2013-09-16 01:43:01 +00:00
import zipfile
import os
import re
import uuid
from StringIO import StringIO
import datetime
import lxml.etree as ET
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
TMP = {"opf": None, "ncx": None}
FLO = None
"dc": "{http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/}",
"opf": "{http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf}",
"ncx": "{http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/}"
ET.register_namespace('dc', "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
ET.register_namespace('opf', "http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf")
ET.register_namespace('ncx', "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/")
class InvalidEpub(Exception):
class EPUB(zipfile.ZipFile):
EPUB file representation class.
def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
Global Init Switch
:type filename: str or StringIO() or file like object for read or add
:param filename: File to be processed
:type mode: str
:param mode: "w" or "r", mode to init the zipfile
if mode == "w":
if not isinstance(filename, StringIO):
assert not os.path.exists(filename), \
"Can't overwrite existing file: %s" % filename
self.filename = filename
zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, self.filename, mode="w")
elif mode == "a":
assert not isinstance(filename, StringIO), \
"Can't append to StringIO object, use write instead: %s" % filename
if isinstance(filename, str):
tmp = open(filename, "r") # ensure that the input file is never-ever overwritten
# filename is already a file like object
initfile = StringIO()
zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, initfile, mode="a")
else: # retrocompatibility?
zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, filename, mode="r")
def __init__read(self, filename):
Constructor to initialize the zipfile in read-only mode
:type filename: str or StringIO()
:param filename: File to be processed
self.filename = filename
# Read the container
f = self.read("META-INF/container.xml")
except KeyError:
# By specification, there MUST be a container.xml in EPUB
print "The %s file is not a valid OCF." % str(filename)
raise InvalidEpub
# There MUST be a full path attribute on first grandchild...
self.opf_path = ET.fromstring(f)[0][0].get("full-path")
except IndexError:
# ...else the file is invalid.
print "The %s file is not a valid OCF." % str(filename)
raise InvalidEpub
# NEW: json-able info tree
self.info = {"metadata": {},
"manifest": [],
"spine": [],
"guide": []}
self.root_folder = os.path.dirname(self.opf_path) # Used to compose absolute paths for reading in zip archive
self.opf = ET.fromstring(self.read(self.opf_path)) # OPF tree
ns = re.compile(r'\{.*?\}') # RE to strip {namespace} mess
# Iterate over <metadata> section, fill EPUB.info["metadata"] dictionary
for i in self.opf.find("{0}metadata".format(NAMESPACE["opf"])):
tag = ns.sub('', i.tag)
if tag not in self.info["metadata"]:
self.info["metadata"][tag] = i.text or i.attrib
self.info["metadata"][tag] = [self.info["metadata"][tag], i.text or i.attrib]
# Get id of the cover in <meta name="cover" />
coverid = self.opf.find('.//{0}meta[@name="cover"]'.format(NAMESPACE["opf"])).get("content")
except AttributeError:
# It's a facultative field, after all
coverid = None
self.cover = coverid # This is the manifest ID of the cover
self.info["manifest"] = [{"id": x.get("id"), # Build a list of manifest items
"href": x.get("href"),
"mimetype": x.get("media-type")}
for x in self.opf.find("{0}manifest".format(NAMESPACE["opf"])) if x.get("id")]
self.info["spine"] = [{"idref": x.get("idref")} # Build a list of spine items
for x in self.opf.find("{0}spine".format(NAMESPACE["opf"])) if x.get("idref")]
self.info["guide"] = [{"href": x.get("href"), # Build a list of guide items
"type": x.get("type"),
"title": x.get("title")}
for x in self.opf.find("{0}guide".format(NAMESPACE["opf"])) if x.get("href")]
except TypeError: # The guide element is optional
self.info["guide"] = None
# Document identifier
self.id = self.opf.find('.//{0}identifier[@id="{1}"]'.format(NAMESPACE["dc"],
except AttributeError:
raise InvalidEpub # Cannot process an EPUB without unique-identifier
# attribute of the package element
# Get and parse the TOC
toc_id = self.opf[2].get("toc")
expr = ".//{0}item[@id='{1:s}']".format(NAMESPACE["opf"], toc_id)
toc_name = self.opf.find(expr).get("href")
self.ncx_path = os.path.join(self.root_folder, toc_name)
self.ncx = ET.fromstring(self.read(self.ncx_path))
self.contents = [{"name": i[0][0].text or "None", # Build a list of toc elements
"src": os.path.join(self.root_folder, i[1].get("src")),
for i in self.ncx.iter("{0}navPoint".format(NAMESPACE["ncx"]))] # The iter method
# loops over nested
# navPoints
def __init__write(self):
Init an empty EPUB
self.opf_path = "OEBPS/content.opf" # Define a default folder for contents
self.ncx_path = "OEBPS/toc.ncx"
self.root_folder = "OEBPS"
self.uid = '%s' % uuid.uuid4()
self.info = {"metadata": {},
"manifest": [],
"spine": [],
"guide": []}
self.writestr('mimetype', "application/epub+zip")
self.writestr('META-INF/container.xml', self._containerxml())
self.info["metadata"]["creator"] = "py-clave server"
self.info["metadata"]["title"] = ""
self.info["metadata"]["language"] = ""
# Problem is: you can't overwrite file contents with python ZipFile
# so you must add contents BEFORE finalizing the file
# calling close() method.
self.opf = ET.fromstring(self._init_opf()) # opf property is always a ElementTree
self.ncx = ET.fromstring(self._init_ncx()) # so is ncx. Consistent with self.(opf|ncx) built by __init_read()
self.writestr(self.opf_path, ET.tostring(self.opf, encoding="UTF-8")) # temporary opf & ncx
self.writestr(self.ncx_path, ET.tostring(self.ncx, encoding="UTF-8")) # will be re-init on close()
def close(self):
if self.fp is None: # Check file status
if self.mode == "r": # check file mode
global TMP # in-memory copy of existing opf-ncx. When the epub gets re-init,
# it loses track of modifications
TMP["opf"] = self.opf
TMP["ncx"] = self.ncx
zipfile.ZipFile.close(self) # give back control to superclass close method
except RuntimeError: # zipfile.__del__ destructor calls close(), ignore
def _safeclose(self):
Preliminary operations before closing an EPUB
Writes the empty or modified opf-ncx files before closing the zipfile
if self.mode != "r":
self._delete(self.opf_path, self.ncx_path) # see following horrible hack:
# zipfile cannot manage overwriting on the archive
# this basically RECREATES the epub from scratch
# and is sure slow as hell
# ... and a recipe for disaster.
self.opf = TMP["opf"]
self.ncx = TMP["ncx"] # get back the temporary copies
self.writestr(self.opf_path, ET.tostring(self.opf, encoding="UTF-8"))
self.writestr(self.ncx_path, ET.tostring(self.ncx, encoding="UTF-8"))
self.__init__read(FLO) # We may still need info dict of a closed EPUB
def _init_opf(self):
Constructor for empty OPF
:type return: xml.minidom.Document
:return: xml.minidom.Document
today = datetime.date.today()
opf_tmpl = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<package xmlns="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" unique-identifier="BookId" version="2.0">
<metadata xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:opf="http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf">
<dc:identifier id="BookId" opf:scheme="UUID">{uid}</dc:identifier>
<dc:date opf:event="modification">{date}</dc:date>
<item href="toc.ncx" id="ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml" />
<spine toc="ncx">
doc = opf_tmpl.format(uid=self.uid,
return doc
def _init_ncx(self):
Constructor for empty OPF
:type return: xml.minidom.Document
:return: xml.minidom.Document
ncx_tmpl = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN"
<ncx xmlns="http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/" version="2005-1">
<meta name="dtb:uid" content="{uid}" />
<meta name="dtb:depth" content="0" />
<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0" />
<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0" />
ncx = ncx_tmpl.format(uid=self.uid, title="Default")
return ncx
def _containerxml(self):
template = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container version="1.0"
<rootfile full-path="%s"
return template % self.opf_path
def _delete(self, *paths):
Delete archive member
Basically a hack: zince zipfile can't natively overwrite or delete resources,
a new archive is created from scratch to a StringIO file object.
The starting file is *never* overwritten.
To write the new file to disk, use the writefiletodisk() instance method.
:type paths: str
:param paths: files to be deleted inside EPUB file
global FLO # File-Like-Object: this is obviously wrong: any better idea?
# Also, the variable name is questionable
FLO = StringIO()
new_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(FLO, 'w')
for item in self.infolist():
if item.filename not in paths:
new_zip.writestr(item.filename, self.read(item.filename))
except zipfile.BadZipfile:
zipfile.ZipFile.close(self) # Don't know why
new_zip.close() # but it works, don't ever touch
zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, FLO, mode="a")
2013-09-20 21:44:37 +00:00
def addmetadata(self, term, value, namespace='dc'):
Add an metadata entry
:type term: str
:param term: element name/tag for metadata item
:type value: str
:param value: a value
:type namespace: str
:param namespace. either a '{URI}' or a registered prefix ('dc', 'opf', 'ncx') are currently built-in
assert self.mode != "r", "%s is not writable" % self
namespace = NAMESPACE.get(namespace,namespace)
element = ET.Element(namespace+term, attrib={})
element.text = value
# note that info is ignoring namespace entirely
if self.info["metadata"].has_key(term):
self.info["metadata"][term] = [self.info["metadata"][term] , value]
self.info["metadata"][term] = value
2013-09-16 01:43:01 +00:00
def additem(self, fileObject, href, mediatype):
Add a file to manifest only
:type fileObject: StringIO
:param fileObject:
:type href: str
:param href:
:type mediatype: str
:param mediatype:
assert self.mode != "r", "%s is not writable" % self
element = ET.Element("item",
attrib={"id": "id_"+str(uuid.uuid4())[:5], "href": href, "media-type": mediatype})
self.writestr(os.path.join(self.root_folder, element.attrib["href"]), fileObject.getvalue())
except AttributeError:
self.writestr(os.path.join(self.root_folder, element.attrib["href"]), fileObject)
return element.attrib["id"]
def addpart(self, fileObject, href, mediatype, position=None, reftype="text", linear="yes"):
Add a file as part of the epub file, i.e. to manifest and spine (and guide?)
:param fileObject: file to be inserted
:param href: path inside the epub archive
:param mediatype: mimetype of the fileObject
:type position: int
:param position: order in spine [from 0 to len(opf/manifest))]
:param linear: linear="yes" or "no"
:param reftype: type to assign in guide/reference
assert self.mode != "r", "%s is not writable" % self
fileid = self.additem(fileObject, href, mediatype)
itemref = ET.Element("itemref", attrib={"idref": fileid, "linear": linear})
reference = ET.Element("reference", attrib={"title": href, "href": href, "type": reftype})
if position is None or position>len(self.opf[2]):
2013-10-06 19:12:33 +00:00
if self.info["guide"]:
2013-09-16 01:43:01 +00:00
self.opf[2].insert(position, itemref)
2013-10-06 19:12:33 +00:00
if self.info["guide"] and len(self.opf[3]) >= position+1:
2013-09-16 01:43:01 +00:00
self.opf[3].insert(position, reference)
def writetodisk(self, filename):
Writes the in-memory archive to disk
:type filename: str
:param filename: name of the file to be writte
if self.mode == "r":
# The inferface should be consistent
new_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w')
for item in self.infolist():
new_zip.writestr(item.filename, self.read(item.filename))
# this is a bad habit
f = open(filename, "w")
except AttributeError: # file must be closed first