<p>Choose the Campaign Type: {{ claim.campaign_form.type }}{{ claim.campaign_form.type.errors }}</p>
<p>You can use <i>Buy-To-Unglue</i> These campaigns do not have a fixed end date. When your gross sales reach the target you set, the book is released in an open-access <i>unglued</i> edition.</p>
<I>If you were a registered rights holder with Unglue.it, you'd be able to see and manage your campaigns here. If you hold electronic rights to one or more works and you'd like to be a registered rights holder, please contact us at <ahref="mailto:rights@gluejar.com">rights@gluejar.com</a>.</I>
<li>Set up an Unglue.it account. (<ahref="{% url registration_register %}?next={% url rightsholders %}">Click here</a> or use the Sign Up button at the top of the page).</li>
{% else %}
<liclass="checked">You've already set up an Unglue.it account.</li>
{% endif %}
{% if not request.user.rights_holder.count %}<li>{% else %}<liclass="checked">{% endif %}Email <ahref="mailto:rights@gluejar.com?subject=Becoming%20an%20authorized%20rights%20holder">rights@gluejar.com</a> about becoming an authorized rights holder.</li>
{% if not request.user.rights_holder.count %}<li>{% else %}<liclass="checked">{% endif %}After we review your credentials, sign a <ahref="https://www.docracy.com/1mud3ve9w8/unglue-it-non-exclusive-platform-services-agreement">Platform Services Agreement</a>.</li>
<li>Agree to our <ahref="{{ termsurl }}">Terms</a> on the following page. This includes agreeing that you are making the claim in good faith and can substantiate that you have legal control over worldwide electronic rights to the work.</li>
<li>We will review your claim. We may contact you at {{ request.user.email }} if we have any questions. If this is the wrong email address, please <ahref="{% url regluit.frontend.views.edit_user %}">change the email address</a> for your account.</li>
<li>Once your claim is approved (you should get an email), you can set up a campaign for it. All the campaigns you can manage will be listed on this page, above.</li>
<li>You may optionally add other Unglue.it users as campaign managers, if you'd like them to be able to edit your campaign. That option will also appear on this page, above.</li>
<p> if you have an EPUB file ready to sell, you should use a "Buy to Unglue" campaign. Otherwise, you'll want to offer rewards in a "Pledge" campaign. </p>
Any print book can be scanned to create a digital file that can then become an ePub-format unglued ebook to be released after the Pledge Campaign succeeds.</p>
<p>Buy-to-Unglue is a program that sells ebook licenses to reach the campaign goal. To enable ebook sales, you'll need to upload an epub file for each book.
There are no “rewards” for a “Buy to Unglue” campaign, but you may offer time-limited, special price promotions for the ebook.</p>
A Buy-to-Unglue Campaign provides long-term promotion and sales opportunities for your ebook before it becomes an Unglued Ebook. Until the revenue goal is reached, supporters and libraries know that every book that gets purchased through Unglue.it brings the ungluing date closer to the present.
<p>Campaigns run for a short period (2-6 months) and can have rewards as a way to motivate and thank supporters for helping to reach your goal. You are strongly encouraged to add rewards - they are given special prominence on the campaign page.</p>
<p>What should you add as rewards? Anything (legal) that you think you can reasonably deliver that will get supporters excited about the book. For example: other books, whether electronic or physical; artwork or multimedia relating to the book, its author, or its themes; in-person or online chats with the author; memorabilia.</p>
<p>Here are the standard acknowledgements. These automatically combine with your rewards. For example, if you offer a $30 reward, ungluers who pledge $30 will receive the $25 acknowledgement as well.</p>