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Utility for calling mobigen
from itertools import islice
from StringIO import StringIO
import requests
import uuid
from import default_storage
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile, File
from regluit.core.models import (Campaign, Ebook)
from regluit.core import parameters
def convert_to_mobi(input_url, input_format="application/epub+zip"):
return a string with the output of mobigen computation
# substitute file_path with a local epub or html file
#file_path = "/Users/raymondyee/D/Document/Gluejar/Gluejar.github/regluit/test-data/pg2701.epub"
#file_type = "application/epub+zip"
# where to write the output
#output_path = "/Users/raymondyee/Downloads/"
# url of the mobigen service
mobigen_url = ""
mobigen_user_id = "admin"
mobigen_password = "CXq5FSEQFgXtP_s"
# read the file and do a http post
# equivalent curl
# curl -k --user "admin:CXq5FSEQFgXtP_s" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/epub+zip" --data-binary "@/Users/raymondyee/D/Document/Gluejar/Gluejar.github/regluit/test-data/pg2701.epub" >
# using verify=False since at the moment, using a self-signed SSL cert.
payload = requests.get(input_url, verify=False).content
headers = {'Content-Type': input_format}
r =, auth=(mobigen_user_id, mobigen_password),
data=payload, verify=False, headers=headers)
# if HTTP reponse code is ok, the output is the mobi file; else error message
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.content
raise Exception("{0}: {1}".format(r.status_code, r.content))
# compute whether we can apply mobigen to a given edition to produce a mobi file
# need to have an ebook in epub or pdf format
# possible return values: already has a mobi file / can generate a mobi file / not possible
def edition_mobi_status(edition):
for a given edition, return:
* 1 if there is already a mobi ebook
* 0 if there is none but we have an epub or html to convert from
* -1 for no epub/html to convert from
formats = set([ebook.format for ebook in])
if 'mobi' in formats:
return 1
elif ('epub' in formats) or ('html' in formats):
return 0
return -1
def write_file_to_storage(file_object, content_type, path):
write file_object to the default_storage at given path
file_s3 = ContentFile(file_object)
file_s3.content_type = content_type, file_s3)
return file_s3
# generator for editions to add mobi to
# campaigns that can have mobi files but don't yet.
def editions_to_convert():
for campaign in Campaign.objects.filter(edition__ebooks__isnull=False).distinct():
# need to make sure campaign type is not B2U because kindlegen is for books we give awy free of charge
if (edition_mobi_status(campaign.edition) == 0) and (campaign.type != parameters.BUY2UNGLUE): # possible to generate mobi
yield campaign.edition
def generate_mobi_ebook_for_edition(edition):
# pull out the sister edition to convert from
sister_ebook = edition.ebooks.filter(format__in=['epub', 'html'])[0]
# run the conversion process
output = convert_to_mobi(sister_ebook.url)
#output = open("/Users/raymondyee/Downloads/").read()
file_ = write_file_to_storage(output,
# create a path for the ebookfile: IS THIS NECESSARY?
#ebfile = EbookFile(edition=edition, file=file_, format='mobi')
# maybe need to create an ebook pointing to ebookFile ?
# copy metadata from sister ebook
ebfile_url = default_storage.url(
#print (ebfile_url)
ebook = Ebook(url=ebfile_url,
return ebook