2017-08-25 20:16:04 +00:00
{% load humanize %}
< div class = "clearfix" >
{% if status == 'ACTIVE' %}
{% if work.last_campaign.type == 1 %}
{% if pledged %}
2017-12-14 21:24:26 +00:00
< div class = "btn_support modify" > < form action = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}" method = "get" > < input type = "submit" value = "Modify Support" / > < / form > < / div >
{% elif supported %}
< div class = "btn_support" > < form action = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}" method = "get" > < input type = "submit" value = "Add Support" / > < / form > < / div >
2017-08-25 20:16:04 +00:00
{% else %}
2017-12-14 21:24:26 +00:00
< div class = "btn_support" > < form action = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}" method = "get" > < input type = "submit" value = "Support" / > < / form > < / div >
2017-08-25 20:16:04 +00:00
{% endif %}
{% elif work.last_campaign.type == 3 %}
< div class = "btn_support" >
< a href = "{% url 'download' work_id %}{% if action == 'preview' %}?testmode=1{% endif %}" class = "hijax" > < span > Download< / span > < / a >
< / div >
< div style = "text-align: center;" > ... and thank the creators!< / div >
{% elif license_is_active %}
< div class = "btn_support" >
< a href = "{% url 'download_purchased' work_id %}" class = "hijax" > < span > Download< / span > < / a >
< / div >
{% elif borrowable %}
< div class = "btn_support" > < form action = "{% url 'borrow' work_id %}" method = "get" > < input type = "submit" value = "Borrow" / > < / form > < / div >
{% else %}
< div class = "btn_support" > < form action = "{% url 'purchase' work_id %}" method = "get" > < input type = "submit" value = "{% if next_acq %}{% if on_hold %}On Hold{% else %}Reserve{% endif %}{% else %}Purchase{% endif %}" / > < / form > < / div >
{% endif %}
{% elif work.is_free %}
< div class = "btn_support" >
< a href = "{% url 'download' work_id %}" class = "hijax" > < span > Download< / span > < / a >
< / div >
{% endif %}
< / div >
< br / >
< div class = "js-rightcol-pad rounded" >
{% if status == 'ACTIVE' and work.last_campaign.email %}
< div class = "jsmodule" >
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Ask Questions< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "social menu" >
< a href = "{% url 'ask_rh' work.last_campaign.id %}" > < li class = "email" > < span > Email the Rights Holder< / span > < / li > < / a >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
{% endif %}
< div class = "jsmodule" >
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Share< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "social menu" >
< a href = "https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u={{request.build_absolute_uri|urlencode:" " } } " > < li class = "facebook first" > < span > Facebook< / span > < / li > < / a >
{% if work.is_free %}
< a href = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url={{request.build_absolute_uri|urlencode:" " } } & amp ; text = I%27m%20enjoying%20{{ work . title | urlencode } } % 2C % 20a % 20free % 2C % 20DRM % 2Dfree % 20ebook % 2E % 20You % 20can % 20too % 21 " > < li class = "twitter" > < span > Twitter< / span > < / li > < / a >
{% else %}
{% if status == 'SUCCESSFUL' %}
< a href = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url={{request.build_absolute_uri|urlencode:" " } } & amp ; text = I%27m%20looking%20forward%20to the % 20free % 2C % 20non % 2DDRM % 20ebook % 20of % 20 { { work . title | urlencode } } % 2E % 20You % 20can % 20too % 21 " > < li class = "twitter" > < span > Twitter< / span > < / li > < / a >
{% else %}
< a href = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url={{request.build_absolute_uri|urlencode:" " } } & amp ; text = I%27m%20ungluing%20{{ work . title | urlencode } } % 20at % 20 % 40unglueit . % 20Join % 20me % 21 " > < li class = "twitter" > < span > Twitter< / span > < / li > < / a >
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}< a href = "{% url 'emailshare' '' %}?next={{request.build_absolute_uri|urlencode:" " } } " > < li class = "email" > < span > Email< / span > < / li > < / a > {% endif %}
< a href = "#" id = "embed" > < li class = "embed" > < span > Embed< / span > < / li > < / a >
< / ul >
< div id = "widgetcode" >
Copy/paste this into your site:< br / > < textarea rows = "7" cols = "22" > < iframe src="https://{{request.META.HTTP_HOST}}/api/widget/{{work.id}}/" width="152" height="325" frameborder="0"> < /iframe> < / textarea > < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
{% if status == 'ACTIVE' %}
< div class = "jsmodule" >
{% if premiums %}
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}" > < h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Premiums< / span > < / h3 > < / a >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
{% if pledged %}
{% for premium in premiums %}
{% if premium.limit == 0 or premium.limit > premium.premium_count %}
< li class = "{% if forloop.first %}first{% elif forloop.last %}last{% endif %}" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}?premium_id={{premium.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > {% if premium.amount %}${{ premium.amount|floatformat:0|intcomma }}{% else %}Any amount{% endif %}< / span > {% if pledged.0.premium == premium %}< div class = "you_pledged" > Yours!< / div > {% endif %}
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ premium.description }}< / span >
{% if premium.limit != 0 %}< br / > Only {{ premium.premium_remaining }} remaining! {% endif %}
< / a > < / li >
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for premium in premiums %}
{% if premium.limit == 0 or premium.limit > premium.premium_count %}
< li class = "{% if forloop.first %}first{% elif forloop.last %}last{% endif %}" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}?premium_id={{premium.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > ${{ premium.amount|floatformat:0|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ premium.description }}< / span >
{% if premium.limit != 0 %}< br / > Only {{ premium.premium_remaining }} remaining! {% endif %}
< / a > < / li >
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% if work.last_campaign.type == 1 %}
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}" > < h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Acknowledgements< / span > < / h3 > < / a >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
In addition to any premiums you're eligible for, you'll automatically be acknowledged in the unglued ebook as follows:
< ul class = "support menu" >
{% if pledged %}
{% with pledged.0.amount as amount %}
< li class = "first" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=1" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > Any amount< / span > {% if amount < 25 % } < div class = "you_pledged" > Yours!< / div > {% endif %}
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > The unglued ebook, free for you to read and share.< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=25" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $25 and up< / span > {% if amount >= 25 and amount < 50 % } < div class = "you_pledged" > Yours!< / div > {% endif %}
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Supporters".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=50" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $50 and up< / span > {% if amount >= 50 and amount < 100 % } < div class = "you_pledged" > Yours!< / div > {% endif %}
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name & profile link in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Benefactors".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "last" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge_modify' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=100" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $100 and up< / span > {% if amount >= 100 %}< div class = "you_pledged" > Yours!< / div > {% endif %}
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name, profile link, & a dedication of your choice in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Bibliophiles".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
{% endwith %}
{% else %}
< li class = "first" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=1" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > Any amount< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > The unglued ebook, free for you to read and share.< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=25" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $25 and up< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Supporters".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=50" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $50 and up< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name & profile link in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Benefactors".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< li class = "last" >
< a href = "{% url 'pledge' work_id %}?preapproval_amount=100" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > $100 and up< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Your name, profile link, & a dedication of your choice in the acknowledgements section of the unglued ebook under "Bibliophiles".< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
{% endif %}
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% if work.last_campaign.type == 2 %}
{% if lib_licenses.available %}
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Borrow< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
{% for lib_license in lib_licenses.all %}
< li class = "{% if forloop.first %}first{% elif forloop.last %}last{% endif %}" >
< a href = "???" > Borrow!< / a >
< / li >
{% endfor %}
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Buy for Yourself< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
{% if purchased %}
< li class = "first no_link" >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {% if purchased.gifts.all.count %}A gift to you!{% else %}Purchased!{% endif %}< / span >
< / li >
{% else %}
< li class = "first" itemprop = "offers" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/Offer" >
< a href = "{% url 'purchase' work_id %}?offer_id={{work.last_campaign.individual_offer.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" itemprop = "price" > ${{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.price|floatformat:2|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.get_license_display }}< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
{% endif %}
< / ul >
< / div >
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Buy as a Gift< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
< li class = "first" itemprop = "offers" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/Offer" >
< a href = "{% url 'purchase' work_id %}?offer_id=give{{work.last_campaign.individual_offer.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" itemprop = "price" > ${{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.price|floatformat:2|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.get_license_display }}< / span >
< / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
{% if borrowed %}
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" >
< span class = "on-wishlist" > Borrowed!< / span >
< / h3 >
{% else %}
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Buy for a Library< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
< li class = "first last" >
{% if request.user.profile.libraries %}
< a href = "{% url 'purchase' work_id %}?offer_id={{work.last_campaign.library_offer.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" > ${{ work.last_campaign.library_offer.price|floatformat:2|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ work.last_campaign.library_offer.get_license_display }}< / span >
< / a >
{% else %}
< a href = "{% url 'library_list' %}" > < span class = "menu-item-desc" >
Join a Library to share and borrow unglue.it ebooks
< / span > < / a >
{% endif %}
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if work.last_campaign.type == 3 %}
< h3 class = "jsmod-title" > < span > Thank the Creators< / span > < / h3 >
< div class = "jsmod-content" >
< ul class = "support menu" >
{% if purchased %}
< li class = "first no_link" >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > You're welcome!< / span >
< / li >
{% else %}
{% if work.last_campaign.ask_money %}
< li class = "first last" itemprop = "offers" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/Offer" >
{% if request.user.library %}
< a href = "{% url 'thank' work_id %}?offer_id={{work.last_campaign.library_offer.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" itemprop = "price" > ${{ work.last_campaign.library_offer.price|floatformat:2|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ work.last_campaign.library_offer.get_thanks_display }}< / span >
< / a >
{% else %}
< a href = "{% url 'thank' work_id %}?offer_id={{work.last_campaign.individual_offer.id}}" >
< span class = "menu-item-price" itemprop = "price" > ${{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.price|floatformat:2|intcomma }}< / span >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > {{ work.last_campaign.individual_offer.get_thanks_display }}< / span >
< / a >
{% endif %}
< / li >
{% else %}
< li class = "first last" >
< a href = "{% url 'download' work_id %}" >
< span class = "menu-item-desc" > Just read the book!< / span >
< / a >
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
< / ul >
< / div >
{% endif %}
< / div >
{% endif %}
< / div >
{% if request.user.libpref %}
{% if work.is_free or work.ebookfiles %}
< div id = "libtools" >
< p > for libraries...< / p >
< form method = "POST" id = "record_form" action = "{% url 'work_marc' work.id %}" >
{% include 'marc_form.html' %}
< input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Download {% if not work.has_marc %}stub {% endif %}MARC" id = "submit" >
< / form >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% endif %}