropologie, Psychologie, P\u00e4dagogik und Philosophie - werden am Repertoire Venedigs, der damaligen \u201eHauptstadt des Vergn\u00fcgens\u201c, die vielschichtigen Momente des Spiels der Opera buffa und ihres Auff\u00fchrungskontexts herausgearbeitet und untersucht. Der Spielbegriff dient dabei als Interpretationsschl\u00fcssel des gesamten Kulturph\u00e4nomens."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schraffl ,Ingrid"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Italian opera, 18th century, Venice, play, play theories", "Italienische Oper, 18. Jahrhundert, Venedig, Spiel, Theorien des Spiels"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507998"], ["title", "Opera buffa und Spielkultur"], ["doab_id", "16507"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795926"]], [["description", "The dissertation investigates in which way the juvenile penal law allows for victim rights. This ques-tion is treated dogmatically and discussed in the lights of an empirical survey made specifically for this dissertation.

Der Gesetzgeber hat die Stellung des Verletzten im Strafverfahren in den letzten Jahrzehnten erheblich ver\u00e4ndert. Die dem Verletzten nach und nach einger\u00e4umten Informations-, Mitwirkungs- und Schutzrechte \u201est\u00f6ren\u201c das klassische Gegen\u00fcber von strafverfolgendem Staat und Angeklagten. In wichtigen Bereichen des Strafverfahrens muss daher eine neue Balance hergestellt werden. Das ist besonders prek\u00e4r im vom Erziehungsgedanken beherrschten Jugendstrafverfahren. Die Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern die Besonderheiten des Jugendstrafverfahrens eine Ber\u00fccksichtigung von Opferrechten zulassen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die dogmatischen Grundlagen einer Einbeziehung des Verletzten in das Jugendstrafverfahren dargestellt und die einzelnen Verletztenrechte ausf\u00fchrlich er\u00f6rtert. \u00dcber die blo\u00df theoretische Diskussion hinaus, wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit der Konflikt zwischen den Verfahrensrechten des Verletzten und der erzieherischen Ausrichtung des Jugendstrafverfahrens empirisch beleuchtet. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Jugendrichter, Jugendstaatsanw\u00e4lte und Strafverteidiger zu ihren Einstellungen, ihren Einsch\u00e4tzungen und ihrer praktischen Handhabung befragt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zapf, Jana Christina"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Criminal Law", "Juvenile criminal law", "Victim Protection", "Criminal Law", "Juvenile criminal law", "Victim Protection"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610202"], ["title", "Opferschutz und Erziehungsgedanke im Jugendstrafverfahren"], ["doab_id", "14595"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950460"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950460"]], [["description", "L\u2019 \u00ab opinion mining \u00bb est en passe de devenir une v\u00e9ritable industrie, tout aussi strat\u00e9gique que celle des sondages. Les promesses avanc\u00e9es sont impressionnantes : la puissance de calcul des outils informatiques permettrait de suivre toutes les \u00e9volutions de l\u2019opinion sur le web en temps r\u00e9el, quel qu\u2019en soit le volume. Plus encore, les capacit\u00e9s de traitement linguistique permettraient de d\u00e9tecter les tonalit\u00e9s de tous les verbatims recueillis, gr\u00e2ce aux m\u00e9thodes dites de \u00ab sentiment analys..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominique Boullier, Audrey Lohard"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Information Science & Library Science, Sociology"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/198"], ["title", "Opinion mining et \u200eSentiment analysis"], ["doab_id", "14774"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821812260", "9782821812277"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821812260 9782821812277"]], [["description", "Nanostructuring of materials is a task at the heart of many modern disciplines in mechanical engineering, as well as optics, electronics, and the life sciences. This book includes an introduction to the relevant nonlinear optical processes associated with very short laser pulses for the generation of structures far below the classical optical diffraction limit of about 200 nanometers as well as coverage of state-of-the-art technical and biomedical applications. These applications include silicon and glass wafer processing, production of nanowires, laser transfection and cell reprogramming, optical cleaning, surface treatments of implants, nanowires, 3D nanoprinting, STED lithography, friction modification, and integrated optics.The book highlights also the use of modern femtosecond laser microscopes and nanoscopes as novel nanoprocessing tools."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Karsten K\u00f6nig; Andreas Ostendorf"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Materials Processing", " Microscopy", " Nanotechnology", " Lasers", " Nonlinear Optics", " Infrared Laser"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/212350"], ["title", "Optically Induced Nanostructures. Biomedical and Technical Applications"], ["doab_id", "17183"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110354324"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110354324"]], [["description", "The field of optomechatronics provides synergistic effects of optics, mechanics and electronics for efficient sensor development. Optical sensors for the measurement of mechanical quantities, equipped with appropriate electronic signal (pre)processing means have a wide range of applications, from surface testing, stress monitoring, thin film analysis to biochemical sensing. The aim of this special issue is to provide an overview of actual research and innovative applications of optomechatronics in sensors. Papers addressing, inter alia, optical sensor principles, fiber-optic sensors, electronic speckle pattern interferometry, surface analysis, thin film measurement, FGB sensors, and biochemical sensors are provided."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["optical sensor, fiber-optic sensor, speckle effect monitoring, surface analysis, thin film measurement, fiber-Bragg grating sensor, biochemical sensor"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/24"], ["title", "Optomechatronics"], ["doab_id", "19042"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420019", "9783038420088"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420019/9783038420088"]], [["description", "Ruth Finnegan\u2019s Oral Literature in Africa was first published in 1970, and since then has been widely praised as one of the most important books in its field. Based on years of fieldwork, the study traces the history of storytelling across the continent of Africa.This revised edition makes Finnegan\u2019s ground-breaking research available to the next generation of scholars. It includes a new introduction, additional images and an updated bibliography, as well as its original chapters on poetry, prose, \"drum language\" and drama, and an overview of the social, linguistic and historical background of oral literature in Africa. Oral Literature in Africa has been accessed by hundreds of readers in over 60 different countries, including Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and numerous other African countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Finnegan, Ruth (Author); Turin, Mark (Foreword)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Oral literature", "African culture", "Orality", "Unglue.it", "Storytelling", "Limba", "Sierra Leone"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/97"], ["title", "Oral Literature in Africa"], ["doab_id", "15202"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924713"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924713"]], [["description", "Thanks to ever-greater digital connectivity, interest in oral traditions has grown beyond that of researcher and research subject to include a widening pool of global users. When new publics consume, manipulate and connect with field recordings and digital cultural archives, their involvement raises important practical and ethical questions. This volume explores the political repercussions of studying marginalised languages; the role of online tools in ensuring responsible access to sensitive cultural materials; and ways of ensuring that when digital documents are created, they are not fossilized as a consequence of being archived. Fieldwork reports by linguists and anthropologists in three continents provide concrete examples of overcoming barriers\u2014ethical, practical and conceptual\u2014in digital documentation projects. Oral Literature in the Digital Age is an essential guide and handbook for ethnographers, field linguists, community activists, curators, archivists, librarians, and all who connect with indigenous communities in order to document and preserve oral traditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Turin, Mark (Editor); Wheeler, Claire (Editor); Wilkinson, Eleanor (Editor)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Oral literature", "orality", "online tools", "digital cultural archives", "marginalised languages", "ethnography", "linguistics"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/186"], ["title", "Oral Literature in the Digital Age: Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities"], ["doab_id", "15435"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254312"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254312"]], [["description", "The oral cavity harbors an immense diversity of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, archaea, protozoa and viruses. At health, oral microbial community is thought to be in a state of homeostasis, even after numerous perturbations (e.g., toothbrushing, food intake) a day. The breach in this homeostasis can occur for instance if the perturbations become too excessive (e.g., frequent carbohydrate intake leading to acidification of the community) or the host is compromised (e.g., inadequate immune response resulting in persistent inflammation of periodontal tissue). Aggressive antimicrobial therapy (e.g., antibiotics in case of periodontal disease or preventive antibiotic therapy before and after dental extractions) is commonly applied with all the negative consequences of this approach. So far little is known on the interplay between the environmental, host and microbial factors in maintaining an ecological balance. What are the prerequisites for a healthy oral ecosystem? Can we restore an unbalanced oral microbiome? How stable is the oral microbiome through time and how robust it is to external perturbations? Gaining new insights in the ecological factors sustaining oral health will lead to conceptually new therapies and preventive programs. Recent advances in high throughput technologies have brought microbiology as a science to a new era, allowing an open-ended approach instead of focusing on few opportunistic pathogens. With this topic we would like to integrate the current high-throughput \u2018omics\u2019 tools such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics or metabolomics with biochemical, physiological, genetic or clinical parameters within the oral microbial ecosystem. We aim to address questions underlying the regulation of the ecological balance in the oral cavity by including the following areas: \u2022 Ecology of oral microbiome at health \u2022 Ecology of oral microbiome under oral diseases \u2022 Ecology of oral microbiome during non-oral diseases \u2022 Shifts in the oral microbiome by therapeutic approaches (e.g., antimicrobials, replacement therapy, pre- and probiotics) \u2022 Modeling of oral ecological shifts (e.g., animal models, in vitro microcosm models) \u2022 Complex inter- and intra-kingdom interactions (e.g., bacterial-fungal-host) related to oral ecology \u2022 Environmental (e.g., diet, tobacco), host-related (e.g., immune response, saliva composition and flow) and biotic (e.g., bacterial competition) factors influencing oral ecology \u2022 Geographic variation in oral microbial ecology and diversity"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Egija Zaura; Alex Mira"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["horizontal gene transfer", "Fungal bacterial interactions", "Quorum Sensing", "Immune System", "Dental Plaque", "Biofilm", "Oral ecology", "metatranscriptomics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1852/the-oral-microbiome-in-an-ecological-perspective"], ["title", "The oral microbiome in an ecological perspective"], ["doab_id", "18563"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195763"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195763"]], [["description", "Theater direction is today more unfettered, the sphere of artistic possibilities more open, than ever before. Creative chaos on all sides? Not really.Denis H\u00e4nzi investigates how old ideals and new realities in the German-language theatrical landscape are deriving from the interplay between individual working methods and institutional configurations. Extrapolating on Bourdieu's concept of habitus/field, he develops a theory of charisma which provides an innovative approach to the analysis of contemporary artistic worlds. That the \u00bborder of the theater\u00ab bears visible traits of a culture of success which appears to consolidate the male dominance in directing is just one of the illuminating findings that makes this book fascinating for theater-makers and theater-goers alike.

Die Theaterregie ist heute so entfesselt, der k\u00fcnstlerische M\u00f6glichkeitsraum so offen wie nie. Kreatives Chaos allenthalben? Nicht wirklich.Denis H\u00e4nzi untersucht, wie aus dem Wechselspiel von individuellen Arbeitsweisen und institutionellen Arrangements, alten Idealen und neuen Realit\u00e4ten das Gef\u00fcge der deutschsprachigen Theaterlandschaft hervorgeht. Mit einer charismatheoretischen Erweiterung des Bourdieu'schen Habitus/Feld-Konzepts wird ein innovativer Ansatz zur Analyse gegenw\u00e4rtiger Kunstwelten formuliert.Dass die \u00bbOrdnung des Theaters\u00ab zusehends Z\u00fcge einer Erfolgskultur tr\u00e4gt, welche die m\u00e4nnliche Dominanz im Regieberuf zu verfestigen scheint, ist einer von vielen erhellenden Befunden, die das Buch auch f\u00fcr Theaterschaffende und -interessierte spannend machen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00e4nzi ,Denis"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Gender", "Arts", "Theatre", "Theatre Studies", "Sociology of Culture", "Gender Studies", "Beruf", "Charisma", "Geschlecht", "Kunst", "Theaterregie", "Habitus", "Feld", "Bourdieu", "Theater", "Theaterwissenschaft", "Kultursoziologie", "Gender Studies"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579940"], ["title", "Die Ordnung des Theaters. Eine Soziologie der Regie"], ["doab_id", "17728"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783837623420", "9783839423424"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837623420 9783839423424"]], [["description", "A group of international top scientists from a diversity of disciplines sat together for five days with artists, designers, and entrepreneurs to develop a trans-disciplinary theory of creativity. Organic Creativity and the Physics Within assumes that creativity is a quality of nature visible in physics as well as in psychology, its basis being combinatorics, coincidence, complementarity, and fractal emergence. The authors prompt a mechanism cutting through particle physics, perception, psychology, and culminating into playfulness. Organic Creativity and the Physics Within connects us to the universality of nature's creativeness."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Johan F. Hoorn; Mea M. M. Lowcre"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/z.179"], ["title", "Organic Creativity and the Physics Within "], ["doab_id", "15484"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027212030"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027212030"]], [["description", "Over the last few years Organic Semiconducting industry showed significant growth in many areas dominated by conventional electronics. The foremost advantage of organic materials is that they are cheap, lightweight and flexible. In addition, the fabrication of organic materials from a defined molecular precursor using inkjet\u2212printing technology is simple, bypassing the need for advanced semiconductor processing techniques. Organic thin films have already found confirmed and reliable applications in flexible displays, solar cells and biomedical applications, including implantable devices. Low cost materials, compatible with current organic electronic fabrication techniques and which improve device performance are in strong demand.This special issue of Organic Semiconductors covers Materials, Fabrication Techniques, Characterization, Devices and market adoption of Organic Semiconductors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["organic field effect transistors, organic light emitting diodes, organic solar cells, implantable devices, biomaterials, flexible electronics, charge transport, charge transporting materials"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/126"], ["title", "Organic Semiconductors"], ["doab_id", "17508"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980966", "9783906980973"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980966/9783906980973"]], [["description", "The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts form the oldest sizable body of religious texts in the world. Discovered in the late nineteenth century, they had been inscribed on the interior stone walls of the pyramid tombs of third-millennium kings and queens. From their content it is clear that they were concerned with the afterlife state of the tomb owner, but the historical meaning of their emergence has been poorly understood. This book weds traditional philological approaches to linguistic anthropology in order to associate them with two spheres of human action: mortuary cult and personal preparation for the afterlife. Monumentalized as hieroglyphs in the tomb, their function was now one step removed from the human events that had motivated their original production."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hays ,Harold M. "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Egyptology", "ancient Egyptian religion", "history of religions", "linguistic anthropology", "performance theory", "quantitative analysis", "redaction criticism", "religious studies", "ritual studies", "speech act theory"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=421591"], ["title", "The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition"], ["doab_id", "15080"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004218659", "9789004227491"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004218659 9789004227491"]], [["description", "On account of its focus on unique 16th- and 17th-century Safavid (Persia, Iran) and Mamluk (Egypt, Kairo) carpets and their specific provenances, the collection of Oriental carpets of the MAK\u2014Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in Vienna\u2014is one of the most famous of its kind. However, the museum never appointed a specialized curator for its Orient Collection; this is perhaps one of the reasons why an inventory catalog did not appear until 2001. Most of the world-famous pieces originally belonged to the Imperial House of Habsburg and ultimately found their way into the museum after the end of the monarchy. In 1868, the museum itself began collecting in this sector. The carpets from a third source, the \u201cKaiserliches K\u00f6nigliches Handels Museum\u201d [Imperial Royal Austrian Trade Museum], were purchased in 1907. This diverse background has had a formative influence on the specific structure of the Vienna collection. Mamluk Carpets are among the highlights of the Viennese collection, especially celebrated for the sole silk Mamluk Carpet existing in the world today. Equally famous and precious are the 16th-century silk Hunting Carpet, a Herat Scrolling Vine and Animal Carpet, a so-called Portuguese Carpet, several Isfahan carpets, carpets from the Ottoman court workshop, among them the Vienna niche rug and an Indian landscape carpet, also the renowned Indian Millefleur carpet. The catalogue contains the one hundred-and-fifty pieces from the Vienna collection starting with five Mamluk Carpets, followed by five Ottoman pieces (Turkey, Istanbul), one small so-called chessboard carpet, nineteen Anatolian carpets and fifteen Iranian carpets from different regions. There are four Indian rugs and rug fragments and seventeen rugs from Central Asia, also one Moroccan piece. The catalogue meticulously characterizes every carpet and locates and dates every piece. It states the provenance and measurements, also important technical details such as the thread material of warp, weft and knots, the knot count, and the condition of sides and ends of each rug. Every carpet is shown in full length. The most important ones are pictured with several details. The introduction describes the history of the Vienna Carpet Collection, followed by extensive captions to every carpet in the collection. The catalogue continues with a list of lost pieces, a glossary, an extensive bibliography, and finishes with the concordance of the catalogue entries with the acquisition numbers.

Der vorliegende Katalog der orientalischen Kn\u00fcpfteppiche des \u00d6sterreichischen Museums f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst (MAK) ist der erste Katalog, der zu dem wertvollen Bestand der Textilsammlung des Museums erscheint. 150 Kn\u00fcpfteppiche aus \u00c4gypten, der T\u00fcrkei, aus Syrien, Persien und Indien, dem Kaukasus und aus Zentralasien werden beschrieben und entsprechend der aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse wissenschaftlich bestimmt sowie technisch, ihrem Material und ihrer Kn\u00fcpfung nach analysiert. Neben einer zusammenfassenden Beschreibung wird jeder Teppich in seinen historischen, lokalen, zeitlichen, formalen und technischen Zusammenhang eingeordnet und mit Orientteppichen in anderen Sammlungen verglichen. Die Einleitung beschreibt die sehr spezifische Sammlungsgeschichte, der ein Katalog der 150 Teppiche nach regionaler und chronologischer Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit folgt. Diesem ist eine umfangreiche Bibliographie angef\u00fcgt. Glossar, Konkordanz nach Inventarnummern und Register runden das Werk ab. Der weltber\u00fchmte, in seiner Gesamtheit aber bislang unbekannte Bestand an orientalischen Kn\u00fcpfteppichen der Wiener Sammlung wird so bearbeitet und vorgestellt und vermittelt ein pr\u00e4zises und dem aktuellen Forschungsstand entsprechendes Bild der Wiener Orientteppichsammlung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "V\u00f6lker ,Angela"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Safavid carpet, Mamluk carpet, Anatolian carpet, Ottoman carpet, MAK, Habsburg, Vienna Carpet Collection", "Museums f\u00fcr angewandte Kunst, Kn\u00fcpfteppiche"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=473031"], ["title", "Die orientalischen Kn\u00fcpfteppiche im MAK"], ["doab_id", "15967"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993919"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993919"]], [["description", "Esta obra indaga en la aportaci\u00f3n de la historiograf\u00eda como g\u00e9nero propio a la construcci\u00f3n ideol\u00f3gica y cultural de los nacionalismos de estado. La autora se ocupa del periodo cronol\u00f3gico que abarca entre 1843 y 1868, y lo hace persiguiendo dilucidar este asunto a trav\u00e9s de la obra producida en las c\u00e1tedras de diversas disciplinas human\u00edsticas existentes en la Universidad de Madrid a mediados del siglo XIX. En concreto, la indagaci\u00f3n se conduce hacia un plano sin duda interesante, el del orientalismo espa\u00f1ol, que antes se hab\u00eda ignorado casi del todo para esa misma \u00e9poca, iniciando con ello la exploraci\u00f3n intensa de datos y experiencias culturales cruzadas \u2014deliberadamente selectos unos y no homog\u00e9neas otras\u2014, para tentar el contraste de interpretaciones y, acaso m\u00e1s, atreverse a un principio de reformulaci\u00f3n."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rivi\u00e8re G\u00f3mez, Aurora"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Nacionalismo", "Espa\u00f1a", "Oriente Medio", "Pa\u00edses \u00e1rabes", "Jud\u00edos", "Nationalism", "Spain", "Middle East", "Arab countries", "Jews"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7905/03_Orientalismo-nacional.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Orientalismo y Nacionalismo Espa\u00f1ol: estudios \u00e1rabes y hebreos en la Universidad de Madrid (1843-1868)"], ["doab_id", "16163"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481556483"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481556483"]], [["description", "Questo libro presenta i risultati della ricerca-azione \u201cSostenere l\u2019inserimento lavorativo delle fasce deboli dei disabili della Provincia di Bolzano\u201d, promossa e finanziata dalla Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano a valere sul suo Programma Operativo del Fondo Sociale Europeo 2007- 2013, obiettivo Occupazione e Competitivit\u00e0. Lo studio \u00e8 stato condotto dalla cooperativa sociale Independent L. Onlus e dalla societ\u00e0 Laboratorio per lo Sviluppo Economico Regionale Srl (LaSER), e ha visto l\u2019impegno di un gruppo di ricerca composto da Alessandro Ceredi (con funzioni di coordinamento operativo), Francesco Gagliardi e Stefano Boffo (con compiti di supervisione scientifica), Heide Ulrike Avi, Davide Baldassari, Enzo Dellantonio, Thomas Emmenegger, Monica Fontana, Sandra Funaro, Daniela Gallegati, Lorella Molteni, Cristina Oteri, Barbara Pietrini, Francesco Pirone, Alexandra Prast, Priscilla Ritter, Marina Setti. La ricerca \u00e8 stata monitorata e periodicamente valutata da un Comitato scientifico composto da Antonio Sebastiani, Mauro Chiarel e Lorenzo Torresini."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alessandro Ceredi; Enzo Dellantonio; Francesco Gagliardi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Pubblicazione-Orientare-i-disabili-al-lavoro_2.pdf"], ["title", "Orientare i disabili al lavoro"], ["doab_id", "15549"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051274"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051274"]], [["description", "La presente obra es una colecci\u00f3n de documentos americanos de car\u00e1cter constitucional producidos durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. Los cien documentos que forman el corpus comparten determinadas caracter\u00edsticas comunes. Desdesu aspecto temporal, todos se produjeron con anterioridad a la redacci\u00f3n de la Constituci\u00f3n de los Estados Unidos de 1787. Aunque muchos se produjeron en Inglaterra, todos est\u00e1n directamente relacionados con las colonias brit\u00e1nicas que inicialmente formaron los Estados Unidos y con \u00e9stos una vez independizados,marcando as\u00ed un claro l\u00edmite espacial. Todos son de car\u00e1cter jur\u00eddico: unos de forma propia como leyes y estatutos, y otros como contratos privados que transfieren potestades atribuidas por los primeros. Todos tienen, adem\u00e1s, un car\u00e1cter constitucional; es decir, tratan de la organizaci\u00f3n del poder o el reconocimiento de derechos y libertades. Para mayor conveniencia de los lectores, se presentan en su versi\u00f3n original en ingl\u00e9s y traducidos al castellano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Grau, Luis"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History of law", "United States of America", "Sources of law", "Historia del derecho", "Estados Unidos", "Fuentes del derecho"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/5669/Origenes_constitucionalismo_americano_v3.pdf?sequence=7"], ["title", "Or\u00edgenes del constitucionalismo americano: corpus documental biling\u00fce. Periodo Revolucionario, 1765-1787. Volumen 3"], ["doab_id", "16121"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498498134", "9788498498165"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498498134 (Obra completa);9788498498165 (Vol. 3)"]], [["description", "De novo venho salientar o car\u00e1ter l\u00f3gico deste texto, meu interesse fundamental em compreender a viabilidade da dial\u00e9tica. Se passo por uma leitura do jovem Marx, \u00e9 para investigar a validade duma dial\u00e9tica que toma como ponto de partida a categoria do homem como ser gen\u00e9rico na qualidade de universal concreto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giannotti, Jos\u00e9 Arthur"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/n22qp"], ["title", "Origens da dial\u00e9tica do trabalho: estudo sobre a l\u00f3gica do jovem Marx "], ["doab_id", "16335"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820441"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820441"]], [["description", "The peroxisome is an organelle with essential roles in lipid metabolism, maintenance of reactive oxygen species homeostasis, and anaplerotic replenishment of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates destined for mitochondria. Peroxisomes constitute a dynamic endomembrane system. The homeostatic state of this system is upheld via two pathways for assembling and maintaining the diverse peroxisomal compartments constituting it; the relative contribution of each pathway to preserving such system may vary in different organisms and under various physiological conditions. One pathway begins with the targeting of certain peroxisomal membrane proteins to an endoplasmic reticulum template and their exit from the template via pre-peroxisomal carriers; these carriers mature into metabolically active peroxisomes containing the entire complement of membrane and matrix proteins. Another pathway operates via growth and maturation of pre-existing peroxisomal precursors that do not originate from the endoplasmic reticulum; mature peroxisomes proliferate by undergoing fission. Recent studies have uncovered new roles for the peroxisomal endomembrane system in orchestrating important developmental decisions and defining organismal longevity. This Frontiers Special Topic Issue is focused on the advances in our understanding of how evolutionarily distant organisms coordinate the formation, maturation, proliferation, maintenance, inheritance and quality control of the peroxisomal endomembrane system and how peroxisomal endomembranes communicate with other cellular compartments to orchestrate complex biological processes and various developmental programs from inside the cell."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vladimir I. Titorenko; Richard A. Rachubinski"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["peroxisome", "Lipid Metabolism", "Reactive Oxygen Species", "peroxisome biogenesis", "Endoplasmic Reticulum", "peroxisomal endomembrane system", "development", "Aging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1057/origin-and-spatiotemporal-dynamics-of-the-peroxisomal-endomembrane-system"], ["title", "Origin and spatiotemporal dynamics of the peroxisomal endomembrane system"], ["doab_id", "18715"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194643"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194643"]], [["description", "The firms and markets of today's complex socio-economic system developed in a spontaneous process termed evolution, in just the same way as the universe, the solar system, the Earth and all that lives upon it. Darwin's theory of evolution clearly demonstrated that evolution involved increasing organization. As we began to explore the molecular basis of life and its evolution, it became equally clear that it depended on the processing and communication of information. This book develops a consistent theory of evolution in its wider sense, examining the information based laws and forces that drive it. Exploring subjects as diverse as economics and the theories of thermodynamics, the author revisits the paradox of the apparent conflict between the laws of thermodynamics and evolution to arrive at a systems theory, tracing a continuous line of evolving information sets that connect the Big-Bang to the firms and markets of our current socio-economic system."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roels ,J.A"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["socio-economic system", "human evolution", "industrial evolution", "thermodynamics", "economic theory"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413210"], ["title", "The Origin and the Evolution of Firms : Information as a Driving Force"], ["doab_id", "14799"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607509561"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607509561"]], [["description", "Plasma cells (PCs) are terminally differentiated B-cells producing large amounts of immunoglobulins (Ig). In humans, most of circulating Ig are produced by bone marrow plasma cells. PCs differentiate from activated na\u00efve or memory B-cells usually activated by specific antigens. It is still controversial whether the regulation of PCs numbers and the \u201cactive\u201d in vivo Ig diversity depend or not on non-specific reactivation of B-cells during infections. Depending on the stimulus (T-independent/T-dependent antigen, cytokines, partner cells) and B-cell types (na\u00efve or memory, circulating or germinal center, lymph nodes or spleen, B1 or B2...), both the phenotype and isotype of PCs differ suggesting that PC diversity is either linked to B-cell diversity or to the type of stimulus or to both. Knowledge of the mechanisms supporting PC diversity has important consequences for the management of i) plasma cell neoplasia such as Multiple Myeloma and Waldenstr\u00f6m's Macroglobulinemia, ii) vaccine protection against pathogens and iii) auto-immune diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Catherine Pellat-Deceunynck; Thierry Defrance"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Plasma cell", "B-cell", "differentiation", "Cell Cycle", "IL21", "Autophagy", "B1", "Autoimmunity", "Myeloma"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1504/the-origin-of-the-plasma-cell-heterogeneity"], ["title", "The Origin of the Plasma Cell Heterogeneity"], ["doab_id", "18857"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197347"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197347"]], [["description", "Short non-coding RNA molecules, microRNAs (miRNAs), post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression in living cells. In recent years, miRNAs have been found in a wide spectrum of mammalian body fluids including blood plasma, saliva, urine, milk, seminal plasma, tears and amniotic fluid as extracellular circulating nuclease-resistant entities. The changes in miRNA spectra observed in certain fluids correlated with various pathological conditions suggesting that extracellular miRNAs can serve as informative biomarkers for certain diseases including cancer. However, the mechanism of generation and a biological role of extracellular miRNAs remain unclear. The current theories regarding extracellular miRNA origin and function suggest that these miRNAs can be either non-specific 'by-products' of cellular activity and cell death or specifically released cell-cell signaling messengers. The goal of this Research Topic is to bring together up-to-date knowledge about the extracellular miRNA and its role in disease diagnostics and, possibly, inter-cellular communication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrey Turchinovich; William Cho"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["circulating miRNA", "extracellular miRNA", "exosomal miRNA", "Argonaute Proteins", "cell-cell communication", "biological fluids", "blood plasma", "blood serum"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1100/the-origin-function-and-diagnostic-potential-of-extracellular-microrna-in-human-body-fluids"], ["title", "The origin, function and diagnostic potential of extracellular microRNA in human body fluids"], ["doab_id", "17653"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192427"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192427"]], [["description", "This collection is a timely intervention in national debates about what constitutes original or plagiarized writing in the digital age. Somewhat ironically, the Internet makes it both easier to copy and easier to detect copying. The essays in this volume explore the complex issues of originality, imitation, and plagiarism, particularly as they concern students, scholars, professional writers, and readers, while also addressing a range of related issues, including copyright conventions and the ownership of original work, the appropriate dissemination of innovative ideas, and the authority and role of the writer/author. Throughout these essays, the contributors grapple with their desire to encourage and maintain free access to copyrighted material for noncommercial purposes while also respecting the reasonable desires of authors to maintain control over their own work. Both novice and experienced teachers of writing will learn from the contributors' practical suggestions about how to fashion unique assignments, teach about proper attribution, and increase students' involvement in their own writing. This is an anthology for anyone interested in how scholars and students can navigate the sea of intellectual information that characterizes the digital/information age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Caroline Eisner; Martha Vicinus"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Plagiarism", "Imitation in literature", "Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)", "Authorship-Study and teaching"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5653382.0001.001"], ["title", "Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Age of the Internet"], ["doab_id", "14499"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070343", "9780472070343", "9780472050345", "9780472050345"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472070343 0472070347 9780472050345 0472050346"]], [["description", "Explores the origins and foundations of music education across five continents."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gordon Cox; Robin Stevens"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545084"], ["title", "The Origins and Foundations of Music Education"], ["doab_id", "17117"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545084"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545084"]], [["description", "\u00c9 a um ensaio de sistematiza\u00e7\u00e3o destes estudos que consagro o presente livro, destinando-o ao conhecimento de uma das preliminares do problema, a hist\u00f3ria dos Negros colonizadores. [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Raymundo Nina"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mmtct"], ["title", "Os africanos no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "16648"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820106"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820106"]], [["description", "Trata das id\u00e9ias e viv\u00eancias da loucura presentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1830 e 1930, per\u00edodo em que foi apropriada e transformada pelos alienistas em doen\u00e7a mental. Por meio da narrativa das v\u00e1rias tramas de personagens famosos por sua ves\u00e2nia e aprisionados nas malhas da doen\u00e7a mental, a autora delineia um panorama hist\u00f3rico da loucura, passando pela an\u00e1lise das condi\u00e7\u00f5es de enclausuramento \u00e0s quais grande parte dos indiv\u00edduos suspeitos e/ou diagnosticados como doentes mentais ficariam sujeitos a partir da cria\u00e7\u00e3o do Hosp\u00edcio de Pedro II. Fundamental para leigos e acad\u00eamicos, assinala o momento em que os m\u00e9dicos brasileiros come\u00e7ariam a reivindicar para si a responsabilidade sobre a loucura, defendendo a necessidade da constru\u00e7\u00e3o de hosp\u00edcios onde os alienados mentais pudessem ser recolhidos e tratados convenientemente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Engel, Magali Gouveia"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Transtornos mentais - hist\u00f3ria, Hospitais psiqui\u00e1tricos - tend\u00eancias, Desinstitucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7htrv"], ["title", "Os del\u00edrios da raz\u00e3o: m\u00e9dicos, loucos e hosp\u00edcios (Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1930) "], ["doab_id", "16399"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412534"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412534"]], [["description", "O zo\u00f3logo, bot\u00e2nico e m\u00e9dico alem\u00e3o Langsdorff foi o mentor dessa grandiosa aventura naturalista: entre 1821 e 1829, conduziu um grupo de pesquisadores e desenhistas por uma viagem de 17 mil quil\u00f4metros, estudando a fauna, a flora e o modo de vida do interior do Brasil. Os registros, em textos e ilustra\u00e7\u00f5es, dessas cenas at\u00e9 ent\u00e3o in\u00e9ditas da natureza brasileira est\u00e3o contidos nesses tr\u00eas primeiros volumes. Um quarto e \u00faltimo volume - contendo mapas e reprodu\u00e7\u00f5es fac-similares de documentos originais - est\u00e1 em fase de preparo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Danuzio Gil Bernardino da (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Expedi\u00e7\u00e3o Langsdorff, Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich, 1774-1852, Expedi\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas ao Brasil, Hist\u00f3ria do Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q5cc4"], ["title", "Os di\u00e1rios de Langsdorff - Vol. 1 "], ["doab_id", "16402"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412442"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412442"]], [["description", " zo\u00f3logo, bot\u00e2nico e m\u00e9dico alem\u00e3o Langsdorff foi o mentor dessa grandiosa aventura naturalista: entre 1821 e 1829, conduziu um grupo de pesquisadores e desenhistas por uma viagem de 17 mil quil\u00f4metros, estudando a fauna, a flora e o modo de vida do interior do Brasil. Os registros, em textos e ilustra\u00e7\u00f5es, dessas cenas at\u00e9 ent\u00e3o in\u00e9ditas da natureza brasileira est\u00e3o contidos nesses tr\u00eas primeiros volumes. Um quarto e \u00faltimo volume - contendo mapas e reprodu\u00e7\u00f5es fac-similares de documentos originais - est\u00e1 em fase de preparo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Danuzio Gil Bernardino da (org.)"], ["date", "1993"], ["subject", ["Expedi\u00e7\u00e3o Langsdorff, Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich, 1774-1852, Expedi\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas ao Brasil, Hist\u00f3ria do Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hwhyp"], ["title", "Os di\u00e1rios de Langsdorff - Vol. 2"], ["doab_id", "16403"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412459"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412459"]], [["description", "O zo\u00f3logo, bot\u00e2nico e m\u00e9dico alem\u00e3o Langsdorff foi o mentor dessa grandiosa aventura naturalista: entre 1821 e 1829, conduziu um grupo de pesquisadores e desenhistas por uma viagem de 17 mil quil\u00f4metros, estudando a fauna, a flora e o modo de vida do interior do Brasil. Os registros, em textos e ilustra\u00e7\u00f5es, dessas cenas at\u00e9 ent\u00e3o in\u00e9ditas da natureza brasileira est\u00e3o contidos nesses tr\u00eas primeiros volumes. Um quarto e \u00faltimo volume - contendo mapas e reprodu\u00e7\u00f5es fac-similares de documentos originais - est\u00e1 em fase de preparo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Danuzio Gil Bernardino da (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Expedi\u00e7\u00e3o Langsdorff, Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich, 1774-1852, Expedi\u00e7\u00f5es cient\u00edficas ao Brasil, Hist\u00f3ria do Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pt88n"], ["title", "Os di\u00e1rios de Langsdorff - Vol. 3"], ["doab_id", "16404"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412466"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412466"]], [["description", "O estudo aborda a interven\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica da Companhia de Jesus na hist\u00f3ria recente do Brasil, particularmente no per\u00edodo da ditadura militar. A obra tem import\u00e2ncia decisiva para a compreens\u00e3o do que teria sido a atua\u00e7\u00e3o da Igreja Cat\u00f3lica durante os anos de autoritarismo e viola\u00e7\u00e3o dos direitos humanos. Ao estudar o Centro de Estudos e A\u00e7\u00e3o Social (CEAS), contribui-se para dar relev\u00e2ncia ao papel que essa institui\u00e7\u00e3o teve no enfrentamento da ditadura, trazendo como resultado uma pesquisa consistente, que agrega conhecimento novo e fornece elementos para a compreens\u00e3o da atua\u00e7\u00e3o dos jesu\u00edtas na realidade particular da Bahia. O autor consegue, sem perder o rigor acad\u00eamico, escrever elegantemente, evitando qualquer hermetismo. Pelas caracter\u00edsticas do trabalho, pela metodologia utilizada, pelo rigor na apura\u00e7\u00e3o, esta obra \u00e9 uma refer\u00eancia obrigat\u00f3ria a quem pretende entender o que foi a atua\u00e7\u00e3o da Companhia de Jesus durante a ditadura militar no Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zachariadhes, Grimaldo Carneiro"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4znpy"], ["title", "Os jesu\u00edtas e o apostolado social durante a ditadura militar: a atua\u00e7\u00e3o do CEAS"], ["doab_id", "17265"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208929"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208929"]], [["description", "Quem s\u00e3o os m\u00e9dicos, hoje, em nosso pa\u00eds? De onde v\u00eam, o que pensam, como trabalham e em que condi\u00e7\u00f5es? Recebem devidamente? A recente pesquisa \"Perfil dos M\u00e9dicos no Brasil\", sediada na Escola Nacional de Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica Sergio Arouca (Ensp/Fiocruz), buscou responder a todas estas indaga\u00e7\u00f5es. Este livro analisa os dados oriundos daquela pesquisa. Para melhor trat\u00e1-los, os autores apoiaram-se na teoria sociol\u00f3gica e em s\u00f3lida base emp\u00edrica, diagnosticando de maneira clara e consistente a situa\u00e7\u00e3o atual desses profissionais. Torna-se, assim, refer\u00eancia b\u00e1sica e obrigat\u00f3ria para planejadores, gestores e pesquisadores da sa\u00fade, especialmente os que necessitam compreender aspectos sociodemogr\u00e1ficos, forma\u00e7\u00e3o profissional, mercado de trabalho, \u00e9tica e organiza\u00e7\u00e3o social e pol\u00edtica da corpora\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Machado, Maria Helena (coord.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["M\u00e9dicos-Brasil, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o M\u00e9dica-Brasil, M\u00e9dicos-provis\u00e3o e distribui\u00e7\u00e3o-Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bm9qp"], ["title", "Os m\u00e9dicos no Brasil: um retrato da realidade"], ["doab_id", "16424"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412695"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412695"]], [["description", "O estudo de Carolina Biscalquini Talamoni analisa e interpreta os processos de ensino e aprendizagem engendrados no \u00e2mbito das aulas da disciplina Anatomia Geral e Humana, ministrada a estudantes de cursos de licenciatura em Ci\u00eancias Biol\u00f3gicas. A autora contempla as problem\u00e1ticas relacionadas \u00e0 quest\u00e3o metodol\u00f3gica e \u00e0 familiariza\u00e7\u00e3o dos estudantes com o ambiente do laborat\u00f3rio, de modo a cumprir objetivos que ela considera fundamentais. O primeiro \u00e9 contextualizar a aula do ponto de vista hist\u00f3rico, cultural, psicol\u00f3gico. O segundo \u00e9 produzir uma an\u00e1lise minuciosa da descri\u00e7\u00e3o densa enquanto metodologia de pesquisa pertinente para investiga\u00e7\u00f5es nos campos das Ci\u00eancias Sociais e da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o. Por fim Talamoni almeja demonstrar a descri\u00e7\u00e3o densa enquanto resultado e tamb\u00e9m produto da pesquisa.O primeiro dos cinco cap\u00edtulos do livro, \u201cAnatomia, ensino e entretenimento\u201d traz um hist\u00f3rico da Anatomia no mundo, a fim de proporcionar um panorama geral da constitui\u00e7\u00e3o da disciplina anat\u00f4mica no \u00e2mbito da cultura ocidental. No segundo cap\u00edtulo a autora aborda a hist\u00f3ria da disciplina no Brasil.O cap\u00edtulo tr\u00eas, te\u00f3rico e de revis\u00e3o bibliogr\u00e1fica, procura orientar o leitor sobre os fundamentos do Programa da Descri\u00e7\u00e3o Densa de Clifford Geertz, al\u00e9m e discutir cr\u00edticas ao programa e as possibilidades de observa\u00e7\u00e3o proporcionadas pela metodologia, ainda pouco explorada no campo da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o no Brasil. Em conson\u00e2ncia com as propostas da descri\u00e7\u00e3o densa, o quarto cap\u00edtulo trata dos personagens que compuseram o cen\u00e1rio mais abrangente da descri\u00e7\u00e3o propriamente dita, enquanto o \u00faltimo apresenta uma descri\u00e7\u00e3o densa da disciplina Anatomia Geral e Humana."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Talamoni, Ana Carolina Biscalquini"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2s7y9"], ["title", "Os nervos e os ossos do of\u00edcio: uma an\u00e1lise etnol\u00f3gica da aula de Anatomia"], ["doab_id", "19797"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334430"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334430"]], [["description", "Os autores reunidos neste volume v\u00eam h\u00e1 algum tempo estudando a problem\u00e1tica dos partidos pol\u00edticos, do processo pol\u00edtico-eleitoral, e das alternativas institucionais que se abrem diante do atual regime brasileiro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reis, F\u00e1bio Wanderley; Lamounier, Bolivar; Lima Jr., Olavo Brasil de; Trindade, H\u00e9lgio; Cew, Judson de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/45qyc"], ["title", "Os partidos e o regime: a l\u00f3gica do processo eleitoral brasileiro"], ["doab_id", "16680"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662960"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662960"]], [["description", "Intentamos esbo\u00e7ar, palidamente embora, ante o olhar de futuros historiadores, os tra\u00e7os atuais mais expressivos das sub-ra\u00e7as sertanejas do Brasil.[...] [trecho retirado da nota preliminar do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cunha, Euclydes da"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tw4bm"], ["title", "Os sert\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "16687"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820076"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820076"]], [["description", "Children with developmental dyslexia fail to acquire efficient reading and spelling skills despite adequate tuition and an absence of overt sensory and/ or neural deficits. Learning to read and spell requires linguistic skills, auditory skills and visual skills. Oscillatory 'temporal sampling' theory links the development of sensory and linguistic processes. The auditory system 'samples' acoustic information at different temporal rates, which for speech processing suggests that temporal information encoded by delta, theta and gamma oscillations is bound together in the final speech percept. Temporal sampling theory proposed a possible deficit in dyslexia in auditory sampling of the speech signal at syllable-relevant rates (< 10 Hz, delta and theta). This would hypothetically affect prosodic development prior to reading and syllable-based parsing, which would affect efficient linguistic skills and consequently reading development across languages. The visual system also samples information in the visuo-spatial field. In theory atypical visual oscillatory sampling could therefore be related to some of the visual features of developmental dyslexia. In this special issue, we bring together visual and auditory sensory processing studies around the general theme of oscillatory temporal sampling. Contributors were encouraged to discuss their findings within a temporal sampling perspective. The resulting studies cover a wide range of sensory processes, with findings both supporting and contradicting the theory. It is also important to note that studies covered a wide range of languages, and that the behavioural manifestations of a sampling impairment may differ both with language and over the course of development. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to see such diverse findings considered within a single theoretical framework, even if at the same time, it is apparent that an over-arching theoretical framework encompassing both visual and auditory deficits in dyslexia is yet to be achieved."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Usha Goswami; Alan Power; Marie Lallier; Andrea Facoetti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["dyslexia", "reading", "temporal sampling", "oscillations", "visual", "phonology", "auditory", "motion", "attention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1064/oscillatory-temporal-sampling-and-developmental-dyslexia-towards-an-over-arching-theoretical-framewo"], ["title", "Oscillatory \"Temporal Sampling\" and Developmental Dyslexia: Towards an Over-Arching Theoretical Framework"], ["doab_id", "18194"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194391"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194391"]], [["description", "Result of our research is a monographic study dealing with a prominent part of Kokoschka's life and work which has hitherto been regarded too little by scholars. The years of his exile in Prague and particularly in London, where he had to work under a lot of stress and pressure, are the time in which his political allegories came to be. As these works are outside the established canon of art historical development, and as they have no affinity to Surrealism or to Abstract art, scholars have so far spent comparatively less effort to analyse them. This study approaches the group of these works from a transdisciplinary perspective. The authors (G. Sultano is trained historian, P. Werkner art historian) set out from different questions with regard to his oevre and his life. This results in combining the view of a prominent body of Kokoschka's paintings with a biographical perspective set against a political-historical background.The years between 1937 and 1950 were chosen as preliminary structure for a segment of a part of Kokoschka's life and work, in which he was hit to the utmost by the politcal changes of the time. 1937 was picked because of the prominent exhibition which Kokoschka had in that year at the \u00d6sterreichische Museum f\u00fcr Kunst und Industrie in Vienna and also in the travelling exhibition \"Degenerate Art\", which was first opened in Munich. 1950 was picked for various reasons, among them the large overview of Kokoschka's work in the \"Haus der Kunst\" in Munich. By this, the artist was rehabilitated, as it was, at the place of his former degradation.Art historical analysis of Kokoschka's paintings is combined here with poltical history, with reception history and history of institutions, and also with questions regarding the role of the audience. The Viennese exhibition is analysed including studies of some of its proponents, among them the curator Carl Moll, Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer, the maecenas, and the museum's director, Richard Ernst. The show \"Degenerate Art\", which was held at nearly the same time in Munch, is looked upon with reference to the prototype of such \"exhibitions of disgrace\". The role attributed to Kokoschka in the show is also analysed. The auction in Lucerne, in 1939, in which highly prominent works from German museums were sold, shows itself as another variation of his defamation in the \"Reich\".Kokoschka had a prominent role in exile, first in Prague, then in London, where he became a leading figure among emigrants and in antifascist circles. The chapter on the poltical allegories both treats the allegorical group of his works and provides an elemental iconographical view in context. The era of the Cold War, which has also become prominent among art historians in recent years, plays an important role in the reception of Kokoschka's work after WW II. The artist's strenuous relationship to Viennese poltical and art circles is treated here, as well as the story of Kokoschka's portrait of the Viennese mayor Theodor K\u00f6rner. Finally, the question of the artist's relationship to the Salzburg-based art dealer Friedrich Welz is examined, and also his conservative turnaround in the late 40's.The illustrations of the study are also of considerable interest, as they provide another form of insight at several occasions. Kokoschka, the letter-writer, is also being presented in a variety of long quotations. A synchronoptic presentation of political and cultural developments provides with a panorama of the time. A list of the artist's exhibitions, a selection of contemporary critiques in the press, and the literature list provide the scholar with material for further research.

Ergebnis des Forschungsprojekts ist eine monografische Studie \u00fcber einen bisher von der Kunstgeschichte vernachl\u00e4ssigten Bereich in Leben und Werk Oskar Kokoschkas. Die Jahre seines Exils in Prag und vor allem in London, in denen er unter erschwerten Bedingungen arbeitete und lebte, sind die Entstehungszeit seiner politischen Allegorien. Da diese Werke au\u00dferhalb des Kanons der allgemeinen kunstgeschichtlichen Entwicklung liegen, und weder zum Surrealismus noch zur abstrakten Kunst in Affinit\u00e4t stehen, hat die Forschung ihnen bisher vergleichsweise geringe Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Die nun vorliegende Untersuchung n\u00e4hert sich der Werkgruppe der politischen Allegorien aus interdiziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive. Die beiden Verfasser - G. Sultano ist Historikerin, P. Werkner Kunsthistoriker - gingen von unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen aus, soda\u00df als Ergebnis des Projekts sowohl ein zentraler Werkabschnitt des K\u00fcnstlers beleuchtet wird, wie auch ein biographischer Abschnitt Kokoschkas zeitgeschichtlich aufgef\u00e4chert wird.Die Jahre 1937 und 1950 wurden hier als ungef\u00e4hre Grenzen f\u00fcr jenen Lebens- und Arbeitsabschnitt Oskar Kokoschkas gew\u00e4hlt, in dem er durch die weltpolitischen Vorg\u00e4nge aufs st\u00e4rkste betroffen war. 1937 ergab sich als Grenze nach unten, insbesondere im Blick auf die Z\u00e4sur dieses Jahres aufgrund zweier wichtiger Ausstellungen: der Kokoschka-Ausstellung im \u00d6sterreichischen Museum f\u00fcr Kunst und Industrie in Wien und der fast gleichzeitigen Wanderausstellung \"Entartete Kunst\", die von M\u00fcnchen aus ihren Anfang nahm und in der der K\u00fcnstler prominent vertreten war. F\u00fcr die Grenze nach oben gibt es mehrere markante Einschnitte, u. a. die gro\u00dfe Werk\u00fcbersicht von Kokoschkas Schaffen im M\u00fcnchner Haus der Kunst von 1950, die bis dahin bedeutendste im Deutschland der Nachkriegsjahre, womit der K\u00fcnstler am Ort seiner einstigen Diffamierung gleichsam rehabilitiert wurde.Innerhalb dieses Zeitrahmens wird kunsthistorische Werkanalyse mit politischer Geschichte, Rezeptionsgeschichte, Betrachterforschung und Institutionengeschichte verschr\u00e4nkt. Die Wiener Ausstellung von 1937 wird u. a. mit Blick auf den Kurator der Pr\u00e4sentation, Carl Moll, den M\u00e4zen Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer und den Direktor des Museums, Richard Ernst, analysiert. Die Ausstellung \"Entartete Kunst\" wird zun\u00e4chst im Blick auf den Prototyp derartiger \"Schandausstellungen\" untersucht und anschlie\u00dfend die Kokoschka zugewiesene Rolle in der Schau behandelt. Die Luzerner Auktion, in der auch hochbedeutende Werke des K\u00fcnstlers aus deutschen Museen versteigert wurden, zeigt sich als Parallelaktion seiner Diffamierung im \"Reich\".Der anschlie\u00dfende Abschnitt thematisiert die politische T\u00e4tigkeit Kokoschkas zun\u00e4chst im Prager und dann im Londoner Exil, wo er zu einer der f\u00fchrenden Figuren der Exilkreise und des Antifaschismus wurde. Der Abschnitt \u00fcber die politischen Allegorien behandelt die Werkgruppe der entsprechenden Gem\u00e4lde und bringt eine ikonographisch fundierte Gesamtsicht. Die \u00c4ra des Kalten Kriegs, die seit einigen Jahren auch Eingang in kunsthistorische Betrachtungsweisen gefunden hat, spielt bei Kokoschkas Rezeption in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit eine wesentliche Rolle. Hier wird sowohl das problematische Verh\u00e4ltnis von Wiener Kunst- und politischen Instanzen zum K\u00fcnstler behandelt wie auch die Geschichte des Bildnisses des Wiener B\u00fcrgermeisters Theodor K\u00f6rner. Schlie\u00dflich wird die Frage des Verh\u00e4ltnisses zum Salzburger Galeristen Friedrich Welz untersucht und die konservative Wende Kokoschkas in den sp\u00e4ten 40er Jahren behandelt.Eine wesentliche Rolle in der Studie kommt dem Bildmaterial zu, das die Publikation der Ergebnisse anschaulich macht und Zusammenh\u00e4nge vielfach schlagartig erhellt. Der Briefeschreiber Kokoschka kommt in ausf\u00fchrlichen Zitaten zu Wort. Eine Synchronopsis f\u00fchrt politische und kulturelle Chronik des behandelten Zeitraums zusammen. Im Anhang bieten Ausstellungschronik, Presseecho und Bibliografie wertvolle Grundlagen f\u00fcr weiterf\u00fchrende Analysen und Forschungen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Werkner ,Patrick; Sultano ,Gloria"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Oskar Kokoschka, exile, Prague, London"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437217"], ["title", "Oskar Kokoschka"], ["doab_id", "15338"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205770305"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205770305"]], [["description", "The years 1989/1990 saw the fall of the Iron Curtain. Following forty years of significant restrictions, legal and non-bureaucratic travel from East-Central and Eastern European countries was once again possible and travelling and returning to those countries became just as easy. Immediately following the end of the East-West conflict, people from East-Central and Eastern European countries took advantage of their new freedom of travel. Many sought to emigrate to Western countries. However, when faced with such immigration, the euphoria which met the end of the political divisions in the West evaporated quickly. Several polls and surveys, projections and prognoses served to unsettle people more than the reality of immigration. This gave rise to a sometimes blind and specious \u2013 yet nevertheless politically effective \u2013 fear of a new mass migration of peoples. Now, more than ten years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the actual scale and development of the East-West migration in Europe be clearly evaluated. This book attempts to do just that, including a comprehensive overview and eleven country-specific chapters. Each chapter includes a historical review, an account of the most important changes since 1989/1990 and a forecast of future migration developments.

1989/90 fiel der Eiserne Vorhang. Nach mehr als 40 Jahren erheblicher Einschr\u00e4nkungen wurde die legale und unb\u00fcrokratische Anreise aus den Staaten Ostmittel- und Osteuropas wieder m\u00f6glich. Genauso leicht wurde die Ein- und R\u00fcckreise dorthin. Unmittelbar nach Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts begannen die B\u00fcrger Ostmittel- und Osteuropas, von dieser neuen Reisefreiheit Gebrauch zu machen. Etliche versuchten, in ein westliches Land auszuwandern. Angesichts solcher Zuwanderung verflog die Euphorie \u00fcber das Ende der politischen Spaltung Europas im Westen relativ rasch. Mehr noch als die tats\u00e4chliche Migration beunruhigten aber diverse Umfragen, Hochrechnungen und Prognosen die \u00f6ffentliche Meinung. Es entstand eine teilweise unreflektierte und vordergr\u00fcndige, aber politisch h\u00f6chst wirksame Angst vor einer neuen V\u00f6lkerwanderung in Europa. Mehr als zehn Jahre nach dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs k\u00f6nnen nun tats\u00e4chliche Gr\u00f6\u00dfe und Entwicklung der Ost-West-Wanderung in Europa klar abgesch\u00e4tzt werden. Damit befasst sich dieses Buch. Es enth\u00e4lt eine \u00dcbersichtsdarstellung und elf L\u00e4nderkapitel. Diese beinhalten jeweils einen historischen R\u00fcckblick, eine Darstellung der wichtigsten Ver\u00e4nderungen seit 1989/90 und eine Einsch\u00e4tzung der zuk\u00fcnftigen Migrationsentwicklung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fassmann ,Heinz; M\u00fcnz ,Rainer"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Migration, European Migration, European East-West Migration, Fall of the Iron Curtain, Migration Policy, Labour Migration, Asylum Seeker Migration, Ethnical Migration", "Migration, Europ\u00e4ische Migration, Europ\u00e4ische Ost-West Migration, Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs, Migrations-Politik, Arbeitskr\u00e4fte-Wanderung, Asylsuchende Migration, etnische Migration"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472310"], ["title", "Ost-West-Wanderung in Europa"], ["doab_id", "15958"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205987253"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205987253"]], [["description", "The authors have taken as target of the research project to draw up a picture of the architectural influences and the heritage of the Danubian Monarchy in Bulgaria at the turn of the century. On this way one unknown site of the architecture of the Danubian Monarchy is being cleared up.The contribution of the specialists from the Danubian Monarchy and of the Bulgarian architects educated there is being presented in the first part of the research project. The study starts out from the complex and multifarious cultural context of the European turn of the century and the political changes in southeastern Europe at this time. The decisive contribution of the specialists from the Monarchy in the field of urban design is being duplicated. The architectural influences of the Monarchy are studied in the finale chapter. The phenomenon of the willing acceptance of strange cultural elements is being explained. A chapter is devoted to the specific phenomenon of the Bulgarian National Romantic because there are detected important contributions of graduates from the architectural schools of the Monarchy.In the second part of the research project the fundamental information to the different architects and artists is being summarised in a catalogue. There are biographic descriptions of 66 persons, a listing of works and their illustrations, as well as the resources of information to be found. The work is illustrated with a maximum number of authentic documents. The shorten text consists of 171 sites and is illustrated with 338 pictures.In conclusion it is established that the search for the architectural heritage of the Danubian Monarchy in Bulgaria at the same time a search for the roots of the academic architecture in Bulgaria is.

Die Verfasser haben sich das Ziel gesetzt, ein Bild der Architektureinfl\u00fcsse und des baulichen Erbes der Donaumonarchie in Bulgarien zu erstellen. Dadurch wird eine in \u00f6sterreichischen Kulturkreisen wenig bekannte Seite der Architektur der Donaumonarchie aufgedeckt.Im ersten Teil des Forschungsprojekts wird der Beitrag der Fachleute aus der Donaumonarchie und der dort ausgebildeten bulgarischen Architekten geschildert. Ausgegangen wird vom komplexen und vielf\u00e4ltigen Kulturkontext der europ\u00e4ischen Jahrhundertwende und den politischen Geschehnissen in S\u00fcdosteuropa. Es wird der ausschlaggebende Beitrag der Fachleute aus der Donaumonarchie f\u00fcr den St\u00e4dtebau thematisiert im letzten Abschnitt werden die Architektureinfl\u00fcsse der Donaumonarchie geschildert. Erkl\u00e4rt wird das Ph\u00e4nomen der bereitwilligen Annahme fremder Kulturelemente. Ein Abschnitt ist dem spezifischen Ph\u00e4nomen der Bulgarischen Nationalromantik gewidmet, da hier wichtige Beitr\u00e4ge von Absolventen der Architekturschulen der Donaumonarchie festzustellen sind.Im zweiten Teil der Forschungsarbeit sind die grundlegenden Informationen zu den einzelnen Architekten und Bauk\u00fcnstlern in einem Katalog zusammengefa\u00dft. In ihm sind biographische Angaben zu 66 Personen, Aufz\u00e4hlung der Werke und deren Abbildungen und die Informationsquellen zu finden. Die Arbeit ist mit einer maximalen Anzahl von authentischen Dokumenten dieser Zeit illustriert. Das mit Abk\u00fcrzungen im Text zusammengestellte Material enth\u00e4lt 171 Seiten und ist mit 338 Abbildungen illustriert.Schlu\u00dffolgernd wird festgestellt, da\u00df die Suche nach dem Architekturerbe der Donaumonarchie in Bulgarien gleichzeitig eine Suche nach den Wurzeln der akademischen bulgarischen Architektur ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Doytchinov ,Grigor; Gantchev ,Christo"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["heritage of the Danubian Monarchy, Bulgaria"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437187"], ["title", "\u00d6sterreichische Architekten in Bulgarien"], ["doab_id", "15311"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993438"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993438"]], [["description", "The anthology contains 15 elaborate historical scientific portraits of Austrian historians written by 16 historians from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. It conceptually follows the first volume distributed in 2008 which contained 18 portraits most positively reviewed by 15 experts until today. The presented historians had been born in the Habsburg monarchy owning or receiving the Austrian nationality after 1918 and went through their decisive mode of activity between 1900 and 1945. There are two historians of art and one orientalist amongst them. In science or other fields they left traces so that the analysis of their biographies brought new scientific historical results. The chosen period of time enters the work of three generations of historians subdivided into the \"generation of the youth of war\", the \"generation of the front lines\" and the \"precedent generation\". At the same time corresponding with an also internationally observed period of the Austrian historical research verified by the following names of the portrayed historians such as Michael Tangl, Max Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Hugo Dantsch, Heinrich von Srbik oder Karl Lechner. The portrayed historians had been taken despite of their innovative or controversial historical field of work. The portraits cover the most important biographical data even exceeding it since the authors analyzed material from the archives in order to show socio biographical facts. The research work at the archives supports the request of memberships in scientific and political parties and activities in scholarship and research. In addition to that political views and activities and structures of scientific networking were able to be verified. That also shows that in certain student circles and networks above all by the University of Vienna and especially at the Institut f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Geschichtsforschung, a special Austrian (and also international) scientific component, existed. A central point is the scientific historical implementation of the oeuvre of the portrayed historians. It shows how the works are influenced by the authors impetus received from different sides and how they again effected other historians. The characteristic of time of the writings, their positions and dependence of the present at that time had been brought out clearly. The change of perspective or paradigm due to \"external\" influences such as the defeat of the war in 1918 or the \"annexation\" in 1938 is apparent looking at several portrayed historians as well as the sense of resistance by the others. To take up differently the political moment of the portrayed historians in their life and work had been a committed debate above all since the majority of the portrayed historians had taken their political views seriously. All in all the published edition offers a further critical, biographical oriented scientific historical (part of the) profile of the Austrian science of history from 1900-1945.

Der Sammelband enth\u00e4lt 15 ausf\u00fchrliche wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Portr\u00e4ts \u00f6sterreichischer Historiker, die von 16 Historikerinnen und Historikern aus \u00d6sterreich, Deutschland und Tschechien verfasst wurden. Er schlie\u00dft konzeptionell an den 2008 ausgelieferten ersten Band an, der 18 Portr\u00e4ts enthielt und von der Fachwelt in bis jetzt 15 Rezensionen \u00fcberwiegend sehr positiv aufgenommen wurde. Die behandelten Historiker wurden in der Habsburgermonarchie geboren, besa\u00dfen oder erwarben nach 1918 die \u00f6sterreichische Staatsb\u00fcrgerschaft und durchlebten ihre entscheidende Wirkungsphase zwischen 1900 und 1945. Unter ihnen befinden sich zwei Kunsthistoriker und ein Orientalist. In der Wissenschaft oder in anderen Bereichen hinterlie\u00dfen sie bleibende Spuren, sodass die Auseinandersetzung mit ihrer Biografie neue wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Ergebnisse bringt. Der gew\u00e4hlte Zeitrahmen erfasst das Wirken dreier Historikergenerationen, die sich in die \u201eKriegsjugendgeneration\u201c, die \u201eFrontgeneration\u201c und die vorangehende Generation untertteilen. Er korrespondiert gleichzeitig mit einer auch international beachteten Phase der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichtsforschung, wie etwa folgende Namen der Portr\u00e4tierten belegen: Michael Tangl, Max Dvo\u0159\u00e1k, Hugo Hantsch, Heinrich von Srbik oder Karl Lechner. Die Portr\u00e4tierten wurden ungeachtet ihrer innovativen oder umstrittenen Arbeiten und Impulse und ungeachtet ihrer historischen Arbeitsbereiche aufgenommen. Die Portr\u00e4ts decken die wichtigsten biografischen Daten ab, gehen aber weit dar\u00fcber hinaus, weil die Autoren Archivmaterial ausgewertet haben, um soziobiografische Faktoren aufzeigen zu k\u00f6nnen. Die Archivrecherchen kamen auch der Frage nach Mitgliedschaften in wissenschaftlichen und politischen Verb\u00e4nden und politischen Parteien und der T\u00e4tigkeit in Lehre und Forschung zugute. Dazu traten Belege zu politischen Ansichten und T\u00e4tigkeiten und zu Strukturen wissenschaftlicher Netzwerke. So zeigt sich, dass durch bestimmte Sch\u00fclerkreise und Netzwerke vor allem durch die Universit\u00e4t Wien und das dortige Institut f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Geschichtsforschung eine speziell \u00f6sterreichische Wissenschaftskomponente (auch international) bestand. Zentral ist die wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Einordnung des \u0152uvres der Portr\u00e4tierten. Zu sehen ist, wie die Werke in einer Traditionslinie und unter Einfluss der Impulse, die ihr Autor von verschiedenen Seiten empfing, stehen und selbst wieder auf andere Historiker wirkten. Herausgearbeitet wurde die Zeitgebundenheit der Schriften, ihre Positionierung und Abh\u00e4ngigkeit von der damaligen Gegenwart. Dass einige Historiker durch \u201e\u00e4u\u00dfere\u201c Einfl\u00fcsse wie die Kriegsniederlage 1918 oder den \u201eAnschluss\u201c 1938 bedingt einen Perspektiven- oder Paradigmenwechsel in der eigenen Forschung vollzogen, ist ebenso ersichtlich wie bei anderen eine Resistenz. Dass politische Momente von den Portr\u00e4tierten in Leben und Werk verschieden aufgegriffen wurden, stand bewusst zur Debatte, vor allem auch, weil die Mehrheit der Portr\u00e4tierten ihre politischen Ansichten als f\u00fcr sich selbst wesentlich empfanden. Insgesamt steht mit dem vorliegenden Band ein weiteres kritisches, biografisch ausgerichtetes wissenschaftsgeschichtliches (Teil-)Profil der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichtswissenschaft 1900\u20131945 zur Verf\u00fcgung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hruza ,Karel"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Austrian Historians, Paradigm Change, Biographies, Networks, History of Sciences, Historical Reflection"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471654"], ["title", "\u00d6sterreichische Historiker"], ["doab_id", "15955"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787648"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787648"]], [["description", "This volume includes the elaborated papers and discussions of a conference held at W\u00fcrzburg on Austrian \u201aNeoabsolutism\u2018 (1849/51-1860/61). Starting point was the recent criticism of that term to identify the Austrian type of postrevolutionary government and to mark a historical period. The experts assembled at W\u00fcrzburg focussed their analysis on the various fields of domestic policy in that ambiguous decade and tried to evaluate its importance within the long-term problems of the Hapsburg Monarchy.

Der Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate und Diskussionen einer in W\u00fcrzburg abgehaltenen Tagung \u00fcber strittige Probleme des Neoabsolutismus als Herrschaftstypus und Epochenbegriff. Die Analyse der ambivalenten Aspekte \u00f6sterreichischer Innen\u00acpolitik ist verbunden mit der Diskussion alternativer Gesamtdeutun\u00acgen jener Dekade von 1849/51 bis 1860/61 vor dem Hintergrund epochen\u00fcbergreifender Existenzfragen der Habsburgermonarchie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brandt ,Harm-Hinrich"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Austria, Constitutional History of Austria, Hapsburg Monarchy, History of Austrian Administration, Neo-Absolutism", "Habsburgermonarchie, Neoabsolutismus, \u00d6sterreich, Verfassungsgeschichte \u00d6sterreichs, Verwaltungsgeschichte \u00d6sterreichs"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=513160"], ["title", "Der \u00f6sterreichische Neoabsolutismus als Verfassungs- und Verwaltugsproblem"], ["doab_id", "16547"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795803"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795803"]], [["description", "The AAR14 is the first Assessment Report on climate Change in Austria assessing the Impact of climate change and the Needs and possibilities of mitigation and Adaptation. This three-volume Report, developed through a multiple peer-Review process including stakeholder participation, presents a coherent assessment of scientific knowledge about climate and makes it accessible for both decision-makers and the General public. Approximately 240 scientists from 50 institutions have participated in this national Assessment Report

Der AAR14 ist der erste Sachstandsbericht zum Klimawandel in \u00d6sterreich, zu dessen Auswirkungen, und den Erfordernissen und M\u00f6glichkeiten der Minderung und Anpassung. Der drei-b\u00e4ndige Bericht, der einen mehrstufigen Peer-Review-Prozess inklusive Stakeholder-Partizipation durchlaufen hat, legt den wissenschaftlich gesicherten Kenntnisstand f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreich koh\u00e4rent dar und macht ihn Entscheidungstragenden und der interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich. An dem nationalen Sachstandbericht haben rund 240 WissenschafterInnen aus 50 Institutionen mitgewirkt.Der \u00d6sterreichische Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014 (AAR14) stellt einen Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-\u00e4hnlichen Bericht dar. Er besteht aus drei B\u00e4nden, in denen das bestehende Wissen zum Klimawandel in \u00d6sterreich, zu dessen Auswirkungen, und den Erfordernissen und M\u00f6glichkeiten der Minderung und Anpassung zusammengefasst wird. Der Bericht verfolgt das Ziel, den wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreich koh\u00e4rent und vollst\u00e4ndig darzulegen und diesen auch in Form von politikrelevanten Analysen an die \u00d6sterreichische Bundesregierung und politische Entscheidungsgremien auf allen Ebenen zu \u00fcbermitteln, bzw. um dadurch Entscheidungsgrundlagen auch f\u00fcr den privaten Sektor und einen Wissensfundus f\u00fcr akademische Institutionen bereitzustellen. \u00c4hnlich den IPCC-Sachstandsberichten liegt dem AAR14 das Prinzip zugrunde, entscheidungsrelevant zu sein, aber keinen empfehlenden Charakter zu haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kromp-Kolb ,Helga; Steiniger ,Karl; Nakicenovic ,Nebojsa"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Austira, climate change, impacts, mitigation measures, adaption, assessment report, APCC", "\u00d6sterreich, Klimawandel, Auswirkungen, Minderung, Anpassung, Sachstandsbericht, APCC"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574829"], ["title", "\u00d6sterreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014"], ["doab_id", "17423"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700176992"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176992"]], [["description", "Ostranenie, the term for defamiliarization introduced by Russian writer and critic Victor Shklovsky, means, among other things, to see in strangeness. To see in strangeness is to participate in an illusion that is more real than real. It may be achieved by (re)presenting the surface as the substance, the play as the thing, or by examining (from exigere: to drive out) what is present before one\u2019s eyes. Ultimately, ostranenie means confessing one\u2019s complicity in making known what is known. M.H. Bowker\u2019s Ostranenie: On Shame and Knowing is a meditation upon the moment of a mother\u2019s death: a moment of defamiliarization in several senses. The body of the work consists of footnotes which elaborate, by exegesis, by parataxis, and sometimes by surprise, the intimate and often hidden relationships between parent and child, illusion and knowledge, shame and loss. These elaborations raise questions about the power of the familiar, the limitations of discursive thought, and the paradoxical nature of the interpersonal, political, and spiritual bargains we make for the sake of security and freedom.Ostranenie treats the personal relationship between the author and his mother in both direct and oblique ways. In a candidly unsettled examination of this relationship and its influence upon the reflections and concerns of the author, the reader is invited to experience a family, a disintegration, a psyche, and its defamiliarization, from the perspectives of both an adult and a child."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "M.H. Bowker"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["family, mourning, ostranenie, shame, writing"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/ostranenie-on-shame-and-knowing/"], ["title", "Ostranenie: On Shame and Knowing"], ["doab_id", "16029"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615744797"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615744797"]], [["description", "Ostrannenie (\u2018making it strange\u2019) has become one of the central concepts of modern artistic practice, ranging over movements including Dada, postmodernism, epic theatre, and science fiction, as well as our response to arts. Coined by the \u2018Russian Formalist\u2019 Viktor Shklovsky in 1917, ostrannenie has come to resonate deeply in Film Studies, where it entered into dialogue with the Brechtian concept of Verfremdung, the Freudian concept of the uncanny and Derrida's concept of diff\u00e9rance. Striking, provocative and incisive, the essays of the distinguished film scholars in this volume recall the range and depth of a concept that since 1917 changed the trajectory of theoretical inquiry.European Film Studies \u00ad \u2018The Key Debates is a new film series from Amsterdam University Press edited by Annie van den Oever (the founding editor), Ian Christie and Dominique Chateau. The editors\u2019 ambition is to uncover and track the process of appropriation of critical terms in film theory in order to give the European film heritage the attention it deserves. With contributions from Ian Christie, Yuri Tsivian, Dominique Chateau, Frank Kessler, Laurent Jullier, Mikl\u00f3s Kiss, Annie van den Oever, Emile Poppe, L\u00e1szl\u00f3 Tarnay, Barend van Heusden, Andr\u00e1s B\u00e1lint Kov\u00e1cs, and Laura Mulvey, this important study is a wonderful piece of imaginative yet rigorous scholarship."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oever van den ,Annie"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["defamiliarisation", "ostrannenie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605865"], ["title", "Ostrannenie. On \"Strangeness\" and the Moving Image. The History, Reception, and Relevance of a Concept"], ["doab_id", "18927"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089640796"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640796"]], [["description", "A autora retoma um tema recorrente da vida social, o da constru\u00e7\u00e3o ideol\u00f3gica do mito, atrav\u00e9s da figura de Oswaldo Cruz, em quem realidade e imagin\u00e1rio se misturam de maneira inextric\u00e1vel. Conduz-nos ao momento em que, morto, Oswaldo Cruz passa a vivenciar um processo de mitifica\u00e7\u00e3o, de canoniza\u00e7\u00e3o, e de sua transforma\u00e7\u00e3o em totem da tribo dos m\u00e9dicos sanitaristas. Contextualiza a obra no interior do movimento nacionalista despertado pela guerra mundial, na cren\u00e7a ing\u00eanua no poder da ci\u00eancia e no movimento de interioriza\u00e7\u00e3o brasileiro, terreno f\u00e9rtil para cria\u00e7\u00e3o das bandeiras de Oswaldo Cruz e do movimento sanit\u00e1rio nacional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Britto, Nara"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Oswaldo Cruz - biografia, Pessoas famosas, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica - hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/t7"], ["title", "Oswaldo Cruz: a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um mito na ci\u00eancia brasileira "], ["doab_id", "16363"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412893"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412893"]], [["description", "This is a detailed study of the various ways in which London and India were imaginatively constructed by British observers during the nineteenth century. This process took place within a unified field of knowledge that brought together travel and evangelical accounts to exert a formative influence on the creation of London and India for the domestic reading public. Their distinct narratives, rhetoric and chronologies forged homologies between representations of the metropolitan poor and colonial subjects - those constituencies that were seen as the most threatening to imperial progress. Thus the poor and particular sections of the Indian population were inscribed within discourses of western civilization as regressive and inferior peoples. Over time these discourses increasingly promoted notions of overt and rigid racial hierarchies, the legacy of which remains to this day. This comparative analysis looks afresh at the writings of observers such as Henry Mayhew, Patrick Colquhoun, Charles Grant, Pierce Egan, James Forbes and Emma Roberts, thereby seeking to rethink the location of the poor and India within the nineteenth-century imagination. Drawing upon cultural and intellectual history it also attempts to extend our understanding of the relationship between 'centre' and 'periphery'. The other empire will be of value to students and scholars of modern imperial and urban history, cultural studies, and religious studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marriott ,John"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["india", "colonial", "british", "empire"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341395"], ["title", "The other empire: Metropolis, India and progress in the colonial imagination"], ["doab_id", "12590"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060182"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060182"]], [["description", "The text at issue written by Otto Leichter for his wife from September 1938 to August 1939 in his Exile in Paris is a unique documentation of the inside view of the loss of a beloved person during the time of one year. In addition to that the diary in letters is of great historic and social importance because both, the writer and the addressee were important persons in Austrian history, who were threatened as Social Democrats and by the race laws of Nuremberg as Jews.In the diary in letters Otto Leichter reported about his living conditions in the exile in Paris. Different to papers which were written for a greater group of readers, the author did not have to show consideration for other people. He could write down his real opinions and estimations but also his needs and aversions. So Otto Leichter reported about himself, his social surroundings, his view of the political development but also about K\u00e4the Leichter and his relationship to her but also about her frame of mind in view of the various reprisals. We can see continuity as his longing for her, his hope for a reunion and his keen mind in political interests. But we also see the break in his relationship to political companions and the great loss of his trust in European politics. In addition to that we can observe how Otto Leichter vacillated between very realistic political analyses and the resulting despair and his desperately cling to the hope for reunion.His manifold description of problems caused by the separation is firstly a documentation of suffer, but it also marks the strong connection between the two partners. Otto Leichter lost his closest reliable person, the mother of his children, his sexual partner and his most important political companion, and he suffered very hard on the separation.K\u00e4the Leichter, the real addressee could not ever see these words (she was murdered at concentration camp in 1942), but the diary in letters is a really extraordinary source for historical research, that should be available for a greater number of readers as scientific edition.

Der vorliegende Text, den Otto Leichter von September 1938 - August 1939 im Pariser Exil f\u00fcr seine damalige Ehefrau verfasste, dokumentiert auf einzigartige Weise die Innenansicht des Verlustes eines geliebten Menschen \u00fcber den Zeitraum von einem Jahr. Zus\u00e4tzlich erh\u00e4lt dieses Brieftagebuch noch dadurch besondere historische und gesellschaftliche Relevanz, da es sich beim Schreiber und bei der Adressatin dieses Textes um zwei bekannte Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten der \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichte handelt, die beide als Sozialdemokraten und nach den N\u00fcrnberger Rassegesetzen auch als Juden bedroht waren. Otto Leichter berichtete im Brieftagebuch auf sehr pers\u00f6nliche Weise \u00fcber seine Lebensumst\u00e4nde als Exilant in Paris. Anders als in Texten, die einer gr\u00f6\u00dferen Gruppe von Menschen zug\u00e4nglich waren, brauchte der Autor hier \u00fcberhaupt keine R\u00fccksicht auf die \u00d6ffentlichkeit oder auf die Verletzlichkeit von ihm nahestehenden Personen zu machen; er konnte seinen Ansichten, Einsch\u00e4tzungen, aber auch seinen N\u00f6ten und Abneigungen ungeschminkt Ausdruck verleihen. Otto Leichter schrieb \u00fcber sich, seinen sozialen Umraum, seine Sicht der politischen Entwicklung, und auch \u00fcber K\u00e4the Leichter und seine Beziehung zu ihr, und auch immer wieder \u00fcber ihre Verfassung angesichts der vielf\u00e4ltigen Repressalien. Wir betrachten Kontinuit\u00e4ten, wie seine ungebrochene Sehnsucht nach ihr, seine Hoffnung auf ein Wiedersehen und seinen politischen Scharfsinn. Wir sehen aber auch die Br\u00fcche in den Beziehungen zu politischen Weggef\u00e4hrten und den gro\u00dfen Verlust des Vertrauens in die europ\u00e4ischen Politik insgesamt. Weiters k\u00f6nnen wir in diesen Aufzeichnungen beobachten, wie Otto Leichter zwischen sehr realistischen politischen Analysen, der daraus resultierenden Verzweiflung, und dem krampfhaften Festhalten an der Hoffnung auf ein Wiedersehen mit seiner Frau schwankte. Seine vielf\u00e4ltigen Schilderungen der Probleme, die ihm die Trennung verursachte, sind nat\u00fcrlich in erster Linie eine Dokumentation des Leidens, sie markieren aber auch die starke Verbundenheit zwischen den auseinandergerissenen Ehepartnern. Otto Leichter war seiner engsten Vertrauensperson, der Mutter seiner Kinder, der Sexualpartnerin und auch einer seiner wichtigsten politischen Weggef\u00e4hrtinnen beraubt, und litt sehr schwer unter der Trennung. K\u00e4the Leichter, die eigentliche Adressatin sollte diesen Text nie zu Gesicht bekommen (sie wurde 1942 im KZ ermordet), aber f\u00fcr die Geschichtswissenschaft stellt das Brieftagebuch eine ganz au\u00dferordentliche Quelle dar, die auf jeden Fall einer gr\u00f6\u00dferen Zahl von Lesern als kommentierte wissenschaftliche Edition zur Verf\u00fcgung gestellt werden sollte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Berger ,Heinrich; Botz ,Gerhard; Saurer ,Edith"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Otto Leichter, K\u00e4the Leichter, exil"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437216"], ["title", "Otto Leichter. Briefe ohne Antwort"], ["doab_id", "15337"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205770510"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205770510"]], [["description", "Fuel cell cars can provide more efficient and cleaner transportation. However, we use our cars for transportation only 5% of the time. When parked, the fuel cell in the car can produce electricity from hydrogen, which is cleaner and more efficient than the current electricity system, generating useful \u2018waste\u2019 products in the form of heat and fresh water. The produced electricity, heat and fresh water can be fed into the respective grids or be used directly in our house, office or the school of our kids. The required hydrogen can be produced from gas (natural gas, biogas) or electricity (hydro, wind, solar, etc.). In the end, these fuel cell cars can replace all power plants worldwide. As a result, the \u2018car as power plant\u2019 can create an integrated, efficient, reliable, flexible, clean, smart and personalized transport, energy and water system: a real paradigm shift.The \u2018Car as Power Plant\u2019 is developed at Delft Technical University, in The Green Village: a sustainable, lively and entrepreneurial environment where we discover, learn and show how to solve society\u2019s urgent challenges. The Green Village unifies clever, imaginative strengths of scientists and entrepreneurs and turns ideas and visions into experiences and commercially viable products and services. Innovative power that sets horizons for a new, sustainable, green and circular economy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A.J.M. van Wijk; L. Verhoef"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["fuel cell cars", "renewable energy", "The Green Village", "sustainability", "TU Delft", "Delft University of Technology"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/9781614993773"], ["title", "Our Car as Power Plant"], ["doab_id", "15676"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614993766"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614993766"]], [["description", "Homi K. Bhabha delivered the 2010 Hegel lecture, evoking the spirit of Hegel in an attempt to understand contemporary issues of ethical witness, historical memory and the rights and representations of minorities in the cultural sphere. Who is our neighbour today? What does hospitality mean for our times? Why is the recognition of others such an agonizing encounter with the alterity of the self?The lecture examplifies how the ?Third Space? - one of the key theories of Postcolonialism - helps us to establish a new understanding of cosmopolitanism and hospitality in a globalized world, based on the right of difference in equality.; Homi K. Bhabha,Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bhabha, Homi K."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Minorit"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110262445&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Our Neighbours, Ourselves. Contemporary Reflections on Survival"], ["doab_id", "15122"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110262445"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110262445"]], [["description", "The post-war period witnessed dramatic changes in the lives of working-class families. Wages rose, working hours were reduced, pension plans and state social security measures offered greater protection against unemployment, illness, and old age, the standard of living improved, and women and members of immigrant communities entered the labour market in growing numbers. Existing studies of the post-war period have focused above all on unions at the national and international levels, on the \"post-war settlement,\" including the impact of Fordism, and on the chiefly economic issues surrounding collective bargaining, while relatively scant attention has been paid to the role of the union local in daily working-class experience. In Our Union, Jason Russell argues that the union local, as an institution of working-class organization, was a key agent for the Canadian working class as it sought to create a new place for itself in the decades following World War II. Using UAW/CAW Local 27, a broad-based union in London, Ontario, as a case study, he offers a ground-level look at union membership, including some of the social and political agendas that informed union activities. As he writes in the introduction, \"This book is as much an outgrowth of years of rank-and-file union activism as it is the result of academic curiosity.\" Drawing on interviews with former members of UAW/CAW Local 27 as well as on archival sources, Russell offers a narrative that will speak not only to labour historians but to the people about whom they write."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jason Russell"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["labour", "labor", "working class", "solidarity"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120195"], ["title", "Our Union: UAW/CAW Local 27 from 1950 to 1990"], ["doab_id", "14457"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836430", "9781926836447", "9781926836454"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836430 9781926836447 9781926836454"]], [["description", "Effie Marquess Carmack (1885-1974) grew up in the tobacco-growing region of southern Kentucky known as the Black Patch. As an adult she moved to Utah, back to Kentucky, to Arizona, and finally to California. Economic necessity primarily motivated Effie and her husband's moves, but her conversion to the Mormon Church in youth also was a factor. Throughout her life, she was committed to preserving the rural, southern folkways she had experienced as a child. She and other members of her family were folk musicians, at times professionally, and she also became a folk poet and artist, teaching herself to paint. In the 1940s she began writing her autobiography and eventually also completed a verse adaptation of it and an unpublished novel about life in the Black Patch.Much of Effie's story is a charming memoir of her vibrant childhood on a poor tobacco farm. She describes a wide variety of folk practices, from healing and crafts to children's games. Her family's life included the backbreaking labor and economic trials of raising tobacco, but it was enriched by a deep familial heritage, communal music, creative play, and traditional activities of many kinds. After the family converted to the Mormon Church, religious study and devotion became another important dimension. Effie's account of Mormon missions contributes to the little-known record of Latter-day Saint attempts to establish a presence in the South.After marrying, the Carmacks moved west, eventually landing in the Arizona desert, where Effie took up painting in earnest. Her art began to attract modest attention, which brought exhibits, awards, and a new career teaching others what she had taught herself. After the Carmacks later retired to Atascadero, California, Effie became a more active and public folk singer as well."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carmack, Noel; Davidson, Karen"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/94"], ["title", "Out of the Black Patch"], ["doab_id", "14757"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212792"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212792"]], [["description", "This contributed volume explores the functions of belief and supernatural experience within an array of cultures, as well as the stance of academe toward the study of belief and the supernatural. The essays in this volume call into question the idea that supernatural experience is extraordinary."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Walker, Barbara"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/51"], ["title", "Out of the Ordinary"], ["doab_id", "14743"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211962"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211962"]], [["description", "global crisis - developing countries - international development studies

Le monde se dirige-t-il vers une crise sans pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent o\u00f9 se juxtaposent difficult\u00e9s \u00e9conomiques, sociales, \u00e9cologiques et politiques ? C\u2019est cette question \u00e0 facettes multiples qu\u2019examine un collectif de chercheurs de divers horizons. Premier constat : \u00e0 moins de revoir le mod\u00e8le de d\u00e9veloppement actuel et d\u2019y apporter des mesures correctives, les perspectives d\u2019avenir sont plut\u00f4t inqui\u00e9tantes.Cette crise mondiale marquerait, selon ces chercheurs, le point culminant d\u2019une longue p\u00e9riode de politiques de d\u00e9veloppement qui ont en commun d\u2019avoir engendr\u00e9 des bouleversements \u00e0 travers le monde, notamment dans les pays en d\u00e9veloppement. Une approche plus proactive et critique aux \u00e9tudes en d\u00e9veloppement international, ainsi qu\u2019\u00e0 la fa\u00e7on dont le d\u00e9veloppement s\u2019\u00e9labore sur le terrain, s\u2019av\u00e8re donc essentielle.Publi\u00e9 en anglais d\u2019abord, Des outils pour le changement. Une approche critique en \u00e9tudes du d\u00e9veloppement est une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence incontournable pour le lectorat francophone. Ce recueil comprend 49 brefs modules dont chacun aborde les grands th\u00e8mes du d\u00e9veloppement. Il est destin\u00e9 tout autant aux th\u00e9oriciens qu\u2019aux professeurs, \u00e9tudiants et chercheurs qui s\u2019int\u00e9ressent \u00e0 une approche critique en \u00e9tudes du d\u00e9veloppement. Qualifi\u00e9 de r\u00e9alisation remarquable lors de sa sortie en anglais, cet ouvrage permet de mesurer l\u2019ampleur des \u00e9tudes du d\u00e9veloppement en fonction d\u2019une approche critique. Une conviction commune anime cet ouvrage : il est imp\u00e9ratif de proc\u00e9der \u00e0 des changements qui favoriseront un progr\u00e8s v\u00e9ritable et durable."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veltmeyer ,Henry; Tanimoune ,Nasser A. "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["global crisis", "developing countries", "international development studies", "crise mondiale", "pays en d\u00e9veloppement", "\u00e9tudes en d\u00e9veloppement international"]], ["publisher", "University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019Ottawa"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574290"], ["title", "Des outils pour le changement : Une approche critique en \u00e9tudes du d\u00e9veloppement"], ["doab_id", "17383"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782760321922", "9782760322127"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782760321922 9782760322127"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stap van der ,P."], ["date", "1966"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613343"], ["title", "Outline of Dani Morphology"], ["doab_id", "18499"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286122", "9789004286764"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286122 9789004286764"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bing Siong ,H."], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613400"], ["title", "An Outline of the Recent History of Indonesian Criminal Law"], ["doab_id", "18422"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285965", "9789004286566"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285965 9789004286566"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Moestapa ,H.H."], ["date", "1946"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613344"], ["title", "Over de gewoonten en gebruiken der Soendaneezen"], ["doab_id", "18500"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285682", "9789004286269"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285682 9789004286269"]], [["description", "This short collection of essays focuses on four areas of immersive sound environments: repetition, sustained tones, performed installations and approaches to extended forms. Through in depth exploration of the experiential nature of these subjects, the authors offer reflections upon the materials used for these environments, how they are organised, and the consequences of this on how we listen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Glover, Richard; Harrison, Bryn"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Music"]], ["publisher", "University of Huddersfield Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/18500/"], ["title", "Overcoming Form: reflections on immersive listening"], ["doab_id", "16243"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781862181205"]], ["provider", "eprints.hud.ac.uk"], ["isbns_raw", "9781862181205"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veen van der ,H."], ["date", "1979"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613345"], ["title", "Overleveringen en zangen der Zuid-Toradja's"], ["doab_id", "18501"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024721962", "9789004287167"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024721962 9789004287167"]], [["description", "From Catullus to Horace, the tradition of Latin erotic poetry produced works of literature which are still read throughout the world. Ovid\u2019s Amores, written in the first century BC, is arguably the best-known and most popular collection in this tradition. This book contain embedded audio files of the original text read aloud by Aleksandra Szypowska.Born in 43 BC, Ovid was educated in Rome in preparation for a career in public services before finding his calling as a poet. He may have begun writing his Amores as early as 25 BC. Although influenced by poets such as Catullus, Ovid demonstrates a much greater awareness of the funny side of love than any of his predecessors. The Amores is a collection of romantic poems centered on the poet\u2019s own complicated love life: he is involved with a woman, Corinna, who is sometimes unobtainable, sometimes compliant, and often difficult and domineering. Whether as a literary trope, or perhaps merely as a human response to the problems of love in the real world, the principal focus of these poems is the poet himself, and his failures, foolishness, and delusions.By the time he was in his forties, Ovid was Rome\u2019s most important living poet; his Metamorphoses, a kaleidoscopic epic poem about love and hatred among the gods and mortals, is one of the most admired and influential books of all time. In AD 8, Ovid was exiled by Augustus to Romania, for reasons that remain obscure. He died there in AD 17.The Amores were originally published in five books, but reissued around 1 AD in their current three-book form. This edition of the first book of the collection contains the complete Latin text of Book 1, along with commentary, notes and full vocabulary. Both entertaining and thought-provoking, this book will provide an invaluable aid to students of Latin and general readers alike."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Turpin, William (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ovid, Amores, erotic poetry, Rome, latin literature, commentary, vocabulary, notes"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/348"], ["title", "Ovid, Amores (Book 1)"], ["doab_id", "19290"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741625", "9781783741649"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741625/9781783741649"]], [["description", "This extract from Ovid's 'Theban History' recounts the confrontation of Pentheus, king of Thebes, with his divine cousin, Bacchus, the god of wine. Notwithstanding the warnings of the seer Tiresias and the cautionary tale of a character Acoetes (perhaps Bacchus in disguise), who tells of how the god once transformed a group of blasphemous sailors into dolphins, Pentheus refuses to acknowledge the divinity of Bacchus or allow his worship at Thebes. Enraged, yet curious to witness the orgiastic rites of the nascent cult, Pentheus conceals himself in a grove on Mt. Cithaeron near the locus of the ceremonies. But in the course of the rites he is spotted by the female participants who rush upon him in a delusional frenzy, his mother and sisters in the vanguard, and tear him limb from limb.The episode abounds in themes of abiding interest, not least the clash between the authoritarian personality of Pentheus, who embodies 'law and order', masculine prowess, and the martial ethos of his city, and Bacchus, a somewhat effeminate god of orgiastic excess, who revels in the delusional and the deceptive, the transgression of boundaries, and the blurring of gender distinctions.This course book offers a wide-ranging introduction, the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and an extensive commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Gildenhard and Zissos's incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at AS and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis to encourage critical engagement with Ovid's poetry and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gildenhard, Ingo; Zissos, Andrew (Authors)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ovid, Metamorphoses, myth, latin literature, commentary, vocabulary"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/293"], ["title", "Ovid, Metamorphoses, 3.511-733: Latin Text with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary of Terms, Vocabulary Aid and Study Questions"], ["doab_id", "19696"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740826", "9781783740840"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740826/9781783740840"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 6, with foreward by Mark Doty. The Owl Question underscores and relishes life's transitions from young girl to woman, from child to wife to mother, and from isolation to connection this poet's bright sense of abundance and awe, here expressed in finely tuned detail and refreshingly open observation, reads like a collective memory. Though private and closely held, these questionings are as familiar as our own souls, and in their transformation to poetry, Shearin has created the very \"\"map\"\" she wishes to guide her when she \"\"can't learn the world fast enough.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Doty, Mark"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/13"], ["title", "The Owl Question"], ["doab_id", "14771"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214680"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214680"]], [["description", "From the moment they were announced, the Beijing Games were a major media event and the focus of intense scrutiny and speculation. In contrast to earlier such events, however, the Beijing Games are also unfolding in a newly volatile global media environment that is no longer monopolized by broadcast media. The dramatic expansion of media outlets and the growth of mobile communications technology have changed the nature of media events, making it significantly more difficult to regulate them or control their meaning. This volatility is reflected in the multiple, well-publicized controversies characterizing the run-up to Beijing 2008. According to many Western commentators, the People's Republic of China seized the Olympics as an opportunity to reinvent itself as the \"\"New China\"\"\u2014a global leader in economics, technology, and environmental issues, with an improving human-rights record. But China's maneuverings have also been hotly contested by diverse global voices, including prominent human-rights advocates, all seeking to displace the official story of the Games. Bringing together a distinguished group of scholars from Chinese studies, human rights, media studies, law, and other fields, Owning the Olympics reveals how multiple entities\u2014including the Chinese Communist Party itself\u2014seek to influence and control the narratives through which the Beijing Games will be understood."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Monroe E. Price and Daniel Dayan, Editors"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Olympic Games (29th : 2008 : Beijing, China)", "Olympics -- Political aspects -- China", "Mass media -- China"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5646196.0001.001"], ["title", "Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China"], ["doab_id", "14513"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070329", "9780472050321", "9780472024506"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070329 Paper: 9780472050321 Ebook Formats: 9780472024506"]], [["description", "Psychiatrists have written much about the explosive expansion of scientific knowledge of the brain which developed over the late 20th century and the early 21st century. Comparatively little has been written within the field of psychiatry about the changes in society and world culture over this same period, and even less on the scope of psychiatric ethics that would account for these changes. Yet psychiatric ethics is an excellent framework in which to examine social changes in the field over the past 25 years, changes which are dramatic in nature and profound in impact. Some of these social changes include multiculturalism and its associated diversity of values; the transition to the digital era with its new demands on confidentiality, clinical boundaries, and privacy; the empowerment of psychiatric service users as full participants and co-producers of care; the development of new technologies of assessment and treatment, varying in their invasiveness and risk; the recognition of expanded social roles for psychiatrists, and the associated virtues of psychiatric citizenship; and the development of new practice models, settings, participants, and oversight, all of which represent profound challenges and opportunities for the ethical practice of psychiatry. The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics is the most comprehensive treatment of the field in history. The volume is organized into ten sections which survey the scope of the text: (1) Introduction, (2) People Come First, (3) Specific Populations, (4) Philosophy and Psychiatric Ethics, (5) Religious Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, (6) Social Contexts of Psychiatric Ethics, (7) Ethics in Psychiatric Citizenship and the Law, (8) Ethics of Psychiatric Research, (9) Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis, (10) Ethics and Values in Psychiatric Treatment. Written and edited by an international team of experts, this landmark book provides a powerful and important review of psychiatric ethics in the 21st Century."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadler Z. ,John; Fulford ,K. W. M.; van Staden Werendly ,Cornelius"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["psychiatry", "ethics", "psychiatric ethics"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=608090"], ["title", "The Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics, Volume 1"], ["doab_id", "19062"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780198732365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780198732365"]], [["description", "Oxidative stress is now a well-researched area with thousands of new articlesappearing every year. We want to give the reader here an overview of the topics in biomedicaland basic oxidative stress research which are covered by the authors of this thematic issue.We also want to give the newcomer a short introduction into some of the basic concepts,definitions and analytical procedures used in this field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Oxidative Stress"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/224"], ["title", "Oxidative Stress and Oxygen Radicals/Oxidative Stress in Health and Disease"], ["doab_id", "19624"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421733", "9783038421740"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421733/9783038421740"]], [["description", "This book, written by a group of specialists in the different areas involved, summarises what we understand of the production and distribution of oxygen, the most abundant metal in the Universe. After presenting the methods of oxygen abundance determination in various media, it traces a panorama of oxygen in the Universe, describes the mechanisms and sites of oxygen production and finally discusses the chemical evolution of oxygen in different galactic and extra galactic contexts. An appendix thoroughly discusses the oxygen atomic data."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "G. Stasinska; N. Prantzos; G. Meynet"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/eas_54_full.pdf"], ["title", "Oxygen in the Universe"], ["doab_id", "16213"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759807109"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759807109"]], [["description", "Our brain is endowed with an incredible capacity to be social, to trust, to cooperate, to be altruistic, to feel empathy and love. Nevertheless, the biological underpinnings of such behaviors remain partially hardwired. Seminal research in rodents has provided important insights on the identification of specific genes in modulating social behaviors, in particular, the arginine vasopressin receptor and the oxytocin receptor genes. These genes are involved in regulating a wide range of social behaviors, mother-infant interactions, social recognition, aggression and socio-sexual behavior. Remarkably, we now know that these genes contribute to social behavior in a broad range of species from voles to humans. Indeed, advances in human non-invasive neuroimaging techniques and genetics have enabled scientists to begin to elucidate the neurobiological basis of the complexity of human social behaviors using \"pharmacological fMRI\" and \"imaging genetics\". Over the past few years, there has been a strong interest focused on the role of oxytocin in modulating human social behaviors with translational relevance for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism, schizophrenia and depression, in which deficits in social perception and social recognition are key phenotypes. The convergence of this interdisciplinary research is beginning to reveal the complex nature of oxytocin\u2019s actions. For instance, the way that oxytocin does influence social functioning is highly related to individual differences in social experiences, but also to the inter-individual variability in the receptor distribution of this molecule in the brain. Remarkably, despite the increasing evidence that oxytocin has a key role in regulating human social behavior, we still lack of knowledge on the core mechanisms of action of this molecule. Understanding its fundamental actions is a crucial need in order to target optimal therapeutic strategies for human social disorders. The originality of this Research Topic stands on its translational focus on bridging the gap between fundamental knowledge acquired from oxytocin research in voles and monkeys and recent clinical investigations in humans. For instance, what are the key animal findings that can import further knowledge on the mechanisms of actions of this molecule in humans? What are the key experiences that can be performed in the animal model in order to answer significant science gaps in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders? Hence, within this Research Topic, we will review the current state of the field, identify where the gaps in knowledge are, and propose directions for future research. This issue will begin with a comparative review that examines the role of this peptide in diverse animal models, which highlights the adaptive value of oxytocin\u2019s function across multiple species. Then, a series of reviews will examine the role of oxytocin in voles, primates, and humans with an eye toward revealing commonalities in the underlying brain circuits mediating oxytocin\u2019s effects on social behavior. Next, there will be a translational review highlighting the evidence for oxytocin\u2019s role in clinical applications in psychopathology. Hence, via the continuum of basic to translational research areas, we will try to address the important gaps in our understanding of the neurobiological routes of social cognition and the mechanisms of action of the neuropeptides that guide our behaviors and decisions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alaine Keebaugh; Elissar Andari; Lisa A. Parr"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Oxytocin", "precision medicine", "Adaptive Behavior", "psychiatric disorders", "socially-reinforcement learning", "evolved functions", "oxytocin polymorphisms and social behavior", "human behavior", "Rodents", "rhesus macaques"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1441/oxytocins-routes-in-social-behavior-into-the-21st-century"], ["title", "Oxytocin's routes in social behavior: Into the 21st century"], ["doab_id", "18822"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196968"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196968"]], [["description", "The enormous leaps of growth and development experienced by Eastern and Southeast Asian states since the 1960s on account of their astonishing industrial development have led to concerns that a resulting global economic and political shift might favour the \u00bbPacific region\u00ab at the expense of the \u00bbAtlantic region\u00ab. A \u00bbPacific century\u00ab was proclaimed, in which it was predicted that Asian-Pacific countries would outpace the traditional leading powers of the West. A more careful look quickly reveals that this view is too simplistic. From the point of view of various disciplines and covering different nations like China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea the authors of this publication pursue the question whether the 21st century can already be labelled the \u00bbPacific Century\u00ab. This was also the title of the interdisciplinary series of lectures held at the University of G\u00f6ttingen/Germany in the winter semester 2003/2004. This series of lectures was jointly organized by the Department of Geography, the University of G\u00f6ttingen and the Association of Pacific Studies e.V. (APSA). This 10th volume of the publication series \u00bbPazifik Forum\u00ab contains contributions by W. Kreisel, M. Taube & Ka-Wai Yiu, M. Waibel, A. Croissant, B. Dahm, H. Schneider, R. Seib and R. Jordan.

The enormous leaps of growth and development experienced by Eastern and Southeast Asian states since the 1960s on account of their astonishing industrial development have led to concerns that a resulting global economic and political shift might favour the \u00bbPacific region\u00ab at the expense of the \u00bbAtlantic region\u00ab. A \u00bbPacific century\u00ab was proclaimed, in which it was predicted that Asian-Pacific countries would outpace the traditional leading powers of the West. A more careful look quickly reveals that this view is too simplistic. From the point of view of various disciplines and covering different nations like China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea the authors of this publication pursue the question whether the 21st century can already be labelled the \u00bbPacific Century\u00ab. This was also the title of the interdisciplinary series of lectures held at the University of G\u00f6ttingen/Germany in the winter semester 2003/2004. This series of lectures was jointly organized by the Department of Geography, the University of G\u00f6ttingen and the Association of Pacific Studies e.V. (APSA). This 10th volume of the publication series \u00bbPazifik Forum\u00ab contains contributions by W. Kreisel, M. Taube & Ka-Wai Yiu, M. Waibel, A. Croissant, B. Dahm, H. Schneider, R. Seib and R. Jordan."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waibel, Michael; Kreisel, Werner"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["development aid: southeast asia", "pacific", "development aid: southeast asia", "pacific"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610251"], ["title", "The Pacific challenge - development trends in the 21st century"], ["doab_id", "13108"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783938616109"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616109"]], [["description", "In the late 1800s and early 1900s, colonial powers clashed over much of Central and East Asia: Great Britain and Germany fought over New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, Fiji, and Samoa; France and Great Britain competed over control of continental Southwest Asia; and the United States annexed the Philippines and Hawaii. Meanwhile, the possible disintegration of China and Japan\u2019s growing nationalism added new dimensions to the rivalries.

Surveying these and other international developments in the Pacific basin during the three decades preceding World War I, Kees van Dijk traces the emergence of superpowers during the colonial race and analyzes their conduct as they struggled for territory. Extensive in scope, Pacific Strife is a fascinating look at a volatile moment in history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijk van ,Kees"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Colonial history", "Western Pacific", "International relations"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619593"], ["title", "Pacific Strife.The Great Powers and their Political and Economic Rivalries in Asia and the Western Pacific, 1870-1914."], ["doab_id", "19963"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644206"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644206"]], [["description", "Food and nutrition has been central to human culture, philosophy and science since the beginning of civilisation. However the building blocks of food and nutrition, the nutrients, remained unknown until the late 19th century. Over the next 100 years advances in physics, chemistry and physiology led to rapid developments in our knowledge, first with development of an understanding of energy and the macronutrients, followed by the minerals and vitamins. The first vitamins to be explored scientifically were thiamine, vitamin D and C and in 1935 ascorbic acid was synthesised, beginning the 20th century rapid development of knowledge of nutrients[1]. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["paediatric", " infant nutrition", " child nutrition", " children", " growth", " breastfeeding", " iron", " iodine", " breastmilk", " complementary feeding", " infant foods", " complementary foods"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/91"], ["title", "Paediatric Nutrition"], ["doab_id", "16627"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980508", "9783906980515"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980508/9783906980515"]], [["description", "The PhD thesis presented here investigates the historic landscape of the Cinque Terre through analysis of the multiform territorial iconography, descriptions of the past and the ancient cadastral records. The aim is to define a methodology (which could possibly also be extended to other contexts) for the qualitative appraisal of the landscape, where the yardstick is yielded by the abstract status conditions brought to light by parameters defined as \u201chistoric indicators\u201d. The temporal thresholds analysed (1612, 1643, 1799, 1918-32, 1982, 1990) lead to interpretative syntheses (for example, those on Riomaggiore) aimed at the identification of rules for project initiatives shared by the local communities.

La tesi di dottorato qui presentata indaga il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre attraverso l'analisi della multiforme iconografi a territoriale, delle descrizioni del passato e degli antichi catasti descrittivi. Il fine \u00e8 quello di mettere a punto una metodologia (estensibile eventualmente ad altri contesti) per la valutazione qualitativa del paesaggio, dove la misura \u00e8 data dalle condizioni di stato astratte messe in luce da parametri detti \"indicatori storici\". Le soglie temporali analizzate (1612, 1643, 1799, 1918-32, 1982, 1990) conducono a sintesi interpretative (es. quelle su Riomaggiore) finalizzate all'individuazione di regole per azioni di progetto condivise dalle comunit\u00e0 locali."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Storti, Maristella"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Cinque terre", "Liguria", "Cinque terre", "Liguria"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=347522"], ["title", "Il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre"], ["doab_id", "13059"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532732"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532736"]], [["description", "Driven by ground-based, airborne, and IRAS observations, the PAH hypothesis was first formulated in the mid-eighties : the widespreas emission features in the 3-13 \u00b5m range are due to UV-pumped, IR fluorescence by large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon molecules. These molecules are a ubiquitous component of the insterstellar medium both in local galaxies as well as out to redshifts of ~3 and probably beyond, play an important role in its physical and chemical characteristics, and form a key link between small hydrocarbon species and large carbonaceous grains.This book gathers contributions that reflect the evolution of the field over the last 25 years, taking advantage of IR space missions - ISO, Spitzer and AKARI - and of dedicated experimental and quantum-chemical studies. We have now reached a stage where we can develop these mid-infrared features as diagnostic tools to study star formation processes, protoplanetary disks as well as galaxy assemblage in the early Universe. The current Herschel/Planck area opens the possibility to better characterize the mid-IR carriers through their contribution to the far-IR and mm emissions. Still, much effort is required before we will fully understand the formation and nature of interstellar PAHs and their role in the Universe. Physical chemists can play an important role in driving this field. This book aims at discussing the state-of-the-art of the PAH hypothesis and to chart the future in this interdisciplinary field. It highlights the various aspects of interstellar PAHs:- Rich IR spectra of interstellar PAHs- PAHs and star formation in the near and far Universe- The lifecycle of PAHs in space- PAHs in regions of planet formation- PAHs and carbonaceous grains & Solar system materials."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "C. Joblin; A.G.G.M. Tielens"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/images/stories/books/fulldl/eas_46_full.pdf"], ["title", "PAHs and the Universe"], ["doab_id", "16215"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782759806249"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759806249"]], [["description", "The problem of clinical pain management is complex and far-reaching, as it encompasses many different types of pain, such as arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions, neuropathic pain, and visceral pain. It is widely known that many of the well-established analgesic pathways are centrally based, involving spinal and supraspinal sites. However, pain can also be effectively controlled by peripheral pathways. The analgesics market is growing and the driving forces are the aging population and need for better therapeutic benefits. There are various analgesic products that are available that can be administered by various routes, yet research is active in identifying new technologies for better drug targeting and novel targets to gain improved therapeutic efficiency. This e-Book \"PAIN - Novel targets and new technologies\" has brought together experts in the field of pain at the physiological, pharmacological and pharmaceutical levels to discuss novel pain targets and new pain technologies across the various types of pain. This information is presented as novel research findings, short communications and review articles. The goal of this e-Book is to generate further collaborative discussion on the future and direction of pain therapies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Susan Hua; Peter John Cabot"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pain", "Analgesics", "novel strategies", "Therapeutic target", "Targeted Drug Delivery"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/536/pain---novel-targets-and-new-technologies"], ["title", "PAIN - Novel targets and new technologies"], ["doab_id", "17764"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193943"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193943"]], [["description", "The Dutch Republic was a cultural powerhouse in the modern era, producing lasting masterpieces in painting and publishing-and in the process transforming those fields from modest trades to booming industries. This book asks the question of how such a small nation could become such a major player in those fields. Claartje Rasterhoff shows how industrial organisations played a role in shaping patterns of growth and innovations. As early modern Dutch cultural industries were concentrated geographically, highly networked, and institutionally embedded, they were able to reduce uncertainty in the marketplace and stimulate the commercial and creative potential of painters and publishers-though those successes eventually came up against the limits of a saturated domestic market and an aversion to risk on the part of producers that ultimately brought an end to the boom."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "RASTERHOFF ,Clara"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dutch Golden Age", "Economic History", "Art Market", "Publishing", "Economic Geography"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619592"], ["title", "Painting and Publishing as Cultural Industries"], ["doab_id", "19962"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647023"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647023"]], [["description", "As reflex\u00f5es elaboradas neste livro fazem parte dos resultados de tese de Livre Doc\u00eancia em Geografia Urbana da UNESP, campus de Rio Claro que abordou o consumo como categoria de an\u00e1lise. Por meio do entendimento do consumo procurou-se compreender os principais impactos na produ\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o urbano, na atualidade. Observadas as metr\u00f3poles de S\u00e3o Paulo, Lisboa, Seoul e Dubai, construiu-se um pensamento que considera a metr\u00f3pole como espa\u00e7o-sedutor. Nesta constru\u00e7\u00e3o, elaborou-se uma leitura das paisagens do consumo nas referidas metr\u00f3poles e v\u00e1rias foram as contradi\u00e7\u00f5es encontradas nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es de consumo e na produ\u00e7\u00e3o do espa\u00e7o urbano. O reconhecimento das articula\u00e7\u00f5es entre a produ\u00e7\u00e3o, a circula\u00e7\u00e3o, o com\u00e9rcio e o consumo, dentro do processo de generaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da mercadoria, tamb\u00e9m ganhou import\u00e2ncia, e assim outros conflitos foram apontados."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ortigoza, Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wg88m"], ["title", "Paisagens do consumo: S\u00e3o Paulo, Lisboa, Dubai e Seul"], ["doab_id", "16754"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831287"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831287"]], [["description", "Arte, inova\u00e7\u00e3o, educa\u00e7\u00e3o, ci\u00eancia, medicina, comunica\u00e7\u00e3o, literatura, s\u00e3o alguns dos ingredientes que ir\u00e3o compor esse evento, tornando-o uma grande oportunidade de interc\u00e2mbio entre as diversas \u00e1reas. Isso sem falar no local da ocasi\u00e3o, o Museu de Arte da Bahia, importante patrim\u00f4nio cultural do nosso pa\u00eds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wanner, Maria Celeste de Almeida"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["ART"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/296z5"], ["title", "Paisagens s\u00edgnicas: uma reflex\u00e3o sobre as artes visuais contempor\u00e2neas"], ["doab_id", "17270"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208837"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208837"]], [["description", "Por muito tempo a Antropologia adotou um modelo lingu\u00edstico e simb\u00f3lico da cultura. Alguns autores chegaram a tom\u00e1-lacomo um conjunto de textos a serem lidos e interpretados, outros viram-na como conjunto de s\u00edmbolos a serem decodificados. Aqui seguimos uma dire\u00e7\u00e3o diversa, explorando o entrela\u00e7amento entre imagem e palavra na produ\u00e7\u00e3o da pr\u00f3pria vida social, de corpos e mem\u00f3rias. Este volume d\u00e1 seguimento a uma colabora\u00e7\u00e3o entre pesquisadores franceses e brasileiros que resultou anteriormen..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carlos Fausto, Carlo Severi (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", [" \u00e9nonciation, ethnolinguistique, interaction sociale, parole, pragmatique"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/754"], ["title", "Palavras em imagens"], ["doab_id", "18802"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9782821855755", "9782821855779"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855755 9782821855779"]], [["description", "The collection is related to a workshop at the Georg-August-University G\u00f6ttingen from 2012 and refers to the use of narcotics in palliative care. Experts of law and medicine discuss the situation of doctors leaving narcotics at their patients home, the prevailing legal norms and the need for reform.

Die Etablierung palliativmedizinischer Versorgungsstrukturen im ambulanten Bereich hat in den vergangenen Jahren die \u00e4rztliche Betreuung von Palliativpatienten deutlich ver\u00e4ndert. Eine an den spezifischen Bed\u00fcrfnissen schwerstkranker Patienten orientierte Versorgung im h\u00e4uslichen Umfeld erfordert es, bestehende gesetzliche Regelungen zu hinterfragen, anzupassen oder fortzuentwickeln. Kontrovers diskutiert wird, wie das Grundanliegen des Bet\u00e4ubungsmittelrechts \u2014 Schutz der Bev\u00f6lkerung vor Abh\u00e4ngigkeit und Missbrauch sowie Sicherstellung der notwendigen medizinischen Versorgung \u2014 mit dem palliativmedizinischen Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis der Gew\u00e4hrung einer bestm\u00f6glichen Behandlung von Schmerzpatienten in Einklang gebracht werden kann. In diesem Spannungsfeld fasst der Band die Beitr\u00e4ge eines Expertenworkshops zusammen, der 2012 von der Klinik f\u00fcr Palliativmedizin sowie dem Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen veranstaltet wurde. Erg\u00e4nzt um Beitr\u00e4ge weiterer Autoren werden aktuelle Konfliktbereiche im Verh\u00e4ltnis von (Bet\u00e4ubungsmittel-)Recht und Palliativmedizin aufgegriffen und im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Dialog beleuchtet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Nauck, Friedemann; Weber, Alexandra Kristina"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Patients", "Narcotics Law", "Palliative Care", "Patients", "Narcotics Law", "Palliative Care"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610216"], ["title", "Palliativmedizin und Bet\u00e4ubungsmittelrecht - M\u00f6glichkeiten und Grenzen"], ["doab_id", "15936"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951368"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951368"]], [["description", "Esse livro \u00e9 mesmo um convite \u00e0 viagem imagin\u00e1ria que come\u00e7a por Palmas (TO), mas pode nos levar muito al\u00e9m, em dire\u00e7\u00e3o a uma cidade em busca do seu tempo, concebida pela autora como constru\u00e7\u00e3o imagin\u00e1ria, que transforma o espa\u00e7o urbano em lugar de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de sentido, criando uma cidade sensibilista. Rela\u00e7\u00f5es tempo-espa\u00e7o, compacta\u00e7\u00e3o temporal, tempo ausente, subjetividade do tempo, polissemia da imagem urbana, semelhan\u00e7as e diferen\u00e7as entre Palmas e Bras\u00edlia, rela\u00e7\u00f5es (e possibilidades) entre cidade p\u00f3s-modernista e cidade modernista, proposta de rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre ci\u00eancia e arte, entre Geografia e Literatura, transdisciplinaridade... s\u00e3o alguns dos elementos que comp\u00f5em o livro, express\u00e3o do grande desafio te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gico enfrentado pela autora, que n\u00e3o perde de vista um par\u00e2metro fundamental - as imagens da cidade s\u00e3o os modos de v\u00ea-las e vivenci\u00e1-las."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Val\u00e9ria Cristina Pereira da"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/c3qn3"], ["title", "Palmas, a \u00faltima capital projetada do s\u00e9culo XX: uma cidade em busca do tempo"], ["doab_id", "16756"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830921"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830921"]], [["description", "Final publication of an international excavation project in Palmyra/Syria. Publicaation of so called small finds of an hellenistic-roman caravan building: pottery (incl. natural science analyses), amphorae, lamps, glass. metal, coins, animal bones.

Abschlusspublikation eines internationalen Grabungsprojektes in Palmyra/Syrien. Vorlage der sog. Kleinfunde aus einem hellenistisch-r\u00f6mischen Karawanenbau: Keramik (inkl. naturwissenschaftlicher Analysen), Amphoren, Lampen, Glas, Metall, M\u00fcnzen, Tierknochenfunde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmidt-Colinet ,Andreas; al-As\u2019ad ,Waleed"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Syria, Palmyra, trade, hellenistic-roman, pottery, glass, coins, animal bones", "Syrien, Palmyra, Handel, hellenistisch-r\u00f6misch, Keramik, Glass, M\u00fcnzen, Tierknochen"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450775"], ["title", "Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel. Ach\u00e4ologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt"], ["doab_id", "16793"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902868640"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868640"]], [["description", "Final publication of an international excavation project in Palmyra/Syria. Publicaation of the architectural features of an hellenistic-roman caravan building: architecture, wall paintings, stucco decorations, restauration reports, material analyses.

Abschlusspublikation eines internationalen Grabungsprojektes in Palmyra/Syrien. Vorlage der Baubefunde eines hellenistisch-r\u00f6mischen Karawanenbaus: Architekturbefunde, Wandmalerei und Stuck, Restaurierungsberichte, Werkstoffanalysen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmidt-Colinet ,Andreas; al-As\u2019ad ,Waleed"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Syria, Palmyra, hellenistic-roman, caravan building, architecture, room decoration", "Syrien, Palmyra, hellenistisch-r\u00f6misch, Karawanenbau, Architektur, Raumausstattung"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=449862"], ["title", "Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel. Ach\u00e4ologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt"], ["doab_id", "16795"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902868633"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868633"]], [["description", "Gezieltes Beckenbodentraining kann operative Eingriffe verhindern oder die \u00e4rztliche Therapie unterst\u00fctzen. F\u00fcr das vorwiegend von Physiotherapeuten durchgef\u00fchrte Training gibt es internationale Leitlinien, die sich an evidenzbasierten Arbeiten orientieren. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung f\u00fcr das Beckenbodentraining ist die vaginale oder rektale Palpation.Dieses Buch beschreibt nicht nur die Technik selbst, sondern auch, wie diese an Lernende vermittelt werden kann und f\u00fchrt die Indikationen, Anwendungen, Vorteile und Grenzen der vaginalen und rektalen Palpation auf.Durch Einsatz der im Buch gezeigten Untersuchungstechnik kann Folgendes erreicht werden: Standardisierung der Tastuntersuchung des Beckenbodens Objektive Beurteilung einer muskul\u00e4ren Beckenbodenschw\u00e4che Festlegung von BehandlungszielenViele farbige Abbildungen und Merks\u00e4tze in diesem Buch gew\u00e4hrleisten eine gute Umsetzbarkeit der gezeigten Methode und ihrer Lehre; es ist daher alsKursbuch f\u00fcr Praxis und Unterricht besonders gut geeignet."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hanzal, Engelbert / Bartosch, Bernhard / Stelzhammer, Christine / Udier, Elisabeth"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Beckenboden", " Gyn\u00e4kologie", " Pr\u00e4vention", " Physiotherapie", " Inkontinenz"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/435926"], ["title", "Palpation f\u00fcr das Beckenbodentraining"], ["doab_id", "17282"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110246117", "9783110246124", "9783110391626"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110246117, 9783110246124, 9783110391626"]], [["description", "The \"Pannonische Glanztonware\" (PGW) is a type of ceramics, which was wide-spread in Pannonia from the end of the 1st well into the 3rd century A.D. It is a product of local potteries, in which the influence of ceramics in the La T\u00e8ne tradition and of imported Roman ceramics joined to create a new, typical Pannonian ware.In the PGW was produced exclusively table ware. The shapes of the vessels are to a large extent taken over from the Terra Sigillata resp. influenced by it; some of them also show the influence of the raetic-germanic area and the local utility ware.The vessels have a fine paste, a slip and are fired at the beginning of production, in most cases in a reducing atmosphere. But from the beginning oxidized fired pieces also appeared; their portion is - regionally scattered - increasing in the 3rd century.A number of the vessels are decorated in a for typical PGW way with stamps either inside at the base or outside; most of them, however are undecorated.The basis of the investigations into the PGW are the finds, which were unearthened at the excavations 1977-1988 conducted by H. Stiglitz in the auxiliary fort of Carnuntum. The finds of the \"Steinkastell I\" and the over it lying levelling layer give a representative view of the PGW in the second third of the 2nd century in the area of Carnuntum.On the basis of the finds published here, a open classification-system was created, so that it can be expanded with further finds, which are until now only known from unpublished locations or from other publications.Regarding the material of the vessels five fabrics (\"STyp 1-5\") and four types of slip (\"\u00dcTyp A-D\") could be distinguished. Petrographic and heavy mineral analysis, which were carried out by R. Sauer, showed that the vessels of fabric 2, 3 and 5 were probably produced in the area of Carnuntum.Apart from the emphasis on north-western Pannonia, which results from the basis of the finds of Carnuntum, a summary is given of the spectrum of the PGW, the potter's stamps, workshops and finds from dated locations in eastern and south-western Pannonia. A short discourse on the stamped ceramics found in south-eastern Pannonia, Moesia and Dacia completes the picture.

Bei der Pannonischen Glanztonware (PGW) handelt es sich um Keramikgattung, die vom Ende des 1. bis ins fortgeschrittene 3. Jh. n. Chr. in ganz Pannonien verbreitet gewesen ist. Sie ist ein Produkt lokaler T\u00f6pferwerkst\u00e4tten, in dem sich die Einfl\u00fcsse von in Lat\u00e8ne-Tradition stehender und von importierter r\u00f6mischer Keramik zu einer neuen, typisch pannonischen Ware vereinigen.In dieser Ware wird ausschlie\u00dflich Tafelgeschirr hergestellt. Die Gef\u00e4\u00dfformen sind gro\u00dfteils aus der Terra Sigillata \u00fcbernommen bzw. von dieser beeinflu\u00dft; einige zeigen aber auch den Einflu\u00df aus dem raetisch-germanischen Raum und aus der lokalen Gebrauchskeramik.Die Gef\u00e4\u00dfe haben einen feinen Scherben, sind mit einem Glanzton\u00fcberzug versehen und am Beginn der Produktion meist reduzierend gebrannt. Von Anfang an treten - in regional unterschiedlichem Ausma\u00df - gleichzeitig aber auch oxidierend gebrannte St\u00fccke auf, wobei ihr Anteil im 3. Jh. n. Chr. stark zunimmt. Der f\u00fcr die PGW typische florale bzw. ornamentale Stempeldekor auf der Innenseite am Boden oder auf der Au\u00dfenseite der Wandung ist lediglich bei einem Teil der Gef\u00e4\u00dfe anzutreffen; der Gro\u00dfteil der Gef\u00e4\u00dfe ist ungestempelt.Grundlage der Untersuchungen zur PGW war das bei den Grabungen 1977-1988 unter der Leitung von H. Stiglitz im Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum zutage gekommene Fundmaterial. Die Funde aus den Schichten des Steinkastells I und der dar\u00fcber liegenden Planierungsschicht geben einen repr\u00e4sentativen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die im zweiten Drittel des 2. Jh. im Raum von Carnuntum verwendete PGW.Auf der Basis des hier vorgelegten Fundmaterials wurde ein offenes Klassifikationssystem entworfen, das durch andere, bisher nur aus unpubliziertem Fundmaterial oder aus der Literatur bekannte Gef\u00e4\u00dfformen erweiterbar ist. Bez\u00fcglich des Materials konnten f\u00fcnf Scherbentypen (STyp 1-5) und vier \u00dcberzugstypen (\u00dcTyp A-D) unterschieden werden.Neben dem sich aus der Materialbasis ergebenden Schwerpunkt im nordwestpannonischen Raum wird ein \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das Spektrum der PGW, ihre T\u00f6pferstempel, Werkst\u00e4tten und Funde aus datierten Fundorten im \u00f6stlichen und s\u00fcdwestlichen Pannonien gegeben. Exkurse zu S\u00fcdostpannonien, Moesien und Dakien runden das Bild ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Adler-W\u00f6lfl ,Kristina"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Ceramics, Carnuntum, Pannonia, classification, Pannonian Glanztonware, types of shards", "Keramik, Carnuntum, Pannonien, Klassifikation, Pannonische Glanztonware, Scherbentypen"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477713"], ["title", "Pannonische Glanztonware aus dem Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum"], ["doab_id", "16003"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305444"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305444"]], [["description", "The book presents a selection of the works presented during various encounters held in sites connected with the life of Paolo Mantegazza, aimed at retrieving and valorising his cultural legacy. An eclectic figure - scientist, novelist, anthropologist and politician - Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910) played a leading role in Italian society and the cultural scene of the late nineteenth century. The contributions of academics from different disciplines enable us to reconstruct both the great variety of the man\u2019s interests and curiosities, and the strict methodological rigour that guided his entire scientific production and is today the most evident sign of his contemporary relevance.

Il libro raccoglie una selezione dei lavori presentati in vari incontri tenuti nei luoghi legati alla vicenda biografica di Paolo Mantegazza e che miravano a recuperare e valorizzare la sua eredit\u00e0 culturale. Figura eclettica di scienziato, romanziere, divulgatore, politico, Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910) ha avuto un ruolo di primo piano nella cultura e nella societ\u00e0 italiana della fine del XIX secolo; i contributi di studiosi di diverse discipline consentono di ricostruire sia la grande variet\u00e0 degli interessi e delle curiosit\u00e0 dell'uomo, sia il profondo rigore metodologico che guida la sua intera produzione scientifica e che rappresenta il segno pi\u00f9 forte della sua attualit\u00e0."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chiarelli, Cosimo; Pasini, Walter"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Biography", "Anthropology", "Science", "Biografia", "Antropologia", "Scienza"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356363"], ["title", "Paolo Mantegazza"], ["doab_id", "13157"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530394", "9788884530394"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530393 8884530393"]], [["description", "The 2nd International Conference \"Genetics of aging and longevity\" took place 22-25 April, 2012 in the main building of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Top gerontologists and geneticists from 25 countries around the world discussed the current problems in many areas related to the genetics of longevity and mechanisms of aging. This Research Topic is aimed to provide a collection of articles based on the talks, reports and experimental outcomes related to the topics of the conference: \"Epigenetic Changes Associated with Longevity\", \"Hormones and Aging\", \"Proximal and Cellular Mechanisms of Aging\", \"Nutrient Signaling, Stress Resistance and Longevity\", \"Identifying Longevity Genes by Mutational, QTL and Association Mapping\", \"Fundamental Biological Processes Central to Aging\", \"Interventions to Extend Lifespan and Promote Healthy Aging\", \"Longevity: Meta-Analysis and Informatics Approaches\". Participants of the Conference submitted 20 papers belonging to Original Research Papers, Review Articles (Including Mini Reviews), Opinion and Perspective Papers. All of the submitted manuscripts were peer-reviewed by excellent Frontiers Review Editors and prepared for publication by highly efficient Frontiers team, and it is a pleasure to thank them all for their work and dedication."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexey Moskalev; Elena G. Pasyukova"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Aging", "evolution", "Genetics", "epigenetics", "geroprotectors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/889/papers-of-the-conference-on-genetics-of-aging-and-longevity-2012"], ["title", "Papers of the Conference on Genetics of Aging and Longevity 2012"], ["doab_id", "18683"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193530"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193530"]], [["description", "Die Zeit vom 11. bis 15. Jahrhundert wird in der Forschung als lang gestreckter Siegeszug des Papiers in Europa beschrieben. Als Konsens gilt, dass der neue Beschreibstoff angesichts seiner Preisvorteile und der Verf\u00fcgbarkeit seiner Rohstoffe nicht nur das zuvor dominierende Pergament verdr\u00e4ngte, sondern auch die entscheidende Voraussetzung f\u00fcr den rapiden Anstieg an Schriftlichkeit im Sp\u00e4tmittelalter war. F\u00fcr diese linearen Fortschrittsthesen fehlen jedoch weitgehend empirische Studien, welche die Ausbreitung des Papiergebrauchs in geographischer wie in sozialer Hinsicht nachvollziehen. Der vorliegende Sammelband thematisiert einerseits die mittelalterliche Papierproduktion und den europaweiten Handel mit der neuen Ware am Beispiel von ausgew\u00e4hlten M\u00fchlenrevieren in Italien, S\u00fcdwestdeutschland und Belgien. Andererseits r\u00fcckt er die Frage nach der Papierverwendung und damit zugleich den jahrhundertelangen parallelen Gebrauch des \u00e4lteren Pergaments ins Zentrum: Die Beitr\u00e4ge fokussieren Fallbeispiele sowohl aus dem Bereich der Administration als auch der Buchkultur. Neue Wege geht der Band mit der interdisziplin\u00e4ren Kooperation von Historikern, Buchwissenschaftlern, Arch\u00e4ologen, Archivaren, Restauratoren und Handpapiermachern."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", " Meyer, Carla / Schultz, Sandra / Schneidm\u00fcller, Bernd"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schriftkultur", " Papierproduktion", " Fr\u00fche Neuzeit"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431205"], ["title", "Papier im mittelalterlichen Europa. Herstellung und Gebrauch"], ["doab_id", "17224"], ["language_unmapped", "German, English"], ["isbns", ["9783110371413"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110371413"]], [["description", "In Para-States and Medical Science, P. Wenzel Geissler and the contributors examine how medicine and public health in Africa have been transformed as a result of economic and political liberalization and globalization, intertwined with epidemiological and technological changes. The resulting fragmented medical science landscape is shaped and sustained by transnational flows of expertise and resources. NGOs, universities, pharmaceutical companies and other nonstate actors now play a significant role in medical research and treatment. But as the contributors to this volume argue, these groups have not supplanted the primacy of the nation-state in Africa. Although not necessarily stable or responsive, national governments remain crucial in medical care, both as employers of health care professionals and as sources of regulation, access, and \u2013 albeit sometimes counterintuitively - trust for their people. \u201cThe state\u201d has morphed into the \u201cpara-state\u201d \u2014 not a monolithic and predictable source of sovereignty and governance, but a shifting, and at times ephemeral, figure. Tracing the emergence of the \u201cglobal health\u201d paradigm in Africa in the treatment of HIV, malaria, and leprosy, this book challenges familiar notions of African statehood as weak or illegitimate by elaborating complex new frameworks of governmentality that can be simultaneously functioning and dysfunctional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geissler Wenzel ,Paul"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["medicine", "public health", "Africa"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/record/530530"], ["title", "Para-States and Medical Science: Making African Global Health"], ["doab_id", "16849"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822357353", "9780822357490"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822357353 9780822357490"]], [["description", "In his 1962 book \"The Structure of Scientific Revolutions\", Thomas Kuhn famously argued that researchers in every field of scientific enquiry always operate under a set of presuppositions known as paradigms that are rarely explicitly stated. In the field of HIV vaccine research, several prevailing paradigms led scientists for many years to pursue unfruitful lines of investigations that impeded significant progress. The uncritical acceptance of reigning paradigms makes scientists reluctant to abandon their mistaken assumptions even when they obtain results that are not consistent with the paradigms. The following five paradigms which disregard the degeneracy of the immune system were particularly harmful. 1) There is a primary and intrinsic epitope specific for each B cell receptor and for the corresponding monoclonal antibody.In reality, there is no single, intrinsic or \"real\" epitope for any antibody but only a diverse group of potential ligands. 2) Reactions with monoclonal antibodies are more specific than the combined reactivity of polyclonal antibodies. In reality, a polyclonal antiserum has greater specificity for a multiepitopic protein because different antibodies in the antiserum recognize separate epitopes on the same protein, giving rise to an additive specificity effect. By focusing vaccine design on single epitope-Mab pairs, the beneficial neutralizing synergy that occurs with polyclonal antibody responses is overlooked. 3) The HIV epitope identified by solving the crystallographic structure of a broadly neutralizing Mab \u2013 HIV Env complex should be able, when used as immunogen, to elicit antibodies endowed with the same neutralizing capacity as the Mab. Since every anti HIV bnMab is polyspecific, the single epitope identified in the complex is not necessarily the one that elicited the bnMab. Since hypermutated Mabs used in crystallographic studies differ from their germline-like receptor version present before somatic hypermutation, the identified epitope will not be an effective vaccine immunogen. 4) Effective vaccine immunogenicity can be predicted from the antigenic binding capacity of viral epitopes. Most fragments of a viral antigen can induce antibodies that react with the immunogen, but this is irrelevant for vaccination since these antibodies rarely recognize the cognate, intact antigen and even more rarely neutralize the infectivity of the viral pathogen that harbors the antigen. 5) The rational design of vaccine immunogens using reverse vaccinology is superior to the trial-and-error screening of vaccine candidates able to induce protective immunity. One epitope can be designed to increase its structural complementarity to one particular bnMab, but such antigen design is only masquerading as immunogen design because it is assumed that antigenic reactivity necessarily entails the immunogenic capacity to elicit neutralizing antibodies. When HIV Env epitopes, engineered to react with a bnMab are used to select from human donors rare memory B cells secreting bnAbs, this represents antigen design and not immunogen design. The aim of this Research Topic is to replace previous misleading paradigms by novel ones that better fit our current understanding of immunological specificity and will help HIV vaccine development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marc H. V. Van Regenmortel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["antibody polyspecificity", "bacterial adjuvants", "germline antibodies", "HIV tolerogenic vaccine", "Mucosal vaccine", "neutralizing antibodies", "SIV vaccine", "Therapeutic vaccine", "structure-based reverse vaccinology", "vaccine efficacy trials"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1918/paradigm-changes-are-required-in-hiv-vaccine-research"], ["title", "Paradigm changes are required in HIV vaccine research"], ["doab_id", "18853"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197279"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197279"]], [["description", "Paradoxes of Social Capital critically examines the robustness of social capital theory as an analytical tool in explaining the various 'integration' patterns amongst Moroccans in London. The book also considers how structural factors impact on the ways in which Moroccans - across generations - sustain, access and use social capital at the levels of family, ethnic community, migrant associations and schools. Furthermore, this research elaborates on how social capital serves as an identity (re)source that is continuously negotiated and redefined through (in)active group (family, ethnic, religious and national) memberships. An original model of studying the second-generation processes of adaptation - viewed as 'transversal adaptation'- is also introduced, shifting the focus from predetermined 'integration' patterns to a circular and a longitudinal approach to 'integration', where new opportunities and constraints emerge, structured by the temporal flow of life trajectories.

Paradoxes of Social Capital bestudeert de plaatsing van het sociale kapitaal om de samenhang en integratie van drie generaties Marokkanen in Londen te evalueren. Cherti heeft voor dit boek gebruik gemaakt van onder meer orale geschiedenis, diepteinterviews en andere veldtechnieken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cherti ,Myriam"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340109"], ["title", "Paradoxes of Social Capital : A Multi-Generational Study of Moroccans in London"], ["doab_id", "12819"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053560327"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053560327"]], [["description", "The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is the central scientific network within the massive set of bureaucracies that is responsible for Europe's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). While spending the past 25 years failing to sustain Europe's fish stocks, this management system also became adept at making the lives of its scientists miserable. Now it is being confronted by the complex challenge of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. If this combination of a multi-national bureaucracy, hard politics, and scientific uncertainty has made it impossible to maintain many individual fish stocks, how are decisions going to be made that consider everything from sea birds to climate change? The old political saw that \"if you can't solve a problem, make it bigger\" has never been put to a test like this! Yet ICES has begun to rise in an impressive way to the scientific challenge of providing advice for an ecosystem approach within the world's most cumbersome fisheries management system. This book lays out the results of extensive sociological research on ICES and the decision making systems into which it feeds. ICES is finding ways to provide effective advice in the many situations where scientific advice is needed but a clear, simple answer is out of reach. In spite of the difficulties, scientists are beginning to help the various parties concerned with management to deal with facts about nature in ways that are more useful and transparent.

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is het centrale wetenschappelijke netwerk binnen de grote hoeveelheid van bureaucratie\u00ebn die verantwoordelijk is voor Europa's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). De afgelopen 25 jaar lukte het ICES niet om de visquota te handhaven. Bovendien belemmerde het managementsysteem het werk van de betrokken onderzoekers. Nu is een bewustere aanpak met oog voor het ecosysteem een nieuwe uitdaging voor ICES. Wel rest nog de kwestie van besluitvorming in een situatie waarin bureaucratie, harde politiek en wetenschappelijke onzekerheid het onmogelijk maken om de individuele visquota te handhaven. ICES is begonnen met het adviseren van 's werelds lastigste managementsysteem: dat van de visserij. The Paradoxes of Transparency is het resultaat van uitgebreid sociologisch onderzoek naar ICES. Wilson laat zien dat de organisatie nieuwe manieren vindt om een effectief wetenschappelijk advies te geven."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wilson ,Douglas Clyde"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Bestuurskunde"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340024"], ["title", "The Paradoxes of Transparency : Science and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in Europe"], ["doab_id", "12747"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640604"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640604"]], [["description", "The postwar histories of Paris and Amsterdam have been significantly defined by the notion of the \u201cunderground\u201d as both a material and metaphorical space. Examining the underground traffic between the two cities, this book interrogates the countercultural histories of Paris and Amsterdam in the mid to late-twentieth century. Shuttling between Paris and Amsterdam, as well as between postwar avant-gardism and twenty-first century global urbanism, this interdisciplinary book seeks to create a mirroring effect over the notion of the underground as a driving force in the making of the contemporary European city.

De naoorlogse geschiedenis van Parijs en Amsterdam wordt sterk gedefinieerd door underground culturen, zowel in fysieke als in metaforische zin. Dit boek bekijkt de culturele uitwisseling tussen beide steden en onderzoekt de geschiedenis van tegencultuur in Parijs en Amsterdam in de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw. Door steeds heen en weer te schakelen tussen Parijs en Amsterdam, en door de spanning tussen naoorlogs avant-gardisme en de kosmopolitische stad van de eenentwintigste eeuw in kaart te brengen, weerspiegelt dit boek de drijvende kracht van de culturele underground in de grote steden van hedendaags Europa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lindner ,Christoph ; Hussey ,Andrew"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Urban & municipal planning"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=442549"], ["title", "Paris-Amsterdam Underground : Essays on Cultural Resistance, Subversion, and Diversion"], ["doab_id", "15256"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645050"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645050"]], [["description", "Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects 1.5% of the global population over 65 years of age. The hallmark feature of this disease is the degeneration of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and a consequent striatal dopamine deficiency. The pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease remains unclear. Despite tremendous growth in recent years in our knowledge of the molecular basis of Parkinson's Disease and the molecular pathways of cell death important questions remain regarding why are substantia nigra cells especially vulnerable, which mechanisms underlie progressive cell loss or what do Lewy bodies or alpha-synuclein reveal about disease progression. Understanding the different vulnerability of the dopaminergic neurons from midbrain regions and the mechanisms whereby pathology becomes widespread are primary objectives of basic and clinical research in Parkinson's Disease.This e-Book discusses the etiopathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease, presenting a series of papers that provide up-to-date, state-of-the-art information on molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the neurodegeneration process in the disease, the role of activation of functional anatomical organization of the basal ganglia and in particular habitual vs goal directed systems as a factor of neuronal vulnerability, the possibility that Parkinson's Disease coulb be a prion disease and how genetic factors linked to familial and sporadic forms of PD. We hope that this e-Book will stimulate the continuing efforts to understand the cell and physiological mechanisms underlying the origin of Parkinson's Disease."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Javier Blesa; Jose L. Lanciego; Jose A. Obeso"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Parkinson's Disease", "Substantia Nigra", "Striatum", "Cell vulnerability", "Dopaminergic Neurons", "Dopamine", "synuclein", "Mitochondria", "habitual behavior"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2033/parkinsons-disease-cell-vulnerability-and-disease-progression"], ["title", "Parkinson's Disease Cell Vulnerability and Disease Progression"], ["doab_id", "18808"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196760"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196760"]], [["description", "Today, over 3,000 protected areas around the world contribute to the protection of biodiversity, peaceful relations between neighbouring countries, and the well-being of people living in and around the protected environs. Historical and geo-political constraints are disappearing in a new spirit of collaboration to address common issues confronting ecosystems, species, and communities. Managing across boundaries is seen as the only way to ensure the long-term viability of ecological systems and sustainable communities.Current international thinking in this area is reflected in this collection of essays by park managers, biologists, scholars, scientists, and researchers. From Waterton-Glacier International Park to the European Alps, and Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia, the essays provide illustrative examples of the challenges and new solutions that are emerging around the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Michael S. Quinn; Len Broberg; Wayne Freimund"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49304/6/UofCPress_ParksPeacePartnership_2012.pdf"], ["title", "Parks, Peace, and Partnership: Global Initiatives in Transboundary Conservation"], ["doab_id", "15362"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386439"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386439"]], [["description", "What is the relationship between hip-hop and African American culture in the post--Civil Rights era? Does hip-hop share a criticism of American culture or stand as an isolated and unique phenomenon? How have African American texts responded to the increasing role intellectual property law plays in regulating images, sounds, words, and logos? Parodies of Ownership examines how contemporary African American writers, artists, and musicians have developed an artistic form that Schur terms \"\"hip-hop aesthetics.\"\" This book offers an in-depth examination of a wide range of contemporary African American painters and writers, including Anna Deavere Smith, Toni Morrison, Adrian Piper, Colson Whitehead, Michael Ray Charles, Alice Randall, and Fred Wilson. Their absence from conversations about African American culture has caused a misunderstanding about the nature of contemporary cultural issues and resulted in neglect of their innovative responses to the post--Civil Rights era. By considering their work as a cross-disciplinary and specifically African American cultural movement, Schur shows how a new paradigm for artistic creation has developed. Parodies of Ownership offers a broad analysis of post--Civil Rights era culture and provides the necessary context for understanding contemporary debates within American studies, African American studies, intellectual property law, African American literature, art history, and hip-hop studies. Weaving together law, literature, art, and music, Schur deftly clarifies the conceptual issues that unify contemporary African American culture, empowering this generation of artists, writers, and musicians to criticize how racism continues to affect our country."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Richard L. Schur"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["African Americans -- Legal status, laws, etc.", "Intellectual property -- United States", "Hip-hop -- Influence", "African Americans in popular culture"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.6814160.0001.001"], ["title", "Parodies of ownership : Hip-Hop Aesthetics and Intellectual Property Law"], ["doab_id", "14503"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472050604", "9780472024490"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472050604 Ebook Formats: 9780472024490"]], [["description", "Pour interpr\u00e9ter les faits de culture, l\u2019anthropologie a longtemps adopt\u00e9 un mod\u00e8le linguistique et symbolique. L\u2019approche propos\u00e9e ici se d\u00e9marque de cette approche traditionnelle, et propose d\u2019\u00e9tudier plut\u00f4t les diff\u00e9rentes mani\u00e8res dont l\u2019image et la parole s\u2019entrem\u00ealent dans la production des corps, des signes et des m\u00e9moires au sein d\u2019une soci\u00e9t\u00e9. Cet ouvrage pr\u00e9sente les r\u00e9sultats des recherches d\u2019un groupe de chercheurs fran\u00e7ais et br\u00e9siliens, qui a d\u00e9j\u00e0 donn\u00e9 lieu \u00e0 la publication d\u2019..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carlos Fausto, Carlo Severi (dir.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/751"], ["title", "Paroles en images"], ["doab_id", "18803"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821855748", "9782821855762"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855748 9782821855762"]], [["description", "Social educators are involved daily in situations where institutional, profesional and personal elements are intermingled. To understand what is at stake in accompanying young people placed in a shelter, Jo\u00eblle Libois explores three profesional situations in order to reach the heart of the activity, enriching them by theoretical contributions (based mainly on Piette, Vygotski, Clot, Mendel). She particularly seeks to maintain coherence between the epistemology of the clinical approach to activity and the methodological building of her approach, and thus grasp the key dimensions of the acting.La part sensible de l\u2019acte focuses on the intention in the action and questions it in the light of the epistemological framing of the analysis of activity, which insists on a dimension that is contextualised and situated in the acting. The activity is understood as an interaction between a manageable part of oneself and of the forces involved that proceed from the resistance opposed by the reality (Clot, 1999), which integrates what the will of the subject cannot grasp. This allows to identify the standardized character of every practice and to insist on the fact that the relational \u2013 the notion of presence in reference to the notion of presence-absence (Piette, 2009) and the ability to to let go \u2013 is not linked to spontaneous virtues but that it needs being thought over, questioned and practiced in the frame of institutional targets.At last, notions of uncertainty and risk, characteristic to the acting, are opposed to the institutional expectations carried by the normative speeches aiming for social control and evaluation of the action.

Les \u00e9ducateurs sociaux qui interviennent aupr\u00e8s de jeunes plac\u00e9s en foyer doivent naviguer entre des normes \u00e9ducatives pr\u00e9construites et l\u2019impr\u00e9visibilit\u00e9 inh\u00e9rente \u00e0 leur l\u2019activit\u00e9. Le quotidien, dans ses moments fantasques, place le professionnel \u00e0 un degr\u00e9 \u00e9lev\u00e9 de complexit\u00e9 de l\u2019agir. Prendre le risque que quelque chose puisse advenir, l\u00e0 o\u00f9 rien n\u2019est attendu, se r\u00e9v\u00e8le comme axe fondateur de la pratique, l\u00e0 o\u00f9 pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment le geste sp\u00e9cialis\u00e9 se per\u00e7oit difficilement. La part sensible de l\u2019acte se penche sur cet agir professionnel et illustre comment les praticiens parviennent \u00e0 relever ce d\u00e9fi.Jo\u00eblle Libois s\u2019attelle \u00e0 rendre dicible l\u2019expertise dont rel\u00e8ve le travail relationnel dans le quotidien du vivre ensemble. A l\u2019aide de trois vignettes de situation en foyer pour jeunes, les pratiques quotidiennes qui engendrent du questionnement sont analys\u00e9es ; l\u00e0 o\u00f9 le faire rencontre de la r\u00e9sistance, l\u00e0 o\u00f9 se posent des \u00e9nigmes, l\u00e0 o\u00f9 se trouve un apport cr\u00e9atif dans la pens\u00e9e.Il s\u2019agit de saisir ce qui fait acte dans le travail social, au travers de l\u2019explicite et de l\u2019implicite, de la sensorialit\u00e9 incarn\u00e9e dans la m\u00e9moire des gestes comme dans la raison. Ces positions d\u00e9licates d\u2019intersubjectivit\u00e9, de pr\u00e9sence de soi aux autres, qui vise l\u2019inclusion dans un univers port\u00e9 journellement par les probl\u00e9matiques de l\u2019exclusion, mettent en \u0153uvre des savoirs professionnels qu\u2019il importe de rendre visibles."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Libois ,Jo\u00eblle"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Activity analysis", "social work", "pedagogy/training", "youth studies", "Analyse de l\u2019activit\u00e9", "Formation / p\u00e9dagogie", "Intervention en travail social", "Jeunesse"]], ["publisher", "Editions IES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578318"], ["title", "La part sensible de l\u2019acte"], ["doab_id", "17544"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782882240996"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782882240996"]], [["description", "Grandes avan\u00e7os na compreens\u00e3o do sistema de funcionamento dos conselhos de sa\u00fade t\u00eam sido possibilitados, nos \u00faltimos anos, gra\u00e7as \u00e0 produ\u00e7\u00e3o acad\u00eamica de qualidade sobre a participa\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade no Brasil. Ainda que as abordagens nas investiga\u00e7\u00f5es dos CEPs (Comit\u00eas de \u00c9tica em Pesquisa) tenham conduzido \u00e0 constata\u00e7\u00e3o das enormes dificuldades que o controle social vem encontrando para sua efetiva\u00e7\u00e3o, os projetos de pesquisa conduzidos pela autora, cujos resultados s\u00e3o aqui apresentados, conseguiram fugir dessas armadilhas mediante a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um elaborado referencial te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gico absolutamente inovador. A originalidade interpretativa, o rigor metodol\u00f3gico e a riqueza anal\u00edtica constituem, em s\u00edntese, as caracter\u00edsticas deste livro, rico material para os estudiosos da democracia participativa e para o p\u00fablico em geral."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "C\u00f4rtes, Soraya Vargas"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8znq5"], ["title", "Participa\u00e7\u00e3o e sa\u00fade no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "19316"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413463"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413463"]], [["description", "Participatory Planning for Climate Compatible Development in Maputo, Mozambique is a practitioners\u2019 handbook that builds upon the experience of a pilot project that was awarded the United Nations \u2018Lighthouse Activity\u2019 Award. Building upon a long scholarly tradition of participatory planning, this dual-language (English/Portuguese) book addresses crucial questions about the relevance of citizen participation in planning for climate compatible development and argues that citizens have knowledge and access to resources that enable them to develop a sustainable vision for their community. In order to do so, the author proposes a Participatory Action Planning methodology to organise communities, and also advances mechanisms for institutional development through partnerships."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broto Cast\u00e1n ,Vanesa; Ensor ,Jonathan; Boyd ,Emily; Allen ,Charlotte; Seventine ,Carlos; Macucule Augusto ,Domingos"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Climate Compatible Development", "Planning", "Maputo"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579181"], ["title", "Participatory Planning for Climate Compatible Development in Maputo, Mozambique / Planeamento participativo para o desenvolvimento compat\u00edvel com o clima em Maputo, Mo\u00e7ambique"], ["doab_id", "17644"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634219", "9781910634196", "9781910634202", "9781910634226"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634219 9781910634196 9781910634202 9781910634226"]], [["description", "Este livro re\u00fane um conjunto de artigos sobre dois temas que tendem a se aproximar: o do partido e o do sindicalismo. O primeiro, \u201cA composi\u00e7\u00e3o social das lideran\u00e7as do PT\u201d, foi escrito em mar\u00e7o de 1989, e apresentado em abril no Col\u00f3quio Franco-Brasileiro de Ci\u00eancias Sociais realizado em Paris. Esta \u00e9 sua primeira publica\u00e7\u00e3o. O segundo artigo, \u201cParadoxos do sindicalismo\u201d, foi publicado no Jornal da Tarde, em 5 de outubro de 1985. Apenas uma ou outra corre\u00e7\u00e3o foi introduzida."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cghr3"], ["title", "Partidos e sindicatos: escritos de sociologia pol\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "16863"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820267"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820267"]], [["description", "Este trabalho tem como objeto principal a composi\u00e7\u00e3o social das bancadas na C\u00e2mara dos Deputados de seis dos principais partidos brasileiros. Entendemos que os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que h\u00e1 uma rela\u00e7\u00e3o consistente e coerente entre os meios socio-ocupacionais de recrutamento partid\u00e1rio e as orienta\u00e7\u00f5es pol\u00edtico-program\u00e1ticas dos partidos na escala ideol\u00f3gica direita-centro-esquerda. Complementarmente, o exame das configura\u00e7\u00f5es partid\u00e1rias resultantes das elei\u00e7\u00f5es de 1990, 1994 e 1998 mostrou um quadro multipartid\u00e1rio relativamente est\u00e1vel, com avan\u00e7os mais fortes das correntes de centro, perdas pequenas da direita e ganhos tamb\u00e9m pequenos da esquerda."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9yf86"], ["title", "Partidos, ideologia e composi\u00e7\u00e3o social: um estudo das bancadas partid\u00e1rias na c\u00e2mara dos deputados"], ["doab_id", "16944"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820250"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820250"]], [["description", "Engstrom evaluates redistricting plans and their electoral results from all states from 1789 through the 1960s, revealing that districting practices systematically affected the competitiveness of congressional elections; shaped the partisan composition of congressional delegations; and, on occasion, determined control of the House of Representatives.Erik J. Engstrom offers a historical perspective on the effects of gerrymandering on elections and party control of the U.S. national legislature. Aside from the requirements that districts be continuous and, after 1842, that each select only one representative, there were few restrictions on congressional districting. Unrestrained, state legislators drew and redrew districts to suit their own partisan agendas. With the rise of the \u201cone-person, one-vote\u201d doctrine and the implementation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, however, redistricting became subject to court oversight.Engstrom evaluates the abundant cross-sectional and temporal variation in redistricting plans and their electoral results from all the states, from 1789 through the 1960s, to identify the causes and consequences of partisan redistricting. His analysis reveals that districting practices across states and over time systematically affected the competitiveness of congressional elections; shaped the partisan composition of congressional delegations; and, on occasion, determined party control of the House of Representatives.\u201cPartisan Gerrymandering and the Construction of American Democracy provides a rich look at the practice of gerrymandering. It is a nice mix of history and quantitative analysis. . . . It will be the definitive work on the subject for decades to come.\u201d \u2014Charles Stewart, MITErik J. Engstrom is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Davis. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Engstrom J. ,Erik"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Politics", "American Politics", "Appotionment", "Election law"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469367"], ["title", "Partisan Gerrymandering and the Construction of American Democracy"], ["doab_id", "15922"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119011", "9780472029525"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119011 9780472029525"]], [["description", "This volume represents the natural development of the theoretical conclusions which the author arrived at in a previous publication, devoted to the passage from the mandate prohibition to the party mandate. The analysis of the provisions present in the Spanish system as regards parties and Parliamentary groups, and in particular those aimed at countering the phenomenon of Parliamentary transfuguismo or switching, effectively confirms that it is possible to draw from the traditional principles on political representation meanings that better fit the peculiar role that the parties play within the current representative democracies, without undermining their foundations. Hence the necessity to define solutions of various kinds - constitutional, legislative, regulatory, conventional - designed to guarantee that the elected member respects the party mandate received from the voters.

Questo volume costituisce il naturale sviluppo delle conclusioni teoriche cui \u00e8 pervenuto l'autore in una precedente pubblicazione, dedicata al passaggio dal divieto di mandato al mandato di partito. L'analisi delle disposizioni presenti nell'ordinamento spagnolo in tema di partiti e gruppi parlamentari, ed in particolare di quelle dirette a contrastare il fenomeno del transfuguismo parlamentare, conferma infatti che \u00e8 possibile trarre dai tradizionali principi sulla rappresentanza politica signifi cati pi\u00f9 conformi al ruolo peculiare che i partiti svolgono nelle attuali democrazie rappresentative, senza con ci\u00f2 minarne le fondamenta. Da qui la necessit\u00e0 di defi nire soluzioni normative di varia natura - costituzionale, legislativa, regolamentare, convenzionale - atte a garantire il rispetto da parte dell'eletto del mandato di partito ricevuto dagli elettori."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Curreri, Salvatore"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Right", "Democracy", "Political parties", "Spain", "Diritto", "Partiti politici", "Spagna"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356383"], ["title", "Partiti e gruppi parlamentari nell'ordinamento spagnolo"], ["doab_id", "13177"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532831", "9788884532848"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532833 8884532841"]], [["description", "Informed by the work of writers such as Henri Lefebvre, Paul Ricoeur and Michel de Certeau, this collection of essays examines through multiple lenses eight topics related to the contemporary urban domain. The author employs powerful geographic and literary concepts such as space, narrative, and metaphor to interpret the often-bewildering complexity of the post-modern city. Recalling key aspects of our shared intellectual heritage, Passages seeks to demystify the structure and historical development of the contemporary city in an accessible, engaging style. Passages is indispensable for those examining the city from either the professional design or the cultural studies standpoint. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Graham Livesey"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49345/16/UofCPress_Passages_2004.pdf"], ["title", "Passages: Explorations of the Contemporary City"], ["doab_id", "15404"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386750"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386750"]], [["description", "Born into a prominent German Jewish banking family, Baron Max von Oppenheim (1860-1946) was a keen amateur archaeologist and ethnologist. His discovery and excavation of Tell Halaf in Syria marked an important contribution to knowledge of the ancient Middle East, while his massive study of the Bedouins is still consulted by scholars today. He was also an ardent German patriot, eager to support his country's pursuit of its \"place in the sun\".Excluded by his part-Jewish ancestry from the regular diplomatic service, Oppenheim earned a reputation as \"the Kaiser's spy\" because of his intriguing against the British in Cairo, as well as his plan, at the start of the First World War, to incite Muslims under British, French and Russian rule to a jihad against the colonial powers. After 1933, despite being half-Jewish according to the Nuremberg Laws, Oppenheim was not persecuted by the Nazis. In fact, he placed his knowledge of the Middle East and his connections with Muslim leaders at the service of the regime.Ranging widely over many fields - from war studies to archaeology and banking history - The Passion of Max von Oppenheim tells the gripping and at times unsettling story of one part-Jewish man's passion for his country in the face of persistent and, in his later years, genocidal anti-Semitism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gossman, Lionel (Author)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Nazi history", "anti-semitism", "Middle East", "German history", "Jewish history"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/163"], ["title", "The Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler"], ["doab_id", "15355"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254213"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254213"]], [["description", "Beginning with Chekhov\u2019s Uncle Vanya, Passionate Amateurs tells a new story about modern theater: the story of a romantic attachment to theater\u2019s potential to produce surprising experiences of human community. Ridout argues that theater in modern capitalism can help us think afresh about notions of work, time, and freedom.Passionate Amateurs tells a new story about modern theater: the story of a romantic attachment to theater\u2019s potential to produce surprising experiences of human community. It begins with one of the first great plays of modern European theater\u2014Chekhov\u2019s Uncle Vanya in Moscow\u2014and then crosses the 20th and 21st centuries to look at how its story plays out in Weimar Republic Berlin, in the Paris of the 1960s, and in a spectrum of contemporary performance in Europe and the United States. This is a work of historical materialist theater scholarship, which combines a materialism grounded in a socialist tradition of cultural studies with some of the insights developed in recent years by theorists of affect, and addresses some fundamental questions about the social function and political potential of theater within modern capitalism. Passionate Amateurs argues that theater in modern capitalism can help us think afresh about notions of work, time, and freedom. Its title concept is a theoretical and historical figure, someone whose work in theater is undertaken within capitalism, but motivated by a love that desires something different. In addition to its theoretical originality, it offers a significant new reading of a major Chekhov play, the most sustained scholarly engagement to date with Benjamin\u2019s \u201cProgram for a Proletarian Children\u2019s Theatre,\u201d the first major consideration of Godard\u2019s La chinoise as a \u201ctheatrical\u201d work, and the first chapter-length discussion of the work of The Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, an American company rapidly gaining a profile in the European theater scene. Passionate Amateurs contributes to the development of theater and performance studies in a way that moves beyond debates over the differences between theater and performance in order to tell a powerful, historically grounded story about what theater and performance are for in the modern world.\u201cReading a suggestively diverse set of modern performances, and setting those performances within a clear and well-defined theoretical/critical project, Ridout attempts to use the \u2018passionate amateur\u2019\u2014at once the spectator, the scholar, and to some extent the characters in the plays\u2014as a critical category disrupting the otherwise fully commodified communication of leisure products . . . Passionate Amateurs is wholly original, intellectually and critically stimulating, and certain to develop not only discussion but also to lead to a series of important questions in contemporary theatre and performance studies scholarship.\u201d \u2014W. B. Worthen, Alice Brady Pels Professor in the Arts, Barnard College, Columbia UniversityNicholas Ridout is Reader in Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of Drama, Queen Mary, University of London. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ridout ,Nicholas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Theatre Studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469366"], ["title", "Passionate Amateurs - Theatre, Communism and Love"], ["doab_id", "15929"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119073", "9780472029594"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119073 9780472029594"]], [["description", "The Past in the Present deals with the complexities in the operation and management of living heritage sites. It presents a new interpretation of such sites based on the concept of continuity, and its evolution to the present. It is demonstrated that the current theoretical framework and practice of conservation, as best epitomised in a values-based approach and the World Heritage concept, is based on discontinuity created between the monuments (considered to belong to the past) and the people of the present, thus seemingly unable to embrace living heritage sites. From this position, the study suggests an innovative approach that views communities and sites as an inseparable entity: a Living Heritage Approach. This approach brings a new insight into key concepts such as authenticity and sustainable development.Through the use of the monastic site of Meteora, Greece, as a case study, the discussion generated aims to shift the focus of conservation from \u2018preservation\u2019 towards a continual process of \u2018creation\u2019 in an ongoing present, attempting to change the way heritage is perceived, protected and, more importantly, further created.\u201cThe Past in the Present is an important and much-needed contribution to the debate about living heritage \u2013 and it is particularly significant in the context of the heritage of the past in the modern world. Anyone concerned with how the past is, or should be, integrated within modern lives and identities will need to read this book.\u201d \u2013 Leslie Brubaker, Director, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham, UK.\u201cThis interesting and thoroughly researched book by Ioannis Poulios is a useful tool in promoting the Living Heritage Approach, and provides a sound theoretical basis for future work. Living Heritage Approach is a paradigm shift that suggests a new way of addressing conservation for our heritage. ICCROM is proud to have introduced this approach, also with the contribution of Ioannis.\u201d \u2013 Gamini Wijesuriya, Project Manager, ICCROM.(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bak)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Poulios ,Ioannis"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["conservation", "sustainable development", "community participation", "authenticity", "living heritage", "living heritage approach", "monastic site", "Meteora, Greece", "World Heritage", "ICCROM"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533913"], ["title", "The Past in the Present: A Living Heritage Approach - Meteora, Greece"], ["doab_id", "16261"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188273", "9781909188280", "9781909188297"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188273 9781909188280 9781909188297"]], [["description", "In the field of history, the Web and other technologies have become important tools in research and teaching of the past. Yet the use of these tools is limited\u2014many historians and history educators have resisted adopting them because they fail to see how digital tools supplement and even improve upon conventional tools (such as books). In Pastplay, a collection of essays by leading history and humanities researchers and teachers, editor Kevin Kee works to address these concerns head-on. How should we use technology? Playfully, Kee contends. Why? Because doing so helps us think about the past in new ways; through the act of creating technologies, our understanding of the past is re-imagined and developed. From the insights of numerous scholars and teachers, Pastplay argues that we should play with technology in history because doing so enables us to see the past in new ways by helping us understand how history is created; honoring the roots of research, teaching, and technology development; requiring us to model our thoughts; and then allowing us to build our own understanding."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kevin Kee, editor"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.12544152.0001.001"], ["title", "Pastplay: Teaching and Learning History with Technology"], ["doab_id", "19096"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472119370", "9780472035953", "9780472900237", "9780472120482"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472119370 9780472035953 9780472900237 9780472120482"]], [["description", "Em um pa\u00eds de industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o recente, como \u00e9 o caso do Brasil, h\u00e1 ainda um conhecimento limitado sobre o papel e as fun\u00e7\u00f5es dos sistemas de propriedade intelectual, em especial as patentes de inven\u00e7\u00e3o da propriedade industrial. Escrito por especialistas, este manual se prop\u00f5e a divulgar o potencial do sistema de prote\u00e7\u00e3o e informa\u00e7\u00e3o do conhecimento t\u00e9cnico para o alcance dos objetivos do projeto de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Esclarecedor, fornece subs\u00eddios essenciais para pesquisadores e todos os envolvidos, ou para aqueles que simplesmente desejem obter ampla gama de informa\u00e7\u00f5es e orienta\u00e7\u00f5es acerca de t\u00e3o relevante assunto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Macedo, Maria Fernanda Gon\u00e7alves; Barbosa, A. L. Figueira"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Patentes, Transfer\u00eancia de tecnologia, Pesquisa"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6tmww"], ["title", "Patentes, Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento: um manual de propriedade intelectual "], ["doab_id", "16428"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412725"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412725"]], [["description", "For decades, pathogenic Yersinia have served as an inventive model organism for researchers seeking to understand the complexities of bacteria-host cell interactions. In fact, seminal studies on Yersinia virulence mechanisms contributed to the emergence and recognition of the research field - cellular microbiology. Researching Yersinia infection biology continues to identify and define fascinating virulence and survival mechanisms that advance and expand existing perceptions of bacterial-host encounters. This also includes research that defines how the pathogenic Yersiniae respond to diverse physicochemical stimuli to spatially and temporally control this armory of customized virulence and survival factors. Yet additional research demonstrates how the application of powerful whole genomic-based methodologies can open new frontiers that further facilitate understanding of bacterial evolution and pathogenicity. This Research Topic is therefore focused on presenting and summarizing new developments in Yersinia patho-physiology through highlighting cutting- edge studies on the Yersinia-host cell interaction and the network of regulatory control mechanisms that define this outcome."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Matthew S. Francis"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Yersinia", "Virulence", "Survival", "stress", "pathogenicity", "secretion", "Adhesion", "regulation", "evolution", "immune response"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/697/the-pathogenic-yersiniae---advances-in-the-understanding-of-physiology-and-virulence"], ["title", "The pathogenic Yersiniae - advances in the understanding of physiology and virulence"], ["doab_id", "17669"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192588"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192588"]], [["description", "Loss of muscle mass and increased fibrosis characterize both sarcopenia of aging and muscular dystrophy. Research is increasingly showing that these two conditions also share several pathophysiological mechanisms, including mitochondrial dysfunction, increased apoptosis, abnormal modulation of autophagy, decline in satellite cells, increased generation of reactive oxygen species, and abnormal regulation of signaling and stress response pathways. This Research Topic will cover several mechanisms involved in aging and dystrophic sarcopenia and explore the therapeutic potential of various strategies for intervention."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luciano Merlini; Paolo Bonaldo; Emanuele Marzetti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Aging sarcopenia", "muscular dystrophy", "Autophagy", "Mitochondrial dysfunction", "Apoptosis", "satellite cells", "skeletal muscle", "muscle imaging", "Animal Models", "therapy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2299/pathophysiological-mechanisms-of-sarcopenia-in-aging-and-in-muscular-dystrophy-a-translational-appro"], ["title", "Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Sarcopenia in Aging and in Muscular Dystrophy: A Translational Approach"], ["doab_id", "18814"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196845"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196845"]], [["description", "Virus-caused asthma, we now call a phenotype of asthma. Regardless of the significance and popularity of this disease, the etiology of the virus-induced asthma have not well understood. In addition, a few effective vaccines have been applied to prevent respiratory virus infection. To solve the issues, it is essential to clarify and delineate both aspects of the virus and host defense systems including acute/chronic inflammation and airway tissue remodeling. To deeply review and discuss pathophysiology and epidemiology of virus-induced asthma, this topics includes new findings of the host immunity, pathology, epidemiology, and virology of asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We believe that these works are well summarized and informative to glimpse the field of virus- associated asthma and COPD, and may help understanding the basic and clinical aspects of the diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hirokazu Kimura; Akihide Ryo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["virus-induced asthma", "Epidemiology", "Pathology", "respiratory virus", "human immunity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1529/pathophysiology-and-epidemiology-of-virus-induced-asthma"], ["title", "Pathophysiology and epidemiology of virus-induced asthma"], ["doab_id", "17802"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194100"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194100"]], [["description", "Fieldwork extending over a thirty-year period provided materials for this book. Paths and Rivers offers an unusually deep and broad picture of the Sa\u2019dan Toraja as a society in dynamic transition over the course of the past century. The Toraja inhabit the mountainous highlands of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, and are well known for their dramatic architecture, their unusual cliff burials, and their flamboyant ceremonial life, which places extraordinary economic demands on individuals and families. The analysis is informed, firstly, by a comparative perspective which sets Toraja social structure in the context of the Austronesian world. Secondly, the author delves deeply into Toraja social memory to show how people think about the past. She examines the usefulness of history and myth in the present as a source of identity, a template for action, or a resource by means of which to claim precedence. The book gives a clear picture of the structure and ethos of the indigenous Toraja religion, the Aluk To Dolo or \u2018Way of the Ancestors\u2019, with its complex cycle of rituals. The book concludes with an analysis of the ceremonial economy, which draws upon both domestic subsistence production and the global market economy.Paths and Rivers draws together a fascinating picture of one society\u2019s journey into modernity.Roxana Waterson is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore. She is also the author of The living house: an anthropology of architecture in Southeast Asia (3rd ed., Thames and Hudson, 1997) and Southeast Asian lives: Personal narratives and historical experience (Singapore University Press/Ohio University Press, 2007)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waterson ,Roxana"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Sa'adan Toraja", "Celebesian", "Social anthropology", "Social structure", "Social change", "Modernization", "History", "Mythology", "Cultural identity", "Gender relations", "Rituals", "Religion", "Christianization", "Sulawesi Tengah", "Indonesia", "Field work", "Sa'adan Toraja", "Celebesie", "Sociale antropologie", "Sociale structuur", "Sociale verandering", "Modernisatie", "Geschiedenis", "Mythologie", "Culturele identiteit", "Sekse relatie", "Rituelen", "Christendom", "Sulawesi Tengah", "Indonesie", "Veldwerk"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=377535"], ["title", "Paths and Rivers; Sa\u2019dan Toraja Society in Transformation"], ["doab_id", "13334"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183079", "9789004253858"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183079 9789004253858"]], [["description", "Patient engagement should be envisaged as a key priority today to innovate healthcare services delivery and to make it more effective and sustainable. The experience of engagement is a key qualifier of the exchange between the demand (i.e. citizens/patients) and the supply process of healthcare services. To understand and detect the strategic levers that sustain a good quality of patients\u2019 engagement may thus allow not only to improve clinical outcomes, but also to increase patients\u2019 satisfaction and to reduce the organizational costs of the delivery of services. By assuming a relational marketing perspective, the book offers practical insights about the developmental process of patients\u2019 engagement, by suggesting concrete tools for assessing the levels of patients\u2019 engagement and strategies to sustain it. Crucial resources to implement these strategies are also the new technologies that should be (1) implemented according to precise guidelines and (2) designed according to a user-centered design process. Furthermore, the book describes possible fields of patients\u2019 engagement application by describing the best practices and experiences matured in different fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barello, Serena ; Graffigna, Guendalina ; Triberti, Stefano"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/466090"], ["title", "Patient Engagement. A Consumer-Centered Model to Innovate Healthcare"], ["doab_id", "17960"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110452433", "9783110452440"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110452433, 9783110452440"]], [["description", "Patriarchal Moments is a distinctive collection of essays offering fresh readings of key texts in the history of patriarchalism as a concept of power."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cesare Cuttica; Gaby Mahlberg"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472589163"], ["title", "Patriarchal Moments"], ["doab_id", "17450"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472589163"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472589163"]], [["description", "The group of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) includes families of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), NOD-like receptors (NLRs), C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs), and AIM-2-like receptors (ALRs). Conceptually, receptors constituting these families are united by two general features. Firstly, they directly recognize common antigen determinants of virtually all classes of pathogens (so-called pathogen-associated molecular patterns, or simply PAMPs) and initiate immune response against them via specific intracellular signaling pathways. Secondly, they recognize endogenous ligands (since they are usually released during cell stress, they are called damage-associated molecular patterns, DAMPs), and, hence, PRR-mediated immune response can be activated without an influence of infectious agents. So, pattern recognition receptors play the key role performing the innate and adaptive immune response. In addition, many PRRs have a number of other vital functions apart from participation in immune response realization. The fundamental character and diversity of PRR functions have led to amazingly rapid research in this field. Such investigations are very promising for medicine as immune system plays a key role in vast majority if not all human diseases, and the process of discovering the new aspects of the immune system functioning is rapidly ongoing. The role of Toll-like receptors in cancer was analyzed in certain reviews but the data are still scattered. This collection of reviews systematizes the key information in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anton G. Kutikhin; Arseniy E. Yuzhalin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pattern Recognition Receptors", "Toll-Like Receptors", "nod-like receptors", "C-type lectin receptors", "RIG-I-like receptors", "Cancer", "Apoptosis", "Autophagy", "DNA Repair", "Inflammation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1919/pattern-recognition-receptors-and-cancer"], ["title", "Pattern recognition receptors and cancer"], ["doab_id", "19572"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196746"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196746"]], [["description", "A world-famous singer and actor, a trained lawyer, an early star of American professional football and a polyglot who spoke over a dozen languages. These could be the crowning achievements of a life well-lived, yet for Paul Robeson the higher calling of social justice led him to abandon both the NFL and Hollywood and become one of the most important political activists of his generation - battling both Jim Crow and Joseph McCarthy. Gerald Horne's new biography uses Robeson's remarkable and revolutionary life to tell the story of the 20th Century's great political struggles: against racism, against colonialism, and for international socialism. This critical and searching account provides an opportunity for readers to comprehend the triumphs and tragedies of the revolutionary progressive movement of which he was not just a part, but, perhaps, its most resonant symbol.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Horne ,Gerald"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Biography"]], ["publisher", "Pluto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605050"], ["title", "Paul Robeson"], ["doab_id", "18767"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783717552"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783717552"]], [["description", "Recent acts of terrorism and the current unrest in the Middle East remind us how important it is to understand the relationship between violence, peace and democracy. In a challenging and insightful essay, Amartya Sen explores ideas around 'organised violence' (such as war, genocide and terrorism) and violence against the individual. Highlighting the inadequacies of some of the widely accepted explanations for violence\u2014including the idea that the world is experiencing a 'clash of civilisations'\u2014Sen makes a plea for a global, multilateral debate on the causes of conflict, and an understanding of the multiple identities of the individuals involved.The introductory essay draws on the findings of the Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding, which was chaired by Sen, and established to promote mutual communication and understanding among all faiths and communities in the Commonwealth. Its timely report, \"Civil Paths to Peace\", suggests that governments, media and educators\u2014indeed, everyone\u2014must take the time to understand the complexities around violent behaviour and its causes, without prejudging what these might be."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sen, Amartya (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Amartya Sen", "peace", "democracy", "violence", "Commonwealth Commission on Respect and Understanding", "terrorism", "organised violence", "war", "Civil Paths to Peace", "Commonwealth Secretariat", "prejudice", "identity"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/78"], ["title", "Peace and Democratic Society"], ["doab_id", "14492"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924409"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924409"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kartodirdjo ,S."], ["date", "1966"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613377"], ["title", "The Peasants' Revolt of Banten in 1888"], ["doab_id", "18533"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004248021", "9789004286788"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004248021 9789004286788"]], [["description", "Lying on the border between eastern and western Christendom, Orthodox Karelia preserved its unique religious culture into the 19th and 20th centuries, when it was described and recorded by Finnish and Karelian folklore collectors. This colorful array of ritulas and beliefs involving nature spirits, saints, the dead, and pilgrimage to monasteries represented a unigue fusion of official Church ritual and doctrine and pre-Christian ethnic folk belief. This book undertakes a fascinating exploration into many aspects of Orthodox Karelian ritual life: beliefs in supernatural forces, folk models of illness, body concepts, divination, holy icons, the role of the ritual specialist and healer, the divide between nature and culture, images of forest, the cult of the dead, and the popular image of monasteries and holy hermits. It will appeal to anyone interested in popular religion, the cognitive study of religion, ritual studies, medical anthropology, and the folk traditions and symbolism of the Balto-Finnic peoples."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stark ,Laura"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Karelia", "Death", "Pre-Christian", "Pilgrimage", "Illness", "Forest"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617209"], ["title", "Peasants; Pilgrims; and Sacred Promises: Ritual and the Supernatural in Orthodox Karelian Folk Religion"], ["doab_id", "19770"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517463669", "9789517465786", "9789522227669"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9517463669 9517465785 9789522227669"]], [["description", "In a time when Mormons appear to have larger roles in everything from political conflict to television shows and when Mormon-related topics seem to show up more frequently in the news, eight scholars take a close look at Mormonism in popular media: film, television, theater, and books.Some authors examine specific works, including the Tony-winning play Angels in America, the hit TV series Big Love, and the bestselling books Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith and The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint. Others consider the phenomena of Mormon cinema and Mormon fiction; the use of the Mormon missionary as a stock character in films; and the noticeably prominent presence of Mormons in reality television shows."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Decker, Mark T.; Austin, Michael"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/50"], ["title", "Peculiar Portrayals: Mormons on the Page, stage, and Screen"], ["doab_id", "14744"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217735"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217735"]], [["description", "Frontiers in Psychology is introducing a new research topic, Pedagogical Psychology: Beyond the 21st Century, which will be released as an online journal issue in summer 2014. The purpose of Beyond the 21st Century will be to publish goal- oriented articles leading to improvement of teaching and learning at all levels of psychology education. Until perhaps 20 years ago, educational approaches to teaching were largely informed by a \u201cStand and Deliver\u201d pedagogical attitude. The psychology of this approach has often invested unrealistic and unrealizable responsibilities in both teachers and students. With the emergence of electronic data sharing (e.g., the Internet) and global cooperation/competition, newer approaches to teaching have begun to supplement and sometimes replace the older model of teaching. These newer approaches have simultaneously taken advantage of technological advances, global changes, and an evolving understanding of successful student-mentor relationships. As the pedagogical models driven by these changes evolve into the 22nd century and beyond, what seems groundbreaking today will, in hindsight, be seen as hidebound. Thus, the major goal of Beyond the 21st Century will be to publish manuscripts which imaginatively, but realistically anticipate future trends in teaching undergraduate psychology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gretchen M Reevy; Stanley N Bursten"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Education", "Teaching", "intelligent virtual agents", "neuroscience of learning", "Critical Thinking", "technology and pedagogy", "online and hybrid delivery", "Faculty issues"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1908/pedagogical-psychology-beyond-the-21st-century"], ["title", "Pedagogical Psychology: Beyond the 21st Century"], ["doab_id", "18171"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195626"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195626"]], [["description", "We live in an era where the university system is undergoing great changes owing to developments in financing policies and research priorities, as well as changes in the society in which this system is embedded. This change toward a more market-oriented university, which also has immediate effects in academic peripheries such as the Balkans, the Middle East, or South-East Asia, is of great influence for the pedagogical practice of \u201cless profitable\u201d academic areas such as the Humanities: philosophy, languages, sociology, anthropology, history.Because of the absence of a historically grounded establishment of the Humanities, academic peripheries, usually accompanied by a weak civil society infrastructure, seem to offer the most fertile ground for rethinking the Humanities, their pedagogical practice, and their politics, as well as the greatest threats, such as the ongoing capitalization of research, and profitability as the norm of educational achievement. The sprawling presence of for-profit universities and in academic peripheries such as Albania and Kosovo is indicative of this problematic, as are consistent underfunding of universities and the relentless budget cuts in American and English, and to a lesser extent European, universities. Motivations for this ongoing attack on the university are often driven by a political system or a politics with an aggressive stance to critical thought.At the same time, such an absence of historical grounding may inspire a rejuvenation and reinvigoration of research in the Humanities, such as may be seen in academic centers around Asia, as many young scholars are attracted to an educational environment which is not yet completely petrified in bureaucratic procedures. In this case, a different set of questions appear concerning the place of the scholar in societies with semi-democratic or even authoritarian rule. For civil society to flourish, an educational system that reflects and interrogates the values and concepts that underlie a healthy social fabric are of crucial importance.This volume comprises papers culled from continent. journal\u2019s Pedagogies of Disaster conference held in Tirana, Albania, hosted by The Department of Eagles (Departamenti i Shqiponjave) in June 2013, and organized to address the fate of relation and the future of pedagogical practice in the University, and especially as it concerns the humanities. The papers gathered here seek to address the infrastructural or interpersonal changes in the modes of production as it relates to current academia, examining the elements and spaces of the rifts opening up in the polis of the University\u2014its students, professors and administrators. The volume further addresses the pedagogical horizon at a critical limit, asking: for whom or for what are we teaching and from whom or from what are we learning?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (ed. and author); Adam Staley Groves (ed. and author); Nico Jenkins (ed. and author); Christopher Fynsk; Oliver Feltham; Julia H\u00f6lzl; John Van Houdt; Edith Doron; Urok Shirhan; Jonas Staal; Katharina Stadler; Andreas Vrahimis ; Matthew Charles; Justin Joque; Tijana Stevanovi\u0107 ; Denisa Kera; Sina Badiei; Nick Skiadopoulos; Judith Balso; Jonida Gashi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["catastrophe, disaster, education, pedagogy, University"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/pedagogies-of-disaster/"], ["title", "Pedagogies of Disaster"], ["doab_id", "16053"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780615898711"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615898711"]], [["description", "Pediatric integrative medicine is a specialty that blends conventional medicine with evidence-based complementary therapies. Research shows that use of integrative medicine is common in children, especially in those living with chronic illness. Knowledge in several important areas of pediatric integrative medicine has expanded exponentially over the last decade. Despite this progress, many pediatricians and practitioners who work with children remain unaware of developments in this field.The goal of this special issue is to: define pediatric integrative medicine in its modern context, provide a history of the field\u2019s evolution, highlight areas where research for its use in children is most robust at this time, and identify areas where research is lacking or evolving. Models of the use of integrative medicine in clinical pediatrics will be examined. Bioethics, informed consent, and provider credentialing will be discussed.Some of the most exciting clinical applications of integrative medicine in pediatrics include the use of mind-body medicine therapies such as guided imagery, hypnosis, and biofeedback for the treatment of pain. Mitigation of toxic stress and its health manifestations in children are another area of great potential application of the mind-body therapies. Other areas include integrative approaches to chronic illness, such as cancer, asthma, arthritis, bowel disease, and other chronic conditions where conventional therapies are necessary, yet leave treatment gaps that can be filled with evidence-based integrative therapies targeting lifestyle elements such as nutrition, sleep, physical activity, and social support that are often overlooked in this patient population. Integrative approaches have great potential in preventative heath. Conditions such as obesity and the metabolic syndrome affect a sobering number of children across all age ranges. Few successful treatment models exist for this patient population. Healthy lifestyle measures learned early in life can be a critical factor in providing a foundation for lifelong health for the child and family. Successful models for the use of integrative medicine in these patient populations are needed and will be explored."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Integrative Pediatrics, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Vitamin D, Children\u2019s HealthAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/121"], ["title", "Pediatric Integrative Medicine: An Emerging Field of Pediatrics"], ["doab_id", "17502"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420620", "9783038420637"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420620/9783038420637 "]], [["description", "Junto a una reflexi\u00f3n sobre la pertinencia y el sentido de las biograf\u00edas jur\u00eddicas en el mundo de la historia del derecho, el libro ampl\u00eda de manera cr\u00edtica el conocimiento biogr\u00e1fico existente sobre Pedro G\u00f3mez de la Serna Tully, quien probablemente fue el jurista m\u00e1s importante del siglo XIX en Espa\u00f1a. En ese camino se recupera la interesante figura de su madre, el largo e influyente paso del jurista por la instrucci\u00f3n p\u00fablica, su trabajo en la famosa Revista de Legislaci\u00f3n y Jurisprudencia, su vida pol\u00edtica, su apuesta por la unidad del idioma, su postura historicista frente al C\u00f3digo Civil, entre otros aspectos ajenos al manique\u00edsmo con el que se suele pensar en los progresistas y los conservadores de la \u00e9poca. La obra contiene, adem\u00e1s, un exhaustivo cat\u00e1logo bibliogr\u00e1fico que comprende las publicaciones del jurista en todas sus ediciones, y un ap\u00e9ndice con los datos bibliogr\u00e1ficos de algunos vol\u00famenes que compusieron su propia biblioteca. As\u00ed, este trabajo biogr\u00e1fico procura contribuir al conocimiento de algunas de las dif\u00edciles condiciones desde las que se produc\u00eda el derecho en la Espa\u00f1a decimon\u00f3nica, la transformaci\u00f3n del mundo jurisdiccional en el mundo liberal transidos por la cultura jur\u00eddica cat\u00f3lica que marca la \u00e9poca."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ruiz Ball\u00f3n, Antonio"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Biograf\u00edas", "Pensamiento jur\u00eddico"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/16392/pedro_ruiz_2013.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Pedro G\u00f3mez de la Serna (1806-1871). Apuntes para una biograf\u00eda jur\u00eddica"], ["doab_id", "16138"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490314005"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490314005"]], [["description", "Pedro Pino, or Lai-iu-ah-tsai-lu (his Zuni name) was for many years the most important Zuni political leader. He served during a period of tremendous change and challenges for his people. Born in 1788, captured by Navajos in his teens, he was sold into a New Mexican household, where he obtained his Spanish name. When he returned to Zuni, he spoke three languages and brought with him a wealth of knowledge regarding the world outside the pueblo. For decades he ably conducted Zuni foreign relations, defending the pueblo's sovereignty and lands, establishing trade relationships, interacting with foreigners-from prominent military and scientific expeditions to common emigrants-and documenting all in a remarkable archive. Steeped in Zuni traditions, he was known among other things for his diplomatic savvy, as a great warrior, for his oratory, and for his honesty and hospitality.More than a biography, Richard Hart's work provides a history of Zuni during an especially significant period. Also the author of Zuni and the Courts: A Struggle for Sovereign Land Rights and the co-author of A Zuni Atlas, Hart originally wrote the manuscript in 1979 after a decade of historical work for Zuni Pueblo. He then set it aside but continued to pursue research about and for Zuni. Its publication, at last, inscribes an important contribution to Pueblo history and biography and a testimonial to a remarkable Native American leader. In an afterword written for this publication, Hart discusses his original intentions in writing about Pedro Pino and Zuni and situates the biography in relation to current scholarship."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hart, E. Richard"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/76"], ["title", "Pedro Pino"], ["doab_id", "14718"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215632"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215632"]], [["description", "O rio Igua\u00e7u nasce na conflu\u00eancia dos rios Atuba e Irai, e desemboca no rio Paran\u00e1, em Foz do Igua\u00e7u. A ictiofauna deste rio, desde os primeiros trabalhos realizados, sempre foi considerada pobre e de pequeno porte, entretanto, apresenta um elevado grau de endemismo favorecido pelo surgimento das Cataratas do Igua\u00e7u, que exerceram um papel fundamental neste processo. Esta obra busca uma fonte aglutinadora, mas sintetizada, sistematizada, especializada e atualizada das informa\u00e7\u00f5es publicadas, at\u00e9 o momento, sobre a ictiofauna do baixo rio Igua\u00e7u, fornecendo chaves de identifica\u00e7\u00e3o, caracteriza\u00e7\u00f5es morfol\u00f3gicas, fotos, dados sobre a biologia e distribui\u00e7\u00e3o geogr\u00e1fica das esp\u00e9cies registradas na regi\u00e3o, al\u00e9m de um gloss\u00e1rio com termos t\u00e9cnicos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Baumgartner, Gilmar; Pavanelli, Carla Simone; Baumgartner, Dirceu; Bifi, Alessandro Gasparetto; Debona, Tiago; Frana, Vitor Andr\u00e9"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Peixes de \u00e1gua doce - Taxonomia - Igua\u00e7u, Rio, Bacia - Paran\u00e1 (Estado), Peixes de \u00e1gua doce - Endemismo - Igua\u00e7u, Rio, Bacia - Paran\u00e1 (Estado), Ictiofauna - Identifica\u00e7\u00e3o - Igua\u00e7u, Rio, Bacia - Paran\u00e1 (Estado)"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sn23w"], ["title", "Peixes do baixo rio Igua\u00e7u "], ["doab_id", "16615"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788576285861"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576285861"]], [["description", "Through nuanced readings of a handful of modernist texts (Baudelaire, Huysmans, Wilde, Genet, Joyce, and Schreber\u2019s Memoirs), this book explores and interrogates the figure of the penetrated male body, developing the concept of the behind as a site of both fascination and fear. Deconstructing the penetrated male body and the genderisation of its representation, The Penetrated Male offers new understandings of passivity, suggesting that the modern masculine subject is predicated on a penetrability it must always disavow. Arguing that representation is the embodiment of erotic thought, it is an important contribution to queer theory and our understandings of gendered bodies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Kemp"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Baudelaire, gender, James Joyce, Jean Genet, masculinity, Oscar Wilde, queer studies, sexuality"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/the-penetrated-male/"], ["title", "The Penetrated Male"], ["doab_id", "16047"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615870861"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615870861"]], [["description", "No caso da episteme comunicacional pode-se dizer que a mesma vem-se constituindo na historicidade de conceitos chave e de hip\u00f3teses cl\u00e1ssicas que t\u00eam nutrido o pensamento te\u00f3rico e a pesquisa emp\u00edrica do campo. Pensando a episteme comunicacional trata disso, ou seja, do objeto comunica\u00e7\u00e3o em sua trajet\u00f3ria por fazer-se, a qual, ao acumular-se, permite a renova\u00e7\u00e3o do que foi pensado a seu respeito e a prospec\u00e7\u00e3o de novos pontos de vista."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Quiroga, Tiago"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/dt3qx"], ["title", "Pensando a episteme comunicacional"], ["doab_id", "17712"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792800"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792800"]], [["description", "Investiga o atual est\u00e1gio do Webjornalismo, com base na an\u00e1lise do discurso, tomando-se por refer\u00eancia a perspectiva contratual da comunica\u00e7\u00e3o. A partir das caracter\u00edsticas pr\u00f3prias do Webjornalismo, s\u00e3o localizados os elementos componentes de um quadro geral de \"constrangimentos discursivos\", base do posicionamento discursivo, estabelecido segundo a perspectiva do dispositivo, capaz de implementar novas formas de enuncia\u00e7\u00e3o, resultando numa configura\u00e7\u00e3o paratextual. A obra reflete ainda sobre alguns crit\u00e9rios do mercado informacional. Nessa perspectiva trata o Webjornalismo como \"bem de experi\u00eancia\" e ressalta a import\u00e2ncia das \"comunidades de experi\u00eancia\" para a simula\u00e7\u00e3o do contato entre as inst\u00e2ncias comunicacionais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dalmonte, Edson Fernando"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/nb"], ["title", "Pensar o discurso no webjornalismo: temporalidade, paratexto e comunidades de experi\u00eancia"], ["doab_id", "17532"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212155"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212155"]], [["description", "Conhecidos por fede-fede os Pentatom\u00eddeos em geral s\u00e3o fit\u00f3fagos, com tamanho de 4 a 20 mm e s\u00e3o potenciais indicadores de mudan\u00e7as ambientais, principalmente na Floresta Atl\u00e2ntica Brasileira. Pentatominae \u00e9 maior subfam\u00edlia de Pentatomidae e os dados de ocorr\u00eancia em Santa Catarina s\u00e3o escassos, fragmentados e dispersos. Este guia apresenta a diversidade de pentatom\u00edneos no sul catarinense e auxilia na identifica\u00e7\u00e3o em campo ou laborat\u00f3rio, apresentando fotos e diagnoses das esp\u00e9cies. Metodologias de coleta, m\u00e9todos de conserva\u00e7\u00e3o e um gloss\u00e1rio s\u00e3o fornecidos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Garbelotto, Thereza de Almeida; Campos, Luiz Alexandre"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fs5j4"], ["title", "Pentatominae do Sul de Santa Catarina"], ["doab_id", "16940"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788598203089"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598203089"]], [["description", "Described by the sixteenth-century English poet George Turbervile as \"a people passing rude, to vices vile inclin\u2019d\", the Russians waited some three centuries before their subsequent cultural achievements\u2014in music, art and particularly literature\u2014achieved widespread recognition in Britain.The essays in this stimulating collection attest to the scope and variety of Russia\u2019s influence on British culture. They move from the early nineteenth century\u2014when Byron sent his hero Don Juan to meet Catherine the Great, and an English critic sought to come to terms with the challenge of Pushkin\u2014to a series of Russian-themed exhibitions at venues including the Crystal Palace and Earls Court. The collection looks at British encounters with Russian music, the absorption with Dostoevskii and Chekhov, and finishes by shedding light on Britain\u2019s engagement with Soviet film.Edited by Anthony Cross, one of the world\u2019s foremost authorities on Anglo-Russian relations, A People Passing Rude is essential reading for anyone with an interest in British and Russian cultures and their complex relationship."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cross, Anthony (Editor)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Russian literature", "Russian art", "Russian history", "Anglo-Russian relations", "Russian music", "Russia", "United Kingdom"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/160"], ["title", "A People Passing Rude: British Responses to Russian Culture"], ["doab_id", "15205"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254114"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254114"]], [["description", "From the monarchical terror of the Middle Ages to the mangled Europe of the Twenty-first Century, A People's History of Modern Europe tracks the history of the continent through the deeds of those whom mainstream history tries to forget. Europe provided the perfect conditions for a great number of political revolutions from below. The German peasant wars of Thomas M\u00fcntzer, the bourgeoisie revolutions of the eighteenth century through to the rise of the industrial worker in England and the turbulent journey of the Russian Soviets, the role of the European working class throughout the Cold War, students in 1968 and through to the present day, where we continue to fight to forge an alternative to the barbaric economic system. With sections focusing on the role of women, this history sweeps away the tired platitudes of the privileged which our current understanding is based upon, and provides an opportunity to see our history differently."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pelz A. ,William"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Pluto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610071"], ["title", "A People's History of Modern Europe"], ["doab_id", "19133"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783717675", "9780745332468"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783717675 9780745332468"]], [["description", "This Research Topic aims to showcase the state of the art in visual advertising research. Although visual processes are a central component of consumer behavior, they have been largely neglected in models explaining consumer perception of advertising. Rather than being the mere input into the cognitive or affective systems, the visual processes both voluntarily and involuntarily affect the amount and quality of information that is passed into further mental processing. Moreover, advertisements provide a well- designed, rich and stimulating environment to study visual processes in real-life conditions. Consumers encounter thousands of advertisement messages per day. Previous research on visual perception of advertising mostly considers print advertising. However, advertising messages increasingly appear in a variety of formats and in different media. Part of these messages are still conveyed through traditional media, such as newspapers, magazines, television, as well as outdoor and supermarket advertising. In addition, the amount and diversity of visual marketing stimuli is rapidly growing in terms of different advertising formats appearing in online and social media, smartphones and tablets. This challenges the marketing professionals and academics to better understand the impact of marketing on consumers. At the same time, the technical development of the research methods allows better opportunities to investigate advertising perception in different environments. Traditionally, papers investigating the psychological processes underlying advertising perception are published in journals widespread across different disciplines, such as marketing, applied psychology and human computer interaction journals. With this Research Topic, we aim to create a forum in which experts in different fields define the state of the art and future directions of the research on the visual aspects of marketing. We include reviews and original research papers involving both empirical and theoretical studies on visual perception of advertising across different media."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jaana Simola; Jukka Hyona; Jarmo Kuisma"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["advertising", "Eye Movements", "Attention", "Memory", "ad format", "animation", "Internet", "media"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1417/perception-of-visual-advertising-in-different-media-from-attention-to-distraction-persuasion-prefere"], ["title", "Perception of visual advertising in different media: from attention to distraction, persuasion, preference and memory"], ["doab_id", "17808"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194162"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194162"]], [["description", "This book brings together the proceedings of the study days organised to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Florence University PhD course in Mediaeval History. It offers, first and foremost to the broad public of young scholars of Italian mediaeval history, an overview of conceptual approaches to the major issues characterising the various ambits of mediaeval research over the last twenty years.

Il volume raccoglie i testi di alcune relazioni presentate nel corso delle giornate di studio organizzate in occasione del ventennale del Dottorato di ricerca in Storia medievale dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze. Sono qui offerti, in primo luogo all'ampio pubblico dei giovani studiosi di storia, una serie di percorsi di riflessione sulle principali questioni che hanno caratterizzato i diversi ambiti delle ricerca medievistica degli ultimi vent'anni, e che coprono ambiti storiografici, tematici e cronologici dall'alto al basso medioevo, dalla storia del potere a quella della chiesa, dalla storia del territorio a quella economica, dalla storia materiale a quella culturale. Il volume \u00e8 arricchito da preziose testimonianze biografiche e da copiosi riferimenti bibliografici."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Middle Ages", "Medioevo"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343878"], ["title", "Percorsi recenti degli studi medievali"], ["doab_id", "13011"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534415"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884534415"]], [["description", "Perfect Worlds offers an extensive historical analysis of utopian narratives in the Chinese and Euro-American traditions. This comparative study discusses finally the rise of dystopian writing \u2013 a negative expression of the utopian impulse \u2013 in Europe and America (Zamyatin, Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury, Atwood) as well as in China (Lao She, Wang Shuo, and others).The author observes that the utopian imagination thrives in a context of secularization. It appears that in the twentieth century the distinction between utopia and dystopia is blurred as a result of the increasing autonomy of the reader. Fokkema argues that in modern times utopianism in China and in the West has developed in opposite directions, each appropriating attitudes from the other culture which originally were considered alien.

Perfect Worlds biedt een uitgebreide historische analyse van utopische verhalen in de Chinese en Euro-Amerikaanse traditie. Verschillende hoofdstukken gaan onder meer in op de kritiek van Thomas More op Plato, de Europese ori\u00ebntalistische speurtocht naar utopie\u00ebn in China, Dostoevsky\u2019s reactie op Chernyshevsky\u2019s What Is to Be Done, Wells\u2019s Modern Utopia en zijn interview met Stalin, Chinese schrijvers die hun Confucianistische utopie construeren, en sporen van het Daoisme in het gedachtengoed van Mao Zedong en zijn politiek van de Grote Sprong Voorwaarts en de Culturele Revolutie. Deze vergelijkende studie bespreekt tenslotte de opkomst van dystopische fictie \u2013 een negatieve representatie van de utopische impuls \u2013 in Europa en Amerika (Zamyatin, Huxley, Orwell, Bradbury, Atwood) alsook in China (Lao She, Wang Shuo en anderen).De auteur constateert dat de utopische verbeelding tot bloei komt in een context van secularisering. In de twintigste eeuw heeft de toenemende autonomie van de lezer tot gevolg dat het onderscheid tussen eutopie en dystopie vervaagt. Tenslotte betoogt Fokkema dat in de moderne tijd de utopie in China en in het Westen een tegengestelde ontwikkeling heeft doorgemaakt, waarbij elk van de twee culturen zich elementen van de andere cultuur heeft eigen gemaakt die oorspronkelijk als vreemd werden beschouwd."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fokkema ,Douwe"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Utopian Fiction"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392221"], ["title", "Perfect Worlds : Utopian Fiction in China and the West"], ["doab_id", "13402"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643506"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643506"]], [["description", "Music; Stage presentations; History of Amsterdam

In de zeventiende eeuw ging vrijwel iedere toneelvoorstelling gepaard met muziek. Er werd niet alleen gemusiceerd tussen de bedrijven, maar ook in het toneelstuk zelf. Muziek diende als achtergrond en versiering en was functioneel ge\u00efntegreerd in de handeling van het drama. Uit de rekeningen van de Amsterdamse Schouwburg blijkt dat men professionele musici in dienst had; daarnaast werd er gezongen en gedanst door de acteurs. In navolging van buitenlandse toneelmuziekstudies wordt in dit boek voor het eerst uitvoerig aandacht besteed aan de zeventiende-eeuwse theatermuziek in de Nederlanden. Centraal staat de toneeldichter Jan Harmensz Krul, die de muziek op vakkundige manier in zijn toneelstukken verweefde en die in 1634 de Amsterdamse Musyck-kamer oprichtte - een stichting die geheel gewijd was aan het samengaan van po\u00ebzie en muziek op het toneel. Aan de hand van vijf karakteristieke muzikale sc\u00e8nes uit zijn werk (de wachtersc\u00e8ne, gevangenissc\u00e8ne, serenade, offersc\u00e8ne en slaapsc\u00e8ne) wordt een beeld geschetst van de toenmalige Amsterdamse toneelmuziekpraktijk. Zulke muzikale sc\u00e8nes waren ook geliefd bij andere toneeldichters, in binnen- en buitenland. Zij hadden voor het publiek een signaalfunctie: het waren direct herkenbare situaties, ijkpunten in het drama, die standaard met muziek werden geassocieerd. Dichters varieerden hierop naar hartelust. Voor toneelschrijver en toeschouwer waren die stereotiepe muzikale sc\u00e8nes wat muziek was voor de personages in de toneelstukken: een effectief middel om te manipuleren - een perfecte verleiding, van oog, oor en hart."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veldhorst ,Natascha"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Music", "Stage presentations", "History of Amsterdam", "Muziek", "Theater", "Geschiedenis van Amsterdam"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340218"], ["title", "De perfecte verleiding : Muzikale sc\u00e8nes op het Amsterdams toneel in de 17e eeuw"], ["doab_id", "12901"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053566763"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053566763"]], [["description", "Performances of Peace: Utrecht 1713 aims to rethink the significance of the Peace of Utrecht (1713) by exploring the nexus between culture and politics. This book is available in Open Access."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bruin de ,R.; Haven van der ,C.; Jensen ,L.; Onnekink ,D."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Treaty of Utrecht"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613346"], ["title", "Performances of Peace: Utrecht 1713"], ["doab_id", "18502"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004304772", "9789004304789"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004304772 9789004304789"]], [["description", "\"Films are integral to national imagination. Promotional publicity markets \u201cdomestic films\u201d not only as entertaining, exciting, or moving, but also as topical and relevant in different ways. Reviewers assess new films with reference to other films and cultural products as well as social and political issues. Through such interpretive framings by contemporaries and later generations, popular cinema is embedded both in national imagination and endless intertextual and intermedial frameworks. Moreover, films themselves become signs to be cited and recycled as illustrations of cultural, social, and political history as well as national mentality. In the age of television, \u201cold films\u201d continue to live as history and memory. In Performative Histories, Foundational Fictions, Anu Koivunen analyzes the historicity as well as the intertextuality and intermediality of film reception by focusing on a cycle of Finnish family melodrama and its key role in thinking about gender, sexuality, nation, and history. Close-reading posters, advertisements, publicity-stills, trailers, review journalism, and critical commentary, she demonstrates how The Women of Niskavuori (1938 and 1958), Loviisa (1946), Heta Niskavuori (1952), Aarne Niskavuori (1954), Niskavuori Fights (1957), and Niskavuori (1984) have operated as sites for imagining \u201cour agrarian past\u201d, our Heimat and heritage as well as \u201cthe strong Finnish woman\u201d or \u201cthe weak man in crisis\u201d. Based on extensive empirical research, Koivunen argues that the Niskavuori films have mobilized readings in terms of history and memory, feminist nationalism and men\u2019s movement, left-wing allegories and right-wing morality as well as realism and melodrama. Through processes of citation, repetition, and re-cycling the films have acquired not only a heterogeneous and contradictory interpretive legacy, but also an affective force.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koivunen ,Anu"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["National cinema", "Cultural memory", "Melodrama", "Gender", "Finnish cinema", "Hella Wuolijoki"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617207"], ["title", "Performative Histories, Foundational Fictions: Gender and Sexuality in Niskavuori Films"], ["doab_id", "19774"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517465441", "9789522227713", "9789522227706"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9517465440 9789522227713 9789522227706"]], [["description", "When the war was over in 1945, Germany was a country with no government, little functioning infrastructure, millions of refugees and homeless people, and huge foreign armies living largely off the land. Large parts of the country were covered in rubble, with no clean drinking water, electricity, or gas. Hospitals overflowed with patients, but were short of beds, medicines, and medical personnel. In these conditions, the potential for epidemics and public health disasters was severe. This is a study of how the four occupiers\u2014Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States\u2014attempted to keep their own troops and the ex-enemy population alive. While the war was still being fought, German public health was a secondary consideration for them, an unaffordable and undeserved luxury. But once fighting ceased and the occupation began, it rapidly turned into a urgent priority. Public health was now recognized as an indispensable component of creating order, keeping the population governable, and facilitating the reconstruction of German society. But they faced a number of insoluble problems in the process: Which Germans could be trusted to work with the occupiers, and how were they to be identified? Who could be tolerated because of a lack of alternatives? How, if at all, could former Nazis be reformed and reintegrated into German society? What was the purpose of the occupation anyway? This is the first carefully researched comparison of the four occupation zones which looks at the occupation through the prism of public health, an essential service fundamentally shaped by political and economic criteria, and which in turn was to determine the success or failure of the occupation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reinisch ,Jessica"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["World War II", "public health", "post-war Germany"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=535462.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "The Perils of Peace : The Public Health Crisis in Occupied Germany"], ["doab_id", "16931"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199660797"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199660797"]], [["description", "Film criticism is in crisis. Dwelling on the many film journalists made redundant at newspapers, magazines, and other 'old media' in past years, commentators have voiced existential questions about the purpose and worth of the profession in the age of WordPress blogospheres and proclaimed the 'death of the critic'. Bemoaning the current anarchy of internet amateurs and the lack of authoritative critics, many journalists and academics claim that in the digital age, cultural commentary has become dumbed down and fragmented into niche markets. Mattias Freu, arguing against these claims, examines the history of film critical discourse in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States . He demonstrates that since its origins, film criticism has always found itself in crisis: the need to show critical authority and the anxieties over challenges to that authority have been longstanding concerns."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Frey ,Mattias"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Film criticism", "critical authority", "digital", "journalism", "historical analysis", "new media"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=576930"], ["title", "The Permanent Crisis of Film Criticism. The Anxiety of Authority"], ["doab_id", "17457"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647177"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647177"]], [["description", "Com esta perspectiva, recuso a disjuntiva entre a afirma\u00e7\u00e3o absoluta de valores \u00faltimos (e os meus, como os de tantos brasileiros, s\u00e3o simples e diretos: igualdade social, participa\u00e7\u00e3o democr\u00e1tica e liberdade efetiva), recuso a disjuntiva entre os valores \u00faltimos e a no\u00e7\u00e3o de que o pol\u00edtico opera no campo concreto da viol\u00eancia, do c\u00e1lculo racional na utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o dos meios e, portanto, do risco e do erro respons\u00e1veis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cardoso, Fernando Henrique; Graeff, Eduardo P."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kbfwq"], ["title", "Perspectivas: Fernando Henrique Cardoso: id\u00e9ias e atua\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "17243"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662670"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662670"]], [["description", "Background: Interacting with other people involves spatial awareness of one\u2019s own body and the other\u2019s body and viewpoint. In the past, social cognition has focused largely on belief reasoning, which is abstracted away from spatial and bodily representations, while there is a strong tradition of work on spatial and object representation which does not consider social interactions. These two domains have flourished independently. A small but growing body of research examines how awareness of space and body relates to the ability to interpret and interact with others. This also builds on the growing awareness that many cognitive processes are embodied, which could be of relevance for the integration of the social and spatial domains: Online mental transformations of spatial representations have been shown to rely on simulated body movements and various aspects of social interaction have been related to the simulation of a conspecific\u2019s behaviour within the observer\u2019s bodily repertoire. Both dimensions of embodied transformations or mappings seem to serve the purpose of establishing alignment between the observer and a target. In spatial cognition research the target is spatially defined as a particular viewpoint or frame of reference (FOR), yet, in social interaction research another viewpoint is occupied by another\u2019s mind, which crucially requires perspective taking in the sense of considering what another person experiences from a different viewpoint. Perspective taking has been studied in different ways within developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience over the last few decades, yet, integrative approaches for channelling all information into a unified account of perspective taking and viewpoint transformations have not been presented so far. Aims: This Research Topic aims to bring together the social and the spatial, and to highlight findings and methods which can unify research across areas. In particular, the topic aims to advance our current theories and set the stage for future developments of the field by clarifying and linking theoretical concepts across disciplines. Scope: The focus of this Research Topic is on the SPATIAL and the SOCIAL, and we anticipate that all submissions will touch on both aspects and will explicitly attempt to bridge conceptual gaps. Social questions could include questions of how people judge another person\u2019s viewpoint or spatial capacities, or how they imagine themselves from different points of view. Spatial questions could include consideration of different physical configurations of the body and the arrangement of different viewpoints, including mental rotation of objects or viewpoints that have social relevance. Questions could also relate to how individual differences (in personality, sex, development, culture, species etc.) influence or determine social and spatial perspective judgements. Many different methods can be used to explore perspective taking, including mental chronometry, behavioural tasks, EEG/MEG and fMRI, child development, neuropsychological patients, virtual reality and more. Bringing together results and approaches from these different domains is a key aim of this Research Topic. We welcome submissions of experimental papers, reviews and theory papers which cover these topics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Klaus Kessler; Sarah H. Creem-Regehr; Antonia Hamilton"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["spatial cognition", "social cognition", "perspective taking", "Cognitive neuroscience", "social neuroscience", "visual perspective", "spatial perspective"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1167/perspective-taking-building-a-neurocognitive-framework-for-integrating-the-social-and-the-spatial"], ["title", "Perspective Taking: Building a neurocognitive framework for integrating the \"social\" and the \"spatial\""], ["doab_id", "17809"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194179"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194179"]], [["description", "This book collects 5 keynote and 15 topic lectures presented at the 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), held in Istanbul, Turkey, from August 24 to 29, 2014. The conference was organized by the Turkish Earthquake Foundation - Earthquake Engineering Committee and Prime Ministry, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency under the auspices of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) and European Seismological Commission (ESC).The book\u2019s twenty state-of-the-art papers were written by the most prominent researchers in Europe and address a comprehensive collection of topics on earthquake engineering, as well as interdisciplinary subjects such as engineering seismology and seismic risk assessment and management. Further topics include engineering seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering, seismic performance of buildings, earthquake-resistant engineering structures, new techniques and technologies and managing risk in seismic regions. The book also presents the Third Ambraseys Distinguished Award Lecture given by Prof. Robin Spence in honor of Prof. Nicholas N. Ambraseys.The aim of this work is to present the state-of-the art and latest practices in the fields of earthquake engineering and seismology, with Europe\u2019s most respected researchers addressing recent and ongoing developments while also proposing innovative avenues for future research and development. Given its cutting-edge content and broad spectrum of topics, the book offers a unique reference guide for researchers in these fields."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Atilla Ansal"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["2ECEES", " Earthquake Engineering", " Performance Based Design and Earthquake Engineering", " Irregular Buildings and Earthquakes", " Historical Structures and Earthquakes", " Precast Buildings and Earthquakes", " Bridge Design and Earthquakes"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-07118-3"], ["title", "Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology: Volume 1"], ["doab_id", "16337"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319071176", "9783319071183"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319071176 (Print) 9783319071183 (Online)"]], [["description", "\u200bThis work is devoted to understanding the recent advances in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging technologies along with their application to integrated medical therapy and future drug development. This anthology is based on the international symposium in 2015 entitled \u201cPerspective on Nuclear Medicine for Molecular Diagnosis and Integrated Therapy. \u201cThe symposium provided an opportunity to exchange ideas on how to promote nuclear medicine technology and how to extend the technology to medical therapy and drug development, and was also a good opportunity to discuss the future perspective of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging by worldwide leaders in the field. Molecular imaging technologies have been rapidly developed worldwide in recent years. Among those developments, nuclear medicine has come to play an important role in quantitative analysis of biological process in vivo as well as in wide clinical use. With the current progress of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, this modality has been applied for treatment monitoring and predicting its outcome with the use of optimal imaging biomarkers and suitable quantitative analysis. Truly, a new era has arrived with clinical use of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging for personalized medicine.This volume will benefit a wide variety of researchers in life science including those working in drug development, molecular imaging, and medical therapy as well as physicians who utilize diagnostic imaging."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yuji Kuge; Tohru Shiga; Nagara Tamaki"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["nuclear medicine", " diagnostic radiology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-4-431-55894-1"], ["title", "Perspectives on Nuclear Medicine for Molecular Diagnosis and Integrated Therapy"], ["doab_id", "19126"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431558927", "9784431558941"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431558927 (Print) 9784431558941 (Online)"]], [["description", "Series \"G\u00f6ttinger Schriften zum Medizinrecht\" (medicine law), which deals with several important debates in modern medicine such as gene therapy, research with embryonic stem cells, bio databases, living organ donation, and in general the economisation of the health system.

L\u00e4ngst sind es nicht mehr nur die klassischen Gebiete des Arzt-Patienten-Verh\u00e4ltnisses, etwa die Reichweite der Aufkl\u00e4rungspflicht oder haftpflichtrechtliche Folgen \u00e4rztlicher Behandlungsfehler, die kl\u00e4rungsbed\u00fcrftige rechtliche und ethische Fragen aufwerfen. Heute stehen g\u00e4nzlich neue Themen und Dimensionen der modernen Medizin im Fokus: von der Forschung mit embryonalen Stammzellen zur Errichtung von Biodatenbanken, von der Gendiagnostik und Gentherapie \u00fcber die Gewebespende bis zu der immer st\u00e4rker sp\u00fcrbaren \u00d6konomisierung des gesamten Gesundheitswesens. Die rasante Entwicklung weckt nicht nur Hoffnungen, sondern zugleich \u00c4ngste, die nach Transparenz und Rechtssicherheit rufen. Die Sachgerechtigkeit der Regeln macht das interdisziplin\u00e4re Gespr\u00e4ch zwischen Recht und Medizin unabdingbar; das im WS 2004/05 neu gegr\u00fcndete G\u00f6ttinger Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht bietet hierf\u00fcr in Fortf\u00fchrung einer langen Tradition ein breites Dach. Die neue Reihe der \u00bbG\u00f6ttinger Schriften zum Medizinrecht\u00ab schafft ein Forum, um der interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse zug\u00e4nglich zu machen. Der vorliegende erste Band f\u00fchrt die (um weitere Abhandlungen erg\u00e4nzten) Beitr\u00e4ge anl\u00e4sslich der Er\u00f6ffnungsveranstaltung des Zentrums vom November 2006 unter dem Generaltitel \u00bbPerspektiven des Medizinrechts\u00ab zusammen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["health system", "ethic dimensions", "live organ donation", "stem cell therapy", "medicine law", "health system", "ethic dimensions", "live organ donation", "stem cell therapy", "medicine law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610177"], ["title", "Perspektiven des Medizinrechts im 21. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "13089"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344083"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344083"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 30.11.2012 veranstalteten 11. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht. Er hatte die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenenschutzrechts und die aktuellen Vorschl\u00e4ge zur Reform des deutschen Betreuungsrechts zum Gegenstand. Die Beitr\u00e4ge befassen sich mit den Vorgaben der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention und den Entwicklungen des Erwachsenenschutzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender und nationaler Perspektive. Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden die aktuellen Vorschl\u00e4ge zur Reform des Betreuungsrechts in diesem Band umfassend dokumentiert und aus fachkundiger Perspektive kommentiert. Der Band wird daher in der aktuellen Reformdiskussion eine unentbehrliche Arbeitshilfe sein und soll zugleich weiterf\u00fchrende Perspektiven er\u00f6ffnen. Band 14 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c. Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 30.11.2012 veranstalteten 11. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht. Er hatte die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenenschutzrechts und die aktuellen Vorschl\u00e4ge zur Reform des deutschen Betreuungsrechts zum Gegenstand. Die Beitr\u00e4ge befassen sich mit den Vorgaben der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention und den Entwicklungen des Erwachsenenschutzrechts aus rechtsvergleichender und nationaler Perspektive. Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden die aktuellen Vorschl\u00e4ge zur Reform des Betreuungsrechts in diesem Band umfassend dokumentiert und aus fachkundiger Perspektive kommentiert. Der Band wird daher in der aktuellen Reformdiskussion eine unentbehrliche Arbeitshilfe sein und soll zugleich weiterf\u00fchrende Perspektiven er\u00f6ffnen. Band 14 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c. Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Family law", "Speeches", "UN Disability Convention", "Adult protection law", "Family law", "Speeches", "UN Disability Convention", "Adult protection law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610211"], ["title", "Perspektiven und Reform des Erwachsenenschutzes - 11. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2012"], ["doab_id", "16533"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951030"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951030"]], [["description", "Este livro de estat\u00edstica destinado \u00e0 facilita\u00e7\u00e3o da aprendizagem de alunos do curso de Psicologia e Pedagogia traz em seu bojo a inten\u00e7\u00e3o de atender \u00e0s necessidades e interesses dos alunos, considerando suas \u00e1reas de estudo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Feijoo, Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yvnwq"], ["title", "A pesquisa e a estat\u00edstica na psicologia e na educa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "17245"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820489"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820489"]], [["description", "A colet\u00e2nea tem como eixo central a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Escolar e este tema conduz e confere unidade \u00e0s reflex\u00f5es, abordado a partir de diferentes perspectivas. A preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o que perpassa todos os textos pode ser expressa na seguinte pergunta: como enfrentar os problemas vividos pela escola, num momento em que a ela se atribui uma gama enorme de responsabilidades? Cada autor, circunscrito \u00e0 sua tem\u00e1tica de pesquisa, nos instiga a pensar essa quest\u00e3o. O que move cada um \u00e9 o desejo de que a escola acolha aqueles que l\u00e1 chegam e que se responsabilize por eles, mas sem perder de vista o quanto \u00e9 complexa e delicada essa atividade de inser\u00e7\u00e3o dos novos neste mundo. Talvez, a ideia de responsabilidade seja mesmo a que melhor defina os prop\u00f3sitos gerais desta colet\u00e2nea, a qual se manifesta no compromisso pol\u00edtico com a educa\u00e7\u00e3o de crian\u00e7as e de adolescentes, portanto, no compromisso com o mundo em que vivemos. A resposta a essa pergunta poder\u00e1 ter como par\u00e2metro os textos aqui presentes que est\u00e3o assim organizados: na primeira parte da colet\u00e2nea, os autores lidam com aspectos relacionados \u00e0s Pol\u00edticas P\u00fablicas e Educa\u00e7\u00e3o; na segunda abordam a Forma\u00e7\u00e3o de Professores; na terceira parte, focam Valores e Educa\u00e7\u00e3o e, na quarta parte, voltam-se para as Pr\u00e1ticas Educativas. Conclu\u00edmos, destacando que esta colet\u00e2nea explicita o quanto \u00e9 complexa a tarefa de investigar a educa\u00e7\u00e3o escolar, pois ela comporta uma s\u00e9rie de nuances que precisa ser analisada por diferentes saberes que s\u00e3o complementares."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lima, Jos\u00e9 Milton; Silva, Divino Jos\u00e9 da; Raboni, Paulo Cesar de Almeida"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/t23t6"], ["title", "Pesquisa em educa\u00e7\u00e3o escolar: percursos e perspectivas"], ["doab_id", "16759"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830945"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830945"]], [["description", "The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology \ufb01rst opened its doors in 1915, and since then has attracted visitors from all over the world as well as providing valuable teaching resources. Named after its founder, the pioneering archaeologist Flinders Petrie, the Museum holds more than 80,000 objects and is one of the largest and finest collections of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology in the world. Richly illustrated and engagingly written, the book moves back and forth between recent history and the ancient past, between objects and people. Experts discuss the discovery, history and care of key objects in the collections such as the Koptos lions and Roman era panel portraits. The rich and varied history of the Petrie Museum is revealed by the secrets that sit on its shelves."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stevenson ,Alice"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Sudan", "Egypt", "Archaeology", "museum"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=548030"], ["title", "The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections"], ["doab_id", "17315"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634042"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634042"]], [["description", "Estudo de geografia regional hist\u00f3rica que investiga o universo pol\u00edtico, social, econ\u00f4mico, t\u00e9cnico-produtivo e espacial do Rec\u00f4ncavo Baiano em dois per\u00edodos: 1930 at\u00e9 meados de 1950 e a partir da\u00ed at\u00e9 o ano 2000. Parte do princ\u00edpio da ressignifica\u00e7\u00e3o do conceito de territ\u00f3rio para examinar a situa\u00e7\u00e3o do Rec\u00f4ncavo pr\u00e9-Petrobras e depois do impacto produzido com a sua introdu\u00e7\u00e3o e expans\u00e3o. Observa a atua\u00e7\u00e3o dos v\u00e1rios atores sociais no cen\u00e1rio territorial estudado."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brito, Crist\u00f3v\u00e3o"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jpst2"], ["title", "A Petrobr\u00e1s e a gest\u00e3o do territ\u00f3rio no Rec\u00f4ncavo Baiano"], ["doab_id", "17271"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209216"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209216"]], [["description", "The Petroleum Manga, first conceived of and rendered as 10-foot banners printed on Tyvek for gallery installation is now reproduced in book form.Originally, manga was used in Japanese to refer to whimsical drawings or picture books. Long before manga was a multi-billion-dollar-a-year comic book industry, there was Hokusai\u2019s thirteen-volume manga, depicting everything from trees to demons, from squirrels to shingles. This was the work that inspired the form for Marina Zurkow\u2019s own crazy amalgam depicting a taxonomy of products derived from petroleum.Remaining true to this inspiration, this book compiles a curious array of imaginative-philosophical texts by a variety of poets, fiction writers, theorists illuminating, illustrating, fabulating, and riffing upon a wide range of petrochemical-based objects and ideas. This \u201ccollection\u201d maps new webs of relations between us and these seemingly ubiquitous yet often unremarked objects, along the lines of a fanciful petro-poetics.Fanciful, yet dead serious. As Duncan Murrell writes, \u201d . . . our plastics will live forever, no longer able to decompose, while we become molecules again. When we are long gone, there will still be plastic clown masks circling in the Pacific Ocean. This, and not our great works of art and literature, will be the persistent legacy of life on earth, these objects crafted out of life\u2019s own ancient flesh.\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marina Zurkow (artist and ed.); Valerie Vogrin (ed.); Duncan Murrell; Melissa Kwasny; Hali Felt; Lucy Corin; Maureen N. McLane; Matt Dube; Max Liboiron; Derek Woods; Susan Squier; Elizabeth Crane; Lydia Millet; Rachel Cantor; Una Chaudhuri; K.A. Hays; Elena Glasberg; James Grinwis; Joseph Campana; Nancy Hechinger; Christine Hume; Cecily Parks; Kellie Wells; Timothy Morton; Michael Mejia; Doug Watson; Gabriel Fried; Ruth Ozeki; Nicole Walker; Abigail Simon,; Oliver Kellhammer; Seth Horowitz; David M. Johns; Jamie \u201cSkye\u201d Bianco"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["art, eco-philosophy, fiction, illustration, manga, petroleum, poetry"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/petroleum-manga/"], ["title", "The Petroleum Manga: A Project by Marina Zurkow"], ["doab_id", "16066"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615965963"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615965963"]], [["description", "The importance of energy to the functioning of any economy has meant that energy industries are amongst the most regulated of industries. What might appear to be purely private decisions are made within a complex and evolving web of government regulations.This book provides an economic history of the petroleum industry in Alberta as well as a detailed analysis of the operation of the markets for Alberta oil and natural gas, and the main governmental regulations (apart from environmental regulations) faced by the industry. The tools used within this study are applicable to oil and gas industries throughout the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alan MacFadyen; G. Campbell Watkins"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["History, Science, Technology, Environment"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49970/12/UofCPress_Petropolitics_2014.pdf"], ["title", "Petropolitics: Petroleum Markets and Regulations; Alberta as an Illustrative History"], ["doab_id", "15919"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387696"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387696"]], [["description", "Petrus Ramus, latinized Petrus Ramus (1515-1572), was a French thinker who decisively contributed to the transition from Humanism to Rationalism. His role in the history of law was confusing and the main objective of this book is to attempt a clarification of his work and the influence in the jurists that followed his ideas. Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 reviews the history and proposes a new way to understand the work of Ramus, rereading his work, dividing it into periods and analyzing his influence on the jurists, from Bodin to Leibniz and Thomasius.---Pierre de la Ram\u00e9e, latinizado Petrus Ramus (1515-1572), fue un pensador franc\u00e9s que contribuy\u00f3 decisivamente a la transici\u00f3n desde el humanismo al racionalismo. Su papel en la historia del derecho ha sido confuso y el principal objetivo de este libro es intentar una clarificaci\u00f3n de su obra y la de los juristas que siguieron sus ideas. El profesor Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3 revisa la historiograf\u00eda y propone una nueva manera de entender la obra de Ramus, a partir de una relectura de su obra, de una periodificaci\u00f3n de la misma y de un an\u00e1lisis de la influencia que ejerci\u00f3 en los juristas que se inspiraron en \u00e9l, desde Bodin hasta Leibniz y Thomasius."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ramis Barcel\u00f3, Rafael"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ramismo", "Dial\u00e9ctica", "Pensamiento jur\u00eddico", "Petrus Ramus", "Humanismo", "Racionalismo", "Metodolog\u00eda", "Law", "Humanism", "Rationalism", "Methodology"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/22197/Petrus_Ramis_hd40_2016.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Petrus Ramus y el Derecho. Los juristas ramistas del siglo XVI"], ["doab_id", "18412"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490856833"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490856833"]], [["description", "Die Pfarrchronik \u2013 das sind Eintragungen von vier Pastoren der Pfarre Obernjesa/Dramfeld aus den Jahren 1737 bis 1807 in ein altes Rechnungsbuch. Die Pastoren notierten, was ihnen wichtig schien, und von dem sie meinten, es ihren Nachfolgern mitteilen zu sollen: Alltagserfahrungen wie Grenzstreitigkeiten mit den Nachbarn, Meliorationsauseinandersetzungen mit der Frau des Vorg\u00e4ngers, die Schwerf\u00e4lligkeit der kirchlichen Verwaltung. Dazu kamen die Neuigkeiten aus der Universit\u00e4tsstadt G\u00f6ttingen wie die Nachrichten vom Tode ber\u00fchmter Professoren oder die Zurschaustellung des Nashorns Clara. Erdbeben, Nordlichter, heftige Unwetter \u2013 nicht zuletzt die eigenen Erfahrungen des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges wurden verzeichnet. Reskripte, Dekrete oder Ausschreibungen von Kollekten lassen erkennen, wie weltliche und kirchliche Verwaltungen mit der Armut und dem geringen Alphabetisierungsgrad der Landbev\u00f6lkerung umgingen. Die Vielzahl der Themen, die die Pastoren ber\u00fchrten, sowie statistische Angaben (Bev\u00f6lkerungszahlen und Preise) machen die Chronik zu einem zeitgeschichtlichen Dokument. Eine Einf\u00fchrung sowie die umfangreiche Kommentierung erleichtern den Zugang zur Transkription, die buchstaben- und zeichengetreu ausgef\u00fchrt wurde.

Die Pfarrchronik \u2013 das sind Eintragungen von vier Pastoren der Pfarre Obernjesa/Dramfeld aus den Jahren 1737 bis 1807 in ein altes Rechnungsbuch. Die Pastoren notierten, was ihnen wichtig schien, und von dem sie meinten, es ihren Nachfolgern mitteilen zu sollen: Alltagserfahrungen wie Grenzstreitigkeiten mit den Nachbarn, Meliorationsauseinandersetzungen mit der Frau des Vorg\u00e4ngers, die Schwerf\u00e4lligkeit der kirchlichen Verwaltung. Dazu kamen die Neuigkeiten aus der Universit\u00e4tsstadt G\u00f6ttingen wie die Nachrichten vom Tode ber\u00fchmter Professoren oder die Zurschaustellung des Nashorns Clara. Erdbeben, Nordlichter, heftige Unwetter \u2013 nicht zuletzt die eigenen Erfahrungen des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges wurden verzeichnet. Reskripte, Dekrete oder Ausschreibungen von Kollekten lassen erkennen, wie weltliche und kirchliche Verwaltungen mit der Armut und dem geringen Alphabetisierungsgrad der Landbev\u00f6lkerung umgingen. Die Vielzahl der Themen, die die Pastoren ber\u00fchrten, sowie statistische Angaben (Bev\u00f6lkerungszahlen und Preise) machen die Chronik zu einem zeitgeschichtlichen Dokument. Eine Einf\u00fchrung sowie die umfangreiche Kommentierung erleichtern den Zugang zur Transkription, die buchstaben- und zeichengetreu ausgef\u00fchrt wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kleineke, Dagmar"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["HB", "HB"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=620130"], ["title", "Die Pfarrchronik der Kirchengemeinde Obernjesa-Dramfeld - Ein Rechnungsbuch mit chronikalischen Notizen 1737 bis 1807"], ["doab_id", "20003"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952785"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952785"]], [["description", "Dieser Band vereinigt die Referate des am 29. November 2013 veranstalteten 12. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der sich dem Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnis widmete. Pflegekinder leben h\u00e4ufig \u00fcber l\u00e4ngere Zeit in unsicheren rechtlichen Verh\u00e4ltnissen, obwohl gerade f\u00fcr sie eine stabile rechtliche Situation wichtig ist, sei es durch R\u00fcckf\u00fchrung in die Herkunftsfamilie, Adoption oder rechtliche Absicherung der Pflegeverh\u00e4ltnisse. Eine Reform des Pflegekinderrechts wird deshalb seit vielen Jahren von verschiedensten Professionen gefordert. Den Auftakt der Veranstaltung bildete die Darstellung der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zu Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnissen (Gabriele Britz), gefolgt von einem humanwissenschaftlichen Einblick in das Bindungs- und Erziehungserleben von Pflegekindern (Martina Cappenberg). Im Anschluss wurden die Instrumente der Hilfeplanung des Jugendamtes n\u00e4her beleuchtet (Diana Eschelbach), bevor die Belastbarkeit der Einsch\u00e4tzungen von Sachverst\u00e4ndigen und Jugend\u00e4mtern im Rahmen von R\u00fcckf\u00fchrungsentscheidungen aus humanwissenschaftlicher Sicht vorgestellt wurde (Heinz Kindler). Es folgte ein kritischer Blick auf die Verbleibensanordnung als Instrument zur Sicherung von Kontinuit\u00e4t (Ludwig Salgo). Den Abschluss bildete eine juristische Problemanalyse des Umgangs von Herkunftseltern mit ihrem fremd untergebrachten Kind (Stefan Heilmann). Die Veranstaltung endete mit einer Podiumsdiskussion zum rechtspolitischen Handlungsbedarf im Bereich des Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnisses. Band 15 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Dieser Band vereinigt die Referate des am 29. November 2013 veranstalteten 12. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der sich dem Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnis widmete. Pflegekinder leben h\u00e4ufig \u00fcber l\u00e4ngere Zeit in unsicheren rechtlichen Verh\u00e4ltnissen, obwohl gerade f\u00fcr sie eine stabile rechtliche Situation wichtig ist, sei es durch R\u00fcckf\u00fchrung in die Herkunftsfamilie, Adoption oder rechtliche Absicherung der Pflegeverh\u00e4ltnisse. Eine Reform des Pflegekinderrechts wird deshalb seit vielen Jahren von verschiedensten Professionen gefordert. Den Auftakt der Veranstaltung bildete die Darstellung der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zu Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnissen (Gabriele Britz), gefolgt von einem humanwissenschaftlichen Einblick in das Bindungs- und Erziehungserleben von Pflegekindern (Martina Cappenberg). Im Anschluss wurden die Instrumente der Hilfeplanung des Jugendamtes n\u00e4her beleuchtet (Diana Eschelbach), bevor die Belastbarkeit der Einsch\u00e4tzungen von Sachverst\u00e4ndigen und Jugend\u00e4mtern im Rahmen von R\u00fcckf\u00fchrungsentscheidungen aus humanwissenschaftlicher Sicht vorgestellt wurde (Heinz Kindler). Es folgte ein kritischer Blick auf die Verbleibensanordnung als Instrument zur Sicherung von Kontinuit\u00e4t (Ludwig Salgo). Den Abschluss bildete eine juristische Problemanalyse des Umgangs von Herkunftseltern mit ihrem fremd untergebrachten Kind (Stefan Heilmann). Die Veranstaltung endete mit einer Podiumsdiskussion zum rechtspolitischen Handlungsbedarf im Bereich des Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnisses. Band 15 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Family law", "Speeches", "Foster children", "Family law", "Speeches", "Foster children"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611231"], ["title", "Das Pflegekindverh\u00e4ltnis - zeitlich befristete oder dauerhafte Lebensperspektive f\u00fcr Kinder? - 12. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2013"], ["doab_id", "16543"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951542"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951542"]], [["description", "This volume gathers papers, which were read at the congress held at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo (Spain), in September 2007, under the general subject of phenomenology. The book is devoted to Wittgenstein\u2019s thoughts on phenomenology. One of its aims is to consider and examine the lasting importance of phenomenology for philosophic discussion. For E. Husserl phenomenology was a discipline that endeavoured to describe how the world is constituted and experienced through a series of conscious acts. His fundamental concept was that of intentional consciousness. What did drag Wittgenstein into working on phenomenology? In his 'middle period' work, Wittgenstein used the headline 'Phenomenology is Grammar'. These cornerstones can be signalled by notions like language, grammar, rule, visual space versus Euclidean space, minima visibilia and colours. L. Wittgenstein\u2019s main interest takes the form of a research on language."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Padilla G\u00e1lvez, Jes\u00fas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209511"], ["title", "Phenomenology as Grammar"], ["doab_id", "18107"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328998", "9783110328639"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328998, 9783110328639"]], [["description", "In the genomic era of 1990s-2000s, pharmaceutical research moved to target-based drug discovery which enabled development of a number of small molecule drugs against a wide range of diseases. In many cases however, drugs that arose from genomics failed, questioning the validity of the targets and the suitability of target-based drug discovery as an optimal strategy for all disease states. For monogenic diseases, target-based approaches may be well-suited to the identification of novel therapies. Most diseases, however, are caused by a combination of several genetic and environmental factors and are likely to require simultaneous modulation of multiple molecular targets/pathways for successful treatment. For such diseases, reductionist approaches focusing on individual targets rather than biological networks are unlikely to succeed and new drug development strategies are required. In search of more successful approaches, the pharmaceutical industry is moving towards phenotypic screening beyond individual genes/targets. However, this requires rethinking of diseases and drug discovery approaches from a network and systems biology perspective. Since returning to the pre-genomics era of screening drug candidates in laborious animal models is not a feasible solution, the industry needs to evolve a new paradigm of phenotypic drug discovery within the context of systems biology. Such a paradigm must combine physiologically and disease relevant biological substrates with sufficient throughput, operational simplicity and statistical vigour. Biomarker strategies for translational medicine, as well as preclinical safety and selectivity assessments, would also need to be revised to adapt to the target agnostic style. This focused issue aims to discuss strategies, key concepts and technologies related to systems-based approaches in drug development. Design and implementation of innovative biological assays, featuring multiple target strategies, and rational drug design in the absence of target knowledge during the early drug discovery are illustrated with examples. Specific topics include: \u2022 The need for systems-based approaches in drug development \u2022 Phenotypic screening strategies \u2022 Compound libraries (natural product inspired compound collections) \u2022 Target deconvolution and identification \u2022 Target agnostic lead discovery and optimization \u2022 Multi-target approaches and decoding the phenotype (understanding biological interactions and multiscale systems modelling) \u2022 Translational aspects \u2022 Early evaluation of selectivity and safety in a target agnostic manner"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gul Erdemli; Birgit T. Priest"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Phenotypic screenning", "Drug Discovery", "target-based assays", "Systems Biology", "pathways", "gene networks", "label-free technologies", "panomic data"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1725/phenotypic-screening-in-the-21st-century"], ["title", "Phenotypic screening in the 21st century"], ["doab_id", "18720"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194698"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194698"]], [["description", "This volume is a further continuation of the annotated bibliographies on the writings and thought of the Jewish exegete and philosopher Philo of Alexandria prepared by Roberto Radice and David Runia for the years 1937\u20131986 published in 1988 and by David Runia for the years 1987\u20131996 published in 2000. Prepared with the collaboration of the International Philo Bibliography Project, it contains a complete listing of all scholarly writings on Philo for the period 1997 to 2006. Part One lists texts, translations, commentaries etc. (58 items). Part Two contains critical studies (1024 items). In part Three additional works for the years 1987\u20131996 are presented (42 items). In all cases a brief description of the contents of the contribution is given. Seven indices, including a detailed Index of subjects, complete the work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Runia ,D.T."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Philo", "Christianity", "Early Church", "Hellenistic", "Judaism", "New Testament", "Platonism", "Alexandria"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=401999"], ["title", "Philo of Alexandria : An Annotated Bibliography 1997-2006"], ["doab_id", "14628"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004210806", "9789004216853"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004210806 9789004216853"]], [["description", "This book examines child poverty as a topic of social justice. The authors develop a theory of social justice for children based within the capability approach, apply it to the injustice of child poverty and propose a theory of the responsibilities of different agents towards children living in poverty.

Das Buch behandelt Kinderarmut als Thema der sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Ausgehend von einer Konzeption der sozialen Gerechtigkeit f\u00fcr Kinder, die im Capability Approach beheimatet ist, legen die Autoren eine Kritik der Kinderarmut vor und entwickeln eine Theorie \u00fcber die verantwortlichen Aktuere, die zur Linderung von Kinderarmut verpflichtet sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schweiger ,Gottfried; Graf ,Gunter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Child Poverty, Social Justice, Political Philosophy, Capability Approach", "Kinderarmut, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Politische Philosophie, Capability Approach"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579612"], ["title", "A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty"], ["doab_id", "19137"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137426017"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137426017"]], [["description", "For Philosophical Theology in Transition is the Challenge of Fideism and Atheism very important, because they are both against a Ungodly God.

F\u00fcr Philosophische Theologie ist ein Umbruch n\u00f6tig, weil fideistische und atheistische Philosophien, denen die Ablehnung eines ung\u00f6ttlichen Gottes gemeinsam ist, sie in Frage stellen"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wucherer-Huldenfeld ,Augustinus Karl"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Philosophical Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Atheism Research, Sociology of Religion", "Philosophische Theologie, Religionswissenschaften, Atheismusforschung, Religionssoziologie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=480333"], ["title", "Philosophische Theologie im Umbruch (II/1)"], ["doab_id", "16504"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795636"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795636"]], [["description", "Part of Philosophical Theology in Transition (Vol. II/2): Atheistic Philosophers after Hegel and den scotistisch Tradition, wich obscures an phaenomenological and existential understanding of being (creation) as a gift, reject the existence of God to protect human dignity, independence and liberty, developed their own ontologies and are not postmetaphysical thinkers.

Philosophische Theologie im Umbruch (II/2) vertieft den Dialog mit den Atheisten (in II/1) metaphysikgeschichtlich. Sie verbleiben trotz Abkehr von Hegel durch die Entwick-lung eigener Ontologien im Raum der Metaphysik. Das von ihnen sowie ihren theologischen Gegnern vorausgesetzte Seinsverst\u00e4ndnis nivelliert die Sch\u00f6pfer-Gesch\u00f6pf-Beziehung und entstellt sie technomorph. Die Dekonstruk-tion m\u00fcndet in eine Philosophie der Sch\u00f6pfung als Gabe, die nicht ohne Sein zu denken ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wucherer-Huldenfeld ,Augustinus Karl"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Duns Scotus, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Sartre; Metaphysics, trnscendentals, ontology, creation, existence, essentia", "Duns Scotus, Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx, Sartre; Metaphysik, Transzendentalien, Ontologie, Sch\u00f6pfung, Existenz, Essenz"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578177"], ["title", "Philosophische Theologie im Umbruch (II/2)"], ["doab_id", "17528"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796664"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796664"]], [["description", "There has been an ongoing debate about the capabilities and limits of the bio-natural sciences as sources and the methodological measure in the philosophy of psychiatry for quite some time now. Still, many problems remain unsolved, at least partly for the following reasons: The opposing parties do not tend to speak with each other, exchange their arguments and try to increase mutual understanding. Rather, one gets the impression that they often remain in their \u201ctrenches\u201d, busy with confirming each others' opinions and developing their positions in isolation. This leads to several shortcomings: (1) Good arguments and insights from both sides of the debate get less attention they deserve. (2) The further improvement of each position becomes harder without criticism, genuinely motivated by the opposing standpoint. (3) The debate is not going to stop, at least not in the way it would finish after a suggested solution finds broad support; (4) Related to this, insisting on the ultimate aptnessof one side is just plainly wrong in almost every case. Since undeniably, most philosophical positions usually have a grain of truth hidden in them. In sum, many controversies persist with regard to the appropriate methodological, epistemological, and even ontological level for psychiatric explanation and therapies. In a conference which took place in December last year, we tried to contribute to a better understanding about what really is at issue in the philosophy of psychiatry. We asked for a common basis for several sides, for points of divergence and for the practical impact of different solutions on everyday work in psychiatry. Since psychiatry as a whole is a subject that is to wide to be covered in a single meeting, we focused on the following four core topics: 1.Competing accounts of psychiatric biologism, reductionism, and physicalism. 2.Mental disease and brain disease in the light of current neuroscientific and epigenetic findings. 3.Normative suppositions for different accounts of mental disease. 4.Normative implications of different accounts of mental disease. These topics, which have been vigorously as well as fruitfully discussed at our conference, will (ideally) be, too, in the center of our contribution to Frontiers. More precisely, we think of arranging a \u201cresearch topic\u201d which assembles the issues of the conference. At this point, it seems promising to us to group three or four Target Articles (TA) and let them get criticized by a couple of commentaries from different angles to give the issue a much broader and detailed perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Markus Ruther; Bettina Schoene-Seifert; Marco Stier; Sebastian Muders"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ethics", "medical", "biologism in psychiatry", "Reductionism", "Psychiatry", "Philosophy of Neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1238/the-philosophy-of-psychiatry-and-biologism"], ["title", "The Philosophy of Psychiatry and Biologism"], ["doab_id", "18684"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193547"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193547"]], [["description", "This is the second of two volumes of the proceedings from the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, August 2007.It contains selected contributions on the Philosophy of media, Philosophy of the Internet, on Ethics and the political economy of information society. Also included are papers presented in a workshop on electronic philosophy resources and open source/open access."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hrachovec, Herbert; Pichler, Alois"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209442"], ["title", "Philosophy of the Information Society. Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007"], ["doab_id", "18106"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328486", "9783110328080"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328486, 9783110328080"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bromley ,H.M."], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613378"], ["title", "The Phonology of Lower Grand Valley Dani"], ["doab_id", "18534"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285989", "9789004286580"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285989 9789004286580"]], [["description", "This Special Issue of Coatings is focused on the study of different photocatalyst-basedcoatings for developing self-cleaning, air-purifying and antibacterial properties. In this case, awide variety of photocatalysts (TiO2, Si-TiO2, TiO2\u2212xNy, Ag-TiO2, Mo-TiO2, ZnO, SnO2-Ag,Nb2O5 and C60 fullerene) were evaluated towards the removal of different molecules.Similarly, substrates such as glass, silica, sapphire, polycarbonate, aluminium, stainless steel,concrete and mortar were included in this issue. This information certainly contributes to a betterunderstanding of the photocatalytic removal of different molecules (e.g., Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus, resazuring, rhodamine B, methylene blue, Demeton-S, 2-chloroethylphenyl sulfide (CEPS) and NOx (NO and NO2)) and the coating technologies required forsuch performances. Based on these interesting results, I encourage you to read through thisSpecial Issue and use the valuable information provided therein to help us move forward inthe exciting area of photocatalytic coatings for developing air-purifying, self-cleaning, andantimicrobial properties."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["air-purifying, self-cleaning, easy-to-clean, antimicrobial, coatings, TiO2, hydrophilicity, air pollution, building maintenance, photocatalysis"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/165"], ["title", "Photocalytic Coatings for Air-Purifying, Self-Cleaning and Antimicrobial Properties"], ["doab_id", "19021"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421382", "9783038421375"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421382/9783038421375"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["fundamentals, UV and visible-light sensitive photocatalysts/supports/composites, reactors and modelling, organic synthesis, environmental potentialities and applications, hydrogen and other fuels production, testing methods, comparisons with other processes"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/194"], ["title", "Photocatalysis: Fundamentals, Materials and Potential"], ["doab_id", "19108"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421832", "9783038421849"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421832/9783038421849"]], [["description", "Silicon photonics technology, which has the DNA of silicon electronics technology, promises to provide a compact photonic integration platform with high integration density, mass-producibility, and excellent cost performance. This technology has been used to develop and to integrate various photonic functions on silicon substrate. Moreover, photonics-electronics convergence based on silicon substrate is now being pursued. Thanks to these features, silicon photonics will have the potential to be a superior technology used in the construction of energy-efficient cost-effective apparatuses for various applications, such as communications, information processing, and sensing. Considering the material characteristics of silicon and difficulties in microfabrication technology, however, silicon by itself is not necessarily an ideal material. For example, silicon is not suitable for light emitting devices because it is an indirect transition material. The resolution and dynamic range of silicon-based interference devices, such as wavelength filters, are significantly limited by fabrication errors in microfabrication processes. For further performance improvement, therefore, various assisting materials, such as indium-phosphide, silicon-nitride, germanium-tin, are now being imported into silicon photonics by using various heterogeneous integration technologies, such as low-temperature film deposition and wafer/die bonding. These assisting materials and heterogeneous integration technologies would also expand the application field of silicon photonics technology. Fortunately, silicon photonics technology has superior flexibility and robustness for heterogeneous integration. Moreover, along with photonic functions, silicon photonics technology has an ability of integration of electronic functions. In other words, we are on the verge of obtaining an ultimate technology that can integrate all photonic and electronic functions on a single Si chip. This e-Book aims at covering recent developments of the silicon photonic platform and novel functionalities with heterogeneous material integrations on this platform."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Koji Yamada; Jifeng Liu; Toshihiko Baba; Laurent Vivien; Dan-Xia Xu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["silicon photonics", "photonic integration", "additional waveguide system", "III-V semiconductors", "germanium-based emitter", "Bandgap tuning", "Wafer bonding", "telecommunications applications", "bio-chemical applications"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2972/photonic-integration-and-photonics-electronics-convergence-on-silicon-platform"], ["title", "Photonic Integration and Photonics-Electronics Convergence on Silicon Platform"], ["doab_id", "19577"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196937"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196937"]], [["description", "Given the state-of-the-art in solar photovoltaic (PV) technology and favorable financing terms, it is clear that PV has already obtained grid parity in specific locations [1]. Advances in the next generation of photovoltaic materials and photovoltaic devices can further reduce costs to enable all of humanity to utilize sustainable and renewable solar power [2]. This Special Issue of Materials will cover such materials, including modeling, synthesis, and evaluation of new materials and their solar cells.Specifically, this Special Issue will focus on five material technologies for advanced solar cells:1. New Concepts in PV Materials: Nanostructured materials, low-dimensional physics, multiple charge generation, up/down converters, thermophotovoltaics, low-cost III-V materials, bandgap engineering, hot-carrier effects, plasmonics, metamorphic materials, perovskite and related novel PV materials, novel light trapping, rectennas, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, and graphene composites.2. Organic PV Materials: Polymer, hybrid and dye sensitized solar cells, high performance contacts, and lifetime degradation and mechanisms.3. Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) Materials: Recent developments in dyes, working electrodes, technologies for device fabrications, and advances in new electrolytes.4. Amorphous, Nanostructured, and Thin Film Silicon PV Materials: Microstructure characterization, light induced degradation (SWE), large area and high deposition rates, novel processing routes, light trapping, multi-layers, and multi-junction devices.5. Passive Materials for all PV: Transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), encapsulation, connections, optics, glass, anti-reflection coatings (ARCs), alternative buffer layer materials, and contacts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Perovskite, Plasmonics, Nanostructured Materials, Anti-Reflection Coatings, Transparent Conductive Oxides, Amorphous Silicon, Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) Materials, Organic Photovoltaic Materials, Solar Energy Materials, Photovoltaic Materials, Thin Film Photovoltaic"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/213"], ["title", "Photovoltaic Materials and Electronic Devices"], ["doab_id", "19294"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422167", "9783038422174"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422167/9783038422174"]], [["description", "There is overwhelming evidence linking increased physical activity with positive changes in cognitive functioning and brain health. Much of what we know about these interrelationships comes from aerobic exercise training studies with older adults and children. This literature has paved the way for the neuroscientific investigation of mechanisms responsible for exercise-induced cognitive and brain health enhancement, a list that ranges from molecular changes to systemic changes in executive control and neural connectivity. A new perspective has also emerged that aims to understand executive control processes that may underlie the regulation of health behavior. In accordance with this view, physical activity falls under the umbrella of health behaviors that require a substantial amount of executive control. Executive control is a limited resource, and the aging process depletes this resource. People who regularly exercise are said to have higher \u201cself-regulatory control\u201d\u2014planning, goal-shielding and impulse control\u2014than irregular exercisers. The successful maintenance of physical activity participation in lieu of daily cognitive stressors likely reflects an adaptive resistance to control failures. Indeed, a handful of studies have shown the relationship between greater executive control and subsequently higher levels of physical activity. However, little is known about the neural correlates of physical activity adherence or sedentary behavior, with the view that neurocognitive factors have an antecedent and reciprocal influence on these behaviors. No research has focused on the brain networks responsible for the self-regulation of physical activity, which likely overlaps with structures and functions playing critical roles in the regulation of other health behaviors. Interdisciplinary investigations are needed to explain the extent to which physical activity self-regulation and self-regulatory failure is dependent upon, or under the influence of executive control processes and brain networks. Understanding the degree to which self-regulatory resources may be enhanced, restored, and trained will have enormous implications for basic science and applied fields. It is also of great import to understand whether or not physical activity self-regulation is a domain-specific behavior associated with specific brain networks, or to determine the extent to which regulatory network-sharing occurs. The aim of this Frontiers Research Topic is to curate contributions from researchers in social and cognitive neurosciences and related fields, whose work involves the study of physical activity behavior, self-regulation and executive control. For this Research Topic, we, therefore, solicit reviews, original research articles, and opinion papers, which draw theoretical or empirical connections related to sustained physical activity behavior, self-regulatory strategies, cognitive performance, and brain structure and function. While focusing on work in the neurosciences, this Research Topic also welcomes contributions in the form of behavioral studies, psychophysiological investigations, and methodological innovations. This Frontiers Research Topic will carve out new directions for the fields of exercise, cognitive, and social neurosciences. We hope you will consider submitting your work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sean P. Mullen; Peter Hall"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cognitive control", "Self-regulation", "executive functioning", "physical activity", "sedentary behavior", "fitness-cognition link", "Behavioral maintenance", "exercise adherence", "cardiorespiratory fitness"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2237/physical-activity-self-regulation-and-executive-control-across-the-lifespan"], ["title", "Physical Activity, Self-Regulation, and Executive Control Across the Lifespan"], ["doab_id", "18868"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197484"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197484"]], [["description", "Physical safety is a core task of government. It is neither surprising nor unreasonable for government to be held accountable for hazardous substances, for food safety, for flood protection, for the spread of infectious diseases, or for the risks involved in new technologies. In 2011 the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations asked the Scientific Council for Government Policy (wrr) to investigate the scope for the development of a generic risk policy in relation to physical safety. Do citizens and businesses take sufficient responsibility for physical safety? Could the government assume a smaller role, and what part could the business community play in this? In this report the WRR argues that in order to answer these questions a distinction needs to be made between incidents, damage, risk and uncertainty. In addition, the wrr recommends that the thinking about responsibility for safety should not be placed in the perspective of a failing government, but that the central focus should be on the ambition of good governance. Finally, the wrr suggests that thinking about safety from the perspective of damage offers a useful framework for thinking through and reassessing the distribution of responsibilities. Responsibility for preventing, limiting and dealing with damage can only be assigned in advance, not retrospectively.

Fysieke veiligheid is een voorwaarde voor individuele ontplooiing en ondernemingszin en vormt de basis voor welvaart en welzijn. Mede dankzij decennia van overheidsinterventies is Nederland relatief gezien een veilig land geworden. Het is daarom noch verrassend noch onredelijk dat de maatschappij de overheid aanspreekt op (potenti\u00eble) bedreigingen en daadwerkelijke aantastingen van de fysieke veiligheid. De legitimiteit van de overheid kan onder druk komen te staan als de overheid tekortschiet in de zorg voor fysieke veiligheid. Verwachtingen over de rol van de overheid kunnen echter ook overspannen zijn, de overheid kan immers ook geen absolute veiligheid garanderen of voor elke aantasting van de fysieke veiligheid verantwoordelijk worden gehouden. In deze uitgave stelt de WRR dat de overheid niet als enige de prijs voor veiligheid en de rekening voor schade kan betalen. Ook bedrijven en burgers moeten daarvoor verantwoordelijkheid dragen, bijvoorbeeld door zich beter te verzekeren. Met deze reflectie heeft de WRR een waardevolle bijdrage geleverd aan de actuele, belangrijke en principi\u00eble discussie over de verhouding tussen overheid en burger op het gebied van fysieke veiligheid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "WRR"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Bestuurskunde", "Physical safety", "Public safety issues", "Government policy"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439095"], ["title", "Physical Safety : A Matter of Balancing Responsibilities"], ["doab_id", "15232"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645135"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645135"]], [["description", "Physics and literature are two forms of knowing the world that are both complementary and contingent. Poetical-physical ways of writing and metaphors in physical theories are two sides of a coin. Interviews with Ulrike Draesner, Durs Gr\u00fcnbein, Michael Hampe, Jens Harder, Reinhard Jirgl, Thomas Lehr, Ulrich Woelk, and Juli Zeh enrich our knowledge of these two cultures through voices familiar with both sides."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Heydenreich, Aura; Mecke, Klaus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Physics, Interview, Literature"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/448648"], ["title", "Physik und Poetik. Produktions\u00e4sthetik und Werkgenese. Autorinnen und Autoren im Dialog"], ["doab_id", "17940"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110440362", "9783110417883", "9783110406511"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110440362, 9783110417883, 9783110406511"]], [["description", "The cyanobacteria inhabit every illuminated environment on Earth, from polar lakes to desert crusts and through their phototrophic metabolism play essential roles in global geochemical cycles. With the discovery of marine Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus almost 30 years ago, cyanobacteria have now earned their place as dominant primary producers contributing over 25 percent of global photosynthesis. Their global abundance is now explained from the coexistence of ecotypes that occupy different niches along spatial and temporal gradients. New ecotypes of Synechococcus have been identified as abundant components of microbial communities in freshwater environments and marginal seas. Extensive comparative genomics of marine and freshwater picocyanobacteria have begun to unmask adaptations to light and nutrient (N, P, Fe) limitation that these diverse environments present. Novel types of cyanobacterial diazotrophy input new N and structure microbial communities in the open sea. Current challenges include the understanding of the interactions between marine cyanobacteria and other microbes in their immediate community. In contrast, mesotrophic and eutrophic environments such as the Laurentian Great Lakes have been increasingly affected by nuisance and toxic cyanobacterial blooms that have yielded severe declines in water quality. Factors promoting bloom formation and the functional roles of toxins are important issues being addressed today."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anton F Post; George S Bullerjahn"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cyanobacteria", "HABs", "Prochlorococcus", "Synechococcus", "Nitrogen Fixation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/497/physiological-and-molecular-ecology-of-aquatic-cyanobacteria"], ["title", "Physiological and molecular ecology of aquatic cyanobacteria"], ["doab_id", "18580"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193189"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193189"]], [["description", "We live in a world with an ever-increasing aging population. This aging population is predicted to place a huge financial burden on healthcare systems around the world. Understanding healthy ageing is a key research priority, along with a better understanding of the pathophysiology of ageing that occurs in a number of age related diseases, such as arthritis. By gaining a better understanding of healthy musculoskeletal ageing we can provide better care and new therapies for common musculoskeletal problems. This Research Topic is intended to bring together basic researchers and clinicians working in the broad area of musculoskeletal ageing. The topic includes mechanisms of healthy ageing in the musculoskeletal system, which we define as skeletal muscle and the synovial joint, particularly constituent structures including articular cartilage, subchondral bone tendon and ligament. A particular focus of this Research Topic is dietary modulation of musculoskeletal ageing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ali Mobasheri; Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Physiology", "pathophysiology", "Musculoskeletal System", "Aging", "Sarcopenia", "Osteoarthritis", "Proteomics", "articular cartilage", "skeletal muscle", "Chiropractic Treatment"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/402/physiology-and-pathophysiology-of-musculoskeletal-aging"], ["title", "Physiology and Pathophysiology of Musculoskeletal Aging"], ["doab_id", "17760"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193905"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193905"]], [["description", "Phytoalexins are antimicrobial substances of low molecular weight produced by plants in response to infection or stress, which form part of their active defense mechanisms. It is now clear that phytoalexins exhibit toxicity across much of the biological spectrum, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Starting in the 1950s, research on phytoalexins has begun with biochemistry and bio-organic chemistry, resulting in the determination of their structure, their biological activity as well as mechanisms of their synthesis and their catabolism by microorganisms. Elucidation of the biosynthesis of numerous phytoalexins has also permitted the use of molecular biology tools for the exploration of the genes encoding enzymes of their synthesis pathways and their regulators. This has led to potential applications for increasing plant resistance to diseases. Phytoalexins display an enormous diversity belonging to various chemical families such as isoflavones, isoflavanones, pterocarpans, isoflavans, flavanones, coumestans, furanoacetylenes, phenylpropanoids, steroid glycoalkaloids, norsesquiterpenoids/sesquiterpenoids, coumarins, diterpenes, ent-kaurane-related diterpenoids, acidic sesquiterpenoids, 3-deoxyanthocyanidins, naphthaldehydes, indoles and stilbenes.Research papers dealing with all aspects of phytoalexins, including structure elucidation; chemical synthesis; methods for phytoalexin analysis in plant extracts or biological fluids; biosynthesis studies including modulation of phytoalexin synthesis; engineering of phytoalexin biochemical pathways in plants and microbes; biological activities; structure/activity relationships; phytoalexin metabolism in planta and by micro-organisms; roles and ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters or Multi-Drugs Efflux (MDE) transporters are welcome for inclusion in this Special Issue of Molecules. Review articles, particularly those dealing with the themes mentioned above are also particularly welcome for inclusion."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["phytoalexin structure elucidation, chemical synthesis, methods for phytoalexin analysis, biosynthetic studies and modulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis, molecular engineering in plants and microbes / applications, biological activities, structure/activity relationships, plant metabolism, fungal metabolism, transport mechanisms, applications"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/107"], ["title", "Phytoalexins: Current Progress and Future Prospects"], ["doab_id", "19023"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420583", "9783038420590"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420583/9783038420590"]], [["description", "The PI3Ks control many key functions in immune cells. PI3Ks phosphorylate PtdIns(4,5)P2 to yield PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. Initially, PI3K inhibitors such as Wortmannin, LY294002 and Rapamycin were used to establish a central role for Pi3K pathway in immune cells. Considerable progress in understanding the role of this pathway in cells of the immune system has been made in recent years, starting with analysis of various PI3K and Pten knockout mice and subsequently mTOR and Foxo knockout mice. Together, these experiments have revealed how PI3Ks control B cell and T cell development, T helper cell differentiation, regulatory T cell development and function, B cell and T cell trafficking, immunoglobulin class switching and much, much more. The PI3Kd inhibitor idelalisib has recently been approved for the treatment of B cell lymphoma. Clinical trials of other PI3K inhibitors in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are also in progress. This is an opportune time to consider a Research Topic considering when what we have learned about the PI3K signalling module in lymphocyte biology and how this is making an impact on clinical immunology and haematology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Klaus Okkenhaug; Martin Turner; Michael R. Gold"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["PI3K/AKT/mTOR", "PI3K pathway inhibitors", "T cell", "B cell", "Signal Transduction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/568/pi3k-signalling"], ["title", "PI3K signalling"], ["doab_id", "17811"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194193"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194193"]], [["description", "Pierre Vi\u00e9not ist eine Schl\u00fcsselgestalt der deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Gesellschafts- und Kulturbeziehungen in den zwanziger Jahren. Gaby Sonnabend zeichnet erstmals ein Gesamtbild von Vi\u00e9nots Denken und Handeln von den zwanziger Jahren bis zu seinem unerwartet fr\u00fchen Tod 1944 und untersucht seine Pr\u00e4gungen und Motivlagen sowie seine Rolle innerhalb der deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Beziehungen, der franz\u00f6sischen Politik der drei\u00dfiger Jahre und der R\u00e9sistance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sonnabend, Gaby"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/230911"], ["title", "Pierre Vi\u00e9not (1897-1944). Ein Intellektueller in der Politik"], ["doab_id", "18025"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486835748", "9783486575637"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835748, 9783486575637"]], [["description", "Medieval manuscripts resisted obsolescence. Made by highly specialised craftspeople (scribes, illuminators, book binders) with labour-intensive processes using exclusive and sometimes exotic materials (parchment made from dozens or hundreds of skins, inks and paints made from prized minerals, animals and plants), books were expensive and built to last. They usually outlived their owners. Rather than discard them when they were superseded, book owners found ways to update, amend and upcycle books or book parts.These activities accelerated in the fifteenth century. Most manuscripts made before 1390 were bespoke and made for a particular client, but those made after 1390 (especially books of hours) were increasingly made for an open market, in which the producer was not in direct contact with the buyer. Increased efficiency led to more generic products, which owners were motivated to personalise. It also led to more blank parchment in the book, for example, the backs of inserted miniatures and the blanks ends of textual components. Book buyers of the late fourteenth and throughout the fifteenth century still held onto the old connotations of manuscripts\u2014that they were custom-made luxury items\u2014even when the production had become impersonal.Owners consequently purchased books made for an open market and then personalised them, filling in the blank spaces, and even adding more components later. This would give them an affordable product, but one that still smacked of luxury and met their individual needs. They kept older books in circulation by amending them, attached items to generic books to make them more relevant and valuable, and added new prayers with escalating indulgences as the culture of salvation shifted.Rudy considers ways in which book owners adjusted the contents of their books from the simplest (add a marginal note, sew in a curtain) to the most complex (take the book apart, embellish the components with painted decoration, add more quires of parchment). By making sometimes extreme adjustments, book owners kept their books fashionable and emotionally relevant. This study explores the intersection of codicology and human desire.Rudy shows how increased modularisation of book making led to more standardisation but also to more opportunities for personalisation. She asks: What properties did parchment manuscripts have that printed books lacked? What are the interrelationships among technology, efficiency, skill loss and standardisation?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rudy, Kathryn M."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Medieval manuscripts, codicology, book personalisation, material culture of the book, customization, religion, devotional"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/477"], ["title", "Piety in Pieces: How Medieval Readers Customized their Manuscripts"], ["doab_id", "19697"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742332", "9781783742356"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742332/9781783742356"]], [["description", "This book celebrates Professor Margaret Brazier\u2019s outstanding contribution to the field of healthcare law and bioethics. It examines key aspects developed in Professor Brazier\u2019s agenda-setting body of work, with contributions being provided by leading experts in the field from the UK, Australia, the US and continental Europe. They examine a range of current and future challenges for healthcare law and bioethics, representing state-of-the-art scholarship in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stanton ,Catherine; Devaney ,Sarah; Farrell ,Anne-Maree; Mullock ,Alexandra"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Margaret Brazier", "healthcare law", "bioethics"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=593991"], ["title", "Pioneering Healthcare Law : Essays in honour of Margaret Brazier"], ["doab_id", "18619"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781138861091", "9781315716107"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138861091 9781315716107"]], [["description", "The emerging Jewish national consciousness in Europe toward the end of the 19th century claims many spiritual fathers, some of which have been seriously underestimated so far. Zionist intellectuals such as Moses Hess, Leon Pinsker and Isaac R\u00fclf were already committed to the self-liberation of the Jewish people long before Theodor Herzl. Their experiences and observations brought them to believe that the emancipation and integration of Jews were not realistically possible in Europe. Instead, they began to think in national and territorial terms. The author explores the question as to what extent religious messianism influenced the ideas of these men and how this reflects in today's collective Israeli consciousness. In a comprehensive epilogue, Julius H. Schoeps critically correlates ideas of messianic salvation, Zionist pioneer ideals, the settler's movement before and after 1967, and the unsolved conflict between Israelis and Palestinians which has been lasting for over 100 years."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schoeps, Julius H."], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/206467"], ["title", "Pioneers of Zionism: Hess, Pinsker, R\u00fclf Messianism, Settlement Policy, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"], ["doab_id", "18047"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110314724", "9783110314588"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110314724, 9783110314588"]], [["description", "Hindu devotional traditions have long been recognized for their sacred geographies as well as the sensuous aspects of their devotees\u2019 experiences. Largely overlooked, however, are the subtle links between these religious expressions. Based on intensive fieldwork conducted among worshippers in Bengal\u2019s Navadvip\u2011Mayapur sacred complex, this book discusses the diverse and contrasting ways in which Bengal\u2011Vaishnava devotees experience sacred geography and divinity. Sukanya Sarbadhikary documents an extensive range of practices, which draw on the interactions of mind, body, and viscera. She shows how perspectives on religion, embodiment, affect, and space are enriched when sacred spatialities of internal and external forms are studied at once."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sarbadhikary ,Sukanya"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bengal-Vaishnavism", "Hinduism", "Bengal", "religious devotion", "religious traditions"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602278"], ["title", "Place of Devotion: Siting and Experiencing Divinity in Bengal-Vaishnavism"], ["doab_id", "18615"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520287716", "9780520962668"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520287716 9780520962668"]], [["description", "Increasingly, technology is at stake in toys, games and playing. With the immense popularity of computer games, questions concerning the role and function of technology in play have become more pressing. A key aspect of the increasing technologization and digitalization of both toys and play is the vagueness of borders between producers, consumers and players. In these so-called participatory cultures, players do not simply play with toys designed behind closed doors but become co-designers. This book takes a critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of participatory cultures and places the changing world of toys, games and playing in a historical context. Contrary to many New Media and computer game studies, this book takes the historical background of these phenomena into account by situating the changing world of play in the context of the social and cultural processes of commodification, domestication and urbanization from the 1850s to the present.

Technologie speelt een steeds belangrijkere rol in speelgoed en spellen. De immense populariteit van computerspellen maakt vragen over de invloed en functie van technologie steeds dwingender. Een van de kernaspecten van de toenemende 'technologisering' en 'digitalisering' van speelgoed en spellen is het vervagen van de grenzen tussen producenten, consumenten en spelers. In 'participatieve culturen' speelt men niet meer met achter gesloten deuren ontworpen spellen, maar worden de spelers zelf medeontwerpers. The Place of Play onderzoekt de aard, karakteristieken, mechanismen en problemen van deze participatieve culturen aan de hand van speelgoed en computerspellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lauwaert ,Maaike"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Culture and history", "Popular science", "Film", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Wetenschap algemeen", "Computer games", "Participatory cultures", "Toys", "Many-to-many cultures"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341443"], ["title", "The Place of Play : Toys and Digital Cultures"], ["doab_id", "12612"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640802"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640802"]], [["description", "Twenty-one writers answer the call for literature that addresses who we are by understanding where we are--where, for each of them, being in some way part of academia. In personal essays, they imaginatively delineate and engage the diverse, occasionally unexpected play of place in shaping them, writers and teachers in varied environments, with unique experiences and distinctive world views, and reconfiguring for them conjunctions of identity and setting, here, there, everywhere, and in between."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sinor, Jennifer; Kaufman, Rona"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/20"], ["title", "Placing the Academy: Essays on Landscape, Work, and Identity"], ["doab_id", "14683"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216578"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216578"]], [["description", "In Plankton Dreams,Tito Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay crafts a proud, satiric style: the special ed student as literary troublemaker. 'Mother had always taught me to learn from circumstance,' he writes. 'Here, the circumstance was humiliation, a particularly instructive teacher.' 'But I\u2019m not complaining,' he continues. 'Humiliation, after all, made me a philosopher.'For all of its comic effects, the book alerts readers to an alternative understanding of autism, an understanding that autistics themselves have been promoting for years. Frustrated by how most scientists investigate autism, Mukhopadhyay decides to investigate neurotypicality, treating his research subjects the way he himself was treated. Why shouldn\u2019t the autist study the neurotypical? This artful parody of scientific endeavor salvages dignity from a dark place. It also reveals a very talented writer. It is most certainly time to study the neurotypical\u2014his or her relentless assumptions. Perhaps by doing so we may devise a more humble and hospitable society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mukhopadhyay Rajarshi ,Tito"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["autism", "parody", "neurotypical", "special education"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560011"], ["title", "Plankton Dreams: What I Learned in Special-Ed"], ["doab_id", "17292"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420078", "9781785420139"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420078 9781785420139"]], [["description", "The cell wall is a complex structure mainly composed of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a cohesive hemicellulose and pectin matrix. Cell wall structural proteins, enzymes and their inhibitors are also essential components of plant cell walls. They are involved in the cross-link of cell wall polysaccharides, wall structure, and the perception and signaling of defense-related elicitors at the cell surface. In the outer part of the epidermal cells, the polysaccharides are coated by the cuticle, consisting of hydrophobic cutin, suberin and wax layers. Lignin, a macromolecule composed of highly cross-linked phenolic molecules, is a major component of the secondary cell wall. The cell wall is the first cell structure on which interactions between plants and a wide range of other organisms, including insects, nematodes, pathogenic or symbiotic micro-organisms take place. It not only represents a barrier that limits access to the cellular contents that provide a rich nutrient source for pathogens but serves as a source of elicitors of plant defense responses released upon partial enzymatic degradation of wall polysaccharides during infection. Modification of the plant cell wall can also occur at the level of plasmodesmata during virus infection as well as during abiotic stresses. The fine structure and composition of the plant cell wall as well as the regulation of its biosynthesis can thus strongly influence resistance and susceptibility to pathogens. This Research Topic provides novel insights and detailed overviews on the dynamics of the plant cell wall in plant defence, parasitism and symbiosis and describes experimental approaches to study plant cell wall modifications occurring during interaction of plants with different organisms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincenzo Lionetti; Jean-Pierre Metraux"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["plant cell wall integrity", "susceptibility factors", "Methanol", "callose", "Plant Symbioses", "Cell wall degrading enzymes", "plant pathogens", "Plant Parasitic Nematode"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1463/plant-cell-wall-in-pathogenesis-parasitism-and-symbiosis"], ["title", "Plant cell wall in pathogenesis, parasitism and symbiosis"], ["doab_id", "18588"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194421"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194421"]], [["description", "Plants synthesize a wide variety of unique glycan structures which play essential roles during the life cycle of the plant. Being omnipresent throughout the plant kingdom, ranging from simple green algae to modern flowering plants, glycans contribute to many diverse processes. Glycans can function as structural components in the plant cell wall, assist in the folding of nascent proteins, act as signaling molecules in plant defense responses or (ER) stress pathways, or serve within the energy metabolism of a plant. In most cases, glycans are attached to other macromolecules to form so-called glycoconjugates (e.g. glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycolipids), but they can also be present as free entities residing in the plant cell. Next to the broad, complex set of glycans, plants also evolved an elaborate collection of lectins or proteins with a lectin-like domain, which can recognize and bind to endogenous (plants-own) or exogenous (foreign) glycans. Though still poorly understood in plants, the dynamic interactions between lectins and carbohydrate structures are suggested to be involved in gene transcription, protein folding, protein transport, cell adhesion, signaling as well as defense responses. As such, a complex and largely undetermined glycan-interactome is established inside plant cells, between cells and their surrounding matrix, inside the extracellular matrix, and even between organisms. Studying the biological roles of plant glycans will enable to better understand plant development and physiology in order to fully exploit plants for food, feed and production of pharmaceutical proteins.In this Research Topic, we want to provide a platform for articles describing the latest research, perspectives and methodologies related to the fascinating world of plant glycobiology, with a focus on following subjects:1. Identification and characterization of plant glycans, their biosynthetic and degradation enzymes 2. Characterization of plant lectins and glycoproteins 3. Plant glycans in the plant\u2019s energy metabolism 4. Role of plant glycans in plant defense signaling 5. Use of plant lectins in pest control 6. Plant lectins as new tools in human medicine 7. Glyco-engineering in plants"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Els J. M. Van Damme; Nausicaa Lannoo; Cecile Albenne; Elisabeth Jamet"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Arabinogalactan proteins", "Cell Wall", "Hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins", "Glycans and Glycoconjugates", "Glycoengineering", "Lectins", "Protein-carbohydrate interactions", "Sugar Signaling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2325/plant-glycobiology---a-sweet-world-of-lectins-glycoproteins-glycolipids-and-glycans"], ["title", "Plant Glycobiology - a sweet world of lectins, glycoproteins, glycolipids and glycans"], ["doab_id", "18176"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194216"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194216"]], [["description", "The southwestern Australian flora is unique in the world, not only for its biodiversity and endemism, but also for its functional biodiversity. It also contains the world\u2019s most nutrient-impoverished soils, has a prolonged-summer period and the vegetation is extremely fire-prone. These conditions have engendered an array of survival adaptations that have evolved in these harsh conditions across a diverse range of species. It is well recognised that the southwest flora has the toughest and most spiny vegetation of the world, the greatest number of species that store their seeds in woody fruits, and the most specialised means of obtaining limited soil nutrients and water.This book focuses on the survival mechanisms, adaptations and ecology of the unique Southwest Australian flora (restricted here to flowering plants). The book begins with an examination of how the flora has evolved into the present forms. It describes further in detail the adaptive responses of the flora to the main environmental pressures influencing survival - fire, summer drought, nutrient-impoverished soils, pollination and seed dispersal agents. Specialised responses to obtain essential nutrients are presented in three chapters \u2013 carnivorous plants, parasitic plants and specialised roots. An entire chapter is devoted to leaves, with an insight into how leaves may assist in protecting flowers and fruits from herbivores and seed-eaters. The book provides an ecological perspective on how the flora has evolved complex strategies to ensure species survival in the relatively harsh seasonal climate of a Mediterranean-type ecosystem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Groom, Philip; Lamont, Byron"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/430900"], ["title", "Plant Life of Southwestern Australia. Adaptations for Survival"], ["doab_id", "17956"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110370164", "9783110370195"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110370164, 9783110370195"]], [["description", "The study of plant-microbe associations by new techniques has significantly improved our understanding of the structure and specificity of the plant microbiome. Yet, microbiome function and the importance of the plant\u2019s microbiome in the context of human and plant health are largely unexplored. Comparable with our human microbiome, millions of microbes inhabit plants, forming complex ecological communities that influence plant growth and health through its collective metabolic activities and host interactions. Viewing the microbiota from an ecological perspective can provide insight into how to promote plant health and stress tolerance of their hosts or how to adapt to a changing climate by targeting this microbial community. Moreover, the plant microbiome has a substantial impact on human health by influencing our gut microbiome by eating raw plants such as lettuce and herbs but also by influencing the microbiome of our environment through airflow. This research topic comprising reviews, original and opinion articles highlights the current knowledge regarding plant microbiomes, their specificity, diversity and function as well as all aspects studying the management of plant microbiomes to enhance plant growth, health quality and stress tolerance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin Grube; Michael Schloter; Kornelia Smalla; Gabriele Berg"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["plant microbiome", "bacterial communities", "endophytes", "omics technologies", "FISH technology", "biocontrol", "stress control", "plant-microbe interaction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1543/the-plant-microbiome-and-its-importance-for-plant-and-human-health"], ["title", "The plant microbiome and its importance for plant and human health"], ["doab_id", "17707"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193783"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193783"]], [["description", "Polyamines are small aliphatic polycations which have been involved in key stress and developmental processes in plants. In the recent years, compelling genetic and molecular evidences point to polyamines as essential metabolites required for resistance to drought, freezing, salinity, oxidative stress among other type of abiotic and biotic stresses. In addition to their role as stress-protective compounds, polyamines participate in key developmental processes mediated by specific signaling pathways or in cross-regulation with other plant hormones. Our Research Topic aims to integrate the multiple stress and developmental regulatory functions of polyamines in plants under a genetic, molecular and evolutionary perspective with special focus on signaling networks, mechanisms of action and metabolism regulation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonio F. Tiburcio; Ruben Alcazar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Polyamines", "Putrescine", "Spermidine", "Spermine", "Thermospermine", "Transglutaminase", "stress", "ROS"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1527/plant-polyamines-in-stress-and-development"], ["title", "Plant polyamines in stress and development"], ["doab_id", "18566"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193035"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193035"]], [["description", "This special issue on \"Plant Proteomics\" aims to highlight the diverse applications of proteomics in understanding plant molecular responses to various biotic and abiotic challenges. Recent advancement in mass spectrometry, complemented with the availability of more complete genome-sequence data and modern bioinformatics, has made proteomics a fast, sensitive and reliable technique to identify and characterize novel proteins and to follow temporal changes in protein relative abundances under adverse environmental conditions. This issue includes 4 reviews and 8 original articles primarily on environmental proteomics studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["plant proteomics methodologies for plant proteomics, application of plant proteomics"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/137"], ["title", "Plant Proteomics"], ["doab_id", "17520"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420743", "9783038420750"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420743/9783038420750"]], [["description", "Global warming has dramatically increased the frequency and severity of flooding events worldwide. As a result, many man-made and natural ecosystems have become flood-prone. For plants, the main consequence of flooding is the drastic reduction of oxygen availability that restricts respiratory energy production and finally affects survival. Flooding can negatively influence crop production and wild plant distributions, since most plants are sensitive to excessively wet conditions. However, plants have evolved a broad spectrum of adaptive responses to oxygen deficiency that eventually leads to tolerance. Many of these morphological and physiological adaptations have been described in some crops and wild plant species and considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular aspects governing tolerance traits. Moreover, the molecular mechanism of plant oxygen sensing has been recently elucidated. However, many other aspects concerning plant acclimation responses to flooding remain unanswered. With this research topic we seek to build an online collection of articles addressing various aspects relating to \u201cplant responses to flooding\u2019\u2019 which will reflect the exciting new developments and current state of the art in this vibrant and dynamic research field. All kinds of articles, including original research articles, short reviews, methods and opinions are welcome, in the attempt to broadly and freely disseminate research information, tools and protocols."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pierdomenico Perata; Rens Voesenek; Rashmi Sasidharan; Chiara Pucciariello"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Anoxia", "flooding", "hypoxia", "low oxygen", "submergence", "waterlogging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/959/plant-responses-to-flooding"], ["title", "Plant responses to flooding"], ["doab_id", "18567"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193042"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193042"]], [["description", "As cities develop, more land is converted into impervious surfaces, which do not allow water to infiltrate. Careful urban planning is needed to ensure that the hydrologic cycle and water quality of the catchment areas are not affected. There are techniques that can attenuate peak flow during rain events and reduce the amount of metals, nutrients, and bacteria that enter the urban water cycle. This brief gives a short introduction on bioretention systems and documents the effectiveness of some 36 plant species in removing water pollutants. A summary on the maintenance requirements is also presented."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "William F. Hunt; Bill Lord; Benjamin Loh; Angelia Sia"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Bioretention Systems", " Urban Planning", " Hydrologic Cycle", " Catchment Areas", " Drought-tolerant Plants", " Roadside Green Verge", " Pollutant Removal", " Stormwater Contaminants"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-287-245-6"], ["title", "Plant Selection for Bioretention Systems and Stormwater Treatment Practices"], ["doab_id", "16464"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789812872449", "9789812872456"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789812872449 (Print) 9789812872456 (Online)"]], [["description", "A hist\u00f3ria do campo disciplinar da pesquisa em plantas medicinais e suas inter-rela\u00e7\u00f5es com a ind\u00fastria farmac\u00eautica nacional s\u00e3o aqui analisados com perspic\u00e1cia e ousadia metodol\u00f3gica. Dentre os aspectos abordados, evidencia-se o voltado para compreender a constitui\u00e7\u00e3o e o desenvolvimento da comunidade cient\u00edfica, investigado pela autora entre 1960 e 2002. Apresenta ainda oportuna discuss\u00e3o sobre a propriedade industrial e intelectual e a lei de patentes para produtos qu\u00edmico-farmac\u00eauticos, e sua import\u00e2ncia para a pesquisa atual brasileira."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fernandes, Tania Maria"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bg6yw"], ["title", "Plantas medicinais: mem\u00f3ria da ci\u00eancia no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "19317"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413487"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413487"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pelzer ,K.J."], ["date", "1978"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613347"], ["title", "Planter and Peasant"], ["doab_id", "18503"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024721740", "9789004287150"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024721740 9789004287150"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pelzer ,K.J."], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613348"], ["title", "Planters against Peasants"], ["doab_id", "18504"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024761821", "9789004287280"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761821 9789004287280"]], [["description", "Many of the most prevalent and devastating human and animal pathogens have part of their lifecycle out-with the animal host. These pathogens have a remarkably wide capacity to adapt to a range of quite different environments: physical, chemical and biological, which is part of the key to their success. Many of the well-known pathogens that are able to jump between hosts in different biological kingdoms are transmitted through the faecal-oral and direct transmission pathways, and as such have become important food-borne pathogens. Some high-profile examples include fresh produce-associated outbreaks of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica. Other pathogens may be transmitted via direct contact or aerosols are include important zoonotic pathogens. It is possible to make a broad division between those pathogens that are passively transmitted via vectors and need the animal host for replication (e.g. virus and parasites), and those that are able to actively interact with alternative hosts, where they can proliferate (e.g. the enteric bacteria). This research topic will focus on plants as alternative hosts for human pathogens, and the role of plants in their transmission back to humans. The area is particularly exciting because it opens up new aspects to the biology of some microbes already considered to be very well characterised. One aspect of cross-kingdom host colonisation is in the comparison between the hosts and how the microbes are able to use both common and specific adaptations for each situation. The area is still in relative infancy and there are far more questions than answers at present. We aim to address important questions underlying the interactions for both the microbe and plant host in this research topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicola J Holden; Robert W Jackson; Adam Schikora"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Salmonella enterica", "Escherichia coli", "Plant hosts", "Arabidposis thaliana", "fresh produce", "PAMP triggered immunity", "Effectors", "mRNA extraction", "microbiome", "Organic vegetable"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1691/plants-as-alternative-hosts-for-human-and-animal-pathogens"], ["title", "Plants as alternative hosts for human and animal pathogens"], ["doab_id", "18690"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195787"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195787"]], [["description", "Sensation is a concept with a conflicted philosophical history. It has found as many allies as enemies in nearly every camp from empiricism to poststructuralism. Polyvalent, with an uncertain referent, and often overshadowed by intuition, perception, or cognition, sensation invites as much metaphysical speculation as it does dismissive criticism.The promise of sensation has certainly not been lost on the phenomenologists who have sought to 'rehabilitate' the concept. In Plastic Bodies, Tom Sparrow argues that the phenomenologists have not gone far enough, however. Alongside close readings of Merleau-Ponty and Levinas, he digs into an array of ancient, modern, and contemporary texts in search of the resources needed to rebuild the concept of sensation after phenomenology. He begins to assemble a speculative aesthetics that is at once a realist theory of sensation and a philosophy of embodiment that breaks the form of the 'lived' body. Maintaining that the body is fundamentally plastic and that corporeal identity is constituted by a conspiracy of sensations, he pursues the question of how the body fits into/fails to fit into its aesthetic environment and what must be done to increase the body\u2019s power to act and exist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sparrow ,Tom"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["phenomenology", "sensation", "Merleau-Ponty", "Levinas"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530970"], ["title", "Plastic Bodies: Rebuilding Sensation After Phenomenology"], ["doab_id", "16858"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785420016"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420016"]], [["description", "This research topic aims at providing a state of the art update on neuroplasticity in humans with multiple sclerosis. It summarizes advances in plasticity research as achieved by a variety of techniques, in the motor as well as visual and cognitive domain. We are confident that this collection of articles broadens the view across systems and techniques and widens our understanding of this exciting field of research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniel Zeller; Maria Assunta Rocca"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Multiple Sclerosis", "plasticity", "adaptation", "Compensation", "reorganization", "Neurophysiological", "functional magnetic resonance imaging", "motor", "visual", "cognitive"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3146/plasticity-in-multiple-sclerosis-from-molecular-to-system-level-from-adaptation-to-maladaptation"], ["title", "Plasticity in Multiple Sclerosis: From Molecular to System Level, from Adaptation to Maladaptation"], ["doab_id", "18883"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197644"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197644"]], [["description", "The visual, olfactory, auditory and gustatory systems of invertebrates are often used as models to study the transduction, transmission and processing of information in nervous systems, and in recent years have also provided powerful models of neural plasticity. This Research Topic presents current views on plasticity and its mechanisms in invertebrate sensory systems at the cellular, molecular and network levels, approached from both physiological and morphological perspectives. Plasticity in sensory systems can be activity- dependent, or occur in response to changes in the environment, or to endogenous stimuli. Plastic changes have been reported in receptor neurons, but are also known in other cell types, including glial cells and sensory interneurons. Also reported are dynamic changes among neuronal circuits involved in transmitting sensory stimuli and in reorganizing of synaptic contacts within a particular sensory system. Plastic changes within sensory systems in invertebrates can also be reported during development, after injury and after short or long- term stimulation. All these changes occur against an historical backdrop which viewed invertebrate nervous systems as largely hard-wired, and lacking in susceptibility especially to activity-dependent changes. This Research Topic examines how far we have moved from this simple view of simple brains, to the realization that invertebrate sensory systems exhibit all the diversity of plastic changes seen in vertebrate brains, but among neurons in which such changes can be evaluated at single-cell level."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elzbieta M. Pyza"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Insects", "lesion-induced plasticity", "experience-induced plasticity", "C. elegans", "circadian plasticity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/901/plasticity-in-the-sensory-systems-of-invertebrates"], ["title", "Plasticity in the sensory systems of invertebrates"], ["doab_id", "17833"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192816"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192816"]], [["description", "Learning and memory are believed to depend on plastic changes of neuronal circuits due to activity-dependent potentiation or depression of specific synapses. During the last two decades, plasticity of brain circuits was hypothesized to mainly rely on the flexibility of glutamatergic excitatory synapses, whereas inhibitory synapses were assumed relatively invariant, to ensure stable and reliable control of the neuronal network. As a consequence, while considerable efforts were made to clarify the main mechanisms underlying plasticity at excitatory synapses, the study of the cellular/molecular mechanisms of inhibitory plasticity has received much less attention. Nevertheless, an increasing body of evidence has revealed that inhibitory synapses undergo several types of plasticity at both pre- and postsynaptic levels. Given the crucial role of inhibitory interneurons in shaping network activities, such as generation of oscillations, selection of cell assemblies and signal integration, modifications of the inhibitory synaptic strength represents an extraordinary source of versatility for the fine control of brain states. This versatility also results from the rich diversity of GABAergic neurons in several brain areas, the specific role played by each inhibitory neuron subtype within a given circuit, and the heterogeneity of the properties and modulation of GABAergic synapses formed by specific interneuron classes. The molecular mechanisms underlying the potentiation or depression of inhibitory synapses are now beginning to be unraveled. At the presynaptic level, retrograde synaptic signaling was demonstrated to modulate GABA release, whereas postsynaptic forms of plasticity involve changes in the number/gating properties of GABAA receptors and/or shifts of chloride gradients. In addition, recent research indicates that GABAergic tonic inhibition can also be plastic, adding a further level of complexity to the control of the excitatory/inhibitory balance in the brain. The present Topic will focus on plasticity of GABAergic synapses, with special emphasis on the molecular mechanisms of plasticity induction and/or expression."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrea Barberis; Alberto Bacci"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["GABAergic plasticity", "inhibitory plasticity", "GABAergic synapses", "GABAA receptors", "receptor lateral diffusion", "inhibitory post-synaptic density", "gephyrin", "structural plasticity", "Interneurons", "inhibitory circuits"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1549/plasticity-of-gabaergic-synapses"], ["title", "Plasticity of GABAergic synapses"], ["doab_id", "18852"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197323"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197323"]], [["description", "Traumatic injury of the spinal cord affects the entire organism directly and indirectly. Primary injury destroys neurons and severs axons which participate in neural circuits. Secondary injuries and pathologies arise from numerous sources including systemic inflammation, consequential damage of cutaneous, muscular, and visceral tissues, and dysregulation of autonomic, endocrine and sensory- motor functions. Evidence is mounting that spinal cord injury (SCI) affects regions of the nervous system spatially remote from the injury site, as well as peripheral tissues, and alters some basic characteristics of primary afferent cell biology and physiology (cell number, size/frequency, electrophysiology, other). The degree of afferent input and processing above the lesion is generally intact, while that in the peri-lesion area is highly variable, though pathologies emerge in both regions, including a variety of pain syndromes. Primary afferent input to spinal regions below the injury and the processing of this information becomes even more important in the face of complete or partial loss of descending input because such spared sensory processing can lead to both adaptive and pathological outcomes. This issue hosts review and research articles considering mechanisms of plasticity of primary afferent neurons and sensory processing after SCI, and how such plasticity contributes to sparing and/or recovery of functions, as well as exacerbation of existing and/or emergent pathologies. A critical issue for the majority of the SCI community is chronic above-, peri-, and below-level neuropathic pain, much of which may arise, at least in part, from plasticity of afferent fibers and nociceptive circuitry. For example, autonomic dysreflexia is common hypertensive syndrome that often develops after SCI that is highly reliant on maladaptive nociceptive sensory input and processing below the lesion. Moreover, the loss of descending input leaves the reflexive components of bladder/bowel/sexual function uncoordinated and susceptible to a variety of effects through afferent fiber plasticity. Finally, proper afferent feedback is vital for the effectiveness of activity-dependent rehabilitative therapies, but aberrant nociceptive input may interfere with these approaches since they are often unchecked due to loss of descending modulation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexander Rabchevsky; Jeffrey C. Petruska; Charles Hubscher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["spinal cord injury (SCI)", "sensory plasticity", "sensory perceptions", "sensory neurons", "sensory systems"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/571/plasticity-of-primary-afferent-neurons-and-sensory-processing-after-spinal-cord-injury"], ["title", "Plasticity of primary afferent neurons and sensory processing after spinal cord injury"], ["doab_id", "17766"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193967"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193967"]], [["description", "Plataiai, in SW-Boiotia, is famous above all for the events which took place in its vicinity in the autumn of 479 B.C. This victory of the Greeks over the Persian army, in concert with the Battle of Salamis, was an event of the utmost significance for European history and is often the topic of modern scientific analysis. Nevertheless, the ancient polis which gave its name to the battle has been overlooked by modern historians and all the more by archaeologists, in a rather curious way. The Plataiai Project was consequently inaugurated in 1996 in order to gain a better understanding of the history and chronology of this ancient place. Results from the investigations have made it possible to establish a settlement sequence for Plataiai; this sequence spans seven millennia, from the Middle Neolithic Age to the modern era. Plataiai is situated in a relatively secure location on the lower slopes of Mt. Kithairon where the first settlers established a small hamlet. The site continued to be inhabited in a nearly unbroken sequence into historical times. During the formative period of Classical Hellas Plataiai developed into an independent polis. The town became entangled in the internecine struggles of 6th and 5th century B.C. Greece and suffered accordingly. Plataiai was twice destroyed and depopulated as a result of the wars between Athens, Sparta and Thebes. Only a final shift of the political and strategic focusses under Philip and Alexander helped secure the existence of the town. During Hellenistic times and the time of the Roman Empire Plataiai remained undisturbed. Plataiai's existence during the 6th, 5th and 4th centuries B.C. is documented mainly by way of surface finds and its earliest known fortification. In addition to the discovery of fragmentary dwellings from the 6th century B.C., small scale excavations appear to have uncovered a cult deposit from the same period. The main characteristics of Plataiai in the late 4th century B.C. and beyond consist of an ambitious extension of the settlement, structured internally along an orthogonal grid of urban blocks and roads which was protected by an extended belt of fortifications. Geophysical survey has helped to locate and document the main urban monuments, such as the Agora, the precinct of Dionysos, the Temple of Hera, and other public buildings, in addition to an extended area covered by private dwellings, some of truly impressive size. The evidence of such large buildings confirms, beyond a doubt, that several very wealthy families existed in Plataiai, who made good use of their dwellings to express their social and political status. Late Antiquity seems to have severely curtailed Plataiai's prosperity. Urgent military threats led to the building of an emergency fortification which re-used the building materials of many Hellenistic and Roman structures. Nevertheless, a bishopric at Plataiai, a note in Procopius' de aedeficiis and the remains of several churches at the site prove that the town still existed during the reign of the emperor Justinian, whereas it is possible that the site was abandoned after this time. Only from the 11th and 12th centuries A.D. onwards does the surface material again corroborate the existence of a settlement at the site. The modern village of Kokla was renamed Plataies during the 1920s and thus continues the tradition of the ancient polis right into the 21st century A.D.

Plataiai im s\u00fcdwestlichen Boiotien ist vor allem durch die Ereignisse im Jahr 479 v. Chr. bekannt. Der Sieg der Griechen \u00fcber die persische Armee hat gemeinsam mit Salamis den Lauf der europ\u00e4ischen Geschichte signifikant beeinflusst und war oftmals Gegenstand neuzeitlicher und moderner wissenschaftlicher Betrachtung. Die antike Polis, die der Schlacht ihren Namen gegeben hat, ist von der historischen, besonders aber von der arch\u00e4ologischen Forschung jedoch vergleichsweise vernachl\u00e4ssigt worden. Um das auszugleichen, hat das Plataiai-Projekt im Jahr 1996 mit der Erforschung der ausgedehnten Ruinenst\u00e4tte begonnen. Die in der Laufzeit des Projekts erzielten Ergebnisse erm\u00f6glichen es, die Besiedlungsgeschichte des Platzes \u00fcber eine Zeit von beinahe 7 Jahrtausenden nachzuzeichnen. In der relativen Sicherheitslage von Plataiai am Fu\u00df des Kithairon beginnt kleinma\u00dfst\u00e4bliche Siedlungst\u00e4tigkeit im Mittelneolithikum und setzt sich beinahe ungebrochen bis in historische Zeit fort. Im Werdeprozess des klassischen Hellas entwickelt sich auch Plataiai zur unabh\u00e4ngigen Polis. Ihre Verstrickung in die Machtk\u00e4mpfe der sp\u00e4ten Archaik und der Klassik macht die Stadt zum Brennpunkt historischer Ereignisse auch \u00fcber die Perserkriege hinaus - nicht immer zu ihrem Vorteil. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Sparta, Athen und Theben erleidet Plataiai zweimal Zerst\u00f6rung und Entv\u00f6lkerung. Erst die Verschiebung der politischen und strategischen Gewichte durch Philipp II und Alexander den Gro\u00dfen sichert der Stadt die weitere Existenz, die im Hellenismus und w\u00e4hrend der Kaiserzeit relativ ungest\u00f6rt verl\u00e4uft. Das 6., 5. und fr\u00fchere 4. Jh. sind am Platz vor allem durch oberfl\u00e4chige Keramikfunde und die fr\u00fcheste bekannte Befestigung von Plataiai dokumentiert. Kleinr\u00e4umige Grabungen haben ein kultisch konnotiertes Materialdepot aus dem 6. Jh. angeschnitten, dazu Bebauung aus der Zeit. Die endklassisch-hellenistische Siedlungsgeschichte der Stadt spiegelt sich in einem gro\u00df angelegten Ausbau der Stadt, mit einem ausgedehnten Mauerring und einer Binnengliederung auf orthogonalem Grundriss. Geophysikalische Prospektion dokumentiert den Sta\u00dfenraster, die Agora, das Heiligtum der Hera, ein Dionysosheiligtum und andere \u00f6ffentliche Bauten ebenso, wie eine ausgedehnte private Binnenbebauung. Gerade letztere liefert auch Anhaltspunkte daf\u00fcr, dass sich in Plataiai einige reiche Familien etablieren konnten, die ihren sozialen und politischen Status auch mittels gro\u00dfer Stadth\u00e4user ausdr\u00fcckten. Das Oberfl\u00e4chensurvey liefert weitere signifikante Daten zur Siedlungsgeschichte und zur Besiedlungsdichte der Stadt. Die Sp\u00e4tantike bringt eine scharfe Z\u00e4sur. Zunehmende milit\u00e4rische Bedrohung veranlasst Plataiai zur Errichtung einer Notfallsbefestigung. Doch belegen mehrere Kirchen gemeinsam mit der Erw\u00e4hnung Plataiais als Bischofssitz und einer Notiz bei Procopius die weitere Existenz der st\u00e4dtischen Siedlung zumindest bis in die Regierungszeit Iustinians. Im Fr\u00fchmittelalter k\u00f6nnte der Platz aufgegeben worden sein, doch belegt Oberfl\u00e4chenkeramik eine (erneute?) Besiedlung ab dem 11. Jh. Das neuzeitliche Dorf Kokla tr\u00e4gt seit den 1920er Jahren den antiken Namen Plataies und f\u00fchrt damit die Siedlungstradition von Plataiai ungebrochen bis in die Jetztzeit fort."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Konecny ,Andreas; Aravantinos ,Vassilis; Marchese ,Ron"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Plataiai, settlement history, late classical town planning, fortification systems, pottery sequence , surface and geophysical survey"]], ["publisher", "\u00d6sterreichisches Arch\u00e4ologisches Institut"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=451002"], ["title", "Plataiai"], ["doab_id", "15439"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783900305659"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783900305659"]], [["description", "Are platelets cells? (Not everyone agrees, since they are non-nucleate). And if platelets are cells - which all specialists consider at the time being - are they immune cells? The issue that platelets participate in immunity is no longer debated; however, the issue that they are key cells in immunity is challenged. It has even been proposed a couple of years ago that platelets can present antigen to T-lymphocytes by using their HLA class I molecules. No one has the same functional definition of platelets. The \u2018Frontiers Research Topic\u2019- coordinators\u2019 own view is that platelets are primarily repairing cells, what they do in deploying tools of physiological inflammation. This function is better acknowledged as primary hemostasis, i.e. platelet adherence to injured or wounded vessels, followed by activation, aggregation, and constitution of the initial clot. Platelets would thus repair damaged vascular endothelium; so doing, as they patrol to detect damages, they sense danger along the vascular arborescence. As the latter is immense, platelets get close to tissues, which are not allowed to them under \u2018physiological\u2019 conditions but are readily accessible in pathology. Platelets are equipped with a variety of Pathogen Recognition Receptors such as TLRs; they have a complete signalosome, which is functional until the phosphorylation of NFkB; they have been proved to retro-transcribe RNA and synthesize de novo proteins; etc. Platelets participate to inflammation along the whole spectrum: from physiological (tissue repair, healing) to acute/severe inflammation (as can be seen in e.g. sepsis). In general, platelets engage complex interactions with most infectious pathogens. We propose there to cover those topics - from physiology to pathology, that put platelets within cells that not only take place in-, but also are key players of-, innate immunity. The relation of platelets with adaptive immunity is even more complex. Not everyone is convinced that platelets present antigens; however, platelets influence adaptive immunity since they have mutual interactions with Dendritic cells, Monocytes/Macrophages, and B-lymphocytes (the key players of antigen presentation); they also have mutual interactions with T-lymphocytes, though is issue is less clearly deciphered. We propose to also cover these topics - or to present the forum. There is another issue which is medically relevant - speaking of physiology/physiopathology-: this is fetal maternal incompatibility of platelet specific antigens (the HPA system) and the likely formation of maternal antibodies that often injure the newborn with risks of severe thrombocytopenia and intracranial hemorrhage. We propose an update on this issue as well. Last, platelets are very special because they can be directly therapeutic (by transfusion), even when being offered by a generous blood donor displaying given genetic and phenotypic parameters to a patient/recipient in need, who also display his/her own genetic and phenotypic parameters, which - for a large part - differ from the donor's ones. Besides immunization - via mechanisms probably close to the fetal maternal platelet incompatibility, but likely not similar -, transfusion has allowed the identification of the tremendous capacity of platelets to mediate inflammation: we propose to conclude the Topics with this item/forum."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olivier Garraud"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["platelets", "Infection", "Inflammation", "immunity"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2878/platelets-as-immune-cells-in-physiology-and-immunopathology"], ["title", "Platelets as immune cells in physiology and immunopathology"], ["doab_id", "18860"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197408"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197408"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 1 with foreward by Herbert Leibowitz. Freisinger's new poetry collection is inhabited alike by bright, tangible images and thoughtful, intricate meditations. Pumpkins, poultry houses, sperm tests, a vacuum cleaner salesman, a father's damaged brain, an anatomist's tools, a baby falling from a fourth-story window-all of these come to the page distinct and palpable. At the same time, the work finds a central inspiration in theoretical work like Jeremy Rifkin's social criticism. Poetry of both the mind and the heart, Plato's Breath embraces the power of imagination to transform the ordinary into an extraordinary affirmation of life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Freisinger, Randall R."], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/4"], ["title", "Plato's Breath"], ["doab_id", "14768"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780585026794"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780585026794"]], [["description", "In Platonic Occasions, Richard Begam and James Soderholm reflect upon a wide range of thinkers, writers and ideas from Plato, Descartes and Nietzsche to Shakespeare, the Romantics and the Moderns\u2014from Evil, Love and Death to Art, Memory and Mimesis. The dialogues suggest that Percy Shelley was right when he claimed \u201cWe are all Greeks,\u201d and yet what have we learned about the initiatives of culture and literature since our classical predecessors? Begam and Soderholm\u2019s ten dialogues function as a series of dual-meditations that take Plato as an intellectual godfather while presenting a new form of dialogic knowledge based on the friction and frisson of two minds contending, inventing and improvising. The authors discuss not only what is healthy and vigorous about Western culture but also consider where that culture is in retreat, as they seek to understand the legacy of the Enlightenment and its relation to the contemporary moment.Platonic Occasionsis an experiment in criticism that enjoins the reader to imagine what the dialogic imagination can do when inspired by Platonic inquiry, but not bound by a single master and the singular mind. Beyond Socratic maieutics and Cartesian meditation is a form of intellectual interplay where it is impossible not to be of two minds."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Begam ,Richard; Soderholm ,James"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Plato", "Descartes", "Nietzsche", "Heidegger", "Shakespeare", "Byron", "Flaubert", "Conrad", "Eliot", "Joyce", "Beckett", "Enlightenment", "Modernism", "Romanticism", "Postmodernism", "Aesthetics", "Dialogue"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=530650"], ["title", "Platonic Occasions: Dialogues on Literature, Art and Culture"], ["doab_id", "16851"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789176350003", "9789176350034", "9789176350027", "9789176350010"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350003 9789176350034 9789176350027 9789176350010"]], [["description", "Play Redux is an ambitious description and critical analysis of the aesthetic pleasures of video game play, drawing on early twentieth-century formalist theory and models of literature. Employing a concept of biological naturalism grounded in cognitive theory, Myers argues for a clear delineation between the aesthetics of play and the aesthetics of texts. In the course of this study, Myers asks a number of interesting questions: What are the mechanics of human play as exhibited in computer games? Can these mechanisms be modeled? What is the evolutionary function of cognitive play, and is it, on the whole, a good thing? Intended as a provocative corrective to the currently ascendant, if not dominant, cultural and ethnographic approach to game studies and play, Play Redux will generate interest among scholars of communications, new media, and film."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Myers"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Computer games -- Social aspects", "Play -- Social aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.7933339.0001.001"], ["title", "Play Redux : The Form of Computer Games"], ["doab_id", "14504"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070923", "9780472050925", "9780472026876"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070923 Paper: 9780472050925 Ebook Formats: 9780472026876"]], [["description", "Players and Arenas brings together a diverse group of experts to examine the interactions between political protestors and the many strategic players they encounter, such as cultural institutions, religious organizations, and the mass media\u2014as well as potential allies, competitors, recruits, and funders. Discussing protestors and players as they interact within the arenas of specific social contexts, the essays show that the main constraints on what protestors can accomplish come not from social and political structures, but from other players with different goals and interests. Through a careful treatment of these situations, this volume offers a new way to approach the role of social protest in national and international politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jasper ,James M. ; Duyvendak ,Jan Willem "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["protest", "social movements", "strategy", "social interaction", "players", "arenas"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611226"], ["title", "Players and Arenas: The Interactive Dynamics of Protest"], ["doab_id", "19241"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647085"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647085"]], [["description", "In this edited volume, eighteen scholars examine the increasing role of digital media technologies in identity construction through play. Going beyond computer games, this interdisciplinary collection argues that present-day play and games are not only appropriate metaphors for capturing postmodern human identities, but are in fact the means by which people create their identity. From discussions of World of Warcraft and Foursquare to digital cartographies, the combined essays form a groundbreaking volume that features the most recent insights in play and game studies, media research, and identity studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Frissen ,Valerie; Lammes ,Sybille; de Lange ,Michiel; de Mul ,Jos; Raessens ,Joost"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Digital media", "Play", "Identity", "Huizinga", "Homo Ludens"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=524070"], ["title", "Playful Identities: The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures"], ["doab_id", "16833"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089646392"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646392"]], [["description", "In post-industrial societies more and more people earn an income in creative knowledge work, a highly flexible labour market segment that demands a geographically mobile workforce. Creative knowledge work is based on an understanding of language, culture and symbolic meanings. This can best be obtained through local and national embeddedness. Yet, this necessity for embeddedness stands in contrast to the demand in geographical mobility. How is this contradiction solved by individuals? What new forms of place attachment does this bring about?This book introduces a showcase of 25 multilocal creative knowledge workers, who live in different countries at the same time. It investigates how continuous mobility becomes part of their lifeworld, and how it changes their feelings of belonging and practices of place attachment. Applying an innovative methodological mix of social phenomenology, hermeneutics and mental mapping, this book takes a detailed look at biographies and the role of places in mobile lifeworlds.Plug&Play Places brings forth the idea that places have to be understood as individual items, which are configured and then plugged into the \u2018system\u2019 of the own lifeworld. They can be \u2018played\u2019 without great effort once an individual needs to make use of them. This new type of place attachment is a form of subjective standardization of place, which complements the well-known models of objective standardization of places.Plug&Play Places is relevant for scientists who deal with mobility and its impact on individual lifeworlds, with transnational multilocality and with flexibilized labour markets. Furthermore, the book provides a detailed qualitative perspective which can enrich the explanations of quantitative research in the same field. It is an interesting reading also for practitioners engaged in urban planning, housing and real estate development.Robert Nadler holds a doctoral degree in Urban and Local European Studies from the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography and published on creative industries, multilocality and labour mobility."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Nadler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Multilocality, Mobility Studies, Creative Industries, Place attachment, Social phenomenology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/447763"], ["title", "Plug&Play Places. Lifeworlds of Multilocal Creative Knowledge Workers"], ["doab_id", "16486"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110401745"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110401745"]], [["description", "The understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN) has advanced considerably in the last few years. Much has been learned about the natural history, the relative lack of significance of microalbuminuria in reflecting underlying pathological change, questionable effects of ACEs and ARBs on the progression of nephropathy, the emergence of new biomarkers such as Cystatin and the role of cytokines, inflammatory molecules and adhesion molecules. Podocytes, the cells with limited ability to replenish and to repair, play a pivotal role in glomerular filtration. In recent years these cells have become the focus for research on pathogenesis of DN as well as other nephropathies. A recent review from the NIH has identified new insights into the pathophysiology, the genetics and the role of the podocytes and some of the important new metabolic pathways such as mTOR or autophagy which may be targeting the podocyte. Knowledge is emerging about the role of podocyte as a part of immune system and about the role of growth factors and cytokines in regulation of podocyte functions. Presented in this e-book articles highlight recent advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis of kidney pathology and the role of podocytes in this process."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gavin Iain Welsh; Maciej Wojciech Jankowski"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Podocytes", "diabetes", "glomeruli", "kidney disease", "Proteinuria", "foot processes", "Exosomes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1865/podocyte-pathology-and-nephropathy"], ["title", "Podocyte Pathology and Nephropathy"], ["doab_id", "18832"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197101"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197101"]], [["description", "This study consists of two parts. The first part offers an overview of feminism\u2019s theory of differences. The second part deals with the textual analysis of poems about \u2018mothering\u2019 by women from India, the Caribbean and Africa. Literary criticism has dealt with the representation of \u2018mothering\u2019 in prose texts. The exploration of lyrical texts has not yet come. Since the late 1970s, the acknowledgement of and the commitment to difference has been foundational for feminist theory and activism. This investigation promotes a differentiated, \u2018locational\u2019 feminism (Friedman). The comprehensive theoretical discussion of feminism\u2019s different concepts of \u2018gender\u2019, \u2018race\u2019, \u2018ethnicity\u2019 and \u2018mothering\u2019 builds the foundation for the main part: the presentation and analysis of the poems. The issue of \u2018mothering\u2019 foregrounds the communicative aspect of women\u2019s experience and wants to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This study, however, does not intend to specify \u2018mothering\u2019 as a universal and unique feminine characteristic. It underlines a metaphorical use and discusses the concepts of \u2018nurturing\u2019, \u2018maternal practice\u2019 and \u2018social parenthood\u2019. Regarding the extensive material, this study understands itself as an explorative not concluding investigation placed at the intersections of gender studies, postcolonial and classical literary studies. Most of all, it aims at initiating a dialogue and interchange between scholars and students in the Western and the \u2018Third World\u2019.

This study consists of two parts. The first part offers an overview of feminism\u2019s theory of differences. The second part deals with the textual analysis of poems about \u2018mothering\u2019 by women from India, the Caribbean and Africa. Literary criticism has dealt with the representation of \u2018mothering\u2019 in prose texts. The exploration of lyrical texts has not yet come. Since the late 1970s, the acknowledgement of and the commitment to difference has been foundational for feminist theory and activism. This investigation promotes a differentiated, \u2018locational\u2019 feminism (Friedman). The comprehensive theoretical discussion of feminism\u2019s different concepts of \u2018gender\u2019, \u2018race\u2019, \u2018ethnicity\u2019 and \u2018mothering\u2019 builds the foundation for the main part: the presentation and analysis of the poems. The issue of \u2018mothering\u2019 foregrounds the communicative aspect of women\u2019s experience and wants to bridge the gap between theory and practice. This study, however, does not intend to specify \u2018mothering\u2019 as a universal and unique feminine characteristic. It underlines a metaphorical use and discusses the concepts of \u2018nurturing\u2019, \u2018maternal practice\u2019 and \u2018social parenthood\u2019. Regarding the extensive material, this study understands itself as an explorative not concluding investigation placed at the intersections of gender studies, postcolonial and classical literary studies. Most of all, it aims at initiating a dialogue and interchange between scholars and students in the Western and the \u2018Third World\u2019."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Papke, Renate"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["poems", "mothering", "new English poetry", "poems", "mothering", "new English poetry"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610309"], ["title", "Poems at the edge of differences - mothering in new English poetry by women"], ["doab_id", "13226"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344427"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344427"]], [["description", "Blodgett wrote his poems for a small park in English and some in French, but was able to have some of them translated into Cree, Michif, Chinese, and Ukrainian. This reflects Edmonton\u2019s unique multicultural ambience and the roles of diverse cultures in the making of the city. The powerful images and thoughtful metaphors in these short lyrics show readers the connections between Canadian nature (even within city limits) and the sublime, especially in the overwhelming silence we can sense outdoors \u2013 if we pay attention. The poet speaks to change by helping us see natural phenomena around us in a different light each time we read his poems"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "E.D. Blodgett"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Edmonton", "poetry"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en", "fr", "cr", "", "zh", "uk"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120149"], ["title", "Poems for a Small Park"], ["doab_id", "14458"], ["language_unmapped", "English; French; Cree; Michif; Chinese; Ukrainian"], ["isbns", ["9781897425336", "9781897425343"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425336 9781897425343"]], [["description", "The Bruges-born poet-priest Guido Gezelle (1830\u20131899) is generally considered one of the masters of nineteenth-century European lyric poetry. At the end of his life and in the first two decades of the twentieth century, Gezelle was hailed by the avant-garde as the founder of modernFlemish poetry. His unique voice was belatedly recognised in the Netherlandsand often compared with his English contemporary Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844\u20131889).In this bilingual anthology, award-winning translator Paul Vincent selects a representative picture of Gezelle\u2019s output, from devotional through narrative, to celebratory and expressionistic. Gezelle\u2019s favourite themes are childhood, the Flemish landscape, friendship, nature, religion and the Flemish vernacular, and his apparently simple poems conceal a sophisticated prosody and a dialogue with spiritual and literary tradition."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Guido Gezelle", "European lyric poetry", "Nature", "Low countries"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619973"], ["title", "Poems of Guido Gezelle: A Bilingual Anthology"], ["doab_id", "19995"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634943"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634943"]], [["description", "Autor dos mais estudados da literatura brasileira, a atua\u00e7\u00e3o de Machado de Assis como poeta, no entanto, s\u00f3 mais recentemente tem recebido a devida aten\u00e7\u00e3o da cr\u00edtica. Sendo assim, o estudo de Fabiana Gon\u00e7alves vem suprir uma lacuna que de h\u00e1 muito era sentida pelos pesquisadores machadianos. A pesquisa com as Poesias completas, obra publicada em 1901, visou n\u00e3o apenas estudar a produ\u00e7\u00e3o po\u00e9tica, como tamb\u00e9m investigar a figura do editor Machado de Assis na organiza\u00e7\u00e3o da antologia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gon\u00e7alves, Fabiana"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x66cf"], ["title", "De poeta a editor de poesia: a trajet\u00f3ria de Machado de Assis para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de suas Poesias completas"], ["doab_id", "19298"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836589"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836589"]], [["description", "At a time when most commentators fixate on American poetry's supposed \"\"death,\"\" Kevin Stein's Poetry's Afterlife instead proposes the vitality of its aesthetic hereafter. The essays of Poetry's Afterlife blend memoir, scholarship, and personal essay to survey the current poetry scene, trace how we arrived here, and suggest where poetry is headed in our increasingly digital culture. The result is a book both fetchingly insightful and accessible. Poetry's spirited afterlife has come despite, or perhaps because of, two decades of commentary diagnosing American poetry as moribund if not already deceased. With his 2003 appointment as Illinois Poet Laureate and his forays into public libraries and schools, Stein has discovered that poetry has not given up its literary ghost. For a fated art supposedly pushing up aesthetic daisies, poetry these days is up and about in the streets, schools, and universities, and online in new and compelling digital forms. It flourishes among the people in a lively if curious underground existence largely overlooked by national media. It's this second life, or better, Poetry's Afterlife, that his book examines and celebrates."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kevin Stein"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["American poetry -- 21st century -- History and criticism", "Poetry -- Appreciation -- United States -- History -- 21st century", "Poetry -- Appreciation -- United States -- History -- 20th century", "American poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.8300965.0001.001"], ["title", "Poetry's Afterlife: Verse in the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "14506"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472050994", "9780472026708"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472050994 Ebook Formats: 9780472026708"]], [["description", "Out to see America and satisfy his travel bug, W. T. Pfefferle resigned from his position as director of the writing program at Johns Hopkins University and hit the road to interview sixty-two poets about the significance of place in their work. The lively conversations that resulted may surprise with the potential meanings of a seemingly simple concept. This gathering of voices and ideas is illustrated with photo and word portraits from the road and represented with suitable poems.The poets are James Harms, David Citino, Martha Collins, Linda Gregerson, Richard Tillinghast, Orlando Ricardo Menes, Mark Strand, Karen Volkman, Lisa Samuels, Marvin Bell, Michael Dennis Browne, David Allan Evans, David Romtvedt, Sandra Alcosser, Robert Wrigley, Nance Van Winckel, Christopher Howell, Mark Halperin, Jana Harris, Sam Hamill, Barbara Drake, Floyd Skloot, Ralph Angel, Carol Muske-Dukes, David St. John, Sharon Bryan, Donald Revell, Claudia Keelan, Alberto Rios, Richard Shelton, Jane Miller, William Wenthe, Naomi Shihab Nye, Peter Cooley, Miller Williams, Beth Ann Fennelly, Natasha Trethewey, Denise Duhamel, Campbell McGrath, Terrance Hayes, Alan Shapiro, Nikki Giovanni, Charles Wright, Rita Dove, Henry Taylor, Dave Smith, Nicole Cooley, David Lehman, Lucie Brock-Broido, Michael S. Harper, C. D. Wright, Mark Wunderlich, James Cummins, Frederick Smock, Mark Jarman, Carl Phillips, Scott Cairns, Elizabeth Dodd, Jonathan Holden, Bin Ramke, Kenneth Brewer, and Paisley Rekdal."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pfefferle, W. T."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/87"], ["title", "Poets on Place"], ["doab_id", "14751"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215977"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215977"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["biodiversity, biogeochemistry, biogeography, biotechnology, evolutionary biology, genetics, genomics and proteomics, microbiology, molecular biology, molecular ecology, physiology and metabolism"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/188"], ["title", "Polar Microbiology: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "19026"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421757", "9783038421764"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421757/9783038421764"]], [["description", "How did the patronage activities of India\u2019s Vijayanagara Empire (c. 1346\u20131565) influence Hindu sectarian identities? Although the empire has been commonly viewed as a Hindu bulwark against Islamic incursion from the north or as a religiously ecumenical state, Valerie Stoker argues that the Vijayanagara court was selective in its patronage of religious institutions. To understand the dynamic interaction between religious and royal institutions in this period, she focuses on the career of the Hindu intellectual and monastic leader Vy?sat?rtha. An agent of the state and a powerful religious authority, Vy?sat?rtha played an important role in expanding the empire\u2019s economic and social networks. By examining his polemics against rival sects in the context of his work for the empire, Stoker provides a remarkably nuanced picture of the relationship between religious identity and sociopolitical reality under Vijayanagara rule."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stoker ,Valerie"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hinduism", "Vijayanagar Empire", "Vyasatirtha"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617910"], ["title", "Polemics and Patronage in the City of Victory: Vyasatirtha, Hindu Sectarianism, and the Sixteenth-Century Vijayanagara Court"], ["doab_id", "19811"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520291836", "9780520965461"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520291836 9780520965461"]], [["description", "Polemik in den Schriften Melchior Hoffmans. Inszenierungen rhetorischer Streitkultur in der Reformationszeit\u201d is a study of pamphlets written as a reaction to, and attempt for, expansion of the Lutheran and Zwinglian Reformation. Melchior Hoffman\u2019s work has, so far, almost solely been investigated by historians of religion and thus focused merely on religious topics and argumentation, and rather seldomly on the literary aspects of his pamphlets \u2013 such as rhetorics, argumentation strategies and text compilation. In order to close this gap of research on Melchior Hoffman and \u2013 in the sense of a New Historicism approach \u2013 give him as a non-canonical author more attention, this book focuses on the literary qualities of the texts. It is thus the first full-length study on Melchior Hoffman by a literary scholar. Not only has little been written on Melchior Hoffman, but also about lay writers in the Reformation at all. Thus, the book delivers new perspectives within the field of Reformation pamphlet writers.Theoretical significance is an integral part of the study, with a focus on developing a new theoretical concept for analyzing polemic texts. The innovative approach combines post-modern theories like (constructivist) Cultural Studies, and Performativity concepts with Communication Analyses and Classical Rhetorics. By doing so, it provides a unique approach to texts from the 16th century, which can easily and reasonably be applied to polemical texts of the 21st century as well as to even older texts than Hoffman\u2019s.The book has been written in the research field of German Literature, but will be of great interest for both literary scholars and historians (of religion or culture).

Als \u201aradikaler Reformator\u2018 geriet Melchior Hoffman immer wieder in Konflikte mit Vertretern der lutherischen und zwinglischen Reformation. Die Auseinandersetzungen \u00fcber die \u201awahre Lehre Gottes\u2018 schlugen sich dabei in unterschiedlichen Textsorten und formen nieder: Hoffman stritt in polemischen Einzelschriften, Schriftwechseln sowie einem Reformationsdialog und polemisierte sogar in Bibelkommentaren und Traktaten.Diese Schriften Hoffmans werden hier erstmals unter literaturwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Sie werden als Orte der Performanz einer rhetorischen Streitkultur verstanden, die typisch f\u00fcr die Reformationszeit und generell f\u00fcr religi\u00f6se Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Theologie und Laienfr\u00f6mmigkeit sind: In der schriftlichen Inszenierung des Streits manifestiert sich die komplexe kulturelle Wechselwirkung zwischen den rhetorischen Normen und Traditionen auf der einen und der individuellen Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen auf der anderen Seite. Das textuelle In-Szene-Setzen ist somit als performative Handlung zu verstehen, die Polemik selbst als deren grundlegendes inszenatorisches Prinzip.Kerstin Lundstr\u00f6m untersucht Hoffmans Polemik mittels einer Kombination aus Rhetorikanalyse und modernen Methoden der Kommunikations- und Performativit\u00e4tsanalyse. Das Ergebnis ist die Identifizierung unterschiedlicher Konstellationen der Rede, die ma\u00dfgeblich mit der sprachlichen Ausgestaltung zusammenwirken. Der Fokus liegt insbesondere darauf, wie die einzelnen Bausteine von Hoffmans vielschichtiger Polemik \u2013 auf Text- und auf Kontextebene \u2013 ineinander greifen und ihre performative Wirkm\u00e4chtigkeit entfalten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lundstr\u00f6m ,Kerstin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Reformation", "Radical reformation", "Anabaptist", "Performativity", "Performance studies", "Rhetoric analysis", "Polemics", "Religious pamphlets", "Polemic pamphlets", "Strasbourg Reformation", "Dutch Reformation", "Lutheran", "Streitkultur"]], ["publisher", "Stockholm University Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588799"], ["title", "Polemik in den Schriften Melchior Hoffmans: Inszenierungen rhetorischer Streitkultur in der Reformationszeit"], ["doab_id", "18034"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9789176350195", "9789176350164", "9789176350171", "9789176350188"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789176350195 9789176350164 9789176350171 9789176350188"]], [["description", "This document constitutes the Policy Paper of the Precoll project-Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi/University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes (Agreement nr 2008-11294), in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, J\u00e4mtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subcontractor Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). This document has been endorsed by the Earlall General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th February 2010. Moreover Cedefop has been supporting the quality of the work thanks to the regular advice and suggestions delivered by Steven Bainbridge.

This document constitutes the Policy Paper of the Precoll project-Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi/University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes (Agreement nr 2008-11294), in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, J\u00e4mtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subcontractor Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). This document has been endorsed by the Earlall General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th February 2010. Moreover Cedefop has been supporting the quality of the work thanks to the regular advice and suggestions delivered by Steven Bainbridge."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federighi, Paolo; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Precoll project", "Cedefop", "Formation", "Precoll", "Cedefop", "Formazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345116"], ["title", "Policies for REgional COoperation in the field of Lifelong Learning"], ["doab_id", "13000"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884536372"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536372"]], [["description", "We are pleased to present these 12 papers, all of which were subject to peer review by at least two reviewers. They show the range of economic and policy considerations relevant to the development and implementation of MAR programs. Several papers show novel techniques that can be used to select MAR locations. The importance and economic viability of MAR to semi-arid to arid environments is evident from the use of MAR in both developed and developing regions. Papers demonstrate how MAR can be utilized to meet municipal and agricultural water demands in water-scarce regions, as well as assist in the reuse of wastewater. Some studies explain how stakeholder engagement, ranging from consideration of alternatives to monitoring, and multi-disciplinary analyses to support decision-making are of high value to development and implementation of MAR programs. There is growing recognition of the importance of groundwater and aquifer health to meeting future water needs, as well as the crucial role for strong institutional and governance frameworks for water resources management. The approaches discussed in this collection of papers, along with the complementary and necessary hydrologic and geologic analyses, provide important inputs to water resource managers. We thank the authors for contributing to increased understanding of MAR as a component of sound water management. Sharon B. Megdal and Peter Dillon Guest Editors"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["recharge, aquifers, MAR, water banking, economics, policy"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/141"], ["title", "Policy and Economics of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Water Banking"], ["doab_id", "17519"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420934", "9783038420941"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420934/9783038420941 "]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC-BY license. Policy-making to address grand challenges faces greater complexity than any previous project of modernization. Future scenarios are haunted by uncertainty and there is real ambivalence as to the values that policy should strive for. In this situation decision-makers look to research and innovation to provide answers and solutions. But neither can the great transitions ahead be planned by science, nor will conventional methods of innovation bring such transitions about. A turn to interactive governance is therefore underway with policy-makers and citizens becoming increasingly involved in processes of deliberating futures. Technology Assessment (TA) is the art of structuring such processes. TA goes beyond traditional expert policy analysis by systematically combining a multi-disciplinary evidence base with participatory approaches to policy deliberation. TA thus seeks to act as a hub for serious and transparent dialogue between policy, industry, science, and society about the challenges ahead and the available options for overcoming them responsibly. This volume offers an up-to-date account of the expansion of technology assessment capacities across new European member states. The contributions of this volume are written by leading European researchers and practitioners in technology assessment (TA) and are based on the PACITA (Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment) project."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kl\u00fcver, Lars; Nielsen, Rasmus \u00d8jvind ; J\u00f8rgensen, Marie Louise"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Computing and Information Technology, Communications and Networks, Politics, Political Analysis Theories and Methods, Public Administration and Policy"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137561725"], ["title", "Policy-Oriented Technology Assessment Across Europe"], ["doab_id", "17878"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137561725"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137561725"]], [["description", "Este livro resgata o processo de elabora\u00e7\u00e3o, percurso e desenvolvimento da Campanha Nacional de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Rural (CNER), criada em 1952 e extinta em 1963, no contexto hist\u00f3rico que a ensejou, articulada \u00e0s ideias hegem\u00f4nicas do per\u00edodo, determinantes da a\u00e7\u00e3o do Estado e de setores da sociedade civil. Movimentos de organiza\u00e7\u00f5es internacionais e a pol\u00edtica nacional pela expans\u00e3o do desenvolvimento econ\u00f4mico e moderniza\u00e7\u00e3o rural, aliam a educa\u00e7\u00e3o a essas finalidades. A Campanha adota orienta\u00e7\u00f5es pedag\u00f3gicas da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o de Base e do Desenvolvimento de Comunidade, pressupostos do funcionalismo e do neotomismo, com respaldo da Igreja Cat\u00f3lica. Conhecimentos te\u00f3ricos e t\u00e9cnicos pretendiam ofertar vida compat\u00edvel com a dignidade humana e com os ideais democr\u00e1ticos para a cidadania. A pesquisa investiga os processos de conquista da cidadania, na perspectiva da contradi\u00e7\u00e3o, ao explicitar avan\u00e7os e retrocessos na rela\u00e7\u00e3o educativa do programa. A an\u00e1lise considerou o conjunto de fontes documentais produzidas para e pela Campanha, como peri\u00f3dicos e acervo iconogr\u00e1fico, localizados em bibliotecas e arquivos. As categorias de an\u00e1lises contemplam temas emergentes para atender \u00e0s demandas do campo, como: educa\u00e7\u00e3o, habita\u00e7\u00e3o, sa\u00fade, lazer e promo\u00e7\u00e3o da educa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica, para educa\u00e7\u00e3o dos costumes, para al\u00e9m da alfabetiza\u00e7\u00e3o. O desenvolvimento da cidadania e da democracia pretendidas fundou-se em situa\u00e7\u00f5es educativas pontuais e na resolu\u00e7\u00e3o de conflitos sociais mais voltados para os indiv\u00edduos e os grupos, e menos como processos decorrentes do interior das pr\u00e1ticas sociais. Contudo, a pol\u00edtica foi relevante naquele contexto, pois, se n\u00e3o fosse a nossa cultura de descontinuidades e articula\u00e7\u00e3o das pol\u00edticas sociais, as condi\u00e7\u00f5es de vida e trabalho no campo poderiam ser outras."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barreiro, Ira\u00edde Marques de Freitas"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q7zxz"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica de educa\u00e7\u00e3o no campo: para al\u00e9m da alfabetiza\u00e7\u00e3o (1952-1963)"], ["doab_id", "16760"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831300"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831300"]], [["description", "Instigante colet\u00e2nea de ensaios - ora em portugu\u00eas, ora em espanhol - sobre a articula\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00fablico/privado nos sistemas de sa\u00fade da Am\u00e9rica Latina, elaborados por renomados especialistas do Brasil, Argentina, M\u00e9xico, Venezuela e Chile. A orienta\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhos \u00e9 diversa: uns s\u00e3o fundamentalmente te\u00f3ricos, outros t\u00eam um enfoque macrossocial, alguns t\u00e9cnicos, outros filos\u00f3ficos; contudo, todos expressam a preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o com quest\u00f5es tais como: falta de eq\u00fcidade, cidadania, participa\u00e7\u00e3o popular, poder, trabalho m\u00e9dico, seguros privados. A problem\u00e1tica da maioria dos textos contempla o modelo neoliberal latino-americano e seu impacto sobre a realidade da aten\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 sa\u00fade em v\u00e1rios pa\u00edses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eibenschutz, Catalina"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edtica de sa\u00fade - Am\u00e9rica Latina, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica - Am\u00e9rica Latina, Privatiza\u00e7\u00e3o, direito \u00e0 sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q5srn"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica de sa\u00fade: o p\u00fablico e o privado "], ["doab_id", "16429"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412732"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412732"]], [["description", "O livro apresenta textos dos professores pesquisadores do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Exclus\u00e3o, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos (GEPEC) da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) e de pesquisadores convidados de outras institui\u00e7\u00f5es p\u00fablicas de ensino superior."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mendon\u00e7a Filho, Manoel; Nobre, Maria Teresa"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3w52w"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica e afetividade: narrativas e trajet\u00f3rias de pesquisa"], ["doab_id", "17272"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208974"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208974"]], [["description", "This notebook is the fourth in the series designed to illustrate the results of an interdisciplinary study group, fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, and aimed at exploring the major political and social issues of the modern and contemporary age from the aspect of spaces and their production. The contributions presented in this book address issues connected with the role and impact of technology.

Il libro raccoglie gli interventi a una giornata di studio tenuta a Firenze nell'ottobre 2002. Si pone in tal senso come prima tappa di un percorso volto ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare - promosso da L. Campos Boralevi, V. Collina e B. Consarelli - intitolato Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0. L'obiettivo del progetto \u00e8 quello d'indagare, attraverso incontri e seminari, i grandi temi politici e sociali dell'et\u00e0 moderna e contemporanea dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione. Nel primo incontro vengono fissati i principali punti interpretativi e raccolti gli spunti critici per lo sviluppo del pi\u00f9 ampio disegno complessivo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Consarelli, Bruna"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Society", "Territory", "Conference proceedings", "Societ\u00e0", "Territorio", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356362"], ["title", "La politica e gli spazi"], ["doab_id", "13156"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531568", "9788884531575"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "888453156X 8884531578"]], [["description", "O volume \u00e9 o resultado de um semin\u00e1rio internacional realizado na UNESP no \u00e2mbito de um programa de forma\u00e7\u00e3o redes de historiadores latino-americanos. O conte\u00fado se desenvolve em torno de duas quest\u00f5es fundamentais: as identidades culturais e a pol\u00edtica latino-americana durante o s\u00e9culo XX. A identidade cultural \u00e9 tratada sob diversos \u00e2ngulos, que v\u00e3o do exame das representa\u00e7\u00f5es da na\u00e7\u00e3o e do continente latino-americano, ao estudo da produ\u00e7\u00e3o art\u00edstica e dos meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o de massa. Por sua vez, os fen\u00f4menos pol\u00edticos, as rela\u00e7\u00f5es internacionais e a economia s\u00e3o estudados em conex\u00e3o com o problema das identidades coletivas na America Latina. Os textos encontram-se organizados em tr\u00eas partes: Intelectuais e Identidades; Cultura Visual e Produ\u00e7\u00e3o de Imagin\u00e1rios; Processo Pol\u00edtico e Rela\u00e7\u00f5es Internacionais no Cone Sul."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Beired, Jos\u00e9 Luis Bendicho; Barbosa, Carlos Alberto Sampaio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xy95h"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica e identidade cultural na Am\u00e9rica Latina"], ["doab_id", "16761"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831218"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831218"]], [["description", "Este livro, escrito originalmente em 1981 como tese destinada ao concurso para professor titular de ci\u00eancia pol\u00edtica da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ci\u00eancias Humanas da UFMG, foi publicado inicialmente pela Editora da UFMG em 1984, como volume 37 da s\u00e9rie Estudos Sociais e Pol\u00edticos, sob o patroc\u00ednio da Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pol\u00edticos, tendo tido uma segunda edi\u00e7\u00e3o revista e atualizada, pela mesma editora, em 2000. Seu objetivo principal \u00e9 o de procurar fundamentar uma abordagem dos problemas da ci\u00eancia pol\u00edtica em que a exig\u00eancia de rigor possa ser conciliada com demandas de ordem pr\u00e1tica ou normativa, as quais s\u00e3o vistas como inerentes \u00e0 pr\u00f3pria defini\u00e7\u00e3o da atividade pol\u00edtica e como impondo o interesse pelo tema do desenvolvimento pol\u00edtico, ou da mudan\u00e7a pol\u00edtica avaliada em termos de concep\u00e7\u00f5es doutrin\u00e1rias acerca da boa sociedade a ser erigida"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reis, F\u00e1bio Wanderley"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jgkxw"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica e racionalidade: problemas de teoria e m\u00e9todo de uma sociologia cr\u00edtica da pol\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "17200"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820281"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820281"]], [["description", "\"O objetivo principal de Marcelo Passini Mariano nesta obra \u00e9 investigar como a pol\u00edtica externa do Brasil, o principal integrante do Mercosul, relaciona-se com o bloco regional e de que maneira se revela na sua configura\u00e7\u00e3o e nos seus impasses. A partir de an\u00e1lises que entendem que a crise vivida pelo bloco n\u00e3o decorre exclusivamente de quest\u00f5es comerciais, o autor afirma que parte dos desafios atuais do bloco regional tem origem na pr\u00f3pria concep\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica externa brasileira, que privilegia sua expans\u00e3o para o restante da Am\u00e9rica do Sul em detrimento do aprofundamento da integra\u00e7\u00e3o.Assim, em A pol\u00edtica externa brasileira e a integra\u00e7\u00e3o regional, Mariano discute a hip\u00f3tese de que, para o Mercosul expandir-se, seria necess\u00e1ria uma mudan\u00e7a em alguns preceitos da pol\u00edtica externa brasileira em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao escopo dos processos de integra\u00e7\u00e3o, em especial sobre a quest\u00e3o da autonomia de cada na\u00e7\u00e3o.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mariano, Marcelo Passini"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/2f3jk"], ["title", "A pol\u00edtica externa brasileira e a integra\u00e7\u00e3o regional: uma an\u00e1lise a partir do Mercosul"], ["doab_id", "19950"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334638"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334638"]], [["description", "Complete review of different experiences of organization and political action of Latin American popular sectors in the 20th century"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Camarero ,Hern\u00e1n; Loyola ,Manuel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Political culture", "working Sociability", "20th century", "Latin America"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617574"], ["title", "Pol\u00edtica y Cultura en los sectores populares y de las izquierdas latinoamericanas en el siglo XX"], ["doab_id", "19146"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416423"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416423"]], [["description", "Written by a powerful international team of theorists, this book offers a sophisticated analysis of the central political concepts in the light of recent debates in political theory. All political argument employs political concepts. They provide the building blocks needed to construct a case for or against a given political position. To address such issues as whether or not development aid is too low, income tax too high, or how to cope with poverty and the distribution of wealth, citizens must develop views on what individuals are entitled to, what they owe to others, and the role of individual choice and responsibility in these areas. These matters turn on an understanding of concepts such as rights, equality and liberty and the ways they relate to each other. People of different political persuasions interpret such key political concepts in different ways. This book introduces students to some of the main interpretations, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. It covers a broad range of the main concepts employed in contemporary political and theoretical debates. Separate chapters look at liberty, rights, social justice, political obligation, nationalism, punishment, social exclusion, legitimacy, the rule of law, multiculturalism, gender, public and private, democracy, environmentalism, international justice and just war. This book is perfect for students of political theory and political ideology, and indeed anyone approaching political theory for the first time."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bellamy ,Richard; Mason ,Andrew"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["politics", "ideology", "theoretical"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341363"], ["title", "Political concepts"], ["doab_id", "12563"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719059087"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719059087"]], [["description", "The contributors show that digital media are disrupting entire media industries, but without erasing the past and insist that one media sector is not the same as the next. As the title signals even in the age of convergence and remix culture, different media continue to display their own distinctive political economies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dwayne Winseck; Dal Yong Jin"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664264"], ["title", "The Political Economies of Media"], ["doab_id", "14375"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664264"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664264"]], [["description", "Workplace injuries are common, avoidable, and unacceptable. The Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada reveals how employers and governments engage in ineffective injury prevention efforts, intervening only when necessary to maintain the standard legitimacy. Dr. Bob Barnetson sheds light on this faulty system, highlighting the way in which employers create dangerous work environments yet pour billions of dollars into compensation and treatment. Examining this dynamic clarifies the way in which production costs are passed on to workers in the form of workplace injuries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bob Barnetson"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["injury prevention", "work environments", "government"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120178"], ["title", "The Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada"], ["doab_id", "14459"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836003", "9781926836010"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836003 9781926836010"]], [["description", "This exciting new book presents the first overview of Jean Jacques Rousseau's work from a political science perspective. Was Rousseau - the great theorist of the French Revolution - really a conservative? This original study argues that the author of The Social Contract was a constitutionalist much closer to Madison, Montesquieu and Locke than to revolutionaries. Outlining his profound opposition to Godless materialism and revolutionary change, this book finds parallels between Rousseau and Burke, as well as showing that Rousseau developed the first modern theory of nationalism. The book presents an integrated political analysis of Rousseau's educational, ethical, religious and political writings, and will be essential reading for students of politics, philosophy and the history of ideas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Qvortrup ,Mads"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Rousseau", "revolution", "france", "french"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341396"], ["title", "The political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The impossibility of reason"], ["doab_id", "12591"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065804"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065804"]], [["description", "New data from a variety of well-known scholars in Mesoamerican archaeology reveal the creation, perpetuation, and contestation of politically authoritative relationships between rulers and subjects and between nobles and commoners. The contributions span the geographic breadth and temporal extent of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica\u2014from Preclassic Oaxaca to the Classic Pet\u00e9n region of Guatemala to the Postclassic Michoac\u00e1n\u2014and the contributors weave together archaeological, epigraphic, and ethnohistoric data. Grappling with the questions of how those exercising authority convince others to follow and why individuals often choose to recognize and comply with authority, Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica discusses why the study of political authority is both timely and significant, reviews how scholars have historically understood the operation of political authority, and proposes a new analytical framework to understand how rulers rule.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kurnick ,Sarah; Baron ,Joanne"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Authority", "Political aspects", "Central America", "History To 1500", "Mexico", "Ethnoarchaeology", "Indians of Central America", "Politics and government", "Antiquities", "Social archaeology"]], ["publisher", "University Press of Colorado"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604531"], ["title", "Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica"], ["doab_id", "18734"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607325659"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607325659"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schulte Nordholt ,H."], ["date", "1971"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613379"], ["title", "The Political System of the Atoni of Timor"], ["doab_id", "18535"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024751372", "9789004286900"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024751372 9789004286900"]], [["description", "Esta obra apresenta os resultados de uma investiga\u00e7\u00e3o sobre as pol\u00edticas de seguran\u00e7a p\u00fablica, no Estado de S\u00e3o Paulo, no per\u00edodo de 1989 a 2008, realizada por pesquisadores vinculados, direta ou indiretamente, ao Observat\u00f3rio de Seguran\u00e7a P\u00fablica da Unesp, campus de Mar\u00edlia (OSP). Durante tal per\u00edodo, que se iniciou com a promulga\u00e7\u00e3o de uma nova Constitui\u00e7\u00e3o, marcada por um amplo repert\u00f3rio de direitos, a seguran\u00e7a ganhou foro de preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o nacional, estando presente nos principais \u00f3rg\u00e3os da imprensa e nos debates legislativos. Da\u00ed a import\u00e2ncia deste livro, que analisa sob diferentes perspectivas um vasto leque de problemas afetos \u00e0 seguran\u00e7a p\u00fablica, como por exemplo, a efici\u00eancia e os limites da a\u00e7\u00e3o policial, o acesso \u00e0 justi\u00e7a, a reforma da legisla\u00e7\u00e3o penal, a reforma das pris\u00f5es, o controle do crime organizado, da corrup\u00e7\u00e3o e da pr\u00f3pria a\u00e7\u00e3o policial, o policiamento comunit\u00e1rio, entre outras iniciativas que merecem ser recenseadas e melhor avaliadas. S\u00e3o temas da maior atualidade e urg\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Souza, Lu\u00eds Ant\u00f4nio Francisco de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7yddh"], ["title", "Pol\u00edticas de seguran\u00e7a p\u00fablica no estado de S\u00e3o Paulo: situa\u00e7\u00f5es e perspectivas a partir das pesquisas do Observat\u00f3rio de Seguran\u00e7a P\u00fablica da UNESP"], ["doab_id", "16762"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830198"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830198"]], [["description", "Esta colet\u00e2nea come\u00e7ou a ser organizada em meados e final do ano de 2006 e tem como prop\u00f3sito a busca de um olhar multidisciplinar sobre pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, levando-se em considera\u00e7\u00e3o o contexto regional e local, sem perder de horizonte as quest\u00f5es nacionais, latinas e mundiais. Tudo diante das tend\u00eancias globais e suas conseq\u00fc\u00eancias. (Trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pimenta, Carlos Alberto M\u00e1ximo (org.); Alves, Cec\u00edlia Pescatore (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edticas P\u00fablicas, Desenvolvimento Regional, Pol\u00edticas Sociais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/j8gtx"], ["title", "Pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas & desenvolvimento regional"], ["doab_id", "16252"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791216"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791216"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 resultado de uma pesquisa de an\u00e1lise documental desenvolvida no Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Educa\u00e7\u00e3o da Universidade Estadual de Maring\u00e1 no per\u00edodo 2004-2006. A id\u00e9ia das autoras em abordar o tema pol\u00edtica educacional para a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil no per\u00edodo 1990 a 2001 na imprensa peri\u00f3dica surgiu da preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o em compreender como os professores-leitores apreenderam o discurso veiculado sobre a configura\u00e7\u00e3o das pol\u00edticas nesse per\u00edodo de intensas reformas educacionais. Desta maneira, levantar a forma com que os textos e suas enuncia\u00e7\u00f5es reproduziram esse contexto e colaborar para a implementa\u00e7\u00e3o das pol\u00edticas \u00e9 essencial. As duas revistas escolhidas para essa assimila\u00e7\u00e3o foram selecionadas porque s\u00e3o as mais lidas e conhecidas pelos professores da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil no Brasil. O fato de uma ser de cunho mercadol\u00f3gico e a outra de cunho oficial foi um aspecto propositalmente estabelecido, pois havia o interesse em diferenci\u00e1-las quanto \u00e0 maneira que representam as pol\u00edticas educacionais nas enuncia\u00e7\u00f5es. Foi tomado como universo representativo para a an\u00e1lise, as enuncia\u00e7\u00f5es das revistas Nova Escola (Editora Abril) e Crian\u00e7a (MEC), alguns documentos de organismos internacionais e documentos oficiais. Distinguiu-se que as categorias discursivas que comp\u00f5em a trama de conceitos politicamente estrat\u00e9gicos para a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil foram a Qualidade, a Descentraliza\u00e7\u00e3o e a Focaliza\u00e7\u00e3o. Com o intuito de evidenciar os v\u00ednculos das an\u00e1lises ao contexto macroecon\u00f4mico, as pol\u00edticas para a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil foram abordadas por meio da media\u00e7\u00e3o com a contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o da mundializa\u00e7\u00e3o do capital. No primeiro cap\u00edtulo do livro, apresentamos a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil inserida na contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o hist\u00f3rica da atual fase de desenvolvimento do capital, a mundializa\u00e7\u00e3o econ\u00f4mica, bem como a redefini\u00e7\u00e3o do papel do Estado e os ajustes neoliberais que determinaram as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas educacionais na d\u00e9cada de 1990. No segundo cap\u00edtulo, discutimos sobre as pol\u00edticas para a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil tendo como base a hist\u00f3ria desta etapa de ensino no Brasil e as orienta\u00e7\u00f5es pol\u00edticas das ag\u00eancias internacionais tais como a UNESCO, CEPAL e o Banco Mundial. Apresentamos tamb\u00e9m a estrutura pol\u00edticas dos documentos oficiais destinadas a regulamentar a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil no Brasil. A an\u00e1lise das categorias pol\u00edticas Qualidade, Descentraliza\u00e7\u00e3o e Focaliza\u00e7\u00e3o foi o foco do terceiro cap\u00edtulo. Tal abordagem colaborou para evidenciar que as pol\u00edticas de ajustes neoliberais propaladas pelas ag\u00eancias internacionais foram acopladas nas pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas destinadas \u00e0 Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil e, tamb\u00e9m, foram estrategicamente veiculadas nos textos das revistas dirigidas aos profissionais dessa \u00e1rea. O enfoque para as an\u00e1lises foi pautado na concep\u00e7\u00e3o de que o texto \u00e9 discurso produzido no embate da luta de classes. A an\u00e1lise mostrou que o car\u00e1ter dos textos veiculados sugeriu uma continuidade aos ajustes neoliberais estruturais na educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Moreira, Jani Alves da Silva; Lara, Angela Mara de Barros"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil, Sociedade capitalista, Gest\u00e3o educacional, Hist\u00f3ria da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o - Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kcv6j"], ["title", "Pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas para a Educa\u00e7\u00e3o Infantil no Brasil (1990-2001) "], ["doab_id", "16614"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788576285854"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576285854"]], [["description", "This document constitutes the Policy Paper of the Precoll project-Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi/University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes (Agreement nr 2008-11294), in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, J\u00e4mtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subcontractor Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). This document has been endorsed by the Earlall General Assembly held in Brussels on 16th February 2010. Moreover Cedefop has been supporting the quality of the work thanks to the regular advice and suggestions delivered by Steven Bainbridge.

Questo documento rappresenta il Policy Paper del progetto Precoll, progetto pilota sulle Politiche di Cooperazione tra Regioni nell'ambito dell'Apprendimento lungo tutto l'arco della vita, con capofila l'Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi (Accordo nr 2008-11294), in partenariato con Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government, J\u00e4mtland County Council, NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, subappaltatore Melius Srl (www.mutual-learning.eu). Questo documento \u00e8 stato approvato dall'Assemblea Generale di Earlall tenutasi a Bruxelles il 16 febbraio 2010. Inoltre, il Centro Europeo per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale Cedefop ha sostenuto la qualit\u00e0 del lavoro grazie al contributo di Steven Bainbridge."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federighi, Paolo; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Precoll project", "Cedefop", "Formation", "Precoll", "Cedefop", "Formazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345124"], ["title", "Politiche per la COoperazione REgionale nel settore dell'Apprendimento Permanente"], ["doab_id", "13008"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884536907"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536907"]], [["description", "Access to university education in Africa was inadequate during the colonial period. With independence, various African countries moved away from the elitist colonial education system by embarking on programs designed to provide education to all, regardless of class, ethnicity, or creed. Nowhere in Africa has the question of access to university education reached such a crescendo of concern and posed such as challenge to the polity as in Nigeria. In illuminating the history of massification of university education in Nigeria, Anyanwu makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the challenges of nation-building in multi-ethnic and religious societies in Africa and demonstrates that the intractable issues in Africas university education system - such as academic quality, relevance, funding, and unemployment - flow from the creation and adoption of the massification system."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ogechi E. Anyanwu"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48740/5/UofCPress_PoliticsofAccess_2011.pdf"], ["title", "The Politics of Access: University Education and Nation-Building in Nigeria, 1948\u20132000"], ["doab_id", "15155"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385807"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385807 "]], [["description", "The Politics of Justification is an investigation of welfare retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands, 1982-1998. Welfare retrenchment is politically highly controversial, but still governments do retrench. This book argues that governments can implement retrenchment if they can achieve a party political consensus allowing them to frame retrenchment in a way that makes it seems justified to the electorate. In the Netherlands, such a consensus emerged in the mid 1980s due to the power of the CDA. It has allowed Dutch government to implement a number of welfare retrenchments. In Denmark, a consensus did not emerge until the Social Democratic Party re-entered government in 1993 explaining why the Danish welfare state has seen less retrenchment than the Dutch one. With its focus on the strategies of the political parties, the book differs from many other studies of the subject focusing on the role of political institutions.

The Politics of Justification onderzoekt de bezuinigingen op de sociale zekerheid die plaatsvonden in Nederland en Denemarken in de periode 1982-1998. Het korten op sociale voorzieningen ligt politiek uiterst gevoelig, maar toch snijden regeringen in hun uitgaven. Green-Pedersen bepleit dat regeringen bezuinigingen mogen doorvoeren als ze een partijpolitieke consensus bereiken die het mogelijk maakt de uitgavevermindering z\u00f3 te formuleren dat het aanvaardbaar is voor het electoraat. In Nederland deed die situatie zich halverwege de jaren '80 voor door de macht van het CDA. In Denemarken daarentegen ontstond een dergelijke consensus pas in 1993 toen de Sociaal-Democratische Partij (SP) zijn herintrede deed in de regering. Dat verklaart waarom de Deense verzorgingsstaat minder bezuinigingen heeft gekend dan de Nederlandse."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Green-Pedersen ,Christoffer"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Political science", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340239"], ["title", "The Politics of Justification : Party Competition and Welfare-State Retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998"], ["doab_id", "12922"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565902"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565902"]], [["description", "The Politics of Security tells the story of how people experienced the cold war as a war. It is about the impact of the cold war on political cultures. This crucial issue is often forgotten in historical memory. In particular, the book follows British and West German anti-nuclear-weapons activists in their attempts to campaign for and create security after the destruction of the Second World War, and how their own version of security clashed with concepts advanced by their own governments. But the book also demonstrates how, as part of the protests against nuclear weapons, activists and their societies learned to live with the Bomb: it recounts how activists first discovered the dangers of nuclear weapons, but how a different generation of activists came to focus on other issues as the Vietnam War became their primary concern. And it makes comprehensible how activists in two societies who had fought each other fiercely in the battle of dictatorships and democracies of the Second World War could now come to see each other as part of a common campaign. Fundamentally, with its transnational approach, the book highlights how these two societies drew on very similar arguments when they came to understand the cold war through the prism of the previous world war. The book is the first to capture in a transnational fashion what activists did on the marches and what it meant to them and to others. The book thus reminds us that threats are not merely out there, but that they need to be created in a political process that involves struggles for power and contestation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nehring ,Holger"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Peace movements", "transnational history", "social movements", "nuclear age", "cold war", "politics of security", "activism"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=456802"], ["title", "Politics of Security: British and West German Protest Movements and the Early Cold War 1945-1970"], ["doab_id", "15560"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199681228"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199681228"]], [["description", "This book is an essential reference guide for students of West European politics and West European area studies. A perfect companion to European politics today (by the same authors), it contains details of major events, political leaders, important dates, organisations and recent elections, all in an accessible, easy-to-read format. A comprehensive reference work, the book also provides a sound historical background for students of contemporary Europe. It covers the information and terms of reference students need to know to understand developments in European politics from the Second World War to the present day. Much of the book is devoted to those European countries most often featured in comparative courses in colleges and universities: the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain as well as the European Union. Also included are details of personalities and events which have proved decisive for smaller and less familiar European democracies. From Resistance leaders to presidents, civil wars to scandals, the forces shaping the Europe of today are detailed in this book. This book is ideal for undergraduate students on politics, European studies and area studies courses."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roberts ,Geoffrey K.; Hogwood ,Patricia"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["RU", "Europe", "politics", "governement"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341397"], ["title", "The Politics Today Companion to West European Politics"], ["doab_id", "12592"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719054204"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719054204"]], [["description", "The thesis deals with the question of why no international legally binding instrument for forest policy exists so far. The thesis shows that the problem definition presents a form of control for the decision making process and for the problem solution. Therefore, it is demonstrated how locations, reports and non-human objects are related to the development of international forest policy within United Nations. In the development of international forest policy, the policy problem was framed as \"deforestation and degradation of tropical forests\". In the second phase of policy formulation, the \"deforestation and degradation of all forests\" moves to the centre of interests. The thesis analyses furthermore the formation of meaning of the policy narratives that are intertwined with international forest policy.The identification of global environmental discourses that transfer a certain kind of meaning of policy and of problem solution, that operate with discursive practices and technologies of power, and that use rhetorical devices, allows to show which rules and practices influence how natural resource policy arises. In this way it can be shown how policy problems come into being and how they are understood. Furthermore, it allows identifying policy change in a non-decision-making process.

Die Arbeit besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit der Frage warum kein international rechtlich verbindliches Instrument zur Frage der Waldpolitik verabschiedet wurde. Sie zeigt wie die Definition des Politikproblems eine Form der Kontrolle f\u00fcr den Entscheidungsfindungsprozess und die damit verbundene Probleml\u00f6sung darstellt. Folglich wird demonstriert wie Orte, Berichte und nicht-menschliche Objekte mit der Entstehung der internationalen Waldpolitik im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen verbunden sind. W\u00e4hrend in der Entstehungsphase der internationalen Waldpolitik das eigentliche Politikproblem als \"Entwaldung und Degradierung des Tropenwaldes\" verstanden wird, r\u00fcckt in der zweiten Phase der Politikformulierung die \"Entwaldung und Degradierung aller W\u00e4lder\" in den Blickpunkt des internationalen Interesses. Weiters legt die Arbeit die bedeutungsbildenden Elemente der Policy-Narrative, die mit der internationalen Waldpolitik verwoben sind, offen. Die Identifikation von globalen Umweltdiskursen, die ein bestimmtes Politik- bzw. Probleml\u00f6sungsverst\u00e4ndnis transportieren, die mittels diskursiver Praktiken und Machttechnologien operieren und die rhetorische Mittel - wie z.B. die apokalyptische Vorstellung der \u00dcbernutzung - zum Einsatz bringen, erlaubt zu erkennen, welche Regeln und Praktiken sich auf die Art und Weise, wie die Politik der nat\u00fcrlichen Ressourcen entsteht, auswirken. Sie zeigt, wie Policy-Probleme entstehen und wie sie verstanden werden und erlaubt Policy-Wandel, der sich in einer Nicht-Entscheidung vollzieht, zu identifizieren. Der Rolle der Sprache wird folglich besondere Aufmerksamkeit zuteil."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "P\u00fclzl ,Helga"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["international forest policy, deforestation and degradation of tropical forests, global environmental discourses, policy change in a non-decision-making process", "Politikwandel, internationale Waldpolitik, Nicht-Entscheidungsfindungsprozess, V\u00f6lkerrechtsinstrument, Diskursanalyse"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574651"], ["title", "Die Politik des Waldes"], ["doab_id", "17387"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205781479"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205781479"]], [["description", "Ce document constitue le Papier d'orientation des projet Politiques Precoll pour la Coop\u00e9ration R\u00e9gionale dans le domaine de l'Education tout au long de la vie, men\u00e9 par l'Universit\u00e9 de Florence (Italie)-D\u00e9partement de Sciences de l'Education et des Processus Culturels et de Formation (Accord 2008/11294), en partenariat avec la Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, la Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government , le Conseil du comt\u00e9 du J\u00e4mtland, l'Institut NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National pour l'\u00e9ducation des adultes, la Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, le sous-traitant Melius Srl (www.mutuallearning. eu). Ce document a \u00e9t\u00e9 approuv\u00e9 par l'Assembl\u00e9e G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de EARLALL qui s'est tenue \u00e0 Bruxelles le 16 F\u00e9vrier 2010. Par ailleurs, Cedefop soutient la qualit\u00e9 du travail gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l'activit\u00e9 r\u00e9guli\u00e8re de conseil et les suggestions de Steven Bainbridge.

Ce document constitue le Papier d'orientation des projet Politiques Precoll pour la Coop\u00e9ration R\u00e9gionale dans le domaine de l'Education tout au long de la vie, men\u00e9 par l'Universit\u00e9 de Florence (Italie)-D\u00e9partement de Sciences de l'Education et des Processus Culturels et de Formation (Accord 2008/11294), en partenariat avec la Generalitat de Catalunya, Junta de Andaluc\u00eda, la Regione Toscana, Welsh Assembly Government , le Conseil du comt\u00e9 du J\u00e4mtland, l'Institut NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National pour l'\u00e9ducation des adultes, la Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl, le sous-traitant Melius Srl (www.mutuallearning. eu). Ce document a \u00e9t\u00e9 approuv\u00e9 par l'Assembl\u00e9e G\u00e9n\u00e9rale de EARLALL qui s'est tenue \u00e0 Bruxelles le 16 F\u00e9vrier 2010. Par ailleurs, Cedefop soutient la qualit\u00e9 du travail gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l'activit\u00e9 r\u00e9guli\u00e8re de conseil et les suggestions de Steven Bainbridge."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federighi, Paolo; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Precall project", "Cedefop", "Formation", "Precall project", "Cedefop", "Formazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345117"], ["title", "Politiques pour la coop\u00e9ration r\u00e9gionale dans le domaine de l'\u00e9ducation tout au long de la vie"], ["doab_id", "13001"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9788884536778"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536778"]], [["description", "In the wake of Joseph Smith Jr.'s murder in 1844, his following splintered. Most of the membership ultimately followed Brigham Young to Utah, but smaller groups coalesced around other Mormon leaders. A number of these later combined to form the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now the Community of Christ. Among those were most of the remaining followers of a maverick Mormon apostle, Lyman Wight. Sometimes called the \"\"Wild Ram of Texas,\"\" Wight took his splinter group to frontier Texas, a destination to which Smith, before his murder, had considered moving his followers, who were increasingly unwelcome in the Midwest. He had instructed Wight to take a small band of church members from Wisconsin to establish a Texas colony that would prepare the ground for a mass migration of the membership. Having received these orders directly from Smith, Wight did not believe the former's death changed their significance. If anything, he felt all the more responsible for fulfilling what he believed was a prophet's intention. Antagonism with Brigham Young and the other LDS apostles grew, and Wight refused to join with them or move to their new gathering place in Utah. He and his small congregation pursued their own destiny, becoming an interesting component of the Texas frontier, where they had a significant economic role as early millers and cowboys and a political one as a buffer with the Comanches. Their social and religious practices shared many of the idiosyncracies of the larger Mormon sect, including polygamous marriages, temple rites, and economic cooperatives. Wight was a charismatic but authoritarian and increasingly odd figure, in part because of chemical addictions. His death in 1858 while leading his shrinking number of followers on yet one more migration brought an effective end to his independent church."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Johnson, Melvin C."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/43"], ["title", "Polygamy on the Pedernales: Lyman Wight's Mormon Villages in Antebellum Texas, 1845-1858"], ["doab_id", "14706"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216288"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216288"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["synthesis, characterization techniques and mechanistic studies, photocatalysis and water splitting, catalysis, energy conversion and storage, hybrids, magnetism, electrochemistry, modeling and theoretical studies"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/184"], ["title", "Polyoxometalates"], ["doab_id", "19028"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9783038421610", "9783038421627"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421610/9783038421627"]], [["description", "This fascinating study investigates the experience of English poverty between 1700 and 1900 and in the ways in which the poor made ends meet. The phrase 'economy of makeshifts' has often been used to summarise the patchy, desperate and sometimes failing strategies of the poor for material survival. Incomes or benefits derived from such strategies allegedly ranged from wages supported by under-employment via petty crime through to charity, but allusions to this array of makeshifts usually fall short of answering vital questions about how and when the poor secured access to them. This book represents the single most significant attempt in print to supply the English 'economy of makeshifts' with a solid, empirical basis and to advance the concept of makeshifts from a vague but convenient label to a more precise yet inclusive definition. Individual chapters written by some of the leading, young historians of welfare examine how advantages gained from access to common land, mobilisation of kinship support, resorting to crime, and other marginal resources could prop up struggling households. They suggest how the balance of these strategies might change over time or be modified by gender, life-cycle and geography. A comprehensive introduction summarises the state of research on English poverty, and a thought-provoking conclusion makes valuable suggestions for the direction of future research. This book will be crucial for historians of social life and welfare, of interest to researchers working on eighteenth- /nineteenth- century England and will be useful to undergraduates seeking guidance on the historiography of poverty."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tomkins ,Alannah; King ,Steven"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["poor", "poverty", "england", "history"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341398"], ["title", "The poor in England 1700-1850: An economy of makeshifts"], ["doab_id", "12593"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061592"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061592"]], [["description", "This book, co-published with the UN's Dept of Economic and Social Affairs, offers a critical appraisal of the conventional measures and analysis of poverty as well as of poverty reduction policies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jomo Kwame Sundaram; Anis Chowdhury"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664530"], ["title", "Poor Poverty"], ["doab_id", "14369"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664530"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664530"]], [["description", "In this compelling title, two distinguished scholars share their experiences as expert witnesses in cases ranging from eyewitness testimony, person identification and recovered memories, to false confessions, collaborative storytelling and causal attribution, in the context of various interrogation techniques and their ability to deliver reliable results. Each chapter describes in lucid, entertaining prose a representative case in the context of scholarly literature to date, showing how psychological expertise has been (and can be) used in a legal setting. The cases include petty and serious crime, from illegal gambling, infringed trademarks and risqu\u00e9 courtship behaviour, to honour killing and death on the climbing wall. The authors' findings and recommendations apply to legal systems worldwide. There is no other English-language textbook covering a similarly wide range of offences, and this volume will fill a gap in the existing literature and demonstrate how psychological expertise can be used in a much larger area than is often realised.

Psychologisch onderzoek is voor de rechter niet altijd gemakkelijk toe te passen binnen de context van een strafrechtelijk of civiel geding. Inzichten in de werking van het geheugen, het gedrag, logisch denkvermogen en het nemen van beslissingen kunnen uitkomst bieden als er sprake is van valse voorwendselen, fraude, diefstal of zelfs moord, maar vaak is daar wel de toelichting van een deskundige voor nodig. Op onderhoudende en toegankelijke wijze beschrijven rechtspsychologen Willem Albert Wagenaar en Hans Crombag tot in detail vijftien representatieve zaken uit de Nederlandse rechtspraak, hun rol daarin als deskundige, en hoe het afliep. Naast de betrouwbaarheid van ooggetuigenverklaringen en bekentenissen is er aandacht voor de psychologische aspecten van minder gangbare onderwerpen zoals illegaal gokken, verwarrende consumentenvoorlichting en seksuele intimidatie. The Popular Policeman and Other Cases vult een belangrijke lacune in de bestaande literatuur over de psychologie in de rechtszaal. Niet eerder werd er buiten de Verenigde Staten in \u00e9\u00e9n boek zo uitgebreid en gedetailleerd aandacht besteed aan zoveel uiteenlopende zaken. Het boek is in eerste instantie geschreven voor het hoger onderwijs, maar ook buiten de collegezaal zal dit boek op de nodige belangstelling kunnen rekenen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wagenaar ,Willem Albert; Crombag ,Hans"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Psychology", "Law", "Psychologie", "Recht"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340202"], ["title", "The Popular Policeman and Other Cases : Psychological Perspectives on Legal Evidence"], ["doab_id", "12885"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567708"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567708"]], [["description", "Migrations and population dynamics are considered very problematic topics in the fields of ancient studies. Recent scholarship in (pre)historical population has generated new impulses by using scientific approaches using radiogenic and stable isotopes, and palaeogenetics, as well as computer simulation. As a result, the state of migration research has undergone rapid change. Several research groups presented papers at aconference held in Berlin in 2010, addressing specific historical aspects of population dynamics and migration, with no chronological or geographical restrictions, in the light of cutting-edge bio-archaeological research. This volume, divided into three larger thematic sections (isotope analysis, population genetics, and modelling and computer simulation), presents experiences and insights about methodological approaches, research results and prospects for future research in this area in a varied collection of papers. Scholars from widely diverse scientific disciplines present their approaches, findings and interpretations to an audience far broader than the circles of the individual disciplines."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Burger, Joachim ; Kaiser, Elke; Schier, Wolfram"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", [" Computersimulation, Bioarchaeology", " Stabile Isotopenanalysis", " Strontiumisotopenanalysis"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/179228"], ["title", "Population Dynamics in Prehistory and Early History. New Approaches Using Stable Isotopes and Genetics"], ["doab_id", "18055"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110266306", "9783110266290"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266306, 9783110266290"]], [["description", "Una de las confusiones m\u00e1s presentes en el \u00e1mbito de la ciencia geogr\u00e1fica se refiere a la diferenciaci\u00f3n de los conceptos de espacio y territorio; otra, tambi\u00e9n muy presente, es la que se refiere a la noci\u00f3n de territorialidad. Son cuestiones que se intentan esclarecer en el transcurso de este texto, recorriendo obras relativamente recientes ya consideradas cl\u00e1sicas en el pensamiento geogr\u00e1fico, y otras tal vez menos expresivas a nivel nacional, pero tambi\u00e9n muy importantes para la constituci\u00f3n de las perspectivas actuales de abordaje del territorio y la territorialidad. Se estudia la territorialidad humana, teniendo en cuenta simult\u00e1neamente nuestra sociabilidad, animalidad y espiritualidad, destacando la primera dimensi\u00f3n sin dejar de considerar las otras. El texto se refiere, por lo tanto, a las territorialidades del animal-hombre-social-espiritual, y no a los dem\u00e1s animales. Otra observaci\u00f3n inicial importante se refiere a los niveles escalares y temporales con los cuales se trabaja. Cuando el texto se refiere a las escalas espaciales de an\u00e1lisis, se conciben de manera trans-multiescalar, o sea, a nivel local (calle, barrio, \u201ccomunidad\u201d rural, etc.); a nivel municipal, estatal, regional, nacional, internacional y global; y al mencionar las escalas temporales, se entienden como tiempos instant\u00e1neos, per\u00edodos, fases, y como ritmos lentos y r\u00e1pidos sincr\u00f3nicos, en una perspectiva transtemporal hist\u00f3rica y coexistente. Uno de los objetivos es destacar la necesidad de comprensi\u00f3n de los ritmos y las desigualdades, en especial los m\u00e1s lentos, normalmente dejados de lado en los estudios de geograf\u00eda (humana)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Saquet, Marcos Aurelio"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Geograf\u00eda humana ", " Espacio ", " Territorialidad ", " Territorio"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/50"], ["title", "Por una geograf\u00eda de las territorialidades y las temporalidades: Una concepci\u00f3n multidimensional orientada a la cooperaci\u00f3n y el desarrollo territorial"], ["doab_id", "17894"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412626"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412626"]], [["description", "Acompanhando a tend\u00eancia de atenua\u00e7\u00e3o das condi\u00e7\u00f5es de injusti\u00e7a e exclus\u00e3o social, a partir do esporte recreativo e do lazer, o Grupo de Pesquisa Corpo, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o e Movimento - GCEM, do Departamento de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o F\u00edsica da Universidade Estadual da Para\u00edba - UEPB, prop\u00f4s o desenvolvimento de uma investiga\u00e7\u00e3o sobre a situa\u00e7\u00e3o do lazer na cidade de Campina Grande \u2013 PB, considerando a Pesquisa de Informa\u00e7\u00f5es B\u00e1sicas Municipais (MUNIC, 2003), a partir do universo das comunidades de bairro. (trecho retirado do texto \"Abrindo as portas da pesquisa: Pressupostos te\u00f3ricos e metodol\u00f3gicos\" do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lemos, Elaine Melo de Brito Costa (org.); Dantas, Eduardo Ribeiro (org.); Chao, Cheng Hsin Nery (org.)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Lazer, Campina Grande \u2013 Aspectos Sociais, Campina Grande \u2013 Comunidades de Bairro, "]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/ggfcb"], ["title", "De portas abertas para o lazer: a cultura l\u00fadica nas comunidades de bairro"], ["doab_id", "16249"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791223"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791223"]], [["description", "This book explores the Dutch post-colonial migrant experience within the context of a wider European debate. Over 60 years and three generations of migration history is presented, while also surveying an impressive body of post-colonial literature, much of which has never reached an international audience. While other research focuses on one or, at most, two groups, post-colonial migrants are treated here as a distinct analytical category with a unique relationship to the receiving society. After all, over 90 per cent were Dutch citizens before even reaching the Netherlands, as they did in huge waves between 1945 and 1980. Together they constitute 6 per cent of today\u2019s Dutch population. So, how did they form their identities? What were relationships with locals like? How have second and third generations responded? Post-Colonial Immigrants and Identity Formations in the Netherlands offers the germane scholarship on one particular country with a particularly rich history to readers worldwide.

Dit boek schetst een uniek beeld van de immigranten die tussen 1945 en 1980 vanuit de voormalige koloni\u00ebn naar Nederland kwamen. De migranten hadden v\u00f3\u00f3r hun komst allemaal een bijzondere relatie met het land van bestemming. Meer dan negentig procent van de migranten was Nederlands staatsburger voordat ze naar Nederland kwamen. Daarnaast plaatst de auteur zijn onderzoek in de context van een bredere Europese discussie. Hoe vormden de immigranten hun identiteit? Wat was hun relatie met de autochtone bevolking? Hoe reageerden de tweede en derde generaties?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bosma ,Ulbe"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Immigrants", "Identity", "Sociologie", "Immigranten", "Identiteit"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=428771"], ["title", "Post-Colonial Immigrants and Identity Formations in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "15181"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644541"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644541"]], [["description", "The Post-Human Society is a rich, unique, path-breaking, belletristic and literary 'crie de coeur' work - a lyrical expose of all the internal infelicities (social, political, aesthetic) of the United States of America. In its vivid contrasting of the mores of competition, avarice, and greed to communitarian, co-respecting and co-operative values, it abounds with colorful, vibrant, breathtaking images and tropes. Utilizing a novel, First Person Narrative, the author Rajani Kanth offers a poignant critique of the rabid, runaway materialism that has been the bane of all modernist, European societies, to date. It is evocative in its approach to the fading genre of the iconic anthropology/sociology classics of the yesteryear.Ultimately, it is a critique of the ruling ethos of our times: Eurocentrism - i.e., selfish and acquisitive materialism, of which the contemporary USA is the trend-setter and the unchallenged gold standard. DR. RAJANI KANTH has an MA in Social Anthropology from the Delhi School of Economics, India, and a PhD in Economics from the New School for Social Research, New York, USA. After serving as Economic Advisor to the UN in New York, he taught as University Professor, and is currently based at Harvard University. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kanth, Rajani"], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/466422"], ["title", "The Post-Human Society. Elemental Contours of the Aesthetic Economy of the United States"], ["doab_id", "17965"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110455304", "9783110455311"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110455304, 9783110455311"]], [["description", "These letters among two women and their husband offer a rare look into the personal dynamics of an LDS polygamous relationship. Abraham \"\"Owen\"\" Woodruff was a young polygamous Mormon apostle, and the son of LDS President Wilford Woodruff, who is remembered for the Woodruff Manifesto, a divinely-inspired call for the termination of plural marriage. The Woodruff Manifesto eased a systematic federal judicial assault on Mormons and made Utah statehood possible. It did not end polygamy in the church. Some leaders continued to encourage and perform such marriages. Owen Woodruff, himself married to Helen May Winters, contracted a secretive second marriage to Avery Clark. Pressure on the LDS church revived with hearings regarding Reed Smoot's seat in the U.S. Senate. After church president Joseph F. Smith issued the so-called Second Manifesto in 1904, polygamy and its more prominent advocates were mostly expunged from mainstream Mormonism. Owen Woodruff had often been \"\"on the underground,\"\" moving frequently, traveling under secret identities, and using code names in his letters to his wives, while still carrying out his administrative duties, which, in particular, involved supervision of the nascent Mormon colonies in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming. He was never excommunicated, as some of his apostolic colleagues were. Both he and his first wife, Helen, while living with Avery in Mexico and preparing for a mission to Germany, contracted smallpox and died suddenly in 1904. Avery later returned to Utah with her children along with those of Helen and Owen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Snyder, Lu Ann Faylor; Snyder, Phillip"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/40"], ["title", "Post-Manifesto Polygamy: The 1899-1904 Correspondence of Helen, Owen, and Avery Woodruff"], ["doab_id", "14703"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217391"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217391"]], [["description", "In Southeast Europe, the Balkans, and Middle East, scholars often refer to the \u201cpeaceful coexistence\u201d of various religious and ethnic groups under the Ottoman Empire before ethnonationalist conflicts dissolved that shared space and created legacies of division. \"Post-Ottoman Coexistence\", interrogates ways of living together and asks what practices enabled centuries of cooperation and sharing, as well as how and when such sharing was disrupted. Contributors discuss both historical and contemporary practices of coexistence within the context of ethno-national conflict and its aftermath.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bryant ,Rebecca"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Conflict & Peace Studies", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "Berghahn Books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606236"], ["title", "Post-Ottoman Coexistence"], ["doab_id", "18956"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785333750"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785333750"]], [["description", "Laura Chrisman's Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory: A Reader was published in 1993. It quickly became a landmark of postcolonial studies. This timely new book offers insights into the field she helped establish. Both polemical and scholarly, Postcolonial contraventions is challenging in its analysis of black Atlantic studies, colonial discourse analysis and postcolonial theory. She provides important new paradigms for understanding imperial literature, Englishness, and black transnationalism. Her concerns range from the metropolitan centre of Conrad's Heart of Darkness, to fatherhood in Du Bois's The Souls of Black Folk; from the marketing of South African literature to cosmopolitanism in Chinua Achebe; from utopian discourse in Benita Parry to Frederic Jameson's theorisation of empire. Chrisman also critically engages with postcolonial intellectuals Paul Gilroy, David Lloyd, Anne McClintock, Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak and Robert Young, uncovering conservatism from unexpected quarters. The book joins a growing chorus of materialist voices within postcolonial studies, and addresses an urgent need for greater attention to the political, historical and socio-economic elements of cultural production. This book will be of interest to students, researchers and teachers of postcolonial studies, theory and literature; black diaspora and Atlantic studies; imperialism and Victorian literature of empire, and British literature of the nineteenth century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chrisman ,Laura"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["spivak", "postcolonial", "diaspora"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341364"], ["title", "Postcolonial contraventions: Cultural readings of race, imperialism and transnationalism"], ["doab_id", "12564"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719058271"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719058271"]], [["description", "The Netherlands is home to one million citizens with roots in the former colonies Indonesia, Suriname and the Antilles. Entitlement to Dutch citizenship, pre-migration acculturation in Dutch language and culture as well as a strong rhetorical argument (\u2018We are here because you were there\u2019) were strong assets of the first generation. This \u2018postcolonial bonus\u2019 indeed facilitated their integration. In the process, the initial distance to mainstream Dutch culture diminished. Postwar Dutch society went through serious transformations. Its once lilywhite population now includes two million non-Western migrants and the past decade witnessed heated debates about multiculturalism. The most important debates about the postcolonial migrant communities centered on acknowledgement and the inclusion of colonialism and its legacies in the national memorial culture. This resulted in state-sponsored gestures, ranging from financial compensation to monuments. The ensemble of such gestures reflect a guilt-ridden and inconsistent attempt to \u2018do justice\u2019 to the colonial past and to Dutch citizens with colonial roots. Postcolonial Netherlands is the first scholarly monograph to address these themes in an internationally comparative framework. Upon its publication in the Netherlands (2010) the book elicited much praise, but also serious objections to some of the author\u2019s theses, such as his prediction about the diminishing relevance of postcolonial roots.

Nederland telt ruim een miljoen burgers met wortels in de voormalige koloni\u00ebn, Indonesi\u00eb, Suriname en de Antillen. Juridisch staatsburgerschap, voorgaande bekendheid met de Nederlandse taal en cultuur en een sterk retorisch argument (\u2018Wij zijn hier omdat jullie daar waren\u2019) gaven deze migranten een vergelijkenderwijs sterke uitgangspositie. Deze \u2018postkoloniale bonus\u2019 bevorderde de integratie, waarbij gaandeweg de verschillen tussen deze gemeenschappen en de bredere samenleving afnamen. Gelijktijdig veranderde die samenleving sterk. In 1945 had Nederland een roomblanke bevolking, vandaag telt twee miljoen niet-westerse migranten en worden heftige debatten gevoerd over multiculturalisme. De belangrijkste ideologische debatten van de afgelopen decennia rond de postkoloniale gemeenschap draaiden om erkenning en het opnemen in de nationale herdenkingscultuur van het kolonialisme en zijn erfenissen. Dit leidde tot een reeks offici\u00eble gebaren, vari\u00ebrend van financi\u00eble compensatie tot monumenten, waarin op schuldbewuste en vaak weinig consistente wijze \u2018recht wordt gedaan\u2019 aan het koloniale verleden en aan de afstammelingen van de koloniale onderdanen. Postcolonial Netherlands is het eerste boek dat deze thematiek systematisch behandeld en in vergelijkend perspectief plaatst. Het boek werd bij publicatie in Nederland (2010) overwegend positief ontvangen, al riepen de uitgesproken stellingen van de auteur over \u2018het einde van de postkoloniale geschiedenis\u2019 heftige tegenspraak op."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Oostindie ,Gert"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["History", "Postcolonialism", "Citizenship", "Geschiedenis", "Postkolonialisme", "Burgerschap"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391771"], ["title", "Postcolonial Netherlands : Sixty-five Years of Forgetting, Commemorating, Silencing"], ["doab_id", "13385"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643537"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643537"]], [["description", "This book offers a fresh perspective on postcolonial piracy in the global south with contributions from leading scholars across the globe."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lars Eckstein; Anja Schwarz"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472519450"], ["title", "Postcolonial Piracy"], ["doab_id", "17147"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472519450"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472519450"]], [["description", "Approaching King Lear from an eco-materialist perspective, Posthuman Lear examines how the shift in Shakespeare\u2019s tragedy from court to stormy heath activates a different sense of language as tool-being \u2014 from that of participating in the flourish of aristocratic prodigality and circumstance, to that of survival and pondering one\u2019s interdependence with a denuded world. Dionne frames the thematic arc of Shakespeare\u2019s tragedy about the fall of a king as a tableaux of our post-sustainable condition. For Dionne, Lear\u2019s progress on the heath works as a parable of flat ontology.At the center of Dionne\u2019s analysis of rhetoric and prodigality in the tragedy is the argument that adages and proverbs, working as embodied forms of speech, offer insight into a nonhuman, fragmentary mode of consciousness. The Renaissance fascination with memory and proverbs provides an opportunity to reflect on the human as an instance of such enmeshed being where the habit of articulating memorized patterns of speech works on a somatic level. Dionne theorizes how mnemonic memory functions as a potentially empowering mode of consciousness inherited by our evolutionary history as a species, revealing how our minds work as imprinted machines to recall past prohibitions and useful affective scripts to aid in our interaction with the environment. The proverb is that linguistic inscription that defines the equivalent of human-animal imprinting, where the past is etched upon collective memory within \u2018adagential\u201d being that lives on through the generations as autonomic cues for survival.No doubt the book wears a geographical and discursive motley because of the context of its making, being a product of an overseas sabbatical year in Tokyo. Reading Shakespeare\u2019s King Lear while sitting under three tiers of incessantly busy freeway overpasses in one of the world\u2019s most densely populated cities, in a sea of Roppongi neon and 50-foot live-feed Sony ads, where Japan\u2019s techno-futurism sounds over the wave of urban commuters dressed in the weird nostalgia that defines Tokyo fashion \u2014 sleek faux-50s-American business suits or the cosplay of Lolita teeny bop dyed hair \u2014 all the while a few miles north, the Fukushima nuclear power plant silently leaks radiation into the Pacific. Lotus eaters lost in the funhouse? Or survivors clinging to outmoded rituals in the face of madness? In this context, reading for the kernel of Shakespeare\u2019s philosophy of the human in his great tragedy can feel a bit unsettling, like that of a posthuman Rorschach test. (Or a bad acid trip flashback of a Rorschach test). No excuse, I suppose, but in this setting the interpretation of cosmic decay and ecological catastrophe in Shakespeare\u2019s great tragedy does not feel necessarily forced. Only suspiciously apparent.Dionne\u2019s reimagining of this tragedy is important in the way it places Shakespeare\u2019s central existential questions \u2014 the meaning of familial love, commitments to friends, our place in a secular world \u2014 in a new relation to the main question of surviving within fixed environmental limits. Along the way, Dionne reflects on the larger theoretical implications of recycling the old historicism of early modern culture to speak to an eco-materialism, and why the modernist textual aesthetics of the self-distancing text seems inadequate when considering the uncertainty and trauma that underscores life in a post-sustainable culture. Dionne\u2019s final appeal is to \u201crepurpose\u201d our fatalism in the face of ecological disaster"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Craig Dionne"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7vfsru7t8a3635/160625posthumanlear-interior.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Posthuman Lear: Reading Shakespeare in the Anthropocene"], ["doab_id", "19596"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692641576"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692641576"]], [["description", "Developing countries interested in REDD+ under the UNFCCC have been requested to prepare a national forest monitoring system (NFMS) and a system to monitor, report and verify implementation (MRV). They have also been requested to engage local communities and indigenous groups as critical stakeholders in this process. The NFMS should be consistent with national inventories of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. These inventories are, however, usually prepared using national level information with low geographical resolution and without the participation of local communities or other forest owners/managers. However, it has been shown that members of rural forest communities can develop the skills to monitor and measure levels of carbon stock in their forests and changes in these levels over time. If this information could be included and tracked from the local to regional and national levels, this might help to design transparent mechanisms for the assessment of REDD+ implementation, and possibly even for benefit sharing. The objective of this Special Issue is to discuss and explore the social, technical and political implications and potential of including community-based monitoring in MRV systems and benefit-sharing schemes in REDD+."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["community based monitoring, benefit sharing, REDD+, monitoring, reporting and verification, results-based financing, forest inventories"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/143"], ["title", "The Potential Role for Community Monitoring in MRV and in Benefit Sharing in REDD+"], ["doab_id", "17513"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420644", "9783038420651"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420644/9783038420651 "]], [["description", "The Caucasus and the Balkan region are almost automatically associated with conflict and war. At the core of these struggles lies the quest for a new institutional relationship between territory, the state and ethnic groups. Both regions share a similar historical and institutional legacy which must be regarded as having paved the ground for a rise in ethno-nationalism. There is, as a result, wide potential for conflict in both regions. However, similar structural conditions do not always turn into violent conflicts. Rapid institutional change, as occuring in the former Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union, can lead to new institutional arrangements on smaller scales - which may in turn provide stability in inter-group relations and border management. Therefore, it is of vital importance to the study of conflict analysis to identify what conditions foster new orders, and what factors, actors and institutions are necessary to create a stable equilibrium in intra- and inter-group conflicts. This book brings together a selection of case studies and theoretical approaches aimed at identifying the institutions which prevented or fostered escalation of conflict in the Caucasus and former Yugoslavia, and, will be of great benefit to students of these topics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zurcher ,Christoph; Koehler ,Jan"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["caucasus", "balkan", "yugoslavia"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341365"], ["title", "Potentials of disorder: Explaining conflict and stability in the Caucasus and in the former Yugoslavia"], ["doab_id", "12565"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062414"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062414"]], [["description", "This book looks at the major policy challenges facing developing Asia and how the region sustains rapid economic growth to reduce multidimensional poverty through socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable measures. Asia is facing many challenges arising from population growth, rapid urbanization, provision of services, climate change and the need to redress declining growth after the global financial crisis. This book examines poverty and related issues and aims to advance the development of new tools and measurement of multidimensional poverty and poverty reduction policy analysis. The book covers a wide range of issues, including determinants and causes of poverty and its changes; consequences and impacts of poverty on human capital formation, growth and consumption; assessment of poverty strategies and policies; the role of government, NGOs and other institutions in poverty reduction; rural-urban migration and poverty; vulnerability to poverty; breakdown of poverty into chronic and transitory components; and a comparative study on poverty issues in Asia and other regions. The book will appeal to all those interested in economic development, resources, policies and economic welfare and growth."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Almas Heshmati; Esfandiar Maasoumi; Guanghua Wan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Development Economics", " Economic Policy", " Social Policy", " Climate Change Management and Policy "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-287-420-7"], ["title", "Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia"], ["doab_id", "17180"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789812874191", "9789812874207"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789812874191 (Print) 9789812874207 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book contains some of the papers that were presented at the first meeting of the newly formed African Expert Study Group on International Criminal Law / Groupe des Experts Africaines en Droit P\u00e9nal International held in September 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The group was established under the auspices of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (hereinafter \u2018MDPD\u2019) and the Rule of Law programme of the German Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (\u2018KAS\u2019) in 2010 modeled on the successful sister group in Latin America. This latter group was originally founded as an expert group to monitor the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (\u2018ICC\u2019) in Latin America within the framework of cooperation between KAS\u2019 regional Rule of Law Programme and the Department for Foreign and International Law of the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen in 2002. The newly formed African group consists of judicial experts with both academic and practical background from various parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. The importance of such a group for the African continent cannot be overestimated. Africa plays a vital role in international criminal law and justice, both as an active player at the ICC and at the regional and national level. As for the group\u2019s composition and outreach, the aim is to broaden regional representation and further consolidate membership. In 2012, the group will meet in Nairobi, Kenya to deal with topics surrounding the \u2018Potential for the domestic prosecution of international crimes in Africa.\u2019 Topics for future meetings abound given the multi-faceted African legal and political practice regarding international criminal justice in general and the ICC in particular. The group should in particular monitor the recent international or transnational criminal justice developments at the regional African level as well as relevant national developments. (Excerpt from the introduction by Kai Ambos)

This book contains some of the papers that were presented at the first meeting of the newly formed African Expert Study Group on International Criminal Law / Groupe des Experts Africaines en Droit P\u00e9nal International held in September 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The group was established under the auspices of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (hereinafter \u2018MDPD\u2019) and the Rule of Law programme of the German Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (\u2018KAS\u2019) in 2010 modeled on the successful sister group in Latin America. This latter group was originally founded as an expert group to monitor the implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (\u2018ICC\u2019) in Latin America within the framework of cooperation between KAS\u2019 regional Rule of Law Programme and the Department for Foreign and International Law of the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen in 2002. The newly formed African group consists of judicial experts with both academic and practical background from various parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. The importance of such a group for the African continent cannot be overestimated. Africa plays a vital role in international criminal law and justice, both as an active player at the ICC and at the regional and national level. As for the group\u2019s composition and outreach, the aim is to broaden regional representation and further consolidate membership. In 2012, the group will meet in Nairobi, Kenya to deal with topics surrounding the \u2018Potential for the domestic prosecution of international crimes in Africa.\u2019 Topics for future meetings abound given the multi-faceted African legal and political practice regarding international criminal justice in general and the ICC in particular. The group should in particular monitor the recent international or transnational criminal justice developments at the regional African level as well as relevant national developments. (Excerpt from the introduction by Kai Ambos)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ambos, Kai; Maunganidze, Ottilia A."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Rome Statute", "Criminal Justice", "International Criminal Court", "Rome Statute", "Criminal Justice", "International Criminal Court"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610208"], ["title", "Power and Prosecution - Challenges and opportunities for international criminal justice in Sub-Saharan Africa"], ["doab_id", "15257"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950781"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950781"]], [["description", "This book deals with changing power and status relations between the highest ranking representatives of Roman imperial power at the central level, in a period when the Empire came under tremendous pressure, AD 193-284. Based on epigraphic, literary and legal materials, the author deals with issues such as the third-century development of emperorship, the shift in power of the senatorial elite and the developing position of senior military officers and other high equestrians. By analyzing the various senior power-holders involved in Roman imperial administration by social rank, this book presents new insights into the diachronic development of imperial administration, appointment policies and socio-political hierarchies between the second and fourth centuries AD."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mennen ,Inge"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Empire", "Roman", "Roman Empire", "Administration", "Hierarchies", "History", "Power", "Prosopography", "Socio-political", "Rijk", "Romeins", "Romeins rijk", "Administratie", "Hierarchie", "Geschiedenis", "Kracht", "Biografische beschrijving", "Socio-politiek"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391868"], ["title", "Power and Status in the Roman Empire, AD 193-284"], ["doab_id", "13392"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004203594", "9789004211926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004203594 9789004211926"]], [["description", "National hero, Javanese mystic, pious Muslim and leader of the \u2018holy war\u2019 against the Dutch between 1825 and 1830, the Yogyakarta prince, Dipanagara (1785-1855, otherwise known as Diponegoro), is pre-eminent in the pantheon of modern Indonesian historical figures. Yet despite instant name recognition in Indonesia, there has never been a full biography of the prince\u2019s life and times based on Dutch and Javanese sources. \u2018The power of prophecy\u2019 is a major study which sets Dipanagara\u2019s life history against the context of the turbulent events of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century when the full force of European imperialism hit Indonesia like an Asian tsunami destroying forever Java\u2019s \u2018old order\u2019 and propelling the twin forces of Islam and Javanese national identity into a fatal confrontation with the Dutch. This confrontation known as the Java War, in which Dipanagara was defeated and exiled, marked the beginning of the modern colonial period in Indonesia which lasted until the Japanese occupation of 1942-1945. The book presents a detailed analysis of Dipanagara\u2019s pre-war visions and aspirations as a Javanese Ratu Adil (\u2018Just King\u2019) based on extensive reading of his autobiography, the Babad Dipanagara as well as a number of other Javanese sources. Dutch and British records, in particularly the Residency Archives of Yogyakarta and Surakarta currently kept in the Indonesian National Archives, provide the backbone of this scholarly work. The book will be read with profit by all those interested in the rise of Western colonial rule in Indonesia, the fate of indigenous cultures in an age of imperialism and the role of Javanese Islam in modern Indonesian history. Peter Carey, Laithwaite tutor in History at Trinity College, Oxford, has made a lifetime study of Dipanagara and the history of early nineteenth century Java. His many works include the two-volume Archive of Yogyakarta (1980, 2000), The British in Java, 1811-1816; A Javanese account (1992) and Babad Dipanagara; An account of the outbreak of the Java War (1825-1830) (1981). He is one of Britain\u2019s foremost historians of Southeast Asia and has also published on Cambodia, Burma and East Timor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carey ,Peter"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["colonial history", "Javanese", "princes", "traditional leadership", "charisma", "Java War", "sultanates", "sultanates", "Yogyakarta", "Jawa", "Netherlands", "Indonesia", "1785/1855", "biographies"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=403791"], ["title", "The power of prophecy; Prince Dipanagara and the end of an old order in Java, 1785-1855"], ["doab_id", "14618"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183031"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183031"]], [["description", "This paper deals with the position and the powers of head of state in the legislative and the executive branch in former socialist systems. It examines the system in countries that emerged from socialist regimes, where the parliamentary system and the function of the President of the Republic as the individual head of state were introduced in the 1990s, namely in 10 (newest) Member States of the European Union. The paper elaborates on the position of the President of the Republic, the extent of the office\u2019s powers, and the resulting cooperation between the office of the President, the executive and legislative bodies, which is also one of the fundamental criteria of the standard classification of political regimes. The powers of the President in the field of legislation are the powers based on which the relationship between the President of the Republic and the legislative authority is established. The analyzed powers that the President exercises vis-\u00e0-vis the parliament are the powers of the President in relation to the adoption of an Act, the powers that the President of the Republic has in the domain of announcing parliamentary elections and convening a parliamentary sitting, as well as the powers in the domain of dissolving the parliament and announcing early elections. In the second part the paper focuses on the relationship between the President of the Republic and the government, and, consequently, the President's powers in the formation of the government and the appointing of state officials."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tadej Dubrovnik; Ale\u0161 Kobal"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["head of the state, legislative, Systems, Executive Branch, Socialist Systems"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/44"], ["title", "the Powers of the Head of State in the Legislative and Executive Branch in Former Socialist Systems"], ["doab_id", "19626"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789616842686"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842686"]], [["description", "Este libro re\u00fane trabajos que los invitados al 10\u00ba Congreso Argentino y 5\u00ba Latinoamericano de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica y Ciencias, que se llev\u00f3 a cabo en la ciudad de La Plata entre los d\u00edas 9 y 13 de septiembre de 2013, elaboraron especialmente en torno al tema organizador, Pr\u00e1cticas de la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica, y a los propuestos para cada uno de los paneles que dieron inicio y cierre a ejes tem\u00e1ticos diferenciados. Los autores convocados participaron con sus aportes en diferentes debates y en algunos casos expusieron los avances de esta publicaci\u00f3n para enriquecer la presentaci\u00f3n. As\u00ed, los trabajos se elaboraron con la posibilidad de ajustes posteriores a los debates generados en los paneles del evento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Camblor, Ezequiel; Ron, Osvaldo; Hern\u00e1ndez, N\u00e9stor; Uro, Mart\u00edn; Fittipaldi, Gerardo; Mele, Ayel\u00e9n"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Congreso Argentino de Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica y Ciencias ", " Deporte ", " Did\u00e1ctica ", " Educaci\u00f3n f\u00edsica ", " Ejercicio"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/45"], ["title", "Pr\u00e1cticas de la Educaci\u00f3n F\u00edsica"], ["doab_id", "17475"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411711"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411711"]], [["description", "There is growing evidence that rising levels of prosperity in Western economies since 1945 have not been matched by greater incidences of reported well-being and happiness. Indeed, material affluence is often accompanied instead by greater social and individual distress. A growing literature within the humanities and social sciences is increasingly concerned to chart not only the underlying trends in recorded levels of happiness, but to consider what factors, if any, contribute to positive and sustainable experiences of well-being and quality of life. Increasingly, such research is focusing on the importance of values and beliefs in human satisfaction or quality of life; but the specific contribution of religion to these trends is relatively under-examined. This unique collection of essays seeks to rectify that omission, by identifying the nature and role of the religious contribution to wellbeing. A unique collection of nineteen leading scholars from the field of economics, psychology, public theology and social policy have been brought together in this volume to explore the religious contribution to the debate about happiness and well-being. These essays explore the religious dimensions to a number of key features of well-being, including marriage, crime and rehabilitation, work, inequality, mental health, environment, participation, institutional theory, business and trade. They engage particularly closely with current trends in economics in identifying alternative models of economic growth which focus on its qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions. This distinctive volume brings to public notice the nature and role of religion\u2019s contribution to wellbeing, including new ways of measurement and evaluation. As such, it represents a valuable and unprecedented resource for the development of a broad-based religious contribution to the field. It will be of particular relevance for those who are concerned about the continuing debate about personal and societal well-being, as well as those who are interested in the continuing significance of religion for the future of public policy.Introductory essay: developing an overview as context and future John Atherton Part 1: Political Economy 1. Economic theory and happiness Ian Steedman 2. Happiness, welfare and capabilities Carl-Henric Grenholm 3. Happiness through thrift: The contribution of business to human wellbeing Peter Heslam 4. Happiness, work and Christian theology Peter Sedgwick 5. Happiness isn't working, but it should be Malcolm Brown 6. Challenging inequality in a post-scarcity era: Christian contributions to egalitarian trends John Atherton 7. Fair trade and human wellbeing Michael Northcott Part 2: Contributions to Other Social Sciences 8. Religion and happiness: perspectives from the psychology of religion, positive psychology and empirical theology Leslie Francis 9. Ethnographic insights into happiness Jonathan Miles-Watson 10. Institutions, organisations and wellbeing Tony Berry 11. Religion, family form and the question of happiness Adrian Thatcher 12. Mental health, spirituality and religion Peter Gilbert 13. The \u2018one in the morning\u2019 knock: exploring the connections between faith, participation and wellbeing Christopher Baker 14. Crime, wellbeing and society: Reflections on social, 'anti-social' and 'restorative' capital Christopher Jones 15. Supporting offenders: A faith based initiative Charlotte Lorimer Part 3: Reflections on Foundations 16. Human happiness as a common good: clarifying the issues Patrick Riordan 17. Being well in creation John Rodwell 18.The \u2018virtuous circle\u2019: Religion and the practices of happiness Elaine Graham 19 Well being \u2013 or resilience? Blurred encounters between theory and practice John Reader"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steedmand ,Ian; Atherton ,John R.; Graham ,Elaine"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Political Economy", "Economic Theory & Philosophy", "Religion & Economics", "Economics", "Politieke economie", "Economische theorie en filosofie", "Religie en economie", "Economie"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391039"], ["title", "The Practices of Happiness : Political Economy, Religion and Wellbeing"], ["doab_id", "13374"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415550970"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415550970"]], [["description", "Switzerland likely has the most particular naturalization system in the world. Whereas in most countries citizenship attribution is regulated at the central level of the state, in Switzerland each municipality is accorded the right to decide who can become a Swiss citizen. This book aims at exploring naturalization processes from a comparative perspective and to explain why some municipalities pursue more restrictive citizenship policies than others. The Swiss case provides a unique opportunity to approach citizenship politics from new perspectives. It allows us to go beyond formal citizenship models and to account for the practice of citizenship. The analytical framework combines quantitative and qualitative data and helps us understand how negotiation processes between political actors lead to a large variety of local citizenship models. An innovative theoretical framework, integrating Bourdieu's political sociology, combines symbolic and material aspects of naturalizations and underlines the production processes of ethnicity.

Zwitserland heeft waarschijnlijk het meest uitzonderlijke naturalisatiesysteem ter wereld: staatsburgerschap wordt toegewezen op gemeentelijk niveau en niet vanuit de centrale overheid. Dit boek bestudeert naturalisatieprocessen vanuit een vergelijkend perspectief en probeert te verklaren waarom sommige gemeenten strengere regels hanteren dan anderen. Het Zwitserse voorbeeld geeft een unieke mogelijkheid om voorbij de formele staatsburgerschapmodellen te kijken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Helbling ,Marc"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340078"], ["title", "Practising Citizenship and Heterogeneous Nationhood : Naturalisations in Swiss Municipalities"], ["doab_id", "12791"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640345"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640345"]], [["description", "Prompted by renowned poet E.D. Blodgett's deep love for and intimate experience of Prague, Praha is a poetic homage to the legendary city's vital spirit. As they build on one another, the poems in the collection lift the reader over the threshold of purely mythic understanding and into the heart of one of Europe's loveliest and most venerable cities. Each poem is accompanied by a translation into Czech, encouraging even those who do not know the language to immerse themselves in its sound. Superbly complemented by the mysteriously eloquent paintings of Czech artist Robert Kessner, Praha offers the moods of Prague in its many seasons and in all its magic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "E.D. Blodgett; with Czech translations by Marzia Paton"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Czech", "Prague", "poetry"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en", "cs"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120188"], ["title", "Praha"], ["doab_id", "14460"], ["language_unmapped", "English; Czech"], ["isbns", ["9781926836140", "9781926836157", "9781926836362"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836140 9781926836157 9781926836362"]], [["description", "Book, written in Slovene, discusses the legal content and scope of the concept of discriminatory harassment, which is deemed to be an unlawful discrimination under modern EU non-discrimination law, in the context of implementation of provisions of relevant EU directives in legal systems of the United Kingdom and Ireland. the two most important EU non-discrimination directives, adopted under Article 13 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community (now Article 19 of the treaty on the Functioning of the European union) - Racial Equality Directive (Directive 2000/43/EC) and Employment Framework Directive (Directive 2000/78/EC) - explicity mention harassment as prohibited form of discrimination. Legal definitions contained in these two directives define harassment as discriminationdiscrimination itself. Prior to the transposition of the EU non-discrimination directives into their laws, while few member states tackled this issue either within the context of the law on equal treatment (e.g. Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland) or outside this context (e.g. France), that is in the framework of criminal, civil, health and safety or employment legislation. As a result of the implementation of relevant provisions of the two main non-discrimination directives (Directives 200/43/EC and 200/78/EC) a definition of harassment has been included in legislations of all EU member states. In most member states such legislative definition is a literal copy of the definition of harrasment that can be found in the Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC. The approach to the definition of harassment that appears to be the most \"generous\" from the perspective of victims of discriminatory harrasment is the one that was taken by British legislator. Such legal position in respect of the prohibition of discrimination has been developed in British case law and is based on the extensive interpretation of non-discrimination laws."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gregor Mau\u010dec"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["prohibition of harassment, discriminatory harassment, discrimination, employment legislation"]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/2"], ["title", "Pravne razse\u017enosti prepovedi nadlegovanja"], ["doab_id", "17638"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovene"], ["isbns", ["9789616842105"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842105"]], [["description", "Unter dem Begriff der \u201ePraxeologie\u201c macht derzeit ein Strang der Kulturtheorien von sich reden, der sich von einem normativen, auf Zeichen und Symbole reduzierten Kulturverst\u00e4ndnis abwendet. Stattdessen r\u00fccken die Akteure und deren Handeln in den Vordergrund\u2013 allerdings unter stark ver\u00e4nderten Vorzeichen. Im Fokus der Praxeologie steht nicht rationales Handeln, sondern die routinisierte Praktik, der implizites Wissen zugrunde liegt und die den Umgang mit Artefakten einschlie\u00dft.Steht der \u201ePractice Turn\u201c also bereits kurz bevor? Im Kontrast zur umfangreichen theoretischen Reflexion dieses Ansatzes steht gegenw\u00e4rtig noch seine empirische Anwendung. Ziel dieses Bandes ist es daher, in interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive ein breites Spektrum m\u00f6glicher Anwendungsfelder aufzuzeigen. Die Vorschl\u00e4ge reichen dabei von der Integration der Praxeologie zur Aufwertung von Akteuren und deren Handeln bis hin zu einem Forschungsprogramm f\u00fcr die Analyse der materialen Dimension des Sozialen. Aus unterschiedlichen disziplin\u00e4ren Perspektiven \u2013 von der Geschichtswissenschaft, \u00fcber die Soziologie bis hin zur Literaturwissenschaft\u2013 werden anhand konkreter Forschungsbeispiele M\u00f6glichkeiten und Grenzen der Praxeologie ausgelotet. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elias, Friederike / Franz, Albrecht / Murmann, Henning / Weiser, Ulrich Wilhelm"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Praxeologie", " Kulturwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/430912"], ["title", "Praxeologie. Beitr\u00e4ge zur interdisziplin\u00e4ren Reichweite praxistheoretischer Ans\u00e4tze in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften"], ["doab_id", "17288"], ["language_unmapped", "German, English"], ["isbns", ["9783110370140", "9783110370188"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110370140, 9783110370188"]], [["description", "Diese Studie bietet eine pragmatistische Deutung von Erkenntnis. Durch eine detaillierte Analyse im Kontext von Sprachphilosophie und Philosophie des Geistes legt der Autor dar, warum Wissen seinen Ursprung im K\u00f6nnen hat. Denn bei genauer Betrachtung beschreiben die Bedingungen f\u00fcr Wissen letztlich eine praktische Kompetenz. Durch die Verkn\u00fcpfung einer normativen Pragmatik mit einer inferentiellen Semantik macht der Autor deutlich, warum es einer solchen Kompetenz bedarf, um \u00dcberzeugungen \u00fcberhaupt erst haben und rechtfertigen zu k\u00f6nnen. Im Rahmen eines Deflationismus zeigt er dagegen, dass Wahrheit keine notwendige Bedingung f\u00fcr Wissen, sondern vielmehr ein Mittel der Zustimmung und der Verallgemeinerung ist."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schubert, Axel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208632"], ["title", "Die Praxis des Wissens. K\u00f6nnen als Quelle der Erkenntnis"], ["doab_id", "18059"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110322682", "9783110322286", "9783110322699"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322682, 9783110322286, 9783110322699"]], [["description", "This book introduces the Precariat - the growing number of people facing lives of insecurity, doing work without a past or future. Guy Standing examines why the Precariat is growing, what fears it faces, what political dangers it represents and what might be done politically to ease the situation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guy Standing"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664554"], ["title", "The Precariat"], ["doab_id", "14367"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664554"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664554"]], [["description", "Building on the success of The Precariat, Guy Standing"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guy Standing"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472510631"], ["title", "A Precariat Charter"], ["doab_id", "16298"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472510631"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472510631"]], [["description", "Precarious Claims tells the human story behind the bureaucratic process of fighting for justice in the U.S. workplace. The global economy has fueled vast concentrations of wealth that have driven a demand for cheap and flexible labor. Workplace violations such as wage theft, unsafe work environments, and discrimination are widespread in low-wage industries such as restaurants, retail, hospitality, and domestic work, where jobs are often held by immigrants and other vulnerable workers. Despite the challenges they face, these workers do seek justice. Why and how do they come forward,and what happens once they do? Based on extensive fieldwork in Northern California, Shannon Gleeson investigates the array of gatekeepers with whom workers must negotiate in the labor standards enforcement bureaucracy and, ultimately, the limited reach of formal legal protections. Gleeson also tracks how workplace injustices\u2014and the arduous process of contesting them\u2014have long-term effects on their everyday lives. Workers sometimes win, but their chances are precarious at best."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gleeson ,Shannon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Working class", "Work environment", "Labor law", "Industrial safety", "United States"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617913"], ["title", "Precarious Claims: The Promise and Failure of Workplace Protections in the United States"], ["doab_id", "19812"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520288782", "9780520963603"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520288782 9780520963603"]], [["description", "Precarious Creativity examines the seismic changes confronting media workers in an age of globalization and corporate conglomeration. This pathbreaking anthology peeks behind the hype and supposed glamor of screen media industries to reveal the intensifying pressures and challenges workers face. The authors take on crucial issues and provide insightful case studies of workplace dynamics regarding creativity, collaboration, exploitation, and cultural difference. Furthermore, they investigate working conditions and organizing efforts on all six continents, offering comprehensive analysis of contemporary screen media labor in places such as Lagos, Prague, Hollywood, and Hyderabad, across a range of job categories that includes visual effects, production services, and adult entertainment. With contributions from John Caldwell, Vicki Mayer, Herman Gray, Tejaswini Ganti, and others, this collection offers timely critiques of media globalization and broader debates about labor, creativity, and precarity."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Curtin ,Michael; Sanson ,Kevin"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Labor", "Globalization", "Mass media", "Precarious employment"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604352"], ["title", "Precarious Creativity: Global Media, Local Labor"], ["doab_id", "18655"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520290853", "9780520964808"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520290853 9780520964808"]], [["description", "Alzheimer\u2019s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive cognitive dysfunction and memory loss, inability to perform the activities of daily living and mood disorders. According to the so-called \u201camyloid cascade hypothesis\u201d, amyloid-\u00df- peptide (A\u00df), produced by beta- and gamma- secretase-mediated cleavages of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of AD. A\u00df was also shown to contribute to AD pathology by stimulating the hyperphosphorylation of tau which is responsible for the formation of neurofibrillary tangles. However, the \u201camyloid cascade hypothesis\u201d was challenged by other theories which lend support to the idea that A\u00df is not causative but can be considered as an \u201cinnocent bystander\u201d in AD. Although preclinical research generated impressive lines of evidence about the several intracellular mechanism(s) whose impairment leads to the onset and progression of AD, clinical research aimed at the development of new drugs capable of preventing or delaying the onset of neuronal damage in AD patients has produced limited results. The drugs currently available for the treatment of AD are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI) and the NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist memantine. The AChEI increase acetylcholine levels in the synaptic cleft, which are reduced because of the progressive damage of cholinergic neurons in cognitive brain areas (e.g. amygdala, hippocampus, and frontal cortex), whereas memantine is used to prevent/reduce calcium-dependent excitotoxic neuronal cell death. Both classes of drugs have been shown to improve symptoms related to cognitive decline, but their effects are confined largely to patients with mild to moderate AD, in particular during the first year or so of treatment. An alternative to this symptomatic treatments involves the use of drugs that intervene in the pathogenesis of the disease. Recently, monoclonal antibodies against A\u00df were proposed as novel agents capable to remove A\u00df from the brain thus preventing neuronal damage. The research topic focuses on the preclinical and clinical evidence about the several factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of AD as well as the potential therapeutic role of new classes of drugs still under preclinical or clinical development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cesare Mancuso; Silvana Gaetani"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alzheimer's disease", "preclinical studies", "Clinical Trials as Topic", "drug research and development", "neurodegeneration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1668/preclinical-and-clinical-issues-in-alzheimers-disease-drug-research-and-development"], ["title", "Preclinical and clinical issues in Alzheimer's disease drug research and development"], ["doab_id", "18188"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194339"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194339"]], [["description", "Seventh Golden Age Lecture on the Dutch seventeenth century in the global twenty-first"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwartz ,Gary"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Golden Age"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611479"], ["title", "A Pregnant Past: The Dutch Seventeenth Century in the Global Twenty-first"], ["doab_id", "19266"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789462980990"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462980990"]], [["description", "Questions concerning mobility and migration as well as subsistence strategies of past societies have always been of major importance in archaeological research. The West Eurasian steppes in the Eneolithic, the Early Bronze and the Iron Age were largely inhabited by cultural communities believed to show an elevated level of spatial mobility, often linked to their subsistence economy. In this volume, questions concerning the mobility and potential migration as well as the diet and economy of the West Eurasian steppes communities during the 4th, the 3rd and the 1st Millennia BC are approached by applying isotope analysis, specifically 87Sr/86Sr, \u03b418O, \u03b415N and \u03b413C analyses. Adapting a combination of different isotopic systems to a study area of vast spatial and chronological dimension allowed a wide variety of questions to be answered and establishes the beginning of a database of biogeochemical data for the West Eurasian steppes. Besides the characterisation of mobility and subsistence patterns of the archaeological communities under discussion, attempts to identify possible Early Bronze Age migrations from the steppes to the steppe-like plains in parts of Eastern Europe were made, alongside an evaluation of the applicability of isotope analysis to this context."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claudia Gerling"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Eurasian steppe", " Early Bronze Age", " isotope analysis"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/204495"], ["title", "Prehistoric Mobility and Diet in the West Eurasian Steppes 3500 to 300 BC. An Isotopic Approach"], ["doab_id", "17219"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110309249", "9783110311211", "9783110388381"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110309249, 9783110311211, 9783110388381"]], [["description", "Society appears to us today in the flickering light of instability. It has not just been since the financial crisis that matters related to working and living conditions have proved themselves to be precarious. The author introduces the most important economic and sociological theories of precarization, and demonstrates that precarity has seized society in its entirety. We live in the society of precarity. But what can be drawn from this? Marchart describes contemporary social protests and their demands. He investigates their democratic and political implications and works towards a social theory of the conflict and of its contingencies.

Gesellschaft erscheint uns heute im flackernden Licht der Verunsicherung. Nicht erst seit der Finanzkrise erweisen sich stabil geglaubte Arbeits- und Lebensverh\u00e4ltnisse als prek\u00e4r. Der Autor stellt die wichtigsten \u00f6konomischen und soziologischen Theorien der Prekarisierung vor und zeigt: Prekarit\u00e4t hat die Gesellschaft in ihrer Gesamtheit erfasst. Wir leben in der Prekarisierungsgesellschaft. Aber was ist daraus zu schlie\u00dfen? Marchart beschreibt die gegenw\u00e4rtigen Sozialproteste und ihre Forderungen. Er untersucht ihre demokratiepolitischen Implikationen und f\u00fchrt hin zu einer Gesellschaftstheorie des Konflikts und der Kontingenz."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marchart ,Oliver"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Social Movements", "Media", "Society", "Social Inequality", "Politics", "Sociological Theory", "Democracy", "Sociology", "Prekarit\u00e4t", "Soziale Bewegungen", "Medien", "Diskurs", "Exklusion", "Protest", "Gesellschaft", "Soziale Ungleichheit", "Politik", "Soziologische Theorie", "Demokratie", "Soziologie"]], ["publisher", "transcript Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579941"], ["title", "Die Prekarisierungsgesellschaft. Prek\u00e4re Proteste. Politik und \u00d6konomie im Zeichen der Prekarisierung"], ["doab_id", "17727"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783837621921", "9783839421925", "9783732821921"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783837621921 9783839421925 9783732821921"]], [["description", "Detailed Chilean labor press in the late nineteenth century and early 20th test century"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "\u00c1rias ,Osvaldo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Chilean working press", "20th Century", "public space"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617568"], ["title", "La prensa obrera en Chile, 1900-1930"], ["doab_id", "19149"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416140"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416140"]], [["description", "Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT) is an imperative for effective participation in today\u2019s digital age. Schools worldwide are responding to the need to provide young people with that ability. But how effective are they in this regard? The IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) responded to this question by studying the extent to which young people have developed computer and information literacy (CIL), which is defined as the ability to use computers to investigate, create and communicate with others at home, school, the workplace and in society.The study was conducted under the auspices of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and builds on a series of earlier IEA studies focusing on ICT in education.Data were gathered from almost 60,000 Grade 8 students in more than 3,300 schools from 21 education systems. This information was augmented by data from almost 35,000 teachers in those schools and by contextual data collected from school ICT-coordinators, school principals and the ICILS national research centers.The IEA ICILS team systematically investigated differences among the participating countries in students\u2019 CIL outcomes, how participating countries were providing CIL-related education and how confident teachers were in using ICT in their pedagogical practice. The team also explored differences within and across countries with respect to relationships between CIL education outcomes and student characteristics and school contexts.In general, the study findings presented in this international report challenge the notion of young people as \u201cdigital natives\u201d with a self-developed capacity to use digital technology. The large variations in CIL proficiency within and across the ICILS countries suggest it is naive to expect young people to develop CIL in the absence of coherent learning programs. Findings also indicate that system- and school-level planning needs to focus on increasing teacher expertise in using ICT for pedagogical purposes if such programs are to have the desired effect.The report furthermore presents an empirically derived scale and description of CIL learning that educational stakeholders can reference when deliberating about CIL education and use to monitor change in CIL over time."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julian Fraillon; John Ainley; Wolfram Schulz; Tim Friedman; Eveline Gebhardt"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["education", " assessment", " computers"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-14222-7"], ["title", "Preparing for Life in a Digital Age: The IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study International Report"], ["doab_id", "17333"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319142210", "9783319142227"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319142210 (Print) 9783319142227 (Online)"]], [["description", "The present book is dedicated to one main aspect of the Marian cult: it investigates the historical process that made Mary, mother of Jesus, the most prominent intercessor across the Byzantine Empire at the end of Iconoclasm (843). The study touches religious and social issues, it refers only to contemporary ideas and sources and distinguishes itself consciously from later mariological concepts.

Das vorliegende Buch ist einem wesentlichen Aspekt des Marienkultes gewidmet; es untersucht den \u2013 regional unterschiedlich verlaufenden \u2013 historischen Proze\u00df, der Maria, Mutter Jesu von Nazareth, bis zur Mitte des 9. Jh. im gesamten Byzantinischen Reich zur wichtigsten F\u00fcrbitterin der Gl\u00e4ubigen machte. Die Untersuchung ber\u00fchrt gleicherma\u00dfen religi\u00f6se wie gesellschaftliche Aspekte; sie basiert ausschlie\u00dflich auf zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Vorstellungen und grenzt sich bewu\u00dft von sp\u00e4teren mariologischen Konzepten ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "K\u00fclzer ,Andreas; Allen ,Pauline; Peltomaa ,Leen Mari"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Byzantine studies, Historical Geography, Mariology, Patrology", "Byzantinistik, Historische Geographie, Mariologie, Patristik"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574673"], ["title", "Presbeia Theotokou"], ["doab_id", "17399"], ["language_unmapped", "English^de"], ["isbns", ["9783700176022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176022"]], [["description", "Este livro, que apresenta muito mais que aspectos t\u00e9cnicos, \u00e9 resultado do trabalho de profissionais e pesquisadores do campo da preserva\u00e7\u00e3o documental e patrimonial da humanidade, que, no per\u00edodo de mar\u00e7o a abril de 2010, reuniram-se intensamente em uma rede sociot\u00e9cnica on-line.O primeiro cap\u00edtulo discute o papel dos documentos na constru\u00e7\u00e3o da mem\u00f3ria social; o segundo apresenta um estudo sobre aspectos interdisciplinares da preserva\u00e7\u00e3o; o terceiro, por sua vez, trata da tem\u00e1tica da repeti\u00e7\u00e3o e da diferen\u00e7a; o quarto cap\u00edtulo considera o movimento da ci\u00eancia em outras dire\u00e7\u00f5es; o quinto aborda quest\u00f5es sobre a conscientiza\u00e7\u00e3o de manuten\u00e7\u00e3o dos acervos; os cap\u00edtulos seguintes discorrem sobre grandezas f\u00edsicas presentes em formas de degrada\u00e7\u00e3o de acervos e re\u00fanem elementos para provar que, sob certos cuidados, o papel pode ser consultado durante v\u00e1rias gera\u00e7\u00f5es."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Rubens Ribeiro Gon\u00e7alves da"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/m5yr9"], ["title", "Preserva\u00e7\u00e3o documental: uma mensagem para o futuro"], ["doab_id", "17718"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212216"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212216"]], [["description", "Taking German-British \u201enewspaper wars\u201c as an example, this study looks at the interaction between the emerging mass press and foreign policy, traditionally conducted as secret diplomacy, in the 25 years before the First World War. \u201ePress feuds\u201c are construed as focal points that highlighted contemporary discourses and the actions of various individuals and social groups. They represented phases in which media and political communication intensified, and in which enemy images were created or confirmed, self-perceptions modified or consolidated. At the same time they presented an opportunity to examine and re-adjust the relationship between diplomacy and the public sphere. The example of Anglo-German relations is particularly suitable for an analysis of the tension between \u201epublic opinion\u201c and diplomacy. For diplomatic friction due to hostile newspaper articles, critical press commentaries, or caricatures seen as insulting, played a crucial role between Germany and Britain in the years 1896 to 1912. At the same time the assertion that there was actually no conflict of interests between the two countries, and that these unfortunate \u201epress feuds\u201c were solely responsible for political discord, became the standard argument of all those seeking to improve relations. The background to all this was the massive extension of the boundaries of the public sphere. The dividing line between legitimate general interest and what should be withheld from this interest, was moved. This applied not only to the relationship between public and private, but also to the pair of opposites \u201epublic \u2013 secret\u201c. There was increasing pressure for sectors that had long-since been regarded as the exclusive domain of political and social elites to be opened up to the general public. Governments felt challenged to maintain responsibility for key areas such as foreign policy in the faceof this onslaught of publicity. Technical innovations such as the rotary press, the telegraph, and the telephone, along with the emergence of a mass press that saw itself aspolitically neutral and was financed by advertisements, as well as increased professionalself-confidence on the part of the journalists, brought about a dramatic shift in the system ofcoordinates of publicity and diplomacy. Thus the commercial mass press and its producers fundamentally changed the conditions under which foreign policy was conducted, and indeed is still conducted today. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geppert, Dominik"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/222516"], ["title", "Pressekriege. \u00d6ffentlichkeit und Diplomatie in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen (1896-1912)"], ["doab_id", "18009"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486584028", "9783486707496"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486584028, 9783486707496"]], [["description", "Preternatural is the catalogue for a multi-site art exhibition (9 December 2011 through 17 February 2012, in Ottawa, Canada) that draws from the idea that art itself is a form of preternatural pursuit, in which the artists participating explore the bewildering condition of being in between the mundane and the marvelous in nature. It questions a world that understands itself as accessible, reachable, and \u2018knowable\u2019 and counters it with a consideration of this heterogenous proposition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Celina Jeffery"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["ontology, art, nature, metaphysics"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/preternatural/"], ["title", "Preternatural"], ["doab_id", "16012"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781105245022"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781105245022"]], [["description", "La historia de la rama iusadministrativa en Cuba no puede contarse bien sin la evocaci\u00f3n de los autores que han sustanciado el pensamiento jur\u00eddico-administrativo y la literatura especializada en que es vertido parte de ese pensamiento. Si nos remitimos a la etapa en que el r\u00e9gimen jur\u00eddico-administrativo moderno comenzaba a echar sus ra\u00edces decimon\u00f3nicas dentro del entramado del Derecho cubano, como consecuencia de la acci\u00f3n del poder colonial espa\u00f1ol que dominaba a la entonces \u201csiempre fiel Isla de Cuba\u201d. En 1847, el exiguo panorama bibliogr\u00e1fico que ten\u00eda lugar en Cuba sobre la tem\u00e1tica jur\u00eddica, vio incorporarse en \u00e9l, como nuevo elemento, una obra cuya denominaci\u00f3n es Breve tratado de Derecho Administrativo espa\u00f1ol general del reino y especial de la isla de Cuba, y que tiene por autor a Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda Morilla. El hecho de haberse publicado dicho texto marca un punto de significaci\u00f3n dentro de la historia del Derecho Administrativo cubano. \u00bfCu\u00e1l es esa significaci\u00f3n? \u00bfQu\u00e9 caracter\u00edsticas rodean a dicho texto? \u00bfQu\u00e9 trascendencia puede acompa\u00f1arle?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Matilla Correa, Andry"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Derecho administrativo", "Historia del derecho", "Administrative law", "History of law"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12033/BIAN-26.pdf?sequence=6"], ["title", "Los primeros pasos de la ciencia del Derecho Administrativo en Cuba. Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda Morilla y el Breve tratado de Derecho Administrativo (1847)"], ["doab_id", "16149"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788499827834"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788499827834"]], [["description", "Traz informa\u00e7\u00f5es concisas e atualizadas sobre os mosquitos vetores de doen\u00e7as no Brasil. Inclui morfologia e biologia das fases evolutivas de adulto, ovo, larva e pupa, abordando aspectos referentes \u00e0 nutri\u00e7\u00e3o, reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o, comportamento e ecologia. Com refer\u00eancia \u00e0s medidas de controle, s\u00e3o abordados os m\u00e9todos qu\u00edmicos, a quest\u00e3o da resist\u00eancia aos inseticidas e a perspectiva dos m\u00e9todos biol\u00f3gicos. Possui, ainda, t\u00e9cnicas de trabalho e uma vasta lista de refer\u00eancias bibliogr\u00e1ficas para um conhecimento mais detalhado de cada item tratado."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Consoli, Rotraut A. G. B.; Oliveira, Ricardo Louren\u00e7o de"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["Mosquitos - anatomia, Mosquitos - classifica\u00e7\u00e3o, mosquitos - metabolismo, Mosquitos - crescimento e desenvolvimento, Controle de mosquitos - m\u00e9todos"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/th"], ["title", "Principais mosquitos de import\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16364"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412909"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412909"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dagnelie, Pierre"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.dagnelie.be/docpdf/ex2012.pdf"], ["title", "Principes d'exp\u00e9rimentation"], ["doab_id", "16105"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782870161173"]], ["provider", "www.dagnelie.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161173"]], [["description", "The book offers the first treatment in English to provide a thorough examination of the legal duties falling under the principle of loyalty in EU public law. Despite its seemingly innocuous wording, in what is now Article 4 (3) TEU, the principle of sincere cooperation has had a significant impact in deepening the reach of EU law within the Member States. The principle has been central to the development of Union law since the 1960s, and is still being relied on by the European Court of Justice to often-controversial effect. Providing a thorough discussion of the principle of loyalty in EU law, this book introduces a novel classification of the very diverse roles loyalty plays in the EU. It distinguishes between the effects loyalty prescribes for interlocking the legal orders of the Member States with Union law (cohesion), its application in preventing and resolving conflicts between the Union and the Member States (cooperation), and the loyalty principle's role in the shaping of EU law (construction). It addresses important and yet unresolved questions pertaining to loyalty, such as its relation to the principles of solidarity, effectiveness, fidelity, pre-emption, the Union interest, institutional balance, and the unity of international representation. The book explains why the principle of loyalty has been neglected in the prevailing narratives about the constitutionalization of EU law, places it in its international context, examining how it has influenced EU law and the comparisons that can be drawn with national and international principles of law."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klamert ,Marcus"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["European Court of Justice", "loyalty", "sincere cooperation", "fidelity", "solidarity", "constitutionalization", "effectiveness", "cohesion", "construction"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=468331"], ["title", "The Principle of Loyalty in EU Law"], ["doab_id", "15865"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780199683123"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199683123"]], [["description", "Neuroimaging post-stroke has the potential to uncover underlying principles of disturbed hand function and recovery characterizing defined patient groups, including their long term course as well as individual variations. The methods comprise functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measuring task related activation as well as resting state. Functional MRI may be complemented by arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI to investigate slowly varying blood flow and associated changes in brain function. For structural MRI robust and accurate computational anatomical methods like voxel-based morphometry and surface based techniques are available. The investigation of the connectivity among brain regions and disruption after stroke is facilitated by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Intra- and interhemispheric coherence may be studied by electromagnetic techniques such as electroencephalography and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Consecutive phases of stroke recovery (acute, subacute, early chronic and late chronic stages) are each distinguished by intrinsic processes. The site and size of lesions entail partially different functional implications. New strategies to establish functional specificity of a lesion site include calculating contrast images between patients exhibiting a specific disorder and control subjects without the disorder. Large-size lesions often imply poor cerebral blood flow which impedes recovery significantly and possibly interferes with BOLD response of functional MRI. Thus, depending on the site and size of the infarct lesion the patterns of recovery will vary. These include recovery sensu stricto in the perilesional area, intrinsic compensatory mechanisms using alternative cortical and subcortical pathways, or behavioral compensatory strategies e.g. by using the non-affected limb. In this context, behavioral and neuroimaging measures should be developed and employed to delineate aspects of learning during recovery. Of special interest in recovery of hand paresis is the interplay between sensory and motor areas in the posterior parietal cortex involved during reaching and fine motor skills as well as the interaction with the contralesional hemisphere. The dominant disability should be characterized, from the level of elementary to hierarchically higher processes such as neglect, apraxia and motor planning. In summary, this Research Topic covers new trends in state of the art neuroimaging of stroke during recovery from upper limb paresis. Integration of behavioral and neuroimaging findings in probabilistic brain atlases will further advance knowledge about stroke recovery."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bruno J. Weder; Roland Wiest; Rudiger J. Seitz"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["stroke recovery", "multimodal neuroimaging", "computational biophysical modeling", "motor control", "Motor Imagery", "Somatosensory Disorders", "perilesional plasticity", "network reorganization", "structural covariance", "Neurorehabilitation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2914/principles-underlying-post-stroke-recovery-of-upper-extremity-sensorimotor-function---a-neuroimaging"], ["title", "Principles Underlying Post-Stroke Recovery of Upper Extremity Sensorimotor Function - A Neuroimaging Perspective"], ["doab_id", "18886"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197675"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197675"]], [["description", "Jon Mee explores the popular democratic movement that emerged in the London of the 1790s in response to the French Revolution. Central to the movement\u2019s achievement was the creation of an idea of \u2018the people\u2019 brought into being through print and publicity. Radical clubs rose and fell in the face of the hostile attentions of government. They were sustained by a faith in the press as a form of \u2018print magic,\u2019 but confidence in the liberating potential of the printing press was interwoven with hard-headed deliberations over how best to animate and represent the people. Ideas of disinterested rational debate were thrown into the mix with coruscating satire, rousing songs, and republican toasts. Print personality became a vital interface between readers and print exploited by the cast of radicals returned to history in vivid detail by Print, Publicity, and Popular Radicalism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mee ,Jon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature"]], ["publisher", "Cambridge University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611256"], ["title", "Print, Publicity and Radicalism in the 1790s"], ["doab_id", "19236"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781107133617"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781107133617"]], [["description", "The former private library of Emperor Franz I (known today as \"Habsburg-Iothringische Fideikommissbibliothek\",housed in the Austrian National Library) is an outstanding book and graphic collction due to both the considerable extent and the exquisiteness of its holdings. This analysis is concerned with the library as a knowledge and memoryinstitution; embedding its history in the political, social, intellectual and cultural contexts of the time.

Die Privatbibliothek Kaiser Franz' 1., die sp\u00e4tere Habsburg-Lothringische Fideikommissbibliothek, gilt als ein hervorragendes Beispiel einer herrschaftlichen Buch- undGrafiksammlung, die in ihren Best\u00e4nden weitgehend erhalten geblieben ist und heute von der \u00d6sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek verwaltet wird. Die vorliegende Publikation bietet die erste wissenschaftliche, auf Quellenbasierende Rekonstruktion der Geschichte dieser Sammlung nach bibliotheksgeschichtlichen, \u00f6konomischen, sozialen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Huber-Frischeis ,Thomas; Valenta ,Rainer; Knieling ,Nina"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Austrian History, Book History, Library History, 18th Century, 19th Century, Emperor Francis I", "\u00d6sterreichische Geschichte, Buchgeschichte, Bibliotheksgeschichte, 18. Jahrhundert, 19. Jahrhundert, Hofburg, Kaiser Franz I."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579670"], ["title", "Die Privatbibliothek Kaiser Franz\u2019 I. von \u00d6sterreich 1784-1835"], ["doab_id", "17723"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796725"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796725"]], [["description", "Dieses zweib\u00e4ndige Werk beleuchtet erstmals umfassend die Geschichte der Privatdozentur an der Georg August-Universit\u00e4t in G\u00f6ttingen von ihrer Fr\u00fchzeit bis zum Erlass der ersten selbst\u00e4ndigen \u201eHabilitationsordnung\u201c im Jahr 1831. Eingehend untersucht sie eine Stichprobe der Privatdozenten des SS 1812. Damals lehrten \u00fcber 70% der Privatdozenten ohne Habilitation auf Basis ihrer Promotion als lesende Doktoren oder als Magister legens. Der erste Band bietet eine detaillierte Untersuchung des bisher nicht erforschten Promotionswesens der vier Fakult\u00e4ten und geht auf die Disputationspraxis ein. Wie promovierte man in einer Zeit, in der alles auf Latein abgemacht wurde: die Thesen und/oder Dissertation, das Rigorosum des Examens und die Inauguraldisputation? F\u00fcr die Habilitation war nur eine weitere Disputation notwendig. Zwar war die Georgia Augusta um 1800 die wohl bedeutendste Universit\u00e4t ihrer Zeit, aber ihre Regelungen zur Promotion und Habilitation und die eingehend untersuchte \u201eObservanz\u201c der Pr\u00fcfungspraxis waren nicht selten zweierlei. Die Darstellung der Institution \u201e\u00e4ltere Privatdozentur\u201c im ersten Teil wird im zweiten Band durch biographische Skizzen von 32 Privatdozenten des Sommersemesters 1812 erg\u00e4nzt. Sie verdeutlichen, dass die Privatdozentur nur f\u00fcr wenige eine Pflanzschule k\u00fcnftiger Professoren war, als die sie der G\u00f6ttinger Orientalist Michaelis 1773 bezeichnete \u2014 nur sechs Privatdozenten erreichten eine Professur. Der Regelfall war ein nicht habilitierter Privatlehrer ohne Berufungsaussicht, der mit seinem Zweitberuf den gehaltlosen Privatdozenten in sich ern\u00e4hrte. Das Karrierespektrum in der gew\u00e4hlten Stichprobe ist weit gef\u00e4chert: es reicht von dem bedeutenden Arabistikprofessor G. W. Freytag an der Universit\u00e4t Bonn bis zum \u00f6rtlichen Notar J. G. Quentin, der am Rande des akademischen Proletariats stand, bis hin zu dem jung dahingegangenen Autor Ernst Schulze, der f\u00fcr C\u00e4cilie Tychsen einf\u00fchlsame Poesie schrieb und posthum zu einem Lieblingsdichter seiner Zeit wurde. Die Stichprobe schlie\u00dft den Friseurgesellen Ch. Focke ein, der sich zum Mathematikdozenten aufschwang, sowie den Musicus J. N. Forkel, einen Mitbegr\u00fcnder der Musikwissenschaft. Die Arbeit beruht vor allem auf den Akten des Universit\u00e4tsarchivs und f\u00fchrt daher viele Aspekte des allt\u00e4glichen Mit- und Gegeneinanders an der Georgia Augusta auf, die im ausf\u00fchrlichen Personen- und Sachregister aufgef\u00fchrt sind. Abgerundet werden die Einsichten in den akademischen Alltag durch den Blick auf andere Universit\u00e4ten: von Salamanca, zu dessen Promotionsbr\u00e4uchen auch der Stierkampf geh\u00f6rte, bis hin zur Erfurter Universit\u00e4t, an der man eine Promotion kaufen konnte und dar\u00fcber hinaus auf W. von Humboldts Neugr\u00fcndung, die sich 1810 am \u00f6stlichen Horizont zeigte.

Dieses zweib\u00e4ndige Werk beleuchtet erstmals umfassend die Geschichte der Privatdozentur an der Georg August-Universit\u00e4t in G\u00f6ttingen von ihrer Fr\u00fchzeit bis zum Erlass der ersten selbst\u00e4ndigen \u201eHabilitationsordnung\u201c im Jahr 1831. Eingehend untersucht sie eine Stichprobe der Privatdozenten des SS 1812. Damals lehrten \u00fcber 70% der Privatdozenten ohne Habilitation auf Basis ihrer Promotion als lesende Doktoren oder als Magister legens. Der erste Band bietet eine detaillierte Untersuchung des bisher nicht erforschten Promotionswesens der vier Fakult\u00e4ten und geht auf die Disputationspraxis ein. Wie promovierte man in einer Zeit, in der alles auf Latein abgemacht wurde: die Thesen und/oder Dissertation, das Rigorosum des Examens und die Inauguraldisputation? F\u00fcr die Habilitation war nur eine weitere Disputation notwendig. Zwar war die Georgia Augusta um 1800 die wohl bedeutendste Universit\u00e4t ihrer Zeit, aber ihre Regelungen zur Promotion und Habilitation und die eingehend untersuchte \u201eObservanz\u201c der Pr\u00fcfungspraxis waren nicht selten zweierlei. Die Darstellung der Institution \u201e\u00e4ltere Privatdozentur\u201c im ersten Teil wird im zweiten Band durch biographische Skizzen von 32 Privatdozenten des Sommersemesters 1812 erg\u00e4nzt. Sie verdeutlichen, dass die Privatdozentur nur f\u00fcr wenige eine Pflanzschule k\u00fcnftiger Professoren war, als die sie der G\u00f6ttinger Orientalist Michaelis 1773 bezeichnete \u2014 nur sechs Privatdozenten erreichten eine Professur. Der Regelfall war ein nicht habilitierter Privatlehrer ohne Berufungsaussicht, der mit seinem Zweitberuf den gehaltlosen Privatdozenten in sich ern\u00e4hrte. Das Karrierespektrum in der gew\u00e4hlten Stichprobe ist weit gef\u00e4chert: es reicht von dem bedeutenden Arabistikprofessor G. W. Freytag an der Universit\u00e4t Bonn bis zum \u00f6rtlichen Notar J. G. Quentin, der am Rande des akademischen Proletariats stand, bis hin zu dem jung dahingegangenen Autor Ernst Schulze, der f\u00fcr C\u00e4cilie Tychsen einf\u00fchlsame Poesie schrieb und posthum zu einem Lieblingsdichter seiner Zeit wurde. Die Stichprobe schlie\u00dft den Friseurgesellen Ch. Focke ein, der sich zum Mathematikdozenten aufschwang, sowie den Musicus J. N. Forkel, einen Mitbegr\u00fcnder der Musikwissenschaft. Die Arbeit beruht vor allem auf den Akten des Universit\u00e4tsarchivs und f\u00fchrt daher viele Aspekte des allt\u00e4glichen Mit- und Gegeneinanders an der Georgia Augusta auf, die im ausf\u00fchrlichen Personen- und Sachregister aufgef\u00fchrt sind. Abgerundet werden die Einsichten in den akademischen Alltag durch den Blick auf andere Universit\u00e4ten: von Salamanca, zu dessen Promotionsbr\u00e4uchen auch der Stierkampf geh\u00f6rte, bis hin zur Erfurter Universit\u00e4t, an der man eine Promotion kaufen konnte und dar\u00fcber hinaus auf W. von Humboldts Neugr\u00fcndung, die sich 1810 am \u00f6stlichen Horizont zeigte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "T\u00fctken, Johannes"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "Private Lecturer Practise", "University Daily Routine", "History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "Private Lecturer Practise", "University Daily Routine"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610342"], ["title", "Privatdozenten im Schatten der Georgia Augusta. Zur \u00e4lteren Privatdozentur (1734 bis 1831) Teil I - Statutenrecht und Alltagspraxis"], ["doab_id", "14599"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616130", "9783938616130", "9783938616130"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616130 393861613X 393861613X"]], [["description", "Die Darstellung der Institution \u00bb\u00e4ltere Privatdozentur\u00ab im ersten Teil wird im zweiten Band durch biographische Skizzen von 32 Privatdozenten des Sommersemesters 1812 erg\u00e4nzt. Sie verdeutlichen, dass die Privatdozentur nur f\u00fcr wenige eine Pflanzschule k\u00fcnftiger Professoren war, als die sie der G\u00f6ttinger Orientalist Michaelis 1773 bezeichnete - nur sechs Privatdozenten erreichten eine Professur. Der Regelfall war ein nicht habilitierter Privatlehrer ohne Berufungsaussicht, der mit seinem Zweitberuf den gehaltlosen Privatdozenten in sich ern\u00e4hrte. Das Karrierespektrum in der gew\u00e4hlten Stichprobe ist weit gef\u00e4chert: es reicht von dem bedeutenden Arabistikprofessor G. W. Freytag an der Universit\u00e4t Bonn bis zum \u00f6rtlichen Notar J. G. Quentin, der am Rande des akademischen Proletariats stand, bis hin zu dem jung dahingegangenen Autor Ernst Schulze, der f\u00fcr C\u00e4cilie Tychsen einf\u00fchlsame Poesie schrieb und posthum zu einem Lieblingsdichter seiner Zeit wurde. Die Stichprobe schlie\u00dft den Friseurgesellen Ch. Focke ein, der sich zum Mathematikdozenten aufschwang, sowie den Musicus J. N. Forkel, einen Mitbegr\u00fcnder der Musikwissenschaft. Die Arbeit beruht vor allem auf den Akten des Universit\u00e4tsarchivs und f\u00fchrt daher viele Aspekte des allt\u00e4glichen Mit- und Gegeneinanders an der Georgia Augusta auf, die im ausf\u00fchrlichen Personen- und Sachregister aufgef\u00fchrt sind. Abgerundet werden die Einsichten in den akademischen Alltag durch den Blick auf andere Universit\u00e4ten: von Salamanca, zu dessen Promotionsbr\u00e4uchen auch der Stierkampf geh\u00f6rte, bis hin zur Erfurter Universit\u00e4t, an der man eine Promotion kaufen konnte und dar\u00fcber hinaus auf W. von Humboldts Neugr\u00fcndung, die sich 1810 am \u00f6stlichen Horizont zeigte.

Die Darstellung der Institution \u00bb\u00e4ltere Privatdozentur\u00ab im ersten Teil wird im zweiten Band durch biographische Skizzen von 32 Privatdozenten des Sommersemesters 1812 erg\u00e4nzt. Sie verdeutlichen, dass die Privatdozentur nur f\u00fcr wenige eine Pflanzschule k\u00fcnftiger Professoren war, als die sie der G\u00f6ttinger Orientalist Michaelis 1773 bezeichnete - nur sechs Privatdozenten erreichten eine Professur. Der Regelfall war ein nicht habilitierter Privatlehrer ohne Berufungsaussicht, der mit seinem Zweitberuf den gehaltlosen Privatdozenten in sich ern\u00e4hrte. Das Karrierespektrum in der gew\u00e4hlten Stichprobe ist weit gef\u00e4chert: es reicht von dem bedeutenden Arabistikprofessor G. W. Freytag an der Universit\u00e4t Bonn bis zum \u00f6rtlichen Notar J. G. Quentin, der am Rande des akademischen Proletariats stand, bis hin zu dem jung dahingegangenen Autor Ernst Schulze, der f\u00fcr C\u00e4cilie Tychsen einf\u00fchlsame Poesie schrieb und posthum zu einem Lieblingsdichter seiner Zeit wurde. Die Stichprobe schlie\u00dft den Friseurgesellen Ch. Focke ein, der sich zum Mathematikdozenten aufschwang, sowie den Musicus J. N. Forkel, einen Mitbegr\u00fcnder der Musikwissenschaft. Die Arbeit beruht vor allem auf den Akten des Universit\u00e4tsarchivs und f\u00fchrt daher viele Aspekte des allt\u00e4glichen Mit- und Gegeneinanders an der Georgia Augusta auf, die im ausf\u00fchrlichen Personen- und Sachregister aufgef\u00fchrt sind. Abgerundet werden die Einsichten in den akademischen Alltag durch den Blick auf andere Universit\u00e4ten: von Salamanca, zu dessen Promotionsbr\u00e4uchen auch der Stierkampf geh\u00f6rte, bis hin zur Erfurter Universit\u00e4t, an der man eine Promotion kaufen konnte und dar\u00fcber hinaus auf W. von Humboldts Neugr\u00fcndung, die sich 1810 am \u00f6stlichen Horizont zeigte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "T\u00fctken, Johannes"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Biographic Material", "Private Lecturer Practise", "University Daily Routine", "History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen", "Biographic Material", "Private Lecturer Practise", "University Daily Routine", "History of the Georg-August-University Goettingen"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610343"], ["title", "Privatdozenten im Schatten der Georgia Augusta. Zur \u00e4lteren Privatdozentur (1734 bis 1831) Teil II - Biographische Materialien zu den Privatdozenten des Sommersemesters 1812"], ["doab_id", "14600"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616147", "9783938616147"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616147 3938616148"]], [["description", "Since the turn of the Millennium, world-wide initiatives from the private sector have turned the regulatory environment for food businesses upside down. For the first time in legal literature this book analyses private law initiatives relating to the food chain, often referred to as private (voluntary) standards or schemes.Private standards are used to remedy flaws in legislation in order to reach higher levels of consumer protection than the ones chosen by the EU legislature and to manage risks and liability beyond the traditional limits of food businesses. We see that litigation is no longer solely framed by legislative requirements, but ever more by private standards such as GlobalGAP, BRC, IFS, SQF and ISO. These private standards incorporate public law requirements thus embedding them in contractual relations and exporting them beyond the jurisdiction of public legislators. This book also addresses how private standards play a role in defining specific markets of growing importance. It is noted that organic standards have found an interesting symbioses with public law.Another development on this topic is that food businesses are inspected more often by private auditors than by public inspectors. Effects in terms of receiving or being denied certification far outweigh public law sanctions. In short private law has changed an entire legal infrastructure for the food sector. It emerges as competing with the public law regulatory infrastructure.This book is of interest to all who concern themselves with food law legislation and litigation and the evolving role of private standards on changing the landscape of food chains and innovation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "van der Meulen ,Bernd"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Food law", "Private standards", "Codex Alimentarius", "Self-regulation", "Voedselwetgeving", "Maatstaf", "Codex Alimentarius", "Zelfregulerend"]], ["publisher", "Wageningen Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=396410"], ["title", "Private food law: Governing food chains through contract law, self-regulation, private standards, audits and certification schemes"], ["doab_id", "13412"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789086867301"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789086867301"]], [["description", "What can and can\u2019t be copied is a matter of law, but also of aesthetics, culture, and economics. The act of copying, and the creation and transaction of rights relating to it, evokes fundamental notions of communication and censorship, of authorship and ownership\u2014of privilege and property.This volume conceives a new history of copyright law that has its roots in a wide range of norms and practices. The essays reach back to the very material world of craftsmanship and mechanical inventions of Renaissance Italy where, in 1469, the German master printer Johannes of Speyer obtained a five-year exclusive privilege to print in Venice and its dominions. Along the intellectual journey that follows, we encounter John Milton who, in 1644 accused the English parliament of having been deceived by the \u2018fraud of some old patentees and monopolizers in the trade of bookselling\u2019 (i.e. the London Stationers\u2019 Company). Later revisionary essays investigate the regulation of the printing press in the North American colonies as a provincial and somewhat crude version of European precedents, and how, in the revolutionary France of 1789, the subtle balance that the royal decrees had established between the interests of the author, the bookseller, and the public, was shattered by the abolition of the privilege system. Some of the essays also address the specific evolution of rights associated with the visual and performing arts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deazley, Ronan (Editor); Kretschmer, Martin (Editor); Bently, Lionel (Editor)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Law", "aesthetics", "cultural studies", "John Milton", "legal history", "copyright history", "copyright law", "creative commons", "patent", "intellectual property", "public domain", "book history", "censorship"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/26"], ["title", "Privilege and Property: Essays on the History of Copyright"], ["doab_id", "14485"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924195"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924195"]], [["description", "In natural environments, the auditory system is typically confronted with a mixture of sounds originating from different sound sources. As sounds spread over time, the auditory system has to continuously decompose competing sounds into distinct meaningful auditory objects or \u201cauditory streams\u201d referring to certain sound sources. This decomposition work, which was termed by Albert Bregman as \u201cAuditory scene analysis\u201d (ASA), involves two kinds of grouping to be done. Grouping based on simultaneous cues, such as harmonicity and on sequential cues, such as similarity in acoustic features over time. Understanding how the brain solves these tasks is a fundamental challenge facing auditory scientist. In recent years, the topic of ASA was broadly investigated in different fields of auditory research, including a wide range of methods, studies in different species, and modeling. Despite the advance in understanding ASA, it still proves to be a major challenge for auditory research. This includes verifying whether experimental findings are transferable to more realistic auditory scenes. A central approach in understanding ASA is the use of certain stimulus parameters that produce an ambiguous percept. The advantage of such an approach is that different perceptual organizations can be studied without varying physical stimulus parameters. Additionally, the perception of ambiguous stimuli can be volitionally controlled by intention or task. By using this one can mirror real hearing situations where listeners intent to identify and to localize auditory sources. Recently it was also found that in classical auditory streaming sequences perceptual ambiguity was not restricted to but was observed over a broad range of stimulus parameters. The proposed Research Topic pursues to bring together scientist in the different fields of auditory research whose work addresses the issue of perceptual ambiguity. Researchers were welcome to contribute experimental reports, computational modeling, and reviews that consider auditory ambiguity in its modality specific characteristics as well as in comparison to visual ambiguous figures. The overall goal of contributions was to consider the experimental findings from the perspective of real auditory scenes. In a broader sense, the Research Topic was open for contributions which are related to the issue of active listening in complex scenes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elyse S. Sussman; Susan Denham; Susann Deike"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["auditory scene analysis", "Multistable Perception", "ambiguity", "realistic auditory scenes", "stream segregation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1584/probing-auditory-scene-analysis"], ["title", "Probing auditory scene analysis"], ["doab_id", "17700"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193714"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193714"]], [["description", "This volume comprises original articles by leading authors \u2013 from philosophy as well as sociology \u2013 in the debate around relativism in the sociology of (scientific) knowledge. Its aim has been to bring together several threads from the relevant disciplines and to cover the discussion from historical and systematic points of view. Among the contributors are Maria Baghramian, Barry Barnes, Martin Endre\u00df, Hubert Knoblauch, Richard Schantz and Harvey Siegel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schantz, Richard; Seidel, Markus"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208994"], ["title", "The Problem of Relativism in the Sociology of (Scientific) Knowledge"], ["doab_id", "18066"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110325904", "9783110325164"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110325904, 9783110325164"]], [["description", "\"As autoras deste livro fazem uma aproxima\u00e7\u00e3o entre as pr\u00e1ticas educativas problematizadoras e a \u00e1rea da Sa\u00fade, com o objetivo de provocar novas reflex\u00f5es para que todos os envolvidos no processo de forma\u00e7\u00e3o profissional em Sa\u00fade repensem o seu fazer cotidiano na educa\u00e7\u00e3o, que estar\u00e1 sempre implicada com o modelo de cuidado ofertado.A forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos profissionais dessa \u00e1rea deve estar voltada \u00e0s as novas exig\u00eancias da sociedade e, para isso, necessita centralizar a promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade, trabalhando o conceito de sa\u00fade como qualidade de vida, o processo de trabalho na interdisciplinaridade, o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a a\u00e7\u00e3o social e a capacita\u00e7\u00e3o para a educa\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade, para que se tenha, simultaneamente, bons profissionais e bons cidad\u00e3os.\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Villardi, Marina Lemos; Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb; Berbel, Neusi Aparecida Navas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/dgjm7"], ["title", "A problematiza\u00e7\u00e3o em educa\u00e7\u00e3o em Sa\u00fade: percep\u00e7\u00f5es dos professores tutores e alunos"], ["doab_id", "19402"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836626"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836626"]], [["description", "The Halophiles 2013 meeting is a multidisciplinary international congress, with a strong history of regular triennial meetings since 1978. Our mission is to bring researchers from a wide diversity of investigation interests (e.g., protein and species evolution; niche adaptation, ecology, taxonomy, genomics, metagenomics, horizontal gene transfer, gene regulation; DNA replication, repair and recombination; signal transduction; community assembly and species distribution; astrobiology; biotechnological applications; adaptation to radiation, desiccation, osmotic stress) into a single forum for the integration and synthesis of ideas and data from all three domains of life, and their viruses, yet from a single environment; salt concentrations greater than seawater. This cross-section of research informs our understanding of the microbiological world in many ways. The halophilic environment is extreme, especially above 10% NaCl, restricting life solely to microbes. The microorganisms that live there are adapted to extreme conditions, and are notable for their ability to survive high doses of radiation and desiccation. Therefore, the hypersaline environment is a model system (both the abiotic, and biologic factors) for insightful understanding regarding conditions and life in the absence of plant and animals (e.g., life on the early earth, and other solar system bodies like Mars and Europa). Lower salinity conditions (e.g., 6-10% NaCl) form luxuriant microbial mats considered modern analogues of fossilized stromatolites, which are enormous microbially produced structures fashioned during the Precambrian (and still seen today in places like Shark\u2019s Bay, Australia). Hypersaline systems are island-like habitats spread patchily across the earth\u2019s surface, and similar to the Galapagos Islands represent unique systems excellent for studying the evolutionary pressures that shape microbial community assembly, adaptation, and speciation. The unique adaptations to this extreme environment produce valuable proteins, enzymes and other molecules capable of remediating harsh human instigated environments, and are useful for the production of biofuels, vitamins, and retinal implants, for example. This research topic is intended to capture the breadth and depth of these topics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "R Thane Papke; Aharon Oren; Antonio Ventosa; Jesse Dillon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Haloferax volcanii", "halophilic and halotolerant microorganisms", "halophile biochemistry", "halophile molecular biology", "halophile metabolism", "halophile adaptations", "halophile communities", "halophile evolution"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1854/proceedings-of-halophiles-2013-the-international-congress-on-halophilic-microorganisms"], ["title", "The Proceedings from Halophiles 2013, the International Congress on Halophilic Microorganisms"], ["doab_id", "18558"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195701"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195701"]], [["description", "This Research Topic covers all of the major lectures and symposia addresses delivered by invited speakers at the 2013 International Congress in Immunology (ICI) at Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alberto Martini; Francesco Dieli; Kendall A Smith; Paola Zanovello; Ronald H. Schwartz; Stefan Carl Wilhelm Meuer; Jerrold Weiss; Francesca Di Rosa; Elizabeth Anne Grice; Carlo Riccardi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["ICI2013", "immunology", "IUIS", "Milan", "SIICA"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1524/proceedings-of-ici-milan-2013"], ["title", "Proceedings of ICI Milan 2013"], ["doab_id", "18669"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193387"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193387"]], [["description", "This book comprises the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), which was held at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from July 8th to 15th, 2012. ICME-12 brought together 3500 experts from 92 countries, working to understand all of the intellectual and attitudinal challenges in the subject of mathematics education as a multidisciplinary research and practice. This work aims to serve as a platform for deeper, more sensitive and more collaborative involvement of all major contributors towards educational improvement and in research on the nature of teaching and learning in mathematics education. It introduces the major activities of ICME-12 which have successfully contributed to the sustainable development of mathematics education across the world. The program provides food for thought and inspiration for practice for everyone with an interest in mathematics education and makes an essential reference for teacher educators, curriculum developers and researchers in mathematics education. The work includes the texts of the four plenary lectures and three plenary panels and reports of three survey groups, five National presentations, the abstracts of fifty one Regular lectures, reports of thirty seven Topic Study Groups and seventeen Discussion Groups."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sung Je Cho"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["mathematics", " education", " curriculum"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12688-3"], ["title", "The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education: Intellectual and attitudinal challenges"], ["doab_id", "17329"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319106854", "9783319126883"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319106854 (Print) 9783319126883 (Online)"]], [["description", "DC-2002 marks the tenth in the ongoing series of International Dublin Core Workshops, and the second that includes a full program of tutorials and peer-reviewed conference papers. Interest in Dublin Core metadata has grown from a small collection of pioneering projects to adoption by governments and international organizations worldwide. The greatest challenge of the current phase of metadata development is bringing together the diversity of local conventions, domain specific requirements, and different encoding conventions such taht cross-domain interoperability can be achieved.

DC-2002 marks the tenth in the ongoing series of International Dublin Core Workshops, and the second that includes a full program of tutorials and peer-reviewed conference papers. Interest in Dublin Core metadata has grown from a small collection of pioneering projects to adoption by governments and international organizations worldwide. The greatest challenge of the current phase of metadata development is bringing together the diversity of local conventions, domain specific requirements, and different encoding conventions such taht cross-domain interoperability can be achieved."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Various Authors , AA.VV"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Dublin Core", "Metadata", "e-Communities", "Library", "Proceedings", "Dublin Core", "Metadata", "e-Communities", "Biblioteca", "Atti"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345123"], ["title", "Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata for e-Communities"], ["doab_id", "13007"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884530431"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530431"]], [["description", "The proceedings of the international conference \u201cSMSEC2014\u201d, a joint conference of the first \u201cSocial Modeling and Simulations\u201d and the 10th \u201cEconophysics Colloquium\u201d, held in Kobe in November 2014 with 174 participants, are gathered herein. Cutting edge scientific researches on various social phenomena are reviewed. New methods for analysis of big data such as financial markets, automobile traffics, epidemic spreading, world-trades and social media communications are provided to clarify complex interaction and distributions underlying in these social phenomena. Robustness and fragility of social systems are discussed based on agent models and complex network models. Techniques about high performance computers are introduced for simulation of complicated social phenomena. Readers will feel the researchers minds that deep and quantitative understanding will make it possible to realize comprehensive simulations of our whole society in the near future, which will contribute to wide fields of industry also to scientific policy decision. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hideki Takayasu; Nobuyasu Ito; Itsuki Noda; Misako Takayasu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["complexity", " mathematics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-20591-5"], ["title", "Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and Simulation, plus Econophysics Colloquium 2014"], ["doab_id", "19129"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319205908", "9783319205915"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319205908 (Print) 9783319205915 (Online)"]], [["description", "Os artigos que comp\u00f5em esta organiza\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e3o divididos em tr\u00eas grandes eixos tem\u00e1ticos. Na primeira parte, os textos discutem, em linhas gerais, o controle do corpo e o governo dos sujeitos. Na segunda parte, os artigos versam sobre representa\u00e7\u00f5es do brasileiro marginalizado em interface com a exclus\u00e3o e a inclus\u00e3o. Os textos da terceira e \u00faltima parte abordam as representa\u00e7\u00f5es do masculino e do feminino no p\u00fablico e no privado, a produ\u00e7\u00e3o de identidades do sujeito pol\u00edtico e os processos de subjetiva\u00e7\u00e3o docente. Deseja-se que, ao final do trajeto empreendido pelos autores, os poss\u00edveis interlocutores possam extrair dele um caminho te\u00f3rico e metodol\u00f3gico que permita compreender como se materializa a produ\u00e7\u00e3o do sujeito em discursos midi\u00e1ticos. Mais ainda, espera-se que o trabalho de descri\u00e7\u00e3o e compreens\u00e3o desses discursos possa lan\u00e7ar luz sobre tantos outros estudos que reclamam, hoje, um gesto pol\u00edtico de pesquisadores comprometidos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tasso, Ismara (org.); Navarro, Pedro (org.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["An\u00e1lise do discurso, Discurso, Identidade, Pr\u00e1ticas discursivas, Corpo, M\u00eddia, Exclus\u00e3o/inclus\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hzj5q"], ["title", "Produ\u00e7\u00e3o de identidades e processos de subjetiva\u00e7\u00e3o em pr\u00e1ticas discursivas"], ["doab_id", "16613"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788576285830"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576285830"]], [["description", "O livro discute as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas na \u00e1rea de cultura, no per\u00edodo dos anos 60 aos anos 90, demonstrando como os s\u00edmbolos afro-brasileiros foram sendo ressignificados, a partir do estabelecimento de novas demandas, seja pela pol\u00edtica institucional ou pelos movimentos negros. Trata-se de um estudo pioneiro, principalmente quando analisadas a din\u00e2mica da sociedade brasileira e as mudan\u00e7as na ado\u00e7\u00e3o da simbologia de origem africana por distintos atores sociais."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Assis, Marluce Maria Ara\u00fajo; Nascimento, Maria \u00c2ngela Alves do; Franco, T\u00falio Batista; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xjcw9"], ["title", "Produ\u00e7\u00e3o do cuidado no Programa Sa\u00fade da Fam\u00edlia: olhares analisadores em diferentes cen\u00e1rios"], ["doab_id", "17273"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208776"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208776"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maan ,G."], ["date", "1951"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613349"], ["title", "Proeve van een Bulische spraakkunst"], ["doab_id", "18505"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285736", "9789004286313"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285736 9789004286313"]], [["description", "No presente estudo nossa aten\u00e7\u00e3o voltou-se para compreender as condi\u00e7\u00f5es objetivas e subjetivas do processo de trabalho de assistentes sociais em entidades sociais no munic\u00edpio de Bebedouro. A a\u00e7\u00e3o profissional j\u00e1 tem sido objeto de an\u00e1lise em diversos estudos, por\u00e9m, com menos frequ\u00eancia busca-se investigar as reais condi\u00e7\u00f5es de trabalho que o Assistente Social encontra em seu cotidiano profissional. Nossa an\u00e1lise procura compreender o processo de trabalho do Servi\u00e7o Social em entidades sociais de modo a descartar a priori, tanto a tend\u00eancia fatalista que considera o espa\u00e7o profissional com limites insuper\u00e1veis, como a tend\u00eancia messi\u00e2nica que considera o assistente social um profissional independente, com autonomia quase absoluta para desenvolver propostas transformadoras da realidade, desconsiderando a verdadeira inser\u00e7\u00e3o profissional na realidade concreta. As duas abordagens, tanto a fatalista como a messi\u00e2nica, n\u00e3o relevam a historicidade social a partir da realiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos homens, as particularidades da profiss\u00e3o e os elementos que a singularizam em determinado momento hist\u00f3rico e em cada processo de trabalho. Procuramos ent\u00e3o responder: quem s\u00e3o os profissionais que est\u00e3o nas entidades sociais? Quais as condi\u00e7\u00f5es objetivas e subjetivas da a\u00e7\u00e3o profissional nesse espa\u00e7o de trabalho? O que se revela por detr\u00e1s da cotidianidade, o que h\u00e1 de significativo para al\u00e9m da repeti\u00e7\u00e3o cotidiana? Nosso universo de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o foi constitu\u00eddo por todas as entidades sociais regularmente inscritas no Conselho Municipal de Assist\u00eancia Social - CMAS no ano de 2008. Isso significa que as entidades sociais tinham que estar com suas obriga\u00e7\u00f5es em dia com o CMAS referentes ao ano de 2007, como a apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o de relat\u00f3rios das atividades realizadas e a presta\u00e7\u00e3o de contas junto ao \u00f3rg\u00e3o gestor, al\u00e9m de projetos para o ano de 2008."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Corr\u00eaa Netto, Edm\u00e9ia"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8vr6k"], ["title", "Profiss\u00e3o: assistente social"], ["doab_id", "16764"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830839"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830839"]], [["description", "The central nervous system continuously perceives, integrates, processes and generates information. These complex functions rely on the detailed elaboration of its cellular network and on the myriads of individual, highly differentiated and specialized cell types, classically subdivided into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The specification of these individual populations begins early during development with less differentiated, yet already partly restricted, progenitor cells. Anatomically located in dedicated germinative niches, neural progenitors perceive the influence of diffusible molecules of various natures and concentrations. These signals result in the initial specialization of cohorts of progenitors that express unique combinations of transcription factors. It is now clearly established that both extrinsic and intrinsic signals act in concert to determine the fate potentials of these progenitor cohorts. This limitation increases over time, adult neural progenitors being more restricted than their developmental counterparts. Nevertheless, recent data have shown that the fate restriction of neural progenitors, as well as that of their progenies, can be overwritten upon selected intrinsic factor expression, not only during development but also in adulthood. This e-book is a collection of original research studies along with review articles that, together, provide insights into the vast spatiotemporal diversity of neural progenitors, and the various factors that govern their fate potential."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcos R. Costa; Cecilia Hedin-Pereira; Caroline Rouaux"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Central Nervous System", "neural progenitors", "neurogenic niches", "Extrinsic Signals", "Transcription Factors", "specification", "Fate Restriction", "Neurons", "Astrocytes", "oligodendrocytes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2297/progenitor-diversity-and-neural-cell-specification-in-the-central-nervous-system"], ["title", "Progenitor diversity and neural cell specification in the central nervous system"], ["doab_id", "18813"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196838"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196838"]], [["description", "Experiences during early life program the central nervous- and endocrine-systems with consequences for susceptibility to physical and mental disorders. These programming effects depend on genetic and epigenetic factors, and their outcome leads to an adaptive or maladaptive phenotype to a given later environmental context. This Research Topic focused on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis and stress-related phenotypes, and on how HPA-axis programming by the environment precisely occurs. We included original research, mini-review and review papers on a broad range of topics related to HPA-axis programming."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rachel Yehuda; Nikolaos P. Daskalakis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["early life stress", "HPA axis", "Vulnerability", "resilience", "materna"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1395/programming-hpa-axis-by-early-life-experience-mechanisms-of-stress-susceptibility-and-adaptation"], ["title", "Programming the HPA-axis by early life experience: Mechanisms of stress susceptibility and adaptation"], ["doab_id", "17670"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194810"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194810"]], [["description", "Physical activity and exercise were receiving a great attention as a strategy of prevention and treatment of affective and some anxiety disorders. Many studies have showed the efficacy of exercise in major depression and at depressed episode of bipolar patients, as well as, some authors shows the benefits of exercise in some anxiety disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic. Despite their efficacy, little is known concerning the main mechanisms related to the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of exercise. Several studies in an animal model using Neurotrophic Factors, Oxidative Stress, Immunologic response and other biological markers reveal promising results. However, few studies were conducted in clinical samples. Additional to the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, exercise appears improve QoL in major depressed, bipolar and anxiety patients. Theoretically, this increase may be associated with cognitive improvements, improvements at sleep quality, physical functioning, as well as other psychological issues as self-esteem, self-concept, and general well-being. The propose of this topic is to address the novelty and most recent research, related to antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of physical activity and exercise in patients with affective and anxiety disorders, as well as the issues associated with QoL improvement.The topic is looking for: \u2013 Clinical trials using exercise and physical activity as a treatment affective and anxiety disorders. \u2013 Studies investigating the optimal prescription factors (dose, volume, intensity, setting, frequency) associated with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of physical activity and exercise for affective and anxiety disorder patients. \u2013 Original studies, comprehensive reviews, hypothesis and opinions concerning the mechanisms of antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of physical activity and exercise in affective and anxiety disorder patients. \u2013 Original studies, comprehensive reviews, hypothesis and opinions concerning other benefits of physical activity and exercise like : cognition, weight gain prevention and QoL in affective and anxiety disorder patients. \u2013 Translational research. \u2013 Studies of cost-efficacy analysis"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Felipe Barreto Schuch; Neusa Rocha; Eduardo Lusa Cadore"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Depression", "Anxiety", "bipolar", "Quality of Life", "BDNF", "Galanin", "Meditative movement", "genetic marker"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/974/progress-in-physical-activity-and-exercise-and-affective-and-anxiety-disorders-translational-studies"], ["title", "Progress in Physical activity and Exercise and Affective and Anxiety Disorders: Translational Studies, Perspectives and Future Directions"], ["doab_id", "18722"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194711"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194711"]], [["description", "O principal objetivo do presente trabalho \u00e9 registrar e compreender a trajet\u00f3ria do Projeto Com\u00e9dia Popular Brasileira (CPB) e, consequentemente, da Fraternal Companhia de Arte e Malas-Artes por meio das personagens criadas durante 15 anos de pesquisa est\u00e9tica (1993-2008). S\u00e3o objetos de an\u00e1lise os projetos espec\u00edficos desenvolvidos a cada fase do Projeto CPB, suas respectivas pe\u00e7as e espet\u00e1culos, concep\u00e7\u00f5es de personagens, o trabalho e forma\u00e7\u00e3o dos atores e a rela\u00e7\u00e3o estabelecida com o alvo principal de sua vida teatral: o p\u00fablico. Em sua primeira fase (1993-1997) - VER, a Fraternal cria personagens-tipo brasileiras, influenciada pelos comedi\u00f3grafos Martins Pena, Artur Azevedo e Ariano Suassuna, retomando o di\u00e1logo com os tipos fixos da commedia dell\u00b4arte. Na segunda fase (1998-2001) - OUVIR, as personagens-tipo cedem o protagonismo \u00e0s personagens inspiradas nas festas populares medievais, pautadas no estudo te\u00f3rico de Mikhail Bakhtin. E, na terceira fase (2002-2008) - IMAGINAR, atores saltimbancos apresentam as personagens por meio da narra\u00e7\u00e3o e da representa\u00e7\u00e3o. Neste per\u00edodo, a Cia. aprofunda sua pr\u00e1tica no jogo c\u00eanico estabelecido entre personagens, atores e narradores para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o dramat\u00fargica e interpretativa de seus espet\u00e1culos, inspirada em Bertolt Brecht e Luigi Pirandello. A escolha de personagens como interlocutoras dos anseios e da hist\u00f3ria do povo brasileiro refletiu, desde o in\u00edcio, a espec\u00edfica vis\u00e3o de mundo e de cultura popular adotada pela Fraternal, referendada no ponto de vista contr\u00e1rio ao da classe dominante, o da classe dominada. Dario Fo (1999), Mikhail Bakhtin (1987), Walter Benjamin (1994) e Bertolt Brecht, pautados tanto no que concerne a uma apreens\u00e3o da encena\u00e7\u00e3o e da interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o c\u00f4mica, quanto a seus posicionamentos cr\u00edticos perante a atividade art\u00edstica, foram essenciais \u00e0 compreens\u00e3o da trajet\u00f3ria da Cia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ninin, Roberta Cristina"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["ART"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3fzky"], ["title", "Projeto com\u00e9dia popular brasileira da Fraternal Campanha de Artes e Malas-Artes (1993-2008): trajet\u00f3ria do ver, ouvir e imaginar"], ["doab_id", "16765"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830976"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830976"]], [["description", "

In this book, conceived and written for the general reader as well as the specialist, Robert Edelman uses a case study of peasant behavior during a particular revolutionary situation to make an important contribution to one of the major debates in contemporary peasant studies. Edelman's subject is the peasantry of the right-bank Ukraine, and he uses local and regional archives seldom available to Western scholars to give a detailed picture of the ways in which the inhabitants of one of Russia\u2019s most advanced agrarian regions expressed their discontent during the years 1905\u20131907. By the 1890s, the landlords of Russia\u2019s Southwest had organized a highly successful capitalist form of agriculture, and Edelman demonstrates that their peasants responded to these dramatic economic changes by adopting many of the forms of political and social behavior generally associated with urban proletarians.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edelman, Robert"], ["date", "1987"], ["subject", ["Ukraine, culturalism, Marxism, peasantry, Russian history, Revolution of 1905"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23170442/9780801494734.pdf"], ["title", "Proletarian Peasants"], ["doab_id", "19893"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801494734"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801494734"]], [["description", "The cellular prion protein PrPC is a ubiquitous GPI-anchored protein. While PrPC has been the focus of intense research for its involvement in a group of neurodegenerative disorders known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), much less attention has been devoted to its physiological function. This notably relates to the lack of obvious abnormalities of mice, goat or cattle lacking PrPC. This apparently normal phenotype in these PrPC-deficient animals however contrasts with the very high degree of conservation of the prion protein gene (Prnp) in mammalian species (over 80%), and the presence of genes with similarities to Prnp in birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. This high conservation together with its ubiquitous expression, - albeit at highest levels in the brain-, suggest that PrPC has major physiological functions. Dissecting PrPC function is further complicated by the occurrence, in mammals, of two potentially partially redundant homologues, Doppel, and Shadoo. The biological overlaps between members of the prion protein family are still under investigation and much debated. Similarly, although in vitro analyses have suggested various functions for PrPC, notably in cell death and survival processes, some have yielded conflicting results and/or discrepancies with in vivo studies. This Research Topic brings together the accumulated knowledge regarding the biological roles of the prion protein family, from the animal to the molecular scale."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sophie Mouillet-Richard; Jean-Luc Vilotte"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["prion protein", "Embryonic and Fetal Development", "abeta", "Stem Cells", "Aging", "Cell signaling", "Cell Adhesion", "Placenta", "Gonads", "Neuroprotection"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2567/promiscuous-functions-of-the-prion-protein-gene-family"], ["title", "Promiscuous functions of the prion protein gene family"], ["doab_id", "19513"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196050"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196050"]], [["description", "A crescente necessidade de mudan\u00e7as profundas na abordagem da sa\u00fade e nas pr\u00e1ticas de aten\u00e7\u00e3o tem gerado intenso debate internacional, convergindo para a proposi\u00e7\u00e3o de um novo paradigma. Este \u00e9 baseado na promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade, a qual defende uma evolu\u00e7\u00e3o substantiva no modo como s\u00e3o formuladas e implementadas as pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, sociais e econ\u00f4micas que influenciam diretamente as condi\u00e7\u00f5es de sa\u00fade da popula\u00e7\u00e3o. Neste livro, a autora reconstitui com maestria a hist\u00f3ria social da tessitura do conceito e das pr\u00e1ticas de promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade como cr\u00edtica ao entendimento prioritariamente biom\u00e9dico da sa\u00fade. Analisa como Brasil e Canad\u00e1 incorporaram em suas pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas a proposta de promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade ratificada pela Declara\u00e7\u00e3o de Otawa, em 1986, assim como tamb\u00e9m os componentes conceituais da proposta, teoricamente e em suas apropria\u00e7\u00f5es pelos dois pa\u00edses. No caso do Brasil, a an\u00e1lise centrou-se na proposta do SUS, e no do Canad\u00e1 examinaram-se os diversos documentos origin\u00e1rios da proposta e de sua evolu\u00e7\u00e3o. Disso emergem e s\u00e3o abordadas as discuss\u00f5es sobre a medicina como institui\u00e7\u00e3o social, a crise do Estado, o Estado neoliberal e a coopera\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e9cnica internacional em sa\u00fade. Obra que, por seu conte\u00fado, provoca instigantes quest\u00f5es, aqui tratadas primorosamente por Luc\u00edola."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rabello, Luc\u00edola Santos"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z7jxb"], ["title", "Promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade: a constru\u00e7\u00e3o social de um conceito em perspectiva comparada"], ["doab_id", "19925"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413524"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413524"]], [["description", "In this comprehensive study of Belgian settlement in western Canada, Cornelius Jaenen shows that Belgian immigration was unique in its character and brought with it significant benefits out of proportion to its comparatively small numbers. Canadas first Immigration Act (1869) included Belgium among the \"preferred countries\" from which immigrants should be sought, but unlike many other European countries, Belgium did not encourage its nationals to emigrate to relieve economic, demographic, and social crises, and Belgian officials took a strong interest in their emigrants, monitoring the conditions of settlement and, where fraud was discovered, intervening diplomatically and paying for repatriation. The result was a resourceful body of settlers adaptable to both anglophone and francophone communities and adept at promotion and raising of capital. The first wave of immigration, beginning in the 1880s, consisted mainly of farmers to southern Manitoba and miners to Vancouver Island. A second wave after 1896, facilitated by a direct steamship link to Antwerp, brought more miners, as well as orchard planters to the Okanagan, sugar beet farmers to Alberta, and dairymen to Manitoba. World War I was followed by a further wave of agriculturally oriented settlement, and World War II by a mainly urban and skill-oriented cohort. In all cases, Belgians differed from the larger immigrant groups in that they were not recruited by important immigration societies and did not settle in ethnic blocs. There is probably no one better equipped than Cornelius Jaenen to write the history of the Belgians in western Canada. An eminent historian and the son of Flemish and Walloon Belgian immigrants himself, Professor Jaenen has gleaned, from Belgian and Canadian archival sources and from local, community, and family histories, a story rich in detail and context that will be invaluable to Canadians of Belgian origin as well as scholars and students of western Canadian ethnic and immigration studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cornelius J. Jaenen"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48650/5/UofCPress_PromotersPlantersPioneers_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Promoters, Planters, and Pioneers: The Course and Context of Belgian Settlement in Western Canada"], ["doab_id", "15162"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385708"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385708"]], [["description", "This volume focuses on describing the social dialogue system in organizations from an Human Resources Management perspective. Based on the NEIRE model for industrial relations, key factors are determined contributing to creative social dialogue in European organizations. Actual data from surveys and interviews from more than 700 CEO and HR managers in eleven European countries give insights in the experiences with and expectations of employers of social dialogue. The volume offers a comprehensive introduction to the historical context and current situation in social dialogue in these countries. This context helps to understand the current major challenges in each country when it comes to a vital social dialogue. Using good practices from many organizations, this book offers an agenda for innovative and cooperative social dialogue in organizations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martin C Euwema; Lourdes Munduate; Patricia Elgoibar; Erica Pender; Ana Bel\u00e9n Garc\u00eda"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Industrial, Organisational and Economic Psychology", " Social Policy", " Political Science, general "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-08605-7"], ["title", "Promoting Social Dialogue in European Organizations: Human Resources Management and Constructive Conflict Management"], ["doab_id", "17441"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319086040", "9783319086057"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319086040 (Print) 9783319086057 (Online)"]], [["description", "Proofs of Genius: Collected Editions from the American Revolution to the Digital Age is the first extensive study of the collected edition as an editorial genre within American literary history. Unlike editions of an author\u2019s \u201cselected works\u201d or thematic anthologies, which clearly indicate the presence of non-authorial editorial intervention, collected editions have typically been arranged to imply an unmediated documentary completeness. By design, the collected edition obscures its own role in shaping the cultural reception of the author.In Proofs of Genius, Amanda Gailey argues that decisions to re-edit major authorial corpora are acts of canon-formation in miniature that indicate more foundational shifts in the way a culture views its literature and itself. By combining a theoretically-informed approach with a broad historical view of collected editions from the late eighteenth century to the present (including the rise of digital editions), Gailey fills a gap in the textual scholarship of the editing history of major figures like Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman and of the American literary canon itself."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amanda Gailey"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/etlc.13607061.0001.001"], ["title", "Proofs of Genius: Collected Editions from the American Revolution to the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "19087"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072750", "9780472052752", "9780472900091", "9780472121267"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072750 9780472052752 9780472900091 9780472121267"]], [["description", "This book deals with the property and inheritance system of the matrilineal Minangkabau of West Sumatra in the context of legal pluralism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Benda-Beckmann von ,F."], ["date", "1979"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613350"], ["title", "Property in Social Continuity"], ["doab_id", "18506"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024721979", "9789004287174"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024721979 9789004287174"]], [["description", "Recent findings on phonetic detail have been taken as supporting exemplar-based approaches to prosody. Through four experiments on both produc tion and perception of both melodic and temporal detail in Neapolitan Italian, we show that prosodic detail is not incompatible with abstractionist approaches either. Specifically, we suggest that the exploration of prosodic detail leads to a refined understanding of the relationships between the richly specified and continuously varying phonetic information on one side, and coarse phonologically structured contrasts on the other, thus of fering insights on how pragmatic information is conveyed by prosody."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cangemi ,Francesco"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Italian", "Neapolitan Italian", "phonology", "phonetics", "speech production", "speech perception", "intonation", "pragmatics"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533874"], ["title", "Prosodic detail in Neapolitan Italian"], ["doab_id", "16326"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675015"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675015"]], [["description", "This book offers an incisive analysis of the problems and pressures of citizenship in the twenty-first century, focussing in particular on the apparent decline of traditional forms of civic engagement, the emergence of new forms of participation and the relationship between citizenship and globalization."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gerry Stoker; Andrew Mason; Anthony McGrew; Chris Armstrong; David Owen; Graham Smith; Momoh Banya; Clare Saunders; Derek McGhee"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662444"], ["title", "Prospects for Citizenship"], ["doab_id", "14365"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544865"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544865"]], [["description", "Fundamental rights for all people with disabilities, education and employment are key for the inclusion of people with autism. They play as facilitators for the social inclusion of persons with autism and as multipliers for their enjoyment of other fundamental rights. After outlining the international and European dimensions of the legal protection of the rights to education and employment of people with autism, the book provides an in-depth analysis of domestic legislative, judicial and administrative practice of the EU Member States in these fields. Each chapter identifies the good practices on inclusive education and employment of people with autism consistent with principles and obligations enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Articles 24 and 27).The book contains the scientific results of the European Project \u201cPromoting equal rights of people with autism in the field of employment and education\u201d aimed at supporting the implementation of the UN Convention in the fields of inclusive education and employment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valentina Della Fina; Rachele Cera"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["European Law", " Human Rights", " International and Comparative Education", " Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13791-9"], ["title", "Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment: International, European and National Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "17436"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319137902", "9783319137919"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319137902 (Print) 9783319137919 (Online)"]], [["description", "Dengue is the most important mosquito-transmitted viral disease in humans. Half of the world population is at risk of infection, mostly in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50 to 100 million infections occur yearly, with 50,000 to 100,000 deaths related to dengue, mainly in children. Recent estimates show higher numbers, up to three times more, with 390 million estimated dengue infections per year, among which 96 million apparent infections (Bhatt et al. 2013). Initially localized to South-East Asia, dengue virus (DENV) started its spread in Latin America in the 80s. Little is known about DENV spread in Africa, but multiple seroprevalence surveys over several years are now clearly showing endemic areas in East and West Africa (Brady et al. 2013). Finally, due to global warming and intense traveling there is a risk of global spread towards more temperate regions, and both US Key islands (FL) and southern Europe recently faced DENV outbreaks. There are currently no specific treatments or vaccines available. Even though several dengue vaccines are in the pipeline, clear correlates of protection are still lacking. The recent failure of the live-attenuated Sanofi vaccine Phase 2b trial (Sabchareon et al. 2013) and the lack of correlation between clinical protection and in vitro neutralization assays, clearly underlines the necessity to better understand the role of the different components of the immune system in protection against dengue virus infection and the requirement for the development of additional and/or improved predictive assays. The aim of this research topic is to provide novel data, opinions and literature reviews on the best immune correlates of protection and recent advances in the immune response to DENV infection that can allow rapid progress of dengue vaccines. Authors can choose to submit original research papers, reviews or opinions on pre-clinical or clinical observations that will help unify the field, with perspectives from epidemiology, virology, immunology and vaccine developers. This research topic will discuss different aspects of the protective immune response to DENV that can influence vaccine development. It will include a review of epidemiological data generated in the field, which will address spatio-temporal diversity of DENV epidemics, the importance of cross-reactive protection and of the time-interval between infections as a predictor of disease. It will further include a review of the role of both the innate and adaptive immunity in DENV infection control, and discuss the usefulness of new improved animal models in dissecting the role of each immunological compartment, which will help define new correlate of immune protection. New data concerning the DENV structure and anti-dengue antibody structure will address the necessity of improved neutralization assays. The ultimate test to prove vaccine efficacy and study immune correlates of protection in humans before large trials will open up the discussion on human DENV challenges using controlled attenuated viral strains. Finally, the role of vaccines, administered in flavi-immune populations, in the modification of future epidemics will also be approached and will include novel studies on mosquitoes infection thresholds."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simona Zompi; Scott Halstead"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dengue", "Antibodies", "T cells", "Monocytes", "Macrophages", "Dendritic Cells", "NK cells", "Immunity", "protection", "Vaccines"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1983/protective-immune-response-to-dengue-virus-infection-and-vaccines-perspectives-from-the-field-to-the"], ["title", "Protective Immune Response to Dengue Virus Infection and Vaccines: perspectives from the field to the bench"], ["doab_id", "17746"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195114"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195114"]], [["description", "In the past 20 years protein engineering has been used for the production of proteins mostly for biological applications. The incorporation of artificial amino acids and chemical handles into proteins had made possible the design and production of protein-based materials like hybrid inorganic-organic materials, smart/ responsive materials, monodisperse polymers, and nanoscale assemblies. In the current topic, we cover current uses and envision future applications of materials generated using protein engineering and biosynthesis techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carissa M. Soto"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hydrogels", "Biocatalysis", "human cholinesterase", "bacterial collagen", "biomass degradation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1966/protein-engineering-and-other-bio-synthetic-routes-for-bio-based-materials-current-uses-and-potentia"], ["title", "Protein engineering and other bio-synthetic routes for bio-based materials: Current uses and potential applications"], ["doab_id", "17765"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193950"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193950"]], [["description", "Com a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de mais de 100 especialistas em pesquisa bent\u00f4nica marinha costeira, o livro apresenta propostas metodol\u00f3gicas para o monitoramento cont\u00ednuo e de longo prazo em ecossistemas bent\u00f4nicos existentes na costa brasileira. Dado que a Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bent\u00f4nicos Costeiros (ReBentos) se prop\u00f5e a monitorar esse ambiente continuamente e pelo maior n\u00famero de grupos de pesquisa, cobrindo da forma mais completa poss\u00edvel toda a varia\u00e7\u00e3o latitudinal da costa, os m\u00e9todos apresentados foram definidos buscando-se presteza, simplicidade dos procedimentos e baixo custo, favorecendo sua ampla aplica\u00e7\u00e3o. A partir desse produto, todos os pesquisadores, vinculados ou n\u00e3o \u00e0 ReBentos, poder\u00e3o desenvolver, de forma padronizada e comparativa, pesquisas com diferentes habitats bent\u00f4nicos nas diferentes regi\u00f5es da costa brasileira."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Turra, Alexander; Denadai, Marcia Regina"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - ReBentos"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x49kz"], ["title", "Protocolos para o monitoramento de habitats bent\u00f4nicos costeiros"], ["doab_id", "17922"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788598729251"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598729251"]], [["description", "The record books of the Order of Golden Fleece are the main source for the history of this important order of knighthood, which has been existing from the 15th century up to the present time. The here presented 4th record book covers the activities of the Order between 1477 and 1480 with the magnificent assembly in Bruges in spring 1478 as its climax: The Habsburgs Maximilian I as new Duke of Burgundy was installed as the new sovereign of the Order, symbolizing the beginning of a new era in the crisis-shaken Duchy of Burgundy. The volume contains the edition of the complete text (in 15th century French) with detailed commentary (in German) and a calendar of short abstracts of the letters issued by the Order or addressed to it. The edition of the record book with their exact details concerning the location of the meetings, participants, agenda, resolutions, elections and ceremonies present a hitherto unstudied source of the history of Order. The book also offers an interesting view of the critical period within the history of the Duchy Burgundy, in that because it also deals with questions of identity, social control as well as of loyalty and felony.

Das 4. Protokollbuch des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies berichtet in franz\u00f6sischer Sprache \u00fcber die Aktivit\u00e4ten des Ordens zwischen 1477 und 1480. H\u00f6hepunkt dabei ist das prachtvolle Fest in Br\u00fcgge im Fr\u00fchjahr 1478: Hier wurde der neue Herzog von Burgund, der Habsburger Maximilian I., zum neuen Souver\u00e4n eingesetzt, womit der Beginn einer neuen \u00c4ra im krisengesch\u00fcttelten Burgund symbolisiert werden sollte. Mit den pr\u00e4zisen Angaben \u00fcber Ort der Versammlungen, Teilnehmer, Tagesordnungspunkte, Beschl\u00fcsse, Neuwahlen und Zeremonien bietet die Edition der Protokolle nicht nur eine bisher unbeachtete Quelle zur Ordensgeschichte, sondern er\u00f6ffnet auch einen interessanten Blick auf die kritische Zeit Burgunds, denn sie berichten auch von Identit\u00e4t, Sozialkontrolle sowie von Treue und Verrat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "D\u00fcnnebeil ,Sonja; Paravicini ,Werner"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Source edition", "aristocracy", "ceremony", "chivalric order", "Quellenedition", "Adelskultur", "Zeremonie", "Ritterorden"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=607490"], ["title", "Die Protokollb\u00fccher des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies - Teil 4: Der \u00dcbergang an das Haus Habsburg (1477 bis 1480)"], ["doab_id", "19009"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783631666784"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783631666784"]], [["description", "With this volume, the Edition of the Minutes of the Meetings of the Schuschnigg Cabinet (July 29, 1934 to March 11, 1938) comes to a close. The edition of this essential source of Austrian history opens up new scientific perspectives due to the transcription of the minutes\u2019 shorthand notes (written using the now obsolete and difficult to read Gabelsberger system) and the comprehensive scientific commentary and explanatory notes. The detailed biographical and subject indices provide a means for easy search within the volumes contents.The Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings have to be regarded as central source materials for Austrian politics.The eighth and last volume of the Minutes of the Meetings of the Schuschnigg Cabinet encompasses meeting No. 1056 of June 4, 1937 to No. 1069 of February 21; enclosed No. 1070 of March 12 and No. 1071 of March 13, 1938. The edition does provide fundamental source material concerning the last months of the Austrian First Republic. In terms of content, the discussions between the members of government contained therein pertain to a broad spectrum. Conflicts of interest or accordance between the cabinet members as well as the state of discussions pertaining to specific problems can be followed and traced through the minutes. Special mention must be made of the transcription of the shorthand notes (written using the \u201cGabelsberger\u201d-system), frequently yielding additional information not present in the fair copy, which has been unavailable to researchers until now. As a result of the \u201cJuli-Abkommen\u201d of 1936 and the subsequent presence of nationalistically inclined ministers \u2013 even more so during the last few months before the \u201cAnschluss\u201d \u2013, the discussions tend to demonstrate an element of reluctance by the elites of the Austrian Corporate State (St\u00e4ndestaat), and it becomes clear that discussions and decision-making on various important subjects also tended to take place elsewhere. Therefore, during the editing process, special care and emphasis was put on the question of how and where the exchange of information took place within the government body, where important decisions were made and where important deliberations took place. Especially notable in this context is the frequent convening of committees of ministers on various subjects, where only part of the government met for deliberation. Within the archival holding \u201eBundeskanzleramt/Berufst\u00e4ndischer Aufbau\u201c of the Austrian State Archives/Archive of the Republic, some minutes of meetings by the committee of ministers could be located. The minutes of those committees tend to clarify and further illustrate the decision-making processes.The frequently long intervals between cabinet meetings tended to cause quite extensive orders of business containing many items. Important subjects were the \u201eOrdnungsschutzgesetz\u201c, the \u201eHandelskammerngesetz\u201c and the deliberations on the \u201eBundesfinanzgesetz 1938\u201c. Special mention must be given to the extensive archival holding of the minutes of the \u201eFinanz- und Budgetausschuss\u201c of the \u201eBundestag\u201c from the years 1935 to 1937 in the Archive of the Austrian Parliament, which have been located in the course of research and have so far not been taken into consideration by the scientific community. The \u201eFinanz- and Budgetausschuss\u201d was a forum where the collision of party political trends, federalist interests, union demands and entrepreneurial interests in the struggle over distribution of financial resources are much more clearly visible than in the cabinet meetings. Additionally, it shows criticism of government policy to a heretofore unknown extent.The scientific commentary and explanatory notes required more intensive research than previous volumes in order to properly demonstrate the government\u2019s difficult position between national opposition and lack of basis within the former Christian Socialist elites. A multitude of different archival holdings had to be consulted and searched. Occasionally, documents of special historical relevance were selected as additions to the Edition of the Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings. Completion of the edition, encompassing eight volumes, not only makes the source materials available for scientific research, but also provides its users with a large amount of directions and references, pertaining to available as well as irrecoverably lost archival holdings, a fact which in all likelihood will spare the Archives as well as their users a significant amount of comprehensive searches.Overall, the edition of the last minutes of the cabinet meetings of the First Republic is able to demonstrate how Chancellor Schuschniggs room for maneuvering grew smaller and smaller. The publication of the minutes from this period will constitute an important contribution to the discussion pertaining to the question if the relevant period can be denoted as a \u201eKanzlerdiktatur\u201c, as a \u201eRegierungsdiktatur\u201c or \u2013 as evident in more recent literature \u2013 as a \u201eBeamtendiktatur\u201d. The actions of the government, oscillating between the active and the reactive, are made clear.A biographical index, containing detailed biographies of all relevant individuals, constitutes an important contribution to the research into political, social and cultural elites, a field which is lacking in Austria. With regards to contents, detailed geographical and subject indices are included.

Mit diesem Band wird die Edition der Ministerratsprotokolle des Kabinetts Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg (29. Juli 1934 bis 11. M\u00e4rz 1938) abgeschlossen. Die Edition dieser grundlegenden Quelle zur \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichte er\u00f6ffnet durch die Transkription der Mitschriften, die in Gabelsberger Stenographie abgefasst sind, und durch einen umfassenden Anmerkungsapparat neue wissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Das detaillierte Personen- und Sachregister erleichtert gezielte Suchvorg\u00e4nge.Die Ministerratsprotokolle stellen eine zentrale Quelle \u00f6sterreichischer Politik dar.Der achte und letzte Band der Ministerratsprotokolle des Kabinetts Schuschnigg umfasst die Protokolle Nr. 1056 vom 4. Juni 1937 bis Nr. 1069 vom 21. Februar 1938; im Anhang Nr. 1070 vom 12. M\u00e4rz 1938 und Nr. 1071 vom 13. M\u00e4rz 1938. Die Edition liefert grundlegendes Aktenmaterial zu den letzten Monaten der Ersten Republik. Die darin dokumentierten Diskussionen zwischen den Regierungsmitgliedern weisen ein breites inhaltliches Spektrum auf. Interessengegens\u00e4tze oder -\u00fcbereinstimmungen zwischen den Mitgliedern der Regierung und der Diskussionsstand zu einzelnen Problemen k\u00f6nnen anhand der Protokolle nachverfolgt werden. Hervorzuheben ist die \u00dcbertragung der im System Gabelsberger verfassten Stenogramme, die h\u00e4ufig zus\u00e4tzliche Informationen bringt, welche in der Reinschrift nicht vorhanden sind und daher der Forschung bisher verschlossen blieben. Seit dem Juli-Abkommen 1936 und der daraus resultierenden Pr\u00e4senz von national gesinnten Kabinettsmitgliedern \u2013 in den letzten Monaten vor dem \u201eAnschluss\u201c noch verst\u00e4rkt \u2013 ist eine gewisse Zur\u00fcckhaltung der St\u00e4ndestaateliten bemerkbar und es wird ersichtlich, dass die Entscheidungen oder Beratungen \u00fcber viele wichtige Angelegenheiten auch in anderen Gremium stattfanden. Es wurde bei der Bearbeitung daher besonderes Augenmerk darauf gelegt, wo und wie der Informationsaustausch innerhalb der Regierung stattfand, wo wichtige Entscheidungen fielen, wo es noch zu wichtigen Beratungen kam. Auffallend dabei ist die h\u00e4ufige Einberufung von Ministerkomitees zu verschiedensten Themen (z. B. Ordnungsschutzgesetz, Vereinsgesetznovelle, Preisbildung, berufst\u00e4ndischer Aufbau, II. Novelle des GSGV), in denen nur ein Teil der Regierung zu Beratungen zusammenkam. Ministerkomiteesitzungen konnten z. B. im Bestand des \u00d6sterreichischen Staatsarchivs, Archiv der Republik, Bundeskanzleramt/Berufst\u00e4ndischer Aufbau eruiert werden. Die aufgefundenen Komiteesitzungen verdeutlichen die Entscheidungsabl\u00e4ufe.Die h\u00e4ufig sehr langen Intervalle zwischen den Ministerratssitzungen bedingten Tagesordnungen mit vielen Tagesordnungspunkten. Wichtige Themen stellten das Ordnungsschutzgesetz, das Handelskammerngesetz und die Beratungen zum Bundesfinanzgesetz 1938 dar. Besonders hervorzuheben ist der im Zuge der Recherchen aufgefundene und in der Fachwelt noch nicht ber\u00fccksichtigte umfangreiche Bestand der Protokolle des Finanz- und Budgetausschusses des Bundestages der Jahre 1935 bis 1937 im Parlamentsarchiv Wien. In diesem Gremium zeigen sich parteipolitische Str\u00f6mungen, f\u00f6deralistische Interessen, Gewerkschaftsforderungen und Unternehmerintentionen beim Streit um die Verteilung von finanziellen Mitteln viel deutlicher als im Ministerrat. Zudem wird Kritik an der Regierungspolitik in einem bis dahin unbekannten Ausma\u00df sichtbar.F\u00fcr den erl\u00e4uternden Anmerkungsapparat waren intensivere Recherchen als f\u00fcr die vorherigen B\u00e4nde notwendig, um die schwierige Lage der Regierung zwischen nationaler Opposition und mangelnder Basis in den ehemaligen christlichsozialen Eliten zu verdeutlichen. So wurde eine Vielzahl von Archivbest\u00e4nden fl\u00e4chendeckend durchgesehen. Fallweise wurden daraus historisch besonders relevante Dokumente zur Erg\u00e4nzung der Edition der Ministerratsprotokolle ausgew\u00e4hlt. Die Fertigstellung der acht B\u00e4nde umfassenden Aktenedition bedeutet nicht nur, dass die Quelle selbst f\u00fcr die wissenschaftliche Forschung erschlossen wird, sondern dass auch Hinweise auf vorhandene, bzw. nicht mehr auffindbare Aktenbest\u00e4nde geliefert werden. Dies wird sowohl den Archiven als auch dem k\u00fcnftigen Ben\u00fctzer/Forscher umfangreiche Einzelsuchvorg\u00e4nge ersparen.Insgesamt zeigt die Edition der letzten Ministerratsprotokolle der Ersten Republik, wie die Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume Schuschniggs immer geringer wurden. Die Publikation der Ministerratsprotokolle dieses Zeitabschnittes wird einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Diskussion liefern, ob dieser Zeitraum als \u201eKanzlerdiktatur\u201c, \u201eRegierungsdiktatur\u201c oder \u2013 wie in der neuesten Literatur \u2013 als \u201eBeamtendiktatur\u201c bezeichnet werden kann. Das Regierungshandeln zwischen Agieren und Reagieren wird deutlich gemacht.Ein Personenregister mit umfangreichen Biografien der Proponenten liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zur in \u00d6sterreich weitgehend vernachl\u00e4ssigten Elitenforschung. Zur inhaltlichen Erschlie\u00dfung dienen ein detailliertes Sach- und Ortsregister."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Enderle-Burcel ,Gertrude; Neubauer-Czettl ,Alexandra"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Austria \u2013 First Republic \u2013 Minutes of the Cabinet Meetings \u2013 Schuschnigg \u2013 St\u00e4ndestaat \u2013 \u201eAnschluss\u201c March 1938", "\u00d6sterreich \u2013 Erste Republik \u2013 Protokolle des Ministerrates \u2013 Schuschnigg \u2013 St\u00e4ndestaat \u2013 \u201eAnschluss\u201c M\u00e4rz 1938"]], ["publisher", "Verlag \u00d6sterreich GmbH"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574654"], ["title", "Protokolle des Ministerrates der Ersten Republik, Kabinett Dr. Kurt Schuschnigg, Band 8 (4. Juni 1937 \u2013 21. Februar 1938)"], ["doab_id", "17428"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783704665126"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783704665126"]], [["description", "Although it resonates today with lavender fields, sunny heritage locations and the gentrified memory of Paul C\u00e9zanne\u2019s pictorial turbulence, Provence has not always been the attractive territory of pacified leisure and festival culture. Since the seventeenth century, indeed, the region has inscribed its shifting geography, complex politics and the extraordinary diversity of its land and seascapes in the perception and imagination of British visitors."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A cura di: Claire Davison; A cura di: B\u00e9atrice Laurent; A cura di: Caroline Patey ; A cura di: Nathalie Vanfasse"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vol.Patey_.PDF-WEB_def.pdf"], ["title", "Provence and the British Imagination"], ["doab_id", "17230"], ["language_unmapped", "Inglese"], ["isbns", ["9788867051373"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051373"]], [["description", "Widely considered the world's greatest living proverb scholar and known as the author of, among numerous other books, the Encyclopedia of World Proverbs and the coeditor of A Dictionary of American Proverbs, Wolfgang Mieder has brought particular attention and understanding to the uses of proverbs in politics. In this new collection of eight essays, he considers the role of proverbial speech in the American political scene from the Revolutionary War to the present.Mieder introduces this survey with an examination of what characterizes American proverbs, what are their origins, and how they have spread internationally with the expansion of America's political role. He then turns to the origins and varied historical uses of what has become the defining proverb of American democracy, \"\"government of the people, by the people, for the people.\"\" The employment of proverbs had no brighter exponent among the nation's founding generation than Abigail Adams, who was not without influence despite the exclusion from political office of women. As they have for so much, her abundant letters provide rich sources for politically charged proverbs.Though it is especially associated with Abraham Lincoln, \"\"a house divided against itself cannot stand\"\" is a biblical proverb that has proven of wide value as a political expression. Frederick Douglass's proverbial prowess paralleled that of his contemporary Lincoln, and he employed it effectively in his battle for civil rights. Given proverbs' enduring role in American politics, it is an interesting exercise to compare how United States presidents have employed them in their inaugural addresses, which have produced such gems as John F. Kennedy's \"\"ask not\"\" dictum. The bonds Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill formed through the World War II alliance were expressed in the proverbial language that frequently enlivened their correspondence. Having addressed these aspects of the proverb in American politics, Mieder winds up by considering the sociopolitical significance of the ambiguous proverb \"\"good fences make good neighbors.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mieder, Wolfgang"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/49"], ["title", "Proverbs are the Best Policy"], ["doab_id", "14745"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216226"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216226"]], [["description", "O livro \u00e9 uma etnografia entre clientes e profissionais de cl\u00ednicas de reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o assistida. Com origem na tese de doutorado da autora, apresentada em 2004, ao Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Antropologia do Museu Nacional (UFRJ), analisa as novas tecnologias reprodutivas e a clonagem humana com base nas rela\u00e7\u00f5es de parentesco e na no\u00e7\u00e3o de pessoa, t\u00f3picos fundamentais na antropologia. A reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o como objeto de interven\u00e7\u00e3o m\u00e9dica, as peculiaridades do campo de pesquisa sobre reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o assistida, a fam\u00edlia, o discurso biom\u00e9dico, a constru\u00e7\u00e3o cultural do corpo, as teorias da concep\u00e7\u00e3o e as no\u00e7\u00f5es de hereditariedade s\u00e3o temas discutidos ao longo dos cinco cap\u00edtulos da obra."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luna, Naara"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/dqhw2"], ["title", "Provetas e clones: uma antropologia das novas tecnologias reprodutivas"], ["doab_id", "19926"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413555"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413555"]], [["description", "Muy pocas veces la Provincia ha tenido buena prensa en la tradici\u00f3n constitucional espa\u00f1ola: estructura dibujada muchas veces como el s\u00edmbolo de un \u201cEstado centralizado\u201d y de la importaci\u00f3n de modelos poco aptos a desarrollar la vida p\u00fablica de la pen\u00ednsula, habr\u00eda sido la mala copia del sistema de departamentos franceses, convirti\u00e9ndose en la cu\u00f1a del caciquismo y de los males de la Naci\u00f3n. Un mal que la Restauraci\u00f3n no habr\u00eda resuelto y con el cual la Segunda Rep\u00fablica, reconociendo el factor regional, habr\u00eda tenido que acabar. Sin embargo, las Cortes republicanas no acabaron con la instituci\u00f3n provincial, reconoci\u00e9ndole una posici\u00f3n clave en el desarrollo del modelo del \u201cEstado integral\u201d. \u00bfC\u00f3mo explicar entonces lo que P\u00e9rez Serrano llam\u00f3 \u201cla venganza de la Provincia?\u201d. Este libro tiene como objeto examinar el papel de la Provincia como estructura territorial y pol\u00edtica en la Constituyente de la Segunda Rep\u00fablica Espa\u00f1ola, contextualizando todo esto en la evoluci\u00f3n de largo trecho de la territorialidad en la Monarqu\u00eda espa\u00f1ola a partir de la temporada gaditana. Dicha evoluci\u00f3n tiene su fulcro en la compleja gestaci\u00f3n del concepto de autonom\u00eda y su conexi\u00f3n con el nacimiento del problema de los nacionalismos peninsulares. Por eso, m\u00e1s que considerar las Cortes Constituyentes de 1931 como el Alfa y el Omega de la gestaci\u00f3n del Estado integral, se procura insertar el nacimiento de los cimientos del primer modelo regional europeo en una larga temporada constituyente informal que, empezando con el Desastre del 98, hizo del t\u00e9rmino autonom\u00eda una significante con muchos significados diferentes. Este taller constitucional busc\u00f3 sus referentes te\u00f3ricos y sus herramientas pr\u00e1cticas en la racionalizaci\u00f3n del constitucionalismo de entreguerras, mirando sobre todo al contexto jur\u00eddico-cultural weimariano y a sus intentos de racionalizaci\u00f3n del federalismo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Demarchi, Giacomo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Historia provincias en Espa\u00f1a", "Espa\u00f1a - divisiones pol\u00edticas y administrativas", "Historia constitucional de Espa\u00f1a", "Historia de Espa\u00f1a 1931-1936", "II Rep\u00fablica", "Regionalismo", "Historia constitucional comparada", "Alemania \u2013 Weimar"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/22906/demarchi_provincia_hd43_2016.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Provincia y Territorio en la Constituyente espa\u00f1ola de 1931. Las ra\u00edces europeas del Estado integral"], ["doab_id", "18995"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490857854"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490857854"]], [["description", "Established in 1913, the New Brunswick Federation of Labour is the second oldest provincial federation of labour in Canada. Its history began in early campaigns for workers"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Frank"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["New Brunswick, Labour, Labor, Societies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120217"], ["title", "Provincial Solidarities: A History of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour"], ["doab_id", "15429"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356234", "9781927356241", "9781927356258"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356234 9781927356241 9781927356258"]], [["description", "La Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial guarda miles de manuscritos sobre diversas materias. Este trabajo aborda el estudio de una decena aproximada de manuscritos castellanos medievales y modernos de contenido jur\u00eddico que, presuntamente, encierran unos proyectos recopiladores del siglo XVI impulsados por la corona. Muchas fueron las voces que durante el citado siglo reclamaron a los reyes la elaboraci\u00f3n de una compilaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica que enmendase los errores que Alonso D\u00edaz de Montalvo, consejero de los Reyes Cat\u00f3licos, hab\u00eda cometido en su recopilaci\u00f3n. Y muchos son los testimonios que indican que esa labor reparadora se comenz\u00f3, se aplaz\u00f3 y se retom\u00f3 durante los primeros a\u00f1os de la edad moderna. Es en esos manuscritos escurialenses en donde la autora ha buscado esos proyectos de compilaci\u00f3n mencionados, en ellos se vislumbra la intervenci\u00f3n de juristas muy importantes de la \u00e9poca como Lorenzo G\u00e1lindez de Carvajal, Ponce de Le\u00f3n o Francisco de Espinosa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mar\u00eda e Izquierdo, Mar\u00eda Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["C\u00f3dices"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18295/proyectos_maria_2014_anexos.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Los proyectos recopiladores castellanos del siglo XVI en los c\u00f3dices del Monasterio de El Escorial. Anexos"], ["doab_id", "16126"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490318652"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490318652"]], [["description", "La Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial guarda miles de manuscritos sobre diversas materias. Este trabajo aborda el estudio de una decena aproximada de manuscritos castellanos medievales y modernos de contenido jur\u00eddico que, presuntamente, encierran unos proyectos recopiladores del siglo XVI impulsados por la corona. Muchas fueron las voces que durante el citado siglo reclamaron a los reyes la elaboraci\u00f3n de una compilaci\u00f3n jur\u00eddica que enmendase los errores que Alonso D\u00edaz de Montalvo, consejero de los Reyes Cat\u00f3licos, hab\u00eda cometido en su recopilaci\u00f3n. Y muchos son los testimonios que indican que esa labor reparadora se comenz\u00f3, se aplaz\u00f3 y se retom\u00f3 durante los primeros a\u00f1os de la edad moderna. Es en esos manuscritos escurialenses en donde la autora ha buscado esos proyectos de compilaci\u00f3n mencionados, en ellos se vislumbra la intervenci\u00f3n de juristas muy importantes de la \u00e9poca como Lorenzo G\u00e1lindez de Carvajal, Ponce de Le\u00f3n o Francisco de Espinosa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mar\u00eda e Izquierdo, Mar\u00eda Jos\u00e9"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["C\u00f3dices", "Codex"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/18295/proyectos_maria_2014_estudio.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "Los proyectos recopiladores castellanos del siglo XVI en los c\u00f3dices del Monasterio de El Escorial. Estudio"], ["doab_id", "16078"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490318652"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490318652"]], [["description", "Esta publica\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e9 eminentemente did\u00e1tica e \u00fatil aos v\u00e1rios profissionais da \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade. A obra est\u00e1 organizada em duas partes. A primeira, dedicada \u00e0 teoria da Psicologia da Sa\u00fade, visa dar ao leitor um panorama geral dos aspectos que embasam a compreens\u00e3o da Segunda parte do livro voltada aos trabalhos de pesquisa desenvolvidos pelos pesquisadores da Psicologia da Sa\u00fade, aqui reunidos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alves, Railda Fernandes (org.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Psicologia, Psicologia da sa\u00fade, Sa\u00fade mental, Qualidade de vida"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z7ytj"], ["title", "Psicologia da sa\u00fade: teoria, interven\u00e7\u00e3o e pesquisa"], ["doab_id", "16336"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791926"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791926"]], [["description", "Nos dias 29, 30 e 31 de agosto de 1996 realizou-se, em Florian\u00f3polis, na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, o VI Encontro Regional-Sul da ABRAPSO (Associa\u00e7\u00e3o Brasileira de Psicologia Social), encontro este que teve como tema central: \u201cPsicologia e Pr\u00e1ticas Sociais\u201d. Foram efetivadas, aproximadamente, 400 inscri\u00e7\u00f5es, sendo que 150 trabalhos foram apresentados nos diversos G.Ts. (Grupos de Trabalho) ou no formato de p\u00f4steres. Estes n\u00fameros, bem como o total de artigos (60) enviados para an\u00e1lise com finalidade de publica\u00e7\u00e3o no presente livro, ultrapassaram as expectativas da Comiss\u00e3o Organizadora, atestando a credibilidade conquistada pela ABRAPSO no contexto da Psicologia contempor\u00e2nea. [trecho retirado da Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zanella, Andr\u00e9a V.; Siqueira, Maria Juracy T.; Lhullier, Louise A.; Molon, Susana I."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/886qz"], ["title", "Psicologia e pr\u00e1ticas sociais"], ["doab_id", "16682"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662878"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662878"]], [["description", "Este livro apresenta onze ensaios que exercitam a anal\u00edtica de nossos modos humanos de viver. Ou seja, n\u00e3o se trata apenas de buscar as v\u00e1rias maneiras de conceituar o ser humano, mas de ver nas palavras/saberes as a\u00e7\u00f5es/fazeres que juntos se materializam no efeito de ser pessoa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Spink, Mary Jane P.; Figueiredo, Pedro; Brasilino, Jullyane"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xg9wp"], ["title", "Psicologia social e pessoalidade"], ["doab_id", "17239"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820571"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820571"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 um dos resultados do VIII Encontro Regional Sul da Associa\u00e7\u00e3o Brasileira de Psicologia Social (ABRAPSO), realizado no campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rivero, Nelson Eduardo E."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gbqz7"], ["title", "Psicologia social: estrat\u00e9gias, pol\u00edticas e implica\u00e7\u00f5es"], ["doab_id", "16862"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662861"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662861"]], [["description", "Sigmund Freud was a trained neuroanatomist and wrote his first psychoanalytical theory in neuroscientific terms. Throughout his life, he maintained the belief that at some distant day in the future, all psychoanalytic processes could be tied to a neural basis: \u201cWe must recollect that all of our provisional ideas in psychology will presumably one day be based on an organic substructure\u201d (Freud 1914, On Narcissism: An Introduction). Fundamental Freudian concepts reveal their foundation in the physiological science of his time, most importantly among them the concept of libidinous energy and the homeostatic \u201cprinciple of constancy\u201d. However, the subsequent history of psychoanalysis and neuroscience was mainly characterized by mutual ignorance or even opposition; many scientists accused psychoanalytic viewpoints not to be scientifically testable, and many psychoanalysts claimed that their theories did not need empirical support outside of the therapeutic situation. On this historical background, it may appear surprising that the recent years have seen an increasing interest in re-connecting psychoanalysis and neuroscience in various ways: By studying psychodynamic consequences of brain lesions in neurological patients, by investigating how psychoanalytic therapy affects brain structure and function, or even by operationalizing psychoanalytic concepts in well-controlled experiments and exploring their neural correlates. These empirical studies are accompanied by theoretical work on the philosophical status of the \u201cneuropsychoanalytic\u201d endeavour. In this volume, we attempt to provide a state-of-the-art overview of this new exciting field. All types of submissions are welcome, including research in patient populations, healthy human participants and animals, review articles on some empirical or theoretical aspect, and of course also critical accounts of the new field. Despite this welcome variability, we would like to suggest that all contributions attempt to address one (or both) of two main questions, which should motivate the connection between psychoanalysis and neuroscience and that in our opinion still remain exigent: First, from the neuroscientific side, why should researchers in the neurosciences address psychoanalytic ideas, and what is (or will be) the impact of this connection on current neuroscientific theories? Second, from the psychoanalytic side, why should psychoanalysts care about neuroscientific studies, and (how) can current psychoanalytical theory and practice benefit from their results? Of course, contributors are free to provide a critical viewpoint on these two questions as well."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nikolai Axmacher; Henrik Kessler; Gerd Thomas Waldhauser"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["psychoanalysis", "Neuroscience", "Neuropsychoanalysis", "psychodynamic psychotherapy", "neuroimaging"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1406/psychoanalytical-neuroscience-exploring-psychoanalytic-concepts-with-neuroscientific-methods"], ["title", "Psychoanalytical neuroscience: Exploring psychoanalytic concepts with neuroscientific methods"], ["doab_id", "17706"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193776"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193776"]], [["description", "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a fatal and progressive disease, characterized by progressive muscles weakness, with consequent loss of physical capacities. Patients become relentlessly immobile and, in the late stages of the disease, develop a \"locked-in\" state in which only residual muscular movement is possible, but the intellect and the personality usually remain unimpaired. At now, there is no cure for ALS. The psychological impact of the disease is huge, on both patients and caregivers. Aim of the present Research Topic is to collect new evidence about quality of life, depression, anxiety, pain, spiritual and existential issues, hope and hopelessness in the ALS field, with attention to both patients and their caregivers. Emphasis will be provided to the investigation of psychological support and the possible role of psychologists in this challenging field. Keywords: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Health Psychology; Clinical Psychology, Motor Neuron Disorder; Quality of Life. Subtopics:The subtopics to be covered in the Research Topic include, but not limited to:1. Assessment of psychological variables in ALS2. Quality of life during the course of the illness3. Impact of technological assistance to illness (wheelchairs, NIV...)4. Interfaces among biological, psychosocial, and social factors5. Psychological and psychotherapeutic interventions6. Couple and family relationships7. Research methodology, measurement and statistics8. Cultural and social features of ALS9. Professional issues, including training and supervision10. Implications of research findings for health-related policy"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francesco Pagnini; Gianluca Castelnuovo"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis", "Quality of Life", "clinical psychology", "Health Psychology", "Chronic disorders", "medical psychology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/782/psychological-issues-in-amyotrophic-lateral-sclerosis"], ["title", "Psychological Issues in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis"], ["doab_id", "18878"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197583"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197583"]], [["description", "Experts are persons who are very knowledgeable about or skillful in a particular area. The aim of this Research Topic is to advance knowledge in the understanding of the phenomenon of expertise by putting together different lines of research that directly or indirectly study expertise. Herbert Simon\u2019s expertise studies initiated two lines of research. One is interested in elucidating the cognitive processes underlying expertise, and the other investigates how expertise develops. These lines of research started with studies comparing experts and novices in chess, and then they extended to numerous areas of expertise such as music, medical diagnosis, sports, arts and sciences. In the field of judgment and decision making researchers investigate the quality of judgments and decisions of experts in different professions (e.g., clinical psychologists, medical practitioners, judges, meteorologists, stock brokers). Those lines of research explicitly investigate the topic of expertise, but there are other research areas that make a substantial contribution to understanding expertise. Scholars in language acquisition and in face perception, for example, investigate cognitive processes and development of expertise in areas in which almost everyone becomes an expert. Furthermore, skill acquisition research informs in detail about short term cognitive changes that may be important to understand how expertise develops. We are interested in original research that advances knowledge in the understanding of decision making, cognitive processes and development of expertise in sports, intellectual games, arts, scientific disciplines and professions, as well as expertise in cognitive abilities such as perception, memory, attention, language and imagery. We are also interested in theoretical articles in any of these areas, articles that describe computational or mathematical models of expertise, and articles offering a framework that would guide expertise research. Articles that offer integrative approaches of some of the areas described above are strongly encouraged. The goal of this Research Topic is to produce a hallmark piece of work in the field of expertise, which complements and does not overlap with the \u201cNeural implementations of expertise\u201d Research Topic in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guillermo Campitelli; Michael H Connors; Merim Bilalic; David Zachary Hambrick"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Expertise", "expert performance", "expert cognitive processes", "skill acquisition", "Skill transfer", "training", "deliberate practice"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1885/psychological-perspectives-on-expertise"], ["title", "Psychological perspectives on expertise"], ["doab_id", "17817"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195206"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195206"]], [["description", "Psychomotor symptoms are those symptoms that are characterized by deficits in the initiation, execution and monitoring of movements, such as psychomotor slowing, catatonia, neurological soft signs (NSS), reduction in motor activity or extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). These symptoms have not always received the attention they deserve although they can be observed in a wide range of psychiatric illnesses, including mood disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental disorders and personality disorders. Nevertheless, these symptoms seem to have prognostic value on clinical and functional outcome in several pathologies. In the late 19th century, the founding fathers of modern psychiatry (including Kahlbaum, Wernicke, Kraepelin and Bleuler) had a strong focus on psychomotor abnormalities in their description and definitions of psychiatric illnesses and systematically recognized these as core features of several psychiatric pathologies. Nevertheless, emphasis on these symptoms has reduced substantially since the emergence of psychopharmacology, given the association between antipsychotics or antidepressants and medication-induced motor deficits. This has resulted in the general idea that most if not all psychomotor deficits were merely side effects of their treatment rather than intrinsic features of the illness. Yet, the last two decades a renewed interest in these deficits can be observed and has yielded an exponential growth of research into these psychomotor symptoms in several psychiatric illnesses. This recent evolution is also reflected in the increased appreciation of these symptoms in the DSM-5. As a result of this increased focus, new insights into the clinical and demographical presentation, the etiology, the course, the prognostic value as well as treatment aspects of psychomotor symptomatology in different illnesses has emerged. Still, many new questions arise from these findings. This research topic is comprised of all types of contributions (original research, reviews, and opinion piece) with a focus on psychomotor symptomatology in a psychiatric illness, especially research focusing on one or more of the following topics: the clinical presentation of the psychomotor syndrome; the course through the illness; the diagnostical specificity of the syndrome; the underlying neurobiological or neuropsychological processes; new assessment techniques; pharmacological or non-pharmacological treatment strategies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manuel Morrens; Sebastian Walther"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schizophrenia", "Affective Disorders", "Depression", "Bipolar Disorder", "Motor Activity", "Motor Cortex", "motor control", "ADHD", "Alzheimer's disease", "Autism Spectrum Disorder"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2648/psychomotor-symptomatology-in-psychiatric-illnesses"], ["title", "Psychomotor symptomatology in psychiatric illnesses"], ["doab_id", "18850"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197255"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197255"]], [["description", "Neuro-oncology is a rapidly growing field concerned with scientific developments and clinical applications related to neuroscience, neuropsychology, cancer and oncology. Neuro-oncological disorders include cancers that directly affect the central nervous system (CNS), such as brain tumours and brain metastases, and non-CNS cancers with treatments that produce neurocognitive impairment. To date, the biological mechanisms and neuropsychological effects of brain tumour and cancer have been the dominant focus in neuro-oncology literature. In terms of psychosocial aspects of care, people\u2019s understanding of their diagnosis and symptoms and how they cope with their illness has a major influence on their emotional well-being and quality of life.The development and evaluation of psychological and supportive care interventions for people with brain tumour is an area of emerging research and of high interest to health professionals working in the field. This Research Topic aims to enhance understanding of the psychological and social consequences of brain tumour and other cancers impacting neurocognitive function. It also aims to showcase new developments in assessment and psychosocial intervention approaches."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tamara Ownsworth; Suzanne Chambers; Haryana Dhillon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["psychosocial", "Neuro-Oncology", "brain tumor", "emotional well-being", "Quality of Life", "Supportive Care"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2791/psychosocial-advances-in-neuro-oncology"], ["title", "Psychosocial Advances in Neuro-Oncology"], ["doab_id", "18898"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197828"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197828"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 o estudo de uma anomalia. \u00c9 o alerta que Margaret Keck faz logo no in\u00edcio do livro. Porque a exist\u00eancia do Partido dos Trabalhadores \u00e9 uma completa irregularidade e anormalidade no \u00e2mbito do sistema partid\u00e1rio brasileiro e na hist\u00f3ria pol\u00edtica brasileira. Pela primeira vez, um partido podia se reivindicar uma presen\u00e7a s\u00f3lida na classe oper\u00e1ria e propor um programa que traduzisse com clareza essa representa\u00e7\u00e3o. [trecho retirado do pref\u00e1cio do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Keck, Margaret E."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/khwkr"], ["title", "PT - A l\u00f3gica da diferen\u00e7a: o partido dos trabalhadores na constru\u00e7\u00e3o da democracia brasileira"], ["doab_id", "16683"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820298"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820298"]], [["description", "The growth and health of our digital economies and societies depend on the core protocols and infrastructure of the Internet. This technical and logical substructure of our digital existence is now in need of protection against unwarranted interference in order to sustain the growth and the integrity of the global Internet. The Internet's key protocols and infrastructure can be considered a global public good that provides benefits to everyone in the world. Countering the growing state interference with this 'public core of the Internet' requires a new international agenda for Internet governance that departs from the notion of a global public good. Core ingredients of this strategy are:- To establish and disseminate an international norm stipulating that the Internet's public core - its main protocols and infrastructure- should be considered a neutral zone, safeguarded against unwarranted intervention by governments.- To advocate efforts to clearly differentiate at the national and international level between Internet security (security of the Internet infrastructure) and national security (security through the Internet).- To broaden the arena for cyber diplomacy to include new coalitions of states (including the so called 'swing states') and private companies, including the large Internet companies as well as Internet intermediaries such as Internet Service Providers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broeders ,Dennis"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Internet", "Online", "Cybercrime"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610631"], ["title", "The Public Core of the Internet: An international Agenda for Internet Governance"], ["doab_id", "19158"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462981959"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462981959"]], [["description", "Who are the dominant owners of US public debt? Is it widely held, or concentrated in the hands of a few? Does ownership of public debt give these bondholders power over our government? What do we make of the fact that foreign-owned debt has ballooned to nearly 50 percent today? Until now, we have not had any satisfactory answers to these questions. Public Debt, Inequality, and Power is the first comprehensive historical analysis of public debt ownership in the United States. It reveals that ownership of federal bonds has been increasingly concentrated in the hands of the 1 percent over the past three decades. Based on extensive and original research, Public Debt, Inequality, and Power will shock and enlighten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hager Brian ,Sandy"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Economic history", "Public finance", "Public debts", "Government securities"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611194"], ["title", "Public Debt, Inequality, and Power: The Making of a Modern Debt State"], ["doab_id", "19229"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520284661", "9780520960428"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520284661 9780520960428"]], [["description", "This book examines the administration of justice in the small northern Italian town of Reggio Emilia at the end of the fourteenth century. Through an examination of material from the judicial archives from the period 1371-1409, this study investigates the development of public justice, inquisition procedure, and dispute resolution in late medieval Reggio Emilia, also incorporating comparative material, especially archival material from Bologna at the end of the fourteenth century. This study seeks to add to the discussion on dispute resolution and court processes in late medieval Europe, moving the discussion outside the major urban centers of late medieval Italy to the periphery of urban life.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carraway ,Joanna"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605028"], ["title", "Public Justice and the Criminal Trial in Late Medieval Italy"], ["doab_id", "18551"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004311350"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004311350"]], [["description", "How might we construct a new public services settlement, grounded in the needs, wants and capabilities of contemporary citizens?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simon Griffiths; Henry Kippin; Gerry Stoker"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544872"], ["title", "Public Services"], ["doab_id", "16281"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544872"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544872"]], [["description", "Accessible to non-specialists and researchers interested in ethnography, this volume offers an introduction into the uses of anthropology for engaging contemporary social issues. The editors\u2019 essay surveys the development of anthropological research from its early exotic, non-Western focus to today\u2019s debate over increasingly engaged approaches within a globalized society. The case studies utilize anthropology\u2019s hallmark ethnographic methodology to address issues ranging from refugee reception and recognition to fair trade, intercultural education, and encounters with Gypsy populations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Elisabeth Tauber; Dorothy Zinn; Barbara Sorgoni; Sabine Klocke-Daffa; C\u0103t\u0103lina Tes\u0103r; Jane Henrici; Monika Weissensteiner"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["anthropology", " ethnography", " society", " study", " sociology", " social work", " geography", " political science", " education"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460769.pdf"], ["title", "The Public Value of Anthropology: Engaging Critical Social Issues Through Ethnography "], ["doab_id", "19852"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788860460769"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460769"]], [["description", "Why should governments invest public money funding research into ancient Greek tragedy or philosophical conundrums? Does such research deliver 'value for money' and 'public benefit'? In this book a group of distinguished humanities researchers reflect on the public value of their discipline, using particular research projects as case-studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jonathan Bate"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662451"], ["title", "The Public Value of the Humanities"], ["doab_id", "14362"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662451"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662451"]], [["description", "John Brewer explores the essential nature of the social sciences and the ways in which notions of 'impact' and 'value' could be reframed to generate a more productive debate around their contribution to the good of society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John D. Brewer"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545121"], ["title", "The Public Value of the Social Sciences"], ["doab_id", "16276"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545121"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545121"]], [["description", "O livro em quest\u00e3o examina o formato institucional h\u00edbrido da assist\u00eancia \u00e0 sa\u00fade no Brasil, em que coexistem um sistema p\u00fablico e um privado, com formas diferenciadas de acesso. A autora demonstra que tal arranjo h\u00edbrido n\u00e3o foi, como algumas pesquisas anteriores indicam, simples resultado de reformas e demandas privatizantes da d\u00e9cada de 90, mas resultou de mecanismos institucionais estabelecidos desde a d\u00e9cada de 60. A obra tem dois grandes m\u00e9ritos: \u00e9 uma excelente sistematiza\u00e7\u00e3o do conjunto de informa\u00e7\u00f5es, at\u00e9 ent\u00e3o dispersas ou n\u00e3o trabalhadas pelos estudiosos, sobre o setor privado de sa\u00fade e revela uma radiografia abrangente e precisa deste segmento. Al\u00e9m disso, foge da vis\u00e3o simplificada e supera o formato descritivo dos estudos sobre o complexo sistema de sa\u00fade no Brasil, visitando o passado para ajudar a interpretar a natureza dual desse sistema."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Menicucci, Telma Maria Gon\u00e7alves"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tr7y8"], ["title", "P\u00fablico e privado na pol\u00edtica de assist\u00eancia \u00e0 sa\u00fade no Brasil: atores, processos e trajet\u00f3rias"], ["doab_id", "19318"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413562"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413562"]], [["description", "Publishing of diaries and biographies is a lucrative business, fictional texts are always looking close to real people and events that a market for the \"sale\" of life stories has become established. The development of law against this practice is fallen behind. The present study focuses on two questions circles. The first focus is on the systematization of the decision parameters and the derivation of concrete responses from the basics of intellectual property law.

Die Ver\u00f6ffentlichung von Tageb\u00fcchern und Biografien ist ein eintr\u00e4gliches Gesch\u00e4ft, fiktionale Texte suchen immer wieder die N\u00e4he zu realen Personen und Geschehnissen, ein Markt f\u00fcr den \u201eVerkauf\u201c von Lebensgeschichten hat sich etabliert. Die Rechtsentwicklung droht gegen\u00fcber dieser Praxis zur\u00fcckzubleiben. Die Grenzen der erlaubnisfreien Darstellung fremder Lebensl\u00e4ufe werden von Bundesgerichtshof und Bundesverfassungsgericht unterschiedlich gezogen, der Rechtscharakter und die Wirkungen einer Erlaubniserteilung zur publizistischen Verwertung sind nicht abschlie\u00dfend gekl\u00e4rt. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich beiden Fragekreisen. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Systematisierung der Entscheidungsparameter und die Ableitung konkreter Antworten aus den Grundlagen des Immaterialg\u00fcterrechts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Martin, Marc-Oliver"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["information law", "publishing", "legal protection of personality", "information law", "publishing", "legal protection of personality"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610225"], ["title", "Publizistische Freiheit und Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsschutz - zu den Grenzen der Verwertbarkeit realer Biografien"], ["doab_id", "12955"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344489"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344489"]], [["description", "Middle English popular romance is the most audacious and compendious testimony to the imaginary world of the English Middle Ages. Yet, with few exceptions, it remains under read and under studied. Pulp fictions of medieval England demonstrates that popular romance merits and rewards serious critical attention and that it is crucial to our understanding of the complex and conflicted world of medieval England. Pulp fictions of medieval England comprises ten essays on individual romances that, while enormously popular in the Middle Ages, have been neglected by modern scholarship. Each essay offers, in addition to valuable introductory material, an innovative reading of a single romance that interrogates, variously, the genre's aesthetic codes, its political and cultural ideologies, and its historical consciousness. The essays are informed by a wide range of theoretical perspectives and they explore topics as divergent as the bourgeois body, anti-semitism, same-sex desire, eucharistic piety, historical memory and the Crusades, miscegenation, cannibalism, the dynastic imperative and the construction of story. Nicola McDonald's collection, and the romances it investigates, are key to our understanding of the aesthetics of medieval as well as popular narrative and to the ideologies of gender and sexuality, race, religion, political formations, social class, ethics, morality and national identity with which those narratives engage. It is essential reading for specialists of medieval English literature and for theorists of medieval and modern popular culture; its inclusion of detailed introductory material makes it equally accessible to students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, taking survey courses in medieval literature."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McDonald ,Nicola"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["medieval", "romance", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341366"], ["title", "Pulp fictions of medieval England: Essays in popular romance"], ["doab_id", "12566"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063183"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063183"]], [["description", "Buddhist monasteries, in both Ancient India and China, have played a crucial social role, for religious as well as for lay people. They rightfully attract the attention of many scholars, discussing historical backgrounds, institutional networks, or influential masters. Still, some aspects of monastic life have not yet received the attention they deserve. This book therefore aims to study some of the most essential, but often overlooked, issues of Buddhist life: namely, practices and objects of bodily care. For monastic authors, bodily care primarily involves bathing, washing, cleaning, shaving and trimming the nails, activities of everyday life that are performed by lay people and monastics alike. In this sense, they are all highly recognizable and, while structuring monastic life, equally provide a potential bridge between two worlds that are constantly interacting with each other: monastic people and their lay followers. Bodily practices might be viewed as relatively simple and elementary, but it is exactly through their triviality that they give us a clear insight into the structure and development of Buddhist monasteries. Over time, Buddhist monks and nuns have, through their painstaking effort into regulating bodily care, defined the identity of the Buddhist sa\u1e43gha, overtly displaying it to the laity."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heirman ,Ann; Torck ,Mathieu "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Buddhism", "bodily care", "India", "China"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=466590"], ["title", "A Pure Mind in a Clean Body : Bodily Care in the Buddhist Monasteries of Ancient India and China"], ["doab_id", "15690"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789038220147"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038220147"]], [["description", "Python is rapidly becoming the de facto standard language for systems integration. Python has a large user and developer-base external to theneuroscience community, and a vast module library that facilitates rapid and maintainable development of complex and intricate systems. In this Research Topic, we highlight recent efforts to develop Python modules for the domain of neuroscience software and neuroinformatics: - simulators and simulator interfaces - data collection and analysis - sharing, re-use, storage and databasing of models and data - stimulus generation - parameter search and optimization - visualization - VLSI hardware interfacing. Moreover, we seek to provide a representative overview of existing mature Python modules for neuroscience and neuroinformatics, to demonstrate a critical mass and show that Python is an appropriate choice of interpreter interface for future neuroscience software development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eilif Muller; James A. Bednar; Markus Diesmann; Marc-Oliver Gewaltig; Michael Hines; Andrew P. Davison"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["python language", "Software Development", "scientific computing", "interoperability", "collaboration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/8/python-in-neuroscience"], ["title", "Python in Neuroscience"], ["doab_id", "19516"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196081"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196081"]], [["description", "Qhapaq \u00d1an, refers to a network of roads built during the time of the great inca empire. Almost 55,000 kilometers long this net of roads extended across the entire geographical area of the Inca. The Thesis, that guides this study, is that selected parts of the Qhapaq \u00d1an could be used for touristic use, presuming this tourism follows sustainable criteria. Not mass tourism but rather innovative programs with a concept that focuses on the balance between \u201cuse and protection\u201d of these sensitive areas, will be essential., operated by the local communities could be the right way.

Qhapaq \u00d1an \u2013 das ist jenes System von Stra\u00dfen aus dem alten Inkareich, welches den gesamten geografischen Besiedlungsraum der Inka \u00fcberspannte. Mit einer L\u00e4nge von ca. 55.000 Kilometern ist der Qhapaq \u00d1an eine bauliche Meisterleistung, deren Spuren bis dato \u2013 mehr oder weniger gut \u2013 erhalten sind. Dieses Buch geht der Frage nach, wie nachhaltiger Tourismus entlang des Qhapaq \u00d1an erfolgreich etabliert werden kann und einen Beitrag zur Regionalentwicklung leistet? Oder anders gefragt: Wie k\u00f6nnen \u201eSch\u00fctzen und N\u00fctzen\u201c entlang dieser alten Routen in Einklang gebracht werden?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pointecker ,Marco"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Qhapaq Nan, Inca, Inca roads, Inca road system, Peru, South America, Andean,Tourism, Sustainability,Community-based Tourism, Trekking Tourism, UNESCO, ViaStoria, Grande Traversata delle Alpi, Inca Naani, Machu Picchu, Cultural routes, Pilgrim routes", "Qhapaq \u00d1an, Inka, Inkastra\u00dfen, Inkastra\u00dfennetz, S\u00fcdamerika, Peru, Anden, Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit, Tourismus, , Community-based Tourism, Trekking Tourismus, UNESCO, ViaStoria, Grande Traversata delle Alpi, Inca Naani, Machu Picchu, Kulturwege, Pilgerwege"]], ["publisher", "LIT Verlag GmbH & Co. KG"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574678"], ["title", "Qhapaq \u00d1an Inkastra\u00dfen im Wandel der Zeit"], ["doab_id", "17433"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783643506689"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783643506689"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/PEML_web.pdf"], ["title", "Quaderni di Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernit\u00e0 Letteraria, 1/2016"], ["doab_id", "19993"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867055449"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867055449"]], [["description", "O conjunto de textos agregados nesta colet\u00e2nea incide sobre reflex\u00f5es em torno do tema pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas, a partir de investimentos de pesquisa, demonstrativos dos m\u00faltiplos espa\u00e7os de defini\u00e7\u00e3o de regras para circula\u00e7\u00e3o de recursos e de formula\u00e7\u00e3o de ide\u00e1rios voltados para constru\u00e7\u00e3o de comportamentos esperados. Por eles, valoriza-se a cria\u00e7\u00e3o de redes interdependentes de aparatos institucionais correspondentes aos objetivos delineados. Considera-se, ainda, a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de agentes sociais capazes de operar na formula\u00e7\u00e3o e realimenta\u00e7\u00e3o de ideais que permitam que os objetivos sejam reconhecidos na capilaridade das pr\u00e1ticas cotidianas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Neves, Delma Pessanha; Gomes, Ramonildes A.; Leal, Pedro Fonseca"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xdm8s"], ["title", "Quadros e programas institucionais em pol\u00edticas p\u00fablicas"], ["doab_id", "17917"], ["language_unmapped", "por"], ["isbns", ["9788578792787"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792787"]], [["description", "Gambling is both a multi-billion-dollar international industry and a ubiquitous social and cultural phenomenon. It is also undergoing significant change, with new products and technologies, regulatory models, changing public attitudes and the sheer scale of the gambling enterprise necessitating innovative and mixed methodologies that are flexible, responsive and \u2018agile\u2019. This book seeks to demonstrate that researchers should look beyond the existing disciplinary territory and the dominant paradigm of \u2018problem gambling\u2019 in order to follow those changes across territorial, political, technical, regulatory and conceptual boundaries.The book draws on cutting-edge qualitative work in disciplines including geography, organisational studies, sociology, East Asian studies and anthropology to explore the production and consumption of risk, risky places, risk technologies, the gambling industry and connections between gambling and other kinds of speculation such as financial derivatives. In doing so it addresses some of the most important issues in contemporary social science, including: the challenges of studying deterritorialised social phenomena; globalising technologies and local markets; regulation as it operates across local, regional and international scales; and the rise of games, virtual worlds and social media."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cassidy ,Rebecca; Pisac ,Andrea; Loussouarn ,Claire"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["gambling", "gambling research", "contemporary social science"]], ["publisher", "Taylor & Francis"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610650"], ["title", "Qualitative Research in Gambling : Exploring the production and consumption of risk"], ["doab_id", "19159"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781138924550", "9780415659383"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781138924550 9780415659383"]], [["description", "This book addresses current controversial debates about food quality. What is it that makes people decide that food is of good, or alternatively of dubious, 'quality'? How food is produced, how it is prepared, how it tastes and in what circumstances it is consumed are all dimensions of its quality. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgements about taste?; how do such judgements come to be shared by groups or people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality?; how has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed?; what alternatives are thought to be possible? The book shows that there are many different answers to such questions because there are many different attributes of food about which judgements may be made. The complexity and the significance of the evaluations of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harvey ,Mark; McMeekin ,Andrew; Warde ,Alan"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["food", "gastronomic", "nutrition"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341367"], ["title", "Qualities of food"], ["doab_id", "13248"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719068546"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719068546"]], [["description", "Quality in Design and Execution of Engineering Practice is about quality management focused at fitness for purpose, rather than compliance with specifications, rules and regulations. The focus on getting execution in line with fitness for purpose is supported by a classification of seven different categories of quality, defined by their relevance for purpose, compliance with specifications, and actual execution. This classification facilitates decision making on desirable exemptions from specifications in the interest of both buyer and supplier. The author offers guidelines for quality management in different types of business units: License Giver, License Taker, Jobber and Consultant. Real life examples illustrate the author\u2019s approach, which concerns a mindset rather than a recipe for effective quality management. The book is of interest to any manager who is striving for superior quality of products and services for his customers."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L.A. van Gunsteren"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["quality management", " engineering design", " fitness for purpose", " construction industry", " architecture"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/978-1-61499-252-3"], ["title", "Quality in Design and Execution of Engineering Practice"], ["doab_id", "15551"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614992516"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614992516"]], [["description", "Esta colet\u00e2nea procura responder quest\u00f5es acerca do cotidiano da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI Neonatal), recorrendo \u00e0 experi\u00eancia dos profissionais envolvidos neste, por vezes, longo e demorado processo de interna\u00e7\u00e3o dos rec\u00e9m-nascidos de risco. Al\u00e9m disso, o livro ainda traz o testemunho e o desabafo de todos aqueles que passaram pela experi\u00eancia angustiante de ver internado o mais novo componente familiar. Muitas vezes, alheios em rela\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0s verdadeiras condi\u00e7\u00f5es de seu filho, os pais n\u00e3o conseguem se livrar de momentos de estresse e at\u00e9 mesmo a depress\u00e3o. Desse modo, este livro busca elucidar as d\u00favidas acerca do cotidiano da UTI Neonatal, adotando, uma linguagem acess\u00edvel para todos aqueles que est\u00e3o envolvidos neste momento de expectativa, de preocupa\u00e7\u00f5es, de inseguran\u00e7a - momento em que a nova vida come\u00e7a de forma t\u00e3o diferente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Moreira, Maria Elisabeth Lopes; Braga, Nina de Almeida; Morsch, Denise Streit"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/rqhtt"], ["title", "Quando a vida come\u00e7a diferente: o beb\u00ea e sua fam\u00edlia na UTI neonatal"], ["doab_id", "19927"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413579"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413579"]], [["description", "The true revolution in the age of digital neuroanatomy is the ability to extensively quantify anatomical structures and thus investigate structure-function relationships in great detail. Large-scale projects were recently launched with the aim of providing infrastructure for brain simulations. These projects will increase the need for a precise understanding of brain structure, e.g., through statistical analysis and models. From articles in this Research Topic, we identify three main themes that clearly illustrate how new quantitative approaches are helping advance our understanding of neural structure and function. First, new approaches to reconstruct neurons and circuits from empirical data are aiding neuroanatomical mapping. Second, methods are introduced to improve understanding of the underlying principles of organization. Third, by combining existing knowledge from lower levels of organization, models can be used to make testable predictions about a higher-level organization where knowledge is absent or poor. This latter approach is useful for examining statistical properties of specific network connectivity when current experimental methods have not yet been able to fully reconstruct whole circuits of more than a few hundred neurons."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julian M. L. Budd; Hermann Cuntz; Stephen J. Eglen; Patrik Krieger"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Quantitative morphology", "spatial statistics", "Dendrites", "connectomics", "neuronal modelling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2028/quantitative-analysis-of-neuroanatomy"], ["title", "Quantitative analysis of neuroanatomy"], ["doab_id", "18907"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197965"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197965"]], [["description", "Scientists today have access to an unprecedented arsenal of high-tech tools that can be used to thoroughly characterize biological systems of interest. High-throughput \u201comics\u201d technologies enable to generate enormous quantities of data at the DNA, RNA, epigenetic and proteomic levels. One of the major challenges of the post-genomic era is to extract functional information by integrating such heterogeneous high-throughput genomic data. This is not a trivial task as we are increasingly coming to understand that it is not individual genes, but rather biological pathways and networks that drive an organism\u2019s response to environmental factors and the development of its particular phenotype. In order to fully understand the way in which these networks interact (or fail to do so) in specific states (disease for instance), we must learn both, the structure of the underlying networks and the rules that govern their behavior. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in methods that aim to infer biological networks. These methods enable the opportunity for better understanding the interactions between genomic features and the overall structure and behavior of the underlying networks. So far, such network models have been mainly used to identify and validate new interactions between genes of interest. But ultimately, one could use these networks to predict large-scale effects of perturbations, such as treatment by multiple targeted drugs. However, currently, we are still at an early stage of comprehending methods and approaches providing a robust statistical framework to quantitatively assess the quality of network inference and its predictive potential. The scope of this Research Topic in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims at addressing these issues by investigating the various, complementary approaches to quantify the quality of network models. These \u201cvalidation\u201d techniques could focus on assessing quality of specific interactions, global and local structures, and predictive ability of network models. These methods could rely exclusively on in silico evaluation procedures or they could be coupled with novel experimental designs to generate the biological data necessary to properly validate inferred networks."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Benjamin Haibe-Kains; Frank Emmert-Streib"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Network Inference", "bioinformatics", "Gene Expression", "Validation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1216/quantitative-assessment-and-validation-of-network-inference-methods-in-bioinformatics"], ["title", "Quantitative Assessment and Validation of Network Inference Methods in Bioinformatics"], ["doab_id", "18729"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194780"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194780"]], [["description", "This book presents a consistent development of the Kohn-Nirenberg type global quantization theory in the setting of graded nilpotent Lie groups in terms of their representations. It contains a detailed exposition of related background topics on homogeneous Lie groups, nilpotent Lie groups, and the analysis of Rockland operators on graded Lie groups together with their associated Sobolev spaces. For the specific example of the Heisenberg group the theory is illustrated in detail. In addition, the book features a brief account of the corresponding quantization theory in the setting of compact Lie groups.The monograph is the winner of the 2014 Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Veronique Fischer; Michael Ruzhansky"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["topological groups", " lie groups", " abstract harmonic analysis", " functional analysis", " mathematical physics", " statistics"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-29558-9"], ["title", "Quantization on Nilpotent Lie Groups"], ["doab_id", "18966"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319295572", "9783319295589"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319295572 (Print) 9783319295589 (Online)"]], [["description", "Issues and insights from the fields of brain research, quantum mechanics, and evolutionary theory have passed into novels, and physicists and biologists often use rhetorical metaphors to communicate and even evoke their discoveries. The essays in this volume examine natural scientific themes in literary texts \u2013 such as the novels of Richard Powers, Can Hue, and Raoul Schrott \u2013 and the use of rhetoric and metaphor in the natural sciences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "v. Heydenreich, Aura; Mecke, Klaus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Literature, Science, Physics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/448650"], ["title", "Quarks and Letters. Natural Sciences in Contemporary Literature and Culture"], ["doab_id", "17936"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110406351", "9783110406542", "9783110417609"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110406351, 9783110406542, 9783110417609"]], [["description", "Queer Insists is a memorial essay, a work of mourning, written for the queer theorist and performance scholar Jos\u00e9 Esteban Mu\u00f1oz (1967-2013) shortly after his untimely death in December 2013. In a series of fragments, not unlike Roland Barthes\u2019s Mourning Diary, Michael O\u2019Rourke shares memories of Mu\u00f1oz, the stories and reflections of his friends in the wake of his passing, and readings of his work from Disidentifications to Cruising Utopia and beyond. O\u2019Rourke argues that, for Mu\u00f1oz, queer does not exist, per se, but rather insists, soliciting us from the future to-come. Mu\u00f1oz reached towards teleopoietic worlds as he invented a queer theory we have yet to find, but are invited to glimpse.Among the Mu\u00f1ozian themes this chapbook discusses are hope, utopia, affect, punk rock, heresy, the undercommons, temporality, hauntology, forgetting, loss, ephemera, partage, sense, incommensurability, the event and democracy.In reading Mu\u00f1oz as a Rogue Theorist, this book borrows many of the gifts we have received (and have yet to receive) from him, marking the force and luminescence of his thought, and insisting upon the rare and precious singularity of his work. Mu\u00f1oz bequeaths to us a queer studies without condition which it is our duty to foster and to bear as we carry it and him into the unknowable futures of an indiscipline."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael O\u2019Rourke"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["utopia, Jose Esteban Munoz, hope, affect, queer theory, memorial, tribute, Rogue Theory, loss, undercommons, punk rock"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/bodrip4b2sc0nfm/ORourke_Queer_Insists_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Queer Insists (for Jos\u00e9 Esteban Mu\u00f1oz)"], ["doab_id", "17889"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692344736"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692344736"]], [["description", "This history makes use of anti-social theory to take a broad andmultifaceted look at queer-feminist punk\u2014from its origins in the1980s to its contemporary influences on the Occupy movementand Pussy Riot activism.

Auf der Grundlage anti-sozialer Theorien stellt diese Studie eineumfassende und vielschichtige Analyse von queer-feministischemPunk an \u2013 von seinen Anf\u00e4ngen in den 1980er-Jahren bis hin zuseinen Einfl\u00fcssen auf die Occupy-Bewegung und Pussy-Riot-Aktivismus."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wiedlack ,Maria Katharina"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Queer Studies, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Anti-Social", "Queer Studies, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Anti-Soziale"]], ["publisher", "Zaglossus"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574668"], ["title", "Queer-Feminist Punk"], ["doab_id", "17432"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783902902276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902902276"]], [["description", "Querem-se fundar a onipot\u00eancia real do Executivo, escudada na aparente onipot\u00eancia do congresso, principiem por abolir virtual mente a Constitui\u00e7\u00e3o, fechando os tribunais. Mais vale acab\u00e1-los do que desonr\u00e1-los, convertendo-os em rabadilha do poder irrespons\u00e1vel. Se as armas n\u00e3o se inclinarem \u00e0 justi\u00e7a, ao menos que a justi\u00e7a n\u00e3o seja a cortes\u00e3 das armas. Estas n\u00e3o precisam dela, e, dispensando-lhes os servi\u00e7os, poupariam, ao menos, a \u00faltima das degrada\u00e7\u00f5es morais a um povo resignado ao aniquilamento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barbosa, Rui"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zrvn9"], ["title", "A quest\u00e3o social e pol\u00edtica no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17202"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820748"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820748"]], [["description", "This sociolinguistic study analyses the discourse on the language of the Jura autonomist movement. It explores the hypothesis that the language ideologies present in this discourse have participated in the identity construction of the Jura separatists as a francophone linguistic minority endangered under the supervision of the German speaking Berne Canton majority.

Cette \u00e9tude analyse, dans une approche sociolinguistique, les discours sur la langue du mouvement autonomiste jurassien durant les vingt ann\u00e9es les plus chaudes de la lutte pour la cr\u00e9ation du 23e canton suisse. Elle explore l\u2019hypoth\u00e8se que les id\u00e9ologies langagi\u00e8res pr\u00e9sentes dans ce discours ont particip\u00e9 \u00e0 la construction identitaire des Jurassiens s\u00e9paratistes comme minorit\u00e9 linguistique francophone mise en danger sous la tutelle du canton de Berne \u00e0 majorit\u00e9 germanophone. Un corpus vari\u00e9 a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9pouill\u00e9, consti-tu\u00e9 principalement de l\u2019hebdomadaire autonomiste Le Jura Libre, des publi-cations du Rassemblement jurassien (RJ) et de sesmembres et de documents d\u2019archives.Le cas du Jura d\u00e9montre une nouvelle fois que les id\u00e9ologies langagi\u00e8res ne portent pas tant sur la langue que sur la soci\u00e9t\u00e9, classifiant francophones et bilingues, cr\u00e9ant une fronti\u00e8re symbolique imperm\u00e9able entre Bernois et Jurassiens. Partageant ces id\u00e9ologies avec d\u2019autres minorit\u00e9s, le RJ se fait l\u2019amplificateur d\u2019id\u00e9es re\u00e7ues tr\u00e8s traditionnelles sur le bilinguisme, l\u2019excellence du fran\u00e7ais, la germanisation ou le d\u00e9terminisme linguistique qu\u2019il r\u00e9interpr\u00e8te et oriente dans un sens lui permettant de faire du fran\u00e7ais une arme symbolique. Cette position linguistique est pouss\u00e9e \u00e0 son paroxysme jusqu\u2019\u00e0 devenir une v\u00e9ritable posture de combat politique dans le contexte de la Question jurassienne."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cotelli Kureth ,Sara"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Jura (Swiss)", "language ideologies", "linguistic minority", "French language", "Germanisation", "bilingualism", "historical sociolinguistics", "Jura (Suisse)", "id\u00e9ologies langagi\u00e8res", "minorit\u00e9 linguistique", "langue fran\u00e7aise", "germanisation", "bilinguisme", "sociolinguistique historique"]], ["publisher", "Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594270"], ["title", "Question jurassienne et id\u00e9ologies langagi\u00e8res. Langue et construction identitaire dans les revendications autonomistes des minorit\u00e9s francophones (1959-1978)"], ["doab_id", "18406"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782889300365"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889300365"]], [["description", "Colet\u00e2nea cujo tema central \u00e9 a sa\u00fade reprodutiva, abordada com enfoques diferentes do tradicional. Contendo um panorama atualizado do conhecimento adquirido at\u00e9 o momento sobre a sa\u00fade reprodutiva da mulher brasileira, responde a uma demanda crescente por informa\u00e7\u00f5es de qualidade. Fornece subs\u00eddios para tratar, de maneira integrada, sa\u00fade, sexualidade e direitos reprodutivos. Assim, torna-se instrumento para a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e a sistematiza\u00e7\u00e3o da reflex\u00e3o anal\u00edtica relativa a resultados de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o e a balan\u00e7o de experi\u00eancias de implementa\u00e7\u00e3o de pol\u00edticas sociais. Somat\u00f3rio de olhares de autores de \u00e1reas diversas que certamente estimular\u00e1 o di\u00e1logo interdisciplinar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giffin, Karen; Costa, Sarah Hawker"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Sa\u00fade reprodutiva, Indicadores de morbi-mortalidade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/t4s9t"], ["title", "Quest\u00f5es da sa\u00fade reprodutiva "], ["doab_id", "16365"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412916"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412916"]], [["description", "Com desenvoltura e conhecimento te\u00f3rico aprofundado, Leonardo Fabio Martin\u00e9z P\u00e9rez percorre quest\u00f5es ligadas ao ensino de Ci\u00eancias a partir de uma perspectiva hist\u00f3rica e cr\u00edtica do pr\u00f3prio conhecimento cient\u00edfico. Ao desenvolver suas ideias, o autor transcende o lugar comum sobre esse tema e apresenta, por meio das lentes da filosofia e da epistemologia, o ensino de Ci\u00eancias de maneira reflexiva. No segundo momento, P\u00e9rez recorre \u00e0 an\u00e1lise do discurso para avaliar diferentes cursos de licenciatura e mestrado e sua influ\u00eancia na forma\u00e7\u00e3o cr\u00edtica de professores e na autonomia docente. Um livro que demonstra as dificuldades, os sucessos, as contradi\u00e7\u00f5es e os limites impostos pela l\u00f3gica disciplinar ditada pelo curr\u00edculo de Ci\u00eancias e as implica\u00e7\u00f5es dessa limita\u00e7\u00e3o no desempenho do professor ao preparar e ministrar suas aulas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez P\u00e9rez, Leonardo Fabio"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/bd67t"], ["title", "Quest\u00f5es sociocient\u00edficas na pr\u00e1tica docente: ideologia, autonomia e forma\u00e7\u00e3o de professores"], ["doab_id", "16943"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788539303540"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539303540"]], [["description", "The book discusses the health condition of Polish current and future health professionals. The study was conducted on around 800 medical staff members (in-training and professional). The author analyses nutrition behaviour, physical activity, smoking, drinking alcohol and their psycho-social determinants (health self-assessment, value of health, health locus of control, health related self-efficacy). The educational and behavioural needs of the investigated group depend on career stage and profession.As a result, there is a need for health promotional programs targeting carefully chosen medical staff groups, with an emphasis on their special health needs. The expectation that physicians or other medical professionals will heal themselves proves to be futile in this part of Europe. This should be a starting point in a discussion about the role of health providers in modelling health behaviours and health promotion counselling for their patients. Reflection is needed especially among health related professionals in different institutions (e.g., universities, schools, hospitals), health societies and non-profit organisations involved in health promotion, insurance and health companies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laudanska-Krzeminska, Ida"], ["date", null], ["subject", ["Health, Behavior, Compliance"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/469450"], ["title", "Quo Vadis, Medicus? Health Behaviour Among Health Professionals and Students"], ["doab_id", "17972"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110472165", "9783110472172", "9783110470758"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110472165, 9783110472172, 9783110470758"]], [["description", "Les Guidelines de la Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) sont depuis longtemps consid\u00e9r\u00e9es comme le standard de fait pour la pr\u00e9paration de ressources textuelles num\u00e9riques dans la communaut\u00e9 acad\u00e9mique. Elles offrent au d\u00e9butant un \u00e9ventail de possibilit\u00e9s qui peut para\u00eetre intimidant, mais qui refl\u00e8te l\u2019impressionnante \u00e9tendue des applications possibles pour l\u2019encodage de texte, depuis les \u00e9ditions critiques traditionnelles jusqu\u2019aux corpus linguistiques, aux lexiques historiques, aux archives n..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lou Burnard"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", [" \u00e9dition \u00e9lectronique, \u00e9dition num\u00e9rique, encodage de textes, humanit\u00e9s num\u00e9riques, TEI, XML"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/1237"], ["title", "Qu\u2019est-ce que la Text Encoding Initiative\u00a0?"], ["doab_id", "18804"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821855809", "9782821855816"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855809 9782821855816"]], [["description", "Qu\u2019est-ce que l\u2019identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique et l\u2019e-r\u00e9putation ? Cette question se pose aujourd\u2019hui dans le cadre de l'\u00e9cosyst\u00e8me internet pour les usages individuels et collectifs. Cet ouvrage pr\u00e9sente de mani\u00e8re accessible l'\u00e9tat de la recherche sur ces questions et propose un tour d'horizon des enjeux fondamentaux \u00e0 ma\u00eetriser pour pouvoir garder le contr\u00f4le sur sa pr\u00e9sence en ligne ou sur celle de son organisation. Ce livre s'adresse \u00e0 ceux qui, soucieux de d\u00e9couvrir la richesse de cette probl\u00e9matiq..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olivier Ertzscheid"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["e-r\u00e9putation, identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique, usages collectifs, usages individuels"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/332"], ["title", "Qu\u2019est-ce que l\u2019identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique ?"], ["doab_id", "15417"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821813373", "9782821813380"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821813373 9782821813380"]], [["description", "Comment les savoirs sont-ils produits ? Comment se transmettent-ils ? Quelle approche adopter pour apprendre \u00e0 les observer ? Qu\u2019il s\u2019agisse d\u2019un laboratoire, d\u2019une agora grecque, d\u2019un jardin botanique, d\u2019une table de travail ou d\u2019une biblioth\u00e8que, chaque lieu de savoir poss\u00e8de une dynamique propre, cons\u00e9quence de son histoire et de ses sp\u00e9cificit\u00e9s. En m\u00ealant l\u2019observation des pratiques \u00e0 l\u2019interpr\u00e9tation des m\u00e9thodes de pens\u00e9e, cet ouvrage \u00e9tudie les lieux de l\u2019activit\u00e9 savante dans une ap..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian Jacob"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["\u00e9criture, espace, inscriptions, laboratoire, livre, m\u00e9moire, practical turn, pratiques savantes, savoirs, spatial turn, texte"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/423"], ["title", "Qu\u2019est-ce qu\u2019un lieu de savoir\u00a0?"], ["doab_id", "15938"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821834576", "9782821834583"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821834576 9782821834583"]], [["description", "Au cours de sa carri\u00e8re, un chercheur est amen\u00e9 \u00e0 produire, consulter et conserver diff\u00e9rents types de documents. Carnets, agendas, brouillons de toutes formes, livres annot\u00e9s forment bien souvent la grande partie des fonds d\u2019archives disponibles. La prise en compte et l\u2019\u00e9tude de ces documents t\u00e9moignent d\u2019une activit\u00e9 prenante, mais permettent surtout de saisir les \u00e9volutions, les t\u00e2tonnements et les mani\u00e8res de faire propres \u00e0 tel ou tel chercheur. En d\u00e9cidant d\u2019explorer certaines pratiqu..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean-Fran\u00e7ois Bert"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["archives, \u00e9criture scientifique, \u00e9rudition, institution de la recherche, patrimoine \u00e9crit, pratiques savantes"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/438"], ["title", "Qu\u2019est-ce qu\u2019une archive de chercheur\u00a0?"], ["doab_id", "16074"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821834613", "9782821834620"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821834613 9782821834620"]], [["description", "Christopher Morgan writes with keen critical insight on the controversial poet R. S. Thomas, considered to be one of the leading writers of the twentieth century. This is the first book to treat Thomas's entire oeuvre and will prove to be an indispensible guide and companion to the complete poems. Morgan not only recontextualises and reinterprets the poet's major themes of self, nature, and the search for deity; he breaks new ground with a penetrating investigation of Thomas's long preoccupation with the philosophical and practical implications of science and technology. The book is divided into three parts, each of which interprets the development of a major theme over Thomas's twenty-seven volumes, probing these particular themes and particular poems, with a meticulous insight. The book also treats Thomas's work as a complex and interrelated whole, as a body of work that comprises a single artistic achievement, and assesses that achievement within the context of an array of major literary figures from Montaigne to Seamus Heaney and Wallace Stevens. 'R. S. Thomas: Identity, environment, deity' proves invaluable as a beginner's introduction to the Welsh poet, as a student's guide to critical thinking about the poet's work, and as a provocative new step in scholarly studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morgan ,Christopher"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["poetry", "poet", "welsh", "wales"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341368"], ["title", "R.S. Thomas: Identity, environment, deity"], ["doab_id", "12567"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062483"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062483"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ira Robinson"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49279/1/UofCPress_Rabbis_2007.pdf"], ["title", "Rabbis and their Community: Studies in the Eastern European Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930"], ["doab_id", "15405"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386811"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386811"]], [["description", "This book provides comprehensive research findings related to the environmental monitoring of radiation, levels of radioactive nuclides in various environments and dose estimation in residents after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident caused severe environmental contamination with radioactive nuclides. At the beginning of the book, a technical review written by a leading researcher of nuclear reactor technology explains what happened at the power plant. The review is followed by a commentary from a former member of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, providing the reader with easily understandable information about the concept of radiation dosage. In the main part of the book, a series of scientific reports presents valuable data on the radiation surveys of the environment, environmental radioactivity, transfer models and parameters of radioactive nuclides and dose assessment among residents. These reports present a wide range of findings from the research carried out in a variety of activities by large governmental organizations as well as by small private groups and individuals. The reader thus will find a large collection of valuable and interesting data related to the environmental contamination by radioactive nuclides after the Fukushima accident. Although earlier reports on this issue have been made public, this book is the only publication to fully depict the actual situation by providing comprehensive data obtained by diverse organizations and individuals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sentaro Takahashi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Fukushima nuclear plant accident", "Environmental contamination by radionuclides", "Radiation dose assessment", "Aerial radiation dose", "Environmental monitoring"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-54583-5"], ["title", "Radiation Monitoring and Dose Estimation of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident"], ["doab_id", "15903"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431545828", "9784431545835"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431545828 (Print) 9784431545835 (Online)"]], [["description", "DNA stores and passes the genetic information of almost all living organisms. Its molecular structure and their intramolecular interactions are particularly suitable to maximize stability against oxidative stress and UV-light absorption. Yet the protection and repair strategies are still error-prone: DNA lesions are produced, including the most complex and highly mutagenic ones. An important threat to DNA stability comes from photosensitization, i.e. from the dramatic multiplication of radiation-induced defects mediated by the presence of organic or organometallic dyes compared to the direct exposure to UVA radiation. Moreover, the photo-induced production of singlet oxygen generates an extremely high oxidative stress on DNA that, in vivo, normally results in extended cellular apoptosis. Elucidating the processes leading to DNA damages, from the production of a simple radical entity to deleterious lesions, as well as the opportunities of repair by devoted enzymes, is a cornerstone towards the development of more efficient protection strategies. Sensitization and selective production of DNA lesions can also be exploited to induce the selective apoptosis of cancer cells upon exposition to radiation or to oxidative stress, for instance in the field of photodynamic therapy. The importance and relevance of the field is witnessed by the impressive amount of high-level papers dealing with this complex subject, and notably tackling the structural elucidation of DNA and DNA-drug adducts, the mechanisms of formation of DNA lesions (including the precise detection of the final lesion products), as well as the influence of the lesions on the DNA stability and dynamics and the consequences on the ease of repair. Due to the complexity of the field lying at the frontiers between chemistry, physics and biology, multidisciplinary strategies allying modeling and experience are needed. This topic aims at giving an extended overview of the current research in the domain, with fundamental contribution from the leading groups in the field of DNA reactivity, structural characterization, photo-chemistry and photo-physics, as well as repair mechanism. It will therefore be a fundamental guide for scientists wanting to address the field of DNA lesion and repair, but also more generally for researchers working in rational drug design or in the development of biomarkers and medical imaging techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonio Monari; Elise Dumont; Chryssostomos Chatgilialoglu"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["DNA lesions", "Oxidative damages", "Radiation induced lesions", "Photosensitization", "simulation and modeling", "Analytical Chemistry", "spectroscopy", "Photochemistry and Photophysics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2741/radiation-induced-and-oxidative-dna-damages"], ["title", "Radiation-induced and oxidative DNA damages"], ["doab_id", "19561"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196609"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196609"]], [["description", "Die englischen Konservativen des mittleren 19. Jahrhunderts geben R\u00e4tsel auf. Wie kam es, dass sie 1867 eine Wahlrechtsreform durchsetzten, die sogar weiter ging als die Forderungen der Reformliberalen? Und was machte in der Umw\u00e4lzungsphase zwischen l\u00e4ndlicher Gesellschaft und Industrienation ihren spezifisch konservativen Charakter aus? In dieser Studie analysiert der Autor die wichtigsten Grundlagen des konservativen politischen Denkens und zeigt an Fallbeispielen auf, was sie f\u00fcr das konkrete politische Handeln bedeuteten. So gelingt es ihm, den englischen Konservatismus als vor allem anti-radikalen und zivilgesellschaftlich orientierten Radikal-Konservatismus zu begreifen. Die Wahlrechtsreform war in diesem Zusammenhang eine Vorw\u00e4rtsverteidigung, um durch eine Demokratisierung der bestehenden Verh\u00e4ltnisse eine echte Demokratie zu verhindern. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "R\u00f6dder, Andreas"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/225708"], ["title", "Die radikale Herausforderung. Die politische Kultur der englischen Konservativen zwischen l\u00e4ndlicher Tradition und industrieller Moderne (1846-1868) "], ["doab_id", "18397"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707618", "9783486566550"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707618, 9783486566550"]], [["description", "Positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and the combined imaging modalities realised in the en-vogue hybrid technologies PET/CT and PET/MR represent the state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technologies in nuclear medicine which are used for the highly sensitive non-invasive imaging of biological processes at the subcellular and molecular level in a respective patient for the visualisation of rather early disease states or for early inspection of treatment response after chemotherapy, radiation- or radioendotherapy.Radiolabelled molecules, bearing a \u201cradioactive lantern\u201d, function as so called Radiopharmaceuticals which have to be compliant with the pharmaceuticals act, and can be termed as \u201cfood\u201d of nuclear medicine. In general, the specialised field Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry focusses on the development, synthesis and radiolabelling of aforementioned \u201cfood\u201d, such as small molecules, biotechnology-derived antibodies or (cyclised) (oligo)peptides which are used to address clinically relevant biological \u201cdownstream\u201d targets such as receptors, enzymes, transport systems and others. Addressing \u201cupstream\u201d targets such as DNA- and RNA-fragments using corresponding radioactive substrates represents a further feasible strategy.Originally, Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry descends from radiochemistry and radiopharmacy as well as nuclear chemistry and uses methods finally aiming at the production of radioactive substances for human application which are essential for non-invasive in vivo imaging by means of the aforementioned scintigraphic methods PET or SPECT.The cornerstone for applicable radiochemistry in nuclear medicine was set by the Hungarian chemist George Charles de Hevesy who received the Nobel Prize in 1943 for his work on the radioindicator principle. This principle is based on the idea that the absolute amount of the administered substance is below the dose needed to induce a pharmacodynamic effect. Nowadays, a radioactive substance that can be traced in vivo as it moves through the living organism is termed radiotracer or radiopharmaceutical. As mentioned above, the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals is measured non-invasively reflecting functional or molecular disorders without pharmacologically affecting the organism.In the era of personalised medicine the diagnostic potential of radiopharmaceuticals is directly linked to a subsequent individual therapeutic approach called radioendotherapy. Depending on the \u201cradioactive lantern\u201d (gamma or particle emitter) used for radiolabelling of the respective tracer molecule, the field Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry can contribute to the set-up of an in vivo \u201ctheranostic\u201d approach especially in tumour patients by offering tailor-made (radio)chemical entities labelled either with a diagnostic or a therapeutic radionuclide.To succeed in the design of targeted high-affinity radiopharmaceuticals that can measure the alteration of receptors serving at the same time as biological targets for individualised radioendotherapy several aspects need to be considered: (i) reasonable pharmacological behaviour (especially pharmacokinetics adjusted to the physical half-life of the used radionuclide), (ii) ability to penetrate and cross biological membranes, (iii) usage of chemical as well as biological amplification strategies (e.g. pretargeting, biological trapping of converted ligands, change of the physicochemical behaviour of the radiopharmaceutical after target interaction, combination with biotransporters and heterodimer approaches), (iv) availability of radiopharmaceuticals with high specific activities and in vivo stability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/156"], ["title", "Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry between Imaging and Endoradiotherapy"], ["doab_id", "17517"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420842", "9783038420859"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420842/9783038420859"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bastin ,J."], ["date", "1954"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613351"], ["title", "Raffles' Ideas on the Land Rent System in Java and the Mackenzie Land Tenure Commission"], ["doab_id", "18507"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285781", "9789004286368"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285781 9789004286368"]], [["description", "This text proposes a rereading of the Decameron that traces the female figures - 'constrained' as we are told in the Proem, by the 'wishes', 'desires' and 'orders' of fathers, mothers, brothers and husbands - in their attempt to open up areas of personal life. The possession of the female body, considered as part of the family property in a social context governed by a commercial rationale, is an instrument of the violence characterising all social relations, which Boccaccio indicates as a cause for the wrath of God that exploded in the plague of 1348. Moreover, their bodies also become an instrument in the hands of the women themselves when they decide - with all the ambiguity which the context imposed (even on the author) - to repossess the same to use it as a weapon of revenge, an occasion of joy or a gift of love.

Il testo propone una rilettura del Decameron seguendo le figure femminili \"costrette\", come dice il Proemio, \"da' voleri, da' piaceri, da' comandamenti de' padri, delle madri, de' fratelli e de' mariti\" nei loro tentativi di aprire spazi di vita propria. Il possesso del corpo delle donne, parte del patrimonio familiare nel contesto sociale guidato dalla ragion di mercatura, \u00e8 uno strumento della violenza che connota tutti i rapporti sociali, e che il Boccaccio indica come causa dell'ira di Dio esplosa nella peste del 1348. Ma diviene anche strumento delle donne quando decidono con tutta l'ambiguit\u00e0 che il contesto imponeva (anche all'Autore) di riappropriarsene per farne arma di vendetta, occasione di gioia, o dono d'amore."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Totaro, Luigi"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Italian literary", "Women", "Decameron", "Giovanni Boccaccio", "Letteratura italiana", "Donne", "Decameron", "Giovanni Boccaccio"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356394"], ["title", "Ragioni d'amore"], ["doab_id", "13188"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532527", "9788884532534"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532523 8884532531"]], [["description", "\"The Frame of Legal Customs\" (\"Der Rahmen der Rechtsgewohnheiten\") attempts to interchange results from two scientific disciplines, legal theory and legal history for the middle ages.The first part describes the present and in the sphere of legal theory not unypical view of law as a system of norms as introduced by theorists like Hans Kelsen ore H.L.A. Hart. Main target of criticism is the concept of law as provided by legal positivism, pointing out the problems of the logic of norms and the speech-act-theoretical background of this concept.The second part shows the inadequacy of the modern concept of law \u2013 which faces law as system of norms \u2013 for the situation of the early middle ages, when law was practiced in judicial assemblies in a strict oral manner without the common use of written texts. Results of German legal history which assume a more differentiated structure of legal thinking (based on incompatible categories of law: \"recht\", \"Gebot\", \"Willk\u00fcr\") instead of one comprehensive notion of law, are discussed.The third part is dedicated to the close examination of the concept of law of three of the most important legal historians in Germany (Karl Kroeschell, Gerhard Dilcher, J\u00fcrgen Weitzel).The fourth and last part offers an alternative approach to the problem, how legal thinking and legal practice can be understood in premodern societies. It starts at the fundamental criticism of legal positivism, which can be found in the work of Ronald Dworkin (\"law as integrity\") and earlier at Carl Schmitts concept of concrete order (\"Konkretes Ordnungsdenken\"). The correlation between the role of legal rules, decisions and orders is discussed within the proposed theoretical frame. Finally the notion of order-configurations (\"Ordnungskonfigurationen\"), which has been brought into discussion by Stefan Weinfurter, is compared to the concept of law as a form of concrete order as developed in the text. A text of Adalbero of Laon and the letters of pope Gregory VII are interpreted as an illustrating example (and implicit criticism on Weinfurter's specific use of sociological functionalism) using the proposed alternative categories

Der \"Rahmen der Rechtsgewohnheiten\" ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit der gegenw\u00e4rtigen Entwicklung des Rechtsbegriffs der Rechtsgeschichte des Mittelalters. Konkret wird dabei versucht, rechtstheoretische Einsichten f\u00fcr diesen Begriff fruchtbar zu machen und zu einem, von rechtshistorischer Seite geforderten Br\u00fcckenschlag zwischen den Diziplinen beizutragen.Der I. Abschnitt (aus rechtstheoretischer Perspektive f\u00fcr den Rechtshistoriker verfa\u00dft) soll insoferne zeigen, mit welchen Konsequenzen zu rechnen ist, wenn Recht als Normensystem konzipiert wird. Gegenstad ist also der Rechtsbgriff des Positivismus, wie er typisch von Hans Kelsen oder H.L.A. Hart konzipiert wurde. Der Abschnitt vereint eine historische Herleitung mit einer systematischen Kritik der normenlogischen wie sprechakttheoretischen Grundlagen.Im II. Abschnitt (umgekehrt aus rechtgeschichtlicher Perspektive f\u00fcr den Rechtstheoretiker formuliert) wird gezeigt, was passiert, wenn ein derartig konzipierter positivistischer Rechtsbegriff auf (fr\u00fch)mittelalterliche Verh\u00e4ltnisse angewandt wird. Damit soll einerseits die Unzul\u00e4nglichkeit des Normsystembegriffs f\u00fcr das Mittelalter plausibel gemacht und andererseits eine Strukturaufkl\u00e4rung des mittelalterlichen Rechts vorangetrieben werden, mit dem Ergebnis, da\u00df auch aus rechttheoretischer Sicht an die Stelle eines einheitlichen, alle Ph\u00e4nomene umgreifenden Rechtsbegriffs eine begriffliche Vielfalt an Rechtsbegriffen treten mu\u00df, wie sie z.B. in der Lehre Ebels mit ihrer Differenzierung in \"recht\", \"Gebot\" und \"Willk\u00fcr\" vorgeschlagen wurde.Der III. Abschnitt ist der eingehenden Analyse der Rechtsbegriffe von drei der bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Rechtshistoriker gewidmet (Kroeschell, Dilcher, Weitzel); Leitfaden ist der Begriff der \"Rechtsgewohnheiten\". Der Begriff wird einerseits als wichtiger Ansatz zur \u00dcberwindung des Normystem-Paradigmas gew\u00fcrdigt, zugleich aber dahingehend kritisiert, da\u00df seine Formulierung und theoretische Konkretisierung immer noch in wesentlichen Momenten dem unangemessenen Normsystemdenken verhaftet bleibt.Im IV. und letzten Abschnitt wird ankn\u00fcpfend an die rechtsphilosophische Fundamentalkritik am Rechtspositivismus von Ronald Dworkin (prozedurale Rechtstheorie) und von Carl Schmitt (Konkretes Ordnungsdenken) der Versuch unternommen, einen alternativen den oralen bzw. semioralen Verh\u00e4ltnissen des Mittelalters angemesseneren Rechtsbegriff zu entwicklen oder zumindest eine Rahmentheorie zu bieten, innerhalb welcher ein solcher entwickelt werden k\u00f6nnte. Die Relation von Regel, Entscheidung und Ordnung im Rahmen einer solchen Theorie wird untersucht und die Epochenschwelle des sp\u00e4ten 11. bzw. 12. Jahrhunderts vor diesem Hintergrund betrachtet. Abschlie\u00dfend wird das Verh\u00e4ltnis von \"Recht als konkreter Ordnung\" mit dem von Stefan Weinfurter in die Geschichtswissenschaft eingef\u00fchrten Begriff der \"Ordnungskonfigurationen\" untersucht und dabei (an Hand einer Auslegung von Adalbero von Laon und der Briefe Papst Gregors VII.) insbesondere Weinfurters Position des \"Funktionalismus\" einer Kritik unterzogen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pilch ,Martin"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["legal history, legal theory, legal customs, concept of law, philosophy of law, middle ages"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437176"], ["title", "Der Rahmen der Rechtsgewohnheiten"], ["doab_id", "15301"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205782919"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205782919"]], [["description", "Three generations of the Demas family face the ups and downs of the twentieth century after their fathers leave the coal mines that drew them from Greece to America, become wool growers and small businessmen, and Americanize their Demopoulos name. As the years pass, the family accumulates untidy lives and tragedies. Parents seek to keep their children tightly bound by old-country customs, to arrange marriages, and to foist their views of women's inferiority on their daughters. Lia Papastamos in particular, child of a forced marriage between her Greek father and Amerikanidha mother, pulls away from the stifling burden of family tradition and interference, but she and her husband must contend with the decline that time, synthetics, and changing tastes bring to a once-thriving sheep business.Helen Papanikolas was one of Utah's most revered authors. Known and respected nationally and internationally as the preeminent narrator of the Greek American experience, appreciated in Utah particularly for her documentation of our multicultural history, she is widely admired as well for her storytelling through fiction and memoirs. Rain in the Valley, her last book, is a culmination. In a narrative rich with life, insight, and experience she portrays the generations of a Greek-American family. Their story is rooted in sheepherding, set primarily in Helper, Utah, and shaped by the changes that the twentieth century brings to them.Helen Papanikolas is widely known as the preeminent narrator of the Greek American experience. Her "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Papanikolas, Helen"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/86"], ["title", "Rain in the Valley"], ["doab_id", "14752"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216301"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216301"]], [["description", "How did 'Milton the Regicide', a man often regarded in his lifetime as a dangerous traitor and heretic, become 'the Sublime Milton'? This book uncovers the cultural historical background against which the Romantics and their contemporaries encountered and interacted with Milton's reputation and works."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joseph Crawford"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664233"], ["title", "Raising Milton's Ghost"], ["doab_id", "14366"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664233"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664233"]], [["description", "This is the first book on ranaviruses. Ranaviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses that cause hemorrhagic disease in amphibians, reptiles, and fish. They have caused mass die-offs of ectothermic vertebrates in wild and captive populations around the globe. There is evidence that this pathogen is emerging and responsible for population declines in certain locations. Considering that amphibians and freshwater turtles are suitable hosts and the most imperiled vertebrate taxa in the world, ranaviruses can have significant impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function. Additionally, many fish that are raised in aquaculture facilities and traded internationally are suitable hosts; thus, the potential economic impact of ranaviruses is significant. Ranaviruses also serve as a model for replication and gene function of large double-stranded DNA viruses. There is an urgent need to assemble the contemporary information on ranaviruses and provide guidance on how to assess their threats in populations. Through the Global Ranavirus Consortium, 24 experts from six countries were organize to write this volume, the first book on ranaviruses. The book begins with a discussion on the global extent of ranaviruses, case histories of infection and disease in ectothermic vertebrates, and current phylogeny. Basic principles of ranavirus ecology and evolution are covered next, with a focus on host-pathogen interactions and how the virus emerges in its environment. There are two chapters that will discuss the molecular biology of ranaviruses, host response to infection, and the genes responsible for immune system evasion. One chapter establishes standards for testing for infection and diagnosing ranaviral disease. The book ends by providing guidance on how to design ranavirus surveillance studies and analyze data to determine risk, and discussing the role of the Global Ranavirus Consortium in organizing research and outreach activities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Matthew J. Gray; V. Gregory Chinchar"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["virology", " health", " ecology", " biology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13755-1"], ["title", "Ranaviruses: Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates"], ["doab_id", "18939"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319137544", "9783319137551"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319137544 (Print) 9783319137551 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book is a holistic and self-contained treatment of the analysis and numerics of random differential equations from a problem-centred point of view. An interdisciplinary approach is applied by considering state-of-the-art concepts of both dynamical systems and scientific computing.The red line pervading this book is the two-fold reduction of a random partial differential equation disturbed by some external force as present in many important applications in science and engineering. First, the random partial differential equation is reduced to a set of random ordinary differential equations in the spirit of the method of lines. These are then further reduced to a family of (deterministic) ordinary differential equations.The monograph will be of benefit, not only to mathematicians, but can also be used for interdisciplinary courses in informatics and engineering."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Neckel, Tobias; Rupp, Florian"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Random differential equations, dynamical systems, scientific computing"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209754"], ["title", "Random Differential Equations in Scientific Computing"], ["doab_id", "15907"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560267"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560267"]], [["description", "J\u00e9sabel Robin has been a lecturer in French for future primary-school teachers at the German-speaking P\u00e4dagogische Hochschule Bern (PH IVP) since 2007. She felt that most of her students were reluctant to their professional training in French, yet it is one of the subjects they are training to teach. Her research in language and culture pedagogy adopts social anthropological approaches with a view to study the attitude of the PH IVP students towards French. From mobility mapping to comprehensive interviews in self confrontation, she analyses diverse self-narratives and reveals a wide range of individual and collective representations of and about French. She also focuses on the pivotal effect of institutional experiences such as practical training in teaching French and mobility. These constraints trigger tensions between institutional thinking and individual experiences regarding French but also reveal gaps (so-called \u00ab interstices institutionnels \u00bb) within the institution itself. The author eventually suggests redesigning a few curricular aspects.

\u00c0 travers ses exp\u00e9riences d\u2019enseignante de fran\u00e7ais \u00e0 la Haute \u00c9cole P\u00e9dagogique de Berne (PHBern), l\u2019auteure constate que de nombreux \u00e9tudiants, futurs enseignants du primaire, pr\u00e9sentent des r\u00e9sistances \u00e0 l\u2019encontre de cette langue qu\u2019ils vont pourtant devoir enseigner. S\u2019inscrivant dans le champ de la didactique des langues et des cultures et adoptant une approche socio-anthropologique, la chercheuse s\u2019int\u00e9resse aux raisons de ce rapport au fran\u00e7ais des \u00e9tudiants en formation initiale. Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l\u2019analyse qualitative de leurs r\u00e9cits d\u2019exp\u00e9riences, elle parvient \u00e0 identifier un \u00e9ventail de repr\u00e9sentations du fran\u00e7ais et \u00e0 en rep\u00e9rer les lieux-pivots. En outre, son analyse des strat\u00e9gies individuelles et collectives \u00e9labor\u00e9es par ces futurs enseignants pour tenter de g\u00e9rer les tensions li\u00e9es au caract\u00e8re contraint de l\u2019enseignement/apprentissage de la langue donne finalement \u00e0 voir les \u00ab interstices institutionnels \u00bb qui permettent aux divers acteurs de l\u2019institution de s\u2019accommoder ou de contourner la situation. Les r\u00e9sultats de sa recherche l\u2019incitent \u00e0 souligner la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de penser, voire de repenser, les articulations institutionnelles et \u00e0 proposer des pistes didactiques."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robin ,J\u00e9sabel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["language and culture pedagogy", "social anthropological approaches", "institutional thinking vs. individual experience", "self-narrative", "biographical approaches", "French notion of repr\u00e9sentations sociales", "mobility and immobility itineraries", "mobility didactics gaps", "r\u00e9cits d\u2018exp\u00e9riences", "parcours de mobilit\u00e9", "repr\u00e9sentations sociales", "enseignement/apprentissage du Fle/Fls", "formation des enseignants", "approches socio-anthropologiques en didactique des langues et des cultures"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578497"], ["title", "Le rapport au fran\u00e7ais de futurs enseignants du primaire de la PHBern dans leurs r\u00e9cits de formation et de mobilit\u00e9."], ["doab_id", "17545"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034320344"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034320344"]], [["description", "The book deals with the genesis of modern photojournalism between 1890 an 1945

Thema des Buches ist die Entstehungsgeschichte des modernen Fotojournalismus zwischen 1890 und 1945"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Holzer ,Anton"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Photojournalism, press photography, photography, history of photography, media history, cultural history, popular culture, Austria", "Fotojournalismus, Pressefotografie, Fotografie, Fotografiegeschichte, Mediengeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Popul\u00e4rkultur, \u00d6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "Primus Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574655"], ["title", "Rasende Reporter"], ["doab_id", "17429"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783863120733"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863120733"]], [["description", "The study focuses on the investigation of the process during which raters of EFL written performance make their decisions. It consists of a pilot and a main study, each of which concentrates on assessment of writing. The rationale is to detect the decision-making processes that raters follow, which can be used for training raters, and with which the reliability of rating can be improved. The pilot study is based on data collected during a large-scale language proficiency assessment of two age groups from learners of English and German languages. Raters were asked to think aloud during the rating task. Data was then transcribed and analysed. The participants in the main study were novice raters, who produced verbal protocols. 37 EFL teacher trainees took part in rater training and practised think-aloud protocol production. Then, they evaluated ten compositions written by EFL learners and verbalised their thought processes. The verbal protocols served as a basis for data collection. The analysis of data resulted in the conclusion according to which more reliable and objective assessment is possible when evaluating written performance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bukta, Katalin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Testing, language performance, EFL written performance"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/308191"], ["title", "Rating English language learners\u2019 written performance"], ["doab_id", "15914"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560793"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560793 "]], [["description", "This is an accessible introduction to the history, machinery and impact of audience ratings. It is the first comparative account, demonstrating new insights into the complexity of audience participation and the methodological problems associated with assessing ratings. It will be key reading for media professionals and students."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark Balnaves; Tom O'Regan; Ben Goldsmith"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664622"], ["title", "Rating the Audience"], ["doab_id", "14382"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664622"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664622"]], [["description", "The core of the book consists in the coherent typological analysis of more than 200 Doric friezes from hellenistic Central Italy. By means of this data a typologically induced dating and historical evaluation for each building became possible. Several stages of motivic and stylistic transfer concerning sacred and funeral buildings can be linked to different processes of political restructuring, spanning the period from the Social War to the veteran settlements and municipalisation of Early Augustan times.

Grundlage des Buches ist eine typologische Analyse, die an \u00fcber 200 zum Teil noch unpublizierten dorischen Friesen durchgef\u00fchrt wird. Anhand dieser breiten Datenbasis ist es erstmals m\u00f6glich, f\u00fcr jedes der untersuchten Geb\u00e4ude eine Datierung und geschichtliche Einordnung vorzuschlagen. Die wechselnden Motivkombinationen an bestimmten Typen von Sakral- und Grabbauten k\u00f6nnen auf verschiedene Umstrukturierungen vom Bundesgenossenkrieg bis hin zu den Landverteilungen der fr\u00fchaugusteischen Zeit zur\u00fcckgef\u00fchrt werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maschek ,Dominik "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["friezes from hellenistic Central Italy", "Architektur; Hellenismus; Bauornamentik; r\u00f6mische Republik; dorische Ordnung; Mittelitalien"]], ["publisher", "Phoibos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574652"], ["title", "Rationes decoris"], ["doab_id", "17427"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851610833"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851610833"]], [["description", "Diese bibliographische Dokumentation kn\u00fcpft an die beiden umfassenden Bibliographien zum R\u00e4toromanischen, die R\u00e4toromanische Bibliographie (Maria Iliescu/Heidi Siller-Runggaldier) sowie die R\u00e4toromanische Bibliographie 1985-1997 (Heidi Siller-Runggaldier/Paul Videsott)an, deren Daten hier integriert und bis 2010 aktualisiert wurden. Durch die neue Anordnung der bibliographischen Daten nach Sachbereichen und chronologisch ansteigendem Publikationsdatum werden die knapp 5000 Eintr\u00e4ge aus dem Zeitraum zwischen 1729 und 2010 zu einer Art \u201ewissenschaftsgeschichtlichem Lesebuch\u201c zum state of the art der internationalen R\u00e4toromanistik. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paul Videsott"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["research", " language reseach", " linguistics", " language minority", " philology", " Ladin", " bibliography"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de", "it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460455.pdf"], ["title", "R\u00e4toromanische Bibliographie / Bibliografia retoromanza 1729-2010 "], ["doab_id", "19849"], ["language_unmapped", "German; Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788860460455"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460455 "]], [["description", "Im ersten Band der Brixener Studien zu Sozialpolitik und Sozialwissenschaft erforscht der Autor identit\u00e4tsrelevante Erfahrungen im Zusammenhang mit Konsum- und Rauscherlebnissen von jungen Menschen ohne Krankheitsdiagnosen. Er geht dabei von der Hypothese aus, dass es einen Zusammenhang gibt zwischen der Beteiligung an Konsum \u2013 in erster Linie in Alkoholszenen \u2013 und der Selbstentwicklung eines jungen Erwachsenen. Das Ergebnis ist klar und unmissverst\u00e4ndlich: Alkoholszenen k\u00f6nnen wichtige identit\u00e4tsstiftende und verankernde Impulse liefern, die Jugendliche auf ihrem Weg in das Erwachsenenleben als Erfahrungswelt ben\u00f6tigen. Die Studie zeigt jedoch auch deutlich, dass Alkoholszenen Kunstwelten sind und damit auch risikohaltige \u00dcbergangsr\u00e4ume darstellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peter Koler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["social policy", " social sciences", " drug use", " intoxication", " experience", " development", " study", " psychology"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460653.pdf"], ["title", "Rausch und Identit\u00e4t - Jugendliche in Alkoholszenen "], ["doab_id", "19844"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460653"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460653 "]], [["description", "In the 2011 book Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture, the artist Gregory Sholette posits that we are living in an era of surplus creative energies concentrated in a teeming archive of artists, the poor, the \u201cunskilled\u201d and the \u201ceconomically invisible.\u201d It is a potentially disruptive archive that capitalism can\u2019t always manage but can still hope to eventually exploit and assimilate. Within this archive seethes creative energy that can extend itself in unique and unsettling ways, across multiple categories and disciplines. Often, however such energy is captured by the winners and arbiters in our \u201crisk society\u201d and thereby sanitized and neutralized. So it becomes necessary for artists, theorists, writers and activists to be versatile in their tactics, cryptic and evasive in their manifestations and criminally implacable in their visions.The Iron Garters are an \u201cart gang\u201d that masquerades, disseminates and performs as your archetypal \u201ccriminals,\u201d \u201coutcasts\u201d \u201cmystics,\u201d \u201closers\u201d and \u201clunatics\u201d: in short, a vital and necessary social surplus. Their antics have been traced back to Jean Genet\u2019s novel The Thief\u2019s Journal, the films of Kenneth Anger, as well as the Dada poems of Baroness Elsa and Hugo Ball. Yet still other Garters have been nourished on the Vienna Actionists, Genesis P-Orridge, Diamanda Galas, Gilles Deleuze, Samuel Delany, and the dulcet sounds of The Cramps. With a critical and aesthetic arsenal salvaged from underground \u201ckulchurs\u201d and academia\u2019s collective libido, the Iron Garters are not afraid to demand excitement along with analysis, frenzy coupled to resistance, and fashion inseparable from infiltration. Founded in San Francisco on a full moon night after a \u201cdeathpunk\u201d show, the original members grew adversely impacted by the economic invasions reducing a once great city to a tepid monoculture. Fueled by queer, antinomian, heretical and radical traditions, the Garters pilgrimaged into various trans-continental sanctuaries and beachheads, leaving behind them radiant paper trails of provocation and sedition. This volume is one such radiant paper trail.Despite its many hiatuses, the Garters archive has grown more fertile, thanks in part to its endurance in imaginary/speculative realms. Currently, the Garters are remobilizing as a \u201ccrime art collective,\u201d with cells operating in cities most in need of \u201ccrime-art,\u201d while also re-asserting itself as an ongoing \u201ctransmedia\u201d project. This present archive is a small fraction of the decade\u2019s worth of Garter experiments, epistles, stories and communiqu\u00e9s. In a political epoch when risk and anxiety seem to predicate our every move, and when being poor, different, \u201cunskilled\u201d or \u201ca failure\u201d (as judged by the demigods of Profit, Fear, Reason & Security) means that you are essentially criminalized, then it becomes imperative for art (wedded to theory and style) to celebrate its own \u201ccriminal,\u201d \u201cdangerous\u201d and \u201cunassimiliable\u201d nature. So let the Garters initiate you into the mysteries that are already yours, once you rid yourself of fear, anxiety and the need to be respectable."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Berger (archivist)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["English"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/iuze4mqycxgmd70/Iron_Garters_Ravish_the_Republic_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Ravish the Republic: The Archives of The Iron Garters Crime/Art Collective"], ["doab_id", "17623"], ["language_unmapped", "aesthetics, art activism, crime-art, desiring-assemblage, disruptive collectives, earth politics, erotics, heresy, mail art, manifesto, play, transmedia, wonder"], ["isbns", ["9780692283950"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692283950"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carlo Bianchini; Mauro Guerrini"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Rda, cataloguing, standard"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Interni_JLIS_corretti.pdf"], ["title", "RDA, Resource Description and Access: the metamorphosis of cataloguing"], ["doab_id", "19224"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788867054800"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054800"]], [["description", "This book reports on a novel and comprehensive approach to the uptake of ICT in Schools. It focuses on key questions, pedagogically sound ways of introducing ICT, new technical artifacts supporting the approach, the evaluation in a large-scale validator, and future work. While many innovations in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) have emerged over the last two decades, the uptake of these innovations has not always been very successful, particularly in schools. The transition from proof of concept to integration into learning activities has been recognized as a bottleneck for quite some time. This major problem, which is affecting many TEL stakeholders, is the focus of this book which focuses on developing a more effective and efficient approach based on more than 2500 pilots in European classrooms.Teachers, head teachers, and policy makers may benefit from reading how novel learning scenarios can be elaborated, adapted to a local context, and implemented in the classroom; how new technologies can support this process for teachers and their national/regional communities; how teachers and other stakeholders can be educated in such a re-engineering process; how the approach can be scaled up through MOOCs, ambassador schemes, and train-the-trainer programs; how future classroom labs can inspire teachers, head teachers, and policy makers; how teachers and, above all, learners can become more engaged in learning through the adoption of the iTEC approach.Readers with a more technical focus may also be interested in the discussion of recommender systems, the flexible provision of resources and services, the deployment of the cloud in schools, and systems for composing technological support for lesson plans."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frans Van Assche; Luis Anido; David Griffiths; Cathy Lewin; Sarah McNicol"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["education", " information technology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-19366-3"], ["title", "Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools"], ["doab_id", "19121"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319193656", "9783319193663"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319193656 (Print) 9783319193663 (Online)"]], [["description", "En entrant dans l\u2019\u00e8re de l\u2019informatique en r\u00e9seau, le livre devient inscriptible. Son d\u00e9veloppement ne suit plus la ligne droite de la traditionnelle cha\u00eene du livre, mais se diffuse par ramifications r\u00e9ticulaires. Comme un oignon, il se pare de multiples couches d\u2019informations, ajout\u00e9es par diff\u00e9rents m\u00e9tiers, mais aussi par les lecteurs. Ensemble, ils participent \u00e0 une vaste entreprise d\u2019enrichissement documentaire qui multiplie les grilles de lecture du texte et en fait miroiter les multip..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marin Dacos (dir.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["usages", "livre "]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/128"], ["title", "Read/Write Book"], ["doab_id", "14775"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782953641905", "9782821809529"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782953641905 9782821809529"]], [["description", "Qu\u2019est-ce que les humanit\u00e9s num\u00e9riques ? Apparue en 2006, l\u2019expression conna\u00eet depuis un v\u00e9ritable succ\u00e8s. Mais au-del\u00e0 du slogan \u00e0 la mode, quelle est la r\u00e9alit\u00e9 des pratiques qu\u2019il d\u00e9signe ? Si tout le monde s\u2019accorde sur une d\u00e9finition minimale \u00e0 l\u2019intersection des technologies num\u00e9riques et des sciences humaines et sociales, les vues divergent lorsqu\u2019on entre dans le vif du sujet. Les humanit\u00e9s num\u00e9riques repr\u00e9sentent-elles une v\u00e9ritable r\u00e9volution des pratiques de recherche et des parad..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pierre Mounier (dir.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", [" digital humanities, \u00e9dition \u00e9lectronique, usages, web"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/226"], ["title", "Read/Write Book 2"], ["doab_id", "15418"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821813243", "9782821813250"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821813243 9782821813250"]], [["description", "In Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013, the world's leading Munro scholar offers a critical overview of Alice Munro and her writing spanning forty years. Beginning with a newly written overarching introduction, featuring directive interleaved commentaries addressing chronology and contexts, ending with encompassing afterword, this collection provides a selection of essays and reviews that reflect their times and tell the story of Munro's emergence and recognition as an internationally acclaimed writer since the 1970s. Acknowledging her beginnings and her persistence as a writer of increasingly exceptional short stories, and just short stories, it treats her career through Thacker's criticism up to her fourteenth collection, Dear Life (2012), and to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature. Altogether, this book encompasses the whole trajectory of Munro's critical presence while offering a singularly informed retrospective perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert Thacker"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literary criticism, Biography"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388396"], ["title", "Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013"], ["doab_id", "18651"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388402"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388402"]], [["description", "Most literary analysis of the canon of Indonesian literature overlooks its religious aspect. This book is the first to discuss the construction of gender and Islamic identities in literary writing by four prominent Indonesian Muslim women writers: Titis Basino P I, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, Abidah El Kalieqy and Helvy Tiana Rosa. The narratives of the four writers are rich sources for revealing the construction of Indonesian Muslim women's identities. Within their feminist reading the writers understand that gender roles are negotiable rather than inherent. In representing women in a variety of discourses they draw multi-faceted women struggling against repression and domination, and resisting their status as powerless.

Dit is het eerste boek waarin de verhouding tussen geslacht en islamitische identiteit in de Indonesische literatuur wordt onderzocht. Diah Ariani Arimbi doet dit aan de hand van vier schrijfsters: Titis Basino P I, Ratna Indraswari Ibrahim, Abidah El Kalieqy en Helvy Tiana Rosa. Het verhaal van deze vier vrouwen onthult de ware identiteit van Indonesische moslima's. Vanuit hun feministisch standpunt laten deze schrijfsters zien dat verhoudingen tussen man en vrouw niet statisch zijn, maar veranderlijk en onderhandelbaar. Arimbi schetst een innemend beeld van deze veelzijdige vrouwen en hun strijd tegen onderdrukking en discriminatie. Zij blijken allesbehalve weerloze zielen te zijn."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arimbi ,Diah Ariani"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Literature (Belles lettres) and rhetoric", "Vrouwenstudies", "Literatuur en rhetorica"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340018"], ["title", "Reading Contemporary Indonesian Muslim Women Writers : Representation, Identity and Religion of Muslim Women in Indonesian Fiction"], ["doab_id", "12743"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640895"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640895"]], [["description", "The changing state of reading and its fate in the digitalised world is one of the core issues in the contemporary debates about the future of culture. The central position of the printed word, and primarily, books as the most valuable cultural medium and the main source of knowledge, are becoming questioned in the age of the Internet. Reading as gateway to the world of fantasies has been challenged by powerful audiovisual media. Is the pleasure of reading as a creative process involving imagination and self-cognition disappearing, and being replaced by the quick exchange of impressions and images in social media? Are these critical notes and concerns about the future of reading just rapid generalisations and misunderstandings, evoked by the invasion of new technologies in the old and well-established world of books? The articles gathered here represent empirical studies, theoretical and historical reflections on the changes in the world of books and reading in the Baltic and Nordic countries, as well as descriptions of the new library practices that reflect the creative efforts to adapt to the changing social and technological environment."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lauristin ,Marju; Vihalemm ,Peeter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["books", "reading", "reading preferences", "reading policies", "readers", "printed word", "book consumption", "library practices", "digital era"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496790"], ["title", "Reading in changing society"], ["doab_id", "16239"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949325757", "9789949325788"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949325757 9789949325788"]], [["description", "Reader, where are you?\u201d, wondered, in the mid-1880s, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, one of the Russian writers that paid the most attention to the readership of his time. Saltykov-Shchedrin\u2019s call did not go unanswered. Over the past two centuries, various disciplines \u2013 from the social sciences to psychology, literary criticism, semiotics, historiography and bibliography"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A cura di: Raffaella Vassena; A cura di: Damiano Rebecchini"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Reading-in-Russia_okDEFweb.pdf"], ["title", "Reading in Russia"], ["doab_id", "17237"], ["language_unmapped", "Inglese"], ["isbns", ["9788867052479"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052479 "]], [["description", "Before the fall of Imperial Rome, priests cast the guts of sacrificial animals on the temple floor, claiming to be able to divine the future from these entrails. By probing the remains of Alberta's past sacrifices (reading the entrails), the author believes we might dimly see an apparition of Alberta's future. This controversial book vividly portrays the history of land and life in Alberta from the Ice Ages to the present. Making no apologies for his criticism of government, regulators, and large corporations, Conrad aims to strike a discussion at all levels by presenting his arguments intensely. For those interested in natural history, the environment, and the future of Alberta's ecological resources, this provocative book is essential reading. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Norman Charles Conrad"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49344/1/UofCPress_ReadingEntrails_1999.pdf"], ["title", "Reading the Entrails"], ["doab_id", "15406"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386712"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386712"]], [["description", "Untangling the various approaches to language teaching and their history, Gerdi Quist maps recent thinking in language studies at university. Using an interdisciplinary theoretical framework, drawn from educational philosophy, cultural studies, intercultural studies and language pedagogy, the author discusses the many tensions and currents in contemporary language teaching.The author puts forward an alternative pedagogy, that of a cultuurtekst-perspective, which engages learners at complex linguistic and cultural levels. In discussing the case study in which this approach is tested, the author develops her argument for embracing various critical perspectives through the personal engagement of students. From the start the author acknowledges her own engaged position as a language teacher in a liberal humanistic educational environment. She adopts a self -critical perspective through which her engagement with adverse student reaction leads to deepening insights both for the author and her students as part of the non-linear process of learning. Gerdi Quist teaches Dutch language and lectures on multiculturalism and intercultural communication. Recent publications included a book chapter and journal articles on language pedagogy and intercultural communication. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/baj)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Quist ,Gerdi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["language pedagogy", "educational philosophy", "intercultural communication", "language teaching", "culture", "cultural complexity"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533884"], ["title", "Reading With My Eyes Open: Embracing the critical and the personal in language pedagogy"], ["doab_id", "15580"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188211", "9781909188228", "9781909188235"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188211 9781909188228 9781909188235"]], [["description", "Object-oriented ontology offers a startlingly fresh way to think about causality that takes into account developments in physics since 1900. Causality, argues, Object Oriented Ontology (OOO), is aesthetic. In this book, Timothy Morton explores what it means to say that a thing has come into being, that it is persisting, and that it has ended. Drawing from examples in physics, biology, ecology, art, literature and music, Morton demonstrates the counterintuitive yet elegant explanatory power of OOO for thinking causality."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morton ,Timothy"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["ontology", "physics", "causality"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502350"], ["title", "Realist Magic : Objects, Ontology, Causality"], ["doab_id", "16372"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852025"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852025"]], [["description", "What should philosophical theology look like after the critique of Onto-theo-logy, after Phenomenology, and in the age of Speculative Realism? What does Kabbalah have to say to Philosophy? Since Kant and especially since Husserl, philosophy has only permitted itself to speak about how one relates to God in terms of the intentionality of consciousness and not of how God is in himself. This meant that one could only ever speak to God as an addressed and yearned-for holy Thou, but not to God as infinite creator of all.In this book-length essay, the author argues that reality itself is made up of the Holy Name of God. Drawing upon the set-theoretical ontology of Alain Badiou, the computational theory of Stephen Wolfram, the physics of Frank Tipler, the psychoanalytical theory of Jacques Lacan, and the genius of Georg Cantor, the author works to demonstrate that the universe is a computer processing the divine Name and that all existence is made of information (the bit). As a result of this ontic pan-computationalism, it is shown that the future resurrection of the dead can take place and how it may in fact occur. Along the way, the book also offers compelling critiques of several significant theories of reality, including the phenomenological theologies of Emmanuel Levinas and Jean-Luc Marion, Process Theology, and Object-Oriented Ontology. Reality in the Name of God explores how the concepts of Jewish mysticism can be articulated and deployed as philosophical theses within current metaphysical debates. It provides a new and dynamic Structural Realist ontology of information. Ultimately, the book aims to deal a death blow to the restriction of philosophy and theology in relation to elaborations of a how a believer relates to a God outside the mind and to return thought to a direct encounter with the divine nature of reality itself and its creator."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Noah Horwitz"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["cybernetics, information theory, Kabbalah, Lacan, mysticism, onto-theology, phenomenology, philosophy, physics, set theory"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/reality-in-the-name-of-god/"], ["title", "Reality in the Name of God"], ["doab_id", "16011"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781468096361"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781468096361"]], [["description", "Benjamin Christensen\u2019s H\u00e4xan (The Witch, 1922) stands as a singular film within the history of cinema. Deftly weaving contemporary scientific analysis and powerfully staged historical scenes of satanic initiation, confession under torture, possession, and persecution, H\u00e4xan creatively blends spectacle and argument to provoke a humanist re-evaluation of witchcraft in European history as well as the contemporary treatment of female \u201chysterics\u201d and the mentally ill. In Realizing the Witch, Baxstrom and Meyers show how H\u00e4xan opens a window onto wider debates in the 1920s regarding the relationship of film to scientific evidence, the evolving study of religion from historical and anthropological perspectives, and the complex relations between popular culture, artistic expression, and concepts in medicine and psychology. H\u00e4xan is a film that travels along the winding path of art and science rather than between the narrow division of \u201cdocumentary\u201d and \u201cfiction.\u201d Baxstrom and Meyers reveal how Christensen\u2019s attempt to tame the irrationality of \u201cthe witch\u201d risked validating the very \u201cnonsense\u201d that such an effort sought to master and dispel. H\u00e4xan is a notorious, genre-bending, excessive cinematic account of the witch in early modern Europe. Realizing the Witch not only illustrates the underrated importance of the film within the canons of classic cinema, it lays bare the relation of the invisible to that which we cannot prove but nevertheless \u201cknow\u201d to be there.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Baxstrom ,Richard; Meyers ,Todd"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore & Mythology", "PERFORMING ARTS / Film & Video / General", "SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural", "Witchcraft Europe History", "Witches Europe"]], ["publisher", "Fordham University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605860"], ["title", "Realizing the Witch"], ["doab_id", "18998"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780823274871"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780823274871"]], [["description", "

Reappraisals is a provocative account of the development of modern critical theory in Germany and the United States. Focusing on the period since World War II, Peter Uwe Hohendahl explores key debates on the function of critical theory, illuminating the diverse positions and alliances among the participants. Bringing together six essays, as well as new introductory and concluding chapters, Hohendahl interprets and subjects to critical scrutiny many of the central ideas of the Frankfurt School. He first maps the trajectory of neomarxist criticism in Germany to the 1980s. Individual chapters then focus on the work of Georg Lukacs, Theodor W. Adorno, and J\u00fcrgen Habermas, and on such issues as the politicization of German criticism after 1965 under the influence of the Frankfurt School.95% of peripheral blood \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells, whereas cells expressing non-Vd2 genes dominate in mucosal tissues. In mice, there is an ordered appearance of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cell \u201ewaves\u201c during embryonic development, resulting in preferential localization of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells expressing distinct VgammaVdelta genes in the skin, the reproductive organs, or gut epithelia. The major function of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells resides in local immunosurveillance and immune defense against infection and malignancy. This is supported by the identification of ligands that are selectively recognized by the \u03b3\u03b4 TCR. As an example, human Vgamma9Vdelta2 T-cells recognize phosphorylated metabolites (\u201ephosphoantigens\u201c) that are secreted by many pathogens but can also be overproduced by tumor cells, providing a basis for a role of these \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells in both anti-infective and anti-tumor immunity. Similarly, the recognition of endothelial protein C receptor by human non-Vdelta2 \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells has recently been identified to provide a link for the role for such \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells in immunity against epithelial tumor cells and cytomegalovirus-infected endothelial cells. In addition to \u201eclassical\u201c functions such as cytokine production and cytotoxicity, recent studies suggest that subsets of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells can exert additional functions such as regulatory activity and \u2013 quite surpisingly \u2013 \u201eprofessional\u201c antigen-presenting capacity. It is currently not well known how this tremendous extent of functional plasticity is regulated and what is the extent of \u03b3\u03b4 TCR ligand diversity. Due to their non-MHC-restricted recognition of unusual stress-associated ligands, \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells have raised great interest as to their potential translational application in cell-based immunotherapy. Topics of this Research Focus include: Molecular insights into the activation and differentiation requirements of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells, role of pyrophosphates and butyrophilin molecules for the activation of human \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells, role of \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells in tumor immunity and in other infectious and non-infectious diseases, and many others. We are most grateful to all colleagues who agreed to write a manuscript. Thanks to their contributions, this E-book presents an up-to-date overview on many facets of the still exciting \u03b3\u03b4 T-cells. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dieter Kabelitz; Julie Dechanet-Merville"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Butyrophilin 3A1", "Pyrophosphates", "cancer immunotherapy", "IL-17", "Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes", "Infection"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2041/recent-advances-in-t-cell-biology-new-ligands-new-functions-translational-perspective"], ["title", "Recent advances in \u03b3\u03b4 T cell biology: New ligands, new functions, and new translational perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18900"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197842"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197842"]], [["description", "I am very pleased with this Viruses Special Issue. Of particular interest to families and caregivers affected by CMV diseases are several papers: addressing prevention of CMV infection of trophoblast cells (Zydek et al., 2014), CMV latency (Sinclair and Reeves, 2013), as well as of CMV lung infections in non-HIV infected children (Restrepo-Gualteros et al., 2014). Our ability to enhance immune responses for controlling CMV infection (Hanley and Bollard, 2014) and new strategies for CMV vaccine development guided by non-human primate studies (Deere and Barry, 2014) are discussed in two excellent reviews. Several articles address the CMV manipulation of the immune system, both innate and adaptive immune responses (Stevenson et al., 2014, Fink et al, 2013, 2014, Raghavan et al., 2014) and of DNA damage responses (E and Kowalik, 2014; Kulkarni and Fortunato, 2014). [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cytomegalovirus", " RNase", " Cytomegalovirus", " HCMV", "vMIA", " MAM", "mitochondria", "OMM", "confocal microscopy", "GSTED", " MSIM", " PALM", "immediate early 1", " STAT1", " antiviral defense", "viral GPCR US28"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/70"], ["title", "Recent CMV Research"], ["doab_id", "16624"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980539", "9783906980546"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980539/9783906980546"]], [["description", "This collection represents certain discoveries that were made in evolutionary and genomic microbiology during the recent ten years. We attempted to shed light on topical issues of microbial evolution and microbiome biology. In our eyes, these articles are of an excellent quality and may be helpful both for casual readers and for specialists in the field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anton G. Kutikhin; Arseniy E. Yuzhalin"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Human microbiome", "gut microbiome", "oral microbiome", "Human Ecology", "evolution", "domains of life", "human mycobiome", "brain-gut-microbe axis", "evolutionary microbiology", "genomic microbiology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1920/recent-discoveries-in-evolutionary-and-genomic-microbiology"], ["title", "Recent Discoveries in Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology"], ["doab_id", "19525"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196173"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196173"]], [["description", "Improvements in task performance following practice can occur as a result of changes in distinct cognitive and neural processes. In some cases, we can improve our performance by selecting a more successful behavior that is already part of our available repertoire. Skill learning, on the other hand, refers to a slower process that results in improving the ability to perform a behavior, i.e., it involves the acquisition of a behavior that was not available to the controller before training. Skill learning can take place both in the sensory and in the motor domains. Sensory skill acquisition in perceptual learning tasks is measured by improvements in sensory acuity through practice-induced changes in the sensitivity of relevant neural networks. Motor skill is harder to define as the term is used whenever a motor learning behavior improves along some dimension. Nevertheless, we have recently argued that as in perceptual learning, acuity is an integral component in motor skill learning. In this special topic we set out to integrate experimental and theoretical work on perceptual and motor skill learning and to stimulate a discussion regarding the similarities and differences between these two kinds of learning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lior Shmuelof; John W Krakauer"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Explicit learning", "implicit learning", "Acuity", "neural plasticity", "intersubject variability", "age differences"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/753/the-computational-and-neural-processes-underlying-perceptual-and-motor-skill-learning"], ["title", "Recent insights into perceptual and motor skill learning (The computational and neural substrates of skill learning)"], ["doab_id", "18592"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194469"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194469"]], [["description", "Ergot alkaloids produced by fungi have a basic chemical structure but different chemical moieties at substituent sites result in various forms of alkaloids that are distinguishable from one another. Since the ergoline ring structure found in ergot alkaloids is similar to that of biogenic amines (neurotransmitters), a variety of physiological effects can result after ingestion. Research involving ergot alkaloids is an increasing important global issue as more governments pass laws that limit permissible levels of ergot alkaloids in both foodstuffs and feedstuffs. Regardless of whether these compounds are found directly in foodstuffs or in feed/plants given to forage animals (i.e., cattle, horses, sheep, and goats), introduction of these compounds can complicate the food supply. In addition, toxicosis resulting from alkaloids can be a costly hindrance, with mounting annual production losses associated with forage-animal production systems that impact other agricultural and food based industries. Recent advances for the analysis of these compounds in different matrices as well as the understanding the role these compounds play in distinct biological pathways have begun to help address the issue.This Research Topic has developed a novel platform where different groups share recent data in their investigations with ergot alkaloids. The presented collection of articles emphasizes the complexity of this issue and the multiple approaches necessary to resolve the global ergot alkaloid challenges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Darrin Smith; James Levi Klotz"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ergot Alkaloids", "Ergotism", "plant science", "Animal science", "fungus", "Toxicosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2201/recent-investigations-of-ergot-alkaloids-incorporated-into-plant-andor-animal-systems"], ["title", "Recent Investigations of Ergot Alkaloids Incorporated into Plant and/or Animal Systems"], ["doab_id", "18160"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195510"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195510"]], [["description", "La recherche spatiale rev\u00eat un caract\u00e8re strat\u00e9gique, ses applications sont multiples et son r\u00f4le dans la formation d'une communaut\u00e9 de haut niveau est indiscutable. La n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 d'une politique spatiale ambitieuse \u00e0 l'\u00e9chelle de l'Union \u00e9largie, gardant un acc\u00e8s autonome \u00e0 l'Espace, a donc \u00e9t\u00e9 affirm\u00e9e par le Livre blanc pour une politique spatiale europ\u00e9enne, \u00e9labor\u00e9 en 2004 par la Commission europ\u00e9enne et l'Agence spatiale europ\u00e9enne. Cependant, il appara\u00eet \u00e0 l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences qu'il faut insister sur la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de faire les efforts n\u00e9cessaires en termes de moyens humains, financiers et d'\u00e9volution des structures, afin que la recherche spatiale europ\u00e9enne puisse conserver sa comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9.Le pr\u00e9sent rapport constitue une explicitation de la position de l'Acad\u00e9mie, qui a entrepris une r\u00e9flexion sur les recherches scientifiques utilisant les moyens spatiaux, r\u00e9flexion divis\u00e9e en deux \u00e9tapes : - la premi\u00e8re partie de cet ouvrage propose une s\u00e9rie de recommandations sur l'organisation g\u00e9n\u00e9rale de la recherche spatiale et son financement ; - la seconde partie analyse la recherche spatiale fran\u00e7aise en d\u00e9gageant les forces et faiblesses, et en s'appuyant sur des rapports pr\u00e9liminaires par discipline r\u00e9dig\u00e9s par les sp\u00e9cialistes impliqu\u00e9s dans ces recherches. Pour chaque discipline, un rapport synth\u00e9tique et des recommandations sp\u00e9cifiques ont \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9labor\u00e9s. Des recommandations g\u00e9n\u00e9rales sont \u00e9galement pr\u00e9sent\u00e9es.Les activit\u00e9s li\u00e9es \u00e0 l'Espace d\u00e9passent aujourd'hui largement la recherche spatiale, m\u00eame si celle-ci a \u00e9t\u00e9 l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment moteur de leur d\u00e9veloppement initial : c'est pourquoi ce rapport apporte de larges d\u00e9veloppements sur la recherche utilisatrice de l'espace et ne traite des infrastructures spatiales, de leur technologie et des programmes op\u00e9rationnels que dans la mesure o\u00f9 ils ont des liens et/ou des implications forts avec la recherche spatiale."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean-Loup Puget"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport2.pdf"], ["title", "La recherche spatiale fran\u00e7aise"], ["doab_id", "16204"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782868838872"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "2868838871"]], [["description", "Die Verteilung von Kompetenzen, also auch das Verh\u00e4ltnis von Festlegung und Spielraum, von Gebundenheit und Entscheidungsfreiheit, ist von elementarer Bedeutung f\u00fcr Macht und Ohnmacht der am Strafrecht Beteiligten. Und \u201eBeteiligte\u201c sind hier, auf die eine oder andere Art, alle: Der B\u00fcrger als Souver\u00e4n und Rechtsunterworfener ebenso wie die Akteure im konkreten Strafverfahren. Kompetenzverlagerungen weg vom Souver\u00e4n hin zu den anderen Beteiligten werfen schwierige Legitimationsfragen auf und betreffen das Verst\u00e4ndnis von Recht und Strafe in seinem Kern. Die anl\u00e4sslich eines Kolloquiums des Instituts f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen entstandenen Beitr\u00e4ge nehmen sich der Aufgabe an, den gegenw\u00e4rtigen Stand des Strafrechts in Hinblick auf Gesetzesbindung und Verfahrensf\u00f6rmlichkeit zu analysieren und zu bewerten.

Die Verteilung von Kompetenzen, also auch das Verh\u00e4ltnis von Festlegung und Spielraum, von Gebundenheit und Entscheidungsfreiheit, ist von elementarer Bedeutung f\u00fcr Macht und Ohnmacht der am Strafrecht Beteiligten. Und \u201eBeteiligte\u201c sind hier, auf die eine oder andere Art, alle: Der B\u00fcrger als Souver\u00e4n und Rechtsunterworfener ebenso wie die Akteure im konkreten Strafverfahren. Kompetenzverlagerungen weg vom Souver\u00e4n hin zu den anderen Beteiligten werfen schwierige Legitimationsfragen auf und betreffen das Verst\u00e4ndnis von Recht und Strafe in seinem Kern. Die anl\u00e4sslich eines Kolloquiums des Instituts f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen entstandenen Beitr\u00e4ge nehmen sich der Aufgabe an, den gegenw\u00e4rtigen Stand des Strafrechts in Hinblick auf Gesetzesbindung und Verfahrensf\u00f6rmlichkeit zu analysieren und zu bewerten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Murmann, Uwe"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["criminal law", "criminal law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610189"], ["title", "Recht ohne Regeln? - Die Entformalisierung des Strafrechts"], ["doab_id", "13362"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950019"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950019"]], [["description", "What correlations exist between law and religion? To trace this relationship in selected periods and regions (the old East / Ancient, modern Europe, Islamic world) is the goal of this volume. As a specific thematic reference point, the editors have selected those tense relationship that exists between the law as a divine constitution and the law as a human right. The current occasion to address this matter was the perception of a resurgence of traditional religion, especially Islam.

Welche Korrelationen bestehen zwischen Recht und Religion? Dieser Beziehung in ausgew\u00e4hlten Zeiten und Regionen (alter Orient/Antike, modernes Europa, Islamische Welt) nachzusp\u00fcren, hat sich dieser Band zum Ziel gesetzt. Als konkreten thematischen Bezugspunkt haben die Herausgeber jene spannungsreiche Beziehung gew\u00e4hlt, die zwischen dem Recht als g\u00f6ttlicher Satzung und dem Recht als menschlicher Ordnung bestehen kann. Aktueller Anlass, sich dieser Frage n\u00e4her zu widmen, ist die Wahrnehmung eines Wiedererstarkens des Religi\u00f6sen \u2013 sowohl hinsichtlich der traditionell in den westlichen Staaten verankerten als auch der von Minderheiten praktizierten Religionen, namentlich des Islam. Diese Entwicklung stellt das etablierte Verh\u00e4ltnis von Recht und Religion auch in der westlichen Welt in Frage und zwingt zu einer Ver\u00e4nderung bzw. Anpassung des Selbstkonzepts westlicher Gesellschaften. Letzteres war bis dahin von der Vorstellung gepr\u00e4gt, dass sich Modernisierung vor allen Dingen in einer weiteren Konsolidierung von S\u00e4kularit\u00e4t und Neutralit\u00e4t sowie einer zunehmenden Entsakralisierung manifestiert. In einer epochen\u00fcbergreifenden Betrachtung, die die Wissenschaften vom Alten Orient, von der griechisch-r\u00f6mischen Antike, der Theologie, vom Recht sowie die Islamwissenschaft einbezieht, soll das Verh\u00e4ltnis von Recht und Religion n\u00e4her betrachtet und die angef\u00fchrte These in einen gr\u00f6\u00dferen Kontext gestellt werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Langenfeld, Christine; Schneider, Irene"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["religion", "theology", "law", "human rights", "religion", "theology", "law", "human rights"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610228"], ["title", "Recht und Religion in Europa - zeitgen\u00f6ssische Konflikte und historische Perspektiven"], ["doab_id", "13217"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344625"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344625"]], [["description", "Public administration; Law

Moeten vaker camera's worden toegelaten in de rechtszaal? Zou persoonlijke informatie over rechters, zoals lidmaatschap van een politieke partij, openbaar moeten worden gemaakt? Zouden rechters actiever stelling moeten nemen in het publieke debat? Is de stap naar een systeem van dissenting opinions wenselijk? De laatste jaren worden dit soort vragen veelvuldig opgeworpen. De rechtspraak moet immers transparanter, zo vinden velen. Burgers moeten beter kunnen zien en begrijpen wat zich in en om de rechtszaal afspeelt. Maar hoe ver moeten de luiken open en met welke middelen zou de rechtspraak dan moeten inzetten op transparantie? En: waar en waarom dienen grenzen aan meer openheid te worden gesteld? Oordelen rechters ander over transparantie, al naar gelang hun leeftijd of de sector waarin ze werkzaam zijn? Tot nu toe was nauwelijks bekend hoe de ruim tweeduizend rechters die Nederland telt over deze en andere vragen denken. Als onderdeel van een breder onderzoek heeft de WRR in de eerste helft van 2012 meer dan vierhonderd rechters uit alle sectoren van de rechtspraak ge\u00efnterviewd en ge\u00ebnqu\u00eateerd over allerhande kwesties in relatie tot transparantie. In dit boekje worden de resultaten van dit onderzoek gepresenteerd. Als er \u00e9\u00e9n ding duidelijk wordt, is het wel dat het onderwerp sterk onder rechters leeft. Een grote meerderheid van hen is voor m\u00e9\u00e9r transparantie. Daarbij maken ze nadrukkelijk een onderscheid tussen transparantie op het niveau van de individuele zaaksbehandeling en dat van het instituut rechtspraak. Als het gaat om de vraag hoe transparantie te organiseren, blijken de meningen overigens ook flink uiteen te lopen. Al met al geeft deze publicatie een rijk en gedetailleerd beeld van de overwegingen van rechters pro en contra meer transparantie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prins ,Corien ; Mijl van der ,Jesse ; Tiemeijer ,Will "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Law", "Bestuurskunde", "Recht"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439094"], ["title", "Rechters aan het woord over transparantie"], ["doab_id", "15231"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089645500"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645500"]], [["description", "Das Zeitalter der immer weiter fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und die stetige Verbesserung der technischen Rahmenbedingungen bieten Forschungseinrichtung neue Mittel und Wege, ihre gewonnenen Daten zu archivieren und \u00f6ffentlich zug\u00e4nglich zu machen. Nicht selten gehen damit rechtliche Problematiken einher. Angefangen bei der Frage, wem denn diese Daten \u201egeh\u00f6ren\u201c bis hin zu der Problematik, ob bestimmte Daten \u00fcberhaupt archiviert werden d\u00fcrfen und wer f\u00fcr einen eventuellen Datenverlust haften muss. Das vorliegende Werk legt dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die urheberrechtlichen, datenschutzrechtlichen sowie haftungsrechtlichen Problematiken, welche eine digitale Archivierung mit sich bringen kann. Des Weiteren wird beleuchtet, welche \u00dcberlegungen im Vorfeld einer Archivierung angestellt werden m\u00fcssen und welche Ma\u00dfnahmen getroffen werden sollten, um rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten vorzubeugen. Die Arbeit soll daher auch als rechtlicher Leitfaden f\u00fcr Archivierungsprojekte dienen, weshalb unter anderem auch Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr die Formulierung entsprechender Vertragsklauseln enthalten sind. Aus diesem Grund wird au\u00dferdem ausf\u00fchrlich auf die rechtlichen Konsequenzen von Verst\u00f6\u00dfen gegen urheber- und datenschutzrechtliche Vorschriften eingegangen.

Das Zeitalter der immer weiter fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und die stetige Verbesserung der technischen Rahmenbedingungen bieten Forschungseinrichtung neue Mittel und Wege, ihre gewonnenen Daten zu archivieren und \u00f6ffentlich zug\u00e4nglich zu machen. Nicht selten gehen damit rechtliche Problematiken einher. Angefangen bei der Frage, wem denn diese Daten \u201egeh\u00f6ren\u201c bis hin zu der Problematik, ob bestimmte Daten \u00fcberhaupt archiviert werden d\u00fcrfen und wer f\u00fcr einen eventuellen Datenverlust haften muss. Das vorliegende Werk legt dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die urheberrechtlichen, datenschutzrechtlichen sowie haftungsrechtlichen Problematiken, welche eine digitale Archivierung mit sich bringen kann. Des Weiteren wird beleuchtet, welche \u00dcberlegungen im Vorfeld einer Archivierung angestellt werden m\u00fcssen und welche Ma\u00dfnahmen getroffen werden sollten, um rechtlichen Schwierigkeiten vorzubeugen. Die Arbeit soll daher auch als rechtlicher Leitfaden f\u00fcr Archivierungsprojekte dienen, weshalb unter anderem auch Vorschl\u00e4ge f\u00fcr die Formulierung entsprechender Vertragsklauseln enthalten sind. Aus diesem Grund wird au\u00dferdem ausf\u00fchrlich auf die rechtlichen Konsequenzen von Verst\u00f6\u00dfen gegen urheber- und datenschutzrechtliche Vorschriften eingegangen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hillegeist, Tobias"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Digitization", "Long-Term Archiving", "Copyright", "Privacy Policy", "Privacy Law", "Digitization", "Long-Term Archiving", "Copyright", "Privacy Policy", "Privacy Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610206"], ["title", "Rechtliche Probleme der elektronischen Langzeitarchivierung wissenschaftlicher Prim\u00e4rdaten"], ["doab_id", "15250"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950668"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950668"]], [["description", "Even earlier than other sectors of society, science was confronted with the Internet as a new communication medium. Yet it has lasted several years until the Internet has gained reputation as a publication medium for scientists. This development is accompanied by an increasing concentration on the side of scientific publishers, which has lead for some disciplines to almost monopolistic situations. Conversely, the financial resources to purchase and provide access to scientific publications are shrinking on the side of the customers - libraries and researchers, but also other sectors of the public. This results in a disastrous spiral, known as the so-called \"publication crisis.\" As one solution to this crisis new publication concepts using the internet have emerged. They are characterized by the fact that they provide access to scientific works largely free and unrestricted - Open Access. This book \"Legal Framework for Open Access\" is designed as a practical guide and aims to help authors who want to publish Open Access. The content includes: Introduction to Open Access \u2022 Facts on Copyrights \u2022 Open Access in Universities \u2022 Open Access Licenses \u2022 Technical protection measures and Open Access \u2022 Retrodigitalisation issues \u2022 Liability of institutional repositories for archived Open Access publications \u2022 Implications regarding competition law \u2022 Public legal and organizational framework for Open Access

Schon fr\u00fcher als andere Gesellschaftsbereiche war die Wissenschaft mit dem Internet als einem neuen Kommunikationsmedium konfrontiert. Es hat allerdings etliche Jahre gedauert, bis das Internet auch als Publikationsmedium die Wissenschaftsm\u00e4rkte erreicht hat. Flankiert wird diese Entwicklung von einer zunehmenden Konzentration auf der Seite der wissenschaftlichen Verleger, die in einigen Fachwissenschaften wohl schon fast zu monopolartigen Situationen gef\u00fchrt hat. Umgekehrt nehmen auf der Seite der Abnehmer - der Bibliotheken und der Wissenschaftler, aber auch der sonstigen \u00d6ffentlichkeit - die finanziellen M\u00f6glichkeiten immer mehr ab, die zunehmende Zahl an Ver\u00f6ffentlichungen noch zu erwerben und dem interessierten Publikum zur Verf\u00fcgung zu stellen. Damit hat sich eine unheilvolle Spirale in Bewegung gesetzt, die als sog. \u00bbPublikationskrise\u00ab bezeichnet wird. Als L\u00f6sung dieser Krise haben sich Publikationswege \u00fcber das Internet herausgebildet, die sich dadurch auszeichnen, dass der Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Werken kostenlos und weitgehend unbeschr\u00e4nkt - n\u00e4mlich Open Access - erfolgt. Das vorliegende Werk \u00bbRechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Open Access\u00ab ist als Praktiker-Leitfaden konzipiert und soll insbesondere Autoren helfen, die selbst eine Open Access-Publikation anstreben. Der Inhalt umfasst folgende Themen: Einf\u00fchrung in Open Access; Urheberrechtliche Grundlagen; Open Access an Hochschulen; Open Access-Lizenzen; Verh\u00e4ltnis technischer Schutzma\u00dfnahmen zu Open Access; Fragen der Retrodigitalisierung; Haftung institutioneller Repositorien f\u00fcr archivierte Open Access-Publikationen; Wettbewerbsrechtliche Implikationen; \u00f6ffentlich-rechtliche und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen f\u00fcr Open Access"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spindler, Gerald"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["legal framework", "open access", "legal protection", "publishing", "legal framework", "open access", "legal protection", "publishing"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610188"], ["title", "Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Open Access-Publikationen"], ["doab_id", "13090"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616451"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616451"]], [["description", "Service-oriented architectures (SOA) with the interoperable software components Web Services employs a loose coupling between the participants. This provides economic and greater flexibility for companies. The young technology becomes more and more important, e.g. for companies organization and E-Commerce. Judith Nink writes about the legal requirements for SOAs used with Web Services. The dissertation is organized in three complexes, engaged with contracting questions, non-contracting liability and requirements for data protection in the scope of SOAs with Web Services.

Der Einsatz von Serviceorientierten Architekturen (SOA) mit Web Services erm\u00f6glicht Unternehmen, zahlreiche (externe) Dienste flexibel und kosteng\u00fcnstig ohne Systemanpassungen an ihr eigenes Angebot zu koppeln. Die noch junge Technik erlangt daher sowohl in der unternehmensinternen Organisation als auch im E-Commerce zunehmend an Bedeutung. Judith Nink befasst sich mit den rechtlichen Anforderungen, die an den Einsatz von SOAs mit den Softwarekomponenten Web Services zu stellen sind. Die Untersuchung ist in drei gr\u00f6\u00dfere Komplexe gegliedert, die sich mit Problemen beim Einsatz von SOAs mit Web Services im vertraglichen Bereich, Fragen der au\u00dfervertraglichen Haftung der Beteiligten sowie datenschutzrechtlichen Anforderungen befassen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nink, Judith"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["data privacy laws", "data privacy laws"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610234"], ["title", "Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Serviceorientierten Architekturen mit Web Services"], ["doab_id", "12994"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875296"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875296"]], [["description", "The German reunification in 1989/90 is paradigmatic for fundamental geopolitical changes, in the context of a change of the entire legal system. Further well-known examples of the State\u2019s national desire for reformations with respect to legal principles are the great reform of the penal system in 1975, the reform of the law of obligations in 2002 and the fundamental reorganization of the law with respect to illiquid debtors. The Koreans are not only interested in the Germans\u2019 experience of the last quarter of a century because of legal-historical reasons, but also in particular because of the possible case of a Korean reunification. The present volume contains the contributions to the 4th symposium of the Faculty of Law of the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen and the Yonsei Law School (Seoul), which was held in G\u00f6ttingen in February 2015.

Die deutsche Wiedervereinigung von 1989/90 steht exemplarisch f\u00fcr grundlegende geopolitische Ver\u00e4nderungen im Zusammenhang eines Wechsels des gesamten Rechtsrahmens. Daneben sind die gro\u00dfe Strafrechtsreform aus dem Jahre 1975, die Schuldrechtsreform von 2002 oder die grundlegende Neuordnung des Rechts in Bezug auf zahlungsunf\u00e4hige Schuldner namhafte Beispiele eines innerstaatlichen Reformwillens von rechtsgrunds\u00e4tzlicher Art. Umso mehr ist das koreanische Interesse an den deutschen Erfahrungen der letzten 25 Jahre nicht nur rein rechtshistorisch begr\u00fcndet, sondern insbesondere auch in dem potentiellen Fall einer koreanischen Wiedervereinigung zu sehen. Der vorliegende Band umfasst die Beitr\u00e4ge des vierten Symposiums der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen mit der Yonsei Law School (Seoul), welches im Februar 2015 in G\u00f6ttingen ausgerichtet wurde. Band 18 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Kim, Jong Hwan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["legal doctrines", "constitutional law", "history of law", "legal doctrines", "constitutional law", "history of law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610390"], ["title", "Rechtsfragen beim Wechsel des Rechtsregimes - Viertes Symposium der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen mit der Yonsei Law School (Seoul)"], ["doab_id", "19194"], ["language_unmapped", "German^English"], ["isbns", ["9783863952303"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952303"]], [["description", "The present dissertation addresses the manifold legal aspects of the administrative and constitutional problems of accreditation in german institutions of higher education. Issues are raised in respect to well-known questions concerning the legal nature of accreditation, as well as to the related encroachment upon fundamental rights. Furthermore, new challenges such as system accreditation and the seldom debated issues concerning the contractual relationships of the involved parties, or the democratic legitimation of the accreditation administration and the legal nature of its decisions are discussed. The study also draws comparisons to similarly structured areas of law - in so doing, further questions of modernisation in higher education, the debate surrounding privatisation and legal aspects of the administrative organisation are commented on.

Die Akkreditierung von Studieng\u00e4ngen bietet auch fast 15 Jahre nach ihrer Einf\u00fchrung politisch wie juristisch betr\u00e4chtlichen Anlass zur Diskussion. Die stetige Fortentwicklung des Akkreditierungsverfahrens, die zunehmende Bedeutung von Qualit\u00e4tssicherung sowie die immer wieder auffl ammende Debatte um den Bologna-Prozess sorgen daf\u00fcr, dass das Thema aktuell und lebendig bleibt. Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich neben der hochschulpolitischen Entwicklung den vielf\u00e4ltigen verwaltungs- und verfassungsrechtlichen Problemen des Akkreditierungswesens an deutschen Hochschulen. Dabei kommen zum einen altbekannte Fragen zur Rechtsnatur der Akkreditierung oder dem Grundrechtseingriff durch die Akkreditierungspfl icht zur Sprache. Des Weiteren geht es aber auch um neue Herausforderungen wie die Systemakkreditierung und um bisher nur wenig er\u00f6rterte Themen wie die Vertragsverh\u00e4ltnisse der Beteiligten, die demokratische Legitimation der Akkreditierungsverwaltung sowie die Rechtsnatur ihrer Beschl\u00fcsse. Au\u00dferdem zieht die Arbeit systematische Vergleiche zu Rechtsgebieten mit \u00e4hnlichen Strukturen; dabei nimmt sie u.a. Stellung zu weiteren Fragen der Hochschulmodernisierung, der Privatisierungsdebatte und des Verwaltungsorganisationsrechts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Immer, Daniel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Accreditation Process", "Course of Studies", "Administrative Organization Law", "Accreditation Process", "Course of Studies", "Administrative Organization Law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610212"], ["title", "Rechtsprobleme der Akkreditierung von Studieng\u00e4ngen"], ["doab_id", "15366"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951061"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951061"]], [["description", "The Internet and the proceeding digitalisation of content - such as music, videos and written texts - have led to profound and complex challenges in the field of Copyright Law, especially with regard to questions of enforcement as well as adequate compensation of right holders. In recent years, several alternative compensation schemes have been proposed, seeking to solve these issues. In Germany, the discussion still focuses on the so-called \"cultural flatrate\", that is, in a nutshell, a limitation to copyrights which would legalize sharing of content online. Every holder of a broadband connection to the Internet would have to pay a monthly fee which would be used to remunerate the right holders. This advisory opinion was compiled on behalf of the parliamentary group of the German political party \"B\u00fcndnis 90/DIE GR\u00dcNEN\". The author comprehensively analyses the feasibility of the described alternative compensation scheme under German and European law, discussing both legal and economic obstacles and possible impacts based on a variety of different economic prerequisites.

In diesem von der Bundestagsfraktion B\u00fcndnis 90/Die Gr\u00fcnen in Auftrag gegebenem ergebnisoffenem Gutachten untersucht Prof. Spindler die rechtliche und \u00f6konomische Umsetzbarkeit sowie Ausgestaltung eines Ansatzes zur sog. \u201eKulturflatrate\u201c. Die Fragestellung war, ob ein Pauschalverg\u00fctungsansatz auf Breitbandanschl\u00fcsse ein Baustein f\u00fcr ein gerechteres, modernes Urheberrecht, f\u00fcr angemessene Verg\u00fctung f\u00fcr die UrheberInnen und einen gesellschaftlichen Interessensausgleich sein kann. Das umfassende und detailreiche Gutachten leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Zukunft des Urheberrechts, die in Zeiten des globalen Internets in praktisch jedem Land gef\u00fchrt wird. Es wird vollumf\u00e4nglich der \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich gemacht, damit die Ergebnisse von allen Interessierten genutzt und weiterentwickelt werden k\u00f6nnen. Prof. Spindler zeigt in seinem Gutachten auf, dass ein Pauschalverg\u00fctungsansatz verfassungsrechtlich zul\u00e4ssig und ein attraktives Modell zur angemessenen Verg\u00fctung f\u00fcr Kreative sein kann. F\u00fcr die Situation der NutzerInnen bietet er eine geeignete Alternative zu repressiven und gesellschaftlich h\u00f6chst konflikttr\u00e4chtigen Formen der Rechtsdurchsetzung. Gleichzeitig wird aber auch auf gewichtige Schwierigkeiten und H\u00fcrden bei der Umsetzung eines solchen Modells hingewiesen. Das Gutachten und dieser Text erschienen zun\u00e4chst unter der Creative Commons Lizenz BY-NC-ND auf der Internetpr\u00e4senz der Bundestagsfraktion von B\u00fcndnis 90/ Die Gr\u00fcnen. Diese \u00dcberarbeitung hat den Stand 08. Januar 2014."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spindler, Gerald"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Copyright Law", "Cultural Flatrate", "German and European Law", "Standard Fee Approach", "Report", "Copyright Law", "Cultural Flatrate", "German and European Law", "Standard Fee Approach", "Report"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610215"], ["title", "Rechtsprobleme und wirtschaftliche Vertretbarkeit einer Kulturflatrate - \u00dcberarbeitung des im Auftrag der Bundestagsfraktion B\u00fcndnis 90"], ["doab_id", "15920"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951283"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951283"]], [["description", "The starting point for my thesis, or rather the revised version of my thesis, was the fact that parties in a civil, criminal or administrative case have no legal entitlement either to the launch of judicial review proceedings (Normpr\u00fcfungsverfahren) by the Austrian constitutional court (VfGH) or to the submission of questions of interpretation to the ECJ. The absence of any such legal entitlement raises the question of whether a party could not obtain a remedy by taking the direct route using an Individualantrag or individual application to the constitutional court in accordance with Art 139 or Art 140 B-VG (Austrian Federal Constitutional Act). In practice, however, this route is frequently blocked by the strict prerequisites for admissibility and formal requirements governing an individual application. This paper analyses whether the rigid admission procedure truly reflects the aim of the constitution/legislator. The focus of this paper is thus a detailed analysis of the Individualantrag. In the event of failure to obtain a mandatory preliminary ruling from the ECJ, VfGH practice recognises that this constitutes violation of the Austrian right to a hearing before an impartial and competent judge (Recht auf den gesetzlichen Richter). The thesis/the revised version of this thesis highlights a further interpretation of the above right to a hearing, an interpretation under which unlawful failure to launch a judicial review also constitutes breach of this right. Furthermore, the paper examines whether Art 13 ECHR (Right to an effective remedy) and Art 6 ECHR (Right to a fair trial) are also violated in the two aforementioned cases. Established case law states that claims for state liability on the grounds of state contravention of Community law are to be brought under the constitutional court's Kausalgerichtsbarkeit or jurisdiction for monetary claims against public bodies for which there is no other remedy, in accordance with Art 137 B-VG. In the light of this, this paper looks in detail at why unlawful failure to launch judicial review proceedings can also result in claims for state liability.It also uncovers shortcomings in legal remedy in the implementation of EU law. In the context of the above topics, which form the core of my thesis/the revised version of my thesis, the paper will introduce the system of legal remedy under the Austrian federal constitution including the key ordinary and extraordinary remedies under sovereign, public administration (Hoheitsverwaltung), briefly address legal remedy under private law administration (Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung), and finally outline other institutions with responsibility for legal relief such as the Volksanwaltschaft (Austrian Ombudsman Board) and the Rechnungshof (Austrian Court of Auditors).

Ausgangspunkt meiner Dissertation bzw \u00fcberarbeiteten Fassung der Dissertation war der Umstand, dass Parteien eines Zivil-, Straf- oder Verwaltungsverfahrens keinerlei Rechtsanspruch auf Einleitung eines Normpr\u00fcfungsverfahrens vor dem VfGH oder auf Vorlage einer auslegungsrelevanten Frage an den EuGH haben. Mangels dieses Rechtsanspruches stellte sich mir die Frage, ob eine Partei nicht den direkten Weg in Form eines Individualantrages nach Art 139 bzw Art 140 B-VG w\u00e4hlen sollte, um zu ihrem Recht zu gelangen. Diese M\u00f6glichkeit scheitert in der Praxis jedoch oftmals an den strikten Zul\u00e4ssigkeitsvoraussetzungen bzw an den strengen Formalerfordernissen eines Individualantrages. Analysiert wird in der Arbeit ebenso, ob diese rigide Zulassungspraxis im Sinne des (Verfassungs-)Gesetzgebers ist. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt somit in der ausf\u00fchrlichen Analyse des Individualantrages. F\u00fcr den Fall, dass die Einholung einer Vorabentscheidung vor dem EuGH rechtswidrig unterlassen werden sollte, erkennt der VfGH in st\u00e4ndiger Rechtsprechung, dass dadurch das Recht auf den gesetzlichen Richter verletzt wird. Die Dissertation bzw \u00fcberarbeitete Fassung der Dissertation zeigt nun eine weitere Interpretation des Rechts auf den gesetzlichen Richter auf, wonach auch ein pflichtwidrig unterlassenes Normpr\u00fcfungsverfahren eine Verletzung des gesetzlichen Richters darstellt. Au\u00dferdem wird er\u00f6rtert, ob in den beiden zuvor genannten F\u00e4llen zus\u00e4tzlich Art 13 EMRK (Recht auf eine wirksame Beschwerde) sowie Art 6 EMRK (Recht auf ein faires Verfahren) verletzt wird. Gesicherte Rechtsprechung ist, dass Staatshaftungsanspr\u00fcche wegen gemeinschaftswidriger staatlicher Verhaltensweisen im Rahmen der Kausalgerichtsbarkeit nach Art 137 B-VG geltend zu machen sind. Analog dazu wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit gr\u00fcndlich heraus gearbeitet, weshalb ein zu Unrecht unterlassenes Normpr\u00fcfungsverfahren ebenfalls zu einem Staatshaftungsanspruch f\u00fchren kann.Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden Rechtsschutzdefizite in der Durchsetzung von Unionsrecht aufgezeigt. Rund um diese angef\u00fchrten Themen, welche den Kern meiner Dissertation bzw \u00fcberarbeiteten Fassung der Dissertation bilden, wird einleitend das Rechtsschutzsystem der \u00f6sterreichischen Bundesverfassung samt den wichtigsten ordentlichen und au\u00dferordentlichen Rechtsmitteln in der Hoheitsverwaltung erkl\u00e4rt, der Rechtsschutz in der Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung kurz behandelt sowie abschlie\u00dfend weitere Rechtsschutzinstitutionen, wie zB die Volksanwaltschaft und der Rechnungshof, kurz skizziert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Krapf ,Thomas"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Legal protection and its limits in public law, fair trial, legal remedies, effective remedies (human rights), to appeal to court of last resort"]], ["publisher", "Jan Sramek Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437230"], ["title", "Rechtsschutz und Grenzen des Rechtsschutzes in der Verwaltung und in der Verfassung"], ["doab_id", "15351"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902638519"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902638519"]], [["description", "\"The notion of recognition, drawing on the philosophy of Hegel, has become increasingly central to international debates in recent years, yet there have been few attempts to critically examine new theoretical positions and empirical analyses of its possible meanings, limits and manifestations. Recognition and global politics examines the potential and limitations of the discourse of recognition as a strategy for reframing justice and injustice within contemporary world affairs. Drawing on resources from social and political theory and international relations theory as well as other areas including feminist theory, postcolonial studies and social psychology, this ambitious collection explores a range of political struggles, social movements and sites of opposition that have shaped certain practices and informed contentious debates in the language of recognition. How have recognition-based claims been deployed in relation to international, transnational and global politics?The contributors speak to central issues in current debates about cosmopolitanism, genocide, human rights, global capitalism, multiculturalism, rebellion and the environment. This innovative volume will push the boundaries of the debate on recognition into new areas, opening up provocative lines of inquiry and critique.\""], ["format", "other"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Hegel", "cosmopolitanism", "globalisation", "multiculturalism", "feminism", "recognition", "genocide"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=614092.xhtml"], ["title", "Recognition and Global Politics"], ["doab_id", "19602"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781526101037"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781526101037"]], [["description", "Over time Dutch and Indonesian musicians have inspired each other and they continue to do so. Recollecting Resonances offers a way of studying these musical encounters and a mutual heritage one today still can listen to."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barendregt ,B.; Bogaerts ,E."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Asia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613353"], ["title", "Recollecting Resonances"], ["doab_id", "18509"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004256095", "9789004258594"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004256095 9789004258594"]], [["description", "Recollecting is a rich collection of essays that illuminates the lives of late-eighteenth-century to mid-twentieth-century Aboriginal women, who have been overlooked in sweeping narratives of the history of the West. Some essays focus on individuals\u2014a trader, a performer, a non-human woman. Other essays examine cohorts of women\u2014wives, midwives, seamstresses, nuns. Authors look beyond the documentary record and standard representations of women, drawing on records generated by the women themselves, including their beadwork, other material culture, and oral histories. Exploring the constraints and boundaries these women encountered, the authors engage with difficult and important questions of gender, race, and identity. Collectively these essays demonstrate the complexity of \"contact zone\" interactions, and they enrich and challenge dominant narratives about histories of the Canadian Northwest."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sarah Carter; Patricia A. McCormack"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["aboriginal women", "native women", "indian women", "beadwork", "oral history", "aboriginal history"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120181"], ["title", "Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands"], ["doab_id", "14461"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425824", "9781897425831", "9781926836324"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425824 9781897425831 9781926836324"]], [["description", "For visitors to the Martin's Cove historic site in Wyoming, Patience Loader has become an icon of the disastrous winter entrapment of the Martin and Willie handcart companies. Her record of those events is important, but there is much else of interest in her autobiography. In fact, it is a bit unusual that someone such as her would have left such an engaging record of her life. The daughter of an English gardener, Patience Loader became a boarding house servant, domestic maid, and seamstress. Converted to Mormonism, she shipped with her parents to America. They joined the ill-fated Martin company, which because of poor planning and a late start west, was caught poorly prepared by severe high plains snowstorms in October and November 1856. The combined fatalities of the Martin and Willie companies made this the worst disaster in the history of overland travel. Patience = s father was one of those who died. After reaching Utah, Patience took the unusual step for a Mormon of marrying a soldier, John Rozsa, stationed at Camp Floyd. The troops there had made up the Utah Expedition, sent to ensure federal authority over the Mormons. Rozsa was a Hungarian immigrant and Mormon convert. When the Utah troops were recalled for the Civil War, Patience accompanied her husband, as an army laundress, to Washington, D.C., running a boarding house while Rozsa fought. After the war, he died at Fort Leavenworth of consumption, and Patience returned alone to Utah, where she became a cook at a mining camp in American Fork Canyon. Her autobiography ends there in 1872, though she lived till 1922."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Petree, Sandra Ailey"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/37"], ["title", "Recollections of Past Days: The Autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer"], ["doab_id", "14700"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216264"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216264"]], [["description", "With the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expressing heterologous proteins in microorganisms rapidly became the method of choice for their production at laboratory and industrial scale. Bacteria, yeasts and other hosts can be grown to high biomass levels efficiently and inexpensively. Obtaining high yields of recombinant proteins from this material was only feasible thanks to constant research on microbial genetics and physiology that led to novel strains, plasmids and cultivation strategies. Despite the spectacular expansion of the field, there is still much room for progress. Improving the levels of expression and the solubility of a recombinant protein can be quite challenging. Accumulation of the product in the cell can lead to stress responses which affect cell growth. Buildup of insoluble and biologically inactive aggregates (inclusion bodies) lowers the yield of production. This is particularly true for obtaining membrane proteins or high-molecular weight and multi-domain proteins. Also, obtaining eukaryotic proteins in a prokaryotic background (for example, plant or animal proteins in bacteria) results in a product that lack post-translational modifications, often required for functionality. Changing to a eukaryotic host (yeasts or filamentous fungi) may not be a proper solution since the pattern of sugar modifications is different than in higher eukaryotes. Still, many advances in the last couple of decades have provided to researchers a wide variety of strategies to maximize the production of their recombinant protein of choice. Everything starts with the careful selection of the host. Be it bacteria or yeast, a broad list of strains is available for overcoming codon use bias, incorrect disulfide bond formation, protein toxicity and lack of post-translational modifications. Also, a huge catalog of plasmids allows choosing for different fusion partners for improving solubility, protein secretion, chaperone co-expression, antibiotic resistance and promoter strength. Next, controlling culture conditions like temperature, inducer and media composition can bolster recombinant protein production. With this Research Topic, we aim to provide an encyclopedic account of the existing approaches to the expression of recombinant proteins in microorganisms, highlight recent discoveries and analyze the future prospects of this exciting and ever-growing field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "German L. Rosano; Eduardo A. Ceccarelli"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Recombinant Proteins", "Microorganism", "Inclusion Bodies", "fusion tags", "Escherichia coli", "yeast", "Filamentous fungi", "Microalgae"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1381/recombinant-protein-expression-in-microbial-systems"], ["title", "Recombinant protein expression in microbial systems"], ["doab_id", "17845"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192946"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192946"]], [["description", "O tema deste livro \u00e9 a organiza\u00e7\u00e3o das fam\u00edlias ap\u00f3s a separa\u00e7\u00e3o conjugal, um momento marcado por intensas mudan\u00e7as em sua configura\u00e7\u00e3o. A autora discute as possibilidades e desafios vivenciados no universo familiar e sua rela\u00e7\u00e3o com a sociedade. A express\u00e3o das dificuldades \u00e9 manifestada nas quest\u00f5es relativas \u00e0 sa\u00fade, \u00e0 habita\u00e7\u00e3o, aos relacionamentos, \u00e0 alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o, ao vestu\u00e1rio, enfim, \u00e0s necessidades b\u00e1sicas de sobreviv\u00eancia. A investiga\u00e7\u00e3o foi realizada a partir de documenta\u00e7\u00e3o obtida no Servi\u00e7o Social na Unidade Auxiliar Centro Jur\u00eddico Social da Unesp campus de Franca-SP."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Nayara Hakime dutra"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/965tk"], ["title", "Recome\u00e7ar: fam\u00edlia, filhos e desafios"], ["doab_id", "16766"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830365"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830365"]], [["description", "The concept of \u2018cultural heritage\u2019 has acquired increasing currency in culture, politics and societies in East Asia. However, in spite of a number of research projects in this field, our understanding of how the past and its material expressions have been perceived, conceptualised and experienced in this part of the world, and how these views affect contemporary local practices and notions of identity, particularly in a period of rapid economic development and increasing globalisation, is still very unclear. Preoccupation with cultural heritage - expressed in the rapid growth of national and private museums, the expansion of the antiquities\u2019 market, revitalisation of local traditions, focus on \u2018intangible cultural heritage\u2019 and the development of cultural tourism - is something that directly or indirectly affects national policies and international relations. An investigation of how the concept of \u2018cultural heritage\u2019 has been and continues to be constructed in East Asia, drawing on several case studies taken from China, Japan and Korea, is thus timely and worthwhile."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Heritage", "East Asia", "Japan", "China", "Korea", "Monuments"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617903"], ["title", "Reconsidering Cultural Heritage in East Asia"], ["doab_id", "19810"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188884", "9781909188891", "9781909188907", "9781909188914"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188884 9781909188891 9781909188907 9781909188914"]], [["description", "In Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German, James P. Wilper examines a key moment in the development of the modern gay novel by analyzing four novels by German, British, and American writers. Wilper studies how the texts are influenced by and respond and react to four schools of thought regarding male homosexuality in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first is legal codes criminalizing sex acts between men and the religious doctrine that informs them. The second is the ancient Greek erotic philosophy, in which a revival of interest took place in the late nineteenth century. The third is sexual science (or \u201csexology\u201d), which offered various medical and psychological explanations for same-sex desire and was employed variously to defend, as well as to attempt to cure, this \"perversion.\" And fourth, in the wake of the scandal caused by his trials and conviction for \"gross indecency,\" Oscar Wilde became associated with a homosexual stereotype based on \"unmanly\" behavior. Wilper analyzes the four novels\u2014Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, E. M. Forster's Maurice, Edward Prime-Stevenson's Imre: A Memorandum, and John Henry Mackay's The Hustler\u2014in relation to these schools of thought, and focuses on the exchange and cross-cultural influence between linguistic and cultural contexts on the subject of love and desire between men.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wilper P. ,James"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "LGBT"]], ["publisher", "Purdue University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605455"], ["title", "Reconsidering the Emergence of the Gay Novel in English and German"], ["doab_id", "18772"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781557537508"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781557537508"]], [["description", "The work is concerned with the reconstruction of the phonemes of Proto-Malayo-Javanic, the last proto-language which is directly continued by the Sundanese, Javanese, Malay, and Madurese."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nothofer ,B."], ["date", "1975"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613380"], ["title", "The Reconstruction of Proto-Malayo-Javanic"], ["doab_id", "18536"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024717729", "9789004287044"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024717729 9789004287044"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lindsey King (Ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ethnology--Southern States--Congresses", " Medical anthropology--Southern States--Cross-cultural studies--Congresses", " Public health--Social aspects--United States--Citizen participation--Case studies--Congresses"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=utk_sasproceed"], ["title", "Recovery, Renewal, Reclaiming: Anthropological Research toward Healing"], ["doab_id", "16897"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780986080302", "9780986080302"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0986080306; 9780986080302"]], [["description", "Um livro valioso, que analisa com clareza o papel fundamental dos recursos humanos para a sa\u00fade e o desenvolvimento, bem como o contexto e o impacto da reforma sanit\u00e1ria e a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre as iniciativas internacionais, nacionais e locais em prol da mudan\u00e7a dos servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade. Al\u00e9m de examinar os antecedentes e os principais atores da \u00e1rea de recursos humanos e explicar com detalhes as negocia\u00e7\u00f5es que visavam transformar em prioridade nacional a forma\u00e7\u00e3o de recursos humanos e a distribui\u00e7\u00e3o dos trabalhadores de sa\u00fade no territ\u00f3rio, Recursos Cr\u00edticos est\u00e1 apoiado em uma s\u00f3lida pesquisa bibliogr\u00e1fica, testemunhos fascinantes e an\u00e1lise original, que fazem da obra uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o significativa no campo da mem\u00f3ria da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica e uma ferramenta indicativa de perspectivas de futuro para trabalhadores na \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade. \u00c9 uma pesquisa hist\u00f3rica de grande qualidade, voltada para a an\u00e1lise da coopera\u00e7\u00e3o Opas-Brasil, e um incentivo \u00e0 realiza\u00e7\u00e3o de novos estudos sobre as interfaces entre a atua\u00e7\u00e3o de ag\u00eancias internacionais e os interesses nacionais, partindo do conceito de arenas ou espa\u00e7os de negocia\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pires-alves, Fernando A.; Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assun\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade, Coopera\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e9cnica, Planos e programas de sa\u00fade, Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Pan-Americana da Sa\u00fade, Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tv"], ["title", "Recursos Cr\u00edticos: hist\u00f3ria da coopera\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e9cnica Opas-Brasil em recursos humanos para a sa\u00fade (1975-1988)"], ["doab_id", "16366"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412923"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412923"]], [["description", "Primeiro esfor\u00e7o coletivo de especialistas, tratando em profundidade da quest\u00e3o dos recursos humanos em sa\u00fade na Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai. O livro aborda o processo de integra\u00e7\u00e3o e reflete sobre a situa\u00e7\u00e3o do campo dos recursos humanos desses pa\u00edses, com enfoque para a forma\u00e7\u00e3o, o exerc\u00edcio profissional e o mercado de trabalho - cruzando e analisando dados, comparando-os -, na busca do estabelecimento de um panorama real. Traz, ainda, o Tratado para a Constitui\u00e7\u00e3o de um Mercado Comum (o Tratado de Assun\u00e7\u00e3o) e o Regulamento da Comiss\u00e3o Parlamentar Conjunta do Mercosul."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Panamericana de Sa\u00fade; Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o Mundial da Sa\u00fade"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade - Brasil, Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade - Paraguai, Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade - Argentina, Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade - Uruguai"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wcdsj"], ["title", "Recursos humanos em sa\u00fade no Mercosul "], ["doab_id", "16431"], ["language_unmapped", "Pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413982"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413982"]], [["description", "The end of the Cold War brought about fundamental shifts in the international political system, which many scholars believe have had ripple effects in the field of national security. Literature on security during the Cold War era was primarily focused on the military, the state system, and superpower rivalry. However, with the end of the Cold War, the theory and practice of security has been subject to widespread rethinking, taking into consideration a larger variety of issues that were previously neglected. A major dilemma is that this shifting attitude has been slow to reach the Middle east, one of the most volatile, yet strategic, regions of the Cold-War era. Nowhere is the need to redefine security more pressing than in the Middle east. This book attempts to fill that gap. The contributors to the volume come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but have a common interest in dialogue in support of peace in the Middle east and aim to put forward new concepts, new policies and new discourses about security. There is no singular alternative or magical approach put forward, but a broader terrain is propounded for discussion, debate and analysis of the possibilities and constraints for conflict and conflict resolution in the region. This book will be of vital use to students of the Middle east peace process, as well as students of conflict analysis and peace studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jacoby ,Tami Amanda; Sasley ,Brent"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["security", "arab", "diplomacy"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341369"], ["title", "Redefining security in the Middle East"], ["doab_id", "12568"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062339"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062339"]], [["description", "Philosophers often have tried to either reduce \"disagreeable\" objects or concepts to (more) acceptable objects or concepts. Reduction is regarded attractive by those who subscribe to an ideal of ontological parsimony. But the topic is not just restricted to traditional metaphysics or ontology. In the philosophy of mathematics, abstraction principles, such as Hume's principle, have been suggested to support a reconstruction of mathematics by logical means only. In the philosophy of language and the philosophy of science, the logical analysis of language has long been regarded to be the dominating paradigm, and liberalized projects of logical reconstruction remain to be driving forces of modern philosophy. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hieke, Alexander; Leitgeb, Hannes"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209499"], ["title", "Reduction - Abstraction - Analysis. Proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008"], ["doab_id", "18086"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328875", "9783110328578", "9783110328882"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328875, 9783110328578, 9783110328882"]], [["description", "When faced with a difficult task, people often look at the sky or close their eyes. This behavior is functional: the reduction of distractions in the environment can improve performance on cognitive tasks, including memory retrieval. Reduction of visual distractions can be operationalized through eye-closure, gaze aversion, or by comparing exposure to simple and complex visual displays, respectively. Reduction of auditory distractions is typically examined by comparing performance under quiet and noisy conditions. Theoretical reasoning regarding this phenomenon draws on various psychological principles, including embodied cognition, cognitive load, and modality-specific interference. Practical applications of the research topic are diverse. For example, the findings could be used to improve performance in forensic settings (e.g., eyewitness testimony), educational settings (e.g., exam performance), occupational settings (e.g., employee productivity), or medical settings (e.g., medical history reporting). This Research Topic welcomes articles from all areas of psychology relating to the reduction of distractions to improve task performance. Articles can address (but are not limited to) new empirical findings, comprehensive reviews, theoretical frameworks, opinion pieces, or discussions of practical applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Annelies Vredeveldt; Timothy John Hollins"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["distraction", "Cognitive Load", "modality-specific interference", "eye-closure", "eyewitness memory"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1507/reduction-of-environmental-distraction-to-facilitate-cognitive-performance"], ["title", "Reduction of Environmental Distraction to Facilitate Cognitive Performance"], ["doab_id", "18593"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194476"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194476"]], [["description", "The investigation of the mind has been one of the major concerns of our philosophical tradition and it still is a dominant subject in modern philosophy as well as in science. Many philosophers in the scientific tradition want to solve the \"puzzles of the mind\". But many philosophers in the very same tradition do regard these puzzles as puzzles of the brain. So, whilst the former think of the mental as something of its own kind, the latter deny that philosophy of mind has to do with anything else but the brain. And then there are those who think that reduction is the way to go: maybe the mental is brain-dependent and hence reducible to the physical, in some way. This volume collects contributions comprising all those points of view, including articles by William Bechtel, Jerry Fodor, Jaegwon Kim, Jo\u00eblle Proust and Patrick Suppes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hieke, Alexander ; Leitgeb, Hannes"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209494"], ["title", "Reduction. Between the Mind and the Brain"], ["doab_id", "18087"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328851", "9783110328547", "9783110328868"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328851, 9783110328547, 9783110328868"]], [["description", "In this authoritative work, Seiler and Seiler argues that the establishment and development of moviegoing and movie exhibition in Prairie Canada is best understood in the context of changing late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century social, economic, and technological developments. From the first entrepreneurs who attempted to lure customers in to movie exhibition halls, to the digital revolution and its impact on moviegoing, Reel Time highlights the pivotal role of amusement venues in shaping the leisure activities of working- and middle-class people across North America. As marketing efforts, the lavish interiors of the movie palace and the romantic view of the local movie theatre concealed a competitive environment in which producers, exhibitors, and distributors tried to monopolize the industry and drive their rivals out of business. The pitched battles and power struggles between national movie theatre chains took place at the same time that movie exhibitors launched campaigns to reassure moviegoers that theatres were no longer the "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert M. Seiler and Tamara P. Seiler"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Movies", "Prairies", "Nickeolodeon", "Theatres"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120213"], ["title", "Reel Time: Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986"], ["doab_id", "15427"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836997", "9781927356005", "9781927356012"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836997 9781927356005 9781927356012"]], [["description", "Jeder wissenschaftlichen Theorie und jedem allt\u00e4glichen Weltbild liegen \"ontologische Festlegungen\" zugrunde, also Annahmen betreffend die Existenz bestimmter Gegenst\u00e4nde. Manchmal widersprechen implizite Existenzannahmen expliziten \u00dcberzeugungen und sind in diesem Sinne unerw\u00fcnscht. Unerw\u00fcnschte ontologische Festlegungen werfen unter anderem die folgenden Fragen auf: Nach welchen Kriterien kann entschieden werden, worauf jemand ontologisch festgelegt ist? Gibt es so etwas wie ein \"ontologisch neutrales\" Sprechen? Gibt es verschiedene \"Weisen des Seins\"? Wie k\u00f6nnen unerw\u00fcnschte Festlegungen (etwa auf abstrakte, fiktive oder vergangene Gegenst\u00e4nde) vermieden werden? Welche Rolle spielen dabei Paraphrasierungen, nicht-gegenst\u00e4ndliche Deutungen der Quantifikation oder existenzfreie Logiken?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reicher, Maria Elisabeth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209236"], ["title", "Referenz, Quantifikation und ontologische Festlegung"], ["doab_id", "18136"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110327212", "9783110326758"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110327212, 9783110326758"]], [["description", "The legal definition of child pornography is, at best, unclear. In part because of this ambiguity and in part because of the nature of the crime itself, the prosecution and sentencing of perpetrators, the protection of and restitution for victims, and the means for preventing repeat offenses are deeply controversial. In an effort to clarify the questions and begin to formulate answers, in this volume, experts in law, sociology, and social examine child pornography law and its consequences. Focusing on the roles of language and crime definition, the contributors present a range of views about the increasingly visible role that child pornography plays in the national conversation on child safety, as well as the wisdom of the punishment of those who produce, distribute, and possess materials which may be considered child pornography."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hessick Byrne ,Carissa"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Law", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610070"], ["title", "Refining Child Pornography Law"], ["doab_id", "19134"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472900640", "9780472119769"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472900640 9780472119769"]], [["description", "This book focuses on nuclear engineering education in the post-Fukushima era. It was edited by the organizers of the summer school held in August 2011 in University of California, Berkeley, as part of a collaborative program between the University of Tokyo and UC Berkeley. Motivated by the particular relevance and importance of social-scientific approaches to various crucial aspects of nuclear technology, special emphasis was placed on integrating nuclear science and engineering with social science. The book consists of the lectures given in 2011 summer school and additional chapters that cover developments in the past three years since the accident. It provides an arena for discussions to find and create a renewed platform for engineering practices, and thus nuclear engineering education, which are essential in the post-Fukushima era for nurturing nuclear engineers who need to be both technically competent and trusted in society."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joonhong Ahn; Cathryn Carson; Mikael Jensen; Kohta Juraku; Shinya Nagasaki; Satoru Tanaka"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nuclear Engineering", " Environmental Science and Engineering", " Social Sciences, general "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12090-4"], ["title", "Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Toward Social-Scientific Literacy and Engineering Resilience"], ["doab_id", "17435"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319120898", "9783319120904"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319120898 (Print) 9783319120904 (Online)"]], [["description", "Die Musik des 20. und bisherigen 21. Jahrhunderts ist gepr\u00e4gt von einer nie dagewesenen Komplexit\u00e4t kompositorischer Ans\u00e4tze, die mit dem Aufbrechen der herk\u00f6mmlichen Dur-Moll-Tonalit\u00e4t begann und mit den multimedialen M\u00f6glichkeiten des neuen Jahrhunderts noch lange nicht zu Ende ist. Auch die vor allem nach 1950 eingetretene fundamentale Wandlung \u00e4sthetischer Positionen aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Umbr\u00fcche hat ihre Spuren in der Musik hinterlassen. Der Begriff der Musik entwickelte sich im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einem vielschichtigen Topos pluraler Musiken, basierend u.a. auf neuen kompositorischen Mitteln, interkulturellen Begegnungen, unterschiedlichen medialen Zug\u00e4ngen und nicht zuletzt einem Wandel \u00e4sthetischer Rezeptionsmechanismen. Im vorliegenden Band werden Referate zu diesem Themenkomplex aus der Rubrik \u201eFreie Referate\u201c des 15. Internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Musikforschung, der vom 4.\u20138. September 2012 in G\u00f6ttingen unter dem Motto \u201eMusik | Musiken. Strukturen und Prozesse\u201c stattfand, zusammengefasst. Das Panorama reicht dabei von Fragen nach einer kompositorischen Sp\u00e4tstilistik, kulturellen Austauschprozessen, musikalischen Grenzerfahrungen und intermedialen Exotismen bis hin zu multimedialen Klanginstallationen und Musiktheaterkompositionen und dem damit verbundenen Aufbrechen tradierter Gattungsgef\u00fcge.

Die Musik des 20. und bisherigen 21. Jahrhunderts ist gepr\u00e4gt von einer nie dagewesenen Komplexit\u00e4t kompositorischer Ans\u00e4tze, die mit dem Aufbrechen der herk\u00f6mmlichen Dur-Moll-Tonalit\u00e4t begann und mit den multimedialen M\u00f6glichkeiten des neuen Jahrhunderts noch lange nicht zu Ende ist. Auch die vor allem nach 1950 eingetretene fundamentale Wandlung \u00e4sthetischer Positionen aufgrund gesellschaftlicher Umbr\u00fcche hat ihre Spuren in der Musik hinterlassen. Der Begriff der Musik entwickelte sich im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einem vielschichtigen Topos pluraler Musiken, basierend u.a. auf neuen kompositorischen Mitteln, interkulturellen Begegnungen, unterschiedlichen medialen Zug\u00e4ngen und nicht zuletzt einem Wandel \u00e4sthetischer Rezeptionsmechanismen. Im vorliegenden Band werden Referate zu diesem Themenkomplex aus der Rubrik \u201eFreie Referate\u201c des 15. Internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Musikforschung, der vom 4.\u20138. September 2012 in G\u00f6ttingen unter dem Motto \u201eMusik | Musiken. Strukturen und Prozesse\u201c stattfand, zusammengefasst. Das Panorama reicht dabei von Fragen nach einer kompositorischen Sp\u00e4tstilistik, kulturellen Austauschprozessen, musikalischen Grenzerfahrungen und intermedialen Exotismen bis hin zu multimedialen Klanginstallationen und Musiktheaterkompositionen und dem damit verbundenen Aufbrechen tradierter Gattungsgef\u00fcge."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Storch, Christian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["composition", "20th century", "21st century", "compositional strategy", "composition", "20th century", "21st century", "compositional strategy"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610389"], ["title", "Reflexion - Improvisation - Multimedialit\u00e4t - Kompositionsstrategien in der Musik des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts Freie Referate, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "19193"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952358"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952358"]], [["description", "This volume documents the proceedings of the first \"Family Law Forum which took place in G\u00f6ttingen on June 28 2008. Just before the conclusion of the legislative process, reknowned experts from science, policy and practice discussed the new \"Law on the Proceedings in Family Matters and in Matters of Voluntary Systems of Law,\" (FamFG) that came into effect in September 2009. This volume includes an extensive overview of the features of the new family law and analysis and opinions on various aspects of the law.

Dieser Band dokumentiert die Vortr\u00e4ge des ersten \u201eFamilienrechtlichen Forums G\u00f6ttingen\u201c, das am 28. Juni 2008 stattgefunden hat. Unmittelbar vor dem Abschluss des Gesetzgebungsverfahrens er\u00f6rterten Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis das im September 2009 in Kraft tretende \u201eGesetz \u00fcber das Verfahren in Familiensachen und in den Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit\u201c (FamFG). Der Band enth\u00e4lt einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Grundz\u00fcge des neuen Familienverfahrensrechts sowie Analysen und Stellungnahmen zu einzelnen Bereichen. Dabei werden schwerpunktm\u00e4\u00dfig das neue Rechtsmittel- und Vollstreckungssystem, das Hinwirken auf Einvernehmen, das Vermittlungsverfahren, der Verfahrensbeistand, der Umgangspfleger und das Verfahren bei Kindeswohlgef\u00e4hrdung behandelt. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird eine interdisziplin\u00e4re Perspektive durch die soziologische Einordnung der derzeitigen Reformen in den Kontext der allgemeinen Familien- und Sozialpolitik er\u00f6ffnet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["family law", "legislation", "legislative process", "youth welfare", "family law", "legislation", "legislative process", "youth welfare"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610230"], ["title", "Reform des familiengerichtlichen Verfahrens - 1. Familienrechtliches Forum G\u00f6ttingen"], ["doab_id", "13105"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344649"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344649"]], [["description", "The upcoming reform of the law of alimony was subject of the 5th Goettinger Workshop for Family Law on October 9, 2006. This volume allocates the papers of this workshop, including a general view of the conception and the aims of the reform (Gerhard Hohloch) and a legal comparison between German and French divorce law (Thomas Gergen).

Dieser Band vereinigt die Referate des am 9. Oktober 2006 veranstalteten 5. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die anstehende Reform des Unterhaltsrechts zum Gegenstand hatte. Neben einem grundlegenden Beitrag zur Konzeption und den Zielen der Reform (Gerhard Hohloch) und einem rechtsvergleichenden Beitrag zum franz\u00f6sischen Scheidungsfolgenrecht (Thomas Gergen) finden sich in dem Band jeweils zwei Beitr\u00e4ge zu den drei wichtigsten Regelungsanliegen der Unterhaltsrechtsreform, namentlich zur St\u00e4rkung der Eigenverantwortung, zum Betreuungsunterhalt nach \u00a7 1615l BGB und zur Neuordnung der Rangverh\u00e4ltnisse. Alle drei Bereiche werden nicht nur aus der Perspektive des Gesetzgebers vorgestellt (Martin Menne, derzeit Referent f\u00fcr Unterhaltsrecht im Bundesministerium der Justiz), sondern auch von ausgewiesenen Kennern der Materie aus Justiz (Gerd Bruderm\u00fcller), Wissenschaft (Tobias Helms) und Anwaltschaft (Hans-Joachim Boers) kritisch gew\u00fcrdigt. Band 3 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften \u201cDie Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["maintenance law", "maintenance law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610217"], ["title", "Reform des Unterhaltsrechts - 5. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht"], ["doab_id", "13224"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616727"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616727"]], [["description", "Pension reform has emerged as a major political issue in most advanced welfare states. Sluggish economic growth and rising unemployment put public pension systems under increasing financial pressure. In combination with a rapidly ageing population in the decades to come, these pressures render major adjustements in pension policy design inevitable, especially in countries with costly earnings-related benefit arrangements. However, timely and successful adjustement is anything but guaranteed. Both cuts of pension benefits and increases in contribution levels are bound to be highly unpopular and entail massive political risks. Thus, pension politics these days is as much about adjusting pension arrangements to changing demographic and economic conditions as it is about overcoming widespread political resistance to reforms that impose tangible losses on large parts of the population. This study reveals striking differences in the extent to which pension policy makers were able to generate a sufficient political support basis for their reform initiatives. As a consequence, pension reform outcomes reach from successful restructuring of existing pension arrangements all the way down to instances of outright policy failure. By tracing the political process of pension reform in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden since the late 1980s the book also provides us with deeper insights about the factors that facilitate - or impede - social policy reforms in the context of fiscal austerity.

Een haperende economie, toenemende werkloosheid en vergrijzing zorgen voor een groeiende druk op de pensioenregelingen en vragen om een hervorming van het pensioensysteem. Op scherpzinnige wijze analyseert Martin Schludi in deze vergelijkende studie het politieke proces van de hervormingen in Frankrijk, Duitsland, Itali\u00eb, Oostenrijk en Zweden vanaf de jaren '80. Schludi ontrafelt de complexe politieke en economische factoren die het succes bepalen van sociale beleidsveranderingen. Zo blijkt het verkrijgen van politieke steun ten grondslag te liggen aan een succesvolle hervorming van het pensioenstelsel. Casestudies van niet-succesvolle hervormingen laten zien hoe \u00e9n waar het misgaat. Dit vierde deel in de serie \"http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_booklist&b=series&series=29\">Changing Welfare States is een essentieel boek voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met hervormingen van het pensioenbeleid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schludi ,Martin"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340209"], ["title", "The Reform of Bismarckian Pension Systems : A Comparison of Pension Politics in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden"], ["doab_id", "12892"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567401"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567401"]], [["description", "Uma an\u00e1lise dos sucessivos relat\u00f3rios elaborados sobre a PEC 96/92 nos permitiu identificar tr\u00eas dimens\u00f5es principais da reforma judici\u00e1ria. H\u00e1, em primeiro lugar, o problema da jurisdi\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica constitucional[...]. A segunda dimens\u00e3o da reforma trata da exist\u00eancia e efetividade de mecanismos de controle e fiscaliza\u00e7\u00e3o dos \u00f3rg\u00e3os do sistema de justi\u00e7a [...]. Por fim, a terceira dimens\u00e3o contempla os aspectos organizacionais e estruturais segundo sua capacidade de ampliar ou reduzir o acesso \u00e0 Justi\u00e7a e a democratiza\u00e7\u00e3o do Judici\u00e1rio."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6kf82"], ["title", "Reforma do judici\u00e1rio"], ["doab_id", "17279"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820335"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820335"]], [["description", "Nesta obra um dos mais conceituados intelectuais da sa\u00fade coletiva recupera a hist\u00f3ria de tr\u00eas d\u00e9cadas de institui\u00e7\u00e3o da Reforma Sanit\u00e1ria no pa\u00eds, tra\u00e7ando uma an\u00e1lise cr\u00edtica da conjuntura em que ela foi concebida, desde a cria\u00e7\u00e3o do Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Sa\u00fade (Cebes), lembrando sua import\u00e2ncia para esse movimento, at\u00e9 os dias atuais. Munido de extensa pesquisa documental, procura fundamentar a tese segundo a qual a proposta da Reforma Sanit\u00e1ria corresponde a uma reforma social, explicitando quest\u00f5es sobre seus limites e possibilidades futuras. Seus passos e constru\u00e7\u00f5es reflexivas instigam a d\u00favidas, suscitam debates e imp\u00f5em ao leitor considera\u00e7\u00f5es e posicionamento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paim, Jairnilson Silva"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4ndgv"], ["title", "Reforma sanit\u00e1ria Brasileira: contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para a compreens\u00e3o e cr\u00edtica"], ["doab_id", "19319"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413593"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413593"]], [["description", "The meaning of \"reformatory theology\" is often summarised by a number of \"alone\"-statements: Christ alone (solus Christus) by grace alone (sola gratia) through faith alone (sola fide) on the basis of the Scripture alone (sola scriptura). But can these terms express concisely what recent (Protestant) Christianity stands for? The articles look into this question from a systematic, historical and ecumenical perspective.

Der Gehalt \u201ereformatorischer Theologie\u201c wird oft durch eine Reihe von \u201eAllein\u201c-Aussagen zusammengefasst: allein Christus (solus Christus), allein aus Gnade (sola gratia), allein durch Glauben (sola fi de), allein durch die Schrift (sola scriptura). Kann mit diesen Begriffen pr\u00e4gnant ausgedr\u00fcckt werden, was gegenw\u00e4rtiges (evangelisches) Christentum bedeutet? Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes gehen der Frage in systematischer, historischer und \u00f6kumenischer Perspektive nach."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Munsonius, Hendrik"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Protestant Reformation", "Reformation theology", "Christian faith", "Christianity", "Protestant Reformation", "Reformation theology", "Christian faith", "Christianity"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618250"], ["title", "Reformation und Gegenwart - Evangelisches Profil durch ein vierfaches \u201eAllein\u201c?"], ["doab_id", "19822"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952815"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952815"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 25. November 2011 veranstalteten 10. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die anstehende Reform des nichtehelichen Eltern-Kind-Verh\u00e4ltnisses zum Gegenstand hatte. Die Beitr\u00e4ge besch\u00e4ftigen sich mit den derzeit diskutierten L\u00f6sungsmodellen zur Ausgestaltung der elterlichen Sorge nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern und beleuchten das nichteheliche Eltern-Kind-Verh\u00e4ltnis auch aus rechtsvergleichender und interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive. Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden m\u00f6gliche Auswirkungen einer Reform des Sorgerechts auf das Adoptionsrecht sowie der durch die Rechtsprechung veranlasste Reformbedarf im Abstammungsrecht diskutiert. Im Hinblick auf den inzwischen vorliegenden Regierungsentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Reform der elterlichen Sorge nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern haben die in diesem Band enthaltenen rechtspolitischen Forderungen zus\u00e4tzlich an Aktualit\u00e4t gewonnen. Band 13 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 25. November 2011 veranstalteten 10. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der die anstehende Reform des nichtehelichen Eltern-Kind-Verh\u00e4ltnisses zum Gegenstand hatte. Die Beitr\u00e4ge besch\u00e4ftigen sich mit den derzeit diskutierten L\u00f6sungsmodellen zur Ausgestaltung der elterlichen Sorge nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern und beleuchten das nichteheliche Eltern-Kind-Verh\u00e4ltnis auch aus rechtsvergleichender und interdisziplin\u00e4rer Perspektive. Dar\u00fcber hinaus werden m\u00f6gliche Auswirkungen einer Reform des Sorgerechts auf das Adoptionsrecht sowie der durch die Rechtsprechung veranlasste Reformbedarf im Abstammungsrecht diskutiert. Im Hinblick auf den inzwischen vorliegenden Regierungsentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Reform der elterlichen Sorge nicht miteinander verheirateter Eltern haben die in diesem Band enthaltenen rechtspolitischen Forderungen zus\u00e4tzlich an Aktualit\u00e4t gewonnen. Band 13 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Family Law", "Reform", "Custody", "Adoption Law", "Solution Models", "Government Draft", "Family Law", "Reform", "Custody", "Adoption Law", "Solution Models", "Government Draft"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610209"], ["title", "Reformbedarf im nichtehelichen Eltern-Kind-Verh\u00e4ltnis - 10. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2011"], ["doab_id", "15249"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950880"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950880"]], [["description", "The countries of the South Pacific have struggled to generate sustainable economic growth since their independence. Interventionist policies have failed in the past here, as they have in all other regions. Business and government leaders in this region are now beginning to acknowledge - as has happened in many other developing country regions over the past two decades - that major reforms are needed to put their economies onto a higher growth path. This study examines the growth record of key Pacific island economies and indentifies the reasons for their relatively poor performance. It then looks at the process of globalization that is affecting those and indeed all economies increasingly; and the role the WTO has played in that process."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anderson ,Kym; Bosworth ,Michael"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Foreign economic relations", "Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (Organization)", "Commercial policy", "Papua New Guinea", "Oceania"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560344"], ["title", "Reforming Trade Policy in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands"], ["doab_id", "14783"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780980623826"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780980623826"]], [["description", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines; Sociology; Economics

Deze verzameling van essays over Singapore houdt de geschiedenis en huidige ontwikkelingen van deze stadstaat tegen het licht. Met een multidisciplinaire benadering kijken de auteurs nog eens kritisch naar de Singaporese geschiedenis om zo beter zicht te krijgen op de uitdagingen waar het land en zijn bewoners op dit moment voor staan."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heng ,Derek; Aljunied ,Syed Muhd Khairudin"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Sociology", "Economics", "Geschiedenis", "Sociologie", "Economie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340023"], ["title", "Reframing Singapore : Memory - Identity - Trans-Regionalism"], ["doab_id", "12746"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640949"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640949"]], [["description", "Parce l\u2019image erron\u00e9e d\u2019une \u00ab r\u00e9serve calorique\u00bb colle \u00e0 la peau des lipides depuis trop d\u2019ann\u00e9es, le Dr Fran\u00e7ois Mendy, p\u00e9diatre qui a consacr\u00e9 sa vie \u00e0 la pratique de la m\u00e9decine et la recherche clinique sur les acides gras, rend hommage dans cet ouvrage \u00e0 la finesse des syst\u00e8mes de r\u00e9gulation qui assurent un \u00e9quilibre pr\u00e9cis entre ces \u00ab mati\u00e8res grasses de la vie\u00bb .Au fil des chapitres, il replace les grandes d\u00e9couvertes, mais aussi les errements scientifiques, dans leur contexte historique. Il rappelle ainsi que la communaut\u00e9 scientifique a bien trop longtemps consid\u00e9r\u00e9 les lipides comme de simples pourvoyeurs d\u2019\u00e9nergie, interchangeables avec les glucides et donc non obligatoires dans un r\u00e9gime alimentaire ; une vision erron\u00e9e pourtant \u00e9rig\u00e9e en \u00ab dogme\u00bb qui empoisonnera la recherche jusque dans les ann\u00e9es 1930, et m\u00eame apr\u00e8s ! Puis, il pr\u00e9sente successivement les diff\u00e9rents types de lipides (acides gras satur\u00e9s, mono-insatur\u00e9s, poly-insatur\u00e9s), consacre un chapitre aux acides gras trans (l\u2019occasion l\u00e0 encore de souligner les erreurs de la simplification qui a jet\u00e9 l\u2019opprobre sur tous les trans), un autre au cholest\u00e9rol, le suivant aux m\u00e9canismes de r\u00e9gulation. Puis, le p\u00e9diatre propose une mise en application pratique \u00e0 travers le suivi de l\u2019incroyable croissance du f\u0153tus puis de l\u2019enfant, soutenue en grande partie par les lipides dans leur immense complexit\u00e9 d\u2019action. Enfin, il d\u00e9nonce 50 ans d\u2019exc\u00e8s et de d\u00e9rives m\u00e9diatiques qui ont impact\u00e9 le monde des lipides... et la sant\u00e9 des citoyens.Autant de chapitres dans lesquels le lecteur peut se plonger int\u00e9gralement pour d\u00e9couvrir par exemple que les acides gras polyinsatur\u00e9s sont aussi les pr\u00e9curseurs de nombreux m\u00e9diateurs de l\u2019inflammation, et participent \u00e0 ce titre parfois \u00e0 l\u2019entretien parfois \u00e0 l\u2019extinction du \u00ab feu\u00bb des multiples pathologies inflammatoires (ob\u00e9sit\u00e9, diab\u00e8te, arthrite, etc.)... et aux voies de recherche pour enrayer ces maladies. Il peut \u00e9galement \u00ab picorer\u00bb des r\u00e9ponses ici et l\u00e0, chaque chapitre se terminant par un didactique r\u00e9sum\u00e9 qui permet au lecteur d\u2019en retenir l\u2019essentiel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", null], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.edp-open.org/books-in-french#Un-regard-passionn\u00e9e-sur-les-lipides-et-les-matieres-grasses"], ["title", "Un regard passionn\u00e9 sur les lipides et les mati\u00e8res grasses"], ["doab_id", "19906"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782759820757"]], ["provider", "www.edp-open.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759820757"]], [["description", "F\u00fcr die Orang Rimba auf Sumatra ist der Regenwald eine Welt, die nicht nur von Tieren, sondern auch von G\u00f6ttern und Geistern bev\u00f6lkert ist und ihre eigenen Gesetze besitzt. Er bildet die Lebenswelt der Orang Rimba, die durch Abholzung und Plantagenwirtschaft bedroht ist. Das Buch basiert auf einer 15 monatigen ethnologischen Feldforschung (zwischen 2003 und 2005) der Autorin bei diesen Waldbewohnern. Sie untersucht, wie durch Interaktionen mit verschiedenen Akteuren, vor allem dem indonesischen Staat und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen \u2013 sie alle haben Interesse am Wald als wirtschaftliche Ressource oder Schutzgebiet \u2013, verschiedene Identit\u00e4ten der Orang Rimba hervorgebracht werden. Die Arbeit setzt sich detailliert mit der Selbstdarstellung der Orang Rimba auseinander und vergleicht sie mit verschiedenen Fremdperspektiven externer Akteure auf diese nicht sesshafte Gruppe. Diskurse \u00fcber Wald als gef\u00e4hrliche Wildnis oder Schutzgebiet bestimmen auch die Zukunft und die Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit der Orang Rimba, sei es als marginalisierte Minderheit oder selbstbestimmte Regenwaldbewohner.

F\u00fcr die Orang Rimba auf Sumatra ist der Regenwald eine Welt, die nicht nur von Tieren, sondern auch von G\u00f6ttern und Geistern bev\u00f6lkert ist und ihre eigenen Gesetze besitzt. Er bildet die Lebenswelt der Orang Rimba, die durch Abholzung und Plantagenwirtschaft bedroht ist. Das Buch basiert auf einer 15 monatigen ethnologischen Feldforschung (zwischen 2003 und 2005) der Autorin bei diesen Waldbewohnern. Sie untersucht, wie durch Interaktionen mit verschiedenen Akteuren, vor allem dem indonesischen Staat und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen \u2013 sie alle haben Interesse am Wald als wirtschaftliche Ressource oder Schutzgebiet \u2013, verschiedene Identit\u00e4ten der Orang Rimba hervorgebracht werden. Die Arbeit setzt sich detailliert mit der Selbstdarstellung der Orang Rimba auseinander und vergleicht sie mit verschiedenen Fremdperspektiven externer Akteure auf diese nicht sesshafte Gruppe. Diskurse \u00fcber Wald als gef\u00e4hrliche Wildnis oder Schutzgebiet bestimmen auch die Zukunft und die Handlungsf\u00e4higkeit der Orang Rimba, sei es als marginalisierte Minderheit oder selbstbestimmte Regenwaldbewohner."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steinebach, Stefanie"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Orang Rimba", "Sumatra", "Rainforest", "Fieldwork", "Self-Representation", "Identity", "Autonomy", "Heteronomy", "Orang Rimba", "Sumatra", "Rainforest", "Fieldwork", "Self-Representation", "Identity", "Autonomy", "Heteronomy"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610299"], ["title", "Der Regenwald ist unser Haus - die Orang Rimba auf Sumatra zwischen Autonomie und Fremdbestimmung"], ["doab_id", "15240"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950811"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950811"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1954"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613415"], ["title", "De regering van Panembahan S\u00e9napati Ingalaga"], ["doab_id", "18437"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285774", "9789004286351"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285774 9789004286351"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1958"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613416"], ["title", "De regering van Sultan Agung, vorst van Mataram (1613-1645) en die van zijn voorganger Panembahan S\u00e9da-ing-Krapjak (1601-1613)"], ["doab_id", "18438"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285873", "9789004286450"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285873 9789004286450"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1962"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613418"], ["title", "De regering van Sunan Mangku-Rat I Tegal-Wangi, vorst van Mataram 1646-1677"], ["doab_id", "18440"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286030", "9789004286658"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286030 9789004286658"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Graaf de ,H."], ["date", "1961"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613417"], ["title", "De regering van Sunan Mangku-Rat I Tegal-Wangi, vorst van Mataram 1646-1677"], ["doab_id", "18439"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285972", "9789004286573"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285972 9789004286573"]], [["description", "As a result of the death of Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy and the marriage of his only daughter Mary to Maximilian, the heir of Emperor Frederick III, the economically and culturally prospering lands of Flanders and Brabant became hereditary possessions of the Habsburgs. With this, the foundations for the Habsburgs's hegemony were laid. This dynastic project was for about 10 years (1467-1477) in the spotlight of Emperor Frederick's III diplomatic efforts and that with mixed results. Many documents regarding those negotiations are preserved in the Habsburg \"Hausarchiv\", now the \"Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv\" in Vienna. Documents only up to the year 1469 have been published in the \"Regesta Imperii - Regesten Friedrichs III.\" so far. Therefore, in the present publication the systematic collection and registration of charters as well as letters of this important emperor is continued up to the year 1475. As a fundamental edition of sources this publication provides a basis for further research questions concerning the late Middle Ages. The presented material serves as a foundation for studies of political communication in the late Middle Ages, e.g. the relationship between Emperor Frederick III and Duke Charles of Burgundy. The material can provide a basis for a study of the differences and similarities of the diplomacy of two differently developed cultural spheres in the late Middle Ages. Additionally, the formal and compositional analyses of diplomatic writings provide information about the various media of diplomatic communication, the objectives, possibilities and success of diplomatic efforts. An investigation of the actors occurring in these areas can reveal the institutional structure, which enabled the development of networks of aristocratic, civic and legally trained elites. Another basic topic of the provided documents is Emperor Frederick's III territorial activity especially in the years 1470 to 1473, when the emperor primarily stayed in his hereditary lands. There he was faced with areas of conflict clearly represented in the sources. Frederick's definition of his role as the head of the Habsburg house is illustrated by his diplomatic relationship to his cousin Sigmund. Among many other topics, also Frederick's role as the supreme judge of the empire becomes evident in the present sources, especially by judicial summons and judgments of the \"Kammergericht\" (supreme court), which was pledged to Archbishop Adolf of Mainz at that time.

Als Folge des Todes von Herzog Karl dem K\u00fchnen von Burgund und der Ehe seiner einzigen Tochter Maria mit Maximilian, dem Erben Kaiser Friedrichs III., wurden die wirtschaftlich und kulturell prosperierenden L\u00e4nder Flandern und Brabant Teil der habsburgischen Erblande, wodurch die Basis f\u00fcr den Aufstieg des Hauses Habsburg zur europ\u00e4ischen Gro\u00dfmacht begr\u00fcndet wurde. Dieses dynastische Projekt stand mit wechselndem Erfolg f\u00fcr etwa 10 Jahre (1467-1477) im Mittelpunkt der diplomatischen Bem\u00fchungen Kaiser Friedrichs III. Zahlreiche Quellen zu diesen Verhandlungen werden im ehemaligen habsburgischen Hausarchiv, dem heutigen Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv zu Wien aufbewahrt. Bislang wurden lediglich Dokumente bis zum Jahr 1469 im Rahmen der \"Regesta Imperii - Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III.\" ver\u00f6ffentlicht. Die vorliegende Publikation setzt dieses systematische Sammlung und Regestierung von Urkunden und Briefen dieses bedeutenden Kaisers bis zum Jahr 1475 fort. Als grundlegende Quellenedition legt sie die Basis f\u00fcr weitere Forschungsfragen zum sp\u00e4ten Mittelalter. So bietet das vorgelegte Material unter anderem Grundlagen zu Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der politischen Kommunikation im Sp\u00e4tmittelalter, so etwa f\u00fcr Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen Kaiser Friedrich III. und Herzog Karl von Burgund. Das Material kann etwa als Basis f\u00fcr eine Untersuchung zu den Differenzen und \u00c4hnlichkeiten der Diplomatie zweier unterschiedlich entwickelten Kultursph\u00e4ren des sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Europas dienen. Daneben bietet die formale und inhaltliche Analyse von diplomatischen Schreiben Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Medien der diplomatischen Kommunikation, \u00fcber Ziele, M\u00f6glichkeiten und Erfolg von diplomatischen Bem\u00fchungen. Eine Analyse der in den Quellen genannten, handelnden Personen erhellt die institutionelle Struktur, welche die Entwicklung von Netzwerken aristokratischer, b\u00fcrgerlicher und rechtskundiger Eliten erm\u00f6glichte. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt des Quellenmaterials bildet die landesf\u00fcrstliche Aktivit\u00e4t Kaiser Friedrichs III., besonders in den Jahren 1470 bis 1473, in denen sich der Kaiser vorrangig in seinen Erblanden aufhielt und dort mit zahlreichen Konfliktfeldern konfrontiert war, die in den Regesten deutlich werden. Friedrichs Definition seiner Stellung als Haupt des Hauses Habsburg wird im Zuge der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu seinem Vetter Sigmund verdeutlicht. Neben vielen weiteren Themen tritt auch Friedrichs Funktion als oberster Gerichtsherr des Reiches in den Quellen zu Tage. Hier sind vor allem zahlreiche richterliche Ladungen und Urteile des Kammergerichts zu nennen, welches in dem behandelten Zeitraum an Erzbischof Adolf von Mainz verpf\u00e4ndet war."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Luger ,Daniel; D\u00fcnnebeil ,Sonja"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["late middle age, social network, communication, diplomacy, Emperor Frederick III, Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437164"], ["title", "Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440-1493)"], ["doab_id", "15289"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787075"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787075"]], [["description", "This volume of abstracts of charters Emperor Frederick\u00b4s III in the series Regesta Imperii focusses on the last decade of his rule, in particular on the years between 1483 and 1488. They are based on the original charters in the Allgemeine Urkundenreihe and Familienurkunden in the Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv in Vienna and its collections of copies of those charters that have not come down to us in the original, all of which serve to illustrate a number of major historical aspects: Defension of hereditary territories against the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus, consolidation of the empire in the West, the joint rule of the Emperor and his son Maximilian I.

Der Band Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III., in der Reihe der Regesta Imperii nimmt das letzte Regierungsjahrzehnt des Habsburgischen Kaisers \u2013 im Speziellen den Zeitraum von 1483 bis 1488 \u2013 in den Blick. Inhaltlich bilden die f\u00fcr die Untersuchung herangezogenen Diplome aus der Allgemeinen Urkundenreihe des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs in Wien, aus den Familienurkunden sowie aus den nur abschriftlich vorhandenen Diplomen einige historisch wesentliche Themenkreise ab: Verteidigung der Erbl\u00e4nder gegen Matthias Corvinus, Sicherung des Reiches im Westen, Doppelregierung mit Maximilian I."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gretzel ,Peter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["late middle age, diplomacy, Emperor Frederick III", "Sp\u00e4tmittelalter, Diplomatik, Kaiser Friedrich III."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507992"], ["title", "Regesten Kaiser Friedrichs III. (1440-1493) nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet"], ["doab_id", "16506"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796237"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796237"]], [["description", "The volume contains the edition of 180 abstracts of the charters and letters from the archives and libraries in West, North and East Bohemia, issued by Emperor Sigismund (1410-1437). It is the second volume of the planned complete revision of the edition of abstracts \"Urkunden Kaiser Sigmunds\" (Innsbruck 1896/1900) published by Wilhelm Altmann within the framework of the Regesta Imperii. The volume includes a large historical introduction, a bibliography and an index and adds primarily to the historical documentation of the major cities of Eger/Cheb, Pilsen/Plze\u0148 and Elbogen/Loket in West Bohemia which remained loyal to the king during the Hussite Revolution, and sheds light on the career, estate property and diplomatic forgeries of Sigismund's influential chancellor Kaspar Schlick, a burgher of Eger.

Der Band enth\u00e4lt 180 moderne Vollregesten von den Urkunden und Briefen Kaiser Sigismunds (1410\u20131437) aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken West-, Nord- und Ostb\u00f6hmens und bildet den zweiten Band der geplanten kompletten Neubearbeitung des von Wilhelm Altmann verfassten Regestenwerks \"Urkunden Kaiser Sigmunds\" (Innsbruck 1896/1900) im Rahmen der Regesta Imperii. Daneben enth\u00e4lt das Buch auch eine l\u00e4ngere historische Einleitung, eine Bibliographie und ein Register.Es dokumentiert vor allem die Schicksale der wichtigen k\u00f6nigstreuen St\u00e4dten in Westb\u00f6hmen - Eger, Pilsen und Elbogen - und bringt zahlreiche Belege zu Karriere, G\u00fctererwerb und diplomatischen F\u00e4lschungen des einflussreichen Kanzlers Sigismunds, des geb\u00fcrtigen Egerer B\u00fcrgers Kaspar Schlick."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Elbel ,Petr; Reitinger ,Luk\u00e1\u0161; Bar ,P\u0159emysl; B\u00e1rta ,Stanislav"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Sigismund of Luxembourg; Hussite Revolution; Bohemia", "Sigismund von Luxemburg; Hussitische Revolution; B\u00f6hmen"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611246"], ["title", "Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437)"], ["doab_id", "19251"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205202042"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205202042"]], [["description", "The still existing source material on the history of the Jews in Austria in the Middle Ages is unique in Europe. The huge number of sources give information on the economic, legal, and personal situation of the Jews as well as on the relationship between Christians and Jews. Yet so far, the medieval sources of the history of the Jews throughout today's Austria had not been collected.In the course of the project \"Summary and Comments on Documents concerning the History of the Jews in Austria in the Middle Ages\" the first volume of this source material which reaches from the beginnings until 1338 has now been finished.According to the selection criteria which include a reference to Jews and Austria, documents as well as historiography and literary sources have been collected and processed according to scientific criteria; the material contains a number of texts which have not been published at all or treated with regard to the Jewish aspect yet. The publication consists of a chronological series of document summaries; additionally, by means of comments which are added to the relevant document as well as an extensive index, the source text has been made accessible to the reader. The vast majority of the collection consists of diplomas concerning economic topics, followed by privileges, legal charters, and mandates. Among the economic sources, promissory notes and documents concerning pledges or sales are the most frequent types which clearly illustrates how Jews were forced into the money business.Due to its unique topic, this collection includes not only diplomas, but other types of sources as well, such as historiographic and literary texts. Although belonging to another category of sources, they provide information which is essential for a complete overview over the history of Jews in medieval Austria.This volume is the basis for a publication series which for the first time makes the unique source material on the history of the Jews in Austria in the Middle Ages accessible in a compiled way .

Das \u00fcberlieferte Quellenmaterial zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich im Mittelalter ist in Europa einmalig. Die zahlreichen Quellen geben Aufschlu\u00df \u00fcber die wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und pers\u00f6nliche Situation der Juden sowie \u00fcber den Umgang der christlichen Umwelt mit ihnen. Eine Sammlung der mittelalterlicher Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im gesamten Gebiet des heutigen \u00d6sterreich existierte bisher jedoch nicht.Im Rahmen des Projektes \"Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich im Mittelalter\" wurde nun der erste Band dieser Quellen, der von den Anf\u00e4ngen bis 1338 reicht, abgeschlossen.Nach dem Auswahlkriterium des Juden- und \u00d6sterreichbezugs wurden urkundliche, historiographische und literarische Quellen gesammelt und nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien aufbereitet, wobei sich unter dem Material zahlreiche unpublizierte oder bislang nicht unter dem Aspekt des Judenbezuges behandelte Texte befinden. Die Publikation erfolgt in Form von chronologisch gereihten Regesten; durch Kommentare, die dem jeweiligen St\u00fcck angeschlossen sind, sowie durch einen umfassenden Index wurden die Quellentexte zus\u00e4tzlich erschlossen.Urkunden mit wirtschaftlichem Inhalt bilden den mit Abstand gr\u00f6\u00dften Teil der Sammlung, gefolgt von Privilegien, Rechtsverbriefungen und Mandaten. An der Spitze stehen zahlenm\u00e4\u00dfig die Schuldbriefe und Pfandurkunden sowie Verkaufsurkunden, was sehr deutlich die Abdr\u00e4ngung der Juden ins Geldgesch\u00e4ft demonstriert.Da diese Quellensammlung aufgrund ihrer thematischen Einzigartigkeit einen m\u00f6glichst breiten \u00dcberblick bieten soll, wurden neben den Urkunden auch historiographische und literarische \u00dcberlieferungen aufgenommen, die zwar einer anderen Quellengattung angeh\u00f6ren, aber Informationen bieten, die f\u00fcr einen historischen Gesamt\u00fcberblick \u00fcber die Geschichte der Juden im mittelalterlichen \u00d6sterreich unerl\u00e4\u00dflich sind.Mit diesem Band wird der Grundstein f\u00fcr eine Publikationsreihe gelegt, die das Quellenmaterial zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich im Mittelalter gesammelt zug\u00e4nglich macht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brugger ,Eveline; Wiedl ,Birgit"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Collection of sources, Jewish history, Austrian history, Charters, economic and social history", "Quellensammlung, J\u00fcdische Geschichte, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Mittelalter, \u00d6sterreichische Geschichte, Regesten"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=442082"], ["title", "Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich im Mittelalter, Band 1"], ["doab_id", "15353"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706540186"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3706540185"]], [["description", "A remarkably high number of medieval sources on the history of Jews can be found in Austria. This huge amount of sources provides information on the economic, legal and personal situation of the Jews as well as on the interactions between Christians and Jews. Therefore, the Institute for Jewish History in Austria has engaged in preparatory work to publish this source material.In the course of the FWF project P 15638, the first volume of these sources (from the beginnings until 1338) was published by Eveline Brugger and Birgit Wiedl, and research for the second volume was begun. In the course of the follow-up project \"Documents on Jewish History in Austria 1339-1365\", this research was completed and the volume prepared for publication.Charters as well as historiographic and literary sources containing references to both Jews and Austria were collected and processed according to scientific criteria. This material includes a considerable number of texts which have not been published at all or treated with regard to the Jewish aspect yet. Research was carried out in archives both in Austria and abroad; furthermore, previously published material was also collected.The resulting manuscript consists of a chronological series of 682 document summaries. The apparatus includes information about the form the text was preserved in (original, copies), former publications in printing (full text or summaries) or online as well as the literature that is relevant to the respective document. Additionally, an extensive index as well as a scientific commentary were added to the relevant document to make the source texts accessible to the reader. Given the volume's topic, the Jews mentioned in the source text were the main focus of these commentaries.The sources which were collected and processed in preparation of the second volume cover a critical period of time for the Austrian Jews. It is of crucial importance that any comprehensive study of this period is based on the entirety of the source material, which is now readily available in the finished volume. Both the consequences of the Pulkau persecution of 1338, which wiped out a number of smaller Jewish settlements, and the impact which the plague had on the Austrian Jews are reflected in these sources. Besides, these sources allow a more detailed analysis of the policies which the dukes Albrecht II and Rudolf IV pursued towards the Jews, which in turn provides insights into the legal, social and economic situation of the Austrian Jews during this period.

\u00d6sterreich besitzt eine bemerkenswert reichhaltige \u00dcberlieferung an Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im Mittelalter. Die zahlreichen Quellen geben Aufschluss \u00fcber die wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und pers\u00f6nliche Situation der Juden sowie \u00fcber die Interaktionen mit der christlichen Umwelt. Aus diesem Grund wurde am Institut f\u00fcr j\u00fcdische Geschichte \u00d6sterreich eine Publikation dieses umfangreichen Quellenmaterials in Regestenform in Angriff genommen.Im Zuge des FWF-Projekts P 15638 wurde der erste Band dieser Regesten, der von den Anf\u00e4ngen bis 1338 reicht, von Eveline Brugger und Birgit Wiedl publiziert und mit den Vorarbeiten f\u00fcr den zweiten Band begonnen. Im Rahmen des Nachfolgeprojektes \"Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich 1339-1365\" wurde dieser zweite Band fertiggestellt und nach Abschluss des Projekts zur Druckkostenf\u00f6rderung eingereicht.Nach dem Auswahlkriterium des Juden- und \u00d6sterreichbezugs wurden urkundliche, historiographische und literarische Quellen gesammelt und nach wissenschaftlichen Kriterien aufbereitet, wobei sich unter dem Material zahlreiche unpublizierte oder bislang nicht unter dem Aspekt des Judenbezuges behandelte Texte befinden. Die Sammlungst\u00e4tigkeit erstreckte sich auf Archive im In- und Ausland sowie die Erfassung des bereits an anderer Stelle publizierten Materials.Die Bearbeitung erfolgte in Form von 682 chronologisch gereihten Regesten. Der Apparat enth\u00e4lt die Angaben zur \u00dcberlieferungslage des Textes (Original, Kopien), fr\u00fchere Publikationen in Druckwerken (Vollabdrucke, Regesten) oder im Internet sowie die zu dem St\u00fcck vorhandene Literatur. Durch wissenschaftliche Kommentare, die dem jeweiligen St\u00fcck beigegeben wurden, sowie durch einen umfassenden Index wurden die Quellentexte auch inhaltlich erschlossen, wobei der Schwerpunkt der Kommentierung dem Thema entsprechend auf die in den Texten erw\u00e4hnten Juden gelegt wurde.Die im Rahmen des zweiten Bandes aufgearbeiteten Quellen decken einen f\u00fcr die Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich kritischen Zeitraum ab, f\u00fcr dessen genauere Erforschung die Heranziehung der gesamten, durch diesen Band nun gesammelt vorliegenden Quellenbasis von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Die Quellen lassen die Folgen der 1338 von Pulkau ausgehenden Verfolgungswelle, die eine Reihe kleinerer j\u00fcdischer Ansiedlungen v\u00f6llig zum Verschwinden brachte, ebenso erkennen wie die Auswirkungen, die die Pestzeit auf die \u00f6sterreichischen Juden hatte. Dazu ergeben diese Quellen ein genaueres Bild der Judenpolitik der Herz\u00f6ge Albrecht II. und Rudolf IV. und erlauben R\u00fcckschl\u00fcsse auf die rechtliche, soziale und wirtschaftliche Situation der \u00f6sterreichischen Juden in diesem Zeitraum."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brugger ,Eveline; Wiedl ,Birgit"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Collection of sources, Late middle ages (1339 - 1365), Jewish history, Austrian history, Charters, economic and social history"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437197"], ["title", "Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich im Mittelalter, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "15320"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706548311"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706548311"]], [["description", "The remarkably high number of medieval sources on the history of Austrian Jews allows for insights into the economic, legal, and social standing of the Jews as well as into how the Christian environment treated them. The sources published in this volume show the decline in the economic and legal position of the Jews; while they were largely safe from open persecution, they were subjected to more and more restrictions that aimed at mere financial exploitation. In addition to that, the sources provide insights into the everyday interaction of Jews with the Christian majority.

In \u00d6sterreich ist reichhaltiges urkundliches Quellenmaterial zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte der Juden \u00fcberliefert; dazu kommen zeitgen\u00f6ssische historiographische, literarische und theologische Texte. Die zahlreichen Quellen geben Aufschluss \u00fcber die wirtschaftliche, rechtliche und pers\u00f6nliche Situation der Juden sowie \u00fcber den Umgang der christlichen Umwelt mit ihnen. Daher wurde am Institut f\u00fcr j\u00fcdische Geschichte \u00d6sterreichs (St. P\u00f6lten) eine Publikationsreihe in Angriff genommen, die dieses Material erstmals gesammelt in Regestenform zug\u00e4nglich macht. Der vorliegende dritte Band dieser Reihe umfasst den Zeitraum von 1366 bis 1386; die darin enthaltenen Quellen geben Aufschluss \u00fcber die Judenpolitik der Herz\u00f6ge Albrecht III. und Leopold III. sowie der Landesf\u00fcrsten der nicht von den Habsburgern regierten Territorien auf dem heutigen Bundesgebiet. Zwar war die j\u00fcdische Bev\u00f6lkerung in diesem Zeitraum weitgehend sicher vor offener Verfolgung, doch lassen sich anhand der in diesem Band enthaltenen Quellen die zunehmenden obrigkeitlichen Repressalien erkennen, die vor allem auf eine steigende finanzielle Ausbeutung der Juden durch die Landesf\u00fcrsten abzielten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brugger ,Eveline; Wiedl ,Birgit"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Medieval History, Austrian History, Historical auxilliary sciences, Jewish Studies, Source Studies, Source edition", "Mittelalterliche Geschichte, \u00d6sterreichische Geschichte, Historische Hilfswissenschaften, Judaistik, Quellenkunde, Quellenedition"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574666"], ["title", "Regesten zur Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich, Band 3: 1366-1386"], ["doab_id", "17394"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706553261"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706553261"]], [["description", "Der \u201eSozialraum\u201c hat Konjunktur. In einer Vielzahl von Politik- und Professionsfeldern wird auf \u201esoziale R\u00e4ume\u201c oder \u201elokale Gemeinschaften\u201c rekurriert. Die \u201eAktivierung\u201c von \u201eendogenen Potenzialen\u201c, \u201esozialem Kapital\u201c, \u201eEigenverantwortung\u201c, \u201eSelbststeuerung\u201c oder \u201eSelbsthilfe\u201c im nahr\u00e4umigen Kontext ist mit der Verhei\u00dfung verbunden, grundlegende Integrations-, Verteilungs- und Steuerungsprobleme fortgeschritten liberaler Gesellschaften bearbeiten zu k\u00f6nnen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die ambivalente Rolle von Sozialraumpolitiken im gegenw\u00e4rtigen gesellschaftlichen Transformationsgeschehen und diskutiert M\u00f6glichkeiten, wie raumaffine Professionen und Bewegungen fragw\u00fcrdigen politisch- programmatischen Anrufungen widerstehen k\u00f6nnen.

Der \u201eSozialraum\u201c hat Konjunktur. In einer Vielzahl von Politik- und Professionsfeldern wird auf \u201esoziale R\u00e4ume\u201c oder \u201elokale Gemeinschaften\u201c rekurriert. Die \u201eAktivierung\u201c von \u201eendogenen Potenzialen\u201c, \u201esozialem Kapital\u201c, \u201eEigenverantwortung\u201c, \u201eSelbststeuerung\u201c oder \u201eSelbsthilfe\u201c im nahr\u00e4umigen Kontext ist mit der Verhei\u00dfung verbunden, grundlegende Integrations-, Verteilungs- und Steuerungsprobleme fortgeschritten liberaler Gesellschaften bearbeiten zu k\u00f6nnen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die ambivalente Rolle von Sozialraumpolitiken im gegenw\u00e4rtigen gesellschaftlichen Transformationsgeschehen und diskutiert M\u00f6glichkeiten, wie raumaffine Professionen und Bewegungen fragw\u00fcrdigen politisch- programmatischen Anrufungen widerstehen k\u00f6nnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rund, Mario"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social space", "post-Fordism", "regional planning", "social space", "post-Fordism", "regional planning"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610372"], ["title", "Regierung des Raumes - Regierung des Sozialen - Zur Gouvernementalit\u00e4t postfordistischer Sozialraumpolitiken"], ["doab_id", "19176"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951948"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951948"]], [["description", "When the Indonesian New Order regime fell in 1998, regional politics with strong ethnic content emerged across the country. In West Kalimantan the predominant feature was particularly that of the Dayaks. This surge, however, was not unprecedented. After centuries of occupying a subordinate place in the political and social hierarchy under the nominal rule of the Malay sultanates, Dayaks became involved in an enthusiastic political emancipation movement from 1945.The Dayaks secured the governorship as well as the majority of the regional executive head positions before they were shunned by the New Order regime. This book examines the development of Dayak politics in West Kalimantan from the colonial times until the first decade of the 21th century. It asks how and why Dayak politics has experienced drastic changes since 1945. It will look at the effect of regime change, the role of the individual leaders and organizations, the experience of marginalization, and conflicts on the course of Dayaks politics. It will also examine ethnic relations and recent political development up to 2010 in the province.Dr Taufiq Tanasaldy is a lecturer in Asian Studies and Indonesian language. He has a PhD in Southeast Asian Studies from the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), the Australian National University. His main research interests are in ethnic politics, regionalism, conflict, regional history, and contemporary politics in Indonesia. He is currently completing a research grant on overseas Chinese politics in regional Indonesia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tanasaldy ,Taufiq"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Indonesia", "political change", "regional politics", "political culture", "ethnic politics", "local government", "West Kalimantan", "Dayak"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=421239"], ["title", "Regime change and ethnic politics in Indonesia; Dayak politics of West Kalimantan"], ["doab_id", "15064"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183895", "9789004253483"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183895 9789004253483"]], [["description", "This document constitutes the Comparative Study of the Precoll project \u2013 Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi / University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes, in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain), Junta de Andaluc\u00eda (Spain), Regione Toscana (Italy), Welsh Assembly Government (United Kingdom), J\u00e4mtland County Council (Sweden), NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (United Kingdom), Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl (Italy), subcontractor Melius Srl (Italy). EARLALL has been supporting the quality of the work, as well as Cedefop thanks to the regular advice and suggestions provided by Steven Bainbridge.

This document constitutes the Comparative Study of the Precoll project \u2013 Policies for Regional Cooperation in Lifelong Learning, led by the Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze-Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi / University of Florence-Department of Educational Sciences and Cultural and Training Processes, in partnership with Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain), Junta de Andaluc\u00eda (Spain), Regione Toscana (Italy), Welsh Assembly Government (United Kingdom), J\u00e4mtland County Council (Sweden), NIACE Dysgu Cymru-National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (United Kingdom), Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl (Italy), subcontractor Melius Srl (Italy). EARLALL has been supporting the quality of the work, as well as Cedefop thanks to the regular advice and suggestions provided by Steven Bainbridge."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federighi, Paolo; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Precoll project", "Cedefop", "Formation", "Precoll project", "Cedefop", "Formazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345118"], ["title", "Regional Governance and Lifelong Learning Policies"], ["doab_id", "13002"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884536730"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536730"]], [["description", "The volume is containing the critical edition of 207 letters of pope Innocent III\u2019 addressed to recipients all over Europe and in the Middle East which were entered into the chancery registers of the 13th year of pontificate (1210/1211). It is the first of four volumes transmitted not as original but as a copy written at the Curia in mid-14th century and as print published in the 17th century.

Der Band beinhaltet die kritische Edition von 207 Schreiben Papst Innocenz\u2019 III. an unterschiedliche Empf\u00e4nger in Europa und im Nahen Osten aus dem 13. Pontifikatsjahr (1210/1211), die in das Kanzleiregister aufgenommen wurden. Er ist der erste von vier B\u00e4nden, die nicht als Originalregister, sondern in einer an der Kurie gefertigten Abschrift aus der Mitte des 14. und als Druck aus dem 17. Jahrhundert \u00fcberliefert sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sommerlechner ,Andrea; Selinger ,Reinhard; Murauer ,Rainer; Hageneder ,Othmar; Weigl ,Herwig"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Edition, diplomatics, ecclesiastical history, legal history, theology, papacy", "Edition, Diplomatik, Kirchengeschichte, Rechtsgeschichte, Theologie, Papsttum"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de", "la"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578179"], ["title", "Die Register Innocenz\u2019 III. 13. Jahrgang (1210/1211). Texte und Indices"], ["doab_id", "17530"], ["language_unmapped", "de^la"], ["isbns", ["9783700176718"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700176718"]], [["description", "In \u00dcbertragung machtpolitischer Kategorien der Neuzeit hat die \u00e4ltere Forschung schon f\u00fcr das Mittelalter Gegens\u00e4tze und Rivalit\u00e4t zwischen den franz\u00f6sischen und deutschen Staatswesen betont. Die Fallstudien dieses Bandes \u00fcberpr\u00fcfen diesen Befund und zeichnen ein differenzierteres Bild. Vor allem zeigt sich, dass die \"staatlichen\" Beziehungen vielfach mit dynastischen konkurrierten und diese oft die wichtigeren waren. Neben deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Gegens\u00e4tzen wird ein oft unerwartet enges Geflecht von Beziehungen aufgedeckt, mit dessen Hilfe \"staatliche\" Grenzen durch dynastische Politik erstaunlich leicht \u00fcberwunden werden konnten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wei\u00df, Stefan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/225950"], ["title", "Regnum et Imperium. Die franz\u00f6sisch-deutschen Beziehungen im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Les relations franco-allemandes au XIVe et au XVe si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "18003"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486581799", "9783486842302"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486581799, 9783486842302"]], [["description", "El libro ofrece la edici\u00f3n de los trece reglamentos que para la regulaci\u00f3n de las oposiciones a c\u00e1tedras universitarias se sucedieron desde la creaci\u00f3n del cuerpo de catedr\u00e1ticos de universidad en 1845 hasta la Segunda Rep\u00fablica espa\u00f1ola. Esta edici\u00f3n viene precedida de un estudio preliminar que analiza las caracter\u00edsticas de estas normas, lo que permite definir un modelo liberal primigenio (extremadamente centralizado) y su crisis, que comienza con la revoluci\u00f3n de 1868. Entre 1870 y 1931 van apareciendo nuevos elementos que, adem\u00e1s de proponer un nuevo modelo, ponen en entredicho la validez del mismo sistema de oposici\u00f3n para seleccionar al profesorado p\u00fablico."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Universities", "Universidades", "Universidad liberal", "Oposiciones", "Catedr\u00e1ticos"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/19338/regulacion_martinez_HU35_2014.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "La regulaci\u00f3n de las oposiciones a c\u00e1tedras universitarias: 1845-1931"], ["doab_id", "16309"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315709"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315709"]], [["description", "Este livro apresenta os resultados de um trabalho que teve por objetivo conhecer e sistematizar informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre a regula\u00e7\u00e3o da TV, tanto aberta quanto por assinatura, nos pa\u00edses do Mercosul. Analisa comparativamente os processos regulat\u00f3rios pelos quais cada um deles passou recentemente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jambeiro, Othon"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qgfnd"], ["title", "Regulando a TV: uma vis\u00e3o comparativa no Mercosul"], ["doab_id", "17540"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212285"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212285"]], [["description", "The regulated secretory pathway is a hallmark of neuroendocrine cells. This process comprises many sequential steps, which include ER-associated protein synthesis, post-translational modification of proteins in the Golgi complex, sorting and packing of secretory proteins into carrier granules, cytoskeleton-based granule transport towards the plasma membrane and tethering, docking and fusion of granules with specialized releasing zones. Each stage is subjected to a rigorous regulation by a plethora of factors that function in a spatially and temporarily coordinated fashion. Much effort has been devoted to characterize the precise role of the regulatory proteins participating in the different steps of this process and to identify new factors in order to obtain a unifying picture of the secretory pathway. In spite of this and given the enormous complexity of the process, certain stages are not fully understood yet and many players remain to be identified. The aim of this Research Topic is to gather review articles and original research papers on the molecular mechanisms that govern and ensure the correct release of neuropeptides."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rafael Vazquez-Martinez; Stephane Gasman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["secretion", "Neuroendocrine Cells", "Membrane trafficking", "large dense core vesicles", "regulated exocytosis", "Endocytosis", "super-resolution microscopy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/956/the-regulated-secretory-pathway-in-neuroendocrine-cells"], ["title", "The regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells"], ["doab_id", "17657"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192465"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192465"]], [["description", "Understanding the molecular pathogenesis of Parkinson\u2019s disease (PD) is a priority in biomedical research and a pre-requisite to improve early disease diagnosis and ultimately to developing disease-modifying strategies. In the past decade and a half, geneticists have identified several genes that are involved in the molecular pathogenesis of PD. They not only identified gene variants segregating with familial forms of PD but also genetic risk factors of sporadic PD via genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Understanding how PD genes and their gene products function holds the promise of unraveling key PD pathogenic processes. Therefore the precise cellular role of PD proteins is currently the subject of intense investigation.Interestingly, a number of PD proteins have enzymatic functions, including kinase, GTPase or ATPase functions. In the context of understanding disease pathogenesis or developing disease-modifying therapies, enzymes possess several useful features. Firstly, enzymes are often key elements of cellular signaling networks, acting as on-off switches to determine signaling intensity. For instance, kinases mediate phosphorylation events, which activate or inactivate their substrates, while GTPases modulate activity of their effector proteins via direct interaction in a GDP/GTP dependent manner. ATPases also control cellular processes through their involvement in cellular energy production and/or in transmembrane transport. Secondly, enzymes are attractive targets for therapeutics development. This is exemplified by the growing number of kinase inhibitors approved for clinical use, while compounds modulating GTPases or ATPases have also been proposed as potential therapeutics. Finally, as elements in cellular signaling networks, enzymes are not generally constitutively active but subject to further regulation through additional signaling components. Knowledge of how PD kinases, GTPases and ATPases are activated or inactivated can aid in understanding how PD signaling networks are deregulated in disease and point to new possibilities in targeting pathological signaling processes. The objective of this research topic is to provide an overview of current knowledge on the regulation of cellular signaling networks of PD kinases, GTPases and ATPases. Both upstream and downstream signaling events will be covered, with a focus on molecular events that can readily be monitored (relevance as disease biomarkers) and have a potential to be modulated (relevance as potential therapeutic target)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean-Marc Taymans; Veerle Baekelandt; Kirsten Harvey"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LRRK2", "ATP13A2", "PINK1", "tau Proteins", "alpha-Synuclein", "ROCO proteins", "Phosphorylation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2239/regulation-and-targeting-of-enzymes-mediating-parkinsons-disease-pathogenesis-focus-on-parkinsons-di"], ["title", "Regulation and targeting of enzymes mediating Parkinson's disease pathogenesis: focus on Parkinson's disease Kinases, GTPases and ATPases"], ["doab_id", "17792"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193998"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193998"]], [["description", "Regulatory non-protein-coding RNA genes and their transcripts were first found and characterized in bacteria but encompass all biological kingdoms. The complexity of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in terms of number and types increases with degree of biological development, whereby humans and other primates appear to have the largest number. Many regulatory ncRNAs base-pair to a target RNA or DNA and inhibit target function. Bacterial ncRNA genes largely respond to environmental stress conditions and help protect the organism from adverse conditions. The prokaryotic RNAs are for the most part small (<200 bp) and are commonly referred to as small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs). Eukaryotic RNAs consist of small <200 nt RNAs and large >200 nt (termed lncRNAs). The eukaryotic small RNAs include miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs. miRNAs inhibit mRNA functions and may also be associated with cancer. lncRNAs functions are multifaceted and include epigenetic regulation and animal development. The bacterial and archeal immune system CRISPR, and the eukaryotic piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNA) immune system that inhibits mobile elements in germ line cells both function by via RNA transcript/ target DNA heteroduplex base-pairing are a specific class of RNAs that protect cells from invading transposons/and or viruses. siRNAs function in plant and invertebrate immune systems and protect against viral infections. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Regulatory RNA", "siRNA", " sRNA", " piRNA", " ncRNA", " CRISPR RNA", " lncRNA", " miRNA", " regulatory small RNA fragments"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/35"], ["title", "Regulation by non-coding RNAs"], ["doab_id", "16618"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420057", "9783038420101"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420057/9783038420101"]], [["description", "Regulatory non-protein-coding RNA genes and their transcripts were first found and characterized in bacteria but encompass all biological kingdoms. The complexity of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in terms of number and types increases with degree of biological development, whereby humans and other primates appear to have the largest number. Many regulatory ncRNAs base-pair to a target RNA or DNA and inhibit target function. Bacterial ncRNA genes largely respond to environmental stress conditions and help protect the organism from adverse conditions. The prokaryotic RNAs are for the most part small (<200 bp) and are commonly referred to as small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs). Eukaryotic RNAs consist of small <200 nt RNAs and large >200 nt (termed lncRNAs). The eukaryotic small RNAs include miRNAs, siRNAs, and piRNAs. miRNAs inhibit mRNA functions and may also be associated with cancer. lncRNAs functions are multifaceted and include epigenetic regulation and animal development. The bacterial and archeal immune system CRISPR, and the eukaryotic piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNA) immune system that inhibits mobile elements in germ line cells both function by via RNA transcript/ target DNA heteroduplex base-pairing are a specific class of RNAs that protect cells from invading transposons/and or viruses. siRNAs function in plant and invertebrate immune systems and protect against viral infections. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Regulatory RNA", "siRNA", " sRNA", " piRNA", " ncRNA", " CRISPR RNA", " lncRNA", " miRNA", " regulatory small RNA fragments"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/41"], ["title", "Regulation by non-coding RNAs"], ["doab_id", "16619"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420064", "9783038420118"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420064/9783038420118"]], [["description", "Angiogenesis is the physiological process where new blood vessels grow from existing ones, in order to replenish tissues suffering from inadequate blood supply. Perhaps the most studied angiogenic process occurs in solid tumors whose growing mass and expanding cells create a constant demand for additional supply of oxygen and nutrients for survival. However, other physiological and clinical conditions, such as wound healing, ischemic events, autoimmune and age-related diseases also involve angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is a well-structured process that begins when oxygen and nutrients are depleted, leading to the release of chemokines and growth factors that attract immune cells, particularly macrophages and endothelial cells to the site. Macrophages that are recruited to the site, as well as tissue cells and endothelial cells, secrete pro-angiogenic mediators that affect endothelial cells and promote angiogenesis. These mediators include growth factors such as vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF), matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), as well as low levels of mediators that are usually seen as pro-inflammatory but are pro-angiogenic when secreted in low levels (e.g. nitric oxide (NO) and TNFa). Thus, macrophages play a major role in angiogenesis. Macrophages exhibit high plasticity and are capable of shifting between different activation modes and functions according to their changing microenvironment. Small differences in the composition of activating factors (e.g. TLR ligands such as LPS, anti-inflammatory cytokines, ECM molecules) in the microenvironment may differently activate macrophages to yield classically activated macrophages (or M1 macrophages) that can kill pathogen and tumor cells, alternatively activated macrophages (or M2 macrophages) that secrete antiinflammatory cytokines, resolution macrophages (rM?) that are involved in the resolution of inflammation, or regulatory macrophages (e.g. Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells - MDSCs) that control the function of other immune cells. In fact, macrophages may be activated in a spectrum of subsets that may differently contribute to angiogenesis, and in particular non-classically activated macrophages such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and Tie2-expressing monocytes (TEMs) can secrete high amounts of pro-angiogenic factors (e.g. VEGF, MMPs) or low levels of pro-inflammatory mediators (e.g. NO or TNFa) resulting in pro-angiogenic effects. Although the importance of macrophages as major contributors and regulators of the angiogenic process is well documented, less is known about the interactions between macrophages and other cell types (e.g. tumor cells, normal epithelial cells, endothelial cells) that regulate angiogenesis. We still have only limited understanding which proteins or complexes mediate these interactions and whether they require cell-cell contact (e.g. through integrins) or soluble factors (e.g. the EGF-CSF-1 loop), which signaling pathways are triggered in each of the two corresponding cell types, and how this leads to secretion of pro- or antiangiogenic factors in the microenvironment. The regulation of such interactions and through them of angiogenesis, whether through post-translational modifications of proteins or via the involvement of microRNA, is still unclear. The goal of this Research Topic is to highlight these interactions and their regulation in the context of both physiological and pathological conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michal Amit Rahat; Bernhard Hemmerlein; Vijaya Iragavarapu-Charyulu"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["tumor cells", "Chemokines", "Semaphorins", "chitinases", "EMMPRIN", "Nitric Oxide", "hypoxia", "Radiation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1050/the-regulation-of-angiogenesis-by-tissue-cell-macrophage-interactions"], ["title", "The regulation of angiogenesis by tissue cell-macrophage interactions"], ["doab_id", "18579"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193172"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193172"]], [["description", "Plants are made up of a large number of distinct cell types that originate from a single fertilized egg cell. How the diversity of cell types arise in appropriate places is one of the most fascinating and attractive research areas of plant biology. During the past several decades, due to the development of new molecular techniques and tools, advances in optical microscopy, and availability of whole genome information and mutants in the model plant Arabidopsis and other plants, great advances have been made in understanding the mechanisms involved in cell fate determination in plants. Multiple mechanisms are used to generate cellular diversity. Asymmetric cell division is one of the primary mechanisms. As an example, asymmetric cell division enables one stem cell to generate a stem cell daughter and a daughter with a distinct identity. Initially equivalent cells can also differentiate to generate different cell types. This mechanism has been clearly demonstrated in the formation of multiple cell types during epidermis development in the shoot and root. Cell fate determination is influenced by both intrinsic factors, i.e, developmental regulators, as well as extrinsic signals, i.e., environmental stimuli. By using model systems like stomata, trichome, root hair and shoot and root apical meristem cells, ligands, receptors and transcription factors have been found to regulate cell fate determination. However, the details of signaling cassettes responsible for cell fate determination remain largely unknown. Plants are made up of a large number of distinct cell types that originate from a single fertilized egg cell. How the diversity of cell types arise in appropriate places is one of the most fascinating and attractive research areas of plant biology. During the past several decades, due to the development of new molecular techniques and tools, advances in optical microscopy, and availability of whole genome information and mutants in the model plant Arabidopsis and other plants, great advances have been made in understanding the mechanisms involved in cell fate determination in plants. This research topic contains 12 collected articles, including 2 Opinion Articles, 5 Reviews, 4 Mini Reviews, and 1 Original Research Article. Hopefully, these articles will expand our understanding of the regulation of cell fate determination in plants."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Shucai Wang; John Schiefelbein"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["cell fate determination", "Trichome", "root hair", "stomata", "Xylem", "Cotton Fiber", "protein lipid modification", "transcription factor", "Arabidopsis", "Populus"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1731/regulation-of-cell-fate-determination-in-plants"], ["title", "Regulation of Cell Fate Determination in Plants"], ["doab_id", "18656"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193240"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193240"]], [["description", "Members of the protein kinase C (PKC) family of Ser/Thr kinases are encoded by nine distinct but closely related genes, which give rise to more than 12 different protein isoforms via a mechanism of alternative RNA splicing. Most PKC proteins are ubiquitously expressed and participate in a plethora of functions in most cell types. A majority of PKC isoforms is also expressed in cells of the immune system in which they are involved in signal transduction downstream of a range of surface receptors, including the antigen receptors on T and B lymphocytes. PKC proteins are central to signal initiation and propagation, and to the regulation of processes leading to immune cell proliferation, differentiation, homing and survival. As a result, PKC proteins directly impact on the quality and quantity of immune responses and indirectly on the host resistance to pathogens and tendency to develop immune deficiencies and autoimmune diseases. A significant progress was made in recent years in understanding the regulation of PKC enzymes, their mechanism of action and their role in determining immunocyte behavior This volume reviews the most significant contributions made in the field of immune cell regulation by PKC enzymes. Several manuscripts are devoted to the role of distinct PKC isoforms in the regulation of selected immunocyte responses. Additional manuscripts review more general mechanisms of regulation of PKC enzymes, either by post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation or controlled proteolysis, or by interaction with different binding proteins that may alter the conformation, activity and subcellular location of PKC. Both types of mechanisms can introduce conformational changes in the molecule, which may affect its ability to interact with cofactors, ATP, or substrates. This topic will be followed by a discussion on the positive and negative impact of individual PKC isoforms on cell cycle regulation. A second section of this volume concentrates on selected topics relevant to role of the novel PKC isoform, PKC-theta, in T lymphocyte function. PKC-theta plays important and some non-redundant roles in T cell activation and is a key isoform that recruits to the immunological synapse - the surface membrane area in T cells that comes in direct contact with antigen presenting cells. The immunological synapse is formed in T cells within seconds following the engagement of the TCR by a peptide-bound MHC molecule on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. It serves as a platform for receptors, adaptor proteins, and effector molecules, which assemble into multimolecular activation complexes required for signal transduction. The unique ability of PKC-theta to activate the NF-kB, AP-1 and NF-AT transcription factors is well established, and recent studies contributed essential information on the mechanisms involved in the recruitment of PKC-theta to the center of the immunological synapse and the nature of its substrates and the role of their phosphorylated forms in signal transduction. Additional review manuscripts will describe the unique behavior of PKC-theta in regulatory T cells and its role in the regulation of other cell populations, including those of the innate immune response. This volume brings together leading experts from different disciplines that review the most recent discoveries and offer new perspectives on the contributions of PKC isoforms to biochemical processes and signaling events in different immune cell populations and their impact on the overall host immune response."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Noah Isakov; Amnon Altman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Protein Kinase C", "T cell activation", "signal transduction pathways", "lymphocyte stimulation", "cell growth regulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/685/regulation-of-immune-system-cell-functions-by-protein-kinase-c"], ["title", "Regulation of immune system cell functions by protein kinase C"], ["doab_id", "18658"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193264"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193264"]], [["description", "Human red blood cells are formed mainly in the bone marrow and are believed to have an average life span of approximately 120 days. However, is it true for all red blood cells? What are the changes associated with red cell maturation, adulthood and senescence? What are the determinants of red cell life span and clearance? What are the mechanisms in control of red cell mass in healthy humans and patients with various forms of anemia? What are the markers of circulating red cell senescence and in cells during storage and transfusion? Within the life span may properties of red cells change leading to age-mixed circulating cell populations. Although these cells appear to be genetically terminated by the time they are released into the blood stream, they undergo surprisingly versatile modifications depending on the life-style and health conditions of a \u201chuman host\u201d. Numerous disorders are believed to be associated with facilitated ageing of red blood cells. \u201cIn vitro ageing\u201d and damage of red blood cells during storage is yet one more important issue related to the risks and efficiency of blood transfusion. Many of the mechanisms behind such effects are far from being fully understood. In this context the Research Topic is set to include articles in the field of biochemical investigations, biophysical approaches, physiological and clinical studies related to red blood cell maturation and aging. This includes Original Research, Methods, Hypothesis and Theory, Reviews and Perspectives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anna Bogdanova; Lars Kaestner"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["erythrocyte", "Erythropoiesis", "senescence", "Clearance", "blood storage", "neocytolysis", "Vesiculation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1656/regulation-of-red-cell-life-span-erythropoiesis-senescence-and-clearance"], ["title", "Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, senescence and clearance"], ["doab_id", "18678"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193486"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193486"]], [["description", "The immune system mediates tissue responses under both physiological and pathological conditions, impacting the inflammatory, fibrogenic and regenerative components. In addition to various leukocyte subsets, it is now recognized that epithelial, endothelial and other non-hematopoietic tissue cell types actively contribute to the interplay shaping tissue responses. Further understanding the molecular pathways and mechanisms mediating these tissue responses is of great interest. In the past decade, TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and its receptor, FGF-inducible molecule-14 (Fn14), members of the TNF/TNFR superfamily, have emerged as a prominent molecular axis regulating tissue responses. Generally leukocyte-derived, TWEAK signals through Fn14 which is highly induced in injured and diseased tissues on the surface of parenchymal, stromal and progenitor cells, thereby orchestrating a host of tissue-shaping responses, including inflammation, angiogenesis, cell proliferation or death, and the regulation of progenitor cells. Compelling preclinical results indicate that whereas transient TWEAK/Fn14 activation promotes productive tissue responses after acute injury, excessive or persistent TWEAK/Fn14 activation drives pathological tissue responses, leading to progressive damage and degeneration in target organs of injury, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and cancer. Given that the highly inducible pattern of Fn14 expression is well conserved between mouse and man, the role of TWEAK/Fn14 in human disease is an area of intense investigation. Recent findings have also begun to shed light on how the TWEAK/Fn14 pathway fits into the immune network, interplaying with other well-established pathways, including TNFa, IL-17, IL-13 and TGFb, in regulating tissue responses. The noncanonical nuclear factor kB (NF?B) pathway plays a role in immunity and disease pathologies and appears to be activated by only a subset of TNF/ TNFR superfamily members. Of the various signaling pathways downstream of TWEAK/Fn14, particular attention has been placed on the noncanonical NF?B pathway given that given that TWEAK induces acute activation of canonical NF?B but prolonged activation of noncanonical pathway. Thus dovetailing of the TWEAK/Fn14 axis with noncanonical NF?B pathway activation may be a key mechanism underlying tissue responses. Also of great interest is a deeper understanding of where, when and how tissue responses are regulated by other TNF/ TNFR superfamily members that can signal through noncanonical NF?B. This Research Topic issue will cover:1. TWEAK/Fn14 pathway biology, role in tissue responses, injury, and disease pathogenesis2. Role of noncanonical NFkB signaling cascade in tissue responses3. Translational studies of relevance of TWEAK/Fn14 and noncanonical NFkB in human disease4. Other TNF superfamily members\u2019 signaling through noncanonical NFkB in the regulation of tissue responses5. Reviews and Perspectives on the above"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Linda C. Burkly; Timothy S. Zheng; John Silke"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["NFkB", "Noncanonical", "TWEAK", "Fn14", "TNFR2", "BAFFR", "CD40", "LTbR", "Rank"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1413/regulation-of-tissue-responses-the-tweakfn14-pathway-and-other-tnf-tnfr-superfamily-members-that-act"], ["title", "Regulation of Tissue Responses: The TWEAK/Fn14 Pathway and other TNF/ TNFR Superfamily Members that Activate Noncanonical NFkB Signaling"], ["doab_id", "18824"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197002"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197002"]], [["description", "The study\u2019s recommendations describe institutional elements in the context of electric power sector regulation and has the objective to increase the understanding of the interdependencies of the institutional elements. In future work, the study results might be employed for designing very specific regulatory policies. The recommendations developed in this study focus primarily on the regulatory framework for smart grids and contains a quite detailed description of how the German electricity markets evolved. It also focuses on the effects of ambitiously expanding generation capacities of renewable energy sources (RES) on established electricity markets. The presented evidence will provide insights on how the regulatory framework in China could be designed to foster smart grids developments in the context of establishing electricity markets and expanding RES generation capacities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gert Brunekreeft; Till Luhmann; Tobias Menz; Sven-Uwe M\u00fcller; Paul Recknagel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["energy policy", " environment", " technology", " law"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-08463-9"], ["title", "Regulatory Pathways for Smart Grid Development in China"], ["doab_id", "18951"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783658084622", "9783658084639"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658084622 (Print) 9783658084639 (Online) "]], [["description", "Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are widely employed by all living organisms to control the enzymatic activity, localization or stability of proteins on a much shorter time scale than the transcriptional control. In eukarya, global analyses consistently reveal that proteins are very extensively phosphorylated, acetylated and ubiquitylated. Glycosylation and methylation are also very common, and myriad other PTMs, most with a proven regulatory potential, are being discovered continuously. The emergent picture is that PTM sites on a single protein are not independent; modification of one residue often affects (positively or negatively) modification of other sites on the same protein. The best example of this complex behavior is the histone \u201cbar-code\u201d with very extensive cross-talk between phosphorylation, acetylation and methylation sites.Traditionally it was believed that large networks of PTMs exist only in complex eukaryal cells, which exploit them for coordination and fine-tuning of various cellular functions. PTMs have also been detected in bacteria, but the early examples focused on a few important regulatory events, based mainly on protein phosphorylation. The global importance (and abundance) of PTMs in bacterial physiology was systematically underestimated. In recent years, global studies have reported large datasets of phosphorylated, acetylated and glycosylated proteins in bacteria. Other modifications of bacterial proteins have been recently described: pupylation, methylation, sirtuin acetylation, lipidation, carboxylation and bacillithiolation. As the landscape of PTMs in bacterial cells is rapidly expanding, primarily due to advances of detection methods in mass spectrometry, our research field is adapting to comprehend the potential impact of these modifications on the cellular physiology. The field of protein phosphorylation, especially of the Ser/Thr/Tyr type, has been profoundly transformed. We have become aware that bacterial kinases phosphorylate many protein substrates and thus constitute regulatory nodes with potential for signal integration. They also engage in cross-talk and eukaryal-like mutual activation cascades. The regulatory potential of protein acetylation and glycosylation in bacteria is also rapidly emerging, and the cross-talk between acetylation and phosphorylation has been documented. This topic deals with the complexity of the PTM landscape in bacteria, and focus in particular on the physiological roles that PTMs play and methods to study them. The topic is associated to the 1st International Conference on Post-Translational Modifications in Bacteria (September 9-10, 2014, G\u00f6ttingen, Germany)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ivan Mijakovic; Christophe Grangeasse; Jorg Stulke"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Phosphorylation", "S-thiolation", "Dehydration", "Hydroxylation", "N-glycosylation", "Protein Kinases", "antimicrobial peptides", "Infection", "Proteomics", "Bacteria"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2609/regulatory-potential-of-post-translational-modifications-in-bacteria"], ["title", "Regulatory potential of post-translational modifications in bacteria"], ["doab_id", "19518"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196104"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196104"]], [["description", "Until about a decade ago, the non-coding part of the genome was considered without function. RNA sequencing studies have shown, however, that a considerable part of the non-coding genome is transcribed and that these non-coding RNAs (nc-RNAs) can regulate gene expression. Almost on weekly basis, new findings reveal the regulatory role of nc-RNAs exert in many biological processes. Overall, these studies are making increasingly clear that, both in model organisms and in humans, complexity is not a function of the number of protein-coding genes, but results from the possibility of using combinations of genetic programs and controlling their spatial and temporal regulation during development, senescence and in disease by regulatory RNAs. This has generated a novel picture of gene regulatory networks where regulatory nc-RNAs represent novel layers of regulation. Particularly well-characterized is the role of microRNAs (miRNAs), small nc-RNAs, that bind to mRNAs and regulate gene expression after transcritpion. This message is particularly clear in the nervous system, where miRNAs have been involved in regulating cellular pathways controlling fundamental functions during development, synaptic plasticity and in neurodegenerative disease. It has also been shown that neuronal miRNAs are tightly regulated by electrical activity at the level of transcription, biogenesis, stability and specifically targeted to dendrites and synapsis. Deregulation of expression of miRNAs is proposed not only as potential disease biomarker, but it has been implicated directly in the pathogenesis of complex neurodegenerative disease. This so-called RNA revolution also lead to the exploitation of RNA interference and the development of related tools as potential treatment of a vast array of CNS disease that could benefit from regulation of disease-associated genes. In spite of these advancements, the relatively young age of this field together with the inherent high molecular complexity of RNA regulation of biological processes have somewhat hindered its communication to the whole of the neuroscience community. This Research Topic aims at improving this aspect by putting around the same virtual table scientists covering aspects ranging from basic molecular mechanisms of regulatory RNAs in the nervous system to the analysis of the role of specific regulatory RNAs in neurobiological processes of development, plasticity and aging. Furthermore, we will welcome papers analyzing the role of regulatory RNAs in disease models from neuromuscular to higher cognitive functions, and we will also encourage submission of more technically oriented papers dealing with new methodologies to study regulatory RNA biology and its translational potential."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tommaso Pizzorusso; Alessandro Cellerino; Laure Bally-Cuif"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["brain plasticity", "neurodevelopment", "neurodegeneration", "Aging", "neurodevelopmental disorder", "Transcriptomics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1259/regulatory-rnas-in-the-nervous-system"], ["title", "Regulatory RNAs in the Nervous System"], ["doab_id", "17672"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194834"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194834"]], [["description", "The book focuses on german speaking catholic missionary sisters who came to South Africa after 1945. In three chapters (space of origin, convent space, missionary space) the life stories are interpreted as an \u201cadventure with a rule\u201d. The group portrait shows motivations, daily life and experiences of one of the last generations of missionary women.

Das Buch stellt deutschsprachige katholische Missionarinnen, die seit 1945 in S\u00fcdafrika t\u00e4tig waren, in den Mittelpunkt. Entlang der drei Kapitel Herkunftsraum, Klosterraum und Missionsraum werden die Lebensgeschichten der Frauen als Erz\u00e4hlungen eines \u201eregulierten Abenteuers\u201c interpretiert. Das daraus entstehende Gruppenportr\u00e4t gibt Einblicke in Motivationen, Alltag und Erfahrungen einer letzten Generation von Missionarinnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gugglberger ,Martina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Mission History, Catholic Missionary Sisters, Transnational Life stories, South Africa, Mission Space", "Missionsgeschichte, Katholische Missionarinnen, Transnationale Lebensgeschichten, S\u00fcdafrika, Missionsraum"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=508002"], ["title", "Reguliertes Abenteuer"], ["doab_id", "16510"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796138"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796138"]], [["description", "Since its introduction by Hans Reichenbach, many philosophers have claimed to refute the idea \u2013 known as the common cause principle \u2013 that any surprising correlation between any two factors that do not directly influence one another is due to some common cause. For example, falsity of the principle is frequently inferred from falsifiability of Bell\u2019s inequalities. The author demonstrates, however, that the situation is not so straightforward. There is more than one version of the principle formulated with the use of different variants of Reichenbach-inspired notions; their falsity still remains an open question. The book traces different formulations of the principle and provides proofs of a few pertinent theorems, settling the relevant questions in various probability spaces. In exploring mathematical and philosophical issues surrounding the principle, the book offers both philosophical insight and mathematical rigor."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leszek Wro\u0144ski"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Common Cause Principle, Reichenbach, Probability, Causality"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431521"], ["title", "Reichenbach\u2019s Paradise. Constructing the Realm of Probabilstic Common \u201cCauses\u201d"], ["doab_id", "16484"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110372717"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110372717"]], [["description", "This well-researched book is the first biography of one of Canada's most remarkable botanists. Alf Erling Porsild (1901-1977) grew up on the Arctic Station in West Greenland and later served as curator of botany at the National Museum of Canada. He collected thousands of specimens, greatly enlarging the National Herbarium and making it a superb research centre. For nearly twenty years, Porsild studied reindeer activities in Alaska and the Northwest Territories as part of the Reindeer Project designed to encourage grazing animal husbandry among aboriginal peoples. He published extensively, and his meticulous research and observations have particular relevance today with the growing concern over global warming in the Arctic."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wendy Dathan"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49303/11/UofCPress_ReindeerBotanist_2012.pdf"], ["title", "The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901-1977"], ["doab_id", "15363"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385876"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385876"]], [["description", "This collection of essays examines the relatively new, and frequently overlooked, political phenomenon in post-colonial Africa of chieftaincy \"re-inventing\" itself. The traditional authority of chiefs has been one of Africa's missing voices who are now bringing new resources to the challenges that AIDS, gender, governance, and development pose to the peoples of Africa. d This publication presents new research in Ghana, Botswana, and South Africa, providing the broadest geographic African coverage on the topic of African chieftaincy. The nineteen authors, many of them emerging scholars from Africa, are all members of the Traditional Authority Applied Research Network (TAARN). Their essays give critical insight into the transformation processes of chieftaincy from the end of the colonial/apartheid periods to the present. They also examine the realities of male and female traditional leaders in reinventing their legitimacy and their political offices in the age of great social and political unrest, health issues and governance and development challenges."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Donald I. Ray (Editor); Tim Quinlan (Editor); Keshav Sharma (Editor); Tacita Clarke (Editor)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48426/5/UofCPress_AfricanChieftaincy_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Reinventing African Chieftaincy in the Age of AIDS, Governance, Gender, and Development"], ["doab_id", "15166"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385371"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385371"]], [["description", "Contemporary views of \u201clivable communities\u201d maintain that density and diversity are good for cities. Healthy communities are more pedestrian-friendly and less automobile-centric. Mixed use zoning keeps a flow of people through parks, streets, neighborhoods, and districts, which is good for business, safety, and tourism. Dwellings are human scale and locally-sourced food is more sustainable for the environment and healthier for individuals. But how should social institutions collaborate with those of the economic and political sectors to maximize community well-being? The United Way partnership model and the growing concern for triple-bottom-line outcomes involving financial, social, and environmental considerations offer a broad perspective on healthy communities.This special collection, therefore, employs a wide lens to examine multiple factors that characterize healthy communities including inclusiveness, equity, human rights, and mutual assistance. Researchers from various fields including psychiatry, public health, sociology, political science, community planning, economics, kinesiology, and social work present their findings on critical issues impacting the health of communities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["child development, sustainable community development, health care access, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations, food security, affordable housing, poverty prevention"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/226"], ["title", "Reinventing Healthy Communities: Implications for Individual and Societal Well-Being"], ["doab_id", "19821"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422624", "9783038422631"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422624/9783038422631"]], [["description", "Sir Walter Scott is often regarded as the first historical novelist. Reinventing Liberty challenges this view by returning us to the rich range of historical fiction written in the late 18th and early 19th century. For the first time placing these works in the context of British politics and British history writing, this book redefines the historical novel, revealing a genre which seeks to manage political change through historiographical experimentation. It explores how historical novelists participated in a contentious debate concerning the nature of commercial modernity, the formulation of political progress and British national identity. Ranging across well-known writers, like William Godwin, Horace Walpole and Frances Burney, to lesser-known figures, such as Cornelia Ellis Knight and Jane Porter, Reinventing Liberty uncovers how history becomes a site to rethink Britain as \u00d4land of liberty\u00d5. Reading Scott in relation to this tradition, Reinventing Liberty demonstrates the genre\u00d5s troubled role in the construction of the myth of Britain as a nation of gradual, safe political change."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Price ,Fiona"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "History"]], ["publisher", "Edinburgh University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608322"], ["title", "Reinventing Liberty"], ["doab_id", "19061"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781474402972", "9781474402965"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781474402972 9781474402965"]], [["description", "A obra analisa a rela\u00e7\u00e3o conclusiva expressa por meio das conjun\u00e7\u00f5es\u00a0ent\u00e3o\u00a0e\u00a0portanto, em dados do portugu\u00eas falado nos pa\u00edses lus\u00f3fonos. Para tanto, utiliza o aparato te\u00f3rico da Gram\u00e1tica Discursivo-Funcional, modelo que privilegia a inten\u00e7\u00e3o comunicativa do falante ao fazer uso do sistema lingu\u00edstico em situa\u00e7\u00e3o de intera\u00e7\u00e3o. A an\u00e1lise revela a exist\u00eancia de tr\u00eas diferentes tipos de rela\u00e7\u00e3o conclusiva: a Fun\u00e7\u00e3o Resumo (que ocorre entre por\u00e7\u00f5es textuais maiores, para sintetizar uma explana\u00e7\u00e3o anterior), a Fun\u00e7\u00e3o Conclus\u00e3o (que relaciona indiretamente duas ora\u00e7\u00f5es por meio de uma premissa) e a Fun\u00e7\u00e3o Consequ\u00eancia (que relaciona diretamente duas ora\u00e7\u00f5es, \u00e0 semelhan\u00e7a de causa-consequ\u00eancia)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marques, Norma Barbosa Novaes; Pezatti, Erotilde Goreti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cmv7k"], ["title", "A rela\u00e7\u00e3o conclusiva na l\u00edngua portuguesa: fun\u00e7\u00f5es resumo, conclus\u00e3o e consequ\u00eancia"], ["doab_id", "19401"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836992"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836992"]], [["description", "Apresento neste estudo uma investiga\u00e7\u00e3o sobre os tipos de ora\u00e7\u00f5es completivas, distribu\u00eddas numa hierarquia entre mais ou menos verbal/nominal, tendo como suporte dados reais de conversa\u00e7\u00e3o. Trata-se de um trabalho sobre a gram\u00e1tica da complementa\u00e7\u00e3o do portugu\u00eas brasileiro, mais especificamente sobre constru\u00e7\u00f5es gramaticalmente dispon\u00edveis, com base em determinados tipos de predicados encaixadores verbais, em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao papel que essas constru\u00e7\u00f5es exercem nas estruturas completivas do portugu\u00eas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santana, Liliane"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/yyvth"], ["title", "Rela\u00e7\u00f5es de complementa\u00e7\u00e3o no portugu\u00eas brasileiro: uma perspectiva discursivo-funcional"], ["doab_id", "16767"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831164"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831164"]], [["description", "O V Encontro Regional da ABRAPSO (Associa\u00e7\u00e3o Brasileira de Psicologia Social) reafirma o acerto da cria\u00e7\u00e3o desta Associa\u00e7\u00e3o, como uma necessidade da comunidade cient\u00edfica para a pesquisa e a reflex\u00e3o sobre nossa realidade e o ser humano que a constitui em toda a extens\u00e3o do nosso territ\u00f3rio. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jacques, Maria da Gra\u00e7a Correa; Nunes, Maria Lucia Tiellet; Bernardes, Nara Maria Guazzelli; Guareschi, Pedrinho A."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6j3gx"], ["title", "Rela\u00e7\u00f5es sociais e \u00e9tica"], ["doab_id", "16684"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662892"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662892"]], [["description", "Interest in the age-old problems of universals and individuation has received a new impetus from the current revival of ontology in the analytic tradition, the development of theories of individual properties (and the related application of mereological calculi to the analysis of predication), and the particular problems posed by relational predication and the nature of particulars. The essays explore aspects of the history of the issues and attempt to deal with the issues and with challenges to the distinctions that give rise to them. They continue the debates stemming from the revival of metaphysics rooted in Freges realism, the Austrian tradition of Brentano-Husserl-Meinong, and the early 20th century revolt against idealism embodied in writings of Moore and Russell and culminating in Wittgensteins Tractatus."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hochberg, Herbert; Mulligan, Kevin"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209191"], ["title", "Relations and Predicates"], ["doab_id", "18141"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110326857", "9783110326536"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110326857, 9783110326536"]], [["description", "O debate sobre o acesso \u00e0 justi\u00e7a, al\u00e9m de oportuno no seio da reforma do Judici\u00e1rio, \u00e9 estrat\u00e9gico na perspectiva da promo\u00e7\u00e3o dos direitos humanos. Al\u00e9m de ser um direito humano fundamental, o acesso \u00e0 justi\u00e7a \u00e9 uma das condi\u00e7\u00f5es para garantir a efetividade do conjunto dos direitos humanos. Uma sociedade que n\u00e3o garante o acesso \u00e0 justi\u00e7a dificilmente pode se dizer uma sociedade que efetivamente atingiu um Estado Democr\u00e1tico de Direito."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carbonari, Paulo C\u00e9sar"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fhn4p"], ["title", "Relat\u00f3rio reforma do judici\u00e1rio"], ["doab_id", "16941"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820304"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820304"]], [["description", "Religion in a pluralistic society can play a dual role with regard to conflict. It can promote either violence or peace. Religion and Conflict Attribution examines the causes of interreligious conflict as perceived by Christian, Muslim and Hindu college students in Tamil Nadu, India."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anthony ,F.; Hermans ,C.; Sterkens ,C."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613354"], ["title", "Religion and Conflict Attribution"], ["doab_id", "18510"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004270817", "9789004270862"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004270817 9789004270862"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["religion and violence, religion and terrorism, Islam and global terrorism, conflict resolution"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/189"], ["title", "Religion and Violence"], ["doab_id", "19025"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421436", "9783038421443"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421436/9783038421443"]], [["description", "One famous target of Progressive Era attempts to rein in monopolistic big business was the eastern Sugar Trust. Less known is how federal regulators also tried to break monopoly control over beet sugar in the West by going after the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, a business supported and controlled by the Latter-day Saints church and run by Mormon authorities. As sugar beet agriculture boomed, the Mormon church's involvement led directly to monopolistic practices by Utah-Idaho Sugar and to federal investigations. Church leaders encouraged members, a majority population in much of the intermountain West, to patronize the company exclusively, as suppliers and consumers. As early as 1890, Mormon church president Wilford Woodruff had called missionaries to raise money for the fledgling company and asserted divine inspiration for church support. Utah-Idaho bridged the cooperative, theocratic, self-sufficient economic model of nineteenth-century Mormonism and the integration of the Mormon West into the national market economy. Religion, Politics, and Sugar shows, through the example of an important western business, how national commercial, political, and legal forces in the early twentieth century came west and, more specifically, how they affected the important role the Mormon church played in economic affairs in the region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Godfrey, Matthew C."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/44"], ["title", "Religion, Politics, and Sugar: The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907 to 1921"], ["doab_id", "14707"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216585"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216585"]], [["description", "The birth of modern psychotherapies\u2014along with the birth of psychology as a science on one side and with psychoanalysis, other depth-psychological treatments and behavioral therapies in addition to medical treatments of psychological disorders on the other side\u2014in the 19th and 20th centuries was accompanied by positivistic and mechanistic paradigms underlying empirical research and claims of scientific dignity [1]. Affirmations which could not be tested or observed empirically had to be excluded from science\u2014including any kind of metaphysics and religious belief, notwithstanding pioneering studies by William James [2], Granville Stanley Hall, James Henry Leuba and Edwin Diller Starbuck [3] for psychology in general and for psychology of religion(s) in particular. In particular, the critique of religions by Sigmund Freud has continuously exerted a strong impact in the fields of psychiatry and psychotherapies; in addition, regarding psychodynamics and symptoms of psychic disorders, religious phenomena in the lives of patients may be just as affected as other cognitive and emotional aspects and behaviors [4]. Consequently, religious experience and religious behavior of patients in psychiatry and psychotherapies have rarely been object of research and teaching apart from predominantly symptomatic and pathogenic perspectives. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["religiosity of patients and clinicians", " religious values and psychotherapies", " metapsychologies and religions", " religious coping", " abstinence and neutrality in treatment", " religious interpretations of psychic disorders"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/77"], ["title", "Religions and Psychotherapies"], ["doab_id", "16626"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980775", "9783906980782"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980775/9783906980782"]], [["description", "Este livro aborda o estudo da rela\u00e7\u00e3o Religi\u00e3o-Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o num caso paradigm\u00e1tico: a Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o Francesa. Tentamos compreender as coloca\u00e7\u00f5es e a mentalidade da \u00e9poca sem descuidar de uma teoria hist\u00f3rica do fen\u00f4meno teoria que nos parece pr\u00f3xima da tradi\u00e7\u00e3o marxista. Ao mesmo tempo, nos empenhamos em proporcionar uma reflex\u00e3o \u00fatil para a consci\u00eancia que se tem dos fen\u00f4menos religiosos em pa\u00edses como o Brasil, onde a Religi\u00e3o \u00e9 protagonista de destaque nas mudan\u00e7as e conflitos sociais. [trecho retirado da introdu\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Saborit, Ignasi Terradas"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/x9qvt"], ["title", "Religiosidade na revolu\u00e7\u00e3o francesa"], ["doab_id", "16685"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662984"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662984"]], [["description", "Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives develops an anthropological perspective on modern religious architecture, including mosques, churches and synagogues. Borrowing from a range of theoretical perspectives on space-making and material religion, this volume looks at how religious buildings take their place in opposition to the secular surroundings, how they, as evocations of the sublime, help believers to move beyond the boundaries of modern subjectivity, and how they, in their common sense definition, function as community centers in urban daily life. The volume includes contributions from a range of anthropologists working in the UK, Mali, Brazil, Spain and Italy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verkaaik ,Oskar"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Architecture"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=456162"], ["title", "Religious Architecture : Anthropological Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "15561"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645111"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645111"]], [["description", "Lessig highlights the newest cultural war being waged on those who create and consume art. Arguing that we reject a copyright system that criminalizes the value of protecting art, he offers an inspiring vision of the post-war world where opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lawrence Lessig"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662505"], ["title", "Remix"], ["doab_id", "14351"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662505"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662505"]], [["description", "The effective management of cardiac arrhythmias, either of atrial or of ventricular origin, remains a major challenge. Sudden cardiac death due to ventricular tachyarrhythmias remains the leading cause of death in industrialized countries while atrial fibrillation is the most common rhythm disorder; an arrhythmia that\u2019s prevalence is increasing and accounts for nearly one quarter of ischemic stokes the elderly population. Yet, despite the enormity of the problem, effective therapeutic interventions remain elusive. In fact, several initially promising antiarrhythmic agents were found to increase rather than decrease mortality in patients recovering from myocardial infarction. The question then is what went wrong, why have these interventions proven to be so ineffective? An obvious answer is the drugs were designed to attack the wrong therapeutic target. Clearly, targeting single ion channels (using either isolated ion channels or single myocytes preparations) has proven to be less than effective. What then is the appropriate target? It is well established that cardiac electrical properties can vary substantially between single cells and intact preparations. One obvious example is the observation that action potential duration is much longer in isolated cells as compared to multi-cellular preparations or intact hearts. Due to the low electrical resistance between adjacent myocytes, the cells act in coordinated fashion producing \u201celectrotonic interdependence\u201d between neighboring cells. Myocardial infarction and/or acute ischemia provoke profound changes in the passive electrical properties of cardiac muscle. In particular, electrotonic uncoupling of the myocytes disrupts the coordinated activation and repolarization of cardiac tissue. The resulting compensatory changes in ionic currents decrease cardiac electrical stability increasing the risk for life-threatening changes in the cardiac rhythm. Thus, the electrical properties of myocardial cells must be considered as a unit rather than in isolation. It is the purpose of this Research Topic to evaluate the largely neglected relationship between changes in passive electrical properties of cardiac muscle and arrhythmia formation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "George E. Billman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["arrhythmias", "Atrial Fibrillation", "Ventricular Fibrillation", "electrotonic coupling", "Gap Junctions", "sino-atrial node", "Fibrosis", "Myocardial Infarction", "cable theory", "computer modeling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2057/remodeling-of-cardiac-passive-electrical-properties-and-susceptibility-to-ventricular-and-atrial-arr"], ["title", "Remodeling of cardiac passive electrical properties and susceptibility to ventricular and atrial arrhythmias"], ["doab_id", "19550"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196470"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196470"]], [["description", "In recent years, the topic of 3D reconstruction and modeling of complex architectures from remotely acquired multiple data sources has been of growing interest. This \u201cdemocratization\u201d of 3D modeling processes and the large availability of data is, however, not always followed by reliable, affordable and powerful tools for realizing photo-realistic, metric, re-usable and semantic-aware 3D products. This should be a motivation to research, design, develop and validate novel easy-to-use, ease-to-learn and a low-cost framework for 3D modeling and further understanding of virtual environments using multiple data sources, so that the whole 3D modeling community has access to an affordable, transferable, functional and usable framework of methods and tools. This challenge causes several problems that should be addressed: from improving and testing the technical capabilities of new capturing devices, to the solution of problems resultant from large image blocks, from delivering Building Information Modeling (BIM) standards in order to provide new management approaches to replacing existing visualization tools with new working experiences such as Virtual and Augmented Reality or game-engine technology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["3D modeling, low-cost sensors, data registration, HBIM, Procedural modeling "]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/219"], ["title", "Remote Sensed Data and Processing Methodologies for 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures"], ["doab_id", "19606"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422372", "9783038422389"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422372/9783038422389"]], [["description", "This book fills a gap in the market as it ranges over the whole of Belleau\u2019s work, rather than concentrating solely on La Bergerie or Les Amours et nouveaux eschanges des pierres precieuses. It starts by asking why a group of doctors produced a French edition of Belleau in 1945. It moves on to consider sickness and healing in Belleau\u2019s work, studying the comedy, La Reconnue, and the macaronic poem, the Dictamen metrificum, alongside the better-known texts. Throughout, it emphasizes the importance of the political and religious background of the time. A miraculous stick that Belleau describes in La Bergerie is seen in the first chapter of L\u2019Art de gu\u00e9rir as a symbol of therapeutic powers. The second chapter considers love and the poet\u2019s debt to other writers, such as Sappho or Ficino (Belleau was erudite and eclectic). Les Amours de David et de Bersabee is the focal point of Chapter 3; once again one sees the corrosive powers of love, and the ability of poetry and music to transform suffering into beauty. Mention is made of the various academies, which were important in Belleau\u2019s development. Chapter 4 traces the motif of illness in La Reconnue and links it to religious turmoil. This connection is even clearer in the Dictamen metrificum de bello huguenotico, a strange, savagely humorous text (Chapter 5). Chapter 6 concerns Belleau\u2019s poems on precious stones, surely the pinnacle of his achievement. In those, therapy is an explicitly articulated motif, while religious faith is crucial. The conclusion suggests parallels with writers such as Saint Augustine, Rabelais, Du Bellay and Montaigne."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Braybrook, Jean"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Literary Studies, Literature and Language, Romance Studies"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/246972"], ["title", "Remy Belleau et l\u2019art de gu\u00e9rir "], ["doab_id", "15573"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9788376560205"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560205"]], [["description", "For decades almost the only social scientists who visited Indonesia\u2019s provinces were anthropologists. Anybody interested in politics or economics spent most of their time in Jakarta, where the action was. Our view of the world\u2019s fourth largest country threatened to become simplistic, lacking that essential graininess. Then, in 1998, Indonesia was plunged into a crisis that could not be understood with simplistic tools. After 32 years of enforced stability, the New Order was at an end. Things began to happen in- the provinces that no one was prepared for. Democratization was one, decentralization another. Ethnic and religious identities emerged that had lain buried under the blanket of the New Order\u2019s modernizing ideology. Unfamiliar, sometimes violent forms of political competition and of rentseeking came to light.Decentralization was often connected with the neo-liberal desire to reduce state powers and make room for free trade and democracy. To what extent were the goals of good governance and a stronger civil society achieved? How much of the process was \u2018captured\u2019 by regional elites to increase their own powers? Amidst the new identity politics, what has happened to citizenship? These are among the central questions addressed in this book.This volume is the result of a two-year research project at KITLV. It brings together an international group of 24 scholars \u2013 mainly from Indonesia and the Netherlands but also from the United States, Australia, Germany, Canada and Portugal."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schulte Nordholt ,Henk; Klinken, van ,Gerry"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Political change", "Reformasi", "Democratization", "Decentralization", "Local government", "Good governance", "Civil society", "Local economy", "Ethnicity", "Cultural identity", "Violence", "Indonesia", "Politiek", "Politieke veranderingen", "Reformatie", "Democratie", "Decentralisatie", "Lokaal bestuur", "Bestuur", "Burgerlijk bestuur", "Lokale economie", "Etniciteit", "Culturele identiteit", "Geweld", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=376972"], ["title", "Renegotiating boundaries : local politics in post-Suharto Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "15552"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067182836", "9789004260436"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067182836 9789004260436"]], [["description", "Recombinant viruses expressing reporter fluorescent or bioluminescent proteins are an excellent option to evaluate the dynamics of viral infection progression in both cultured cells and/or validated animal models of viral infection. Reporter proteins are valid surrogates for direct detection of infected cells in vitro and in vivo, without the use of secondary methodologies to identify infected cells. By eliminating the need of secondary labeling, tractable replicating-competent, reporter-expressing viruses provide an ideal approach to monitor viral infections in real time, representing a significant advance in the study of the biology of viruses, to evaluate vaccination approaches, and to identify new therapeutics against viral infections using high-throughput screening settings. In this Special Issue \u201cReplication-Competent Reporter-Expressing Viruses\u201d we review replication-competent, reporter-expressing viruses belonging to different families, methods of characterization, and applications to facilitate the study of in vitro and in vivo viral infections. We also seek to discuss disadvantages and limitations associated with these reporter-expressing viruses. Finally, we provide rational future perspectives and additional avenues for the development, characterization, and applications of recombinant, reporter-expressing, competent viruses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Recombinant viruses, plasmid-based reverse genetics, virus rescue approaches, reporter genes, fluorescence, luminescence, replicating-competent reporter-expressing viruses"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/228"], ["title", "Replication-Competent Reporter-Expressing Viruses"], ["doab_id", "19919"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422587", "9783038422594"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422587/9783038422594"]], [["description", "This book explores the environmental competitiveness of 133 countries around the world, presenting an index evaluation system to facilitate a comparative analysis of environmental competitiveness on a global scale. This is a new way to measure competitiveness in the light of the contradiction between world economic development and environmental protection. Global environmental competitiveness covers five aspects: the ecological environment, resources environment, environmental management, environmental impacts and environmental coordination. The authors use longitudinal study and horizontal analysis, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis methods so as to conduct an in-depth study of theoretical, empirical and methodological issues of global environmental competitiveness.The work is presented here in three main parts beginning with the theory, technical road-map and analytical approach used. The second part reports on the countries as evaluation objects, analyzing the development status of global environmental competitiveness as a whole and revealing the strengths and weaknesses of each country\u2019s environmental competitiveness. Basic paths and strategies to enhance the competitiveness level are presented. In the third part the reader will discover a sub-report and evaluation of the environmental competitiveness for 133 countries around the world, revealing the characteristics and relative differences of countries representing different levels of development, in order to provide an important decision-making reference to those considering environmental economic policies, especially those considering accelerating a green economic transformation and enhancing environmental competitiveness.This book will appeal to scholars and professionals with an interest in environmental issues and environmental competitiveness at a global level, as well as those with an interest in each of the 133 countries analyzed in this text, including environmental policy makers in those countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Li Jianping ; Li Minrong; Wang Jinnan; Li Jianjian; Su Hongwen; Huang Maoxing"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Green Development", " Environmental Competitiveness", " Environmental Coordination", " Economy Transformation", " Environmental Carrying", " Environmental Management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-642-54678-5"], ["title", "Report on Global Environmental Competitiveness (2013)"], ["doab_id", "16190"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642546778", "9783642546785"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642546778 (Print) 9783642546785 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume contains presentations and discussions from a conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Professors held in Kiel on 3-6 October 2012."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "G\u00e4rditz, Klaus Ferdinand ; P\u00fcnder, Hermann ; Walter, Christian "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Constitutional law, democracy/law, rule of law"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/186318"], ["title", "Repr\u00e4sentative Demokratie in der Krise? Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Kiel vom 3. bis 6. Oktober 2012"], ["doab_id", "18048"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110301939", "9783110301816"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110301939, 9783110301816"]], [["description", "O presente livro trata das representa\u00e7\u00f5es de Tito L\u00edvio, historiador romano de finais do s\u00e9culo I a.C., sobre o senado de Roma. As representa\u00e7\u00f5es enquanto refer\u00eancias simb\u00f3licas, valores, cren\u00e7as e concep\u00e7\u00f5es de mundo de indiv\u00edduos historicamente posicionados s\u00e3o comumente projetadas em textos e artefatos culturais que pretendem auxiliar no estabelecimento de consensos e normas de conduta em dada sociedade. Nesse sentido, o livro enfoca \u00e0s opini\u00f5es do autor romano, inscritas em sua Ab Urbe Condita Libri (Desde o In\u00edcio da Cidade), sobre a mais influente institui\u00e7\u00e3o da Rep\u00fablica, aquela que mais precisou se adaptar \u00e0 nova situa\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica do Principado, no momento em que o poder foi centralizado por Ot\u00e1vio Augusto, primeiro Princeps- Imperador romano, sobrinho-neto e filho adotivo de J\u00falio C\u00e9sar. A partir da constitui\u00e7\u00e3o de uma narrativa hist\u00f3rica sobre a sociedade romana e suas institui\u00e7\u00f5es tradicionais, Tito L\u00edvio estabeleceu normas de condutas para o senado imperial de sua pr\u00f3pria \u00e9poca, vinculando-se indiretamente \u00e0s pol\u00edticas e \u00e0s representa\u00e7\u00f5es do primeiro Princeps-Imperador romano em seu relacionamento direto com o conselho dos patres."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Collares, Marco Antonio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vvx3m"], ["title", "Representa\u00e7\u00f5es do senado romano na Ab Urbe Condita Libri de Tito L\u00edvio: livros 21-30"], ["doab_id", "16768"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830969"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830969"]], [["description", "Os textos deste livro analisam as representa\u00e7\u00f5es da pol\u00edtica e da m\u00eddia nas sociedades democr\u00e1ticas contempor\u00e2neas. A primeira parte da obra \u00e9 dedicada aos aspectos cognitivos e ret\u00f3ricos do jornalismo e sua influ\u00eancia sobre as audi\u00eancias. Na seq\u00fc\u00eancia s\u00e3o examinadas as acep\u00e7\u00f5es da democracia e o papel do jornalismo na constitui\u00e7\u00e3o das sociedades democr\u00e1ticas e na expans\u00e3o dos direitos de cidadania. A parte final do livro trata do lugar ocupado pelos meios de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o nas elei\u00e7\u00f5es brasileiras de 1989, 1994, 1998, 2002 e 2006. Aliando reflex\u00e3o te\u00f3rica e an\u00e1lise de situa\u00e7\u00f5es concretas, esta obra salienta as conex\u00f5es entre representa\u00e7\u00f5es, jornalismo e democracia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Soares, Murilo C\u00e9sar"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/kgsw8"], ["title", "Representa\u00e7\u00f5es, jornalismo e a esfera p\u00fablica democr\u00e1tica"], ["doab_id", "16769"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830181"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830181"]], [["description", "Representation and Resistance: South Asian and African Women's Texts at Home and in the Diaspora compares colonial and national constructions of gender identity in Western-educated African and South Asian women's texts. Jaspal Kaur Singh argues that, while some writers conceptualize women's equality in terms of educational and professional opportunity, sexual liberation, and individualism, others recognize the limitations of a paradigm of liberation that focuses only on individual freedom. Certain diasporic artists and writers assert that transformation of gender identity construction occurs, but only in transnational cultural spaces of the first world-spaces which have emerged in an era of rampant globalization and market liberalism. In particular, Singh advocates the inclusion of texts from women of different classes, religions, and castes, both in the Global North and in the South."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jaspal Kaur Singh"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49346/1/UofCPress_RepresentationResistance_2008.pdf"], ["title", "Representation and Resistance: South Asian and African Women's Texts at Home and in the Diaspora"], ["doab_id", "15407"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386620"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386620"]], [["description", "\"More than half a million Swedes \u2013 one in twenty \u2013 is of Finnish descent. This book explores Finnishness, multilingualism and identities of young people with Finnish background in Sweden. What does it mean to grow up in a Finnish family in Sweden? Who are \u2018real Finns\u2019 and what does it take to be(come) one? Is a shared minority language essential for the survival of the minority, or can a minority culture stay viable without it? What is Finnishness and who, in the end, can define ethnicity? How to make sense of, and how to present interviews that are rich with imitations of accents, jokes and laughter?Representations of Finnishness is Sweden is an ethnographic interview study in the domain of applied language studies. This book is aimed at readers interested in sociolinguistics, linguistic ethnography, and the study of identities. Interviewees\u2019 voices take a central position in this book and interview excerpts are used not only as illustrations, but also serve as starting points for discussing broader theoretical concepts.The author, Dr. Lotta Weckstr\u00f6m, grew up bilingual \u2013 Finnish and Swedish \u2013 in Finland. She studied linguistics and migration studies in Germany and the Netherlands, and in this longitudinal study encompasses her expertise.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weckstr\u00f6m ,Lotta"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Language identity", "Minority", "Migration", "Sweden", "Cultural heritage", "Representations"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617188"], ["title", "Representations of Finnishness in Sweden"], ["doab_id", "19781"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522223265", "9789522224088", "9789522227591"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522223265 9789522224088 9789522227591"]], [["description", "How do interventions by the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court influence representations of mass violence? What images arise instead from the humanitarianism and diplomacy fields? How are these competing perspectives communicated to the public via mass media? Zooming in on the case of Darfur, Joachim J. Savelsberg analyzes more than three thousand news reports and opinion pieces and interviews leading newspaper correspondents, NGO experts, and foreign ministry officials from eight countries to show the dramatic differences in the framing of mass violence around the world and across social fields."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Savelsberg J. ,Joachim"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Mass violence", "Human rights", "Darfur", "Foreign affairs", "Public opinion", "Press coverage"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602295"], ["title", "Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human Rights Violations in Darfur"], ["doab_id", "18616"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520281509", "9780520963085"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520281509 9780520963085"]], [["description", "El volumen colectivo Represi\u00f3n estatal y violencia paraestatal en la historia reciente argentina: nuevos abordajes a 40 a\u00f1os del golpe de Estado es resultado de un extenso trabajo realizado en el seno de la Red de Estudios sobre Represi\u00f3n y Violencia Pol\u00edtica (RER), que nuclea desde 2014 a investigadores que se encuentran produciendo y debatiendo sobre tales tem\u00e1ticas.El libro tiene como objetivo central sistematizarlos principales aportes y l\u00edneas de renovaci\u00f3n en los estudios sobre la represi\u00f3n, ofreciendo un panorama sint\u00e9tico y anal\u00edtico sobre las formas, dispositivos y efectos de la represi\u00f3n previa y posterior al golpe de Estado. Para ello se convoc\u00f3 a un conjunto de investigadores/as especialistas en dichas tem\u00e1ticas con diversas trayectorias, quienes desarrollan sus investigaciones en distintas universidades nacionales o en el CONICET y forman parte de la RER, y han producido renovados estudios e interpretaciones sobre la problem\u00e1tica.El libro est\u00e1 dividido en tres partes, que tratan los ejes principales por los que discurre la producci\u00f3n acad\u00e9mica sobre la represi\u00f3n en la historia reciente en nuestro pa\u00eds.En la primera parte se aborda un conjunto de problemas y temas referidos a los or\u00edgenes, las condiciones de posibilidad y el ejercicio de la represi\u00f3n en los a\u00f1os previos al golpe de Estado, poniendo el foco en la cuesti\u00f3n de las continuidades y rupturas en las formas de represi\u00f3n, la excepcionalidad y la normalidad de la \u00faltima dictadura, yla inscripci\u00f3n del terror de Estado en las formas de represi\u00f3n social y pol\u00edtica durante el siglo XX.La segunda parte agrupa una serie de trabajos que analizan, en una temporalidad fluida entre los a\u00f1os 50 y 80, un conjunto de pr\u00e1cticas, dispositivos y discursos represivos y sus efectos sociales e individuales, as\u00ed como algunas agencias e instituciones estatales en contextos de represi\u00f3n (los exilios, la c\u00e1rcel, los consejos de guerra militares, la represi\u00f3n a los trabajadores, a los jud\u00edos y los ni\u00f1os apropiados, el Poder Judicial).La tercera parte se centra directamente en el accionar represivo durante la \u00faltima dictadura militar, focalizando en un problema central: el de las escalas de an\u00e1lisis. As\u00ed, se incluye un conjunto de estudios a escala local/regional (Rosario, Bah\u00eda Blanca, Norpatagonia, Santa Fe) y trasnacional/nacional (la coordinaci\u00f3n represiva en el Cono Sur)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "\u00c1guila, Gabriela (coord.); Gara\u00f1o, Santiago (coord.); Sacatizza, Pablo (coord.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["represi\u00f3n ", " violencia pol\u00edtica ", " historia argentina"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/63"], ["title", "Represi\u00f3n estatal y violencia paraestatal en la historia reciente argentina"], ["doab_id", "18993"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503413081"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503413081 "]], [["description", "M. Scribonius Drusus Libo has always been considered an inexplicable victim of predatory prosecutors, destroyed in the changed conditions of Tiberius\u2019 succession to the founder of the Principate. This is wrong. Drusus Libo conspired with a group of Tiberius\u2019 opponents to challenge Tiberius\u2019 right. The senate\u2019s investigation of Drusus Libo will be examined in Chapter One and Chapter Two. It will be shown that Drusus Libo was treated in a way reminiscent of Catiline\u2019s associate P. Lentulus Sura in 63 bc. Drusus Libo\u2019s collaborators are then identified as a group of persons who supported first Gaius Caesar, then L. Aemilius Paullus and finally Agrippa Postumus. It is argued that the relationship of this group to Tiberius was beyond repair long before he succeeded Augustus. Tiberius\u2019 succession to the supreme power in ad 14 signalled, therefore, a decisive defeat for this group. The succession is thus reconsidered from a new point of view: it was by no means sewn up. Drusus Libo is central to our understanding of Tiberius\u2019 behaviour at this time. This is what the book examines in detail. A new historical model for the years 6 bc to ad 16 is offered, which has repercussions for the study of both the preceding and subsequent periods. The book is therefore a contribution to the study of the invention of the Principate at Rome."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pettinger ,Andrew"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Scribonius Drusus Libo", "Tiberius", "Augustus", "Agrippa Postumus", "Germanicus", "Aemilius Paullus", "Succession", "Gaius Caesar", "Principate"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453478"], ["title", "The Republic in Danger"], ["doab_id", "15525"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199601745"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199601745"]], [["description", "The Netherlands and Switzerland are among the world's most economically successful societies. Their inhabitants enjoy high standards of living and express great satisfaction with their lives according to surveys. This despite serious natural handicaps, such as a lack of raw materials and an abundance of water and rock respectively. The foundation for their prosperity was laid in the early modern period, between roughly 1500 and 1800, when, as federal republics, the two countries were already something of an anomaly in Europe. Their inhabitants experienced serious anxieties and tried to justify their exceptionality, to which they were, at the same time, greatly attached. The Republican Alternative attempts to clarify, through a sustained comparison, the special character of the two countries, which were similar perhaps at first sight, but nonetheless developed their own solutions to the challenges they faced. The book includes in-depth discussions of citizenship arrangements, Swiss and Dutch dealings with religious pluriformity, political discourses justifying the republican form of government, the advantages and disadvantages of an agrarian over a commercial society.

Nederland en Zwitserland behoren tot de meest succesvolle samenlevingen, in Europa en de wereld. De inwoners hebben een hoge levensstandaard en geven in enqu\u00eates te kennen dat zij tevreden zijn met hun bestaan. Dit ondanks niet onaanzienlijke natuurlijke handicaps, zoals een overdaad aan water en stenen op hun territorium en een gebrek aan grondstoffen. De basis voor die voorspoed werd gelegd in de periode tussen ruwweg 1500 en 1800, toen beide landen als federale republieken ook al buitenbeentjes vormden in Europa. De bewoners van die twee staten hadden het daar soms moeilijk mee en putten zich uit in rechtvaardigingen van hun buitenissigheid, waaraan ze tegelijkertijd zeer gehecht waren. The Republican alternative belicht door middel van een vergelijking de eigenaardigheden van twee landen die aan elkaar verwant waren, maar toch ook in allerlei opzichten van elkaar verschilden. Het boek behandelt onder meer de inspraak van burgers in de politiek, de omgang met religieuze verscheidenheid, het discours over de Republiek, de kunstvormen die populair waren, het eigen geschiedbeeld en voor- en nadelen van een agrarische boven een commerci\u00eble samenleving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Holenstein ,Andr\u00e9; Maissen ,Thomas; Prak ,Maarten"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340047"], ["title", "The Republican Alternative : The Netherlands and Switzerland Compared"], ["doab_id", "13267"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640055"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640055"]], [["description", "This book explores the life, thought and political commitments of the free-thinker John Toland (1670-1722). Studying both his private archive and published works, it illustrates how Toland moved in both subversive and elite political circles in England and abroad. It explores the connections between his republican political thought and his irreligious belief about Christian doctrine, the ecclesiastical establishment and divine revelation, arguing that far from being a marginal and insignificant figure, Toland counted queens, princes and government ministers as his friends and political associates. In particular his intimate relationship with the Electress Sophia of Hanover saw him act as a court philosopher, but also as a powerful publicist for the Hanoverian succession. The book argues that Toland shaped the republican tradition after the Glorious Revolution into a practical and politically viable programme, focused not on destroying the monarchy, but on reforming public religion and the Church of England. The book also examines how Toland used his social intimacy with a wide circle of men and women (ranging from Prince Eugene of Savoy to Robert Harley) to distribute his ideas in private. It explores the connections between Toland's erudition and print culture, arguing that his intellectual project was aimed at compromising the authority of Christian 'knowledge' as much as the political power of the Church. Overall the book illustrates how Toland's ideas and influence impacted upon English political life between the 1690s and the 1720s. It forms an excellent study on a fascinating character in early modern history, scholars and enthusiasts of the period will find it extremely valuable."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Champion ,Justin"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["toland", "hanoverian", "religion"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341370"], ["title", "Republican learning: John Toland and the crisis of Christian culture, 1696-1722"], ["doab_id", "12569"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719057144"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719057144"]], [["description", "Die Republik als Ort der lumi\u00e8res: Dieser Mythos durchzieht die Geschichte des republikanischen Bewusstseins im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts wie ein roter Faden. Vor allem die oppositionelle Bildpublizistik stellte die Lichtnatur der Republik und ihren Kampf gegen die \"finsteren\" M\u00e4chte der Reaktion in immer neuen Facetten dar. Doch auch mit der Konsolidierung der Dritten Republik nach 1870 brach die lang ersehnte \"Epoche des Lichts\" keineswegs sofort an, umso weniger, als die Republik selbst ihrer Rolle als Lichtbringerin keineswegs immer gerecht wurde. Daniela Knei\u00dfl untersucht erstmals, wie die Metaphern \"Licht\" und \"Finsternis\" zwischen 1871 und 1914 politische, kulturelle und soziale Konflikte visualisierten, und unterstreicht die vielschichtigen Verkn\u00fcpfungen von metaphorischer Lichterwartung, technischem Lichtfortschritt und faktischem Lichtbed\u00fcrfnis"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Knei\u00dfl, Daniela"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/221275"], ["title", "Die Republik im Zwielicht. Zur Metaphorik von Licht und Finsternis in der franz\u00f6sischen Bildpublizistik 1871-1914"], ["doab_id", "17993"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486588644", "9783486849202"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486588644, 9783486849202"]], [["description", "This book analyses and discusses the recent developments for assessing research quality in the humanities and related fields in the social sciences. Research assessments in the humanities are highly controversial and the evaluation of humanities research is delicate. While citation-based research performance indicators are widely used in the natural and life sciences, quantitative measures for research performance meet strong opposition in the humanities. This volume combines the presentation of state-of-the-art projects on research assessments in the humanities by humanities scholars themselves with a description of the evaluation of humanities research in practice presented by research funders. Bibliometric issues concerning humanities research complete the exhaustive analysis of humanities research assessment. The selection of authors is well-balanced between humanities scholars, research funders, and researchers on higher education. Hence, the edited volume succeeds in painting a comprehensive picture of research evaluation in the humanities. This book is valuable to university and science policy makers, university administrators, research evaluators, bibliometricians as well as humanities scholars who seek expert knowledge in research evaluation in the humanities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Ochsner; Sven E. Hug; Hans-Dieter Daniel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["higher education", " assessment", " policy"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-29016-4"], ["title", "Research Assessment in the Humanities: Towards Criteria and Procedures"], ["doab_id", "19073"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319290140", "9783319290164"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319290140 (Print) 9783319290164 (Online)"]], [["description", "

Taken together, the Russian census of 1897 and the Soviet censuses of 1926, 1959, 1970, and 1979 constitute the largest collection of empirical data available on that country, but until the publication of this book in 1986, the daunting complexity of that material prevented Western scholars from exploiting the censuses fully. This book is both a guide and a detailed index to these censuses. The first part of the book consists of eight essays by specialist on the USSR, six of them dealing with the use of census materials and the availability of data for research on ethnicity and language, marriage and the family, education and literacy, migration and organization, age structure, and occupations. The second part, a comprehensive index for all the published censuses, presents more than six hundred annotated entries for the census tables, a keyword index that enables researchers to find census data by subject, and a list of political-administrative units covered in each census.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Clem, Ralph S."], ["date", "1986"], ["subject", ["Russia, Soviet Union, census data, data compatibility, National Council for Soviet and East European Research, demographics, urbanization, migration, Russian censuses"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23183955/9781501707155.pdf"], ["title", "Research Guide to the Russian and Soviet Censuses"], ["doab_id", "19889"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707155"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707155"]], [["description", "It\u2019s a platitude \u2013 which only a philosopher would dream of denying \u2013 that whereas words are connected to what they represent merely by arbitrary conventions, pictures are connected to what they represent by resemblance. The most important difference between my portrait and my name, for example, is that whereas my portrait and I are connected by my portrait\u2019s resemblance to me, my name and I are connected merely by an arbitrary convention. The first aim of this book is to defend this platitude from the apparently compelling objections raised against it, by analysing depiction in a way which reveals how it is mediated by resemblance.It\u2019s natural to contrast the platitude that depiction is mediated by resemblance, which emphasises the differences between depictive and descriptive representation, with an extremely close analogy between depiction and description, which emphasises the similarities between depictive and descriptive representation. Whereas the platitude emphasises that the connection between my portrait and me is natural in a way the connection between my name and me is not, the analogy emphasises the contingency of the connection between my portrait and me. Nevertheless, the second aim of this book is to defend an extremely close analogy between depiction and description.The strategy of the book is to argue that the apparently compelling objections raised against the platitude that depiction is mediated by resemblance are manifestations of more general problems, which are familiar from the philosophy of language. These problems, it argues, can be resolved by answers analogous to their counterparts in the philosophy of language, without rejecting the platitude. So the combination of the platitude that depiction is mediated by resemblance with a close analogy between depiction and description turns out to be a compelling theory of depiction, which combines the virtues of common sense with the insights of its detractors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Blumson, Ben (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Depiction", "Representation", "Resemblance", "Pictorial Representation", "Pictures", "Language", "Intentionality"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/282"], ["title", "Resemblance and Representation: An Essay in the Philosophy of Pictures"], ["doab_id", "16313"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740734", "9781783740741"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740734 9781783740741"]], [["description", "A obra re\u00fane reflex\u00f5es sobre o Servi\u00e7o Residencial Terap\u00eautico, um dos mais importantes programas da Reforma Psiqui\u00e1trica para o processo de desinstitucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o, que surgiu do reconhecimento pelo Estado brasileiro do direito \u00e0 sa\u00fade de pessoas que ficavam trancafiadas sob pretexto de tratamento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silveira, Maria de F\u00e1tima de Ara\u00fajo; Santos Junior, Hudson Pires de O. "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Psiquiatria, Reforma Psiqui\u00e1trica-Desistitucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o, Terapias Mentais "]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pgwpg"], ["title", "Resid\u00eancias terap\u00eauticas: pesquisa e pr\u00e1tica nos processos de desinstitucionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16253"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791230"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791230"]], [["description", "The Resonance of Unseen Things offers an ethnographic meditation on the \u201cuncanny\u201d persistence and cultural freight of conspiracy theory. The project is a reading of conspiracy theory as an index of a certain strain of late 20th-century American despondency and malaise, especially as understood by people experiencing downward social mobility. Written by a cultural anthropologist with a literary background, this deeply interdisciplinary book focuses on the enduring American preoccupation with captivity in a rapidly transforming world. Captivity is a trope that appears in both ordinary and fantastic iterations here, and Susan Lepselter shows how multiple troubled histories\u2014of race, class, gender, and power\u2014become compressed into stories of uncanny memory.\u201cWe really don\u2019t have anything like this in terms of a focused, sympathetic, open-minded ethnographic study of UFO experiencers. . . . The author\u2019s semiotic approach to the paranormal is immensely productive, positive, and, above all, resonant with what actually happens in history.\u201d\u2014Jeffrey J. Kripal, J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religion, Rice University\u201cLepselter relates a weave of intimate alien sensibilities in out-off-the-way places which are surprisingly, profoundly, close to home. Readers can expect to share her experience of contact with complex logics of feeling, and to do so in a contemporary America they may have thought they understood.\u201d\u2014Debbora Battaglia, Mount Holyoke College\u201cAn original and beautifully written study of contemporary American cultural poetics. . . . The book convincingly brings into relief the anxieties of those at the margins of American economic and civic life, their perceptions of state power, and the narrative continuities that bond them to histories of violence and expansion in the American West.\u201d\u2014Deirdre de la Cruz, University of Michigan"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lepselter ,Susan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "American Studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608301"], ["title", "Resonance of Unseen Things"], ["doab_id", "19057"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472900657", "9780472072941"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472900657 9780472072941"]], [["description", "This study is dedicated to the notion of the tragic in European dance theatre, the evocation of which takes place in a field of tension constituted by staging techniques as well as by conceptions, procedures and moments of interruption, of suspension, of disturbance and of an indeterminability effected by ec-static corporeality. It is possible to recognise in the event-generating structure and function of the tragic formal principles and an aesthetics of effect coupled to new constellations of the fictional and the choric, absence and presence.From the perspective of dance studies, the tragic emerges from the representation by means of the moving and moved body of a gruesome monstrosity at the limits of what is imaginable; but how exactly does the mise-en-sc\u00e8ne of the ambivalent, ambiguous and paradoxical through figures and figurations of pathos function to make the tragic appear?

Diese Studie widmet sich dem Tragischen im europ\u00e4ischen Tanztheater, dessen Evokation in einem Spannungsfeld von inszenatorischen Techniken, Konzeptionen, Verfahren und Momenten der Unterbrechung, der Aussetzung, der St\u00f6rung und des Unbestimmbaren durch ek-statische K\u00f6rperlichkeit erfolgt. An seiner ereignisgenerierenden Struktur und Funktion lassen sich formale und wirkungs\u00e4sthetische Ordnungen erkennen, die mit neuen Konstellationen von Fiktion und Chorischem, Abwesenheit und Anwesenheit einhergehen. Aus dieser Perspektive geht das Tragische von der Darstellung einer schauderhaften Ungeheuerlichkeit an der Grenze des Vorstellbaren durch den im mehrfachen Sinne bewegten K\u00f6rper aus; doch wie genau wird Ambivalentes, Doppeldeutiges und Paradoxes \u00fcber Pathosfiguren und -figurationen in Szene gesetzt, sodass das Tragische erscheinen kann?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haitzinger ,Nicole"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Tragic, Staging, Pathos, Effect, Tanztheater, Figur, chorische Formationen", "Tragisch, Inszenierung, Pathos, Affektdarstellungen, Tanztheater, Figur, chorische Formationen"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594990"], ["title", "Resonanzen des Tragischen"], ["doab_id", "18419"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851327656"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851327656"]], [["description", "Using empirical evidence, this book highlights the misguided and ineffective efforts of the UK government to prevent violent extremism."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul Thomas"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666015"], ["title", "Responding to the Threat of Violent Extremism"], ["doab_id", "15460"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666015"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666015"]], [["description", "The nine essays of this volume, spanning from the eighteenth to mid-twentieth century, highlight the workings of, and reactions to, colonial domination in Asian contexts. The scholars, which include Victoria Haskins of the University of Newscastle, use a range of social science history methods to explore new paths to colonial history. How were individuals, groups, and social categories able to order their lives in the face of the implementation of external dominance? In other words, what was the agency enabling them to interact with, adapt to, use, counteract and in the end defeat colonialism? The essays emphasize colonialism as a multifaceted historical phenomenon which has taken a number of mutually incompatible forms. The various texts thus reflect on both the \"early\" colonialism build on indirect and informal practices, and the later forms marked by a high degree of authoritarian control.

In Responding to the West geven geschiedkundigen en sociologen hun visie op de methodologie en studie van het kolonialisme in Azi\u00eb als historisch fenomeen. De negen essays geven hiervan een veelzijdig beeld. Ondanks de structurele onderdrukking was kolonialisme geen kwestie van eenrichtingsverkeer. De studie ervan vereist dan ook een grondige analyse van de continu veranderende verhoudingen tussen kolonisten en gekoloniseerden. Met Responding to the West wordt alvast een voorzet gegeven."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00e4gerdal ,Hans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Culture and history", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Vrouwenstudies", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340019"], ["title", "Responding to the West : Essays on Colonial Domination and Asian Agency"], ["doab_id", "12744"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640932"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640932"]], [["description", "Tomando como base a lei e interpretando-a na melhor tradi\u00e7\u00e3o e conhecimento jur\u00eddicos, o autor examina a responsabilidade legal dos principais 'agentes' do Sistema \u00danico de Sa\u00fade - de um lado, o Estado, com seus tr\u00eas n\u00edveis de governo; de outro, os profissionais de sa\u00fade e os produtores de servi\u00e7os e insumos - para, finalmente, deter-se na responsabilidade dos servidores p\u00fablicos do SUS. Apesar do rigor t\u00e9cnico do tratamento destes temas, o livro destina-se n\u00e3o s\u00f3 aos advogados que militam na \u00e1rea, mas a todos os profissionais, administradores e pesquisadores envolvidos com o sistema de sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dias, H\u00e9lio Pereira"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica, Legisla\u00e7\u00e3o sanit\u00e1ria, Medicina, \u00c9tica m\u00e9dica"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/k9jnh"], ["title", "A responsabilidade pela sa\u00fade: aspectos jur\u00eddicos "], ["doab_id", "16432"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412749"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412749"]], [["description", "This book presents the outcomes of four years of educational research in the EU-supported project called ROLE (Responsive Online Learning Environments). ROLE technology is centered around the concept of self-regulated learning that creates responsible learners, who are capable of critical thinking and able to plan their own learning processes. ROLE allows learners to independently search for appropriate learning resources and then reflect on their own learning process and progress. To accomplish this, ROLE\u00b4s main objective is to support the development of open personal learning environments (PLEs). ROLE provides a framework consisting of \u201cenabler spaces\u201d on the one hand and tools, content, and services on the other. Utilizing this framework, learners are invited to create their own controlled and preferred learning environments to trigger and motivate self-regulated learning.Authors of this book are researchers, developers and teachers who have worked in the ROLE project and belong to the ROLE partner consortium consisting of 16 internationally renowned research institutions, including those from 6 EU countries and China. Chapters include numerous practical tutorials to guide the reader in creating innovative and useful learning widgets and present the best practices for the development of PLEs."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sylvana Kroop; Alexander Mikroyannidis; Martin Wolpers"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Educational Technology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-02399-1"], ["title", "Responsive Open Learning Environments: Outcomes of Research from the ROLE Project"], ["doab_id", "17328"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319023984", "9783319023991"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319023984 (Print) 9783319023991 (Online)"]], [["description", "In 2013, the government abolished the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), which had been Canada's flagship foreign aid agency for decades, and transferred its functions to the newly renamed Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD). As the government is rethinking Canadian aid and its relationship with other foreign policy and commercial objectives, the time is ripe to rethink Canadian aid more broadly.Edited by Stephen Brown, Molly den Heyer and David R. Black, this revised edition not only analyzes Canada's past development assistance, it also highlights important new opportunities in the context of the recent change in government. Designed to reach a variety of audiences, contributions by twenty scholars and experts in the field offer an incisive examination of Canada's record and initiatives in Canadian foreign aid, including its relatively recent emphasis on maternal and child health and on the extractive sector, as well as the longer-term engagement with state fragility.The portrait that emerges is a sobering one. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Canada's changing role in the world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Foreign aid", "Canada"]], ["publisher", "University of Ottawa Press / Les Presses de l\u2019Universit\u00e9 d\u2019Ottawa"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612090"], ["title", "Rethinking Canadian Aid : Second Edition"], ["doab_id", "19613"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780776623658"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780776623658"]], [["description", "This book reviews a variety of approaches to the study of the European Union's foreign policy. Much analysis of EU foreign policy contains implicit theoretical assumptions about the nature of the EU and its member states, their inter-relationships, the international system in which they operate and the nature and direction of European integration. In many instances such assumptions - not being discussed openly - limit, rather than facilitate debate. The purpose of this book is to open up this field of enquiry so that students, observers and analysts of EU foreign policy can review a broad range of tools and theoretical templates from which the development and the trajectory of the EU's foreign policy can be studied. Situated as it is at the interface between European Studies and International Relations, the book also seeks to engage the attention of readers who are anxious to understand how the European Union relates to the rest of the world and to explain the efforts of the EU and its member states towards the creation of a credible, effective and principled foreign, security and defence policy."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tonra ,Ben; Christiansen ,Thomas"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["EU", "politics", "europe", "diplomacy+G29"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341371"], ["title", "Rethinking European Union foreign policy"], ["doab_id", "12570"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060014"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060014"]], [["description", "Gamification marks a major change to everyday life. It describes the permeation of economic, political, and social contexts by game-elements such as awards, rule structures, and interfaces that are inspired by video games. Sometimes the term is reduced to the implementation of points, badges, and leaderboards as incentives and motivations to be productive. Sometimes it is envisioned as a universal remedy to deeply transform society toward more humane and playful ends. Despite its use by corporations to manage brand communities and personnel, however, gamification is more than just a marketing buzzword. States are beginning to use it as a new tool for governing populations more effectively. It promises to fix what is wrong with reality by making every single one of us fitter, happier, and healthier. Indeed, it seems like all of society is up for being transformed into one massive game.The contributions in this book offer a candid assessment of the gamification hype. They trace back the historical roots of the phenomenon and explore novel design practices and methods. They critically discuss its social implications and even present artistic tactics for resistance. It is time to rethink gamification!"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mathias Fuchs; Sonia Fizek; Paolo Ruffino; Niklas Schrape"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Game Studies", " Gamification", " Media Studies"]], ["publisher", "meson press eG"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://meson.press/books/rethinking-gamification"], ["title", "Rethinking Gamification"], ["doab_id", "19118"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9783957960009", "9783957960016", "9783957960023"]], ["provider", "meson.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9783957960009 (print), 9783957960016 (pdf), 9783957960023 (epub) "]], [["description", "This book offers a provocative account of interdisciplinary research across the neurosciences, social sciences and humanities. Setting itself against standard accounts of interdisciplinary 'integration,' and rooting itself in the authors' own experiences, the book establishes a radical agenda for collaboration across these disciplines. Rethinking Interdisciplinarity does not merely advocate interdisciplinary research, but attends to the hitherto tacit pragmatics, affects, power dynamics, and spatial logics in which that research is enfolded. Understanding the complex relationships between brains, minds, and environments requires a delicate, playful and genuinely experimental interdisciplinarity, and this book shows us how it can be done."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Callard ,Felicity; Fitzgerald ,Des"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["interdisciplinary research", "neurosciences", "social sciences", "humanities", "integration", "Interdisciplinarity"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=588620.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Rethinking Interdisciplinarity across the Social Sciences and Neurosciences"], ["doab_id", "17905"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137407955"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137407955"]], [["description", "Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Sustainable urbanisation has moved to the forefront of global debate, research and policy agendas over recent years. Rapid urbanisation throughout China, India and many other low and middle income countries poses new challenges both locally and internationally at a time when urban areas worldwide are threatened by climate/environmental change. This compact book is designed to make a signal contribution to the sustainable urbanisation agenda through authoritative interventions contextualising, assessing and explaining clearly the relevance and importance of three central characteristics of sustainable towns and cities everywhere, namely that they should be accessible, green and fair. These three terms form key tenets of the work of Mistra Urban Futures (MUF; http://www.mistraurbanfutures.org/en), an international research centre on sustainable urbanisation based in Gothenburg, Sweden, and working through transdisciplinary research platforms there, in Greater Manchester (UK), Cape Town (South Africa) and Kisumu (Kenya). Additional platforms are being established in southern Sweden, Asia and Africa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Accessible cities", "Fair cities", "Green cities", "Just cities", "Sustainable cities", "Urban accessibility", "Urban transformation"]], ["publisher", "Policy Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613676"], ["title", "Rethinking sustainable cities: Accessible, green and fair"], ["doab_id", "19583"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781447332855"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781447332855"]], [["description", "The monograph disseminates the very topical issue of retirement and its timing as the key to one of the greatest challenges facing ageing societies. Postponing retirement is now almost universally regarded as indispensable in order to relieve European welfare states from the demography-related financial pressures. This seminal study, derived from a statistical analysis of a large-scale survey data, provides a thorough understanding of the micro- and macro-level determinants of retirement timing in contemporary Western Europe. The book is the first monograph to combine the analysis of the retirement attitudes with the analysis of the retirement behaviour within one research. It tackles the question as to whether early retirement can be explained by \u201cearly exit culture\u201d, triangulating life course theory with a social stratification approach. The author used a novel and innovative approach to obtain the results. The methodology includes: tobit models of proscriptive age norms; simulations of the impact of class structure on a country\u2019s average retirement age; competing risks models of different work-exit modalities; duration selection models of retirement timing."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Radl, Jonas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Life course, ageing, social stratification, gender, social norms, Western Europe, international comparison, event-history analysis"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/209757"], ["title", "Retirement Timing and Social Stratification. A Comparative Study of Labor Market Exit and Age Norms in Western Europe"], ["doab_id", "15910"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560410"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560410"]], [["description", "This book provides a new set of ideas how to overcome the deficiencies in the process of globalization and in the existing mechanisms for global economic governance."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manuel Montes; Rob Vos"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544933"], ["title", "Retooling Global Development and Governance"], ["doab_id", "17148"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544933"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544933"]], [["description", "Human retroviruses, HIV and HTLV have been recognized as important pathogens because of their association with lethal diseases such as AIDS and ATL. Considerable resources and efforts have been directed at understanding the interaction between these retroviruses and their host which may provide clues as to how the infection can be controlled or prevented. Among the key scientific successes is the identification of intracellular \u201crestriction factors\u201d that have evolved as obstacles to the replication of pathogens including infectious retroviruses. The discovery of APOBEC, which are strong mutagens of retroviral genomes and intracellular retroelements, began a new era of intense research activities into the spectrum of intrinsic anti-HIV activity, leading to the identification of TRIM5a, BST2/Tetherin, and SAMHD1. In response, HIV has evolved several accessory genes as weaponries to evade these intracellular restriction activities. The intracellular antiretroviral defenses evolved in response to endogenous retroelements that make up more than 40% of the entire mammalian genome, and which are regarded as ancestors of infectious retroviruses. LTR-type retroelements are present in all higher eukaryotes, representing about 8% of the human genome. Non-LTR retroelements can be found at extremely high copy numbers also, with a significant portion of mammalin genomes consisting of LINEs. Mammalian genomes are modified by LINEs through insertions, but also by the indirect replication of non-autonomous retrotransposons such as SINEs. LINEs insertion was shown to have played, and continue to play important roles in genomic evolution and somatic genome mosaicism-mediated physiology. And, because retrotransposition can confer genetic diversity that is beneficial to the host, the vertebrate intrinsic immunity has evolved to support a balance between retroelement insertions that confer beneficial and those that cause deleterious gene disruptions. The articles published in this Research Topic should serve not only as valuable references for the field, but provide future topics of research for investigators that should further our understanding of the retrovirus, retroelements and their restrictions."], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Atsushi Koito; Yukihito Ishizaka"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Retrovirus", "Retroelement", "restriction factor", "HIV", "HTLV", "line", "APOBEC", "BST2/Tetherin", "SAMHD1"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.frontiersin.org/files/EBooks/403/Thumb_166.jpg"], ["title", "Retroviruses, retroelements and their restrictions"], ["doab_id", "17794"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194018"]], ["provider", "www.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194018"]], [["description", "Reversible ubiquitylation plays an important regulatory role in almost all aspects of cellular and organismal processes in plants. Its pervasive regulatory role in plant biology is primarily due to the involvement of a large set of ubiquitin system constituents (encoded by approximately 6% Arabidopsis genome), the huge number of important cellular proteins targeted as substrates, and various drastic effects on the modified proteins. The major components of the ubiquitin system include a large set of enzymes and proteins involved in ubiquitin conjugation (E1s, E2s, and E3s) and deconjugation (deubiquitinases of different classes) and post ubiquitin conjugation components such as ubiquitin receptors, endocytic machineries, and 26S proteasome. The established substrates include transcriptional activators and repressors, signaling components, key metabolic enzymes, and critical mechanistic components of major cellular processes and regulatory mechanisms. Post-translational modification of proteins by reversible ubiquitylation could drastically affects the modified proteins by proteolytic processing and turnover, altering catalytic activity, subcellular targeting, and protein-protein interaction. Continued efforts are being carried out to identify novel substrates critical for various cellular and organismal processes, to determine effects of reversible ubiquitylation on the modified substrates, to determine signaling determinants triggering reversible ubiquitylation of specific substrates, to illustrate individual components of the ubiquitin system for their in vivo functions and involved mechanistic roles, and to determine mechanistic roles of modification acting on critical components of major cellular processes and regulatory mechanisms. The aim of this special topic is to serve as a platform to report most recent advances on those above listed current research endeavors. We welcome article types including original research, review, mini review, method, and perspective/opinion/hypothesis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hongyong Fu; Daphne Goring; Pascal Genschik"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ubiquitin", "histone", "self-incompatibility", "deubiquitination", "ubiquitin ligase", "abiotic stress", "plant innate immunity", "NEDD8/RUB"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1866/reversible-ubiquitylation-in-plant-biology"], ["title", "Reversible Ubiquitylation in Plant Biology"], ["doab_id", "18587"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194414"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194414"]], [["description", "Um 'movimento de pessoas' lutando por mudan\u00e7as na maneira de olhar o paciente, a medicina e a pol\u00edtica no setor. Uma verdadeira Reviravolta na Sa\u00fade, come\u00e7ada no movimento estudantil, no interior de movimentos m\u00e9dicos e na pr\u00f3pria academia. Sarah Escorel detalha o in\u00edcio do movimento sanit\u00e1rio no Brasil, a partir do governo Figueiredo. Para isso, utilizou n\u00e3o somente documentos, mas depoimentos. \u00c9 a hist\u00f3ria contada pelos pr\u00f3prios atores."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Escorel, Sarah"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qxhc3"], ["title", "Reviravolta\u00a0na\u00a0sa\u00fade: origem e articula\u00e7\u00e3o do movimento sanit\u00e1rio"], ["doab_id", "19928"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413616"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413616"]], [["description", "Esta revis\u00e3o cr\u00edtica apresenta uma an\u00e1lise do conjunto de can\u00e7\u00f5es de Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959), publicado pela editora Max Eschig de Paris. As trinta can\u00e7\u00f5es publicadas formam um painel importante do estilo vocal e pian\u00edstico do compositor, pontuando praticamente toda sua vida criativa. O trabalho respeitou a ordem cronol\u00f3gica da cria\u00e7\u00e3o das cole\u00e7\u00f5es de can\u00e7\u00f5es: de 1919 e 1946. Al\u00e9m das trinta can\u00e7\u00f5es publicadas, incluiu-se no trabalho as tr\u00eas can\u00e7\u00f5es n\u00e3o publicadas que fazem parte da s\u00e9rie Can\u00e7\u00f5es T\u00edpicas Brasileiras. Tais obras est\u00e3o depositadas nos arquivos do Museu Villa-Lobos no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marun, Nahim"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MUSIC"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/fs5f7"], ["title", "Revis\u00e3o cr\u00edtica das can\u00e7\u00f5es para a voz e piano de Heitor Villas-Lobos: publicadas pela Editora Max Eschig"], ["doab_id", "16770"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831102"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831102"]], [["description", "Revisioning Europe is among the few existing English-language discussions of the films made by British novelist John Berger and Swiss film director Alain Tanner. It brings to light a political cinema that was unsentimental about the possibilities of revolutionary struggle and unsparing in its critique of the European left, and at the same time optimistic about the ability of radicalism - and radical art - to transform the world. Jerry White argues that Berger and Tanners work is preoccupied with ideas that were both central to the Enlightenment and at the same time characteristically Swiss. Translations of previously unpublished essays by both John Berger and Alain Tanner are included as appendices."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jerry White"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48867/1/UofCPress_RevisioningEurope_2011.pdf"], ["title", "Revisioning Europe: The Films of John Berger and Alain Tanner"], ["doab_id", "15151"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385524"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385524"]], [["description", "Den Beitr\u00e4gen dieses Bandes ist die Frage gemeinsam, inwiefern Sozialstatus und die Teilhabe an einer Revolte zusammenh\u00e4ngen. Nehmen Revolten andere Formen an, wenn unterschiedliche Gesellschaftsschichten daran beteiligt sind? Dabei ist der Sozialstatus gleich zweifach bedeutsam, bei der Betrachtung der Aufst\u00e4ndischen insgesamt und ihrer Anf\u00fchrer. Die Beitr\u00e4ge nehmen auch in den Blick, ob sich aus Revolten wom\u00f6glich neue Eliten bilden k\u00f6nnen und ob die Aufst\u00e4nde einen dauerhaften sozialen Aufstieg erm\u00f6glichen. Der weit gespannte zeitliche Rahmen erm\u00f6glicht dabei auch diachrone Vergleiche. Mit Beitr\u00e4gen von: Olivia Carpi, Vincent Challet, Jean-Claude Cheynet, Philippe Depreux, Kai-Henrik G\u00fcnther, Uwe Israel, Fran\u00e7ois Martin, Steffen Patzold, J\u00f6rg Peltzer, Bruno Pottier, Marianne S\u00e1ghy, Alain Saint-Denis, Werner Tro\u00dfbach, Hanna Vollrath, Claudia Zey."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Depreux, Philippe"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/225998"], ["title", "Revolte und Sozialstatus von der Sp\u00e4tantike bis zur Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit / R\u00e9volte et statut social de l\u2019Antiquit\u00e9 tardive aux Temps modernes"], ["doab_id", "18002"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486585841", "9783486846249"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486585841, 9783486846249"]], [["description", "

Using archival materials never previously accessible to Western scholars, Michael David-Fox analyzes Bolshevik Party educational and research initiatives in higher learning after 1917. His fresh consideration of the era of the New Economic Policy and cultural politics after the Revolution explains how new communist institutions rose to parallel and rival conventional higher learning from the Academy of Sciences to the universities. Beginning with the creation of the first party school by intellectuals on the island of Capri in 1909, David-Fox argues, the Bolshevik cultural project was tightly linked to party educational institutions. He provides the first account of the early history and politics of three major institutions founded after the Revolution: Sverdlov Communist University, where the quest to transform everyday life gripped the student movement; the Institute of Red Professors, where the Bolsheviks sought to train a new communist intellectual or red specialist; and the Communist Academy, headquarters for a planned, collectivist, proletarian science.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "David-Fox, Michael"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["education, Soviet Union, bolshevism, New Economic Policy, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlov Communist University, Institute of Red Professors, Communist party, Bolshevik party"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/22130128/9781501707179.pdf"], ["title", "Revolution of the Mind"], ["doab_id", "19891"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707179"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707179"]], [["description", "

During the Russian Revolution and Civil War, amateur theater groups sprang up in cities across the country. Workers, peasants, students, soldiers, and sailors provided entertainment ranging from improvisations to gymnastics and from propaganda sketches to the plays of Chekhov. In Revolutionary Acts, Lynn Mally reconstructs the history of the amateur stage in Soviet Russia from 1917 to the height of the Stalinist purges. Her book illustrates in fascinating detail how Soviet culture was transformed during the new regime's first two decades in power.

Of all the arts, theater had a special appeal for mass audiences in Russia, and with the coming of the revolution it took on an important role in the dissemination of the new socialist culture. Mally's analysis of amateur theater as a space where performers, their audiences, and the political authorities came into contact enables her to explore whether this culture emerged spontaneously \"\"from below\"\" or was imposed by the revolutionary elite. She shows that by the late 1920s, Soviet leaders had come to distrust the initiatives of the lower classes, and the amateur theaters fell increasingly under the guidance of artistic professionals. Within a few years, state agencies intervened to homogenize repertoire and performance style, and with the institutionalization of Socialist Realist principles, only those works in a unified Soviet canon were presented.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mally, Lynn"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Russian revolution, theatre, agitprop, amateur theatre, Soviet Union, socialist realism, Leningrad Theatre of Working Class Youth"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/22125721/9781501707209.pdf"], ["title", "Revolutionary Acts"], ["doab_id", "19898"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707209"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707209"]], [["description", "Revolutionary Moments is a collection of short essays offering close and critical readings of key texts on the subject of revolution."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rachel Hammersley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781474252669"], ["title", "Revolutionary Moments"], ["doab_id", "17455"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472517210"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472517210"]], [["description", "Some European lands have been progressively alleviated of human pressures, particularly traditional agriculture in remote areas. This book proposes that this land abandonment can be seen as an opportunity to restore natural ecosystems via rewilding. We define rewilding as the passive management of ecological successions having in mind the long-term goal of restoring natural ecosystem processes. The book aims at introducing the concept of rewilding to scientists, students and practitioners. The first part presents the theory of rewilding in the European context. The second part of the book directly addresses the link between rewilding, biodiversity, and habitats. The third and last part is dedicated to practical aspects of the implementation of rewilding as a land management option. We believe that this book will both set the basis for future research on rewilding and help practitioners think about how rewilding can take place in areas under their management."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Henrique M. Pereira; Laetitia M. Navarro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["biodiversity", " conservation", " ecology", " landscape"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12039-3"], ["title", "Rewilding European Landscapes"], ["doab_id", "18941"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319120386", "9783319120393"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319120386 (Print) 9783319120393 (Online)"]], [["description", "

The revolution of 1905 in the Russian-ruled Kingdom of Poland marked the consolidation of major new influences on the political scene. As he examines the emergence of a mass political culture in Poland, Robert E. Blobaum offers the first history in any Western language of this watershed period. Drawing on extensive archival research to explore the history of Poland's revolutionary upheavals, Blobaum departs from traditional interpretations of these events as peripheral to an essentially Russian movement that reached a climax in the Russian Revolution of 1917. He demonstrates that, although Polish independence was not formally recognized until after World War I, the social and political conditions necessary for nationhood were established in the years around 1905.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blobaum, Robert E."], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Poland, Russia, Revolution of 1905, labor movements, tsarism, Russian Poland, nation-building, russification"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23180942/9781501707131.pdf"], ["title", "Rewolucja"], ["doab_id", "19885"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707131"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707131"]], [["description", "Basis of the volume is the Second Law Symposium G\u00f6ttingen - Kansai on reception and reform in the German and Japanese law, which was held in September 2006 with significant participation of colleagues from the Kansai University, Osaka, and the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen.

Basis of the volume is the Second Law Symposium G\u00f6ttingen - Kansai on reception and reform in the German and Japanese law, which was held in September 2006 with significant participation of colleagues from the Kansai University, Osaka, and the Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jehle, J\u00f6rg-Martin; Lipp, Volker; Yamanaka, Keiichi"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Japanese law", "University of Osaka", "German-Japanese Coorporation", "reception", "reform", "Japanese law", "University of Osaka", "German-Japanese Coorporation", "reception", "reform"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610219"], ["title", "Rezeption und Reform im japanischen und deutschen Recht - Zweites Rechtswissenschaftliches Symposion G\u00f6ttingen - Kansai, G\u00f6ttingen, September 2006"], ["doab_id", "13088"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616819"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616819"]], [["description", "The Netherlandish rhetoricians of the sixteenth century have, in the course of the last decades, shed their image of third-rate poets who, lacking all sense of true beauty, were capable only of pompous verbosity and a shallow manipulation of form. The new scholarly assessment has also shed light on the role they played in the cultural and literary life of their time, and it now appears that many of their dramas are well worth staging. Once the sixteenth century was freed from the stigma of being the \"preparatory phase\" for the Golden Age, the way was clear for thorough studies of the literature produced during the most turbulent period in the history of the Low Countries. This volume contains essays which deal with works written not only in Dutch, but also in French and in New Latin, with topics ranging from the effects of poetic principles on literary practice to the use of poetry as a means for improving society and developing the individual. The unifying thread in these studies is the pivotal importance of rhetoric in all forms of literary expression."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spies ,Marijke; Strien van ,Ton; Duits ,Henk"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish literature", "Culture and history", "Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur", "Cultuur and geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340255"], ["title", "Rhetoric, Rhetoricians and Poets : Studies in Renaissance Poetry and Poetics"], ["doab_id", "12935"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564004"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564004"]], [["description", "Describes the formation and operation of a category of Palestinian and Israeli 'world literature' whose authors actively respond to the expectation that their work will 'narrate' the nation, invigorating critical debates about the political and artistic value of national narration as a literary practice.The crisis in Israel/Palestine has long been the world\u2019s most visible military conflict. Yet the region\u2019s cultural and intellectual life remains all but unknown to most foreign observers, which means that literary texts that make it into circulation abroad tend to be received as historical documents rather than aesthetic artefacts. Rhetorics of Belonging examines the diverse ways in which Palestinian and Israeli world writers have responded to the expectation that they will \u2018narrate\u2019 the nation, invigorating critical debates about the political and artistic value of national narration as a reading and writing practice. It considers writers whose work is rarely discussed together, offering new readings of the work of Edward Said, Amos Oz, Mourid Barghouti, Orly Castel-Bloom, Sahar Khalifeh, and Anton Shammas. This book helps to restore the category of the nation to contemporary literary criticism by attending to a context where the idea of the nation is so central a part of everyday experience that writers cannot not address it, and readers cannot help but read for it. It also points a way toward a relational literary history of Israel/Palestine, one that would situate Palestinian and Israeli writing in the context of a history of antagonistic interaction. The book\u2019s findings are relevant not only for scholars working in postcolonial studies and Israel/Palestine studies, but for anyone interested in the difficult and unpredictable intersections of literature and politics. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bernard ,Anna"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["History", "Politics", "Middle East"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469301"], ["title", "Rhetorics of Belonging - Nation, Narration and Israel/Palestine"], ["doab_id", "15925"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846319433", "9781781386088"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846319433 9781781386088"]], [["description", "This volume gathers contributions from two disciplines which have much to gain from one another \u2013 rhetoric and cognitive science \u2013 as they both have much to say in the broad realm of argumentation studies. This collection neither condemns the fallacious effects of specific argument schemes nor adds yet another layer to fallacy criticism, but studies how argumentation and fallacies work, hic et nunc. What are the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms behind the \u00abperformance \u00bb of fallacious arguments? How do rhetorical strategies work at the interface of cognition, language science and society?

Ce volume met l\u2019accent sur le lien entre d\u00e9marches cognitives et art du discours qui a toujours \u00e9t\u00e9 un des enjeux de la rh\u00e9torique. Sans ajouter une nouvelle couche \u00e0 l\u2019examen critique des sophismes, les contributions de cet ouvrage n\u2019ont pas pour but de d\u00e9noncer les effets de certains sch\u00e8mes argumentatifs que d\u2019aucuns jugeraient fallacieux, mais d\u2019\u00e9tudier leur fonctionnement et leurs effets cognitifs hic et nunc. Quels sont les m\u00e9canismes qui expliquent la \u00ab performance \u00bb des arguments r\u00e9put\u00e9s fallacieux ? Comment fonctionnent les strat\u00e9gies rh\u00e9toriques \u00e0 l\u2019intersection entre cognition, sciences du langage et soci\u00e9t\u00e9 ?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Rhetoric", "cognitive science", "argumentation studies", "fallacy criticism", "rhetorical strategies", "language science", "society"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619070"], ["title", "Rh\u00e9torique et cognition - Rhetoric and Cognition. Perspectives th\u00e9oriques et strat\u00e9gies persuasives- Theoretical Perspectives and Persuasive Strategies"], ["doab_id", "19937"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9783034315470"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034315470"]], [["description", "This book provides an insight into the patterns of variation and change of rhotics in different languages and from a variety of perspectives. It sheds light on the phonetics, the phonology, the socio-linguistics and the acquisition of /r/-sounds in languages as diverse as Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Kuikuro, Malayalam, Romanian, Slovak, Tyrolean and Washili Shingazidja thus contributing to the discussion on the unity and uniqueness of this group of sounds."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lorenzo Spreafico; Alessandro Vietti; Marijn van 't Veer; Nasir A. Syed; Philip Hoole; Marianne Pouplier; \u0160tefan Be\u0148u\u0161; Lasse Bombien; James M. Scobbie; Reenu Punnoose; Ghada Khattab; Mary Baltazani; Katerina Nicolaidis; Carmen-Florina Savu; Mar\u00eda Riera; Joaqu\u00edn Romero; C\u00e9dric Patin; Evan-Gary Cohen; Antonio Romano; Hans Van de Velde; Evie Tops; Roeland van Hout; Gillian Sankoff; H\u00e9l\u00e8ne Blondeau"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["rhotics", " r-sounds", " phonetics", " phonology", " sociolinguistics", " language acquisition", " language"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460554.pdf"], ["title", "Rhotics. New Data and Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "19881"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788860460554"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460554 "]], [["description", "The organisation of the territory is the outcome of strategies of varying scope, in which a number of agents interact to shape out the areas of operation. The Liguria reality is probed here through four different situations - separated in chronological terms but sharing the poor visibility and limited efficacy of the fortified settlements. These focus on Genoa, both in the definition of its hinterland between the tenth and the eleventh centuries, and in establishing the bulwarks of coastal territorial expansion in the twelfth; the powerful groups of feudal lords who remoulded the rural settlement layout in the thirteenth century; finally, a village of the hinterland explored right through to the modern age.

L'organizzazione del territorio \u00e8 l'esito di politiche di diverso respiro, in cui interagiscono una variet\u00e0 di attori che sempre riconfigurano spazi di intervento. La realt\u00e0 della Liguria \u00e8 qui sondata attraverso quattro situazioni separate cronologicamente ma accomunate da bassa visibilit\u00e0 e scarsa efficacia dei castelli che vedono protagonisti Genova, sia nel definire il suo circondario tra secolo X e XI sia nel fissare i caposaldi dell'espansione territoriale costiera nel secolo XII; potenti gruppi signorili che nel secolo XIII riplasmano l'assetto insediativo rurale; un villaggio dell'entroterra investigato fino all'et\u00e0 moderna"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guglielmotti, Paola"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["History", "Middle Ages", "Society", "Liguria", "Storia", "Medioevo", "Societ\u00e0", "Liguria"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345485"], ["title", "Ricerche sull'organizzazione del territorio nella Liguria medievale"], ["doab_id", "13032"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531162"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531160"]], [["description", "Riddles are a journey into a fascinating world rich in delightful metaphors and ambiguity. This book is based on material drawn from all over the world and analyses both traditional true riddles and contemporary joking questions. It introduces the reader to different riddling situations and the many functions of riddles, wich vary from education to teasing, and from defusing a heated situation to entertainment. In addition to providing a survey of international riddle scholarship, the book has a comprehensive bibliography with suggestions for further reading."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaivola-Bregenh\u00f8j ,Annikki"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Riddles", "Popular tradition", "Folklore", "Folkloristics"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617210"], ["title", "Riddles: Perspectives on the use, function and change in a folklore genre"], ["doab_id", "19771"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517460194", "9789517465762", "9789522228215"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9517460198 9517465769 9789522228215"]], [["description", "The book focuses on the educational perspective of Riemann-Roch spaces and the computation of algebraic structures connected to the Riemann-Roch theorem, which is a useful tool in fields of complex analysis and algebraic geometry. On one hand, the theorem connects the Riemann surface with its topological genus, and on the other it allows us to compute the algebraic function field spaces. In the first part of this book, algebraic structures and some of their properties are presented. The second part shows efficient algorithms and examples connected to Riemann-Roch spaces. What is important, a variety of examples with codes of algorithms are given in the book, covering the majority of the cases. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alvanos, Paraskevas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Geometrie und Topologie, Numerik und wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Angewandte Mathematik"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/456123"], ["title", "Riemann-Roch Spaces and Computation"], ["doab_id", "17360"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110426137", "9783110426120"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110426137, 9783110426120"]], [["description", "The book illustrates the results of a wide-ranging survey of the overall situation of the olive oil market and the Italian production chain for olives and olive oil. Based on the results of this investigation, two possible prospects for development have been identified. The first follows the guidelines that prevail at Community level, favouring a specialist olive cultivation. The second instead aims at a valorisation of agriculture where it features social aspects of particular significance. From this viewpoint the various olive farms in Italy ought not to be considered in a standardised manner, but individually valorised in relation to their different functions, which are not necessarily expressed in terms of yield.

Il volume illustra i risultati di una ampia ricognizione sulla situazione complessiva del mercato oleario e sulla filiera produttiva italiana olivicolo-olearia. Sulla base dei risultati di tale indagine vengono individuate due possibili prospettive di sviluppo. La prima segue gli indirizzi prevalenti a livello comunitario che favoriscono una olivicoltura specializzata. La seconda punta ad una valorizzazione dell'agricoltura dove questa presenti aspetti sociali particolarmente rilevanti. In questa prospettiva le diverse olivicolture presenti nel Paese dovrebbero essere considerate non in modo omogeneo, ma valorizzate in relazione alle diverse funzioni svolte, non necessariamente esprimibili in termini di rese."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casini, Leonardo; Marone, Enrico; Menghini, Silvio"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Agriculture", "Olive cultivation", "Economia", "Agricoltura", "Olivicoltura"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345480"], ["title", "La riforma della Politica Agricola Comunitaria e la filiera olivicolo-olearia italiana"], ["doab_id", "13027"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530578"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530571"]], [["description", "This volume offers a comparative survey of European Far Right parties, examining in particular their changing political rhetoric."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ruth Wodak; Majid KhosraviNik; Brigitte Mral"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544940"], ["title", "Right-Wing Populism in Europe"], ["doab_id", "17149"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544940"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544940"]], [["description", "The author describes Rindi culture within an analytic framework that illustrates connexions between, and common principles among, often apparently disparate realms of thought and action."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Forth ,G.L."], ["date", "1981"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613355"], ["title", "Rindi"], ["doab_id", "18511"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024761692", "9789004287242"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761692 9789004287242"]], [["description", "In Ripples of Hope, Robert M. Press tells the stories of mothers, students, teachers, journalists, attorneys, and manyothers who courageously stood up for freedom and human rights against repressive rulers \u2014 and who helped bring about change through primarily nonviolent means. Global in application and focusing on Kenya, Liberia and Sierra Leone, this tribute to the strength of the human spirit also breaks new ground in social movement theories, showing how people on their own or in small groups can make a difference."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Press ,Robert M."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nonviolent resistance", "social movements", "human rights", "democracy", "freedom", "Africa", "politics", "opportunity"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611225"], ["title", "Ripples of Hope: How Ordinary People Resist Repression Without Violence"], ["doab_id", "19240"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647481"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647481"]], [["description", "Poucas descobertas causaram tamanho impacto na medicina. Por mais de um s\u00e9culo, o radiodiagn\u00f3stico vem sendo de fundamental import\u00e2ncia para a aten\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 sa\u00fade humana. Contudo, essa nova tecnologia n\u00e3o trouxe consigo apenas benef\u00edcios. T\u00e3o r\u00e1pidos quanto a sua utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o foram os danos causados em pesquisadores, m\u00e9dicos, pacientes e outros indiv\u00edduos expostos a esse tipo de radia\u00e7\u00e3o. Os danos poss\u00edveis n\u00e3o est\u00e3o relacionados apenas aos efeitos nocivos das radia\u00e7\u00f5es ionizantes, mas tamb\u00e9m aos poss\u00edveis erros em diagn\u00f3stico. Visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento da \u00e1rea de controle de riscos em radiodiagn\u00f3stico, nos campos de conhecimento da sa\u00fade coletiva e vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria, t\u00e3o importantes para a sa\u00fade individual e coletiva, publica-se, neste livro, a an\u00e1lise do controle de riscos em radiodiagn\u00f3stico e seus condicionantes, considerando o marco regulat\u00f3rio vigente e a identifica\u00e7\u00e3o dos diversos atores implicados nessas pr\u00e1ticas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Navarro, Marcus Vin\u00edcius Teixeira"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q5"], ["title", "Risco, radiodiagn\u00f3stico e vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria"], ["doab_id", "17171"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209247"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209247"]], [["description", "We are pleased to release this digital edition of Ralph Johnson\u2019s The Rise of Informal Logic as Volume 2 in the series Windsor Studies in Argumentation. This edition is a reprint of the previous Vale Press edition with some minor corrections.We have decided to make this the second volume in the series because it is such a compelling account of the formation of informal logic as a discipline, written by one of the founders of the field. The book includes essential chapters on the history and development of informal logic. Other chapters are key reflections on the theoretical issues raised by the attempt to understand informal argument. Many of the papers were previously published in important journals. A number of them were co-authored with J. Anthony Blair. Three of them have appeared only in the present book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ralph H. Johnson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Philosophy, Theory of argumentation, Informal logic, Reasoning"]], ["publisher", "Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR): Windsor Studies in Argumentation"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://windsor.scholarsportal.info/omp/index.php/wsia/catalog/book/9"], ["title", "The Rise of Informal Logic"], ["doab_id", "16263"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780920233719"]], ["provider", "Scholars Portal"], ["isbns_raw", "9780920233719"]], [["description", "Examining the relations between the rise of scientific psychiatry and the emergence of mental health nursing in Dutch asylums, this study analyses the social relationships of class, gender and religion that structured asylum care in the Netherlands around 1900. Drawing on archival collections of four Dutch asylums, the book highlights the gendered nature of mental health nursing politics. Seeking to model the asylum after the forceful example of the general hospital, psychiatrists introduced new somatic treatments and designed mental nurse training which aimed at creating a nursing staff skilled in somatic care. The training system, based on the projected image of the civilized, middle-class female nurse, bringing competence and compassion to the care of the mentally ill, created new opportunities for women, while at the same time restricting the role of men in nursing. Capturing the contradictory realities of hospital-oriented asylum care, the book illustrates the social complexity of the care of the mentally ill and forms an important addition to the historiography on European psychiatry.

The Rise of Mental Health Nursing onderzoekt de tegenstrijdigheden in de op het ziekenhuis geori\u00ebnteerde inrichtingszorg, die rond 1900 opkwam. Bovendien illustreert het boek de sociale complexiteit van de psychiatrische zorg. Op basis van archiefmateriaal uit vier Nederlandse psychiatrische inrichtingen onderzocht Geertje Boschma de sociale verbanden die de psychiatrische verpleging rond 1900 kenmerkten. De introductie van nieuwe somatische behandelingsmethoden door psychiaters cre\u00eberde destijds een vraag naar verplegend personeel dat geschoold was in somatische zorg. Het opleidingsmodel, dat (overwegend mannelijke) psychiaters ontwikkelden, was gebaseerd op het beeld van de beschaafde vrouwelijke verpleegster uit de middenklasse die competentie en compassie in de zorg verenigden. De nieuwe kansen die hiermee gecre\u00eberd werden voor vrouwen legden tegelijkertijd een beperking op aan de rol van mannen binnen de verpleging."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boschma ,Geertje"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Medicine and health", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Psychology", "Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Sociology", "Geneeskunde", "Geschiedenis", "Psychologie", "Vrouwenstudies", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340250"], ["title", "The Rise of Mental Health Nursing : A History of Psychiatric Care in Dutch Asylums, 1890-1920"], ["doab_id", "12932"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565018"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565018"]], [["description", "Natural disasters are a challenge for human societies. The young German nation that reacted in the face of the 100-year Rhine flood (1882/83) can be characterized by the key elements of science, technology, economy, administration, and national consciousness. Given this framework the main actors used the disaster to expand their influence (e.g. scientific research) and to establish solidly relations. In sum, dealing with a natural disaster like the Rhine flood can only be understood in the opposing terms of risk and opportunity.

Katastrophen stellen eine Herausforderung f\u00fcr gesellschaftliches Handeln dar. Der Autor zeigt, auf welche Weise die politischen und wissenschaftlichen Strukturen des Deutschen Kaiserreiches dieser Herausforderung begegneten und sich im Sinne des Fortschrittsdenkens zu Nutze machten. Es wird deutlich, dass Naturkatastrophen wie das Jahrhunderthochwasser am Rhein f\u00fcr den jungen Nationalstaat nicht nur ein bedrohliches Risiko darstellten, sondern auch eine Chance f\u00fcr gesellschaftlichen Wandel. So st\u00e4rkten sie das Zusammengeh\u00f6rigkeitsgef\u00fchl und lieferten einen Anlass f\u00fcr regionale Entwicklungshilfeprogramme sowie wissenschaftliche Forschung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Masius, Patrick"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Flood", "1882", "River Rhein", "Century", "Environmental History", "Germany", "Flood", "1882", "River Rhein", "Century", "Environmental History", "Germany"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610330"], ["title", "Risiko und Chance - das Jahrhunderthochwasser am Rhein 1882/1883 ; eine umweltgeschichtliche Betrachtung"], ["doab_id", "15678"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951443"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951443"]], [["description", "'Risk Criticism: Reading in an Age of Manufactured Uncertainties' is a study of literary and cultural responses to global environmental risk that offers an environmental humanities approach to understanding risk in an age of unfolding ecological catastrophe. 'Risk Criticism: Reading in an Age of Manufactured Uncertainties' is a study of literary and cultural responses to global environmental risk that offers an environmental humanities approach to understanding risk in an age of unfolding ecological catastrophe. In 2015, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists re-set its iconic Doomsday Clock to three minutes to midnight, as close to the apocalypse as it has been since 1953. What pushed its hands was, however, not just the threat of nuclear weapons, but also other global environmental risks that the Bulletin judged to have risen to the scale of the nuclear, including climate change and innovations in the life sciences. If we may once have believed that the end of days would come in a blaze of nuclear firestorm (or the chill of the subsequent nuclear winter), we now suspect that the apocalypse may be much slower, creeping in as chemical toxin, climate change, or bio- or nano- technologies run amok. Taking inspiration from the questions raised by the Bulletin\u2019s synecdochical \u201cnuclear,\u201d 'Risk Criticism' aims to generate a hybrid form of critical practice that brings \u201cnuclear criticism\u201d\u2014a subfield of literary studies that has been, since the Cold War, largely neglected\u2014into conversation with ecocriticism, the more recent approach to environmental texts in literary studies. Through readings of novels, films, theater, poetry, visual art, websites, news reports, and essays, 'Risk Criticism' tracks the diverse ways in which environmental risks are understood and represented today."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wallace ,Molly"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Cultural Studies"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610090"], ["title", "Risk Criticism"], ["doab_id", "19132"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472900671", "9780472073023"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472900671 9780472073023"]], [["description", "Pancreatic Cancer has been and still is one of the deadliest types of human malignancies. The annual mortality rates almost equal incidence rates making this disease virtually universally fatal. The 5-year survival of patients with pancreatic cancer is a dismal 5% or less. Therapeutic strategies are extremely limited with gemcitabine extending the survival by a disappointing few weeks. The failure of several randomized clinical trials in the past decade investigating the therapeutic efficacy of different mono- and combination therapies reflects our limited knowledge of pancreatic cancer biology. In addition, biomarkers for early detection are sorely missing. Several pancreatic cancer risk factors have been identified. Unfortunately, the underlying mechanisms linking these risk factors to cancer development are poorly understood. Well known possible and probable risk factors for the development of pancreatic cancer are age, smoking, chronic pancreatitis, obesity, and type-2 diabetes mellitus. Age is certainly of the most important risk factors as most cases of pancreatic cancer occur in the elderly population. Smoking ten cigarettes a day increases the risk by 2.6 times and smoking a pack per day increases it by 5 folds. Chronic pancreatitis increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to 13 times. Patients with hereditary forms of chronic pancreatitis have an even higher risk. Obesity, a growing global health problem, increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by about 1.5 fold. Type-2 diabetes mellitus is also associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer by at least two-fold. The more recent the onset of diabetes, the stronger the correlation with pancreatic cancer is. In addition, heavy alcohol drinking, a family history of the disease, male gender and African American ethnicity are other risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer is characterized by several genetic alterations including mutations in the Kras proto-oncogene and mutations in the tumor suppressor genes p53 and p16. While Kras mutations are currently thought as early events present in a certain percentage of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasias (PanINs), known precursor lesions of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, mutations in tumor suppressor genes, e.g. p53, seem to accumulate later during progression. In addition, several intracellular signaling pathways are amplified or enhanced, including the MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT signaling modules. Overall, these genetic alterations lead to enhanced and sustained proliferation, resistance to cell death, invasive and metastatic potential, and angiogenesis, all hallmarks of cancers. The scope of this Research Topic is to collect data and knowledge of how risk factors increase the risk of initiation/progression of pancreatic cancer. Of particular interest are potential underlying molecular mechanisms. Understanding the molecular mechanisms and driving signaling pathways will ultimately allow the development of targeted interventions to disrupt the risk factor-induced cancer development. This Research Topic is interested in a broad range of risk factors, including genetic and environmental, and welcomes original papers, mini and full reviews, and hypothesis papers. Manuscripts that address the effect of combination of risk factors on pancreatic cancer development and progression are of great interest as well."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guido Eibl; Mouad Edderkaoui"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Pancreatic Cancer", "Risk factors", "Pancreatitis", "diabetes", "Genetic mutations", "Blood type", "stellate cells", "Inflammation", "KRAS", "src"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/929/risk-factors-for-pancreatic-cancer-underlying-mechanisms-and-potential-targets"], ["title", "Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer: Underlying Mechanisms and Potential Targets"], ["doab_id", "18719"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194681"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194681"]], [["description", "Since the 1990s, the impact of genetic testing for insurance has been the subject of international debates. However, these have been rather speculative and abstract. In an effort to find new openings, the author explores this concern from an empirical sociological angle - by studying the insurance world from the inside, through an ethnographic study of the life insurance industry, exploring insurance practices and how insurers make risks, and underscoring the diversity of insurance markets, underwriting practices and strategies.

Aids, genetische manipulatie, stamceltransplantaties.... In een onzekere samenleving als de onze kan wetenschap niet altijd meer een afdoende antwoord bieden voor deze controverses. Ook het internationaal debat over het gebruik van genetica in verzekeringen is tot op heden speculatief en abstract. Dat is niet altijd vruchtbaar als het gaat om het bedenken van oplossingen. Van Hoywegen zoekt in Making Risks. Travels in Life Insurance and Genetics naar een oplossing. In een poging nieuwe openingen te cre\u00eberen, vertrekt zij vanuit een empirisch-sociologische invalshoek, door de verzekeringswereld van binnenuit te bestuderen. Centraal staat de vraag hoe verzekeraars tot risicobepalingen komen en hoe criteria voor 'normale' of 'abnormale' risico's worden gedefinieerd. Van Hoywegen kijkt naar de experimenten en evenwichtsoefeningen die verzekeraars uitvoeren om tot een bepaald keuringsbeleid te komen, als een werk van trial and error. Wie risicoselectie als constructiewerk ziet, cre\u00ebert ruimte voor onderhandeling, verandering en het stimuleren van leerprocessen. Experimenteel leren en daarmee risico's nemen, lijkt een oplossing om in verzekeringen om te gaan met de onzekerheden van genetica. Het boek voorziet in empirische argumenten voor een nieuw beleidsperspectief."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoyweghen Van ,Ine"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340148"], ["title", "Risks in the Making : Travels in Life Insurance and Genetics"], ["doab_id", "12847"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569276"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569276"]], [["description", "Robert Neumann (1897\u20131957, Austrian exiled author and Vicepresidet of the PEN International, was even a disputatious antifascist political writer. His essays, his letters and biograpical documents give a vivid portrait of the diversity of literary life in Germay and Austria (before 1933/after 1958) and of exile in England (1933\u20131958).

Der \u00f6sterreichische Schriftsteller Robert Neumann (1897\u20131975), Exilant und Vizepr\u00e4sident des PEN International, war auch ein streitbarer antifaschistischer Publizist. Seine politisch-literarischen Aufs\u00e4tze, seine Briefe und biographischen Dokumente ergeben ein lebendiges und facettenreiches Bild des literarischen Lebens in Deutschland und \u00d6sterreich (vor 1933/nach 1958) und des Exils in England (1933\u20131958)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stadler ,Franz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Neumann Robert, left papers, exile writer, Austria-Great Britain, PEN Club", "Neumann Robert, Nachlass-Auswahl, Exilliteratur, \u00d6sterreich-Gro\u00dfbritannien, PEN Club"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453484"], ["title", "Robert Neumann: Mit eigener Feder"], ["doab_id", "15513"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783706550819"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706550819"]], [["description", "When Joegodson D\u00e9ralcin\u00e9 was still a small child, his parents left rural Haiti to resettle in the rapidly growing zones of Port-au-Prince. As his family entered the city in 1986, Duvalier and his dictatorship exited. Haitians, once terrorized under Duvalier\u2019s reign, were liberated and emboldened to believe that they could take control of their lives. But how? Joining hundreds of thousands of other peasants trying to adjust to urban life, Joegodson and his family sought work and a means of survival. But all they found was low-waged assembly plant jobs of the sort to which the repressive Duvalier regime had opened Haiti\u2019s doors\u2014the combination of flexible capital and cheap labour too attractive to multinational manufacturers to be overlooked. With the death of his mother, Joegodson was placed in his uncle\u2019s care, and so began a childhood of starvation, endless labour, and abuse.In honest, reflective prose, Joegodson\u2014now a father himself\u2014 allows us to walk in the ditches of Cit\u00e9 Soleil, to hide from the macoutes under the bed, to feel the ache of an empty stomach. But, most importantly, he provides an account of life in Haiti from a perspective that is rarely heard. Free of sentimentality and hackneyed clich\u00e9s, his narrative explores the spirituality of Vodou, Catholicism, and Protestantism, describes the harrowing day of the 2010 earthquake and its aftermath, and illustrates the inner workings of MINUSTAH. Written with Canadian historian Paul Jackson\u2014Joegodson telling his story in Creole, Jackson translating, the two of them then reviewing and reworking\u2014the memoir is a true collaboration, the struggle of two people from different lands and vastly different circumstances to arrive at a place of mutual understanding. In the process, they have given us an unforgettable account of a country determined to survive, and on its own terms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vilmond Joegodson D\u00e9ralcin\u00e9; Paul Jackson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["MINUSTAH, United Nations, macoutes, Aristide, 2010 earthquake, Port-au-Prince, Gildan, garment factories"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120241"], ["title", "Rocks in the Water, Rocks in the Sun: A Memoir from the Heart of Haiti"], ["doab_id", "19410"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990110", "9781771990127", "9781771990134", "9781771990141"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990110 9781771990127 9781771990134 9781771990141 "]], [["description", "The award-winning novelist Rohinton Mistry is recognised as one of the most important contemporary writers of postcolonial literature. His subtle yet powerful narratives engross general readers, excite critical acclaim and form staple elements of literature courses across the world. This study - the first of its kind on this writer - will provide scholars and students with an insight into the key features of Mistry's work. Peter Morey suggests how the author's writing can be read in terms of recent Indian political history, his native Zoroastrian culture and ethos, and the experience of migration which now sees him living in Canada. The texts are viewed through the lens of diaspora and minority discourse theories to show how Mistry's writing is illustrative of marginal positions in relation to sanctioned national identities. In addition, Mistry utilises and blends the conventions of oral storytelling common to the Persian and South Asian traditions with nods in the direction of the canonical figures of modern European literature, sometimes reworking and reinflecting their registers and preoccupations to create a distinctive voice redolent of the hybrid inheritance of Parsi culture and of the postcolonial predicament more generally."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morey ,Peter"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["mistry", "postcolonial", "literature", "parsi"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341372"], ["title", "Rohinton Mistry"], ["doab_id", "12571"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067143"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067143"]], [["description", "It becomes increasingly clear that the basis of antibiotic resistance problem among bacterial pathogens is not confined to the borders of clinical microbiology but has broader ecological and evolutionary associations. This Research Topic \u201cRole and prevalence of antibiosis and the related resistance genes in the environment\u201d in Frontiers in Microbiology, section Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy, presents the examples of occurrence and diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in the wide range of environments, from the grasslands of the Colombian Andes, to the dairy farms and small animal veterinary hospitals in the United Stated, and to the various environments of Continental Europe and Indochina. Besides, various genetic mechanisms and selection/co-selection factors contributing to the dissemination and maintenance of antibiotic resistance genes are presented. The topic is finalized by the mathematical modeling approach to access the probability of rare horizontal gene transfer events in bacterial populations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sylvie Nazaret; Rustam Aminov"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["antibiotic resistance", "mobile genetic elements", "Plasmids", "Integrons", "Soil", "Water", "wastewater treatment", "Animal production", "Hospital", "environment", "modeling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/458/role-and-prevalence-of-antibiosis-and-the-related-resistance-genes-in-the-environment"], ["title", "Role and prevalence of antibiosis and the related resistance genes in the environment"], ["doab_id", "17818"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195213"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195213"]], [["description", "The focus of this eBook is to bring new insights into central immune tolerance. To fulfill that, much has been discussed about the master in the regulation of tolerance, the autoimmune regulator (Aire) gene the main thymus cell type that expresses this gene, the medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs). It includes one Editorial and 12 other excellent contributions in the format of mini reviews or original research papers covering one or more of these aspects: promiscuous gene expression (PGE), epigenetics, miRNAs, association of the Aire gene and miRNAs, thymocyte\u2013TEC interaction, coxsackievirus and type 1 diabetes, exosomes in the thymus, thymic crosstalk, thymic B cells, T cell development, chemokines and migration of T cells, miRNAs and the thymic atrophy, cell\u2013cell interactions, and thymus ontogeny. Authors raised hypothesis, discuss concepts, and show open questions. The remaining important issues to resolve questions within the central tolerance research are briefly discussed below. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geraldo Aleixo Passos; Daniella Areas Mendes-da-Cruz; Ernna Herida Oliveira"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Central Tolerance", "Aire gene", "microRNA", "Thymus", "promiscuous gene expression", "thymocyte", "thymic crosstalk", "Chemokines", "Thymic B cell", "cell-cell interaction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3221/the-role-of-aire-micrornas-and-cell-cell-interactions-on-thymic-architecture-and-induction-of-tolera"], ["title", "The Role of Aire, microRNAs and Cell-Cell Interactions on Thymic Architecture and Induction of Tolerance"], ["doab_id", "18889"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197705"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197705"]], [["description", "In recent years, an increasing number of manuscripts have been published addressing the deleterious role of arginase in endothelial dysfunction. ROS have been shown to play a crucial role in arginase activation, which in turn leads to eNOS dysfunction."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rudolf Lucas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["arginase inhibitors", "eNOS", "Reactive Oxygen Species", "microvascular permeability", "impaired vasorelaxation", "vessel wall remodeling", "L-citrulline"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1144/the-role-of-arginase-in-endothelial-dysfunction"], ["title", "The role of arginase in endothelial dysfunction"], ["doab_id", "18586"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194407"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194407"]], [["description", "Recent evidence has shown many ways in which our bodies and the environment influence cognition. In this Research Topic we aim to develop our understanding of cognition by considering the diverse and dynamic relationship between the language we use, our bodily perceptions, and our actions and interactions in the broader environment. There are already many empirical effects illustrating the continuity of mind- body-environment: manipulating body posture influences diverse areas such as mood, hormonal responses, and perception of risk; directing attention to a particular sensory modality can affect language processing, signal detection, and memory performance; placing implicit cues in the environment can impact upon social behaviours, moral judgements, and economic decision making. This Research Topic includes papers that explore the question of how our bodies and the environment influence cognition, such as how we mentally represent the world around us, understand language, reason about abstract concepts, make judgements and decisions, and interact with objects and other people. Contributions focus on empirical, theoretical, methodological or modelling issues as well as opinion pieces or contrasting perspectives. Topic areas include, perception and action, social cognition, emotion, language processing, modality-specific representations, spatial representations, gesture, atypical embodiment, perceptual simulation, cognitive modelling and perspectives on the future of embodiment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dermot Lynott; Louise Connell; Judith Holler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Embodied Cognition", "representation", "simulation", "Perception", "action", "Language comprehension", "spatial cognition", "emotion"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/823/the-role-of-body-and-environment-in-cognition"], ["title", "The role of body and environment in cognition"], ["doab_id", "17771"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192625"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192625"]], [["description", "This book analyzes heroin users and the drug subculture on the Shetland Islands, an area known for its geographical remoteness, rural character and relative wealth. It fills the scientific gap created by the conventional research in heroin research, which is usually conducted in urban areas and relies on treatment and prison populations. Based on qualitative, in-depth interviews with twenty-four heroin users, this book depicts and analyzes the nature and historical development of the local heroin scene. It illustrates the features and internal structures of the subculture, and it examines the manner in which both are influenced by the location-specific geographical, cultural and socio-economic conditions. It thus reveals complex causal associations that are hard to recognize in urban environments. Complete with a list of references used and recommendations for future research, this book is a vital tool for progressive and pragmatic approaches to policy, intervention and research in the field of illicit drug use."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stallwitz ,Anke"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Social Sciences", "Sociology, general", "Criminology & Criminal Justice", "Community and Environmental Psychology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418016"], ["title", "The Role of Community-Mindedness in the Self-Regulation of Drug Cultures : A Case Study from the Shetland Islands"], ["doab_id", "14801"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400738607"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400738607"]], [["description", "Glial cells are no longer considered passive bystanders in neuronal brain circuits. Not only are they required for housekeeping and brain metabolism, they are active participants in regulating the physiological function and plasticity of brain circuits and the online control of behavior both in invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. In invertebrates, glial cells are essential for normal function of sensory organs (C. elegans) and necessary for the circadian regulation of locomotor activity (D. melanogaster). In the mamallian brain, astrocytes are implicated in the regulation of cortical brain rhythms and sleep homeostasis. Disruption of AMPA receptor function in a subset of glial cell types in mice shows behavioral deficits. Furthermore, genetic disruption of glial cell function can directly control behavioral output. Regulation of ionic gradients by glia can underlie bistability of neurons and can modulate the fidelity of synaptic transmission. Grafting of human glial progenitor cells in mouse forebrain results in human glial chimeric mice with enhanced plasticity and improved behavioral performance, suggesting that astrocytes have evolved to cope with information processing in more complex brains. Taken together, current evidence is strongly suggestive that glial cells are essential contributors to information processing in the brain. This Research Topic compiles recent research that shows how the molecular mechanisms underlying glial cell function can be dissected, reviews their impact on plasticity and behavior across species and presents novel approaches to further probe their function."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vladimir Parpura; Tycho Hoogland"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["glia", "Astrocytes", "plasticity", "Behavior", "Gq", "DREADD", "C. elegans", "Hippocampus", "Cerebellum", "Cortex"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2249/the-role-of-glia-in-plasticity-and-behavior"], ["title", "The Role of Glia in Plasticity and Behavior"], ["doab_id", "18819"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196906"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196906"]], [["description", "Intractable epilepsy still remains the main issue despite new advances in medical and surgical treatment of epilepsy. Acute seizure management in a timely manner is crucial to prevent irreversible brain damage. Benzodiazepines still remain the first initial treatment to abort the seizure activity. The approval phenytoin, fosphenytoin, intravenous valproate, and rectal diazepam provided additional options. The approval of intravenous levetiracetam gave another option to physicians if and when the above treatment fails to control the seizure activity. In this Ebook, we have included chapters from renowned researchers in the field of neurology and epilepsy who have covered the various aspects of these agents in detail including the properties, mechanism of action, pharmacology, neurobehavioral effects, and the roles of these agents in special populations including traumatic brain injury and brain tumor related epilepsy. These data further show that intravenous levetiracetam can be used in acute seizure management and in special circumstances."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Batool F. Kirmani"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["levetiracetam", "acute seizure management", "Anticonvulsants", "Treatment", "Epilepsy"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1276/role-of-intravenous-levetiracetam-in-acute-seizure-management"], ["title", "Role of Intravenous Levetiracetam in Acute Seizure Management"], ["doab_id", "18584"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193226"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193226"]], [["description", "RNA enveloped viruses comprise several families belonging to plus and minus strand RNA viruses, such as retroviruses, flavoviruses and orthomyxoviruses. Viruses utilize cellular lipids during critical steps of replication like entry, assembly and egress. Growing evidence indicate important roles for lipids and lipid nanodomains in virus assembly. This special topic covers key aspects of virus-membrane interactions during assembly and egress, especially those of retroviruses and Ebola virus (EBOV). Virus assembly and release involve specific and nonspecific interactions between viral proteins and membrane compartments. Retroviral Gag proteins assemble predominantly on the PM. Despite the great progress in identifying the factors that modulate retroviral Gag assembly on the PM, there are still gaps in our understanding of precise mechanisms of Gag-membrane interactions. Studies over the last two decades have focused on the mechanisms by which other retroviral Gag proteins interact with membranes during assembly. These include human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV), murine leukemia virus (MLV), and human T-lymphotropic virus type (HTLV-1). Additionally, assembly of filoviruses such as EBOV also occurs on the inner leaflet of the PM. The articles published under this special topic highlight the latest understanding of the role of membrane lipids during virus assembly, egress and release."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jamil S Saad; Delphine M. Muriaux"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["retroviruses", "HIV 1", "Gag", "Matrix", "membrane", "NMR", "Ebola", "VP40"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1576/role-of-lipids-in-virus-assembly"], ["title", "Role of lipids in virus assembly"], ["doab_id", "18693"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195824"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195824"]], [["description", "Cardiovascular responses to physical and/ or mental stressors has been a topic of great interest for some time. For example, significant changes of cardiovascular control and reactivity have been highlighted as important mechanisms for the protective effect of exercise as a simple and effective, non medical therapy for many pathologies. However, despite the great number of studies performed to date (e.g. >54,000 entries in Pubmed for \u201ccardiovascular stress\u201d), important questions of the role stress has on cardiovascular function still remain. For instance, What factors account for the different cardiovascular responses between mental and physical stressors? How do these different components of the cardiovascular system interact during stress? Which cardiovascular responses to stress are the most important for identifying normal, depressed, and enhanced cardiovascular function? Can these stress-induced responses assist with patient diagnosis and prognosis? What impact does physical fitness have on the relationship between cardiovascular function and health? The current topic examined our current understanding of cardiovascular responses to stress and the significant role that physical fitness has on these responses for improved function and health. Manuscripts focusing on heart rate variability (HRV), heart rate recovery, and other novel cardiovascular assessments were especially encouraged."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Arto J. Hautala; Anthony S. Leicht; Daniel Boullosa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["physical activity", "stress", "Exercise", "Cardiovascular Diseases", "Physical Fitnes"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1127/the-role-of-physical-fitness-on-cardiovascular-responses-to-stress"], ["title", "The Role of Physical Fitness on Cardiovascular Responses to Stress"], ["doab_id", "18714"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194636"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194636"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["benefits of play, child development, children\u2019s health, play, UNCRC article 31 risk, accidents, hospitalisation, mobility, obesity, trauma, autism, ADHD, therapy, piaget, disabled children, teenagers"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/179"], ["title", "The Role of Play in Children\u2019s Health and Development"], ["doab_id", "19024"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421818", "9783038421825"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421818/9783038421825"]], [["description", "The main causes of morbidity and mortality in diabetes are macrovasular and microvascular complications, including atherosclerosis, nephropathy, and retinopathy. As the definition of atherosclerosis as a chronic, smoldering, inflammatory disease has gained general acceptance, the attention of researchers has focused on the triggers of chronic vascular inflammation. The oxidation and other forms of modification of lipids and lipoproteins have emerged as a major pathogenic factor in atherosclerosis, with a significant interaction with the immune system. Modified lipoproteins by themselves are proinflammatory through the activation of the innate immune system as a consequence of the interaction with scavenger receptors and/or toll-like receptors expressed by a variety of cell types, including phagocytic cells and dendritic cells. A variety of modified forms of LDL (mLDL), including oxidized, malondialdehyde-modified, and Advanced Glycation End-product-modified LDL induce autoimmune responses in humans. Those modifications seem enhanced in diabetes, and the progression of atherosclerosis is accelerated in diabetic patients. The immune response to all forms of mLDL results in both activation of T cells in the arterial wall and in an autoimmune response characterized by the formation of IgG antibodies. Both arms of the immune response are believed to play a role in vascular inflammation. While the cell response is likely to activate resident macrophages, the humoral immune response results in the production of IgG antibodies that bind to specific epitopes in modified forms of LDL, generate immune complexes both intra- and extravascularly, and those complexes are able to activate the classical pathway of the complement system as well as phagocytic cells via Fc? receptors. In vitro studies suggest that the pro-inflammatory activity of immune complexes containing mLDL is several-fold higher than that of the modified LDL molecules by themselves. Clinical studies have provided significant support to the pathogenic role of immune complexes containing modified LDL in the development of atherosclerotic complications in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. At the same time, there is increasing evidence that the formation of immune complexes containing modified forms of LDL may also be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. These are areas in which more research is needed to fully understand the pathogenic mechanisms activated by those immune complexes. Of interest is the fact that animal models have suggested the possibility of modifying the adaptive humoral immune response in ways that would result in slowing down, and perhaps prevent, the atherosclerotic process. This possibility is sufficiently alluring as to justify increased research efforts, both in animal models (including diabetic animals) and translational clinical studies. The manipulation of the T regulatory population is another area of potential translational impact, which has hardly been explored. Indeed at this point of time, what seems to be a high priority is an increased and open interchange of information among investigators, trying to reach a better general understanding and integration of knowledge generated from a variety of approaches and perspectives. This Research Topic provided an optimal platform for this open interchange of information. We encouraged interested scientists to submit mini-reviews, methods papers, review articles, perspectives and original research articles covering this topic in all its diversity to facilitate the communication of perspectives and new information between scientists interested in understanding the multiple implications of the involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gabriel Virella; Maria Lopes-Virella"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Endocrinology", "Diabetes", "immune system"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/847/the-role-of-the-immune-system-in-the-pathogenesis-of-diabetic-complications"], ["title", "The role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications"], ["doab_id", "18682"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193523"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193523"]], [["description", "The chlamydiae are Gram-negative, obligate intracellular bacteria with a complex developmental cycle comprising a metabolically less-active, infectious stage, the elementary body (EB), and a metabolically more active stage, the reticulate body (RB). They are responsible for many acute and chronic diseases in humans and animals. In order to play a causative role in chronic diseases, chlamydiae would need to persist and to re-activate within infected cells/tissues for extended periods of time. Persistence in vitro is defined as viable but non-cultivable chlamydiae involving morphologically enlarged, aberrant, and nondividing RBs, termed aberrant bodies (AB). In vitro, alterations of the normal developmental cycle of chlamydiae can be induced by the addition of Interferon-? (IFN-?), tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) and penicillin G exposure as well as amino acid or iron deprivation, monocyte infection and co-infection with viruses. In vivo, key questions include whether or not ABs occur in infected patients and animals and whether such ABs can contribute to prolonged, chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and scarring through continuing stimulation of the host immune system known from diseases such as trachoma, pelvic inflammatory disease, reactive arthritis and atherosclerosis. To date, the direct causal role in the pathogenesis of chlamydial infection and persistence in vivo has been questioned since there was no tractable animal model of chlamydial persistence so far. A very recent study was able to establish an experimental animal model of in vivo persistence, when C. muridarum vaginally-infected mice were gavaged with amoxicillin. Amoxicillin treatment induced C. muridarum to enter the persistent state in vivo. Recent in vivo data from patients indicate that viable but non-infectious developmental stages are present in the genital tract of chronically-infected women and that the gastrointestinal tract might be a reservoir for persistent chlamydial infections at other sites."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert V Schoborg; Alan Paul Hudson; Jan Rupp; Andreas Pospischil; Nicole Borel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["chlamydia", "stress response", "Chronic Disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1874/the-role-of-viable-but-non-infectious-developmental-forms-in-chlamydial-biology"], ["title", "The role of viable but non-infectious developmental forms in chlamydial biology"], ["doab_id", "18583"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193219"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193219"]], [["description", "Next Generation Sequencing technologies are increasingly revealing that microbial taxa likely to be parasites or symbionts are probably much more prevalent and diverse than previously thought. Every well studied free-living species has parasites; parasites themselves can be parasitized. As a rule of thumb, there is an estimated 4 parasitic species for any given host, and the better a host is studied the more parasites are known to infect it. Therefore, parasites and other symbionts should represent a very large number of species and may far outnumber those with 'free-living' lifestyles. Paradoxically, free-living hosts, which form the bulk of our knowledge of biology, may be a minority! Microbial parasites typically are characterized by their small size, short generation time, and high rates of reproduction, with simple life cycle occurring generally within a single host. They are diverse and ubiquitous in the environment, comprising viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes. This Frontiers Research Topic sought to provide a broad overview but concise, comprehensive, well referenced and up-to-date state of the art for everyone involved with microbial parasites in aquatic microbial ecology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Telesphore Sime Ngando; Kevin D Lafferty; David G. Biron"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Viruses", "Parasites", "pathogens", "Parasite host interactions", "microbial ecology", "aquatic ecosystems", "Aquaculture", "Foodweb dynamics", "Emerging diseases", "microbiome"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1553/roles-and-mechanisms-of-parasitism-in-aquatic-microbial-communities"], ["title", "Roles and mechanisms of parasitism in aquatic microbial communities"], ["doab_id", "18698"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195886"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195886"]], [["description", "This publication documents the life and work of the architect Rolf Geyling (1884-1952), who was a former student of Otto Wagner and started his career in Vienna and Bucharest before the First World War broke out. During the war Geyling documented his experiences as an officer of the Habsburger Monarchy with photographs and a detailed diary, which he continued during his imprisonment in Siberia. After five years in several camps - most recently in Vladivostok - Geyling fled to Tianjin in China, where he successfully established himself as an architect until the period of Mao Tse-tung and was particularly involved in the development of modern architecture in northern China.

Die vorliegende Publikation dokumentiert das Leben und Werk des Architekten Rolf Geyling (1884-1952), der als ehemaliger Sch\u00fcler Otto Wagners in Wien und Bukarest t\u00e4tig war, ehe der Erste Weltkrieg ausbrach. Seine Erlebnisse als k. u. k. Offizier dokumentierte Geyling mit Fotografien sowie detaillierten Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, die er auch w\u00e4hrend seiner Gefangenschaft in Sibirien fortsetzte. Nach f\u00fcnfj\u00e4hrigem Aufenthalt in mehreren Lagern - zuletzt in Wladiwostok - floh Geyling nach Tianjin in China, wo er sich ab 1920 bis zur Macht\u00fcbernahme Mao Tse-tungs erfolgreich als Architekt etablieren konnte und an der modernen Architekturentwicklung Nordchinas wesentlichen Anteil hatte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scheidl ,Inge"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Architecture, Historicism, Art Nouveau, New Objectivity, World War, Eastern Front, Captivity, Siberia, China, Tianjin", "Architektur, Historismus, Jugendstil, Neue Sachlichkeit, Erster Weltkrieg, Ostfront, Kriegsgefangenschaft, Sibirien, China, Tianjin"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=507999"], ["title", "Rolf Geyling (1884-1952)"], ["doab_id", "16508"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795858"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795858"]], [["description", "With his animated tales of Zane Grey, Butch Cassidy, and the Robbers Roost gang, Rider creates an engaging and believable picture of the joys and hardships of cowboy life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rider, Rowland W.; Paulsen, Deirdre M."], ["date", "1985"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/48"], ["title", "The Roll Away Saloon"], ["doab_id", "14746"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211245"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211245"]], [["description", "The multidisciplinary contributions to this collection of papers look at Rome as the cultural and Milan as the political capital in the 4th and 5th centuries. In the literature of the time both cities were perceived as spaces in which the political and clerical power struggles, and the political and cultural changes which were so important for the Latin West took place. The cities are thereby understood as \"stages\" upon which the world theatre of the politics of power, culture and the church was produced. The reconstruction of both \"stage settings\" is based on texts, inscriptions and archaeological remains.; Therese Fuhrer, Freie Universit\u00e4t Berlin."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fuhrer, Therese"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["History", "HISTORY / Ancient / Rome", "Rom", "Mailand", "Milan", "Rome"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783110222142&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Rom und Mailand in der Sp\u00e4tantike. Repr\u00e4sentationen st\u00e4dtischer R\u00e4ume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst"], ["doab_id", "15121"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110222142"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110222142"]], [["description", "Over two decades have passed since the collapse of the USSR, yet the words \"Soviet Union\" still carry significant weight in the collective memory of millions. But how often do we consider the true meaning of the term \"Soviet\"? Drawing extensively on left-wing press archives, Romancing the Revolution traces the reactions of the British Left to the idealized concept of Soviet democracy. Focusing on the turbulent period after the 1917 Russian Revolution, author Ian Bullock examines the impact of the myth of Soviet democracy: the belief that Russia was embarking on a brave experiment in a form of popular government more genuine and advanced than even the best forms of parliamentarism. Romancing the Revolution uncovers the imprint of this myth on left-wing organizations and their publications, ranging from those that presented themselves as \"British Bolsheviks\"\u2014the British Socialist party and The Call, the Socialist Labour party's The Socialist, Sylvia Pankhurst's Workers' Dreadnought\u2014to the much more equivocal Labour Leader and The New Statesmen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ian Bullock"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["soviet democracy", "Bolsheviks", "Russian revolution", "British left wing", "Proletariat", "first world war"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120187"], ["title", "Romancing the Revolution: The Myth of Soviet Democracy and the British Left"], ["doab_id", "14462"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836126", "9781926836133", "9781926836379"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836126 9781926836133 9781926836379"]], [["description", "Is it possible for conservationists to approve of the reconstruction of old fa\u00e7ades when virtually everything behind them is modern? Should they continue to protect the front fa\u00e7ade, when the rest of the historic building has vanished? Is it socially responsible to spend government money on reconstructing a historic building that has been completely destroyed? Can one do such a thing fifty years on? According to reigning ideas in the world of conservation, the answer to all these questions is 'no'. It is felt that building a stage set is dishonest, and rebuilding something that no longer exists is labelled a lie against history. Where does this predilection for honesty originate? And why do people prefer modern architecture to the reconstruction of what has been lost? Perhaps we are witnessing the legacy of Functionalism here, a movement that denounced the building of pseudo-architecture. Functionalism originated in Romanticism, when architects turned their backs on academic formalism and strove to invent a new, rational form of building. This romantic hunger for honesty was adopted by the conservationists, giving rise to a new respect for the authentic art work and a rejection of historicist restorations. Among conservationists too, distaste arose for the cultivation of a harmonious urban image, because an urban image that is maintained artificially 'old' was seen as a form of fraud.

Mag de monumentenzorg steun verlenen aan de reconstructie van de oude geveltjes wanneer daarachter vrijwel alles modern is? Moet de monumentenzorg alleen nog de voorgevel willen beschermen, als de rest van het monument is verdwenen? Volgens de gangbare opvattingen in de wereld van de monumentenzorg past op al dit soort vragen een negatief antwoord. Men vindt decorbouw oneerlijk, en iets herbouwen wat er niet meer is, noemt men een leugen tegen de geschiedenis. De vraag is waar deze hang naar oprechtheid vandaan komt. Misschien zien we hier de erfenis van het functionalisme dat bouwen van schijnarchitectuur verbood. Het functionalisme ontstond uit de Romantiek, toen architecten zich afkeerden van het academisch formalisme en een nieuwe rationele bouwkunst wilden uitvinden. Dit romantische streven naar oprechtheid werd in de monumentenzorg overgenomen. Wim Denslagen stelt dat de huidige monumentenzorg op bovengenoemde vragen ten onrechte een ontkennend antwoord geeft."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Denslagen ,Wim"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis", "Architecture"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340033"], ["title", "Romantic Modernism : Nostalgia in the World of Conservation"], ["doab_id", "13269"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641038"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641038"]], [["description", "The understanding of biological complexity has been greatly facilitated by cross-disciplinary, holistic approaches that allow insights into the function and regulation of biological processes that cannot be captured by dissecting them into their individual components. In addition, the development of novel tools has dramatically increased our ability to interrogate information at the nucleic acid, protein and metabolite level. The integration and interpretation of disparate data sets, however, still remain a major challenge in systems biology. Roots provide an excellent model for studying physiological, developmental, and metabolic processes. The availability of genetic resources, along with sequenced genomes has allowed important discoveries in root biochemistry, development and function. Roots are transparent, allowing optical investigation of gene activity in individual cells and experimental manipulation. In addition, the predictable fate of cells emerging from the root meristem and the continuous development of roots throughout the life of the plant, which permits simultaneous observation of different developmental stages, provide ideal premises for the analysis of growth and differentiation. Moreover, a genetically fixed cellular organization allows for studying the utilization of positional information and other non-cell-autonomous phenomena, which are of utmost importance in plant development. Although their ontogeny is largely invariant under standardized experimental conditions, roots possess an extraordinary capacity to respond to a plethora of environmental signals, resulting in distinct phenotypic readouts. This high phenotypic plasticity allows research into acclimative and adaptive strategies, the understanding of which is crucial for germplasm enhancement and crop improvement. With the aim of providing a current snapshot on the function and development of roots at the systems level, this Research Topic collated original research articles, methods articles, reviews, mini reviews and perspective, opinion and hypotheses articles that communicate breakthroughs in root biology, as well as recent advances in research technologies and data analysis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wolfgang Schmidt"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["root architecture", "root hairs", "Systems Biology", "Synthetic Biology", "auxin", "regulatory peptides", "nutrient acquisition", "gene co-expression analysis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1333/root-systems-biology"], ["title", "Root Systems Biology"], ["doab_id", "17783"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192755"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192755"]], [["description", "Roots of language was originally published in 1981 by Karoma Press (Ann Arbor). It was the first work to systematically develop a theory first suggested by Coelho in the late nineteenth century: that the creation of creole languages somehow reflected universal properties of language. The book also proposed that the same set of properties would be found to emerge in normal first-language acquisition and must have emerged in the original evolution of language. These proposals, some of which were elaborated in an article in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1984), were immediately controversial and gave rise to a great deal of subsequent research in creoles, much of it aimed at rebutting the theory. The book also served to legitimize and stimulate research in language evolution, a topic regarded as off-limits by linguists for over a century. The present edition contains a foreword by the author bringing the theory up to date; a fuller exposition of many of its aspects can be found in the author\u2019s most recent work, More than nature needs (Harvard University Press, 2014)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bickerton ,Derek"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["language evolution", "language origins", "creole", "pidgin"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603354"], ["title", "Roots of language"], ["doab_id", "18622"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234098", "9783946234104"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234098 9783946234104"]], [["description", "Roots of language was originally published in 1981 by Karoma Press (Ann Arbor). It was the first work to systematically develop a theory first suggested by Coelho in the late nineteenth century: that the creation of creole languages somehow reflected universal properties of language. The book also proposed that the same set of properties would be found to emerge in normal first-language acquisition and must have emerged in the original evolution of language. These proposals, some of which were elaborated in an article in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (1984), were immediately controversial and gave rise to a great deal of subsequent research in creoles, much of it aimed at rebutting the theory. The book also served to legitimize and stimulate research in language evolution, a topic regarded as off-limits by linguists for over a century. The present edition contains a foreword by the author bringing the theory up to date; a fuller exposition of many of its aspects can be found in the author\u2019s most recent work, More than nature needs (Harvard University Press, 2014)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bickerton ,Derek"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["language evolution", "language origins", "creole", "pidgin"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603354"], ["title", "Roots of language"], ["doab_id", "18633"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234098", "9783946234104"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234098 9783946234104"]], [["description", "This collection brings together scholars from a wide range of disciplines to offer perspectives on national identity formation in various European contexts between 1600 and 1815. Contributors challenge the dichotomy between modernists and traditionalists in nationalism studies through an emphasis on continuity rather than ruptures in the shaping of European nations in the period, while also offering an overview of current debates in the field and case studies on a number of topics, including literature, historiography, and cartography."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jensen ,Lotte"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Nation", "National Consciousness", "Nationalism", "National Self-Images", "National Myths"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606242"], ["title", "The Roots of Nationalism: National Identity Formation in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1815"], ["doab_id", "18955"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789462981072"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462981072"]], [["description", "Publicada pela EDUFBA e organizada por T\u00e2nia Lobo, Zenaide Carneiro, Juliana Soledade, Ariadne Almeida e Silvana Ribeiro, a obra \u00e9 constitu\u00edda por 48 artigos que apresentam investiga\u00e7\u00f5es sobre o portugu\u00eas arcaico e o portugu\u00eas brasileiro com intuito de prestar homenagem \u00e0 Profa. Dra. Rosa Virg\u00ednia Mattos e Silva, Professora Titular de L\u00edngua Portuguesa e Professora Em\u00e9rita da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), falecida em julho de 2012."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lobo, T\u00e2nia; Carneiro, Zenaide; Soledade, Juliana; Almeida, Ariadne; Ribeiro, Silvana"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/67y3k"], ["title", "Rosae: lingu\u00edstica hist\u00f3rica, hist\u00f3ria das l\u00ednguas e outras hist\u00f3rias"], ["doab_id", "18649"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212308"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212308"]], [["description", "Emerging from the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt, the Rothschilds took over in the world of banking in less than 50 years. In 1820, Salomon Rothschild came to Vienna to open a branch of the family banking house. His son Anselm was to make his name in the capital city of the Austrian monarchy not only as a financier but also as an art-collector: he laid the foundation for the significant art collections of the Viennese Rothschilds, which were extended and improved continuously, right through until 1938. The aim of the dissertation (Ph.D.) which was handed in at the University of Vienna in 2001 was to establish the focal point of their extensive collections of paintings. Interest in works by the 17th century Dutch School and the 18th century French School was to weave its way like a leitmotif through the collections over all generations. After Anselm's death in 1874, his sons Albert and Nathaniel von Rothschild significantly expanded their father's art collection and gave the works a prestigious setting by building two Palais in the Fourth District of Vienna. These grand houses were taken on by Albert's sons, Louis and Alphonse, who further enhanced the collections but also extended the range by purchasing works by 19th-century Austrian painters. Whereas the Dutch School was highly appreciated by most titled collectors in Europe since 1630 and was as such present in major aristocratic collections in Vienna (Liechtenstein, Czernin, Sch\u00f6nborn, Harrach), the Rothschilds strongly influenced the market by buying artworks from the French and English Schools. As a result of the analysis the Rothschilds present themselves as true admirers of the fine arts who conferred on a regular basis with art historians and other art lovers and who introduced progressive ways of exhibiting their collections. Whilst competing with some of the finest Austrian collections the members of the family also set new standards in the art world.Another important focus is set on the fate of the collections after the incidents of 1938. The Rothschilds in Vienna lost their entire property including their art compilations to the German state, the latter were for the most part meant to be introduced into Hitler's Museum in Linz. Although the collections were entirely restored after the war an important part was claimed by the Austrian museums when the family proclaimed their wish to take permanent exile in the US. Due to the poor existence of documents concerning these artworks it was only through extensive research in the archives of the Austrian State, the State Archives of Russia in Moscow (where all private correspondence was to be found until 2002), the German State Archive in Koblenz, The Rothschild Archive in London and various other Archives throughout Austria and England that the content of these collections could be pointed out. As a result the author was capable to compile an inventory of the canvases in the ownership of the Austrian Rothschilds which names the owner, the provenance, and the whereabouts of the piece during the Second World War and its actual location. Since the collections were not open to the public, and because of the fact that the Rothschilds never commissioned a catalogue of their art belongings or kept records of their property (the reason being the wish to conceal the volume of their wealth) this register is a unique document which is of major importance not only for researchers on the Rothschild family but also for those investigating into looted Jewish property in general.

Der in der Donaumonarchie ans\u00e4ssige Zweig der aus dem Frankfurter Ghetto stammenden j\u00fcdischen Familie Rothschild, bekannt vor allem durch ihre hervorragende Stellung in der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts, hatte in der Zeit zwischen 1840 und 1938 umfassende Kunstsammlungen zusammengetragen, die Kunsthandwerksobjekte, wertvolle Porzellane, Tapisserien, Waffen, astronomische Ger\u00e4te, M\u00fcnzen, Plastiken, Zeichnungen, Aquarelle und Gem\u00e4lde mit einschlossen. Ziel der Arbeit war es, die Gem\u00e4ldesammlungen der Bankiersfamilie vorzustellen, ihre Schwerpunkte herauszuarbeiten, Verschiebungen im Sammlungsgef\u00fcge zu untersuchen, Inspirationsquellen zu benennen und die Frage zu kl\u00e4ren, ob das Sammeln von Kunst aus wahrer Leidenschaft erfolgte oder vorrangig der Prunkvollen Darstellung ihres Reichtums dienen sollte. Zun\u00e4chst wird beschrieben, wie sich die Familie seit der Zeit als Salomon von Rothschild 1820 eine Filiale des Bankhauses in der \u00f6sterreichischen Hauptstadt gr\u00fcndete, in Wien etablierte, ihre Stellung als Juden und gleichzeitig Hauptfinanziers der Monarchie, die Erhebung in den Freiherrenstand, die Erweiterung ihres Grundbesitzes, ihre sozialen Stiftungen und der Bau ihrer Pal\u00e4ste im IV. Wiener Bezirk, die eigene architektonische Konzepte ersichtliche werden lie\u00dfen. Es wird gezeigt, wie sehr sich die Familie einerseits an den Kunstkammern der Habsburger orientierte, andererseits in ihren Sammlungen eigene, familientypische Vorlieben pflegte, die sich besonders auf die franz\u00f6sische Dekorationsmalerei und die holl\u00e4ndische Schule des 17. Jahrhunderts erstreckten. Einen zweiten Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet das Schicksal der Familie und ihrer Sammlungen, das detailgenau bis zur letzten Restitution 1998 beschrieben wird. Erstmalig erscheint auch eine Inventarliste der Gem\u00e4ldesammlungen, deren Quellen Testamente, Sch\u00e4tzungsprotokolle und Briefe sind. Hier wird mit gr\u00f6\u00dftm\u00f6glicher Genauigkeit der Inhalt der Sammlungen aufgef\u00fchrt, der jeweilige Besitzer genannt, sowie die Bergungsorte w\u00e4hrend des Krieges beschrieben und der heutige Verbleib gekl\u00e4rt. Im Resultat pr\u00e4sentieren sich die Mitglieder der Familie als wahre Kunstkenner, die eigene Galerien in ihren H\u00e4usern einrichteten und nicht danach trachteten ihre Sch\u00e4tze publikumswirksam auszustellen. Erstaunlich bleibt die Fokussierung auf bestimmte Schulen, die nicht unbedingt mit dem g\u00e4ngigen Kunstgeschmack einherging, und Werke der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Kunst komplett negierte. Gekauft wurden die Gem\u00e4lde bevorzugt von Privat, falls eine Teilnahme an einer \u00f6ffentlichen Auktion notwendig war, wurden Strohm\u00e4nner geschickt, so dass die Familie Rothschild ihre Anonymit\u00e4t wahren konnte. Aus demselben Anliegen wurden auch Rechnungen und Korrespondenzen nach M\u00f6glichkeit vernichtet; Kataloge der Sammlungen wurden aus diesem Grund ebenfalls nicht ver\u00f6ffentlicht. Dass es erst im Jahr 2001 zu einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit \u00fcber die ber\u00fchmte Gem\u00e4ldesammlung der Wiener Rothschild Familie kam, liegt an verschiedenen Gr\u00fcnden. Zu Lebzeiten der Rothschilds in \u00d6sterreich hat die Familie eine Aufstellung ihres Besitzes in jeder Hinsicht immer sorgsam vermieden. Wohl aus gesch\u00e4ftlichen Gr\u00fcnden, Tradition und Angst vor Ausbr\u00fcchen antisemitischer Gef\u00fchle versuchte die Familie so gut es eben ging geheim zu halten was sich alles wirklich in ihrem Besitz befand. Nachdem die Sammlungen mit den Ereignissen von 1938 aufgel\u00f6st wurden, und die Pal\u00e4ste der Familie in Wien ger\u00e4umt waren, ihre Angeh\u00f6rigen nach Amerika ausgewandert und man andere Sorgen hatte, war das Interesse an den Sammlungen der j\u00fcdischen Bankiersfamilie begrenzt. Erst mit Anf\u00e4ngen der Beutekunstdebatte, der Pl\u00e4ne um das Linzer Museum und des sich seit dem zweiten Weltkrieg in Staatsbesitz befindlichen j\u00fcdischen Eigentums und der letzten R\u00fcckgabe der in \u00d6sterreich verbliebenen Werke 1998 r\u00fcckte die Kollektion wieder in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die meisten Arbeiten widmeten sich nun aber, und dies meist sehr oberfl\u00e4chlich, dem Schicksal der Sammlungen nach 1938, ohne auf ihre Entstehung einzugehen. Dies entsprach einerseits den aktuellen Anl\u00e4ssen, andererseits hat viele Autoren wohl auch die schlechte Archivlage abgeschreckt. Diese r\u00fchrt daher, dass die Familie einen Gro\u00dfteil der privaten Korrespondenz, der Rechnungen und Gesch\u00e4ftsb\u00fccher selbst ganz bewusst verbrannte und die beiden Weltkriege das ihrige zur Vernichtung und Zerstreuung vieler Papiere beigetragen haben. Die Sowjets brachten einen gro\u00dfen Teil der privaten Korrespondenz - das Rothschild Privatarchiv war 1938 zun\u00e4chst nach Berlin gebracht worden und wurde von der russischen Armee bei ihrem Marsch auf Berlin wahrscheinlich aus einem schlesischen Bergungsdepot entwendet - in ihre H\u00e4nde. Dieses Material war lange nur unter sehr schweren Bedingungen im Russischen Staatlichen Milit\u00e4rarchiv in Moskau zug\u00e4ngig, wo sie auch f\u00fcr die vorliegende Arbeit konsultiert wurden, seit Sommer 2002 befinden sich die Akten nun im Londoner Rothschild Archiv, dessen kundiger Leiter Victor Gray und seine Assistentin Melanie Aspey jede nur m\u00f6gliche Hilfe zur Verf\u00fcgung stellen. Die Indexlisten des \u00d6sterreichischen Staatsarchivs nennen interessante Dokumente; leider sind einige Akten auf nicht nachgewiesene Weise verschwunden und auch nach intensiver Suche unauffindbar, so dass von ihrem Verlust auszugehen ist. Weiteres Quellenmaterial, wie etwa das Testament von Nathaniel von Rothschild, fiel ungl\u00fccklichen Umst\u00e4nden zum Opfer: So ging der Nachlasskatalog beim Brand des Wiener Justizpalastes von 1927 f\u00fcr immer verloren. Eine der wenigen noch existierenden Quellen stellen die Briefe des nach England ausgewanderten Baron Ferdinand von Rothschild dar. Seine Dokumentation gibt Zeugnis vom Rothschild'schen Familieneifer, sich mit sch\u00f6nen und wertvollen Dingen zu umgeben. Die Inventarliste, die der Publikation anh\u00e4ngt, konnte nur aufgrund der Konsultation aller vorhandener privater Kunstauflisten, der durch die Nazis erstellten Inventarlisten, pers\u00f6nlicher Briefe (die sich heute in Moskau, Kew, London und Wien befinden), Testamente und staatlicher Sch\u00e4tzungsprotokolle sowie der sich im Koblenzer Bundesarchiv befindlichen Listen der Linzer Sammlungen erstellt werden. Sie ist nicht nur f\u00fcr diejenigen von Interesse, die sich mit den Sammlungen der Rothschilds auseinandersetzen, sondern auch f\u00fcr viele, die Recherchen \u00fcber andere Kunstobjekte anstellen, die sich vor 1938 in j\u00fcdischem Besitz befunden haben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kunth ,Felicitas"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["art collections of the Viennese Rothschilds"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437214"], ["title", "Die Rothschild'schen Gem\u00e4ldesammlungen in Wien"], ["doab_id", "15335"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205773061"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205773061"]], [["description", "The ROTO\u042f partnership between Huddersfield Art Gallery and the University of Huddersfield was established in 2011. ROTO\u042f I and II was a programme of eight exhibitions and accompanying events that commenced in 2012 and was completed in 2013. ROTO\u042f continues into 2014 and the programme for 2015 and 2016 is already firmly underway. In brief, the aim of ROTO\u042f is to improve the cultural vitality of Kirklees, expand audiences, and provide new ways for people to engage with and understand academic research in contemporary art and design.Why ROTO\u042f , Why Now?As Vice Chancellors position their institutions\u2019 identities and future trajectories in context to national and international league tables, Professor John Goddard1 proposes the notion of the \u2018civic\u2019 university as a \u2018place embedded\u2019 institution; one that is committed to \u2018place making\u2019 and which recognises its responsibility to engaging with the public. The civic university has deep institutional connections to different social, cultural and economic spheres within its locality and beyond.A fundamental question for both the university sector and cultural organisations alike, including local authority, is how the many different articulations of public engagement and cultural leadership which exist can be brought together to form one coherent, common language. It is critical that we reach out and engage the community so we can participate in local issues, impact upon society, help to forge well-being and maintain a robust cultural economy. Within the lexicon of public centered objectives sits the Arts Council England\u2019s strategic goals, and those of the Arts and Humanities Research Council \u2013 in particular its current Cultural Value initiative. What these developments reveal is that art and design education and professional practice, its projected oeuvre as well as its relationship to cultural life and public funding, is now challenged with having to comprehensively audit its usefulness in financially austere times. It was in the wake of these concerns coming to light, and of the 2010 Government Spending Review that ROTO\u042f was conceived. These issues and the discussions surrounding them are not completely new. Research into the social benefits of the arts, for both the individual and the community, was championed by the Community Arts Movement in the 1960s. During the 1980s and \u201890s, John Myerscough and Janet Wolff, amongst others, provided significant debate on the role and value of the arts in the public domain. What these discussions demonstrated was a growing concern that the cultural sector could not, and should not, be understood in terms of economic benefit alone. Thankfully, the value of the relationships between art, education, culture and society is now recognised as being far more complex than the reductive quantification of their market and GDP benefits. Writing in \u2018Art School (Propositions for the 21st Century)\u2019, Ernesto Pujol proposes:\u2018\u2026it is absolutely crucial that art schools consider their institutional role in support of democracy. The history of creative expression is linked to the history of freedom. There is a link between the state of artistic expression and the state of democracy.\u2019 When we were approached by Huddersfield Art Gallery to work collaboratively on an exhibition programme that could showcase academic staff research, one of our first concerns was to ask the question, how can we really contribute to cultural leadership within the town?\u2019 The many soundbite examples of public engagement that we might underline within our annual reports or website news are one thing, but what really makes a difference to a town\u2019s cultural identity, and what affects people in their daily lives? With these questions in mind we sought a distinctive programme within the muncipal gallery space, that would introduce academic research in art, design and architecture beyond the university in innovative ways."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McAra, Catriona; Powell, Anna; Swindells, Steve"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Huddersfield Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5920/9781862181199"], ["title", "ROTO\u042f Review"], ["doab_id", "16825"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781862181199"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781862181199"]], [["description", "Among Jean-Jacques Rousseau\u2019s chief preoccupations was the problem of self-interest implicit in all social relationships. A person with divided loyalties (i.e., to both himself and his cohorts) was, in Rousseau\u2019s thinking, a divided person. According to John Warner\u2019s Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations, not only did Rousseau never solve this problem, he believed it was fundamentally unsolvable: social relationships could never restore wholeness to a self-interested human being. Warner traces his argument through the contours of Rousseau\u2019s thought on three distinct types of relationships\u2014sexual love, friendship, and civil or political association. Warner concludes that none of these, whether examined individually or together, provides a satisfactory resolution to the problem of human dividedness located at the center of Rousseau\u2019s thinking. In fact, concludes Warner, Rousseau\u2019s failure to obtain anything hopeful from human associations is deliberate, self-conscious, and revelatory of a tragic conception of human relations. Thus Rousseau raises our hopes only to dash them.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Warner M. ,John"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Interpersonal relations", "Politics and social views", "Politics", "Philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Penn State University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605032"], ["title", "Rousseau and the Problem of Human Relations"], ["doab_id", "18759"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780271074641"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780271074641"]], [["description", "Maurice Yacowar challenges genre and form in Roy & Me, a cross between memoir and fiction, truth and distortion. It is the exploration of Yacowar\u2019s relationship with Roy Farran\u2014soldier, politician, author, mentor\u2014and his conflict with Farran\u2019s anti-Semitic past. Best known for his service with the British Special Air Service during World War II, Roy Farran served as a politician in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for Premier Peter Lougheed. During his time in Israel as a soldier, Farran allegedly kidnapped and murdered a sixteen-year-old member of the Lehi group, also known as the Stern Gang. Roy & Me is a memoir that edges toward fiction by venturing into Roy Farran\u2019s thoughts, drawing simultaneously on his writings and Yacowar\u2019s own imagination."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maurice Yacowar"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["memoir", "fiction", "anti-semitism", "friendship"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120180"], ["title", "Roy & Me: This Is Not a Memoir"], ["doab_id", "14463"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836102", "9781926836119"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836102 9781926836119"]], [["description", "\"In recent decades the history of premodern states and empires has undergone major revision. At the heart of this process stood the court, encompassing the household as well as government institutions. This volume for the first time brings together the fruits of research on royal courts from antiquity to the modern world, from Asia to Europe. The authors are acknowledged specialists in their own fields, but they address themes relevant for all courts: the inner and outer dimensions of court architecture as well as staff organizations; the connections between court, capital, and realm; the relationship of the ruler with relatives and other elites. This volume pioneers comparative history combining a rich empirical orientation with a critical assessment of theoretical perspectives.Contributors: T\u00fclay Artan, Gojko Barjamovic, Peter Fibiger Bang, Jeroen Duindam, Sabine Dabringhaus, Nadia Maria El Cheikh, Ebba Koch, Metin Kunt, Paul Magdalino, Rosamond McKitterick, Ruth Macrides, Rolf Strootman, Isenbike Togan, Maria Antonietta Visceglia, and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duindam ,Jeroen; T\u00fclay ,Artan; Kunt ,Metin"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Capitals", "Ceremony", "Elites", "Palaces", "Princes", "Ritual", "Rulers", "Succession", "Kapitaal", "Ceremonie", "Elite", "Paleizen", "Prinses", "Ritueel", "Leiders", "Opvolging"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391875"], ["title", "Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires"], ["doab_id", "13384"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004206229", "9789004206236"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004206229 9789004206236"]], [["description", "Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg galt es f\u00fcr die deutsche Historikerschaft, die eigene Position im Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen nationalem Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis und internationaler Wissenschaft neu zu justieren. Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes verweisen dabei sowohl auf die Beharrungstendenzen als auch auf die Wandlungspotentiale, die die Reinstitutionalisierung der bundesdeutschen Geschichtswissenschaft nach 1945 kennzeichneten. Die Hindernisse, die gerade deutsche und franz\u00f6sische Historiker zu \u00fcberwinden hatten, um nach dem Krieg in eine wissenschaftliche Kommunikation einzutreten, durchziehen den Band wie ein roter Faden. W\u00e4hrend es der deutschen Geschichtswissenschaft Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt gelang, sich wieder in die \"\u00d6kumene der Historiker\" einzuflechten, brachen die Br\u00fccken zwischen den Historikern aus der Bundesrepublik und jenen aus der DDR allm\u00e4hlich ab. Beitr\u00e4ge von Christoph Corneli\u00dfen, Corine Defrance, Heinz Duchhardt, Astrid Eckert, Thomas Etzem\u00fcller, Agn\u00e8s Graceffa, Mario Kessler, Michael Matheus, Anne Christine Nagel, Ulrich Pfeil, Rainer Riemenschneider, Martin Sabrow, Axel Schildt, Peter Sch\u00f6ttler, Ernst Schulin, Winfried Schulze."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pfeil, Ulrich"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216384"], ["title", "Die R\u00fcckkehr der deutschen Geschichtswissenschaft in die \"\u00d6kumene der Historiker\". Ein wissenschaftsgeschichtlicher Ansatz"], ["doab_id", "18105"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486848403", "9783486587951"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486848403, 9783486587951"]], [["description", "\"R\u00fcckkehr unerw\u00fcnscht\" (Return Undesired) is the first systematic study on deportation in the Habsburg empire. The measures taken against protestants, deviants and losers in the modernisation process are both delineated in detail and in their european contexts.Concerning the historiography of the Habsburg empire this volume is breaking new ground in respect of deportation. Whereas scholars in the field of Contemporary History tend to view them as merely epiphenomena of totalitarianism, a more closer reconstruction of its \"protohistory\" reveals it as an instrument of punishment, of demonstration of power and of population policies that were widely and in a rather \"modern\" way used in the Habsburg Monarchy as early as in the 18th century.The first chapters are focusing on a synoptic view of the major European powers of the Early Modern Period (Portugal, France, Spain, Russia, the Netherlands) and their attitudes towards deportation as well as on the s\u00fcrg\u00fcn-method in the Ottoman empire. The following chapters are dealing with all hitherto known deportations in the Habsburg realm of the Early Modern Era as well as with the rekindled debate on it around 1900. The notion that a country without colonies would be uninterested in deportations as well, is untenable. On the contrary, the Habsburg empire with its measures taken against protestants, deviants and losers in the modernisation process was just numerically ranking in a significant position. The study is grounded on intense archival research, which brought forth a multitude of essential documents that were hitherto unknown or looked over. Eight case studies comprise different regions of the empire and are situated amongst most diverse social strata. All in all they are intended to serve as major building blocks for a \"History of Violence in the Habsburg Empire\" yet to be written.

\"R\u00fcckkehr unerw\u00fcnscht\" ist die erste systematische Studie zum Themenkomplex \"Deportation\" in der Habsburgermonarchie. Die Geschichte der verschiedensten Zwangsma\u00dfnahmen, die sich vor allen Dingen gegen Protestanten, Deviante und Modernisierungsverweigerer richteten, wird sowohl im Detail minuti\u00f6s rekonstriert als auch in einen europ\u00e4ischen Kontext eingebettet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steiner ,Stephan"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Deportation, Habsburg empire, Forced migration, History of Violence, Early modern period", "Deportation, Habsburgerreich, Zwangsmigration, Gewaltgeschichte, Fr\u00fche Neuzeit"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=480818"], ["title", "R\u00fcckkehr unerw\u00fcnscht"], ["doab_id", "16505"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205794998"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794998"]], [["description", "Rudolf Perco, one of the most promising pupils in Otto Wagner\u2019s late period as teacher received numerous honourable mentionings and awards while still a student (1906 \u2013 10) and so may well have expected a brilliant career. However, after World War I, he could realize only very few projects and his name became forgotten. It was only in the scope of the large scale public housing plan of Red Vienna in the 1920es, that he was given opportunities to materialize his Wagner based ideas, and to build several communal housings, of which the Engels Platz \u2013 Hof is the largest and most important. Besides, he submitted entries to a vast number of competitions, for which he designed projects, whose very personal features bring him close to Josef Ple\u010dnik.

Rudolf Perco geh\u00f6rte einer Architektengeneration an, die knapp vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg ins Berufsleben trat und noch kaum Zeit gefunden hatte sich zu etablieren. und soziale Kontakte zu kn\u00fcpfen. Als Absolvent der Meisterklasse Otto Wagners schon w\u00e4hrend des Studiums mit Preise und Auszeichnungen veiw\u00f6hnt, konnte er sich einer Elite zugeh\u00f6rig w\u00e4hnen, der das gro\u00dfe Gebiet der Donaumonarchie als Bet\u00e4tigungsfeld offen schien. Dieses gro\u00dfe Versprechen sollte sich jedoch, infolge der ver\u00e4nderten Verh\u00e4ltnisse der Zwischenkriegszeit nicht erf\u00fcllen, nur wenige seiner Projekte wurden realisiert und sein Name geriet in Vergessenheit.Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung stebt nicht eine akribische Auflistung aller Bauten und Entw\u00fcrfe, sondern vor allem auch die Eingebundenheit der Pers\u00f6nlichkeit des KiInstlers Rudolf Perco in seine Zeit und sein Wiener Umfeld - von der Architekturgeschichte l\u00e4ngst unter dem Mythos der \"Wagnerschule\" subsurniert. In diesem Sinn ist auch die relattiv weit zur\u00fcckgreifnde Einleitung zu verstehen, die versucht die Situation der Wiener Architektur um die Jahrhundertwende zu unwei\u00dfen: Von den Anf\u00e4ngen der in den neunziger Jahren einsetzender archekturtheoretischen Diskussion, deren konkrete Umsetzung aber erst allm\u00e4hlich und durchaus nicht geradlinig erfolgt, \u00fcber die allm\u00e4hlichen Herausformung der formalen Kriterien zu einem verbindlichen Kanon der \"Wagnerschule\" und der damit gleichzeitig einsetzende Krise.1906 schlie\u00dflich, in einer bereits von Stagnation gepr\u00e4gten Phase, tritt Rudolf Perco in die Akadernie in die Meisterklasse Wagners ein. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wird f\u00fcr uns sein Werk und seine Pers\u00f6nlichkeit fa\u00dfbar und kann von da an als Leitlinie der nachfolgenden zeitlichen Abschnitte aufgefa\u00dft werden: Die Scheinbl\u00fcte der Baukonjunktur der letzten Friedensjahre, die zu den ersten Realisationen f\u00fchrt. Die Z\u00e4sur des 1. Weltkriegs und die anschlie\u00dfende tiefe wirtschaftliche Depression in den Nachkriegsjahren, einzig \u00fcberbr\u00fcckt durch den Ausbau einer Villa f\u00fcr Margaret Wittgenstein-Stonborough. Endlich. der Aufschwung durch das Wohnbauprogramm der Wiener Sozialdemokiatie, das dem Architekten die M\u00f6glichkeit bietet seine Vorstellungen in mehreren Wohnhausanlagen umzusetzen, darunter der Engelsplatz - Hof, das gr\u00f6\u00dfte Projekt dieser Periode \u00fcberhaupt Daneben immer wieder Beteiligungen an zahlreichen Konkurrenzen, die sein Werk in einer sehr eigenwilligen Auseinandersetzung mit dem zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Aichitekturgeschehen zeigen. Infolge seiner v\u00f6lligen Auftragslosigkeit w\u00e4hrend der \u00c4ra des St\u00e4ndestaates, verliert er sich schlie\u00dflich zunehmend an Studien, die von der Wirklichkeit abgehoben, von phantastisch \u00fcberbordenden Ideen gepr\u00e4gt sind, vergleichbar mit der Formenwelt eines Josef Plecnik. Ein Ende dieser ausweglosen Situation scheint sich zuletzt durch die Machtergreifung der Nazis anzweigen, als es ihm als einzigen \u00d6sterreicher - gelingt in der NS-Stadtplanung f\u00fcr Wien Fu\u00df zu fassen. Eine kurze Illusion, die aber bald zum totalen Scheitern und Selbstmord f\u00fchrt.Aus der Sicht einer sich kontinuierlich entwickelnden Moderne ist dem architektonischen Werk von Rudolf Perco nur relativ wenig Relevanz zuzusprechen. Also Wagnersch\u00fcler, dessen Fixierung auf den gro\u00dfen Meister zu einer sehr unkanonischen Auseinandersetzung mit der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Architektur f\u00fchrt, kann sein OEuvre jedoch als paradigmatisch f\u00fcr einen Gro\u00dfteil der Wiener Zwischenkriegsarchitektur angesehen werden. Ein Umstand, dem eine Architekturgeschichtsschreibung, die die Wagnerschule oft eindimensional als unmittelbare Vorstufe zum Funktionalismus interpretiert, bis dahin nicht selten mit einer gewissen Ratlosigkeit gegen\u00fcbergestanden ist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prokop ,Ursula"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Viennese architecture, urbanism, social housing, contempory history", "Architekturgeschichte Wien, Rotes Wien-Wohnhausanlagen, NS-Stadtplanung, internationale Wettbewerbe"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471653"], ["title", "Rudolf Perco 1884-1942"], ["doab_id", "15954"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993049"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993049"]], [["description", "Rudolph Agricola: Six Lives and Erasmus\u2019s Testimonies The Frisian humanist Rudolph Agricola (1443-1485) is rightly famous for single-handedly bringing the Italian Renaissance to the North. Owing to his fascinating personality and many talents, he attracted the love and admiration of his contemporaries and the following generations. As a result, six biographies on Agricola have been preserved.The authors of these lives drew their materials from different sources and wrote their texts independently from each other. Differing vastly in rhetorical aims and methods, they provide us with a vivid image of cultural and intellectual life in the 15th century. Erasmus praised Agricola's work throughout his writings. No less than fifty testimonies from Erasmus and his correspondents are presented here. This edition of sources supplements the volume of Agricola's letters (BLN, 2002) and is preceded by an expert survey of all biographical information now at our disposal. Thus it fills a gap in our knowledge of a great man of letters, while correcting a number of persistent misconceptions (concerning the year of Agricola's birth, for instance)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Akkerman ,Fokke ; Waszink ,Jan ; Haskell ,Yasmin ; Money ,David ; Vermeulen ,Corinna ; Kool ,Wouter "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Rudolph Agricola", "Neo-Latin", "Humanism", "Biography", "Desiderius Erasmus", "Philipp Melanchton", "Gerardus Geldenhouwer", "Johann von Plieningen", "Goswinus van Halen"]], ["publisher", "Koninklijke van Gorcum"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=426371"], ["title", "Rudolph Agricola: Six Lives and Erasmus\u2019s Testimonies"], ["doab_id", "15219"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789023250722"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789023250722"]], [["description", "A proposta do presente livro \u00e9 oferecer ao leitor uma descri\u00e7\u00e3o fonol\u00f3gica das qualidades voc\u00e1licas vigentes na primeira fase (per\u00edodo trovadoresco) do portugu\u00eas arcaico a partir da an\u00e1lise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o S\u00e1bio, Rei de Le\u00e3o e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do s\u00e9culo XIII."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fonte, Juliana Sim\u00f5es"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jjss3"], ["title", "Rumores da escrita, vest\u00edgios do passado: uma interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o fonol\u00f3gica das vogais do portugu\u00eas arcaico por meio da poesia medieval"], ["doab_id", "16772"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831027"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831027"]], [["description", "Most literature on the economic crisis in indonesia has focused on the negative macro-economic impacts during the \"crisis- years\" of 1997-99. The case studies presented in this book take a different perspective. With a longitudinal research perspective, this comparative study analyses a wide variety of responses to the crisis among communities and households. The case studies in this book cover the coping and adapting mechanisms of rural households under a variety of resource use practices and resource use regulations in different areas of Indonesia.

De meeste literatuur over de economische crisis in Indonesi\u00eb richt zich vooral op de negatieve macro-economische effecten tijdens de hoogtijdagen van de crisis (1997-1999). De case-studies in dit boek beslaan niet alleen een langere periode, er worden ook diepteanalyses gemaakt van een verscheidenheid aan reponse- en bestaansstrategie\u00ebn van huishoudens en rurale gemeenschappen tijdens en na de crisis. Pessimistische aannames ten aanzien van de weinig effectieve vooronderstellingen worden in dit boek tegengesproken. Het boek levert daardoor een bijdrage aan een effectiever beleid om gemeenschappen in crisissituaties weerbaarder te maken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Titus ,Milan J.; Burgers ,Paul P.M."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Economics", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Economie", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340077"], ["title", "Rural Livelihoods, Resources and Coping with Crisis in Indonesia : A Comparative Study"], ["doab_id", "13282"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640550"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640550"]], [["description", "These fragments collected here (in 2 books, \u201cA Rushed Quality\u201d and \u201cBodying Forth\u201d) belong neither to philosophy nor to poetry\u2014and yet they are for the most part focused on a substantial area of overlap between these two venerable disciplines, vis-\u00e0-vis the question, \u201cWhat is it like to be X?\u201d Philosophers like to fill in the X with something exotic like a bat or a dolphin, or even an Artificial Intelligence, while poets tend to fill it with something else, equally exotic, namely themselves. For the diffident and introspective author of A Rushed Quality and Bodying Forth, the X, while definitely human, is perhaps someone in general, equally distant from and equally intimate with both the writer and the reader in the very moment of their eponymous activity.The start of it all was the perception of what was called the \u201crushed quality,\u201d as something persistent and bothersome and of which there was no question of its ever being shed. Rather than evaded or denied, it was welcomed because it seemed for the first time since childhood to mark a structural occurrence presenting a new metaphysical datum. As it happened, this quality proved very elusive in its mature bothersomeness and the inquiry into it soon turned into a sort of quasi-theoretical fascination, which took as its main theme the fate of pure subjectivity\u2014the utterly unfunctional, utterly useless, utterly dispensible feeling of being. The rushed quality is perhaps merely the sense of it draining away, or its long-sustained decrescendo.Leaving the cinema this afternoon after attending a matinee with my children, we drove along a diagonal road straight towards the sun that had emerged from clouds low in the sky. The road was wet and the reflection was such that the entire length before us was a blindingly bright path of white light. Cars ahead of us shimmered and melted in silhouette, seeming to float gently in that no longer retinal space. It was sufficiently unusual to be remembered\u2014not so much portentous in itself as a pointer to some other submerged possibility, another pointing, another pointing indefinitely. How do I begin saying the truth without changing anything, without any sort of position or imposture of knowledge? Everything already said is to be abandoned, yet one does not entrust to the moment but to that which lies far below it.There are a number of ideas that run through many of the fragments, motivating beliefs of the writer, such as the inexhaustability and ungraspability of the moment, the existence of a direct connection to reality which is betrayed in every attempt to formulate it, and a skepticism about the bad infinities latent in the natural attitude. And of course there is a continued dialogue with various more or less identifiable thinkers and positions. But again, this is not philosophy, the arguments are virtual, and the stakes are something entirely different. Each of these pieces emerged in a renewed relation to the blank page. It is hoped that for the reader, apart from any resonances they may set in motion, they retain some of the qualities of silence, expectation, and impossibility that gave birth to them."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Odell"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["commentary, phenomenology, desire, poetics, memoir, embodiment, temporality, aphorisms, meditations, affect"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/54bg8v0zlnxjzql/Odell_A_Rushed_Quality_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "A Rushed Quality"], ["doab_id", "17863"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692426562"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692426562"]], [["description", "The book presents the first English edition of \u201cOn Russia in the Reign of Aleksei Mikhailovich\u201d by Grigorii Kotoshikhin. This is the only native source describing the character of the seventeenth-century Russian state and society. It offers a unique and detailed picture of the nature of Russian \u201cautocracy\u201d, the life at the tsar\u2019s court, social mores of the nobles and commoners of those times, military affairs, diplomatic relations, etc. The book is a veritable ethnographic encyclopedia of early Russian life.With broad commentaries and supporting materials provided by the translator, Benjamin Uroff, and the editor, Marshall Poe, it provides an invaluable source for understanding XVII-century Muscovite Russia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Grigorii Karpovich Kotoshikhin; Marshall Poe (ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Russian History, Primary source, Early Modern History, Muscovy history"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/212901"], ["title", "Russia in the Reign of Aleksei Mikhailovich"], ["doab_id", "16476"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560656"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560656"]], [["description", "

Russian Formalism, one of the twentieth century's most important movements in literary criticism, has received far less attention than most of its rivals. Examining Formalism in light of more recent developments in literary theory, Peter Steiner here offers the most comprehensive critique of Formalism to date. Steiner studies the work of the Formalists in terms of the major tropes that characterized their thought. He first considers those theorists who viewed a literary work as a mechanism, an organism, or a system. He then turns to those who sought to reduce literature to its most basic element.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steiner, Peter"], ["date", "1984"], ["subject", ["Russian formalism, metapoetics, literary theory, linguistics, Slavic literary theory, tropological models, Victor Sklovsky, Boris Ejchenbaum, Roman Jakobson"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/25063259/9781501707025.pdf"], ["title", "Russian Formalism"], ["doab_id", "19900"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801417108"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801417108"]], [["description", "This new volume from the author of Scenarios of Power explores the effect of the symbolic and mythical representations of the Russian imperial government on law, administrative practice, and concepts of national and imperial identities throughout centuries of monarchical rule. Richard Wortman demonstrates how the ideologies behind such representations shaped the thought patterns not only of the tsar and the imperial family but also of the Russian political and social elite. He characterizes the monarchy as an active agent in Russia\u2019s political experience, one whose dominant role was resisting change until the inevitable collapse facing all absolute monarchies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Richard Wortman"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/57a0e23ec534a57eb07a1c26/1470161477306/Russian+Monarchy.pdf"], ["title", "Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule"], ["doab_id", "19390"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781618112583"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781618112583"]], [["description", "The book is the first attempt to make a systematic analysis of the Russian ecclesiastical policy in the diocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the period of 1878-1914. It is based mainly on unedited materials from the archives of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sofia, Athens, Belgrade and Istanbul. Using the existing publications on the political aspects of the Eastern question, the author presents a new understanding of the role of Russia in the East Mediterranean region at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lora Gerd"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Russia, Orthodox Church, Constantinople"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209761"], ["title", "Russian Policy in the Orthodox East. Patriarchate of Constantinople (1878-1914)"], ["doab_id", "16478"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560328"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560328"]], [["description", "Este libro recoge las conferencias dictadas en el marco de la I Jornada Acad\u00e9mica de la Maestr\u00eda en Ling\u00fc\u00edstica. La propuesta de este volumen es la de comenzar a trazar un recorrido por las diferentes orientaciones te\u00f3ricas de la disciplina que han tenido lugar en el territorio nacional y plantear un estado de la cuesti\u00f3n, apuntando as\u00ed a la reflexi\u00f3n sobre las bases te\u00f3ricas, metodol\u00f3gicas y experiencias concretas que han conformado el panorama de la ling\u00fc\u00edstica en la Argentina. Para ello, contamos con la colaboraci\u00f3n de diferentes especialistas que, en los trabajos recopilados, trazan los primeros puntos en el mapa propuesto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez, Angelita (coord.); Gagliardi, Lucas (coord.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Jornada Acad\u00e9mica de la Maestr\u00eda en Ling\u00fc\u00edstica ", " Argentina ", " filolog\u00eda ", " ling\u00fc\u00edstica"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/25"], ["title", "Rutas de la ling\u00fc\u00edstica en la Argentina"], ["doab_id", "17355"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411414"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411414"]], [["description", "S-BPM stands for \u201csubject-oriented business process management\u201d and focuses on subjects that represent the entities (people, programs etc.) that are actively engaged in processes. S-BPM has become one of the most widely discussed approaches for process professionals. Its potential particularly lies in the integration of advanced information technology with organizational and managerial methods to foster and leverage business innovation, operational excellence and intra- and inter-organizational collaboration. Thus S-BPM can also be understood as a stakeholder-oriented and social business process management methodology.In this book, the authors show how S-BPM and its tools can be used in order to solve communication and synchronization problems involving humans and/or machines in an organization. All the activities needed in order to implement a business process are shown step by step; it starts by analyzing the problem, continues with modeling and validating the corresponding process, and finishes off by embedding the process into the organization. The final result is a workflow that executes the process without the need for any programming. To this end, in the first step a very simple process is implemented, which is subsequently extended and improved in \u201cadaption projects,\u201d because additional problems have to be solved. This approach reflects the organizational reality, in which processes must always be changed and adapted to new requirements.This is a hands-on book, written by professionals for professionals, with a clear and concise style, a wealth of illustrations (as the title suggests), and focusing on an ongoing example with a real industrial background. Readers who want to execute all the steps by themselves can simply download the S-BPM tool suite from the www.i2pm.net website."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Albert Fleischmann; Stefan Ra\u00df; Robert Singer"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)", "Business Information Systems", "Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing", "Management of Computing and Information Systems"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-36903-2"], ["title", "S-BPM Illustrated: A Storybook about Business Process Modeling and Execution"], ["doab_id", "15469"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642369032", "9783642369049"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642369032 (Print) 9783642369049 (Online)"]], [["description", "This is the first book to present field studies on the application of subject-oriented business process management (S-BPM). Each case presents a specific story and focuses on an essential modeling or implementation issue, and most end with implications or suggestions for further studies. Significant variables and success factors are identified that were discovered during the respective study and lead to suggesting S-BPM novelties. For each case, the authors explain step-by-step how the story develops, and provide readers guidance by detailing the respective rationale.The studies covered are clustered according to three main S-BPM themes: Part I \u201cBusiness Operation Support\u201d documents approaches to the practical development of S-BPM solutions in various application domains and organizational settings, while Part II \u201cConsultancy and Education Support\u201d highlights cases that can help to train readers in S-BPM modeling and knowledge acquisition for S-BPM lifecycle iterations. It also refers to architecting S-BPM solutions for application cases based on hands-on experience. Part III \u201cTechnical Execution Support\u201d focuses on concepts for utilizing specific theories and technologies to execute S-BPM models. It also addresses how to create reference models for certain settings in the field. Lastly, the appendix covers all relevant aspects needed to grasp S-BPM modeling and apply it based on fundamental examples. Its format reconciles semantic precision with syntactic rigor.>Addressing the needs of developers, educators and practitioners, this book will help companies to learn from the experiences of first-time users and to develop systems that fit their business processes, explaining the latest key methodological and technological S-BPM developments in the fields of training, research and application."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Albert Fleischmann; Werner Schmidt; Christian Stary"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["computing", " applications", " information technology", " business process management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-17542-3"], ["title", "S-BPM in the Wild: Practical Value Creation"], ["doab_id", "18945"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319175416", "9783319175423"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319175416 (Print) 9783319175423 (Online)"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veen van der ,H."], ["date", "1966"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613381"], ["title", "The Sa'dan Toradja Chant for the Deceased"], ["doab_id", "18537"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286139", "9789004286771"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286139 9789004286771"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nooy-Palm ,H."], ["date", "1979"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613382"], ["title", "The Sa'dan-Toraja"], ["doab_id", "18538"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024722747", "9789004287181"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024722747 9789004287181"]], [["description", "A inclus\u00e3o escolar de alunos com defici\u00eancia imp\u00f5e-se como tema a ser pesquisado para propor pr\u00e1ticas adequadas \u00e0 nova realidade educacional. Alunos com defici\u00eancia visual, por exemplo, come\u00e7aram a frequentar espa\u00e7os sociais como a escola sem que antigos paradigmas de normaliza\u00e7\u00e3o de comportamentos tenham sido revistos. Neste livro, Eder Pires de Camargo analisa os saberes que professores do ensino m\u00e9dio devem mobilizar para incluir alunos com defici\u00eancia visual em atividades de ensino. Toma como exemplo a interessante experi\u00eancia de uma disciplina de gradua\u00e7\u00e3o \u2013 Pr\u00e1tica de Ensino \u2013 na qual futuros licenciados estruturaram e implementaram novas pr\u00e1ticas de ensino para turmas mistas. A originalidade e contribui\u00e7\u00e3o deste trabalho est\u00e1 em propor atividades desenvolvidas por futuros professores e avali\u00e1-las durante os cursos de licenciatura."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Camargo, Eder Pires de"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zq8t6"], ["title", "Saberes docentes para a inclus\u00e3o do aluno com defici\u00eancia visual em aulas de F\u00edsica"], ["doab_id", "16866"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788539303533"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788539303533"]], [["description", "Nesta obra pretende-se estudar as duas formas rituais da liturgia romana, comparando-as e procurando entender os motivos do cisma, ao mesmo tempo em que se pretende abarcar as a\u00e7\u00f5es do atual pont\u00edfice e as rea\u00e7\u00f5es no mundo cat\u00f3lico e fora dele. Para tanto, usar-se-\u00e1 como fonte o Missal tridentino de 1570 e o novo Ordo Miss\u00e6 de Paulo VI de 1969, bem como os catecismos formulados ap\u00f3s os Conc\u00edlios de Trento (1545-1563) e o Vaticano II (1962-1965), tendo por objetivo comparar suas notifica\u00e7\u00f5es sobre o culto cat\u00f3lico e seu significado. Durante o processo de an\u00e1lise tem-se a inten\u00e7\u00e3o de vislumbrar o impacto das mudan\u00e7as no seio da Igreja, pois constata-se uma esp\u00e9cie de endurecimento no final do pontificado de Jo\u00e3o Paulo II, com a promulga\u00e7\u00e3o de documentos lit\u00fargicos que tendem a criar empecilhos para poss\u00edveis abusos durante a missa (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 2003) - h\u00e1 a retomada e destaque do sentido sacrificial do culto cat\u00f3lico e uma s\u00e9rie de recomenda\u00e7\u00f5es impostas pela Congrega\u00e7\u00e3o do Culto Divino para celebra\u00e7\u00e3o da missa (Redemptionis Sacramentum, 2004). Fato \u00e9 que, quarenta anos ap\u00f3s o mencionado Conc\u00edlio Vaticano II e quase quatro d\u00e9cadas de utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o do novo rito da missa, \u00e9 rara qualquer men\u00e7\u00e3o espec\u00edfica na historiografia recente da Igreja sobre o andamento de tal tema. A maioria dos livros de hist\u00f3ria da Igreja que tra\u00e7a um levantamento de fatos at\u00e9 o Vaticano II, apresentam-no como uma esp\u00e9cie de revolu\u00e7\u00e3o interna da estrutura eclesi\u00e1stica sem, contudo, aprofundar o tema ou mostrar as crises na Igreja decorrentes deste."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dias, Juliano Alves"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["RELIGION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7jk4p"], ["title", "Sacrificium Laudis: a hermen\u00eautica da continuidade de Bento XVI e o retorno do catolicismo tradicional (1969-2009)"], ["doab_id", "16773"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831249"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831249"]], [["description", "This study addresses the most important legal issues when implementing an open access e-infrastructure for research data. It examines the legal requirements for different kinds of usage of research data in an open access infrastructure, such as OpenAIREplus, which links them to publications. The existing legal framework regarding potentially relevant intellectual property (IP) rights is analysed from the general European perspective as well as from that of selected EU Member States. Various examples and usage scenarios are used to explain the scope of protection of the potentially relevant IP rights. In addition different licence models are analysed in order to identify the licence that is best suited to the aim of open access, especially in the context of the infrastructure of OpenAIREplus. Based on the outcomes of these analyses, some recommendations to the European legislator as well as data- and e-infrastructure providers are given on improving the rights situation in relation to research data.

This study addresses the most important legal issues when implementing an open access e-infrastructure for research data. It examines the legal requirements for different kinds of usage of research data in an open access infrastructure, such as OpenAIREplus, which links them to publications. The existing legal framework regarding potentially relevant intellectual property (IP) rights is analysed from the general European perspective as well as from that of selected EU Member States. Various examples and usage scenarios are used to explain the scope of protection of the potentially relevant IP rights. In addition different licence models are analysed in order to identify the licence that is best suited to the aim of open access, especially in the context of the infrastructure of OpenAIREplus. Based on the outcomes of these analyses, some recommendations to the European legislator as well as data- and e-infrastructure providers are given on improving the rights situation in relation to research data."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Guibault, Lucie; Wiebe, Andreas"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["L", "U", "L", "U"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611228"], ["title", "Safe to be open - study on the protection of research data and recommendations for access and usage"], ["doab_id", "19243"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951474"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951474"]], [["description", "The authors of this book set out a system of safety strategies and interventions for managing patient safety on a day-to-day basis and improving safety over the long term. These strategies are applicable at all levels of the healthcare system from the frontline to the regulation and governance of the system.There have been many advances in patient safety, but we now need a new and broader vision that encompasses care throughout the patient\u2019s journey. The authors argue that we need to see safety through the patient\u2019s eyes, to consider how safety is managed in different contexts and to develop a wider strategic and practical vision in which patient safety is recast as the management of risk over time. Most safety improvement strategies aim to improve reliability and move closer toward optimal care. However, healthcare will always be under pressure and we also require ways of managing safety when conditions are difficult. We need to make more use of strategies concerned with detecting, controlling, managing and responding to risk. Strategies for managing safety in highly standardised and controlled environments are necessarily different from those in which clinicians constantly have to adapt and respond to changing circumstances.This work is supported by the Health Foundation. The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.The charity\u2019s aim is a healthier population in the UK, supported by high quality health care that can be equitably accessed. The Foundation carries out policy analysis and makes grants to front-line teams to try ideas in practice and supports research into what works to make people\u2019s lives healthier and improve the health care system, with a particular emphasis on how to make successful change happen.A key part of the work is to make links between the knowledge of those working to deliver health and health care with research evidence and analysis. The aspiration is to create a virtuous circle, using what works on the ground to inform effective policymaking and vice versa. Good health and health care are vital for a flourishing society. Through sharing what is known, collaboration and building people\u2019s skills and knowledge, the Foundation aims to make a difference and contribute to a healthier population."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Charles Vincent; Ren\u00e9 Amalberti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["health administration", " quality of life research", " hospital management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25559-0"], ["title", "Safer Healthcare: Strategies for the Real World"], ["doab_id", "19227"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319255576", "9783319255590"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319255576 (Print) 9783319255590 (Online)"]], [["description", "Noninvasive brain stimulation (including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Current Brain Stimulation (TCS)) can be used both experimentally and therapeutically. In the experimental domain TMS can be applied in single pulses to depolarize a small population of neurons in a targeted brain region. This protocol can be used, for example, to map cortical motor outputs, study central motor conduction time, or evaluate the cortical silent period (a measure of intracortical inhibition) all of which are relevant to neurodevelopment. TMS can also be applied in pairs of pulses (paired pulse stimulation, ppTMS) where two pulses are presented in rapid succession to study intracortical inhibition and facilitation. Trains of repeated TMS (rTMS) pulses can be applied at various stimulation frequencies and patterns to modulate local cortical excitability beyond the duration of the stimulation itself. Depending on the parameters of stimulation the excitability can be either facilitated or suppressed. TCS (including Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), alternating current (tACS), and random noise current stimulation (tRNS) also have the potential to modulate cortical excitability and have also been used to study and modulate cortical activity in healthy and patient populations. The after-effects of rTMS and TCS are thought to be related to changes in efficacy (in either the positive or negative direction) of synaptic connections of the neurons being stimulated, thus these techniques have been used to study and modulate cortical plasticity mechanisms in a number of populations. Recently, researchers have begun to apply these techniques to the study of neurodevelopmental mechanisms as well as the pathophysiology and development of novel treatments for neurodevelopmental disorders. Though there is much promise, caution is warranted given the vulnerability of pediatric and clinical populations and the potential that these techniques have to modify circuit development in a cortex that is in a very dynamic state. This Research Topic hopes to provide an opportunity to share ideas across areas (human and animal researchers, clinicians and basic scientists). We are particularly interested in papers that address issues of choosing a protocol (intensity, frequency, location, coil geometry etc.), populations where noninvasive brain stimulation may have direct impact on diagnostics and treatment, as well as the safety and ethics of applying these techniques in pediatric populations. As many may not be aware of the potential and limitations of noninvasive brain stimulation and its use for research and treatment in this area, this Research Topic promises to have broad appeal. Submissions for all Frontiers article types are encouraged."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lindsay M. Oberman; Peter G. Enticott"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["noninvasive brain stimulation", "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation", "transcranial direct current stimulation", "pediatric", "Neurodevelopmental Disorders", "development", "Autism Spectrum Disorder", "Depression", "Pediatric Stroke", "Safety"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2344/the-safety-and-efficacy-of-noninvasive-brain-stimulation-in-development-and-neurodevelopmental-disor"], ["title", "The Safety and Efficacy of Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders"], ["doab_id", "18823"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196999"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196999"]], [["description", "\"Saggi\" brings together the results of the research activity carried out on the PhD course in English and American Studies (Department of Modern Philology, University of Florence). The contributions relate to the theatre, narrative, poetry, autobiographical writing and correspondence, and range from the Renaissance up to the present day. The heterogeneity of the material illustrates the free choice of the young academics who, in the climate of collaboration that was established, decided to address the technical and editorial aspects of the book as a team in the open access editorial workshop of the Department.

\"Saggi\" raccoglie i risultati dell'attivit\u00e0 di ricerca svolta all'interno del Dottorato di Anglistica e Americanistica (Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna, Universit\u00e0 di Firenze). I contributi toccano il teatro, la narrativa, la poesia, la scrittura autobiografica e la corrispondenza, spaziano dal Rinascimento alla contemporaneit\u00e0. L'eterogeneit\u00e0 del materiale testimonia la libera scelta dei giovani studiosi i quali, nel clima di collaborazione che si \u00e8 creato, hanno deciso di curare l'aspetto tecnico redazionale del volume collettivamente, nel Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "De Zordo, Ornella"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Linguistics", "Letteratura", "Linguistica"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341467"], ["title", "Saggi di anglistica e americanistica"], ["doab_id", "12629"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884537287"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884537287"]], [["description", "The Northwestern Shoshone knew as home the northern Great Salt Lake, Bear River, Cache, and Bear Lake valleys-northern Utah. Sagwitch was born at a time when his people traded with the mountain men. In the late 1850s, wagons brought Mormon farmers to settle in Cache Valley, the Northwestern Shoshone heartland. Emigrants and settlers reduced Shoshone access to traditional village sites and food resources. Relationships with the Mormons were mostly good but often strained, and the Shoshone treatment of migrants, who now traveled north and south as well as west and east through the area, was increasingly opportunistic. It only took a few violent incidents for a zealous army colonel to seek severe punishment of the Northwestern Shoshone on a winter morning in 1863. The Bear River Massacre was among the bloodiest engagements of America's Indian wars. Hundreds of Shoshone, including Sagwitch's wife and two sons, died; he was wounded but escaped. The band was shattered; other chiefs dead.The following years were very hard for the survivors. The federal government negotiated a treaty with them but failed to get Sagwitch's signature when, enroute to the sessions, he was arrested and then wounded by a white assassin. With the world around him changed, Sagwitch sought accommodation with the most immediate threat to his people's traditional way of survival-the Mormons occupying the Shoshone's valleys.This, then, is also the story of the conversion of Sagwitch and his band to the Mormon Church. Though not without problems, that conversion was long lasting and thorough. Sagwitch and other Shoshone would demonstrate in important ways their new religious devotion. With the assistance of Mormon leaders, they established the Washakie community in northern Utah. Though efforts to secure a land base had an uneven history, they partly succeeded, and the story of these Shoshone's attempts at rural farming diverged significantly from what happened on government reservations. When Sagwitch died, his death went almost unnoticed outside of Washakie, but his children and grandchildren continued to be important voices among a people who, after experiencing near annihilation, survived in the new world into which Sagwitch led them."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christensen, Scott R."], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/75"], ["title", "Sagwitch"], ["doab_id", "14719"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212709"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212709"]], [["description", "Se re\u00fane en este libro un conjunto de quince trabajos relacionados con los estudios jur\u00eddicos en la Universidad de Salamanca desde mediados del siglo XVI hasta los inicios del XIX. En su mayor\u00eda corresponden a una l\u00ednea de investigaci\u00f3n iniciada en 1991 por la autora con la publicaci\u00f3n de unos tratados y pr\u00e1cticas procesales utilizados como materiales docentes en el siglo XVI, que pon\u00edan en cuesti\u00f3n la tradicional visi\u00f3n historiogr\u00e1fica (muy influenciada por la cr\u00edtica de los reformistas ilustrados del siglo XVIII) acerca de la formaci\u00f3n universitaria de los juristas en el Antiguo R\u00e9gimen y el presunto car\u00e1cter exclusivamente te\u00f3rico y romanista de las ense\u00f1anzas jur\u00eddicas. Lejos de ese planteamiento, los resultados aqu\u00ed expuestos ponen de manifiesto la plena adecuaci\u00f3n de los m\u00e9todos y contenidos de los estudios en Salamanca a la realidad jur\u00eddica del momento y la atenci\u00f3n al derecho patrio y la pr\u00e1ctica que se garantizaba en ellos. Cuestiones aqu\u00ed tratadas son tambi\u00e9n las salidas profesionales de los juristas, los estudios universitarios de Manuel Belgrano y la respuesta de la Universidad de Salamanca a la Constituci\u00f3n de C\u00e1diz."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alonso Romero, Mar\u00eda Paz"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Universidad de Salamanca", "Edad Moderna", "Ense\u00f1anza superior", "Law", "Higher education", "Derecho de la Edad Moderna", "Law of the Modern Age"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/15129/salamanca_alonso_2012.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "Salamanca, escuela de juristas: Estudios sobre la ense\u00f1anza del derecho en el Antiguo R\u00e9gimen"], ["doab_id", "16152"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490310724"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490310724"]], [["description", "This study is about the central place of the emotional world in Beckett's writing. Stating that Beckett is 'primarily about love', Dr. Keller makes a radical re-assessment of his influence and immense popularity. The book examines numerous Beckettian texts, arguing that they embody a struggle to remain in contact with a primal sense of internal goodness, one founded on early experience with the mother. Writing itself becomes an internal dialogue, in which the reader is engaged, between a 'narrative-self' and a mother. Keller suggests that this is Beckett's greatest accomplishment as an artist: to document a universal struggle that allows for the birth of the mind, and to connect this struggle to the origin, and possibility of the creative act. This study integrates highly readable discussions of psychoanalytic theory, as well as clinical examples. It will be of value to scholars and readers of Beckett, and anyone interested in his place in literature and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keller ,John"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["beckett", "drama", "theatre", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341373"], ["title", "Samuel Beckett and the primacy of love"], ["doab_id", "12572"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063121"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063121"]], [["description", "A lo largo de este estudio de la historia institucional del Colegio de San Clemente de los espa\u00f1oles, fundado en el siglo XIV por el cardenal don Gil de Albornoz, se hace hincapi\u00e9 en la dif\u00edcil situaci\u00f3n de una instituci\u00f3n, sup\u00e9rstite de un mundo basado en el privilegio, que luch\u00f3 por mantenerse viva a pesar de los envites del liberalismo y de las nuevas normas pol\u00edticas y educativas emanadas de los gobiernos del siglo XIX. El Colegio resisti\u00f3 a los nuevos ordenamientos de la Italia ocupada por los franceses y se convirti\u00f3 en un centro de vital importancia, una representaci\u00f3n diplom\u00e1tica de facto de Espa\u00f1a en la pen\u00ednsula it\u00e1lica que alberg\u00f3 a ilustres hu\u00e9spedes: P\u00edo VI y la familia real de Etruria fueron los m\u00e1s destacados. Tras una injusta clausura efectuada por Napole\u00f3n, comenzaron una serie de crisis concatenadas en las que la Casa luch\u00f3 por sobrevivir ante la hostilidad de las autoridades liberales espa\u00f1olas y m\u00e1s tarde italianas. S\u00f3lo a partir del \u00faltimo cuarto del siglo XIX el rector del Colegio y los antiguos colegiales comprendieron que era imprescindible un cambio en las anquilosadas normas del establecimiento, transform\u00e1ndolo en un colegio mayor universitario. San Clemente fue permeable al proceso de secularizaci\u00f3n de la sociedad, perdiendo la Iglesia y el Estado Pontificio su parcial potestad sobre la instituci\u00f3n a favor de los poderes laicos: el Estado y el Rey de Espa\u00f1a. El Estado, en el proceso de centralizaci\u00f3n educativa, terminar\u00e1 con la autonom\u00eda del colegio y modificar\u00e1 sus principios estatutarios, creando un colegio mayor universitario en el que se formaron grandes profesionales. En definitiva, este libro pretende reflejar la realidad del Real Colegio de Espa\u00f1a de Bolonia en el siglo XIX, una instituci\u00f3n que ejemplifica muy bien la dif\u00edcil adaptaci\u00f3n de las instituciones del Antiguo R\u00e9gimen a los requerimientos del Estado Liberal."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nieto S\u00e1nchez, Carlos"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Antiguo R\u00e9gimen", "Universidades", "Universities", "Colegios mayores", "History"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/15708/san_nieto_2012.pdf?sequence=5"], ["title", "San Clemente de Bolonia (1788-1889): el fin del Antiguo R\u00e9gimen en el \u00faltimo colegio mayor espa\u00f1ol"], ["doab_id", "16153"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490311585"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490311585"]], [["description", "A Sanctuary of Sounds is an aural rewriting of William Faulkner\u2019s novel Sanctuary (1931). A polyphonic object. A garden \u2014 assemblage of blooms, of affects, of sounds, of meaning. An invitation to rethink appropriation ethically, aesthetically, and epistemologically. The appropriation of a body of work, of a physical body, of an idea, of data. The history of knowledge and its production is enabled by the process of appropriation, by the differentiation of noise.A Sanctuary of Sounds is a noise\u2013totality. Noise \u2014 nothing but noise. Noise as the first object of metaphysics. Noise as the synchronic/diachronic mediator of production\u2013processes and their reorganization in society. Utopia and dystopia at once. A Sanctuary of Sounds is a dialectical poem, it is noise against noise \u2014 raping a rape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andreas Burckhardt"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["aucoustic ecology, noise, Sanctuary [novel], sound, William Faulkner"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/a-sanctuary-of-sounds/"], ["title", "A Sanctuary of Sounds"], ["doab_id", "16033"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615814872"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615814872"]], [["description", "\"The Third African Sanitation and Hygiene Conference was held in Kigali, Rwanda in July 2011. It was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Rwanda, and the African Minister s Council on Water. The meeting attracted extraordinary interest: over 1000 people registered and nearly 900 people attended from a total of 67 countries, including representatives of 42 African countries. The content of AfricaSan 3 was aligned with the needs of countries as defined in country preparation meetings which took place in advance. AfricaSan 3 looked to address the country needs and to commitments and country action planning. Different groups (ministers, civil society, local government, utilities, and donors) committed to actions to support the goals of AfricaSan. The goal of the AfricaSan process is to support countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goal, (MDG) for sanitation and hygiene. Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa: Where do We Stand? takes stock of progress made by African countries through the AfricaSan process since 2008 and the progress needed to meet the MDG on sanitation by 2015 and beyond. This book addresses priorities which have been identified by African countries as the key elements which need to be addressed in order to accelerate progress. -- Reviews progress on implementing the eThekwini Declaration to meet the MDG for sanitation and progress generally in Africa. It analyses what is needed to accelerate the rate of access to sanitation in Africa. -- Shares advances in the evidence base on sanitation and hygiene in Africa to be able to assist decision-makers to overcome key blockages in implementing large-scale sanitation and hygiene programs. -- Raises the profile of sanitation and hygiene as a determinant of sustainable development in order to strengthen leadership and advocacy for sustained sanitation and behavior changes. This book is essential reading for government staff from Ministries responsible for sanitation, sector stakeholders working in NGOs, CSOs and agencies with a focus on sanitation and hygiene and water and sanitation specialists. It is also suitable for Masters courses in water and sanitation and for researchers and the donor community.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cross ,Piers; Coombes ,Yolande"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Policy", "governance", "reuse", "wastewater", "sludge", "resources", "water treatment", "environment"]], ["publisher", "IWA Publishing"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578131"], ["title", "Sanitation and Hygiene in Africa: Where do we Stand?"], ["doab_id", "17525"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781780405421"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780405421"]], [["description", "The first intellectual biography of the French-Jewish philosopher Sarah Kofmann (1934-1994) combines philosophical text analysis with contemporary theory of biography. The author conducts a critical revision of the postmodern maxim of the \u201eDeath of the Subject\u201c.

Die erste Werk-Biographie zur franz\u00f6sisch-j\u00fcdischen Philosophin Sarah Kofman (1934-1994) verbindet philosophische Textanalyse mit zeitgen\u00f6ssischer Biographie-Theorie. Das postmoderne Diktum vom \u201eTod des Subjekts\u201c wird dabei einer kritischen Revision unterzogen.La premi\u00e8re biographie intellectuelle sur la philosophe franco-juive Sarah Kofman (1934-1994) relie l\u2019analyse des textes philosophiques avec la th\u00e9orie de biographie contemporaine. La phrase postmoderne d\u00e9clarant la \u201emort du sujet\u201c y est soumise \u00e0 un examen critique."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Feyertag ,Karoline"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Biography, Postmodernity, Philosophy, Women", "Biographie, Postmoderne, Philosophie, Frauen"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=497777"], ["title", "Sarah Kofman"], ["doab_id", "16264"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851327274"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851327274"]], [["description", "Homem que \u00e9 homem n\u00e3o chora, n\u00e3o sente medo, n\u00e3o fica doente, n\u00e3o vai ao m\u00e9dico. Este modelo hegem\u00f4nico de masculinidade afeta negativamente a sa\u00fade e, muitas vezes, inviabiliza pr\u00e1ticas de cuidado. A constata\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o \u00e9 nova, mas ainda n\u00e3o havia na literatura uma obra que discutisse a sa\u00fade do homem de forma integral e abrangente \u2013 a maioria dos trabalhos acad\u00eamicos coloca em foco a sa\u00fade da mulher. A lacuna acaba de ser preenchida com o lan\u00e7amento deste livro. A colet\u00e2nea trabalha com a perspectiva de g\u00eanero e n\u00e3o \u00e9 voltada apenas para a cl\u00ednica m\u00e9dica, inserindo o debate no campo da sa\u00fade coletiva. Assinados por uma variada gama de especialistas, como m\u00e9dicos, psic\u00f3logos, soci\u00f3logos e antrop\u00f3logos, os cap\u00edtulos discutem integralidade em sa\u00fade, g\u00eanero, juventude, exclus\u00e3o social, discrimina\u00e7\u00e3o, sexualidade, reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o, viol\u00eancia e homofobia, entre outros temas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gomes, Romeu"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["HEALTH & FITNESS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6jhfr"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade do homem em debate"], ["doab_id", "19929"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413647"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413647"]], [["description", "A obra apresenta conceitos que estruturam a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre sa\u00fade e meio ambiente no Brasil, tomando como base os dez anos da Confer\u00eancia das Na\u00e7\u00f5es Unidas sobre o Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (Rio-92), na qual foi aprovada a Agenda 21 - documento que cont\u00e9m os compromissos para mudan\u00e7a nos padr\u00f5es de desenvolvimento deste s\u00e9culo. O livro cont\u00e9m reflex\u00f5es de especialistas de diversas \u00e1reas do conhecimento, que avaliam a atual situa\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira e apresentam sugest\u00f5es para serem utilizadas na elabora\u00e7\u00e3o de um Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento em conson\u00e2ncia com a Agenda 21.A colet\u00e2nea est\u00e1 dividida em cinco partes: ambiente, espa\u00e7o, territ\u00f3rio: o olhar da sa\u00fade; dialogando com o risco; qualidade de vida e promo\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade; processos produtivos, consumo e degrada\u00e7\u00e3o da sa\u00fade e do ambiente; indicadores em sa\u00fade e ambiente: constru\u00e7\u00e3o conceitual."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza; Miranda, Ary Carvalho de"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xkvy4"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade e ambiente sustent\u00e1vel: estreitando n\u00f3s"], ["doab_id", "19320"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413661"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413661"]], [["description", "Este livro est\u00e1 dividido em quatro se\u00e7\u00f5es. Na primeira, que trata da Sexualidade e Corporeidade, os temas apresentados abordam o conceito de corporeidade, g\u00eanero e a busca por servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade, a imagem corporal em mulheres com depress\u00e3o e a pol\u00edtica de redu\u00e7\u00e3o de danos em situa\u00e7\u00f5es de sexualidade e vulnerabilidade. Na segunda se\u00e7\u00e3o, Intercorr\u00eancias no desenvolvimento infantil, os temas se referem ao desenvolvimento infantil, abordando os efeitos do chumbo e da escolaridade, as habilidades sociais de crian\u00e7as com irm\u00e3o com transtorno de espectro aut\u00edstico ou com desenvolvimento t\u00edpico, e a ocorr\u00eancia de estresse e bullying em crian\u00e7as em condi\u00e7\u00e3o de sobrepeso e obesidade. A terceira se\u00e7\u00e3o, intitulada Adolescentes: maternidade, fatores de risco e de prote\u00e7\u00e3o aborda o tema da gravidez e maternidade da adolesc\u00eancia, as intera\u00e7\u00f5es familiares de m\u00e3es adolescentes e os fatores de risco e de prote\u00e7\u00e3o em adolescentes com transtorno mental. A quarta se\u00e7\u00e3o, intitulada \"Manejo de estresse e outros fatores em diferentes popula\u00e7\u00f5es adultas\", aborda o estresse em universit\u00e1rios com desordens temporomandibulares, em motoristas de \u00f4nibus urbano ou em pacientes com l\u00edquen oral."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Valle, T\u00e2nia Gracy Martins do; Melchiori, L\u00edgia Ebner"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sb6rs"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade e desenvolvimento humano"], ["doab_id", "16774"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831195"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831195"]], [["description", "Conjunto de artigos, frutos de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o de antrop\u00f3logos, voltados para a \u00e1rea da sa\u00fade. Primeiro trabalho do g\u00eanero no Pa\u00eds, que aprofunda quest\u00f5es de sa\u00fade mental, vis\u00e3o cosmol\u00f3gica de grupos espec\u00edficos, rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre o corpo, a mente e a cultura e as quest\u00f5es de cura vistas sob o prisma de v\u00e1rias religi\u00f5es populares. A obra faz um contraponto com o esfor\u00e7o dos estudiosos da sa\u00fade de se aproximarem das abordagens antropol\u00f3gicas, de forma que se torna instrumento para o entendimento do fen\u00f4meno sa\u00fade/doen\u00e7a e seus complexos processos de articula\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alves, Paulo C\u00e9sar B. (org.); Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza (org.)"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["Antropologia, Medicina alternativa, Condutas terap\u00eauticas"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/tdj4g"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade e doen\u00e7a: um olhar antropol\u00f3gico "], ["doab_id", "16435"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412763"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412763"]], [["description", "Se at\u00e9 poucos anos a sa\u00fade p\u00fablica centrava sua aten\u00e7\u00e3o mais em vari\u00e1veis de natureza n\u00e3o-espacial, hoje necessita incorporar as ditas espaciais para compreender o complexo processo sa\u00fade-enfermidade-cuidado. Da\u00ed surgem novos m\u00e9todos e t\u00e9cnicas que se agregam ao acervo funcional da \u00e1rea. Ao apresentar quest\u00f5es conceituais e metodol\u00f3gicas e suas aplica\u00e7\u00f5es na an\u00e1lise e interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o de problemas espec\u00edficos da sa\u00fade, este livro torna-se uma pioneira e valiosa contribui\u00e7\u00e3o em portugu\u00eas a um novo campo que se abre: o do geoprocessamento aplicado \u00e0 sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Najar, alberto Lopes (org.); Marques, Eduardo Cesar (org.)"], ["date", "1998"], ["subject", ["Sistema de informa\u00e7\u00e3o, Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o espacial, Servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade, Planejamento em sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wjkcx"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade e espa\u00e7o: estudos metodol\u00f3gicos e t\u00e9cnicas de an\u00e1lise "], ["doab_id", "16436"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412954"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412954"]], [["description", "Traz contribui\u00e7\u00f5es que exploram aspectos biol\u00f3gicos, culturais e sociais da din\u00e2mica de sa\u00fade e de doen\u00e7a de tais povos a partir de uma perspectiva bioantropol\u00f3gica. Com base em estudos de casos sobre sociedades ind\u00edgenas experimentando acelerados processos de mudan\u00e7as socioecon\u00f4mico-culturais, os diversos autores proporcionam um panorama atualizado acerca da quest\u00e3o - sa\u00fade e doen\u00e7a na pr\u00e9-hist\u00f3ria, sistema de cren\u00e7as e pr\u00e1ticas m\u00e9dicas, mudan\u00e7as nos perfis de sa\u00fade -, ficando evidente a pluralidade te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gica que atualmente caracteriza as pesquisas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Santos, Ricardo V. (org.); Coimbra Jr., Carlos E. A. (org.)"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["\u00cdndios Sul-Americanos - Brasil, Sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wqffx"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade e povos ind\u00edgenas "], ["doab_id", "16437"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412770"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412770"]], [["description", "Este volume abrange os ensaios sobre Desenvolvimento Produtivo e Complexo da Sa\u00fade. Comp\u00f5e-se de cinco artigos: a din\u00e2mica de inova\u00e7\u00e3o e perspectiva do Complexo Econ\u00f4mico-Industrial da Sa\u00fade (CEIS) para a sustentabilidade estrutural do sistema de sa\u00fade; o subsistema de base qu\u00edmica e biotecnol\u00f3gica; o subsistema de base mec\u00e2nica, eletr\u00f4nica e de materiais; o subsistema de servi\u00e7os em sa\u00fade e a infraestrutura cient\u00edfica e tecnol\u00f3gica para apoio ao CEIS."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sistemas de Sa\u00fade-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o & administra\u00e7\u00e3o, Pol\u00edtica de Sa\u00fade, Financiamento em Sa\u00fade, Perfil de Sa\u00fade, Servi\u00e7os de Sa\u00fade, Inova\u00e7\u00e3o, Biotecnologia, Ind\u00fastrias \u2014 economia, Estrat\u00e9gias, Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sa\u00fade Brasil 2030"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/scfy6"], ["title", "A sa\u00fade no Brasil em 2030: desenvolvimento produtivo e complexo da sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "16558"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788581100197"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788581100197"]], [["description", "Este volume, Desenvolvimento, Estado e Pol\u00edticas de Sa\u00fade, objetiva desenhar um pano de fundo para os outros cap\u00edtulos diretamente voltados para a quest\u00e3o da sa\u00fade. Abrange os seguintes temas: cen\u00e1rios de desenvolvimento para 2022-2030, os eixos para o desenvolvimento do pa\u00eds, a sa\u00fade na pol\u00edtica nacional de desenvolvimento, a gest\u00e3o p\u00fablica no S\u00e9culo XXI, e o Brasil na arena internacional como na\u00e7\u00e3o soberana e cooperativa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sistemas de Sa\u00fade-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o & administra\u00e7\u00e3o, Pol\u00edtica de Sa\u00fade, Financiamento em Sa\u00fade, Perfil de Sa\u00fade, For\u00e7a de Trabalho, Servi\u00e7os de Sa\u00fade, Estrat\u00e9gias, Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sa\u00fade Brasil 2030"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/895sg"], ["title", "A sa\u00fade no Brasil em 2030: desenvolvimento, Estado e pol\u00edticas de sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "16554"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788581100159"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788581100159"]], [["description", "Este volume, Estrutura do Financiamento e do Gasto Setorial, apresenta artigos que abordam os problemas e perspectivas do financiamento da Sa\u00fade no Brasil, bem como as estruturas do financiamento e do gasto setorial, o papel do financiamento p\u00fablico e privado na presta\u00e7\u00e3o dos servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade, suas repercuss\u00f5es sobre a oferta de servi\u00e7os e os modos de pagamento e compra de servi\u00e7os."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sistemas de Sa\u00fade-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o & administra\u00e7\u00e3o, Pol\u00edtica de Sa\u00fade, Financiamento em Sa\u00fade, Perfil de Sa\u00fade, Servi\u00e7os de Sa\u00fade, Sistema \u00danico de Sa\u00fade, Aloca\u00e7\u00e3o de Recursos, Estrat\u00e9gias, Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sa\u00fade Brasil 2030"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z9374"], ["title", "A sa\u00fade no Brasil em 2030: estrutura do inanciamento e do gasto setorial"], ["doab_id", "16557"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788581100180"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788581100180"]], [["description", "Neste volume s\u00e3o tratados temas relacionados \u00e0 Organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e Gest\u00e3o do Sistema de Sa\u00fade, assinalando-se os princ\u00edpios do sistema de sa\u00fade brasileiro. Inicialmente, aborda-se a gest\u00e3o do n\u00edvel federal do sistema (administra\u00e7\u00e3o direta, ag\u00eancias reguladoras, funda\u00e7\u00f5es nacionais, empresas p\u00fablicas nacionais) na condu\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica nacional e na gest\u00e3o do sistema de sa\u00fade no Brasil, com o prop\u00f3sito de identificar os principais desafios para a reconfigura\u00e7\u00e3o estrat\u00e9gica da atua\u00e7\u00e3o do Executivo federal na sa\u00fade nas pr\u00f3ximas d\u00e9cadas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sistemas de Sa\u00fade-organiza\u00e7\u00e3o & administra\u00e7\u00e3o, Pol\u00edtica de Sa\u00fade, Financiamento em Sa\u00fade, Perfil de Sa\u00fade, For\u00e7a de Trabalho, Servi\u00e7os de Sa\u00fade, Estrat\u00e9gias, Pol\u00edticas de Controle Social, Participa\u00e7\u00e3o Comunit\u00e1ria, Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sa\u00fade Brasil 2030"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/98kjw"], ["title", "A sa\u00fade no Brasil em 2030: organiza\u00e7\u00e3o e gest\u00e3o do sistema de sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "16556"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788581100173"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788581100173"]], [["description", "Este volume, Popula\u00e7\u00e3o e Perfil Sanit\u00e1rio \u2014, analisa os determinantes sociais, econ\u00f4micos e ambientais da Sa\u00fade, abordando o cen\u00e1rio sociodemogr\u00e1fico em 2022 e 2030, a distribui\u00e7\u00e3o territorial da popula\u00e7\u00e3o, tra\u00e7ando um diagn\u00f3stico do comportamento atual dos fen\u00f4menos demogr\u00e1ficos no pa\u00eds e refletindo a respeito das tend\u00eancias futuras desses processos. Examina-se, ainda, o perfil epidemiol\u00f3gico no horizonte temporal proposto, assinalando-se os problemas de sa\u00fade que v\u00eam se agravando, como a viol\u00eancia, a dengue, o diabetes, a obesidade, ao lado das doen\u00e7as transmiss\u00edveis, endemias, epidemias e pandemias que configuram riscos sanit\u00e1rios para o pa\u00eds no futuro pr\u00f3ximo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Oswaldo Cruz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["N\u00edvel de Sa\u00fade, Fatores Socioecon\u00f4micos, Distribui\u00e7\u00e3o Espacial da Popula\u00e7\u00e3o, Doen\u00e7as Transmiss\u00edveis, Doen\u00e7as End\u00eamicas, Epidemias, Pandemias, Demografia, Perfil de Sa\u00fade, Brasil."]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sa\u00fade Brasil 2030"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8pmmy"], ["title", "A sa\u00fade no Brasil em 2030: popula\u00e7\u00e3o e perfil sanit\u00e1rio"], ["doab_id", "16555"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788581100166"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788581100166"]], [["description", "Re\u00fane textos de especialistas das \u00e1reas de Sa\u00fade e de Educa\u00e7\u00e3o com longa, competente e comprometida atua\u00e7\u00e3o na luta por mudan\u00e7as sociais, preocupados com um (con)viver humano mais solid\u00e1rio. A obra mostra ser poss\u00edvel a constitui\u00e7\u00e3o de servi\u00e7os de sa\u00fade com profissionais sens\u00edveis e preparados para atuar em tempos de novas exig\u00eancias t\u00e9cnicas e de capacita\u00e7\u00e3o profissional. Por instigar a (re)pensar o aperfei\u00e7oamento t\u00e9cnico e \u00e9tico do trabalho, com id\u00e9ias e propostas originais e atuais, trata-se, certamente, de contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de relev\u00e2ncia para aqueles que, direta ou indiretamente, encontram-se engajados na causa do Sistema \u00danico de Sa\u00fade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Am\u00e2ncio Filho, Antenor (org.); Moreira, M. Cecilia G. B. (org.)"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Ocupa\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade, educa\u00e7\u00e3o profissional, Pessoal t\u00e9cnico de sa\u00fade-educa\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9tc7r"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade, trabalho e forma\u00e7\u00e3o profissional "], ["doab_id", "16438"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412787"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412787"]], [["description", "Raul Borges Guimar\u00e3es produziu esta obra pensando principalmente nos estudantes de geografia que est\u00e3o em busca de informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre biogeografia e geografia da sa\u00fade. Mas o autor ressalva que o livro tamb\u00e9m se dirige aos profissionais de sa\u00fade que identificam essa subdisciplina como uma alternativa para enriquecer a abordagem social e ambiental dos problemas de sa\u00fade. Com tal objetivo, ele procurasintetizar os questionamentos que levanta em especialem sua disserta\u00e7\u00e3o de mestrado, tese de doutorado e tesede livre-doc\u00eancia.Resultado de 20 anos de estudos geogr\u00e1ficos no campo da sa\u00fade coletiva, a obra remete \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o inicial do autor na \u00e1rea de sa\u00fade coletiva entre 1986 e 1987 no Instituto de Sa\u00fade de S\u00e3o Paulo. Naquela \u00e9poca, ele relata, a busca era pela rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre o espa\u00e7o geogr\u00e1fico e o processo sa\u00fade-doen\u00e7a. Mas os resultados do trabalho o levaram para o estudo dos equipamentos m\u00e9dico-hospitalares e o impacto da inova\u00e7\u00e3o tecnol\u00f3gica no trabalho do m\u00e9dico e a perceber, logo em seguida, o poder dos circuitos m\u00e9dico-hospitalares na produ\u00e7\u00e3o da pr\u00f3pria cidade. A constata\u00e7\u00e3o o transportou para o estudo da sa\u00fade urbana.Assim, Guimar\u00e3es partiu \u201cdo territ\u00f3rio para a geografia inscrita no corpo do cidad\u00e3o brasileiro\u201d, especialmente daquele que vive do trabalho, para contribuir com o entendimento da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica. Ele explica que esse movimento tem como base a renova\u00e7\u00e3o da epidemiologia (que busca caracterizar os determinantes sociais e ambientais dos problemas de sa\u00fade), a preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o com o desenvolvimento da promo\u00e7\u00e3o de sa\u00fade, compreendendo o territ\u00f3rio como estrat\u00e9gia de a\u00e7\u00e3o, e a necessidade de regionalizar o sistema e os servi\u00e7os e a\u00e7\u00f5es de sa\u00fade, entre outros fatores ligados \u00e0 hist\u00f3ria recente da sa\u00fade coletiva."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guimar\u00e3es, Raul Borges"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4xpyq"], ["title", "Sa\u00fade: fundamentos de geografia humana"], ["doab_id", "19614"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334386"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334386"]], [["description", "Why should people - and economies - save? This book on the savings problem in Latin America and the Caribbean suggests that, while saving to survive the bad times is important, saving to thrive in the good times is what really counts. People must save to invest in health and education, live productive and fulfilling lives, and make the most of their retirement years. Firms must save to grow their enterprises, employ more workers in better jobs, and produce quality goods. Governments must save to build the infrastructure required by a productive economy, provide quality services to their citizens, and assure their senior citizens a dignified, worry-free retirement. In short, countries must save not for the proverbial rainy day, but for a sunny day - a time when everyone can bask in the benefits of growth, prosperity, and well-being."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eduardo Cavallo; Tom\u00e1s Serebrisky; Inter-American Development Bank"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["development", " economic policy"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/978-1-349-94929-8"], ["title", "Saving for Development: How Latin America and the Caribbean Can Save More and Better"], ["doab_id", "19501"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781349949281", "9781349949298"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9781349949281 (Print) 9781349949298 (Online)"]], [["description", "\"Wherever we turn, we see diverse things scaled for us, from cities to economies, from history to love. We know scale by many names and through many familiar antinomies: local and global, micro and macro events. Even the most critical among us often proceed with our analysis as if such scales were the ready-made platforms of social life, rather than asking how, why, and to what effect are scalar distinctions forged in the first place.How do scalar distinctions help actors and analysts alike make sense of and navigate their social worlds? What do these distinctions reveal and what do they conceal? How are scales construed and what effects do they have on the way those who abide by them think and act? This pathbreaking volume attends to the practical labor of scale-making and the communicative practices this labor requires. From an ethnographic perspective, the authors demonstrate that scale is practice and process before it becomes product, whether in the work of projecting the commons, claiming access to the big picture, or scaling the seriousness of a crime.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Scale", "Scale-making", "Scalar processes"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617906"], ["title", "Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life"], ["doab_id", "19808"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520291799", "9780520965430"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520291799 9780520965430"]], [["description", "When citizens take collaborative action to meet the needs of their community, they are participating in the social economy. Co-operatives, community-based social services, local non-profit organizations, and charitable foundations are all examples of social economies that emphasize mutual benefit rather than the accumulation of profit. While such groups often participate in market-based activities to achieve their goals, they also pose an alternative to the capitalist market economy. Contributors to Scaling Up investigated innovative social economies in British Columbia and Alberta and discovered that achieving a social good through collective, grassroots enterprise resulted in a sustainable way of satisfying human needs that was also, by extension, environmentally responsible. As these case studies illustrate, organizations that are capable of harnessing the power of a social economy generally demonstrate a commitment to three outcomes: greater social justice, financial self-sufficiency, and environmental sustainability. Within the matrix of these three allied principles lie new strategic directions for the politics of sustainability.Whether they were examining attainable and affordable housing initiatives, co-operative approaches to the provision of social services, local credit unions, farmers\u2019 markets, or community-owned power companies, the contributors found social economies providing solutions based on reciprocity and an understanding of how parts function within the whole\u2014an understanding that is essential to sustainability. In these locally defined and controlled, democratically operated organizations we see possibilities for a more human economy that is capable of transforming the very social and technical systems that make our current way of life unsustainable."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary Beckie, Sean Markey, and Mark Roseland"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["environment, economics, credit unions, British Columbia, Alberta, sustainable development, cooperatives"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120246"], ["title", "Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability"], ["doab_id", "19418"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990219", "9781771990226", "9781771990233", "9781771990240"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990219 9781771990226 9781771990233 9781771990240"]], [["description", "Benjamin Constant (1767\u20131830) war Abgeordneter der Deputiertenkammer und f\u00fchrender Verfassungstheoretiker des franz\u00f6sischen Fr\u00fchliberalismus. Mit seinem strikt basisorientierten Repr\u00e4sentationskonzept wandte er sich gegen den von der jakobinischen Revolutionsregierung und Napoleon Bonaparte gleicherma\u00dfen erhobenen Anspruch, das Gemeinwohl der franz\u00f6sischen Nation von der Spitze des Staates her zu definieren. In zwei Regionalstudien zu von Constant parlamentarisch vertretenen Departements untersucht Peter Geiss, in welcher Weise Constant sein Verst\u00e4ndnis von Repr\u00e4sentation in der Kommunikation mit der politischen Basis umzusetzen vermochte. Deutlich wird, dass der Constantsche Liberalismus in seinen kulturellen Praktiken (dichte briefliche Kommunikation, Presse, Reisen, Petitionskampagnen, Bankette als politische Inklusionsrituale) den sozialelit\u00e4ren Rahmen des restaurationszeitlichen Zensussystems bereits \u00fcberschritten hatte und wie sehr Constant zu einer betr\u00e4chtlichen Ausweitung nationaler \u00d6ffentlichkeit bis in den d\u00f6rflichen Bereich hinein beigetragen hat. Ein besonderes Verdienst der Arbeit besteht darin, dass sie politische Ideengeschichte konstruktiv mit Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte verkn\u00fcpft."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geiss, Peter"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/214450"], ["title", "Der Schatten des Volkes. Benjamin Constant und die Anf\u00e4nge liberaler Repr\u00e4sentationskultur im Frankreich der Restaurationszeit 1814-1830"], ["doab_id", "17989"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486597042", "9783486719383"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486597042, 9783486719383"]], [["description", "\"Scenes and Topics of the History of Ecology\" is the third workshop report presenting selected places of importance for the history of ecology, that can be recommended as travel destinations. Some topics could be attributed to a certain location only with great difficulties - if at all. For others there may be imaginary associations only. Therefore some essays and papers do not strictly adhere to the original intention. The volume continues the reports from the seminars, which are also intended to give outside observers a chance to stress their ecological consciousness. The reports may also serve as discussion material for similar seminars.

\u201eSchaupl\u00e4tze und Themen der Umweltgeschichte\u201c ist der dritte Werkstattbericht, in dem exemplarische Orte umwelthistorischer Bedeutung vorgestellt und als Ausflugs- oder Reiseziele empfohlen werden. Manche Themen k\u00f6nnen nicht oder nur sehr bem\u00fcht \u201everortet\u201c werden und bei anderen ist der heutige Ort kaum mehr physisch, sondern nur noch ideengeschichtlich mit dem umwelthistorischen Gegenstand verbunden. Deshalb wurden in diesen Werkstattbericht auch Essays und Aufs\u00e4tze mit aufgenommen, die dem \u201eOrtsprinzip\u201c nicht im strengen Sinne verpflichtet sind. Der Band setzt die Berichterstattung \u00fcber Arbeitsertr\u00e4ge aus der gleichnamigen Seminarveranstaltung des Graduiertenkollegs fort. Die Beitr\u00e4ge m\u00f6chten auch Au\u00dfenstehenden ein st\u00e4rkeres Bewusstsein f\u00fcr zeit- und orts\u00fcbergreifende Umweltthemen vermitteln und zielen damit zugleich auf die St\u00e4rkung der \u00f6kologischen Grundbildung. Sie k\u00f6nnen unseres Erachtens auch als Vorlage oder Arbeitsmittel f\u00fcr \u00e4hnliche Seminarveranstaltungen dienen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Herrmann, Bernd; Stobbe, Urte"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["ecological history", "ecological history"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610339"], ["title", "Schaupl\u00e4tze und Themen der Umweltgeschichte - Umwelthistorische Miszellen aus dem Graduiertenkolleg ; Werkstattbericht"], ["doab_id", "13240"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875234"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875234"]], [["description", "Estima-se que haja hoje no pa\u00eds cerca de 2,5 milh\u00f5es de portadores de esquistossomose mansoni \u2014 popularmente conhecida como barriga d\u2019\u00e1gua \u2014, afora mais 25 milh\u00f5es de brasileiros expostos ao risco de contrair a doen\u00e7a. Esta obra, comemorativa ao centen\u00e1rio da descoberta do Schistosoma mansoni no Brasil pelo pesquisador baiano Manuel Augusto da Silva Piraj\u00e1, est\u00e1 sendo considerada a mais completa e atual j\u00e1 produzida no pa\u00eds sobre essa espec\u00edfica parasitose. Fruto do esfor\u00e7o e do longo conhecimento acumulado por especialistas altamente qualificados dos mais diversos campos da sa\u00fade, supre uma car\u00eancia bibliogr\u00e1fica de valor inestim\u00e1vel para a comunidade cient\u00edfica, leitores e demais interessados. Em seus 35 cap\u00edtulos ricamente ilustrados, compreende uma extensa revis\u00e3o sobre o assunto, abarcando praticamente todas as \u00e1reas do conhecimento sobre a doen\u00e7a."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carvalho, Omar dos Santos; Coelho, Paulo Marcos Zech; Lenzi, Henrique Leonel"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/37vvw"], ["title", "Schistosoma mansoni & Esquistossomose: uma vis\u00e3o multidisciplinar"], ["doab_id", "19930"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413708"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413708"]], [["description", "Schistosomiasis is a severe parasitic disease, endemic in 74 developing countries with up to 600 million people, including many children, infected and 800 million at risk of contracting the disease following infection with Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium or S. japonicum. Disease burden is estimated to exceed 70 million disability-adjusted life-years, and leads to remarkably high YLD (years lived with disability) rates. Even more importantly, people with schistosomiasis are highly susceptible to malaria, tuberculosis and hepatic and acquired immunodeficiency viruses. There is only one drug, praziquantel, currently available for treatment and it has high efficacy, low cost, and limited side effects. However, only 13% of the target population has received the drug, and those treated are at continuous risk of reinfection necessitating repeated drug administration and the emergence of drug resistant parasites is a constant threat. There currently is no vaccine. While the target of >40% protection has been achieved with some molecules such as excretory-secretory proteins including calpain, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and cysteine peptidases, very recent articles reiterate the findings published during the last 2 decades of the last century, contradicting the established data of the pioneers of schistosome biology. A consensus should be reached without delay, in order to propose collaborative independent experiments and proceed ahead to pre- and clinical trials with efficacious candidate vaccine molecules. The proposed plan aims to finally reach an objective and fruitful agreement , via inviting established and young researchers from the United States, Brazil, China, Australia, and Europe who are working with different vaccine antigens, adjuvants, and approaches for immunization against S. mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum. It is hoped that the forum will end with a very few candidate antigens and a consensus approach regarding target immune responses, thus leading to encouraging the World Health Organization and other international foundations to sponsor the development and implementation of the urgently required, yet still elusive, vaccine for preventing and eliminating the transmission of schistosomiasis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rashika El Ridi; Ahmad Ali Othman; Donald McManus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schistosomiasis", "Schistosoma mansoni", "Schistosoma haematobium", "Schistosoma japonicum", "Vaccine", "Vaccine candidates", "Immune responses", "Type 2 cytokines"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2940/the-schistosomiasis-vaccine--it-is-time-to-stand-up"], ["title", "The Schistosomiasis Vaccine - It Is Time to Stand Up"], ["doab_id", "18861"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197415"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197415"]], [["description", "Schizophrenia is a multi-factorial disease characterized by a high heritability and environmental risk factors (e.g. stress and cannabis use). In recent years, an increasing number of researchers worldwide have started investigating the \u2018two-hit hypothesis\u2019 of schizophrenia predicting that genetic and environmental risk factors interactively cause the development of the disorder. This work is starting to produce valuable new animal models and reveal novel insights into the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Eventually, it might help advance studies of the molecular pathways involved in this mental disorder and propose more specific molecular medicine. However, the complexity of this multi-factorial line of research has also caused difficulties in data interpretation and comparison. Our research topic is intended to cover past and current directions in research dedicated to the understanding and measurement of gene-environment interactions (GxE) in schizophrenia, the neurobiological and behavioural consequences of such interactions as well as the challenges and limitations one encounters when working on complex aetiological systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tim Karl; Jonathon C Arnold"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schizophrenia", "gene", "environment", "Interaction", "GxE", "animal model", "two hit hypothesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1089/schizophrenia-a-consequence-of-gene-environment-interactions"], ["title", "Schizophrenia: A Consequence of Gene-Environment Interactions?"], ["doab_id", "17827"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195312"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195312"]], [["description", "Taking the province of Niederdonau as an example, this pioneer study highlights everyday fields-of-force between National Socialism and agrarian society in which rural actors competed for resources among themselves and with official functionaries. The megaproject of \u2018volkish productivism\u2019 \u2013 the creation of an efficient peasantry in \u2018racial\u2019 and economic terms \u2013 got stuck with regard to technical development. However, with regard to institutional development, there emerged a pathway towards an alternative modernity beyond Liberalism and Communism.

Diese Pionierstudie beleuchtet am Beispiel des Reichsgaues Niederdonau allt\u00e4gliche Kr\u00e4ftefelder zwischen Nationalsozialismus und Agrargesellschaft, in denen l\u00e4ndliche Akteure untereinander und mit Funktionstr\u00e4gern um Ressourcen rangen. Das Entwicklungsprojekt des \u201av\u00f6lkischen Produktivismus\u2018 \u2013 die Erzeugung eines \u201erassisch\u201c und wirtschaftlich leistungsf\u00e4higen \u201eBauerntums\u201c \u2013 blieb zwar in technischer Hinsicht stecken. Jedoch stellte es in institutioneller Hinsicht die Weichen der Agrarentwicklung in Richtung einer alternativen Moderne jenseits von Liberalismus und Kommunismus."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Langthaler ,Ernst"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["agrarian society, agriculture, everyday life, productivism, National Socialism, Second World War, Austria", "Agrargesellschaft, Landwirtschaft, Alltagsleben, Produktivismus, Nationalsozialismus, Zweiter Weltkrieg, \u00d6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594631"], ["title", "Schlachtfelder"], ["doab_id", "18416"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205200659"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205200659"]], [["description", "not yet available

Die Besch\u00e4ftigung mit SQ-Konzepten hat durch die aktuellen bildungspolitischen Debatten und Vorgaben neue Impulse erfahren. Der Band stellt neben Grundsatz\u00fcberlegungen zum Bildungsbegriff Beispiele einzelner Hochschulen und die Arbeit der Forschung vor. Vertreter der Wirtschaft erl\u00e4utern ihre Personalauswahl, die Bereiche Interkulturelle, Gender- und Medienkompetenz sowie Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t werden diskutiert. Dies besonders in Hinblick auf technische Hochschulen und deren besondere Anforderungen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "education", "key competency", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Bildung", "Schl\u00fcsselkompetenz"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422350"], ["title", "Schl\u00fcsselqualifikationen f\u00fcr Studium, Beruf und Gesellschaft : Technische Universit\u00e4ten im Kontext der Kompetenzdiskussion"], ["doab_id", "15100"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866443754"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866443754"]], [["description", "The doctoral thesis is a comparing study of the Austrian, German, Swiss, England and French tort law,also contains the Principles of the European Group of tort law and handle four major questions:(1) Who are the close relatives?(2) What is the difference between close relatives and other people who suffer a damage because of theharm of another person?(3) Is it possible that the tortfeasor hold the fault of the victime against the close relatives who suffernervous shock or bereavement?(4) Do the close relatives have a right to claim for damage on their own or is that related to the claimof the victime?

Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt im Wesentlichen vier Fragen: 1) Was und wer sind die \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\"? (Begriffskl\u00e4rung)2) Warum kommt der \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" Bedeutung zu? (Grund und H\u00f6he des Schmerzengeldanspruches)3) M\u00fcssen sich die \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" das Mitverschulden des Erstgesch\u00e4digten entgegenhalten lassen?4) Besitzen die \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" einen selbstst\u00e4ndigen oder einen abh\u00e4ngigen Schmerzengeldanspruch?Der Rechtsvergleich des \u00f6sterreichischen, deutschen, schweizerischen, englischen und franz\u00f6sischen Rechts unter Einbeziehung der Grunds\u00e4tze des europ\u00e4ischen Schadenersatzrechts (PETL) ergab die nachfolgenden Ergebnisse.Ad 1) Die Grunds\u00e4tze des europ\u00e4ischen Schadenersatzrechts und alle zu untersuchenden Rechtsordnungen bestimmen den Begriff der \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" nach der faktischen Nahebeziehung zwischen dem Erst- und Zweitgesch\u00e4digten: die formale Familienzugeh\u00f6rigkeit ist nicht entscheidend, sondern eine intensive Gef\u00fchlsgemeinschaft (enge Nahebeziehung). Dabei wird auf eine enge famili\u00e4re Beziehung abgestellt, wie sie gew\u00f6hnlich zwischen Eltern und ihren Kindern sowie zwischen Ehegatten besteht. Deshalb k\u00f6nnen auch weit entfernt Verwandte oder nicht verwandte Personen zu den \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" z\u00e4hlen. Bisher wurde das jedoch selten f\u00fcr Freunde ins Auge gefasst, obwohl auch f\u00fcr sie nichts anderes gelten kann. Denn das Verst\u00e4ndnis der \"Familie\" hat sich insofern gewandelt, als auch faktische Naheverh\u00e4ltnisse zu ber\u00fccksichtigen sind. Auf dieser Grundlage wird versucht, f\u00fcr den Begriff der \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" eine allgemeine Definition zu finden. Diese lautet wie folgt. Es handelt sich um einen eigenst\u00e4ndigen Begriff, der einen bestimmten Personenkreis umschreibt. Dieser Personenkreis erleidet einen Schock- oder Trauerschaden aufgrund seiner engen Nahebeziehung zum Erstgesch\u00e4digten. Der Begriff \"nahe Angeh\u00f6rige\" ist von jenem der Familienangeh\u00f6rigen (Verwandten) deutlich abzugrenzen, weil auch zwischen Familienangeh\u00f6rigen nicht immer eine enge Nahebeziehung besteht. Der Begriff \"Angeh\u00f6rige\" ist also nicht im rechtlichen Sinn zu verstehen, sondern nach den tats\u00e4chlichen Lebensverh\u00e4ltnissen. Der Zusatz \"nahe\" dr\u00fcckt aus, dass nur ein kleiner Personenkreis daf\u00fcr in Frage kommt. Durch das Abstellen auf die enge Nahebeziehung wird sichergestellt, dass nur jene Personen dazu z\u00e4hlen, die durch die T\u00f6tung oder Verletzung des Erstgesch\u00e4digten schweres seelisches Leid erfahren. Um das Vorliegen einer engen Nahebeziehung und damit die Existenz und den Umfang eines Schock- oder Trauerschadens nachvollziehbar zu machen, wird diese an objektive Kriterien angekn\u00fcpft. Insofern kommt der formalen Familien-Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit, dem Bestehen einer Wohngemeinschaft, dem Vorliegen eines Pflege- oder Betreuungsverh\u00e4ltnisses bzw. dem regelm\u00e4\u00dfigen Kontakt zwischen dem Erst- und Zweitgesch\u00e4digten gro\u00dfe Bedeutung zu. Durch die Entwicklung objektiver Kriterien k\u00f6nnen allf\u00e4llige Bedenken ausger\u00e4umt werden, die gegen die \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung zwischenmenschlicher Naheverh\u00e4ltnisse, die Schwierigkeiten ihrer Feststellung und in Hinblick auf die Bestimmung der \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" ge\u00e4u\u00dfert werden.Ad 2) Die \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" ist eine Anspruchsvoraussetzung f\u00fcr den Ersatz von Gef\u00fchlssch\u00e4den Dritter: das ergibt sich in der Schweiz ausdr\u00fccklich aus dem Gesetz; in \u00d6sterreich und Frankreich kann man das den gesetzlichen Grundlagen nicht ausdr\u00fccklich entnehmen, diese sind vielmehr von der Rechtsprechung und Lehre so ausgelegt worden; die \u00f6sterreichische Rechtsprechung ber\u00fccksichtigt die \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" bei der Beurteilung der Rechtswidrigkeit, w\u00e4hrend sie in Frankreich f\u00fcr den Nachweis des Schadens entscheidend ist. Die \"Angeh\u00f6rigen-Eigenschaft\" ist in \u00d6sterreich, Frankreich und der Schweiz jedoch nicht die einzige Anspruchsvoraussetzung f\u00fcr den Ersatz von Gef\u00fchlssch\u00e4den Dritter, so dass auch \"nahe Angeh\u00f6rige\" nicht immer einen Schmerzengeldanspruch haben. F\u00fcr den Ersatz von Schocksch\u00e4den Dritter bildet die \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" in den zu untersuchenden Rechtsordnungen zwar keine generelle Anspruchsvoraus-Setzung, sie hat aber gro\u00dfes Gewicht f\u00fcr die Umschreibung des anspruchsberechtigten Personenkreises. Die erforderliche Sonderbeziehung zwischen dem Erst- und Zweitgesch\u00e4digten kann n\u00e4mlich alternativ in der qualifizierten N\u00e4he zum sch\u00e4digenden Ereignis oder einer engen Nahebeziehung bestehen. Zudem muss ein verst\u00e4ndlicher Anlassfall f\u00fcr den Schockschaden vorliegen, wof\u00fcr die vermittelnden Umst\u00e4nde und die Schwere der Erstverletzung entscheidend sind. Insgesamt kann man feststellen, dass der Zweitgesch\u00e4digte eine mehrfach privilegierte Stellung einnimmt, wenn er ein \"naher Angeh\u00f6riger\" des Erstgesch\u00e4digten ist. So erh\u00e4lt er au\u00dfer in England auch im Falle der blo\u00dfen Nachricht von einem folgenschweren Unfall des Erstgesch\u00e4digten Ersatz und es kann sogar das \"blo\u00dfe Beobachten\" einer ernstzunehmenden Gef\u00e4hrdung des Erstgesch\u00e4digten gen\u00fcgen. Jeder andere Zweitgesch\u00e4digte kommt dagegen nur dann f\u00fcr einen Anspruch in Frage, wenn er an einem folgenschweren Ungl\u00fcck beteiligt war und dadurch der Gefahr eigener physischer Sch\u00e4den ausgesetzt wurde, wodurch auch die Gefahr einer psychischen Sch\u00e4digung in hohem Ma\u00dfe besteht. \u00dcber dieses flexible System wird sichergestellt, dass Schocksch\u00e4den Dritter nur in besonders schweren F\u00e4llen einen Schmerzengeldanspruch rechtfertigen. Da die vorhandenen gesetzlichen Grundlagen f\u00fcr den Ersatz von Schocksch\u00e4den in den zu untersuchenden Rechtsordnungen sehr allgemein formuliert sind und blo\u00df an das Vorliegen einer K\u00f6rper- bzw. Gesundheitsverletzung ankn\u00fcpfen (\u00a7823 Abs1 BGB, \u00a71325 ABGB, Art. 47 OR und Art. 1382 CC), ist dieses flexible System erst von der Rechtsprechung und Lehre entwickelt worden. Die Haftung f\u00fcr Schocksch\u00e4den wird durch das Erfordernis einer Gesundheitsverletzung wesentlich beschr\u00e4nkt. Damit wird zur Gen\u00fcge sichergestellt, dass leichte Schadensf\u00e4lle des allt\u00e4glichen Lebens selbst zu tragen sind und keinen Schmerzengeldanspruch rechtfertigen. Ein gro\u00dfes Privileg der \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" besteht insbesondere darin, dass es mit der fortscheitenden Anerkennung von Gef\u00fchlssch\u00e4den auch auf die Voraussetzung einer Gesundheitsverletzung nicht mehr notwendigerweise ankommt. W\u00e4hrend es im Falle der T\u00f6tung des Erstgesch\u00e4digten unbestritten ist, dass seine \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" eine schwere Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsverletzung (Gef\u00fchlsschaden) erleiden, muss das im Falle seines \u00dcberlebens erst nachgewiesen werden. Dabei wird in der Schweiz auf eine vergleichbare seelische Belastung wie im Falle der T\u00f6tung abgestellt, wof\u00fcr ein schwerwiegender Eingriff in die Beziehung zwischen dem Erst- und Zweitgesch\u00e4digten sowie in das Familienleben an sich vorliegen muss. Sowohl in Frankreich als auch in der Schweiz wird es abgelehnt, allzu starr an einen bestimmten Schweregrad der Erstverletzung anzukn\u00fcpfen. Dieser spielt jedoch indirekt f\u00fcr das Bestehen des Schadens bzw. das Vorliegen einer schweren Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsverletzung eine erhebliche Rolle, so dass auch hier \u00fcber ein bewegliches System nur in besonders schweren F\u00e4llen Ersatz gew\u00e4hrt wird und die leichten Schadensf\u00e4lle des allt\u00e4glichen Lebens selbst zu tragen sind. Der besondere Unrechtsgehalt kann in besonders schweren F\u00e4llen zu einer Erweiterung des anspruchsberechtigten Personenkreises f\u00fchren. Eine Haftungs-Ausuferung ist dadurch aber nicht zu bef\u00fcrchten, weil daf\u00fcr mehrere Umst\u00e4nde zusammentreffen m\u00fcssen und zudem eine Gesundheitsverletzung vorliegen muss. Ansonsten sollte der anspruchsberechtigte Personenkreis jedoch auch bei besonderem Unrechtsgehalt nicht ver\u00e4ndert werden: diesbez\u00fcglich gelten die bereits dargelegten Ausf\u00fchrungen zum anspruchsberechtigten Personenkreis bei Schock-Sch\u00e4den Dritter.Ad 3 + 4) Im gemeinen Recht und im Stra\u00dfenverkehrsrecht trifft man zwar zum Teil auf eine unterschiedliche rechtliche Natur der Schmerzengeldanspr\u00fcche, das Ergebnis unterscheidet sich aber nicht wesentlich: in allen F\u00e4llen gelangt man zur Anrechnung des Mitverschuldens des Erstgesch\u00e4digten. Soweit ein abgeleiteter Anspruch vorliegt, stellt die Anrechnung des Mitverschuldens des Erstgesch\u00e4digten eine Selbstverst\u00e4ndlichkeit dar. Bei selbstst\u00e4ndigen Anspr\u00fcchen muss hingegen erst eine \u00fcberzeugende Begr\u00fcndung gefunden werden, um die gleichzeitige Unabh\u00e4ngigkeit und Abh\u00e4ngigkeit des Schmerzengeld-Anspruches \"naher Angeh\u00f6riger\" miteinander in Einklang zu bringen. V\u00f6llig zutreffend ist auch von einer gemischten Natur der Schmerzengeldanspr\u00fcche \"naher Angeh\u00f6riger\" die Rede. Es handelt sich dabei um selbstst\u00e4ndige Anspr\u00fcche. Gleichzeitig sind Schock- und Trauersch\u00e4den aber durch die Einheit des sch\u00e4digenden Ereignisses mit dem Erstschaden verbunden. Die intensive Gef\u00fchlsgemeinschaft zwischen \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" verbietet wechselseitige Schmerzengeldklagen, solange sie die Grundlage daf\u00fcr bildet. Auf den ersten Blick weisen die von der Rechtsprechung gew\u00e4hlten Begr\u00fcndungen in den zu untersuchenden Rechtsordnungen durchaus Unterschiede auf: w\u00e4hrend in England, Deutschland und \u00d6sterreich die \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" als Grund und Grenze des Schmerzengeldanspruches im Vordergrund steht, wird in Frankreich die Einheit des sch\u00e4digenden Ereignisses und in der Schweiz die W\u00fcrdigung der besonderen Umst\u00e4nde des Falles als Begr\u00fcndung genannt. Der genauere Blick offenbart jedoch, dass auch die zun\u00e4chst unterschiedlich scheinenden Begr\u00fcndungen nur gemeinsam Sinn machen: so k\u00f6nnte auch der Kassationshof \u00fcber die Einheit des sch\u00e4digenden Ereignisses keine Anrechnung vornehmen, wenn er die Solidarhaftung des Sch\u00e4digers und des Erstgesch\u00e4digten (und insbesondere die Sorgfaltspflicht des Erstgesch\u00e4digten gegen\u00fcber seinen \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\") nicht grunds\u00e4tzlich ablehnen w\u00fcrde; auch in der Schweiz ist danach zu fragen, warum der Gesetzgeber eigentlich davon ausgeht, dass ein Schmerzengeld unter der W\u00fcrdigung der besonderen Umst\u00e4nde zuzusprechen ist. Obwohl letztendlich die gewisse Abh\u00e4ngigkeit des Schmerzengeldanspruches (die Einheit des sch\u00e4digenden Ereignisses oder auch die besondere Natur des Reflexschadens) und die W\u00fcrdigung der Umst\u00e4nde des Einzelfalles dazu f\u00fchren, dass das Mitverschulden des Erstgesch\u00e4digten bei der Schmerzengeldbemessung f\u00fcr seine \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" zu ber\u00fccksichtigen ist, hat die Anrechnung des Mitverschuldens des Erst-Gesch\u00e4digten in allen zu untersuchenden Rechtsordnungen als auch nach den Grunds\u00e4tzen des europ\u00e4ischen Schadenersatzrechts immer dieselbe Wurzel: n\u00e4mlich die \"Angeh\u00f6rigeneigenschaft\" bzw. die famili\u00e4re Solidarit\u00e4t zwischen \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\". Um unerw\u00fcnschte Ergebnisse und eine Verkomplizierung der Rechtslage zu vermeiden, ist das Mitverschulden des Erstgesch\u00e4digten zu ber\u00fccksichtigen, wenn seine \"nahen Angeh\u00f6rigen\" ein Schmerzengeld f\u00fcr ihren Schock- oder Trauerschaden geltend machen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stiegler ,Anita Maria"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["damage, bereavement, tort law, nervous shock, scondary victimes, close relatives"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437173"], ["title", "Schmerzengeld f\u00fcr Schock- und Trauersch\u00e4den"], ["doab_id", "15298"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205781998"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205781998"]], [["description", "Anna d'Este, Tochter des Herzogs von Ferrara, Ercole d'Este, und der Ren\u00e9e de France, ist eine zentrale Figur der franz\u00f6sischen Religionskriege. Christiane Coester macht ihre Biographie nun erstmals zug\u00e4nglich. Sie nimmt die verschiedenen Rollen der Prinzessin ins Visier: als Tochter, Mutter und Ehefrau, als Vorsteherin eines gro\u00dfen Haushaltes und als politisch agierende Person innerhalb der Machtkonstellation des Hofes. Die Studie bietet so Einblicke in den Alltag der F\u00fcrstin, in gew\u00f6hnliche und au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Ereignisse sowie in die Beziehungen zu anderen Frauen und M\u00e4nnern der Zeit. Aus den oft sehr unterschiedlichen, ja sogar gegens\u00e4tzlichen Sichtweisen der Quellen auf Anna d'Este entsteht ein schillerndes Gesamtbild."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Coester, Christiane"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213794"], ["title", "Sch\u00f6n wie Venus, mutig wie Mars. Anna d'Este, Herzogin von Guise und von Nemours (1531-1607)"], ["doab_id", "18011"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486840582", "9783486580280"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783486840582, 9783486580280"]], [["description", "Este livro tem como objetivo principal investigar a teoria do conhecimento desenvolvida por Arthur Schopenhauer no Livro I de\u00a0O mundo como vontade e como representa\u00e7\u00e3o. A partir disto, procura-se analisar e examinar como o pensador organiza e explica a possibilidade do conhecimento da realidade fenom\u00eanica, ou seja, os modos de conhecimento intuitivo e abstrato, seus objetos pr\u00f3prios, isto \u00e9, as representa\u00e7\u00f5es intuitiva e abstrata, al\u00e9m das faculdades de conhecimento respons\u00e1veis por cada uma destas. A investiga\u00e7\u00e3o tentar\u00e1 delimitar os princ\u00edpios que tornam o mundo como representa\u00e7\u00e3o compreens\u00edvel, formando, por fim, uma teoria sistem\u00e1tica do conhecimento."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Souza, Eduardo Ramos Coimbra de"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/g3p7n"], ["title", "Schopenhauer e os conhecimentos intuitivo e abstrato: uma teoria sobre as representa\u00e7\u00f5es emp\u00edricas e abstratas"], ["doab_id", "19796"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836879"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836879"]], [["description", "Schrifttr\u00e4geroder auchTexttr\u00e4ger verk\u00f6rpern den Zusammenhang zwischen Schrift tragenden Artefakten und kulturellen Praktiken. Sie handeln an, mit und infolge von Geschriebenem, indem sie Artefakte mit Sequenzen sprachlicher Zeichen verbinden. Der Band m\u00f6chte neue interpretative Ans\u00e4tze im Umgang mit \u201aSchriftzeugnissen\u2018 vergangener Kulturen erproben. Die hier ausgew\u00e4hlten Studien zu verschiedenen Texttr\u00e4gern sollen einen Beitrag zur Entschl\u00fcsselung der rezeptionspraktischen \u201aText-Akteur-Relationen\u2018 leisten. Gefragt wird nach dem Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Text und seinen materiellen Tr\u00e4gern, nach dem Einfluss der Texttr\u00e4ger nicht in erster Linie auf den Inhalt, sondern auf den Gebrauch der Texte. In welcher Weise bestimmt die Materialit\u00e4t eines Textes seine Rezeption und Wahrnehmung? Ver\u00e4ndert der Gebrauch eines Texts seinen Tr\u00e4ger? Ver\u00e4ndert die Materialit\u00e4t des Tr\u00e4gers den Text? Bringen Texttr\u00e4ger eigene Textpraktiken hervor? Untersucht werden Artefakte wie Scherben, Rotuli, B\u00fccher, Haut, Grabsteine, Fluchtafeln, Buchamulette, Vasen, Felsen, tote und lebendige K\u00f6rper, W\u00e4nde, Rinden usw."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kehnel, Annette / Panagiotopoulos, Diamantis"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Textrezeption", " Schriftkultur", " Materialit\u00e4t", " Schriftlichkeit"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/431203"], ["title", "Schrifttr\u00e4ger - Texttr\u00e4ger. Zur materialen Pr\u00e4senz des Geschriebenen in fr\u00fchen Gesellschaften"], ["doab_id", "17281"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110371307", "9783110371345", "9783110412970"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110371307, 9783110371345, 9783110412970"]], [["description", "This book studies literary sociability during the belle \u00e9poque (1890-1914) by comparing and relating organizations of authors with intellectual sociability in general. Drawing on a combination of methods including social network analysis, existing histories of Dutch and French speaking literature are questioned. This study shows, for instance, how author\u2019s societies and literary journals were functional in the symbolic struggle between \u2018dilettante\u2019 writers on the one hand and self declared \u2018professional\u2019 authors on the other. It concludes that Belgian authorship was shaped within a social space that was much broader than the national social space, especially as far as the social construction of the Belgian author-intellectual was concerned. As such, being an intellectual became an important category of personal identity."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verbruggen ,Christophe"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Belgian literature", "Belle epoque", "Literary sociability", "Literary institutions", "Social network analysis", "Belgische literatuur", "Belle epoque", "Literaire gezelligheid", "Literaire instituten", "Sociaal netwerk analyse"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=365910"], ["title", "Schrijverschap in de Belgische belle \u00e9poque. Een sociaal-culturele geschiedenis"], ["doab_id", "13274"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789460040399"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789460040399"]], [["description", "\u201cSchule der Gesellschaft\u201dKnowledge systems in Zurich educational practices between 1771 and 1834The great social and political revolutions of 1798 and 1831 fueled efforts at radical restructuring of education policy. There were, however, gaps between the new norms and traditional local practices. Official and intellectual setting of new standards clashed with local and regional needs and conceptions of schooling. In a process of gradual adjustment, locally varying mixtures of new prescriptions and traditional approaches emerged.Making use of voluminous source material, consisting principally of answers to school surveys from 1771 and 1779, as well as reports of school authorities from 1834, the study provides a comparative view across several hundred Zurich schools. The author conveys a nuanced portrayal of educational practices at the turn of the 19th century. The results of the study reveal similarities in schooling approaches across the region, and show the societal knowledge system underlying them. Investigating schools requires examining the surrounding society as well."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "De Vincenti ,Andrea"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["education policy", "school surveys"]], ["publisher", "Chronos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605210"], ["title", "Schule der Gesellschaft: Wissensordnungen von Z\u00fcrcher Unterrichtspraktiken zwischen 1771 und 1834"], ["doab_id", "18757"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783034012997"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034012997"]], [["description", "The main reason why Latin America is a cultural diverse region is because of the indigenous peoples who inhabit it. That is why indigenous peoples' interests on their cultural property have to be taken into account when this matter is to be legally regulated in Latin American countries. In order to ascertain whether that has occurred, the book explores relevant legal instruments at the international and regional levels and compares national norms in some Latin American countries, particularly those concerning ownership. It concludes that recognition of indigenous interests in Latin American law on cultural property is still a pending task.

Die Arbeit besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit der Frage: Wie ist der Schutz von Kulturg\u00fctern in Lateinamerika rechtlich geregelt, und in welcher Weise werden indigene Kulturg\u00fcter innerhalb solcher Regelungen ber\u00fccksichtigt? Die Frage besteht aus zwei Teilen. Der erste Teil betrifft eine vergleichende Analyse der geltenden Regelungen \u00fcber den Schutz materieller Kulturg\u00fcter Lateinamerikas. Unterstrichen wird dabei ein Aspekt des Rechtsschutzes von Kulturg\u00fctern, n\u00e4mlich die Regelung des Eigentums. Der zweite Teil der Frage, der sich auf die Ber\u00fccksichtigung der materiellen Kulturg\u00fcter der indigenen V\u00f6lker bezieht , wird bei der Untersuchung der verschiedenen Rechtsinstrumente beachtet. Dabei geht die Arbeit von der Annahme aus, dass die indigenen V\u00f6lker ein Interesse an der Kontrolle der mit ihrer Kultur verbundenen G\u00fcter haben, welches von den Rechtsnormen in der Regel nicht in Betracht gezogen wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ochoa Jim\u00e9nez, Maria Julia"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["cultural assets", "Latin America", "cultural assets", "Latin America"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610240"], ["title", "Der Schutz materieller Kulturg\u00fcter in Lateinamerika - universelles, regionales und nationales Recht"], ["doab_id", "13360"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875937"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875937"]], [["description", "Die Frage nach dem Schutz von Natura-2000-Gebieten bei Errichtung und Betrieb von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen verkn\u00fcpft eines der bedeutendsten Problemfelder des Naturschutzrechts mit der Diskussion um die Windenergienutzung zur See als Kernbaustein der Energiewende. Die vorliegende Dissertation arbeitet zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung die relevanten Regelungen heraus und untersucht deren Auswirkungen auf die Genehmigungen von Offshore-Windparks. Im Einzelnen erfolgt unter anderem eine Er\u00f6rterung der mit der Genehmigung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen verbundenen Rechtsfragen sowie die Ermittlung und Einordnung der im Meeresbereich entstandenen und unter Schutz gestellten Natura-2000-Gebiete. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Handhabung des auf Art. 6 Abs. 3 der Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie zur\u00fcckzuf\u00fchrenden Schutzreglements f\u00fcr Natura-2000-Gebiete und die Pr\u00fcfung der M\u00f6glichkeit einer Abweichungsentscheidung nach Art. 6 Abs. 4 der Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wendet sich die Arbeit der Frage zu, inwieweit das Habitatschutzrecht auch f\u00fcr bereits erteilte Genehmigungen f\u00fcr Offshore-Windkraftanlagen von Bedeutung ist und wie entsprechende Pflichten im nationalen Recht zu ber\u00fccksichtigen sind.

Die Frage nach dem Schutz von Natura-2000-Gebieten bei Errichtung und Betrieb von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen verkn\u00fcpft eines der bedeutendsten Problemfelder des Naturschutzrechts mit der Diskussion um die Windenergienutzung zur See als Kernbaustein der Energiewende. Die vorliegende Dissertation arbeitet zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung die relevanten Regelungen heraus und untersucht deren Auswirkungen auf die Genehmigungen von Offshore-Windparks. Im Einzelnen erfolgt unter anderem eine Er\u00f6rterung der mit der Genehmigung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen verbundenen Rechtsfragen sowie die Ermittlung und Einordnung der im Meeresbereich entstandenen und unter Schutz gestellten Natura-2000-Gebiete. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Handhabung des auf Art. 6 Abs. 3 der Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie zur\u00fcckzuf\u00fchrenden Schutzreglements f\u00fcr Natura-2000-Gebiete und die Pr\u00fcfung der M\u00f6glichkeit einer Abweichungsentscheidung nach Art. 6 Abs. 4 der Flora-Fauna-Habitat-Richtlinie. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wendet sich die Arbeit der Frage zu, inwieweit das Habitatschutzrecht auch f\u00fcr bereits erteilte Genehmigungen f\u00fcr Offshore-Windkraftanlagen von Bedeutung ist und wie entsprechende Pflichten im nationalen Recht zu ber\u00fccksichtigen sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dix, Robert"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Natura 2000", "wind park", "nature protection", "Natura 2000", "wind park", "nature protection"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610373"], ["title", "Der Schutz von Natura-2000-Gebieten bei Errichtung und Betrieb von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen - Eine Untersuchung der Tragweite des Habitatschutzrechts auf erteilte und zu erteilende Genehmigungen von Offshore-Windparks"], ["doab_id", "19177"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951917"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951917"]], [["description", "This volume contains essays and discussions from the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Instructors held September, 29 - October 2, 2010 in Berlin."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Diggelmann, Oliver ; Lege, Joachim; Nettesheim, Martin "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/178370"], ["title", "Der Schutzauftrag des Rechts. Referate und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Berlin vom 29. September bis 2. Oktober 2010"], ["doab_id", "18065"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110262216", "9783110248548"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110262216, 9783110248548"]], [["description", "This book analyzes the possibilities for effective global governance of science in Europe, India and China. Authors from the three regions join forces to explore how ethical concerns over new technologies can be incorporated into global science and technology policies. The first chapter introduces the topic, offering a global perspective on embedding ethics in science and technology policy. Chapter Two compares the institutionalization of ethical debates in science, technology and innovation policy in three important regions: Europe, India and China. The third chapter explores public perceptions of science and technology in these same three regions. Chapter Four discusses public engagement in the governance of science and technology, and Chapter Five reviews science and technology governance and European values. The sixth chapter describes and analyzes values demonstrated in the constitution of the People\u2019s Republic of China. Chapter Seven describes emerging evidence from India on the uses of science and technology for socio-economic development, and the quest for inclusive growth. In Chapter Eight, the authors propose a comparative framework for studying global ethics in science and technology. The following three chapters offer case studies and analysis of three emerging industries in India, China and Europe: new food technologies, nanotechnology and synthetic biology. Chapter 12 gathers all these threads for a comprehensive discussion on incorporating ethics into science and technology policy. The analysis is undertaken against the backdrop of different value systems and varying levels of public perception of risks and benefits. The book introduces a common analytical framework for the comparative discussion of ethics at the international level. The authors offer policy recommendations for effective collaboration among the three regions, to promote responsible governance in science and technology and a common analytical perspective in ethics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Miltos Ladikas; Sachin Chaturvedi; Yandong Zhao; Dirk Stemerding"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ethics", " policy", " technology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-14693-5"], ["title", "Science and Technology Governance and Ethics: A Global Perspective from Europe, India and China"], ["doab_id", "17332"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319146928", "9783319146935"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319146928 (Print) 9783319146935 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book examines an unprecedented range of science fiction texts\u2014including literature, cinema, theater, and comics\u2014produced in Argentina from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries. These works address themes common to the genre across the industrialized world, including techno-authoritarianism, new modes of posthuman subjectivity, and apocalyptic visions of environmental catastrophe. At the same time, Argentine science fiction is fully grounded in the social and political life of the nation.The texts discussed here explore the impact of an uneven modernization, mass migration, dictatorships, crises in national identity, the rise and fall of the Left, the question of Argentina\u2019s indigenous heritage, the impact of neoliberalism, and the most recent economic crisis of 2001. Argentine science fiction is also highly reflexive, debating within its pages the role of science fiction and fantasy in the society of its day, and the nature of the text in a world of advancing technology. This book makes important contributions to our understanding of science fiction as a genre, as well as to materialist theories of cultural texts. It will also interest students and scholars researching the culture, history, and politics of Argentina and Latin America."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joanna Page"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dcbooks.13607062.0001.001"], ["title", "Science Fiction in Argentina: Technologies of the Text in a Material Multiverse"], ["doab_id", "19081"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472073108", "9780472053100", "9780472900046", "9780472121878"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472073108 9780472053100 9780472900046 9780472121878"]], [["description", "This book seeks to deconstruct the process of scientific knowledge discovery and theory construction by scrutinizing the circumstances under which all scientific hypotheses are conceived. It concentrates on the interrelatedness of observation, paradox, delusion and self reference in scientific theory and method."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ian Angell; Dionysios Demetis"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544957"], ["title", "Science's First Mistake"], ["doab_id", "14359"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544957"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544957"]], [["description", "Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, presque tous les \u00e9v\u00e9nements naturels extr\u00eames pourraient \u00eatre qualifi\u00e9s de d\u00e9sastre. Sur les 25 catastrophes les plus couteuses depuis 1970, toutes sont survenues apr\u00e8s 1987 et 23 d'entre elles sont li\u00e9es aux conditions climatiques.Et cela n'arrive pas qu'aux autres. La France, elle non plus, n'est pas \u00e9pargn\u00e9e : 88 morts et 9 milliards d'euros de d\u00e9gats pour les temp\u00eates de d\u00e9cembre 1999, pr\u00e8s de 15000 d\u00e9c\u00e8s pour la canicule du 1er au 20 aout 2003. La r\u00e9cente temp\u00eate Xynthia, avec ses ruptures de digues, a provoqu\u00e9 53 morts, s'ajoutant \u00e0 tant d'autres trag\u00e9dies survenues dans des zones inondables, et nous interrogeant. Sommes-nous pr\u00eats par exemple \u00e0 affronter une crue comparable \u00e0 celle de 1910 dans le Paris de demain ?Dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique, nous savons que nous devons nous pr\u00e9parer \u00e0 des \u00e9v\u00e9nements extr\u00eames plus dangereux, quelquefois in\u00e9dits. Ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements voient leurs effets amplifi\u00e9s par le d\u00e9veloppement urbain, le surpeuplement des zones littorales et l'anthropisation des milieux naturels. Ils repr\u00e9sentent de v\u00e9ritables \u00ab trappes \u00e0 pauvret\u00e9 \u00bb pour les pays les plus pauvres de la Plan\u00e8te.C'est l'objet de ce rapport de l'Acad\u00e9mie des Sciences qui analyse la question de ces \u00e9v\u00e9nements climatiques extr\u00eames et de leurs cons\u00e9quences pr\u00e9visibles sur les syst\u00e8mes \u00e9conomiques, sociaux, sanitaires et de s\u00e9curit\u00e9.Un r\u00e9el besoin d'anticipation existe donc : notre pays est-il pr\u00eat \u00e0 y r\u00e9pondre ? Participe-t-il suffi samment aux actions internationales visant \u00e0 r\u00e9duire les risques ? Dispose-t-il d'une information scientifique appropri\u00e9e ?Henri D\u00e9camps, membre de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences, est un sp\u00e9cialiste de la biologie int\u00e9grative. Directeur de plusieurs programmes d'\u00e9tude internationaux (Union Europ\u00e9enne, UNESCO, il suit de pr\u00e8s les questions li\u00e9s \u00e0 l'\u00e9cologie et au climat. Il a anim\u00e9 au sein de l'Acad\u00e9mie des sciences ce groupe de travail, compos\u00e9s de plusieurs dizaines de scientifiques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", " Jean-Loup Puget"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "EDP SCIENCES"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.bibsciences.org/bibsup/acad-sc/common/articles/rapport10.pdf"], ["title", "Les sciences spatiales"], ["doab_id", "16207"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782759805754"]], ["provider", "www.bibsciences.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782759805754"]], [["description", "This book is the first comprehensive collection covering both the state of scientific progress and the ethics, law and history of scientific research. It will appeal to a wide international audience, offering a truly multidisciplinary analysis of many facets of scientific research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simona Giordano; John Coggon; Marco Cappato"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849669009"], ["title", "Scientific Freedom"], ["doab_id", "15466"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849669009"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849669009"]], [["description", "The Scientific Revolution Revisited brings Mikul\u00e1\u0161 Teich back to the great movement of thought and action that transformed European science and society in the seventeenth century. Drawing on a lifetime of scholarly experience in six penetrating chapters, Teich examines the ways of investigating and understanding nature that matured during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, charting their progress towards science as we now know it and insisting on the essential interpenetration of such inquiry with its changing social environment. The Scientific Revolution was marked by the global expansion of trade by European powers and by interstate rivalries for a stake in the developing world market, in which advanced medieval China, remarkably, did not participate. It is in the wake of these happenings, in Teich's original retelling, that the Thirty Years War and the Scientific Revolution emerge as products of and factors in an uneven transition in European and world history: from natural philosophy to modern science, feudalism to capitalism, the late medieval to the early modern period. With a narrative that moves from pre-classical thought to the European institutionalisation of science \u2013 and a scope that embraces figures both lionised and neglected, such as Nicole Oresme, Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, Isaac Newton, Ren\u00e9 Descartes, Thaddeus Hagecius, Johann Joachim Becher \u2013 The Scientific Revolution Revisited illuminates the social and intellectual sea changes that shaped the modern world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Teich, Mikul\u00e1\u0161 (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Scientific Revolution", "science", "society", "seventeenth century", "Europe"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/334"], ["title", "The Scientific Revolution Revisited"], ["doab_id", "17192"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741236", "9781783741243"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741236 9781783741243"]], [["description", "The advent and spread of Internet and the Web have radically transformed the modes of communication. This book considers a particular ambit of online communication, namely that of science. In the first place, the author reconstructs the circumstances that gave rise to the modern system of scientific communication, and the qualitative and quantitative tools for scientific evaluation. After this, the analysis concentrates on the history, philosophy and architecture of the Web from its inception through to the most recent developments of both a technical (Semantic Web) and a socio-cultural kind (Web 2.0). Finally an open and democratic model for scientific communication is projected and proposed, made possible through the use of transparent, accessible and distributed tools.

L'avvento e la diffusione di Internet e del Web hanno radicalmente trasformato le modalit\u00e0 di comunicazione. Questo libro considera un ambito particolare della comunicazione in rete: quello relativo alla scienza. L'autrice dapprima ricostruisce le circostanze in cui hanno avuto origine il sistema moderno di comunicazione scientifica e gli strumenti qualitativi e quantitativi di valutazione della scienza. L'analisi si concentra poi sulla storia, la filosofia e l'architettura del Web dalla nascita fino alle pi\u00f9 recenti evoluzioni tecniche (Web semantico) e socio-culturali (Web 2.0). Infine,viene prospettato e proposto un modello di comunicazione della scienza aperto e democratico, reso possibile grazie all'impiego di strumenti trasparenti, accessibili e distribuiti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Di Donato, Francesca"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Internet", "Web 2.0", "Internet", "Web 2.0"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341473"], ["title", "La scienza e la rete"], ["doab_id", "12635"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884535009"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884535009"]], [["description", "E. M. Forster first encountered Billy Budd in 1926. Some twenty years later, he embarked on a collaboration with Benjamin Britten and Eric Crozier, adapting Melville\u2019s novella for the opera stage. The libretto they produced poignantly reaffirms the Forsterian creed of salvation through personal relationships. This study presents an extensive exploration of Forster\u2019s involvement in the interpretation, transformation and re-creation of Melville\u2019s text. It situates the story of the Handsome Sailor in the wider context of Forster\u2019s literary oeuvre, his life, and his life writings. In detailed readings, Billy Budd becomes a lens through which the themes, patterns and leitmotifs of Forsterian thought and creative imagination are brought into focus. A close re-examination of the libretto sketches serves to shed new light on the collaborative process in which Melville\u2019s story was changed to fit an archetypal array of plot and character types that is central to Forster\u2019s own storytelling.

E. M. Forster first encountered Billy Budd in 1926. Some twenty years later, he embarked on a collaboration with Benjamin Britten and Eric Crozier, adapting Melville\u2019s novella for the opera stage. The libretto they produced poignantly reaffirms the Forsterian creed of salvation through personal relationships. This study presents an extensive exploration of Forster\u2019s involvement in the interpretation, transformation and re-creation of Melville\u2019s text. It situates the story of the Handsome Sailor in the wider context of Forster\u2019s literary oeuvre, his life, and his life writings. In detailed readings, Billy Budd becomes a lens through which the themes, patterns and leitmotifs of Forsterian thought and creative imagination are brought into focus. A close re-examination of the libretto sketches serves to shed new light on the collaborative process in which Melville\u2019s story was changed to fit an archetypal array of plot and character types that is central to Forster\u2019s own storytelling."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rochlitz, Hanna"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Storytelling", "Opera", "Melville", "Forster", "Britten", "Novella", "Storytelling", "Opera", "Melville", "Forster", "Britten", "Novella"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610287"], ["title", "Sea-changes - Melville - Forster - Britten : the story of Billy Budd and its operatic adaptation"], ["doab_id", "15239"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950453"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950453"]], [["description", "A stellar group of writers, scientists, and educators illuminate the intersections between environmental science, creative writing, and education, considering ways to strengthen communication between differing fields with common interests."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Graulich, Melody; Crumbly, Paul"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/21"], ["title", "The Search for a Common Language: Environmental Writing and Education"], ["doab_id", "14684"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216127"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216127"]], [["description", "\u200bThis book is an update of the first BACC assessment, published in 2008. It offers new and updated scientific findings in regional climate research for the Baltic Sea basin. These include climate changes since the last glaciation (approx. 12,000 years ago), changes in the recent past (the last 200 years), climate projections up until 2100 using state-of-the-art regional climate models and an assessment of climate-change impacts on terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. There are dedicated new chapters on sea-level rise, coastal erosion and impacts on urban areas. A new set of chapters deals with possible causes of regional climate change along with the global effects of increased greenhouse gas concentrations, namely atmospheric aerosols and land-cover change.The evidence collected and presented in this book shows that the regional climate has already started to change and this is expected to continue. Projections of potential future climates show that the region will probably become considerably warmer and wetter in some parts, but dryer in others. Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have already shown adjustments to increased temperatures and are expected to undergo further changes in the near future.The BACC II Author Team consists of 141 scientists from 12 countries, covering various disciplines related to climate research and related impacts. BACC II is a project of the Baltic Earth research network and contributes to the World Climate Research Programme."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "The BACC II Author Team"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Baltic Sea", " Environmental Impacts", " Northern Europe", " Regional Climate Change", " Regional Climate Projections", " BACC", " BACC books"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-16006-1"], ["title", "Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin"], ["doab_id", "17437"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319160054", "9783319160061"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319160054 (Print) 9783319160061 (Online)"]], [["description", "Cigarette smoke exposure is the key initiator of chronic inflammation, alveolar destruction, and the loss of alveolar blood vessels that lead to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is comprised of emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is the major risk factor for non-smokers to develop emphysema. While the first-hand smoke is directly inhaled by smokers, passive smoking occurs when non-smokers are involuntary exposed to environmental tobacco smoke also known as second hand smoke (SHS). SHS is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco: side stream smoke (smoke that comes from the end of a lit cigarette, pipe, or cigar) and mainstream smoke (smoke that is exhaled by a smoker). These two types of smoke have basically the same composition, however in SHS many toxic components are more concentrated than in first-hand smoke, therefore more hazardous for people\u2019s health. Several pathological events have been implicated in the development of SHS-induced COPD, but many aspects of this pathology remain poorly understood halting the development of new advanced treatments for this detrimental disease. In this respect we have welcomed leading investigators in the field to share their research findings and provide their thoughts regarding the mechanisms of the SHS exposure-induced immune responses and inflammatory mechanisms of lung destruction in SHS-induced COPD and related comorbidities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adelheid Kratzer; Laima Taraseviciene-Stewart; Michael Borchers"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["second hand smoke", "Emphysema", "pulmonary hypertension", "Inflammation", "matrix degradation", "Cell signaling", "Cytokines", "Immune responses", "Macrophages", "Monocytes and lymphocytes", "Autoantibodies", "pulmonary injections", "Heart Failure"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/710/second-hand-smoke-and-copd-lessons-from-animal-studies"], ["title", "Second hand smoke and COPD: lessons from animal studies"], ["doab_id", "18578"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193165"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193165"]], [["description", "Over the last decade there has been a growing interest in sensory science in Italy. This has clearly resulted in an increase in the number of researchers engaged in this sector and the number of companies that exploit sensory evaluations for product innovation and enhancement and in quality control. In Italy, in the sphere of the valorisation of prestige foodstuffs there is an increasing sensitivity towards the adoption of strict methods for describing the sensory properties of the products and ascertaining compliance with defined sensory standards. The Societ\u00e0 Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali has played a decisive role in activating and guiding this development. Pursuing this approach, in 2008 the Society organised the 2nd National Convention as an occasion for exchange among professionals working in the field of sensory science.

Nel corso dell'ultimo decennio in Italia si \u00e8 assistito a un crescente interesse per le scienze sensoriali. Di conseguenza \u00e8 aumentato il numero di ricercatori impegnati in questo settore cos\u00ec come continuano a crescere le aziende che utilizzano le valutazioni sensoriali nell'innovazione e ottimizzazione di prodotto e nel controllo qualit\u00e0. Nella valorizzazione delle produzioni alimentari di pregio del nostro Paese \u00e8 sempre maggiore la sensibilit\u00e0 verso l'adozione di metodi rigorosi nella descrizione delle propriet\u00e0 sensoriali dei prodotti e nelle attivit\u00e0 di verifica della conformit\u00e0 a definiti standard sensoriali. La Societ\u00e0 Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali ha svolto un ruolo determinante nell'attivare e guidare questo sviluppo. Per il 2008, in continuit\u00e0 con l'attivit\u00e0 svolta, la Societ\u00e0 ha voluto organizzare il II Convegno Nazionale per un confronto fra tutti coloro che nel nostro Paese operano nel campo delle scienze sensoriali."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Monteleone, Erminio; Bertuccioli, Mario"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Societ\u00e0 Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali", "Sensorial faculty", "Food", "Marketing", "Quality", "Societ\u00e0 Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali", "Percezione sensoriale", "Cibo", "Marketing", "Qualit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=346645"], ["title", "Secondo Convegno Nazionale della Societ\u00e0 Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali"], ["doab_id", "13068"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884538710"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884538710"]], [["description", "The release of cytokines, chemokines, and other immune-modulating mediators released from innate immune cells, including eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, and epithelial cells, is an important event in immunity. Cytokine synthesis and transportation occurs through the canonical protein trafficking pathway associated with endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. How cytokines are released upon their exit from the trans-Golgi network varies enormously between cell types, and in many cells this has not yet been characterized. This issue delves into the plethora of cytokines released by innate immune cells, and where possible, shines light on specific mechanisms that regulate trafficking and release of Golgi-derived vesicles. Each cell type also shows varying degrees of dependency on microtubule organization and actin cytoskeleton remodeling for cytokine secretion. Understanding the mechanisms of cytokine secretion will reveal the inner workings of individual innate immune cell types, and allow identification of critical regulatory steps in cytokine release."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paige Lacy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Macrophages", "Neutrophils", "Eosinophils", "Dendritic Cells", "Epithelial Cells", "degranulation", "SNAREs", "GTPases", "Recycling endosomes", "secretory granules"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1912/secretion-of-cytokines-and-chemokines-by-innate-immune-cells"], ["title", "Secretion of Cytokines and Chemokines by Innate Immune Cells"], ["doab_id", "18159"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195503"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195503"]], [["description", "Established institutions and policies of dealing with religious diversity in liberal democratic states are increasingly under pressure. Practical politics and political theory is caught in a trap between a fully secularized state (strict separation of state and politics from completely privatized religions based on an idealized version of American denominationalism or French republicanism) and neo-corporatist or 'pillarized' regimes of selective cooperation between states and organized religions. The book offers an original, comprehensive conceptual, theoretical and practical approach to problems of governance of religious diversity from a multi-disciplinary perspective combining moral and political philosophy, constitutional law, history, sociology and anthropology of religions and comparative institutionalism. Proposals of associative democracy - a moderately libertarian, flexible version of democratic institutional pluralism - are introduced and scrutinized whether they can serve as as plausible third way overcoming the inherent deficiencies of the predominant models in theory and practice.

Gevestigde liberaaldemocratische instituties en beleid staan door nieuwe religieuze minderheden, met name moslims, onder toenemende druk. Het lijkt alsof praktische politiek en politieke theorie moeten kiezen tussen een volledig geseculariseerde staat - een strikte scheiding tussen staat/politiek en volledig geprivatiseerde godsdiensten, gebaseerd op een ge\u00efdealiseerd model van de VS of van Frans-republikeinse la\u00efcit\u00e9 - enerzijds, of verzuilde systemen van selectieve samenwerking tussen staat en kerken anderzijds. Secularism or Democracy presenteert een nieuwe conceptuele, theoretische en praktische benadering van oude en recente problemen in de omgang met religieuze diversiteit. Het verbindt ethische en politiek-filosofische perspectieven met constitutioneel recht, geschiedenis, godsdienst-sociologie en -antropologie, en vergelijkend institutionalisme. Voorstellen uit de traditie van associatieve democratie - een vrijzinnige, flexibele versie van een democratisch, institutioneel pluralisme - bieden een 'derde weg' die belooft de tekortkomingen van de dominante modellen in theorie en praktijk te vermijden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bader ,Veit"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie", "Secularism Democracy religion multiculturalism associational governance philosophy, law history"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341457"], ["title", "Secularism or Democracy? : Associational Governance of Religious Diversity"], ["doab_id", "12620"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569993"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569993"]], [["description", "This volume brings together new contributions from academic economists and political scienists as well as experts from the United Nations. It calls for a more integrated policy approach and studies the processes which lead to explosion of civil strife."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Richard Kozul-Wright; Piergiuseppe Fortunato"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665872"], ["title", "Securing Peace"], ["doab_id", "14377"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665872"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665872"]], [["description", "

Seductive Reasoning takes a provocative look at contemporary Anglo-American literary theory, calling into question the critical consensus on pluralism's nature and its status in literary studies. Drawing on the insights of Marxist and feminist critical theory and on the works of Althusser, Derrida, and Foucault, Rooney reads the pluralist\u2019s invitation to join in a \"dialogue\" as a seductive gesture. Critics who respond find that they must seek to persuade all of their potential readers. Rooney examines pluralism as a form of logic in the work of E. D. Hirsch, as a form of ethics for Wayne Booth, as a rhetoric of persuasion in the books of Stanley Fish. For Paul de Man, Rooney argues, pluralism was a rhetoric of tropes just as it was, for Fredric Jameson, a form of politics.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rooney, Ellen"], ["date", "1989"], ["subject", ["literary theory, pluralism, rhetoric, persuasion, Stanley Fish, E D Hirsch, Wayne Booth, Paul de Man, Frederic Jameson"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23180407/9781501707216.pdf"], ["title", "Seductive Reasoning"], ["doab_id", "19899"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707216"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707216"]], [["description", "This book is open access under a CC BY license. Selfies, blogs and lifelogging devices have become important ways in which we understand ourselves. Jill Walker Rettberg analyses these and related genres as three intertwined modes of self-representation: visual, written and quantitative. Rettberg explores topics like the meaning of Instagram filters, smartphone apps that write your diary for you, and the ways in which governments and commercial entities create their own representations of us from the digital traces we leave behind as we go through our lives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Walker Rettberg, Jill"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Cultural and Media Studies, New Media and Digital Media, Media and Cultural Theory, Popular Culture"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.palgraveconnect.com/pc/doifinder/10.1057/9781137476661"], ["title", "Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves"], ["doab_id", "17912"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137476661"]], ["provider", "Palgrave Connect"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137476661"]], [["description", "When the Second World War ended, Europe was in ruins. Yet, politically and socially, the years between 1943 and 1947 were a time of dramatic reconfigurations, which proved to be foundational for the making of today's Europe. This volume hones in on the crucial period from the beginning of the end of Nazi rule in Europe to the advent of the Cold War. Through a series of interrelated case studies that span the entire continent, it demonstrates how the everyday experiences of Europeans during these five years shaped the transition of their societies from war to peace. The authors explore these reconfigurations on different scales and levels -the local and regional, the ethnic and national, and the international - with the purpose of enhancing our understanding of how wars end."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hoffmann ,Stefan-Ludwig; Kott ,Sandrine; Romijn ,Peter; Wieviorka ,Olivier"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["world war II"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619594"], ["title", "Seeking Peace in the Wake of War. Europe, 1943-1947"], ["doab_id", "19964"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643780"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643780"]], [["description", "Poetic, witty, and ever so faintly surreal, Sefer delicately explores the legacy of the Holocaust for the postwar generation, a generation for whom a devastating history has grown distant, both temporally and emotionally. The novel\u2019s protagonist, Jan Sefer, is a psychotherapist living in Vienna\u2014someone whose professional life puts him in daily contact with the traumas of others but who has found it difficult to address his own family background, especially his memories of his father. During a two-week trip to his father\u2019s birthplace, Krak\u00f3w\u2014a visit he has long postponed\u2014he begins to sort out some of his feelings and to connect with a past the memory of which is swiftly disintegrating. Much like memory itself, Sefer speaks to us obliquely, through the juxtaposition of images and vignettes rather than through the construction of a linear narrative. With its fragmentary structure and its preference for hints rather than explanations, the novel belongs to the realm of the postmodern, while it also incorporates subtle elements of magical realism. One of Poland\u2019s best-known poets, Ewa Lipska is today a major figure in European literature. In their translation of Sefer, Lipska\u2019s first novel, translators Barbara Bogoczek and Tony Howard deftly capture the poet\u2019s unmistakable voice\u2014cool and precise, gently ironic, and deeply humane. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ewa Lipska, translated by Barbara Bogoczek and Tony Howard"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Holocaust", "war"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120220"], ["title", "Sefer"], ["doab_id", "15433"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356029", "9781927356036", "9781927356043"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356029 9781927356036 9781927356043"]], [["description", "Este livro resulta desse processo e conta com a participa\u00e7\u00e3o de docentes e discentes que integram o Grupo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Assessoria em Pol\u00edticas Sociais (GEAPS) e o N\u00facleo de Estudos, Pesquisas e Pr\u00e1ticas Sociais (NUPEPS). Apresenta discuss\u00f5es de grande import\u00e2ncia para o Servi\u00e7o Social, na medida em que se prop\u00f5em refletir sobre Seguridade Social no Brasil, trazendo discuss\u00f5es mais amplas como: o financiamento e a mercantilizar\u00e3o das pol\u00edticas sociais; a trajet\u00f3ria hist\u00f3rica do controle social, especialmente no \u00e2mbito da sa\u00fade; e a gest\u00e3o do trabalho no Sistema \u00danico de Sa\u00fade (SUS) no contexto da reestrutura\u00e7\u00e3o produtiva. Encontramos tamb\u00e9m nesta colet\u00e2nea textos que apresentam resultados de investiga\u00e7\u00e3o que tiveram por objetivo analisar de forma mais espec\u00edfica a realidade do munic\u00edpio de Campina Grande (PB), no que se refere \u00e0 implanta\u00e7\u00e3o da Estrat\u00e9gia Sa\u00fade da Fam\u00edlia, a partir da avalia\u00e7\u00e3o de profissionais da \u00e1rea; \u00e0s concep\u00e7\u00f5es de aconselhamento de DST/Aids a gestantes por parte dos profissionais das Unidades B\u00e1sicas de Sa\u00fade da Fam\u00edlia; e \u00e0s Organiza\u00e7\u00f5es da Sociedade Civil de atendimento \u00e0s pessoas com defici\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Davi, Jordeana; Martiniano, Claudia; Patriota, Lucia Maria"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Seguridade Social, Pol\u00edtica Social Brasileira, Programa Sa\u00fade da Fam\u00edlia, Sa\u00fade no Trabalho"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zw25x"], ["title", "Seguridade social e sa\u00fade: tend\u00eancias e desafios"], ["doab_id", "16304"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791933"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791933"]], [["description", "Few historians have followed the entire \"life-cycle\" of a product; especially \"secondary\" forms of use, transfer and alteration - for example repair works or the trade in used goods - often have been neglected. This exclusion of secondary markets and secondary product cycles seems problematic, since they were - regarding the factors of production - of a specific importance for pre-modern economy and society: for many craftsmen especially in the textile branch repair works formed a significant part of their daily business, in addition numerous people found possibilities to earn a living in fields that specialized on trading with second-hand ware or the collecting and reprocessing of scrap materials. Especially metals or glass, but also textiles (rags for paper making) were recycled to a considerable extent, since raw material was often scarce or expensive; therefore many consumers (especially members of lower urban strata) were reliant on the use of second-hand commodities and materials until the nineteenth century. My study focuses on the retail of second-hand commodities during the seventeenth and eighteenth century in the towns of Salzburg and Vienna, but it also discusses findings from other European cities. The empirical part of the study is primarily based on archival sources, but also other forms of tradition were taken into consideration. The rather fragmentary record and the (partial) \"invisibility\" of market actors necessitated the combination of different types of sources (e.g. contemporary literature or depictions) and methods of reconstruction (qualitative as well as quantitative), which allowed to broaden the analysis - for example to locate individuals within their everyday socioeconomic contexts.Second-hand trade - in shops, stall or on institutionalised market places - formed an important source of income for the urban labouring poor being a temporary (supplementary and occasional) or a middle- or long-term activity, especially for females and members of ethnic or religious minorities. Formalisation and regulation within urban second-hand trade, also high entrance fees or numerical limits tended to exclude several actors from engaging in authorized second-hand trading. These exclusions evoked informal engagement that means activities of licensed and partially licensed as well as of unlicensed dealers - these informal trading activities don't seem marginal, but of a specific relevance for urban second-hand trade.Second-hand trade was undoubtedly dominated by less affluent elements that were often considered only barely respectable, problems like trading with stolen or infected goods fostered ambivalent or negative contemporary perceptions. Nevertheless, second-hand markets and traders formed a substantial and vital part of the urban economy during early modern times - their utilities with respect to household strategies and daily consumption were multiple: Used goods could usually be purchased at significantly lower prices than new commodities, at the same time the second-hand trade helped to convert \"unnecessary\" or dispensable belongings and commodities from bequests or insolvencies into cash. But second-hand trade was not just a necessity; it also created possibilities for economic management - \"cheaper\" second-hand goods could be purchased instead of newly manufactured commodities, in addition material belongings that were of a stable value and easily resold functioned as a non-monetary saving strategy. The consumption of used goods was very flexible and adoptable and formed - especially for members of lower urban strata - a basal element of everyday economy. Second-hand markets offered a broad range of products that were immediately available: especially clothing (since textiles embodied quite a high exchange value during the pre-industrial period), furniture and other goods of everyday use, but also scrap materials. Second-hand markets and traders were closely connected (both personally and spatially) to numerous other aspects of the urban economy: to handicraft workers (by repair works and the supply of old materials), but also to pawnbrokers and traders in new products.

Nur wenige Historiker/innen haben den gesamten \"Lebenszyklus\" eines Produktes verfolgt; vor allem \"sekund\u00e4re\" Formen des Gebrauchs, des Transfers und der Weiterverarbeitung - etwa Reparatur oder Gebrauchtwarenhandel - wurden in der Forschung, speziell zur Vormoderne, oft vernachl\u00e4ssigt. Dieser Ausschluss von sekund\u00e4ren M\u00e4rkten und Produktkreisl\u00e4ufen scheint problematisch, da in der vormodernen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft dem \"Sekund\u00e4ren\" im Hinblick auf die Produktionsfaktoren eine erhebliche Bedeutung zukam: f\u00fcr viele Handwerker (vor allem in den Bekleidungsgewerben) bildeten Reparaturarbeiten einen wichtigen Bestandteil ihrer t\u00e4glichen Arbeit, aber auch in Berufen, die sich ausschlie\u00dflich mit Gebrauchtwaren oder Altstoffen besch\u00e4ftigten, fanden zahlreiche Menschen eine Erwerbsm\u00f6glichkeit. Materialien wurden in vielen Bereichen, da Rohstoffe nur begrenzt vorhanden und zumeist teuer waren, wieder verwendet und verwertet, auch blieben viele Stadtbewohner (besonders aus den Unterschichten) hinsichtlich der Konsumption bis ins 19. Jahrhundert hinein auf Gebrauchtes angewiesen. Meine Studie nimmt den Gebrauchtwarenhandel im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert in den St\u00e4dten Salzburg und Wien in den Blick, es wurden - zur Erg\u00e4nzung bzw. zur Kontextualisierung - jedoch auch Befunde aus anderen europ\u00e4ischen St\u00e4dten einbezogen. Die eher fragmentarische archivalische \u00dcberlieferung und die partielle \"Unsichtbarkeit\" der Marktakteure machte es notwendig verschiedene Quellen (etwa zeitgen\u00f6ssische literarische oder bildliche Darstellungen) und methodische Ans\u00e4tze (qualitative wie quantitative) zu kombinieren, was eine Erweiterung des Blickes - beispielsweise die r\u00e4umliche bzw. sozio\u00f6konomische Verortung einzelner H\u00e4ndler/innen - erm\u00f6glichte.Der Gebrauchtwarenhandel, der \u00fcber eigene Marktpl\u00e4tze oder Gesch\u00e4fte bzw. St\u00e4nde, aber auch ambulant betrieben werden konnte, bildete als tempor\u00e4re Nebenbesch\u00e4ftigung oder auch mittel- und langfristige T\u00e4tigkeit eine wichtige Einkommensquelle f\u00fcr die st\u00e4dtischen labouring poor, besonders auch f\u00fcr Frauen und Angeh\u00f6rige ethnischer oder religi\u00f6ser Minorit\u00e4ten. Normierungen und Regulierungen im st\u00e4dtischen Gebrauchtwarenhandel, auch hohe Zutrittsgeb\u00fchren zu den Handelsgewerben oder numerische Beschr\u00e4nkungen derselben, schlossen verschiedene Akteure von formellen T\u00e4tigkeiten im Gebrauchtwarenhandel aus. Diese Exklusion bedingte informelle Handelst\u00e4tigkeiten, das hei\u00dft von berechtigten oder teilweise berechtigten wie auch von g\u00e4nzlich unberechtigten H\u00e4ndlern/innen, denen insgesamt eine hohe Relevanz zukam.Zweifellos war der Gebrauchtwarenhandel von Angeh\u00f6rigen der st\u00e4dtischen Unterschichten dominiert, die von \"au\u00dfen\" bzw. \"oben\" als nur begrenzt respektabel erachtet wurden, Problematiken wie der Handel mit gestohlenen Gegenst\u00e4nden oder mit Waren dubioser Herkunft beg\u00fcnstigten zudem ambivalente oder auch negative Wahrnehmungen. Dennoch - der Gebrauchtwarenhandel bildete w\u00e4hrend der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit einen zentralen Bestandteil der st\u00e4dtischen Wirtschaft, der Nutzen des \"Sekund\u00e4ren\" im Hinblick auf die allt\u00e4gliche Konsumption war vielf\u00e4ltig: Gebrauchte Waren konnten zu einem geringeren Preis als Neuwaren erworben werden, genauso half der Gebrauchtwarenhandel \"\u00fcberfl\u00fcssige\" Besitzt\u00fcmer oder Gegenst\u00e4nde aus Verlassenschaften oder Insolvenzen in Bargeld zu verwandeln. Jedoch war der Gebrauchtwarenhandel nicht nur eine Notwendigkeit, sondern bildete auch eine M\u00f6glichkeit des Wirtschaftens - so konnte etwa auf \"billigere\" Gebrauchtwaren ausgewichen werden, zudem fungierte materieller Besitz, der wertbest\u00e4ndig und einfach zu ver\u00e4u\u00dfern war, als nichtmonet\u00e4re Sparform. Die Konsumption von Gebrauchtem gestaltete sich dementsprechend \u00fcberaus flexibel und bildete - vor allem f\u00fcr Angeh\u00f6rige der st\u00e4dtischen Unterschichten - sicherlich ein wesentliches Element der allt\u00e4glichen \u00d6konomie der vorindustriellen Zeit. Sekund\u00e4re M\u00e4rkte stellten eine breite Auswahl an Produkten bereit, die zudem sofort verf\u00fcgbar waren: besonders Kleidung (da Textilien in der vorindustriellen Periode einen relativ hohen Wert darstellten), zudem M\u00f6bel und andere Alltagsgegenst\u00e4nde, aber auch Altmaterialien. Enge Vernetzungen dieser sekund\u00e4ren M\u00e4rkte bestanden mit zahlreichen anderen Bereichen der st\u00e4dtischen Wirtschaft: zum Neuwarenhandel (in personeller oder r\u00e4umlicher Hinsicht), zum Gewerbe (\u00fcber Reparaturen) oder zur Pfandleihe (\u00fcber den Handel mit verfallenen Pf\u00e4ndern), aber auch zu Neuwarenhandel und -produktion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "St\u00f6ger ,Georg"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["second-hand trade, economy of makeshifts, recycling, non-elite consumption, secondary markets"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574650"], ["title", "Sekund\u00e4re M\u00e4rkte?"], ["doab_id", "17386"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786788"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786788"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["achieving better buildings, improving the performance of materials, improving the performance of existing buildings, sustainability, productivity, housing needs, building better cities and communities"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/187"], ["title", "Selected Papers from Building A Better New Zealand (BBNZ 2014) Conference"], ["doab_id", "19029"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420965", "9783038420958"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420965/9783038420958"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/170"], ["title", "Selected Papers from the 13th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conferenc"], ["doab_id", "19048"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420460", "9783038420477"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420460/9783038420477"]], [["description", "

Why did France spawn the radical poststructuralist rejection of the humanist concept of 'man' as a rational, knowing subject? In this innovative cultural history, Carolyn J. Dean sheds light on the origins of poststructuralist thought, paying particular attention to the reinterpretation of the self by Jacques Lacan, Georges Bataille, and other French thinkers. Arguing that the widely shared belief that the boundaries between self and other had disappeared during the Great War helps explain the genesis of the new concept of the self, Dean examines an array of evidence from medical texts and literary works alike. The Self and Its Pleasures offers a pathbreaking understanding of the boundaries between theory and history.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dean, Carolyn J."], ["date", "1992"], ["subject", ["Georges Bataille, Jacques Lacan, post-structuralism, subjectivity, psychoanalysis, historical agency, feminist theory, Marquis de Sade, decentered self, criminal psychology, masochism"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/22125911/9780801499548.pdf"], ["title", "The Self and Its Pleasures"], ["doab_id", "19892"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780801499548"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9780801499548"]], [["description", "The EQ-5D instrument, as a standardized, cross-culturally validated measure of self-assessed health has a hugely important role in understanding population health within and across countries. Over the past two decades a wealth of international population health survey data have been accumulated by the EuroQol Group from research conducted in many countries across four continents. One of the success factors of the EQ-5D instruments has been the easy availability of national or international sets of EQ-5D data, as well as clear explanations and guidance for users. There is an unmet need to produce a comprehensive book that captures up-to-date and expanded information of EQ-5D self-reported health and index values. EQ-5D population norms and cross-country analyses are provided from representative national surveys of 20 countries and additional regional surveys. This book will be a must for those who believe that how people report and value health is very important."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Agota Szende; Bas Janssen; Juan Cabases"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Population Health", " EQ-5D", " Quality-of-Life", " Utilities"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-7596-1"], ["title", "Self-Reported Population Health: An International Perspective based on EQ-5D"], ["doab_id", "16188"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400775954", "9789400775961"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400775954 (Print) 9789400775961 (Online)"]], [["description", "Long a topic of intricate political and social debate, Canadian identity has come to be understood as fragmented, amorphous, and unstable, a multifaceted and contested space only tenuously linked to traditional concepts of the nation. As Canadians, we are endlessly defining ourselves, seeking to locate our sense of self in relation to some Other. By examining how writers and performers have conceptualized and negotiated issues of personal identity in their work, the essays collected in Selves and Subjectivities investigate emerging representations of self and other in contemporary Canadian arts and culture. Included are essays on iconic poet and musician Leonard Cohen, Governor General award"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Manijeh Mannani and Veronica Thompson"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Canadian literature", "Canadian identity", "identity formation", "multiculturalism", "gender", "nationhood"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120197"], ["title", "Selves and Subjectivities: Reflections on Canadian Arts and Culture"], ["doab_id", "15426"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836492", "9781926836508", "9781926836515"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836492 9781926836508 9781926836515"]], [["description", "Drawing on literature, film and art, this book develops a distinctive cultural framework to explain why sensation is so centrality to modernity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Jervis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593023"], ["title", "Sensational Subjects"], ["doab_id", "17120"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472593023"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472593023"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of essays each of which discusses the work of one of eight individuals - Rush Rhees, Peter Winch, R. F. Holland, J. R. Jones, H. O. Mounce, D. Z. Phillips, Ilham Dilman and R.W. Beardsmore - who taught philosophy at the University of Wales, Swansea, for some time from the 1950s through to the 1990s and so contributed to what in some circles came to be known as 'the Swansea School'. These eight essays are in turn followed by a ninth that, drawing on the previous eight, offers something of a critical overview of philosophy at Swansea during that same period. The essays are not primarily historical in character. Instead they aim at both the critical assessment and the continuation of the sort of philosophical work that during those years came to be especially associated with philosophy at Swansea, work that is deeply indebted to the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein but also distinctively sensitive to the relevance of literary works to philosophical reflection."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edelman, John"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209489"], ["title", "Sense and Reality. Essays out of Swansea"], ["doab_id", "18085"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328813", "9783110328523", "9783110328820"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328813, 9783110328523, 9783110328820"]], [["description", "The sense of agency is defined as the sense of oneself as the agent of one's own actions. This also allows oneself to feel distinct from others, and contributes to the subjective phenomenon of self-consciousness (Gallagher, 2000). Distinguishing oneself from others is arguably one of the most important functions of the human brain. Even minor impairments in this ability profoundly affect the individual\u2019s functioning in society as demonstrated by psychiatric and neurological syndromes involving agency disturbances (Della Sala et al., 1991; Franck et al., 2001; Frith, 2005; Sirigu et al., 1999). But the sense of agency also plays a role for cultural and religious phenomena such as voodoo, superstition and gambling, in which individuals experience subjective control over objectively uncontrollable entities (Wegner, 2003). Furthermore, it plays into ethical and law questions concerning responsibility and guilt. For these reasons a better understanding of the sense of agency has been important for neuroscientists, clinicians, philosophers of mind and the general society alike. Significant progress has been made in this regard. For example, philosophical scrutiny has helped establish the conceptual boundaries of the sense of agency (Bayne, 2011; Gallagher, 2000, 2012; Pacherie 2008; Synofzik et al., 2008) and scientific investigations have shed light on the neurocognitive basis of sense of agency including the brain regions supporting sense of agency (Chambon et al., 2013; David et al., 2007; Farrer et al., 2003, 2008; Spengler et al., 2009; Tsakiris et al., 2010; Yomogida et al., 2010). Despite this progress there remain a number of outstanding questions such as: \u2022 Are there cross-cultural differences in the sense of agency? \u2022 How does the sense of agency develop in infants or change across the lifespan? \u2022 How does social context influence sense of agency? \u2022 What neural networks support sense of agency (i.e., connectivity and communication between brain regions)? \u2022 What are the temporal dynamics with respect to neural processes underlying the sense of agency (i.e. the what and when of agency processing)? \u2022 How can different cue models of the sense of agency be further specified and empirically supported, especially with regards to cue integration/ weighting? \u2022 What are the applications of sense of agency research (clinically, engineering etc.)? The concept of the sense of agency offers intriguing avenues for knowledge transfer across disciplines and interdisciplinary empirical approaches, especially in addressing the afore-mentioned outstanding questions. The aim of the present research topic is to promote and facilitate such interdisciplinarity for a better understanding of why and how we typically experience our own actions so naturally and undoubtedly as \u201cours\u201d and what goes awry when we do not. We, thus, welcome contributions from, for example, (i) neuroscience and psychology (including development psychology/ neuroscience), (ii) psychiatry and neurology, (iii) philosophy, (iv) robotics, and (v) computational modeling. In addition to empirical or scientific studies of the sense of agency, we also encourage theoretical contributions including reviews, models, and opinions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicole David; James W. Moore; Sukhvinder Obhi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["sense of agency", "Volition", "bayes", "Disorders of agency", "Consciousness", "action"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1817/sense-of-agency-examining-awareness-of-the-acting-self"], ["title", "Sense of agency: Examining awareness of the acting self"], ["doab_id", "19531"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196241"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196241"]], [["description", "Water covers approximately 71% of the planet\u2019s surface and human activities have been relying on it since remote times. Many traces of these exist under the \u201czero level\u201d and will continue to exist in the future. Measuring, positioning, and mapping objects under water have experienced very significant modifications, brought about by advances in technology and also by changed requirements, demands for new products, introduction of new tools, and the modification of existing equipment. The exploration, documentation, and recording of underwater environments remains a difficult task, and is sometimes still unsolved. The research, design, and development of techniques and procedures for correctly validating underwater environments are more than ever important.This Special Issue originates from the ISPRS/CIPA Workshop \"UNDERWATER 3D RECORDING & MODELING\u2014Experiences in Data Acquisition, Calibration, Orientation, Modelling & Accuracy Assessment\u201d (http://3dom.fbk.eu/files/underwater/index.html) and will accept improved and extended selected papers derived from the workshop\u2019s proceedings, as well as new contributions from international colleagues.We invite you to submit articles on the following topics:Underwater/Multi-media photogrammetryUnderwater platforms (ROV, AUV, robot, etc.)Characterization of underwater passive and active sensorsUnderwater navigation and positioningUnderwater metrology and inspectionsGeometric modeling in multi-media photogrammetryAccuracy requirement and assessment in underwater 3D applicationsRestoration, enhancement and processing of underwater images3D bathymetry techniquesData processing and underwater 3D modelingSensors for marine biology and water pollutionMulti-sensor integration"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Underwater, Photogrammetry, Bathymetry, ROV, 3D modelling, Multi-media, Marine biology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/214"], ["title", "Sensors and Techniques for 3D Object Modeling in Underwater Environments"], ["doab_id", "19389"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422228", "9783038422235"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422228/9783038422235"]], [["description", "Fluid leak detection represents a problem that has attracted the interest of researchers, but not exclusively because in industries and services leaks are frequently common. Indeed, in water or gas supplies, chemical or thermal plants, sea-lines or cooling/heating systems leakage rates can cause important economic losses and sometimes, what it is more relevant, environmental pollution with human, animal or plant lives at risk. This last issue has led to increased national and international regulations with different degrees of severity regarding environmental conservation. Early fluid detection represents an important challenge to avoid the problems mentioned above. This special issue was proposed with the aim of attracting new technological developments and methods in sensors based on physical, chemical or biological principles."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/129"], ["title", "Sensors for Fluid Leak Detection"], ["doab_id", "17509"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420682", "9783038420699"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420682/9783038420699 "]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Sensor, high throughput screening, microbes, toxins, spoilage, indicator, safety, quality, food"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/200"], ["title", "Sensors for Food Safety and Quality"], ["doab_id", "19114"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421993", "9783038422006"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421993/9783038422006"]], [["description", "The study of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) systems has benefited from the identification, classification and cloning of multiple 5-HT receptors (5-HT1 to 5-HT7). Increasing evidence suggests that 5-HT pathways, reuptake site/transporter complex and 5-HT receptors represent a strategic distribution for learning and memory. A key question still remaining is whether 5-HT markers (e.g., receptors) are directly or indirectly contributing to the physiological and pharmacological basis of memory and its pathogenesis or, rather, if they represent protective or adaptable mechanisms. Certainly, Alzheimer\u00b4s disease (AD) is a very complex neuropsychiatric disorder, where memory becomes progressively dysfunctional resulting in amnesia and dementia, whereas forgetting is a physiological phenomenon occurring all the time as adaptive mechanism. As dysfunctional memory occurs in several neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, stroke, post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, the aim of this call is collect recent and important findings related to information about serotonin and memory or 5-HT and learning or 5-HT and memory or serotonin and learning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alfredo Meneses; Antonella Gasbarri"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["5-Hydroxytryptamine", "5-HT receptors", "Learning", "Memory", "dysfunctional memory", "Amnesia", "forgetting", "neuropsychiatric disorders", "5-HT markers", "neural markers"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3374/serotonin-and-memory"], ["title", "Serotonin and Memory"], ["doab_id", "18911"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889198023"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198023"]], [["description", "Sex After Life aims to consider the various ways in which the concept of life has provided normative and moralizing ballast for queer, feminist and critical theories. Arguing against a notion of the queer as counter-normative, Sex After Life appeals to the concept of life as a philosophical problem. Life is neither a material ground nor a generative principle, but can nevertheless offer itself for new forms of problem formation that exceed the all too human logics of survival."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Colebrook ,Claire"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["queer theory", "feminist theory", "critical theory"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502352"], ["title", "Sex After Life : Essays on Extinction, Vol. 2"], ["doab_id", "16375"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853008", "9781785420122"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853008 9781785420122"]], [["description", "Sex and Drugs Before Rock \u2019n\u2019 Roll is a fascinating volume that presents an engaging overview of what it was like to be young and male in the Dutch Golden Age. Here, well-known cohorts of Rembrandt are examined for the ways in which they expressed themselves by defying conservative values and norms. This study reveals how these young men rebelled, breaking from previous generations: letting their hair grow long, wearing colorful clothing, drinking excessively, challenging city guards, being promiscuous, smoking, and singing lewd songs. Cogently argued, this study paints a compelling portrait of the youth culture of the Dutch Golden Age, at a time when the rising popularity of print made dissemination of new cultural ideas possible, while rising incomes and liberal attitudes created a generation of men behaving badly.

Dit boek richt zich op \u00e9\u00e9n generatie van jonge mannen die werd geboren rond 1600 en volwassen werd tijdens het hoogtepunt van de Gouden Eeuw. Van bekende generatiegenoten, zoals Rembrandt van Rijn, wordt onderzocht hoe ze uiting gaven aan hun jongerencultuur en mannelijkheid. Roberts onderzoekt de mannelijkheid van deze jonge mannen op het gebied van uiterlijk, drinken, drugs, het gebruik van geweld, hun seksualiteit en hun manier van vrijetijdsinvulling. Hij laat zien hoe zij zich afzetten tegen de vorige generatie onder andere door hun lang haren, kleurrijke kleding, promiscuiteit en overmatig drankgebruik."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roberts ,Benjamin B."], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425550"], ["title", "Sex and Drugs before Rock 'n' Roll : Youth Culture and Masculinity during Holland's Golden Age"], ["doab_id", "15170"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644022"]], [["description", "Sex and gender in biomedicine are innovative research concepts of theoretical and clinical medicine that enable a better understanding of health and disease, evidence-based knowledge, effective therapies, and better health outcomes for women and men. Gender Medicine stimulates new ways of doing research: that is to consider sex and gender at all levels of research, from basic research into gene polymorphisms to health behaviour. New research questions have been put forward that focus not on differences per se but on the development of differences. In this book, contributions from the field of neuroscience, addiction research, and organ transplantation exemplify concepts, approaches, methods and results in the field.

Sex and gender in biomedicine are innovative research concepts of theoretical and clinical medicine that enable a better understanding of health and disease, evidence-based knowledge, effective therapies, and better health outcomes for women and men. Gender Medicine stimulates new ways of doing research: that is to consider sex and gender at all levels of research, from basic research into gene polymorphisms to health behaviour. New research questions have been put forward that focus not on differences per se but on the development of differences. In this book, contributions from the field of neuroscience, addiction research, and organ transplantation exemplify concepts, approaches, methods and results in the field."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klinge, Ineke; Wiesemann, Claudia"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["gender studies", "biomedicine", "gender studies", "biomedicine"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610283"], ["title", "Sex and gender in biomedicine - theories, methodologies, results"], ["doab_id", "19170"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783941875265"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875265"]], [["description", "Sexual health in Flanders describes the results of the first representative population-based study on this topic in Flanders (the Northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). A research team of psychologists, sexologists, sociologists and medical doctors, affiliated with Ghent University, KU Leuven and Ghent University Hospital collaborated on this research project that aimed to explore various aspects of sexual behavior and sexual health in men and women living in Flanders. Apart from providing in reliable, valid, descriptive scientific data, this study offers important information on which a more targeted policy to promote sexual health can be developed.This reference work is based on a survey in which 1832 Flemish men and women \u2013 aged 14 to 80 years old \u2013 participated and that covered various aspects of sexual health. The focus is not only on sexual experiences and practices; attention is also paid to the relational and social context in which these experiences occur. In addition, a number of chapters elaborate on the sexual start (the first sexual experiences), reproductive health, sexual dysfunctions, cross-border sexual behavior, and profiles of sexual health.The detailed description of the methodology that was used, allows the reader to evaluate the accuracy of the many tables, figures and numbers that are presented. In short, Sexual health in Flanders is an essential reference work for anyone with an interest in a reliable, detailed and scientific image of a broad range of aspects of sexual health in Flanders."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buysse ,Ann; Caen ,Maya; Dewaele ,Alexis; Enzlin ,Paul; Lievens ,John; T\u2019Sjoen ,Guy; Van Houtte ,Mieke; Vermeersch ,Hans"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["sexual health", "sexual experience", "Flanders"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472415"], ["title", "Sexpert : Seksuele gezondheid in Vlaanderen"], ["doab_id", "15960"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038220796"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038220796"]], [["description", "This book contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants, where many plant and animal reproductive biologists gathered to discuss their recent progress in investigating the shared mechanisms and factors involved in sexual reproduction. This now is the first book that reviews recent progress in almost all fields of plant and animal fertilization. It was recently reported that the self-sterile mechanism of a hermaphroditic marine invertebrate (ascidian) is very similar to the self-incompatibility system in flowering plants. It was also found that a male factor expressed in the sperm cells of flowering plants is involved in gamete fusion not only of plants but also of animals and parasites. These discoveries have led to the consideration that the core mechanisms or factors involved in sexual reproduction may be shared by animals, plants and unicellular organisms. This valuable book is highly useful for reproductive biologists as well as for biological scientists outside this field in understanding the current progress of reproductive biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hitoshi Sawada; Naokazu Inoue; Megumi Iwano"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Reproduction", "Plant", "Animal", "Gamete fusion", "Self-incompatibility"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-54589-7"], ["title", "Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants"], ["doab_id", "15904"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431545880", "9784431545897"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431545880 (Print) 9784431545897 (Online)"]], [["description", "In Sexual States Jyoti Puri uses the example of the efforts to decriminalize homosexuality in India to show how the regulation of sexuality is fundamentally tied to the creation and enduring existence of the state. Between 2001 and 2013 activists attempted to rewrite section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which outlaws homosexual behavior. Having interviewed activists and NGO workers throughout five metropolitan centers, investigated crime statistics at the National Crime Records Bureau, visited various state institutions, and met with the police, Puri found that section 377 is but one element of the large and complex systems of laws, practices, policies, and discourses that regulate Indian sexuality. Intended to mitigate sexuality's threat to the social order, this regulation works to preserve the views of the state as inevitable, legitimate, and indispensable. By highlighting the various means through which the regulation of sexuality constitutes India's heterogeneous and fragmented \"sexual state,\" Puri provides a conceptual framework to understand the links between sexuality and the state more broadly.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puri ,Jyoti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Criminal justice", "Administration of India", "Homosexuality", "India", "Sodomy", "Politics", "Gay & Lesbian Studies"]], ["publisher", "Duke University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604615"], ["title", "Sexual States"], ["doab_id", "18744"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780822374749"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780822374749"]], [["description", "This book sheds light on the function of female sexuality in a predominantly male genre: naturalist fiction. Gammel reveals that naturalism is frequently implicated in the very power structures it critiques. Reading European and North American naturalism through the lens of feminist and Foucaultian theories of power, Gammel argues that twentieth-century naturalism increasingly deconstructs itself in its depiction of sexuality, inevitably exposing the genre's internal ideological contradictions. The book makes a special contribution to Canadian studies. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Irene Gammel"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49347/1/UofCPress_SexualizingPower_1994.pdf"], ["title", "Sexualizing Power in Naturalism"], ["doab_id", "15408"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386316"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386316"]], [["description", "Die \u201esexuelle Identit\u00e4t\u201c des Menschen ist keineswegs nur biologisch, sondern in erheblichem Ma\u00dfe auch neurologisch, psychologisch sowie durch Umweltbedingungen determiniert und infolgedessen gradualisiert. Die Gesellschaft und ihr Recht ignorieren diese Variabilit\u00e4ten jenseits der nat\u00fcrlichen Geschlechtlichkeit jedoch mit Blick auf Orientierungsbed\u00fcrfnisse weitgehend: Familien- und personenstandsrechtliche Zuschreibungen m\u00fcssen eindeutig sein, Ver\u00e4nderungen des biologischen Geschlechts kommen nur in seltenen Ausnahmef\u00e4llen in Betracht, die gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen \u00fcber den Freiraum an \u201esexueller Selbstbestimmung\u201c werden an den Grenzen strafrechtlich abgesichert und jene, die sich nicht daran halten, gelten in der Rechtspraxis entweder als schuldf\u00e4hig oder haben mit u.U. langj\u00e4hrigem Freiheitsentzug im Rahmen der Sicherungsverwahrung zu rechnen. Dieses Spannungsfeld zwischen individueller Disposition und gesellschaftlicher Erwartung war Gegenstand eines Workshops, der am 20. November 2009 gemeinsam vom Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik der Universit\u00e4tsmedizin G\u00f6ttingen und dem Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t veranstaltet wurde. Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die Resultate eines interdisziplin\u00e4ren Dialogs von Experten/Innen aus der Humangenetik, der Sexualforschung, der Soziologie, des Medizinrechts und der forensischen Psychiatrie.

Die \u201esexuelle Identit\u00e4t\u201c des Menschen ist keineswegs nur biologisch, sondern in erheblichem Ma\u00dfe auch neurologisch, psychologisch sowie durch Umweltbedingungen determiniert und infolgedessen gradualisiert. Die Gesellschaft und ihr Recht ignorieren diese Variabilit\u00e4ten jenseits der nat\u00fcrlichen Geschlechtlichkeit jedoch mit Blick auf Orientierungsbed\u00fcrfnisse weitgehend: Familien- und personenstandsrechtliche Zuschreibungen m\u00fcssen eindeutig sein, Ver\u00e4nderungen des biologischen Geschlechts kommen nur in seltenen Ausnahmef\u00e4llen in Betracht, die gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen \u00fcber den Freiraum an \u201esexueller Selbstbestimmung\u201c werden an den Grenzen strafrechtlich abgesichert und jene, die sich nicht daran halten, gelten in der Rechtspraxis entweder als schuldf\u00e4hig oder haben mit u.U. langj\u00e4hrigem Freiheitsentzug im Rahmen der Sicherungsverwahrung zu rechnen. Dieses Spannungsfeld zwischen individueller Disposition und gesellschaftlicher Erwartung war Gegenstand eines Workshops, der am 20. November 2009 gemeinsam vom Institut f\u00fcr Humangenetik der Universit\u00e4tsmedizin G\u00f6ttingen und dem Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t veranstaltet wurde. Der vorliegende Band enth\u00e4lt die Resultate eines interdisziplin\u00e4ren Dialogs von Experten/Innen aus der Humangenetik, der Sexualforschung, der Soziologie, des Medizinrechts und der forensischen Psychiatrie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar; Engel, Wolfgang; Zoll, Barbara"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Ethics", "Philosophy of law", "Moral standards", "Law", "Religion", "Ethics", "Philosophy of law", "Moral standards", "Law", "Religion"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610182"], ["title", "Sexuelle Identit\u00e4t und gesellschaftliche Norm"], ["doab_id", "13354"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875722"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875722"]], [["description", "The late Middle Ages witnessed the transformation of the county of Holland from a peripheral agrarian region to a highly commercialised and urbanised one. This book examines how the organisation of commodity markets contributed to this remarkable development. Comparing Holland to England and Flanders, the book shows that Holland\u2019s specific history of reclamation and settlement had given rise to a favourable balance of powers between state, nobility, towns and rural communities that reduced opportunities for rent-seeking and favoured the rise of efficient markets. This allowed burghers, peasants and fishermen to take full advantage of new opportunities presented by changing economic and ecological circumstances in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dijkman ,Jessica"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Holland", "Middle Ages", "Economic history", "Institutions", "Markets", "Holland", "Middeleeuwen", "Economische geschiedenis", "Instituten", "Markten"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=391858"], ["title", "Shaping Medieval Markets"], ["doab_id", "13387"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004201484", "9789004201491"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004201484 9789004201491"]], [["description", "Where it divides Arizona and Sonora, the international boundary between Mexico and the United States is both a political reality, literally expressed by a fence, and, to a considerable degree, a cultural illusion. Mexican, Anglo, and Native American cultures straddle the fence; people of various ethnic backgrounds move back and forth across the artificial divide, despite increasing obstacles to free movement. On either side is found a complex cultural mix of ethnic, religious, and occupational groups. In A Shared Space James Griffith examines many of the distinctive folk expressions of this varied cultural region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Griffith, James S."], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/63"], ["title", "A Shared Space"], ["doab_id", "14731"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211870"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211870"]], [["description", "In the past fifteen years, file sharing of digital cultural works between individuals has been at the center of a number of debates on the future of culture itself. To some, sharing constitutes piracy, to be fought against and eradicated. Others see it as unavoidable, and table proposals to compensate for its harmful effects. Meanwhile, little progress has been made towards addressing the real challenges facing culture in a digital world. Sharing starts from a radically different viewpoint, namely that the non-market sharing of digital works is both legitimate and useful. It supports this premise with empirical research, demonstrating that non-market sharing leads to more diversity in the attention given to various works. Taking stock of what we have learned about the cultural economy in recent years, Sharing sets out the conditions necessary for valuable cultural functions to remain sustainable in this context. Our software and datasets can be downloaded from the book site at http://www.sharing-thebook.net. On the same site, the reader can also run our models with adjusted parameters and upload datasets in order to run our algorithms for the study of diversity of attention.

Voor sommigen staat delen gelijk aan piraterij: iets wat moet worden bestreden. Anderen zien het als deel van het moderne leven en proberen de schadelijke effecten zoveel mogelijk te compenseren. Ondertussen wordt er weinig vooruitgang geboekt in het aanpakken van de echte problemen waar- mee de cultuur te maken krijgt wanneer steeds meer mensen kunnen bijdragen aan het produceren van cultureel waardevolle werken. Sharing stelt dat het niet-commercieel delen van digitale werken zowel legitiem als nuttig is, omdat het leidt tot meer diversiteit in de digitale culturele wereld. Sharing bespreekt nieuwe financieringsregelingen die geschikt zijn voor een digitale culturele sfeer waar werken vrijelijk gedeeld kunnen worden door individuen. Voor meer informatie over het boek, bezoek: www.sharing-thebook.net"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aigrain ,Philippe"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=409602"], ["title", "Sharing : Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age"], ["doab_id", "14634"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643858"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643858"]], [["description", "As playwright, actor, director, teacher, mentor, theatre administrator, and critic, Sharon Pollock has played an integral role in the shaping of Canada's national theatre tradition, and she continues to produce new works and to contribute to Canadian theatre as passionately as she has done over the past fifty years. Pollock is nationally and internationally respected for her work and support of the theatre community. She has also played a major role in informing Canadians about the \"dark side\" of their history and current events. This collection, comprised entirely of new and original assessments of her work and contribution to theatre, is both timely and long overdue. Includes a new play titled \"Sharon's Tongue\" by the Playing with Pollock CollectiveWith contributions by:Kathy K. Y. ChungDonna CoatesCarmen DerksenSherrill GraceMartin MorrowJeton NezirajWes PearceTanya SchaapShelley ScottJerry WassermanJason WeinsCynthia Zimmerman"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Donna Coates"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Theatre", " Literature", " Women's Studies", " "]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552387894"], ["title", "Sharon Pollock: First Woman of Canadian Theatre"], ["doab_id", "17787"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387900"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387900"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 7, with foreward by Alicia Ostriker. Nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize, Ms. Bishop's credits include publications in Antioch Review, 13th Moon, Eratica, Aries, The Little Magazine, and many other literary journals. As a poet and writing teacher, she gives many readings, as well as workshops for gifted children, seniors, and other writers on the US-Mexico border; she has worked with at-risk youth and with the rural Hispanic community."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bishop, Suzette"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/3"], ["title", "She Took Off Her Wings and Shoes"], ["doab_id", "14769"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214833"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214833"]], [["description", "Shibusa "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adkins, Monty ; Dickens, Pip"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Music", "History of arts"]], ["publisher", "University of Huddersfield Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/12836/"], ["title", "Shibusa: extracting beauty"], ["doab_id", "16241"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781862181014"]], ["provider", "eprints.hud.ac.uk"], ["isbns_raw", "9781862181014"]], [["description", "The Lebanese Shi'ite resistance movement, Hizbullah, is going through a remarkable political and ideological transformation. Hizbullah was founded in 1978 by various sectors of Lebanese Shi'ite clergy and cadres, and with Iranian backing as an Islamic movement protesting against social and political conditions. Over the years 1984/85 to 1991, Hizbullah became a full-fledged social movement in the sense of having a broad overall organization, structure, and ideology aiming at social change and social justice, as it claimed. Starting in 1992, it became a mainstream political party working within the narrow confines of its pragmatic political program. The line of argument in this dissertation is that Hizbullah has been adjusting its identity in the three previously mentioned stages by shifting emphasis among its three components: (1) from propagating an exclusivist religious ideology (2) to a more encompassing political ideology, and (3) to a down-to-earth political program.

De Libanese Shi'itische verzetsbeweging Hizbullah ondergaat een opzienbarende politieke en ideologische transformatie. Ten tijde van de stichting in 1978, door Libanese geestelijken en leiders en met Iranese steun, was Hizbullah vooral een islamitische beweging die zich verzette tegen sociale en politieke omstandigheden. Gaandeweg ontwikkelde de beweging zich tot een 'volwassen' sociale beweging, met een solide organisatie, structuur en ideologie, gericht op sociale verandering en rechtvaardigheid. Vanaf 1992 manifesteert Hizbullah zich als politieke partij. Deze publicatie schetst een veranderende identiteit door een verschuivende nadruk: van exclusivistische religieuze ideologie, via een ruimere politieke ideologie tot een pragmatisch politiek programma."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alagha ,Joseph"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen", "Islamic state", "greater and smaller jihad", "martyrdom", "integration (infitah)", "interest (maslaha)", "Pan-Islamism", "Anti-imperialism", "Oppressors and oppressed", "Israel and US", "Hizbullah's ideology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=406971"], ["title", "The Shifts in Hizbullah's Ideology : Religious Ideology, Political Ideology, and Political Program"], ["doab_id", "12860"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569108"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569108"]], [["description", "Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is an important foodborne pathogen associated with both outbreaks and sporadic cases of human disease, ranging from uncomplicated diarrhoea to haemorrhagic colitis (HC) and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). STEC affects children, elderly and immuno-compromised patients. STEC is capable of producing Shiga toxin type 1 (Stx1), type 2 (Stx2) or both, encoded by stx1 and stx2 genes, respectively. These strains are likely to produce putative accessory virulence factors such as intimin (encoded by eae), an enterohaemolysin (EhxA) and an autoagglutinating protein commonly associated with eae-negative strains (Saa), both encoded by an enterohaemorrhagic plasmid. Several studies have confirmed that cattle are the principal reservoir of STEC (O157 and non-O157:H7 serotypes) and many of these serotypes have been involved in HUS and HC outbreaks in other countries. Transmission of STEC to humans occurs through the consumption of undercooked meat, vegetables and water contaminated by faeces of carriers and by person-to-person contact. Diagnostic methods have evolved to avoid selective diagnostics, currently using molecular techniques for typing and subtyping of strains. Control is still a challenge, although there are animal vaccines directed against the serotype O157:H7."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nora Lia Padola; Analia Ines Etcheverria"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["STEC", "Cattle", "Food", "environment", "Virulence Factors"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/635/shiga-toxin-producing-escherichia-coli-in-human-cattle-and-foods-strategies-for-detection-and-contro"], ["title", "Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in human, cattle and foods. Strategies for detection and control"], ["doab_id", "17844"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192939"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192939"]], [["description", "This book summarizes results of longstanding research and scientific contributions from many projects and relevant working groups. It collects and evaluates wind and wave climate projections under changing climate having design needs and marine safety in focus. Potential impact of projected climate change in met-ocean conditions on ships and offshore structures is discussed and illustrated by an example of the expected wave climate change on tanker design."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen; Lars Ingolf Eide; Torfinn H\u00f8rte; Rolf Skjong"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences", "Climate Change", "Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-34137-3"], ["title", "Ship and Offshore Structure Design in Climate Change Perspective"], ["doab_id", "15475"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642341373", "9783642341380"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642341373 (Print) 9783642341380 (Online)"]], [["description", "Benjamin Leigh Smith discovered and named dozens of islands in the Arctic but published no account of his pioneering explorations. He refused public accolades and sent stand-ins to deliver the results of his work to scientific societies. Yet, the Royal Geographic Society's Sir Clements R. Markham referred to him as a polar explorer of the first rank.Traveling to the Arctic islands that Leigh Smith explored and crisscrossing England to uncover unpublished journals, diaries, and photographs, archaeologist and writer P. J. Capelotti details Leigh Smith's five major Arctic expeditions and places them within the context of the great polar explorations in the nineteenth century."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "P. J. Capelotti"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49458/1/UofCPress_Shipwreck_2013_.pdf"], ["title", "Shipwreck at Cape Flora: The Expeditions of Benjamin Leigh Smith, England's Forgotten Arctic Explorer"], ["doab_id", "15360"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387122"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387122"]], [["description", "In the world of cowboy poetry, no poet is better known or more widely appreciated than Bruce Kiskaddon. Though he died in 1950 his poems have been at the forefront of the cowboy poetry revival that began in the 1980s and have been reprinted frequently in published collections and anthologies. What is less known is that Kiskaddon during his lifetime also published stories. These humorous, realistic prose sketches of cowboy life were almost lost, but they are in their own right gems of literary Americana on a par with the poems. Originally published in the Western Livestock Journal between 1932 and 1939, the short stories drew on Kiskaddon's own experience of ranching in the Southwest and Australia to portray real life on the range. Bill Siems has recovered these stories and compiled and introduced them in this new collection, to which he has added a selection of Kiskaddon's poems and the original drawings that accompanied them, by Katherine Field, a fine, underappreciated western artist.Set in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, the stories are a loosely tied string of old timer's yarns with a continuing cast of engaging characters, whom Kiskaddon avoids reducing to cowboy stereotypes. They include, as Siems describes them, \"\"Kiskaddon himself as the character Shorty. As a common waddy with a small man's feistiness and a young man's mischief, Shorty encounters the wicked world with a succession of companions: Bill, high-headed and a bit of an outlaw; Rildy Briggs, untamable and unstoppable young cowgirl; and Ike, an old-fashioned dandy and 'a very fortunate person.' More or less in the background is the Boss-actually a series of Bosses-generally affectionately respected as long as he remains democratic in his dealings with the waddies. Buffoonery is provided by a succession of pompous characters, from townspeople who look down their noses on wild, unwashed waddies to professors from the East who have read books on how ranches should be run.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Field, Katherine; Siems, Bill"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/85"], ["title", "Shorty's Yarns: Western Stories and Poems of Bruce Kiskaddon"], ["doab_id", "14753"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215809"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215809"]], [["description", "This compilation of Dale Morgan's historical work on Indians in the Intermountain West focuses primarily on the Shoshone who lived near the Oregon and California trails.Three connected works by Morgan are included: First is his classic article on the history of the Utah Superintendency of Indian Affairs. This is followed by a previously unpublished history of early relations among the Western Shoshoni, emigrants, and the government along the California Trail. The book concludes with an important set of government reports and correspondence from the National Archives concerning the Eastern Shoshone and their leader Washakie. Morgan heavily annotated these for serial publication in the Annals of Wyoming. He also wrote a previously unpublished history of early relations among the Western Shoshone, emigrants, and the government along the California Trail.Morgan biographer Richard L. Saunders introduces, edits, and further annotates this collection. His introduction includes an intellectual biography of Morgan that focuses on the place of the anthologized pieces in Morgan's corpus. Gregory E. Smoak, a leading historian of the Shoshone, contributes an ethnohistorical essay as additional context for Morgan's work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Morgan, Dale L."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/74"], ["title", "Shoshonean Peoples and the Overland Trails"], ["doab_id", "14720"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216516"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216516"]], [["description", "The modern pilgrimage - to sites ranging from Elvis's Graceland to the Vietnam veterans' annual Ride to the Wall to Jim Morrison's Paris grave - is intertwined with our existential uncertainties in the face of a rapidly changing world. In a climate that reproduces the religious quest in seemingly secular places, it is no longer clear exactly what the term pilgrimage infers - and this unique glimpse at the modern spiritual journeys critiques our notions of the secular and the sacred, while commenting on the media's multiplication of images that renders the modern pilgrimage a quest without an object. Using new ethnographical and theoretical approaches, this vivid collection offers a surprising new vision on the nonsecularity of the \"secular\" pilgrimage.

Vanuit een antropologisch perspectief wordt in dit boek bevestigd dat de mens een voortdurende behoefte aan bedevaart heeft, zelfs in onze moderne wereld. Het boek analyseert op welke wijze de moderne bedevaart verstrengeld is geraakt met menselijke existenti\u00eble problemen en onzekerheden, maar ook op welke wijze moderne media beelden scheppen die in staat zijn de behoefte van bedevaarders aan tastbare overblijfselen van het cultobject uit weten te sluiten en daarmee nieuwe vormen van bedevaart kan cre\u00ebren. Het vervagen van het bestaande opbiechtende paradigma maakt ruimte voor een nieuwe route op weg naar het heilige. Zodoende hebben de tien schrijvers van deze bundel diverse en fascinerende etnografische veldonderzoeken gedaan - vari\u00ebrend van onderzoek naar Soekarno en 'cancer' bossen tot onderzoek naar Jim Morrison en Tito - met de bedoeling om de religieuze factor aanwezig bij deze, op het eerste oog, seculaire plaatsen te vangen en te bevestigen, om zo uiteindelijk het fenomeen van de bedevaart te kunnen beoordelen. Deze bundel distantieert zich van de 'traditionele' bedevaart en op basis van de gewonnen data en de evaluatie van de hoofdtheoretische benaderingen, geeft dit boek een nieuwe visie op moderne vormen van bedevaart en sluit het het concept van 'seculaire bedevaart' uit."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Margry ,Peter Jan"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Culture and history", "Religion", "Sociology", "Anthropologie", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Religie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340101"], ["title", "Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World : New Itineraries into the Sacred"], ["doab_id", "12811"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640116"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640116"]], [["description", "In the African context, shrines are cultural signposts that help one understand and read the ethnic, territorial, and social lay of the land. The contributions gathered here by Allan Charles Dawson demonstrate how African shrines help to define ethnic boundaries, shape group identity, and symbolically articulate a society's connection with the land it occupies. Shrines are physical manifestations of a group's claim to a particular piece of land and are thus markers of identity - they represent, both figuratively and literally, a community's 'roots' in the land it works and lives on. The shrine is representative of a connection with the land at the cosmological and supernatural level and, in terms of a community's or ethnic group's claim to cultivable territory, serves as a reminder to outsiders of ownership. This volume explores how African shrines, in all their variable and diverse forms, are more than just spiritual vessels or points of worship - they are powerful symbols of ethnic solidarity, group cohesion, and knowledge about the landscape. Moreover, in ways subtle and nuanced, shrines represent ideas about legitimacy and authenticity in the context of the post-colonial African state."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Allan C. Dawson (Editor)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48252/16/UofCPress_ShrinesInAfrica_2009.pdf"], ["title", "Shrines in Africa: History, Politics, and Society "], ["doab_id", "15167"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385449"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385449"]], [["description", "Das Buch schildert die verschlungenen Wege der Meeresschnecke Melo im Westteil der Insel Neuguinea, in der indonesischen Provinz Papua. Zahlreiche Etappen dieser Wege durch die zerkl\u00fcfteten und schwer zug\u00e4nglichen Bergt\u00e4ler und an der S\u00fcdk\u00fcste der Insel, aber auch in Museumssammlungen in Europa hat die Autorin selbst verfolgt und erforscht. Die Meeresschnecke Melo ist in den K\u00fcstengew\u00e4ssern Neuguineas beheimatet. Die kulturellen Erscheinungsformen ihrer Schale wurden aber, wie Museumsobjekte in europ\u00e4ischen Sammlungen belegen, auch in weit abgelegenen T\u00e4lern des Hochlandes im Innern der Insel gefunden. Auf den Spuren der Melo-Schnecke hat die Autorin Verbindungen hergestellt zwischen \u201eimmobilen\u201c Museumsobjekten im \u201eHier\u201c und dynamischen kulturellen Aneignungs- und Umdeutungsprozessen im \u201eDort\u201c. So war es ihr m\u00f6glich, fr\u00fchkoloniale Verh\u00e4ltnisse, Handelswege, Tauschaktionen, Verwendungs- und Bearbeitungsformen in Neuguinea nachzuzeichnen und mit aktuellen Erscheinungsformen der Schale, etwa im katholischen oder touristischen Kontext, zu kontrastieren. In einer Reihe von Essays beschreibt sie Etappen von Wegen der Melo- Schnecke, die r\u00e4umlich und zeitlich an unterschiedlichen Punkten einsetzen und enden. Literarisch gef\u00e4rbte Passagen wechseln sich dabei mit unterschiedlichen theoretischen Ans\u00e4tzen ab. So ist es gerade das Fragmentarische dieser Ethnografie, welches das Thema immer wieder neu und auf spannende Art zu beleuchten vermag.

Das Buch schildert die verschlungenen Wege der Meeresschnecke Melo im Westteil der Insel Neuguinea, in der indonesischen Provinz Papua. Zahlreiche Etappen dieser Wege durch die zerkl\u00fcfteten und schwer zug\u00e4nglichen Bergt\u00e4ler und an der S\u00fcdk\u00fcste der Insel, aber auch in Museumssammlungen in Europa hat die Autorin selbst verfolgt und erforscht. Die Meeresschnecke Melo ist in den K\u00fcstengew\u00e4ssern Neuguineas beheimatet. Die kulturellen Erscheinungsformen ihrer Schale wurden aber, wie Museumsobjekte in europ\u00e4ischen Sammlungen belegen, auch in weit abgelegenen T\u00e4lern des Hochlandes im Innern der Insel gefunden. Auf den Spuren der Melo-Schnecke hat die Autorin Verbindungen hergestellt zwischen \u201eimmobilen\u201c Museumsobjekten im \u201eHier\u201c und dynamischen kulturellen Aneignungs- und Umdeutungsprozessen im \u201eDort\u201c. So war es ihr m\u00f6glich, fr\u00fchkoloniale Verh\u00e4ltnisse, Handelswege, Tauschaktionen, Verwendungs- und Bearbeitungsformen in Neuguinea nachzuzeichnen und mit aktuellen Erscheinungsformen der Schale, etwa im katholischen oder touristischen Kontext, zu kontrastieren. In einer Reihe von Essays beschreibt sie Etappen von Wegen der Melo- Schnecke, die r\u00e4umlich und zeitlich an unterschiedlichen Punkten einsetzen und enden. Literarisch gef\u00e4rbte Passagen wechseln sich dabei mit unterschiedlichen theoretischen Ans\u00e4tzen ab. So ist es gerade das Fragmentarische dieser Ethnografie, welches das Thema immer wieder neu und auf spannende Art zu beleuchten vermag."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Voirol, Beatrice"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["research", "Cultural studies", "research", "Cultural studies"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610305"], ["title", "Sich windende Wege - Ethnografie der Melo-Schnecke in Papua, Indonesien"], ["doab_id", "13356"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875838"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875838"]], [["description", "This sixth and final half-volume of the Freud/Ferenczi correspondence covers the period from 1925 until Ferenczi's death in 1933. During that period, Freud works on revisions of psychoanalytical theory, on autobiographical and historical contributions, on religious topics and on his critique of civilization and culture, and on the development of female sexuality. Ferenczi publishes his probably most interesting, but also most contested contributions to the theory and technique of psychoanalysis. With hindsight one can say that his technical experiments lead him to formulate a theoretical model which has became the basis for contemporary theories. For a time, he closely collaborates for this with Freud's \"right hand,\" Otto Rank. Their publications lead to a personal and scientific fight over power between the leaders of the psychoanalytic movement, a fight that threatens to split that very movement. This conflict - which has influenced the history of psychoanalysis to this day - results in Rank's leaving the psychoanalytic community and Ferenczi's being marginalized. Freud, at first supportive of Ferenczi and Rank, eventually joins their opponents (above all Karl Abraham and Ernest Jones). He regards Ferenczi's innovations as a scientific regression, and interprets them as Ferenczi's reaction to his own personal problems and deficits. Ferenczi himself, however, is convinced of the value of his ideas, and struggles for more independence from Freud. The general tone of their letters gets less intimate, and sometimes outright sharp. Ferenczi writes less often, instead he confides his new ideas and his criticism of Freud to his \"Clinical Diary.\" Although an open break can be avoided, Ferenczi's untimely death prevents a resolution of their conflicts and misunderstandings.Without doubt, the Freud/Ferenczi correspondence is one of the most important primary sources for the early history of psychoanalysis, and it is a literary event of the first magnitude to boot. In none of his other correspondences with disciples writes Freud so frequently, so openly, and over such a long period of time. This final volume documents the tragic end of this \"intimate community of life, feeling, and interest\" (Freud to Ferenczi, 11.1.1933); and all this before the background of the political and social upheaval of that time.The guiding line of the editorial apparatus has been to give the contemporary reader information about anything with which she or he might not be familiar: persons, events, literary and scientific works, quotations, cryptoquotations, allusions, and so on. It also contains quotations from a great number of hitherto unpublished Freud letters.

Dieser letzte Halbband der Freud/Ferenczi-Korrespondenz umfasst die Jahre von 1925 bis zu Ferenczis Tod in 1933. Freuds Werk besch\u00e4ftigt sich w\u00e4hrend dieser Zeit mit Revisionen der psychoanalytischen Theorie, mit autobiographischen und historischen Beitr\u00e4gen, mit kulturkritischen und religi\u00f6sen Themen und der Entwicklung der weiblichen Sexualit\u00e4t. Ferenczi verfasst seine wohl interessantesten, aber auch umstrittensten Beitr\u00e4ge zur Theorie und Technik der Psychoanalyse. Aus heutiger Sicht f\u00fchren ihn seine technischen Experimente zu einem theoretischen Modell, das den Grundstein f\u00fcr heutige Theorien legt. Eine Zeitlang arbeitet er dabei eng mit Freuds \"rechter Hand\", Otto Rank, zusammen. Ihre Publikationen f\u00fchren zu einem pers\u00f6nlichen und wissenschaftlichen Machtkampf innerhalb des F\u00fchrungsgremiums der psychoanalytischen Bewegung, der die Psychoanalyse zu spalten droht. Am Ende dieser Auseinandersetzung, die die Geschichte der Psychoanalyse bis heute beeinflusst hat, steht Rank au\u00dferhalb der psychoanalytischen Gemeinschaft und Ferenczi an ihrem Rande. Freud, der anfangs auf ihrer Seite gestanden hatte, wechselt schlie\u00dflich ins Lager ihrer Opponenten (v.a. Karl Abraham und Ernest Jones). Er sieht in Ferenczis Neuerungen einen wissenschaftlichen R\u00fcckschritt und interpretiert sie als Reaktion auf pers\u00f6nliche Probleme und Defizite bei Ferenczi selbst. Ferenczi hingegen ist vom Wert seiner Ideen \u00fcberzeugt und k\u00e4mpft um eine gr\u00f6\u00dfere Unabh\u00e4ngigkeit von Freud. Der Ton des Briefwechsels verschlechtert sich sp\u00fcrbar und wird stellenweise ausgesprochen scharf. Ferenczi schreibt seltener; statt dessen verfasst er ein \"Klinisches Tagebuch\", dem er seine neuen Ideen und auch seine Kritik an Freud anvertraut. Ein offener Bruch kann zwar vermieden werden, doch verhindert Ferenczis fr\u00fcher Tod eine L\u00f6sung der Konflikte und Missverst\u00e4ndnisse.Die Freud/Ferenczi-Korrespondenz ist ohne Zweifel einer der wichtigsten Prim\u00e4rquellen zur Geschichte der fr\u00fchen Psychoanalyse. Daneben ist sie ein literarisches Ereignis ersten Ranges. Mit keinem seiner Sch\u00fcler hat Freud so lang, so h\u00e4ufig und so offen korrespondiert wie mit Ferenczi. Mit dem vorliegenden Band wird der tragische Abschluss dieser innigen Lebens-, Gef\u00fchls- und Interessensgemeinschaft\" (Freud an Ferenczi, 11.1.1933) dokumentiert - dies alles vor dem Hintergrund der umw\u00e4lzenden politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umw\u00e4lzungen jener Zeit.Der editorische Apparat versucht, der heutigen Leserschaft all jene Informationen in m\u00f6glichst objektiver Art zu geben, die es erlauben, dieser Geschichte zu folgen: Informationen \u00fcber Personen, Ereignisse, literarische und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Zitate, Kryptozitate, Anspielungen usw., wobei auch eine gro\u00dfe Zahl bisher unver\u00f6ffentlichter Freud-Briefe herangezogen werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brabant ,Eva; Falzeder ,Ernst; Paterson ,Mark"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Sigmund Freud, S\u00e1ndor Ferenczi, correspondence"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437154"], ["title", "Sigmund Freud - S\u00e1ndor Ferenczi. Briefwechsel"], ["doab_id", "15279"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205990994"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205990994"]], [["description", "Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media features a number of articles from different fields, reaching from cultural and media studies to literature, film and art, and from philosophy and information studies to law and archival studies. Questions addressed in this book are: Will handwriting disappear in the age of new (digital) media? What happens to important cultural and legal concepts, such as original, copy, authenticity, reproducibility, uniqueness, and iterability? Where is the writing hand to be located if handwriting is performed not immediately 'by hand' but when it is (re)mediated by electronic or artistic media? Sign Here! Handwriting in the Age of New Media is the first part in the series Transformations in Art and Culture.

Zal het handschrift verdwijnen in het tijdperk van de nieuwe (digitale) media? En wat gebeurt er dan met culturele en juridische concepten als originaliteit, imitatie, authenticiteit, reproductie, uniciteit en herhaling? Waar moeten we de schrijvende hand localiseren als het schrijven niet 'handmatig' wordt uitgevoerd maar door een tweede medium? En wat is de relatie van het handschrift tot dit tweede medium waarin het wordt afgebeeld, gereproduceerd of misschien zelfs verbeterd? In Sign Here! gaan de auteurs in op deze en andere vragen over de toekomst van het handschrift."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Neef ,Sonja; Dijck van ,Jos\u00e9; Ketelaar ,Eric"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340180"], ["title", "Sign Here! : Handwriting in the Age of New Media"], ["doab_id", "12869"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568163"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568163"]], [["description", "Dissection of the specificity of host immune responses following infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is essential for designing effective vaccination and diagnostic biomarkers as well as for better understanding of immunopathogenesis of active tuberculosis. The articles in this volume of the Topics in Microbial Immunology review the significance of this area of research from both experimental models and clinical surveys. This includes T cell recognition of MHC permissive epitopes, use of algorithms for genome-based prediction of immunodominant epitopes, evaluation of candidate antigens/epitopes and adjuvants for vaccination and immunodiagnosis. Future research strategies indicate the need for better understanding of the relationship between epitope specificity and the phenotype of responding T cells and search for biomarkers with a capacity to discriminate and predict the change from latent infection to active disease. These research avenues have important potentials for improving the prevention and control of tuberculosis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Juraj Ivanyi; Tom H.M. Ottenhoff"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Tuberculosis", "Antigens", "bacterial", "T-lymphocyte", "Epitopes", "MHC restriction", "vaccine adjuvant", "TB diagnosis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1771/significance-of-antigen-and-epitope-specificity-in-tuberculosis"], ["title", "Significance of antigen and epitope specificity in tuberculosis"], ["doab_id", "18597"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194513"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194513"]], [["description", "This volume is devoted to one of the major aristocratic lineages of northern Italy in the later middle ages. The Rossi, whose political and social eminence dates back to the communal age, built in the Parmense a powerful lordship, based both on their estates and fortresses and on a vast patronage network spread over the territory and in the town: and the power of the family, though diminished after the crisis in the relations with the Sforza in 1482, was restored on partially different foundations during the Italian Wars. The essays collected in this book explore the complexity of the Rossi \"little seignorial state\", focusing on its internal constitution, on its exterior relations and on its artistic and cultural features between the mid-fourteenth and the early sixteenth century.

Il volume \u00e8 dedicato ad uno dei maggiori lignaggi aristocratici dell'Italia settentrionale bassomedievale. I Rossi, la cui eminenza sociale e politica risale all'et\u00e0 comunale, costruirono nel Parmense un dominio di notevoli proporzioni, basato sul possesso territoriale e castrense ma anche su una vasta clientela rurale e urbana: e il potere del casato, bench\u00e9 ridimensionato in seguito alla crisi delle relazioni con gli Sforza nel 1482, trov\u00f2 gli spazi per ricostituirsi su basi parzialmente diverse durante le guerre d'Italia. Le ricerche qui riunite esplorano la complessit\u00e0 del \"piccolo stato signorile\" rossiano, indagato nella sua costituzione interna, nei suoi rapporti con l'esterno e nei suoi aspetti artistici e culturali fra la met\u00e0 del Trecento e l'inizio del Cinquecento."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arcangeli, Letizia; Gentile, Marco"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["History", "Middle Ages", "Renaissance", "Parma", "Rossi", "Storia", "Medioevo", "Rinascimento", "Parma", "Rossi"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=342032"], ["title", "Le signorie dei Rossi di Parma tra XIV e XVI secolo"], ["doab_id", "12689"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884536839"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536839"]], [["description", "Silent Hill: The Terror Engine, the second of the two inaugural studies in the Landmark Video Games series from series editors Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, is both a close analysis of the first three Silent Hill games and a general look at the whole series. Silent Hill, with its first title released in 1999, is one of the most influential of the horror video game series. Perron situates the games within the survival horror genre, both by looking at the history of the genre and by comparing Silent Hill with such important forerunners as Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil. Taking a transmedia approach and underlining the designer's cinematic and literary influences, he uses the narrative structure; the techniques of imagery, sound, and music employed; the game mechanics; and the fiction, artifact, and gameplay emotions elicited by the games to explore the specific fears survival horror games are designed to provoke and how the experience as a whole has made the Silent Hill series one of the major landmarks of video game history."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bernard Perron"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.11053908.0001.001"], ["title", "Silent Hill: The Terror Engine"], ["doab_id", "14525"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472071623", "9780472051625", "9780472027835"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472071623 Paper: 9780472051625 Ebook Formats: 9780472027835"]], [["description", "\u201cSimon of Genoa's Medical Lexicon\u201d, an edited volume based on the conference held on March 17th, 2012, is part of the Simon Online project \u2013 a dynamically growing Wiki edition of Simon of Genoa's Clavis sanationis, a Latin-Greek-Arabic medical dictionary from the late 13th century. In the individual articles, written by well-known scholars, authorities in their fields of research, Simon and his major work, are approached from different perspectives and as a whole. The volume offers a comprehensible and well-balanced collection of current research on Simon and Clavis sanationis.The volume demonstrates the importance of the Clavis, not only for the history of pharmacology and medicine, but also for Byzantine and medieval studies, Roman, Greek, Latin and Arabic philology and lexicography.Barbara Zipser (Doctor of Philosophy, Wellcome Trust University Award 2006, 2010) is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Body and Material Culture, History Department, Royal Holloway University of London. Her main field of research is Greek medicine from Galen to the late Middle Ages, with an emphasis on textual criticism, manuscript transmission, and the formation of Greek vernacular terminology. Dr Zipser is a well-known and promising young scholar in the field of Ancient and Medieval Medicine. She runs Simon Online (http://www.simonofgenoa.org) \u2013 the joint edition and translation project of Simon of Genoa's Clavis sanationis, a dictionary of Latin, Greek and Arabic medical terminology in Wiki format."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zipser, Barbara (ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Medieval medicine, pharmacology, medical dictionary"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247622"], ["title", "Simon of Genoa's Medical Lexicon"], ["doab_id", "15906"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560236"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560236"]], [["description", "Simplifying complexity explores how to eliminate ignorance, which in the view of the author, is the purpose of the sciences and technologies and their consequent developments. More specifically, the book deals with the plurality of the sciences and technologies. It is about the way in which each of them develops around the prosthetics of printed languages and the models used as visual aids to help us create new modes of communication to understand and solve human problems. Consequently, the task is to simplify the complexity that we find in different sciences, both social and physical. In his collection of essays, George E. Yoos surveys a number of different models that have evolved from the innate, biological forms of grammar, logic, and modes of orientation. He investigates the evolution of socially constructed systems of numeracy and measurement that have evolved and developed in different languages for the use in scientific and technological communication. He identifies methods derived from three distinct personal experiences: the use of types of prosthetic, mnemonic, and attention controlling devices, in order to yield simpler perspectives of complex states of affairs. George E. Yoos, emeritus professor, is a legend in the field of rhetoric. Founder and editor of the Rhetoric Society Quarterly [1972-1985], author of Reframing Rhetoric [2007], Politics and Rhetoric [2009], and fellow of the Rhetoric Society of America."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Yoos, George E."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/465502"], ["title", "Simplifying Complexity. Rhetoric and the Social Politics of Dealing with Ignorance"], ["doab_id", "17967"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110450569", "9783110450576", "9783110450613"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110450569, 9783110450576, 9783110450613"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["single cell heterogeneity, single cell in system biology, cellular complexity, micro/nano fluidic single cell analysis, single cell cultivation, single cell perturbation, single cell cytometry, single cell manipulation, separation, detection, single cell electroporation, microinjection, optoporation, thermoporation and magnetoporation, single cell genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and fluxomics, single cell diagnostic and imaging"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/197"], ["title", "Single Cell Analysis in Biotechnology and Systems Biology"], ["doab_id", "19106"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421931", "9783038421948"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421931/9783038421948"]], [["description", "Re\u00fane o pensamento e as an\u00e1lises de especialistas sobre as reformas contempor\u00e2neas nos sistemas de sa\u00fade da Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Espanha, Estados Unidos, M\u00e9xico e do Qu\u00e9bec. Sa\u00fade como componente essencial do Estado de Bem-Estar Social, universalidade e eq\u00fcidade, estrutura de financiamento do sistema, eleva\u00e7\u00e3o dos custos da assist\u00eancia m\u00e9dica, privatiza\u00e7\u00e3o do setor, representa\u00e7\u00e3o dos interesses de atores sociais, s\u00e3o alguns dos temas evocados. Os artigos permitem uma vis\u00e3o comparativa dos v\u00e1rios e o bom (ou mau) desenlace das propostas de mudan\u00e7as em curso. \u00d3tima oportunidade para cotejar as experi\u00eancias desses pa\u00edses, simultaneamente t\u00e3o pr\u00f3ximos e t\u00e3o d\u00edspares entre si, num momento em que est\u00e3o em xeque o modelo tradicional centralizado e em constru\u00e7\u00e3o novas formas descentralizadas de organiza\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Buss, Paulo Marchiori (org.); Labra, Mar\u00eda Eliana (org.)"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["FIOCRUZ"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zngyg"], ["title", "Sistemas de sa\u00fade: continuidades e mudan\u00e7as "], ["doab_id", "16439"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414026"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414026"]], [["description", "Dutch architect, architectural theorist and urban thinker Rem Koolhaas (born 1944) has been a protagonist of the international architectural avant-garde since the 1970s; his numerous worldwide awards include the Pritzker Prize in 2000 for his lifetime achievement. Through a series of essays, this book interprets his many buildings and projects by drawing on Koolhaas' own theoretical oeuvre of polemics, manifestos, interviews, books such as Delirious New York and his so-called \"design patents.\" In these writings, Koolhaas articulates a design method that links theory and practice, which this book not only orients within architectural history, but also shows how it repositions the function of the authors or the architects themselves.

Rem Koolhaas (geb. 1944) z\u00e4hlt seit den 1970er Jahren zur internationalen Architektur-Avantgarde und wurde neben zahlreichen weltweiten Auszeichnungen im Jahr 2000 mit dem Pritzker-Preis f\u00fcr sein Lebenswerk geehrt. Im vorliegenden Buch werden erstmals Koolhaas\u2019 zahlreiche Bauten und Projekte mithilfe seines umfangreichen theoretischen Werks interpretiert, das sich aus Polemiken, Manifesten, kulturwissenschaftlichen B\u00fcchern wie Delirious New York und sogenannten Entwurfspatenten zusammensetzt. Zwischen Theorie und Praxis hat Koolhaas eine evolution\u00e4re Entwurfsmethode entwickelt, die der Band nicht nur mit dem Architekturwissen und der Ideengeschichte der Konzepte verbindet, sondern auch die Funktion des Autors/Architekten \u2013 und seine Originalit\u00e4t \u2013 im aktuellen Diskurs neu interpretiert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00f6ck ,Ingrid"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Koolhaas, history of ideas, design knowledge, urbanism, utopia", "Koolhaas, Ideengeschichte, Architekturwissen, Urbanismus, Utopie"]], ["publisher", "jovis Verlag"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574658"], ["title", "Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas"], ["doab_id", "17431"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783868592191"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783868592191"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Amin ,E."], ["date", "1963"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613321"], ["title", "Sja'ir Perang Mengkasar"], ["doab_id", "18476"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286047", "9789004286665"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286047 9789004286665"]], [["description", "Skate Life examines how young male skateboarders use skate culture media in the production of their identities. Emily Chivers Yochim offers a comprehensive ethnographic analysis of an Ann Arbor, Michigan, skateboarding community, situating it within a larger historical examination of skateboarding's portrayal in mainstream media and a critique of mainstream, niche, and locally produced media texts (such as, for example, Jackass, Viva La Bam, and Dogtown and Z-Boys). The book uses these elements to argue that adolescent boys can both critique dominant norms of masculinity and maintain the power that white heterosexual masculinity offers. Additionally, Yochim uses these analyses to introduce the notion of \"\"corresponding cultures,\"\" conceptualizing the ways in which media audiences both argue with and incorporate mediated images into their own ideas about identity. In a strong combination of anthropological and media studies approaches, Skate Life asks important questions of the literature on youth and provides new ways of assessing how young people create their identities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Emily Chivers Yochim"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Skateboarding -- Social Aspects", "Masculinity in sports", "Men", "White -- United States --Attitudes"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.7300267.0001.001"], ["title", "Skate Life: Re-Imagining White Masculinity"], ["doab_id", "14519"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070800", "9780472050802", "9780472026609"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070800 Paper: 9780472050802 Ebook Formats: 9780472026609"]], [["description", "Focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, which in recent years has been the engine of global economic growth , this volume surveys trends and prospects in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) with particular reference to achieving inclusive growth and the greening of economies. Underlying the increasing pressure for new models of TVET provision is the rapid pace of technological change, demand for a work force which is highly responsive to evolving needs and a transforming market place that calls for higher order skills and lifelong learning. The book proposes a re-engineered, modernized TVET system that fosters an innovative approach which enhances the employability of workers as well as the sustainability of their livelihoods. The book includes contributions from leading policy makers, researchers, and practitioners, including those in the private sector in analyzing and forecasting the most urgent priorities in skills development. The book argues for creative approaches to TVET design and delivery particularly with a view to improve job prospects , and meeting the goals of inclusion, sustainable development and social cohesion. Addressing issues such as the chronic mismatches between skills acquired and actual skills required in the work place, the volume proposes diversified approaches towards workforce development and partnerships with the private sector to improve the quality and relevance of skills development . The new imperatives created by \u2018greening\u2019 economies and responses required in skills development and training are addressed. Developing TVET is a high priority for governments in the Asia Pacific region as they seek to achieve long-term sustainable growth since the .continued success of their economic destinies depend on it. The volume also includes an emerging framework for skills development for inclusive and sustainable growth in the Asia and Pacific region."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rupert Maclean; Shanti Jagannathan; Jouko Sarvi"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Professional and Vocational Education"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-5936-7"], ["title", "Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific"], ["doab_id", "15482"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400759367", "9789400759374"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400759367 (Print) 9789400759374 (Online)"]], [["description", "Chronobiological mechanisms regulating time-of-day mediated behaviors, such as sleep and circadian rhythms, are thought to interact with and/or share cellular and molecular signaling cascades that shape synaptic plasticity and neural excitability. These same factors are also known to underlie events that govern higher-order cognitive processing, including learning and memory formation, and often through phylogenetically conserved pathways. This suggests that factors which contribute to adaptive responses to changing environmental stimuli are likely derived from basic evolutionarily ancient processes, and underscores the importance of using both invertebrate and vertebrate models to study the interaction of chronobiology and cognitive processing. This issue highlights current views along with original research on sleep and circadian features of plasticity and memory in multiple species, models, and systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jason Robert Gerstner; H. Craig Heller; Sara J. Aton"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Sleep", "circadian rhythms", "Memory", "plasticity", "Learning", "synapse"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1679/sleep-and-circadian-rhythms-in-plasticity-and-memory"], ["title", "Sleep and Chronobiology in Plasticity and Memory"], ["doab_id", "18866"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197460"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197460"]], [["description", "Understanding the role of sleep and the mechanisms at play in ageing are among the most exciting challenges in neuroscience. Although our understanding of the mechanisms governing sleep stages and their role in cognitive processes including memory functions is gradually increasing. most of the currently available data have been gathered in young adults. Still, substantial physiological changes in sleep are observed with increasing age, that may markedly impacts on daily functioning. This is why this Research Topic focuses on our current understanding of the impact of age-related changes in sleep architecture on various domains of cognition. The three editors Julie Carrier (Montr\u00e9al, Canada), Philippe Peigneux (Brussels, Belgium) and G\u00e9raldine Rauchs (Caen, France) are specialized in various fields of sleep research. Here, they bring together an outstanding group of neuroscientist and clinical investigators engaged in the study of sleep, encompassing state-of-the-art studies of sleep disorders such as sleep apnoea or REM sleep behaviour disorder, studies assessing new treatments to improve sleep quality, together with experts in various domains of cognition such as vigilance, memory and dreams, in a perspective aimed at offering the interested reader a comprehensive view of the impact of age-related changes in sleep architecture on cognition. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geraldine Rauchs; Julie Carrier; Philippe Peigneux"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Sleep", "Aging", "EEG", "Cognition", "Memory", "Sleep Disorders", "Sleep Apnea", "insomnia", "REM sleep behaviour disorder", "dream"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/245/sleep-and-cognition-in-the-elderly"], ["title", "Sleep and cognition in the elderly"], ["doab_id", "17846"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192953"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192953"]], [["description", "The authors worked as doctors in Kalimantan between 1949 and 1959, where they were first introduced to Ngaju Dayak tales. The present anthology contains 20 tales given to them by the Rev. Munte Saha. Both the original text and the Dutch translation are provided. Ten of these are about Sangumang, the cunning one, who used to fool his uncle, the king. The other ten deal with Bapa Paloi, the stupid one, who is constantly being admonished by his wife. Sangumang and Bapa Paloi live in the upper-world, and mythological tales are told of their exploits. In addition to the 20 tales, a modern version of a Bapa Paloi tale is presented, written by the Rev. Munte Saha himself. The scene of this modern tale is not the upper-world but the present island of Kalimantan."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klokke ,A.; Klokke-Coster ,A.; Saha ,M."], ["date", "1976"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613420"], ["title", "De slimme en de domme"], ["doab_id", "18442"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024719341", "9789004287105"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024719341 9789004287105"]], [["description", "A thorough and exhaustive presentation of theoretical analysis and practical techniques for the small-signal analysis and control of large modern electric power systems as well as an assessment of their stability and damping performance.Such systems may contain many hundreds of synchronous generators and high voltage power electronics equipment known as FACTS Devices.The book describes new techniques not only for the tuning and analysis of stabilizers for systems with many generators and FACTS Devices but also for their coordination.Of practical interest, these techniques are illustrated with relevant examples based on a multi-machine power system containing FACTS Devices for operating conditions ranging from light to peak load.By introducing new analytical concepts, using examples, and by employing production-grade software, practical insights are provided into the significance and application of various analytical techniques."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gibbard ,M.J.; Pourbeik ,P.; Vowles ,D.J."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["small-signal stability", "control and dynamic", "performance of power systems", "electric power systems", "facts devices", "multi-machine power system", "small-signal modelling of generators", "automatic voltage regulators", "michael gibbard", "pouyan pourbeik", "david vowles"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577110"], ["title", "Small-signal stability, control and dynamic performance of power systems"], ["doab_id", "17313"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261035"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261035"]], [["description", "So Far and Yet So Close provides a comparative study of frontier cattle ranching in two societies on opposite ends of the globe. It is also an environmental history that at the same time centres on both the natural and frontier environments. There are many points at which the western Canadian and northern Australian cattle frontiers evoke comparisons. Most obviously they came to life at about the same time: late 1870s-early 1880s. In both cases corporations were heavy investors and utilized an open range system in which tens of thousands of cattle roamed over thousands of square acres. Ranchers shared similar problems such as predators, disease, and weather, as well as markets. Ultimately, a nearly indistinguishable \"country\" culture developed in these geographically disparate and distant lands, which is still apparent today. Many similarities were in one way or another a reflection of frontier environmental conditions that is, conditions associated with the very \"newness\" of society. They included a lack of infrastructure (ie. fences), institutions (ie. police), and population (ie. consumers). However, the ranching people in these two societies had their differences too. In the end, the natural environment pushed agricultural development in these two regions along very different paths."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Warren Elofson"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://prism.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/50481/1/UofCPress_SoFarYetSoClose_2015.pdf "], ["title", "So Far and Yet so Close: Frontier Cattle Ranching in Prairie Western Canada and the Northern Territory of Australia"], ["doab_id", "17342"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387955"]], ["provider", "prism.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387955"]], [["description", "Illustrated with numerous stories collected from Alaska, the Yukon, and South Africa and further enlivened by the author's accessible style and experiences as a longtime oral historian and archivist, So They Understand is a comprehensive study of the special challenges and concerns involved in documenting, representing, preserving, and interpreting oral narratives. The title of the book comes from a quotation by Chief Peter John, the traditional chief of the Tanana Chiefs region in central Alaska: \"\"In between the lines is something special going on in their minds, and that has got to be brought to light, so they understand just exactly what is said.\"\"William Schneider discusses how stories work in relation to their cultures and performance settings, sorts out different types of stories-from broad genres such as personal narratives and life histories to such more specific and less-often considered types as presentations at hearings and other public gatherings-and examines a variety of critical issues, including the roles and relationships of storytellers and interviewers, accurate representation and preservation of stories and their performances, understanding and interpreting their cultural backgrounds and meanings, and intellectual property rights. Throughout, he blends a diverse selection of stories, including his own, into a text rich with pertinent examples.William Schneider is curator of oral history and associate in anthropology at the Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, where he introduced oral history \"\"jukeboxes,\"\" innovative interactive, multimedia computer files that present and cross-reference audio oral history and related photos and maps. Among other works, his publications include, as editor, Kusiq: An Eskimo Life History from the Arctic Coast of Alaska and, with Phyllis Morrow, When Our Words Return: Writing, Hearing, and Remembering Oral Traditions of Alaska and the Yukon."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schneider, William"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/47"], ["title", "So They Understand"], ["doab_id", "14747"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215502"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215502"]], [["description", "[...] \u00c9 o objetivo deste trabalho levantar e introduzir alguns problemas de interesse cient\u00edfico e human\u00edstico com rela\u00e7\u00e3o aos temas, refletir um pouco, e talvez propor caminhos para a elucida\u00e7\u00e3o de alguns problemas que possam surgir durante esse percurso. Trata-se, em todo caso, de uma an\u00e1lise preliminar, a ser aprofundada no devido tempo e com a exigida compet\u00eancia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "De Tilio Neto, Petr\u00f4nio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["NATURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xqzgh"], ["title", "Soberania e inger\u00eancia na Amaz\u00f4nia brasileira"], ["doab_id", "17203"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820472"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820472"]], [["description", "En 1814 Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut (1772-1840) concluy\u00f3 su \u00dcber die Notwendigkeit eines allgemeinen B\u00fcrgerlichen Rechts in Deutschland (el texto cuya traducci\u00f3n aqu\u00ed se ofrece), donde defendi\u00f3 la necesidad de redactar un c\u00f3digo para Alemania que sustituyera los antiguos derechos tradicionales. La obra dio lugar a una conocida controversia sobre la codificaci\u00f3n que inspir\u00f3 el ensayo pol\u00e9mico de Savigny titulado Vom Beruf unserer Zeit f\u00fcr Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. Ambas posturas han marcado el desarrollo de la cultura jur\u00eddica contempor\u00e1nea y esas obras se consideran cl\u00e1sicos de obligada lectura."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thibaut, Anton Friedrich Justus"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Codificaci\u00f3n", "Alemania"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/21166/sobre_thibaut_hd35_2015.pdf?sequence=4"], ["title", "Sobre la necesidad de un derecho civil general para Alemania"], ["doab_id", "17217"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315808"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315808"]], [["description", "Why do governments still negotiate with trade unions and employers in the design of labour market and welfare reforms despite the steady decline of trade union membership almost everywhere in Europe? Social Concertation in Times of Austerity investigates the political underpinnings of social concertation in this new context with a focus on the regulation of labour mobility and unemployment protection in Austria and Switzerland. It shows that the involvement of organised interests in policymaking is a strategy of compromise-building used by governments when they are faced with party-political divisions, or when unpopular reforms are likely to have risky electoral consequences.

Waarom moeten overheden nog steeds onderhandelen met vakbonden en werkgevers, terwijl het ledenaantal van vakbonden bijna overal in Europa daalt? De auteur onderzoekt de politieke fundamenten van het sociaal overleg in deze nieuwe context. De focus ligt op de regulering van arbeidsmobiliteit en werkloosheidsuitkeringen in Oostenrijk en Zwitserland. Het werk laat zien dat overheden belangenorganisaties strategisch betrekken in de beleidsvorming, bijvoorbeeld wanneer een overheid geconfronteerd wordt met partijpolitieke verdeeldheid, of wan- neer impopulaire hervormingen negatieve electorale gevolgen kunnen hebben."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Afonso ,Alexandre"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=442727"], ["title", "Social Concertation in Times of Austerity : European Integration and the Politics of Labour Market Governance in Austria and Switzerland"], ["doab_id", "15253"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643957"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643957"]], [["description", "Thanatological research in the social sciences and the humanities acknowledges that death is culturally and socially embedded. The idea of the social construction of death has been taken on board, albeit slowly, by the social and cultural study of death, but explicit reflections on the underlying ontologies and epistemologies of this paradigm remain scarce. This edited volume aims to strengthen the paradigmatic reflections about the social construction of death in thanatology and contribute to a theoretical reinforcement of the field. It also puts death and dying more explicitly on the agenda of social constructionist and social constructivist research in general, arguing that the study of death is important for these approaches. The thirteen contributions gathered in this volume, written by well-established scholars from a variety of disciplines (including sociology, anthropology, media and cultural studies, and political sciences), theorise the social construction of death and dying, and deploy it to analyse a wide variety of meaning-making practices in societal fields such as ethics, politics, media, medicine and family."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Van Brussel ,Leen; Carpentier ,Nico"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["thanatology", "death", "social constructionist research", "social constructivist research"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "https://oapen.org/search?identifier=512393"], ["title", "The Social Construction of Death : Interdisciplinary Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "18975"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137391902", "9781137391926", "9781137391919"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137391902 9781137391926 9781137391919"]], [["description", "Despite the market triumphalism that greeted the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet empire seemed initially to herald new possibilities for social democracy. In the 1990s, with a new era of peace and economic prosperity apparently imminent, people discontented with the realities of global capitalism swept social democrats into power in many Western countries. The resurgence was, however, brief. Neither the recurring economic crises of the 2000s nor the ongoing War on Terror was conducive to social democracy, which soon gave way to a prolonged decline in countries where social democrats had once held power. Arguing that neither globalization nor demographic change was key to the failure of social democracy, the contributors to this volume analyze the rise and decline of Third Way social democracy and seek to lay the groundwork for the reformulation of progressive class politics. Offering a comparative look at social democratic experience since the Cold War, the volume examines countries where social democracy has long been an influential political force-Sweden, Germany, Britain, and Australia-while also considering the history of Canada's NDP and the emergence of New Left parties in Germany and the province of Qu\u00e9bec. The case studies point to a social democracy that has confirmed its rupture with the postwar order and its role as the primary political representative of working-class interests. Once marked by redistributive and egalitarian policy perspectives, social democracy has, the book argues, assumed a new role-that of a modernizing force advancing the neoliberal cause. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bryan Evans and Ingo Schmidt"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Democracy", "Neoliberalism", "political economy", "western history"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120206"], ["title", "Social Democracy After the Cold War"], ["doab_id", "15424"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836874", "9781926836881", "9781926836898"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836874 9781926836881 9781926836898"]], [["description", "Oxytocin (OT) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are the paramount social hormones in mammals and accumulating evidence also strengthens the unique role of these neuropeptides also in human social behavior. Indeed from voles to humans, OT and AVP modulate an intriguing number of social behaviors resonating across species such as the quality of pair bonding, parenting, modulations of social stress, in-group & out-group relationships and social communications. Recent molecular genetic studies of the oxytocin (OXTR), arginine vasopressin 1a (AVPR1a) and arginine vasopressin 1b (AVPR1b) receptors have strengthened the role of these two neuropeptides in a range of normal and pathological human behaviors. Importantly, dysfunctions in the OT and AVP neural pathways are likely contributing to deficits in social skills and communication in disorders such as autism. This Research Topic covers the state of the science and provides a deep view of social hormone research in humans to illustrates how pharmacological, genetic and neuroimaging strategies can be successfully combined toward unraveling the mystery of how human social behavior is regulated. Understanding human social behavior at the molecular level, i.e. social neuroscience, is not only crucial for treatment and diagnosis of disorders characterized by deficits in social cognition but also has important implications in establishing the congruence of findings from different approaches in the Social Sciences and Biology. We bring together in this issue a broad spectrum of investigators from the neurosciences, genetics, psychology, economics and political science towards a deeper understanding of the biological roots of human social behavior. We hope that this transdisciplinary Research Topic will bring new insights and ideas to the field, give future perspectives while also addressing open questions and limitation in order to develop intervention and prevention strategies, and to translate the basic social hormone research into clinical applications. This Research Topic covers the state of the science and provides a deep view of social hormone research in humans to illustrates how pharmacological, genetic and neuroimaging strategies can be successfully combined toward unraveling the mystery of how human social behavior is regulated. Understanding human social behavior at the molecular level, aka social neuroscience, is not only crucial for treatment and diagnosis of disorders characterized by deficits in social cognition but such an understanding has important implications for consilience of the Social Sciences and Biology. We bring together in this issue a broad spectrum of investigators from the neurosciences, genetics, psychology, economics and political science towards a deeper understanding of the biological roots of human social behavior. We hope that this transdisciplinary Research Topic will bring new insights and ideas to the field, give future perspectives while also addressing open questions and limitation in order to develop intervention and prevention strategies, and to translate the basic social hormone research into clinical applications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Idan Shalev; Richard Paul Ebstein"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Oxytocin", "CD38", "receptor", "intranasal", "receptors", "Social Behavior", "Psychiatry"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/973/social-hormones-and-human-behavior-what-do-we-know-and-where-do-we-go-from-here"], ["title", "Social Hormones and Human Behavior: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go from Here"], ["doab_id", "17800"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194070"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194070"]], [["description", "Klimawandel, Wachstumswende, demographische Ver\u00e4nderungen, die weltweite Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise sowie die Erfordernisse der Nachhaltigkeit machen neuartige L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze f\u00fcr bisher unbekannte Problemkonstellationen erforderlich. In diesem Band besch\u00e4ftigen sich AutorInnen aus D\u00e4nemark, Norwegen, Polen, Deutschland, der Schweiz, \u00d6sterreich und Italien mit Ans\u00e4tzen der Demokratisierung, sozialen Innovation und Partizipation, insbesondere von benachteiligten Gruppen. Der internationale Blick wird \u00fcber den europ\u00e4ischen Raum hinaus um Analysen und Handlungsans\u00e4tze in zwei geopolitisch brisanten Regionen erweitert, dem islamischen Raum sowie Kasachstan und Georgien. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Susanne Elsen; Walter Lorenz; Roar Sundby; Silvia Staub-Bernasconi; Hans Kolstad; Markus Litz; Terry Koenig; Richard Spano; Francesca Ravanelli; Lucjan Mi\u015d; Marek Szepski; Arno Heimgartner; Sylvia Rainer; Anja Salzer; Laura Speicher; Adelheid Biesecker; Uta von Winterfeld; Claudia Lintner; Matthias Farfeleder; Oscar Kiesswetter"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["social justice", " democracy", " social work", " climate change", " economic crisis", " sustainability", " approach"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460707.pdf"], ["title", "Social Innovation, Participation and the Development of Society "], ["doab_id", "19842"], ["language_unmapped", "English; German"], ["isbns", ["9788860460707"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460707 "]], [["description", "This book addresses the practice of social innovation, which is currently very much in the public eye. New ideas and approaches are needed to tackle the severe and wicked problems with which contemporary societies are struggling. Especially in times of economic crisis, social innovation is regarded as one of the crucial elements needed to move forward. Our knowledge of its dynamics has significantly progressed, thanks to an abundance of studies on social innovation both general and sector-specific. However, despite the valuable research conducted over the past years, the systematic analysis of social innovation is still contested and incomplete. The questions asked in the book will be the following:1. What is the nature of social innovations?2.What patterns can be identified in social innovations emerging at the local level?3.How is the emergence and spread of social innovations related to urban governance? More precisely, which conditions and arrangements facilitate and hinders social innovation?We explore these questions using different types of data and methods, and studying different contexts. In particular, we focus on innovations that aim at solving problems of the young unemployed, single parents and migrants. This analysis is based on original research carried out in the period 2010-2013 in the framework of a European project with a specific empirical research strategy. Research was carried out in 20 cities in 10 different European countries."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Taco Brandsen; Sandro Cattacin; Adalbert Evers; Annette Zimmer"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["sociology", " social policy", " political theory"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-21551-8"], ["title", "Social Innovations in the Urban Context"], ["doab_id", "19070"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319215501", "9783319215518"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319215501 (Print) 9783319215518 (Online)"]], [["description", "Daniel Miller spent 18 months undertaking an ethnographic study with the residents of an English village, tracking their use of the different social media platforms. Following his study, he argues that a focus on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram does little to explain what we post on social media. Instead, the key to understanding how people in an English village use social media is to appreciate just how \u2018English\u2019 their usage has become. He introduces the \u2018Goldilocks Strategy\u2019: how villagers use social media to calibrate precise levels of interaction ensuring that each relationship is neither too cold nor too hot, but \u2018just right\u2019."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Miller ,Daniel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ethnography", "social media", "society", "culture"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604150"], ["title", "Social Media in an English Village"], ["doab_id", "18641"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634448"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634448"]], [["description", "Described as the biggest migration in human history, an estimated 250 million Chinese people have left their villages in recent decades to live and work in urban areas. Xinyuan Wang spent 15 months living among a community of these migrants in a small factory town in southeast China to track their use of social media. It was here she witnessed a second migration taking place: a movement from offline to online. As Wang argues, this is not simply a convenient analogy but represents the convergence of two phenomena as profound and consequential as each other, where the online world now provides a home for the migrant workers who feel otherwise \u2018homeless\u2019."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wang ,Xinyuan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["social media", "China", "migration", "urban"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618832"], ["title", "Social Media in Industrial China"], ["doab_id", "19912"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634646"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634646"]], [["description", "Based on 15 months of ethnographic research in the city of Alto Hospicio in northern Chile, this book describes how the residents use social media, and the consequences of this use in their daily lives. Nell Haynes argues that social media is a place where Alto Hospicio\u2019s residents \u2013 or Hospice\u00f1os \u2013 express their feelings of marginalisation that result from living in city far from the national capital, and with a notoriously low quality of life compared to other urban areas in Chile.In actively distancing themselves from residents in cities such as Santiago, Hospice\u00f1os identify as marginalised citizens, and express a new kind of social norm. Yet Haynes finds that by contrasting their own lived experiences with those of people in metropolitan areas, Hospice\u00f1os are strengthening their own sense of community and the sense of normativity that shapes their daily lives. This exciting conclusion is illustrated by the range of social media posts about personal relationships, politics and national citizenship, particularly on Facebook."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haynes ,Nell"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ethnography", "social media", "society, culture"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=609771"], ["title", "Social Media in Northern Chile"], ["doab_id", "19112"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634592"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634592"]], [["description", "China\u2019s distinctive social media platforms have gained notable popularity among the nation\u2019s vast number of internet users, but has China\u2019s countryside been \u2018left behind\u2019 in this communication revolution?Tom McDonald spent 15 months living in a small rural Chinese community researching how the residents use social media in their daily lives. His ethnographic findings suggest that, far from being left behind, social media is already deeply integrated into the everyday experience of many rural Chinese people."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McDonald ,Tom"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Ethnography", "social media", "society", "culture"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618833"], ["title", "Social Media in Rural China"], ["doab_id", "19913"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634691"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634691"]], [["description", "Why is social media in southeast Italy so predictable when it is used by such a range of different people?This book describes the impact of social media on the population of a town in the southern region of Puglia, Italy. Razvan Nicolescu spent 15 months living among the town\u2019s residents, exploring what it means to be an individual on social media. Why do people from this region conform on platforms that are designed for personal expression?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nicolescu ,Razvan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Social media", "religion", "conformity", "family", "culture"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617915"], ["title", "Social Media in Southeast Italy"], ["doab_id", "19813"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634745"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634745"]], [["description", "This book presents an ethnographic study of social media in Mardin, a medium-sized town located in the Kurdish region of Turkey. The town is inhabited mainly by Sunni Muslim Arabs and Kurds, and has been transformed in recent years by urbanisation, neoliberalism and political events. Elisabetta Costa uses her 15 months of ethnographic research to explain why public-facing social media is more conservative than offline life. Yet, at the same time, social media has opened up unprecedented possibilities for private communications between genders and in relationships among young people \u2013 Costa reveals new worlds of intimacy, love and romance. She also discovers that, when viewed from the perspective of people\u2019s everyday lives, political participation on social media looks very different to how it is portrayed in studies of political postings separated from their original complex, and highly socialised, context."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Costa ,Elisabetta"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Turkey", "Social media", "Kinship", "Politics"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604152"], ["title", "Social Media in Southeast Turkey"], ["doab_id", "18645"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634547"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634547"]], [["description", "The starting point of this book is the acknowledgement that on one side Chinese individuals, freer from the constraints of the State, have to rely on their own efforts for their well-being and, on the other side, in some circumstances, they gather together to defend their interests. The individualisation of society goes hand in hand with the collective movements that emerged as a result of individual wants. There are not only internal factors leading to the emergence of collective forms of action, but also external ones and that's why the editors have chosen to encompass Hong Kong in their study. The authors argue that protest actions and movement taking place in the Mainland and Hong Kong have enabled both societies to expand their protest spaces. At a theoretical level, these developments lead us to reconceputalise citizenship as practised rather than as given.

Het uitgangspunt van dit boek is dat Chinese individuen van hun eigen inzet uit moeten kunnen gaan, ongeacht de beperkingen die hen door de staat worden opgelegd. Om hun belangen beter te kunnen verdedigen sluiten sommige individuen zich aan bij sociale bewegingen, die tot sociale protesten kunnen leiden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuah-Pearce ,Khun Eng; Guiheux ,Gilles"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Sociology", "Culture and instituten", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340015"], ["title", "Social Movements in China and Hong Kong : The Expansion of Protest Space"], ["doab_id", "12740"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641311"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641311"]], [["description", "This volume focuses on practical and empirical accounts of organizational change in the social sciences and impacts upon the professional skills, collections, and services within social science libraries. Section one focuses upon the question of interdisciplinary within social science libraries and the role of libraries to both react to and facilitate paradigm shifts in research and science. Section two focuses on the rise of data as a resource to be collected and shared within social science libraries. The third section focuses on the role of librarians to facilitate the development of social organizations that develop around new technologies and research communities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rudasill, Lynne M.; Witt, Steve W."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/43874"], ["title", "Social Science Libraries. Interdisciplinary Collections, Services, Networks"], ["doab_id", "18077"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110232158", "9783110232141"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", " 9783110232158, 9783110232141"]], [["description", "This open access book examines the question of collecting and disseminating data on ethnicity and race in order to describe characteristics of ethnic and racial groups, identify factors of social and economic integration and implement policies to redress discrimination. It offers a global perspective on the issue by looking at race and ethnicity in a wide variety of historical, country-specific contexts, including Asia, Latin America, Europe, Oceania and North America. In addition, the book also includes analysis on the indigenous populations of the Americas.The book first offers comparative accounts of ethnic statistics. It compares and empirically tests two perspectives for understanding national ethnic enumeration practices in a global context based on national census questionnaires and population registration forms for over 200 countries between 1990 to 2006.Next, the book explores enumeration and identity politics with chapters that cover the debate on ethnic and racial statistics in France, ethnic and linguistic categories in Qu\u00e9bec, Brazilian ethnoracial classification and affirmative action policies and the Hispanic/Latino identity and the United States census.The third, and final, part of the book examines measurement issues and competing claims. It explores such issues as the complexity of measuring diversity using Malaysia as an example, social inequalities and indigenous populations in Mexico and the demographic explosion of aboriginal populations in Canada from 1986 to 2006.Overall, the book sheds light on four main questions: should ethnic groups be counted, how should they be counted, who is and who is not counted and what are the political and economic incentives for counting. It will be of interest to all students of race, ethnicity, identity, and immigration. In addition, researchers as well as policymakers will find useful discussions and insights for a better understanding of the complexity of categorization and related political and policy challenges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrick Simon; Victor Pich\u00e9; Am\u00e9lie A. Gagnon"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["migration", " population economics", " human geography", " sociology", " political science"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20095-8"], ["title", "Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics"], ["doab_id", "20006"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319200941", "9783319200958"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319200941 (Print) 9783319200958 (Online)"]], [["description", "Fear has long served elites. They rely on fear to keep and expand their privileges and control the masses. In the current crisis of the capitalist world system, elites in the United States, along with other central countries, promote fear of crime and terrorism. They shaped these fears so that people looked to authorities for security, which permitted extension of apparatuses of coercion like police and military forces. In the face of growing oppression, rebellion against elite hegemony remains possible. This book offers an analysis of the crisis and strategies for rebellion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Skoll ,Geoffrey"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Law", "Terror", "Fear", "Society", "Wetgeving", "Terreur", "Angst", "Samenleving"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=392748"], ["title", "Social Theory of Fear"], ["doab_id", "13400"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780230103498"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780230103498"]], [["description", "Social Work in Africa offers professors, students, and practitioners insight concerning social work in the African context. Its purpose is to encourage examination of the social work curriculum and to demonstrate practical ways to make it more culturally relevant. Drawing on her experience as a social work instructor in Ghana with field research conducted for her doctoral thesis, author Linda Kreitzer addresses the history of social work in African countries, the hegemony of western knowledge in the field, and the need for culturally and regionally informed teaching resources and programs. Guided by a strong sense of her limitations and responsibilities as a privileged outsider and a belief that \"only Ghanaians can critically look at and decide on a culturally relevant curriculum for themselves,\" Kreitzer utilizes Participatory Action Research methodology to successfully move the topic of culturally relevant practices from rhetoric to demonstration. Social Work in Africa is aimed at programs and practise in Ghana; at the same time, it is intended as a framework for the creation of culturally relevant social work curricula in other African countries and other contexts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Linda Kreitzer"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Social work"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/48928/1/UofCPress_SocialworkAfrica_2012.pdf"], ["title", "Social Work in Africa: Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana"], ["doab_id", "15148"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552385968"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552385968 "]], [["description", "This book follows the intellectual track and legacy of one of the most illustrious social work educators of our time, Edward J. Mullen, the Willma and Albert Musher Professor Emeritus of Columbia University and a fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. The collection of chapters is written by European and American scholars, social work leaders in their respective countries and beyond. Most of the contributions originate from a seminar organized by the Inter-Centre Network for Evaluation of Social Work Practice (Intsoceval), a network of social work scholars, and hosted in 2014 by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy. This volume provides a remarkable and unique perspective on not only the professional trajectory of an eminent social worker but also the history of contemporary social work."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haluk Soydan; Walter Lorenz; Inge M. Bryderup; Mike Fisher; Peter Marsh; Mikko M\u00e4ntysaari; Karin Tengvald; Bruce A. Thyer; Dorian E. Traube; Jennifer L. Bellamy; Sarah E. Bledsoe; Edward J. Mullen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social work", " social welfare", " educator", " Iner-Centre network", " INTSOCEVAL"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460752.pdf"], ["title", "Social Work Practice to the Benefit of Our Clients: Scholarly Legacy of Edward J. Mullen "], ["doab_id", "19847"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788860460752"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460752 "]], [["description", "Social, casual and mobile games, played on devices such as smartphones, tablets, or PCs and accessed through online social networks, have become extremely popular, and are changing the ways in which games are designed, understood, and played. These games have sparked a revolution as more people from a broader demographic than ever play games, shifting the stereotype of gaming away from that of hardcore, dedicated play to that of activities that fit into everyday life.Social, Casual and Mobile Games explores the rapidly changing gaming landscape and discusses the ludic, methodological, theoretical, economic, social and cultural challenges that these changes invoke. With chapters discussing locative games, the new freemium economic model, and gamer demographics, as well as close studies of specific games (including Candy Crush Saga, Angry Birds, and Ingress), this collection offers an insight into the changing nature of games and the impact that mobile media is having upon individuals and societies around the world."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tama Leaver; Michele WIllson"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501310591"], ["title", "Social, Casual and Mobile Games"], ["doab_id", "18984"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501310607"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501310607"]], [["description", "The 2007 Groves Conference on Marriage and Family in Detroit offered family scholars and practitioners an opportunity to focus on the social, economic, and environmental issues facing families. Despite the many injustices plaguing families in Detroit and the larger world, explicit attention to social justice issues in the family field is rare. This edited volume highlights the scholarly and applied work presented at the conference by Groves members, many of whom are accomplished activists themselves."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Balter Blume ,Libby ; De Reus ,Lee Ann"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Families", "Social justice"]], ["publisher", "MPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444986"], ["title", "Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice for All Families"], ["doab_id", "14528"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852308"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852308"]], [["description", "Het debat over de toekomst van de sociale zekerheid stond in de twintigste eeuw in het teken van twee kernvragen: wie komen er aanmerking voor sociale zekerheid en hoe moeten wie die zekerheid precies inrichten? Vanaf eind jaren zeventig komt dit model stevig onder druk te staan. Intussen is het stelsel een stuk soberder geworden en het beslag op de collectieve middelen grofweg gehalveerd. Vanaf eind jaren negentig diende zich een nieuw debat aan. Daarbij ging het om ontwikkelingen in de arbeidsmarkt met grote consequenties voor de sociale zekerheid: internationalisering, automatisering en flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt. In het afgelopen decennium is steeds voelbaarder geworden dat veel zekerheden die vroeger als zekerheid golden, dat niet meer zijn, of niet meer als zodanig beleefd worden. Het is deze zoektocht die centraal staat in het project 'Toekomst sociale zekerheid'."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lieshout van ,Peter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Sociale zekerheid", "arbeidsmarkt", "flexibilisering", "sociaal beleid", "sociale verhoudingen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619751"], ["title", "Sociale (on)zekerheid. De voorziene toekomst"], ["doab_id", "19981"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789462984608"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789462984608"]], [["description", "In dit hoofdstuk wordt verkend hoe sociale zekerheid in een postindustri\u00eblesamenleving er uit zou kunnen zien. Eerst worden de economische enmaatschappelijke ontwikkelingen die gepaard gaan met postindustrialiseringin kaart gebracht. Vervolgens wordt onderzocht welke problemenhet bestaande stelsel van sociale zekerheid ondervindt in de opendiensten- en kenniseconomie die is ontstaan. Er worden na deze verkenningeen tiental uitgangspunten geformuleerd voor de vormgeving vansociale zekerheid. Centraal hierin staan gedeelde verantwoordelijkheden,risicodeling en een zekere maatschappelijke solidariteit. Tot slot wordtbij wijze van gedachte-experiment verkend wat de tien uitgangspuntenbetekenen voor de vormgeving van regelingen voor werkloosheid enarbeidsongeschiktheid in een open samenleving."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", null], ["subject", ["modernisering sociale zekerheid", "post-industri\u00eble arbeidsmarkt", "solidariteit", "risicodeling", "werkloosheidsverzekering", "arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619836"], ["title", "Sociale (on)zekerheid. De voorziene toekomst"], ["doab_id", "19987"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789894629849"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "989462984608"]], [["description", "Perch\u00e9 l\u2019Italia repubblicana non ha avuto un partito socialdemocratico paragonabile a quelli degli altri paesi europei? E cos\u2019\u00e8 stata, invece, la socialdemocrazia italiana? Che cultura politica ha espresso? Chi ne sono stati i portatori? A queste e altre domande cerca di rispondere questo libro, analizzando le origini del Partito Socialdemocratico Italiano e la sua storia nel primo periodo repubblicano (1947\u20131953). Muovendosi sul duplice binario della storia politica e della storia delle culture politiche, esso ricostruisce sia le convulse vicende dell\u2019area socialista a destra del PSI sia l\u2019evoluzione degli orizzonti dottrinari, delle strutture interpretative della realt\u00e0 e dei modi di intendere l\u2019agire politico che tale area espresse, focalizzando l\u2019attenzione sulla molteplicit\u00e0 di attori, sensibilit\u00e0 e mentalit\u00e0 che in essa, per un breve periodo, si incontrarono. Sullo sfondo, stanno la guerra fredda e il brutale impatto che essa ebbe sul sistema politico italiano."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Daniele Pipitone"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["socialismo, Italia, storia italiana, democrazia, politica"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Vol.Pipitonenomarg.pdf"], ["title", "Il Socialismo Democratico Italiano fra la Liberazione e la Legge Truffa"], ["doab_id", "15979"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051090"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051090"]], [["description", "Sociedade Civil e Democracia na Am\u00e9rica Latina: crise e reinven\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica abre um debate urgente e necess\u00e1rio sobre os desafios que afetam a governabilidade e consolida\u00e7\u00e3o da democracia em nosso continente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo (ed.); Oliveira, Miguel Darcy de (ed.)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Democracia - Am\u00e9rica Latina", " Sociedade civil - Am\u00e9rica Latina"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/74psp"], ["title", "Sociedade civil e democracia na Am\u00e9rica Latina: crise e reinven\u00e7\u00e3o da pol\u00edtica "], ["doab_id", "16268"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662236"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662236"]], [["description", "Os estudos sociol\u00f3gicos reunidos neste volume pelo Prof. Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o Lopes, da Universidade de S\u00e3o Paulo, representam uma valiosa contribui\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 intelig\u00eancia do processo de industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o na sociedade brasileira contempor\u00e2nea. Representam, por v\u00e1rios aspectos, um trabalho pioneiro que, por suas marcadas e amadurecidas diretrizes metodol\u00f3gicas, est\u00e1 destinada a influenciar decisivamente as futuras indaga\u00e7\u00f5es nesse campo. Como poucas vezes se tem logrado entre n\u00f3s nas pesquisas de ci\u00eancias sociais, o autor consegue um equil\u00edbrio e acerto felizes. Entre uma ampla interpreta\u00e7\u00e3o sociol\u00f3gica e a precis\u00e3o e min\u00facia dos dados coletados, na sua grande maioria, diretamente."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lopes, Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/gj8dk"], ["title", "Sociedade industrial no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17241"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662779"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662779"]], [["description", "[...] acreditamos que o livro constitui pelo menos um esfor\u00e7o no sentido de apresentar uma vis\u00e3o do conjunto e relativamente coerente das transforma\u00e7\u00f5es em curso nas \u00faltimas duas d\u00e9cadas na sociedade brasileira. Nosso objetivo e desejo \u00e9 que possa tornar-se refer\u00eancia e incentivo para novos e melhores estudos, capazes de proporcionar uma imagem sint\u00e9tica da complexa estrutura social brasileira. [trecho retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sorj, Bernardo; Almeida, Maria Herm\u00ednia Tavares de"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b4km4"], ["title", "Sociedade pol\u00edtica no Brasil p\u00f3s-64"], ["doab_id", "16689"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662632"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662632"]], [["description", "This book presents the results of the Interdisciplinary Research Group 'Society \u2013 Water \u2013 Technology' of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It describes interdisciplinary evaluation criteria for major water engineering projects (MWEPs) and portrays an application to the Lower Jordan Valley (Middle East) and the Fergana Valley (Central Asia). Both areas are characterised by transboundary conflicts, by challenges due to demographic and climate change and by political and societal pressures. Based on the findings, the book provides recommendations for science and political decisions makers as well as for international financing institutions. In addition, it outlines research gaps from an interdisciplinary perspective.In the past, MWEPs have been used as an instrument to cope with the demands of growing populations and to enhance development progress. Experiences with MWEPs have shown that a purely technical approach has not always brought about the desired results. In many cases, MWEPs have even resulted in negative implications for society and environment. Therefore, improved management strategies and enhanced technologies for a sustainable water resource management system are a prerequisite to meet present and future challenges. And, moreover, the continuous evaluation and optimisation of these measures is, likewise, a must."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reinhard F. H\u00fcttl; Oliver Bens; Christine Bismuth; Sebastian Hoechstetter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["water", " technology", " waste", " pollution", " control", " aquatic", " environment", " law"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-18971-0"], ["title", "Society - Water - Technology: A Critical Appraisal of Major Water Engineering Projects"], ["doab_id", "18936"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319189703", "9783319189710"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319189703 (Print) 9783319189710 (Online)"]], [["description", "Society, Law, and Culture in the Middle East:\u201cModernities\u201d in the Making is an edited volume that seeks to deepen and broaden our understanding of various forms of change in Middle Eastern and North African societies during the Ottoman period. It offers an in-depth analysis of reforms and gradual change in the longue dur\u00e9e, challenging the current discourse on the relationship between society, culture, and law. The focus of the discussion shifts from an external to an internal perspective, as agency transitions from \u201cthe West\u201d to local actors in the region. Highlighting the ongoing interaction between internal processes and external stimuli, and using primary sources in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish, the authors and editors bring out the variety of modernities that shaped south-eastern Mediterranean history. The first part of the volume interrogates the urban elite household, the main social, political, and economic unit of networking in Ottoman societies. The second part addresses the complex relationship between law and culture, looking at how the legal system, conceptually and practically, undergirded the socio-cultural aspects of life in the Middle East. Society, Law, and Culture in the Middle East consists of eleven chapters, written by well-established and younger scholars working in the field of Middle East and Islamic Studies. The editors, Dror Ze'evi and Ehud R. Toledano, are both leading historians, who have published extensively on Middle Eastern societies in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman periods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Toledano, Ehud R.; v. Ze\u2019evi, Dror "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/458684"], ["title", "Society, Law, and Culture in the Middle East. \u201cModernities\u201d in the Making"], ["doab_id", "17964"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110439748", "9783110439755"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110439748, 9783110439755"]], [["description", "This e-book brings together scholars in both the neurosciences and organizational sciences who have adopted various approaches to study the cognitive mechanisms mediating the social behavior that we see within organizations. Such an approach has been termed by ourselves, and others, as \u2018organisational cognitive neuroscience\u2019. In recent years there has been a veritable increase in studies that have explored the cognitive mechanisms driving such behaviors, and much progress has been made in understanding the neural underpinnings of processes such as financial exchange, risk awareness and even leadership. However, while these studies are informative and add to our understanding of human cognition they fall short of providing evidence-based recommendations for practice. Specifically, we address the broader issue of how the neuroscientific study of such core social behaviors can be used to improve the very way that we work. To address these gaps in our understanding the chapters in this book serve as a platform that allows scholars in both the neurosciences and the organizational sciences to highlight the work that spans across these two fields. The consolidation of these two fields also serves to highlight the utility of a singular organizational cognitive neuroscience. This is a fundamentally important outcome of the book as the application of neuroscience to address economically relevant behaviors has seen a variety of fields evolve in their own right, such as neuromarketing, neuroeconomics and so forth. The use of neuro-scientific technologies,in particular fMRI, has indeed led to a bewildering (and somewhat suffocating) proliferation of new approaches, however, the speed of such developments demands that we must proceed carefully with such ventures or risk some fundamental mistakes. The book that you now hold will consolidates these new neuroscience based approaches and in doing so highlight the importance of this approach in helping us to understand human social behavior in general. Taken together the chapters provide a framework for scholars within the neurosciences who wish to explore the further the opportunities that the study of organisational behavior may provide."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carl Senior; Nick Lee; Sven Braeutigam"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Organisational Cognitive Neuroscience society", "Neuroscience", "Brain", "organisations", "Functional Brain imaging", "MEG", "Genetics", "Marketing", "neuromarketing", "neuroeconomics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1812/society-organizations-and-the-brain-building-towards-a-unified-cognitive-neuroscience-perspective"], ["title", "Society, Organizations and the Brain: building towards a unified cognitive neuroscience perspective"], ["doab_id", "18692"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195800"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195800"]], [["description", "Macrosociology\u2014the study of large-scale social structures and the fundamental principles of social organization\u2014was the style of sociology practiced by the founders of the discipline. Today, the social theories of Karl Marx, Max Weber, \u00c9mile Durkheim, and Herbert Spencer (among others) are commonly studied as part of the history of the field, but, although the macrosociological approach that these thinkers advocated is still employed, it no longer dominates the discipline. Instead, sociologists typically adopt a narrower focus, specializing in areas such as social psychology, medicine, religion, or the study of social stratification. Examining the bigger picture is a task often left to public intellectuals.Sociocultural Systems aims to reinstate macrosciology as the heart of the discipline by demonstrating that both classical and contemporary macrosociologists stand upon common ground. Focusing on the broad issues that concerned the founders, Elwell addresses questions such as: Historically, what factors accounted for the origin, survival, and evolution of sociocultural systems? Why were some societies more technologically advanced than others? What is the origin of capitalism? What factors determine the allocation of goods and services within and among societies? What effects do changes in government and economic institutions have on communities?Elwell argues that, as evolution does for biology, the macrosociological paradigm offers an analytical strategy that can be used both to guide and prioritize research in all of the myriad specialties within sociology and to lay forth an orderly body of knowledge for students. Clearly articulating important sociological principles, Sociocultural Systems provides a critical understanding of social institutions and issues, while also furnishing a framework for possible solutions to the perennial social crises that are part and parcel of the development of human societies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frank W. Elwell"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["sociology, values, functional analysis, culture"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120219"], ["title", "Sociocultural Systems: Principles of Structure and Change"], ["doab_id", "15432"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356203", "9781927356210", "9781927356227"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356203 9781927356210 9781927356227"]], [["description", "This book discusses the important issue of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of agricultural residue burning, common in agricultural practices in many parts of the world. In particular, it focuses on the pollution caused by rice residue burning using primary survey data from Punjab, India. It discusses emerging solutions to agricultural waste burning that are cost-effective in terms of both money and time. The burning of agricultural residue causes severe pollution in land, water and air and contributes to increased ozone levels and climate change in the long term. However, appropriate assessments have not been undertaken so far to demonstrate the relevant impact of agriculture-based pollution, especially residue burning. This book addresses this gap in the literature. Punjab has been used as a case study as it is the chief granary of India, contributing to 27.2 percent of the Indian national produce of rice and 43.8 percent of wheat. It is presumed that the findings from this state will be useful not only for other agricultural areas in India, but across the world. This book, therefore, sensitizes policy makers, researchers and students about the impacts of air pollution caused by agricultural residue burning---a subject not much dealt in the literature---and provides a way forward."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Parmod Kumar; Surender Kumar; Laxmi Joshi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology", " Environmental Economics", " Community & Population Ecology "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2014-5"], ["title", "Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning: A Case Study of Punjab, India"], ["doab_id", "17323"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788132221463", "9788132220145"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9788132221463 (Print) 9788132220145 (Online)"]], [["description", "From fox-hunting to farming, the vigour with which rural activities and living are defended overturns received notions of a sleepy and complacent countryside. Alongside these developments, the rise of the organic food movement has helped to revitalize an already politicized rural population. Over the years 'rural life' has been defined, redefined and eventually fallen out of fashion as a sociological concept - in contrast to urban studies, which has flourished. This much-needed reappraisal calls for its reinterpretation in light of the profound changes affecting the countryside. First providing an overview of rural sociology, Hillyard goes on to offer contemporary case studies that clearly demonstrate the need for a reinvigorated rural sociology. Tackling a range of contentious issues, this book offers a new model for rural sociology and reassesses its role in contemporary society.Providing an overview of rural sociology, this title calls for the reinterpretation of rural life in light of the profound changes affecting the countryside. It offers case studies that demonstrate the need for a reinvigorated rural sociology. Tackling contentious issues, it presents a model for rural sociology and assesses its role in society.Sam Hillyard is Lecturer in Sociology, School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hillyard ,Samantha"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=390771"], ["title", "Sociology of Rural Life"], ["doab_id", "13383"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847883360"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847883360"]], [["description", "Soft tissue and bone sarcomas disproportionately affect children, adolescents, and young adults. Although considered a rare disease, sarcomas continue to have a devastating effect on these patients and their loved ones, and their impact on our society far exceed their relatively low prevalence. Because of its rarity and heterogeneity, clinical decision making on management of sarcomas are often individualized and without a consensus treatment strategy. Furthermore, research to improve clinical outcomes are particularly challenging as sizeable studies are hard to produce. By improving our knowledge about the molecular biology of sarcomas, we hope to identify new treatment strategies and targets for further drug development. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sarcoma", " drug development", " osteosarcoma", " bone tumor", " biomarker", " connective tissue oncology"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/65"], ["title", "Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma"], ["doab_id", "16621"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980461", "9783906980584"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980461/9783906980584"]], [["description", "Nella scuola italiana numerosi corsi, convegni, concorsi e aggiornamenti hanno accompagnato l\u2019introduzione delle LIM e l\u2019informatizzazione della didattica.Sullo sfondo di un orizzonte variegato e a partire proprio dai pregi e dai limiti degli interventi istituzionali, il presente lavoro espone iniziative interessanti come il Divertinglese e Innovascuola, le tecnologie applicate alla disabilit\u00e0 e gli inevitabili interessi commerciali, per poi passare ad analizzare i sistemi operativi gratuiti o a pagamento, le tipologie di software, i problemi di copyright e gli oggetti di apprendimento."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giorgio Musilli"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.maestrantonella.it/download/Giorgio%20Musili%20-%20I%20software%20autore%20per%20la%20didattica.pdf"], ["title", "software autore per la didattica"], ["doab_id", "15540"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867050703"]], ["provider", "maestrantonella.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050703"]], [["description", "Offers the first look at the aesthetics of contemporary design from the theoretical perspectives of media theory and 'software studies'."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lev Manovich"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544988"], ["title", "Software Takes Command"], ["doab_id", "16285"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544988"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544988"]], [["description", "Alongside analysing the oldest records of Roman inscriptions of Austria, this work particularly emphasizes the antiquarian-epigraphic collecting activity which can be noted in the area of Austria as a consequence of the spreading humanistic attitude. It focuses on the question, whether Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus is actually to be identified as the so-called \u201eAntiquus Austriacus\u201d as has been pleaded repeatedly. The examination of a number of relevant known and hitherto extensively unknown copies shows that the \u201cAntiquus-Austriacus-Collection\u201c is not a homogeneous compilation by a single \u201cauctor antiquissimus\u201d but rather an anthology derived from different copies of varying quality, collected by Johannes Fuchsmagen.

Neben den \u00e4ltesten Abschriften norischer Inschriften richtet sich der Blick vor allem auf die antiquarisch-epigraphische Sammelt\u00e4tigkeit, die mit der Verbreitung humanistischen Gedankengutes auch im \u00f6sterreichischen Raum einsetzt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Frage, ob der sogenannte \u201eAntiquus Austriacus\u201c tats\u00e4chlich mit Augustinus Prygl Tyfernus zu identifizieren ist, wof\u00fcr bisher mehrfach pl\u00e4diert worden ist. Durch die detaillierte Untersuchung und Gegen\u00fcberstellung bereits bekannter Sammlungen sowie bisher kaum beachteter Handschriften zeigt sich schlie\u00dflich, dass es sich bei der \u201eAntiquus-Austriacus-Sammlung\u201c nicht um eine homogene Zusammenstellung eines einzigen \u201eauctor antiquissimus\u201c handelt, sondern um ein Produkt aus unterschiedlichen Abschriften, hinter dem sich die Sammelt\u00e4tigkeit von Johannes Fuchsmagen verbirgt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marth ,Doris"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Antiquus Austriacus, Austria, Epigraphy, Humanism, Inscriptions, Johannes Fuchsmag(en), Manuscript Tradition, Roman Period", "Antiquus Austriacus, Epigraphik, Humanismus, Inschriften, Johannes Fuchsmag(en), \u00d6sterreich, R\u00f6merzeit, \u00dcberlieferung"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de", "la"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=615393"], ["title", "Der sogenannte \"Antiquus Austriacus\" und weitere auctores antiquissimi"], ["doab_id", "19677"], ["language_unmapped", "de^la"], ["isbns", ["9783902976437"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976437"]], [["description", "People have interpreted the numeration of the years of their life since Antiquity (when, for example, the Emperor Augustus did so). Ancient medical theories thus maintained that matter is renewed every seven or nine years. The product of these two numbers is sixty-three, and the sixty-third year of a person\u2019s life \u2013 the great climacteric \u2013 was believed to be very critical. Max Engammare presents the history of the anxiety surrounding this year that came back into force during the Renaissance, as early as Petrarch but especially with Marsilio Ficino. This book touches on most of the great names of the age, from Philipp Melanchthon and Theodore de B\u00e8ze to Rabelais. The question of the sixty-third king of France, Henri III or Henri IV, was also discussed by members of the League. The goal is to achieve an understanding of the arithmetic of these ancient fears that were reborn at the end of the 1400s and which have not in fact completely disappeared today\u2014a proof of this is Sigmund Freud and the curse of 27 listing all the famous artists dead at the age of 27 (three times nine).

Depuis l\u2019Antiquit\u00e9, les hommes ont interpr\u00e9t\u00e9 la num\u00e9ration des ann\u00e9es de leur vie, tel l\u2019empereur Auguste, autre mani\u00e8re de retenir le temps qui fuit. Des th\u00e9ories m\u00e9dicales ont ainsi avanc\u00e9 que la mati\u00e8re se renouvelait toutes les sept ou neuf ann\u00e9es. Le produit de ces deux chiffres (l\u2019un d\u00e9volu au corps, l\u2019autre \u00e0 l\u2019esprit) donne soixante-trois, et la soixante-troisi\u00e8me ann\u00e9e de la vie humaine, grande climact\u00e9rique, \u00e9tait regard\u00e9e comme tr\u00e8s critique. C\u2019est sous le signe du nombre et du temps que Max Engammare fait l\u2019histoire de l\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat inquiet pour cette ann\u00e9e qui reprend vigueur \u00e0 la Renaissance, avec P\u00e9trarque, mais surtout avec Marsile Ficin. On croisera la plupart des grands noms du temps, dont des th\u00e9ologiens, \u00e0 l\u2019instar de Philipp Melanchthon, le bras droit de Luther, et de Th\u00e9odore de B\u00e8ze, celui de Calvin, mais aussi de Rabelais, celui qui a introduit le mot en fran\u00e7ais. La question du soixante-troisi\u00e8me roi de France, Henri III ou Henri IV, sera \u00e9galement pos\u00e9e par des Ligueurs qui ne savaient pas en 1587 ou 1588 que les deux mourraient assassin\u00e9s, et l\u2019on jouera m\u00eame au jeu de l\u2019oie. Il s\u2019agit de comprendre l\u2019arithm\u00e9tique de ces peurs antiques r\u00e9actualis\u00e9es d\u00e8s la fin du XVe si\u00e8cle et qui n\u2019ont pas compl\u00e8tement disparu aujourd\u2019hui, preuve en est Sigmund Freud ou la soi-disant mal\u00e9diction des 27 r\u00e9pertoriant tous les artistes c\u00e9l\u00e8bres morts \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e2ge de vingt-sept ans (trois fois neuf)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Engammare ,Max"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Astrology", "Theology", "Medicine", "Poetry", "Superstition", "Reformation", "Calvinism", "Renaissance", "Horoscope", "Astrologie", "th\u00e9ologie", "m\u00e9decine", "po\u00e9sie", "superstition", "R\u00e9forme", "calvinisme", "Renaissance", "horoscope"]], ["publisher", "Librairie Droz"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579650"], ["title", "Soixante-trois. La peur de la grande ann\u00e9e climact\u00e9rique \u00e0 la Renaissance"], ["doab_id", "17721"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782600005531"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782600005531"]], [["description", "Todos los razonamientos sobre los cuales el autor se detiene en estos cinco ensayos (publicados originariamente entre 1994 y 2006), giran en torno a una cuesti\u00f3n fundamental: \u00bfPor qu\u00e9 entre las disciplinas obligatorias del curr\u00edculo del estudiante de derecho figuran materias hist\u00f3ricas? \u00bfQu\u00e9 l\u00f3gica impone estas materias? \u00bfSirven en realidad para el aprendizaje del derecho vigente? El autor repasa, una tras otra, las respuestas que los interesados, es decir los historiadores del derecho, han dado tradicionalmente a este interrogante. No las comparte, las considera d\u00e9biles, evasivas, inconcluyentes. La cr\u00edtica m\u00e1s radical golpea la \u201cmoda\u201d que, desde hace unos veinte a\u00f1os, intenta salvar las c\u00e1tedras roman\u00edsticas promoviendo el derecho romano cl\u00e1sico como modelo y fundamento del (de un) futuro derecho privado europeo unificado. El autor reprende a los art\u00edfices de este salvamiento de \u00faltima hora (a los que denomina de manera pol\u00e9mica neopandectistas) de ser antihist\u00f3ricos. Los considera contraproducentes e inadecuados para atraer durablemente el inter\u00e9s de los estudiantes por la incidencia del paso del tiempo sobre el valor del derecho vigente. A la feliz seguridad de los neopandectistas opone la recuperaci\u00f3n de la temporalidad del derecho, paralelamente su historicidad, es decir, su dependencia de factores pol\u00edticos, culturales, econ\u00f3micos, sociales, que en el tiempo se entrecruzan y renvuelven sin parar. Admitiendo esto, toda reivindicaci\u00f3n de continuidad parace tan gratuita como extraviada."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Caroni, Pio"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Historia del derecho", "Planes de estudio", "Ense\u00f1anza universitaria", "History of law", "Syllabus", "University educacion"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/6560/Soledad_Caroni_2014_reimp.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La soledad del historiador del Derecho: apuntes sobre la conveniencia de una disciplina diferente"], ["doab_id", "16180"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788498498202"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788498498202"]], [["description", "What is it that really binds Dutch people together? That's the central question of many public debates.This study focuses on the the role of victimhood on our concept of society. Drawing on the works of the American philosopher Richard Rorty, the author discusses morality, criminality, religion, sexual abuse and legalisation of prostituiton.

Wat bindt ons Nederlanders eigenlijk nog? Dat is de centrale vraag waar veel maatschappelijke debatten op uitlopen. In een ontzuilde tijd lijkt publieke moraal een individuele aangelegenheid te zijn. We vinden eerder overeenstemming in wat we afwijzen: wreeedheid, vernedering of discriminatie: slachtofferschap. Dat verklaart de belanstelling voor het slachtoffer in het strafrecht of de aandacht voor misbruikte kinderen. Dit spraakmakende boek is inmiddels jaren uitverkocht en wordt nu opnieuw uitgegeven. Paul Schnabel schreef destijds in NRC Handelsblad over 'een lichtgevend proefschrift [...] een fysieke ervaring om te lezen'. Het'Amsterdam Academic Archive is een initiatief van Amsterdam University Press. In de serie verschijnen (populair-)wetenschappelijke publicaties die niet meer leverbaar zijn, maar waarnaar nog wel vraag is in binnen- en buitenland."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boutellier ,Hans"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Culture and history", "Culture and institutions", "Law", "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Culture and instituten", "Recht", "Filosofie", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444103"], ["title", "Solidariteit en slachtofferschap : De morele betekenis van criminaliteit in een postmoderne cultuur"], ["doab_id", "12816"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789053564097"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564097"]], [["description", "La F\u00e9d\u00e9ration des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick, fond\u00e9e en 1913, est la deuxi\u00e8me plus ancienne f\u00e9d\u00e9ration provinciale du travail au Canada. Son histoire remonte aux premi\u00e8res campagnes en faveur de l\u2019indemnisation des accidents du travail et de la reconnaissance syndicale, et elle se poursuit dans les plus r\u00e9centes luttes visant \u00e0 d\u00e9fendre les normes sociales et \u00e0 prot\u00e9ger les emplois et les droits syndicaux. La F\u00e9d\u00e9ration a vu le jour dans la ville portuaire de Saint John et le centre ferroviaire de Moncton, puis elle s\u2019est \u00e9tendue aux travailleurs des mines et des usines du nord de la province, soutenant la cause des employ\u00e9s du secteur public et des travailleuses, refl\u00e9tant les r\u00e9alit\u00e9s de la vie et du travail dans une soci\u00e9t\u00e9 bilingue. Puisant dans les archives, les journaux et les exp\u00e9riences des travailleurs et des travailleuses, voici l\u2019histoire in\u00e9dite de solidarit\u00e9s syndicales provinciales qui ont surmont\u00e9 les divisions et les revers afin de rehausser le statut des travailleurs et des travailleuses dans la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 n\u00e9o-brunswickoise. Par cette \u00e9tude pionni\u00e8re r\u00e9dig\u00e9e dans un style clair et puissant, Frank apporte une contribution originale \u00e0 la compr\u00e9hension de l\u2019\u00e9volution politique, \u00e9conomique et sociale de la province, et il aide \u00e0 combler le besoin d\u2019\u00e9clairer la connaissance que le public a de l\u2019histoire des travailleurs et des syndicats de toutes les r\u00e9gions du Canada. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Frank, traduit par R"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Nouveau-Brunswick, l'histoire, travail, travaileuses"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120218"], ["title", "Solidarit\u00e9s provinciales: Histoire de la F\u00e9d\u00e9ration des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick"], ["doab_id", "15430"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781927356296", "9781927356302", "9781927356319"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356296 9781927356302 9781927356319"]], [["description", "Every four years, Schaeffler provides an insight into its latest developments and technologies from the engine, transmission and chassis as well as hybridization and electric mobility sectors. In 2014 the Schaeffler Symposium with the motto \u201cSolving the Powertrain Puzzle\u201d took place from 3th to 4th of April in Baden-Baden. Mobility for tomorrow is the central theme of this proceeding. The authors are discussing the different requirements, which are placed on mobility in different regions of the world. In addition to the company's work in research and development, a comprehensive in-house mobility study also provides a reliable basis for the discussion. The authors are convinced that there will be a paradigm shift in the automotive industry. Issues such as increasing efficiency and advancing electrification of the powertrain, automatic and semi-automatic driving, as well as integration in information networks will define the automotive future. In addition, the variety of solutions available worldwide will become increasingly more complex and mobility patterns will also change rapidly. However, this does not mean that cars will drive virtually in the future. Powertrains based on internal combustion engines will still dominate for a very long time and demonstrate new strengths in combination with hybrid drives. Transmissions will also gain in importance as the link between the internal combustion engine and electric motor. The proceeding \u201cSolving the Powertrain Puzzle\u201d contains 34 technical papers from renowned experts and researchers in the field of automotive engineering."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Electrification", " Hybrid concepts", " Combustion engines"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-06430-3"], ["title", "Solving the Powertrain Puzzle: 10th Schaeffler Symposium April 3/4, 2014"], ["doab_id", "16391"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783658061944", "9783658064303"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658061944 (Print) 9783658064303 (Online)"]], [["description", "Sonic Modernities analyses the interplay between the production of popular music, shifting ideas of the modern and, in its aftermath, processes of social differentiation in twentieth-century Southeast Asia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Barendregt ,B."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Asia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613356"], ["title", "Sonic Modernities in the Malay World"], ["doab_id", "18512"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004259867", "9789004261778"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004259867 9789004261778"]], [["description", "Watching television plays an important role in our daily lives. Especially serial narratives like the popular German police procedural Tatort (FRG, since 1970) bear great potential to catch and keep their viewer\u2019s interest. Analysing the integration of the long running TV series Tatort into its viewers\u2019 weekly routines, this study investigates movements in the realm of what is called \u2018social positioning\u2019. In online fora, in discussions or while watching the latest episode, television audiences share their impressions. They compare inspectors and crime sites and express their views upon socio-political debates. At the same time watching series for many is a deeply social activity. The series helps its viewers to get together with friends, partners or the family on a regular basis, others enjoy sharing their viewing experience in social networks. Together they laugh or discuss the issues that are brought up by the police investigation. The practice of watching Tatort thereby provides a wide range of possibilities to act upon one\u2019s perspective on how the social world is structured. The ethnographic approach towards practices of social positioning is based upon participant observations in viewing situations over three years, 43 semi-structured narrative interviews, as well as an online ethnography concentrating on Facebook and the fan page Tatort-Fundus. This approach allows for two kinds of findings: Current perspectives on \u201athe cultural other\u2018 as a figure that is bound to situational practices of positioning are enlightened by comparisons to fictional criminals and investigators as well as representations of social, professional and ethnic groups in Tatort. On a more theoretical level, the ethnographic insights on biographies, viewing situations, and practices in between the episodes call for corrections of the still persistent model of taste as a reliable indicator of people\u2019s standing in society. Instead, the study points out the importance of situational and serial acts of positioning. Watching Tatort is a cultural practice with much variation. Still, how its viewers deal with Tatort as a narrative as well as a cultural practice is linked to a set of discursive fields. Describing the practice of watching Tatort as bound to activity/passivity, pleasure/critique, tension/relaxation, real/unreal, entertainment/information, and femininity/masculinity as well as to German/not-German reveals that all of these oppositions are continuously under negotiation. And Tatort viewers are usually positioned in-between.

Mit schrulligen Ermittelnden, einem spannenden R\u00e4tselkrimi und aktuellen sozialpolitischen Reflektionen trifft der Fernsehkrimi \u00bbTatort\u00ab schon seit Jahrzehnten den Geschmack seines Publikums. Die Reihe bietet \u2013 sonntags um 20:15 Uhr \u2013 Gelegenheit, gemeinsam Zeit zu verbringen, das Wochenende ausklingen zu lassen, sich \u00fcber Vorlieben und Abneigungen, \u00fcber Einstellungen, Gef\u00fchle und Weltbilder auszutauschen \u2013 und sich somit in der Gesellschaft zu verorten. Die Ausbildung des eigenen Geschmacks spielt im Alltag eine wesentliche, wenn auch nicht immer offensichtliche Rolle. Gewohnheiten und gelegentliche Neuerungen im Umgang mit dem TV-Angebot pr\u00e4gen sowohl Wochenstrukturen als auch soziale Beziehungen und das geschmackliche Empfinden. Langlaufende Reihen wie der \u00bbTatort\u00ab geben dabei Orientierung. Christine H\u00e4mmerling legt eine Ethnografie des \u00bbTatort\u00ab-Publikums vor, bei der sie auf die sozialen Positionierungen fokussiert, die Zuschauende vornehmen, wenn sie sich den Krimi ansehen, sich dar\u00fcber austauschen, ihn online kommentieren oder im Interview dar\u00fcber reflektieren. Dabei gilt: Was das Publikum \u00fcber den \u00bbTatort\u00ab sagt, sagt mehr \u00fcber das Publikum als \u00fcber den \u00bbTatort\u00ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00e4mmerling, Christine"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "media", "ethnography", "cultural studies", "media", "ethnography"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612310"], ["title", "Sonntags 20:15 Uhr \u2013 \u00bbTatort\u00ab - Zu sozialen Positionierungen eines Fernsehpublikums"], ["doab_id", "19375"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952662"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952662"]], [["description", "Drawing on the variety of archival sources in the host of European and Oriental languages, the book focuses on the history, ethnography, and convoluted ethnic identity of the Polish-Lithuanian Karaites. The vanishing community of the Karaites, a non-Talmudic Turkic-speaking Jewish minority that had been living in Eastern Europe since the late Middle Ages, developed a unique ethnographic culture and religious tradition. The book offers the first comprehensive study of the dramatic history of the Polish-Lithuanian Karaite community in the twentieth century. Especially important is the analysis of the dejudaization (or Turkicization) of the community that saved the Karaites from horrors of the Holocaust."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kizilov, Mikhail"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Holocaust"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/455765"], ["title", "The Sons of Scripture. The Karaites in Poland and Lithuania in the Twentieth Century"], ["doab_id", "17957"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110425253", "9783110425260"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110425253, 9783110425260"]], [["description", "Social and the ecological welfare should be taken as the main aim of all politics. This is the message of this book titled The Enchantment of Social Policy. Basic social security system needs to be rebuilt and grounded on the universal basic income that everyone can top up by participating to the society in different ways. Universal basic income can be seen as a mean to recognize all valuable participation to for example voluntary work or care of elderly people. In conditions of high unemployment, this kind of universalistic social security would weaken the nexus between employment and welfare. It would promote a society and culture that is less dependent on the exploitation of natural resources. This book describes building blocks that are needed to reconstitute the enchantment of social policy \u2013 the utopian that we should collectively pursue.

Sosiaalipolitiikan Lumon kirjoittajilla on viesti. Mielest\u00e4mme politiikan keskeiseksi tavoitteeksi tulisi asettaa sosiaalinen ja ekologinen hyvinvointi. T\u00e4t\u00e4 tavoitetta kohti tulisi kulkea universalismin periaattein ja kansalaisten perusturva, oli sitten kyse ty\u00f6llisist\u00e4 tai ty\u00f6tt\u00f6mist\u00e4, nuorista tai i\u00e4kk\u00e4ist\u00e4, kantav\u00e4est\u00f6st\u00e4 tai maahanmuuttajista, tulisi rakentaa kaikille yht\u00e4l\u00e4isen perustulon pohjalle. T\u00e4t\u00e4 perusturvaa jokainen voisi t\u00e4ydent\u00e4\u00e4 ansiotuloilla ja omaehtoisella, sosiaaliturvassa kompensoitavalla osallistumisella yhteiskunnalliseen ty\u00f6h\u00f6n kuten vapaaehtoisty\u00f6h\u00f6n, harrastusryhmien ohjaamiseen, omaisen tai lasten hoivaan. T\u00e4m\u00e4 antaisi arvon monenlaiselle hy\u00f6dylliselle toimelle, joka nyt j\u00e4\u00e4 yhteiskunnassa tunnistamatta. T\u00e4llainen sosiaaliturva ottaisi l\u00e4ht\u00f6kohdakseen uuden ihmisarvon ja loisi luonnonvaroja s\u00e4ilytt\u00e4v\u00e4\u00e4 ja niukkaan materian k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n perustuvaa kulttuuria ja taloutta. Sosiaalipolitiikalla olisi t\u00e4llaisessa politiikassa aktiivinen ja yhteiskunnan taloudellista ja sosiaalista kehityst\u00e4 vauhdittava rooli, ja kansalaiset olisi kutsuttu hyvinvoinnin aktiivisiksi tekij\u00f6iksi."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Halmetoja ,Antti (ed.); Koistinen ,Pertti (ed.); Ojala ,Satu (ed.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["social policy", "social welfare", "ecological welfare", "social security system", "basic income"]], ["publisher", "Tampere University Press"], ["language", ["fi"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608311"], ["title", "Sosiaalipolitiikan lumo"], ["doab_id", "19056"], ["language_unmapped", "Finnish"], ["isbns", ["9789520301149"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789520301149"]], [["description", "\u2018Soul of the Documentary\u2019 offers a groundbreaking new approach to documentary cinema. Ilona Hongisto stirs current thinking by suggesting that the work of documentary films is not reducible to representing what already exists. By close-reading a diverse body of films - from \u2018The Last Bolshevik\u2019 to \u2018Grey Gardens\u2019 - Hongisto shows how documentary cinema intervenes in the real by framing it and creatively contributes to its perpetual unfolding. The emphasis on framing brings new urgency to the documentary tradition and its objectives, and provokes significant novel possibilities for thinking about the documentary's ethical and political potentials in the contemporary world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hongisto ,Ilona"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Documentary", "Immanence", "Experimentation", "Aesthetics", "Ethics"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579464"], ["title", "Soul of the Documentary. Framing, Expression, Ethics"], ["doab_id", "18640"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089647559"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647559"]], [["description", "This series, developed from Tom Burton\u2019s groundbreaking study, William Barnes\u2019s Dialect Poems: A Pronunciation Guide (The Chaucer Studio Press, 2010), sets out to demonstrate for the first time what all of Barnes\u2019s dialect poems would have sounded like in the pronunciation of his own time and place. Every poem is accompanied by a facing-page phonemic transcript and by an audio recording freely available from this website."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burton L ,T"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["eclogues", "eclogue", "poem", "dorset", "dorset dialect", "dialect", "dialect poems", "english literature", "william barnes", "rural life"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560350"], ["title", "The Sound of William Barnes's Dialect Poems: 1. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, first collection (1844)"], ["doab_id", "15373"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064493"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064493"]], [["description", "In recent decades, the importance of sound for remembering the past and for creating a sense of belonging has been increasingly acknowledged. We keep \"sound souvenirs\" such as cassette tapes and long play albums in our attics because we want to be able to recreate the music and everyday sounds we once cherished. Artists and ordinary listeners deploy the newest digital audio technologies to recycle past sounds into present tunes. Sound and memory are inextricably intertwined, not just through the commercially exploited nostalgia on oldies radio stations, but through the exchange of valued songs by means of pristine recordings and cultural practices such as collecting, archiving and listing. This book explores several types of cultural practices involving the remembrance and restoration of past sounds. At the same time, it theorizes the cultural meaning of collecting, recycling, reciting, and remembering sound and music.

Herinneringen halen we niet alleen op aan de hand van beelden, maar ook met behulp van geluid. We koesteren onze versleten bandrecorderspoelen, cassettebandjes en langspeelplaten - onze \"sound souvenirs\" - om de muziek van vroeger nog eens te horen. Radioprogramma's als de Top2000 houden oude nummers eindeloos in de lucht. In geluidsarchieven bewaren we de redes van beroemde politici. In de auto nemen we voortdurend onze persoonlijke muziekbestanden met ons mee. En een enkele keer worden we herinnerd aan geluiden die we liever vergeten, zoals die van bombardementen. Dit boek verkent de verschillende culturele praktijken waarin we het geluid van het verleden gewenst en ongewenst terughalen en probeert de culturele betekenis van het verzamelen, citeren en herinneren van geluid en muziek te begrijpen. Met bijdragen van Ruth Benschop, Carolyn Birdsall, Hans-Joachim Braun, Michael Bull, Karin Bijsterveld & Annelies Jacobs, Jos\u00e9 van Dijck, Andreas Fickers, Bas Jansen, Trevor Pinch & David Reinecke, Jonathan Sterne, Tim Taylor en Heike Weber."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bijsterveld ,K.; Van Dijck ,J."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Historical treatment of fine and decorative arts", "Music", "Popular science", "Kunst en kunstgeschiedenis", "Muziek", "Wetenschap algemeen", "Sound", "Digital sound", "Ipod", "Philips", "BASF"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340032"], ["title", "Sound Souvenirs : Audio Technologies, Memory and Cultural Practices"], ["doab_id", "13307"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641328"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641328"]], [["description", "This collaborative arts research project compares the landmark discovery of the Staffordshire Hoard, the largest hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver metalwork discovered in 2009, with an imagined hoard from present day pre-adolescent girls. The collaborators constructed a subterranean installation, generated speculative historical documents, collected and embellished social networking \u201cartifacts,\u201d and photographed the entire process. In addition to dealing with the notion of a medieval hoard as a signifier of a medieval warrior as both hero and anti-hero, this artbook, or work of futurist archaeology, addresses contemporary issues relating to gender, youth culture, bullying, adolescent development, iconicity, status symbols, and additional contemporary tween issues.The fabricated hoard presented here is comprised of the trappings of current \u201ctween\u201d girl culture \u2014 for example, cell phones decorated with hot pink crystals, necklaces with twinkling pendants, personalized/defaced dolls, and religious objects. As our future archeologists study these and other objects, the greater context of bullying emerges: the hoard objects were stolen from one group of tween girls by another. This project suggests a reconceptualization of treasure, the acts of hoarding and archiving, and the visual cultures of both tween girls and medieval warriors.Bloodshed and intense physicality marked the medieval warrior\u2019s existence. Weaponry was not just a medieval necessity but also a status symbol. Young girls impose just as much meaning to their specific visual culture, and though they do not (always) rely on physical violence, the act of bullying can be just as devastating. The question of how we deal with violence associated with historical, and gendered, objects is central to this project, which also confronts the form of the traditional collection of scholarly essays with the intense visuality of an artist book. The photographs and graphic design of this volume are just as important as the content of the essays themselves. This volume depends on the fruitful collisions between the \u201cscholarly\u201d and \u201ccreative\u201d processes. Even the tone of the writing showcased here intentionally travels from fictional accounts to academic scholarship to personal accounts of bullying.The South Station Hoard depends on such disciplinary fusion, intentionally mixing it up with medieval studies, art history, gender studies, art education, and photography, while also being aimed at various groups of students as well as experts in various fields. Because of the seemingly ubiquitous presence of bullies in all arenas of young adult life, and beyond, it is hoped that this volume will be useful for educators, counselors, and mentors of both young girls and boys."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carlee A. Bradbury (Ed.); Karie Edwards (Ed.); Debra Lustig (Ed.); Katie Sickman (Ed.); Courtney Weida (Ed.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["art history, gender, violence, medieval art, hoards, imagined artifacts, youth culture, tween culture, bullying, futurist archaeology, visual culture"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ogh7wkk553nys2/Bradbury_South_Station_Hoard_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The South Station Hoard: Imagining, Creating and Empowering Violent Remains"], ["doab_id", "17888"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692346563"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692346563"]], [["description", "This book is a roadmap of the exact health disparities that burden the health of South Texas residents, especially Hispanics, compared to the rest of Texas and nation. This type of knowledge has the potential to fuel and motivate researchers and public health leaders to create and shape interventions to reverse those health disparities. Most notably, focus on obesity and diabetes prevention efforts and modifiable risk factors\u2014such as nutrition, reproductive factors and access to health care\u2014has significant potential to reduce the burden of disease in South Texas communities.South Texas, a 38-county region that spans 45,000 square miles along the Texas-Mexico border northward to the area around metropolitan Bexar County (home to San Antonio), is home to 18% of the state\u2019s population. Yet South Texas residents, who are 68% Hispanic, struggle with lower educational levels, less income and less access to health care\u2014and, as a result, suffer from a wide variety of health disparities. To study the health status and identify the exact health disparities that exist in the region, researchers from The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio teamed with researchers from the Texas Department of State Health Services to develop the South Texas Health Status Review.The Review team analyzed a variety of the latest county, state and national data to compare South Texas\u2019 incidence, prevalence and mortality rates for more than 35 health indicators\u2014from cancers to chronic diseases like diabetes to communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS to maternal health and even environmental health\u2014to the rest of Texas and the nation by age, sex, race/ethnicity and rural/urban location.\u200b "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amelie G. Ramirez; Ian M. Thompson; Leonel Vela"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Public Health", "Epidemiology", "Demography"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-319-00232-3"], ["title", "The South Texas Health Status Review: A Health Disparities Roadmap"], ["doab_id", "15468"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319002323", "9783319002330"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319002323 (Print) 9783319002330 (Online)"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lisa J. Lefler (Ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Cooking, American--Southern style--Social aspects--Congresses", " Food--Social aspects--Southern States--Congresses", " Southern States--Social life and customs"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=utk_sasproceed"], ["title", "Southern Foodways and Culture: Local Considerations and Beyond"], ["doab_id", "16895"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644544", "9780984644544"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644547; 9780984644544"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Michael A. Lofaro (Ed.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["American Sermons--Southern States--18th century--Bibliography", " Southern States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775--Sermons--Bibliography"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1007&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "Southern Manuscript Sermons before 1800: A Bibliography"], ["doab_id", "16906"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729263", "9780979729263"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729262; 9780979729263"]], [["description", "Within an exemplary case of one familiy this study investigates how cultural values and biographical orientations are transmitted from one generation to another. Therefore the phenomenon of social heritage is the main topic of this research: Social inheritance implies the transmission, the adoption and the transformation of non-material goods in the family process. In which Ways are women and men influenced in developing their individual biographies by cultural meanings, orientations and values passed on in the family?The study presents the processes of passing on family traditions in the greater context of historical and social change in this century. It is this frame of conditions which convert social inheritances into a complex phenomenon with ambivalent and contradictional character. By embedding the analysis of the single case in the historical reality of social change the theoretical argument of the study gets in touch with the issue of social modernization which ist broadly discussed in the social sciences. It is one argument in this discussion, if we look at the concept of \"Individualisierung\" (U. Beek) and the concept o post-traditional ism (A. Giddens), that the dynamics of change diminishes the social meaning of family origin and traditional environment. The research on a single case, which is here presented, tries to get a look on the inner side of the social reality which ist usually described only in reference to macrosociological concepts and wants to proof the validity of these concepts from the perspective in detail.The case study reaches two main conclusions:In the first place we can say that social movements foster a reflexive transformation process by which a young generation changes traditions inherited by their parents along their own Conditions of living and biographical aspirations. The middle generation of the family, which is the case in this study, is born around 1948 and is engaged within the social movements of 1968. Out of this historical experience this generation is acting in a sense of critical re-interpretation of family tradition and at the same time is keeping a sense of historicity in this process. It does not feel as a victim of social change but as its actor.In the second place we can say that the significance of family traditions increases in the same way as the cultural systems of meaning and traditions become more pluralistic. This thesis comprehends the type of social inheritance which gets shape within the young generation of the family, born around 1972. For this generation the specific life models of the parents gain biographical importance because they function as a bridge of mediation to cultural worlds of meaning which have become more and more reflexive and confusing. This generation has to stand on its own in its attempts to transform the social inheritance and it lives in a feeling of being driven by the power of social change.There ist also a methodological purpose connected with this study. New impulses should be given to the case study as a specific design of interpretative research. To do this different concepts, which are accepted and proved in other disciplines of social sciences, are bound together with empirical thought in sociology: the concept of thick description transfered from cultural anthropology and the concept of \"szenisches Verstehen \" transfered from psychoanalysis. This methodological argumentations are outlined in detail in specific sections before the discussion turns to the phenomenon of social heritage under the conditions of social change.

Die Studie untersucht am exemplarischen Fall einer Familie- wie kulturelle Wertvorstellungen und Lebensorientierungen von Generation zu Generation tradiert werden. Damit wird das Ph\u00e4nomen des sozialen Erbces zum zentralen Gegenstand der Arbeit: Soziale Erbschaften implizieren die \u00dcbertragung, die \u00dcbernahme und die Transformation von immateriellen, kultulellen G\u00fctern im famili\u00e4ren Proze\u00df. In welcher Weise werden Frauen und M\u00e4nner bei der Entfaltung ihrer individuellen Lebensverl\u00e4ufe durch in der Familie tradierte Sinnorientierungen und kulturelle Werte beeinflu\u00dft?Die famili\u00e4ren Tradierungsprozosse werden im historischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext des sozialen Wandels in diesem Jahrhundert dargestellt und untersucht. Es sind gerade diese Rahmenbedingungen, die soziale Erbschaften in ein komplexes Ph\u00e4nomen mit ambivalenten und widerspr\u00fcchlichen Charakter verwandeln. Mit der Einbettung in diesen soziologischen Zusammenhang ber\u00fchrt die Arbeit ein zentrales Thema der aktuellen sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskussion \u00fcber den Proze\u00df der gesellschaftlichen Modernisierung. In dieser Diskussion wird vielfach, etwa im Rahmen der dominierenden Konzepte der \"Individualisierung\" (U. Beck) und \"Enttraditionalisierung\" (A. Giddens), von einem Bedeutungsverlust des Herkunftsmilieus und einer Erosion von Traditionen ausgegangen, Die vorliegende detaillierten empirischen Untersuchung eines exemplarischen Falles zielt nicht zuletzt auch darauf, die Innenseite dieser makrosoziologischen Konzepte zu erfassen und sie aus dieser Perspektive einer kritischen Pr\u00fcfung zu unterziehen.Ziwei zentrale Ergebnisse der Fallstudie k\u00f6nnen hervorgehoben werden:Erstens: Soziale Bewegungen f\u00f6rdern einen transformativen Proze\u00df, mit dem eine junge Generation von den Eltern ererbte Traditionen entsprechend der eigenen Lebensbedingungen und lebensgeschichtlichen Anspr\u00fcche umschreibt. Am Beispiel der mittleren Generation der Fall-Familie, geboren um 1948 und im Kontext der sozialen Bewegungen von 1968 engagiert, l\u00e4\u00dft sich zeigen, das diese Form eines aktiven Erbens trotz der kritischen Reinterpretation von famili\u00e4ren Traditionen mit einem spezifischen Sinn von Geschichtlichkeit verbunden ist. Diese mittlere Generation erlebt sich nicht als Opfer, sondern als Akteur des sozialen Wandels.Zweitens: Die Bedeutung von famili\u00e4ren Tradierungen wird umso gr\u00f6\u00dfer, je mehr sich die kulturellen Sinnsysteme pluralisieren. Mit dieser These kann der Typus des sozialen Erbens zusammengefa\u00dft werden, der sich bei der jungen Gerneration der Fall-Familie zeigt, die um 1972 geboren ist. F\u00fcr diese Generation gewinnen die konkreten Lebensmodelle der EItern einen besonderen biographischen Stellenwert, weil sie als Moment der Vermittlung gegen\u00fcber reflexiv und un\u00fcbersichtlich gewordenen kulturellen Sinnwelten fungieren. Bei den Versuchen, das soziale Erbe zu transformierem, ist diese Generation auf stch selbst zur\u00fcckgeworfen und erlebt das Gef\u00fchl der Getriebenheit durch den sozialen Wandel.Die Arbelt ist auch mit einem methodologischen Anliegen verbunden. Sie soll dem Design der soziologischen Einzelfallstudie im Rahmen des interpretativeen Pradigmas neue Impulse geben. Insbesondere wird versucht, zwei anerkannte und bew\u00e4hrte sozialwissenschaftlichen Konzepte in die soziologische Empirie zu integrieren: das kulturantbropologische Konzept der \"dichten Beschreibung\" und das psychoanalytische Konzept des \"szenischen Verstehens\". Aus diesem Grund ist der Darstellung und Analyse des Ph\u00e4nomens des sozialen Erbes ein ausf\u00fchrlicher methodologischer Abschnitt vorangestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ziegler ,Meinrad"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["social heritage, social inheritanc", "Soziales Erbe, Sozialer Wandel, Interpretative Sozialforschung"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574827"], ["title", "Das soziale Erbe"], ["doab_id", "17421"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992295"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205992295"]], [["description", "As other Pacific Islands Countries, Fiji is shaped by processes of social transformations and global environmental change. This study utilises ethnographic ideals for enhancing cultural and social geographic research in the global south. A participatory in-depth analysis of rural life in three Fijian coastal villages is at the core of this study. This is framed by a historic-political overview of the burden of Fiji's colonial past. Fijian coastal villagers are not passive victims of global social transformation and climate change. Through neo-traditional movements they actively form processes of social and cultural change. Rural Fijian norms, values and cultural identity crystallize in robust communities. Via modern forms of communication and transportation Fijians established globalised networks securing individuals' quality of life. Family members living far from their home villages remain in contact with their relatives. This way they keep their Fijian Identities as source of wellbeing and as well support the villagers' material wealth and knowledge to enhance capabilities. Merely regarding hazardous climate change impacts the passed on knowledge is spread abridged and poorly fitting into local value systems. Therefore, misperceptions and maladaptations are prevalent. In consequence this study pleads for development agencies to act culturally sensitive and to critically reflect ethnocentric worldviews in order not to harm Fijian values and wellbeing.

Pazifikstaaten wie die Fidschi-Inseln sind wie kaum eine andere Region der Welt gekennzeichnet von gesellschaftlichen Ver\u00e4nderungen und dem globalen Umweltwandel. Auf Basis eines partizipativen Forschungsdesigns, durchgef\u00fchrt in ausgew\u00e4hlten K\u00fcstend\u00f6rfern, untersucht dieser Band die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung und des Klimawandels auf die Lebensqualit\u00e4t ihrer Bewohner. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, dass die Dorfbewohner keine passiven Opfer externer Prozesse sind, sondern aktiv ihr Leben gestalten. Mittels neo-traditioneller Bewegungen gelingt es den Bewohnern weitestgehend, ein festes Wertefundament als Grundlage ihrer kulturellen Identit\u00e4t zu bewahren. Eine intakte Gemeinschaft steht dabei im Zentrum spiritueller, \u00f6konomischer und sozialer Werte. Im Zuge der gesellschaftlichen Transformation agieren die Gemeinschaften nicht mehr ortsgebunden, sondern bilden mithilfe moderner Transport- und Kommunikationstechnologien globalisierte Netzwerke \u2013 ohne dabei die Bez\u00fcge zu ihrer kulturellen Herkunft zu verlieren. Ausw\u00e4rts lebende Familienangeh\u00f6rige tragen so Wissen und materiellen Wohlstand in die Dorfgemeinschaften und erweitern die Handlungspotentiale und Lebensstandards der K\u00fcstendorfbewohner. Im Zuge der Wissensvermittlung erfolgt jedoch insbesondere die Darstellung des Klimawandels und seiner Gefahren verk\u00fcrzt und nicht auf lokale Werte zurechtgeschnitten, sodass es auch zu Wahrnehmungsverzerrungen und Fehlanpassungen kommt. Im Kontext von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit r\u00e4t diese Untersuchung daher zu kultureller Sensibilit\u00e4t und einer kritischen Reflektion ethnozentrischer Weltanschauungen, um die Lebensqualit\u00e4t in fidschianischen Dorfgemeinschaften nicht zu gef\u00e4hrden. In diesem Band werden ethnographische Ideale f\u00fcr eine kultur- und sozialgeographische Forschung im globalen S\u00fcden aufbereitet. Konzeptionell ist die Untersuchung in die kritische geographische Verwundbarkeits- und Transformationsforschung eingerahmt. In einem kulturr\u00e4umlichen \u00dcberblick wird zun\u00e4chst aus historisch-politischer Perspektive die Bedeutung postkolonialer Belastungen auf gegenw\u00e4rtige Transformationsprozesse aufgezeigt. Das Herzst\u00fcck bildet anschlie\u00dfend die ausf\u00fchrliche Analyse gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse auf die Lebensqualit\u00e4t in drei K\u00fcstend\u00f6rfern der Fidschi-Inseln."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fink, Michael"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["social transformations", "global environmental change", "Pacific Islands Countries", "social transformations", "global environmental change", "Pacific Islands Countries"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610405"], ["title", "Soziale Sicherung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Transformation - Eine partizipative Studie in K\u00fcstend\u00f6rfern der Fidschi-Inseln"], ["doab_id", "19209"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952617"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952617"]], [["description", "The term \"social capital\" has become a buzzword with a huge, already diffuse spectrum of application. This should give reason for conceptual and theoretical vigilance. What \u2013 in concrete - is the object when \"social capital\" is mentioned? This question has not been systematically dealt with and even less responsed in a satisfactory degree, although there are many contributions to the discussion of the term. The problem is labelled in the social sciences, but has not been resolved in the context of the specific social-scientific framework. This book takes the neglected metalinguistic perspective. Thus it advances the scientific maturity of the \"social capital\" debate and contributes to the establishment of a well-founded system in social science terms. It brings up social capital by combining an epistemological and ontological analysis and thus finally develops clarification of the concept.

Die Debatte um Sozialkapital ist seit geraumer Zeit in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik in Mode. Schaut man sich Untersuchungen dazu an, so scheint Sozialkapital f\u00fcr nahezu alles gut zu sein: sei es die Erh\u00f6hung des pers\u00f6nlichen Wohlbefindens, die Revitalisierung benachteiligter Stadtquartiere oder die St\u00e4rkung der Volkswirtschaft im globalisierten Standortwettbewerb - je mehr Sozialkapital, desto besser! Doch gerade die behauptete enorme Wirkungsbreite sollte zu begrifflicher und theoretischer Wachsamkeit anhalten. Was dient Wissenschaftlern als Gegenstand ihrer Erkenntnisbem\u00fchungen, wenn von \u00bbSozialkapital\u00ab die Rede ist? Diese Frage klingt banal, ist aber bisher nicht systematisch bearbeitet oder gar in befriedigendem Ma\u00dfe beantwortet worden, obwohl doch zahlreiche Beitr\u00e4ge zur Begriffsdebatte vorliegen. So ist zwar das Problem in den Sozialwissenschaften benannt, doch im Kontext des speziellen sozialwissenschaftlichen Reflexionsrahmens nicht eingel\u00f6st worden. Das vorliegende Buch nimmt die bisher vernachl\u00e4ssigte metasprachliche Perspektive ein. Es erh\u00f6ht damit den wissenschaftlichen Reifegrades der \u00bbSozialkapital\u00ab-Debatte und tr\u00e4gt zur Etablierung eines wohlfundierten Systems sozialwissenschaftlicher Begriffe bei. Es bringt Sozialkapital zur Sprache, indem es \u00fcber eine Kombination einer erkenntnistheoretischen und ontologischen Analyse eine Pr\u00e4zisierung des Objektbereiches erarbeitet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Koob, Dirk"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["social capital", "theory", "social capital", "theory"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610260"], ["title", "Sozialkapital zur Sprache gebracht - eine bedeutungstheoretische Perspektive auf ein sozialwissenschaftliches Begriffs- und Theorieproblem"], ["doab_id", "12958"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616796"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616796"]], [["description", "Social perspective defines the human skill of changing between the point of view of oneself and the other. It takes meta-perspectives and applies them to the different (suspected) point of views. If one knows how the interaction-partner sees the world, one can assume the partner\u00b4s willingness to act and consider it for one\u00b4s own plan of action.

Sozialperspektivit\u00e4t bezeichnet die menschliche F\u00e4higkeit, zwischen der eigenen Sicht und dem Blick anderer zu wechseln, somit Metaperspektiven einzunehmen und die verschiedenen (vermuteten) Sichtweisen aufeinander zu beziehen. Die Einnahme von Metaperspektiven und die Perspektivenreflexion sind Voraussetzungen f\u00fcr sozial intelligentes Handeln. Wer wei\u00df, wie sich die Welt in den Augen des Interaktionspartners darstellt, kann dessen Handlungsbereitschaften antizipieren und diese bei der eigenen Handlungsplanung strategisch ber\u00fccksichtigen. Micha Strack stellt im vorliegenden Band den Diskussionsstand zur Sozialperspektivit\u00e4t in der aktuellen psychologischen Forschung vor, erg\u00e4nzt diesen durch eigene empirische Studien und zeigt die Einsatzm\u00f6glichkeiten in der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie auf."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Strack, Micha"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["psychology", "prejudice", "behaviour", "psychology", "prejudice", "behaviour"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610319"], ["title", "Sozialperspektivit\u00e4t - theoretische Bez\u00fcge, Forschungsmethodik und wirtschaftliche Praktikabilit\u00e4t eines beziehungsdiagnostischen Konstrukts"], ["doab_id", "12957"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783930457632"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783930457632"]], [["description", "The volume reproduces the reports and discussions at the conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers in Jena from 6th to 9th October 2004."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Enders, Christoph; Pitschas, Rainer; Sodan, Helge; Wiederin, Ewald "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/61888"], ["title", "Der Sozialstaat in Deutschland und Europa. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Jena vom 6. bis 9. Oktober 2004"], ["doab_id", "18135"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110895414", "9783899492194"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110895414, 9783899492194"]], [["description", "Extensive considerations are imperative to address the increasingly urgent social and cultural issues that national societies encounter within the process of emergent global expansion. With respect to sociology, this requirement applies to images of disciplinary self-conception and the formulation of scientific tasks, to relationships with other disciplines, with politics and practice. Likewise, it relates to what has been seen to give meaning to the theoretically and methodically established delimitations of object spaces and research areas. Not least, such issues impact the societal role adopted by the social sciences, associated over the past two decades with the notion of scientific \"crisis\".The issues that bridge the discussions of such transitions in the present anthology refer to the entwinements of theory and empirical work, ageing and generational research, areas of development studies and internationalization. They also deal with the life course and quality of life, the gender division of labor, health and prevention, as well as epidemiological and ethnological-sociological case studies in Africa. Quite simply, we are coming to perceive a transitional situation in various respects. Taking up the above transitional perspectives, authors from Great Britain, France, Germany and Austria - including C. Attias-Donfut, U. Beck, M. Kohli, M. Johnson, U. Lehr, L. Rosenmayr and others - develop analyses and suggestions that serve to determine anew the role of interdisciplinarity in sociology. These scholars have identified a substantial deficiency in theory, accompanied by bursting quantities of detailed empirical material in various fields of research, and propose to realign research objectives. The broad perspectives plotted in this volume provide the grounds for further scientific debate.

Auf die sozialen und kulturellen Fragen, die sich im Prozess zunehmend globaler Erweiterung den nationalen Gesellschaften mit wachsendem Dr\u00e4ngen stellen, muss mit weitreichenden \u00dcberlegungen geantwortet werden. In der Soziologie trifft dies disziplin\u00e4res Selbstverst\u00e4ndnis und wissenschaftliche Aufgabenstellung, das Verh\u00e4ltnis zu anderen Disziplinen, zu Politik und Praxis, und schlie\u00dflich das, was bislang die theoretisch und methodisch begr\u00fcndeten Abgrenzungen von Objektbereichen oder Forschungsfeldern sinnvoll erscheinen liess. Nicht zuletzt r\u00fchren solche Fragen auch an die gesellschaftliche Rolle der Sozialwissenschaften, die in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten mit der Vorstellung einer \"Krise\" dieser Wissenschaften assoziiert worden ist. Die Themenbereiche, unter denen diese Umbr\u00fcche im vorliegenden Sammelband diskutiert werden, betreffen die Verflechtungen von Theorie und Praxis, die Alters- und Generationenforschung, Gebiete der Entwicklungssoziologie und der Internationalisierung, Lebenslauf und Lebensqualit\u00e4t, Arbeitsteilung zwischen den Geschlechtern, Gesundheit und Pr\u00e4vention sowie epidemiologische und ethnologisch-soziologische Fallstudien in Afrika. Unschwer wird erkennbar, dass wir es in verschiedenerlei Hinsicht mit einer Umbruchsituation zu tun haben.Autoren und Autorinnen aus Grossbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland und \u00d6sterreich (unter ihnen so bekannte wie C. Attias-Donfut, U. Beck, M. Kohli oder M. Johnson und U. Lehr sowie L. Rosenmayr) entfalten unter den genannten Umbruchperspektiven Analysen und Vorschl\u00e4ge, die die Rolle der Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t in der Soziologie neu bestimmen lassen k\u00f6nnen, anhand \u00fcberbordenden empirischen Detailmaterials in verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern einen erheblichen Theoriemangel sichtbar machen, und die Neubestimmung von Forschungsaufgaben nahe legen.Die weiten Perspektiven, die angelegt werden, bieten Anlass zu vielf\u00e4ltiger wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Amann ,Anton; Majce ,Gerhard"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["sociology", "Soziologie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574815"], ["title", "Soziologie in interdisziplin\u00e4ren Netzwerken"], ["doab_id", "17409"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772804"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205772804"]], [["description", "This volume sets out to construct a tentative bridge between the physical and perceived (academic) worlds, between the understandings of culture and nature, their spatiality and temporality by tackling the spatiality of culture phenomena across disciplinary boundaries. The contributions are arranged around a general question of how humans organise the spaces in which they live. The book is divided according to three themes: the humanities and ecosemiotic approach to nature, constructing nature, and examining environmental and landscape change. The first provides an historical review of the humanities and expands on the more theoretical themes. The second section discusses some ways in constructing (wild) nature with specific examples. The final one illustrates the changes that various cultures have brought about in the environment examining landscapes and domestication. The space of culture and the place of nature in various cultures are discussed critically throughout the volume in a way that challenges their ontological separations and invites to discuss culture-nature relationships on a more balanced basis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peil ,Tiina "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["spatiality", "culture", "nature", "temporality", "lived environment", "landscape change"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425733"], ["title", "The Space of Culture \u2013 the Place of Nature in Estonia and Beyond"], ["doab_id", "15210"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949196234"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949196234"]], [["description", "The Spade in de Dijk is the first synthesis on the organisation of water management in Coastal Flanders during the later Middle Ages. Based on the unique archival evidence produced by local water boards (wateringen), large landowners and local and regional authorities, Tim Soens argues for the occurrence of profound changes in coastal water management in the later Middle Ages. Water management gradually became less inclusive, investments lowered, and flood risk increased. This evolution was triggered by the social transition from a peasant society of land-owning smallholders to a society of absentee landlords and large tenant farmers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Soens ,Tim"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["water management", "water boards", "coastal Flanders", "Middle Ages"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611030"], ["title", "De spade in de dijk. Waterbeheer en rurale samenleving in de Vlaamse kustvlakte (1280-1580)"], ["doab_id", "19222"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038213521"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038213521"]], [["description", "In the past decade a range of formal spatial analysis methods has been developed for the study of human engagement, experience and socialisation within the built environment. Many, although not all, of these emanate from the fields of architectural and urban studies, and draw upon social theories of space that lay emphasis on the role of visibility, movement, and accessibility in the built environment. These approaches are now gaining in popularity among researchers of prehistoric and historic built spaces and are given increasingly more weight in the interpretation of past urban environments.Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces brings together contributions from specialists in archaeology, social theory, and urban planning who explore the theoretical and methodological frameworks associated with the application of new and established spatial analysis methods in past built environments. The focus is mainly on more recent computer-based approaches and on techniques such as access analysis, visibility graph analysis, isovist analysis, agent-based models of pedestrian movement, and 3D visibility approaches. The contributors to this volume examine the relationship between space and social life from many different perspectives, and provide illuminating examples from the archaeology of Greece, Italy and Cyprus, in which intra-site analysis offers valuable insights into the built spaces and societies under study."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paliou, Eleftheria ; Lieberwirth, Undine; Polla, Silvia"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["2D and 3D Spatial Analysis, Space Syntax Analysis, Visibility, Movement, Accessibility"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/177443"], ["title", "Spatial analysis and social spaces. Interdisciplinary approaches to the interpretation of prehistoric and historic built environments"], ["doab_id", "18040"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110266436"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110266436"]], [["description", "Neglect is one of the most impressive neuropsychological disorder, for both its theoretical and clinical relevance. Besides being very common and disabling, it is highly informative for understanding normal cognitive functioning. The hallmark of neglect is the failure to attend to the contralesional hemispace. However, several studies have recently highlighted that additional deficits, not attributable to a spatial bias, are associated to the impaired contralesional hemispace processing. Moreover, manifestations of neglect tend to be particularly heterogeneous and often dissociate according to the spatial domain being investigated (e.g., body space, space within reaching, space beyond reaching, imaginal space). Heterogeneity in neglect patients also means that dissociations across different tasks in a single patient are more the rule than the exception. Evidence suggests that some of these dissociations can be readily explained by taking into account the amount of available attentional resources as a major determinant for the presence and the severity of neglect. There is no doubt that neglect patients provide a wealth of information about the functioning of systems subserving attentional orienting and spatial processing. Moreover, their performance also show that some non-spatial deficits are tightly coupled with more classic contralesional spatial deficits. It seems however still unclear to what extent these non-spatial deficits are an intrinsic characteristic of neglect or whether they are to be considered unspecific effects of the often massive brain lesions suffered by the patients. From the clinical point of view, neglect is a disorder that dramatically affects patients and their caregivers, because it severely limits the individuals\u2019 autonomy and motor recovery after brain damage. For these reasons neglect is a disorder that is worth rehabilitating. To be effective, neglect rehabilitation should be based on the knowledge of what cognitive aspects are impaired and it should be focused on improving daily-life performance. For these reasons, it is also important to detect and quantify subtle forms of neglect."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Konstantinos Priftis; Carlo Umilta; Marco Zorzi; Mario Bonato"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neglect", "spatial attention", "non spatial attention", "spatial cognition", "Awareness", "brain damage", "cognitive impairments", "Stroke", "Personal Space", "peripersonal space"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/501/spatial-and-non-spatial-aspects-of-neglect"], ["title", "Spatial and non-spatial aspects of neglect"], ["doab_id", "18695"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195848"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195848"]], [["description", "The global population aged over 60 is set to rise dramatically in the coming decades. In many countries, the older population now faces the prospect of spending a quarter of their lives aged over 65, and a significant proportion will have to cope with cognitive decline associated with normal ageing or with dementia disorders. Given that these fundamental demographic changes will pose a significant challenge to health care systems, a detailed understanding of age-related cognitive and neurobiological changes is essential in helping elderly populations maintain cognitive performance. In addition, developing sensitive biomarkers to identify those at risk of developing dementia is crucial for early and effective interventions. To make inferences about the ageing process from the animal model back to the human, rigorous behavioral paradigms must be used to ensure that the same function is being examined across species. Given that similar navigational paradigms can easily be applied to humans and animals, recent years have seen an expansion of studies attempting to bridge the gap between age-related changes in animal and human spatial cognition. These studies begin to suggest that disruptions in spatial computations are among the earliest indicators of impending cognitive decline. In addition, although many animal studies have identified pathological mechanisms with paradigms involving spatial navigation, these mechanisms support many nonspatial cognitive functions as well. As a consequence, a successful characterization of how spatial processing changes in the ageing brain could reveal fundamental effects of cognitive ageing that could inform about general mechanisms underlying decline in perception, mnemonic processing and multisensory integration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Wolbers; Paul A. Dudchenko; Emma R. Wood"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["spatial navigation", "Aging", "Dementia", "Neuroscience", "Animal Models", "Humans"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/533/spatial-memory---a-unique-window-into-healthy-and-pathological-ageing"], ["title", "Spatial memory - a unique window into healthy and pathological ageing"], ["doab_id", "17756"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193868"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193868"]], [["description", "Die sp\u00e4tmittelalterlichen Heroldskompendien bieten einen wesentlichen Zugang zur Geschichte des Heroldsamtes wie insgesamt zur adeligen Kultur und Lebenswelt. Neben Traktaten zum Heroldswesen enthalten sie vor allem Texte zu adeligen Zeremonien (Turniere, Gerichtsk\u00e4mpfe, Obsequien) wie allgemein zur Welt des Adels, dessen Hierarchien und Zeichen. Damit spiegeln sie einen wichtigen Teil der adeligen Wissenskultur wider und pr\u00e4sentieren sich, von der bisherigen Forschung weitgehend unbeachtet, geradezu als eine Art Grundfibel der adeligen Welt. Mit dem vorliegenden Band werden sie erstmals systematisch erschlossen und unter klaren methodischen Vorgaben analysiert, um sie schlie\u00dflich vor den Hintergrund der gro\u00dfen gesellschaftlichen Umbr\u00fcche ihrer Zeit einzuordnen. Sich weitgehend auf terra incognita bewegend, kommt die Studie dabei zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hiltmann, Torsten"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/227177"], ["title", "Sp\u00e4tmittelalterliche Heroldskompendien. Referenzen adeliger Wissenskultur in Zeiten gesellschaftlichen Wandels (Frankreich und Burgund, 15. Jahrhundert)"], ["doab_id", "17990"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486591422", "9783486851526"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486591422, 9783486851526"]], [["description", "This notebook is the fourth in the series designed to illustrate the results of an interdisciplinary study group, fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, and aimed at exploring the major political and social issues of the modern and contemporary age from the aspect of spaces and their production. The contributions presented in this book address issues connected with the role and impact of technology.

Il quaderno \u00e8 il quarto della Collana dedicata ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare, promosso da Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina e Bruna Consarelli, docenti di Storia delle Dottrine Politiche, sul tema Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0, che mira ad indagare le problematiche politiche e sociali dell'et\u00e0 moderna e contemporanea, dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione. In questo volume gli interventi affrontano temi nodali legati al ruolo e al peso della tecnologia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Consarelli, Bruna"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Society", "Territory", "Technology", "Conference proceedings", "Societ\u00e0", "Territorio", "Tecnologia", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356361"], ["title", "Spazi e politica nella modernit\u00e0 tecnologica"], ["doab_id", "13155"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884533920", "9788884533937"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884533929 8884533937"]], [["description", "Online discourse has created a new media environment for contributions to public life, one that challenges the social significance of the role of public intellectuals\u2014intellectuals who, whether by choice or by circumstance, offer commentary on issues of the day. The value of such commentary is rooted in the assumption that, by virtue of their training and experience, intellectuals possess knowledge\u2014that they understand what constitutes knowledge with respect to a particular topic, are able to distinguish it from mere opinion, and are in a position to define its relevance in different contexts. When intellectuals comment on matters of public concern, they are accordingly presumed to speak truth, whether they are writing books or op-ed columns or appearing as guests on radio and television news programs. At the same time, with increasing frequency, discourse on public life is taking place online. This new digital environment is characterized by abundance\u2014an abundance of speakers, discussion, and access. But has this abundance of discourse\u2014this democratization of knowledge, as some describe it\u2014brought with it a corresponding increase in truth?Casting doubt on the assertion that online discourse, with its proliferation of voices, will somehow yield collective wisdom, Speaking Power to Truth raises concerns that this wealth of digitally enabled commentary is, in fact, too often bereft of the hallmarks of intellectual discourse: an epistemological framework and the provision of evidence to substantiate claims. Instead, the pursuit of truth finds itself in competition with the quest for public reputation, access to influence, and enhanced visibility. But as knowledge is drawn into the orbit of power, and as the line between knowledge and opinion is blurred, what role will the public intellectual play in the promotion and nurturing of democratic processes and goals? In exploring the implications of the digital transition, the contributors to Speaking Power to Truth provide both empirical evidence of, and philosophical reflection on, the current and future role of the public intellectual in a technologically mediated public sphere. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Michael Keren and Richard Hawkins"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["climate change, media studies, journalism, internet, journalists, social values, climate science, social policy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120248"], ["title", "Speaking Power to Truth: Digital Discourse and the Public Intellectual"], ["doab_id", "19416"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990332", "9781771990349", "9781771990356", "9781771990363"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990332 9781771990349 9781771990356 9781771990363"]], [["description", "This collection of essays by leading scholars of American literature and culture has emerged out of recent debates on the historical, geographical, symbolic, and cultural significance of the Atlantic, as well as new work in the area of Transatlantic Studies. In a series of fascinating essays the authors have produced diverse and innovative interventions in the field of Anglo-American literary relations. The authors discussed range from Gertrude Stein to Alfred North Whitehead, Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Sarah Grand, Henry James to George Eliot, Elizabeth Stoddard to Charlotte Bronte, Mark Twain to Walter Scott through to Djuna Barnes and Evelyn Waugh. Subjects discussed include Scottish-American literary relations, the Atlanticist dimension of Spiritualism, American interventions in the debate about Highland clearances, American slavery and British pastoralism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beer ,Janet; Bennett ,Bridget"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["transatlantic", "culture", "literature", "twain", "bronte"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341374"], ["title", "Special relationships: Anglo-American affinities and antagonisms 1854-1936"], ["doab_id", "12573"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719058172"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719058172"]], [["description", "Plasmodesmata (PD) are plant-specific intercellular nanopores defined by specialised domains of the plasma membrane (PM) and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), both of which contain unique proteins, and probably different lipid compositions than the surrounding bulk membranes. The PD membranes form concentric tubules with a minimal outer diameter of only 50 nm, and the central ER strand constricted to ~10-15 nm, representing one of the narrowest stable membrane tubules in nature. This unique membrane architecture poses many biophysical, structural and functional questions. PM continuity across PD raises the question as to how a locally confined membrane site is established and maintained at PD. There is increasing evidence that the PM within PD may be enriched in membrane \u2018rafts\u2019 or TET web domains. Lipid rafts often function as signalling platforms, in line with the emerging view of PD as central players in plant defense responses. Lipid-lipid immiscibility could also provide a mechanism for membrane sub- compartmentalisation at PD. Intricate connections of the PM to the wall and the underlying cytoskeleton and ER may anchor the specialised domains locally. The ER within PD is even more strongly modified. Its extreme curvature suggests that it is stabilised by densely packed proteins, potentially members of the reticulon family that tubulate the cortical ER. The diameter of the constricted ER within PD is similar to membrane stalks in dynamin-mediated membrane fission during endocytosis and may need to be stabilised against spontaneous rupture. The function of this extreme membrane constriction, and the reasons why the ER is connected between plant cells remain unknown. Whilst the technically challenging search for the protein components of PD is ongoing, there has been significant recent progress in research on biological membranes that could benefit our understanding of PD function. With this Research Topic, we therefore aim to bring together researchers in the PD field and those in related areas, such as membrane biophysics, membrane composition and fluidity, protein-lipid interactions, lateral membrane heterogeneity, lipid rafts, membrane curvature, and membrane fusion/fission."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lesley Torrance; Sebastien Mongrand; Emmanuelle Bayer; Jens Tilsner"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["plasmodesmata", "lipid rafts", "membrane microdomains", "membrane curvature", "plasma membrane", "endoplasmic reticulum", "super-resolution microscopy", "protein-lipid interaction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1470/specialised-membrane-domains-of-plasmodesmata-plant-intercellular-nanopores"], ["title", "Specialised membrane domains of plasmodesmata plant intercellular nanopores"], ["doab_id", "17697"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193684"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193684"]], [["description", "\"How can people in the spotlight control their self-representations when the whole world seems to be watching? The question is familiar, but not new. Julia Fawcett examines the stages, pages, and streets of eighteenth-century London as England's first modern celebrities performed their own strange and spectacular self-representations. They include the enormous wig that actor Colley Cibber donned in his comic role as Lord Foppington--and that later reappeared on the head of Cibber's cross-dressing daughter, Charlotte Charke. They include the black page of Tristram Shandy, a memorial to the parson Yorick (and author Laurence Sterne), a page so full of ink that it cannot be read. And they include the puffs and prologues that David Garrick used to heighten his publicity while protecting his privacy; the epistolary autobiography, modeled on the sentimental novel, of Garrick's prot\u00e9g\u00e9e George Anne Bellamy; and the elliptical poems and portraits of the poet, actress, and royal courtesan Mary Robinson, a.k.a. Perdita.Linking all of these representations is a quality that Fawcett terms \"\"over-expression,\"\" the unique quality that allows celebrities to meet their spectators' demands for disclosure without giving themselves away. Like a spotlight so brilliant it is blinding, these exaggerated but illegible self-representations suggest a new way of understanding some of the key aspects of celebrity culture, both in the eighteenth century and today. They also challenge divides between theatrical character and novelistic character in eighteenth-century studies, or between performance studies and literary studies today. The book provides an indispensable history for scholars and students in celebrity studies, performance studies, and autobiography\u2014and for anyone curious about the origins of the eighteenth-century self.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fawcett H. ,Julia"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Performing Arts - Theater - History & Criticism"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608305"], ["title", "Spectacular Disappearances"], ["doab_id", "19060"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472900619", "9780472119806"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472900619 9780472119806"]], [["description", "Line-shape analysis is one of the most important tools for diagnostics of both laboratory and space plasmas. Its reliable implementation requires sufficiently accurate calculations, which imply the use of analytic methods and computer codes of varying complexity, and, necessarily, varying limits of applicability and accuracy. However, studies comparing different computational and analytic methods are almost non-existent. The Spectral Line Shapes in Plasma (SLSP) code comparison workshop series [1] was established to fill this gap. Numerous computational cases considered in the two workshops organized to date (in April 2012 and August 2013 in Vienna, Austria) not only serve the purpose of code comparison, but also have applications in research of magnetic fusion, astrophysical, laser-produced plasmas, and so on. Therefore, although the first workshop was briefly reviewed elsewhere [2], and will likely be followed by a review of the second one, it was unanimously decided by the participants that a volume devoted to results of the workshops was desired. It is the main purpose of this special issue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["spectral line shapes", " line broadening", " Stark effect", " Zeeman effect", " code comparison"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/123"], ["title", "Spectral Line Shapes in Plasmas"], ["doab_id", "17507"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980812", "9783906980829"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980812/9783906980829 "]], [["description", "Ever since the turn of the century aesthetics has steadily gained momentum as a central field of study across the disciplines. No longer sidelined, aesthetics has grown in confidence. While this recent development brings with it a return to the work of the canonical authors (most notably Baumgarten and Kant), some contemporary scholars reject the traditional focus on epistemology and theorize aesthetics in its ontological connotations. It is according to this shift that speculative realists have proclaimed aesthetics as \u201cfirst philosophy\u201d and as speculative in nature. With speculative realism aesthetics no longer necessarily implies human agents. This is in alignment with the general speculative realist framework for thinking all kinds of processes, entities, and objects as free from our allpervasive anthropocentrism which states, always, that everything is \u201cfor us.\u201dThis special issue of Speculations: A Journal of Speculative Realism explores the ramifications of what could be termed the new speculative aesthetics. In doing so, it stages a three-fold encounter: between aesthetics and speculation, between speculative realism and its (possible) precursors, and between speculative realism and art and literature."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ridvan Askin (ed.); Paul J Ennis (ed.); Andreas H\u00e4gler (ed.); Philip Schweighauser (ed.); Steven Shaviro; Theodor Leiber; Kirsten Voigt Sellars; Matija Jela\u010da; Claire Colebrook; N. Katherine Hayles; Jon Cogburn; Mark Allan Ohm; Miguel Penas L\u00f3pez; Graham Harman; Bettina Funck; Robert Jackson; Thomas Gokey; Roberto Simanowski; Francis Halsall; Magdalena Wisniowska Disegno; Sjoerd van Tuinen"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["art & aesthetics, metaphysics, object-oriented ontology, philosophy, post-humanism, speculative realism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/speculations-v/#dialog"], ["title", "Speculations V: Aesthetics in the 21st Century"], ["doab_id", "16069"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692203163"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692203163"]], [["description", "Proceedings from the two Speculative Medievalisms symposia, held at King\u2019s College London (Jan. 2011) and The Graduate Center, City University of New York (Sep. 2011), and organized by The Petropunk Collective (Eileen Joy, Anna Klosowska, Nicola Masciandaro, and Michael O\u2019Rourke). These interdisciplinary events were dedicated to dialogue and cross-contamination between traditional concepts of speculatio, present-minded premodern studies, and contemporary speculative realist and object-oriented philosophies. In its medieval formulation, speculatio signifies the essentially reflective and imaginative operations of the intellect. Here the world, books, and mind itself are all conceived as specula (mirrors) through which the hermeneutic gaze can gain access to what lies beyond it. \u201cTo know is to bend over a mirror where the world is reflected, to descry images reflected from sphere to sphere: the medieval man was always before a mirror, both when he looked around himself and when he surrendered to his own imagination\u201d (Giorgio Agamben, Stanzas). Correlatively, speculative realism, as the term suggests, is characterized by the self-contradictory intensity of a desire for thought that can think beyond itself \u2014 a desire that proceeds, like all philosophy, in a twisted and productive relation to the phantasm of the word.Aiming to rise above and tunnel below the thought-being or self-world correlation, speculative realism \u201cdepart[s] from the text-centered hermeneutic models of the past and engage[s] in daring speculations about the nature of reality itself\u201d (The Speculative Turn). Speculative Medievalisms, like some weird friar-alchemist in an inexistent romance, plays the erotic go-between for these text-centered and text-eccentric intellectual domains by trying to transmute the space between past and present modes of speculation from shared blindness to love at first sight. Possibly succeeding, the volume brings together the work of a motley crew of philosophers and premodernists into prismatic relation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eileen A. Joy (ed.); Anna Klosowska (ed.); Nicola Masciandaro (ed.); Michael O\u2019Rourke (ed.); Kathleen Biddick; Jeffrey Jerome Cohen; Graham Harman; J. Allan Mitchell; Kellie Robertson; Anthony Paul Smith; Nick Srnicek; Eugene Thacker; Scott Wilson; Julian Yates; Liza Blake; Patricia Clough; Drew Daniel; Ben Woodard"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Aristotle, Bruno Latour, cultural studies, dark ecology, early modern studies, economics, medieval studies, object-oriented ontology, philosophy, quantitative theory, radical theology, Shakespeare, speculative realism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/speculative-medievalisms/"], ["title", "Speculative Medievalisms: Discography"], ["doab_id", "16010"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615749532"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615749532"]], [["description", "Law

De rechterlijke macht staat sterk in de maatschappelijke belangstelling en wordt herhaaldelijk uitgedaagd meer van 'zichzelf te laten zien'. Het publiek moet via live-beelden het doen en laten in de rechtszaal kunnen volgen, rechters hebben volgens de minister aan hun 'imago' te werken en de samenleving wenst inzicht in de kosten en baten van het 'product' geschilbeslechting. Er is, zowel binnen als buiten de rechtszaal, een roep om transparantie, in de zin van moderne varianten van de klassieke openbaarheid van rechtspraak. Centraal in deze verkenning staat de vraag in hoeverre de rechtspraak haar werkwijze en strategie moet aanpassen in het licht van deze ontwikkeling. Wat is, als het op transparantie aankomt, een gerechtvaardigde vraag vanuit de samenleving en waar begint een onwenselijke inmenging met de onafhankelijke positie van de rechterlijke macht? Tot op heden heeft dit instituut de kaarten in hoofdzaak ingezet op transparantie in de zin van meer zichtbaarheid en begrijpelijkheid. Het is de vraag of dat voldoende zal zijn. Deze verkenning beoogt vanuit een diversiteit aan invalshoeken en veel nieuw empirisch materiaal - burgers en rechters zelf aan het woord - een bijdrage te leveren aan dit vraagstuk."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broeders ,Dennis; Prins ,Corien (J.E.J.); Griffioen ,Henk; Jonkers ,Petra; Bokhorst ,Meike; Sax ,Marijn"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Law", "Recht"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=445118"], ["title", "Speelruimte voor transparantere rechtspraak"], ["doab_id", "15376"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089645463"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645463"]], [["description", "The most biologically-inspired artificial neurons are those of the third generation, and are termed spiking neurons, as individual pulses or spikes are the means by which stimuli are communicated. In essence, a spike is a short-term change in electrical potential and is the basis of communication between biological neurons. Unlike previous generations of artificial neurons, spiking neurons operate in the temporal domain, and exploit time as a resource in their computation. In 1952, Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley produced the first model of a spiking neuron; their model describes the complex electro-chemical process that enables spikes to propagate through, and hence be communicated by, spiking neurons. Since this time, improvements in experimental procedures in neurobiology, particularly with in vivo experiments, have provided an increasingly more complex understanding of biological neurons. For example, it is now well understood that the propagation of spikes between neurons requires neurotransmitter, which is typically of limited supply. When the supply is exhausted neurons become unresponsive. The morphology of neurons, number of receptor sites, amongst many other factors, means that neurons consume the supply of neurotransmitter at different rates. This in turn produces variations over time in the responsiveness of neurons, yielding various computational capabilities. Such improvements in the understanding of the biological neuron have culminated in a wide range of different neuron models, ranging from the computationally efficient to the biologically realistic. These models enable the modelling of neural circuits found in the brain. In recent years, much of the focus in neuron modelling has moved to the study of the connectivity of spiking neural networks. Spiking neural networks provide a vehicle to understand from a computational perspective, aspects of the brain's neural circuitry. This understanding can then be used to tackle some of the historically intractable issues with artificial neurons, such as scalability and lack of variable binding. Current knowledge of feed-forward, lateral, and recurrent connectivity of spiking neurons, and the interplay between excitatory and inhibitory neurons is beginning to shed light on these issues, by improved understanding of the temporal processing capabilities and synchronous behaviour of biological neurons. This research topic aims to amalgamate current research aimed at tackling these phenomena."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julie Wall; Cornelius Glackin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["cell assembly", "Spiking Neural network", "spike timing", "biological neurons", "Learning", "connectivity", "sensory processing"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1072/spiking-neural-network-connectivity-and-its-potential-for-temporal-sensory-processing-and-variable-b"], ["title", "Spiking Neural Network Connectivity and its Potential for Temporal Sensory Processing and Variable Binding"], ["doab_id", "17651"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192397"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192397"]], [["description", "The voluminous publication edits 203 such items covering all of the Austrian territories from the Late Middle Ages to the 19th century. Hospital rules, instructions for hospital staff, job descriptions, special rules as, for example, prayer orders and dietaries, but also inventories were meant to channel the way of life of inmates and staff. Each of the edited sources is accompanied by a survey on the history of the hospital and a comment contextualising the contents, which necessitated pioneering archival research in many cases where no serious scholarly treatment of the hospitals\u2019 history was available.First volume: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:799

Die Edition von 203 Spitalquellen von Vorarlberg bis Burgenland (Sp\u00e4tmittelalter bis 19. Jahrhundert) bietet einen breiten Einblick in das Spitalwesen: Spitalregeln, Instruktionen f\u00fcr Spitalbedienstete, Gebetsordnungen. Neben einer breiten Einleitung wird jedes St\u00fcck in den Kontext der jeweiligen Spitalgeschichte gestellt, was umfangreiche Archivrecherchen erforderte.Band 1: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:799"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scheutz ,Martin; Wei\u00df ,Alfred Stefan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hospital, Institutional Care, Religous Life in Hospitals, Economy of Hospitals, Hospital Staff, Urban History", "Spit\u00e4ler, institutionellen F\u00fcrsorge, Religion in Spit\u00e4lern, Wirtschaft in Spit\u00e4lern, Spitalbedienstete, Stadtgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574672"], ["title", "Spital als Lebensform, Band 2"], ["doab_id", "17390"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796398"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796398"]], [["description", "The early modern period was of great significance throughout Europe with respect to its gradual transition from a largely oral to a fundamentally literate society. On the one hand, the spoken word remained of the utmost importance to the dissemination of ideas, the communication of information and the transmission of the cultural repertoire. On the other hand, the proliferation of written documents of all kinds, the development of printing and the spread of popular literacy combined to transform the nature of communication. Studies previous to this have traditionally focussed on individual countries or regions, and emphasised the contradictions between oral and literate culture. The essays in this fascinating collection depart from these approaches in several ways. By examining not only English, but also Scottish and Welsh oral culture, they provide the first pan-British study of the subject. The authors also emphasise the ways in which oral and literate culture continued to compliment and inform each other, rather than focusing exclusively on their incompatibility, or on the 'inevitable' triumph of the written word. The chronological focus, ranging from the sixteenth to the mid-nineteenth century, with glances ahead to the twentieth, set the problem against a longer chronological span than most other studies, providing a link between early modern and modern oral and literate cultures. This book it will be of interest to students and scholars of British history, Linguistics, Literary Studies and Folklore Studies."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fox ,Adam; Woolf ,Daniel"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["oral", "culture", "linguistics", "folklore"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341399"], ["title", "The spoken word: Oral culture in Britain, 1500-1850"], ["doab_id", "12594"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719057465"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719057465"]], [["description", "The increased detection of doping in professional sports has led to a strengthening of the discussion on the legal aspects of doping. So far criminal and/ or verbandsrechtliche questions were the focus. For example the question of whether and how sponsorship contracts may be terminated in cases of misconduct of the sponsored. First, it examines how appropriate cancellation clauses could be like. Second, consider the conditions under which, even without explicit rules for doping a termination in accordance with general principles of contract law is concerned. It also discusses the legal consequences of termination, and in particular its relationship to other contractual consequences of doping, such as claims for damages or penalties.

Die zunehmende Aufdeckung von Dopingf\u00e4llen im Spitzensport hat zu einer Verst\u00e4rkung der Diskussion \u00fcber juristische Aspekte des Dopings gef\u00fchrt. Bisher standen dabei strafrechtliche sowie vereins- bzw. verbandsrechtliche Fragen im Mittelpunkt. In dieser rechtsdogmatischen Abhandlung soll eine Problematik in den Vordergrund gestellt werden, deren praktische Relevanz die zahlreichen Berichte \u00fcber R\u00fcckz\u00fcge von Sponsoren der Tour de France verdeutlichen: die Frage, ob und wie Sponsoringvertr\u00e4ge in F\u00e4llen von Verfehlungen des Gesponserten beendet werden k\u00f6nnen. Zum einen wird untersucht, wie entsprechende R\u00fccktrittsklauseln beschaffen sein sollten. Zum anderen wird gepr\u00fcft, unter welchen Voraussetzungen auch ohne ausdr\u00fcckliche Regelungen f\u00fcr Dopingf\u00e4lle eine Vertragsbeendigung nach allgemeinen schuldrechtlichen Grunds\u00e4tzen in Betracht kommt. Ebenso wird auf die Rechtsfolgen einer Vertragsbeendigung eingegangen, insbesondere auf ihr Verh\u00e4ltnis zu anderen vertragsrechtlichen Folgen des Dopings, etwa Schadensersatzanspr\u00fcchen oder Vertragsstrafen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schaub, Renate"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["doping", "sport", "competitive sport", "law", "doping", "sport", "competitive sport", "law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610226"], ["title", "Sponsoring und Doping - Beendigung von Sponsoringvertr\u00e4gen wegen Verfehlungen des Gesponserten, insbesondere in Dopingf\u00e4llen"], ["doab_id", "12963"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344540"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344540"]], [["description", "This book examines the social movements challenging the world sport order, building on theories of alterglobalization."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jean Harvey; John Horne; Parissa Safai; Simon Darnell; Sebastien C. O'Neill"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472544995"], ["title", "Sport and Social Movements"], ["doab_id", "17150"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472544995"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472544995"]], [["description", "How do new technologies come to be used in sport? This book moves beyond the idea of functionality to explore the many other important factors that athletes and sporting bodies consider throughout the process of adoption.\u00a0Few would question the difficulty of producing an elite athletic performance. The high level of training, combined with intense competition and pressure from media and sponsors, can be challenging for athletes and sporting bodies to negotiate. The book investigates how these factors affect the use of technology in sport, while simultaneously demonstrating the influence of new technologies on sporting practice. Using actor-network theory \u2013 an approach common in studies of science and management but seldom applied in this field \u2013 it offers readers an inside view into elite sport and the part that technology plays in training, competition and broadcasting."], ["format", "other"], ["authors", "Kerr ,Roslyn"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Technology", "Elite sport", "Bruno Latour", "John Law", "Michele Callon", "Annemarie Mol", "Sport science", "Sport performance"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=610704.xhtml"], ["title", "Sport and technology: An actor-network theory perspective"], ["doab_id", "19161"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781784995201"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781784995201"]], [["description", "Sport and International Development offers a critical sociological analysis of the emerging Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) movement. The book addresses a gap in the literature by focusing on the social and political implications of sport on development. It is a timely and important addition to the series."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Simon Darnell"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665896"], ["title", "Sport for Development and Peace"], ["doab_id", "14409"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665896"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665896"]], [["description", "The volume deals with the juridical and institutional framework of athletic and artistic games from archaic Greece to late antique Rome. The agones\u2019 rules and regulations, the funding by public contributions and wealthy private sponsors were approached as well as the athletes\u2019 training and prizes and privileges, which determined the athletes\u2019\u2014and especially the winner\u2019s\u2014 social status. Moreover attention was drawn onto the end of the classical Greek agones from a Roman perspective.The Second Vienna Colloquium on Ancient Legal History addressed the juridical and institutional framework of athletic and artistic games in classical antiquity. The chronological frame ranged from Archaic times to Late Antiquity (8th cent. BCE \u2013 6th cent. CE). The symposium covered three main areas of interest. Firstly, the agones\u2019 rules and regulations, the funding by public contributions and wealthy private sponsors as well as the athletes\u2019 training were approached. Prizes and privileges, which determined the athletes\u2019\u2014and especially the winner\u2019s\u2014 social status and were thus crucial to the agones\u2019 appeal, were then attended to by several papers. In contrast to the conditions under the Imperium Romanum, where the emperor enforced nation-wide regulations, the \u201epolitics of sports\u201c followed different rules in the small-scaled world of the classical Greek poleis. Thus, differences in the conception of sports between Greeks and Romans were traced and exemplarily demonstrated on the basis of the gladiatorial games. Lastly, attention was drawn onto the end of the classical Greek agones from a Roman perspective. The now Christian empire couldn\u2019t tolerate the pagan agones anymore and instead developed new forms of athletic competitions and public entertainment: late antique circus games and chariot races.

Der Band widmet sich den rechtlichen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen athletischer und k\u00fcnstlerischer Wettk\u00e4mpfe vom archaischen Griechenland bis in das sp\u00e4tantike Rom. Das Regelwerk der agone, die Finanzierung durch \u00f6ffentliche F\u00f6rderungen und reiche Privatsponsoren wurden ebenso angesprochen wie das Training der Athleten und Siegespreise und Privilegien, die den sozialen Status der Athleten, im Besonderen der Sieger, determinierten. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wurde die Aufmerksamkeit auf das Ende der klassischen griechischen agone aus r\u00f6mischer Perspektive gelenkt.Der vorliegende Band des zweiten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte widmet sich den rechtlichen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen der sportlichen und musischen Wettk\u00e4mpfe des klassischen Altertums. Der zeitliche Rahmen erstreckt sich von der Archaik bis in die Sp\u00e4tantike (8. Jh. v.Chr. \u2013 6. Jh. n.Chr.). Das Regelwerk der Agone, ihre Finanzierung sowohl aus \u00f6ffentlichen Mitteln wie auch aus privaten Zuwendungen verm\u00f6gender Sponsoren und die Ausbildung der Sportler bilden den ersten Schwerpunkt. Siegespreise und Privilegien, die den sozialen Status von Sportlern und insbesondere Wettkampfsiegern bestimmten und f\u00fcr die Attraktivit\u00e4t der Agone ausschlaggebend waren, stehen im Mittelpunkt weiterer Beitr\u00e4ge. Derartige Fragen waren stets Gegenstand einer \u201eSportpolitik\u201c, die unter den kleinr\u00e4umigen Gegebenheiten der klassischen griechischen Stadtstaaten anderen Spielregeln folgte als etwa im Imperium Romanum, wo der Kaiser versuchte uniforme, reichsweite Bestimmungen durchzusetzen. Unterschiede im Konzept von Sport und Wettkampf bei Griechen und R\u00f6mern werden aufgesp\u00fcrt und unter anderem anhand der Gladiatorenspiele als einem spezifisch r\u00f6mischem Sonderfall illustriert. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist der Blick auf das Ende der klassischen griechischen Agonistik aus der r\u00f6mischen Perspektive: Das christlich gewordene Kaisertum duldete die heidnischen Agone nicht mehr, entwickelte aber gleichzeitig mit den sp\u00e4tantiken Zirkusspielen und ihren Wagenrennen und Tierhatzen neue Formen des Wettkampfs und der Volksbelustigung."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harter-Uibopuu ,Kaja; Kruse ,Thomas"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ancient History, Ancient Sports, Greek Law, Roman Law", "Alte Geschichte, Antiker Sport, Griechisches Recht, R\u00f6misches Recht"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de", "en", "fr", "it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=482144"], ["title", "Sport und Recht in der Antike"], ["doab_id", "16796"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English^fr^it"], ["isbns", ["9783902976147"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902976147"]], [["description", "The intention of the book is to reduce the enormous Austrian research deficiency concerning the reappraisal of the sporting life during the NS-era. Therefore it will depict all sportive areas on the \"Austrian\" territory between March 1938 and April 1945, including top sports and sports for all, mass and monority sports, sports in clubs, youth sports and also sports practices of the formations of the NSDAP. Due to the enormous quantity of material, this overview will be contrasted by a precise analysis of three specific periods: the months after the \"Anschluss\", the autumn 1939 and the period after Stalingrad.It can be shown, that and how the regime dictated the basic conditions of sports, but there can also be found some grey area, in which those who were involved found resp. created freedom by strategies of mutual adaption. This freedom was used by different groups in specific ways: by the regime to calm down the working class or to soothe anti-prussian resentments, by the athletes to get some privileges and by the spectators to keep a glimpse of good luck. Not instrumentalization defined sports, but a negotiation of interests.It is just gaze on the everyday life of sports and the inherent permanent negotioations between regime and the people, that refer to the book\u00b4s contribution to the long term discussion on national socialism, which exceeds the field of sports: The political and cultural system of the Nazi-era could not be understood by looking at power, competences or possibilities of the regime in comparison with the people\u00b4s experiences and feelings of subjection, from which historical sciences construct the image of an interlude, which cannot be included in the evolutionary development of modernity.Looking on sports not only claryfies, to which extent cultural traditions led on and how \"normality\" was kept alive, but shows, in which ways changes and new valuations were obviously shared and use by the people. This concerned changing definitions of the sense of community, of gender, youth, work and performance. The special importance of sports can be found in substantiating these articulations by giving them authenticity and tracing them back to the nature of men.The analysis of sporting life in the NS-era may serve as an cause for questioning the contemporarygaze on the Nazi state. For all people, who were allowed to be included, life in national socialism offered - in spite of holocaust and World War - supply of a pleasant, self-detemined and enjoyable livehood. Who leaves aside or overlooks this facet of the Nazi dictatorship, will not be able to understand the acceptance and fascination of the regime and evoke just this often senseless metaphors of refusal, which mostly shape actual discourses.

Prim\u00e4re Intention des Buches ist die Reduktion des enormen \u00f6sterreichischen Forschungsdefizit zur Aufarbeitung des Sportlebens unter dem NS-Regime. Daher wird der gesamte Bereich des Sportes im Territiorium \u00d6sterreichs zwischen 1938 und 1945 dargestellt: Der Breiten- und Spitzensport, Massen- und Minderheitensport, den Vereins- und Jugendsport sowie der Sport der Formationen. Auf Grund der Materialf\u00fclle wird die \u00dcberblicksdarstellung von einer Detailanalyse zu drei Zeitpunkten begleitet: In den Monaten nach dem \"Anschluss\", rund um den Kriegsbeginn und in der Endphase des Regimes nach Stalingrad.Es l\u00e4sst sich zeigen, dass und wie das Regime die Rahmenbedingungen des Sportes diktierte, doch manifestiert sich zugleich eine Grauzone, in der die Beteiligten durch Strategien gegenseitiger Anpassung Freir\u00e4ume vorfanden bzw. schufen, die in je spezifischer Weise genutzt wurden, vom Regime etwa zur Beruhigung der Arbeiterschaft oder zur Kalmierung anti-preu\u00dfischer Ressentiments, von den Aktiven zur Erlangung von Beg\u00fcnstigungen und von den Zuschauern zur Erf\u00fcllung eines \"kleinen Gl\u00fccks\".Gerade die Betrachtung des allt\u00e4glichen Sportgeschehens und der darin st\u00e4ndig erneuerten Aushandlungen zwischen Regime und Bev\u00f6lkerung verweisen auf den Beitrag des Buches zur NS-Dskussion, mit welchem das Terrain des Sportes \u00fcberschritten wird: Das NS-System ist nicht aus dem Zusammenspiel verabsolutierter Macht, Kompetenzen und M\u00f6glichkeiten des Regimes mit Erfahrungen und Gef\u00fchlen des Ausgeliefertseins zu verstehen, aus dem die Geschichtsschreibung das Bild eines Intermezzos konstruiert, das nicht in den Ablauf der Moderne eingegliedert werden kann. Die Betrachtung des Sportes verdeutlicht, wie sehr im NS-Staat \"Normalit\u00e4t\" aufrecht erhalten wurde, wie sehr zum anderen vom Regime intendierte Ver\u00e4nderungen von den Menschen mit getragen wurden. Das betrifft etwa Definitionen von Gemeinschaft, von Geschlecht, Jugend und Leistung. Diese Redefinitionen kultureller Felder waren nicht nur oktroyiert, sondern wurden von den \"Volksgenossen\" und \"-genossinen\" aufgegriffen und geteilt. Es war gerade der Sport, die diese Artikulationen best\u00e4tigte, indem er ihnen Authentizit\u00e4t verlieh und sie scheinbar an die menschliche Natur koppelte.So kann die Analyse des Sportgeschehens im Nationalsozialismus dazu dienen, den aktuellen Blick auf den NS-Staat zu hinterfragen: F\u00fcr alle, die dazu geh\u00f6ren durften, bot das Leben trotz Holocaust und Weltkrieg auch Angebote einer angenehmen, selbstbestimmten und vergn\u00fcgten Existenz. Wer diese Seite der NS-Diktatur ausklammert, wird nicht imstande sein, die \"Faszination\" und/oder Akzeptanz dieses Regimes zu verstehen - und ruft damit bei den nachfolgenden Generationen jene weitgehend sinnleeren Metaphern der Ablehnung hervor, wie sie vielfach die aktuellen Diskurse zum Nationalsozialismus pr\u00e4gen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marschik ,Matthias"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Sport, National Socialism, Popular Culture, Austria"]], ["publisher", "Turia und Kant"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574814"], ["title", "Sportdiktatur"], ["doab_id", "17408"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851325157"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851325157"]], [["description", "The commercialisation of sport in Europe raises important questions concerning the most appropriate method of regulating sporting activity. The development of the European Union and the internationalisation of sporting competition has added an international dimension to this debate. Yet sport is not simply a business to be regulated in the same way as any other industry. It is also a social and cultural activity. Can regulation at EU level reconcile this tension? Adopting a distinctive legal and political analysis, this book argues that the EU is receptive to the sports sectors claims for special treatment before the law. The book investigates the birth of EU sports law and policy by examining: the Bosman ruling and other significant European Court of Justice decisions; the relationship between sport and EU competition law; the possibility of sport being exempt from EU law; the relationship between sport and the EU Treaty; the development of a EU sports policy. This book is essential for those interested in the major issues facing sport and its relationship with the EU. It is essential for those interested in sports law, the politics of sport and EU integration. It offers important insights into these debates and raises key questions concerning the appropriate theoretical tools for analysing European integration."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Parrish ,Richard"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["commercialisation", "bosman", "EU"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341375"], ["title", "Sports law and policy in the European Union"], ["doab_id", "12574"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066061"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066061"]], [["description", "The third volume contains 215 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the furniture to the numerals.Third map volume of a linguistic atlas with five map volumes and two index volumes.

Der dritte Band enth\u00e4lt 215 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den M\u00f6beln bis zu den Zahlw\u00f6rtern reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437220"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15341"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460006"]], [["description", "The second volume contains 218 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from human relations to the different parts of the house.Second map volume of a linguistic atlas with five map volumes and two index volumes.

Der zweite Band enth\u00e4lt 218 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den menschlichen Bez\u00fcgen bis zu den Bezeichnungen des Zimmers reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437221"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15342"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460009"]], [["description", "The fourth volume contains 215 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the seasons to the domestic animals.

Der vierte Band enth\u00e4lt 215 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den Jahreszeiten bis zu den Haustieren reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437222"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15343"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460003"]], [["description", "The fifth volume contains 216 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the chicken breeding to the verb stare (\u201cto stay\u201d).

Der f\u00fcnfte Band enth\u00e4lt 216 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von der H\u00fchnerzucht bis zum Verbum stare (\u201estehen, bleiben\u201c) reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437223"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15344"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460000"]], [["description", "The volumes 6 contains a general index to the 1066 dialect maps of the volumes 1-5.

Der Band 6 enth\u00e4lt einen Generalindex zu den 1066 Dialektkarten der B\u00e4nde 1-5."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437224"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15345"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460007"]], [["description", "The volumes 7 contains supplementary information to the 1066 dialect maps of the volumes 1-5.

Der Band 7 enth\u00e4lt Erg\u00e4nzungen und zu den 1066 Dialektkarten der B\u00e4nde 1-5."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437225"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15346"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460004"]], [["description", "The first volume contains beside an Introduction (of 32 p.) 202 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from kinships names to moral categories.First map volume of a linguistic atlas with five map volumes and two index volumes.

Der erste Band enth\u00e4lt nach einer Einleitung (von 32 p.) 202 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den Verwandtschaftsnamen bis zu den moralischen Defekten reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=461690"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "15587"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460002"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460002"]], [["description", "The third volume contains 215 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the furniture to the numerals.Third map volume of a linguistic atlas with five map volumes and two index volumes.

Der dritte Band enth\u00e4lt 215 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den M\u00f6beln bis zu den Zahlw\u00f6rtern reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437220"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16468"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460026"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460026"]], [["description", "The second volume contains 218 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from human relations to the different parts of the house.Second map volume of a linguistic atlas with five map volumes and two index volumes.

Der zweite Band enth\u00e4lt 218 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den menschlichen Bez\u00fcgen bis zu den Bezeichnungen des Zimmers reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437221"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16469"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460019"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460019"]], [["description", "The fourth volume contains 215 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the seasons to the domestic animals.

Der vierte Band enth\u00e4lt 215 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von den Jahreszeiten bis zu den Haustieren reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437222"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16470"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460033"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460033"]], [["description", "The fifth volume contains 216 dialect maps which embrace dialectal terminologies from the chicken breeding to the verb stare (\u201cto stay\u201d).

Der f\u00fcnfte Band enth\u00e4lt 216 gro\u00dfformatige Dialektkarten, die thematisch von der H\u00fchnerzucht bis zum Verbum stare (\u201estehen, bleiben\u201c) reichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437223"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16471"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460040"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460040"]], [["description", "The volumes 6 contains a general index to the 1066 dialect maps of the volumes 1-5.

Der Band 6 enth\u00e4lt einen Generalindex zu den 1066 Dialektkarten der B\u00e4nde 1-5."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437224"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16472"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460064"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460064"]], [["description", "The volumes 7 contains supplementary information to the 1066 dialect maps of the volumes 1-5.

Der Band 7 enth\u00e4lt Erg\u00e4nzungen und zu den 1066 Dialektkarten der B\u00e4nde 1-5."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goebl ,Hans"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Linguistic Geography, Geolinguistics, Dialectology, Romance Philology, Linguistic Atlas", "Sprachgeographie, Dialektologie, Romanistik, Sprachatlas"]], ["publisher", "Editions de Linguistique et de Philologie"], ["language", ["de", "it", "rm"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437225"], ["title", "Sprachatlas des Dolomitenladinischen und angrenzender Gebiete"], ["doab_id", "16473"], ["language_unmapped", "de^it^rm"], ["isbns", ["9791091460057"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9791091460057"]], [["description", "Leonard Bloomfield's \"Language\" (1933) is one of the most important books on linguistics and it is also one of the most frequently quoted. It is very unusual that a scientific book that has been on the market for 67 years has not become outdated. Unbelievably enough, it has never been translated into German, although Bloomfield spoke German like his mother-tongue. His family came from Austria an he specialized in Germanic linguistics.This edition of ,Language\" aims to fill this gap and furthermore tries to reflect Bloomfield's ideas in the light of modem linguistics. Therefore it is not a mere translation but a commentated reader , of Bloomfield's ,,Language\" and a scientific publication in its own right.

Leonard Bloomfields Buch \"Language\" (1933) z\u00e4hlt zu den Klassikern der Sprachwissenschaft, es ist eines der meistzitierten B\u00fccher auf diesem Gebiet. Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ein geisteswissenschaftliches Werk im siebenten Jahrzehnt nach seinem Erscheinen kaum veraltet ist. Eigenartigerweise existierte bislang keine deutsche \u00dcbersetzung, und das, obwohl Bloomfield, der alt\u00f6sterreichischer Herkunft war und Deutsch wie seine Muttersprache beherrschte, als ausgebildeter Germanist das Deutsche in seinem Werk besonders ausf\u00fchrlich behandelt. Diese L\u00fccke soll diese deutsche Erstausgabe schlie\u00dfen, wobei im Kommentar ausf\u00fchrlich auf die vergangenen 66 Jahre Forschungsgeschichte eingegangen wird. Dadurch geht diese Ausgabe aber auch \u00fcber eine reine \u00dcbersetzung hinaus erh\u00e4lt den Charakter einer eigenst\u00e4ndigen wissenschaftlichen. Publikation."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bloomfield ,Leonard"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Linguistics, structuralism, history of science, Leonard Bloomfield, behaviourism", "Linguistik, Strukturalismus, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Leonard Bloomfield, Behaviourismus"]], ["publisher", "Edition Praesens"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477714"], ["title", "Die Sprache"], ["doab_id", "16791"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706910019"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706910019"]], [["description", "\"\"\"Die Sprachwissenschaft\"\" is the magnum opus of the German sinologist and linguist Georg von der Gabelentz (1840-1893), a late 19th-century representative of the Humboldtian tradition of linguistic research.The book exists in two versions: a first edition of 1891 and a second posthumous edition of 1901, revised and expanded by Albrecht Graf von der Schulenburg (1865\u20131902), a nephew and pupil of Gabelentz. This critical edition presents for the first time the text of the two editions in a form that allows them to be easily compared. It represents a valuable resource for historiographical research into linguistics on the eve of the 20th century. \""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "von der Gabelentz ,Georg; McElvenny ,James (ed.); Ringmacher ,Manfred (ed.)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Critical Edition"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=611696"], ["title", "Die Sprachwissenschaft: Ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse"], ["doab_id", "19281"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783946234340", "9783946234357", "9783946234364", "9783944675640"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234340 9783946234357 9783946234364 9783944675640"]], [["description", "\"The Protestant Reformation began in Germany in 1517, and the adoption of Lutheranism was the decisive impetus for literary development in Finland. As the Reformation required the use of the vernacular in services and ecclesiastical ceremonies, new manuals and biblical translations were needed urgently. The first Finnish books were produced by Mikael Agricola. He was born an ordinary son of a farmer, but his dedication to his studies opened up the road to leading roles in the Finnish Church. He was able to bring a total of nine works in Finnish to print, which became the foundation of literary Finnish. The first chapter outlines the historical background necessary to understand the life\u2019s work of Mikael Agricola. The second chapter describes Agricola\u2019s life. Chapter three presents the Finnish works published by Agricola. The fourth chapter is a depiction of Agricola\u2019s Finnish. Agricola carried out his life\u2019s work as part of a network of influential connections, which is described in chapter five. The sixth chapter examines the importance of Agricola\u2019s work, research on Agricola and Agricola\u2019s role in contemporary Finnish culture. The book mainly focuses on language and cultural history, but in terms of Church history, it also provides a review on the progression and arrival of the Reformation to Finland.Finnish is a Uralic language but the source languages of Agricola\u2019s translations \u2013 Latin, German, Swedish and Greek \u2013 were all Indo-European languages. Thus, the oldest Finnish texts were strongly influenced by foreign elements and structures. Some of those features were later eliminated whereas others became essential constituents of standard Finnish. To illustrate this development, the Finnish in Agricola\u2019s works has systematically been compared with the standard contemporary language.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "H\u00e4kkinen ,Kaisa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["History of written Finnish", "Protestant Reformation", "Mikael Agricola", "Church of Finland", "Early modern literature"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617155"], ["title", "Spreading the Written Word: Mikael Agricola and the Birth of Literary Finnish"], ["doab_id", "19784"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522226747", "9789522227553", "9789522227546"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522226747 9789522227553 9789522227546"]], [["description", "Based on the evaluation of extensive sources the book presents the history of an Alpine pass as a living space for many people. Whether it was merchants, grocers, pedlars, wagoners and sumplers, peasants, shepherds, wardens, hosts, miners, soldiers, messengers, pilgrims, beggars, gypsies or vagrants, they all had to get accustomed to the high mountains and to cope with rain, fog, storm, snow, ice, avalanches, mudflows and rockfalls. The rigour of the weather required frequent repairs of the paths, roads and bridges. Since the end of the fifteenth century, wagoners could no longer pass the Arlberg, only samplers. Among other articles of trade they transported food, especially \"Schmalz\" (boiled butter) to the towns of Innsbruck and Hall on packhorses and in return brought back salt to Vorarlberg and Switzerland.On the summit of the Arlberg a \"Hospiz\" (mountain hostel) has provided shelter, supplies of food and help for travellers since 1386. Contrary to the generally held opinion, research showed that there was no fraternity of St. Christoph on the Arlberg in medieval times. At first the \"Hospiz\" was maintained by donations only, mostly procured by collectors in Austria, Germany and Switzerland, but was turned into a tavern as early as ca. 1420. 17 tavern keepers at St. Christoph, mentioned between ca. 1500 and 1659, has been described in the book, some of them in close detail.

Gest\u00fctzt auf die 4 Wappen- und Botenb\u00fccher vom Arlberg (3 Originale aus der Zeit um 1400 und 1 Kopie des 16. Jh.) mit rund 6.000 Eintr\u00e4gen, in denen die Spenderinnen und Spender (fast immer mit ihren Wappen) verzeichnet sind, und unter Verwendung eines umfangreichen Quellenmaterials (Urkunden, Akten, Handschriften, Kopialb\u00fccher) aus verschiedenen, meist Tiroler Archiven und Bibliotheken, erg\u00e4nzt durch Reiseschilderungen, Landesbeschreibungen und Darstellungen zu Schweizer und Tiroler Alpenp\u00e4ssen und Hospizen, enth\u00e4lt das Buch zwei Schwerpunkte.Zun\u00e4chst wird der Nachweis erbracht, dass es entgegen bisheriger Annahme keine Bruderschaft zu St. Christoph f\u00fcr das 1386 auf dem Arlberg errichtete Hospiz gegeben hat. Das ist reine Fiktion, eine Erfindung gesch\u00e4ftst\u00fcchtiger Almosensammler und Wirte, namentlich des Zammer Pfarrers Jacob Feuerstein (1620-1657), der unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen die Taverne zu St. Christoph mit ihren ansehnlichen Gerechtigkeiten an Wald, Wiese und Weide, dazu die Kapelle in die Hand einer Bruderschaft brachte, die sich um 1540 unter den Stanzertaler Bauern gebildet hatte und 1647 eigene Statuten erhielt. Die Geschichte der Arlbergboten (die auf ihren Almosenfahrten bis in die Schweiz, an den Ober-, Mittel- und Niederrhein und nach Wien kamen), von Bau und Ausstattung des Hospizes wie der Kapelle und des kirchlichen Lebens auf dem Arlberg erg\u00e4nzt die in den ersten Teilen der Arbeit gemachten Angaben.Den zweiten, wichtigeren Schwerpunkt des Buches bilden die Kapitel, die von jenen Menschen handeln, die am und vom Arlberg lebten oder ihn passierten. Zwei Gruppen heben sich unter ihnen hervor, die S\u00e4umer und die Wirte des zu einer Taverne umgewandelten Hospizes, das schon um 1410/15 von Spenden allein nicht mehr erhalten werden konnte. Seit Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts f\u00fchrte bis in die Zeit Kaiser Josefs II. nur noch ein Saumweg \u00fcber den Arlberg, ohne dass es zu schweren Transporteinbu\u00dfen kam, wie man bislang meinte. Es waren die S\u00e4umer aus Vorarlberg und der Schweiz, die Schmalz nach Innsbruck und Hall brachten und von dort Salz zur\u00fccktransportierten, die jahrhundertelang den Verkehr \u00fcber den Pass bestimmten. \u00dcber ihre oft nebenberufliche T\u00e4tigkeit, die besonders im Winter schwierig war, wenn sie wiederholt eingeschneit waren, \u00fcber zum Pass f\u00fchrende Wege, Stra\u00dfen und Br\u00fccken wird ebenso ausf\u00fchrlich berichtet wie \u00fcber die 17 in der Regel verm\u00f6genden Wirte, die sich von ca. 1500 bis 1659 auf dem Arlberg nachweisen lassen. Fast alle waren Bauern, hatten einen Hof im Tal, f\u00fchrten schon h\u00e4ufig vor der Pacht der Arlbergtaverne eine Gastwirtschaft, bet\u00e4tigten sich vielfach im Handel (vor allem mit Salz). Drei von ihnen hatten noch einen anderen Beruf (Metzger, Z\u00f6llner, Soldat).Wegmacher, Bergf\u00fchrer, Salzh\u00e4ndler, Bergleute, Seuchenwachen, Postboten, Soldaten, fahrendes Volk, Gesindel und andere runden das Bild eines trotz rauen Klimas (Nebel, Sturm, Eis, Schnee, Lawinen, Muren, Steinschlag, Hochwasser, Wettersturz) vielbegangenen Passes ab."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00fcchner ,Robert"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["St. Christoph am Arlberg, Alpine pass, history of an Alpine pass, pass hospice, mountain hostel, wagoners", "St. Christoph am Arlberg, Alpenpass, Passhospiz, Saumverkehr, Wirte, Bruderschaft"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=472489"], ["title", "St. Christoph am Arlberg"], ["doab_id", "15961"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772828"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205772828"]], [["description", "Public administration; Political science

In tijden van informatisering veranderen het functioneren en het karakter van zowel de samenleving als de overheid. Soms is dit duidelijk aanwijsbaar, maar soms gebeurt het ook op een meer sluipende wijze. De inzet van ICT biedt kansen voor beleidsterreinen zoals de zorg, het jeugdbeleid en het immigratiebeleid, maar stelt het openbaar bestuur ook voor nieuwe fundamentele vragen. Hoe om te gaan met risico's en kwetsbaarheden rondom de inzet van nieuwe ICT? Wat betekent 'vergeten' in het tijdperk van onbeperkte opslagcapaciteit, of is het 'eens een digitale dief, altijd een digitale dief'? Hoe kan de overheid haar verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor het netwerk aan informatiestromen waaruit de digitale overheid steeds meer is opgebouwd? In De staat van informatie gaan auteurs als Ybo Buruma, Paul de Hert, Michel van Eeten, Corien Prins en Albert Meijer in op deze en andere vragen. De bundel is een belangrijke bouwsteen voor het WRR rapport iOverheid (2011)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Broeders ,D.; Cuijpers ,C.M.K.C.; Prins ,J.E.J."], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=375125"], ["title", "De staat van informatie"], ["doab_id", "13327"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089643100"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643100"]], [["description", "This volume presents the lectures and discussions held at the conference of the \"Vereinigung der deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer\" (the association of german professors for public law), October 1st - Ocober 3rd, 2003, Hamburg."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brugger, Winfried ; Kokott, Juliane ; Gusy, Christoph; Vesting, Thomas"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/61620"], ["title", "Die Staatsrechtslehre und die Ver\u00e4nderung ihres Gegenstandes. Gew\u00e4hrleistung von Freiheit und Sicherheit im Lichte unterschiedlicher Staats- und Verfassungsverst\u00e4ndnisse. Risikosteuerung durch Verwaltungsrecht. Transparente Verwaltung - Konturen...Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in Hamburg vom 1. bis 4. Oktober 2003"], ["doab_id", "18140"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110909852", "9783899491234"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110909852, 9783899491234"]], [["description", "Prince Eugene of Savoy, contemporary and companion in arms of the first Duke of Marlborough, was the architectural patron of two of the most important buildings of the Viennese baroque, viz. the Stadtpalais (city mansion) and the Belvedere, a suburban garden palace. In spite of the common patron, so far the two buildings were considered quite separately by the research on the Viennese baroque, presumably because of the emphasis on the two different, very prominent architects, Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt.In the unified view presented in the present work, attention is focussed not only on the architecture but also on the sequences of rooms, on their interior decoration, and - in the case of the Belvedere - on the conceptual relationship between garden and buildings. Starting point is the question: \"What was the self-representation intended by the Prince, who had not been raised in the Habsburg monarchy but at the French court?\" The investigation of the origins of the various elements of the interior decoration and of the messages going with their provenance was helped by the fortunate circumstance that not only are the buildings well preserved but that, through the contemporary engravings and drawings of Salomon Kleiner, we are well informed on the original interiors of the buildings. Together with newly discovered written sources, this has allowed the complicated plannings, construction and decoration history of the two palaces to be clarified.The main results may be summarized as follows. Prince Eugene of Savoy wished to conform, on a high level, to the traditions and the style of the Viennese nobility but without foregoing the French achievements in living comfort and elegance he was acquainted with from his time at the French court. As his carrier progressed, this 'French component' was enhanced and made increasingly visible. Little prominence was given to the relationship of the Prince to the ruling house of Savoy, presumably because he wanted to leave no doubt that he owed his position as one of the leading military and political leaders of the time not to family connections but to his own achievements.

Die beiden Wiener Bauten des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, das Stadtpalais in der Himmelpfortgasse und die Vorstadtanlage Belvedere, wurden bislang, ungeachtet des gemeinsamen Auftraggebers, nicht als Einheit behandelt. Dies d\u00fcrfte an der k\u00fcnstlermonographisch dominierten Wahrnehmung dieser f\u00fcr den Wiener Barock sehr bedeutsamen Bauten als Werke der beiden prominenten Architekten, Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach und Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt, gelegen haben.Ausgangspunkt der gemeinsamen Betrachtung im vorliegenden Werk ist die Frage nach der vom Prinzen Eugen, der ja nicht in der Habsburger Monarchie aufgewachsen war, intendierten Selbstdarstellung. Zu ihrer Beantwortung werden die Raumfolgen, die Ausstattung der R\u00e4ume und - f\u00fcr das Belvedere - der konzeptionelle Zusammenhang von Wohngeb\u00e4uden und Garten gleichberechtigt mit der Architektur herangezogen. Dabei erwies es sich als Gl\u00fccksfall, da\u00df beide Anlagen sehr gut erhalten und insbesondere die zeitgen\u00f6ssisch \u00fcberaus wichtige Innenausstattungen durch die Stiche und Stichvorzeichnungen des Augsburger Vedutenzeichners Salomon Kleiner gut dokumentiert sind. Die architekturikonologische Vorgehensweise, bei der die Herkunft der einzelnen Ausstattungselemente erforscht und die mit der Herkunft seinerzeit m\u00f6glicherweise einhergehende Bedeutung untersucht wird, hat zu einer F\u00fclle von neuen Erkenntnissen vor allem zur zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Wahrnehmung der R\u00e4ume gef\u00fchrt und, zum Teil mit Hilfe bisher unbekannter Schriftquellen, die komplizierte und bislang nur unvollst\u00e4ndig verstandene Bau- und Ausstattungsgeschichte der beiden Anlagen erhellt.Als \u00fcbergeordnete Erkenntnis ergibt sich, da\u00df sich Prinz Eugen auf hohem Niveau in die Wiener Gegebenheiten und Traditionen einordnete, dabei aber nicht auf die ihm aus seiner Pariser Jugendzeit vertrauten franz\u00f6sischen Wohn- und Ausstattungserrungenschaften verzichtete. Die \"franz\u00f6sische Komponente\" wurde im Laufe des Werdegangs des Prinzen zunehmend verst\u00e4rkt und zunehmend nach au\u00dfen getragen. Die Eigenst\u00e4ndigkeit seiner politischen und milit\u00e4rischen Leistungen unterstrich der Prinz unter anderem dadurch, da\u00df in seiner Repr\u00e4sentation seine Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zum regierenden Haus Savoyen nur eine untergeordnete Rolle spielte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Seeger ,Ulrike"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Prince Eugene of Savoy, Viennese baroque", "Prinz Eugen, Wiener Barock"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574810"], ["title", "Stadtpalais und Belvedere des Prinzen Eugen"], ["doab_id", "17404"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205771906"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205771906"]], [["description", "As Soviet troops first set foot on Austrian territory on March 29, 1945 near Klostermarienberg, they found themselves in a hostile, perplexing and largely unknown world. The Austrians by no means greeted their Eastern \"liberators from the fascist yoke\" with open arms. Given the first encounters with the Austrian population a variety of stereotypes developed, supporting images of the enemy and the other. Soviet propaganda together with the war experiences anchored these ideas deep into the sub-conscious. However, also ideas of the West that had been aroused by film and literature were now confronted with reality.The Red Army's glorious and triumphant end of WWII was followed by their ten-year long occupation of Austria, where hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers and officers, their wives and children and also civil occupational personnel were linked to Austria for many months and sometimes even years. Moscow attempted (often in vain) to train their troops in line with a \"higher political oversight,\" to boost their military discipline and to strengthen their \"political and moral status.\" From the Soviet point of view, direct confrontation with the Austrian population, but also the Western occupying forces rescued them from the danger of being a \"hostile takeover.\" Doubts about the superiority of the Communist system, breaches of regulations as well as offences, which were really \"only\" a matter of criminal law, were considered politically motivated and served as a sign of the ideological and political fickleness of the concerned party. Reprisals for the afore-mentioned infractions could be severe and sometimes meant the death penalty.The Austrian view of occupation, Austrian everyday life in the Soviet occupation zone or the most important Topoi from the Red Army is well documented and preserved. This research is owed largely to the individual experiences, impressions and responses of the occupying forces themselves.This work is focused on the EXPERIENCE of the soviet \"lifeworld\" in Austria, which includes among other things the occupation organization, the discipline and prosecution, the daily work, the everyday live in the barracks or the leisure activities; the PERCEPTION mirrored in written and oral testimonies and the institutionalized as well as private MEMORY in the former Soviet Union. The beginning depicts the macro-level structure and functioning of the Soviet occupational apparatus as well as the historical background. This meticulous retracing of history offers new insights into the question of the perception of the other and the development of specific Topoi.

Als sowjetische Truppen am 29. M\u00e4rz 1945 bei Klostermarienberg erstmals \u00f6sterreichischen Boden betraten, tauchten sie in eine feindliche, weitestgehend unbekannte und nur schwer verst\u00e4ndliche Welt ein, die die \u00f6stlichen \"Befreier vom faschistischen Joch\" durchaus nicht mit offenen Armen begr\u00fc\u00dfte. Angesichts der ersten Begegnungen mit der \u00f6sterreichischen Bev\u00f6lkerung kamen nun vielfach jene stereotypen Feind- und Fremdbilder zum Tragen, die die sowjetische Propaganda gemeinsam mit den Kriegserfahrungen tief im Unterbewusstsein verankert hatte. Aber auch durch Film und Literatur gepr\u00e4gte Vorstellungen des Westens wurden mit der Realit\u00e4t konfrontiert.Dem f\u00fcr die Rote Armee ruhm- und siegreichen Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges folgte die zehnj\u00e4hrige Besatzung \u00d6sterreichs, die hunderttausende sowjetische Soldaten und Offiziere, ihre Frauen und Kinder sowie ziviles Besatzungspersonal f\u00fcr mehrere Monate, aber auch Jahre an \u00d6sterreich binden sollte. Moskau versuchte (h\u00e4ufig vergeblich), die Truppen zu \"hoher politischer Wachsamkeit\" zu erziehen, ihre milit\u00e4rische Disziplin zu steigern und den \"politisch-moralischen Zustand\" zu st\u00e4rken. Die direkte Konfrontation mit der \u00f6sterreichischen Bev\u00f6lkerung, aber auch mit westlichen Besatzungsangeh\u00f6rigen barg aus sowjetischer Sicht die Gefahr einer \"feindlichen Einflussnahme\" in sich. Zweifel an der \u00dcberlegenheit des kommunistischen Systems, Regelverst\u00f6\u00dfe sowie Vergehen, die eigentlich \"nur\" strafrechtlich relevant waren, galten als politisch motiviert und als ein Zeichen der ideologischen und politischen Wankelm\u00fctigkeit des Betroffenen. Dies konnte strenge Repressalien bis hin zur Todesstrafe nach sich ziehen. W\u00e4hrend die \u00f6sterreichische Sichtweise der Besatzung, der \u00f6sterreichische Alltag in der sowjetischen Besatzungszone oder die wichtigsten Topoi von den Rotarmisten gut dokumentiert und aufgearbeitet sind, stehen Forschungen zu den individuellen Erlebnissen, Eindr\u00fccken und Verarbeitungsformen durch die Besatzungssoldaten selbst bisher weitestgehend aus. Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Arbeit stehen die ERFAHRUNG der sowjetischen Lebenswelt in \u00d6sterreich, die u. a. die Besatzungsorganisation, Disziplin und Strafverfolgung, die t\u00e4gliche Arbeit, das Alltagsleben in den Kasernen oder die Freizeitgestaltung einschlie\u00dft; die WAHRNEHMUNG im Spiegel schriftlicher und m\u00fcndlicher Zeugnisse, und die institutionalisierte wie private ERINNERUNG in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Einleitend werden im Rahmen der Makroebene Struktur und Funktion des sowjetischen Besatzungsapparates sowie die historischen Rahmenbedingungen geschildert. Diese akribische Spurensuche soll nicht zuletzt f\u00fcr die Frage nach der Wahrnehmung des Fremden und der Herausbildung spezifischer Topoi neue Einsichten er\u00f6ffnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stelzl-Marx ,Barbara"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["World War II , Children of occupation, Experience perception memory, Red Army, Soviet Occupation, Post-war Austria"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453611"], ["title", "Stalins Soldaten in \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15519"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787006"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787006"]], [["description", "The book gives a quite complete and up-to-date picture of the Standard Theory with an historical perspective, with a collection of articles written by some of the protagonists of present particle physics. The theoretical developments are described together with the most up-to-date experimental tests, including the discovery of the Higgs Boson and the measurement of its mass as well as the most precise measurements of the top mass, giving the reader a complete description of our present understanding of particle physics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luciano Maiani; Luigi Rolandi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Standard Model", " Higgs", " QCD", " Electroweak", " Lepton", " Quark", " Particle Accelerator "]], ["publisher", "World Scientific Publishing Co."], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/9878#t=toc"], ["title", "The Standard Theory of Particle Physics:Essays to Celebrate CERN's 60th Anniversary"], ["doab_id", "19619"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9789814733519"]], ["provider", "www.worldscientific.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789814733519"]], [["description", "The popular 1998 reformasi movement that brought down President Suharto\u2019s regime demanded an end to illegal practices by state officials, from human rights abuse to nepotistic investments. Yet today, such practices have proven more resistant to reform than people had hoped.Many have said corruption in Indonesia is \u201centrenched\u201d. We argue it is precisely this entrenched character that requires attention. What is state illegality entrenched in and how does it become entrenched? This involves The state and illegality in Indonesiastudying actual cases. Our observations led us to rethink fundamental ideas about the nature of the state in Indonesia, especially regarding its socially embedded character.We conclude that illegal practices by state officials are not just aberrations to the state, they are the state. Almost invariably, illegality occurs as part of collective, patterned, organized and collaborative acts, linked to the competition for political power and access to state resources. While obviously excluding many without connections, corrupt behaviour also plays integrative and stabilizing functions. Especially at the lower end of the social ladder, it gets a lot of things done and is often considered legitimate.This book may be read as a defence of area studies approaches. Without the insights that grew from applying our area studies skills, we would still be constrained by highly stylised notions of the state, which bear little resemblance to the state\u2019s actual workings. The struggle against corruption is a long-term political process. Instead of trying to depoliticize it, we believe the key to progress is greater popular participation.With contributions from Simon Butt, Robert Cribb, Howard Dick, Michele Ford, Jun Honna, Tim Lindsey, Lenore Lyons, John McCarthy, Ross McLeod, Marcus Mietzner, Jeremy Mulholland, Gerben Nooteboom, J Danang Widoyoko and Ian Wilson. This book is the result of a series of workshops supported, among others, by the Australian-Netherlands Research Collaboration (ANRC).\u201cAn intriguing [...] and thought-provoking volume on the nexus between the state and illegality. It treats illegality not as an abnormality, but as an integral aspect of statecraft and social life. The book advances theoretical discussions, embedding them in rich empirical material that sheds light on the ways in which people in different localities and sectors in Indonesia use, make sense of, and negotiate illegality. It will benefit students and scholars from various disciplines, seeking to explore the social meanings and functions of illegality in the everyday life of the nation.\u201d Barak Kalir, University of Amsterdam"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aspinall ,Edward; Klinken van ,Gerry"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Indonesian", "Corruption", "Reformasi", "Illegal practices", "Illegality", "Indonesisch", "Corruptie", "Hervorming", "Illegale praktijken", "Illegaliteit"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=368290"], ["title", "The state and illegality in Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "13242"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183710", "9789004253681"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183710 9789004253681"]], [["description", "How has British democracy been represented in novels, plays and films in a century of political turbulence? Steven Fielding offers the first book length study of the fictionalisation of British politics during the rise, consolidation and apparent fall of party politics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steven Fielding"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545015"], ["title", "A State of Play"], ["doab_id", "17128"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545015"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545015"]], [["description", "There is an extensive literature conducted from a range of theoretical perspectives and methodologies on the role of groups and student learning in higher education. However here the concept of the \u2018group\u2019 is heavily contested at a theoretical level but within higher education practice, characterizing the group has tended to be clear cut. Groups of students are often formed within the parameters of specific educational programs to address explicitly defined learning objectives. These groups are often small scale and achieve tasks through cooperative or collaborative learning. Cooperative learning involves students dividing roles and responsibilities between group members, so learning becomes an independent process and outcome. On the other hand, collaborative learning involves students working together by developing shared meanings and knowledge to solve a task or problem. From this perspective, learning is conceptualized as both a social process and individual outcome. That is, collaborative learning may facilitate individual student conceptual understanding and hence lead to higher academic achievement. The empirical evidence is encouraging as has been shown that students working collaboratively tend to achieve higher grades than students working independently. However the above perspectives on student engagement assume that groups are formed within the confines of formal learning environments (e.g. lecture theaters), involve students on the same degree program, have the explicit function of achieving a learning task and disband once this has been achieved. However, students may also use existing social networks such as friendship groups as a mechanism for learning, which may occur outside of formal learning environments. There is an extensive literature on the role and benefits of friendship groups on student learning within primary and secondary education but there is a distinct lack of research within higher education. This ebook is innovative and ambitious and will highlight and consolidate, the current understanding of the role that student based engagement behaviors may serve in effective pedagogy. A unique aspect of this research topic will be the fact that scholars will also be welcome to submit articles that describe the efficacy of the full range of approaches that have been employed to facilitate student engagement across the sector."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carl Senior; Chris Howard"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["student engagement", "relational learning", "Social Behavior", "Learning Technology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1971/the-state-of-the-art-in-student-engagement"], ["title", "The state of the art in student engagement"], ["doab_id", "18706"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195961"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195961"]], [["description", "In the last decade, there has been a distinct trend towards a worldwide harmonisation of migration statistics, chiefly pushed by international bodies and organisations that need comparative data. Statistics and Reality shows that these attempts have as yet not been very successful. It provides an accessible account of the history of migration measurement in Europe and analyses the current conceptualisations of migration and data gathering procedures in twelve European countries in the context of their migration histories. Based on this analysis, the authors provide a critical insight into the migrant stocks and flows in their countries.

De toenemende vraag naar onderzoeksdata op het gebied van migratie vraagt om een wereldwijde consensus van migratiestatistieken. Statistics and Reality laat zien dat pogingen een eenduidige vorm voor migratiestatistieken te vinden tot nu toe niet succesvol zijn gebleken. Op toegankelijke wijze wordt de geschiedenis van migratieonderzoek in Europa beschreven. Van twaalf Europese landen worden huidige concepten van migratie en methoden voor het vergaren van onderzoeksdata voor dit onderwerp geanalyseerd. Op basis van deze analyse geven de auteurs een kritische kijk op de migrantenvoorraad en -stromen in het desbetreffende land en becommentariC+ren zij trends in recente literatuur, zoals de feminisering van migratie en de diversiteit van de oorsprong van migranten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fassmann ,Heinz; Reeger ,Ursula; Sievers ,Wiebke"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340025"], ["title", "Statistics and Reality : Concepts and Measurements of Migration in Europe"], ["doab_id", "12748"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640529"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640529"]], [["description", "Staying Alive: A Survival Manual for the Liberal Arts fiercely defends the liberal arts in and from an age of neoliberal capital and techno-corporatization run amok, arguing that the public university\u2019s purpose is not vocational training, but rather the cultivation of what Fradenburg calls \u201cartfulness,\u201d including the art of making knowledge. In addition to sustained critical and creative thinking, the humanities develop the mind\u2019s capacities for real-time improvisational communication and interpretation, without which we can neither thrive nor survive. Humanist pedagogy and research use play, experimentation and intersubjective exchange to foster forms of artfulness critical to the future of our species. From perception to reality-testing to concept-formation and logic, the arts and humanities teach us to see, hear and respond more keenly, and to imagine, or \u201cmodel,\u201d new futures and possibilities. Innovation of all kinds, technological or artistic, depends on the enhancement of the skills proper to staying alive.Bringing together psychoanalysis, neuroscience, animal behavioral research, biology & evolutionary theory, and premodern literarature (from Virgil to Chaucer to Shakespeare), Fradenburg offers a bracing polemic against the technocrats of higher education and a vibrant new vision for the humanities as both living art and new life science. Contrary to recent polemics that simply urge the humanities to become more scientistic or technology-focused, to demonstrate their utility or even trophy their uselessness, Staying Alive does something remarkably different: it argues for the humanism of a new scientific paradigm based on complexity theory and holistic and ecological approaches to knowledge-making. It urges us to take the further step of realizing not only that we can promote and enhance neuroplastic connectivity and social-emotional cognition, but also that the humanities have always already been doing so. \u201cNature always exceeds itself in its expressivity\u201d \u2014 which is to say that living is itself an art, and artfulness is necessary for living: for adaptation and innovation, for forging rich and varied relationships with other minds, bodies and things, and thus, for thriving \u2014 whether in the boardroom or the art gallery, the biology lab or the recording studio, the alley or the playground, the book or the dream.Staying Alive contains companion essays by Donna Beth Ellard (Rice University), Ruth Evans (Saint Louis University), Eileen A. Joy (BABEL Working Group), Julie Orlemanski (University of Chicago), Daniel C. Remein (New York University), and Michael D. Snediker (University of Houston)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L.O. Aranye Fradenburg; Eileen A. Joy; Julie Orlemanski; Daniel C. Remein; Ruth Evans; Michael D. Snediker"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["arts & humanities, biology, Chaucer, creativity, ethology, evolutionary theory, liberal arts, life sciences, medieval literature, neuroscience, plasticity, psychoanalysis, public education, the university"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/staying-alive/"], ["title", "Staying Alive"], ["doab_id", "16039"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615906508"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615906508"]], [["description", "\u00dcberlieferte Originalstelen mit Inschriften der gro\u00dfen K\u00f6nige Sargon und Nar\u0101m-S\u00een von Akkade, die im 23. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als erste ein Weltreich eroberten, sowie m\u00fcndlich tradierte Sagen haben diesen beiden K\u00f6nigen einen herausragenden Stellenwert in der historischen Erinnerung der Babylonier und Assyrer verschafft. Dies f\u00fchrte zu einer Reihe erz\u00e4hlender Werke, die zum Teil wie echte Heldenlieder gestaltet sind, zum Teil sich aber auch als authentische K\u00f6nigsinschriften geb\u00e4rden. Das Verst\u00e4ndnis dieser heterogenen Textgruppe in verschiedenen Fragerichtungen zu erhellen, ist das Ziel vorliegender Studie. Zu den Fragestellungen geh\u00f6ren die Bestimmung der Gattungen, denen die Texte angeh\u00f6ren, und ihre Scheidung von den authentischen K\u00f6nigsinschriften, die durch das Merkmal der Fiktionalit\u00e4t gekennzeichnet ist. Des Weiteren soll die zum Teil hohe literarische Qualit\u00e4t dieser Werke herausgearbeitet werden. Schlie\u00dflich wird untersucht, inwiefern sich an diesen Werken die Mechanismen und Bedingungen ihrer \u00dcberlieferung ablesen lassen, ob sie Spuren eines m\u00fcndlichen Sargon- und Nar\u0101m-S\u00een-Sagenschatzes aufweisen und welche literarischen Funktionen sie erf\u00fcllten. Die Reihe \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Beitr\u00e4ge zun Alten Orient\u201d setzt die erfolgreichen \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Arbeitshefte zur Altorientalischen Literatur\u201d fort. Die Reihe wird vom Seminar f\u00fcr Altorientalistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen herausgegeben und behandelt die Erschlie\u00dfung und Deutung der reichhaltigen Schriftdenkm\u00e4ler in akkadischer oder sumerischer Sprache aus der Zeit von ca. 3100 - 500 v. Chr.

\u00dcberlieferte Originalstelen mit Inschriften der gro\u00dfen K\u00f6nige Sargon und Nar\u0101m-S\u00een von Akkade, die im 23. Jahrhundert v. Chr. als erste ein Weltreich eroberten, sowie m\u00fcndlich tradierte Sagen haben diesen beiden K\u00f6nigen einen herausragenden Stellenwert in der historischen Erinnerung der Babylonier und Assyrer verschafft. Dies f\u00fchrte zu einer Reihe erz\u00e4hlender Werke, die zum Teil wie echte Heldenlieder gestaltet sind, zum Teil sich aber auch als authentische K\u00f6nigsinschriften geb\u00e4rden. Das Verst\u00e4ndnis dieser heterogenen Textgruppe in verschiedenen Fragerichtungen zu erhellen, ist das Ziel vorliegender Studie. Zu den Fragestellungen geh\u00f6ren die Bestimmung der Gattungen, denen die Texte angeh\u00f6ren, und ihre Scheidung von den authentischen K\u00f6nigsinschriften, die durch das Merkmal der Fiktionalit\u00e4t gekennzeichnet ist. Des Weiteren soll die zum Teil hohe literarische Qualit\u00e4t dieser Werke herausgearbeitet werden. Schlie\u00dflich wird untersucht, inwiefern sich an diesen Werken die Mechanismen und Bedingungen ihrer \u00dcberlieferung ablesen lassen, ob sie Spuren eines m\u00fcndlichen Sargon- und Nar\u0101m-S\u00een-Sagenschatzes aufweisen und welche literarischen Funktionen sie erf\u00fcllten. Die Reihe \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Beitr\u00e4ge zun Alten Orient\u201d setzt die erfolgreichen \u201cG\u00f6ttinger Arbeitshefte zur Altorientalischen Literatur\u201d fort. Die Reihe wird vom Seminar f\u00fcr Altorientalistik der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen herausgegeben und behandelt die Erschlie\u00dfung und Deutung der reichhaltigen Schriftdenkm\u00e4ler in akkadischer oder sumerischer Sprache aus der Zeit von ca. 3100 - 500 v. Chr."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Haul, Michael"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Ancient History", "History of the Middle East", "History of Literature", "Classical Studies", "Royal Stela", "Ancient History", "History of the Middle East", "History of Literature", "Classical Studies", "Royal Stela"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610354"], ["title", "Stele und Legende - Untersuchungen zu den keilschriftlichen Erz\u00e4hlwerken \u00fcber die K\u00f6nige von Akkade"], ["doab_id", "14604"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875111"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875111"]], [["description", "After the fall of the Taliban, the new Afghan constitution of 2004 marks a fundamental beginning for the status of women \u2013 at least from a normative perspective. Art. 22 of the Afghan constitution contains: \u201cThe citizens of Afghanistan, man and woman, have equal rights and duties before the law.\u201d According to Art. 7 of the constitution the state shall observe i. a. the international treaties to which Afghanistan has joined. This also covers the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. At the same time, Art. 3 of the constitution provides that no law should contravene the tenets and provisions of the holy religion of Islam in Afghanistan. But how do these different sources of law interact in conflicting legal fields? There are no exiting provisions of the constitution explicitly offering an answer to this problem. This work focuses on the solution of this question regarding the status of women, especially in the law of divorce.

Nach dem Sturz der Taliban markiert die neue afghanische Verfassung aus dem Jahre 2004 einen fundamentalen Neuanfang f\u00fcr die Stellung der Frau \u2013 zumindest aus normativer Sichtweise. Art. 22 der afghanischen Verfassung lautet: \u201eDie B\u00fcrger Afghanistans, sowohl Frauen als auch M\u00e4nner, haben vor dem Gesetz gleiche Rechte und Pflichten\u201c. Gem\u00e4\u00df Art. 7 der Verfassung hat der Staat u.a. die Allgemeine Menschenrechtserkl\u00e4rung und die von Afghanistan ratifizierten Vertr\u00e4ge zu achten. Dazu z\u00e4hlt auch das \u00dcbereinkommen zur Beseitigung jeder Form der Diskriminierung der Frau. Hingegen legt Art. 3 der Verfassung fest, dass kein Gesetz dem Glauben und den Bestimmungen der heiligen Religion des Islam widersprechen darf. Doch in welchem Verh\u00e4ltnis stehen diese Rechtsquellen im Falle einer Normenkollision? Explizite Verfassungsbestimmungen hierzu existieren nicht. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die Kl\u00e4rung dieses Verh\u00e4ltnisses betreffend die Stellung der Frau, im Speziellen im Scheidungsrecht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aryobsei, Mina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Afghanistan", "Conflict of laws", "Status of women", "Divorce Law", "Constitutional provisions", "Islam", "Afghanistan", "Conflict of laws", "Status of women", "Divorce Law", "Constitutional provisions", "Islam"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610367"], ["title", "Die Stellung der Frau in der afghanischen Verfassungsordnung im Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen islamischem Recht und V\u00f6lkerrecht - unter besonderer Ber\u00fccksichtigung des Scheidungsrechts"], ["doab_id", "16553"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951481"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951481"]], [["description", "A medical measure influences the physical and mental integrity of the affected people. The right of determination is also part of a person\u2019s personality. The individual can exercise his right of self determination only when its decision conditions and justifies medical practice. Is an adolescent due to an illness or disability not able to excersise decisions, these have to be made by a representative of legal transactions - an agent - or taken by a legal representative - a supervisor. In this study, the different representation schemes on health matters are presented.

Eine \u00e4rztliche Ma\u00dfnahme tastet die leibliche und gegebenenfalls die seelische Integrit\u00e4t eines Menschen an. Die Bestimmung dar\u00fcber ist ein Teil der Personalit\u00e4t eines Menschen. Der Einzelne kann sein Selbstbestimmungsrecht nur wahrnehmen, wenn seine Entscheidung Voraussetzung gerechtfertigten \u00e4rztlichen Handelns ist. Kann ein Vollj\u00e4hriger auf Grund einer Krankheit oder Behinderung dar\u00fcber nicht befinden, k\u00f6nnen Entscheidungen durch einen rechtsgesch\u00e4ftlichen Vertreter \u2013 einen Bevollm\u00e4chtigten \u2013 oder durch einen gesetzlichen Vertreter \u2013 einen Betreuer \u2013 getroffen werden. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden die unterschiedlichen Vertretungsregelungen im Bereich der Gesundheitsangelegenheiten dargestellt. Es wird zudem gepr\u00fcft, ob es das Selbstbestimmungsrecht des Einzelnen gebietet, eine weitere \u201eautomatische\u201c Vertretungsm\u00f6glichkeit f\u00fcr nahe Angeh\u00f6rige zu normieren. Es wird auch erwogen, auf welche Grundlage eine entsprechende Befugnis gest\u00fctzt werden, in welchen F\u00e4llen und unter welchen Voraussetzungen sie eingreifen k\u00f6nnte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Diekmann, Andrea"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["medicine", "ethics", "medicine law", "health care", "medicine", "ethics", "medicine law", "health care"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610180"], ["title", "Stellvertretung in Gesundheitsangelegenheiten - Modell eines dreigliedrigen Vertretungssystems"], ["doab_id", "12962"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344786"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344786"]], [["description", "The vision of this Frontiers in Oncology Research Topic on \"Stem Cell Genetic Fidelity\" had the goal of steeping a diverse range of research perspectives to a first comprehensive synthesis of thought on the questions of how tissue stem cells manage gene mutation rate and the significance of that management in mammalian evolution and biology, in particular as it relates to tissue cell renewal, carcinogenesis, and aging. The primary focus was determinants of mutation rate in distributed stem cells (DSCs), which encompass all naturally occurring stem cells at all stages of mammalian development. In particular, contributions were sought that considered a broad range of aspects of the immortal DNA strand hypothesis for DSC genetic fidelity. Though proposed in 1975, only in the last decade has this landmark concept in tissue cell biology emerged as a central discussion in DSC research with increasing scrutiny and discussion by an increasing number of laboratories of diverse research perspectives and experimental approaches. With this hypothesis presenting a formidable technical challenge for experimental investigation, as would be expected, both supportive and unsupportive reports have been lining up. In the case of supportive studies, neither the range of applicable tissues nor the responsible molecular mechanisms are known; and the essential genomic process, non-random DNA template strand inheritance by asymmetrically self-renewing DSCs, has been suggested to potentially have other cellular roles besides reducing mutation rate. A major aspiration of this Research Topic was to create the first comprehensive, critical synthesis of current insights and viewpoints on the impact of the immortal DNA strand hypothesis in the history of DSC mutation research. A wide range of article types was considered including historical perspectives, critical reviews, critical commentaries, new hypotheses, new research perspectives, technical advances, and original research reports. Although treatments of the immortal DNA strand hypothesis were the major focus, the desired synthesis required integration of related ideas on mechanisms of DSC mutagenesis and its impact in the evolution of mammals, the emergence of cancers, and stem cell aging. As such, investigators focused on issues in e.g., germ stem cell mutagenesis, effects of environmental mutagens on DSC mutation rate, DSC mutation and tissue aging, determinations of types of mutations in DSCs, and the role of DSC mutation in cancer initiation were invited. Similarly, although the specific goal of the Research Topic was to enlighten DSC genetic fidelity in humans and other mammalians, informing contributions based on studies in other model organisms were also welcomed. To achieve even better representation of current experience, advances, and ideas in this field of investigation, these early contributors were encouraged to extend the opportunity to others who shared their interest in advancing our understanding of the mutability of DSCs and its significance in human biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "James L Sherley"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["tissue stem cell", "Mutation", "metakaryotic", "hematopoietic stem cell", "SSIS", "non-random segregation", "cancer stem cells", "immortal strand", "colon crypt", "DNA Replication"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/806/stem-cell-genetic-fidelity"], ["title", "Stem Cell Genetic Fidelity"], ["doab_id", "17678"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194902"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194902"]], [["description", "Stroke remains one of the most devastating diseases in industrialized countries. Recanalization of the occluded arterial vessel using thrombolysis is the only causal therapy available. However, thrombolysis is limited due to severe side effects and a limited time window. As such, only a minority of patients receives this kind of therapy, showing a need for new and innovative treatment strategies. Although neuroprotective drugs have been shown to be beneficial in a variety of experimental stroke models, they ultimately failed in clinical trials. Consequently, recent scientific focus has been put on modulation of post-ischemic neuroregeneration, either via stimulation of endogenous neurogenesis or via application of exogenous stem cells or progenitor cells. Neurogenesis persists within the adult brain of both rodents and primates. As such, neural progenitor cells (NPCs) are found within distinct niches like the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. Cerebral ischemia stimulates these astrocyte-like progenitor cells, upon which NPCs proliferate and migrate towards the site of lesion. There, NPCs partly differentiate into mature neurons, without significantly being integrated into the residing neural network. Rather, the majority of new-born cells dies within the first weeks post-stroke, leaving post-ischemic neurogenesis a phenomenon of unknown biological significance. Since NPCs do not replace lost brain tissue, beneficial effects observed in some studies after either stimulated or protected neurogenesis are generally contributed to indirect effects of these new-born cells. The precise identification of appropriated cellular mediators, however, is still elusive. How do these mediators work? Are they soluble factors or maybe even vesicular structures emanating from NPCs? What are the cues that guide NPCs towards the ischemic lesion site? How can post-ischemic neurogenesis be stimulated? How can the poor survival of NPCs be increased? In order to support post-ischemic neurogenesis, a variety of research groups have focused on application of exogenous stem/progenitor cells from various tissue sources. Among these, cultivated NPCs from the SVZ and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from the bone marrow are frequently administered after induction of stroke. Although neuroprotection after delivery of stem/progenitor cells has been shown in various experimental stroke models, transplanted cells are usually not integrated in the neural network. Again, the vast amount of grafted cells dies or does not reach its target despite profound neuroprotection, also suggesting indirect paracrine effects as the cause of neuroprotection. Yet, the factors being responsible for these observations are under debate and still have to be addressed. Is there any \u201coptimal\u201d cell type for transplantation? How can the resistance of grafted cells against a non-favorable extracellular milieu be increased? What are the molecules that are vital for interaction between grafted cells and endogenous NPCs? The present research topic seeks to answer - at least in part - some of the aforementioned questions. Although the research topic predominantly focuses on experimental studies (and reviews alike), a current outlook towards clinical relevance is given as well."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thorsten R. Doeppner; Dirk M. Hermann"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cerebral ischemia", "mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)", "Neural progenitor cells (NPCs)", "Neurogenesis", "Neuroregeneration", "Stroke", "Transplantation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2195/stem-cells-and-progenitor-cells-in-ischemic-stroke---fashion-or-future"], ["title", "Stem cells and progenitor cells in ischemic stroke - fashion or future?"], ["doab_id", "18844"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197248"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197248"]], [["description", "Stemmen op berkenbast offers a compilation of personal letters written on birchbarck. It is an introduction to medieval communication in Russian Novgorod.

Schrijven op berkenbast speelde in de middeleeuwen een wezenlijke rol in de communicatie en sociale organisatie van verschillende Russische steden, met name de stad Novgorod, gelegen ten zuiden van het huidige Sint-Petersburg. Dit boek laat aan de hand van een selectie van overgeleverde berkenbastbrieven zien hoezeer de schrijftraditie ge\u00efntegreerd was in het dagelijks leven. De korte mededelingen doen ons vaak denken aan hedendaagse e-mails of sms'jes. Ze waren bedoeld voor alledaagse communicatie over geld en macht, afspraken en conflicten, management en huishouden, ellende en liefde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schaeken ,Jos"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History", "geography", "auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606212"], ["title", "Stemmen op berkenbast : Berichten uit middeleeuws Rusland: dagelijks leven en communicatie"], ["doab_id", "14807"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789087281618"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087281618"]], [["description", "Public administration; Sociology

Wat houdt een samenleving bijeen? Gemeenschappelijke waarden en normen worden meestal aangewezen als het antwoord op de pregnante vraag naar de binding (of sociale cohesie) van de samenleving. Toch is de auteur van deze nieuwe verzameling sociologische essays niet tevreden met dit standaardantwoord. De vraag moet immers gesteld worden wat een samenleving bijeen houdt als gemeenschappelijke waarden niet of niet meer aanwezig zijn en de samenleving verscheurd dreigt te worden door felle groepsconflicten en scherpe wij-zij-tegenstellingen. In die situaties heeft een samenleving, net als een grote kathedraal, een aantal steunberen nodig om niet volledig in te storten. In de loop van de geschiedenis zijn die steunberen inderdaad ontwikkeld: een eerlijk rechtsproces, religieuze tolerantie, het zoeken naar wetenschappelijke waarheid en tenslotte niet-gewelddadige conflictbeslechting. Een samenleving heeft deze historisch ontwikkelde sociale instituties hard nodig om met vele tegengestelde groepsbelangen en religieuze verschillen om te gaan zonder tot sociale wanorde of destructie te vervallen. Deze sociale instituties geven 'tegenkracht' tegen te veel en te weinig sociale binding. Vanuit dit perspectief zijn de hier overzichtelijk bijeengebrachte essays geschreven en hier voor het eerst bijeengebracht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schuyt ,Kees"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340141"], ["title", "Steunberen van de samenleving : Sociologische essays"], ["doab_id", "12840"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569375"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569375"]], [["description", "\u201cShe was given her own plate, her own cup, everything of her own, even when she just touched a cloth then nobody wanted to touch it again.\u201d (Halima, HIV-seropositive) The book sheds light on the profound influence of an HIV-seropositive diagnosis on the lives of women and their social environment in the United Republic of Tanzania. The author, a medical doctor and social anthropologist, tells the story of six Tanzanian HIV-seropositive women, focusing on their negotiation and perception of illness and disease. Furthermore, the high levels of discrimination and stigmatization in the context of HIV-seropositivity that they experience are presented in detail, weaving together the impacts of an HIV-seropositive diagnosis with results analyzed both from a Medical Anthropology and Public Health perspective. Despite a new era of antiretroviral treatment, available in Tanzania free of cost, that has given cause for hope in a change in how the disease is perceived, the book impressively underlines that being HIV-seropositive remains a great challenge and heavy burden for women in Tanzania.

\u201cShe was given her own plate, her own cup, everything of her own, even when she just touched a cloth then nobody wanted to touch it again.\u201d (Halima, HIV-seropositive) The book sheds light on the profound influence of an HIV-seropositive diagnosis on the lives of women and their social environment in the United Republic of Tanzania. The author, a medical doctor and social anthropologist, tells the story of six Tanzanian HIV-seropositive women, focusing on their negotiation and perception of illness and disease. Furthermore, the high levels of discrimination and stigmatization in the context of HIV-seropositivity that they experience are presented in detail, weaving together the impacts of an HIV-seropositive diagnosis with results analyzed both from a Medical Anthropology and Public Health perspective. Despite a new era of antiretroviral treatment, available in Tanzania free of cost, that has given cause for hope in a change in how the disease is perceived, the book impressively underlines that being HIV-seropositive remains a great challenge and heavy burden for women in Tanzania."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bohle, Leah Franziska"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["HIV", "Women", "Tanzania", "Social Environment", "Public Health", "HIV", "Women", "Tanzania", "Social Environment", "Public Health"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610259"], ["title", "Stigmatization, discrimination and illness"], ["doab_id", "15592"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863951085"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951085"]], [["description", "The work of L.O. Aranye Fradenburg, especially her psychoanalytic criticism of Chaucer, and her formulations of discontinuist historical approaches to the Middle Ages, has been extremely influential within medieval studies for the past 20 or so years. More recently she has been focusing on more broad defenses of the humanities, especially with regard to the valuable role of literary studies relative to the arts of everyday living, eudaimonia [flourishing], ethical community, and well-being, and also on psychoanalysis itself as a \u201cliberal art.\u201d Relationality, intersubjectivity, aliveness, resilience, care of the self and also of others, adaptive flexibility, playfulness, shared attention, companionship, healing, and thriving seem, increasingly, to be the key watchwords and concerns of Fradenburg\u2019s work, and at the same time, the so-called \u201cliterary\u201d mode is still central to these concerns, such that, as Fradenburg has written, \u201cInterpretation and relationality depend on one another because all relationships are unending processes of interpretation and expression, listening and signifying. In turn, sentience assists relationality: we can\u2019t thrive and probably can\u2019t survive without minds open to possibility, capable of sensing and interpreting the tiniest shifts in, e.g., pitch and tone.\u201d This small volume features short essays and personal reflections on the importance of Fradenburg\u2019s career, as teacher and scholar, and also on the valuable role(s) that her work, and medieval studies more generally, has played and might still play in the defense of the humanities as essential to living and thriving.TABLE OF CONTENTS: Eileen A. Joy, \u201cLike A Radio Left On / on the Outskirts of Identical Cities: Living (with) Fradenburg\u201d \u2014 Patricia Clare Ingham, \u201cMore Blue Doors\u201d \u2014 Randy P. Schiff, \u201cCome Flourish With Me: Critically Mixing Pleasure and Politics\u201d \u2014 Julie Orlemanski, \u201cProvisionality and Provision\u201d \u2014 Kathy Lavezzo, \u201cCritical Thriving: Chaucer, the Nun\u2019s Priest\u2019s Tale, and the MLA\u201d \u2014 Paul Megna, \u201cSacrificial Thriving\u201d \u2014 Daniel C. Remein, \u201cliving/riddle\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eileen Joy (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Aranye Fradenburg, Chaucer, humanities, literary studies, medieval studies, psychoanalysis"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/pey7hd9ffrx7s2h/Joy_Fradenburg_Still_Thriving_EBook.pdf?dl=0Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg"], ["title", "Still Thriving: On the Importance of Aranye Fradenburg"], ["doab_id", "17618"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780988234031"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780988234031"]], [["description", "In this thesis, I study three stochastic methods that can be applied for the analysis of data in cancer research and, in particular, to cancer genomic data and to images of angiogenic processes. Cancer is a multistep process where the accumulation of genomic lesions alters cell biology. The latter is under control of several pathways and thus, cancer can arise via different mechanisms affecting different pathways. Due to the general complexity of this disease and the different types of tumors, the efforts of cancer research cover several research areas such as, for example, immunology, genetics, cell biology, angiogenesis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Paola M. Rancoita"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Rancoita2_9788895994581.pdf"], ["title", "Stochastic methods in cancer research"], ["doab_id", "15498"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994581"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994581"]], [["description", "An interesting fact in nature is that if we observe agents (neurons, particles, animals, humans) behaving,or more precisely moving, inside their environment, we can recognize \u2013 tough at different space or time scales \u2013 very specific patterns. The existence of those patterns is quite obvious, since not all things in nature behave totally at random, especially if we take into account thinking species like human beings. On the contrary, their analysis is quite challenging. Indeed, during the years we can find in the literature a lot of efforts to understand the behavior of complex systems through mathematical laws."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lorenzo Valerio"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/book.pdf"], ["title", "Stochastic mobility models in space and time"], ["doab_id", "15506"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788867050710"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050710"]], [["description", "This book argues that climate change has a devastating effect on how we think about the future. Once several positive feedback loops in Earth\u2019s dynamic systems, such as the melting of the Arctic icecap or the drying of the Amazon, cross the point of no return, the biosphere is likely to undergo severe and irreversible warming.Nearly everything we do is premised on the assumption that the world we know will endure into the future and provide a sustaining context for our activities. But today the future of a viable biosphere, and thus the purpose of our present activities, is put into question. A disappearing future leads to a broken present, a strange incoherence in the feel of everyday life.We thus face the unprecedented challenge of salvaging a basis for our lives today. That basis, this book argues, may be found in our capacity to assume an infinite responsibility for ecological disaster and, like the biblical Job, to respond with awe to the alien voice that speaks from the whirlwind. By owning disaster and accepting our small place within the inhuman forces of the biosphere, we may discover how to live with responsibility and serenity whatever may come."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Collings A. ,David"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["climate change"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502333"], ["title", "Stolen Future, Broken Present : The Human Significance of Climate Change"], ["doab_id", "16376"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853145"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853145"]], [["description", "This first edition of The Stone Age of Indonesia has been replaced by the second edition, which is published as Volume 61 (1972; ISBN 9024713005) in the series Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heekeren van ,H."], ["date", "1957"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613384"], ["title", "The Stone Age of Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18540"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004285859", "9789004286436"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285859 9789004286436"]], [["description", "The first edition of The Stone Age of Indonesia was published as Volume 21 (1957) in the series Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heekeren van ,H."], ["date", "1972"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613383"], ["title", "The Stone Age of Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18539"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024713004", "9789004286917"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024713004 9789004286917"]], [["description", "The PhD course in Mediaeval History of the University of Florence is one of the oldest in the Italian university circuit. Founded in 1983 by Girolamo Arnaldi, Elio Conti and Raoul Manselli, all the cycles of the courses were launched, achieving results of the greatest significance in the sphere of research. Over the years, about sixty young students and a couple of dozen teachers have given shape to a human and intellectual experience based on exchange and the acceptance of different points of view. Traced out in this book is a brief history of the first twenty years, rendering account of the activities fostered and the research carried out, and providing the scientific and bibliographic profiles of each member.

Il Dottorato di ricerca in Storia medievale dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze \u00e8 uno dei pi\u00f9 antichi dell'universit\u00e0 italiana. Fondato nel 1983 da Girolamo Arnaldi, Elio Conti e Raoul Manselli, ha attivato tutti i cicli dei corsi, conseguendo risultati di rilievo nell'attivit\u00e0 di ricerca. Nel corso del tempo una sessantina di giovani studiosi e una ventina di docenti hanno dato corpo a un'esperienza umana e intellettuale basata sul confronto e sull'accettazione di punti di vista diversi. Ne \u00e8 qui ripercorsa, in forma sintetica, la storia dei primi vent'anni, dando conto delle attivit\u00e0 promosse e delle ricerche condotte, e raccogliendo i profili scientifici e la bibliografia di ciascun membro."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Middle Ages", "Doctorate Ph.D", "Florence", "Medioevo", "Dottorato di ricerca", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345475"], ["title", "Storia di un dottorato: storia medievale nell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze"], ["doab_id", "13022"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531780"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531780"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of contributions by the Italian scholarship fellows at the Deutsches Historisches Institut of Rome over the last decade. It is intended as a tribute to one of the leading mediaevalists at international level, a scrupulous and sensitive scholar of Italian history. Over and above all this, it is a sign of gratitude from the young academics who have been able to consolidate their research thanks to such scholarships. Consequently the 14 contributions that make up the book do not share the academic orientation of any particular school, but range over various research sectors and different chronological periods.

Il volume, che raccoglie i contributi di ex borsisti italiani dell'ultimo decennio del Deutsches Historisches Institut di Roma, vuole essere un omaggio a uno dei medievisti pi\u00f9 noti a livello internazionale e all'attento e sensibile studioso della storia italiana, ma soprattutto un segno di gratitudine di giovani studiosi che con tale borsa hanno potuto consolidare i loro percorsi di ricerca. I 14 contributi che lo compongono non sono quindi accomunati da un comune orientamento formativo di scuola, ma spaziano fra diversi settori di ricerca e differenti ambiti cronologici."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Delle Donne, Roberto; Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Arnold Esch", "Deutsches Historisches Institut", "Arnold Esch", "Deutsches Historisches Institut"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345470"], ["title", "Le storie e la memoria"], ["doab_id", "13017"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530455"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530458"]], [["description", "The Quechan are a Yuman people who have traditionally lived along the lower part of the Colorado River in California and Arizona. They are well known as warriors, artists, and traders, and they also have a rich oral tradition. The stories in this volume were told by tribal elders in the 1970s and early 1980s. The eleven narratives in this volume take place at the beginning of time and introduce the reader to a variety of traditional characters, including the infamous Coyote and also Kway\u00fau the giant, Old Lady Sanyuux\u00e1v and her twin sons, and the Man Who Bothered Ants.This book makes a long-awaited contribution to the oral literature and mythology of the American Southwest, and its format and organization are of special interest. Narratives are presented in the original language and in the storytellers\u2019 own words. A prosodically-motivated broken-line format captures the rhetorical structure and local organization of the oral delivery and calls attention to stylistic devices such as repetition and syntactic parallelism. Facing-page English translation provides a key to the original Quechan for the benefit of language learners. The stories are organized into \"story complexes\u201d, that is, clusters of narratives with overlapping topics, characters, and events, told from diverse perspectives. In presenting not just stories but story complexes, this volume captures the art of storytelling and illuminates the complexity and interconnectedness of an important body of oral literature.Stories from Quechan Oral Literature provides invaluable reading for anyone interested in Native American cultural heritage and oral traditions more generally."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Halpern, A.M. (Editor); Miller, Amy (Editor)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Quechan mythology", "Quechan language", "World Oral Literature Series", "Oral tradition", "Storytelling"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/142"], ["title", "Stories from Quechan Oral Literature"], ["doab_id", "16609"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254862", "9781909254879"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254862 9781909254879"]], [["description", "Storytelling plays an important part in the vibrant cultural life of Zambia and in many other communities across Africa. This innovative book provides a collection and analysis of oral narrative traditions as practiced by five Bemba-speaking ethnic groups in Zambia. The integration of newly digitalised audio and video recordings into the text enables the reader to encounter the storytellers themselves and hear their narratives as they were recounted during Robert Cancel\u2019s research trips to Zambia.Robert Cancel's thorough critical interpretation, combined with these newly digitalised audio and video materials, makes Storytelling in Northern Zambia a much needed addition to the slender corpus of African folklore studies that deal with storytelling performance. Cancel threads his way between the complex demands of African fieldwork studies, folklore theory, narrative modes, reflexive description and simple documentation and succeeds in bringing to the reader a set of performers and their performances that are vivid, varied and instructive. He illustrates this living narrative tradition with a wide range of examples, and highlights the social status of narrators and the complex local identities that are at play.Cancel\u2019s innovative study tells us not only about storytelling but sheds light on the study of oral literatures throughout Africa and beyond. Its innovative format, meanwhile, explores new directions in the integration of primary source material into scholarly texts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cancel, Robert (Author); Turin, Mark (Foreword)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Zambian stories", "storytelling", "oral history", "oral literature", "African folklore studies", "African storytelling", "Bemba language"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/137"], ["title", "Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions"], ["doab_id", "15546"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254602"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254602"]], [["description", "Gegenstand der Arbeit ist der Umgang der Kriminaljustiz mit Straftaten von Frauen \u2013 ein weithin vernachl\u00e4ssigtes Thema im Bereich der empirischen Kriminologie. Ausgewertet werden s\u00e4mtliche Eintragungen im Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister zu Personen, die im Jahr 2004 mit einer relevante Bezugsentscheidung im Register erfasst waren. Dadurch konnten \u00fcber eine Millionen Straff\u00e4llige, darunter rund 200.000 Frauen, mit allen zu ihnen im Register gespeicherten strafrechtlichen Entscheidungen in die Untersuchung einbezogen werden. Diese konzentriert sich dabei im Wesentlichen auf zwei Themenkomplexe: Einmal wird die Strafzumessung bei weiblichen im Vergleich zu m\u00e4nnlichen Straff\u00e4lligen differenziert untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Frauen entgegen landl\u00e4ufiger Meinung keinen Strafzumessungsbonus genie\u00dfen. Zum anderen wird aufgezeigt, dass das Ma\u00df der R\u00fcckf\u00e4lligkeit straff\u00e4lliger Frauen sich je nach justizieller Reaktion unterscheidet und von Kriterien wie Art und Anzahl der Voreintragungen abh\u00e4ngt.

Gegenstand der Arbeit ist der Umgang der Kriminaljustiz mit Straftaten von Frauen \u2013 ein weithin vernachl\u00e4ssigtes Thema im Bereich der empirischen Kriminologie. Ausgewertet werden s\u00e4mtliche Eintragungen im Bundeszentral- und Erziehungsregister zu Personen, die im Jahr 2004 mit einer relevante Bezugsentscheidung im Register erfasst waren. Dadurch konnten \u00fcber eine Millionen Straff\u00e4llige, darunter rund 200.000 Frauen, mit allen zu ihnen im Register gespeicherten strafrechtlichen Entscheidungen in die Untersuchung einbezogen werden. Diese konzentriert sich dabei im Wesentlichen auf zwei Themenkomplexe: Einmal wird die Strafzumessung bei weiblichen im Vergleich zu m\u00e4nnlichen Straff\u00e4lligen differenziert untersucht. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Frauen entgegen landl\u00e4ufiger Meinung keinen Strafzumessungsbonus genie\u00dfen. Zum anderen wird aufgezeigt, dass das Ma\u00df der R\u00fcckf\u00e4lligkeit straff\u00e4lliger Frauen sich je nach justizieller Reaktion unterscheidet und von Kriterien wie Art und Anzahl der Voreintragungen abh\u00e4ngt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "K\u00f6hler, Tanja"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Female offenders", "Sentencing", "Recidivism", "Empirical criminology", "Female offenders", "Sentencing", "Recidivism", "Empirical criminology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610203"], ["title", "Straff\u00e4llige Frauen - eine Untersuchung der Strafzumessung und R\u00fcckf\u00e4lligkeit"], ["doab_id", "16538"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950491"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950491"]], [["description", "Criminal trials often attract great public interest. This interest, again, is essential to criminal justice as such, for in democratic states under the rule of law criminal law and its application need to be asserted and accepted within the public discourse. However, most people do not follow criminal trials as spectators in the courtroom, but by means of public media, such as newspapers, television and \u2013 increasingly \u2013 the internet. Thus, media outlets gain influence on the public opinion and are able to paint the picture of criminal trials according to their own perception. The media tends to overdraw criminal cases rather than to report the unbiased facts. This leads to tensions between possibly diverging interests of the public, of the judiciary and of the media. This volume addresses these tensions from the perspectives of academics and practitioners, who discussed this issue during an interdisciplinary conference held at the Institute for Criminal Law at the Georg-August-University G\u00f6ttingen.

Strafprozesse finden h\u00e4ufig das Interesse der \u00d6ffentlichkeit, und das Strafrecht ist auf dieses Interesse angewiesen, weil sich das Recht und seine praktische Handhabung in einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat im \u00f6ffentlichen Diskurs behaupten und Akzeptanz finden m\u00fcssen. Nur selten aber verfolgen die B\u00fcrger das Geschehen im Gerichtssaal unmittelbar als Zuschauer. In aller Regel informiert sich die \u00d6ffentlichkeit durch Medien wie Zeitungen, Fernsehen und zunehmend auch \u00fcber das Internet. Damit erlangen aber auch die Eigengesetzlichkeiten medialer Informationserlangung und Berichterstattung Einfluss auf das Strafverfahren und dessen Bild in der \u00d6ffentlichkeit. Dem daraus resultierenden Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis widmen sich die interdisziplin\u00e4ren Beitr\u00e4ge aus Theorie und Praxis, die im Rahmen eines vom Kriminalwissenschaftlichen Institut der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen veranstalteten Kolloquiums pr\u00e4sentiert wurden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Murmann, Uwe"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["criminal trials", "media influence", "public opinion", "criminal trials", "media influence", "public opinion"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610408"], ["title", "Strafrecht und Medien"], ["doab_id", "19212"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952631"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952631"]], [["description", "The thesis analyzes a treatment of dangerous criminals on society with viewpoint of comparative criminal law in Germany and South Korea. In particular, with a focus on \"preventive detention\" as a \"measure of improving and security\", at first, basic theory of the Measure of Improving and Security is referred for the analysis of Preventive Detention. At the end of the thesis possible alternatives to Preventive Detention are reviewed. As a result, duality of the criminal law and Measure of Improving and Security will have to be acceptable to the Criminal Code, but the focus of the criminal treatment of dangerous criminals should also be successful treatment and re-socialization, alternatives that do not deprive of freedom emphasized to hold a dominant position.

Die Dissertation wird von dem Anliegen getragen, den Umgang der Gesellschaft mit gef\u00e4hrlichen Straft\u00e4tern mit den Mitteln des Strafrechts (rechtsvergleichend f\u00fcr Deutschland und Korea) zu analysieren. Im Fokus steht hierbei insbesondere die Sicherungsverwahrung als Ma\u00dfregel der Besserung und Sicherung, wobei zu Beginn der Arbeit die Einbettung selbiger in das zweispurige System in den Blick genommen wird, am Ende der Schrift dann auch m\u00f6gliche Alternativen beleuchtet werden. Im Ergebnis wird die Zweispurigkeit des Strafrechts und die Aufnahme der Ma\u00dfregeln der Besserung und Sicherung in das koreanische Strafgesetzbuch bef\u00fcrwortet, aber zugleich betont, dass der Schwerpunkt der strafrechtlichen Behandlung von gef\u00e4hrlichen Straft\u00e4tern auf einer erfolgreichen Therapie und Resozialisierung liegen muss und dass insoweit nicht freiheitsentziehende Alternativen Vorrang besitzen sollten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Park, Sang-Min"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Comparative law", "Germany", "South Korea", "Comparative law", "Germany", "South Korea"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610395"], ["title", "Die strafrechtliche Behandlung gef\u00e4hrlicher Straft\u00e4ter - Ein deutsch-koreanischer Vergleich"], ["doab_id", "19199"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952204"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952204"]], [["description", "Traffic violations represent by far the most significant number of misconducts punished by law. This is due to the fact that the majority of the population actively participates in road traffic. Despite the importance of this topic, only a limited number of empirical studies have been conducted about traffic offenses. The present study intends to reduce this deficit in the field of traffic infringements by analyzing nationwide data about sentences and cases of repeated offenses, differentiating by seriousness of the misdemeanors and their general and traffic specific penalties. For the first time, a complete data set from the \"Bundeszentralregister\" (Federal Central Criminal Register) is evaluated. This traffic violation data set contains records of 250,000 people. As a result, this research incorporates nearly all people convicted in a specific year in Germany. Under due consideration of criminal records, these data are classified into distinct categories depending on the seriousness of the offense and the type of punishment. Furthermore, this study appraises the correlation between traffic specific reconviction rates and the success of related punishments.

Die Stra\u00dfenverkehrsdelinquenz ist mit weitem Abstand der quantitativ bedeutsamste Bereich staatlich geahndeten Fehlverhaltens. Selbst bei Au\u00dferachtlassung der Ordnungswidrigkeiten stellen Verkehrsdelikte einen Gro\u00dfteil der justiziell behandelten Kriminalit\u00e4t. Trotz der hohen Bedeutung der Stra\u00dfenverkehrskriminalit\u00e4t existieren nur wenige repr\u00e4sentative empirische Forschungen zu dieser Thematik. Die Arbeit will hier Abhilfe schaffen. Sie stellt bundesweite Daten zur Strafzumessung und R\u00fcckf\u00e4lligkeit vor, und zwar differenziert nach den wesentlichen Stra\u00dfenverkehrsdelikten sowie den allgemeinen und verkehrsspezifischen Sanktionen. Daf\u00fcr wertet sie erstmalig einen kompletten Datensatz aus dem Bundeszentralregister aus, der rund 250.000 Personen mit Stra\u00dfenverkehrsdelinquenz umfasst. Damit st\u00fctzt sich die Untersuchung auf die ann\u00e4hernd vollst\u00e4ndige Grundgesamtheit aller Personen, die in einem bestimmten Jahr in Deutschland gerichtlich verurteilt oder sonst in eintragungspflichtiger Form sanktioniert wurden. Dabei geht es zum einen um die Straftaten und die Sanktionierung von Verkehrsdelinquenten, insbesondere in Abh\u00e4ngigkeit von deren strafrechtlicher Vorbelastung. Zum anderen nutzt die Arbeit die spezifische Analyse der zu Grunde liegenden Legalbew\u00e4hrungsuntersuchung, um Aussagen zur Wiederverurteilung und damit zum Erfolg der Sanktionen, insbesondere der verkehrsspezifischen Reaktionen, einzusch\u00e4tzen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Reiff, Andreas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["traffic violation", "criminal sanctions", "recidivism", "traffic violation", "criminal sanctions", "recidivism"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610385"], ["title", "Stra\u00dfenverkehrsdelinquenz in Deutschland - Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Deliktformen, Sanktionierung und R\u00fcckf\u00e4lligkeit"], ["doab_id", "19189"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952037"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952037"]], [["description", "Gifts, from objects to hospitality and from poems to support, are a means of establishing and maintaining social ties. This study focuses on the nature of seventeenth- century Dutch social relations through the exchange of gifts by a wide range of individuals, from schoolmaster and artisan to poet and regent. Their gift-exchange behaviour is compared to contemporary gift exchange to show that both strategy and affection are necessary elements of social relations at any given time, and that what changes most is not the system but the discourse of exchange.

Geschenken, in de breedste zin van het woord van objecten tot gastvrijheid en van gedichten tot steun, zijn een middel om sociale relaties tot stand te brengen en te onderhouden. In dit boek wordt de aard van zeventiende-eeuwse sociale relaties onderzocht aan de hand van het geschenkgedrag van een aantal individuen, zoals schoolmeester Beck, ambachtsman Verbeeck, dichter Hooft en stadhouder Willem Frederik. Een vergelijking met twintigste-eeuws geschenkgedrag toont aan dat niet de praktijk van geschenkrelaties is veranderd, maar de manier waarop men erover hoort te praten. Dit verklaart het veelal strategische beeld dat men nu over zeventiende-eeuwse relaties heeft."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thoen ,Irma"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Culture and history", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Sociology", "Cultuur and geschiedenis", "Geschiedenis", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340149"], ["title", "Strategic Affection? : Gift Exchange in Seventeenth-Century Holland"], ["doab_id", "12848"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568118"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568118"]], [["description", "Strategic Nonviolent Power is a unique and important contribution to a field that is flourishing in the current global milieu. Mattaini demonstrates a sweeping knowledge of the field of resistance studies as well as systems theory. I don't know of another study that does what this one does apply a new theoretical framework to nonviolent resistance, synthesize existing material, and provide numerous illuminating examples from history in a single book."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark A. Mattaini"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["sociology", "peace studies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120224"], ["title", "Strategic Nonviolent Power: The Science of Satyagraha"], ["doab_id", "16227"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356418", "9781927356425", "9781927356432"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356418 9781927356425 9781927356432"]], [["description", "The Stanze della Moda project has set up an Observatory with the purpose of economic and management monitoring of the fabric of the Florentine companies through a marketing and research workshop. The analysis of several major international retailers demonstrates the emergence of a successful business model which, albeit in some respects idiosyncratic and difficult to transfer, represents an innovative stimulus for companies in the sector that want to redefine their competitiveness in the face of the altered market conditions. The focus on the Florentine companies delineates the ways in which the local manufacturers intercept the purchasing channels of major retail, creating a mediated form of sales on the international markets.

Il progetto Stanze della Moda ha istituito un Osservatorio con finalit\u00e0 di monitoraggio economicoe gestionale del tessuto di aziende fi orentine attraverso un laboratorio di marketing e di ricerca. L'analisi di alcuni grandi retailer internazionali dimostra l'emergere di un modello di business vincente che, anche se per alcuni aspetti idiosincratico e diffi cilmente trasferibile, rappresenta lo spunto innovativo per imprese del settore che vogliono ridefinire la propria competitivit\u00e0 di fronte alle mutate condizioni del mercato. Il focus sulle imprese fiorentine delinea le modalit\u00e0 attraverso le quali i produttori locali intercettano i canali di acquisto della grande distribuzione realizzando una forma mediata di vendita sui mercati internazionali."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ciappei, Cristiano; Sani, Azzurra"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Business & Management", "Florence", "Economia", "Imprese", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356381"], ["title", "Strategie di internazionalizzazione e grande distribuzione nel settore dell'abbigliamento"], ["doab_id", "13175"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534552", "9788884534569"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534550 8884534569"]], [["description", "Dieses Dokument ist das Grundsatzpapier des Projekts \"Strategien f\u00fcr die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich lebenslanges Lernen\", welches unter der Federf\u00fchrung der Universit\u00e4t Florenz, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften, Kultur und Bildung (Abkommen Nr. 2008-11294) mit Beteiligung der Regierung der autonomen Region Katalonien (Generalitat de Catalunya), der Regierung der autonomen Region Andalusien (Junta de Andaluc\u00eda), der Regionalregierung Toskana (Regione Toscana), der walisischen Landesregierung (Welsh Assembly Government), der Regierung der schwedischen Region J\u00e4mtland, der in England und Wales ans\u00e4ssigen Organisation f\u00fcr Erwachsenenbildung NIACE Dysgu Cymru, der Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl und des Unterauftragnehmers Melius Srl realisiert wurde (www.mutual-learning.eu). Das Papier wurde am 16. Februar 2010 in Br\u00fcssel von der Generalversammlung der Europ\u00e4ischen Vereinigung der regionalen und lokalen Beh\u00f6rden f\u00fcr lebenslanges Lernen EARLALL gebilligt. Das Europ\u00e4ische Zentrum f\u00fcr die F\u00f6rderung der Berufsausbildung CEDEFOP hat mit den aktiven Ratschl\u00e4gen und Vorschl\u00e4gen von Steven Bainbridge zur Qualit\u00e4t der Arbeit beigetragen.

Dieses Dokument ist das Grundsatzpapier des Projekts \"Strategien f\u00fcr die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich lebenslanges Lernen\", welches unter der Federf\u00fchrung der Universit\u00e4t Florenz, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften, Kultur und Bildung (Abkommen Nr. 2008-11294) mit Beteiligung der Regierung der autonomen Region Katalonien (Generalitat de Catalunya), der Regierung der autonomen Region Andalusien (Junta de Andaluc\u00eda), der Regionalregierung Toskana (Regione Toscana), der walisischen Landesregierung (Welsh Assembly Government), der Regierung der schwedischen Region J\u00e4mtland, der in England und Wales ans\u00e4ssigen Organisation f\u00fcr Erwachsenenbildung NIACE Dysgu Cymru, der Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo Srl und des Unterauftragnehmers Melius Srl realisiert wurde (www.mutual-learning.eu). Das Papier wurde am 16. Februar 2010 in Br\u00fcssel von der Generalversammlung der Europ\u00e4ischen Vereinigung der regionalen und lokalen Beh\u00f6rden f\u00fcr lebenslanges Lernen EARLALL gebilligt. Das Europ\u00e4ische Zentrum f\u00fcr die F\u00f6rderung der Berufsausbildung CEDEFOP hat mit den aktiven Ratschl\u00e4gen und Vorschl\u00e4gen von Steven Bainbridge zur Qualit\u00e4t der Arbeit beigetragen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Federighi, Paolo; Torlone, Francesca"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Precoll project", "Cedefop", "Formation", "Precoll", "Cedefop", "Formazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345119"], ["title", "Strategien f\u00fcr die regionale Zusammenarbeit im Bereich des lebenslangen Lernens"], ["doab_id", "13003"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9788884536563"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884536563"]], [["description", "This volume comprises papers prepared for the 8th World Conference on Continuing Professional Development (Bologna, Italy, 18-20 August 2009). Within the broad theme of creating a positive work environment for a multi-generational workforce in library and information organizations, the conference addresses managing between and across generations, mentoring and coaching, attracting people to the profession and developing a new generation of leaders, re-skilling and transferability of skills, succession planning and passing on knowledge.; Jana Varlejs, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, USA; Liz Lewis, BBC, London, UK; Graham Walton, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Varlejs, Jana; Walton, Graham"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Libraries", "Bibliothekswesen"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/search?f_0=isbnissn&q_0=9783598441776&searchTitles=true"], ["title", "Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession"], ["doab_id", "15132"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783598441776"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783598441776"]], [["description", "This is a book about Strindberg and about the nature of autobiographical writing. In this sensitive and discerning study, Michael Robinson has turned aside from the more traditional biographical approach to Strindberg. Instead he sets out to explore the highly idiosyncratic way in which Strindberg projected himself in language, looking at the problems which this brought in its trail, and laying bare the subterfuges it engendered. He has not limited himself to those works explicitly designated by Strindberg as autobiographical, but ranges widely over the dramas, the narratives and other prose works. (DOI: 10.5334/bab)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robinson ,Michael"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["August Strindberg", "Biography"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533910"], ["title", "Strindberg and Autobiography"], ["doab_id", "15390"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188013"]], [["description", "Generally considered one of milestones in the development of modern drama, August Strindberg's chamber play The Ghost Sonata (1907) has variously been hailed as the first expressionist, surrealist and absurdist drama. rIn this monograph of the play as text and as performance - the first of its kind - Egil T\u00f6rnqvist examines, in four chapters, the source text, various translations of it into English, the stage versions of Max Reinhardt, Olof Molander and Ingmar Bergman, and select radio and TV adaptations. In two framing chapters the background and impact of the play are illuminated. Focusing on Bergman's 1973 production, the book in addition contains a rehearsal diary and a transcription of this production. It is concluded with an annotated list of select productions.

Generally considered one of milestones in the development of modern drama, August Strindberg's chamber play The Ghost Sonata (1907) has variously been hailed as the first expressionist, surrealist and absurdist drama. rIn this monograph of the play as text and as performance - the first of its kind - Egil T\u00f6rnqvist examines, in four chapters, the source text, various translations of it into English, the stage versions of Max Reinhardt, Olof Molander and Ingmar Bergman, and select radio and TV adaptations. In two framing chapters the background and impact of the play are illuminated. Focusing on Bergman's 1973 production, the book in addition contains a rehearsal diary and a transcription of this production. It is concluded with an annotated list of select productions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "T\u00f6rnqvist ,Egil"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Stage presentations", "Film", "Theater"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340271"], ["title", "Strindberg's Ghost Sonata"], ["doab_id", "12951"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564356"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564356"]], [["description", "At the heart of Stripping, Sex, and Popular Culture lies a very personal story, of author Catherine Roach's response to the decision of her life-long best friend to become an exotic dancer. Catherine and Marie grew up together in Canada and moved to the USA to enroll in PhD programs at prestigious universities. For various reasons, Marie left her program and instead chose to work as a stripper. The author, at first troubled and yet fascinated by her friend's decision, follows Marie's journey into the world of stripping as an observer and analyst. She finds that this world raises complex questions about gender, sexuality, fantasy, feminism, and even spirituality. Moving from first hand interviews with dancers and others, the book broadens into a provocative and accessible examination of the current popularity of \"striptease culture,\" with sex-saturated media imagery, thongs gone mainstream, and stripper aerobics at your local gym. Stripping, Sex, and Popular Culture scrutinizes the naked truth of a lucrative industry whose norms are increasingly at the center of contemporary society.Moving from first hand interviews with dancers and others, this book

broadens into an accessible examination of the popularity of \"striptease

culture,\" with sex-saturated media imagery, and stripper aerobics at

your local gym. It aims to scrutinize the truth of a industry whose

norms are increasingly at the center of contemporary society.Catherine M. Roach is Associate Professor of New College, and Affiliated Faculty in Religious Studies and Women's Studies, at The University of Alabama, USA. She received her PhD from Harvard University in 1998 and is also the author of Mother / Nature: Popular Culture and Environmental Ethics (Indiana University Press, 2003)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roach ,Catherine M."], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Cultural Studies", "Sociology", "Culturele studies", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Berg Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=390772"], ["title", "Stripping, Sex, and Popular Culture"], ["doab_id", "12558"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781847883476"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781847883476"]], [["description", "Interest in understanding the biological role of carbohydrates has increased significantly over the last 20 years. The use of structural techniques to understand carbohydrate-protein recognition is still a relatively young area, but one that is of emerging importance. The high flexibility of carbohydrates significantly complicates the determination of high quality structures of their complexes with proteins. Specialized techniques are often required to understand the complexity of carbohydrate recognition by proteins. In this Research Topic, we will focus on structural and computational approaches to understanding carbohydrate recognition by proteins involved in immunity and infection. Particular areas of focus include cancer immunotherapeutics, carbohydrate-lectin interactions, glycosylation and glycosyltransferases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elizabeth Yuriev; Mark Agostino"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["glycobiology", "structural biology", "infection", "cancer immunotherapy", "molecular modeling", "molecular recognition", "lectins", "signaling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1732/structural-and-computational-glycobiology-immunity-and-infection"], ["title", "Structural and computational glycobiology: immunity and infection"], ["doab_id", "17546"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196388"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196388"]], [["description", "The hippocampus mediates several higher brain functions, such as learning, memory, and spatial coding. The input region of the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus, plays a critical role in these processes. Several lines of evidence suggest that the dentate gyrus acts as a preprocessor of incoming information, preparing it for subsequent processing in CA3. For example, the dentate gyrus converts input from the entorhinal cortex, where cells have multiple spatial fields, into the spatially more specific place cell activity characteristic of the CA3 region. Furthermore, the dentate gyrus is involved in pattern separation, transforming relatively similar input patterns into substantially different output patterns. Finally, the dentate gyrus produces a very sparse coding scheme in which only a very small fraction of neurons are active at any one time. How are these unique functions implemented at the level of cells and synapses? Dentate gyrus granule cells receive excitatory neuron input from the entorhinal cortex and send excitatory output to the hippocampal CA3 region via the mossy fibers. Furthermore, several types of GABAergic interneurons are present in this region, providing inhibitory control over granule cell activity via feedback and feedforward inhibition. Additionally, hilar mossy cells mediate an excitatory loop, receiving powerful input from a small number of granule cells and providing highly distributed excitatory output to a large number of granule cells. Finally, the dentate gyrus is one of the few brain regions exhibiting adult neurogenesis. Thus, new neurons are generated and functionally integrated throughout life. How these specific cellular and synaptic properties contribute to higher brain functions remains unclear. One way to understand these properties of the dentate gyrus is to try to integrate experimental data into models, following the famous Hopfield quote: \"Build it, and you understand it.\" However, when trying this, one faces two major challenges. First, hard quantitative data about cellular properties, structural connectivity, and functional properties of synapses are lacking. Second, the number of individual neurons and synapses to be represented in the model is huge. For example, the dentate gyrus contains ~1 million granule cells in rodents, and ~10 million in humans. Thus, full scale models will be complex and computationally demanding. In this Frontiers Research Topic, we collect important information about cells, synapses, and microcircuit elements of the dentate gyrus. We have put together a combination of original research articles, review articles, and a methods article. We hope that the collected information will be useful for both experimentalists and modelers. We also hope that the papers will be interesting beyond the small world of \"dentology\", i.e., for scientists working on other brain areas. Ideally, the dentate gyrus may serve as a blueprint, helping neuroscientists to define strategies to analyze network organization of other brain regions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Peter Jonas; John Lisman"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Hippocampus", "Dentate Gyrus", "granule cells", "mossy cells", "mossy fibers", "mossy fiber synapses", "adult neurogenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/737/structure-function-and-plasticity-of-hippocampal-dentate-gyrus-microcircuits"], ["title", "Structure, function, and plasticity of hippocampal dentate gyrus microcircuits"], ["doab_id", "17757"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193875"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193875"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bolland ,B."], ["date", "1971"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613385"], ["title", "The Struggle of Islam in Modern Indonesia"], ["doab_id", "18541"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024707812", "9789004286894"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024707812 9789004286894"]], [["description", "Following independence from Ethiopia, Eritrea\u2019s leaders were praised for their success at building a coherent nation, but over the last two decades the government has increasingly turned to coercion particularly by forcing citizens into endless military service. The Struggling State: Teachers, Mass Militarization and the Reeducation of Eritrea is an ethnographic exploration of how citizens\u2019 redefined their relationship with the nation in response to the state\u2019s increased authoritarianism and use of force. Extremes of coercion and control led Eritreans\u2019 to imagine the once-heroic ruling party as turning against them, which, in turn unraveled the legitimacy of state-produced imaginaries of the nation. The book focuses on teachers, who were situated to do the work of hyphenating, or gluing, nation to state but instead had to navigate between their devotion to educating the nation and their discontent with their role in the government program of mass militarization. As teachers confronted their own conflicted imaginaries of the state and questioned what it meant to be Eritrean, they reeducated the nation, but not necessarily in the way the government wanted them to.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riggan ,Jennifer"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Civil-military relations", "Eritrea", "Education and state", "Militarism", "Nationalism", "Politics and government", "Anthropology", "Teacher", "African Studies"]], ["publisher", "Temple University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605457"], ["title", "The Struggling State"], ["doab_id", "18773"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781439912720"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781439912720"]], [["description", "The second volume of the African Higher Education Dynamics Series brings together the research of an international network of higher education scholars with interest in higher education and student politics in Africa. Most authors are early career academics who teach and conduct research in universities across the continent, and who came together for a research project and related workshops and a symposium on student representation in African higher education governance. The book includes theoretical chapters on student organising, student activism and representation; chapters on historical and current developments in student politics in Anglophone and Francophone Africa; and in-depth case studies on student representation and activism in a cross-section of universities and countries. The book provides a unique resource for academics, university leaders and student affairs professionals as well as student leaders and policy-makers in Africa and elsewhere."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Thierry M Luescher; Manja Klemen\u010di\u010d; James Otieno Jowi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["higher education, Africa, student governance, governance"]], ["publisher", "African Minds"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.africanminds.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/9781928331223_txt.pdf"], ["title", "Student Politics in Africa: Representation and Activism"], ["doab_id", "18997"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781928331223"]], ["provider", "www.africanminds.co.za"], ["isbns_raw", "9781928331223"]], [["description", "This book is a collection of articles by Italian and foreign scholars designed to offer an overview of the processes and issues involved in the history of the confraternity movement, as yielded by studies in the historical, social, legal, literary and artistic spheres in the course of the twentieth century. The articles deal with the historical context of western Europe, and more specifically with Italy, in the period comprised between the Middle Ages and the early Modern Age. The collection is divided into four sections: Individuals and groups, which explores the emergence of an interest in confraternity communities in disciplines addressing the history of social groups, of the rural world, of women and of young people. The legal and institutional framework deals with issues of legitimacy and institutional structure. The economics of charity analyses the relations between the confraternities and the hospital structures, the procedures for the administration of the assets, and the strategies of governance underlying the policies of aid of which the confraternities were the principal instrument. Finally, the section Theatrical, musical, artistic and documentary evidence is devoted to the sources that have handed down evidence of the operation of the confraternities.

Il volume raccoglie interventi di studiosi italiani e stranieri miranti a offrire una panoramica di percorsi storiografici e di problematiche relativi alla storia del movimento confraternale, cos\u00ec come sono emersi nell'ambito di discipline storiche, sociali, giuridiche, letterarie e artistiche sviluppatesi nel corso del Novecento. I contributi si riferiscono al contesto storico dell'Europa occidentale, con pi\u00f9 specifico riguardo per l'Italia, nel periodo compreso fra medioevo e prima et\u00e0 moderna. La raccolta si articola in quattro sezioni: Individui e gruppi, che sonda l'emergere di un interesse verso le comunit\u00e0 confraternali all'interno di ambiti di studio come la storia dei gruppi sociali, del mondo rurale, delle donne, dei giovani; L'inquadramento giuridico e istituzionale, che affronta problemi di legittimit\u00e0 e di assetto istituzionale; L'economia della carit\u00e0, che analizza il rapporto delle confraternite con gli enti ospedalieri, le modalit\u00e0 amministrative dei patrimoni confraternali, le culture di governo che sottostanno a politiche assistenziali di cui le confraternite sono tramite principale; Testimonianze teatrali, musicali, artistiche, documentarie dedicata alle fonti che le confraternite hanno saputo trasmettere."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gazzini, Marina"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Sociology", "Medieval history", "Sociologia", "Storia medievale"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=347513"], ["title", "Studi confraternali: orientamenti, problemi, testimonianze"], ["doab_id", "13050"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539380"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539380"]], [["description", "intercultural pedagogy--- multiculturalism--- university--- study--- students--- Italy

Dopo anni di dibattito sulla presenza degli studenti di cittadinanza non italiana nel sistema scolastico, i tempi sono maturi per aprire le prospettive di studio e di intervento della pedagogia interculturale anche al mondo accademico. Avanguardia dello stesso multiculturalismo, con una presenza straniera che da sempre l\u2019ha strutturalmente segnata, seppur esigua al confronto con altri Paesi, l\u2019universit\u00e0 si trova oggi a rispondere a nuove sfide, che partono da una ridefinizione, quantitativa e qualitativa, della popolazione studentesca di cittadinanza non italiana: accanto alla figura pi\u00f9 classica dello studente internazionale, che sceglie l\u2019Italia come meta dei suoi studi e che vi arriva ponendo questo come suo obiettivo prioritario, si afferma oggi la presenza di quegli studenti, figli delle migrazioni, che si affacciano al mondo accademico dopo un\u2019esperienza di scolarizzazione e di inserimento sociale non sempre semplice e lineare. Il volume, oltre a inquadrare gli scenari generali riferiti alla societ\u00e0 e alla citt\u00e0 multiculturale, all\u2019internazionalizzazione degli studi, documenta un lavoro di ricerca pedagogica, con aperture anche alle scienze sociali e geografiche, svolto nell\u2019Universit\u00e0 dell\u2019Aquila. L\u2019indagine sul campo ha mirato a ricostruire i background, i percorsi accademici, i bisogni formativi, i problemi dell\u2019inserimento sociale degli studenti internazionali e degli studenti stranieri scolarizzati in Italia, prestando particolare attenzione anche ai temi della socialit\u00e0, della reciprocit\u00e0, del pregiudizio e dell\u2019inclusione anche in riferimento agli studenti italiani. La ricerca, ma anche l\u2019azione: L\u2019Aquila, una citt\u00e0 universitaria ancora segnata dal sisma del 2009 e dall\u2019alterazione dei rapporti sociali. Nel volume si riportano la descrizione e i principali risultati del progetto \u201cUnidiversit\u00e0\u201d (FEI, annualit\u00e0 2013, Azione 7, PROG-1059381), all\u2019interno del quale si \u00e8 puntato alla formazione di una nuova figura professionale, il tutore della convivenza, e alla sua implementazione in ambito accademico e urbano. Il libro si rivolge agli studiosi, agli amministratori, al mondo del volontariato e, naturalmente, agli studenti, per offrire un contributo tanto nell\u2019ottica della conoscenza di una realt\u00e0 ancora poco studiata, quanto come riferimento per la costruzione di buone prassi."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vaccarelli ,Alessandro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["intercultural pedagogy", "multiculturalism", "university", "study", "students", "Italy", "Pedagogia interculturale", "multiculturalismo", "Universit\u00e0", "studio", "studenti", "L'Aquila", "Italia"]], ["publisher", "FrancoAngeli"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604155"], ["title", "Studiare in Italia. Intercultura e inclusione all'Universit\u00e0"], ["doab_id", "18620"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788891724526"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788891724526"]], [["description", "This volume includes 24 studies on comparative culture analysis in the Southeastern-European and Mediterrean area, as practizised in the \"Ethnologia europaea\" of Leopold Kretzenbacher, giving an idea of the plurality of possible topics and issues of folk culture in history and presence of this oldest part of Europe, which has not yet been really explored by interested readers. In t erms of subjects and methods these studies are partly located beyond the traditional thematical set of folklore studies: theoretical and terminological problems are discussed, cultural history since the late antiquity is involved, theological issues come together with research facts on customs and rites, masques and disguisings, issues of gender studies and sociology af ages are brought together with methodological critics on comparativism of the Victorian school of ethnography, the competitions of tournament are analyzed in historical and functional context as symbols of power and superiority of Venice in the Eastern Mediterrean, folk plays are examined as prefigurating structures of elaborated forms of folk theatre as well as the influences of Byzantine ecclesiastic painting and iconography on orthodox folk culture; other chapters focus on ethnosteretyps, on forms and functions of blood brotherhood (adoptio in fratrem) since late antiquity, the ways of reception of popular reading material throughout the Balkan peninsula since the 16th century are presented. Other studies are dedicated to the formation of religious traditions in West and East, between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, to fairy tales between orality and literacy, but also topics like the public display of personal feelings, forms of gestures, figures of demonology, narratives of oral autobiography, etymological and semantic questions are examined and research projects on oral folk literature are presented. One chapter is also dedicated to the ideological use of folklore studies in the nineteenth century. Chapters 15-24 focus more sepcifically on Greece without lacking wider comparative views.The Introduction and the Conclusion, the selected bibliography at the end of the volume and the indices integrate these chapters in a unique perspective. The specific indices allow also a selective use of the volume.

Der vorliegende Band stellt 24 Studien zur balkan-mediterranen Kulturkomparatistik im Zeichen einer Vergleichenden Volkskunde zusammen, wie sie vom Altmeister der \"Ethnologia europaea\", Leopold Kretzenbacher, betrieben wurde, und vermittelt einen lebhaften Eindruck \u00fcber die m\u00f6gliche Reichweite von Themen und Fragekomplexen, die sich in Geschichte und Gegen wart der Volkskultur des \u00e4ltesten europ\u00e4ischen Kulturraums Europas stellen, den es f\u00fcr eine interessierte Leserschaft vielfach noch zu entdecken gilt. Unter methodischen Gesichtspunkten reicht die Vielfalt der Studien \u00fcber den traditionellen thematischen Kanon der Vergleichenden Volkskunde hinaus: neben theoretischen und terminologischen Fragen wird in die Kulturgeschichte bis zur Sp\u00e4tantike ausgeholt, theologische Fragestellungen kommen neben Masken- und Brauchforschung zu stehen, alterssoziologische und gender-zentrierte Problematiken treffen auf die Methodenkritik der Viktorianischen Schule der Ethnographie, Sportgeschichte und ihre symbolisch-machtpolitische Funktionen kommen zur Sprache, das Volksschauspiel als genetische Struktur eine m\u00f6glichen Theaterentwicklung ist thematisiert, die byzantinische Ikonographie wird in Einzelbeispielen auf ihre Auswirkung auf die balkanische Volkskultur analysiert, Untersuchungen zu Ethnostereotypen finden sich neben Formen und Funktio nen der Wahlbruderschaft in ihrer langen Geschichte, die Rezeptionachsen popularer Lesestoffe werden gro\u00dfr\u00e4umig nachgezeichnet; dazu treten Studien zur mittelalterlichen Legendenbildung in West und Ost, religi\u00f6se Verserz\u00e4hlungen zwischen Orthodoxie und Katholizismus, M\u00e4rchentypen zwischen M\u00fcndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit, Fragen der \u00f6ffentlichen Inszenierung pers\u00f6nlicher Gef\u00fchle, D\u00e4monologie und Schimpfgeb\u00e4rden, Formen der oralen Autobiographie, etymologische und semantische Fragen, die Vorstellung einzelner Gro\u00dfforschungsprojekte wie auch die ideologische Funktion der Besch\u00e4ftigung mit der Volkskultur im 19. Jahrhundert. Die Mehrzahl dieser Studien ist komparativ angelegt, die Kapitel 15-24 beziehen sich spezifischer auf die griechische Tradition bzw. Griechenland, ohne da\u00df aber die vergleichenden Perspektiven g\u00e4nzlich fehlen w\u00fcrden.Ein Einleitungskapitel, das Schlu\u00dfwort, die den Gesamtband betreffende Auswahlbibliographie und die umfassenden Register integrieren die Einzelkapitel in eine \u00fcbergreifende einheitliche Perspektive, die Indices erlauben dahingegen auch einen handbuchartigen Gebrauch."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puchner ,Walter"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["comparative culture analysis in the Southeastern-European and Mediterrean area"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437177"], ["title", "Studien zur Volkskunde S\u00fcdosteuropas und des mediterranen Raums"], ["doab_id", "15302"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783695"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783695"]], [["description", "\u00d6vdalian is spoken in central Sweden by about 2000 speakers. Traditionally categorized as a dialect of Swedish, it has not received much international attention. However, \u00d6vdalian is typologically closer to Faroese or Icelandic than it is to Swedish, and since it has been spoken in relative isolation for about 1000 years, a number of interesting linguistic archaisms have been preserved and innovations have developed. This volume provides seven papers about \u00d6vdalian morphology and syntax. The papers, all based on extensive fieldwork, cover topics such as verb movement, subject doubling, wh-words and case in \u00d6vdalian. Constituting the first comprehensive linguistic description of \u00d6vdalian in English, this volume is of interest for linguists in the fields of Scandinavian and Germanic linguistics, and also historical linguists will be thrilled by some of the presented data. The data and the analyses presented here furthermore challenge our view of the morphosyntax of the Scandinavian languages in some cases \u2013 as could be expected when a new language enters the linguistic arena."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kristine Bentzen; Henrik Rosenkvist; Janne Bondi Johannessen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["\u00d6vdalian language, Sweden, historical linguistics, theoretical linguistics, syntax"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/la.221"], ["title", "Studies in \u00d6vdalian Morphology and Syntax: New research on a lesser-known Scandinavian language "], ["doab_id", "16829"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027269133"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027269133"]], [["description", "In this volume Strindberg's accomplishments as a dramatist are set against his achievements in other fields, as an autobiographer, painter, letter writer and theatre director.There are studies of individual plays, in which Strindberg's theatre is related both to naturalism and the theatre of the absurd, and of the role played by his life-long interest in historical drama. Other essays range from studies of the problems posed by Strindberg's preoccupation with converting his own life into literature to a consideration of the importance he placed on letterwriting as a model for writing of all kinds. His letters are also used to explore his ideas about the theatre. A recurring concern is with the period of turmoil known as the Inferno Crisis, in which Strindberg refashioned himself as a writer. Robinson examines the importance of Strindberg's painting for his renewal as a writer and situates the achievement of his later works in relation to Symbolism and to Musical Expressionism.(DOI: 10.5334/bac)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robinson ,Michael"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["August Strindberg", "Inferno", "Drama", "Theatre"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533911"], ["title", "Studies in Strindberg"], ["doab_id", "15412"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188020"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188020"]], [["description", "These are the papers from the 2012 Cambridge Tax Law History Conference revised and reviewed for publication. The papers include new studies of: income tax law rewrite projects 1914\u20131956; law and administration in capital allowances 1878\u2013 1950; the 'full amount' in income tax legislation; Sir Josiah Stamp and double income tax; early German income tax treaties and laws concerned with double tax avoidance (1869\u20131908); the policy of the medicine stamp duty; 'Danegeld' \u2013 from Danish tribute to English land tax; religion and charity, a historical perspective; 'Plaintive Glitterati'; a collision of accounting and law, dividends from pre-1914 profits in Australia; the history and development of the taxation profession in the UK and Australia; an inquiry into Dutch to British Colonial Malacca 1824\u20131839; the taxation history of China; taxing bachelors in America: 1895\u20131939; Dutch Tax reform under Napoleon; and the last decade of estate duty."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tiley ,John"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["tax law", "income tax law", "history of law"]], ["publisher", "Hart Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://oapen.org/search?identifier=535490;keyword=Studies%20in%20the%20History%20of%20Tax%20Law,%20Volume%206"], ["title", "Studies in the History of Tax Law, Volume 6"], ["doab_id", "16939"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849464802", "9781782253204", "9781782253198", "9781782253198"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849464802 9781782253204 9781782253198 9781782253198"]], [["description", "Religious scholarship can be offensive to believers, as conflicts from the time of Galileo and Spinoza to the recent critique of Danish religious scholars in the wake of the infamous Muhammad cartoons have shown. Studies of this type of scholarship have been appropriated by believers as a means of reinventing their own identities - as the training of twentieth-century Muslim clergy demonstrates. This volume offers a unique collection of training materials from European Muslim clergy since the 1940s - including Third Reich reports on debriefing imams, surveillance files on Muslim activists, and information on Bosnian clergy and their training centres - as well as an exploration of religion and academic freedom in general, accompanied by appendices in both Arabic and English.

Spanningen tussen academische en religieuze vrijheid kunnen grote maatschappelijke gevolgen hebben. Te denken valt aan de onlusten ten gevolge van de Deense cartoons, de gevolgen van '11 september' voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek, en de juridische strijd over evolutie en 'Intelligent Design'. Er zijn in onze tijd echter ook positieve ontwikkelingen. Belangrijk is dat in Europa, op verschillende manieren, gewerkt wordt aan opleidingen voor islamitische geestelijke leiders. Dit zijn opleidingen die niet ge\u00efsoleerd zijn maar verbonden met de universitaire wereld. Dit boek biedt een eerste studie van de wetenschappelijke training van islamitische geestelijken in Europa in samenhang met de bestudering van religie en academische vrijheid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Drees ,Willem; Koningsveld ,Pieter Sjoerd"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Muslim Clergy", "Training", "Imam", "Islam", "Religie", "Imam", "Islam"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=354667"], ["title", "The Study of Religion and the Training of Muslim Clergy in Europe : Academic and Religious Freedom in the 21st Century"], ["doab_id", "12982"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280253"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280253"]], [["description", "Whilst significant advances have been made in whole organismal proteomics approaches, many researchers still rely on combinations of tissue selection and subcellular prefractionation methods to reduce the complexity of protein extracts from plants prior to proteomic analysis. Often this will allow identification of many lower abundance proteins of the target proteome and it may involve the selection of specific organs, cell types or the isolation of specific subcellular components. These subcellular proteomes provide insight into functions following various treatments and also contribute to the wider understanding of the entire organismal proteome by cataloguing a series of sub-proteome contents. The aim of this Research Topic is to bring together knowledge of sub cellular components in different plant species to provide a basis for accelerated research. It aims to provide a mini-review for each proposed section that summarizes the current understanding of a particular proteome, with the anticipation that every 5 - 10 years we can update these definitive publications."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nicolas L Taylor; Harvey Millar"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["sub-cellular proteomics", "Mass Spectrometry", "Organelles", "model plants", "crop plants"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/694/sub-cellular-proteomics"], ["title", "Sub-cellular Proteomics"], ["doab_id", "18565"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193028"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193028"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Llamzon ,T.A."], ["date", "1969"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613401"], ["title", "A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages"], ["doab_id", "18423"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004286214", "9789004286887"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286214 9789004286887"]], [["description", "Activities performed in organizations are coordinated via communication between the people involved. The sentences used to communicate are naturally structured by subject, verb, and object. The subject describes the actor, the verb the action and the object what is affected by the action. Subject-oriented Business Process Management (S-BPM) as presented in this book is based on this simple structure which enables process-oriented thinking and process modeling. S-BPM puts the subject of a process at the center of attention and thus deals with business processes and their organizational environment from a new perspective, meeting organizational requirements in a much better way than traditional approaches. Subjects represent agents of an action in a process, which can be either technical or human (e.g. a thread in an IT system or a clerk). A process structures the actions of each subject and coordinates the required communication among the subjects. S-BPM provides a coherent procedural framework to model and analyze business processes: its focus is the cooperation of all stakeholders involved in the strategic, tactical, and operational issues, sharing their knowledge in a networked structure. The authors illustrate how each modeling activity through the whole development lifecycle can be supported through the use of appropriate software tools. The presentation style focuses on professionals in industry, and on students specializing in process management or organizational modeling. Each chapter begins with a summary of key findings and is full of examples, hints, and possible pitfalls. An interpreter model, a toolbox, and a glossary summarizing the main terms complete the book. The web site www.i2pm.net provides additional software tools and further material."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Albert Fleischmann; Werner Schmidt; Christian Stary; Stefan Obermeier; Egon B\u00f6rger"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Information Systems Applications (incl.Internet)", "Business Information Systems", "Computer Appl. in Administrative Data Processing", "Management of Computing and Information Systems"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-32391-1"], ["title", "Subject-Oriented Business Process Management"], ["doab_id", "15473"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642323911", "9783642323928"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642323911 (Print) 9783642323928 (Online)"]], [["description", "Subjectivity is a central concept in film theory, philosophy and cultural studies. It was also a key term in the reception of the Nouvelle Vague film movement in France and Italy from the start of 1945. This timely volume explores the ways in which the concept of subjectivity has made its way into film theory, history, practice and criticism, as well as the confrontations of the subject with this rapidly changing medium.
Contributors to this timely study include Francesco Casetti, Gregory Currie, Marina Grzinic, Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki, Jacinto Lageira, Jos\u00e9 Moure, Pere Salabert, C\u00e9line Scemama, Karl Sierek, Vivian Sobchack, and Pierre Taminiaux. Their illuminating essays are a testimony to their profound involvement in the subjectivity debate, enriching our perception of film history and our understanding of the medium."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chateau ,Dominique"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Subjectivity", "Nouvelle Vague"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605864"], ["title", "Subjectivity. Filmic Representation and the Spectator's Experience"], ["doab_id", "18926"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643179"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643179"]], [["description", "Markenrechtsverletzungen beeintr\u00e4chtigen die mit Markenrechten einhergehenden sozio\u00f6konomischen Vorteile f\u00fcr Produzenten, H\u00e4ndler, Verbraucher und die Allgemeinheit. Die vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich mit Fragen der subjektiven Tatseite im Markenstrafrecht auseinander. Dazu entwickelt der Verfasser zun\u00e4chst ein grundlegendes allgemeines System der strafrechtlichen subjektiven Zurechnung. Dieses wird sodann zur L\u00f6sung der Probleme der subjektiven Tatseite bei Markenstraftaten ausgearbeitet. Dabei werden die Einfl\u00fcsse nicht nur der spezifischen markenstrafrechtlichen Besonderheiten eingehend durchleuchtet, sondern auch diejenigen der rechtstats\u00e4chlichen Aspekte des Markenstrafrechts wie etwa dessen Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zur organisierten internationalen Wirtschaftskriminalit\u00e4t und die im Markenstrafrecht begegnenden T\u00e4tergruppen. Schlie\u00dflich er\u00f6rtert der Verfasser die relevanten Gesichtspunkte einer Inkriminierung von fahrl\u00e4ssigen Markenrechtsverletzungen de lege ferenda.

Markenrechtsverletzungen beeintr\u00e4chtigen die mit Markenrechten einhergehenden sozio\u00f6konomischen Vorteile f\u00fcr Produzenten, H\u00e4ndler, Verbraucher und die Allgemeinheit. Die vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich mit Fragen der subjektiven Tatseite im Markenstrafrecht auseinander. Dazu entwickelt der Verfasser zun\u00e4chst ein grundlegendes allgemeines System der strafrechtlichen subjektiven Zurechnung. Dieses wird sodann zur L\u00f6sung der Probleme der subjektiven Tatseite bei Markenstraftaten ausgearbeitet. Dabei werden die Einfl\u00fcsse nicht nur der spezifischen markenstrafrechtlichen Besonderheiten eingehend durchleuchtet, sondern auch diejenigen der rechtstats\u00e4chlichen Aspekte des Markenstrafrechts wie etwa dessen Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit zur organisierten internationalen Wirtschaftskriminalit\u00e4t und die im Markenstrafrecht begegnenden T\u00e4tergruppen. Schlie\u00dflich er\u00f6rtert der Verfasser die relevanten Gesichtspunkte einer Inkriminierung von fahrl\u00e4ssigen Markenrechtsverletzungen de lege ferenda."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Feiler, Harald"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Law", "Criminal Law", "Criminal Justice", "Law", "Criminal Law", "Criminal Justice"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610194"], ["title", "Subjektive Zurechnung im Markenstrafrecht"], ["doab_id", "13409"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950095"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950095"]], [["description", "This book is the comprehensive volume of the TAIGA (\u201ca great river \u201d in Japanese) project. Supported by the Japanese government, the project examined the hypothesis that the subseafloor fluid advection system (subseafloor TAIGA) can be categorized into four types, TAIGAs of sulfur, hydrogen, carbon (methane), and iron, according to the most dominant reducing substance, and the chemolithoautotrophic bacteria/archaea that are inextricably associated with respective types of TAIGAs which are strongly affected by their geological background such as surrounding host rocks and tectonic settings. Sub-seafloor ecosystems are sustained by hydrothermal circulation or TAIGA that carry chemical energy to the chemosynthetic microbes living in an extreme environment. The results of the project have been summarized comprehensively in 50 chapters, and this book provides an overall introduction and relevant topics on the mid-ocean ridge system of the Indian Ocean and on the arc-backarc systems of the Southern Mariana Trough and Okinawa Trough."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jun-ichiro Ishibashi; Kyoko Okino; Michinari Sunamura"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["oceanography", " biogeosciences", " geochemistry"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-4-431-54865-2"], ["title", "Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept"], ["doab_id", "17376"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431548645", "9784431548652"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431548645 (Print) 9784431548652 (Online)"]], [["description", "Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem bislang sehr wenig untersuchten System von Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln in strafprozessualen Eingriffserm\u00e4chtigungen. Sie schildert die sukzessive Entstehung des Systems, nimmt eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme vor und geht dem Verh\u00e4ltnis der Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln zum Grundsatz der Verh\u00e4ltnism\u00e4\u00dfigkeit nach. Die Arbeit untersucht weiterhin den Bedeutungsgehalt der verschiedenen Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln sowie ihre Kollision bei Anwendung mehrerer subsidi\u00e4rer Ermittlungsma\u00dfnahmen. Am Ende fragt die Arbeit nach der Konsistenz des Systems und setzt sich in den Schlussfolgerungen mit der Praktikabilit\u00e4t und der Frage, ob das System seinem Anspruch gerecht geworden ist, kritisch auseinander.

Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem bislang sehr wenig untersuchten System von Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln in strafprozessualen Eingriffserm\u00e4chtigungen. Sie schildert die sukzessive Entstehung des Systems, nimmt eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme vor und geht dem Verh\u00e4ltnis der Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln zum Grundsatz der Verh\u00e4ltnism\u00e4\u00dfigkeit nach. Die Arbeit untersucht weiterhin den Bedeutungsgehalt der verschiedenen Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln sowie ihre Kollision bei Anwendung mehrerer subsidi\u00e4rer Ermittlungsma\u00dfnahmen. Am Ende fragt die Arbeit nach der Konsistenz des Systems und setzt sich in den Schlussfolgerungen mit der Praktikabilit\u00e4t und der Frage, ob das System seinem Anspruch gerecht geworden ist, kritisch auseinander."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blozik, Michael"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Subsidiarity Clauses", "Proportionality", "Investigative Measures", "Intervention Appropriations", "Criminal", "Subsidiarity Clauses", "Proportionality", "Investigative Measures", "Intervention Appropriations", "Criminal"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610207"], ["title", "Subsidiarit\u00e4tsklauseln im Strafverfahren"], ["doab_id", "15251"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950712"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950712"]], [["description", "The aim of this volume is to investigate the topic of Substance and Attribute. The way leading to this aim is a dialogue between Islamic and Western Philosophy. Our project is motivated by the observation that the historical roots of Islamic and of Western Philosophy are very similar. Thus some of the articles in this volume are dedicated to the history of philosophy, in Islamic thinking as well as in Western traditions. But the dialogue between Islamic and Western Philosophy is not only an historical issue, it also has systematic relevance for actual philosophical questions. The topic Substance and Attribute particularly has an important history in both traditions; and it has systematic relevance for the actual ontological debate. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kanzian, Christian; Legenhausen, Muhammad"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209509"], ["title", "Substance and Attribute. Western and Islamic Traditions in Dialogue"], ["doab_id", "18114"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328974", "9783110328622"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328974, 9783110328622"]], [["description", "Suburban space has traditionally been understood as a formless remnant of physical city expansion, without a dynamic or logic of its own. Suburban Urbanities challenges this view by defining the suburb as a temporally evolving feature of urban growth. Anchored in the architectural research discipline of space syntax, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of urban change, touching on the history of the suburb as well as its current development challenges, with a particular focus on suburban centres. Studies of the high street as a centre for social, economic and cultural exchange provide evidence for its critical role in sustaining local centres over time. Contributors from the architecture, urban design, geography, history and anthropology disciplines examine cases spanning Europe and around the Mediterranean. By linking large-scale city mapping, urban design scale expositions of high street activity and local-scale ethnographies, the book underscores the need to consider suburban space on its own terms as a specific and complex field of social practice."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vaughan ,Laura"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Suburbs", "Urban Studies", "Planning", "Architecture"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579182"], ["title", "Suburban Urbanities"], ["doab_id", "17645"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634172", "9781910634141", "9781910634134", "9781910634158"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634172 9781910634141 9781910634134 9781910634158"]], [["description", "The present manuscript is intended to be part I of a publication in two volumes, which deals with the historic architecture in the region of \"Semmering\" in southern Lower Austria from the point of view of art history, cultural history and history of architecture. The study was attempted in continuation of the FWF-project P 13959 under scientifical direction and supervision of the applicant (Prof.Dr. Mario Schwarz). Main topic of this study is the role and importance of the \"Suedbahngesellschaft\" (Southern Railway Company) in the process of the formation of the Semmering-region as a first-rate holiday resort of the Viennese society during the late 19th century up to the beginning of World War I. The study shows that the forming of this region mainly depended on the initiative of Friedrich Schueler, the Southern Railways Company's director, and Franz Schoenthaler, sculptor in duty of the Imperial Court. The materialization of the planning in the field of hotel-architecture in the first phase was due to architect Franz Wilhelm - collaborator of Wilhelm Flattich, who designed the railway-station of the Southern Railway Company at Vienna, in the second phase due to the architects Alfred Wildhack and Robert v. Morpurgo. The author's research brought a lot of new insight in work and biographies of these architects, who have been neglected so far by the art history. New, important results were achieved by this study concerning the links between the Semmering hotel-architecture and the grand hotel-resorts at Dobiacco (Toblach; architect: Wilhelm Flattich) and Opatija (Abbazia; architect: Alfred Wildhack e.a.), built by the Southern Railway Company as well, which have to be seen as activities in sense of the company's \"corporate identity\". Thus the company appears among the leading entrepreneurs in the world as founder of railway-hotels. The author presents several famous examples of this kind of hotels from Great Britain to the USA. Here the study is entering a field of architectural research, which still stands at the beginning. There are also important relations between the Semmering hotel-architecture and the historical hotels of Switzerland. In a large panorama the author includes the Semmering hotels in the general regional development of the \"Wiener Hausberge\" (hills and mountains near Vienna) during the second half of 19th century, especially in the time after the construction of the Semmering railway. The study comprehensively is illustrated with photographs of the object's exteriors and the interiors, historic views, plans and comparative illustrations.At the beginning of this volume, an introductory chapter, written by the applicant (Prof.Dr.Mario Schwarz), refers on new studies to the phenomenon of landscape aesthetification in view of the construction of the Semmering railway. The main topic is the factor of sensual apperception of the landscape during the continuous movement of a railway-ride and its genial exploitation by the railway's architects. This motivation has to be seen as climax and terminus of a development, which derived from the ideology of English landscape gardening in the age of romanticism. On the other hand the phenomenon is compared with the theories of aestheticism, as they were discussed at the Vienna university in the middle of l9th century.

Das vorgelegte Werk ist als 1. Band einer zweiteilig geplanten Publikation verfasst worden, die sich mit den kulturhistorischen und architekturgeschichtlichen Aspekten der Hotel- und Villenbauten am Semmering im s\u00fcdlichen Nieder\u00f6sterreich besch\u00e4ftigt. Die Arbeit ist eine Fortsetzung eines vom FWF gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojekts (Nr. P 13959 ) unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung und Begutachtung des Antragstellers (Univ.-Prof.Dr. Mario Schwarz). Gegenstand der Untersuchungen und Ausf\u00fchrungen dieses Bandes ist die kulturgeschichtliche Stellung und Bedeutung der S\u00fcdbahngesellschaft bei der Erschlie\u00dfung der Semmering-Region als erstrangig bedeutendes Naherholungsgebiet des Wiener B\u00fcrgertums im sp\u00e4ten 19. Jahrhundertwende bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Aufschlie\u00dfung dieses Gebiets haupts\u00e4chlich auf die Initiative des Direktors der S\u00fcdbahngesellschaft Friedrich Sch\u00fcler sowie auf den Hofbildhauer Franz Sch\u00f6nthaler zur\u00fcckgeht. Die Umsetzung der Planungen im Bereich der Hotelarchitektur ist in der ersten Phase auf Architekt Franz Wilhelm, den Mitarbeiter des Erbauers des Wiener S\u00fcdbahnhofes Wilhelm Flattich zur\u00fcckzuf\u00fchren, in einer zweiten Phase auf die Architekten Alfred Wildhack und Robert v. Morpurgo. Die Forschungen der Verfasserin erschlie\u00dfen sowohl zu den bisher g\u00e4nzlich unbearbeiteten Werken dieser Architekten, als auch zu ihren Biographien wichtige Erkenntnisse. V\u00f6llig neue, wichtige Ergebnisse brachte die Untersuchung hinsichtlich der Zusammenh\u00e4nge der Hotelbauten am Semmering mit den gro\u00dfen Hotelanlagen der S\u00fcdbahngesellschaft in Toblach (Dobiacco; von Wilhelm Flattich) und Abbazia (Opatija; von Alfred Wildhack u.a.) als Aktivit\u00e4ten einer corporate identity der Bahngesellschaft. Diese Ergebnisse stellen die S\u00fcdbahngesellschaft mit an die Weltspitze der ber\u00fchmten Hotelaanlagen von Eisenbahngesellschaften, f\u00fcr die die Autorin zahlreiche Vergleichsbeispiele von Gro\u00dfbritannien bis in die USA anf\u00fchrt. Die Verfasserin erschlie\u00dft damit den Bereich eines bisher erst in wenigen Ans\u00e4tzen erforschten Gebiets der Architekturgeschichte. Sowohl vom Ambiente als auch von den gew\u00e4hlten Stileigenschaften der Bauten bestehen jedoch auch wichtige Bez\u00fcge der Hotelarchitektur des Semmering zu den Hotelbauten in der Schweiz. In einem gro\u00dfangelegten \u00dcberblick bindet die Autorin die Semmeringhotels in die kulturgeschichtliche Entwicklung der Region um die \"Wiener Hausberge\" in der zweiten H\u00e4lfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere seit der Erbauung der Semmeringbahn, ein. Die Arbeit ist reich mit Au\u00dfen- und Innenansichten der Objekte, historischen Ansichten, Plandokumenten und zahlreichen Vergleichsabbildungen ausgestattet.Dem geplanten Band wird ein Einleitungskapitel des Antragstellers (Univ.-Prof.Dr. Mario Schwarz) vorangestellt, in welchem das Ph\u00e4nomen der Aesthetisierung der Landschaft im Zusammenhang mit der Anlage der Semmeringbahn neu untersucht wurde. Dabei werden vor allem jene Aspekte herausgearbeitet, die die geniale bauk\u00fcnstlerische Einbeziehung des Landschaftsmoments als Erlebnisfaktor aus der Bewegung der Bahnfahrt in das Gestaltungskonzept des Bahnbaues belegen. Die Entwicklung wird einerseits als H\u00f6hepunkt und Endpunkt jener Form der Landschaftsgestaltung dargestellt, die aus dem Ideenschatz des Englischen Landschaftsgartens der Romantik hervorgegangen ist, andererseits aber auch mit der um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Wien an der Universit\u00e4t gelehrten Theorie der Aesthetik begr\u00fcndet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vasko-Juh\u00e1sz ,D\u00e9sir\u00e9e"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["historic architecture, the region of Semmering, southern Lower Austria"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437160"], ["title", "Die S\u00fcdbahn"], ["doab_id", "15285"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205774044"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205774044"]], [["description", "With upwards of 4.5 million deaths worldwide each year, and more than one tenth of these occurring in those with no previously documented heart disease, sudden arrhythmic death (SAD) is both a major public health burden and a highly emotive issue for society at large. Recent years have witnessed a marked expansion in our knowledge of the physiology underlying SAD, both in the context of hereditary and acquired cardiac disorders. Thanks largely to work in genetically modified animals, the growth in our understanding of mechanisms underlying arrhythmia in the hereditary channelopathies has been particularly marked. Our growing knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms underlying SAD has so far failed to spur substantial developments in clinical practice. Despite a large body of work in both humans and animals, it remains impossible to confidently identify those at high risk of SAD, making pre-emptive therapy a challenge. What is more, with the thankful exception of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and pharmacological agents in very specific situations, there has been depressingly little progress in finding new and effective therapies. This Research Topic aims to go some way towards bridging the gap between advances in basic science and the development and delivery of new therapies. It brings together original research contributions and review articles from key opinion leaders in the field, focusing on the direct clinical implications of the basic science research now and in the future."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ian N. Sabir; Christopher LH Huang; Gareth D. Matthews"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sudden death", "ventricular arrhythmia", "ventricular tachycardia", "Ventricular Fibrillation", "Atrial Fibrillation", "arrhythmia mechanisms", "Brugada Syndrome", "Inherited arrhythmia syndromes", "Channelopathies", "cardiac modelling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1015/sudden-arrhythmic-death-from-basic-science-to-clinical-practice"], ["title", "Sudden arrhythmic death: From basic science to clinical practice"], ["doab_id", "17777"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192694"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192694"]], [["description", "Prosocial behaviors such as sharing, helping, and comforting begin to emerge early in development. The presence of these prosocial behaviors is important not only in childhood, but throughout one\u2019s lifetime, as behaving prosocially is important for social functioning and maintaining social relationships. For many years researchers have been interested in how and when these behaviors develop, as well as how these behaviors are influenced by a variety of factors. Recently however, exciting new research has shown novel and surprising findings, particularly on the early development and ontogenetic origins of prosocial behavior. Research is this area is important, as by understanding what influences prosocial behavior, we may be better able to sustain and support the development of prosociality. Further, a richer understanding may help us to be better able to mediate factors that impede or negatively influence positive social behaviors, as well as negate triggers that may lead to negative social behaviors. Many theoretical views guide different streams of developmental research in this field. Here, we will bring together scholars from various theoretical backgrounds, to collectively explore the development of early prosocial behaviors from early infancy to early school aged children. Contributors will offer insights using a variety of methodologies, from various resource allocation paradigms derived from economist game theorists, to looking time paradigms and more. Together we seek to broadly explore questions pertaining to prosocial development, for example- at what age do prosocial behaviors, moral understanding, or social selectivity emerge? Contributors will individually address unique research questions across a spectrum of topics. For example, how prosocial behaviors are influenced by underlying mechanisms, such as moral emotions (e.g. guilt and sympathy), will be explored, as will how children\u2019s expectations may shape their behaviors, and how they come to care about others. Questions surrounding different contexts will also be investigated. For example, how does empathy influence prosociality? Do children treat partners differently depending on their past behaviors, wealth, or other characteristics? Does whether there is a cost associated with behaving prosocially influence decision-making? By incorporating the work of numerous researchers in the field of prosocial development, who contribute comprehensive reviews of past research, unique theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches, the proposed research topic endeavors to provide new insights into a breadth of prosocial behaviors. In sum, the proposed research topic will contribute to our understanding of prosocial development in the early years by highlighting the relevant factors and contexts under which prosocial behavior emerges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chris Moore; Markus Paulus; Amanda Williams"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["prosocial behaviour", "development", "sharing", "Helping", "Infancy", "childhood"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1881/sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice-exploring-prosocial-development-through-infancy-and-early-childh"], ["title", "Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice: Exploring Prosocial Development Through Infancy and Early Childhood"], ["doab_id", "17813"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195169"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195169"]], [["description", "Sugar, Steam and Steel is about cane sugar and the transformation of an Indonesian island into the \u00e2€˜Oriental Cuba\u00e2€™ during the middle decades of the nineteenth century. Between the 1830s and the 1880s, sweetener manufacture in Dutch-controlled Java \u00e2€” the crown jewel of the erstwhile Netherlands Indies \u00e2€” drew decisively away in matters of technology and sugar science from other Asian centres of production which had once equaled or, more often, surpassed it in terms of both output and know-how. Along with its larger and altogether more famous Caribbean counterpart, Java\u00e2€™s industry came to occupy a position at the apex of the trade in what had become by this date a key global commodity."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Knight Roger ,G."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["sugar", "java", "dutch colonialism", "g. roger knight", "vacuum pan", "'oriental cuba'", "java sugar", "industrial project", "sugar manufacture", "sugar factories", "wonopringgo", "thomas edwards", "nederlandsche handel-maatschappij", "suikerlords", "1800s", "nineteenth century"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560347"], ["title", "Sugar, Steam and Steel: The Industrial Project in Colonial Java, 1830-1850"], ["doab_id", "16549"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064998"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064998"]], [["description", "Abt Suger nimmt einen einzigartigen Platz in der Geschichte seines Klosters ein. Um Sugers Leistung n\u00fcchterner und realistischer zu bewerten, werden im vorliegenden Band nicht nur zentrale Aspekte seines eigenen Wirkens in den Blick gefasst, sondern auch Vorg\u00e4nger und Zeitgenossen gew\u00fcrdigt, die keine Schriften hinterlie\u00dfen und deren Namen heute nur noch dem Spezialisten bekannt sind."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gro\u00dfe, Rolf"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/216311"], ["title", "Suger en question. Regards crois\u00e9s sur Saint-Denis. \u00c9tudes r\u00e9unis par Rolf Gro\u00dfe"], ["doab_id", "18139"], ["language_unmapped", "English, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486835427", "9783486568332"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486835427, 9783486568332"]], [["description", "K\u00f6nnen traditionelle kulturelle Ausdrucksweisen, wie T\u00e4nze, Rituale, Geschichten oder Legenden, durch eigens geschaffene immaterielle Eigentumsrechte, den sogenannten sui generis Rechten, gesch\u00fctzt werden? Um die vielschichtigen Auswirkungen der sui generis Rechte sowie die Einfl\u00fcsse auf deren Entstehung ganzheitlich zu beleuchten, vereint der Sammelband Sichtweisen aus den Disziplinen des V\u00f6lkerrechts, des Zivilrechts, der Ethnologie und der \u00d6konomie. Den Schwerpunkt bilden hierbei sowohl die Wechselwirkungen der sui generis Rechte mit dem \u00d6ffentlichen und dem g\u00e4ngigen Immaterialg\u00fcterrecht als auch ihre volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird der internationale Entstehungsprozess der sui generis Rechte in der Weltorganisation f\u00fcr Geistiges Eigentum zusammen mit den Einfl\u00fcssen eines solchen internationalen Diskurses auf die vor Ort gelebte Kultur beleuchtet.

K\u00f6nnen traditionelle kulturelle Ausdrucksweisen, wie T\u00e4nze, Rituale, Geschichten oder Legenden, durch eigens geschaffene immaterielle Eigentumsrechte, den sogenannten sui generis Rechten, gesch\u00fctzt werden? Um die vielschichtigen Auswirkungen der sui generis Rechte sowie die Einfl\u00fcsse auf deren Entstehung ganzheitlich zu beleuchten, vereint der Sammelband Sichtweisen aus den Disziplinen des V\u00f6lkerrechts, des Zivilrechts, der Ethnologie und der \u00d6konomie. Den Schwerpunkt bilden hierbei sowohl die Wechselwirkungen der sui generis Rechte mit dem \u00d6ffentlichen und dem g\u00e4ngigen Immaterialg\u00fcterrecht als auch ihre volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte. Dar\u00fcber hinaus wird der internationale Entstehungsprozess der sui generis Rechte in der Weltorganisation f\u00fcr Geistiges Eigentum zusammen mit den Einfl\u00fcssen eines solchen internationalen Diskurses auf die vor Ort gelebte Kultur beleuchtet."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bizer, Kilian; Lankau, Matthias; Spindler, Gerald"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Intangible property rights", "Sui generis rights", "International law", "Civil law", "Ethnology", "Economics", "Intellectual Property", "Intangible property rights", "Sui generis rights", "International law", "Civil law", "Ethnology", "Economics", "Intellectual Property"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610297"], ["title", "Sui generis Rechte zum Schutz traditioneller kultureller Ausdrucksweisen - Interdisziplin\u00e4re Perspektiven"], ["doab_id", "16529"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950644"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950644"]], [["description", "Como se processa a id\u00e9ia de revolu\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira na \u00faltima esquerda comunista - que mantinha substantiva inser\u00e7\u00e3o sindical e o intuito da revolu\u00e7\u00e3o social em seu programa - e na principal fac\u00e7\u00e3o emergida da deple\u00e7\u00e3o dessa \u00faltima esquerda \u00e9 o objeto nuclear deste livro. Por via de conseq\u00fc\u00eancia, esta pesquisa coloca em relevo os acontecimentos que culminaram na derrota completa dessa esquerda; derrota ocorrida atrav\u00e9s de uma dupla fal\u00eancia, id est, o seu esvaziamento te\u00f3rico e, simultaneamente, a sua morte f\u00edsica perpetrada por uma pol\u00edtica de genoc\u00eddio implementada pela ditadura bonapartista principiada em 1964. Neste livro \u00e9 definida a figura central, quase exclusiva, de Carlos Marighella (1911-1969) no que se refere ao pensamento da esquerda de uma \u00e9poca, especialmente, ao pensamento da fac\u00e7\u00e3o que emerge da esquerda comunista. Essa defini\u00e7\u00e3o parte da constata\u00e7\u00e3o de que, num primeiro momento, Marighella foi a personifica\u00e7\u00e3o das id\u00e9ias hegem\u00f4nicas dentro do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) e da esquerda comunista nacional por tr\u00eas d\u00e9cadas; e num segundo momento, o revolucion\u00e1rio fora o primus inter pares na reordena\u00e7\u00e3o t\u00e1tica da esquerda comunista, que \u00e9 arrastada quase por completo para a luta armada contra a ditadura bonapartista."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rezende, Claudinei C\u00e1ssio de"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9zhsp"], ["title", "Suic\u00eddio revolucion\u00e1rio: a luta armada e a heran\u00e7a da quim\u00e9rica revolu\u00e7\u00e3o em etapas"], ["doab_id", "16775"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830822"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830822"]], [["description", "Carbon dioxide. This small book aims to open a door. It is an experiment in thinking about an object made extremely familiar to many people across the world in recent years through science, the news, governments, and public discourses. One of the first names given to carbon dioxide was spiritus silvestre or wild spirit, a moniker that has fallen out of favor. This experiment is a chance to hold what we think we know about this object in our hand and ponder our own knowledge for a while by looking at it in one particular historical context long after more modern names became familiar.Music. The reader is asked to create a space of visualization where the potential for new understandings arise when seemingly unrelated things and practices are taken seriously next to one another and where previous conceptions of wildness may have continued to emit sound even after formal names changed. In the 20th century, Charles Keeling was one of the major scientists interested in the wild spirit \u2014 he was also a musician.Illumination. Denzil Ford highlights relationships between the musician and the scientist and further considers conceptualizing an object of scientific inquiry through the framework of a piece of music. Her narrative approach does not spell out every point but uses text and image together; this is a work of experimental thought written in experimental form. She joins other scholars looking at the multiple meanings of carbon dioxide across time and space, and her historical and philosophical approach allows the reader a moment to remember some of the social layers of scientific research that have led to our understanding of climate change, one of the greatest environmental problems of the 21st century."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Denzil Ford"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["carbon dioxide, Charles D. Keeling, climate science, music, oceanography"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/suite-on-spiritus-silvestre/"], ["title", "Suite On Spiritus Silvestre: For Symphony "], ["doab_id", "16023"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615747101"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615747101"]], [["description", "Historical reconstruction of the role of children selling newspapers in the 19th and 20th centuries in Chile"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rojas ,Jorge"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Child workers", "newspaper vendors", "trade union", "Chilean society"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617570"], ["title", "LOS SUPLEMENTEROS: LOS NI\u00d1OS Y LA VENTA DE DIARIOS. CHILE, 1880-1953"], ["doab_id", "19155"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416041"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9568416048"]], [["description", "Plantages en slaven vormden meer dan twee eeuwen de kern van de Surinaamse maatschappij. Surinaams contrast biedt op basis van een bijna tienjarig onderzoek van Nederlands, Surinaams en Engels archiefmateriaal over enkele honderden plantages de meest uitvoerige en diepgaande studie over deze twee"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stipriaan van ,A."], ["date", "1993"], ["subject", ["Economic history", "Economische geschiedenis", "Slavernij", "Slavery", "Landbouw", "Plantations", "Agriculture", "Suriname", "Plantages"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613394"], ["title", "Surinaams contrast"], ["doab_id", "13317"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789067180528", "9789004259799"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067180528 9789004259799"]], [["description", "In-depth study of the Suriname plantations in the 18th and 19th centuries. Based on archival research in England, Suriname, and the Netherlands, this book focuses on the idea that there existed a precarious balance between super exploitation and survival on the coffee, sugar, and cotton plantations.

Plantages en slaven vormden meer dan twee eeuwen de kern van de Surinaamse maatschappij. Surinaams contrast biedt op basis van een bijna tienjarig onderzoek van Nederlands, Surinaams en Engels archiefmateriaal over enkele honderden plantages de meest uitvoerige en diepgaande studie over deze twee\u00ebenheid.De studie schetst een levendig en gedetailleerd beeld van de Surinaamse samenleving in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. Aangetoond wordt dat er meerdere plantagesectoren waren- koffie, suiker en katoen\u2014die structureel van elkaar verschilden en ieder een geheel eigen geschiedenis hebben gekend. Ook wordt uitvoerig stilgestaan bij de strijd tegen het water die het leven op de meeste Surinaamse plantages verzwaarde.Voor het grootste deel van de Surinaamse bevolking was de plantage behalve werk- ook woonplaats. Daarom wordt niet alleen de arbeid, maar ook de leefwereld van de plantagebewoners beschreven. Dat daarbij de meeste aandacht uitgaat naar de levenswijze en bestaansstrijd van de slaven ligt voor de hand: zij vormden nu eenmaal de overgrote meerderheid van de bevolking en waren van generatie op generatie gebonden aan de plantages.Surinaams contrast toont voorts aan dat de Surinaamse samenleving voortdurend in beweging was en veranderde. Roofbouw en overleven kenmerkten, in wankel evenwicht, de Surinaamse plantagemaatschappij. In hoeverre Suriname in dit en in andere opzichten afweek van het algemene Cara\u00efbische patroon wordt duidelijk uit de vele vergelijkingen die worden gemaakt met andere plantagekoloni\u00ebn in de regio."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stipriaan van ,Alex"], ["date", "1993"], ["subject", ["Suriname", "Slavery", "Plantations", "Economic history", "Agriculture", "Suriname", "Slavernij", "Plantages", "Economische geschiedenis", "Landbouw"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=374613"], ["title", "Surinaams contrast"], ["doab_id", "15968"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789067180528"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9067180521"]], [["description", "What are the special problems involved in surveying immigrant populations and ethnic minorities? How can we ensure adequate representation of these growing groups in general population surveys? This book is the first to address these challenges in a systematic way. Experiences from eight Western countries, involving more than a dozen surveys, are used to explore difficulties in designing these types of surveys and some of the choices made to deal with them. The rich array of cases covered gives rise to valuable lessons, from local and national surveys, from well-funded surveys and those with limited means, and on a wide variety of topics ranging from politics to health."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Font ,Joan; M\u00e9ndez ,M\u00f3nica"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sociology"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450851"], ["title", "Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations : Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies"], ["doab_id", "15438"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645432"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645432"]], [["description", "China\u2019s road to sustainability has attracted global attention. Since the \u201cReform & Opening Up\u201d policy, China\u2019s rapid pace of both urbanization and industrialization has made its being the second largesteconomy but meantime a heavy environmental price has been paid over the past few decades for addressing the economic developmental target. Today, as the biggest developing country, China needs to take more responsibilities for constructing its local ecological-civilization society as well as for addressingthe global challenges such as climate change, resources scary and human beings well-fare; therefore, weneed to have deeper understandings into China\u2019s way to sustainability at very different levels, bothspatially and structurally, concerns ranging from generating sustainable household livelihoods to globalclimate change, from developing technological applications to generate institutional changes. In thisspirit, this publication, \u201cSustainability in China: Bridging Global Knowledge with Local Action\u201d aims to investigate the intended and spontaneous issues concerning China\u2019s road to sustainability in a combined top-down and bottom-up manner, linking international knowledge to local-based studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social aspects of sustainability, industrial ecosystems, low carbon development, circular economy, sustainability indicator, sustainability assessment, green metric, resource efficiency, sustainable livelihood, enabling technologies for sustainability, society-environment system, regional governance"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/159"], ["title", "Sustainability in China: Bridging Global Knowledge with Local Action"], ["doab_id", "19006"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421139", "9783038421146"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421139/9783038421146"]], [["description", "The goal of sustainable development is to meet the socio-economic and environmental objectives without comprising the needs of future generations. Since the Rio Summit of 1992, the concept of sustainability has captured our imaginations and aspirations and efforts to develop its indicators have increased. A range of sustainability indicators have been developed within various socio-economic, environmental and cultural contexts- including biodiversity, economy, energy, water, land use and transport. Sustainability indicators are widespread in international development arena. They have become popularized among governments, non-governmental organizations, private sector and the wider public.Based on multiple cases across the world, this book explores opportunities and challenges associated with the practical application of sustainability indicators. The book reflects diversity of professionals of inter-disciplinary backgrounds covering contemporary issues within different socio-economic and environmental contexts. Each chapter presents practical examples of the merits and challenges of using sustainability indicators and draws conclusions and lessons learned. The book targets a range of audience from students, academics to development practitioners and policy-makers.The two editors of this book: Dr. Agnieszka Ewa Latawiec and Dr. Dorice Agol are inter-disciplinary scientists who both have experience in research at the environmental conservation and development nexus"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Agol, Dorice; Latawiec, Agnieszka "], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/465479"], ["title", "Sustainability Indicators in Practice"], ["doab_id", "17970"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110450491", "9783110450507", "9783110450675"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110450491, 9783110450507, 9783110450675"]], [["description", "This book is focused on the challenges to implement sustainability in diverse contexts such as agribusiness, natural resource systems and new technologies.The experiences made by the researchers of the School of Agricultural, Forestry, Food and Environmental Science (SAFE) of the University of Basilicata offer a wide and multidisciplinary approach to the identification and testing of different solutions tailored to the economic, social and environmental characteristics of the region and the surrounding areas.Basilicata\u2019s productive system is mainly based on activities related to the agricultural sector and exploitation of natural resources but it has seen, in recent years, an industrial development driven by the discovery of oil fields. SAFE research took up the challenge posed by market competition to create value through the sustainable use of renewable and non-renewable resources of the territory. Moreover, due to its unique geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean basin, Basilicata is an excellent \u201copen sky\u201d laboratory for testing sustainable solutions adaptable to other Mediterranean areas. This collection of multidisciplinary case studies and research experiences from SAFE researchers and their scientific partners is a stimulating contribution to the debate on the development of sustainable techniques, methods and applications for the Mediterranean regions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonella Vastola"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["food science", " agriculture"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-16357-4"], ["title", "The Sustainability of Agro-Food and Natural Resource Systems in the Mediterranean Basin"], ["doab_id", "18938"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319163567", "9783319163574"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319163567 (Print) 9783319163574 (Online)"]], [["description", "The dynamism of science has been catalytic for human prosperity in recent history. Conventional perspectives of the ivory tower model of modern science are, however, rivalled by the failure of humanity to tackle global crises of an economic, environmental and social nature. Operational solutions to these pressures have grown and exposed pitfalls of modern science to date. Sustainability Science for Strong Sustainability investigates core concepts, tools and institutional strategies of transdisciplinary sustainability science. Prominent research programs within heterodox economics, the environmental sciences and transition theory are explored through diverse case studies, revealing challenges and advancements for transdisciplinary research. In this book, the reform of modern science is facilitated by the consideration of action points to overcome the institutional barriers of putting sustainability science into practice. Researchers, students and policy practitioners will benefit from up to date knowledge on the practice of transdisciplinary research for sustainability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tom Dedeurwaerdere"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Environmental Governance, Regulation, Ecological Economics"]], ["publisher", "Edward Elgar Publishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781783474554.xml"], ["title", "Sustainability Science for Strong Sustainability "], ["doab_id", "17469"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783474554", "9781783474561"]], ["provider", "www.elgaronline.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783474554/9781783474561"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Infiltration techniques, Ponds and wetland systems, Adoption of sustainable drainage systems, Climate change adaptation measures, Public perception of sustainable drainage, Integration of sustainable drainage into water-sensitive urban design, Decision-support systems"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/136"], ["title", "Sustainable Drainage Systems"], ["doab_id", "19274"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420927", "9783038420910"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420927/9783038420910"]], [["description", "This book is based on the findings of a long-term (2000-2014) interdisciplinary research project of the University of Hohenheim in collaboration with several universities in Thailand and Vietnam. Titled Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Areas in Southeast Asia, or the Uplands Program, the project aims to contribute through agricultural research to the conservation of natural resources and the improvement of living conditions of the rural population in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. Having three objectives the book first aims to give an interdisciplinary account of the drivers, consequences and challenges of ongoing changes in mountainous areas of Southeast Asia. Second, the book describes how innovation processes can contribute to addressing these challenges and third, how knowledge creation to support change in policies and institutions can assist in sustainably develop mountain areas and people\u2019s livelihoods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Holger L. Fr\u00f6hlich; Pepijn Schreinemachers; Karl Stahr; Gerhard Clemens"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Sustainable Development", "Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning", "Agriculture"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-33376-7"], ["title", "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas"], ["doab_id", "15474"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642333767", "9783642333774"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642333767 (Print) 9783642333774 (Online)"]], [["description", "We are not free from environmental risks that accompany the development of human societies. Modern economic development has accelerated environmental pollution, caused loss of natural habitats, and modified landscapes. These environmental changes have impacted natural systems: water and heat circulation, nutrient cycling, and biodiversity. These changes in natural systems degrade ecosystem services and subsequently increase environmental risks for humans. Environmental risks, therefore, are not only human health risks by pollution, climatic anomalies and natural disasters, but also degradation of ecosystem services on which most people are relying for their lives. We cannot entirely eliminate the risks, because it is not possible to attain zero impact on the environment, but we need to find a mechanism that minimizes environmental risks for human sustainably. This is the idea of the interdisciplinary framework of \u201cenvironmental risk management\u201d theory, which advocates harmony between economic development and environmental conservation. Based on this theory, the Sustainable Living with Environmental Risk (SLER) programme, adopted by the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) as one of its strategic programmes, has been training graduate students at the Yokohama National University, Japan, from 2009 to 2013 to become future environmental leaders who will take the initiative in reducing the level of environmental risks and in protecting natural resources in the developing nations of Asia and Africa. This book provides students and teachers of this new academic field with a comprehensive coverage of case studies of environmental risks and their practical management technologies not only in Japan but also in developing nations in Asia and Africa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nobuhiro Kaneko; Shinji Yoshiura; Masanori Kobayashi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Environmental Risk Management", " Sustainable Society", " Biodiversity and Environment", " Interdisciplinary Science", " Leadership Education", " Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks (SLER)"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-4-431-54803-4"], ["title", "Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks"], ["doab_id", "15963"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9784431548034", "9784431548041"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9784431548034 (Print) 9784431548041 (Online)"]], [["description", "This book depicts the results of a research project in northern China, where an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers from Italy, Germany and China has applied a broad range of methodology in order to answer basic and applied research questions and derive comprehensive recommendations for sustainable water management and wetland restoration. The project primarily focused on ecosystem services, e.g. the purification of water and biomass production. In particular, the ecosystem function and use of reed (Phragmites australis) and the perception as well as the value of water as a resource for Central Asia's multicultural societies was analysed. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giuseppe Tommaso Cirella; Stefan Zerbe; Niels Thevs; Konrad Ott; Lilin Kerschbaumer; Ping He; Lorenzo Brusetti; Luigimaria Borruso; Henrike Hochmuth; Jan Felix K\u00f6bbing; Liping Li; Marco Baratieri; Francesco Patuzzi"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["environment", " biomass", " project", " research", " ecosystem", " purification", " reed", " resource", " Asia", " energy", " development"]], ["publisher", "bu,press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://www.unibz.it/it/library/Documents/bupress/publications/fulltext/9788860460691.pdf"], ["title", "Sustainable Water Management and Wetland Restoration Strategies in Northern China "], ["doab_id", "19843"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788860460691"]], ["provider", "www.unibz.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788860460691 "]], [["description", "Sweden is seen as a forerunner in environmental and ecological policy. Sweden and ecological governance is about policies and strategies for ecologically rational governance, and uses the Swedish case study to ask whether or not it is possible to move from a traditional environmental policy to a broad, integrated pursuit of sustainable development, as illustrated through the 'Sustainable Sweden' programme. The study begins by looking at the spatial dimensions of ecological governance, and goes on to consider the integration and effectiveness of sustainable development policies. It analyses the tension between democracy and sustainable development, which has a broader relevance beyond the Swedish model, to other nation states as well as the European Union as a whole. In this book the author offers the latest word in advanced implementation of sustainable development by a front-runner in environmental and ecological policy. It will be useful for students of environmental politics and sustainable development researchers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lundqvist ,Lennart J."], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["sweden", "swedish", "ecology", "environmental", "scandinavia"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341376"], ["title", "Sweden and ecological governance: Straddling the fence"], ["doab_id", "12575"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719069024"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719069024"]], [["description", "The Book of Judith tells the story of a fictitious Jewish woman beheading Holofernes, the general of a powerful army, to free her people. The story has fascinated artists and authors for centuries, and is becoming a major field of research in its own right.The Sword of Judith is the first multidisciplinary collection of essays to discuss representations of Judith throughout the centuries. Bringing together scholars from around the world, it transforms our understanding of Judith\u2019s enduring story across a wide range of disciplines. The book includes sections on Judith in Christian, Jewish and secular textual traditions, as well as representations of Judith in art, music and theatre. The collection includes new archival source studies and the translation of unpublished manuscripts and texts previously unavailable in English. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brine, Kevin R. (Editor); Ciletti, Elena (Editor); Henrike L\u00e4hnemann (Editor)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Book of Judith", "Holofernes", "the Bible", "art history", "women's studies", "gender studies", "Christianity", "Judaism", "myth", "the Old Testament", "biblical literature", "bible studies"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/28"], ["title", "The Sword of Judith: Judith Studies Across the Disciplines"], ["doab_id", "14484"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924164"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924164"]], [["description", "not yet available

Die sozialkonstruktivistischen Essays \u00fcber Technikrituale und Technikakzeptanz bieten an ausgew\u00e4hlten Beispielen und Quellen der 1920er bis 1960er Jahre einen Blick auf einige, zum Teil bislang wenig beachtete Quellenformen aus der N\u00e4he, getragen von dem erkenntnisleitenden Interesse an ihrer identit\u00e4tsstiftenden, also soziokulturellen Bedeutung, ihrem sozialen Leben in unserem Leben. Dabei geht es um eine Umsetzung der Ans\u00e4tze der social construction of technology (SCOT)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kunze ,Rolf-Ulrich"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["history of technology", "constructivism", "Technikgeschichte", "Sozialkonstruktivismus"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422361"], ["title", "Symbiosen, Rituale, Routinen : Technik als Identit\u00e4tsbestandteil ; Technikakzeptanz der 1920er bis 1960er Jahre"], ["doab_id", "15098"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866444935"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866444935"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Josselin de Jong de ,P.; Schwimmer ,E."], ["date", "1982"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613357"], ["title", "Symbolic Anthropology in the Netherlands"], ["doab_id", "18513"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789024761753", "9789004287266"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024761753 9789004287266"]], [["description", "This book uses literature and art to develop a cultural framework for understanding the relationship between modern cultures of sensation and our capacity for sympathy."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Jervis"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472593030"], ["title", "Sympathetic Sentiments"], ["doab_id", "17121"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472593030"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472593030"]], [["description", "Synaesthesia is a rare experience in which one property of a stimulus evokes a secondary experience that is not typically associated with the first (e.g. hearing words can evoke tastes). In recent years a number of studies have highlighted the authenticity of synaesthesia and attempted to use the experience to inform us about typical processes in perception and cognition.This Research Topic brings together research on synaesthesia and typical cross modal interactions to discuss the mechanisms of synaesthesia and what it can tell us about typical perceptual processes. Topics include, but are not limited to, the neurocognitive mechanisms that give rise to synaesthesia; the extent to which synaesthesia does / does not share commonalities with typical cross-modal correspondences; broader cognitive and perceptual consequences that are linked to synaesthesia; and perspectives on the origins / defining characteristics of synaesthesia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Banissy; Roi Cohen Kadosh; Clare Jonas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["synaesthesia", "synesthesia", "multisensory", "sensory substitution", "veridical mapping"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1034/synaesthesia"], ["title", "Synaesthesia"], ["doab_id", "18168"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195596"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195596"]], [["description", "The book \"Synagogues in G\u00f6ttingen: departures and ceasing of Jewish life,\" deals with the 700-year history of Jewish life in G\u00f6ttingen and the various synagogues that have been existing since the beginning of the 14th Century.

Das Buch \u00bbSynagogen in G\u00f6ttingen: Aufbr\u00fcche und Abbr\u00fcche j\u00fcdischen Lebens\u00ab behandelt die 700 Jahre w\u00e4hrende Geschichte des j\u00fcdischen Lebens in G\u00f6ttingen und der verschiedenen Synagogen, die sich seit Beginn des 14. Jahrhunderts nachweisen lassen. Es besch\u00e4ftigt sich zun\u00e4chst mit der ersten urkundlichen Erw\u00e4hnung eines j\u00fcdischen B\u00fcrgers aus dem Jahre 1289 und der \u00bbSynagoga Judaeorum\u00ab, die bis zur Judenverfolgung um 1350 in der J\u00fcdenstra\u00dfe bestand. Das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mit der \u00bbJudenschule\u00ab in der Speckstra\u00dfe, die bis zum zweiten Abbruch j\u00fcdischen Lebens Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts f\u00fcr Gottesdienste genutzt wurde. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich der Judenpolitik der damaligen Braunschweiger Herz\u00f6ge sowie der Entstehung des j\u00fcdischen \u00bbTempels\u00ab in einem Hinterhaus der Buchstra\u00dfe (heute Prinzenstra\u00dfe) zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die folgenden Kapitel beschreiben die Entstehung und sp\u00e4tere Erweiterung der neuen Synagoge an den Maschstra\u00dfen, die von 1872 bis 1938 den j\u00fcdischen G\u00f6ttinger B\u00fcrgern als Gotteshaus diente. Das Buch berichtet im Folgenden von der Sch\u00e4ndung und Zerst\u00f6rung der Synagoge in der so genannten Reichskristallnacht am 9. November 1938. Im letzten Kapitel beschreibt der Autor den Neubeginn der j\u00fcdischen Gemeinde in G\u00f6ttingen \u00bbim Schatten der Schoah\u00ab und den Aufbau einer neuen (alten) Synagoge neben dem j\u00fcdischen Gemeindezentrum in der Angerstra\u00dfe."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schaller, Berndt"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["judaistics", "judaistics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610323"], ["title", "Synagogen in G\u00f6ttingen - Aufbr\u00fcche und Abbr\u00fcche j\u00fcdischen Lebens"], ["doab_id", "13218"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616543"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616543"]], [["description", "The work at hand explores the successive chronometrisation of public space using the example of Viennas public clocks from the middle of the 19th century until today.The need for knowing the exact time steadily increased since the middle of the 19th century. As two centuries ago the clocks had only hour hands, the minute hands soon became essential. Industrialisation, urbanisation, but primarily the rapid development of the railroading promoted the trend towards the modern time management of the society. Schedules demanded a higher precision of time specification; circulations of goods and persons had to be adjusted to each other; professional and private activities became standardised, tacted and adjusted to the abstract rhythm of the clocks. The knowledge about the social and economic value of time became a central criterion for the level of western civilisation.Especially the members of the middle-class got more and more used to a chronometer. It was a high goodness for them to use their time as efficient as possible. Pocket watches and wrist watches became familiar and also the number of public clocks continously increased. Especially the more and more complex organised cities became pioneers in the sphere of public timepiece.The work at hand explores, for the first time in the German-speaking historical research, the successive chronometrisation of public space using the example of Vienna from the middle of the 19th century until today. On the one hand it deals with the \u201cexterior chronometrisation\u201c, that is the visible aggregation of the infrastructure of time and the construction of different kinds of clocks. Spatial, architectural and design related aspects were argued, contexts of technical history as the search for the ideal drive system and of the political and representative functions of public clocks were discussed. On the other hand it deals with the \u201cinterior chronometrisation\u201c which means social, psychological and cultural aspects of the perception of time and their contextualisation in phenomena of scaling and standardisation on a local basis to a world scale.The actual trend of visualising public time to the split second marks the (temporary) end of the development which shows the speedup of all areas of life in a visible and sensible way.

Das vorliegende Werk beleuchtet das vielschichtige Wechselverh\u00e4ltnis von Stadt und Zeit. Ursachen und Auswirkungen der urbanen \u201eChronometrisierung\u201c werden am Beispiel der \u00f6ffentlichen Uhren Wiens von der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute dargestellt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Payer ,Peter"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Public clocks, Synchronisation of time, Urban history, Perception of time, History of Vienna, European history", "\u00d6ffentliche Uhren, Synchronisation, Zeitwahrnehmung, Stadtgeschichte, Geschichte von Wien, Europ\u00e4ische Geschichte"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574669"], ["title", "Die synchronisierte Stadt"], ["doab_id", "17396"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902868534"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868534"]], [["description", "The objective of this report is to examine the extent to which countries in Latin America and the Caribbean participate in global value chains and what are the drivers of such participation. Production processes have been increasingly fragmented worldwide. For example, the production of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner involves 43 suppliers located in 135 locations around the globe. There are many examples like the Dreamliner, from the 451 parts that go into the iPod to the less technologically intensive but still widespread multi-country production of a Barbie doll. All this reflects significant changes in the way world production is being reorganized across national borders. That is, for many goods, production has become a multi-country process in which different stages are carried out in specialized plants in different parts of the world. Countries which specialize in different stages of the production process are thus linked by these global value chains. For developing countries, a clear opportunity from the continuous international fragmentation of production arises in the form of participating in activities that were virtually not opened to them in the past. Therefore, the international fragmentation of production provides opportunities for trade diversification, an issue that can be of particular importance for Latin America and the Caribbean as the region\u2019s export base is in general highly concentrated in a few industries and particularly biased towards natural-resource intensive sectors. The aim is to identify whether there is policy space for implementing strategies that allow countries to improve their position in regional and global value chains."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Juan S. Blyde"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Global Value Chains", " Offshoring", " Linkages", " FDI", " International Trade", " IADB"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-09991-0"], ["title", "Synchronized Factories: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Era of Global Value Chains"], ["doab_id", "16332"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319099903", "9783319099910"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319099903 (Print) 9783319099910 (Online)"]], [["description", "This is the first English translation of a pivotal work in the history of religious tolerance. In Synod on the Freedom of Conscience (1582) the Dutch humanist Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522-1590) provides one of the first book-length pleas for religious freedom published in the West. His central concern in his writings and exchanges with ministers of the Reformed Church was the safeguarding of freedom of conscience, the chief cause, he believed, for which the struggle against Habsburg Spain was being waged. The imaginary Synod, held in \"Freetown,\" gathers together chief Catholic and Protestant leaders and theologians who engage in spirited debates on such matters as religious diversity, the freedom to criticize, the norms used to determine what constitutes heresy, freedom of the press, and the role of the state in the suppression of heresy. Each session concludes with remarks by the irenic Gamaliel (Coornhert's alter ego), who shows that both parties sin equally on the side of intolerance and pleads for the tolerant alternative. In this work Coornhert continues an Erasmian theme which would be picked up again in the following century by the Remonstrants and Hugo Grotius.

In deze Engelse vertaling van Synode over de gewetensvrijheid voert Coornhert een fictief debat met vertegenwoordigers uit de verschillende religieuze kampen die hij soms letterlijk citeert (o.a. Beza, Calvijn, Du Plessis-Mornay en Bullinger). Synod on the Freedom of Conscience is niet alleen een belangrijk tijdsdocument; door Coornherts doelstelling - bevordering van de religievrede - en zijn rijkdom aan argumenten kunnen we in het huidige tolerantiedebat zeker ons voordeel doen met de lessen van deze Hollandse meester."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coornhert ,D.V.; Voogt ,Gerrit"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Philosophy", "Religion", "Geschiedenis", "Filosofie", "Religie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340067"], ["title", "Synod on the Freedom of Conscience : A Thorough Examination during the Gathering Held in the Year 1582 in the City of Freetown"], ["doab_id", "12782"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640826"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640826"]], [["description", "The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period 2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics. The two volumes Nouns and Noun Phrases discuss the internal make-up as well as the distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article, demonstratives), numeral and quantifiers; the use of noun phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.

De afgelopen vijftig jaar zijn er talloze wetenschappelijke en vaak specialistische werken over grammatica verschenen. In diezelfde periode is echter niet alleen de discussie over grammatica veranderd, maar ook de presentatie van formele structuren en de interpretatie van informatie. Gedegen antwoorden over de structuur van een bepaalde taal zijn daarom niet eenvoudig te vinden. Syntax of Dutch slaagt hier echter uitstekend in. Het werk richt zich op \u00e9\u00e9n enkel kernaspect van de Nederlandse grammatica: de zinsbouw of de syntaxis. Ondanks het specialistische onderwerp bestaat het uit maar liefst zeven delen, waaraan in totaal meer dan tien jaar is gewerkt. Het resultaat is een uniek naslagwerk voor taalkundigen \u00e9n ge\u00efnteresseerde leken die meer willen weten over de syntactische eigenschappen van de Nederlandse taal"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans ; Keizer ,Evelien"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=431436"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch : Nouns and Noun Phrases - Volume 1"], ["doab_id", "15198"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644602"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644602"]], [["description", "The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period 2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics. The two volumes Nouns and Noun Phrases discuss the internal make-up as well as the distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article, demonstratives), numeral and quantifiers; the use of noun phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.

De afgelopen vijftig jaar zijn er talloze wetenschappelijke en vaak specialistische werken over grammatica verschenen. In diezelfde periode is echter niet alleen de discussie over grammatica veranderd, maar ook de presentatie van formele structuren en de interpretatie van informatie. Gedegen antwoorden over de structuur van een bepaalde taal zijn daarom niet eenvoudig te vinden. Syntax of Dutch slaagt hier echter uitstekend in. Het werk richt zich op \u00e9\u00e9n enkel kernaspect van de Nederlandse grammatica: de zinsbouw of de syntaxis. Ondanks het specialistische onderwerp bestaat het uit maar liefst zeven delen, waaraan in totaal meer dan tien jaar is gewerkt. Het resultaat is een uniek naslagwerk voor taalkundigen \u00e9n ge\u00efnteresseerde leken die meer willen weten over de syntactische eigenschappen van de Nederlandse taal"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans ; Dikken ,Marcel den"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=431435"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch : Nouns and Noun Phrases - Volume 2"], ["doab_id", "15197"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644633"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644633"]], [["description", "The Syntax of Dutch will be published in at least seven volumes in the period 2012-2016 and aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics. The volume Adjectives and Adjective Phrases discusses the internal make-up as well as the distribution of adjective phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of adjective phrases; comparative and superlative formation; the attributive, predicative and adverbial uses of adjective phrases. Special attention is paid to the so-called partitive genitive construction and the adverbial use of past/passive participles and infinitives.

De afgelopen vijftig jaar zijn er talloze wetenschappelijke en vaak specialistische werken over grammatica verschenen. In diezelfde periode is echter niet alleen de discussie over grammatica veranderd, maar ook de presentatie van formele structuren en de interpretatie van informatie. Gedegen antwoorden over de structuur van een bepaalde taal zijn daarom niet eenvoudig te vinden. Syntax of Dutch slaagt hier echter uitstekend in. Het werk richt zich op \u00e9\u00e9n enkel kernaspect van de Nederlandse grammatica: de zinsbouw of de syntaxis. Ondanks het specialistische onderwerp bestaat het uit maar liefst zeven delen, waaraan in totaal meer dan tien jaar is gewerkt. Het resultaat is een uniek naslagwerk voor taalkundigen \u00e9n ge\u00efnteresseerde leken die meer willen weten over de syntactische eigenschappen van de Nederlandse taal"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Dutch and Flemish language", "Nederlandse taal"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444644"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch: Adjectives and Adjective Phrases"], ["doab_id", "15375"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645494"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645494"]], [["description", "Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases consists of three volumes. Volume 1 opens with a general introduction to verbs, including a review of various verb classifications and discussions on inflection, tense, mood, modality and aspect. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of complementation (argument structure and verb frame alternations). Volume 2 continues the discussion of complementation, but is more specifically focused on clausal complements: the reader will find detailed discussions of finite and infinitival argument clauses, complex verb constructions and verb clustering. Volume 3 concludes with a description of adverbial modification and the overall structure of clauses in relation to, e.g., word order (verb placement, wh-movement. extraposition phenomena, scrambling, etc.)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans; Corver ,Norbert"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dutch", "syntax", "verbs"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=555749"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch: Verb and Verb Phrases. Volume 2"], ["doab_id", "17198"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089647313"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647313"]], [["description", "Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases consists of three volumes. Volume 1 opens with a general introduction to verbs, including a review of various verb classifications and discussions on inflection, tense, mood, modality and aspect. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of complementation (argument structure and verb frame alternations). Volume 2 continues the discussion of complementation, but is more specifically focused on clausal complements: the reader will find detailed discussions of finite and infinitival argument clauses, complex verb constructions and verb clustering. Volume 3 concludes with a description of adverbial modification and the overall structure of clauses in relation to, e.g., word order (verb placement, wh-movement. extraposition phenomena, scrambling, etc.)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans; Corver ,Norbert; Vos ,Riet"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dutch", "syntax", "verbs"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=555850"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 1"], ["doab_id", "17199"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647306"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647306"]], [["description", "The Syntax of Dutch aims at presenting a synthesis of the currently available syntactic knowledge of Dutch. It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics.Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases consists of three volumes. Volume 1 opens with a general introduction to verbs, including a review of various verb classifications and discussions on inflection, tense, mood, modality and aspect. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion of complementation (argument structure and verb frame alternations). Volume 2 continues the discussion of complementation, but is more specifically focused on clausal complements: the reader will find detailed discussions of finite and infinitival argument clauses, complex verb constructions and verb clustering. Volume 3 concludes with a description of adverbial modification and the overall structure of clauses in relation to, e.g., word order (verb placement, wh-movement. extraposition phenomena, scrambling, etc.)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Broekhuis ,Hans; Corver ,Norbert"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Dutch", "syntax", "verbs"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=614910"], ["title", "Syntax of Dutch: Verbs and Verb Phrases. Volume 3"], ["doab_id", "19620"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647320"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647320"]], [["description", "Diese Arbeit untersucht das Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Syntaxmodell und lexikalischen Valenzeigenschaften anhand der Familie der Baumadjunktionsgrammatiken (TAG) und anhand der Ph\u00e4nomenbereiche Koh\u00e4renz und Ellipse. Wie die meisten prominenten Syntaxmodelle betreibt TAG eine Amalgamierung von Syntax und Valenz, die oft zu Realisierungsidealisierungen f\u00fchrt. Es wird jedoch gezeigt,* dass TAG dabei gewisse Realisierungsidealisierungen vermeidet und Diskontinuit\u00e4t bei Koh\u00e4renz direkt repr\u00e4sentieren kann;* dass TAG trotzdem und trotz der im Vergleich zu GB, LFG und HPSG wesentlich eingeschr\u00e4nkten Ausdrucksst\u00e4rke zu einer linguistisch sinnvollen Analyse koh\u00e4renter Konstruktionen herangezogen werden kann;* dass der TAG-Ableitungsbaum f\u00fcr die indirekte Gapping-Modellierung eine ausreichend informative Bezugsgr\u00f6\u00dfe darstellt.F\u00fcr \u00a0die direkte Repr\u00e4sentation von Gapping-Strukturen wird schlie\u00dflich ein baumbasiertes Syntaxmodell, STUG, vorgeschlagen, in dem Syntax und Valenz getrennt, aber verlinkt sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lichte ,Timm"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Syntax", "TAG", "Koh\u00e4renz", "Ellipse", "Syntaxmodelle", "STUG"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603338"], ["title", "Syntax und Valenz: Zur Modellierung koh\u00e4renter und elliptischer Strukturen mit Baumadjunktionsgrammatiken"], ["doab_id", "17856"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783944675510", "9783944675626", "9783944675633"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675510 9783944675626 9783944675633"]], [["description", "Exponentially increasing information on biological organisms coupled with increasing computational power in the past decade have broadened the perspective of fundamental biological research, bringing about considerable promise and unprecedented potential for practical applications in biotechnology. As one emergent discipline, synthetic biology aims to design and engineer novel biologically-based parts, devices, and systems, in addition to redesigning existing, natural biological systems. Although previously relegated to demonstration studies, more recent research in synthetic biology has focused on the rational engineering of industrial microorganisms with the potential to address many of society\u2019s critical challenges. Within the realm of industrial microbiology, progress in the field of synthetic biology has enabled the development of, for example, new biosynthetic pathways for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals, programmable logic controls to regulate and optimize cell function, and robust microbes for the destruction of harmful environmental contaminants. Some of the exciting examples included producing anti-malarial drug, anti- cancer taxol precursor and various biofuel molecules in E. coli and yeast. In addition, these researches have also greatly enhanced our understanding of the cellular machinery and its regulation in some of the industry important microbes, laying an important foundation for further design and engineering of biological function for even greater application. For these reasons, we present here a collection of articles from the leading edge of the field of synthetic biology, with a specific focus on the development in industrial microorganisms. It is the intent of this collection to reach a wide audience whose interests and expertise spans from development of novel synthetic biology methodologies and theories (both experimental and computational) to practical applications seeking to address issues facing the world today."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David Nielsen; Weiwen Zhang"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["chemicals", "microbial systems", "Synthetic Biology", "Industrial Microbiology", "Biotechnology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/455/synthetic-biology-applications-in-industrial-microbiology"], ["title", "Synthetic biology applications in industrial microbiology"], ["doab_id", "18672"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193424"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193424"]], [["description", "One of the key features of biological systems is complexity, where the behavior of high level structures is more than the sum of the direct interactions between single components. Synthetic Biologists aim to use rational design to build new systems that do not already exist in nature and that exhibit useful biological functions with different levels of complexity. One such case is metabolic engineering, where, with the advent of genetic and protein engineering, by supplying cells with chemically synthesized non-natural amino acids and sugars as new building blocks, it is now becoming feasible to introduce novel physical and chemical functions and properties into biological entities. The rules of how complex behaviors arise, however, are not yet well understood. For instance, instead of considering cells as inert chassis in which synthetic devices could be easily operated to impart new functions, the presence of these systems may impact cell physiology with reported effects on transcription, translation, metabolic fitness and optimal resource allocation. The result of these changes in the chassis may be failure of the synthetic device, unexpected or reduced device behavior, or perhaps a more permissive environment in which the synthetic device is allowed to function. While new efforts have already been made to increase standardization and characterization of biological components in order to have well known parts as building blocks for the construction of more complex devices, also new strategies are emerging to better understand the biological dynamics underlying the phenomena we observe. For example, it has been shown that the features of single biological components [i.e. promoter strength, ribosome binding affinity, etc] change depending on the context where the sequences are allocated. Thus, new technical approaches have been adopted to preserve single components activity, as genomic insulation or the utilization of prediction algorithms able to take biological context into account. There have been noteworthy advances for synthetic biology in clinical technologies, biofuel production, and pharmaceuticals production; also, metabolic engineering combined with microbial selection/adaptation and fermentation processes allowed to make remarkable progress towards bio-products formation such as bioethanol, succinate, malate and, more interestingly, heterologous products or even non-natural metabolites. However, despite the many progresses, it is still clear that ad hoc trial and error predominates over purely bottom-up, rational design approaches in the synthetic biology community. In this scenario, modelling approaches are often used as a descriptive tool rather than for the prediction of complex behaviors. The initial confidence on a pure reductionist approach to the biological world has left space to a new and deeper investigation of the complexity of biological processes to gain new insights and broaden the categories of synthetic biology. In this Research Topic we host contributions that explore and address two areas of Synthetic Biology at the intersection between rational design and natural complexity: (1) the impact of synthetic devices on the host cell, or \"chassis\" and (2) the impact of context on the synthetic devices. Particular attention will be given to the application of these principles to the rewiring of cell metabolism in a bottom-up fashion to produce non-natural metabolites or chemicals that should eventually serve as a substitute for petrol-derived chemicals, and, on a long-term view, to provide economical, ecological and ethical solutions to today\u2019s energetic and societal challenges."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francesca Ceroni; Karmella Ann Haynes; Pablo Carbonell; Jean Marie Fran"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["synthetic biology", "complexity", "metabolism refactoring", "metabolic pathway regulation", "synthetic expression circuit", "engineering biology"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2866/synthetic-biology-engineering-complexity-and-refactoring-cell-capabilities"], ["title", "Synthetic Biology: Engineering complexity and refactoring cell capabilities"], ["doab_id", "17549"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196852"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196852"]], [["description", "Our planet earth is a system - scarcely understood - of geological, biological und cosmic processes of great variety, which make it an interesting object of research. The papers listed here deal with topics of a series of lectures open to the public, presented at the Academy of Sciences and at the Georg August University of G\u00f6ttingen, which were organised by the publishers of this book. It is the publishers' aim to bring before the public a few important and interesting geoscientific aspects. Needless to say, there is no claim to cover all aspects of this subject area. However, the publishers would like to initiate readers to concentrate more deeply on scientific topics. The selected material should help them to find their way through the diversity of this branch of research.

Der Planet Erde ist ein nur wenig verstandenes System von geologischen, biologischen und kosmischen Prozessen und somit ein interessantes und vielseitiges Forschungsobjekt. Die hier vorgestellten Beitr\u00e4ge waren Teil einer \u00f6ffentlichen Ringvorlesung der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu G\u00f6ttingen und der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen im WS 2002/2003, organisiert von den Herausgebern dieses Buches. Den Herausgebern ist es ein Anliegen, einige wichtige und interessante Aspekte der Geowissenschaften einer breiteren \u00d6ffentlichkeit zu vermitteln. Es besteht nicht der Anspruch auf Vollst\u00e4ndigkeit dieses Themenkomplexes. Die Herausgeber wollen jedoch Anst\u00f6\u00dfe geben, sich intensiver mit dem Themenfeld Geowissenschaften zu besch\u00e4ftigen. Die ausgew\u00e4hlten Beitr\u00e4ge sollen dem Leser helfen, sich in der Vielfalt der Facetten dieses Forschungsbereiches zurechtzufinden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Reitner, Joachim; Weber, Klaus; Karg, Ute"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["geology", "earth science", "history of earth", "geology", "earth science", "history of earth"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610250"], ["title", "Das System der Erde - was bewegt die Welt? - Lebensraum und Zukunftsperspektiven"], ["doab_id", "13221"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616079"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616079"]], [["description", "The G\u00f6ttingen conference \u201eSystematics 2008\u201c is the first joint meeting of the Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Biologische Systematik (GfBS) and the German Botanical Society, section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (DBG), being the 10th Annual Meeting of the GfBS and the 18th International Symposium \u201eBiodiversity and Evolutionary Biology\u201c of the DBG. The conference programme covers biological systematics in the widest sense and provides ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations on new advances in plant, animal and microbial systematics. This volume brings together the abstracts of invited speaches from the plenary sessions on \u201eProgress in Deep Phylogeny\u201c, \u201eSpeciation and Phylogeography\u201c, and \u201eNew Trends in Biological Systematics\u201c as well as those of submitted talks and poster sessions.

The G\u00f6ttingen conference \u201eSystematics 2008\u201c is the first joint meeting of the Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Biologische Systematik (GfBS) and the German Botanical Society, section Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (DBG), being the 10th Annual Meeting of the GfBS and the 18th International Symposium \u201eBiodiversity and Evolutionary Biology\u201c of the DBG. The conference programme covers biological systematics in the widest sense and provides ample opportunities for oral and poster presentations on new advances in plant, animal and microbial systematics. This volume brings together the abstracts of invited speaches from the plenary sessions on \u201eProgress in Deep Phylogeny\u201c, \u201eSpeciation and Phylogeography\u201c, and \u201eNew Trends in Biological Systematics\u201c as well as those of submitted talks and poster sessions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gradstein, S. Robbert; Klatt, Simone; Normann, Felix; Weigelt, Patrick; Willmann, Rainer Prof. Dr.; Wilson, Rosemary"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["biological systematics", "biological systematics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610364"], ["title", "Systematics 2008 - Programme and Abstracts"], ["doab_id", "13208"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783940344236"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344236"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Uhlenbeck ,E."], ["date", "1960"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613421"], ["title", "De systematiek der Javaanse pronomina"], ["doab_id", "18443"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285941", "9789004286542"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285941 9789004286542"]], [["description", "Development of powerful new high- throughput technologies for probing the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome is driving the rapid acquisition of information on the function of molecular systems. The importance of these achievements cannot be understated - they have transformed the nature of both biology and medicine. Despite this dramatic progress, one of the greatest challenges that continues to confront modern biology is to understand how behavior at the level of genome, proteome and metabolome determines physiological function at the level of cell, tissue and organ in both health and disease. Because of the inherent complexity of biological systems, the development, analysis, and validation of integrative computational models based directly on experimental data is necessary to achieve this understanding. This approach, known as systems biology, integrates computational and experimental approaches through iterative development of mathematical models and experimental validation and testing. The combination of these approaches allows for a mechanistic understanding of the function of complex biological systems in health and their dysfunction in disease. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has recognized the importance of the systems biology approach for understanding normal physiology and perturbations associated with heart, lung, blood, and sleep diseases and disorders. In 2006, NHLBI announced the Exploratory Program in Systems Biology, followed in 2010 by the NHLBI Systems Biology Collaborations. The goal of these programs is to support collaborative teams of investigators in using experimental and computational strategies to integrate the component parts of biological networks and pathways into computational models that are based firmly on and validated using experimental data. These validated models are then applied to gain insights into the mechanisms of altered system function in disease, to generate novel hypotheses regarding these mechanisms that can be tested experimentally, and to then use the results of experiments to refine the models. The purpose of this Research Topic is to present the range of innovative, new approaches being developed by investigators working in areas of systems biology that couple experimental and modeling studies to understand the cause and possible treatment of heart, lung, blood and sleep diseases and disorders. This Research Topic will be of great interest to the cardiovascular research community as well as to the general community of systems biologists."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Raimond L Winslow; Jennie Larkin; Pankaj Qasba"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Computational Medicine", "pulmonary models", "cardiac models", "immune system models", "sepsis models", "micro-RNA networks"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/613/systems-biology-approaches-to-understanding-the-cause-and-treatment-of-heart-lung-blood-and-sleep-di"], ["title", "Systems Biology Approaches to Understanding the Cause and Treatment of Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Disorders"], ["doab_id", "17660"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192496"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192496"]], [["description", "The Great Lagoon is a central part of the Szczecin Lagoon, a major component in the Odra River estuary system. It is also an important European natural heritage site and one of the largest resting places for migratory birds in the Baltic Sea area. The first part of Wolnomiejski's and Witek\u2019s book gives a thorough overview of the most up-to-date knowledge of this region, including the assessment of its biological production. Based on these findings authors develop a food web model of the Polish part of the Szczecin Lagoon, identifying a total of 45 trophic-functional components. The model describes a variety of features ranging from the magnitude of consumption, to the amount of unassimilated food and export of individual system components, and serves as an invaluable source, helping researchers to estimate various ecological indicators of The Great Lagoon\u2019s ecosystem."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wolnomiejski, Norbert; Witek, Zbigniew"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Natural Sciences, Biology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209751"], ["title", "The Szczecin Lagoon Ecosystem. The Biotic Community of the Great Lagoon and its Food Web Model"], ["doab_id", "15576"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788376560502"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9788376560502"]], [["description", "Climate change has become a real problem in our time. This book examines the issue of how public policies can adapt to climate change. The study of two very specific cases, situated at opposing points of the world \u2013 India and Switzerland \u2013 illustrate this question.

Depuis le d\u00e9but des ann\u00e9es 2000, l\u2019insuffisance des efforts politiques pour r\u00e9duire drastiquement les \u00e9missions globales de gaz \u00e0 effet de serre a conduit au renforcement d\u2019un discours sur la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de s\u2019adapter au changement climatique. Particuli\u00e8rement dans les r\u00e9gions vuln\u00e9rables aux effets du changement climatique, une transformation des politiques de gestion de l\u2019environnement appara\u00eet comme n\u00e9cessaire afin de r\u00e9duire les risques et d\u2019exploiter les nouvelles opportunit\u00e9s d\u00e9coulant du changement climatique et de ses im-pacts. Or, si les analystes constatent un d\u00e9veloppement des activit\u00e9s d\u2019adaptation au changement climatique, peu de travaux interrogent l\u2019efficacit\u00e9 r\u00e9elle des mesures actuelles et leurs \u00e9ventuelles limites. Cet ouvrage tente de combler cette lacune en d\u00e9construisant la notion d\u2019adaptation au changement climatique et en interrogeant sa signification r\u00e9elle pour la conduite des politiques \u00e0 incidence environnementale. Il exa-mine de mani\u00e8re th\u00e9orique en quoi l\u2019adaptation au changement climatique n\u00e9cessiterait des r\u00e9formes de l\u2019action publique. Puis, il examine l\u2019\u00e9tat des pratiques actuelles au travers d\u2019\u00e9tudes de cas dans le secteur agricole en Inde (Rajasthan et Maharashtra) et dans le secteur du tourisme hivernal en Suisse (Alpes vaudoises et vall\u00e9e de Joux). Sur la base de cette incursion th\u00e9orique et empirique dans l\u2019univers de ces nouvelles politiques de gestion de l\u2019environnement, l\u2019auteur discute des limitations observ\u00e9es et sugg\u00e8re des voies d\u2019am\u00e9lioration pour le futur."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dupuis ,Johann"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["climate change", "public action", "public policy standards", "allocation of public resources", "changement climatique", "action publique", "norme de politique publique", "attribution de ressources publiques"]], ["publisher", "Editions Alphil Presses universitaires suisses"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594272"], ["title", "S\u2019adapter au changement climatique. Analyse critique des nouvelles politiques de gestion de l\u2019environnement. Cas sp\u00e9cifiques de l\u2019agriculture en Inde et du tourisme hivernal en Suisse"], ["doab_id", "18411"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782889300617"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889300617"]], [["description", "Na\u00efve T cells get activated upon encounter with their cognate antigen and differentiate into a specific subset of effector cells. These T cells are themselves plastic and are able to re-differentiate into another subset, changing both phenotype and function. Differentiation into a specific subset depends on the nature of the antigen and of the environmental milieu. Notably, certain nutrients, such as vitamins A and D, sodium chloride, have been shown to modulate T cell responses and influence T cell differentiation. Parasite infection can also skew Th differentiation. Similarly, the gut microbiota regulates the development of immune responses. Lastly, the key role of metabolism on T cells has also been demonstrated. This series of articles highlights some of the multiple links existing between environmental factors and T cell responses."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anne L. Astier; David A. Hafler"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["T cells", "Metabolism", "Vitamin D", "microbiome", "helminth", "regulatory T cells"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2582/t-cell-regulation-by-the-environment"], ["title", "T Cell Regulation by the Environment"], ["doab_id", "18854"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197330"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197330"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 um guia pr\u00e1tico para lidar com abordagem, preven\u00e7\u00e3o e tratamento do tabagismo. Est\u00e1 dividido em dez cap\u00edtulos e pretende instrumentalizar os profissionais da sa\u00fade a adquirir ferramentas te\u00f3rico-pr\u00e1ticas, que visam o aprimoramento das interven\u00e7\u00f5es para cessa\u00e7\u00e3o do tabagismo. A metodologia utilizada buscou recomenda\u00e7\u00f5es do Minist\u00e9rio da Sa\u00fade, bem como consensos e diretrizes sobre o assunto."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nunes, Sandra Odebrecht Vargas (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Castro, M\u00e1rcia Regina Pizzo de (org.)"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEL"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sj9xk"], ["title", "Tabagismo: abordagem, preven\u00e7\u00e3o e tratamento"], ["doab_id", "16256"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788572166751"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788572166751"]], [["description", "OTTO SAGGI E UNA TESTIMONIANZA. Di questo \u00e8 composto Tabucchi o del Novecento, raccolta di studi e interventi con cui un gruppo di specialisti ha voluto rendere omaggio alla memoria dello scrittore, dell\u2019intellettuale e del portoghesista Antonio Tabucchi (1943-2012). L\u2019opera narrativa analizzata dalla prospettiva teorica degli italianisti o letta nelle pieghe della sua ricezione europea (in special modo, iberica), l\u2019opera traduttiva nella sua dorsale brasiliana o declinata come impraticabile autotraduzione."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "A cura di: Russo Vincenzo"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vol_Russo_web_1.pdf"], ["title", "Tabucchi o del Novecento"], ["doab_id", "17233"], ["language_unmapped", "italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051380"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051380 "]], [["description", "The emperor Nero is etched into the Western imagination as one of ancient Rome\u2019s most infamous villains, and Tacitus\u2019 Annals have played a central role in shaping the mainstream historiographical understanding of this flamboyant autocrat.This section of the text plunges us straight into the moral cesspool that Rome had apparently become in the later years of Nero\u2019s reign, chronicling the emperor\u2019s fledgling stage career including his plans for a grand tour of Greece; his participation in a city-wide orgy climaxing in his publicly consummated \u2018marriage\u2019 to his toy boy Pythagoras; the great fire of AD 64, during which large parts of central Rome went up in flames; and the rising of Nero\u2019s \u2018grotesque\u2019 new palace, the so-called \u2018Golden House\u2019, from the ashes of the city. This building project stoked the rumours that the emperor himself was behind the conflagration, and Tacitus goes on to present us with Nero\u2019s gruesome efforts to quell these mutterings by scapegoating and executing members of an unpopular new cult then starting to spread through the Roman empire: Christianity.All this contrasts starkly with four chapters focusing on one of Nero\u2019s most principled opponents, the Stoic senator Thrasea Paetus, an audacious figure of moral fibre, who courageously refuses to bend to the forces of imperial corruption and hypocrisy.This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study aids with vocabulary, and a commentary. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Owen\u2019s and Gildenhard\u2019s incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both A2 and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis and historical background to encourage critical engagement with Tacitus\u2019 prose and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Owen, Mathew (Editor); Gildenhard, Ingo (Editor)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Tacitus", "Nero", "Annales", "historiography", "ancient Rome", "Latin", "ancient literature"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/215"], ["title", "Tacitus, Annals, 15.20-23, 33-45: Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentary"], ["doab_id", "15548"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740017"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740017"]], [["description", "Tactics of the Human: Experimental Technics in American Fiction examines the comparative perspective on digital cultures contemporary American fiction develops through the creative transposition of digital rhetorics and technological practices -such as the hyperlink, network, or recursive processing \u2013 into print or in translating a classic print narrative into a digital hypertext fiction. These literary experiments with early digital cultures of the 1990\u2019s comparatively retrace and speculate on the digital\u2019s transformative influence on prior understandings of the human, her social life, and her relations to material lifeworlds, exploring the consequences of the apparent plasticity of the boundaries of the human, particularly for women, subaltern subjects, and others already considered liminally human. As they query the digital technics entering into textual practices, subjectivity, spatial practices and social networks, lived space, nation, and economic circulation these texts reconceive their own literary print narrative methods and material modes of circulation in order to elaborate on unnoticed potentialities and limits of digital technics, providing a crucial means to reorient digital cultures of the present."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laura Shackelford"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dcbooks.12672514.0001.001"], ["title", "Tactics of the Human"], ["doab_id", "19094"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072385", "9780472052387", "9780472900169", "9780472120680"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072385 9780472052387 9780472900169 9780472120680"]], [["description", "In abgewichener Nacht fr\u00fche gegen 5 Uhr haben die Franz[osen] von G\u00f6ttingen Besitz genommen. Es sollen 250 Mann seyn, welche d[en] H[err]n Major van der M\u00e4rsch, ein feiner Mann, zum commandanten haben. In dem gestrigen Scharm\u00fctzel ist d[em] H[err]n Maj[or] Friedrichs das Pferd todt geschossen, und er gefangen. Abends gegen 7 Uhr sind die Herren Grafen von Schwerin und v[on] M\u00fcnch, desg[leichen] verschiedene andere Bursche, unter welchen d[er] H[err] von Biederitz, von dem Jacobithurm durch Franz[osen] herunter geholet, jedoch nach Ankunft des Commandanten auf dem Jacobi-Kirchhofe sogleich wieder lo\u00dfgelassen worden. Der Commandant hat zu d[em] H[err]n S[yndicus] Willig gesagt, uns sey zur Besatzung ein regiment Croaten und Panduren bestimmet. Andreas Georg W\u00e4hner, Tagebuch vom 4. August 1760 Das lange Zeit als verschollen gegoltene Tagebuch des G\u00f6ttinger Professors Andreas Georg W\u00e4hner ist die umfangreichste G\u00f6ttinger Quelle dieses Genres aus der Zeit des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges, die sich erhalten hat und im Stadtarchiv (wieder) verf\u00fcgbar ist. Meist n\u00fcchtern, gelegentlich mit einem bissigen Kommentar versehen, protokolliert W\u00e4hner alle Ereignisse, von denen er erf\u00e4hrt, und nennt jedes Mal seine Quelle. Die Bedeutung des Tagebuchs zeigt sich gerade in den wiedergegebenen und bisher nicht beachteten Ger\u00fcchten, Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln, die den Blick weit \u00fcber G\u00f6ttingen hinaus auf die Weltgeschichte lenken. Dem heutigen Forscher wird hier Gelegenheit gegeben, sich \u00fcber die G\u00f6ttinger Stadt- und Universit\u00e4tsgeschichte und die Geschichte des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges, besonders aber auch \u00fcber die Kommunikationsgeschichte und Milit\u00e4rgeschichte dieser Zeit zu informieren. Die Hintergr\u00fcnde der geschilderten Ereignisse werden in den zahlreichen Anmerkungen erl\u00e4utert und ein umfangreiches Register, im Fall des Personenregisters mit kurzen biographischen Angaben angereichert, rundet die Edition ab. Das Werk ist eine Fundgrube f\u00fcr die Forschung zum 18. Jahrhundert, vor allem aber bietet es f\u00fcr jeden Interessierten einen schnellen Zugang zu einer F\u00fclle von Informationen.

In abgewichener Nacht fr\u00fche gegen 5 Uhr haben die Franz[osen] von G\u00f6ttingen Besitz genommen. Es sollen 250 Mann seyn, welche d[en] H[err]n Major van der M\u00e4rsch, ein feiner Mann, zum commandanten haben. In dem gestrigen Scharm\u00fctzel ist d[em] H[err]n Maj[or] Friedrichs das Pferd todt geschossen, und er gefangen. Abends gegen 7 Uhr sind die Herren Grafen von Schwerin und v[on] M\u00fcnch, desg[leichen] verschiedene andere Bursche, unter welchen d[er] H[err] von Biederitz, von dem Jacobithurm durch Franz[osen] herunter geholet, jedoch nach Ankunft des Commandanten auf dem Jacobi-Kirchhofe sogleich wieder lo\u00dfgelassen worden. Der Commandant hat zu d[em] H[err]n S[yndicus] Willig gesagt, uns sey zur Besatzung ein regiment Croaten und Panduren bestimmet. Andreas Georg W\u00e4hner, Tagebuch vom 4. August 1760 Das lange Zeit als verschollen gegoltene Tagebuch des G\u00f6ttinger Professors Andreas Georg W\u00e4hner ist die umfangreichste G\u00f6ttinger Quelle dieses Genres aus der Zeit des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges, die sich erhalten hat und im Stadtarchiv (wieder) verf\u00fcgbar ist. Meist n\u00fcchtern, gelegentlich mit einem bissigen Kommentar versehen, protokolliert W\u00e4hner alle Ereignisse, von denen er erf\u00e4hrt, und nennt jedes Mal seine Quelle. Die Bedeutung des Tagebuchs zeigt sich gerade in den wiedergegebenen und bisher nicht beachteten Ger\u00fcchten, Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln, die den Blick weit \u00fcber G\u00f6ttingen hinaus auf die Weltgeschichte lenken. Dem heutigen Forscher wird hier Gelegenheit gegeben, sich \u00fcber die G\u00f6ttinger Stadt- und Universit\u00e4tsgeschichte und die Geschichte des Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieges, besonders aber auch \u00fcber die Kommunikationsgeschichte und Milit\u00e4rgeschichte dieser Zeit zu informieren. Die Hintergr\u00fcnde der geschilderten Ereignisse werden in den zahlreichen Anmerkungen erl\u00e4utert und ein umfangreiches Register, im Fall des Personenregisters mit kurzen biographischen Angaben angereichert, rundet die Edition ab. Das Werk ist eine Fundgrube f\u00fcr die Forschung zum 18. Jahrhundert, vor allem aber bietet es f\u00fcr jeden Interessierten einen schnellen Zugang zu einer F\u00fclle von Informationen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "W\u00e4hner, Andreas Georg; Dahmen, Sigrid"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Diary", "Seven Years' War", "City H\u200bhistory", "G\u00f6ttingen", "History of Communication", "Military History", "18th Century", "Diary", "Seven Years' War", "City H\u200bhistory", "G\u00f6ttingen", "History of Communication", "Military History", "18th Century"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610276"], ["title", "Tagebuch aus dem Siebenj\u00e4hrigen Krieg"], ["doab_id", "15248"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950637"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950637"]], [["description", "An exciting new line of research that investigates the impact of one\u2019s own hands on visual processing has flourished in the past several years. Specifically, several studies have demonstrated that objects near the hands receive prioritized attention, enhanced perceptual sensitivity, altered figure-ground assignment, prolonged and detail-oriented processing, and improved visual working memory. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the visual system reveals a new pattern of processing when one's hands are in proximity of viewed objects. Therefore, the vast majority of studies on visual processing, in which one's hands are kept away from the stimuli, may constitute but one side of a more complex story of the inner workings of the visual system. With several consistent behavioral demonstrations of hand-altered vision now in the literature, the present challenge facing this growing field, and the aim of this Research Topic, is four-pronged: 1) Isolate and elucidate the underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms of hand-altered vision; 2) Map the parameters and conditions of hand-nearness that permit/prevent the onset or maintenance of hand-altered vision; 3) Determine the consequences of hand-altered vision for higher-level cognition and assess its applied potential (e.g., as a neuropsychological intervention); and, 4) Present a cohesive and predictive theoretical account of hand-altered vision. We welcome submissions that fit into any one (or a combination) of the above domains. For behavioral research, we particularly encourage submissions that are relevant to the advancement of our understanding of the neural mechanisms of hand-altered vision (e.g., demonstrations that might corroborate or disconfirm proposed neural systems)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Philip Tseng; Christopher Davoli"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Embodied Cognition", "multisensory integration", "perception and action", "affordance", "Proprioception", "peripersonal space", "near and far space", "tool-use", "visual attention", "spatial attention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1066/taking-a-hands-on-approach-current-perspectives-on-the-effect-of-hand-position-on-vision"], ["title", "Taking a hands-on approach: Current perspectives on the effect of hand position on vision"], ["doab_id", "19565"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196647"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196647"]], [["description", "This book examines the much-debated question of how to unleash the potential of young people with promising intellectual abilities and motivation. It looks at the increasingly important topic of excellence in education, and the shift in focus towards the provision of programs to support talented students in higher education. It provides a systematic overview of programs for talented students at northern European higher education institutions (HEIs). Starting in the Netherlands, where nearly all HEIs have developed honors programs over the past two decades, the book explores three clusters of countries: the Benelux, the Nordic and the German-speaking countries. For each of these countries, it discusses the local culture towards excellence, the structure of the education system, and the presence of honors programs. In total, the book reviews the special talent provisions for nearly four million students at 303 higher education institutions in eleven countries. In addition, it offers an analysis of the reasons to develop such programs, a look into the future of honors education and a practical list of suggestions for further research.The Sirius Program assigned Marca Wolfensberger to carry out this research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dr. Marca V.C. Wolfensberger"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Higher Education", " Educational Policy and Politics", " International and Comparative Education "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-12919-8"], ["title", "Talent Development in European Higher Education: Honors Programs in the Benelux, Nordic and German-Speaking Countries"], ["doab_id", "17434"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319129181", "9783319129198"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319129181 (Print) 9783319129198 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume presents 22 tales from the Trobriand Islands told by children (boys between the age of 5 and 9 years) and adults. The monograph is motivated not only by the anthropological linguistic aim to present a broad and quite unique collection of tales with the thematic approach to illustrate which topics and themes constitute the content of the stories, but also by the psycholinguistic and textlinguistic questions of how children acquire linearization and other narrative strategies, how they develop them and how they use them to structure these texts in an adult-like way. The tales are presented in morpheme-interlinear transcriptions with first textlinguistic analyses and cultural background information necessary to fully understand them. A summarizing comparative analysis of the texts from a psycholinguistic, anthropological linguistic and philological point of view discusses the underlying schemata of the stories, the means narrators use to structure them, their structural complexity and their cultural specificity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gunter Senft"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Linguistics, Anthropology, Antropological linguistics, Austronesian languages"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/books/9789027268266"], ["title", "Tales from the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea. Psycholinguistic and anthropological linguistic analyses of tales told by Trobriand children and adults"], ["doab_id", "19910"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027268266"]], ["provider", "www.jbe-platform.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027268266"]], [["description", "The Talking Heads Experiment, conducted in the years 1999-2001, was the first large-scale experiment in which open populations of situated embodied agents created for the first time ever a new shared vocabulary by playing language games about real world scenes in front of them. The agents could teleport to different physical sites in the world through the Internet. Sites, in Antwerp, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, London, Cambridge and several other locations were linked into the network. Humans could interact with the robotic agents either on site or remotely through the Internet and thus influence the evolving ontologies and languages of the artificial agents. The present book describes in detail the motivation, the cognitive mechanisms used by the agents, the various installations of the Talking Heads, the experimental results that were obtained, and the interaction with humans. It also provides a perspective on what happened in the field after these initial groundbreaking experiments. The book is invaluable reading for anyone interested in the history of agent-based models of language evolution and the future of Artificial Intelligence."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Steels ,Luc"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["situated embodied agents", "language games", "shared vocabulary", "Human-Robotic interaction", "Language in Robotics", "agent-based models", "language evolution", "future of Artificial Intelligence"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=559870"], ["title", "The Talking Heads experiment: Origins of words and meanings"], ["doab_id", "16909"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675428"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675428"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Poeze ,H.A."], ["date", "1976"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613358"], ["title", "Tan Malaka: strijder voor Indonesi\u00eb's vrijheid"], ["doab_id", "18514"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789024718436", "9789004287099"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789024718436 9789004287099"]], [["description", "The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/mTOR pathway integrates signals from growth factors with nutrient signals and other conditions and controls multiple cell responses, including proliferation, survival and metabolism. Deregulation of the PI3K pathway has been extensively investigated in connection to cancer. Somatic or inherited mutations frequently occur in tumor suppressor genes (PTEN, TSC1/2, LKB1) and oncogenes (PIK3CA, PIK3R1, AKT) in the PI3K/mTOR pathway. The fact that the PI3K/mTOR pathway is deregulated in a large number of human malignancies, and its importance for different cellular responses, makes it an attractive drug target. Pharmacological PI3K inhibitors have played a very important role in studying cellular responses involving these enzymes. Currently, a wide range of selective PI3K inhibitors have been tested in preclinical studies and some have entered clinical trials in oncology. Rapamycin and its analogs targeting mTOR are effective in many preclinical cancer models. Although rapalogs are approved for the treatment of some cancers, their efficacy in clinical trials remains the subject of debate. Due to the complexity of the PI3K/mTOR signaling pathway, developing an effective anti-cancer therapy remains a challenge. The biggest challenge in curing cancer patients with various signaling pathway abnormalities is to target multiple components of different signal transduction pathways with mechanism-based combinatorial treatments."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexandre Arcaro"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Akt", "Cancer", "clinical trials", "mTOR", "Phosphoinositide 3-kinase"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/661/targeting-pi3kmtor-signaling-in-cancer"], ["title", "Targeting PI3K/mTOR signaling in cancer"], ["doab_id", "17655"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192441"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192441"]], [["description", "This Research Topic is devoted to the understanding of molecular mechanisms of Human Thyroid Cancers. Original research describing functional studies of genetic mutations that shed novel insights into the aetiology and pathogenesis of these cancers, as well as angiogenesis and tumor microenvironment, mouse models studies that describe mechanisms or novel potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers for these endocrine cancers are presented. Scopes: The scope of this Research Topic was to cover the entire field of thyroid cancers: the main focus of this topic is translational, with an emphasis on bench to bedside research. Experimental, pre-clinical and clinical research addressing the following aspects is included in this Research Topic: 1) Investigation of specific molecular patterns of thyroid tumorigenesis, which could allow the development of new directions in the field of pharmacotherapy research; 2) Emphasis on animal studies (preclinical models of human anaplastic thyroid cancers) for the validation of biomarkers with the potential to lead to clinical trials, and studies of targetable mechanisms of oncogenesis, progression of these malignancies, tumor microenvironment and extracellular matrix, and metastatic disease; 3) Assessment of biomarkers to predict the potential response or resistance to drug treatment (targeted cancer therapies) or to guide the follow-up of treated patients; 4) Investigation of new laboratory molecular tests (e.g. molecular techniques and applications of thyroid fine-needle aspiration biopsy) to translate in the clinical practice; In summary, specific areas of interest include: thyroid cancer genetics; genome-wide analysis; clinical and translational research; orthotopic mouse models of metastatic thyroid carcinoma; tumor microenvironment; epigenetic; biological insights of personalized medicine; novel applications of bioinformatics; large scale molecular characterization of tumors; diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers; endocrine pathology studies; thyroid fine-needle aspiration."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carmelo Nucera"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Papillary thyroid cancer", "microenvironment", "BRAFV600E", "translational", "epigenetic", "papillary thyroid microcarcinoma", "RET", "beta-Catenin", "anaplastic thyroid cancer", "metastasis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/278/human-thyroid-cancers-oncogenes-tumor-suppressors-regulation-of-tumor-microenvironment-and-preclinic"], ["title", "Targeting thyroid cancer microenvironment and epigenetic signalling: new frontiers in cancer endocrinology basic and clinical research"], ["doab_id", "17652"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192403"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192403"]], [["description", "Reports on medical billing frauds, \u201cpremiums\u201d of hospitals (for the referral of a patient) as well as the \u201cmedical marketing\u201d arouse increasing attention in times of dwindling financial resources within the socially insured healthcare system and the worry for spreading \u201crationing\u201d. Out of consideration for the partly remarkably high financial damages the call for a harsh punishment suggests itself, but the criminal law is always late and, above all, isn't capable of compensating the intangible loss of trust. Therefore, the search for instruments of an effective prevention of corruption deserves far more notice, but consequently the question of the real criminal events and of the possible \u201cadjusting screws\u201d for preventive interventions as well. The articles in this volume, which come from the recent (organized on 8 July 2011) annual conference of the Institute of Criminal Law and Justice in G\u00f6ttingen, present the latest findings available so far. They may provide the interested public with an insight, that is respectably and not clouded by the drive of mass-media scandalisation, into the extent and appearances of corrupt behaviour in the healthcare system and may give the experts suggestions for productive further discussions and innovative problem solvings.

In Zeiten knapper werdender finanzieller Ressourcen innerhalb des sozialversicherten Gesundheitssystems und der Sorge vor immer weiter um sich greifender \u201eRationierung\u201c wecken Berichte \u00fcber \u00e4rztliche Abrechnungsbetr\u00fcgereien, \u201eFangpr\u00e4mien\u201c von Krankenh\u00e4usern (f\u00fcr die \u00dcberweisung von Patienten) sowie das \u201ePharmamarketing\u201c verst\u00e4rkte Aufmerksamkeit. Mit R\u00fccksicht auf die z.T. au\u00dferordentlich hohen Schadenssummen liegt der Ruf nach harter Bestrafung nahe, doch kommt das Strafrecht stets zu sp\u00e4t und vermag vor allem den immateriellen Vertrauensverlust nicht zu kompensieren. Die Suche nach Instrumenten einer effektiven Korruptionspr\u00e4vention verdient daher weit gr\u00f6\u00dfere Beachtung, infolgedessen aber ebenso die Frage nach dem tats\u00e4chlichen Kriminalit\u00e4tsgeschehen und nach m\u00f6glichen \u201eStellschrauben\u201c f\u00fcr pr\u00e4ventiv wirkende Interventionen. Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Bandes, hervorgegangen aus der j\u00fcngsten (am 8. Juli 2011 veranstalteten) Jahrestagung des G\u00f6ttinger Instituts f\u00fcr Kriminalwissenschaften, pr\u00e4sentieren die hierzu bisher vorliegenden Erkenntnisse auf aktuellstem Stand. Sie m\u00f6gen der interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit einen seri\u00f6sen, nicht vom Antrieb massenmedialer Skandalisierung getr\u00fcbten Einblick in das Ausma\u00df und die Erscheinungsformen korruptiven Verhaltens im Gesundheitswesen geben und den Experten Anregungen f\u00fcr fruchtbare weiterf\u00fchrende Diskussionen und innovative Probleml\u00f6sungen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Duttge, Gunnar"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Health Care Law", "Fraud", "Medical Law", "Pharmacology", "Health Care Law", "Fraud", "Medical Law", "Pharmacology"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610200"], ["title", "Tatort Gesundheitsmarkt - Rechtswirklichkeit - Strafw\u00fcrdigkeit - Pr\u00e4vention"], ["doab_id", "14588"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950286"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950286"]], [["description", "Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) composed of intracellular aggregates of tau protein are a key neuropathological feature of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative diseases, collectively termed tauopathies. The abundance of NFTs has been reported to correlate positively with the severity of cognitive impairment in AD. However, accumulating evidences derived from studies of experimental models have identified that NFTs themselves may not be neurotoxic. Now, many of tau researchers are seeking a \"toxic\" form of tau protein. Moreover, it was suggested that a \"toxic\" tau was capable to seed aggregation of native tau protein and to propagate in a prion-like manner. However, the exact neurotoxic tau species remain unclear. Because mature tangles seem to be non-toxic component, \"tau oligomers\" as the candidate of \u201ctoxic\u201d tau have been investigated for more than one decade. In this topic, we will discuss our consensus of \u201ctau oligomers\u201d because the term of \u201ctau oligomers\u201d [e.g. dimer (disulfide bond-dependent or independent), multimer (more than dimer), granular (definition by EM or AFM) and maybe small filamentous aggregates] has been used by each researchers definition. From a biochemical point of view, tau protein has several unique characteristics such as natively unfolded conformation, thermo-stability, acid-stability, and capability of post-translational modifications. Although tau protein research has been continued for a long time, we are still missing the mechanisms of NFT formation. It is unclear how the conversion is occurred from natively unfolded protein to abnormally mis-folded protein. It remains unknown how tau protein can be formed filaments [e.g. paired helical filament (PHF), straight filament and twisted filament] in cells albeit in vitro studies confirmed tau self-assembly by several inducing factors. Researchers are still debating whether tau oligomerization is primary event rather than tau phosphorylation in the tau pathogenesis. Inhibition of either tau phosphorylation or aggregation has been investigated for the prevention of tauopathies, however, it will make an irrelevant result if we don\u2019t know an exact target of neurotoxicity. It is a time to have a consensus of definition, terminology and methodology for the identification of \"tau oligomers\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Naruhiko Sahara; Jesus Avila"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["tau protein", "Tauopathy", "neurodegenerative disease", "propagation", "Tau phosphorylation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1231/tau-oligomers"], ["title", "Tau oligomers"], ["doab_id", "17770"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192618"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192618"]], [["description", "The financial crisis has opened up a global debate on the taxation of the financial sector. A number of international policy initiatives, most notably by the G20, have called for major changes in the tax treatment of financial institutions and transactions as well as individuals working in the financial sector. This book examines how tax policies contributed to the financial crisis and whether taxation can play a role in the reform efforts under way to establish a sounder and safer financial system. The book looks at the pros and cons of various tax initiatives, including limiting the tax advantages to debt financing, special taxes on the financial sector and financial transactions taxes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alworth S. ,Julian; Arachi ,Giampaolo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Tax policy", "Financial crisis", "Taxation", "Debt financing", "Financial sector"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=453472"], ["title", "Taxation and the Financial Crisis"], ["doab_id", "15508"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199698165"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199698165"]], [["description", "From its inception in 1885, the Alaska School Service was charged with the assimilation of Alaskan Native children into mainstream American values and ways of life. Working in the missions and schools along the Yukon River were George E. Boulter and Alice Green, his future wife. Boulter, a Londoner originally drawn to the Klondike, had begun teaching in 1905 and by 1910 had been promoted to superintendent of schools for the Upper Yukon District. In 1907, Green left a comfortable family life in New Orleans to answer the \u201ccall to serve\u201d in the Episcopal mission boarding schools for Native children at Anvik and Nenana, where she occupied the position of government teacher. As school superintendent, Boulter wrote frequently to his superiors in Seattle and Washington, DC, to discuss numerous administrative matters and to report on problems and conditions overall.From 1906 to 1918, Green kept a personal journal\u2014hitherto in private possession\u2014in which she reflected on her professional duties and her domestic life in Alaska. Collected in The Teacher and the Superintendent are Boulter\u2019s letters and Green\u2019s diary. Together, their vivid, first- hand impressions bespeak the earnest but paternalistic beliefs of those who lived and worked in immensely isolated regions, seeking to bring Christianity and \u201ccivilized\u201d values to the Native children in their care. Beyond shedding private light on the missionary spirit, however, Boulter and Green have also left us an invaluable account of the daily conflicts that occurred between church and government and of the many injustices suffered by the Native population in the face of the misguided efforts of both institutions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "compiled and annotated by George E. Boulter II and Barbara Grigor-Taylor"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Episcopal church, missions, Anvik, Nenana, tuberculosis, Yukon River, native americans, first nations"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120231"], ["title", "The Teacher and the Superintendent: Native Schooling in the Alaskan Interior, 1904-1918"], ["doab_id", "19415"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356500", "9781927356517", "9781927356524", "9781927356982"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356500 9781927356517 9781927356524 9781927356982 "]], [["description", "In October 2014, more than fifty scholars gathered at Samford University for Augustine Across the Curriculum, a conference designed to help non-specialists teach Augustine more effectively in undergraduate core and general education courses. This volume includes keynote addresses by Peter Iver Kaufman and Kristen Deede Johnson, as well as a selection of top papers from the conference."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Augustine, pedagogy, Core Texts/Great Books programs, History of Christianity"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions/special_issues/teaching-augustine"], ["title", "Teaching Augustine"], ["doab_id", "19007"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421160", "9783038421160"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421160/9783038421160"]], [["description", "Within the rapidly expanding field of educational technology, learners and educators must confront a seemingly overwhelming selection of tools designed to deliver and facilitate both online and blended learning. Many of these tools assume that learning is configured and delivered in closed contexts, through learning management systems (LMS). However, while traditional \"classroom\" learning is by no means obsolete, networked learning is in the ascendant. A foundational method in online and blended education, as well as the most common means of informal and self-directed learning, networked learning is rapidly becoming the dominant mode of teaching as well as learning.

In Teaching Crowds, Dron and Anderson introduce a new model for understanding and exploiting the pedagogical potential of Web-based technologies, one that rests on connections \u2014 on networks and collectives \u2014 rather than on separations. Recognizing that online learning both demands and affords new models of teaching and learning, the authors show how learners can engage with social media platforms to create an unbounded field of emergent connections. These connections empower learners, allowing them to draw from one another\u2019s expertise to formulate and fulfill their own educational goals. In an increasingly networked world, developing such skills will, they argue, better prepare students to become self-directed, lifelong learners."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jon Dron; Terry Anderson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["educational technology", " social media", " networked learning", " self-directed learning", " blended learning", " learning management systems", " learning communities", " lifelong learners"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120235"], ["title", "Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media"], ["doab_id", "19405"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356807", "9781927356814", "9781927356821", "9781771990004"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356807 9781927356814 9781927356821 9781771990004 "]], [["description", "Organ transplantation is a thrilling new option for modern surgery giving hope for chronically ill patients, and, at the same time, stirring controversial ethical questions on human identity and the meaning of the human body. Being a global and transnational endeavor, organ transplantation raises universal ethical concerns and, yet, has to be adapted to culturally mediated believes. In this book, 30 case studies collected from all over the world illustrate the range of global and local, ethical, social, and cultural problems associated with this new form of treatment. Together with a list of relevant movies, the collection provides a unique resource for ethics education in medicine, health care, philosophy, and religious studies. The authors have completed the teaching material by a systematic introduction into the field of transplantation ethics.

Organ transplantation is a thrilling new option for modern surgery giving hope for chronically ill patients, and, at the same time, stirring controversial ethical questions on human identity and the meaning of the human body. Being a global and transnational endeavor, organ transplantation raises universal ethical concerns and, yet, has to be adapted to culturally mediated believes. In this book, 30 case studies collected from all over the world illustrate the range of global and local, ethical, social, and cultural problems associated with this new form of treatment. Together with a list of relevant movies, the collection provides a unique resource for ethics education in medicine, health care, philosophy, and religious studies. The authors have completed the teaching material by a systematic introduction into the field of transplantation ethics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schicktanz, Silke; Wiesemann, Claudia; W\u00f6hlke, Sabine; Carmi, Amnon"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Medicine", "Ethics", "Organ Transplantation", "Medicine", "Ethics", "Organ Transplantation"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610284"], ["title", "Teaching ethics in organ transplantation and tissue donation - cases and movies"], ["doab_id", "14575"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783941875401"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875401"]], [["description", "Intended for a wide range of health care professionals nurses, social workers, occupational and radiation therapists, chiropractors, dietitians, and dental hygienists who deliver online classes, this compendium of creative, challenging activities will inspire new and experienced instructors. Each chapter is contextualized within one of such educational theories as instructional immediacy, invitational theory, constructivism, connectivism, transformative learning, and quantum learning theory. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["online education", "health", "professionals"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120234"], ["title", "Teaching Health Professionals Online: Frameworks and Strategies"], ["doab_id", "16231"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356654", "9781927356661", "9781927356678"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356654 9781927356661 9781927356678"]], [["description", "Digital history is an approach to examining and representing the past that takes advantage of new communication technologies such as computers and the Web. It draws on essential features of the digital realm, such as databases, hypertextualization, and networks, to create and share historical knowledge. Digital history complements other forms of history\u2014indeed, it draws its strength and methodological rigor from this age-old form of human understanding while using the latest technology. Although many humanities scholars have been talking and writing about the transition to the digital age for more than a decade, only in the last few years have we seen a convergence of the factors that make this transition possible: the spread of sufficient infrastructure on our campuses, the creation of truly massive databases of humanities content, and a generation of students that has never known a world without easy Internet access. Teaching History in the Digital Age is intended to serve as a guide for practitioners on how to fruitfully employ the transformative changes of digital media in the research, writing, teaching of history."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "T. Mills Kelly"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.12146032.0001.001"], ["title", "Teaching History in the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "19100"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472118786", "9780472036769", "9780472900275", "9780472029136"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472118786 9780472036769 9780472900275 9780472029136"]], [["description", "Teaching in Blended Learning Environments provides a coherent framework in which to explore the transformative concept of blended learning\u00d1the organic integration of complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies. Built upon the theoretical framework of the Community of Inquiry\u00d1the premise that higher education is both a collaborative and individually constructivist learning experience\u00d1the authors present seven principles for harnessing the opportunities for teaching and learning available through technology. Focusing on teaching practices related to the design, facilitation, direction, and assessment of blended learning experiences, this text addresses the growing demand for improved teaching in higher education. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Norman D. Vaughan, Martha Cleveland-Innes, and D. Randy Garrison"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Education", "Educational technology", "Online learning", "Pedagogy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120229"], ["title", "Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry"], ["doab_id", "16230"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356470", "9781927356487", "9781927356494"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356470 9781927356487 9781927356494"]], [["description", "Teaching Mathematics is nothing less than a mathematical manifesto. Arising in response to a limited National Curriculum, and engaged with secondary schooling for those aged 11 \u0336 14 (Key Stage 3) in particular, this handbook for teachers will help them broaden and enrich their students\u2019 mathematical education. It avoids specifying how to teach, and focuses instead on the central principles and concepts that need to be borne in mind by all teachers and textbook authors\u2014but which are little appreciated in the UK at present.This study is aimed at anyone who would like to think more deeply about the discipline of \u2018elementary mathematics\u2019, in England and Wales and anywhere else. By analysing and supplementing the current curriculum, Teaching Mathematics provides food for thought for all those involved in school mathematics, whether as aspiring teachers or as experienced professionals. It challenges us all to reflect upon what it is that makes secondary school mathematics educationally, culturally, and socially important."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gardiner, Tony"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Teaching, secondary school, mathematics, Key Stage 3, secondary education, principles and concepts"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/340"], ["title", "Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level"], ["doab_id", "18979"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741373", "9781783741397"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741373\t/ 9781783741397"]], [["description", "By 2020, half of the world\u2019s population and most university students will have a supercomputer in their pockets. This revolution will affect the way students respond to higher education. The university classroom must henceforth engage students, and the classic lecture format alone might not be enough to do so. This book answers the question how university students can learn in the classroom what they cannot learn in any other way.The answer is inspired by options that are not available to political scientists \u2013 in the way that they are in the laboratories for the sciences, in the performances for the live arts, and in the studios for visual arts \u2013 as well as ideas that are already present, but not widespread in the discipline: problem-solving and case studies, as in the professional schools, and simulation exercises in many other disciplines. This book proposes therefore an active pedagogy for political science, at a time when active pedagogy is more important than ever."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paquette, Laure"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/465498"], ["title", "Teaching Political Science to Undergraduates. Active Pedagogy for the Microchip Mind"], ["doab_id", "17977"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110450545", "9783110450552", "9783110450682"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110450545, 9783110450552, 9783110450682"]], [["description", "Technicians of Human Dignity traces the extraordinary rise of human dignity as a defining concern of religious, political, and bioethical institutions over the last half century and offers original insight into how human dignity has become threatened by its own success. The global expansion of dignitarian politics has left dignity without a stable set of meanings or referents, unsettling contemporary economies of life and power. Engaging anthropology, theology, and bioethics, Bennett grapples with contemporary efforts to mobilize human dignity as a counter-response to the biopolitics of the human body, and the breakdowns this has generated. To do this, he investigates how actors in pivotal institutions \u2014the Vatican, the United Nations, U.S. Federal Bioethics\u2014reconceived human dignity as the bearer of intrinsic worth, only to become frustrated by the Sisyphean struggle of turning its conceptions into practice.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bennett ,Gaymon"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Bioethics", "Human rights", "Respect for persons", "Anthropology"]], ["publisher", "Fordham University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605861"], ["title", "Technicians of Human Dignity"], ["doab_id", "18999"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780823274888"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780823274888"]], [["description", "not yet available

In der Publikation werden zun\u00e4chst allgemeine Begriffskl\u00e4rungen von \"Technik\" und \"Kultur\" sowie deren generelle Wechselwirkungen behandelt. Daran schlie\u00dfen sich Beitr\u00e4ge an, die an konkreten Bereichen oder Beispielen die Verwobenheit von Technik und Kultur darstellen. Einschlie\u00dflich der den Band abschlie\u00dfenden Auswahlbibliografie werden so gewichtige \"Standort-Koordinaten\" deutlich gemacht, die in den nachfolgenden B\u00e4nden dieser Reihe detaillierter gekennzeichnet werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Banse ,Gerhard; Grunwald ,Armin"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "history of technology", "impact of technology on human society", "Technikgeschichte", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Auswirkungen von Technik auf menschliche Gesellschaft"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422362"], ["title", "Technik und Kultur : Bedingungs- und Beeinflussungsverh\u00e4ltnisse"], ["doab_id", "15099"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866444676"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866444676"]], [["description", "not yet available

Nostalgie wurde bisher als allgemeine kulturelle Erscheinung, aber kaum in ihrer Relation zur technologischen Entwicklung betrachtet. Der Band enth\u00e4lt neben Beitr\u00e4gen zur Relevanz von alten Technologien Analysen zu drei technischen Feldern: Mobilit\u00e4t (Auto und Bahn), Architektur und St\u00e4dtebau (reale und virtuelle Retro-R\u00e4ume, Historismen in Konstruktion und Design sowie postapokalyptische nostalgiegeladene Utopien) und technische Medien (Photographie, Film und Videospiele)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "B\u00f6hn ,Andreas; M\u00f6ser ,Kurt"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["history of technology", "cultural studies", "Technikgeschichte", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Techniknostalgie"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422365"], ["title", "Techniknostalgie und Retrotechnologie"], ["doab_id", "15090"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866444744"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866444744"]], [["description", "The aim of the book is to present contributions in theory, policy and practice to the science and policy of sustainable intensification by means of technological and institutional innovations in agriculture. The research insights re from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The purpose of this book is to be a reference for students, scholars and practitioners inthe field of science and policy for understanding and identifying agricultural productivity growth potentials in marginalized areas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Franz W. Gatzweiler; Joachim von Braun"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["agricultural economics", " innovation management"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-25718-1"], ["title", "Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development"], ["doab_id", "19225"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319257167", "9783319257181"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319257167 (Print) 9783319257181 (Online)"]], [["description", "It is by now common knowledge that one of the aspects upon which the survival of the University depends is how it will make the best possible use of the new technologies (e-learning). Despite the acceptance of this principle, difficulties arise when one attempts to proceed from the mere declaration to actually planning activities and putting them into effect. This research, the result of collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Educational Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Florence, focuses on certain theoretical concepts and reference apparatus, bringing international literature to bear on the specific case of Italy. [english version]

It is by now common knowledge that one of the aspects upon which the survival of the University depends is how it will make the best possible use of the new technologies (e-learning). Despite the acceptance of this principle, difficulties arise when one attempts to proceed from the mere declaration to actually planning activities and putting them into effect. This research, the result of collaboration between teachers and researchers of the Educational Science and Engineering Faculties of the University of Florence, focuses on certain theoretical concepts and reference apparatus, bringing international literature to bear on the specific case of Italy. [english version]"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Calvani, Antonio"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["University", "E-learning", "Technology", "Communication", "Universit\u00e0", "E-learning", "Tecnologia", "Comunicazione"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=345114"], ["title", "Technological innovation and change in the university"], ["doab_id", "12998"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9788884530516"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530512"]], [["description", "Technology enhanced learning concept, curriculum characteristics and processes are revealed and described in the monograph from philosophical, methodological, and empirical point of view and in the context of international experience.Integration of technology enhanced learning in an organization is based on the conception that information communication technologies should be in harmony with learning and teaching process to enhance these processes. Research implemented in three types of organizations \u2013 education, business and community \u2013 is presented in the book. Research results are focused on the strengths, limitations, learning and teaching needs in organizations, as well as input of staff of these organizations towards successful integration of technology enhanced learning. Virtual learning environment preferences, the need for technology enhanced learning perceived by the staff and the use and benefit of integration process for individuals and for the organization are discussed."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Teresevi\u010dien\u0117, Margarita; Volungevi\u010dien\u0117, Airina; \u017dyd\u017ei\u016bnait\u0117, Vilma; Kaminskien\u0117, Lina; Rutkien\u0117, Au\u0161ra; Trepul\u0117, Elena; Daukilas, Sigitas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Technology enhanced learning", " Integration", " Education organisation", " Business organisation", " Community"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["lt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/176/ISBN9786094671180.pdf"], ["title", "Technologijomis grind\u017eiamas mokymas ir mokymasis organizacijoje"], ["doab_id", "17608"], ["language_unmapped", "Lithuanian"], ["isbns", ["9786094671180"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094671180"]], [["description", "Continuation along current development pathways is not sustainable. Available technology and production practices and the consumption patterns of modern societies are leading to global warming and ecological destruction. Business as usual is not an option. There is an urgent need to find a new development paradigm that ensures environmental sustainability while managing to provide, now and in the future, a decent livelihood for all of humankind. In Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, experts in the area provide a variety of insights about the technical transformation needed for sustainable development. It spells out the behavioural and policy changes that would need to accompany the next technological transformation, taking into account the complexity of inducing technological change in the energy and agricultural sectors. The assessment suggests that this will require major, but doable improvements in national innovation systems and major, but affordable shifts in investment patterns and related macroeconomic adjustments."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rob Vos; Diana Alarc\u00f3n"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472580795"], ["title", "Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development"], ["doab_id", "18413"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472580764"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472580764"]], [["description", "The study presents a framework of responsible and responsive technology enhanced learning integration into organizations. Applying the theories of integration of innovation in an organization, technology enhanced learning integration criteria groups have been identified and validated in this study in the following sequence: 1) Strategy and management, 2) Information communication technologies and infrastructure, 3) Continuous professional staff development, 4) Technology enhanced learning curriculum, 5) Support systems, 6) Quality assurance, and 7) Marketing and business development. The implementation of framework of technology enhanced learning integration into three types of organizations - vocational education and training, business and community organizations- have been researched and results presented. The study aimed at presenting the complexity of TEL implementation in various organisations, searching for commonalities and researching separate organisational cases. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Teresevi\u010dien\u0117, Margarita; Volungevi\u010dien\u0117, Airina; Trepul\u0117, Elena; \u017dyd\u017ei\u016bnait\u0117, Vilma; Rutkien\u0117, Au\u0161ra; Tait, Alan W.; Kaminskien\u0117, Lina"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Technology enhanced learning", " Integration", " Education organisation", " Business organisation", " Community"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/172/ISBN9786094671418.pdf"], ["title", "Technology enhanced learning integration into organizations"], ["doab_id", "17563"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9786094671418"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094671418 "]], [["description", "What does it mean to be human in a world of technology? What could be the role of religion in responding to the ecological crisis? Should we be concerned about the modification of food, and even of ourselves? Who do we trust to make decisions regarding our common future? What do we use our technology for? These are not questions for experts only. How can the wider public be involved? Do experts and the general public trust each other sufficiently? Or is the public ignorant, in the eyes of the scientists? And are too many engineers narrow minded, according to the general public? The contributors to this timely and necessary volume address expertise, trust and engagement, as we consider our technological condition , religious resources for the ecological crisis , biotechnology , and matters of trust between scientists and the general public. With contributions from leading scholars in the field, including James Miller from Queen's University, Canada and Tony Watling from the University College, London, this book will captivate a range of readers interested in the spirtitual dimension of of our culture and society.

Wat is de invloed van technologie op de menselijke cultuur? Welke rol kan religie spelen als reactie op de dreigende ecologische crisis? Moeten we ons zorgen maken over de modificatie van voedsel, en ook zelfs van de mens? Waar willen we technologische ontwikkelingen voor inzetten een aan wie vertrouwen wij beslissingen over onze toekomst toe? Dergelijke vragen gaan niet alleen de experts maar iedereen aan. Hoe kan het grote publiek deelnemen aan het technologische debat? Of is het publiek te onwetend om mee kunnen praten? In Technology, Trust and Religion gaan zestien wetenschappers op dit onderwerp in en worden deskundigheid, vertrouwen en betrokkenheid tegen het licht gehouden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Drees ,Willem"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Religion", "Motion pictures", "Philosophy", "Technology", "Trust", "Ecology", "Modification", "Religie", "Film", "Filosofie"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=354669"], ["title", "Technology, Trust, and Religion : Roles of Religions in Controversies on Ecology and the Modification of Life"], ["doab_id", "12984"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087280598"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087280598"]], [["description", "Conservar a mem\u00f3ria da produ\u00e7\u00e3o arquitet\u00f4nica humana \u00e9 o tema deste livro, que apresenta, atrav\u00e9s de minucioso trabalho, uma simplifica\u00e7\u00e3o de conte\u00fados de autores renomados, procurando facilitar a \u00e1rdua tarefa do aprendizado cient\u00edfico, combinada com observa\u00e7\u00f5es do dia-a-dia no laborat\u00f3rio e de canteiros de restauro brasileiros, nos quais os pontos destacados coincidem com os temas afrontados na pr\u00e1tica do exerc\u00edcio profissional."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, M\u00e1rio Mendon\u00e7a de"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/k8tdh"], ["title", "Tecnologia da conserva\u00e7\u00e3o e da restaura\u00e7\u00e3o - materiais e estruturas: um roteiro de estudos"], ["doab_id", "17274"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209230"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209230"]], [["description", "Grande parte dos problemas sociais que enfrentamos atualmente poderia ser minimizada com a destina\u00e7\u00e3o, e principalmente, com a aplica\u00e7\u00e3o mais eficiente dos recursos p\u00fablicos dispon\u00edveis. Faz-se necess\u00e1rio que a sociedade acompanhe de perto o processo de gest\u00e3o das administra\u00e7\u00f5es p\u00fablicas, come\u00e7ando pela mais pr\u00f3xima, a municipal. Esta tarefa vem sendo facilitada pelo uso de recursos de Tecnologia da Informa\u00e7\u00e3o que podem propiciar um ambiente mais transparente e acess\u00edvel, permitindo um olhar da sociedade sobre as a\u00e7\u00f5es e decis\u00f5es da gest\u00e3o p\u00fablica. Com isso se abre a possibilidade de acompanhar e cobrar maior esfor\u00e7o dos gestores p\u00fablicos para ampliar a disponibilidade de op\u00e7\u00f5es de acesso aos dados e servi\u00e7os p\u00fablicos. Governos realmente transparentes podem estimular a participa\u00e7\u00e3o popular, a cidadania e a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma sociedade mais justa. Neste livro s\u00e3o analisados os aspectos envolvidos no processo de constru\u00e7\u00e3o de um ambiente desse tipo e propostos diversos elementos a serem identificados na busca pela mensura\u00e7\u00e3o do n\u00edvel com que esta intera\u00e7\u00e3o esta sendo propiciada. Trata-se de um tema de grande atualidade e relev\u00e2ncia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sant\u2019ana, Ricardo C\u00e9sar Gon\u00e7alves"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["BUSINESS & ECONOMICS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8v2y2"], ["title", "Tecnologia e gest\u00e3o p\u00fablica municipal: mensura\u00e7\u00e3o da intera\u00e7\u00e3o com a sociedade"], ["doab_id", "16776"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830105"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830105"]], [["description", "Os investimentos feitos no Brasil na \u00e1rea de ci\u00eancia e tecnologia nos \u00faltimos 15 anos alteraram de maneira profunda o quadro institucional e humano deste tipo de atividade no pa\u00eds. Grandes programas cient\u00edficos, tecnol\u00f3gicos e de educa\u00e7\u00e3o p\u00f3s-graduada foram lan\u00e7ados - na \u00e1rea energ\u00e9tica, agr\u00edcola, de sa\u00fade, engenharia e v\u00e1rias outras - pela cria\u00e7\u00e3o de novas institui\u00e7\u00f5es ou pela transforma\u00e7\u00e3o freq\u00fcentemente radical de outras, que eram adaptadas para desempenhar os novos objetivos que iam sendo definidos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castro, Maria Helena Magalh\u00e3es; Schwartzman, Simon"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/pmcfg"], ["title", "Tecnologia para a ind\u00fastria: a hist\u00f3ria do Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia "], ["doab_id", "16635"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662540"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662540"]], [["description", "Este segundo volume da S\u00e9rie Tecnologia Social deriva do interesse que o tema tem despertado em professores, estudantes, gestores p\u00fablicos e participantes de movimentos sociais com quem seu autor vem dialogando. E de sua percep\u00e7\u00e3o de que a sociedade mais justa, igualit\u00e1ria e ambientalmente sustent\u00e1vel que desejam demanda uma alian\u00e7a da comunidade de pesquisa que hegemoniza as pol\u00edticas cognitivas (da Ci\u00eancia e Tecnologia e do Ensino) e dos trabalhadores que intentam sair da informalidade para a Economia Solid\u00e1ria. Deter a exclus\u00e3o que penaliza a maioria da popula\u00e7\u00e3o mundial e caminhar na dire\u00e7\u00e3o de uma sociedade fundamentada numa outra tecnoci\u00eancia s\u00e3o a raiz dos argumentos sintetizados no conceito de Tecnologia Social. Nas palavras do autor, \u201co livro visa somar-se ao trabalho de um n\u00famero crescente de latino-americanos que est\u00e3o construindo a plataforma cognitiva de lan\u00e7amento - a Tecnologia Social - de uma nova proposta societ\u00e1ria - a Economia Solid\u00e1ria\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dagnino, Renato"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7hbdt"], ["title", "Tecnologia Social: contribui\u00e7\u00f5es conceituais e metodol\u00f3gicas"], ["doab_id", "19951"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793272"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793272"]], [["description", "Tecnologias Digitais na Educa\u00e7\u00e3o apresenta uma sele\u00e7\u00e3o de artigos que s\u00e3o resultado das monografias da primeira turma do curso de Especializa\u00e7\u00e3o em Novas Tecnologias na Educa\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sousa, Robson Pequeno de (org.); Moita, Filomena M. C. da S. C. (org.); Carvalho, Ana Beatriz Gomes (org.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Tecnologia da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o, Multim\u00eddia na educa\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6pdyn"], ["title", "Tecnologias digitais na educa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16254"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791247"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791247"]], [["description", "This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel \"A Telecommunications Economics COST Network\" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Antonis M. Hadjiantonis; Burkhard Stiller"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["computer communications", "mobile communications", "network architectures", "network economics", "network management", "networking", "telecommunication regulation"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-30381-4"], ["title", "Telecommunication Economics: Selected Results of the COST Action IS0605"], ["doab_id", "15108"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642303814", "9783642303821"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642303814 (Print) 9783642303821 (Online)"]], [["description", "Telemedicine networks to support healthcare workers in resource-limited settings (often for humanitarian purposes) have evolved over the last decade or so in a largely autonomous way. Communication between them has been informal and relatively limited in scope. This situation could be improved by developing a comprehensive approach to the collection and dissemination of information.A recent review identified seven telemedicine networks, each of which had been in operation for at least five years and which provided store-and-forward telemedicine services to doctors in low- and middle-income countries. These networks provide clinically useful services and improved healthcare access. However, like much of telemedicine, the formal evidence for their cost-effectiveness remains weak.Topics of current research interest therefore include the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine in resource-limited settings. Outcomes data (and methods for gathering it) such as patient quality of life following a telemedicine episode, the knowledge-gain of healthcare staff involved in telemedicine, and staff recruitment and retention in rural areas are also of interest. Finally, there is little published information about the performance of these telemedicine networks (and methods for measuring it), about how best to manage them, and about how to share resources between them.A collection of articles reporting the current evidence supporting the use of telemedicine in resource-limited settings would build the evidence base and should provide a focus for future research. It would also serve to raise the profile of this potentially important research field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Richard Wootton"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Telemedicine", "telehealth", "outcomes", "effectiveness", "sustainability", "LMICs"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2506/telemedicine-in-low-resource-settings"], ["title", "Telemedicine in Low-Resource Settings"], ["doab_id", "17740"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195053"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195053"]], [["description", "The writers in the volume ask, implicitly, how the 21st century horizons that exceed any political, economic, or conceptual models alters or redefines a series of key topoi. These range through figures of sexual difference, bioethics, care, species invasion, war, post-carbon thought, ecotechnics, time, and so on. As such, the volume is also a dossier on what metamorphoses await the legacies of -humanistic- thought in adapting to, or rethinking, the other materialities that impinge of contemporary -life as we know it.- With essays by Robert Markley, J. Hillis Miller, Bernard Stiegler, Justin Read, Timothy Clark, Claire Colebrook, Jason Groves, Joanna Zylinska, Catherine Malabou, Mike Hill, Martin McQuillan, Eduardo Cadava and Tom Cohen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cohen ,Tom"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["meteorology", "climatology"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444386"], ["title", "Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change, Vol. 1"], ["doab_id", "15195"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852360"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852360"]], [["description", "This book describes stages of development of the conception of an ideal republic that is fundamentally based on practical reason. It is widely understood that this conception is paradigmatically represented in the political thought of Aristotle and conveyed by its reception by Thomas Aquinas. This early concept of a liberal republic - which is in some ways certainly marked by the constraints of ancient philosophy on the whole, is even considered to have contributed to the development of the modern state and its instruments of political reason.Part 1 presents Aristotle's conception of \"civil society\" which is built upon man in his specific nature of humanity. From this point of view \"political\" government is intrinsically related to the mutual recognition of free and equal fellow citizens. Thus establishes a strict standard of criticism of any arbitrary or illegitimate presumption of political power. Nevertheless, Aristotle's \"Republic\" relies on limiting conditions of political subsistence as they arise from a specific ancient point of view that sets a clear limit to our modern expectation of freedom and equality. Above all, subjectivity, at least the perfection of virtuous citizenship, is supposed to be indispensably linked to a specific political, institutional and moral framework. This framework is derived from Aristotle's concept of \"teleology\", which pervades his whole philosophy. Therefore, Aristotle's approach shall be investigated in a most complex and comprehensive way in its close systematic link to all fields of philosophy, including practical reason, physics and metaphysics, in order to enable a most distinct historical judgement that will also finally reveal its actual significance. E.g. Aristotle's concept of teleology, though introduced by the investigation of \"natural movement\", is also applied to his ethics of practical reason. This does not imply, however, any dependence of law or politics on natural goals, but only reclaims a fundamental structural analogy between both, nature and habits, while adhering to their clear methodological separation.Part 2 is devoted to elaborate the systematic transformations and shifts of emphasis that have occurred, when Aristotle's concept of teleology and practical reason - within the work of Thomas Aquinas - encountered the specific philosophical demands and the different approach of Christian tradition. As a religion that is concerned with the view of eschatological anticipation and the experience of historical revelation, Christianity turned out to introduce a first perspective of \"historical\" thinking that was aimed to partly break down the more restricted ancient concept of ethics and politics. Being however constrained to a mere theological explanation, freedom of man is gaining a more universal and transcendent notion. The fulfilment of human nature is basically detached from its ancient close link to politics. But this development also changes the significance and the structures of the political and public sphere. It turns out to weaken and dilute the institutional achievements of the aristotelian republic. On the other hand the new resort to the universal demand of the transcendent \"common good\" as the ultimate goal of human life, rather than to the developed customs of the ancient city, also favours a process of accelerating and diversifying individual and social human goals and practices. And this development focuses the status of Aquinas' concept of the \"Law\" that however transcends a mere authoritarian or \"material\" notion of ethics and law. Furthermore it takes over the legitimising tasks of the ancient community of free and virtuous citizens in procuring a legitimate basis of politics. And this basis is now gaining a higher degree of \"universality\" with regard to its transcendental reason as well as its concern with the expansion of moral subjectivity, which finally leads up to the political demands of modern times.

Die Arbeit verfolgt Entwicklungslinien eines auf praktische Vernunft gest\u00fctzten Republikmodells an Hand der exemplarischen Bedeutung der aristotelischen Politik und ihrer Rezeption durch Thomas von Aquin. Diesen werden auch entscheidende Weichenstellungen f\u00fcr die Ausbildung des modernen Staatsbegriffs und seines begrifflichen Instrumentariums politischer Vern\u00fcnftigkeit zugerechnet.Teil 1 stellt das aristotelische Modell der auf den Begriff des Menschen als Menschen gegr\u00fcndeten \"b\u00fcrgerlichen Gesellschaft\" vor, in der sich ein gegen\u00fcber der Beliebigkeit tats\u00e4chlicher Herrschaftsan-ma\u00dfungen kritischer urspr\u00fcnglicher Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verst\u00e4ndnis \"politischer Herr-schaft\" und der wechselseitigen \"Anerkennung\" konkret freier und gleicher B\u00fcrger pr\u00e4sent h\u00e4lt. Dieser ruht jedoch auf einschr\u00e4nkenden Voraussetzungen politischer Subjektivit\u00e4t und deren unmittelbarer Bindung an institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen auf, wie sie aus einem spezifisch antiken Verst\u00e4ndnishorizont, n\u00e4herhin aus dem aristotelischen Konzept entelechialer Teleologie, erl\u00e4utert werden. Der Versuch einer Einordnung in Grundlinien des umfassenden systematischen Kontexts in Metaphysik, Physik und praktischer Philosophie soll gerade durch den gegen\u00fcber der unbestrittenen aktuellen Relevanz neuzeitlichen Freiheitsethos differenzierenden und nicht ungeschichtlich-planen Zugang zu diesem Politikmodell auch aktualisierende Perspektiven er\u00f6ffnen.So soll etwa durch die Erl\u00e4uterung der aristotelischen Teleologiekonzeption, die anhand des Paradigmas der Naturbewegung eingef\u00fchrt wird, sowie des dazu korrespondierenden Ethos \"vern\u00fcnftigen Strebens\" das etwaige Verst\u00e4ndnis einer vorg\u00e4ngigen materialen Zweckbindung der Politik, im Sinne etwa einer herk\u00f6mmlichen \"Werteethik\", distanziert werden. Das Verh\u00e4ltnis Naturteleologie - Praxis wird nicht deduktiv, sondern als ein solches der Strukturanalogie bei gleichzeitiger methodischer Abgrenzung verstanden.Teil 2 widmet sich der Herausarbeitung systematischer Akzentverschiebungen und Umformungen im Spannungsfeld der Konfrontation von aristotelischer Teleologie bzw. praktischer Vernunft mit einer von der Perspektive der Geschichtlichkeit gepr\u00e4gten Offenbarungsreligion bei Thomas von Aquin. Im Zeichen eines vorl\u00e4ufig theologisch gewonnenen universalen Freiheitsverst\u00e4ndnisses vollzieht sich auch ein Strukturwandel politischer \u00d6ffentlichkeit, der zun\u00e4chst eine institutionelle Verd\u00fcnnung des republikanischen Ideals herbeif\u00fchrt. Durch die R\u00fccknahme des Ziels der Politik vom konkreten B\u00fcrger-ethos in die Universalit\u00e4t und den nunmehr transzendentalen Anspruch des Begriffs des \"bonum commune\" wird gleichzeitig aber auch ein Proze\u00df der Pluralisierung und Dynamisierung gesellschaft-licher und individueller Zielsetzungen und Praxisformen freigesetzt. Entscheidende Bedeutung kommt dabei dem Stellenwert des thomasischen \"Gesetzes\" zu, in dem - jenseits einer material-deduktiven oder imperialistischen Konzeption - ein dezidiert praktisch-handlungsleitendes Gesetzesverst\u00e4ndnis zum Vorschein kommt. Dieses f\u00fchrt die sittlich-politische Anerkennung stiftende Funktion der \"koinonia politike\" weiter und leitet in seinem Anspruch gesteigerter \"Allgemeinheit\" - dies sowohl im R\u00fcckgang auf ein transzendentales Prinzip seiner Begr\u00fcndung wie auch in der Ausweitung seines Adressaten-kreises - zur Neuzeit \u00fcber."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maier ,Eva Maria"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Aristotele, Thomas Aquina, teleology, practical reason, Law, republic", "Aristoteles, Thomas von Aquin, Teleologie, Praktische Vernunft, Gesetz, Republik"]], ["publisher", "Nomos"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574812"], ["title", "Teleologie und politische Vernunft"], ["doab_id", "17406"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783789077814"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783789077814"]], [["description", "Constituem a obra cap\u00edtulos derivados de diferentes perspectivas acerca do tema da televis\u00e3o digital terrestre, compondo um panorama prism\u00e1tico de diversos aspectos integrantes da inova\u00e7\u00e3o a partir das plataformas j\u00e1 existentes e da problem\u00e1tica da implanta\u00e7\u00e3o, abarcando t\u00f3picos distintos componentes da implanta\u00e7\u00e3o e manuten\u00e7\u00e3o do novo sistema - autores na sociedade tecnol\u00f3gica, diversidade cultural e pol\u00edtica de informa\u00e7\u00e3o, educa\u00e7\u00e3o e participa\u00e7\u00e3o por meio da interatividade, produ\u00e7\u00e3o de conte\u00fados audiovisuais, regula\u00e7\u00e3o e pol\u00edticas de educa\u00e7\u00e3o, mobilidade e democracia, modelos de neg\u00f3cio, a viabilidade da interatividade, cen\u00e1rios e desafios para as emissoras p\u00fablicas, a implanta\u00e7\u00e3o no Brasil e na Espanha, a converg\u00eancia com institui\u00e7\u00f5es educacionais, gest\u00e3o de conte\u00fados narrativos, democracia digital, a implanta\u00e7\u00e3o no Par\u00e1 e a atua\u00e7\u00e3o de emissoras em cada estado, a transi\u00e7\u00e3o do sinal anal\u00f3gico para o digital, a repercuss\u00e3o midi\u00e1tica sobre a implanta\u00e7\u00e3o e as controv\u00e9rsias e desinforma\u00e7\u00f5es sobre o \"apag\u00e3o digital\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gobbi, Maria Cristina; Kerbauy, Maria Teresa Miceli"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/k8s27"], ["title", "Televis\u00e3o digital: informa\u00e7\u00e3o e conhecimento"], ["doab_id", "16777"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831010"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831010"]], [["description", "Este livro re\u00fane os trabalhos apresentados nos pain\u00e9is tem\u00e1ticos, pelos conferencistas convidados, e a confer\u00eancia de abertura do Col\u00f3quio, realizada por Fran\u00e7ois Jost, professor da Universit\u00e9 Sorbonne Nouvelle/Paris III e diretor do Centre d\u2019Etude des Images et des Sons M\u00e9diatiques (CEISME)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gomes, Itania Maria Mota"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b3jpx"], ["title", "Televis\u00e3o e Realidade"], ["doab_id", "17275"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208806"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208806"]], [["description", "Tell city of Abu al-Kharaz is situated in the central Transjordanian Jordan Valley and excavated by the author from 1989 to 2012. The town flourished in the Early Bronze Age, and after an occupational lacuna of more than thousand years the site was re-occupied in the second half of the Middle Bronze Age and remained permanently occupied until the end of the Iron Age. The new volume is No. III in a series of three (The Early Bronze Age Vol. I, published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press in 2008, and the Middle and Late Bronze Ages Vol. II, in 2006).

Tell Abu al-Kharaz, ein Siedlungsh\u00fcgel im mittleren Jordantal, wurde zwischen 1989 und 2012 unter der Leitung des Autors erforscht. Die Stadt erlebte ihre Bl\u00fctezeit in der Fr\u00fchbronzezeit und \u2013 nach einer l\u00e4ngeren Besiedlungsl\u00fccke \u2013 in der sp\u00e4ten Mittelbronze- und der Sp\u00e4tbronzezeit. Als letzter Band in einer Serie von drei B\u00e4nden \u00fcber Tell Abu al-Kharaz (Band I: Fr\u00fchbronzezeit, 2008; Band II: Mittel- und Sp\u00e4tbronzezeit, 2006) ist das vorliegende Buch der erste abgeschlossene Bericht \u00fcber eine eisenzeitliche Siedlung im Jordantal."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fischer ,Peter M."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Archaeology, Iron Age, Jordan Valley, Sea Peoples, Chronology, Radiocarbon, Interkultural Connections, Assyria", "Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Arch\u00e4ologie, Eisenzeit, Jordantal, Seev\u00f6lker, Chronologie, Radiokarbon, interkulturelle Verbindungen, Assyrier"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=465030"], ["title", "Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley"], ["doab_id", "15666"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783700173328"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700173328"]], [["description", "In the plains of north-eastern Syria, not far from the course of the Tigris, is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat, a centre famous in the course of the second millennium for the presence of the temple of the god of the storm and for the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II, an Assyrian sovereign of the ninth century BC. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. From the Sumerian, Accadian, Paleo-Babylonian and Assyrian evidence through to the Achemenidian, Hellenistic, Parthian, Sassanid-Byzantine and finally mediaeval occupation. The book illustrates the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the \u201cFederico II\u201d University of Naples.

Nelle pianure della Siria nord-occidentale, non lontano dal corso del Tigri, si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la citt\u00e0 di Kahat, centro noto nel corso del II millennio per la presenza del tempio del dio della tempesta e per il palazzo di Tukulti-Ninurta II, sovrano assiro del IX secolo a.C. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C. Dalle testimonianze sumeriche, accadiche, paleobabilonesi, assire fino all'occupazione achemenide, ellenistica, partica, sasanide-bizantina ed infine medioevale. Il volume illustra i risultati dello scavo della diciassettesima campagna condotta dall'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze e dall'Universit\u00e0 \"Federico II\" di Napoli."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pecorella, Paolo Emilio"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Archaeological excavations", "Archaeological sources", "Tell Barri", "Kahat", "Scavi archeologici", "Fonti archeologiche", "Tell Barri", "Kahat"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356390"], ["title", "Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2000"], ["doab_id", "13184"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530929", "9788884530974"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884530926 8884530970"]], [["description", "In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the seventeenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the \u201cFederico II\u201d University of Naples. Layers from the end of the third millennium have been brought to light, the passage between the Mid- and Neo-Assyrian periods. In the palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II the reception hall was discovered. For the later periods, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall of Parthian age, and on the large edifice in the lower city.

Nelle ondulate pianure della Siria nord-orientale si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la citt\u00e0 di Kahat. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C., senza soluzione di continuit\u00e0. La presente relazione d\u00e0 ragione dei risultati della diciassettesima campagna ad opera del gruppo dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze e dell'Universit\u00e0 'Federico Il' di Napoli. Sono stati messi in luce strati della fine del III millennio, il passaggio tra periodo medio e neoassiro. Nel palazzo di Tukulti-Ninurta II \u00e8 stata scoperta la sala di rappresentanza. Per i periodi tardi \u00e8 proseguita l'indagine del Grande Muro di Difesa d'et\u00e0 partica e del grande edificio nella citt\u00e0 bassa."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pecorella, Paolo Emilio; Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Archaeological excavations", "Archaeological sources", "Tell Barri", "Kahat", "Scavi archeologici", "Fonti archeologiche", "Tell Barri", "Kahat"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356391"], ["title", "Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2001"], ["doab_id", "13185"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531407", "9788884531391"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531403 888453139X"]], [["description", "In the undulating plains of north-eastern Syria is the site of Tell Barri, identified with the city of Kahat. The archaeological sequence which has been brought to light stretches without interruption from the start of the third millennium up to the fourteenth century AD. This report records the results of the eighteenth excavation campaign, carried out by the group from the University of Florence and from the \"Federico II\" University of Naples. In Area G, the excavation of the chapel dating to the third millennium proceeded, bringing to light a palatine building that can be attributed to the Mid Assyrian King Adad-Nirari I. In Areas A and J, the Parthian, Hellenistic and Achemenidian layers were excavated up to the level of the Neo-Babylonian reoccupation of the Assyrian palace of Tukulti-Ninurta II. As regards the Parthian phase, investigation has proceeded on the Great Defensive Wall and on the large edifice in the lower city. The text, delivered for printing in July 2005, was published following the tragic death of Paolo Emilio Pecorella, which took place on 29 August in Tell Barri, in the course of the excavation campaign.

Nelle ondulate pianure della Siria nord-orientale si trova il sito di Tell Barri, identificato con la citt\u00e0 di Kahat. La sequenza archeologica portata alla luce va dall'inizio del III millennio sino al XIV secolo d.C, senza soluzione di continuit\u00e0. La presente relazione d\u00e0 ragione dei risultati della diciottesima campagna di scavo ad opera del gruppo dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze e dell'Universit\u00e0 'Federico II' di Napoli. Nell'Area G \u00e8 proseguito lo scavo del sacello del III millennio e si \u00e8 messo in luce un edificio palatino attribuibile al re medio assiro Adad-Nirari I; nelle Aree A e J sono stati scavati gli strati partici, ellenistici ed achemenidi, sino al livello della rioccupazione neobabilonese del palazzo assiro di Tukulti-Ninurta II. Per la fase partica \u00e8 proseguita l'indagine sia del Grande Muro di Difesa sia del grande edificio della citt\u00e0 bassa. Il testo, consegnato per la stampa a luglio del 2005, vede la luce dopo la tragica scomparsa di Paolo Emilio Pecorella, avvenuta il 29 agosto a Tell Barri, nel corso della campagna di scavo."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pecorella, Paolo Emilio; Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Archaeological excavations", "Archaeological sources", "Tell Barri", "Kahat", "Scavi archeologici", "Fonti archeologiche", "Tell Barri", "Kahat"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356392"], ["title", "Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2002"], ["doab_id", "13186"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884532916", "9788884532923"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884532914 8884532922"]], [["description", "The final and comprehensive publication of the archaeological results of excavations by the Austrian Archaeological Institute at the site of Ezbet Rushdi (area \u201cR/I\u201d) within the broader archaeological region of Tell el-Daba in the eastern Nil-delta. A Temple and a settlement site were investigated, both of Middle Kingdom origin.

Die finale umfassende Publikation der Ergebnisse der Grabungen des \u00d6sterreichischen Arch\u00e4ologischen Instituts im Gebiet von Ezbet Ruschdi (Areal R/I) bei Tell el-Dab\u2019a im \u00f6stlichen Nildelta, \u00c4gypten. Ein Tempel und eine Siedlungsagglomeration wurden untersucht, die beide aus dem Mittleren Reich stammen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Czerny ,Ernst"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Egypt; Tell el-Dab\u2019a; Ezbet Rushdi; Middle Kingdom; Amenemhat II; Sesostris III; Temple; Settlement; Pottery; Flint; Metall objects; Stone vessels; archaeozoology", "\u00c4gypten; Tell el-Dab\u2019a; Ezbet Ruschdi; Mittleres Reich; Amenemhet II; Sesostris III; Tempel; Siedlung; Keramik; Silices; Metallfunde; Steingef\u00e4\u00dfe; Tierknochenfunde"]], ["publisher", "Verlag der \u00d6sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579672"], ["title", "Tell el-Dab\u2019a XXII. \u201eDer Mund der beiden Wege\u201c. Teil II: Abbildungen-Tafeln-Pl\u00e4ne-Profile-Schnitte"], ["doab_id", "17724"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783700169949"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783700169949"]], [["description", "Germany has had a profound influence on English stories for children. The Brothers Grimm, The Swiss Family Robinson and Johanna Spyri\u2019s Heidi quickly became classics but, as David Blamires clearly articulates in this volume, many other works have been fundamental in the development of English children\u2019s stories during the 19th century and beyond.Telling Tales is the first comprehensive study of the impact of Germany on English children\u2019s books, covering the period from 1780 to the First World War. Beginning with The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, moving through the classics and including many other collections of fairytales and legends, it covers a wealth of translated and adapted material."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Blamires, David (Author)"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Children's literature", "German literature", "Baron Munchausen", "Heidi", "Swiss Family Robinson", "Nutcracker", "Brothers Grimm", "fairytales"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/23"], ["title", "Telling Tales: The Impact of Germany on English Children"], ["doab_id", "14482"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924102"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924102"]], [["description", "Examining materials from early modern and contemporary North India and Pakistan, Tellings and Texts brings together seventeen first-rate papers on the relations between written and oral texts, their performance, and the musical traditions these performances have entailed. The contributions from some of the best scholars in the field cover a wide range of literary genres and social and cultural contexts across the region. The texts and practices are contextualized in relation to the broader social and political background in which they emerged, showing how religious affiliations, caste dynamics and political concerns played a role in shaping social identities as well as aesthetic sensibilities. By doing so this book sheds light into theoretical issues of more general significance, such as textual versus oral norms; the features of oral performance and improvisation; the role of the text in performance; the aesthetics and social dimension of performance; the significance of space in performance history and important considerations on repertoires of story-telling.Tellings and Texts is essential reading for anyone with an interest in South Asian culture and, more generally, in the theory and practice of oral literature, performance and story-telling."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Orsini, Francesca (Editor); Butler Schofield, Katherine (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["North India, Pakistan, storytelling, oral performances, texts, improvisation, social identity"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/311"], ["title", "Tellings and Texts: Music, Literature and Performance in North India"], ["doab_id", "17473"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741038", "9781783741045"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741038/9781783741045"]], [["description", "Tempest is an arcade game by Atari Inc., originally designed and programmed by Dave Theurer. Released in October 1981, it was popular and had several ports and sequels and wide and lasting influence. The game is also notable for being one of the first video games with a selectable level of difficulty (determined by the initial starting level). The game is a tube shooter, a type of shoot \u2019em up where the environment is fixed and viewed from a three-dimensional perspective. Tempest introduced several new features for its time. It was one of the first video games to use Atari\u2019s Color-QuadraScan vector display technology (along with Space Duel, which was released around the same time). It was also the first game to allow the player to choose their starting level (a system Atari dubbed \u201cSkillStep\u201d). This feature would increase the maximum starting level depending on the player\u2019s performance in the previous game, essentially allowing the player to continue, a feature that became a standard in later video games. Finally, Tempest was one of the first video games to sport a progressive level design in which the levels themselves varied rather than giving the player the same level with increasing difficulty levels.In this book, Ruggill and McAllister enumerate and analyze Tempest\u2019s landmark qualities, exploring the game\u2019s aesthetics, development context, and connections to and impact on video game history and culture. Specifically, they describe the game in detail, unpacking its latent and as well manifest audio-visual iconography and the ideological meanings this iconography evokes; consider the game generically, that is, in terms of the general styles and logics it initiated, reinscribed, and expanded upon; delve into its design and production history to reveal the creative and industrial processes that shaped the game\u2019s development, release, and reception; and, finally, they analyze it as part of a franchise as well as a singular artifact."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Judd Ethan Ruggill and Ken S. McAllister"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/lvg.13030180.0001.001"], ["title", "Tempest: Geometries of Play"], ["doab_id", "19088"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072699", "9780472052691", "9780472900107", "9780472121144"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072699 9780472052691 9780472900107 9780472121144"]], [["description", "Este volume re\u00fane uma sele\u00e7\u00e3o de artigos aparecidos em jornais do pa\u00eds ao longo de mais de vinte anos. A ideia de public\u00e1-lo me ocorreu quando me dei conta do poss\u00edvel interesse, para o leitor, de ter num s\u00f3 volume artigos motivados por aspectos da cambiante conjuntura em que passamos, no plano mundial, da Guerra Fria ao colapso do socialismo e \u00e0 afirma\u00e7\u00e3o da globaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e, no plano nacional, do autoritarismo do regime de 1964 \u00e0s vacila\u00e7\u00f5es do processo de abertura e transi\u00e7\u00e3o pol\u00edtica e ao pleno funcionamento da democracia \u2013 que talvez venha mesmo a resultar, com as elei\u00e7\u00f5es de 2002, no acesso de uma lideran\u00e7a de esquerda ao poder presidencial.[...][trecho retirado da nota do autor]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reis, F\u00e1bio Wanderley"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/g7nvz"], ["title", "Tempo presente: do MDB a FHC"], ["doab_id", "16690"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788599662809"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662809"]], [["description", "Uma an\u00e1lise comparativa entre os campos da hist\u00f3ria, da pol\u00edtica e do desenvolvimento s\u00f3cio econ\u00f4mico atrav\u00e9s da associa\u00e7\u00e3o entre a legisla\u00e7\u00e3o da Era Vargas com o desenvolvimento t\u00e9cnico e social das m\u00eddias. A obra, resultado da autoria de jornalistas, publicit\u00e1rios, soci\u00f3logos e pesquisadores \u00e9 marcada pelo ponto de vista ecl\u00e9tico e minucioso que descreve desde o nascimento da radiofus\u00e3o no Brasil, as mudan\u00e7as ocorridas durante a Constitui\u00e7\u00e3o de 1934, o Estado Novo, o p\u00f3s-guerra e na instaura\u00e7\u00e3o da democracia no pa\u00eds. Um registro que colabora para a acessibilidade de dados hist\u00f3ricos e de imensa import\u00e2ncia para aqueles que nutrem paix\u00e3o por este meio de comunica\u00e7\u00e3o que marcou a hist\u00f3ria das m\u00eddias por seu pioneirismo e seu poder de influ\u00eancia no Brasil e no mundo."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jambeiro, Othon; Mota, Amanda; Ribeiro, Andrea; Amaral, Clarissa; Sim\u00f5es, Cassiano; Costa, Eliane; Brito, Fabiano; Ferreira, Sandro; Santos, Suzy dos"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3yd"], ["title", "Tempos de Vargas: o r\u00e1dio e o controle da informa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "17536"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212414"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212414"]], [["description", "Temptation in the Archives is a collection of essays by Lisa Jardine, that takes readers on a journey through the Dutch Golden Age. Through the study of such key figures as Sir Constantjin Huygens, a Dutch polymath and diplomat, we begin to see the Anglo-Dutch cultural connections that formed during this period against the backdrop of unfolding political events in England. Temptation in the Archives paints a picture of a unique relationship between the Netherlands and England in the 17th century forged through a shared experience \u2013 and reveals the lessons we can learn from it today."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jardine ,Lisa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Renaissance", "Dutch history", "archives"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=548010"], ["title", "Temptation in the Archives"], ["doab_id", "17317"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634028", "9781910634097"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634028 9781910634097"]], [["description", "This study undertakes to examine the problem of the tenses in Classical Arabic. While aware of the long tradition which shaped the discussion of this subject, and building, in fact, on some important insights offered by medieval and modern grammarians, this study attempts to redefine the discussion and propose a new analysis of the tenses, based on a functional text-oriented investigation of a large corpus of Classical Arabic prose.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marmorstein ,Michal"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["linguistics", "Arabic"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605031"], ["title", "Tense and Text in Classical Arabic"], ["doab_id", "18749"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004310483"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004310483"]], [["description", "Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 26 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the X European Powder Diffraction Conference in Geneva 2006:Method Development and Application, InstrumentalSoftware Development, MaterialsSupplement Series of Zeitschrift f\u00fcr Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/247838"], ["title", "Tenth European Powder Diffraction Conference \u2013 Geneva, September 1-4, 2006"], ["doab_id", "18010"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783486992540", "9783486992533"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486992540, 9783486992533"]], [["description", "This volume illustrates the different images of God in the books of the Old Testament. The single writings are considered synchronically in their final version. They speak in totally different ways about God and present a fascinating variety of theologies.

Dieser Band stellt die Verschiedenheit der Gottesbilder des Altes Testamentes dar. Die einzelnen Schriften werden in ihrer synchronen Endfassung betrachtet. Sie reden auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise von Gott und zeigen dabei eine faszinierende Vielfalt von Theologien auf.Nessun altro tema \u00e8 trattato in maniera pi\u00f9 ampia ed estesa, nessun altro tema \u00e8 pi\u00f9 importante del modo in cui nell\u2019Antico Testamento si parla di Dio. Nessun\u2019altra parola ricorre pi\u00f9 speso del nome proprio della divinit\u00e0, Yhwh. La Bibbia \u00e8 davvero il libro di Dio, \u00e8 Lui il primo e anche il pi\u00f9 importante aspetto. Nella prima frase del libro della Genesi \u00e8 soggetto dell\u2019atto del creare l\u2019universo e nell\u2019ultima frase dei libri delle Cronache la sua presenza gioca un ruolo decisivo.Nel presente volume, in maniera nuova, innovativa, seguendo una metodologia che presenta le caratteristiche letterarie di ogni libro nel suo \u00abparlare di Dio\u00bb Georg Fischer si cimenta con successo a rispondere alla domanda centrale per la comprensione della visione teologica dell\u2019Antico Testamento: come si parla di Dio al suo interno?Il risultato \u00e8 un\u2019opera variegata e complessa, puntuale e sistematica, riassuntiva e sintetica che gi\u00e0 nel titolo \u2013 \u00abteologie\u00bb al plurale \u2013 cerca di rendere giustizia a una dinamica che non vuole ridurre il discorso su Dio a un minimo comune denominatore riepilogativo, ma che accetta la sfida di confrontarsi con diverse immagini, complesse prospettive, descrizioni non uniformi e contenuti spesso contrastanti della figura del Dio di Israele. L\u2019autore parte dall\u2019analisi dei testi e giunge \u2013 dopo una presentazione approfondita delle teologie dei singoli libri \u2013 a un riepilogo dove le caratteristiche del Dio di Israele vengono considerate nella loro complessit\u00e0, nel loro sviluppo e nelle prospettive che gettano anche sulla comprensione del Dio del Nuovo Testamento."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fischer ,Georg"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Old Testament Theology, Syncronical Analysis, Hermeneutic", "Theologie des Alten Testamentes, Synchronie, Hermeneutik"]], ["publisher", "San Paolo \u2012 Gregorian & Biblical Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=593947"], ["title", "Teologie dell\u2019Antico Testamento"], ["doab_id", "18409"], ["language_unmapped", "it"], ["isbns", ["9788821596308"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788821596308"]], [["description", "A obra, produzida a tr\u00eas m\u00e3os, pelos professores e pesquisadores Olival Freire Jr., Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. e Joan Lisa Bromberg, aborda v\u00e1rios aspectos da revolucin\u00e1ria teoria cient\u00edfica, desde sua cria\u00e7\u00e3o aos desenvolvimentos ulteriores, incluindo a controv\u00e9rsia sobre os seus fundamentos e sobre suas implica\u00e7\u00f5es filos\u00f3ficas e culturais. A obra discute tamb\u00e9m problemas relacionados \u00e0 pesquisa sobre o ensino e a difus\u00e3o cultural dessa teoria, bem como os usos, e abusos, que a\u00ed podem aparecer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Freire Jr., Olival (org.); Pessoa Jr., Osvaldo (org.); Bromberg, Joan Lisa (org.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["F\u00edsica Qu\u00e2ntica, Teoria Qu\u00e2ntica, Hist\u00f3ria da Ci\u00eancia, Mec\u00e2nica Qu\u00e2ntica"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xwhf5"], ["title", "Teoria qu\u00e2ntica: estudos hist\u00f3ricos e implica\u00e7\u00f5es culturais"], ["doab_id", "16246"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791261"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791261"]], [["description", "Despite all attempts by many governments in the world to ascribe to the Holy Grail of \u2018sustainable development\u2019, Ecosystem Earth is confronted with a gargantuan sustainability crisis. The West has seduced the rest of the world to copy its highly attractive, albeit unsustainable development paradigm. In a finite world the eco-impact of the global consumer class cannot be extrapolated to all human beings. The ecological crisis and the global justice issue are linked to each other as Siamese twins. Part 1 of Terra Incognita presents an environmental and economic analysis of the ecological crisis. Using the pre-analytical viewpoint of ecological economics, the authors develop a conceptual framework in which ecology and global justice are united in one vision. To unravel the roots of the contemporary crisis the authors describe in Part 2 the ecological history of the human-nature interaction. Based on an interdisciplinary approach they discuss the three historical lifestyles: those of the hunter-gatherers, the agrarian society and the industrial era. Finally, in Part 3 the authors explore potential systemic solutions, which need to keep or make the world livable. This innovative book is supported by the stimulating belief that the human future remains principally open and can still be influenced by each of us."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jones ,Peter Tom; Jacobs ,Roger"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Globalization", "Ecology", "Sustainability", "Globalisatie", "Ecologie", "Duurzaamheid"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=369210"], ["title", "Terra Incognita. Globalisering, ecologie en rechtvaardige duurzaamheid"], ["doab_id", "13291"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038209012", "9789038209012"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038209010 9789038209012"]], [["description", "Terraforming is the process of making other worlds habitable for human life. Its counterpart on Earth \u2013 geoengineering \u2013 is receiving serious consideration as a way to address climate change. Contemporary environmental awareness and our understanding of climate change is influenced by science fiction, and terraforming in particular has offered scientists, philosophers, and others a motif for thinking in complex ways about our impact on planetary environments. This book asks how science fiction has imagined how we shape both our world and other planets and how stories of terraforming reflect on science, society and environmentalism. It traces the growth of the motif of terraforming in science fiction from H.G. Wells\u2019s The War of the Worlds (1898) to James Cameron\u2019s blockbuster Avatar (2009), in stories by such writers as Olaf Stapledon, Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ernest Callenbach, Pamela Sargent, Frederick Turner and Kim Stanley Robinson. It argues for terraforming as a nexus for environmental philosophy, the pastoral, ecology, the Gaia hypothesis, and the politics of colonisation and habitation. Amidst contemporary anxieties about climate change, terraforming offers an important vantage from which to consider the ways humankind shapes and is shaped by their world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pak ,Chris"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Media and Communications"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608319"], ["title", "Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction"], ["doab_id", "19054"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781781384541", "9781781382844"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781781384541 9781781382844"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bogaert, Jan (\u00e9d.); Halleux, Jean-Marie (\u00e9d.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/188554"], ["title", "Territoires p\u00e9riurbains. D\u00e9veloppement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud"], ["doab_id", "18638"], ["language_unmapped", "fra"], ["isbns", ["9782870161364"]], ["provider", "orbi.ulg.ac.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161364"]], [["description", "Based on research in the US and UK, this book examines the involvement of Muslim communities in terror crime prevention work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Basia Spalek"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545039"], ["title", "Terror Crime Prevention with Communities"], ["doab_id", "17151"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545039"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545039"]], [["description", "The events of September 11, 2001, have had a strong impact on theory and the humanities. They call for a new philosophy, as the old philosophy is inadequate to account for them. They also call for reflection on theory, philosophy, and the humanities in general. While the recent location and killing of Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, in Pakistan on May 2, 2011 - almost ten years after he and his confederates carried out the 9/11 attacks - may have ended the \"war on terror\", it has not ended the journey to understand what it means to be a theorist in the age of phobos nor the effort to create a new philosophy that measures up with life in the new millennium. It is in the spirit of hope - the hope that theory will help us to understand the age of terror - that the essays in this collection are presented."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Di Leo ,Jeffrey R. ; Mehan ,Uppinder "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["war on terror"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=444391"], ["title", "Terror, Theory, and the Humanities"], ["doab_id", "15214"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607852483"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607852483"]], [["description", "\"Terrorism. 9/11 in Context\" is an anthology of thematic priorities that aims to establish a better understanding of the complexities of terrorism aside from one-dimensional characterisations in media and politics. The main focal points are: The definition of terrorism, its causes, mythological charging and pop cultural realization. Reactions of the state towards the terrorist challenge - the political, military and security aspects as well as media counter strategies - are also of keen interest. Further, as case-studies from the US, Latin America and Europe clearly demonstrate the state can also be a perpetrator of terrorism, either during covert operations or by adopting the mirror image of guerrillas and terrorists in counter insurgency warfare. The main thread of \"Terrorism. 9/11 in Context\" is the analysis of the \"superstructure\"- the symbolic and ideological sources of terrorism. Terrorist violence is seen as commitment for radical political change, which is fuelled not only by political and social grievances, but also by the gratification of a radical-action identity. Thus, terrorism is most of all the product of a powerful idea, which motivates and stimulates activists, giving them the strong conviction needed to follow through their \"project\". It's the idea that not only is it possible to wage resistance against an alleged illegitimate, corrupt authority; it is also possible to inspire others to participate in an avant-garde armed struggle. On the other hand, the perspective of politicians and authorities on the terrorist enemy is also influenced to a certain degree by imagination and projection - this process is analysed through the depiction of terrorism in cinema, media and the imitationof terrorist tactics by counter terrorism forces.

\"Terrorismus. 9/11 im Kontext\" versteht sich als Anthologie, eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener Schwerpunkte, um so mehr Verst\u00e4ndnis f\u00fcr die Komplexit\u00e4t von Terrorismus in Abgrenzung von eindimensional-verk\u00fcrzter Darstellung in Medien und Politik zu er\u00f6ffnen. Zu den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt-en dieser Arbeit z\u00e4hlen - die Begriffs-Definition- die Ursachen von Terrorismus- dessen \"mythologische\" Aufladung und die mediale sowie popul\u00e4rkulturelle Verwertung. Genauso war die staatliche Reaktion auf Terrorismus von Interesse - in diesen Bereich fallen politische, milit\u00e4rische und sicherheitstechnische L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze genauso wie mediale Gegenstrategien. Dass auch der Staat terroristischer Akteur sein kann - etwa bei der Durchf\u00fchrung von Geheimoperationen oder durch das \"spiegelbildliche\" Nachahmen von Guerillas und Terroristen im Zuge der Counterinsurgency-Kriegsf\u00fchrung - wird anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele aus den USA, Lateinamerika und Europa dargestellt. Den sprichw\u00f6rtlich \"roten Faden\" in \"Terrorismus. 9/11 im Kontext\" bildet die Analyse des \"\u00dcberbaus\" - der symbolischen und ideologischen \"Quellen\" des Terrorismus. Hier wird terroristische Gewalt alsAusdruck radikalen politischen Engagements verstanden, das nicht nur durch sozio\u00f6konomische undpolitische Ursachen \"angefeuert\" wird, sondern auch durch die \"Gratifikation\" einer Identit\u00e4t als \"handelndes\" Subjekt. Terrorismus ist so betrachtet vor allem Produkt einer machtvollen Idee, die Aktivisten antreibt, sie motiviert und ihnen jene starke \u00dcberzeugung vermittelt, die sie in die Lage versetzt, ihr \"Projekt\" in die Tat umzusetzen.Es handelt sich um die Vorstellung, dass es m\u00f6glich ist, nicht nur aktiven \"Widerstand\" gegen eine als ungerecht, illegitim und korrupt empfundene Autorit\u00e4t zu leisten und dadurch auch als \"Avantgarde\" eine Beispielwirkung auf Andere zu entfalten, sich diesem \"bewaffneten Kampf\" anzuschlie\u00dfen. Dass auch umgekehrt die Sicht auf den terroristischen Gegner durch Politik und Beh\u00f6rden zu einem Gutteil von von Imagination und Projektion bestimmt wird, soll anhand der Darstellung der popul\u00e4rkulturellen Verarbeitung von Terrorismus in Kino, Medien sowie der \"Imitation\" terroristischer Vorgangsweisen durch Counterterrorism-Kr\u00e4fte verdeutlicht werden."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Riegler ,Thomas"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Terrorism, Counterterrorism, Political Violence, Security, Mass Media"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437170"], ["title", "Terrorismus"], ["doab_id", "15295"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706546041"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706546041"]], [["description", "Anders als die bisher \u00fcberwiegend an milit\u00e4rischen Fakten interessierte Forschung verfolgt Nikolaus Braun einen prim\u00e4r legitimatorischen Konflikt, einen politischen Glaubenskrieg, in dem die symbolische Ebene genauso entscheidend war wie milit\u00e4rische Realit\u00e4ten. Die Untersuchung geht dabei weit \u00fcber eine herk\u00f6mmliche Geschichte von Propaganda und Presse hinaus: Nicht nur Fahnen, Lieder, Briefmarken, Uniformen etc. gerieten zu Tr\u00e4gern nationaler Propaganda, ebenso wurden Beerdigungen, Hungerstreiks, Exekutionen, aber auch die gesamte Au\u00dfenpolitik und weite Teile der Kriegf\u00fchrung regelrecht inszeniert. Braun verfolgt, wie sich Denk- und Handlungsm\u00f6glichkeiten gegenseitig antrieben, bedingten und blockierten, und macht damit die innere Logik eines scheinbar irrationalen Konflikts sichtbar. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/217617"], ["title", "Terrorismus und Freiheitskampf. Gewalt, Propaganda und politische Strategie im Irischen B\u00fcrgerkrieg 1922/23"], ["doab_id", "18391"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707472", "9783486566963"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707472, 9783486566963"]], [["description", "There is no general legislative framework for theses, although a number of solutions have been devised at local level which may be significant for Italian university librarians. The problems are numerous and of different kinds: technical, copyright-related and also more strictly bound up with library science, such as cataloguing, conservation and access. Each library appears to have devised original approaches, and it is important to make these known in order to offer suggestions for the treatment of this documentary heritage that is still difficult to access.

Per le tesi manca un quadro legislativo generale e sono state elaborate alcune soluzioni a livello locale che possono essere importanti per i bibliotecari italiani delle Universit\u00e0. I problemi sono molteplici: tecnici, di copyright, ma anche pi\u00f9 strettamente connessi alla biblioteconomia, come catalogazione, conservazione, accesso. Ogni biblioteca sembra aver trovato vie originali, ed \u00e8 importante renderle note per dare suggerimenti per il trattamento di questo patrimonio documentale ancora di difficile accesso."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sangiorgi, Serena"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["Library", "Degree", "Proceedings", "Biblioteconomia", "Laurea", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=347515"], ["title", "Le tesi di laurea nelle biblioteche di architettura"], ["doab_id", "13052"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884531032"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884531039"]], [["description", "Testicular cancer (TC) is the most common cancer in males aged 20-40 years, with a worldwide incidence of 7.5 per 100,000, but the rates vary considerably between countries and ethnic groups and there is evidence also for an increasing incidence in last decades. About 95% of all TCs are represented by testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs), which include seminoma and non-seminoma histological types. It is generally assumed that the development of TGCT is under endocrine control. In particular, unbalanced androgen/estrogen levels and/or activity are believed to represent the key events for TGCT development and progression. Furthermore, recent evidence has suggested genetic association of TGCT with variations in genes involved in hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis and steroidogenic enzymes. This recent evidence expands the current knowledge on the role of genetic contribution in testicular cancer susceptibility, and supports the hypothesis that variations in hormone metabolism genes might change the hormonal environment implicated in testicular carcinogenesis. Therefore, hormonal carcinogenesis is an important and controversial area of current research in TGCT, and further attention is given to genetic factors influencing hormone-related cancer risk. The genetic component to TGCT is in general strong. In fact, although environmental factors clearly contribute to TGCT development (and probably to its increasing incidence in some geographical areas), the proportion of TGCT susceptibility accounted for by the genetic effects is estimated at 25%. TGCT has high familial risks compared with most other cancer types that are generally no more than two-fold: brothers of individuals with TGCT have an 8- to 12-fold increased risk of disease, and sons of affected individuals have a 4- to 6-fold increased risk. Despite this strong familial relative risk, early results from linkage studies identified a limited relationship with genetic factors, suggesting that TGCT is a genetically complex trait. However, more recently, four genome-wide association studies (GWAS) from the UK and USA have reported association of TGCTs with six new loci (KITLG, SPRY4, BAK1, DMRT1, TERT, and ATF7IP). The strongest association for TGCT susceptibility was found for SNPs in KITLG (ligand for the membrane-bound receptor tyrosine kinase KIT) gene with a greater than 2.5-fold increased risk of disease per major allele, which is the highest reported for any cancer to date. These studies are being now replicated by other researches and attention is given to the relationship between these genetic variations, TGCT risk and frequently associated anomalies of the reproductive tract, such as cryptorchidism and infertility. Finally, over the past few decades, TCGT research has focused also on external environmental causes acting mainly as endocrine disrupters of androgen and oestrogen pathways, even during the foetal development of the testis. It is well known that the testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) hypothesis, proposed ten years ago, suggests that disturbed testicular development in fetal life may result in one or more of four disorders postnatally, named cryptorchidism, hypospadias, poor semen quality, and TGCT. These four disorders are therefore considered as one clinical entity and are linked together by epidemiological and pathophysiological relations. The relative contribution of genetics and environment in TGCT development, and the interactions between endocrine disruptors and variations in genes involved in hormonal carcinogenesis is therefore another interesting area of research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alberto Ferlin; Carlo Foresta"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["testis cancer", "Germ cell tumor", "Cryptorchidism", "cancer genetics", "Endocrine Disruptors", "KITLG"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/767/testis-cancer-genes-environment-hormones"], ["title", "Testis cancer: Genes, environment, hormones"], ["doab_id", "19570"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196722"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196722"]], [["description", "\"Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e variet\u00e0\" applies the terminology and methods of various subfields addressing textual analysis in German, namely textual linguistics, semiotics, pragmatics, speech linguistics and linguistic psychology, which are brought together in this study to attempt to develop, along with the specific research, a methodology for the science of the text in its general characteristics. Some translations of the nineteenth-century humorist Wilhelm Busch, the Italian version of a key test of the Bauhaus and the transcription of the TV electoral duel of 2005 between Angela Merkel and Helmut Schr\u00f6der illustrate the broad chronological and typological spectrum of the investigation.

\"Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e variet\u00e0\" applica la terminologia e i metodi di analisi di diverse discipline che, in area tedesca, si occupano di analisi testuale, ovvero la linguistica testuale, la semiotica, la pragmatica, la linguistica del discorso e la psicologia linguistica, che si ritrovano unite in questo studio per tentare di sviluppare, insieme alla ricerca specifica, una metodologia della scienza del testo nei suoi caratteri generali. Alcune traduzioni dall'umorista ottocentesco Wilhelm Busch, la versione italiana di un testo chiave del Bauhaus e la trascrizione dal duello televisivo elettorale tra Angela Merkel e Helmut Schr\u00f6der del 2005 documentano l'ampio spettro cronologico e variazionale dell'indagine."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mocali, Maria Chiara"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Translation", "German", "Linguistics", "Traduzione", "Tedesco", "Linguistica testuale"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341477"], ["title", "Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e variet\u00e0"], ["doab_id", "12639"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788864530109"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788864530109"]], [["description", "In this broad-reaching, multi-disciplinary collection, leading scholars investigate how the digital medium has altered the way we read and write text. In doing so, it challenges the very notion of scholarship as it has traditionally been imagined. Incorporating scientific, socio-historical, materialist and theoretical approaches, this rich body of work explores topics ranging from how computers have affected our relationship to language, whether the book has become an obsolete object, the nature of online journalism, and the psychology of authorship. The essays offer a significant contribution to the growing debate on how digitization is shaping our collective identity, for better or worse. Text and Genre in Reconstruction will appeal to scholars in both the humanities and sciences and provides essential reading for anyone interested in the changing relationship between reader and text in the digital age."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "McCarty, Willard (Editor)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Digitization", "cybertext", "identity", "computers", "electronic editions", "newspapers", "publishing", "online journalism", "digital text", "linguistics", "information technology"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/64"], ["title", "Text and Genre in Reconstruction: Effects of Digitalization on Ideas, Behaviours, Products and Institutions"], ["doab_id", "14487"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924256"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924256"]], [["description", "Developed over the past 25 years, Cortical Brain Stimulation has emerged as a brand new, cutting-edge option for the treatment of intractable neurological and psychiatric disorders. Devoid of the mortality and disabling morbidity that may accompany deep brain stimulation, stimulating the cortex with a minimally invasive surgical approach had initially proved its worth for the treatment of Central and other Neuropathic Pain Syndromes and later for Parkinson Disease, Dystonia, Stroke and Coma rehabilitation, Epilepsy, Depression and Tinnitus. Written by many of the pioneers in the field, this authoritative treatise is a comprehensive presentation - from surgical details, to clinical results and mechanisms of action. It also provides the busy clinician with comparisons with non-invasive cortical stimulation techniques, such as TMS and tDCS. No other book deals with this form of brain stimulation. The clinician will harness the power of this formidable new therapeutic option, which is being further refined with the advent of closed-loop stimulation.Dr Canavero deciphered the genesis of the central pain syndromes, introduced extradural cortical stimulation for Parkinson Disease and the vegetative state and co-introduced extradural cortical stimulation for stroke rehabilitation. He made worldwide news in 2008 for partially restoring consciousness in two vegetative patients, in 2013 for proposing the HEAVEN/GEMINI protocol for human head transplantation and in 2014 for pushing brain stimulation in the setting of criminal psychopathy. His books include: Central Pain Syndrome, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011 (2nd ed.), Textbook of therapeutic cortical stimulation, Nova Sci, 2009 and two books in Italian on human sexual behavior."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Canavero, Sergio (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["functional neurosurgery, brain stimulation, neuromodulation"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/450127"], ["title", "Textbook of Cortical Brain Stimulation"], ["doab_id", "16884"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110412611"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110412611"]], [["description", "Written by experts from London\u2019s renowned Royal Free hospital, Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers a comprehensive overview of the vast topic of reconstructive plastic surgery and its various subspecialties for introductory plastic surgery and surgical science courses.The book comprises five sections covering the fundamental principles of plastic surgery, cancer, burns and trauma, paediatric plastic surgery and aesthetic surgery. Additional coverage of areas in which reconstructive surgery techniques are called upon includes abdominal wall reconstruction, ear reconstruction and genital reconstruction.The broad scope of this volume makes this a unique contribution to the field. Heavily illustrated throughout, Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is essential reading for anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of this exciting field."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Plastic surgery", "aesthetic surgery", "burns"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612771"], ["title", "Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery"], ["doab_id", "19397"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634394"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634394"]], [["description", "A obra apresenta pela primeira vez e na \u00edntegra, alguns dos mais importantes tratados recolhidos sob o nome de Hip\u00f3crates na cole\u00e7\u00e3o de textos gregos chamados Corpus Hippcraticum. Os tratados escolhidos apresentam importantes conceitos e preceitos desenvolvidos h\u00e1 mais de dois mil\u00eanios e que, at\u00e9 hoje, est\u00e3o presentes na pr\u00e1tica m\u00e9dica ocidental. O leitor encontra textos sobre a import\u00e2ncia da medicina hipocr\u00e1tica, tratados deontol\u00f3gicos, que estabeleceram os alicerces pr\u00e1ticos da \u00e9tica m\u00e9dica, e sobre o universo da pr\u00e1tica m\u00e9dica antiga."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cairus, Henrique F.; Ribeiro Jr., Wilson A."], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/9n2wg"], ["title", "Textos hipocr\u00e1ticos: o doente, o m\u00e9dico e a doen\u00e7a"], ["doab_id", "19931"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413753"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413753"]], [["description", "The papers collected in this volume study the function and meaning of various kinds of narrative texts from the perspective of New Philology, Linguistics, Iconography and Reception studies. Their purpose is to understand the workings of narrative texts."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lardinois ,A.; Levie ,S.; Hoeken ,H.; L"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Humanities"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613359"], ["title", "Texts, Transmissions, Receptions"], ["doab_id", "18515"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004270800", "9789004270848"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004270800 9789004270848"]], [["description", "This book examines how twentieth-century Spanish American literature has registered photography's powers and limitations, and the creative ways in which writers of this region of the Americas have elaborated in fictional form the conventions and assumptions of this medium. While the book is essentially a study of literary criticism, it also aims to show how texts critically reflect upon the media environment in which they were created. The writings analyzed enter a dialogic relation with visual technologies such as the x-ray, cinema, illustrated journalism, and television. The study examines how these technologies, historically and aesthetically linked to the photographic medium, inform the works of some of the most important writers in Latin America.Methodologically, the close readings of the texts centre on the figure of ekphrasis (defined as the verbal representation of a visual representation). The book is concerned with the thematic, symbolic, structural and cultural imprints photography leaves in narrative texts. The author relies on an immanent approach, reading the selected texts according to their own specificities and making the relevant thematic and structural connections between them drawing from a variety of sources in the fields of literary criticism and theory and history of photography."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dan Russek"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://prism.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/50410/1/UofCPress_Textual%20exposures_2015.pdf "], ["title", "Textual Exposures: Photography in Twentieth Century Spanish American Narrative Fiction"], ["doab_id", "17341"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552387849"]], ["provider", "prism.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552387849"]], [["description", "When in 1821, the Greeks rose in violent revolution against the rule of the Ottoman Turks, waves of sympathy spread across Western Europe and the United States. More than a thousand volunteers set out to fight for the cause. The Philhellenes, whether they set out to recreate the Athens of Pericles, start a new crusade, or make money out of a war, all felt that Greece had unique claim on the sympathy of the world. As Lord Byron wrote, \"\"I dreamed that Greece might still be Free\"\"; and he died at Missolonghi trying to translate that dream into reality. William St Clair's meticulously researched and highly readable account of their aspirations and experiences was hailed as definitive when it was first published. Long out of print, it remains the standard account of the Philhellenic movement and essential reading for any students of the Greek War of Independence, Byron, and European Romanticism. Its relevance to more modern ethnic and religious conflicts is becoming increasingly appreciated by scholars worldwide.This revised edition includes a new introduction by Roderick Beaton, an updated bibliography and many new illustrations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "St Clair, William (Author); Beaton, Roderick (Introduction)"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Greece", "Greek History", "Lord Byron", "War of Independence", "Philhellenes", "war", "history", "Romanticism"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/3"], ["title", "That Greece Might Still Be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence"], ["doab_id", "14479"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924010"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924010"]], [["description", "An Margaret Thatcher scheiden sich die Geister bis heute. Ihre Bewunderer vergleichen sie mit Charles de Gaulle und Winston Churchill oder halten sie schlicht f\u00fcr die gr\u00f6\u00dfte Politikerin des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ihre Gegner werfen ihr vor, sie habe Gro\u00dfbritannien in ein Land verwandelt, in dem Egoismus und Habgier regieren. Dominik Geppert besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit den bislang von der Forschung vernachl\u00e4ssigten Jahren Thatchers als Oppositionsf\u00fchrerin im britischen Unterhaus, beginnend mit ihrer \u00fcberraschenden Wahl zur konservativen Parteichefin im Februar 1975 bis zum Amtsantritt als Premierministerin im Mai 1979. Dies waren nicht nur die Pr\u00e4gejahre der Politikerin, sondern zugleich die formative Phase jenes politischen und weltanschaulichen Ph\u00e4nomens, dem sie ihren Namen gegeben hat. Geppert analysiert die Entstehungsjahre des Thatcherismus vor dem Hintergrund der sich zuspitzenden politisch-\u00f6konomischen Krise Gro\u00dfbritanniens, dem Aufstieg des wirtschaftsliberalen Paradigmas und der britischen \"Neuen Rechten\". Er entwirft das Bild einer Gesellschaft im \u00dcbergang - von der Labour-Dominanz zur Tory-Herrschaft, vom Staats- zum Marktvertrauen, vom Konsens zum Konflikt. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Geppert, Dominik"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/215248"], ["title", "Thatchers konservative Revolution. Der Richtungswandel der britischen Tories (1975-1979) "], ["doab_id", "18396"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486707519", "9783486566611"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486707519, 9783486566611"]], [["description", "Nandita Dinesh places Kipling\u2019s \"six honest serving-men\" (who, what, when, where, why, how) in productive conversation with her own experiences in conflict zones across the world to offer a theoretical and practical reflection on making theatre in times of war. This timely and important book weaves together Dinesh\u2019s personal narrative with the public story of modern conflict, illustrating as it does, the importance of theatre as a force for ethical deliberation and social justice. In it Dinesh asks how theatre might intervene in times and places of conflict and how we might reflect on such interventions. In pursuit of answers, Theatre and War adopts the methods of auto-ethnography, positioning the theatrical practitioner at the heart of conflict zones in northern Uganda, Guatemala, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Rwanda, Kenya, Nagaland, and Kashmir. No longer a detached observer, the researcher and practitioner has to be able to meld theory with practice; to speak to \u2018doing\u2019, without undervaluing the importance of \u2018thinking about doing\u2019.Each chapter approaches the need for a synthesis of theory and practice by way of a term of inquiry\u2015Why, Where, Who, What, When\u2015and each is equipped with a set of unflinchingly honest field notes that are designed to reveal some of the \u2018hows\u2019 from the author\u2019s own repertoire: questions and issues that were encountered during her own theatrical undertakings, along with first hand reflection on the complexities, potential, and challenges that attended her global work in community theatre. Within these notes are strategies that give the reader a practical insight into how the discussion might find its footing on the ground of war.The range and scope of this book make it required reading for those interested in theatre\u2015practitioners, researchers, and students alike\u2014as well as those seeking to understand the applications of the arts for ethics, politics, and education."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dinesh, Nandita"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["theatre, performances, war, etnography, community theatre, ethics"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/500"], ["title", "Theatre and War: Notes from the Field"], ["doab_id", "19694"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742585", "9781783742608"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742585/9781783742608"]], [["description", "This is the first full-length study of Shelley\u2019s plays in performance. It offers a rich, meticulously researched history of Shelley\u2019s role as a playwright and dramatist and a reassessment of his \"closet dramas\" as performable pieces of theatre.With chapters on each of Shelley\u2019s dramatic works, the book provides a thorough discussion of the poet\u2019s stagecraft, and analyses performances of his plays from the Georgian period to today. In addition, Mulhallen offers details of the productions Shelley saw in England and Italy, many not identified before, as well as a vivid account of the actors and personalities that constituted the theatrical scene of his time. Her research reveals Shelley as an extraordinarily talented playwright, whose fascination with contemporary theatrical theory and practice seriously challenges the notion that he was a reluctant dramatist.Prof. Stephen Behrendt (Nebraska) has described the book as \"wonderfully convincing\" and \"something wholly new in Shelley studies\", while Prof. Tim Webb (Bristol) describes Mulhallen as having a \"more precisely developed sense of the theatrical possibilities of Shelley's work than almost anybody who has written about Shelley\"."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mulhallen, Jacqueline (Author)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Theatre", "Romanticism", "literature", "Romantic poetry", "drama", "theatre history", "Romantic culture", "nineteenth century", "Mary Shelley", "Percy Bysshe Shelley", "Lord Byron", "Cenci", "Prometheus Unbound", "Georgian theatre", "acting", "actors", "Shelley's plays"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/27"], ["title", "The Theatre of Shelley"], ["doab_id", "14489"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924317"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924317"]], [["description", "By the end of the 19th century, British imperial medical officers and Christian medical missionaries began to introduce Western medicine to Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan. Their Footprints Remain uses archival sources, personal letters, diaries, and oral sources in order to tell the fascinating story of how this once-new medical system became imbedded in the Himalayas. Of interest to anyone with an interest in medical history and anthropology, as well as the Himalayan world, this volume not only identifies the individuals involved and describes how they helped to spread this form of imperialist medicine, but also discusses its reception by a local people whose own medical practices were based on an entirely different understanding of the world.

Het boek is een baanbrekende studie naar de invoering van 'Westerse geneesmiddelen' in Kalimpong, Sikkim, centraal Tibet en Bhutan. Their Footprints Remain legt de wortels bloot van de inspanningen van medisch getrainde missionarissen en Britse beambten in de koloniale dienst in India om bio-medicijnen in te voeren in deze regio's, en gaat in op de kwestie hoe en waarom het hen lukte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McKay ,Alex"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Culture and instituten", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340111"], ["title", "Their Footprints Remain : Biomedical Beginnings Across the Indo-Tibetan Frontier"], ["doab_id", "12820"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565186"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565186"]], [["description", "Naturwissenschaftliche Beobachtungen h\u00e4ngen auf vielf\u00e4ltige Weise von wissenschaftlichen Theorien ab. Diese These der Theoriebeladenheit galt lange als der Sargnagel wissenschaftlicher Objektivit\u00e4t. Der Autor untersucht wahrnehmungstheoretische, sprachphilosophische und methodologische Aspekte der Theoriebeladenheit. Er kommt zum Ergebnis, dass die Theoriebeladenheit nur in beschr\u00e4nktem Umfang besteht und als solche den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozess f\u00f6rdert. Dies f\u00fchrt zu einem verbesserten Verst\u00e4ndnis der Rolle von Beobachtungen in den Naturwissenschaften."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adam, Matthias"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208593"], ["title", "Theoriebeladenheit und Objektivit\u00e4t. Zur Rolle der Beobachtung in den Naturwissenschaften"], ["doab_id", "18402"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110322743", "9783110322316"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322743, 9783110322316"]], [["description", "The Neural Theory of Visual Attention of Bundesen, Habekost, and Kyllingsb\u00e6k (2005) was proposed as a neural interpretation of Bundesen\u2019s (1990) theory of visual attention (TVA). In NTVA, visual attention functions via two mechanisms: by dynamic remapping of receptive fields of cortical cells such that more cells are devoted to behaviorally important objects than to less important ones (filtering) and by multiplicative scaling of the level of activation in cells coding for particular features (pigeonholing). NTVA accounts for a wide range of known attentional effects in human performance and a wide range of effects observed in firing rates of single cells in the primate visual system and thus provides a mathematical framework to unify the 2 fields of research. In this Research Topic of Frontiers in Psychology, some of the leading theories of visual attention at both the cognitive, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological levels are presented and evaluated. In addition, the Research Topic encompasses application of the framework of NTVA to various patient populations and to neuroimaging as well as genetic and psychopharmacological studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Signe Allerup Vangkilde; Claus Bundesen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["neural", "visual", "Attention", "computational", "Model"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1991/theories-of-visual-attention---linking-cognition-neuropsychology-and-neurophysiology"], ["title", "Theories of Visual Attention - linking cognition, neuropsychology, and neurophysiology"], ["doab_id", "19542"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196371"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196371"]], [["description", "Every chapter in the widely distributed first edition has been updated, and four new chapters on current issues such as connectivism and social software innovations have been added. Essays by practitioners and scholars active in the complex, diverse, and rapidly evolving field of distance education blend scholarship and research; practical attention to the details of teaching and learning; and mindful attention to the economics of the business of education."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Terry Anderson"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["online learning", "distance education"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120146"], ["title", "The Theory and Practice of Online Learning"], ["doab_id", "14469"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425084", "9781897425077"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425084 9781897425077"]], [["description", "This substantially updated and revised edition offers a comprehensive overview of the challenges confronting the political system as well as the international politics of the European Union. It draws from a rich spectrum of regional integration theories to determine what the Union actually is and how it is developing. The book examines constitutional politics of the European Union, from the Single European Act to the Treaty of Nice and beyond. The ongoing debate on the future of Europe links together questions of democracy and legitimacy, competences and rights, and the prospects for European polity-building. The aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the emerging European polity and the questions that further treaty reform generate for the future of the regional system. The authors also assess the evolving European security architecture, the limits and possibilities of a genuine European foreign, security and defence policy, and the role of the European Union in the post-Cold War international system. Common themes involve debates about stability and instability, continuity and change, multipolarity and leadership, co-operation and discord, power capabilities and patterns of behaviour. The book traces the defining features of the 'new order' in Europe and incorporates an analysis of the post-September 11 context. This major new edition will be of particular interest to academics, policy-makers and students with an interest in the politics and governance of contemporary Europe, as well as to those pursuing a career in international affairs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chryssochoou ,Dimitris N.; Tsinisizelis ,Michael J.; Stavridis ,Stelios; Ifantis ,Kostas"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["EU", "europe", "diplomacy", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341405"], ["title", "Theory and reform in the European Union"], ["doab_id", "13244"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719049910"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719049910"]], [["description", "In a 1917 letter to Gershom Scholem, Walter Benjamin writes, \u201cTheory is like a surging sea.\u201d This small book takes more than its title from that line\u2014it takes that line as a point of departure in Erich Auerbach\u2019s sense, an Ansatzpunkt, as a compositional principle so that what follows can be read in its entirety as a gloss on the remainder of Benjamin\u2019s sentence: \u201cTheory is like a surging sea, but the only thing that matters to the wave [\u2026] is to surrender itself to its motion in such a way that it crests and breaks.\u201d That motion, in the pages to follow, takes up in its sweep two threads: it folds an episodic meditation on the negative and the problematic into a series of singular interrogations exemplary of the positive being of the problematic, the objective being of problems and questions, in a movement of implication and explication between poetry and philosophy in the tradition of what\u2019s come to be known as theory. Theory is like a surging sea because it\u2019s as part of a revolutionary tradition that it crests and breaks."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Munro"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["philosophy, Walter Benjamin, Spinoza, aesthetics, critical theory, non-librarianship, aquatic philosophy, oceanic thought"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/2iig92ha1zdykkq/Munro_Theory_Is_Like_A_Surging_Sea_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Theory is like a Surging Sea"], ["doab_id", "17893"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692493908"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692493908"]], [["description", "Circadian rhythms are biological processes displaying endogenous and entrainable oscillations of about 24 hours. They are driven by a group of genes called clock genes that have been widely observed in plants, animals and even in bacteria. In mammals, the core clock genes are rhythmically expressed in both the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master clock residing in the hypothalamus, and almost all peripheral tissues where they control numerous target genes in a circadian manner, and thus affect many physiological and biochemical processes. Evidence suggests that disruption of the circadian rhythms (or desynchronization) is a significant risk factor for the development of metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and sleep disorders. Evidence also suggests that the disruption suppresses immune function and increases vulnerability to infectious diseases. Restoring or strengthening the circadian rhythm may be therapeutic for these conditions. This becomes exceptionally important in modern societies because many people are suffering from frequent desynchronization due to shift working, exposure to artificial light, travel by transmeridian air flight, and involvement in social activities. Besides, the temporal variations in the incidence and severity of many diseases, such as the onset of cardiovascular events, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), inflammatory diseases and mental disorders have also drawn increasing attention to the circadian clock. The circadian rhythms affect not only the health status, but also the drug efficiency. The effects (and side effects) of many drugs vary with biological timing. The tolerance of many medications displays circadian variation as well. The timing of medical treatment in coordination with the body clock may significantly increase the desired effects of drugs, and lower the dose and toxicity. In addition, circadian rhythms can also be modulated by some therapeutic drugs, for example, melatonin and modafinil, which are used to treat circadian rhythm sleep disorders. In this Research Topic, we assemble a series of critical review and research articles that focus on the therapeutic implications of circadian rhythms. Topics include, but are not limited to: \u2022 Circadian disruption caused diseases or disorders and related intervention \u2022 Temporal manifestation of diseases or disorders and therapeutic implications \u2022 The effects of circadian rhythms on drugs \u2022 The effects of drugs on circadian rhythms"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Guangrui Yang; Han Wang; Erquan Zhang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Circadian Rhythm", "Circadian Clocks", "circadian disruption", "Therapeutic implications", "Metabolism", "Cardiovascular Diseases", "Central Nervous System", "Clinical relevance"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3098/therapeutic-implications-of-circadian-rhythms"], ["title", "Therapeutic Implications of Circadian Rhythms"], ["doab_id", "19566"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196654"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196654"]], [["description", "This volume addresses the dynamics of materiality over time and space. In cross-cultural, multi-temporal and interdisciplinary studies the authors examine how things gain meaning and status, generate a multitude of emotions, and feed into the propagation of myths, narratives and discourses. The book is divided according to four themes: soft objects, stoic stories, consuming and the collectable, and waste and technologies. The first section discusses the meanings of the lived environment on the individual and national levels. The second section provides specific examples on the role of things in identity construction. The third section focuses on historical and contemporary aspects of consumption and collecting. The phenomena under scrutiny in the fourth section are moral dilemmas associated with and representations of dirt/waste and advancements in science and technology. Presenting diverse case studies of material culture, the volume points to rich interdisciplinary approaches in cultural theory."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kannike ,Anu ; Laviolette ,Patrick "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["material culture", "consumption", "home", "collecting", "waste", "technologies"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=463505"], ["title", "Things in Culture, Culture in Things"], ["doab_id", "15620"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789949323944", "9789949323951"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949323944 9789949323951"]], [["description", "This book explores the phenomenon of the Third Reich from a philosophical perspective. It concentrates on the ways in which the subjects and experiences of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism are conceived by eight German thinkers from the Continental tradition. These eight intellectuals include Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Karl L\u00f6with, Carl Schmitt, Ernst J\u00fcnger, Jean Am\u00e9ry, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Jan Assmann. Based on careful philosophical examinations of both known and unknown texts of these eight thinkers (including an English translation of two forgotten texts by Schmitt and J\u00fcnger), this study exposes and then explores the tension between ideology and philosophy, between submission to authority and genuine critical thinking, all of which constitute the essence of the Continental philosophical tradition.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Segev ,Alon"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Philosophy", "History", "Jewish Culture and History"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471670"], ["title", "Thinking and Killing - Philosophical Discourse in the Shadow of the Third Reich"], ["doab_id", "15983"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614511014", "9781614511281"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614511014 9781614511281"]], [["description", "\"This book brings together a series of working papers, produced by interdisciplinary groups of academics within the project, on progress made under the Millennium Development Goals and introduces current debates surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 agenda.Originating from an interdisciplinary, multi-institution research collaboration, Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development, funded by UCL Grand Challenges. The project brought together over thirty academics from UCL, SOAS, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Birkbeck, Institute of Education, and the Royal Veterinary College, and was coordinated by the London International Development Centre (LIDC). The book explores potential interactions between sustainable development goals in the post-2015 development agenda.Introduced and edited by Prof Jeff Waage (LIDC) and Christopher Yap (LIDC), chapters are dedicated to the topics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems, Human Health, Urban Poverty, Climate and Climate Change, Population Growth, Food and Agriculture, Information, Education and Knowledge, and Governance. Each chapter reflects on the three principle questions of 1) What is the historical process by which goal setting in this sector has developed?, 2) What progress has been achieved with this sector through MDGs and other processes? and 3) What is the current debate about future goal setting?\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Waage ,Jeff; Yap ,Christopher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Governance", "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)", "Interdisciplinarity", "Post-2015", "International development", "Public policy"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560103"], ["title", "Thinking Beyond Sectors for Sustainable Development"], ["doab_id", "17293"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188426", "9781909188433", "9781909188440", "9781909188457"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188426 9781909188433 9781909188440 9781909188457"]], [["description", "In contrast to the situation in heterotrophic organisms, plant genomes code for a significantly larger number of oxidoreductases such as thioredoxins (TRXs) and glutaredoxins (GRXs). These proteins provide a biochemical mechanism that allows the rapid and reversible activation or deactivation of protein functions in response to changing environmental conditions, as oxidative conditions caused by excessive photosynthesis. Indeed, owing to the fact that cysteines are sensitive to oxidation, TRXs and GRXs play an essential role in controlling the redox state of protein thiol groups. These redox-dependent post-translational modifications have proven to be critical for many cellular functions constituting regulatory, signalling or protective mechanisms. The articles contained in this Research Topic provide timely overviews and new insights into thiol-dependent redox regulation mechanisms with a focus on TRX- and GRX-based reduction systems in plants. The different contexts discussed take into account physiological, developmental and environmental conditions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Francisco J. Cejudo; Andreas J. Meyer; Jean-Philippe Reichheld; Nicolas Rouhier; Jose A. Traverso"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["thioredoxin", "glutaredoxin", "Glutathione", "redox regulation", "redox signaling", "Plants"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1257/thiol-based-redox-homeostasis-and-signalling"], ["title", "Thiol-based redox homeostasis and signalling"], ["doab_id", "17836"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192847"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192847"]], [["description", "The Third Way is said to be the guiding philosophy for New Labour and centre-left parties and governments across the globe. Moving beyond attempts to define and defend the Third Way, this innovative collection embarks on a critical examination of this key concept. The editors draw on expert contributions from a range of disciplines and perspectives to dissect the Third Way in theory and in practice, assess its legacy and suggest alternatives. The book begins by reviewing attempts to define the Third Way. It then examines what the Third Way implies for our understanding of the economy and the state, before critically addressing the philosophical and practical implications of its attempt to use the term 'community'. The final section deconstructs Third Way rhetoric and discourse. The conclusion reviews how these critical insights might form a basis for alternative political projects. Written in a rigorous but accessible style, this interdisciplinary collection is essential reading for anyone with an interest in understanding a key idea propounded by New Labour and the contemporary centre-left. It will appeal to anyone studying politics, sociology, contemporary history, social policy, social and political theory, and applied philosophy. It provides both an introduction to the topic and new and original insights for specialists in the area."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hale ,Sarah; Leggett ,Will; Martell ,Luke"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["labour", "politics", "socialism", "government"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341400"], ["title", "The Third Way and beyond: Criticisms, futures and alternatives"], ["doab_id", "12595"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719065989"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719065989"]], [["description", "In this book Ben Braber answers the question how the integration of Jews into Dutch society influenced Jewish resistance during the German occupation of the Netherlands in the second world war.This study highlights the social position of Jews and their group characteristics, but also reviews other factors that determined what forms Jewish resistance took such as personal character and individual circumstance.This is the first comprehensive study of this subject in the English language of Jewish resistance in the Netherlands. It offers a new perspective on Jews during the Holocaust and counters the prejudice about Jews failing to resist persecution.This book is also relevant for today's multi-ethnical society. It is a case study about the hampered integration of a minority, in particular how people in this group react when they are forcefully segregated and persecuted, while thinking \"this cannot happen here\"."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Braber ,Ben"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Jews", "The Netherlands", "Integration", "Holocaust", "Resistance"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617737"], ["title", "This Cannot Happen Here: Integration and Jewish Resistance in the Netherlands, 1940-1945"], ["doab_id", "19805"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645838"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645838"]], [["description", "\"\"In May 2000 I was fired from my job as a reporter on a finance newsletter because of an obsession with a videogame. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.\"\" So begins this story of personal redemption through the unlikely medium of electronic games. Quake, World of Warcraft, Eve Online and other online games not only offered author Jim Rossignol an excellent escape from the tedium of office life. They also provided him with a diverse global community and a job\u2014as a games journalist. Part personal history, part travel narrative, part philosophical reflection on the meaning of play, This Gaming Life describes Rossignol's encounters in three cities: London, Seoul, and Reyjkavik. From his days as a Quake genius in London's increasingly corporate gaming culture; to Korea, where gaming is a high stakes televised national sport; to Iceland, the home of his ultimate obsession, the idiosyncratic and beguiling Eve Online, Rossignol introduces us to a vivid and largely undocumented world of gaming lives. Torn between unabashed optimism about the future of games and lingering doubts about whether they are just a waste of time, This Gaming Life also raises important questions about this new and vital cultural form. Should we celebrate the \"\"serious\"\" educational, social, and cultural value of games, as academics and journalists are beginning to do? Or do these high-minded justifications simply perpetuate the stereotype of games as a lesser form of fun? In this beautifully written, richly detailed, and inspiring book, Rossignol brings these abstract questions to life, immersing us in a vibrant landscape of gaming experiences."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jim Rossignol"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Video games--Social aspects", "Video games--Psychological aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5682627.0001.001"], ["title", "This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities"], ["doab_id", "14526"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472033973", "9780472023141"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472033973 Ebook Formats: 9780472023141"]], [["description", "Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of coming events. Where medievalists may be prone to police the post-medieval weald for \u2018inauthentic\u2019 medievalisms, neomedievalists embrace the articulation and mobilisation of metahistorical \u2018anachronisms\u2019. To the medievalist, medievalisms provide powerful indexes that reveal how post-medieval societies have variously imagined \u2018little middle ages\u2019 to suit modern agendas. To the neomedievalist, medievalisms are theory-fictions that facilitate ludic speculation on non-modern futurities.While neomedievalist theories have emerged in a variety of fields since the early 1970s \u2014 notably in cultural studies of medievalisms, international relations and literary theory \u2014 there are few applications that synthesise and put the methodologies of these diverse fields into practice. thN Lng folk 2go applies this extant scholarship as an extradisciplinary practice, dramatising the neomedieval turn in (quasi)objects, persons, work, education, travel, food, ethnicity, media, art, hypereconomics and technology. This speculative journey is ghost authored by a trinity of neomedievalist narrators \u2014 Journeyman, Anchorite and Host \u2014 each relic-ing their own curious neomedieval futurities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "The Confraternity of Neoflagellants; Norman Hogg; Neil Mulholland"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["contemporary art, geopolitics, hypereconomy, medievalisms, neomedievalism, object-oriented ontology, speculative medievalism, speculative realism, studies in medievalism, theory-fiction, travel"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/thn-lng-folk/"], ["title", "thN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns\u2122"], ["doab_id", "16049"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615890258"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615890258"]], [["description", "In the wake of Glasgow\u2019s transformation in the nineteenth-century into an industrial powerhouse \u2014 the \"Second City of the Empire\" \u2014 a substantial part of the old town of Adam Smith degenerated into an overcrowded and disease-ridden slum. The Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow, Thomas Annan\u2019s photographic record of this central section of the city prior to its demolition in accordance with the City of Glasgow Improvements Act of 1866, is widely recognized as a classic of nineteenth-century documentary photography. Annan\u2019s achievement as a photographer of paintings, portraits and landscapes is less widely known. Thomas Annan of Glasgow: Pioneer of the Documentary Photograph offers a handy, comprehensive and copiously illustrated overview of the full range of the photographer\u2019s work. The book opens with a brief account of the immediate context of Annan\u2019s career as a photographer: the astonishing florescence of photography in Victorian Scotland. Successive chapters deal with each of the main fields of his activity, touching along the way on issues such as the nineteenth-century debate over the status of photography \u2014 a mechanical practice or an artistic one? \u2014 and the still ongoing controversies surrounding the documentary photograph in particular. While the text itself is intended for the general reader, extensive endnotes amplify particular themes and offer guidance to readers interested in pursuing them further."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gossman, Lionel (Author)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Thomas Annan", "photography", "documentary", "Glasgow", "portraits", "landscapes", "Victorian Scotland"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/339"], ["title", "Thomas Annan of Glasgow: Pioneer of the Documentary Photograph"], ["doab_id", "17195"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741281", "9781783741298"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741281 9781783741298"]], [["description", "In its comprehensive analysis of a wide range of primary and secondary sources in both Chinese and Western languages, this authoritative work stands as the definitive study of the theory, implementation and legacy of the Chinese Communist Party's thought-remolding campaign. This decades-long campaign involved the extraction of confessions from millions of Chinese citizens suspected of heterodoxy or disobedience to party dictates, along with their subjection to various forms of \"re-education\" and indoctrination. Hu Ping's carefully structured overview provides a valuable insider's perspective, and supersedes the previous landmark study on this vastly interesting topic.

Deze studie gaat in op de theorie, uitvoering en nalatenschap van de propagandacampagne van de Chinese Communistische Partij. Deze decennialange campagne bestond onder andere uit het ondervragen van miljoenen burgers die verdacht werden van andersdenkendheid of ongehoorzaamheid. Deze zorgvuldig gestructureerde verhandeling overstijgt de klassieke studie Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism (1969) van Robert jay Lifton. In tegenstelling tot het werk van Lifton, hanteert Hu Pings studie een eigentijds postcommunistisch perspectief en is het verrijkt met ervaringen van Chinezen die direct gevolgen hebben ondervonden van de mao\u00efstische propagandacampagne."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hu Ping; Williams ,Philip F.; Wu ,Yenna (transl.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Political science", "Geschiedenis", "Politicologie", "China, Communistische partij"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425212"], ["title", "The Thought Remolding Campaign of the Chinese Communist Party-state"], ["doab_id", "15147"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644107"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644107"]], [["description", "After a short review of the history of research, the work introduces and delimits the concepts related to grammaticalization. It then provides extensive exemplification of grammaticalization phenomena in diverse languages, ordered by grammatical domains such as the verbal, pronominal and nominal sphere and clause level relations. The final chapter presents a theory of grammaticalization which is based on the autonomy of the linguistic sign with respect to the paradigmatic and syntagmatic axes. This is the basis of the structural parameters that constitute grammaticalization. They are operationalized to the point of rendering degrees of grammaticalization measurable."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lehmann ,Christian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["grammaticalization", "degrammaticalization", "reanalysis", "renewal", "reinforcement", "analogy", "paradigmatic relation", "syntagmatic relation", "word order"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603353"], ["title", "Thoughts on grammaticalization"], ["doab_id", "17851"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783946234074", "9783946234067", "9783946234050"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946234074 9783946234067 9783946234050"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Andrea Villa"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/9788895994147_content.pdf"], ["title", "Three dimensional geophysical modelling: from physics to numerical simulation"], ["doab_id", "15500"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994147"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994147"]], [["description", "Through Feminist Eyes gathers in one volume the most incisive and insightful essays written to date by the distinguished Canadian historian Joan Sangster. To the original essays, Sangster has added reflective introductory discussions that situate her earlier work in the context of developing theory and debate. Sangster has also supplied an introduction to the collection in which she reflects on the themes and theoretical orientations that have shaped the writing of women's history over the past thirty years. Approaching her subject matter from an array of interpretive frameworks that engage questions of gender, class, colonialism, politics, and labour, Sangster explores the lived experience of women in a variety of specific historical settings. In so doing, she sheds new light on issues that have sparked much debate among feminist historians and offers a thoughtful overview of the evolution of women's history in Canada."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Joan Sangster"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["feminsit theory", "western women"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120191"], ["title", "Through Feminist Eyes: Essays on Canadian Women\u2019s History"], ["doab_id", "14471"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836188", "9781926836195", "9781926836409"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836188 9781926836195 9781926836409"]], [["description", "Public administration; Sociology

Bij het transformeren van probleemwijken naar prachtwijken is veel aandacht voor de fysieke, de sociale en de economische aspecten van achterstand. Maar weinig is bekend over de relatie tussen achterstand en emotionele binding: wat zijn de effecten van de stedelijke vernieuwing op het thuisgevoel van deze bewoners? Dat staat centraal in dit onderzoek waarbij de praktijk in Nederland en Engeland met elkaar vergeleken worden. Aan de hand van data uit het WoonBehoefte Onderzoek/ WoOn (1998 - 2006) en de British Household Panel Survey (1998 - 2003) is de buurthechting van Nederlandse en Engelse bewoners in kaart gebracht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Van der Graaf ,Peter; Duyvendak ,Jan Willem"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Sociology", "Bestuurskunde", "Sociologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339998"], ["title", "Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing : Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de buurthechting van bewoners in Nederland en Engeland"], ["doab_id", "12698"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641519"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641519"]], [["description", "The pathogenic mechanisms underlying primary T-cell disorders are mainly related to molecular alterations of genes whose expression is intrinsic to hematopoietic cells. However, since the differentiation process requires a crosstalk among thymocytes and the thymic microenvironment, molecular alterations of genes, involved in the differentiation and functionality of the stromal component of the thymus, may lead to a severe T-cell defect or failure of central tolerance, as well. The first example of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) not related to an intrinsic alteration of the hematopoietic cell but rather of the thymic epithelial component is the Nude/SCID phenotype, inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder, whose hallmarks are the T-cell defect and the absence of the thymus. The clinical and immunological phenotype is the human equivalent of the murine Nude/SCID syndrome, which represents the first spontaneous SCID identified in nude mice in 1966. For over 3 decades studies of immune system in these mice enormously contributed to the overall knowledge of cell mediated immunity, in the assumption that the athymia of these mice was solely responsible for the T-cell immunological defect. This syndrome is due to mutations of the transcription factor FOXN1, belonging to the forkhead-box gene family, which is mainly expressed in the thymus and skin epithelial cells, where it plays a critical role in differentiation and survival. An alteration of the thymic structure is also a feature of the DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), which has been long considered the human counterpart of the nude mice phenotype. This syndrome is frequently associated to a deletion of the 22q11 region, which contains approximately 30 genes, including the TBX1 gene, which is responsible for most of the clinical features of DGS in humans and mice. In this syndrome common manifestations are cardiac malformations, speech delay, hypoparathyrodism and immunodeficiency, even though the immunological hallmarks of the T-cell defect in DiGeorge syndrome are profoundly different from those reported in human Nude/SCID. The divergence of the phenotype among these 2 entities raised the possibility that the FOXN1 transcription factor represents the real key stromal molecule implicated in directing the hematopoietic stem cell toward a proper T-cell fate. Thymic stromal component of the primary lymphoid organ is also required to negatively select the autoreactive clones, a process driven by the expression of tissue specific antigens (TSA) by medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs). The expression of genes encoding TSA antigens is mediated by autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene, encoding a transcription factor expressed in mTECs. Molecular alterations of this gene are associated to autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED), a rare autosomal disorder, which may be considered the prototype of an autoimmune disease due to the failure of central tolerance homeostasis. All these \"experiments of nature\" led to unravel novel pathogenic mechanisms underlying inherited disorders of immune system and, of note, to clarify the pivotal role of epithelial cells in the maturation and education process of T-cell precursors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claudio Pignata; Ana E. Sousa"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Combined immunodeficiency", "Foxn1", "Central Tolerance", "medullary thymic epithelial cells", "DiGeorge Syndrome", "Rag defects", "APECED"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1058/thymic-stromal-alterations-and-genetic-disorders-of-immune-system"], ["title", "Thymic stromal alterations and genetic disorders of immune system"], ["doab_id", "18847"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197170"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197170"]], [["description", "Thyroid hormone signaling has been known for a long time to be required for proper neurodevelopment and the maintenance of cognitive functions in the adult brain. As thyroid hormone excess or deficiency is usually well handled by clinicians, research dedicated to the neural function of thyroid hormone, have not been a priority within the field. This is changing mainly for two reasons. First, new genetic diseases have been discovered, altering thyroid hormone signaling in brain (THRA, MCT8, SBP2), with neurodevelopmental consequences which are currently incurable. Second, there is a growing concern that exposition of the general population to environmental chemicals able to interfere with thyroid hormone signaling compromises children neurodevelopment or induces central disorders in adults. Finally thyroid hormone is acting directly on gene transcription, by binding nuclear receptors, and therefore is an interesting entry point to identify genetic programs controlling brain development and function. Reaching a broad understanding of the multiple processes involving thyroid hormone in brain is a tremendous task which will necessitate a multidisciplinary approach: animal genetics, molecular biology, brain imaging, developmental biology, genomics, etc... This topic will be the occasion to combine recent contributions in the field and to identify priorities for future investigations. Due to devastating consequences of congenital hypothyroidism, the neurodevelopmental consequences of altered thyroid hormone signaling have been extensively studied over the years. The discovery of new genetic diseases, the concern about the possible neurotoxicity of environmental thyroid hormone disruptors, recently renewed the interest for an important research field. This Ebook gathers reviews and original data from experts in various disciplines. It provides a broad view of ongoing research and outlines key issues for future investigation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frederic Flamant; Juan Bernal; Noriyuki Koibuchi"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["thyroid hormone", "nuclear receptor", "neurodevelopment", "brain", "deiodinase", "transporter"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1929/thyroid-hormone-in-brain-and-brain-cells"], ["title", "Thyroid hormone in brain and brain cells"], ["doab_id", "18826"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197026"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197026"]], [["description", "Analysis of changes in educational processes in Latin America due to the impact of new information technologies"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Machado da Silveira C. ,Ada; Carter Poggi ,Marina; Masi Duarte ,Sergio"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Communication technologies", "educational innovations", "Latin America"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617576"], ["title", "TIC\u2019s latinoamericanas Antecedentes, tendencias, usos y representaciones"], ["doab_id", "19145"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416416"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416416"]], [["description", "The central theme of this issue is the singularity of general and comparative literary theory in the Low Countries. How do they combine insights from neighboring linguistic areas, more specifically the dominant French, English and German traditions? In what branches were and are Flemish and Dutch literary theorists specifically strong or innovative? Which theorists and critics were influential? The questions addressed here are meant to instigate a debate on the future of general and comparative literary theory in the Low countries. The issue consists of two parts: \u2018The Text and its Limits\u2019 focuses on intra-textual models and criticism, \u2018Limits in Context\u2019 looks at the impact and shape of trends and schools of literary studies in the Low Countries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bru ,Sascha ; Masschelein ,Anneleen "], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["literary theory", "comparative literature", "low countries"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=412754"], ["title", "Tijding en Tendens. Literatuurwetenschap in de Nederlanden"], ["doab_id", "14639"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038215020"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038215020"]], [["description", "Up until the late 1960s the story of Australian literary magazines was one of continuing struggle against the odds, and of the efforts of individuals, such as Clem Christesen, Stephen Murray-Smith, and Max Harris. During that time, the magazines played the role of 'enfant terrible', creating a space where unpopular opinions and writers were allowed a voice. The magazines have very often been ahead of their time and some of the agendas they have pursued have become 'central' to representations, where once they were marginal. Broadly, 'little' magazines have often been more influential than their small circulations would first indicate, and the author's argument is that they have played a valuable role in the promotion of Australian literature."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edmonds ,Phillip"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["literary magazine australia", "small magazine australia", "meanjin", "overland", "quadrant", "clem christesen", "stephen murray-smith", "max harris", "australian poetry", "australian short stories", "australian literature", "phillip edmond", "creative writing"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560370"], ["title", "Tilting at Windmills: the literary magazine in Australia, 1968-2012"], ["doab_id", "16834"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261059"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261059"]], [["description", "The problem of how humans and other intelligent systems construct causal representations from non-causal perceptual evidence has occupied scholars in cognitive science for many decades. Most contemporary approaches agree with David Hume that patterns of covariation between two events of interest are the critical input to the causal induction engine, irrespective of whether this induction is believed to be grounded in the formation of associations (Shanks & Dickinson, 1987), rule-based evaluation (White, 2004), appraisal of causal powers (Cheng, 1997), or construction of Bayesian Causal Networks (Pearl, 2000). Recent research, however, has repeatedly demonstrated that an exclusive focus on covariation while neglecting contiguity (another of Hume's cues) results in ecologically invalid models of causal inference. Temporal spacing, order, variability, predictability, and patterning all have profound influence on the type of causal representation that is constructed. The influence of time upon causal representations could be seen as a bottom-up constraint (though current bottom-up models cannot account for the full spectrum of effects). However, causal representations in turn also constrain the perception of time: Put simply, two causally related events appear closer in subjective time than two (equidistant) unrelated events. This reversal of Hume's conjecture, referred to as Causal Binding (Buehner & Humphreys, 2009) is a top-down constraint, and suggests that our representations of time and causality are mutually influencing one another. At present, the theoretical implications of this phenomenon are not yet fully understood. Some accounts link it exclusively to human motor planning (appealing to mechanisms of cross-modal temporal adaptation, or forward learning models of motor control). However, recent demonstrations of causal binding in the absence of human action, and analogous binding effects in the visual spatial domain, challenge such accounts in favour of Bayesian Evidence Integration. This Research Topic reviews and further explores the nature of the mutual influence between time and causality, how causal knowledge is constructed in the context of time, and how it in turn shapes and alters our perception of time. We draw together literatures from the perception and cognitive science, as well as experimental and theoretical papers. Contributions investigate the neural bases of binding and causal learning/perception, methodological advances, and functional implications of causal learning and perception in real time."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marc J. Buehner"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["causality", "time", "Time Perception", "perceptual causality", "binding", "contiguity", "contingency", "Judgment", "cognitive development", "sensory integration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/709/time-and-causality"], ["title", "Time and Causality"], ["doab_id", "17663"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192526"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192526"]], [["description", "This wide-ranging collection of essays contains eighteen original articles by authors representing some of the most important recent work on Wittgenstein. It deals with questions pertaining to both the interpretation and application of Wittgenstein\u2019s thought and the editing of his works. Regarding the latter, it also addresses issues concerning scholarly electronic publishing. The collection is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction which lays out the content and arguments of each contribution. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stadler, Friedrich; St\u00f6ltzner, Michael"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/210913"], ["title", "Time and History. Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2005"], ["doab_id", "18120"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110333213", "9783110333022"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110333213, 9783110333022"]], [["description", "Time Distortions in Mind brings together current research on temporal processing in clinical populations to elucidate the interdependence between perturbations in timing and disturbances in the mind and brain. For the student, the scientist, and the stepping-stone for further research."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vatakis ,A.; Allman ,M."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Psychology"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613387"], ["title", "Time Distortions in Mind"], ["doab_id", "18543"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004230644", "9789004230699"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004230644 9789004230699"]], [["description", "Is time travel just a confusing plot device deployed by science fiction authors and Hollywood filmmakers to amaze and amuse? Or might empirical data prompt a scientific hypothesis of time travel? Structured on a fascinating dialogue involving a distinguished physicist, Dr. Rufus, a physics graduate student and a computer scientist this book probes an experimentally supported hypothesis of backwards time travel \u2013 and in so doing addresses key metaphysical issues, such as causation, identity over time and free will.The setting is the Jefferson National Laboratory during a period of five days in 2010. Dr. Rufus\u2019s experimental search for the psi-lepton and the resulting intractable data spurs the discussion on time travel. She and her two colleagues are pushed by their observations to address the grandfather paradox and other puzzles about backwards causation, with attention also given to causal loops, multi-dimensional time, and the prospect that only the present exists. Sensible solutions to the main puzzles emerge, ultimately advancing the case for time travel really being possible.A Time Travel Dialogue addresses the possibility of time travel, approaching familiar paradoxes in a rigorous, engaging, and fun manner. It follows in the long philosophical tradition of using dialogue to present philosophical ideas and arguments, but is ground breaking in its use of the dialogue format to introduce readers to the metaphysics of time travel, and is also distinctive in its use of lab results to drive philosophical analysis. The discussion of data that might decide whether time is one-dimensional (one timeline) or multi-dimensional (branching time) is especially novel."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carroll, John W. (Author)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Time", "Time travel", "Paradox", "Causal loop", "Presentism", "Branching time"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/256"], ["title", "A Time Travel Dialogue"], ["doab_id", "16310"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740383", "9781783740390"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740383 9781783740390"]], [["description", "Tissue engineering, the creation of human tissue in the laboratory by the use and propagation of human cells to develop commercial products, faces many problems concerning its legal regulation. There have been numerous alterations to the laws governing biotechnology \u2013derived medicinal products. However, difficulties remain regarding their legal classification. This work shall give a legal survey of the whole procedure of tissue engineering concerning German and European law.

Das Tissue Engineering, die biotechnologische Heranz\u00fcchtung menschlichen Gewebes aus einzelnen Zellen im Labor, stellt eine neuere medizinische Behandlungsm\u00f6glichkeit dar. Das Herstellungsverfahren von Tissue Engineering-Produkten unterliegt einer Vielzahl rechtlicher Vorschriften, wobei es sich um ein Zusammenspiel von nationalen und europarechtlichen Normen handelt. Trotz zahlreicher \u00c4nderungen im Laufe der letzten Jahre sind manche Rechtsfragen nicht eindeutig gekl\u00e4rt, was auch der Besonderheit der Produkte \u2013 ihrer Herstellung aus lebenden menschlichen Zellen \u2013 geschuldet ist. Diese Arbeit zeigt die Schwierigkeiten auf, die durch das Ineinandergreifen verschiedener nationaler und europarechtlicher Rechtsvorschriften entstehen und gibt einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die rechtliche Einordnung einzelner Schritte des Verarbeitungsprozesses sowie \u00fcber Fragen bzgl. der Anwendung und Kommerzialisierung von Tissue Engineering- Produkten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wernscheid, Verena"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Tissue Engeneering", "Legal Issues", "Medical Ethics", "Tissue Engeneering", "Legal Issues", "Medical Ethics"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610174"], ["title", "Tissue Engineering - Rechtliche Grenzen und Voraussetzungen"], ["doab_id", "14591"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950354"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950354"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Judson MacLaury"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["African Americans--Employment--Government policy--History--20th century", " African Americans--Employment--Law and legislation--History--20th century", " Discrimination in employment--Government policy--United States--History--20th century"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1008&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "To Advance Their Opportunities: Federal Policies Toward African American Workers from World War I to the Civil Rights Act of 1964"], ["doab_id", "16907"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644575", "9780984644575"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644571; 9780984644575"]], [["description", "To Know Our Many Selves profiles the history of Canadian Studies, which began as early as the 1840s with the Study of Canada. Professor Dirk Hoerder discusses this comprehensive examination of culture by highlighting its unique interdisciplinary approach, which included both sociological and political angles. Years later, as the study of other ethnicities was added to the cultural story of Canada, a solid foundation was formed for the nation\u2019s master narrative. Against this background, To Know Our Many Selves focuses on why Canadian Studies may be used as a sound model for the study of other societies in a frame of Transcultural Societal Studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dirk Hoerder"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["cultural history", "nationalism", "sociology", "political science"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120174"], ["title", "To Know Our Many Selves: From the Study of Canada to Canadian Studies"], ["doab_id", "14472"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425725", "9781897425732"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425725 9781897425732"]], [["description", "Tocqueville and Democracy in the Internet Age is an introduction to Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) and his monumental two-volume study Democracy in America (1835, 1840) that pays particular attention to the critical conversation around Tocqueville and contemporary democracy. It attempts to help us think better about democracy, and also perhaps to live better, in the Internet Age."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Delogu Jon ,C. "], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Alexis de Tocqueville", "democracy", "Internet Age"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=502354"], ["title", "Tocqueville and Democracy in the Internet Age"], ["doab_id", "16373"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781607853039"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781607853039"]], [["description", "This anthology, inspired by Voltaire\u2019s advice that a text needed to be concise to have real influence, contains firey extracts from forty different authors, from the philosophers everyone\u2019s heard of to those whose brilliant writings are less well-known. They are immensely diverse in style and topic, but all have in common their passionate commitment to equality, freedom, and tolerance, and every single one resonates powerfully with the issues our world faces today. The book was first published by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 fran\u00e7aise d\u2019\u00e9tude du dix-huiti\u00e8me si\u00e8cle (the French Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo assassinations in January 2015 as a mark of solidarity, and as a response to the wide-spread interest in Enlightenment values. With the support of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, it has now been translated by 102 French students and tutors from Oxford University."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Warman, Caroline (Editor); Warman, Caroline, at al. (Translator)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Enlightenment, philosophers, anthology, equality, freedom, tolerance"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/418"], ["title", "Tolerance: The Beacon of the Enlightenment"], ["doab_id", "17934"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742042", "9781783742059"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742042/9781783742059"]], [["description", "The innate immune system has evolved means to recognize and react suitably to foreign entities such as infectious agents. In many cases infectious microorganisms threaten the integrity and function of the target organs or tissues; therefore, consequent to their recognition the immune system becomes activated to ensure their elimination. Toll-like receptors (TLR) constitute a family of receptors specialized in the recognition of molecular patterns typically associated with infectious agents. Different TLRs exist, each selective for molecular entities and motifs belonging to a specific pathogen group. Consequently, it is thought that the molecular nature of invading microorganisms activates specific TLRs to drive adequate anti-infectious immunity. For instance, nucleic acid-specific, intracellular receptors (TLR3/7/8/9) are used to sense viruses and drive antiviral immunity, while other receptors (such as TLR2 and TLR4) recognize and promote immunity against bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Yet, it is becoming evident that activation of TLR pathways trigger mechanisms that not only stimulate but also regulate the immune system. For instance, TLR stimulation by viruses will drive antiviral interferon but also immunoregulatory cytokine production and regulatory T cell activation. Stimulation of TLRs by bacteria or using molecular agonists can also trigger both immune stimulatory and regulatory responses. TLR stimulation by infectious agents likely serves to activate but also control anti-infectious immunity, for instance prevent potential immunopathological tissue damage which can be caused by acute immune defense mechanisms. Previous work by us and others has shown that the immunoregulatory arm of TLR stimulation can additionally help control autoreactive processes in autoimmune disease. Hence, it is becoming established that gut commensals, which also play a crucial part in the control of autoimmune disease, establish immune regulatory mechanisms through activation of particular TLRs. In sum, it appears that TLRs are key immune players that not only stimulate but also regulate immune processes in health and disease. In this Research Topic, we wish to review the dual role of TLRs as activators and regulators of immune responses. We aim to motivate data-driven opinions as to the importance of context of TLR agonism for determining immune activation vs. regulation. The presentation of ongoing original works, as well as data and opinions around other innate immune receptors pertaining to this topic, are also encouraged."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christophe M. Filippi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Toll-Like Receptors", "Immune stimulation", "Immunoregulation", "tolerance", "Autoimmune Diseases", "cancer immunotherapy", "Infection", "Inflammation", "Probiotics", "microbiome"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1194/toll-like-receptor-activation-in-immunity-vs-tolerance"], ["title", "Toll-Like Receptor Activation in Immunity vs. Tolerance"], ["doab_id", "18807"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196364"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196364"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 13, with foreward by Billy Collins. Tomorrow's Living Room offers a pleasantly disorienting verbal territory. The collection is alternately wry and dark, hopeful and bleak, full of unexpected light and laugh-out-loud incongruities. We begin to see that the shape and the furniture of Jason Whitmarsh's world reflect our own world (and may in fact be universal), but we're considering them through completely new terms of engagement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Whitmarsh, Jason"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/12"], ["title", "Tomorrow's Living Room"], ["doab_id", "14772"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217483"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217483"]], [["description", "Tony Conrad (b. 1940) has been a well-known American artist for more than 50 years. Celebrated as a musician, filmmaker, video and performance artist, he achieved his breakthrough in 1966 with the experimental film The Flicker. In addition to his film work (including the so called Yellow Movies), his violin performances have also achieved broad recognition. This monograph focuses on about 70 video works produced by the artist since 1977, which previously have not been systematically studied. Beginning from Conrad\u2019s earlier rather materialistic approach, in A videographic view of the artist\u2019s vita the text follows the artists shift from experimental film to a more image-driven videographic approach. The chapter Last call for video comments on Tony Conrad influential interaction with the Buffalo-based group of appropriation artists. Then Video as critique of television interrogates the interplay between (video) art and society as a reflection of the telematic culture of the 1980s. The last chapter, Video in tension with music, returns to the beginning of the artist\u2019s career and comments on Tony Conrad\u2019s identity as a musician.

Die Monografie untersucht das Video-\u0152uvre des K\u00fcnstlers Tony Conrad und kontextualisiert es im historischen Umfeld der 1980er Jahre. Die Videoarbeiten und Referenzmaterialien werden kunsthistorisch analysiert, strukturiert und als Quelle gesichert. Die Gegen\u00fcberstellung mit Werken anderer K\u00fcnstler erm\u00f6glicht eine Verortung im diskursiven Feld."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lurk ,Tabea"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Tony Conrad", "video art", "1980s", "appropriation", "media theory"]], ["publisher", "PETER LANG LTD International Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=578883"], ["title", "Tony Conrad. Video - und dar\u00fcber hinaus"], ["doab_id", "17601"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783034320375"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783034320375"]], [["description", "Policy analysts are accustomed to thinking in terms of tools and instruments. Yet an authoritative examination of the tools which have been developed to formulate new policies is missing. This book is the first of its kind to distinguish the defining characteristics of the main policy formulation tools, and offer a fresh way of understanding how, why and by whom they are selected, as well as the effects they produce in practice.CONTENTSPrefaceAcknowledgementsPART I INTRODUCTION1. The Tools of Policy Formulation: An IntroductionJohn R. Turnpenny, Andy J. Jordan, David Benson and Tim RaynerPART II TOOLS OF POLICY FORMULATION2. Participatory Assessment: Tools for Empowering, Learning and Legitimating?Matthijs Hisschem\u00f6ller and Eefje Cuppen3. Scenarios: Tools for Coping with Complexity and Future UncertaintyMarta P\u00e9rez-Soba and Rob Maas4. Indicators: Tools for Informing, Monitoring or Controlling?Markku Lehtonen5. Computerized Models: Tools for Assessing the Future of Complex Systems?Martin K. Van Ittersum and Barbara Sterk6. Multi-Criteria Analysis: A Tool for Going Beyond Monetization?Catherine D. Gamper and Catrinel Turcanu7. Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Tool That is Both Useful and Influential?Giles AtkinsonPART III ACTORS, CAPACITIES, VENUES AND EFFECTS8. Policy Formulation, Policy Advice and Policy Appraisal: The Distribution of Analytical ToolsMichael Howlett, Seck L. Tan, Andrea Migone, Adam Wellstead and Bryan Evans9. The Use of Policy Formulation Tools in the Venue of Policy Appraisal: Patterns and Underlying MotivationsJohn R. Turnpenny, Andrew J. Jordan, Camilla Adelle, Stephan Bartke, Thomas Bournaris, Petrus Kautto, Hanna Kuittinen, Lars Ege Larsen, Christina Moulogianni, Sanna-Riikka Saarela and Sabine Weiland10. Policy Formulation Tool Use in Emerging Policy Spheres: A Developing Country PerspectiveSachin Warghade11. The Effects of Targets and Indicators on Policy Formulation: Narrowing Down, Crowding Out and Locking InChristina Boswell, Steve Yearley, Colin Fleming, Eug\u00e9nia Rodrigues and Graham Spinardi12. The Use of Computerized Models in Different Policy Formulation Venues: The MARKAL Energy ModelPaul Upham, Peter Taylor, David Christopherson and Will McdowallPART IV CONCLUSIONS AND NEW DIRECTIONS13. The Tools of Policy Formulation: New Perspectives and New ChallengesAndy J. Jordan, John R. Turnpenny and Tim RaynerIndex"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrew J. Jordan; John R. Turnpenny"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Public Policy, government, tools, public administration, public management, assessment, policy appraisal"]], ["publisher", "Edward Elgar Publishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781783477036.xml"], ["title", "The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects"], ["doab_id", "16892"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783477036", "9781783477043"]], ["provider", "www.elgaronline.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783477036/9781783477043"]], [["description", "This is a comprehensive but accessible study of the electoral strategies, governing approaches and ideological thought of the British Conservative Party."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Timothy Heppell"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545138"], ["title", "The Tories"], ["doab_id", "17155"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545138"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545138"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Sch\u00e4rer"], ["date", "1966"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613419"], ["title", "Der Totenkult der Ngadju Dajak in S\u00fcd-Borneo (2 Vols.)"], ["doab_id", "18441"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9789004248038", "9789004286818"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004248038 9789004286818"]], [["description", "Die Beitr\u00e4ge dieses Ateliers veranschaulichen die vielf\u00e4ltige wissenschaftliche und politische Verwendung des Rassenbegriffs in so unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften, wie Brasilien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Japan, Kamerun, Madagaskar und Senegal. Im Kontext der aufkeimenden Nationalismen und des sich entwickelnden Kolonialimperialismus trug der Rassenbegriff nicht nur zur Ausbildung des Kolonialdiskurses bei und legitimierte dessen Praktiken, sondern wurde dar\u00fcber hinaus in gro\u00dfem Ma\u00dfe zur Herausbildung und Behauptung nationaler Identit\u00e4ten herangezogen. Open Access: Dieser Titel steht Ihnen zum Download als PDF zur Verf\u00fcgung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Reynaud Paligot, Carole"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/248226"], ["title", "Tous les hommes sont-ils \u00e9gaux? Histoire compar\u00e9e des pens\u00e9es raciales 1860-1930"], ["doab_id", "18001"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486591446", "9783486989281"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486591446, 9783486989281 "]], [["description", "Departing from the conventional readings of Karl Marx\u2019s Capital and other of his works, by way of Fran\u00e7ois Laruelle\u2019s \u201cradicalization of concepts,\u201d Katerina Kolozova identifies a theoretical kernel in Marx\u2019s thought whose critical and interpretative force can be employed without reference to its subsequent interpretations in the philosophical mainstream. The latter entails a process of abstracting a philosophical legacy \u2014 or rather, of putting it in brackets \u2014 and then codifying a history of a learned interpretation established in supposed fidelity to the theoretical project of a \u201cmaster.\u201d Interpreting the master implies a mastery of doctrinal tools, which results in establishing a catechism of the Logos of the Master. And this catechism interferes, Kolozova argues, with more direct encounters with Marx\u2019s writings.As we know, Marx\u2019s rigorously descriptive language unravels the radical core of capitalist economic processes and, through that unraveling, also reveals capitalism\u2019s necessary exploitation and subjugation of human labor. Toward a Radical Metaphysics of Socialism attempts to recuperate and emancipate the notion of metaphysics in this scenario by virtue of radicalizing thought\u2019s encounter with the Real. Kolozova argues that this metaphysical drama is at the origin of the social and economic injustices of contemporary global economic-political realities, and she illustrates this state of affairs in discussions of the problem of wage labor, automated speculation as the core of late capitalism, the post-2008 financial crisis, the status of technology in late capitalism, sexual difference and gender, and the human and non-human body\u2019s subjugation capitalist automation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Katerina Kolozova"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["economics, feminist theory, Lacan, Laruelle, Marx, metaphysics, non-philosophy, political theory, Socialism, speculative realism"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/1aqxykkf601rm6n/Kolozova_Radical_Metaphysics_of_Socialism_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Toward a Radical Metaphysics of Socialism: Marx and Laruelle"], ["doab_id", "17621"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692492413"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692492413"]], [["description", "Everyone is familiar with the speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT). To make good choices, we need to balance the conflicting demands of fast and accurate decision making. After all, hasty decisions often lead to poor choices, but accurate decisions may be useless if they take too long. This notion is intuitive because it reflects a fundamental aspect of cognition: not only do we deliberate over the evidence for decisions, but we can control that deliberative process. This control raises many questions for the study of choice behaviour and executive function. For example, how do we figure out the appropriate balance between speed and accuracy on a given task? How do we impose that balance on our decisions, and what is its neural basis? Researchers have addressed these and related questions for decades, using a variety of methods and offering answers at different levels of abstraction. Given this diverse methodology, our aim is to provide a unified view of the SAT. Extensive analysis of choice behaviour suggests that we make decisions by accumulating evidence until some criterion is reached. Thus, adjusting the criterion controls how long we accumulate evidence and therefore the speed and accuracy of decisions. This simple framework provides the platform for our unified view. In the pages that follow, leading experts in decision neuroscience consider the history of SAT research, strategies for determining the optimal balance between speed and accuracy, conditions under which this seemingly ubiquitous phenomenon breaks down, and the neural mechanisms that may implement the computations of our unifying framework."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Dominic Standage; Da-Hui Wang; Richard P. Heitz; Patrick Simen"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Speed-accuracy trade-off", "Decision Making", "bounded integration", "decision neuroscience", "Neural mechanisms of cognition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1647/toward-a-unified-view-of-the-speed-accuracy-trade-off-behaviour-neurophysiology-and-modelling"], ["title", "Toward a Unified View of the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off: Behaviour, Neurophysiology and Modelling"], ["doab_id", "18876"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197569"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197569"]], [["description", "In 2007, Jeremy Jass proposed a molecular classification of colorectal cancer including KRAS, BRAF, Mismatch Repair, CIMP and MGMT Status. Since then, many prognostic and predictive studies have been published on this topic, mainly focusing on one single molecular marker. The aim of the e-book is to summarize the knowledge in 2014 from a multidisciplinary point of view that can potentially be used as a manual by CRC researchers in every field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alessandro Lugli"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["colorectal cancer", "Molecular classification", "Cdx2", "Wnt Signaling Pathway", "MGMT", "telomere length", "ras signaling pathway", "microRNA"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/935/towards-a-molecular-classification-of-colorectal-cancer"], ["title", "Towards a molecular classification of colorectal cancer"], ["doab_id", "18556"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195671"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195671"]], [["description", "Decades of brain imaging experiments have revealed important insights into the architecture of the human brain and the detailed anatomic basis for the neural dynamics supporting human cognition. However, technical restrictions of traditional brain imaging approaches including functional magnetic resonance tomography (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetoencephalography (MEG) severely limit participants' movements during experiments. As a consequence, our knowledge of the neural basis of human cognition is rooted in a dissociation of human cognition from what is arguably its foremost, and certainly its evolutionarily most determinant function, organizing our behavior so as to optimize its consequences in our complex, multi-scale, and ever-changing environment. The concept of natural cognition, therefore, should not be separated from our fundamental experience and role as embodied agents acting in a complex, partly unpredictable world. To gain new insights into the brain dynamics supporting natural cognition, we must overcome restrictions of traditional brain imaging technology. First, the sensors used must be lightweight and mobile to allow monitoring of brain activity during free participant movements. New hardware technology for electroencephalography (EEG) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) allows recording electrical and hemodynamic brain activity while participants are freely moving. New data-driven analysis approaches must allow separation of signals arriving at the sensors from the brain and from non-brain sources (neck muscles, eyes, heart, the electrical environment, etc.). Independent component analysis (ICA) and related blind source separation methods allow separation of brain activity from non-brain activity from data recorded during experimental paradigms that stimulate natural cognition. Imaging the precisely timed, distributed brain dynamics that support all forms of our motivated actions and interactions in both laboratory and real-world settings requires new modes of data capture and of data processing. Synchronously recording participants\u2019 motor behavior, brain activity, and other physiology, as well as their physical environment and external events may be termed mobile brain/body imaging ('MoBI'). Joint multi-stream analysis of recorded MoBI data is a major conceptual, mathematical, and data processing challenge. This Research Topic is one result of the first international MoBI meeting in Delmenhorst Germany in September 2013. During an intense workshop researchers from all over the world presented their projects and discussed new technological developments and challenges of this new imaging approach. Several of the presentations are compiled in this Research Topic that we hope may inspire new research using the MoBI paradigm to investigate natural cognition by recording and analyzing the brain dynamics and behavior of participants performing a wide range of naturally motivated actions and interactions."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Klaus Gramann; Tzyy-Ping Jung; Daniel P. Ferris; Chin-Teng Lin; Scott Makeig"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Mobile Brain", "Body Imaging", "Mobile Brain Imaging", "EEG", "fNIRS", "Brain Mapping", "Embodied Cognition", "Natural Cognition", "Wireless dry EEG Sensors", "Wireless Sensing", "computational neuroscience", "neuroergonomics", "Gait rehabilitation", "Biomechanics"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1360/towards-a-new-cognitive-neuroscience-modeling-natural-brain-dynamics"], ["title", "Towards a New Cognitive Neuroscience: Modeling Natural Brain Dynamics"], ["doab_id", "17779"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192717"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192717"]], [["description", "An important amount of research effort in psychology and neuroscience over the past decades has focused on the problem of social cognition. This problem is understood as how we figure out other minds, relying only on indirect manifestations of other people's intentional states, which are assumed to be hidden, private and internal. Research on this question has mostly investigated how individual cognitive mechanisms achieve this task. A shift in the internalist assumptions regarding intentional states has expanded the research focus with hypotheses that explore the role of interactive phenomena and interpersonal histories and their implications for understanding individual cognitive processes. This interactive expansion of the conceptual and methodological toolkit for investigating social cognition, we now propose, can be followed by an expansion into wider and deeply-related research questions, beyond (but including) that of social cognition narrowly construed. Our social lives are populated by different kinds of cognitive and affective phenomena that are related to but not exhausted by the question of how we figure out other minds. These phenomena include acting and perceiving together, verbal and non-verbal engagement, experiences of (dis-)connection, management of relations in a group, joint meaning-making, intimacy, trust, conflict, negotiation, asymmetric relations, material mediation of social interaction, collective action, contextual engagement with socio-cultural norms, structures and roles, etc. These phenomena are often characterized by a strong participation by the cognitive agent in contrast with the spectatorial stance typical of social cognition research. We use the broader notion of embodied intersubjectivity to refer to this wider set of phenomena. This Research Topic aims to investigate relations between these different issues, to help lay strong foundations for a science of intersubjectivity \u2013 the social mind writ large. To contribute to this goal, we encouraged contributions in psychology, neuroscience, psychopathology, philosophy, and cognitive science that address this wider scope of intersubjectivity by extending the range of explanatory factors from purely individual to interactive, from observational to participatory."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ezequiel Di Paolo; Hanne De Jaegher"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["social interaction", "Second-person methods ", "participatory sense making ", "languaging", "Affect ", "Dynamical Systems Theory ", "social affordances ", "Psychopathology ", "Emergence of culture"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2287/towards-an-embodied-science-of-intersubjectivity-widening-the-scope-of-social-understanding-research"], ["title", "Towards an embodied science of intersubjectivity: Widening the scope of social understanding research"], ["doab_id", "17825"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195299"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195299"]], [["description", "The amount of data being produced by neuroscientists is increasing rapidly, driven by advances in neuroimaging and recording techniques spanning multiple scales of resolution. The availability of such data poses significant challenges for their processing and interpretation. To gain a deeper understanding of the surrounding issues, the Editors of this e-Book reached out to an interdisciplinary community, and formed the Cortical Networks Working Group. The genesis of this e-Book thus began with this Working Group through support from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis in the USA. The Group consisted of scientists from neuroscience, physics, psychology and computer science, and meetings were held in person (a detailed list of the group members is presented in the Editorial that follows). At the time we started, in 2010, the term \u201cbig data\u201d was hardly in existence, though the volume of data we were handling would certainly have qualified. Furthermore, there was significant interest in harnessing the power of supercomputers to perform large scale neuronal simulations, and in creating specialized hardware to mimic neural function. We realized that the various disciplines represented in our Group could and should work together to accelerate progress in Neuroscience. We searched for common threads that could define the foundation for an integrated approach to solve important problems in the field. We adopted a network-centric perspective to address these challenges, as the data are derived from structures that are themselves network-like. We proposed three inter-twined threads, consisting of measurement of neural activity, analysis of network structures deduced from this activity, and modeling of network function, leading to theoretical insights. This approach formed the foundation of our initial call for papers. When we issued the call for papers, we were not sure how many papers would fall into each of these threads. We were pleased that we found significant interest in each thread, and the number of submissions exceeded our expectations. This is an indication that the field of neuroscience is ripe for the type of integration and interchange that we had anticipated. We first published a special topics issue after we received a sufficient number of submissions. This is now being converted to an e-book to strengthen the coherence of its contributions. One of the strong themes emerging in this e-book is that network-based measures capture better the dynamics of brain processes, and provide features with greater discriminative power than point-based measures. Another theme is the importance of network oscillations and synchrony. Current research is shedding light on the principles that govern the establishment and maintenance of network oscillation states. These principles could explain why there is impaired synchronization between different brain areas in schizophrenics and Parkinson\u2019s patients. Such research could ultimately provide the foundation for an understanding of other psychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions. The chapters in this book cover these three main threads related to cortical networks. Some authors have combined two or more threads within a single chapter. We expect the availability of related work appearing in a single e-book to help our readers see the connection between different research efforts, and spur further insights and research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A. Ravishankar Rao; Guillermo A. Cecchi; Ehud Kaplan"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["cortical networks", "neural dynamics", "neural synchrony", "Graph measures", "emergent properties"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1717/towards-an-integrated-approach-to-measurement-analysis-and-modeling-of-cortical-networks"], ["title", "Towards an Integrated Approach to Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Cortical Networks"], ["doab_id", "18881"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197620"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197620"]], [["description", "From the moment of birth, humans and animals are immersed in time: all experiences and actions evolve in time and are dynamically structured. The perception of time is thus a capacity indispensable for the control of perception, cognition and action. The last 10 years have witnessed a remarkable resurgence of interest in timing and time perception, with a continuously increasing number of researchers exploring these innate abilities. However, existing robotic systems largely neglect the key role of time in cognition and action. This is a major barrier for accomplishing the long-term goal of symbiotic human-robot interaction. The critical question is: how is time instantiated in a biological system and how can it be implemented in an artificial system? Recent years have for example seen an increasing focus on the relationship between affective states and the experience of time. The influence of affective states on subjective time seems to depend on the embodiment of emotions: intertwined affective and interoceptive states may create our subjective experience of time. Since robotic systems are in essence embodied information-processing systems that interact with the real world, we hope to inspire a reciprocal exchange of ideas between the field of Robotics and the Cognitive Neurosciences. In this research topic, we call researchers from different disciplines (Robotics, Neurosciences, and Psychology) to present their empirical work, their models or reviews on the question of how time judgments are instantiated in biological and artificial systems. Of particular interest are papers on time perception in humans and animals, with a focused interest on embodied time perception, i.e. the influence of affective and body states on time judgments. Moreover, the present Research Topic seeks to gather papers discussing the key role of time on different aspects of robotic cognition as well as modeling approaches. We are interested in paving the way for a new generation of intelligent computational systems that incorporate the sense of time in their processing loop and thus accomplish more efficient and more advanced cognitive capacities."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michail Maniadakis; Marc Wittmann; Sylvie Droit-Volet; Yoonsuck Choe"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Time Perception", "Embodied Cognition", "synchronization", "timing", "temporal processing", "artificial cognitive systems", "emotion"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1554/towards-embodied-artificial-cognition-time-is-on-my-side"], ["title", "Towards embodied artificial cognition: TIME is on my side"], ["doab_id", "18724"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194735"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194735"]], [["description", "Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability and one of the greatest unmet needs in medicine and public health. TBI not only has devastating effects on patients and their relatives but results in huge direct and indirect costs to society. Although guidelines for the management of patients have been developed and more than 200 clinical trials have been conducted, they have resulted in few improvements in clinical outcomes and no effective therapies approved for TBI. It is now apparent that the heterogeneity of clinical TBI is underlain by molecular phenotypes more complex and interactive than initially conceived and current approaches to the characterization, management and outcome prediction of TBI are antiquated, unidimensional and inadequate to capture the interindividual pathophysiological heterogeneity. Recent advances in proteomics and biomarker development provide unparalleled opportunities for unraveling substantial injury-specific and patient-specific variability and refining disease characterization. The identification of novel, sensitive, objective tools, referred to as biomarkers, can revolutionize pathophysiological insights, enable targeted therapies and personalized approaches to clinical management. In this Research Topic, we present novel approaches that provide an infrastructure for discovery and validation of new biomarkers of acute brain injury. These techniques include refined mass spectrometry technology and high throughput immunoblot techniques. Output from these approaches can identify potential candidate biomarkers employing systems biology and data mining methods. In this Research Topic, we present novel approaches that provide an infrastructure for discovery and validation of new biomarkers of acute brain injury. These techniques include refined mass spectrometry technology and high throughput immunoblot techniques. Output from these approaches can identify potential candidate biomarkers employing systems biology and data mining methods. Finally, suggestions are provided for the way forward, with an emphasis on need for a multidimensional approach that integrate a panel of pathobiologically diverse biomarkers with clinical variables and imaging-based assessments to improve diagnosis and classification of TBI and to develop best clinical practice guidelines."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stefania Mondello; Ronald L. Hayes; Andras Buki; Frank C. Tortella; Kevin K. W. Wang"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["biomarker", "Brain Injury", "Traumatic Brain Injury", "discovery", "clinical practice"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/627/towards-translating-research-to-clinical-practice-novel-strategies-for-discovery-and-validation-of-b"], ["title", "Towards translating research to clinical practice: Novel Strategies for Discovery and Validation of Biomarkers for Brain Injury"], ["doab_id", "17761"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193912"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193912"]], [["description", "As reflex\u00f5es e os debates em torno do uso e abuso de drogas traduzem as diversas formas que o humano utiliza para lidar com a dor da sua pr\u00f3pria exist\u00eancia. Os leitores oriundos de diversas \u00e1reas do conhecimento, bem como as pessoas interessadas no tema, ter\u00e3o a possibilidade de percorrer textos que apontam quest\u00f5es, trazendo \u00e0 tona impasses e perspectivas para a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de m\u00faltiplas possibilidades de trabalho."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nery Filho, Ant\u00f4nio; Edward, MacRae; Tavares, Luiz Alberto; R\u00eago, Marlize"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qk"], ["title", "Toxicomanias: incid\u00eancias cl\u00ednicas e socioantropol\u00f3gicas"], ["doab_id", "17172"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208820"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208820"]], [["description", "Este manual foi concebido com o objetivo de introduzir alguns conceitos, sistematizar os conhecimentos existentes e nortear o Programa de Vigil\u00e2ncia em Sa\u00fade da Toxoplasmose Cong\u00eanita no munic\u00edpio de Londrina. [...] [trecho retirado da Apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mitsuka-Bregan\u00f3, Regina; Lopes-Mori, Fabiana Maria Ruiz; Navarro, Italmar Teodorico"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEL"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cdtqr"], ["title", "Toxoplasmose adquirida na gesta\u00e7\u00e3o e cong\u00eanita: vigil\u00e2ncia em sa\u00fade, diagn\u00f3stico, tratamento e condutas"], ["doab_id", "16824"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788572166768"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788572166768"]], [["description", "Tra sensi e spirito investigates the origins of a sort of 'Copernican revolution' that took place in western culture when music acquired an undisputed primacy over the other arts, becoming the privileged medium of metaphysical knowledge, if not actually the very emblem of absolute Truth. Starting from the analysis of the principal oppositions (between melody and harmony, word and sound, voice and instruments) emerging from the aesthetic debate that developed in the latter half of the eighteenth century, first in France and later in Germany, Tra sensi e spirito brings to light the essential ambivalence of music, in which we can discern a dual nature: sensual-erotic and mystical-spiritual. Examining these two aspects, supremely exemplified in the works of Wilhelm Heinse and Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder and the characters created by them, the book brings out the figure of the 'problematic' artist in a modern sense, who experiences with profound unease the ambiguity of the \"criminal innocence\" of the musical phenomenon: a musical phenomenon that acts at once as a redeeming and a 'narcotic' force, engendering a loss of contact with reality.

Tra sensi e spirito indaga le origini di una sorta di 'rivoluzione copernicana' vissuta nella cultura occidentale quando la musica conquista un primato indiscusso sulle altre arti, divenendo il medium privilegiato della conoscenza metafisica, se non addirittura l'emblema stesso della Verit\u00e0 assoluta. A partire dall'analisi delle principali opposizioni (tra melodia e armonia, parola e suono, voce e strumenti) che emergono dal dibattito estetico sviluppatosi nel secondo '700 prima in Francia e poi in Germania, Tra sensi e spirito mette in luce l'ambivalenza di fondo della musica, nella quale si riscontra una doppia natura: sensuale-erotica e mistico-spirituale. Esaminando questi due aspetti, che trovano una rappresentazione esemplare nelle opere di Heinse e Wackenroder e nei personaggi da loro creati, il volume fa emergere la figura dell''artista problematico' in senso moderno, che vive con profondo disagio l'ambiguit\u00e0, la \u00abdelittuosa innocenza\u00bb del fenomeno musicale; un fenomeno musicale che agisce contemporaneamente come forza redentrice e 'narcotico', facendo perdere contatto con la realt\u00e0."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Di Manno, Marco"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Music", "Romanticism", "Germany", "Musica", "Romanticismo", "Germania"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341474"], ["title", "Tra sensi e spirito"], ["doab_id", "12636"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884537126"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884537126"]], [["description", "N\u00e3o ter\u00edamos condi\u00e7\u00f5es de apreciar de modo sistem\u00e1tico a complexidade de situa\u00e7\u00f5es sindicais e oper\u00e1rias nos diferentes pa\u00edses. Aqui estamos interessados apenas em tentar isolar os principais fatores relacionados \u00e0 forma\u00e7\u00e3o do capitalismo europeu e que parecem significativos para a an\u00e1lise das formas de a\u00e7\u00e3o e ideologia oper\u00e1rias. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Le\u00f4ncio Martins"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POLITICAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/5y76v"], ["title", "Trabalhadores, sindicatos e industrializa\u00e7\u00e3o"], ["doab_id", "16889"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662991"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662991"]], [["description", "Ao longo das \u00faltimas quatro d\u00e9cadas, a hist\u00f3ria social do trabalho se tornou um dos mais consolidados ramos da historiografia brasileira. Seus temas, objetos, temporalidades e enfoques te\u00f3rico-metodol\u00f3gicos se diversificaram, permitindo confrontar distor\u00e7\u00f5es e ampliar quest\u00f5es acerca da hist\u00f3ria da classe trabalhadora do Brasil e de suas rela\u00e7\u00f5es com as outras classes e com o Estado. Parte dessa diversidade encontra-se reunida neste livro, composto por cap\u00edtulos que tratam de balan\u00e7os historiogr\u00e1ficos e de aspectos das experi\u00eancias hist\u00f3ricas de classe de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras escravizados, libertos, \u201clivres\u201d, urbanos, rurais, sindicalizados ou n\u00e3o, de Alagoas, Pernambuco e Para\u00edba. Trata-se de uma contribui\u00e7\u00e3o coletiva, que almeja servir tanto ao p\u00fablico acad\u00eamico, em especial a estudantes de gradua\u00e7\u00e3o e de p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o, quanto aos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, agentes de sua pr\u00f3pria hist\u00f3ria."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliveira, Tiago Bernardon de"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xvx85"], ["title", "Trabalho e trabalhadores no Nordeste: an\u00e1lises e perspectivas de pesquisas hist\u00f3ricas em Alagoas, Pernambuco e Para\u00edba"], ["doab_id", "19979"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578793333"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578793333"]], [["description", "Objetiva aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a viol\u00eancia praticada por jovens, com base, dentre outras, na seguinte pergunta: por que, na mesma fam\u00edlia, somente alguns desenvolvem comportamento delinquente? Foram escolhidos Rio de Janeiro e Pernambuco, com incid\u00eancia elevada de infra\u00e7\u00f5es juvenis, para olhar mais de perto o universo dos menores que cometeram delitos e de suas fam\u00edlias - que, muitas vezes, n\u00e3o est\u00e3o envolvidas na criminalidade. Foram entrevistados 61 adolescentes infratores internos em quatro institui\u00e7\u00f5es (tr\u00eas no Rio, uma em Recife) e 31 de seus irm\u00e3os ou primos que afirmaram nunca terem cometidos atos infracionais. Parte de seus depoimentos est\u00e1 publicada nesta obra que busca compreender tais menores, suas ang\u00fastias e anseios na viv\u00eancia do presente e constru\u00e7\u00e3o do futuro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Assis, Simone Gon\u00e7alves de"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Viol\u00eancia, Comportamento do adolescente, Problemas sociais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/xjx2y"], ["title", "Tra\u00e7ando caminhos em uma sociedade violenta: a vida de jovens infratores e de seus irm\u00e3os n\u00e3o-infratores"], ["doab_id", "16442"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412800"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412800"]], [["description", "Digital Humanities remains a contested, umbrella term covering many types of work in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, linguistics, classics, theater, performance studies, film, media studies, computer science, and information science. In Traces of the Old, Uses of the New: The Emergence of Digital Literary Studies, Amy Earhart stakes a claim for discipline-specific history of digital study as a necessary prelude to true progress in defining Digital Humanities as a shared set of interdisciplinary practices and interests.Traces of the Old, Uses of the New focuses on twenty-five years of developments, including digital editions, digital archives, e-texts, text mining, and visualization, to situate emergent products and processes in relation to historical trends of disciplinary interest in literary study. By reexamining the roil of theoretical debates and applied practices from the last generation of work in juxtaposition with applied digital work of the same period, Earhart also seeks to expose limitations in need of alternative methods\u2014methods that might begin to deliver on the early (but thus far unfulfilled) promise that digitizing texts allows literature scholars to ask and answer questions in new and compelling ways. In mapping the history of digital literary scholarship, Earhart also seeks to chart viable paths to its future, and in doing this work in one discipline, this book aims to inspire similar work in others."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Amy E. Earhart"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/etlc.13455322.0001.001"], ["title", "Traces of the Old, Uses of the New: The Emergence of Digital Literary Studies"], ["doab_id", "19084"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072781", "9780472052783", "9780472900688", "9780472121311"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072781 9780472052783 9780472900688 9780472121311"]], [["description", "Through this engaging ethnographic account of connections, conflicts and loss in Lihir, Hemer\u00e2€™s own fieldwork journey of making relationships, experiencing disputes and finally leaving the field, is mirrored. Structured into three parts, the book works through the complexities of creating and sustaining relationships, the evaluation of conduct as moral and the practices of conflict, and the experiences and transformations of death and grief. Throughout these parts various emotions are highlighted and interrogated for their relationship to psychological understandings and definitions: love, anger, jealousy, sadness. Emotions are also understood in a historical context and as connected to social changes wrought by interactions with global phenomena such as religion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hemer R ,Susan"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["lihir", "anthropology", "melanesian", "melanesia", "pacific", "new ireland", "christian missons", "semantics of emotion", "grief", "loss", "personhood", "pigs", "piot", "moral conduct", "yam", "papua new guinea", "lihir islands", "mahur island", "kuelam village"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560351"], ["title", "Tracing the Melanesian Person: Emotions and Relationships in Lihir"], ["doab_id", "15378"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064448"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064448"]], [["description", "O principal objetivo desse estudo \u00e9 apontar, descrever e analisar as formas de transposi\u00e7\u00e3o dos pressupostos brechtianos de teatro em O render dos her\u00f3is, de Jos\u00e9 Cardoso Pires, e Felizmente h\u00e1 luar! de Lu\u00eds de Sttau Monteiro e mostrar a rela\u00e7\u00e3o dessas pe\u00e7as com o per\u00edodo anterior \u00e0 Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o de 25 de Abril, especificamente na d\u00e9cada de 1960, marcada pelos processos de aplica\u00e7\u00e3o da censura. A matriz brechtiana em O render dos her\u00f3is e em Felizmente h\u00e1 luar!, al\u00e9m de ser a est\u00e9tica respons\u00e1vel por uma tentativa de inova\u00e7\u00e3o das formas dram\u00e1ticas praticadas em Portugal, tamb\u00e9m confirma a preocupa\u00e7\u00e3o dos autores com a express\u00e3o de um posicionamento cr\u00edtico perante a realidade, com os rumos da dramaturgia e com o papel do dramaturgo em seu tempo e lugar."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, M\u00e1rcia Regina"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["FICTION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/dmxrg"], ["title", "Tra\u00e7os \u00e9pico-brechtianos na dramaturgia portuguesa: O render dos her\u00f3is, de Cardoso Pires, e Felizmente h\u00e1 luar!, de Sttau Monteiro"], ["doab_id", "16778"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579831140"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579831140"]], [["description", "\"In their study of social practices deemed traditional, scholars tend to use the concept and idea of tradition as an element of meaning in the practices under investigation. But just whose meaning is it? Is it a meaning generated by those who study tradition or those whose traditions are being studied? In both cases, particular criteria for traditionality are employed, whether these are explicated or not. Individuals and groups will no doubt continue to uphold their traditional practices or refer to their practices as traditional. While they are in no way obliged to explicate in analytical terms their criteria for traditionality, the same cannot be said for those who make the study of traditions their profession. In scholarly analysis, traditions need to be explained instead of used as explanations for apparent repetitions and replications or symbolic linking in social practice, values, history, and heritage politics. This book takes a closer look at \u2018tradition\u2019 and \u2018folklore\u2019 in order to conceptualize them within discourses on modernity and modernism. The first section discusses \u2018modern\u2019 and \u2018traditional\u2019 as modern concepts and the study of folklore as a modern trajectory. The underlying tenet here is that non-modernity cannot be represented without modern mediation, which therefore makes the representations of non-modernity epistemologically modern. The second section focuses on the nation-state of Finland and the nationalistic use of folk traditions in the discursive production of Finnish modernity and its Others. The insights are applicable worldwide in discussions on cultural representation. \""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anttonen J. ,Pertti"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Folkloristics", "Postmodernism", "Modern", "Postmodern", "Tradition", "National identity"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617196"], ["title", "Tradition through Modernity: Postmodernism and the Nation-State in Folklore Scholarship"], ["doab_id", "19783"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789517466653", "9789522228147", "9789522228154"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "951746665X 9789522228147 9789522228154"]], [["description", "The papers in this volume show the presence of Gottfried Keller, the literary father figure of Swiss literature, in the texts of the Swiss authors from 1960ies, such as Otto F. Walter, Hugo Loetscher, Adolf Muschg, and Urs Widmer. Although these authors work in the democratic tradition of Switzerland and have an almost identificatory relationship to Keller, their role in the changed political life of the 20th century is completely different from that of their great literary model. The volume also contains studies on other Swiss literary classics, such as Robert Walser and Meinrad Inglin, as well as later authors, such as Max Frisch and Friedrich D\u00fcrrenmatt, Erica Pedretti, Thomas H\u00fcrlimann, Silvio Blatter, Peter Stamm, and Gertrud Leutenegger.

In den in diesem Band zusammengetragenen Beitr\u00e4gen wird die Pr\u00e4senz des literarischen \u00dcbervaters der Schweizer Literatur, Gottfried Kellers, bei Autoren der 1960er Jahre wie Otto F. Walter, Hugo Loetscher, Adolf Muschg und Urs Widmer gezeigt. Diese engagierten Autoren, die sich zwar in die demokratische Tradition der Schweiz stellen und zu Keller in ein fast identifikatorisches Verh\u00e4ltnis treten, spielen anl\u00e4sslich der ver\u00e4nderten politischen \u00d6ffentlichkeit im 20. Jahrhundert jedoch eine entschieden andere Rolle als ihr gro\u00dfes literarisches Vorbild. Aus der Sicht der Tradition und der Moderne werden im Hinblick auf die Schriftform und das Autobiographische sowie auf die Dorfwirklichkeit und die Karnevalisierung der Literatur die poetischen Auffassungen von zwei anderen Klassikern der Schweizer Literatur, von Robert Walser und Meinrad Inglin, in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen und Diskussionen ger\u00fcckt. Mit ihren Versuchen, die prek\u00e4re Nachkriegssituation in tragikomischen Dramen zu verarbeiten, kommen die beiden gro\u00dfen Beobachter der Auswirkungen des Faschismus, Frisch und D\u00fcrrenmatt zur Sprache. Vorgestellt wird D\u00fcrrenmatts politisches Engagement an seiner Auseinandersetzung mit dem \u201eVater der Wasserstoffbombe\u201c, Edward Teller, die bei einer Fernsehdiskussion stattgefunden hatte. Der Einbruch der Moderne in die Familie wird an Autoren wie Erica Pedretti, Thomas H\u00fcrlimann und Silvio Blatter vorgef\u00fchrt. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt j\u00fcngeren Autoren und Autorinnen wie Peter Stamm oder der zu Unrecht weniger bekannten Gertrud Leutenegger."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pormeister ,Eve ; Graubner ,Hans "], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Swiss literature", "Gottfried Keller", "Robert Walser", "Meinrad Inglin", "autobiography", "Carnivalesque", "Friedrich D\u00fcrrenmatt", "Edward Teller", "Literatur der Schweiz", "Gottfried Keller", "Robert Walser", "Meinrad Inglin", "Autobiographisches", "Karnevalisierung der Literatur", "Friedrich D\u00fcrrenmatt", "Edward Teller"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=425570"], ["title", "Tradition und Moderne in der Literatur der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "15211"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9789949190188"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949190188"]], [["description", "This book assembles like a balance of activities papers about all working areas of the Lower Saxony State and University Library (SUB), forming a Festschrift for its director Elmar Mittler for his 65 birthday. Within the library is shown as an absolutely consequent service oriented supplier to the Georg-August-University as well as center of innovation to the German and international library community.

Die hier zum 65. Geburtstag ihres Direktors Elmar Mittler vorgelegte Leistungsbilanz der Nieders\u00e4chsischen Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen stellt das gesamte Arbeitsspektrum der SUB dar. Sie zeigt die Bibliothek als konsequent serviceorientierten Dienstleister der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t ebenso wie als ma\u00dfgeblichen Impulsgeber des deutschen und des internationalen Bibliothekswesens. Der Inhalt umfasst folgende Themen: Richtfest im Haus der Digitalen Bibliothek; Die Bibliothek als Forschungseinrichtung; Vermittlung von Informationskompetenz; Die Bibliothek im Reformprozess der Universit\u00e4t; Bibliotheksausstellungen; Von der automatisierte Zeitschriften- und Serienkatalogisierung zur Digitalen Bibliothek; Konzeption und Einrichtung des Forschungslesesaals; Baum\u00e4ngelbeseitigung und Nutzungs\u00e4nderung im Historischen Bibliotheksgeb\u00e4ude; Teilbibliothek Naturwissenschaften; Mathematik-Projekte an der Bibliothek; Virtuelle Fachbibliotheken und nationale Fachinformationsstrategie; Sondersammelgebiet f\u00fcr den angloamerikanischen Kulturkreis; Virtuelle Kartenbibliothek; Schwerpunktbibliothek Geowissenschaften; Fachreferat Finnougristik; Die G\u00f6ttinger Slavica-Sammlung; Der Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen; Das G\u00f6ttinger Learning Resources Center; 35 Jahre Restaurierungswerkstatt; Schriftenverzeichnis Elmar Mittler."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bargheer, Margo; Ceynowa, Klaus"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["history", "history of science", "university of Goettingen", "librarianship", "library", "history", "history of science", "university of Goettingen", "librarianship", "library"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610310"], ["title", "Tradition und Zukunft - die Nieders\u00e4chsische Staats- und Universit\u00e4tsbibliothek G\u00f6ttingen - eine Leistungsbilanz zum 65. Geburtstag von Elmar Mittler"], ["doab_id", "13100"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616031"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616031"]], [["description", "Las reflexiones sobre la actividad de traducci\u00f3n y sus resultados han estado marcadas hist\u00f3ricamente por el mayor o menor alejamiento respecto de la obra original. Tambi\u00e9n a trav\u00e9s del tiempo se ha intentado dar respuesta a la pregunta \u00bfqu\u00e9 es una buena traducci\u00f3n? con la formulaci\u00f3n de reglas generales, es decir, prescribiendo. Afortunadamente, hacia mediados del siglo XX, comienza a sistematizarse el estudio de la actividad de traducci\u00f3n y se entiende la complejidad que la sustenta, ya que en ella confluyen aspectos diversos, tanto ling\u00fc\u00edsticos como cognitivos, culturales o comparativos. De all\u00ed en m\u00e1s, los estudios sobre la traducci\u00f3n abandonan la prescripci\u00f3n y asumen una mirada descriptiva y explicativa, que se relaciona con las normas del g\u00e9nero discursivo que se traduce, con las normas sociales del p\u00fablico para el cual se traduce y con las que se establecen entre la editorial o cliente y el traductor. Desde las aparentemente ingenuas definiciones de traducci\u00f3n, pasando por un recorte hist\u00f3rico de la evoluci\u00f3n de su estudio, este libro recorre la relaci\u00f3n entre ling\u00fc\u00edstica y traducci\u00f3n, discute la evoluci\u00f3n de los conceptos de unidad de traducci\u00f3n y equivalencia, expone la problematizaci\u00f3n del sentido en la lexicolog\u00eda y la terminolog\u00eda, que son campos afines con la traducci\u00f3n, e introduce la relaci\u00f3n entre cultura y traducci\u00f3n."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cagnolati, Beatriz E. (comp.)"], ["date", null], ["subject", ["linguistics ", " translation ", " literature ", " semantics ", " ling\u00fa\u00edstica ", " traducci\u00f3n ", " literatura ", " sem\u00e1ntica"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/17"], ["title", "La traductolog\u00eda: Miradas para comprender su complejidad"], ["doab_id", "17294"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411193"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411193"]], [["description", "This dead letter presents an exploration of the immanent materialism of Deleuze & Guattari as theorised in A Thousand Plateaus as a means to analysing everyday life. The evidence consists of art, film and objects from life that relate to and suggest the complex ways in which we are affected by traffic jams. Reciprocating substrata of everyday life build upon the unconscious, and show how the abstract turbulence of everyday life forms eddies and flows that may be followed and understood. The immanent materialism of Deleuze & Guattari is a philosophical construction that leads to the formation of \u2018plateaus\u2019 as they were executed in A Thousand Plateaus. The plateau of this dead letter is [21 October 2011: the Petro-Citizen] and is populated with traffic jams, car crashes, global environmental concerns and the psychological and sociological contingencies that accompany the petro-citizen. Connections between the strata that make up the plateau of the petro-citizen will deliberately be left as open-ended and speculative to show how the petro-citizen functions as a flagrant construct in everyday life, which includes the desire for petrol and explains the resulting panpsychic petro-political landscape. The double-articulation of the plateau depends upon the ways in which the petro-citizen and petro-politics create reciprocating realms of motivation and drive that tend towards contemporary double-articulation, paradox and contradiction with respect to the usages of oil. This double-articulation results in a multiple chequered flag or illusionary global end-game that designates the current human relationships with oil."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David R. Cole"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["culture studies, Deleuze & Guattari, environmentalism, everyday life, immanence, materialism, oil, petro-citizenship, traffic"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/traffic-jams/"], ["title", "Traffic Jams: Analysing Everyday Life through the Immanent Materialism of Deleuze & Guattari"], ["doab_id", "16025"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615767000"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615767000"]], [["description", "Trail of Story examines the meaning of landscape, drawn from Leslie Main Johnson\u2019s rich experience with diverse environments and peoples, including the Gitksan and Witsuwit\u2019en of northwestern British Columbia, the Kaska Dene of the southern Yukon, and the Gwich\u2019in of the Mackenzie Delta. With passion and conviction, Johnson maintains that our response to our environment shapes our culture, determines our lifestyle, defines our identity, and sets the tone for our relationships and economies. With photos, she documents the landscape and contrasts the ecological relationships with land of First Nations peoples to those of non-indigenous scientists. The result is an absorbing study of local knowledge of place and a broad exploration of the meaning of landscape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leslie Main Johnson"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["culture", "history", "First Nations", "British Columbia"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120163"], ["title", "Trail of Story, Traveller's Path: Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape"], ["doab_id", "14473"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425350", "9781897425367"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425350 9781897425367"]], [["description", "El libro re\u00fane los trabajos de especialistas e investigadores dedicados al estudio revistas, diarios, suplementos semanales y otras formas de publicaci\u00f3n peri\u00f3dica en la Argentina de los dos \u00faltimos siglos. Las colaboraciones abordan estos objetos a partir de m\u00faltiples perspectivas dando cuenta de intereses y problem\u00e1ticas variadas. En ese sentido, varios se interesan en la cultura urbana, la circulaci\u00f3n de lo impreso, o las funciones de la cultura visual en procesos culturales concretos; otros se enfocan en las relaciones entre cultura y pol\u00edtica; otros se detienen en aspectos m\u00e1s espec\u00edficamente metodol\u00f3gicos del estudio de las publicaciones o se concentran en aspectos institucionales ligados con los repositorios; otros plantean sus interrogantes desde la historia de las ideas o la historia intelectual; otros dan cuenta del papel productivo y modelador de la lectura en el contexto de una ampliaci\u00f3n de la circulaci\u00f3n y el consumo de la letra impresa; otros indagan las expresiones pl\u00e1sticas en publicaciones propiamente art\u00edsticas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Delgado, Ver\u00f3nica (comp.); Mailhe, Alejandra (comp.); Rogers, Geraldine (comp.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Periodicals ", " Argentina ", " Social science ", " 20th Century ", " 19th Century ", " Publicaciones peri\u00f3dicas ", " Ciencias sociales ", " Siglo XIX ", " Siglo XX"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/33"], ["title", "Tramas impresas: Publicaciones peri\u00f3dicas argentinas (XIX-XX)"], ["doab_id", "17349"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503411636"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503411636"]], [["description", "A obra \u00e9 fruto de tese defendida no Programa de P\u00f3s-Gradua\u00e7\u00e3o em Artes C\u00eanicas da UFBA, em 2007. Aborda quest\u00f5es relativas ao teatro em meio ao ide\u00e1rio contracultural, investindo sua argumenta\u00e7\u00e3o contra a afirma\u00e7\u00e3o de que a produ\u00e7\u00e3o teatral que se d\u00e1 de 1968 a 1974 \u00e9 destitu\u00edda de criticidade. Propondo outro ponto de vista, o livro apresenta e analisa a produ\u00e7\u00e3o teatral para afirmar que n\u00e3o houve um \"vazio cultural\" durante o per\u00edodo em que o governo civil-militar esteve no poder e utilizou a censura e a repress\u00e3o para calar os artistas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Le\u00e3o, Raimundo Matos de"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["PERFORMING ARTS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/r9"], ["title", "Transas na cena em transe: teatro e contracultura na Bahia"], ["doab_id", "16831"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209414"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209414"]], [["description", "The 20th Century saw a dramatic shift of the hub of science and social science systems to the USA. This dynamic began to unfold at precisely the same time as the power structure of Central Europe shifted towards dictatorship. This book explores the invention of empirical social research and the contribution of German emigres to its establishment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian Fleck"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662932"], ["title", "A Transatlantic History of the Social Sciences"], ["doab_id", "14364"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662932"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662932"]], [["description", "Synaptic transmission demands the operation of a highly specialized metabolic machinery involving the transfer of metabolites and neurotransmitters between neurons, astrocytes and microvessels. In the last years, important advances have occurred in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying cerebral activation, neuroglial coupling and the associated neurovascular response. Briefly, exacerbated oxygen consumption in stimulated neurons is thought to trigger glycolytic lactate and glucose transfer from astrocytes which, in turn, obtain these fuels from the microvasculature. Neurotransmitter release is made possible by a combination of transcellular cycles exchanging metabolites between these three compartments, returning eventually the synapsis to its pre-firing situation in the resting periods. In spite of the enormous progresses achieved in recent years, the drivers determining the predominant direction of the fluxes, their quantitative contribution and their energy requirements, have remained until today incompletely understood, more particularly under the circumstances prevailing in vivo. In many instances, progress derived from the implementation of novel methodological approaches including advanced neuroimaging and neurospectroscopy methods. As a consequence, literature in the field became vast, diverse and spread within journals of different specialities. The e-book \"Transcellular cycles underlying neurotransmission\" aims to summaryze in a single volume, recent progress achieved in hypothesis, methods and interpretations on the trafficking of metabolites between neurons and glial cells, and the associated mechanisms of neurovascular coupling. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sebastian Cerdan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle", "Astrocytic Networks", "13C NMR", "glutamate-glutamine cycle", "functional MRI", "Neuroimaging", "Neuroglial metabolic coupling", "Neurovascular coupling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/120/transcellular-cycles-underlying-neurotransmission"], ["title", "Transcellular Cycles Underlying Neurotransmission"], ["doab_id", "19557"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196548"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196548"]], [["description", "The transcription factor (TF) mediated regulation of gene expression is a process fundamental to all biological and physiological processes. Genetic changes and epigenetic modifications of TFs affect target gene expression during the formation of malignant cells. Extensive work has been done on the critical TFs in various disease models. Despite the success of numerous TF-targeted therapies, there remain significant hurdles understanding the mechanisms, transcriptional targets and networks of physiologic pathways that govern TF action. This effort is now beginning to produce exciting new avenues of research. A clinically relevant topic for genetic change of TF is the mutant isoforms of p53, the most famous tumor suppressor. The p53 mutations either results in loss of function, or acting as dominant negative for wild-type protein, or \u2018gain of function\u2019 specifically promoting cancer survival. The gain of function is achieved by shifting p53 binding partner proteins, or changed genomic binding landscape leading to a cancer-promoting transcriptome. Another example of genetic change of TF causing malignancy is the AML-ETO fusion protein in the human t(8;21)-leukemia. The fusion protein is an active TF, and more interestingly, new studies link the disease causing role of AML-ETO to the unique transcriptome in the hematopoietic stem cells. Nuclear receptors (NR) are a group of ligand-dependent TFs governing the expression of genes involved in a broad range of reproductive, developmental and metabolic programs. Genetic changes and epigenetic modifications of NRs lead to cancers and metabolic diseases. Androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) are well studied NRs in prostate, breast and endometrial cancers. The development in sequencing technology and computational genomics enable us to investigate the transcription programs of these master TFs in an unprecedented level. This Research Topic aims to present the most up-to-date progress in the field of transcription regulation in cancers and metabolic diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Wen Zhou; Carol Prives"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["p53", "p63", "nuclear receptor", "Cell Cycle", "Cancer stem cell", "epigenetics", "senescence", "microRNA", "exosome", "tran"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3283/transcriptional-regulation-in-cancers-and-metabolic-diseases"], ["title", "Transcriptional Regulation in Cancers and Metabolic Diseases"], ["doab_id", "18833"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197125"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197125"]], [["description", "Transfer cells are anatomically specialized cells optimized to support high levels of nutrient transport in plants. These cells trans-differentiate from existing cell types by developing extensive and localized wall ingrowth labyrinths to amplify plasma membrane surface area which in turn supports high densities of membrane transporters. Unsurprisingly, therefore, transfer cells are found at key anatomical sites for nutrient acquisition, distribution and exchange. Transfer cells are involved in delivery of nutrients between generations and in the development of reproductive organs and also facilitate the exchange of nutrients that characterize symbiotic associations. Transfer cells occur across all taxonomic groups in higher plants and also in algae and fungi. Deposition of wall ingrowth-like structures are also seen in \u201csyncytia\u201d and \u201cgiant cells\u201d which function as feeding sites for cyst and root-knot nematodes, respectively, following their infection of roots. Consequently, the formation of highly localized wall ingrowth structures in diverse cell types appears to be an ancient anatomical adaption to facilitate enhanced rates of apoplasmic transport of nutrients in plants. In some systems a role for transfer cells in the formation of an anti-pathogen protective barrier at these symplastic discontinuities has been inferred. Remarkably, the extent of cell wall ingrowth development at a particular site can show high plasticity, suggesting that transfer cell differentiation might be a dynamic process adapted to the transport requirements of each physiological condition. Recent studies exploiting different experimental systems to investigate transfer cell biology have identified signaling pathways inducing transfer cell development and genes/gene networks that define transfer cell identity and/or are involved in building the wall ingrowth labyrinths themselves. Further studies have defined the structure and composition of wall ingrowths in different systems, leading in many instances to the conclusion that this process may involve previously uncharacterized mechanisms for localized wall deposition in plants. Since transfer cells play important roles in plant development and productivity, the latter being relevant to crop yield, especially so in major agricultural species such as wheat, barley, soybean and maize, understanding the molecular and cellular events leading to wall ingrowth deposition holds exciting promise to develop new strategies to improve plant performance, a key imperative in addressing global food security. This Research Topic presents a timely and comprehensive treatise on transfer cell biology to help define critical questions for future research and thereby generating a deeper understanding of these fascinating and important cells in plant biology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "David McCurdy; Gregorio Hueros"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["transfer cells", "Wall ingrowth", "synctial cells", "Giant Cells", "endosperm transfer cells", "Zea mays", "Arabidopsis thaliana"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1540/transfer-cells"], ["title", "Transfer Cells"], ["doab_id", "18725"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194742"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194742"]], [["description", "In many senses, viewers have cut their teeth on the violence in American cinema: from Anthony Perkins slashing Janet Leigh in the most infamous of shower scenes; to the 1970s masterpieces of Martin Scorsese, Sam Peckinpah and Francis Ford Coppola; to our present-day undertakings in imagining global annihilations through terrorism, war, and alien grudges. Transfigurations brings our cultural obsession with film violence into a renewed dialogue with contemporary theory. Gr\u00f8nstad argues that the use of violence in Hollywood films should be understood semiotically rather than viewed realistically; Tranfigurations thus alters both our methodology of reading violence in films and the meanings we assign to them, depicting violence not as a self-contained incident, but as a convoluted network of our own cultural ideologies and beliefs.

Bij veel mensen en vooral filmliefhebbers is het geweld in Amerikaanse cinema er met de paplepel ingegoten: van Anthony Perkins die Janet Leigh aan stukken rijt in een van de meest beruchte douchescenes, via de meesterwerken uit de jaren zeventig van Martin Scorsese, Sam Peckinpah en Francis Ford Coppola, tot de hedendaagse verbeeldingen van de algehele vernietiging van de wereld door terrorisme, oorlog of wraakzuchtige aliens. Transfigurations geeft een geheel nieuwe kijk op de manier waarop wij omgaan met fictieve vormen van geweld. Asbj\u00f8rn Gr\u00f8nstad stelt in zijn studie orthodoxe opvattingen en hedendaagse paradigma's over onderzoek naar filmgeweld op de proef. Het verandert onze kijk op de methodiek waarmee we geweld in films analyseren en de betekenis ervan; niet als een opzichzelfstaand iets, maar als een gevolg van onze eigen idee\u00ebn over culturele ideologie\u00ebn en overtuigingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gr\u00f8nstad ,Asbj\u00f8rn"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Motion pictures", "Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "Culture and instituten", "Film", "Vrouwenstudies"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340041"], ["title", "Transfigurations : Violence, Death and Masculinity in American Cinema"], ["doab_id", "12760"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089640109"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089640109"]], [["description", "

Exploring the intricacy and complexity of Walter Pater\u2019s prose, Transfigured World challenges traditional approaches to Pater and shows precise ways in which the form of his prose expresses its content. Carolyn Williams asserts that Pater\u2019s aestheticism and his historicism should be understood as dialectically interrelated critical strategies, inextricable from each other in practice. Williams discusses the explicit and embedded narratives that play a crucial role in Pater\u2019s aesthetic criticism and examines the figures that compose these narratives, including rhetorical tropes, structures of argument such as genealogy, and historical or fictional personae.

"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Williams, Carolyn"], ["date", "1989"], ["subject", ["Walter Pater, astheticism, historicism, literary theory, Victorianism, romanticism, figural strategies, Marius the Epicurean, Plato and Platonism, Greek Studies, Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci"]], ["publisher", "Cornell University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/23175138/9781501707247.pdf"], ["title", "Transfigured World"], ["doab_id", "19904"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501707247"]], ["provider", "d3p9z3cj392tgc.cloudfront.net"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501707247"]], [["description", "O livro traz a experi\u00eancia do autor em sua conviv\u00eancia com os Wari\u2019 (ou Paca\u00e1s Novos), povo ind\u00edgena mais numeroso no estado de Rond\u00f4nia, com cerca de 2.700 indiv\u00edduos. Apresenta, em linguagem precisa e agrad\u00e1vel, uma abrangente descri\u00e7\u00e3o das condi\u00e7\u00f5es de alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e nutri\u00e7\u00e3o locais, levando em considera\u00e7\u00e3o a especificidade cultural das comunidades amaz\u00f4nicas. A obra demonstra o qu\u00e3o importante \u00e9 n\u00e3o prescindir de cuidadosa contextualiza\u00e7\u00e3o dos achados no conjunto das pr\u00e1ticas nativas e das id\u00e9ias que as orientam, seja qual for o campo sob investiga\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leite, Maur\u00edcio Soares"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o, \u00cdndios Sul-Americanos, Antropologia cultural"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q"], ["title", "Transforma\u00e7\u00e3o e persist\u00eancia: antropologia da alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e nutri\u00e7\u00e3o em uma sociedade ind\u00edgena amaz\u00f4nica"], ["doab_id", "16367"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9788575412930"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412930"]], [["description", "\u2018Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance\u2019 analyses the question what recent and ongoing changes in the relations between politics, science and media \u2013 together characterized as the emergence of a knowledge democracy \u2013 may imply for governance for sustainable development, on global and other levels of societal decision making, and the other way around: How can the discussion on sustainable development contribute to a knowledge democracy? How can concepts such as second modernity, reflexivity, configuration theory, (meta)governance theory and cultural theory contribute to a \u2018transgovernance\u2019 approach which goes beyond mainstream sustainability governance? This volume presents contributions from various angles: international relations, governance and metagovernance theory, (environmental) economicsand innovation science. It offers challenging insights regarding institutions andtransformation processes, and on the paradigms behind contemporary sustainability governance.This book gives the sustainability governance debate a new context. It transforms classical questions into new options for societal decision making and identifies starting points and strategies towards effective governance of transitions to sustainability."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Louis Meuleman"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Political Science, general", "Social Policy", "Non-Profit Enterprises/Corporate Social Responsibility", "Sustainable Development"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-3-642-28008-5"], ["title", "Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance"], ["doab_id", "15471"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783642280085", "9783642280092"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783642280085 (Print) 9783642280092 (Online)"]], [["description", "In 1923, Victor Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m (1879-1960) got an offer from Goldwyn Pictures to come to Hollywood. This was nothing unusual for a successful European director: - Metro's bring - ing them in by car load - , as Photoplay stated in 1926. At the time, Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m was Sweden's most renowned director, who had become world famous for his austere and naturalistic film style. Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m stayed in Hollywood for seven years and made nine films. What happened during those years to the characteristic style that he had developed in Sweden? How was it transformed by Hollywood? Did he maintain any of his stylistic particularities from the Swedish period? How were his Hollywood films received by the American and Swedish critics? This portrayal of a European in Hollywood reveals how Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m, in adapting to the new production system, integrated and developed various stylistic elements from the Swedish years in a radically different context. Transition and Transformation is the first book-length study dedicated to the films of Victor Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m made in Hollywood, which also nuances the picture of the American production system.

Victor Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m (1879-1960), in Hollywood bekend onder de naam Victor Seastrom, was ongetwijfeld een van de meest getalenteerde filmregisseurs van de stomme film. Door de focus op meesterwerken als The Scarlet Letter en The Wind, met tevens aandacht voor films die Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m in Zweden maakte voordat hij naar Hollywood vertrok (waaronder als verloren gegaan beschouwde filmfragmenten), analyseert de auteur Sj\u00f6str\u00f6ms sobere en naturalistische stijl en de veranderingen die diens manier van regisseren onderging tijdens zijn verblijf in Hollywood."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Florin ,Bo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437365"], ["title", "Transition and Transformation : Victor Sj\u00f6str\u00f6m in Hollywood 1923-1930"], ["doab_id", "15226"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089645043"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089645043"]], [["description", "Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die unser Leben pr\u00e4gen. Dabei beeinflussen die kulturellen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Umst\u00e4nde oder pers\u00f6nlichen Neigungen die Qualit\u00e4t und Intensit\u00e4t dieser Begegnungen und wirken sich auf unser weiteres Handeln und Verhalten aus. Wie sich Begegnungen und Beziehungen gestalten und ver\u00e4ndern, wird in der Ausstellung anhand der Sammlungen zweier G\u00f6ttinger Ethnologen dargestellt, die knapp drei Jahrzehnte am Institut f\u00fcr Ethnologie gewirkt haben. Der Ozeanist Erhard Schlesier f\u00fchrte Feldforschungen im S\u00fcdpazifik durch. Sein regionaler Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf S\u00fcdost-Neuguinea. Die Forschungen des Afrikanisten Peter Fuchs erstreckten sich auf das Gebiet der Sahara und des Sahel. Beide Ethnologen betrachteten Begegnungen als einen Prozess von wechselseitigen kulturellen Beeinflussungen, denen man im Hinblick auf ihre jeweilige Dynamik und Wirksamkeit auf die Spur kommen sollte.

Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die unser Leben pr\u00e4gen. Dabei beeinflussen die kulturellen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Umst\u00e4nde oder pers\u00f6nlichen Neigungen die Qualit\u00e4t und Intensit\u00e4t dieser Begegnungen und wirken sich auf unser weiteres Handeln und Verhalten aus. Wie sich Begegnungen und Beziehungen gestalten und ver\u00e4ndern, wird in der Ausstellung anhand der Sammlungen zweier G\u00f6ttinger Ethnologen dargestellt, die knapp drei Jahrzehnte am Institut f\u00fcr Ethnologie gewirkt haben. Der Ozeanist Erhard Schlesier f\u00fchrte Feldforschungen im S\u00fcdpazifik durch. Sein regionaler Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf S\u00fcdost-Neuguinea. Die Forschungen des Afrikanisten Peter Fuchs erstreckten sich auf das Gebiet der Sahara und des Sahel. Beide Ethnologen betrachteten Begegnungen als einen Prozess von wechselseitigen kulturellen Beeinflussungen, denen man im Hinblick auf ihre jeweilige Dynamik und Wirksamkeit auf die Spur kommen sollte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Racz, Julia; Kr\u00fcger, Gundolf"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Normanby Island", "Sahara", "Sahel", "intercultural understanding", "Normanby Island", "Sahara", "Sahel", "intercultural understanding"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610396"], ["title", "Transkulturelle Begegnungen - S\u00fcdpazifik und Sahara - Begleitband zur Ausstellung"], ["doab_id", "19200"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952501"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952501"]], [["description", "Having elicited much attention in the humanities in recent years, transcultural phenomena will, in all probability, remain a topic of debate in the near future. Being the product of a collaborative act of writing involving nine authors with different specializations, this study is an introduction to the study of phenomena of transcultural entanglement as well as an effort at systematically exploring this field of research from different medievalist perspectives.

Transkulturelle Ph\u00e4nomene haben in den letzten Jahren zunehmend die Aufmerksamkeit der Forschung auf sich gezogen und werden aller Voraussicht nach auch in den n\u00e4chsten Jahren Gegenstand geisteswissenschaftlicher Debatten sein. Als Ergebnis eines kollaborativen Schreibaktes versteht sich der vorliegende Band sowohl als Einf\u00fchrung in die Untersuchung transkultureller Verflechtungsph\u00e4nomene wie auch als Versuch einer systematischen Durchdringung dieses Forschungsfeldes aus unterschiedlichen medi\u00e4vistischen Perspektiven. Er befasst sich zun\u00e4chst auf theoretischer Ebene mit der Entwicklung und den Entstehungshintergr\u00fcnden des transkulturellen Paradigmas. In zahlreichen Quellenstudien er\u00f6rtert er ferner, wie transkulturelle Verflechtungsprozesse in mittelalterlichen Quellen unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Art benannt, beschrieben und bewertet werden. Auf dieser Grundlage wird der Versuch unternommen, unter Nutzung der Begriffe \u201aNetzwerk\u2018, \u201aGewebe\u2018, \u201arhizomatisches Geflecht\u2018 und \u201aFusion\u2018 verschiedene Modelle transkultureller Verflechtung zu definieren und anhand der Quellen auszuarbeiten. Erg\u00e4nzend erfolgt eine ebenfalls quellengest\u00fctzte Besch\u00e4ftigung mit den reziproken Beziehungen zwischen Verflechtungs- und Entflechtungsprozessen. Sie m\u00fcndet in abschlie\u00dfende \u00dcberlegungen zu der Frage, welchen methodischen Chancen und Risiken sich eine historisch arbeitende Forschung ausgesetzt sieht, die das transkulturelle Paradigma f\u00fcr die konkrete Arbeit an den Quellen nutzen m\u00f6chte. Indem der Band die Genese aktueller methodischer Diskussionen nachzeichnet und diese anhand von mehr als f\u00fcnfzig kurzen Quellenanalysen konkretisiert, eignet er sich in idealer Weise f\u00fcr den Einsatz in Studium und Lehre. Dar\u00fcber hinaus bietet er durch die systematische Darstellung sowie die Reflexionen zu Theorie und praktischer Anwendung des transkulturellen Ansatzes zahlreiche Anregungen f\u00fcr die weitere Forschungsdiskussion."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Netzwerk Transkulturelle Verflechtungen"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["medieval studies", "transculturality", "historical source material", "medieval studies", "transculturality", "historical source material"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618251"], ["title", "Transkulturelle Verflechtungen - Medi\u00e4vistische Perspektiven"], ["doab_id", "19823"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952778"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952778"]], [["description", "This book is about Tangut translations of Chinese literary texts. Although most of the extant Tangut material comprises Buddhist texts, there are also many non-religious texts, which are mostly translations from Chinese. The central concern is how the Tanguts appropriated Chinese written culture through translation and what their reasons for this were. Of the seven chapters, the first three provide background information on the discovery of Tangut material, the emergence of the field of Tangut studies, and the history of the Tangut state. The following four chapters are devoted to different aspects of Tangut written culture and its connection with the Chinese tradition. The themes discussed here are the use of Chinese primers in Tangut education; the co-existence of manuscript and print; the question how faithful Tangut translators remained to the original texts or whether they at times adapted those to the needs of Tangut readership; the degree of translation consistency and the preservation of the intertextual elements of the original works. The book also intends to draw attention to the significant body of Chinese literature that exists in Tangut translation, especially since the originals of some of these texts are now lost."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Galambos, Imre"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Asia, Literature"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "zh"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/462416"], ["title", "Translating Chinese Tradition and Teaching Tangut Culture"], ["doab_id", "17930"], ["language_unmapped", "English, Chinese"], ["isbns", ["9783110444063", "9783110453959", "9783110453164"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110444063, 9783110453959, 9783110453164"]], [["description", "The island nation of Cape Verde has given rise to a diaspora that spans the four continents of the Atlantic Ocean. Migration has been essential to the island since the birth of its nation. This volume makes a significant contribution to the study of international migration and transnationalism by exploring the Cape Verdean diaspora through its geographic diversity and with a broad thematic range.

De eilandgemeenschap Kaapverdi\u00eb heeft een diaspora veroorzaakt die zo ver strekt als de vier continenten rond de Atlantische Oceaan. Sinds het ontstaan van de gemeenschap is migratie een essentieel onderdeel van het dagelijkse leven op Kaapverdi\u00eb gebleken. Verbindingen met een gebied dat ver weg ligt, blijft ook vandaag de dag het dagelijkse leven op het eiland domineren. Dit boek draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan de studie naar internationale migratie en transnationalisme door de diaspora van de bewoners van Kaapverdi\u00eb te onderzoeken op geografische diversiteit vanuit een breed thematisch perspectief. Transnational Archipelago is tot stand gekomen met bijdragen van twintig wetenschappers uit verschillende disciplines."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Batalha ,Lu\u00eds; Carling ,J\u00f8rgen"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340060"], ["title", "Transnational Archipelago : Perspectives on Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora"], ["doab_id", "12777"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569948"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569948"]], [["description", "\"Although most Canadians are familiar with surveillance cameras and airport security, relatively few are aware of the extent to which the potential for surveillance is now embedded in virtually every aspect of our lives. We cannot walk down a city street, register for a class, pay with a credit card, hop on an airplane, or make a telephone call without data being captured and processed. Where does such information go? Who makes use of it, and for what purpose? Is the loss of control over our personal information merely the price we pay for using social media and other forms of electronic communication, or should we be wary of systems that make us visible - and thus vulnerable - to others as never before? The work of a multidisciplinary research team, Transparent Lives explains why and how surveillance is expanding - mostly unchecked - into every facet of our lives. Through an investigation of the major ways in which both government and private sector organizations gather, monitor, analyze, and share information about ordinary citizens, the volume identifies nine key trends in the processing of personal data that together raise urgent questions of privacy and social justice. Intended not only to inform but to make a difference, the volume is deliberately aimed at a broad audience, including legislators and policymakers, journalists, civil liberties groups, educators, and, above all, the reading public.\" "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "edited by Colin J. Bennett, Kevin D. Haggerty, David Lyon, and Valerie Steeves"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["privacy", "big brother", "government regulation", "The New Transparency Project", "telecommunications"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120237"], ["title", "Transparent Lives: Surveillance in Canada"], ["doab_id", "16233"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356777", "9781927356784", "9781927356791"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356777 9781927356784 9781927356791"]], [["description", "For the art and literary historians gathered together in this volume (Angela Bennett Segler, Jennifer Borland, Karen Eileen Overbey, Nancy Thompson, and Maggie M. Williams), all students of medieval material, these tensions between surface and depth, present and past, concentration and skimming are all too familiar. The inherent contradictions of medieval objects, their irreducibility to either the purely intellectual or the merely physical, are at once the delights and the dangers of the art historian\u2019s work. This book thus offeres a dialogue on the question of how our encounters with physical things spark a process and how objects might allow unique collisions between the past and the present, the human and the inanimate, the practice of history and lived experience. As works of medieval studies or art history, these essays are incomplete, awkward, and provisional. Some of them may even read like embarrassing teenage poetry. This collection is like that dusty box in the basement: it is full of raw, unedited, transparent expressions of affect, of the sort we have learned to hide."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Maggie M. Williams (ed.); Karen Eileen Overbey (ed.); Jennifer Borland ; Angela Bennett Segler ; Nancy Thompson"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["art history, book history, manuscripts, medieval architecture, Middle Ages, objects, stained glass"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/uncategorized/transparent-things/"], ["title", "Transparent Things: A Cabinet"], ["doab_id", "16035"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615790374"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615790374"]], [["description", "Pesquisar sobre os problemas de aten\u00e7\u00e3o no contexto escolar lan\u00e7a-nos a um grande desafio: compreender como as crian\u00e7as e adolescentes est\u00e3o sendo diagn\u00f3sticados com Transtorno de D\u00e9ficit e Aten\u00e7\u00e3o e Hiperatividade - TDAH; conhecer os encaminhamentos e as interven\u00e7\u00f5es realizadas por m\u00e9dicos, professores psic\u00f3logos, fonoaudi\u00f3logos e demais especialistas fora e intramuros da escola."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bonadio, Rosana Aparecida Albuquerque; Mori, Nerli Nonato Ribeiro"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["HEALTH & FITNESS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEM"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/963vf"], ["title", "Transtorno de d\u00e9ficit de aten\u00e7\u00e3o/ hiperatividade: diagn\u00f3stico da pr\u00e1tica pedag\u00f3gica"], ["doab_id", "17916"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788576286578"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788576286578"]], [["description", "This book proposes a series of studies devoted to one of the most important areas of political and institutional history, that of the relations between the political dimension and the exercise of justice. Centred on the experience of Florence, but open to comparison with that of other parts of Italy, the investigation brings to light how, in the transformation of the political framework of the age of the Comune to that of the territorial State between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries, in the relations between the powers active in the territory the sphere of justice offered scope for debate and political competition as well as leverage for legitimisation. One of the intentions of the book is, in fact, to contribute to revising the concept of justice, going beyond the traditional vision of public function and an aspect of the progressive affirmation of the State.

Il volume ripropone una serie di ricerche dedicate a un ambito tra i pi\u00f9 rilevanti negli studi di storia politica e istituzionale, quello dei rapporti tra dimensione politica ed esercizio della giustizia. Centrata sull'esperienza di Firenze ma aperta alla comparazione con altre esperienze italiane, l'indagine evidenzia come, nella trasformazione del quadro politico dall'et\u00e0 comunale a quella dello Stato territoriale tra XIII e XV secolo, i rapporti di forza tra i poteri attivi sul territorio trovarono nella giustizia un terreno di confronto, una risorsa per la competizione politica, uno strumento di legittimazione. Tra gli intenti del volume \u00e8 infatti quello di contribuire al rinnovamento della nozione di giustizia, superandone la visione tradizionale in termini di funzione pubblica e di aspetto della progressiva affermazione dello Stato."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Zorzi, Andrea"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Politics", "Middle Ages", "Tuscany", "Florence", "Jurisprudence", "Politica", "Medioevo", "Toscana", "Firenze", "Giurisprudenza"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=343880"], ["title", "La trasformazione di un quadro politico"], ["doab_id", "13013"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884535771"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884535771"]], [["description", "This book recounts the phases in the set-up of the new Library of Social Sciences of the University of Florence. The move provided the opportunity for bringing together the collections that were scattered over seven service points and in about a dozen other sites closed to the public. At the same time, it provided the opportunity for reconsidering the services on offer, reorganising them on the basis of the characteristics of the new site. The first section tells how the library was conceived and planned, with the librarians' working groups preparing the move and projecting the changes to be made in the new site. The second part tackles the problems of organisation and management of the services in the new library.

Il volume racconta le tappe dell'allestimento della nuova Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali dell'Universit\u00e0 di Firenze. Il trasloco \u00e8 stata l'occasione per riaggregare collezioni che si trovavano sparse in sette punti di servizio e in una decina di altre sedi chiuse al pubblico. Allo stesso tempo \u00e8 stata l'opportunit\u00e0 di ripensare i servizi offerti, riorganizzandoli sulla base delle caratteristiche della nuova sede. Nella prima parte si racconta come si \u00e8 arrivati ad immaginare e progettare la biblioteca con i gruppi di lavoro dei bibliotecari che preparavano il trasloco proiettando i cambiamenti nella nuova sede. Nella seconda parte si affrontano i problemi di organizzazione e gestione dei servizi nella nuova biblioteca."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Galeota, Gianni"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Biblioteconomy", "Libraries", "University of Florence,", "Biblioteconomia", "Biblioteche pubbliche", "Universit\u00e0 degli Studi di Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356364"], ["title", "Traslocare, riaggregare, rifondare"], ["doab_id", "13158"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534637", "9788884534644"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534631 888453464X"]], [["description", "En 1764 se imprimi\u00f3, en la ciudad italiana de Livorno, en forma an\u00f3nima, la obra titulada Dei delitti e delle pene del noble milan\u00e9s Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794). Con rapidez se sucedieron distintas ediciones y traducciones de este libro, en las que el autor fue a\u00f1adiendo nuevos cap\u00edtulos y realiz\u00f3 distintos cambios. La traducci\u00f3n espa\u00f1ola que aqu\u00ed se ofrece en abierto procede de la quinta edici\u00f3n, asumida por Beccaria como la aut\u00e9ntica, quien redact\u00f3 para ella una nueva advertencia Al lector, la Introducci\u00f3n y dos cap\u00edtulos in\u00e9ditos (Del fisco y Del perd\u00f3n), alcanz\u00e1ndose as\u00ed los 47 cap\u00edtulos; adem\u00e1s introdujo distintas correcciones, aclaraciones y rectificaciones, como la anotada en el cap\u00edtulo 34. Desde su aparici\u00f3n se ha considerado como la obra fundacional del derecho penal moderno y por ello ha tenido un uso acad\u00e9mico ininterrumpido hasta nuestros d\u00edas."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Beccaria, Cesare"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Delito", "Pena", "Ilustraci\u00f3n", "Beccaria, Cesare (1738-1794)"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/20199/tratado_beccaria_hd32_2015.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Tratado de los delitos y de las penas"], ["doab_id", "16836"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788489315761"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788489315761"]], [["description", "From 1890 until 1938 in Vienna, Jewish theatre was a lively and fascinating part of the theatrical scene. Yiddish operettas and melodramas, serious plays and so-called Jargonschw\u00e4nke were staged. The widespread texts of these Jewish theatre-evenings, in Yiddish and German, are discussed and analysed in this work.After an introduction, the aesthetical and dramaturgical basics of Jewish drama are presented. As the study shows, Jewish drama has got a very strong connection to non-Jewish theatre. Especially the dramaturgic forms can be found in non-Jewish drama before it emerges in Jewish texts, like the so-called lebnsbild. In the 19th century, it was popular on the Viennese stages, around 1900 it was a main genre of New York City's Yiddish theatres. Jargon and shund are terms often used to describe Yiddish plays and theatre - these terms are discussed in the present work as well as the clich\u00e9 of Jewish self-mockery and self-hatred.The most prominent themes Jewish plays are dealing with are: love, marriage and family; anti-Semitism; stories and heroes from ancient Jewish history; myths and legends. The broad spectrum of plays about family and social life shows its importance in Jewish history and presence. The different political and historical situations of Jews in Western and Eastern Europe become evident in text concerning anti-Semitism. In Yiddish operettas and melodramas heroes from ancient Jewish history and the bible are shown, and in the 1920s plays about Dibbuks and Golems were most popular.A bibliography of Jewish dramas, complete with existing translations, builds the last part of this work.

J\u00fcdische Theatertexte, wie sie von 1890 bis 1938 in Wien aufgef\u00fchrt und / oder geschrieben wurden, stehen im Zentrum dieser Arbeit. Dazu z\u00e4hlen jiddische Singspiele, Melodramen und ernsthafte Dramen ebenso wie Texte ber\u00fchmter deutschj\u00fcdischer Autoren der Wiener Moderne und die sogenannten Jargonschw\u00e4nke, die \u00e4u\u00dferst popul\u00e4r waren.Nach einer Einf\u00fchrung in die Thematik werden die \u00e4sthetischen und dramaturgischen Grundlagen der j\u00fcdischen Dramatik vorgestellt. Dabei wird klar, dass diese aus der nichtj\u00fcdischen Theaterwelt stammen, wie etwa das im jiddischen Theater wichtige Genre des Lebensbildes, das auf Wiener B\u00fchnen des 19. Jahrhunderts zu finden war. Die in der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Kritik und in der Theatergeschichtsschreibung oft negativ verwendeten Begriffe Schund und Jargon f\u00fcr das Jiddische und dessen Theatertexte werden im weiteren diskutiert. Au\u00dferdem wird auf das Klischee von der angeblich so starken Neigung von Juden zu Selbstpersiflage und Selbstverh\u00f6hnung eingegangen.Im zentralen Teil werden die j\u00fcdischen Dramen, nach Themen geordnet, vorgestellt und analysiert. Wesentliche Themenbereiche sind: Liebe und Partnerwahl, Ehe und Familie; Antisemitismus; Geschichten und Legenden aus der Zeit vor der Diaspora sowie Mythen und Legenden.Die Breite und Vielfalt der Familiendramen verweist auf die zentrale Bedeutung der Familie innerhalb der j\u00fcdischen Geschichte und Kultur. In den Dramen, der Hauptthema Antisemitismus ist, werden die unterschiedlichen Lebensbedingungen sowie die sozialen und politischen Grundlagen der Juden in West- und Osteuropa evident. Geschichten und Legenden aus der Zeit vor der Diaspora, vor allem aus der Bibel, bilden die Stoffen jiddischer Singspiele und Operetten, die ebenso vorgestellt werden wie die dramatischen Bearbeitungen der Golem- und Dibbuk-Sagen.Die Arbeit schlie\u00dft mit einer umfassenden Dramenbibliographie, die nicht nur die verwendeten Texte umfasst, sondern auch die jeweiligen \u00dcbersetzungen, um Zug\u00e4nge zu diesen Texten und eine weitere Auseinandersetzung damit zu erm\u00f6glichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dalinger ,Brigitte"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Jewish Drama, Yiddish plays, Jewish theatre, Anti-Semitism"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437172"], ["title", "Trauerspiele mit Gesang und Tanz"], ["doab_id", "15297"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205774662"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205774662"]], [["description", "Although small and not particularly peoples both Chechens and Palestinians became famous for suicide bomber attacks in recent years. This can - partly - be explained by the unrecognised collective traumas of the past.Both Chechens and Palestinians experienced collective traumas in the 1940ties. The entire Chechen population wad deported by Josef Stalin to Kasakhstan, Kirgysia and Sibiria in February 1944 under the pretext of collaboration with the Third Reich. Those who survived were allowed to return in 1957 to Chechenya. Half of the Palestinian Arab population was expelled from Palestine in 1947/48, when fighting erupted between Jews and Arabs. The refugees were never allowed to return. The memory of the deportation/expulsion was kept alive. The founding traumas contributed to the development of Chechen and Palestinian nationalism. Chechens and Palestinians till today suffer from their collective traumas, which stayed unrecognised and therefore create psychological and political problems for the following generations - and for their adverseries. The phenomenon of the \"closed circle of violence\" created a phobic collective behaviour, which led for example Chechens to the illusionary declaration of independence in 1991. It also led to the individual overreaction of young Chechens or Palestinians, who became living bombs. The collective Trauma, if untreated, poses a threat to any peaceful political solution.

1. EinleitungAusgehend von der Fragestellung, warum gerade bei Tschetschenen und Pal\u00e4stinensern der Selbstmordterrorismus in den letzten Jahren so popul\u00e4r geworden ist, analysiert die Autorin die Geschichte dieser beiden V\u00f6lker. Einer der Gr\u00fcnde ist bisher wenig beachtet worden. Der Einfluss eines kollektiven Traumas, das als solches nicht anerkannt, behandelt und auch nicht einer politischen L\u00f6sung zugef\u00fchrt wurde. 2. Geschichte der Pal\u00e4stinenser und TschetschenenIm Zuge der Errichtung Israels im Unabh\u00e4ngigkeitskrieg 1948 verlor die H\u00e4lfte des pal\u00e4stinensischen Volkes - 750.000 Menschen - ihre Heimat. Unter der F\u00fchrung von Jassir Arafat k\u00e4mpften sie in den Jahrzehnten danach - mit Gewalt und am Verhandlungstisch - um einen eigenen Staat. Das Recht auf R\u00fcckkehr spielte dabei immer eine besondere Rolle. Die \"Nakbah\", die als Katastrophe empfundene Vertreibung 1948, wurde dabei Bezugs- und Angelpunkt mehrer Generationen von Fl\u00fcchtlingen. Die Weigerung Israels, die Mitverantwortung f\u00fcr die Vertreibung der Pal\u00e4stinenser zu \u00fcbernehmen und das kollektive Trauma der Pal\u00e4stinenser anzuerkennen - aus Angst vor einer Infragestellung des eigenen Staates - ist einer der Gr\u00fcnde, warum der Nahostkonflikt bisher nicht gel\u00f6st werden konnte. Auch die Tschetschenen durften jahrzehntelang \u00fcber die Deportation ihres Volkes nicht einmal sprechen. Hatte Josef Stallin sie erst unter dem Vorwand der Kollaboration mit Nazi-Deutschland deportiert, waren sie zwar nach seinem Tod in die Heimat zur\u00fcckgekehrt, lebten dort aber jahrzehntelang weiterhin als \"unzuverl\u00e4ssiges Volk\". Das kollektive Trauma der Deportation konnte nur m\u00fcndlich \u00fcberliefert werden. Mit dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion brach der ungel\u00f6ste Konflikt zwischen Tschetschenien und Russland sofort auf, das Land ging in blutigen Kriegen unter. 3. ZusammenfassungDie kollektive Erinnerung ist in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einem zentralen Forschungsthema geworden. Der vorsichtige Einsatz von in der Individualpsychologie gewonnenen Erkenntnissen in der Behandlung von kollektiven Traumata, um zu einer politischen L\u00f6sung zu kommen, ist eine Chance.Das Studium historischer Fakten in Kombination mit den Erkenntnissen der Psychologie und Psychiatrie bietet die Basis f\u00fcr eine politische L\u00f6sung. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass kollektive Traumata, die nicht behandelt werden, immer wieder, auch Generationen sp\u00e4ter, zu kollektiven Reaktionen f\u00fchren k\u00f6nnen, die auf den ersten Blick irrational erscheinen. Die vielleicht radikalste Form des politischen Widerstandes, das Selbstmordattentat, ist daf\u00fcr ein Beispiel."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Szyszkowitz ,Tessa"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Trauma, Terror, Palestinians, Suicide attacks, Recognition, Chechens"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437136"], ["title", "Trauma und Terror"], ["doab_id", "15262"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205777045"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205777045"]], [["description", "The dissertation analyses dream images in romanticist art, with regards to inherent dreamanalogue strategies in consideration of contemporary dream theory and aesthetics, with a focus on the period between 1820 and 1840. The study does not provide a typological, iconographical or motif-historical collection of samples, but analyses different aspects of selected artworks which represent a wide range in terms of their contextual, formal and topographical heterogeneity, and overcomes the existing stereotypical classification in the context of romanticist art reflection.The study identifies that, beyond the contextual-iconographical dimension, the dream serves as an aesthetical category because it is reflected not only as a motif but also in relation to its dramaturgy. In the romantic awareness of the difficulty of an adequate representation of invisible images, the nonlinear, associative, ciphered, space- and time-simultaneous structure of the dream is adapted as a method, and is staged by varied and differentiated configurations. This is mirrored by comprehensive or formal concepts (genre, technique, media and interdisciplinary), as well as in fragmentary structures (sketches and drawings), in materiality (transparency and colour) or arabesque and combinatory production principles.The study contains three chapters: after a general introduction to the subject, the analysis of the current state of research and the demonstration of the methodology in the first chapter, the second chapter focuses on contemporary dream discourses (especially the theories of Gotthilf Heinrich Schubert and Carl Gustav Carus) and the constitutive role of the philosophy of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. By also involving the literary concepts of dreams the romantic awareness of the deficiency of the visible image compared to the invisible, which forces an avoidance of a mimetic art perception, becomes obvious. The third chapter forms the main body of the study. On the basis of selected dream images it analyses the different artistic strategies and conditions of reception.The first section of the third chapter focuses on artist dream imagery, namely the Musician\u2019s Dream by Caspar David Friedrich, Raphael\u2019s Dream by Franz and Johannes Riepenhausen and the Dream of Erwin von Steinbach by Moritz von Schwind. The analysis indicates that the dreaming artist serves as mise-en-abyme of the dream-analogue productive and reflexive process, and the artwork itself.The second section of chapter three makes landscape spaces accessible as imaginative concepts and projections of emotional states, according to current literature studies. Landscape spaces serve as patterns for reflection processes, which is explored on the basis of The Dreamer by Caspar David Friedrich.The third section of the third chapter focuses on a combinatory and arabesque concept as a dream-analogue and self-reflexive strategy \u2013 the collage-like compilation, association and transformation of heterogeneous elements which are analysed on the basis of the artworks Dream of Adam by Moritz von Schwind and The Evening by Clemens Brentano.

Die Arbeit untersucht Bildstrategien von Traumdarstellungen der deutschen Romantik unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung der zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Traumtheorie und \u00c4sthetik mit einer Fokussierung auf den Zeitraum zwischen 1820 und 1840. Die Studie geht der Frage nach, ob die Traumdarstellung jenseits ihrer ikonographischen Dimension auch als \u00e4sthetisches Konzept fungiert, indem die Dramaturgie des Traumes als Methode eingesetzt wird. Die romantische Pr\u00e4ferenz f\u00fcr das Unbewusste \u2013 gerade auch hinsichtlich der Kunstproduktion \u2013 zeigt sich in der Auseinandersetzung mit der philosophisch-literarischen Fr\u00fchromantik und kulminiert in einer \u00c4sthetik der inneren Bilder. Diese reflektiert die Darstellbarkeit unsichtbarer Bilder und findet in der alinearen, assoziativen, chiffrierten, raum- und zeitsimultanen Dramaturgie des Traums ihre ad\u00e4quate Struktur, auch weil sie sich einer homogenen Werkgenese zu widersetzen vermag. Unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung unterschiedlicher Aspekte analysiert die Arbeit ausgew\u00e4hlte und heterogene Beispiele von Traumdarstellungen, die als Ausdruck dieser (Selbst)reflexion gelesen werden k\u00f6nnen.Lesen Sie hier die detaillierte English Summary: http://bit.ly/1yxFcViLisa Dieckmann promovierte 2013 im Fach Kunstgeschichte an der Universit\u00e4t zu K\u00f6ln bei Prof. Dr. Susanne Wittekind, ist seit 2005 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und seit 2008 Gesch\u00e4ftsf\u00fchrerin von prometheus \u2013 das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv f\u00fcr Forschung & Lehre am Kunsthistorischen Institut der Universit\u00e4t zu K\u00f6ln. Sie ist verantwortlich f\u00fcr das DFG-Projekt \u00bbMeta-Image \u2013 virtuelle Forschungsumgebung f\u00fcr den Bilddiskurs in den Kunst- und Bildwissenschaften\u00ab, au\u00dferdem Gr\u00fcndungsmitglied des Cologne Center for eHumanties und Sprecherin des Arbeitskreises Digitale Kunstgeschichte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dieckmann ,Lisa"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Arts", "Romantic", "Aesthetics", "19th Century", "Dream Theory", "K\u00fcnste", "Romantik", "\u00c4sthetik", "19. Jahrhundert", "Traumtheorie"]], ["publisher", "Modern Academic Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608251"], ["title", "Traumdramaturgie und Selbstreflexion: Bildstrategien romantischer Traumdarstellungen im Spannungsfeld zeitgen\u00f6ssischer Traumtheorie und \u00c4sthetik"], ["doab_id", "19035"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783946198000", "9783946198031", "9783946198017", "9783946198024"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783946198000 9783946198031 9783946198017 9783946198024"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lera Knox; Margaret Knox Morgan (Ed.); Carol Knox Ball (Ed.)"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Lera Knox, 1896- --Travel--Anecdotes", " Women journalists--Middle Tennessee--Travel--Anecdotes", " Farmers' spouses--Middle Tennessee--Travel--Anecdotes"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "Travels of a Country Woman"], ["doab_id", "16908"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729218", "9780979729218"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729211; 9780979729218"]], [["description", "Travessias de Cec\u00edliase constituiu a partir de um texto polif\u00f4nico e dial\u00f3gico - em que muitas vozes fizeram emergir hist\u00f3rias - trazendo epis\u00f3dios sobre forma\u00e7\u00e3o docente e educa\u00e7\u00e3o matem\u00e1tica no \u00e2mbito de Rond\u00f4nia, considerando o per\u00edodo de 1977 a 2012. Na perspectiva da Nova Hist\u00f3ria Cultural, a pesquisa de doutorado ampliou-se, o que possibilitou a constru\u00e7\u00e3o da tese, agora livro; em busca de uma compreens\u00e3o sobre o enredo que se moveu entre dificuldades e oportunidades das personagens, bem como da Educa\u00e7\u00e3o no estado de Rond\u00f4nia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cordeiro, Edna Maria"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/vkr56"], ["title", "Travessias de Cec\u00edlia: a caminho da educa\u00e7\u00e3o matem\u00e1tica no Ceeja Padre Moretti (Rond\u00f4nia)"], ["doab_id", "19977"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836695"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836695"]], [["description", "O que poder\u00e1 talvez deixar mais intrigado o leitor que pela primeira vez se depare com o t\u00edtulo Travessias pela Literatura Portuguesa: estudos cr\u00edticos de Saramago a Vieira \u00e9 a aparente anomalia na disposi\u00e7\u00e3o dos nomes que aparecem em subt\u00edtulo: de Saramago a Vieira. N\u00e3o faria mais l\u00f3gica de Vieira a Saramago? No entanto, quando percorremos o conjunto de oito artigos que comp\u00f5em este volume, compreendemos que eles n\u00e3o est\u00e3o dispostos por ordem cronol\u00f3gica."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Medeiros, Aldinida"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8n8gb"], ["title", "Travessias pela literatura portuguesa: estudos cr\u00edticos de Saramago a Vieira"], ["doab_id", "17711"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792794"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792794"]], [["description", "UCL has one of the foremost university Special Collections in the UK. It is a treasure trove of national and international importance, comprising over a million items dating from the 4th century AD to the present day. Treasures from UCL draws together detailed descriptions and images of 70 of the most prized items. Between the magnificent illuminated Latin Bible of the 13th century and the personal items of one of the 20th century\u2019s greatest writers, George Orwell, the many highlights of this remarkable collection will delight and intrigue anyone who picks up this book."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Furlong ,Gillian"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Archives", "Special Collections", "Library"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=548011"], ["title", "Treasures from UCL"], ["doab_id", "17316"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781910634004", "9781910634011"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781910634004 9781910634011"]], [["description", "Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related mortality in Canada and USA. Majority of the patients present in advanced stage of the disease and of these only about 2% will be alive at 5 years. NSCLC is the most common form of lung cancer, accounting for approximately 87% of cases. Systemic chemotherapies have been used to treat metastatic NSCLC for decades, but the improvements of outcomes have reached a plateau. Recent advances in understanding signalling pathways for malignant cells, their interconections,the importance of various receptors and biomarkers and the interplay between various oncogenes have led to the development of targeted treatments that are improving both efficacy and safety of the treatments. Knowledge about the advantages of treatments with the targeted agents in metastatic NSCLC is growing rapidly. Combining various targeted agents or sequencing them properly will be important in the era of personalised medicine and overcoming development of the resistence to various targeted agents will be challenging. The importance of a team work,from the diagnosis through various treatments, to supportive care, from the interventional radiologists, pneumologists or surgeons, who have to obtain a satisfactory tumor tissue specimen, to pathologists, radiation and medical oncologists, to supportive care specialists, will be described in our publications. We will cover completely present and future approaches to personalised medicine in this rapidly evolving field of metastatic NSCLC."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vera Hirsh; Barbara Melosky"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Non small cell lung cancer", "personalized medicine", "Epidermal growth factor receptors", "KRAS", "Echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 4 ", "Anaplastic lymphoma kinase", "Quality of Life"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2504/the-treatment-of-metastatic-non-small-cell-lung-cancer-nsclc-in-new-era-of-personalised-medicine"], ["title", "The Treatment of Metastatic Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in New Era of Personalised Medicine"], ["doab_id", "18152"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195435"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195435"]], [["description", "Set dedicated to the Young Communists, youth organization of Chilean communism. Aspects of their culture, organization, political action, militancy are reviewed"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Loyola ,Manuel; \u00c1lvarez ,Rolando"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["youth organization", "20th century", "Chilean politics", "communism"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617578"], ["title", "Un tr\u00e9bol de cuatro hojas. Las Juventudes Comunistas de Chile en el siglo XX"], ["doab_id", "19148"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789568416379"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416379"]], [["description", "Eis uma obra 'boa para pensar' como, em nossas sociedades, relacionam-se ci\u00eancia, sexo e pol\u00edtica. A excelente pesquisa do autor percorre a trama cerrada que fez da s\u00edfilis uma das mais tem\u00edveis doen\u00e7as humanas. Mostra que, por quase cem anos, a luta movida contra ela articulou processos sociais complexos, envolvendo simultaneamente a cura dos doentes, a constru\u00e7\u00e3o da na\u00e7\u00e3o, a salva\u00e7\u00e3o da ra\u00e7a, a dissemina\u00e7\u00e3o social de controles estatais, a ascens\u00e3o de certos grupos profissionais e, principalmente, a reforma de valores tradicionais relativos \u00e0 moral sexual. H\u00e1 que destacar o belo encarte de ilustra\u00e7\u00f5es contido no livro."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carrara, S\u00e9rgio"], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", ["Especialidades m\u00e9dicas-Brasil"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/q6qbq"], ["title", "Tributo a V\u00eanus: a luta contra a s\u00edfilis no Brasil, da passagem do s\u00e9culo aos anos 40"], ["doab_id", "16443"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412817"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412817"]], [["description", "Latin America in the Cold War and the role of intellectuals in the East-West conflict"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alburquerque ,Germ\u00e1n"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Latin America", "Cold War", "History", "Politics", "Intellectuality"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617569"], ["title", "La trichera letrada. Intelectuales latinoamericanos y Guerra Fr\u00eda"], ["doab_id", "19141"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416256"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416256"]], [["description", "The first book length study of commercial sponsorship, based on twenty years of original research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deborah Philips; Garry Whannel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545145"], ["title", "The Trojan Horse"], ["doab_id", "16284"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545145"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545145"]], [["description", "This is a collection of the best and most enduring articles published in Trouble and Strife: The Radical Feminist Magazine, during its 20-year life, including pieces by Stevi Jackson, Diana Leonard, Julia Swindells, Sara Scott and Liz Kelly."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Deborah Cameron; Joan Scanlon"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849662956"], ["title", "The Trouble and Strife Reader"], ["doab_id", "14353"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849662956"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849662956"]], [["description", "Trouble at Work addresses the apparent rise in workplace harassment and bullying in recent years."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ralph Fevre; Duncan Lewis; Amanda Robinson; Trevor Jones"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849664677"], ["title", "Trouble at Work"], ["doab_id", "15461"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849664677"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849664677"]], [["description", "This methodical textbook is an introduction to the historical stages of development of Lithuanian literature and its trends. The authors of the book present a concise overview of Lithuanian chrestomathic authors\u2018 works, analysing them and providing a variety of reviews of the literary process. The Textbook is designed for students at Baltic and Lithuanian Studies centres. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuizinien\u0117, Dalia (editor)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Lithuanian literature", " Development of Lithuanian literature", " History of Lithuanian literature", " Trends of Lithuanian literature"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["lt", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/248/ISBN9786094670336.pdf"], ["title", "Trumpa lietuvi\u0173 literat\u016bros istorija = A brief history of Lithuanian literature"], ["doab_id", "17726"], ["language_unmapped", "Lithuanian / English"], ["isbns", ["9786094670336"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094670336"]], [["description", "Reflecting upon his experience making his 2010 feature film Mothers, a cinematic triptych interweaving three narratives that are each, in their own way, about the often tenuous lines between truth and fiction, and one of which actually morphs into a documentary about the aftermath in a small Macedonian town where three retired cleaning women were found raped and killed in 2008 and the murderer turned out to be the journalist covering the story for a major Macedonian newspaper, the Oscar-nominated Macedonian-born and New York-based writer-director Milcho Manchevski writes that,\u201cMost of us look at films differently or accept stories in a different way if we believe that they are true. We watch a documentary film in a different way from the way we watch a drama. We read a magazine article in a different way from the way in which we read a short story. Sometimes, we even treat a film that employs actors differently than a regular drama because we were told that it is based on something that really happened. We treat these works based on truth or reporting on the truth in different ways.\u201cWhy?\u201cWhat is it in our relation to reality or in our relation to what we perceive to be reality that makes us value a work of artifice (an art piece) differently depending on our knowledge or conviction of whether that work of artifice is based on events that really took place?\u201dFurther, Manchevski writes,\u201cEvery piece of art has to contain the truth. But, not the truth of what happened. It needs to contain the truth of how things are \u2014 and the difference between what happened and how things are is in what is important. Is it the events (and by extension the facts) of what happened, or is it the emotional and conceptual underpinning and thus understanding of how things are?\u201dIn this extended essay, or letter, Manchevski ruminates the different ways in which both filmmakers and audiences create, experience, and absorb the cinematic narrative with a certain trust and faith in the artwork to render, not the factual truth, per se, but the importantly shared experience of trusting \u201cthe plane of reality created by the work itself,\u201d such that \u201cwe trust its inner logic and integrity, we have faith in what happens while we give ourselves to this work of art.\u201d Truth becomes a question of what artist and audience can see and feel together: what feels real becomes the world we inhabit."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Milcho Manchevski"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Adrian Martin, art, Before the Rain (feature film), cinema verite, documentary, fiction, film theory, filmmaking, Kings of the Road (feature film), Macedonia, Milcho Manchevski, Monte Hellman, Mothers (feature film), Road to Nowhere (feature film), Wim Wenders"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/truth-and-fiction-notes-on-exceptional-faith-in-art/"], ["title", "Truth and Fiction: Notes on (Exceptional) Faith in Art"], ["doab_id", "16016"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615647104"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615647104"]], [["description", "In the search for simple explanations of the natural world, its complicated textures are often filed down to a smoothened surface of our liking. The impetus for this Research Topic was borne out of a need to re-ignite interest in the complex \u2013 in this case in the context of ion channels in the nervous system. Ion channels are the large proteins that form regulated pores in the membranes of cells and, in the brain, are essential for the transfer, processing and storage of information. These pores full of twists and turns themselves are not just barren bridges into cells. More and more we are beginning to understand that ion channels are like bustling medieval bridges (packed with apartments and shops) rather than the more sleek modern variety \u2013 they are dynamic hubs connected with many structures facilitating associated activities. Our understanding of these networks continues to expand as our investigative tools advance. Together these articles highlight how the complexity of ion channel signaling nexuses is critical to the proper functioning of the nervous system."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christophe Altier; Gerald W. Zamponi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Nervous System", "Ion Channels", "Protein complexes", "Interactome", "cellular signaling"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1624/the-truth-in-complexes-why-unraveling-ion-channel-multi-protein-signaling-nexuses-is-critical-for-un"], ["title", "The truth in complexes: why unraveling ion channel multi-protein signaling nexuses is critical for understanding the function of the nervous system"], ["doab_id", "18591"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194452"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194452"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Earthquake-tsunamis, Impulse waves, Landslide-generated impulse waves, Landslide-tsunamis, Long wave run-up, Seismic tsunamis, Solitary waves, Tsunami early warning system, Tsunami forecasting, Tsunami hazard assessment, Tsunami hazard mitigation, Tsunami-induced overland flow, Tsunami loading on structures"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/209"], ["title", "Tsunami Science and Engineering"], ["doab_id", "19277"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422334", "9783038422181"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422334/9783038422181"]], [["description", "This work contains updated and clinically relevant information about tuberculosis. It is aimed at providing a succinct overview of history and disease epidemiology, clinical presentation and the most recent scientific developments in the field of tuberculosis research, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment. It may serve as a practical resource for students, clinicians and researchers who work in the field of infectious diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Heemskerk ,Dorothee; Caws ,Maxine; Marais ,Ben; Farrar ,Jeremy"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["tuberculosis", "history and disease epidemiology", "epidemiology", "clinical presentation", "diagnosis", "treatment", "infectious diseases"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/view?docId=604170.TOC.nxml"], ["title", "Tuberculosis in Adults and Children"], ["doab_id", "18747"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319191317"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319191317"]], [["description", "The Trobriand Islanders' eschatological belief system explains what happens when someone dies. Bronislaw Malinowski described essentials of this eschatology in his articles \"Baloma: the Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands\" and \"Myth in Primitive Psychology\". There he also presented the Trobrianders' belief that a \"baloma\" can be reborn; he claimed that Trobrianders are unaware of the father's role as genitor. This volume presents a critical review of Malinowski's ethnography of Trobriand eschatology \u2013 finally settling the \"virgin birth\" controversy. It also documents the ritualized and highly poetic \"wosi milamala\" \u2013 the harvest festival songs. They are sung in an archaic variety of Kilivila called \"biga baloma\" \u2013 the baloma language. Malinowski briefly refers to these songs but does not mention that they codify many aspects of Trobriand eschatology. The songs are still sung at specific occasions; however, they are now moribund. With these songs Trobriand eschatology will vanish."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gunter Senft"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Linguistics, Anthropology, Antropological linguistics, Austronesian languages"]], ["publisher", "John Benjamins Publishing Company"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/books/9789027284693"], ["title", "The Tuma Underworld of Love. Erotic and other narrative songs of the Trobriand Islanders and their spirits of the dead"], ["doab_id", "19909"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789027284693"]], ["provider", "www.jbe-platform.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9789027284693"]], [["description", "Significant efforts over the last two decades have been made to better understand the factors that control DC maturation and activation and the impact of these processes on overall host immunity. In addition to the well-characterized role of DC in the induction of immunity to pathogens, a role for these cells as critical regulators of anti-tumor immune responses has more recently become apparent. These findings have generated interest in understanding how tumor/DC interactions impact the quality of anti-tumor immune responses, and they have contributed to increased enthusiasm for a variety of DC-based cancer immunotherapies. Such strategies have included DNA- or peptide-based vaccines that involve uptake and processing of tumor antigens by endogenous DC in cancer patients or the administration of tumor antigen-loaded exogenous DC-based vaccines. Additionally, many adjuvant, cytokine, and monoclonal antibody therapies aim either to enhance the immunostimulatory capacity of endogenous DC or to supplement the activity of these cells by targeting costimulatory receptors on T cells. Despite the promise of such therapeutic approaches for cancer treatment, their success is often limited, and much remains to be understood about how tumors influence DC function and the quality of DC-mediated immune responses. Tumor/DC interactions have therefore become an increasingly active area of investigation, and many studies have described effects of tumors on DC phenotype and function that include an accumulation of immature DC within tumors, tumor-altered differentiation of DC precursors into myeloid-derived suppressor cells, and the generation of tumor-associated DC with immunoregulatory properties. As this field moves forward, it will be important to gain mechanistic insights into the basis for both tumor-mediated DC dysfunction as well as the induction of either suboptimal or immunosuppressive adaptive anti-tumor immune responses by tumor-associated DC. Progress in these areas of tumor immunology will greatly improve our understanding of the factors that contribute to effective DC-mediated anti-tumor immune control versus DC-associated anti-tumor immune dysfunction and subsequent tumor immune escape. Such information is vital for improving current and developing novel immunotherapeutic strategies for interfering with tumor-associated DC dysfunction and enhancing the functional quality of endogenous DC in cancer patients as well as the efficacy of exogenous DC-based anti-tumor vaccines. The articles contained within this special issue highlight these important topics and bring focus not only to our current understanding of tumor/DC interactions but also to major areas of investigation that remain ongoing in this field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kristian Michael Hargadon; Timothy Bullock"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["tumor", "dendritic cell", "cancer immunotherapy", "tumor immune evasion", "cross-presentation", "Immune Regulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1431/tumor-celldendritic-cell-interactions-and-the-influence-of-tumors-on-dendritic-cell-mediated-anti-tu"], ["title", "Tumor Cell/Dendritic Cell Interactions and the Influence of Tumors on Dendritic Cell-mediated Anti-Tumor Immune Responses and Dendritic Cell-Based Tumor Immunotherapies"], ["doab_id", "17656"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192458"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192458"]], [["description", "Current worldwide estimates suggest that approxiamtely 11% of all cancers are caused by viral infections. At present, there are eight viruses that have a strong association with cancer development namely, human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Kaposi\u2019s sarcoma-associated herpes virus, human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I, Merkel cell polyomavirus, hepatitis B and C viruses and human immunodeficiency virus. Some of these viruses and associated cancers, such as human papillomavirus and cervical cancer, are well studied and the causal link between infection and cancer development is established. However, the involvement of these known oncogenic viruses in cancer development at other body sites is not well understood and further study of these viruses continues to highlight novel mechanisms of cellular transformation. Other cancer-associated viruses are only recently discovered, such as Merkel cell polyomavirus, and further work is required to formally prove their role in cancer development. In this Special Issue, we seek to explore novel mechanisms of cellular transformation by oncogenic viruses, the role of viral infection in cancer development in understudied body sites and the potential role of novel viral pathogens in cancer development."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["tumour virus, cancer, emerging, undiscovered cancers/viruses, novel mechanism, epidemiology, post-vaccine"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/168"], ["title", "Tumour Viruses"], ["doab_id", "19041"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421511", "9783038421528"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421511/9783038421528"]], [["description", "The ever tighter coupling of our food, water and energy systems, in the context of a changing climate is leading to increasing turbulence in the world. As a consequence, it becomes ever more crucial to develop cities, regions, and economies with resilience in mind. Because of their global reach, substantial resources, and information-driven leadership structures, multinational corporations can play a major, constructive role in improving our understanding and design of resilient systems. This volume is the product of the Resilience Action Initiative, a collaboration among Dow, DuPont, IBM, McKinsey en Co., Shell, Siemens, Swiss Re, Unilever, and Yara designed to explore possible corporate contributions to global resilience, especially at the nexus of water, food and energy. Aggressively forward-thinking, and consistent with an enlightened self-interest, the ideas considered here represent a corporate perspective on the broad collaborations required for a more resilient world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kupers ,Roland"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Resilience models, water-energy-food nexus"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477310"], ["title", "Turbulence: A Corporate Perspective on Collaborating for Resilience"], ["doab_id", "16002"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048524358"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048524358"]], [["description", "The ever tighter coupling of our food, water and energy systems, in the context of a changing climate is leading to increasing turbulence in the world. As a consequence, it becomes ever more crucial to develop cities, regions, and economies with resilience in mind. Because of their global reach, substantial resources, and information-driven leadership structures, multinational corporations can play a major, constructive role in improving our understanding and design of resilient systems. This volume is the product of the Resilience Action Initiative, a collaboration among Dow, DuPont, IBM, McKinsey en Co., Shell, Siemens, Swiss Re, Unilever, and Yara designed to explore possible corporate contributions to global resilience, especially at the nexus of water, food and energy. Aggressively forward-thinking, and consistent with an enlightened self-interest, the ideas considered here represent a corporate perspective on the broad collaborations required for a more resilient world."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kupers ,Roland"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Resilience models, water-energy-food nexus"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477310"], ["title", "Turbulence: A Corporate Perspective on Collaborating for Resilience"], ["doab_id", "16257"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089647122"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089647122"]], [["description", "Turkey's involvement in the Gulf War in 199 paved the way for the country's acceptance into the European Union. This book traces that process and in the first part looks at Turkey's foreign policy in the 1990s, considering the ability of the country to withstand the repercussions of the fall of communism. It focuses on Turkey's achievement in halting and minimising the effects of the temporary devaluationin its strategic importance that resulted from the waning of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the skilful way in which Turkay avoided becoming embroiled in the ethnic upheavals in Central Asia, the balkans and the Middle East, and the development of a continued policy of closer integration into the European and western worlds. Internal politics are the focus of the second part of the book, addressing the curbing of the Kurdish revolt, the economic gains made, and the strengthening of civil society. Nachmani goes on to analyse the prospects for Turkey in the twenty-first century, in the light of the possible integration into Europe, which may leave the country's leadership free to deal effectively with domestic issues. This book will make crucial reading for anyone studying Turkish politics, or indeed European or European Union politics."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Nachmani ,Amikam"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["turkey", "turkish", "kurd", "kurdish", "gulf"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341407"], ["title", "Turkey facing a new millenium: Coping with intertwined conflicts"], ["doab_id", "12600"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063701"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063701"]], [["description", "The study of classical Jewish texts is flourishing in day schools and adult education, synagogues and summer camps, universities and yeshivot. But serious inquiry into the practices and purposes of such study is far rarer. In this book, a diverse collection of empirical and conceptual studies illuminates particular aspects of the teaching of Bible and rabbinic literature to, and the learning of, children and adults. In addition to providing specific insights into the pedagogy of Jewish texts, these studies serve as models of what the disciplined study of pedagogy can look like. This book will be of interest to teachers of Jewish texts in all contexts, and will be particularly valuable for the professional development of Jewish educators. "], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edited by Jon A Levisohn & Susan P. Fendrick"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/578e8add3e00beb7727289f6/1468959456241/Turn+it+and+Turn+it+Again.pdf"], ["title", "Turn It and Turn It Again: Studies in the Teaching and Learning of Classical Jewish Texts"], ["doab_id", "19387"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781936235636", "9781618113092"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781936235636, 9781618113092"]], [["description", "The core use of language is in face-to-face conversation. This is characterized by rapid turn-taking. This turn-taking poses a number central puzzles for the psychology of language. Consider, for example, that in large corpora the gap between turns is on the order of 100 to 300 ms, but the latencies involved in language production require minimally between 600ms (for a single word) or 1500 ms (for as simple sentence). This implies that participants in conversation are predicting the ends of the incoming turn and preparing in advance. But how is this done? What aspects of this prediction are done when? What happens when the prediction is wrong? What stops participants coming in too early? If the system is running on prediction, why is there consistently a mode of 100 to 300 ms in response time? The timing puzzle raises further puzzles: it seems that comprehension must run parallel with the preparation for production, but it has been presumed that there are strict cognitive limitations on more than one central process running at a time. How is this bottleneck overcome? Far from being 'easy' as some psychologists have suggested, conversation may be one of the most demanding cognitive tasks in our everyday lives. Further questions naturally arise: how do children learn to master this demanding task, and what is the developmental trajectory in this domain? Research shows that aspects of turn-taking such as its timing are remarkably stable across languages and cultures, but the word order of languages varies enormously. How then does prediction of the incoming turn work when the verb (often the informational nugget in a clause) is at the end? Conversely, how can production work fast enough in languages that have the verb at the beginning, thereby requiring early planning of the whole clause? What happens when one changes modality, as in sign languages -- with the loss of channel constraints is turn-taking much freer? And what about face-to-face communication amongst hearing individuals -- do gestures, gaze, and other body behaviors facilitate turn-taking? One can also ask the phylogenetic question: how did such a system evolve? There seem to be parallels (analogies) in duetting bird species, and in a variety of monkey species, but there is little evidence of anything like this among the great apes. All this constitutes a neglected set of problems at the heart of the psychology of language and of the language sciences. This research topic welcomes contributions from right across the board, for example from psycholinguists, developmental psychologists, students of dialogue and conversation analysis, linguists interested in the use of language, phoneticians, corpus analysts and comparative ethologists or psychologists. We welcome contributions of all sorts, for example original research papers, opinion pieces, and reviews of work in subfields that may not be fully understood in other subfields."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Holler ,Judith; Kendrick H. ,Kobin; Casillas ,Marisa; Levinson C. ,Stephen"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["language", "face-to-face conversation", "turn-taking", "psychology", "psychology of language", "language sciences", "psycholinguists"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608110"], ["title", "Turn-Taking in Human Communicative Interaction"], ["doab_id", "18212"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9782889198252"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889198252"]], [["description", "Books before print \u2013 manuscripts \u2013 were modified continuously throughout the medieval period. Focusing on the ninth and twelfth centuries, this volume explores such material changes as well as the varying circumstances under which handwritten books were produced, used and collected. An important theme is the relationship between the physical book and its users. Can we reflect on reading practices through an examination of the layout of a text? To what extent can we use the contents of libraries to understand the culture of the book? The volume explores such issues by focusing on a broad palette of texts and through a detailed analysis of manuscripts from all corners of Europe.

Gedurende de middeleeuwen waren manuscripten voor boeken voortdurend onderhevig aan veranderingen. Deze kwamen voort uit nieuwe inzichten in bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van koppen bij teksten of de toepassing van hoofdstuknummering.
Met de focus op de negende en twaalfde eeuw verkent dit boek de veranderingen die er plaatshadden in de keuze van het gebruikte materiaal, maar ook de veranderende omstandigheden waaronder handgeschreven boeken werden geproduceerd, gebruikt en verzameld. Door een onderzoek naar een breed palet aan teksten en gedetailleerde analyse van handschriften uit alle hoeken van Europa onthult dit boek de relatie tussen het boek en zijn gebruikers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kwakkel ,Erik; McKitterick ,Rosamond ; Thomson ,Rodney"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["medieval period", "manuscripts"]], ["publisher", "Leiden University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606213"], ["title", "Turning over a New Leaf : Change and Development in the Medieval Book"], ["doab_id", "14617"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789087281557"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789087281557"]], [["description", "Historically, cognitive sciences have considered selective attention and working memory as largely separated cognitive functions. That is, selective attention as a concept is typically reserved for the processes that allow for the prioritization of specific sensory input, while working memory entails more central structures for maintaining (and operating on) temporary mental representations. However, over the last decades various observations have been reported that question such sharp distinction. Most importantly, information stored in working memory has been shown to modulate selective attention processing \u2013 and vice versa. At the theoretical level, these observations are paralleled by an increasingly dominant focus on working memory as (involving) the attended part of long-term memory, with some positions considering that working memory is equivalent to selective attention turned to long-term memory representations \u2013 or internal selective attention. This questions the existence of working memory as a dedicated cognitive function and raises the need for integrative accounts of working memory and attention. The next step will be to explore the precise implications of attentional accounts of WM for the understanding of specific aspects and characteristics of WM, such as serial order processing, its modality-specificity, its capacity limitations, its relation with executive functions, as well as the nature of attentional mechanisms involved. This research topic in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience aims at bringing together the latest insights and findings about the interplay between working memory and selective attention."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Elger Abrahamse; Steve Majerus; Wim Fias; Jean-Philippe van Dijck"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["working memory", "short-term memory", "selective attention", "Internal attention", "serial order", "spatial attention", "executive attention"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2431/turning-the-minds-eye-inward-the-interplay-between-selective-attention-and-working-memory"], ["title", "Turning the Mind's Eye Inward: The Interplay between Selective Attention and Working Memory"], ["doab_id", "18841"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197217"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197217"]], [["description", "Following on from Theory and the Disappearing Future, Cohen, Colebrook and Miller turn their attention to the eco-critical and environmental humanities\u2019 newest and most fashionable of concepts, the Anthropocene. The question that has escaped focus, as \u201ctipping points\u201d are acknowledged as passed, is how language, mnemo-technologies, and the epistemology of tropes appear to guide the accelerating ecocide, and how that implies a mutation within reading itself\u2014from the era of extinction events.Only in this moment of seeming finality, the authors argue, does there arise an opportunity to be done with mourning and begin reading. Drawing freely on Paul de Man\u2019s theory of reading, anthropomorphism and the sublime, Twilight of the Anthropocene Idols argues for a mode of critical activism liberated from all-too-human joys and anxieties regarding the future. It was quite a few decades ago (1983) that Jurgen Habermas declared that \u2018master thinkers had fallen on hard times.\u2019 His pronouncement of hard times was premature. For master thinkers it is the best of times. Not only is the world, supposedly, falling into a complete absence of care, thought and frugality, a few hyper-masters have emerged to tell us that these hard times should be the best of times. It is precisely because we face the end that we should embrace our power to geo-engineer, stage the revolution, return to profound thinking, reinvent the subject, and recognize ourselves fully as one global humanity. Enter anthropos."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Cohen ,Tom; Colebrook ,Claire; Miller Hillis ,J."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["the Anthropocene", "eco-critical and environmental humanities", "Paul de Man\u2019s theory of reading", "anthropomorphism", "the sublime", "critical activism", "Jurgen Habermas"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=588463"], ["title", "Twilight of the Anthropocene Idols"], ["doab_id", "17938"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420153", "9781785420160"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420153 9781785420160"]], [["description", "Twilight of the Avant-Garde: Spanish Poetry 1980-2000 addresses the central problem of contemporary Spanish poetry: the attempt to preserve the scope and ambitiousness of modernist poetry at the end of the twentieth century. Jonathan Mayhew first offers a critical analysis of the called 'poetry of experience' of Luis Garc\u00eda Montero, a tendency that is based on the supposed obsolescence of the modernist poetics of the first half of the century. While the 'poetry of experience' presents itself as a progressive attempt to 'normalise' poetry, to make it accessible to the common reader, Mayhew views it as a reactionary move that ultimately reduces poetry to the status of a minor genre. The author then turns his attention to the poetry of Jos\u00e9 Angel Valente and Antonio Gamoneda, whose poetry embodies the continuation of modernism, and to the work of younger women poets of the last two decades of the twentieth century. Throughout this controversial and provocative book, Mayhew challenges received notions about the value of poetic language in relation to the larger culture and society. It turns out that the cultural ambition of modernist poetics is still highly relevant even in an age in which more cynical views of literature seem prevalent. Ultimately, Mayhew writes as an advocate for the survival of more challenging and ambitious modes of poetic writing in the postmodern age."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mayhew ,Jonathan"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Montero", "Valente", "Gamoneda", "Contemporary Spanish poetry", "Montero", "Valente", "Gamoneda", "Moderne Spaans poezie"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=389223"], ["title", "The Twilight of the Avant-Garde"], ["doab_id", "13365"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781846311833"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781846311833"]], [["description", "This volume is about an ongoing long-term research initiative led by researchers from the School of Dentistry at the University of Adelaide. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins and their families that have extended over more than thirty years."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Townsend C ,Grant; Pinkerton K ,Sandra; Rogers R ,James; Bockmann R ,Michelle; Hughes E ,Toby"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["twins", "twin studies", "dental", "teeth", "history of twin research", "craniofacial biology", "longitudinal study", "dental features", "dental morphology", "dentition", "oral health", "path analysis", "model-fitting", "genetic expression", "next-generation sequencing", "primary teeth", "permanent teeth", "genetic factors", "epigenetic factors", "heritability", "monozygotic", "dizygotic", "adelaide dental school", "melbourne dental schoolcentre for orio-facial research and learning", "identical twins", "fraternal twins", "mirror imaging", "sexual dimorphism", "twin zygosity"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577639"], ["title", "Twin Studies: Research in Genes, Teeth and Faces"], ["doab_id", "17477"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261158"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261158"]], [["description", "During the past 10 years, two-dimensional materials have found incredible attention in the scientific community. The first two-dimensional material studied in detail was graphene, and many groups explored its potential for electronic applications. Meanwhile, researchers have extended their work to two-dimensional materials beyond graphene. At present, several hundred of these materials are known and part of them is considered to be useful for electronic applications. Rapid progress has been made in research concerning two-dimensional electronics, and a variety of transistors of different two-dimensional materials, including graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides, e.g., MoS2 and WS2, and phosphorene, have been reported. Other areas where two-dimensional materials are considered promising are sensors, transparent electrodes, or displays, to name just a few. This Special Issue of Electronics is devoted to all aspects of two-dimensional materials for electronic applications, including material preparation and analysis, device fabrication and characterization, device physics, modeling and simulation, and circuits. The devices of interest include, but are not limited to transistors (both field-effect transistors and alternative transistor concepts), sensors, optoelectronics devices, MEMS and NEMS, and displays. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["device physics, modeling, and simulation, digital logic, radio frequency, transistor, mobility, nanoribbons, two-dimensional material preparation, transition metal dichalcogenides, two-dimensional semiconductors, graphene"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/222"], ["title", "Two-Dimensional Electronics - Prospects and Challenges"], ["doab_id", "19611"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422495", "9783038422501"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422495/9783038422501"]], [["description", "According to epistemic two-dimensionalism, or simply twodimensionalism, linguistic expressions are associated with two intensions, one of which represents an expression\u2019s a priori implications. The authorinvestigates the prospects of conceptual analysis on the basis of a twodimensionalist theory of meaning. He discusses a number of arguments for and against two-dimensional semantics and argues that properly construed, two-dimensionalism provides a potent and plausible account of meaning. Against the background of this account, the author then goes on to assess the value of conceptual analysis in philosophical practice, outlining ist goals, ist promises, but also ist limitations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kipper, Jens"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208588"], ["title", "A Two-Dimensionalist Guide to Conceptual Analysis"], ["doab_id", "18057"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110322705", "9783110322293", "9783110322712"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322705, 9783110322293, 9783110322712"]], [["description", "This research topic collected and connected information concerning both the underlying metabolic mechanisms and consequences of eating behaviors. These two aspects are tremendously important for a better understanding of eating behavior abnormalities as well as for improving education on eating disorders and behaviors."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tanya Zilberter"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["eating behavior", "Eating Disorders", "Energy Intake", "energy balance", "Energy Expenditure", "brain metabolism", "Obesity", "Reward", "Appetite", "hedonic eating"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2085/the-two-way-link-between-eating-behavior-and-brain-metabolism"], ["title", "The two-way link between eating behavior and brain metabolism"], ["doab_id", "18828"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197057"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197057"]], [["description", "Nettle\u2019s book presents the results of five years of comparative ethnographic fieldwork in two different neighbourhoods of the same British city, Newcastle upon Tyne. The neighbourhoods are only a few kilometres apart, yet whilst one is relatively affluent, the other is amongst the most economically deprived in the UK. Tyneside Neighbourhoods uses multiple research methods to explore social relationships and social behaviour, attempting to understand whether the experience of deprivation fosters social solidarity, or undermines it. The book is distinctive in its development of novel quantitative methods for ethnography: systematic social observation, economic games, household surveys, crime statistics, and field experiments. Nettle analyses these findings in the context of the cultural, psychological and economic consequences of economic deprivation, and of the ethical difficulties of representing a deprived community. In so doing the book sheds light on one of the main issues of our time: the roles of culture and of socioeconomic factors in determining patterns of human social behaviour.Tyneside Neighbourhoods is a must read for scholars, students, individual readers, charities and government departments seeking insight into the social consequences of deprivation and inequality in the West.Nettle\u2019s book presents the results of five years of comparative ethnographic fieldwork in two different neighbourhoods of the same British city, Newcastle upon Tyne. The neighbourhoods are only a few kilometres apart, yet whilst one is relatively affluent, the other is amongst the most economically deprived in the UK. Tyneside Neighbourhoods uses multiple research methods to explore social relationships and social behaviour, attempting to understand whether the experience of deprivation fosters social solidarity, or undermines it. The book is distinctive in its development of novel quantitative methods for ethnography: systematic social observation, economic games, household surveys, crime statistics, and field experiments. Nettle analyses these findings in the context of the cultural, psychological and economic consequences of economic deprivation, and of the ethical difficulties of representing a deprived community. In so doing the book sheds light on one of the main issues of our time: the roles of culture and of socioeconomic factors in determining patterns of human social behaviour. Tyneside Neighbourhoods is a must read for scholars, students, individual readers, charities and government departments seeking insight into the social consequences of deprivation and inequality in the West."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nettle, Daniel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Ethnography, comparative study, social behaviour, United Kingdom, economic deprivation, social solidarity"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/398"], ["title", "Tyneside Neighbourhoods: Deprivation, Social Life and Social Behaviour in One British City"], ["doab_id", "17933"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741892", "9781783741908"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741892\t/ 9781783741908"]], [["description", "The type I interferon system plays a critical role in host defense in health, and a growing body of literature suggests that type I interferon is a critical mediator of human autoimmune disease. Type I interferons function as a bridge between the innate and adaptive immune systems, and as such play an important role in setting thresholds for response against self antigens. Many investigators have focused on the role type I interferons play in autoimmune disease. This fascinating and rapidly growing body of literature encompasses many different autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and others. In this Research Topic, we provide a comprehensive overview of the various roles type I interferons play in autoimmune diseases, with a focus on human immunology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Timothy B. Niewold"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Interferons", "systemic lupus erythematosus", "Multiple Sclerosis", "Sjogren's Syndrome", "systemic sclerosis", "autoimmune thyroid disease"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1320/type-i-interferon-in-human-autoimmunity"], ["title", "Type I Interferon in Human Autoimmunity"], ["doab_id", "18671"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193400"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193400"]], [["description", "Theoretical studies of Latvian grammar have a great deal to offer to contemporary linguistics. Although traditionally Lithuanian has been the most widely studied Baltic language in diachronic and synchronic linguistics alike, Latvian has a number of distinctive features that can prove valuable both for historical, and perhaps even more so, for synchronic language research. Therefore, at the very least, contemporary typological, areal, and language contact studies involving Baltic languages should account for data from Latvian. Typologically, Latvian grammar is a classic Indo-European (Baltic) system with well-developed inflection and derivation. However, it also bears certain similarities to the Finno-Ugric languages, which can be reasonably explained by its areal and historical background. This applies, for example, to the mood system and its connections with modality and evidentiality in Latvian, also to the correlation between aspect and quantity as manifested in verbal and nominal (case) forms. The relations between debitive mood, certain constructions with reflexive verbs, and voice in Latvian are intriguing examples of unusual morphosyntactic features. Accordingly, the book focuses on the following topics: case system and declension (with emphasis on the polyfunctionality of case forms), gender, conjugation, tense and personal forms, aspect, mood, modality and evidentiality, reflexive verbs, and voice. The examples included in this book have been taken from the Balanced Corpus of Modern Latvian (Lidzsvarots musdienu latvie\u0161u valodas tekstu korpuss, available at www.korpuss.lv), www.google.lv, mass media, and fiction texts (see the List of language sources) without regard to relative frequency ratios. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kalnaca, Andra"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Latvian, grammar, morphosyntax, typology"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/449849"], ["title", "A Typological Perspective on Latvian Grammar"], ["doab_id", "16868"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110411317"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110411317"]], [["description", "Case-systems all over the world exhibit striking similarities. In most lan-guages intransitive subjects (S) receives less overt marking than one of thetwo transitive arguments (agent-like A or patient-like P); the other one ofthese two arguments is usually encoded by the same form as S. In somelanguages the amount of overt marking is identical between S, A, and P.But hardly ever does the S argument receive more overt marking than Aor P. Yet there are some languages that do not follow this general pattern.This book is about those languages that behave differently, the marked-Slanguages.Marked-S languages are well-known to be found in East Africa, wherethey occur in two different language families, Afro-Asiatic and Nilo-Sa-haran. They can also be found in North-Western America and the Pacificregion. This book is the first investigation of marked S-languages thattreats the phenomenon on a global scale.The study examines the functional distribution of the two main case-forms, the form used for S (S-case) and the case-form of the transitive ar-gument which receives less marking (the zero-case). It offers a very fine-grained perspective considering a wide range of constructions. The con-texts in which the case-marking patterns are investigated include nom-inal, existential and locational predication, subjects in special discoursefunction (e. g. focused constituents), subjects of passives and dependentclauses, as well as the forms used for addressing someone (vocative form)and for using a noun in isolation (citation form).Apart from the functional distribution of case forms, the formal meansof marking are also considered. The main focus is on the synchronic de-scription and comparison of marked-S languages, but historical explana-tions for the unusual case-marking pattern are also discussed."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Handschuh ,Corinna"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["typology", "alignment", "case-marking", "argument structure", "marked nominative", "marked absolutive"]], ["publisher", "Language Science Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533871"], ["title", "A typology of marked-S languages"], ["doab_id", "16323"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783944675190"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783944675190"]], [["description", "In the territory of historical Tyrol (i.e., the present Austrian province of Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Trentino), a huge number of Latin texts has been written from the Early Middle Ages to the 21th century. A good part of this literature has been preserved as manuscripts or printed books in the libraries and archives of monasteries, schools, universities, cities and other institutions. The present history of literature for the first time gives a systematic overview of these writings and describes them according to historical eras and literary genres. The single eras are separated from each other by events that had a massive impact on the conditions of production and reception of Latin literature in Tyrol. Each era is first generally characterised in historical and cultural terms; after that, its Latin poetry, rhetoric and eloquence, historiography, biography, epistolography, theology and other ecclesiastic writings, philosophy, medicine, natural sciences, law and jurisprudence are treated in single chapters.The literary history consists of two volumes. The first one includes the eras \u201eFrom the beginnings to the unification of Tyrol under Count Meinhard II. (1285)\u201c, \u201eFrom the unification of Tyrol to the death of Emperor Maximilian I. (1519)\u201c, \u201eThe 16th century until the death of Ferdinand II., Archduke of Further Austria (1595)\u201c, and \u201eThe 17th century until the extinction of the Tyrolian line of the Habsburgs (1665) and the foundation of the University of Innsbruck (1669)\u201c.The second volume comprises the eras \u201eFrom the foundation of the University of Innsbruck to the abolition of the Jesuit order (1773)\u201c, \u201eFrom the expulsion of the Jesuits to the revolution of the year 1848\u201c, and \u201eFrom the revolution of 1848 until the present day\u201c as well as the bibliography and the indexes.

Von der umfangreichen Produktion lateinischer Texte, die auf dem Gebiet des historischen Tirol (heutiges Bundesland Tirol, S\u00fcdtirol und Trentino) seit dem fr\u00fchen Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert entstanden sind, hat sich in den Bibliotheken und Archiven von Kl\u00f6stern, Schulen, Universit\u00e4ten, St\u00e4dten und anderer Institutionen eine betr\u00e4chtliche Zahl an Handschriften und Drucken erhalten. In der vorliegenden Literaturgeschichte werden diese Texte erstmalig systematisch gesichtet und nach Epochen und Gattungen gegliedert dargestellt. Als Epochengrenzen dienen Einschnitte und Ereignisse, die sich markant auf die Produktionbedingungen und Rezeption lateinischer Literatur in Tirol ausgewirkt haben. Jede Epoche wird zun\u00e4chst allgemein in ihren historischen und kulturellen Entwicklungen charakterisiert, ehe sich Spezialbeitr\u00e4ge mit lateinischer Dichtung, Rhetorik und Beredsamkeit, Geschichtsschreibung, Biographie, Epistolographie, Theologie und kirchlichem Schrifttum, Philosophie, Medizin, Naturwissenschaft, Recht und Rechtswissenschaft befassen. Der erste der beiden B\u00e4nde dieser Literaturgeschichte umfasst die Epochen \"Von den Anf\u00e4ngen bis zur Tiroler Landeseinheit unter Graf Meinhard II. (1285)\", \"Von der Tiroler Landeseinheit bis zum Tod Kaiser Maximilians I. (1519)\", \"Das 16. Jh. bis zum Tod Erzherzog Ferdinands II. von Tirol (1595)\" und \"Das 17. Jh. bis zum Aussterben der Tiroler Linie der Habsburger (1665) und der Gr\u00fcndung der Universit\u00e4t Innsbruck (1669)\".Der zweite Band dieser Literaturgeschichte umfasst die Epochen, aus denen sich das meiste Textmaterial erhalten hat: \u201eVon der Gr\u00fcndung der Universit\u00e4t Innsbruck bis zur Aufhebung des Jesuitenordens (1773)\u201c, \u201eVon der Vertreibung der Jesuiten bis zur Revolution 1848\u201c und \u201eVon der Revolution 1848 bis heute\u201c. Au\u00dferdem schlie\u00dfen sich Bibliographie und Indices an."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Korenjak ,Martin; Schaffenrath ,Florian; Subaric ,Lav; T\u00f6chterle ,Karlheinz"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Neo-Latin, Tyrol, History, Literature"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574820"], ["title", "Tyrolis Latina"], ["doab_id", "17414"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788683"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788683"]], [["description", "Die vollst\u00e4ndige Digitalisierung von Produkten und Prozesse stellt die Medienbranche zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts vor gro\u00dfe und zum Teil noch unbew\u00e4ltigte Herausforderungen. Insbesondere bei Inhalte-Intermedi\u00e4ren wie Fernsehsendern, Verlagen und Online-Aggregatoren f\u00fchrt dies zu wesentlichen Ver\u00e4nderungen. Deren Analyse war das Ziel des interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschungsprojektes intermedia an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen. intermedia wurde vom Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Bildung und Forschung im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms Internet\u00f6konomie gef\u00f6rdert. In zehn Teilprojekten wurden Ubiquit\u00e4t und Personalisierung, Interaktvit\u00e4t sowie Konvergenz und andere technische Entwicklungen aus Sicht von Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Informatik und Kommunikations-wissenschaft untersucht. Das vorliegende Buch pr\u00e4sentiert ausgew\u00e4hlte Ergebnisse von intermedia speziell f\u00fcr die Praxis. Entscheider erhalten so einen kompakten Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsbem\u00fchungen. Tr\u00e4ger von intermedia ist das Zentrum f\u00fcr Internetforschung und Medienintegration der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen, das die Wirkungen neuer Technologien auf Individuen, Unternehmen, Branchen und die Gesellschaft mit einer Vielzahl von Projekten untersucht.

Die vollst\u00e4ndige Digitalisierung von Produkten und Prozesse stellt die Medienbranche zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts vor gro\u00dfe und zum Teil noch unbew\u00e4ltigte Herausforderungen. Insbesondere bei Inhalte-Intermedi\u00e4ren wie Fernsehsendern, Verlagen und Online-Aggregatoren f\u00fchrt dies zu wesentlichen Ver\u00e4nderungen. Deren Analyse war das Ziel des interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschungsprojektes intermedia an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen. intermedia wurde vom Bundesministerium f\u00fcr Bildung und Forschung im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms Internet\u00f6konomie gef\u00f6rdert. In zehn Teilprojekten wurden Ubiquit\u00e4t und Personalisierung, Interaktvit\u00e4t sowie Konvergenz und andere technische Entwicklungen aus Sicht von Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Informatik und Kommunikations-wissenschaft untersucht. Das vorliegende Buch pr\u00e4sentiert ausgew\u00e4hlte Ergebnisse von intermedia speziell f\u00fcr die Praxis. Entscheider erhalten so einen kompakten Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsbem\u00fchungen. Tr\u00e4ger von intermedia ist das Zentrum f\u00fcr Internetforschung und Medienintegration der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen, das die Wirkungen neuer Technologien auf Individuen, Unternehmen, Branchen und die Gesellschaft mit einer Vielzahl von Projekten untersucht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hess, Thomas"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Project \"intermedia\"", "Digitization of Work Flows", "New Media", "The Internet", "Project \"intermedia\"", "Digitization of Work Flows", "New Media", "The Internet"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610245"], ["title", "Ubiquit\u00e4t, Interaktivit\u00e4t, Konvergenz und die Medienbranche - Ergebnisse des interdisziplin\u00e4ren Forschungsprojektes intermedia"], ["doab_id", "14601"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616918"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616918"]], [["description", "Public administration; Political science

Van beleidsmakers en politici wordt verwacht dat zij verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor de toekomst van de samenleving door onwenselijke toekomsten de pas af te snijden en nastrevenswaardige toekomsten dichterbij te brengen. We kunnen echter niet voorspellen welke kant toekomstige ontwikkelingen op zullen gaan. Daarnaast kunnen zich in de toekomst mogelijkerwijs veranderingen voordoen die we op dit moment nog helemaal niet in het vizier hebben. Toekomstgericht beleid vereist het anticiperen op mogelijke, doch onzekere ontwikkelingen. Het nadenken over de lange termijn kan in beleid en politiek op verschillende manieren vorm krijgen. Toekomstverkenning is een manier om dat systematisch te doen. Maar wat geldt als goed toekomstverkennen? In de bundel Uit zicht: toekomstverkennen met beleid wordt een actueel begrippenkader uiteengezet om kritisch op toekomstverkenning te kunnen reflecteren en worden valkuilen en uitdagingen inzichtelijk gemaakt. De Verkenning biedt een basis om in een beleidscontext over de toekomst na te denken en gebruik te maken van toekomstverkenning. Zo wordt een bijdrage geleverd aan de kwaliteit van langetermijnori\u00ebntatie in beleid."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid; Asselt van ,M.B.A.; Molen van der ,F.; Faas ,A.; Veenman ,S.A."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=373634"], ["title", "Uit zicht : Toekomstverkennen met beleid"], ["doab_id", "15188"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089642639"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089642639"]], [["description", "This book provides a comprehensive examination into the flow of Ukrainian nationals to the EU. The chapters encompass and historicize this migration against a string of crises experienced by Ukraine and the region in the last three decades, from the dissolution of the USSR to changes in the EU borders to the failed economic reforms in independent Ukraine. The book engages in an impressive overview of major publications available in a variety of disciplines and in several languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, and English. It presents readers with a critical analysis of these authoritative sources along with linking historic and contemporary texts to establish continuity of the migratory trends and practices. Coverage brings together spatial, temporal, and geopolitical perspectives, offering expert analysis in such areas as economics, immigration policies, history, gender, and migration studies. In addition, the contributors also present Ukrainian migration as it is experienced within seven European countries: the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Spain. Drawing on data obtained in each country, these detailed portraits identify main trends and will help readers to better understand the dynamics of migration flow in the region as a whole. Overall, this volume provides researchers, policy makers and policy scholars, as well as students with a comprehensive overview of the wide-ranging research on this topic, a research that has been steadily growing in the last decades in a variety of disciplines but so far has not been brought together or thoroughly connected. It presents an insightful investigation that reveals not only the durability and ongoing transformation of the migratory flows from Ukraine but the restrictions of the ideological agendas that guide the research of this process. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olena Fedyuk; Marta Kindler"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["migration", " population economics", " political science"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41776-9"], ["title", "Ukrainian Migration to the European Union: Lessons from Migration Studies"], ["doab_id", "20007"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319417745", "9783319417769"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319417745 (Print) 9783319417769 (Online)"]], [["description", "\u00bfD\u00f3nde se encuentra el an\u00e1lisis cinematogr\u00e1fico hoy? \u00bfQu\u00e9 est\u00e1 haciendo, en la oscuridad, la teor\u00eda del cine? Este campo, tal y como ha sido definido profesionalmente (por lo menos en el mundo acad\u00e9mico anglo-americano), est\u00e1 dividido actualmente entre los historiadores interesados en el contexto social que examinan las grandes formaciones de la modernidad, y los expertos en el estilo que reclaman la vuelta de cosas pasadas de moda como la visi\u00f3n autoral, el tono, y la puesta en escena. Pero hay tambi\u00e9n otras corrientes, vitales e inventivas, de las que apenas estamos oyendo nada en ninguno de los canales oficiales. \u00daltimo d\u00eda cada d\u00eda, que para esta edici\u00f3n ha sido extendido con el ensayo \u201cAvatares del encuentro\u201d, hace brillar una luz sobre una de estas nuevas y excitantes v\u00edas."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Martin; Cristina \u00c1lvarez L\u00f3pez (trans.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Auerbach, figural analysis, film theory, Giorgio Agamben, Kracauer, mimesis, Nicole Brenez, Paul Ricoeur"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/ultimo-dia-cada-dia/"], ["title", "\u00daltimo d\u00eda cada d\u00eda: y otro escrito sobre cine y filosof\u00eda"], ["doab_id", "16030"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9780615766010"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615766010"]], [["description", "Onde se encontra a an\u00e1lise f\u00edlmica hoje? O que \u00e9 que a teoria de cinema anda a desenvolver na obscuridade? Este campo, tal como foi definido profissionalmente (pelo menos no mundo acad\u00e9mico anglo-sax\u00f3nico), encontra-se actualmente dividido entre historiadores interessados no contexto das grandes forma\u00e7\u00f5es da modernidade e connoisseurs que reclamam o regresso estil\u00edstico de coisas antiquadas como a vis\u00e3o autoral, o tom ou a mise-en-sc\u00e8ne. Mas h\u00e1 tamb\u00e9m outras correntes, vitais e inventivas \u2013 na cr\u00edtica, na internet, em pequenas revistas, em confer\u00eancias renegadas um pouco por todo o lado \u2013, que n\u00e3o estamos a conseguir escutar em nenhum dos canais oficiais. \u00daltimo Dia Todos os Dias, de Adrian Martin \u2013 nesta edi\u00e7\u00e3o acompanhado do ensaio \u201cAvatares do Encontro\u201d \u2013, lan\u00e7a uma luz sobre estas novas e excitantes avenidas.Publicado originalmente como Last Day Every Day: Figural Thinking from Auerbach and Kracauer to Agamben and Brenez, em 2012, por Dead Letter Office, uma s\u00e9rie da editora punctum books. Esta edi\u00e7\u00e3o foi produzida conjuntamente por Centro de Estudos Comparatistas | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e punctum books, 2015."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Adrian Martin; Rita Benis (trans.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Alfred Hitchcock, Erich Auerbach, estudos de cinema, Giorgio Agamben, Josef Sternberg, Nicole Brenez, Siegfried Kracauer"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/zr0x6tmfnfybgms/Martin_Ultimo_Dia_Todos_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "\u00daltimo Dia Todos os Dias (e outros escritos sobre cinema e filosofia)"], ["doab_id", "17620"], ["language_unmapped", "Portuguese"], ["isbns", ["9780692402764"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692402764"]], [["description", "Carioca 'da gema', sofisticado cosmopolita, bem-humorado e, ao mesmo, profundamente tocado pela simplicidade e pelas tradi\u00e7\u00f5es das pequenas cidades mineiras e do mundo rural, o cientista e humanista Carlos Chagas Filho deixou, neste Um aprendiz de ci\u00eancia, um delicioso relato de viv\u00eancias, reflex\u00f5es e realiza\u00e7\u00f5es que s\u00e3o o testemunho do que h\u00e1 de mais significativo, na segunda metade do s\u00e9culo XX, quanto \u00e0 presen\u00e7a brasileira no campo das rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre ci\u00eancia, cultura, nacionalidade e cidadania. A obra cont\u00e9m um belo encarte com fotos, cartas e textos que marcaram a vida do autor."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Chagas Filho, Carlos"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Chagas, Filho, Carlos, 1910-2000 - Biografia, Cientistas - Brasil - Biografia, Ci\u00eancia - Brasil - Hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4zb7w"], ["title", "Um aprendiz de ci\u00eancia "], ["doab_id", "16392"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412473"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412473"]], [["description", "A obra trata da import\u00e2ncia da viv\u00eancia di\u00e1ria na pesquisa acad\u00eamica. Sua abordagem cr\u00edtica \u00e9 direta e mostra de forma pr\u00e1tica a efici\u00eancia da pesquisa a partir das experi\u00eancias vividas pelo pesquisador."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Macedo, Roberto Sidnei; Galef, Dante; Pimentel, \u00c1lamo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["EDUCATION"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/s6"], ["title", "Um rigor outro sobre a qualidade na pesquisa qualitativa: educa\u00e7\u00e3o e ci\u00eancias humanas"], ["doab_id", "17174"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209278"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209278"]], [["description", "Leitura importante para os interessados nos estudos de g\u00eanero, toma como ponto de partida a medicina para discutir a dificuldade de se estabelecer diferen\u00e7as sexuais. Evidencia-se a maneira com que os discursos m\u00e9dicos lidam com a diferen\u00e7a sexual, mas, ao mesmo tempo, admitem outros fatores, como ra\u00e7a, sexualidade, classe social e influ\u00eancia cultural. A autora utiliza um epis\u00f3dio m\u00e9dico-policial dos arquivos da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro que cont\u00e9m acusa\u00e7\u00f5es de desvirtuamento da conduta feminina e pr\u00e1tica de aborto para ressaltar o comportamento feminino esperado pela classe m\u00e9dica e pela sociedade. Este livro mostra o caminho trilhado pela classe m\u00e9dica para criar padr\u00f5es de comportamento que distinguissem os g\u00eaneros, al\u00e9m de acompanhar o surgimento da especialidade m\u00e9dica voltada para o g\u00eanero feminino: a ginecologia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rohden, Fab\u00edola"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8m665"], ["title", "Uma ci\u00eancia da diferen\u00e7a: sexo e g\u00eanero na medicina da mulher"], ["doab_id", "19321"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413999"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413999"]], [["description", "Embora seu conte\u00fado seja do interesse de \u00e1reas vizinhas, como Antropologia, Filosofia, Sociologia e Biologia, o livro est\u00e1 situado no \u00e2mbito da An\u00e1lise Comportamental da Cultura. Essa \u00e1rea representa um campo tem\u00e1tico relevante no contexto de uma das media\u00e7\u00f5es te\u00f3rico-epistemol\u00f3gicas da Psicologia e \u00e9 constitu\u00edda por uma ci\u00eancia, a An\u00e1lise do Comportamento, e uma filosofia de ci\u00eancia, o Behaviorismo Radical. O texto, mais precisamente, est\u00e1 centrado nas pr\u00e1ticas culturais, que se referem \u00e0s a\u00e7\u00f5es humanas executadas de maneira entrela\u00e7ada com a\u00e7\u00f5es de outros indiv\u00edduos, caracter\u00edstica inerente aos comportamentos sociais. Tecnicamente, o conte\u00fado examinado \u00e9 o anunciado no subt\u00edtulo do livro, ou seja: rela\u00e7\u00f5es funcionais, comportamento e cultura. No entanto, para al\u00e9m dessa inst\u00e2ncia, o texto trata da l\u00f3gica subjacente \u00e0s rela\u00e7\u00f5es ou intera\u00e7\u00f5es entre as pessoas, e entre estas e as ag\u00eancias de controle (como governo, lei e religi\u00e3o), ocupando-se de examinar tais rela\u00e7\u00f5es de maneira funcional. Pode-se dizer que o texto, paralelamente ao interesse por precis\u00e3o t\u00e9cnica na ci\u00eancia do comportamento, busca estimular o leitor para uma avalia\u00e7\u00e3o sobre quanto temos, tradicionalmente, constru\u00eddo pressupostos, princ\u00edpios, sistemas explicativos, escolas de pensamento e teorias voltados \u00e0 defesa de explica\u00e7\u00f5es do comportamento humano com base em estruturas, quer f\u00edsicas, quer conceituais, que n\u00e3o passam de constructos hipot\u00e9ticos que se sup\u00f5e sejam diretamente causadores de a\u00e7\u00f5es, atividades, comportamentos. Conceber uma \u201cestrutura cognitiva\u201d, uma \u201cmente pensante\u201d, uma \u201cestrutura de personalidade\u201d, um ego, um eu, um id, um superego, um tra\u00e7o de car\u00e1ter, uma estrutura fisiol\u00f3gica, enfim, um mecanismo subjacente respons\u00e1vel pela causalidade primeira do comportamento parece constituir um equ\u00edvoco perene na hist\u00f3ria da Psicologia e, talvez mais, na hist\u00f3ria da ci\u00eancia. Embora sem, naturalmente, negar um monismo fisicalista, ontol\u00f3gico, de subst\u00e2ncia, o livro rejeita o status priorit\u00e1rio de import\u00e2ncia tradicionalmente atribu\u00eddo \u00e0s estruturas, em si mesmas, como entes explicativos do comportamento humano."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Carrara, Kester"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["PSYCHOLOGY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jwskd"], ["title", "Uma ci\u00eancia sobre \u201ccoisa\u201d alguma: rela\u00e7\u00f5es funcionais, comportamento e cultura"], ["doab_id", "19827"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836572"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836572"]], [["description", "O livro apresenta os caminhos percorridos na dire\u00e7\u00e3o da profissionaliza\u00e7\u00e3o e da especializa\u00e7\u00e3o em sa\u00fade p\u00fablica no Brasil, refletindo as influ\u00eancias e iniciativas nacionais e internacionais.na cria\u00e7\u00e3o da Escola Nacional de Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica (Ensp), em 1954. Nesse laborat\u00f3rio de id\u00e9ias em que se constituiu a Escola, formularam-se propostas que contribu\u00edram para as grandes conquistas da sa\u00fade p\u00fablica brasileira e que subsidiaram o processo de Reforma Sanit\u00e1ria, cujos resultados se expressam na constitui\u00e7\u00e3o e no fortalecimento do SUS. Organizado em duas partes, na primeira \u00e9 apresentado um texto narrativo sucinto sobre a Ensp, desde a sua cria\u00e7\u00e3o at\u00e9 os anos recentes. A segunda, traz artigos sobre temas relevantes para o entendimento da hist\u00f3ria da Ensp e de seu papel na sa\u00fade p\u00fablica contempor\u00e2nea."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lima, N\u00edsia Trindade (org.); Fonseca, Cristina M. O. (org.); Santos, Paulo Roberto Elian dos (org.)"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Escola de sa\u00fade p\u00fablica-hist\u00f3ria, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica-educa\u00e7\u00e3o, Sistema de sa\u00fade-Brasil, Educa\u00e7\u00e3o de p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/d48x7"], ["title", "Uma escola para a sa\u00fade "], ["doab_id", "16345"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575414002"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414002"]], [["description", "Esta nova publica\u00e7\u00e3o da Editora Sumar\u00e9 d\u00e1 sequencia ao trabalho iniciado com o volume O Judici\u00e1rio em debate (1994). \u00c9 tamb\u00e9m fruto do programa de estudos que o Idesp vem desenvolvendo com apoio da Funda\u00e7\u00e3o Ford e da Fapesp, entre outras institui\u00e7\u00f5es, a respeito do sistema de justi\u00e7a."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sadek, Maria Tereza (org.)"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/4w63s"], ["title", "Uma introdu\u00e7\u00e3o ao estudo da justi\u00e7a "], ["doab_id", "16457"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820328"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820328"]], [["description", "O professor Marcelo tem publicado importantes trabalhos que discutem a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre ci\u00eancia e senso comum e este seu livro trata especialmente da Filosofia da Ci\u00eancia. A obra \u00e9 resultado de sua tese de doutorado, intitulada \u201cPopulariza\u00e7\u00e3o da Ci\u00eancia e Tecnologia: um discurso na interface entre uma nova ci\u00eancia e um novo senso comum\u201d. No livro, Marcelo trabalha e cita in\u00fameros fil\u00f3sofos, todos bastante conhecidos, como John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Hegel e Karl Popper."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Germano, Marcelo Gomes"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Ci\u00eancias Sociais, Ci\u00eancia e Tecnologia, Ci\u00eancia \u2013 Filoso\ufb01a, Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o \u2013 Conhecimento "]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/qdy2w"], ["title", "Uma nova ci\u00eancia para um novo senso comum"], ["doab_id", "16255"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788578791209"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578791209"]], [["description", "Democracy cannot be implemented overnight. Democratization is an often unpredictable process. This book concentrates on that political transformation in one of Indonesia\u2019s most \u2018traditional\u2019 islands, Sumba. Why does democratization create such great opportunities for local politicians with their private agenda\u2019s? Why does regional autonomy, as part of the national democratization program, promote socio-economic inequality in West Sumba? This book is written out of an intimate knowledge of Sumba\u2019s social groupings. Jacqueline Vel lived in Sumba as a development worker for six years in the 1980s and has made frequent return visits for further research since then. She studied every stage of \u2018transition to democracy\u2019 in the local context, thus creating this ethnography of democratization. The book analyses themes apparent in a series of chronological events that occurred over a period of twenty years (1986-2006). Uma Politics is the sequel of Vel\u2019s dissertation The Uma Economy, and the title refers to the uniquely Sumbanese type of network politics. The author brings together tradition with the modern economy, government and politics into an evolving, dynamic concept of political culture. Jacqueline Vel is researcher at the Van Vollenhoven Institute of law, governance and development at Leiden University. Part of the research for this book was for the Modern Indonesia Project of KITLV in Leiden and sponsored by a research fellowship of the IIAS. She is currently involved in research on land law, access to justice, and socio-legal aspects of biofuel production in Indonesia."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Vel ,Jacqueline A.C."], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Political change", "Democratization", "Regional autonomy", "Politics", "Political elite", "Political culture", "Local government", "Sumba Barat", "Nusa Tenggara Timur", "Indonesia", "Politieke veranderingen", "Democratie", "Regionale autonomie", "Politiek", "Politieke elite", "Lokale overheid", "Sumba Barat", "Nusa Tenggara Timur", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=393150"], ["title", "Uma politics; An ethnography of democratization in West Sumba, Indonesia, 1986-2006"], ["doab_id", "13397"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067183246", "9789004253926"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067183246 9789004253926"]], [["description", "A compreens\u00e3o de Contos d\u2019Esc\u00e1rnio n\u00e3o poderia restringir-se \u00e0 constru\u00e7\u00e3o do horizonte no qual nasce, o s\u00e9culo XX. A inten\u00e7\u00e3o de escrever lixo e bestagem, anunciada pelo narrador, aos poucos, revela um grotesco vindo de um long\u00ednquo, de um aqu\u00e9m. Por isto, faz-se necess\u00e1rio tamb\u00e9m compreender o fluxo hist\u00f3rico-est\u00e9tico que encontra acolhida na imagina\u00e7\u00e3o de Hilda Hilst, cujo amparo conceitual buscou-se \u00e0 est\u00e9tica da recep\u00e7\u00e3o e do efeito. Na Teoria Est\u00e9tica, o feio insurge como fen\u00f4meno da realidade art\u00edstica contempor\u00e2nea; ref\u00fagio de sobreviv\u00eancia da arte e dos belos escritos, deixa livre \u00e0 plasticidade do presente a tarefa da den\u00fancia da realidade. Em protesto, o dissonante reivindica cidadania e se mant\u00e9m como possibilidade da arte. Neste sentido, tem lugar em Hilda Hilst a atualidade do grotesco."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Reginaldo Oliveira"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUEPB"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wwfpz"], ["title", "Uma superf\u00edcie de gelo ancorada no riso: a atualidade do grotesco em Hilda Hilst"], ["doab_id", "17710"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788578792848"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788578792848"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Noorduyn ,J.; Esser ,S."], ["date", "1964"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613422"], ["title", "De Uma-taal (West Midden-Celebes)"], ["doab_id", "18444"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286078", "9789004286696"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286078 9789004286696"]], [["description", "Even 30 years after the birth of the first \"artificially produced baby Louise Brown in 1978, the desire for a child remains unfulfilled for many couples. Their hopes are to modern techniques of assisted reproduction. Reproductive medicine has since made enormous progress and opens up new opportunities. With these opportunities, however, are also linked new challenges, their moral and legal implications are considerable.

Auch 30 Jahre nach der Geburt des ersten \u201eRetortenbabys\u201c Louise Brown im Jahr 1978 bleibt f\u00fcr viele Paare der Wunsch nach einem eigenen Kind unerf\u00fcllt, und ihre Hoffnungen richten sich auf moderne Techniken assistierter Reproduktion. Die Reproduktionsmedizin hat seitdem immense Fortschritte gemacht und neue Chancen er\u00f6ffnet. Mit diesen Chancen ist indessen zugleich eine F\u00fclle neuer Herausforderungen verbunden, deren moralische und rechtliche Implikationen erheblich sind. Der vorliegende Band vereint Beitr\u00e4ge zweier Tagungen, die im Jahr 2007 vom \u00bbForum f\u00fcr Ethik in der Medizin Frankfurt am Main e.V.\u00ab gemeinsam mit der \u00bbArbeitsgruppe Reproduktionsmedizin und Embryonenschutz in der Akademie f\u00fcr Ethik in der Medizin\u00ab sowie vom \u00bbZentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht\u00ab der Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen veranstaltet wurden und welche die aktuelle Debatte um die Reproduktionsmedizin und ihre M\u00f6glichkeiten aufgreifen. Sie wenden sich den Errungenschaften und Problemen assistierter Fortpflanzung im Allgemeinen zu, widmen jedoch ihr Augenmerk speziell donogenen Techniken (Eizellspende, Samenspende, Embryospende) sowie dem Kinderwunsch in besonderen Situationen (etwa k\u00f6rperliche Behinderung, letale Erkrankung eines Partners, gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensgemeinschaften)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Bockenheimer-Lucius, Gisela; Thorn, Petra; Wendehorst, Christiane"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["retort", "child", "birth", "parents", "in vitro fertilization", "medicine", "retort", "child", "birth", "parents", "in vitro fertilization", "medicine"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610178"], ["title", "Umwege zum eigenen Kind - Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen an die Reproduktionsmedizin 30 Jahre nach Louise Brown"], ["doab_id", "13092"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344465"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344465"]], [["description", "Das Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Umwelt und Herrschaft geh\u00f6rt zu den zentralen Strukturmerkmalen jeder menschlichen Gesellschaft. Der Band versammelt die Beitr\u00e4ge der ersten Tagung, die diesem Thema gewidmet war, und spannt einen gro\u00dfen zeitlichen Bogen von der Fr\u00fchgeschichte bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Zur Sprache kommen insbesondere arch\u00e4ologische und sprachgeschichtliche Befunde, Jagd, Holz- und Wassernutzung sowie Infrastrukturen. Die Beitr\u00e4ge informieren \u00fcber aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten ebenso wie \u00fcber k\u00fcnftige Untersuchungsperspektiven, auch und gerade im interdisziplin\u00e4ren Bereich. Open Access: Dieser Titel steht Ihnen zum Download als PDF zur Verf\u00fcgung."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Engels, Jens Ivo; Duceppe-Lamarre, Fran\u00e7ois "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["fr", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/248225"], ["title", "Umwelt und Herrschaft in der Geschichte. Environnement et pouvoir: une approche historique"], ["doab_id", "18104"], ["language_unmapped", "French, German"], ["isbns", ["9783486989274", "9783486585858"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486989274, 9783486585858"]], [["description", "Global climate change, the extinction of species, animal pests and natural catastrophes dominate debates on the future of the earth. Often these phenomena are considered as something new, which they are not, and many of today's discussions have their roots in the past. Therefore, to cope with our problems, forward-looking thinking has to be combined with understanding for the political, economic, social, and ecological background of our present situation. In their various contributions the authors discuss the importance of the history of ecology. The book comprises the results of a workshop on \"History of Ecology and the Future of Ecology\" held at the DFG Graduate College in G\u00f6ttingen in July, 2008.

Klimawandel, Artensterben, Viehseuchen und Naturkatastrophen bestimmen vielerorts die Debatten um die globale Zukunft. Hierbei erscheint es oft, als seien diese Ph\u00e4nomene v\u00f6llig neuartige Entwicklungen, die erst jetzt unsere Aufmerksamkeit geweckt haben. Dabei sind die meisten gegenw\u00e4rtigen Probleme durchaus nicht neu. Fr\u00fchere Generationen haben sich sehr wohl Gedanken um ihre Umwelt gemacht und viele der gegenw\u00e4rtigen Diskussionen sind historisch bedingt. Daher erfordert die Bew\u00e4ltigung unserer Probleme nicht nur zukunftsorientiertes Denken, sondern auch ein historisches Verst\u00e4ndnis der politischen, \u00f6konomischen, sozialen und \u00f6kologischen Hintergr\u00fcnde unserer gegenw\u00e4rtigen Situation. Unter den Themenkomplexen \u201eSpektrum der Umweltgeschichte\u201c, \u201eAus der Geschichte lernen\u201c, \u201eFast vergessene Debatten der Umweltgeschichte\u201c und \u201eUmweltgeschichte im Bildungssystem\u201c er\u00f6rtern die Autoren die Bedeutung der Umweltgeschichte f\u00fcr die L\u00f6sung zuk\u00fcnftiger Probleme. Der vorliegende Band ist das Ergebnis eines Workshops, den das DFG-Graduiertenkolleg \u201eInterdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte. Naturale Umwelt und gesellschaftliches Handeln in Mitteleuropa\u201c am 16. und 17. Juli 2008 in G\u00f6ttingen unter dem Titel \u201eUmweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft \u2013 Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin\u201c veranstaltet hat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Masius, Patrick; Sparenberg, Ole; Sprenger, Jana"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["historic geography", "agricultural history", "agricultural science", "forestry", "historic geography", "agricultural history", "agricultural science", "forestry"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610335"], ["title", "Umweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft - Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin Graduiertenkolleg 1024 Interdisziplin\u00e4re Umweltgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "13233"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344694"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344694"]], [["description", "not yet available

Probleme der Verantwortung f\u00fcr die Erhaltung der Umwelt und Schonung der Natur f\u00fchren zu Fragen der Zutr\u00e4glichkeit f\u00fcr Menschen. Dabei ist \u00fcber die disziplin\u00e4ren Ans\u00e4tze der Experten hinaus eine praxisnahe \"Mischl\u00f6sung\" anzustreben, die Naturerhaltung und \"humane\", f\u00fcr Menschen zutr\u00e4gliche, Lebensbedingungen sichert, auch f\u00fcr k\u00fcnftige Generationen. Im Sinne einer pragmatischen Ausgestaltung sollten Umweltvertr\u00e4glichkeit und Menschenzutr\u00e4glichkeit unsere k\u00fcnftigen Verantwortlichkeiten bestimmen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lenk ,Hans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["environmental sustainability", "ethics of business", "ethics of technology", "Technikehtik", "Wirtschaftsethik", "Umweltvertr\u00e4glichkeit"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422373"], ["title", "Umweltvertr\u00e4glichkeit und Menschenzutr\u00e4glichkeit : die neue Verantwortung f\u00fcr unsere Umwelt und Zukunft"], ["doab_id", "15091"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866442979"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866442979"]], [["description", "Originally published in 1985, this revised edition with an updated Introduction, is being published by the University of Adelaide Press to commemorate the anniversary of Catherine Helen Spence's death on 3 April 1910.Catherine Helen Spence was a charismatic public speaker in the late nineteenth century, a time when women were supposed to speak only at their own firesides. In challenging the custom and convention that confined middle-class women to the domestic sphere, she was carving a new path into the world of public politics along which other women would follow, in the first Australian colony to win votes for women.She was also much more -- a novelist deserving comparison with George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman; a pioneering woman journalist; a \u2018public intellectual\u2019 a century before the term was coined; a philanthropic innovator in social welfare and education, with an influence reaching far beyond South Australia; Australia\u2019s first female political candidate. A \u2018New Woman\u2019, she declared herself. The \u2018Grand Old Woman of Australia\u2019 others called her."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Magarey ,Susan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Women's rights", "Social conditions", "Spence", "Catherine Helen", "History", "Suffragists"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560352"], ["title", "Unbridling the Tongues of Women: a biography of Catherine Helen Spence"], ["doab_id", "14790"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780980672305"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780980672305"]], [["description", "Flood prevention, food safety, transport of hazardous materials, infectious diseases, the risks posed by new technologies, and many other threats to public health and the environment call for ongoing public alertness. However, the ways in which these safety risks are currently assessed and managed fall short of addressing the uncertainties of future threats. The contributors to this essential volume argue that in order to ensure future-proof safety policies, we should be adopting a new paradigm, one based on the precautionary principle: i.e. the notion that the vulnerability of humans, society and the natural environment requires a proactive approach to uncertainties. In this vital report, the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy outlines ways to embody this principle in both private and public law and in various institutional arrangements.

Het voorkomen van overstromingen, de betrouwbaarheid van de kwaliteit van voedsel, het transport van gevaarlijke stoffen, besmettelijke ziekten, het risico van nieuwe technologie\u00ebn en tal van andere bedreigingen voor de volksgezondheid en het milieu roepen om een voortdurende alertheid. Echter, de wijze waarop deze veiligheidsrisico's die momenteel worden beoordeeld en beheerd, blijven achter bij de aanpak van deze onzekerheden en mogelijke toekomstige bedreigingen. De Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, de offici\u00eble denktank voor de Nederlandse regering, stelt dat met het oog op veiligheidsbeleid in de toekomst, er een nieuw paradigma gewaarborgd moeten worden. Dit nieuwe paradigma zou gebaseerd moeten worden op het voorzorgsbeginsel, dat wil zeggen dat de kwetsbaarheid van mensen, samenleving en natuurlijke omgeving, een proactieve aanpak van onzekerheden vereist. In dit verslag stelt de Raad voor om dit principe belichamen, zowel in priv\u00e9- als publiekrecht en in verschillende institutionele regelingen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Political science", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339993"], ["title", "Uncertain Safety : Allocating Responsibilities for Safety"], ["doab_id", "15187"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089641816"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641816"]], [["description", "Undergraduate programs in public health are growing rapidly. At colleges and universities throughout the United States, both the number of programs and the number of students have expanded greatly in the past decade. In response to this trend, the Council for Education of Public Health (CEPH) has begun to accredit undergraduate public health programs, with the first programs approved in 2014. Around the country programs exhibit wide variation, from concentrations in liberal arts colleges to pre-clinical foundations at doctorate-granting universities to undergraduate programs in accredited schools of public health. Faculty, both new and seasoned, are fully aware of the need to integrate undergraduate education in public health with graduate education\u2014but the roadmaps of exactly how to do so are still nascent. The purpose of this Research Topic is to gather articles describing this variation, with the intent that the collective body of work will facilitate analysis and discussion of what makes a quality education and builds a competent workforce."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Cheryl Lynn Addy; Daniel Shea Gerber; David Thomas Dyjack; Connie J Evashwick"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["public health education", "Undergraduate public health education", "United States", "public health curriculum", "public health workforce"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/3071/undergraduate-education-for-public-health-in-the-united-states"], ["title", "Undergraduate Education for Public Health in the United States"], ["doab_id", "19519"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196111"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196111"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["families with complex needs, whole family approaches, comparative social policy"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/195"], ["title", "Understanding and Supporting \u2018Families with Complex Needs\u2019"], ["doab_id", "19104"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421597", "9783038421603"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421597/9783038421603"]], [["description", "This book looks at the important issues in British politics since 1945, including a brief guide to the changing political culture of Britain in that period. It will be essential reading for all students studying politics at A2 level, as it covers all the important issues required by the main examining boards. Neil McNaughton is a seasoned writer at this level. He begins by reviewing the changing nature of the principal political ideologies - Conservatism, Labourism and Liberalism - before discussing how these ideological changes impact generally on policy developments in the UK. Having described the changing nature of the political culture, addressing partisan dealignment, changing morality, the decline of religion and class fragmentation, he examines, on a chapter by chapter basis, the key issues of British politics today: the economy, the welfare state, law and order, race relations, the particular problems affecting Northern Ireland, devolution, constitutional reform, rights, the environment, issues of gender and sexual orientation, European integration and the European Union, the impact of the European Union on Britain, ending with a brief summary of the issues that are likely to take centre stage in British politics in the first decade of the new century. Written in an accessible style, with helpful features such as summaries, definitions, tables and boxes to illuminate the points made, this book is urgently needed as students grapple with the issues thrown up by the new examinations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McNaughton ,Neil"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["constitution", "EU", "europe", "politics"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341408"], ["title", "Understanding British and European political issues"], ["doab_id", "12601"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062452"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062452"]], [["description", "Written specifically to cover the A2 component of the GCE Government and Politics A-level, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the political ideas and movements that have shaped the modern world. Underpinned by the work of major thinkers such as Hobbes, Locke, Marx, Mill, Weber and others, the first half of the book looks at political concepts including the state and sovereignty, the nation, democracy, representation and legitimacy, freedom, equality and rights, obligation and citizenship. There is also a specific chapter which addresses the role of ideology in the shaping of politics and society. The second half of the book addresses traditional theoretical subjects such as socialism, Marxism and nationalism, before moving on to more contemporary movements such as environmentalism, ecologism and feminism. The subject is covered in a clear, accessible style, and includes a number of student-friendly features, such as chapter summaries, key points to consider, definitions and tips for further sources of information. There is a definite need for a text of this kind. It will be invaluable for students of government and politics at introductory level."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harrison ,Kevin; Boyd ,Tony"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["marx", "ideology", "philosophy", "marxism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341409"], ["title", "Understanding political ideas and movements"], ["doab_id", "12602"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061516"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061516"]], [["description", "In this edited volume leading scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds wrestle with social science integration opportunities and challenges. This book explores the growing concern of how best to achieve effective integration of the social science disciplines as a means for furthering natural resource social science and environmental problem solving. The chapters provide an overview of the history, vision, advances, examples and methods that could lead to integration.The quest for integration among the social sciences is not new. Some argue that the social sciences have lagged in their advancements and contributions to society due to their inability to address integration related issues. Integration merits debate for a number of reasons. First, natural resource issues are complex and are affected by multiple proximate driving social factors. Single disciplinary studies focused at one level are unlikely to provide explanations that represent this complexity and are limited in their ability to inform policy recommendations. Complex problems are best explored across disciplines that examine social-ecological phenomenon from different scales. Second, multi-disciplinary initiatives such as those with physical and biological scientists are necessary to understand the scope of the social sciences. Too frequently there is a belief that one social scientist on a multi-disciplinary team provides adequate social science representation. Third, more complete models of human behavior will be achieved through a synthesis of diverse social science perspectives."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Society", "Natural resources"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=612710"], ["title", "Understanding Society and Natural Resources : Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences"], ["doab_id", "19392"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789401789585"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789401789585"]], [["description", "In this edited volume leading scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds wrestle with social science integration opportunities and challenges. This book explores the growing concern of how best to achieve effective integration of the social science disciplines as a means for furthering natural resource social science and environmental problem solving. The chapters provide an overview of the history, vision, advances, examples and methods that could lead to integration.The quest for integration among the social sciences is not new. Some argue that the social sciences have lagged in their advancements and contributions to society due to their inability to address integration related issues. Integration merits debate for a number of reasons. First, natural resource issues are complex and are affected by multiple proximate driving social factors. Single disciplinary studies focused at one level are unlikely to provide explanations that represent this complexity and are limited in their ability to inform policy recommendations. Complex problems are best explored across disciplines that examine social-ecological phenomenon from different scales. Second, multi-disciplinary initiatives such as those with physical and biological scientists are necessary to understand the scope of the social sciences. Too frequently there is a belief that one social scientist on a multi-disciplinary team provides adequate social science representation. Third, more complete models of human behavior will be achieved through a synthesis of diverse social science perspectives."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Manfredo J. ,Michael; Vaske; J. ,Jerry; Rechkemmer ,Andreas; Duke A. ,Esther"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Human sustainability", "Natural resource social science integration", "Resouce challenges and conflicts", "Risk governance research", "Livelihoods, poverty and conservation", "Land degradation and desertification", "Emerging infectious diseases", "The social-ecological system framework", "Humanity and the biosphere (MAHB)", "Environmental problem solving", "Science during crisis", "Land change research and modeling", "Climate change and society", "Facilitating social science integration", "Water managing", "Status of integration", "Social ecological systems", "Representing human individuals", "Solving sustainability challenges", "Social science integration opportunities and challenges"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608246"], ["title", "Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences"], ["doab_id", "16189"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789401789592"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789401789592"]], [["description", "Central issues in global energy are discussed through interdisciplinary dialogue between experts from both North America and Europe with overview from historical, political, and socio-cultural perspectives, outlining the technology and policy issues facing the development of major conventional and renewable energy sources.We are facing a global energy crisis caused by world population growth, an escalating increase in demand, and continued dependence on fossil-based fuels for generation. It is widely accepted that increases in greenhouse gas concentration levels, if not reversed, will result in major changes to world climate with consequential effects on our society and economy. This is just the kind of intractable problem that Purdue University\u2019s Global Policy Research Institute seeks to address in the Purdue Studies in Public Policy series by promoting the engagement between policy makers and experts in fields such as engineering and technology. Major steps forward in the development and use of technology are required. In order to achieve solutions of the required scale and magnitude within a limited timeline, it is essential that engineers be not only technologically-adept but also aware of the wider social and political issues that policy-makers face. Likewise, it is also imperative that policy makers liaise closely with the academic community in order to realize advances. This book is designed to bridge the gap between these two groups, with a particular emphasis on educating the socially-conscious engineers and technologists of the future. In this accessibly-written volume, central issues in global energy are discussed through interdisciplinary dialogue between experts from both North America and Europe. The first section provides an overview of the nature of the global energy crisis approached from historical, political, and sociocultural perspectives. In the second section, expert contributors outline the technology and policy issues facing the development of major conventional and renewable energy sources. The third and final section explores policy and technology challenges and opportunities in the distribution and consumption of energy, in sectors such as transportation and the built environment. The book\u2019s epilogue suggests some future scenarios in energy distribution and use. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coyle D. ,Eugene; Simmons A. ,Richard"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Energy consumption", "Energy policy", "Energy development", "Renewable energy sources"]], ["publisher", "Purdue University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=469619"], ["title", "Understanding the Global Energy Crisis"], ["doab_id", "15948"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781557536617", "9781612493091", "9781612493107", "9781557537010"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781557536617 9781612493091 9781612493107 9781557537010"]], [["description", "In this sequence of essays, Ian Angus engages with themes of identity, power, and the nation as they emerge in contemporary English Canadian philosophical thought, seeking to prepare the groundwork for a critical theory of neoliberal globalization. The essays are organized into three parts. The opening part offers a nuanced critique of the Hegelian confidence and progressivism that has come to dominate Canadian intellectual life. Through an analysis of the work of several prominent Canadian thinkers, among them Charles Taylor and C. B. Macpherson, Angus suggests that Hegelian frames of reference are inadequate, failing as they do to accommodate the fact of English Canada"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ian Angus"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Canada", "culture", "philosophy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120223"], ["title", "The Undiscovered Country: Essays in Canadian Intellectual Culture"], ["doab_id", "14474"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356326", "9781927356333", "9781926836485"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356326 9781927356333 9781926836485"]], [["description", "What are the effects of internal migration controls on migrants without a regular residence permit \u2013 on \u201csans papiers\u201d? The book gives an answer to this question with a comparative study of the United States and Germany. Based on expert interviews and in-depth interviews with forty sans papiers, police controls as well as controls in areas such as labor market, health care, housing, schooling and childcare are carefully analysed. The book discusses whether global economic, political or social processes have restricted the ability of advanced capitalist countries to control migration. It argues that migration policy in the OECD countries has become more similar, but this convergence only takes place at the level of policy goals and legal norms. At the level of implementation, national differences persist. The interviews show that sans papiers in the U.S. continue to have many possibilities to participate in society. In contrast, the comprehensive exclusion of sans papiers in Germany confi rms that there is no general \u201closs of control\u201d.

Welche Auswirkungen haben interne Migrationskontrollen auf Migrantinnen und Migranten ohne regul\u00e4ren Aufenthaltsstatus - auf \u00bbSans Papiers\u00ab? Dieser Frage geht das Buch mit einem Vergleich zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Deutschland nach. Anhand von Expertengespr\u00e4chen und vierzig qualitativen Interviews mit Sans Papiers werden polizeiliche Kontrollen und Kontrollen in den Bereichen Arbeitsmarkt, Gesundheitsversorgung, Wohnen sowie Schule und Kinderbetreuung eingehend untersucht. Das Buch diskutiert, ob globale \u00f6konomische, politische und soziale Prozesse die F\u00e4higkeit von Nationalstaaten einschr\u00e4nken, Migration zu kontrollieren. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die Migrationspolitik der OECDStaaten in den vergangenen Jahren zwar auf der Ebene der Leitlinien und Gesetze angeglichen hat. Bei der Implementation von Kontrollen bestehen aber nationale Unterschiede fort. Die Interviews belegen, dass Sans Papiers in den USA weiterhin vielf\u00e4ltige M\u00f6glichkeiten zur gesellschaftlichen Partizipation haben. Im Gegenzug zeigt das Beispiel Deutschland, dass angesichts der weitgehenden Exklusion von Sans Papiers keine Rede von einem \u00bbKontrollverlust\u00ab sein kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stobbe, Holk"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["cultural processes", "sociology", "migration", "cultural processes", "sociology", "migration"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610256"], ["title", "Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten - interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielr\u00e4ume von Sans Papiers"], ["doab_id", "13227"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783930457694"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783930457694"]], [["description", "Unfolded protein response (UPR) is a cellular adaptive response for restoring endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis in response to ER stress. Perturbation of the UPR and failure to restore ER homeostasis inevitably leads to diseases. It has now become evident that perturbation of the UPR is the cause of many important human diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and cancer. It has recently emerged that virus infections can trigger the UPR but the relationship between virus infections and host UPR is intriguing. On one hand, UPR is harmful to the virus and virus has developed means to subvert the UPR. On the other hand, virus exploits the host UPR to assist in its own infection, gene expression, establishment of persistence, reactivation from latency and to evade the immune response. When this delicate balance of virus-host UPR interaction is broken down, it may cause diseases. This is particularly challenging for viruses that establish a chronic infection to maintain this balance. Each virus interacts with the host UPR in a different way to suit their life style and how the virus interacts with the host UPR can define the characteristic of a particular virus infection. Understanding how a particular virus interacts with the host UPR may pave the way to the design of a new class of anti-viral that targets this particular pathway to skew the response towards anti-virus. This knowledge can also be translated into the clinics to help re-design oncolytic virotherapy and gene therapy. In this research topic we aimed to compile a collection of focused review articles, original research articles, commentary, opinion, hypothesis and methods to highlight the current advances in this burgeoning area of research, in an attempt to provide an in-depth understanding of how viruses interact with the host UPR, which may be beneficial to the future combat of viral and human diseases."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Shiu-Wan Chan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Unfolded Protein Response", "Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress", "ERAD", "Autophagy", "innate immunity", "Gene Therapy", "Pathogenesis", "virus-host interaction"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2059/the-unfolded-protein-response-in-virus-infections"], ["title", "The unfolded protein response in virus infections"], ["doab_id", "17767"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193974"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193974"]], [["description", "The Habsburg crownland Galicia was one of the poorest region of the Habsburg Monarchy and could in the 19th century only rudimentarily catch up with industrialization and income growth of other regions. The book shows how over the long run the unequal transregional entanglements, in particular concerning commodity trade, alongside with the imperial economic policy restrained Galicia\u2019s economic development between 1772 and 1914.

Das Kronland Galizien war eine der \u00e4rmsten Regionen der Habsburgermonarchie und konnte auch im sp\u00e4ten 19. Jahrhundert nur rudiment\u00e4r an Industrialisierung und Wohlstandsteigerung anschlie\u00dfen. Im zeitlichen L\u00e4ngschnitt wird gezeigt, wie die ungleichen \u00fcberregionalen Verflechtungen, insbesondere beim Warenhandel, im Zusammenspiel mit der imperialen Wirtschaftspolitik Galiziens Entwicklung zwischen 1772 und 1914 behinderten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kaps ,Klemens"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Galicia, economic development, market integration, trade, political economy, Habsburg Monarchy, 18th/19th century, centre-periphery", "Galizien, wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Marktintegration, Handel, politische \u00d6konomie, Habsburgermonarchie, 18./19. Jahrhundert, Zentrum-Peripherie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=575226"], ["title", "Ungleiche Entwicklung in Zentraleuropa"], ["doab_id", "17442"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796381"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796381"]], [["description", "Narratives about people haunted by demons have a long tradition in the Middle East. The Koranaddresses the existence of demons, although their overall significance in it is limited. In contrast,dangerous demons and accompanying phenomena, such as the evil eye and witchcraft, play a vital rolein concepts of folk religion. Particularly in peripheral and rural areas of the present-day Syrian ArabRepublic, many people have stories to tell about their own encounters with such supernatural beings.In my research, I have collected such narratives, orally transmitted over time, and I have reconstructedsubsequent discourses. More specifically, I have pursued the two following questions: In which spatialand temporal spheres do demons appear? And: Which human behaviours are likely to cause dangerousdemons to appear?My analysis firstly replicated and extended structural approaches which presume demons and othermetaphysical entities in spatial and temporal border zones.Secondly, evidence was collected to demonstrate that demons appear primarily when humans are facedwith uncertainties - regarding ethical-moral decisions, regarding the realm of sexuality, or theconstruction of individual and collective identities.Narratives about encounters with demons inevitably lead to discourses about important issues of greaturgency. In theory they can be described as conflict-laden topics regarding ethics and morals, sexuality,social change, and identity. However, the topics of these discourses are not abstract theories claiminguniversal validity. Quite the contrary: On the basis of concrete events in concrete contexts, concreteoptions for a virtuous and good life are discussed.These concretizations, in the narratives as well as in the discourses, form an effective strategy increating security in a world full of uncertainties. The folk religious concepts regarding the demons\u2019influence therefore provide an opportunity to cope with negative experiences of contingency.Moreover, particular relevance of the local-cultural beliefs in demons lies in dealing with valueconflicts. Focusing on situations of daily life, such local-cultural concepts appear to be valid even whencontrasted with other, concurring models of reality. Viewed in this light, they are essential, practical,and useful for the people in the Syrian periphery - at least today, and perhaps also tomorrow.

Erz\u00e4hlungen dar\u00fcber, dass der eine oder andere bereits von D\u00e4monen heimgesucht wurde, besitzen imNahen Osten eine lange Tradition. Im Koran wird die Existenz von D\u00e4monen zwar angesprochen, dochist deren Stellenwert dort insgesamt nicht allzu gro\u00df. In den volksreligi\u00f6sen Konzeptionen hingegenspielen gef\u00e4hrliche D\u00e4monen und damit einhergehende Ph\u00e4nomene wie B\u00f6ser Blick und Zauberei einesehr wichtige Rolle. Vor allem in den peripheren und d\u00f6rflich gepr\u00e4gten Gebieten der heutigenArabischen Republik Syrien wissen zahlreiche Menschen von ihren eigenen Erlebnissen mit solchenGeistwesen zu erz\u00e4hlen.In meiner Forschungsarbeit habe ich solche oral tradierten Geschichten gesammelt und die darananschlie\u00dfenden Diskurse rekonstruiert. Konkret bin ich zun\u00e4chst folgenden beiden Fragestellungennachgegangen: In welchen r\u00e4umlichen und zeitlichen Zonen treten D\u00e4monen in Erscheinung? Und:Welche menschlichen Verhaltensweisen sind es, die das Erscheinen gef\u00e4hrlicher D\u00e4monenwahrscheinlich machen?In meiner Untersuchung konnten erstens jene strukturalen Ans\u00e4tze repliziert und weiterentwickeltwerden, die D\u00e4monen und andere metaphysische Entit\u00e4ten in r\u00e4umlichen und zeitlichen Grenzzonenvermuten.Zweitens konnten Belege daf\u00fcr gesammelt werden, dass D\u00e4monen prim\u00e4r dann in Erscheinung treten,wenn Menschen mit Ungewissheiten konfrontiert sind, - dort wo es um ethisch-moralischeEntscheidungen geht, dort wo es um den Bereich der Sexualit\u00e4t geht oder um die Konstruktionindividueller und kollektiver Identit\u00e4ten.Die Erz\u00e4hlungen \u00fcber Begegnungen mit D\u00e4monen m\u00fcnden zwangsl\u00e4ufig in Diskurse \u00fcber Fragen, dieden Menschen unter den N\u00e4geln brennen. Theoretisch sind sie mit den konflikttr\u00e4chtigen Themen \u00fcberEthik und Moral, Sexualit\u00e4t, sozialer Wandel und Identit\u00e4t, zu umschreiben. Themen dieser Diskursesind jedoch nicht abstrakte Theorien mit universellem Anspruch. Ganz im Gegenteil: Anhand konkreterBegebenheiten in konkreten Kontexten werden konkrete M\u00f6glichkeiten des richtigen und guten Lebenser\u00f6rtert.Diese Konkretisierungen \u2013 sowohl in den Geschichten als auch in den Diskursen \u2013 bilden einewirksame Strategie, Gewissheit in einer Welt voller Ungewissheit zu erzeugen. Die volksreligi\u00f6senKonzeptionen \u00fcber das Wirken der D\u00e4monen sind damit eine M\u00f6glichkeit, negativ erlebte Kontingenzzu bew\u00e4ltigen.Dar\u00fcber hinaus liegt eine besondere Relevanz des lokalkulturellen D\u00e4monen-Glaubens in derBearbeitung von Wertkonflikten. In ihrer Bezogenheit auf das Alltagsgeschehen scheinen dieselokalkulturellen Konzeptionen auch in der Konfrontation mit anderen, konkurrierenden,Wirklichkeitsmodellen Bestand zu haben. So gesehen sind sie f\u00fcr die Menschen in der syrischenPeripherie zumindest heute \u2013 und vielleicht auch morgen \u2013 notwendig, brauchbar und lebensdienlich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fartacek ,Gebhard"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Social Anthropology, Islam, Djinn, Ethnography, Syria, Evil Eye"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437183"], ["title", "Unheil durch D\u00e4monen?"], ["doab_id", "15308"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205784852"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205784852"]], [["description", "From factory workers in Welland to retail workers in St. Catharines, from hospitality workers in Niagara Falls to migrant farm workers in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Union Power showcases the role of working people in the Niagara region. Charting the development of the region's labour movement from the early nineteenth century to the present, Patrias and Savage illustrate how workers from this highly diversified economy struggled to improve their lives both inside and outside the workplace. Including extensive quotations from interviews, archival sources, and local newspapers, the story unfolds, in part, through the voices of the people themselves: the workers who fought for unions, the community members who supported them, and the employers who opposed them.Early industrial development and the appalling working conditions of the often vulnerable common labourer prompted a movement toward worker protection. Patrias and Savage argue that union power \u2013 power not built on profit, status, or prestige \u2013 relies on the twin concepts of struggle and solidarity: the solidarity of the shared interests of the working class and the struggle to achieve common goals. Union Power traces the evidence of these twin concepts through the history of the Niagara region's labour movement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Patrias, Carmela; Savage, Larry"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Labour history", "labour studies", "Niagara", "unions"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120208"], ["title", "Union Power: Solidarity and Struggle in Niagara"], ["doab_id", "15073"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836782", "9781926836799", "9781926836805", "9781771990493"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836782 9781926836799 9781926836805 9781771990493"]], [["description", "This study explores the normative dimension of the evolving role of the United Nations in peace and security and, ultimately, in governance. What is dealt with here is both the UN's changing raison d'\u00eatre and the wider normative context within which the organisation is located. The study looks at the UN through the window of one of its most contentious, yet least understood, practices: active involvement in intra-state conflicts as epitomised by UN peacekeeping. Drawing on the conceptual tools provided by the 'historical structural' approach, this study seeks to understand how and why the international community continuously reinterprets or redefines the UN's role with regard to intra-state conflicts. The study concentrates on intra-states 'peacekeeping environments', and examines what changes, if any, have occurred to the normative basis of UN peacekeeping in intra-state conflicts from the early 1960s to the early 1990s. One of the original aspects of the study is its analytical framework, where the conceptualisation of 'normative basis' revolves around objectives, functions and authority, and is closely connected with the institutionalised values in the UN Charter such as state sovereignty, human rights and socio-economic development. This book is essential reading for postgraduate students of IR and international peacekeeping organisations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aksu ,Esref"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["UN", "sovereignty", "diplomacy", "peacekeeping"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341402"], ["title", "The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change"], ["doab_id", "12597"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719067488"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719067488"]], [["description", "The role of the Congress is essential to any study of American government and politics. It would be impossible to gain a complete understanding of the American system of government without an appreciation of the nature and workings of this essential body. This is an introductory text aimed at undergraduates studying American politics and American society. It looks at the workings of the United States Congress, and uses the Republican period of ascendancy, which lasted from 1994 until 2000, as an example of how the Congress works in practice. The book illustrates the basic principles of Congress using contemporary and recent examples, while also drawing attention to the changes that took place in the 1990s. The period of Republican control is absent from many of the standard texts and is of considerable academic interest for a number of reasons, not least the 1994 election, the budget deadlock in 1995 and the Clinton impeachment scandal of 1999. The book traces the origin and development of the United States Congress, before looking in depth at the role of representatives and senators, the committee system, parties in Congress, and the relationship between Congress and the President, the media and interest groups. This will be the first textbook on the market that enables students to incorporate these developments into their work and into their thinking about contemporary American politics and society."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "English ,Ross"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["congress", "republican", "democrat", "America"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341403"], ["title", "The United States Congress"], ["doab_id", "12598"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719063084"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719063084"]], [["description", "The Global Citizenship Commission was convened, under the leadership of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and the auspices of NYU\u2019s Global Institute for Advanced Study, to re-examine the spirit and stirring words of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The result \u2013 this volume \u2013 offers a 21st-century commentary on the original document, furthering the work of human rights and illuminating the ideal of global citizenship. What does it mean for each of us to be members of a global community?Since 1948, the Declaration has stood as a beacon and a standard for a better world. Yet the work of making its ideals real is far from over. Hideous and systemic human rights abuses continue to be perpetrated at an alarming rate around the world. Too many people, particularly those in power, are hostile to human rights or indifferent to their claims. Meanwhile, our global interdependence deepens.Bringing together world leaders and thinkers in the fields of politics, ethics, and philosophy, the Commission set out to develop a common understanding of the meaning of global citizenship \u2013 one that arises from basic human rights and empowers every individual in the world. This landmark report affirms the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and seeks to renew the 1948 enterprise, and the very ideal of the human family, for our day and generation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brown, Gordon (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Global Citizenship Commission, Gordon Brown, NYU, Global Institute for Advanced Study, global citizenship"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/467"], ["title", "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the 21st Century: A Living Document in a Changing World"], ["doab_id", "18980"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742189", "9781783742202"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742189\t/ 9781783742202"]], [["description", "The book discusses the fate of universality and a universal set in several set theories. The book aims at a philosophical study of ontological and conceptual questions around set theory. Set theories are ontologies. They posit sets and claim that these exhibit the essential properties laid down in the set theoretical axioms. Collecting these postulated entities quantified over poses the problem of universality. Is the collection of the set theoretical entities itself a set theoretical entity? What does it mean if it is, and what does it mean if it is not? To answer these questions involves developing a theory of the universal set. We have to ask: Are there different aspects to universality in set theory, which stand in conflict to each other? May inconsistency be the price to pay to circumvent ineffability? And most importantly: How far can axiomatic ontology take us out of the problems around universality?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bremer, Manuel"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209145"], ["title", "Universality in Set Theories. A Study in Formal Ontology"], ["doab_id", "18078"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110326109", "9783110325263", "9783110326116"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110326109, 9783110325263, 9783110326116"]], [["description", "Durante la Segunda Rep\u00fablica (1931-1939) la Universidad Central fue uno de los espacios intelectuales m\u00e1s importantes de la Edad de Plata de la cultura espa\u00f1ola, y constituy\u00f3 un verdadero n\u00facleo de excelencia cient\u00edfica y acad\u00e9mica a la altura del esplendor art\u00edstico y literario de aquellos a\u00f1os, aportando a la n\u00f3mina de intelectuales m\u00e1s destacados los nombres de muchos de sus profesores e investigadores. Esta monograf\u00eda dirigida por los historiadores \u00c1lvaro Ribagorda y Eduardo Gonz\u00e1lez Calleja estudia los cambios operados entonces en las Facultades de Derecho y de Filosof\u00eda y Letras, las principales innovaciones institucionales, los contactos con Am\u00e9rica, y la politizaci\u00f3n de la vida universitaria, en un periodo en el que la construcci\u00f3n de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid y las reformas institucionales trataban de situar las universidades espa\u00f1olas al nivel de las principales universidades europeas. Fue un tiempo en el que la llegada de la democracia permiti\u00f3 la puesta en marcha de una serie de reformas institucionales, acad\u00e9micas y cient\u00edficas de primer orden en la universidad, y en el que la conflictividad pol\u00edtica y el golpe de Estado militar de 1936 pronto acabaron convirtiendo las nuevas facultades en un verdadero campo de batalla de la Guerra Civil Espa\u00f1ola."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gonz\u00e1lez Calleja, Eduardo; L\u00f3pez-Oc\u00f3n, Leoncio; Mart\u00edn, Sebasti\u00e1n; Naranjo Orovio, Consuelo; Ni\u00f1o, Antonio; Otero Carvajal, Luis Enrique; Pedrazuela, Mario; Puyol Montero, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda; Ribagorda, \u00c1lvaro; Rodr\u00edguez-L\u00f3pez, Carolina"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "1931-1939, Rep\u00fablica II", "Universities, Historia de las universidade"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/17394/universidad_central_2013.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La Universidad Central durante la Segunda Rep\u00fablica: Las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales y la vida universitaria"], ["doab_id", "16160"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490315989"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", " 9788490315989"]], [["description", "La Universidad madrile\u00f1a durante la primera d\u00e9cada franquista compuso un complejo mosaico en el que se mezclaron aspiraciones pol\u00edticas, diferentes idearios superpuestos acerca de la instituci\u00f3n universitaria, personalidades acad\u00e9micas complicadas (con dif\u00edciles relaciones entre ellas a veces), criterios reafirmados respecto a la Universidad como recept\u00e1culo est\u00e9tico, pl\u00e1stico y simb\u00f3lico del poder acad\u00e9mico y pol\u00edtico, y en definitiva, diversas formas de entender la naturaleza y las tareas de la Universidad. Seg\u00fan estas premisas este trabajo investiga las cargas y herencias tradicionales que a\u00fan en los tiempos de dictadura permanec\u00edan en la Universidad de Madrid y, de otro lado, las rupturas que el nuevo proceso pol\u00edtico obligaba en la misma instituci\u00f3n. Para tomar el pulso de las rupturas y de las continuidades el trabajo se centra en tres grandes ejes tem\u00e1ticos. En el primero se facilita un acercamiento al proceso legislativo que desde el r\u00e9gimen se emprendi\u00f3 para hacer de la Universidad una instituci\u00f3n a su medida y que enseguida encontr\u00f3 una firme respuesta desde la Universidad de Madrid, presi\u00f3n que consigui\u00f3 llevar hacia su terreno algunas de las principales reclamaciones de Madrid. Por otro lado, se analiza el proceso de reconstrucci\u00f3n de la Ciudad Universitaria de Madrid, el recinto, cargado de recuerdos de la guerra, sobre el que se depositaron importantes connotaciones ideol\u00f3gicas por las facilidades que \u00e9ste proporcionaba a la hora de marcar la divisi\u00f3n de poderes dentro de la Universidad. Un tercer y \u00faltimo bloque nos aproxima a la persona del Rector que lider\u00f3 toda la cronolog\u00eda que nuestro trabajo abarca (1939-1951), as\u00ed como al resto de lo que aqu\u00ed hemos describimos como elites acad\u00e9micas de la dictadura (el vicerrector y el secretario de la Universidad y los decanos de las siete facultades de la misma)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rodr\u00edguez-L\u00f3pez, Carolina"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "1939-1975, Franquismo", "Historia", "Universities", "History"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7879/06_Univ_Madrid_Franquismo.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La Universidad de Madrid en el primer franquismo: ruptura y continuidad (1939-1951)"], ["doab_id", "16166"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788481559521"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8481559520"]], [["description", "El libro recoge un repertorio de la legislaci\u00f3n universitaria espa\u00f1ola entre los a\u00f1os 1889 y 1939 ordenado cronol\u00f3gicamente y acompa\u00f1ado de un \u00edndice de materias. En un sustancioso estudio preliminar se reflexiona sobre la publicidad de estas normas durante la edad contempor\u00e1nea y se rastrean las distintas compilaciones existentes, intentando poner orden en un periodo complejo. El objetivo de la publicaci\u00f3n es ofrecer a los investigadores un instrumento que enriquezca el cuadro de referencias utilizado y facilite nuevas incursiones, siempre dentro del marco de la regulaci\u00f3n estatal."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Mart\u00ednez Neira, Manuel; Puyol Montero, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda; Rodr\u00edguez-L\u00f3pez, Carolina"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Legislaci\u00f3n", "Espa\u00f1a", "Universities", "History", "Legislation", "Spain"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/7884/11_universidad_espanola.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "La Universidad Espa\u00f1ola 1889-1939. Repertorio de legislaci\u00f3n"], ["doab_id", "16171"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788497723176"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "8497723171"]], [["description", "La Universidad nacionalcat\u00f3lica, la reacci\u00f3n antimoderna estudia los postulados ideol\u00f3gico-pol\u00edticos de la dictadura franquista mediante el estudio de las oposiciones a c\u00e1tedras universitarias entre 1939 y 1951. Tras el fin de la guerra civil la continuidad de la actividad cient\u00edfica y del esp\u00edritu con el que naci\u00f3 la Junta para Ampliaci\u00f3n de Estudios fue imposible. La separaci\u00f3n definitiva de la Universidad de catedr\u00e1ticos y profesores auxiliares destruy\u00f3 el tejido cient\u00edfico que hab\u00eda permitido el despegue de la ciencia en Espa\u00f1a y la renovaci\u00f3n de la universidad espa\u00f1ola. El coste fue abrumador, se perdi\u00f3 un valioso capital humano del que Espa\u00f1a no estaba sobrada. A lo largo de esta obra los autores han analizado todos los concursos de c\u00e1tedras celebrados durante el ministerio de Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez Mart\u00edn, de todas las disciplinas de todas las universidades espa\u00f1olas entre 1939 y 1951. Un escenario emerge con claridad: la destrucci\u00f3n de la universidad de la edad de plata de la ciencia espa\u00f1ola y la construcci\u00f3n de una nueva universidad, basada en los postulados ideol\u00f3gico-pol\u00edticos del nacionalcatolicismo. El destino de numerosas disciplinas qued\u00f3 marcado durante decenios por los resultados de los primeros concursos de traslado y oposiciones de la inmediata posguerra."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Otero Carvajal, Luis Enrique; L\u00f3pez S\u00e1nchez, Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda; Pallol Trigueros, Rub\u00e9n; San Andr\u00e9s Corral, Javier; G\u00f3mez Bravo, Gutmaro"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Universidades", "Universities", "1939-1975, Franquismo"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/id/87779/otero_universidad_nacionalcatolica_2014.pdf"], ["title", "La universidad nacionalcat\u00f3lica. La reacci\u00f3n antimoderna"], ["doab_id", "16158"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788490850336"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788490850336"]], [["description", "Este livro conta a hist\u00f3ria de uma escola de medicina privada que se transformou em universidade p\u00fablica. Ao longo de 75 anos foi sendo constru\u00eddo um modelo de universidade p\u00fablica apoiada por entidades de direito privado, sem finalidade econ\u00f4mica. Fruto da pesquisa que reuniu um grupo de professores do curso de Hist\u00f3ria da Unifesp, apresentam-se aqui reflex\u00f5es de profissionais da \u00e1rea acerca da hist\u00f3ria da institui\u00e7\u00e3o. Debru\u00e7ar-se sobre um objeto tantas vezes visitado por autores da casa, m\u00e9dicos em sua maioria, requer abertura ao debate e aten\u00e7\u00e3o ao cruzamento de mem\u00f3rias. A obra ensaia interpreta\u00e7\u00f5es sobre a hist\u00f3ria e a mem\u00f3ria institucional, sem consider\u00e1-las sin\u00f4nimos, mas tamb\u00e9m sem a pretens\u00e3o de apresentar uma \u00fanica e acabada verdade."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rodrigues, Jaime (org.)"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Escolas m\u00e9dicas/hist\u00f3ria, Anivers\u00e1rios e eventos especiais, Hist\u00f3ria da Medicina"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora Fap-Unifesp"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/hnbsg"], ["title", "A Universidade Federal de S\u00e3o Paulo aos 75 Anos: ensaios sobre mem\u00f3ria e hist\u00f3ria "], ["doab_id", "16634"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788561673833"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788561673833"]], [["description", "F\u00fcnf unternehmungslustige junge Frauen wuchsen am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam in G\u00f6ttingen auf: Philippine Gatterer, Caroline Michaelis, Therese Heyne, Meta Wedekind und Dorothea Schl\u00f6zer. Alle f\u00fcnf waren Professorent\u00f6chter und genossen eine f\u00fcr ihre Zeit au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Bildung, sodass sie der Nachwelt unter dem Namen \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tsmamsellen\u201c bekannt wurden. Als Erwachsene wandten sie sich der Literatur zu und ver\u00f6ffentlichten eigenwillige Gedichte, Abenteuerromane, aber auch Reiseberichte, \u00dcbersetzungen und Briefe. Dieser Band versammelt eine Auswahl ihrer interessantesten Werke, erg\u00e4nzt um Kurzbiographien, historische Erl\u00e4uterungen und einen illustrierten Stadtrundgang.

F\u00fcnf unternehmungslustige junge Frauen wuchsen am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts gemeinsam in G\u00f6ttingen auf: Philippine Gatterer, Caroline Michaelis, Therese Heyne, Meta Wedekind und Dorothea Schl\u00f6zer. Alle f\u00fcnf waren Professorent\u00f6chter und genossen eine f\u00fcr ihre Zeit au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnliche Bildung, sodass sie der Nachwelt unter dem Namen \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tsmamsellen\u201c bekannt wurden. Als Erwachsene wandten sie sich der Literatur zu und ver\u00f6ffentlichten eigenwillige Gedichte, Abenteuerromane, aber auch Reiseberichte, \u00dcbersetzungen und Briefe. Dieser Band versammelt eine Auswahl ihrer interessantesten Werke, erg\u00e4nzt um Kurzbiographien, historische Erl\u00e4uterungen und einen illustrierten Stadtrundgang."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Finckh, Ruth; Benedix, Roswitha; Mielcke, Petra; Schaffer-Ottermann, Ortrud; Winterfeld, Dagmar von"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["G\u00f6ttingen", "18th century", "biography", "literature", "G\u00f6ttingen", "18th century", "biography", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610391"], ["title", "Das Universit\u00e4tsmamsellen-Lesebuch - F\u00fcnf gelehrte Frauenzimmer, vorgestellt in eigenen Werken"], ["doab_id", "19195"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952433"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952433"]], [["description", "Universities are social universes in their own right. They are the site of multiple, complex and diverse social relations, identities, communities, knowledges and practices. At the heart of this book are people enrolling at university for the first time and entering into the broad variety of social relations and contexts entailed in their \u2018coming to know\u2019 at, of and through university.By recasting \u2018the transition to university\u2019 as simultaneously and necessarily entailing a transition of university \u2014 indeed universities \u2014 and of their many and varied constitutive relations, structures and practices, the contributors to this book seek to reconceptualise the \u2018first-year experience\u2019 in terms of multiple and dynamic processes of dialogue and exchange amongst all participants. They interrogate taken-for-granted understandings of what \u2018the university\u2019 is, and consider what universities might yet become."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Brook ,Heather; Fergie ,Deane; Maeorg ,Michael; Michell ,Dee"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["reconceptualising: transition and universities", "navigating student transition in higher education: induction, development, becoming", "trevor gale", "stephen parker", "university transitions in practice: research-learning, fields and their communities of practice", "deane fergie", "revaluing: \u2018non-traditional\u2019 student groups in higher education classism on campus?", "exploring and extending understandings of social class in the contemporary higher education debate", "angelique bletsas and dee michell", "reframing \u2018the problem\u2019: students from low socio-economic status backgrounds transitioning to university", "marcia devlin", "jade mckay", "changing social relations in higher education: the first-year international student and the \u2018chinese learner\u2019 in australia", "xianlin song", "universities in transition", "relating experiences: regional and remote students in their first year at university", "michael maeorg", "realising", "transformations on campus", "the university of adelaide student learning hub: a case study", "of education co-creation", "pascale quester", "kendra backstrom", "slavka kovacevic", "thinking critically about critical thinking in the first-year experience", "chris beasley", "benito cao", "knowing students", "heather brook", "dee michel", "first year experience", "rural students", "bradley review", "transition to university"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560371"], ["title", "Universities in Transition: Foregrounding Social Contexts of Knowledge in the First Year Experience"], ["doab_id", "16447"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064837"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064837"]], [["description", "The sestina is a form in which words repeat regularly, intricately, appearing and reappearing in new contexts with new meanings. Sam Lohmann\u2019s Unless As Stone Is emerged from a few years of living with Dante\u2019s sestina, \u201cAl poco giorno e al gran cerchio d\u2019ombra\u201d. He allowed the text to appear in its own new\u2014if irregularly scheduled\u2014contexts. New translations, new scenery, new meanings; new phrases entered the poem (from Garc\u00eda Lorca, from Sappho, from strangers and from loved ones) and found their own patterns. What resulted is a serial poem in seven movements, incorporating several strategies of reincorporation. \u201cQuandunque i colli fanno pi\u00f9 nera ombra\u201c\u2014\u201dAll our oddity operates / on changing verity\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sam Lohmann"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["poetry, poetics, sestina, Dante, Sappho, Garc\u00eda Lorca"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://ethpress.com/unless-as-stone-is/"], ["title", "Unless As Stone Is"], ["doab_id", "16071"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615983929"]], ["provider", "ethpress.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615983929"]], [["description", "This book assesses the institutional, technical and market constraints as well as opportunities for smallholders, notably, emerging farmers in disadvantaged areas such as the former homelands of South Africa. Emerging farmers are previously disadvantaged black people who started or will start their business with the support of special government programs. Public support programs have been developed as part of the Black Economic Empowerment strategy of the South African government. These programs aim to improve the performance of emerging farmers. This requires, first and foremost, upgrading the emerging farmers skills by providing access to knowledge about agricultural and entrepreneurial practices. To become or to remain good farmers they also need access to suitable agricultural land and sufficient water for irrigation and for feeding their cattle. Finally, for emerging farmers to be engaged in viable farming operations, various factors need to be in place such as marketing and service institutions to give credit for agricultural inputs and investments; input markets for farm machinery, farm implements, fertilizers and quality seeds; and accessible output markets for their end products. This book develops a policy framework and potential institutional responses to unlock the relevant markets for smallholders."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schalkwyk ,Herman D. van; Fraser ,Gavin ; Obi ,Ajuruchukwu ; Tilburg ,Aad van "], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["smallholder farmers", "institutional and technical constraints", "unlocking markets", "strategies to improve market access", "governance in supply"]], ["publisher", "Wageningen Academic Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=413359"], ["title", "Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa"], ["doab_id", "14597"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789086861347", "9789086861682"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789086861347 9789086861682"]], [["description", "The Nagoya Protocol is an unprecedented international environmental agreement that equally addresses development, distributive justice, and environmental sustainability. With a balanced view of the various possible interpretations of the Protocol provisions, in light of different national and regional perspectives, and a systematic highlighting of its legal innovations, Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol: A Commentary on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing to the Convention on Biological Diversity will serve as a seminal work for all those interested in the environment, human rights, economics and both legal and scientific innovations."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morgera ,E.; Tsioumani ,E.; Buck ,M."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Law"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613388"], ["title", "Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol"], ["doab_id", "18544"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004217171", "9789004217188"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004217171 9789004217188"]], [["description", "Intense attention has been paid to Detroit as a site of urban crisis. This crisis, however, has not only yielded the massive devaluation of real estate that has so often been noted; it has also yielded an explosive production of seemingly valueless urban property that has facilitated the imagination and practice of alternative urbanisms. The first sustained study of Detroit's alternative urban cultures, The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit initiates a new focus on Detroit as a site not only of urban crisis but also of urban possibility.The Guide documents art and curatorial practices, community and guerilla gardens, urban farming and forestry, cultural platforms, living archives, evangelical missions, temporary public spaces, intentional communities, furtive monuments, outsider architecture, and other work made possible by the ready availability of urban space in Detroit. The Guide poses these spaces as \"unreal estate\": urban territory that has slipped through the free- market economy and entered other regimes of value, other contexts of meaning, and other systems of use. The appropriation of this territory in Detroit, the Guide suggests, offers new perspectives on what a city is and can be, especially in a time of urban crisis. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Andrew Herscher"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.12103229.0001.001"], ["title", "The Unreal Estate Guide to Detroit"], ["doab_id", "15220"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472035212", "9780472029174"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472035212 9780472029174"]], [["description", "Focussing on the necessary renewal of the economic compromise of Cisleithania and Hungary in 1897, the beginning of the great \"Crisis of the Dualism of the Habsburg Monarchy\" will be examined. This work is based on the archives in Vienna and Budapest of the ministers of finances and the archives of the primeministers (\u00d6StA.., HHStA., MOL.) as well as the protocolls of both parliaments.In October 1895 the new prime minister of Cisleithania, Badeni, started the negotiations with Hungary for the renewal of the economic compromise. This new compromise should have been finished in 1896, one year earlier than necessary to be a signal of strength and unity inside and outside the monarchy. In August 1896 this plan of an early compromise had to be dropped due to early elections of the Hungarian parliament. In May 1897 the renewal of the compromise again had to be postponed for one year. Cisleithania and Hungary couldn't find an agreement about the partition of the common expense between them (quota). Only the old compromise of 1887 could be prolonged for 1898. This so called Ausgleichsprovisorium (provisional compromise) was approved by the Hungarian parliament very quickly. In Cisleithania however it was facing the obstruction of the German parties of the elected chamber of parliament. The Germans wanted to force the Government to revoke the so called Badenian languages decrees for Bohemia and Moravia. These set the Czech language beside German even in the inner administration of these \"crown lands\" (provinces). The German fight against the government was concentrated on the Ausgleichsprovisorium due to the fact, that this was the only law, the government couldn't issue by an emergency decree; the Hungarian law of the constitutional compromise of 1867 didn't accept emergency decrees instead of laws on common issues. With this obstruction the German parties risked continuation of custom's union with Hungary and placed its future completely in Hungarian hands; they set their national above their economic interests. In November 1897 Badeni had to be dismissed. The German obstruction had successfully prevented the provisional compromise; the legal base of 1867 of the economic union was cast aside. Only by independent Cisleithanian and Hungarian laws could the unity be saved. Instead of a sign of strength and health, Austria-Hungary demonstrated its weakness and its inner strife.

Ausgehend von den Diskussionen um die 1897 f\u00e4llige Erneuerung des Wirtschaftsausgleiches zwischen Cisleithanien und Ungarn wird der Beginn der f\u00fcr die Monarchie existenzbedrohenden \"Krise des Dualismus\" untersucht. Die Arbeit beruht auf Quellen der Finanzarchive und der Ministerratspr\u00e4sidien in Wien und Budapest (\u00d6StA., HHStA., MOL.) und selbstverst\u00e4ndlich auf den Verhandlungsprotokollen beider Parlamente.Im Oktober 1895 begann die neue cisleithanische Regierung Badeni die Verhandlungen \u00fcber den Ende 1897 neu abzuschlie\u00dfenden Wirtschaftsausgleich mit Ungarn. Um ein Signal der Einheit und St\u00e4rke nach innen und au\u00dfen zu setzen, sollte dieser Ausgleich ein Jahr fr\u00fcher als notwendig finalisiert werden. Im August 1896 musste dieser Plan eines fr\u00fchen Ausgleiches wegen der vorgezogenen Neuwahlen in Ungarn fallen gelassen werden. Im Mai 1897 musste die Erneuerung des Ausgleiches erneut um ein Jahr verschoben werden, da sich beide Seiten nicht auf die Aufteilung der gemeinsamen Ausgaben (Quote) einigen konnten. Statt dessen sollte der alte Ausgleich von 1887 provisorisch f\u00fcr das Jahr 1898 verl\u00e4ngert werden. Dieses so genannte Ausgleichsprovisorium wurde vom ungarischen Reichstag schnell angenommen. In Cisleithanien jedoch stie\u00df es auf die Obstruktion der deutschen Parteien des Abgeordnetenhauses des Reichsrates. Die Deutschen wollten damit die Zur\u00fccknahme der so genannten Badenischen Sprachenverordnungen f\u00fcr B\u00f6hmen und M\u00e4hren erzwingen, die Tschechisch auch als innere Verwaltungssprache dieser Kronl\u00e4nder dem Deutschen gleichsetzten. Der deutsche Widerstand konzentrierte sich auf das Ausgleichsprovisorium, weil es das einzige Gesetz war, das die Regierung nicht mit einer Notverordnung erlassen konnte. Das ungarische staatsrechtliche Ausgleichsgesetz von 1867 schlo\u00df n\u00e4mlich f\u00fcr die gemeinsamen Angelegenheiten auch in Cisleithanien die Umgehung des Parlamentes aus. Die deutschen Parteien setzten damit die Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft mit Ungarn aufs Spiel und legten deren Zukunft ganz in ungarische H\u00e4nde; sie stetzen ihre nationalen \u00fcber ihre wirtschaftlichen Interessen. Im November 1897 mu\u00dfte Badeni entlassen werden, das Ausgleichsprovisorium war gescheitert. Der Rechtsboden des Ausgleichs von 1867 war, wenn auch zun\u00e4chst nur provisorisch, verlassen worden. Die Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft konnte nicht mehr bilateral, sondern nur mehr auf voneinander unabh\u00e4ngigen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen geregelt werden. Statt eines Zeichens der Zusammengeh\u00f6rigkeit und St\u00e4rke wurde die Schw\u00e4che und innere Zerrissenheit \u00d6sterreich-Ungarns offenbar."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmied-Kowarzik ,Anatol"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["History, quota, Austria-Hungary, custom\u00b4s union , bank of issue, Badeni crisis"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437169"], ["title", "Unteilbar und untrennbar?"], ["doab_id", "15294"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706547642"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706547642"]], [["description", "Das Recht der Unternehmensorganisation hat sich als eine der zentralen Ankn\u00fcpfungspunkte im modernen Wirtschaftsrecht erwiesen. Nach zaghaften Anf\u00e4ngen in den achtziger Jahren werden heute Unternehmen mit zahlreichen Organisationspflichten aus den verschiedensten Rechtsbereichen konfrontiert. Prominentes Beispiel ist der Finanzbereich, der bis weit ins Detail reichende Vorgaben zur Einrichtung von Risikomanagementsystemen umzusetzen hat. Aber auch viele andere Bereiche des \u00f6ffentlichen Rechts kennen derartige Organisationspflichten. Im Zivilrecht und auch im Strafrecht ist die Figur der Organisationspflicht ebenfalls seit langem bekannt, aber kaum in seine \u00fcbergreifenden Zusammenh\u00e4nge gestellt worden. Das Werk beleuchtet die verschiedenen Rechtsgrundlagen f\u00fcr die Organisationspflichten, ihre verfasssungsrechtlichen Grundlagen, die betriebswirtschaftlichen Konkretisierungsversuche einschlie\u00dflich der Qualit\u00e4tsmanagement- und Standardisierungsbewegungen auf der Ebene der ISO, die zivil- und strafrechtlichen Auswirkungen bis hin zur Haftung im Konzern und der pers\u00f6nlichen Verantwortlichkeit der Organvertreter. Die Arbeit stellt die diversen Pflichten und ihre Auspr\u00e4gungen in einem rechtsgebiets\u00fcbergreifenden und auch interdisziplin\u00e4ren Ansatz vor, wobei f\u00fcr eine st\u00e4rkere Zur\u00fcckhaltung und eine Hinwendung zu Zielvorgaben pl\u00e4diert wird.

Das Recht der Unternehmensorganisation hat sich als eine der zentralen Ankn\u00fcpfungspunkte im modernen Wirtschaftsrecht erwiesen. Nach zaghaften Anf\u00e4ngen in den achtziger Jahren werden heute Unternehmen mit zahlreichen Organisationspflichten aus den verschiedensten Rechtsbereichen konfrontiert. Prominentes Beispiel ist der Finanzbereich, der bis weit ins Detail reichende Vorgaben zur Einrichtung von Risikomanagementsystemen umzusetzen hat. Aber auch viele andere Bereiche des \u00f6ffentlichen Rechts kennen derartige Organisationspflichten. Im Zivilrecht und auch im Strafrecht ist die Figur der Organisationspflicht ebenfalls seit langem bekannt, aber kaum in seine \u00fcbergreifenden Zusammenh\u00e4nge gestellt worden. Das Werk beleuchtet die verschiedenen Rechtsgrundlagen f\u00fcr die Organisationspflichten, ihre verfasssungsrechtlichen Grundlagen, die betriebswirtschaftlichen Konkretisierungsversuche einschlie\u00dflich der Qualit\u00e4tsmanagement- und Standardisierungsbewegungen auf der Ebene der ISO, die zivil- und strafrechtlichen Auswirkungen bis hin zur Haftung im Konzern und der pers\u00f6nlichen Verantwortlichkeit der Organvertreter. Die Arbeit stellt die diversen Pflichten und ihre Auspr\u00e4gungen in einem rechtsgebiets\u00fcbergreifenden und auch interdisziplin\u00e4ren Ansatz vor, wobei f\u00fcr eine st\u00e4rkere Zur\u00fcckhaltung und eine Hinwendung zu Zielvorgaben pl\u00e4diert wird."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spindler, Gerald"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Risk management systems", "Legal basis", "Organization obligations", "Quality management", "Business organization", "Risk management systems", "Legal basis", "Organization obligations", "Quality management", "Business organization"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610191"], ["title", "Unternehmensorganisationspflichten - Zivilrechtliche und \u00f6ffentlich-rechtliche Regelungskonzepte"], ["doab_id", "16535"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950033"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950033"]], [["description", "Barely known in public is the life of long-distance commute workers who extract the \u201eblue and black gold\u201d for the export to Europe. They are travelling people who work and live rotationally for a few weeks at the extraction sites before they go back again to their families in the southern regions. This ethnography takes the reader from the Volga Region to the Arcitc \u201cRussian Gas Capital\u201d Novy Urengoy and provides critically insights into the Russian petroleum industry.

Nahezu unbekannt sind der \u00d6ffentlichkeit die Lebensweisen jener ArbeiterInnen, die das \u201eschwarze und blaue Gold\u201c f\u00fcr den Export nach Europa f\u00f6rdern. Sie sind fahrende und fliegende Menschen, die zyklisch f\u00fcr Wochen oder Monate in den F\u00f6rdergebieten leben und arbeiten, um wieder f\u00fcr eine Weile zu ihren Familien heimzukehren. Die Ethnographie f\u00fchrt von der Wolgaregion in die subarktische \u201erussische Gashauptstadt\u201c Novy Urengoy und gibt einen kritischen Einblick in die russische Petroleumindustrie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Saxinger ,Gertrud"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Crude oil, natural gas, Russia, Siberia, Arctic, long-distance commuting (LDC), fly-in/fly-out (FIFO), mobility, normality, multi-locality", "Erd\u00f6l, Erdgas, Russland, Sibirien, Arktis, Fernpendleln, Mobilit\u00e4t, Normalit\u00e4t, Multilokalit\u00e4t"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en", "ru"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594630"], ["title", "Unterwegs \u2013 Mobiles Leben in der Erdgas- und Erd\u00f6lindustrie in Russlands Arktis"], ["doab_id", "18415"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English^ru"], ["isbns", ["9783205796947"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796947"]], [["description", "In principio era un uomo che interpret\u00f2 la sua missione sulla terra nel senso di attrarre gli altri uomini fuori dai loro spazi (case, famiglie, attivit\u00e0, villaggi) e dal loro tempo (storico) per condurli a s\u00e9 verso altri spazi (ovunque egli andasse) in virt\u00f9 dell\u2019avvicendarsi di un altro tempo (escatologico). Quest\u2019uomo fu condannato a morte e mor\u00ec. A partire dai giorni immediatamente successivi alla sua creduta resurrezione, prende avvio il processo con cui altri uomini, in suo nome, si dedicano a ri-situare se stessi e l\u2019umanit\u00e0 intera in quadri formali significativamente riconfigurati dall\u2019evento cristico: luoghi al contempo mentali e sociali strutturati dalla duplice tensione tra gli spazi tradizionali del mondo e quelli peculiari della \u201cchiesa\u201d, tra il tempo presente della storia e quello della sua incipiente fine. In questo libro qualcosa come una nuova identit\u00e0 sociale dei credenti in Cristo \u00e8 osservata nelle peripezie del suo costituirsi in relazione a quattro dei principali ambiti di soggettivazione del mondo antico: l\u2019umanit\u00e0, l\u2019ethnos, la citt\u00e0, la scuola filosofica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["cristianesimo, societ\u00e0, comunit\u00e0"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Volume-Urciuoli-senza-margini.pdf"], ["title", "Un\u2019Archeologia del \u201cNoi\u201d Cristiano"], ["doab_id", "15978"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867051113"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867051113"]], [["description", "For centuries, Africa\u2019s Upper Guinea Coast region has been the site of regional and global interactions, with societies from different parts of the African continent and beyond engaging in economic trade, cultural exchange, and various forms of conflict. This book provides a wide-ranging look at how such encounters have continued into the present day, identifying the disruptions and continuities in religion, language, economics, and various other social phenomena that have resulted. These accounts show a region that, while still grappling with the legacies of colonialism and the slave trade, is both shaped by and an important actor within ever-denser global networks, exhibiting consistent transformation and creative adaptation.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kn\u00f6rr ,Jacqueline; Kohl ,Christoph"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Environmental Studies", "Anthropology"]], ["publisher", "Berghahn Books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=606219"], ["title", "The Upper Guinea Coast in Global Perspective"], ["doab_id", "18954"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781785333736"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785333736"]], [["description", "Local communities have an important role in society. According to states legislature they execute local public policies. Those processes include local democracy, public administration, local economy and social entities. Also they combine public and private resources. All of these groups of factors have their own capacity. Capacity is their ability to achieve goals and consists from inside and outside factors. Capacity of local self-government is integrated capacity. It represents holistic capacity for those units. It tells us, whether they are capable of doing things they should do, according to social and political system and its demands. Local units have different level of capacity. With conceptual model and field research we tested our research hypothesis. Our hypothesis is that local self-government communities with higher capacity offer their residents broader local public services and goods. Also we studies influence of political stability and autonomy on capacity. On representative sample of municipalities in Republic of Slovenia we confirmed all ours research hypothesis. Conceptual model of capacity is a tool for analysing individual communities and for analysing the whole system of local-self government. Also many suggestions for improvement can be made."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Toma\u017e Ro\u017een"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["local self-government, local democracy, public administration, local economy, social entity, "]], ["publisher", "Institute for Local Self-Government and Public Procurement Maribor"], ["language", ["sl"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.lex-localis.press/index.php/LexLocalisPress/catalog/book/13"], ["title", "Upravljavska sposobnost lokalnih samoupravnih skupnosti"], ["doab_id", "17641"], ["language_unmapped", "Slovene"], ["isbns", ["9789616842358"]], ["provider", "books.lex-localis.press"], ["isbns_raw", "9789616842358"]], [["description", "Os textos reunidos nessa colet\u00e2nea visam contribuir para ampliar as possibilidades de discuss\u00e3o sobre a hist\u00f3ria do urbanismo nessas d\u00e9cadas cruciais em que as cidades sul-americanas conhecem expressivas taxas de crescimento, o agravamento dos problemas urbanos e a busca, em v\u00e1rias frentes e de diferentes maneiras, de solu\u00e7\u00f5es para enfrent\u00e1-los. A partir de perspectivas diversas, eles buscam aproximar diferentes experi\u00eancias nacionais, explorar singularidades, rastrear o surgimento de redes profissionais, mapear discuss\u00f5es, identificar enfim caminhos e descaminhos da constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma cultura urban\u00edstica no \u00e2mbito continental."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gomes, Marco Aur\u00e9lio A. de Filgueiras"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["ARCHITECTURE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/wvqr3"], ["title", "Urbanismo na Am\u00e9rica do Sul: circula\u00e7\u00e3o de ideias e constitui\u00e7\u00e3o do campo, 1920-1960"], ["doab_id", "17276"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209261"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209261"]], [["description", "Este livro \u00e9 uma vers\u00e3o modificada de minha tese de doutorado Urbanization and Social Change in Brazil: case study of Porto Alegre defendida na Universidade de Londres (London School of Economics and Political Science) em 1977."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliven, Ruben George"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Centro Edelstein"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/z439n"], ["title", "Urbaniza\u00e7\u00e3o e mudan\u00e7a social no Brasil "], ["doab_id", "16319"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579820014"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820014"]], [["description", "Urbanization is a global phenomenon and the book emphasizes that this is not just a social-technological process. It is also a social-ecological process where cities are places for nature, and where cities also are dependent on, and have impacts on, the biosphere at different scales from local to global. The book is a global assessment and delivers four main conclusions:Urban areas are expanding faster than urban populations. Half the increase in urban land across the world over the next 20 years will occur in Asia, with the most extensive change expected to take place in India and ChinaUrban areas modify their local and regional climate through the urban heat island effect and by altering precipitation patterns, which together will have significant impacts on net primary production, ecosystem health, and biodiversityUrban expansion will heavily draw on natural resources, including water, on a global scale, and will often consume prime agricultural land, with knock-on effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services elsewhereFuture urban expansion will often occur in areas where the capacity for formal governance is restricted, which will constrain the protection of biodiversity and management of ecosystem services"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Thomas Elmqvist; Michail Fragkias; Julie Goodness; Burak G\u00fcneralp; Peter J. Marcotullio; Robert I. McDonald; Susan Parnell; Maria Schewenius; Marte Sendstad; Karen C. Seto; Cathy Wilkinson"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Challenges", "Opportunities", "Urbanization", "Biodiversity", "Ecosystem services"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/openurl?genre=book&isbn=978-94-007-7087-4"], ["title", "Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities: A Global Assessment"], ["doab_id", "15534"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789400770874", "9789400770881"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9789400770874 (Print) 9789400770881 (Online)"]], [["description", "A obra pretende desvendar o que seja uma urg\u00eancia ou uma emerg\u00eancia em sa\u00fade a partir de duas perspectivas: a dos usu\u00e1rios e a dos profissionais da rede p\u00fablica. A autora mostra um universo din\u00e2mico e complexo a partir de um trabalho antropol\u00f3gico realizado na Faculdade de Medicina de Mar\u00edlia, em S\u00e3o Paulo. S\u00e3o decis\u00f5es m\u00e9dicas, muitas vezes de suma import\u00e2ncia para a manuten\u00e7\u00e3o da vida, muitas vezes question\u00e1veis sob o ponto de vista \u00e9tico. Cabe lembrar que o livro n\u00e3o s\u00f3 trabalha com a dicotomia m\u00e9dico/paciente, mostrando para o leitor outros atores envolvidos no trabalho na emerg\u00eancia e revelando que muitas vezes as a\u00e7\u00f5es m\u00e9dicas s\u00e3o antecedidas por pequenos passos e atitudes peculiares de significativa import\u00e2ncia que n\u00e3o podem ser desconsiderados, como a de um motorista de ambul\u00e2ncia ou o porteiro do hospital."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giglio-Jacquemot, Armelle"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/zt4fg"], ["title", "Urg\u00eancias e emerg\u00eancias em sa\u00fade: perspectivas de profissionais e usu\u00e1rios"], ["doab_id", "19322"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413784"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413784"]], [["description", "Absprachen im Strafprozess werden seit vielen Jahren in Politik, Rechtsprechung und Rechtswissenschaft umfassend und kontrovers diskutiert. Auch das \u201eGesetz zur Regelung der Verst\u00e4ndigung im Strafverfahren\u201c hat die Diskussion nicht verstummen lassen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung w\u00fcrdigt dieses Gesetz unter Her-anziehung ausgew\u00e4hlter, alternativer L\u00f6sungsmodelle aus dem In- und Ausland. Ber\u00fccksichtigung finden die Rechtsordnungen von England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen. Grundlage f\u00fcr den rechtsvergleichenden Teil ist ein an der Abteilung f\u00fcr Kriminologie, Jugendstrafrecht und Strafvollzug der rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t in G\u00f6ttingen durchgef\u00fchrtes internationales Forschungsprojekt.

Absprachen im Strafprozess werden seit vielen Jahren in Politik, Rechtsprechung und Rechtswissenschaft umfassend und kontrovers diskutiert. Auch das \u201eGesetz zur Regelung der Verst\u00e4ndigung im Strafverfahren\u201c hat die Diskussion nicht verstummen lassen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung w\u00fcrdigt dieses Gesetz unter Her-anziehung ausgew\u00e4hlter, alternativer L\u00f6sungsmodelle aus dem In- und Ausland. Ber\u00fccksichtigung finden die Rechtsordnungen von England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen. Grundlage f\u00fcr den rechtsvergleichenden Teil ist ein an der Abteilung f\u00fcr Kriminologie, Jugendstrafrecht und Strafvollzug der rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t in G\u00f6ttingen durchgef\u00fchrtes internationales Forschungsprojekt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peters, Julia"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["International criminal law", "Criminal justice law", "International law", "International criminal law", "Criminal justice law", "International law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610198"], ["title", "Urteilsabsprachen im Strafprozess - die deutsche Regelung im Vergleich mit Entwicklungen in England & Wales, Frankreich und Polen"], ["doab_id", "13370"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950187"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950187"]], [["description", "Why has the US so dramatically failed in Afghanistan since 2001? Dominantexplanations have ignored the bureaucratic divisions and personality conflictsinside the US state. This book rectifies this weakness in commentary on Afghanistanby exploring the significant role of these divisions in the US\u2019s difficultiesin the country that meant the battle was virtually lost before it even began. Themain objective of the book is to deepen readers\u2019 understanding of the impact ofbureaucratic politics on nation-building in Afghanistan, focusing primarily on theBush administration. It rejects the \u2018rational actor\u2019 model, according to which theUS functions as a coherent, monolithic agent. Instead, internal divisions withinthe foreign policy bureaucracy are explored, to build up a picture of the internaltensions and contradictions that bedevilled US nation-building efforts. The bookalso contributes to the vexed issue of whether or not the US should engage innation-building at all, and if so under what conditions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keane ,Conor"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics & International Relations", "International Relations", "International Politics"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619971"], ["title", "US Nation Building in Afghanistan"], ["doab_id", "19994"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472474841", "9781315548623"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472474841 9781315548623"]], [["description", "Established in 1935, the International Institute of Social History (IISH) is one of the world\u2019s leading research institutes focused on social history and holds one of the richest collections in the field. This volume brings together thirty-five essays in honor of the IISH\u2019s longtime director Jaap Kloosterman, who built the institute into a world leader in the field."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blok ,Aad; Lucassen ,Jan; Sanders ,Huub"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Social history", "Labour history", "History of archival collections", "Social movements"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496214"], ["title", "A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History"], ["doab_id", "16238"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789048523856"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789048523856"]], [["description", "Established in 1935, the International Institute of Social History (IISH) is one of the world\u2019s leading research institutes focused on social history and holds one of the richest collections in the field. This volume brings together thirty-five essays in honor of the IISH\u2019s longtime director Jaap Kloosterman, who built the institute into a world leader in the field."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Blok ,Aad; Lucassen ,Jan; Sanders ,Huub"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Social history", "Labour history", "History of archival collections", "Social movements"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=496214"], ["title", "A Usable Collection: Essays in Honour of Jaap Kloosterman on Collecting Social History"], ["doab_id", "16449"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089646880"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646880"]], [["description", "In Usable Pasts, fourteen authors examine the manipulation of traditional expressions among a variety of groups from the United States and Canada: the development of a pictorial style by Navajo weavers in response to traders, Mexican American responses to the appropriation of traditional foods by Anglos, the expressive forms of communication that engender and sustain a sense of community in an African American women's social club and among elderly Yiddish folksingers in Miami Beach, the incorporation of mass media images into the \"\"C&Ts\"\" (customs and traditions) of a Boy Scout troop, the changing meaning of their defining Exodus-like migration to Mormons, Newfoundlanders' appropriation through the rum-drinking ritual called the Schreech-In of outsiders' stereotypes, outsiders' imposition of the once-despised lobster as the emblem of Maine, the contest over Texas's heroic Alamo legend and its departures from historical fact, and how yellow ribbons were transformed from an image in a pop song to a national symbol of \"\"resolve.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tuleja, Tad"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/62"], ["title", "Usable Pasts"], ["doab_id", "14732"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874212266"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874212266"]], [["description", "What can we learn from spontaneously occurring brain and other physiological signals about an individual\u2019s cognitive and affective state and how can we make use of this information? One line of research that is actively involved with this question is Passive Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI). To date most BCIs are aimed at assisting patients for whom brain signals could form an alternative output channel as opposed to more common human output channels, like speech and moving the hands. However, brain signals (possibly in combination with other physiological signals) also form an output channel above and beyond the more usual ones: they can potentially provide continuous, online information about an individual\u2019s cognitive and affective state without the need of conscious or effortful communication. The provided information could be used in a number of ways. Examples include monitoring cognitive workload through EEG and skin conductance for adaptive automation or using ERPs in response to errors to correct for a behavioral response. While Passive BCIs make use of online (neuro)physiological responses and close the interaction cycle between a user and a computer system, (neuro)physiological responses can also be used in an offline fashion. Examples of this include detecting amygdala responses for neuromarketing, and measuring EEG and pupil dilation as indicators of mental effort for optimizing information systems. The described field of applied (neuro)physiology can strongly benefit from high quality scientific studies that control for confounding factors and use proper comparison conditions. Another area of relevance is ethics, ranging from dubious product claims, acceptance of the technology by the general public, privacy of users, to possible effects that these kinds of applications may have on society as a whole. In this Research Topic we aimed to publish studies of the highest scientific quality that are directed towards applications that utilize spontaneously, effortlessly generated neurophysiological signals (brain and/or other physiological signals) reflecting cognitive or affective state. We especially welcomed studies that describe specific real world applications demonstrating a significant benefit compared to standard applications. We also invited original, new kinds of (proposed) applications in this area as well as comprehensive review articles that point out what is and what is not possible (according to scientific standards) in this field. Finally, we welcomed manuscripts on the ethical issues that are involved. Connected to the Research Topic was a workshop (held on June 6, during the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, June 3-7, 2013, Asilomar, California) that brought together a diverse group of people who were working in this field. We discussed the state of the art and formulated major challenges, as reflected in the first paper of the Research Topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Anne-Marie Brouwer; Thorsten O. Zander; Jan B. F. van Erp"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Neurophysiology", "cognitive state", "mental state", "affective state", "EEG", "Brain-computer interface", "Psychophysiology", "physiological computing", "neuroergonomics", "applied neuroscience"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1528/using-neurophysiological-signals-that-reflect-cognitive-or-affective-state"], ["title", "Using neurophysiological signals that reflect cognitive or affective state"], ["doab_id", "19521"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196135"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196135"]], [["description", "Noise has been widely used to investigate the processing properties of various visual functions (e.g. detection, discrimination, attention, perceptual learning, averaging, crowding, face recognition), in various populations (e.g. older adults, amblyopes, migrainers, dyslexic children), using noise along various dimensions (e.g. pixel noise, orientation jitter, contrast jitter). The reason to use external noise is generally not to characterize visual processing in external noise per se, but rather to reveal how vision works in ordinary conditions when performance is limited by our intrinsic noise rather than externally added noise. For instance, reverse correlation aims at identifying the relevant information to perform a given task in noiseless conditions and measuring contrast thresholds in various noise levels can be used to understand the impact of intrinsic noise that limits sensitivity to noiseless stimuli. Why use noise? Since Fechner named it, psychophysics has always emphasized the systematic investigation of conditions that break vision. External noise raises threshold hugely and selectively. In hearing, Fletcher used noise in his famous critical-band experiments to reveal frequency-selective channels in hearing. Critical bands have been found in vision too. More generally, the big reliable effects of noise give important clues to how the system works. And simple models have been proposed to account for the effects of visual noise. As noise has been more widely used, questions have been raised about the simplifying assumptions that link the processing properties in noiseless conditions to measurements in external noise. For instance, it is usually assumed that the processing strategy (or mechanism) used to perform a task and its processing properties (e.g. filter tuning) are unaffected by the addition of external noise. Some have suggested that the processing properties could change with the addition of external noise (e.g. change in filter tuning or more lateral masking in noise), which would need to be considered before drawing conclusions about the processing properties in noiseless condition. Others have suggested that different processing properties (or mechanisms) could be solicited in low and high noise conditions, complicating the characterization of processing properties in noiseless condition based on processing properties identified in noise conditions. The current Research Topic probes further into what the effects of visual noise tell us about vision in ordinary conditions. Our Editorial gives an overview of the articles in this special issue."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Remy Allard; Jocelyn Faubert; Denis G. Pelli"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Noise", "Equivalent input noise", "Linear amplifier model", "perceptual template model", "noise image classification", "bandpass noise", "Contrast jitter", "phase noise"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1423/using-noise-to-characterize-vision"], ["title", "Using Noise to Characterize Vision"], ["doab_id", "18873"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197538"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197538"]], [["description", "Utopian Moments is a collection of short essays designed to guide readers to informed engagement with the key works of the modern western utopian tradition. It offers a fresh and original perspective on utopian writings and their interpretation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Miguel Aviles; J. C. Davis"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666848"], ["title", "Utopian Moments"], ["doab_id", "15467"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666848"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666848"]], [["description", "The two most prominent mycobacterial diseases in animals include bovine tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium bovis and Johne\u2019s disease, caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. Erradication of both diseases has been hampered by a variety of factors. In many countries, the persistence of tuberculosis in cattle has been attributed to reservoirs of M. bovis in wildlife species. Brushtail possums, deer and badgers are notable examples of wildlife reservoirs for M. bovis. The difficulties in eliminating the wildlife reservoir for M. bovis further suggest the need for vaccination of farmed livestock. Vaccination of wildlife species has also been attempted with mixed results. Delivery of the vaccine to wildlife species appears to be a chief obstacle. Vaccination itself leads to complications for diagnostics. For example, when cattle are vaccinated with both BCG and a commercial Johne\u2019s vaccine there is a biased toward the avian tuberculin skin test reaction. Despite these issues, BCG seems to be the clear standard for vaccination against M. bovis, yet many laboratories are investigating ways to improve on BCG. For Johne\u2019s disease, the available commercial vaccines consist of whole-cell preparations in one form or another. But with the ability to generate directed knockouts of specific genes, a number of defined mutants have been constructed in a few laboratories. These should be tested and directly compared with each other and alongside commercial vaccine formulations to determine not only which vaccine is most protective, but which animal model is best for predicting protection in the target host. To this end, there has been a nation-wide, multi-institutional effort to test the best live, attenuated vaccine against Johne's disease in cattle, sheep and goats. This vaccine trial has spanned six years and was conducted in three phases. The first phase examined attenuation in bovine macrophages, the second phase was colonization of spleen and liver in mice and the third phase was protection from bacterial challenge in goats. Many new ideas and retrospective approaches have emerged from this unprecedented effort. These aspects will be captured in this Research Topic. In this Research Topic, we will seek articles on these above topics, but other issues surrounding vaccination of animals against mycobacteria will also be explored. These include immune parameters, correlates of protection, adjuvants and other vaccine formulations, etc."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John P. Bannantine; Adel M. Talaat"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Johne's disease", "Paratuberculosis", "Vaccine", "Attenuated mutant", "goat trial", "correlates of protection"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/2375/vaccination-against-mycobacterial-diseases-in-animals"], ["title", "Vaccination Against Mycobacterial Diseases in Animals"], ["doab_id", "18727"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194766"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194766"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Berg van den ,E."], ["date", "1939"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613423"], ["title", "De val van Sora"], ["doab_id", "18445"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285651", "9789004286238"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285651 9789004286238"]], [["description", "The modern university can trace its roots to Kant's call for enlightened self-determination, with education aiming to produce an informed and responsible body of citizens. As the university evolved, specialized areas of investigation emerged, enabling ever more precise research and increasingly nuanced arguments. In recent decades, however, challenges to the hegemony of disciplines have arisen, partly in response to a perceived need for the university to focus greater energy on its public vocation\u2014teaching and the dissemination of knowledge.Valences of Interdisciplinarity presents essays by an international array of scholars committed to enhancing our understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and the practical realities of interdisciplinary teaching and research. What is, and what should be, motivating our reflections on (and practice of) approaches that transcend the conventional boundaries of discipline? And in adopting such transdisciplinary approaches, how do we safeguard critical methods and academic rigour? Reflecting on the obstacles they have encountered both as thinkers and as educators, the authors map out innovative new directions for the interdisciplinary project. Together, the essays promise to set the standards of the debate about interdisciplinarity for years to come."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "edited by Raphael Foshay"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["higher education", " transdisciplinary", " multidisciplinary", " philosophy", " educational theory", " teaching", " research"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120202"], ["title", "Valences of Interdisciplinarity: Theory, Practice, Pedagogy"], ["doab_id", "19404"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836461", "9781926836478", "9781926836485"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836461 9781926836478 9781926836485"]], [["description", "White City, Black Waters is written by Adjunct Professor, PhD Petri S Juuti. The book examines how water and waste water services and water protection started and developed in Helsinki and Greater Helsinki area from late 1800s to the 2000s. Furthermore, it is discussed what are the challenges of the future looked from the point of view of the professionals of the water sector.

Helsingin vedet 1800-luvun lopusta 2000-luvulle -tutkimus antaa yleiskuvan vesihuollon pitk\u00e4st\u00e4 kehityksest\u00e4 ja ihmisen ja eri vesien suhteesta Helsingiss\u00e4. T\u00e4ss\u00e4 kirjassa annetaan my\u00f6s tietoa Suomen j\u00e4tevedenpuhdistuksen historian monista vaiheista keskittyen Helsinkiin sek\u00e4 perehdyt\u00e4\u00e4n siihen, mit\u00e4 vesi merkitsi ja miten siihen suhtauduttiin eri aikoina. Kirjassa perehdyt\u00e4\u00e4n muun muassa Vantaanjoen ristiriitaiseen, mutta keskeiseen rooliin sek\u00e4 viem\u00e4rin\u00e4 ett\u00e4 raakavesil\u00e4hteen\u00e4, saastumattoman ja riitt\u00e4v\u00e4n raakavesivesil\u00e4hteen l\u00f6yt\u00e4miseksi tehtyihin varhaisiin pohjavesitutkimuksiin, ulosteongelman ratkaisuun sek\u00e4 P\u00e4ij\u00e4nteen ottamiseen raakavesil\u00e4hteeksi.Teos taustoittaa viem\u00e4r\u00f6innin ja j\u00e4tevesienpuhdistuksen historiaa koko Euroopan mittakaavassa tuhansien vuosien takaa. Erityisesti perehdyt\u00e4\u00e4n Suomessa tehtyihin ratkaisuihin ja syv\u00e4llisemmin Helsingin viem\u00e4r\u00f6innin varhaisiin vaiheisiin ja j\u00e4tevedenpuhdistuksen alkutaipaleeseen. Keskeiseksi nousevat kysymykset, mit\u00e4 toimia toteutettiin kun tavoitteeksi otettiin vesist\u00f6jen puhdistuminen, miten n\u00e4m\u00e4 toimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet asukkaiden el\u00e4m\u00e4\u00e4n ja ymp\u00e4rist\u00f6n tilaan. Lis\u00e4ksi pohditaan mitk\u00e4 ovat tulevaisuuden haasteet vesihuollon ammattilaisten n\u00e4k\u00f6kulmasta katsottuna."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Petri ,Juuti"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["History", "Helsinki", "Water Supply and Sanitation", "Water Protection", "Environmental History"]], ["publisher", "Tampere University Press"], ["language", ["fi"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=587713"], ["title", "Valkea kaupunki, mustat vedet : Helsingin vedet 1800-luvun lopusta 2000-luvulle"], ["doab_id", "17859"], ["language_unmapped", "Finnish"], ["isbns", ["9789514497186", "9789514497193"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789514497186 9789514497193"]], [["description", "This book addresses the issue of the potential economic significance of the artistic heritage in an art city \u2013 more specifically Florence \u2013 taking as a concrete example for the purpose of scientific research the figure of the \u201cartistic restorer\u201d in the dual garb of economic agent and environmental and cultural resource for the city. The empirical study of the private firms working in this sector located in the Florence area is accompanied and introduced by a broad analysis of the policies for protection and enhancement of the cultural assets, and of the economic, non-economic and institutional agents involved in the same.

Il volume affronta il tema della possibile rilevanza economica del patrimonio artistico in una citt\u00e0 d'arte, nello specifico Firenze, prendendo come esempio concreto ai fini di una ricerca scientifica la figura del \"restauratore artistico\" nella duplice veste di attore economico e di risorsa ambientale e culturale per la citt\u00e0. Lo studio empirico delle imprese private di tale settore localizzate nell'area fiorentina \u00e8 accompagnato e introdotto da un'ampia analisi sulle politiche di tutela e valorizzazione dei beni culturali e sul sistema di attori economici, non economici ed istituzionali che in esse sono coinvolti."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lazzeretti, Luciana; Cinti, Tommaso"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Economy", "Artistic and Cultural Heritage", "Florence", "Economia", "Patrimonio artistico", "Beni culturali", "Firenze"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356386"], ["title", "La valorizzazione economica del patrimonio artistico delle citt\u00e0 d'arte"], ["doab_id", "13180"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884530134", "9788884530134"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "888453013X 888453013X"]], [["description", "For over twenty years now, the agri-foodstuffs sector has been marked by an ongoing revaluation of the typical product. Such products encompass an increasingly intangible value connected, not only with their intrinsic qualities, but also with what is evoked by the production methods and the context from which they originate. The typical product is identified by a decided stability in the features, deriving from the concentration of a major historic tradition in geographically small territories by a relatively restricted human group. As a result, in general, the local identity tends to predominate over the image of the firm. This accentuates the most significant strategic phenomenon: the collaboration between direct competitors implemented by the producers.

Nel settore agro-alimentare stiamo assistendo, ormai da vent'anni, a una rivalutazione del prodotto tipico. Un prodotto che ingloba valenze sempre pi\u00f9 immateriali connesse non soltanto alla qualit\u00e0 intrinseca, ma anche a quella evocata dalle metodologie produttive e dal contesto dal quale ha origine. Il prodotto tipico risulta caratterizzato da una decisa stabilit\u00e0 nei caratteri che deriva dalla concentrazione di una grande tradizione storica su piccoli territori geografici da parte di una gruppo umano relativamente limitato, generalmente l'identit\u00e0 locale \u00e8 quindi preponderante rispetto all'immagine aziendale. Ci\u00f2 accentua il fenomeno strategico pi\u00f9 rilevante: la collaborazione tra concorrenti diretti da parte dei produttori."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ciappei, Cristiano"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Agricultural Economics", "Typical products", "Economia agraria", "Prodotti tipici"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356350"], ["title", "La valorizzazione economica delle tipicit\u00e0 rurali tra localismo e globalizzazione"], ["doab_id", "13139"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534460", "9788884534477"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "8884534461 888453447X"]], [["description", "Organisms are equipped with value systems that signal the salience of environmental cues to their nervous system, causing a change in the nervous system that results in modification of their behavior. These systems are necessary for an organism to adapt its behavior when an important environmental event occurs. A value system constitutes a basic assumption of what is good and bad for an agent. These value systems have been effectively used in robotic systems to shape behavior. For example, many robots have used models of the dopaminergic system to reinforce behavior that leads to rewards. Other modulatory systems that shape behavior are acetylcholine\u2019s effect on attention, norepinephrine\u2019s effect on vigilance, and serotonin\u2019s effect on impulsiveness, mood, and risk. Moreover, hormonal systems such as oxytocin and its effect on trust constitute as a value system. This book presents current research involving neurobiologically inspired robots whose behavior is: 1) Shaped by value and reward learning, 2) adapted through interaction with the environment, and 3) shaped by extracting value from the environment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeffrey L. Krichmar; Florian Rohrbein"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["value system", "Neuromodulation", "reinforcement learning", "action selection", "neurorobotics", "reward-based learning", "basal ganglia", "embodied cognition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/924/value-and-reward-based-learning-in-neurobots"], ["title", "Value and Reward Based Learning in Neurobots"], ["doab_id", "18186"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194315"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194315"]], [["description", "Culture manifests itself in everything human, including the ordinary business of everyday life. Culture and art have their own value, but economic values are also constrained. Art sponsorships and subsidies suggest a value that exceeds market price. So what is the real value of culture? Unlike the usual focus on formal problems, which has 'de-cultured' and 'de-moralized' the practice of economics, this book brings together economists, philosophers, historians, political scientists and artists to try to sort out the value of culture. This is a book not only for economists and social scientists, but also for anybody actively involved in the world of the arts and culture."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Klamer ,Arjo"], ["date", "1997"], ["subject", ["Economics", "Culture and institutions", "Economie", "Culture and instituten"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340263"], ["title", "The Value of Culture : On the Relationship between Economics and Arts"], ["doab_id", "12943"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053562185"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053562185"]], [["description", "This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the value of the university armed service units \u2013 the University Officer Training Corps, University Royal Naval Units and University Air Squadrons. The units, many of which date back to the early 20th century, exist in order to provide students at UK universities with an experience of the British armed forces. Participation in the units is entirely voluntary, and there is no expectation that students will go on to join the armed forces on graduation, although a proportion of students each year do so.The Value of the University Armed Service Units\u00a0brings together the results of a research project which explored what the value of the units might be to student participants, to graduates in civilian jobs who had the experience as students, to the armed forces, to universities whose students take part in the units, and to employers of graduates with service unit experience. This book draws on quantitative and qualitative research data to explore whether, how, and why the units have value to these different groups.Significant conclusions include the extent to which the units are able to assist students with the development of their transferable (graduate) skills; the potential significance of the units for future recruitment to the armed forces, particularly the Reserves; and the effect of unit experience in developing an informed understanding of the role and function of the British armed forces amongst the wider civilian population."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Woodward ,Rachel; Jenkings Neil ,K.; Williams J. ,Alison"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Military", "Social science", "Higher education", "University", "Armed forces", "Skills"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577279"], ["title", "The Value of the University Armed Service Units"], ["doab_id", "17467"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188570", "9781909188587", "9781909188594", "9781909188600"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188570 9781909188587 9781909188594 9781909188600"]], [["description", "ATTI del WORKSHOP di TARANTO 23/24 Luglio 2012Nell\u2019Unione Europea, la scarsa qualit\u00e0 dell\u2019aria \u00e8 la prima causa ambientale di morte prematura e presenta un costo in termini di vite umane pi\u00f9 elevato di quello degli incidenti stradali. L\u2019inquinamento dell\u2019aria \u00e8 causa, inoltre, di perdita di giorni di lavoro e di elevati costi sanitari e sociali, poich\u00e9 colpisce in misura maggiore le fasce di popolazione pi\u00f9 vulnerabili (bambini, anziani, asmatici e soggetti svantaggiati dal punto di vista socioeconomico). L\u2019emissione e la concentrazione d\u2019inquinanti nell\u2019aria, se da un lato sono certamente collegate a fenomeni di scala nazionale ed extra-nazionale, dall\u2019altro mostrano una rilevante variabilit\u00e0 locale che \u00e8 legata a scelte economico\u2013produttive oltre che ad aspetti sociali e ad altre componenti ambientali.In questa prospettiva, la lotta all\u2019inquinamento e la prevenzione dei rischi per la salute sono intimamente legate e costituiscono sicuramente una priorit\u00e0 da perseguire a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale, attraverso politiche mirate che sappiano trovare il giusto equilibrio tra il rispetto dei parametri di stabilit\u00e0 economica e i costi per la collettivit\u00e0 derivanti dall\u2019impatto degli inquinanti sulla salute; esse rappresentano inoltre, allo stesso tempo, anche un impegno che coinvolge tutti, sia a livello istituzionale, sia a livello di singoli cittadini. In questo senso, sono molto promettenti i recenti sviluppi tecnologici (APP su smartphone), che consentono i contributi della cittadinanza attiva al monitoraggio della qualit\u00e0 dell\u2019aria."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Giorgio Assennato"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["arpa, puglia, ilva, inquinamento"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/WORKSHOP_definitivo3PERWEB.pdf"], ["title", "Valutazione economica degli effetti sanitari dell\u2019inquinamento atmosferico: la metodologia dell\u2019EEA"], ["doab_id", "17484"], ["language_unmapped", "ITALIANO"], ["isbns", ["9788867053803"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867053803"]], [["description", "The Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences (Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen), was founded in 1778 to become the predecessor of the National Library and National Museum of the Republik Indonesia. It was considered to be the most important cultural and scholarly organization of the Netherlands East Indies in the time of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the colonial period.This studie pays attention to the foundation, programme and area of interest of the Society, also to its members, organization, growth, decline and resurrection, but most of all to the relation with the government of a formally private enterprise, that sometimes seemed to become part of the governmental structure.The archives of the Society are kept in the National Archives of the Republik Indonesia. Since 1878, they have only scarcely been available to scholars from outside of the Society. They have, however, proven to be of great importance to historians, linguists, and anthropologists.

Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, opgericht in 1778, is de voorloper van het Nationaal Museum en de Nationale Bibliotheek van de Republik Indonesia en geldt als de belangrijkste cultureel-wetenschappelijke organisatie van Nederlands-Indi\u00eb in de VOC-tijd en de koloniale periode. In deze studie naar de vroege geschiedenis van deze eerbiedwaardige instelling komen aan de orde: de oprichting, het programma en het werkterrein van het genootschap, het ledenbestand en de leiding, groei, verval en wederopstanding, maar vooral de relatie tot de overheid van deze formeel private onderneming, die soms eerder een overheidsinstelling leek te worden. Het archief van het Genootschap, dat bewaard wordt in het Nationaal Archief van de Republik Indonesia, is hiertoe de belangrijkste bron geweest. Het is sinds 1878 nauwelijks beschikbaar geweest voor onderzoekers buiten de kring van het genootschap. Voor historici, lingu\u00efsten, antropologen, archeologen en anderen is het genootschapsarchief en de geschiedenis van het genootschap van groot belang.Hans Groot (1949) studeerde Nederlandse taal en letterkunde en Italiaans in Amsterdam en was werkzaam in het hoger onderwijs (1976-1986), eerst in Amsterdam, daarna in Tri\u00ebst (Itali\u00eb). Sinds 1986 is hij werkzaam bij het Erasmus Taalcentrum in Jakarta. Na een bezoek aan het Nationaal Museum aldaar stelde hij zich vragen over de voorgeschiedenis van dat museum. Dat was de start van het onderzoek dat resulteerde in deze studie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groot ,Hans"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Colonial history", "Bataviaasch Genootschap", "Scientific institutions", "Museums", "Indonesia", "Koloniale geschiedenis", "Batavisch genootschap", "Wetenschappelijk instituut", "Musea", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=377414"], ["title", "Van Batavia naar Weltevreden; Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappan, 1778-1867"], ["doab_id", "13333"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789067182935", "9789004253803"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067182935 9789004253803"]], [["description", "Ranging from Polish inspirations in contemporary authors such as Bernlef, Frank Westerman and Erwin Mortier, over the Central European successes of the now forgotten Jo van Ammers-K\u00fcller, to the Bulgarian character Firmin Debeljanov in The Sorrow of Belgium: with its focus on the various interrelations between the contemporary literature of the Low countries and the so-called smaller literary cultures located between the German and the Russian language areas, the volume Van Eeden tot heden offers a multi-faceted perspective on a hitherto barely explored topic in twentieth-century European literature. Due to the academic background of the contributing authors the emphasis is on Polish, Hungarian and Czech case studies, though the Balkans are also being dealt with \u2013 albeit less prominently. Whereas some contributions search for contacts, links and influences between literatures and literators, some other chapters set up textual encounters in which authors and their works are compared from a thematic, poetic, stylistic or generic angle. Apart from these comparative endeavors, another group of contributors offer reception analysis regarding the overall topic. In the last part of the volume the focus is on issues of (national) representation and the discursive strategies that are used for it."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heuckelom Van ,Kris; Bruyn De ,Dieter ; Strycker De ,Carl "], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["comparative literature", "Low Countries", "Eastern Europe", "influence", "reception", "intertextuality"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=466591"], ["title", "Van Eeden tot heden : Literaire dwarsverbanden tussen Midden-Europa en de Lage Landen"], ["doab_id", "15691"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789038220918"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038220918"]], [["description", "Een Engelstalige uitgave van Van isolatie naar integratie is verschenen als Deel 80 (1977, ISBN 9789024719624) in de reeks Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Groot de ,S.W."], ["date", "1963"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613389"], ["title", "Van isolatie naar integratie"], ["doab_id", "18545"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004286054", "9789004286672"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004286054 9789004286672"]], [["description", "The purpose and subject of this dissertation is an analysis in space-representation and perspective drawing of Roman and Campanian landscape painting to develop and reconstruct the modes of landscape recognition and spatial perception structures in the late Republic and early Empire. This aim is realized with the help of interdisciplinary methods, as the possibilities, limits and developments of perspective representation are studied on the basis of descriptive geometry, its terminology and theoretical background.

Zielsetzung der Dissertationsarbeit ist es, eine erstmalige und genaue Analyse der r\u00e4umlichen Darstellungsmodi und Perspektiveformen in r\u00f6mischen Landschaftsbildern zu erarbeiten, um ausgehend davon die Strukturen der landschaftlichen Raumerfassung und bildlichen Wiedergabe landschaftlicher Raumzusammenh\u00e4nge in r\u00f6mischer Zeit zu rekonstruieren.R\u00f6mische Landschaftsfresken aus drei Motivgruppen vom 1. Jh. v. Chr. bis ins 1. Jh. n. Chr. werden in einer chronologischen und ikonographischen Ordnung systematisiert und auf ihre perspektivischen Darstellungsmodi hin befragt. Aufgabe der Denkm\u00e4leranalyse ist es, vorherrschende Strukturen in den Formen perspektivischer Landschaftsdarstellung aufzufinden, um diese in den weiteren Kontext ihres mentalit\u00e4tsgeschichtlichen Hintergrundes und die r\u00f6mische Darstellungstradition einzubetten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hinterh\u00f6ller-Klein ,Monika"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ancient perspective drawing, spatial representation in ancient wallpainting, central-perspective, mixed perspective, synthetic perspective, Roman landscape painting, sacro-idyllic painting, villa-landscape, Topographia, Chorographia", "Perspektive in der Antike, r\u00e4umliche Darstellungsweise in antiken Fresken, Zentralperspektive, Mischperspektive, R\u00f6misch-kampanische Wandmalerei, r\u00f6mische Landschaftsmalerei, sakral-idyllische Landschaftsmalerei, Villenbilder, Topographia, Chorographia"]], ["publisher", "Phoibos Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=594190"], ["title", "Varietates topiorum"], ["doab_id", "18404"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783851611168"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783851611168"]], [["description", "The aim of the study presented in the monograph is to reveal peculiarities, methodological strengths and limitations of participatory action research (PAR) in social service organizations. PAR is analysed as a methodological approach which involves scholars and research participants into a process of reflection, knowledge production and construction of new meanings. PAR application area is quite broad \u2013 this strategy is applied in communities, business, education, health and welfare organizations in order to increase involvement of citizens as well as their empowerment in communities and organizations. While highlighting originality and singularity of PAR in organizations, authors of the study discuss notions, definitions and distinctive features of PAR. The scholars distinguish novelty, empowering nature, methodological nuances and criticism toward PAR. The monograph presents models, the process, and stages of PAR. Based on PAR implementation in social service organizations, a need for movement from action to reflection and empowerment of research participants to take the responsibility of the changes in organizations is emphasized. The research sheds a light on psychosocial functioning of organizations as well as their readiness for change. Results and insights drawn by the research create preconditions to increase efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. The investigation presented in the monograph was implemented in social service organizations which provide services for the elderly. Lithuanian population is aging, therefore agencies which provide elderly care should be able to respond to changes in the market and satisfy clients` needs. This is relevant for profit organizations and business enterprises which become more active in the social service sector offering their activities for older people. This study presents the situation of older people in European Union and Lithuania. An overview of theoretical resources is carried out by revealing factors of organizational effectiveness and readiness for changes, concepts and typologies of organizational cultures, elements which are related to psychosocial functioning of organizations: job satisfaction, management, conflicts and their solutions, teamwork and stress at work. Recognition which embraces processes on micro, mezzo and macro levels is another concept that is discussed and analysed in the study. The research presented in the monograph included several stages. In the first stage of the research, a qualitative interpretative study was carried out by interviewing representatives of focus group. The researchers disclosed practical experiences, ideas, achievements, challenges and concerns, questions and tensions that arose in the organizations. 4 institutions participated in the research in this stage \u2013 2 public organizations of home care and 2 private organizations of institutional long-term care. In the second stage of the investigation, a quantitative research was conducted to identify tendencies of readiness for change in social service organizations. 401 respondents from municipal and state organizations and 109 respondents from private agencies (510 in total) participated in the survey. In this stage of the research, objectives were: 1) to identify main factors and elements which determine the functioning of public and private agencies for social services; 2) to reveal differences between public and private organizations of social services; 3) to analyse attitude of employees working in public and private organizations toward development of organizations and to evaluate factors which foster agencies\u2018 development; 4) to delineate issues which are important and relevant for each organization and its psycho-social functioning. The third stage of the research was dedicated to construct a new knowledge on changes to be initiated in the organizations. 2 case studies were conducted by applying a constructivist version of grounded theory (Charmaz, 2006). The first case study was carried out in municipal organizations of home social services for the elderly. The second case study was conducted in public agencies which provide institutional long-term services for the elderly. The main techniques and methods of this research were individual interviews, interviews with focus groups and group discussions as well as methodological seminars to get a feedback from research participants. Five managers and 38 employees participated in the study. The research has empowered the authors to provide methodological recommendations for the implementation of PAR in organizations. The study actualized principles and elements of successful implementation of PAR in agencies of social services \u2013 a need to reflect processes and get a feedback in organizations, foster creativity and reciprocity in relationships between researchers and research participants at organizations, support trust and respect, avoid harm and disrespect."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Naujanien\u0117, Rasa; Endriulaitien\u0117, Auks\u0117; Ru\u0161kus, Jonas; Gustainien\u0117, Loreta; Ma\u017eeikien\u0117, Natalija; Buk\u0161nyt\u0117-Marmien\u0117, Loreta; Var\u017einskien\u0117, Laura; Stelmokien\u0117, Aurelija; Motie\u010dien\u0117, Roberta; Genevi\u010di\u016bt\u0117-Janonien\u0117, Giedr\u0117; Jara\u0161i\u016bnait\u0117, Gabija"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Participatory action research", " Organizational effectiveness", " Changes in organizations", " Services for older people"]], ["publisher", "Vytautas Magnus University"], ["language", ["lt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://eltalpykla.vdu.lt/bitstream/id/2221/ISBN9786094672019.pdf"], ["title", "Veiklos tyrimas organizacijoje. Socialini\u0173 paslaug\u0173 senyvo am\u017eiaus \u017emon\u0117ms atvejis"], ["doab_id", "19079"], ["language_unmapped", "Lithuanian"], ["isbns", ["9786094672019"]], ["provider", "eltalpykla.vdu.lt"], ["isbns_raw", "9786094672019"]], [["description", "Demyelinating diseases are characterized by an extensive loss of oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths from axolemma, which commonly result in disability in young adults. To date, there is no effective treatment against these neurological disorders. In the adult brain, there are neural stem cells (NSCs) that reside within a niche denominated ventricular-subventricular zone (V-SVZ) in the lateral wall of the cerebral ventricles. NSCs give rise to neurons and oligodendrocytes that help preserve cellular homeostasis. Growing evidence indicates that V-SVZ progenitor cells may represent an endogenous source of oligodendrocytes that can be useful to treat demyelinating diseases. This e-Book collected the most recent evidence regarding the mechanisms that modulate the proliferation, migration, quiescence, cell-fate choices and survival of oligodendrocyte precursors generated in the V-SVZ. Herein, we compiled information about the role of Sonic hedgehog, NMDA receptors, ErbB proteins, hemopressin, erythropoietin, osmolarity and microglia in the oligodendrocyte production. Some chapters also describe the role of oligodendrocyte precursors in the preservation of cellular homeostasis, aging and white matter repair. All these information is presented as novel research findings, short communications, and review articles, which were written by experts in the field of oligodendrocyte generation, myelin production and white matter re-myelination."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oscar Gonzalez-Perez; Jose Manuel Garcia-Verdugo; Adan Aguirre"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Neural Stem Cells", "ventricular-subventricular zone", "oligodendrocyte", "myelin", "oligodendrogenesis", "axolemma", "white matter", "oligodendrocyte precursor cell", "remyelination", "demyelinating disease", "neural regeneration"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1161/the-ventricular-subventricular-zone-a-source-of-oligodendrocytes-in-the-adult-brain"], ["title", "The ventricular-subventricular zone: a source of oligodendrocytes in the adult brain"], ["doab_id", "17776"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192687"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192687"]], [["description", "Although the discussion of the ethical, legal and medical problems of (late) abortion, prenatal diagnosis and embryopathic findings continues since the reform of the Pregnant Women and Family Welfare Amendment Act of 1995 and the related elimination of embryopathic indication for almost fifteen years, convincing solutions are still missing. This volume contains the contributions of the 3rd Workshop on Medical Law conducted on February 26 2008. They remind of the urgent need for reform and offer suggestions for the legal policy debate. In the focus of the contributions stand the (criminal) legal and medico-ethical \"evaluation\" of human life before birth and the question of how the involved professionals can handle their responsibility with the issue of a embryopathic findings, to ensure that the pregnant patient receives help and support during her emotionally stressful decision-making process, but also consider the right to life of the unborn child (especially in cases of extra-uterine viable).

Obwohl die Diskussion um die ethischen, rechtlichen und medizinischen Probleme des Schwangerschafts(sp\u00e4t)abbruchs nach Pr\u00e4nataldiagnostik und embryopathischem Befund seit der Reform durch das Schwangeren- und Familienhilfe\u00e4nderungsgesetz von 1995 und der damit verbundenen Abschaffung der embryopathischen Indikation seit bald f\u00fcnfzehn Jahren gef\u00fchrt wird, fehlen noch immer \u00fcberzeugende L\u00f6sungskonzepte. Die in diesem Band enthaltenen Beitr\u00e4ge des am 26. Februar 2008 veranstalteten 3. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Medizinrecht mahnen den dringenden Reformbedarf an und bieten Anregungen f\u00fcr die rechtspolitische Diskussion, die vor Kurzem mit einem Gesetzesentwurf aus den Reihen der CDU/CSU-Fraktion zur \u00c4nderung des Schwangerschaftskonfliktgesetzes erneut in Gang gesetzt wurde. Im Mittelpunkt der Beitr\u00e4ge stehen die (straf-)rechtliche und medizin-ethische \u201eBewertung\u201c menschlichen Lebens vor der Geburt und die Frage, wie die beteiligten Professionen mit der Problematik eines embryopathischen Befundes verantwortlich umgehen k\u00f6nnen, damit die schwangere Patientin beim emotional belastenden Entscheidungsprozess die notwendige Hilfe und Unterst\u00fctzung erh\u00e4lt, gleichzeitig aber auch dem Lebensrecht des ungeborenen Kindes (insbesondere in F\u00e4llen extrauteriner Lebensf\u00e4higkeit) angemessen Rechnung getragen werden kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schumann, Eva"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["pregnancy", "embryopathic", "termination of pregnancy", "abortion", "pregnancy", "embryopathic", "termination of pregnancy", "abortion"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610179"], ["title", "Verantwortungsbewusste Konfliktl\u00f6sungen bei embryopathischem Befund"], ["doab_id", "12956"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344472"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344472"]], [["description", "From the perspective of early modernity, the presence of writing is linked to its visibility and legibility. This may be a questionable assumption, and it was especially problematic for writers in the premodern era, for whom concealment and veiling played such an important role. The aim of this book is to critically examine the category of the \u201crestricted presence of writing,\u201d from an interdisciplinary and transcultural perspective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Frese, Tobias; Keil, Wilfried E.; Kr\u00fcger, Kristina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Invisibility, writing"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en", "de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/266827"], ["title", "Verborgen, unsichtbar, unlesbar \u2013 zur Problematik restringierter Schriftpr\u00e4senz"], ["doab_id", "18039"], ["language_unmapped", "English, German"], ["isbns", ["9783110353587", "9783110370836", "9783110353044"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110353587, 9783110370836, 9783110353044"]], [["description", "Now a byword for beauty, Verdi\u2019s operas were far from universally acclaimed when they reached London in the second half of the nineteenth century. Why did some critics react so harshly? Who were they and what biases and prejudices animated them? When did their antagonistic attitude change? And why did opera managers continue to produce Verdi\u2019s operas, in spite of their alleged worthlessness?Massimo Zicari\u2019s Verdi in Victorian London reconstructs the reception of Verdi\u2019s operas in London from 1844, when a first critical account was published in the pages of The Athenaeum, to 1901, when Verdi\u2019s death received extensive tribute in The Musical Times. In the 1840s, certain London journalists were positively hostile towards the most talked-about representative of Italian opera, only to change their tune in the years to come. The supercilious critic of The Athenaeum, Henry Fothergill Chorley, declared that Verdi\u2019s melodies were worn, hackneyed and meaningless, his harmonies and progressions crude, his orchestration noisy. The scribes of The Times, The Musical World, The Illustrated London News, and The Musical Times all contributed to the critical hubbub.Yet by the 1850s, Victorian critics, however grudging, could neither deny nor ignore the popularity of Verdi\u2019s operas. Over the final three decades of the nineteenth century, moreover, London\u2019s musical milieu underwent changes of great magnitude, shifting the manner in which Verdi was conceptualized and making room for the powerful influence of Wagner. Nostalgic commentators began to lament the sad state of the Land of Song, referring to the now departed \"\"palmy days of Italian opera.\"\" Zicari charts this entire cultural constellation.Verdi in Victorian London is required reading for both academics and opera aficionados. Music specialists will value a historical reconstruction that stems from a large body of first-hand source material, while Verdi lovers and Italian opera addicts will enjoy vivid analysis free from technical jargon. For students, scholars and plain readers alike, this book is an illuminating addition to the study of music reception."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Zicari, Massimo (Author)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Giuseppe Verdi, Italian opera, music reception, Victorian London, nineteenth century"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/437"], ["title", "Verdi in Victorian London"], ["doab_id", "19292"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742134", "9781783742158"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742134/9781783742158"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexy, Robert; Epiney, Astrid; Erbguth, Wilfried; Hermes, Georg; Heun, Werner; H\u00f6fling, Wolfram ; Kunig, Philip; Streinz, Rudolf"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/61065"], ["title", "Verfassungsrecht und einfaches Recht - Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Fachgerichtsbarkeit. Prim\u00e4r- und Sekund\u00e4rrechtsschutz im \u00d6ffentlichen Recht. Berichte und Diskussionen auf der Tagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer in W\u00fcrzburg vom 3. bis 6. Oktober 2001 "], ["doab_id", "18401"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110898743", "9783110174885"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110898743, 9783110174885"]], [["description", "Die Art und Weise wie dem Missbrauch des Internets als Verbreitungsmedium f\u00fcr Kinderpornographie Einhalt geboten werden kann, wird auf nationaler wie auch europ\u00e4ischer Ebene stark diskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob auch unmittelbare Eingriffe in die Internetstruktur zwecks Unterbindung des Zugriffs auf kinderpornographische Webinhalte gerechtfertigt sind. Damit sind in erster Linie die Internetsperren von Access-Providern angesprochen und die Problematik, ob diese tats\u00e4chlich eine effektive Ma\u00dfnahme in der Bek\u00e4mpfung von Kinderpornographie verhei\u00dfen. Die Autorin untersucht dieses Thema prim\u00e4r anhand einer verfassungsrechtlichen W\u00fcrdigung eines legislatorischen Sperransatzes zur Verhinderung des Zugriffs auf diese kinderpornographischen Webinhalte, bezieht aber auch die europ\u00e4ische Entwicklung mit ein. Neben der Herleitung allgemeiner verfassungsrechtlicher Anforderungen wird auch ein \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das Zugangserschwerungsgesetz gegeben, das in den Jahren 2009/2010 als erster ernstzunehmender gesetzlicher Ansatz zur Inhaltsregulierung galt, letztlich jedoch praktisch nicht angewandt wurde.

Die Art und Weise wie dem Missbrauch des Internets als Verbreitungsmedium f\u00fcr Kinderpornographie Einhalt geboten werden kann, wird auf nationaler wie auch europ\u00e4ischer Ebene stark diskutiert. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, ob auch unmittelbare Eingriffe in die Internetstruktur zwecks Unterbindung des Zugriffs auf kinderpornographische Webinhalte gerechtfertigt sind. Damit sind in erster Linie die Internetsperren von Access-Providern angesprochen und die Problematik, ob diese tats\u00e4chlich eine effektive Ma\u00dfnahme in der Bek\u00e4mpfung von Kinderpornographie verhei\u00dfen. Die Autorin untersucht dieses Thema prim\u00e4r anhand einer verfassungsrechtlichen W\u00fcrdigung eines legislatorischen Sperransatzes zur Verhinderung des Zugriffs auf diese kinderpornographischen Webinhalte, bezieht aber auch die europ\u00e4ische Entwicklung mit ein. Neben der Herleitung allgemeiner verfassungsrechtlicher Anforderungen wird auch ein \u00dcberblick \u00fcber das Zugangserschwerungsgesetz gegeben, das in den Jahren 2009/2010 als erster ernstzunehmender gesetzlicher Ansatz zur Inhaltsregulierung galt, letztlich jedoch praktisch nicht angewandt wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heliosch, Alexandra"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Child Pornography", "Internet Blocking", "Child Pornography", "Internet Blocking"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610205"], ["title", "Verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen an Sperrma\u00dfnahmen von kinderpornographischen Inhalten im Internet - Unter besonderer Ber\u00fccksichtigung des Zugangserschwerungsgesetzes"], ["doab_id", "15255"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950576"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950576"]], [["description", "\u201eVerbunden werden auch die Schwachen m\u00e4chtig.\u201c Dieses Zitat aus Schillers \u201eWilhelm Tell\u201c beschreibt die historische Kernidee des Tarifsystems. Der seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre zu verzeichnende R\u00fcckgang der Tarifbindung, der steigende Wettbewerbsdruck sowie die Wirtschaftskrise im Jahre 2008 stellen nunmehr das bislang sehr erfolgreiche Tarifsystem und seine Protagonisten vor neue Herausforderungen. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Frage der Verfassungsm\u00e4\u00dfigkeit von sehr kurzfristigen Beendigungsm\u00f6glichkeiten der tarifgebundenen Mitgliedschaft in Arbeitgeberverb\u00e4nden. Wie muss ein Tarifsystem ausgestaltet sein, um einerseits die Bed\u00fcrfnisse der in Verb\u00e4nden organisierten Arbeitgeber hinreichend zu achten und andererseits die strukturelle Ungleichheit im Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber durch die Gewerkschaften als Arbeitnehmervertretung zu ber\u00fccksichtigen?

\u201eVerbunden werden auch die Schwachen m\u00e4chtig.\u201c Dieses Zitat aus Schillers \u201eWilhelm Tell\u201c beschreibt die historische Kernidee des Tarifsystems. Der seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre zu verzeichnende R\u00fcckgang der Tarifbindung, der steigende Wettbewerbsdruck sowie die Wirtschaftskrise im Jahre 2008 stellen nunmehr das bislang sehr erfolgreiche Tarifsystem und seine Protagonisten vor neue Herausforderungen. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Frage der Verfassungsm\u00e4\u00dfigkeit von sehr kurzfristigen Beendigungsm\u00f6glichkeiten der tarifgebundenen Mitgliedschaft in Arbeitgeberverb\u00e4nden. Wie muss ein Tarifsystem ausgestaltet sein, um einerseits die Bed\u00fcrfnisse der in Verb\u00e4nden organisierten Arbeitgeber hinreichend zu achten und andererseits die strukturelle Ungleichheit im Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber durch die Gewerkschaften als Arbeitnehmervertretung zu ber\u00fccksichtigen?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Farouq, Hasina"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Tariff system", "Membership of employers' associations", "Unions", "Short-term rate of termination of membership bound", "Constitutional law", "Tariff system", "Membership of employers' associations", "Unions", "Short-term rate of termination of membership bound", "Constitutional law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610366"], ["title", "Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben f\u00fcr die Zusammenarbeit von Arbeitgeberverb\u00e4nden und Gewerkschaften unter besonderer Ber\u00fccksichtigung der Problematik von Blitzaustritten und Blitzwechseln aus Arbeitgeberverb\u00e4nden"], ["doab_id", "16539"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951764"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951764"]], [["description", "The publication entitled \"Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht. Das Ged\u00e4chtnis der Shoah in Frankreich seit 1945 im Medium Film\" (A past, that doesn't pass. Holocaust Memory in France since 1945 in the Media Film) explores the basic transformations of the Holocaust-memory in France on the basis of French fiction films that are to be identified as part of cinematography of the Holocaust. The chosen approach that can be described as a history of memory referring to models of collective memory in cultural science studies. The aim is to specify the change of collective memory at the level of the particular filmic narratives and - by doing so - to identify and to analyze the long term development and ruptures in the French culture of remembrance since 1945. The empiric part of this study is preceded by methodological reflections that on the one hand permit a clear and differentiating application of the terms used in the current cultural studies of collective memory. On the other hand this chapter should help to conceive the material of research \"Fiction Film\" as primal source for historical science. The investigation is divided into five chronological parts and involves altogether a sample of 50 films into the general study before electing cases for deeper analyses. The first section (1945-69) which is generally well covered by the research to date is paying particular attention to the creation and the formation of different formations of collective memory in France, a process that has left its prints in the early films about the Holocaust. The focus is laid on the complex relationship of national memory and other political collective memories as well as particular social memories which is forming the background of the creation of a Holocaust-memory in a strict sense at the begin of the 1960ies. The second - primarily concerning the 1970ies - section is dealing with a central momentum of modification of collective long term memory in France. The cinema of this period is to understand as prominent forum of discourses which does not only reflect the ongoing transformation from R\u00e9sistance dominated memory into a Holocaust dominated memory but also significantly stimulating this shift. Film as one influencing value in a public-democratic sphere of collective memory is documenting on various (visual + narrative) levels the decline of the herocentric national remembrance towards a transnational victim based Holocaust memory. In the following third period which is located in the 1980ies and 1990ies this fundamental transformation is continuously specified and at the same time showing consequences. In the broader context of continuous medialization and politicization of the Holocaust on an international level the study is concentrating on three elements of the transformation in collective Holocaust remembrance: Universalization, Americanization and Victimization. The fourth section is for a moment dislocating its focus, as it turns from the production of French film to the public and intellectual reception of the most successful international Holocaust films in the 1990ies as well as the continued dispute over the appropriate representation of the Holocaust. The last part of the empiric part is locating and defining current tendencies in the filmic representation of the Holocaust in French cinema. The author is taking into account films presented until the year 2007. Besides a general description of the sometimes very divergent evolution of the cinematic-taking reference to the Shoah in France, the study continues to relate selected examples to general phenomena of social intercourse with the past, especially the \"Patrimonialisation\" (Pierre Nora), and the Sacralization and the Re -politicization of history. The diachronically oriented investigation - so far are sparse on the subject of research - and the wide coverage radius of empirical data prove - regarding the reconstruction and analysis of individual changes and constellations of collective memory formation - as very fruitful. Result of the present study is a extended and comprehensive history of the Holocaust Memory in France since 1945.

Das Publikationsvorhaben mit dem Titel \"Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht. Das Ged\u00e4chtnis der Shoah in Frankreich seit 1945 im Medium Film\" erforscht anhand franz\u00f6sischer Spielfilme - die als Teil einer Kinematografie der Shoah ausgemacht werden k\u00f6nnen - die grundlegenden Transformationen des Ged\u00e4chtnisses der Shoah am Beispiel Frankreich. Mit einem ged\u00e4chtnisgeschichtlichen Ansatz, der sich an den kulturwissenschaftlichen Modellen des kollektiven Ged\u00e4chtnisses orientiert, konkretisiert die Arbeit den Wandel des Ged\u00e4chtnisses anhand der jeweiligen filmischen Narrative und verfolgt auf diese Weise Langzeitentwicklungen und Br\u00fcche in der franz\u00f6sischen Erinnerungskultur zwischen 1945 und heute.Dem empirischen Arbeitsteil sind theoretische und methodische \u00dcberlegungen vorgeschaltet, die einerseits einen eindeutigen und differenzierten Zugriff auf das Begriffsrepertoire der aktuellen kulturwissenschaftlichen Ged\u00e4chtnisforschung erlauben und zugleich das Untersuchungsmaterial \"Spielfilm\" als Prim\u00e4rquelle der Geschichtswissenschaft fassbar bzw. bearbeitbar machen. Die Untersuchung gliedert sich in f\u00fcnf chronologisch gereihte Abschnitte und bezieht insgesamt ein Corpus von 50 Filmen in die allgemeine Fragenstellung ein, bevor nach dem Prinzip des Fallbeispiels einzelne Filme einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen werden.Den ersten Untersuchungsabschnitt (1945-69) - zu dem der Forschungsstand als umfassend erachtet werden darf - rekonstruiert die Arbeit unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Bildung und Ausformung unterschiedlicher Ged\u00e4chtnisformationen in Frankreich, die in der Spielfilmproduktion ihren Niederschlag findet. Im Zentrum steht hierbei das In-, Neben- und Gegeneinander von nationalem Ged\u00e4chtnis, sowie politischen und diversen partikularen sozialen Ged\u00e4chtnissen, die vor dem Hintergrund einer sich Anfang der 1960er Jahre einsetzenden Ausbildung eines Shoah-Ged\u00e4chtnisses im eigentlichen Sinne untersucht wird. Der zweite - sich im Schwerpunkt auf die 1970er Jahre beziehende - Abschnitt fokussiert auf ein zentrales Moment der Modifikation kollektiver Langzeiterinnerung in Frankreich. Das Medium Film ist in dieser Phase zudem als prominenter Austragungsort von Diskursen zu fassen, das die Transformation weg von einem R\u00e9sistance- hin zu einem Shoah-Ged\u00e4chtnis nicht nur reflektiert sondern wesentlich vorantreibt. Der Film als Parameter eines \u00f6ffentlich-demokratischen Ged\u00e4chtnisraumes erschlie\u00dft den vielschichtigen Abl\u00f6seprozess der politisch legitimierten heldenzentrierten Nationalerinnerung hin zu einer transnationalen opferzentrierten Shoah-Erinnerung. In der anschlie\u00dfenden dritten Phase - die 1980er und 90er Jahre umfasst - konkretisiert sich diese fundamentale Transformation und zeitigt zugleich weitreichende Konsequenzen. Im Kontext der zusehenden Medialisierung und Politisierung der Shoah auf internationaler Ebene konzentriert sich die Arbeit auf die Ausgestaltung dreier Wandlungsprozesse kollektiver Holocaust-Erinnerung: Universalisierung, Amerikanisierung und Viktimisierung. Der vierte Abschnitt verlagert vor\u00fcbergehend den Fokus, weg von den franz\u00f6sischen Filmen hin zu medialen und intellektuellen Diskursen anl\u00e4sslich internationaler Filme in Frankreich und ihrer Fortsetzung im Streit um das sogenannte \"Darstellungsverbot\" seit \"Schindlers Liste\" 1994. Der f\u00fcnfte und letzte Abschnitt des Untersuchungszeitraums ortet und bestimmt aktuelle Tendenzen der filmischen Repr\u00e4sentation der Shoah. Ber\u00fccksichtigt werden hierf\u00fcr Filme bis zum Jahr 2007. Neben einer allgemeinen Darstellung der teils sehr divergenten Entwicklung des filmischen Bezugnehmens auf die Shoah in Frankreich, setzt die Arbeit ausgew\u00e4hlte Beispiele in Bezug zu allgemeinen Ph\u00e4nomenen des gesellschaftlichen Umgangs mit Vergangenheit, insbesondere der \"Patrimonialisation\" (Pierre Nora), der Sakralisierung und sowie der Re-Politisierung der Geschichte. Die diachron ausgerichtete Untersuchung - die bislang zum Forschungsgegenstand sp\u00e4rlich vorhanden sind - sowie der breite Erfassungsradius empirischen Materials erweisen sich hinsichtlich der Rekonstruktion und Analyse einzelner Wandlungsprozesse und Konstellationen von kollektiven Ged\u00e4chtnisformationen als sehr ertragreich. Ergebnis der Arbeit ist eine umfassende Ged\u00e4chtnisgeschichte der Shoah f\u00fcr Frankreich seit 1945."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schmoller ,Andreas"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Shoah, Collective Memory, France, Cinema, Cultural representation, Film"]], ["publisher", "Studien Verlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437168"], ["title", "Vergangenheit, die nicht vergeht"], ["doab_id", "15293"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783706548533"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783706548533"]], [["description", "Amnesty as an institutionally imposed act of \u201eForgiving and Forgetting\u201c is nowadays practised in various fields. Whether it is granted due to security, domestic or financial policy reasons, the freedom and escape from punishment are always in stark contrast to the individual\u2019s compelling responsibility as the basis of our judicial system as well as to the demand for retribution and social peace. This legal institute is not only terminologically harking back to ancient times but also technically. Similar measures are attested throughout the whole of antiquity.

Ob nun jeweils sicherheits-, innen- oder finanzpolitische Motive zu Grunde liegen, stets stehen Straffreiheit und Straferlass im Spannungsfeld von zwingender Verantwortung des Einzelnen als Grundlage unseres Rechtssystems und der Forderung nach ausgleichender Gerechtigkeit und sozialem Frieden. Das Rechtsinstitut der Amnestie steht nicht nur begrifflich, sondern auch sachlichin antiker Tradition, vergleichbare Ma\u00dfnahmen sind aus allen Epochen des Altertums nachzuweisen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Harter-Uibopuu ,Kaja; Mitthof ,Fritz"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Amnesty, Law of the Ancient Near East; Law of Pharaonic Egypt; Greek Law, Roman Law", "Amnestie, Recht des Alten Orient, Recht des pharaonischen \u00c4gypten, Griechisches Recht, R\u00f6misches Recht"]], ["publisher", "Holzhausen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=450777"], ["title", "Vergeben und Vergessen? Amnestie in der Antike"], ["doab_id", "16794"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783902868855"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783902868855"]], [["description", "Besatzung, B\u00fcrgerkrieg und Revolution sind Ereignisse, die Gesellschaften besonders nachhaltig mental, politisch und sozial spalten. Dementsprechend schwierig ist auch ihre Verarbeitung. Aus der F\u00fclle der relevanten Aspekte wird hier jener des Vergangenheitsdiskurses untersucht: Gilt das antike Gebot des Verschweigens und Vergebens oder wurde von der Vergangenheit gesprochen? Gibt es dabei bezeichnende Unterschiede zwischen unterschiedlichen Gruppen der Gesellschaft? Inwiefern tr\u00e4gt die Art dieser Auseinandersetzung, also die spezifische Erinnerungskultur, zur inneren Auss\u00f6hnung oder aber zur andauernden Spaltung der Gesellschaft bei? Schlie\u00dflich wird die kurzfristige Vergegenw\u00e4rtigung des Vergangenen von jener mit gr\u00f6\u00dferem historischen Abstand zu den Ereignissen unterschieden und damit die Beharrung oder der Wandel unterschiedlicher Erinnerungskulturen analysiert. Die Fallbeispiele stammen aus verschiedenen historischen Epochen vom ausgehenden 15. Jahrhundert bis in die zweite H\u00e4lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts; sie ber\u00fccksichtigen neben West- und Mitteleuropa auch den \u00f6stlichen Teil des Kontinents und verdeutlichen damit die r\u00e4umlich-zeitlich-kulturelle Kontextabh\u00e4ngigkeit von Vergangenheitsdiskursen. Dabei erweist sich, dass Vergeben und Vergessen sp\u00e4testens seit 1789 nicht mehr funktionieren: In modernen pluralistischeren Gesellschaften l\u00e4sst sich Erinnerung allenfalls noch vor\u00fcbergehend steuern. Letztlich bleibt die ebenso schwierige wie belastende und nie g\u00e4nzlich befriedigende Gratwanderung zwischen notwendigem Erinnern und legitimem Vergessen unvermeidlich."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcowitz, Reiner; Paravicini, Werner"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/217390"], ["title", "Vergeben und Vergessen? Pardonner et oublier? Vergangenheitsdiskurse nach Besatzung, B\u00fcrgerkrieg und Revolution. Les discours sur le pass\u00e9 apr\u00e8s l'occupation, la guerre civile et la r\u00e9volution"], ["doab_id", "18000"], ["language_unmapped", "German, French"], ["isbns", ["9783486591354", "9783486851502"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486591354, 9783486851502"]], [["description", "Lost and Forgotten presents an historical overview of one regional development of Chinese studies / Sinology from the seventeenth century to the present time. The book focuses on the description and evaluation of contributions by scholars who originated from Austria and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.Contributions that were made in Austria and achievements of emigrants are treated in separate chapters. The account of the development of Chinese studies from the time when Sinology was institutionalised at Vienna University (1972) deals with the institutions involved.Apart from published material, the author also includes a wealth of unpublished research work found in libraries and archives in Austria, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The book incorporates detailed investigations of the source material, descriptions of state-of-the-art research at the time, and a discussion of these contributions in the light of the international Sinological discourse past and present. Book reviews, personal correspondence, discussion of personal affiliations and feuds offer further insights into the intellectual background of these scholars, their aims, concerns and methodological approaches.

Diese Darstellung der Geschichte der \u00f6sterreichischen Chinastudien beschreibt die Beitr\u00e4ge in \u00d6sterreich wirkender und aus \u00d6sterreich stammender Chinawissenschaftler aus der Sicht der internationalen Entwicklung des Faches von den Anf\u00e4ngen im 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart.Die Darstellungsweise ist in vier Hauptperioden gegliedert. Die Beitr\u00e4ge der in \u00d6sterreich t\u00e4tigen Wissenschaftler und der Emigranten und Auswanderer werden in getrennten Kapiteln diskutiert. Die Beschreibung der Chinastudien in \u00d6sterreich seit der universit\u00e4ren Institutionalisierung des Faches im Jahr 1972 ist institutionsgeschichtlich angelegt.Das Hauptinteresse dieser Studie liegt in den fachspezifischen Publikationen, deren Rolle und Einsch\u00e4tzung im Rahmen der internationalen Entwicklung der Chinastudien. Vom wissenschaftlichen Werk der einzelnen Forscher ausgehend, wurden ihre Quellen lokalislert und the oftmals durchaus kontroversen Diskussionen, die ihre Beitr\u00e4ge hervorriefen, analysiert. Neben den Forschungsergebnissen standen methodisches Vorgehen und die Quellenlage, welche die einzelnen Beitr\u00e4ge pr\u00e4gten, im Zentrum der Darstellung. Der Einbettung der Forscher in die internationalen Chinawissenschaften und ihren Verbindungenslinien wurde dabei besonderes Augemnerk gewidmet.Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden zahlreiche bisher unbearbeitete und teils auch unbekannte Nachl\u00e4sse gesichtet und eingearbeitet. Neben der Gro\u00dfzahl, der heute in erster Linie aus fachgeschichtlicher Sicht interessanten Arbeit konnte manche in Vergessenheit geratene und bis heute relevante Schrift ausfindig gemacht werden.Auch wenn der aus \u00d6sterreich stammende Beitrag zur internationalen Entwicklung des Faches als eher bescheiden einzustufen ist, so konnten im Rahmen dieser Studie, einige kleine Beitr\u00e4ge eruiert werden, in denen seinerzeitige wissenschaftliche Ans\u00e4tze und Methoden aus anderen F\u00e4chern in der Sinologie Anwendung fanden. Diese Beitr\u00e4ge wurden sowohl im wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext ihrer Entstehungszeit als auch aus heutiger Sicht diskutiert.Eine kritische Positionierung der Arbeiten der in \u00d6sterreich t\u00e4tigen und der aus \u00d6sterreich stammenden Wissenschaftler innerhalb der deutschsprachigen Chinawissenschaften und Sinologie hatte bisher nicht stattgefunden. Diese in London entstandene Studie geht \u00fcber die Entwicklung in den deutschsprachigen L\u00e4ndern weit hinaus. Sie zeigt auf, welch enormes Potential f\u00fcr eine positivere Entwicklung der Chinawissenschaften und der Sinologie \u00d6sterreich und danit der gesamten deutschsprachigen Entwicklung verloren ging.Mit Vergessen und verloren wird die bisher umfangreichste und detaillierteste Monographie \u00fcber eine nationale Entwicklung der Chinawissenschaften in Europa vorgelegt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "F\u00fchrer ,Bernhard"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["Sinology, Chinese Studies, Austria, Austrian Chinese Studies, Austrian Sinology, emigration, Sinology in Vienna, East Asian Studies"]], ["publisher", "Projektverlag"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470933"], ["title", "Vergessen und verloren"], ["doab_id", "16787"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783897330177"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3897330172"]], [["description", "Sexual violence attains a high level of public attention, almost daily the media report about it. Also for the crime and justice policy, it was always a reason to discuss the sharpening and expansion of sentences. More astonishing is that hardly anyone has examined why relatively many persons is suspected of sexual violence, but only a small percentage is ever sentenced. This volume is intended to provide new insights by describing on the one hand the identified issues, and on the other hand analysing identification processes, selection processes and sentencing. This will be based on a census of investigations in two court districts in Lower Saxony.

Sexuelle Gewalt kann einer hohen \u00f6ffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit gewiss sein; fast t\u00e4glich wird in den Medien dar\u00fcber berichtet. Auch f\u00fcr die Kriminal- und Rechtspolitik war sie immer wieder Anlass, Strafsch\u00e4rfungen vorzunehmen und das Ma\u00dfregelrecht auszubauen. Um so erstaunlicher ist es, dass kaum jemand untersucht hat, wieso relativ viele Personen wegen sexuellen Gewalthandlungen verd\u00e4chtigt, aber nur ein kleiner Prozentsatz deswegen verurteilt wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll hierzu neue Erkenntnisse liefern, indem sie einerseits die ermittelten Sachverhalte beschreibt und andererseits Ermittlungsvorg\u00e4nge, Selektionsprozesse und Strafzumessung analysiert. Dies erfolgt anhand einer Vollerhebung von Ermittlungsverfahren eines Jahrgangs in zwei nieders\u00e4chsischen Landgerichtsbezirken."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Goedelt, Katja"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["criminal law", "german criminal law", "criminal Law Proceedings", "criminal law", "german criminal law", "criminal Law Proceedings"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610233"], ["title", "Vergewaltigung und sexuelle N\u00f6tigung - Untersuchung der Strafverfahrenswirklichkeit"], ["doab_id", "13238"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875289"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875289"]], [["description", "In the book titled Vergil's political commentary in Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid, the author examines Vergil\u2019s political views by analyzing the whole of the poet\u2019s work. He introduces the notion of the functional model suggesting that the poet often used this instrument when making a political statement. New interpretations of a number of the Eclogues and passages of the Georgics and the Aeneid are suggested and the author concludes that Vergil\u2019s political engagement is visible in much of his work. During his whole career the poet was consistent in his views on several major political themes. These varied from, the distress caused by the violation of the countryside during and after the expropriations in the 40s B.C., to the horrors of the civil war and the violence of war in general, and the necessity of strong leadership. Vergil hoped and expected that Octavian would establish peace and order, and he supported a form of hereditary kingship for which he considered Octavian a suitable candidate. He held Cleopatra in high regard, and he appreciated a more meaningful role for women in society. Vergil wrote poetry that supported Augustus, but he had also the courage to criticize Octavian and his policies. He was a commentator with an independent mind and was not a member of Augustus\u2019 putative propaganda machine."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Weeda, Leendert"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Antike, Einzelne Motive, Motivforschung, Lateinische Philologie, Lateinische Autoren"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/456246"], ["title", "Vergil\u00b4s Political Commentary in the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid"], ["doab_id", "17361"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110426410", "9783110426427"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110426410, 9783110426427"]], [["description", "Ambulante Sanktionen gelten oftmals als menschliche Alternative zur Freiheitsentziehung. Der eigene Eingriffscharakter, die Perspektive der Betroffenen und die Erweiterung des Netzes sozialer Kontrolle werden \u00fcbersehen. Die \u00dcbertragung von Sanktionspraktiken zwischen Rechtskulturen erfordert menschenrechtliche Minimalstandards. Zudem fehlen Kontrollgruppen-Studien und insbesondere ein Vergleich zur Non-Intervention. Anstelle naiver \u00dcbertragung einer (vermeintlichen) \u201ebest practice\u201c wird empfohlen, den Blick von \u201enothing works\u201c auf eine Auseinandersetzung mit der M\u00f6glichkeit zu richten, dass \u201enothing works\u201c."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christine M. Graebsch; Sven-Uwe Burkhardt"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["criminology"]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-08965-8"], ["title", "Vergleichsweise menschlich?: Ambulante Sanktionen als Alternative zur Freiheitsentziehung aus europ\u00e4ischer Perspektive"], ["doab_id", "19127"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783658089641", "9783658089658"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658089641 (Print) 9783658089658 (Online)"]], [["description", "Many buying decisions are made at the Point of Sale. This fact underlines the outstanding importance of behaviourism, its methods and its efficiency. Therefore this work deals with the classical as well as with recent research methods into buying habits, etc. Validity aspects receive special attention. To demonstrate how much information can be gathered with relatively little effort an adapted form of research at the POS is described. Also suggestions are given to look into the behaviour of the staff at the POS.

Viele Kaufentscheidungen fallen erst am Point of Sale (POS), zumindest werden viele Absichten dort erst konkretisiert. Dies allein begr\u00fcndet die herausragende Bedeutung der Verhaltensforschung am POS. Bei dieser Forschung bedarf es des Einsatzes geeigneter Forschungsmethoden und der Beachtung ihrer Leistungsf\u00e4higkeit. Aus diesem Grunde befasst sich die hier vorgelegte Publikation mit den klassischen, aber auch mit neueren Forschungsmethoden, vor allem mit der Erfassung des Lauf-, Zuwendungs- und Kaufverhaltens und mit der Erfassung kognitiver Prozesse beim Besuch eines station\u00e4ren Gesch\u00e4fts. Besondere Beachtung erfahren Validit\u00e4tsaspekte sowie Selektivit\u00e4ts- und Reaktivit\u00e4tseffekte, die \u00fcber die Aussagekraft der Befunde entscheiden. Um aufzuzeigen, wie mit begrenztem Aufwand m\u00f6glichst viel in Erfahrung gebracht werden kann, wird eine abgestufte Verhaltensforschung am POS skizziert. Abschlie\u00dfend wird aufgezeigt, wie auch das Verhalten der Mitarbeiter am POS untersucht werden kann."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Silberer, G\u00fcnter"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["point of sale", "consumption", "marketing", "market research", "point of sale", "consumption", "marketing", "market research"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610249"], ["title", "Verhaltensforschung am Point of Sale - Ansatzpunkte und Methodik"], ["doab_id", "13228"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344687"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344687"]], [["description", "not yet available

Das Internet hat mit seinen unbegrenzten Kommunikationsstrukturen eine herausragende Rolle eingenommen. Im Prozess der Globalisierung erm\u00f6glicht diese Vernetzung nicht nur den von Ort und Zeit unabh\u00e4ngigen Zugang zu Informationen, sie zieht auch eine gesellschaftliche Ver\u00e4nderung mit bisher un\u00fcberschaubarem Ausma\u00df nach sich. Wie wird sich unsere Gesellschaft durch diese neuen Kommunikationstrukturen wandeln? Wird „Der vernetzte Egoist“ der kollektiven Verantwortung und dem Gemeinschaftssinn ein schnelles Ende bereiten? Oder bietet Vernetzung auch zukunftsweisende Chancen f\u00fcr die Entwicklung von Zivilgesellschaften, Demokratien, Toleranz und Frieden?"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Robertson-von Trotha ,Caroline Y.; Mielke ,Christine"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["cultural studies", "applied cultural studies", "political theory", "globalization", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft", "Politische Theorie", "Globalisierung"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422333"], ["title", "Vernetztes Leben. Soziale und digitale Kulturen"], ["doab_id", "15095"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866440197"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3866440197"]], [["description", "This book (Malagasy silkworms. Ecological and sociological issues) reflects the achievements and scientific activities of the university cooperation project for the 'Management and sustainable enhancement of the endemic silkworm Borocera cajani in a forested area of the Antananarivo region\" 'financed by the CIUF-CUD (University Development Cooperation in Belgium). The first section of the work deals with the biological and ecological aspects of silkworms in Madagascar-with emphasis on landibe (Borocera cajanus Vinson, 1863). The second section studies the ecological and botanical dimensions of the habitat of the species, namely, tapia formations (Uapaca bojeri Baill.), by focussing on the silvicultural and botanical aspects, the causes and indicators of its decline, etc. The third section provides information about the valorization of the silk industry and covers a variety of approaches including the compilation of an inventory of edible wild plant resources and their chemical characteristics. This section also looks at the role played by silk in the rural economy, and the knowledge and skills of local communities. The third section ends by taking a look at the socio-institutional context as well as interactions between the players involved in the industry. This work comprises 21 scientific contributions written by 33 authors ; some of them are in english and all the abstracts are written in french and in english. Several chapters have already been published elsewhere. This book is aimed at all those who are passionately interested in Malagasy society and biodiversity, and the potential value of this large island in the context of sustainable development."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verheggen, Fran\u00e7ois (ed.); Bogaert, Jan (ed.); Haubruge, Eric (ed.)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Presses agronomiques de Gembloux (Liege University)"], ["language", ["fr", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.pressesagro.be/e-book/9782870161289.pdf"], ["title", "Les vers \u00e0 soie malgaches. Enjeux \u00e9cologiques et socio-\u00e9conomiques"], ["doab_id", "16103"], ["language_unmapped", "French, English"], ["isbns", ["9782870161289"]], ["provider", "www.pressesagro.be"], ["isbns_raw", "9782870161289"]], [["description", "This topic covers emerging knowledge about the properties and functions of the outer membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria. These outer membranes house various processes necessary for efficient communication and thus integration of the organelles with and into their surroundings in the cytoplasm. Such processes include, but are not limited to, protein import, organelle division, organelle movement, metabolism, and metabolite/ion transport. Recent molecular genetic, biochemical and cell biological studies have revealed functions of various outer membrane proteins. These findings have helped address and generate diverse biological and evolutionary questions at molecular, cellular and whole organism levels. The topic should encourage contributions of scientists from various disciplines and thus would provide the field with opportunities to \"think outside the box\" and to develop potential collaborations. The topic is also aimed to stimulate interests of general audience in the outer membranes of chloroplasts and mitochondria."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kentaro Inoue"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Arabidopsis", "chloroplast", "galactolipid", "Mitochondria", "outer membrane", "protein import", "seedling-lethal", "Tail-anchor", "TOC", "Toc159"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1938/versatile-roles-of-organelle-outer-membranes-in-intracellular-communication"], ["title", "Versatile roles of organelle outer membranes in intracellular communication"], ["doab_id", "19512"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196043"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196043"]], [["description", "Identifies and investigates a corpus of twenty-one anonymous Middle English recipes for the philosophers' stone dating from the fifteenth century.Verse and Transmutation: A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry identifies and investigates a corpus of twenty-one anonymous recipes for the philosophers\u2019 stone dating from the fifteenth century. These were circulated and received in association with each other until the mid-seventeenth century, when a number of them appeared in Elias Ashmole\u2019s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum.These editions are the first to make this previously unidentified corpus available to researchers. The accompanying studies discover the complex histories of these alchemica, in plain and illuminated manuscripts, as anonyma and in attribution to famous authors, and in private and institutional, medical and academic book collections. Together, they offer novel insights into the role of alchemy and poetry in late medieval and early modern England.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Timmermann ,Anke"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["History", "Literature", "Medieval and Early Science"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470830"], ["title", "Verse and Transmutation - A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry (Critical Editions and Studies)"], ["doab_id", "15990"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004254831", "9789004254848"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004254831 9789004254848"]], [["description", "Vertical Readings in Dante\u2019s Comedy is a reappraisal of the poem by an international team of thirty-four scholars. Each vertical reading analyses three same-numbered cantos from the three canticles: Inferno i, Purgatorio i and Paradiso i; Inferno ii, Purgatorio ii and Paradiso ii; etc. Although scholars have suggested before that there are correspondences between same-numbered cantos that beg to be explored, this is the first time that the approach has been pursued in a systematic fashion across the poem.This collection \u2013 to be issued in three volumes \u2013 offers an unprecedented repertoire of vertical readings for the whole poem. As the first volume exemplifies, vertical reading not only articulates unexamined connections between the three canticles but also unlocks engaging new ways to enter into core concerns of the poem. The three volumes thereby provide an indispensable resource for scholars, students and enthusiasts of Dante."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Corbett, George (Editor); Webb, Heather (Editor)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Dante Alighieri, Commedia, Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso, Italian poetry, Italian literature, vertical readings, comparative"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/367"], ["title", "Vertical Readings in Dante's Comedy: Volume 1"], ["doab_id", "17486"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741731", "9781783741748"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741731/9781783741748"]], [["description", "not yet available

'Vertrauen' spielt in fast allen Bereichen menschlichen Lebens eine wichtige Rolle. Von 'Vertrauen' wird gesprochen in Bezug auf Personen, Unternehmen, Institutionen, Technik usw. Es gibt das Urvertrauen, die vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit im Betrieb, die Vertrauensfrage im Parlament, den Vertrauensschaden im Recht. Der Band \"Vertrauen - zwischen sozialem Kitt und der Senkung von Transaktionskosten\" soll die Bandbreite der Thematik aufzeigen und der Frage nach dem 'Vertrauen' in ausgew\u00e4hlten Wissenschaften nachgehen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Maring ,Matthias"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["social transactions", "cultural studies", "political science", "Soziale Transaktionskosten", "Kulturwissenschaft", "Politikwissenschaft"]], ["publisher", "KIT Scientific Publishing"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=422381"], ["title", "Vertrauen - zwischen sozialem Kitt und der Senkung von Transaktionskosten"], ["doab_id", "15082"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783866444614"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783866444614"]], [["description", "Die moderne Medizin bringt es mit sich, dass Entscheidungen zur \u00e4rztlichen Behandlung sehr weit reichende Folgen f\u00fcr das Leben eines Patienten haben k\u00f6nnen. Die Patientenautonomie gebietet es daher, dass der Patient in solche \u00e4rztlichen Behandlungsentscheidungen einwilligt. Wenn ein vollj\u00e4hriger Mensch wegen Krankheit oder Behinderung nicht \u00fcber sich selbst bestimmen kann, werden Entscheidungen durch einen rechtsgesch\u00e4ftlichen oder gesetzlichen Vertreter getroffen. Oftmals sind dies die Angeh\u00f6rigen. Diese werden aber auch h\u00e4ufig zum mutma\u00dflichen Patientenwillen befragt, wenn sie nicht zum Vertreter bestellt sind oder im Notfall der Vertreter nicht befragt werden kann. In solchen F\u00e4llen entscheiden die \u00c4rzte \u00fcber das Ob und Wie der Behandlung. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob das Selbstbestimmungsrecht des Einzelnen die k\u00fcnftige Etablierung einer generellen Vertretungsbefugnis von Familienangeh\u00f6rigen gebietet und auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage dies geschehen k\u00f6nnte. Die detaillierte medizinrechtliche Analyse schlie\u00dft mit einem Gesetzesvorschlag.

Die moderne Medizin bringt es mit sich, dass Entscheidungen zur \u00e4rztlichen Behandlung sehr weit reichende Folgen f\u00fcr das Leben eines Patienten haben k\u00f6nnen. Die Patientenautonomie gebietet es daher, dass der Patient in solche \u00e4rztlichen Behandlungsentscheidungen einwilligt. Wenn ein vollj\u00e4hriger Mensch wegen Krankheit oder Behinderung nicht \u00fcber sich selbst bestimmen kann, werden Entscheidungen durch einen rechtsgesch\u00e4ftlichen oder gesetzlichen Vertreter getroffen. Oftmals sind dies die Angeh\u00f6rigen. Diese werden aber auch h\u00e4ufig zum mutma\u00dflichen Patientenwillen befragt, wenn sie nicht zum Vertreter bestellt sind oder im Notfall der Vertreter nicht befragt werden kann. In solchen F\u00e4llen entscheiden die \u00c4rzte \u00fcber das Ob und Wie der Behandlung. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob das Selbstbestimmungsrecht des Einzelnen die k\u00fcnftige Etablierung einer generellen Vertretungsbefugnis von Familienangeh\u00f6rigen gebietet und auf welcher rechtlichen Grundlage dies geschehen k\u00f6nnte. Die detaillierte medizinrechtliche Analyse schlie\u00dft mit einem Gesetzesvorschlag."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burchardt, Monika"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Family law", "attorney", "guardianship", "curatorship", "Family law", "attorney", "guardianship", "curatorship"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610170"], ["title", "Vertretung handlungsunf\u00e4higer vollj\u00e4hriger Patienten durch Angeh\u00f6rige"], ["doab_id", "13346"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875593"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875593"]], [["description", "Public administration

Actief betrokken burgers zijn van groot belang voor een levende democratie. Ze houden volksvertegenwoordigers en overheidsinstanties bij de les, vernieuwen de samenleving met hun idee\u00ebn en initiatieven en geven het beleid draagvlak. Het is daarom zorgelijk dat slechts kleine groepen burgers zich aangesproken voelen door de wijze waarop beleidsmakers hen pogen te betrekken. Door middel van literatuurstudie en veldonderzoek heeft de raad de kansen en mogelijkheden om burgers te verleiden tot actieve betrokkenheid in kaart gebracht. De raad onderscheidt drie velden van burgerbetrokkenheid: beleidsparticipatie, maatschappelijke participatie en maatschappelijk initiatief, en doet aanbevelingen voor het vergroten van de burgerbetrokkenheid op alle velden. Essentieel voor de rol van beleidsmakers daarbij zijn twee uitgangspunten: denk vanuit het perspectief van burgers en vergroot de kaders voor betrokkenheid. Dit onderzoek van de WRR leidt tot suggesties en adviezen over hoe beleidsmakers en beleidsuitvoerders meer en beter gebruik kunnen maken van kennis, kunde en voorkeuren van (individuele) burgers."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Bestuurskunde"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=424533"], ["title", "Vertrouwen in burgers"], ["doab_id", "15144"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089644046"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644046"]], [["description", "Popular science

Scholen moeten aan dreigende schooluitvallers niet alleen onderwijs geven, maar ook alle sociaal-emotionele zorg en steun die nodig is om een plaats in de samenleving te veroveren. Alleen op scholen met een dergelijke brede taakopvatting bestaat een re\u00eble kans om te voorkomen dat de meest kwetsbare jongeren volledig buiten de maatschappij komen te staan. De regering moet scholen en ROC's actief stimuleren dit bredere 'plus-pakket' aan te bieden. Dat schrijft de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) in zijn rapport aan de regering Vertrouwen in de school. Over de uitval van 'overbelaste' jongeren. In dit rapport richt de Raad zijn aandacht op \u00e9\u00e9n categorie van (dreigende) uitvallers, namelijk 'overbelaste' jongeren. Dat zijn jongeren die gebukt gaan onder een opeenstapeling van problemen, uiteenlopend van beperkte vaardigheden en gedragsproblemen tot gebroken gezinnen, armoede, schulden of verslaving. Bij deze jongeren is schooluitval vaak de voorbode van algehele maatschappelijke uitval. Op basis van vele gesprekken in het veld en bestudering van de binnen- en buitenlandse literatuur formuleert de Raad in dit rapport aanbevelingen voor een effectieve preventie van voortijdig schoolverlaten bij deze jongeren. De centrale aanbeveling van de WRR is dat scholen aan deze jongeren 'structuur' en 'verbondenheid' moeten bieden. De raad pleit voor een school die uitgaat van een bredere taakopvatting dan alleen het overdragen van kennis en noemt scholen met dergelijke brede maatschappelijke taakopvatting 'plusscholen'. De school kan zo uitgroeien tot veilige haven die tegenwicht biedt aan de chaos en risico's in hun leven."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Popular science", "Wetenschap algemeen"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340063"], ["title", "Vertrouwen in de school : Over de uitval van 'overbelaste' jongeren"], ["doab_id", "13264"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641052"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641052"]], [["description", "This study analyses the phenomenon of marriages between kin in the various relevant discursive and conceptual, legal and political, administrative and bureaucratic, familial and household-organizational, sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts. These were interwoven so as to lead all the way from villages and local parishes to the Roman Curia, and from widower\u2019s households and local municipal offices to the Imperial Court Chancellery in Vienna. The focus on how kinship was administrated opens up an approach to processes by which the state and the church, as well as the state and the regions, were integrated during an era that, in this respect, would prove to be historically decisive.

Diese Studie untersucht das Ph\u00e4nomen der Verwandtenheirat in den vielf\u00e4ltigen diskursiv-konzeptuellen, rechtlich-politischen, administrativ-b\u00fcrokratischen, familien- und haushaltsorganisatori-schen, soziokulturellen und soziopolitischen Kontexten. In Ver-flechtungen f\u00fchren diese vom Dorf und vom \u00f6rtlichen Pfarrhaus bis in die r\u00f6mische Kurie, vom Witwerhaushalt und vom lokalen Gemeindeamt bis in die Wiener Hofkanzlei. Der auf das Verwalten von Verwandtschaft gelegte Fokus er\u00f6ffnet einen Zugang zu Prozessen der Integration von Staat und Kirche sowie von Staat und Region in einer in diesem Zusammenhang historisch ent-scheidenden \u00c4ra."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lanzinger ,Margareth"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["kinship, marriage, dispensation practice, administration, domestic organisation, regional patterns", "Verwandtschaft, Heirat, Dispenspraxis, Verwaltung, h\u00e4usliche Organisation, regionale Muster"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574674"], ["title", "Verwaltete Verwandtschaft"], ["doab_id", "17400"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787525"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787525"]], [["description", "Written in his mother\u2019s unique voice, John Leigh Walters pushes the boundaries of memoir in A Very Capable Life, the extraordinary journey of a seemingly ordinary woman. Zarah Petri was a child when her family left Hungary to establish a new life in Canada in the 1920s. With courage and innovation, Zarah and her family survived the Depression\u2015even if it meant breaking the law to do so. In celebrating Zarah Petri, A Very Capable Life pays homage to all \u201cordinary\u201d women of the early twentieth century who challenged society\u2019s conventions for the sake of survival."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Leigh Walters"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["memoir", "immigration", "Hungary"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120164"], ["title", "A Very Capable Life: The Autobiography of Zarah Petri"], ["doab_id", "14420"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425411", "9781897425428"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425411 9781897425428"]], [["description", "Since the beginning of life, all plant and animal kingdoms have been developed or modified based on gravity along with atmospheric composition and solar radiation existing on Earth. Gravity is mainly encoded by the otolithic sensors of the vestibular system but its role has been largely underestimated in favor of the vestibular semicircular canals and reduced to oculomotor and postural coordination. Over the last decade, it has been demonstrated that sensory information provided by the vestibular system is crucial in spatial-memory processes in rats and humans. More recently a role in attention processes has been raised. This topic aims to report and demonstrate the role and integration of vestibular information in cognitive processes in rodent models and human at the behavioral, imaging and electrophysiological levels."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stephane Besnard; Christophe Lopez; Thomas Brandt; Pierre Denise; Paul F. Smith"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["sensory organ", "Vertigo", "Dementia", "Cognition", "Perception", "Balance disorders"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1235/the-vestibular-system-in-cognitive-and-memory-processes-in-mammalians"], ["title", "The Vestibular System in Cognitive and Memory Processes in Mammals"], ["doab_id", "18864"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197446"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197446"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Roelofsz ,M.A.P."], ["date", "1943"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613424"], ["title", "De vestiging der Nederlanders ter kuste Malabar"], ["doab_id", "18446"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285675", "9789004286252"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285675 9789004286252"]], [["description", "Os triatom\u00edneos s\u00e3o insetos hemat\u00f3fagos de grande import\u00e2ncia m\u00e9dica, pois s\u00e3o os respons\u00e1veis pela transmiss\u00e3o do Trypanosoma cruzi, o agente etiol\u00f3gico da doen\u00e7a de Chagas. Durante mais de um s\u00e9culo, desde a descri\u00e7\u00e3o da primeira esp\u00e9cie em 1773, os triatom\u00edneos foram estudados de um ponto de vista puramente entomol\u00f3gico. Por\u00e9m, a partir de 1909, quando Carlos Chagas descobriu que eram os vetores de uma nova tripanossom\u00edase, que mais tarde levaria o seu nome, adquiriram um interesse m\u00e9dico sanit\u00e1rio muito grande despertando a curiosidade de v\u00e1rios pesquisadores que passaram a estud\u00e1-los sob os mais variados aspectos. \u201cVetores da doen\u00e7a de Chagas no Brasil\u201d \u00e9 uma obra composta por 13 cap\u00edtulos, com linguagem acess\u00edvel a p\u00fablicos com diferentes n\u00edveis de forma\u00e7\u00e3o, voltada principalmente para equipes que atuam em vigil\u00e2ncia entomol\u00f3gica, professores e alunos de gradua\u00e7\u00e3o e p\u00f3s-gradua\u00e7\u00e3o. A obra \u00a0aborda e atualiza diversos aspectos relacionados aos\u00a0 vetores como: \u00a0taxonomia, biologia, comportamento, mecanismos de transmiss\u00e3o e rela\u00e7\u00e3o com os mam\u00edferos \u00a0reservat\u00f3rios do Trypanosoma cruzi"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Galv\u00e3o, Cleber"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/mw58j"], ["title", "Vetores da doen\u00e7a de Chagas no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17212"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788598203096"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788598203096"]], [["description", "This volume elaborates on the EU report A Human Security Doctrine for Europe, adding an engaging discussion of international legal consequences and operational demands in the European Union's quest for domestic security. Introducing the concept of \"Human Security from Below,\" the editors highlight how people in war-torn countries have no choice but to create their own security arrangements. But such structures, surprisingly, are not unique to war zones, the contributors reveal-human security initiatives from below occur in even the most stable Western countries. Arguing that human security as a concept only makes sense if it covers both foreign and domestic policy concerns, The Viability of Human Security offers concise insights on this largely neglected topic.

Steeds meer wordt duidelijk dat het militaire veiligheidsbeleid van na de Koude Oorlog tekort schiet. Militairen worden geschoold en getraind in het dienen van de staatsveiligheid. Maar de eisen van moderne interventies vragen om een ander perspectief, human security, oftewel mensveiligheid. De discussie daarover is in volle gang, onder meer binnen de Europese Unie, die nog steeds zoekt naar adequate invulling van haar interne en externe veiligheidsbeleid. Dit boek belicht deze ontwikkeling en voegt er nieuw perspectieven aan toe. Er wordt gekeken wat mensveiligheid betekent voor de beleidsmaker ('human security from above') en wat het betekent voor de man in de straat ('human security from below'). In potentie heeft het begrip mensveiligheid een universele strekking, maar of het werkelijk een ommekeer in het denken over veiligheid inhoudt staat, ook in dit boek, nog volop ter discussie."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boer den ,Monica; Wilde de ,Jaap"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340098"], ["title", "The Viability of Human Security"], ["doab_id", "12809"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053567968"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053567968"]], [["description", "After the books on \"La politica e gli spazi politici\", \"Metafore dello spazio\", \"Gli spazi immaginati\", \"Spazi e politica nella modernit\u00e0 tecnologica\", this notebook continues the series devoted to illustrating the results of an interdisciplinary study group fostered by Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina and Bruna Consarelli, lecturers in the history of political theory, entitled \"Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0\", and aimed at exploring major political and social issues from the aspect of spaces and their production. Devoted to \"Viaggio e politica\" it seeks to probe the complex manner in which ideas, theories and models have been shaped over the history of political thought in relation to the journey in its spatial and physical, but also symbolic and imaginary, dimension. It is conceived as a moment of encounter and even clash with reality, problems, 'other' mentalities, and with formation, knowledge and transformation. Appendix: Tavole di Zwinger riprodotte nell'intervento di Lucia Felici, \"La Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: un osservatorio cinquecentesco della citt\u00e0 come spazio politico\".

Questo quaderno su Viaggio e politica continua la serie della Firenze University Press, nella quale sono finora usciti, a cura di Bruna Consarelli, \"La politica e gli spazi\" (2003), \"Metafore dello spazio\" (2004), \"Gli spazi immaginati\" (2005), \"Spazi e politica nella modernit\u00e0 tecnologica\" (2006). La serie \u00e8 dedicata ad illustrare i risultati di un gruppo di studio interdisciplinare, promosso da Lea Campos Boralevi, Vittore Collina e Bruna Consarelli, docenti di Storia delle dottrine politiche, intitolato \"Figure dello spazio, politica e societ\u00e0\", con l'obiettivo di indagare i grandi temi politici e sociali dell'et\u00e0 moderna e contemporanea, dal punto di vista degli spazi e della loro produzione. \"Viaggio e politica\" presenta le complesse modalit\u00e0 con cui idee, dottrine, modelli si sono venuti configurando nella storia del pensiero politico rispetto al viaggio nella sua dimensione spaziale e fisica, ma anche simbolica e immaginaria, come momento di formazione, conoscenza e trasformazione nel confronto con realt\u00e0, problemi e mentalit\u00e0 'altri'. Appendice: Tavole di Zwinger riprodotte nell'intervento di Lucia Felici, \"La Methodus Apodemica di Theodor Zwinger: un osservatorio cinquecentesco della citt\u00e0 come spazio politico\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Campos Boralevi, Lea; Lagi, Sara"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Society", "Territory", "Technology", "Conference proceedings", "Societ\u00e0", "Territorio", "Tecnologia", "Atti di convegno"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=356397"], ["title", "Viaggio e politica"], ["doab_id", "13191"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884534408", "9788884534323"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884534408 9788884534323"]], [["description", "This book sets out the conditions under which the need for a new approach to the production of architecture in the twenty-first century is established, where our homes and cities are facing increasing pressures from environmental challenges that are compromising our lives and well being. Vibrant architecture embodies a new kind of architectural design practice that explores how lively materials, or 'vibrant matter', may be incorporated into our buildings to confer on them some of the properties of living things, such as movement, growth, sensitivity and self-repair. The theoretical and practical implications of how this may occur are explored through the application of a new group of materials. Characteristically, these substances possess some of the properties of living systems but may not have the full status of being truly alive. They include forms of chemical artificial life such as 'dynamic droplets' or synthetically produced soils. As complex systems, they are able to communicate directly with the natural world using a shared language of chemistry and so, negotiate their continued survival in a restless world. Vibrant architecture may create new opportunities for architectural design practice that venture beyond top-down form-finding programs, by enabling architects to co-design in partnership with human and nonhuman collectives, which result from the production of post natural landscapes. Ultimately, vibrant architecture may operate as an ecological platform for human development that augments the liveliness of our planet, rather than diminishes it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Armstrong, Rachel"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/448453"], ["title", "Vibrant Architecture. Matter as a CoDesigner of Living Structures"], ["doab_id", "17959"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110403725", "9783110403732"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110403725, 9783110403732"]], [["description", "Vibrios are Gram-negative bacilli that occur naturally in marine, estuarine, and freshwater systems. Some species include human and animal pathogens capable of causing gastroenteritis, wound infections, cholera, and fatal septicemia. Over the past decades, cutting edge research on Vibrio genomics has promoted a tremendous advance in our knowledge of these pathogens. Significant developments include the discovery of emerging epidemic clones, tracking the spread of new strain variants, and an intensified appreciation of the role of mobile genetic elements in antibiotic resistance spread as well as pathogenesis. Furthermore, improved understanding of the interaction of Vibrios with a variety of living organisms in the aquatic environment has documented the significant role of environmental reservoirs in their seasonal cycle favoring persistence of the pathogen during inter-epidemic periods and enhancing disease transmission. This Research Topic is dedicated to our current understanding in these areas and will bring together leading experts in the field to provide a deep overview of Vibrios ecology and evolution, and will suggest the pathway of future research in this field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Daniela Ceccarelli; Rita R. Colwell"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Vibrio", "Ecology", "Genome", "evolution", "Pathogenesis"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1487/vibrio-ecology-pathogenesis-and-evolution"], ["title", "Vibrio ecology, pathogenesis and evolution"], ["doab_id", "17841"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192892"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192892"]], [["description", "'The Victorian soldier in Africa' re-examines the campaign experience of British soldiers in Africa during the period, 1874-1902 - the zenith of the Victorian imperial expansion - and does so from the perspective of the regimental soldier. Focusing on eight different encounters, the book utilises an unprecedented number of letters and diaries, written by regimental officers and other ranks, to allow soldiers to speak for themselves about their experience of colonial campaigning of the late nineteenth century. The sources demonstrate the adaptability of the British army in fighting in different climates, over demanding terrain and against a diverse array of enemies, including the Asante, Xhosa, Zulus, Egyptians, Mahdists and Boers. They also reveal soldiers' responses to army reforms of the era and the effectiveness of shifts from long-service to short-service terms of enlistment, the abolition of purchase and flogging as well as monitoring responses to the introduction of new technologies of warfare in the form of the machine gun, the smokeless rifle and the dum dum bullet. The book provides commentary on soldiers' views of commanding officers and politicians alongside assessment of war correspondents, colonial auxiliaries and African natives in their roles as bearers, allies and enemies. Overall, the book examines the relationship between how soldiers thought about and recorded their own private experiences of warfare and how this was conveyed to the wider world - to friends and family at home and to the wider newspaper-reading public. Essential reading for specialists in military history and British colonialism this book reveals new insights on imperial and racial attitudes within the army, on relations between soldiers and the media and on the production of information and knowledge and its transmission from frontline to homefront."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spiers ,Edward M."], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["boer", "zulu", "africa", "colonialism", "army"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341404"], ["title", "The Victorian soldier in Africa"], ["doab_id", "13245"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719061219"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719061219"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Conde Naranjo, Esteban (ed.)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History of law", "Modern history", "Biographies", "Historia del derecho", "Historia moderna", "Biograf\u00edas"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/13565/vidas_derecho_2012.pdf?sequence=1"], ["title", "Vidas por el derecho"], ["doab_id", "16131"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415455271"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415455271"]], [["description", "Though traditionally designed for entertainment, video games are being used more and more by psychologists to understand topics such as skill acquisition, cognitive capacity and plasticity, aging, individual differences, and development. The appeal of using video games over simpler laboratory paradigms partly comes from their ability to present rich and complex cognitive challenges more representative of the demands of the complex everyday tasks we perform outside of the laboratory. However, this complexity also presents a host of methodological and analytic challenges. This Research Topic brings together research using games to explore cognitive processes, with a special focus on the challenges of this approach. Challenges are in terms of design, implementation, or data analysis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Walter R Boot"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Cognition", "Perception", "Video Games", "Gaming", "training", "transfer", "skill acquisition"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1427/video-games-as-tools-to-achieve-insight-into-cognitive-processes"], ["title", "Video Games as Tools to Achieve Insight into Cognitive Processes"], ["doab_id", "18162"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195534"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195534"]], [["description", "The author examines the practice of video interrogation for children witnesses. Starting point for their empirical investigation is the question of whether the law reform is not only meant well, but can be implemented practically. Here the author builds on the regulations of the 1998 established law for witness protection, to its feasibility in terms of the intended effective protection of victims, particularly the avoidance of so-called secondary victimization (trauma), experts from the federal state of Lower Saxony - prosecutors, police and courts - report by their own experiencees. In five selected district courts of Lower Saxony, the author has also conducted an extensive document analysis on the use of video testimony, and concluded that the video technology in criminal proceedings is used rarely. In specific reform proposals \u201ede lege ferenda\u201c also the recent regulations of the Law Reform Act of 2003 victims are included in the evaluative study.

Die Autorin beleuchtet die Praxis der Videovernehmung kindlicher Zeugen. Ausgangspunkt ihrer empirischen Untersuchung ist die Frage, ob die Gesetzesreform nicht nur gut gemeint ist, sondern auch praktisch umgesetzt werden kann. Hierbei kn\u00fcpft sie an die Regelungen des 1998 geschaffenen Zeugenschutzgesetzes an, zu dessen Umsetzbarkeit im Sinne eines vom Gesetzgeber intendierten effektiven Opferschutzes, insbesondere der Vermeidung der sog. sekund\u00e4ren Viktimisierung (Traumatisierung), Experten aus Niedersachsen - Staatsanwaltschaft, Polizei und Gerichte - von ihren ersten Erfahrungen berichten. In f\u00fcnf ausgew\u00e4hlten nieders\u00e4chsischen Landgerichtsbezirken hat die Autorin zudem eine umfangreiche Aktenanalyse zum Einsatz von Videovernehmung durchgef\u00fchrt und gelangt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Videotechnologie im Strafverfahren so gut wie nicht eingesetzt wird. In konkreten Reformvorschl\u00e4gen de lege ferenda werden auch die neueren Regelungen des Opferrechtsreformgesetzes von 2003 wertend in die Untersuchung einbezogen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scheumer, Maike"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["children witnesses", "video interrogation", "trial", "witness protection", "Lower Saxony", "children witnesses", "video interrogation", "trial", "witness protection", "Lower Saxony"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610220"], ["title", "Videovernehmung kindlicher Zeugen - zur Praxis des Zeugenschutzgesetzes"], ["doab_id", "12965"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783938616833"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783938616833"]], [["description", "Cette \u00e9tude, qui a \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9alis\u00e9e gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 une bourse de recherche offerte par la R\u00e9gion Auvergne et l\u2019Universit\u00e9 Blaise Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand, analyse le th\u00e8me du vieillir dans l\u2019\u0153uvre de Flaubert. Le processus du vieillir s\u2019y configure selon plusieurs motifs complexes, capables de traduire des aspects tr\u00e8s poignants de la vision du monde de l\u2019auteur. L\u2019id\u00e9e du vieillir est chez Flaubert une pens\u00e9e constante et incontournable, consubstantielle \u00e0 la vie, soumise \u00e0 la loi implacable de l\u2019\u00ab inf\u00e2me r\u00e9tiaire \u00bb, le Temps."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Liana Nissim"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/sito/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Nissim_web.pdf"], ["title", "Vieillir selon Flaubert"], ["doab_id", "17235"], ["language_unmapped", "Francese"], ["isbns", ["9788867050529"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867050529"]], [["description", "Recent developments have caused important changes in the IT industry: while being considered comparatively resistant to international relocation of jobs for a long time, the IT industry's landscape has changed a lot in the course of the 1990s, when IT companies started to make use of low-wage destinations and integrated them in globally distributed workflows. According to many authors the internationalisation of the IT industry does not only put jobs in high-wage countries into jeopardy, but also formalizes and standardizes the working processes, thus significantly limiting the employees\u00b4 task discretion. Drawing upon case studies in the Indian subsidiaries of two transnationally operating IT companies, the presented study critically questions this prognosis. The results clearly show that the forms of work organisation and control in the IT industry do not develop homogeneously or uniformly in the course of internationalization. Instead, it is possible to identify specific modes of reorganization that are shaped by varying patterns of internationalization, on the one hand, and the institutional settings of the offshore destinations, on the other hand.\"

Arbeit in den Bereichen Softwareentwicklung und IT-Dienstleistungen galt lange Zeit als weitgehend resistent gegen die internationale Verlagerung. Doch sp\u00e4testens seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre hat sich das Bild grunds\u00e4tzlich gewandelt und auch in diesem Bereich der Wirtschaft begannen Unternehmen, ihre Produktion zunehmend zu internationalisieren. Der Internationalisierung wird in der Folge zugeschrieben, die Formen der Arbeitsorganisation und -kontrolle in dieser Branche grunds\u00e4tzlich zu ver\u00e4ndern, da die globale Verlagerung von Arbeitsprozessen deren zunehmende Standardisierung und Formalisierung nach sich ziehe und damit die Arbeit der IT-Besch\u00e4ftigten in wesentlich direkterer Form der Kontrolle durch das Management unterwerfe. Entgegen dieser Prognose zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit unter R\u00fcckgriff auf zwei Fallstudien in transnational operierenden IT-Unternehmen, dass sich in der IT-Industrie im Zuge der Internationalisierung weniger einheitliche Tendenzen der Arbeitsorganisation und -kontrolle durchsetzen. Vielmehr setzen sich unterschiedliche Reorganisationsmodi von Arbeit durch, die mit unterschiedlichen Folgen f\u00fcr die Arbeitssituation der Besch\u00e4ftigten einhergehen und von dem dynamischen Wechselspiel zwischen variierenden Internationalisierungswegen innerhalb der IT-Industrie und den institutionellen Gegebenheiten der Offshore-Standorte gepr\u00e4gt sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Feuerstein, Patrick"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Social Science", "IT industries", "Offshoring", "Social Science", "IT industries", "Offshoring"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610258"], ["title", "Viele Wege f\u00fchren nach Indien - Reorganisation von Arbeit im Zuge der Internationalisierung der IT-Industrie"], ["doab_id", "15060"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950675"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950675"]], [["description", "In the last few decades, the discipline of Translation Studies has been characterized by a considerable increase of interdisciplinary approaches which both helped to sharpen its profiling and to promote its multilayered epistemological discussions. The contribution of this book to these developments is located on various levels. I claim that in view of its multifaceted forms, translation as practiced in the late Habsburg Empire to a high degree contributed to the construction of cultures in the pluri-cultural space of the Habsburg Monarchy: on the one hand, I have revealed the various layers of translation\u2019s constructive character and then \u2013 on the basis of Pierre Bourdieu\u2019s sociological framework \u2013 shed light on the various construction processes on behalf of detailed analyses which focus on the agents involved in these processes. These considerations are then reflected in the delineation of a model which I call the \u201cpluri-cultural communication space of the Habsburg Monarchy\u201d. In terms of methodology, I have drawn on post-colonial theoretical frameworks. On such a basis, I have sketched a concept of culture which aims to correspond to the hybrid constellations characteristic to vast parts of the Monarchy and which claims to detect the symbolic forms of ethnically articulated dominance. The metaphorically inspired translation concept developed in the wake of these reflections (\u201ccultural translation\u201d) results in conceptualizing a typology of various translation forms which claim to do justice to the complexity of the Monarchy\u2019s translatorial practices in the continuum between \u201ccommunication\u201d and \u201ctranslation\u201d. Primarily on the basis of archival sources, the analysis covers the translatorial practice in the various ministries (\u201cCommission of Terminology \u201c,\u201cBureau of Redaction of the Imperial Law Gazette\u201d, \u201cSection of Ciphering and Translatorial Work\u201d), in court (sworn interpreters), and in the diplomatic service, among others. On the other hand, I have worked on extensive corpora analyzing the translation flows both between various languages of the crown lands and with countries outside the Monarchy by adopting numerous parameters (focus: translations into German). Finally, the focus is laid on the translations from Italian, with a particular emphasis on laying bare the construction processes operating in the selection, production, distribution and reception of these translations. The features which make up the construction of culture in the Habsburg context can be particularly detected in two instances: first, in the tensions related to national conflicts which are inscribed in all translation types dealt with in the period under investigation. Secondly, in the phenomenon of bi- and multilingualism which \u2013 according to the territory and the legal situation respectively \u2013 represented a basic prerequisite for the translation and interpreting activity and as such in many cases made a professional and qualitatively differentiated formation in translation at least at first sight avoidable. Nevertheless, it has been able to reconstruct a gradual institutionalization of the translatorial activity. English version of the book: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:786

Die Translationswissenschaft der vergangenen Jahre ist durch eine zunehmende interdisziplin\u00e4re Auseinandersetzung gekennzeichnet, die der Disziplin zu einer ausgepr\u00e4gten Profilierung verhalf und vielschichtige wissenschaftstheoretische Diskussionen vorantrieb. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit zu dieser Konturierung ist auf mehreren Ebenen zu orten: Zum einen werden, ausgehend von der These, dass das Ph\u00e4nomen der \u00dcbersetzung in seinen vielfachen Ausformungen wesentlich zur Konstituierung des plurikulturellen Raumes der Habsburgermonarchie beitrug, verschiedene Schichten des Konstruktcharakters von \u00dcbersetzung freigelegt, zum anderen auf der Grundlage des kultursoziologischen Theorierahmens von Pierre Bourdieu die einzelnen Konstruktionsprozesse vor dem Hintergrund detaillierter akteurInnenbezogener Analysen ausgeleuchtet und in die Skizzierung eines \u201eplurikulturellen Kommunikationsraumes der Habsburgermonarchie\u201c \u00fcbergeleitet.Zur Bestimmung des Beitrages des \u00fcbersetzerischen Ph\u00e4nomens zur Konstruktion der habsburgischen Kultur im Untersuchungszeitraum 1848-1918 wird in der postkolonialen Theorie Anleihe genommen und ein Kulturkonzept skizziert, das der auf weite Teile der Monarchie zutreffenden hybriden Befindlichkeit zu entsprechen und die symbolischen Formen ethnisch artikulierter Herrschaft zu erfassen sucht. Unter Anwendung des daraus konzipierten metaphorischen Translationsbegriffs (\u201ekulturelle \u00dcbersetzung\u201c) wird anschlie\u00dfend auf der Basis der translatorischen Praktiken der Habsburgermonarchie eine Typologie der verschiedenen \u00dcbersetzungsformen entworfen, die der Vielschichtigkeit dieser Praktiken entlang der Bandbreite von \u201eKommunikation\u201c bis \u201eTranslation\u201c entsprechen. Untersucht wird \u2013 vorrangig auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen \u2013 zum einen die translatorische Praxis in den Ministerien (\u201eTerminologiekommission\u201c, \u201eRedaktionsbureau des Reichsgesetzblattes\u201c, \u201eSektion f\u00fcr Chiffrewesen und translatorische Arbeiten\u201c), bei Gericht (gerichtliche beeidete Dolmetscher), im diplomatischen Dienst etc., zum anderen werden anhand umfangreicher Korpora die \u00dcbersetzungsstr\u00f6me zwischen den einzelnen Sprachen der Kronl\u00e4nder und auch mit L\u00e4ndern au\u00dferhalb der Monarchie nach zahlreichen Parametern aufgearbeitet (Schwerpunkt: \u00dcbersetzungen ins Deutsche). Der Fokus dieser letztgenannten Untersuchungen wird schlie\u00dflich auf die \u00dcbersetzungen aus dem Italienischen gelegt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die durch Selektion, Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption dieser \u00dcbersetzungen vorgenommenen Konstruktionsprozesse gelegt wird. Der kulturkonstruierende Charakter der Translationspraktiken im habsburgischen Kontext ist an zwei wesentlichen Momenten festzumachen: Zum einen an den nationalit\u00e4tenbezogenen Spannungen, die allen genannten Translationstypen im Untersuchungszeitraum eingeschrieben sind; zum anderen an der Bi- und Plurilingualit\u00e4t, die, je nach Territorium und jeweiliger gesetzlicher Lage, eine grunds\u00e4tzliche Voraussetzung f\u00fcr die \u00dcbersetzungs- und Dolmetscht\u00e4tigkeit darstellte und als solche eine professionelle und qualitativ differenzierte translatorische Ausbildung vordergr\u00fcndig nicht erforderlich machte. Dennoch ist eine sukzessiv erfolgende Institutionalisierung der translatorischen T\u00e4tigkeit rekonstruierbar. Englische Version des Buches: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:786"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wolf ,Michaela"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Habsburg Monarchy, postcolonial theory, translation and interpreting, language and translation policy, Pierre Bourdieu, Italian-German translation"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437188"], ["title", "Die vielsprachige Seele Kakaniens"], ["doab_id", "15374"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205788294"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205788294"]], [["description", "El libro aborda el problema del sujeto a partir de la figura de la ventriloquia. En un sentido general, se intenta pensar a la historia del hombre occidental a partir de la tensi\u00f3n de dos voces o polos discursivos (el muthos y el l\u00f3gos) y al sujeto (el hombre) como el efecto o el resultado de esa tensi\u00f3n. La hip\u00f3tesis central es que frente a la tradici\u00f3n hegem\u00f3nica del \u201clogocentrismo\u201d, la cual intenta reducir la pluralidad del sentido a una voz \u00fanica (el l\u00f3gos) y constituir a la historia como historia de ese \u00fanico sentido, es posible detectar una segunda voz (el muthos), heterog\u00e9nea y por as\u00ed decir perif\u00e9rica, que subvierte, en cada momento hist\u00f3rico, las estrategias del l\u00f3gos dominante. Esta segunda voz, adem\u00e1s, encuentra su lugar paradigm\u00e1tico en la figura del ventr\u00edlocuo. El texto se propone, en esta perspectiva, realizar una reconstrucci\u00f3n de esta curiosa figura, para mostrar que lo humano, es decir, las diferentes im\u00e1genes o concepciones que el hombre se ha ido formando de s\u00ed mismo a lo largo de la historia son, en verdad, el producto o el efecto de la tensi\u00f3n entre estas dos voces o principios fon\u00e9ticos. Esta tensi\u00f3n entre el muthos y el l\u00f3gos, en cada \u00e9poca hist\u00f3rica, se encarna en ciertas figuras paradigm\u00e1ticas: la pitonisa y el profeta; la bruja y el inquisidor; la pose\u00edda y el exorcista; el son\u00e1mbulo magn\u00e9tico y el m\u00e9dico; el esquizofr\u00e9nico y el psiquiatra, etc. As\u00ed como la voz del l\u00f3gos encuentra su lugar de proveniencia en la boca, as\u00ed tambi\u00e9n el muthos encuentra su lugar, seg\u00fan la etimolog\u00eda del t\u00e9rmino \u201cventriloquia\u201d, en el vientre. Lo humano, en consecuencia, no es sino el resto o, mejor a\u00fan, el residuo o la secuela de las articulaciones y desarticulaciones que se producen hist\u00f3ricamente entre la boca y el vientre, entre el l\u00f3gos y el muthos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pr\u00f3speri, Germ\u00e1n Osvaldo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Sujeto ", " Ventriloquia"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/56"], ["title", "Vientres que hablan : Ventriloquia y subjetividad en la historia occidental"], ["doab_id", "17896"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503412435"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503412435"]], [["description", "Contribui\u00e7\u00e3o para o campo ainda pouco definido da vigil\u00e2ncia alimentar e nutricional e do Sistema que pretende integr\u00e1-la no Pa\u00eds (o Sisvan). De elevado alcance pragm\u00e1tico, a obra questiona o papel do setor sa\u00fade - particularmente em rela\u00e7\u00e3o ao perfil de nutri\u00e7\u00e3o da popula\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira - e fornece elementos de decis\u00f5es para os formuladores de pol\u00edticas, planejadores e executores de programas e atividades de alimenta\u00e7\u00e3o e nutri\u00e7\u00e3o. Abrange os seguintes assuntos: hist\u00f3ria do Sisvan e da nutri\u00e7\u00e3o brasileira - a\u00ed inclu\u00edda a transi\u00e7\u00e3o epidemiol\u00f3gica; perfil de morbimortalidade e a situa\u00e7\u00e3o de crian\u00e7as, gestantes e adultos; vigil\u00e2ncia epidemiol\u00f3gica; programas de aten\u00e7\u00e3o \u00e0 sa\u00fade integral da crian\u00e7a, do adolescente e da mulher."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Castro, In\u00eas Rugani R. de"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", ["Vigil\u00e2ncia nutricional, Assist\u00eancia a sa\u00fade, Sistema de sa\u00fade, cuidados prim\u00e1rios de sa\u00fade"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/v9"], ["title", "Vigil\u00e2ncia alimentar e nutricional: limita\u00e7\u00f5es e interfaces com a rede de sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "16368"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412947"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412947"]], [["description", "O Transtorno de D\u00e9ficit de Aten\u00e7\u00e3o e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a indisciplina s\u00e3o na atualidade assuntos que aparecem com forte incid\u00eancia no cotidiano escolar. Algumas condutas apresentadas pelas crian\u00e7as, neste contexto, s\u00e3o vistas como indicativos de tal transtorno e isso vem contribuindo para que crian\u00e7as ainda muito pequenas sejam encaminhadas pelos educadores aos profissionais da sa\u00fade, por apresentarem na escola comportamentos considerados indisciplinados, agitados e impulsivos. A presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo, discutir a rela\u00e7\u00e3o entre indisciplina e o diagn\u00f3stico de TDAH, a partir da queixa do professor da educa\u00e7\u00e3o infantil. Pretende ainda, analisar a postura dos educadores diante do processo de patologiza\u00e7\u00e3o no campo educacional, levando em conta a sociedade eug\u00eanica e disciplinar, que foi consolidada com o processo de higieniza\u00e7\u00e3o ocorrido no in\u00edcio do s\u00e9culo XX, como tamb\u00e9m, construir uma reflex\u00e3o cr\u00edtica acerca das pr\u00e1ticas sociais e educativas que ora se configuram, mediante a an\u00e1lise da educa\u00e7\u00e3o contempor\u00e2nea e do resgate hist\u00f3rico da escolariza\u00e7\u00e3o no Brasil. A pesquisa se caracteriza como um estudo de caso qualitativo e as estrat\u00e9gias metodol\u00f3gicas empregadas para a coleta de dados inclu\u00edram a observa\u00e7\u00e3o participante, entrevistas semiestruturadas, di\u00e1rio de campo e an\u00e1lise de documentos. Os resultados foram organizados em oito eixos tem\u00e1ticos e indicaram principalmente que os educadores apresentam dificuldades para estabelecer diferen\u00e7as entre indisciplina e o TDAH e o que \u00e9 normal e patol\u00f3gico, o que tem causado o aumento expressivo no n\u00famero de encaminhamentos de crian\u00e7as aos profissionais de sa\u00fade e a consequente patologiza\u00e7\u00e3o e medicaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da inf\u00e2ncia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Luengo, Fabiola Colombani"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/sw26r"], ["title", "A vigil\u00e2ncia punitiva: a postura dos educadores no processo de patologiza\u00e7\u00e3o e medicaliza\u00e7\u00e3o da inf\u00e2ncia"], ["doab_id", "16780"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830877"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830877"]], [["description", "O livro pretende contribuir no ensino de vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria, com um conjunto de temas, cuja sele\u00e7\u00e3o n\u00e3o pretendeu ser exaustiva, levando em conta sua presen\u00e7a constante nos cursos, a disponibilidade j\u00e1 de alguns textos e a experi\u00eancia desenvolvida no Instituto de Sa\u00fade Coletiva/ UFBA no ensino de vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria em seus v\u00e1rios n\u00edveis."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Costa, Edin\u00e1 Alves"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/6bmrk"], ["title", "Vigil\u00e2ncia sanit\u00e1ria: temas para debate"], ["doab_id", "17277"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523208813"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523208813"]], [["description", "Viktor Franz Freiherr von Andrian-Werburg (1813-1858) was and still is primarily known as the author of \u00d6sterreich und dessen Zukunft, the most important programmatic brochure of the estatist opposition in the late Vorm\u00e4rz. But it is almost unknown, that he kept a diary for most of his adult life. These diaries are now presented in a scholarly edition.Between the first entry of 20 October 1839 and the last surviving entry of 10 March 1858 lie 19 years which transformed Andrian from a young subordinate public servant in Northern Italy, Istria and Vienna to the idol of the Vorm\u00e4rz opposition, from a respected member and vice-president of the National Assembly in Frankfurt and German envoy in London to the proscribed demolisher of the pre-revolutionary paradise, from the advisor of the Austrian politicians in the years past 1849 to the member of the boards of capitalist railway companies in the 1850s. Throughout this whole time, Andrian saw himself as an unrecognized genius who could have rescued society from the oppression and stagnancy of the Vorm\u00e4rz and from the chaos of the revolution and lead it towards a better future. During all these years, the diaries show a mixture of private and public events. Reflections on family, friends, and personal developments are blended with statements and reflections on politics and policy and Andrian's own role in public life. While focus and denseness of the entries change along with Andrian's private and political situation, at center stage is always the interest in the developments in Austria and her future constitution in close connection with his personal conditions. It is this interaction between public interest and private experience that make the Andrian diaries one of the most impressive private sources on Austrian history from the Vorm\u00e4rz through the revolutionary years of 1848/49 well into the last years of the Neoabsolutism.Narratives about financial problems and strategies for a solution, for example through a rich marriage, alternate with analyses of internal and foreign politics and plans on the re-creation of Austria. Phases of active political involvement change with periods of voluntary and enforced retreat. Therefore, there are entries on discussions with leading politicians and court dignitaries and on audiences with Emperor Francis Joseph as well as accounts of journeys from Helgoland to Rome, from the French Atlantic coast to the South of Egypt. But the central aspect is always the interplay between private experience and public influence.Viktor Andrian felt to be a born leader, not a subordinate, and believed that he could wait for the moment when he was called to lead. Therefore he remained, with the exception of the revolutionary period of 1848/49 when he got actively involved in politics, an observer, adviser and critic at the fringes, waiting for the moment when the reins of power would fall to him. Although he realized in his later years that this was an illusion, Andrian was complacent with his personal development: \"Thank God, I never had to blame myself for wicked, vicious things.\"This edition in three volumes contains the annotated diary entries, an introduction on Viktor Andrian's life and works, an account of the history of the diaries, and, for the first time, a complete listing of Andrian's publications. Numerous excerpts from Andrian's preserved correspondence in the commentary complement and broaden the diaries. An annotated index refers to more than 2.800 persons mentioned in the entries.

Viktor Franz Freiherr von Andrian-Werburg (1813-1858) war und ist vor allem als Autor der bedeutendsten Programmschrift der st\u00e4ndischen Opposition des sp\u00e4ten Vorm\u00e4rz, \u00d6sterreich und dessen Zukunft bekannt. Kaum bekannt ist, dass er Zeit seines erwachsenen Lebens Tagebuch gef\u00fchrt hat. Nunmehr liegen seine gesamten erhaltenen Tageb\u00fccher in einer wissenschaftlichen Edition vor. Zwischen dem ersten Eintrag vom 20. Oktober 1839 bis zum letzten erhaltenen Eintrag liegen 19 Jahre, die Andrian vom jungen subalternen Beamten in Norditalien, Istrien und Wien zum Idol der vorm\u00e4rzlichen Opposition, vom geachteten Abgeordneten und Vizepr\u00e4sidenten der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung und deutschen Reichsgesandten in London zum ge\u00e4chteten Zerst\u00f6rer des vorrevolution\u00e4ren Paradieses, vom Berater \u00f6sterreichischer Politiker der Jahre nach 1849 zum Verwaltungsrat kapitalistischer Eisenbahngesellschaften der 1850er Jahre machten. Dabei sah sich Andrian als verkanntes Genie, das es in der Hand gehabt h\u00e4tte, die Gesellschaft aus der Unterdr\u00fcckung und dem Stillstand des Vorm\u00e4rz und dem Chaos der Revolution in eine bessere Zukunft zu f\u00fchren. W\u00e4hrend all dieser Jahre vermischen sich in den Tageb\u00fcchern private und \u00f6ffentliche Ereignisse, Reflexionen \u00fcber famili\u00e4re und freundschaftliche Verh\u00e4ltnisse und pers\u00f6nliche Entwicklungen mit politischen Aussagen und Betrachtungen \u00fcber die eigene Rolle im \u00f6ffentlichen Leben. Die Schwerpunkte und die Dichte der Eintr\u00e4ge ver\u00e4ndern sich je nach Andrians Lebenslage. Als Konstante bleibt aber das unmittelbare Interesse an der Entwicklung \u00d6sterreichs und seiner zuk\u00fcnftigen Gestaltung in direkter Verbindung mit der eigenen Situation. Diese Wechselwirkung von \u00f6ffentlichem Interesse mit pers\u00f6nlichem Erleben machen die Tageb\u00fccher so zu einer der eindrucksvollsten privaten Quellen zur \u00f6sterreichischen Geschichte vom Vorm\u00e4rz \u00fcber die Revolution von 1848/49 bis zur Sp\u00e4tphase des Neoabsolutismus.Schilderungen von finanziellen Problemen und Strategien zu ihrer L\u00f6sung, etwa durch eine reiche Heirat, wechseln mit Analysen der innen- und au\u00dfenpolitischen Verh\u00e4ltnisse und Pl\u00e4nen zur Neugestaltung \u00d6sterreichs. Phasen aktiven politischen Gestaltens wechseln mit Zeiten freiwilliger und erzwungener Zur\u00fcckgezogenheit. Daher finden sich Eintr\u00e4ge \u00fcber Diskussionen mit f\u00fchrenden Politikern und h\u00f6chsten W\u00fcrdentr\u00e4gern des Hofes bis hin zu Audienzen beim Kaiser ebenso wie Berichte von Reisen von Helgoland bis Rom und von der franz\u00f6sischen Atlantikk\u00fcste bis in den S\u00fcden \u00c4gyptens. Zentral bleibt dabei immer das Wechselspiel zwischen privatem Erleben und \u00f6ffentlicher Einflussnahme.Viktor von Andrian f\u00fchlte sich zum F\u00fchrer, nicht zum Untergebenen berufen und meinte, auf jenen Zeitpunkt warten zu k\u00f6nnen, an dem man ihn rufen m\u00fcsste. So blieb er mit Ausnahme des Jahres 1848, als er f\u00fcr kurze Zeit aktiv in das politische Geschehen eingriff, ein Beobachter, Ratgeber und Kritiker von au\u00dfen, der auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt wartete, an dem ihm die Z\u00fcgel der Macht zufallen sollten. Obwohl er sich in seinen letzten Lebensjahren bewusst war, dass es sich hierbei um eine Illusion handelte, war Andrian mit dem Verlauf seiner pers\u00f6nlichen Entwicklung zufrieden: \"Schlechtes, Gemeines habe ich Gottlob mir nie vorzuwerfen gehabt.\"Die dreib\u00e4ndige Edition enth\u00e4lt neben dem kommentierten Text der Tageb\u00fccher eine Einleitung zu Leben und Werk Viktor von Andrians, eine Darstellung der \u00dcberlieferung der Tageb\u00fccher sowie erstmals ein exaktes Werkverzeichnis Andrians. Erg\u00e4nzt und erweitert wird das Tagebuch durch zahlreiche Ausz\u00fcge aus seinem erhaltenen Briefwechsel im Kommentar. Erschlossen ist die Edition durch ein kommentiertes Personenregister mit \u00fcber 2.800 Eintr\u00e4gen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Adlgasser ,Franz"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Viktor Andrian-Werburg (1813 - 1858), Revolution 1848, Austrian Neoabsolutism, Austria and her future (1842), Late Vorm\u00e4rz, Reform and Repression"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437204"], ["title", "Viktor Franz Freiherr von Andrian-Werburg"], ["doab_id", "15325"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786122"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786122"]], [["description", "The only document we have by a 13th-century architect, the Album of Villard de Honnecourt has been the subject of writings by art and architectural historians since the 19th century and has been considered the work of an amateur since the 1970s. Jean Wirth sheds new light on the question, based on a philological study of the manuscript, and proves that Villard himself is the author of the technical drawings relating to construction. He goes on to provide convincing analyses of the art of drawing and its numerous applications, from drawing from nature to architectural plans. Drawings relating to engineering, geometry and stereotomy are treated individually, in order to convey as clearly as possible the technical processes they illustrate. An examination of the architect\u2019s travels, the monuments he saw and his stylistic evolution allows for an accurate, corrected chronology of this work, previously considered outdated. This intelligent and detailed study will be a landmark in the rehabilitation of Villard de Honnecourt\u2019s reputation.

L'Album de Villard de Honnecourt est le seul document personnel que nous ait laiss\u00e9 un architecte du XIIIe si\u00e8cle. Connu et exploit\u00e9 par les historiens de l'art et de l'architecture d\u00e8s le XIXe si\u00e8cle, il a \u00e9t\u00e9 consid\u00e9r\u00e9 comme l'\u0153uvre d'un amateur depuis les ann\u00e9es 1970. Jean Wirth reprend le probl\u00e8me \u00e0 partir de l'\u00e9tude philologique des \u00e9critures contenues dans le manuscrit et montre qu'il faut attribuer \u00e0 Villard les pages dont les dessins techniques relatifs \u00e0 la construction passaient pour l'\u0153uvre d'un continuateur. Dans une s\u00e9rie de chapitres alertes, il analyse ensuite l'art du dessin et son adaptation \u00e0 la multiplicit\u00e9 des t\u00e2ches, du dessin d'apr\u00e8s nature au relev\u00e9 architectural. Les dessins relatifs \u00e0 l'ing\u00e9nierie, \u00e0 la g\u00e9om\u00e9trie et \u00e0 la st\u00e9r\u00e9otomie sont trait\u00e9s un \u00e0 un, afin de clarifier autant que possible les proc\u00e9d\u00e9s techniques qu'ils transmettent. L\u2019examen des d\u00e9placements de l\u2019architecte, des monuments qu'il a vus et de son \u00e9volution stylistique m\u00e8ne ensuite \u00e0 une rectification de la chronologie de son \u0153uvre qu'on croyait retardataire. Cette \u00e9tude s\u2019affirme avec intelligence et pr\u00e9cision comme une r\u00e9habilitation de Villard de Honnecourt ; elle fera date."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Wirth ,Jean"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Villard de Honnecourt", "Architecture", "Drawing", "History of art", "History of Technics", "Middle Ages", "Gothic Art", "Reims cathedral", "Chartres cathedral", "Hungary", "Villard de Honnecourt", "architecture", "dessin", "histoire de l'art", "histoire des techniques", "Moyen Age", "art gothique", "cath\u00e9drale de Reims", "cath\u00e9drale de Chartres", "Hongrie"]], ["publisher", "Librairie Droz"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579631"], ["title", "Villard de Honnecourt, architecte du XIIIe si\u00e8cle"], ["doab_id", "17720"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782600005586"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782600005586"]], [["description", "The present manuscript is intended to be part II of a publication in two volumes, but at the same time it can be seen as an independent, complete study. It deals with the different aspects of the historic architecture in the region of \"Semmering\" in southern Lower Austria. The book is the result of the FWF-project P 13959, in which one year of research under scientifically direction and supervision of the applicant (Prof. Dr. Mario Schwarz) was dedicated to intensive studies in art history, cultural history and history of architecture of this region. The author Dr. Guenther Buchinger - responsible collaborator of the project - attempted a large-scale research of the historical villas and county-houses at Semmering. The study contains a full, detailed documentation of the history and construction of the buildings and much information about the employers and the building contractors and architects as well. Consequently the author elaborated a comprehensive stylistic analyse. By the way of elucidating the circumstances of the construction of the buildings, it was possible to reconsider the background of the creating of this artificial settlement at Semmering. A certain social group of great influence among the Viennese bourgeoisie appears in this study, which created this recreation resort as a \"vacation-paradise\", at that time a complete new, futuristic project, motivated by personal and commercial interests likewise. The result, a colony of villas, was used not only for private purpose, but at the same time for tourism, partially in connection with the hotel buildings.In his stylistic analyse Guenther Buchinger gives a convincing proof that the phenomenon, which in general is subsumed as \"homeland-style\", \"vernacular architecture\" or \"Swiss-cottage-style\", in fact is a particular form of historicism between \"severe historicism\" and \"late historicism\". In the sense of \"severe historicism\" patterns of genuine architecture - by preference from publications on historical Swiss architecture - were used and extensively quoted. Consequently the forms and details developed in the style of \"late historicism\" in free evolution and eventually took into the formal repertory also elements of \"Jugendstil\". The scientific results of this study are important especially concerning the architects Franz von Neumann and Josef Buendsdorf, whose work has not yet been object of detailed research, but likewise for the general oeuvre of the prominent contractor's bureau Fellner & Helmer, whose theatre-architecture is already well documented in art history, but whose country houses and hotel-buildings are largely unknown. The study partially is designed as a catalogue, which presents each object in detail, and a comprehensive report of the scientific results in a distinct summary and contains numerous photos, plans and comparative illustrations.

Das vorgelegte Werk ist als zweiter - unabh\u00e4ngiger - Band einer zweiteiligen Publikation verfasst worden, die sich mit den kulturhistorischen und architekturgeschichtlichen Aspekten der Hotel- und Villenbauten am Semmering im s\u00fcdlichen Nieder\u00f6sterreich besch\u00e4ftigt. Die Arbeit ist das Ergebnis eines einj\u00e4hrigen, vom FWF gef\u00f6rderten Forschungsprojektes (Nr. P 13959), das unter der verantwortlichen wissenschaftlichen Leitung des Antragstellers (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mario Schwarz) gestanden ist. Der forschungsbeauftragte Bearbeiter Dr. G\u00fcnther Buchinger erstellte im Rahmen einer fl\u00e4chendeckenden Untersuchung eine kunsthistorisch-architekturgeschichtliche Bestandsaufnahme der Landh\u00e4user und Villen am Semmering. Die Arbeit umfasst neben detaillierten bauhistorischen Erhebungen der einzelnen Objekte umfassende Ergebnisse \u00fcber die Auftraggeber sowie \u00fcber die Architekten und Baumeister. In weiterer Folge wurden umfangreiche stilgeschichtliche Analysen ausgearbeitet. Durch die Aufkl\u00e4rung der Entstehungsumst\u00e4nde der Objekte, \u00fcber biographische Untersuchungen der Bauherren und Baumeister, konnte der strukturelle Hintergrund der am Semmering k\u00fcnstlich entstandenen Siedlung verst\u00e4ndlich gemacht werden. Es bietet sich das Bild einer in der Wiener Gesellschaft einflussreichen sozialen Gruppe, die hier aus pers\u00f6nlichen, teils \u00fcber verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen, teils \u00fcber gesch\u00e4ftliche Interessen vermittelten Motiven das zur Entstehungszeit neuartige, zukunftsweisende Konstrukt eines Urlaubs- und Erholungsortes im Sinne eines \"Freizeitparadieses\" schuf. Die dabei entstandene Villenkolonie diente durchaus nicht nur zum privaten Gebrauch, sondern wurde gleichzeitig auch fremdenverkehrsorientiert - teils im Zusammenhang mit dem Hotelbau - genutzt. In seinen stilanalytischen Untersuchungen gelingt es G\u00fcnther Buchinger \u00fcberzeugend nachzuweisen, dass der vielfach unter dem Begriff \"Heimatstil\" , \"vernakul\u00e4re Architektur\" oder \"Schweizerhausstil\" zusammengefasste Typus tats\u00e4chlich als eine Sonderform der allgemeinen Entwicklung des Historismus an der Wende vom Strengen Historismus zum Sp\u00e4thistorismus zu bewerten ist. Im Sinne des Strengen Historismus wurden Vorlagenmuster konkreter Architekturvorbilder - vorzugsweise aus Publikationen \u00fcber historische Schweizer Landhausarchitektur - herangezogen und extensiv zitiert . In der Folge entwickelten sich die Formen im Sinne des Sp\u00e4thistorismus in freier Entfaltung weiter und nahmen auch erste Jugendstilelemente in das Gesamtrepertoire auf. Die Forschungsergebnisse erscheinen vor allem f\u00fcr die Beurteilung der bisher weitgehend unerforschten Werke der Architekten Franz v. Neumann und Josef B\u00fcndsdorf bedeutend, ebenso aber auch f\u00fcr das Gesamtbild der T\u00e4tigkeit des vielbesch\u00e4ftigten Wiener Architekturb\u00fcros Fellner & Helmer, dessen Theaterbauten bereits Gegenstand ausf\u00fchrlicher wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen waren, deren Villen- und Hotelbauten jedoch noch weitgehend unbearbeitet sind. Die Arbeit ist in einen katalogartig abgefassten Teil, der die einzelnen Objekte darstellt, und einen zusammenfassenden Ergebnisbericht \u00fcbersichtlich gegliedert und reich mit Objektaufnahmen, Plandokumentationen und Vergleichsabbildungen versehen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Buchinger ,G\u00fcnther"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["historic architecture, the region of Semmering, southern Lower Austria", "historische Architektur, die Region Semmering, s\u00fcdliches Nieder\u00f6sterreich"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437153"], ["title", "Villenarchitektur am Semmering"], ["doab_id", "15278"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205774310"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205774310"]], [["description", "O t\u00edtulo deste livro \u2014 Viol\u00eancia e Cultura no Brasil \u2014 poderia levar o leitor a imaginar que estou procurando explicar a viol\u00eancia em nossa sociedade a partir de sua cultura. Trata-se, na verdade, de dois temas distintos que correspondem a meus interesses te\u00f3ricos e \u00e0s atividades de pesquisa que desenvolvo no Mestrado em Antropologia, Pol\u00edtica e Sociologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul com o apoio desta Universidade, do CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient\u00edfico e Tecnol\u00f3gico) e da FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oliven, Ruben George"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["SOCIAL SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/b8n7j"], ["title", "Viol\u00eancia e cultura no Brasil"], ["doab_id", "17207"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579820069"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579820069"]], [["description", "Neste livro, a autora busca introduzir uma reflex\u00e3o sobre as articula\u00e7\u00f5es entre o tema da viol\u00eancia e suas repercuss\u00f5es na sa\u00fade dos brasileiros, por meio da conceitua\u00e7\u00e3o da viol\u00eancia no campo sociol\u00f3gico, da sua articula\u00e7\u00e3o com a sa\u00fade e de propostas de atua\u00e7\u00e3o. A discuss\u00e3o abrange aspectos hist\u00f3ricos, culturais, sociol\u00f3gicos e econ\u00f4micos, considerando que em suas rela\u00e7\u00f5es a viol\u00eancia se apresenta ora como manifesta\u00e7\u00e3o da din\u00e2mica e da trajet\u00f3ria de uma sociedade, ora como fen\u00f4meno espec\u00edfico que se destaca e influencia essa mesma din\u00e2mica social."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Minayo, Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["MEDICAL"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/y9sxc"], ["title", "Viol\u00eancia e sa\u00fade"], ["doab_id", "19323"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575413807"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575413807"]], [["description", "Ap\u00f3s retrospectiva sobre a viol\u00eancia que acompanha as rela\u00e7\u00f5es conflituosas entre capital e trabalho nos diversos ciclos da Revolu\u00e7\u00e3o Industrial, inclusive no Brasil, em que uma das formas \u00e9 o modo de adoecer e prematuramente morrer dos trabalhadores, o autor sinaliza o papel do Estado e da medicina do trabalho como inst\u00e2ncias normalizadoras e de interven\u00e7\u00e3o na \u00e1rea, com base nas teorias 'positivas' do nexo causal e ocupacional. A seguir, analisa a viol\u00eancia oculta do trabalho em uma atividade exemplar, a banc\u00e1ria, investigando quando e porque emergem as LER, descrevendo todo o percurso desse adoecimento coletivo e do trabalho com base em 346 depoimentos escritos por trabalhadores de um banco estatal."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ribeiro, Herval Pina"], ["date", "1999"], ["subject", ["Transtornos traum\u00e1ticos cumulativos, Doen\u00e7as ocupacionais"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/v5tv3"], ["title", "A viol\u00eancia oculta do trabalho: as les\u00f5es por esfor\u00e7os repetitivos "], ["doab_id", "16444"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412824"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412824"]], [["description", "El informe presenta datos in\u00e9ditos que recuperan la evoluci\u00f3n interanual de los delitos de homicidios, tentativas de homicidios, lesiones y robos entre los a\u00f1os 2009-2012. Como se evidencia en la introducci\u00f3n, uno de los primeros obst\u00e1culos a la hora de construir un diagn\u00f3stico de mediano y largo plazo sobre la violencia y los delitos en la provincia de Buenos Aires se vincula a la inexistencia de datos comparables y confiables que permitan realizar afirmaciones tajantes sobre el aumento o disminuci\u00f3n de ciertos fen\u00f3menos. La novedad de esta publicaci\u00f3n es que avanza en la distribuci\u00f3n territorial de esta secuencia hist\u00f3rica (2009-2012) discriminando por Departamento Judicial, calculando las tasas seg\u00fan las distintas poblaciones y analizando la evoluci\u00f3n a lo largo de los cuatro a\u00f1os consignados. Trabajaremos con los datos sobre homicidios y muertes violentas, en los cuales la distancia entre delito ocurrido y delito denunciado es muy peque\u00f1a. Tambi\u00e9n, haremos exploraciones sobre delitos poco trabajados en otras investigaciones como las tentativas de homicidio, lesiones y robos con armas de fuego, que ser\u00e1n utilizados como indicadores para explorar la territorializaci\u00f3n de la violencia interpersonal y alumbrar nuevas hip\u00f3tesis de trabajo. Algunas de las conclusiones centrales identifican el descenso de los homicidios dolosos entre 2008 y 2012 (\u00faltimo a\u00f1o relevado). Mientras la tasa de homicidios dolosos cada 100 mil habitantes en 2008 fue de 9,6 homicidios, en 2012 fue 7,6 homicidios. Este descenso se debe enmarcar en una l\u00ednea descendente de mayor alcance que si bien no podemos contrastar con la misma certeza para los a\u00f1os previos al 2008, iniciar\u00eda en 2003, tras los picos de homicidios dolosos que se verificaron entre 2001 y 2002. Como contrapartida, se evidencia el aumento de algunos delitos que hemos seleccionado como indicadores de la violencia interpersonal. Por \u00faltimo, se destaca la gran desigualdad entre los indicadores de violencia que afectan a las distintas jurisdicciones territoriales en que se divide la provincia."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Oyhandy, Angela (coord.)"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Am\u00e9rica latina ", " "]], ["publisher", "Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci\u00f3n"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/index.php/libros/catalog/book/31"], ["title", "Violencias y delitos en la provincia de Buenos Aires. 2009-2012 : Un an\u00e1lisis a partir de la estad\u00edstica oficial"], ["doab_id", "18768"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9789503410813"]], ["provider", "www.libros.fahce.unlp.edu.ar"], ["isbns_raw", "9789503410813 "]], [["description", "Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites that need to co-opt a living cell\u2019s machinery for replication. At the heart of the viral replication machinery are the nucleic acid polymerases, which are responsible for efficiently copying the viral genome. This process must often be coordinated with other viral processes including protein translation and viral packaging. The nucleic acid polymerases may also be responsible for generating genetic diversity that is important for escape from the host\u2019s defenses. The polymerases and other components of the replication machinery may serve as potential anti-viral targets. In this Special Issue, we seek to highlight recent advances into uncovering the structure and function of viral replication complexes. We are especially seeking to highlight the wide-range of methodologies used to gain structural insight into viral replication. Topics of interest include molecular mechanisms of nucleic acid polymerases, nucleic acid recognition and translocation, fidelity and error correction, interactions with lipid membranes, and coordination/regulation of transcription, translation and replication processes."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["structural biology, translation, nucleic acid, virus, replication, polymerase, fidelity, quasi-species, assembly, "]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/211"], ["title", "Viral Replication Complexes: Structures, Functions, Applications and Inhibitors"], ["doab_id", "19283"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421672", "9783038421689"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421672/9783038421689"]], [["description", "Love and tragedy dominate book four of Virgil\u2019s most powerful work, building on the violent emotions invoked by the storms, battles, warring gods, and monster-plagued wanderings of the epic\u2019s opening.Destined to be the founder of Roman culture, Aeneas, nudged by the gods, decides to leave his beloved Dido, causing her suicide in pursuit of his historical destiny. A dark plot, in which erotic passion culminates in sex, and sex leads to tragedy and death in the human realm, unfolds within the larger horizon of a supernatural sphere, dominated by power-conscious divinities. Dido is Aeneas\u2019 most significant other, and in their encounter Virgil explores timeless themes of love and loyalty, fate and fortune, the justice of the gods, imperial ambition and its victims, and ethnic differences.This course book offers a portion of the original Latin text, study questions, a commentary, and interpretative essays. Designed to stretch and stimulate readers, Ingo Gildenhard\u2019s incisive commentary will be of particular interest to students of Latin at both A2 and undergraduate level. It extends beyond detailed linguistic analysis to encourage critical engagement with Virgil\u2019s poetry and discussion of the most recent scholarly thought."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gildenhard, Ingo (Author)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Virgil", "Aeneid", "classics", "sixth-form study guide", "translation", "Ancient Rome", "Latin", "classics textbook series"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/162"], ["title", "Virgil, Aeneid, 4.1-299. Latin Text, Study Questions, Commentary and Interpretative Essays"], ["doab_id", "15354"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254169"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254169"]], [["description", "Large parts of our culture are characterised by a blurring of corporeal and virtual realities.Computer industry has opened up all sorts of hybrid spaces and has itself, in turn, become a space for uncountable fantasies and expectations. Which are the principles of cultural order depicted by this desire commonly termed cyberspace?In offering novel narratives of modern architecture the author explains how the digital age couples notions of knowledge, life and future with long-known dimensions of architectonic space.Amongst the issues being discussed the reader will find Boullee's visionary designs, classical modern architecture, museums, shopping malls, science fiction, advertising, CAD, biotechnology and the construction of a utopian cyberspace at the turn of the millennium.

Mit der Verbreitung neuer Technologien konstruiert sich der Ausdruck unserer Kultur als ein Gemisch aus Bilder einer virtuellen Realit\u00e4t und solchen der analogen Wirklichkeit. Die Computerwelt hat auf diese Art neue, hybride R\u00e4ume er\u00f6ffnet und ist dabei selbst ein Raum f\u00fcr unz\u00e4hlige Phantasien und Erwartungen geworden. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Spannungsfelder vermittelt Architektur zwischen ihren inneren Welten und deren sichtbaren Oberfl\u00e4chen. Damit verbunden stellt sich die Frage, welche gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Ordungsprinzipien im Begehren nach dem Raum \"Virtuellen\" abgebildet werden.Dieses Buch erl\u00e4utert anhand von neuen Lesarten moderner Architektur, wie auch im digitalen Zeitalter unsere soziale Konstruktion von Wissen, Leben und Zukunft von der Einschreibung dieser Begriffe in die ordnenden Dimensionen des architektonischen Raums abh\u00e4ngig bleibt. Es bietet einen einmaligen Einblick in Praktiken der digitalen Kultur und informiert \u00fcber die Gefahrenmomente der \u00c4sthetik virtueller Architektur. Das Buch spannt einen Bogen von Boullees Bibliotheksvisionen des 17. Jahrhunderts \u00fcber Architekturen der klassischen Moderne, Museen, Shopping Malls, Science Fiction, Werbung, CAD und Biotechnologie bis hin zum Cyberspace des Milleniums."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "M\u00f6rtenb\u00f6ck ,Peter"], ["date", "2001"], ["subject", ["architecture, cyberspace, virtual realities, digital age", "Architektur, Subjektivit\u00e4t, Cyberspace, Visuelle Kultur, Virtualit\u00e4t, Neue Medien"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574819"], ["title", "Die virtuelle Dimension"], ["doab_id", "17413"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993483"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205993483"]], [["description", "Viruses infect numerous microorganisms including, predominantly, Bacteria (bacteriophages or phages) but also Archaea, Protists, and Fungi. They are the most abundant and ubiquitous biological entities on Earth and are important drivers of ecosystem functioning. Little is known, however, about the vast majority of these viruses of microorganisms, or VoMs. Modern techniques such as metagenomics have enabled the discovery and description of more presumptive VoMs than ever before, but also have exposed gaps in our understanding of VoM ecology. Exploring the ecology of these viruses \u2013 which is how they interact with host organisms, the abiotic environment, larger organisms, and even other viruses across a variety of environments and conditions \u2013 is the next frontier. Integration of a growing molecular understanding of VoMs with ecological studies will expand our knowledge of ecosystem dynamics. Ecology can be studied at multiple levels including individual organisms, populations, communities, whole ecosystems, and the entire biosphere. Ecology additionally can consider normal, equilibrium conditions or instead perturbations. Perturbations are of particular interest because measuring the effect of disturbances on VoM-associated communities provides important windows into how VoMs contribute to ecosystem dynamics. These disturbances in turn can be studied through in vitro, in vivo, and in situ experimentation, measuring responses by VoM-associated communities to changes in nutrient availability, stress, physical disruption, seasonality, etc., and could apply to studies at all ecological levels. These are considered here across diverse systems and environments."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stephen Tobias Abedon; Heather K. Allen"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["bacteriophages", "environmental disturbance", "phage ecology", "aquatic microbiology", "phage therapy", "metaviromes", "evolution", "microarrays"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1525/virus-ecology-and-disturbances-impact-of-environmental-disruption-on-the-viruses-of-microorganisms"], ["title", "Virus Ecology and Disturbances: Impact of Environmental Disruption on the Viruses of Microorganisms"], ["doab_id", "18594"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889194483"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889194483"]], [["description", "A autora n\u00e3o se limita a apresentar a hist\u00f3ria da febre amarela no Brasil, mas uma reflex\u00e3o sobre uma fase crucial da hist\u00f3ria da doen\u00e7a. Para melhor ilustrar essa reflex\u00e3o, o livro mostra sucessivos cen\u00e1rios que permitem demonstrar as dimens\u00f5es da transfer\u00eancia de conhecimentos e pr\u00e1ticas cient\u00edficas entre \u2018centro\u2019 e \u2018periferia\u2019, pois era de fato importante examinar as rela\u00e7\u00f5es entre o saber cient\u00edfico universal e a percep\u00e7\u00e3o da doen\u00e7a tanto pelos pacientes quanto pelos m\u00e9dicos."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "L\u00f6wy, Llana"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Vetores de doen\u00e7as, Febre amarela-hist\u00f3ria, Sa\u00fade p\u00fablica-hist\u00f3ria"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/7h7yn"], ["title", "V\u00edrus, mosquitos e modernidade: a febre amarela no Brasil entre ci\u00eancia e pol\u00edtica "], ["doab_id", "16369"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788575412398"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575412398"]], [["description", "Cereal crops such as maize, wheat, and rice account for a majority of biomass produced globally in agriculture. Continuous economic and population growth especially in developing countries accompanied more intensive production of cereal crops to meet increasing demands for them as main staple foods and livestock feeds. However, imbalance between production and consumption of cereal crops, which is inevitably reflected as their higher market prices, is becoming palpable in recent years. Stable production of cereal crops has been threatened by various abiotic and biotic stresses. One of the most threatening constraints is virus diseases. Especially, intensification of cereal crop production is often achieved by monoculture of a popular crop variety in a wide area. Such agroecosystems with low biodiversity is usually more conducive to biotic stresses, and may result in the outbreaks of existing and emerging cereal viruses. Numerous reports on incidences of various virus diseases of cereal crops attested that viruses have been a long-standing obstacle eroding yields of cereal crops worldwide. Despite of the evident economic losses incurred by virus disease of cereal crops, the progress in basic research on virus species causing major diseases of cereal crops lagged behind compared to that carried out for viruses that can infect dicotyledonous plants. This was partially due to the lack of ideal experimental systems to investigate the interaction between viruses and monocotyledonous crops. For example, inoculation of many viruses to cereal plants still requires tedious manipulation of vector organisms, and reverse genetic systems are not available for many cereal viruses. However, application of latest molecular biology technologies has led to significant advance in cereal virology recently; transient gene expression systems through particle bombardment and agroinfiltration have been exploited to examine the functions of cereal virus proteins. Cell culture systems of vector insects enabled to investigate the molecular interactions between cereal viruses and insect vectors. Furthermore, RNAi technologies for vector insects and monocotyledonous plants facilitated identification of specific host and viral factors involved in viral replication and transmission cycles. Also, accumulating information on the genome sequences of cereal crop species has been simplifying the roadmap to pinpoint resistance genes against cereal viruses. The objective of this research topic is to provide and share the information which can contribute to advances in cereal virology by covering recent progresses in areas such as: 1) characterization of emerging viruses, 2) analyses of genetic and biological diversities within particular viruses, 3) development of experimental systems applicable to cereal viruses, 4) elucidation of the molecular interactions among viruses, vector organisms, and host plants, 5) identification of traits and genes linked to virus resistance in cereal crops, 6) development of novel genetic approaches for virus resistance, and 7) assessment of epidemiological factors affecting the incidences of cereal virus diseases. Synergistic integration of ideas from such areas under this research topic should help to formulate practical alternatives to the current management options for virus diseases in cereal crops."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nobuhiro Suzuki; Takahide Sasaya; Il-Ryong Choi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["cereal", "barley", "rice", "Maize", "phytorevovirus", "Tenuivirus", "Luteovirus", "Polerovirus", "Insect vector"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1069/viruses-threatening-stable-production-of-cereal-crops"], ["title", "Viruses threatening stable production of cereal crops"], ["doab_id", "19520"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196128"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196128"]], [["description", "In 2010, five magnificent Blackfoot shirts, now owned by the University of Oxford\u2019s Pitt Rivers Museum, were brought to Alberta to be exhibited at the Glenbow Museum, in Calgary, and the Galt Museum, in Lethbridge. The shirts had not returned to Blackfoot territory since 1841, when officers of the Hudson\u2019s Bay Company acquired them. The shirts were later transported to England, where they had remained ever since.Exhibiting the shirts at the museums was, however, only one part of the project undertaken by Laura Peers and Alison Brown. Prior to the installation of the exhibits, groups of Blackfoot people\u2014hundreds altogether\u2014participated in special \u201chandling sessions,\u201d in which they were able to touch the shirts and examine them up close. The shirts, some painted with mineral pigments and adorned with porcupine quillwork, others decorated with locks of human and horse hair, took the breath away of those who saw, smelled, and touched them. Long-dormant memories were awakened, and many of the participants described a powerful sense of connection and familiarity with the shirts, which still house the spirit of the ancestors who wore them.In the pages of this beautifully illustrated volume is the story of an effort to build a bridge between museums and source communities, in hopes of establishing stronger, more sustaining relationships between the two and spurring change in prevailing museum policies. Negotiating the tension between a museum\u2019s institutional protocol and Blackfoot cultural protocol was challenging, but the experience described both by the authors and by Blackfoot contributors to the volume was transformative. Museums seek to preserve objects for posterity. This volume demonstrates that the emotional and spiritual power of objects does not vanish with the death of those who created them. For Blackfoot people today, these shirts are a living presence, one that evokes a sense of continuity and inspires pride in Blackfoot cultural heritage. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Laura Peers ; Alison K. Brown"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["first nations, aboriginal peoples, sacred objects, heritage items, colonialism, museum studies, museology, Truth and Reconciliation"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120249"], ["title", "Visiting with the Ancestors: Blackfoot Shirts in Museum Spaces"], ["doab_id", "19825"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990370", "9781771990387", "9781771990394"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990370; 9781771990387; 9781771990394"]], [["description", "Esta \u00e9 a tradu\u00e7\u00e3o para portugu\u00eas dos artigos que compuseram o n\u00famero especial da revista francesa G\u00e9ographie et Cultures, intitulado Vu du Br\u00e9sil. Explora a din\u00e2mica da pesquisa em Geografia Cultural desenvolvida no Brasil, bem como questionamentos que permeiam esta produ\u00e7\u00e3o, ainda pouco conhecida na Fran\u00e7a. Temas como hibridismo cultural, transcultura\u00e7\u00e3o, multiterritorialidade, \u201cmaritimidade\u201d, fronteiras sociais e territoriais, assim como tem\u00e1ticas espec\u00edficas do contexto cultural brasileiro \u2013 o futebol, as festas juninas, a capoeira e o fandango \u2013 s\u00e3o abordados com o objetivo de aquecer o debate acerca da quest\u00e3o identit\u00e1ria brasileira."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Barthe-Deloizy, Francine; Serpa, Angelo"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["HISTORY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/8pk8p"], ["title", "Vis\u00f5es do Brasil: estudos culturais em geografia"], ["doab_id", "17920"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523212384"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523212384"]], [["description", "O presente livro da cole\u00e7\u00e3o Hist\u00f3ria e Sa\u00fade ao mesmo tempo que enfoca o nascimento de duas especialidades da medicina - a obstetr\u00edcia e a ginecologia - aborda, a partir de pesquisa aprofundada - o nascimento de todo um discurso que pretendia conhecer a natureza feminina.Quando o corpo feminino passa a ser um objeto de estudo e quando o discurso m\u00e9dico-cient\u00edfico passa a discursar sobre este corpo, a medicina tamb\u00e9m se torna respons\u00e1vel pela constru\u00e7\u00e3o de muitos mitos ainda hoje presentes no imagin\u00e1rio ocidental acerca da mulher. Desse modo, trabalhando n\u00e3o s\u00f3 com o discurso m\u00e9dico europeu, mas tamb\u00e9m com trabalhos diversos de renomados intelectuais brasileiros acerca do corpo feminino, Ana Paula Vosne Martins revela diferentes representa\u00e7\u00f5es constru\u00eddas sobre a mulher ao longo dos s\u00e9culos XIX e XX."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martins, Ana Paula Vosne"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["HEALTH & FITNESS"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/jnzhd"], ["title", "Vis\u00f5es do feminino: a medicina da mulher nos s\u00e9culos XIX e XX"], ["doab_id", "19324"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788575414514"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788575414514"]], [["description", "Vis\u00f5es imagin\u00e1rias da cidade da Bahia \u00e9 um trabalho surpreendente. Ele rompe com a aridez de uma geografia cl\u00e9rica, seguindo a orienta\u00e7\u00e3o de Milton Santos, para o qual \u201co maior erro que a geografia cometeu foi o de querer ser ci\u00eancia, em vez de ci\u00eancia e arte\u201d. A proposta dos autores \u00e9 a de retornar ao pensamento sartreano, t\u00e3o caro a Milton. Pensamento que expressa em Esbo\u00e7o de uma teoria das emo\u00e7\u00f5es, no qual \u201c... uma emo\u00e7\u00e3o remete ao que ela significa. E, o que ela significa \u00e9 a totalidade das rela\u00e7\u00f5es da realidade-humana com o mundo\u201d, atrav\u00e9s da \u201c...queda brusca da consci\u00eancia no m\u00e1gico\". (Retirado da apresenta\u00e7\u00e3o do livro)"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pinheiro, D\u00e9lio Jos\u00e9 Ferraz; Silva, Maria Auxiliadora da"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["SCIENCE"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - EDUFBA"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/myv39"], ["title", "Vis\u00f5es imagin\u00e1rias da cidade da Bahia: um di\u00e1logo entre geografia e a literatura"], ["doab_id", "17278"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788523209223"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788523209223"]], [["description", "Research on visual perception in schizophrenia has a long history. However, it is only recently that it has been included in mainstream efforts to understand the cognitive neuroscience of the disorder and to assist with biomarker and treatment development (e.g., the NIMH CNTRICS and RDoC initiatives). Advances in our understanding of visual disturbances in schizophrenia can tell us about both specific computational and neurobiological abnormalities, and about the widespread computational and neurobiological abnormalities in the illness, of which visual disturbances constitute well-studied, replicable, low-level examples. Importantly, far from being a passive sensory registration process, visual perception is active, inferential, and hypothesis-generating, and therefore can provide excellent examples of breakdowns in general brain functions in schizophrenia. Despite progress made in understanding visual processing disturbances in schizophrenia, many challenges exist and many unexplored areas are in need of examination. For example, the directional relationships between perceptual and cognitive disturbances (e.g., in attention, memory, executive function, predictive coding) remain unclear in many cases, as do links with symptoms, including visual hallucinations. The effect of specific visual disturbances on multisensory integration in schizophrenia has also not been explored. In addition, few studies of vision in schizophrenia have used naturalistic stimuli, including real-world objects, and almost no studies have examined processing during interaction with objects or visual exploration, which can provide important data on functioning of the perception for action pathway. Relatedly, studies of visual processing in schizophrenia have also not been conducted within contexts that include emotional stimulation and the presence of reinforcers - characteristics of many real-world situations - and the consequences of this are likely to be an incomplete view of how and when perception is abnormal in the condition. An additional important area involves treatment of visual disturbances in schizophrenia. Two major questions regarding this are: 1) can visual processing be improved in cases where it is impaired (and by what types of interventions affecting which cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms)? and 2) what are the clinical and functional benefits of improving specific visual functions in people with schizophrenia? Other important and understudied questions concern: 1) the extent to which indices of visual functioning can serve as biomarkers such as predictors of relapse, treatment response, and/or recovery; 2) the potential role of visual functioning in diagnosing and predicting illness; 3) the extent to which some visual perception disturbances are diagnostically specific to schizophrenia; and 4) the extent to which visual disturbances are truly manifestations of disease, as opposed to aspects of normal variation that, in combination with disease, serves to modify the clinical presentation. This Frontiers Research Topic explores some of these, and other issues facing this exciting interface between vision science and schizophrenia research. We include papers that span the entire range of different Frontiers paper types, including those that are data driven (using psychophysics, electroencephalography, neuroimaging, computational and animal models, and other methods), reviews, hypotheses, theories, opinion, methods, areas of impact, and historical perspectives."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Steven Silverstein; Brian P. Keane; Randolph Blake; Anne Giersch; Michael Green; Szabolcs Keri"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Schizophrenia", "Vision", "Perception", "fMRI", "EEG", "ERP", "Illusions", "sex differences", "Blindness", "Eye Movements"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/949/visual-dysfunction-in-schizophrenia-a-view-into-the-mechanisms-of-madness"], ["title", "Visual Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A View into the Mechanisms of Madness?"], ["doab_id", "17548"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195152"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195152"]], [["description", "Current theories of visual change detection emphasize the importance of conscious attention to detect unexpected changes in the visual environment. However, an increasing body of studies shows that the human brain is capable of detecting even small visual changes, especially if such changes violate non-conscious probabilistic expectations based on repeating experiences. In other words, our brain automatically represents statistical regularities of our visual environmental. Since the discovery of the auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) event-related potential (ERP) component, the majority of research in the field has focused on auditory deviance detection. Such automatic change detection mechanisms operate in the visual modality too, as indicated by the visual mismatch negativity (vMMN) brain potential to rare changes. VMMN is typically elicited by stimuli with infrequent (deviant) features embedded in a stream of frequent (standard) stimuli, outside the focus of attention. In this research topic we aim to present vMMN as a prediction error signal. Predictive coding theories account for phenomena such as mismatch negativity and repetition suppression, and place them in a broader context of a general theory of cortical responses. A wide range of vMMN studies has been presented in this Research Topic. Twelve articles address roughly four general sub-themes including attention, language, face processing, and psychiatric disorders. Additionally, four articles focused on particular subjects such as the oblique effect, object formation, and development and time-frequency analysis of vMMN. Furthermore, a review paper presented vMMN in a hierarchical predictive coding framework. Each paper in this Research Topic is a valuable contribution to the field of automatic visual change detection and deepens our understanding of the short term plasticity underlying predictive processes of visual perceptual learning."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gabor Stefanics; Piia Astikainen; Istvan Czigler"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["predictive coding", "visual mismatch negativity", "vMMN", "Prediction error", "repetition suppression", "stimulus specific adaptation", "refractoriness", "Attention", "Perceptual Learning", "Bayesian Brain"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/990/visual-mismatch-negativity-vmmn-a-prediction-error-signal-in-the-visual-modality"], ["title", "Visual Mismatch Negativity (vMMN) a Prediction Error Signal in the Visual Modality"], ["doab_id", "18169"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195602"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195602"]], [["description", "Our understanding of visual perception and visual cognition has advanced considerably over the last decades. The effects of ageing on visual perception and visual cognition are less well understood. This Research Topic features state-of-the-art approaches to determining the effects of ageing on visual perception, visual attention, visual memory and visually guided behaviour. Studies using methods that incorporate psychophysics, eye movements, electrophysiology, structural and functional neuroimaging, as well as computational modelling are included. In addition to the focus on how ageing effects normal vision, the topic also includes studies on the effects of pathological ageing in the retina (e.g., age-related macular degeneration) and the brain (e.g., neurodegenerative disorders) on vision and visual cognition."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mark W. Greenlee; Allison B. Sekuler"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Ageing", "Vision", "visual cognition", "central scotoma", "age-related macular degeneration", "Alzheimer's disease", "Mild Cognitive Impairment", "functional MRI"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/862/visual-perception-and-visual-cognition-in-healthy-and-pathological-ageing"], ["title", "Visual perception and visual cognition in healthy and pathological ageing"], ["doab_id", "17664"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192533"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192533"]], [["description", "Visual Texts, Ceremonial Texts, Texts of Exploration continues the work begun in Russian Monarchy: Representation and Rule, which analyzed the interplay between the symbolic representations of Russian monarchs and the legal and institutional instruments of their rule. The articles in this volume examine the texts that, through various media, revealed the myths and scenarios conveying the goals and ideals the monarchy sought to elevate before the elite of the empire and, later, the public at large.Russian monarchy inhabited a highly visual culture, comprising court ceremonials, parades, public festivities, and celebrations. It mobilized the arts through painting, prints, popular pictures (lubki), and even opera. This book examines that artistic culture, focusing on several aspects. Parts I and II analyze imagery and ceremony and their relation to the verbal texts that ascribed and defined their meanings. Part III details the way texts of exploration inspired the explorers who widened Russia\u2019s engagement with the world. Parts IV and V address key texts of intellectual history and reflect on the scholarly and methodological influences on Wortman\u2019s approach to history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Richard Wortman"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Academic Studies Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://static1.squarespace.com/static/54132b01e4b0f5bf7ad3ed92/t/57a0e43b8419c234d0eef86a/1470161985438/Visual+Texts+Ceremonial+Texts+%28Reduced%29.pdf"], ["title", "Visual Texts, Ceremonial Texts, Texts of Exploration: Collected Articles on the Representation of Russian Monarchy"], ["doab_id", "19391"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781618113474"]], ["provider", "static1.squarespace.com"], ["isbns_raw", " 9781618113474"]], [["description", "\u201cVisualizations of cult\u201c deals with the strategies of visual representations of cult as well as with concretisations of its visualization, in the perspective of historical and cultural studies. Cult is understood in a broad sense, describing modes of collective veneration and auratization, in religious, quasi-religious or trivial-profane connections. Cult practice and experience and their manifestations are treated under five aspects: (1) objects: staging of cult, (2) subjects: experiences of cult, (3) cult of persons, (4) spaces of cult, (5) manifestations of cult practice.

\u201cVisualisierungen von Kult\u201d behandelt die Strategien visueller Darstellung von Kult sowie Konkretisierungen seiner Visualisierung aus historisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Kult ist weit gefasst und beschreibt Formen der kollektiven Verehrung und Auratisierung, in religi\u00f6sen, quasi-religi\u00f6sen oder trivial-profanen Zusammenh\u00e4ngen. Es werden Praktiken und Erfahrung von Kult und ihre Manifestationen in f\u00fcnf Themenkomplexen untersucht: (1) Objekte: Inszenierungen von Kult, (2) Subjekte: Erfahrungen von Kult, (3) Personenkult, (4) Kultr\u00e4ume sowie (5) Manifestationen von Kultpraxis."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Meyer ,Marion; Klimburg-Salter ,Deborah"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Visual and cultural studies, visual communication, symbolic communication, media studies, self-representation, cult, cult of persons, votive practice, religion, sacred space, iconography, narration, Classical Archaeology, History of Art, History, History of Science, European Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Numismatics, Geology, film studies, television, politics, architecture, antiquity, middle ages, 20th century, Vienna, P\u00f6ggstall, Austria, Athens, Byzantium, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Portugal, Soma Morgenstern, Antonio Salazar, Slobodan Milo\u0161evi\u0107, Theo Angelopoulos, Anna Stainer-Knittel, Geier-Wally, heroes, churches in Vienna, votive terracottas, Erechtheum, foundation sacrifices.", "Visuelle Kulturgeschichte, visuelle Kommunikation; symbolische Kommunikation, mediale Inszenierung, Selbstdarstellung, Kult, Personenkult, Votivpraxis, Religion, sakrale R\u00e4ume, Ikonographie, Narration, Klassische Arch\u00e4ologie, Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Europ\u00e4ische Ethnologie, Kuturanthropologie, Numismatik, Geologie, Filmstudien, Fernsehen, Politik, Architektur, Antike, Mittelalter, 20. Jahrhundert, Wien, P\u00f6ggstall, \u00d6sterreich, Athen, Byzanz, Serbien, Kosovo, Ukraine, Portugal, Soma Morgenstern, Antonio Salazar, Slobodan Milo\u0161evi\u0107, Theo Angelopoulos, Anna Stainer-Knittel, Geier-Wally, Helden, Wiener Kirchen, Votivterrakotten, Erechtheion, Bauopfer."]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=477716"], ["title", "Visualisierungen von Kult"], ["doab_id", "16514"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795162"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795162"]], [["description", "The concepts of art history were developed in the nineteenth century. This can inhibit dialogue with neighbouring disciplines. The concept \u201cmedium\u201d, which belongs to the late twentieth century, can provide assistance and connect the argument of art history to the contemporary state of consciousness at least in the cultural sciences dealing with communication. At the centre of the book lie questions of the use and effect of objects. Dealing with a series of high-ranking art works, an observational method is practised that is both historically founded and compatible with modern discourses. The six case studies address the Naumburg Stifterfiguren, Pietro Lorenzetti\u2019s frescos in Assisi, the Parament of Narbonne, the tomb of Archbishop Chichele in Canterbury, Raphael\u2019s Sistine Madonna in Dresden, and the self-portraits of Anton Pilgram in St Stephen\u2019s Church in Vienna.

Die Konzepte der Kunstgeschichte sind im 19. Jahrhundert entwickelt worden. Das erschwert den Dialog mit vielen Nachbardisziplinen. Das Konzept \"Medium\", das dem ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert angeh\u00f6rt, soll dem abhelfen und das Argument der Kunstgeschichte mit dem gegenw\u00e4rtigen Bewusstseinsstand mindestens in denjenigen Kulturwissenschaften verkn\u00fcpfen, die sich mit Kommunikation befassen. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehen die Fragen nach Gebrauch und Wirkung der Objekte. Einge\u00fcbt wird eine Betrachtungsweise von hochrangigen Kunstwerken, die sowohl historisch fundiert als auch modernen Diskursen kompatibel ist. Die sechs Fallstudien befassen sich mit den Naumburger Stifterfiguren, Pietro Lorenzettis Fresken in Assisi, dem Parament von Narbonne, dem Grabmal des Erzbischofs Chichele in Canterbury, Raphaels Sixtinischer Madonna in Dresden, und den Selbstbildnissen Anton Pilgrams in der Wiener Stephankirche."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwarz ,Michael Viktor"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Art history, medium, liturgy", "Kunstgeschichte, Medium, Liturgie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574817"], ["title", "Visuelle Medien im christlichen Kult"], ["doab_id", "17411"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205993247"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3205993241"]], [["description", "Drawing on a range of canonical and non-canonical literary, cinematic and social scientific texts produced in post-Unification Italy, Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy is an interdisciplinary study of how racial and colonial discourses shaped the \u201cmaking\u201d of Italians as modern political subjects in the years between its administrative unification (1861-1870) and the end of the First World War (1919). The book includes readings of texts by Italian thinkers such as Leopoldo Franchetti and Paolo Mantegazza and it offers new readings of well- and lesser-known texts by a writer who has become Italy\u2019s most infamous precursor to Mussolini: poet, novelist, and political provocateur Gabriele D\u2019Annunzio. Vital Subjects concludes with an original analysis of an early film that figures prominently in the history of cinema: Giovanni Pastrone\u2019s 1914 silent film Cabiria--produced in the wake of the Italian invasion of Libya (1911-12) and celebrating ancient Roman imperialism."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Welch ,Rhiannon Noel"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "History"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608318"], ["title", "Vital Subjects: Race and Biopolitics in Italy"], ["doab_id", "19053"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781781382868"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781781382868"]], [["description", "Democracy is one of the most used and misinterpreted terms of our time. In public discussions concerning the subject it is tacitly assumed that everyone is aware of the meaning of democracy and the implications it carries. In reality democratic ideals and practices take on various forms in various countries. Frank Hendriks sheds light on this subject matter in a comprehensible manner. He distinguishes four ground forms of democracy, which are inherent to democratic forms everywhere. Along with \"consensus democracy\", Hendriks compares \"pendulum democracy\", \"voter democracy\" and \"participatory democracy\", at national as well as subnational levels of governance. Hendriks concludes in his studies that contrary to popular belief, not one model is superior to the others and calls for a realistic approach to a democracy that is sensitive to the context in which democracy must prove and sustain itself.

In Nederland wordt net als elders veel geklaagd over 'het democratisch tekort' en 'de kloof tussen burger en bestuur'. De aangedragen oplossing is doorgaans 'meer democratie'. De consensus op dit punt lijkt groot. Maar de werkelijkheid is anders. Uit een schijnbaar eenvoudig principe, de samentrekking van demos en kratia, het volk dat regeert, vloeien zeer uiteenlopende denk-en handelingswerelden voort. In Vitale democratie werpt Frank Hendriks licht op deze zaak. Hij doet dat in een verhelderend en stimulerend relaas dat op verschillende niveaus kan worden gelezen. Enerzijds schetst Hendriks een panoramisch beeld van wat er in de wereld te koop is aan beproefde modellen van democratie. Anderzijds ontvouwt hij een theoretisch perspectief van waaruit de meervoudige werkelijkheid van de democratie op een zinvolle manier kan worden bekeken, vergeleken en op waarde geschat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hendriks ,Frank"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Political science", "Bestuurskunde", "Politicologie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340127"], ["title", "Vitale democratie : Theorie van democratie in actie"], ["doab_id", "12832"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569573"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569573"]], [["description", "Ascorbic acid is a small, simple, water soluble molecule, synthesised by most plants and animals, with the exception of humans and some animal species due to mutations in the gene encoding the terminal enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway. For humans, it is thus a vitamin (vitamin C) that must be obtained from the diet, with complete deficiency resulting in the fatal disease scurvy. Many functions have been attributed to this fascinating molecule and, despite nearly 90 years of research since its discovery, new roles are still being uncovered, including recent discoveries that it acts as a regulator of epigenetic marks and transcription factors (1). In this volume we begin with a review by Michels and Frei on specific factors that need to be taken into consideration when carrying out vitamin C research. Translational research normally comprises a progression from in vitro/cell culture studies to animal models and finally to clinical trials. At each of these stages, there are requirements specific to vitamin C research that need to be integrated into study designs and this review describes these in detail. [...]"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["human status", " cancer", " bioavailability", " neurological effects", " vitamin C-dependent enzymes", " gene regulation", " inflammation", " cardiovascular disease"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/93"], ["title", "Vitamin C and Human Health"], ["doab_id", "16629"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783906980614", "9783906980621"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783906980614/9783906980621"]], [["description", "Vitamin D research has expanded greatly over the last 10 years, with a more than two-fold increase in annual publications listed in Pubmed with the key word \u2018vitamin D\u2019 from 1675 in 2005 to 3953 in 2014. Part of this increase is due to research showing that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a wide range of diseases and health outcomes. Until the 1980s, the primary focus of vitamin D research (in combination with calcium supplementation) was on bone diseases. Since then, observational studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with increased risk of many diseases: both acute and chronic. This book contains publications on several of these disease groups linked to vitamin D deficiency."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Calcitriol, Cholecalciferol, Ergocalciferol 25(OH)D, Vitamin D deficiency, Vitamin D and pandemic, Vitamin D and Obesity, Vitamin D and Cancer, Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease, Vitamin D and respiratory infection, Vitamin D and diabetes, Vitamin D and depression, Vitamin D and cognition, Vitamin D and pain, Vitamin D and IVF, Vitamin D and premature mortality, Vitamin D Treatment, Vitamin D toxicity, Vitamin D risk factor, Vitamin D Cohort study, randomised controlled trial, systematic review, meta-analysis"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/120"], ["title", "Vitamin D and Human Health"], ["doab_id", "17512"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420569", "9783038420576"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420569/9783038420576 "]], [["description", "Preziosa testimonianza di quanto il lavoro poetico e l\u2019impegno intellettuale di Vittorio Sereni abbiano segnato profondamente il percorso letterario del nostro Novecento, e di quanto siano tuttora capaci di promuovere adesioni non effimere e riflessioni non scontate, i saggi che costituiscono questo volume ne approfondiscono la conoscenza e ne rinnovano, nel centenario della nascita, la memoria.Questa raccolta di saggi rende disponibili gli atti del convegno su Vittorio Sereni tenutosi dal 24 al 26 ottobre 2013."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Edoardo Esposito, a cura di"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Critica letteraria, sereni,"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Sereni_Atti_defcorretto.pdf"], ["title", "Vittorio Sereni, un altro compleanno"], ["doab_id", "16446"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9788867052639"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052639"]], [["description", "Nombre de Canadiens savent que les organismes du gouvernement s\u2019adonnent \u00e0 de la surveillance de masse en utilisant les donn\u00e9es t\u00e9l\u00e9phoniques et \u00e9lectroniques. N\u00e9anmoins, peu d\u2019entre eux sont r\u00e9ellement conscients de l\u2019influence r\u00e9elle que cette surveillance a sur presque tous les aspects de leur vie quotidienne. Aujourd\u2019hui, nous ne pouvons faire une promenade au centre-ville, assister \u00e0 un cours, payer au moyen d\u2019une carte de cr\u00e9dit, monter \u00e0 bord d\u2019un avion ou faire un appel sans que des donn\u00e9es soient captur\u00e9es et trait\u00e9es. O\u00f9 cette information s\u2019en va-t-elle? Qui l\u2019utilise? Qui en sort gagnant et qui en sort perdant? Est-ce que le prix \u00e0 payer pour utiliser les m\u00e9dias sociaux et d\u2019autres moyens de communication \u00e9lectronique est de desserrer notre emprise sur nos renseignements personnels? Au contraire, devrions-nous nous m\u00e9fier des syst\u00e8mes qui nous rendent plus que jamais visibles et, par cons\u00e9quent, vuln\u00e9rables aux yeux des autres?Vivre \u00e0 nu est l\u2019\u0153uvre d\u2019une \u00e9quipe de recherche multidisciplinaire et explique comment la surveillance s\u2019accro\u00eet \u2013 pratiquement sans que personne y porte attention \u2013 dans toutes les sph\u00e8res de notre vie. En analysant les principaux moyens employ\u00e9s par le secteur public et le secteur priv\u00e9 pour recueillir, faire le suivi, analyser et \u00e9changer des renseignements au sujet des citoyens ordinaires, les auteurs de l\u2019ouvrage ont d\u00e9gag\u00e9 neuf grandes tendances dans le traitement des donn\u00e9es personnelles. D\u2019ailleurs, collectivement, ces neuf grandes tendances soul\u00e8vent des questions pressantes au sujet de la vie priv\u00e9e et de la justice sociale. Cet ouvrage vise non seulement \u00e0 informer, mais \u00e9galement \u00e0 changer le cours des choses. Il cible intentionnellement un grand public : les d\u00e9cideurs, les journalistes, les groupes de d\u00e9fense des libert\u00e9s civiles, les enseignants et, par-dessus tout, les lecteurs du grand public.http://surveillanceincanada.org/"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "edited by Colin J. Bennett, Kevin D. Haggerty, David Lyon, and Valerie Steeves"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Vie priv_e, technologie et soci_t_, projet sur la nouvelle transparence, syst\uff8fmes de telecommunication, donn_es"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120238"], ["title", "Vivre \u00e0 nu: La surveillance au Canada"], ["doab_id", "16234"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9781927356838", "9781927356845", "9781927356852"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356838 9781927356845 9781927356852"]], [["description", "This book reflects on the many contributions made in and to European bioethics to date, in various locations, and from various disciplinary perspectives. In so doing, the book advances understanding of the academic and social status of European bioethics as it is being supported and practiced by various disciplines such as philosophy, law, medicine, and the social sciences, applied to a wide range of areas. The European focus offers a valuable counter-balance to an often prominent US understanding of bioethics.The volume is split into four parts. The first contains reflection on bioethics in the past, present and future, and also considers how comparison between countries and disciplines can enrich bioethical discourse. The second looks at bioethics in particular locations and contexts, including: policy, boardrooms and courtrooms; studios and virtual rooms; and society, while the third part explores the translation of theories and concepts of bioethics into the clinical setting. The fourth and final section focuses on academic expressions of bioethics, as it is theorised in various disciplines and also as it is taught, whether in classrooms or at the patient\u2019s bedside. The book features unique contributions from a range of experts including: Alastair V Campbell; Ruth Chadwick; Angus Dawson; Raymond G. De Vries; Suzanne Ost; Renzo Pegoraro; Rouven Porz; Paul Schotsmans;Jochen Vollmann; Guy Widdershoven and Hub Zwart."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Huxtable ,Richard; Meulen, ter ,Ruud"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["European bioethics", "philosophy", "law", "medicine", "social sciences"]], ["publisher", "Routledge"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://oapen.org/search?identifier=575252"], ["title", "The Voices and Rooms of European Bioethics"], ["doab_id", "17445"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780415737197", "9781315814469"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780415737197 9781315814469"]], [["description", "The sound of the wind across a Prairie field, the smell of grass on the first day of spring, the vocalization of birds in the early morning woods, the silence of the lake at night interrupted by call of the loon ? these are the shapes and sounds of the Prairie landscape. Katherine Koller invokes the Prairie setting as a central character in each of the four plays in Voices of the Land. Serving a supportive and, at other times, antagonistic role, the landscape acts upon the characters, driving and intensifying their transformation. The land and those who live in intimate terms with it are the focus of Koller?s plays. In The Seed Savers, farmers face pressure to purchase genetically modified seed; a protagonist refuses to sell untilled land for development in Cowboy Boots and a Corsage; a dying woman sees a lake as her final resting place in Abby?s Place; and in The Early Worm Club, Millie realizes a deep sense of belonging to the Alberta parkland and its birds while searching for her mate. Nature goes beyond mere setting and backdrop in these plays to effect transformation and resolution on the characters. Ranging from romantic comedy to drama and from one-act to full-length, the plays in Voices of the Land show western Canadians at the point of leaving, returning, and renewing against the backdrop of their native landscape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Koller, Katherine"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Drama", "Alberta author", "Wind", "prairies"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120212"], ["title", "Voices of the Land: The Seed Savers and Other Plays"], ["doab_id", "15069"], ["language_unmapped", "Englilsh"], ["isbns", ["9781926836935", "9781926836942", "9781926836942"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836935 9781926836942 9781926836942"]], [["description", "Drawing on both rule-based and constraint-based approaches, Voicing in Contrast examines typological differences in the laryngeal systems of Dutch and English and investigates the extent to which native speakers of Dutch acquire English obstruent voicing. The analysis is based on a substantial new data collection of conversational Dutch and English speech by speakers of different varieties of Dutch. The results of the study show that the English interlanguage of advanced learners contains a mixed laryngeal system with elements from Dutch as well as from English. The book discusses how this system could emerge and analyses the extent to which learners succeeded in suppressing neutralizing processes of devoicing and voice assimilation. The results of the empirical analysis are examined in the light of existing theoretical approaches to laryngeal systems. Although the focus is on Dutch and English, the frequent references to other languages invite the reader to carry out comparable analyses for other languages with similar laryngeal systems. A detailed description of the methodology also makes the book of interest to scholars working with large databases of spoken first and second language speech. A sample of the data is available on a CD-rom accompanying the book."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Simon ,Ellen"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Linguistic", "Second language acquisition", "Laryngeal system", "Taal", "Tweede taal aanwinst", "Laryngeal systeem"]], ["publisher", "Academia Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=377758"], ["title", "Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language Laryngeal System"], ["doab_id", "13336"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789038215624"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789038215624"]], [["description", "The hitherto unpublished collection of South Slavic folk tales in German translation in the legacy of Friedrich Salomo Krauss (1859-1938), jewish-croatian ethnography, writer and sexologist, in Los Angeles, is on the one hand based on field-work materials, collected from oral sources during a research excursion in 1884-5 in Bosnia, Hercegovina and Dalmatia, on the other on translations of stories published in South Slavic journals of folklore and collections of oral narrations round the turn of the century of 1900. The translations are done in a literary style and the partly extended commentaries by Krauss are an important document of Viennese culture history and mentality in the first decades of the 20th century. Moreover, this collection documents the different ideological presuppositions for the starting phase of the emergence of Austrian Volkskunde/ethnography, which was from the very beginning internationally orientated, in close and specific connection to the folk culture of the countries in South Eastern Europe, and cultivated in a multidisciplinary way cross-contacts to ethnology, anthropology, psychology and jurisprudence.

Bei der bislang unver\u00f6ffentlichten Sammlung von s\u00fcdslavischen Erz\u00e4hlungen in deutscher \u00dcbersetzung aus dem Nachlass des j\u00fcdisch-kroatischen Volkskundlers, Literaten und Sexualforschers Friedrich Salomo Krauss (1859-1938) handelt es sich z. T. um authentisches Material, das Krauss w\u00e4hrend seiner Forschungsreise 1884-85 in Bosnien, der Herzegowina und Dalmatien aufgenommen hat, z. T. um \u00dcbersetzungen aus s\u00fcdslavischen Folklore-Zeitschriften und Erz\u00e4hlsammlungen vor und um die Jahrhundertwende; die literarisch get\u00f6nten \u00dcbersetzungen und die teilweise ausf\u00fchrlichen Kommentare von Krauss sind ein Kultur- und Zeitdokument der Wiener Geistesgeschichte in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dar\u00fcber hinaus dokumentiert diese Sammlung die unterschiedlichen ideologischen Voraussetzungen f\u00fcr die Anfangsstadien der Entwicklung der \u00f6sterreichischen Volkskunde, die von Anfang an international ausgerichtet war, in besonderer Beziehung zu den V\u00f6lkern S\u00fcdosteuropas gestanden hat und Querverbindungen zu anderen Wissenschaftszweigen wie Ethnologie und Anthropologie, Psychologie und Rechtswissenschaft pflegte."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Krauss ,Friedrich Salomo"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["South Eastern Europe, South Slavic folk culture, oral literature, Friedrich Salomo Krauss, fairy tales, legends, anecdotes", "s\u00fcdslavischen Erz\u00e4hlungen, Friedrich Salomo Krauss"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=470932"], ["title", "Volkserz\u00e4hlungen der S\u00fcdslaven"], ["doab_id", "15942"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994572"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994572"]], [["description", "Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit den Regelungen des Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft. Mit dem Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetz, das zum 01.01.2008 in Kraft getreten ist, hat der nieders\u00e4chsische Gesetzgeber den grundrechtssensiblen Bereich des Untersuchungshaftvollzuges erstmalig in der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte auf eine detaillierte gesetzliche Grundlage gestellt. Ausgew\u00e4hlte Regelungen des nieders\u00e4chsischen Gesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft werden sowohl einer verfassungsrechtlichen als auch einer verfahrensrechtlichen Analyse unterzogen. Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben, verfahrensrechtliche Bed\u00fcrfnisse und tats\u00e4chliche Gegebenheiten werden ber\u00fccksichtigt, um die bislang \u00fcberwiegend abstrakten Vorgaben der Verfassung an die gesetzliche Normierung des Untersuchungshaftvollzuges zu konkretisieren und die Regelungen des Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft einer ersten Bewertung zuzuf\u00fchren. Hierbei wird insbesondere \u00fcberpr\u00fcft, inwieweit es dem nieders\u00e4chsischen Gesetzgeber gelungen ist, das Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen den Bed\u00fcrfnissen einer funktionsf\u00e4higen Strafrechtpflege und den Freiheitsrechten des Untersuchungsgefangenen auszugleichen.

Die Untersuchung befasst sich mit den Regelungen des Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft. Mit dem Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetz, das zum 01.01.2008 in Kraft getreten ist, hat der nieders\u00e4chsische Gesetzgeber den grundrechtssensiblen Bereich des Untersuchungshaftvollzuges erstmalig in der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte auf eine detaillierte gesetzliche Grundlage gestellt. Ausgew\u00e4hlte Regelungen des nieders\u00e4chsischen Gesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft werden sowohl einer verfassungsrechtlichen als auch einer verfahrensrechtlichen Analyse unterzogen. Verfassungsrechtliche Vorgaben, verfahrensrechtliche Bed\u00fcrfnisse und tats\u00e4chliche Gegebenheiten werden ber\u00fccksichtigt, um die bislang \u00fcberwiegend abstrakten Vorgaben der Verfassung an die gesetzliche Normierung des Untersuchungshaftvollzuges zu konkretisieren und die Regelungen des Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetzes \u00fcber den Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft einer ersten Bewertung zuzuf\u00fchren. Hierbei wird insbesondere \u00fcberpr\u00fcft, inwieweit es dem nieders\u00e4chsischen Gesetzgeber gelungen ist, das Spannungsverh\u00e4ltnis zwischen den Bed\u00fcrfnissen einer funktionsf\u00e4higen Strafrechtpflege und den Freiheitsrechten des Untersuchungsgefangenen auszugleichen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Winzer, Stephanie"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["remand", "prison regime", "remand", "prison regime"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610238"], ["title", "Der Vollzug der Untersuchungshaft nach dem Nieders\u00e4chsischen Justizvollzugsgesetz - eine Untersuchung aus verfassungsrechtlicher und verfahrensrechtlicher Sicht"], ["doab_id", "13345"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875784"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875784"]], [["description", "This volumes deals with the presentations and debates from the guest lecture series on the occasion of the \"European Year of Intercultural Dialogue\" 2008 at the G\u00f6ttingen University.

Weltweite Globalisierungsprozesse und die Zunahme an gesellschaftlicher, religi\u00f6ser, und weltwirtschaftlicher Komplexit\u00e4t haben die Begriffe \u201eInterkulturalit\u00e4t\u201c und \u201eDialog\u201c nicht nur in der politischen Praxis, sondern auch in zahlreichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen vehement an Bedeutung gewinnen lassen. Gleichwohl ist un\u00fcbersehbar, dass \u201eInterkulturalit\u00e4t\u201c bislang nur vage theoretisch fundiert ist, jedoch als Bezugspunkt f\u00fcr einen sich neu entwickelnden Verstehens- und Interaktionszusammenhang immer wieder in Erscheinung tritt. Genau in diese \u201eLeerstelle\u201c sucht die hier dokumentierte Vorlesungsreihe zu treten, um sich aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher, in vielerlei Hinsicht am akademischen Diskurs aktiv beteiligter F\u00e4cher mit einem \u201eInterkulturellen Dialog\u201c auseinanderzusetzen. In ihrer Zusammenschau pl\u00e4dieren die hier versammelten Perspektiven f\u00fcr ein vernetztes Verstehen, das Grenzen zwischen Disziplinen, Kulturen, Religionen sowie Nationen hinter sich l\u00e4sst. In den Beitr\u00e4gen zeichnet sich eine Prozesshaftigkeit ab, die ausgehend von einer Hermeneutik des Fremden auf die \u00dcberwindung von Fremdheit zielt, um sich dann auf die Anerkennung der Differenz und Vielfalt von Kulturen hin zu bewegen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Schweiger, Irmy"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["intercultural dialogue", "guest lecture", "intercultural dialogue", "guest lecture"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610267"], ["title", "Vom Verstehen zur Verst\u00e4ndigung - Dokumentation der \u00f6ffentlichen Vorlesungsreihe zum Europ\u00e4ischen Jahr des Interkulturellen Dialogs 2008"], ["doab_id", "13109"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875074"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875074"]], [["description", "Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2011 und des Wintersemesters 2011/12.

Seit seiner Gr\u00fcndung vor ann\u00e4hernd 25 Jahren hat sich das G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorische Kolloquium zu einer Einrichtung entwickelt, welche die vielf\u00e4ltigen, thematisch einschl\u00e4gigen Aktivit\u00e4ten des Standortes wie auch des deutschsprachigen Raumes durch Austausch von Forschungsergebnissen und Sichtweisen b\u00fcndelt. Von hier haben auch einige Unternehmungen ihren Ausgang genommen, welche zum heutigen Profil der Umweltgeschichte sp\u00fcrbar beitrugen. Der Band vereinigt Beitr\u00e4ge zum Kolloquium des Sommersemesters 2011 und des Wintersemesters 2011/12."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Jakubowski-Tiessen, Manfred"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["G\u00f6ttingen Environmental History Colloquium", "Environmental history", "G\u00f6ttingen", "G\u00f6ttingen Environmental History Colloquium", "Environmental history", "G\u00f6ttingen"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610331"], ["title", "Von Amtsg\u00e4rten und Vogelkojen - Beitr\u00e4ge zum G\u00f6ttinger Umwelthistorischen Kolloquium 2011-2012"], ["doab_id", "16531"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951511"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951511"]], [["description", "Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe \u201eSyngramma\u201c umfasst Vortr\u00e4ge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 sowie Wintersemester 2008/09, die im Rahmen der altertumswissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe am Althistorischen Seminar der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen pr\u00e4sentiert worden sind. Die thematische Spannweite der einzelnen Beitr\u00e4ge reicht in diesem Band geographisch von der eurasischen Seidenstra\u00dfe bis zu dem prominenten Kampfplatz von Kalkriese (mit Spuren einer r\u00f6misch-germanischen Auseinandersetzung in der augusteischen \u00c4ra) und chronologisch von den Zeiten des bronzezeitlichen Westkleinasien und des hethitischen Gro\u00dfreiches bis zur Rezeptionsgeschichte der \u201eklassischen Antike\u201c im 18. Jahrhundert.

Der erste Band der Schriftenreihe \u201eSyngramma\u201c umfasst Vortr\u00e4ge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 sowie Wintersemester 2008/09, die im Rahmen der altertumswissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe am Althistorischen Seminar der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t G\u00f6ttingen pr\u00e4sentiert worden sind. Die thematische Spannweite der einzelnen Beitr\u00e4ge reicht in diesem Band geographisch von der eurasischen Seidenstra\u00dfe bis zu dem prominenten Kampfplatz von Kalkriese (mit Spuren einer r\u00f6misch-germanischen Auseinandersetzung in der augusteischen \u00c4ra) und chronologisch von den Zeiten des bronzezeitlichen Westkleinasien und des hethitischen Gro\u00dfreiches bis zur Rezeptionsgeschichte der \u201eklassischen Antike\u201c im 18. Jahrhundert."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lehmann, Gustav Adolf; Engster, Dorit; Nuss, Alexander"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Ancient History", "Roman Empire", "Classical Studies", "Roman Warfare", "Byzantium", "Ancient Near East", "Ancient History", "Roman Empire", "Classical Studies", "Roman Warfare", "Byzantium", "Ancient Near East"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610350"], ["title", "Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption - Vortr\u00e4ge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 und Wintersemester 2008/09"], ["doab_id", "14594"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950262"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950262"]], [["description", "The treatise deals with the pre-history of the modern French novella, which has constituted a new paradigm of genre history within the field of short narrations since 1829. Contrary to claims that M\u00e9rim\u00e9e's, Stendhal's, and Balzac's novellas have nothing in common with the narrative of the 18th and early 19th century, it is intended to demonstrate that the latter provides an arsenal for the renewal of the genre around 1830.A relatively stable consciousness concerning the genre, clearly differentiating between conte and nouvelle until the mid-1760, functions as starting point. This duality, however, starts slackening when the successful conte moral transcends into the field of the nouvelle - an event which robs the terms conte and nouvelle of their distinctiveness. Both of the two most popular themes of the conte moral, namely marital development and education, are realized in a couple of textual strategies which are - despite a change in social conditions - continuing up to the first two decades of the 19th century. This continuum usually involves distortion, parody, and afunctionality. Simultaneous to the transformations maintaining this system, the observer also traces transformations breaking those rules as seen in the works of Diderot, Mme de Sta\u00ebl, Sade, and Balzac, which makes it impossible to integrate their narrations into the harmonized ideology of the conte moral.The nouvelle receives further impulse from the \"true story\", which can be settled somewhere between journalistic information and literary fiction. It is a heterogeneous field of narrations sharing the reference to the reality external of literary fiction and the themes of the unexpected, the inexplicable, and the violation of the rules. The techniques, methods and themes developed by the narrative of the 18th century are endowed with new meaning by the French Revolution. Characteristic bundles of the modern novella are elaborated by the cooperation of several concepts - \"the exotic and distance\", \"antithesis and paroxysm\", \"denouement and temporality, as well as \"ambiguity and the secret\" - creating a new synergy. The novella meets the growing need for texts mainly concerned with the creation of suspense by its accentuated temporality and its mode of reception aiming at fast consumption. The fantastic novella may be understood as an extreme variation of the modern novella based on the typical antithetical structure. The historical increase in the usage of supernatural elements in the field of short narratives indicates that dealing with the irrational evokes a development of frame stories displaying a more complex structure which equips the novelistic event itself with an amplified aesthetic component.

Die Arbeit untersucht die Vorgeschichte der modernen franz\u00f6sischen Novelle, die ab 1829 ein neues Paradigma in der Gattungsgeschichte der Kurznarrativik bildet. Entgegen der Behauptung, die Novellen M\u00e9rim\u00e9es, Stendhals u. Balzacs h\u00e4tten nichts mit den Erz\u00e4hlungen des 18. u. fr\u00fchen 19. Jh. zu tun, wird gezeigt, da\u00df letztere das Arsenal f\u00fcr die Erneuerung der Gattung um 1830 bereitsstellen.Ausgangspunkt der Entwicklung ist ein relativ stabiles Gattungsbewu\u00dftsein, das bis Mitte der 1760er Jahre klar zwischen conte u. nouvelle unterscheidet. Diese Opposition beginnt sich mit der Erfolgswelle des conte moral aufzul\u00f6sen, da dieser in das Feld der nouvelle \u00fcbertritt, so da\u00df die Gattungsbezeichnungen conte und nouvelle ihre distinktive Kraft einb\u00fc\u00dfen. Die beiden beliebtesten Themen des conte moral, die Eheanbahnung und die Erziehung, manifestieren sich in einer Reihe textueller Strategien, die trotz der ver\u00e4nderten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen bis in die ersten beiden Jahrzehnte des 19. Jh. \u00fcberdauern, was in der Regel mit Verzerrungen, Parodie-rung und Afunktionalit\u00e4t der verwendeten Erz\u00e4hlmuster einhergeht. Zeitgleich zu diesen systemerhaltenden Transformationen lassen sich bei Autoren wie Diderot, Mme de Sta\u00ebl, Sade und Balzac systemsprengende Transformationen feststellen, die sich nicht mehr in die harmonisierende Ideo-logie des conte moral integrieren lassen. Weitere Impulse bekommt die nouvelle von der 'wahren Geschichte', die in der Grauzone zwischen journalistischer Information und literarischer Fiktion angesiedelt ist. Es handelt sich um ein heterogenes Feld von Erz\u00e4hlungen, deren gemeinsamer Nenner die Berufung auf die au\u00dferliterarische Wirklichkeit und die Thematisierung des Unerwarteten, des Unerkl\u00e4rlichen u. des Normversto\u00dfes ist. Die von den Erz\u00e4hlformen des 18. Jh. entwickelten Techniken, Verfahren und Themen gewinnen vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Umw\u00e4lzungen der franz\u00f6sischen Revolution eine neue Wertigkeit und kristallisieren den Merk-malskomplex der modernen Novelle heraus, in dem das Zusammenwirken der einzelnen Konzepte Exotik u. Distanz, Antithese u. Paroxysmus, Erz\u00e4hlschlu\u00df u. Zeitlichkeit sowie Ambiguit\u00e4t u. Geheimnis neue Synergieeffekte hervorbringt. Mit ihrer akzentuierten Zeitlichkeit und ihrem auf schnellen Konsum ausgerichteten Rezeptionsmodus kommt die Novelle dem steigenden Bed\u00fcrfnis nach Texten nach, deren haupts\u00e4chliche Wirkungsabsicht die Erzeugung von Spannung ist. Die phantastische Novelle l\u00e4\u00dft sich als eine extreme Auspr\u00e4gung der f\u00fcr die moderne Novelle typischen antithetischen Struktur begreifen. Die historische Entwicklung der Verwendung \u00fcbernat\u00fcrlicher Elemente in der Kurznarrativik zeigt, da\u00df die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Irrationalen zur Entwicklung komplexer Formen der Rahmenerz\u00e4hlung f\u00fchrt und damit zu einer \u00c4sthetisierung des novellistischen Ereignisses."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ackermann ,Kathrin"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["narrative, novella, conte moral", "Erz\u00e4hlung, Empfindsamkeit, Novelle, Aufkl\u00e4rung, Romantik, Gattungsgeschichte"]], ["publisher", "Vittorio Klostermann GmbH"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574822"], ["title", "Von der philosophisch-moralischen Erz\u00e4hlung zur modernen Novelle"], ["doab_id", "17416"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783465032281"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "3465032284"]], [["description", "Obwohl der Stringansatz als Versuch einer nomologisch vereinheitlichten Erfassung aller Wechselwirkungen, inklusive der Gravitation, schon \u00fcber drei Jahrzehnte existiert, sind die ihm zugrundeliegenden physikalischen Prinzipien noch v\u00f6llig unklar; und es gibt nicht die geringste empirisch \u00fcberpr\u00fcfbare, quantitative Vorhersage. Ohne empirische Daten, die mit den etablierten Theorien - quantenfeldtheoretischem Standardmodell und Allgemeiner Relativit\u00e4tstheorie - unvereinbar w\u00e4ren, liefert nur die konzeptionelle Inkompatibilit\u00e4t beider, gemeinsam mit der Vereinheitlichungsidee, eine Motivation f\u00fcr den Stringansatz. Mit diesem droht jedoch die Physik, unter konsequenter Weiterf\u00fchrung ihrer bisher erfolgreichen Strategien, den methodologischen Rahmen der empirischen Wissenschaften zu \u00fcberschreiten."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hedrich, Reiner"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208667"], ["title", "Von der Physik zur Metaphysik. Physikalische Vereinheitlichung und Stringansatz"], ["doab_id", "18113"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110323344", "9783110322880"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110323344, 9783110322880"]], [["description", "The monography includes ten studies, starting from the 3rd century B.C. and finishing in the 20th century. The first chapter, \"The mimiambes of Herodas in Late Antiquity: declamation for a solo mime or theatrical performance?\" deals with the seven (or eight) texts of the \"mimiambes\" of Herodas (or Herondas or Herodes) in the third century B. C., short dialogical scenes of urban life in the hellenistic epoque, written for declamation by a single mime performer. The second chapter, \"Christus patiens and ancient tragedy. The loss of scenic understanding during the Byzantine middle ages\", analyses the extended dialogical cento-text of \"Christus patiens\" and the numerous problems which are set by this unique compilation of ancient tragic sources and the christian Gospels, giving arguments for the controversal dating of the text (4/5th century or 11/12th), a hypothesis of the authorship and the intended auditorium, and discussing the literary genre as well: Christian tragedy, Passion Play or dialogical cento-poem? The third chapter, \"The Cyprus Passion Cycle and its problems\", analyses a similar cento-text (written before 1320) and highlights its philological problems (authorship, dating, western or eastern origin, theatricality etc.), open problems which have cumulated a numerous highly controversal bibliography. The text is unique in Byzantine literature because of his prologue, addressing clearly the organisator of an intended scenic production, but from the citations of biblical and apocryphical sources only the first words (incipit) are written down and linked together with \"scenic directions\" put in the imperative. The fourth chapter, \"The Greek chapbook of Bertoldo (1646): the dialogical structure of a popular reading matter\", analyses one of the most popular chapbooks of post-byzantine Hellenism; the narrative structure of the comic story is interspersed with many dialogical scenes in direct speech, in such a way that the reader is many times transformed in the spectator of a scene played in front of him. The fifth chapter, \"Germanograecia at the beginning of the 19th century: the literary translations of Konstantinos Kokkinakis and Ioannis Papadopoulos\", analyses the translations of four theatre plays of August von Kotzebue by Konstantinos Kokkinakis (edited in Vienna 1801) and the two dramatic translations of Ioannis Papadopoulos, the \"Qu\u00e4ker\" by the same author (Bucharest 1913/14) and \"Iphigenie in Tauris\" by Johann Wolgang von Goethe (edited in Jena 1818).The following chapters are focussed on the 19th century as well: the sixth, \"Femal drama in the time of the Greek Revolution\" presents the works of three femal writers with explicit \"feministic\" consciousness (the prologues are addressed only to the femal readers): Mitio Sakellariou, Elisabeth Moutzan-Martinegou and Evanthia Ka\u00efri. The seventh chapter, \"Patriotic drama in the 19th century\" gives an overview about the production and development of the genre of dramatic works inspired by episodes and heroes of the Greek Revolution of 1821 during the 19th century. The eighth chapter, \"Greek language satires in the epoque of bourgeoisie\", analyses satiric texts on the language question and dialectical comedies of the 19th century: 1) the satire of the figure of the \"learned\" teacher and his archaistic expressions (\"ancient Greek\"), 2) the satire of the local idioms of Greece on stage, and 3) the satire of the extravagant use of foreign word and phrases by the bourgeoisie (mostly French). The ninth chapter, \"The Death of the young man by Kostis Palamas (1891). Studies in the Greek village novel\", is dedicated to an exceptional paradigm of the Greek prosa writing with provincial topics (\"ethographism\"): in an scrupelous analysis of this text mainly the ironic \"play\" of the author with his intended reader is highlighted. The tenth and last chapter, \"Odysseas Elytis and Greek surrealism in the poetry of the 20th century\" places the Nobel winner in the literary production of the Mid-War-period and analysises some of his poems, in essential points clearly different from French surrealism and dedicated to the myth of sun and light of the Egean sea.

Die Monographie umfa\u00dft insgesamt zehn Studien, die sich chronologisch vom 3. Jh. v. Chr. bis ins 20. Jh. erstrecken. Das erste Kapitel, \"Die sp\u00e4tantiken Mimiamben des Herodas: mimischer Solovortrag oder theatralische Auff\u00fchrung?\", f\u00fchrt ins 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. und besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit den sieben (bzw. acht) \"Mimiamben\" des Herodas (Herondas oder auch Herodes), kurzen dialogischen genre-Szenen aus dem hellenistischen Stadtleben, die f\u00fcr einen mimischen Solovortrag geschrieben worden sind. Das zweite Kapitel, \"Christus patiens und antike Trag\u00f6die. Vom Verlust des szenischen Verst\u00e4ndnisses im byzantinischen Mittelalter\", besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit dem umfangreichen Dialog-cento des \"Christus patiens\" und den zahlreichen Problemen, die diese Stellenkompilation aus antiken Trag\u00f6dien und Evangelienberichten aufwirft, und liefert einen Beitrag zur Datierung des Werkes (4./5. Jahrhundert oder 11./12.), zu Autorenkreis und Zielpublikum, sowie zu seiner literarischen Entit\u00e4t: christliche Trag\u00f6die, Passionsspiel oder Dialoggedicht eines cento? Das dritte Kapitel, \"Der Zypriotische Passionszyklus und seine Probleme\", behandelt einen \u00e4hnlichen dialogischen cento-Text (vor 1320) und seine philologischen Probleme (Autorschaft, Datierung, westliche oder \u00f6stliche Provenienz, Auff\u00fchrbarkeit usw.), zu dem eine umfangreiche Kontroversliteratur vorliegt. Der Text ist insofern einmalig in der byzantinischen Literatur, als der Prolog an den Spielleiter ohne Zweifel eine intendierte Auff\u00fchrung nahelegt, von den Bibel- und Apokryphenzitaten sind allerdings nur die Anfangsworte (incipit) angegeben, die durch \"B\u00fchnenanweisungen\" im Imperativ verbunden sind. Das vierte Kapitel, \"Das griechische Volksbuch des Bertoldo (1646): von der Dialoghaftigkeit eines popularen Lesestoffes\", analysiert eine der beliebtesten Volkslekt\u00fcren des neueren Griechentums unter dem Aspekt der Dialoghaftigkeit, wo die Narration in szenische Strukturen umschl\u00e4gt und den Leser zum Zuschauer werden l\u00e4\u00dft. Das f\u00fcnfte Kapitel, \"Germanograecia zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts: die literarischen \u00dcbersetzungen von Konstantinos Kokkinakis und Ioannis Papadopoulos\", analysiert die Translationsstrategien der vier Kotzebue-\u00dcbersetzungen von Konstantinos Kokkinakis (Wien 1801) und die beiden \u00dcbersetzungen von Ioannis Papadopoulos, die handschriftliche \u00dcbersetzungs\u00fcbung der \"Qu\u00e4ker\" desselben Trivialschriftstellers (Bukarest 1813/14) und die druckschriftliche Prosafassung der taurischen \"Iphigenie\" von Goethe (Jena 1818).Ebenfalls ins 19. Jahrhundert f\u00fchren auch die folgenden Kapitel: Kapitel 6, \"Frauendramatik zur Zeit der griechischen Revolution\", ist drei weiblichen Autorinnen mit ausgesprochen \"feministischem\" Bewu\u00dftsein (die Prologe sind explizit an die werten \"Leserinnen\" gerichtet), die jedoch untereinander ein v\u00f6llig unterschiedliches Pers\u00f6nlichkeitsprofil aufweisen, und ihren Literaturwerken gewidmet: Mitio Sakellariou, Elisabeth Moutzan-Martinegou und Evanthia Ka\u00efri. Das siebente Kapitel, \"Die patriotische Dramatik im 19. Jahrhundert\", verfolgt den Werdegang einer Dramengattung, die Episoden und Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten des Unabh\u00e4ngigkeitskrieges von 1821 dramatisiert. Das achte Kapitel, \"Griechische Sprachsatire im b\u00fcrgerlichen Zeitalter\", untersucht die Sprachsatiren und Dialektkom\u00f6dien des 19. Jahrhunderts unter drei Gesichtspunkten: 1) die Satire auf die gelehrter Schulmeister und Sprachpedanten mit ihrem Altgriechisch, 2) die Satire auf die Lokalidiome und 3) den \u00fcberm\u00e4\u00dfigen Fremdwortgebrauch. Das neunte Kapitel, \"Der Tod des Pallikaren von Kostis Palamas (1891). Studien zur griechischen Dorfnovelle\", ist dem Musterbeispiel der provinzrealistischen Prosaidylle (\"Ethographismus\") gewidmet; die minuzi\u00f6se Analyse der Novelle untersucht vor allem das ironische Spiel des Autors mit seinen Lesern. Das zehnte und letzte Kapitel, \"Odysseas Elytis und der griechische Surrealismus in der Dichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts\", placiert den Nobelpreistr\u00e4ger in die Literaturproduktion der Zwischenkriegszeit und untersucht stellvertretend einige seiner Gedichte, die vom franz\u00f6sischen Surrealismus jedoch in wesentlichen Punkten abweichen und thematisch dem \u00e4g\u00e4ischen Lichtmythos verpflichtet sind."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Puchner ,Walter"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Late Antiquity, Byzantine literature, Modern Greek literature"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574821"], ["title", "Von Herodas zu Elytis"], ["doab_id", "17415"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205787105"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205787105"]], [["description", "In the eighteenth century, Venice was not only a centre of theatre life but also a centre for discussion about theatre. In literary and theatre history the well-known Venetian theatrical dispute, with its protagonists Carlo Goldoni and Carlo Gozzi, seem to provoke a simplistic reproduction of the polemics. A predominantly negative image of Gozzi is correlated with an appreciation of Goldoni and his dramaturgical reform, whrereas while Gozzi is considered the savior of the commedia dell\u00b4arte, Goldoni appears as ist grave-digger.This study tries to break open such prejudice, reading Gozzi\u00b4s \"Fiabe teatrali\" as a veritable counterpoint to Goldoni\u00b4s comedies and Enlightenment drama. Against the background of Italian theatre in the 18th century and contemporary Venetian theatricality, Gozzi\u00b4s intention, as well as the speical caracteristics of his tales for the theatre, becomes evident. Using fairy tales and commedia dell\u00b4arte as basic constituents for his \"Fiabe teatrali\", Gozzi responds to a theatre that emphasizes the reflection of everyday life and follows the concept of utility. The combination of elements are distanced from reality in a way that resembles an ars combinatoria, based on a structure of constrasts that underlines its artificial character. This displays the autonomy of theatrical reality and and the importance of imagination. However, the fairy tale illusion refers back to reality in two ways: on the one hand the traditional masks comment directly current events, on the other hand theatrical illusion indirectly reveals truth that remains secret in discourse.As a new dramatic genre the \"Fiabe teatrali\" open the possibility to reflect on the constructed character of reality and to set on stage the problematic nature of the perception of truth.

Venedig war im 18. Jahrhundert nicht nur ein Zentrum des Theatergeschehens, sondern zugleich Mittelpunkt lebendiger Theaterdiskussionen. Der sogenannte venezianische Theaterstreit mit den Protagonisten Carlo Goldoni und Carlo Gozzi erscheint in der Literatur- und Theatergeschichtsschreibung vielfach in Form einer vereinfachenden Reproduktion der Polemik. Das \u00fcberwiegend kritisch-negative Gozzi-Bild korreliert mit einer einseitigen Hochsch\u00e4tzung Goldonis und der von ihm propagierten Theaterreform, wird dagegen Gozzi als Retter der Commedia dell\u00b4arte verehrt, gilt Goldoni als ihr Totengr\u00e4ber.Die vorliegende Studie versucht, derartige Vorurteile aufzubrechen und Carlo Gozzis Fiabe teatrali als veritablen Gegenentwurf zu Goldonis Kom\u00f6dien und zum aufkl\u00e4rerischen Drama zu verstehen. Auf dem Hintergrund des italienischen Theaterkontexts im 18. Jahrhundert und der venezianischen Theaterszene der Zeit treten die Besonderheit der M\u00e4rchenst\u00fccke und das Anliegen Gozzis deutlich zutage.Mit den Grundkonstituenten M\u00e4rchen und Commedia dell\u00b4arte wenden sich die Fiabe teatrali gegen ein Theater, das die Wirklichkeitsn\u00e4he betont und einen N\u00fctzlichkeitsanspruch verfolgt. Die Verbindung der wirklichkeitsfernen Elemente erfolgt in einer Art ars combinatoria, die auf Kontraststrukturen basiert und den artifiziellen Charakter unterstreicht. Damit tritt die Autonomie der theatralen Wirklichkeit hervor, und die Einbildungskraft wird zum entscheidenden Faktor. Das M\u00e4rchenhafte wird allerdings zweifach an die Erfahrungswirklichkeit r\u00fcckgebunden: zum einen finden sich in der Maskenrede direkte Verweise auf die nicht-theatrale Wirklichkeit, zum anderen scheinen in der B\u00fchnenillusion Wahrheiten auf, die in der diskursiven Diskussion verborgen bleiben. So er\u00f6ffnet das neue dramatische Genus der Fiabe teatrali die M\u00f6glichkeit, auf den Konstruktcharakter von Wirklichkeit hinzudeuten und die Problematik der Erkenntnis von Wahrheit in Szene zu setzen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Winter ,Susanne"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Carlo Gozzi, Italian theatre, fairy tales, commedia dell\u00b4arte, illusion, Enligthenment"]], ["publisher", "Vittorio Klostermann GmbH"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437139"], ["title", "Von illusion\u00e4rer Wirklichkeit und wahrer Illusion"], ["doab_id", "15265"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783465035091"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783465035091"]], [["description", "In 1996, the Palace and Gardens of Sch\u00f6nbrunn were inscribed on the World Heritage List. In inscribing Sch\u00f6nbrunn, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO recognised that \"the Palace and Gardens of Sch\u00f6nbrunn in Vienna - as a symbol of great heritage and one of the most important corner-stones in the history of Austria - are of outstanding universal value\", according to Mounir Bouchenaki, director of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.With this honour, the commitment to preserve the complex, which of necessity is connected with the research into it, was not created for the first time, but greater public interest and consciousness were focused on it.Since the dissolution in 1992 of the Schlosshauptmannschaft Sch\u00f6nbrunn, the monument has been administered by the Schloss Sch\u00f6nbrunn Kultur- and Betriebsgesellschaft. This occurred as a result of the Federal Law of 1 October 1992, supported by all parliamentary parties. Its first point is: \"Preservation of the fabric of the buildings, protection, improvement and care of the cultural monument of Sch\u00f6nbrunn Palace as a total complex, architectural monument, cultural treasure, historical garden and place of scholarly activity, giving particular consideration to the historical importance of the palace.\"Over the course of the past ten years, from 1992 to 2002, the palace building, its adjacent buildings and the structures found in its gardens have been restored at a total cost of one billion schillings (c. 73 million euros). At the initiative of the technical managing director of the Schloss Sch\u00f6nbrunn Kultur- and Betriebsgesellschaft, Dr. Wolfgang Kippes, this work was accompanied by a large number of scientific studies. These include the present work, which arose in the course of two Austrian Science Fund research projects (P-12208-HIS and P-14326-ARS). They were directed by Dr. Artur Rosenauer, Professor of the History of Austrian Art at the University of Vienna.The occasion for the two research projects was provided by completely unexpected finds discovered in 1994 during construction work in the central area of the main building and subsequently exposed by the Archaeology Department of the Austrian Federal Office for the Care of Monuments. They were found to be the remains of buildings that were predecessors of the palace built by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach beginning in 1695-96. The finds were completely unexpected because Sch\u00f6nbrunn research up to that time was unanimous in its opinion that the earlier complex had been much farther to the east and on the (modern) boundary of the district of Meidling.The finds of 1994-95 did not clarify the early architectural history of Sch\u00f6nbrunn before the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683. Rather it created an awareness of how inadequately this period of the history of Sch\u00f6nbrunn, which before 1642 was named Katterburg, had been researched previously. What was lacking, above all, was basic archival research with a critical analysis of the written and pictorial sources. It was clear from the outset that this research into the sources could not be restricted to the buildings themselves but had to also include the history of their ownership and use because of the direct influence these had on the respective history of the buildings. Moreover, it was also necessary to include areas of the districts of Hietzing and Meidling that adjoined Sch\u00f6nbrunn on the west and east, since this was the only means of retracing the former size of the Katterburg property during the various periods. Written documentation traced the origins of the monument of Sch\u00f6nbrunn back to the 12th century, resulting in a 500-year period to be researched.On the one hand the later position of Sch\u00f6nbrunn as a ch\u00e2teau de plaisance and summer residence of the Austrian sovereigns gives meaning to its past. In that light, Katterburg represents, as it were, the \"prehistory\" of Sch\u00f6nbrunn. On the other hand, closer examination shows that Katterburg had a very volatile \"history of its own\", which was very closely tied to Klosterneuburg Abbey, one of Austria's most important monasteries.

Die Schlo\u00dfanlage von Sch\u00f6nbrunn wurde 1996 in die Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen. Das Welterbe-Komitee der UNESCO anerkannte 1996 mit der Aufnahme Sch\u00f6nbrunns, \"da\u00df das Schlo\u00df und der Park Sch\u00f6nbrunn in Wien - Wahrzeichen eines gro\u00dfen Erbes und einer der wichtigsten Eckpfeiler der Geschichte \u00d6sterreichs - von universell herausragendem Wert sind\", wie Mounir Bouchenaki, der Direktor des UNESCO World Heritage Center, ausf\u00fchrt.Mit dieser Auszeichnung ist die Verpflichtung zur Erhaltung dieser Anlage, die notwendigerweise mit deren Erforschung verbunden ist, nicht erst geschaffen worden, aber verst\u00e4rkt ins \u00f6ffentliche Interesse und Bewu\u00dftsein getreten.Dieses Denkmal wird seit 1992, nach der Aufl\u00f6sung der Schlo\u00dfhauptmannschaft Sch\u00f6nbrunn, von der \"Schlo\u00df Sch\u00f6nbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsgesellschaft m. b. H.\" verwaltet. Dies erfolgt aufgrund des von allen Parteien beschlossenen Bundesgesetztes vom 1. Oktober 1992, dessen erster Punkt lautet: \"Erhaltung der Substanz, Bewahrung, F\u00f6rderung und Pflege des Kulturdenkmals Schlo\u00df Sch\u00f6nbrunn als Gesamtanlage, Baudenkmal, Kulturgut, historische Gartenanlage und St\u00e4tte wissenschaftlicher Bet\u00e4tigung unter besonderer Bedachtnahme auf die geschichtliche Bedeutung des Schlosses.\"Innerhalb der letzten zehn Jahre, von 1992-2002, wurde der Schlo\u00dfbau, seine Nebengeb\u00e4ude und die in seinem Park befindlichen Bauwerke mit einem Gesamtkostenaufwand von einer Milliarde Schilling (ca. 73 Millionen Euro) restauriert. Diese Arbeiten wurden auf Initiative des technischen Direktors der Schlo\u00df Sch\u00f6nbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsgesellschaft, DI Dr. Wolfgang Kippes, durch eine Vielzahl von wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen begleitet. Dazu z\u00e4hlt auch die vorliegende Arbeit, die im Zuge zweier FWF-Forschungsprojekten (P-12208-HIS und P-14326-ARS) entstand. Deren Leitung hatte Univ.-Prof. Dr. Artur Rosenauer, Ordinarius f\u00fcr \u00d6sterreichische Kunstgeschichte an der Universit\u00e4t Wien, inne.Anla\u00df f\u00fcr die beiden Forschungsprojekte waren die v\u00f6llig \u00fcberraschenden Bodenfunde, die bei Bauarbeiten 1994 im Mittelbereich des Hauptbaues entdeckt und anschlie\u00dfend von der Abteilung Bodendenkmale des Bundesdenkmalamt freigelegt wurden. Es handelt sich um Reste der Vorg\u00e4ngerbauten des von Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach ab 1695/96 erbauten Schlosses. Der Fund an dieser Stelle war insoferne ganz unerwartet, als die Sch\u00f6nbrunnforschung bis dahin einhellig der Auffassung war, da\u00df die Vorg\u00e4ngeranlage viel weiter \u00f6stlich an der (heutigen) Grenze zu Meidling lag.Die Bodenfunde von 1994/95 brachten keine Kl\u00e4rung der fr\u00fchen Baugeschichte Sch\u00f6nbrunns vor der zweiten T\u00fcrkenbelagerung von 1683. Sie lie\u00dfen vielmehr bewu\u00dft werden, wie unzureichend diese Periode Sch\u00f6nbrunns, das vor 1642 Katterburg genannt wurde, bislang erforscht war. Was vor allem fehlte, war eine archivalische Grundlagenarbeit mit einer kritische Analyse der Schrift- und Bildquellen. Es war von vornherein klar, da\u00df sich diese Quellenarbeit nicht allein auf die Baulichkeiten beschr\u00e4nken kann, sondern auch die Besitz- und Nutzungsgeschichte miteinbeziehen mu\u00df, da diese unmittelbaren Einflu\u00df auf das jeweilige Baugeschehen hat. Mehr noch: Es war auch erforderlich, die an Sch\u00f6nbrunn westlich und \u00f6stlich angrenzenden Gebiete von Hietzing und Meidling zu erfassen, denn nur so lie\u00df sich die vormalige Gr\u00f6\u00dfe des Anwesens Katterburg innerhalb der verschiedenen Zeitabschnitte rekonstruieren. Dabei konnten die schriftlich belegbaren Anf\u00e4nge des Denkmals Sch\u00f6nbrunn bis ins 12. Jahrhundert zur\u00fcckverfolgt werden, womit sich ein \u00fcber 500j\u00e4hriger Untersuchungszeitraum ergab.Einerseits verleiht die sp\u00e4tere Stellung Sch\u00f6nbrunns als Lustort und Residenz der \u00f6sterreichischen Landesf\u00fcrsten dem Vorausgegangenen Bedeutung. So gesehen repr\u00e4sentiert Katterburg gleichsam die \"Vorgeschichte\" von Sch\u00f6nbrunn. Andererseits zeigt sich bei n\u00e4herer Untersuchung, da\u00df Katterburg eine sehr wechselhafte \"eigene Geschichte\" besitzt, die engstens mit dem Stift Klosterneuburg, einem der bedeutendsten Kl\u00f6ster \u00d6sterreichs, zusammenh\u00e4ngt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hassmann ,Elisabeth"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["Habsburger, Sch\u00f6nbrunn, historical garden", "Habsburger, Sch\u00f6nbrunn, Residenzen, Historische G\u00e4rten, Hofleben, Schlossbau"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574823"], ["title", "Von Katterburg zu Sch\u00f6nbrunn"], ["doab_id", "17417"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772156"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205772156"]], [["description", "Zu den besonderen Sch\u00e4tzen der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung geh\u00f6ren 129 Zeichnungen auf 92 Blatt sowie drei Skizzenb\u00fccher von Eduard Bendemann (1811-1889). Kulturell vielseitig vernetzt, war dieser K\u00fcnstler einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der D\u00fcsseldorfer Malerschule und sorgte gerade in den 1830er und 40er Jahren mit seinen Gem\u00e4lden europaweit f\u00fcr gro\u00dfes Aufsehen. Der umfangreiche G\u00f6ttinger Bendemann-Bestand wird hier erstmals vollst\u00e4ndig in einem Katalog vorgestellt, der zugleich als Begleitband zu einer Ausstellung dieser Werke fungiert. Einen Gro\u00dfteil der hier pr\u00e4sentierten Zeichnungen schuf Bendemann als vorbereitende Studien zu komplexen Historienbildern. Vor den Gem\u00e4lden: Eduard Bendemann zeichnet \u2013 unter diesem Motto gew\u00e4hren Katalog und Ausstellung Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt akademischer Komponierpraxis des 19. Jahrhunderts und f\u00fchren zugleich in deren historische und (kunst-)politische Grundlagen ein. Sie widmen sich einer Zeit, die von fundamentalen Umbr\u00fcchen, aber auch einem nahezu unersch\u00fctterlichen Vertrauen in die Wirkung von Kunst gepr\u00e4gt wurde.

Zu den besonderen Sch\u00e4tzen der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung geh\u00f6ren 129 Zeichnungen auf 92 Blatt sowie drei Skizzenb\u00fccher von Eduard Bendemann (1811-1889). Kulturell vielseitig vernetzt, war dieser K\u00fcnstler einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter der D\u00fcsseldorfer Malerschule und sorgte gerade in den 1830er und 40er Jahren mit seinen Gem\u00e4lden europaweit f\u00fcr gro\u00dfes Aufsehen. Der umfangreiche G\u00f6ttinger Bendemann-Bestand wird hier erstmals vollst\u00e4ndig in einem Katalog vorgestellt, der zugleich als Begleitband zu einer Ausstellung dieser Werke fungiert. Einen Gro\u00dfteil der hier pr\u00e4sentierten Zeichnungen schuf Bendemann als vorbereitende Studien zu komplexen Historienbildern. Vor den Gem\u00e4lden: Eduard Bendemann zeichnet \u2013 unter diesem Motto gew\u00e4hren Katalog und Ausstellung Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt akademischer Komponierpraxis des 19. Jahrhunderts und f\u00fchren zugleich in deren historische und (kunst-)politische Grundlagen ein. Sie widmen sich einer Zeit, die von fundamentalen Umbr\u00fcchen, aber auch einem nahezu unersch\u00fctterlichen Vertrauen in die Wirkung von Kunst gepr\u00e4gt wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Scholl, Christian; Sors, Anne-Katrin; Thimann, Michael"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Drawings", "Sketchbooks", "Sketches for complex history paintings", "Drawings", "Sketchbooks", "Sketches for complex history paintings"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610290"], ["title", "Vor den Gem\u00e4lden - Eduard Bendemann zeichnet ; Bestandskatalog der Zeichnungen und Skizzenb\u00fccher eines Hauptvertreters der D\u00fcsseldorfer Malerschule in der G\u00f6ttinger Universit\u00e4tskunstsammlung"], ["doab_id", "15254"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863950835"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950835"]], [["description", "\u00c9 a partir de uma perspectiva de \"dupla revis\u00e3o\" que Vozes femininas da poesia latino-americana: Cec\u00edlia e as poetisas uruguaias ressalta um outro perfil da escritora brasileira Cec\u00edlia Meireles: a de grande estudiosa e conhecedora da produ\u00e7\u00e3o de autoria feminina latino-americana. O livro tem como ponto de partida o ensaio ceciliano intitulado \"Express\u00e3o feminina da poesia na Am\u00e9rica\", que corresponde a uma confer\u00eancia proferida no ano de 1956, na Universidade do Brasil, e que apresenta um panorama da express\u00e3o l\u00edrica feminina na Am\u00e9rica hisp\u00e2nica. As poetisas mencionadas por Cec\u00edlia Meireles em seu texto, embora desempenhem um importante papel no cen\u00e1rio da produ\u00e7\u00e3o po\u00e9tica de seus respectivos pa\u00edses, nem sempre integram a historiografia tradicional can\u00f4nica; injusti\u00e7a que o ensaio ceciliano corrige. Para mostrar a import\u00e2ncia desse texto ceciliano em rela\u00e7\u00e3o aos estudos feministas na Am\u00e9rica Latina s\u00e3o realizados alguns coment\u00e1rios sobre a cr\u00edtica liter\u00e1ria feminista, bem como acerca da vasta produ\u00e7\u00e3o da autora de Romanceiro da Inconfid\u00eancia. Al\u00e9m disso, estabelece-se um di\u00e1logo entre a escritora brasileira e as poetisas hispano-americanas. O livro demonstra o comprometimento de Cec\u00edlia Meireles com a escrita feminina no contexto s\u00f3ciocultural latino-americano."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Jacicarla Souza da"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["POETRY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/3vj9m"], ["title", "Vozes femininas da poesia latino-americana: Cec\u00edlia e as poetisas uruguaias"], ["doab_id", "16781"], ["language_unmapped", "PT"], ["isbns", ["9788579830327"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579830327"]], [["description", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines

De Nederlandse Opstand wordt gewoonlijk beschreven als een aaneenschakeling van politieke polarisering, religieuze radicalisering en militaire mobilisering. Toch vonden tot 1581 telkens opnieuw verzoeningspogingen plaats om deze escalatie te vermijden. Daarbij probeerden zowel edellieden als koninklijke en keizerlijke vertegenwoordigers het conflict op diplomatieke en verzoenende wijze te beslechten. Deze studie gaat over deze vredehandel. Welke verzoeningspogingen werden ondernomen? Waarom werden die telkens opnieuw ondernomen? En vooral, in welke mate konden deze toenaderingspogingen succes boeken? Op basis van archivalische en gedrukte bronnen brengt dit boek de redenen, modaliteiten en mogelijkheden van de vredesonderhandelingen tijdens de beginjaren van de Opstand in kaart. Vanuit de raak- en breekpunten tussen adellijke en Habsburgse verzoeningspogingen werpt dit boek een nieuw licht op de vraag waarom de onderhandelde hereniging met Filips II gedeeltelijk plaatsvond in 1579-1580 en zo een bijkomend motief cre\u00eberde voor het Plakkaat van Verlatinge in 1581."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Soen ,Violet"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437368"], ["title", "Vredehandel : Adellijke en Habsburgse verzoeningspogingen tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand (1564-1581)"], ["doab_id", "15229"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789089643773"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643773"]], [["description", "Although there is considerable historical literature describing the social and economic impact of drought on the prairies in the 1930s, little has been written about the challenges presented by drought in more contemporary times. The drought of 2001-02 was, for example, the most recent large-area, intense, and prolonged drought in Canada and one of Canada's most costly natural disasters in a century.Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought describes the impacts of droughts and the adaptations made in prairie agriculture over recent decades. These adaptations have enhanced the capacity of rural communities to withstand drought. However, despite the high levels of technical adaptation that have occurred, and the existing human capital and vibrant social and information networks, agricultural producers in the prairie region remain vulnerable to severe droughts that last more than a couple of years. Research findings and projections suggest that droughts could become more frequent, more severe, and of longer duration in the region over the course of the 21st century. This book provides insights into the conditions generating these challenges and the measures required to reduce vulnerability of prairie communities to them. Developing greater understanding of the social forces and conditions that have contributed to enhanced resilience, as well as those which detract from successful adaptation, is a principal theme of the book. To that end, the book examines drought through an interdisciplinary lens encompassing climate science and the social sciences. Two of the chapters are based on the drought experiences of other countries in order to provide a comparative assessment."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Harry Diaz (Editor); Margot Hurlbert (Editor); Jim Warren (Editor)"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Environmental Science, Social Science"]], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388198"], ["title", "Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought: The Canadian Prairies and South America"], ["doab_id", "19792"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388204"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388204"]], [["description", "W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana examines the \"Italianism\" of William Butler Yeats and the popularity of the Irish poet in Italian poetry and criticism. Appraising the presence and evocative influence of \"learned Italian things\" on the work of the Irish poet, through the study of his letters and as illustrated by the library conserved by his daughter Anne, and with constant references to the texts themselves, the Italian influences most evidently present in the work of the Irish Nobel winner are analysed and discussed. This first section of the book presents in its entirety the largely unpublished correspondence between Years and the philosopher Mario Manlio Rossi. Subsequently, observing the influence and the fascination exerted by the work of Yeats on Italian poets such as Montale, Solmi and Giudici, who even translated some of Yeats' poems, and Lucio Piccolo, who also had a brief epistolary exchange with the Irish poet, this too still partially unpublished, we arrive at a critical examination of the Italian reception of Yeats' works. W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana is rounded off by an annotated bibliography of the translations and works of criticism which represents an important overview of the penetration of Yeats' work in Italy (1905-2005).

W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana prende in esame l''italianismo' di William Butler Yeats e la fortuna del poeta irlandese nella poesia e nella critica italiana. Verificando la presenza, l'influenza e la suggestione delle \u00ablearned Italian things\u00bb sull'opera del poeta irlandese, attraverso la ricognizione delle sue letture cos\u00ec come si evince dalla biblioteca custodita dalla figlia Anne, e grazie a un costante riferimento ai testi, vengono analizzati e discussi gli influssi italiani pi\u00f9 marcatamente presenti nella produzione del Nobel irlandese. Questa prima parte del volume presenta, nella sua interezza, il carteggio in gran parte inedito tra Yeats e il filosofo Mario Manlio Rossi. Osservando successivamente l'influenza e la fascinazione esercitata dall'opera yeatsiana sui poeti italiani Montale, Solmi e Giudici, che di Yeats tradussero alcune poesie, e Lucio Piccolo, che con il poeta irlandese intrattenne un breve scambio epistolare, anch'esso ancora parzialmente inedito, si giunge ad una disamina critica della ricezione italiana dell'opera di Yeats. W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana si chiude con una bibliografia ragionata delle traduzioni e dei contributi critici che costituisce un importante quadro di riferimento della penetrazione dell'opera di Yeats in Italia (1905-2005)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fantaccini, Fiorenzo"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Poetry", "Literary Criticism", "William Butler Yeats", "Letteratura", "Poesia", "Critica letteraria", "William Butler Yeats"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341475"], ["title", "W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana"], ["doab_id", "12637"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539731"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539731"]], [["description", "In the early part of the Dirty Thirties, the Canadian prairie city was a relatively safe haven. Having faced recession before the Great War and then again in the early 1920s, municipalities already had relief apparatuses in place to deal with poverty and unemployment. Until 1933, responsibilty for the care of the urban poor remained with local governments, but when the farms failed that year, and the Depression deepened, western Canadian cities suffered tremendously. Recognizing the severity of the crisis, the national government intervened. Evolving federal programs and policies took over responsibility for the delivery of relief to the single unemployed, while the government simultaneously withdrew financing for all public works projects.Setting municipal relief administrations of the 1930s within a wider literature on welfare and urban poor relief, Strikwerda highlights the legacy on which relief policymakers relied in determining policy directions, as well as the experiences of the individuals and families who depended on relief for their survival. Focusing on three prairie cities\u2014Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Winnipeg\u2014Strikwerda argues that municipal officials used their power to set policy to address what they perceived to be the most serious threats to the social order stemming from the economic crisis. By analyzing the differing ways in which local relief programs treated married and single men, he also explores important gendered dynamics at work in the response of city administrators to the social and economic upheaval of the Depression. Probing the mindset of local elites struggling in extraordinary circumstances, The Wages of Relief describes the enduring impact of the policy changes made in the 1930s in the direction of a broad, national approach to unemployment\u2014an approach that ushered in Canada\u2019s modern welfare system."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Eric Strikwerda"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Depression", "cities", "government", "urban"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120216"], ["title", "The Wages of Relief: Cities and the Unemployed in Prairie Canada, 1929"], ["doab_id", "15431"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356050", "9781927356067", "9781927356074"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356050 9781927356067 9781927356074"]], [["description", "Die \u00f6kologischen und \u00f6konomischen Risiken, die sich aus der in Deutschland \u00fcblichen Schalenwildbewirtschaftung f\u00fcr Wald\u00f6kosysteme ergeben, werden allgemein untersch\u00e4tzt. Die vor allem durch Wildverbiss verursachten Sch\u00e4den verringern die Schutzwirkung von W\u00e4ldern und beeintr\u00e4chtigen den vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels notwendigen Waldumbau. Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen f\u00fcr eine Verbesserung der Situation sind gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils bereits vorhanden, in einigen entscheidenden Punkten jedoch verbesserungsbed\u00fcrftig. Es fehlt aber an deren Umsetzung. Es werden M\u00f6glichkeiten aufgezeigt, die Probleme zwischen der forstlichen Haupt- und der jagdlichen Nebennutzung zu l\u00f6sen oder zumindest zu entsch\u00e4rfen. Das in dem Band diskutierte Instrumentarium reicht von der St\u00e4rkung des Verantwortungsbewusstseins aller Akteure bis hin zu denkbaren Sanktionen bei gleichbleibenden Verbisssch\u00e4den.

Die \u00f6kologischen und \u00f6konomischen Risiken, die sich aus der in Deutschland \u00fcblichen Schalenwildbewirtschaftung f\u00fcr Wald\u00f6kosysteme ergeben, werden allgemein untersch\u00e4tzt. Die vor allem durch Wildverbiss verursachten Sch\u00e4den verringern die Schutzwirkung von W\u00e4ldern und beeintr\u00e4chtigen den vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels notwendigen Waldumbau. Die gesetzlichen Grundlagen f\u00fcr eine Verbesserung der Situation sind gr\u00f6\u00dftenteils bereits vorhanden, in einigen entscheidenden Punkten jedoch verbesserungsbed\u00fcrftig. Es fehlt aber an deren Umsetzung. Es werden M\u00f6glichkeiten aufgezeigt, die Probleme zwischen der forstlichen Haupt- und der jagdlichen Nebennutzung zu l\u00f6sen oder zumindest zu entsch\u00e4rfen. Das in dem Band diskutierte Instrumentarium reicht von der St\u00e4rkung des Verantwortungsbewusstseins aller Akteure bis hin zu denkbaren Sanktionen bei gleichbleibenden Verbisssch\u00e4den."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ammer, Christian; Vor, Torsten; Knoke, Thomas; Wagner, Stefan"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["forestry", "hunt", "forestry", "hunt"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610255"], ["title", "Der Wald-Wild-Konflikt - Analyse und L\u00f6sungsans\u00e4tze vor dem Hintergrund rechtlicher, \u00f6kologischer und \u00f6konomischer Zusammenh\u00e4nge"], ["doab_id", "13348"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875845"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875845"]], [["description", "The War Correspondent looks at the role of the war reporter today: the attractions and the risks of the job; the challenge of objectivity and impartiality in the war zone; the danger that journalistic independence is being compromised by military control, censorship and public relations; as well as the commercial and technological pressures of an intensely concentrated, competitive news media environment. This new edition substantially updates the original, ending with an extended section on the return of history and ideology to the reporting of international conflict. It examines the \u2018war on terror\u2019 framework that dominated the first decade of the 21st Century and, as Russia imposes itself once again on the international stage, asks if it might well give way to a new, Cold War framework. If so, what will that mean for the new generation of war correspondents, attuned not to history or ideology but the politics of the next conflict? The book features interviews with prominent war and foreign correspondents such as John Pilger, Robert Fisk, Mary Dejevsky and Alex Thomson.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McLaughlin ,Greg"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Media and Communications", "Journalism"]], ["publisher", "Pluto Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605051"], ["title", "The War Correspondent - Second Edition"], ["doab_id", "18761"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783717583"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783717583"]], [["description", "This book draws together for the very first time examples of the 'aesthetic pacifism' practised during the Great War by such celebrated individuals as Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sassoon and Bertrand Russell. In addition, the book outlines the stories of those less well-known who shared the mind-set of the Bloomsbury Group when it came to facing the first 'total war'. The research for this study took five years, gathering evidence from all the major archives in Great Britain and abroad. This is the first time that such wide-ranging evidence has been placed together in order to paint a complete picture of this fascinating form of anti-war expression. Beginning with an introduction to the period and issues involved, the narrative commences with Bertrand Russell and Cambridge before moving on to cover the disparate responses of Bloomsbury, the reactions of other celebrated writers and artists before covering the more obscure participants. A themed conclusion draws the material to a close. With the Great War and the Bloomsbury Group continuing to exert a strong grip on the popular imagination, this detailed book is written with the general reader very much in mind, as well as the specialist."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Atkin ,Jonathan"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["woolf", "bloomsbury", "war", "literature"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341317"], ["title", "A war of individuals: Bloomsbury attitudes to the Great War"], ["doab_id", "12644"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719060700"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719060700"]], [["description", "Between 1899 and 1902 the Dutch public was captivated by the war raging in South Africa between the Boer republics and the British Empire. Dutch popular opinion was on the side of the Boers: these descendants of the seventeenth-century Dutch settlers were perceived as kinsmen, the most tangible result of which was a flood of propaganda material intended as a counterweight to the British coverage of the war. The author creates a fascinating account of the Dutch pro-Boer movement from its origins in the 1880s to its persistent continuation well into the twentieth century. Kuitenbrouwer offers fascinating insights into the rise of organisations that tried to improve the ties between the Netherlands and South Africa and in that capacity became important links in the international network that distributed propaganda for the Boers. He also demonstrates the persistence of that stereotypes of the Boers and the British in Dutch propaganda materials had lasting effects on nation building both in the Netherlands and South Africa of the period.

Tussen 1899 en 1902 was Nederland in de ban van de oorlog die woedde in Zuid-Afrika tussen de Boerenrepublieken en het Britse Rijk. Veel Nederlanders steunden in die tijd de Boeren, die werden beschouwd als 'stamverwanten', en dat uitte zich onder andere in een vloedgolf van propagandistisch materiaal om een tegenwicht te bieden tegen de Britse berichtgeving over de oorlog. Dit boek bevat een grondige analyse van de Nederlandse pro-Boeren beweging vanaf haar begin in de jaren 1880. Ten eerste is er aandacht voor de organisaties die de banden tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika trachtten aan te halen en zo belangrijke schakels werden in een internationaal netwerk waarlangs de propaganda voor de Boeren werd verspreid. Ten tweede wordt de inhoud van de bronnen behandeld waarbij naar voren komt dat de beeldvorming over Zuid-Afrika in Nederlandstalige publicaties sterk gekleurd was door enkele hardnekkige stereotypen. Ten slotte komen de langetermijngevolgen van de Nederlandse pro-Boeren beweging aan bod, een onderwerp waar in de literatuur tot nu toe nauwelijks aandacht voor is geweest. Aan de hand van bronnenmateriaal wordt aangetoond dat de propagandacampagne voor de Boeren nog lang nagalmde in de twintigste eeuw, zowel in Nederland als Zuid-Afrika."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kuitenbrouwer ,Vincent"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=418534"], ["title", "War of Words : Dutch Pro-Boer Propaganda and the South African War (1899-1902)"], ["doab_id", "14811"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089644121"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089644121"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "1956"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["nl"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613390"], ["title", "Waropense teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea)"], ["doab_id", "18546"], ["language_unmapped", "Dutch"], ["isbns", ["9789004285842", "9789004286429"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004285842 9789004286429"]], [["description", "This book tells the story of the renaissance of the Kaurna language, the language of Adelaide and the Adelaide Plains in South Australia, principally over the earliest period up until 2000, but with a summary and brief discussion of developments from 2000 until 2016. It chronicles and analyses the efforts of the Nunga community, and interested others, to reclaim and relearn a linguistic heritage on the basis of mid-nineteenth-century materials."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Amery ,Rob"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["kaurna", "aboriginal languages", "extinct languages", "language reclamation", "language revival", "indigenous languages", "australian languages", "kaurna people", "kaurna identity", "kaurna culture", "rob amery", "clamor schrurmann", "christian teichelmann", "language reconstruction", "kaurna teaching program"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=603901"], ["title", "Warraparna Kaurna! Reclaiming an Australian language"], ["doab_id", "18625"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781925261257"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781925261257"]], [["description", "What does order mean - what orders meaning? These are at once elementary and complex questions for the theoretical and praxeological self-definition of the textual and visual sciences. The collected essays in this volume seek answers from a wide variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives in relation to both ancient and modern objects. They engage in a dialogue between the notions of \u201cclassical\u201d philology and \u201cmodern\u201d literary theory."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Christian David Ha\u00df; Eva Marie Noller"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Comparative literature", " philology", " construction of meaning", " literary theory"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/450143"], ["title", "Was bedeutet Ordnung? Was ordnet Bedeutung? Zu bedeutungskonstituierenden Ordnungsleistungen in Geschriebenem"], ["doab_id", "17218"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110414325", "9783110419665", "9783110425307"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110414325, 9783110419665, 9783110425307"]], [["description", "Writings by American Indians from the early twentieth century or earlier are rare. Willie Ottogary's letters have the distinction of being firsthand reports of an Indian community's ongoing social life by a community member and leader. The Northwestern Shoshone residing at the Washakie colony in northern Utah descended from survivors of the Bear River Massacre. Most had converted to the Mormon Church and remained in northern Utah rather than moving to a federal Indian reservation. For over twenty years, local newspapers in Utah and southern Idaho regularly published letters from Ottogary reporting happenings-personal milestones and health crises, comings and goings, social events, economic conditions and activities, efforts at political redress-at Washakie and other Shoshone communities in the intermountain West. Matthew Kreitzer compiled and edited the letters of Ottogary and added historical commentary and appendices, biographical data on individuals Ottogary mentioned, and eighty-five rare historical photographs. Written in a vernacular English and printed unedited in the newspapers, the letters describe a society in cultural transition and present Ottogary's distinctively Shoshone point of view on anything affecting his people. Thus, they provide an unusual picture of Shoshone life through a critical period, a time when many Indian communities reached a historical nadir. While the letters unflinchingly report the many difficulties and challenges the Shoshone faced, they portray a vital and dynamic society, whose members led full lives and actively pursued their own interests. Ottogary lobbied constantly for Shoshone rights, forging alliances with Shoshone throughout the region, visiting Washington D.C., advocating legislation, and participating in Goshute-Western Shoshone draft resistance during World War I."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kreitzer, Matthew E."], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/73"], ["title", "The Washakie Letters of Willie Ottogary"], ["doab_id", "14721"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214017"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214017"]], [["description", "Since the late 1990s, there has been a marked increase in academic interest in what are sometimes called 'utility films', intended for purposes of information, training, teaching or advertising. Although such research was long overdue, the current academic output tends to be restricted in scope, paying little attention to the films' textual features: the means they deploy in defending their informational, educational or commercial arguments. In the absence of such studies, the image survives of very 'formulaic' genres. This book seeks to modify this picture, and suggests a methodology that helps to foreground the films' rhetorical diversity. Taking her departure from a historic collection of Dutch classroom films, Masson proposes an approach that considers an audio-visual text as part of a so-called dispositif: the set-up of technology, text and viewing situation that is relevant to the specific corpus under scrutiny.

Sinds de late jaren negentig is er een toenemende academische belangstelling voor zogenoemde 'gebruiksfilms': films die bedoeld zijn om te informeren, te trainen of onderwijzen, of te overtuigen van het nut van een service of product. Onderzoek richtte zich tot nu toe vooral op de productie- of distributiegeschiedenis van dergelijke films, of hun pedagogische effectiviteit. Minder aandacht is er voor hun tekstuele dimensie: de middelen die ze inzetten ter onderbouwing van hun informatieve, educatieve of commerci\u00eble argument. Intussen hebben gebruiksfilms echter nog steeds het imago van erg 'formulaire' genres. Eef Masson nuanceert dit beeld in haar boek, en stelt een methodologie voor die de aandacht vestigt op de retorische diversiteit van deze films."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Masson ,Eef"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=439100"], ["title", "Watch and Learn : Rhetorical Devices in Classroom Films after 1940"], ["doab_id", "15237"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089643124"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089643124"]], [["description", "Los Angeles rose to significance in the first half of the twentieth century by way of its complex relationship to three rivers: the Los Angeles, the Owens, and the Colorado. The remarkable urban and suburban trajectory of southern California since then cannot be fully understood without reference to the ways in which each of these three river systems came to be connected to the future of the metropolitan region. This history of growth must be understood in full consideration of all three rivers and the challenges and opportunities they presented to those who would come to make Los Angeles a global power. Full of primary sources and original documents, Water and Los Angeles will be of interest to both students of Los Angeles and general readers interested in the origins of the city."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deverell ,William; Sitton ,Tom"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Los Angeles", "River systems", "Los Angeles River", "Owens River", "Colorado River"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=619232"], ["title", "Water and Los Angeles: A Tale of Three Rivers, 1900\u20131941"], ["doab_id", "19941"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520292420", "9780520965973", "9780520965973", "9780520965973"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520292420 9780520965973 9780520965973 9780520965973"]], [["description", "Over the past few decades, water policies have undergone significant changes in many countries, notably due to the development of national and international political, social, and environmental issues, including globalization, trade liberalization, institutional and legal requirements, changing standards of living, management practices, and technological innovation. Policy changes include both \u201chigh level\u201d views about water status and practical instruments, in particular with an emphasis on integrated basin management and economic policy instruments. A relevant part of the water policy literature addresses this topic, mainly as an issue related to environmental conservation. However, water remains a major productive factor, particularly in agriculture. This role is made even more prominent in light of economic crises, increased competition across markets and climate change, as well as fossil energy limitations, which also highlight the water\u2013energy nexus as a key resource issue for future economic viability. The delay, in the past, in recognizing the economic consequences of a limited water supply, and in decoupling economic development from water demand and supply, has resulted in a water-dependent growth model, currently threatened by increasing scarcity and droughts. Consequently, there is now an urgent need for new perspectives for promoting a more sustainable and efficient use of water resources. This calls for, on the one hand, a comprehensive understanding of water efficiency and productivity and, on the other hand, an investigation of the linkages among economic sectors to illustrate trade-offs in water reallocations. In addition, this also points to the need to study the institutional innovations and economic evaluation instruments that are able to better assess policy performance and provide evidence for improved mechanism designs aimed specifically at water efficiency and productivity."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["water policy design, economic efficiency and productivity, water markets, climate change, evaluation instruments"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/104"], ["title", "Water Policy, Productivity and Economic Efficiency"], ["doab_id", "17498"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420125", "9783038420132"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420125/9783038420132 "]], [["description", "Climate change affects global and regional water cycling, as well as surficial and subsurface water availability. These changes have increased the vulnerabilities of ecosystems and of human society. Understanding how climate change has affected water resource variability in the past and how climate change is leading to rapid changes in contemporary systems is of critical importance for sustainable development in different parts of the world. This Special Issue focuses on \u201cWater Resource Variability and Climate Change\u201d and aims to present a collection of articles addressing various aspects of water resource variability as well as how such variabilities are affected by changing climates. Potential topics include the reconstruction of historic moisture fluctuations, based on various proxies (such as tree rings, sediment cores, and landform features), the empirical monitoring of water variability based on field survey and remote sensing techniques, and the projection of future water cycling using numerical model simulations. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Global and regional water cycles, Climate change, Water resource variability, Remote sensing of water resources, LiDAR applications for water resources, Surface Water fluctuations, Model simulations of water resources"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/230"], ["title", "Water Resource Variability and Climate Change"], ["doab_id", "19938"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422440", "9783038422303"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422440/9783038422303"]], [["description", "Drylands are fragile environments and, therefore, highly susceptible to environmental changes. They cover nearly 50% of the world\u2019s land surface and are increasingly being reclaimed by a growing population for food production and urbanization. This makes water resources management in drylands an extremely important issue. The unplanned water resources development may result in aquifer depletion, soil and/or water salinization, loss of water through evapotranspiration due to inadequate irrigation systems, and land degradation (e.g., soil erosion, soil crusting, and sand encroachment)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Managed aquifer recharge, Impacts of climate change, Water supply growth management, New agriculture methods, Assessment of groundwater potential, Monitoring water resources development, Remote sensing of water resources"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/216"], ["title", "Water Resources Assessment and Management in Drylands"], ["doab_id", "19507"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422471", "9783038422488"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422471/9783038422488"]], [["description", "Climate change will bring about significant changes to the capacity of, and the demand on, water resources. The resulting changes include increasing climate variability that is expected to affect hydrologic conditions. The effects of climate variability on various meteorological variables have been extensively observed in many regions around the world. Atmospheric circulation, topography, land use and other regional features modify global changes to produce unique patterns of change at the regional scale. As the future changes to these water resources cannot be measured in the present, hydrological models are critical in the planning required to adapt our water resource management strategies to future climate conditions. Such models include catchment runoff models, reservoir management models, flood prediction models, groundwater recharge and flow models, and crop water balance models. In water-scarce regions such as Australia, urban water systems are particularly vulnerable to rapid population growth and climate change. In the presence of climate change induced uncertainty, urban water systems need to be more resilient and multi-sourced. Decreasing volumetric rainfall trends have an effect on reservoir yield and operation practices. Severe intensity rainfall events can cause failure of drainage system capacity and subsequent urban flood inundation problems. Policy makers, end users and leading researchers need to work together to develop a consistent approach to interpreting the effects of climate variability and change on water resources.This Special Edition includes papers by international experts who have investigated climate change impacts on a variety of systems including irrigation and water markets, land use changes and vegetation growth, lake water levels and quality and sea level rises. These investigations have been conducted in many regions of the world including the USA, China, East Africa, Australia, Taiwan and the Sultanate of Oman."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Asma Abahussain; Euloge K. Agbossou; Mushtaque Ahmed; Mary Akurut; Mohammed Saif Al-Kalbani; Ricardo Arias; Rupak Aryal; Simon Beecham; Morgan Bida; Henning Bjornlund; John Boland; Aymar Y. Bossa; Robert Brooks; Mike D. Burch; Robert I. Daly; Amalia Davies; Stephen Davies; Bernd Diekkr\u00fcger; Eihab Fathelrahman; Alistair Grinham; Janel Hanrahan; Edwyna Harris; Wen-Cheng Huang; Mohammad Kamruzzaman; Jan Jacob Keizer; Jonathan E. Kenny; Sergey Kravtsov; Jyun-Long Lee; Zongli Li; Hong-Ming Liu; Wen-Cheng Liu; Charles B. Niwagaba; Joao Pedro Nunes; Timothy O'Higgins; Todd Pagano; Martin F. Price; James Pritchett; M. Luz Rodr\u00edguez-Blanco; Paul Roebber; Md Sumon Shahriar; Leszek Sobkowiak; M. Mercedes Taboada-Castro; M. Teresa Taboada-Castro; Leon van der Linden; Ann Wheeler; Patrick Willems; Jun Xia; Lingling Zhao; Alec Zuo"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["water resources management, uncertainty, meteorological variables,hydrological models, climate models"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/157"], ["title", "Water Resources in a Variable and Changing Climate"], ["doab_id", "17590"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420835", "9783038420828"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420835/9783038420828"]], [["description", "Wave propagation analysis with boundary element method"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Chiara Guardasoni"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Mathematical"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/9788895994154_content.pdf"], ["title", "Wave propagation analysis with boundary element method"], ["doab_id", "15502"], ["language_unmapped", "english"], ["isbns", ["9788895994154"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788895994154"]], [["description", "The main scope of this topic is to give an update on pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches to enhance uptake and penetration of cancer drugs into tumors. Inadequate accumulation of drugs in tumors has emerged over the last decade as one of the main problems underlying therapeutic failure and drug resistance in the treatment of cancer. Insufficient drug uptake and penetration is causally related to the abnormal tumor architecture. Thus, poor vascularization, increased resistance to blood flow and impaired blood supply represent a first obstacle to the delivery of antitumor drugs to tumor tissue. Decreased or even inverted transvascular pressure gradients compromise convective delivery of drugs. Eventually, an abnormal extracellular matrix offers increased frictional resistance to tumor drug penetration. Abnormal tumor architecture also changes the biology of tumor cells, which contributes to drug resistance through several different mechanisms. The variability in vessel location and structure can make many areas of the tumor hypoxic, which causes the tumor cells to become quiescent and thereby resistant to many antitumor drugs. In addition, the abnormally long distance of part of the tumor cell population from blood vessels provides a challenge to delivering cancer drugs to these cells. We have recently proposed additional mechanisms of tumor drug resistance, which are also related to abnormal tumor architecture. First, increased interstitial fluid pressure can by itself induce drug resistance through the induction of resistance-promoting paracrine factors. Second, the interaction of drug molecules with vessel- proximal tumor cell layers may also induce the release of these factors, which can spread throughout the cancer, and induce drug resistance in tumor cells distant from blood vessels. As can be seen, abnormal tumor architecture, inadequate drug accumulation and tumor drug resistance are tightly linked phenomena, suggesting the need to normalize the tumor architecture, including blood vessels, and/or increase the accumulation of cancer drugs in tumors in order to increase therapeutic effects. Indeed, several classes of drugs (that we refer to as promoter drugs) have been described, that promote tumor uptake and penetration of antitumor drugs, including those that are vasoactive, modify the barrier function of tumor vessels, debulk tumor cells, and overcome intercellular and stromal barriers. In addition, also non-pharmacologic approaches have been described that enhance tumor accumulation of effector drugs (e.g. convection-enhanced delivery, hyperthermia, etc.). Some drugs that have already received regulatory approval (e.g. the anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab) exert antitumor effects at least in part through normalization of the tumor vasculature and enhancement of the accumulation of effector drugs. Other drugs, acting through different mechanisms of action, are now in clinical development (e.g. NGR-TNF in phase II/III studies) and others are about to enter clinical investigation (e.g. JO-1)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ronald Berenson; Angelo Corti; Fabrizio Marcucci"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Drug delivery", "Cancer", "Penetration", "targeting", "Administration", "Junctions", "Resistance", "Integrins", "microenvironment", "Permeability"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1094/ways-to-improve-tumor-uptake-and-penetration-of-drugs-into-solid-tumors"], ["title", "Ways to improve tumor uptake and penetration of drugs into solid tumors"], ["doab_id", "18680"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193509"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193509"]], [["description", "In 1990, Gerald Conaty was hired as senior curator of ethnology at the Glenbow Museum, with the particular mandate of improving the museum\u2019s relationship with Aboriginal communities. That same year, the Glenbow had taken its first tentative steps toward repatriation by returning sacred objects to First Nations\u2019 peoples. These efforts drew harsh criticism from members of the provincial government. Was it not the museum\u2019s primary legal, ethical, and fiduciary responsibility to ensure the physical preservation of its collections? Would the return of a sacred bundle to ceremonial use not alter and diminish its historical worth and its value to the larger society? Undaunted by such criticism, Conaty oversaw the return of more than fifty medicine bundles to Blackfoot and Cree communities between the years of 1990 and 2000, at which time the First Nations Sacred Ceremonial Objects Repatriation Act (FNSCORA)\u2014still the only repatriation legislation in Canada\u2014was passed. \u201cRepatriation,\u201d he wrote, \u201cis a vital component in the creation of an equitable, diverse, and respectful society.\u201dWe Are Coming Home is the story of the highly complex process of repatriation as described by those intimately involved in the work, notably the Piikani, Siksika, and Kainai elders who provided essential oversight and guidance. We also hear from the Glenbow Museum\u2019s president and CEO at the time and from an archaeologist then employed at the Provincial Museum of Alberta who provides an insider\u2019s view of the drafting of FNSCORA. These accounts are framed by Conaty\u2019s reflections on the impact of museums on First Nations, on the history and culture of the Niitsitapi, or Blackfoot, and on the path forward. With Conaty\u2019s passing in August of 2013, this book is also a tribute to his enduring relationships with the Blackfoot, to his rich and exemplary career, and to his commitment to innovation and mindful museum practice.
\u201c\u2026deeply informative and readable\u2026. An absence of Canadian texts in the museum field and in cultural communication leaves open the mistaken idea that we are mere ciphers for practices from abroad. By making an important Alberta story available in this fascinating and important volume, AU Press has performed an essential cultural service for all Canadians.\u201d \u2014Literary Review of Canada"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Gerald T. Conaty"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["ceremonial bundles, sacred bundles, kainai, siksika, First Nations, aboriginal ceremonies, Elders"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120242"], ["title", "We Are Coming Home: Repatriation and the Restoration of Blackfoot Cultural Confidence"], ["doab_id", "19409"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771990172", "9781771990189", "9781771990196", "9781771990202"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771990172 9781771990189 9781771990196 9781771990202"]], [["description", "We Shall Not Be Moved: The Trail Blazed by a Song from the U.S. South to Spain and South America details the history of \"We Shall Not Be Moved\" from its birth as a slave spiritual in the U.S. South and its subsequent adoption as a standard hymn by the U.S. labor, civil rights, and farmworker movements, to its singing in the student movement opposing the Franco dictatorship in Spain in the 1960s, and finally to its arrival in the South American country of Chile during its experiment with democratic socialism in the early 1970s. The book outlines the role the song has played in each of the movements in which it has been sung and analyzes its dissemination, function, and meaning through a number of different sociological and anthropological lenses.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spener ,David"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Anthropology", "Music"]], ["publisher", "Temple University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605458"], ["title", "We Shall Not Be Moved/No nos mover\u00e1n"], ["doab_id", "18771"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781439912997"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781439912997"]], [["description", "The \"Weana Tanz\" (Viennese dance music) are instrumental plays of music, the character of which developped out of the alpine \"landler melodics. They were shaped to a specific genre of urban folk music by the Viennese \"Tanzgeigern\".In the history of Viennese music the WEANA TANZ represents an important period. Their discription and interpretation in 8 chapters show the extraordinary position they held in the music life of the 19th century.Manuscripts and prints of the early 19th and 20th century are documents of the historical period of development, its expression in style and melody as well as their musical function for entertainment and social gatherings. As an addition sound recordings are selected from the first productions of records between 1900 and 1930.One chapter is dedicated to remarkable composers and exponents. In their lives and opus we find the seasonable situation of music life in Vienna.A detailed register gives access to the exceptionally abundant content of this volume.After this monography the \"WEANA TANZ\" as part 1 of the 20th volume of the Encyclopaedia CORPUS MUSICAE POPULARIS AUSTRIACAE follows volume 2 with a collection of 130 \"Viennese dances\" which can be interpreted in diverse instrumentations.

Die WEANA TANZ (Wiener T\u00e4nze) sind instrumentale Vortragsst\u00fccke, deren Charakteristik sich aus der alpinen L\u00e4ndlermelodik entwickelte. Von den Wiener \"Tanzgeigern\" wurden sie zu einer eigenst\u00e4ndigen urbanen Musikgattung geformt. Die WEANA TANZ stellen einen bedeutenden Abschnitt in der Geschichte der Musik in Wien dar. Ihre Beschreibung und Deutung in acht Kapiteln machen deren au\u00dferordentliche Stellung im Musikleben des 19. Jahrhunderts sichtbar. Handschriften und Drucke des 19. und fr\u00fchen 20. Jahrhunderts dokumentieren ihr geschichtliches Werden, die stilistischen Auspr\u00e4gungen in Melodie und Form sowie ihre musikalische Funktion f\u00fcr Darbietung und Gesellschaft. Ausgew\u00e4hlte Tonaufnahmen aus den ersten Produktionen von Schallplatten zwischen 1900 und 1930 sind eine klingende Erg\u00e4nzung. Eigene Kapitel sind besonders bemerkenswerten Komponisten und Interpreten gewidmet. Ihr Leben und Werk widerspiegeln die zeitgebundene Situation des Musiklebens in Wien. Den Zugang zum au\u00dfergew\u00f6hnlich vielf\u00e4ltigen Inhalt dieses Bandes erschlie\u00dfen detaillierte Register.Dieser Monographie der WEANA TANZ als Teil 1 des 20. Bandes der Enzyklop\u00e4die CORPUS MUSICAE POPULARIS AUSTRIACAE folgt mit Teil 2 eine Sammlung von 130 \"Wiener T\u00e4nzen\", nachspielbar in unterschiedlichen Besetzungen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deutsch ,Walter; Weber ,Ernst"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Viennese dance music"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437178"], ["title", "Weana Tanz (Wiener T\u00e4nze)"], ["doab_id", "15304"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786733"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786733"]], [["description", "This book contains the proceedings from Weaponising Speculation, a two-day conference and exhibition that took place in Dublin in March 2013. Weaponising Speculation was organised by D.U.S.T. (Dublin Unit for Speculative Thought) and aimed to be an exploration of the various expressions of DIY theory operative in the elsewheres, the shafts and tunnels of the para-academy. The topics covered all come under the welcoming embrace of speculation, spanning a broad range: from art, philosophy, nature, fiction, and computation to spiders, culinary cosmology, and Oscar the Grouch. The book itself aims to be more than just a collection of essays and catalogue of artworks, but also a documentation of the event as a whole. An object that both those present at the event and those who missed it would want to own \u2014 bringing something new to both sets of readers.The range of topics covered in this collection, along with the added elements of design and photography, result in a book that appeals beyond the (para)academic circle within which the Speculative Realist community currently resides. One of the original aims of the Weaponising Speculation conference, and by extension the book, is to expand what might be considered the expected reach of the subject, bringing Speculation to a new audience \u2014 artists, designers, fans of fiction, photographers, biologists, film theorists, comedians, culinary artists, illustrators, computer programmers, and individuals from any number of fields.Before the storms the para-academic needs to equip herself. Not only with tools, but weapons. In this way this collection is not only a book to read, an object to own, or a tool for learning, but a weapon with which to break open academic discourse, to invade and conquer as yet unknown territory, and to aid thinkers in the siege to reclaim the real."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Caoimhe Doyle (Ed.); Robert Jackson; Rebecca O\u2019 Dwyer ; Alice Rekab; Sam Keogh; Isabel Nolan; MOUTH; Ridvan Askin; John Ryan; Rob Murphy; Alan Boardman; Teresa Gillespie; Ben Woodard; Scott Wilson"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["para-academia, speculative realism, cybernetics, art, Film Studies, economics, political theory, cultural theory, horror, culinary cosmology"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/enn8ve7u31ytczc/Doyle_Weaponising_Speculation_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Weaponising Speculation"], ["doab_id", "17870"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615956664"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615956664"]], [["description", "The essays in Web Writing respond to contemporary debates over the proper role of the Internet in higher education, steering a middle course between polarized attitudes that often dominate the conversation. The authors argue for the wise integration of web tools into what the liberal arts does best: writing across the curriculum. All academic disciplines value clear and compelling prose, whether that prose comes in the shape of a persuasive essay, scientific report, or creative expression. The act of writing visually demonstrates how we think in original and critical ways and in ways that are deeper than those that can be taught or assessed by a computer. Furthermore, learning to write well requires engaged readers who encourage and challenge us to revise our muddled first drafts and craft more distinctive and informed points of view. Indeed, a new generation of web-based tools for authoring, annotating, editing, and publishing can dramatically enrich the writing process, but doing so requires liberal arts educators to rethink why and how we teach this skill, and to question those who blindly call for embracing or rejecting technology."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jack Dougherty and Tennyson O'Donnell, editors"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.13396229.0001.001"], ["title", "Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning"], ["doab_id", "19090"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072828", "9780472052820", "9780472900121", "9780472121359"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072828 9780472052820 9780472900121 9780472121359"]], [["description", "Der Stra\u00dfburger Jakobinerclub wurde im Januar 1790 gegr\u00fcndet und im September 1795 per Konventsdekret aufgel\u00f6st. Trotz seiner Lage an der Peripherie Frankreichs beschritt auch er den tragischen Weg, der Frankreich von der Revolution f\u00fcr Freiheit und Menschenrechte in die blutige Diktatur f\u00fchrte. Unter den spezifischen kulturellen Bedingungen des Elsa\u00df - gepr\u00e4gt durch Grenzlage, Bikonfessionalit\u00e4t und Bilingualismus - hatte der revolution\u00e4re Prozess dort allerdings ein ganz eigenes Gesicht. W\u00e4hrend die enthusiastische Anfangszeit von kultureller Toleranz und Kosmopolitismus gepr\u00e4gt war, bildete sich nach und nach eine auf Einheitlichkeit ausgerichtete Ideologie, die mit Xenophobie, Religions- und in Ans\u00e4tzen auch Sprachterror einherging. Fran\u00e7ois Furet hat die Genese der Terreur durch verh\u00e4ngnisvolle ideologische Kontinuit\u00e4ten von 1789 bis 1794 erkl\u00e4rt. Das vorliegende Buch greift diese These kritisch auf und zeigt zum einen, dass es neben Kontinuit\u00e4ten auch nicht zu vernachl\u00e4ssigende Wandlungsprozesse in der revolution\u00e4ren Ideologie gab, zum anderen, dass die Triebkr\u00e4fte derselben in lokalen politischen und soziokulturellen Konflikten zu suchen sind."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sch\u00f6npflug, Daniel"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/213544"], ["title", "Der Weg in die Terreur. Radikalisierung und Konflikte im Stra\u00dfburger Jakobinerclub (1790-1795)"], ["doab_id", "18400"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486832846", "9783486565881"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486832846, 9783486565881"]], [["description", "The essays in this volume present art historical methods for research on the conditions in which books were produced and decorated in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period. The consideration of the multiple factors impacting on the production and dissemination of illustrated books serves to improve our understanding of the works and helps to place them more accurately in the cultural discourse of their time.

Die in diesem Band zusammengestellten Aufs\u00e4tze pr\u00e4sentieren kunsthistorische Methoden zur Untersuchung der Entstehungsbedingungen mittelalterlicher und fr\u00fchneuzeitlicher Buchmalerei. Die Ber\u00fccksichtigung der verschiedenen Faktoren, die beim Herstellungsprozess der B\u00fccher und bei deren Verbreitung eine Rolle spielen - von Auftraggeberw\u00fcnschen \u00fcber Arbeitsumst\u00e4nde der Buchmaler bis hin zur Organisation des Buchhandels - f\u00fchrt zu einem besseren Verst\u00e4ndnis der Werke und zu ihrer pr\u00e4zisieren Platzierung im damaligen kulturellen Diskurs."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Tif ,Armand; Schwarz ,Michael Viktor; Saurma Jeltsch ,Liselotte; Rob Santer ,Carmen; Rischpler ,Susanne; Pf\u00e4ndtner ,Karl-Georg; Hranitzky ,Katharina; Eberlein ,Konrad; Cermann ,Regina; Amstrong ,Lilian"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Middle ages Illuminated books Art Methodology Germany France Italy Manuscripts Incunables", "Mittelalter Buchmalerei Kunst Methodik Deutschland Frankreich Italien Handschriften Inkunabeln"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=478912"], ["title", "Wege zum illuminierten Buch"], ["doab_id", "16515"], ["language_unmapped", "de^English"], ["isbns", ["9783205794912"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205794912"]], [["description", "A sustainable world can only be achieved by an open collaboration between science, business and the public. That is why we create the Green Village: an innovative, lively, interactive & challenging environment where entrepreneurs, innovators, companies, artists, teachers and visitors can meet, work and play to develop, apply and experience innovative sustainable products and solutions. In the Green Village you will find Future Labs for paradigm-shifting system research, resulting in icon projects such as the Car Park Power Plant, the Harp and the Energy Wall. The Green Village will be sustainably powered by the Engines, with \u2018heart\u2019, \u2018veins\u2019 and \u2018lungs\u2019 that supply energy and water, treat waste water and solid waste into useful new products and provide energy and transport fuels like electricity and hydrogen. It will also house the Greentech Store, an innovative co-making shop for 3D printing, apps, crowd funding & more. And it will be the stage for many sustainability Events: exhibitions, shows, contests, workshops, games, challenges, conferences, etcetera.The Green Village is located at Delft Campus, enabled by Delft University of Technology and empowered by a lively online community of scientists, entrepreneurs and you! Its vision: \u201cCreating a sustainable, lively and entrepreneurial environment where we discover, learn and show how to solve society\u2019s urgent challenges\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "A.J.M. van Wijk"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["The Green Village", "Future Labs", "Engines", "GreenTech Store", "Energy", "Society\u2019s Urgent Challenges", "Circular Economy", "Green Economy", "Sustainable Environment", "Car as Power Plant", "LED Revolution", "AC DC", "The Harp", "Car Park Power Plant", "The Energy Wall"]], ["publisher", "IOS Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://ebooks.iospress.nl/isbn/978-1-61499-284-4"], ["title", "Welcome to the Green Village"], ["doab_id", "15550"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614992837"]], ["provider", "IOS Press Ebooks"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614992837"]], [["description", "Gran parte della produzione letteraria sulla camorra si sofferma sugli aspetti di controllo militare del territorio e sulle attivit\u00e0 predatorie nella politica e nell\u2019economia. Meno attenzione viene prestata ai fattori sociali di riproduzione dei gruppi di crimine organizzato. Gli aspetti di mutualit\u00e0 e solidariet\u00e0 interna alle camorre non hanno mai ricevuto una sistematica e approfondita osservazione. Questa ricerca invece propone l\u2019analisi degli elementi di legittimazione e di consenso dei gruppi di camorra nei territori in cui sono insediati. Il welfare e il suo doppio \u00e8 un lavoro che si articola attraverso un ricco impianto che ricorre a metodologie quantitative ed etnografiche: un approccio situato al punto di incontro tra sociologia e antropologia nell\u2019analisi delle politiche sociali, che utilizza documenti giudiziari inediti e di difficile reperibilit\u00e0. Un impegnativo lavoro sul campo in territorio casertano ha permesso infatti di decifrare le forme di assistenza sociale presenti: quelle pubbliche e quelle mafiose. Ne emerge il panorama di un insieme criminale che assicura un\u2019incredibile protezione nei confronti degli affiliati e delle loro famiglie, che concorre con le tutele offerte dal welfare pubblico.I risultati di questo studio mostrano per\u00f2 che \u00e8 proprio nei territori pi\u00f9 condizionati dalla presenza mafiosa che nascono nuove forme di lotta sociale. \u00c8 qui, infatti \u2013 dove le infiltrazioni criminali interessano gli appalti dei servizi di welfare \u2013 che sono nate le pi\u00f9 innovative azioni sociali in difesa delle categorie pi\u00f9 deboli."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Alessandro Colletti"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["welfare, mafia, doppio"]], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.ledizioni.it/stag/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Welfare_e_doppio_nocroc.pdf"], ["title", "Il welfare e il suo doppio"], ["doab_id", "18960"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788867054268"]], ["provider", "Ledizioni"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867054268"]], [["description", "This volume explores the questions related to the theory, practice, and policy of the well-being and well-becoming of children. It does so in a truly interdisciplinary way with a focus on the social sciences and philosophy, giving therefore justice to the growing insight that studying and promoting the well-being of children has a strong ethical component. It is dependent on the questions of good life, its conditions and cannot be separated from the concept of social justice and moral entitlements of children and their families. In this book, philosophers and social scientists, in close dialogue, shed light on some of the most challenging matters involved."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Graf, Gunter; Schweiger, Gottfried"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/465482"], ["title", "The Well-Being of Children. Philosophical and Social Scientific Approaches"], ["doab_id", "17971"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110450514", "9783110450521", "9783110450644"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110450514, 9783110450521, 9783110450644"]], [["description", "\u201eEinem ausf\u00fchrlichen Abriss zur Geschichte der bulgarischen Literatur aus dem beginnenden 20. Jh. folgen originelle Autorenportr\u00e4ts, kulturanthropologische Studien und tiefgreifende Analysen von Texten aus der j\u00fcngsten Gegenwart. Die Vernetzung verschiedener methodologischer Ans\u00e4tze geht vom Kriterium der Innovation und der \u00e4sthetischen Qualit\u00e4t der gesichteten Werke aus. Darin sehe ich einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Revision des Literaturkanons und dessen R\u00fcckkopplung an den sozialen, kulturellen und psychologischen Wandel der Gesellschaft im Bulgarien von heute.\u201c (Svetlana Arnaudova, Literaturwissenschaftlerin) \u201eKein vorgefundenes System und keine hergebrachte Vorstellung werden hier neu verlegt, sondern eine in beiden Kulturen \u2013 der bulgarischen und der deutschen \u2013 sich auskennende Autorin vermittelt durch ihre subjektive, aber nachvollziehbar begr\u00fcndete Auswahl ein lebendiges und \u00fcberraschend anziehendes Bild des Bulgarischen. Besonderen Wert legt sie dabei auf den Transfer kultureller Realien.\u201c (Anna Dimova, \u00dcbersetzungswissenschaftlerin)

\u201eEinem ausf\u00fchrlichen Abriss zur Geschichte der bulgarischen Literatur aus dem beginnenden 20. Jh. folgen originelle Autorenportr\u00e4ts, kulturanthropologische Studien und tiefgreifende Analysen von Texten aus der j\u00fcngsten Gegenwart. Die Vernetzung verschiedener methodologischer Ans\u00e4tze geht vom Kriterium der Innovation und der \u00e4sthetischen Qualit\u00e4t der gesichteten Werke aus. Darin sehe ich einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Revision des Literaturkanons und dessen R\u00fcckkopplung an den sozialen, kulturellen und psychologischen Wandel der Gesellschaft im Bulgarien von heute.\u201c (Svetlana Arnaudova, Literaturwissenschaftlerin) \u201eKein vorgefundenes System und keine hergebrachte Vorstellung werden hier neu verlegt, sondern eine in beiden Kulturen \u2013 der bulgarischen und der deutschen \u2013 sich auskennende Autorin vermittelt durch ihre subjektive, aber nachvollziehbar begr\u00fcndete Auswahl ein lebendiges und \u00fcberraschend anziehendes Bild des Bulgarischen. Besonderen Wert legt sie dabei auf den Transfer kultureller Realien.\u201c (Anna Dimova, \u00dcbersetzungswissenschaftlerin)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Burneva, Nikolina"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Bulgarian literature", "Bulgaria", "20th Century", "social change", "Bulgarian literature", "Bulgaria", "20th Century", "social change"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610308"], ["title", "Wendezeiten in der bulgarischen Literatur"], ["doab_id", "15441"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863951207"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863951207"]], [["description", "Die Wertfreiheit der Wissenschaft gilt als Bedingung ihrer Objektivit\u00e4t. Eine Analyse des entsprechenden Wertfreiheitsideals zeigt jedoch, dass dieses auf einer Reihe von Voraussetzungen beruht \u2013 wie der Trennbarkeit kognitiver von anderen Werten und der epistemischen Unabh\u00e4ngigkeit der Rechtfertigung \u2013 die sich als problematisch erweisen. Eine Fallstudie zur Frauengesundheitsforschung untermauert zudem, dass die M\u00f6glichkeiten f\u00fcr Werteinfl\u00fcsse in der Wissenschaft weit komplexer sind, als dieses Ideal zu erfassen vermag. Daher bietet ein sozialepistemologischer Ansatz, der auf Wertvielfalt statt Wertfreiheit setzt, die bessere Grundlage f\u00fcr Objektivit\u00e4t: Epistemische Vertrauensw\u00fcrdigkeit erfordert nicht Neutralit\u00e4t, sondern einen pluralistischen und konsensorientierten kritischen Prozess."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "B\u00fcter, Anke"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/208590"], ["title", "Das Wertfreiheitsideal in der sozialen Erkenntnistheorie. Objektivit\u00e4t, Pluralismus und das Beispiel Frauengesundheitsforschung"], ["doab_id", "18058"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110322729", "9783110322309"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110322729, 9783110322309"]], [["description", null], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hippel, Ernst von; Kelsen, Hans; Layer, Max; Triepel, Heinrich"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/169387"], ["title", "Wesen und Entwicklung der Staatsgerichtsbarkeit. \u00dcberpr\u00fcfung von Verwaltungsakten durch die ordentlichen Gerichte. Verhandlungen der Tagung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer zu Wien am 23. und 24. April 1928. Mit einem Auszug aus der Aussprache"], ["doab_id", "18119"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110888249", "9783110060072"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110888249, 9783110060072"]], [["description", "The West and Beyond explores the state of Western Canadian history, showcasing the research interests of a new generation of scholars while charting new directions for the future and stimulating further interrogation of our past. This dynamic collection encourages dialogue among generations of historians of the West, and among practitioners of diverse approaches to the past. It also reflects a broad range of disciplinary and professional boundaries, offering new ways to understand the West."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alvin Finkel; Sarah Carter; Peter Fortna"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Canadian history", "First Nations", "History"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120176"], ["title", "The West and Beyond: New Perspectives on an Imagined Region"], ["doab_id", "14470"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425800", "9781897425817"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425800 9781897425817"]], [["description", "Verhoeff investigates the emergence of the western genre, made in the first two decades of cinema (1895-1915). By analyzing many unknown and forgotten films from international archives she traces the relationships between films about the American West, their surrounding films, and other popular media such as photography, painting, (pulp) literature, Wild West Shows and popular ethnography. Through this exploration of archival material she raises new questions of historiography and provides a model for historical analysis. These first traces of the Western film reveal a preoccupation with presence and actuality that informs us about the way in which film, as new medium, took shape within the context of its contemporary visual culture.

In The West in Early Cinema gaat Nanna Verhoeff op zoek naar de nog onbekende beginjaren van het westerngenre tijdens de eerste twee decennia van het medium film 1895-1915). Aan de hand van onbekende en vergeten films uit internationale filmarchieven traceert zij de relaties tussen films over het Westen, omringende filmgenres uit deze periode, en andere populaire media als fotografie, schilderkunst, (pulp)literatuur, Wild West Shows en populaire etnografie. Deze sporen van het genre tonen een grote actualiteit en variatie, die laat zien op welke manier de film als nieuw medium een vorm vond binnen de toenmalige visuele cultuur."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Verhoeff ,Nanna"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340195"], ["title", "The West in Early Cinema : After the Beginning"], ["doab_id", "12879"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053568316"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053568316"]], [["description", "Caribbean migration to Britain brought many new things - new musics, new foods, new styles. It brought new ways of thinking too. This lively, innovative book explores the intellectual ideas which the West Indians brought with them to Britain. It shows that for more than a century West Indians living in Britain developed a dazzling intellectual critique of the codes of Imperial Britain. This is the first comprehensive discussion of the major Caribbean thinkers who came to live in twentieth-century Britain. Chapters discuss the influence of, amongst others, C. L. R. James, Una Marson, George Lamming, Jean Rhys, Claude McKay and V. S. Naipaul. The contributors to this fascinating volume draw from many different disciplines to bring alive the thought and personalities of the figures they discuss, providing a dramatic picture of intellectual developments in Britain from which we can still learn much. A lucid introduction argues that the recovery of this Caribbean past, on the home-territory of Britain itself, reveals much about the prospects of multiracial Britain. Written in an accessible manner, undergraduates and general readers interested in relations between the Caribbean and Britain, imperial history, literature, cultural and black studies will all find much of interest in this collection."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Schwarz ,Bill"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["caribbean", "diaspora", "migration", "imperial", "multicultural"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341412"], ["title", "West Indian intellectuals in Britain:"], ["doab_id", "12605"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719064746"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719064746"]], [["description", "This book compares the lessons learned from a wetland-perspective approach to the changing climate and the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) with regard to environmental conservation. Examples from Germany and Poland are discussed due to the efficiency of their respective implementations of water conservation policies. Although the general scientific interest in specific issues such as wetlands, climate change, nature conservation and the WFD enjoy a well established position in international environmental research, these four elements are rarely considered together due to the complexity of the processes, biased scenarios of global change and subjective policy background. Major challenges involved in carrying out environmental conservation actions that assess the potential impacts of climate change and management plans on water bodies are identified. The results of this approach are addressed to practitioners in the field of adaptive management in a wetlands context."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stefan Ignar; Mateusz Grygoruk"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Environmental Science and Engineering", " Water Policy/Water Governance/Water Management", " Geoecology/Natural Processes "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13764-3"], ["title", "Wetlands and Water Framework Directive"], ["doab_id", "17439"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783319137636", "9783319137643"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783319137636 (Print) 9783319137643 (Online)"]], [["description", "Traditional music of the Wechsel, styrian-lower austrian border region, 100 kms south of Vienna. Volume 1 \u201eThe religious song\u201c sung during the farmer\u2019s traditional two-night corpse-watch at the bier in the house of the deceased. 192 songs with text, music and incipits, 3 CDs with historical recordings, dictionary of local dialect.CD 1: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:672CD 2: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:727CD 3: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:762

Volksmusik des Wechsels, Grenzlandschaft Steiermark-Nieder\u00f6sterreich. Teilband 1 \u201eDas Geistliche Lied\u201c im b\u00e4uerlichen Brauch des Leichh\u00fcatns. Die \u201eLeichh\u00fcatlieder\u201c, welche zwei N\u00e4chte lang im Hause eines Verstorbenen vor dem aufgebahrten Toten gesungen wurden. 192 Lieder mit Text- und Melodievarianten, Melodienincipits, 3 CDs mit historischen Tonaufzeichnungen, W\u00f6rterbuch des lokalen Dialekts.CD 1: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:672CD 2: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:727CD 3: http://e-book.fwf.ac.at/o:762"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Deutsch ,Walter; Sieder ,Erika"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Traditional music in the Styrian / Lower Austrian Wechsel-region; songs during the corpse-watch in the farmhouse of the deceased, CDs, historical recordings, dictionary of local dialect; incipits", "N\u00f6.-steir. Wechselgebiet, Geistliches Lied: Leichh\u00fcatlieder, b\u00e4uerliche Tradition der Totenwache, 3 CDs, historische Tondokumente, W\u00f6rterbuch, Melodienincipits"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=508190"], ["title", "WeXel oder Die Musik einer Landschaft"], ["doab_id", "16517"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795841"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795841"]], [["description", "What about Asia? Revisiting Asian Studies brings together scholars from Asia, Europe and America to test the strength of a field of study which, considering the rise of Asia, should be gaining momentum. But is it? This is one of the many questions that the contributors to this volume ask themselves. In the past decade the use and legitimacy of area studies, and in particular Asian studies, have been passionately debated in conferences and academic journals. What about Asia? gives the current state of the debate on Asian studies by tackling the issue from a multiregional and interdisciplinary perspective.

De studie van Azi\u00eb wordt met het toenemen an het belang van dat werelddeel teeds belangrijker. In de afgelopen ien jaar zijn zowel het gebruik van area studies als hun legitimiteit het onderwerp van debat geweest tijdens conferenties en in academische tijdschriften. Centraal in het debat stonden de conceptualisatie van Azi\u00eb-studies en het soort kennis dat Azi\u00eb-specialisten voortbrengen. Een keur aan antwoorden zijn gegeven maar het debat is nog lang niet ten einde. What about Asia? geeft de huidige stand van zaken in het debat omtrent Azi\u00eb studies en tegelijkertijd blaast het het debat nieuw leven in door een multiregionale en interdisciplinaire benadering."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stremmelaar ,Josine; Velde van der ,Paul"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["Public administration", "Education", "Bestuurskunde", "Educatie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340143"], ["title", "What about Asia? : Revisiting Asian Studies"], ["doab_id", "12842"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569597"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569597"]], [["description", "This book is a short, accessible guide to research ethics in qualitative research. It outlines key issues in research ethics and covers new online practices as well as traditional methods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rose Wiles"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666558"], ["title", "What are Qualitative Research Ethics?"], ["doab_id", "15451"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666558"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666558"]], [["description", "Vision is the process of extracting behaviorally-relevant information from patterns of light that fall on retina as the eyes sample the outside world. Traditionally, nonhuman primates (macaque monkeys, in particular) have been viewed by many as the animal model-of-choice for investigating the neuronal substrates of visual processing, not only because their visual systems closely mirror our own, but also because it is often assumed that \u201csimpler\u201d brains lack advanced visual processing machinery. However, this narrow view of visual neuroscience ignores the fact that vision is widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom, enabling a wide repertoire of complex behaviors in species from insects to birds, fish, and mammals. Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in alternative animal models for vision research, especially rodents. This resurgence is partly due to the availability of increasingly powerful experimental approaches (e.g., optogenetics and two-photon imaging) that are challenging to apply to their full potential in primates. Meanwhile, even more phylogenetically distant species such as birds, fish, and insects have long been workhorse animal models for gaining insight into the core computations underlying visual processing. In many cases, these animal models are valuable precisely because their visual systems are simpler than the primate visual system. Simpler systems are often easier to understand, and studying a diversity of neuronal systems that achieve similar functions can focus attention on those computational principles that are universal and essential. This Research Topic provides a survey of the state of the art in the use of animal models of visual functions that are alternative to macaques. It includes original research, methods articles, reviews, and opinions that exploit a variety of animal models (including rodents, birds, fishes and insects, as well as small New World monkey, the marmoset) to investigate visual function. The experimental approaches covered by these studies range from psychophysics and electrophysiology to histology and genetics, testifying to the richness and depth of visual neuroscience in non-macaque species."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Davide Zoccolan; David D. Cox; Andrea Benucci; R. Clay Reid"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Vision", "Perception", "rodent", "insect", "fish", "marmoset", "object recognition", "Visual Cortex", "Amblyopia", "Illusions"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1505/what-can-simple-brains-teach-us-about-how-vision-works"], ["title", "What can simple brains teach us about how vision works"], ["doab_id", "19574"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196784"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196784"]], [["description", "In recent years, work surrounding theories of embodiment and the role of the putative mirror neuron system (MNS) in humans has gained considerable attention. If humans have developed a net-work of neurons that fire in response to other beings\u2019 actions, as has been shown in macaques, this system could have vast implications for all kinds of cognitive processes unique to humans, such as language, learning, empathy and communication in general. The goal of tapping into and understanding such a system is a fascinating yet challenging one. One form of embodiment - embodied linguistics - suggests that the way we process linguistic information is linked to our physical experience of the concept conveyed by each word. The interaction between these cognitive systems (i.e., language and motor processing) may occur thanks to the firing of neurons making up the MNS. The possible interdependence between different cognitive systems has implications for healthy as well as pathological profiles, and in fact, work in recent years has also explored the role of \u2018embodiment\u2019 and/or the MNS in clinical populations such as stroke, Parkinson\u2019s Disease, Alzheimer\u2019s Disease, and Autism, among others. Research on embodiment and/or the MNS has been approached with a number of different methodologies, but the results obtained with these different methodologies have not been entirely consistent, generating doubts regarding the theories. The question has been raised as to what this line of inquiry can gain from the types of evidence contributed by functional neuroimaging methods carried out with healthy volunteers versus behavioral or lesion-symptom mapping methods employed with neurologically-compromised individuals. Of particular interest are the clinical applications of this line of research. If indeed a system exists which reflects a tight link between, for example, the human language and motor systems, then the obvious challenge is to tap into this system to create useful therapies that can provide rehabilitation where damage has occurred. This Research Topic brought together work conducted with healthy and patient populations using several behavioral and imaging techniques, as well as insightful commentaries and opinion pieces. We believe the combined work of the participating authors is an important contribution to this intriguing line of research and an excellent point of reference for future work."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Analia Arevalo; Juliana Baldo; Fernando Gonzalez-Perilli; Agustin Ibanez"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["embodiment", "Mirror Neurons", "motor-language processing", "action perception", "Action Understanding", "Empathy", "Imitation", "Mirror activity", "Embodied Cognition", "Embodied Simulation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1836/what-can-we-make-of-theories-of-embodiment-and-the-role-of-the-human-mirror-neuron-system"], ["title", "What can we make of theories of embodiment and the role of the human mirror neuron system?"], ["doab_id", "18880"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889197613"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889197613"]], [["description", "his book consists of selected papers delivered at \u201cFirst International Conference on Rhetoric in Croatia: the Days of Ivo \u0160kari\u0107\u201d in May, 2012, and subsequently revised for publication. Through a variety of different routes, the papers explore the role of rhetoric and argumentation in various types of public discourse and present interdisciplinary work connecting linguists, phoneticians, philosophers, law experts and communication scientists in the common ground of rhetoric and argumentation."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gabrijela Kis\u030cic\u030cek; Igor Z\u030c. Z\u030cagar"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["theory of argumentation, rhetoric, communications, logic, informal logic"]], ["publisher", "Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric (CRRAR): Windsor Studies in Argumentation"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://windsor.scholarsportal.info/omp/index.php/wsia/catalog/book/8"], ["title", "What Do We Know About the World? Rhetorical and Argumentative Perspectives"], ["doab_id", "15974"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780920233702"]], ["provider", "Scholars Portal"], ["isbns_raw", "9780920233702"]], [["description", "In this collection of essays, prominent folklorists look at varied modern uses and contexts of proverbs and proverbial speech, some traditional and conventional, others new and unexpected. After the editors' introduction discussing the history and status of attempts to define proverbs, describing their contemporary circulation, and acknowledging the especially important work of paremiologist Wolfgang Meider, the contributions examine the continuing pervasiveness and idiomatic relevance of proverbs in modern culture."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lau, Kimberly J.; Tokofsky, Peter; Winick, Stephen"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/33"], ["title", "What Goes Around Comes Around: The Circulation of Proverbs in Contemporary Life"], ["doab_id", "14696"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215922"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215922"]], [["description", "An up-to-date, concise and engaging guide to the use of diaries as a methodological technique, drawing on the authors' experience of using this technique and on a range of published research that employs it."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ruth Bartlett; Christine Milligan"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472572578"], ["title", "What is Diary Method?"], ["doab_id", "17453"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472572530"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472572530"]], [["description", "The question of digital identity and e-reputation is central in today\u2019s Internet ecosystem, both in terms of individual and collective use. This book is an accessible guide to cutting-edge research on the subject and provides an overview of the fundamental issues that individuals need to master in order to retain control over their or their organization\u2019s online presence. This is a book for readers who wish to discover more about this rich and complex issue, as well as for businesses, organi..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Olivier Ertzscheid"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", [" espace public, identit\u00e9 num\u00e9rique, Internet, march\u00e9, r\u00e9seaux"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/1235"], ["title", "What is digital identity?"], ["doab_id", "18805"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782821855786", "9782821855793"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821855786 9782821855793"]], [["description", "This book offers a coherent introduction to different theoretical and practical traditions of discourse analysis, providing clear practical guidance to new researchers, with examples drawn from a wide range of published research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stephanie Taylor"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545213"], ["title", "What is Discourse Analysis?"], ["doab_id", "16280"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545213"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545213"]], [["description", "This pioneering text presents cutting-edge readings of the social sciences through the lens of inclusive research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Melanie Nind"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849668149"], ["title", "What is Inclusive Research?"], ["doab_id", "16297"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849668149"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849668149"]], [["description", "This pioneering text will present cutting-edge readings of the social sciences through the lens of narrative research."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Corinne Squire; Mark Davis; Cigdem Esin; Molly Andrews; Barbara Harrison; Lars-Christer Hyden; Margareta Hyden"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545220"], ["title", "What is Narrative Research?"], ["doab_id", "17157"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545220"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545220"]], [["description", "What is Online Research? is a straightforward, accessible introduction to social research online. The book covers the key issues and concerns, with sections on design,ethics and good practice. It will be key reading for social scientists of all levels."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tristram Hooley; Jane Wellens; John Marriott"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849665544"], ["title", "What is Online Research?"], ["doab_id", "15452"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849665544"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849665544"]], [["description", "\u201cEvery written work,\u201d Giorgio Agamben opens the preface to Infancy and History, \u201ccan be regarded as the prologue (or rather, the broken cast) of a work never penned, and destined to remain so.\u201d Although that observation applies to any work of writing, the exemplary case is that of a work of philosophy. While every written work is put to work in its nonexistent successor, a work of philosophy is bereft of even that recourse: philosophy is written in the breakdown of destiny, so that every work of philosophy must first and foremost confront the absolute abandonment of its writing. At work in each and every work of philosophy is the question, \u201cWhat is a work of philosophy?\u201dMore concretely, although well-formed and rigorously structured, What is Philosophy? abstains from work. On even a quick reading that fact must be palpable. A seminar paper? An article, or book chapter? Not in the least. Nor, essentially, may the individual pieces that compose it be so developed. Fragments unrecognizable as at one time a cast, inconceivable at a future time as anything else, the position of each piece with respect to the others thwarts development in order to preserve, in its place, the tension of its absence.As such, the articulations internal to each of the three divisions, and between them, are essential. The first division \u2014 What is Philosophy? \u2014 takes seriously Deleuze and Guattari\u2019s contention in their book of the same title that \u201cThe nonphilosophical is perhaps closer to the heart of philosophy than philosophy itself, and this means that philosophy cannot be content to be understood only philosophically or conceptually, but is essentially addressed to nonphilosophers as well\u201d \u2014 including the nonphilosopher in every philosopher. The second division \u2014 On Argument \u2014 interrogates the status and value of evidence, and self-evidence. The third division \u2014 On Not Knowing \u2014 generalizes a parenthetical observation of Agamben\u2019s on Heidegger, \u201cIf we may attempt to identify something like the characteristic Stimmung of every thinker, perhaps it is precisely this being delivered over to something that refuses itself that defines the specific emotional tonality of Heidegger\u2019s thought\u201d: Might not philosophy be defined, the phil of sophia, precisely, as what it is to be delivered over to something that refuses itself?The first contours of a darkling shape, What is Philosophy? is none other than these\u2014and nothing beyond their glimmer."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Michael Munro"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["philosophy, love, wisdom, Georgio Agamben, Martin Heidegger "]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://punctumbooks.com/titles/what-is-philosophy/"], ["title", "What is Philosophy?"], ["doab_id", "16021"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780615685137"]], ["provider", "punctumbooks.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780615685137"]], [["description", "With short accessibly written chapters, What is Qualitative Interviewing? explores a range of interview types and practices, and provides illuminating examples with diagrams and extracts."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rosalind Edwards; Janet Holland"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545244"], ["title", "What is Qualitative Interviewing?"], ["doab_id", "17158"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781472545244"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781472545244"]], [["description", "This accessible and comprehensive "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Martyn Hammersley; John L. Campbell"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666084"], ["title", "What is Qualitative Research?"], ["doab_id", "15450"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666084"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666084"]], [["description", "Part of the What is..? series, this book is an introductory guide providing explanations of the nature of social network methods."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Scott"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849668187"], ["title", "What is Social Network Analysis?"], ["doab_id", "15449"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849668187"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849668187"]], [["description", "The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines have long been regarded as the de facto standard for the preparation of digital textual resources in the scholarly research community. For the beginner, they offer a daunting range of possibilities, reflecting the huge range of potential applications for text encoding, from traditional scholarly editions, to language corpora, historical lexicons, digital archives and beyond. Drawing on many examples of TEI-encoded text from a variety of research ..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lou Burnard"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["digital editing, digital humanities, TEI, text encoding, XML"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/426"], ["title", "What is the Text Encoding Initiative?"], ["doab_id", "15957"], ["language_unmapped", "en"], ["isbns", ["9782821834590", "9782821834606"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821834590 9782821834606"]], [["description", "Complex systems are to be seen as typically having multiple levels of organization. For instance, in the behavioural and cognitive sciences, there has been a long lasting trend, promoted by the seminal work of David Marr, putting focus on three distinct levels of analysis: the computational level, accounting for the What and Why issues, the algorithmic and the implementational levels specifying the How problem. However, the tremendous developments in neuroscience knowledge about processes at different scales of organization together with the complexity of today cognitive theories suggest that there will hardly be only three levels of explanation. Instead, there will be many different degrees of commitments corresponding to the different granularities - from high-level (behavioural) models to low-level (neural and molecular) models of the cognitive research program. For instance, Bayesian approaches, that are usually advocated for formalizing Marr's computational level and rational behaviour, have even been adopted to model synaptic plasticity and axon guidance by molecular gradients. As a result, we can consider the behavioural scientist as dealing with models at a multiplicity of levels. The purpose of this Research Topic in Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology is to promote an approach to the role of the levels and explanation and models which is of interest for cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, psychologists, behavioural scientists, and philosophers of science."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giuseppe Boccignone; Roberto Cordeschi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["human behavior", "Levels of explanation", "neuroscientific models", "Functional models", "Computational models", "Cognitive architectures", "mechanisms", "Reductionism"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1674/what-levels-of-explanation-in-the-behavioural-sciences"], ["title", "What levels of explanation in the behavioural sciences?"], ["doab_id", "18707"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889195978"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889195978"]], [["description", "Reading is an integral part of life in today's information-driven societies. Since the pioneering work of Dejerine on \"word blindness\" in brain-lesioned patients, the literature has increased exponentially, from neuropsychological case reports to mechanistic accounts of word processing at the behavioural, neurofunctional and computational levels, tapping into diverse aspects of visual word processing. These studies have revealed some exciting findings about visual word processing, including how the brain learns to read, how changes in literacy impact upon word processing strategies, and whether word processing mechanisms vary across different alphabetic, logographic or artificial writing systems. Other studies have attempted to characterise typical and atypical word processes in special populations in order to explain why dyslexic brains struggle with words, how multilingualism changes the way our brains see words, and what the exact developmental signatures are that would shape the acquisition of reading skills. Exciting new insights have also emerged from recent studies that have investigated word stimuli at the system/network level, by looking for instance, at how the reading system interacts with other cognitive systems in a context-dependent fashion, how visual language stimuli are integrated into the speech processing streams, how both left and right hemispheres cooperate and interact during word processing, and what the exact contributions of subcortical and cerebellar regions to reading are. The contributions to this Research Topic highlight the latest findings regarding the different issues mentioned above, particularly how these findings can explain or model the different processes, mechanisms, pathways or cognitive strategies by which the human brain sees words. The introductory editorial, summarising the contributions included here, highlights how varieties of behavioural tests and neuroimaging techniques can be used to investigate word processing mechanisms across different alphabetic and logographic writing systems."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gui Xue; Urs Maurer; Mohamed L Seghier"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["reading", "Word Processing", "Learning", "Multilingualism", "Dyslexia", "laterality", "fMRI", "ERP"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1061/what-makes-written-words-so-special-to-the-brain"], ["title", "What makes written words so special to the brain"], ["doab_id", "17749"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193790"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193790"]], [["description", "Greg Giberson and Tom Moriarty have collected a rich volume that offers a state-of-the-field look at the question of the undergraduate writing major, a vital issue for compositionists as the discipline continues to evolve. What We Are Becoming provides an indispensable resource for departments and WPAs who are building undergraduate majors. Contributors to the volume address a range of vital questions for undergraduate programs, including such issues as the competition for majors within departments, the job market for undergraduates, varying focuses and curricula of such majors, and the formation of them in departments separate from English. Other chapters discuss the importance of flexibility, consider arguments for a rhetorical or civic discourse core for the writing major, address the relationship between rhetoric and composition majors, and review the role of multiliteracies in the major. The field of composition has not come to a consensus on the shape, content, or focus of the undergradutate major. But as individual programs develop and refine their curricula, one thing has become clear: we must think about them in ways that go beyond our particular circumstances, theorize them in ways that secure their place on our campuses and in our discipline for years to come. What We Are Becoming is an effort to do just that."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Giberson, Gregory A.; Moriarty, Thomas A."], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/27"], ["title", "What We Are Becoming: Developments in Undergraduate Writing Majors"], ["doab_id", "14690"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217636"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217636"]], [["description", "The impact of training or experience is not the same at all points in development. Children who receive music lessons, or learn a second language before age 7-8 are more proficient as adults. Early exposure to drugs or trauma makes people more likely to become addicted or depressed later life. Rat pups exposed to specific frequencies from 9-13 days post-partum show expanded cortical representations of these frequencies. Young birds must hear and copy their native song within 1-2 months of birth or they may never learn it at all. These are examples of sensitive periods: developmental windows where maturation and specific experience interact to produce differential long-term effects on the brain and behavior. While still controversial, evidence for the existence of sensitive periods has grown, as has our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of brain plasticity. Behavioral evidence from studies of language, psychopathology or vision in humans has been complemented by evidence elucidating molecular, gene and hormonal mechanisms in animals. It has been proposed that sensitive periods can be both opened and closed by specific experience, and that there are multiple, overlapping sensitive periods that occur through-out development as functions come on line. It is also likely that experience-dependent behavioral or brain plasticity accrued during one sensitive period can serve as a scaffold on which later experience and plasticity can build. Based on current knowledge, there are a number of broad questions and challenges to be addressed in this domain, these include: generating new information about the neurobiological mediators of structural and functional changes; proposing models of brain development that will better predict when sensitive periods should occur and what functions are implicated; investigation of the interaction between experience during a sensitive period and pre-existing individual differences; and the relationship between experience during a sensitive period and on-going experience. The goal of this Research Topic is to bring together scientists in different fields whose work addresses these issues, including animal and human developmental neuroscience, language and cognitive development, education, developmental psychopathology and sensory neuroscience."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Virginia Penhune; Etienne De Villers-Sidani"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["brain plasticity", "early experience", "cognitive development", "Neuro-development", "brain maturation"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1143/what-we-learn-and-when-we-learn-it-sensitive-periods-in-development"], ["title", "What we learn and when we learn it: sensitive periods in development"], ["doab_id", "18659"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193271"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193271"]], [["description", "Is planting grass margins around fields beneficial for wildlife?Which management interventions increase bee numbers in farmland?Does helping migrating toads across roads increase populations?How do you reduce predation on bird populations?What Works in Conservation has been created to provide practitioners with answers to these and many other questions about practical conservation.This book provides an assessment of the effectiveness of 648 conservation interventions based on summarized scientific evidence relevant to the practical global conservation of amphibians, reducing the risk of predation for birds, conservation of European farmland biodiversity and some aspects of enhancing natural pest control and soil fertility. It contains key results from the summarized evidence for each conservation intervention and an assessment of the effectiveness of each by international expert panels. The volume is published in partnership with the Conservation Evidence project and is fully linked to the project's website where more detailed evidence and references can be freely accessed. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Sutherland, William J. (Editor); Dicks, Lynn V.; Ockendon, Nancy; Smith, Rebecca K."], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Conservation", " practical conservation", " effectiveness of intervention", " amphibian conservation", " bird conservation", " farmland conservation", " soil fertility", " pest control"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/347"], ["title", "What Works in Conservation"], ["doab_id", "17337"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783741571", "9781783741595"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783741571/9781783741595"]], [["description", "The world of communication media has undergone massive changes since the mid-1980s. Along with the extraordinary progress in technological capability, it has experienced stunning decreases in costs; a revolutionary opening up of markets (a phenomenon exemplified by but not limited to the rise of the Internet); the advent of new business models; and a striking acceleration in the rate of change. These technological, regulatory, and economic changes have attracted the attention of a large number of researchers, from industry and academe, and given rise to a substantial body of research and data. Significantly less attention has been paid to the people who use new media\u2014whose own rate of adoption and assimilation often lags notably behind the technologies themselves. When Media Are New addresses this research and publishing gap by investigating the human factors involved in technological change and their implications for current and future media. It will find a broad audience ranging from media and communication scholars to historians and organizational theorists to industry professionals."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John Carey and Martin C.J. Elton"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Digital Media--Social Aspects"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.8859947.0001.001"], ["title", "When Media Are New: Understanding the Dynamics of New Media Adoption and Use"], ["doab_id", "14516"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472070855", "9780472050857"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Cloth: 9780472070855 Paper: 9780472050857"]], [["description", "The title to this interdisciplinary collection draws on the Yupik Eskimo belief that seals, fish, and other game are precious gifts that, when treated with respect and care, will return to be hunted again. Just so, if oral traditions are told faithfully and respectfully, they will return to benefit future generations. The contributors to this volume are concerned with the interpretation and representation of oral narrative and how it is shaped by its audience and the time, place, and cultural context of the narration. Thus, oral traditions are understood as a series of dialogues between tradition bearers and their listeners, including those who record, write, and interpret."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Morrow, Phyllis; Schneider , William"], ["date", "1995"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/61"], ["title", "When Our Words Return"], ["doab_id", "14733"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874211955"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874211955"]], [["description", "May Swenson Poetry Award Volume 8, with foreward by J. D. McClatchy. In his Foreword, McClatchy speaks of the musical qualities of Lindsay's work: \"\"It is impossible, reading her poems, not to hear a musical hand at work. This is not just a matter of delicacy or virtuosity. It is also a matter of knowing how to phrase a line... Lindsay moves from detail to trope with utter poise, with an intuitive sense of what to sustain or emphasize. Her language is crisp. I can pick a stanza at random... and praise its plosive energy, its modulated vowels, its variety and elan... Where She Always Was allows us . . . the rare gratification of watching a poet-wonderfully accomplished, quietly persuasive-look back on a lifetime's worth of emotions and calculate their bearing on the present. In her craft is the truth.\"\""], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Lindsay, Frannie"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/swenson_awards/11"], ["title", "Where She Always Was"], ["doab_id", "14773"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214987"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214987"]], [["description", "In an increasingly interconnected world wine market, evolving consumer demands, technologies, and climate have all contributed to large shifts in global patterns of production and consumption of wine. These shifting patterns of wine production and consumption have entailed changes in the vineyard in terms of total area planted, production practices, and the mix of grape varieties grown. In this book, for the first time, we have a detailed empirical picture, country by country and region by region within countries, of which varieties of grapes have been grown where, and how those varietal choices have changed over time. This statistical compendium will be directly useful for anyone interested in knowing about and understanding the changing patterns of production of wine and wine grapes around the world. It also will serve as an invaluable resource for economists and others who seek to analyze those patterns and their causes"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anderson ,Kym; Aryal R. ,Nanda"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["winegrapes", "wine grapes", "wine economics", "global wine markets", "climate change", "grape varieties", "wine data", "world wine market", "wine production", "wine consumption", "varietal choices", "statistical compendium", "wine economy", "kym anderson", "nanda r. aryal"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560372"], ["title", "Which Winegrape Varieties are Grown Where? A Global Empirical Picture"], ["doab_id", "15589"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064684"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064684"]], [["description", "At a time when the Digital Republic Bill is proposing to insert provisions relating to open access in the French Research Code, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), alongside its partners in the ISTEX project, as well as a large number of researchers and actors in the field of public research, are offering via this White Paper the results of their deliberations and analyses.For several years now, the scientific community involved in public research has been arguing for t..."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Scientific and Technical Information Department - CNRS"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", [" open access, open data, open science"]], ["publisher", "OpenEdition Press"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://books.openedition.org/oep/1635"], ["title", "White Paper \u2014 Open Science in a Digital Republic"], ["doab_id", "18991"], ["language_unmapped", "fr"], ["isbns", ["9782821868700"]], ["provider", "OpenEdition Books"], ["isbns_raw", "9782821868700"]], [["description", "Carol Haviland, Joan Mullin, and their collaborators report on a three-year interdisciplinary interview project on the subject of plagiarism, authorship, and \"\"property,\"\" and how these are conceived across different fields. The study investigated seven different academic fields to discover disciplinary conceptions of what types of scholarly production count as \"\"owned.\"\" Less a research report than a conversation, the book offers a wide range of ideas, and the chapters here will provoke discussion on scholarly practice relating to intellectual property, plagiarism, and authorship---and to how these matters are conveyed to students. Although these authors find a good deal of consensus in regard to the ethical issues of plagiarism, they document a surprising variety of practice on the subject of what ownership looks like from one discipline to another. And they discover that students are not often instructed in the conventions of their major field."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Haviland, Carol Peterson; Mullin, Joan A."], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/26"], ["title", "Who Owns This Text?: Plagiarism, Authorship, and Disciplinary Cultures"], ["doab_id", "14689"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874217285"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874217285"]], [["description", "Whose History? aims to illustrate how historical novels and their related genres may be used as an engaging teacher/learning strategy for student teachers in pre-service teacher education courses. It does not argue all teaching of History curriculum in pre-service units should be based on the use of historical novels as a stimulus, nor does it argue for a particular percentage of the use of historical novels in such courses. It simply seeks to argue the case for this particular approach, leaving the extent of the use of historical novels used in History curriculum units to the professional expertise of the lecturers responsible for the units."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rodwell ,Grant"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["education", "history", "grant rodwell", "australian history", "australia", "historical fiction", "student teachers", "student teacher education", "school curriculum", "student engagement", "compulsory history", "historical narratives", "pedagogigal dimensions", "historical literacy", "counterfactual histories", "alternate histories", "time-slip novels", "historicity", "historical agency"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560373"], ["title", "Whose History? Engaging History Students through Historical Fiction"], ["doab_id", "15436"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064509"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064509"]], [["description", "In Whose Man in Havana? the author offers an unconventional, often dark, but more often hilarious view of diplomacy in settings as varied as Haiti, London, the Dominican Republic, the Balkans, Palestine, Paraguay, Guyana, and Kyrgyzstan, including covert monitoring of Soviet military operations in Cuba on behalf of the CIA with the blessing of President Kennedy and Prime Minister Pearson. In a career that spans the Canadian foreign service and international organizations, he was fortunate to be in the right place at interesting, if turbulent, times. Throughout the book he has focussed on the lighter side of people and places, but almost everywhere the dark side intrudes. Graham makes plain that the intersection of the two is frequently black comedy. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John W. Graham"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "https://press.ucalgary.ca/books/9781552388242"], ["title", "Whose Man in Havana? Adventures from the Far Side of Diplomacy"], ["doab_id", "17731"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552388259"]], ["provider", "press.ucalgary.ca"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552388259"]], [["description", "What the self is and where it comes from has been one of the great problems of philosophy for thousands of years. As science and medicine have progressed this question has moved to also become a central one in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. The advent of in vivo brain imaging has now allowed the scientific investigation of the self to progress further than ever. Many such imaging studies have indicated that brain structures along the cortical midline are particularly closely related to self-specific processing. This association between cortical midline structures (CMS) and self is reinforced by the involvement of these regions in other self-oriented processes, such as mind-wandering or stimulus valuation. Those midline regions involved in self- processing also overlap with another network, the default mode network, which shows high brain activity during the so-called resting state, indicating that there may be a special relationship between self-processing and intrinsic activity. Although such promising groundwork linking the self and CMS has been carried out, many questions remain. These include: what features of the midline regions lead to their apparent importance in self-processing? How can we appropriately account for confounding factors such as familiarity or task-effects in our experiments? How is the self-related to other features of the mind, such as consciousness? How is our methodology influencing our attempts to link the self and the brain? The purpose of this ebook is to address some of these questions, including opinions, perspectives, and hypotheses about the concept of the self, the relationship between CMS and the self, and the specific function of these brain regions in self-processing. It also includes original research papers describing EEG, fMRI, and behavioral experiments investigating different aspects of the self."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pengmin Qin; Niall W Duncan; Georg Northoff"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["self", "cortical midline", "resting state", "Default mode", "Mental Disorders", "disorders of consciousness", "fMRI", "EEG", "mirror neuron", "Decision Making"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1098/why-and-how-is-the-self-related-to-the-brain-midline-regions"], ["title", "Why and how is the self related to the brain midline regions?"], ["doab_id", "17774"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889192656"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889192656"]], [["description", "Most artists earn very little. Nevertheless, there is no shortage of aspiring young artists. Do they give to the arts willingly or unknowingly? Governments and other institutions also give to the arts, to raise the low incomes. But their support is ineffective: subsidies only increase the artists' poverty. The economy of the arts is exceptional. Although the arts operate successfully in the marketplace, their natural affinity is with gift-giving, rather than with commercial exchange. People believe that artists are selflessly dedicated to art, that price does not reflect quality, and that the arts are free. But is it true? This unconventional multidisciplinary analysis explains the exceptional economy of the arts. Insightful illustrations from the practice of a visual artist support the analysis.

Kunstenaars verdienen vaak weinig. Toch is er aan jonge kunstenaars geen gebrek! Nemen zij het beperkte financi\u00eble gewin voor lief of weten zij niet beter? De overheid levert een bijdrage om de lage inkomens te compenseren, maar door subsidies lijkt de armoede onder kunstenaars slechts toe te nemen. In deze onconventionele en multidisciplinaire studie analyseert fotograaf, schilder en econoom Hans Abbing de uitzonderlijke economie van de kunsten: wijden kunstenaars zich geheel belangenloos aan hun werk, of laten zij zich wel degelijk leiden door economische motieven."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Abbing ,Hans"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["Culture and institutions", "Historical treatment of fine and decorative arts", "Economics", "Culture and instituten", "Kunst en kunstgeschiedenis", "Economie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340245"], ["title", "Why Are Artists Poor? : The Exceptional Economy of the Arts"], ["doab_id", "12928"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053565650"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053565650"]], [["description", "This book will demonstrate the ability of social theory to provide sets of tools with which to read and interpret current affairs coverage."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rob Stones"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545282"], ["title", "Why Current Affairs Needs Social Theory"], ["doab_id", "17159"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780931814"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780931814"]], [["description", "Why we do what we do is a matter of great interest to everyone, and everyone seems to have had their say about it \u2013 philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, economists, and historians perhaps the most, case by case. Occasionally the specialists have offered their ideas to a general readership, but mostly they prefer to speak to and with their fellows in their particular disciplines. To evaluate and compare their findings in a cross-disciplinary way is now for the first time attempted, by Ramsay MacMullen. Emeritus history professor from Yale University, he is the recipient of various academic awards, including a lifetime Award for Scholarly Distinction from the American Historical Association."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "MacMullen, Ramsay"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Motivation, history, social sciences, culture, emotions"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/455233"], ["title", "Why Do We Do What We Do? Motivation in History and the Social Sciences"], ["doab_id", "16885"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110417593"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110417593"]], [["description", "Quoting is all around us. But do we really know what it means? How do people actually quote today, and how did our present systems come about? This book brings together a down-to-earth account of contemporary quoting with an examination of the comparative and historical background that lies behind it and the characteristic way that quoting links past and present, the far and the near.Drawing from anthropology, cultural history, folklore, cultural studies, sociolinguistics, literary studies and the ethnography of speaking, Ruth Finnegan\u2019s fascinating study sets our present conventions into cross-cultural and historical perspective. She traces the curious history of quotation marks, examines the long tradition of quotation collections with their remarkable recycling across the centuries, and explores the uses of quotation in literary, visual and oral traditions. The book tracks the changing definitions and control of quoting over the millennia and in doing so throws new light on ideas such as 'imitation', 'allusion', 'authorship', 'originality' and 'plagiarism'."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Finnegan, Ruth (Author)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Quoting", "plagiarism", "imitation", "originality", "quotation marks", "cultural history", "cultural anthropology", "quotation", "language", "English", "folklore", "sociolinguistics", "oral traditions", "oral literature"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/75"], ["title", "Why Do We Quote?: The Culture and History of Quotation"], ["doab_id", "14490"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924348"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924348"]], [["description", "The solid rightness of image after image in Ken Brewer's poetry was never better than in Why Dogs Stopped Flying. His familiar style is plain-spoken, his humor reliable and self-ironic. Yet, in this collection perhaps more than in his earlier work, the particularity of the poet's insight into the physical world--and the warmth of his affection for it--combine to create an unexpected transcendence. Beasts and bodies are transformed in his lines, and our dim, unremarkable lives on this shadowed earth become somehow more luminous--small suns opening in the dark, small words to the moon."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Brewer, Ken W."], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/22"], ["title", "Why Dogs Stopped Flying: Poems"], ["doab_id", "14685"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874216455"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874216451"]], [["description", "From paintings and food to illness and icebergs, science is happening everywhere. Rather than follow the path of a syllabus or textbook, Andrew Morris takes examples from the science we see every day and uses them as entry points to explain a number of fundamental scientific concepts \u2013 from understanding colour to the nature of hormones \u2013 in ways that anyone can grasp. While each chapter offers a separate story, they are linked together by their fascinating relevance to our daily lives."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Morris ,Andrew"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Popular Science", "Science", "Substances", "Atoms", "Compounds"]], ["publisher", "UCL Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618490"], ["title", "Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life"], ["doab_id", "19834"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781911307044"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781911307044"]], [["description", "Mormon culture has produced during its history an unusual number of historically valuable personal writings. Few such diaries, journals, and memoirs published have provided as rich and well rounded a window into their authors' lives and worlds as the diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney. Because it provides a rare account of the widely experienced situations and problems faced by widows, her record has relevance far beyond Mormon history though. As a teenager Helen Kimball had been a polygamous wife of Mormon founder Joseph Smith. She subsequently married Horace Whitney. Her children included the noted Mormon author, religious authority, and politician Orson F. Whitney. She herself was a leading woman in her church and society and a writer known especially for her defense of plural marriage. Upon Horace's death, she began keeping a diary. In it, she recorded her economic, physical, and psychological struggles to meet the challenges of widowhood. Her writing was introspective and revelatory. She also commented on the changing society around her, as Salt Lake City in the last decades of the nineteenth century underwent rapid transformation, modernizing and opening up from its pioneer beginnings. She remained a well-connected member of an elite group of leading Latter-day Saint women, and prominent Utah and Mormon historical figures appear frequently in her daily entries. Above all, though, her diary is an unusual record of difficulties faced in many times and places by women, of all classes, whose husbands died and left them without sufficient means to carry on the types of lives to which they had been accustomed."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hatch, Charles M.; Compton, Todd"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/36"], ["title", "A Widow's Tale: 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney"], ["doab_id", "14699"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215571"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215571"]], [["description", "Wie leben und erleben Jugendliche ihren Alltag? Wie nehmen sie die historischen und heutigen Verh\u00e4ltnisse in Deutschland und in der Welt wahr? Was stiftet f\u00fcr sie Sinn? Welche Lebensentw\u00fcrfe verfolgen sie? Welche Rolle spielen Mobilit\u00e4t, Nachhaltigkeit und digitale Medien in ihrem Leben?Diesen und weiteren Fragen geht die SINUS-Jugendstudie 2016 empirisch nach und bildet dabei die Vielfalt der Perspektiven jugendlicher Lebenswelten ab. Das gelingt ihr besonders anschaulich, indem sie 14- bis 17-J\u00e4hrige in Form von zahlreichen Zitaten und kreativen Selbstzeugnissen ungefiltert zu Wort kommen l\u00e4sst. Einzigartig ist auch, dass Jugendliche fotografische Einblicke in ihre Wohnwelten gew\u00e4hren und erstmalig selbst als Interviewer ihre Fragen eingebracht haben. Die SINUS-Jugendstudie verleiht der jungen Generation somit eine \u00f6ffentliche Stimme, die es genau wahrzunehmen gilt. Denn der Blick auf die Jugend ist immer auch ein Blick auf die Zukunft eines Landes.Nach den Vorg\u00e4ngerstudien (2008, 2012) legt das SINUS-Institut bereits die dritte Untersuchung der viel beachteten Reihe \u201eWie ticken Jugendliche?\u201c vor. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marc Calmbach; Silke Borgstedt; Inga Borchard; Peter Martin Thomas; Berthold Bodo Flaig"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["sociology", " social work", " childhood", " adolescence "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-12533-2"], ["title", "Wie ticken Jugendliche 2016?: Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen im Alter von 14 bis 17 Jahren in Deutschland"], ["doab_id", "19074"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783658125325", "9783658125332"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783658125325 (Print) 9783658125332 (Online)"]], [["description", "This volume is the second part of a trilogy on a detailed history of Vienna. It covers the period from the First Turkish Siege (1529) to the death of the Emperor Joseph II (1790). During these centuries the Habsburg dynasty and the court had been shaping predominantly the development of the city and the cultural townscape. In a detailed description fifteen authors give an overall view of the history of the constitution and administration, of the environmental, social, economic, and cultural development. Attention has been mainly focused on an analysis of the structural changes of the city's economy in the early modern period and the structure of the society, especially stressing its consequences in daily life. This historical description is based in many respects on the latest results of recent research. This volume provides the first concise history of Vienna between the 16th and 18th centuries in the last fifty years. It imparts the latest state of research to a wide public, supported by many illustrations and a large bibliography.

Der zweite Band einer auf drei B\u00e4nde konzipierten Stadtgeschichte besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit dem Zeitraum von der Ersten T\u00fcrkenbelagerung (1529) bis zum Tod Josephs II. (1790). Es ist dies eine Periode, in welcher die Dynastie und der Hof die Entwicklung der Stadt und ihr kulturelles Erscheinungsbild wesentlich bestimmten. In einer breit angelegten, quellenorientierten Darstellung vermitteln 15 Autorinnen und Autoren neben einem \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die historischen Ereignisse sowie die Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und Kirchengeschichte ein plastisches Bild der demographischen, gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklung; dabei wird auch umweltrelevanten Aspekten die erforderliche Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Besondere Schwerpunkte, zu denen vielfach neue Forschungsergebnisse vorgelegt werden k\u00f6nnen, bilden die Analyse des strukturellen Wandels der fr\u00fchneuzeitlichen Stadt\u00f6konomie und der Sozialstruktur, wobei insbesondere das Alltagsleben aller Schichten von Stadtbewohnern Ber\u00fccksichtigung findet. Die Geschichte Wiens vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert erf\u00e4hrt in diesem Band erstmals seit \u00fcber f\u00fcnf Jahrzehnten wieder eine kompendi\u00f6se Aufarbeitung, die den letzten Stand historischer Forschung in einer auch breiteren Kreisen zug\u00e4nglichen Darstellung bietet. Dies wird durch eine reiche Bebilderung und eine umfangreiche Bibliographie unterst\u00fctzt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Csendes ,Peter; Opll ,Ferdinand"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["history of Vienna"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437134"], ["title", "Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt"], ["doab_id", "15260"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992677"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205992677"]], [["description", "This volume is the last and final part of a trilogy on a detailed history of Vienna. It covers the period from 1790 until the present times. For the decisive forces as well as the inhabitants of the city this era of the urban development of Vienna has to be counted among the most dramatic periods characterised by a great number of real breaks in history. Napoleonic occupation, the revolution of 1848, the constitutional as well as the economic and social changes from the middle of the 19th century onwards, the final end of the position as \"Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt\" (capital and residential city of the Austro-Hungarian empire) at the end of World War I, the challenging and complicated inter-war-period, Vienna's fate under Nazi-domination, the air raid of World War II and its end as well as the years after 1945 so far never described in such a comprehensive manner - all these events establish the chronological screen for the description and mark decisive incidents being treated here. In a chronological framework six authors arrange a pattern of Vienna's political, social, economic and cultural history. An innovative step is marked by the attempt to give a description of the ever so decisive periods like the \"Fin-de-Si\u00e8cle\" and the complicated years after 1918 considering the intellectual mainstream and including men of letters and their works as contemporary witnesses and references. Vienna's development after 1945 - regarding the political history until the elections of 2001, the social and economic history in some aspects even furthermore - has not been treated in such a profound manner so far.This volume - as its predecessors - imparts the latest state of research to a wide public, supported by many illustrations and a large bibliography as well as a useful register of place names and persons.

Der dritte und abschlie\u00dfende Band einer auf drei B\u00e4nde konzipierten Stadtgeschichte besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit dem Zeitraum von 1790 bis zur Gegenwart. Diese Epoche der Wiener Stadtentwicklung z\u00e4hlt f\u00fcr die gestaltenden Kr\u00e4fte in der Stadt wie auch f\u00fcr deren Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner zweifellos zu den besonders dramatischen, von vielen regelrechten Br\u00fcchen charakterisierten Zeitspannen. Napoleonische Besetzung, die Revolution des Jahres 1848, die konstitutionellen wie die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ver\u00e4nderungen ab der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, das Ende der Stellung als Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt mit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges, die schwierige Epoche der Zwischenkriegszeit, die Geschicke Wiens unter der NS-Herrschaft, die Bombenjahre des Zweiten Weltkrieges und dessen Ende wie nat\u00fcrlich auch die bislang noch niemals derart umfassend behandelten Jahre seit 1945 - all das bildet die Zeitfolie, vor der die Darstellung abl\u00e4uft, markiert einschneidende Geschehnisse, denen sie sich widmet. Sechs Autorinnen und Autoren vermitteln in einem vom Grundsatz her chronologischen Aufbau ein Bild, das verwoben in die (politische) Ereignisgeschichte der sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Entwicklung breiten Raum einr\u00e4umt. Dabei stellt der Versuch, die f\u00fcr Wien so pr\u00e4genden Epochen des \"Fin-de-Si\u00e8cle\" und dann der so ungemein schwierigen Jahre nach 1918 unter starker Ber\u00fccksichtigung geistesgeschichtlicher Str\u00f6mungen und mehrfach mittels des Einbaus literarischer Zeitzeugen bzw. -zeugnisse zu behandeln, einen methodisch durchaus innovativen Weg dar. Die Jahre der Wiener Entwicklung nach 1945, im Hinblick auf die politische Geschichte bis zur Gemeinderats- und Landtagswahl von 2001, bez\u00fcglich der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Ans\u00e4tzen sogar noch dar\u00fcber hinaus, haben bislang noch niemals in derart eingehender Form Darstellung gefunden.Wie schon bei den 2001 und 2003 vorgelegten B\u00e4nden 1 und 2 dieses dreib\u00e4ndigen Werkes gilt auch f\u00fcr den letzten Band das Bem\u00fchen, eine auch breiteren Kreisen zug\u00e4ngliche Darstellung zu bieten. Dies wird durch eine reiche Bebilderung, eine umfangreiche Bibliographie sowie ein Register der Orts- und Personennamen unterst\u00fctzt."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Opll ,Ferdinand; Csendes ,Peter"], ["date", "2006"], ["subject", ["history of Vienna"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437210"], ["title", "Wien - Geschichte einer Stadt"], ["doab_id", "15331"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205992684"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205992684"]], [["description", "The growing integration and participation of the Jewish population in politics, society, culture arts and religion shaped these spheres in Vienna during the time of the First Republic. Social dynamics of the young democracy, interplay of the different Jewish milieus, immigration from Eastern and Southeastern Europe as well as the growing cultural links with Berlin, Budapest, Paris and Prague made Austrian-Jewish culture in all areas of the development of the city of Vienna highly influential. Antidemocratic tendencies, especially antisemitism, influenced both the discourses on current events and inner-Jewish debates such as the role of Jewish religion, acculturation and Zionism.The publication \"Wien und die j\u00fcdische Erfahrung 1900 - 1938. Akkulturation - Antisemitismus, Zionismus\" initiated by Univ.-Prof. Frank Stern and Mag. Barbara Eichinger from the Institute for Contemporary History, University of Vienna, shows the state of the art of research on this subject. The publications focus placed on the current interdisciplinary inclusion of Austrian-Jewish cultural history. The volume of approx. 400 pages presents up-to-date research papers by the contributors as well as an academic discourse among the authors. In order to make this discourse possible, the editors organised a four day international conference in March 2007, where academics presented their research in themed panels and discussed them in an interdisciplinary framework with other experts. The contributions to this volume present this research takting into consideration the discussions among the colleagues at the conference. Those authors who did not participate in the conference and are partly working at American universities (a.o. Harriet Pass Freidenreich, Sander Gilman) provide an insight into current US American research on the subject. The contributions in German and English by 29 authors are organized into the following subject areas: \"Society and politics between acculturation and tradition\" (Steven Beller, Eleonore Lappin, Klaus H\u00f6dl, Albert Lichtblau), \"Music between concert hall and film: Viennese composers of Jewish descent\" (Peter Dusek, Karin Wagner), \"Zionism in Vienna: between coffee house, cultural and political movement\" (Dieter Hecht, Armin Eidherr, Hanno Loewy), \"Cultural transfer between Vienna and Palestine/Israel\" (Klaus Davidowicz, Sandra Goldstein), \"Viennese Jewish milieus 1900 - 1938\" (Evelyn Adunka, Peter Landesmann, Marcus G. Patka, Karin St\u00f6gner), \"Women\u00b4s movements in Vienna\"(Harriet Pass Freidenreich, Elisabeth Malleier, Michaela Raggam-Blesch), \"Identity crises and antisemitism\" (Gabriele Anderl, Elisabeth Brainin and Samy Teicher, Sander Gilman, Siegfried Mattl, Michael Laurence Miller), \"Literature and theater in interwar Vienna\" (Brigitte Dallinger, Werner Hanak, Birgit Peter), \"The Road into the open on stage and screen (Wolfgang M\u00fcller-Funk, Murray G. Hall, Bettina Riedmann).The authors come from research centres in Belgium, Germany, Israel, the USA and Hungary as well as all current research centres on Jewish history in Austria (a.o. Institute for Jewish Studies, Vienna; Institute for History, Salzburg; Center for Jewish Cultural History, Salzburg; Institutte for the History of the Jews in Austria, St. P\u00f6lten; Center for Jewish Studies, Graz; Institute of Contemporary History, Vienna; University of Performing Arts, Vienna; Institut for German Studies, Vienna; Institut for Theater, Film and Media Studies, Vienna; Jewish Museum of the City of Vienna). The volume will be published in the anniversary year 2008 with a preface by the rector of the University of Vienna, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Winckler.

Politik, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Kunst und Religion sind im Wien der Ersten Republik durch eine immense Zunahme der Integration und Partizipation der j\u00fcdischen Bev\u00f6lkerung charakterisiert. Die innergesellschaftliche Dynamik der jungen Demokratie und die Wechselwirkung der verschiedenen j\u00fcdischen Milieus, die Zuwanderungen aus Ost- und S\u00fcdosteuropa sowie die wachsende kulturelle Vernetzung mit Berlin, Budapest, Paris und Prag f\u00fchrten zu einflussreichen Auspr\u00e4gungen der \u00f6sterreichisch-j\u00fcdischen Kultur in allen Bereichen der Entwicklung der Stadt Wien. Antidemokratische Tendenzen, insbesondere der Antisemitismus, beeinflussen sowohl die tagespolitische als auch die innerj\u00fcdischen Diskurse, etwa \u00fcber die Rolle der j\u00fcdischen Religion, der Akkulturation und des Zionismus. Die Publikation \"Wien und die j\u00fcdische Erfahrung 1900 - 1938. Akkulturation, Antisemitismus, Zionismus\", initiiert von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Stern und Mag. Barbara Eichinger am Institut f\u00fcr Zeitgeschichte, Universit\u00e4t Wien, zeigt den State-of-the-Art der Forschung zu diesem Thema. Wobei der Fokus auf der aktuellen interdisziplin\u00e4ren Einbeziehung \u00f6sterreichisch-j\u00fcdischer Kulturgeschichte liegt. Der ca. 400 Seiten umfassende Band pr\u00e4sentiert neben momentanen Forschungsarbeiten der Beitragenden einen gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen Diskurs der AutorInnen untereinander. Um diesen zu erm\u00f6glichen, organisierten die HerausgeberInnen im M\u00e4rz 2007 eine viert\u00e4gige internationale Konferenz, auf der geladene WissenschafterInnen ihre Forschungsarbeiten in themenspezifischen Panels anderen ExpertInnen zur interdisziplin\u00e4ren Diskussion stellten. Die Pr\u00e4sentation ihrer fortgeschrittenen Forschungsarbeit unter Ber\u00fccksichtigung der Diskussionen unter KollegInnen w\u00e4hrend der Konferenz in die Beitr\u00e4ge des vorliegenden Bandes integriert worden. Jene AutorInnen, die nicht an der Konferenz teilgenommen hatten und teilweise an amerikanischen Universit\u00e4ten t\u00e4tig sind (u.a. Harriet Pass-Freidenreich, Sander Gilman), zeigen mit ihren Essays ein Bild der gegenw\u00e4rtigen US-amerikanischen Forschung zum Thema.Die in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfassten Beitr\u00e4ge der 30 AutorInnen finden sich in folgenden Themengebieten wieder: \"Gesellschaft und Politik zwischen Akkulturation und Tradition\" (Steven Beller, Eleonore Lappin, Klaus H\u00f6dl, Albert Lichtblau), \"Musik zwischen Konzertsaal und Film: Wiener Komponisten j\u00fcdischer Herkunft (Peter Dusek, Karin Wagner), \"Zionismus in Wien: Zwischen Kaffeehaus, kultureller und politischer Bewegung\" (Dieter Hecht, Armin Eidherr, Hanno Loewy), \"Kulturtransfer zwischen Wien und Pal\u00e4stina/Israel\" (Klaus Davidowicz, Sandra Goldstein), \"Wiener j\u00fcdische Milieus 1900 - 1938\" (Evelyn Adunka, Peter Landesmann, Marcus G. Patka, Karin St\u00f6gner), \"Frauenbewegungen in Wien\" (Harriet Pass-Freidenreich, Elisabeth Malleier, Michaela Raggam-Blesch), \"Identit\u00e4tskrisen und Antisemitismus\" (Gabriele Anderl, Elisabeth Brainin und Samy Teicher, Sander Gilman, Siegfried Mattl, Michael Laurence Miller), \"Literatur und Theater im Wien der Zwischenkriegszeit\" (Brigitte Dalinger, Werner Hanak, Birgit Peter), \"Der Weg ins Freie auf B\u00fchne und Leinwand\" (Wolfgang M\u00fcller-Funk, Murray G. Hall, Bettina Riedmann).Mit den AutorInnen sind neben Forschungsst\u00e4tten in Belgien, Deutschland, Israel den USA und Ungarn alle gegenw\u00e4rtigen Forschungsst\u00e4tten zur j\u00fcdischen Geschichte in \u00d6sterreich (u.a. Institut f\u00fcr Judaistik Wien; Institut f\u00fcr Geschichte Salzburg; Zentrum f\u00fcr J\u00fcdische Kulturgeschichte Salzburg; Institut f\u00fcr Geschichte der Juden in \u00d6sterreich, St. P\u00f6lten; Zentrum f\u00fcr j\u00fcdische Studien, Graz; Institut f\u00fcr Zeitgeschichte Wien; Universit\u00e4t f\u00fcr darstellende Kunst Wien; Institut f\u00fcr Germanistik Wien; Institut f\u00fcr Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft Wien; J\u00fcdisches Museum der Stadt Wien) vertreten. Der Band soll mit einem Vorwort des Rektors der Universit\u00e4t Wien, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Winckler, im Gedenkjahr 2008 erscheinen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stern ,Frank; Eichinger ,Barabara"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["cultural history, Jewish Culture and History, Theatre, Film- and Media-Studies, Austrian History, Antisemitism, Sociology"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437175"], ["title", "Wien und die j\u00fcdische Erfahrung 1900-1938"], ["doab_id", "15300"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783176"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783176"]], [["description", "There are some strange stories heard in Viennese jazz scene. Already in the second half of the 1950s, two art students, who were in touch with painters like Arnulf Rainer, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Ernst Fuchs, experimented with free improvisation \u2013 years before this music had a name even in the country of its origin, in the USA. Already in 1961, they did their first official concert \u2013 which might be not only the first Austrian free jazz concert, but one of the first performances of this music in whole Europe. While running an own gallery between 1959 and 1965 and hosting the whole Viennese art scene, they continued to develop their music. It wasn\u2019t until 1966 that they had their first Viennese concert as \u201cMasters of Unorthodox Jazz\u201d (MoUJ), and, finally, the year 1969 brought a (modest) breaktrough with a scandalized appearance at the Austrian jazz festival at Vienna Konzerthaus and the release of their first record \u201cOverground\u201d \u2013 with cover art by Arnulf Rainer. The art scene remained the main audience until the end of the MoUJ in 1975: There were concerts at the Viennese \u201cMuseum of 20th century\u201d, there was a second record with a provocative cover by Franz Ringel. Composers like Kurt Schwertsik and Otto M. Zykan showed interest in this unique free improvised music, Austria\u2019s most famous photographer Franz Hubmann took photos, avantgarde filmmaker Kurt Kren used parts of his MoUJ concert-films for his experimental works.Another group, the \u201cReform Art Unit\u201d (RAU) led by multi-instrumentalist Fritz Novotny until today, took over the torch. They came out of another non-music scene: the so-called \u201cFreundeskreis\u201d (circle of friends) around writer Rolf Schwendter. Partly in touch with the MoUJ, the RAU developed a completely different style of free improvisation, on the one hand inspired by contemporary Austrian composers (Giselher Smekal, G\u00fcnther Rabl, Mia Zabelka), on the other hand by oriental music: The debut \u201cDarjeeling\u201d (1970) was recorded with Indian sitar player Ram Chandra Mistry. In later years they became aware of their personal connections to twelve-tone composer Josef Matthias Hauer, filling the term of \u201cViennese school of improvised music\u201d with sonic contents.This work tries to point out the historic chronology of these two groundbreaking but internationally little known groups a) within the context of Austrian jazz history and b) within the context of European free jazz, which is called the movement of double liberation, due to the fact that many improvisers of the Old World for the first time stopped imitating American musicians and became aware of their own cultural roots. So this book reveals an unusual perspective on Austrian cultural history after 1945.

Seltsame Kauze sollen das gewesen sein. Und ebenso bizarr wie spannend ist vieles, was \u00fcber sie an Ger\u00fcchten und Geschichten kursiert. Zwei sollen Kunststudenten gewesen sein, ein anderer Jazzbassist, wieder ein anderer klassischer Fagottist im Grazer Philharmonischen Orchester. Nebenbei sollen sie schon in den 50er-Jahren frei improvisierten Jazz gespielt haben, wie er anderswo in Europa erst wesentlich sp\u00e4ter praktiziert wurde - der konservativen \u00f6sterreichischen Musikszene zum Trotz. Dementsprechend h\u00f6rt man von Skandalen, die auf der Tagesordnung gestanden sein sollen. Offenbar auch, weil sich das Anders-Sein der jungen M\u00e4nner, um die es hier geht, in ihrer Konvertierung zum Islam und sp\u00e4ter zur Baha'i-Religion manifestierte, was sie in so exotisch-kriegerischen Namen wie Harun Ghulam Barabbas oder Richard Ahmad Pechoc zur Schau trugen.Anekdoten- und mythenumrankt sind die Berichte, die man aus der Fr\u00fchzeit der Wiener Free-Jazz-Avantgarde vernimmt, die sich im Wesentlichen auf die beiden Formationen der \"Masters of Unorthodox Jazz\" (MoUJ) und der \"Reform Art Unit\" (RAU) reduzieren l\u00e4sst. Je st\u00e4rker das retrospektive Bild durch Musiker-Garn, Fehlinformation und Datenmangel verunklart wird, desto sensationsl\u00fcsterner und phantasievoller bl\u00fchen Spekulationen und Mutma\u00dfungen \u00fcber jene erstaunlicherweise nicht einmal besonders weit zur\u00fcck liegenden Jahre. \"Der Schrecklichste der Schrecken\" titelte etwa 1992 ein Artikel in einer Wiener Kultur-Zeitschrift, in dem Walter Muhammad Malli, das einzige heute noch als Musiker aktive Mitglied der MoUJ, kurz vor der Premiere von Peter Zachs ihm gewidmeten Film-Portr\u00e4t abgehandelt wurde. Das mit MoUJ und RAU assoziierte Geschichtsbild oszilliert heute zwischen als Topoi zu bezeichnenden Klischeevorstellungen: jener der skurrilen Provokateure, der Scharlatanerie verd\u00e4chtigen Dilettanten einerseits, sowie der der verkannten, isolierten Avantgardisten, die internationale Entwicklungen antizipierten. Die vorliegende Arbeit bringt Licht in dieses bislang g\u00e4nzlich unaufgearbeitete Kapitel \u00f6sterreichischer Musikgeschichte. Und wirft in der grundlegenden, kritischen Darstellung der chronologischen Ereignisabfolge \u00fcber den prim\u00e4ren Gegenstand hinaus Schlaglichter auf die \u00f6sterreichische, insbesondere die Wiener Nachkriegskunstszene. Die Chronologie setzt Mitte der 50er Jahre an, als zwei junge Kunststudenten, Sch\u00fcler sowohl von Carl Unger an der \"Angewandten\" als auch von Albert Paris G\u00fctersloh an der Akademie der bildenden K\u00fcnste, ihre gemeinsame Begeisterung f\u00fcr den Jazz entdecken und vorerst ausschlie\u00dflich im privaten K\u00e4mmerlein zu experimentieren beginnen. K\u00fcnstler-Lokale wie die \"Adebar\" und des Caf\u00e9 Havelka sind Stamm-Domizile der heranreifenden Maler und Zeichner, die sich u. a. als Assistenten von Arnulf Rainer und Friedensreich Hundertwasser verdingen sowie von Ernst Fuchs gef\u00f6rdert werden, dar\u00fcber hinaus in fl\u00fcchtigen Kontakt mit den Exponenten der \"Wiener Gruppe\" kommen (und so Zeugen des 2. \"Literarischen Cabarets\" 1959 werden). 1959 er\u00f6ffnen die beiden, kaum 20-j\u00e4hrig, in Wien-Landstra\u00dfe ihre eigene \"Galerie zum Roten Apfel\", in der bis 1965 die gesamte Wiener Szeneprominenz ein und aus geht, und in der neben eigenen Werken jene von Martha Jungwirth, J\u00fcrgen Leskowa, Hermann Painitz, Othmar Zechyr, einmal auch von Hermann Nitsch u.v.a. ausgestellt werden. W\u00e4hrenddessen dient die Galerie auch als Zentrum f\u00fcr die kontinuierlich weiter betriebenen musikalischen Versuche. Deren erste \u00f6ffentliche Pr\u00e4sentation bezeichnenderweise nicht in Wien, sondern im neu gegr\u00fcndeten Grazer Forum Stadtpark stattfindet und auch dort nur w\u00fctende Pfiffe von Seiten des Publikums erntet. Erst 1966, als die beiden Galeriebetreiber bereits Aufnahme in die K\u00fcnstlervereinigung \"Der Kreis\" gefunden haben, k\u00f6nnen sie und ihre Mitstreiter als \"Masters of Unorthodox Jazz\" in Wien deb\u00fctieren. Das Jahr 1969 bringt mit einem skandalumwitterten Konzert beim Amateur-Jazzfestival im Wiener Konzerthaus und dem Platten-Erstling \"Overground\" - f\u00fcr dessen Cover-Gestaltung Arnulf Rainer gewonnen werden kann - so etwas wie einen (bescheidenen) Durchbruch. Doch signifikanterweise wird die Musik der MoUJ auch bis zu deren Aufl\u00f6sung 1975 mehr in K\u00fcnstler- als in Musikerkreisen rezipiert. Statt Jazzclubs dient das Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts als prim\u00e4re Heimst\u00e4tte; Komponisten wie Kurt Schwertsik und Otto M. Zykan, der Architekt G\u00fcnther Feuerstein, Maler wie Alfred Ringel (der das Cover der zweiten und letzten LP gestaltet) z\u00e4hlen zu den Besuchern; Franz Hubmann fotografiert, Kurt Kren filmt und verwendet Sequenzen dieses Materials in einem seiner Experimentalstreifen. Ihren letzten bedeutenden Auftritt absolvieren die \"Masters\" im Oktober 1974 im Rahmen des Musikprotokolls im Steirischen Herbst.Die j\u00fcngere \"Reform Art Unit\" besteht unter der Leitung von Multiinstrumentalist Fritz Novotny indessen bis heute fort. Wie der Name indiziert, stellt auch ihr Substrat kein ausschlie\u00dflich musikalisches dar: Dieses bedeutet vielmehr der Ende der 50er-Jahre entstandene \"Freundeskreis\" um den heute an der Kasseler Gesamthochschule als Professor f\u00fcr Devianzforschung lehrenden Schriftsteller und \"Enzyklop\u00e4disten\" Rolf Schwendter (der die Erfahrungen in jenem losen, offenen Interessentennetzwerk sp\u00e4ter zu seiner 1973 publizierten \"Theorie der Subkultur\" ausarbeitet). Auch in diesem Kreis verkehren sp\u00e4ter bekannte Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten wie die Literaten Robert Schindel und Thomas Rothschild. In diesem Umfeld entschlie\u00dft sich Novotny Mitte der 60er Jahre, bis dato unentschieden, ob er seinen lyrischen oder seinen musikalischen Neigungen nachgeben soll, frei improvisierte Musik zu machen. Im Gegensatz zu den \"Masters\", die sich als hermetische, klandestine Gruppe verstehen, ist die RAU ein offenes Forum f\u00fcr Interessierte und dementsprechend von zeitweise starker personeller Fluktuation gepr\u00e4gt. Wiewohl ihre musikalische Ausrichtung einerseits st\u00e4rker in Richtung sog. \"E-Musik\" (durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Komponisten wie Giselher Smekal, Bruno Liberda, G\u00fcnther Rabl, sp\u00e4ter Mia Zabelka), andererseits in Richtung Folklore und orientalische Musik geht (die Deb\u00fct-LP \"Darjeeling\" wird mit dem aus Kalkutta stammenden Sitar-Meister Ram Chandra Mistry eingespielt), kommt es dabei auch zu personellen \u00dcberlappungen mit den MoUJ. W\u00e4hrend Letztere zeit ihres Bestehens keinerlei Ambitionen bez\u00fcglich internationaler Anerkennung und Kontakte entwickeln, kooperiert die RAU im Laufe der Jahre auch mit so bedeutenden Granden der improvisierten Musik wie Anthony Braxton, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Evan Parker oder - zuletzt regelm\u00e4\u00dfig - mit Sunny Murray.Im Text erfolgt die Darstellung der Entwicklung der beiden Formationen und ihrer Nebengruppen vor einem zweifachen kontextuellen Raster: Einerseits dem der \u00f6sterreichischen Jazzgeschichte, zum anderen aber dem des europ\u00e4ischen Free Jazz, dem in der \"Zertr\u00fcmmerung\" traditioneller Jazz-Normen und der Abwendung vom verpflichtenden amerikanischen Stil-Vorbild die Funktion einer \"doppelten Befreiung\" zugeschrieben wird. Weshalb neben der historiographisch-chronologischen Arbeit insbesondere jenen musikalischen und \u00e4sthetischen Auspr\u00e4gungen besonderes Augen- und Ohrenmerk gilt, durch die eine Besinnung auf die eigenen lokalen oder regionalen Wurzeln und eine Abgrenzung gegen\u00fcber amerikanischen Musikern und Praktiken, sprich: eine \"europ\u00e4ische\" Identit\u00e4t, sp\u00fcrbar wird. Angedeutet soll diesbez\u00fcglich nur werden, dass die Proklamation einer \"Wiener Schule frei improvisierter Musik\", mit der \"Masters\"-Bassist Toni Michlmayr 1969 seine ideelle Verbundenheit zu Leben und Musik Sch\u00f6nbergs, Weberns und Bergs zum Ausdruck bringt, europaweit eine exzeptionelle Erscheinung darstellt. Wie auch der Umstand, dass die RAU diesen Terminus Jahrzehnte sp\u00e4ter aufgreift und tats\u00e4chlich mit musikalischem Inhalt f\u00fcllt - nicht zuf\u00e4llig in einer Zeit, als sich einige ihrer langj\u00e4hrigen Mitglieder ihrer Pr\u00e4gung durch die Zw\u00f6lftonspiel-Lehre Josef Matthias Hauers bewusst werden, die sie als dessen \"Enkelsch\u00fcler\" in ihrer Jugend erfahren haben. Diese Zusammenh\u00e4nge zwischen afroamerikanischer musikalischer Inspiration und der Reflexion eigener kultureller Traditionen, zwischen instrumentalem und bildnerischem Schaffen, wird hier breiter Raum gewidmet. Aufgrund der schlechten Quellenlage wurde das historische Basismaterial in einer langen Serie von Oral history-Interviews erarbeitet. Nach kritischer Pr\u00fcfung direkt in den Text interpoliert, verlebendigen diese einen aus ungew\u00f6hnlicher (Jazz-)Perspektive gestalteten Beitrag zur \u00f6sterreichischen Kulturgeschichte nach 1945."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Felber ,Andreas"], ["date", "2005"], ["subject", ["Vienna, Jazz, Reform Art Unit, Masters of Unorthodox Jazz, Avantgarde, Jazz, Free Jazz, Avantgarde Jazz, Avantgarde in Vienna, Avantgarde in Austria, Jazz in Austria, Masters of Unorthodox Jazz, Reform Art Unit, Free Improvisation, Free Improvised Music"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=474230"], ["title", "Die Wiener Free-Jazz-Avantgarde: Revolution im Hinterzimmer"], ["doab_id", "15987"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205772569"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205772569"]], [["description", "Characteristic for all contributions to the Wiener Jahrbuch in 2010 is the presentation of latest research findings with the help of methodological refinements. Thus Assaf Pinkus suggests a new interdisciplinary approach for trecento painting, which brings the viewer's perceptions into an analysis of image creation. Milena Bartlov\u00e1, on the other hand, addresses the little considered subject of the iconoclasm of Bohemian Hussites. An important finding is that Hussitism was unable to give up the image in its medieval function, since the printed book - which could have taken over the communicative qualities of the image - had not yet been invented. Giovan Battista Fidanza also deals with a little considered subject - namely Michelangelo as wood carver. He is able to demonstrate convincingly that Michelangelo applied prefabricated blocks of limewood in the assemblage of his wooden crucifixes.The four subsequent articles are dedicated to Baroque art. Eckhart Leuschner defines the Baroque allegory as a constant and internationally standardised deployment of formal and semantic possibilities. At the centre of Kristoffer Neville's contribution is an early version of Fischer von Erlach's Entwurff einer historischen Architectur, with the help of which the creative process of Fischer's main architectural-theoretical work is reconstructed. In the complicated memoria programme of the state sarcophagus finished for Franz Stephan and Maria Theresia in 1754 in the crypt of the Vienna Capuchin Church, Werner Telesko identifies both Antique and Christian strands of tradition. Werner Hofmann, meanwhile, recognises the 1711 endowment decree for Lothar Franz von Sch\u00f6nborn as an inofficial foundation source for Schloss Pommersfelden and traces a 'hypertext' within the decree, which represents the key for the building's iconography.The amateur drawings of the Habsburgs from the 19th century are comprehended by Kerstin Merkel as autonomous non-verbal sources and integrated with historical information. Iris Wien, by contrast, sets two self-portraits of Andy Wahrhol within his known oeuvre and convincingly suggests an interpretation as Medusa.In the last four contributions to the volume, the Memorabilia, important contemporary historical documents for the history of the Vienna School are published and made accessible. Alexandra Caruso edits the memoirs of Erica Tietze Conrat. The letters of Wilde, presented by K\u00e1roly K\u00f3kai, provide insights into events within the circles of Vienna art history at that time. Evonne Levy publishes for the first time a selection of letters written by Hans Sedlmayr to Meyer Schapiro in the period 1930-35. Charles Hope succeeds in portraying in convincing complexity the scholarly range of Sir Ernst Gombrich.

Kennzeichnend f\u00fcr alle Beitr\u00e4ge des Wiener Jahrbuches 2010 ist die Pr\u00e4sentation neuester Forschungserkenntnisse mit Hilfe methodischer Raffinessen. So schl\u00e4gt Assaf Pinkus einen interdisziplin\u00e4ren Zugang f\u00fcr die Trecento-Malerei vor, der Wahrnehmungen des Betrachters in die Analyse der Bilderfindung einbezieht. Milena Bartlov\u00e1 hingegen wendet sich der wenig beachteten Thematik des Bildersturms b\u00f6hmischer Hussiten zu. Wichtig ist ihre Erkenntnis, dass der Hussitismus das Bild in seiner mittelalterlichen Funktion nicht aufgeben konnte, weil der Buchdruck noch nicht erfunden war, der die kommunikativen Eigenschaften des Bildes h\u00e4tte \u00fcbernehmen k\u00f6nnen. Auch Giovan Battista Fidanza besch\u00e4ftigt sich mit einem wenig beachteten Thema - n\u00e4mlich Michelangelo als Holzbildhauer. Er kann \u00fcberzeugend nachweisen, dass Michelangelo f\u00fcr seine Holzkruzifixe in Assemblagetechnik vorgefertigte Bl\u00f6cke aus Lindenholz verwendete.Die vier folgenden Themen sind der barocken Kunst gewidmet. Die barocke Allegorie definiert Eckhard Leuschner als konstantes und international vereinheitlichtes Dispositiv formaler und semantischer M\u00f6glichkeiten. In Kristoffer Nevilles Aufsatz steht eine fr\u00fche Version Fischer von Erlachs Entwurff einer historischen Architectur im Mittelpunkt, mit Hilfe derer der Entstehungsprozess von Fischers architekturtheoretischem Hauptwerk rekonstruiert wird. In dem komplizierten Memoria-Programm des 1754 gefertigten Prunksarkophags f\u00fcr Franz Stephan und Maria Theresia in der Wiener Kapuzinergruft kann Werner Telesko die beiden Traditionsstr\u00e4nge Antike und Christentum auffinden. Indes erkennt Werner Hofmann das Dotationsdekret von 1711 f\u00fcr Lothar Franz von Sch\u00f6nborn als inoffizielle Gr\u00fcndungsurkunde des Schlosses Pommersfelden und sp\u00fcrt in dem Dekret einen \"Hypertext\" auf, der der Schl\u00fcssel f\u00fcr die Ikonographie des Geb\u00e4udes ist.Die Laienzeichnungen der Habsburger aus dem 19. Jahrhundert begreift Kerstin Merkel als eigenst\u00e4ndige, nonverbale Quellen und vernetzt diese mit historischen Informationen. Iris Wien dagegen verortet zwei Selbstbildnisse Andy Wahrhols in seinem bisherigen Oeuvre und schl\u00e4gt eine stichhaltige Interpretation als Medusa vor. In den vier letzten Beitr\u00e4gen dieses Bandes, den Memorabilia, werden wichtige zeitgeschichtliche Dokumente f\u00fcr die Geschichte der Wiener Schule publiziert und lesbar gemacht. Alexandra Caruso gibt Erinnerungen Erica Tietze Conrats heraus. Die von K\u00e1roly K\u00f3kai bearbeiteten Briefe Wildes erm\u00f6glichen Einblicke in die Ereignisse innerhalb der Kreise der damaligen Wiener Kunstgeschichte. Evonne Levy publiziert zum ersten Mal eine Auswahl an Briefen, die Hans Sedlmayr an Meyer Schapiro in der Zeit von 1930-1935 sendet. Charles Hope gelingt es, die wissenschaftliche Vielf\u00e4ltigkeit Sir Ernst Gombrichs in einer bestechenden Komplexit\u00e4t darzustellen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Aurenhammer ,Hans H.; Schwarz ,Michael Viktor"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["research, baroque art, methodology, modern art, medieval art, historiography"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574828"], ["title", "Wiener Jahrbuch f\u00fcr Kunstgeschichte"], ["doab_id", "17422"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205786740"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205786740"]], [["description", "The presented book, the amplified proceedings of the symposium \"Das Wiener Klavier 1850\", held at Neue Burg (Vienna) in 2003 combines as regards content recent organological and biographical research, answers questions concerning the original-instrument performance of the romantic period and focuses on technological features in the making of the Viennese pianoforte. In the 2nd half of the 18th century Vienna became the European centre of production of pianofortes whereas the typical Viennese pianoforte-sound, evolved from special technological and constructional parameters, acted as a stimulant on composers and interprets. Many instrument makers - some of them originally German - working and living in Vienna contributed to this uplifting evolution with their innovative work for the Austrian Court or simply as civic craftsmen. A quite impressive amount of material about their biographies and contracts was investigated and is an integral part of the publication. With the beginning of the 19th century firms in Paris and London were of utmost importance for the pianoforte industry. Broadwood and Erard for instance in an international terrain and started an early mass-production of instruments based on the English action. Beside these instruments the Viennese pianoforte with its German action could not easily compete with. The book contains the analysis of the manufacturing techniques of the Viennese pianoforte and of the company organisations respectively the corporate structures of the comparatively small businessmen in the Austrian region and the Hapsburg Crown lands particularly with regard to the interactions between the Viennese, German and Italian workshops. Moreover the variants in aesthetic design and development of the Viennese pianofortes until the time by 1850 are pointed out and results of recent dendrochronological research of instruments preserved by renowned collections are published in this book.

Der vorliegende Band ist der stark erweiterte Bericht des 2003 in dern Neuen Burg Wien abgehaltenen Symposiums \"Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850\". Inhaltlich verbindet diese Publikation die aktuelle organologische sowie biographische Forschung, beantwortet Fragen zur Auff\u00fchrungspraxis der Romantik und diskutiert instrumentenbauliche Merkmale des Wiener Klaviers. Ab der 2.H\u00e4lfte des 18. Jhs. entwickelte sich Wien zum Zentrum ds Hammerklavierbaus, wobei der typisch wienerische Klavierklang, der aufgrund spezifischer technischer und baulicher Parameter entstand, Inspiration f\u00fcr Komponisten und Interpreten war. Zu dieser Entwicklung trugen vor allem die in Wien ans\u00e4ssigen Instrumentenmacher (Christoph, Leydecker, Moyse, Stein, Streicher etc.) bei, die f\u00fcr den Hof oder als b\u00fcrgerliche Handwerker t\u00e4tig waren und innovative L\u00f6sungen in den Klavierbau brachten und \u00fcber deren Biographie Neues berichtet wird. Im fr\u00fchen 19. Jh. traten neben Wien auch Paris und London mit Firmen auf, die international operierten und gr\u00f6\u00dfere St\u00fcckzahlen auf den Markt brachten.Broadwood und Erard definierten ein neues auf der Sto\u00dfzungenmechanik basierendes Klangideal, neben dem sich die Wiener Klaviere mit ihrer Prellzungenmechanik nur schwer behaupten konnten. Im vorliegenden Band werden die fertigungstechnischen Spezifika des Wiener Klaviers sowie die Betriebsorganisation und Unternehmensstruktur der vergleichsweise kleineren Unternehmer im Raum \u00d6sterreich und den Kronl\u00e4ndern analysiert, wobei der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung der Wiener, deutschen und italienischen Werkst\u00e4tten gro\u00dfe Aufmerksamkeit zuteil wird. Weiters werden die Varianten der \u00e4sthetischen Entwicklung und des Designs der Wiener Klaviere bis 1850 aufgezeigt, sowie dendrochronologische Untersuchungsergebnisse zu den Instrumenten internationaler renommierter Sammlungen ver\u00f6ffentlicht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Darmst\u00e4dter ,Beatrix; Huber ,Alfons; Hopfner ,Rudolf"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["pianoforte, history of piano, instrument makers, piano design, piano action, dendrochronology"]], ["publisher", "Musikantiquariat und Verlag Hans Schneider"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437162"], ["title", "Das Wiener Klavier bis 1850"], ["doab_id", "15287"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783795212438"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783795212438"]], [["description", "Poverty and beggars have always been a part of the city of Vienna. Between 1443 and 1693 only beggars with beggars\u2019 badges (\u201eStadtzeichen\u201c) were authorised to beg. The contextualisation, edition and analysis of a beggars\u2019 directory (\u201cStadtzeichnerbuch\u201d) dating from the seventeenth century (1678\u20131685) reveals the living circumstances of more than 900 poor people which can hardly be found in other sources.

Armut und Bettel waren auch in der Vergangenheit ein Teil des Wiener Stadtbilds. Zwischen 1443 und 1693 durften nur die mit einem Bettelzeichen (\u201eStadtzeichen\u201c) versehenen \u201eStadtzeichnerInnen\u201c offiziell betteln. Die Kontextualisierung, Edition und Auswertung eines von 1678 bis 1685 reichenden Bettlerverzeichnisses (\u201eStadtzeichnerbuch\u201c) pr\u00e4sentiert die Lebenswelten von 920 armen und bettelnden Menschen, die aus anderen Quellen kaum erschlossen werden k\u00f6nnen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pichlkastner ,Sarah"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["beggars, beggars \u2019 directory, poverty, poor relief, source edition, Vienna, Early Modern Period", "Bettler, Bettlerverzeichnis, Armut, Armenf\u00fcrsorge, Quellenedition, Wien, Fr\u00fche Neuzeit"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=471170"], ["title", "Das Wiener Stadtzeichnerbuch 1678-1685"], ["doab_id", "15950"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795216"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795216"]], [["description", "When most people think of wikis, the first\u2014and usually the only\u2014thing that comes to mind is Wikipedia. The editors of Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom, Robert E. Cummings and Matt Barton, have assembled a collection of essays that challenges this common misconception, providing an engaging and helpful array of perspectives on the many pressing theoretical and practical issues that wikis raise. Written in an engaging and accessible manner that will appeal to specialists and novices alike, Wiki Writing draws on a wealth of practical classroom experiences with wikis to offer a series of richly detailed and concrete suggestions to help educators realize the potential of these new writing environments."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Robert E. Cummings and Matt Barton, Editors"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["English language -- Rhetoric -- Study and teaching (Higher)", "Academic writing -- Study and teaching (Higher)", "Internet publishing", "User-generated content"]], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://hdl.handle.net/2027/spo.5871848.0001.001"], ["title", "Wiki Writing: Collaborative Learning in the College Classroom"], ["doab_id", "14501"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472116713", "9780472024513"]], ["provider", "Handle Proxy"], ["isbns_raw", "Paper: 9780472116713 Ebook Formats: 9780472024513"]], [["description", "Historical scholarship and the digital humanities are still struggling to come to terms with the rise of Wikipedia, which has grown prodigiously in the last decade. Because of its enormous range, Wikipedia has made a significant impact on popular historical understanding. The contributors analyze Wikipedia as an external challenge to scholarship and sound out potential opportunities for collaboration with Wikipedia in research and teaching."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Nemitz, J\u00fcrgen; Rohwedder, Uwe; Wozniak, Thomas"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["History, Theory, Methods"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/433564"], ["title", "Wikipedia and Historical Scholarship"], ["doab_id", "17939"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110376340", "9783110376357", "9783110398717"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110376340, 9783110376357, 9783110398717"]], [["description", "As the first collection of literary criticism focusing on Alberta writers, Wild Words establishes a basis for identifying Alberta fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction as valid subjects of study in their own right. By critically situating and assessing specific Alberta authors according to genre, this volume continues the work begun with Melnyk's Literary History of Alberta."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Donna Coates; George Melnyk"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["literary criticism", "Alberta writers", "Alberta literature"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120153"], ["title", "Wild Words: Essays on Alberta Literature"], ["doab_id", "14475"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425305", "9781897425312"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425305 9781897425312"]], [["description", "This engaging book explores how the need for electricity at the turn of the century affected and shaped Banff National Park. Today's conservationists and energy researchers will find much to think about in this tale of Alberta's early need for electricity, entrepreneurial greed, debates over aboriginal ownership of the river, moving park boundaries to accommodate hydro-electric initiatives, the importance of water for tourism, rural electrification, and the ultimate diversion to coal-produced electricity. It is also a lively national story, involving the irrepressible and impetuous Max Aitkin (later Lord Beaverbook), R.B. Bennett (local legal advisor and later prime minister), and a series of local politicians and bureaucrats whose contributions confuse and conflate issues along the way."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Christopher Armstrong; H. V. Nelles"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Calgary Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/1880/49374/20/UofC__WildernessWaterpower_2013.pdf"], ["title", "Wilderness and Waterpower: How Banff National Park Became a Hydroelectric Storage Reservoir"], ["doab_id", "15361"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781552386347"]], ["provider", "Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary"], ["isbns_raw", "9781552386347"]], [["description", "Da Blake a Yeats. Sistemi simbolici e costruzioni poetiche is an investigation into the \u2013 from many aspects decisive \u2013 influence that the symbolic system and visionary poetry of the great English romantic William Blake had on the imagination of William Butler Yeats from his earliest youth. This authentic poetic and visionary apprenticeship in the work of Blake, which culminated in 1893 in the edition in three volumes accompanied by an exhaustive introduction and commentary: The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical, was decisive for the formation of the symbolic system that was to nourish all Yeats' poetry. Adopting an approach to the reading that unfurls from an initial analysis of Blake's poetic corpus, and hence from the mythical-symbolic pantheon that surfaces from this, the book then traces Yeats' initial particular hodos chameliontos, profoundly marked by magical and esoteric experiences, subsequently entering into the meanders of the aesthetic, philosophical and poetic interrelations between the symbolic system of William Blake and that of W. B. Yeats. Da Blake a Yeats illuminates how The Works of William Blake represents the first genuine formalisation of Blakeian and esoteric teachings within Yeats' system, while also representing, for Yeats himself, a keystone in his vision of Blake and an inexhaustible spring for the evolution of his symbolic system and his imagination.

Da Blake a Yeats. Sistemi simbolici e costruzioni poetiche \u00e8 una indagine sull'influsso, per molti aspetti determinante, che il sistema simbolico e la poesia visionaria del grande romantico inglese, William Blake, ebbero sull'immaginazione di William Butler Yeats fin dalla sua giovinezza. Decisivo ai fini della formazione del sistema simbolico yeatsiano che avrebbe nutrito tutta la sua poesia, fu per lui quel vero e proprio apprendistato poetico e visionario sull'opera di Blake, che si concluse nel 1893 con una edizione in tre volumi, riccamente introdotta e commentata: The Works of William Blake Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. Adottando un percorso di lettura che si snoda a partire dall'analisi del corpus poetico blakiano e quindi dal pantheon mitico-simbolico che da esso affiora, per poi attraversare il primo particolare hodos chameliontos yeatsiano, profondamente segnato da esperienze magiche ed esoteriche, entrando quindi nei meandri del rapporto estetico, filosofico e poetico tra il sistema simbolico di William Blake e quello di W. B. Yeats, Da Blake a Yeats mette in luce come Works of William Blake costituisca la prima vera formalizzazione degli insegnamenti blakiani ed esoterici nel sistema yeatsiano; quanto costituisca, per Yeats stesso, una chiave di volta nella sua visione di Blake e una fonte inesauribile per lo sviluppo del suo sistema simbolico e della sua immaginazione in atto."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Antonielli, Arianna"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Poetry", "William Blake", "William Butler Yeats,", "Letteratura", "Poesia", "William Blake", "William Butler Yeats"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341470"], ["title", "William Blake e William Butler Yeats"], ["doab_id", "12632"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788884539748"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788884539748"]], [["description", "The venerable tanka and her upstart cousin kyoka mingle with Kerouac\u2019s American pop haiku in five-liner imagist poems and linked sequences. In Windfall Apples, Richard Stevenson mixes east and west with backyard barbecue and rueful reflection."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Richard Stevenson"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["poetry", "Canadian", "haiku", "Japanese"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120171"], ["title", "Windfall Apples: Tanka and Kyoka"], ["doab_id", "14476"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425886", "9781897425893"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425886 9781897425893"]], [["description", "Mary Richard's journals and letters record a young woman's rare, but richly detailed view of life in the temporary Mormon pioneer communities in Iowa."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Ward, Maurine C."], ["date", "1996"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/93"], ["title", "Winter Quarters"], ["doab_id", "14758"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874215526"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874215526"]], [["description", "Cerebral cortex is probably the most complex biological network. Here many millions of individual neurons, the functional units of cortex, are interconnected through a massive yet highly organized pattern of axonal and dendritic wiring. This wiring enables both near and distant cells to coordinate their responses and generate a rich variety of cognitions and behaviours. When the wiring is damaged through disease or trauma it may reorganize but this may lead to characteristic pathological behaviours. While there have been significant advances in mapping cortical connectivity, the organizing principles and function of this connectivity are not well understood. On the one hand, there appears to be general design constraints governing cortical wiring, as first recognised by R\u00e1mon y Cajal's in his laws of conduction, material, and volume conservation. Yet on the other hand, particular patterns of cortical wiring exist to serve specific functions. There is a wide gap in understanding how the response and connectivity properties of a single neuron contribute to emergent network functions such as in detecting perceptually relevant features. Unravelling this intimate causal relationship represents one of the major challenges in neuroscience. This Research Topic will examine progress in understanding cortical wiring principles. This Research Topic aims to draw together recent advances in methods and understanding as well as recent challenges to existing ideas about how cerebral cortex is wired. This is particularly timely because new automated techniques may soon yield huge datasets in need of explanation. Recent studies have, for instance, empirically evaluated R\u00e1mon y Cajal's conservation laws for cerebral cortex, while others have shown some unexpected connectivity features that may refine the traditional view of how corticocortical connections are organised with regard to functional representations of auditory, somatosensory and visual cortices. Understanding these data will help improve the fidelity of neural models of cerebral cortical function and take into account the diversity of connections at both micro- and mesoscopic scales not seen at such a depth before."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Julian Budd; Zoltan F. Kisvarday"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Axon", "Brain wiring", "brain connectivity", "Cerebral Cortex", "connectome", "Dendrite", "Grey Matter", "morphology", "networks", "sensory systems"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/168/wiring-principles-of-cerebral-cortex"], ["title", "Wiring Principles of Cerebral Cortex"], ["doab_id", "19576"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889196920"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889196920"]], [["description", "Wirtschafts- und Rechnungsb\u00fccher bieten mehrdimensionale Zug\u00e4nge und erfordern multidisziplin\u00e4re Ann\u00e4herungen. Dass sie weit mehr sind als Einnahmen- und Ausgabeverzeichnisse zeigen die hier vorliegenden 17 Beitr\u00e4ge mit Beispielen von L\u00fcbeck bis Lyon. Sie vereinen die Ergebnisse eines Workshops, der diese Gattung serieller Quellen von Seiten der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Historischen Sprachforschung, der Editions- und Medienwissenschaft sowie der historischen Wirtschafts- und Betriebswirtschaftswissenschaft in den Blick genommen hat.

Wirtschafts- und Rechnungsb\u00fccher bieten mehrdimensionale Zug\u00e4nge und erfordern multidisziplin\u00e4re Ann\u00e4herungen. Dass sie weit mehr sind als Einnahmen- und Ausgabeverzeichnisse zeigen die hier vorliegenden 17 Beitr\u00e4ge mit Beispielen von L\u00fcbeck bis Lyon. Sie vereinen die Ergebnisse eines Workshops, der diese Gattung serieller Quellen von Seiten der Geschichtswissenschaft und der Historischen Sprachforschung, der Editions- und Medienwissenschaft sowie der historischen Wirtschafts- und Betriebswirtschaftswissenschaft in den Blick genommen hat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Gleba, Gudrun; Petersen, Niels"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["account book", "Middle Ages", "early modern period", "account book", "Middle Ages", "early modern period"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610383"], ["title", "Wirtschafts- und Rechnungsb\u00fccher des Mittelalters und der Fr\u00fchen Neuzeit - Formen und Methoden der Rechnungslegung: St\u00e4dte, Kl\u00f6ster und Kaufleute"], ["doab_id", "19187"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952013"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952013"]], [["description", "In the present bio - bibliographic collection the life and work of female scientists, working in Austria or being originally from Austria, have been the center of research. The temporal focus extends primarily from the turn of the century to the post-war period. The first generation of female scientists at the Universities of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck were explored. The first generation of women who achieved a habilitation in Austria, as well as the first female lecturers and professors were collected in their completeness. Those \"classical\" science careers can be compared with those of men.However, a detailed consideration was also given to the non- academic area. From a total of 331 lexicon articles about one-third is dedicated to the medical, psychological and therapeutic field. Due to the historical turning points of the two world wars persecution, flight, emigration and also re-migration of the female scientists move into the focus of numerous of the individual biographies. The question of similarities and differences, according to different living conditions and opportunities to those who remained in Austria, is obvious.Beyond the individual biographical aspect, a historic impression about cultural and political trends and their impact on scientific research and teaching is provided. Especially from a feminist perspective, the lexicon is a desideratum, as it is the first time that in Austria the participation of women in the production and placement of science during the considered period got comprehensively researched and documented.With the help of the variety of the textual contributions the overall concern was to depict the wide emancipation movement in the fields of education and the sciences rather than the history of a few female scientists working in specific fields. Clearly the multiple dimensions in which women could develop their scientific abilities were a focal point thus the personal and private life circumstances got rather set aside to provide the interested reader with a comprehensive interpretation of their scientific contributions.The numerous biographies written by authors specialized in the relevant areas grant an insight into a fascinating diversity of horizons of experiences and life patterns as well as into the scientific interest, which determined their various scientific careers.This women-specific lexicon introduces an alternative perspective on the Austrian history of science, where female contributions so far were mainly under-represented. Eventually the lexicon due to its interdisciplinarity and its representation of the forced exile of many female scientists, achieves to contribute to a broader understanding of the interconnectedness of the Austrian tradition of science with the inter/national culture- as well as the science transfer.

In der vorliegenden bio-bibliografischen Sammlung wurden Leben und Werk von Wissenschafterinnen in und aus \u00d6sterreich erforscht. Der zeitliche Schwerpunkt erstreckt sich vornehmlich von der Jahrhundertwende bis zur Nachkriegszeit. Erforscht wurde die erste Generation von Wissenschafterinnen an den Universit\u00e4ten Wien, Graz und Innsbruck. Vollst\u00e4ndig aufgenommen wurde die erste Generation von Frauen, die sich in \u00d6sterreich habilitieren konnte, die ersten Dozentinnen und Professorinnen. Es handelt sich hier um \"klassische\" Wissenschaftskarrieren, die sich in ihrem Ablauf mit denen von M\u00e4nnern vergleichen lassen.Ausf\u00fchrliche Ber\u00fccksichtigung erhielt aber auch der au\u00dferakademische Bereich. Von insgesamt 331 Lexikonartikel sind ca. ein Drittel aus dem medizinischen, psychologischen und therapeutischen Feld. Bedingt durch die historischen Z\u00e4suren der beiden Weltkriege treten in zahlreichen Beitr\u00e4gen Verfolgung, Flucht, Emigration und auch Remigration ins Zentrum der einzelnen Biografien. Die Frage nach Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden zu den in \u00d6sterreich Verbliebenen, nach unterschiedlichen Lebensbedingungen und -chancen liegt nahe.\u00dcber den individualbiografischen Aspekt hinaus wird ein historischer Eindruck \u00fcber kulturelle und politische Str\u00f6mungen und ihre Einfl\u00fcsse auf die wissenschaftliche Forschung und Lehre geschaffen. Vor allem aus feministischer Perspektive stellt das Lexikon ein Desiderat dar, da in \u00d6sterreich die Beteiligung von Frauen an der Wissenschaftsproduktion und -vermittlung von der Jahrhundertwende bis in die sp\u00e4te Nachkriegszeit erstmals umfassend recherchiert, dokumentiert und erforscht worden ist.Anliegen war es, frauenspezifisches wissenschaftliches Wirken nicht als die Geschichte einiger weniger darzustellen - die Vielzahl der hier versammelten Beitr\u00e4ge spricht vielmehr f\u00fcr eine breite Emanzipationsbewegung im Bereich der Bildung und Wissenschaft. Deutlich gemacht wurden die vielf\u00e4ltigen Dimensionen, \u00fcber die sich Frauen den wissenschaftlichen, Bereich als Berufs- und Wirkungsfeld erschlie\u00dfen konnten. Dabei wurde nicht so sehr die Erforschung der pers\u00f6nlichen und privaten Lebensumst\u00e4nde in den Vordergrund gestellt, sondern der Schwerpunkt der Beitr\u00e4ge liegt auf einer umfassenden Werkinterpretation.Die von zahlreichen Autoren und Autorinnen aus den einschl\u00e4gigen Fachgebieten verfa\u00dften Beitr\u00e4ge gew\u00e4hren damit ebenso Einblick in eine faszinierende Vielfalt von Erfahrungshorizonten und Lebensmustern wie auch in das engagierte Erkenntnisinteresse, welches die unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Laufbahnen bestimmte.Dieses frauenspezifische Lexikon revidiert bisher \u00fcbliche Sichtweisen auf die \u00f6sterreichische Wissenschaftsgeschichte. in denen nach wie vor der weibliche Anteil unterrepr\u00e4sentiert vertreten ist. Das Lexikon kann nicht zuletzt auch auf Grund seiner Interdisziplinarit\u00e4t und der Darstellung des Exils \u00f6sterreichischer Wissenschafterinnen einen Beitrag zu einem umfassenderen Verst\u00e4ndnis der Verwobenheit \u00f6sterreichischer Wissenschaftstraditionen mit dem inter/nationalen Kultur- und Wissenschaftstransfer leisten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Keintzel ,Brigitta; Korotin ,Ilse"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["female scientist, Austrian scientist, exile, feminism, emancipation, lexicon, turn of the century, first generation, Adler Alexandra, Bachmann Ingeborg, Becker-Donner Etta, Cremer Erika, Diez Erna, Endres Stephanie, Firnberg Hertha, Freud Anna, Herzfeld Stephanie, Herzog-Hauser Gertrud, Jahoda Marie, Lachs Minna, Lazarsfeld Sophie, Leitmaier Charlotte, Weinzierl Erika, Zaloscer Hilde", "Adler Alexandra, Bachmann Ingeborg, Becker-Donner Etta, Cremer Erika, Diez Erna, Endres Stephanie, Firnberg Hertha, Freud Anna, Herzfeld Stephanie, Herzog-Hauser Gertrud, Jahoda Marie, Lachs Minna, Lazarsfeld Sophie, Leitmaier Charlotte, Weinzierl Erika, Zaloscer Hilde"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=473963"], ["title", "Wissenschafterinnen in und aus \u00d6sterreich"], ["doab_id", "15984"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994671"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994671"]], [["description", "Benjamin Christensen\u2019s 1922 Swedish/Danish film H\u00e4xan (known under its English title as Witchcraft Through the Ages) has entranced, entertained, shocked, and puzzled audiences for nearly a century. The film mixes documentary with fantasy, history with theatrics, religion and science, the medieval past and modern culture. This uncanny content is compounded by the film\u2019s formal strangeness, a mixture of quasi-documentary with fictional episodes, illustrated lectures alongside docudrama recreations and dreamscapes. Is this a documentary, a horror flick, or both? In this chapbook, authors Doty and Ingham argue that the puzzle of Christensen\u2019s H\u00e4xan might be unraveled by attending to the film\u2019s provocative and paradoxical medievalism, its fantasmatic rendering of the witch as a medieval monster. Such monstrous medievalism, moreover, sheds considerable light on the politics of gender and culture once the witch is rendered a female figure in a time out-of-joint."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alexander Doty; Patricia Clare Ingham"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["documentary, Film Studies, cultural studies, studies in medievalism, witchcraft, monster studies, Swedish cinema, Danish cinema, horror, popular culture, silent film"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4miud8m2q9dsgb/Doty_Ingham_Witch_and_Hysteric_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "The Witch and the Hysteric: The Monstrous Medieval in Benjamin Christensen\u2019s H\u00e4xan"], ["doab_id", "17862"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692230152"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692230152"]], [["description", "Witchcraft continued provides an important collection of essays on the nature and understanding of witchcraft and magic in European society over the last two centuries. It innovatively brings together the interests of historians in nineteenth-century witchcraft and the twentieth-century fieldwork of anthropologists and sociologists on the continued relevance of witch beliefs. The book covers England, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Finland, Transylvania and Northern Ireland. It examines the experience of and attitudes towards witchcraft from both above and below. They demonstrate the widespread fear of witches amongst the masses during the nineteenth century, and the continued but more restricted relevance of witchcraft in the twentieth century. While the educated classes generally denounced witch-believers as either superstitious, foolish or both, secular and religious authorities still had to find strategies of dealing with the demands of those who believed themselves the victims of witchcraft. Moreover the rise of the folklore movement and the growth of anthropology as an academic discipline over the period provided a huge body of evidence on continuing beliefs that many had consigned to the past. This book will be essential reading for those interested in the continued importance of witchcraft and magic in the modern era. More generally it will appeal to those with a lively interest in the cultural history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "de Bl\u00e9court ,Willem; Davies ,Owen"], ["date", "2004"], ["subject", ["witchcraft", "folklore", "witches", "transylvania"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341413"], ["title", "Witchcraft continued: Popular magic in modern Europe"], ["doab_id", "12606"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719066580"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719066580"]], [["description", "Given the widespread belief in witchcraft and the existence of laws against such practices, why did witch-trials fail to gain momentum and escalate into 'witch-crazes' in certain parts of early modern Europe? This book answers this question by examining the rich legal records of the German city of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, a city which experienced a very restrained pattern of witch-trials and just one execution for witchcraft between 1561 and 1652. The author explores the factors that explain the absence of a 'witch-craze' in Rothenburg, placing particular emphasis on the interaction of elite and popular priorities in the pursuit (and non-pursuit) of alleged witches at law. By making the witchcraft narratives told by the peasants and townspeople of Rothenburg central to its analysis, the book also explores the social and psychological conflicts that lay behind the making of accusations and confessions of witchcraft. Furthermore, it challenges existing explanations for the gender-bias of witch-trials, and also offers insights into other areas of early modern life, such as experiences of and beliefs about communal conflict, magic, motherhood, childhood and illness. Written in a lively narrative style, this innovative study invites a wide readership to share in the compelling drama of early modern witch trials. It will be essential reading for researchers working in witchcraft studies, as well as those in the wider field of early modern European history."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rowlands ,Alison"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["witchcraft", "folklore", "witches", "germany"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341414"], ["title", "Witchcraft narratives in Germany: Rothenburg, 1561-1652"], ["doab_id", "12607"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719052590"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719052590"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Arthur J. Vidich"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Arthur J. Vidich--Career in anthropology", " Arthur J. Vidich--Anecdotes", " Anthropologists--United States--History--20th century--Biography"]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times"], ["doab_id", "16910"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780979729249", "9780979729249"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0979729246; 9780979729249"]], [["description", "Until the late 1960s, the authorities on abortion were for the most part men\u2014politicians, clergy, lawyers, physicians, all of whom had an interest in regulating women\u2019s bodies. Even today, when we hear women speak publicly about abortion, the voices are usually those of the leaders of women\u2019s and abortion rights organizations, women who hold political office, and, on occasion, female physicians. We also hear quite frequently from spokeswomen for anti-abortion groups. Rarely, however, do we hear the voices of ordinary women\u2014women whose lives have been in some way touched by abortion. Their thoughts typically owe more to human circumstance than to ideology, and without them, we run the risk of thinking and talking about the issue of abortion only in the abstract.Without Apology seeks to address this issue by gathering the voices of activists, feminists, and scholars as well as abortion providers and clinic support staff alongside the stories of women whose experience with abortion is more personal. With the particular aim of moving beyond the polarizing rhetoric that has characterized the issue of abortion and reproductive justice for so long, Without Apology is an engrossing and arresting account that will promote both reflection and discussion."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Edited by Shannon Stettner"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["pro-choice, anti-abortion, reproductive justice, biography, memoir, clinicians, abortion providers"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120257"], ["title", "Without Apology: Writings on Abortion in Canada"], ["doab_id", "19824"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781771991599", "9781771991605", "9781771991612"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781771991599; 9781771991605; 9781771991612"]], [["description", "This is the first of two volumes of the proceedings from the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, August 2007. In addition to several new contributions to Wittgenstein research (by N. Garver, M. Kross, St. Majetschak, K. Neumer, V. Rodych, L. M. Vald\u00e9s-Villanueva), this volume contains articles with a special focus on digital Wittgenstein research and Wittgenstein's role for the understanding of the digital turn (by L. Bazzocchi, A. Biletzki, J. de Mul, P. Keicher, D. K\u00f6hler, K. Mayr, D. G. Stern), as well as discussions - not necessarily from a Wittgensteinian perspective - about issues in the philosophy of information, including computational ontologies (by D. Apollon, G. Chaitin, F. Dretske, L. Floridi, Y. Okamoto, M. Pasin and E. Motta)."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Hrachovec, Herbert; Pichler, Alois "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209440"], ["title", "Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information. Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007"], ["doab_id", "18103"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328462", "9783110328073"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328462, 9783110328073"]], [["description", "Esta obra discorre sobre o problema da vincula\u00e7\u00e3o entre pensamento (ou linguagem) e realidade tal como ele \u00e9 formulado e discutido por Ludwig Wittgenstein, especificamente em sua produ\u00e7\u00e3o filos\u00f3fica a partir da d\u00e9cada de 1930. Antonio Segatto examina o modo como o fil\u00f3sofo concebe aquilo que chamou de \u201charmonia entre pensamento e realidade\u201d e como enfrenta as quest\u00f5es que giram em torno dela."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Segatto, Antonio Ianni"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["PHILOSOPHY"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cmwvx"], ["title", "Wittgenstein e o problema da harmonia entre pensamento e realidade"], ["doab_id", "19826"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788568334621"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788568334621"]], [["description", "Das Verstehen legt Wittgenstein einem Ich bei: Einer versteht, indem er Zeichen anwendet. Anwendbare Zeichen sind Symbole: Sie werden bedeutsam, wenn sie in Zusammenhang mit anderen Zeichen gebracht werden und eine Funktion in der kognitiven oder praktischen Aneignung der Welt erf\u00fcllen. Symbole geh\u00f6ren zu Symbolsystemen und k\u00f6nnen als Vorschriften f\u00fcr symbolische, d.h. semiotische und insbesondere logische, Operationen mit Zeichen aufgefasst werden. Die Ver\u00e4nderung der Wittgensteinschen Auffassung des Verstehens besteht vor allem im Anerkennen der Erfahrung der Sozialisation als einer der wichtigsten Voraussetzungen der sinnvollen Anwendung von Zeichen. Diese Ver\u00e4nderung, ihre Quellen und Wirkungen sind das Thema dieses Buches."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tatievskaya, Elena"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209604"], ["title", "Wittgenstein \u00fcber das Verstehen"], ["doab_id", "18084"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110329490", "9783110329353", "9783110329506"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110329490, 9783110329353, 9783110329506"]], [["description", "This wide-ranging collection of essays contains eighteen original articles by authors representing some of the most important recent work on Wittgenstein. It deals with questions pertaining to both the interpretation and application of Wittgenstein\u2019s thought and the editing of his works. Regarding the latter, it also addresses issues concerning scholarly electronic publishing. The collection is accompanied by a comprehensive introduction which lays out the content and arguments of each contribution. Contributors: Knut Erik Tran\u00f8y, Lars Hertzberg, Georg Henrik von Wright, Marie McGinn, Cora Diamond, James Conant, David G. Stern, Eike von Savigny, P.M.S. Hacker, Hans-Johann Glock, Allan Janik, Krist\u00f3f Ny\u00edri, Antonia Soulez, Brian McGuinness, Anthony Kenny, Joachim Schulte, Herbert Hrachovec, Cameron McEwen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Pichler, Alois; S\u00e4\u00e4tel\u00e4, Simo"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209502"], ["title", "Wittgenstein. The Philosopher and his Works"], ["doab_id", "18118"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110328912", "9783110328592", "9783110328929"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328912, 9783110328592, 9783110328929"]], [["description", "Bei der Studie handelt es sich um eine Paragraphen f\u00fcr Paragraphen erl\u00e4uternde Interpretation der \"Philosophischen Untersuchungen\". Sie wendet sich an alle an Wittgensteins Philosophie Interessierte, insbesondere an Studierende und Sch\u00fcler. Inhaltlich setzt sie einen Schwerpunkt auf die Sprachphilosophie. Didaktisch versucht sie, den Text Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt verst\u00e4ndlich zu machen, und Wittgensteins - oft implizit bleibende - Auseinandersetzungen mit anderen philosophischen Positionen (der philosophischen Tradition und der analytischen Sprachphilosophie) deutlicher hervortreten zu lassen. Daher finden sich in der Studie weitergehende Erl\u00e4uterungen, die einige bedeutsame philosophiekritische Konsequenzen der \"Philosophischen Untersuchungen\" herausstellen. Abgeschlossen wird der Text durch eine Zusammenfassung und eine Gegen\u00fcberstellung der Wittgensteinschen Sprachphilosophie mit bedeutsamen Konzeptionen anderer sprachanalytischer Philosophen."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Kellerwessel, Wulf"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/209444"], ["title", "Wittgensteins Sprachphilosophie in den \"Philosophischen Untersuchungen\". Eine kommentierende Ersteinf\u00fchrung"], ["doab_id", "18083"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783110328509", "9783110328097"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110328509, 9783110328097"]], [["description", "Indonesia"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Anceaux ,J."], ["date", "1988"], ["subject", ["Indonesia"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613386"], ["title", "The Wolio Language"], ["doab_id", "18542"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067652322", "9789004286320"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067652322 9789004286320"]], [["description", "This book argues that Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill are the two primary architects of the modern theory of women\u2019s rights as human rights. It only through addressing women\u2019s rights, Botting argues, that the idea of human rights was given universal scope and application. Botting describes the development of the idea of women\u2019s human rights beginning with the work of Wollstonecraft and Mill, and gives an account of their reception in both western and nonwestern contexts. Her goal is to strip liberal feminism of its Eurocentric bias and offer the theory that remains as a resource for thinking about women\u2019s human rights globally.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Botting Hunt ,Eileen"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Politics", "History", "Women's Studies"]], ["publisher", "Yale University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605025"], ["title", "Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Women's Human Rights"], ["doab_id", "18755"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780300186161"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780300186161"]], [["description", "A Woman of Valour is the biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle, a French-Canadian woman who found love with a priest thirty-three years her senior. Against all social convention, they lived, produced three children, and built a life together after fleeing their village. However, after several years together, Bouchard\u2019s husband ultimately chose to return to the priesthood, abandoning his family as a result. Through interviews and documentation, Claire Tr\u00e9panier tells Bouchard\u2019s story of survival while highlighting the history of women\u2019s stature in Canada, and raising a question about the celibacy of Catholic priests."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Claire Tr\u00e9panier"], ["date", "2010"], ["subject", ["Catholic Church", "celibacy"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120172"], ["title", "A Woman of Valour: The Biography of Marie-Louise Bouchard Labelle"], ["doab_id", "14421"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425848", "9781897425855"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425848 9781897425855"]], [["description", "A number of Arab states have recently either codified Muslim family law for the first time, or have issued amendments or new laws which significantly impact the statutory rights of women as wives, mothers and daughters. In Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States Lynn Welchman examines women's rights in Muslim family laws in Arab states across the Middle East while also surveying the public debates surrounding the issues. The author considers these new laws alongside older statutes to comment on the patterns and dynamics of change both in the texts of the laws, and in the processes through by which they are drafted and issued. She draws on original legal texts and explanatory statements as well as on extensive secondary literature particular to certain states for an insight into practice, and on; interventions by women's rights organizations and other parties to the debate in the press and in advocacy materials. The discussions are set in the contemporary global context that 'internationalises' the domestic and regional debates. The book considers laws in states from the Gulf to North Africa in regard to their approaches to issues of codification processes and issues of and of registration, capacity and guardianship in marriage, polygyny, the marital relationship, divorce and child custody. It has a full bibliography and includes an annex providing translated extracts of the laws under examination.

Welchman richt zich in Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States op de rechten van de vrouw binnen het islamitische familierecht in Arabische landen. Welchman analyseert hoe het familierecht is vastgelegd in wetboeken en de publieke debatten die daaruit voortkomen. In de afgelopen decennia is het islamitische familierecht in een aantal landen voor het eerst vastgelegd of zijn belangrijke wijzigingen doorgevoerd. De auteur bespreekt deze nieuwe wetten in het licht van oudere statuten om de dynamiek van het islamitische familierecht te duiden. Zij beroept zich niet alleen op juridische bronnen, maar schenkt ook ruim aandacht aan de juridische praktijk. Door de reacties van vrouwenrechtenorganisaties, media en juristen te analyseren, wijst ze op controversi\u00eble kwesties. Bijzonder aan dit boek is de internationale en vergelijkende benadering. De auteur bestudeert discussies rondom huwelijk, polygamie, scheiding en voogdij vanuit het perspectief van verschillende landen. Nationale debatten worden op deze manier geplaatst in een mondiale context. Het boek beschikt over een volledige bibliografie en bijlagen met vertalingen van de behandelde wetsfragmenten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Welchman ,Lynn"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Law", "Recht", "women muslim family law law gender Islam Arab States Welchman recht moslima vrouwen familie"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340144"], ["title", "Women and Muslim Family Laws in Arab States : A Comparative Overview of Textual Development and Advocacy"], ["doab_id", "12843"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053569740"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053569740"]], [["description", "Woman and the Colonial State deals with the ambiguous relationship between women of both the European and the Indonesian population and the colonial state in the former Netherlands Indies in the first half of the twentieth century. Based on new data from a variety of sources: colonial archives, journals, household manuals, children's literature, and press surveys, it analyses the women-state relationship by presenting five empirical studies on subjects, in which women figured prominently at the time: Indonesian labour, Indonesian servants in colonial homes, Dutch colonial fashion and food, the feminist struggle for the vote and the intense debate about monogamy of and by women at the end of the 1930s. An introductory essay combines the outcomes of the case studies and relates those to debates about Orientalism, the construction of whiteness, and to questions of modernity and the colonial state formation"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Locher-Scholten ,Elsbeth"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", ["Women: historical, geographic, persons treatment", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Vrouwenstudies", "Geschiedenis"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340261"], ["title", "Women and the Colonial State : Essays on Gender and Modernity in the Netherlands Indies 1900-1942"], ["doab_id", "12941"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053564035"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053564035"]], [["description", "This edited collection explores the agency of women who do violence and have violence done to them. Topics covered include rape, pornography, prostitution, suicide bombing and domestic violence. The volume contributes to the philosophical and theoretical debate, as well as offering practical, social and political responses to the issues examined."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Widdows ,Heather; Marway ,Herjeet; Pickard ,Hanna"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["women", "violence", "rape", "pornography", "prostitution", "suicide bombing", "domestic violence"]], ["publisher", "Palgrave Macmillan"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "https://oapen.org/search?identifier=604553"], ["title", "Women and Violence: The Agency of Victims and Perpetrators"], ["doab_id", "18735"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781137015112", "9781137015129"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781137015112 9781137015129"]], [["description", "Russian women of the nineteenth century are often thought of in their literary incarnations as the heroines of novels such as Anna Karenina and War and Peace. But their real counterparts are now becoming better understood as active contributors to Russia\u2019s varied cultural landscape.This collection of essays examines the lives of women across Russia \u2013 from wealthy noblewomen in St Petersburg to desperately poor peasants in Siberia \u2013 discussing their interaction with the church and the law, and their rich contribution to music, art, literature and theatre. It shows how women struggled for greater autonomy and, both individually and collectively, developed a dynamic but often overlooked presence in Russia's culture and society during the long nineteenth century (1800-1917).Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia provides invaluable reading for anyone interested in Russian history, nineteenth-century culture and gender studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rosslyn, Wendy (Editor); Tosi, Alessandra (Editor)"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Russian history", "women's history", "feminism", "nineteenth century Russia", "cultural studies", "women in the arts", "gender studies", "russian culture", "russian literature", "russian religion", "russian art, music, theatre"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/98"], ["title", "Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Lives and Culture"], ["doab_id", "14497"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781906924669"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781906924669"]], [["description", "Women in the Ancient Near East offers a lucid account of the daily life of women in Mesopotamia from the third millennium BCE until the beginning of the Hellenistic period. The book systematically presents the lives of women emerging from the available cuneiform material and discusses modern scholarly opinion. Stol\u2019s book is the first full-scale treatment of the history of women in the Ancient Near East."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stol ,Marten"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History", "Classical Studies"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613276"], ["title", "Women in the Ancient Near East"], ["doab_id", "19506"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781614512639"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781614512639"]], [["description", "Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature: Their Status and Roles explores the different attitudes toward the woman"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Heger ,P."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Religion"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=613391"], ["title", "Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature"], ["doab_id", "18547"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789004276918", "9789004277113"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004276918 9789004277113"]], [["description", "The 1990s witnessed a veritable explosion in women's writing in France, with a particularly exciting new generation of writers coming to the fore, names like Christine Angot, Marie Darrieussecq and R\u00e9gine Detambel. Other authors such as Paule Constant, Sylvie Germain, Marie Redonnet and Le\u00efla Sebbar, who had begun publishing in the 1980s, claimed their mainstream status in the 1990s with new texts. This book provides an up-to-date introduction to and analysis of new women's writing in contemporary France including both new writers of the 1990s and their more established counterparts. The editors' incisive introduction situates these authors and their texts at the centre of the current trends and issues concerning French literary production today, whilst fifteen original essays focus on individual writers. The volume includes specialist bibliographies on each writer, incorporating English translations, major interviews, and key critical studies. Quotations are given in both French and English throughout. An invaluable study resource, its clear and accessible style makes this book of interest to the general reader as well as to students of all levels, to teachers of a wide range of courses on French culture, and to specialist researchers of French and Francophone literature."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Rye ,Gill; Worton ,Michael"], ["date", "2003"], ["subject", ["french", "Darrieussecq", "Detambel", "angot", "feminism"]], ["publisher", "Manchester University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341415"], ["title", "Women's writing in contemporary France: New writers, new literatures in the 1990s"], ["doab_id", "12608"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780719062261"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780719062261"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen; Robert L. Hiller (Trans.) ; John C. Osborne (Trans.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Translation of Wunderbarliche Vogelnest I", " Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648--Fiction", " John C. Osborne, 1928-, Robert Ludwig Hiller, 1915-."]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1011&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "The Wondrous Bird's Nest I"], ["doab_id", "16911"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780984644506", "9780984644506"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "0984644504; 9780984644506"]], [["description", null], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen; John C. Osborne (Trans.)"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Translation of Wunderbarliche Vogelnest II", " Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648", " Fiction", " John C. Osborne, 1928-."]], ["publisher", "Newfound Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=utk_newfound-ebooks"], ["title", "The Wondrous Bird's Nest II"], ["doab_id", "16912"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780098464458", "9780984644513"]], ["provider", "trace.tennessee.edu"], ["isbns_raw", "00984644512; 9780984644513"]], [["description", "Since August 1969, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair looms large when recounting the history and impact of the baby boom generation and the societal upheavals of the Sixties. Scholars study the sociological, political, musical, and artistic impact of the event and use it as a cultural touchstone when exploring alternative perspectives or seeking clarity. This interdisciplinary annotated bibliography records the details of over 400 English-language resources on the Festival, including books, chapters, articles, websites, transcriptions and videos. Divided into six main subsections\u2015Culture & Society, History, Biography, Music, Film, Arts & Literature\u2015for ease of consultation Woodstock Scholarship sheds light on all facets of a key happening in our collective history.Throughout the 1960s, popular music became increasingly reflective and suggestive of the rising political and social consciousness of the youth culture. Examples can be seen in the development of the protest song genre within the folk music boom of the early Sixties and the marriage of lifestyle to music first reflected by The Beatles with fashion, followed by psychedelic music with the emerging drug culture. Woodstock was where these themes coalesced, thus becoming the defining and last great moment of the 1960s. However, Woodstock also represented an abundant amount of experiences and ideas and moments. Thus, when exploring the complicated accounts and numerous facets of America during the turbulent Sixties one discovers scholarship on the key subjects, such as the Vietnam War or the Civil Rights Movement, often considering and debating the importance, relevance, and epic nature of Woodstock. Multiple narratives emerge: a radical engagement of the hippie movement, an overt commercial exploitation of youth culture, a political statement. Woodstock scholarship does not stand alone as field of study, but it is at the cross-road of a number of disciplines\u2015music history, cultural studies, sociology, arts and literature, media studies, politics and economics.Providing full bibliographical details and concise, informative annotation for each entry, Woodstock Scholarship is an essential tool for students, scholars, teachers, and librarians in all these areas, as well as for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of both the Woodstock Music and Art Fair phenomenon and of the confluence of music, commerce and politics."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gatten, Jeffrey N."], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Bibliography, Woodstock, baby boom generation, the Sixties, popular music, youth culture"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/543"], ["title", "Woodstock Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Annotated Bibliography"], ["doab_id", "19968"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783742882", "9781783742905"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783742882/9781783742905"]], [["description", "\"Words as Events introduces the tradition of short, communicative rhyming couplets, the mantin\u00e1des, as still sung and recited in a variety of performance situations on the island of Crete. Recently, these poems have also entered modern mass media and they are widely being exchanged as text messages by Cretans. Focusing on the multi-functionality of the short form, Syk\u00e4ri demonstrates how the traditional register gives voice to individual experiences in spontaneous utterances. The local focus on communicative economy and artistry is further examined in a close analysis of the processes and ideals of composition. By analyzing how the \u201crestrictions\u201d of form and performative conventions in fact generate impulses of creativity, the author creates a theoretical approach that is sensitive to the special characteristics of the short, rhymed poetic traditions.In this interdisciplinary study, the reader is invited to become familiar with the current folklore theory of oral poetry, which has a long tradition in Finland. The author combines the results of earlier folkloristic and anthropological insights, and extends the theoretical concerns further to address questions of spontaneity and individual agency. The research data has been produced in communicative interactions during long-term fieldwork. As a result, the short, rhymed poetry, often neglected by scholars in earlier research paradigms, can now be seen in new light \u2013 specifically as dialogic poetry \u2013 through its extended, multi-layered dialogic qualities.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Syk\u00e4ri ,Venla"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Folk songs", "Folk poetry", "Rune singing", "Performances", "Interpretation"]], ["publisher", "Finnish Literature Society / SKS"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617190"], ["title", "Words as Events: Cretan Mandin\u00e1des in Performance and Composition"], ["doab_id", "19782"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789522222619", "9789522227782", "9789522227775"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789522222619 9789522227782 9789522227775"]], [["description", "Technological and economic concerns have long been the drivers of debate about copyright. But diverse disciplines in the humanities - including literary studies, aesthetics, film studies, and the philosophy of art - have a great deal to offer if we wish to establish a more nuanced and useful conception of copyright and authorship. This volume brings together scholars from a range of disciplines to explore the challenges inherent in translating aesthetics and creativity studies to concepts of copyright, especially as longstanding approaches are troubled by the rise of the digital."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "van Eechoud ,Mireille"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Authorship theory", "creativity studies", "copyright law"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=503030"], ["title", "The Work of Authorship"], ["doab_id", "16450"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789089646354"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089646354"]], [["description", "This book informs debates about worker participation in the workplace or worker voice by analysing comparative historical data relating to these ideas during the inter-war period in Australia, Canada, Germany, the UK and the US. The issue is topical because of the contemporary shift to a workplace focus in many countries without a corresponding development of infrastructure at the workplace level, and because of the growing \u2018representation gap\u2019 as union membership declines. Some commentators have called for the introduction of works councils to address these issues. Other scholars have gone back and examined the experiences with the non-union Employee Representation Plans (ERPs) in Canada and the US. This book will test these claims through examining and comparing the historical record of previous efforts of five countries during a rich period of experimentation between the Wars. In addition to ERPs, the book expands the debate will by examining union-management co-operation, Whitley works committees and German works councils."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Patmore ,Greg"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Liverpool University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=608307"], ["title", "Worker Voice"], ["doab_id", "19058"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781781382684"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781781382684"]], [["description", "Workers Leaving the Studio catalogs the exhibition \u201cWorkers leaving the studio. Looking away from socialist realism,\u201d curated by Mihnea Mircan in the National Gallery of Arts in Tirana, Albania in 2015. According to Mircan, \u201cThe [\u2026] exhibition reflects on another projection machine, whose history and consequences, unlike cinema, are circumscribed by national boundaries, specific histories, and ideological configurations. The regime of production and representation of socialist realism radicalizes the violence that the creation of a new image does to its subject: it intensifies the fraught relation between refashioned representation and that which is represented. Its insistence on a particular, projective notion of reality is commensurate with the coercion of daily \u2014 cultural, social, emotional \u2014 life into a grid whose perspective lines and vanishing points carry heavy ideological charges. It enforces what it represents onto that which it represents, so that representation would replace reality.\u201dApart from a full documentation of the exhibition by photographer Marco Mazzi, the catalogue also features theoretical and art-historical contributions, both in English and in Albanian, on socialist realist art as developed in Albania under the communist regime, as well as texts highlighting contemporary attempts to display political realities through progressive artistic practices. Artists include: Santiago Sierra, Jonas Staal, Ciprian Mure\u015fan, Irwin, Sarah Vanagt, and Armando Lulaj, with scholarly contributions by \u2014Artan Shabani, \u201cParath\u00ebnie\u201d // Mihnea Mircan, \u201cCuratorial Note\u201d // Raino Isto, \u201cSali Shijaku\u2019s Z\u00ebri i Mas\u00ebs and the Metaphysics of Representation in Albanian Socialist Realist Painting\u201d // Jonas Staal, \u201cStateless Democracy\u201d // Suzana Varvarica Kuka, \u201cNj\u00eb koh\u00eb e shkuar n\u00eb themel t\u00eb koh\u00ebs son\u00eb\u201d // Inke Arns, \u201cThe Nigerian Connection: On NSK Passports as Escape and Entry Vehicles\u201d // Sarah Vanagt & Tobias Hering, \u201cDisturbed Earth\u201d // Alban Hajdinaj, \u201cIlustrimi i instruksioneve ose Gjigandi dhe Shkurtabiqi\u201d // Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, \u201cThe Production of Hr\u00f6nir: Albanian Socialist Realism and After\u201d"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["sq", "en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/q11ppwpx6isdixk/DOE_Workers_Leaving_the_Studio_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "Workers Leaving the Studio. Looking Away from Socialist Realism."], ["doab_id", "17612"], ["language_unmapped", "Albanian, English"], ["isbns", ["9780692480410"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692480410"]], [["description", "The best and most complete anthology on the founding organization of international labor movement."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Marcello Musto"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781501302367"], ["title", "Workers Unite!"], ["doab_id", "17160"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781501302367"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781501302367"]], [["description", "Working People in Alberta traces the history of labour in Alberta from the period of First Nations occupation to the present. Drawing on over two hundred interviews with labour leaders, activists, and ordinary working people, as well as on archival records, the volume gives voice to the people who have toiled in Alberta over the centuries. In so doing, it seeks to counter the view of Alberta as a one-class, one-party, one-ideology province, in which distinctions between those who work and those who own are irrelevant. Workers from across the generations tell another tale, of an ongoing collective struggle to improve their economic and social circumstances in the face of a dominant, exploitative elite. Their stories are set within a sequential analysis of provincial politics and economics, supplemented by chapters on women and the labour movement and on minority workers of colour and their quest for social justice. Published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Working People in Alberta contrasts the stories of workers who were union members and those who were not. In its depictions of union organizing drives, strikes, and working-class life in cities and towns, this lavishly illustrated volume creates a composite portrait of the men and women who have worked to build and sustain the province of Alberta."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alvin Finkel; Jason Foster, Winston Gereluk; Jennifer Kelly; Dan Ciu; James Muir; Joan Schiebelbein; Jim Selby; Eric Strikwerda"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["labour", "labor", "unions", "working class"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120194"], ["title", "Working People in Alberta: A History"], ["doab_id", "14477"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781926836584", "9781926836591", "9781926836607"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781926836584 9781926836591 9781926836607"]], [["description", "This book highlights the way in which contemporary forms of governance, policy and politics have been reframed by women 'working the spaces of power'. It shows how links between activism and work have generated innovations that have since become 'common sense' forms of policy and practice."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Janet Newman"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781849666725"], ["title", "Working the Spaces of Power"], ["doab_id", "14402"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849666725"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849666725"]], [["description", "Understanding how the brain functions is one of the most ambitious current scientific goals. This challenge will only be accomplish by a multidisciplinary approach involving genetics, molecular biology, optics, ethology, neurobiology and mathematics and using tractable model systems. The zebrafish larva is a transparent genetically tractable small vertebrate, ideal for the combination state-of-the- art imaging techniques (e.g. two-photon scanning microscopy, single-plane illumination microscopy, spatial light modulator microscopy and lightfield microscopy), bioluminiscence and optogenetics to monitor and manipulate neuronal activity from single specific neurons up to the entire brain, in an intact behaving organism. Furthermore, the zebrafish model offers large and increasing collection of mutant and transgenic lines modelling human brain diseases. With these advantages in hand, the zebrafish larva became in the recent years, a novel animal model to study neuronal circuits and behaviour, taking us closer than ever before to understand how the brain controls behaviour."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Gonzalo G. De Polavieja; German Sumbre"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Zebrafish", "Behavior", "neuronal circuit dynamics", "Neuroanatomy", "Models of human brain disorder"]], ["publisher", "Frontiers Media SA"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/829/the-world-according-to-zebrafish-how-neural-circuits-generate-behaviour"], ["title", "The world according to zebrafish: How neural circuits generate behaviour"], ["doab_id", "18660"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9782889193288"]], ["provider", "journal.frontiersin.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9782889193288"]], [["description", "This fascinating book explores Beat Generation writing from a transnational perspective, using the concept of worlding to place Beat literature in conversation with a far-reaching network of cultural and political formations. Countering the charge that the Beats abroad were at best na\u00efve tourists seeking exoticism for exoticism's sake, World Beats finds that these writers propelled a highly politicized agenda that sought to use the tools of the earlier avant-garde to undermine Cold War and postcolonial ideologies and offer a new vision of engaged literature. With fresh interpretations of central Beat authors Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William Burroughs - as well as usually marginalized writers like Philip Lamantia, Ted Joans, and Brion Gysin - World Beats moves beyond national, continental, or hemispheric frames to show that embedded within Beat writing is an essential universality that brought America to the world and the world to American literature. This book presents an original treatment that will attract a broad spectrum of scholars.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fazzino ,Jimmy"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["American literature", "History and criticism", "Beat generation", "Literature and transnationalism", "20th Century Literature"]], ["publisher", "Dartmouth College Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605043"], ["title", "World Beats"], ["doab_id", "18760"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781611689297"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781611689297"]], [["description", "Angkor, the temple and palace complex of the ancient Khmer capital in Cambodia is one of the world\u2019s most famous monuments. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the globe visit Angkor Park, one of the finest UNESCO World Heritage Sites, every year. Since its UNESCO listing in 1992, the Angkor region has experienced an overwhelming mushrooming of hotels and restaurants; the infrastructure has been hardly able to cope with the rapid growth of mass tourism and its needs. This applies to the access and use of monument sites as well. The authors of this book critically describe and analyse the heritage nomination processes in Cambodia, especially in the case of Angkor and the temple of Preah Vihear on the Cambodian/Thai border. They examine the implications the UNESCO listings have had with regard to the management of Angkor Park and its inhabitants on the one hand, and to the Cambodian/Thai relationships on the other. Furthermore, they address issues of development through tourism that UNESCO has recognised as a welcome side-effect of heritage listings. They raise the question whether development through tourism deepens already existing inequalities rather than contributing to the promotion of the poor.

Angkor, the temple and palace complex of the ancient Khmer capital in Cambodia is one of the world\u2019s most famous monuments. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the globe visit Angkor Park, one of the finest UNESCO World Heritage Sites, every year. Since its UNESCO listing in 1992, the Angkor region has experienced an overwhelming mushrooming of hotels and restaurants; the infrastructure has been hardly able to cope with the rapid growth of mass tourism and its needs. This applies to the access and use of monument sites as well. The authors of this book critically describe and analyse the heritage nomination processes in Cambodia, especially in the case of Angkor and the temple of Preah Vihear on the Cambodian/Thai border. They examine the implications the UNESCO listings have had with regard to the management of Angkor Park and its inhabitants on the one hand, and to the Cambodian/Thai relationships on the other. Furthermore, they address issues of development through tourism that UNESCO has recognised as a welcome side-effect of heritage listings. They raise the question whether development through tourism deepens already existing inequalities rather than contributing to the promotion of the poor."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin, Brigitta"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["World Heritage", "UNESCO", "Cambodia", "International Law", "Unesco Listings", "Angkor", "Cultural Property", "World Heritage", "UNESCO", "Cambodia", "International Law", "Unesco Listings", "Angkor", "Cultural Property"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610296"], ["title", "World Heritage Angkor and Beyond - Circumstances and Implications of UNESCO Listings in Cambodia"], ["doab_id", "14585"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783863950323"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863950323"]], [["description", "Drawing on hitherto neglected archival materials, Zohar Segev sheds new light on the policy of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) during the Holocaust. Contrary to popular belief, he can show that there was an impressive system of previously unknown rescue efforts. Even more so, there is evidence for an alternative pattern for modern Jewish existence in the thinking and policy of the World Jewish Congress. WJC leaders supported the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine but did not see it as an end in itself. They strove to establish a Jewish state and to rehabilitate Diaspora Jewish life, two goals they saw as mutually complementary. The efforts of the WJC are put into the context of the serious difficulties facing the American Jewish community and its representative institutions during and after the war, as they tried to act as an ethnic minority within American society. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.--Provided by publisher."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Segev ,Zohar"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)", "Jewish Culture and History", "Contemporary History, Politics"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=483357"], ["title", "The World Jewish Congress During The Holocaust - Between Activism and Restraint"], ["doab_id", "16185"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110320268", "9783110320022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110320268 9783110320022"]], [["description", "This book is a historical account of state forms in the 21st century, outlining characteristics that make states effective."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "John L. Campbell; John A. Hall"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Bloomsbury Academic"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781472545169"], ["title", "The World of States"], ["doab_id", "17156"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781849663205"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9781849663205"]], [["description", "Water, in its many guises, has always played a powerful role in shaping Southeast Asian histories, cultures, societies and economies. This volume, the rewritten results of an international workshop, with participants from eight countries, contains thirteen essays, representing a broad range of approaches to the study of Southeast Asia with water as the central theme. As it was exposed to the sea, the region was more accessible to outside political, economic and cultural influences than many landlocked areas. Easy access through sea routes also stimulated trade from an early age. However, the same easy access made Southeast Asia vulnerable to political control by strong outsiders. The sea is, moreover, a source of food, but also of many hazards. At the same time, Southeast Asian societies and cultures are confronted with and permeated by \u2018water from heaven\u2019 in the form of rain, flash floods, irrigation water, water in rivers, brooks and swaps, water-driven power plants, and pumped or piped water, in addition to water as a carrier of sewage and pollution. Finally, the volume deals with the role of water in classification systems, beliefs, myths, illness and healing."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Boomgaard ,Peter"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Water", "Rain", "Rivers", "Sea", "Water irrigation systems", "Water supply", "Cosmology", "Fishery", "Piracy", "Diseases", "Water pollution", "History", "Southeast Asia", "Philippines", "Malaysia", "Indonesia", "Water", "Regen", "Rivieren", "Zee", "Water irrigatie systemen", "Watervoorraad", "Cosmologie", "Visserij", "Piraterij", "Ziektes", "Watervervuiling", "Geschiedenis", "Philipijnen", "Maleisie", "Indonesie"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=376971"], ["title", "A world of water: Rain, rivers and seas in Southeast Asian histories"], ["doab_id", "13324"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9789067182942", "9789004254015"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789067182942 9789004254015"]], [["description", "Michael Peppard provides a historical and theological reassessment of the oldest Christian building ever discovered, the third-century house-church at Dura-Europos. Contrary to commonly held assumptions about Christian initiation, Peppard contends that rituals here did not primarily embody notions of death and resurrection. Rather, he portrays the motifs of the church\u2019s wall paintings as those of empowerment, healing, marriage, and incarnation, while boldly reidentifying the figure of a woman formerly believed to be a repentant sinner as the Virgin Mary. This richly illustrated volume is a breakthrough work that enhances our understanding of early Christianity at the nexus of Bible, art, and ritual.This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Peppard ,Michael"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["History"]], ["publisher", "Yale University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=604619"], ["title", "The World's Oldest Church"], ["doab_id", "18736"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780300216516"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780300216516"]], [["description", "A diverse group of writers and scholars follow the lead of noted folklorist Barre Toelken and consider, from the inside, the ways in which varied cultures in the American West understand and express their relations to the world around them. As Barre Toelken puts it in The Dynamics of Folklore, \"\"'Worldview' refers to the manner in which a culture sees and expresses its relation to the world around it.\"\" In Worldviews and the American West, seventeen notable authors and scholars, employing diverse approaches and styles, apply Toelken's ideas about worldview to the American West. While the contributors represent a range of voices, methods, and visions, they are integrated through their focus on the theme of worldview in one region. Worldviews and the American West includes essays by Margaret K. Brady, Hal Cannon, Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer, James S. Griffith, Barry Lopez, Robert McCarl, Elliott Oring, Twilo Scofield, Steve Siporin, Kim Stafford, C. W. Sullivan III, Jeannie B. Thomas, George Venn, George B. Wasson, and William A. Wilson. Each of the authors in this collection attempts to get inside one or more of the worldviews of the many cultures that have come to share and interpret the American West. The result is a lively mix of styles and voices as the authors' own worldviews interact with the multiple perspectives of the diverse peoples (and, in Barry Lopez's \"\"The Language of Animals,\"\" other species) of the West. This diversity matches the geography of the region they all call home and gives varied life and meaning to its physical and cultural landscape."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Stewart, Polly; Siporin, Steve; Sullivan III, C.W.; Jones, Suzi"], ["date", "2000"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Utah State University, University Libraries"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/23"], ["title", "Worldviews and the American West: The Life of the Place Itself"], ["doab_id", "14686"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9780874214567"]], ["provider", "DigitalCommons, Utah State University"], ["isbns_raw", "9780874214567"]], [["description", "The Kimberley Arafuran language Worrorra was spoken traditionally on the remote coastline and precipitously beautiful hinterland between the Walcott Inlet and the Prince Regent River. The language described here is that attested by its last full speakers, Patsy Lulpunda, Amy Peters and Daisy Utemorrah. Patsy Lulpunda was a child when Europeans first entered her country in 1912, and Amy Peters and Daisy Utemorrah both grew up on the Kunmunya mission. This comprehensive and detailed grammar provides as well an historical and cultural context for a society now drastically altered. In the 1950s Worrorra people left their traditional land and from the 1970s the number of people speaking Worrorra as their first language declined dramatically.Worrorra is a highly polysynthetic language, characterised by overarching concord and a high degree of morphological fusion. Verbal semantics involve a voicing opposition and an extensive system of evidentiality-marking. Worrorra has elaborate systems of pragmatic reference, a derivational morphology that projects agreement-class concord across most lexical categories and complex predicates that incorporate one verb within another. Nouns are distributed among five genders, the intensional properties of which define dynamic oppositions between men and women on the one hand, and earth and sky on the other.This volume will be of interest to morphologists, syntacticians, semanticists, anthropologists, typologists, and readers interested in Australian language and culture generally."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Clendon ,Mark"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["linguistics", "worrorra", "worora", "australian languages", "mark clendon", "kimberley", "arafuran", "patsy lulpunda", "amy peters", "daisy utemorrah", "kunmunya mission", "grammar", "polysynthetic language", "morphological fusion"]], ["publisher", "University of Adelaide Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=560353"], ["title", "Worrorra: a language of the north-west Kimberley coast"], ["doab_id", "15970"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781922064592"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781922064592"]], [["description", "Wounds and the many associated problems have challenged health care providers for centuries and today, despite the wealth of knowledge available, neither the incidence nor prevalence of wounds is reducing. Furthermore, in view of our changing demographic profile and the projected increase in the older population it is likely that wound management will become an ever increasing burden to the individual, health care services and society as a whole. The annual incidence of wounds in the EU-27 is approximately 4 million, and between 25% and 50% of acute hospital beds are occupied by patients with a wound, with up to 60% of these representing non-healing wounds (infected surgical wounds, pressure ulcers, leg/foot ulcers) The increasing prevalence and incidence of non-wounds healing is closely linked with quality of care and, as such, these rising figures reduce society\u2019s confidence in the health service\u2019s ability to deliver care that is timely, appropriate and effective. Thus, for those involved in this specialist area of clinical practice, the fundamental goal is to improve clinical outcomes, reduce the burden of wounds and improve health related quality of life.In this Special Issue \u201cWound Care\u201d in Healthcare, we invited submission of manuscripts exploring contemporary issues in wound care. By devoting a special issue to wound care, we endeavoured to provide readers with a comprehensive reference source, outlining key areas of interest in this important aspect of clinical practice. The response to the call for manuscripts was fantastic and, as a result, we were able to include both original qualitative and quantitative research papers in addition to review papers, thereby providing readers with a wealth of valuable information pertinent to wound care."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["wound care, pressure ulcer, diabetic foot ulcer, leg ulcer, non-healing wound, health related quality of life, cost effectiveness"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/105"], ["title", "Wound Care"], ["doab_id", "17497"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038420446", "9783038420453"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038420446/9783038420453 "]], [["description", "Vulnerability is not often associated with virtue. Yet to be vulnerable is central to human experience. In this book, McCoy examines ways in which Greek epic, tragedy, and philosophy have important insights to offer about the nature of human vulnerability and how human beings might better come to terms with their own vulnerability. While studies of Greek heroism and virtue often focus on strength of character, prowess in war, or the achievement of honor for oneself or one\u2019s society, McCoy examines another side to Greek thought that extols the recognition and proper acceptance of vulnerability. McCoy begins with the literary works of Homer\u2019s Iliad, Sophocles\u2019 Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus and Philoctetes before expanding her analysis to philosophical works. There, she analyzes imagery of wounding in Plato\u2019s Gorgias and Symposium as well as Aristotle\u2019s work on the vulnerability inherent in friendship and an innovative interpretation of tragic catharsis in the Poetics. As much a work of philosophy as of classical textual analysis, McCoy\u2019s work aims at a deeper understanding of the virtues of vulnerability for individuals and societies alike."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "McCoy Berzins ,Marina "], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["vulnerability", "virtue", "wounds", "suffering", "tragedy", "Greek philosophy", "Sophocles", "Plato", "Aristotle", "Homer"]], ["publisher", "Oxford University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=455815"], ["title", "Wounded Heroes"], ["doab_id", "15555"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780199672783"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780199672783"]], [["description", "The spectacle of the wounded body figured prominently in the Middle Ages, from images of Christ\u2019s wounds on the cross, to the ripped and torn bodies of tortured saints who miraculously heal through divine intervention, to graphic accounts of battlefield and tournament wounds\u2014evidence of which survives in the archaeological record\u2014and literary episodes of fatal (or not so fatal) wounds. This volume offers a comprehensive look at the complexity of wounding and wound repair in medieval literature and culture, bringing together essays from a wide range of sources and disciplines including arms and armaments, military history, medical history, literature, art history, hagiography, and archaeology across medieval and early modern Europe.Contributors are Stephen Atkinson, Debby Banham, Albrecht Classen, Joshua Easterling, Charlene M. Eska, Carmel Ferragud, M.R. Geldof, Elina Gertsman, Barbara A. Goodman, M\u00e1ire Johnson, Rachel E. Kellett, Ilana Krug, Virginia Langum, Michael Livingston, Iain A. MacInnes, Timothy May, Vibeke Olson, Salvador Ryan, William Sayers, Patricia Skinner, Alicia Spencer-Hall, Wendy J. Turner, Christine Voth, and Robert C. Woosnam-Savage."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Tracy ,Larissa; DeVries ,Kelly"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["wounded body", "Middle Ages", "wounding", "wound repair", "medieval literature", "medieval culture"]], ["publisher", "Brill"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/search?identifier=606734"], ["title", "Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture"], ["doab_id", "18977"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789004292796", "9789004306455"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789004292796 9789004306455"]], [["description", "Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual nature of writing \u2014 the ways in which materials, techniques, colour, scale, orientation and visibility inform the creation of inscribed objects and spaces, as well as structure subsequent engagement, perception and meaning making. Covering a temporal span of some 5000 years, from c.3200 BCE to the present day, and ranging in spatial context from the Americas to the Near East, the chapters in this volume bring a variety of perspectives which contribute to both specific and broader questions of writing materialities.The authors also aim to place past graphical systems in their social contexts so they can be understood in relation to the people who created and attributed meaning to writing and associated symbolic modes through a diverse array of individual and wider social practices.(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bai)"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Piquette E. ,Kathryn; Whitehouse D. ,Ruth"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["material culture", "writing", "symbolism", "archaeology", "artefact"]], ["publisher", "Ubiquity Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=533915"], ["title", "Writing as Material Practice: Substance, surface and medium"], ["doab_id", "15590"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909188242", "9781909188259", "9781909188266"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909188242 9781909188259 9781909188266"]], [["description", "This collection of essays, by well known writers on the subject of writing for television, is divided into three sections, with the first one devoted to the debates on quality television. The second one focuses on literature and television. The final section examines 'Science on television', with series editors from Britain and Germany giving first-hand accounts of the scope for serious science reporting on television.

Deze verzameling essays door bekende auteurs op het gebied van 'schrijven voor televisie', is verdeeld in drie delen, met het eerste toegewijd aan de debatten over kwaliteitstelevisie. Het tweede deel concentreert zich op literatuur en televisie. De laatste onderzoekt ' Wetenschap op televisie', met serieredacteurs uit Groot-Brittanni\u00eb en Duitsland, die uit de eerste hand vertellen over aan welke eisen 'wetenschap op televisie' dient te voldoen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Elsaesser ,Thomas; Simons ,Jan; Bronk ,Lucette"], ["date", "1994"], ["subject", ["Motion pictures", "Film"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=340267"], ["title", "Writing for the Medium : Television in transition"], ["doab_id", "12947"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789053560549"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789053560549"]], [["description", "With our unique focus on writing, our innovative web-born format and our open review process, we seek to move beyond the traditionalist ways humanities scholars \u2013 and historians in particular \u2013 have tended to think about and to use digital technologies. In a recent lecture delivered in advance of his forthcoming book, The Ivory Tower and the Open Web, Dan Cohen (2011) observes that most scholars have preferred \u201cto impose traditional ivory tower genres on the web\u201d rather than accept its most successful models, such as blogs and social media. What would happen, Cohen asks, if we reversed this flow and \u201cembraced the genres of the open web?\u201d How might the web challenge prevailing norms of scholarly work, particularly in how we generate and communicate knowledge with one another? This, in short, is what we seek to explore in our Writing History volume."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jack Dougherty and Kristen Nawrotzki, editors"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "University of Michigan Press "], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://dx.doi.org/10.3998/dh.12230987.0001.001"], ["title", "Writing History in the Digital Age"], ["doab_id", "19097"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780472072064", "9780472052066", "9780472900244", "9780472029914"]], ["provider", "DOI Resolver"], ["isbns_raw", "9780472072064 9780472052066 9780472900244 9780472029914"]], [["description", "\"Writing Self, Writing Empire examines the life, career, and writings of the Mughal state secretary, or munshi, Chandar Bhan Brahman (d. ca. 1670), one of the great Indo-Persian poets and prose stylists of early modern South Asia. Chandar Bhan\u2019s life spanned the reigns of four emperors: Akbar (1556\u20131605), Jahangir (1605\u20131627), Shah Jahan (1628\u20131658), and Aurangzeb \u2018Alamgir (1658\u20131707), the last of the \u201cGreat Mughals\u201d whose courts dominated the culture and politics of the subcontinent at the height of the empire\u2019s power, territorial reach, and global influence.Chandar Bhan was a high-caste Hindu who worked for a series of Muslim monarchs and other officials, forming powerful friendships along the way; his experience bears vivid testimony to the pluralistic atmosphere of the Mughal court, particularly during the reign of Shah Jahan, the celebrated builder of the Taj Mahal. But his widely circulated and emulated works also touch on a range of topics central to our understanding of the court\u2019s literary, mystical, administrative, and ethical cultures, while his letters and autobiographical writings provide tantalizing examples of early modern Indo-Persian modes of self-fashioning. Chandar Bhan\u2019s oeuvre is a valuable window onto a crucial, though surprisingly neglected, period of Mughal cultural and political history.\""], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kinra ,Rajeev"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Chandar Bhan Brahman", "Indo-Persian literature", "Mughal Empire", "munshi"]], ["publisher", "University of California Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=602279"], ["title", "Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary"], ["doab_id", "18610"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780520286467", "9780520961685"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9780520286467 9780520961685"]], [["description", "Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies is a collection of thirteen essays by leading scholars which explores the mutual determination of forms of writing and forms of technology in modern literature. The essays unfold from a variety of historical and theoretical perspectives the proposition that literature is not less but more mechanical than other forms of writing: a transfigurative ideal machine. The collection breaks new ground archaeologically, unearthing representations in literature and film of a whole range of decisive technologies from the stereopticon through census-and slot-machines to the stock ticker, and from the Telex to the manipulation of genetic code and the screens which increasingly mediate our access to the world and to each other. It also contributes significantly to critical and cultural theory by investigating key concepts which articulate the relation between writing and technology: number, measure, encoding, encryption, the archive, the interface. Technography is not just a modern matter, a feature of texts that happen to arise in a world full of machinery and pay attention to that machinery in various ways. But the mediation of other machines has beyond doubt assisted literature to imagine and start to become the ideal machine it is always aspiring to be.Contributors: Ruth Abbott, John Attridge, Kasia Boddy, Mark Byron, Beci Carver, Steven Connor, Esther Leslie, Robbie Moore, Julian Murphet, James Purdon, Sean Pryor, Paul Sheehan, Kristen Treen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["technology in modern literature", "technology", "modern literature", "literature", "number", "measure", "encoding", "encryption", "the archive", "the interface"]], ["publisher", "Open Humanities Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=618513"], ["title", "Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies"], ["doab_id", "19833"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9781785420061", "9781785420184"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781785420061 9781785420184"]], [["description", "The study\u2019s subject is the assistance for the victims of World War I in Austria. It explains the numerous measures taken in favour of disabled veterans and war widows during the war and in the post-war period and describes the powerful organisations of the invalids. The assistance for war victims expressed very early social policy as supported by the state.

Das Buch nimmt die Kriegsopfer des Ersten Weltkriegs in den Blick. Es rekonstruiert das f\u00fcr Kriegsbesch\u00e4digte, Witwen und Waisen geschaffene Versorgungssystem sowie die Entwicklung seines normativen Rahmens in der Habsburgermonarchie und in der Ersten Republik. Die Autoren betonen die Rolle der Invaliden im Kampf um ihre Rechte und analysieren die Schaffung des Versorgungsystems f\u00fcr Kriegsopfer als einen entscheidenden Schritt auf dem Weg zum modernen Sozialstaat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Pawlowsky ,Verena; Wendelin ,Harald"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["disabled veterans, war victims, welfare state, social security, first world war", "Kriegsbesch\u00e4digte, Kriegsopfer, Sozialstaat, F\u00fcrsorge, Erster Weltkrieg"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=515614"], ["title", "Die Wunden des Staates"], ["doab_id", "16644"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795988"]], [["description", "The Quechan people live along the lower part of the Colorado River in the United States. According to tradition, the Quechan and other Yuman people were created at the beginning of time, and their Creation myth explains how they came into existence, the origin of their environment, and the significance of their oldest traditions. The Creation myth forms the backdrop against which much of the tribe\u2019s extensive oral literature may be understood.At one time there were almost as many different versions of the Quechan creation story as there were Quechan families. Now few people remember them. This volume, presented in the Quechan language with facing-column translation, provides three views of the origins of the Quechan people. One synthesizes narrator George Bryant\u2019s childhood memories and later research. The second is based upon J.P. Harrington\u2019s A Yuma Account of Origins (1908). The third provides a modern view of the origins of the Quechan, beginning with the migration from Asia to the New World and ending with the settlement of the Yuman tribes at their present locations."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Bryant, George (Author); Miller, Amy (Author)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["George Bryant", "Amy Miller", "Quechan people", "Quechan language", "A Yuma Account of Origins", "World Oral Literature Series"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/141"], ["title", "Xiip\u00faktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People"], ["doab_id", "15683"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781909254640"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781909254640"]], [["description", "Xwel\u2019qwiya is the life story of Rena Point Bolton, a St\u00f3:l\u014d matriarch, artist, and craftswoman. Proceeding by way of conversational vignettes, the beginning chapters recount Point Bolton's early years on the banks of the Fraser River during the Depression. While at the time the St\u00f3:l\u014d, or Xw\u017dlmexw, as they call themselves today, kept secret their ways of life to avoid persecution by the Canadian government, Point Bolton's mother and grandmother schooled her in the skills needed for living from what the land provides, as well as in the craftwork and songs of her people, passing on a duty to keep these practices alive. Point Bolton was taken to a residential school for the next several years and would go on to marry and raise ten children, but her childhood training ultimately set the stage for her roles as a teacher and activist. Recognizing the urgent need to forge a sense of cultural continuity among the younger members of her community, Point Bolton visited many communities and worked with federal, provincial, and First Nations politicians to help break the intercultural silence by reviving knowledge of and interest in Aboriginal art. She did so with the deft and heartfelt use of both her voice and her hands. Over the course of many years, Daly collaborated with Point Bolton to pen her story. At once a memoir, an oral history, and an insider ethnography directed and presented by the subject herself, the result attests both to Daly's relationship with the family and to Point Bolton's desire to inspire others to use traditional knowledge and experience to build their own distinctive, successful, and creative lives. "], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rena Point Bolton and Richard Daly"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["biography", "First Nations", "British Columbia", "women"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120230"], ["title", "Xwel\u00edqwiya: The Life of a St\u00f3:l\u014d Matriarch"], ["doab_id", "16228"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781927356562", "9781927356579", "9781927356586"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781927356562 9781927356579 9781927356586"]], [["description", "Yeats\u2019s Mask, Yeats Annual No. 19 is a special issue in this renowned research-level series. Fashionable in the age of Wilde, the Mask changes shape until it emerges as Mask in the system of A Vision. Chronologically tracing the concept through Yeats\u2019s plays and those poems written as \u2018texts for exposition\u2019 of his occult thought which flowers in A Vision itself (1925 and 1937), the volume also spotlights \u2018The Mask before The Mask\u2019 numerous plays including Cathleen Ni-Houlihan, The King\u2019s Threshold, Calvary, The Words upon the Window-pane, A Full Moon in March and The Death of Cuchulain. There are excurses into studies of Yeats\u2019s friendship with the Oxford don and cleric, William Force Stead, his radio broadcasts, the Chinese contexts for his writing of \u2018Lapis Lazuli\u2019. His self-renewal after The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, and the key occult epistolary exchange \u2018Leo Africanus\u2019, edited from MSS by Steve L. Adams and George Mills Harper, is republished from the elusive Yeats Annual No. 1 (1982).The essays are by David Bradshaw, Michael Cade-Stewart, Aisling Carlin, Warwick Gould, Margaret Mills Harper, Pierre Longuenesse, Jerusha McCormack, Neil Mann, Emilie Morin, Elizabeth M\u00fcller and Alexandra Poulain, with shorter notes by Philip Bishop and Colin Smythe considering Yeats\u2019s quatrain upon remaking himself and the pirate editions of The Land of Heart\u2019s Desire. Ten reviews focus on various volumes of the Cornell Yeats MSS Series, his correspondence with George Yeats, and numerous critical studies."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Mills Harper, Margaret (Editor); Gould, Warwick (Editor)"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["William Butler Yeats", "Yeats Annual", "Warwick Gould", "Margaret Mills Harper", "Yeats's Mask", "Institute of English Studies", "Irish literature", "Irish poetry"]], ["publisher", "Open Book Publishers"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/233"], ["title", "Yeats's Mask: Yeats Annual No. 19"], ["doab_id", "15684"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781783740185"]], ["provider", "Open Book Publishers"], ["isbns_raw", "9781783740185"]], [["description", "The book describes the psychoanalytic perspective of development of theparent-infant relationship in the first three years of life.The importance of the earliest experiences of the child in the interaction with the parents shape sthe emerging personality of the child. The book follows the life of a child from birth to the third year.

Das Buch beschreibt die psychoanalytische Perspektive der Entwicklung der Eltern-Kind Beziehung in den ersten drei Lebensjahren. Die Bedeutung der fr\u00fchesten Erfahrungen des Kinder in der Interaktion mit den Eltern beeinflussen die Pers\u00f6nlichkeit des Kindes. Das Buch beschreibt die ersten Lebensjahre von der Geburt bis zum dritten Jahr."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Diem-Wille ,Gertraud"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Developmental Theory, Psychoanalysis, Parent-Infant Psychotherapy, Child analysis, Infant Observation", "Entwicklungstheorie, Psychoanalyse, Eltern-Kleinkind Therapie, Kinderanalyse, Psychoanalytische S\u00e4uglingsbeobachtung"]], ["publisher", "Karnac"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=497778"], ["title", "Young Children and Their Parents"], ["doab_id", "16267"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781780491431"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9781780491431"]], [["description", "The Maa of East Africa are a cluster of related pastoral peoples who share a social organization based on age. This groups men into life-long cohorts from their initiation in youth, regardless of family wealth. Historically, this type of pre-market society has been described in every continent, but East Africa provides the principal surviving region of age-based societies, among whom the Maasai are the best known. In this volume, comparison between three branches of Maa highlights different aspects of their society: the dynamics of power with age and gender among the Maasai, of ritual performance and belief among the Samburu, and of historical change among the Chamus.Here it is argued that understanding another culture can only be approached through models derived in the first instance from the representations conveyed by members of that culture. The social anthropologist may then elaborate these images through the choice of analytical parallels, even extending to other disciplines and personal experience. Each chapter in this volume views Maa institutions through a different lens, exploring models relevant to a comprehensive analysis of their social life."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Paul Spencer"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["anthropology, sociology, political science, gender studies, history, development studies, Africa, Maasai"]], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/433725"], ["title", "Youth and Experiences of Ageing among Maa. Models of Society Evoked by the Maasai, Samburu, and Chamus of Kenya"], ["doab_id", "16481"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783110372335"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783110372335"]], [["description", "The late Chinese scholar Ji Xianlin has influenced the image of Germany for generations of Chinese relevant until today. About his time in G\u00f6ttingen from 1935 1945 he wrote in the 80's a book in which he draws, in spite of negative experiences during the Nazi dictatorship, a differentiated picture of Germany and the Gottingen science. This led to a sharp increase in the number of Chinese students in G\u00f6ttingen up to 400 in 2008.

Der k\u00fcrzlich verstorbene chinesische Gelehrte Ji Xianlin hat das Deutschlandbild von Generationen von Chinesen bis heute ma\u00dfgeblich beeinflusst. \u00dcber seine Zeit in G\u00f6ttingen von 1935 \u2013 1945 schrieb er in den 80er Jahren ein Buch, in dem er, trotz negativer Erfahrungen w\u00e4hrend der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur, ein differenziertes Bild von Deutschland und der G\u00f6ttinger Wissenschaft zeichnet. Dies f\u00fchrte zu einem starken Anstieg der Zahl der Studierenden aus China in G\u00f6ttingen, die im Jahr 2008 bei 400 lag. In seinen Erinnerungen, die im Oktober zur Frankfurter Buchmesse erstmals in deutscher \u00dcbersetzung erschienen sind, bezeichnet Prof. Dr. Ji G\u00f6ttingen und seine Universit\u00e4t als zweite Heimat."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Ji, Xianlin; Li, Kuiliu; Brinkmann, Roswitha; Liu, Daoqian"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["University of Goettingen", "China", "Nazi dictatorship", "University of Goettingen", "China", "Nazi dictatorship"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610360"], ["title", "Zehn Jahre in Deutschland"], ["doab_id", "19173"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783941875081"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783941875081"]], [["description", "Guibert, Abt von Nogent (\u2020 um 1125), bekannt vor allem durch seine autobiographische Schrift, tritt uns in seiner polemischen Stellungnahme zum zeitgen\u00f6ssischen Reliquienkult als beinahe aufgekl\u00e4rter Mensch entgegen. Auf der anderen Seite berichtet er in seinen Werken auch immer wieder von Eingriffen g\u00f6ttlicher oder teuflischer Macht in seine Welt. Karin Fuchs stellt diese Berichte ins Zentrum ihrer Studie: Welche Ereignisse deutete Guibert als Wunder, wie wurden sie kommuniziert, und welche Funktionen hatten \u00fcberirdische Zeichen in seinen Schriften und f\u00fcr die intellektuelle Gemeinschaft, in der er sich als M\u00f6nch und Abt bewegte?"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Fuchs, Karin"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "De Gruyter"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.degruyter.com/viewbooktoc/product/228443"], ["title", "Zeichen und Wunder bei Guibert de Nogent Kommunikation, Deutungen und Funktionalisierungen von Wundererz\u00e4hlungen im 12. Jahrhundert"], ["doab_id", "18102"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783486843569", "9783486582925"]], ["provider", "De Gruyter Online"], ["isbns_raw", "9783486843569, 9783486582925"]], [["description", "Contemporary art of Africa reached a wider audience in the aftermath of the Magiciens de la Terre exhibition (Paris 1989). This study of fourteen artists from Ivory Coast and Benin is based on ethnographic fieldwork in both countries (1997), during which I worked with several artists. In order to consider the reception of contemporary art of Africa in the European/North American art world, researches in London, Paris, and New York followed (1997, 1998). In Ivory Coast, I focused on a group of academically trained artists who belong to the Vohou Vohou movement which started in the early 1980s, and reached prominence in the 1990s. In Benin, I worked with artists who were not academically trained. One needs, however, to differentiate, as some had training as traditional artists, like the iron sculptures Calixte and Th\u00e9odore Dakpogan, and adapted in the early 1990s their acquired skills to the creation of contemporary sculptures. Others, like Romuald Hazoum\u00e8 and Georges Ad\u00e9agbo, are self-trained. But they too interact with academically trained artists during residencies in various, West African or European countries.In the major part of the volume, I am presenting the artists: which materials they are working with, what are their stylistic characteristics, which ideas and reflections are informing their work. In a following chapter, I try to trace the artists\u2019 trajectories, the connections they are using in their work, be it to traditional stylistic canons, materials, techniques, and concepts, or to European modernism. In doing so, I adopt a situated perspective from these local art worlds (Abidjan and Cotonou/Porto Novo), in order to show the complexity of these creative artistic practices.Other chapters of the volume deal with the notions of the art world (Becker\u2019s sociological one and Danto\u2019s cognitive). From an anthropological viewpoint I argue for a combination of both notions. Becker\u2019s is important as to show the social, cultural, and economic aspects of the local art world. These aspects concern what is possible, or what is restricting the artistic endeavour. Danto\u2019s concept needs an adaptation, in as far as it is not an embedding of the works of these artists within the grand narrative of Occidental art history. Rather, the notion is used in the plural, as the focus is on local, regional, and transcultural connections of artistic practices. I thereafter argue against a universalising, hegemonic narrative of the European/North American art world.The other notion, which is discussed in the volume, is the one of \u2018contemporary African art.\u2019 Instead of analysing the notion from a theoretical perspective, I follow the artists, how they explain their art and its possible African character. This approach shows a wide continuum between a clear African dimension and one that considers contemporary art practices as encompassing without any regional specification.The final chapter deals with reflections about a modern, contemporary anthropology of art. Such an anthropology does not restrict itself to the study of ethnic arts but considers all art as its subject. In particular, it has to deal with contemporary art in its present, multiple expressions on the basis of ethnographic fieldwork. It may participate in wider discussions about global art (although the notion is not dealt with in the volume), from locally situated gazes.Context is a major topic in that respect. While former studies in the anthropology of art contextualised works of art by considering their functions and meanings, context is here as well considered as related to artistic practices, the connections to other skills, techniques, materials, styles, or ideas which are visualised in the work of art.I would like to express my gratitude to the \u2018Fonds zur F\u00f6rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung\u2019 (FWF) which enabled the fieldworks, archival researches, and the publication of the present volume.

Seit dem Ende der achtziger Jahre ist zeitgen\u00f6ssische Kunst aus Afrika von Gro\u00dfausstellungen in Europa und Amerika kaum mehr wegzudenken. Dennoch ist heute noch immer wenig \u00fcber K\u00fcnstler von diesem Kontinent zu erfahren. Basierend auf einem mehrmonatigen Aufenthalt und intensiven Recherchen, stellt der Autor 14 Gegenwartsk\u00fcnstler aus Cote d\"Ivoire und Benin vor. Dabei werden ihre Werke anhand von Gespr\u00e4chsausschnitten und der Erkl\u00e4rungen ihrer Konzepte und \u00fcberlegungen erl\u00e4utert. Auf diesem Weg wird der Leser angeregt, sich eingehend mit diesen verschiedensten Ausdrucksformen - von Bildern \u00fcber Skulpturen und Masken aus Abfallprodukten, bis hin zu Installationen - auseinanderszusetzen. Dabei wird ebenso auf die Ausbildungssituation eingegangen wie auf das Umfeld, die Kunstwelt, in der die K\u00fcnstler leben und sch\u00f6pferisch arbeiten. Die Studie gew\u00e4hrt nicht nur Einblick in unterschiedliches k\u00fcnstlerisches Schaffen in Afrika, sie zeigt ebenso die Lebenswelten der K\u00fcnstler, deren Kenntnis entscheidend ist, um sie und ihre Arbeit zu verstehen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Fillitz ,Thomas"], ["date", "2002"], ["subject", ["Anthropology of art, art worlds, contemporary art of Africa, global art, globalization", "Gegenwartsk\u00fcnstler aus Cote d\"Ivoire und Benin"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=574818"], ["title", "Zeitgen\u00f6ssische Kunst aus Afrika"], ["doab_id", "17412"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205994022"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205994022"]], [["description", "The earth is experiencing the adverse effect of climate change. In response to growing global warming issues and the constant increase of energy prices, house-builders and housing manufacturers today are becoming more responsive to the delivery of net zero energy and carbon dioxide emission sustainable homes than ever. Within this context, the sustainability may embrace housing economy and adequacy beyond the legitimacy in which the quality barely coincides with individuals' dynamic various needs, desires and expectations. In this special issue, 'mass customisation' is reviewed being considered as a paradoxical concept which has been recognised as a means to lessen production costs of end-user products whilst achieving the customisability through economies of scope rather than economies of scale. Nevertheless, the housing industry's business operation tends to follow routines and the close system mode of operation often hinders the enterprises from adopting unfamiliar inn ovations which may be inevitable in realising the delivery and operation of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable homes. In order to deliver a marketable and replicable zero energy/emission mass custom home, or ZEMCH, the strategic balance between the optional and standard features seems to be critical. The optional features may be provided with the aim to enhance design quality (or customizability) that helps contribute to satisfying desires and expectations of individual stakeholders. The standard equipment, on the other hand, needs to be installed in buildings as it aims to exceed product quality whose levels can be adjusted in conjunction with societal demands and requirements. This edition encompasses a wide spectrum of hopes and fears around the design, production and marketing approaches to the ZEMCH delivery and operation, and showcases some exemplars budding out in different climates around the globe"], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["zero energy mass custom homes, mass customisation and personalisation, sustainable housing development, energy efficiency measurement, design and construction management, user behaviour and choice, renewable energy technology, housing affordability and inclusiveness, value analysis in design decision making, ZEMCH Network"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://books.mdpi.com/pdfview/book/158"], ["title", "ZEMCH Research Initiatives: Mass Customisation and Sustainability"], ["doab_id", "17649"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038421115", "9783038421122"]], ["provider", "books.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038421115/9783038421122"]], [["description", "The term zeolite is based on Greek words for \u201cto boil\u201d and \u201cstone\u201d and it is already known since more than 250 years. At that time, the Swedish mineralogist A.F. Cronstedt (1722-1765) observed the formation of large amount of steam when heating the material Stilbite pointing to his porous character and adsorption capacity. At present, over 200 different zeolite frameworks have been identified. In general, zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with defined micropore structure. Within zeolites, a good number of elements can be isomorphously incorporated and much more elements or their oxides can be hosted by zeolites. Besides their big variety in size of pore mouths, channels, crossings etc. leading also to their designation as molecular sieves and uses in membrane applications, zeolites reveal Br\u00f8nsted and Lewis acidic properties that can be varied in wide limits as well. Thus, they deserve the name \u201csolid acids\u201d. Zeolites have an immense importance in diverse industrial applications as catalysts and adsorbents, for example in refinery industry, chemical industry, detergent sector or for solar thermal collectors and adsorption refrigerationIn this special issue we aim at new developments and recent progress with respect to zeolite-catalyzed chemical reactions, adsorption applications and membrane uses as well as improved syntheses strategies and characterization techniques."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", NaN], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["zeolites as adsorbents, zeolites as acidic catalysts, zeolites as hosts for catalytic active nanoparticles, zeolites in fine chemical syntheses, molecular sieve and inorganic membrane applications, new zeolite synthesis routes, sophisticated characterization techniques, active sites in zeolites"]], ["publisher", "MDPI AG - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/229"], ["title", "Zeolite Catalysis"], ["doab_id", "19920"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9783038422648", "9783038422655"]], ["provider", "www.mdpi.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9783038422648/9783038422655"]], [["description", "Crafting wings out of wax and poems from the underground, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea is a dreamlike voyage through poetic narrative format, blurring the line between poetry and fiction. Exploring the frenetic lives of Mexican cowboys, robots, sultans, Greek gods, and convenience store clerks, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea shatters preconceived notions of poetry and instead offers a more accessible strain of literary free flow."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Leopold McGinnis"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Crafting wings out of wax and poems from the underground, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea is a dreamlike voyage through poetic narrative format, blurring the line between poetry and fiction. Exploring the frenetic lives of Mexican cowboys, robots, sultans, Greek gods, and convenience store clerks, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea shatters preconceived notions of poetry and instead offers a more accessible strain of literary free flow.", "DCF"]], ["publisher", "Athabasca University Press"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120186"], ["title", "Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea"], ["doab_id", "14478"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9781897425947", "9781897425954", "9781926836331"]], ["provider", "Athabasca University Press"], ["isbns_raw", "9781897425947 9781897425954 9781926836331"]], [["description", "Na primeira metade do s\u00e9culo XX o teatro brasileiro passou por um processo de atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o que contou com a lideran\u00e7a de personalidades que marcaram a cultura nacional. Neste complexo cen\u00e1rio de renova\u00e7\u00e3o da cena houve a participa\u00e7\u00e3o do diretor e ator polon\u00eas Zbigniew Marian Ziembinski (1908-1978), fugitivo da Segunda Guerra Mundial ele aportou no Brasil, em 1941. O movimento de atualiza\u00e7\u00e3o est\u00e9tica no teatro estava em curso desde a d\u00e9cada de 1920 e os esfor\u00e7os de Ziembinski se somaram ao grupo de atores, atrizes, dramaturgos e cr\u00edticos que desejavam introduzir nos palcos nacionais novas concep\u00e7\u00f5es de encena\u00e7\u00e3o."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Souza, Camila Maria Bueno"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/cd2sq"], ["title", "Ziembinski, o encenador dos tempos modernos: a constru\u00e7\u00e3o de uma trajet\u00f3ria na cr\u00edtica de D\u00e9cio de Almeida Prado (1950-1959)"], ["doab_id", "19999"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579837029"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579837029"]], [["description", "History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines; Music

De liedboeken zijn een tastbare herinnering aan de levendige zeventiende-eeuwse liedcultuur. Jong en oud, arm en rijk: iedereen zong, van de wieg tot het graf. Natascha Veldhorst laat de diversiteit en originaliteit van het genre zien. Daarnaast bevat het boek vele verrassende illustraties die onderstrepen hoezeer het zingen en de liedboeken destijds in het dagelijkse bestaan waren ge\u00efntegreerd. Liedboeken waren lange tijd enorm geliefd bij de Nederlandse bevolking. Het genre werd uitgevonden in de zestiende eeuw, maar bleef nog eeuwen daarna populair. Vooral de Gouden Eeuw kende een indrukwekkende bloei, met honderden bundels in uiteenlopende formaten, prijzen en uitvoeringen. In kwantiteit en kwaliteit was de Nederlandse situatie uniek. Nergens in Europa werden de liedboeken met zoveel energie en enthousiasme geproduceerd en aangeschaft. Zingend door het leven is gewijd aan dit fascinerende cultuurhistorische verschijnsel. Het boek gaat uitvoerig in op de vormgeving en de inhoud van de liedboeken, de verhouding tussen nieuw gecomponeerde en bestaande muziek, de invloed van uitgevers en drukkers, de connecties tussen de liedcultuur en het theater, de populariteit van amoureuze liedboeken bij de jeugd, en het verzet vanuit religieuze hoek tegen de meeslepende invloed van de muziek. Thematische hoofdstukken worden afgewisseld met twaalf korte intermezzi over afzonderlijke liedboeken, die de grote diversiteit en originaliteit van het genre laten zien. Verrassende illustraties benadrukken hoezeer de zangbundels in het dagelijks bestaan waren ge\u00efntegreerd. Liedboeken, schilderijen en prenten vormen een tastbare herinnering aan onze levendige zeventiende-eeuwse liedcultuur. Jong en oud, arm en rijk: iedereen zong, van de wieg tot het graf."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Veldhorst ,Natascha"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines", "Music", "Geschiedenis", "Muziek"]], ["publisher", "Amsterdam University Press"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=339997"], ["title", "Zingend door het leven : Het Nederlandse liedboek in de Gouden Eeuw"], ["doab_id", "12697"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9789089641465"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789089641465"]], [["description", "Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des am 17. Oktober 2008 veranstalteten 7. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht. Vor dem Hintergrund der Reform des deutschen G\u00fcterrechts unternahm er den Br\u00fcckenschlag zur Diskussion im Rahmen der Commission on European Family Law \u00fcber ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht unter der Frage, inwieweit die deutsche Zugewinngemeinschaft als Modell f\u00fcr ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht dienen k\u00f6nnte. Die Grundlagen f\u00fcr die Diskussionen bildeten eine Darstellung der Zugewinngemeinschaft und der geplanten Reformen (Gerd Bruderm\u00fcller) und eine rechtsvergleichende \u00dcbersicht \u00fcber die Ehest\u00e4nde in Europa (Walter Pintens). Daran schloss sich ein Bericht \u00fcber die Arbeit der Commission on European Family Law an Grunds\u00e4tzen f\u00fcr ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht an (Dieter Martiny). Abschlie\u00dfend wurde dann die Leitfrage diskutiert, ob die Zugewinngemeinschaft des deutschen Rechts als Vorbild f\u00fcr einen europ\u00e4ischen G\u00fcterstand geeignet ist (Anne R\u00f6thel). Band 7 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt die Referate des am 17. Oktober 2008 veranstalteten 7. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht. Vor dem Hintergrund der Reform des deutschen G\u00fcterrechts unternahm er den Br\u00fcckenschlag zur Diskussion im Rahmen der Commission on European Family Law \u00fcber ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht unter der Frage, inwieweit die deutsche Zugewinngemeinschaft als Modell f\u00fcr ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht dienen k\u00f6nnte. Die Grundlagen f\u00fcr die Diskussionen bildeten eine Darstellung der Zugewinngemeinschaft und der geplanten Reformen (Gerd Bruderm\u00fcller) und eine rechtsvergleichende \u00dcbersicht \u00fcber die Ehest\u00e4nde in Europa (Walter Pintens). Daran schloss sich ein Bericht \u00fcber die Arbeit der Commission on European Family Law an Grunds\u00e4tzen f\u00fcr ein europ\u00e4isches G\u00fcterrecht an (Dieter Martiny). Abschlie\u00dfend wurde dann die Leitfrage diskutiert, ob die Zugewinngemeinschaft des deutschen Rechts als Vorbild f\u00fcr einen europ\u00e4ischen G\u00fcterstand geeignet ist (Anne R\u00f6thel). Band 7 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Community of Accrued Gain", "European Law", "European Relations", "Community of Accrued Gain", "European Law", "European Relations"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610229"], ["title", "Die Zugewinngemeinschaft - ein europ\u00e4isches Modell? - 7. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht"], ["doab_id", "14568"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344632"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344632"]], [["description", "Das Zukunftsprojekt \u201eIndustrie 4.0\u201c, das ein zentrales Element der Hightech-Strategie der Bundesregierung darstellt, zielt auf die Informatisierung der klassischen Industrien, wie z. B. der industriellen Produktion. Auf dem Weg zum Internet der Dinge soll durch die Verschmelzung der virtuellen mit der physikalischen Welt zu Cyber-Physical Systems und dem dadurch m\u00f6glichen Zusammenwachsen der technischen Prozesse mit den Gesch\u00e4ftsprozessen der Produktionsstandort Deutschland in ein neues Zeitalter gef\u00fchrt werden. Das Technologieprogramm \u201eAutonomik f\u00fcr Industrie 4.0\u201c des Bundesministeriums f\u00fcr Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) ist Teil des Zukunftsprojekts \u201eIndustrie 4.0\u201c. Im Kontext dieses Programms ist der vorliegende Band entstanden. Das Buch gibt einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber m\u00f6gliche Wege in die die Zukunft der Arbeit unter den Bedingungen von Autonomik und Industrie 4.0. Zentrale Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken werden aus Sicht der Forschung, der Industrie und der Sozialpartner benannt. Beispielhafte Gestaltungsl\u00f6sungen aus den Bereichen Produktions- und Automatisierungstechnik, Robotik, Virtual Engineering, Landmaschinen und Lernfabriken illustrieren die im Buch dargestellten Trends."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alfons Botthof; Ernst Andreas Hartmann"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Industrial and Production Engineering", " Robotics and Automation", " Engineering Economics, Organization, Logistics, Marketing", " Manufacturing, Machines, Tools", " Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet) "]], ["publisher", "Springer"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-45915-7"], ["title", "Zukunft der Arbeit in Industrie 4.0"], ["doab_id", "17321"], ["language_unmapped", "Deutsch"], ["isbns", ["9783662459140", "9783662459157"]], ["provider", "Springer"], ["isbns_raw", "9783662459140 (Print) 9783662459157 (Online)"]], [["description", "The investigation deals with the accident flight Paragraph \u00a7 142 of the German StGB (criminal code). It examines the questions of \"if\" and the \"how\" of reform, this means the practical embodiment in detail.

The investigation deals with the accident flight Paragraph \u00a7 142 of the German StGB (criminal code). It examines the questions of \"if\" and the \"how\" of reform, this means the practical embodiment in detail."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kubatta, Ziva"], ["date", "2008"], ["subject", ["German criminal code", "accident flight", "German criminal code", "accident flight"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610222"], ["title", "Zur Reformbed\u00fcrftigkeit der Verkehrsunfallflucht (\u00a7 142 StGB)"], ["doab_id", "12964"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783940344243"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783940344243"]], [["description", "In 1847, the Austrian painter Leopold Kupelwieser (1796-1862) was commissioned to execute a fresco cycle in the Ceremonial Hall of the Nieder\u00f6sterreichische Statthalterei (Lower Austrian Government Building, Vienna), depicting scenes from Austrian history. Iconographic aspects of each painting, using pictorial and literary sources as well as pointing out biographical connections and artistic forebears and influences, are being discussed. The complex interplay between art technology and conceptual statements manifests itself particularly articulate in the focal point of cartoon and fresco; accordingly, this study approaches Kupelwiesers work through the description of the materials he used and the way he processed them.

1847 wurde der nieder\u00f6sterreichische K\u00fcnstler Leopold Kupelwieser (1796-1862) damit beauftragt, den gro\u00dfen Sitzungssaal im neuen Geb\u00e4ude der n\u00f6. Statthalterei mit einem Freskenzyklus zur \u00d6sterreichischen Geschichte auszuschm\u00fccken. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet eine Darstellung der Genese des Bildprogramms und eine ikonographische Analyse der einzelnen Bildgegenst\u00e4nde sowie die Deutung des Gesamtkonzepts. Da sich gerade an den Brennpunkten Karton und Freskotechnik die komplexen wechselseitigen Bedingungen von k\u00fcnstlerischer Technik und inhaltlicher Aussage manifestieren, wird auch \u00fcber eine Beschreibung der Materialien und ihrer Art der Verarbeitung und Verwendung ein Zugang zu Kupelwiesers Werk gesucht."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Eyb-Green ,Sigrid"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Leopold Kupelwieser, frescoe cycle, history painting, artistic process, cartoon", "Leopold Kupelwieser, Freskenzyklus, Geschichtsdarstellung, 19. Jahrhundert, Werkprozess, Karton"]], ["publisher", "Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz GmbH"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=605079"], ["title", "Das zusammengedr\u00e4ngte Gedenken"], ["doab_id", "18762"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783990280751"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783990280751"]], [["description", "This book presents the lectures of the 14th G\u00f6ttingen Workshop on Family Law, which took place on 13th November 2015 and was organized in cooperation with the Center for Medical Law of the University of G\u00f6ttingen. It deals with the highly relevant problem of coercive medical treatment of a patient who rejects medical treatment and thereby endangers himself. The lectures published in this book analyze the problem for adult patients and for children and young patients from a legal perspective (Georg Dodegge, Isabell G\u00f6tz), from the point of view of psychiatry (Andreas Heinz, Sabine M\u00fcller and Marc Allroggen, J\u00f6rg M. Fegert), of medical ethics (Alfred Simon), and from the perspective of human rights (Stefanie Schmahl).

Dieser Band enth\u00e4lt die Vortr\u00e4ge des 14. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der am 13. November 2015 gemeinsam mit dem G\u00f6ttinger Zentrum f\u00fcr Medizinrecht veranstaltet wurde. Er thematisiert die h\u00f6chst aktuelle Problematik der Zwangsbehandlung eines Patienten, der eine \u00e4rztliche Behandlung ablehnt und sich dadurch selbst gef\u00e4hrdet. Die hier publizierten Beitr\u00e4ge beleuchten die Problematik f\u00fcr Erwachsene und f\u00fcr Kinder und Jugendliche aus rechtlicher Sicht (Georg Dodegge, Isabell G\u00f6tz), aus Sicht der Psychiatrie (Andreas Heinz, Sabine M\u00fcller und Marc Allroggen, J\u00f6rg M. Fegert), aus medizinethischer Sicht (Alfred Simon) und aus der Perspektive der Menschenrechte (Stefanie Schmahl)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["coercive medical treatment", "family law", "medical law", "coercive medical treatment", "family law", "medical law"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610777"], ["title", "Zwangsbehandlung bei Selbstgef\u00e4hrdung - 14. G\u00f6ttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2015"], ["doab_id", "19165"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952655"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952655"]], [["description", "The main focus of this study is a methodological analysis of private letters written by Spanish emigrants from the Americas to their relatives and friends back in Europe, with an intensive discussion about the interaction and blurring between the public and the private spheres in private correspondences, kept and preserved in a public space (the archive). Questions of source criticism and a detailed assessment of the scientific production on the topics of letter writing and private correspondences in general, and emigrant-letters, specially, constitute the first part of the study. Emigrant letters from the colonial period can be found in a wide array of archival sources. Private archives of noble families, merchant houses and merchant institutions often hold large vaults of correspondence of some prominent member, but also public archives in Spain provides several types of documents containing private letters: notarial records and files from court cases do contain a good number of letters. A very important source for Spanish emigrant letters, because they were written by the greatest number of different letter writers, stem from solicitations for emigration licences, which were required by Spanish subjects in order to legally cross the Atlantic Ocean. Depending on the varying contexts of their archiving, the analysis of the letters' contents requires different methods and peculiar precautions and aspects have to be reflected to reach an acceptable degree of hermeneutical understanding of each single text. The private and intimate, innate to the form of private or familiar letters as a genre, stand in a fascinating contrast to the manifold public contexts present from the production of the letter itself, to the transport, reshipment, lecture, all the way to its archiving (and lecture by the modern scholar). The central corpus of analysis are the mentioned letters from emigration solicitudes, commonly called cartas de llamada or recruitment letters. With their help, hopeful solicitors tried to prove that their husbands wanted them in order to reunite in their new home, or that a relative (quite often an uncle or cousin) wanted them to come and had work to offer. Letters of this type were also the basis of the most important existing edition of emigrant letters by Enrique Otte from 1988, a work which is generally considered the spark that triggered interest in such letters as historical sources within the historiography of Spanish America. His work, which was limited to the years 1540-1614, was followed by several other editions of emigrant letters, some of them also using cartas de llamada. However, none of these editions offered a systematical comparison of the existing editions or tried to exhaustively identify the archival series containing such letters. Most editions also made very limited use of the documents surrounding the letters in the solicitudes. Last - but not least - one has to state a complete chaos concerning the practice and standards for the edition of the original documents, which differ considerably - methodologically and qualitatively. This study, thus, also makes an effort to develop a solid basis for possible future editions. Searching in the Archivo General de Indias in Seville, 1213 hitherto unknown and unpublished letters could be added to the 1017 cartas de llamada already published in other editions. This study analysis this closed corpus quantitatively in demographic and temporal-spatial aspects and qualitatively tries to answer question about the use of the letters in the keeping-up of familiar ties and organization of chain-emigration. Special attention is also given to the communicative behaviour of the emigrants, which is studied both qualitatively - by taking a look at the strategies employed to secure the transoceanic contact despite the many obstacles like wars, shipwrecking, and lack of infrastructure - and quantitatively - by comparing the time needed for full circuits of correspondence, frequency of letter writing, etc.

Haupts\u00e4chliches Interesse dieser Arbeit ist eine methodologische Analyse aus quellenkritischer Sicht von Privatbriefen spanischer Emigranten, die diese aus Amerika an ihre Freunde und Verwandten in Europa schickten, sowie eine detaillierte Kritik der bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Beitr\u00e4ge zu diesem Thema. Dabei stehen besonders das Verh\u00e4ltnis und die verwaschenen Grenzen zwischen Privatheit und \u00d6ffentlichkeit, zwischen authentischem, intimem Seelenspiegel und sorgsam inszeniertem Instrument im Vordergrund. Emigrantenbriefe sind aus einer gro\u00dfen Bandbreite verschiedenster archivarischer Best\u00e4nde auf uns gekommen: aus Privatarchiven des Adels und bekannter Pers\u00f6nlichkeiten, aus Archiven von Handelsh\u00e4usern und Handelsinstitutionen, in Notariatsakten, Gerichtsakten, sowie in besonders gro\u00dfer Zahl im Rahmen von Antr\u00e4gen auf Lizenzen zur \u00dcberfahrt nach Las Indias. Je nach Art des archivarischen Zusammenhangs weisen diese Privatbriefe unterschiedliche Qualit\u00e4ten auf, die bestimmter methodologischer Zugangsweisen bed\u00fcrfen und unterschiedliche Aussagen zulassen. Besonders interessant ist dabei das komplexe Verh\u00e4ltnis zwischen Privatheit und verschiedensten Formen der \u00d6ffentlichkeit, sei es bereits bei der Entstehung der Briefe, sei es der schleichende \u00dcbergang individueller Briefe zu standardisierten Schriftst\u00fccken f\u00fcr bestimmte Zwecke oder Prozesse von Selektion, je nachdem, aus welchem Grund die Briefe archiviert wurden - das Archiv allein macht bereits aus dem intimsten Privatbrief etwas \u00d6ffentliches. Besonders die \u00f6ffentliche Verwendung von Briefen in einem Gerichtsakt der Inquisition hat sich diesbez\u00fcglich als sehr aufschlussreich herausgestellt Im Speziellen wird ein Bestand von Briefen vollst\u00e4ndig aufgearbeitet, der zu den bekanntesten privaten Emigrantenbriefen des kolonialen Hispanoamerika geh\u00f6rt: die sogenannten cartas de llamada oder Anwerbebriefe. Mit Hilfe dieser Briefe wiesen die Antragsteller und Antragstellerinnen nach, dass ihr Ehegatte sie zu sich rief oder ein Verwandter f\u00fcr ihr wirtschaftliches und soziales Fortkommen sorgen w\u00fcrde. Briefe dieser Art waren die Grundlage der wichtigsten einschl\u00e4gigen Briefedition von Enrique Otte Ende der 1980er-Jahre, die das Interesse an dieser Quelle in der hispanoamerikanistischen Geschichtsforschung entscheidend beeinflusste. Mehrere weitere Briefeditionen folgten. Allerdings wurden die Best\u00e4nde an cartas de llamada nicht systematisch aufgearbeitet und das sie umgebende Dokumentmaterial (Lizenzantr\u00e4ge) sowie die zum Verst\u00e4ndnis notwendigen die legalen Bestimmungen zur Emigration nicht konsequent in die Analyse eingebunden. Desweiteren herrscht in der Editionspraxis ein regelrechtes Chaos, was die Standards bei der Transkription der Originaldokumente betrifft, sodass der Versuch unternommen wurde, eine solide und auch f\u00fcr weitere Editionen tragf\u00e4hige Vorgangsweise zu entwickeln. Als Quellenmaterial wurden die entsprechenden Best\u00e4nde im Archivo General de Indias systematisch durchsucht. Dabei konnten zahlreiche Angaben zu bereits edierten Briefen berichtigt werden und 1213 zuvor unedierte Briefe wurden transkribiert. Das so gesammelte Material wurde sowohl quantitativ nach demographischen und r\u00e4umlichen Mustern untersucht, als auch hinsichtlich inhaltlicher Aussagen zu verschiedenen Aspekten historischen Interesses ausgewertet. Einen privilegierten Rang unter diesen untersuchten Elementen nahm das Kommunikationsverhalten der Emigranten selbst ein: Briefumlaufzeiten, Frequenz der Kommunikation, Postwege, Transportmittel und Strategien, um ungeachtet von Kommunikationsh\u00fcrden (Schiffbr\u00fcche, Kriege, schlechte Infrastruktur\u00e2\u20ac\u00a6) den Kontakt zur Alten Welt aufrecht zu erhalten."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stangl ,Werner"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["emigration, letters, methodology, communication, Spanish America, correspondence"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437198"], ["title", "Zwischen Authentizit\u00e4t und Fiktion"], ["doab_id", "15321"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783412208875"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783412208875"]], [["description", "The book discusses the origins and the formation of U.S. reorientation strategies for post-war democratization and its implementation in the aftermath of World War II, exemplified by case studies of university and academic reconstruction in Austria in the years from 1945 to 1955. The study illustrates and analyzes both the changes and the specific implementations of U.S. reorientation strategies, starting with the war years and continuing up to U.S. propaganda strategies at the outbreak of the Cold War and its subsequent ramifications of post-war-democratization. After the end of World War II, the initial civil intent of U.S. reorientation was to foster a sustainable peacebuilding process by means of intellectual disarmament and a set of long-term democratization measures. The focus of reorientation narrowed first to the limited repertoire of educational and academic policy before ultimately becoming a propaganda instrument of the Cold War.

Die Studie behandelt Ursprung und Formierung der US-amerikanischen Reorientierungs-Konzepte f\u00fcr eine Nachkriegsdemokratisierung und deren Umsetzung nach 1945, dargestellt anhand des universit\u00e4r-akademischen Wiederaufbaus in \u00d6sterreich in den Jahren 1945-1955. Dabei werden die Ver\u00e4nderungen und Konkretisierungen der US-Reorientierung, beginnend in den Kriegsjahren bis zu den US-Propagandastrategien zur Zeit des ausbrechenden Kalten Krieges, dargestellt und analysiert. Die zivilgesellschaftliche Intention der US-Reorientierung, durch \u201egeistige Abr\u00fcstung\u201c und langfristige Demokratisierungsma\u00dfnahmen zu einer nachhaltigen Friedensicherung beizutragen, verengte sich nach Kriegsende zun\u00e4chst auf ein schmales Kontrollrepertoire kultur-, bildungs- und wissenschaftspolitischer Aufgaben, bis die US-Reorientierung schlie\u00dflich zum Instrument des Kalten Krieges wurde."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Stifter ,CHristian H."], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["US-Reorientation / US-Military Government Austria / Reeducation / Americanization / Democratization / Denazification / Cold War / Austria / University / Vienna", "US-Reorientierung / Amerika / USA / Besatzungszeit / Demokratisierung / Amerikanisierung / Entnazifizierung / Kalter Krieg / \u00d6sterreich / Universit\u00e4t / Wissenschaft / Wien"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=465031"], ["title", "Zwischen geistiger Erneuerung und Restauration"], ["doab_id", "15667"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205795001"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205795001"]], [["description", "This publication describes in detail the preparation and realization of the forcibly sterilization of numerous women and men Vienna from 1940 to 1945. These forced sterilizations of individuals, being categorized as 'hereditary ill', were based on the 'Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring' (GzVeN). In Nazi Germany it took effect in January 1934, and until the outbreak of the war, when most of the court-proceedings had already ended, 300.000 women and men, had been forcibly sterilized. In January 1940 the law was implemented in the 'Ostmark', and at least 6.000 women and men had been forcibly sterilized during the war. In Vienna, the then second-largest city of the 'German Reich' 1.203 court-decisions in favour of a forcibly sterilization could be traced-back. These court-files of the 'Viennese Hereditary Health Court' (Erbgesundheitsgericht) became accessible for research only recently. The quantitative and qualitative analysis indicates three parameters for the implementation of the GzVeN in Vienna: First of all, the reduction of lawsuits to 'urgent' cases, i.e. persons of a 'particularly great danger of procreation'; secondly, the personal and structural restrictions resulting from war; and thirdly, the Nazi Euthanasia: Different from Nazi Germany the forced sterilizations had not been preceding the murder of disabled persons, but were rather implemented in the same period of time. Several doctors in Vienna were responsible for both, forced sterilizations and murder.Both judges and doctors of the 'Viennese Hereditary Health Court' were keen to contribute to the radical efforts to create the visional 'healthy national body' by fulfilling the GzVeN independent of the above mentioned parameters: they implemented a National Socialist tort-law, which included a surgical intervention with severe and lifelong psychical and physical consequences - against the will of the people who were affected. After the end of the war, the judges and doctors did not have to take any kind of responsibility for their decisions to sterilize people forcibly. This was not surprising, taking into account that the categorization of persons due to their 'value of hereditage' ('Erbwert') continued: Firstly, the then-chancellor Renner announced to pass a similar law when the GzVeN was repealed in Mai 1945; secondly, the forcibly sterilized women and men were partly acknowledged only in 1995 as victims of Nazi-persecution and fully acknowledged only 2005; and thirdly, until to the present, women, being categorized as 'disabled', are still sterilized without their knowledge and therefore without their consent. However, this bodily injury does not carry a penalty, since there is no contradiction to the so called 'good manners' ('gute Sitten'), incorporated in the criminal law.

In dieser Publikation werden Vorbereitung und Durchf\u00fchrung der Zwangssterilisation von als \u201aerbkrank' kategorisierten Frauen und M\u00e4nnern in Wien zwischen 1940 und 1945 detailliert beschrieben. Das den Zwangssterilisationen zugrunde liegende \u201aGesetz zur Verh\u00fctung erbkranken Nachwuchses' (GzVeN) trat in der \u201aOstmark' im J\u00e4nner 1940 in Kraft, sechs Jahre sp\u00e4ter als in NS-Deutschland, wo bereits 300.000 Menschen, etwa gleich viele Frauen wie M\u00e4nner zwangssterilisiert worden waren. W\u00e4hrend es dort nach Kriegsbeginn kaum noch zu Verfahren kam, wurden in der \u201aOstmark' mindestens 6.000 Frauen und M\u00e4nner bis Kriegsende zwangssterilisiert. F\u00fcr Wien, der nach dem \u201aAnschluss' zweitgr\u00f6\u00dften Stadt des Deutschen Reiches, sind 1.203 Gerichtsbeschl\u00fcsse zur Zwangssterilisation rekonstruierbar. Die quantitative und qualitative Auswertung der erst seit kurzem f\u00fcr die Forschung zug\u00e4nglichen Verfahrensakten des Erbgesundheitsgerichts und des Erbgesundheitsobergerichts Wien zeigt, dass drei Rahmenbedingungen den Vollzug des GzVeN pr\u00e4gten: erstens die im Herbst 1939 vorgenommenen Einschr\u00e4nkungen des GzVeN, wonach \u00c4rzte nur noch bei \u201abesonders gro\u00dfer Fortpflanzungsgefahr' der als \u201aerbkrank' kategorisierten Frauen und M\u00e4nner ein Verfahren beim Erbgesundheitsgericht einbringen sollten, zweitens der Krieg mit allen dadurch bedingten personellen und organisatorischen Einschr\u00e4nkungen und drittens die NS-Euthanasie: Anders als in NS-Deutschland waren Zwangssterilisationen nicht die Vorstufe dazu - die Entscheidung \u00fcber Zwangssterilisation oder T\u00f6tung verlief von Anfang an parallel und einige \u00c4rzte in Wien waren f\u00fcr beides verantwortlich.Die Auswertung verdeutlicht weiters, dass Richter und \u00e4rztliche Beisitzer der Wiener Erbgesundheitsgerichtsbarkeit willige Vollstrecker waren beim radikalen Versuch der Verwirklichung der Vision eines \u201agesunden Volksk\u00f6rpers', indem sie das GzVeN unbeirrt von sonstigen Rahmenbedingungen vollzogen: ein nationalsozialistisches Unrechtsgesetz, das einen k\u00f6rperlichen Eingriff mit schwerwiegenden und lebenslangen Folgen gegen den Willen der Betroffenen vorsah. Nach Kriegsende mussten sich Richter und \u00c4rzte nicht f\u00fcr ihre Mitverantwortung an den Zwangssterilisationen verantworten. Dies verwundert nicht, dauert doch das \u201aDenken in Erbwerten' bis heute ungebrochen an: Das GzVeN wurde zwar im Mai 1945 aufgehoben, doch k\u00fcndigte Staatskanzler Renner gleichzeitig ein \u00e4hnliches Gesetz an; zwangssterilisierte Frauen und M\u00e4nner wurden erst 1995 bedingt und erst 2005 uneingeschr\u00e4nkt als NS-Opfer anerkannt; und bis in die Gegenwart werden vor allem als behindert definierte Frauen ohne ihr Wissen und ohne ihre Zustimmung sterilisiert, ohne dass diese Eingriffe strafrechtliche Konsequenzen nach sich z\u00f6gen - widersprechen sie doch nicht dem dazu im Strafrecht verankerten Terminus der \u201aguten Sitten'."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Spring ,Claudia Andrea"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["National socialism, Forced Sterilizations, Gender, Eugenics, Austria, Medicine"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=437180"], ["title", "Zwischen Krieg und Euthanasie"], ["doab_id", "15306"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205783213"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205783213"]], [["description", "[Given, If, Then] attempts to conceive a possibility of reading, through a set of readings: reading being understood as the relation to an Other that occurs prior to any semantic or formal identification, and, therefore, prior to any attempt at assimilating, or appropriating, what is being read to the one who reads. As such, it is an encounter with an indeterminable Other, an Other who is other than other \u2014 an unconditional relation, and thus a relation to no fixed object of relation.The first reading by Jeremy Fernando, \u201cBlind Reading,\u201d unfolds through an attempt to speak of reading as an event. Untheorisable in itself, it is a positing of reading as reading, through reading, where texts are read as a test site for reading itself. As such, it is a meditation on the finitude and exteriority in literature, philosophy, and knowledge; where blindness is both the condition and limit of reading itself. Folded into, or in between, this (re)reading are a selection of photographs from Jennifer Hope Davy\u2019s image archive. They are on the one hand simply a selection of \u2018impartial pictures\u2019 taken, and on the other hand that which allow for something singular and, therefore, always other to dis/appear \u2014 crossing that borderless realm between \u2018some\u2019 and \u2018some-thing.\u2019 Eventually, there is a writing on images on writings by Julia H\u00f6lzl. A responding to the impossible response, a re-iteration, a re-reading of what could not have been written, a re-writing of what could not have been read; these poems, if one were to name them such, name them as such, answer (to) the impossibility of answering: answer to no call."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Jeremy Fernando; Jennifer Hope Davy; Julia H\u00f6lzl"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["philosophy, photography, poetics, writing, Maurice Blanchot, reading, Jacques Derrida, Franz Kafka, Avital Ronell, Yanyun Chen"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/ui2rn60697kj8zz/Fernando_Davy_Holzl_Given_If_Then_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "[Given, If, Then]: A Reading in Three Parts"], ["doab_id", "17872"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692298374"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692298374"]], [["description", "As Jesus of Nazareth once said (or was, more precisely, read [transcribed (by sets of translators [NIV])]), \u201cWhy do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother\u2019s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?\u201d[provisional self-evidence] pays all attention to the plank in academia\u2019s/its own eye.Example: members of marginalized groups experience a sense of anxiety, such sense \u2014 academia advancing \u2014 being by no means merely \u2018natural\u2019 as an end of society (institutionalized racism/classism/sexism/etc.). Extension: to academia \u2014 members of which experiencing such sense relative to research, reading, writing; processes \u2014, such sense is natural (imagine the teacher to the student: \u2018it is only natural\u2019).[provisional self-evidence] turns academia against itself, re-claiming naturality."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rachael Arrighi"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["speculative realism, writing, reading, satire, writer's block, cognitive studies"]], ["publisher", "punctum books"], ["language", ["en"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "https://www.dropbox.com/s/mc9mqrsk2k79i3d/Arrighi_Provisional_Self_Evidence_EBook.pdf?dl=0"], ["title", "[provisional self-evidence]"], ["doab_id", "17867"], ["language_unmapped", "English"], ["isbns", ["9780692529843"]], ["provider", "www.dropbox.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9780692529843"]], [["description", "(TOMO II)- L\u2019Ottocento e il Tournant du SiecleEminente francesista, Liana Nissim ha dedicato la sua intensa attivit\u00e0 di ricerca al XIX secolo, in particolare a Gustave Flaubert e St\u00e9phane Mallarm\u00e9. I suoi studi si sono concentrati anche sulle letterature francofone dell\u2019Africa Nera e del Qu\u00e9bec, che ha contribuito a introdurre in Italia e a diffondere su scala internazionale. Questo trittico di volumi \u00abLa gr\u00e2ce de montrer son \u00e2me dans le v\u00eatement\u00bb. Scrivere di tessuti, abiti e accessori illustra e approfondisce in molteplici direzioni una tematica a lei cara e ampiamente presente nei suoi lavori. Tramite la ricchezza delle metodologie e delle prospettive critiche, la comunit\u00e0 scientifica che ha condiviso con lei la passione per la ricerca e la dedizione alla vita universitaria vuole renderle un omaggio riconoscente."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marco Modenesi, Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi (a cura di)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15053646/Grace-web_tomo2.pdf"], ["title", "\u00ab LA GR\u00c2CE DE MONTRER SON \u00c2ME DANS LE V\u00caTEMENT \u00bb Tomo 2 "], ["doab_id", "17647"], ["language_unmapped", "Italiano, Francais"], ["isbns", ["9788867052851"]], ["provider", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052851 "]], [["description", "(Tomo III) \u2013 Dal Novecento alla Contemporaneit\u00e0Eminente francesista, Liana Nissim ha dedicato la sua intensa attivit\u00e0 di ricerca al XIX secolo, in particolare a Gustave Flaubert e St\u00e9phane Mallarm\u00e9. I suoi studi si sono concentrati anche sulle letterature francofone dell\u2019Africa Nera e del Qu\u00e9bec, che ha contribuito a introdurre in Italia e a diffondere su scala internazionale. Questo trittico di volumi \u00abLa gr\u00e2ce de montrer son \u00e2me dans le v\u00eatement\u00bb. Scrivere di tessuti, abiti e accessori illustra e approfondisce in molteplici direzioni una tematica a lei cara e ampiamente presente nei suoi lavori. Tramite la ricchezza delle metodologie e delle prospettive critiche, la comunit\u00e0 scientifica che ha condiviso con lei la passione per la ricerca e la dedizione alla vita universitaria vuole renderle un omaggio riconoscente."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marco Modenesi, Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi (a cura di)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15053646/Grace-web_tomo3.pdf"], ["title", "\u00ab LA GR\u00c2CE DE MONTRER SON \u00c2ME DANS LE V\u00caTEMENT \u00bb Tomo 3 "], ["doab_id", "17648"], ["language_unmapped", "Italiano, Francais"], ["isbns", ["9788867052868"]], ["provider", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052868 "]], [["description", "(TOMO I)- Dal Quattrocento al SettecentoEminente francesista, Liana Nissim ha dedicato la sua intensa attivit\u00e0 di ricerca al XIX secolo, in particolare a Gustave Flaubert e St\u00e9phane Mallarm\u00e9. I suoi studi si sono concentrati anche sulle letterature francofone dell\u2019Africa Nera e del Qu\u00e9bec, che ha contribuito a introdurre in Italia e a diffondere su scala internazionale. Questo trittico di volumi \u00abLa gr\u00e2ce de montrer son \u00e2me dans le v\u00eatement\u00bb. Scrivere di tessuti, abiti e accessori illustra e approfondisce in molteplici direzioni una tematica a lei cara e ampiamente presente nei suoi lavori. Tramite la ricchezza delle metodologie e delle prospettive critiche, la comunit\u00e0 scientifica che ha condiviso con lei la passione per la ricerca e la dedizione alla vita universitaria vuole renderle un omaggio riconoscente."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Marco Modenesi, Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi (a cura di)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Ledizioni - LediPublishing"], ["language", ["it", "fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15053646/Grace-web_tomo1.pdf"], ["title", "\u00ab LA GR\u00c2CE DE MONTRER SON \u00c2ME DANS LE V\u00caTEMENT \u00bb Tomo I"], ["doab_id", "17646"], ["language_unmapped", "Italiano, Francais"], ["isbns", ["9788867052844"]], ["provider", "dl.dropboxusercontent.com"], ["isbns_raw", "9788867052844"]], [["description", "The essays included in this volume assume Giambattista Vico\u2019s theory of the \u201cconceits\u201d (borie) as a heuristic paradigm for investigating different forms of arrogance by peoples and by kinds of knowledge. The book is made up of three sections. In the first one \u2013 \u201cA possible Vichian paradigm\u201d \u2013 Manuela Sanna\u2019s essay examines the theme of the conceits in Vico\u2019s writings, exploring it in all its ramifications. The essay by Giuseppe Cacciatore extrapolates the concept of conceit from Vico\u2019s page and turns it into an useful tool for unmasking \u201cother\u201d kinds of arrogance. In the second section \u2013 \u201cA retrospective\u201d \u2013 a possible backwards path is outlined: various expressions of arrogance by peoples and by kinds of knowledge are investigated in authors closer to Vico or even more distant from him, like Molina, Montaigne and Diodorus, who was among Vico\u2019s sources. The third section \u2013 \u201cWith Vico beyond Vico\u201d \u2013 hosts contributions by scholars who tested the paradigm of the conceits in authors ranging from Descartes to Samuel Beckett. This results in a theoretical and historical framework that, without claiming to be exhaustive or organic, provides a varied and rich survey of the topic."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Rosario Diana (ed.)"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", []], ["publisher", "Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno - National Research Council"], ["language", []], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://www.ispf-lab.cnr.it/quaderni/2015_q03"], ["title", "Le \u00abborie\u00bb vichiane come paradigma euristico. Hybris dei popoli e dei saperi fra moderno e contemporaneo"], ["doab_id", "17448"], ["language_unmapped", NaN], ["isbns", ["9788890871290"]], ["provider", "www.ispf-lab.cnr.it"], ["isbns_raw", "9788890871290"]], [["description", "In the critical literature on Georg B\u00fcchner this monograph represents the first organic work devoted to the subject of the body \u2013 a pivotal issue for an understanding of his writings. The book investigates the significance assumed by the human body in three spheres of analysis: the political, the erotic and the scientific-philosophical. In the latter area the analysis hinges on the relations between B\u00fcchner's work and the writings of the three principal French materialist philosophers of the eighteenth century: La Mettrie, d'Holbach and Helv\u00e9tius. The appraisal of this relation illustrates not only B\u00fcchner's appropriation of the legacy of ideas of French materialism, but also moments in which he satirises, sarcastically criticises or outrightly rejects certain central aspects of this vision of man and nature. From this analysis and the study of the political significance of the body and the erotic aspect, it emerges that the body, understood as Leib \u2013 human body, lived and living, the hub of subjective perception and experience \u2013 not only has a crucial function in the figurative layout of the literary works, but is also the focal point of B\u00fcchner's view of man, thus assuming a central importance both in the three areas examined and in the more strictly aesthetic sphere. This book won the Premio Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta \"Opera Critica\" - Letteratura, Teatro e Arti dello spettacolo - Edizione 2009.

Nella letteratura critica su Georg B\u00fcchner questa monografia rappresenta il primo lavoro organico dedicato alla tematica del corpo \u2013 tematica centrale per la comprensione degli scritti b\u00fcchneriani. Il volume indaga la valenza assunta dal corpo umano in tre ambiti di analisi: quello politico, quello erotico e quello scientifico-filosofico. In quest'ultimo ambito, l'analisi verte sul rapporto tra l'opera b\u00fcchneriana e gli scritti dei tre principali filosofi materialisti del Settecento francese: La Mettrie, d'Holbach e Helv\u00e9tius. L'indagine di tale rapporto evidenzia non solo momenti di appropriazione del patrimonio di idee del materialismo francese, da parte di B\u00fcchner, ma anche momenti di satira, critica sarcastica o aperto rifiuto di alcuni aspetti centrali di quella visione dell'uomo e della natura. Da tale analisi e dallo studio della valenza politica del corpo e della tematica erotica emerge come il corpo, inteso come Leib \u2013 corpo umano, vissuto e vivente, centro di percezione ed esperienza soggettiva \u2013 non abbia solo una funzione centrale nell'impianto figurativo delle opere letterarie, ma costituisca anche il punto focale dello sguardo b\u00fcchneriano sull'uomo, assumendo cos\u00ec un'importanza centrale sia nei tre ambiti esaminati che in quello prettamente estetico. Questo volume ha vinto il Premio Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta \"Opera Critica\" - Letteratura, Teatro e Arti dello spettacolo - Edizione 2009."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carnevale, Roberta"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["Literature", "Germany", "Materialism", "Georg B\u00fcchner", "Letteratura", "Germania", "Materialismo", "Georg B\u00fcchner"]], ["publisher", "Firenze University Press"], ["language", ["it"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=341472"], ["title", "\u00abIn carne e ossa\u00bb: il corpo nelle opere di Georg B\u00fcchner"], ["doab_id", "12634"], ["language_unmapped", "Italian"], ["isbns", ["9788864530048"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9788864530048"]], [["description", "Objeto de esta investigaci\u00f3n que engloba Derecho romano, Ciencia jur\u00eddica alemana del siglo XIX, y Derecho civil actual, es el denominado \u201clegatum debiti\u201d. Disposici\u00f3n testamentaria en virtud de la cual el \u201cde cuius\u201d atribuye a su acreedor una cosa o cantidad en consideraci\u00f3n de una deuda que con \u00e9l ten\u00eda. Este trabajo pone de manifiesto que la construcci\u00f3n dogm\u00e1tica del \"legatum debiti\" tiene su fundamento en el Derecho romano; si bien no en las fuentes cl\u00e1sicas y justinianeas, sino en la elaboraci\u00f3n que de \u00e9stas hizo la doctrina pandect\u00edstica. Las razones que justificar\u00edan el recurso a esta figura jur\u00eddica por parte del testador: fines l\u00edcitos (introducir alg\u00fan cambio en la relaci\u00f3n obligatoria que se traduc\u00eda en una ventaja para el acreedor; purificaci\u00f3n de la obligaci\u00f3n que se deb\u00eda a condici\u00f3n o t\u00e9rmino; sustituci\u00f3n de la acci\u00f3n honoraria por acci\u00f3n civil; renuncia impl\u00edcita a una excepci\u00f3n, o exigibilidad inmediata o en lugar m\u00e1s conveniente para el acreedor). Fines il\u00edcitos (favorecer a trav\u00e9s del testamento a alguien que, de otro modo, no habr\u00eda podido heredar-vulneraci\u00f3n leyes caducar\u00edas y Falcidia-). Se analizan, asimismo, los tratados de Pandectas, tanto de autores pertenecientes a la primera generaci\u00f3n de alumnos de Savigny, como de otros pertenecientes a la ciencia jur\u00eddica alemana de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Se concluye aludiendo a la inexistencia en el BGB de alusi\u00f3n alguna al \"legado de deuda\" pese a su influencia pandect\u00edstica."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Carrasco Garc\u00eda, Consuelo"], ["date", "2011"], ["subject", ["Wills and legacies", "Inheritance", "Creditors", "Testamento y legados", "Sucesiones", "Acreedores"]], ["publisher", "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Figuerola Institute of Social Science History"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://e-archivo.uc3m.es/bitstream/handle/10016/12823/legado_carrasco_2011.pdf?sequence=3"], ["title", "\u00bfLegado de deuda? A vueltas con la Pandect\u00edstica"], ["doab_id", "16129"], ["language_unmapped", "spa"], ["isbns", ["9788415454410"]], ["provider", "e-archivo.uc3m.es"], ["isbns_raw", "9788415454410"]], [["description", "Study on the phenomenon of the poor and poverty in Santiago city in the 19th century, and the reaction of the political and economic elite"], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Romero A. ,Luis"], ["date", "2007"], ["subject", ["Social history,", "subaltern class", "Elites", "19th century"]], ["publisher", "Ariadna Ediciones"], ["language", ["es"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=617579"], ["title", "\u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer con los pobres? Elites y sectores populares en Santiago de Chile 1840-1895"], ["doab_id", "19153"], ["language_unmapped", "Spanish"], ["isbns", ["9789568416089"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789568416089"]], [["description", "Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier became quite successful during the 1930s in particular because of the violent controversy that surrounded her second novel, Bois-Mort. How is it that Saint-H\u00e9lier\u2019s work provoked such passionate criticism, but encountered nothing but disinterest after the war? Studying unpublished sources as well as a vast corpus of book reviews, the author explores by this quite particular literary path, as well as the variations in how a work is received over time.

Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier (1895-1955) conna\u00eet le succ\u00e8s dans les ann\u00e9es trente en France, gr\u00e2ce notamment \u00e0 la violente pol\u00e9mique que suscite son deuxi\u00e8me roman, Bois-Mort (1934). Pourtant, d\u00e8s les ann\u00e9es cinquante, la romanci\u00e8re dispara\u00eet durablement de l\u2019histoire litt\u00e9raire fran\u00e7aise. Pourquoi les romans de Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier d\u00e9cha\u00eenent-ils les passions critiques, puis ne rencontrent-ils plus que le d\u00e9sint\u00e9r\u00eat apr\u00e8s la Seconde Guerre mondiale? Comment expliquer le silence \u00e9ditorial de pr\u00e8s de vingt ans qui s\u00e9pare la publication des ouvrages des ann\u00e9es trente de ceux des ann\u00e9es cinquante, alors m\u00eame que ces romans appartiennent \u00e0 un m\u00eame ensemble narratif?Fond\u00e9e sur des sources in\u00e9dites et un vaste corpus de comptes rendus, l\u2019\u00e9tude de la r\u00e9ception critique de l\u2019\u0153uvre de Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier en France apporte des r\u00e9ponses aux nombreuses questions soulev\u00e9es par cette trajectoire particuli\u00e8re. Malgr\u00e9 toute sa singularit\u00e9, ce parcours permet \u00e9galement une r\u00e9flexion plus g\u00e9n\u00e9rale sur les variations de la r\u00e9ception d'une \u0153uvre \u00e0 des \u00e9poques diff\u00e9rentes."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Dubois ,Maud"], ["date", "2013"], ["subject", ["Twentieth Century", "Bois-Mort", "Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier", "Novel", "Critical Reception", "XXe si\u00e8cle", "Bois-Mort", "Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier", "Roman", "R\u00e9ception critique"]], ["publisher", "Librairie Droz"], ["language", ["fr"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=579630"], ["title", "L'\u0152uvre sans fin. R\u00e9ception des romans de Monique Saint-H\u00e9lier par la critique fran\u00e7aise (1932-1955)"], ["doab_id", "17719"], ["language_unmapped", "French"], ["isbns", ["9782600017626"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9782600017626"]], [["description", "Acta Slavica Estonica is an international series of publications on current issues of Russian and other Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. This volume continues the tradition of publishing studies on the history and culture of the Old Believers in Estonia. It includes research papers on the topic, as well as transcripts of recorded texts from the Old Believers. The special focus of the volume is on the island Piirissaar, its history, architecture, people and their language, customs and traditions."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "\u041a\u044e\u043b\u044c\u043c\u043e\u044f [K\u00fclmoja] ,\u0418. \u041f. [Irina]"], ["date", "2012"], ["subject", ["Slavic studies", "Old Believers", "Russian dialects", "idiolects", "Russian linguistics", "cultural studies", "Russian lexicology", "Russian onomastics", "folklore"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["ru"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=432175"], ["title", "\u041e\u0447\u0435\u0440\u043a\u0438 \u043f\u043e \u0438\u0441\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0438 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u043b\u044c\u0442\u0443\u0440\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u042d\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0438\u0438 III [Studies on the history and culture of Old Believers in Estonia III]"], ["doab_id", "15217"], ["language_unmapped", "Russian;"], ["isbns", ["9789949321520", "9789949321988"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949321520 9789949321988"]], [["description", "The development of translation studies is outlined against the epistemological and intellectual background that characterized the rise of the new discipline and which has to be taken into account if one is to understand the history and the present state of translation studies as a special research field.The monograph offers a detailed and convincing explanation of the ways in which single theories of translation evolved, showing what are the points that they have in common and how they differ from one another in their aims and methods. The theoretical approaches to translation that arose in the German-speaking academic environments (especially H. Vermeer's and K. Reiss's Skopostheorie, J. Holz-M\u00e4nttari's Theorie vom translatorischen Handeln and Ch. Nord's approach with \u00bbloyalty\u00ab as a central cencept) are also presented in comparison to other schools of translation research which developed elsewhere in Europe and beyond.

Die Entwicklungslinien bieten eine detaillierte und \u00fcberzeugende Darstellung der Entwicklung einzelner Translationstheorien, indem ihre spezifischen Anliegen aufgezeigt werden und herausgearbeitet sucht, was an ihren Methoden und Zielsetzungen mit anderen Theorien gemeinsam ist und worin sie sich von diesen unterscheiden. Die im deutschsprachigen wissenschaftlichen Umfeld entstandenen Theorien (insbesondere die Skopostheorie von H.Vermeer und K.Reiss, die Theorie des translatorischen Handelns von J.Holz-M\u00e4nttari und Chr. Nords Ansatz, in dessen Zentrum das Konzept der Loyalit\u00e4t steht) werden im Vergleich zu anderen europ\u00e4ischen und au\u00dfereurop\u00e4ischen translationswissenschaftlichen Schulen aufbereitet. Die Entwicklung der Translationswissenschaft wird vor dem epistemologischen und intellektuellen Hintergrund gezeichnet, der f\u00fcr die Entstehung der neuen Disziplin charakteristisch ist, und den man zu ber\u00fccksichtigen hat, wenn man die Geschichte und den gegenw\u00e4rtigen Stand der Translationswissenschaft als spezifischem Forschungsfeld verstehen will.\u041a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430 \u0438\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0430\u0432\u0441\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0439\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0441\u043f\u0435\u0446\u0438\u0430\u043b\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u0443 \u042d\u0440\u0438\u0445\u0430\u041f\u0440\u0443\u043d\u0447\u0430 \u2014 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u044d\u043d\u0446\u0438\u043a\u043b\u043e\u043f\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u043e\u0431\u0437\u043e\u0440 \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0430\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0437\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0442\u043e \u043b\u0435\u0442. \u041f\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u044b \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u043a\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0443\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044b, \u0442\u0435\u043e\u0440\u0435\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438, \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0446\u0435\u043f-\u0446\u0438\u0438, \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0435\u043a\u0442\u044b \u0432 \u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0441\u043e\u0432\u0440\u0435-\u043c\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0437\u0430\u043f\u0430\u0434\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f.\u0418\u0437\u0434\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u043d\u0430\u0431\u0436\u0435\u043d\u043e \u043e\u0431\u0448\u0438\u0440\u043d\u044b\u043c \u043d\u0430\u0443\u0447-\u043d\u044b\u043c \u0430\u043f\u043f\u0430\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043e\u043c \u2014 \u0431\u0438\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0444\u0438\u0435\u0439 \u043d\u0430\u0443\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0442\u0440\u0443\u0434\u043e\u0432, \u0443\u043a\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044f\u043c\u0438 \u0438\u043c\u0435\u043d \u0438 \u0442\u0435\u0440\u043c\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0432 \u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0435\u043c\u0435\u0446\u043a\u043e\u043c \u0438 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043c \u044f\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0430\u0445.\u041d\u0430 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u043c \u044f\u0437\u044b\u043a\u0435 \u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0432\u044b\u0435.\u041d\u0435\u0437\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043c\u043e\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434\u0441\u043f\u043e\u0440\u044c\u0435 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043e\u0431\u0443\u0447\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0445\u0441\u044f \u043f\u043e \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e \u00ab\u041b\u0438\u043d\u0433\u0432\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430\u00bb, \u043a\u043d\u0438\u0433\u0430 \u0442\u0430\u043a\u0436\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0437\u043d\u0430 \u0448\u0438\u0440\u043e\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0443 \u043a\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0443 \u0444\u0438\u043b\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0433\u043e\u0432."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Prunc ,Erich"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["Translation Studies, History of Science, Turns", "Translationswissenschaft, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Paradigmenwechsel"]], ["publisher", "R. Valent"], ["language", ["ru"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-ND"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=577790"], ["title", "\u041f\u0423\u0422\u0418 \u0420\u0410\u0417\u0412\u0418\u0422\u0418\u042f \u0417\u0410\u041f\u0410\u0414\u041d\u041e\u0413\u041e \u041f\u0415\u0420\u0415\u0412\u041e\u0414\u041e\u0412\u0415\u0414\u0415\u041d\u0418\u042f"], ["doab_id", "17478"], ["language_unmapped", "ru"], ["isbns", ["9785934394883"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9785934394883"]], [["description", "Studies in Syntactics. The purpose of this book is to explore the structure of the text as such using a metalanguage derived from quantitative poetics. Grigori Utgof\u2019s thesis is that texts should be studied statistically. The main problems addressed in his research are the problem of successivity on the formal (syntactic) plane of artistic texts, and the problem of syntactic dissimilarity. Largely prompted by Yuri Tynianov\u2019s famous statement \u2013 \u201eThe unity of the work is not a closed, symmetrical intactness, but an unfolding, dynamic integrity. Between its elements is not the static sign of equality and addition, but the dynamic sign of correlation and integration. The form of the literary work must be recognized as a dynamic phenomenon\u201c (The Problem of Verse Language; translated by Michael Sosa and Brent Harvey) \u2013 Grigori Utgof demonstrates the inherent nonidentity of the intratextual order, and proceeds to the problem of measuring some translated texts\u2019 dissimilarities. In particular, his book is an inquiry into the structure of the following eight texts: \u041f\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043b\u0430\u0448\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u043a\u0430\u0437\u043d\u044c / Invitation to a Beheading by Vladimir Nabokov, and the novel\u2019s Estonian translation Kutse tapalavale [Invitation to the Block] by Rein Saluri; \u201c\u0417\u0430 \u0433\u0440\u0435\u043c\u0443\u0447\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0431\u043b\u0435\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0433\u0440\u044f\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0445 \u0432\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0432...\u201d by Osip Mandel\u2019shtam, and two translations of this poem into English: \u201cIn the Name of the Higher Tribes of the Future\u201d by Robert Lowell and \u201cFor the Sake of the Resonant Valor of Ages to Come\u2026\u201d by Vladimir Nabokov; \u201c\u041e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u043a\u043e \u0432 \u0448\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0430\u0445\u201d (\u201cCloud in Trousers\u201d) by Vladimir Mayakovsky; \u201cBallada [Ballade]\u201d by Czes\u0142aw Mi\u0142osz in Natalya Gorbanevskaya\u2019s translation (\u201c\u0411\u0430\u043b\u043b\u0430\u0434\u0430\u201d)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "\u0423\u0442\u0433\u043e\u0444 [Utgof] ,\u0413\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0439 [Grigorij]"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["20th Century Literature", "Natalya Gorbanevskaya", "Robert Lowell", "Osip Mandel\u2019shtam", "Vladimir Mayakovsky", "Czes\u0142aw Mi\u0142osz", "Dmitri Nabokov", "Vladimir Nabokov", "Rein Saluri", "Neostructuralism", "Mikhail Gasparov", "Maxim \u0160apir", "Yuri Tynianov"]], ["publisher", "University of Tartu Press"], ["language", ["ru"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=609491"], ["title", "\u0421\u0438\u043d\u0442\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0438\u0441\u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f [Sintakti\u010deskie issledovanija]"], ["doab_id", "19078"], ["language_unmapped", "Russian"], ["isbns", ["9789949328154", "9789949328567"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9789949328154 9789949328567"]], [["description", "A vasta contribui\u00e7\u00e3o de Machado de Assis ao longo dos 16 anos de circula\u00e7\u00e3o do\u00a0Jornal das Fam\u00edlias\u00a0aponta para um conjunto liter\u00e1rio que disp\u00f5e de cerca de oitenta contos veiculados, na maioria das vezes, de forma seriada. Majoritariamente endere\u00e7adas a um p\u00fablico leitor feminino, tais narrativas exploram temas relacionados ao amor e ao casamento, em conformidade com a natureza conservadora do pr\u00f3prio\u00a0Jornal. Este livro enfatiza o cen\u00e1rio das n\u00fapcias explorado pelo impresso de Garnier a fim de que se possa analisar o trabalho feito por Machado no que concerne \u00e0 tem\u00e1tica da viuvez e \u00e0 poss\u00edvel tomada de \u201cliberdade\u201d assumida pela mulher dentro dos limites sociais impostos pelo matrim\u00f4nio no s\u00e9culo XIX. Com base no estudo das publica\u00e7\u00f5es do\u00a0Jornal\u00a0e com as no\u00e7\u00f5es te\u00f3ricas da Hist\u00f3ria Cultural, foi poss\u00edvel notar que, apesar do \u201cconservadorismo\u201d apregoado pelo impresso, a figura da vi\u00fava machadiana ocupa espa\u00e7os de modula\u00e7\u00e3o entre o teor moralista do peri\u00f3dico e o deboche cr\u00edtico indiciado em algumas mat\u00e9rias da revista."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Silva, Jaqueline Padovani da"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["LITERARY CRITICISM"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Editora UNESP"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/52tf5"], ["title", "\u201cDesta para a melhor\u201d: a presen\u00e7a das vi\u00favas machadianas no Jornal das Fam\u00edlias"], ["doab_id", "19948"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788579836596"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788579836596"]], [["description", "Nesta pesquisa optei por estudar especificamente egressos de estabelecimentos de assist\u00eancia que se encontram nos pres\u00eddios. Quem s\u00e3o eles? A proposta \u00e9 fornecer dados sobre a trajet\u00f3ria dos jovens egressos e trazer \u00e0 luz algumas das indaga\u00e7\u00f5es que existem sobre as consequ\u00eancias da interna\u00e7\u00e3o, tanto no que se refere ao jovem \u201ccarente\u201d, como ao jovem \u201cinfrator\u201d."], ["format", "html"], ["authors", "Alto\u00e9, Sonia"], ["date", "2009"], ["subject", ["LAW"]], ["publisher", "SciELO Books - Centro Edelstein"], ["language", ["pt"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC-SA"], ["url", "http://books.scielo.org/id/syqd9"], ["title", "De \u201cmenor\u201d a presidi\u00e1rio: a trajet\u00f3ria inevit\u00e1vel?"], ["doab_id", "17204"], ["language_unmapped", "pt"], ["isbns", ["9788599662977"]], ["provider", "books.scielo.org"], ["isbns_raw", "9788599662977"]], [["description", "The Constitution of 1 May 1934 saw an attempt made in Austria to create an alternative to parliamentary democracy in the form of an order based on the professional \u201cStand\u201d (corporation). The failure of this attempt was due to the nature of the \u201cStand\u201d itself which, as something organically grown, is not accessible to institutionalisation. In reality, the corporation was just a means of enabling conservative thinking, in a much wider sense, to influence politics, a hangover of traditional forms of rule.

Mit der Verfassung vom 1. Mai 1934 wurde in \u00d6sterreich versucht, der parlamentarischen Demokratie in Gestalt einer berufsst\u00e4ndischen Ordnung eine Alternative entgegenzusetzen. Die Versuche st\u00e4ndischen \u201eAufbaus\u201c gingen indes ins Leere, weil der Stand seinem Wesen nach etwas nat\u00fcrlich Gewachsenes, einer Institutionalisierung nicht Zug\u00e4ngliches ist. In Wirklichkeit war der Berufsstand nur der Rahmen, konservativem Denken in einem viel umfassenderen Sinn, und nicht ohne Reminiszenzen traditionaler Herrschaft, eine M\u00f6glichkeit zu schaffen, die Politik zu beeinflussen."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Kustatscher ,Erika"], ["date", "2016"], ["subject", ["Parliamentary democracy, order based on the professional \u201cStand\u201d (corporation), Natural Law, Catholic social teaching, personalism, conservative thinking, traditional forms of rule, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, resistance to Nazism, political utopia", "Parlamentarische Demokratie, berufsst\u00e4ndische Ordnung, Naturrecht, katholische Soziallehre, Personalismus, konservatives Denken, traditionale Herrschaft, autorit\u00e4re Herrschaft, Totalitarismus, Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus, politische Utopie"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=614163"], ["title", "\u201eBerufsstand\u201c oder \u201eStand\u201c?"], ["doab_id", "19607"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205203414"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205203414"]], [["description", "The book depicts the ideological foundations and political practice of pan-German student fraternities (Burschenschaften) in Austria after 1945. The Burschenschaften\u2019s post-war volkish (German) nationalism and interwovenness with the Austrian Freedom Party (FP\u00d6) receive particular attention.

Das Buch stellt die weltanschaulichen Grundlagen und die politische Praxis akademischer Burschenschaften in \u00d6sterreich nach 1945 dar. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erfahren der v\u00f6lkische Nationalismus als ideologischer Kern und die Verflechtung von Burschenschaften und Freiheitlicher Partei \u00d6sterreichs (FP\u00d6)."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Weidinger ,Bernhard"], ["date", "2014"], ["subject", ["Student fraternity, male society, pan-Germanism, nationalism, right-wing extremism, far right, conservatism, South Tyrol, VDU (Federation of Independents), FP\u00d6 (Austrian Freedom Party)", "Burschenschaft, Studentenverbindung, M\u00e4nnerbund, Deutschnationalismus, Nationalismus, Rechtsextremismus, Konservatismus, S\u00fcdtirol, Hochschulpolitik, VDU (Verband der Unabh\u00e4ngigen), FP\u00d6 (Freiheitliche Partei \u00d6sterreichs)"]], ["publisher", "B\u00f6hlau"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-NC"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=513578"], ["title", "\u201eIm nationalen Abwehrkampf der Grenzlanddeutschen\u201c"], ["doab_id", "16551"], ["language_unmapped", "de"], ["isbns", ["9783205796008"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783205796008"]], [["description", "Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 31. Oktober 2014 veranstalteten 13. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der sich mit den familienrechtlichen Folgen der Kinderwunschbehandlung mit fremden Keimzellen besch\u00e4ftigt hat. Da ein deutsches Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz fehlt, m\u00fcssen zentrale Fragen des Abstammungsrechts (wie etwa die rechtliche Zuordnung des Kindes zum Wunschelternteil) mit den auf die nat\u00fcrliche Fortpflanzung ausgerichteten Regelungen mehr schlecht als recht gel\u00f6st werden. Seit Jahrzehnten werden daher Reformen angemahnt und zunehmend \u00fcbernimmt die h\u00f6chstrichterliche Rechtsprechung die Aufgabe, L\u00f6sungen im Wege der richterlichen Rechtsfortbildung zu entwickeln. Die Beitr\u00e4ge des vorliegenden Bandes geben einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die aktuelle Diskussion um eine Reform des Abstammungsrechts und erg\u00e4nzen diese durch die Einbindung verfassungsrechtlicher, rechtsvergleichender und interdisziplin\u00e4rer Aspekte. Band 17 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c: Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich.

Der vorliegende Band vereinigt die Referate des am 31. Oktober 2014 veranstalteten 13. G\u00f6ttinger Workshops zum Familienrecht, der sich mit den familienrechtlichen Folgen der Kinderwunschbehandlung mit fremden Keimzellen besch\u00e4ftigt hat. Da ein deutsches Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz fehlt, m\u00fcssen zentrale Fragen des Abstammungsrechts (wie etwa die rechtliche Zuordnung des Kindes zum Wunschelternteil) mit den auf die nat\u00fcrliche Fortpflanzung ausgerichteten Regelungen mehr schlecht als recht gel\u00f6st werden. Seit Jahrzehnten werden daher Reformen angemahnt und zunehmend \u00fcbernimmt die h\u00f6chstrichterliche Rechtsprechung die Aufgabe, L\u00f6sungen im Wege der richterlichen Rechtsfortbildung zu entwickeln. Die Beitr\u00e4ge des vorliegenden Bandes geben einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die aktuelle Diskussion um eine Reform des Abstammungsrechts und erg\u00e4nzen diese durch die Einbindung verfassungsrechtlicher, rechtsvergleichender und interdisziplin\u00e4rer Aspekte. Band 17 der Reihe \u201eG\u00f6ttinger Juristische Schriften\u201c: Die Reihe wird von der Juristischen Fakult\u00e4t der Georg-August-Universit\u00e4t herausgegeben und macht Veranstaltungen an der Fakult\u00e4t einer interessierten \u00d6ffentlichkeit zug\u00e4nglich."], ["format", "pdf"], ["authors", "Coester-Waltjen, Dagmar; Lipp, Volker; Schumann, Eva; Veit, Barbara"], ["date", "2015"], ["subject", ["family law", "fertility treatment", "parentage", "family law", "fertility treatment", "parentage"]], ["publisher", "Universit\u00e4tsverlag G\u00f6ttingen"], ["language", ["de"]], ["rights", "CC BY-SA"], ["url", "http://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=610375"], ["title", "\u201eKinderwunschmedizin\u201c \u2013 Reformbedarf im Abstammungsrecht?"], ["doab_id", "19179"], ["language_unmapped", "German"], ["isbns", ["9783863952099"]], ["provider", "OAPEN Library"], ["isbns_raw", "9783863952099"]]] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bookdata/doab_auths.json b/bookdata/doab_auths.json deleted file mode 100644 index 255f9b42..00000000 --- a/bookdata/doab_auths.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54230 +0,0 @@ -[ - [ - "9782759811533", - [ - [ - "aut", - "R. Billen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "A.-F. Cutting-Decelle" - ], - [ - "aut", - "O. Marina" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J.-P. de Almeida" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Caglioni M." - ], - [ - "aut", - "G. Falquet" - ], - [ - "aut", - "T. Leduc" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C. M\u00e9tral" - ], - [ - "aut", - "G. Moreau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. Perret" - ], - [ - "aut", - "G. Rabin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "R. San Jose" - ], - [ - "aut", - "I. Yatskiv" - ], - [ - "aut", - "S. Zlatanova" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412701", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luis David Castiel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575414088", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Jaime Larry Benchimol" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Magali Romero S\u00e1" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413869", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Antenor Andrade" - ], - [ - "edt", - "sergio Correia Pinto" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Rosilene Santos de Oliveira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413883", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vera Portocarrero" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788561673680", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Douglas A. Rodrigues" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jane Tomimori" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marcos C. Floriano" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sofia Mendon\u00e7a" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820458", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jos\u00e9 Arthur Giannotti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662502", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simon Schwartzman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412640", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Rita Barradas Barata" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maur\u00edcio Lima Barreto" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Naomar de Almeida Filho" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Renato Peixoto Veras" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412404", - [ - [ - "edt", - "J\u00fanior Ferreira Furtado" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413951", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Jaime Larry Benchimol" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412671", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Escola Polit\u00e9cnica de Sa\u00fade Joaquim Ver\u00e2ncio" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759805389", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andr\u00e9 Pineau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yves Qu\u00e9r\u00e9" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759808267", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Acad\u00e9mie des sciences" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782868839381", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Georges Pedro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782868838889", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A.J. 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Hall" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christa K\u00f6stner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951399", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arthur Schopenhauer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jochen Stollberg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang B\u00f6ker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875999", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernd Herrmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205771449", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Clemens G\u00fctl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486850444", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Volker Nies" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951504", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gunnar Duttge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Engel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Zoll" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783465035015", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Monika Neuhofer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344984", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Volker Zimmermann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486840148", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christine Petry" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951047", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sabrina Rudolph" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110374827", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Lester" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052899", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Vanoli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413388", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lilian Krakowski Chazan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579837425", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcelo Fadori Soares Palhares" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gisele Maria Schwartz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950224", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Ruttig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Friedl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Wissemann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196234", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Domenico De Martinis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tomotsugu Koyama" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Caren Chang" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486581782", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Fickers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952426", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Henrike Hans" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486591415", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Torsten Hiltmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950040", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mar\u00eda Laura B\u00f6hm" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089641250", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marlene Vries de" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053567074", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John Davies" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719070105", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Colman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780853238393", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Valerie Pedlar" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719065309", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Heloise Brown" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950248", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gabriela Antunes" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bj\u00f6rn Reich" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579837012", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Daniele Almeida Duarte" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830228", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria L\u00facia de Oliveira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110278736", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Danowski" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Pohl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875456", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sonja Schreiner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486989298", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J\u00f6rg Requate" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820038", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alexandre Lissovsky" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195350", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ludovic Martin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782870161241", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Christophe Vandenberghe" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Gilles Colinet" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jean-Pierre Destain" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jean Marie Marcoen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782870161074", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Frank Delvigne" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Philippe Thonart" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Michel Crine" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534309", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiano Ciappei" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Debora Ninci" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196494", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Amaya Azqueta" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sabine Langie" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrew Collins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195916", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tony Lefebvre" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tarik Issad" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782870161166", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Laurent Bock" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Gilles Colinet" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Pierre Demarcin" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Xavier Legrain" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884533043", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiano Ciappei" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192571", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julien Mayor" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pablo Gomez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Franklin Chang" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gary Lupyan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789814644150", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Herwig Schopper" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luigi Di Lella" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788539302420", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nilson Ghirardello" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788561673635", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joffre Marcondes de Rezende" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643018", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ben Knapen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gera Arts" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yvonne Kleistra" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martijn Klem" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marijke Rem" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285934", - [ - [ - "aut", - "E. Uhlenbeck" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425688", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arthur Clark" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193592", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mukesh Jain" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rohini Garg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rajeev K Varshney" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830983", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jo\u00e3o Paulo Costa do Nascimento" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486580952", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lothar Schilling" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950057", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Amir Michaelsen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137595775", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rebecca E Lyons" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Samantha Rayner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849660785", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lea Shaver" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849660792", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lea Shaver" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nagla Rizk" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849665568", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ramesh Subramanian" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lea Shaver" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425473", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dietmar Kennepohl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lawton Shaw" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759807369", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alain Carpentier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "\u00c9tienne-\u00c9mile Beaulieu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "\u00c9douard Br\u00e9zin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jacques Friedel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780230238978", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julia Steets" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783706549448", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Pichler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034320313", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dieter Maurer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053569207", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Baub\u00f6ck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Ersb\u00f8ll" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kees Groenendijk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Harald Waldrauch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053569214", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Baub\u00f6ck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Ersb\u00f8ll" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kees Groenendijk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Harald Waldrauch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719057496", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Glenda Norquay" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gerry Smyth" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789517469043", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Seija-Riitta Laakso" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503412329", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Patricia Flier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486989342", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rania Abdellatif" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yassir Benhima" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daniel K\u00f6nig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elisabeth Ruchaud" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692335543", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anthony Opal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110295467", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Axel B\u00f6rsch-Supan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martina Brandt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Howard Litwin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Guglielmo Weber" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192489", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robyn Grant" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pavel M. Itskov" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Blythe Towal" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tony J. Prescott" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874216998", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Linda Adler-Kassner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137596338", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Valerie Granzer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356265", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Judy Rashotte" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193066", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Agustin Gonzalez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fernando Martinez-Garcia" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luis Puelles" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans J Ten Donkelaar" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951320", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Brigitta Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285880", - [ - [ - "aut", - "P. Voorhoeve" - ], - [ - "aut", - "G. 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Hayashi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fernando C. Bizerra" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pedro Ismael Da Silva Jr" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197378", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cordula M. Stover" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490316641", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fran\u00e7ois Hotman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578791865", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lu\u00eds Adriano Mendes Costa" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578793326", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Isabel Travancas" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Garcia Nogueira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575414040", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Paulo C\u00e9sar B. Alves" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Miriam Cristina Rabelo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413876", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Ana Maria Canesqui" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Rosa Wanda Diez Garcia" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413043", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza Minayo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carlos E. A. Coimbra Jr." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615792484", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael D. 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Tran" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783038420026", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Lucy Huskinson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Raya A. Jones" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robin McCoy Brooks" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steve Myers" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maryann Barone-Chapman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jay Sherry" - ], - [ - "aut", - "William E. Smythe" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giovanni B. Caputo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Diogo Valadas Ponte" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lothar Sch\u00e4fer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Caifang Zhu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Milena Sotirova-Kohli, Klaus Opwis, Christian Roesler, Steven M. Smith, David H. Rosen, Jyotsna Vaid" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Valentin Djonov" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christian Roesler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560359", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sally K. 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Holt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052608", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Riccardo Bonato" - ], - [ - "edt", - " Marianna Nobile" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615612652", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Meyer" - ], - [ - "edt", - "David Hawbadnik" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205994411", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kurt F. Strasser" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783658100933", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kurt H\u00e4feli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Markus P. Neuenschwander" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stephan Schumann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795650", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hermann Zeitlhofer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472031955", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Editor Brendan I. Koerner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472032662", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Editor Steven Levy" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472033270", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Editor Clive Thompson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053568156", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tsjalling Swierstra" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Evelien Tonkens" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285927", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J. Brugman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616956", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Engelken" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783981675108", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Susan Pollock" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952051", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicolas Adell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Regina F. 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Grunewald" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Simone Fulda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544315", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Iain Brassington" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197187", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mitsuhiro Hayashibe" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David Guiraud" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jose L. Pons" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dario Farina" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781910634257", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcelle BouDagher-Fadel K." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820366", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mark Cantley" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Karl Simpson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560533", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Przemyslaw Busse" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wlodzimierz Meissner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642318290", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael R. 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Heekeren van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700172611", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Erich Pucher" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fritz Eckart Barth" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert Seemann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Franz Brandst\u00e4tter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924072", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lionel Gossman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783930457595", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tom Kleffmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950279", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicole Bartels" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Juliane Deinert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wilfried Enderle" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Helmut Rohlfing" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Frank M\u00f6bus" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034011969", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Hugener" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780801496226", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Uwe Hohendahl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780984644537", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Robert Shanafelt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780980623857", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernard O'Neil" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kym Anderson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344267", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194704", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tomomi Shimogori" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steffen Scholpp" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110914665", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Gross" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stefan Kadelbach" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eckhard Pache" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christian Tietje" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951214", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes Kuntze" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344120", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Brigitta Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "I Wayan Ardika" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692204412", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eileen A. Joy (ed." - ], - [ - "aut", - "author)" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Myra Seaman" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jeffrey Jerome Cohen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Heather Bamford" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Frank Battaglia" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bettina Bildhauer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martha Easton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maggie Williams" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Evans" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joshua R. Eyler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lara Farina" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Matthew Gabriele" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gaelan Gilbert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Noah D. Guynn" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David Hadbawnik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Guy Halsall" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cary Howie" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Shayne Aaron Legassie" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Erin Maglaque" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Material Collective" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Mical" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Chris Piuma" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daniel C. Remein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christopher Roman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva von Contzen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Erik Wade" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lisa Weston" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne Harris" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Karen Eileen Overbey" - ], - [ - "aut", - "L.O. Aranye Fradenburg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. Allan Mitchell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Will Stockton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lowell Duckert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steve Mentz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Chris Piuma" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Hsy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julie Orlemanski" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julian Yates" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781910634189", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dethloff Diana" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Murdoch Tessa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sloan Kim" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elam Caroline" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501707193", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nancy Shields Kollmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700176015", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Rhoby" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782895901372", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Claire Tr\u00e9panier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195060", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rameshwar K Sharma" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Baehr" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Clint L Makino" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Teresa Duda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196319", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Enrico Cherubini" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Richard Miles" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830235", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fl\u00e1via Cristina Oliveira Murbach de Barros" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831133", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alexandre Andrade da Costa" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205771777", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Klaus Semsroth" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael M\u00f6nninger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christiane Crasemann-Collins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205775812", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Camillo Sitte" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192991", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eleonora Grandi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrew G Edwards" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anthony W Herren" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Donald M Bers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662526", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Malori J. Pompermayer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Odacir Luis Coradini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820021", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Shepard Forman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700176299", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Gugl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Radbauer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michaela Kronberger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700171287", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Doneus" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christian Gugl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nives Doneus" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386729", - [ - [ - "aut", - "George Melnyk" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388150", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Colin M. Coates" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386743", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bart Beaty" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rebecca Sullivan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193806", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Chao Ma" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rong Fan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Antoni Ribas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197767", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joao Conde" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pedro Viana Baptista" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jesus M. De La Fuente" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Furong Tian" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034314794", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sandrine Dagh\u00e9 Aeby" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788481559958", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ramon Aznar i Garcia" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523208912", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robinson Moreira Ten\u00f3rio" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Reginaldo de Souza Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867050116", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simone Aliprandi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607853060", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jeffrey Di Leo R." - ], - [ - "aut", - "Uppinder Mehan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662922", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ot\u00e1vio Guilherme Velho" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820717", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Capistrano de Abreu" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196258", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Deirdre R. Coombe" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christopher R. Parish" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643971", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jeannette Pols" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849661003", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paul Taylor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004286191", - [ - [ - "aut", - "B. Hoff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783706900584", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Murray Gordon Hall" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789568416164", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simon Collier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788598605982", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Camila Bueno Grejo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004280694", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cot" - ], - [ - "aut", - "F. 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Bastos" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Marli Pires Morim" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Regina Barbosa" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mari\u00e2ngela Menezes" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mike Hopkins" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Ricardo Secco" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Taciana Cavalcanti" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Vin\u00edcius Castro Souza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788560035090", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Rafaela Campostrini Forzza" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Paula Moraes Leitman" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Andrea Costa" - ], - [ - "edt", - "An\u00edbal Alves de Carvalho Jr." - ], - [ - "edt", - "Ariane Luna Peixoto" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Bruno Machado Teles Walter" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Carlos Bicudo" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Daniela Zappi" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Denise Pinheiro da Costa" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Eduardo Lleras" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Gustavo Martinelli" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Haroldo Cavalcante de Lima" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jefferson Prado" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jo\u00e3o Renato Stehmann" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jos\u00e9 Fernando A. Baumgratz" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jos\u00e9 Rubens Pirani" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Lana da Silva Sylvestre" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Leonor Costa Maia" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Lucia G. Lohmann" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Luciano Paganucci" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Marcos Silveira" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Marcus Nadruz" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria C\u00e2ndida Henrique Mamede" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Nazar\u00e9 C. Bastos" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Marli Pires Morim" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Regina Barbosa" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mari\u00e2ngela Menezes" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mike Hopkins" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Ricardo Secco" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Taciana Cavalcanti" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Vin\u00edcius Castro Souza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788598203102", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Cristina Teixeira Bonecker" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Claudia Akemi Pereira Namiki" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M\u00e1rcia Salustiano de Castro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paula Nepomuceno Campos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884531902", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Douglas J. Osler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004221901", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jan Schmidt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820410", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Angela Randolpho Paiva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193615", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Diana Reid Nemergut" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ashley Shade" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cyrille Violle" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197507", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S.M. Mansour Haeryfar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thierry Mallevaey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195657", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dragana Jankovic" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carl G Feng" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196432", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Akira Yoshii" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martha Constantine-Paton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nancy Y. Ip" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193769", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ricardo Tapia" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196623", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Petranel Theresa Ferrao" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Behren" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robin Anderson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Erik Thompson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412855", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Maria do Carmo Leal" - ], - [ - "edt", - "carlos Machado de Freitas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472593078", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Geoff Kemp" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874216486", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sherry Meidell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194759", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stuart J. McDougall" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Heike Munzberg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrei V. Derbenev" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Zsombok" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759809134", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andr\u00e9 Pineau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yves Qu\u00e9r\u00e9" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490318669", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Regina Polo Mart\u00edn" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552385579", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Claire Campbell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004204409", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gilda Hern\u00e1ndez S\u00e1nchez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788386292523", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Urszula \u015awiderska-Burek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196197", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Salvador Martinez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jose A. Armengol" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195725", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elena Garcia Martin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "George E. Barreto" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jose A G Agundez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rubem C A Guedes" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ramon Santos El Bacha" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194537", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrice Brassard" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Phil Neil Ainslie" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Niels H. 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Witt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922064745", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maggie Tonkin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mandy Treagus" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Madeleine Seys" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sharon Crozier-De Rosa" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783706545075", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karin S. Wozonig" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783168163", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Hall" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137592613", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Brian Rappert" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783167920", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jacqueline Borsje" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137444011", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Zoe Dyndor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137391322", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nick Tilley" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Graham Farrell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ronald V. Clarke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137556363", - [ - [ - "aut", - "R\u00e9ka Solymosi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Herv\u00e9 Borrion" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Taku Fujiyama" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781934843451", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark Lipovetsky" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692541555", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vitor Vitanza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472073030", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrizia McBride C." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501707230", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Winthrop Wetherbee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196166", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Flavia Trettel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Richard M. Ransohoff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781785420269", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Marder" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ana\u00efs Tondeur" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004293120", - [ - [ - "aut", - "B.C. 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Peel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195107", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ananda L Roy" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195084", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ulrich G. Hofmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jurgen Kruger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196012", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luis Enrique Munoz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christian Berens" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kirsten Lauber" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Udo S. Gaipl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martin Herrmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199670673", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Philip Wood" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781846314780", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Neal Alexander" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924546", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Ingo Gildenhard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783740789", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ingo Gildenhard" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Louise Hodgson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503412428", - [ - [ - "trl", - "Mar\u00eda Estanislada Sustersic" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662885", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andr\u00e9a F. Silveira" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Catarina Gewehr" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luiz Fernando R. 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Ramos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David Barriopedro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Emanuel Dutra" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386699", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Keren" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640451", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gianluca P. Parolin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782882241412", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roland Junod" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul Rutayisire" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053566336", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alastair Phillips" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472116980", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Amy Koritz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "George J. Sanchez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Editors" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780415590631", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Armstrong" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Valeria Bello" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julie Gilson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Debora Spini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781780931036", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Dorner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Regina A List" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884535757", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Zorzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781925261110", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark Clendon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501707148", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Terry Castle" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254763", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Florence Goyet" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Yvonne Freccero" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195428", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ariel Y Deutch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Brian N. Mathur" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183758", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kees Dijk van" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jean Gelman Taylor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195275", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elizabeth C. 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Boys" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820618", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Maria Jac\u00f3-Vilela" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ant\u00f4nio Carlos Cerezzo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Heliana de Barros Conde Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193561", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Steve M Potter" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eberhard E Fetz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ahmed El Hady" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544353", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John Banks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781925261219", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robert Bourman P." - ], - [ - "aut", - "Colin Murray-Wallace V." - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nick Harvey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552387887", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Steven Loft" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490851067", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Coma Fort" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jos\u00e9 Mar\u00eda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781618112781", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael J. Broyde & Ira Bedzow" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197293", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ursula Grohmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Puccetti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196531", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Caroline Gurvich" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Susan L. Rossell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194261", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Francois Osiurak" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cristina Massen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197750", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patti Adank" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carolyn McGettigan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sonja A. E. Kotz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196791", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ales Stuchlik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tomiki Sumiyoshi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195411", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Yuri B. Saalmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sabine Kastner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196333", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthijs Baas" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carsten K. W. De Dreu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bernard A. Nijstad" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780822374381", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Price H." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578791179", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Maria Margaret Lopes" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Alda Heizer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924133", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Barry Hough" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Howard Davis" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Lydia Davis" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Micheal John Kooy" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788576286554", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerd Kohlhepp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paulo Astor Soethe" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daniel Martineschen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Caio Heleno da Costa Pereira" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dionei Mathias" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elisete Antoniuk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fernanda Boarin Boechat" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Frederico F\u00fcllgraf" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Natasha Pereira da Silva" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sibele Paulino" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sirlene Nair Neubauer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209070", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Angelina de Arag\u00e3o Bulc\u00e3o Soares Nascimento" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193141", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Xanthe Vafopoulou" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Colin G.H. Steel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781628926705", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Molly Sauter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285835", - [ - [ - "aut", - "W. Kern" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110426403", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lakshman Chandra De" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004221390", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arthur Weststeijn" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783631657799", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Popp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jutta Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Miriam Hannig" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552385739", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joan G. Fairweather" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615849782", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jeff Shantz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110371741", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Enderwitz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rebecca Sauer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615986968", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Munro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356111", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Norman J. Temple" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Nelia Steyn" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209094", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Inai\u00e1 Maria Moreira de Carvalho" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gilberto Corso Pereira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413913", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rita Barradas Barata" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836565", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alexandre Augusto Ferraz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ricardo Pereira Tassinari" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319077697", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Linde Egberts" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Koos Bosma" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486597691", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Armelle Lefebvre" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194988", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Umberto Bertazzoni" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francoise Bex" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197309", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karine Rousseau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sylvie Dufour" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hubert Vaudry" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788598605975", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marilda da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783741120", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Peter Hayes" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Kiho Yi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789051995381", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M. 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Andrew Poehlman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ezequiel Morsella" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110325843", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sofia Miguens" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gerhard Preyer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788497720700", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Enrique Villalba P\u00e9rez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867055029", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Giuliana Calabrese" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425060", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Power" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199641987", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wyn Grant" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Graham Wilson K." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781910634844", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anne-Marie Deisser" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mugwima Njuguna" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719063305", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark Garnett" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Philip Lynch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490314111", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tamara El Khoury" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788489315983", - [ - [ - "aut", - "D\u00edaz Rico" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Javier Carlos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110266412", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nicole Brisch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jesper Eidem" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544384", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Gardiner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534002", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Veronica Federico" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carlo Fusaro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523208936", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Edivaldo M Boaventura" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788539302680", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andr\u00e9 Azevedo da Fonseca" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830389", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Cristina Piana" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662472", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788489315716", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mar\u00eda L\u00f3pez de Ram\u00f3n" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781439910283", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Fredette" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137487520", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alanna Skuse" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560014", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Oleg Tarnopolsky" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486704761", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rania Abdellatif" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yassir Benhima" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daniel K\u00f6nig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elisabeth Ruchaud" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034320368", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simon Gaberell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952365", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Metz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J\u00f6rg Binding" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pan Haifeng" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Florian Huber" - ], - [ - "aut", - "German Federal Ministry of Justice" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Consumer Protection" - ], - [ - "aut", - "State Administration for Industry" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Commerce of the People\u00b4s Republic of China" - ], - [ - "aut", - "National Consumer Secretariat, Ministry of Justice of the Federal Republic of Brazil" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Deutsche Gesellschaft f\u00fcr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780415553490", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kelly Tian" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lily Dong" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875883", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karin Klenke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319184272", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mohammed Ali Al-Bar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hassan Chamsi-Pasha" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089644749", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Judith Thissen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert Zwijnenberg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kitty Zijlmans" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183819", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katinka Heeren van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783658049157", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kristina Kamp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ayhan Kaya" - ], - [ - "aut", - "E. 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Friedberg" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490317679", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Manuel Mart\u00ednez Neira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867053995", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marianna D'Ovidio" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867050574", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simone Aliprandi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994819", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simone Aliprandi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552387702", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joanna Page" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110402100", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Helen Trenos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830136", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rodrigo de Souza Vieira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831157", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elizabeth Roxana Mass Araya" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregorio Vidotti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820045", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Juarez Rubens Brand\u00e3o Lopes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836862", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mauro Souza Ventura" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334508", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Milena da Silveira Pereira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607852070", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robert H. 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Onvlee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024718368", - [ - [ - "aut", - "C. Goslinga" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183802", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wim Klooster" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gert Oostindie" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781925021356", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Leigh Dayton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197545", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Daniel Machado" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kai H. Zhuang" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nikolaus Sonnenschein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Markus J. Herrgard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192861", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Harvey J.M. Hou" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mohammad Mahdi Najafpour" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Govindjee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194384", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Florin Dolcos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lihong Wang" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mara Mather" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789949322589", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Halliki Harro-Loit" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Katrin Kello" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820243", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Le\u00f4ncio Martins Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889198122", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anne M. Ruffing" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Toivo Kallas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700131885", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Nentwich" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780230103900", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J. 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Satyanarayana" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783900305321", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Heimo Dolenz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209056", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ivani Santana" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781526105172", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dana Mills" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922064950", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susan Magarey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188037", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christopher Ryan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Took" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501306778", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John A. Rapp" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544407", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robin Bunce" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul Field" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615701073", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Myra Seaman" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Eileen A. Joy" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Nicola Masciandaro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Candace Barrington" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Brantley L. Bryant" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Evans" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gaelan Gilbert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Leigh Harrison" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. 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Meade" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788860460714", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lothar B\u00f6hnisch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615837420", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maxwell Kennel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503412930", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Osvaldo Ron" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alejo Levoratti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820601", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Maria Jac\u00f3-Vilela" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Leny Sato" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523211813", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiane Porto" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Brotas" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Simone Bortoliero" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788890871214", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Giosu\u00e8 Sangiovanni" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Vittorio Martucci" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780822374589", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Hearn H." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783900305543", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alexander Sokolicek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783741083", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Greg Brooks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209360", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alicia Duh\u00e1 Lose" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dom Greg\u00f3rio Paix\u00e3o" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anna Paula Sandes de Oliveira" - ], - [ - "aut", - "G\u00e9rsica Alves Sanches" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C\u00e9lia Marques Telles" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413135", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rachel Aisengart Menezes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209124", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiane de Magalh\u00e3es Porto" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188488", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bodard Gabriel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Romanello Matteo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922235879", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julie Fisher" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Catherine Lang" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Annemieke Craig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Helen Forgasz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Amber McLeod" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692580448", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Domenico Fiormente" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Teresa Numerico" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Tomasi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254268", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Brett D. 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Nesson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072682", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Douglas Eyman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472117611", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Gabrys" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072804", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jim Ridolfo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849666275", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Weller" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783742387", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthew James Driscoll" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Elena Pierazzo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472071531", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jabari Mahiri" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783837630282", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcus Burkhardt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616499", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503410936", - [ - [ - "com", - "Patricia Flier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783495487280", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Damb\u00f6ck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans-Ulirch Lessing" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616000", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Katja Koch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Schmidtke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334546", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Z\u00e9lia Lopes da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994543", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sandro Baraggioli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830068", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gabriel Terra Pereira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486835441", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Babel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034012935", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Behr" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024720316", - [ - [ - "aut", - "G. 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Jones" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523211820", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Grimaldo Carneiro Zachariadhes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534873", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Franchini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195398", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kimberly Sue Schluns" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kim Klonowski" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490859810", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Massimo Meccarelli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giovanni Cazzetta" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Juliana Neuenschwander Magalh\u00e3es" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Simona Langella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Flavia Stara" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Argemiro Martins" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Larissa Mizutani" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cristiano Paix\u00e3o" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ricardo Marcelo Fonseca" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pamela Alejandra Cacciavillani" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giovanni Di Cosimo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Claudia Rosane Roesler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089644367", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Romijn" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giles Scott-Smith" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joes Segal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615839080", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Noah Horwitz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789522226822", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Timo Kallinen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195756", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fumiaki Uchiumi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Masayuki Seki" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yasuhiro Furuichi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194551", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Zvi Kelman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrew F. 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Segui-Simarro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386668", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Charles Noble" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472119813", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M. Michelle Robinson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520292840", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simon Marginson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425701", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Locke Hart" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544438", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gary Watt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004286061", - [ - [ - "aut", - "P. Drabbe" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616567", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Reiner Anselm" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jan Hermelink" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386675", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Diana M. A. 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Sandford" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662595", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fernando Henrique Cardoso" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maur\u00edcio Font" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924775", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ariel Rubinstein" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319191676", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ephraim Nkonya" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alisher Mirzabaev" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joachim von Braun" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922064325", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cheryl McRae" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David Wilson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kym Anderson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137378477", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mario La Torre" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788860460844", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Claudia Lintner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192854", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Boris Rewald" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Omer Falik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Douglas Godbold" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Shimon Rachmilevitch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820496", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tilio Neto" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Petr\u00f4nio De" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781474400046", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sarah Atkinson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jane Macnaughton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Richards" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205787365", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dietmar Strau\u00df" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205779902", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eduard Hanslik" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523208721", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Dias Nascimento" - ], - [ - "aut", - "T\u00e2nia Maria Hetkowski" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788539302437", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eliana Bolorino Canteiro Martins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209285", - [ - [ - "aut", - "F\u00e9lix D\u00edaz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Miguel Bordas" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nelma Galv\u00e3o" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Theresinha Miranda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209155", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiane T. Sampaio" - ], - [ - "aut", - "S\u00f4nia Maria R. Sampaio" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830853", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lucimary Bernab\u00e9 Pedrosa de Andrade" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830099", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fernanda de Oliveira Sarreta" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413180", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Isabel Brasil Pereira" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marise Nogueira Ramos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578791896", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Pedro Bergamo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503411704", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Carlos Carballo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503412480", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Osvaldo Ron" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jorge Fridman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788891724533", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Nanni" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004281141", - [ - [ - "aut", - "G. Carbonnier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M. Carton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "K. 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Brown" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780748645756", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John Lango W." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110327496", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Kemmerling" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Georg Meggle" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mark Textor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789038219752", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthieu Sergier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344182", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Reiner Anselm" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795339", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Annemarie Siegetsleitner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640789", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ton Derks" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nico Roymans" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053567050", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nico Roymans" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640918", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Huhua Cao" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662854", - [ - [ - "aut", - "K\u00e1tia Simone Ploner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "L\u00edsia Regina Ferreira Michels" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luciane Maria Schlindwein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pedrinho A. 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Littlejohn" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tobias Meckel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413258", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Suely Rozenfeld" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137392633", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Aya Homei" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Worboys" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782868838629", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Guy Laval" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642208973", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John Domingue" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alex Galis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anastasius Gavras" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Theodore Zahariadis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dave Lambert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Frances Cleary" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Petros Daras" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Srdjan Krco" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Henning M\u00fcller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Man-Sze Li" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans Schaffers" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volkmar Lotz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Federico Alvarez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Burkhard Stiller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stamatis Karnouskos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Susanna Avessta" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Nilsson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642302404", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Federico \u00c1lvarez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Frances Cleary" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Petros Daras" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Domingue" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alex Galis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ana Garcia" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anastasius Gavras" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stamatis Karnourskos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Srdjan Krco" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Man-Sze Li" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volkmar Lotz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Henning M\u00fcller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elio Salvadori" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne-Marie Sassen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans Schaffers" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Burkhard Stiller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Georgios Tselentis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Petra Turkama" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Theodore Zahariadis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642380815", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alex Galis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anastasius Gavras" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783946234180", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marie-H\u00e9l\u00e8ne C\u00f4t\u00e9" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Remco Knooihuizen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Nerbonne" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053565667", - [ - [ - "aut", - "James McAllister" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Johan Benthem van" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Arie Rip" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Herman Philipse" - ], - [ - "aut", - "A.A. Verrijn-Stuart" - ], - [ - "aut", - "P.A.J. Tindemans" - ], - [ - "aut", - "R.P.W. Visser" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209339", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S\u00f4nia Regina de Ara\u00fajo Caldas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884538598", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrizia Meli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615877488", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Whitney Anne Trettien" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110405835", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Uwe Vagelpohl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110453485", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Uwe Vagelpohl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110462982", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Uwe Vagelpohl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356531", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Curtis Fogel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867054107", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michaela Anderle" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sebastian Ring" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110312713", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christoph Deeg" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759810024", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A.J. Castro-Tirado" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. Gorosabel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "I.H. Park" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188631", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Suzanne Kapelari" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052103", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Ornella Robutti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004253742", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Herman Burgers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205783206", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Mesner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089644039", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rudolf Dijk van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053569238", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ed Jonker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205770688", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Verena Moritz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hannes Leidinger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795117", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ina Heumann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951931", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes Zuber" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795728", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Wallnig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Stockinger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Fiska" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Manuela Mayer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ines Peper" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205783039", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Wallnig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Stockinger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952563", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johann Lier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783709700617", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Olaf Riss" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110402520", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Giegerich" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Armin Hatje" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne Peters" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783837624342", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Waltraud Ernst" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ilona Horwath" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089642851", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eleonore Kofman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martin Kohli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Albert Kraler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Camille Schmoll" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789048521753", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Deirdre M. Molony" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marlou Schrover" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183253", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jan Pouwer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110356977", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicola Marsden" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ute Kempf" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950255", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gunnar Duttge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Engel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Zoll" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195565", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arnon Dias Jurberg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul J Brindley" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578791919", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marconi do \u00d3 Cat\u00e3o" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783981638400", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Almut-Barbara Renger" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Isabel Toral-Niehoff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197491", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Axel Hutt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anthony G. 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Jonathan Cardi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875807", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Heinz Koriath" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ralf Krack" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Henning Radtke" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J\u00f6rg-Martin Jehle" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616024", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Klaus Beuermann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110287424", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Calliess" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bernd Grzeszick" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Georg Lienbacher" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875609", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ulrich Harteisen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Silke Neumeyer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Schlagbauer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kilian Bizer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stephan Hensel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lukas Kr\u00fcger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334515", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fernanda Piculo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gabriela Marini" - ], - [ - "aut", - "D\u00e9bora Cristina Damasceno" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yuri Karen Sinzato" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ang\u00e9lica M\u00e9rcia Pascon Barbosa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Selma Maria Michelin Matheus" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "S\u00e9rgio Luis Felisbino" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jaqueline Rinaldi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fl\u00e1via Karina Delella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "S\u00e9rgio Alexandre Alc\u00e2ntara do Santos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tal\u00edsia Moreto" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gelson Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788864530895", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Leonardo Casini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759807444", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Fran\u00e7aise de Physique M\u00e9dicale" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598441783", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Keith Cuninghame" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789087280147", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wil Roebroeks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205781523", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Franz Hocheneder" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820557", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S\u00e9rgio de Azevedo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lu\u00eds Aureliano Gama de Andrade" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196739", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Javier Bernacer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jose Angel Lombo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jose Ignacio Murillo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194629", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Schmid" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Donald A. 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Msetfi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197156", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Daniela Laricchiuta" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616536", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Markus Kaspar" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193073", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bruno Gingras" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780980623871", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Erwidodo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kym Anderson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Randy Stringer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tubagus Feridhanusetyawan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820229", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Le\u00f4ncio Martins Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209001", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Katia Alves dos Santos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662946", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S\u00f4nia Alto\u00e9" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412688", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ronir Raggio Luiz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Claudio Jos\u00e9 Struchiner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193851", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Manuel S. 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Forsythe" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692299302", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Jeffrey Jerome Cohen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steve Mentz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne Harris" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alan Montroso" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lowell Duckert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alfred Kentigern Siewers" - ], - [ - "aut", - "James Smith" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ian Bogost" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334577", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luciana Massi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Salete Linhares Queiroz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110299557", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jan N Bremmer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193103", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Cicchetti" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Roger A Barker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197712", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alain Morin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas M. Brinthaupt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jason D. Runyan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849664783", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Koepsell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719062674", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrew McMeekin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mark Tomlinson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ken Green" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Vivien Walsh" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319091136", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kathrin Glau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Matthias Scherer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rudi Zagst" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821854185", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sonia Maria Karam Guimar\u00e3es" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Bernard Pecqueur" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344250", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Svenja Hagenhoff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9784431556503", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kazuwa Nakao" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nagahiro Minato" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Shinji Uemoto" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884530141", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Calvani" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889198016", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wolfram Holand" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Aldo R. Boccaccini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821854208", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sonia Maria Karam Guimar\u00e3es" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Bernard Pecqueur" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830891", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carolina Marchiori Bezerra" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700178743", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kurt Tropper" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780813574653", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kristin Monroe V." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053567562", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hans Harbers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110471199", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fabio Armao" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193301", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michel Alexander Steiner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christopher J Winrow" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501707186", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Uwe Hohendahl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205203544", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anita Hipfinger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520288027", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Patteson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780823274857", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicole Rizzuto" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319162553", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Scholten" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Han Entzinger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rinus Penninx" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stijn Verbeek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922064912", - [ - [ - "aut", - "G\u00f6ran Roos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Allan O'Connor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089648419", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Charles Westin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089648426", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Inken S\u00fcrig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maren Wilmes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783742288", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Monirul Azam" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110409697", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dianne Murray" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Waterworth" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Giuseppe Riva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194896", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Aleksandra Vuckovic" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jaime Pined" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kristen Lamarca" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Disha Gupta" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christoph Guger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780198737926", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vieri Samek-Lodovici" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193196", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Ruz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Agustin Ibanez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sonja A E Kotz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Louise Barrett" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jorge Moll" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192564", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Micheal Baum" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jorge A Larriva-Sahd" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195183", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Suzanne Curtin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mary Grantham O'Brien" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rahat Naqvi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849661782", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Catherine Lyall" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ann Bruce" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joyce Tait" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Laura Meagher" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072545", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julie Thompson Klein" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700171454", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elisabeth Trinkl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9784431551256", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Keiichi Sasaki" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Osamu Suzuki" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nobuhiro Takahashi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789568416393", - [ - [ - "aut", - "V\u00edctor Jeifets" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lazar Jeifets" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849661812", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Catherine Rhodes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344779", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerhard W\u00f6rner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stefan M\u00f6ller-McNett" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719053450", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Raymond Hinnebusch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072446", - [ - [ - "aut", - "editor Chin-Chuan Lee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662465", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lu\u00eds Eduardo Guedes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662496", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernardo Sorj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luis Eduardo Guedes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616291", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Svenja Hagenhoff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110326970", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicholas Rescher" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719067181", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John Callaghan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steven Fielding" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steve Ludlam" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319169248", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Douglas R. 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Centro Interdisciplinario de Metodolog\u00eda de las Ciencias Sociales" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205786269", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elisabeth Leube-Payer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472544728", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Pigott" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534736", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Pier Luigi Cabras" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Chiti" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Donatella Lippi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205787938", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang D\u00f6rner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205789505", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Waltraud Heindl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388501", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Juliette Storr" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874212907", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robert S. 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Pietzuch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950941", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Habermann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783902976291", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes Divjak" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Wischmeyer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783902976307", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes Divjak" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Wischmeyer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789522227119", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cornelius Hasselblatt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285811", - [ - [ - "aut", - "P.D. 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Galloway" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579837104", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cleomar Pinheiro Sotta" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789027269577", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gijsbert Rutten" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marijke J. van der Wal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425534", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Helen Waldstein Wilkes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924577", - [ - [ - "aut", - "G\u00f6ran Printz-P\u00e5hlson" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Robert Archambeau" - ], - [ - "aui", - "Elinor Shaffer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lars-H Svensson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781846311949", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julie Sheldon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356746", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Grant" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884536396", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luca Bagnoli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195459", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Cerasa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giacomo Koch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alfonso Fasano" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Morgante" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503411155", - [ - [ - "com", - "Osvaldo Barreneche" - ], - [ - "com", - "Angela Oyhandy" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425398", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Keith Smith" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788864530840", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carmelo Calabr\u00f2" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662762", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Keila Grinberg" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598441257", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sjoerd Koopman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Benson Njobvu" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110263121", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Theo J. D. Bothma" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jes\u00fas Lau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anna Maria Tammaro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642548116", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Chuanfu Chen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ronald Larsen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598441677", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Heaney" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788386292196", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Magdalena Oset" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024715275", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. Ziel de" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. King" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254961", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roger Paulin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789400715448", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthias Wingens" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Windzio" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Helga de Valk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Can Aybek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501306792", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Laura Portwood-Stacer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425961", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Trevor R. 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Wilson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607325635", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jason Pierce E." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520284043", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Keith Guzik" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053565803", - [ - [ - "aut", - "William Heide van der" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024718443", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A. Marks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788090509825", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Veronika Ko\u0159\u00ednkov\u00e1" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719057090", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lara Apps" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrew Gow" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719064401", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hans Peter Broedel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700176398", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Roland" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter Wiesinger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781926836553", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Pierre Maturi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024723829", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J. Tennekes" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J. Schoorl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "R. Schefold" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598440229", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Trine Kolderup Flaten" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789812872838", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Iwan J. Azis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hyun Song Shin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789400779594", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sven Rannow" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marco Neubert" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598440953", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernard Dione" - ], - [ - "aut", - "R\u00e9jean Savard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490317853", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jes\u00fas Vallejo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199698592", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arlie Loughnan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780988234062", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Katherine Gibson" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Deborah Bird Rose" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Ruth Fincher" - ], - [ - "aut", - "J.K. Gibson-Graham" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ethan Miller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jessica K. 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Prast" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662793", - [ - [ - "aut", - "F\u00e1bio Wanderley Reis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319131344", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Curaj" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luke Georghiou" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Casenga Harper" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Egron-Polak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849665223", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anna Mountford Zimdars" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789462983397", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paul Beer de" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maisha Pinxteren van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004286092", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. Veen van der" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503413678", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Patricia Flier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783642363481", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Georg Rehm" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans Uszkoreit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196227", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Claudio Mauro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christian Frezza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193462", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joel E. Kostka" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andreas P. Teske" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Samantha B. 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Dawson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867054794", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Emilia Barile" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110410174", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Francisco Pena Pereira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607853299", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joanna Zylinska" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388051", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arn Keeling" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Sandlos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692234273", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Joseph Nechvatal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413975", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Silvia Gerschman" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Lucia Werneck Vianna" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413395", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Cec\u00edlia de Souza Minayo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Edinilsa Ramos de Souza" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Patr\u00edcia Constantino" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875203", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Majida Hamilton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781771990035", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elizabeth Bingham Young" - ], - [ - "aut", - "E. Ryerson Young" - ], - [ - "aut", - "edited" - ], - [ - "aut", - "with introductions by Jennifer S. H. 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Smart" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874217568", - [ - [ - "aut", - "George D. Watt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874217223", - [ - [ - "aut", - "William B. Smart" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197811", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Juan Pablo Henriquez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nelson Osses" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889198030", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alina Leminen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Harald Clahsen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Minna Lehtonen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mirjana Bozic" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193899", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Brecht" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nicholas Hatsopoulos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Takehsi Kaneko" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gordon M. G Shepherd" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425022", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrew Gow" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julie Rak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836640", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roberta Vieira" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Louren\u00e7o Chacon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388600", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Ben Bradley" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jay Young" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Colin M. Coates" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560113", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Umberto Berardi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783740987", - [ - [ - "aut", - "McClure Mudge" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jean" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874217209", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Idris Anderson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820113", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Le\u00f4ncio Martins Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831232", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Danielle Tega" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831188", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fl\u00e1via Leme de Almeida" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781138794931", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tiit Tammaru" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sako Musterd" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maarten van Ham" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Szymon Marci\u0144czak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196487", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Tieri" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christine Nardini" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Elizabeth Dent" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137464620", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kosuke Shimizu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "William S. 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Roesch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195619", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mariano Soiza Reilly" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter Saggau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Benjamin R Arenkiel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195343", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anton Ilango" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mary Kay Lobo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194377", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Yasuo Kawaguchi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Masanobu Kano" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196883", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Merim Bilalic" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert Langner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Guillermo Campitelli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luca Turella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfgang Grodd" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193837", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Si Wu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael K Y Wong" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Misha Tsodyks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194278", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dimitris Pinotsis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter Robinson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter beim Graben" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Karl Friston" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194148", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Klasen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Benjamin Kreifelts" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Yu-Han Chen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Janina Seubert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Klaus Mathiak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192649", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernadette M Fitzgibbon" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jamie Ward" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter G. Enticott" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196142", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marco Iosa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nadia Dominici" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Federica Tamburella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Leonardo Gizzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193752", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John D Salamone" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elio Acquas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195138", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Laurent Gautron" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Makoto Fukuda" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Lazarus" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alexander C Jackson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Chen Liu" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193844", - [ - [ - "aut", - "KongFatt Wong-Lin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kae Nakamura" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195282", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hadas Okon-Singer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Talma Hendler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luiz Pessoa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alexander J Shackman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195077", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alfonso Abizaid" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Zane Andrews" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197224", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hartmut Heinrich" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ute Strehl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martijn Arns" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Aribert Rothenberger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tomas Ros" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196029", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luba Sominsky" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Adam K. Walker" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Deborah M. Hodgson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195893", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gianluca Tamagno" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jacques Epelbaum" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197071", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M. Victoria Puig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Allan T. Gulledge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Evelyn K. Lambe" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Guillermo Gonzalez-Burgos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194544", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andre van Schaik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tobi Delbruck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Hasler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195985", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M Foster Olive" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Justin Gass" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193202", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bryan F Singer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Anselme" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mike James Ferrar Robinson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul Vezina" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994574", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Giuliano Zippo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193820", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roberto Di Maio" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197590", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rosanna Parlato" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pier Giorgio Mastroberardino" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192670", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jae Young Seong" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hubert Vaudry" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193929", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Edward Taub" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197385", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Manuel Menendez-Gonzalez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tania Alvarez Avellon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193356", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andre Schmidt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stefan Borgwardt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196005", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elena Rusconi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kenneth C Scott Brown" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Szymkowiak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196555", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Olivier A. Coubard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616512", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hiltraud Casper-Hehne" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Uwe Koreik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Annegret Middeke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193691", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Amanda Sierra" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marie-Eve Tremblay" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hiroaki Wake" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719061387", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John J. Joughin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Simon Malpas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193394", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Max Maurin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782759809585", - [ - [ - "aut", - "D. Mary" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C. Theys" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C. Aime" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552385647", - [ - [ - "edt", - "S. 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Johnson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter S. Liss" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692519332", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Steve Mentz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874215595", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Narvaez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780823267101", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eva Badowska" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Parmeggiani" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615822549", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Munro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640246", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andre Bouwman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bart Besamusca" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875951", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Armin Paul Frank" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205786801", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Haberer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875869", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maren Ermisch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ulrike Kruse" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Urte Stobbe" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951894", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Lemke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285804", - [ - [ - "aut", - "C. Hooykaas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194223", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Benjamin D. Young" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194865", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Regina M. Sullivan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Donald A. Wilson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nadine Ravel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne-Marie Mouly" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195541", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ignacio Salazar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Pablo Chamero" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867050154", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Davide Lasagno" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053565612", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anne-Laure Bruaene van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615785387", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ben Woodard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110311358", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Silvia Kutscher" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daniel A. Werning" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781487511395", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Geoffrey Kellow" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Neven Leddy" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849665162", - [ - [ - "aut", - "James Tully" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254718", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jules Michelet" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Lionel Gossman" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Edward K. Kaplan" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Flora Kimmich" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994598", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marco Maggis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994567", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matteo Bianchi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781780933573", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joan Cocks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615934020", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Eileen A. Joy" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Anna K\u0142osowska" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mon. Sparkles Joy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Valerie Allen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Evans" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anna Klosowska" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kathleen Biddick" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael D. Snediker" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gila Aloni" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jessica Roberts Frazier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christine Neufeld" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Valerie Vogrin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004306646", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J. 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Barney" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780888645012", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elizabeth Jameson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sheila McManus" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952297", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernd Alt-Epping" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stefan Fuxius" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ulrich Wedding" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319040929", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luciano Floridi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780415562072", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Pablo Cort\u00e9s" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356623", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Olaf Zawacki-Richter" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Terry Anderson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607853084", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joseph Carew" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640437", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Talja Blokland" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285668", - [ - [ - "aut", - "C. Nooteboom" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781316161012", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Paul Eve" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867051717", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ernest Abadal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197286", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jessica S. 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Wilson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188150", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stefano Costa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Giovanni Pesce Luca" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849662314", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicholas Monk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carol Chillington Rutter" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonothan Neelands" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Heron" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319000251", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S\u00f6nke Bartling" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sascha Friesike" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795926", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ingrid Schraffl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950460", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jana Christina Zapf" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821812260", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dominique Boullier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Audrey Lohard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110354324", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karsten K\u00f6nig" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Ostendorf" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924713", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Finnegan" - ], - [ - "aui", - "Mark Turin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254312", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Mark Turin" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Claire Wheeler" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Eleanor Wilkinson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195763", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Egija Zaura" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alex Mira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783837623420", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Denis H\u00e4nzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789027212030", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Johan F. Hoorn" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mea M. M. Lowcre" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004218659", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Harold M. Hays" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205993919", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Angela V\u00f6lker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788481556483", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Aurora Rivi\u00e8re G\u00f3mez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867051274", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alessandro Ceredi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Enzo Dellantonio" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesco Gagliardi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788498498134", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luis Grau" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820441", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jos\u00e9 Arthur Giannotti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194643", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vladimir I. Titorenko" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Richard A. Rachubinski" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607509561", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J.A Roels" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197347", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Catherine Pellat-Deceunynck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thierry Defrance" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192427", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrey Turchinovich" - ], - [ - "aut", - "William Cho" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472070343", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Caroline Eisner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martha Vicinus" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472545084", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gordon Cox" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robin Stevens" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820106", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Raymundo Nina Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412534", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Magali Gouveia Engel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412442", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Danuzio Gil Bernardino da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412459", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Danuzio Gil Bernardino da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412466", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Danuzio Gil Bernardino da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523208929", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Grimaldo Carneiro Zachariadhes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412695", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Maria Helena Machado" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334430", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Carolina Biscalquini Talamoni" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662960", - [ - [ - "aut", - "F\u00e1bio Wanderley Reis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bolivar Lamounier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Olavo Brasil de Lima Jr." - ], - [ - "aut", - "H\u00e9lgio Trindade" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Judson de Cew" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820076", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Euclydes da Cunha" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194391", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Usha Goswami" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alan Power" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marie Lallier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Facoetti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205770305", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Werkner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gloria Sultano" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205987253", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Heinz Fassmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rainer M\u00fcnz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205993438", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Grigor Doytchinov" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christo Gantchev" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205787648", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karel Hruza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795803", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Harm-Hinrich Brandt" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700176992", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Helga Kromp-Kolb" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Karl Steiniger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nebojsa Nakicenovic" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615744797", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M.H. 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Schur" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821855748", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carlos Fausto" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Carlo Severi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782882240996", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jo\u00eblle Libois" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413463", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Soraya Vargas C\u00f4rtes" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781910634219", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vanesa Broto Cast\u00e1n" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Ensor" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Emily Boyd" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Charlotte Allen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carlos Seventine" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Domingos Macucule Augusto" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820267", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Le\u00f4ncio Martins Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820250", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Le\u00f4ncio Martins Rodrigues" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472119011", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Erik Engstrom J." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884532831", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Salvatore Curreri" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386750", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Graham Livesey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254213", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lionel Gossman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472119073", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nicholas Ridout" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188273", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ioannis Poulios" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472119370", - [ - [ - "aut", - "editor Kevin Kee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412725", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Fernanda Gon\u00e7alves Macedo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "A. 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Yuzhalin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783717552", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerald Horne" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924409", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Amartya Sen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004248021", - [ - [ - "aut", - "S. Kartodirdjo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789517463669", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Laura Stark" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874217735", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark T. Decker" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Austin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195626", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gretchen M Reevy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stanley N Bursten" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615898711", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei (ed." - ], - [ - "aut", - "author)" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Adam Staley Groves (ed." - ], - [ - "aut", - "author)" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nico Jenkins (ed." - ], - [ - "aut", - "author)" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christopher Fynsk" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Oliver Feltham" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julia H\u00f6lzl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Van Houdt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Edith Doron" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Urok Shirhan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonas Staal" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Stadler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andreas Vrahimis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Matthew Charles" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Justin Joque" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tijana Stevanovi\u0107" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Denisa Kera" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sina Badiei" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nick Skiadopoulos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Judith Balso" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonida Gashi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490314005", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Antonio Ruiz Ball\u00f3n" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874215632", - [ - [ - "aut", - "E. Richard Hart" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788576285861", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gilmar Baumgartner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carla Simone Pavanelli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dirceu Baumgartner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alessandro Gasparetto Bifi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tiago Debona" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Vitor Andr\u00e9 Frana" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615870861", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Kemp" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578792800", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tiago Quiroga" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523212155", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Edson Fernando Dalmonte" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788598203089", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thereza de Almeida Garbelotto" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luiz Alexandre Campos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254114", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Anthony Cross" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783717675", - [ - [ - "aut", - "William Pelz A." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194162", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jaana Simola" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jukka Hyona" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jarmo Kuisma" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534415", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Zorzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643506", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Douwe Fokkema" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053566763", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Natascha Veldhorst" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004304772", - [ - [ - "aut", - "R. Bruin de" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C. Haven van der" - ], - [ - "aut", - "L. Jensen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "D. Onnekink" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789517465441", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anu Koivunen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199660797", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jessica Reinisch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089647177", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mattias Frey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662670", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fernando Henrique Cardoso" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eduardo P. Graeff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194179", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Klaus Kessler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sarah H. Creem-Regehr" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Antonia Hamilton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319071176", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Atilla Ansal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9784431558927", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Yuji Kuge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tohru Shiga" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nagara Tamaki" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344083", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gunnar Duttge" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951030", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Coester-Waltjen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820489", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de Feijoo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830945", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jos\u00e9 Milton Lima" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Divino Jos\u00e9 da Silva" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paulo Cesar de Almeida Raboni" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781910634042", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alice Stevenson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209216", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Crist\u00f3v\u00e3o Brito" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615965963", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marina Zurkow (artist" - ], - [ - "aut", - "ed.)" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Valerie Vogrin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Duncan Murrell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Melissa Kwasny" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hali Felt" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lucy Corin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maureen N. 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Johns" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jamie \u201cSkye\u201d Bianco" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552387696", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alan MacFadyen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "G. Campbell Watkins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788490856833", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rafael Ramis Barcel\u00f3" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952785", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Kleineke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951542", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Coester-Waltjen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110328998", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jes\u00fas Padilla G\u00e1lvez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194698", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gul Erdemli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Birgit T. Priest" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004210806", - [ - [ - "aut", - "D.T. Runia" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137426017", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gottfried Schweiger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gunter Graf" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795636", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Augustinus Karl Wucherer-Huldenfeld" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205796664", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Augustinus Karl Wucherer-Huldenfeld" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193547", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Markus Ruther" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bettina Schoene-Seifert" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marco Stier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sebastian Muders" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110328486", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Herbert Hrachovec" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alois Pichler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285989", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H.M. Bromley" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196937", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Koji Yamada" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jifeng Liu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Toshihiko Baba" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Laurent Vivien" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dan-Xia Xu" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197484", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sean P. 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Jasper" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jan Willem Duyvendak" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089646392", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Valerie Frissen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sybille Lammes" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michiel de Lange" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jos de Mul" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joost Raessens" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110401745", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robert Nadler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197101", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gavin Iain Welsh" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maciej Wojciech Jankowski" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344427", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Renate Papke" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425336", - [ - [ - "aut", - "E.D. Blodgett" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836589", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fabiana Gon\u00e7alves" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472050994", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kevin Stein" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874215977", - [ - [ - "aut", - "W. T. Pfefferle" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520291836", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Valerie Stoker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789176350195", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kerstin Lundstr\u00f6m" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884536372", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Federighi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Torlone" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781137561725", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lars Kl\u00fcver" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rasmus \u00d8jvind Nielsen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Marie Louise J\u00f8rgensen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831300", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ira\u00edde Marques de Freitas Barreiro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412732", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Catalina Eibenschutz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523208974", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Manoel Mendon\u00e7a Filho" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Maria Teresa Nobre" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884531568", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bruna Consarelli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579831218", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jos\u00e9 Luis Bendicho Beired" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carlos Alberto Sampaio Barbosa" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820281", - [ - [ - "aut", - "F\u00e1bio Wanderley Reis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788568334638", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcelo Passini Mariano" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789568416423", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hern\u00e1n Camarero" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Manuel Loyola" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719059087", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Richard Bellamy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrew Mason" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849664264", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dwayne Winseck" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dal Yong Jin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781926836003", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bob Barnetson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719065804", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mads Qvortrup" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607325659", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sarah Kurnick" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joanne Baron" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024751372", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. 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Johnson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719061592", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alannah Tomkins" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steven King" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849664530", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jomo Kwame Sundaram" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anis Chowdhury" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053567708", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Willem Albert Wagenaar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans Crombag" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110266306", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joachim Burger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elke Kaiser" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wolfram Schier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503412626", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcos Aurelio Saquet" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788578791223", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Elaine Melo de Brito Costa Lemos" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Eduardo Ribeiro Dantas" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Cheng Hsin Nery Chao" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089644541", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ulbe Bosma" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110455304", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rajani Kanth" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874217391", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lu Ann Faylor Snyder" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Phillip Snyder" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781785333750", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rebecca Bryant" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719058271", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Laura Chrisman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643537", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gert Oostindie" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472519450", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lars Eckstein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anja Schwarz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692641576", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Craig Dionne" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719062414", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christoph Zurcher" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jan Koehler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789812874191", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Almas Heshmati" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Esfandiar Maasoumi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Guanghua Wan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950781", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kai Ambos" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ottilia A. Maunganidze" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004203594", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Inge Mennen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183031", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Carey" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789616842686", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tadej Dubrovnik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ale\u0161 Kobal" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789503411711", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ezequiel Camblor" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Osvaldo Ron" - ], - [ - "aut", - "N\u00e9stor Hern\u00e1ndez" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mart\u00edn Uro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gerardo Fittipaldi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ayel\u00e9n Mele" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780415550970", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ian Steedmand" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John R. Atherton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Elaine Graham" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640345", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marc Helbling" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781926836140", - [ - [ - "aut", - "E.D. 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G. B. Consoli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ricardo Louren\u00e7o de Oliveira" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782870161173", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Pierre Dagnelie" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199683123", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcus Klamert" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197675", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bruno J. Weder" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Roland Wiest" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rudiger J. Seitz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781107133617", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jon Mee" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205796725", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Huber-Frischeis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rainer Valenta" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Nina Knieling" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616130", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes T\u00fctken" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616147", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Johannes T\u00fctken" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789086867301", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernd van der Meulen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924195", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Ronan Deazley" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Martin Kretschmer" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Lionel Bently" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193714", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elyse S. 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Bastin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884532527", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luigi Totaro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205782919", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Pilch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874216301", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Helen Papanikolas" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849664233", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joseph Crawford" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319137544", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthew J. Gray" - ], - [ - "aut", - "V. Gregory Chinchar" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560267", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tobias Neckel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Florian Rupp" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783034320344", - [ - [ - "aut", - "J\u00e9sabel Robin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863120733", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anton Holzer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788376560793", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katalin Bukta" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849664622", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark Balnaves" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tom O'Regan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ben Goldsmith" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783851610833", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dominik Maschek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788860460455", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paul Videsott" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788860460653", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Koler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692283950", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Michael Berger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867054800", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carlo Bianchini" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mauro Guerrini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319193656", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Frans Van Assche" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luis Anido" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David Griffiths" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cathy Lewin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sarah McNicol" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782953641905", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Marin Dacos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821813243", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Pierre Mounier" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388402", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Robert Thacker" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640895", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Diah Ariani Arimbi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789949325757", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marju Lauristin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peeter Vihalemm" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052479", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A cura di: Raffaella Vassena" - ], - [ - "aut", - "A cura di: Damiano Rebecchini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552386712", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Norman Charles Conrad" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188211", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerdi Quist" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607852025", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Timothy Morton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781468096361", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Noah Horwitz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780823274871", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Richard Baxstrom" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Todd Meyers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780801497063", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Uwe Hohendahl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024761722", - [ - [ - "aut", - "C. 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Yuzhalin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889194469", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lior Shmuelof" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John W Krakauer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195510", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Darrin Smith" - ], - [ - "aut", - "James Levi Klotz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782868838872", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jean-Loup Puget" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950019", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Uwe Murmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344625", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christine Langenfeld" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Irene Schneider" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089645500", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Corien Prins" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jesse Mijl van der" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Will Tiemeijer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950668", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tobias Hillegeist" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616451", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerald Spindler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875296", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Judith Nink" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952303", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gunnar Duttge" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jong Hwan Kim" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951061", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Daniel Immer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951283", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gerald Spindler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783902638519", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Krapf" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004256095", - [ - [ - "aut", - "B. 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Seiler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110327212", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Elisabeth Reicher" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472900640", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carissa Hessick Byrne" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319120898", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Joonhong Ahn" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cathryn Carson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mikael Jensen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kohta Juraku" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Shinya Nagasaki" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Satoru Tanaka" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952358", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Storch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344649", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783938616727", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053567401", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martin Schludi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579820335", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maria Tereza Sadek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413593", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jairnilson Silva Paim" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952815", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hendrik Munsonius" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950880", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Coester-Waltjen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780980623826", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kym Anderson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Bosworth" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640949", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Derek Heng" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950811", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stefanie Steinebach" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285774", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. 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Yoos" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575414026", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Paulo Marchiori Buss" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Mar\u00eda Eliana Labra" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783868592191", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ingrid B\u00f6ck" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004286047", - [ - [ - "aut", - "E. Amin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472070800", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Emily Chivers Yochim" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789400759367", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rupert Maclean" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Shanti Jagannathan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jouko Sarvi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197460", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jason Robert Gerstner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "H. Craig Heller" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sara J. Aton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192953", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Geraldine Rauchs" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julie Carrier" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Philippe Peigneux" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024719341", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A. Klokke" - ], - [ - "aut", - "A. Klokke-Coster" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M. Saha" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781925261035", - [ - [ - "aut", - "M.J. Gibbard" - ], - [ - "aut", - "P. Pourbeik" - ], - [ - "aut", - "D.J. 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Prins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110909852", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Winfried Brugger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Juliane Kokott" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christoph Gusy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Vesting" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205771906", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ulrike Seeger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205787006", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Stelzl-Marx" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789814733519", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luciano Maiani" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Luigi Rolandi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067183710", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Edward Aspinall" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gerry Klinken van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472545015", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Steven Fielding" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195961", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carl Senior" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Chris Howard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089640529", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Heinz Fassmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ursula Reeger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wiebke Sievers" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615906508", - [ - [ - "aut", - "L.O. Aranye Fradenburg" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eileen A. 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Rancoita" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867050710", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Lorenzo Valerio" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781607853145", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Collings A." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004285859", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. Heekeren van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024713004", - [ - [ - "aut", - "H. Heekeren van" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884531780", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Zorzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884530455", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roberto Delle Donne" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Zorzi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254862", - [ - [ - "edt", - "A.M. 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Mattaini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884534552", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Cristiano Ciappei" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Azzurra Sani" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884536563", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Federighi" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Francesca Torlone" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783598441776", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jana Varlejs" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Graham Walton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188013", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Robinson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053564356", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Egil T\u00f6rnqvist" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781847883476", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Catherine M. Roach" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196388", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elizabeth Yuriev" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mark Agostino" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193875", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Jonas" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Lisman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789024707812", - [ - [ - "aut", - "B. 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Fischer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884530974", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Emilio Pecorella" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884531407", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Emilio Pecorella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Raffaella Pierobon Benoit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884532916", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paolo Emilio Pecorella" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Raffaella Pierobon Benoit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783700169949", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ernst Czerny" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924102", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Blamires" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783741038", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Francesca Orsini" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Katherine Butler Schofield" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072699", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Judd Ethan Ruggill" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ken S. 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Hoeken" - ], - [ - "aut", - "L" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552387849", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dan Russek" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924010", - [ - [ - "aut", - "William St Clair" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Roderick Beaton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486707519", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dominik Geppert" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783742585", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nandita Dinesh" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781906924317", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jacqueline Mulhallen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053565186", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alex McKay" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110322743", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthias Adam" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196371", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Signe Allerup Vangkilde" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Claus Bundesen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425084", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Terry Anderson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719049910", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dimitris N. Chryssochoou" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael J. 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Veenman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615766010", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Martin" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Cristina \u00c1lvarez L\u00f3pez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692402764", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Adrian Martin" - ], - [ - "trl", - "Rita Benis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575412473", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Carlos Chagas Filho" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788523209278", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roberto Sidnei Macedo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dante Galef" - ], - [ - "aut", - "\u00c1lamo Pimentel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575413999", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fab\u00edola Rohden" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836572", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kester Carrara" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788575414002", - [ - [ - "edt", - "N\u00edsia Trindade Lima" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Cristina M. O. 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Keane" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Randolph Blake" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne Giersch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Green" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Szabolcs Keri" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889195602", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gabor Stefanics" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Piia Astikainen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Istvan Czigler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889192533", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark W. Greenlee" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Allison B. Sekuler" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781618113474", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Richard Wortman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795162", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marion Meyer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Deborah Klimburg-Salter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205993247", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Viktor Schwarz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781781382868", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rhiannon Noel Welch" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053569573", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Frank Hendriks" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052639", - [ - [ - "edt", - " Edoardo Esposito" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356838", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Colin J. 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Haggerty" - ], - [ - "edt", - "David Lyon" - ], - [ - "edt", - "and Valerie Steeves" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780415737197", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Richard Huxtable" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ruud ter Meulen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781926836935", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Katherine Koller" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789038215624", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ellen Simon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205994572", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Friedrich Salomo Krauss" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875784", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stephanie Winzer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875074", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Hiltraud Casper-Hehne" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Irmy Schweiger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951511", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Manfred Jakubowski-Tiessen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950262", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gustav Adolf Lehmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dorit Engster" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alexander Nuss" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783465032281", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kathrin Ackermann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110323344", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Reiner Hedrich" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205787105", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Walter Puchner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783465035091", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Winter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205772156", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Elisabeth Hassmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950835", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Scholl" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Anne-Katrin Sors" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Thimann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579830327", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jacicarla Souza da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643773", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Violet Soen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781552388204", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Harry Diaz" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Margot Hurlbert" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Jim Warren" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884539731", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Fiorenzo Fantaccini" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356050", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eric Strikwerda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875845", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian Ammer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Torsten Vor" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Knoke" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stefan Wagner" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783717583", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Greg McLaughlin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719060700", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan Atkin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089644121", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vincent Kuitenbrouwer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781925261257", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rob Amery" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110414325", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Christian David Ha\u00df" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Marie Noller" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874214017", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Matthew E. Kreitzer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089643124", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Eef Masson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520292420", - [ - [ - "aut", - "William Deverell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Tom Sitton" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783038420835", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Asma Abahussain" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Euloge K. Agbossou" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mushtaque Ahmed" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mary Akurut" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mohammed Saif Al-Kalbani" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ricardo Arias" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rupak Aryal" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Simon Beecham" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Morgan Bida" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Henning Bjornlund" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Boland" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Aymar Y. Bossa" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert Brooks" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mike D. Burch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert I. Daly" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Amalia Davies" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stephen Davies" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Bernd Diekkr\u00fcger" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eihab Fathelrahman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alistair Grinham" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Janel Hanrahan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Edwyna Harris" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wen-Cheng Huang" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mohammad Kamruzzaman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jan Jacob Keizer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jonathan E. Kenny" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sergey Kravtsov" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jyun-Long Lee" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Zongli Li" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hong-Ming Liu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Wen-Cheng Liu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Charles B. Niwagaba" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joao Pedro Nunes" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Timothy O'Higgins" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Todd Pagano" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Martin F. Price" - ], - [ - "aut", - "James Pritchett" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M. Luz Rodr\u00edguez-Blanco" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul Roebber" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Md Sumon Shahriar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Leszek Sobkowiak" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M. Mercedes Taboada-Castro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "M. Teresa Taboada-Castro" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Leon van der Linden" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ann Wheeler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Patrick Willems" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jun Xia" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lingling Zhao" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alec Zuo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788895994154", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Chiara Guardasoni" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193509", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ronald Berenson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Angelo Corti" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fabrizio Marcucci" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781771990172", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Gerald T. Conaty" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781439912997", - [ - [ - "aut", - "David Spener" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205786733", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Walter Deutsch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ernst Weber" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615956664", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Caoimhe Doyle" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Robert Jackson" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rebecca O\u2019 Dwyer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alice Rekab" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sam Keogh" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Isabel Nolan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "MOUTH" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ridvan Askin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Ryan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Rob Murphy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Alan Boardman" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Teresa Gillespie" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ben Woodard" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Scott Wilson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072828", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Jack Dougherty" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Tennyson O'Donnell" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486832846", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Daniel Sch\u00f6npflug" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205794912", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Armand Tif" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Michael Viktor Schwarz" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Liselotte Saurma Jeltsch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Carmen Rob Santer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Susanne Rischpler" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Karl-Georg Pf\u00e4ndtner" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Katharina Hranitzky" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Konrad Eberlein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Regina Cermann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lilian Amstrong" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781614992837", - [ - [ - "aut", - "A.J.M. van Wijk" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867054268", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alessandro Colletti" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110450514", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gunter Graf" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Gottfried Schweiger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863951207", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nikolina Burneva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110322729", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Anke B\u00fcter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110888249", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ernst von Hippel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Hans Kelsen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Max Layer" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Heinrich Triepel" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425800", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alvin Finkel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Sarah Carter" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter Fortna" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053568316", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Nanna Verhoeff" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719064746", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bill Schwarz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783319137636", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stefan Ignar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mateusz Grygoruk" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795841", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Walter Deutsch" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Erika Sieder" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053569597", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Josine Stremmelaar" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Paul Velde van der" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849666558", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rose Wiles" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196784", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Davide Zoccolan" - ], - [ - "aut", - "David D. Cox" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Andrea Benucci" - ], - [ - "aut", - "R. Clay Reid" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889197613", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Analia Arevalo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Juliana Baldo" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Fernando Gonzalez-Perilli" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Agustin Ibanez" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780920233702", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gabrijela Kis\u030cic\u030cek" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Igor Z\u030c. Z\u030cagar" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874215922", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kimberly J. Lau" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Peter Tokofsky" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Stephen Winick" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472572530", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Bartlett" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Christine Milligan" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782821855786", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Olivier Ertzscheid" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472545213", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Stephanie Taylor" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849668149", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Melanie Nind" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472545220", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Corinne Squire" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Mark Davis" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Cigdem Esin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Molly Andrews" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Harrison" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lars-Christer Hyden" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Margareta Hyden" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849665544", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Tristram Hooley" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jane Wellens" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John Marriott" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780615685137", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Munro" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781472545244", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rosalind Edwards" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Janet Holland" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849666084", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Martyn Hammersley" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John L. 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Nelles" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788884539748", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arianna Antonielli" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425886", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Richard Stevenson" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874215526", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maurine C. Ward" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889196920", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Julian Budd" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Zoltan F. Kisvarday" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952013", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gudrun Gleba" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Niels Petersen" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205994671", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Brigitta Keintzel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ilse Korotin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692230152", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alexander Doty" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Patricia Clare Ingham" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719066580", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Willem de Bl\u00e9court" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Owen Davies" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780719052590", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alison Rowlands" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780979729249", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Arthur J. 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Gatten" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789522222619", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Venla Syk\u00e4ri" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089646354", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mireille van Eechoud" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781781382684", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Greg Patmore" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692480410", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781501302367", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marcello Musto" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781926836584", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alvin Finkel" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Winston Gereluk Jason Foster" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Kelly" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Dan Ciu" - ], - [ - "aut", - "James Muir" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Joan Schiebelbein" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jim Selby" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eric Strikwerda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849666725", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Janet Newman" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782889193288", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gonzalo G. De Polavieja" - ], - [ - "aut", - "German Sumbre" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781611689297", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jimmy Fazzino" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863950323", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Brigitta Hauser-Sch\u00e4ublin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110320268", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Zohar Segev" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781849663205", - [ - [ - "aut", - "John L. Campbell" - ], - [ - "aut", - "John A. Hall" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789067182942", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Peter Boomgaard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780300216516", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Michael Peppard" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780874214567", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Polly Stewart" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Steve Siporin" - ], - [ - "aut", - "C.W. Sullivan III" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Suzi Jones" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781922064592", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Mark Clendon" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780199672783", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marina McCoy Berzins" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789004292796", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Larissa Tracy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kelly DeVries" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909188242", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Kathryn Piquette E." - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ruth Whitehouse D." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789053560549", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Elsaesser" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jan Simons" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Lucette Bronk" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780472072064", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Jack Dougherty" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Kristen Nawrotzki" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780520286467", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rajeev Kinra" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795988", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Verena Pawlowsky" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Harald Wendelin" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781909254640", - [ - [ - "aut", - "George Bryant" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Amy Miller" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781927356562", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rena Point Bolton" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Richard Daly" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781783740185", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Margaret Mills Harper" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Warwick Gould" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781780491431", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Gertraud Diem-Wille" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783110372335", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Paul Spencer" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783941875081", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Xianlin Ji" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Kuiliu Li" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Roswitha Brinkmann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Daoqian Liu" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783486843569", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Karin Fuchs" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205994022", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Thomas Fillitz" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9781897425947", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Leopold McGinnis" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579837029", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Camila Maria Bueno Souza" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789089641465", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Natascha Veldhorst" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344632", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783662459140", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Alfons Botthof" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Ernst Andreas Hartmann" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783940344243", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Ziva Kubatta" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783990280751", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sigrid Eyb-Green" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952655", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Coester-Waltjen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783412208875", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Werner Stangl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205795001", - [ - [ - "aut", - "CHristian H. Stifter" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205783213", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Claudia Andrea Spring" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692298374", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jeremy Fernando" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Jennifer Hope Davy" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Julia H\u00f6lzl" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9780692529843", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Rachael Arrighi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052851", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marco Modenesi" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052868", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marco Modenesi" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867052844", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Marco Modenesi" - ], - [ - "edt", - "Maria Benedetta Collini e Francesca Paraboschi" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788890871290", - [ - [ - "edt", - "Rosario Diana" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788864530048", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Roberta Carnevale" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788415454410", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Consuelo Carrasco Garc\u00eda" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789568416089", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Luis Romero A." - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9782600017626", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Maud Dubois" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789949321520", - [ - [ - "aut", - "\u0418. \u041f. [Irina] \u041a\u044e\u043b\u044c\u043c\u043e\u044f [K\u00fclmoja]" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9785934394883", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Erich Prunc" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9789949328154", - [ - [ - "aut", - "\u0413\u0440\u0438\u0433\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0439 [Grigorij] \u0423\u0442\u0433\u043e\u0444 [Utgof]" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788867050512", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Simone Cattaneo" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788579836596", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Jaqueline Padovani da Silva" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9788599662977", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Sonia Alto\u00e9" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205203414", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Erika Kustatscher" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783205796008", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Bernhard Weidinger" - ] - ] - ], - [ - "9783863952099", - [ - [ - "aut", - "Dagmar Coester-Waltjen" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Volker Lipp" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Eva Schumann" - ], - [ - "aut", - "Barbara Veit" - ] - ] - ] -] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/booxtream/__init__.py b/booxtream/__init__.py index 0465d0c3..33b7f0cd 100644 --- a/booxtream/__init__.py +++ b/booxtream/__init__.py @@ -5,25 +5,24 @@ from urllib import quote from functools import partial from xml.etree import ElementTree +from django.apps import apps from . exceptions import BooXtreamError -from . models import Boox - class BooXtream(object): """ ``apikey`` - The API key for your BooXtream account, obtained from BooXtream. Defaults to using + The API key for your BooXtream account, obtained from BooXtream. Defaults to using settings.BOOXTREAM_API_KEY ``apiuser`` - The username key for your BooXtream account, obtained from BooXtream. Defaults to using + The username key for your BooXtream account, obtained from BooXtream. Defaults to using settings.BOOXTREAM_API_USER - - + + ``timeout`` - + passed to requests """ def __init__(self, @@ -36,58 +35,60 @@ class BooXtream(object): apiuser = settings.BOOXTREAM_API_USER self.endpoint = 'https://service.booxtream.com/' self.postrequest = partial(requests.post, timeout=timeout, auth=(apiuser,apikey)) - + def platform(self, epubfile=None, epub=True, kf8mobi=False, **kwargs): - """ Make an API request to BooXtream + """ Make an API request to BooXtream ``self.apikey``, ``epubfile`` and the supplied ``kwargs``. Attempts to deserialize the XML response and return the download link. Will raise ``BooXtreamError`` if BooXtream returns an exception code. """ - url = self.endpoint + 'booxtream.xml' + Boox = apps.get_model('booxtream', 'Boox') + + url = self.endpoint + 'booxtream.xml' kwargs['epub'] = '1' if epub else '0' kwargs['kf8mobi'] = '1' if kf8mobi else '0' if epubfile: if hasattr(epubfile,'name') and str(epubfile.name).endswith('.epub'): files= {'epubfile': (str(epubfile.name),epubfile)} else: - # give it a random file name so that kindlegen doesn't choke - # needed for in-memory (StringIO) epubs + # give it a random file name so that kindlegen doesn't choke + # needed for in-memory (StringIO) epubs files= {'epubfile': ('%012x.epub' % random.randrange(16**12),epubfile)} else: - files={} + files={} if settings.LOCAL_TEST: # fake it, so you can test other functions without hitting booxtream boox = Boox.objects.create( - download_link_epub='https://github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42.epub?raw=true&extra=download.booxtream.com/', - download_link_mobi='https://github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42.mobi?raw=true', - referenceid= kwargs.get('referenceid'), - downloads_remaining= kwargs.get('downloadlimit'), - expirydays=kwargs.get('expirydays'), - ) + download_link_epub='https://github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42.epub?raw=true&extra=download.booxtream.com/', + download_link_mobi='https://github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42.mobi?raw=true', + referenceid= kwargs.get('referenceid'), + downloads_remaining= kwargs.get('downloadlimit'), + expirydays=kwargs.get('expirydays'), + ) return boox resp = self.postrequest(url, data=kwargs, files=files) doc = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content) # it turns out an Error can have an Error in it - errors = doc.findall('.//Response/Error') + errors = doc.findall('.//Response/Error') if len(errors) > 0: raise BooXtreamError(errors) download_link_epub = doc.find('.//DownloadLink[@type="epub"]') if download_link_epub is not None: - download_link_epub = download_link_epub.text + download_link_epub = download_link_epub.text download_link_mobi = doc.find('.//DownloadLink[@type="mobi"]') if download_link_mobi is not None: - download_link_mobi = download_link_mobi.text + download_link_mobi = download_link_mobi.text boox = Boox.objects.create( - download_link_epub=download_link_epub, - download_link_mobi=download_link_mobi, - referenceid= kwargs.get('referenceid'), - downloads_remaining= kwargs.get('downloadlimit'), - expirydays=kwargs.get('expirydays'), - ) + download_link_epub=download_link_epub, + download_link_mobi=download_link_mobi, + referenceid= kwargs.get('referenceid'), + downloads_remaining= kwargs.get('downloadlimit'), + expirydays=kwargs.get('expirydays'), + ) return boox diff --git a/core/apps.py b/core/apps.py index 1d351245..5acc10a5 100644 --- a/core/apps.py +++ b/core/apps.py @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ from django.apps import AppConfig from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate -from regluit.core.signals import create_notice_types - class CoreConfig(AppConfig): name = 'regluit.core' verbose_name = ' core objects' def ready(self): + from regluit.core.signals import create_notice_types post_migrate.connect(create_notice_types, sender=self) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core/bookloader.py b/core/bookloader.py index 3193b9c8..64208755 100755 --- a/core/bookloader.py +++ b/core/bookloader.py @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from django_comments.models import Comment from github3 import (login, GitHub) from github3.repos.release import Release +from django.utils.timezone import now from gitenberg.metadata.pandata import Pandata # regluit imports @@ -31,7 +32,6 @@ import regluit import regluit.core.isbn from regluit.core.validation import test_file from regluit.marc.models import inverse_marc_rels -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now from . import cc from . import models @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def add_by_oclc(isbn, work=None): def add_by_oclc_from_google(oclc): if oclc: - logger.info("adding book by oclc %s", oclc) + logger.info(u"adding book by oclc %s", oclc) else: return None try: @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ def add_by_oclc_from_google(oclc): try: results = _get_json(url, {"q": '"OCLC%s"' % oclc}) except LookupFailure, e: - logger.exception("lookup failure for %s", oclc) + logger.exception(u"lookup failure for %s", oclc) return None if not results.has_key('items') or not results['items']: - logger.warn("no google hits for %s", oclc) + logger.warn(u"no google hits for %s", oclc) return None try: @@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ def add_by_oclc_from_google(oclc): models.Identifier(type='oclc', value=oclc, edition=e, work=e.work).save() return e except LookupFailure, e: - logger.exception("failed to add edition for %s", oclc) + logger.exception(u"failed to add edition for %s", oclc) except IntegrityError, e: - logger.exception("google books data for %s didn't fit our db", oclc) + logger.exception(u"google books data for %s didn't fit our db", oclc) return None def valid_isbn(isbn): try: return identifier_cleaner('isbn')(isbn) except: - logger.exception("invalid isbn: %s", isbn) + logger.exception(u"invalid isbn: %s", isbn) return None def add_by_isbn(isbn, work=None, language='xx', title=''): @@ -88,13 +88,17 @@ def add_by_isbn(isbn, work=None, language='xx', title=''): try: e = add_by_isbn_from_google(isbn, work=work) except LookupFailure: - logger.exception("failed google lookup for %s", isbn) + logger.exception(u"failed google lookup for %s", isbn) # try again some other time return None if e: + if e.work.language == 'xx' and language != 'xx': + e.work.language == language + e.work.save() + logger.info('changed language for {} to {}'.format(isbn, language)) return e - logger.info("null came back from add_by_isbn_from_google: %s", isbn) + logger.info(u"null came back from add_by_isbn_from_google: %s", isbn) # if there's a a title, we want to create stub editions and # works, even if google doesn't know about it # but if it's not valid, @@ -129,10 +133,10 @@ def get_google_isbn_results(isbn): try: results = _get_json(url, {"q": "isbn:%s" % isbn}) except LookupFailure: - logger.exception("lookup failure for %s", isbn) + logger.exception(u"lookup failure for %s", isbn) return None if not results.has_key('items') or not results['items']: - logger.warn("no google hits for %s", isbn) + logger.warn(u"no google hits for %s", isbn) return None return results @@ -201,7 +205,7 @@ def update_edition(edition): # if the language of the edition no longer matches that of the parent work, # attach edition to the if edition.work.language != language: - logger.info("reconnecting %s since it is %s instead of %s", + logger.info(u"reconnecting %s since it is %s instead of %s", googlebooks_id, language, edition.work.language) old_work = edition.work @@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ def update_edition(edition): edition.work = new_work edition.save() for identifier in edition.identifiers.all(): - logger.info("moving identifier %s", identifier.value) + logger.info(u"moving identifier %s", identifier.value) identifier.work = new_work identifier.save() if old_work and old_work.editions.count() == 0: @@ -256,7 +260,7 @@ def add_by_isbn_from_google(isbn, work=None): edition.new = False return edition - logger.info("adding new book by isbn %s", isbn) + logger.info(u"adding new book by isbn %s", isbn) results = get_google_isbn_results(isbn) if results: try: @@ -267,9 +271,9 @@ def add_by_isbn_from_google(isbn, work=None): isbn=isbn ) except LookupFailure, e: - logger.exception("failed to add edition for %s", isbn) + logger.exception(u"failed to add edition for %s", isbn) except IntegrityError, e: - logger.exception("google books data for %s didn't fit our db", isbn) + logger.exception(u"google books data for %s didn't fit our db", isbn) return None return None @@ -320,7 +324,7 @@ def add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id, work=None, results=None, isbn=None): if results: item = results else: - logger.info("loading metadata from google for %s", googlebooks_id) + logger.info(u"loading metadata from google for %s", googlebooks_id) url = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/%s" % googlebooks_id item = _get_json(url) d = item['volumeInfo'] @@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ def add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id, work=None, results=None, isbn=None): if len(language) > 5: language = language[0:5] if work and work.language != language: - logger.info("not connecting %s since it is %s instead of %s", + logger.info(u"not connecting %s since it is %s instead of %s", googlebooks_id, language, work.language) work = None # isbn = None @@ -371,7 +375,7 @@ def add_by_googlebooks_id(googlebooks_id, work=None, results=None, isbn=None): try: e = models.Identifier.objects.get(type='goog', value=googlebooks_id).edition e.new = False - logger.warning(" whoa nellie, somebody else created an edition while we were working.") + logger.warning(u" whoa nellie, somebody else created an edition while we were working.") if work.new: work.delete() return e @@ -404,19 +408,19 @@ def relate_isbn(isbn, cluster_size=1): """add a book by isbn and then see if there's an existing work to add it to so as to make a cluster bigger than cluster_size. """ - logger.info("finding a related work for %s", isbn) + logger.info(u"finding a related work for %s", isbn) edition = add_by_isbn(isbn) if edition is None: return None if edition.work is None: - logger.info("didn't add related to null work") + logger.info(u"didn't add related to null work") return None if edition.work.editions.count() > cluster_size: return edition.work for other_isbn in thingisbn(isbn): # 979's come back as 13 - logger.debug("other_isbn: %s", other_isbn) + logger.debug(u"other_isbn: %s", other_isbn) if len(other_isbn) == 10: other_isbn = regluit.core.isbn.convert_10_to_13(other_isbn) related_edition = add_by_isbn(other_isbn, work=edition.work) @@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ def relate_isbn(isbn, cluster_size=1): related_edition.work = edition.work related_edition.save() elif related_edition.work_id != edition.work_id: - logger.debug("merge_works path 1 %s %s", edition.work_id, related_edition.work_id) + logger.debug(u"merge_works path 1 %s %s", edition.work_id, related_edition.work_id) merge_works(related_edition.work, edition.work) if related_edition.work.editions.count() > cluster_size: return related_edition.work @@ -438,7 +442,7 @@ def add_related(isbn): The initial seed ISBN will be added if it's not already there. """ # make sure the seed edition is there - logger.info("adding related editions for %s", isbn) + logger.info(u"adding related editions for %s", isbn) new_editions = [] @@ -446,14 +450,14 @@ def add_related(isbn): if edition is None: return new_editions if edition.work is None: - logger.warning("didn't add related to null work") + logger.warning(u"didn't add related to null work") return new_editions # this is the work everything will hang off work = edition.work other_editions = {} for other_isbn in thingisbn(isbn): # 979's come back as 13 - logger.debug("other_isbn: %s", other_isbn) + logger.debug(u"other_isbn: %s", other_isbn) if len(other_isbn) == 10: other_isbn = regluit.core.isbn.convert_10_to_13(other_isbn) related_edition = add_by_isbn(other_isbn, work=work) @@ -466,7 +470,7 @@ def add_related(isbn): related_edition.work = work related_edition.save() elif related_edition.work_id != work.id: - logger.debug("merge_works path 1 %s %s", work.id, related_edition.work_id) + logger.debug(u"merge_works path 1 %s %s", work.id, related_edition.work_id) work = merge_works(work, related_edition.work) else: if other_editions.has_key(related_language): @@ -476,14 +480,14 @@ def add_related(isbn): # group the other language editions together for lang_group in other_editions.itervalues(): - logger.debug("lang_group (ed, work): %s", [(ed.id, ed.work_id) for ed in lang_group]) + logger.debug(u"lang_group (ed, work): %s", [(ed.id, ed.work_id) for ed in lang_group]) if len(lang_group) > 1: lang_edition = lang_group[0] - logger.debug("lang_edition.id: %s", lang_edition.id) + logger.debug(u"lang_edition.id: %s", lang_edition.id) # compute the distinct set of works to merge into lang_edition.work works_to_merge = set([ed.work for ed in lang_group[1:]]) - set([lang_edition.work]) for w in works_to_merge: - logger.debug("merge_works path 2 %s %s", lang_edition.work_id, w.id) + logger.debug(u"merge_works path 2 %s %s", lang_edition.work_id, w.id) merged_work = merge_works(lang_edition.work, w) models.WorkRelation.objects.get_or_create( to_work=lang_group[0].work, @@ -498,17 +502,21 @@ def thingisbn(isbn): Library Thing. (takes isbn_10 or isbn_13, returns isbn_10, except for 979 isbns, which come back as isbn_13') """ - logger.info("looking up %s at ThingISBN", isbn) + logger.info(u"looking up %s at ThingISBN", isbn) url = "https://www.librarything.com/api/thingISBN/%s" % isbn xml = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}).content - doc = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) - return [e.text for e in doc.findall('isbn')] + try: + doc = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) + return [e.text for e in doc.findall('isbn')] + except SyntaxError: + # LibraryThing down + return [] def merge_works(w1, w2, user=None): """will merge the second work (w2) into the first (w1) """ - logger.info("merging work %s into %s", w2.id, w1.id) + logger.info(u"merging work %s into %s", w2.id, w1.id) # don't merge if the works are the same or at least one of the works has no id #(for example, when w2 has already been deleted) if w1 is None or w2 is None or w1.id == w2.id or w1.id is None or w2.id is None: @@ -583,7 +591,7 @@ def detach_edition(e): will detach edition from its work, creating a new stub work. if remerge=true, will see if there's another work to attach to """ - logger.info("splitting edition %s from %s", e, e.work) + logger.info(u"splitting edition %s from %s", e, e.work) w = models.Work(title=e.title, language=e.work.language) w.save() @@ -618,7 +626,7 @@ def add_openlibrary(work, hard_refresh=False): work.save() # find the first ISBN match in OpenLibrary - logger.info("looking up openlibrary data for work %s", work.id) + logger.info(u"looking up openlibrary data for work %s", work.id) e = None # openlibrary edition json w = None # openlibrary work json @@ -633,7 +641,7 @@ def add_openlibrary(work, hard_refresh=False): try: e = _get_json(url, params, type='ol') except LookupFailure: - logger.exception("OL lookup failed for %s", isbn_key) + logger.exception(u"OL lookup failed for %s", isbn_key) e = {} if e.has_key(isbn_key): if e[isbn_key].has_key('details'): @@ -673,7 +681,7 @@ def add_openlibrary(work, hard_refresh=False): ) if e[isbn_key]['details'].has_key('works'): work_key = e[isbn_key]['details']['works'].pop(0)['key'] - logger.info("got openlibrary work %s for isbn %s", work_key, isbn_key) + logger.info(u"got openlibrary work %s for isbn %s", work_key, isbn_key) models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='olwk', value=work_key, work=work) try: w = _get_json("https://openlibrary.org" + work_key, type='ol') @@ -691,14 +699,14 @@ def add_openlibrary(work, hard_refresh=False): if w.has_key('subjects') and len(w['subjects']) > len(subjects): subjects = w['subjects'] except LookupFailure: - logger.exception("OL lookup failed for %s", work_key) + logger.exception(u"OL lookup failed for %s", work_key) if not subjects: - logger.warn("unable to find work %s at openlibrary", work.id) + logger.warn(u"unable to find work %s at openlibrary", work.id) return # add the subjects to the Work for s in subjects: - logger.info("adding subject %s to work %s", s, work.id) + logger.info(u"adding subject %s to work %s", s, work.id) subject = models.Subject.set_by_name(s, work=work) work.save() @@ -716,9 +724,9 @@ def _get_json(url, params={}, type='gb'): if response.status_code == 200: return json.loads(response.content) else: - logger.error("unexpected HTTP response: %s", response) + logger.error(u"unexpected HTTP response: %s", response) if response.content: - logger.error("response content: %s", response.content) + logger.error(u"response content: %s", response.content) raise LookupFailure("GET failed: url=%s and params=%s" % (url, params)) @@ -766,7 +774,7 @@ def load_gutenberg_edition(title, gutenberg_etext_id, ol_work_id, seed_isbn, url ebook = models.Ebook() if len(ebooks) > 1: - logger.warning("There is more than one Ebook matching url {0}".format(url)) + logger.warning(u"There is more than one Ebook matching url {0}".format(url)) ebook.format = format @@ -826,8 +834,6 @@ def edition_for_etype(etype, metadata, default=None): for key in metadata.edition_identifiers.keys(): return edition_for_ident(key, metadata.identifiers[key]) -MATCH_LICENSE = re.compile(r'creativecommons.org/licenses/([^/]+)/') - def load_ebookfile(url, etype): ''' return a ContentFile if a new ebook has been loaded @@ -960,8 +966,7 @@ class BasePandataLoader(object): if contentfile: contentfile_name = '/loaded/ebook_{}.{}'.format(edition.id, key) path = default_storage.save(contentfile_name, contentfile) - lic = MATCH_LICENSE.search(metadata.rights_url) - license = 'CC {}'.format(lic.group(1).upper()) if lic else '' + license = cc.license_from_cc_url(metadata.rights_url) ebf = models.EbookFile.objects.create( format=key, edition=edition, diff --git a/core/cc.py b/core/cc.py index 41fc2cbc..333096e2 100644 --- a/core/cc.py +++ b/core/cc.py @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ # coding=utf-8 -# mostly constants related to Creative Commons +''' mostly constants related to Creative Commons # let's be DRY with these parameters ## need to add versioned CC entries +''' + +import re INFO_CC = ( ('CC BY-NC-ND', 'by-nc-nd', 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)', 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/', 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs'), @@ -162,3 +165,15 @@ def match_license(license_string): except ValueError: pass return RIGHTS_ALIAS.get(license_string, None) + +MATCH_LICENSE = re.compile(r'creativecommons.org/licenses/([^/]+)/') +def license_from_cc_url(rights_url): + if not rights_url: + return None + lic = MATCH_LICENSE.search(rights_url) + if lic: + return 'CC {}'.format(lic.group(1).upper()) + if rights_url.find('openedition.org') >= 0: + return 'OPENEDITION' + return '' + diff --git a/core/isbn.py b/core/isbn.py index 4b4e8ba7..9661cf6d 100644 --- a/core/isbn.py +++ b/core/isbn.py @@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ def convert_10_to_13(isbn): except: return None -ISBN_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\d{9}|\d{12})(\d|X)$') -DASH_REGEX = re.compile(r'[ \-–—]+') +ISBN_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\d{9}[\dX]|\d{13})$') +DASH_REGEX = re.compile(u'[ \\-–—‐,;]+') #includes unicode hyphen, endash and emdash def strip(s): - """Strips away any - or spaces. If the remaining string is of length 10 or 13 + """Strips away any - or spaces and some punctuation. If the remaining string is of length 10 or 13 with digits only in anything but the last check digit (which may be X), then return '' -- otherwise return the remaining string """ diff --git a/core/librarything.py b/core/librarything.py index 9572e5f2..ba38f1fe 100644 --- a/core/librarything.py +++ b/core/librarything.py @@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ import csv import HTMLParser import httplib import logging -import mechanize import re +from datetime import datetime + +import mechanize import requests -from datetime import datetime from regluit.core import models logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ class LibraryThing(object): """ url = "https://www.librarything.com" csv_file_url = "https://www.librarything.com/export-csv" - + def __init__(self, username=None, password=None): self.username = username self.password = password @@ -40,77 +41,98 @@ class LibraryThing(object): def parse_csv(self): h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() reader = csv.DictReader(self.csv_handle) - # There are more fields to be parsed out. Note that there is a second author column to handle - for (i,row) in enumerate(reader): + # There are more fields to be parsed out. Note that there is a + # second author column to handle + for (i, row) in enumerate(reader): # ISBNs are written like '[123456789x]' in the CSV, suggesting possibility of a list m = re.match(r'^\[(.*)\]$', row["'ISBNs'"]) if m: isbn = m.group(1).split() else: isbn = [] - yield {'title':h.unescape(row["'TITLE'"]), 'author':h.unescape(row["'AUTHOR (first, last)'"]), - 'isbn':isbn, 'comment':row["'COMMENT'"], - 'tags':row["'TAGS'"], 'collections':row["'COLLECTIONS'"], - 'reviews':h.unescape(row["'REVIEWS'"])} + yield { + 'title':h.unescape(row["'TITLE'"]), + 'author':h.unescape(row["'AUTHOR (first, last)'"]), + 'isbn':isbn, + 'comment':row["'COMMENT'"], + 'tags':row["'TAGS'"], + 'collections':row["'COLLECTIONS'"], + 'reviews':h.unescape(row["'REVIEWS'"]) + } def viewstyle_1(self, rows): - - for (i,row) in enumerate(rows): + + for (i, row) in enumerate(rows): book_data = {} cols = row.xpath('td') # cover - book_data["cover"] = {"cover_id":cols[0].attrib["id"], - "image": {"width":cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['width'], - "src": cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['src']} + book_data["cover"] = { + "cover_id":cols[0].attrib["id"], + "image": { + "width":cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['width'], + "src": cols[0].xpath('.//img')[0].attrib['src'] + } } # title - book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], - "title":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].text} - + book_data["title"] = { + "href":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], + "title":cols[1].xpath('.//a')[0].text + } + # extract work_id and book_id from href try: - (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups() + (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match( + "^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$", + book_data["title"]["href"] + ).groups() except: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None) - + # author -- what if there is more than 1? or none? try: - book_data["author"] = {"display_name":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].text, - "href":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], - "name":cols[2].xpath('div')[0].text} + book_data["author"] = { + "display_name":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].text, + "href":cols[2].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], + "name":cols[2].xpath('div')[0].text + } except: book_data["author"] = None - + # date book_data["date"] = cols[3].xpath('span')[0].text - + # tags: grab tags that are not empty strings tag_links = cols[4].xpath('.//a') book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links]) - + # rating -- count # of stars book_data["rating"] = len(cols[5].xpath('.//img[@alt="*"]')) - + # entry date - book_data["entry_date"] = datetime.date(datetime.strptime(cols[6].xpath('span')[0].text, "%b %d, %Y")) - + book_data["entry_date"] = datetime.date( + datetime.strptime(cols[6].xpath('span')[0].text, "%b %d, %Y") + ) + yield book_data - + def viewstyle_5(self, rows): # implement this view to get at the ISBNs - for (i,row) in enumerate(rows): + for (i, row) in enumerate(rows): book_data = {} cols = row.xpath('td') - + # title book_data["title"] = {"href":cols[0].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'], "title":cols[0].xpath('.//a')[0].text} - + # extract work_id and book_id from href try: - (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match("^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$",book_data["title"]["href"]).groups() + (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = re.match( + "^/work/(.*)/book/(.*)$", + book_data["title"]["href"] + ).groups() except: (book_data["work_id"], book_data["book_id"]) = (None, None) - + # tags tag_links = cols[1].xpath('.//a') book_data["tags"] = filter(lambda x: x is not None, [a.text for a in tag_links]) @@ -121,13 +143,13 @@ class LibraryThing(object): except Exception, e: logger.info("no lc call number for: %s %s", book_data["title"], e) book_data["lc_call_number"] = None - + # subject - + subjects = cols[3].xpath('.//div[@class="subjectLine"]') book_data["subjects"] = [{'href':s.xpath('a')[0].attrib['href'], 'text':s.xpath('a')[0].text} for s in subjects] - + # isbn try: book_data["isbn"] = cols[4].xpath('.//span')[0].text @@ -136,90 +158,94 @@ class LibraryThing(object): book_data["isbn"] = None except Exception, e: book_data["isbn"] = None - + yield book_data - + def parse_user_catalog(self, view_style=1): from lxml import html - + # we can vary viewstyle to get different info - - IMPLEMENTED_STYLES = [1,5] + + IMPLEMENTED_STYLES = [1, 5] COLLECTION = 2 # set to get All Collections - + if view_style not in IMPLEMENTED_STYLES: raise NotImplementedError() - style_parser = getattr(self,"viewstyle_%s" % view_style) + style_parser = getattr(self, "viewstyle_%s" % view_style) next_page = True offset = 0 cookies = None - + # go to the front page of LibraryThing first to pick up relevant session-like cookies r = requests.get("https://www.librarything.com/") cookies = r.cookies - + while next_page: - url = "https://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?view=%s&viewstyle=%d&collection=%d&offset=%d" % (self.username, - view_style, COLLECTION, offset) + url = "https://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?view=%s&viewstyle=%d&collection=%d&offset=%d" % ( + self.username, view_style, COLLECTION, offset + ) logger.info("url: %s", url) if cookies is None: r = requests.get(url) else: r = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies) - + if r.status_code != httplib.OK: - raise LibraryThingException("Error accessing %s: %s" % (url, e)) - logger.info("Error accessing %s: %s", url, e) + raise LibraryThingException("Error accessing %s: status %s" % (url, r.status_code)) etree = html.fromstring(r.content) - #logger.info("r.content %s", r.content) cookies = r.cookies # retain the cookies - + # look for a page bar # try to grab the total number of books # 1 - 50 of 82 try: count_text = etree.xpath('//td[@class="pbGroup"]')[0].text - total = int(re.search(r'(\d+)$',count_text).group(1)) + total = int(re.search(r'(\d+)$', count_text).group(1)) logger.info('total: %d', total) - except Exception, e: # assume for now that if we can't grab this text, there is no page bar and no books + except Exception, e: + # assume for now that if we can't grab this text, + # there is no page bar and no books logger.info('Exception {0}'.format(e)) total = 0 - - # to do paging we can either look for a next link or just increase the offset by the number of rows. + + # to do paging we can either look for a next link or just increase the offset + # by the number of rows. # Let's try the latter # possible_next_link = etree.xpath('//a[@class="pageShuttleButton"]')[0] - + rows_xpath = '//table[@id="lt_catalog_list"]/tbody/tr' - + # deal with page 1 first and then working on paging through the collection rows = etree.xpath(rows_xpath) - - i = -1 # have to account for the problem of style_parser(rows) returning nothing - - for (i,row) in enumerate(style_parser(rows)): - yield row - - # page size = 50, first page offset = 0, second page offset = 50 -- if total = 50 no need to go - offset += i + 1 + i = -1 # have to account for the problem of style_parser(rows) returning nothing + + for (i, row) in enumerate(style_parser(rows)): + yield row + + # page size = 50, first page offset = 0, second page offset = 50 + # -- if total = 50 no need to go + + offset += i + 1 if offset >= total: next_page = False def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, max_books=None): """ - Load a specified LibraryThing shelf (by default: all the books from the LibraryThing account associated with user) + Load a specified LibraryThing shelf (by default: all the books + from the LibraryThing account associated with user) """ - + from regluit.core import bookloader from regluit.core import tasks from itertools import islice - + logger.info("Entering into load_librarything_into_wishlist") lt = LibraryThing(lt_username) - - - for (i,book) in enumerate(islice(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5),max_books)): + + + for (i, book) in enumerate(islice(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5), max_books)): isbn = book["isbn"] # grab the first one logger.info("%d %s %s", i, book["title"]["title"], isbn) try: @@ -229,13 +255,27 @@ def load_librarything_into_wishlist(user, lt_username, max_books=None): if not edition: continue # add the librarything ids to the db since we know them now - identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'thng', value = book['book_id'], edition = edition, work = edition.work) - identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'ltwk', value = book['work_id'], work = edition.work) + identifier = models.Identifier.get_or_add( + type='thng', + value=book['book_id'], + edition=edition, + work=edition.work + ) + identifier = models.Identifier.get_or_add( + type='ltwk', + value=book['work_id'], + work=edition.work + ) if book['lc_call_number']: - identifier= models.Identifier.get_or_add(type = 'lccn', value = book['lc_call_number'], edition = edition, work = edition.work) + identifier = models.Identifier.get_or_add( + type='lccn', + value=book['lc_call_number'], + edition=edition, + work=edition.work + ) user.wishlist.add_work(edition.work, 'librarything', notify=True) if edition.new: tasks.populate_edition.delay(edition.isbn_13) logger.info("Work with isbn %s added to wishlist.", isbn) except Exception, e: - logger.info ("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e) + logger.info("error adding ISBN %s: %s", isbn, e) diff --git a/core/loaders/__init__.py b/core/loaders/__init__.py index ecfabb6d..e47ca29b 100755 --- a/core/loaders/__init__.py +++ b/core/loaders/__init__.py @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ from .smashwords import SmashwordsScraper def get_scraper(url): scrapers = [ PressbooksScraper, - HathitrustScraper, SpringerScraper, UbiquityScraper, SmashwordsScraper, + HathitrustScraper, BaseScraper, ] for scraper in scrapers: @@ -52,3 +52,9 @@ def add_by_webpage(url, work=None, user=None): def add_by_sitemap(url, maxnum=None): return add_from_bookdatas(scrape_sitemap(url, maxnum=maxnum)) + +def scrape_language(url): + scraper = get_scraper(url) + return scraper.metadata.get('language') + + diff --git a/core/loaders/doab.py b/core/loaders/doab.py index 8b863026..14f90c43 100644 --- a/core/loaders/doab.py +++ b/core/loaders/doab.py @@ -1,42 +1,54 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 -import logging +import datetime import json +import logging import re -from itertools import islice - import requests -from django.db.models import (Q, F) +from django.db.models import Q -from django.core.files.storage import default_storage from django.core.files.base import ContentFile +from django.core.files.storage import default_storage -import regluit +from oaipmh.client import Client +from oaipmh.error import IdDoesNotExistError +from oaipmh.metadata import MetadataRegistry, oai_dc_reader + +from regluit.core import bookloader, cc from regluit.core import models, tasks -from regluit.core import bookloader -from regluit.core.bookloader import add_by_isbn, merge_works +from regluit.core.bookloader import merge_works from regluit.core.isbn import ISBN -from regluit.core.validation import valid_subject +from regluit.core.loaders.utils import type_for_url +from regluit.core.validation import identifier_cleaner, valid_subject + +from . import scrape_language +from .doab_utils import doab_lang_to_iso_639_1, online_to_download, url_to_provider logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) -springercover = re.compile(r'ftp.+springer\.de.+(\d{13}\.jpg)$', flags=re.U) +def unlist(alist): + if not alist: + return None + return alist[0] + +SPRINGER_COVER = re.compile(r'ftp.+springer\.de.+(\d{13}\.jpg)$', flags=re.U) +SPRINGER_IMAGE = u'https://images.springer.com/sgw/books/medium/{}.jpg' def store_doab_cover(doab_id, redo=False): - + """ returns tuple: 1) cover URL, 2) whether newly created (boolean) """ - - cover_file_name= '/doab/%s/cover' % (doab_id) - + + cover_file_name = '/doab/%s/cover' % (doab_id) + # if we don't want to redo and the cover exists, return the URL of the cover - + if not redo and default_storage.exists(cover_file_name): return (default_storage.url(cover_file_name), False) - + # download cover image to cover_file url = "http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=cover&rid={0}".format(doab_id) try: @@ -44,29 +56,31 @@ def store_doab_cover(doab_id, redo=False): if r.status_code == 302: redirurl = r.headers['Location'] if redirurl.startswith(u'ftp'): - springerftp = springercover.match(redirurl) + springerftp = SPRINGER_COVER.match(redirurl) if springerftp: - redirurl = u'https://images.springer.com/sgw/books/medium/{}.jpg'.format(springerftp.groups(1)) + redirurl = SPRINGER_IMAGE.format(springerftp.groups(1)) r = requests.get(redirurl) + else: + r = requests.get(url) else: - r = requests.get(url) + r = requests.get(url) cover_file = ContentFile(r.content) cover_file.content_type = r.headers.get('content-type', '') - path = default_storage.save(cover_file_name, cover_file) + default_storage.save(cover_file_name, cover_file) return (default_storage.url(cover_file_name), True) except Exception, e: # if there is a problem, return None for cover URL logger.warning('Failed to make cover image for doab_id={}: {}'.format(doab_id, e)) return (None, False) -def update_cover_doab(doab_id, edition, store_cover=True): +def update_cover_doab(doab_id, edition, store_cover=True, redo=True): """ update the cover url for work with doab_id if store_cover is True, use the cover from our own storage """ if store_cover: - (cover_url, new_cover) = store_doab_cover(doab_id) + (cover_url, new_cover) = store_doab_cover(doab_id, redo=redo) else: cover_url = "http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=cover&rid={0}".format(doab_id) @@ -74,131 +88,133 @@ def update_cover_doab(doab_id, edition, store_cover=True): edition.cover_image = cover_url edition.save() return cover_url - else: - return None - + return None + def attach_more_doab_metadata(edition, description, subjects, publication_date, publisher_name=None, language=None, authors=u''): - + """ for given edition, attach description, subjects, publication date to corresponding Edition and Work """ - # if edition doesn't have a publication date, update it + # if edition doesn't have a publication date, update it if not edition.publication_date: edition.publication_date = publication_date - + # if edition.publisher_name is empty, set it if not edition.publisher_name: edition.set_publisher(publisher_name) - + edition.save() - + # attach description to work if it's not empty work = edition.work if not work.description: work.description = description - + # update subjects for s in subjects: if valid_subject(s): models.Subject.set_by_name(s, work=work) - + # set reading level of work if it's empty; doab is for adults. if not work.age_level: work.age_level = '18-' - - if language: + + if language and language != 'xx': work.language = language work.save() - + if authors and authors == authors: # test for authors != NaN authlist = creator_list(authors) if edition.authors.all().count() < len(authlist): edition.authors.clear() if authlist is not None: - for [rel,auth] in authlist: + for [rel, auth] in authlist: edition.add_author(auth, rel) - + return edition def add_all_isbns(isbns, work, language=None, title=None): first_edition = None for isbn in isbns: - first_edition = None edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn(isbn, work, language=language, title=title) if edition: - first_edition = first_edition if first_edition else edition - if work and (edition.work_id != work.id): + first_edition = first_edition if first_edition else edition + if work and (edition.work_id != work.id): if work.created < edition.work.created: work = merge_works(work, edition.work) else: work = merge_works(edition.work, work) else: work = edition.work - return first_edition + return work, first_edition def load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, url, format, rights, language, isbns, provider, **kwargs): - + """ load a record from doabooks.org represented by input parameters and return an ebook """ + logger.info('load doab {} {} {} {} {}'.format(doab_id, format, rights, language, provider)) if language and isinstance(language, list): language = language[0] - + if language == 'xx' and format == 'online': + language = scrape_language(url) # check to see whether the Edition hasn't already been loaded first # search by url ebooks = models.Ebook.objects.filter(url=url) - + # 1 match # > 1 matches # 0 match # simplest case -- if match (1 or more), we could check whether any # ebook.edition.work has a doab id matching given doab_id - + # put a migration to force Ebook.url to be unique id - + # if yes, then return one of the Edition(s) whose work is doab_id - # if no, then + # if no, then ebook = None if len(ebooks) > 1: - raise Exception("There is more than one Ebook matching url {0}".format(url)) - elif len(ebooks) == 1: + raise Exception("There is more than one Ebook matching url {0}".format(url)) + elif len(ebooks) == 1: ebook = ebooks[0] - doab_identifer = models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='doab',value=doab_id, - work=ebook.edition.work) - # update the cover id - cover_url = update_cover_doab(doab_id, ebook.edition) + doab_identifer = models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='doab', value=doab_id, + work=ebook.edition.work) + if not ebook.rights: + ebook.rights = rights + ebook.save() + # update the cover id + cover_url = update_cover_doab(doab_id, ebook.edition, redo=False) + # attach more metadata - attach_more_doab_metadata(ebook.edition, - description=kwargs.get('description'), - subjects=kwargs.get('subject'), - publication_date=kwargs.get('date'), - publisher_name=kwargs.get('publisher'), - language=language, - authors=kwargs.get('authors'),) + attach_more_doab_metadata( + ebook.edition, + description=unlist(kwargs.get('description')), + subjects=kwargs.get('subject'), + publication_date=unlist(kwargs.get('date')), + publisher_name=unlist(kwargs.get('publisher')), + language=language, + authors=kwargs.get('creator'), + ) # make sure all isbns are added - add_all_isbns(isbns, None, language=language, title=title) - return ebook - + add_all_isbns(isbns, ebook.edition.work, language=language, title=title) + return ebook.edition + # remaining case --> no ebook, load record, create ebook if there is one. - assert len(ebooks) == 0 - + assert not ebooks + # we need to find the right Edition/Work to tie Ebook to... - + # look for the Edition with which to associate ebook. # loop through the isbns to see whether we get one that is not None - work = None - edition = add_all_isbns(isbns, None, language=language, title=title) - if edition: - edition.refresh_from_db() - work = edition.work + work, edition = add_all_isbns(isbns, None, language=language, title=title) if doab_id and not work: # make sure there's not already a doab_id idents = models.Identifier.objects.filter(type='doab', value=doab_id) @@ -206,16 +222,17 @@ def load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, url, format, rights, edition = ident.work.preferred_edition work = edition.work break - - if edition is not None: - # if this is a new edition, then add related editions asynchronously - if getattr(edition,'new', False): - tasks.populate_edition.delay(edition.isbn_13) - doab_identifer = models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='doab', value=doab_id, - work=edition.work) - # we need to create Edition(s) de novo - else: + if edition is not None: + # if this is a new edition, then add related editions SYNCHRONOUSLY + if getattr(edition, 'new', False): + tasks.populate_edition(edition.isbn_13) + edition.refresh_from_db() + doab_identifer = models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='doab', value=doab_id, + work=edition.work) + + # we need to create Edition(s) de novo + else: # if there is a Work with doab_id already, attach any new Edition(s) try: work = models.Identifier.objects.get(type='doab', value=doab_id).work @@ -226,11 +243,11 @@ def load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, url, format, rights, work = models.Work(language='xx', title=title, age_level='18-') work.save() doab_identifer = models.Identifier.get_or_add(type='doab', value=doab_id, - work=work) - + work=work) + # if work has any ebooks already, attach the ebook to the corresponding edition # otherwise pick the first one - # pick the first edition as the one to tie ebook to + # pick the first edition as the one to tie ebook to editions_with_ebooks = models.Edition.objects.filter(Q(work__id=work.id) & \ Q(ebooks__isnull=False)).distinct() if editions_with_ebooks: @@ -240,73 +257,41 @@ def load_doab_edition(title, doab_id, url, format, rights, else: edition = models.Edition(work=work, title=title) edition.save() - + # make the edition the selected_edition of the work work.selected_edition = edition work.save() - - if format in ('pdf', 'epub', 'mobi'): + + if format in ('pdf', 'epub', 'mobi', 'html', 'online') and rights: ebook = models.Ebook() ebook.format = format ebook.provider = provider - ebook.url = url + ebook.url = url ebook.rights = rights # tie the edition to ebook ebook.edition = edition + if format == "online": + ebook.active = False ebook.save() - + # update the cover id (could be done separately) - cover_url = update_cover_doab(doab_id, edition) - + cover_url = update_cover_doab(doab_id, edition, redo=False) + # attach more metadata - attach_more_doab_metadata(edition, - description=kwargs.get('description'), - subjects=kwargs.get('subject'), - publication_date=kwargs.get('date'), - publisher_name=kwargs.get('publisher'), - authors=kwargs.get('authors'),) - return ebook + attach_more_doab_metadata( + edition, + description=unlist(kwargs.get('description')), + subjects=kwargs.get('subject'), + publication_date=unlist(kwargs.get('date')), + publisher_name=unlist(kwargs.get('publisher')), + authors=kwargs.get('creator'), + ) + return edition - -def load_doab_records(fname, limit=None): - - success_count = 0 - ebook_count = 0 - - records = json.load(open(fname)) - - for (i, book) in enumerate(islice(records,limit)): - d = dict(book) - d['isbns'] = split_isbns(d['isbns_raw']) # use stricter isbn string parsing. - try: - ebook = load_doab_edition(**d) - success_count += 1 - if ebook: - ebook_count +=1 - except Exception, e: - logger.error(e) - logger.error(book) - - logger.info("Number of records processed: " + str(success_count)) - logger.info("Number of ebooks processed: " + str(ebook_count)) - -""" +# #tools to parse the author lists in doab.csv -from pandas import DataFrame -url = "http://www.doabooks.org/doab?func=csv" -df_csv = DataFrame.from_csv(url) +# -out=[] -for val in df_csv.values: - isbn = split_isbns(val[0]) - if isbn: - auths = [] - if val[2] == val[2] and val[-2] == val[-2]: # test for NaN auths and licenses - auths = creator_list(val[2]) - out.append(( isbn[0], auths)) -open("/Users/eric/doab_auths.json","w+").write(json.dumps(out,indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))) -""" - au = re.compile(r'\(Authors?\)', flags=re.U) ed = re.compile(r'\([^\)]*(dir.|[Eeé]ds?.|org.|coord.|Editor|a cura di|archivist)[^\)]*\)', flags=re.U) tr = re.compile(r'\([^\)]*([Tt]rans.|tr.|translated by)[^\)]*\)', flags=re.U) @@ -326,14 +311,14 @@ def fnf(auth): if len(parts) == 1: return parts[0].strip() elif len(parts) == 2: - return u'{} {}'.format(parts[1].strip(),parts[0].strip()) + return u'{} {}'.format(parts[1].strip(), parts[0].strip()) else: - if parts[1].strip() in ('der','van', 'von', 'de', 'ter'): - return u'{} {} {}'.format(parts[2].strip(),parts[1].strip(),parts[0].strip()) + if parts[1].strip() in ('der', 'van', 'von', 'de', 'ter'): + return u'{} {} {}'.format(parts[2].strip(), parts[1].strip(), parts[0].strip()) #print auth #print re.search(namelist,auth).group(0) - return u'{} {}, {}'.format(parts[2].strip(),parts[0].strip(),parts[1].strip()) - + return u'{} {}, {}'.format(parts[2].strip(), parts[0].strip(), parts[1].strip()) + def creator(auth, editor=False): auth = auth.strip() @@ -349,68 +334,100 @@ def creator(auth, editor=False): return [u'dsr', fnf(ds.sub(u'', auth))] if re.search(cm, auth): return [u'com', fnf(cm.sub(u'', auth))] - + auth = au.sub('', auth) return ['aut', fnf(auth)] -def split_auths(auths): - if ';' in auths or '/' in auths: - return namesep2.split(auths) - else: - nl = namelist.match(auths.strip()) - if nl: - if nl.group(3).endswith(' de') \ - or ' de ' in nl.group(3) \ - or nl.group(3).endswith(' da') \ - or nl.group(1).endswith(' Jr.') \ - or ' e ' in nl.group(1): - return [auths] - else: - return namesep.split(auths) - else : - return [auths] - -def split_isbns(isbns): - result = [] - for isbn in isbnsep.split(isbns): - isbn = ISBN(isbn) - if isbn.valid: - result.append(isbn.to_string()) - return result - def creator_list(creators): auths = [] - if re.search(edlist, creators): - for auth in split_auths(edlist.sub(u'', creators)): - if auth: - auths.append(creator(auth, editor=True)) - else: - for auth in split_auths(unicode(creators)): - if auth: - auths.append(creator(auth)) + for auth in creators: + auths.append(creator(auth)) return auths -def load_doab_auths(fname, limit=None): - doab_auths = json.load(open(fname)) - recnum = 0 - failed = 0 - for [isbnraw, authlist] in doab_auths: - isbn = ISBN(isbnraw).to_string() - try: - work = models.Identifier.objects.get(type='isbn',value=isbn).work - except models.Identifier.DoesNotExist: - print 'isbn = {} not found'.format(isbnraw) - failed += 1 - if work.preferred_edition.authors.all().count() < len(authlist): - work.preferred_edition.authors.clear() - if authlist is None: - print "null authlist; isbn={}".format(isbn) +DOAB_OAIURL = 'https://www.doabooks.org/oai' +DOAB_PATT = re.compile(r'[\./]doabooks\.org/doab\?.*rid:(\d{1,8}).*') +mdregistry = MetadataRegistry() +mdregistry.registerReader('oai_dc', oai_dc_reader) +doab_client = Client(DOAB_OAIURL, mdregistry) +isbn_cleaner = identifier_cleaner('isbn', quiet=True) +ISBNSEP = re.compile(r'[/]+') + +def add_by_doab(doab_id, record=None): + try: + record = record if record else doab_client.getRecord( + metadataPrefix='oai_dc', + identifier='oai:doab-books:{}'.format(doab_id) + ) + metadata = record[1].getMap() + isbns = [] + url = None + for ident in metadata.pop('identifier', []): + if ident.startswith('ISBN: '): + isbn_strings = ISBNSEP.split(ident[6:].strip()) + for isbn_string in isbn_strings: + isbn = isbn_cleaner(isbn_string) + if isbn: + isbns.append(isbn) + elif ident.find('doabooks.org') >= 0: + # should already know the doab_id continue - for [rel,auth] in authlist: - work.preferred_edition.add_author(auth, rel) - recnum +=1 - if limit and recnum > limit: - break - logger.info("Number of records processed: " + str(recnum)) - logger.info("Number of missing isbns: " + str(failed)) - \ No newline at end of file + else: + url = ident + language = doab_lang_to_iso_639_1(unlist(metadata.pop('language', None))) + urls = online_to_download(url) + edition = None + title = unlist(metadata.pop('title', None)) + license = cc.license_from_cc_url(unlist(metadata.pop('rights', None))) + for dl_url in urls: + format = type_for_url(dl_url) + if 'format' in metadata: + del metadata['format'] + edition = load_doab_edition( + title, + doab_id, + dl_url, + format, + license, + language, + isbns, + url_to_provider(dl_url) if dl_url else None, + **metadata + ) + return edition + except IdDoesNotExistError: + return None + + +def getdoab(url): + id_match = DOAB_PATT.search(url) + if id_match: + return id_match.group(1) + return False + +def load_doab_oai(from_year=None, limit=100000): + ''' + use oai feed to get oai updates + ''' + if from_year: + from_ = datetime.datetime(year=from_year, month=1, day=1) + else: + # last 45 days + from_ = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=45) + doab_ids = [] + for record in doab_client.listRecords(metadataPrefix='oai_dc', from_=from_): + if not record[1]: + continue + item_type = unlist(record[1].getMap().get('type', None)) + if item_type != 'book': + continue + idents = record[1].getMap()['identifier'] + if idents: + for ident in idents: + doab = getdoab(ident) + if doab: + doab_ids.append(doab) + e = add_by_doab(doab, record=record) + title = e.title if e else None + logger.info(u'updated:\t{}\t{}'.format(doab, title)) + if len(doab_ids) > limit: + break diff --git a/core/loaders/doab_utils.py b/core/loaders/doab_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e03c2348 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/loaders/doab_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +""" +doab_utils.py + +""" + +import re +import urlparse + +import requests + +from regluit.utils.lang import get_language_code +from .utils import get_soup + +# utility functions for converting lists of individual items into individual items + +# let's do a mapping of the DOAB languages into the language codes used +# mostly, we just handle mispellings +# also null -> xx + +EXTRA_LANG_MAP = dict([ + (u'chinese', 'de'), + (u'deutsch', 'de'), + (u'eng', 'en'), + (u'englilsh', 'en'), + (u'englilsh', 'en'), + (u'englisch', 'en'), + (u'espanol', 'es'), + (u'ger', 'de'), + (u'fra', 'fr'), + (u'fre', 'fr'), + (u'francese', 'fr'), + (u'ita', 'it'), + (u'italiano', 'it'), + (u'norwegian', 'no'), + (u'por', 'pt'), + (u'portugese', 'pt'), + (u'slovene', 'sl'), + (u'spa', 'es'), + (u'spagnolo', 'es'), +]) + +sep = re.compile(r'[ \-;^,/]+') +def doab_lang_to_iso_639_1(lang): + if lang is None or not lang: + return "xx" + else: + lang = sep.split(lang)[0] + code = get_language_code(lang) + if code: + return code + else: + return EXTRA_LANG_MAP.get(lang.lower(), 'xx') + + +DOMAIN_TO_PROVIDER = dict([ + [u'antropologie.zcu.cz', u'AntropoWeb'], + [u'books.mdpi.com', u'MDPI Books'], + [u'books.openedition.org', u'OpenEdition Books'], + [u'books.scielo.org', u'SciELO'], + [u'ccdigitalpress.org', u'Computers and Composition Digital Press'], + [u'digitalcommons.usu.edu', u'DigitalCommons, Utah State University'], + [u'dl.dropboxusercontent.com', u'Dropbox'], + [u'dspace.ucalgary.ca', u'Institutional Repository at the University of Calgary'], + [u'dx.doi.org', u'DOI Resolver'], + [u'ebooks.iospress.nl', u'IOS Press Ebooks'], + [u'hdl.handle.net', u'Handle Proxy'], + [u'hw.oeaw.ac.at', u'Austrian Academy of Sciences'], + [u'img.mdpi.org', u'MDPI Books'], + [u'ledibooks.com', u'LediBooks'], + [u'leo.cilea.it', u'LEO '], + [u'leo.cineca.it', u'Letteratura Elettronica Online'], + [u'link.springer.com', u'Springer'], + [u'oapen.org', u'OAPEN Library'], + [u'press.openedition.org', u'OpenEdition Press'], + [u'windsor.scholarsportal.info', u'Scholars Portal'], + [u'www.adelaide.edu.au', u'University of Adelaide'], + [u'www.aliprandi.org', u'Simone Aliprandi'], + [u'www.antilia.to.it', u'antilia.to.it'], + [u'www.aupress.ca', u'Athabasca University Press'], + [u'www.bloomsburyacademic.com', u'Bloomsbury Academic'], + [u'www.co-action.net', u'Co-Action Publishing'], + [u'www.degruyter.com', u'De Gruyter Online'], + [u'www.doabooks.org', u'Directory of Open Access Books'], + [u'www.dropbox.com', u'Dropbox'], + [u'www.ebooks.iospress.nl', u'IOS Press Ebooks'], + [u'www.ledizioni.it', u'Ledizioni'], + [u'www.maestrantonella.it', u'maestrantonella.it'], + [u'www.oapen.org', u'OAPEN Library'], + [u'www.openbookpublishers.com', u'Open Book Publishers'], + [u'www.palgraveconnect.com', u'Palgrave Connect'], + [u'www.scribd.com', u'Scribd'], + [u'www.springerlink.com', u'Springer'], + [u'www.ubiquitypress.com', u'Ubiquity Press'], + [u'www.unimib.it', u'University of Milano-Bicocca'], + [u'www.unito.it', u"University of Turin"], +]) + +def url_to_provider(url): + netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc + return DOMAIN_TO_PROVIDER.get(netloc, netloc) + +FRONTIERSIN = re.compile(r'frontiersin.org/books/[^/]+/(\d+)') + +def online_to_download(url): + urls = [] + if url.find(u'mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/') >= 0: + doc = get_soup(url) + if doc: + obj = doc.find('object', type='application/pdf') + if obj: + urls.append(obj['data'].split('#')[0]) + elif url.find(u'books.scielo.org/') >= 0: + doc = get_soup(url) + if doc: + obj = doc.find('a', class_='pdf_file') + if obj: + urls.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, obj['href'])) + obj = doc.find('a', class_='epub_file') + if obj: + urls.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, obj['href'])) + elif FRONTIERSIN.search(url): + booknum = FRONTIERSIN.search(url).group(1) + urls.append(u'https://www.frontiersin.org/GetFile.aspx?ebook={}&fileformat=EPUB'.format(booknum)) + urls.append(u'https://www.frontiersin.org/GetFile.aspx?ebook={}&fileformat=PDF'.format(booknum)) + else: + urls.append(url) + return urls + diff --git a/core/loaders/hathitrust.py b/core/loaders/hathitrust.py index 6b76f851..a4d98cde 100644 --- a/core/loaders/hathitrust.py +++ b/core/loaders/hathitrust.py @@ -26,38 +26,54 @@ class HathitrustScraper(BaseScraper): for record in records: self.record = record return - self.record = {} - + self.record = None # probably a hdl not pointing at Hathitrust + self.record = None def get_downloads(self): - dl_a = self.doc.select_one('#fullPdfLink') - value = dl_a['href'] if dl_a else None - if value: - self.set( - 'download_url_{}'.format('pdf'), - 'https://babel.hathitrust.org{}'.format(value) - ) + if self.record: + dl_a = self.doc.select_one('#fullPdfLink') + value = dl_a['href'] if dl_a else None + if value: + self.set( + 'download_url_{}'.format('pdf'), + 'https://babel.hathitrust.org{}'.format(value) + ) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_downloads() def get_isbns(self): - isbn = self.record.get('issn', []) - value = identifier_cleaner('isbn', quiet=True)(isbn) - return {'print': value} if value else {} + if self.record: + isbn = self.record.get('issn', []) + value = identifier_cleaner('isbn', quiet=True)(isbn) + return {'print': value} if value else {} + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_isbns() def get_title(self): - self.set('title', self.record.get('title', '')) + if self.record: + self.set('title', self.record.get('title', '')) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_title() def get_keywords(self): - self.set('subjects', self.record.get('keywords', [])) + if self.record: + self.set('subjects', self.record.get('keywords', [])) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_keywords() def get_publisher(self): - self.set('publisher', self.record.get('publisher', '')) + if self.record: + self.set('publisher', self.record.get('publisher', '')) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_publisher() def get_pubdate(self): - self.set('publication_date', self.record.get('year', '')) + if self.record: + self.set('publication_date', self.record.get('year', '')) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_pubdate() def get_description(self): - notes = self.record.get('notes', []) - self.set('description', '\r'.join(notes)) + if self.record: + notes = self.record.get('notes', []) + self.set('description', '\r'.join(notes)) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_description() def get_genre(self): - self.set('genre', self.record.get('type_of_reference', '').lower()) + if self.record: + self.set('genre', self.record.get('type_of_reference', '').lower()) + return super(HathitrustScraper, self).get_genre() diff --git a/core/loaders/springer.py b/core/loaders/springer.py index 40e3bed6..c30e8036 100644 --- a/core/loaders/springer.py +++ b/core/loaders/springer.py @@ -110,15 +110,19 @@ class SpringerScraper(BaseScraper): self.set('publisher', 'Springer') search_url = 'https://link.springer.com/search/page/{}?facet-content-type=%22Book%22&package=openaccess' -def load_springer(num_pages): - def springer_open_books(num_pages): - for page in range(1, num_pages+1): +def load_springer(startpage=1, endpage=None): + def springer_open_books(startpage, endpage): + endpage = endpage if endpage else startpage + 10 + for page in range(startpage, endpage + 1): url = search_url.format(page) - response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) - if response.status_code == 200: - base = response.url - doc = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') - for link in doc.select('a.title'): - book_url = urljoin(base, link['href']) - yield SpringerScraper(book_url) - return add_from_bookdatas(springer_open_books(num_pages)) + try: + response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) + if response.status_code == 200: + base = response.url + doc = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') + for link in doc.select('a.title'): + book_url = urljoin(base, link['href']) + yield SpringerScraper(book_url) + except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: + print 'couldn\'t connect to %s' % url + return add_from_bookdatas(springer_open_books(startpage, endpage)) diff --git a/core/loaders/tests.py b/core/loaders/tests.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a8f485e --- /dev/null +++ b/core/loaders/tests.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +from django.conf import settings +from django.test import TestCase +from regluit.core.models import Ebook, Edition, Work +from .utils import dl_online + +class LoaderTests(TestCase): + def setUp(self): + pass + + def test_downloads(self): + if not (settings.TEST_INTEGRATION): + return + + work = Work(title="online work") + work.save() + + edition = Edition(work=work) + edition.save() + + dropbox_url = 'https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5jzpb4vknk8n7w/Jakobsson_The_Troll_Inside_You_EBook.pdf?dl=0' + dropbox_ebook = Ebook.objects.create(format='online', url=dropbox_url, edition=edition) + dropbox_ebf = dl_online(dropbox_ebook) + self.assertTrue(dropbox_ebf.ebook.filesize) + + jbe_url = 'http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/books/9789027295958' + jbe_ebook = Ebook.objects.create(format='online', url=jbe_url, edition=edition) + jbe_ebf = dl_online(jbe_ebook) + self.assertTrue(jbe_ebf.ebook.filesize) diff --git a/core/loaders/utils.py b/core/loaders/utils.py index 1357bbd2..f559870d 100644 --- a/core/loaders/utils.py +++ b/core/loaders/utils.py @@ -1,15 +1,23 @@ import csv -import re -import requests import logging -import sys +import re +import time import unicodedata +import urlparse + +from bs4 import BeautifulSoup +import requests + +from django.conf import settings +from django.core.files.base import ContentFile -from regluit.core.models import Work, Edition, Author, PublisherName, Identifier, Subject -from regluit.core.isbn import ISBN -from regluit.core.bookloader import add_by_isbn_from_google, merge_works from regluit.api.crosswalks import inv_relator_contrib from regluit.bisac.models import BisacHeading +from regluit.core.bookloader import add_by_isbn_from_google, merge_works +from regluit.core.isbn import ISBN +from regluit.core.models import ( + Ebook, EbookFile, Edition, Identifier, path_for_file, Subject, Work, +) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -22,7 +30,7 @@ def utf8_general_ci_norm(s): """ Normalize a la MySQL utf8_general_ci collation (As of 2016.05.24, we're using the utf8_general_ci collation for author names) - + https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1036454/what-are-the-diffrences-between-utf8-general-ci-and-utf8-unicode-ci/1036459#1036459 * converts to Unicode normalization form D for canonical decomposition @@ -34,79 +42,84 @@ def utf8_general_ci_norm(s): s1 = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s) return ''.join(c for c in s1 if not unicodedata.combining(c)).upper() +def get_soup(url): + response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) + if response.status_code == 200: + return BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') + return None + def get_authors(book): - authors=[] - if book.get('AuthorsList',''): + authors = [] + if book.get('AuthorsList', ''): #UMich - for i in range(1,3): - fname=u'Author{}First'.format(i) - lname=u'Author{}Last'.format(i) - role=u'Author{}Role'.format(i) - authname = u'{} {}'.format(book[fname],book[lname]) + for i in range(1, 3): + fname = u'Author{}First'.format(i) + lname = u'Author{}Last'.format(i) + role = u'Author{}Role'.format(i) + authname = u'{} {}'.format(book[fname], book[lname]) if authname != u' ': role = book[role] if book[role].strip() else 'A01' - authors.append((authname,role)) + authors.append((authname, role)) else: break authlist = book["AuthorsList"].replace(' and ', ', ').split(', ') - if len(authlist)>3: + if len(authlist) > 3: for authname in authlist[3:]: authors.append((authname, 'A01')) else: #OBP - for i in range(1,6): - fname= book.get(u'Contributor {} first name'.format(i), '') - lname= book.get(u'Contributor {} surname'.format(i), '') - role= book.get(u'ONIX Role Code (List 17){}'.format(i), '') - authname = u'{} {}'.format(fname,lname) + for i in range(1, 6): + fname = book.get(u'Contributor {} first name'.format(i), '') + lname = book.get(u'Contributor {} surname'.format(i), '') + role = book.get(u'ONIX Role Code (List 17){}'.format(i), '') + authname = u'{} {}'.format(fname, lname) if authname != u' ': role = role if role.strip() else 'A01' - authors.append((authname,role)) + authors.append((authname, role)) else: break return authors def get_subjects(book): - subjects=[] - for i in range(1,5): + subjects = [] + for i in range(1, 5): key = u'BISACCode{}'.format(i) #UMich dialect key2 = u'BISAC subject code {}'.format(i) #OBP dialect - code = book.get(key,'') - code = code if code else book.get(key2,'') + code = book.get(key, '') + code = code if code else book.get(key2, '') if code != '': try: - bisac=BisacHeading.objects.get(notation=code) + bisac = BisacHeading.objects.get(notation=code) subjects.append(bisac) except BisacHeading.DoesNotExist: - logger.warning( "Please add BISAC {}".format(code)) + logger.warning("Please add BISAC {}".format(code)) return subjects def add_subject(subject_name, work, authority=''): try: - subject= Subject.objects.get(name=subject_name) + subject = Subject.objects.get(name=subject_name) except Subject.DoesNotExist: - subject=Subject.objects.create(name=subject_name, authority=authority) + subject = Subject.objects.create(name=subject_name, authority=authority) subject.works.add(work) def get_title(book): - title = book.get('FullTitle','') #UMICH + title = book.get('FullTitle', '') #UMICH if title: return title - title = book.get('Title','') #OBP - sub = book.get('Subtitle','') + title = book.get('Title', '') #OBP + sub = book.get('Subtitle', '') if sub: - return u'{}: {}'.format(title,sub) - else: - return title - + return u'{}: {}'.format(title, sub) + return title + def get_cover(book): - cover_url = book.get('Cover URL','') #OBP + cover_url = book.get('Cover URL', '') #OBP if cover_url: return cover_url url = book['URL'] if "10.3998" in url: # code for umich books; can generalize, of course! - idmatch= re.search( r'([^/]+)\.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', url) + idmatch = re.search(r'([^/]+)\.(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)', url) if idmatch: book_id = idmatch.group(2) if idmatch.group(1) == 'ohp': @@ -116,74 +129,78 @@ def get_cover(book): else: cover_url = "http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dculture/images/{}.jpg".format(book_id) cover = requests.head(cover_url) - if cover.status_code<400: + if cover.status_code < 400: return cover_url else: - logger.warning( "bad cover: {} for: {}".format(cover_url, url)) - + logger.warning("bad cover: {} for: {}".format(cover_url, url)) + def get_isbns(book): isbns = [] edition = None #'ISBN 1' is OBP, others are UMICH - for code in ['eISBN', 'ISBN 3','PaperISBN', 'ISBN 2', 'ClothISBN', 'ISBN 1', 'ISBN 4', 'ISBN 5']: - if book.get(code, '') not in ('','N/A'): + for code in ['eISBN', 'ISBN 3', 'PaperISBN', 'ISBN 2', 'ClothISBN', + 'ISBN 1', 'ISBN 4', 'ISBN 5' + ]: + if book.get(code, '') not in ('', 'N/A'): values = book[code].split(',') for value in values: isbn = ISBN(value).to_string() if isbn: isbns.append(isbn) - for isbn in isbns : + for isbn in isbns: if not edition: edition = Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn) - return (isbns, edition ) + return (isbns, edition) def get_pubdate(book): - value = book.get('CopyrightYear','') #UMICH + value = book.get('CopyrightYear', '') #UMICH if value: return value - value = book.get('publication year','') #OBP - sub = book.get('publication month','') - sub2 = book.get('publication day','') + value = book.get('publication year', '') #OBP + sub = book.get('publication month', '') + sub2 = book.get('publication day', '') if sub2: - return u'{}-{}-{}'.format(value,sub,sub2) + return u'{}-{}-{}'.format(value, sub, sub2) elif sub: - return u'{}-{}'.format(value,sub,sub2) - else: - return value - + return u'{}-{}'.format(value, sub, sub2) + return value + def get_publisher(book): - value = book.get('Publisher','') + value = book.get('Publisher', '') if value: return value - if book.get('DOI prefix','')=='10.11647': + if book.get('DOI prefix', '') == '10.11647': return "Open Book Publishers" - + def get_url(book): - url = book.get('URL','') - url = url if url else u'https://doi.org/{}/{}'.format( book.get('DOI prefix',''),book.get('DOI suffix','')) + url = book.get('URL', '') + url = url if url else u'https://doi.org/{}/{}'.format( + book.get('DOI prefix', ''), + book.get('DOI suffix', '') + ) return url def get_description(book): - value = book.get('DescriptionBrief','') - value = value if value else book.get('Plain Text Blurb','') + value = book.get('DescriptionBrief', '') + value = value if value else book.get('Plain Text Blurb', '') return value def get_language(book): - value = book.get('ISO Language Code','') + value = book.get('ISO Language Code', '') return value - + def load_from_books(books): ''' books is an iterator of book dicts. each book must have attributes (umich dialect) - eISBN, ClothISBN, PaperISBN, Publisher, FullTitle, Title, Subtitle, AuthorsList, - Author1Last, Author1First, Author1Role, Author2Last, Author2First, Author2Role, Author3Last, - Author3First, Author3Role, AuthorBio, TableOfContents, Excerpt, DescriptionLong, - DescriptionBrief, BISACCode1, BISACCode2, BISACCode3, CopyrightYear, ePublicationDate, - eListPrice, ListPriceCurrencyType, List Price in USD (paper ISBN), eTerritoryRights, + eISBN, ClothISBN, PaperISBN, Publisher, FullTitle, Title, Subtitle, AuthorsList, + Author1Last, Author1First, Author1Role, Author2Last, Author2First, Author2Role, Author3Last, + Author3First, Author3Role, AuthorBio, TableOfContents, Excerpt, DescriptionLong, + DescriptionBrief, BISACCode1, BISACCode2, BISACCode3, CopyrightYear, ePublicationDate, + eListPrice, ListPriceCurrencyType, List Price in USD (paper ISBN), eTerritoryRights, SubjectListMARC, , Book-level DOI, URL, License - + ''' # Goal: get or create an Edition and Work for each given book @@ -194,21 +211,21 @@ def load_from_books(books): # try first to get an Edition already in DB with by one of the ISBNs in book (isbns, edition) = get_isbns(book) - if len(isbns)==0: + if not isbns: continue - title=get_title(book) + title = get_title(book) authors = get_authors(book) - # if matching by ISBN doesn't work, then create a Work and Edition + # if matching by ISBN doesn't work, then create a Work and Edition # with a title and the first ISBN if not edition: work = Work(title=title) work.save() - edition= Edition(title=title, work=work) + edition = Edition(title=title, work=work) edition.save() Identifier.set(type='isbn', value=isbns[0], edition=edition, work=work) - work=edition.work + work = edition.work # at this point, work and edition exist url = get_url(book) @@ -222,7 +239,7 @@ def load_from_books(books): if edition and edition.work != work: work = merge_works(work, edition.work) if not edition: - edition= Edition(title=title, work=work) + edition = Edition(title=title, work=work) edition.save() Identifier.set(type='isbn', value=isbn, edition=edition, work=work) @@ -234,18 +251,18 @@ def load_from_books(books): edition.save() edition.set_publisher(get_publisher(book)) - # possibly replace work.description + # possibly replace work.description description = get_description(book) - if len(description)>len (work.description): + if len(description) > len(work.description): work.description = description work.save() - + # set language - lang= get_language(book) + lang = get_language(book) if lang: work.language = lang work.save() - + # add a bisac subject (and ancestors) to work for bisacsh in get_subjects(book): while bisacsh: @@ -258,13 +275,13 @@ def load_from_books(books): results.append((book, work, edition)) try: - logger.info (u"{} {} {}\n".format(i, title, loading_ok)) + logger.info(u"{} {} {}\n".format(i, title, loading_ok)) except Exception as e: - logger.info (u"{} {}\n".format(i, title, str(e) )) + logger.info(u"{} {} {}\n".format(i, title, str(e))) return results - + def loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition): isbns = get_isbns(book)[0] @@ -277,10 +294,10 @@ def loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition): try: url_id = Identifier.objects.get(type='http', value=get_url(book)) if url_id is None: - logger.info ("url_id problem: work.id {}, url: {}".format(work.id, get_url(book))) + logger.info("url_id problem: work.id {}, url: {}".format(work.id, get_url(book))) return False except Exception as e: - logger.info (str(e)) + logger.info(str(e)) return False # isbns @@ -292,15 +309,17 @@ def loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition): try: edition_for_isbn = Identifier.objects.get(type='isbn', value=isbn).edition except Exception as e: - print (e) + logger.info(e) return False # authors # print set([ed.name for ed in edition_for_isbn.authors.all()]) - if (set([utf8_general_ci_norm(author[0]) for author in authors]) != - set([utf8_general_ci_norm(ed.name) for ed in edition_for_isbn.authors.all()])): - print "problem with authors" + if ( + set([utf8_general_ci_norm(author[0]) for author in authors]) != + set([utf8_general_ci_norm(ed.name) for ed in edition_for_isbn.authors.all()]) + ): + logger.info("problem with authors") return False try: @@ -312,7 +331,7 @@ def loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition): # work description description = get_description(book) - if not ((work.description == description) or (len(description) [a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{12})'), + 'olwk': re.compile(r'[\./]openlibrary\.org(?P/works/OL\d{1,8}W)'), + 'doab': re.compile(r'([\./]doabooks\.org/doab\?.*rid:|=oai:doab-books:)(?P\d{1,8})'), + 'gdrd': re.compile(r'[\./]goodreads\.com/book/show/(?P\d{1,8})'), + 'ltwk': re.compile(r'[\./]librarything\.com/work/(?P\d{1,8})'), + 'oclc': re.compile(r'\.worldcat\.org/.*oclc/(?P\d{8,12})'), + 'doi': re.compile(r'[\./]doi\.org/(?P10\.\d+/\S+)'), + 'gtbg': re.compile(r'[\./]gutenberg\.org/ebooks/(?P\d{1,6})'), + 'glue': re.compile(r'[\./]unglue\.it/work/(?P\d{1,7})'), } def ids_from_urls(url): @@ -346,7 +366,128 @@ def ids_from_urls(url): for ident in ID_URLPATTERNS.keys(): id_match = ID_URLPATTERNS[ident].search(url) if id_match: - ids[ident] = id_match.group(1) + ids[ident] = id_match.group('id') return ids - - + +DROPBOX_DL = re.compile(r'"(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/[^"]+)"') + +def dl_online(ebook): + if ebook.format != 'online': + pass + elif ebook.url.find(u'dropbox.com/s/') >= 0: + response = requests.get(ebook.url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) + if response.status_code == 200: + match_dl = DROPBOX_DL.search(response.content) + if match_dl: + return make_dl_ebook(match_dl.group(1), ebook) + else: + logger.warning('couldn\'t get {}'.format(ebook.url)) + else: + logger.warning('couldn\'t get dl for {}'.format(ebook.url)) + + elif ebook.url.find(u'jbe-platform.com/content/books/') >= 0: + doc = get_soup(ebook.url) + if doc: + obj = doc.select_one('div.fulltexticoncontainer-PDF a') + if obj: + dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(ebook.url, obj['href']) + return make_dl_ebook(dl_url, ebook) + else: + logger.warning('couldn\'t get dl_url for {}'.format(ebook.url)) + else: + logger.warning('couldn\'t get soup for {}'.format(ebook.url)) + + return None, False + +def make_dl_ebook(url, ebook): + if EbookFile.objects.filter(source=ebook.url): + return EbookFile.objects.filter(source=ebook.url)[0], False + response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": settings.USER_AGENT}) + if response.status_code == 200: + filesize = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) + filesize = filesize if filesize else None + format = type_for_url(url, content_type=response.headers.get('content-type')) + if format != 'online': + new_ebf = EbookFile.objects.create( + edition=ebook.edition, + format=format, + source=ebook.url, + ) + new_ebf.file.save(path_for_file(new_ebf, None), ContentFile(response.content)) + new_ebf.save() + new_ebook = Ebook.objects.create( + edition=ebook.edition, + format=format, + provider='Unglue.it', + url=new_ebf.file.url, + rights=ebook.rights, + filesize=filesize, + version_label=ebook.version_label, + version_iter=ebook.version_iter, + ) + new_ebf.ebook = new_ebook + new_ebf.save() + return new_ebf, True + else: + logger.warning('download format for {} is not ebook'.format(url)) + else: + logger.warning('couldn\'t get {}'.format(url)) + return None, False + +def type_for_url(url, content_type=None): + if not url: + return '' + if url.find('books.openedition.org') >= 0: + return 'online' + if Ebook.objects.filter(url=url): + return Ebook.objects.filter(url=url)[0].format + ct = content_type if content_type else contenttyper.calc_type(url) + if re.search("pdf", ct): + return "pdf" + elif re.search("octet-stream", ct) and re.search("pdf", url, flags=re.I): + return "pdf" + elif re.search("octet-stream", ct) and re.search("epub", url, flags=re.I): + return "epub" + elif re.search("text/plain", ct): + return "text" + elif re.search("text/html", ct): + if url.find('oapen.org/view') >= 0: + return "html" + return "online" + elif re.search("epub", ct): + return "epub" + elif re.search("mobi", ct): + return "mobi" + return "other" + +class ContentTyper(object): + """ """ + def __init__(self): + self.last_call = dict() + + def content_type(self, url): + try: + r = requests.head(url) + return r.headers.get('content-type', '') + except: + return '' + + def calc_type(self, url): + delay = 1 + # is there a delay associated with the url + netloc = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc + + # wait if necessary + last_call = self.last_call.get(netloc) + if last_call is not None: + now = time.time() + min_time_next_call = last_call + delay + if min_time_next_call > now: + time.sleep(min_time_next_call-now) + + self.last_call[netloc] = time.time() + + # compute the content-type + return self.content_type(url) + +contenttyper = ContentTyper() diff --git a/core/management/commands/add_missing_doab_covers.py b/core/management/commands/add_missing_doab_covers.py index 38262cc1..cd30149c 100644 --- a/core/management/commands/add_missing_doab_covers.py +++ b/core/management/commands/add_missing_doab_covers.py @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ from regluit.core.models import Work from regluit.core.loaders.doab import update_cover_doab class Command(BaseCommand): - help = "make covers for doab editions" + help = "make covers for doab editions with bad covers" def handle(self, **options): - - works = Work.objects.filter(selected_edition__isnull=False, selected_edition__cover_image__isnull=True) - #.filter(selected_edition__isnull=False, selected_edition__cover_image__isnull=True) - #.exclude(selected_edition__identifiers__type='goog') - added = 0 - for (i, work) in enumerate(works): - if work.doab and work.selected_edition.googlebooks_id == '': - update_cover_doab(work.doab, work.selected_edition) - added += 1 - print ('\r {}:{}'.format(i, added), end='') - - print('added {} covers'.format(added)) + works = Work.objects.filter(identifiers__type='doab').distinct() + print('checking {} works with doab'.format(works.count())) + num = 0 + for work in works: + if not work.cover_image_thumbnail(): + update_cover_doab(work.doab, work.preferred_edition, store_cover=True) + #print(work.doab) + num += 1 + if num % 10 == 0: + print('{} doab covers updated'.format(num)) + #break + print('Done: {} doab covers updated'.format(num)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core/management/commands/clean_subjects.py b/core/management/commands/clean_subjects.py index 2b6a96a9..ff97cd5d 100644 --- a/core/management/commands/clean_subjects.py +++ b/core/management/commands/clean_subjects.py @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from regluit.core.models import Subject +from regluit.core.validation import valid_subject @@ -27,3 +28,8 @@ class Command(BaseCommand): for work in subject.works.all(): Subject.set_by_name(subject.name, work=work) subject.delete() + + period_subjects = Subject.objects.filter(name__contains=".") + for subject in period_subjects: + if not valid_subject(subject.name): + subject.delete() diff --git a/core/management/commands/doab_load_auths.py b/core/management/commands/doab_load_auths.py deleted file mode 100644 index c2f088e6..00000000 --- a/core/management/commands/doab_load_auths.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import os - -from django.conf import settings -from django.contrib.auth.models import User -from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand - -from regluit.core.loaders import doab - -class Command(BaseCommand): - help = "load doab auths" - args = " " - - def handle(self, limit=None, file_name="../../../bookdata/doab_auths.json", **options): - - command_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) - file_path = os.path.join(command_dir, file_name) - doab.load_doab_auths(file_path, limit=int(limit) if limit else None) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core/management/commands/doab_load_books.py b/core/management/commands/doab_load_books.py deleted file mode 100644 index cc5aac67..00000000 --- a/core/management/commands/doab_load_books.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -import os - -from django.conf import settings -from django.contrib.auth.models import User -from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand - -from regluit.core.loaders import doab - -class Command(BaseCommand): - help = "load doab books" - args = " " - - def handle(self, limit=None, file_name="../../../bookdata/doab.json", **options): - - command_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) - file_path = os.path.join(command_dir, file_name) - doab.load_doab_records(file_path, limit=int(limit)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core/management/commands/harvest_online_ebooks.py b/core/management/commands/harvest_online_ebooks.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06aeeab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/management/commands/harvest_online_ebooks.py @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand + +from regluit.core.loaders.utils import dl_online +from regluit.core.models import Ebook + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = "harvest downloadable ebooks from 'online' ebooks" + args = "" + + def handle(self, limit=0, **options): + limit = int(limit) if limit else 0 + onlines = Ebook.objects.filter(format='online') + done = 0 + for online in onlines: + new_ebf, new = dl_online(online) + if new_ebf and new: + done += 1 + if done > limit: + break + print 'harvested {} ebooks'.format(done) + diff --git a/core/management/commands/load_books_from_sitemap.py b/core/management/commands/load_books_from_sitemap.py index fbccd552..dcc886ad 100644 --- a/core/management/commands/load_books_from_sitemap.py +++ b/core/management/commands/load_books_from_sitemap.py @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand): books = [] for sitemap in content: added = add_by_sitemap(sitemap.strip(), maxnum=max) - max = max - len(added) + max = max - len(added) if max else max books = books + added - if max < 0: + if max and max < 0: break else: books = add_by_sitemap(url, maxnum=max) diff --git a/core/management/commands/load_books_springer.py b/core/management/commands/load_books_springer.py index 4c978be7..a7dba9d8 100644 --- a/core/management/commands/load_books_springer.py +++ b/core/management/commands/load_books_springer.py @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from regluit.core.loaders.springer import load_springer class Command(BaseCommand): help = "load books from springer open" - args = "" + args = " " - def handle(self, pages, **options): - books = load_springer(int(pages)) + def handle(self, startpage, endpage=0, **options): + books = load_springer(int(startpage), int(endpage)) print "loaded {} books".format(len(books)) diff --git a/core/management/commands/load_by_doab.py b/core/management/commands/load_by_doab.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..611f18ed --- /dev/null +++ b/core/management/commands/load_by_doab.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand + +from regluit.core.loaders import doab + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = "load doab books by doab_id via oai" + args = "" + + def handle(self, doab_id, **options): + doab.add_by_doab(doab_id) diff --git a/core/management/commands/load_doab.py b/core/management/commands/load_doab.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10856e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/management/commands/load_doab.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand + +from regluit.core.loaders import doab + +class Command(BaseCommand): + help = "load doab books via oai" + args = " " + + def handle(self, from_year= None, limit=None, **options): + from_year = int(from_year) if from_year else None + limit = int(limit) if limit else None + if limit: + doab.load_doab_oai(from_year=from_year, limit=limit) + else: + if from_year: + doab.load_doab_oai(from_year=from_year) + else: + doab.load_doab_oai() diff --git a/core/management/commands/random_campaigns.py b/core/management/commands/random_campaigns.py index 83202ca5..163b6a41 100644 --- a/core/management/commands/random_campaigns.py +++ b/core/management/commands/random_campaigns.py @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from random import randint, randrange from django.conf import settings from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand +from django.utils.timezone import now from regluit.core.models import Work, Campaign -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now class Command(BaseCommand): help = "creates random campaigns for any works that lack one for testing" diff --git a/core/models/__init__.py b/core/models/__init__.py index 7f0ddf40..6f331828 100755 --- a/core/models/__init__.py +++ b/core/models/__init__.py @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.db import models from django.db.models import F, Q from django.db.models.signals import post_save +from django.utils.timezone import now from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ #regluit imports @@ -45,8 +46,9 @@ from regluit.payment.parameters import ( TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED, TRANSACTION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE ) + from regluit.utils import encryption as crypto -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today from regluit.core.parameters import ( REWARDS, diff --git a/core/models/bibmodels.py b/core/models/bibmodels.py index 24768e8d..5a53f5e5 100644 --- a/core/models/bibmodels.py +++ b/core/models/bibmodels.py @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.db.models import F from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_delete +from django.utils.timezone import now import regluit from regluit.marc.models import MARCRecord as NewMARC -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now from questionnaire.models import Landing from regluit.core import mobi @@ -1082,8 +1082,7 @@ class EbookFile(models.Model): asking=self.asking, source=self.file.url ) - - new_mobi_ebf.file.save(path_for_file('ebf', None), mobi_cf) + new_mobi_ebf.file.save(path_for_file(new_mobi_ebf, None), mobi_cf) new_mobi_ebf.save() if self.ebook: new_ebook = Ebook.objects.create( diff --git a/core/parameters.py b/core/parameters.py index 4f796e53..9db6a10c 100644 --- a/core/parameters.py +++ b/core/parameters.py @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ OTHER_ID_CHOICES = ( ('edid', 'pragmatic edition ID'), ) -WORK_IDENTIFIERS = ('doi','olwk','glue','ltwk', 'http') +WORK_IDENTIFIERS = ('doi','olwk','glue','ltwk', 'http', 'doab') ID_CHOICES_MAP = dict(ID_CHOICES) diff --git a/core/signals.py b/core/signals.py index 0d6e5cb0..ea17ac4f 100644 --- a/core/signals.py +++ b/core/signals.py @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.dispatch import Signal from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _ from django.template.loader import render_to_string +from django.utils.timezone import now from notification import models as notification @@ -29,9 +30,9 @@ from notification import models as notification regluit imports """ from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged, transaction_failed, pledge_modified, pledge_created -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today from regluit.core.parameters import REWARDS, BUY2UNGLUE, THANKS, LIBRARY, RESERVE, THANKED from regluit.libraryauth.models import Library, LibraryUser +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ def create_notice_types( **kwargs): notification.create_notice_type("purchase_notgot_gift", _("Your gift wasn't received."), _("The ebook you sent as a gift has not yet been redeemed.")) notification.create_notice_type("donation", _("Your donation was processed."), _("Thank you, your generous donation has been processed.")) -signals.post_syncdb.connect(create_notice_types, sender=notification) +signals.post_migrate.connect(create_notice_types, sender=notification) # define the notifications and tie them to corresponding signals diff --git a/core/tasks.py b/core/tasks.py index 5240d98b..8a10b2f1 100644 --- a/core/tasks.py +++ b/core/tasks.py @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ django imports from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.mail import send_mail +from django.utils.timezone import now from notification.engine import send_all from notification import models as notification @@ -29,8 +30,7 @@ from regluit.core import ( from regluit.core.models import Campaign, Acq, Gift from regluit.core.signals import deadline_impending from regluit.core.parameters import RESERVE, REWARDS, THANKS - -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/core/tests.py b/core/tests.py index d059b35c..949601f6 100755 --- a/core/tests.py +++ b/core/tests.py @@ -1,25 +1,22 @@ # encoding: utf-8 -""" -external library imports -""" +#external library imports + +import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta from decimal import Decimal as D from math import factorial -from time import sleep, mktime +import unittest from urlparse import parse_qs, urlparse from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile -from celery.task import chord +from time import sleep, mktime + from celery.task.sets import TaskSet import requests import requests_mock -import os -""" -django imports -""" +#django imports from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User -from django_comments.models import Comment from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.files import File as DjangoFile @@ -29,11 +26,12 @@ from django.http import Http404 from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.test.utils import override_settings -from django.utils import unittest +from django.utils.timezone import now + +from django_comments.models import Comment + +#regluit imports -""" -regluit imports -""" from regluit.core import ( isbn, bookloader, @@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ from regluit.core.models import ( Premium, Subject, Publisher, - PublisherName, Offer, EbookFile, Acq, @@ -69,51 +66,55 @@ from regluit.core.validation import valid_subject from regluit.frontend.views import safe_get_work from regluit.payment.models import Transaction from regluit.payment.parameters import PAYMENT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today from regluit.pyepub import EPUB +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today from .epub import test_epub -from .pdf import ask_pdf, test_pdf +from .pdf import test_pdf TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../test/') YAML_VERSIONFILE = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'versiontest.yaml') YAML_HUCKFILE = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'raw/master/metadata.yaml') class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): - fixtures = ['initial_data.json','bookloader.json'] + fixtures = ['initial_data.json', 'bookloader.json'] def setUp(self): self.user = User.objects.create_user('core_test', 'test@example.org', 'core_test') self.client = Client() self.client.login(username='core_test', password='core_test') - - def test_add_by_local_yaml(self): - + + def test_add_by_local_yaml(self): + noebook_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml(YAML_VERSIONFILE) noebook = models.Work.objects.get(id=noebook_id) - self.assertEqual( noebook.first_ebook(), None) + self.assertEqual(noebook.first_ebook(), None) huck_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml(YAML_HUCKFILE, test_mode=True) huck = models.Work.objects.get(id=huck_id) - self.assertTrue( huck.ebooks().count()>1) - - - def test_add_by_yaml(self): - space_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml('https://github.com/gitenberg-dev/metadata/raw/master/samples/pandata.yaml') - huck_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml('https://github.com/GITenberg/Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn_76/raw/master/metadata.yaml') + self.assertTrue(huck.ebooks().count() > 1) + + + def test_add_by_yaml(self): + space_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml( + 'https://github.com/gitenberg-dev/metadata/raw/master/samples/pandata.yaml' + ) + huck_id = bookloader.load_from_yaml( + 'https://github.com/GITenberg/Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn_76/raw/master/metadata.yaml' + ) space = models.Work.objects.get(id=space_id) huck = models.Work.objects.get(id=huck_id) #test ebook archiving - num_ebf= EbookFile.objects.all().count() + num_ebf = EbookFile.objects.all().count() for ebook in huck.ebooks().all(): f = ebook.get_archive() - self.assertTrue(EbookFile.objects.all().count()>num_ebf) - + self.assertTrue(EbookFile.objects.all().count() > num_ebf) + def test_add_by_isbn_mock(self): with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_hamilton.json')) as gb: m.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', content=gb.read()) self.test_add_by_isbn(mocking=True) - + def test_add_by_isbn(self, mocking=False): if not (mocking or settings.TEST_INTEGRATION): @@ -135,11 +136,11 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): self.assertTrue(edition.work) self.assertEqual(edition.work.googlebooks_id, '4iafgTEhU3QC') self.assertEqual(edition.work.first_isbn_13(), '9780143034759') - - # test duplicate pubname + + # test duplicate pubname ed2 = Edition.objects.create(work=edition.work) ed2.set_publisher(u'Penguin') - + # publisher names old_pub_name = edition.publisher_name edition.set_publisher('test publisher name') @@ -157,25 +158,25 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'zhCN.json')) as gb: m.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', content=gb.read()) self.test_language_locale(mocking=True) - + def test_language_locale(self, mocking=False): if not (mocking or settings.TEST_INTEGRATION): return edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn('9787104030126') - self.assertEqual(edition.work.language, 'zh-CN') + self.assertEqual(edition.work.language, u'zh-CN') def test_update_edition_mock(self): with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'python4da.json')) as gb: m.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', content=gb.read()) self.test_update_edition(mocking=True) - - def test_update_edition(self, mocking=False): + + def test_update_edition(self, mocking=False): if not (mocking or settings.TEST_INTEGRATION): return w = models.Work(title='silly title', language='xx') w.save() - e = models.Edition(title=w.title,work=w) + e = models.Edition(title=w.title, work=w) e.save() models.Identifier(type='isbn', value='9781449319793', work=w, edition=e).save() bookloader.update_edition(e) @@ -190,9 +191,9 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): self.assertEqual(models.Edition.objects.all().count(), edbefore) self.assertEqual(models.Author.objects.all().count(), autbefore) self.assertEqual(models.Work.objects.all().count(), before) - + def test_missing_isbn(self): - e = bookloader.add_by_isbn_from_google('0139391401') + e = bookloader.add_by_isbn_from_google('9781938616990') #unassigned in gluejar block self.assertEqual(e, None) def test_thingisbn_mock(self): @@ -211,10 +212,11 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): def test_add_related(self): # add one edition - edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn('0441007465') #Neuromancer; editions in fixture but not joined + #Neuromancer; editions in fixture not joined + edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn('0441007465') edbefore = models.Edition.objects.count() before = models.Work.objects.count() - lang=edition.work.language + lang = edition.work.language langbefore = models.Work.objects.filter(language=lang).count() # ask for related editions to be added using the work we just created with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: @@ -249,59 +251,60 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): self.assertTrue(edition.work.publication_date) self.assertTrue(len(edition.work.description) > 20) self.assertTrue(edition.work.identifiers.filter(type='oclc')[0]) - + def test_merge_works_mechanics(self): - """Make sure then merge_works is still okay when we try to merge works with themselves and with deleted works""" + """Make sure then merge_works is still okay when we try to merge + works with themselves and with deleted works""" before = models.Work.objects.count() wasbefore = models.WasWork.objects.count() - sub1= Subject(name='test1') + sub1 = Subject(name='test1') sub1.save() - sub2= Subject(name='test2') + sub2 = Subject(name='test2') sub2.save() w1 = Work(title="Work 1") w1.save() w1.subjects.add(sub1) - + w2 = Work(title="Work 2") w2.save() - w2.subjects.add(sub1,sub2) - + w2.subjects.add(sub1, sub2) + e1 = Edition(work=w1) e1.save() - + e2 = Edition(work=w2) e2.save() - - eb1 = Ebook(edition = e2) + + eb1 = Ebook(edition=e2) eb1.save() - + e2a = Edition(work=w2) e2a.save() - + self.assertTrue(e1) self.assertTrue(e2) self.assertTrue(e2a) self.assertTrue(e1.work) self.assertTrue(e2.work) self.assertEqual(models.Work.objects.count(), before + 2) - + self.assertTrue(w2.is_free) self.assertFalse(w1.is_free) - + w1_id = w1.id w2_id = w2.id - + # first try to merge work 1 into itself -- should not do anything - bookloader.merge_works(w1,w1) + bookloader.merge_works(w1, w1) self.assertEqual(models.Work.objects.count(), before + 2) - + # merge the second work into the first bookloader.merge_works(e1.work, e2.work) self.assertEqual(models.Work.objects.count(), before + 1) self.assertEqual(models.WasWork.objects.count(), wasbefore + 1) self.assertEqual(w1.subjects.count(), 2) - + self.assertTrue(w1.is_free) # getting proper view? @@ -309,26 +312,26 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % w1_id) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % w2_id) - self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) - + self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) + # try to do it twice -- nothing should happen bookloader.merge_works(e1.work, e2a.work) r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % w1_id) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % w2_id) - self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) - + self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) + # if the work has a selected edition, then don't touch the work. - w3= Work(title='work 3') - e_pref= Edition(work=w1) - w1.selected_edition=e_pref + w3 = Work(title='work 3') + e_pref = Edition(work=w1) + w1.selected_edition = e_pref bookloader.merge_works(w3, w1) - self.assertTrue(w1.title=='Work 1') + self.assertTrue(w1.title == 'Work 1') def test_merge_works(self): before = models.Work.objects.count() # add two editions and see that there are two stub works - + # for this test, use two unjoined Neuromancer works in fixture isbn1 = '9780441569595' isbn2 = '9780441012039' @@ -344,17 +347,17 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): user.wishlist.add_work(e1.work, 'test') user.wishlist.add_work(e2.work, 'test') manager = User.objects.create_user('manager', 'manager@example.org', 'managerpass') - # create campaigns for the stub works + # create campaigns for the stub works c1 = models.Campaign.objects.create( name=e1.work.title, - work=e1.work, + work=e1.work, description='Test Campaign 1', deadline=now(), target=D('1000.00'), ) c2 = models.Campaign.objects.create( name=e2.work.title, - work=e2.work, + work=e2.work, description='Test Campaign 2', deadline=now(), target=D('1000.00'), @@ -369,7 +372,7 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): content_type=wct, object_pk=e1.work.pk, comment="test comment1", - user=user, + user=user, site=site ) comment1.save() @@ -377,7 +380,7 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): content_type=wct, object_pk=e2.work.pk, comment="test comment2", - user=user, + user=user, site=site ) comment2.save() @@ -385,70 +388,69 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): content_type=wct, object_pk=e2.work.pk, comment="test comment3", - user=manager, + user=manager, site=site ) comment3.save() - - + + # now add related edition to make sure Works get merged bookloader.add_related(isbn1) # non-zero - self.assertGreater(models.Work.objects.count(), 0) + self.assertGreater(models.Work.objects.count(), 0) w3 = models.Edition.get_by_isbn(isbn1).work - + # and that relevant Campaigns and Wishlists are updated - c1=Campaign.objects.get(pk=c1.pk) - c2=Campaign.objects.get(pk=c2.pk) + c1 = Campaign.objects.get(pk=c1.pk) + c2 = Campaign.objects.get(pk=c2.pk) self.assertEqual(c1.work, c2.work) self.assertEqual(user.wishlist.works.all().count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Comment.objects.for_model(w3).count(), 3) - + anon_client = Client() r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % w3.pk) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) r = anon_client.get("/work/%s/" % e2.work.pk) self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) - + def test_ebook(self): with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_latinlanguage.json')) as gb: m.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', content=gb.read()) edition = bookloader.add_by_oclc('1246014') - # we've seen the public domain status of this book fluctuate -- and the OCLC number can disappear. So if the ebook count is 2 then test + # we've seen the public domain status of this book fluctuate -- and the OCLC + # number can disappear. So if the ebook count is 2 then test #if edition is not None and edition.ebooks.count() == 2: self.assertEqual(edition.ebooks.count(), 2) #ebook_epub = edition.ebooks.all()[0] ebook_epub = edition.ebooks.filter(format='epub')[0] self.assertEqual(ebook_epub.format, 'epub') - #self.assertEqual(ebook_epub.url, 'http://books.google.com/books/download/The_Latin_language.epub?id=N1RfAAAAMAAJ&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=epub&source=gbs_api') self.assertEqual(parse_qs(urlparse(ebook_epub.url).query).get("id"), ['N1RfAAAAMAAJ']) self.assertEqual(parse_qs(urlparse(ebook_epub.url).query).get("output"), ['epub']) self.assertEqual(ebook_epub.provider, 'Google Books') self.assertEqual(ebook_epub.set_provider(), 'Google Books') ebook_pdf = edition.ebooks.filter(format='pdf')[0] self.assertEqual(ebook_pdf.format, 'pdf') - #self.assertEqual(ebook_pdf.url, 'http://books.google.com/books/download/The_Latin_language.pdf?id=N1RfAAAAMAAJ&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=pdf&sig=ACfU3U2yLt3nmTncB8ozxOWUc4iHKUznCA&source=gbs_api') self.assertEqual(parse_qs(urlparse(ebook_pdf.url).query).get("id"), ['N1RfAAAAMAAJ']) self.assertEqual(parse_qs(urlparse(ebook_pdf.url).query).get("output"), ['pdf']) - self.assertEqual(ebook_pdf.provider, 'Google Books') - + self.assertEqual(ebook_pdf.provider, 'Google Books') + w = edition.work self.assertEqual(w.first_epub().url, ebook_epub.url) self.assertEqual(w.first_pdf().url, ebook_pdf.url) self.assertEqual(w.first_epub_url(), ebook_epub.url) self.assertEqual(w.first_pdf_url(), ebook_pdf.url) - - ebook_pdf.url='https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Frankenstein' + + ebook_pdf.url = 'https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Frankenstein' self.assertEqual(ebook_pdf.set_provider(), 'Wikisource') - - self.user.wishlist.add_work(w, 'test') + + self.user.wishlist.add_work(w, 'test') tasks.report_new_ebooks(date_today()) - r = self.client.get("/notification/" ) + r = self.client.get("/notification/") self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200) - + ebook_pdf.increment() updated_ebook = Ebook.objects.get(pk=ebook_pdf.pk) self.assertEqual(int(updated_ebook.download_count), 1) @@ -471,9 +473,9 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): subjects = [s.name for s in work.subjects.all()] self.assertTrue(len(subjects) > 10) self.assertTrue('Science fiction' in subjects) - self.assertTrue('/works/OL27258W' in work.identifiers.filter(type='olwk').values_list('value',flat=True) ) - self.assertTrue('888628' in work.identifiers.filter(type='gdrd').values_list('value',flat=True)) - self.assertTrue('609' in work.identifiers.filter(type='ltwk').values_list('value',flat=True)) + self.assertTrue('/works/OL27258W' in work.identifiers.filter(type='olwk').values_list('value', flat=True)) + self.assertTrue('888628' in work.identifiers.filter(type='gdrd').values_list('value', flat=True)) + self.assertTrue('609' in work.identifiers.filter(type='ltwk').values_list('value', flat=True)) def test_unicode_openlibrary(self): with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: @@ -482,10 +484,10 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): work = bookloader.add_by_isbn('9783894808358').work #fight club bookloader.add_openlibrary(work) self.assertTrue(work.description.startswith('Sie sind jung,')) - + def notest_load_gutenberg_edition(self): """Let's try this out for Moby Dick""" - + title = "Moby Dick" ol_work_id = "/works/OL102749W" gutenberg_etext_id = 2701 @@ -493,21 +495,37 @@ class BookLoaderTests(TestCase): license = 'https://www.gutenberg.org/license' lang = 'en' format = 'epub' - publication_date = datetime(2001,7,1) - seed_isbn = '9780142000083' # https://www.amazon.com/Moby-Dick-Whale-Penguin-Classics-Deluxe/dp/0142000086 - - ebook = bookloader.load_gutenberg_edition(title, gutenberg_etext_id, ol_work_id, seed_isbn, epub_url, format, license, lang, publication_date) + publication_date = datetime(2001, 7, 1) + # https://www.amazon.com/Moby-Dick-Whale-Penguin-Classics-Deluxe/dp/0142000086 + seed_isbn = '9780142000083' + + ebook = bookloader.load_gutenberg_edition( + title, + gutenberg_etext_id, + ol_work_id, + seed_isbn, + epub_url, + format, + license, + lang, + publication_date + ) self.assertEqual(ebook.url, epub_url) - + def tearDown(self): for ebf in EbookFile.objects.all(): ebf.file.delete() - + class SearchTests(TestCase): def test_search_mock(self): with requests_mock.Mocker(real_http=True) as m: - with open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_melville.json')) as gb, open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_melville2.json')) as gb2: - m.get('https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', [{'content':gb2.read()}, {'content':gb.read()}]) + with open( + os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_melville.json') + ) as gb, open(os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'gb_melville2.json')) as gb2: + m.get( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes', + [{'content':gb2.read()}, {'content':gb.read()}] + ) self.test_pagination(mocking=True) self.test_basic_search(mocking=True) self.test_googlebooks_search(mocking=True) @@ -523,7 +541,10 @@ class SearchTests(TestCase): self.assertTrue(r.has_key('author')) self.assertTrue(r.has_key('description')) self.assertTrue(r.has_key('cover_image_thumbnail')) - self.assertTrue(r['cover_image_thumbnail'].startswith('https') or r['cover_image_thumbnail'].startswith('http')) + self.assertTrue( + r['cover_image_thumbnail'].startswith('https') + or r['cover_image_thumbnail'].startswith('http') + ) self.assertTrue(r.has_key('publisher')) self.assertTrue(r.has_key('isbn_13')) self.assertTrue(r.has_key('googlebooks_id')) @@ -551,24 +572,24 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): w.save() this_year = datetime.now().year c = Campaign( - target=D('12000.00'), - deadline=datetime(this_year, 1, 1), - work=w, type=2, + target=D('12000.00'), + deadline=datetime(this_year, 1, 1), + work=w, type=2, cc_date_initial=datetime(this_year + 100, 1, 1), ) - self.assertTrue(c.set_dollar_per_day()<0.34) - self.assertTrue(c.dollar_per_day>0.31) - t = Transaction(type=1, campaign=c, approved=True, amount= D(6000.1), status="Complete") + self.assertTrue(c.set_dollar_per_day() < 0.34) + self.assertTrue(c.dollar_per_day > 0.31) + t = Transaction(type=1, campaign=c, approved=True, amount=D(6000.1), status="Complete") t.save() c.status = 'ACTIVE' c.save() c.update_left() #print(w.percent_of_goal()) - self.assertEqual(w.percent_unglued(),3) - self.assertTrue(w.percent_of_goal()>49) - ofr = Offer.objects.create(work=w,price=D(10),active=True) - self.assertTrue(c.days_per_copy D(29.41)) + self.assertEqual(w.percent_unglued(), 3) + self.assertTrue(w.percent_of_goal() > 49) + ofr = Offer.objects.create(work=w, price=D(10), active=True) + self.assertTrue(c.days_per_copy < D(32.26)) + self.assertTrue(c.days_per_copy > D(29.41)) def test_required_fields(self): # a campaign must have a target, deadline and a work @@ -590,31 +611,36 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): c.save() self.assertEqual(c.license_url, 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/') self.assertEqual(c.license_badge, '/static/images/ccbync.png') - + def test_campaign_status(self): - + # need a user to associate with a transaction user = User.objects.create_user('test', 'test@example.org', 'testpass') - + w = Work() w.save() w2 = Work() w2.save() # INITIALIZED - c1 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=Campaign.latest_ending(),work=w) + c1 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'), deadline=Campaign.latest_ending(), work=w) c1.save() self.assertEqual(c1.status, 'INITIALIZED') # ACTIVATED - c2 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=datetime(2013,1,1),work=w,description='dummy description') + c2 = Campaign( + target=D('1000.00'), + deadline=datetime(2013, 1, 1), + work=w, + description='dummy description' + ) c2.save() self.assertEqual(c2.status, 'INITIALIZED') u = User.objects.create_user('claimer', 'claimer@example.org', 'claimer') u.save() - rh = RightsHolder(owner = u, rights_holder_name = 'rights holder name') + rh = RightsHolder(owner=u, rights_holder_name='rights holder name') rh.save() - cl = Claim(rights_holder = rh, work = w, user = u, status = 'active') + cl = Claim(rights_holder=rh, work=w, user=u, status='active') cl.save() - cl2 = Claim(rights_holder = rh, work = w2, user = u, status = 'active') + cl2 = Claim(rights_holder=rh, work=w2, user=u, status='active') cl2.save() c2.activate() self.assertEqual(c2.status, 'ACTIVE') @@ -624,31 +650,42 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): # RESUMING c2.resume(reason="for testing") #self.assertEqual(c2.suspended, None) - self.assertEqual(c2.status,'ACTIVE') + self.assertEqual(c2.status, 'ACTIVE') # should not let me suspend a campaign that hasn't been initialized self.assertRaises(UnglueitError, c1.suspend, "for testing") # UNSUCCESSFUL - c3 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=now() - timedelta(days=1),work=w2,description='dummy description') + c3 = Campaign( + target=D('1000.00'), + deadline=now() - timedelta(days=1), + work=w2, + description='dummy description' + ) c3.save() c3.activate() self.assertEqual(c3.status, 'ACTIVE') - # at this point, since the deadline has passed, the status should change and be UNSUCCESSFUL + # at this point, since the deadline has passed, + # the status should change and be UNSUCCESSFUL self.assertTrue(c3.update_status()) self.assertEqual(c3.status, 'UNSUCCESSFUL') - + # premiums - pr1= Premium(type='CU', campaign=c3, amount=10, description='botsnack', limit=1) + pr1 = Premium(type='CU', campaign=c3, amount=10, description='botsnack', limit=1) pr1.save() - self.assertEqual(pr1.premium_remaining,1) - + self.assertEqual(pr1.premium_remaining, 1) + #cloning (note we changed c3 to w2 to make it clonable) - c7= c3.clone() + c7 = c3.clone() self.assertEqual(c7.status, 'INITIALIZED') - self.assertEqual(c7.premiums.all()[0].description , 'botsnack') - - + self.assertEqual(c7.premiums.all()[0].description, 'botsnack') + + # SUCCESSFUL - c4 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=now() - timedelta(days=1),work=w,description='dummy description') + c4 = Campaign( + target=D('1000.00'), + deadline=now() - timedelta(days=1), + work=w, + description='dummy description' + ) c4.save() c4.activate() t = Transaction() @@ -658,22 +695,32 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): t.approved = True t.campaign = c4 t.user = user - t.save() + t.save() self.assertTrue(c4.update_status()) self.assertEqual(c4.status, 'SUCCESSFUL') - + # WITHDRAWN - c5 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=datetime(2013,1,1),work=w,description='dummy description') + c5 = Campaign( + target=D('1000.00'), + deadline=datetime(2013, 1, 1), + work=w, + description='dummy description' + ) c5.save() c5.activate().withdraw('testing') - self.assertEqual(c5.status, 'WITHDRAWN') + self.assertEqual(c5.status, 'WITHDRAWN') # testing percent-of-goal w2 = Work() w2.save() - c6 = Campaign(target=D('1000.00'),deadline=now() + timedelta(days=1),work=w2,description='dummy description') + c6 = Campaign( + target=D('1000.00'), + deadline=now() + timedelta(days=1), + work=w2, + description='dummy description' + ) c6.save() - cl = Claim(rights_holder = rh, work = w2, user = u, status = 'active') + cl = Claim(rights_holder=rh, work=w2, user=u, status='active') cl.save() c6.activate() t = Transaction() @@ -685,9 +732,9 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): t.user = user t.save() self.assertEqual(w2.percent_of_goal(), 23) - + self.assertEqual(c1.launchable, False) - c1.description="description" + c1.description = "description" self.assertEqual(c1.launchable, True) c1.work.create_offers() self.assertEqual(c1.work.offers.count(), 2) @@ -695,14 +742,14 @@ class CampaignTests(TestCase): c1.type = 2 c1.save() self.assertEqual(c1.launchable, False) - of1=c1.work.offers.get(license=2) - of1.price=D(2) - of1.active=True + of1 = c1.work.offers.get(license=2) + of1.price = D(2) + of1.active = True of1.save() self.assertEqual(c1.launchable, False) - e1= models.Edition(title="title",work=c1.work) + e1 = models.Edition(title="title", work=c1.work) e1.save() - ebf1= models.EbookFile(edition=e1, format=1) + ebf1 = models.EbookFile(edition=e1, format=1) ebf1.save() c1.set_cc_date_initial() self.assertEqual(c1.cc_date, settings.MAX_CC_DATE) @@ -717,7 +764,7 @@ class WishlistTest(TestCase): user = User.objects.create_user('test', 'test@example.org', 'testpass') edition = bookloader.add_by_isbn('0441007465') work = edition.work - num_wishes=work.num_wishes + num_wishes = work.num_wishes user.wishlist.add_work(work, 'test') self.assertEqual(user.wishlist.works.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(work.num_wishes, num_wishes+1) @@ -725,14 +772,14 @@ class WishlistTest(TestCase): user.wishlist.remove_work(work) self.assertEqual(user.wishlist.works.count(), 0) self.assertEqual(work.num_wishes, num_wishes) - + class CeleryTaskTest(TestCase): def test_single_fac(self): n = 10 task = tasks.fac.delay(n) result = task.get(timeout=10) - self.assertEqual(result,factorial(n)) + self.assertEqual(result, factorial(n)) def test_subtask(self): n = 30 @@ -741,8 +788,8 @@ class CeleryTaskTest(TestCase): result = job.apply_async() while not result.ready(): sleep(0.2) - self.assertEqual(result.join(),[factorial(x) for x in range(n)]) - + self.assertEqual(result.join(), [factorial(x) for x in range(n)]) + class GoodreadsTest(TestCase): @unittest.skip("Goodreads down at the moment") @@ -751,7 +798,10 @@ class GoodreadsTest(TestCase): return # test to see whether the core undeletable shelves are on the list gr_uid = "767708" # for Raymond Yee - gc = goodreads.GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) + gc = goodreads.GoodreadsClient( + key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, + secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET + ) shelves = gc.shelves_list(gr_uid) shelf_names = [s['name'] for s in shelves['user_shelves']] self.assertTrue('currently-reading' in shelf_names) @@ -763,7 +813,10 @@ class GoodreadsTest(TestCase): if not settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET: return gr_uid = "767708" # for Raymond Yee - gc = goodreads.GoodreadsClient(key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET) + gc = goodreads.GoodreadsClient( + key=settings.GOODREADS_API_KEY, + secret=settings.GOODREADS_API_SECRET + ) reviews = gc.review_list_unauth(user_id=gr_uid, shelf='read') # test to see whether there is a book field in each of the review # url for test is https://www.goodreads.com/review/list.xml?id=767708&shelf=read&page=1&per_page=20&order=a&v=2&key=[key] @@ -776,7 +829,7 @@ class LibraryThingTest(TestCase): lt_username = 'yujx' lt = librarything.LibraryThing(username=lt_username) books = list(lt.parse_user_catalog(view_style=5)) - self.assertEqual(len(books),1) + self.assertEqual(len(books), 1) self.assertEqual(books[0]['isbn'], '0471925675') self.assertEqual(books[0]['work_id'], '80826') self.assertEqual(books[0]['book_id'], '79883733') @@ -787,10 +840,10 @@ class ISBNTest(TestCase): milosz_10 = '006019667X' milosz_13 = '9780060196677' python_10 = '0-672-32978-6' - funky = '0–672—329 78-6' # endash, mdash, space + funky = u'0–672—329 78-6' # endash, mdash, space python_10_wrong = '0-672-32978-7' python_13 = '978-0-672-32978-4' - + isbn_python_10 = isbn.ISBN(python_10) isbn_python_13 = isbn.ISBN(python_13) # return None for invalid characters @@ -801,7 +854,7 @@ class ISBNTest(TestCase): self.assertEqual(None, isbn.ISBN("111-0-M72-32978-X").to_string()) self.assertEqual(None, bookloader.valid_isbn("111-0-M72-32978-X")) self.assertEqual(isbn_python_13.to_string(), bookloader.valid_isbn(funky)) - + # right type? self.assertEqual(isbn_python_10.type, '10') self.assertEqual(isbn_python_13.type, '13') @@ -810,30 +863,30 @@ class ISBNTest(TestCase): self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_10_wrong).valid, False) self.assertEqual(13, len(bookloader.valid_isbn(python_10))) self.assertEqual(isbn_python_13.to_string(), bookloader.valid_isbn(python_10_wrong)) - + # do conversion -- first the outside methods - self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13(isbn.strip(python_10)),isbn.strip(python_13)) - self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13(isbn.strip(python_10)),isbn.strip(python_13)) - self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_13_to_10('xxxxxxxxxxxxx'),None) - self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13('xxxxxxxxxx'),None) + self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13(isbn.strip(python_10)), isbn.strip(python_13)) + self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13(isbn.strip(python_10)), isbn.strip(python_13)) + self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_13_to_10('xxxxxxxxxxxxx'), None) + self.assertEqual(isbn.convert_10_to_13('xxxxxxxxxx'), None) self.assertEqual(None, bookloader.valid_isbn('xxxxxxxxxxxxx')) self.assertEqual(None, bookloader.valid_isbn('xxxxxxxxxx')) - + # check formatting self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_13).to_string(type='13'), '9780672329784') - self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_13).to_string('13',True), '978-0-672-32978-4') + self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_13).to_string('13', True), '978-0-672-32978-4') self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_13).to_string(type='10'), '0672329786') self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_10).to_string(type='13'), '9780672329784') - self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_10).to_string(10,True), '0-672-32978-6') - + self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_10).to_string(10, True), '0-672-32978-6') + # complain if one tries to get ISBN-10 for a 979 ISBN 13 # making up a 979 ISBN isbn_979 = isbn.ISBN("979-1-234-56789-0").validate() self.assertEqual(isbn_979.to_string('10'), None) - + # check casting to string -- ISBN 13 self.assertEqual(str(isbn.ISBN(python_10)), '0672329786') - + # test __eq__ and __ne__ and validate self.assertTrue(isbn.ISBN(milosz_10) == isbn.ISBN(milosz_13)) self.assertTrue(isbn.ISBN(milosz_10) == milosz_13) @@ -842,11 +895,14 @@ class ISBNTest(TestCase): self.assertTrue(isbn.ISBN(python_10) != python_10_wrong) self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_10_wrong).validate(), python_10) self.assertEqual(isbn.ISBN(python_13).validate(), python_10) - + # curious about set membership - self.assertEqual(len(set([isbn.ISBN(milosz_10), isbn.ISBN(milosz_13)])),2) - self.assertEqual(len(set([str(isbn.ISBN(milosz_10)), str(isbn.ISBN(milosz_13))])),2) - self.assertEqual(len(set([isbn.ISBN(milosz_10).to_string(), isbn.ISBN(milosz_13).to_string()])),1) + self.assertEqual(len(set([isbn.ISBN(milosz_10), isbn.ISBN(milosz_13)])), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(set([str(isbn.ISBN(milosz_10)), str(isbn.ISBN(milosz_13))])), 2) + self.assertEqual( + len(set([isbn.ISBN(milosz_10).to_string(), isbn.ISBN(milosz_13).to_string()])), + 1 + ) class EncryptedKeyTest(TestCase): def test_create_read_key(self): @@ -858,8 +914,8 @@ class EncryptedKeyTest(TestCase): self.assertEqual(Key.objects.filter(name=name)[0].value, value) # just checking that the encrypted value is not the same as the value self.assertNotEqual(key.encrypted_value, value) # is this always true? - -class SafeGetWorkTest(TestCase): + +class SafeGetWorkTest(TestCase): def test_good_work(self): w1 = models.Work() w1.save() @@ -867,28 +923,28 @@ class SafeGetWorkTest(TestCase): w2.save() w2_id = w2.id bookloader.merge_works(w1, w2) - + work = safe_get_work(w1.id) self.assertEqual(work, w1) work = safe_get_work(w2_id) self.assertEqual(work, w1) self.assertRaises(Http404, safe_get_work, 3) -class WorkTests(TestCase): +class WorkTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.w1 = models.Work.objects.create() self.w2 = models.Work.objects.create() def test_preferred_edition(self): - ww = models.WasWork.objects.create(work=self.w1, was= self.w2.id) + ww = models.WasWork.objects.create(work=self.w1, was=self.w2.id) e1 = models.Edition.objects.create(work=self.w1) self.assertEqual(e1, self.w1.preferred_edition) e2 = models.Edition.objects.create(work=self.w1) - self.w1.selected_edition=e2 + self.w1.selected_edition = e2 self.w1.save() self.assertEqual(e2, self.w1.preferred_edition) self.assertEqual(e2, self.w2.preferred_edition) - + def test_valid_subject(self): self.assertTrue(valid_subject(u'A, valid, suj\xc3t')) self.assertFalse(valid_subject(u'A, valid, suj\xc3t, ')) @@ -905,8 +961,8 @@ class WorkTests(TestCase): self.assertEqual(sub3.name, 'Something') self.assertEqual(3, self.w1.subjects.count()) self.assertEqual(sub3.authority, 'lcsh') - - + + class DownloadPageTest(TestCase): fixtures = ['initial_data.json'] def test_download_page(self): @@ -920,23 +976,23 @@ class DownloadPageTest(TestCase): e2.work = w e1.save() e2.save() - + eb1 = models.Ebook() eb1.url = "https://example.org" eb1.edition = e1 eb1.format = 'epub' - + eb2 = models.Ebook() eb2.url = "https://example2.com" eb2.edition = e2 eb2.format = 'mobi' - + eb1.save() eb2.save() - + anon_client = Client() response = anon_client.get("/work/%s/download/" % w.id, follow=True) - self.assertContains(response, "/download_ebook/%s/"% eb1.id, count=11) + self.assertContains(response, "/download_ebook/%s/"% eb1.id, count=11) self.assertContains(response, "/download_ebook/%s/"% eb2.id, count=5) self.assertTrue(eb1.edition.work.is_free) eb1.delete() @@ -944,46 +1000,6 @@ class DownloadPageTest(TestCase): eb2.delete() self.assertFalse(eb2.edition.work.is_free) - -class LocaldatetimeTest(TestCase): - @override_settings(LOCALDATETIME_NOW=None) - def test_LOCALDATETIME_NOW_none(self): - - try: - localdatetime.now - except NameError: - from regluit.utils import localdatetime - else: - reload(localdatetime) - - self.assertAlmostEqual(mktime(datetime.now().timetuple()), mktime(localdatetime.now().timetuple()), 1.0) - - @override_settings(LOCALDATETIME_NOW=lambda : datetime.now() + timedelta(365)) - def test_LOCALDATETIME_NOW_year_ahead(self): - - try: - localdatetime.now - except NameError: - from regluit.utils import localdatetime - else: - reload(localdatetime) - - self.assertAlmostEqual(mktime((datetime.now() + timedelta(365)).timetuple()), mktime(localdatetime.now().timetuple()), 1.0) - - def test_no_time_override(self): - - from regluit.utils import localdatetime - self.assertAlmostEqual(mktime(datetime.now().timetuple()), mktime(localdatetime.now().timetuple()), 1.0) - - def tearDown(self): - # restore localdatetime.now() to what's in the settings file - try: - localdatetime.now - except NameError: - from regluit.utils import localdatetime - else: - reload(localdatetime) - class MailingListTests(TestCase): #mostly to check that MailChimp account is setp correctly @@ -991,7 +1007,7 @@ class MailingListTests(TestCase): from postmonkey import PostMonkey pm = PostMonkey(settings.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY) if settings.TEST_INTEGRATION: - self.assertEqual(pm.ping(),"Everything's Chimpy!" ) + self.assertEqual(pm.ping(), "Everything's Chimpy!") self.user = User.objects.create_user('chimp_test', 'eric@gluejar.com', 'chimp_test') self.assertTrue(self.user.profile.on_ml) @@ -1009,48 +1025,49 @@ class EbookFileTests(TestCase): Read the test epub file """ w = Work.objects.create(title="Work 1") - e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title,work=w) + e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title, work=w) u = User.objects.create_user('test', 'test@example.org', 'testpass') - rh = RightsHolder.objects.create(owner = u, rights_holder_name = 'rights holder name') - cl = Claim.objects.create(rights_holder = rh, work = w, user = u, status = 'active') - c = Campaign.objects.create(work = w, - type = parameters.BUY2UNGLUE, - cc_date_initial = datetime(2020,1,1), - target = 1000, - deadline = datetime(2020,1,1), - license = 'CC BY', - description = "dummy description", - ) + rh = RightsHolder.objects.create(owner=u, rights_holder_name='rights holder name') + cl = Claim.objects.create(rights_holder=rh, work=w, user=u, status='active') + c = Campaign.objects.create( + work=w, + type=parameters.BUY2UNGLUE, + cc_date_initial=datetime(2020, 1, 1), + target=1000, + deadline=datetime(2020, 1, 1), + license='CC BY', + description="dummy description", + ) # download the test epub into a temp file temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) test_file_content = requests.get(settings.BOOXTREAM_TEST_EPUB_URL).content - + temp.write(test_file_content) temp.close() - + try: # now we can try putting the test epub file into Django storage temp_file = open(temp.name) - + dj_file = DjangoFile(temp_file) - ebf = EbookFile( format='epub', edition=e, file=dj_file) + ebf = EbookFile(format='epub', edition=e, file=dj_file) ebf.save() - + temp_file.close() finally: # make sure we get rid of temp file os.remove(temp.name) - - test_epub= EPUB(ebf.file, mode='a') - self.assertEqual(len(test_epub.opf) , 4) - self.assertTrue(len(test_epub.opf[2]) < 30) - - acq=Acq.objects.create(user=u,work=w,license=TESTING) + + test_epub = EPUB(ebf.file, mode='a') + self.assertEqual(len(test_epub.opf), 4) + self.assertTrue(len(test_epub.opf[2]) < 30) + + acq = Acq.objects.create(user=u,work=w,license=TESTING) self.assertIsNot(acq.nonce, None) - url= acq.get_watermarked().download_link_epub - self.assertRegexpMatches(url,'github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42') - #self.assertRegexpMatches(url,'booxtream.com/') + url = acq.get_watermarked().download_link_epub + self.assertRegexpMatches(url, 'github.com/eshellman/42_ebook/blob/master/download/42') + #self.assertRegexpMatches(url, 'booxtream.com/') with self.assertRaises(UnglueitError) as cm: c.activate() @@ -1058,43 +1075,43 @@ class EbookFileTests(TestCase): off.save() c.activate() #flip the campaign to success - c.cc_date_initial= datetime(2012,1,1) + c.cc_date_initial = datetime(2012, 1, 1) c.update_status() - self.assertEqual( c.work.ebooks().count(),2 ) - c.do_watermark=False + self.assertEqual(c.work.ebooks().count(), 2) + c.do_watermark = False c.save() - url= acq.get_watermarked().download_link_epub - + url = acq.get_watermarked().download_link_epub + def test_ebookfile_thanks(self): w = Work.objects.create(title="Work 2") - e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title,work=w) + e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title, work=w) u = User.objects.create_user('test2', 'test@example.org', 'testpass') - rh = RightsHolder.objects.create(owner = u, rights_holder_name = 'rights holder name 2') - cl = Claim.objects.create(rights_holder = rh, work = w, user = u, status = 'active') - c = Campaign.objects.create(work = w, - type = parameters.THANKS, - license = 'CC BY-NC', - description = "Please send me money", - ) + rh = RightsHolder.objects.create(owner=u, rights_holder_name='rights holder name 2') + cl = Claim.objects.create(rights_holder=rh, work=w, user=u, status='active') + c = Campaign.objects.create(work=w, + type=parameters.THANKS, + license='CC BY-NC', + description="Please send me money", + ) # download the test epub into a temp file temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) test_file_content = requests.get(settings.TEST_PDF_URL).content - + temp.write(test_file_content) temp.close() try: # now we can try putting the test pdf file into Django storage temp_file = open(temp.name) - + dj_file = DjangoFile(temp_file) - ebf = EbookFile( format='pdf', edition=e, file=dj_file) + ebf = EbookFile(format='pdf', edition=e, file=dj_file) ebf.save() - eb = Ebook( format='pdf', edition=e, url=ebf.file.url, provider='Unglue.it') + eb = Ebook(format='pdf', edition=e, url=ebf.file.url, provider='Unglue.it') eb.save() ebf.ebook = eb ebf.save() - - + + temp_file.close() finally: # make sure we get rid of temp file @@ -1105,21 +1122,21 @@ class EbookFileTests(TestCase): assert test_pdf(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True)[0].file.url) else: assert test_pdf(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True)[0].file) - + #Now do the same with epub temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) test_file_content = requests.get(settings.BOOXTREAM_TEST_EPUB_URL).content - + temp.write(test_file_content) temp.close() try: # now we can try putting the test pdf file into Django storage temp_file = open(temp.name) - + dj_file = DjangoFile(temp_file) - ebf = EbookFile( format='epub', edition=e, file=dj_file) + ebf = EbookFile(format='epub', edition=e, file=dj_file) ebf.save() - eb = Ebook( format='epub', edition=e, url=ebf.file.url, provider='Unglue.it') + eb = Ebook(format='epub', edition=e, url=ebf.file.url, provider='Unglue.it') eb.save() ebf.ebook = eb ebf.save() @@ -1130,62 +1147,77 @@ class EbookFileTests(TestCase): os.remove(temp.name) #test the ask-appender c.add_ask_to_ebfs() - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = True, format='epub').count() > 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True, format='epub').count() > 0) if settings.MOBIGEN_URL: - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = True, format='mobi').count() > 0) - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = True, ebook__active=True).count() > 0) - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = False, ebook__active=True).count() == 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True, format='mobi').count() > 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True, ebook__active=True).count() > 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=False, ebook__active=True).count() == 0) #test the unasker c.revert_asks() - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = True, ebook__active=True).count() == 0) - self.assertTrue( c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking = False, ebook__active=True).count() > 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=True, ebook__active=True).count() == 0) + self.assertTrue(c.work.ebookfiles().filter(asking=False, ebook__active=True).count() > 0) class MobigenTests(TestCase): def test_convert_to_mobi(self): """ - check the size of the mobi output of a Moby Dick epub + check the size of the mobi output of a Moby Dick epub """ from regluit.core.mobigen import convert_to_mobi if settings.TEST_INTEGRATION: - output = convert_to_mobi("https://github.com/GITenberg/Moby-Dick--Or-The-Whale_2701/releases/download/0.2.0/Moby-Dick-Or-The-Whale.epub") - self.assertTrue(len(output)>2207877) + output = convert_to_mobi( + "https://github.com/GITenberg/Moby-Dick--Or-The-Whale_2701/releases/download/0.2.0/Moby-Dick-Or-The-Whale.epub" + ) + self.assertTrue(len(output) > 2207877) -from .signals import handle_transaction_charged @override_settings(LOCAL_TEST=True) class LibTests(TestCase): fixtures = ['initial_data.json'] class transaction: pass - + def test_purchase(self): w = Work.objects.create(title="Work 1") - e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title,work=w) + e = Edition.objects.create(title=w.title, work=w) u = User.objects.create_user('test', 'test@example.org', 'testpass') lu = User.objects.create_user('library', 'testu@example.org', 'testpass') - lib = Library.objects.create(user=lu,owner=u) - c = Campaign.objects.create(work=w, type = parameters.BUY2UNGLUE, cc_date_initial= datetime(2020,1,1),target=1000, deadline=datetime(2020,1,1)) - - new_acq = Acq.objects.create(user=lib.user,work=c.work,license= LIBRARY) + lib = Library.objects.create(user=lu, owner=u) + c = Campaign.objects.create( + work=w, + type=parameters.BUY2UNGLUE, + cc_date_initial=datetime(2020, 1, 1), + target=1000, + deadline=datetime(2020, 1, 1) + ) + + new_acq = Acq.objects.create(user=lib.user, work=c.work, license=LIBRARY) self.assertTrue(new_acq.borrowable) - reserve_acq = Acq.objects.create(user=u,work=c.work,license= RESERVE, lib_acq = new_acq) + reserve_acq = Acq.objects.create(user=u, work=c.work, license=RESERVE, lib_acq=new_acq) self.assertTrue(reserve_acq.borrowable) self.assertFalse(new_acq.borrowable) - self.assertTrue(reserve_acq.expires< now()+timedelta(hours=25)) + self.assertTrue(reserve_acq.expires < now() + timedelta(hours=25)) reserve_acq.borrow() - self.assertTrue(reserve_acq.expires> now()+timedelta(hours=25)) - + self.assertTrue(reserve_acq.expires > now() + timedelta(hours=25)) + u2 = User.objects.create_user('user2', 'test2@example.org', 'testpass') - Hold.objects.get_or_create(library=lib,work=w,user=u2) + Hold.objects.get_or_create(library=lib, work=w, user=u2) reserve_acq.expire_in(timedelta(seconds=0)) tasks.refresh_acqs() - self.assertEqual(reserve_acq.holds.count(),0) - + self.assertEqual(reserve_acq.holds.count(), 0) + class GitHubTests(TestCase): def test_ebooks_in_github_release(self): - (repo_owner, repo_name, repo_tag) = ('GITenberg', 'Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn_76', '0.0.50') - ebooks = bookloader.ebooks_in_github_release(repo_owner, repo_name, - tag=repo_tag, token=settings.GITHUB_PUBLIC_TOKEN) + (repo_owner, repo_name, repo_tag) = ( + 'GITenberg', + 'Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn_76', + '0.0.50' + ) + ebooks = bookloader.ebooks_in_github_release( + repo_owner, + repo_name, + tag=repo_tag, + token=settings.GITHUB_PUBLIC_TOKEN + ) expected_set = set([ ('epub', u'Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn.epub'), ('mobi', u'Adventures-of-Huckleberry-Finn.mobi'), @@ -1197,104 +1229,103 @@ class GitHubTests(TestCase): class OnixLoaderTests(TestCase): fixtures = ['initial_data.json'] def test_load(self): - TEST_BOOKS = [{'': u'', - 'Author1First': u'Joseph', - 'Author1Last': u'Necvatal', - 'Author1Role': u'', - 'Author2First': u'', - 'Author2Last': u'', - 'Author2Role': u'', - 'Author3First': u'', - 'Author3Last': u'', - 'Author3Role': u'', - 'AuthorBio': u'', - 'AuthorsList': u'Joseph Nechvatal', - 'BISACCode1': u'', - 'BISACCode2': u'', - 'BISACCode3': u'', - 'Book-level DOI': u'10.3998/ohp.9618970.0001.001', - 'ClothISBN': u'N/A', - 'CopyrightYear': u'2011', - 'DescriptionBrief': u'', - 'DescriptionLong': u'', - 'Excerpt': u'', - 'FullTitle': u'Immersion into Noise', - 'License': u'CC BY-SA', - 'List Price in USD (paper ISBN)': u'23.99', - 'ListPriceCurrencyType': u'', - 'PaperISBN': u'9781607852414', - 'Publisher': u'Open Humanities Press', - 'SubjectListMARC': u'', - 'Subtitle': u'', - 'TableOfContents': u'', - 'Title': u'Immersion into Noise', - 'URL': u'https://doi.org/10.3998/ohp.9618970.0001.001', - 'eISBN': u'N/A', - 'eListPrice': u'N/A', - 'ePublicationDate': u'', - 'eTerritoryRights': u''}, - {'': u'', - 'CAD price eub': u'9.95', - 'Title': u'That Greece Might Still Be Free', - 'USD price epub': u'9.95', - 'ISBN 2 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-01-0', - 'Plain Text Blurb': u'When in 1821, the Greeks rose in violent revolution against the rule of the Ottoman Turks, waves of sympathy spread across Western Europe and the United States. More than a thousand volunteers set out to fight for the cause. The Philhellenes, whether they set out to recreate the Athens of Pericles, start a new crusade, or make money out of a war, all felt that Greece had unique claim on the sympathy of the world. As Lord Byron wrote, "I dreamed that Greece might still be Free"; and he died at Missolonghi trying to translate that dream into reality. William St Clair\'s meticulously researched and highly readable account of their aspirations and experiences was hailed as definitive when it was first published. Long out of print, it remains the standard account of the Philhellenic movement and essential reading for any students of the Greek War of Independence, Byron, and European Romanticism. Its relevance to more modern ethnic and religious conflicts is becoming increasingly appreciated by scholars worldwide. This revised edition includes a new introduction by Roderick Beaton, an updated bibliography and many new illustrations.', - 'Cover URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/shopimages/products/cover/3', - 'keywords': u'Greece; Greek History; Lord Byron; War of Independence; Philhellenes; war; history; Romanticism', - 'Publication type': u'Monograph', 'GBP price epub': u'5.95', 'publication month': u'11', 'no of tables': u'', - 'GBP price paperback': u'15.95', 'AUD price epub': u'9.95', 'ISBN 4 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7-epub', - 'DOI prefix': u'10.11647', 'License URL (human-readable summary)': u'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/', - 'Contributor 5 surname': u'', 'Contributor 1 first name': u'William', 'Contributor 6 first name': u'', - 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)6': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)5': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)4': u'', - 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)3': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)2': u'A24', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)1': u'A01', - 'GBP price hardback': u'29.95', 'Subtitle': u'The Philhellenes in the War of Independence', 'ONIX tag6': u'', - 'ISBN 3 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7', 'Countries excluded': u'None', 'first edition publication date': u'39753', - 'Original Language': u'English', 'ISBN 1 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-00-3', 'Contributor 4 first name': u'', - 'ISBN 5 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7-mobi', 'Contributor 2 surname': u'Beaton', - 'License URL (our copyright tab)': u'https://www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781906924003#copyright', - 'BISAC subject code 1': u'HIS042000', 'BISAC subject code 3': u'HIS037060', - 'BISAC subject code 2': u'HIS054000', 'BISAC subject code 5': u'', - 'BISAC subject code 4': u'', 'Status': u'Active', 'Geographic rights': u'Worldwide', - 'Series Name': u'', 'Contributor 5 first name': u'', 'ISSN Print with dashes': u'', - 'ISBN 5': u'9781906924027mobi', 'Contributor 1 surname': u'St Clair', - 'Contributor 2 first name': u'Roderick', - 'Book-page permanent URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781906924003', - 'EUR price hardback': u'36.95', 'EUR price epub': u'7.95', 'Contributor 6 surname': u'', - 'current edition number (integers only)': u'1', - 'Table of Content': u"Introduction by Roderick Beaton\n1. The Outbreak\n2. The Return of the Ancient Hellenes\n3. The Regiment\n4. Two Kinds of War\n5. The Cause of Greece, the Cause of Europe\n6. The Road to Marseilles\n7. Chios\n8. The Battalion of Philhellenes\n9. The Battle of Peta\n10. The Triumph of the Captains\n11. The Return Home\n12. The German Legion\n13. Knights and Crusaders\n14. Secrets of State\n15. Enter the British\n16. Lord Byron joins the Cause\n17. 'To bring Freedom and Knowledge to Greece'\n18. Arrivals at Missolonghi\n19. The Byron Brigade\n20. Essays in Regeneration\n21. The New Apostles\n22. The English Gold\n23. The Coming of the Arabs\n24. The Shade of Napoleon\n25. 'No freedom to fight for at home'\n26. French Idealism and French Cynicism\n27. Regulars Again\n28. A New Fleet\n29. Athens and Navarino\n30. America to the Rescue\n31. Later\nAppendix I: Remarks on Numbers\nAppendix II: The Principal Philhellenic Expeditions\nNotes on the Select Bibliography\nSelect Bibliography\nBibliography of Primary and Secondary Material Since 1972\nNotes\nIndex", - 'no of illustrations': u'41', 'OBP Role Name6': u'', 'GBP price PDF': u'5.95', - 'OBP Role Name4': u'', 'OBP Role Name5': u'', 'OBP Role Name2': u'Introduction', - 'OBP Role Name3': u'', 'OBP Role Name1': u'Author', 'ONIX Status code': u'04', - 'LLC (Library of Congress Codes)': u'', 'publication day': u'1', - 'Copyright holder 2': u'', 'Language': u'English', 'Contributor 3 first name': u'', - 'CAD price hardback': u'54.95', 'USD price paperback': u'26.95', 'ONIX tag1': u'By (author)', - 'ONIX tag3': u'', 'ONIX tag2': u'Introduction by', 'ONIX tag5': u'', - 'ONIX tag4': u'', 'no of audio/video': u'0', 'EUR price mobi': u'7.95', - 'Version of the license': u'2.0', 'publication year': u'2008', - 'CAD price paperback': u'29.95', 'Full-text URL - PDF': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/3', - 'Copyright holder 1': u'William St Clair', 'Copyright holder 3': u'', - 'Short Blurb (less than 100 words)': u'When in 1821, the Greeks rose in violent revolution against Ottoman rule, waves of sympathy spread across western Europe and the USA. Inspired by a belief that Greece had a unique claim on the sympathy of the world, more than a thousand Philhellenes set out to fight for the cause. This meticulously researched and highly readable account of their aspirations and experiences has long been the standard account of the Philhellenic movement and essential reading for students of the Greek War of Independence, Byron and European Romanticism. Its relevance to more modern conflicts is also becoming increasingly appreciated.', - 'BIC subject code 3': u'3JH', 'BIC subject code 2': u'1DVG', 'BIC subject code 1': u'HBJD', - 'ISSN Digital with dashes': u'', 'USD price mobi': u'9.95', 'BIC subject code 5': u'', - 'BIC subject code 4': u'', 'ONIX Language Code': u'eng', 'AUD price paperback': u'29.95', - 'AUD price mobi': u'9.95', 'No. in the Series': u'', 'CAD price PDF': u'9.95', - 'CAD price mobi': u'9.95', 'DOI suffix': u'OBP.0001', 'USD price PDF': u'9.95', - 'Book-page URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/3', - 'Academic discipline (OBP)': u'History and Biography', 'EUR price paperback': u'19.95', - 'License': u'CC BY-NC-ND', 'AUD price PDF': u'9.95', 'Contributor 3 surname': u'', - 'AUD price hardback': u'54.95', 'ISBN 4': u'9781906924027epub', 'no of pages': u'440', - 'ISBN 2': u'9781906924010', 'ISBN 3': u'9781906924027', 'ISBN 1': u'9781906924003', - 'pages': u'xxi + 419', 'Contributor 4 surname': u'', 'USD price hardback': u'48.95', - 'Full-text URL - HTML': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/htmlreader/978-1-906924-00-3/main.html', - 'GBP price mobi': u'5.95', 'Format 1': u'Paperback ', 'EUR price PDF': u'7.95', 'Format 3': u'pdf', - 'Format 2': u'Hardback', 'Format 5': u'mobi', 'Format 4': u'epub', 'MARC Code1': u'aut', - 'MARC Code2': u'aui', 'MARC Code3': u'', 'MARC Code4': u'', 'MARC Code5': u'', - 'MARC Code6': u'', 'ISO Language Code': u'en'} - ] + TEST_BOOKS = [{ + '': u'', + 'Author1First': u'Joseph', + 'Author1Last': u'Necvatal', + 'Author1Role': u'', + 'Author2First': u'', + 'Author2Last': u'', + 'Author2Role': u'', + 'Author3First': u'', + 'Author3Last': u'', + 'Author3Role': u'', + 'AuthorBio': u'', + 'AuthorsList': u'Joseph Nechvatal', + 'BISACCode1': u'', + 'BISACCode2': u'', + 'BISACCode3': u'', + 'Book-level DOI': u'10.3998/ohp.9618970.0001.001', + 'ClothISBN': u'N/A', + 'CopyrightYear': u'2011', + 'DescriptionBrief': u'', + 'DescriptionLong': u'', + 'Excerpt': u'', + 'FullTitle': u'Immersion into Noise', + 'License': u'CC BY-SA', + 'List Price in USD (paper ISBN)': u'23.99', + 'ListPriceCurrencyType': u'', + 'PaperISBN': u'9781607852414', + 'Publisher': u'Open Humanities Press', + 'SubjectListMARC': u'', + 'Subtitle': u'', + 'TableOfContents': u'', + 'Title': u'Immersion into Noise', + 'URL': u'https://doi.org/10.3998/ohp.9618970.0001.001', + 'eISBN': u'N/A', + 'eListPrice': u'N/A', + 'ePublicationDate': u'', + 'eTerritoryRights': u'' + }, { + '': u'', + 'CAD price eub': u'9.95', + 'Title': u'That Greece Might Still Be Free', + 'USD price epub': u'9.95', + 'ISBN 2 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-01-0', + 'Plain Text Blurb': u'When in 1821, the Greeks rose in violent revolution against the rule of the Ottoman Turks, waves of sympathy spread across Western Europe and the United States. More than a thousand volunteers set out to fight for the cause. The Philhellenes, whether they set out to recreate the Athens of Pericles, start a new crusade, or make money out of a war, all felt that Greece had unique claim on the sympathy of the world. As Lord Byron wrote, "I dreamed that Greece might still be Free"; and he died at Missolonghi trying to translate that dream into reality. William St Clair\'s meticulously researched and highly readable account of their aspirations and experiences was hailed as definitive when it was first published. Long out of print, it remains the standard account of the Philhellenic movement and essential reading for any students of the Greek War of Independence, Byron, and European Romanticism. Its relevance to more modern ethnic and religious conflicts is becoming increasingly appreciated by scholars worldwide. This revised edition includes a new introduction by Roderick Beaton, an updated bibliography and many new illustrations.', + 'Cover URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/shopimages/products/cover/3', + 'keywords': u'Greece; Greek History; Lord Byron; War of Independence; Philhellenes; war; history; Romanticism', + 'Publication type': u'Monograph', 'GBP price epub': u'5.95', 'publication month': u'11', 'no of tables': u'', + 'GBP price paperback': u'15.95', 'AUD price epub': u'9.95', 'ISBN 4 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7-epub', + 'DOI prefix': u'10.11647', 'License URL (human-readable summary)': u'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/', + 'Contributor 5 surname': u'', 'Contributor 1 first name': u'William', 'Contributor 6 first name': u'', + 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)6': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)5': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)4': u'', + 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)3': u'', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)2': u'A24', 'ONIX Role Code (List 17)1': u'A01', + 'GBP price hardback': u'29.95', 'Subtitle': u'The Philhellenes in the War of Independence', 'ONIX tag6': u'', + 'ISBN 3 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7', 'Countries excluded': u'None', 'first edition publication date': u'39753', + 'Original Language': u'English', 'ISBN 1 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-00-3', 'Contributor 4 first name': u'', + 'ISBN 5 with dashes': u'978-1-906924-02-7-mobi', 'Contributor 2 surname': u'Beaton', + 'License URL (our copyright tab)': u'https://www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781906924003#copyright', + 'BISAC subject code 1': u'HIS042000', 'BISAC subject code 3': u'HIS037060', + 'BISAC subject code 2': u'HIS054000', 'BISAC subject code 5': u'', + 'BISAC subject code 4': u'', 'Status': u'Active', 'Geographic rights': u'Worldwide', + 'Series Name': u'', 'Contributor 5 first name': u'', 'ISSN Print with dashes': u'', + 'ISBN 5': u'9781906924027mobi', 'Contributor 1 surname': u'St Clair', + 'Contributor 2 first name': u'Roderick', + 'Book-page permanent URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/isbn/9781906924003', + 'EUR price hardback': u'36.95', 'EUR price epub': u'7.95', 'Contributor 6 surname': u'', + 'current edition number (integers only)': u'1', + 'Table of Content': u"Introduction by Roderick Beaton\n1. The Outbreak\n2. The Return of the Ancient Hellenes\n3. The Regiment\n4. Two Kinds of War\n5. The Cause of Greece, the Cause of Europe\n6. The Road to Marseilles\n7. Chios\n8. The Battalion of Philhellenes\n9. The Battle of Peta\n10. The Triumph of the Captains\n11. The Return Home\n12. The German Legion\n13. Knights and Crusaders\n14. Secrets of State\n15. Enter the British\n16. Lord Byron joins the Cause\n17. 'To bring Freedom and Knowledge to Greece'\n18. Arrivals at Missolonghi\n19. The Byron Brigade\n20. Essays in Regeneration\n21. The New Apostles\n22. The English Gold\n23. The Coming of the Arabs\n24. The Shade of Napoleon\n25. 'No freedom to fight for at home'\n26. French Idealism and French Cynicism\n27. Regulars Again\n28. A New Fleet\n29. Athens and Navarino\n30. America to the Rescue\n31. Later\nAppendix I: Remarks on Numbers\nAppendix II: The Principal Philhellenic Expeditions\nNotes on the Select Bibliography\nSelect Bibliography\nBibliography of Primary and Secondary Material Since 1972\nNotes\nIndex", + 'no of illustrations': u'41', 'OBP Role Name6': u'', 'GBP price PDF': u'5.95', + 'OBP Role Name4': u'', 'OBP Role Name5': u'', 'OBP Role Name2': u'Introduction', + 'OBP Role Name3': u'', 'OBP Role Name1': u'Author', 'ONIX Status code': u'04', + 'LLC (Library of Congress Codes)': u'', 'publication day': u'1', + 'Copyright holder 2': u'', 'Language': u'English', 'Contributor 3 first name': u'', + 'CAD price hardback': u'54.95', 'USD price paperback': u'26.95', 'ONIX tag1': u'By (author)', + 'ONIX tag3': u'', 'ONIX tag2': u'Introduction by', 'ONIX tag5': u'', + 'ONIX tag4': u'', 'no of audio/video': u'0', 'EUR price mobi': u'7.95', + 'Version of the license': u'2.0', 'publication year': u'2008', + 'CAD price paperback': u'29.95', 'Full-text URL - PDF': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/reader/3', + 'Copyright holder 1': u'William St Clair', 'Copyright holder 3': u'', + 'Short Blurb (less than 100 words)': u'When in 1821, the Greeks rose in violent revolution against Ottoman rule, waves of sympathy spread across western Europe and the USA. Inspired by a belief that Greece had a unique claim on the sympathy of the world, more than a thousand Philhellenes set out to fight for the cause. This meticulously researched and highly readable account of their aspirations and experiences has long been the standard account of the Philhellenic movement and essential reading for students of the Greek War of Independence, Byron and European Romanticism. Its relevance to more modern conflicts is also becoming increasingly appreciated.', + 'BIC subject code 3': u'3JH', 'BIC subject code 2': u'1DVG', 'BIC subject code 1': u'HBJD', + 'ISSN Digital with dashes': u'', 'USD price mobi': u'9.95', 'BIC subject code 5': u'', + 'BIC subject code 4': u'', 'ONIX Language Code': u'eng', 'AUD price paperback': u'29.95', + 'AUD price mobi': u'9.95', 'No. in the Series': u'', 'CAD price PDF': u'9.95', + 'CAD price mobi': u'9.95', 'DOI suffix': u'OBP.0001', 'USD price PDF': u'9.95', + 'Book-page URL': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/3', + 'Academic discipline (OBP)': u'History and Biography', 'EUR price paperback': u'19.95', + 'License': u'CC BY-NC-ND', 'AUD price PDF': u'9.95', 'Contributor 3 surname': u'', + 'AUD price hardback': u'54.95', 'ISBN 4': u'9781906924027epub', 'no of pages': u'440', + 'ISBN 2': u'9781906924010', 'ISBN 3': u'9781906924027', 'ISBN 1': u'9781906924003', + 'pages': u'xxi + 419', 'Contributor 4 surname': u'', 'USD price hardback': u'48.95', + 'Full-text URL - HTML': u'http://www.openbookpublishers.com/htmlreader/978-1-906924-00-3/main.html', + 'GBP price mobi': u'5.95', 'Format 1': u'Paperback ', 'EUR price PDF': u'7.95', 'Format 3': u'pdf', + 'Format 2': u'Hardback', 'Format 5': u'mobi', 'Format 4': u'epub', 'MARC Code1': u'aut', + 'MARC Code2': u'aui', 'MARC Code3': u'', 'MARC Code4': u'', 'MARC Code5': u'', + 'MARC Code6': u'', 'ISO Language Code': u'en' + }] results = load_from_books(TEST_BOOKS) for (book, work, edition) in results: - assert (loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition)) - - - + assert loaded_book_ok(book, work, edition) diff --git a/core/validation.py b/core/validation.py index 908d4c6b..aed5a3fd 100644 --- a/core/validation.py +++ b/core/validation.py @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ID_VALIDATION = { 'http': (re.compile(r"(https?|ftp)://(-\.)?([^\s/?\.#]+\.?)+(/[^\s]*)?$", flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.S), "The Web Address must be a valid http(s) URL."), - 'isbn': (r'^([\dxX\-–— ]+|delete)$', + 'isbn': (u'^([\\dxX \\-–—‐,;]+|delete)$', #includes unicode hyphen, endash and emdash "The ISBN must be a valid ISBN-13."), 'doab': (r'^(\d{1,6}|delete)$', "The value must be 1-6 digits."), @@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ ID_VALIDATION = { } def isbn_cleaner(value): - if value == 'delete': - return value if not value: raise ValidationError('no identifier value found') elif value == 'delete': @@ -132,6 +130,8 @@ def valid_xml_char_ordinal(c): ) def valid_subject(subject_name): + if len(subject_name) > 200: + return False num_commas = 0 for c in subject_name: if not valid_xml_char_ordinal(c): @@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ def valid_subject(subject_name): num_commas += 1 if num_commas > 2: return False + if len(subject_name.split('--')) > 6: + return False + if len(subject_name.split('. ')) > 4: + return False return True reverse_name_comma = re.compile(r',(?! *Jr[\., ])') diff --git a/frontend/forms/bibforms.py b/frontend/forms/bibforms.py index 61f7d6c0..54881461 100644 --- a/frontend/forms/bibforms.py +++ b/frontend/forms/bibforms.py @@ -149,14 +149,27 @@ class EditionForm(forms.ModelForm): id_type = self.cleaned_data['id_type'] id_value = self.cleaned_data.get('id_value','').strip() if id_value: - identifier = Identifier.objects.filter(type=id_type, value=id_value) - if identifier: - err_msg = "{} is a duplicate for work #{}.".format(identifier[0], identifier[0].work_id) - self.add_error('id_value', forms.ValidationError(err_msg)) try: - self.cleaned_data['id_value'] = identifier_cleaner(id_type)(id_value) + id_value = identifier_cleaner(id_type)(id_value) + identifier = Identifier.objects.filter(type=id_type, value=id_value) + ident = identifier[0] if identifier else None + if not ident or not self.instance: + self.cleaned_data['id_value'] = id_value + elif ident.edition_id == self.instance.id: + self.cleaned_data['id_value'] = id_value + elif not ident.edition_id and ident.work_id == self.instance.work_id: + self.cleaned_data['id_value'] = id_value + else: + if ident.edition_id: + err_msg = "{} is a duplicate for edition #{}.".format(id_value, ident.edition_id) + else: + err_msg = "{} is a duplicate for work #{}.".format(id_value, ident.work_id) + self.add_error('id_value', forms.ValidationError(err_msg)) except forms.ValidationError, ve: - self.add_error('id_value', forms.ValidationError('{}: {}'.format(ve.message, id_value))) + self.add_error( + 'id_value', + forms.ValidationError('{}: {}'.format(ve.message, id_value)) + ) return self.cleaned_data class Meta: diff --git a/frontend/forms/rh_forms.py b/frontend/forms/rh_forms.py index ec899956..09a9212d 100644 --- a/frontend/forms/rh_forms.py +++ b/frontend/forms/rh_forms.py @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ from django.conf import settings from django.forms.extras.widgets import SelectDateWidget from django.forms.widgets import RadioSelect from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ +from django.utils.timezone import now from regluit.core.lookups import OwnerLookup from regluit.core.models import Campaign, Edition, Claim, RightsHolder, WasWork from regluit.core.parameters import * -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now class RightsHolderForm(forms.ModelForm): email = forms.EmailField( diff --git a/frontend/templates/base.html b/frontend/templates/base.html index f2d07885..95dc6115 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/base.html +++ b/frontend/templates/base.html @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@

  • +
diff --git a/frontend/templates/bypub_list.html b/frontend/templates/bypub_list.html index d1f72ae1..e3a9eab4 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/bypub_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/bypub_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'work_list.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% block title %} Works published by {{ pubname }} {% endblock %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/campaign_list.html b/frontend/templates/campaign_list.html index 57105b56..b4f84433 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/campaign_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/campaign_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/cc_list.html b/frontend/templates/cc_list.html index 08672e79..bfd4359b 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/cc_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/cc_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/claim.html b/frontend/templates/claim.html index 84781dde..2bdc4ce2 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/claim.html +++ b/frontend/templates/claim.html @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ {% block doccontent %}

Rights Holder Claim Form

+{% if work %}

Rightsholder making claim

{{ rights_holder.rights_holder_name }}

Work being claimed

@@ -42,4 +43,7 @@ {% endif %} +{% else %} +Please find a work to claim. +{% endif %} {% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/frontend/templates/faceted_list.html b/frontend/templates/faceted_list.html index 93d31b44..dde55fa2 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/faceted_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/faceted_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/libraryauth/library.html b/frontend/templates/libraryauth/library.html index 135ddae1..9c9209a0 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/libraryauth/library.html +++ b/frontend/templates/libraryauth/library.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load sass_tags %} {% load truncatechars %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/recommended.html b/frontend/templates/recommended.html index 0ebfbe87..b2f8195b 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/recommended.html +++ b/frontend/templates/recommended.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'work_list.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% block title %} Books we're recommending. {% endblock %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/supporter.html b/frontend/templates/supporter.html index a9a82c29..ff3b0d74 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/supporter.html +++ b/frontend/templates/supporter.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load truncatechars %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/unglued_list.html b/frontend/templates/unglued_list.html index ce732e15..3670d821 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/unglued_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/unglued_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templates/work_list.html b/frontend/templates/work_list.html index d5361aa6..dcf4c1c1 100644 --- a/frontend/templates/work_list.html +++ b/frontend/templates/work_list.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load endless %} +{% load el_pagination_tags %} {% load lang_utils %} {% load sass_tags %} diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/bookpanel.py b/frontend/templatetags/bookpanel.py index 97703d56..814bd65d 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/bookpanel.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/bookpanel.py @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ from django import template -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now +from django.utils.timezone import now + from regluit.core.parameters import REWARDS, BUY2UNGLUE register = template.Library() diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/lang_utils.py b/frontend/templatetags/lang_utils.py index 96bb927b..a6846a7c 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/lang_utils.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/lang_utils.py @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -""" -The truncatechars filter is part of Django dev, but we're on 1.3.1 -The following is the filter and its dependencies -To use this filter, put "{% load truncatechars %}" at the beginning of your template, -then {{ myvariable|truncatechars:num }} -""" import unicodedata -from django.template.base import Library +from django.template import Library from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter from django.utils.translation import get_language_info diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/lib_acqs.py b/frontend/templatetags/lib_acqs.py index 62993a45..caa0ddc2 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/lib_acqs.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/lib_acqs.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now +from django.utils.timezone import now from django import template register = template.Library() diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/purchased.py b/frontend/templatetags/purchased.py index d52986dc..8a6223c5 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/purchased.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/purchased.py @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now from django import template +from django.utils.timezone import now + from regluit.core.models import Acq register = template.Library() diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/truncatechars.py b/frontend/templatetags/truncatechars.py index 95964504..2754ebf7 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/truncatechars.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/truncatechars.py @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ then {{ myvariable|truncatechars:num }} import unicodedata from django import template -from django.template.base import Library +from django.template import Library from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy, SimpleLazyObject diff --git a/frontend/templatetags/urldecode.py b/frontend/templatetags/urldecode.py index 19b4c9ef..94d87c6e 100644 --- a/frontend/templatetags/urldecode.py +++ b/frontend/templatetags/urldecode.py @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ """ from urllib import unquote -from django.template.base import Library +from django.template import Library from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter register = Library() diff --git a/frontend/tests.py b/frontend/tests.py index fdfdf43d..c182e51b 100755 --- a/frontend/tests.py +++ b/frontend/tests.py @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from django.core import mail from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client +from django.utils.timezone import now from notification.models import Notice @@ -21,7 +22,6 @@ from regluit.core.models import Work, Campaign, RightsHolder, Claim, Subject from regluit.payment.models import Transaction from regluit.payment.manager import PaymentManager from regluit.payment.stripelib import StripeClient, TEST_CARDS, ERROR_TESTING, card -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now class WishlistTests(TestCase): fixtures = ['initial_data.json', 'neuromancer.json'] diff --git a/frontend/urls.py b/frontend/urls.py index da823208..ec583cb1 100644 --- a/frontend/urls.py +++ b/frontend/urls.py @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ urlpatterns = [ url(r"^rightsholders/campaign/(?P\d+)/mademobi/$", views.manage_campaign, {'action': 'mademobi'}, name="mademobi"), url(r"^rightsholders/edition/(?P\d*)/(?P\d*)$", views.edit_edition, {'by': 'rh'}, name="rh_edition"), url(r"^rightsholders/edition/(?P\d*)/upload/$", views.edition_uploads, name="edition_uploads"), - url(r"^rightsholders/claim/$", views.claim, name="claim"), + url(r"^rightsholders/claim/$", login_required(views.claim), name="claim"), url(r"^rightsholders/surveys/$", views.surveys, name="surveys"), url(r"^rightsholders/new_survey/(?P\d*)/?$", views.new_survey, name="new_survey"), url(r"^rightsholders/surveys/answers_(?P\d+)_(?P\d*).csv$", views.export_surveys, name="survey_answers"), diff --git a/frontend/views/__init__.py b/frontend/views/__init__.py index 10c03d49..4c887cd6 100755 --- a/frontend/views/__init__.py +++ b/frontend/views/__init__.py @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils.http import urlencode from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ +from django.utils.timezone import now from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST from django.views.generic.edit import FormView @@ -123,11 +124,11 @@ from regluit.payment.parameters import ( COMPANY_TITLE ) -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today from regluit.libraryauth.forms import UserNamePass from regluit.libraryauth.views import Authenticator, superlogin, login_user from regluit.libraryauth.models import Library from regluit.marc.views import qs_marc_records +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today from questionnaire.models import Landing, Questionnaire from questionnaire.views import export_summary as answer_summary, export_csv as export_answers diff --git a/frontend/views/bibedit.py b/frontend/views/bibedit.py index 4951c341..afc09525 100644 --- a/frontend/views/bibedit.py +++ b/frontend/views/bibedit.py @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from regluit.core.bookloader import ( from regluit.core.parameters import WORK_IDENTIFIERS from regluit.core.loaders import add_by_webpage +from regluit.core.loaders.doab import add_by_doab from regluit.core.loaders.utils import ids_from_urls from regluit.frontend.forms import EditionForm, IdentifierForm @@ -106,6 +107,11 @@ def get_edition_for_id(id_type, id_value, user=None): if edition: return user_edition(edition, user) + if identifiers.has_key('doab'): + edition = add_by_doab(identifiers['doab']) + if edition: + return user_edition(edition, user) + if identifiers.has_key('oclc'): edition = add_by_oclc(identifiers['oclc']) if edition: @@ -296,11 +302,17 @@ def edit_edition(request, work_id, edition_id, by=None): id_type = form.cleaned_data['id_type'] id_val = form.cleaned_data['id_value'] - if id_val == 'delete': - if edition.identifiers.exclude(type=id_type): - edition.identifiers.filter(type=id_type).delete() + if id_val == 'delete': + if id_type in WORK_IDENTIFIERS: + if edition.work.identifiers.exclude(type=id_type): + edition.work.identifiers.filter(type=id_type).delete() + else: + alert = ('Can\'t delete identifier - must have at least one left.') else: - alert = ('Can\'t delete identifier - must have at least one left.') + if edition.identifiers.exclude(type=id_type): + edition.identifiers.filter(type=id_type).delete() + else: + alert = ('Can\'t delete identifier - must have at least one left.') elif id_val: models.Identifier.set( type=id_type, diff --git a/frontend/views/rh_views.py b/frontend/views/rh_views.py index 5b6efed9..02e5990f 100644 --- a/frontend/views/rh_views.py +++ b/frontend/views/rh_views.py @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ class ClaimView(CreateView): return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('rightsholders')) def get_context_data(self, form): + if not form.is_valid(): + return {'form': form} work = form.cleaned_data['work'] rights_holder = form.cleaned_data['rights_holder'] active_claims = work.claim.exclude(status = 'release') diff --git a/libraryauth/__init__.py b/libraryauth/__init__.py index 2d4b87bf..0b8d2420 100644 --- a/libraryauth/__init__.py +++ b/libraryauth/__init__.py @@ -1 +1,9 @@ -from . import signals \ No newline at end of file +from django.apps import AppConfig + +default_app_config = 'regluit.libraryauth.LibraryAuthConfig' + +class LibraryAuthConfig(AppConfig): + name = 'regluit.libraryauth' + + def ready(self): + from . import signals \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libraryauth/models.py b/libraryauth/models.py index e253fc47..527c2a82 100644 --- a/libraryauth/models.py +++ b/libraryauth/models.py @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from django.core import validators from django.db import models from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.signals import post_save -from django.forms import IPAddressField as BaseIPAddressField +from django.forms import GenericIPAddressField as BaseIPAddressField from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse diff --git a/libraryauth/templatetags/libraryauthtags.py b/libraryauth/templatetags/libraryauthtags.py index 7e7c5790..9bdd57a9 100644 --- a/libraryauth/templatetags/libraryauthtags.py +++ b/libraryauth/templatetags/libraryauthtags.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import unicodedata -from django.template.base import Library +from django.template import Library from .. import models register = Library() diff --git a/payment/baseprocessor.py b/payment/baseprocessor.py index 4a577e42..2c3bea66 100644 --- a/payment/baseprocessor.py +++ b/payment/baseprocessor.py @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ from datetime import timedelta django imports """ from django.http import HttpResponseForbidden +from django.utils.timezone import now """ regluit imports """ from regluit.payment.models import PaymentResponse -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, zuluformat class ProcessorError(Exception): """An abstraction around payment processor exceptions""" diff --git a/payment/manager.py b/payment/manager.py index 4ac1e7ef..bfdf2e36 100644 --- a/payment/manager.py +++ b/payment/manager.py @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ django imports from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse +from django.utils.timezone import now """ regluit imports @@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ from regluit.payment import credit from regluit.payment.models import Transaction, Receiver, PaymentResponse, Account from regluit.payment.parameters import * from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged, pledge_modified, pledge_created -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/payment/models.py b/payment/models.py index e3506706..3cf6a8f5 100644 --- a/payment/models.py +++ b/payment/models.py @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from django.db.models import Q from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete from django.utils.http import urlquote +from django.utils.timezone import now ## django module imports @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ from regluit.payment.parameters import ( ) from regluit.payment.signals import credit_balance_added, pledge_created -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, date_today +from regluit.utils.localdatetime import date_today logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/payment/stripelib.py b/payment/stripelib.py index 9cea6917..072b3d7e 100644 --- a/payment/stripelib.py +++ b/payment/stripelib.py @@ -6,12 +6,15 @@ external library imports """ import logging import json -import re -import stripe from datetime import datetime, timedelta from itertools import islice from pytz import utc +import re +import unittest +from unittest import TestCase + +import stripe """ django imports @@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ django imports from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.http import HttpResponse +from django.utils.timezone import now """ regluit imports @@ -35,7 +39,6 @@ from regluit.payment.parameters import ( TRANSACTION_STATUS_CANCELED ) from regluit.payment.signals import transaction_charged, transaction_failed -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now, zuluformat # as of 2013.07.15 # ['charge.disputed', 'coupon.updated'] are legacy events -- don't know whether to @@ -73,12 +76,6 @@ def grouper(iterable, page_size): class StripelibError(baseprocessor.ProcessorError): pass -try: - import unittest - from unittest import TestCase -except: - from django.test import TestCase - from django.utils import unittest # if customer.id doesn't exist, create one and then charge the customer # we probably should ask our users whether they are ok with our creating a customer id account -- or ask for credit diff --git a/payment/tests.py b/payment/tests.py index 07ffaa9a..c90e3424 100644 --- a/payment/tests.py +++ b/payment/tests.py @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import logging import os import time import traceback +import unittest from datetime import timedelta from decimal import Decimal as D @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import URLValidator from django.test import TestCase -from django.utils import unittest +from django.utils.timezone import now """ regluit imports @@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ from regluit.core.signals import handle_transaction_charged from regluit.payment.manager import PaymentManager from regluit.payment.models import Transaction, Account from regluit.payment.parameters import * -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now def setup_selenium(): # Set the display window for our xvfb diff --git a/payment/views.py b/payment/views.py index 32454711..d7c01fe0 100644 --- a/payment/views.py +++ b/payment/views.py @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ django imports """ from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User -from django.contrib.sites.models import RequestSite +from django.contrib.sites.requests import RequestSite from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import ( HttpResponse, @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from django.http import ( from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment +from django.utils.timezone import now from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.generic.edit import FormView from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView @@ -38,7 +39,6 @@ from regluit.payment.models import Transaction from regluit.payment.parameters import * from regluit.payment.stripelib import STRIPE_PK from regluit.payment.tests import PledgeTest, AuthorizeTest -from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) diff --git a/requirements_versioned.pip b/requirements_versioned.pip index 2ab516c7..cb20fb10 100644 --- a/requirements_versioned.pip +++ b/requirements_versioned.pip @@ -3,19 +3,14 @@ Fabric==1.6.0 MySQL-python==1.2.5 Pillow==3.4.2 PyJWT==1.4.1 -PyPDF2==1.23 +PyPDF2==1.26 PyGithub==1.15.0 PyYAML==3.11 -git+git://github.com/urschrei/pyzotero.git@v0.9.51 -SPARQLWrapper==1.6.4 -WebOb==1.2.3 -WebTest==1.4.0 amqp==1.4.9 anyjson==0.3.3 billiard== awscli==1.10.26 boto==2.42.0 -#git+ssh://git@github.com/Gluejar/boto.git@2.3.0 celery==3.1.23 certifi==2016.2.28 # pip installing pillow seems to delete distribute @@ -24,36 +19,34 @@ certifi==2016.2.28 django-celery==3.1.17 django-ckeditor==4.5.1 #django-email-change==0.2.3 -git+git://github.com/eshellman/django-email-change.git@1e71dd320504d56b1fc7d447ce4cffb550cedce7 +git+git://github.com/eshellman/django-email-change.git@57169bdef1c8a41d122e2bab2dcd8564b8fb231d django-compat==1.0.10 django-contrib-comments==1.7.1 -django-endless-pagination==2.0 +django-el-pagination==3.2.4 django-extensions==1.6.1 django-jsonfield==1.0.0 #django-kombu==0.9.4 django-maintenancemode==0.11.2 django-mptt==0.8.5 -#django-nose-selenium==0.7.3 #django-notification==0.2 -git+git://github.com/eshellman/django-notification.git@412c7a03a327195a1017c2be92c8e2caabc880b6 +git+git://github.com/eshellman/django-notification.git@a4620e893e2da220994e0189bf5d980bfbdcf0ad django-registration==2.1.2 django-selectable==0.9.0 django-smtp-ssl==1.0 django-storages==1.4.1 django-tastypie==0.13.3 -django-transmeta==0.7.3 -feedparser==5.1.2 +#django-transmeta==0.7.3 +git+git://github.com/resulto/django-transmeta.git@ad4d7278ba330dcf8c8446f8ae9b2c769ae8684e fef-questionnaire==4.0.1 -freebase==1.0.8 #gitenberg.metadata==0.1.6 git+https://github.com/gitenberg-dev/gitberg-build #git+ssh://git@github.com/gitenberg-dev/metadata.git@0.1.11 github3.py==0.9.5 -html5lib==1.0b3 +html5lib==1.0.1 httplib2==0.7.5 isodate==0.5.1 kombu==3.0.35 -lxml==2.3.5 +lxml==4.2.1 defusedxml==0.4.1 mechanize==0.2.5 mimeparse==0.1.3 @@ -66,6 +59,7 @@ paramiko==1.14.1 postmonkey==1.0b pycrypto==2.6 pymarc==3.0.2 +pyoai==2.5.0 pyparsing==2.0.3 python-dateutil==2.5.3 python-mimeparse==0.1.4 @@ -75,12 +69,12 @@ pytz==2016.6.1 rdflib==4.2.0 rdflib-jsonld==0.3 redis==2.10.3 -reportlab==3.1.8 +reportlab==3.4.0 requests==2.10.0 requests-mock==1.2.0 requests-oauthlib==0.6.2 selenium==2.53.1 -six==1.9.0 +six==1.11.0 sorl-thumbnail==12.3 ssh==1.7.14 stevedore==1.12.0 @@ -89,7 +83,8 @@ virtualenv==1.4.9 # virtualenv-clone==0.2.4 not sure why I have this in my env #virtualenvwrapper==3.6 wsgiref==0.1.2 -xhtml2pdf==0.0.6 +xhtml2pdf==0.2.2 +webencodings==0.5.1 #for urllib3 secure cffi==1.7.0 cryptography==2.1.4 diff --git a/settings/common.py b/settings/common.py index 790c9491..1b918e6a 100644 --- a/settings/common.py +++ b/settings/common.py @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'social.apps.django_app.default', 'tastypie', 'djcelery', - 'endless_pagination', + 'el_pagination', 'selectable', 'regluit.frontend.templatetags', 'notification', diff --git a/settings/dev.py b/settings/dev.py index 059cccbe..db16a8e1 100644 --- a/settings/dev.py +++ b/settings/dev.py @@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ DATABASES = { 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', - 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', + 'TEST': { + 'CHARSET': 'utf8', + } } } diff --git a/settings/jenkins.py b/settings/jenkins.py index e3c1b841..b0282f70 100644 --- a/settings/jenkins.py +++ b/settings/jenkins.py @@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ DATABASES = { 'PASSWORD': 'regluit', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', - 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', + 'TEST': { + 'CHARSET': 'utf8', + } } } diff --git a/settings/just.py b/settings/just.py index bb0f3332..8f395b01 100644 --- a/settings/just.py +++ b/settings/just.py @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ DATABASES = { 'PASSWORD': DATABASE_PASSWORD, 'HOST': DATABASE_HOST, 'PORT': '', - 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8' + 'TEST': { + 'CHARSET': 'utf8', + } } } diff --git a/settings/please.py b/settings/please.py index 79c1e0e4..d9837a49 100644 --- a/settings/please.py +++ b/settings/please.py @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ DATABASES = { 'PASSWORD': DATABASE_PASSWORD, 'HOST': DATABASE_HOST, 'PORT': '', - 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', + 'TEST': { + 'CHARSET': 'utf8', + } } } diff --git a/settings/prod.py b/settings/prod.py index 0b02ae44..06870e60 100644 --- a/settings/prod.py +++ b/settings/prod.py @@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ DATABASES = { 'PASSWORD': DATABASE_PASSWORD, 'HOST': DATABASE_HOST, 'PORT': '', - 'TEST_CHARSET': 'utf8', + 'TEST': { + 'CHARSET': 'utf8', + } } } diff --git a/utils/__init__.py b/utils/__init__.py index aa53091f..8b137891 100644 --- a/utils/__init__.py +++ b/utils/__init__.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -import localdatetime + diff --git a/utils/lang.py b/utils/lang.py index 1b679533..b584fb7e 100644 --- a/utils/lang.py +++ b/utils/lang.py @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ from django.conf.global_settings import LANGUAGES lang2code = dict([ (lang[1].lower(), lang[0]) for lang in LANGUAGES ]) +code2lang = dict(LANGUAGES) def get_language_code(language): - return lang2code.get(language.lower().strip(), '') + language = language.lower().strip() + if language in code2lang: + return language + return lang2code.get(language, '') diff --git a/utils/localdatetime.py b/utils/localdatetime.py index 42529adc..3dfdd668 100644 --- a/utils/localdatetime.py +++ b/utils/localdatetime.py @@ -1,140 +1,8 @@ -""" -Utility to return datetime.datetime.utcnow() by default but allows for a custom utcnow() (e.g., for testing) +from django.utils.timezone import now ->>> import regluit ->>> from regluit.utils.localdatetime import now ->>> now() -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8, 14, 0, 35, 409270) ->>> now() -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8, 14, 0, 36, 985271) ->>> n = now() ->>> n -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8, 14, 1, 54, 650679) ->>> regluit.utils.localdatetime._now = lambda: n ->>> now() -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8, 14, 1, 54, 650679) ->>> now() -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8, 14, 1, 54, 650679) ->>> now() - -DST handled: - ->>> ptz = pytz.timezone('America/Los_Angeles') ->>> make_naive(datetime.datetime(2012,03,11,10,tzinfo=utc), ptz) -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 11, 3, 0) ->>> make_naive(datetime.datetime(2012,03,11,9,tzinfo=utc), ptz) -datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 11, 1, 0) - ->>> make_aware(datetime.datetime(2012,11,4,1,30), ptz) -Traceback (most recent call last): - File "", line 1, in - File "/Users/raymondyee/C/src/Gluejar/regluit/utils/localdatetime.py", line 90, in make_aware - return timezone.localize(value, is_dst=None) - File "/Users/raymondyee/.virtualenvs/regluit/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytz/tzinfo.py", line 349, in localize - raise AmbiguousTimeError(dt) -AmbiguousTimeError: 2012-11-04 01:30:00 - - -""" - -import pytz -import datetime -import django -from django.conf import settings - -# for Django 1.3.x, return a timestamp naive now() -# for Django 1.4 should switch to django.utils.timezone.now() -# see https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/timezone.py?rev=17642#L232 - -def now(): - if hasattr(settings, 'LOCALDATETIME_NOW') and settings.LOCALDATETIME_NOW is not None: - return settings.LOCALDATETIME_NOW() - else: - try: - return django.utils.timezone.now() - except AttributeError, e: - return datetime.datetime.now() -# provide a replacement for datetime.date.today() -# this will be timezone naive -- is that what we really want? +# switch to django.utils.timezone.localdate in django 1.11 def date_today(): return now().date() -# borrow a lot of the routines/code that will be in Django 1.4+ django.utils.timezone -# https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/timezone.py - -utc = pytz.utc - -def get_default_timezone(): - return pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE) - -def is_aware(value): - """ - Determines if a given datetime.datetime is aware. - - The logic is described in Python's docs: - http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#datetime.tzinfo - """ - return value.tzinfo is not None and value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value) is not None - -def is_naive(value): - """ - Determines if a given datetime.datetime is naive. - - The logic is described in Python's docs: - http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html#datetime.tzinfo - """ - return value.tzinfo is None or value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value) is None - -def make_aware(value, timezone): - """ - Makes a naive datetime.datetime in a given time zone aware. - """ - if hasattr(timezone, 'localize'): - # available for pytz time zones - return timezone.localize(value, is_dst=None) - else: - # may be wrong around DST changes - return value.replace(tzinfo=timezone) - -def make_naive(value, timezone): - """ - Makes an aware datetime.datetime naive in a given time zone. - """ - value = value.astimezone(timezone) - if hasattr(timezone, 'normalize'): - # available for pytz time zones - value = timezone.normalize(value) - return value.replace(tzinfo=None) - -def isoformat(value): - """ - if value is naive, assume it's in the default_timezone - """ - if is_naive(value): - return make_aware(value, get_default_timezone()).isoformat() - else: - return value.isoformat() - -def zuluformat(value): - """format value in zulu format -- e.g., 2012-03-26T17:47:22.654449Z""" - return "{0}Z".format(as_utc_naive(value).isoformat()) - -def as_utc_naive(value): - """ - if value is naive, assume it's in the default time zone, then convert to UTC but make naive - """ - if is_naive(value): - return make_naive(make_aware(value, get_default_timezone()), utc) - else: - return make_naive(value, utc) - -def as_default_timezone_naive(value): - """ - if value is naive, assume it's in UTC and convert to the default tz and make it naive - """ - if is_naive(value): - return make_naive(make_aware(value, utc), get_default_timezone()) - else: - return make_naive(value, get_default_timezone())