Compute similarity measures and allow filtering of Gutenberg editions by these measures

Raymond Yee 2012-02-27 12:12:06 -08:00
parent 86fb15b8bc
commit 446907109f
1 changed files with 58 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -984,6 +984,64 @@ def repick_seed_isbn(max_num=None, do=False, print_progress=False):
print i, s.gutenberg_etext_id, s.seed_isbn, lang, gt_title, seeds, current_seed_ok, new_seed_isbn
yield (s.gutenberg_etext_id, s.seed_isbn, lang, gt_title, seeds, current_seed_ok, new_seed_isbn)
def compute_similarity_measures_for_seed_isbns(max_num=None):
Output the current seedisbn calculations with some measures to help spot errors in mapping, including
the Levenshtein distance/ratio between the Gutenberg title and the title of the edition corresponding to the
ISBN -- and a dominance factor (the ratio of the size of the largest cluster of ISBNs
divided by all the number of ISBNs in all the clusters). Idea: editions whose titles have big distances
and low dominance factors should be looked at more closely.
from Levenshtein import distance, ratio
# what proportion of all the ISBNs does the largest cluster make of all the ISBNs
# x is an iterable of cluster lengths
dominance = lambda x: float(max(x))/float(sum(x)) if len(x) else None
gluejar_db = GluejarDB()
seed_isbns = gluejar_db.session.query(SeedISBN, GutenbergText.lang, GutenbergText.title).join(GutenbergText, SeedISBN.gutenberg_etext_id==GutenbergText.etext_id).all()
for (i, (seed_isbn, lang, gt_title)) in enumerate(islice(seed_isbns, max_num)):
res = json.loads(seed_isbn.results)
yield OrderedDict([('etext_id', seed_isbn.gutenberg_etext_id),
('gt_title', gt_title),
('dominance', dominance([len(cluster) for cluster in res[1]['lt_clusters']])),
('title_l_ratio', ratio(seed_isbn.title, gt_title) if (seed_isbn.title is not None and gt_title is not None) else None)])
def output_to_csv(f, headers, rows, write_header=True, convert_values_to_unicode=True):
take rows, an iterable of dicts (and corresponding headers) and output as a CSV file to f
from unicode_csv import UnicodeDictWriter
cw = UnicodeDictWriter(f, headers)
if write_header:
cw.writerow(dict([(h,h) for h in headers]))
for row in rows:
if convert_values_to_unicode:
row = dict([(k, unicode(v)) for (k,v) in row.items()])
return f
def filtered_gutenberg_and_seed_isbn(min_l_ratio=None, min_dominance=None, max_num=None, include_olid=False):
# compute the similarity measures and pass through only the Gutenberg records that meet the minimum lt_ratio and dominance
measures = compute_similarity_measures_for_seed_isbns()
measures_map = dict()
for measure in measures:
measures_map[measure['etext_id']] = measure
for item in gutenberg_and_seed_isbn(max=max_num, include_olid=include_olid):
g_id = item['gutenberg_etext_id']
accept = True
if min_dominance is not None and measures_map[g_id]['dominance'] is not None and measures_map[g_id]['dominance'] < min_dominance:
accept = False
if min_l_ratio is not None and measures_map[g_id]['title_l_ratio'] is not None and measures_map[g_id]['title_l_ratio'] < min_l_ratio:
accept = False
if accept:
yield item
class FreebaseClient(object):
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, main_or_sandbox='main'):