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Frequently Asked Questions
My project isn't building with autodoc
First, you should check out the Builds tab of your project. That records all of the build attempts that RTD has made to build your project. If you see ``ImportError`` messages for custom Python modules, you should enable the virtualenv feature in the Admin page of your project, which will install your project into a virtualenv, and allow you to specify a ``requirements.txt`` file for your project.
If you are still seeing errors because of C library dependencies,
please see :ref:`faq:I get import errors on libraries that depend on C modules`.
How do I change my project slug (the URL your docs are served at)?
We don't support allowing folks to change the slug for their project.
You can update the name which is shown on the site,
but not the actual URL that documentation is served.
The main reason for this is that all existing URLs to the content will break.
You can delete and re-create the project with the proper name to get a new slug,
but you really shouldn't do this if you have existing inbound links,
as it `breaks the internet <>`_.
How do I change the version slug of my project?
We don't support allowing folks to change the slug for their versions.
But you can rename the branch/tag to achieve this.
If that isn't enough, you can ask to team to do this by `creating an issue <>`__.
Help, my build passed but my documentation page is 404 Not Found!
This often happens because you don't have an `index.html` file being generated.
Make sure you have one of the following files:
* `index.rst`
* ``
At the top level of your built documentation,
otherwise we aren't able to serve a "default" index page.
To test if your docs actually built correctly,
you can navigate to a specific page (`/en/latest/README.html` for example).
How do I change behavior for Read the Docs?
When RTD builds your project, it sets the :envvar:`READTHEDOCS` environment
variable to the string `True`. So within your Sphinx :file:`` file, you
can vary the behavior based on this. For example::
import os
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') == 'True'
if on_rtd:
html_theme = 'default'
html_theme = 'nature'
The :envvar:`READTHEDOCS` variable is also available in the Sphinx build
environment, and will be set to ``True`` when building on RTD::
{% endif %}
I get import errors on libraries that depend on C modules
.. note::
Another use case for this is when you have a module with a C extension.
This happens because our build system doesn't have the dependencies for building your project. This happens with things like ``libevent``, ``mysql``, and other python packages that depend on C libraries. We can't support installing random C binaries on our system, so there is another way to fix these imports.
With Sphinx you can use the built-in `autodoc_mock_imports`_ for mocking. Alternatively you can use the mock library by putting the following snippet in your ````::
import sys
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
class Mock(MagicMock):
def __getattr__(cls, name):
return MagicMock()
MOCK_MODULES = ['pygtk', 'gtk', 'gobject', 'argparse', 'numpy', 'pandas']
sys.modules.update((mod_name, Mock()) for mod_name in MOCK_MODULES)
You need to replace ``MOCK_MODULES`` with the modules that you want to mock out.
.. Tip:: The library ``unittest.mock`` was introduced on python 3.3. On earlier versions install the ``mock`` library
from PyPI with (ie ``pip install mock``) and replace the above import::
from mock import Mock as MagicMock
If such libraries are installed via ````, you also will need to remove all the C-dependent libraries from your ``install_requires`` in the RTD environment.
.. _autodoc_mock_imports:
`Client Error 401` when building documentation
If you did not install the `test_data` fixture during the installation
instructions, you will get the following error::
slumber.exceptions.HttpClientError: Client Error 401: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/version/
This is because the API admin user does not exist, and so cannot authenticate.
You can fix this by loading the test_data::
./ loaddata test_data
If you'd prefer not to install the test data, you'll need to provide a database
account for the builder to use. You can provide these credentials by editing the
following settings::
Deleting a stale or broken build environment
See :doc:`guides/wipe-environment`.
How do I host multiple projects on one custom domain?
We support the concept of subprojects, which allows multiple projects to share a
single domain. If you add a subproject to a project, that documentation will
be served under the parent project's subdomain or custom domain.
For example,
Kombu is a subproject of Celery,
so you can access it on the `` domain:
This also works the same for custom domains:
You can add subprojects in the project admin dashboard.
Where do I need to put my docs for RTD to find it?
Read the Docs will crawl your project looking for a ````. Where it finds the ````, it will run ``sphinx-build`` in that directory. So as long as you only have one set of sphinx documentation in your project, it should Just Work.
I want to use the Blue/Default Sphinx theme
We think that our theme is badass, and better than the default for many reasons. Some people don't like change though :), so there is a hack that will let you keep using the default theme. If you set the ``html_style`` variable in your ````, it should default to using the default theme. The value of this doesn't matter, and can be set to ``/default.css`` for default behavior.
I want to use the Read the Docs theme locally
There is a repository for that:
Simply follow the instructions in the README.
Image scaling doesn't work in my documentation
Image scaling in docutils depends on PIL. PIL is installed in the system that RTD runs on. However, if you are using the virtualenv building option, you will likely need to include PIL in your requirements for your project.
I want comments in my docs
RTD doesn't have explicit support for this. That said, a tool like `Disqus`_ (and the `sphinxcontrib-disqus`_ plugin) can be used for this purpose on RTD.
.. _Disqus:
.. _sphinxcontrib-disqus:
How do I support multiple languages of documentation?
See the section on :doc:`localization`.
Does Read The Docs work well with "legible" docstrings?
Yes. One criticism of Sphinx is that its annotated docstrings are too
dense and difficult for humans to read. In response, many projects
have adopted customized docstring styles that are simultaneously
informative and legible. The
`NumPy <>`_
`Google <>`_
styles are two popular docstring formats. Fortunately, the default
Read The Docs theme handles both formats just fine, provided
your ```` specifies an appropriate Sphinx extension that
knows how to convert your customized docstrings. Two such extensions
are `numpydoc <>`_ and
`napoleon <>`_. Only
``napoleon`` is able to handle both docstring formats. Its default
output more closely matches the format of standard Sphinx annotations,
and as a result, it tends to look a bit better with the default theme.
Can I document a python package that is not at the root of my repository?
Yes. The most convenient way to access a python package for example via
`Sphinx's autoapi`_ in your documentation is to use the *Install your project
inside a virtualenv using install* option in the admin panel of
your project. However this assumes that your ```` is in the root of
your repository.
If you want to place your package in a different directory or have multiple
python packages in the same project, then create a pip requirements file. You
can specify the relative path to your package inside the file.
For example you want to keep your python package in the ``src/python``
directory, then create a ``requirements.readthedocs.txt`` file with the
following contents::
Please note that the path must be relative to the file. So the example path
above would work if the file is in the root of your repository. If you want to
put the requirements in a file called ``requirements/readthedocs.txt``, the
contents would look like::
After adding the file to your repository, go to the *Advanced Settings* in
your project's admin panel and add the name of the file to the *Requirements
file* field.
.. _Sphinx's autoapi:
.. _pip requirements file:
What commit of Read the Docs is in production?
We deploy from the `rel` branch in our GitHub repository. You can see the latest commits that have been deployed by looking on GitHub: