
203 lines
8.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block extra_css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/book_list.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/book_panel2.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/search.css">
<style type="text/css">
#scrolldown:last-child{ display:block}
#scrolldown{ display:none}
{% endblock %}
{% block extra_head %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/wishlist.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/greenpanel.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/toggle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.endlessScroll = function(options) {
var defaults = {
bottomPixels: 50,
fireOnce: true,
fireDelay: 150,
loader: "<br />Loading...<br />",
data: "",
insertAfter: "div:last",
resetCounter: function() { return false; },
callback: function() { return true; },
ceaseFire: function() { return false; }
var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
var firing = true;
var fired = false;
var fireSequence = 0;
if (options.ceaseFire.apply(this) === true) {
firing = false;
if (firing === true) {
$(this).scroll(function() {
if (options.ceaseFire.apply(this) === true) {
firing = false;
return; // Scroll will still get called, but nothing will happen
if (this == document || this == window) {
var is_scrollable = $(document).height() - $(window).height() <= $(window).scrollTop() + options.bottomPixels;
} else {
// calculates the actual height of the scrolling container
var inner_wrap = $(".endless_scroll_inner_wrap", this);
if (inner_wrap.length == 0) {
inner_wrap = $(this).wrapInner("<div class=\"endless_scroll_inner_wrap\" />").find(".endless_scroll_inner_wrap");
var is_scrollable = inner_wrap.length > 0 &&
(inner_wrap.height() - $(this).height() <= $(this).scrollTop() + options.bottomPixels);
if (is_scrollable && (options.fireOnce == false || (options.fireOnce == true && fired != true))) {
if (options.resetCounter.apply(this) === true) fireSequence = 0;
fired = true;
$(options.insertAfter).after("<div id=\"endless_scroll_loader\">" + options.loader + "</div>");
data = typeof == 'function' ?, [fireSequence]) :;
if (data !== false) {
$(options.insertAfter).after("<div id=\"endless_scroll_data\">" + data + "</div>");
options.callback.apply(this, [fireSequence]);
if (options.fireDelay !== false || options.fireDelay !== 0) {
$("body").after("<div id=\"endless_scroll_marker\"></div>");
// slight delay for preventing event firing twice
$("div#endless_scroll_marker").fadeTo(options.fireDelay, 1, function() {
fired = false;
else {
fired = false;
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
var page = 1;
$j(document).ready(function() {
bottomPixels: 250,
fireOnce: false,
fireDelay: false,
insertAfter: "#results-bottom",
loader: '<img src="/static/images/loading.gif" alt="loading..." />',
callback: function(p) {
page += 1;
var url = "?q={{ q }}&page=" + page;
$j.get(url, function(html) {
var view = $j(".listview").length > 0 ? "list" : "panel";
var results = $j(html).find(".book");
2015-03-06 22:00:07 +00:00
if($j.cookie('view')=='panel') {togglePanel();}
{% endblock %}
{% block title %}Google Books search results{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="main-container">
<div class="js-main">
<div id="js-leftcol">
{% include "explore.html" %}
<div id="js-maincol-fr">
<div class="js-maincol-inner">
<div id="content-block">
{% if campaign_works %}
<div class="content-block-heading">
2015-02-12 14:46:58 +00:00
<h2 class="content-heading">These books are Free, or want to be!</span></h2>
<ul class="book-list-view">
<li>View As:</li>
<li class="view-list">
<a href="#" id="toggle-list">
<img src="/static/images/booklist/view-list.png" align="view list" title="view list" height="21" width="24" alt="use list view" />
<li class="view-list">
<a href="#" id="toggle-panel">
<img src="/static/images/booklist/view-icon.png" align="view icon" title="view icon" height="22" width="22" alt="use panel view" />
<div id="content-block-content-1"><div id="unglueit-results" style="margin-bottom: 3em;">
{% for work in campaign_works %}
<div class="{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' %} book">
{% with work.googlebooks_id as googlebooks_id %}
{% with work.last_campaign_status as status %}
{% with work.last_campaign.deadline as deadline %}
{% include "book_panel.html" %}
{% endwith %}{% endwith %}{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="content-block-heading">
<h2 class="content-heading"><a href="{{q }}&amp;tbm=bks">Google Books</a> search results</span></h2>
2015-02-19 17:03:42 +00:00
{% if not campaign_works %}
<ul class="book-list-view">
<li>View As:</li>
<li class="view-list">
<a href="#" id="toggle-list">
<img src="/static/images/booklist/view-list.png" align="view list" title="view list" height="21" width="24" alt="use list view" />
<li class="view-list">
<a href="#" id="toggle-panel">
<img src="/static/images/booklist/view-icon.png" align="view icon" title="view icon" height="22" width="22" alt="use panel view" />
{% endif %}
<div id="content-block-content"><div id="results">
<div id="scrolldown" style=" text-indent: 12em; margin-bottom: 1em;">(scroll down or <a href="javascript:$j(document).scroll()">click</a> to see Google Books results)</div>
{% for work in results %}
{% if not work.last_campaign %}
<div class="{% cycle 'row1' 'row2' %} book">
{% with work.googlebooks_id as googlebooks_id %}
{% with 'yes' as on_search_page %}
{% include "book_panel.html" %}
2013-03-11 20:23:52 +00:00
{% endwith %}{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div id="results-bottom"></div>
{% endblock %}